HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-010852Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Etecutive Dreclor DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director Remailed: by Certified Mail No: 70 I 12970000t883680 I 4 State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Govemor DEIDRE IMNDERSON Lieulenanl Governor June25,2024 DAQC-603-24 Site ID 13284 (Bl) Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70112970[,00188367628 Bart Agee Wapiti Operating, LLC l25l Lumpkin Road Houston, TX77043 Dear Mr. Agee: Re: Waming Letter - Wapiti Operating, LLC - Interplanetary Compressor Station - Condition I.L of Title V Operating Permit 700083003, Carbon County On May 15,2024,the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received an annual compliance certification from Wapiti Operating, LLC, lnterplanetary Compressor Station. Upon review, the DAQ believes that Wapiti Operating, LLC was in violation of Condition I.L of Title V Operating Permit 700083003 for failing to submit an annual compliance certification by the March 1,2024, due date. Please be aware this letter is a waming and that future instances of noncompliance may be considered violations of Condition I.L of Title V Operating Permit 700083003 and Wapiti Operating, LLC may be assessed penalties up to $10,000 per day if found to be in violation of Utah Air Quality Rules. A response to this letter is not required. Ifyou have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Harold Burge at (385) 306-6509 or at hburge@utah.gov. Sincerely, <i*- c, JryItorfll iJun:4. :C?4 l3 :S I.l0I, Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:HBjl cc: Southeast Utah Health Deparunent 195 North 1950 West'Sah I-ake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820. Sdt Lake City, UT 841144820 Telephone (801) 53il000 . Fax (801) 5364499. T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 ww.deq.utoh.gov Printed on 100% reycled paper llllilt ilil tililill il I ililil ffi Iilffi lt til t,!PSTRACI(NG# lililt Flrst€lasE Mall Poctago & Fees Pald USPS PErmltNo G-10 States Servlce EC\I g) I (., <> tfi',1llll1',ilf rll;rrf l;f ,rlff ,,llt't,,lf ,llll,lllll,ll,,,litlt UTAH DIVISION OFAIR QUALITY COMPLIANCE SECTION'Pd-rorl 4/€20 SALT LAKE CITY UT 841144820 r Complete ltems 1,2' and 3. I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the cald to you. r Attach this card to the back of the mailpleca or on the fiont tf 1. Articlo Addr€ssed to3 WAPITI OPERATING LLC 1251 LUMPKIN RD HOUSTON TX 770434101 ililllll llll lll I llll ll I llllll lll ll lll lll ll lll 9590 9402 7139 1251 4586 17 ini:, iqzo onul' Ps Form 3811, uuty 2ozo esrl Poslago Certitiod Foe Retum FlecelDl Fes(Endommant Rsquked) Bsstrtcted Dallvsru Fse(Endoremont Rsqikod) rotar Postase& rr", DAQC$O3-24 AduttSlonduD naun Stinature Reofficbd lbllvenf E'cemeo uat neomctea oowerY tr CollectonDdlvsry tr Coll6c't om D€llvory Besfilct€d Ddlvory tr lnsut€d Mall tr ln6urcd Mall Restrlctod D€IN€ry tl Pdorlty lrall Frel€€Bo E Boslstatld ltita[il tr qBFHH€d Mall Restlctod tr SlgnatrrcConflmdonn El SlgnaturD Conflmatlon R€st lct€d Dellt 6ry Domestlc Return Receipt i ... WAPITI OPEFIATING LLCYr;Hl::''...-' 12s1 LUMPKTN RD eiu:5iai;:2ip;i'-"- HOUSTON TX T10454101 "'--- State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Goventor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieulenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Execative Director DTVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Direclor DAQC-603-24 Site ID 13284 (81)June25,2024 Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70112970000188367628 Bart Agee Wapiti Operating, LLC l25l Lumpkin Road Houston, TX77043 Dear Mr. Agee: Re: Warning Letter - Wapiti Operating, LLC - Interplanetary Compressor Station - Condition LL of Title V Operating Permit 700083003, Carbon County On May 15,2024, the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received an annual compliance certification from Wapiti Operating, LLC, Interplanetary Compressor Station. Upon review, the DAQ believes that Wapiti Operating, LLC was in violation of Condition I.L of Title V Operating Permit 700083003 for failing to submit an annual compliance certification by the March 1,2024, due date. Please be aware this letter is a warning and that future instances of noncompliance may be considered violations of Condition I.L of Title V Operating Permit 700083003 and Wapiti Operating, LLC may be assessed penalties up to $10,000 per day if found to be in violation of Utah Air Quality Rules. A response to this letter is not required. Ifyou have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Harold Burge at (385) 306-6509 or at hburge@utah.gov. Sincerely, Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:HBjl cc: Southeast Utah Health Department 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820. Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801 ) 5364000 . Fax (801) 5364099. T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 ww.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper 701129700001 88367628 Copy Add to lnformed Delivery Latest Update Your package is moving wlthln the USPS networlt ancl ls on tracl< to be delivered to its final destination. lt is cunently in transit to the next facility. Get Morc Out of USPS Tracking: USPS Tracking Plus@ Delivered Out for Delivery Preparing for Delivery Moving Through Network ln Transit to Next Facility July 2,2024 Anived at USPS Regional FacilitY NORTH HOUSTON TX DISTRIBUTION CENTER June 27,2024, 6:29 am Departed USPS Regional FacilitY SALT LAKE CITY UT DISTRIBUTION CENTER June 26, 2024,10:31 pm Anived at USPS Regional Facility SALT LAKE CITY UT DISTRIBUTION CENTER June 26, 2024,12:06 am Hlde Tracking HIstory Trac*ing Number: Etrru -Err -!m EO EO rlEg trl EIrrITru .r]rjl IErlr-I Rennai \ed I oq lnlzq OAaC- 6o3-21 ihl :6lzslzy Bart Agee Wapiti Operating, LLC 1251 Lumpkin Rd. Houston. TX 77043 Postmark Hero postage Ceiliticd Fec ._ R€tum Rmtpl Fes(Endorssmont Requlrod) ,flsstdctad Dollvory Fog