HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0108911 DAQC-1046-24 Site ID 10335 (B5) MEMORANDUM TO: CEM FILE – TESORO REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY LLC THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Rob Leishman, Environmental Scientist DATE: October 10, 2024 SUBJECT: Source: Carbon Monoxide Boiler Bypass (COBB) Secondary Analyzer Contact: Chris Kaiser – 801-521-4959 Location: 474 West 900 North, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, UT Test Contractor: Alliance Source Testing FRS ID#: UT0000004903500004 Permit/AO#: Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN103350066-16 dated June 20, 2016 Subject: Review of RA/PST Report dated July 1, 2024 On July 1, 2024, Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a Relative Accuracy/Performance Specification Test (RA/PST) report for the Tesoro Refining COBB secondary analyzer. Testing was performed on May 6, 2024, to determine the relative accuracy of the SO2, NOX, and O2 monitoring systems. The DAQ-calculated test results are: RA/PST EVALUATION: COBB Secondary Analyzer NSPS RATA - Test Date - 5/6/2024 Primary Channel Manufacturer Serial No. Units CEM Value RM Value Relative Accuracy Status SO2 Horiba CI-761CU Y4WE0JGY ppm @ 0% O2 683.093 692.582 3.3% Passed NOx Horiba CI-761CU Y4WE0JGY ppm @ 0% O2 33.451 33.504 5.7% Passed O2 Horiba CI-761CU Y4WE0JGY % 1.070 1.170 17.1% Passed Stack Test Deviation Report There were no deviations observed during testing. Calibration gases were in date and met performance specifications. Explanation: 1. 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 3 For O2 and CO2 Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems 13.2 CEMS Relative Accuracy Performance Specification. The RA of the CEMS must be no greater than 20 percent of the mean value of the reference method (RM) data. The results are also acceptable if the absolute value of the difference between the mean RM value and the mean CEMS value is less than or equal to 1.0 percent O2 (or CO2). 1 8 2 2 DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted in this report. CONCLUSION: Tesoro operates the secondary continuous emissions monitor (CEM) on the COBB stack to measure SO2, NOX, and O2 emissions. The CEM was audited by the DAQ and found to meet quality assurance requirements found in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 1, and R307-170, Continuous Emission Monitoring System Program. Quarterly cylinder gas audits and an annual relative accuracy test audit were conducted in accordance with the procedures outlined in UAC R307-170. RECOMMENDATION: The Tesoro Refining COBB secondary CEM system was operating as required in R307-170 and 40 CFR 60.13 at the time of this evaluation. HPV: No. ATTACHMENTS: RATA Review Spreadsheets. m\I@, July 1,2024 Mr. Robert Leishman Division of Air Quality Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake City, UT 84114 Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC A subsidiary of Marathon Pstroloum Corporation 474 W 900 N salt Lake city, UT 84103 UTAH DEPAMMENT OF E}NIRONMENTAL OT.IAUW JUL - 1 2024 tl ancl DIVISION )el r lord OF AIR QUALTT'I Re: Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC - Salt Lake City Refinery COBB RATA Report CO, Oz, NOx, SOz Dear Mr. Leishman: Enclosed please find the Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA) Reports for the secondary set of CO, Oz, NO*, and SOz Carbon Monoxide Boiler Bypass (COBB) analyzers. The primary set of analyzers were tested in January 2024, with a final report submitted on March 21,2024. I certiff that testing was conducted while the source was operating at the rate and/or conditions specified in the applicable approval order, operating permit, or federal regulation. During testing, the source combusted fuels, used raw materials, and maintained process conditions representative of normal operations, and operated under such other relevant conditions specified by the Executive Secretary. Based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information contained in the report are true, accurate, and complete. Please contact Chris Kaiser at (801) 521-4959 if you have any questions. Dean Anderson Vice President Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC Salt Lake City Refinery Attachment HSE File: A0l.l w/out attachment ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES, INC. CoxrrNuous EurssloN MoNrroRrNc SvsrEMS (CEMS) REra.uvE AccuRACy Trsr AuuIrs (RATA) Tnsr Rrponr CoNoucreo Ar: S,q,I,r Laxr Ctrv RrnrunRv CO BoILER BypaSS TUmBCEMS ManarHox Prrnolruu ConPoRATroN Tnsono Rrrlxtxc & M,q,mrrING CorvIp.q,xv, LLC 474 Wpsr 900 Nonrn Salr Larr CttY, Uras 84103 PRppeRso Bv: Aov.q.xcpo IxousrRw, Rrsouncts, Ixc. 3407 Novrs PotNrE Acwonru, GeoncLc, 30101 PRo;rcr ID: KR-l1800 Tesr DRrr: Mrq,Y 612024 3{07 NOVIS POINTE ACWORTH. GEORGIA SOIOI '-* ffh' JUL -1 2124 iPREPARED FOR: 'll,l' ilIARATHO]I Page I v. 40{.8{3.2100 F. .t0{.8{5.0020 ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES, INC. Rrponr CBnuFrcATrox SunBr Having conducted the Technical Review of this report, I hereby certify the data, information, results, and calculations in this report to be accurate and true according to the methods and procedures used. July 1,2024 Derek Stephens VP/QA Director Advanced Industrial Resources Date July I,2024 Having written and prepared this report, I hereby certify that the data, information, and results in this report to be correct and all-inclusive of the necessary information required for a complete third-party review of the testing event. 74o* Kt n q- ""p. "rgReport Preparation Advanced Industrial Resources Date Having supervised all aspects of the field testing, Ihereby certify the equipment preparation, field sample collection procedures, and all equipment calibrations were conducted in accordance with the applicable methodologies. --2tZ-Julv 1.2024 Max Winkler Field Project Supervisor Advanced Industrial Resources Date 3{07 NOVIS pOINTE ACWORTH, GEORGIA 30101 V. {0{.8{3.2100 F. {0{.8{5.0020 Page 2 TInIn or CoxTENTS I.O INTRODUCTION 1.1 SUMMARY OF TEST PROGRAM 1.2 KEY PERSONNEL 2.0 PLANT AND SAMPLING LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS 2.t pRocESS & CONTROL EQUIPMENT DESCRJPTION 2.2 SAMPLING LOCATION 3.0 SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF TEST RESULTS 3.1 OBJECTIVES 3.2 FIELD TEST CHANGES AND PROBLEMS 3.3 PRESENTATION OF TEST RESULTS 3.4 PROCESS OPERATION 4.0 SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE ACTIVITIES 5.1 INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.I.1 GAS ANALYZER CALIBRATION 5.I.2 INSTRUMENT INTERFENCE RESPONSE 5.1.3 INSTRUMENT RESPONSE TIME. 5.1.4 DATA REDUCTION CHECKS........ 5.2 EXTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.2.1 TEST PROTOCOL EVALUATION 5.2.2 ON-SITE TEST EVALUATION 6.0 DATA QUALTTY OBJECTMS l0 Apppxnx A Apprxox B Apprxpx C Appnxnrx D Appnxox E AppBxox F LIST OF APPENDICES Trsr Rrsulrs Fmln D,q.rA. RrnucrroN ExLruplr Cucut lrloNs Lxo NoTTTENCLATURE Fmln D.Lra C.l,unRr.uox D.q,r.q, & NIST Gas CrnrrFrcArroNs CEMS Der.r Page 4 Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake City Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project ID: KR-l1800 May 6,2024 Page I of 10 1.0 l.l INTRODUCTION SUMMARY OF TEST PROGRAM Advanced Industrial Resources, lnc. (AIR) was retained by Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC (Tesoro), owner of the Marathon Petroleum (Marathon) Salt Lake Refinery, to conduct an annual relative accuracy test audit (RATA) on the Train B sulfur dioxide (SOz), nitrogen oxides (NO*), and oxygen (Oz) continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) on the CO Boiler Bypass located at the Salt Lake City Refinery in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. The facility is permitted under the Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) issued Approval Order (AO) Number DAQE-AN 103350075- l 8 issued January I l, 201 8. In accordance with Title 40 of Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60 (40 CFR Part 60), Appendix F, CEMS are subject to annual RATAs as well as initial RATAs upon installation or replacement of key components of a CEMS. The CEMS RATA test program was conducted in accordance with approved US Environmental Protections Agency (EPA) Methods and Performance Specification (PS) in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, EPA Methods 3A,6C, andTE and 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, PS 2 and3. The RATA was conducted on the Train B $Q2, NO*, and Oz CEMS at the CO Boiler Bypass under normal operating conditions. The CEMS RATA was conducted on May conducted by AIR. Procedures used in and final test report. 6, 2024. Testing and result reporting was results from these tests are described in this Advanced lndustrial Resources. Inc Page 5 Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake City Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project lD: KR-l 1800 May 6,2024 Page 2 of l0 I.2 KEY PERSONNEL The key personnel who coordinated and reviewed this test report and their telephone numbers are: Chris Kaiser, Environmental Supervisor, Marathon Morgan Sites, Environmental Engineer, Marathon Scott Wilson, Program Director, l1R Derek Stephens, MSEE, VP/QA Director,llR Ross Winne, Technical Director, lIR Steven Haigh, Report Preparation Director, l1R Hope King, Technical Project Manager, AIR Max Winkler Field Test Project Supervisor, AIR 801-s21-4959 38s-306-4615 800-224-5007 404-843-2100 404-843-2100 404-843-21 00 225-368-7414 541-779-2646 Advanced Industrial Resources, Inc. Page 6 Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake City Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project ID: KR-l1800 May 6,2024 Page 3 of l0 2.0 PLANT AND SAMPLING LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS 2.1 PROCESS & CONTROL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Marathon operates the Salt Lake City Refinery located at 474 West 900 North, Salt Lake City, Utah 84103. The facility is permitted under the UDAQ issued AO Number DAQE- AN103350075-18 issued January I1,2018. The facility includes the CO Boiler Bypass. The CO Boiler Bypass is equipped with a Train A and Train B SOz, NO* and Oz CEMS (redundant) which are required to be annually certified via RATA. The Train A CEMS annual RATA was completed in January 2024. This RATA test program was conducted on the Train B CEMS operated on the CO Boiler Bypass stack. The CEMS specific details are presented in Table l. TABLE 1 CO BOILER BYPASS CEMS SPECIFICATIONS 2.2 SAMPLING LOCATION A stratification check was conducted at the sample locations to determine the quantity and location of traverse points to be used throughout each RATA test run. Stratification at each sampling traverse point was determined to be less than 5Yo or 0.5 ppm different from the mean concentration. Therefore, sampling was conducted at three (3) traverse points located at 16.7o/o, 50.Uyo, and 83.3%o of the sampling location cross-section in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B, PS 2, Section CO Boiler Bypass - Train B (Redundant) CEMS Oz CEMS SOu CEMS NO- CEMS Manufacturer Horiba Model GI.76ICU SerialNumber Y4WEOJGY Span 0-25 vol%o 0-200 ppm | 0-1,000 ppm 0-200 ppm | 0-1,000 ppm Advanced Industrial Resources. Inc. Page 7 Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake City Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project ID: KR-l1800 May 6,2024 Page 4 of l0 3.0 SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF TEST RESULTS 3.1 OBJECTIVES The purpose of the test program was to determine the relative accuracy (RA) of the CO Boiler Bypass SOz, NO*, and Oz CEMS, and the measured accuracies were compared with the specifications in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, PS 2 and 3. RA comparisons were made on the SOz and NO. CEMS in the units of parts per million corrected to 0%o Oz and on the Oz CEMS as o% difference. The RATAs were conducted by AIR with a minimum of nine (9) test runs, each a minimum of trventy-one (21) minutes in duration while the respective processes were operating at or greater than 50% of their normal operating rates. 3.2 FIELD TEST CHANGES AND PROBLEMS The testing was conducted in accordance with the site specific test protocol (SSTP), 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, EPA Methods 3A,6C, and7E, and 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, PS 2 and 3. No problems were encountered during testing that required deviation from the SSTP. Advanced Industrial Resources. Inc. Page 8 Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake Cify Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project ID: KR- I 1800 May 6,2024 Page 5 of l0 3.3 PRESENTATION OF TEST RESULTS The results of the RATA test are summarized in Table 2. The RA calculation results are presented in Appendix A. Reduced data is presented in Appendix B and field data is presented in Appendix D. TABLE 2 CO BOILER BYPASS CEMS RATA SUMMARY OF RESULTS Notes: ' The RA of the SO: CEMS must be no greater than 20 percent when the average RM value is used to calculate or l0 percent when the applicable emission standard is used to calculate RA. 2 The RA of the NO. CEMS must be no greater than 20 percent when the average RM value is used to calculate or l0 percent when the applicable emission standard is used to calculate RA.I The RA of the O: CEMS must be no greater than 1.0 percent O:. 3.4 PROCESS OPERATION All essential process monitoring was operating properly and recording data throughout the test. The RATA was conducted while the respective processes were operating at greater than 50% of their normal operating rates. Process data, as made available, and the relevant CEMS data are presented in Appendix F of this test report. NO. CEMS (ppm) 40 CFR Paft 60 Appendix B Pe rformance Spe cification 2 SOz CEMS (ppm) 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B Pe rformance Spe cification 2 Relative Accrrmcv Limit RATA Tesl Result Relative Accuracv Limit RATA Test Result 5.5Yo 20Yo Passed L9o/o 2oo/o Passed NO, CEMS (ppm corrtcted to 0% Or) 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B Pe rformance Soecification 2 SO2 CEMS (ppm corrected to 0% 02) 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B Pe rformance Soecifi cation 2 Relative Accuracv Limit RATA Test Result Relative A ncrrmcv Limit RATA Test Result 5.7o/o 20o/o Passed 3.0%20Yo Passed oz(fh) CEMS 40 CFR Paft 60 Appendix B Pe rformance Soe cification 3 Average difference Limit RATA Test Result 0.07 1.0 Passed Advanced Industrial Resources. Inc. Page 9 Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake City Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project ID: KR-l1800 May 6,2024 Page 6 of l0 4.0 SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Testing was conducted according to the methodology in 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix A, EPA Methods 3A,, 6C, and 7E to determine the RA of the Oz. SOz, and NO*. The RA of the CEMS was calculated and assessed in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, PS 2 and 3. EPA Method 3,A was used to determine the concentrations of Oz using an i nstrumental analyzer. EPA Method 6C was used to determine the concentrations of SOz using an instrumental analyzer. EPA Method 7E was used to determine the concentrations of NO* using i nstrumental analy zer . o PS 2 was used to assess the relative accuracy of the SOz and NOx CEMS. . PS 3 was used to assess the relative accuracy of the Oz CEMS. Reference method tests were conducted to yield results representative of the pollutant concentration, emission rate, moisture, temperature, and flue gas flow rate from the unit, as applicable, and were correlated with the reference method monitor and continuous emission monitoring system measurements. AIR confirmed that the CEMS and reference method test results were on consistent moisture, pressure, temperature, and diluent concentration basis. Advanced Industrial Resources. Inc. Page l0 Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake City Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project ID: KR- I 1800 May 6,2024 Page 7 of l0 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE ACTIVITIES 5.1 INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE The quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) measures associated with the sampling and analysis procedures given in the noted EPA reference methodologies, in Subparts A of 40 CFR Part 60 and 40 CFR Part 63, and in the EPA QA/QC Handbook, Volume III (EPA 600/R-94/038c) were employed, as applicable. Such measures included, but were not limited to, the procedures detailed below. 5.I.I GAS ANALYZER CALIBRATION Calibration Gas Concentration Verification Calibration gases that were analyzed following the EPA Traceability Protocol No. I were used. Certifications from the gas manufacturers that Protocol No. I was followed are presented in Appendix E. Measurement System Preparation AIR assembled each measurement system by following the manufacturer's written instructions for preparing and preconditioning each gas analyzer and, as applicable, the other system components. AIR made all necessary adjustments to calibrate the analyzers and the data recorders. 5.f .f 3 Analyzer Calibration Error AIR conducted the analyzer calibration error check by introducing calibration gases to the measurement system upstream of each gas analyzer. After the measurement system had been prepared for use and immediately prior to starting the RATA,IlR introduced the zero, high-range, and mid-range gases to the analyzer. During this check, AIR made no adjustments to the system except those necessary to achieve the correct calibration gas flow rate at the analyzer. Calibration error checks were repeated whenever RATA tests extended over one dav. Sampling System Bias Check l1R performed the sampling system bias check by introducing calibration gases at the calibration valve installed at the outlet of the sampling probe. Immediately prior to starting each RATA run, a zero gas and the mid-range gas (which most closely approximated the effiuent concentrations) were used for this check. l1R introduced the zero calibration gas and record the gas concentration displayed by the analyzer. AIRthen introduced mid-range calibration gas and recorded the gas concentration displayed by the analyzer. During the sampling system bias check, AIR operated the system Advanced Industrial Resources. Inc. Page I I Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake Cify Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project ID: KR- I 1800 May 6,2024 Page 8 of l0 at the normal sampling rate and made no adjustments to the measurement system other than those necessary to achieve proper calibration gas flow rates at the analyzer. Zero and Calibration Drift Checks At the end of each RATA test run and whenever adjustments were necessary for the measurement system, AIR repeated the sampling system bias check procedure described in Section Analyzer Error, Bias and Drift Check Specifications Analyzer calibration error were less than +l-2 percent of the span for the zero, mid-range, and high-range calibration gases. Sampling system bias were less than +/-5 percent of the span for the zero and mid- range calibration gases. Zero drift were less than +/-3 percent of the span over the period between zero drift checks. Calibration drift were less than +/-3 percent of the span over the period between calibration drift checks. 5.1.2 INSTRUMENT INTERFENCE RESPONSE AIR obtained instrument vendor data that demonstrates the interference performance specification is not exceeded for the test gases of EPA Method 7E Section 7.2. Documentation is provided in Appendix E. 5.1.3 INSTRUMENT RESPONSE TIME During the initial bias check, AIR introduced the up-scale calibration gas into the measurement system at the calibration valve assembly, which was located prior to all sample conditioning components. When the system response output stabilized at a value that was 95 percent or 0.5 ppm (whichever was less restrictive) of the certified calibration gas value,llR recorded the time. lIR then switched quickly to the low-level calibration gas and recorded the time from the concentration change to the measurement system response equivalent to 5 percent or 0.5 ppm (whichever was less restrictive) of the certified up-scale calibration gas value. The system was operated at the normal sampling rate during all system bias checks. The longer time interval is the response time. Advanced Industrial Resources. Inc. Page 12 Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake City Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project ID: KR-l1800 May 6,2024 Page 9 of l0 5.1.4 DATA REDUCTION CHECKS AIR ran an independent check (using a validated computer program) of the calculations with predetermined data before the field test, and the AIR Team Leader conducted spot checks on-site to assure that data was being recorded accurately. After the test, l/R checked the data input to assure that the raw data had been transferred to the computer accurately. 5.2 EXTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.2.I TEST PROTOCOL EVALUATION A SSTP was submitted to UDAQ in advance of testing, which provided regulatory personnel the opportunity to review and comment upon the test and quality assurance procedures used in conducting this testing. 5.2.2 ON.SITE TEST EVALUATION A test schedule was submitted with the notifications and UDAQ personnel were notified of all changes in the schedule. No tests were performed earlier than stated in the original schedule. Therefore, regulatory personnel were afforded the opportunity for on-site evaluation ofall test procedures. Advanced Industrial Resources. Inc. Page 13 Marathon Petroleum - Salt Lake City Refinery CO Boiler Bypass -Train B CEMS RATA Test Report - Project ID: KR- I 1800 May 6,2024 Page l0 of l0 6.0 DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES The data quality objectives (DQOs) process is generally a seven-step iterative planning approach to ensure development of sampling designs for data collection activities that support decision making. The seven steps are as follows: (l) defining the problem; (2) stating decisions and alternative actions; (3) identifying inputs into the decision; (4) defining the study boundaries; (5) defining statistical parameters, specifying action levels, and developing action logic; (6) specifying acceptable error limits; and (7) selecting resource-effective sampling and analysis plan to meet the performance criteria. The first five steps are primarily focused on identifying qualitative criteria such as the type of data needed and defining how the data will be used. The sixth step defines quantitative criteria, and the seventh step is used to develop a data collection design. In regard to emissions sampling, these steps have already been identified for typical monitoring parameters. Monitoring methods presented in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A indicate the following regarding DQOs: Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods. At a minimum, each method provides the following types of information: summary of method; equipment and supplies; reagents and standards; sample collection, preservation, storage, and transportation; quality control; calibration and standardization; analytical procedures, data analysis and calculations; and altemative procedures. These test methods have been designed and tested according to DQOs for emissions testing and analysis. These test methods have been specified and were followed in accordance with the SSTP submitted prior to testing to ensure that DQOs were met for this project. Advanced Industrial Resources. Inc Page 14 ApppNorx A Tpsr Rnsurrs Page 15 Advanced Industrial Resources Marathon Petroleum Corporation - Salt Lake City Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company Relative Accuracy Test Audit Run Average O2 Concentrations and Relative Accuracy Calculations CO Boiler Bypass - Train B CEMS Run #Date Start Stop 02 Concentration (%) CEMS Reference Method Difference. d I 516124 ll:25 ll:45 1.06 Ll8 0.12 2 5t6/24 I l:48 l2:08 1.05 1.28 0.23 3 516124 12:l I l2:31 1.05 I .14 0.09 4 516124 l332 l3:52 1.02 l.l5 0.13 5 st6t24 l3:55 l4:15 1.03 LlI 0.08 6 5t6t24 l4:18 l4:3 8 1.05 I .19 0. l4 7 5t6t24 l5:34 I 5:54 1.09 0.8s -0.24 8 5t6t24 l5:57 l6 17 l.l5 Lt4 -0.01 9 516124 l6:20 l6:40 r.r8 1.29 0.1 I Average Reference Method : Average CEMS : Absolute value of average difference, d : Standard deviation, S,1 : Confidence coefficient, cc = RA : Average difference: RATA Test Result: I .15 r.08 0.07 0.r3 0.10 0.07 Passed See Note A Notes: A: 40 CFR Part 60 App B, Performance Specrfication 3, Section 13.2. R4 shall not exceed 1.0% O , Page 16 Advanced Industrial Resources Marathon Petroleum Corporation - Salt Lake City Relative Accuracy Test Audit Run Average NO, Emission Rates and Relative Accuracy Calculations CO Boiler Bypass - Train B CEMS Run #Date Start Stop NO* Concentration, (ppm, dry) CEMS Reference Method Difference, d 516124 I l:25 I l:45 40.44 38.21 -2.23 2 516124 I l:48 l2:08 35.5 r 33.81 1.70 3 516124 l2:11 l2:31 33.70 32.87 -0.83 4 s/6t24 13:32 l3 52 25.00 28.45 3.45 5 5/6t24 l3:55 l4:15 27.30 29.77 2.47 6 516124 l4:18 l4:3 8 29.42 3 1.59 2.17 7 5t6t24 l5,34 I 5:54 29.72 29.t7 -0.55 8 516/24 l5:57 \6:17 30.49 30.72 0.23 9 5t6t24 16:20 l6:40 31.91 29.45 -2.46 Average Reference Method : Average CEMS : Average difference, d : Standard deviation, 56 = Confidence coefficient, cc : Relative accuracy, RA = RATA Test Result: 3 1.56 3l .50 0.06 2.17 1.67 5.50h Passed See Note A Notes: A: 40 CFR Part 60 App. B, Performance Specification 2, Section I 3.2: RA shall not exceed 2070 Page 17 Advanced Industrial Resources Marathon Petroleum Corporation - Salt Lake City Relative Accuracy Test Audit Run Average NO* Emission Rates and Relative Accuracy Calculations CO Boiler Bypass - Train B CEMS Run #Date Start Stop NO* Concentration, corrected to 0%o 02 (ppm, dry) CEMS Reference Method Difference, d I 5t6t24 l1:25 I l:45 42.99 40.49 -2.50 2 516124 I l:48 l2:08 37.09 36.0 r 1.08 3 5t6t24 12:l I l2:31 3 5.63 34.76 -0.87 4 516124 l3:32 l3:52 26.24 30.r0 3.86 5 516124 l3:55 l4:15 28.61 31.44 2.83 6 5t6t24 l4:1 8 l4:3 8 31.23 33.49 2.26 7 5t6t24 I 5:34 l5:54 3l .84 30.41 t.43 8 516/24 l5:57 l6:17 32.26 32.50 0.24 9 516124 l6:20 l6:40 34.17 31.38 -2.79 Average difference, d : Standard deviation, 56 : Confidence coefficient, cc : Relative accuracy, RA = RATA Test Result: 0.06 2.40 1.84 5.7"h Passed See Note A Notes: A: 40 CFR Part 60 App. B, Perlormance Specification 2, Section 13.2: RA shall not exceed 20% Page I 8 Advanced Industrial Resources Marathon Petroleum Corporation - Salt Lake City Relative Accuracy Test Audit Run Average SO2 Concentrations and Relative Accuracy Calculations CO Boiler Bypass - Train B CEMS Run #Date Starl Stop SO2 Concentration, (ppm, dry) CEMS Reference Method Difference, d I 516/24 ll:25 I l:45 78s.88 770.73 - 15.1 5 2 5t6t24 I l:48 l2:08 1000.13 1002.12 1.99 J 5t6124 l2:l I l2:31 707.t0 727.63 20.53 4 5t6t24 l3:32 l3 52 768.84 774.51 5.67 5 516124 l3:55 l4: l5 673.23 682.59 9.36 6 5t6t24 l4:18 l4:38 651.07 662.75 I 1.68 7 516124 I 5:34 l5:54 4s3.20 443.80 -9.40 8 516124 15:57 16:17 421.81 424.07 2.26 9 st6t24 l6:20 16:40 375.77 385.62 9.8s Average Reference Method = Average CEMS: Absolute value of average difference, d : Standard deviation, Sa : Confidence coefficient, cc = Relative accuracy, RA : RATA Test Result: 652.65 648.s6 4.09 10.90 8.38 l.gYo Passed See Note A Notes: A 40 CFR Part 60 App. B. Perlormance Specification 2. Section 13.2: RA shall not exceed 200/o Page 19 Advanced Industrial Resources Marathon Petroleum Corporation - Salt Lake City Relative Accuracy Test Audit Run Average SO2 Concentrations and Relative Accuracy Calculations CO Boiler Bypass - Train B CEMS Run #Date Start Stop SO2 Concentration, corrected to Uoh 02 (ppm, dry) CEMS Reference Method Difference, d 516124 I l:25 I l:45 840.52 8 16.78 -23.74 2 516124 I l:48 l2:08 t049.94 1067.35 17.41 J 516124 12:l I l2:31 737.29 769.47 32.r8 4 516t24 l3:32 l3:52 804.04 8 19.s4 I 5.50 5 5t6t24 l3:55 l4: l5 706.92 720.88 13.96 6 5t6t24 l4: l8 l4:38 688. l 3 702.64 14.51 7 5t6t24 l5:34 I 5:54 47 5.47 462.70 -12.7'7 8 5t6t24 l5:57 l6:17 446.94 448.61 t.67 9 5t6t24 l6:20 l6:40 398.59 410.94 12.35 Average Reference Method : Average CEMS: Absolute value of average difference, d : Standard deviation, 56 : Confidence coefficient, cc : Relative accuracy, RA : RATA Test Result: 690.99 683.09 7.90 16.98 I 3.05 3.0,/" Passed See Note A Notes: A: 40 CFR Part 60 App B Performance Specification 2, Section 13.2 RA shall not exceed 2070 Page 20 Appnxorx B Frpr-,u D,q.rA, REuucrIoN Page 2l Advanced Industrial Resources Marathon Petroleum Corporation - Salt Lake City Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company Relative Accuracy Test Audit Average Results and Calculated Emission Factors CO Boiler Bypass - Train B CEMS Reference Method Run #Date Monitor Start Time Monitor Stop Time Oz(%o a,y) Nox (ppmva) C*o* (ppmvdry) Corr 0oho2, dry Sou (ppmva) Cso, (ppmvdry) Corr 00ho,, dry I 5t6t2024 1:25 I l:45 l.l8 38.21 40.49 770.73 816.78 2 516t2024 l:48 l2:08 1.28 33.81 36.01 1002.12 1067.35 3 st6t2024 2:l I l2:31 I 4 32.87 34.76 727.63 769.47 4 51612024 3:32 13:52 I 5 28.45 30.1 0 774.5t 8 r 9.54 5 51612024 3:55 l4:15 I 29.77 31.44 682.59 720.88 6 5t6t2024 4:18 l4:38 I 9 31.59 33.49 662.75 702.64 ,l 51612024 5:34 l5:54 0.85 29.17 30.4 r 443.80 462.70 8 5t612024 5:57 l6:17 I .14 30.72 32.50 424.07 448.61 9 5t6t2024 6:20 l6:40 1.29 29.45 3 r.38 385.62 410.94 CEMS Data Run #Date Monitor Start Time Monitor Stop Time 02 (o/o 6r) No* (ppmva) Cro* (ppmvdry) Corr lohOt, dry SO, (ppmva) Cro, (ppmvdry) Corr 0%oO1 dry l 51612024 l:25 l:45 .06 40.44 42.99 78s.88 840.52 2 51612024 l:48 2:08 05 35.51 37.09 r 000.1 3 1049.94 J 51612024 2:11 2:31 .05 33.70 3s.63 707.\0 737.29 4 5t6t2024 3:32 3:52 .02 25.00 26.24 768.84 804.04 5 5t6t2024 3:55 4:15 .03 27.30 28.61 673.23 706.92 6 51612024 4:18 4:38 .05 29.42 31.23 651.07 688. r 3 7 5t6t2024 5:34 5:54 09 29.72 31.84 4s3.20 475.47 8 5t612024 5:57 6:17 l5 30.49 32.26 42t.81 446.94 9 51612024 6:20 6:40 l8 3l .91 34.t7 375.77 398.s9 Page 22 Apprcxurx C Ex,q,'MPLE C.q,LcuLATroNS AND NovTTNCLATT]RE Page23 RATA Car,CurATIOl\S Correct to Diluent Basis (PS Equation 2-2) ppmGc) - ppurluxcc) t*m] Arithmetic Mean, d (PS2 Equation 2-3) ; -1ianfri' Standard Deviation, ^9a (PS2 Equation 2-4) St' Confidence Coefficient, CC, as 2.5 percent confident coefficient (PS2 Equation 2-5) ,, - hrrr 3, t-values (PS2 table 2-1) Number of Runs to.ys 3 4.303 4 3.182 5 2.776 6 2.571 7 2.447 8 2.365 9 2.306 l0 2.262 ll 2.228 t2 2.201 ia:-l#-Il*fr'ttl-l Page 24 el+ lccl Relative Accuracy, x,{ GS Equation 2-6) x 100 Where: X = valueoZ of diluent Oz correction n = Number of data points I Ea, = Algebraic summation of the individual difference dil.l CC :2.5%o error confidence coefficient to.szs = t-value RM= Average RM values, or if average emissions are less than 50% of applicable standard then substitute the emission standard value in the denominator Page25 Molarweight, Ms Velocity, vr Flow Rate, Qs,os Flow Rate, Qs,ect Flow Rate, Qs,su Moisture volume, V' Sample volume, V. Moisture content, Bws Exlvrpr.E CALCULATIoNS : {(o/oOz x 32)+(%COz x 44)+(7oNz x 28) } BJl00)y100+BJl00* l 8 :85.49Cp x (Ap) t 2 x { (t5+a60)/(P66,+pgl I 3.6)fo1') }' /2 :v"pD"214/144 x 60 x (tsta+460)/(t,+460) x (Pu,+pgll 3. 6)129.92 x ( l -B*Jl 00) :vsp\szl4ll44 x60 :vsp\s2/4/144 x 60 x (t,td+460)/(ts+460) x (Pu*+pgl I 3. 6)/29 .92 = g x 0.04716 :l7.636xV.xYrxPg/T. :V*/(Vw+Vs) Oz correction =(Cpp'r)(20. 9 -conYo) I (20. 9-Oz) Page 26 Symbol Units Description Abs(x)dimensionless Absolute value of parameter x Ao ftz Area of the nozzle As ft'Area of the stack Brrt d mensionless Volume proportion of water in the stack gas stream Cp d mensionless Type S pitot tube coefficient Cenelyte mg/dscm Concentration of analyte in dry stack g&S, standardized rCrnrlytc gr./dscf Concentration of analyte in dry stack gas, standardized rCanrlyte ppm Concentration of analyte in dry stack B&S, standardized CC dimensionless One-tailed 2.5Yo enor confidence coefficient d ppm Arithmetic mean of differences di ppm Difference between individual CEM and reference method concentration value Dn inches Internal diameter of the nozzle at the entrance orifice D.inches Internal diameter of the stack at sampling location DE percent Destruction efficiency AH inches HzO Average pressure differential across the meter orifice AHo inches HzO Orifice pressure differential that corresponds to 0.75 cfm of air at 68 oF and 29.92 inches of Hg Ap inches HzO Velocity head of stack gas Eanelyte lb./hour Emission rate of analyte, time basis I percent Isokinetic sampling ratio expressed as percentage KI dimensionless K-factor, ratio of DH to DP, ideal Kp ft[(lb/lb-molXin. Hs)1"' Type S pitot tube constant, s[('R)(in. HzO)]= 85.49 Lp cfm Measured post-test leakage rate of the sampling train Ma lb./lb.-mole Molecular we ght of gas at the DGM M.lb./lb.-mole Molecular we ght ofgas at the stack NoUnxCLATURE Page 27 Symbol Units Description Mt"lb./lb.-mole Molecular weight of water, = 18.0 lll enalyte mg Mass of analyte in the sample n dimensionless Number of data points P MMBtU Fuel firing rate Pb".inches Hg Barometric pressure at measurement site Pinput tons/hour Process dry mass input rate Pg nches HzO Gauge (static) pressure of stack gas P.n nches Hg Absolute pressure of meter gases P.nches Hg Absolute pressure of stack gases Pstd inches Hg Standard absolute pressure :29.92 Q"cfm Volumetric flow rate of actual stack gas Q.o dscfm Volumetric flow rate of dry stack gas, standardized R (in. Hg)(fti)Ideal gas constant, (lb-moleX"R):21.85 RA percent Relative accuracy RE percent Removal efficiency RM ppm Average reference method concentration fw lb/ml Density of water, :0.002201 fe glmL Density of acetone, :0.7899 So dimensionless Standard deviation T,n OR Absolute temperature of dry gas meter T,"R Absolute temperature of stack gas Tstd OR Standard absolute temperature, :528 to.szs dimensionless 2.5 percent error t-value tm OF Temperature of DGM ts OF Temperature of stack gas e minutes Total sampling time NoUnNCLATURE Page 28 NoUnNCLATURE Symbol Units Description Vt.mL Total volume of liquid collected V,n dcf Volume of gas sample as measured by the DGM Vm(std)dscf Volume of gas sample as measured by the DGM, standardized Vw(std)scf Volume of water vapor in the gas sample, standardized Vs ft./sec Velocity of stack gas Y','d mensionless DGM cal bration coefficient Y"d mensionless DGM cal bration check value Y*d mensionless Reference (wet) gas meter calibration coefficient "h COz percent Percent COz by volume, dry basis oh Oz percent Percent Oz by volume, dry basis 7o Nz percent Percent Nz by volume, dry basis Page 29 AppnllnxD Frprn Da,'r,q. Page 30 Advanced Industrial Resources, Inc. Monitor Calibration Summary Sheet CO Boiler Bypass - Train B CEMS Run I SOr (ppm)O, (Y"l NOx (oom) Zero lloscele Zero Ilnscele 7 lelibretion Grs Conc.00 750 0 000 t0 00 00 000 Initiel Bies Check Rsults 0.9 749.0 -0.02 l0 0l 00 00.8 Finel Bias Check Rsults 1.0 744.6 003 9 9l 0.0 00.0 {verlgr Birs Check Rsults l0 746.8 0.00 9.96 0.0 00.4 tol l. l8 384 lorrected Averrse 77U.7 l5 38.2 Run 2 SO, (oom)Or (Y"l NOx (oom) Tett 7.etn 7 inecllp 3slibration Gas Conc.00 750 0 0.00 10.00 0.0 00.0 Initiel Bias Check Results 09 749 0 -0 02 r0 0l 00 008 Finel Bies Check Results l0 744 6 003 I Sr 00 000 {verese Biss Check Rsults 1.0 746.8 000 996 00 004 Rnn Averese 997.5 1.28 39 ilorrtrted Av€rrse 1002.t 1.28 33.t Run 3 SO" (oom)o, (y,l NOx (oom) 7.f lnqnc le 7.ero f lnccqlc 7.etn lelihrrtinn Ger Conc-00 750.0 0.00 10.00 0.0 00.0 Initial Bias Check Results 09 719 0 -0 02 l0 0l 00 008 Finel Birs Check Results 1.0 744 6 001 I9l 00 000 {verase Bies Check Rsults 1.0 746 I 000 9.96 00 004 Rrn Avereqe 724.5 l14 30 Corrected Averlse 727.6 l.l,l 32.9 Run 4 SOr (pom)O, (Y.l NOx (DDm) 7.ero t Inrclle 7-ero Ilnrcele 7-ero rlibretion Grs Conc.(.).0 750.0 u.00 10.u0 U,U I UU,U Inirisl Bies Check Reults l0 744 6 0.03 9.9 t 0.0 I 00.0 Final Bias Check Results t6 743 9 -0 08 999 00 98 I tverase Bias Check Results 1.3 744 )-0 0?s95 00 990 Prn Aw 768 5 ll Corrected Avemse 771.5 l.l5 2E.{ Run 5 SOr (ppm)o, (%"1 NOr (ppm) 7 l-rlihrrtinn Grq Conc-00 750 0 0.00 10.00 0.0 I 00.0 Initial Bias Check Results 1.0 744.6 0.03 s 9t 00 100 0 Finsl Bias Check Rdults l6 713 9 -0 08 99S 00 98r {verspe Bies Check Rsults 1.3 741.2 -0 02 995 00 990 Run Averese 677 5 108 295 Corrected Averrse 682.6 l.l I 29.E Run 6 SO, (DDm)o, l"hl NOx (oom) 7.ero I iorcele 7-ero I lnscele 7,ero I inrcsle 'elibration Gr3 Conc.(.).0 750.0 0.00 I U.00 U,U t 00.0 lnitiel Bias Check Rmults l0 7-t4 6 UUJ 9 9l 0.0 100.0 Finel Bies Chmk Results l6 743 9 -0.0E 00 9E. I ll 744 2 -0 02 995 00 657.E l6 1.3 lorre.ted Averlqe 662.8 Jl.6 Page 3l Run 7 SO, (ppm)01 f/"1 NOx (ppm) 7,ero Ilnscale 7,ero 7,ero []oscale lalibration Gas Conc.0.0 750.0 0.00 10.00 00 100 0 lnitirl Birs Check Results 1.6 743.9 -0.08 9.99 0.0 98. I Final Bias Check Results 1.9 741.9 0.0.t 992 0.1 98.2 tverase Bies Check Rsults 714.4 -U.U]9.95 0.2 9E. I Run Averaqe 441 {J, EJ 2E. E lorrected Averrse 4.lJ.U 0.85 29,2 Advanced Industrial Resources, Inc. Monitor Calibration Summary Sheet CO Boiler Bypass - Train B CEMS Run 8 s(,, (DDm)o, (v"\l{Ox (DDm) Tero 7 Tern lelihration Grs Conc.0.0 750.0 0.00 10.0( 0.0 100.0 I Rioc CloaL l{5 743 I -0 08 999 00 98 I Final Bias Check Results ts 744 I 0.04 s9? 04 98? Averase Birs Check R€sults 7 744 t -0 02 995 0?g8 I 4 't t2 30 1 lorrected Averrse {2{.1 l.l {30.7 Run 9 SO, (ooml o, ("/"1 NOx (ppm) 7 I I nrcq la 7 I lnscq le 7 I lnccqle lelihretion Ges Conc-00 750 0 000 l0 00 00 100 0 lniiial Bias Check Resulls 1.6 713 9 -0.08 9Sg 00 98. I Final Bias Check Results 1.9 7.lJ g 0.04 99?0.1 98 1 {verlop Riqs Check Rxults 7 7t1 I .n nl 995 n)98r 383 6 127 29 1 lorrected Averase 385.6 1.29 29.1 Page 32 filename testbyl testby2 testby3 testby4 testforl testfo12 testfor3 testfo14 name sn offset fullscale train Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emissaon Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-l 1 800 Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02. NOx SO2 run 1 runl runl runl runl runl runl runl runl run'1 run'1 runl runl runl runl run 1 run'l run 1 runl runl runl runl runl runl runl [un1 runl runl runl runl runl runl runl run 1 run 1 run'l run 1 runl runl runl runl runl runl run'1 5t6t20?4 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6120?4 5t6t2024 516t2024 516t2024 5t6t2024 51612024 5t6t2024 51612024 516t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t612024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 516t2024 5t6t2024 516t2024 5t612024 51612024 51612024 5t612024 5t6t2024 516t2024 51612024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t?024 5t612024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 516t2024 5t6t2024 5t612024 5t6t2024 51612024 5t612024 516t2024 516t2024 5t612024 '11:25:00 11.25.15 1'1:25:30 11:?5.45 'I 1:26:00 '11:?6.15 1 1:26:30 11:26.45 11:27.O0 11:27:15 1'l:27:3Q 11:27:45 11:28:00 11.28:15 11:28:30 11.28.45 1 1:29:00 11.29.15 11:29:30 11.29.45 1 1:30:00 1 1 ;30:15 1 1:30:30 1 1:30:45 1 'l :31 :00 1 1 :31:15 1 1 :31 :30 11:31:45 11:32:00 11.3215 1 1:32:30 11.3245 11:33:00 1 1 :33: 15 11:33:30 'l 1:33:45 1 1:34:00 1 1 :34:15 'I 1 :34:30 11:34:45 11:35i00 1 1 :35:'15 1 1:35:30 1'l:35:45 1 '1:36:00 1.27 1.33 1.32 1.28 1.32 1.29 1.23 1.15 1.25 1.32 1.36 129 1.23 1.24 1.14 1.02 1.20 1.27 1.30 1.31 1.34 1.03 0.99 093 0.84 0.80 0.78 070 0.75 0.83 081 0.83 0.85 086 1.02 't.07 1lo2 01440DtV02 0 20.57 1 02 3a 6) NOx 812 U 200.0 1 nox 7e 34.11 35.21 34.49 35.57 36.44 35.95 34.40 34.43 35.57 37.50 39.90 41.50 39.71 39.89 40.5't 39.74 38.07 37.51 39.1 5 39.98 39.98 37.96 37.48 36.23 32.61 32.06 36.'r 3 37.50 37.50 37.21 38.45 40.22 39.86 37.80 35.88 35.73 33.91 32.91 35.33 36.42 35.72 35.96 36.44 37.86 39 28 8) So2 1 1 36451064 0 1500.0 1 so2 6c 625.01 628.89 633.38 638.1 0 641.22u3.u 046.86 648.61 653.76 661.21 664.92 668.1 5 670.65 673.06 680.48 687.97 690.74 693.08 693.70 696.60 701.71 712.42 715.41 715.87 719.97 723.03 726.77 733.02 736.80 740.57 744.41 750.01 754.99 759.39 761.34 764.82 765.83 766.1 6 77't.30 775.27 779.18 783.64 786.21 788.59 791 68 19 18 21 25 13 12 14 20 CC67184lcg2 Oz Cc67184lcg2 Oz CC67184/dg1 02 XCo1970'lB/dg6 NOx XC0197018/d97 NOx 0 0 20.57 COz 20.57 CO2 10 co2 200 100 1 500 750 0 0 10 co2 100 750 138869/dg3 SO2 138869/dg4 SO2 2.96 CC67184/ds 1 02 XC0197018/ds7 NOx 00 Page 33 testbyl Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) testby2 Air Emission Testingteslby3 T-4 Trailertestby4 Project Number KR-11800testforl Marathon (Salt Lake City)testfor2 RATAtestfor3 CO Boiler (Bypass Venl)testfor4 02, NOx SO2 namerun'l 51612024 run l 51612024runl 51612024run'l 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024run'l 51612024runl 51612024 run l 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024 run l 51612024 run l 51612024run1 51612024 run l 51612024 run l 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024 run l 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024runl 51612024 averunlrun2 51612024tun2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024tun2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024(un2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 516l?024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024tunz 51612024run2 51612024tun2 51612024run2 51612024tunz 51612024run2 51612024run2 51612024 1)0211:36:15 0.97 I 1 :36:30 1.09 1 1 :36:45 1.0811:37:00 1.1011:37:15 1.1 5 1 1 :37:30 '1.14 1 1 :37:45 1.26 1 1 :38:00 1.3411:38:15 1.37 1 1 :38:30 1.49 1 1 :38:45 1.48 1 1:39:00 '1.4111:39:15 1.25 1 1 :39:30 1.28 I l:39:45 1.00l1:40:00 0.95 1 1:40:30 1.'1711:40:45 1.15 1 1 :41 :00 1.5'l 1 1 :41 :15 1.55 1 1 :41 :30 1.52'11:41:45 1.5111:42:00 1.3311:42:15 1.3611:42:30 'l.34 11:42:45 1.35 1 1 :43:00 1.2411:43:15 0.97 1 l:43:30 1.01'l'l:43:45 0.88'11:44:00 '1.22 11:44:15 1.3511:44:30 'l.39 11:44:45 1.26'11:45:00 1.3611:45:15 1.30 'l l:45:30 1.3211:45:45 L18 1.18 1 l:48:00 1.39'11:48:15 1.53 1 l:48:30 1.3511:48:45 1.42 1 1:49:00 1.3711:49:15 1.4611:49:30 1.4711:49:45 1 .3411:50:00 1.62'11:50:15 1.37 11:50:30 1.20 1 1:50:45 1.31 1 1:5 1 :00 1.08 1 1:51 : 15 1.03 't 1:5 1 :30 0.98 1 1:51 :45 1.1711i52:00 1.1811:52:15 1.18 1 l:52:30 1.1311:52:45 1.19 1 1 :53:00 1.2011:53:15 1.16 1 1 :53:30 1.24 1 1 :53:45 1.22 1 'l :54:00 1.0911:54:15 1.19 1 1 :54:30 '1.14'11:55:00 1.1011:55:15 1.12 6) NOx 8) So239.07 795.7238.42 793.7339.72 797.7040.41 802.7240.44 804.2140.32 803.0439.42 808.8039.92 813.3340.50 812.9443.00 814.4044.90 819.5144.65 823.1944.53 823.8442.56 830.0339.83 836.3739.81 839.17t9.24 852.4236.54 856.2035.64 778.9840.10 742,1740.51 797.0241.00 816.4538.88 833.5737.48 U2.U37.5't 849.5338.48 850.9339.34 852.0039.12 8/.'1.7138.64 834.3238.26 859.9738.96 893.4440.52 894.8740.29 884.0340.51 875.1440.16 871 .8240.74 874.9239.30 479.2838.85 885.1738.36 767.1832.34 899.0230.01 902.3430.19 903.1328.78 906.4127.4't 914.8828.98 917.5530.39 916.3130.82 948.8531.98 1028.8432.43 1053.5830.97 1060.6830.93 1030.0128.90 1018.56 27 .76 1030,34 27 .12 1038.6728.U 1045.0530.94 1049.06 31 .52 1045.0529.81 1050.1629.09 1047.9231.00 1047.8532.42 1051 .0132.85 1050.49u.47 1049.5436.18 1053.7436.87 1060.8736.76 1057.3935.24 1055.4433.29 1052.41 Page 34 teslbyl Advanced lndustrial Resourcas (AlR)testby2 Air Emission Testing lestby3 T-4Trailerlestby4 Proiect Numbor KR-11800testforl Marathon (Salt Lake City)testfoA RATAtestfor3 CO Boiler (Bypass Vent)testfor4 02, NOx SO2 name runz runz tun2 tun2 runz run2 run2 tun2 runz tunz tunz run2 tunz tun2 tun2 run2 tun2 run2 tunz tun2 tun2 run2 run2 tunz tun2 tun2 tun2 run2 tun2 run2 run2 runz run2 run2 run2 tun2 run2 run2 tun2 run2 tun2 tun2 tun2ru2 run2 tun2 run2 run2 run2 run2 runz run2 run2 runz averun2 run3 run3 run3 run3 run3 run3 run3 run3 run3 run3 run3 run3 run3 5t612024 51612024 5t6t2024 51612024 51612024 51612024 5t6t2024 516t2024 5t412024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 51612024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 51612024 5t612024 5t6t2024 516t2024 516t2024 5t6t2024 51612024 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1800testforl Marathon (Salt Lake Caty) testfor2 RATA testfor3 CO Boiler (Bypass Veni)lestfor4 02. 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NOx SO2 name run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 run9 516t2024 516t2024 51612024 5t6t2024 51612024 51612024 5t6t2024 516t2024 5t6t2024 516t2024 516t2024 5t6t2024 51612024 5t6t2024 5t612024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 51612024 51612024 5t612024 5t6t2024 516t2024 516t2024 516t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t6t2024 5t612024 5t6t2024 51612024 51612024 51612024 516t2024 51612024 5t612024 516t2024 51612024 5t612024 5t6t2024 516t2024 51612021 5t612024 51612024 51612024 1)0216:30:00 1.07'16:30:15 1.1616:30:30 1.0416:30:45 1.08 16:31 :00 1.2416:31:15 1.2716:31:30 1.2316:31:45 1.2116:32:00 'l..14 16:32:15 1.16'16:32:30 1.3016:32:45 1.1916:33:00 1.3216:33:15 1.3416:33:30 1.3216:33:45 1.2216:34:00 1.0216:34:15 1.0616:34:30 1.1516:34:45 1.2416:35:00 1.22'16:35:15 1.4116:35:30 1.2916:35:45 1.1516:36:00 0.9816:36:15 1.0716:36:30 1.20'16:36:45 1.1916:37:00 1.3216:37:15 1.2516:37:30 1.3416:37:45 1.2416:38:00 1.2516:38:15 1.1916:38:30 '1.29'16:38:45 1.4516:39:00 1.28'16:39:15 1.4616:39:30 1.4216:39:45 1.4616:40:00 1.5916:40:15 1.5816:40:30 1.4816:40:45 1.5616:41:00 1.57 6) NOx 25.66 25.72 25.96 25.30 27.61 29.21 29.73 29.22 29.01 27.32 27.89 28.86 28.55 29.29 30.37 29.56 ?6.81 25.01 26.33 27.61 28.29 30.'t 6 31.12 28.26 24.92 25.47 27.96 28.27 29.34 30.41 30.04 29.61 28.48 27.12 27.42 29.91 29.83 28.33 30.36 32.25 33.24 33.69 32.54 33.40 35.46 8) So2 398.1 I 399.35 401.43 402.U 406.71 407.45 408.66 409.38 408.66 405.08 402.21 402.77 403.78 404.56 404.56 404.53 403.97 403.52 399 54 395.02 396.58 400.23 402.34 400.88 401.47 404.69 405.96 404.79 405.70 404.75 403.71 401.89 399.1 5 397.56 396.55 396.62 396.91 396.88 394.66 392.68 390.14 385 25 381.45 377.83 373.44 1.90 Nzcgl N2 0 149.51 XC0197018/d97 NOx 100 Page 44 Analyzer Calibration Error Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Dale:S16124 Oxygen Monitor Calibration Span. 20.57 o/o Nitrogen Oxides Monitor Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Monitor Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.00 % 10.00 % 20.57 0A Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm 200.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 750.0 ppm 1,500.0 ppm Analyzer Response 0.03 % 9.96 % 20.58 Yo Analyzer Response 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm 199.6 ppm Analyzer Response -0.9 ppm 750.4 ppm 1,493.6 ppm Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR' Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 1 Method 3A Analyzer Model: 1440 Serial Number: 01440D1V02 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC67184/dgl CC67184tcg2 Cylinder Number N2/cgl XC0197018/dg7 XCO19701B/dg6 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC138869/dg4 CC138869/dg3 Difference -0.03 % 0.04 o/o -0.01 o/o Method 7E Difference 0.0 ppm 0.7 ppm 0.4 ppm Method 6C Difference 0.9 ppm -0.4 ppm 6.4 ppm Calibration Error Calibration Error -0.15 0.19 -0.05 Analyzer Model: CAl650 Serial Number: 812 Calibration Error 0.00 0.35 0.20 Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 1 136451064 Error Type o/o o/o Yo Error Type o/o Yo oh Error Type 0.06 %o-0.03 o/o 0.43 o/o Page 45 Analyzer Calibration Error Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Dale.516124 Oxygen Monitor Calibration Span: 20.57 % Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1 800 Run 2 Method 3A Analyzer Model: 1440 Serial Number: 01440D1V02 Cylinder Number N2/cg'l CC67184/dgl CC67184lcg2 Reference Gas Concentration 0.00 % 10.00 % 20.57 o/o Analyzer Response 0.03 % 9.96 % 20.58 o/o Difference -0.03 o/o 0.04 o/o -0.01 o/o Method 7E Difference 0.0 ppm 0.7 ppm 0.4 ppm Method 6C Difference 0.9 ppm -0.4 ppm 6.4 ppm Calibration Error -0.15 0.19 -0.0s Error Type o/o o/o o/o Nitrogen Oxides Monitor Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Analyzer Model: CAI 650 Serial Number: 812 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 XCO1 9701 B/dg7 XCO1 9701 B/dg6 Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm '100.0 ppm 200.0 ppm Analyzer Response 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm 199.6 ppm Calibration Error Error Type Sulfur Dioxide Monitor Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm 0.00 o/o 0.35 o/o 0.20 %o Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 1 136451064 Cylinder Number N2/ca1 CC138869/dg4 CC138869/dg3 Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 750.0 ppm 1,500.0 ppm Analyzer Response -0.9 ppm 750.4 ppm 1,493.6 ppm Calibration Error Error Type 0.06 -0.03 0.43 o/o Yo o/o Page 46 Analyzer Cal i bration Error Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date:S16124 Oxygen Monitor Calibration Span: 20.57 % Nitrogen Oxides Monitor Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Monitor Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.00 % 10.00 % 20.57 o/o Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm 200.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 750.0 ppm 1,500.0 ppm Analyzer Response 0.03 % 9.96 % 20.58 o/o Analyzer Response 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm 199.6 ppm Analyzer Response -0.9 ppm 750.4 ppm 1,493.6 ppm Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 3 Method 3A Analyzer Model: 1440 Serial Number: 01440D1V02 Cylinder Number NZcgl CC67184/dg1 CC67184lcg2 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 XC01 9701 B/dg7 XC01 9701 B/dg6 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC138869/dg4 CC138869/dg3 Difference -0.03 % 0.04 o/o -0.01 o/o Method 7E Difference 0.0 ppm 0.7 ppm 0.4 ppm Method 6C Difference 0.9 ppm -0.4 ppm 6.4 ppm Calibration Error Calibration Error -0.15 0.19 -0.0s Analyzer Model: CAI 650 Serial Number: 812 Calibration Error Error Type o/o o/o o/o 0.00 Yo 0.35 lo0.20 o/o Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 1 136451064 Error Type Error Type 0.06 o/o -0.03 o/o 0.43 o/o Page 47 Analyzer Calibration Error Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date:S16124 Oxygen Monitor Calibration Span. 20.57 o/o Cylinder Number N2/cgl CC67184/dgl CC67184lcg2 Nitrogen Oxides Monitor Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Monitor Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.00 % 10.00 o/o 20.57 o/o Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm 200.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 750.0 ppm 1,500.0 ppm Analyzer Response 0.03 % 9.96 % 20.58 o/o Analyzer Response 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm 199.6 ppm Analyzer Response -0.9 ppm 750.4 ppm 1,493.6 ppm Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1 800 Run 4 Method 3A Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 01 440D1V02 Difference Calibration Error -0.03 o/o -0.15 0.04 o/o 0.19'0.01o/o -0.05 Method 7E Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 812 Difference Calibration Error Error Type o/o o/o o/o Cylinder Number N2/cg1 XC01 9701 B/dg7 XC0197018/dg6 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC138869/dg4 CC138869/dg3 Error Type 0.0 ppm 0.00 o/o 0.7 ppm 0.35 %o 0.4 ppm 0.20 o/o Method 6C Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 1 136451064 Difference Calibration ErrorError Type 0.9 ppm -0.4 ppm 6.4 ppm 0.06 o/o -0.03 o/o 0.43 o/o Page 48 Analyzer Calibration Error Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date:S16124 Oxygen Monitor Calibration Span: 20.57 % Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC67184tdg1 CC67184lcg2 Nitrogen Oxides Monitor Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Monitor Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.00 % 10.00 o/o 20.57 o/o Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm 200.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 750.0 ppm 1,500.0 ppm Analyzer Response 0.03 % 9.96 % 20.58 o/o Analyzer Response 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm 199.6 ppm Analyzer Response -0.9 ppm 750.4 ppm 1,493.6 ppm Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1 800 Run 5 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 XC01970'l B/dg7 XCO1 9701 B/dg6 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC138869/dg4 CC138869/dg3 Method 3A Difference -0.03 o/o 0.04 o/o -0.01 o/o Method 7E Difference 0.0 ppm 0.7 ppm 0.4 ppm Method 6C Difference 0.9 ppm -0.4 ppm 6.4 ppm Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 01440D1V02 Calibration ErrorError Type -0.1 5 o/o 0.19 o/o -0.05 o/o Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 812 Calibration ErrorError Type 0.00 Yo0.35 Yo0.20 0/o Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 1 136451064 Calibration ErrorError Type o/o o/o o/ 0.06 -0.03 0.43 Page 49 Analyzer Cal i bration Error Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date:S16124 Oxygen Monitor Calibration Span: 20.57 % Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC67184/dg1 CC67184lcg2 Nitrogen Oxides Monitor Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Monitor Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.00 % 10.00 % 20.57 o/o Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm 200.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 750.0 ppm 'l,500.0 ppm Analyzer Response 0.03 % 9.96 % 20.58 0/ Analyzer Response 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm 199.6 ppm Analyzer Response -0.9 ppm 750.4 ppm 1,493.6 ppm Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 6 Method 3A Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 01440D1V02 Difference Calibration ErrorError Type Method 6C Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 1 136451 064 -0.03 o/o 0.04 o/o -0.O1 o/o -0.1 5 o/o 0.1 I o/o -0.05 o/o 0.00 Yo0.35 o/o 0.20 Yo 0.0 ppm 0.7 ppm 0.4 ppm Difference Calibration Error 0.9 ppm -0.4 ppm 6.4 ppm Method 7E Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 812 Difference Calibration ErrorError Type Cylinder Number N2/cg1 XC01 9701 B/dg7 XC019701B/dg6 Cylinder Number N2/cgl CC138869/dg4 CC138869/dg3 Error Type 0.06 o/o -0.03 o/o 0.43 o/o Page 50 Analyzer Calibration Error Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date:S16124 Oxygen Monitor Calibration Span: 20.57 o/o Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1 800 Run 7 Method 3A Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 01440D1V02 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC67184tdg1 CC67184lcg2 Reference Gas Concentration 0.00 % 10.00 o/o 20.57 o/o Analyzer Response 0.03 % 9.96 % 20.58 o/o Difference Calibration Error Error Type -0.03 % 0.04 o/o -0.01o/o -0.15 Yo0.19 o/o -0.05 o/o Nitrogen Oxides Monitor Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Method 7E Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 812 Difference Calibration ErrorError Type Cylinder Number NZcg'1 XC019701B/dg7 XC01 9701 B/dg6 Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm 200.0 ppm Analyzer Response 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm 199.6 ppm 0.0 ppm 0.7 ppm 0.4 ppm 0.00 o/o 0.35 o/o 0.20 o/o Sulfur Dioxide Monitor Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Method 6C Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 1'136451 064 Cylinder Number N2/cgl CC138869/d94 CC138869/dg3 Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 750.0 ppm 1,500.0 ppm Analyzer Response -0.9 ppm 750.4 ppm 1,493.6 ppm Difference Calibration Error Error Type 0.9 ppm -0.4 ppm 6.4 ppm 0.06 o/o -0.03 Yo 0.43 Yo Page 5 I Analyzer Gal i bration Error Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date.516124 Oxygen Monitor Calibration Span: 20.57 % Cylinder Number N2/cgl CC67184tdg1 CC67184lcg2 Nitrogen Oxides Monitor Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Monitor Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.00 o/o 10.00 % 20.57 o/o Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm 200.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 750.0 ppm 1,500.0 ppm Analyzer Response 0.03 % 9.96 % 20.58 o/o Analyzer Response 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm 199.6 ppm Analyzer Response -0.9 ppm 750.4 ppm 1,493.6 ppm Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 8 Method 3A Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 01440D1V02 Difference Calibration ErrorError Type -0.03 % 0.04 o/o -O.O1 o/o 0.0 ppm 0.7 ppm 0.4 ppm Method 7E Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 812 Difference Calibration ErrorError Type -0.15 o/o 0.1 9 o/o -0.05 o/o 0.00 Yo 0.35 Yo 0.20 o/o Cylinder Number N2/cg1 XCO1 9701 B/dg7 XCO1 9701 B/dgO Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC138869/dg4 CC138869/dg3 Method 6C Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 1 1 36451 064 Difference Calibration ErrorError Type 0.9 ppm 0.06 o/o -0.4 ppm -0.03 Yo 6.4 ppm 0.43 Yo Page 52 Analyzer Calibration Error Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date:S16124 Oxygen Monitor Calibration Span: 20.57 % Cylinder Number N2/cgl CC67184/dg1 CC67184tcg2 Nitrogen Oxides Monitor Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Monitor Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.00 % 10.00 % 20.57 0/o Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm 200.0 ppm Reference Gas Concentration 0.0 ppm 750.0 ppm 1,500.0 ppm Analyzer Response 0.03 % 9.96 % 20.58 o/o Analyzer Response 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm '199.6 ppm Analyzer Response -0.9 ppm 750.4 ppm 1,493.6 ppm Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 9 Method 3A Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 01440D1V02 Difference Calibration ErrorError Type -0.03 % 0.04 o/o -0.01 o/o 0.0 ppm 0.7 ppm 0.4 ppm Method 7E Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 812 Difference Calibration ErrorError Type -0.15 o/o 0.19 Yo-0.05 o/o 0.00 %o0.35 Yo 0.20 o/o Cylinder Number N2/cg1 XCO1 9701 B/dg7 XCO1 9701 B/dg6 Cylinder Number N2/cg1 CC138869/dg4 CC138869/dg3 Method 6C Analyzer Model: Serial Number: 1 136451064 Difference Calibration Error 0.9 ppm -0.4 ppm 6.4 ppm 0.06 o/o -0.03 o/o 0.43 Yo Error Type Page 53 Sampling System Bias and Drift Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Dale516124 Oxygen Analyzer Calibration Span: 20.57 % Gas Level Direct Gas Value Low 02 0.03 % Upscale O, 9.96 % Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Gas DirectLevel Gas Value Low NOx 0.0 ppm Upscale NOx 99.3 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Gas Level Low SO2 -0.9 ppm 0.9 ppm 0.12 o/o 1.0 ppm 0.13 o/o 0-01 o/o Upscale SO2 750.4 ppm 749.0 ppm -0.09 % 744.6 ppm -0.39 % -0.29 o/o Response Time: 70 Serial Number: 01440D1V02 Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run'1 Model: 1440 lnitial lnitial Response Bias -0.02 o/o -0.24 o/o 1O.O1 % 0.24 o/o lnitial Response 0.0 ppm 100.8 ppm Final Final Total RunResponse Bias Drift 0.03 % 0.00 % 0.24 o/o 9.91 % -0.24 o/o '0.49 o/o Model: CLD 60Response Time. 70 Serial Number'. 812 Response Time: 90 Serial Number: 1 136451064 lnitial Final Final Total RunBias Response Bias Drift 0.00 % 0.0 ppm 0.00 % 0.00 o/o 0.75 o/o 100.0 PPm 0.35 % -0.40 o/o Model: 43i-L Direct lnitial lnitial Gas Value Response Bias Final FinalResponse Bias TotalRun Drift Page 54 Sampling System Bias and Drift Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date:S16124 Oxygen Analyzer Calibration Span: 20.57 o/o Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1 800 Run 2 Response Time: 65 Serial Number: 01 440D1V02 Model: 1440 Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Low 02 0.03 % -0.02o/o -0.24 o/o Upscale 02 9.96 % 10.01% 0.24 o/o Final Final Total RunResponse Bias Drift 0.03 % 0.00 % 0.24 o/o 9.91 % -0.24 o/o -0.49 o/o N itrogen Oxides Analyzer Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Response Time: SerialNumber: 70 812 Model: CLD 60 Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Low NOX 0.0 ppm 0.0 ppm 0.00 % Upscale NOX 99.3 ppm 100.8 ppm 0.75 o/o Final FinalResponse Bias Total Run Drift Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Response Time: Serial Number: 0.0 ppm 0.00 % 0.00 % 100.0 ppm 0.35 % -0.40 o/o Model: 1 1 36451 064 Final Final Total RunResponse Bias Drift 1.0 ppm 0.13 o/o 0.01 o/o 744.6 ppm -0.39 % -0.29 o/o Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Low SO2 -0.9 ppm 0.9 ppm 0.12 o/o Upscale SO2 750.4 ppm 749.0 ppm -0.09 % Page 55 Sampling System Bias and Drift Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Dale:516124 Oxygen Analyzer Calibration Span: 20.57 % Gas DirectLevel Gas Value Low 02 0.03 % Upscale 02 9.96 % Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Gas Direct Initial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Low NOX 0.0 ppm 0.0 ppm 0.00 % Upscale NOX 99.3 ppm 100.8 ppm 0.75 o/o Response Time: SerialNumber: lnitial lnitialResponse Bias -0.02% -0.24 o/o 10.01 o/o O.24 o/o Response Time: Serial Number: Response Time: Serial Number: Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 3 Total Run Drift 0.24 o/o -0.49 o/o CLD 60 Total Run Drift 0.00 % -0.40 o/o Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Low SO2 -0.9 ppm 0.9 ppm 0.12 o/o Upscale SO2 750.4 ppm 749.0 ppm -0.09 o/o 65 01440DtV02 Final Response 0.03 % 9.91 o/o 70 812 Final Response 0.0 ppm 100.0 ppm '1 136451064 Final Response 1.0 ppm 744.6 ppm Model: 1440 Final Bias 0.00 % -0.24 % Model: Final Bias 0.00 % 0.35 % Model: Final Bias 0.13 0/o -0.39 % Total Run Drift 0.01 o/o -0.29 o/o Page 56 Sampling System Bias and Drift Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Oale:516124 Oxygen Analyzer Calibration Span: 20.57 % Gas Level Low 02 Upscale 02 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Gas Direct lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Low NOX 0.0 ppm 0.0 ppm Upscale NOX 99.3 ppm 100.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Low SO2 -0.9 ppm 1.0 ppm Upscale SO2 750.4 ppm 744.6 ppm Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Response Time: SerialNumber: 7 Direct lnitial lnitial Final Gas Value Response Bias Response 0.03 % 0.03 % 0.00 % -0.08 % 9.96 % 9.91% -0.24 % 9.99 % Response Time: Serial Number: 812 lnitial FinalBias Response 0.00 % 0.0 ppm 0.35 % 98.1 ppm Response Time: Serial Number: 1 136451064 Final Response 0.13 % 1.6 ppm -0.39 % 743.9 ppm Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 4 Model: Final Total RunBias Drift -0.53 % -0.53 % 0.15 o/o 0.39 % Model: Final Total RunBias Drift 0.00 % 0.00 % -0.60 % -0.95 % Model: Final Total RunBias Drift 0.17 o/o 0.04 o/o -0.43 o/o -0.05 % Page 57 Sampling System Bias and Drift Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Dale:516124 Oxygen Analyzer Calibration Span: 20.57 o/o Low 02 0.03 % Upscale 02 9.96 % Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Low NOX 0.0 ppm Upscale NOX 99.3 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias 0.03 % 0.00 % 9.91 o/o -O.24 o/o Response Time: Serial Number: Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 5 Model: 7 Final FinalResponse Bias -0.08 % -0.53 % 9.99 % 0.15 0/o Total Run Drift -0.53 % 0.39 % Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Model: 812 Final Final Total RunResponse Bias Drift 0.0 ppm 0.00 % 0.00 % 98.1 ppm -0.60 % -0.95 % Model: 1 1 36451 064 Final Final Total RunResponse Bias Drift 1.6 ppm 0.17 o/o 0.04 % 743.9 ppm -0.43 o/o -0.05 % 0.0 ppm 0.00 % 100.0 ppm 0.35 o/o Response Time: SerialNumber: Response Time: SerialNumber: Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Low SO2 -0.9 ppm 1.0 ppm 0.13 o/o Upscale SO2 750.4 ppm 744.6 ppm -0.39 % Page 58 Sampling System Bias and Drift Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date:S16124 Oxygen Analyzer Calibration Span: 20.57 % Low 02 Upscale 02 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Low NOX 0.0 ppm 0.0 ppm 0.00 o/o Upscale NOX 99.3 ppm 100.0 ppm 0.35 o/o Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer Response Time: Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Serial Number: Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Low SO2 -0.9 ppm 1.0 ppm 0.13 o/o Upscale SO2 750.4 ppm 744.6 ppm -0.39 % Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1 800 Run 6 Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Response Time: SerialNumber: Response Time: SerialNumber: 7 Final Response -0.08 % 9.99 % 812 Final Response 0.0 ppm 98.1 ppm 1 1 36451 064 Final Response 1.6 ppm 743.9 ppm Model: Final Bias -0.53 % 0.15 o/o Model: 0.00 % -0.60 % Model: 0.17 o/o -0.43 % Total Run Drift -0.53 % 0.39 % Total Run Drift 0.00 % -0.95 % Total Run Drift 0.04 o/o -0.05 % 0.03 % 0.03 % 0.00 % 9.96 % 9.91 % -0.24 o/o Final Bias Final Bias Page 59 Sampling System Bias and Drift Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Dale516124 Oxygen Analyzer Calibration Span: 20.57 % Gas DirectLevel Gas Value Low 02 0.03 % -0.08 % -0.53 % 0.04 o/o Upscale 02 9.96 % 9.99 % 0.15 o/o 9.92 o/o Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Response Time: Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Serial Number: 812 Final Response Final Response Model: Final Total RunBias Drift Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 7 Gas Direct lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Low NOX 0.0 ppm 0.0 ppm Upscale NOX 99.3 ppm 98.1 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Gas Direct lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Low SO2 -0.9 ppm 1.6 ppm Upscale SO2 750.4 ppm 743.9 ppm lnitial FinalBias Response 0.00 % 0.4 ppm -0.60 % 98.2 ppm Response Time: Serial Number: 1 1 36451064 lnitial Response Response Time: Serial Number: 7 lnitial Bias lnitial Bias 0.17 o/o 1.9 ppm -0.43 o/o 744.9 ppm 0.05 % -0.19 o/o Model: Final Bias 0.20 0/o -0.55 % Model: Final Bias 0.19 % -0.37 0/o 0.58 % -0.34 0/o Total Run Drift 0.20 o/o O.O5 o/o Total Run Drift 0.02 o/o 0.07 0/o Page 60 Sampling System Bias and Drift Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Date:S16124 Oxygen Analyzer Calibration Span: 20.57 % Low 02 0.03 % Upscale 02 9.96 % Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Direct lnitial Gas Value Response 0.0 ppm 0.0 ppm 99.3 ppm 98.1 ppm lnitial Response 1.6 ppm 743.9 ppm -0.53 % 0.15 o/o Response Time: Serial Number: 812 0.17 o/o 1.9 ppm -0.43 o/o 744.9 ppm Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 8 Gas Level Direct Gas Value lnitial Response -0.08 o/o 9.99 % Response Time: SerialNumber: 7 0.00 % -0.60 % Response Time: SerialNumber: Final Response 0.04 % 9.92 o/o Final Response 0.4 ppm 98.2 ppm 1 1 36451 064 Final Response Total Run Drift Total Run Drift 0.20 % 0.05 o/o Total Run Drift 0.02 o/o 0.07 % lnitial Bias Model: Final Bias 0.05 % 0.58 % -0.19 o/o -0.34 o/o Model: Gas Level Low NOX Upscale NOX Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Gas DirectLevel Gas Value Low SO2 -0.9 ppm Upscale SO2 750.4 ppm lnitial Bias Final Bias 0.20 o/o -0.55 % Model: Final Bias 0.19 o/o -0.37 o/o lnitial Bias Page 6l Sampling System Bias and Drift Test Performed For: Marathon (Salt Lake City) RATA CO Boiler (Bypass Vent) 02, NOx SO2 Dale:S16124 Oxygen Analyzer Calibration Span: 20.57 % Gas DirectLevel Gas Value Low 02 0.03 % Upscale 02 9.96 % Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Calibration Span: 200.0 ppm Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer Calibration Span: 1,500.0 ppm Gas Level Gas Direct lnitial lnitialLevel Gas Value Response Bias Low NOX 0.0 ppm 0.0 ppm 0.00 % Upscale NOX 99.3 ppm 98.1 ppm -0.60 o/o Response Time: SerialNumber: lnitial lnitialResponse Bias -0.08 o/o -0.53 % 9.99 % 0.15 0/o Response Time: SerialNumber: Response Time: SerialNumber: Test Performed By: Advanced lndustrial Resources (AlR) Air Emission Testing T-4 Trailer Project Number KR-1 1800 Run 9 Final Response 0.04 o/o 9.92 o/o 812 Final Response 0.4 ppm 98.2 ppm 1 1 36451 064 Final Response 1.9 ppm 744.9 ppm Model: Final Bias 0.05 % -0.19 % Model: Total Run Drift 0.58 o/o -0.34 0/, Total Run Drift 0.20 0/o 0.0s % Total Run Drift 0.02 0/o 0.07 o/o Final Bias Direct lnitial lnitial Gas Value Response Bias 0.20 % -0.55 % Model: Final Bias 0.19 o/o -0.37 o/o Low SO2 -0.9 ppm 1.6 ppm 0.17 % Upscale SO2 750.4 ppm 743.9 ppm -0.43 o/o Page 62 Appr,xurx E CAr,rnRATIoN D.q.r.q. & NIST Gns CE TTFICATIONS Page 63 Aitgas sn Air Uquide Company Airyas Spccialty Gasec Airgas USA LLC Ses North Industrial Loop Road Tooele, UT 84o74 Airyas.com CERTIFICATE OF ADIALYSIS Part Number: Cylinder Number: Laboratory: PGVP Number: Gas Code: Grade of Product: E03Nr62E15A1071 cc67184 124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT 872023 c02,02,BALN EPA PROTOCOL STAIVDARI) Reference Number: 15&402866671-1CylinderVolume: 141.0CF Cylinder Pressure: 2015 PSIG Valve Outlet: 590 Certification Date: Od 13,2023 tlon Date: Oct 13.2031 Sionaturc on flle ANALYTICAL RESULTSActual PnctocotConcenbation Method oARBON OtOXtOE OXYGEN NITROGEN 18.00 % 20.N% Balance 17.79 % 20.57 0a +l- 1.0o/o NIST Trac6abl6 +l- 0.7oYo NIST Tracoable CALIB RATION STAI\ DARDSNo Conccntration NTRM NTRM 13060802 09061434 cc4tf,!97 cc282192 21.U % CARBON DIOXIDgNITROGEN 22.53 o/o OXYGEIUNITROGEN 0.6% o.104 AI\IALYTICAL EQUIPMENT Horiba VIA-510 SV.{MEUTJ COz Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 02 Trlad Data Available Upon Request Approved for Release Page 64 Page I of I CERTIFICATE OF AI\IALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANDARI) E04Nr99E15A08F9 xco'197018 124 - Los Angeles (SAP) - CA 832023 co,No,Nox,so2,BALN AiIgas. an Air Uquidg company Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC rrTrr S. Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 9oo59 Airgas.com Part Number: Cylinder Number: Laboratory: PGVP Number: Gas Code: Reference Number: Cylinder Volume: Cylinder Pressure: Valve Outlet: Certification Date: 48402864350-1 144.0 CF 2015 PS|G 660 Oct 13,2023 Expiration Date: Oct 13, 2031 Certification performed in accordance with 'EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certiflcation of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)" document EPA 6OO/R-1 2/531 , using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require conection for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 950/0. There are no signiflcant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full wilhout approval of the laboratory. Do Cylinder Triad Data Available Upon Request Sianafrrra on file NOt USe oelow Component Requested Concentration Protocol Total RelativeMethod Uncertainty Assay Dates Actual Concentration ANALYTICAL RESULTS NOX CARBON MONOXIDE NITRIC OXIDE SULFUR DIOXIDE NITROGEN 500.0 PPM 500.0 PPM 500.0 PPM 500.0 PPM Balance 1 0 I 06 t2023. 1 0 I 1 3 I 2023 10106t2023 1 0t 06t2023. 1 0 I 1 3t2023 1 0t06t2023, 10t 1 312023 509.2 PPM 503.4 PPM 509.2 PPM 507.8 PPM G1 G1 G1 G1 +l- 1.3o/o NIST Traceable +l- 0.7o/o NIST Traceable +l- 1.3o/o NIST Traceable +l- 1.Qo/o NIST Traceable CALIBRATION STANDARDS Type Lot lD Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date Mar 05,2027 Feb '17 ,2023 Apr 26,2026 Jun 15,2025 Aug 02,2025 cc453980 49'1.9 PPM CARBON MONOXIDE/ The SRM. NTRM, PRM, or RGM noted above is only in reference to the GMIS used in the assay and not part of the analysis. NTRM 150605-51 PRM 12409 NTRM 22060712 GM|S 153/,012021',t01 NTRM 19060507 D91 3660 .I5.01 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/AIR cc745203 495.3 PPM NTTRTC OXIDE/ ND73OO1 4,947 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN CC714767 495.2 PPM SULFUR DIOXIDE/ +l- 0.60/o +l- 1.5o/o +l- 0.9o/o +l- 1.60/o +l- O.5o/o !nstrumenUMake/Model ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration Nicolet iS50 AUP2110317 CO Nicolet iS50 AUP2110317 NO Nicolet iS50 AUP2110317 NO2 Nicolet iS50 AUP2110317 SO2 Oct 05, 2023 Sep 20,2023 Sep 21, 2023 Oct 04, 2023 FTIR FTIR FTIR FTIR Approved for Release Page 65 Page 1 of { Airgas an Air Liquide company Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 63o United Drive Durham, NC 27713 Airgas.com CERTIFICATE OF AIYALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA Part Number: E04N199E15A0280 CylinderNumber: CC138869Laboratory: 124 - Durham (SAP)- NC PGVP Number: 822019 Gas Code: CO,NO,NOX,SO2,BALN PROTOCOL STAI{DARI) Reference Number: 122-401602312-1 Cylinder Volume: 144.6 CF Cylinder Pressure: 2015 PSIG Valve Outlet: 660 Certification Date: Oct 01 ,2019 Expiration Date: Oct01,2027 Certification performed in accordance with 'EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)" document EPA 600/R-1 2/531 , using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does nol require conection for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a conridence level of 95%. There are no signiflcant impurities \rvhich affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 Triad Data Available Upon Request Sion:frrra an fila ANALYTICAL RESULTS Actual Protocol Total Relative NOX NITRIC OXIDE CARBON MONOXIDE SULFUR DIOXIDE NITROGEN 15OO PPM 15OO PPM 25OO PPM 25OO PPM Balance 1489 PPM 1489 PPM 2521 PPM 2491 PPM G1 G1 G1 G1 +l- 0.7o/o NIST Traceable +l- 0.8o/o NIST Traceable +l- 0.8o/o NIST Traceable +l- 0.5o/o NIST Traceable 09t24t2019, 10t01 t2019 09t24t2019, 10tO1 t20't9 09t24t2019 09t24t2019, 10tO1 t20't9 CALIBRATION STANDARDS Type Lot lD Cylinder No Concentration +l- 0.5o/o +l- 'l .9o/o +l- 2.0o/o +l- 0.5o/o +l- 0.5o/o Oct 05, 202 1 Aug 17,2018 Aug 15,2021 May 09,2024 Nov 15, 2022 NTRM 090101t4 PRM PRM GM|S 124206889',t14NTRM 08012224 NTRM 17060109 KALOO4887 2954 PPM NITRIC OXIDSNITROGEN D562879 10.01 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/AIR CC322698 4.432PPMNITROGENDIOXIDE/NITROGEN KALOO46O2 2466 PPM CARBON MONOXIDSNITROGEN CC484578 1995 PPM SULFUR DIOXIDE/NITROGEN The SRM, NTRM, PRlvl, or RGM noted above is only in reference to the GMIS used in the assay and not part of the ANALYIICAL EQUIPMENT Sep '18, 2019 Sep 18, 2019 Sep 18, 2019 Nicolet 6700 AHR0801549 CO Nicolet 6700 AHR0801549 NO Nicolet 6700 AHR0801549 NO Nicolet 6700 AHR0801549 SO2 FTIR FTIR FTIR FTIR Approved for Release Page 66 Page 1 of I EPA METHOD 205 Mass Flow Controller Verification Company: Marathon Analyzer Mfg. : Servomex Date: 5.1.2024 Model 1440 Site Location: FSCMGS Technician's Name: lVlax Winkler Gas Tracibility: EPA protocol 1 High-Level Supply Gas lD: CC671 184 HBh-Level SuppV Gas Vatue: 20.57 Mid-LevelSupply Gas lD: CC420410 Serial No.: 01440D1V024085 - Anal'yzerType: 02 Anaiyzer Range: 25.00 Dilution Mfg.: Environics, lnc. Model Series 4040 S/N: 2210 Blender Calbration Dale: ?251i2024 N ext C alibratio n D ue: 2125 f2025 Total Flow Rate, cc/m; 4000 Mid-Level Supply Gas Value: 10.79 Upper Dilution Target: 13.00 Lower Dilution Target 7.00 All dilution poinB must bo within r 2% of anal)z6r reading STATUSOFTEST: PASSED 'Notes: 1. A Reference Method Ana[zer was used to perform this test. 2. This test verifies Mass llow controllers 1 and 2. 3. Maximum flow, controller 1:10000cc/min 4. Maximum flow, controller 2:10000cc/min STATUS OF TEST: PASSED Mass Flow Controller Verification 1 & 2 Dlluted Calibration Points Target Conceniration Flow Rate. cc/m Flow Rate, cclm Analyzer Readino Run rrs Average Enor Target ris Average Enor Mass Flow Controller 1 Mass Flow Controller 2RunValue Per Run Awrage Lower Point lnieclbns 1 2 3 7.00 7.00 7.00 2639 2639 2639 1 361 ,361 1 361 7.03 7.06 7.06 7.05 0.43 o/o 0.86 % 0.86 o/o 0.71 o/o Upper Point lniections I 2 3 13.00 13.00 13.00 1472 't472 1472 2528 2528 2s28 13.10 13.08 13.08 13.09 0.77 o/o 0.62 o/o 0.62 o/o 0.69 o/o Mid-level Supply Gas Verification Mid-Level Supply Gas lniections Mid-level Supply Gas Concentraion Analyzer Readino MiJ-Level vs Average ErrorPer Run Average 1 2 3 10.79 10.79 10.79 10.72 10.70 10.72 10.71 O.74 o/o Mid.lrvd Supply Gas must b€ within r 2% ot analfz€r roading Page 67 Ettvironrcs 69 lndustrial Park Rd E, Toltand CT 06084 https :/Arvww.environics. com/sarvice-r€q uost(860)872-1111 info@environics.com ENV]RONICS FLOW CONTROLLER CALIBRATION REPORT 4040 22L0 Temp: Pressure: Gas: 32'F 29.92 in. Hg NITROGEN MFC FS Flow: 10000 MFC S/N: AW9E11159 Yhis calibr'tion complles whh lso 1702s-2005 lnon-accredit€dl end is r.ceable to th. Nstion.l lnstitut. ot standardt and rechnorogy (Nrsr). caribration and verrfrcationare accompllshcd arclusively by qualilicd personncl followln8 iontrolletl procedur., uMer rso 9@r:201s. For quG,tionr or conclms, contrct customar service via ourwebsite, emril or by phona, weekdays from tAM . 4pM. Verified O, Flow Calibration Oata is not performance data.,.llt,*!.: :":d by the-systcm operating mode to improve the flow accuracy. The FtowveflIcatton oata 18 performance dat8. Flow Calibration Data Set Flow True Ftor 5lo 1lYo 20o/o 30o/o 40% 50% 60% 70o/o 8OYo 9006 100o/o Flow Verlfication Data 9970 85o/o 55o/o 25o/o 1lYo Page 68 ".,", s/a,l+q Etllironfes 69 lnduskial Park Rd E, Toltancl CT 06094 https://urww.environics,corn/service+eq uesl(860)872-1111 info@environlcs.com ENVIRONICS FLOW CONTROLLER CALIBRATION REPORT it Summa Model #: Unit SN : 32'F 29.92 in. Hg NITROGEN Flow Veriflcation Data MFC #: MFC FS Flow; MFC S/N: 10000 0103486001 Flow Calibration Data is not performance data,Tjl*ill,! ,:"9 by the.system operating mode to improve th6 ftow accuracy. ThB Ftowvemtcatton Deta is prrformance data. Flow Calibration Data Set Flow True 5o/o 10o/o 20o/o 3io/a 400h 50o/o 60% 70o/o 800/6 90o/o 10Ao/" 9970 85o/o 55o/o 25o/o 10o/o treaccompllthedexclutivelybYquallfl€dpcrsonnelfollowin3controlledproccduresunderrsogoot:2ots. rorqucstionsorconcerns,conractcustomcrsctuiceviaourwebrhe, emall o, by phone, wcekdrys from gAM - 4pM. Verified Or, Page 69 Ettviranrbs 69 lnduskial Park Rd E, Toland CT 06084 https J/www. cnvironics. com/service-request (860)872-1111 info@envkonics.com ENVIRONICS FLOW CONTROLLER CALTBRATION REPORT Unit Model s: Unit SN :22tO Temp: Pressu re: Gasl 32'F 29.92 in. Hg NITROGEN MFC H: 3 MFC FS Flow: 1000 MFC S/N: 041SG7100s Flow Calibration Data ls not porformancs data This.data.as used by the system operating modB to improve the frow accuracy. The FrowVerlrication Data is pcrformanca dala, Flow Calibration Data Set Flow True Flor 5o/o 1Oo/o 2Oo/o 30o/o 40o/o 50% 60% 70o/o 80% 90% 1000/" Flow Verification Data 99% 85o/o 55o/o 25o/o 100/ This calibrauon compll's with lso 17025'2005 Inon-accreditedl and is tr.c€.b1. to th€ Nation6l Institutc of st!ndards lnd rechnoloty (Nrsr). calrbration and verificationare accompllshcd axchrslvely by quallfi€d pe6onnel following iontrolled procedures under lSo 9001:201s. For questlonr or conc€ms, corltact customcr servlce vl. ourwebslic, lmail or by phone, weekdays ,rom ltAM _ /tpM. Verlfied Oy Page 70 Elvironfes 69 lndustrial Park Rd E, Toltand CT 06084 httpr://wr,rnr.cnvironics. com/Servlc€-request (860)E72-1111 inf@environics.com ENVIRONICS FLOW CONTROLLER CALIBRATION REPORT Unlt Model f: Unit SN : 32'F 29.92 in. Hg NITROGEN MFC FS Flow: MFC S/N: 4 100 AW9408093 99% 85o/o 55% 25o/o 10o/o This callbretion compli"' with lso 17025-2@5 [non'accreditedl and it t.ccrblc to tha Natron.r rnstitute ot st"ndards rnd rlchnoroty (Nrsr]. caribration and vrrifac.ronlrt tccomplirhcd exclutively by qualified Pertonnel following controlled procedurcs under rso 9oor.:brs. ro, qro,ions or concems, contact customer service via ourweb,sitc, email or by phon!, weekdays ,rom gAM . 4pM. Veriried ov,?^*\ C*r^*r, f Flow Calibration Data is not perbrmance data Tiisdata i3 u_sed by the system op€rating mode to improve ths flow accuracy. The FrowVerification Data ls performanca data, Flow Calibration Data 5% 10o/o 2Oo/o 30o/o 40Yo 50o/o 600/o 70o/o g00h 900/6 lOOo/o Flow Verlfication Data Set Flow Page 7 I o*, llnt lav Analyzer lnbrterence Check EPA Method 20. section 5.4 Preformed by: Andy Winkler, Max Winkler % of Span = Analyzer Output Response x 100lnstrument Span % of Span must be less than 2o/o ol lhe analyzer span value Gas Panmeter Oxygen, 02 Manufacture: Servomex Model: 1440 Seial Number 01440D|V02408S Span: 20.00o/o Date: 6/'16/2019 Cylinder lD: EB005064/dg7 Cylinder Components Concentrution. opmNOx: 196.5 ppmCO: 200.0 ppmSO2: 186.1 ppm Date:71912019 Cylinder lD: CCS161 91/dg4 Cylinder Comoonents Concentration o/o. oomHzS 16.5 ppm Date:712120i9 Cylinder lD: CCs1 61 91/dg4 Cylinder Comoonents Concentration.oomTHC 42.1 Analyzer Output Resoonse 0 0 0 Analyzer Output Resoonse 0 %o of Soan 0 0 0 lo of Soan 0 Analyzer Output Resoonse 0 Vo of Soan 0 Page 72 clot€1 . otsl CIotfl . ots fl - - - fi lfl o o ot* $$ i " " " $g " " $$ " $H " g)@ $u = E * $ $ r s r $ $ * ' $ $ r g $ $E * $ * $ $g e , ' $ $E l , n $ $H g s sH Ex o!(!(06-obNeEoEINc6€6-C IIatE(!o.U'Eae l@EEdlE otiEItrE6$6cIo., ob}R !=3x(! or EFg o. E :3Ha =< id ; f- o "E BEo. Pa g e 73 Sampling Sysfem Response Time 7-esf Company: MarathonLocation: Salt Lake Citv. Utah Emission Source: FCCMGS Outtet Dale: 51112024 Project No.: KR-11800 Test Site: FCCMGS Ouflet Lengthffype of Sample line used: 200' TFE CEMS Sample Rate, liters per minute: 4 lom Upscale Resoonse Time. seconds: Downscale resoonse Time. seconds: Initial CEMS Sampte System Leak Checp. lpnSS 5a5L Final CEMS Sampte System Leak Chectc lpN fntf Page 74 Client: Location: Source: Date: Prciect No.: Pollutant or diluent used: Follolving criteria: Maraton Salt Lake City FCC^/VGS s.'.t.2024 KR-1 1800 02 EPA Method 7E Section g.1.2 F.l Stack Exhaust Iraverse Point No. Gas concentration indicaled by anatyzer (ppmvd) % difference from mean 3 2 1 4.20 0.0% 0.2% 0.5% 4.19 4.18Average: 4.20 0.2% Average gas concentration indicated by analyzer: Average percent difference from mean gas concentration: ls the concentration at each traverse point within tS% of mean: ls the concentration at each traverse point within r1O% of mean: ls the concentration at each traverse point >10% of mean: Number of traverse points established for testing: Notes: t) Bafore gas concentration is determinod at each trdverse point, the technician waitstwice the response time.2).sample traverse points ere determined in accordance with table 1-2 0f EpA Methd 1.3) ff the concentration for att traverse points arc individually within 5.0g6 of the stackgas srreammean concentration, the strB€m ls considercd unstratified and sampling is achieved from asingle point that best matches the mean.q lf the 5.07o criterion is not met, but the concantration at each traverse point differs trom the mean concentratian for ail traversa points by no more than {0.0% of the meanconcentration, the gas sfream is cqtsidered to be minimally stratified and you may rakesarnp/es from three points at 16.r, fi.0, and g3.3 percent of the measurcment rine.5t lf ancantrations for all travarse points differ from the mean concentration by over 10.0% then12 traverse points are utilized and located in accordance with Table 1-1 0r Tabte 1-2 0f Mothod 1 4.2@ YES YES YES Page 75 7F iffi ,urmor rilsr*n.rrAnor Zero + Interferent: lnstrument Response / ppm Responseof lnstrument per ppm (per 016for CO2 & HrO) of lnterferent forZero + lnterferent + 0.400ECLegl 0.200coCLI o.oooc, tro,E -0.200 = 5 -o.4oo r H2O I HCI r NH3 r co2 H2 r cH4 rCO . N2O r NO2 rNO I so2 M8038 02 M803E CO2 Page 76 .ZL.IEIEIIIIEtl AovAr,rcEo pouunoN TNSTRUMEI{TAT|oil^"*"Zeiro * lnterferent: lnstrument Response / ppm = 0.400ECLg $l 0.200coCLI o.oooG, 0JE -0.200 = ! -o.noo Responseof lnstrument per ppm (per Yotor CO2 & HrO) of lnterferent forZero + lnterferent Results with NH" scrubber & sample dryer installed (option for all instruments) M803E 02 M803E CO2 r H2O r HCI I NH3 r CO2 H2 r cH4 rco r' N2O I NO2 rNO r so2-0.600 Page 77 .-,rElElrx ADv ilc€o pouuno[ rr{$nftiEtfiAlr0r{ Zero + lnterferent: lnstrument Response / ppm Response of lnstrument per ppm (per Yo for CO2 & HrO) of lnterferent lorZero+ lnterferent Results with NH" scrubber & sample dryer installed 2 0.020E CLggl 0.010co CLI o.oooc, trf -o.oro S -o.o2o r H2O r HCI I NH3 r co2 H2 ! cH4 rCO r NzO r NO2 rNO r so2 M803E 02 M8038 CO2 Page 78 .,L.ITIEY'XE7tl AovAr,lcEo muunoN lNsrruuENTATIoil Z"i6 * lnterferent: 40CFR60 App . 4-A Metho d 7E !ndividual lnterferents Effect as a Percentage of Span 3.000 s tr(!* z.ooo o c,oo.! trc,3 r.ooooCL(! l! cOJb 0.000Eo so oE -1.000 o CL6oG, c E -r.* tr I L%H2O r Hcl r NH3 r 15%CO2 H2 r CH4 tco n N20 I NO2 rNO I SO2 M2OOEM M2OOEH M803E_O2 M803E_CO2 Page 79 /?L.TETEDYf,E7t aovA rcEDpou-unoNrNsrRUMENTATtotr Zero + lnterferent: 40CFR60 App.4-A MethodTE 40CFR60 App. A-4 Method 7E -Zero + lnterferent Effect as a Percentage 3.000 x tr(E CLE z.soooobo.! tro, b 2.000 4(! l! c0,b 1.s0o!o Eo H r.oootroCL oc, E o.soo E o.ooo All instruments pass the Method 7E criteria, having summed interference +fur***snrorr Span + Interferent: lnstrument Response / ppm Responseof lnstrument per ppm (per 96tor CO2 & HrO) of lnterferent forSpan + lnterferent ECL-9 o.soo gtcoo.I o.ooo oa coI = -o.soo E r H2O r HCI r NH3 . co2 H2 ! cH4 rCO r N20 I NO2 rNO r so2 M803E_O2 M803E_CO2 Page 8 I .,L.IEIEYf,C7t AovxicEDm[rmo[rNsrnuilENTAlroti Span + Interferent: lnstrument Response / ppm Response of lnstrument per ppm lper % for CO, & H2O) of lnterferent forSpan + lnterferent ECL9 o.sooo o CLI o.oooc, troF = -o.soo c r H2O r HCI I NH3 ! CO2 H2 r cH4 rCO N20 r NO2 rNO r so2 Results with NH" scrubber sample dryer installed (option for all instruments) M803E_O2 M8038_CO2 Page 82 +furruilntm.wor Span + lnterferent: Instrument Response / ppm ECL-9 o.oso gtcoCLI o.omc, gi -o.oso 6tr Responseof lnstrument per ppm (per "16lor CO2 & H2O) of lnterferent forSpan + lnterferent Results with NH" scrubber & sample dryer nstalled (option br all instruments) M300EM M803E_O2 M8038_CO2 r H2O r HCI I NH3 r CO2 H2 r cH4 rCO I N20 r NO2 rilO r so2 Page 83 f ffi.gilruilnilEt{T^Irox Span + Interferent: 40CFR60 App . 4-A Method 7E lndividua! lnterferents Effect as a Percentage of Span 3.m0 x trl!* z.ooo oou0l!P_ oE r.ooooo(! t! trob 0.000E(, 6 E .r.* o CL oc, C E -r.* E . t%H20 r Hcl r NH3 r 15% CO2 H2 r cH4 rCO r N2O ! NO2 rNO r so2 -3.(m M8038_O2 M803E_CO2 Page 84 iF Hffi [ ru,nrcn ,*.ilnt,nrnotrhrffLa-r Span + Interferent: 40CFR60 App.4-A MethodTE of Span All instruments pass the Method 7E criteria, having summed interference effects under 2.5% 40CFR60 App. A4 Method 7E -Zero + lnterferent Effect as a Percentage M300EM M803E_O2 M803E_CO2 3.0q) )t Go,E z.sooooEt! coUb 2.000Ao.A.! tr $ r.sooEo E E $l r.oootroBt^oG E o.t, E 6s 0.m0 ^2L,III.EYilE 't AOVANCEO POI.IUIIoN INSTRUMENTAIIoI{ Conclusions .40CFR60 App. A-4 Method 7E interference testinq . Relatively straightforward to perform . Huge investment in the time & resources involved to ensure quality experimental setup, execution, and data analysis '@. Show that the Teledyne - API instruments common to RATA and CEMS applications meet the interference effect criteria defined by 40CFR60 App. A-4 Method 7E a . The instruments perbrm urellwithin the crihria Page 86 ^'L,ITIEYre7t ADv r{cEDPoufioNrNsrruMENTAnoil ^ t-fr t..h.erCrD.n Conclusions . For the Span + lnterferent tests . Some of the instruments (M100EH, M300E, M300EM, M803E(CO2), perform well within the criteria . The NO, instruments (especially the M200EH) are close to the threshold . lt should be noted that this is for all interferent gasses combined at their max (worst case scenerio) . Shows why RATA analyzers need to be calibrated under the same conditions as the CEMS instruments for proper comparison ,L,ltlfDtfltt7l A0vA lcED muunoN rNsTRuMENTATror{ Acknowledgements . Teledyne - API Engineering & Sales - Pat King - Robin Becker - David Neuschuler - Kirk Lovewel! - Jeff Franks - Bill Taylor - Martin Abbott AppnNox F CEMS D.q,.ra Page 89 q(o$NoNtrq6$NoNF_qoFsalqF!lN =(L(sooFt ooEE !E Eu J u J 0o o ,= e c =6 68t c dG Got a a og g oc c :' tl J u l ctO\ i \ i @!N ltE OF FN O + r O @ N € O t ? ? *t r l t * * * l + i 3 * : l : l r CT C C C E E E E E E == = = t : 5 3 = = = Eg , E E , T , T , E E G G t r , Pa g e 90 =o-(!(5oFE, Pa g e 9l (l:ltE Pa g e 92 Eo-GooFt =)(LGGoFE. Pa g e 9 3 =(L(oGoFE. ro:ltc. Pa g e 94 =)o-(oooFt roIttrd Pa g e 9 5 N*!E=t :5o-GooFtr =)LGGoFt Pa g e 97 tJJ-atLczaao F):)aJIstzl LU !=l LIol(l>lzt LrJ ' 0- 'IoIFf Pa g e 9 8 Tesoro COBB Secondary Analyzer RATA RM 3A, 6C, 7E, 19 - (tested 5-6-2024) Reference Methods 2, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, & 19 Source Information Company Name Tesoro Refinery Company Contact:Chris Kaiser Contact Phone No.801-521-4959 Stack Designation:COBB Secondary Analyzer Test & Review Dates Test Date:5/6/2024 Review Date: 10/9/2024 Observer:Not Observed Reviewer:Rob Leishman Emission Limits Emission Rates SO2 NOX CO SO2 NOX CO lbs./MMBtu lbs./hr. ppm %O2 Correction as a whole #0.00 0.00 Test Information Equivalent Diameter (in.)As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static) Ps Stack Pressure FALSE 0 Contractor Information Contact:Hope King Contracting Company: Advanced Industrial Resources (AIR) Address: 3407 Novis Pointe, Acworth GA 30101 Phone No.: 225-368-7414 Project No.: Division of Air Quality Instrumental Reference Methods - Gaseous Measurements Method 19 - F factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Fd Fw Fc dscf/MMBtu wscf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu Diluent F factor used O2 CO2 Anthracite 2 Bituminous 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane 10100 COAL OIL GAS 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 Wet CEM Correct For O2 CO2 Interference w/CO Yes Yes Yes Tesoro COBB Secondary Analyzer RATA RM 3A, 6C, 7E, 19 - (tested 5-6-2024) Company Tesoro Refinery Point Source COBB Secondary Analyzer Test Date 5/6/24 Start Time End Time Run O2 % NOx ppm NOx ppm@0% O2 SO2 ppm SO2 ppm@0% O2 Headers Here Headers Here Headers Here Headers Here Headers Here Headers Here Headers Here 11:25 11:46 1 1.06 40.44 42.99 785.88 840.52 11:48 12:09 2 1.05 65.51 37.09 1000.13 1049.94 12:11 12:32 3 1.05 33.7 35.63 707.1 737.29 13:32 13:53 4 1.02 25 26.24 768.84 804.04 13:55 14:16 5 1.03 27.3 28.61 673.23 706.92 11:48 12:09 6 1.05 29.42 32.23 651.07 688.13 15:34 15:55 7 1.09 29.72 31.84 453.2 475.47 15:57 16:18 8 1.15 30.49 32.26 421.81 446.94 16:20 16:41 9 1.18 31.91 34.17 375.77 398.59 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Tesoro COBB Secondary Analyzer RATA RM 3A, 6C, 7E, 19 - (tested 5-6-2024) Division of Air Quality NSPS Relative Accuracy Performance Specification Test - CEMS Certification Tesoro Refinery COBB Secondary Analyzer SO2 Analyzer:Serial No.: CO2 Analyzer:Serial No.: Acquisition System:Serial No.: Acquisition System: Serial No.: Equivalent Emission Limit: Test Date SO2 Dry SO2 Dry SO2 Test Date % CO2 Dry 5/6/2024 RM CEMS Diff RM CEMS Diff RM CEMS Diff 5/6/2024 RM CEMS Diff Run#Start Time End Time ppm @ 0% O2 lbs./MMBtu lbs./hr. Run# Start Time End Time %c %c 1 11:25 11:46 Y 817.9 840.52 -22.59 #VALUE! 1 11:25 11:46 2 11:48 12:09 Y 1071.2 1049.9 21.30 #VALUE! 2 11:48 12:09 3 12:11 12:32 Y 772.3 737.29 34.96 #VALUE! 3 12:11 12:32 4 13:32 13:53 Y 820.6 804.04 16.57 #VALUE! 4 13:32 13:53 5 13:55 14:16 Y 723.7 706.92 16.78 #VALUE! 5 13:55 14:16 6 11:48 12:09 Y 705.5 688.13 17.35 #VALUE! 6 11:48 12:09 7 15:34 15:55 Y 463.5 475.47 -12.00 #VALUE! 7 15:34 15:55 8 15:57 16:18 Y 448.0 446.94 1.09 #VALUE! 8 15:57 16:18 9 16:20 16:41 Y 410.5 398.59 11.94 #VALUE! 9 16:20 16:41 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 Average = 692.6 683.09 9.49 Average = Sd Standard Deviation = 17.75 Sd Standard Deviation = Sd Standard Deviation = Sd Standard Deviation = Confidence Coefficient = 13.65 Confidence Coefficient = Confidence Coefficient = Confidence Coefficient = RA - Relative Accuracy =3.30%RA RA RA - Relative Accuracy = n = 9 0 0 n = 0 or RA of 1% t0.975 = 2.306 t0.975 = E.L. Relative Accuracy = a For steam generators;b Average of three samples;0 c Make sure that RM and M data are on a consistent basis either wet or dry. 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 2 For SO2 and NOx Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems 13.2 Relative accuracy Performance Specification. The RA of the CEMSS must be not greater than 20 percent when RM is used in the denominator of Eq. 2-6 (average emissions during test are greater than 50 percent of the emission standard)or 10 percent when the applicable emission standard is used in the denominator of Eq. 2-6 (average emissions during test are less than 50 percent of the emission standard). Up dated January 17, 2006 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 3 For O2 and CO2 Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems 13.2 CEMS Relative Accuracy Perfromance Specification. The RA of the CEMS must be no grater than 20 percent of the mean value of the reference method (RM) data. 1 percent O2 or CO2. The results are also acceptable if the absolute value of the difference between the mean RM value and the mean CEMS value is less than or equal to 1.0 percent O2 (or CO2). Up dated September 14, 2016 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 6 For Continuous Emission Rate Monitoring Systems (CERMS) 13.2 CERMS Relative Accuracy. The RA of the CERMS shall be no greater than 20 percent of the mean value of the RM's test data in terms of the nits of the emission standard, or 10 percent of the applicable standard, which err is greater. Up dated January 17, 2006 Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Horiba CI-761CU Y4WE0JGY Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Passed Tesoro COBB Secondary Analyzer RATA RM 3A, 6C, 7E, 19 - (tested 5-6-2024) Division of Air Quality Relative Accuracy Test Audit of Tesoro Refinery COBB Secondary Analyzer NOX Analyzer:Serial No.: O2 Analyzer:Serial No.: Acquisition System:Serial No.: Acquisition System: Serial No.: Equivalent Emission Limit: Date NOx Dry NOx Dry NOx Test Date % O2 Dry 5/6/2024 RM CEMS Diff RM CEMS Diff RM CEMS Diff 9/30/2014 RM CEMS Diff Run#Start Time End Time ppm @ 0% O2 lbs./MMBtu lbs./hr. Run# Start Time End Time %c %c 1 11:25 11:46 Y 40.6 42.99 -2.4 #VALUE! 1 11:25 11:46 Y 1.2 1.06 0.147 2 11:48 12:09 Y 36.2 37.09 -0.9 #VALUE! 2 11:48 12:09 Y 1.3 1.05 0.241 3 12:11 12:32 Y 34.9 35.63 -0.7 #VALUE! 3 12:11 12:32 Y 1.2 1.05 0.100 4 13:32 13:53 Y 30.1 26.24 3.9 #VALUE! 4 13:32 13:53 Y 1.2 1.02 0.154 5 13:55 14:16 Y 31.9 28.61 3.3 #VALUE! 5 13:55 14:16 Y 1.2 1.03 0.149 6 11:48 12:09 Y 33.9 32.23 1.7 #VALUE! 6 11:48 12:09 Y 1.3 1.05 0.208 7 15:34 15:55 Y 30.5 31.84 -1.4 #VALUE! 7 15:34 15:55 Y 0.9 1.09 -0.210 8 15:57 16:18 Y 32.3 32.26 0.0 #VALUE! 8 15:57 16:18 Y 1.1 1.15 -0.030 9 16:20 16:41 Y 31.2 34.17 -3.0 #VALUE! 9 16:20 16:41 Y 1.3 1.18 0.091 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 Average = 33.5 33.5 0.053 Average = 1.170 1.070 0.094 Sd Standard Deviation = 2.42 Sd Standard Deviation = Sd Standard Deviation = Sd Standard Deviation = 0.14 Confidence Coefficient = 1.858 Confidence Coefficient = Confidence Coefficient = Confidence Coefficient = 0.106 RA - Relative Accuracy =5.70%Relative Accuracy = Relative Accuracy = RA - Relative Accuracy =17.09% n = 9 0 0 n = 9 or RA of 1%0.10% t0.975 = 2.306 t0.975 = t0.975 = t0.975 = 2.306 E.L. Relative Accuracy = EMRA EMRA a For steam generators;b Average of three samples; c Make sure that RM and M data are on a consistent basis either wet or dry. 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 2 For SO2 and NOx Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems 4. Performance and Equipment Specifications 4.3 Relative accuracy. The RA of the CEMSS shall be no grater than 20 percent of the mean value of the RM test data in terms of the units of the emission standard or 10 percent of the applicable standard, whichever is greater For SO2 emission standards between 0.30 and 0.20 lbs./MMBtu use 15 Percent of the applicable standard; For SO2 emission standards below 0.20 lbs./MMBtu use 20 Percent of the emission standard; 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 3 For O2 and CO2 Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems 12. Calculate the arithmetic difference between the RM and the CEMSS output for each run. The average of the nine (of more) data sets constitute the RA. 13.2 Relative accuracy. The RA of the CEMSS must be no grater than 1 percent O2 or CO2. 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 6 For Continuous Emission Rate Monitoring Systems (CERMS) 13.2 CERMS Relative Accuracy. The RA of the CERMS shall be no greater than 20 percent of the mean value of the RM's test data in terms of the nits of the emission standard, or 10 percent of the applicable standard, which err is greater. Up dated January 17, 2006 Y4WE0JGYHoriba CI-761CU Horiba CI-761CU Y4WE0JGY Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Ac t i v a t e R u n ? PassedPassed Tesoro COBB Secondary Analyzer RATA RM 3A, 6C, 7E, 19 - (tested 5-6-2024) Division of Air Quality Relative Accuracy Test Audit of Tesoro Refinery COBB Secondary Analyzer CO Analyzer:Serial No.: Acquisition System: Acquisition System: Serial No.: Equivalent Emission Limit: Date CO Dry CO Dry CO 5/6/2024 RM CEMS Diff RM CEMS Diff RM CEMS Diff Run#Start Time End Time ppm @ % O2 lbs./MMBtu lbs./hr. 1 11:25 11:46 2 11:48 12:09 3 12:11 12:32 4 13:32 13:53 5 13:55 14:16 6 11:48 12:09 7 15:34 15:55 8 15:57 16:18 9 16:20 16:41 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Average = Sd Standard Deviation = Confidence Coefficient = RA - Relative Accuracy = n = 0 0 0 t0.975 = E.L. Relative Accuracy = a For steam generators;b Average of three samples; c Make sure that RM and M data are on a consistent basis either wet or dry. 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 4 For Carbon Monoxide (CO) Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems applicable emission standard is used to calculate RA. 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 4A For Carbon Monoxide (CO) Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems 13.2 Relative accuracy. The RA of the CEMSS must be no greater than 10 percent when the average RM value is used to calculate RA, 5 percent when the applicable emission standard is used to calculate RA, or within 5 ppmv when the RA is calculated as the absolute average difference between the RM and CEMSS plus the 2.5 percent confidence coefficient. 40 CFR 60 Performance Specification 6 For Continuous Emission Rate Monitoring Systems (CERMS) 13.2 CERMS Relative Accuracy. The RA of the CERMS shall be no greater than 20 percent of the mean value of the RM's test data in terms of the nits of the emission standard, or 10 percent of the applicable standard, which err is greater. Up dated January 17, 2006 13.2 Relative accuracy. The RA of the CEMSS must be no grater than 10 percent when the average of the RM value is used to calculate RA or 5 percent when the Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Ac t i v a t e R u n ? Tesoro COBB Secondary Analyzer RATA RM 3A, 6C, 7E, 19 - (tested 5-6-2024) Division of Air Quality NSPS Relative Accuracy Performance Specification Test - CEMS Certification Tesoro Refinery COBB Secondary Analyzer Average Emission Dry SO2 NOX CO lbs./MMBtu Average % concentration lbs./hr.CO2 O2 ppm corrected for %O2 692.58 33.50 1.17 Run 1 Enter O2 or CO2 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft 1.281E-04 4.564E-06 lbs./hr.1.21 ppm corrected for %O2 817.93 40.55 1.18 Run 2 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft 1.670E-04 4.054E-06 lbs./hr.1.29 ppm corrected for %O2 1071.24 36.18 1.28 Raw Value Run 3 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft 1.213E-04 3.942E-06 lbs./hr.1.15 ppm corrected for %O2 772.25 34.92 1.14 Raw Value Run 4 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft 1.287E-04 3.398E-06 lbs./hr.1.17 ppm corrected for %O2 820.61 30.14 1.12 Raw Value Run 5 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft 1.135E-04 3.591E-06 lbs./hr.1.18 ppm corrected for %O2 723.70 31.86 1.08 Raw Value Corrected For Cal. Drift Raw Value Corrected For Cal. Drift Corrected For Cal. Drift Corrected For Cal. Drift Corrected For Cal. Drift O2 CO2 Clear lbs./MMBTU Tesoro COBB Secondary Analyzer RATA RM 3A, 6C, 7E, 19 - (tested 5-6-2024) Division of Air Quality NSPS Relative Accuracy Performance Specification Test - CEMS Certification Tesoro Refinery COBB Secondary Analyzer O2 CO2 Clear lbs./MMBTU Run 6 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft 1.102E-04 3.810E-06 lbs./hr.1.26 ppm corrected for %O2 705.48 33.94 1.16 Raw Value Run 7 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft 7.378E-05 3.485E-06 lbs./hr.0.88 ppm corrected for %O2 463.47 30.46 0.83 Raw Value Run 8 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft 7.047E-05 3.652E-06 lbs./hr.1.12 ppm corrected for %O2 448.03 32.30 1.12 Raw Value Run 9 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft 6.408E-05 3.499E-06 lbs./hr.1.27 ppm corrected for %O2 410.53 31.19 1.27 Raw Value Run 10 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft lbs./hr. ppm corrected for %O2 Raw Value Run 11 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs./MMBtu (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9-%O2d)) lbs./MMBtu (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO2d) lbs./cu.ft lbs./hr. ppm corrected for %O2 Raw Value Corrected For Cal. Drift Corrected For Cal. Drift Corrected For Cal. Drift Corrected For Cal. Drift Corrected For Cal. Drift Corrected For Cal. Drift Tesoro COBB Secondary Analyzer RATA RM 3A, 6C, 7E, 19 - (tested 5-6-2024) Calibration Error Test Test Date May 6, 2024 O2 CS - Cal. Span 20.57 Units % Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.15% Passed Cal. Mid-level 10.00 9.96 0.04 0.19% Passed Cal. High-level 20.57 20.58 0.01 0.05% Passed Cal. % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of CS - Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 48.61% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date CO2 CS - Cal. Span Units % Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date May 6, 2024 SO2 CS - Cal. Span 1,500.00 Units ppm Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 -0.90 0.90 0.060% Passed Cal. Mid-level 750.00 750.40 0.40 0.027% Passed Cal. High-level 1,500.00 1,493.60 6.40 0.427% Passed Cal. % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 50.00% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date May 6, 2024 NOx CS - Cal. Span 200.00 Units ppm Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Passed Cal. Mid-level 100.00 99.30 0.70 0.350% Passed Cal. High-level 200.00 199.60 0.40 0.200% Passed Cal. % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 50.00% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date CO CS - Cal. Span Units ppm Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level