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NRD Trustee – Comment Response Summary – Response to Common Comment No. 1 1-1
AUGUST 31, 2004
Response to Common Comment No. 1 – Process for Public Involvement
A number of comments questioned whether the public has had an adequate opportunity to be
involved in the consideration of the Joint Proposal. As explained below, the Trustee believes
ample opportunity for public involvement has been provided. Numerous comments have been
considered, and comments have substantively affected the Trustee’s final decision. In addition,
opportunities for public involvement will continue while the project is being implemented. This
response addresses those comments that expressed concern about the time to comment on the
Joint Proposal and related agreements as well as those which questioned the level of public
involvement on the broader question of groundwater cleanup in the southwestern part of the
Jordan Valley.
Public involvement in decisions about groundwater cleanup in the southwestern part of the Jordan
Valley predates the submittal and review of the Joint Proposal. In the early 1990’s, EPA and
DEQ formed the Technical Review Committee (TRC), consisting of representatives of federal,
state and local regulatory agencies, academia, private citizens, local government and
environmental groups. The TRC has reviewed the information being developed about the
groundwater contamination in the Zone A plume (consisting of low pH/heavy metals or acid
contamination and sulfate contamination) and Zone B plume, and considered alternatives to
address the contamination. The TRC members had the opportunity to review the information
being developed and to disseminate this information to those they represent. Meetings were held
several times each year as CERCLA-based activities, including the Focused Feasibility Study
(FFS), Remedial Investigation (RI) and Feasibility Study (FS), progressed. The TRC continues to
meet on a regular basis.
The TRC discussions could be and often were tailored to the interests of each organization in
attendance. In general, this strategy worked well. The following table provides an understanding
of when the TRC met and, for some of the meetings, the predominant topic(s) discussed.
Significant questions or concerns raised by the membership or the public are noted. Involvement
by individuals representing environmental interests or the general public interests is also noted.
Release of significant documents and the results of public comment are also indicated.
November 10, 1992
TRC meeting re. Focused
Feasibility Study (FFS)
December 6, 1992
TRC meeting re. FFS
NRD Trustee – Comment Response Summary – Response to Common Comment No. 1 1-2
December 16, 1992
TRC meeting re. FFS
January 13, 1993
TRC meeting re. FFS
March 10-11, 1993
Public Hearing FFS
Earthquakes (seismic) related impacts to the
KUCC tailings facility, and impacts to Jordan
River are mentioned as concerns. Sierra Club
sent in comments.
May 17, 1994
TRC meeting regarding studies
Sierra Club is represented.
June 24, 1994
TRC meeting
Sierra Club is represented.
August 4, 1994
TRC meeting
Ecology of the GSL is discussed. Sierra Club
is represented.
September 12, 1994
TRC meeting
Ecology of the GSL is discussed. Sierra Club
is represented.
October 13, 1994
TRC meeting
Sierra Club is represented.
December 13, 1994
TRC meeting
Sierra Club is absent.
February 7, 1995
Risk Assessment Task Force
Great Salt Lake studies are discussed (many
other RATF meetings took place, but are not
listed in this table).
August 17, 1995
TRC meeting
Sierra Club is absent.
October 24, 1995
TRC meeting
Sierra Club is represented.
September 17, 1996
TRC meeting
March 25, 1997
TRC meeting
June 24, 1997
TRC meeting
Both possibilities of treatment in the tailings
line and direct disposal to the GSL are
discussed. Sierra Club is represented.
Oct0ber 15, 1997
TRC meeting
Sierra Club is represented.
December 8, 1997
FWS letter of invitation
Because of potential involvement of GSL, the
U.S. FWS are invited to participate on the
January 21, 1998
TRC meeting
TRC votes to include review of NRD proposal
as part of its duties. Mr. Weber attends in
substitution for normal Sierra Club member.
February 13, 1998
TRC meeting
April, 1998
RI/FS study released
June 14, 1999
TRC meeting
Mr. Weber was present; representation status
was unknown.
NRD Trustee – Comment Response Summary – Response to Common Comment No. 1 1-3
January 26, 2000
TRC meeting
TAG group attends, represented by Ms. Bagley
and Mr. Dansie.
February 22, 2000
TRC meeting
March 30, 2000
TRC meeting
Mr. Weber is present. TAG is represented by
Ms. Baguley. The membership roster includes
both Mr. Weber and Mr. Endicott as Sierra
Club members on the TRC.
August 9, 2000
Public Hearing on Zone A plan
(CERCLA authority)
There were no comments from environmental
representatives. There was also an open house
and the comment period received extensive
media coverage.
December, 2000
EPA issues ROD
The Technical Issues section in the
Responsiveness Summary (typically used to
target issues at the time of the 5 year review)
mentions issues involving the GSL.
February 20, 2001
TRC meeting
Disposal in the tailings line and impacts on
water quality are discussed. Mr. Weber is
October 30, 2001
TRC meeting
Selenium in acid waters is brought up. The
North End permit is discussed. The stability of
metals in the tailings pond is discussed. Ms.
Emory joins the TRC representing FOGSL; the
TAG is represented by Ms. Baguley.
November 13, 2002
TRC meeting
Data on the acid plume in the tailings line are
presented. Ms. Emory and Ms. Baguley are
April 17, 2003
TRC meeting
Ms. Emory is present
July 15, 2003
TRC meeting
Chemistry of metals in the tailings line, impacts
on river, and coverage of the proposed Jordan
Valley UPDES permit are discussed. Ms.
Emory and Ms. Baguley are present.
September 10 and
25, 2003
Public Hearings on NRD proposal
portion of the project
There were two public hearings with an
information session, four open information
sessions for water right holders and
environmental activists/duck clubs. Project
received extensive media coverage both in print
and TV.
July 14, 2004
Public Hearing on NRD proposal
portion of the project
There was one public hearing with two
information sessions to individual well owners
in the Affected Area and to environmental
interests during July 2004 FOGSL meeting.
Project received media coverage both in print
and on radio.
NRD Trustee – Comment Response Summary – Response to Common Comment No. 1 1-4
During the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS), the TRC, EPA and DEQ hosted
informal briefings for the communities in the Affected Area. Prior to EPA’s selection of the
remedial option to address the acid plume in Zone A, there was a 60-day public comment period.
During the comment period, two public information sessions and two hearings were held, both
receiving significant media coverage, and tours of the impacted area and related facilities were
provided to the public and news media. EPA issued a final CERCLA Record of Decision (ROD)
embracing the proposed remedial plan for the acid plume on December 13, 2000. The EPA and
DEQ memorialized a revision to the selected remedy under the ROD by issuing an Explanation of
Significant Difference in April 2003. Instead of pretreatment of acidic waters by nanofiltration,
direct extraction of the acidic waters from Zone A and delivery via the tailings pipeline to
Kennecott’s North Expansion Impoundment was selected as the remedy of choice under
In a related, but separate proceeding, Kennecott and JVWCD developed a proposal to be
submitted to the Trustee pursuant to the terms of the Consent Decree. The remedial studies,
including those reviewed by the TRC and approved by EPA and DEQ, provided a technical basis
for the development of the proposal. A Joint Proposal was initially submitted to the Trustee in
December 1999. As a result of further negotiations between Kennecott and JVWCD and review
of the changes by the TRC, the proposal was revised and resubmitted to the Trustee in August
2003. The Trustee sought public review and comment on the Joint Proposal and related
documents, including the draft agreement between Kennecott and JVWCD implementing the
Joint Proposal and a draft three party agreement among the Trustee, Kennecott and JVWCD.
A 30-day public comment period from September 2, 2003, to October 1, 2003, was announced by
the Trustee in two legal notice advertisements placed in the September 2, 2003, and September 7,
2003, editions of the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News newspapers. In addition, this
announcement ran as a news release in the Salt Lake Tribune on September 13, 2003 and the
Deseret News on September 22, 2003. The Trustee also mailed a fact sheet on Thursday, August
28, 2003 to elected officials, environmental groups and all known interested parties. The DEQ
web site (http://www.deq.utah.gov/issues/nrd/index.htm) for the NRD project was launched on
Friday, August 29, 2003. Also on August 29, documents related to the proposed project were
provided to the public for viewing on the web site and at the project repositories located in the
City of West Jordan, City Recorder’s office and at the DEQ offices. The Trustee hosted two
public hearings to assist in bringing project information to the public, providing an opportunity
for the public to have their questions answered, and recording comments as part of the official
record of public comment. The two public hearings occurred on September 10, 2003, at West
Jordan City Hall and the other on September 25, 2003, at the DEQ offices.
Briefings on the proposed project were offered during the week of September 15, 2003, to the
cities in the Affected Area: West Jordan, South Jordan, Herriman, and Riverton. A briefing by
DEQ, Kennecott and JVWCD was provided to the Riverton City Council on September 9, 2003.
Briefings to the cities of South Jordan and Herriman were conducted on September 16, 2003, and
September 18, 2003, respectively. Briefing offers were made to several environmental groups,
including the Friends of the Great Salt Lake, Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, Utah Rivers
Council, and the Audubon Society. Upon request, briefings were also provided to other
interested groups, on the project generally and regarding the proposed discharge of Zone B
reverse osmosis concentrates to the Jordan River.
In response to numerous requests, the Trustee extended the public comment period to November
1, 2003. The extension notice was advertised in the legal notice section of the September 27,
2003, editions of the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News newspapers. In conjunction with the
NRD Trustee – Comment Response Summary – Response to Common Comment No. 1 1-5
legal notice, the extension notice ran as a news release on September 24 and 28, and October 16,
2003, in the Deseret News and on October 18, 2003, in the Salt Lake Tribune. During this
extension, two information sessions were held to discuss address issues identified by private well
owners with water rights in the Affected Area. The two information sessions took place at the
DEQ’s office on September 30, 2003, and October 22, 2003. The DEQ Division of Water
Quality, Kennecott, and JVWCD provided a briefing to the FOGSL, various duck clubs, and
other interested individuals on October 28, 2003. This information session was publicized by
some of the duck club associations and on the Friends of the Great Salt Lake web site. The DEQ
provided a briefing to the Jordan Rivers Natural Areas Forum on November 5, 2003.
In response to additional requests, the Trustee extended, the public comment period for a second
time, through November 21, 2003. The extension notice was advertised in the legal notice
section of the, November 3, 2003, editions of the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News
newspapers. In conjunction with the legal notices, the notice of extension ran as a news release
on October 31, 2003 in the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News. The second extension also
ran as a news release on November 1, 2003 in the Deseret News. During the second extension of
the comment period, the Trustee provided a briefing to the Utah Legislature’s Legislative
Management Committee on November 18, 2003.
With the two extensions, the public comment period ran from September 2, 2003 through
November 21, 2003. Based on the number and scope of the comments received, the Trustee
determined that the comment period provided the public with a full and adequate opportunity to
review the documents, learn about the proposal, and provide comments.
To provide an additional avenue for public involvement as work on the groundwater cleanup
proceeded, the Trustee established a Stakeholder Forum as a means to communicate with
stakeholders in the Affected Area. Members of the forum include environmental organizations,
Federal and State regulatory and science agencies, local governments, private well owners, and
others stakeholders. Stakeholder representatives have been asked to both help disseminate
information to their groups and to bring feedback to forum meetings. Initial meetings of the
Stakeholder Forum occurred on March 17, March 31, April 14, May 19, and June 16, 2004.
Information on meetings, agendas and summaries are available on the DEQ web site at
www.deq.utah.gov/issues/nrd/index.htm The forum focused initially on JVWCD’s alternatives
regarding reverse osmosis concentrate disposal, in view of the concerns raised over the proposed
discharge to the Jordan River.
While the Stakeholder Forum was asked initially to consider issues related to concentrate
disposal, the Trustee believes that the Stakeholder Forum can provide a useful tool for public
involvement regarding both NRD groundwater cleanup and the CERCLA work. The Stakeholder
Forum will continue to meet regularly to receive information from the TRC and discuss specific
issues. DEQ will continue to maintain the project web site, update the web site with significant
project documentation in the future, and provide project information to interested parties.
In response to the public comments, the Joint Proposal was revised. In June 2004, the Trustee
decided to reopen the comment period to allow the public to review and comment on the
revisions in the Proposal. The comment period was reopened from June 18, 2004, through
August 2, 2004. A public hearing was held on July 14, 2004, to allow for additional public
comments. The notice for this public comment period was advertised in the June 18, 2004,
editions of the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News newspapers. The Trustee, Kennecott, and
JVWCD also held a meeting with individual well owners and interested individuals on July 6,
NRD Trustee – Comment Response Summary – Response to Common Comment No. 1 1-6
2004, and with Friends of the Great Salt Lake and other interested individuals on July 7, 2004, to
discuss and answer questions regarding the proposed revisions to the NTD Proposal.
Several commenters indicated that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was required to
analyze the potential environmental impacts of the Joint Proposal. The federal National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires a review when a federal agency undertakes a “major
federal action” that may have significant environmental impacts. By law, NEPA is not applicable
to remedial activities authorized by EPA under CERCLA or by a state Trustee’s decision to take
action under CERCLA’s Natural Resource Damage provisions. Thus, an EIS is not required. In
addition, the Trustee has considered the technical reviews and evaluated the public involvement
opportunities under both EPA’s review and approval of remedial activities and the Trustee’s
consideration of the Joint Proposal. The Trustee believes that the technical reviews and
opportunities for public review and comment are appropriate and adequate.
The Trustee reviewed all public comments. Those comments and response are provided in this
Comment Response Summary. Accordingly, the Trustee has determined that the comment period
(totaling more than 120 days), together with the above-described public outreach, including the
public hearings, public information sessions, and the activities of the Stakeholder Forum, have
provided the public with a full and adequate opportunity to consider the Joint Proposal and to
submit comments.