HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemp - DERR-2024-011145Utah Department of Environmental Quality UST lnstallation lnspection I Ao'/ lAo // Date instailed 1- a7.- 1a2a Pre-installation pressure test date or vacuum date (dry interstice) dl^ Ze - 20 24 Readingofpressureo4@ro,pre-installationtest(dryinterstice)#q*-,2l Type of overfill prevention device (shutoff or alarm) Location of Tanks TAYLORSVILLE-BENNION IMP. DIST. 47oO S 18oO W SALT LAKE CITY UT rank.No. f/ ran1ry?, lB ragHol. A/ ?,w', \--> 6 -2y242, SzzFA.p 5 drt O iea*4 Qeat. ie k_ loK 84118j Tank No. l i 1 No NA Exp. Date: I -026 NA NA @ NA NA Page I of_400'1824 Ownership of Tanks TAYLORSVILLE BENNION IMP DIST PO BOX 18579 SALT LAKE CITY UT 841 18 Tanks lnstalled. Use.add!t!ona! Fages as needed. New lnstallation ot. ypgl?g.9.- UL Number Material of construction (FRP, Steel, Composite, etc.) Double walled - dry or brine filled Substance to be stored Capacity Overfill alarm has sign and is visible and audible to driver (RP100) Type of spill prevention device (single or dw spill bucket, sump, etc) Amount of tank deflection readings (initial) Amount of tank deflection readings (hold down straps) Amount of tank deflection readings (backfill top of tank) Piping !nformation Material of construction (Flex plastic, FRP, etc) Type (Pressure, Suction, Safe Suction, Glavity) Date pre-installation air test passed Pressure for pre-installation air test lnstallation Specifi cations r l2,o'/1 l2o t/'t tt t, Do you have a copy of the tank manufacturer's installation manual and PEI RP100 with you Certified tank installer -i/O-l 3 Qatkl41 n Cert. #: TL O tZ 4 certified rnstarlation company S f,aCLirTa " €nLffp {,\f;tt.*:tc i be b Visual inspection of tank(s) rereals li is trle frdm'damage v ' r- - ' Visual inspection reveals no brine on either the inside or outside of the tank(s) (from interstitial space of brine tank) Damaged components have been repaired by the manufacturer Tank and piping excavations are free of debris H*:#ffi{}"1,':;ffi [:[*jlh^",[*h ns'[a a'i'n manua ): p u, e' d at Geotextile fabric separates any secondary backfill (required) Estimated de-pth to groundwater Tank(s) are placed at sufficient depth for traffic requirements, groundwater conditions (cttgck installation manual) Tanks are outside the shadow of the 45 degree factor of a structure's footing (PEl RP100 Fig a-2) Distance from tank(s) to nearest propefi tine: I O C t M Distance from tank(s) to nearest structure: ZO' Anchoring method is adequate for groundwater considerations. Note method here: dCAf Wen "/ - Hold-down straps are in place according to manufacturer's specifications (check installation manual if clamps are used) Tank spacing is at least 18" between tank(s) and excavation wall (stable wall) or 18" between tank(s) and 112 times tank diameter excavation wall (unstable wall) Tank is level or sloped toward interstitial monitor probe Backfill has been adequately compacted for full suport along tank length at 5 and 7 o'clock Date of pressure test after backfill to top of tank (before piping is installed) NA @q NA No No No No No NA No NA 3irNoNA No NA 5 t!6$ no ffi*" Yes No ies rvo deJ\ uok-/ r(name) lan W ar ne( , rnspector's Sisnat[rei' ",flp)w< /4 Cn/,U/. Ver. 10/5/2018 certify that I inspected the above-named facility on (date): q - 27JOA+ @2:2 @ Yes Yes @ Cert.#: Tl .'lA hr 120" 120 1/4" Flexible plastic Pressure 10/8/2024 50 psi Page 2 of_Utah Department of Environmental Quality UST Facility Site Plat NORTH 4001824 wal\ 5l40p Show locations of all buildings, streets, tanks, piping, and dispenser islands. lndicate the product in each tank. Show tocationts of tank manways and identify each: submersible pump (S), tank fill (F), ATG probe (A), interstitial probe (l), vapor recovery (V), capped plug (C), other( specify). Comments: