HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007334 Anderson Geneva, LLC United States Steel Corporation July 15, 2024 Mr. Doug Hansen, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RE: UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION/ANDERSON GENEVA LLC POST-CLOSURE PERMIT, EPA I.D. NO. UTD 009 086 133 RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT (RCRA) CORRECTIVE ACTION ACTIVITIES SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Dear Mr. Hansen: In accordance with the requirements of the above referenced Permit, as reissued May 14, 2004 and updated on January 26, 2010, the status of each major area of Permit activity is provided below for activities performed during the first half (January through June) of 2024 and those planned for the second half of 2024. This report is submitted on behalf of United States Steel Corporation (USS) and Anderson Geneva, LLC (Geneva). Corrective Action Management Unit Activities Completed The revised Draft CAMU Post-Closure Care Plan was resubmitted on April 19, 2022 and USS/Geneva are working with UDEQ to finalize. On August 7, 2023, USS/Geneva provided informal comments to UDEQ on the draft permit modules, along with relevant attachments. UDEQ provided responses and updated permit modules to USS/Geneva on November 2, 2023. Additional discussion on the permit modules was included in a meeting at UDEQ on November 16, 2023. Comments on the most recent draft permit modules were provided to UDEQ on June 24, 2024. Updates to the draft Groundwater Monitoring Plan are in progress and will be submitted to UDEQ in the second half of 2024. The following operation, maintenance, and monitoring activities were performed in the first half of 2024:  Formal inspections of the CAMU on March 27, 2024 and June 21, 2024.  CAMU leachate treatment events in March, April, May, and June 2024. A total of 35,170 gallons of leachate were treated in the first half of 2024. RCRA Semi-Annual Report July 15, 2024 Page 2 Corrective Action Management Unit Activities Planned for Second Half of 2024 The following operation, maintenance, and monitoring activities are planned for the second half of 2024:  Perform formal inspections of the CAMU in 3rd Quarter and 4th Quarter, and as needed for any substantial events.  Perform CAMU leachate treatment events (as needed).  Submit the updated CAMU Post-Closure Groundwater Monitoring Plan and Post- Closure Care Plan.  Begin to implement the Groundwater Monitoring Plan when approved. Semi-Annual Status of Verification Activities at Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) BF-26B Characterization samples were collected of the potential backfill material located in the footprint of BF-26B, referred to as Area 6, during the second half of 2022 and the LROF, presenting the results and risk evaluation, were submitted on June 14, 2024. Material Management Area No additional material has been added or moved from the OR-21C/22A material within the Material Management Area (MMA) on the east side of the Site (described in the January 2021 Semi-Annual Report). Table 1 attached to this letter presents the volume of material in the MMA. Other Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action Activities Completed Table 2 attached to this letter summarizes documents sent to UDEQ during the first half of 2024. This table also includes documents that may have been approved during the first half of 2024 and/or other actions being taken. Also included in Table 2 are documents from previous time periods where actions are pending. Corrective action activities that occurred during the first half of 2024 and that are not addressed in the sections above, are summarized below:  Completed groundwater monitoring at the following SWMUs, in accordance with the respective approved SMPs: SWMU GW-4.2, Oil Reclamation Area; SWMU 4.6, Maintenance Area; SWMU GW-4.8, Nitrogen West Area; SWMU GW-4.11, Front End Oil Tanks South Area; SWMU 4.13, Highline Area; and SWMU GW-4.14, Former CHWIs.  Completed light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) gauging at SWMU GW-4.9, Rolling Mill Clarifier Area in accordance with the approved SMP.  Submitted the LROF for the biosparge pilot testing at SWMU GW-4.1A Benzol Plant Area East. RCRA Semi-Annual Report July 15, 2024 Page 3  Abandoned 7 monitoring wells, 16 piezometers, and 8 recovery wells at various SWMUs across the site and submitted a status letter detailing the work.  Abandoned and re-installed two damaged monitoring wells at SWMU GW-4.2.  Began the Corrective Action Plan and Design of a full-scale biosparge system for SWMU GW-4.1A Benzol Plant Area East.  Discovered discrete areas of tarry materials during regrading efforts that are a part of BF-38 materials. Segregated the materials and began looking at off-site disposal options. Other RCRA Corrective Action Activities Planned for the Second Half of 2024 Planned activities for the second half of 2024 will consist of SMP groundwater monitoring and reporting and product gauging (associated with SMP sampling). Work will continue at the remaining groundwater SWMUs, with NLs to be provided detailing any proposed work. If other specific actions are required, they will be proposed in NLs. Activities in approved NLs will continue. Letter Reports of Findings, Status Letters, and Human Health Risk Evaluation reports will be submitted as necessary. Specific activities planned for the second half of 2024, not addressed in the sections above are:  Complete required sampling events, in accordance with the respective approved SMPs, at the following SWMUs: SWMU GW-4.2, Oil Reclamation Area; SWMU GW-4.6, Maintenance Area; SWMU GW-4.8, Nitrogen West Area; SMWU GW-4.9, Rolling Mill Clarifier Area; SWMU GW-4.11, Front End Oil Tank South Area; SWMU 4.13, Highline Area; and SWMU GW-4.14, Former CHWIs.  Complete and submit the Corrective Action Plan and Design for the full-scale biosparge system for SWMU GW-4.1A Benzol Plant Area East.  Submit a LROF/HHRE for SP-14A and SP-14B.  Continue to complete other SMPs and ECs as land use plans solidify.  Review other SWMUs not yet at Corrective Action Complete status (e.g., SI-4, OH-4, and others) and begin to assess options to move them towards Corrective Action Complete status.  Address additional BF-38 material discovered during regrading. Site-Wide SWMU Status Figure 1 presents a status of SWMUs at the site, as of June 30, 2024, as well as the currently anticipated Site Management Plan (SMP) areas. It should be noted that the anticipated SMP areas shown on Figure 1 are currently under development and are subject to change; they are included here for informational purposes only. Additionally, property ownership shown may be slightly outdated and will be updated as changes are finalized and become available. SMPs will be developed for SWMUs with CACWC status. The SMPs will be formally submitted to UDEQ under separate cover as they are developed. Table 3 presents the updated Tier 1 and 2 SWMU list as of June 30, 2024. RCRA Semi-Annual Report July 15, 2024 Page 4 A signed certification statement is attached. If you have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact either of the undersigned at your convenience. Enclosures: Table 1 – Material Management Area Volume as of June 30, 2024 Table 2 – Documents Submitted to UDEQ and/or Approved in First Half of 2024 and Previous Documents with Actions Pending Table 3 – Tier 1 and 2 SWMU List, Former Geneva Steel Site, June 30, 2024 Figure 1 – June 30, 2024 Status of Solid Waste Management Units, Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah Copy w/ enc: M. Rupnow, USS M. Wiltse, USS R. Christensen, Geneva B. Mustoe, AECOM T. Messersmith, AECOM File Tables Table 1 Material Management Area Volume as of June 30, 2024 Stockpile Material SWMU Approximate Volume Remaining (cyd) Location Generation Date Characterization Information ORA OR-21C/22A 75,000 East Side of Site, West of Coke By-Products Area Apr-20 Status Letter, Oct. 13, 2008. Notification Letter, March 5, 2020. Total 75,000 Notes: SWMU - Solid Waste Management Area cyd - cubic yard Page 1 of 1 SWMU(s)Document Title UDEQ Submittal Date UDEQ Response Date Comments RM-14A and RM-14B Revised SMP and Environmental Covenant for Rolling Mill Area - SWMUs RM-14A and RM-14B 5-Sep-14 NA Documents in the process of being revised and will be re- submitted to UDEQ when complete. GW-4.1A LROF/HHRE for GW-4.1A (Benzol Plant Plume East) requesting CACWC 28-Jan-21 NA Subsequent to discussions with UDEQ, USS/Geneva are in the process of evaluating remedial actions at this SWMU and the document will be submitted at such time as it is deemed appropriate. CAMU CAMU Groundwater Monitoring Plan (AECOM)20-Apr-21 27-Sep-21 USS/Geneva are preparing an updated Plan to address UDEQ's comments, subsequent discussions, and the final permit Module 3. GW-4.2 Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Report, Fall 2023 – Oil Reclamation Area (SWMU GW-4.2)12-Jan-24 26-Feb-24 GW-4.6 Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Report, Fall 2023 – Maintenance Area (SWMU GW-4.6)12-Jan-24 26-Feb-24 GW-4.8 Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Report, Fall 2023 – Nitrogen West Area (SWMU GW-4.8)12-Jan-24 26-Feb-24 GW-4.9 Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Report, Fall 2023 – Rolling Mill Clarifier Area (SWMU GW-4.9)12-Jan-24 26-Feb-24 GW-4.11 Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Report, Fall 2023 – FEOT South Area (SWMU GW-4.11)12-Jan-24 26-Feb-24 GW-4.13 Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Report, Fall 2023 – Highline Area (SWMU GW-4.13)12-Jan-24 26-Feb-24 GW-4.14 Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Report, Fall 2023 – Former Closed Hazardous Waste Impoundments Area (SWMU GW-4.14)12-Jan-24 26-Feb-24 Site Wide RCRA Corrective Action Activities First Semi-Annual Report 2024 12-Jan-24 7-Feb-24 Covers the second period in 2023. PGMP Groundwater Sampling 2023 PGMP Report 15-Jan-24 1-Feb-24 GW-4.2 NL for Monitoring Well Abandonment and Re-Installation at ORA 16-Feb-24 27-Feb-24 GW-4.4, GW-4.5, GW-4.7, GW-4.10, GW-4.12, and BF-37 NL for Monitoring Well and Piezometer Abandonment and Multiple Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) Across the Site 23-Feb-24 5-Mar-24 CAMU Revised CAMU Post Closure Care Plan (ENTACT/Geosyntec)19-Apr-22 Pending Working with UDEQ to finalize. CUWCD (in the vicinity of BF-31 and MS-1)Letter Report of Findings for Central Utah Water Conservancy District - Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah 28-Dec-23 Pending GW-4.1A LROF for GW-4.1A (Benzol Plant Plume East) Biosparge Pilot Tests 26-Feb-24 15-Mar-24 SMP Groundwater Monitoring Combined NL for Continued GW Monitoring at the following SWMUs: GW- 4.2, GW-4.6, GW-4.8, GW-4.9, GW-4.11, GW-4.13, and GW-4.14.21-Mar-24 NA GW-4.4, GW-4.5, GW-4.7, GW-4.10, GW-4.12, and BF-37 Status Letter for Monitoring Well and Piezometer Abandonment and Multiple Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) Across the Site 7-May-24 14-May-24 Area 6 Backfill Material LROF/HHRE for Characterization of Site Soils for Beneficial Re-Use as Site Backfill - Area 6 14-Jun-24 Pending Site Wide Permit-Related Documents USS/Geneva informal comments on the following permit-related documents: Module I, Module II, Module III, Module IV, Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Table 1 of Module IV 24-Jun-24 Pending Notes: CACWC - Corrective Action Complete With Controls LROF - Letter Report of Findings CAMU - Corrective Action Management Unit MW - Monitoring Well GW - Groundwater NA - Not Applicable HHRE - Human Health Risk Evaluation NL - Notification Letter Table 2 Documents Submitted to UDEQ and/or Approved in the First Half of 2024 and Previous Documents with Actions Pending PGMP - Perimeter-in Groundwater Monitoring Program RMCA - Rolling Mill Clarifier Area SMP - Site Management Plan SWMU - Solid Waste Management Unit UDEQ - Utah Department of Environmental Quality1 of 1 Table 3 Tier 1 and 2 SWMU List Former Geneva Steel Site June 30, 2024 SWMUG SWMU Identification #No. SWMUs Name Status Comments 1.02 OR-21C 1 Oil Reclamation Soil Pile North-Central Beneficial Reuse Approved 2/21/17; Addtnl Beneficial Reuse Approved 7/2/18 Approved OR-21A and OR-21C Split on 3/8/10. Request for CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use in HHRE, submitted 3/14/11. HHRE approved 5/15/18. 1.02 OR-22A 1 Oil Reclamation Soil Piles Southwest Beneficial Reuse Approved 2/21/17; Addtnl Beneficial Reuse Approved 7/2/18 Request for CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use in HHRE, submitted 3/14/11. HHRE approved 5/15/18. 2.01 OH-4 1 Open Hearth Slag Pile VI in progress SL submitted to UDEQ 12/5/05. 2.19 BF-26B 1 Blast Furnace General Dump Area VI in progress Native soil samples collected December 2015. LROF Submitted 7/21/16. Additional native soil samples collected March 2021. SWMU split into BF-26A and BF-26B 10/29/21. 2.19 SP-14A and SP-14B 2 Sinter Plant and Open Hearth Sludge Impoundments and Drainpipe VI in progress SL submitted to UDEQ 12/5/05. Submitted NL additional VI work 9/25/23. LROF/HHRE in progress. 3.10 SI-4 1 Final Retention Pond VI in progress SL submitted to UDEQ 10/16/07. 2.12 SI-5D 1 Treated Water Cooling Pond Stockpile VI in progress LROF for SI-5B submitted 6/22/20 requesting CACWOC and requesting that the northern portion of SI-5B, that includes the SI-5A stockpile, be designated SI-5D. 8 GW-4.1A 1 Benzol Plant Area East VI in progress SL submitted to UDEQ 7/23/07. LROF/HHRE submitted 1/28/21 requesting CACWC. Pending additional site work. GW-4.3 1 Tar Pond Area VI in progress SL submitted to UDEQ 9/22/05 2 3.07 BF-22 1 Blast Furnace Evaporation Pond Tier 2 status 12/28/05 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.18 3.18A 1 Pipeline to BF Evaporation Pond Tier 2 status 12/28/05 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.02 CP-2 1 Coal Mixing Baghouse Discharge Area Tier 2 status 5/9/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.04 OH-2 1 Iron Desulfurization Baghouse Tote Box Tier 2 status 5/11/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.04 OH-22 to OH-23 2 Open Hearth Clarifiers Area Tier 2 status 5/11/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.04 OH-26 1 Sludge Pipe Tier 2 status 5/11/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.04 OH-24 to OH-25 2 Thickener Tank Area Tier 2 status 5/11/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.04 OH-29 1 Area Beneath Sludge Pipe Tier 2 status 5/11/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.17 3.17A 1 Bead Blast Area Tier 2 status 6/7/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.05 MS-14 1 Power House Baghouse Truck Loading Area Tier 2 status 6/7/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.05 MS-22 1 Power House Ash Pit and Ash Pile Tier 2 status 6/7/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.07 BF-18 to BF-20 3 Blast Furnace Sludge Surface Impoundments Tier 2 status 6/11/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.07 BF-21 1 Blast Furnace Sludge Pile Tier 2 status 6/11/07 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.11 MS-6 1 Satellite Spent 1, 1, 1-TCA Collection Area Tier 2 status 5/5/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.06 MS-7 1 Satellite Spent 1, 1, 1-TCA Collection Area Tier 2 status 5/5/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.04 MS-8 1 Former Satellite 1,1,1-TCA Collection Site Tier 2 status 5/5/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.12 MS-9 1 Former Satellite Spent 1,1,1-TCA Collection Site Tier 2 status 5/5/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.04 MS-10 1 Former Satellite 1,1,1-TCA Collection Site Tier 2 status 5/5/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.04 MS-11 1 Central Spent 1,1,1-TCA Collection Site Tier 2 status 5/5/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.04 MS-25C 1 New Satellite Storage Area Tier 2 status 5/5/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.15 MS-25D, E, F, G, I 5 New Satellite Storage Area Tier 2 status 5/5/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.01 MS-25H 1 New Satellite Storage Area Tier 2 status 5/5/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.15 MS-5A (South)1 All Sewers Except Pipe Mill Sewer Tier 2 status 12/22/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.05 BP-12 1 Sludge Buggy Dump Area 2 Tier 2 status 9/23/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.10 BF-33 1 Former Emergency Slag/Deskulling Pit Tier 2 status 8/27/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted Use; changed from CACWC 8/6/09. 2.10 BF-34 1 Former Emergency Slag/Deskulling Pit Tier 2 status 10/8/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.12 SI-5A 1 Treated Water Cooling Pond and Pipeline - South Tier 2 status 6/23/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use and Eco Waiver. 2.09 OH-30 1 Open Hearth LUST Area Tier 2 status 2/12/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. Tier 1 Status SWMUs: Still in Investigation or Reporting Tier 1 Status Groundwater SWMUs Tier 2 Status Soil SWMUs: Granted NFA Status Total Tier 1 Groundwater SWMUs Total Tier 1 Soil SWMUs Page 1 of 5 Table 3 Tier 1 and 2 SWMU List Former Geneva Steel Site June 30, 2024 SWMUG SWMU Identification #No. SWMUs Name Status Comments 3.04 MS-20 1 Waste Oil Collection Tank (Central Maintenance)Tier 2 status 2/12/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. 3.04 MS-26 1 LUST Area (Central Garage)Tier 2 status 2/12/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. 3.04 MS-I 1 Caustic Cleaning Tank (near Central Maintenance)Tier 2 status 2/12/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. 3.08 OR-1A 1 Waste Oil Tank (Heavy Duty Garage Terminal)Tier 2 status 2/12/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. 3.04 OR-1B 1 Waste Oil Tank (M-2 Garage)Tier 2 status 2/12/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. 3.04 OR-24 1 Waste Oil Tank and Truck Loading Area Tier 2 status 2/12/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. 3.09 OR-1C 1 Waste Oil Tank (Caterpillar Garage)Tier 2 status 2/12/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. 2.05 RM-15 1 LUST Area (Rolling Mill)Tier 2 status 3/30/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.05 RM-E 1 Former Caustic Wash Tank Area Tier 2 status 3/30/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.13 MS-27 1 Waste Oil Storage Area Tier 2 status 5/14/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. 3.13 MS-29 1 Open Hearth Highline (Diesel)Tier 2 status 5/14/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, south of 400 North. 2.02 MS-15 1 Sanitary Treatment Plant Tier 2 status 6/16/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, Vineyard Connector Right of Way. 1.02 OR-21B and OR-22B 2 Oil Reclamation Area Soil Piles Northeast and Southeast Tier 2 status 6/25/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, Utah Transit Authority Right of Way Corridor. 2.12 SI-5C 1 Treated Water Cooling Pond - Northeast Tier 2 status 6/25/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use, Utah Transit Authority Right of Way Corridor. 3.02 CP-14 1 Hammer Mill Baghouse No. 3 Discharge Area Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 400-800 North Area. 2.03 BF-13 and BF-14 2 Blast Furnace Clarifier Area Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 400-800 North Area. 2.03 SP-11 1 Sinter Plant Clarifier Area Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 400-800 North Area. 2.03 SP-16 1 Sinter Plant Pond Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 400-800 North Area. 2.16 SP-13 1 Sinter Plant/OH Underground Slurry Pipe Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 400-800 North Area. 2.17 SP-15 1 Sinter Plant Collection Sump Area Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 400-800 North Area. 2.04 OH-3A to OH-3C 3 Pig Machine Sumps and Drainage Ditch Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 400-800 North Area. 2.04 OH-28 1 Former Ladle Burnout Baghouse Tote Box Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 400-800 North Area. 3.16 BOP-1 1 Q-BOP Baghouse Dust Bins and Area Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 400-800 North Area. 1.02 OR-12A and OR-12B 2 Waste Oil Holding Ponds/Return Ditches Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-12C 1 Waste Oil Holding Ponds/Return Ditches Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-15A and OR 15B 2 Auxiliary Oil/Water Separator Ponds Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-10 and OR-11 2 Waste Oil Pipes Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-13 and OR-14 2 Underground Excess Wastewater Pipes Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-16A to OR-17B 4 Reclaimer Aerators & Wastewater Ditches Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-18A to OR-19B 4 Secondary Pond Wastewater Ditches & Discharge Pipes Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-20 1 Weir 8 Wastewater Ditch Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-23 1 Truck Loading Sump Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-3 1 East Oil Reclamation Ditch Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-4 1 Primary Oil/water Separator Pond Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-5 1 Primary Oil/water Separator Pond Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-6 and OR-7 2 Waste Oil Diversion Ditches Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-8A to OR-9B 4 Secondary Oil/Water Separator Ponds, and Waste Oil Reclaimer Units Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-A and OR-B 2 Waste Oil Dehydrator Tank Area Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-C to OR-F 4 Reclaimed Oil Storage Tank Area Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.18 CP-13A 1 Coke Oven Gas Drip Leg Area (area South of 800 N)Tier 2 status 9/29/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.19 BF-38D 1 Discrete Areas of Tar Tier 2 status 12/23/09 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 1.02 OR-21A 1 Oil Reclamation Soil Pile Northwest Tier 2 status 3/8/10 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.04 OH-1C 1 AKJ tank "C" Catch Basin Area Tier 2 status 6/23/10 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 3.20 3.20A 1 Front-End Oil Tanks Tier 2 status 6/23/10 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.06 MS-2C 1 Lake Bottom Canal South of Center Street Coordinate Tier 2 status 1/26/11 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. Tier 2 Status Soil SWMUs: Granted NFA Status Page 2 of 5 Table 3 Tier 1 and 2 SWMU List Former Geneva Steel Site June 30, 2024 SWMUG SWMU Identification #No. SWMUs Name Status Comments 2.06 MS-2A South 1 Lake Bottom Canal (area S of 800 N)Tier 2 status 8/3/11 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.13 MS-1A 1 Blast Furnace and Coke Plant Ditch East Tier 2 status 4/5/12 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.18 CP-13B 1 Coke Oven Gas Drip Leg Area North Tier 2 Status 4/30/14 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.18 CP-13D 1 Coke Oven Gas Drip Leg Area Northwest Tier 2 Status 3/17/14 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.02 BF-37 1 Heckett Waste Oil Tank Tier 2 status 7/21/16 CACWOC - Unrestricted Use ND SP-12 1 Sinter Plant/Open Hearth Sludge Tank Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND CP-15 1 Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND CBP-32 1 Tar Cleanout Area Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND BF-G 1 Rubber-tired Slag Hauler Loading Areas Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND BF-36 1 Abandoned Mixed Gas Line Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND OH-27 1 ESP Dust Handling System Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND OH-A 1 Slag Pocket Areas Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND RM-10A 1 Former Waste Oil Tank Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND RM-10B 1 Current Waste Oil Tanker Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND RM-13 1 Oil Pond Pickup Unit and Hose Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND MS-12 1 Untreated Water Control/ Screening Facility Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. 1.03 SI-6 1 Former Emergency Tar Disposal Pit Tier 2 status 2004 Permit CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. 3.14 MS-18 1 Asbestos Storage Area Tier 2 status 2004 Permit CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. ND BOP-2 1 LMF Slag Quench Water Impoundments Tier 2 status 2004 Permit CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. 3.03R 3.03R 1 New Pipeline from Pioneer Pipe Tier 2 status 6/12/08 CACWOC - Unrestricted use 8/25/09. 2.01 BF-24 1 Blast Furnace Slag Pile Tier 2 status 4/13/20 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. 2.12 SI-5B (North)1 Treated Water Cooling Pond North and Pipeline Tier 2 status 8/4/20 CACWOC - Unrestricted use. ND MS-23 1 New Hazardous Waste Control Collection Area Tier 2 status prior 2006 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, 8/25/09 letter. East Commercial Area SMP approved 10/11/10. 1.04 CP-16 1 COG Line Disposal Area Tier 2 status 9/16/98 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, 8/25/09 letter. East Commercial Area SMP approved 10/11/10. 1.04 MS-21 1 COG Line Clean-out Area Tier 2 status 9/16/98 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, 8/25/09 letter. East Commercial Area SMP approved 10/11/10. 2.14 MS-3 1 Nitrogen Plant Ditch Tier 2 status 12/17/07 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, Pipe Mill SMP approved 11/19/08. 2.15 MS-5B 1 Pipe Mill Sewers Tier 2 status 12/17/07 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, Pipe Mill SMP approved 11/19/08. 3.03 MS-17 1 Miscellaneous Wastes Near Pipe Mill Tier 2 status 12/17/07 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, Pipe Mill SMP approved 11/19/08. 3.03 PM-4 1 Pipe Mill Wastewater Sump Overflow Pipe Tier 2 status 12/17/07 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, Pipe Mill SMP approved 11/19/08. 3.03 PM-5 1 Pipe Mill Waste Oil Tank Tier 2 status 12/17/07 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, Pipe Mill SMP approved 11/19/08. 3.03 PM-6 1 Large Pipe Mill Waste Oil Tank Tier 2 status 12/17/07 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, Pipe Mill SMP approved 11/19/08. 3.03 PM-7 1 Wastewater Pump Station and Emergency Overflow Tier 2 status 12/17/07 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, Pipe Mill SMP approved 11/19/08. 3.03 PM-8 1 Trench Pipe from Pioneer Pipe Tier 2 status 12/17/07 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, Pipe Mill SMP approved 11/19/08. 3.19 3.19A 1 Sulfur Piles Tier 2 status 10/23/08 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial Use. SMP approved 6/14/12. 3.13 MS-13 1 Skull Cracker Area Tier 2 status 2/12/09; 8/17/10 CACWC - Residential &/or Industrial/Commercial use; Residential soil 8/17/10. SMP approved 6/14/12. 1.04 BP-11 1 Sludge Buggy Dump Area 1 Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, East Commercial Area SMP approved 10/11/10. 1.04 MS-19 1 PCB Collection Site Tier 2 status 7/7/09 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use, East Commercial Area SMP approved 10/11/10. 2.01 BF-31 1 Heckett Pond and Ditch Tier 2 status 4/5/12 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial Use. 2.13 MS-1B 1 Blast Furnace and Coke Plant Ditch West Tier 2 status 4/5/12 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial Use. 2.08 BF-10 to BF-12 3 Blast Furnace Gas Washer Overflow Sump Area Tier 2 status 11/25/13 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 11/25/13. SMP and LUC submitted 12/6/13. 2.08 BF-F 1 Blast Furnace Ladle Burnout Station Area Tier 2 status 11/25/13 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 11/25/13. SMP and LUC submitted 12/6/13. 3.01 MS-24 1 Waste Oil/Grease Drum Storage Area Tier 2 status 11/25/13 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 11/25/13. SMP and LUC submitted 12/6/13. ND SI-1, SI-2 and SI-3 3 Closed Hazardous Waste Impoundments Tier 2 status 4/28/21 CACWC - Impoundments relocated to the CAMU June 2020. LROF/HHRE submitted 3/31/21 and approved on 4/28/21. SMP approved 3/24/22 and EC Recorded on 6/15/22. 2.11 RM-14A 1 Areas Adjacent to 2 Active Scale Pits Tier 2 status 11/27/13 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 11/27/13. Revised SMP and LUC submitted 6/13/14. Updated SMP/EC in progress. 2.11 RM-14B 1 Areas Adjacent to 2 Inactive Scale Pits Tier 2 status 11/27/13 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 11/27/13. Revised SMP and LUC submitted 6/13/14. Updated SMP/EC in progress. Tier 2 Status Soil SWMUs: Granted NFA Status Page 3 of 5 Table 3 Tier 1 and 2 SWMU List Former Geneva Steel Site June 30, 2024 SWMUG SWMU Identification #No. SWMUs Name Status Comments 2.02 RM-7A and RM-7B 2 Rolling Mill Clarifier Area Tier 2 status 8/9/17 CACWC - Residential &/or Industrial/Commercial use; HHRE approved on 8/2/17. SMP approved 11/3/17. EC approved 12/13/17. 2.02 RM-8A 1 Clarifier Underground Oil Drainpipe Tier 2 status 8/9/17 CACWC - Residential &/or Industrial/Commercial use; HHRE approved on 8/2/17. SMP approved 11/3/17. EC approved 12/13/17. 2.02 RM-8B 1 Clarifier Oil Sump Tier 2 status 8/9/17 CACWC - Residential &/or Industrial/Commercial use; HHRE approved on 8/2/17. SMP approved 11/3/17. EC approved 12/13/17. 2.02 RM-8C 1 Clarifier Oil Skimmer Tier 2 status 8/9/17 CACWC - Residential &/or Industrial/Commercial use; HHRE approved on 8/2/17. SMP approved 11/3/17. EC approved 12/13/17. 2.02 RM-8D 1 Overhead Oil Drainpipe Tier 2 status 8/9/17 CACWC - Residential &/or Industrial/Commercial use; HHRE approved on 8/2/17. SMP approved 11/3/17. EC approved 12/13/17. 2.02 RM-9A 1 Former Clarifier Waste Oil Pond Tier 2 status 8/9/17 CACWC - Residential &/or Industrial/Commercial use; HHRE approved on 8/2/17. SMP approved 11/3/17. EC approved 12/13/17. 2.02 RM-9B 1 Current Clarifier Waste Pond (removed)Tier 2 status 8/9/17 CACWC - Residential &/or Industrial/Commercial use; HHRE approved on 8/2/17. SMP approved 11/3/17. EC approved 12/13/17. 2.06 MS-16 1 Lake Bottom Canal Dredging Pile Area Tier 2 status 11/7/19 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 11/7/19. SMP and EC in progress. 2.06 MS-2B North 1 Lake Bottom Canal - area North of 800 N Tier 2 status 11/8/19 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 11/8/19. SMP and EC in progress. 2.19 BF-38C 1 Discrete Area of Tar Tier 2 status 6/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use. SMP and EC to be provided as part of the CAMU SMP and EC. 2.19 BF-38E 1 Discrete Area of Tar Tier 2 status 6/17/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use. SMP and EC to be provided as part of the CAMU SMP and EC. Tier 2 Status Soil SWMUs: Granted NFA Status 2.19 BF-27 to BF-30 4 Blast Furnace Slag Cooling Pits and Spray System Tier 2 status 11/20/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 11/20/20. SMP and EC in progress. 2.19 BF-32 1 Blast Furnace Slag Cooling Pits Tier 2 status 11/20/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 11/20/20. SMP and EC associated with CAMU and in progress. 1.01 BP-10 1 Benzol Plant Underground Tanks Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-13 1 Interceptor Trench, Wastewater Lines & Overflow Area Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-14 1 Crude Still Residue/Tar Line Cleanout Area Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-15 1 Wash Oil Lines Cleanout Area Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-2A and BP-2B 2 Benzol Still Area Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-3 1 Wash Oil Cooler Area Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-4, BP-7 and BP-8 3 Benzol Decanter Tank, Benzol Sump & Benzol Muck Tank Area Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-6 1 Former Spent Caustic Sump Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-9 1 Former Sludge Buggy Loading Facility Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-A1 1 Crude Kettle Tank Area Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-A2 1 Tank #19 Wash Oil Sump Area Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 BP-A3 1 Acid Sludge Tanks Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 CP-8 and CP-9 2 North Quench Tower & Sump Area Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 CP-12 1 Excess Flushing Liquor Surface Impoundment Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 CP-7 1 Quench Pond Tier 2 status 12/2/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC SMP and EC to be completed with GW-4.1A SMP/EC. 1.01 CBP-1 to CBP-9 and CBP-C 10 Heat Exchanger Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-10 1 West Sump Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-11 to CBP-14 4 Tar Decanter Sump (CBP-11) Tar Decanter (CBP-12-14) Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-15 1 AKJ Sludge Reclamation Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-16 1 North Excess Flushing Liquor Tank Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-17 1 South Excess Flushing Liquor Tank Area- East Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-18 1 South Excess Flushing Liquor Tank Area- West Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-19 1 South Excess Flushing Liquor Sump Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-20, 21, 22 and 25 4 ESP Seal Pots and Mother Liquor Sump Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-23 and CBP-24 2 Mother Liquor Tank Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-26 1 Acid Tar Bins Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-27 and CBP-31 2 Final Cooler and Wash Oil Sump Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-28 1 East Sump Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-29 and CBP-30 2 Final Coolers Cooling Tower Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-33 1 Former Flushing Liquor Flume Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-34 1 Tar Tank Bottom Disposal Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-D 1 Solvent Tank Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-E 1 Former Ammonia Still Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-G and CBP-H 2 Saturators Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 1.01 CBP-B 1 Circulating Liquor Tank Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. Page 4 of 5 Table 3 Tier 1 and 2 SWMU List Former Geneva Steel Site June 30, 2024 SWMUG SWMU Identification #No. SWMUs Name Status Comments 1.01 CP-10 and CP-11 2 South Quench Tower & Sump Area Tier 2 status 12/15/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 2.18 CP-13C 1 Coke Oven Gas Drip Leg Area East Tier 2 status 12/17/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/2/20. SMP and EC in progress. 2.15 MS-5A North 1 North Area Wastewater Sewers Tier 2 status 12/31/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/31/20. SMP and EC in progress. ND MS-28 1 Spare PCB Transformer Pad Tier 2 status 12/31/20 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 12/31/20. SMP and EC in progress. 2.19 BF-38A 1 Discrete Areas of Tar Tier 2 status 1/28/21 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 1/28/21. SMP and EC in progress. 2.19 BF-38 B 1 Discrete Areas of Tar Tier 2 status 1/28/21 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 1/28/21. SMP and EC will be included with BF-25, which is in progress. 2.19 BF-25 1 Slag Pile Tar Pond Tier 2 status 1/28/21 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 1/28/21. SMP and EC in progress. 2.19 BF-26A 1 Blast Furnace General Dump Area Tier 2 status 10/29/21 CACWC - Industrial/Commercial use 10/29/21. SMP and EC in progress. 236 GW-4.7 1 Pipe Mill Area Tier 2 status 12/17/07 CACWC - SMP approved 11/19/08. SMP groundwater monitoring approved to be discontinued on 9/12/19. GW-4.2 1 Oil Reclamation Area Tier 2 status 9/21/09 CACWC - SMP approved 1/13/10; semi-annual groundwater monitoring. GW-4.11 1 Front End Oil Tanks South Area Tier 2 status 6/23/10 CACWC - SMP approved 6/23/11; semi-annual groundwater monitoring. GW-4.12 1 Front End Oil Tanks North Area Tier 2 status 6/23/10 CACWC - SMP approved 6/23/11. SMP groundwater monitoring approved to be discontinued on 8/30/21. GW-4.13 1 Open Hearth Highline Area Tier 2 status 9/22/10 CACWC - SMP approved 6/14/12; semi-annual groundwater monitoring. GW-4.6 1 Maintenance Area Tier 2 status 9/22/10 CACWC - SMP approved 6/14/12; semi-annual groundwater monitoring. GW-4.5A 1 Parish Chemical Area East Tier 2 Status 4/23/12 CACWC - SMP approved 9/13/12. SMP groundwater monitoring approved to be discontinued on 2/12/21. GW-4.5B 1 Parish Chemical Area West Tier 2 Status 4/23/12 CACWOC GW-4.8 1 Nitrogen Plant Area Impacts Tier 2 status 11/1/12 CACWC - SMP approved 7/22/14; semi-annual groundwater monitoring. GW-4.1B 1 Benzol Plant Area West Tier 2 status 3/10/15 CACWC - SMP/EC in progress. GW-4.9 1 Rolling Mill Clarifier Area Tier 2 status 8/9/17 CACWC - SMP approved 11/3/17; semi-annual LNAPL gauging. GW-4.10 1 South Quench Tower Sump Tier 2 status 7/30/21 CACWC - SMP under development. GW-4.14 1 Former Closed Hazardous Waste Impoundments (CHWIs) Groundwater Tier 2 status 9/2/21 CACWC - SMP approved 3/24/22; semi-annual groundwater monitoring. GW-4.4 1 Coke Plant By-products Area Tier 2 status 11/18/22 CACWC - SMP under development. 14 125 111 236 14 260 LROF Letter report of findings SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit LUC Land Use Covenant UDEQ Utah Department of Environmental Quality SMP Site Management Plan CACWOC Corrective action complete without controls (equivalent to NFA) SL Status letter CACWC Corrective action complete with controls ND Not Designated HHRE Human Health Risk Evaluation VI Verification Investigation CAMU Corrective Action Management Unit EC Environmental Covenant LNAPL Light Non-Aqeous Phase Liquid SMP Site Management Plan Total Tier 2 Soil SWMUs CACWOC NOTES Total Tier 2 Soil SWMUs Tier 2 Status Groundwater SWMUs Total Tier 2 Groundwater SWMUs Total All Tier 1, 2 Soil & GW SWMUs Total Tier 2 Groundwater SWMUs Total Tier 2 Soil SWMUs Total Tier 2 Soil SWMUs CACWC Page 5 of 5 Figure Aerial Photo Flown: August, 2023 Geneva SWMU Status •Open 0 Closed-CACWC 0 Closed-CACWOC Material Approved for Beneficial Reuse , ( ' '' ,-,'' ._,... .. » ' - • Land Ownership • -- l -,·• • t. . _. . :-.• ·Y. � ,; • [,· ' ' Approximate CAMU footprint ' -� � �-,< -. . - . . . "- ., =·-,. C ' Inn -� • ,,, ., " "!/: �· .. - - . r• •�-- -· ,·� --� -, . ·--I �,._:-.. 'I! • •••••••••• �------· ' .. ,,·.•·-- ' '•i11 ,. I' ,'j -' Anticipated Site Management Plan (SMP) Areas Not Shown on Map -------· -------WWW¥£?( �Fr�vallay Hometil!lildfors l� - \ ,\ .. · ....... ••"••. "i ' " l • ' .'•• ' -.1 t 1 I -mf.1 America First Cr.ed�,l!lnion - f ... ·• ,' " . L • \ .. ,..,.,,. • . !! < • • N •► • " �" < . " ., -· • • ., ' ' 1 Maxar.._ Mlcroioft Anderson Geneva Site Management Plan Boundary _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. , i • Geneva Property Boundary SWMUG 3.12. Former Waste Solvent Storage Area -No Location Information Available Figure 1: June 30, 2024 Status of Solid Waste Management Units Former Geneva Steel Facility Vineyard, Utah i. .......... ,.; Sold (at time of map production) Note: Propeny ownership represents entity to which Anderson Geneva originally sold property. Any subsequent property transactions are not shown. Source SWMUG OuUines: CH2M HILL, 1996 Scale 1:4,800 400 0 1 inch = 400 feet 400 800 Feet A.:COM