HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-010856State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director September L7,2024 DAQC-924-24 Site ID 14931 (Bl) Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70190700000208347419 Margaret Marsh Flowers Bakeries, LLC Flowers Baking Co. of Utah,LLC 1919 Flowers Circle Thomasville, Georgia 317 57 -1 137 Flowers Baking Company of Utah, LLC 6208 West Dannon Way West Jordan, Utah 84081-5694 Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70190700000208347426 Corporation Service Company Registered Agent 15 West South Temple, Suite 600 Salt Lake city, Utah 84101-1536 Notice of Violation and Order to Comply - Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN1493 1 0002-24 - Salt Lake County Dear Ms. Marsh and Registered Agent: On August 21,2024, a representative of the Director of the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) conducted a compliance inspection at the bakery located at 6208 Dannon Way, West Jordan, Salt Lake County, owned and operated by Flowers Bakeries,LLC and Flowers Baking Co. of Utah, LLC (collectively Flowers) located at 1919 Flowers Circle in Thomasville, Georgia. At the time of inspection, it was determined that Flowers was in violation of AO DAQE-AN149310002-24 condition II.B.3.a for exceeding established Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emission limits. 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 . Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 5364000. Fax (801) 5364099. T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 w,w.deq.utoh.gov Printed on 100% rccycled paper Re: DAQC-924-24 Page2 The enclosed Notice of Violation and Order to Comply (Order) is based on the findings documented during the inspection dated August 27,2024, and the documentation provided by Flowers. The Order is effective on the date of issuance, which is the date it was signed and dated. Compliance with the Order is mandatory and will not relieve the company of liability for any past violations. To request a formal administrative hearing, the procedures detailed in the paragraph entitled "Compliance, Opportunity for a Hearing" must be followed. The Order requires Flowers, to submit written notif,rcation of its intent to comply, outlining how, and when compliance will be achieved to the DAQ in writing on or before the l5th day after receipt of this Order. Questions regarding this matter may be directed to Chad Gilgen at (3 85) 306-6500 or cgilgen@utah.gov. When responding, refer to the DAQC number in the upper right corner of this letter. Sincerely, ,4d Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:SW:rh Enclosure: Notice of Violation and Order to Comply cc: Kimberly D. Shelley, Executive Ditector, Department of Environmental Quality Salt Lake County Health Department DAQC-924-24 Page 3 The Utah Division of Air Quality ooOoo ln the Matter of : Flowers Bakeries, LLC : and Flowers Baking Co. : of Utah, LLC : ooOoo Notice of Violation and Order to Comply No, 2024091 1008 This Notice of Violation and Order to Comply is issued by the Director of the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAO) pursuant to the Utah Air Conservation Act (Act), Utah Code Ann. $ 19-2-101 et seg. The Director is authorized to issue Notices of Violation pursuant to Utah Code Ann. S 19-2- 1 10. The Director has the authority to issue Orders in accordance with Utah Code Ann. $$ 19-2- 107(2)(a)(xiii) and 19-2-110(1 ). Findings: Flowers Bakeries, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, and Flowers Baking Co. of Utah, LLC, a Utah limited liability company, (collectively Flowers) operate the bakery at 6208 Dannon Way, in West Jordan, Salt Lake County. On July 19, 2024, DAQ issued an Approval Order (AO) DAOE-AN149310002-24 to Flowers. AO Condition ll.B.3.a requires that the owner/operator shall not emit more than 28.90 tons per rolling 12-month period of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) from the fermenting and baking operations on site. Records provided during a compliance inspection on August 21 , 2024, showed actual VOC emissions were at 222.3535 tons for the rolling 12-month period through July 2024. 1. 2. DAQC-924-24 Page 4 Violations: Based on the foregoing Findings and in accordance with the Act, and AO DAQE-AN149310002-24, Flowers, is in violation of: 1. Condition ll.B.3.a of the AO for failure to limit VOC emissions to no more than 28.90 tons per rolling 12-month period from the fermenting and baking operations on site. Order: Based on the foregoing Findings and Violations, and pursuant to Utah Code Ann. SS 19-2- 107(2)(a)(xiii), 19-2-110(1), 19-2-120, and the applicable conditions of AO DAQE-AN149310002-24, Flowers is hereby ordered to: 1. lmmediately initiate all actions necessary to achieve total compliance with all applicable provisions of the Act, and AO DAQE-AN149310002-24 Condition ll.B.3.a. 2. Notify this office in writing on or before the 1Sth day after receipt of this letter, of Flowers' intent to comply with this Order and indicate how compliance is to be achieved. 3. Submit a Notice of lntent for a Major Source Approval Order modification to the DAQ on or before 30 days from the date of receipt of this notice. 4. Submit a comprehensive compliance plan with an accelerated timeline for installation and emission testing of the two (2) new catalytic oxidizers listed in AO DAQE-AN1 49310002-24 on or before 30 days of the date of receipt of this notice. 5. Submit to the DAQ the updated rolling 12-month VOC emission numbers from fermenting and baking operations each month, no later than the 1't of each month, until directed otherwise by the DAQ. DAQC-924-24 Page 5 Compliance, Opportunity for a Hearing: This Order is effective on the date of issuance, which is the date it is signed and dated. Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. S 19-1-301 and UAC R305-7-3, you have thirty (30)days after issuance of this Notice of Violation and Order to Comply to seek a review of the same by filing a written request for agency action with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. lf a proper request, compliant with all applicable laws, is not made within the time permitted, the Notice of Violation and Order to Comply shall be a final agency action and may be enforced in further adjudicative proceedings. Civil Penalty: You are in violation of AO DAQE- AN149310002-24, and consequently, the Utah Air Conservation Act, State rules promulgated under the Act, and the applicable federal rules. As such, you are subject in a civil proceeding to a penalty not to exceed $10,000 per day for each violation. The statutory penalty amount may be determined and satisfied by agreement between Flowers and DAQ. Thirty (30) days after the issuance of this Notice of Violation and Order to Comply, and if no request for agency action is filed, DAQ may elect to have the amount of the penalty assessed and imposed by filing a civil action against you in a court of proper jurisdiction and venue. psfsd roth day of September 2024. 4-d Bryce C. Bird, Director Utah Division of Air Quality {ililI : Pleasa prlnt your name, AH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY SECTION BOX 1M820 T LAKE CITY UT 841144820 ll11,1;hl {ll,lhllltl'1ll't,ls1;yr\r,rl,llllsllfllll rll Fl,3t€lsss Malt Pgstage& Feeo PaE USPS PermltNo. &10 DAOc- \z+-L+ NeiC\.t CT, I c,o czut =zo =ztll ll.o zul =CEsuJo r Complete i-tg.r_ns 1,2, and 3.r Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the ftont lf ?El,q E?Etl uuEe 8fl3'+ ?q11 t deliveryaddrsssdfffercntfiom lt€m 1? Ll Yes !S, enterdellveryaddrcss beloun E No A" SlgnaturB x tr G6rtlfl6d Ma[ BostH€d Ddlv€ry tr Coflecton Ddtusrytr Collecl on Dollvory B$trlct6d Daflv€ry B PdodtyMa[ EA.€ss@ E Frgbt6rcdMafliltr Rogl8to]€d Ma[ Restslcl3d DellveryIl SlgnEturB CofifinrEthnil E SlgnaturEoonf,rmatlon Festrict€d Dellvsry Domestlc Retum Recolpl frr fm EOtf ruEIEEI EIE'rLtrI Ir trlr! MARGARET MARSH FLOWERS BAKERIES, LLC FLOWERS BAKING CO. OF UTAH. LLC I9I9 FLOWERS CIRCLE THOMASVILLE, GA 31757-1137 M Deryrcs q 196 (M e\ ffi t@ I qppqtato) lnamnecaptgwucopyl S-_ O ncun notpr (cr*roric) s _ ficatnca uatr nauaeo ootivdy C --! eout Stgmturc ncquhoo O _ SlgostuE R6t bl6d Dolh€ry $ _ l.^oi)et e\/t7/Z+ AOC-tz4-2+ USPSTRACXT{G# IIrq 1? DACL - 1Z+-z+ iI riiii',' iitii!liii' iiiriii iiii,!i', iii,, rii!'i'i, iiiirii,, First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permlt No. G-10 Agent Addressee C. Date of Delivery E Prlority Mail Express@ B Reglstered MailrMtr Begistered Mail RestrlctedDelivery E Slgnature ConfirmatonnE Signature Conflrmatlon Flestrlcted Delivery Domestic Return Receipt rut<,lo) oq/nta Postmai( Hero PAOC-124 -2+ lilill |ffiIilil fiil ffi ililItllt il il il Iill llil iltI ilt 1. Article Addressed to: 2 tU t- o- LIJo States SrviceiIGeu =q-= u.,Y, .r) =ziJJ r Gomplete items 1,2, and O.I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you,r Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,or on the front if space permits. D. ls delivery addrcss different from item 1?iS, enter delivery address below:tr Yes No CORFORATION SERVICE COMPANY REGTSTEREE AGENT I5 W S TEMPLE, STE 600 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 8410I-1536 ilil]l ut uillillilt il il il ilil ilt ]lt llt 9590 9402 8888 4064 116497 2. Article Number f iTansfer from service label) I Typetl Adult Signaturatl Adult Signaturs Restrictod Deliveryf Certifled Mail@tl Certiried Mail Restrlcted Detiv6wE Collet on Detiverytr Collect on Delivery Reslrlcted DeliveryE lnsured Mail7011 UTUE 0EEe 8831+ ?'{eh Maf, Hostricted Delivery g PS Form 381 1 , uuty zo2o psN 7530-02-o0o-sosg JIrufrr :fm EOE ruEEE EErLEI trrqErL CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY REGISTERED AGENT 15 W S TEMPLE, STE 600 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 8410I-1536 ' Senqer: Please print your name, AH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY MPLIANCE SECTION BOX 144820 T LAKE CITY UT 84114-4820 xra *ryrces 6 te€g (chek bq, add lq * apprcgdate) LJ Retun R@ipt {hard@py) $ , f]norm neipr letcrmtc; S _5 cmm"o rvtoinot ictod D.,iv.ry o - EAduh SlgnduE RequirEd g -.=.- D Adulr SlEnstuE R6Mcted Oeilvery S