HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-011276 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT United Steel Salt Lake County, Utah UTN000826403 June, 2024 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT United Steel Salt Lake County, Utah UTN000826403 Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation Prepared by: Allison Stanley Approved: ______________________________________________ Date: _________ Allison Stanley, Project Manager Approved: ______________________________________________ Date: _________ Thomas Daniels, Site Assessment Section Manager Approved: ______________________________________________ Date: _________ Ryan Dunham, Site Assessment Manager, EPA Region 8 08/29/2024 08/29/2024 08/29/2024 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 1 3.1 Site Location and Description ............................................................................................... 1 3.2 Site History ........................................................................................................................... 2 3.2.2 Adjacent Properties ........................................................................................................ 3 1230 West 200 South............................................................................................. 3 Rocky Mountain Power (1223 West North Temple Steet) ................................... 5 3.2.3 Physical Conditions – Generalized Hydrogeological and Meteorological Setting ........ 5 4.0 POTENTIAL EXPOSURE PATHWAYS ............................................................................ 6 4.1 Waste/Source Characteristics ............................................................................................... 6 4.2 Groundwater Pathway ........................................................................................................... 8 4.2.1 Groundwater Exposure Targets and Conclusions ........................................................ 9 4.3 Soil Exposure and Subsurface Intrusion Pathway .............................................................. 10 4.3.1 Soil and Subsurface Intrusion Targets and Conclusions ............................................ 10 4.4 Surface Water Pathway ...................................................................................................... 11 4.4.1 Surface Water Exposure Conclusions ........................................................................ 11 4.5 Air Pathway ........................................................................................................................ 12 4.5.1 Air Pathway Targets and Conclusions ....................................................................... 12 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................... 12 6.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 14 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Latitude and Longitude Map Figure 2 Site Location Map Figure 3 Sampling Locations at United Steel Figure 4 Maximum Arsenic Concentrations in Groundwater On and Off-site Figure 5 Arsenic, Lead, and Cadmium Concentrations in Soil On-Site Figure 6 Groundwater Elevation Measurements On-Site Figure 7 Municipal Wells Within Four Miles Figure 8 Points of Diversion Within Four Miles Figure 9 15 Miles Downstream LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Assessment Worksheet Appendix B CERCLA Eligibility Questionnaire Appendix C Site Visit Reports Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION Under authority of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986, in accordance with the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), and through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII (EPA), the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) conducted a Preliminary Assessment (PA) of United Steel, EPA ID# UTN000826403, (herein referred to as the “Site”) at 82 South and 83 South Navajo Street in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. The Purpose of the PA is to provide information necessary to support a decision regarding the need for further action at the Site under CERCLA or another program authority. This PA was initiated as a follow-up to the letter of discovery sent on September 6, 2023, to EPA Region VIII regarding this Site. This letter indicated that the DERR received lab results that discovered lead and arsenic in surface and subsurface soil at the Site at concentrations likely to be classified as hazardous waste. Results indicate that shallow groundwater is also impacted by arsenic, lead, and cadmium at concentrations above the EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL). The purpose of this document is to summarize pertinent results from those previous studies, identify potentially hazardous conditions, describe any data gaps that limit adequate hazard determination, describe proposed and active remedial efforts, and determine the appropriateness of continued Site assessment under CERCLA or some other authority. 2.0 OBJECTIVES The specific objectives of this work were designed to support a comprehensive assessment of hazardous conditions at the Site based on current understanding. This PA did not aim to collect additional analytical data; rather, it is an assessment of prior work and current conditions. The objectives of this PA were to: ● Assess current and historic conditions at the Site, including any industrial uses; ● Evaluate previously collected Site data, records, and reference materials to identify potential sources of the contamination and assess contaminated migration routes, ● Evaluate exposure pathways that might bring people in contact with hazardous substances, potentially affecting human and environmental health; and ● Determine whether the Site warrants further investigation under CERCLA. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Site Location and Description The United Steel Site is located at 82 South and 83 South Navajo Street in Salt Lake City, Utah (Figure 1). The geographical coordinates for the Site are 40° 46' 1.812 Northern Latitude and 111° 55' 45.876 West Longitude. The Site consists of two parcels with the Parcel Identification Numbers 15-03-233-017-0000 and 15-02-104-001-0000. The plot has a combined area of 2.77 acres. The Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 2 Site was Discovered and placed on the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database now the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), on September 6, 2023. The Site’s EPA ID is UTN000826403. The Site is located within an industrialized area of Salt Lake City and has historically been developed with industrial structures from at least 1937 to the present. United Steel, a metal fabricator, currently occupies the Site (Figure 2). The Site layout consists of a metal shop building, an office building, a storage yard, and a parking lot. The Site, except for two gates near Navajo Street, is enclosed by a chain link fence. Active railroad tracks define the northern and southern boundaries of the property and limit safe access from those directions. The Jordan River defines the eastern boundary of the Site. Navajo Street, a public road, splits the two parcels. The area has a large homeless community and homeless encampments were observed outside of the fence along the Jordan River. 3.2 Site History The Site is located within the boundaries of the former South Temple Landfill, which is defined by the Jordan River to the east, North Temple Street to the north, Redwood Road to the west, and Interstate 80 to the south. The South Temple Landfill received municipal and industrial waste from the Salt Lake City area from approximately 1890 to 1930. However, little is known about the history of the South Temple Landfill as historical records are found to be somewhat inconclusive (UDEQ/DERR, 2000). The oversight history of the South Temple Landfill includes a UDEQ/EPA Preliminary Assessment in 1997, an EPA Site Inspection in 2000, and a No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) status in 2000. The earliest aerial photographs in 1937 show the Site developed with several small structures and at least one industrial structure. In the 1950s, the industrial structure was removed and the Site was later redeveloped with a large industrial building and outdoor steel storage, likely associated with the steel plant operating on the parcel to the south. The industrial building was smaller than its current footprint for approximately three decades and was built to its current size in 1971. Since development, numerous tenants have existed at this parcel, with several steel supply and steel fabrication businesses since the 1960s (Terracon, 2020). A. Fab Engineering, Inc., a steel fabrication operation, operated at the Site from 2019 to 2021. United Steel now operates the Site, and the current owner is MS Operating CO, LLC. Some of the services offered by United Steel include engineering, structural and architectural metal fabrication, CNC plasma and oxy fuel cutting, press brake forming and bending, precision metal cutting, CNC punching punch press, rolling and angle rolling, finishing and powder coating, drilling and tapping, welding services, stainless steel fabrication, and aluminum fabrication (United Steel, 2021). The area surrounding the Site has experienced heavy industrial use since the early 1900s. Rocky Mountain Power is located to the north and other surrounding businesses include an auto repair shop, piano refinishing, and Dominion Energy. The south adjacent property, located at 1230 West 200 South, enrolled in the Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) in 2020 with a DERR identification of #C105. The VCP is a program administered by the UDEQ/DERR which encourages the investigation and cleanup of sites where there is suspected or confirmed contaminant release. Before 1230 West 200 South enrolled in the VCP, two Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) and one Phase II ESA were conducted for 1230 West and 200 South and the Site. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 3 The Site has been the subject of several environmental studies, including the following: ● Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation. 2000. Site Inspection Analytical Results Report, South Temple Landfill Site. ● Resource and Environmental Management Consultants, Inc. 2014. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 1230 West 200 South. ● Resource and Environmental Management Consultants. 2019. Results of Mark Steel Phase II Site Environmental Site Assessment. ● Terracon Consultants. 2020. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Mark Steel Property. Previous investigations discovered arsenic, lead, and cadmium impacts in the soil, surface soil, and groundwater at the Site. Arsenic and lead concentrations in the subsurface soils would likely classify as hazardous waste if they were tested using EPA’s Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP; EPA Method 1311) with arsenic concentrations as high as 36,800 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and lead concentrations as high as 7,840 mg/kg. Arsenic and lead were reported above the Industrial EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSL) in all soil samples taken on the Site. Arsenic soil concentrations that exceeded 1,000 mg/kg were exposed at the surface but arsenic was detected four feet below ground surface (bgs) at most locations. All soil samples at the Site also reported concentrations above the EPA Residential RSL for cadmium (REMC, 2019). Arsenic exceeded the EPA MCL in all shallow groundwater samples, with the highest concentration of total arsenic at 52,600 micrograms per liter (ug/L). These high concentrations of arsenic rapidly decrease off-site to the north and south. Shallow groundwater also contained concentrations of cadmium and lead that exceeded MCLs but to a lesser degree than arsenic (REMC, 2019). There are no records or knowledge of accidents or spills at the Site, and it is unknown what type of wastes have historically been generated. The Site does not appear on any regulatory databases and no permits were identified. No remediation work has ever been performed at the Site. 3.2.2 Adjacent Properties 1230 West 200 South The south adjacent property, located at 1230 West 200 South, Salt Lake City, Utah conducted steel fabrication operations since the late 1930s or early 1940s. At the time of the Phase I investigation in 2020, the owner was MS Operating Co, LLC, with multiple tenants operating at the property. The property consisted of residences in the early 1900s but was later developed with the initial structures used in the steel fabrication operations. Before demolition, there were five metal structures on the property with several of the buildings divided into multiple Bays and with different occupants. Historical resources show oil storage on the property and soil staining likely from spent blast grit. Sanborn maps indicate that portions of the property were also used for plastic fabrication, galvanizing, and plating. A berm made from slag of unknown molten metals and spent blast grit was observed along the eastern boundary of the property, which borders the Jordan River (Terracon, 2020). Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 4 1230 West 200 South is identified on several regulatory databases, most notably as a large quantity Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) generator and an Underground Storage Tank (UST) facility (Facility ID 4000559). RCRA inspection documents from 1997 through 2000 show several noncompliance issues such as leaving containers unsealed and amid vehicle traffic, and deficient container labeling. An environmental incident in 2021 indicates a transformer oil spill occurred on the property containing PCBs. An inspection report dated March 13, 2000, noted there were drainage issues as well, citing pipes that drained the eastern edge of the property through the berm of spent blasting grit along the Jordan River and referenced to open drains near the northwest portion of the property. While under the VCP, a railroad spur was pulled, and the former buildings were taken down. Foundation slabs and machine pits under these buildings were removed. Oil was drained from a machine pit located near the center of the property, and drums from around the property were collected into a management area, inventoried, and then submitted for disposal. Soil sampling utilizing a grid was conducted across the property in the building footprints. Arsenic (up to 406 mg/kg) and lead (up to 5,720 mg/kg) impacts were found in surface soil within the footprint of the former sandblasting and paint shop on the western side of the property. Another sample point near the center of the property had arsenic (74.3 mg/kg), lead (1,250 mg/kg), and cyanide (0.309 mg/kg) impacts associated with buried brick debris that may have been related to materials from the demolition of a historic smelter in the area. Additional arsenic (up to 294 mg/kg), lead (up to 3,980 mg/kg), and cadmium (9.27 mg/kg) impacts were found in transects from the berm along the Jordan River, with higher concentrations at the surface on the northern portion. PAHs were also present in the berm, with benzo(a)pyrene (1.89 mg/kg), benzo(a)anthracene (2.02 mg/kg), benzo(b)fluoranthene (2.29 mg/kg) and dibenz(a,h)anthracene (0.286 mg/kg) above residential RSLs in surface soil samples but below industrial RSLs. Sediment samples taken from the Jordan River next to the berm did not contain PAHs, but did contain metals, with detections of arsenic (up to 22.5 mg/kg), cadmium (up to 3.59 mg/kg), chromium (up to 41.5 mg/kg), lead (up to 395 mg/kg), selenium (up to 3.43 mg/kg), silver at (2.45 mg/kg), and zinc (up to 708 mg/kg). Except for chromium, these concentrations all exceeded EPA Biological Technical Assistance Group (BTAG) Screening Values for freshwater sediments. Surface water results contained arsenic (up to 17.8 ug/L), barium (up to 81.3 ug/L), cadmium (up to 0.911 ug/L), lead (up to 6.93 ug/L), and selenium (up to 12.6 ug/L) above EPA BTAG Screening Values for freshwater (REMC, 2022b). Further site characterization work detected concentrations of arsenic in groundwater along the northern boundary of the 1230 West 200 South property and the United Steel Site. Concentrations reached as high as 11,000 ug/L for dissolved arsenic 16,500 ug/L for total arsenic. Additional soil sampling did not identify a source of the arsenic groundwater plume on 1230 West 200 South but was rather identified to be from the United Steel Site to the north (REMC, 2022a). A chlorinated solvent plume was detected near the paint shop but did not extend south to 200 South or north of the railroad tracks in the area. Concentrations were as high as 10,700 ug/L for PCE, 650 ug/L for TCE, and 194 ug/L for cis-1,2-dichloroethene. The source of the chlorinated solvent plume was never fully determined (REMC 2022b). A remedial action plan for the property was submitted on May 6, 2021, and a revision was submitted on December 16, 2022, however neither version of the remedial action plan was ever Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 5 approved due to discussions over the planned remedy. The applicants, CW Urban and CW The Yard, LLC, terminated their involvement in the VCP on February 22, 2023. The property is expected to be redeveloped into TheYARD, a single-family build-to-rent townhome community. Construction at the property was already underway during the two site visits for United Steel. Rocky Mountain Power (1223 West North Temple Street) Rocky Mountain Power (RMP), an electrical utility company, is located to the north at 1223 West North Temple Street, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The property was formally part of the South Temple Landfill and has been used by PacifiCorp and its predecessors for office buildings, a maintenance yard, and support of the Gadsby Power Plant. The Gadsby Plant is a natural gas electrical power - generating facility. It was constructed between 1949 and 1951 and historically used coal in its electricity generation process (Terracon, 2020). The plant is an active Tier II facility (UDEQ, n.d.). In 2022, RMP enrolled in the VCP with a DERR identification of #C119. The RMP VCP property is approximately 49.90 acres and consists of four separate VCP Areas (A – D). The Gadsby Plant is not part of this VCP project and is scheduled to be decommissioned in 2030. The property is known to have multiple releases from leaking underground storage tanks (LUST), as well as, asbestos, cyanide, and metals from the former landfill and possibly from historic smelter operations. VCP Area A (located near West North Temple Street and the Jordan River) has an accepted Remedial Action Plan with much of the work already underway. During the site characterization process for Area A, the highest concentrations in soil for arsenic (48.3 mg/kg), lead (2,200 mg/kg), and cadmium (7.22) were detected at depths of 2 to 6 feet bgs. Groundwater results show arsenic above the EPA MCL at concentrations between 11.5 ug/L to 18.8 ug/L. Sediment samples collected along the Jordan River adjacent to the United Steel Site detected arsenic (65.6 mg/kg and 9.33 mg/kg) and lead (216 mg/kg and 346 mg/kg) along the river banks (Hill West Environmental, 2023b). The proposed redevelopment of the property includes the construction of a new RMP headquarters building and parking structure, and development over time of the remaining property with commercial, retail, and potentially residential land use (Hill West Environmental, 2023a). The RMP VCP property is part of the North Temple Project Area, a corridor that the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (SLCRDA) identifies as an “opportune site for new transit-oriented development” (RDA, n.d.). The Utah Transit Authority (UTA) TRAX green line travels along North Temple Road, connecting the Salt Lake City International Airport to downtown Salt Lake City. The SLCRDA North Temple Project Area Plan identifies the project goals of attracting new investments to transform the area into a vibrant, walkable, and transit-oriented corridor (SLCRDA, n.d.) 3.2.3 Physical Conditions – Generalized Hydrogeological and Meteorological Setting The Site lies in the northern portion of the Salt Lake Valley at approximately 4,220 feet above sea level (Terracon, 2020). The topography is mostly flat with very little elevation change (UDEQ/DERR, 2000). The region is semiarid with an average annual precipitation of 15.52 inches per year. January high and low average temperatures are 38.6º F and 24.2º F respectively, while July averages are 94.0º F and 68.2º F, respectively. The two-year 24-hour rainfall is 1.42 inches (NOAA, n.d.). Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 6 The Site is underlain by a great thickness of Quaternary and late Tertiary age unconsolidated and semi-consolidated lacustrine sediments deposited by former Lake Bonneville (Arnow, et al, 1970). The surface topography of the region, a reflection of the underlying geology, is characterized by deep, narrow grabens filled by several thousand feet of lake sediments and alluvium eroded from the adjacent mountains (UDEQ/DERR, 2000). Previous reports at the Site indicate that the subsurface under the Site is composed of Quaternary alluvium of gravel, sand, silt, and clay deposited in the channels and flood plains of streams (Terracon, 2020). The Site lies in the relatively flat valley bottom of the Salt Lake Valley at an elevation of about 4,225 feet (USGS, 1975). The groundwater of Salt Lake Valley is found in four aquifers located in basin-fill deposits of primarily Quaternary and late Tertiary age (Haly, et al, 1971). A confined artesian aquifer and a deep unconfined aquifer together constitute the primary source of most groundwater in the Salt Lake Valley (DERR, 1997). Recharge to the principal aquifer in the valley is from infiltration of precipitation and unconsumed irrigation water, subsurface inflow from adjacent fractured consolidated rocks, and seepage from streams and canals. Discharge from the principal aquifer is to wells, springs, seepage to the Jordan River and the lower reaches of its tributaries, the shallow aquifer, and evapotranspiration (Thiros, 2003). The depth to shallow groundwater at the Site is approximately six to ten feet bgs with a relatively low groundwater gradient (REMC, 2019). The Jordan River defines the eastern boundary of the Site. The average annual flow of the Jordan River is estimated to be around 250 cubic feet per second. The wetlands of the Great Salt Lake are located approximately 15 downstream miles from the Site (USGID, 2024). 4.0 POTENTIAL EXPOSURE PATHWAYS 4.1 Waste/Source Characteristics As identified by previous environmental reports, the primary contaminants of concern are arsenic, lead, and cadmium in the soil and groundwater. A total of 5 groundwater and 5 soil samples were collected and analyzed in 2019 for the Site (Figure 3). The 2019 sampling event tested for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and RCRA 8 metals (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver). VOCs in soil and groundwater at the Site were primarily non-detect, with only one monitoring well (MW-1) exceeding the EPA Tapwater RSL for chloroform (2 ug/L), ethylbenzene (1.9 ug/L), 1,2,4- trimethylbenzene (330 ug/L), and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (100 ug/L). SVOCs were detected below the EPA Residential RSL in soil and were non-detect in the groundwater (REMC, 2019). Total (180 ug/L – 52,600 ug/L) and dissolved arsenic (170 ug/L – 52,400 ug/L) were detected in all shallow groundwater samples at concentrations significantly above the EPA MCL with the highest concentration at monitoring well MW-2 (Figure 4). Shallow groundwater also has some impacts by lead (ND - 180 ug/L) and cadmium (ND - 190 ug/L). Soil samples were typically collected from the depth interval with the highest metal concentrations recorded by X-ray fluorescence meter (XRF) screening conducted in the field. XRF discovered arsenic and lead contamination primarily concentrated in the upper two to four feet bgs, with concentrations of arsenic exceeding 1,000 mg/kg near the exposed surface. However, for some sample locations, arsenic was detected above the EPA Industrial RSL at depths of 14 feet bgs. All Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 7 soil samples detected arsenic (188 mg/kg - 36,800 mg/kg) and lead (1,230 mg/kg – 7,840 mg/kg) above the Industrial RSL. Cadmium was also detected above the Residential RSL in all soil samples (7.9 mg/kg - 104 mg/kg) (Figure 5). Additional soil and groundwater samples were collected for 1230 West 200 South during the same 2019 sampling event. Arsenic (8.4 mg/kg - 398 mg/kg) and lead (12.9 mg/kg - 7,390 mg/kg) were detected in all soil samples. In groundwater, concentrations of arsenic (ND - 400 ug/L), lead (ND - 48 ug/L), and cadmium (ND - 20.7 ug/L) were also discovered. A follow-up investigation in 2022 for 1230 West 200 South discovered the highest levels of arsenic (1,700 ug/L - 16,500 ug/L) in shallow groundwater near the northern boundary which borders the United Steel Site (REMC, 2022). No soil samples taken at 1230 West 200 South were identified to be the source of the high concentrations of arsenic observed in the shallow groundwater at the United Steel Site. Analytical results from the 2000 Site Inspection for the South Temple Landfill showed detectable levels of aluminum, arsenic, lead, and thallium in groundwater and arsenic, copper, lead, mercury, sodium, thallium, zinc, and beryllium in the soils just north of the United Steel Site. These concentrations were deemed similar to background concentrations. Additionally, two groundwater samples, one surface soil sample, and one subsurface sample were taken just north of the United Steel Site. Groundwater samples detected concentrations of arsenic (44.6 ug/L and 113 ug/L), lead (9.1 ug/L and 24.3 ug/L), and cadmium (4.2 ug/L and 6.3 ug/L). The surface soil sample detected arsenic (33.5 mg/kg), lead (94.9 mg/kg), and cadmium (1.6 mg/kg), and the subsurface soil sample detected arsenic (126 mg/kg), lead (230 mg/kg), and cadmium (5.3 kg). The source of the arsenic shallow groundwater plume is likely associated with the long-term steel fabrication operations that have historically occurred on the Sit e. High levels of arsenic and lead near the exposed soil indicate the likelihood of a historic release, with a possible source area located between monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-3. Table 1: Contaminants Detected at the Site Above Screening Levels Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 8 Arsenic exposure can occur via ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation. Inorganic arsenic can be released into the environment by commercial and industrial processes, and workers at metal smelting facilities and nearby residents may be exposed to above-average inorganic arsenic levels from arsenic released into the air. Acute exposure to inorganic arsenic has resulted in respiratory effects, gastrointestinal effects, and central and peripheral nervous system effects. Chronic exposure to inorganic arsenic is associated with skin, cardiovascular, and neurological effects, and can cause damage to the liver and kidneys (EPA, 2021). Lead exposure occurs through a combination of inhalation and oral exposure but the health effects are the same regardless of the route of exposure. Lead can affect the blood, as well as the nervous, immune, renal, and cardiovascular systems. Early childhood and prenatal exposures are associated with slowed cognitive development, learning deficits, and other effects. Exposure to high amounts of lead can cause gastrointestinal systems, severely damage the brain and kidneys, and may cause reproductive effects. The largest causes of airborne emissions are metal industries, including iron and steel production, and manufacturing industries. Exposure to lead may also occur in the workplace, such as lead smelting and refining industries, and steel and iron factories (EPA, 2011). Cadmium is classified as a probable human carcinogen. Exposure to cadmium primarily occurs through the ingestion of contaminated food or the inhalation of cigarettes. Acute effects of cadmium through inhalation consist mainly of effects on the lung, such as pulmonary irritation. Chronic inhalation or oral exposure can cause kidney disease. Cadmium is considered to have high acute toxicity (EPA, 2000). 4.2 Groundwater Pathway The depth to shallow groundwater at the Site is approximately six to ten feet bgs with a relatively low hydraulic gradient. The 2019 groundwater monitoring event at the Site shows the direction of shallow groundwater flow to be toward the west, away from the Jordan River (Figure 6). This is an atypical flow pattern that may be seasonal or influenced by anthropomorphic features such as a dam structure approximately 300 feet upstream on the Jordan River (REMC, 2019). Investigations for 1230 West 200 South consistently show a similar groundwater flow direction from east to west, away from the Jordan River, with groundwater flow reversing to a west-to-east direction at the far west portion of the property (REMC; 2022b). Groundwater impacts at the Site include arsenic exceeding the EPA MCL at all locations (180 ug/L - 52,600 ug/L), and some impacts by lead (ND - 180 ug/L) and cadmium (ND - 190 ug/L) above the EPA MCL (Table 2). Previous groundwater sampling conducted for the north and south adjoining properties shows arsenic concentrations decreasing with increasing distance from the United Steel Site. Some VOC impacts were detected at one sampling location (MW -1) above the EPA Tapwater RSL. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 9 Table 2: Summary of Highest Concentrations Detected for Data Results From The 2019 Groundwater Sampling The Site does not lie in an area of karst terrain (Weary & Doctor, 2014). Soils at the site are described as boulders to pebble gravel, sand, silt, and clay deposited in the channels and flood plains of streams (Terracon, 2020). General soil characteristics observed at the Site include a non- native fill material within the upper one to four feet of soil, underlaid by native topsoil consisting of native sandy clays or clayey sands. Saturated soils were encountered below ten feet bgs and consisted of course sands with little to no clay content (REMC, 2019). 4.2.1 Groundwater Exposure Targets and Conclusions There are six municipal water wells and springs identified in the Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Drinking Water (UDEQ/DDW) database within four miles of the Site (Figure 7) (UDEQ/DDW, n.d). Of these, four are active and two are inactive. The wells are part of three separate public supply systems with a combined population of approximately 25,063. The municipal well closest to the Site, the 4th Avenue Well, is located approximately 2.3 miles northeast and upgradient of the Site. The well produces five to seven million gallons of water per day, supplying the Downtown and Capitol Hill areas with much of their drinking water in peak demand summer months (Salt Lake City Public Utilities, n.d). The well is located within Canyon Side Park, providing an accessible public park to Salt Lake City residents. The 4th Avenue Well is a part of the Salt Lake City Water System which serves a population of approximately 360,654 (UDEQ/DDW, 2024). Data provided by the Utah Department of Natural Resources/Division of Water Rights (UDNR/DWR) indicates that there are existing rights to 3,623 Points of Diversion (PODs) within 4 miles of the Site (Figure 8). Of these 3,623 PODs, 1,153 list “domestic” as at least one of the well uses. The nearest POD is 258 feet southwest of the Site and is a non-production monitoring well owned by REMC, Inc. (USGID/DDW, 2024). The nearest domestic water well is located 1.73 miles southwest of the Site with a depth of 217 feet (USGID/DDW, 2024). The Site is not within a wellhead protection area (UDEQ, n.d.). The arsenic concentrations detected in the groundwater at the Site suggest the presence of a groundwater plume that may extend beyond the Site boundaries. The groundwater flow direction at the Site has not been fully defined, creating the possibility that contamination from the Site may be entering the Jordan River through groundwater discharge. However, nearby drinking water wells are unlikely to have been impacted by the arsenic shallow groundwater plume as there are no viable targets nearby and the closest municipal well is not contaminated. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 10 4.3 Soil Exposure and Subsurface Intrusion Pathway Arsenic and lead were ubiquitous in the soil at concentrations above the Industrial RSLs and at levels likely to be classified as hazardous waste. In four of the five soil samples, concentrations of arsenic were above 6,300 mg/kg. Monitoring well MW-3, located adjacent to the Jordan River, contained the highest concentrations of arsenic (36,800 mg/kg), lead (7,840 mg/kg), and cadmium (104 mg/kg) at the Site. XRF data show arsenic and lead-contaminated soil primarily concentrated within the upper two to four feet bgs, with arsenic concentrations exceeding 1,000 mg/kg near the exposed surface. However, for some sample locations, arsenic was detected above the EPA Industrial RSL at depths of 14 feet bgs. No specific sources of the impacted soil were identified during previous investigations but are rather suggestive of the long-term use of the Site for steel fabrication purposes. Table 3: Summary of Highest Concentrations Detected for Data Results From The 2019 Soil Sampling 4.3.1 Soil and Subsurface Intrusion Targets and Conclusions The Site terrain consists mainly of asphalt parking lots, uncovered dirt, a concrete pad, one commercial structure, and one industrial structure. Active railroad tracks define the northern and southern boundary of the Site. The closest park is Sherwood Park, located 0.32 miles to the south, the nearest multifamily dwelling is located 0.33 miles to the southwest, the nearest single-family dwelling is 540 feet to the south, and the nearest agricultural area is 0.9 miles to the east. The closest school is Franklin Elementary School, located 0.45 miles south of the Site (Google Maps, 2024). The nearest residence will likely be directly to the south (1230 West 200 South) where multifamily residential structures were being constructed at the time of the site visit on April 11, 2024. The Site is located in a light and heavy industrial area. United Steel, a metal fabricator, currently operates at the Site with an unknown number of workers. Approximately 711 people live within 0.25 miles of the Site and 147,697 people live within 4 miles of the Site (Utah Census Blocks, 2020). There are approximately 76 schools, daycares, and similar facilities within 4 miles of the Site (USGID Utah Schools PreK to 12, 2023; Google Maps, 2024). There is no indication of any daycare facilities or schools within 200 feet of the contamination. There are approximately 91,777 people employed and approximately 46,201 students within four miles of the Site (U.S Census Bureau 2018; Utah Open Data, n.d). There has been no remedial action to address the contaminated soils and large portions of the Site remain unpaved, leaving the soil exposed and accessible. Workers are present on-site throughout the day as United Steel remains an active operator. While public access to the Site is restricted by Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 11 a fence, the Site is located in an area with a large homeless population and encampments were observed along the fenced boundaries. Additionally, a new multi-family residence is being constructed directly to the south of the Site. Exposure via the soil pathway is possible if persons were to come in direct contact with the exposed soil. 4.4 Surface Water Pathway The nearest surface water body is the Jordan River which defines the eastern boundary of the Site. The Jordan River flows to the north for approximately 15 miles before it enters the wetlands of the Great Salt Lake (Figure 9). The annual streamflow of the Jordan River is approximately 124 cubic feet at USGS monitoring station #10171000 (USGS, 2024). The nearest creek is City Creek which is 2.36 miles to the northeast and the next nearest major spring is 3.38 miles to the north. The Site and surrounding area do not fall within any known flood hazard area (FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer, 2024). There are four sensitive environments within 4 miles of the Site and 15 miles downstream including wetlands, watersheds, nature preserves, and the Jordan River. The Jordan River has approximately 200 acres of wetlands along its banks and houses several species of fish and waterfowl (Pettengill, 1997). The Jordan River is identified as a fishery and water from the river is used for irrigation and stock watering purposes (UDNR/DWR, 1987). The Great Salt Lake, a terminal saltwater lake, supports a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic life and serves as a critical habitat for resident and migratory birds (UDEQ/DWQ, 2023). The Great Salt Lake has approximately 360,000 acres of wetlands which provide a habitat for plants, brine shrimp, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, shorebirds, and waterfowl (UDNR, 2023). Recreational activities include fishing and boating along the Jordan River, with designated trails and shoreline paths (UDNR/DWR, n.d.; Jordan River Commission, n.d.). According to the 2000 Site Inspection for the South Temple Landfill, a mosquito abatement canal was constructed before 1953 to drain a swampy area south of the landfill. This canal traverses the landfill in a northwest-southwest fashion and ultimately drains into Farmington Bay (UDEQ/DERR, 2000). However, no information was found on the exact location of that canal or whether it traverses underneath the Site. 4.4.1 Surface Water Exposure Conclusions The terrain is predominantly flat and large portions of the Site are uncovered with exposed soils. A berm along the eastern boundary existed at 1230 West 200 South, which was potentially constructed to contain floodwaters from the Jordan River (REMC, 2014). It is unknown if a berm of a similar nature exists on the Site; however, the north, east, and south boundaries do appear slightly elevated. Standing water was observed during both site visits. Despite this, no evident runoff pathways were observed, and no storm drains were obse rved along Navajo Street, except for one elevated storm drain near 200 South. Notably, the Jordan River lies directly east of the Site, and observations during the two site visits revealed its use by the homeless community for bathing purposes. Regarding these factors, the DERR considers the most plausible surface water exposure scenarios to be the percolation of precipitation into contaminated soil or transportation of contaminated soil via surface water runoff. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 12 4.5 Air Pathway The Site is located in a light and heavy industrial area with some coverage of asphalt, concrete, and existing structures. However, significant portions of the Site remain uncovered with exposed dirt. Analytical results show that the highest concentrations of arsenic, lead, and cadmium in the soil are concentrated near the surface. During both site visits, the exposed areas of the Site appear to be used for the storage of steel beams and other materials, with occasional foot and vehicle traffic. 4.5.1 Air Pathway Targets and Conclusions The Site is an active facility with workers both inside and outside of the buildings. There are approximately 21,670 residents living within one mile of the Site and the population within 4 miles of the Site is 147,697 (Utah Census Blocks, 2020). However, the nearest residence will likely be directly to the south (1230 West 200 South) where construction has already begun for a 157-unit single-family townhome community. Additionally, the area has a large homeless community with several homelessness encampments located adjacent to the Site. No indoor or outdoor air samples have been collected for the Site. There is a potential for surface soil contaminants to become airborne in the event of strong winds or heavy vehicle traffic. Considering these factors, exposure via an air pathway is possible. 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The United Steel Site is a metal fabricator located at 82 South and 83 South Navajo Street in Salt Lake City, Utah. This PA was initiated because the DERR received analytical data indicating that the soil, subsurface soil, and groundwater at the Site had been impacted by arsenic, lead, and cadmium contamination significantly above screening levels. Historically, the Site has been located in an industrialized part of the Salt Lake City. However, the area surrounding the United Steel Site is experiencing an influx of redevelopment and investment. Due to the proximity to the Jordan River and the UTA TRAX green line, the North Temple corridor is becoming an opportune location for more commercial and residential development. The area directly surrounding the Site is already underway with plans to attract larger communities, such as TheYARD and the Rocky Mountain Power redevelopment. Due to these factors, the number of viable targets near the Site is expected to increase. Concentrations of arsenic and lead in the soil are widespread and are likely to classify as hazardous waste. One location shared the highest concentration of arsenic (36,800 mg/kg), lead (7,840 mg/kg), and cadmium (104 mg/kg) for soil. Groundwater at the Site is predominantly impacted by arsenic, with concentrations reaching as high as 52,600 ug/L for total arsenic and 52,400 ug/L for dissolved arsenic. Additionally, there are some impacts by lead and cadmium but to a lesser degree than arsenic. Adjacent to the east is the Jordan River, which ultimately drains into the Great Salt Lake. Significant unknowns remain at the Site including the potential for a release into the Jordan River. Single groundwater measurements at the Site show an atypical groundwater flow direction that moves away from the Jordan River, but these measurements did not observe seasonal fluctuations of the water table. Additionally, no surface water drainage was observed at the Site or the Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 13 surrounding properties. Significant portions of the Site remain uncovered with exposed soil , and no remedial action has been taken at the Site to remove any of the soils or to treat the groundwater. The DERR recommends additional sampling and analysis of soil, groundwater, and surface water at the Site to determine the extent of contamination and to address the potential exposure pathways. Such strategies will fill data gaps, allow for better analysis, and help develop strategies to safeguard both human and environmental health. This Site should be assessed through a formal Site Investigation under the authority of CERCLA. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 14 6.0 REFERENCES Anderson, Taylor. 2020. Building Salt Lake, “Developer will build 170 rental units on 12 acres along the Jordan River in Salt Lake City’s Poplar Grove neighborhood”. Accessed May 9, 2024 from: https://buildingsaltlake.com/developer-will-build-170-rental-units-on-12-acres- along-the-jordan-river-in-salt-lake-citys-poplar-grove-neighborhood/ Arnow, T., Van Hom, R., and LaPray, R. 1970. “The Pre-Quatemary Surface in the Jordan Valley, Utah.” U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 700-D, pp. D257- 261. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 2021, Arsenic Compounds Summary. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 2000, Cadmium Compounds Summary. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 2011, Lead Compounds Summary. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency); 2024, FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer: Accessed March 1, 2024 from: https://hazards- fema.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=8b0adb51996444d4879338b552 9aa9cd. Map: 49035C0143E. Hely, A. G., R. W. Mower, C. A. Harr, and T. Arnow. 1971. Water Resources of Salt Lake County, Utah. Utah Department of Natural Resources Technical Publication 31. Hill West Environmental, LLC. 2023a. “Power District Redevelopment Project VCP Area ‘A’ Site Characterization Report (Revised).” Hill West Environmental, LLC. 2023b. “Power District Redevelopment Project VCP Area ‘A’ Remedial Action Plan”. Hill West Environmental, LLC. 2024. “Power District Redevelopment Project - VCP Area ‘A’ Jordan River Additional Sediment Assessment Report.” Jordan River Commission; n.d. Water Trail. Accessed March 29, 2024 from: https://jordanrivercommission.com/water-trail/ NOAA. n.d. NOAA Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates, UT. Accessed on February 20, 2024 from: https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_map_cont.html?bkmrk=ut Pettengill, Tom. 1997. Personal Communication. Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. RDA (Redevelopment Agency). N.d. “Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Project Areas”. Accessed May 9, 2024 from: https://www.slc.gov/district2/tour-district-2/slc-redevelopment-agency- rda-project-areas/ Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 15 REMC (Resource and Environmental Management Consultants). 2019. “Results of Mark Steel Phase II Site Environmental Site Assessment.” REMC (Resource and Environmental Management Consultants). 2022a. “Arsenic Plume Source Material Investigation at CW “The Yard” VCP Site C105.” REMC (Resource and Environmental Management Consultants). 2022b. “Site Characterization Report 1230 West 200 South Salt Lake City, Utah.” Salt Lake City Public Utilities. n.d. Learn more about our 4th Avenue Well Project. Accessed April 23, 2024 from: https://www.slc.gov/utilities/2018/10/16/learn-more-about-our-4th- avenue-well-project/ SLCRDA (Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City). N.d. “North Temple Project Area Plan” Terracon Consultants. 2020. “Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Mark Steel Property.” Thiros, S. A.; 2003. Hydrogeology of Shallow Basin-Fill Deposits in Areas of Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah. doi: 10.3133/wri034029 UDEQ (Utah Department of Environmental Quality); n.d. Interactive map. UDEQ/DDW (Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Drinking Water). 2024. UDEQ/DWQ (Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Quality). 2023. Great Salt Lake. Accessed March 29, 2024 from: https://deq.utah.gov/water-quality/great- salt-lake UDEQ/DERR (Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Environmental Response and Remediation). 2000. “Site Inspection Analytical Results Report South Temple Landfill Site.” UDNR/DNR (Utah Department of Natural Resources/Division of Natural Resources. 1987. Jordan River Fishery Evaluation. UDNR (Utah Department of Natural Resources/Division of Natural Resources); 2023. The Great Salt Lake. UDNR/DWR (Utah Department of Natural Resources/Division of Wildlife Resources); n.d. Fish Utah. Accessed March 29, 2024 from: https://dwrapps.utah.gov/fishing/?NA=Bountiful%20Lake UDNR/DWR (Utah Department of Natural Resources/Division of Wildlife Resources). n.d. Wildlife Recreation Access Layer. Accessed March 29, 2024 from: https://dwrapps.utah.gov/ram/ Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 16 United States Census Bureau. 2018. American Community Survey, Selected Economic Characteristics, DP03. United Steel. Services. 2021. Accessed April 26, 2024 from: https://unitedsteelus.com/services/ USGID (Utah’s State Geographic Information Database). 2024. “AGRC Utah Lakes NHD”, layer name: LakesNHDHighRes USGID (Utah’s State Geographic Information Database). 2023. “AGRC Utah Schools PreK to 12”. layer name: Schools_PreKto12 USGID (Utah’s State Geographic Information Database). 2022. “Utah Census Blocks 2020”. layer name: CensusBlocks2020 USGID/DDW (Utah’s State Geographic Information Database/Division of Drinking Water). 2024. “Utah Points of Diversion”. layer name: PointsOfDiversion. USGS (United States Geological Survey). 2024. Jordan River @ 1700 South @ Salt Lake City, UT-10171000. Accessed February 20, 2024 from: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring- location/10171000/#parameterCode=00060&period=P365D&showMedian=true USGS (U.S. Geological Survey). 1975. “Salt Lake City North, Utah, 7.5-minute Topographic Quadrangle Map.” Utah Open Data. n.d. Salt Lake County Enrollment Rates by Age and Gender. Accessed May 2, 2024 from: https://opendata.utah.gov/widgets/3gyc-a79v?mobile_redirect=true Wasatch Environmental. 2020. “Former Mark Steel, October 27, 2020 Groundwater Elevation Map”. PDF. Weary, D. J., & Doctor, D. H. 2014. “Karst in the United States: A Digital Map Compilation and Database.” Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 17 Figures Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 18 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 19 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 20 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 21 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 22 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 23 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 24 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 25 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 26 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 27 Appendix A Preliminary Assessment Worksheet Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 28 EPA PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET PREPARER'S NAME: Allison Stanley SITE NAME: United Steel DATE: May 7, 2024 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 29 MAJOR CONSIDERATIONS A) DOES ANY QUALITATIVE OR QUANTITATIVE INFORMATION EXIST THAT MAY INDICATE AN OBSERVED RELEASE TO AIR, GROUNDWATER, SOIL OR SURFACE WATER? ☒ YES ☐ NO Describe: Borings and monitoring wells installed at the Site have identified arsenic, lead, and cadmium contamination in the soil and groundwater. Arsenic and lead in surface and subsurface soil were discovered at concentrations likely to be classified as hazardous waste. B) IF THE ANSWER TO #1 IS YES, IS THERE EVIDENCE OF DRINKING WATER SUPPLY CONTAMINATION OR ANY OTHER TARGET CONTAMINATION (i.e. food chain, recreation areas, or sensitive environments)? ☐ YES ☒ NO Describe: The nearest domestic well, located at 1044 West 3rd South, is not downgradient of the Site. It is unknown if this well is used for drinking water and there are no reports of annual testing. The nearest municipal well, located at 4th Avenue and Canyon Road, is not downgradient of the Site. The well is tested annually and did not detect any contamination. It is not known if contamination from the Site is entering the Jordan River. Source of information: (Utah Division of Drinking Water, 2024), (UDEQ/DDW, n.d.). C) ARE THERE SENSITIVE ENVIRONMENTS WITHIN A 4-MILE RADIUS OR 15 DOWNSTREAM MILES OF THE SITE? ☒ YES ☐ NO IF YES, DESCRIBE IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING APPLY: 1) Multiple sensitive environments? There are 4 sensitive environments within a 4- mile radius and within 15 miles downstream of the site including wetlands, watersheds, the Jordan River, and the Legacy Nature Preserve. 2) Federally designated sensitive environment(s)? Unknown 3) Sensitive environment(s) downstream on a small or slow-flowing surface water body? Yes, lakes, ponds, and streams lie downstream. D) IS THE SITE LOCATED IN AN AREA OF KARST TERRAIN? ☐ YES ☒ NO Describe: N/A E) DOES THE WASTE SOURCE LIE FULLY OR PARTIALLY WITHIN A WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA AS DESIGNATED ACCORDING TO SECTION 1428 OF THE SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT? ☐ YES ☒ NO Describe: The Site does not lie within a wellhead protection area. Source of Information: (DEQ Interactive Map, 2024) F) DOES ANY QUALITATIVE OR QUANTITATIVE INFORMATION EXIST THAT PEOPLE LIVE OR ATTEND SCHOOL ON ONSITE CONTAMINATED PROPERTY? ☐YES ☒NO Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 30 Describe: There are no homes or dwellings, of any type, currently on the Site. There is construction for a multifamily residential complex on the south adjacent property. SITE INFORMATION 1. SITE NAME: United Steel ADDRESS: 82 South and 83 South Navajo Street CITY: Salt Lake City COUNTY: Salt Lake STATE: UT ZIP: 84104 EPA ID: UTN000826403 LATITUDE: 40° 46' 1.812 N LONGITUDE: 111° 55' 45.876 W 2. DIRECTIONS TO SITE (From nearest public road): To reach the Site from Salt Lake City, drive west on 200 South and take a right on Navajo Street. The Site is located at the end of the road. 3. SITE OWNERSHIP HISTORY (Use additional sheets, if necessary): A. Name of current owner: MS Operating CO, LLC Address: 900 South Donner Way, Apt. 104 City: Salt Lake City County: Salt Lake State: Utah Zip: 84108 Dates: From unknown To Present Phone: _________________ B. Name of previous owner: AAM Investments, LTD Address: 5365 Cottonwood Lane City: Salt Lake City County: Salt Lake State: Utah Zip: 84117 Dates: From 6/29/2007 To unknown Phone: C. Name of previous owner: RT Enterprises, LLC Address: City: County: State: UT Zip: Dates: From Unknown To 6/29/2007 Phone: Source of ownership data: (Salt Lake County Assessor, 2023), (Terracon, 2020), (Utah Division of corporations and Commercial Code Business Search, n.d.) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 31 . TYPE OF OWNERSHIP (Check all that apply): ☒ Private ☐ State ☐ Municipal ☐ Federal ☐ County ☐ Other (describe): 5. NAME OF SITE OPERATOR: United Steel Address: 83 S Navajo Street City: Salt Lake City County: Salt Lake State: UT Zip: 84104 Dates: From 2021 To Present Phone:+1(385)282-6336 BACKGROUND/OPERATING HISTORY 6. DESCRIBE OPERATING HISTORY OF SITE: The area surrounding the Site has experienced heavy industrial use since the early 1900s. The Site is located within the boundaries of the South Temple Landfill which received municipal and industrial waste from the Salt Lake City area from approximately 1890 to 1930. The earliest aerial photographs in 1937 show the Site developed with several small structures and at least one industrial structure. In the 1950s, the industrial structure was removed and the Site was later redeveloped with a large industrial building and outdoor steel storage, likely associated with the steel plant operating on the parcel to the south. The industrial building was smaller than its current footprint for approximately three decades and was built to its current size in 1971. Since development, numerous tenants have existed at this parcel, with several steel supply and steel fabrication businesses since the 1960s. Source of information: (Terracon, 2020), (UDEQ/DERR, 2000) 7. DESCRIBE THE NATURE OF SITE OPERATIONS (property size, manufacturing, waste disposal, storage, etc.): Since development, numerous tenants have existed at this parcel, with several steel supply and steel fabrication businesses since the 1960s. A. Fab Engineering, Inc., a steel fabrication operation, operated at the Site from 2019 to 2021. United Steel now operates the Site, and the current owner is MS Operating CO, LLC. Some of the services provided by United Steel include Engineering, Structural & Architectural Metal Fabrication, CNC Plasma & Oxy Fuel Cutting, Press Brake Forming & Bending, Precision Metal Cutting, CNC Punching Punch Press, Rolling & Angle Rolling, Finishing & Powder Coating, Drilling & Tapping, Welding Services, Stainless Steel Fabrication, and Aluminum Fabrication. There have been no reported releases on the Site and the Site does not appear on any regulatory databases. There are no records related to waste manifests or waste disposals for the Site. High levels of arsenic, lead, and cadmium have been detected in the soil, and high levels of dissolved arsenic have been detected in the groundwater. Source of information: (Terracon, 2020), (REMC, 2019), (UDEQ Interactive Map, n.d.) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 32 8. DESCRIBE ANY EMERGENCY OR REMEDIAL ACTIONS THAT HAVE OCCURRED AT THE SITE: None Source of information: (REMC, 2019); (UDEQ Interactive Map, n.d.) 9. ARE THERE RECORDS OR KNOWLEDGE OF ACCIDENTS OR SPILLS INVOLVING SITE WASTES? ☐ YES ☒ NO Describe: There are no records or knowledge of accidents or spills involving site wastes on the Site. During the Site’s early operational history (from 1930s to the early 1990s) the handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals were not strictly regulated, controlled, or monitored, and historical operations at the Site are poorly documented. However, due to the high concentrations of arsenic and lead present in the soil, specifically at depths of 0-4 feet bgs, a spill has likely occurred associated with the long-term activities at the Site. Source of information: (REMC, 2019), (Terracon, 2020), (UDEQ Interactive Map, n.d.) 10. DISCUSS EXISTING SAMPLING DATA AND BRIEFLY SUMMARIZE DATA QUALITY: Two Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) in 2014 and 2020, and a Phase II ESA in 2019 were conducted for the Site and the adjacent property at 1230 West 200 South. The Phase II ESA included five sampling points on the Site and reported arsenic-impacted soil above the Residential and Industrial EPA RSL in all soil samples. Soil sample cores were screened in the field using a portable X-ray fluorescence meter (XRF) and detected arsenic across recorded depths of 0 to 14 feet below the surface across the samples, with arsenic concentrations that exceed 1,000 mg/kg exposed at the surface. The highest concentration of arsenic in soil at the Site was reported at 36,800 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Lead was reported to exceed the EPA’s industrial RSL at each sample location with the highest concentration of 7,840 mg/kg. MW-3, located in the southeast corner of the Site, near the Jordan River, contained the highest concentrations of both arsenic and lead. All samples also exceeded the EPA Residential soil RSL for cadmium. In the shallow groundwater, Arsenic exceeded the EPA MCL in all samples, with the highest concentration of dissolved arsenic at 52,400 micrograms per liter (ug/L), exceeding the MCL by a factor of approximately 5,000. These high concentrations of arsenic rapidly decrease off-site to the north and south. No sampling locations south of the southern railroad tracks contained arsenic concentrations above 500 mg/kg. Shallow groundwater also contained concentrations of cadmium and lead that exceeded MCLs but to a lesser degree than arsenic. Source of information: (UDEQ/DERR, 2000), (REMC, 2019), (REMC, 2022) WASTE CONTAINMENT/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE IDENTIFICATION 11. FOR EACH SOURCE AT THE SITE, SUMMARIZE ON TABLE 1 (attached): 1) Methods of hazardous substance disposal, storage or handling; 2) size/volume/area of all features/ structures that might contain hazardous waste; 3) condition/integrity of each storage disposal feature or structure; 4) types of hazardous substances handled. 12. BRIEFLY EXPLAIN HOW WASTE QUANTITY WAS ESTIMATED (e.g., historical records or manifests, permit applications, air photo measurements, etc.): Waste and impacts were estimated based off the findings of site investigations previously carried out at the Site. 13. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 33 Source of information: (REMC, 2019); (Terracon, 2020) 13. DESCRIBE ANY RESTRICTIONS OR BARRIERS ON ACCESSIBILITY TO ONSITE WASTE MATERIALS: The Site is enclosed by a chain link fence with a gate near the front entrance. The Site is an active metal fabricating business with workers on-site. Active railroad tracks define the northern and southern boundary of the Site, and the Jordan River defines the eastern boundary. The only access point to the Site is via Navajo Street. Source of Information: (Terracon, 2020), (Site Visits) GROUNDWATER CHARACTERISTICS 14. IS THERE ANY POSITIVE OR CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF A RELEASE TO GROUNDWATER? ☒ YES ☐ NO Describe: Shallow groundwater sampling conducted in 2019 on the Site indicates that shallow groundwater has been contaminated primarily with arsenic, with some locations exceeding screening levels for lead and cadmium. Additional investigations conducted at the south adjacent property detected arsenic concentrations rapidly decreasing off- site to the north and south. Source of information: (REMC, 2019); (REMC, 2022); (UDEQ/DERR, 2000). 15. ON TABLE 2 (attached), GIVE NAMES, DESCRIPTIONS, AND CHARACTERISTICS OR GEOLOGIC/ HYDROGEOLOGIC UNITS UNDERLYING THE SITE. 16. NET PRECIPITATION: 15.67 Source of information: (Western Regional Climate Center n.d.) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 34 SURFACE WATER CHARACTERISTICS 17. ARE THERE SURFACE WATER BODIES WITHIN 2 MILES OF THE SITE? ☒ Ditches ☐ Lakes ☒ Pond ☒ Creeks ☒ Rivers ☐ Other (Describe) 18. DISCUSS THE PROBABLE SURFACE RUNOFF PATTERNS FROM THE SITE TO SURFACE WATERS: The Site is relatively flat and standing water was observed across the site. No storm drains were found on the property. The only storm drain observed was located at the intersection of Navajo Street and 200 South but was positioned at a higher elevation than the rest of Navajo Street, including the Site. From visual observations, it appears that the Site is resting in a bowl, with a slight berm along the north, south, and east boundary of the Site. Exact surface water runoff patterns for the Site have not been established. 19. PROVIDE A SIMPLIFIED SKETCH OF SURFACE RUNOFF AND SURFACE WATER FLOW SYSTEM FOR 15 DOWNSTREAM MILES. (Appendix G) 20. IS THERE ANY POSITIVE OR CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF SURFACE WATER CONTAMINATION? ☐ YES ☒ NO Describe: It is unknown if a release from the Site into a surface water body has occurred. No surface water samples have been collected at the Site or adjacent to the Site in the Jordan River. However, sediment samples along the banks of the Jordan River upstream, downstream, and adjacent to the Site have been collected for nearby investigations. In addition, one surface water sample in the Jordan River was collected slightly upgradient of the Site. Source of information: (Hill West Environmental, LLC. 2023); (REMC, 2022); REMC, 2019; (UDEQ/DERR, 2000) 21. ESTIMATE THE SIZE OF THE UPGRADIENT DRAINAGE AREA FROM THE SITE: 0 acres Source of information: Not applicable as comprehensive groundwater flow is not determined 22. DETERMINE THE AVERAGE ANNUAL STREAM FLOW OF DOWNSTREAM SURFACE WATERS Water Body: Jordan River Flow: 125 cfs Water Body: Flow: cfs Water Body: Flow: 11,242 cfs 23. IS THE SITE OR PORTIONS THEREOF LOCATED IN SURFACE WATER? ☐ YES ☐ NO 24. IS THE SITE LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN ☐ YES ☒ NO(indicate flood frequency)? The Site is not located in a floodplain (FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer, 2024) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 35 25. IDENTIFY AND LOCATE (see item #35) ANY SURFACE WATER RECREATION AREA WITHIN 15 DOWNSTREAM MILES OF THE SITE: The Jordan River is used for fishing and boating with trail/shoreline paths. Bountiful Lake and Farmington Bay are used for fishing and a wildlife observation area. Source of Information: (Jordan River Commission, n.d.), (UDNR/DWR, n.d.) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 36 26. TWO-YEAR 24-HOUR RAINFALL: 1.42 inches Source of information: (NOAA, n.d.) TARGETS 27. DISCUSS GROUNDWATER USAGE WITHIN FOUR MILES OF THE SITE: There are existing rights to 3,623 underground Points of Diversion (PODs) within four miles of the Site. Of these 3,623 PODs, 1,153 list “domestic” as at least one of the well uses. The nearest POD is 258 feet southwest of the Site and is a non-production monitoring well owned by REMC, Inc. The uses listed for the underground PODs include domestic, municipal, irrigation, power, stock watering, and “other”. No contact was made with the owners of these PODs. Little is known regarding the current activities of these PODs or whether they are using private wells for drinking water purposes. Source of information: (UDEQ/DDW, 2024) 28. SUMMARIZE THE POPULATION SERVED BY GROUNDWATER ON THE TABLE BELOW: DISTANCE (miles) POPULATION CUMULATIVE POPULATION 0 – ¼ 0 0 ¼ - ½ 0 0 ½ - 1 0 0 1 – 2 0 0 2 – 3 22,472 22,472 3 – 4 2,591 25,063 Source of information: (Utah Division of Drinking Water, 2024; Salt Lake City Public Utilities, n.d.; UDWR, 2020); )Granger-Hunter Improvement District, 2020) 29. IDENTIFY AND LOCATE (see item #35) POPULATION SERVED BY SURFACE WATER INTAKES WITHIN 15 DOWNSTREAM MILES OF THE SITE: 0 Source of information: (UDEQ/DDW, 2024) 30. DESCRIBE AND LOCATE FISHERIES WITHIN 15 DOWNSTREAM MILES OF THE SITE (i.e., provide standing crop of production and acreage, etc.): The Jordan River and the associated wetland along its banks have been used by various species as a warm water fishery. Fish present in the Jordan River include carp, catfish, Walley, White Brass, Utah Sucker, Speckled Dace, Redside Shiner, Green Sunfish, Utah Chub, Brown Trout, and occasionally Rainbow Trout. The acreage of the wetlands alongside the Jordan River is approximately 200 acres. The Great Salt Lake provides a habitat for brine shrimp and has approximately 360,000 acres of wetlands. Source of information: (UDNR/DNR, 1987), (UDNR, 2023) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 37 31. DETERMINE THE DISTANCE FROM THE SITE TO THE NEAREST OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING LAND USES Description Distance (Miles) Commercial/Industrial/Institutional 0 Single Family Residential 0.10 Multi-Family Residential 0.33 Park 0.32 Agricultural 0.90 Source of information:(Google Maps, 2024). 32. SUMMARIZE THE POPULATION WITHIN A FOUR-MILE RADIUS OF THE SITE: DISTANCE (miles) POPULATION CUMULATIVE POPULATION 0 – ¼ 711 711 ¼ - ½ 4,425 5,136 ½ - 1 16,534 21,670 1 – 2 41,347 63,017 2 – 3 38,574 101,591 3 – 4 46,106 147,697 Source of information: (United States Census Bureau, 2020) OTHER REGULATORY INVOLVEMENT 33. DISCUSS ANY PERMITS: County: NA State: NA Federal: NA Other: NA Source of information: (DEQ Interactive Map, 2024) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 38 34. SKETCH OF SITE Include all pertinent features, e.g., wells, storage areas, underground storage tanks, waste areas, buildings, access roads, areas of ponded water, etc. Attach additional sheets with sketches of enlarged areas, if necessary. (next three pages) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 39 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 40 35. SURFACE WATER FEATURES Provide a simplified sketch of the surface runoff and surface water flow system for 15 downstream miles. Include all pertinent features, e.g., intakes, recreation areas, fisheries, gauging stations, etc. – next page. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 41 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 42 TABLE 1 WASTE CONTAINMENT AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE IDENTIFICATION * SOURCE TYPE SIZE (volume/Area) ESTIMATED WASTE QUANTITY SPECIFIC COMPOUNDS CONTAINMENT SOURCE OF INFORMATION Historical Steel Operations- Soil Unknown Unknown Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium Unknown (Terracon, 2020), (REMC, 2019) Historical Steel Operations- Groundwater Unknown Unknown Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium Unknown (Terracon, 2020), (REMC, 2019) *Use additional sheets if necessary. ** Evaluate containment of each source from the perspective of each migration pathway (e.g., groundwater pathway - non- existent, natural or synthetic liner, corroding underground storage tank; surface water - inadequate freeboard, corroding bulk tanks; air - unstable slag piles, leaking drums, etc.) TABLE 2 HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION * STRATA NAME/DESCRIPTION THICKNESS (ft) HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (cm/sec) TYPE OF DISCONTINUITY** SOURCE OF INFORMATION Unconfined shallow aquifer- clay, silt, and fine sand 50 Not available Not available (Anderson et al., 1994); (Hely et. al., 1971) Confining layer - relatively impermeable Quaternary deposits of clay, silt, and fine sand. 40-100 Not available Not available (Anderson et al., 1994); (Hely et. al., 1971) Confined aquifer- hydraulically interconnected beds of Quaternary deposits of clay, silt, sand, and gravel. 1000 Not available Not available (Anderson et al., 1994); (Hely et. al., 1971) *Use additional sheets if necessary. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 43 ** Identify the type of discontinuity within four-miles from the Site (e.g., river, strata "pinches out", etc.) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 44 REFERENCES Anderson, P. B., D. D. Susong, S. R. Wold, V. M. Heilweil, and R. L. Baskin. 1994. “Hydrogeology of Recharge Areas and Water Quality of the Principal Aquifers Along the Wasatch Front and Adjacent Areas, Utah, United States Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4221.” FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency); 2024, FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer: Accessed March 1, 2024 from: https://hazards- fema.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=8b0adb51996444d48793 38b5529aa9cd. Map: 49035C0143E. Granger-Hunter Improvement District. 2020. “Water Conservation Plan Update- 2020”. Jordan River Commission; n.d. Water Trail. Accessed March 29, 2024 from: https://jordanrivercommission.com/water-trail/ NOAA. n.d. NOAA Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates, UT. Accessed on February 20, 2024 from: https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_map_cont.html?bkmrk=ut REMC (Resource and Environmental Management Consultants). 2019. “Results of Mark Steel Phase II Site Environmental Site Assessment.” REMC (Resource and Environmental Management Consultants). 2022. “Site Characterization Report 1230 West 200 South Salt Lake City, Utah.” Salt Lake City Public Utilities. n.d. Learn more about our 4th Avenue Well Project. Accessed April 23, 2024 from: https://www.slc.gov/utilities/2018/10/16/learn-more-about-our-4th-avenue- well-project/ Salt Lake County Assessor. n.d. Assessor Parcel viewer. Accessed from: https://slco.org/assessor/ Terracon Consultants. 2020. “Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Mark Steel Property.” UDEQ (Utah Department of Environmental Quality); n.d. Interactive map. UDEQ/DDW (Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Drinking Water). 2024. UDEQ/DERR (Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Environmental Response and Remediation). 2000. “Site Inspection Analytical Results Report South Temple Landfill Site.” Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. n.d. Business Search. Accessed January 5, 2024 from: https://secure.utah.gov/bes/index.html UDNR/DWR (Utah Department of Natural Resources/Division of Wildlife Resources); n.d. Fish Utah. Accessed March 29, 2024 from: https://dwrapps.utah.gov/fishing/?NA=Bountiful%20Lake UDNR (Utah Department of Natural Resources). 2023. “The Great Salt Lake”. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 45 UDEQ/DDR (Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Drinking Water). n.d. Chemical Analysis Report. Accessed April 20, 2024 from: https://waterlink.utah.gov/public/chemicalAnalysisReport.html UDEQ/DERR (Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Environmental Response and Remediation). 2000. “Site Inspection Analytical Results Report South Temple Landfill Site.” UDNR/DWR (Utah Department of Natural Resources/Utah Department of Water Resources). 2020. Latest water use numbers posted to revamped Open Water Data website. Accessed April 23, 2024 from: https://water.utah.gov/latest-water-use-numbers-posted-to-revamped-open- water-data-website/ UDNR/DNR (Utah Department of Natural Resources/Division of Natural Resources. 1987. Jordan River Fishery Evaluation. USGID (Utah’s State Geographic Information Database). 2022. “Utah Census Blocks 2020”. layer name: CensusBlocks2020 USGS (United States Geological Survey). 2024. Jordan River @ 1700 South @ Salt Lake City, UT-10171000. Accessed February 20, 2024 from: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring- location/10171000/#parameterCode=00060&period=P365D&showMedian=true USGS (U.S. Geological Survey). 1975. “Salt Lake City North, Utah, 7.5-minute Topographic Quadrangle Map.” Weary, D. J., & Doctor, D. H.. 2014. “Karst in the United States: A Digital Map Compilation and Database.” Western Regional Climate Center; n.d. Salt Lake City Intl Ap, Utah, Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary, Accessed February 15, 2024 from: https://wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?ut7598 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 46 Appendix B CERCLA Eligibility Questionnaire Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 47 OLEM 9355.1-119 February 2018 PRE-CERCLA SCREENING CHECKLIST/DECISION FORM 1 Pre-CERCLA Screening Checklist/DecisionForm This form is used in conjunction with a site map and any additional information required by the EPA Region to document completion of a Pre-CERCLA Screening (PCS). The form includes a decision on whether a site should be added to the Superfund program’s active site inventory for further investigation. This checklist replaces Attachment A in the December 2016 PCS Guidance document. A current version of the PCS checklist and additional information is available at: https://www.epa.gov/superfund/pre-cercla-screening. Region: 8 State/Territory: Utah Tribe: EPA ID No. (If Available) Site Name: Other Site Name(s): United Steel Mark Steel North Property Site Location: 83 Navajo Street (Street) 2 Salt Lake City Utah Salt Lake 84104 Congressional District (City) (State/Terr.) (County) (Zip+4) (No Zip Available) If no street address is available: (Township-Range) (Section) Checklist Preparer: Thomas Daniels / Site Assessment Manger 09/06/2023 (Name / Title) (Date) Utah Department of Environmental Quality 3853918152 (Organization) (Phone) 195 North 1950 West tdaniels@utah.gov (Street) e-Mail Salt Lake City UT Salt Lake 84116- (City) (State/Terr.) (County) (Zip+4) Site Contact Info/Mailing Address: 83 Navajo Street CERCLA 105d Petition for Preliminary Assessment? No If Yes, Petition Date (mm/dd/yyyy): RCRA Subtitle C Site Status: Is site in RCRA Info? No If Yes, RCRA Info Handler ID #: Ownership Type: Private Additional RCRA Info ID #(s): Site Type: Manufacturing/Processing/Maintenance State ID #(s): Site Sub-Type: Metals Other ID #(s): Federal Facility? No Federal Facility Owner: (Make selection) Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS)? (Make selection) Federal Facility Docket? (Make selection) If Yes, FF Docket Listing Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 48 Geospatial Information Latitude: 40.76717 Decimal Degree North (e.g., 38.859156) Longitude: -111.92941 Decimal Degree West (e.g., 77.036783) Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 49 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 50 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 51 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 52 Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 53 Appendix C Site Visit Reports Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 54 SITE VISIT REPORT DATE: 3/8/2024 SITE: United Steel CERCLIS ID: UTN000826403 AREA OF INTEREST: United Steel ADDRESS: 82 S and 83 S Navajo Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ATTENDEES: Allison Stanley, DERR Tom Daniels, DERR ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PREPARED BY: Allison Stanley, DERR SUMMARY: This was the first site visit for United Steel in the Preliminary Assessment stage. The purpose of the site visit was to get familiar with the site, the surrounding area, and any potential targets. This was a sidewalk visit as no contact was made with the owner of the site. Site access is restricted due to active railroad tracks to the north and south of the site, and the Jordan River to the east. Most of the site can be viewed from the Jordan River Parkway bridge. The Site is an active facility with workers on-site. The Site is enclosed with a chain link fence, with one gate providing an entrance to the facility (Figures 1-4). Welding was observed at 82 Navajo Street (Figures 5-6). The former VCP site, 1230 West 200 South, is adjacent to the south (Figure 7). Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 55 Figure #1: Front of United Steel looking at main access gate (looking southeast). The gate was open as workers were active on-site. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 56 Figure #2: Front of United Steel looking at the main access gate (looking east). Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 57 Figure #3: Looking north at United Steel from Navajo Street. The fenced-off area to the right is the former VCP site, 1230 West 200 South. The smokestacks to the north are part of the Gadsby Plant. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 58 Figure #4: Looking West at United Steel from the Jordan River Parkway (bridged area). Active train tracks define the boundary to the north and south, and the Jordan River defines the boundary to the east. A concrete pad is located just outside of the main warehouse, with exposed soil covering the rest of the property. Standing water is observed. Metal beams are located throughout the property with workers observed both inside and outside the main warehouse. Debris outside of the fence is likely from the homeless community observed in the area. Active construction was observed to the south (former VCP site, 1230 West 200 South). Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 59 Figure #5: Looking at 82 S Navajo Street. A welder was observed underneath one of the copper steel pots. The area was enclosed with a chain link fence, except for a gate which was open during the visit. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 60 Figure #6: Non-native soil or other material observed to the north of 82 Navajo Street. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 61 Figure #7: View of the former VCP site, 1230 West 200 South, located to the south of the Site. The area is closed off with a chain link fence. Land markers or other equipment were observed in the soil throughout the western portion of the property. Active construction was observed to the east of the property. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 62 SITE VISIT REPORT DATE: 4/11/2024 SITE: United Steel EPA SEMS ID #: UTN000826403 SITE ADDRESS: 82 S and 83 S Navajo Street, Salt Lake City, Utah AREA OF INTEREST: United Steel Prepared by: Allison Stanley Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 ATTENDEES: Allison Stanley, DERR Tom Daniels, DERR Kelsey Robinson, DERR PREPARED BY: Allison Stanley, DERR ARRIVAL TIME: 9:00 am - DEPARTURE TIME: 10:00 am SUMMARY: This was the second site visit for United Steel in the Preliminary Assessment stage. The purpose of the visit was to evaluate potential targets and assess the surrounding area. This was a sidewalk visit as no contact was made with the owner of the site. Site access is Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 63 restricted due to active railroad tracks to the north and south of the site, and the Jordan River to the east. Most of the site can be viewed from a bridge on the Jordan River Parkway, located to the east of the Jordan River. A small dam was observed upstream of the site. The Gadsby plant is located to the north of United Steel and is currently an active electrical generating facility. A homeless camp was observed on the western banks of the Jordan River, just outside of the United Steel facility. Active workers were observed throughout the United Steel facility. A tank was observed at the northeast corner of the site and the use of this tank is unknown. The yard appears to be primarily used for storage with piles of steel and other materials. Standing water was observed in the yard. The site is relatively flat and is surrounded by a small berm that runs the length of the railroad tracks and the Jordan River. Copper steel pots were observed at 82 Navajo Stree. Significant soil staining was observed on this parcel and what appeared to be 100- gallon portable tanks marked as flammable. There were no storm drains or obvious signs of surface water paths observed near the property. The site is located in a light/heavy industrial area. The Gadsby plant is located to the north and Dominion Energy is located to the east, across the Jordan River. Along Navajo Street, another steel fabricator/storage yard and a painting shop were observed, along with other small industrial buildings. Two homes are present along the corner of Navajo Street and 200 South. The south adjacent property, 1230 West 200 South, was an active construction site with what appears to be multifamily residential buildings. The first site visit conducted on March 8, 2024, showed preliminary stages of construction with no structures in place. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 64 PHOTO LOG: Photo 1: United Steel facility observed from the Jordan River Parkway bridge. Gadsby plant is located to the north (right) and 1230 West 200 South is to the south (left). A homeless community is located along the western banks of the Jordan River. The site is relatively flat, with a small berm that extends the length of the two railroad tracks and the Jordan River. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 65 Photo 2: A dam is located upstream of the Site. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 66 Photo 3: View of the Gadsby Plant from the Jordan River Parkway bridge. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 67 Photo 4: View of 1230 West 200 South with active construction of what appears to be multifamily housing units. United Steel Site is located to the north of the railroad tracks (right). Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 68 Photo 5: Looking south at United Steel and 1230 West 200 South from the Jordan River Parkway bridge. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 69 Photo 6: Looking east from the Jordan River Parkway bridge. To the right is the beginning of the Dominion Energy property line. Preliminary Assessment United Steel – UTN000826403 70 Photo 7: View of the Jordan River and the Gadsby Plant from the Jordan River Parkway Bridge.