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RECORD OF DECISION KENNECOTT SOUTH ZONE, OPERABLE UNIT 2 SOUTHWEST JORDAN RIVER VALLEY GROUND WATER PLUM~S U. S. Environmental Protection .Agency, Region VIII Utah Department of Environmental Quality December.13, 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES DECLARATION DECISION SUMMARY PART 1: PART 2: A~ B. C " D~, E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. PART 3: Site Name, Location, and Brief Description. Site History and Enforcement Activities Community Participation Scope and Role of Operable Unit or Response Action Site Characteristics Current and Potential Future Site and Resource Uses Summary of Site Risks Remedial ACtion Objectives Description of Alternatives Summary of Comparative Analysis of Alternatives Principal Threat Waste Selected Remedy Statutory Determinations Documentation-of Significant ,Changes RESPONSIVENESS SUMMAKY E-Mails Page iv V 1 6 6 8 12 13 19 39 44 54 56 73 80 80 90 93 94 94 Letters Phone Messages Public Hearing Testimony Technical Issues APPENDIX A 95 108 110 11.5 A-1 ooo lU Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: LIST OF FIGURES Regional Location Map Sulfate Concentrations Model Prediction, Reduced Pumping, Layer 4, Year 2022 Model Prediction, Reduced Pumping, Layer 4, Year 2047 Model Prediction, Reduced Pumping Layer 4, Year 2147 Geologic Cross Section Well Inventory Map Land Use Map Page .7 29 30 31 32 -37 38 43 iv LIST OF TABLES Summary of O152 Enforcement Activities Kennecott Operable Units Kennecott South Zone Environmental Cleanups Volume of Contaminated Ground Water Concentrations of Chemicals of Concern Water Suppliers and Sources of Water Types of Water Uses Concentrations of Chemicals of Concern Health Effects of Elevated Inorganic Components in Drinking Water Risk of Chemicals of Concern in Acid Plume Comparison of Water Quality ku Wells with Jordan River Water Quality Standards Potential Concentrations of Contaminants in Jordan River if Acid Plume is not Contained Estimated Costs for Alternative 1 Estimated Costs for Alternative 2 Estimated Costs for Alternative 3 Estimated Costs for Alternative 4 Estimated Costs for Alternative 5 Estimated Costs for Alternative 6 Summary Table of Alternatives Page 10 13 16 25 26 40 41 44 47 48 50 52 57 59 61 64 67 70 78 V Project Cost Estimate, Capital Costs Estimated Annual Proje~ Costs, Operations and Maintenance Summary of Total Costs, Capital and Net Present Value Final Cleanup Levels for the Selected Remedy Appendix A, Federal and State ARARs 83 85 87 88 A-1 vi A* Co RECORD OF DECISION KENNECOTT SOUTH ZONE OPERABLE UNIT 2 SOUTHWEST JORDAN RIVER VALLEY GROUND WATER PLUMES PART 1: DECLARATION Site Name and Location This Record of Decision covers Operable Unit 2 (Southwest Jordan River Valley Ground Water Plumes) of the Kennecott South Zone Site, proposed for the NPL in 1994. Operable Unit 2 is located in Salt Lake County, Utah, and encompasses the groundwater beneath all or portions of the municipalities of West Jordan, South Jordan, Riverton, Herriman, and portions of unincorporated Salt Lake County. The CERCLIS ID is UTD000826404. Statement of Basis and Purpose This decision document presents the Selected Remedy for the Kennecott South Zone Operable Unit 2 Site in Salt Lake County, Utah, which was chosen in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Re, authorization Act (SARA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et. seq, and, to the extent practicable, the National Contingency Plan (NCP), 40 C~F.R. Part 300. This decision isbased on the Administrative Record file for this site. The State of Utah concurs with the Selected Remedy. Their concurrence is based upon the belief that the remedy will benefit the puSlie within the affected area and begin to protect public health and the environment. Assessment of Site The response action selected in this Record of Decision is necessary to protect the public health or welfare or the environment fi’om actual or threatened releases of hazardous substances and pollutants or contaminants into the environment. Description of Selected Remedy The selected remedy for Operable Unit 2 (Southwest Jordan River Valley Ground Water Plumes) addresses the ground water contamination for this Kennecott South Zone Site. The surface contamination which originally constituted the principal threat at the site has already been addressed in other removal and remedial actions at OUI (Bingham Creek), OU3 (Butterfield Creek), OU4 (Large Bingham Reservoir), OU5 (ARCO Tails), OU6 (Lark Tailings and Waste Rock), O157 (South Jordan Evaporation Ponds), OU10 (Copperton Soils), and OU17 (Basfian Area). For purposes of clarifying agency authority over the cleanup operations of this action, the agencies plan on using a joint CERCLA and State NRD approach. The cleanup strategy presented within the text of this ROD is concerned primarily with the acid plume in Zone A, under CERCLA authority. EPA maintains the fight to intervene in the cleanup of the sulfate plume in Zone B, if it is not addressed sufficiently by the State NRD action. The State of Utah will maintain authority of operations, in both Zones A and B, as they are intended to fulfill the requirements of the NRD settlement. (Please refer to the footnote at the bottom of page 28.) The performance standards for the selected remedy include achieving the primary drinking water standards in the aquifer of Zone A at the Kennecott property line (as of the date of the signing of this document) for all hazardous substances (i.e. metals). Active remediation (pump and treat) is required t0 ach/eve the health-based goal of 1500 ppm for sulfate while monitored natural attenuation is used to achieve the State of Utah primary drinking water standard for sulfate at 500 pprrL The water treated and delivered for municipal use must achieve all drinking water standards of the State of Utah, as a requirement of both the CERCLA action and the Natural Resource Damage (NRD) settlement between the State of Utah and Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation. The performance standard for treatment residuals asmeasured at or before the end of the tailings pipe is demonstration that the railings/treatment residuals combination meets the characteristics of non-hazardous waste. The selected remedy involves treatment and containment ofcontaminated ground water plumes. Theprincipal threats which caused the ground water contamination have been addressed in previous actions or are contained under provisions of a Utah Ground Water Protection Permit. The selected remedy contains the following dements: Continuation of source control measures as administered through the State of Utah Ground Water Protection Program. Prevent human exposure to unacceptably high concentrations of hazardous ¯ substances and/or pollutants or contaminants by limiting access to the contaminated ground water. Institutional controls include purchases of land, purchases of water fights, limiting drilling of new wells and increased pumping of nearby old wells as approved (on request) and administered through the State of Utah State Engineer (Division of Water Rights). Prevent human exposure to unacceptably high concentrations of hazardous substances and/or pollutants or contaminants through point-of-use management which includes providing in-house treatment units to residents with impacted wells, replacement of their water by hooking the properties up to municipal drinking 2 and/or secondary supplies, and/or modifying their, wells to reaeh uncontaminated waters. Contain the acid plume in Zone A by installation of barrier wells at the leading edge of the contamination (1500 ppm sulfate or less), pump and treat the waters to provide a hydraulic barrier to further plume movement while providing treated water for municipal use. The treatment technology for the barrier well waters is reverse osmosis. Withdraw the heavily contaminated waters from the core of the acid plume in Zone A find treat these contaminated waters using pretreatment with nanofiltration or equivalent technology, followed by treatment with reverse osmosis to provide drinking quality water for municipal use. Monitor the plume to follow the progress of natural attenuation for the portions of the Zone A plume which contain sulfate in excess of the state primary drinking water standard for sulfate (500 ppm sulfate). Disposal 0ftreatment concentrates in existing pipeline used to slurry tailings to a railings impoundment prior to mine closure. Development of a post-mine closure plan to handle treatment residuals for use when the mine and mill are no longer operating. E°Statutory Determinations The selected remedy is protective ofhuman health and the environment, complies with Federal and State requirements that are applicable or relevant and appropriate to the remedial action, is cost-effective, and utilizes permanent solutions and alternative treatment technologies to the maximum extent practicable. This remedy also satisfies the statutory preference for treatment as a principal dement of the remedy (i.e., reduces the toxicity, mobility, or volume of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants as a principal element through treatment). Because this remedy will result in hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants remaining on-site above levels that allow for u~ted use and unrestricted exposure, a statutory review will be conducted within five years after initiation of remedial action to ensure the remedy is, or will be, protective of human health and the environment. ROD Data Certification Checklist The following information is included in the Decision Summary section of this Record of Decision. Additional information can be found in the Administrative Record file for this site. Chemicals of concern and their respective concentrations, pages 44-45. Basel~e risk represented by the chemicals of concern, pages 48-49. Cleanup levels established for ehemicals of concern and the basis for these levels, pages 88-89. How source materials constituting principal threats are addressed; page 19. Current and reasonable anticipated future land use assumptions and current and potential future beneficial uses of ground water used in the baseline risk assessment and ROD, pages 40-42. Potential land and ground water use that will be available at the site as a result of the Selected Remedy, page 42. Estimated capital, annual operation and maintenance (O&M), and total present worth Costs, discount rate, and the number of years over which the remedy cost estimates are projected, pages 83-87. Key factor(s) that led to selecting the remedy (i.e., describe how the Selected Remedy provides the best balance oftradeoffs with respect to the balancing and modifying criteria, highlighting criteria key to the decision), pages 73-79. 4 G.Authorizing Signatures. The following authorized oflioials at EPA Region VIII and the State of Utah approve the selected remedy as described in this Record of Decision: Max H. Dodson Assistant Regional Administrator Office of Ecosystems Protection and Remediation U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII Dla~e/R Nielson, PI~ D Executive Director UtahDe)artment of Environmental Quality Date Date L 5 PART 2: DECISION SUMMARY Site name, Location, and BriefDescription The Kennecott South Zone Site, proposed for the NPL in 1994 (CERCLIS ID UTD000826404), is located in southwestern Salt Lake County, Utah, and covers all or portions of the municipalities of West Jordan, South Jordan, Riverton, Herriman, and unincorporated S/dt Lake County. The lead agency for this CERCLA action is the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), supported by the State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ). Cleanup funding will be provided by the respons~le party. This action addresses ground water problems caused by over a centur), of mining activities at the site. The Kennecott South Zone site is located about 10 miles to the southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah. lVfming began at the site in 1863 and has continued ever since. Waste management practices of early miners included the dumping of wastes directly into mountain creeks or storing them adjacent to streams. The streams carried the waste down into Salt Lake Valley, which was then largely ranch and farm land. Now suburbs have filled the valley near Salt Lake City. Miners also discovered that additional minerals could be obtained by spraying their waste dumps with water. The wastes contained sulfides which reacted with the water to form sulfuric acid. The acid leached minerals from the waste rock. The miners then collected the metal beating acidic waters as they emerged at the toe of the waste dumps. Later on, miners realized that the preemptive addition of acidic water would actually increase mineral content of the leachate. The collection system allowed substantial acid waters, laden with metals and sulfates, to escape and contaminate the ground water. This has rendered a large area of the ground water useless for drinking water, a serious m.atter in the semi-add west. The Kennecott South Zonesite is composed of historic mining sites, of surface areas contaminated by mining wastes which migrated from source areas downgradient to cities and towns, and of subsurface areas contaminated by acid leachates from the mining district. The proposed action at the Kennecott South Zone site involves Operable Unit 02, the ground wateroperable unit. Surface contamination was addressed by other actions. An area map showing Operable Unit 02 study area and its relationship to nearby mining activities is given in Figure 1 (Figure 1-1, from the Remedial Investigation Report). Ld >- Jl (- ~ ~ ¯ B.Site History and Enforcement Activities Nfming activities began in the Oquirrh Motmtains of Utah in i863. Early miners recovered mainly gold, silver, lead, and zinc but noticed extensive deposits of low grade copper ore also. The leaching of copper into Bingham Creek was noted as early as 1885 by government geologists. They observed that water which ran or percolated along the copper ore body contained copper sulfate resulting from the oxidation of copper pyrites. At that time, miners made no attempt to recover the very considerable quantity of copper running down the canyon. Later, in 19.03, two mining companies, Utah Copper and Boston Consolidated began experimenting with minin~ milling and smelting techniques to exploit the extensive porphyry copper deposits. They developed a mining technique known today as open pit mining in Bingham Canyon and because space was limited for tailings disposal in the canyon, the companies bu’dt mills about 13 miles away on the shores of the Great Salt Lake. A smelter was built near the mills. The open pit mining technique involved blasting the mountain side, later the pit, tO obtain the ore, and then send the ore to the mills while dumping the waste rock in nearby gulches. Waste rock also contained minerals, but in concentrations too low to recover economically using milling techniques. It was not long before miners began to notice blue water containing substantial concentrations of copper coming from the toe of the various waste rock dumps in the canyon. Although there were smalloperations established at the toe of each dump before this, Utah Copper, a predecessor to Kennecott Utah Copper, began a full scale operation to collect the acidic metal beating waters into a central recovery plant in about 1923. By 1929, Utah Copper Staff admitted that they had doubts ¯ that the company would ever be able to catch all the copper running to Bingham Creek from their growing waste rock dumps. Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation [hereafter referred to as ,Kennecott]") I upgraded their leach water collection system in 1965 when they installed the unlined Large Bingham Reservoir on a former tailings pond at the mouth of Bingham Canyon. Ditches conveyed the leach wafers to the reservoir for storage prior to recovery of the copper in the’tr precipitation plant located just upstream of the reservoir. After recovery of the copper, the waters, still acidic, were recycled back to the top of the waste rock dumps. Water balances calculated at the time suggested that water was escaping from the reservoir. Kennecott estimated that the loss of water from the reservoir was 1 million gallons per day. Kennecott used this reservoir from 1965 to 1991, a period of 26 years. During that i The name "Kennecott" has been used by various entities, some associated with mining activities in Bingham Canyon and some not associated with these activities. " Kennecott" as used in this document refers toKermeeott Utah Copper Corporation and other entities using the name "Kennecott" that were connected with historical activities described in this documer/t. time, an estimated 9.5 - 16 billion gallons of highly contaminated waters characterized by low pH, high metals, and sulfate, had escaped into the ground water. KennecoU began to monitor the ground water downgradient of the reservoir starting soon after the reservoir was constructed. In 1991, Kennecott retired the old reservoir, cleaned out thesludges and tailings on the bottom, and reconstructed the reservoir. This new reservoir has three basins, is triple-lined and is equipped with a leak detection system. Kennecott also upgraded canals leading to the reservoir and built cut-off wails across canyon drainages keyed into bedrock to prevent any acid leach waters from traveling underneath the collection system in the alluvial material. Former leakage rates from this source have not been estimated. In the fall of 2000, Kennecott ceased active leaching of their waste rock dumps, although flow from this operation will continue for some time. Even after flow from the active leaching operations has been flushed out, mineral-laden acidic waters will still come from the waste rock dumps but this willbe the result of rain or snow falling on the dumps (no excess waters or acids are pumped back to the dumps~to increase flows or recoveries). Several other mining activities caused or contn~buted to ground water contamination. Along the eastern front of the Oquirrhs are several old mining adits and tunnels, some of which continue to discharge waters. The Mascotte Tunnel was originally driven in 1901 to provide an ore haulage route and drainage outlet from several mines in the Bingham Canyon. Waters infiltrating this tunnel contained so much copper that the mine owners constructed precipitation launders inside the tunnel. This process was enhanced by adding excess water to the dumps above the tunnel. Active leaching ceased about 1931. Before Kennecott began to capture these waters, the waters were used for irrigation. The Bingham Tunnel was originally driven in 1950 to provide an alternative ore haulage route and drainage for the pit. The water was also used for irrigation purposes. The Bingham Tunnel still has some water drainage currently, but the waters are now diverted into the leach water collection system. Excess waters from Bingham Creek, not known for its pristine waters, were discharged into evaporation ponds built in the valley to the east beginning in the 1930s. These ponds were initially not lined, had gravel bottoms, and the water was not treated. Although the water certainly disappeared, evaporation was not the main mechanism of loss. During the wet years of the 1980s, several of the ponds were lined with clay and the water was neutralized with lime before discharge. The surface wastes in the footprint of the ponds were removed or consolidated and capped in 1994. The ground water plume emanating from this facility is being addressed as part Of the separate Natural Resources Damage (NRD) settlement between Kennecott and the State of Utah. Investigations regarding the ground water contamination began in 1983. A five year study launched in response to the State of Utah Natural Resources Damage Claim started in 1986. A Focused Feasibility Study began in 1992 under CERCLA authority to quickly 9 eliminate alternatives that were not feasible and/or were not cost effective. The Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) began in 1995 under provisions of a Memorandum of Understanding (1995) between EPA, the State of Utah, and Kennecott. The NRD settlement was also reached in 1995. The RI/FS document was submitted in 1998, although additional experiments relating to remedial design (RD) are on-going and will be completed during RD. Several treatment technologies were tested using pilot plants beginning in 1996 through the present. A plan to satisfy the provisions of the Natural Resources Damage (NtLD) settlement was presented to the State Trustee for Natural Resources in December of 1999. The plan is currently undergoing fmal revisions. Significant enforcement actions (involving OU 02) are listed in the following table: SUMMARY OF OU2 ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES 1990 1991 1994 Utah Department of Health files a complaint against Kennecott in Federal Court seeking damages.under NRD provisions of CERCLA. °,, Settlement reached between Kennecott and Utah Department of Environmental Quality. A proposed consent decree was lodged ’with Federal Court. EPA opens site-wide remediation Consent Decree negotiations. EPA proposes the Kennecott South Zone for the NPL. Status Trial put on hold while the parties coUectedmore information about the extent of contamination. The study, called the Five Year Study, was not formally completed. After substantial negative comment during the public comment period, the Federal District Court rejected the Consent Decree. Appeals to both the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court were unsuccessful in overturning the rejection. Negotiations fail in late 1993; there are too many unknowns for both parties~ The site is still proposed for the NPL. l0 Date Action Status 1995 t995 After substantial changes and inchsionofwater purveyors in the negotiations, a new consent decree for the NKD claims of the state trustee was lodged in Federal Court. \ EPA, Kennecott and UDEQ sign a Memorandum of Understanding which required Kennecott to perform an RI/FS at OU2 (along with other cleanups) in exchange for EPA taking no further action regarding final NPL listing. Upon agreement of the three parties, the Consent Decree (CD) was entered by the Court. The CD established a trust fund sufficient to finance a remedial project to supply treated water through the replacement and/or restoration of the lost resource. Kennecott can apply for monies from the trust fund if specific criteria are met. A plan for use of these funds was submitted to the state trustee in late1999. The RI/FS for OU2 required by the MOU was submitted by Kennecott in March, 1998. 1 EPA has approached Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto, as a potentially responsible party for OU2. Special Notice letters have not been issued. 11 Co Community Participation Community participation for this operable unit began in 1992 when a Technical Review Committee was formed which included scientists and engineers from federal agencies, state agencies, local county and municipal governments, water purveyors, environmentalists, and citizen groups. The members were chosen to represent their communities both to brief them on issues and to bring back concerns to the group. Over ’the course of the investigations, the committee met over 24 times to reviewwork plans, evaluate progress reports, and discuss issues regarding the treatment alternatives. Future water use needs and land use trends were also discussed during these meetings. A Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) was awarded to a citizen group, Herriman Residents for Responsible Reclamation (HRRR). They were also active participants in the Teelmical Review Committee. The Community Participation Plan for the site was outlined in 1991, but was augmented with more detailed plans for each clean up action. For the ground water operable unit, a mailing list of 2000 private and public well owners was developed. Fact sheets, briefings, site tours, and open houses were scheduled periodically throughout the project. Both print and electronic media covered most of the events. One screening exercise was conducted in 1993, and the public were able to voice their concerns early in the study process. This information was used during RI/FS seeping. The KI/FS reports, a companion Natural Resource Damage proposal, and the CEKCLA Proposed Plan were made available to the pubfic on August 1, 2000: These documents are located at the City Recorder’s Office in West Jordan City Hall, the offices of Utah Department of Environmental Quality in Salt Lake City, and at the Superfund Records Center in the EPA Region VIII office in Denver. The notice of availability of these documents was advertised in the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News on July 31, 2000. A public comment period was held from August 1, 2000 to August 30, 2000. City councils were briefed and a site tour for elected officials and’the media within the Salt Lake Valley was held on July 26, 2000. The problem and proposed plan received extensive media coverage in both local newspapers and on at least one TV station. An open house was held at the offices of Utah Department of Environmental Quality in Salt Lake City. This format gave citizens an opportunity to talk with project principals. The public hearing was held on August 9, 2000, in the City Counc’tl Chambers of West Jordan City Hall. EPA’s responses to the comments received during this period are included in the Responsiveness Summary, which is a part of this Record of Decision. Concerns of the public included potential impacts of the project on other water rights holders, water uses, and costs to municipal and private water customers. 12 Vt Scope and role of operable unit or response action: When proposed for listing on the NPL, the Kennecott properties were.divided into two zones (Kennecotf South Zone and Kennecott North Zone) because the two areas were 10 miles apart. However, in reality, the two zones are technically managed as one site because Kennecott continues to mine ore and process minerals miliz~g both zones and they are functionally connected via several pipelines, roads, and rail lines. For example, wastes produced by Kennecott’s Copperton Concentrator located in the South Zone are slurried to a tailings pond in the North Zone. Waters generated in the North Zone are sent by pipeline to the South Zone for use during the processing of the ore. For this reason, activities in either site can affect operations at both sites. There are 22 Operable Units within the Kennecott sites. In general, because the overall site is so large, a step-wise site cleanup strategy was implemented by EPA, the State of Utah, and Kennecott, asgenerally outlined in the site- wide Memorandum of Understanding of 1995. First, CERCLA removal authorities were used to cleanup surface wastes. These actions started in 1991 and are essentially complete in 2000. Second, CERCLA remedial authority as well as the State of Utah NP, D authority will be used to cleanup ground water. Finally, the State of Utah permitting authorities, in particular, Ground Water Protection Program Permits, will be used to oversee routine operations and maintenance of the remedies. The descriptions Of operable units related to OU2 and the status of each are given in the table below: KENNECOTT OPERABLE UNITS (Related to OU2) OUNo. OU1 0132 Description and relationship to OU2 Surface contamination in Bingham Creek and flood plain. A potential former source of groundwater contamination to OU2. ) Groundwater plumes in the South Zone 1. Zone A, the acid plume. Status Cleanups completed by three removal actions, one fund lead, two PRP enforcement actions. Final ROD issued 1998/Two Consent Decrees with the two PRPs were entered in 1999. RI/FS work¯ completed in 1998. This is the subject of this Record of Decision. 13 OU No. OU2 OU3 OU4 OU5 OU6 OU7 OU10 Description and relationship to OU2 Groundwater plumes in the South Zone 2. Zone B, thesulfate plume. Surface contamination in Butterfield Creek and flood plain. A potential source of groundwater contamination to OU2. The Large Bingham Reservoir. This reservoir leaked about 1 MGD into the underlying aquifer. The reservoir was the most Serious source of groundwater contamination to OU2" (Zone A). ARCO Tails. Surface contamination produced by non-Kennecott mines in Bingham Canyon. Degree of contribution of groundwater contamination unknown. The site is immediately downgradient fi’om the Large " Bingham Reservoir and is above some of the highest concentrations in the groundwater. Lark WasteRock and Tailings. Surface¯ contamination produced by mines and mills near the former town &Lark, Utah. A known source of groundwater contamination to OU2. South Jordan Evaporation Ponds. Surface contamination produced by disposal of mine waters from Bingham Canyon. Theponds were the second major source of groundwater contamination to OU2 (Zone B). Copperton Soils. Status State/Kennecott NRD Consent Decree entered in 1995. Plan submitted to trustee in Dee. 1999. Approval pending. Cleanups completed by three removalaetions, two PRP enforcement actions, one mixed funding.. Final ROD to be issued 2001. Old reservoir retired and cleaned under AOC. A new lined reservoir went into service in 1994. Final ROD issued 1998. The site was included in the OU1 Consent Decree of 1999. Cleanup completed under terms ofa UAO about 1997. Final ROD issued 1998. Consent Decree entered for O&M 1999. Cleanups completed under an AOC, 1994. Final ROD to be issued 2001. cleanups completed under an AOC 1995. Final ROD to be issued 2001. Contamination not severe enough to warrant action. Final ROD issued 1998. 14 OUNo. "Description and relationship tO OU2 Status " OUli Bingham Canyon. Surface and subsurface With minor exceptions, most contamination. A suspected source of ground of these sites were buried or water contamination.excavated by later mining operations. No further action needed. Final ROD issued 1998. OU12 I Eastside Collection System. This systemwas The system was reconstructed constructed to recover acid leachate fi-om mine in 1993-1996 under dump leaching operations. A source of’provisions of a state . , groundwater contamination.groundwater permit. OU16 Bingham Canyon Underflow. This is a plume ¯This flow was intercepted of acidic waters flowing in the alluvium through construction of a underneath Bingham Creek in Bingham eutoffwall keyed into Canyon. A source of groundwater bedrock under the provisions contamination. Also, acidic waters have been of a state groundwater found in bedrock underlying Dry Fork, a permit. The Dry Fork Bingharn Canyon tributary. The significance as bedrock aquifer is under a potential source is unknown.investigation by the state ground water program. OU17 Bastian area. Surface contamination resulting Surface contamination was from the use of contaminated irrigation water.not severe enough to warrant The site overlies the groundwater plume further action except in an emanating from the Large Bingham Reservoir.historic ditch. Cleanups of the ditch were performed by enforcement actions at OU5 and OU6. Final ROD issued in 1998. ." OU15 Magna Tailings Pond. Tailings generated by Surface discharges from the (North two mills are stored in this facility at the North pond are subject to a UPDES Zone)End. The pond is likely to be used as ma permit. Subsurface integral part of the OU2 action while mining discharges are covered under operations continue.a State groundwater permit. OU22 Great Salt Lake. Surface water body receiving There are no water quality (North [ discharges from Magna Tailings Pond and standards for the Great Salt Zone)other Kennecott waters.Lake at present. Relevant ecological studies were performed as a part of the North Zone studies. 15 . ° OU No.Description and relationship to OU2 Status =" . ’ OU20 Pine Canyon. Kennecott lands on the west Kennecott lands in Pine slope of the Oqu’wrhs are a part of the Canyon have been given a No Kennecott South Zone. However, drainage is Further Action Status. As a to the other side of the mountains and this area part of the newly proposed is not a source of groundwater contamination areas of Phae Canyon, at OU2. Non-Kennecott owned land in this ¯ negotiations with the other area was divested from the Kennecott South party for a R3/FS are Zone to another proposed NPL site,underway. International Smelter. The sequence of cleanups are/were as follows: KENNECOTT SOUTH ZONE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUPS Date (calendar) 1991 1992-1994 1992-1994 1993-1994 1993-1994 Action Bingham Creek¯ residential soils Buttertield Mine ¯ Waste Rock Large Bhngham Reservoir Bingham Creek sediments Lark Waste Rock and Tailings Authority Time Critical Removal Time Critical Removal Time Critical Removal Time Critical Removal Problem Flood plain soils were contaminated by lead from upstream mining activity. The land was developed for residential use. ,% High concentrations of lead in waste rock were left in and adjacent to Butterfield Creek. Materials were eroding into the creek. Acid leachate leaked from reservoir into ground water. High concentrations of lead in tailings deposited in former creek channel were continuing to erode downstream. concentrations of lead and arsenic in tailingswere present. 3m addition, high concentrations of sulfides in waste rock produced acids leaching into the ground water. 16 Date Action Authority Problem (calendar) 1993-t997 ARCO Tailings Time Critical High concentrations of lead, Removal arsenic and sulfides in tallings deposited in and adjacent to Bingham Creek eroded downstream and potentially leached to ground water. 1993-1996 East§ide State Ground The collection system is designed Collection Water Permit to contain acid leachates coming System,fi’om Bingham 1Wine waste rock¯ Bingham Tunnel,sulfides. It also collects mine Mascotte Tunnel drainage from adits. 1994-1995 South Jordan Time Critical Waste water settling pond sludges Evaporation Removal were a known source of ground Ponds water contamination via infiltration. 1994 Off-site historic PA/SI-like Surface drainages from the mining facilities investigation district were screened for contamination. 1994-2000 On-site historic IPMSLIike Individual waste piles were facilities investigation screened and checked for mobility into ground or surface waters.. |,, I995-1997 Bingham Creek Time Critical Final clean up of residential soils residential soils Removal contaminated by railings in the flood plain of BinghamCreek. i997-2000 Herrirnau Time Critical Residential soils were residential soils Removal contaminated through use of L.contaminated mine waters for irrigation. 1~97-1998 Buaerfield Time Critical Tailings left by historic ore mill left Canyon Removal in Butterfield Creek were eroding downstream. 1998 Bingham Canyon State Ground Contaminated flow in alluvial Underflow Water Permit gravels of Bingham Creek contributed to ground water 1 contamination in the valley. 17 Date " (calendar) 1998 2000 2001 2001-2002 2005 Action Bingham Creek surface waste South Zone I Ground Water Butterfield-Lark surface waste Precipitation Plant Site Wide Authority Remedial Remedial Remedial Remedial Remedial Problem No Action ROD. 1 The focus 9fthis ROD, RD/RA begins 2001. , ,., ,. Institutional Controls only ROD is anticipated in 2001. Decommission, demolish, and clean soils surrounding former processing plant for leach water. The plant was closed in 2000. q. ¯ Construction Complete. 18 E.Site characteristics 1.Conceptual Site Model and Description:’ Sources [ ]1 Human ingestion via wells [ [ i Ecological receptors in the Jordan River via seeps and infiltration. Sources: The major source of the contaminated ground water in Zone A was leakage from the Large Bingham Reservoir. Other sources included acid leachate leaking or escaping capture from the Eastside Collection System (includes Buttertield Creek and Bingham Creek underflow), and historic tunnels at Lark. The sources of contaminated ground water in Zone B were leakage from the South Jordan Ev.aporation Ponds and several non-mining sources. The mining-related sources have all been addressed by previous response actions. Contaminated Ground water:For administrative purposes the ground water plumes have been divided into two zones. The acid plume (sometimes referred to as the CERCLA plume) in Zone A contains low pH waters and high metals with sulfates exceeding the CERCLA recommended risk based action level of 1500 ppm, The sulfate plume (sometimes referred to as the NRD plume) in Zone B contains waters exceeding the Secondary Drinking Water Standard for sulfate of 250 pprrL For the purposes of this ROD, the plumes will be described as Zone A for the acid plume or Zone B for the sulfate plume. Although the waters in Zone B do not rise to the level of a health risk, they are not useable for public drinking water supplies without blending or treatment. The Zone A acid plume originates largely from the Large Bingham Reservoir. The sulfate plume originates flora the South Jordan Evaporation Ponds in Zone B and the migration of sulfate-laden ground water from Zone A. (See Partl, Declaration, for the division of authorities used in the combined CERCLA-NRD action.) Human ingestion: Ingestion of contaminated well water is the major pathway of potential human exposure for people in the affected area. There are some other 19 ° 3. minor concerns which include using the water for irrigation and stock watering purposes. The exposure points are scattered throughout the aquifer at private and municipal wells. Ecological receptors: The ground water in this area flows from the mountain recharge areas to the Jordan River which is the point of.discharge and exposure pointto aquatic organisms living in the river. The Jordan River near the affected area is classified as a cold-water fishery. The discharge oftreatmentbrines is a potential problem for the Great Salt Lake ecology. Overview of the site: Size of the site: The contaminated ground water underlies a 72 square mile area. The core of the acid plume is about 2 square miles in size. Geographical and topographical information: The site is located in the Southwest portion of the Jordan River Valley. On the western edge of the site is the Oquirrh Mountain Range which has been an important mining area in the State of Utah since 1863. Several creeks begin in these mountains and historically flowed toward the east and the Jordan River. These creeks include Bingharn Creek, Midas Creek, and Butterfidd Creek. Today, because virtually all the water coming from the mountains is captured for use as industrial or irrigation waters, the creeks do not flow except during rain events. Each of these creeks has an associated flood plain, but the size of the current flood plain is much smaller today than historically due to the impoundment of these waters. Buffed channels of these creeks often serve as preferential flow pathways for subsurface waters. Because of the availability of water during historic times, several farming communities were founded along the creeks. With the growth of urban development in Salt Lake Valley, most of these communities are now suburban in character and are part of the Salt Lake City Metropolitan area. The Cities of West Jordan, South Jordan, and Riverton, and the Town of Herriman overlay the contaminated ground water. Except in and near the mountains, the valley floor is relatively flat, gently sloping toward the Jordan River. There are some wetlands adjacent to the Jordan River at the eastern boundary of the site. The wetlands are fed by seeps originating l~om the shallow aquifer. In addition, several of the cities along the Jordan River are considering wetland restoration projects in this area. Surface and subsurface features: Proceeding from west to east, surface features in the Oquirrh Mountains and 20 4. foothills include mining operations of the Kennecott Utah Copper Corporationand remnants from historic mining activitieS. The facilities which were implicated in ground water contamination are described later. Adjacent to the mountains is a band of agricultural lands either owned by Kennecott and leased to farmers or privately held. Over the eastern edge of the site are three clries, In addition, transeeting the site from north to south are several irrigation canals which transport Utah Lake water and Jordan River water inland for use by farmers and residents for irrigation of lawns, crops, and gardens. Subsurface features are largely associated with infrastructure of the cities, such as sewers, waterlines, gas station tanks, etc. The overlying municipalities have associated residential and commercial zones, some of which have private wells. Some of the municipalities have municipal or private water.company well fields for the production of water. Areas of archaeological or historical importance: There are numerous areas of historical significance including the mining district itself and early structures built by the Pioneers who settled here beginning in 1847. Areas of historical significance would not be affected by the proposed action. Sampling strategy: Samples of ground water were collected ~a order to determine the lateral and vertical extent of the contamination, monitor plume movement over time, provide data needed to cah’brate the ground water model, characterize aquifer materials, determine if private well owners need irrmlediate relief~ and provide early warnings should municipal water supplies be threatened. Samples of ground water were also used in studies to assess potential impacts to various water uses such as irrigation and industrial waters. Ground water was also used in pilot testing for dements of the alternative remedies and the characterization of potential waste streams. Routine monitoring of somewells is required as a part of the state ground water permit to determine if leakage from operating facilities is occurring. Many of the wells were used in a multivariate statistical approach for the determination of background concentrations. Some were used for isotopic tracing and age dating purposes. All private and municipal wells were monitored at least once. Wells close to the sources were monitored quarterly and others less frequently. The historic database on ground water quality dates back to the early 1960s, but most of the wells were installed in the late 1980’s. Several of the recently installed wells in the heart of the plume have completions at multiple depths so that water from different layers in the aquifer can be sampled from one well. (See KI/FS for further details.) 21 5.Description of known or suspected sources of contamination: The major source of contamination to the ground water in Zone A was the Large Bingham Reservoir, formerly used to collect leach waters and runoff from the Bingham Canyon open pit mine. It also contained water associated with waste rock dump leachate, and flows from Bingham Creek. The former Large t~ingham Reservoir was constructed in 1965, and retired from service in 1991. It is suspected that during the entire history of the operation of this reservoir, leakage rates to the underlying aquifer averaged about 1180 gpm (approximately 1 million gallons per day). The waters in the reservoir were characterized by low pI-/, high metals, and very high sulfate, all characteristic of acid rock drainage. This area was designated OU4 of the Kennecott South Zone site. The sludges, tailings, and underlying soils were removed in 1992-1993 and a new lined reservoir with three basins was constructed in 1994-I995. The cleanup was performed under CERCLA removal authorities and provisions of a state ground water permit. Another source of ground water contamination in Zone A was Bingham Canyon alluvial flow, sometimes referred to as Bingham Creek underflow. In Bingham Canyon, the flow of Bingham Creek is only partially at the surface. A substantial flow travels in the alluvium at the interface between the bedrock and the channel alluvium. These waters are also characterized by low pH, high metals, and high sulfate. Recent data suggests that this flow discharged into the principal aquifer at a rate of at least 300 gpm. Kennecott installed some wells to intercept this flowin 1989 (not entirely successfial), and in 1996 built a cutoffwall at the mouth of the canyon keyed into bedrock to capture the total flow. The degree to which flow in the bedrock goes underneath the cutoff wall is unknown. This work was performed under provisions of a state ground water permit. It is OU 16 of the Kennecott South Zone. Another source of groundwater contamination in Zone A was the Cemetery Pond, located next to the Copperton Cemetery. It was built in 1984 and used until 1987. It served as a lime treatment basin for treatment of acid waters from the Bingham Canyon Mine and North Ore Shoot. It had a gravel bottom and leaked at an estimated rate of 2000 gpra. The water was generally alkaline, but had elevated sulfates and TDS. The bottom sediments contained elevated arsenic. This pond was retired from service in 1992 and the sediments were cleaned out. The area was included in the Final ROD for Bingham Creek in 1998. Another source of ground water contamination in Zone A includes the waste rock dumps and Eastside Leachate CollectionSystem. Early miners noticed that acidic copper-laden waters were produced when rain water came in contact with sulfides 22 incorporated within the waste rock dumps. The sulfides were oxidized to form sulfuric acid and the acid then leached metals out of the waste rock. (Note: Waste rock does have some metal content but not enough to economically process.) Miners began to collect the acidic metal laden waters and process them to recover themetals. Kennecott enhanced this process by actively spraying the tops of the dumps with recycled water starting in 1942. A system of canals were built to collect the water at the toe of the dumps as the metal rich water emerged. Initial activity was centered largely in Bingham Canyon. Excess.waters were sent to the South Jordan Evaporation Ponds. The collection systemwas expanded in 1965 so that leaching operations could be extended to the Eastside Dumps. The system was upgraded in around 1982 using ponds and concrete ditches. Beginning in 1991, the collection system was again upgraded to install cutot~walls at gulches keyed into bedrock in order to capture any undertlow through the alluvium. The volume of acid waters escaping or eluding the capture system have not been estimated. Preliminary data suggest that in certain areas (Dry Fork and Bingham Canyon) acid leachate has penetrated into the bedrock aquifer. This potential source of contamination is currently under investigation as part of the Utah Ground Water Protection Program. A known source of contamination in Zone Awas acidic discharges from historic mine tunnels located along the east side of the Oquirrh Mountains. An area of poor quality groundwater is located downgradient of the portals of two tunnels in the old Town of Lark. The Maseotte Tmmel was originally constructed in 1902-3 to access the ore.body in the Oquirrh Mountains. It was also used as an outfall for waters infiltrating into the mines. Water was pumped from the various shafts into the tunnel. At onetime, the waters .contained enough metals that the miners set up metals recovery launders within the tunnel itsel£. The water was discharged into the area of the Lark Tailings dump until 1942. At that time a pond was constructed (Mascotte Pond) and the water was used for irrigation. During active pumping of the shafts serviced by the tumlel, flow rates were 1000 - 3000 gpm. After 1952, discharges from Mascotte Tunnel were intercepted by the new Bingham Tunnel nearby. Bingham Tunnel water, when it was not used for irrigation in Herriman, was discharged to Midas Creek until 1988. The current flow is 600 - 1000 gpm and is now routed into the Eastside Loaehate Collection System described earlier. A potential source of ground water contamination in Zone A was the Small Bingham Reservoir adjacent to the Large Bingham Reservoir, described earlier. It was built in 1965, was retired from service in 1988, and was reconstructed in 1990 with HDPE linings. It held waters similar in composition as the Large Bingham Reservoir. Since it had only 4% of the capacity of the Large Bingham Reservoir its leakage rate was probably small in comparison. The reservoir was addressed in 1990 and was included in the 1998 ROD for Bingham Creek 23 :. Another potential source of ground water contamination for Zone A located in the Lark area was the Lark Tailings and Waste Rock site. This area was used as a disposal site for tailings and wastes of various mining operations in the area. The waste rock had the potential to generate acid waters. There has been no estimate of the flow rate. In 1993, the railings with high metals were relocated to the Bluewater Repository and the waste rockwas relocated to Kennecott’s main waste rock dumps (behind the Eastside Collection System). There is one seep in the Lark Tailings area which had moderately contaminated water. The seep is used for experimentation using artificial wetlands for treatment of high sulfate waters. The Lark area is OU 06 of the Kennecott South Zone. Cleanup was performed by Kennecott using CERCLA removal authorities. A F’mal ROD for this site has not been issued. Another potential source of contaminated water in the vicinity of Bingham Creek area was the ARCO Tailings (also called Copperton Tailings and Anaconda Tailings). This seres of railings impoundments were e0nstructed around 1910 to capture tailings from mining and milling operations of the Utah Apex operations located in Bingham Canyon. Tailwaters were used by local farmers for irrigation purposes. The impoundments were located immediately downgradient of Kennecott’s Large Bingham Reservoir. The railings did have the potential to generate acid waters, but it is unknown how much acid waters made it to the underlying aquifer. This area was capped by ARCO under provisions of a removal Unilateral Order in 1993-1997. The Final ROD wasissuedin 1998. The area is OU 05 of the Kennecott South Zone. The major source of ground water contamination in Zone B was the South Jordan Evaporation Ponds. These ponds were used intermittently from 1936 to 1986 to dispose of excess water from Bingham Canyon. The waters were acidic and high in sulfate. The original ponds were not lined and had sand and gravel bottoms. During the later period of operations, some of the ponds were lined and waters were treated with lime before disposal. Infiltration rates varied depending on the amount of water in the ponds. Estimates of 150 gpm to 1110 gpm have been proposed. The ponds were retired from service in 1986. The ditches leading to the ponds were cleaned as a part of the Bingham Creek removal action in 1992 and the sludges remaining in the ponds Were addressed aspart of the South Jordan Evaporation Pond Removal Action during the 1994-1997 time frame. This area is OU 07 of the Kennecott South Zone. Because the mining activities in the area have been ongoing since 1863 and continue today, the sources of ground water contamination from these activities Were numerous. An intensive effort to contain or remove these sources was the first order of business at the Kennecott South Zone site. Currently, with the potential exception of Dry Fork bedrockcontamination, all of the above known 24 6. and potential sources associated with mining activities have been contained or removed. There are other non-mining related sources that impact ground water. Some of these are natural such as natural leaching of mineralized areas in the mountains and geothermal activity. Others are man-made such as irrigation water, canals and runofffi’om urban areas. For the purposes of this aetiort, the non- mining sources are considered to be part of the "background’. Types of contamination and the affected media: Types and characteristic of Chemicals of Concern: Because the ground water was contaminated through the release of acidic metal-laden waters emanating from mining activities, the chemicals of eoneem are largely inorganic chemicals, particularly metals and sulfates. The metals are mobile and toxic; some are carcinogenic, and others non-carcinogenic. Mobility of the metals and sulfates is enhanced in the presence of low pH waters near the sources. For operational reasons the ground water has been divided into two plume areas, the acid plume (the subject of this Record of Decision) and the sulfate plume (being addressed in a separate Natural Resources Damages settlement). See also Part 1, Declaration, for a discussion of the authorities and their role in the combined response. Quantity~volume of waste: The Remedial Investigation estimated the volume of contamination using different criteria. A summary table follows: VOLUME OF CONTAMINATED GROUND WATER (ZoneA) Contamination range Volume (aore-fee0 Sulfate concentrations > 1500 mg/l 171,000 B ingham Reservoir Area Remaining areas , Sulfate concentrations> 20,000 mg/l 168,000 3,700 19,000 pH < 4.5 54,000 Concentrations of Chemicals of Concern: The chemicals of concern are different for the two plumes. For the acid plume in Zone A, an e .xample of the concentrations of the chemicals of concern in the ground waters close to the major source in comparison with primary and secondary drinking water standards are given in the following table (information from the RI/FS): 25 CONCENTRATIONS OF CHEMICALS OF CONCERN (Downgradient of the Large Bingham Reservoir, all data) Chemicals of concern Drinking water Max. concentration in Ratio standard (primary or add plume (acid plumdstandard) secondary) mg/l (downgradient of ¯ Large Bingham Res.) =.J, Arserllc 0.05 4.1 82 , . Barium ~0.9 0.45 " .. ,. , Cadmium 0.005 9.34 1868 Chromium 0.1 0.99 9.9 Copper "1.3 (action level)192 147 , =, Fluoride . .16.2 4.05 Lead 0.015 (action level)0.85 56.6 Nitrate 10 .5. ¯0.45 Selenium 0.05 0.9 18 Nickel oLh)850 85OO Aluminum 0.05- 0.2(secondary)4690 23450 - 93800 Chloride 250(secondary)539 2.1¯ Copper 1.0 (secondary)192 192 Fluoride 2.0 (secondary)16.2 8.1 Iron 0.3 (secondary)1222 4073 Manganese 0.05 (secondary)alOO 22000¯ pH ¯ ¯6.5 - 8.5 (pH units)2.6 (minimum pH)7943 Silver o.lo(secon&ary)0.24 2.4 Sulfate 250 (secondary)59,000 236 ¯500 (secondary)77,574 155 Zinc 5 (secondary)544 109 26 7. RCRA hazardous wastes: EPA is not making any determination on the Bevill Exempt status for the ground water or treatment residuals at this time. (See footnote at end of State ARARs discussion in Appendix A, Description of the location of contamination and known or potential routes of migration. Lateral and vertical extent of contamination: The lateral extent of contamination along with the known sources is shown on Figure 2 (Figure 4.4 of the Remedial Investigation Report). As mentioned previously, there are two main plumes of ground water contamination. The western plume, sometimes also known as the acid plume or Zone A, is where the highest concentrations of contaminants are found and is the subject of this Record of Decision. The ~ea exceeding one or more primary drinking water standards measures about 5 miles by 5 miles. Within the acid plume, there is a core area immediately downgradient of the Large Bingham Reservoir, and minor fingers of contamination originating near the toe of the waste rock dumps in various gulches including Bluewater I Gulch, Bluewater II Guteh, Bluewater Gulch, Midas Gulch, Keystone Gulch (near the Bingham Tunnel portal), North Copper Gulch, Copper Gulch, Yosemite Gulch, and two gulches in Butterfield Canyon. The depth to ground water ranges from 50 to 400 feet in the most heavily contaminated core area near the Bingham Reservoir. The contamination in the core extends to the bottom of the aquifer. The contamination in Zone A persists in the top 100 - 600 feet of the principal aquifer on average. In the Lark area (the finger of contamination starting near the Bingham Tunnel) the contamination is in the top 50 to 150 feet of the principal aquifer. Current and future locations: The location of the contamination relative to the sources is shown on Figure 2 (Figure 4-4, reprinted from the Remedial Investigation Report). This figure demonstrates sulfate concentrations. In general, the low pH and high metal concentrations are located in the areas designated by reds and orange on this figure. This portion is the core of Zone A. Most of this plume originated from leakage.from the Large Bingham Reservoir. /’&nor sources were leaks from the dumps (shown as fingers of contamination coming down the western gulches). The plume in Zone A is the. subject of both this lZecord of Decision and the Natural Resources Damages action, In Zone B, the plume to the east is characterized by lower sulfate concentrations with only a few hot spots of metals and low pH. This plume is known in various documents as the sulfate plume, the NRD plume and Zone B. The major source 27 of sulfate Contamination in this area is the South Jordan Evaporation Ponds. It is this area which is being addressed primarily using the Natural Resources Damage Settlement.2 Both creese plumes were modeled in the RI/FS and the NRD Settlement proposal to predict the migration of the plumes under different scenarios. An example of one such scenario is given in Figures 3, 4, and 5 (Figures 5-9, 5-10 and 5-11 from the Remedial Investigation Report). These figures give the migration predictions assuming no action and illustrates the movement of sulfate in 25 years, 50 years, and i50 years. In general, the plumes continue to move to the east, away from the mountains toward the JordanRi;eer. The model results point out three areas of concern tothe agencies. (1) AlterS0 years, the acid plume has reached the West Jordan municipal well field, the major source of water for the city. (2) After 150 years, high concentrations of sttlfate begin to approach the flood plain of the Jordan River presenting a threat to the aquatic ecology of the river. (3) The highest concentrations of contaminants in the plume will move off existing Kennecott property after 50 years. ~EPA reserves the fight to address contamination in Zone B if the NRD settlement is not carried out in a manner acceptable to EPA or if new irtformation indicates that action by EPA is warranted. Likewise, the state of Utah reserves the tight to use the NRD settlement provisions should CERCLA RD/RA activities in Zone A be insufficient. 28 j- " ~ _ ~ ~ ~ L .- ~ ~ i r- ~. - - ~ ~- ~ . - : S J \ Q. -\ / f Y "!ct ~ .E | ;; ~ ~ a " ;~ , ~ ~ ; , = ¯ ~ I ~ itI1 _J ° \ \ \ \ ® Q ~: ~ . ~ "~ ’ 4 , jr i )\ \ ’t ~ i ! ~!- - N :l IIII °’ I f 1 / t" ~’ ~ o ° o C~ ~J c~ o 32 Current and potential future surface and subsurface routes of human or environmental exposure: As illustrated previously, modeling of the ground water plumes suggest that the contamination will continue to migrate eastward toward the Jordan River if nothing is done to contain or treat the plumes. The acid plume may also migrate northward toward the West Iordan City municipal well field depending on pumping rates by West Jordan. This could create a potential health threat to the West Jordan City residents or cause abandonment of the well field. Though Riverton City has a municipal well field as well, the main source of impact to this system would be from the sulfate plume in ZoneB, the focus of the Utah NRD action. A well inventory was conducted during the RI/FS. The inventory located 1688 wells. Of these wells 523 were monitoring wells, 559 were in use, and 606 were not in use, damaged or missing. Of the 559 wellsin use, 347 were used for culinary purposes (either solely or in conjunction with other uses), and 212 were used for other purposes such as stock watering, irrigation, commercial. Although most of these well owners now have access to municipal water supplies, many continue to use their wells for lawns and agricultural uses. The well inventory represents information for both Zones A and B. Future exposure is possible if the plumes are not contained. Some preliminary ecological risk calculations were performed to assess ecological risk. The two places where the plumes could discharge to surface water bodies are the Jordan River and the Great Salt Lake. In both.cases, the current sulfate inputs are minor in comparison to the sulfate already present in these water bodies. Note that this describes the current condition, not the future threat which modeling suggests might occur in 150 years (see later discussion). At that time, sulfate loading from ground water could have a significant impact on the river. Likelihood for migration for Chemicals of Concern: The agencies are certain that the contaminants of interest will continue to move eastward if nothing is done to contain or treat the plume in Zone A. The leading edge of the acid plume has already moved 5 miles from its original source in the last 35 years. Although the pH will be neutralized and the metals removed into the solid phases of the aquifer, sulfate is totally soluble in water up to about 2000 ppm. As the water moves around 500 feet/year, the sulfate will move with it. The movement of metals is much slower beeause of the nentralization-precipitation chemical reactions with the alluvium materials. Human and ecological populations that could be affected: Although current exposures are limited to the public with private drinking waterwells, the affected area is located in a semi,add climate where water resource availability is a serious issue.to all residents in the area. In addition to the private well owners, there are 33 8. two municipal well fields just outside the area of the contamination. There is valid concern that depending on the pumping scenarios, contaminated water could be drawn in the direction of the municipal fields limiting their future Use as a water supply. Most of the other residents in this area are served by public water suppliers which import the water fi’om surface reservoirs in the mountains. The ground water underlying these cities is a valuable resource which has not yet been utilized by the municipal water purveyors due to the expense of dealing with the contamination. Thus the entire population of thisarea is affected either directly by ingestion of the water or indirectly by the extra cost of providing water i~om outside the area. The population for both zones was estimated tobe 117,059 in 1997 and is projected to grow to 286,905 by 2020. Use of the ground water resources of the affected area is desired by all the communities in the area. Ecological receptors of untreated waters from the plumes are limited to the aquatic species in the Jordan River. This is not a major concern currently because the water quality of the Jordan River as it leaves its headwaters in Utah Lake is not pristine and already contains substantial quantifies of sulfate. However, if nothing is done to contain the plumes, the plumes will inevitably reach the Jordan River and potentially affect all aquatic species living in the river and in the adjacent wetlands. Description of aquifer and ground water movement: Aquifers affected or threatened by site contaraination, types of geologic materials, approximate depths, whether aquifer is confined or unconfined and direction of flow: There are three aquifers that are affected or potentially affected by the mining related contamination for the two zones. The following is a description of these aquifers starting with the bottom. The bedrock aquifer underlies the entire valley at varying depths. The bedrock is close to the surface in the Oquirrh Mountains plunging to a depth of about 2000 feet below ground surface in the middle of the valley. The bedrock is composed of Paleozoic bedrock with a layer of Tertia/y volcanic rock above it. Both provide recharge water to the Principal Aquifer. Hydraulic conductivity is low relative to the principal aquifer, but is highly variable depending on the presence or absence of fractures. The Eastside waste rock dumps are located on the Tertiary volcanic rock. When the water percolating through the dumps encounters the bedrock, it flows at the interface and emerges at the toe of the dumps. The degree to which the acid-laden waters enters the Bedrock Aquifer is unknown. The degree to which the waters are then discharged to the Principal Aquifer and where is also unknown. The USGS and Kennecott are beginning to develop a model which may provide insight on these issues. Hydraulic conductivities are 0.03 - 0.8 feet/day. The direction of flow is variable depending on the direction of the fractures. 34 Abouta mile east of the eastern front of the Oquirrh Mountains, the bedrock is overlain by the Jordan Valley Narrows Unit originating duringthe Oligocene- Miocene period. It is described as interbedded clays and tuff and is considered by most experts to be an aqultar& Its conductivity is estimated at 0.1 - 0.3 feet/day. This is the bottom of the Principal Aquifer. The Bedrock Aquifer discharges to the Principal Aquifer. The Principal Aquifer overlies the bedrock layers near the mountains and the Jordan Valley Narrows Unit farther out in the valley. It consists primarily of Pile- Pleistocene alluvial fan deposits of quartzitic and volcanic gravel. In the central part of the basin, the aquifer is relatively thick (up to 1000 feet) and is composed of quartzific gravels. The upper 200-300 feet of the aquifer is particularly productive with hydraulic conducti,~ities of 3 - 83 feet/day at the western part and over 100 feet/day eastofthe Evaporation Pond site in Zone B. At the southern part of the site near the mountains, the Principal Aquifer is mostly volcanic gravel interbedded with clay and silt. The hydraulic conductivities in this area range I - 12 feet/day. The Bingham Reservoir and the Lark tunnelportals are both located in the recharge zone 0fthe Principal Aquifer at the edge of the mountains in Zone A. The relatively high hydraulic eonductivities allowed the contamination to spread quickly. The flow of the Principal Aquifer is generally eastward with minor directional changes in the presence of buried eharmels. The flow bends toward the northeast near the Jordan River boundary (toward the direction of the Great Salt Lake). The Principal Aquifer is considered to be unconfined in the area near the mountains (Zone A), but is thought to be confined between the Evaporation Ponds and the Jordan River (Zone B). The confining layer has not been thoroughly investigated and may not be continuous. The Principal Aquifer eventually discharges to the Jordan River and the Great Salt Lake. The Shallow Unconfined Aquifer is found east of the Evaporation Ponds (Zone B) and consists of quartzitic gravel intermixed with silt and clay. They are Bonneville and Prove lacustrine deposits (Late Pleistocene and Holoeene). The conductivity is low at about I ft/day. The flow direction is toward the east. The South Jordan Evaporation Ponds contaminated both the Shallow Unconfined Aquifer and the Principal Aqffffer in Zone B. The Shallow Unconfined Aquifer is also affected by several unlined irrigation canals which traverse the area. The shallow aquifer discharges to springs and seeps along the Jordan River. Surface and subsnrface features: Features at the site which affect the quality of the ground water ineludethe mining-related sources and several non-mining related sources. ~vftning related sources include the former Small and Large Bingham Reservoirs (now reconstructed with triple linings and leak detection), the former Eastside Leachate Collection System (now reconstructed with cutoff walls keyed into bedrock and with above ground HDPE pipes), theBingham Tunnel 35 portal (the tunnel discharge now goes into the reconstructed Eastside Collection System), the Lark Tailings and Waste Rock (now remediated), all in Zone A, and the South Jordan Evaporation Ponds (retired from service, remediated, and partially redeveloper as residential property) in Zone B. The major non-mining related sources are a series of unlined irrigation canals which are in use during the growing season with waters mainly from Prove River and:Utah Lake. Because others have wells in the area, agencies are aware that any increased pumping could draw the plume in that direction, reduce water levels, or both. Stratigraphy: An example of the stratigraphy with location of the contaminated plume is shown in Figure 6 (Figure 4-8, from the Remedial Investigation Report). The monitoring well map is shown in Figure 7 (Figure3-5a, also from the Remedial Investigation Report). Ground water models: Hydrologic, geochemical and contaminant transport models were used to predict flow rates and contaminant movement. The flowmodel uses a three-dimensional, finite difference, numerical code called MODFLOW. This model code is accepted internationally and was also used by the U. S. Geological Survey in their development of the Salt Lake Valley Ground Water Model. The model was verified using historical ground watermortitoring data. The geochemicalmodeling used PI-IREEQC, also widely used. The contaminant transport was modeled using MT3D. Assumptions are given in detail in the ILI Report and Appendices. The time required to remediate the aquifer using the various alternatives was estimated using the models described above. Although substantial ground water and aquifer data wereused in the modeling effort, models, by their very nature, have uncertainties associated with them. For example, the ground water may encounter a heretofore unknown buffed creek channel which may cause the plume to change direction and/or flow rate. Therefore, the time required for the plume to travel and the time for remediation are estimates only. Continued monitoring would be needed for all the alternatives to detect unexpected results in sufficient time to plan responses. 36 l+ l i + +I ! + ,!¯ + f "I l l A I i II ’I !. , II II t -- ~ _ _ I 1 +; ’ : a _ . " , : "4 " ¯ . . II i. ¸ p, ~ ll ~ l ’ X l i ~ - \ l f i \ ~ N F.Current and Potential Future Site and Resource Uses: 1. Land Use: The contaminated ground water plumes in both Zones A and B underlie a suburban area of Salt Lake Valley, particularly the eastern portion of the site in Zone B. The western portion in Zone A is still largely agricultural and mining, but suburban development pressure is marching westward into this zone too as more infrastructure such as highways and water service become available. Several 0fthe cities in the nearby area have already annexed these western lands in anticipation of the development. A map of current land use is given in Figure 8 (Figure 3-6, from the Remedial Investigation Report). The Wasatch Front Regional Council estimates that the population density above the plumes was 1.06 persons/aere in 1998. They estimate that the density will increase three fold by 2020. Growth rate is estimated at 6% per year for the next 20 years. 2.Ground~surface water uses on the site and in its vicinity: Current water use: There are three creeks which traverse the two zones from their headwaters in the Oquirrh Mountains and discharge into the Jordan River. The Jordan River, in turn, discharges to the Great Salt Lake. Kennecott has a cutoff wall and reservoir at the mouth of the Bingham Canyon which capture all the flow of Bingham Creek from the Oquirrhs, in addition to other waters from mining operations. The water is used in mineral processing at the Copperton Concentrator. The headwaters of Midas Creek/Copper Creek are now buried by waste rock from the Bingham Canyon Nfme and waters which formally flowed in this former drainage have also been diverted by the mining company for use in mineral processing. The total flow in Buttertield Creek along the southern boundary of the site is diverted by the Herfiman Irrigation Company and used for irrigation of agricultural lands and residential yards in and near Herriman. Most of the creeks are essentially dry by the time they leave the foothills of the Oquirrhs. The county flood control district has relocated some of them to provide better drainage following storm events. Flows from the Jordan River are diverted by canals to irrigation districts. The outfall of’the local waste water treatment plant is located just downstream of the site on the Jordan River. There are four cities which overlay the contaminated plumes. Two of the cities, West ~lordan and Riverton, have their own municipal well fields but also augment their water supplies with water provided by the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District (JVWCD). One of the cities, South Jordan, depends entirely on drinking water supplied by the JVWCD. The Town of Herriman currently depends on private wells and a private water supply company, the Herriman Pipeline Company. There are also some areas which are in unincorporated Salt Lake 39 County. These areas are serviced by private wells, the Copperton Improvement District, and the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District. The Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District obtains its water largely l~om surface sources outside the site including the Jordanelle, Deer Creek, and Echo Reservoirs, some high U’mta lakes, the Prove and Weber Rivers, five Wasateh Front mountain streams, and some Wasateh Front springs, The IVWCD does own water fights in the affected area. However, these rights have not been developed. West Jordan’s municipal well field is located just to the north of the acid plume in Zone Aaud there is coneerrt that excess pumping by the city could draw the contamination into that direction. Also, there is concern that excess pumping as a part of any remedy could lower the water table in the area so low as to reduce the capacity of West Jordan’s wells and other wells in the area. Riverton’s municipal well field is located just to thesouth of the sulfate plume in Zone B and one well has already been impacted. South Jordan has no water rights and has not sought to procure any becauseof the poor quality water. The Town ofHerriman’s main water source is the Herdman Pipeline Company which obtains its water from wells outride the acid plume in Zone A. Town ........... officials are concerned.that the.town will outgrov¢ this.water sourceandnew supplies may be needed. They are alreadyin negotiations with JVWCD to provide this additional water. Herriman is largely rural andseveral properties are served by private wells owned by individuals and small water companies. Several of these wells have declining water quality. The Copperton Improvement District well is located outside and upgradient of the acid plume in Zone A and is not threatened by the contamination. A summary of the municipal water use provided by the various Suppliers is given in the following table: WATER SUPPLIERS AND SOURCES OF WATER Supplier .Surface water (acre-feet/year) Groundwater (acre-feet/year) ¯ 33712Coppe~on Dansie Water Co (I-Ierriman) Herriman Pipeline Co.156.3 0 0 75.0 166 40 Suppfier Hi-Country Estates I Hi,Country Estates II Suffaoe water (acre-feet/year) 0 Groundwater (acre-feet/year) 5,217.8 (from JVWCD) 35.6 53.2 Riverton 493.1 (from IVWCD)3,366.3 South Jordan 5,153.3 (from JVWCD)0 West Jordan 6,601..2 The annual water use is 21,631 Acre-ft/yr (1995 data). The water in the study area is used for a variety ofpurp0ses as approximated in the following table, from the RI]FS (Water use in units of acre-feet/year): TYPES OF WATERUSES Supplier Copperton Dansie Herriman Hi-Country I Hi-Country 2 Riverton .. S. Jordan W. Jordan Domestic Commercial 178.0 159.2 36.8 217.9 35.3 3,973.0 53.2 3,471.9 383.6 477.5 Industrial 9,972.3 153.4 1,534.2 Irrigation 3.1 104.4 184.1 Other 33.8 0.3 ! , , Kennecott conducted a Well Inventory as a part of the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study. Of the 1,688 wells inventoried at the site, 523 were monitoring wells (31%), 559 were in use (33%), and 606 were not in use, damaged, or missing. Of the 559 wells in current use, 347 were for culinary use and 212 for other uses. Other uses include irrigation, stock watering, commercial and industrial uses. When wells of declining water quality were found, KenneCott worked with the owners to provide alternative water supplies. 41 Anticipated Use: It is quite clear that the water needs of the area wil increase. Basedon the population growth in the area as estimated by the Wasatch Front Regional Council, the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District estimates that the water demand of their service area will double in the next 20 to 25 years. Their current water supply for their entire service district is about 70,000 acre-if/yr. By 2020, the district projects it will need about 160,000 acre-if/yr. If the same growth rate is used for the impacted area, the water needs for population growtla above the contaminated aquifer could increase from 22,000 acre-t’dyr to 50,000 aere-ft/year. Although the contaminated groundwater is currently not being utilized except by Kennecott as industrial waters and a few private well owners for irrigation, full utilization of the impacted groundwater is desired by the cities and the water purveyors because the water is near the population. Since the safe annual yield of the aquifer is estimated at 7,000 aere, ft/year, alternative sources of water from outside the area will be needed as wel. 42 I°! ~cJ ¯ ¯ ¯ G.Summary of Site Risks: 1.Summary of Human Health Risk Assessment: The baseline risk assessment estimates what risks the site poses if no action were taken. It provides the basis for taking action and identifies the contaminants and exposure pathways that need to be addressed by the remedial action. This section of the Record of Decision summarizes the results of the baseline risk assessment for this site. For the purposes of this project, a full traditional risk assessment was not performed. Instead because EPA and UDEQ have adopted drinking water standards and the ground waters inthe valley are a potential and actual drinking water source, for most cases the concentrations of the chemicals of concern in the ground water were simply compared to the drinking water standards. With the exception of sulfate, which has no primary standard adopted by EPA, any exceedance of primary drinking standards presents an unacceptable risk to anyone drinking this water. Because sulfate concentrations are the most pervasive chemical of concern at the site, the risk assessment focused largely on estimating the concentration of sulfate that produces unacceptable health impacts to sensitive populations. A Risk Assessment Task Force, composed of toxicologists and epidemiologists from EPA, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Utah Department of Health, Salt Lake City/County Department of Health, City of West Jordan, and Kennecott; aided EPA and its contractor in collecting research papers, evaluating the quality of the re.search, and recommending the level of concern. a.Identification of Chemicals of Concern: The following table describes the various concentrations found in the acid plume downgradient of theLarge Bingham Reservoir: CONCENTRATIONS OF CHEMICALS OF CONCERN (From Remedial Investigation Report, Table 4-8; All concentrations are in mg/L unless noted) Chemical TDS bicarbonate chloride fluoride No. of samples 336 336 58 308 58 Minimum value 2,,6 ¯ 1236 <1.0 41 <0.1 iMaximum value 6,87 77574 780 539¯ 16.2 Mean 4.33 28000 130 190 2.4 "3.8 Std. Dev. 1.22 22000 150 75 0 19 % not I detected o 0 44 Chemical No. of Minimum Maximum I Mean Std. Dev.% not samples -value value detected sulfate 337 426 59,000 20,000 16,000 . calcium "280 8 1040 420 -160 0 magnesium 290 127 8640 2600 2200 0 ¯ potassium:279 <0.01 70¯ 7.2~5.9 . sodium 290 24 910 100 92 0 nitrate 79 <0.01 4.5 0.67 0.95 ¯41 aluminum 124 <0.005 4690 910 1200 16 arsenic 276 <0.001 4.1 0.040 0.27 38 barium 234 <0.005 0.9 0.024 0.065 51 cadmium 277 <0.001 9.34 0.42 1.1 16 ¯ chromium 234 <0.002 0.99 0.078 0.13 39 copper 277 <0.001 192 47 49¯15 iron 148 <0.01 1222 250 320 5 lead ¯277 <0.001 0.85 0.034 0.13 55 manganese 146 -0.01 1100 180 180 0 nickel 129 <0.01 850 -18 75 3 selenium 277 <0.002 0.9 0.022 0.081 5 ¯ silver 234-<0.001 0.24 0.014 ¯0.030 64| zinc 239 <0.01 544 69 "68 2 * negative log of H concentration bold values exceed either a primary or secondary drinking water standard As demonstrated in this table, the components with maximum concentrations in the ground water exceeding either a primary or secondary drinking water standard include pH (acidity), total dissolved solids, chloride, fluoride, sulfate, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, selenium, silver and zinc. Even the mean concentrations of several components exceed primary or secondary standards, including pH (acidity), total dissolved solids (TDS), fluoride, 45 b° sulfate, aluminum, cadmium, copper, lead, manganese, nickel, and zinc. Because the concentration values are widely variable and cart migrate, the maximum concentration was used for the exposure point assessment. These concentrations are located in the core of the acid plume. E~osure Assessment Potentially exposed popul~’ons in current and.future scenarios: Currently, the public is not being exposed to the ground waters of the acid plume. This is because the acid plume is still underneath Kennecott property currently and Kennecott holds the water fights to this water. However, if nothing is done to contain the plume in perpetuity or treat it, the contaminated ground water will continue to move down gr/tdient in the aquifer eventually leaving Kennecott property: Theoretically, at that time, any citizen, municipality, or business that has a water fight in the impacted ground water area could access the contaminated water causing their household, customers, and workers to be exposed to unacceptable concentrations of acids, metals, and sulfate in their dfinldng water. If nothing is done to prevent the continued movement of the plume, more and more wells in the path downgradient of the plumes would degrade in their quality. At least one municipal well field, perhaps two, are also threatened. The situation would only get worse with thepassage of time. The worst case scenario is theoretically possible. There are currently about 800 water fights holders in this area including two municipalities. Absent any institutional controls approved by the Utah State Engineer, additional water fights could be granted and well permits issued to anyone: In addition, several wells were found where the property owner did not possess a water fight or a well permit at all. The worst ease scenario is unlikely because the State Engineer will probably approve institutional controls to prevent exposure and few citizenswould invest the money to drill a well in a known area of eontanu’nation. "Any sensitive populations: There are two populations sensitive to excessive levels of sulfate, the most pervasive chemical of Concern. Excessive levels of sulfate in drinking water produces diarrhea, a problem which is annoying, but not particularly’life threatening, except in infants. Infants with diarrhea can quickly become dehydrated. For this reason, pediatricians warn against making infant formula with waters high in sulfate. Medical evidence shows that adults and older children can build up a tolerance to high sulfate with repeated exposures. Visitors to any area with elevated sulfates in the drinking water would feel the effects to a greater degree than the resident population. Visitors would include 46 HEALTH EFFECTS household guests, and tourists patronizing local hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, and commercial establishments. Route of exposure: The route of exposure is ingestion of contaminated ground water for adults, children, infants, and visitors. Other routes of exposure such as uptake of metals and sulfate from irrigation waters into garden vegetables, dermal exposure, and inhalation.were not quantified. Assmnptions: A traditional risk assessment was not conducted for this operable unit because drinking water standards have already been developed by EPA and adopted in regulations by the State of Utah. Therefore, the assumptions used at the site are the. assumptions used to derive the national and state drinking water standards. It should be pointed out that some of the drinking water standards are based on more than health concerns; some include recognition of the treatment technologies available at the time of promulgation. As a result, some of the drinking water standards are under review, e.g., for lead and arsenic. Toxicity assessment According to the EPA Ottice of Ground Water and Drinking Water, the effects of drinking water exceeding the primary standards are given in the following table: OF ELEVATED INORGANIC COMPONENTS IN DRINKING WATER Drinking water component Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Potential Health Effects from ingestion of water exceeding the primary drinking water standard Skin damage, circulatory system problems, increased risk of cancer Increase in blood pressure ’ Kidney damage Allergic dermatitis Copper Gastrointestinal distress, liver or kidney damage Fluoride Bone disease, mottled teeth Lead Delays in mental development, kidney problems, high blood pressure ,,, Nitrate blue baby syndrome Selenium hair or fingernail loss, numbness, circulatory problems 47 d EPA has not yet adopted a federal primary drinking water standard for sulfate: This is mainly because there is little medical evidence and in some cases the information is contradictory. The State of Utah adopted a primary sulfate drinking water.standard of 500 ppm to 1000 ppm, depending on whether the use was principally residential. The risk assessment evaluated the available toxicological information and medical research on sulfate to establish a health based goal for this project. This re- evaluation was conducted because sulfate is the most pervasive chemical of concern in the acid plume. The risk assessment determined that the main effect of elevated concentrations of sulfate was diarrhea. The effect was short-lived because people appear to develop a tolerance after about a week of exposure. Therefore, residents of an area may not show any symptoms of high sulfate exposure; whereas, visitors to the area could be affected. Although diarrhea is an annoying condition to adults, it can be potentially dangerous to infants. Because of their low body weight, diarrhea can cause- dehydration quickly ininfants. An examination of the literature determined that few if any effects would occur even to visitors and infants if concentrations of sulfates are kept below 1500 ppm. Risk Characterization:. The concentrations of contaminants in the ground water were compared to primary drinking water standards and the health based sulfate level which were used as benchmarks in the following table. In this comparison, the ratio of the acid plume concentrations to the drinking water standard or safe level is analogous to a Hazard Quotient. RISK OF CHEMICALS OF CONCERN IN ACID PLUME Chemical of Concern Primary Drinking Maximum Water standard or concentration in acid health based level Arsenic 0.05 82 2 0.45 "Barium Cadmium Copper plume (rag/l) 4.1 Ratio add plume/safe level (analogous to a Hazard Quotient) 0.9 =H 0.005 9.34 1868 1.3 (action level)192 147 48 Chemical of Concern Fluoride .Lead’. Nitrate . Selenium Nickel Sulfate Priory Water standard or health based level (mg/1) 4 0.015 (action level) 10 0.05 Maximum. concentration in acid plume (rag/l) 16.2 0.85 4.5 0.9 Ratio acid plume/safe level (analogous to a Hazard Quotient) 4.05 56.6 0.45 18 0.1 (Utah standard) 1500 ppm health- based level; 500 ppm Utah primary Standard 85O 59,000 8500 39.3, based on health based standard; 117.9, based on state primary standard In.this case, the ratios (hazard quotients) are not additive since the contaminants affect different organs and tissues. Most of the metals in the ground waters within the acid plume are in excess of drinking water standards, sometimes by a factor of thousands. The predominant exposure pathway is ingestion of the contaminated ground water. There are several uncertainties associated with estimation of risk from exposure to the contaminated ground water of the acid plume. (1) There are no current exposures to the groundwater. Several private well owners have already been hooked up to municipal systems. Kennecott has purchased additional lands to limit access. Therefore, the risk associated with the plume is a future risk assuming that nothing further will be done. Because of the complex chemistry which occurs as the acid plume moves (neutralization, precipitation, redissolution, etc.), the calculations were based on the current concentrations in the plume, not whatthe plume might contain in the future. This assumption would likely overestimate future risk. (2) Drinking water standards are largely health based, but do contain some consideration for tire drinldng water treatment technologies routinely available at the time of promulgation. This could mean that the risk could be underestimated. (3) The scientific literature on the health impacts of sulfate is sparse and sometimes contradictory. Because of this uncertainty, EPA has chosen to use a fairly conservative health-based level. 49 2.Summary of Ecological Risk Assessment The ecological risk assessment estimates what risks the site poses if no aotion were taken. It provides the basis for taking action and identifies the contaminants and exposure pathways that need to be addressed by the remedial action. This Section of the Record of Decision summarizes the results of the Eco!ogieal Risk Assessment for this site. In a strategy analogous to the human health risk assessment, the ecological risk assessment was streamlined and focused on the impacts of ground water recharge to the Jordan River and additional loads of contaminants that might be expected in the near and distant future. The concentrations of contaminants in the river with the projected additional loads were then compared to Utah Water Quality Standards for the river. The exposure point was assumed to be that stretch of river that intersects the path of the groundwater flow. a.Current and near future water quality impacts from ground water: The ecological risk assessment studies compared the concentrations of contaminants in the river with,contaminants in nearby monitoring wells to estimate if any ecological impacts might be present or anticipated in the near future. The following table gives the results of this investigation updated with the most recent water quality standards. COMPARISON OF WATER QUALITY IN WELLS WITH JORDAN RIVER WATER QUALITY STANDARDS (Updated from RI/FS) Jordan River Narrows to Little Cottonwood Creek segment Contaminant Jordan River,Concentrations in Utah Water Quality concentrations nearby ground water Standards for Jordan wells River segment (4- , day, aquatic life 3a class) TDS 973 mg/l (upstream)not given 1200 ppm ’ 1135 mg/1 (agricultural use (downstream)standard, none for aquatic life) Cadmium 2.0 ppb or less <2.0 ppb 1.1 ppb Copper 20 ppb or less 19 ppb 12 ppb Selenium <3 ppb 9 ppb 5 ppb 50 Contaminant Zinc Sulfate Jordan River concentrations 11 ppb 248 mg/1 (upstream) 309 mg/l (downstream) Concentrations in nearby ground water¯ wells 252 ppb 432 mg/l Utah Water Quality Standards for Jordan River segment (4- day, aquatic life 3 a class) 110 ppb ’ "i no standard- calculated from literature 505 mg/1 The concentrations in the ground water of wells near the Jordan River exceed the Utah Water Quality Standards for the Jordan River for copper, selenium, zinc, and perhaps others. After mixing with other waters in the river, the concentrations in the river may eventually exceed the standard in thenear term but not excessively so. Kennecott asserts that the contaminants do not come from mining activity but l~om irrigation and other sources. b.Sources of water to the Jordan River segment of interesl: Although the average flow of the Jordan River during the irrigation season has been estimated near Utah Lake at 204,000 gpm, nearly 100% of the river is diverted by irrigation canals during the irrigation season. The average flow of the river near the site (9000 South) is 40,000 gpm during irrigation season. The ground water model results suggests that 21,400 gpm (53%) of this flow originates from ground water discharge from the western part of the valley (the location of this site), 7,200 gpm (18%) from the eastern side of the valley, and 11,800 gpm (29%) from return flow from the irrigation canals. c.Future ecological risk:. Although the current or near term risk appears to be low¯for the contaminants associated with the ground water, a different picture altogether emerges if the acid plume is allowed to reach the Jordan River. Ground water modeling suggests that this could occur in 150 years if nothing is done to contain the plume. The following table illustrates what could happen in this circumstance. 51 POTENTIAL CONCENTRATIONS OF CONTAMINANTS IN JORDAN RIVER IF ACID PLUME IS NOT CONTAINED (updated from the RI Report) Contaminant Average Average Jordan River Water Ratio of Jordan River " concentration after mixing Quality future lordan concentration in acid plume with acid Standard (4-River to (average of (1997)plume day, aquatic standards upsteam and (assuming a class 3a, downstream)1:20 mixing Jordan River) ratio, year round) Sulfate.278 mg/l 18;000 mg/l 1039 mg/l no standard,2.06 505 mg/1 calculated from literature TDS 1054 mg/l 25,000 rag/1 2195 mg/l 1200 mg/1,1.83 agricultural use standard Cadmium <2ppb 620 ppb.29.1 ppb.1,1 ppb 26.4 - " Copper <20 ppb 41,000ppb 1818 ppb 12ppb 151.5 Selenium <3ppb 14ppb 4,3 ppb 5.0 ppb 0.86 Zinc 11 ppb 67,000 ppb 2933 ppb 110 ppb 26.7 This calculation demonstrates that the water quality of the Jordan River would decline seriously should the acid plume be allowed to reach the river. The situation is actually worse during irrigation season when there is essentially no dilution factor available because the flows in the river are less. Uncertainties: The uncertainties inherent in these calculations are numerous. The assumptions are particularly uncertain. (1) This calculation assumes that the acid plume will eventually reach the Jordan River. However, the acid plume is in the principal aquifer rather than the shallow aquifer. It is known that the shallow aquifer discharges to the river. The principal aquifer may go underneath it or discharge to it at a much slower rate. The calculations, therefore, represent a worst case scenario. (2) This 52 o calculation assumes that the average concentrations in the acid plume currently would reach the river with its concentrations unmodified by dispersion or reactions with the aquifer solids. This is very unlikely. By the time the acid plume reaches the river, concentrations of contaminants are likely to be much less. Again, the calculations represent a worst case scenario. (3) These calculations assume that the water quality in the river will remain the same in the future as they are today. Although improving water quality in the river will not help much if the acid plume does reach the river, declining water quality in the river could make the situation worse. (4) The mixing ratio varies seasonally. The calculations represent the annual average. During irrigation season the influence of ground water on the Jordan River is much more inaportant than during the rest of the year. (5) The ground water flow rates to the river are based on the ground water model for the site and, therefore, are affected by the uncertainties associated with the use of the model. These uncertainties are just a few examples of the ditiieulties in estimating risk far into the future. Basis for action Absent limitations on access to the ground water, human health could be at risk to anyone seeking to use the water for culinary purposes. The water quality fails to meet primary standards and health based levels. It is also not suitable for municipal supplies without treatment because it violates a host of secondary standards. /n some eases the water is unuseable even for secondary uses such as irrigation due to its acidity. If nothing is done, the acid plume will continue to move toward the Jordan River where it Could impact the Jordan River’s aquatic life, perhaps severely. 53 Remedial Action Objectives" . h/finimize or remove the potential for human risk (by means of ingestion)by limiting exposure to ground water containing chemicals of concern exceeding risk- based concentrations or drinking water Maximum Contaminant Levels. a.Human health risk is minimized by either reducing the contaminant levels or cutting off the exposure pathway. b°Contaminants, which could be ingested, can be decreased by reducing the concentrations in the aquifer itself to drinking water standards or treating the ground waters to drinkingwater standards before it is used. . c°The exposure pathway can be cut by limiting access to the ground water and obtaining water from another source. 1Wmimize or remove the potential for environmental risk (by means offl0w of ground water to the Jordan River) to receptors of concern. a.Ecological risk is minimized only by reducing the contaminant levels. b°Contaminant levels could be decreased only by reducing the concentrations in the aquifer itself. 3.Contain the acid plume and keep it from expanding. a° b° c° Containment of ground water plumes is the expected minimum forground Water actions in the National Contingency Plan. Allowing the plume to move farther will contaminate additional ground water, including at least one municipal well field, and damage additional aquifer materials. Maintain sulfate-laden groundwater in excess of 1500 mg/1 west of the Kennecott property line in Zone A~ 4.Remediate the aquifer over the long term a;Ground water in this aquifer is a resource that is needed by the public both now and in the future as communities grow westward toward the Oquirrh Mountains. 54 o ,b.Remediation is the only long term option which is totally effective in preventing the public from exposure to dangerous levels of contaminants in this ground water. Return ground water to beneficial use. ao b° Return of ground water to beneficial use is an expectation of the National Contingency Plan. The site is located in a semi-add climate. Ground waterresources are needed to support additional population and development growth projections for the site. 55 L Description of Alternatives The Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study evaluated six (6) alternatives.- A number of others were rejected in the screening process. A summary of each of the six retained alternatives is given below: 1.Alternative 1 - No Further Action. This alternative relies solely on natural attenuation to achieve long term remediation goals. This could take 800 years or longer. Citizens and municipalities wouldbe responsible for limiting their own exposures. Major elements of Alternative 1: Maintenance of source controls already implemented by Kennecott: (Kennecott has constructed a system to collect acid rock drainage which continues to emanate from theirwaste rock dumps. This must be maintained in order to prevent additional contaminants from entering the ground water.) Monitoring effectiveness of source controls as required in a State Groundwater Permit: (The state has issued a Ground Water Permit to Kennecott whichrequiresKennecott to monitor wells downgradient of their source controls to demonstrate that the controls continue to prevent further contamination.) Monitoring migration of the plume: (A monitoring network has been installed. In this alternative, movements of the plume could be determined and water users warned of the arrival of the acid plume.) b.Key ARARs: Continued participation in the State Ground Water Protection Program which requires the operations and maintenance of the source control measures is required. After mine closure the operations and maintenance of the source control measures must be maintained, perhaps as an element of the 1Wine Closure Plan administered by the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining. In addition, chemical specific standards would be ARARs, but they would not be met. 56 c.Longterm reliability: The source control measures are well constructed and are likely to be reliable in the long term. Quantity of untreated waste and treatment residuals: Because there is no treatment, the quantity of untreated water actually grows as the plume gets further dispersed over time. There would be no treatment residuals as a result of this option other than those associated with source control. e.Estimated time for design and construction: The source control measures are already designed and constructed. f. Estimated time to reach remediation goals: None of the goals would be achieved for at least 800 years, perhaps longer. g. Estimated costs: (Appendix M, RUFS) ESTIMATED COSTS FOR ALTERNATIVE 1 Activity Capital costs O+M costs for 30 net present years value Source controls (already $127M already $19.2M $19.2M implemented by Kennecott)expended, not included in cost Monitoring $7.1M $7.1M TOTAL (diseoum rate = 7%)$26.3M $26.3M h,Use of presumptive remedies or innovative treatment: No presumptive remedies or innovative treatment technologies areused in this alternative. 57 i.Expected outcome: This alternative relies entirely on natural attenuation leaving the public and municipalities to their own devices to prevent exposure. Eventually when the plume reaches the Jordan River, the aquatic ecosystem might be severely impacted. Alternative 2 - Institutional Control~. This would seek to prevent exposure to the public, but does nothing to contain or treat the plume itself. a.Major elements of Alternative 2 Restrictions on use of existing wells, as approved by the Utah State Engineer: (Measures include purchase of land and water rights; restrictions on land use to prevent use of wells through codes, covenants; and restrictions by either municipal, county or state government) Restrictions on drilling of new wells, as approved by the Utah State Engineer: (Purchases of water rights and land; restrictions on land use to prevent drilling of wells using codes, covenants, and restrictions by either municipal, county or the State Engineer.) Modifications of above restrictions as the plume migrates in the future ¯Includes the measures in Alternative I. b.Key ARAR~. In addition to ARARs from/X~lternative 1, the key ARARs in this case would be the various Utah Water Rights Laws, UtahWell Drilling Regulations, and local building codes. c.Long term reliability: This relies on the citizens to conform to the letter and spirit of all restrictions that might be placed on them by their local governments and by the State Engineer. This is very unlikely. Circumvention of the water fights regulations and local ordinances is rather common because citizens view these as an infringement on their property rights. Enforcement would be very difficult. Although this might work temporarily, it would not be very reliable in the long term. 58 d. f g. Quantity of untreated waste arm treatment residuals: Since there is no treatment the quantity of untreated water actually grows as the plume gets further dispersed over time. There would be no treatment residuals other than associated with source controls. Estimated time for design and construction: It is estimated that two years would be required to get all of the institutional controls in place. Estimated time to reach remediation goals: Although people might not.be exposed to contaminated water, the plume continues to move eventually reaching the Jordan River. It could take 800 years for the contaminated plume to be flushed through the aquifer. Estimated costs: (Appendix M, RI/FS) ESTIMATED COSTS FOR ALTERNATIVE 2 Activity Activities in Alternative 1 Water fights and land purchase TOTAL Capital costs ¯$16M (2 years) $16M O+M costs for 30 years net present value $26.3M $26.3M $16.5M $26.3M ~2.3M h°Use of presumptive remedies or innovative treatment: No presumptive remedies or innovative treatment technologies are used in this alternative. Expected outcome: This alternative relies on natural attenuation but does prevent exposures to the public by limiting access to the water. When the plume reaches tbe Jordan River the aquatic life could be impacted, perhaps severely. The success depends on the cooperation of municipal, local and state government and all the citizens to cooperate with the regulations. This cannot be guaranteed in perpetuity. 59 . Alternative 3 - Point of Use Management: This alternative seeks to prevent exposure to the public but does nothing to contain or treat the plume itself. a.Major elements of Alternative 3: Replace impacted private well water by connecting residences to existing municipal water supply systems. (Instead of simplybanning further use of wells, private well owners are given replacement water from municipal systems with waters unaffected by the plume. Wells can still be used to provide irrigation water if the values are less than 1500 ppm sulfate.) Install household water treatment units (suchas reverse osmosis) to treat water supplied to residences by private wells: (When municipal systems are not available, treatment of the private well water can be provide with in- home treatment units. Wells can still be used_without treatment to provide irrigation water, if the values are less than 1500 ppm sulfate.) If municipal systems are impacted in the future, alternative water supplies would be required or a treatment plant installed: (Modeling suggests that the plume might impact at least one municipal well field: If this occurs, it will be necessary to build a treatment plant for these wells.) Includes all the measures in Alternatives 1 and 2. b.Key ARARs: In addition to the AGARS in Alternative 2, the key ARAK in this alternative would be the Utah Drinking Water regulations which apply to municipal services and drinkingwater quality at the tap. C.Long term reliability: ? Hooking people up to municipal supplies has long term reliability although there could still be exposure to residents with wells since the wells would not be shut off. Limitations on the kinds of uses would work for the current well owner, but may not be passed on to new owners. Because this would be necessary for a long period of time, there could still be occasional exposure. In-home treatment units require some effort on the part of the resident to maintain the units and replace them when necessary. Information about the need for this treatment might not be.passed on to any new owners. In-home treatment systems would not work should the 60 d f. g. acid plume core reach a private well. This alternative does nothing to clean up the aquifer itself. Quantity of untreated waste and treatment residuals: Although there would be some treatment residuals produced vdthin the in- home treatment units, the amount would be minimal and would end up with the trash at amunidpal landfill. The quantity of untreated waste actually increases as the plume continues to spread out contaminating more and more water as it moves downgradient. Es- timated time for design and construction: It might take two years to locate all the affected parties, design extensions to public water systems, and install in-home systems. Evaluation of the plume movement patterns would continue indefinitely to observe and mitigate future impacts as the plume moves. Estimated time to reach remediation goals: Although exposure to the public would be minimized in the short term, this alternative does nothing to remediate the aquifer. The plume would continue to move unimpeded toward the Jordan River where impacts might occur, perhaps severe impacts. The aquifer would take 800 years or longer to flush through the environment. Estimated costs: (Appendix M, RI/FS) ESTIMATED COSTS FOR ALTERNATIVE 3 Activity Activities in Alternatives 1 and 2 Municipal connections Household treatment units (400) TOTAL (7% discount) Capital costs $16M $0.901M $0.618M $17.6M O+M costs for 30 years $26.3M not estimated . $0.64M $27.2M net present value $42.3M $0.901M $1.3M $44.8M 61 4. h.Use of Presumptive remedies or innovative treatment: There are no presumptive remedies or innovative treatment technologies used in this alternative. Expected outcome : Private well owners would be protected from exposure to unacceptably high concentrations of contaminants in their well water because an alternative source of culinary water would be provided. The well owners could continue to use their wells for irrigation purposes, but could be exposed if they used the water inappropriately. Institutional controls would have to be in place, essentially in perpetuity to verify that well water is used properly. New owners m~y not be made aware of the problems. This alternative would do nothing to prevent the plume from eventually reaching the Jordan River perhaps causingsevere impacts. Alternative 3 would do nothing to remediate the aquifer: Fresh water recharges would also become contaminated as they encounter the plume and the contaminated alluvium: The plume could take 800 years or longer to course through the system. Alternative 4- Hydraulic Containment, Reverse Osmosis (RO) Treatment, Delayed Acid Plume Extraction, Nanofiltration (NF) Treatment and Delivery of treated water: Alternative 4 seeks to prevent exposure to the public, contain the contaminated water and eventually treat the contaminated plume. Major elements of the alternative: Installation of a barrier well containment system at the leading edge of the acid plume: (The barrier well system seeks to prevent further downgradient migration of the plume.) Treatment of the water using reverse osmosis (RO) for the first 10 years: (The waters would initially be high in sulfate which could be treated successfully with RO. In 10 years, the core-of the acid plume would migrate to the wells and RO would not be able to work, due to high concentrations of sulfate, heavy metals and acid..) After the first I0 years, pretreatment of the water will be necessary as the core of the acid plume migrates to the barrier well system: (Membrane technology, such as Nanoftltration (NF) is proposed for pretreatment. As 62 b. C° d. e° the highly acidic waters encounter the barrier wells, pretreatment of the water to reduce contaminant concentrations will be necessary before it is sent for polishing at the RO plant.) Treated water would be delivered to a municipal water purveyor. Concentrates would be discharged into Kennecott’s railings line Or into Kennecott’s mineral processing water circuit. Includes all the measures in Alternatives t, 2, and 3. Key ARARs: In addition to ARARs in Alternative 3, key AR~Rs include the Utah Drinking Water Regulations, Utah Public Water Supply requirements, the Utah Ground Water Protection Corrective Action program, RCRA, the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination Program permit regulations, and Utah Water Rights Laws. Long term reliability: While preventing exposures to water users downgradient, this alternative incorporates a barrier well system which would seek to prevent further downgradient migration of the plume. The long term reliability of the barrier system is questionable because the highly acidic waters eventually encounter the barrier wells and any leakage past these wells would cause significant amounts of contaminants to escape downgradient. However, the technology, reverse osmosis with nanofiltration pretreatmenL has been shown in pilot tests to work on the plume and could be reliable with proper maintenance. Quantity of untreated waste and treatment residuals: Atthe end of the remedial action, there should be no untreated wastes.’ If a pumping rate of 3500 gpm is assumed, treatment residuals could be as high as 2100 gpm over the life of the project. Existing infrastructure for management of treatment residuals would be available so long as the mining operations continue. Other methods of disposal for treatment residuals would be necessary following mine closure. Estimated time for design and construction: The entire remedy would not be in place for 10 years. A monitoring 63 f. g. system would also be needed to ensure that leakage past the barrier wells is not occurring. Estimated time to reach remediation goals. Containment of the plume might be achieved quickly and prevention of exposure to humans and the aquatic species in the’Jordan River would also be achieved quickly. The time required to remediate the aquifer could be 150 years or longer. Estimated costs (Appendix M, RI/FS) ESTIMATED COSTS FOR ALTERNATIVE 4 Monitoring, Institutional Controls, Point of Use Management (Alternatives 1 - 3) Installation of barrier wells, pump stations and infxastructure Reverse Osmosis facility Nanofiltration pretreatment plant after first 10 years Additional barrier wells and upgrades after first 10 years TOTAL (7% discount) Capkal costs $17.6M $20.8M $23.3M $30.M $21.8M $86.2M O+M costs for 30 years $27.2M $65.4M Part of ¯infrastructure O+M $38.4M Part of infrastructure O+M $103.8M net present value $44.8M $86.2M $23.3M $68.4M $21.8M $217.2M h.Use of presumpfive remedies or innovative treatment: This alternative does¯not use presumptive remedies. Membrane technology such as nanofiltration is still considered innovative because a number of the operational details and O+M requirements have not yet been fully worked out. 64 5 Expected outcome: Citizens are protected from exposure to contaminants and the acid plume never reaches the Jordan River. The ground water is cleaned up over time and is returned to beneficial use. Continued monitoring would be necessary to verify barrier well effectiveness. Alternative 3 - Hydraulic Containment, NF Pretreatmeni~ RO Treatment, Active Pumping of the Core of the Acid Plume and Delivery of the treated water: Alternative 5 has two well systems, one for containment of the plume at the plume boundary and another for withdrawal of acidic waters from the core of the plume to begin the remediation of the aquifer. People are prevented from being exposed during the projectby point of use management and treated water is provided to communities. a,Major elements of Alternative .5: Installation of a barrier well containment system: (The barrier well system collects contaminated waters (primarily sulfate laden) at the leading edge of the plume preventing further migration of the plume. Traditional RO treatment can be used.) Installation of a well or wells in the core of the acid plume so that highly acidic waters do not migrate to the barrier wells and remediation of the acid plume can begin quickly: (Modeling suggest that pumping from the core would prevent the acid plume from approaching the barrier well system. Any migration of the acid water beyond the barrier wells could cause severe degradation of ground water quality. With these upgradient core plume wells, the barrier wells become a safety net rather than the primary containment system.) Pretreatment ofaeid waters using nanofiltration: (Waters from the core of the plume are too high in dissolved solids to be treated efficiently with reverse osmosis. Membranes would elog too quickly. Nanofiltration has been shown to work on a pilot scale using acid leachate waters from the site. Operational details need some refinement.) Treatment of pretreated core waters and barrier well sulfate waters by reverse osmosis: (Treatment and polishing of waters would be accomplished using traditional RO technology.) 65 b. C. d eo Treated water is delivered to a municipal water purveyor, as a requirement under the NRD action. Pre-mine closure, treatment concentrates are disposed by insertion into Kennecott’s railings line or into Kennecott’s mineral processing water circuit. Includes all the measures in Alternatives 1, 2, and 3. Key ARARs: In addition to ARARs in Alternative 3, key ARARs include the Utah Drinking Water Regulations, Utah PublieWater Supply requirements, the Utah Ground Water Protection Corrective Action program, RCRA, the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination Program permit regulations, and Utah Water Rights Laws. Long term reliability: While preventing exposures to the public downgradient, this alternative provides a dual containment system. The acid wells would withdraw waters from the core of the plume. Drawdowns within the aquifer caused by this pumping should theoretically stop all eastward movement of the plume. The barrier wells along the front of Zone A would provide a safety net to stop less concentrated materials from escaping downgradient. The technology has been shown in preliminary pilot tests to work on the plume and, with proper maintenance, the technology will be reliable. Quantity of untreated waste and treatment residuals: At the end of the remedial action, there should be no untreated wastes. If a combined barrier well/acid well pumping rate of 3500gpm is assumed, treatment residuals could be as high as 1300 gpm over the life of the project. Existing infrastructure for management of treatment residuals ¯ would be available so long as the mining operations continue. Other methods of disposal for treatment residuals would be necessary following mine closure. A plan will be developed using current technology as a part of the Remedial Design which can be implemented immediately, with the understanding that a different strategy can be used upon approval by EPA and UDEQ using technology available at the time of mine closure. Estimated time for design and construction: 66 Construction completion is estimated to take 5 years. Design and experimentation with treatment parameters could take 1.5 years of this. f.Estimated time to reach remediation goals: Containment of the plume could be achieved quickly and prevention of exposure to people in the affected area and the aquatic species in the Jordan River could also be achieved quickly. The time required to remediate the aquifer could be 150 years or longer. Modeling suggests that the original core of the acid plume would be largely removed in the first 30 years. However, withdrawals and treatment would have to continue for a long time as components in the solid phase of the impacted aquifer materials begin to re-dissolve back into the water as the fresh water flows through the contaminated aquifer material. The time it would take to achieve a total cleanup is unknown. Further modeling and monitoring may give insights on progress as the project continues. g.Estimated costs: (Appendix M, RUFS) ESTIMATED COSTS FOR ALTERNATIVE 5 Activity All the measures in Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 Installation of a barrier well containment ¯ Withdrawal from the core of acid plume and Pretreatment 0fthis acid water using NF Treatment ofpretreated acid waters by reverse osmosis Treatment of sulfate waters from barrier sulfate wells by reverse osmosis Treated water is delivered to a municipal water purveyor Capital costs $18M $8198M $23.1M $2.9M $17.5M included in treatment O+M costs for 30 years $27M $19.23M $33.9M Included in RO costs $21.3M included in treatment net present value $45M $28.11M $47.0M $2.9M $38.8M included in treatment 67 Activity ¯ " : Concentrates are disposed in Kennecott’s tailings line TOTAL Capital costs $4.4M $74.5M O+M costs for 30 years $21.0M $122.7M net present value ’ $25.4M $197.2M h.Use of presumptive remech’es or innovative treatment: This alternative does not use presumptive remedies. Membrane technology such as nanofiltration is still considered innovative because a number of the operational details and O+M requirements have not yet been fully worked out. Disposal of the treatment residuals into the existing tailings pipeline is also innovative. It takes advantage of the neutralization capacity of the tailings in a 13-mile long pipeline to neutralize the treatment concentrate and precipitate out the metals. Because it takes advantage of existing infrastructure of the mill, it is also very cost effective. i.Expected outcome: citizens are protected from exposure to contaminants and the acid plume never reaches the Jordan River. The aquifer is cleaned up over time. Based on modeling predictions, most of the cleanup occurs while the mining operations continue so existing infrastructure can be used. The ground water is returned to beneficial use. 6 Alternative 6 - Hydraulic Containment, N’F Pretreatment, RO Treatment, Active Pumping of the Acid Plume and Lime Treatment of Treatment Residuals cL Major elements of Alternative 6: Same as Alternative 5, except acidic waters are withdrawn from the aquifer, treated with NF and the treatment concentrate is treated with lime. Two waste streams are generated: solid residuals from lime treatment and the water which is not delivered to the public but is used as process waters by.Kennecott. The RO plant treats only the waters from the barrier wells, not waters from the core of the plume. Standard technology for lime treatment of acid rock drainage used by the mining industry is used instead of more innovative technology such as treatment in the tallings pipeline. ¯Treatment residuals from lime treatment of the nanofiltration 68 concentrations are stored in a lined repository located close to the treatment plant. d e° f. Key ARARs: In addition to ARARs in Alternative 5, key ARA~ include the Utah Drinking Water Regulations, the Utah Ground Water Protection Corrective Action program, Utah Water Rights Laws and the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination Program permit regulations. Depending on the composition of the lime wastes, RCRA Hazardous Waste regulations are relevant and therefore influence the design of the repository. It would also need to meet the substantive requirements of the Utah Ground Water Protection Program. Long term reliability: While preventing exposures to the public downgradient, this alternati~ee provides a dual containment system. The wells in the core of the acid plume would withdraw highly contaminated ground water. Drawdowns within the aquifer caused by this pumping should theoretically stop all eastward movement of the plume. The barrier wells of the acid plume would providea safety net to stop less concentrated materials from escaping downgradient. The lime treatment technology is not innovative and has been used with reliability in the mining industry for years. However, it does present a disposal problemfor the solid wastes produced by the lime treatment. Quantity of untreated waste and treatment residuals: At the end of the remedial action, there should be no untreated wastes. If a combined barrier well/corewell pumping rate of 3500 gpm is assumed, treatment residuals could be as high as 240,000 tons/year. Estimated time for design and construction: Construction completion is estimated to take 5 years. Design and experimentation with treatment parameters could take 1.5 years of this. Estimated time to reach remediation goals: Containment of the plume could be achieved quickly and prevention of exposure to people in the affected area and the aquatic species in the 69 1ordan River would also be achieved quickly. The time required to remediate the aquifer could be 150 years or longer. Modeling suggests that the original core of the acid plume would be largely removed in the first 30 years. However, withdrawals and treatment would have to continue for a long time as components in the solid phase of the impacted aqffffer materials begin to re-dissolve back into the water as clean water flows through the contaminated aquifer material. The time it would take to totally cleanup the ground water and the aquifer materials is unknown, Estimated costs ESTIMATED COSTS FOR ALTERNATIVE 6 Activity O+M/30 years $122.7MAlternative 5 (except method for disposal of treatment residuals) Treatment residuals treated with lime and sludge removal [’ . TOTAL " Capital Costs $74.5M $13.2M $87.7M $149.8M ¯ $272.5M net present value $197.2M $163.2M $360.4M h.Use of presumptive remedies and innovative treatment: This alternative does not use presumptive remedies. It uses art innovative membrane technology (nanofiltration) treatment for the acid waters. i.Expected outcome: Citizens are protected from exposure to contaminants and the acid plume never reaches the Jordan River. The aquifer is cleaned up over time. The ground water is returned to beneficial use. The volume of lime required using this approach would be large leading to a great increase of traffic in the area. A regulated retention structure for the sludge would be needed, Ancillary alternatives for special situations Alternatives for NF concentrate disposalfollowing cessation of mining and milling operations in 30 years (railings pipeline would no longer have railings flows). These apply to Alternatives 4 and 5. ¯Pump the concentrate to a lined facility on the waste rock dumps for 70 b. C. evaporation, disposal of the sludges in the dump or in a lined storage facility. Use the former tailings pipefine or another dedicated pipeline to convey concentrate to shallow ponds on the top of the new railings pond for evaporation. Lining depends on the characteristics of the residuals. Same as above, but ere, ate solar ponds to create electricity. Electricity could be used to help evaporate water during the winter months. Sludge storage is also necessary. Lime treatment and disposal of residuals in an on-site RCRA-I~e r~ository. Alternative for RO concentrate disposal following mine closure m 30 years (this applies tO Alternatives 4, 5 and 6): Direct disposal in the Great Salt Lake via a new pipeline and outfall. This depends on the nature of the concentrate and impacts on the Great Salt Lake Evaporation ponds Alternatives for well-head protection Because there is a poss~ility that water level drops might affect municipal and private wells throughout the area, additional alternatives for Well Head Protection were developed. In the case of Alternatives 1, 2, and 3, these might be needed to protect wells from beingimpaoted by contaminated water as theplume moves through. In the case of Alternatives 4, 5, and 6, this is needed to prevent wells from going dry as the acid plume in Zone A is ~tggressively pumped out of the aquifer. These measures might also be needed if the barrier well system is ineffective in totally containing the plume. For the West Jordan municipal well field: ¯Install injection wells between the acid plume and the West Jordan municipal well field. (This requires permission from UDEQ.) ¯Inject strfticient water into aquifer to prevent excessive water level drops near West Jordan well field and prevent acid plume migration in that direction. (This requires permission from UDEQ.) ¯Water would come from uncontaminated sources of water in the nearby mountains. 71 If draw downs are the main problem, storage of water in the winter months in above ground tanks instead ofreinjection. For private wells: *Hook up to municipal water. ¯Installation and maintenance of a residential reverse osmosis treatment system if municipal water hook up is impractical. -Deepening of the affected well if it is thought that a deeper well would yield sufficient replacement water. ¯Replacement of water using other sources. ¯Underground injection up gradient of affected wells to counterbalance the drops. (This requires permission ~om UDEQ.) 72 Summary of Comparative Analysis of Alternatives: The National Contingency Plan (NCP) requires that the various remedial action alternatives be evaluated individually and then compared relative to each other using nine criteria. The nine criteria in the National Contingency Plan and how the alternatives compare are described below: 1.Overall protection of human health and the environment Overall protection of human health and the environment addresses whether each alternative provides adequate protection of human health and the environment and describes how risks posed through each exposure pathway are eliminated, reduced, or controlled, through treatment, engineering controls, and/or institutional controls. Alternatives 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 all protect human’health. Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 use institutional controls to limit exposure ofhumans to the contaminated ground water while the aquifer itself is being restored. In Alternatives 2 and 3, human health is also protected by limiting exposure of the public to the contaminated waters through the use of institutional controls. For these alternatives, institutional controls are the sole mechanism of prevention both short term and long term. Alternative 1 does not protect human health. Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 protect the environment by preventing migration of the plume. The plume never reaches the Jordan River where exposure to aquatic life could occur. Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 do nothing to contain the plume or prevent it from reaching the Jordan River. They would not protect the environment. 2.Compliance ~vith Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements CERCLA and the NCP require that remedial actions at CERCLA sites at least attain legally applicable or relevant and appropriate Federal and State requirements, standards, criteria, and limitations which are collectiVely referred to as ARARs, unless such ARARs are waived under conditions outlined by CERCLA. Applicable requirements are those cleanup standards, standards of control, and other substantive requirements, criteria, or limitations that are promulgated under Federal environmental or State environmental or facility siting laws. These regulations specifically address a hazardous substance, pollutant, eontaminanL remedial action, location, or other circumstance found at a CERCLA site. Only 73 3. 4. those State standards that are identified by a state in a timely manner and that are more stringent than Federal requirements may be appficable. Relevant and appropriate requirements are those cleanup standards, standards of control, and other substantive requirements, criteria, or limitations that are promulgated under Federal environmental or State environmental or facifity siting laws. These requirements; while not applicable to a hazardous substance, pollutant, contaminant, remedial action, location, or other circumstance at a CERCLA site do address problems or situations sufficiently similar to those encountered at the CERCLA site that their use is well-suited to the particular site. Only those State standards that are identified in a timely manner and .are more stringent than Federal requirements may be relevant and appropriate. The NCP Criterion of compliance with ARARs addresses whether a remedy will meet all &the applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements of other Federal and State.environmental statutes or provides a basis for invoking a waiver. Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 would comply with ARARs through appropriate designs. Alternatives 1 - 3 would not comply with chemical specific ARARs Long Term Effectiveness and Permanence Long term effectiveness and permanence refers to expected residual risk and the ability era remedy to maintain reliable protection of human health and the environment over time, once clean-up levels have been met. This criterion includes the consideration of residual risk that will remain onsite following remediafion and the adequacy and reliability of controls, All alternatives, except the no action Alternative t, provide some degree of long term protection. Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 offer a permanent cleanup of the aquifer allowing eventually the full use of the ground water resource. The Jordan River would be protected by the remedial action preventing the migration of the plume. Alternatives 2and 3 can be effective but access to the contaminated ground water by use of water rights and the eireaunvention of the institutional controls is possible. The Jordan River would not be protected by these two alternatives. Alternative 1 provides no protection at all to either the public or the Jordan River. The plume would continue to migrate, contaminating the aquifer further and causing the cleanup time to increase. Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 would produce some form of treatment residuals which would require proper handling and maintenance to maintain effectiveness. Reduction of Toxicity, Mobility, or Volume through Treatment 74 5. 6. Reduction of toxicity, mobility, or volume through treatment refers to the anticipated performance of the treatment technologies that may be included as part of a remedy. Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 all use treatment technologies that would reduce toxicity, mobility and volume of the contaminated ground water. Although Alternative 3 uses in home treatment technology, the purpose is not treatment of the aquifer itself and does not reduce toxicity, mobility or volume. Alternatives 1 and 2 do not involve any treatment at all and would not reduce toxicity, mobility and volume of the contaminated plume. In fact it is likely thaf the volume of contaminated ground water would actually increase under Alternatives, 1, 2, and 3. Short term effectiveness Short term effectiveness addresses the period of time needed to implement the remedy and any adverse impacts that may be posed to workers, the community and the environment during construction and operation of the remedy until cleanup levels are achieved. Alternatives 2, 3, 4, 5 and6 would be effective in the short term because all of these alternatives depend, inthe short term, on limiting exposures to humans via institutional controls. Alternatives 3, 4, 5, and 6 are enhanced by providing alternative sources of water to those whose wells are limited by the controls. Alternative 1 is not effective, short term or long term. lmplementability Implementability addresses the technical and administrative feasibility of a remedy from design through construction and operation. Factors such as availability of services and materials, administrative feasibifity, and coordination with other governmental agencies are considered. Implementability at this site is a function of the complexity of the remedy. Alternative 1, the no action alternative is most implementable because no one has to do anything extra. Well owners would have to protect themselves. Alternatives 2 and 3 requires the cooperation of the State Engineer and the local governments inrestdcting the use of the ground water and/or restricting land use. Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 in addition to the above cooperation,also require cooperation of the State Engineer to give permission to pump at rates effective to contain the contamination even though water levels throughout the area might drop thus affecting other water fights owners. A cooperative municipal water purveyor -would also be needed to accept the treated water which is also a requirement of the NRD settlement. Alternative6, in addition to all the cooperation required 75 7. ° above would also require large volumes of lime and prokiuee large volumes of residual wastes. Traffic problems and wear and tear on roads could be the result. Cost The types of costs that are assessed include capital costs, annual operation and maintenance costs and net present value of capital and O+M costs. Alternatives 1, 2, ~md 3 are the least cosily, with costs ranging from $26M to $45M, but none of these do anything to cleanup the aquifer. The active remediation remedies, Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 are more costly ($197M to $360M) but will eventually clean up the aquifer. Alternatives 4 and 5 take advantage of existing mining "tm¢rastrueture resulting in savings in disposal costs of treatment residues pre-mine closure. Alternative 6 is the most expensive but does not have any apparent advantages over Alternative 5. Note that since the RI/FS was completed, the total costs for Alternative 5 have been reduced. State acceptance This includes the state’s position and key concerns related to the alternatives and comments onARARs and proposed use of waivers. In 1995, the state and Kennecott negotiated a Consent Decree to settle a Natural Resources Damage Claim for damages to the ground water in the Southwest Jordan Valley. The terms of the Consent Decree established a cash payment and a letter of credit based on the estimated cost to contain, remove, and treat the contaminated ground water from the plume (Zones A and B). Kennecott Could apply for a rebate against the letter of credit by extracting.the contaminated water, treating it to drinking water quality standards and providing it to a purveyor of municipal water for use in the affected area. In December, 1999, Kennecott submitted to the State Trustee a plan for use of the Natural Resources Damage settlement dollars. The plan is a combination of Alternative 5, as defined in this ROD, and an additional treatment of sulfate contaminated ground waters doWngradient of the Zone A acid plume. Therefore, the state supports Alternative 5, because this alternative is most consistent with the requirements of the NRD action. The state opposes Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 because they essentially sacrifice the aquifer’s future use forever. In a semi-arid climate, sacrificing any future water resource has economic development impacts and presents a continuing threat which will have to be managed in perpetuity. Alternative 4 takes longer than Alternative 5, active cleanup of the Zone A acid plume does not take place in the beginning,, the potential for this plume not to be captured by the barrier wells is too risky, and costs more. Alternative 6 costs more than Alternative 5 without any apparent benefit to the aquifer or the citizens of Utah. 76 . Community Acceptance This determines which components of the alternatives the community support, have concerns about, or oppose. The primary vehicle of community participation was the Technical Review Committee composed of technical staff from the local governments in addition to state and federal experts. In these discussions, the Committee favored Alternative 5 over Alternative 4 because pumping of the acid plume was slated to begin fight away and the core waters would be removed before they could migrate to the downgradient barrier wells. They also favored use of the mining infrastructure as a way to minimize waste handling problems. They liked the concept of attempting to remove most of the acid plume before mine closure. Alternative 6was not discussed much because it was more Cosily without any apparent benefit. Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 were unacceptable to the committee because those alternatives sacrificed any use of the aquifer for generations to come. Alternative 5 in conjunction with a companion NRD settlement plan was supported by the city councils in West Jordan, South Jordan, Herriman, and Riverton. There was some disagreement on the portion of the NRD settlement plan dealing with which cities were to receive the treated water to the four communities in the affected area. All of the cities wanted more water than the proposal allotted, and a few of the private well owners wanted direct supply of the water at wholesale rates. During the official public comment period and public hearing, very few citizens commented on the relative merits of the alternatives. Instead, most of the comments were on the potential consequences of the implementation of EPA’s and UDEQ’s preferred remedy. Alternative 5 would result in,drawdowns significant enough to influence a wide area in the western part of the valley. This means that water levels in existing wells could drop tothe extent that they would be rendered useless, even if the waters in that well were unaffected by the plume. Few opposed the plan because of this, suggesting instead that a plan to deal with these water level impacts on well owners be formulated as a part of the remedial strategy. 77 20 Summary Table of Alternatives Criteria Alternative 1 Altcnm~ve 2 Alternative 3 Point Al~-m~e 5 No so,inn In.~tutlonal OfU~ M~Hydraulio A~ive Pumping Active Pumping - Controls Containment lime Ueatmefit Would not Would protect ¯Would protect Would prutect Would protect Would protect ~Reria-protec/human human health,human health, but human health and human health and human health and prot~ion ~health or the bm pote~ialIy potenthny not the the environment the enviroummt the environment human health environment notthc environment. and/he environment e~rvitonment ¯ Thre~ld Would not Would not meet Would not meet Would achieve Would achieve Would achieve c6teria, meet meet Utah Utah U~h groundwater ARARs, but might ARA~ but ARAR~ but ARA~groundwater groundwater cle~up ~dards in take 50 -I 50 yeats might take rmght take cleanup ,cleanup reasonable time ¯or longer greater than 50-greater than 50- standards in a standards in a frame ($00~ y~),150 years, but 150 yea~ same reasonable .reasonable time s~’ne as AR 1 ~orter than Air as AR 5, ~orter time flame frame (800+4.1hart Alt 4. (soo + y~)yn), same as AItL Long term Is not effective Relies heavily Relie~ heavily on While relying . ]While relying on S~eas5 effectiveness at all. - Relies ¯ on instit~onal inaiaainnal o~ols heavily on institutional and antlfc]y on controls for for long term instlmfional ~ls controls for long p~n~an~e -natural Ioug/erm,for long termI aaem~on I protectivenes~term protean, prete~tiveness,e~enfially in protection, the the plume does .~a~yin perpetu~y andplume does not not move into perpetuity, and natural aRenuatinn move into new areas new areas and is natural deaned up in 50- attenuation and eventually shrinks. Concem 150 yrs. Acid ~hat acld plume plume never n~ght ~et bythe reaches banier. banler. Reduction of no tteatmmt,no tamlnmat, no ilo ~lgl~ il£t ueaanent reAtoes ~mnent red~Sameas5 ~v ~gh no reduc~on reduction of redu~on of TMV,toxldty, mob’dity,tox~y, mobility treatment of TMV,TMV, volume ,volume actually and volume and volume Over volume in~a~ ~ plume a shoe~me actuary move~frame incrcas~ as plume moves p]unle nlove~ Short term no action, no .no acticag no no mion, no no serious problems no serious Same as 5 "effectiveness problems (but pr~1~ (but problems (b~t no during oonstraotiou problem~ during no progress no progr-,~s progress)-pump~ nt~ and onsm~ou- elthec)either)well distances need pumping rates to be detmnined ~o aadwell ensure e~eetiveness distances need~o be determined to enmnw~effectiveness 78 Criteria Cost State acceptan~ Community a~’ptance No action no actlo~z, no problems (but no protection and 13o pro~ess) Low uaaccep~tabl© unacceptable Altemative 2 Institution~l Controls .o c.~,.=ing action but roquircs the - cooperation of -. thc.St~ "Unglneer and ¯ local goven~cnts to oontrol well use Low unacceptable Alternativc3 Point ,)fUse Mgt no action, no problems wi~ implementatio= Does requlre aid of state ~, and local water sul~Iiefs Low Hydraulic Containment technology avaHable, few problems meountered unaooeptable unacceptable un~le siow~c l~h~a other active remediadon plaa~ m~efore unacceptable no conmlent Altemative 5 Active Pumping technology available. ~ " problems encountered High, bu~ i5% less than Alternative 4 conununities s, ppod this plan. cOupl~ with oomt~,ioa NRD plan Alternative 6 Active l~.mping. llmetreatment technology available, few problems ~,~mt~ except disposal of sludges produced by lime acaanent would require lots of land (and llme supplies could get scarce). Very High waste disposal problems " no ootrmlent 79 K. - Principal Threat Waste: The principal threat waste is the source of the acid plume containing high metal and sulfate concentrations. In this case, the sources of the acid plume have been addressed in previous actions. However, the acid plume itself is not much different in composition as the original sources. Alfematives 1, 2, and 3 do not address the remnants of the principal threats in the aquifer itself. Human exposure to the waste is prevented by institutional controls essentially in perpetuity. Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 address the remnants of the principal threats in the aquifer by pumping the acid plume from the aquifer, treating the water, and providing the water to municipalities for beneficial use. L.Selected Remedy EPA and UDEQ have selected Alternative 5 as the remedy for addressing the acid plume at Operable Unit 2 .of the Kennecott South Zone site. 1.Summary of the Rationale for the Selected Remedy EPA and UDEQ selected Alternative 5 for the following reasons. a.EI~A and LIDEQ preferred active remediation of the plume in Zone A. It was unaeeeptable to allow the plume to continue to move downgradient polluting more and more ground water as it did so. Containment was a minimum requirement to prevent a major municipal well field from being impacted and to prevent a potential impact on the Jordan River. The active remediationalternatives were Alternatives 4, 5, and 6. All others were eliminated from further consideration as not protective and failing to meet remedial goals. b°Of the active remediation alternatives, Alternatives 4, 5, and 6, Alternatives 5 and 6 were preferred relative to Alternative 4 because withdrawals of the acid plume were slated to begin right away, 10 years ahead of Alternative 4. This would mean that the aquifer has the potential to be remediated faster in Alternatives 5 and 6. Pilot testing would be required for Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 to prove operation status and sustainability. Alternative 4 also relies on a single barrier well system to contain the plume. The consequences of the acid plume escaping capture of the barrier wells and migrating farther could be extreme. C°Of the fastest active remediation alternatives, Alternatives 5 and 6, Alternative 5 was preferred because its costs were less with the same benefits to the aquifer. Alternative 5 hadthe added benefit ofusing existing waste handling inflastructure of the mining company so long as the 80 . mining operations continued. The waste handling problems associated with Alternative_6, although traditional, would have implementability problems requiring transportation of large quantities of lime and treatment sludges. Finally, Alternative 5 fits best with a plan to .settle the NRD issues at the site. Similar treatment technologies are proposed for use in both the CERCLA and NRD plans and thesystems can be integrated at key spots. Description of the selected remedy Operations and maintenance of surface source controls (already implemented under provisions of a state Ground Water Protection Permit). Integration and use of Institutional Controls, upon approval by the State Engineer while restoration is ongoing: Institutional controls include, but are not limited to, well drilling moratorium by the Utah State Engineer, pumping limits placed on existing wells by the Utah State Engineer, purchase (or exchange) of land, purchase (or exchange) of water fights, municipal zoning and land Use regulations. Other options are available to the State Engineer. The State Engineer reviews impacts to the water fights owners and public comments. Point of Use Management for private well owners while restoration is ongoing: Point of Use Management includes, but is not limited to, providing replacement water to private well owners by hooking them up to municipal culinary systems, the provision of in-home treatment units (e. g., reverse osmosis units) when the household is beyond the municipal service area, the provision of bottled water, extension of wells into uncontaminated portions of the aquifer, replacement of wells. Development of a plan to deal with consequences of water level drops caused by pumping of the acid plume: The agencies will request that, as a part of RD/RA, the PRP devise a method to mitigate the impact of drawdowns on private and municipal wells located in and near the affected area. This plan could include the following actions, performed on a case-by-ease basis: Drilling of new and deeper wells, installing well completions at deeper depths, alternate water sources, purchase or exchange of water fights, well abandonment and compensation. Installation of a barrier well containment system at the leading edge of the acid plume (where sulfate concentrations are less than 1500 ppm in the projected migration pathway of the plume movement) The performance standard for this system requires that no waters 81 exceeding state and federal drinking water standards for metals or exceeding 1500 ppm sulfate shall migrate 0ffKennecott property (as of December 13, 2000) past the barrier wells. Installation of a well or wells in the core of the acid plum~: (There are already two wells which have been installed in core area for pilot testing purposes.) Pretreatment of acid water using nanofiltration. Treatment of pretreated acid waters by a reverse osmosis plant, Treatment of the waters from the barrier wells by a reverse osmosis plant. Treated water is delivered to a municipal water purveyor (asrequired for a rebate as stated in the Natural Resources Damage Settlement plan and approved by the State Trustee). Installation and maintenance of a monitoring system to track the movement of the plume, the progress of active remediation, and measure the progress of natural attenuation for the sulfate contamination within the Zone A plume and downgradient of the barrier wells. The goal of the natural attenuation is to achieve the State’s primary drinking water standard ofS00 ppm Prior to mine closure, the concentrates from NF plant and RO plant are disposed in Kennecott’s railings pipeline, The railings pipeline serves as a 13 mile linear treatment system. Acids would be neutralized and metals would precipitate into the tailings slurry. Metals are stored along with tailings in the Magna Tailings Impoundment, newly expanded and renovated. Following cessation of nearby mining and milling operations, the NF and RO concentrates shall be disposed in a facility appropriate to the types of wastes then remaining in the concentrate. None of the spee’tfic requirements mentioned in the description &alternatives will be chosen at this time. A disposal method which could be implemented quickly following mine closure must be included as a part of RD/RA. In 30 years, it is anticipated that other technologies maybe available to handle residuals from the treatment plants. Closure of the mine may require infrastructure and O+M which could be used also for the concentrates, the chemistry of the ground water could be significantly less concentrated than today, and more will be known about the nature of any proposed discharge to the Great Salt Lake and the potential effects thereof. The Agencies also acknowledge the possibility of a completely different option for addressing the concentrates upon mine closure. EPA and UDEQ would then encourage the submittal of a new 82 proposal that takes into consideration changed circumstances and new technology to more effectively address the concentrates. Should the plume begin to impact the West Iordan Municipal Well Held (either through increased loadings or water level drops), a reinjection program may be considered. 3.Summary of the Estimated Remedy Costs The information in this cost estimate summarytable is based on the best available information regarding the anticipated scope of the remedial action. Changes in the cost elements are likely to occur as a result of new information and data collected during the engineering and design of the remedy, Major changes may be documented in the form of a memorandum in the Administrative Record file, an Explanation of Significant Differences, or a Record of Decision Amendment. This is an order-of-magnitude engineering cost estimate that is expected to be within +50°,4 to -30% of the actual project cost. Since the RI/FS was submitted, there have¯ been additional cost estimates which are lower than those presented here. This version is verbatim from the R//FS. ACTIVITY Source controls F Institutional Controls PROJECT COST ESTIMATE CAPITAL COSTS (From Appendix M, RI/FS Report, Quantity Unit " Water rights and land use restrictions Point of use management Municipal Connections Household Treatment Units Draw down impacts (potential) Private well owners I lot 35,000 Linear fl: |, ,’ [998@), .. Unit Cost $I6,000,000 TotalCost 4 $25 ah’eady constructed. $16,000,000 $875,000 400 $1,500 $600,000 25 wells with 20-40 ft drops, 15 wells with 40-100 ft drops, 4 wells with >100 ft drops case by case basis not estimated 83 ACTIVITY Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total. Cost Municipal wefts 2 wells with 20-case by case not estimated 40 ft drops,4 basis wells with >I00 i~ drops " Reinjection program unknown c~ebyc~e basis t not estimated l Barrier Well extraction and RO treatment Wells (C’ steel)10,000 Linear 11 $260 $2,600,000 Well Pump Stations 6 $425,000 $2,550,000 Booster Pump Stations 1 $550,OOO ¯$ 550,000 Power substations 3 $150,000 $ 450,000 Reverse Osmosis Facility 2,000 gpm $3.20/gal per $9,216,000 day 6" - i2" diet. C’ steel pipelines 20,000 Linear fl $85 $1,700,000 8" concentrate C’ steel pipeline 500 Linear ft $70 $ 35,000 Power transmission lines 2o, ooo Linear ft $45 $ 900,000 Acid plume (core waters) extraction to Nanofiltration pretreatment and Reverse Osmosis Treatment Wells (stainless steel)5000 Linear tt $35O $1,750,000 ~ ¯ ,,,,"i’ Well Pump Station 5 $5oo, ooo $2,500,000 Booster Pump Station .$600,000 $ 600;000 . Power substations - ’t2 ¯’$150,000 $ 300,000 , l, 6" - 12" dia pipelines (stainless steel)10,000 Linear ft $140 .$1,400,000 Power transmission lines 10,000 L’mear ft $45 $ 450,000 Nanofiltration facility 1,500 gpm (this $4.10/gal.day $ 8,856,000 flow depends on remedial design) 84 ACTIVITY - - Modify Reverse Osmosis Plant above to increase the flow to 2;750 gpm Upgrade existing lime treatrnent plant at concentrator and head oftailings line (750 gpm) " New disposal infrastructure for use following mine closure Sub Total EPCM Contingency " Quantity Unit 1 lot , 1 lot 20% construct, 1% IC, POU 25% construct, 2% IC, Pou TOTAL 03 costs were.estimated in 1998 and were not adjusted.for inflation . ,.,’.~, Unit Cost Total Cost $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 not estimated $56,302,000 $ 8,106,000 $12,327,000 $76,735,000 ESTIMATED ANNUAL PROJECT COSTS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE (From Appendix M_, R//FS Report, 1998) :Activity Monitoring Personnel and equipment Analytical services Annual report preparation Source Control Operations and Maintenance .Quantity unit 2 technicians ¯ 700 analyses " ) 1 lot 1% of construction cost Unit Cost $50,00O $500 $20,000 $127,000,000 Institutional Controls none none Point of Use Management Maintenance of household Re units 10% of capital $600,000 ,coSt total $100,000 $350,000 | $20,000 .$!,270,000 none $60,000 85 Activity Quantity unit Unit Cost total Barrier Well extraction plus RO treatment Power for pumping 3,609,000 kWh $0.035 $126,000 Maintenance .5% of $18,001,000 $900,000 construction cost =, , RO System 2000 gpm $0.84 $883,000 (product flow rate) Operations Labor 5 persons $50,000 ’ f $25o,ooo Acid extraction to Nanofiltration and ¯ ¯ "j RO treatment Power for pumping 3,003,000kWh $o.o35 $105,000 J Maintenance 5% of $20,856,000 ¯$1,043,000 construction cost Operations Labor 5 persons s5o,ooo $250,000 NF system 1,500 gpm $1.26 $993,000 (product flow rate, depends on design) ,== Lime 750 gpm at O. 1 r$75 $1,478,000 lb per gal = 19,710 tons Subtotal " ". -$7,828,000 EPCM 1% Source $ 318,600 Cont, POU, 5% treatment-, Contingency 5% Source $1,673,000 Cont, POU, 25% treatment TOTAL $9,819,600 86 SUMMARY OF TOTAL COSTS CAPITAL AND NET PRESENT VALUE (From Appendix M, RI/FS) A~ivity Capital - Institutional Controls r Capital - Point of Use Management Capital - Wells and Treatment O+M Source Control @ 1,844,000Iyr O+M Institutional Controls O+M Point of Use @64,000/yr O+M Wells and Treatment Sulfate extraction and RO Acid extraction, NF, RO TOTAL NET PRESENT VALUE Assumptions 7% discount 7% discount 7% discount 7% discount none 7% discount 7% discount 7% discount Years 2 ¯t 2 J, 1,s44,0O0/yr for perpetuity 64,000/yr for perpetuity 2,826,000/yr for perpetuity 5,079,000/yr for 21 years total 16,049,000 17,528,000 40,715,000 26,343,000 914,000 40,372,000 $55,031,000 $197M 4.Expected Outcomes of the Selected Remedy: Theoverall objective of the selected remedy in conjunction with the N1LD settlement action is to remediate the aquifer so that full unrestricted use of the ground water by public and municipal well owners is achieved. Because this will taken long time, perhaps 50 - 150 years or longer, it is also necessary to contain the plume from further migration so that the situation does not become worse and private well owners are not exposed to unacceptable concentrations of contaminants. Containment will also prevent contamination of the Jordan River and exposure of aquatic organisms to the plume contaminants. Until the aquifer meets drinking water standards, water treated as a part of this program can be used by the public. The final cleanup levels for the remedy are given in the following table: FINAL CLEANUP LEVELS FOR THE SELECTED REMEDY 87 Contan~ant Remediation Level Containment Level at Treatment Level for throughout acid Kennecott property RO treatment plant plume line downgradient of Zone’A (as of 12-13-, 2000)] Basis health based levels health based levels ARAR, state primary from site specific risk from site specific risk and secondary r assessment assessment drinking water standards. acidity pH = 6.5 - 8.5 pH=6.5-8.5 pH = 6.5 - 8.5 Arsenic 0.05 mg/l 0.05 rag/1 .. t 0.05 mg/l Barium 2mg/l ¯2mg/1 2mg/l Cadmium 0.005 mg/l 0.005 toga 0.005 mg/l Copper 1.3 mg/l 1..3 mg/1..1.0 mg/1 Fluoride ,4mg/l 2mg/l ¯ ,. , Lead.0.015 mg/l 0.015 mg/1 0.015 mg/l Nitrate 10 mg/l 10 mg/1 ...10 rag/1 Selenium 0.05 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 0.05 mg/l Nickel 0.1 mg/l 0.1 mg/l 0.I mg/I Aluminum 0.05 - 2mg/l Chloride 250 mg/1 Manganese 0.05 mg/1 Silver 0.10 mgfll Sulfate 1500 rag/l, active 1500 mg/l 250mgh CERCLA remediation 500 rag/l, passive CERCLA action via natural attenuation 88 Contaminant Remediation Level throughout acid ~lume Treatment Level for RO treatment plant Corrtainment Level at Kennecott property. line downgradient of Zone A (as of 12-13- 2ooo) TDS -500 mg/l Zinc 89 M. Statutory Determinations The following describes how the selected remedy will satisfy the statutory requirement of the nine selection criteria specified in the National Contingency Plan . Protection of Human Health and the Environment: Human health is protected by the selected remedy both short term and long term. Short term protection is achieved by limiting exposure of residents to contaminated ground water through use of institutional controls, point-of-use management and bycontainment of the plume from further migration. Environmental protection is achieved by containment of the plume such that the contaminants do not reach the exposure point at the Jordan River. Long term protection of both human health and the environment is achieved by active remediafion of the plume so that the waters can be returned to beneficial use without restrictions. . Compliance with Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs.): Section 121(d) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. § 9621(d), the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (the ’~xlCP"), 40 CFR Part 300 (1990), and guidance and policy issued by EPA require that remedial actions under CEKCLA comply with substantive provisions of appli~ble or relevant and appropriate standards, requirements, criteria, or limitations ("ARARs") from State of Utah and federal environmental laws and State facility siting laws during and at the completion of the remedial action_ These requirements are threshold standards that any selected remedy must meet. This document identifies ARAKs that apply to the activities to be conducted under the Southwestern Jordan River Valley Ground Water Plumes Operable Unit 2 remedial action. The ARA~ or groups of related ARARs contained in Appendix A are each identified by a statutory or regulatory citation, followed by a brief explanation of the ARAK and how and to what extent the ARAR is expected to apply to the activities to be conducted under this remedial action. Substantive provisions of the requirements listed in Appendix A are identified as ARARs pursuant to 40 CFR § 300.400. ARARs that are within the scope of this remedial action must be attained during and at the completion of the remedial action. Types ofARARs: ARARs are either "applicable" or "relevant and appropriate." Both types of requirements are mandatory under Superfund guidance. Applicable requirements are those cleanup standards, standards of control, and other Substantive requirements, criteria or limitations promulgated under federal environmental or state environmental facility siting laws that specifically address a hazardous substance, pollutant, contaminant, remedial action, location, or other 90 circumstance found at a CERCLA site. Only those state standards that are identified by a state in a timely manner and that are more stringent than federal requirements may be applicable. " Relevant and appropriate requirements are those cleanup standards, standards of control, and other substantive requirements, criteria or limitations promulgated under federal environmental or state environmental or facility siting lawsthat, while not ,applicable" to hazardous substances, pollutants, contaminants, remedial actions, locations, or other circumstances at a CERCLA site, address problems or situations sufficiently similar to those encountered at the CERCLA site that their use is well suited to the particular site. Only those state standards that are identified in a timely manner and are more stringent than federal requirements may be relevant and appropriate. The determination that a requirement is relevant and appropriate is a two-step process: (1) determinationifa requirement is relevant and (2) determination if a requirement is appropriate. In general, this involves a comparison of a number of site-specific factors, including an examination of the purpose of the requirement and the purpose of the proposed CERCLA action; the medium and substances regulated by the requirement and the proposed requirement; the actions or activities regulated by the requirement and the remedial action; and the potential use of resources addressed in the requirement and the remedial action. When the analysis results in a determination that a requirement is both relevant and appropriate, such a requirement must be compiled with to. the same degree as if it were applicable. ARARs are contaminant, location, or action specific. Contaminant specific requirements address chemical or physical characteristics of compounds or substances on Sites. These values establish acceptable amounts or concentrations of chemicals which may be found in or discharged to the ambient environment. Location specific requirements are restrictions placed upon the concentrations of hazardous substances or the conduct of cleanup activitiesbecause they are in specific locations. Location specific ARARs relate to the geographical or physical positions of sites, rather than to the nature of contaminants at sites. Action specific requirements are usually technology based or activity based requirements or limitations on actions taken with respect to hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants. A given cleanup activity will trigger an action specific requirement. Such requirements do not themselves determine the cleanup alterna- tive, but define how chosen cleanup methods should be performed. Many requirements listed as ARARs are promulgated as identical or near identical requirements in both federal and state law, usually pursuant to delegated environmental programs administered by EPA and the state. The Preamble to the 91 . Q NCP provides that such a situation results in citation to the state provision and treatment of the provision as a federal requirement. Also cont~fined in this list are policies, guidance or other sources of information which are "to be considered" in the selection of the remedy and implementation of the ROD. Although not enforceable requirements, these documents are important sources of information which EPA and the UDEQ may consider during selection of the remedy, especially in regard to the evaluation of public health and environmental risks; or which will be referred to, as appropriate, in selecting and developing cleanup aetions~ This list in Appendix A constitutes EPA’s and UDEQ’s formal identification and detailed description of ARARs for the remedial action at the Kennecott South Zone Site, Southwestern Jordan River Valley Ground Water Plumes Operable Unit 2. Cost Effectiveness: A Cost Effective remedy in the Superfund program is one whose costs are proportional to its overall effectiveness. This includes long term and short term effectiveness and reduction of toxicity, mobility, and volume through treatment. At this site, the remedial alternatives fall into two groups: (1) Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 contain no active remediation.component, but rely on personal controls, institutional controls or replacement waters to prevent exposure to the citizemy. The plume continues to move downgradient until it discharges to the Iordan River contaminating more and more of the aquifer as it moves. These alternatives are relatively low in cost, but do not protect the environment long term. In addition, the ground waters are not returned to beneficial use. (2) Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 contain an active remediation component and achieve containment of the plume and eventual remediation of the aquifer. In addition, Alternative 4 might not be effective in containing ithe plume in long term. Although Alternative 4 could be slower than the Alternatives 5 and 6, the results are roughly equivalent in terms of effectiveness, permanence, and reduction of toxicity, mobility, and volume through treatment in theshort term. Alternative 5 is the most cost effective of the active remediation alternatives. It has an added advantage over Alternative 6 producing no sludges requiring disposal prior to mine closure. All alternatives would have to deal with treatment residuals post mine closure, but because Alternatives 5 and 6 would be faster, the amount of residuals would probabl3; be less. Utilization of Permanent solutions and altemative Treatment to the Maximum Extent Practicable: Alternative 5 takes advantage of an emerging technology using membrane technology., such as nanofiltration. Since it achieved the same goals as 92 ° the more traditional treatment technologies at a lower cost, it was sdectcd. The sdected remedy fulfills the requirement for use of innovative technologies to the maximum extent practicable. It also provides a permanent solution to the ground water problem although this could take 50 years or longer. Preference for Treatment as a Principal Element: The selected remedy uses treatment as a principal dement in remediation of the aquifer and meets the statutory requirement. Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) is used as a supplement to the active restoration only after the contaminants in the plume have been reduced to levels that are protective of human health and the environment. The extended time frame for MNA is reasonable in fight of the uncertainties as to whether additional active restoration of the remaining sulfate would decrease the time required to meet MCLs as compared to MIqA. . Five-year Review Requirements: Since hazardous substance, pollutants, and contaminants will remain on-site in the aquifer while the long-term remedial action is on-going, five year reviews are required at this site to determine if the remedy continues to remain effective, protect human health and the environment, and comply with ARARs. N.DOCUMENTATION OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Selected Remedy is essentially the same as Alternative 5 which was the preferred alternative 0fEPA and UDEQ as presented to the public. As a result of the public comment, an additional dement was added to Alternative 5 in the Sdected Remedy. The additional dement was EPA’s and UDEQ’ s response to a potential problem of water level drawdowns in the aquifer as a result of aggressive pumping from the acid plume. The change requires private or municipal well owners who discover their wells have been rendered useless because of water level declines as a result of this project should be consulted and provided with options to solve their problem by- the PRP. This would be done on a case-by-ease basis. Solutions would be dependent on the nature of the well, its uses, and the cost of alternatives. The plan will be included as a work dement in the RD/RA Consent Decree. 93 PART 3: RESPONSIVENESS SUMMARY A public comment period was held on the joint Natural Resources Damage Settlement Plan (administered under a ConsentDecree entered in Federal Court by the State of Utah, Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation and the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District) and the Proposed Plan for the CERCLA action. The Public Meeting also covered both plans. This Responsiveness Summary (an attachment to the EPA Record of Decision) deals solely with those issues and concerns raised by the interested parties concerning only the CERCLA portion of the action. The comments regarding the Natural Resources Damage Settlement Plan will be submitted separately to the Utah Natural Resources Trustee. Please note that some of the comments have been edited. The full version of the comments is available in the Administrative Record. E-mail from Glenn and Melody Rowe 2427 Temple View Lane South Jordan, UT 87095 1.Comment: We agree with the need to dean up the plume. Answer: EPA and UDEQ concur with this comment. If the plume is not cleaned up, contaminated ground water will continue to move downgradient toward the Jordan River continuing to contaminate additional areas. More wellswill be impacted and the aquatic life in the JordanRiver might also affected by the additional load of contaminatiorL . Comment: We wonder what other hazards are there about which we are not be’rag given complete information. Answer: EPA and UDEQ in conjunction Kennecott established a systematic approach to identifying and correcting all the significant environmental problems produced by mining activities in the Oquirrh Mountains since the 1860s. Kennecott agreed to evaluate historic sites on their property and UDEQ took the lead in investigating potential off-site problems. During UDEQ ’s investigations, every watershed coming down the east side of the Oquirrhs was studied and areas of airborne deposition were evaluated as well. A few additional problems were found and the agencies launched a cleanup program for those. Kennecott has nearly completed their investigations of historic (and current) facilities. The list of sites was compiled from books and articles written during various time periods, interviews with former employees, historic photographs, diaries, and newstmper accounts. Each site was located, and sampled for wastes remaining on the property. If the wastes couM wash downstream, or if the wastes could leach materials to the ground water, the wastes were removed and placed into repositories. Several pockets of contamination were found and cleaned up in this project. EPA and UDEQ are now confident that we are unlikely to find any further surprises due to mining activities in the 94 Oquirrhs. If, however, additional contamination is discovered in the future, EPA and UDEQ still have the authority to address it appropriately. The information gathered during this project is available for public viewing at the offices of UDEQ, 168 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City. . Comment: We also wonder about the comment that the water does not damage plants. Some Shade trees watered with our well water have died. Answer: Thank you for the information. EPA and UDJZQ were also concerned about the impact of elevated sulfates on irrigation water because many of the water wells in this area are used for irrigatiort Two studies concerning use of these waters for irrigation were conducted. The first study was conducted by Utah State University in which examples of different classes of plants were grown in a greenhouse and irrigated with waters from the Kennecott site. They found that increasing amounts of sulfate up to 1700 ppm sulfate did not impact fescue, alfalfa, or broccoli. The highest sulfate level did reduce bean growth but bean yield was unimpacted. This study was conducted through one growing season. Kennecott conctueted a follow up outdoors study on the former footprint of the South Jordan Evaporation Ponds. They used different watersto irrigate different plants commonly found in a suburban se~’ng. Plants included sod, shrubs, perennial and annual flowers, vegetables such as tomatoes and corn, and a few trees. This study was conducted over a three year period- Waters tested included4 different waters from different wells and tunnels plus water from South Jordan culinary system. In response to this concern, Kennecott investigators have gone back to the original field notes and data regarding the trees in their study. Kennecott’s experiment included shrubs, conifers, arid fruit trees. No shade trees were included. There were a few trees that did not survive the first winter. This was attributed to normal la’lls associatedwith use of nursery stocl~ According to Kennecott, the well in question was identified by Kennecott in the well inventory study as SJG1684. Water quality sampling revealed that the sulfate concentration in 1994 was 450 mg/Z and the chloride concentration was 237 mg/L. The water also had 114 mg/Z sodium, a constituent to which many plants are sensitive. The chloride and sodium concentrations are high relative to contamination attributable to Kennecott, but at least a portion of the sulfate is attributable to Kennecott. The health of the trees may not have been due to the increased sulfate from Kennecott sources, but rather due to the elevated chloride and sodium present in the water. II Letter from Mike R. Barela 13320 S 7565 W Herriman, UT 84065 95 °Comment: Real estate values will drop if homes in the affected area are not provided an alternative source of water. Answer: Adequate drinking water supplies are a vital element in planningfor development in growing communities. Retrofitting gets complicated especially when competing interests are involved Customers get caught in the middle. When the situation is caused by contamination from nearby industrial sources, EPA and UDEQ have authority to act. Otherwise, this is a local problem. , Comment: If water is provided for one area it should be provided to all areas affected. Funds set aside by Kenneeottshould be used to (restore, replace, or acquire the equivalent) to both zones A and B. Answer: Funding to provide alternative water was apart of the NRD settlement. The CERCLA action is not primarily concerned with the provision of treated water to the public within the affected arecL The decision on allocation of any treated water is up to the State Trustee. Under the current proposal to the Trustee submitted by JVWCD and Kennecott, division of the water is based on the area of affected ground water within the boundaries of each system, the population served, and the water rights held by each entity. °Comment: What is being done to protect the citizens in Herriman from contaminated water? Answer: Under provisions of a State of Utah Ground Water Protection Permit, Kennecott was required to install a leachate collection system to trap any waters coming from their dumps; This shouldprevent contamination in the future. , Comment: How do we make sure that new drilling or increased pumping for water supplies Which go to other areas does not affect wells in Hexdman7 Answer: The ground water model developed by USGS and Kennecott suggests that pumping of the acid waters from the plume associated with Bingham Canyon will drop water levels as far away as 11errimarL EPA, UDEQ~ Kennecott and JVWCD all agree that the model is simply a prediction tool that is only as good as our current lmowledge of the groundwater in the arecL For this reason, all advocate a continuing monitoring program which will study’both the water levels in the wells of this area and the water quality of those wells. This information can be used to refine the calculations and model and give an early warning if water levels are affected due to pumping in this project. Corrective action may be necessary either to replace water or deepen the impacted wells shouM this occur. 96 Comment: If wells in Herriman are affected, when would replacement water become available? Answer: lf water levels begin to drop because of pumping of the acid p!ume, it will be a gradual decline and sufficient time will be available for planning and construction of the needed infrastructure. . Comment: Would wells in Herriman be monitored for contamination on a regular basis? Answer: Continued monitoring of the welIs in the affected areas will be apart of this project. The monitoring program can be used to determine if the groundwater levels are being influenced by the withdrawal of the acid plume and check to see if ground water quality is improving or degrading as a result of this effort. Also public water supplies are monitored on a regular basis as required by the State Drinking Water Program. 10.Comment: What are the long term health effects for this type of contamination? Answer: The health impacts of sulfates in drinking water are largely acute rather than chronic. Sulfates in h~gh Concentrations cause diarrhea. It is even used in over the counter laxative medicines. The impacts are short lived and there is evidence that people get acclimated to elevated sulfates in their water within a week and the effects disappear. Even these short term impacts can have serious consequences for infants where the diarrhea can cause rapid dehydra~on. The only long term impact even theoretically linked to sulfates in drinking water is formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones are thought to be related to calcium content of the urine and some investigators have linked sulfate ingestion with calcium in the urine, hence the theory that sulfate may be involved. This is disputed by other investigators who found no relationship between sulfate ingestion and kidney stone formation. Letter ~omHerrimanResiden~forResponsibleRedamation RichardDansie, Prefident 6120W. 13100 S. Herriman, UT84065 11.Comment: The members of HRRR are concerned about the drawdown and the impact on surrounding municipal and privately held wells and water resources. Answer: Drawdowns may occur associated with accelerated pumping of the acid plume. A provision in the selected remedy was added to deal with this potentialproblem. 12.Comment: Should substantial losses occur due to drawdown of the water table; the plan should include options to be implemented. These could include restoration, 97 IV replacement or acquisition of waters for municipalities and private well owners. The replacement options should be identified now, and the drawdown should be monitored. Answer: The computer model predicts that there will be drawdown from the acid plume remediation. As the pumping is occurring, wells in the Herriman area will be monitored for water level and quality. If the monitoring program reveals evidence of drawdown in the Herriman area attributable to acid plume remediation, several options are available to compensate the water users in Herriman. These include: (1) hook up to municipal water, paid for by Kennecott; (2) installation and maintenance of a residential reverse osmosis treatment system if municipal water hook-up is impractical; (3) deepening of the affected well if it is thought that a deeper well wouM yield sufficient replacement water; (4) replacement of water using Kennecott sources, or (5) underground injection upgradient of affected wells to counterbalance the drawdown. A provision in the selected remedy was added to deal with this potential problem. Letter from Marcelle Shoop Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation P.O. Box 6001 Magna, UT 84044 13.Comment: Kennecott requests that the ROD include a brief explanation in a footnote or parenthetical clarifying the use of the name "Kennecott". The company now known as Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation has operated in the past under several names and has been owned by different holding companies. Other companies with Kennecott in the title are not involved with Bingham Canyon operations. Answer: EPA is not opposed to including a clarification concerning the name "Kennecott’" when referring to historic entities conducting activities relative to the site. A chronology of companies using the name "’Kennecott" wasprovidedby Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation and is included in the administrative record for this action. 14.Comment: Kennecott requests that Zone B treatment facilities not be a part of the ROD, but rather solely part of the NRD settlement. Zone A should only be addressed by the ROD. CEKCLA authority in Zone A is clear and uncontested; whereas, CERCLA authority in Zone B is controversial. The use of the NRD settlement for Zone B takes care of this situation. Answer: While EPA remains concerned about both the Zone A and ZoneB plumes, it believes that the combination of CERCLA and State Natural Resources Damages Consent Decree authorities adequately ensures that both plumes will be addressed EPA ’s ROD will address only the Zone A plume, with the expressed expectation that the 98 V VI State’s Consent Decree will address the Zone B plume. EPA does not necessarily agree with Kennecott’s interpretation of whether CERCLA can reach the Zone B plume, and reserves its rights to assert contrary arguments or to address the Zone B plume at a later date, if warranted Letter and Fax from Roger Payne, City of West Jordan 803 0 S 4000 W West Jordan, UT 84088 15.Comment: The City of West Jordan understands the need to clean up this valuable resource, and to correct the problems with the ground water supply. Answer: Thank you for your support. The City has been an active participant in the Technical Review Committee for the project, both in expressing concerns throughout the study phase and in evaluating the various alternatives. 16.Comment: The City suggests delivery of the Zone A water to a proposed city reservoir at elevation 5335 feet rather than the District’s existing reservoir at elevation 5148 feet. This would allow the city to service growing western suburbs without pumping. Answer: JVWCD has indicated to EPA that it has metwith West Jordan City to discuss this proposal to co-locate a pump station at the Zone .4 plant for delivering the City’s allocation of Zone A treated water to a slighly higher elevation. JVWCD will cooperate with the City to accomplish this objective. 17.Comment: The City is concerned about maintaining the existing municipal well field located just north of the current boundary of the contaminated plume. The City would like to investigate additional measures to protect this well field such as a ground water recharge program. Answer: EPA and UDEQ are also concerned about protecting this well field We have included in the selected remedy an option to include reinjection of water as an additional protective measure should this become necessary in the future. Appropriate ground water modeling would need to be performed and permits wouM need to be obtained. The alternative to store water in the winter months in above-ground tanks instead of injection may also be considered. Letter from Dansie Water Company, Rodney, Richard, and Boyd Dansie 7198 West 13090 South Herriman, UT 84065 99 18.Comment: The water in Dansie culinary wells has been degraded by Kennecott operations. Answer: Unlike the contaminated groundwater plumes down gradient of the Bingham Canyon operations and the Lark mines where the mining related sources are clear and obvious, the sources of the high TDS in the ground water in the ButterfieM Creek area are not as certain. This is because the ground water in the ButterfieM Creek area is also characterized by elevated chlorides in addition to sulfates. Waters from Kennecott’s leaching operations are characterized by elevated sulfates but are rather poor in chloride. Therefore, it is possible that the high TDS of groundwater in the ButterfieM Creek area may be influenced by other sources which may not be mining related at all. It would take substantial studies and investigations to determine the exact causes of the high TDS and chloride which may be caused by the leaching of soluble components from the volcanic rock of the arec~ Contamination from Kennecott sources is only one of several possibilities: One study suggests that the elevated chlorides come from hydrothermal activity or brines leflfrom the formation of the ore body. In this situation, chlorides and other components are a natural component of the ground water. For more details on this, see discussion of Herriman wells in the Shepherd-Miller report, Appendix B of the Remedial Investigation report. Another way to determine if Kennecott operations are in fact responsible for contamination is by examination of historical water quali~y information - comparison of today’s water quality with water quality prior to Kennecott dumping. EPA does not require industries to clean up waters cleaner than background concentrations~ CERCLA has authority to take action when there is a risk to human health (or a potential risk to human health. Although the Dansie water may be high inTDS, there is no evidence that any health based standard has been violated recently. Please also note that EPA does not take a position with respect to any claims that the Dansies, or any other party, may have with respect to Kennecott or other potentialIy responsible parties, as defined by CERCLA, at this or other Superfund sites. The ROD speaks to EPA "s preferred remedy for addressing the contamination at the Kennecott South Zone site. It does not address the liability of any parties associated with the site. 19.Comment: If the Dansie property is included in the site, where does the Dansie Water Company get its replacement water? Answer) This question should be negotiated between the Dansie Water Company, Kennecott, the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District, and perhaps the town of Herriman. The site is defined as ground water which has been affected by mining activities. At this time, it is not certain that the Dansie wells have been affected by mining, or that the waterfrom the Dansie wells pose a health risk above background 100 20.Comment: Dansie Water Company is concerned about the effect of draw down on its wels and surface water supples. Answer: The ground water model developed by USGS and Kennecott suggests that pumping of the acid waters from the plume associated with Bingham Canyon will lower water levels as far away as HerrimarL Surface water supply (Butterfield Creek) is not affected in this model. The model is simply a prediction tool that is only as good as our current knowledge of the groundwater, in the area; therefore, a continuing monitoring program which wilt monitor water levels and water quality of the Dansie Water Company wells and other area wells will be implemented Cooperation with private well owners is vital to the success of this monitoring program. Monitoring information can then be used to refine the calculations and model and give an early warning if water levels are affected by pumping in this project and/or pumping by other parties. Corrective action maybe necessary either to replace water or deepen the impacted wells should this occur. Development oft plan to deal with potential drawdowns on municipal and private wells has been included as a part of the selected remedy. 21.Comment: It would be better to use Utah Lake water rather than water from the Bingham area plume. It would take less treatment and produce no drawdowns. Answer: Although this suggestion would have great merit if this were strictly a water supply project, the main goal of the project is to withdraw the acid plume and keep it from moving downgradient polluting more of the aquifer as it travels. For CERCLA, the use of the water following withdrawal is only a secondary concern. The NRD settlement was negotiated in part to provide that the water withdrawn from the affected area is put to beneficial use for the municipalities. While importing Utah Lake water for treatment and use would be an additional source of water for the area, this would do nothing to contain or remove the contamination from. theBingham Canyon plume, the major goal of this action. 22.Comment: Dansie Water Company opposes the proposed+moratorium on new wells and increases in pumping rates because of the pollution caused by Kennecott. Answer: There is already a moratorium on drilling of new weils and increases in pumping rates that was imposed by the State Engineer in 1991 in Salt Lake Valley. As stated by the Division of Water Rights, Kennecott has neither filed nor received approval for a moratorium on arty groundwater development in the area. Zn199I the State Engineer implemented the lnterim Ground Water Management Plan for Salt Lake Valley which closed the entire valley to applications to appropriate ground water. The State Engineer is currently in the process of developing a long term management plan for the Valley. It is proposed that before new wells are drilled in the affected area the 101 impact on the water quality be considered and Kennecott be given an opportunity to assist the water user in meeting their water requirements while at the same time insuring that the diversion of water does not adversely affect the cleanup efforts. The State Engineer is very aware of the property rights issues involved and is not attempting to limit or adversely impact these rights. 23.Comment: Kennecott should be required to replace the water that they contaminated. They should not only pay the cost of the connections but also the cost of the water as well. Answer: The ROD deals only with selection oft remedy to clean up the contamination. It does not address liability or damages to private parties. The NRD Settlement does deal with damages to the natural resources of the state. 24.Comment: The proposal should be rejected and more studies conducted. The assumptions for the modeling should be given. Studies should include extra modeling 0fthe drawdowns conducted by an outside consultant. Answer: The studies of the plume have been going on since at least 1983 and under EPA oversight since 1992. The model used by Kennecott in their projections of water level drops and plume movement was ortginally developed by the U. S. Geological Survey (TJSGS). Kennecott augmented the USGS model by providing a finer grid and additional monitoring data. To test the model’s ability to predict the future, Kennecott conducted several runs of the model beginning in 1965 when the reservoir was first installed, continuing to the present. Some assumptions were modified in order to produce the best fit. The model was also evaluated by sensitivity testing to determine which assumptions were most critical to the performance of the model. The work of Kennecott was overseen by modeling experts from EPA, by the USGS (under the funding of an Interagency Agreement with EPA) and by the U49EQ Ground Water Protection Program. The lead for the oversight was the person who actually developed the USGS model for the Salt Lake Valley. EPA and UDEQ are satisfied that the model is adequate for decision making and initial designs. The model uses established USGS and EPA methodology and is used by hydrogeologic professionals worldwide. Of course, monitoring is apart of the remedy io insure that there is adequate warning shouM the plume move in unsuspected directions, or if draw downs are more serious than first thought. 25.Comment: Negotiations between Kennecott and Dansie Water Company are an example of how Kennecott might handle other water fights owners. Answer: The Dansie Water Company has unique problems in comparison with most water rights owners. The primary difference is that the high TDS content present in wells operated by the Dansie Water Company may not, in fact, be related to mining contamination. The chemical content in the Dansie wells is not similar to the chemical 102 VII content of other impacted wells in the valley. Another problem is that plans to bring replacement water to the area are complicated by a legal action involving the Dansie Water Company and its neighbors. Finally, the Dansie Water Company has tried to couple their well issues with Kennecott into other areas of dispute with Kennecott. These other issues are much more difficult than even the water issues by themselves. Other well owners are not encumbered by such complications: The ROD selects a remedy for the aquifer. It does not resolve private claims allow by law. 26."Comment: Kennecott should be declared a Superfund site. It will be hard to get to Rio Tinto after Kennecott is no longer around. Answer: An agreement, called a Memorandum of Understanding, was reached in 1995 between Kennecott, EPA and UDEQ in which the agencies agreed not to proceed with listing of Kennecott on the National Priority List (NPL) so long as Kennecott performed specific cleanups and studies in the agreement. Kennecott has continued to make progress towards compliance with each of these provisions. The agreement was done as an enforcement pilot by EPA to see ~f cooperative companies could clean up sites without the stigma of listing on the NPL. The pilot has been viewed as a success. Listing on the NPL has only one advantage. It is a requirement before the site is eligible to use federal funding for Remedial Actions. (Remedial Actions are typically much larger and more complex that Removal Actions). Since Kennecott indicated that itwill fund the ground water cleanup without the use of taxpayer dollars, listing is superfluous in this case. However, if circumstances change and listing becomes necessary to implement his remedy, EPA will reconsider that option. Listing on the NPL has no relation to liability questions. A party may be liable for cleanups with or without listing. In this case, the provisions of what cleanups must be done and what Kennecott must pay for will be detailed in a Consent Decree which will be supervised by.the Federal Court in Utah. These requirements will need to be met whether or not Kennecott is still operating. The Record of Decision merely establishes the technical basis for the cleanup decision and provides the general approach to be used It does not establish schedules or the actual design. Those details are typically given in thework plan associatedwith the later Consent Decree. Listing on the NPL has no effect on either the Record of Decision or the Consent Decree. Letter from Rodney Dansie 7198 West 13090 South Herriman, LIT 84065 27.Comment: The plan does not put water back to the affected area where surface and ground water have been injured. 103 Answer: Note - this is apparently a NRD Consent Decree provision. CERCLA itself does not require that the water beYput back" to the affected arecL 28.Comment: Water quality has degraded in the I-Ierriman area and this area has not been included on the maps of affected areas. It should either be included in the site, or designated as a separate site. Answer: For CERCLA purposes, the Herriman area does appear on the map of the "site’" in the Remedial Investigation Report. In the NRD Consent Decree, the "’affected area" is defined as "’the area in the southwestern portion of Salt Lake Valley where surface and ground water have been injured by Kennecott’s mining and leaching operations. " See also previous response to #19. Comment: The plan has not provided for replacement ofwaterin the area west of Herriman where the water had been degraded. Answer: For logistical reasons, the JP3~CD has agreed to provide service connections to central locations. The nearest location in this case would be in HerrimarL Citizens can negotiate with the town of Herriman to be included in their system when it is implemented Private connections are also possible through negotiations with the JPTze’CD. 30.Comment: The plan does not include provisions to replace and restore water in the area west 0fHerriman. The plan should also pay for damages to the water companies and water fights owners. Answer: The purpose of the ROD is the selection of a remedy which will be used to clean up the acid plume where the groundwater presents a risk to human health and the environment. The ground water west of Herriman does not present arisk at yet. The remedy addresses the Herriman area by prevention of leachate from entering the ground water, and continuing to monitor the situation so that action may be taken shouM the water quality degrade beyond background and begin to present a health risl~ High TDS does not pose a health risk in and of itself. The ROD does not determine liability of .any party. CERCLA has no provisions to settle private damage claims caused by pollution. The replacement and restoration of natural resources, such as water, are addressed in the Natural Resources Damage provisions of CERCLA. The NRD Claim provisions provide that states, tribes, and the federal government are the only groups which can bring claims for natural resources damages. 31.Comment: Water fights should be protected from unlawful taking. The plan does not correct the problems of water degradation in the area west of Herriman. Replacement water should be provided and damages paid to water rights owners. 104 Answer: The selected remedy does call for replacement of water supplies shouM the drinking water be impacted by mining activities and pose a risk to customers. It does not have authority to settle private claims for pollution damage. 32.Comment: The proposed plan has no provisions to deal with contamination in the area west of Herriman. It should be included in the plan or separate one developed for this situation. ’The area should receive treated water and be paid for damages. Answer: At this time, water quality west of Herriman has not degraded to the point where it presents a health threat to users. CERCLA does not deal with damages to private parties due to pollution. This is handled privately between the parties involved J 33.Comment: No replacement water has been provided for Dansie Water Rights. Pollution may be continuing. Answer: Efforts have been made under the provision of a Utah Ground Water Protection Permit to prevent further contamination. Replacement water is a provision of the remedy shouM the well water pose a health risk. 34.Comment: A plan on how to address the Dansie’s damages should be developed and implemented before the Record of Decision is made. The should include an estimate of when damages wilt be paid and when replacement water will be provided. Answer: The ROD does not address liability issues. Any negotiations regarding damages have to occur between the parties involved EPA ’s authority, under CERCLA, does not allow EPA to interfere in these matters. 35.Comment: Whatis the effect of the pump and treat of the acid plume on the dropping of water levels in Herriman wells? Answer: The amount of water level drops due to pumping of the acidplume will be a function of the amount of water pumped lf water levels drop as a function of the pumping, the effect will be most serious in the area of the acid plume gradually tapering off toward the edge of the valley. Water level drops are a function of the pumping rates in the entire area, including the pumping of the plume. Should water level drops be noticed as a function of puml~ng in this project, the decline will be gradual and there should be sufficient time to plan remedies for the private well owners. Each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. 36.Comment: The model which predicts water elevation drops was prepared by Kennecott and the District. Their studies should be reviewed by an outside consultant. 105 Answer: See previous answer to #24. The model used has also been reviewed by the governmental entities involved including EPA, USGS, and UDEQ. 37.Comment: Additional studies oft_he water level model and assumptions should be conducted. A model is only as good as the assumptions used. Answer: EPA and UDEQ agree that the ability of any model to predict the future is a function of the assumptions used in it. For this reason, EPA and UDEQ will require that a monitoringprogram be designed to refine assumptions for the ground water model and to determine if the plume and drawdowns are behaving in reality as predicted by the model. In addition, Kennecott and USGS have launched a new effort to better understand water flow within the Oquirrh Mountains. This study might give better information on flows within the bedrock aquifer and where the bedrock aquifer recharges the alluvial aquifers in the Salt Lake and Tooele Valleys. The model is useful as a way to compare performance of alternatives relative to each other. But monitoring is required to determine if the plume is behaving as predicted Additional modeling efforts may be needed if the plume is behaving differently than the original model predicted. 38.Comment: Kennecott proposes to use the clean water of the valley in their treatment.ofwater they contaminated. This impacts the other water rights owners in the valley. Kennecott should import water to clean up the plumes, rather than using water owned by others. Answer: The agencies do not understand what is being referred to in this comment. No clean water is being used in the treatmentprocesses for either Zone A or Zone B. This comment may refer to the area-wide drawdowns that may Occur during the process of pumping the acid plume from the aquifer. Drawdowns are a co~. equence of trying to remove as much of the acidplume in as short a time frame as possible. It is also an effective way of providing a barrier to prevent further downgradient movement of the plume. Kennecott has all the early water rights they need without using those of others. Please note that the ground water is actually owned by the State of Utah. Individuals get permission to develop the water under certain conditions as outlined by Utah Water Law and the State Engineer. 39.Comment: Other alternatives should be’examined which do not rely on water from the Herriman area or affect water levels in the Herriman area. Answer: Water withdrawals are a necessary element to begin restoration of the aquifer at this site. The size of the plume is so large and so deep that in-situ schemes would be very costly and might not work at all. Drawabwns are an unpleasant consequence of water withdrawals, but the impacts to other water users from these drawdowns can be minimized or mitigated and these methods will be mentioned specifically in the Record of Decision and the CERCLA consent decree. 106 40.Comment: Thank you for your efforts. Please require that additional work be performed to address concerns. Answer: The major scientific question which remains unresolved at this juncture is whether the elevated TDS levels in the Dansie wells are natural or related to mining activities. If a settlement between the parties occurs, this issue becomes moot. Ira settlement is not reachea~ the source of the elevated TDS becomes important in determining if this well is included in the CERCLA actiorL CERCLA does not require cleanups of any naturally occurring substances or when contaminants do not pose a threat or potential threat to human health or the environment. VIII Letter from Steve Maxfield 9I Canyon Rd Herrimart, UT 84065 41.Comment: I would like to know about the impacts of the cleanup plan on my well. (A culinary well in Hi-Country Estates, Phase 1) Answer: The water level drops which might occur because of pumping of the acid plume are most likely to be felt near the acid plume and less so towards the edges of the valley. Wells installed in other aquifers are unlikely to be impacted 42.Comment: I am concerned that continuing natural and,leaching activities to the west will affect the quality of the water in my well. Answer: The leach waters emanating from the mining area are now being controlled with cutoff walls in the Butterfield Canyon gulches under the provisions of a Utah Ground Water Protection permit. Natural leaching, although it can cause poor water quality, falls outside the authority of CERCLA. 43.Comment: EPA should protect water rights owners in this area from contamination and drawdown orwater tables. Answer: EPA and UDEQ are concerned when private wells are impacted from industrial sources. Drawdowns due to over pumping are generally in the purview of the State Engineer’s office. In this project, a separate provision has been added to deal with drawdowns resulting from this project, 44.Comment: Other water should be imported for the cleanup water processing rather than mining the water in the area. 107 Answer: See previous answer to #21. X 45.Comment: The mining company should not be able to take remaining water to clean up the contamination that they created. Answer: As far as is known about this project, no clean water is being used in the cleanup. Phone message from Vielde Walker 7536 W 13323 South Herriman, LIT 84065 46.Comment: I am concerned about the drawdown within the aquifer. Answer: The ground water model developed by USGS and Kennecott suggests that pumping of the acid waters from the plume associated with Bingham Canyon will drop water levels as far away as Herriman and possibly to 1300 Wand 10600 S. The model is simply a prediction tool that is only as good as our current knowledge of the ground water in the area; therefore, a continuing monitoring program which will monitor water levels and water quality in the area will be implemented Cooperation with private well owners is vital to the success of this monitoring program. Monitoring information can then be used to refine the calculations and model and give an early warning if water levels are affected by pumping in this project and/or pumping by otherparties. A separate provision in the remedy has been added to deal with draw downs shouM they occur as a part of this project. 47.Comment: What will be the compensation plan if her well is affected? Answer: Corrective action may include substitution with water from another source such as municipal water or Kennecott sources, deepening of the impacted well, or treatment of private well water using a residential reverse osmosis treatment system. 48.Comment: I would like to be hooked up to city water. Answer: If a private welt is found to be impacted by acid plume remediation, the compensation will be worked out by the parties involved Phone message from Bob Bowles, property owner in Herriman 49.Comment: I am ooneerned about the drawdown in the aquifer and how that might affect my four irrigation wells south of Herriman. 108 XI Answer: The ground water model developed by USGS and Kennecott suggests that pumping of the acid waters from the plume associated with Bingham Canyon will drop water levels as far away as Herriman. The model is simply a prediction tool that is only as good as our current knowledge of the groundwater in the area; therefore, a continuing monitoring program which will monitor water levels and water quality in the area will be implemented Cooperation with private well owners is vital to the success of this monitoring program. Monitoring information can then be used to refine the calculations and model and give an early warning if water levels are affected by pumping in this project and/or pumping by others. A separate provision in the remedy has been added to deal with drawdowns should they occur as a part of this project. 50.Comment: What compensation will I get if my wells become useless (go dry). This should be put in writing. Answer: Corrective action may include substitution with water from another source such as municipal water or Kennecott sources, deepening of the impacted wells, or treatment of private well water using a residential reverse osmosis treatment system. The concept of addressing impacts due to drawdowns is included in the Record of Decision. Each water well owner will be dealt with separately for the solution most appropriate to the situation. Phone message from Eileen Brooks 12680 South 3600 West P,i’verton, UT 84065 51.Comment: What compensation will Kennecott provide if contamination increases in my well water? Can I get my well tested? Answer:The well in question is owned by Ms. Brooks’ mother, Elma Johnson and is located at 12872 S 3600 W. It is identified as t-lMG1548 by Kennecott and was sampled as part of the well inventory project in 1994. The results of this project showedno evidence of mining impacts (68 mg/L sulfate) and that well is south of known contamination and any known contamination sources. Given its location away from the contamination, it is not likely the well wouM need to be resamplea~ but it is possible that water level information would be collected It is also outside the area of predicted draw down associated with acid plume pumping. XII Public Hearing Testimony: Betty 1~aylor - none of comments regarded the CERCLA portion of the action. Ms. Naylor’s questions were referred to UDEQ for response as a part of the NRD settlement proposal. 109 XIII XIV Public Heating Testimony: Steve Hansknecht 52.Comment: Kennecott used their water tights in Buttertield Canyon at the expense of the downstream farmers and the court made a mistake to let them do it. Answer: There were several lawsuits involving water rights in ButterfieM Canyon in which the farmers in Herriman claimed that the mining companies had interfered with their water rights. Most of these lawsuits predated Kennecott’s ownership of the land and the water rights. There were continuing disputes after Kennecott gained the water rights, but these were usually settled ~or example, Kennecott did give the Herriman Irrigation Company water from the Bingham Tunnel so long as it was not needed in their processing. Kennecott later indicated that the water was needed in processing and the water to the irrigation company was cut off. The water was contaminated by arsenic and the state objected to its use for irrigation also. EPA and UDEQ concur with the citizen that the continual ftghts between the farmers and the miners in this area were unpleasant. 53.Comment: It is better to let Kennecott get the copper out of the water, then treat it for people to use than to let it go to the JordanRiver. I’m glad somebody finally is doing something about it. Answer: EPA and UDEQ concur, Public Heating Testimony: Rod Dansie 54.Comment: The plan is a good one to try to clean the water up. I am concerned about the Herriman area water. Answer: The main effect of this project in Herriman is a potential drop in water levels. Although the model gives an idea of how severe it might be, the situation will need continual monitoring as the project proceeds. 55.Comment: I’m not convinced that the model will do what they say. Kennecott thinks the water will come up from the bedrock. I’m not convinced it will. Answer: The model is only a projection of what might happen based on what we know now. Continual monitoring will be needed as the project proceeds to determine what the recharge is and where. 56.Comment: The agencies should bring in water from Utah Lake or the Jordan River, not to West Jordan, but to Herriman.’-We need to get water back to the area where draw downs will occur. II0 Answer: This is a NRD question. CERCLA doesn’t require that water be returned to the impacted area~ 57.Comment: Maybe the water can be cleaned used in the taps, then let it go back into the ground. This is better than cleaning up the water only to reinject it into the aquifer without using it first. Answer: The idea of reinjection of the water back into the aquifer was controversial. Those concerned with water supply indicated that this was a waste of a valuable resource. Several scientists questioned whether it was a good idea to clean up the water and reinject it only to have the same water be contaminated again. Modeling suggested that cleanup time frames would not be shortened by this strategy. The only potential use would be as a method to protect nearby municipal well fields. 58.Comment: In the past, the state engineer rejected change applications on the basis that the water was being taken from one aquifer and used in another, recharging that aquifer instead of the one from which the water was originally taken. Does this plan do the same thing? Answer: This is possible. According to the Division of Water Rights, in the evaluation of change applications, the State Engineer’s management plan does not allow changes from the shallow ground water aquifer to the deeper principal aquifer. Also, a change application which proposes to transfer a water right to a different area is critically reviewed. The proposed project will require water right applications and they will be evaluated by the State Engineer according to Utah Water Law statues and using the guidelines set forth in the ground water management plan. Kennecott indicates that it owns water rights in both the principal aquifer and the bedrock aquifers in the Oquirrh Mountains. 31/WCD owns rights in both the principal and the shallow unconfined aquifers. Waterrights may need to be transferred to accommodate this plan. The State Engineer has tom Kennecott that he will allow transfer out of the principal aquifer to other aquifers, but not vice versa. 59.Comment: Something should be built into the plan so that individUals will not have to battle each time to prove interference. Individuals know how,their wells behave, but it is hard to prove interference. Answer: For most circumstances, interference will be rather simple to prove because water levels in nearby wells will be similarly impactecL There will be area-wide impacts on water levels. No special mechanism or criteria is needed See also previous response. 60.Comment: Kennecott dumped major amounts of sulphuric acid on the dumps 20 or 30 years ago. Some leaching occurred south towards Butterfield Canyon, but not a lot. 111 Answer: Kennecott andprevious operators in the area were heavily engaged in leaching of the waste rock dumps. The record is clear on that point, and Kennecott hasnot denied this. Today groundwater and surface water in ButterfieM Canyon are monitored as required by a Utah Ground Water Discharge Permit. The results indicate that a few of the wells show elevated su~ate and some of the meteoric leach water draining from the dumps is slightly acidic. These impacts are most likely a result of meteoric leaching of the South Mine Waste Rock Dumps which wei"e not infused with sulphuric acid Ground water monitoring and an independent study conducted by the University of Utah indicates that the path of ground water from the dumps that were infused with acid is ch’rectly east, not south to the Herriman arec~ 61.Comment: It is great that this project will bring water to Herriman, but Herriman Town does not own water rights, the private well owners and companies do. The water is not going tothe water rights owners who have been impacted. Answer: The division of the water is apart of the NRD settlement. That is a matter for negotiations between the municipalities, the JVWCD and the State Trustee. According to the JVWCD, the proposed plan submitted to the State Trustee will use municipal and industrial water rights in the affected area to provide tre~tted water to the public in the affected area. The only M&I ground water rights currently in the affected area belong to JVWCD, Kennecott, Riverton City and West Jordan City. However, the entire public in the affected area will benefit under the proposed project, not just a few private water right holders. 62:Comment: Our water rights are significant and we worked on them for 50 years to bring water to our properties. Answer: Utah water law is based on the prior appropriation doctrine, which is first in time, first in right. In any action by the State Engineer a fundamental part of his review is to insure that they do not affect prior water rights without just compensation. Comment: It will be hard to establish responsibility on a case-by-case basis and some plan for arbitration should be included so that legal fees are not incurred. Answer: Responsibility in most situations will be obvious and clear-cut. Degradation due to mining is typically indicated by rising sulfate levels and water levels will be affected over a wide area. Arbitration is not needed for most of these situations. The Dansie case is a fairly unique situation. If disputes arise in the future, any party has the right to suggest the use of alternative dispute resolution procedures to resolve such disputes. See also previous response. 112 2 XV XVI 64.Comment: Water should notcome back to a community [Herriman Town] that has no water rights, and there is no guarantee that the water won’t be marked up. It could be a slush fund for the city that needs taxes. This doesn’t benefit the people that developed the water rights. Answer: The decision on how the water is allocated is a matter for determination by the State Trustee. As stated by JgWCD, the cooperating water purveyor, it is assumed that the Town of Herriman will act responsibly to its residents in distributing and selling treated water from the project plants delivered to it by JVWCD on a wholesale basis. JFWCD will make other retail deliveries to its residents not served by the Town of Herriman under its normal Rules and Regulations for Retail Water Service, where it has present and future distributionfacilities.. Public hearing testimony, Tom Bechak 65.Comment: It’s a wonderful thing that’s being done to control and contain the acid plume in Zone A, but my well is in an area where the water levels might drop 120 feet. I’m concerned about th~tt. Answer: The groundwater model developed by USGS and Kennecott suggests that pumping of the acid waters from the plume associated withBingham Canyon wil indeed drop water levels in the area of Mr. Belchak’s welI by approximately 120feet over a 50 year period. The model is simple a prediction tool that is only as good as our current knowledge of the ground water in the area; therefore, a continuing monitoring program which will monitor water levels and water quality in the area will be implemented Cooperation with private well owners is vital to the success of this monitoring program. Monitoring information can then be used to refine the calculations and model and give an early warning if water levels are affected by pumping in this project and~or pumping by other parties. Corrective action may include substitution with water from another source such as municipal water or Kennecott sources. Mr. Betchak has already been drilled a new well at Kennecott’s expense. Public hearing testimony, Mike Barela 66.Comment: If my well goes dry, how long will it take to get water up there? Answer: Any area-wide drop of water levels due towater withdrawals from the acid plume will be gradual, occurring over several years. There will be sufficient time to take action before impacts become serious. Mr. Barela’s well is located at 13320 S 7565 Win the Rose Canyon. Area. It isjust outside the model predicted area of influence, but if drawdown is more than predicted at this location, corrective action will be taken. By the time this well is affected, JVWCD will have infrastructure in the area and a connection can be made in a short period of time. I13 XVII Public hearing testimony, Rod Dansie 67.Comment: An additional meeting should be held in Herriman. request for this. I make a formal Answer: Herriman residents with water rights within the site were all mailed an invitation to participate in this hearing. In addition, a newspaper advertisement invited written comments from those who chose to use this method to convey their views. Opportunities were also given to water users to meet with the scientists and engineers on a one-to-one basis. A number of residents of Herriman have participated in these ways. An additional meeting is not needed 114 B. Technical Issues Technical Issues: Plume behavior: There are a number 0funcertainties regarding plume behavior over time, despite the extensive model development and calibration. The model itself is widely used in the field 0VIODFLOW coupled with MT3D). It w~ used originally by USGS to develop the.Salt Lake Valley Ground Water Model, and later refined in the RIFFS. Flow rates in the aquifer were verified by several means because historical groundwater data were available and the history of releases to groundwater were known. Even isotopic tracing techniques were used to provide independent verification. Yet, it is still a model and relies on the validity of the assumptions used in it. Although the assumptions are based on a rather large number of observations, the area affected is quite large and not every square inch of the aquifer was sampled. Undetected buried channels might provide preferential flow pathways causing the plume to move in an unanticipated direction and do so more rapidly than predicted. Hidden clay lenses could serve as a barrier thereby either diverting the plume or causing it to travel more slowly than expected. This uncertainty common to the application of all groundwater models produces an uncertainty in the absolute time it might take for remediation of the aquifer. A further complicating factor in the case of this particular plume is the variety of chemical reactions that take place in the aquifer itsel£ This occurs because the acid plume reacts with the carbonates in the aquifer substrate to form a variety of metal oxides and hydroxides. It is not a matter of simply neutralizing the hydrogen ion because the majority of the acidity is "mineral acidity" largely from the high aluminum concentrations and this must be neutralized as well. Formation of these solid phase precipitates in the aquifer substrate may change the flow characteristics of the aquifer. These solid precipitates will begin to redissolve back into the groundwater when fresh water is introduced. Column testing has shown that it could take at least 7 pore volumes of water before these precipitates are redissolved and flushed away. Calculations suggest that the vast majority of the acid groundwater can be pumped out of the aquifer in 30 - 50 years, but the residuals could leach back into the water for many years after the initial plume has been removed. Although this can be modeled, the time this would take is highly uncertain and might continue for decades or longer. EPA believes that for funding and planning purposes, treatment wiU have to continue in perpetuity. In addition to the=uncertainty in the time frame required to clean up the plume, there is some concern with regardto the direction of plume movement under different pumping rates by the adjacent communities. Of particular concern is the wall field of West Jordan located just to the north of the acid plume. The modeling did show that under some pumping scenarios the plume could be drawn in that direction. A monitoring well has been driUed between the acid plume and the West Jordan well field to provide an early warning should this occur. A similar concern was expressed with regard to wells located on the east side of the Jordan River. Could high pumping from wells in Sandy, Utah, for example, draw the contamination underneath the 115 river? Carefulmonitoring will be necessary to detect any unexpected changes and to revise time estimates. Modeling suggests that at the maximum pumping rates needed to remove the acidic waters quickly, excessive draw downs of the water levels in the aquifer will occur locally around the acid wells and the nearby West Jordan municipal well field. Several proposals have been examined to mitigate this problem. One idea is to inject clean water between the acid plume and the West Jordan municipal well field to offset the water level drops. Modeling suggests this idea w~l work, but some indicate this is an inefficient use of clean water. Another possibility is that freshwater from the mountains be piped directly to West Jordan City in case their v~611 field becomes contaminated or non-productive. This issue is still under discussion. Treatment uncertainties: Both the reverse osmosis treatment technology and the nanofiltration technology have been tested in pilot projects. The acid plume waters cannot be treated directly using the reverse osmosis technology due to excessive scaling of the membranes. The technology performs well with the waters from less contaminated wells. 2qanofiltration is proposed for pretreatment of the most contaminated waters with the permeate going to further refinement in the reverse osmosis facility. However, the operational details ofthenan0filtration technology have not been optimized and this may vary as the concentrations of the plume changes. It may take 5 years of operating experience with the pretreatment plant before routine operations are feasible. Disposal uncertainties: Pilot testing of disposal of acid waters into the tailings slurry pipeline have been ongoing for the past year. An initial problem of excessive scaling on the inside of the pipeline originally occurred resulting in a tailings overflow near the point of entry. After acid additions ceased, the tailings scoured the scale deposits out the pipeline, so no cessation of operations was necessary to clean out the pipeline. Experiments then revealed that no scale formed if the sulfate concentrations were less than 5000 ppm when added to the slurry line. Monitoring of the supematant water in the tailings pond at the terminus 0fthe pipeline did not reveal any increases in metals or TDS concentrations over typical concentrations with the acid additions. Laboratory experiments indicated the metals in the original acid solution had precipitated, and were not simply diluted. The supernatant water is recycled during the summer and the rest evaporates. There is no discharge. In the winter, excess water is discharged to the Great Salt Lake. Since the concentrate flows in the railings line represent only a very small fraction of the water, no exceedances of the NPDES discharge are anticipated. There are two difficulties with this strategy. (1) This strategy works only while the Copperton Concentrator (which grinds the ore and separates metal bearing components from the host rock by flotation) is operating. Sufficient storage capacity for the acid waters must be provided during routine shut downs for maintenance. Emergency shut downs due to power failures or labor troubles must also be considered. (2) This strategy will also work only during the life of mining and milling operations at the site. Another method of disposal will be neededupon mine closure. There are several possible alternatives here, some of which might be integrated 116 with Other waste water disposal needs following closure. Provisions should be included in the brine Closure Plan. One of the proposals for disposal after mining ceases in 30 years is direct disposal of the treatment concentrates into the Great Salt Lake. Although technically feasible, there are numerous policy issues which need to be examined before this can be considered. For example, today there are no numerical water quality standards for any constituent in the Great Satt Lake. Therefore, the potentialimpacts cannot be judged. In the next 30 years, it is hoped that more will be known about the ecology of the Great Salt Lake and the impacts 0fpollutants on that ecology. 117 i ’h d k~ Cf ~ oI . ~ rJ Lr ~ ° C P i (~ 4E~ o ~ ] o ~ ~ ~ o o ~ i o0 q~ .< O’ ~ ¯ ~ o ~ ~ ,, , - - i r~ t" , , .< .< r~ ~o ~ 8~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ " ~ o ,. , ~- ~ "9 , xo! ¯ ~. c O ~ , b D ~: ’ . o .. ~ ~ : ~ ~ . . . ~ ~’ . ~ ~ - ~ ~ . , ,~ . ~ ~ ~ o°~ . , ~ o ! O O~. ~ ,- , w ¯ u ’ ~ 0 ~~o 2 °, N O o ~D °. , . ~ ! o 0 ~ ~. c O0 < .< o o o ~ o o o o ~ o ~ o.< i °° ° o~ ~:~ : > . ~ . ’ . ’ @ ~ . ! : : : ~ : ’ ~ : ~ : ? ~ r. , 5 , . t ~ o .o ~ e. j ~ ~ - ~ . : ~ t . . ~ . ~ : : : . - . ~ . . ~ : ~ : ~ . ~ : . ~ : ~ : : ~{ ~ t ~ . : ~ ~ " ~ ~ " ~ - " - " : ’ - ’ ~ " : . " ’ - : ~ : ~ i i "t 3 ~~ ~ ~ o 0 ~ o ¯ o L, ~ r a ’ 3 ~. - - o ~ ~’ ~ ~ 0 ~o 0 ~_ ~ ~, ~ ~ ’ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ’ - ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ r. ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ . ~ ’ ~ ~ . o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~; > o . . . . n~ ~’ , ~ , ~ O00 cr ~ F , s - 4 ~ _ _ , ~ . ~ ~. - ~ ~ ’ ~ 0~ w ¯ _~~’ ~ . ~ ~ ! ~r ~0 c, , l 0 < f SDMS Document ID tEIIIHI I 2025179 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES KENNECOTT SOUTH ZONE OPERABLE UNIT 2 SOUTHWEST JORDAN RIVER VALLEY GROUND WATER PLUMES U. S.Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII 999 18~ St. Suite 300. Denver, Colorado, 80202 BACKGROUND In December, 2000, EPA and UDEQ signed a Record of Decision which se]ected a remedy for the Zone A ground water plumes associated with past mining activity in the Oquirrh Mountains. During the design phase of the project, Kennecott Utah Copper Corp. (KUCC) conducted treatability studies to refine flows and treatment parameters and to combine the infrastructure associated with this project with similar infrastructure needed to manage other contaminated flows at the mine. These new concepts and study results have led to some minor changes in the selected remedy as chosen by the Record of Decision. The overall approach to the problem and ability to meet the stated objectives remain unchanged. COMPARISON OF SELECTED REMEDY (as given in the Record of Decision) AND THE REMEDIAL DESIGN (as detailed in the Final Design for Remedial Action) Remedy in Record of Remedy in Design Phase Differences, if any Decision III Operations and maintenance Not specifically mentioned in Surface source controls not of surface source controls the Remedial Design. O+M addressed in Remedial of the source controls is Design document. This is addressed in a State Ground required in a State Ground Water Permit.Water Permit. Integration and use of Restrictions on use of water The State Ground Water Institutional Controls, as from existing wells,Management Plan issued by approved by the State restrictions on installation of the State Engineer in June Engineer new wells, moratorium on 2002 addresses issues new water fights will be specific to the remediation established through the State effort and needed restrictions Engineer as needed.in the area of the plumes. == Point of Use Management for Plan for addressing impacts Same private well owners (in-home to other well owners was treatment units, bottled water,developed. Work with deepening of wells,owners to develop best form replacement of wells)of reparations. Remedy in Record of Remedy in Design Phase Differences, if any Decision |, Plan to deal with Options include reduced Same consequences of water level pumping, replacement water, drops (new and deeper wells,injection, deeper well deeper completions in wells,installation alternate water sources, purchase or exchange of water rights), well abandonment and compensation. ii m,i Install a barrier well Three wells to serve as an Same containment system at initial barrier well system leading edge of acid plume at have already been installed points in path of movement (where sulfate is less than 1500 ppm). No water with sulfate concentrations greater than 1500 ppm should move off Kennecott property. Install well or wells in core ofTwo wells to operate at any Same acid plume time. Wells moved in response to plume Pretreatment of acid water Acid water sent directly to Nanofiltrafion step eliminated using nanofiltration tailings line without in final design. preta’eatment. Neutralization and metals removal takes place in the tailings line. Neutralization by tailings can be augmented with lime if needed. mm Treatment of pretreated acid Not relevant any more No pretreatment of acid waters by Re waters. Treatment of acid waters occurs in tailings lines, not by Re plant. ,J Treatment ofwater from Treatment of water from Same barrier wells by Re sulfate barrier wells by Re Remedy in Record of Remedy in Design Phase Differences, if any Decision ¯ii Treated waters to municipal Treated waters from sulfate Acid waters are kept by water purveyor wells sent to JVWCD, acid Kennecott for use in waters kept by Kennecott for processes, and are not sent to use in milling processes.a water purveyor. Install and maintain a Monitoring system plan Same monitoring system to track presented plume movement i |J Prior to mine closure, dispose Acid water and RO Very similar of concentrates in the railings concentrates added to tailings line line i I II Post Closure plan should be Post Closure Conceptual Same developed during RD/RA design options presented which can be implemented quickly. EXPLANATION OF DIFFERENCES In the process of designing the remedy, the approach to treating the waters withdrawn from acid plume was changed. Originally, the waters from the acid plume core were to be pretreated using nano-fiitration technology. The permeate was then to be further treated using reverse osmosis, with the concentrate recycled to the waste rock dumps for use in active leaching of the waste rock. However, since this approach was studied and advocated, Kennecott discontinued the active leaching of waste rock. This makes the concept of re-use of the concentrate for leaching no longer available. With the cessation of active leaching, Kennecott began experimentation on treatment of the residual leaehate and leachates produced with precipitation falls on the dump areas. A study during the design phase indicated that insertion of the acid waters into the tailings pipeline was feasible. The tailings, which contain carbonates, were able to neutralize the acids. The tailings line, therefore, serves as a 13-mile long acid neutralizing facility. The neutralization capacity is required in the railings line whether the nano- filtration concentrate waters are neutralized or the acid plume waters themselves are neutralized. Further studies revealed that the neutralization process was actually completed in the first few hundred yards of the pipeline. The experiments further proved that both waste streams, the residual )eaehate water from the dumps and the acid waters removed from the aquifer, could be treated effectively in this manner. The resulting water with its soluble components is not of drinking water quality and therefore will not be provided to the municipalities. Instead, it would be recycled and used in Kennecott’s processing, especially at the Copperton Concentrator. One of the principles in the National Contingency Plan (NCP) indicates that water generated by treatment of contaminated aquifers should be put to beneficial uses. Although the water will not go to municipal culinary use, it will have a beneficial use as industrial water. Calculations have also revealed that treatment of the acid plume is not cost-effective because the acid plume is of such poor quality. Although such a scheme was proposed in the RI/FS and agreed to in the ROD, only 24% of the acid plume waters would actually go to drinking water and the rest would end up in the tailings pipeline (and then for industrial use). For this small volume of drinking water product, the cost would be about $6-7tl 000 gals. Treatment of the less contaminated waters at the barrier wells is much more cost-effective and can be done with less waste of the water. The cost of treatment of barrier well water is $0.70/1000 gals. In terms of operations of the barrier well reverse osmosis treatment plant in Zone A, Kennecott will construct and operate the plant for the first 5 years at least, perhaps longer. This is to allow time for Kennecott to develop the operational parameters and costs so that long-term management negotiations can proceed. Kennecott may choose to operate the plant indefinitely so that the facility can be expanded and integrated with Kennecott’s industrial water management system. As is the original plan, the treated water from the reverse osmosis plant will go to JVWCD and the treatment concentrate to the tailings line. Scientists agreed very early that effectiveness of source control infrastructure was extremely critical in cleaning up the aquifer. The cut-offwalls and pipelines associated with these source control measures were constructed and are now maintained through provisions of a state groundwater protection permit. Because of its importance to the cleanup program, maintenance of these source controls was listed as an element of the ROD of December, 2000. The source control maintenance is not described in the remedial design because this is already included in the groundwater permit. The p .arties remain committed to thispart of the remedy. Maintenance of the source control facilities will continue either under the auspices of the groundwater permit or under terms of the federal RD/RA Consent Decree. CONCLUSIONS Although some of the treatment details presented in the Remedial Design are different than detailed in the ROD, the overall approach remains unchanged. Unchanged is the concept of barrier wells which prevent spread of the contamination. Unchanged is the withdrawal of the heavily contaminated waters from the core of the acid plume so that the plume diminishes in size over time. Unchanged is the approach for beneficial use of the waters withdrawn from the plume, a concept which works for both the waters treated in the reverse osmosis plant and in the tailings pipeline. Max H. Dodson Date Assistant Regional Administrator Office of Ecosystems Protection and Remediation U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII D~e R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Date Explanation of Significant Differences Kennecott South Zone, Operable Unit 2 Southwest Jordan River Valley Ground Water Plumes U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8 Utah Department of Environmental Quality June 2007 Introduction The Kennecott South Zone Site, proposed for the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1994, is located in southwestern Salt Lake County, Utah, about 10 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Operable Unit 2 (OU2) of th~Site, known as the Southwest Jordan River Valley Ground Water Plumes, encompasses the groundwater beneath all or portions of the municipalities of West Jordan, South Jordan, Riverton, Herriman, and portions of unincorporated Salt Lake County. A Record of Decision, selecting a remedy for OU2, is dated December 13, 2000. The remedy was modified with an Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD) in August 2003. This June 2007 Explanation of Significant Differences is the second ESD to modify the original remedy. While the overall approach to this Site, and the ability to meet stated objectives, remains unchanged, certain refinements to the original remedy (as modified by the first ESD) are necessary. This Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD) describes the rationale for modifying the remedy specified in the Record of Decision (ROD) and first ESD for Operable Unit 2 of the Kennecott South Zone Site. Section 117(c) of CERCLA, 42 USC §9617(c), and the National Contingency Plan (NCP), 40 C.F.R. Section 300.435(c)(2)(i) require that an ESD be prepared when the differences in the Remedial Action significantly change but do not fundamentally alter the remedy selected in the ROD with respect to scope, performance, or cost. , This ESD is supported by and will become part of the Administrative Record file for this Site, in accordance with the NCP, Section 300.823(a)(2). The Administrative Record is available for review at UDEQ’s office located at 168 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, Utah. Key documents and reports are also available for review at the City Recorder’s Office, City of West Jordan, 8000 South Redwood Rd, West Jordan, UT 84088. Site History The Kennecott South Zone Site is composed of historic mining sites, of surface areas contaminated by mining wastes which migrated from source areas downgradient to cities and towns, and of subsurface areas contaminated by acid leachates from the mining district. The Kennecott South Zone Site is comprised of fifteen operable units. The remedy selected for the Kennecott South Zone Operable Unit No. 2 - Southwest Jordan Valley Groundwater Plumes, involves treatment and containment of contaminated ground water. The principal sources which caused the ground water contamination have been addressed in previous actions or are managed by Kennecott under provisions of a ¯ Utah Ground Water Protection Permit. The selected remedy, as modified by the first ESD, contains the following elements: Continuation of source control measures as administered through the State of Utah Ground Water Protection Program. Prevent human exposure.to unacceptable high concentrations of hazardous substances and/or pollutants or contaminants by limiting access to the contaminated ground water. The State Ground Water Management Plan, issued by the State Engineer in June 2002, addresses issues specific to the remediation effort and needed restrictions in the area of the plumes. Prevent human exposure to unacceptable high concentrations of hazardous substances and]or pollutants or contaminant through point-of-use management which includes providing in-house treatment units to residents with impacted wells, replacement of their water by hooking the properties up to municipal drinking and/or secondary supplies, and/or modifying their wells to reach uncontaminated waters. Contain the acid plume in Zone A by installation of barrier wells at the leading edge of the contamination (1500 ppm sulfate or less), pump and treat the waters to provide a hydraulic barrier to prevent further plume movement while providing treated water for municipal use. The treatment technology for the barrier well waters is reverse osmosis. Withdraw the heavily contaminated waters from the core of the acid plume in Zone A and send it directly to the tailings line. Neutralization and metals removal takes place in the tailings line. Neutralization can be augmented with lime if needed. Monitor the plume to follow the progress of natural attenuation for the portions of the Zone A plume which contain sulfate in excess of the primary drinking water standard for sulfate (500 ppm sulfate). Disposal of acid water and reverse osmosis concentrates in existing pipeline used to slurry tailings to a tailings impoundment prior to mine closure. Development of a post-mine closure plan to manage extracted acid core water and reverse osmosis treatment concentrates (derived from the management option selected for the water extracted at the leading edge wells) for use when the mine and mill are no longer operating. Basis for and Description of the Significant Differences A number of clarifications to the remedy are required to address barrier well water management, source control measures for the Eastside Collection System and Bingham Reservoir, and performance standards. 1)Water Management The December 2000 ROD selected treatment of barrier well water using reverse osmosis and delivery of treated water to a municipal water purveyor. This clarification to the remedy is to allow other management options for barrier well water including continued use by Kennecott for industrial needs or the provision of raw or treated barrier well water for any other lawful use that is both consistent with the quality of the water, previous decision documents and acceptable to EPA and UDEQ. 2)Source Control Measures The original remedy indicates that source control measures (i.e., Eastside Collection System, Bingham Reservoir) are to be operated under State permits. As a clarification, these permits are considered complimentary to the OU2 remedy and management of the Southwest Jordan Valley Groundwater plumes. UDEQ will provide routine reports to evaluate compliance with State permits. In the event that State permits and/or programs are ineffective in controlling potential sources of contamination to the groundwater plume, additional Federal CERLCA response actions may be required. At a minimum, Kennecott’s compliance with applicable State permits will be evaluated no less often than every five years pursuant to the CERCLA requirement to conduct a Five Year Review whenever waste is left in place precluding unrestricted use and unlimited exposure. 3)Performance Standards There are three performance standards related to the rate of extraction from the core of the plume in Zone A, plume containment, and cleanup levels to demonstrate the effectiveness of the remedy. A)Extraction Rate Several wells have been installed for the extraction of heavily contaminated water from the core of the acid plume in Zone A. The change in this ESD is to define a rate of extraction to assure reduction in the size of the contaminated plume. As of the time of the writing of this ESD, that extraction rate has been established at a minimum of 1200 acre-feet per year from the core of the acid plume, on a five-year rolling average. The extraction rate may be modified pursuant to the Operation, Maintenance and Replacement (OM&R) Plan. B)Containment Another change from the 2000 ROD is that a series of compliance points has been established along the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of the Zone A Plume. These points of compliance are identified in the OM&R Plan. The points of compliance may be modified pursuant to the OM&R Plan. C)Cleanup Levels The final cleanup levels for active remediation are given in the following table: FINAL CLEANUP LEVELS FOR ACTIVE REMEDIATION Contaminant Cleanup Levels Throughout the Acid Plume (dissolved concentrations) pit pH = 6.5 - 8.5 Arsenic 0.05 rag/1 Barium 2 mg/l Cadmium 0.005 rag/1 ........... Copper 1.3 mg/l Fluoride 4 mg/1 Lead 0.015 rag/1 Selenium 0.05 rag/1 JNickel 0.1 mg/l Sulfate*1500 m~l * Once sulfate has reached 1500 mg/1 throughout the plume, active remediation may be discontinued in favor of monitored natural attenuation until sulfate concentrations throughout the plume reach 500 mg/1. Nitrate has been deleted as a contaminant of concern since nitrate concentrations have consistently been well below the groundwater protection limit. Treatment levels for the reverse osmosis treatment plant have been deleted since the water treatment plant is operating under a permit with the Utah Division of Drinking Water. The method for determining when final cleanup levels have been met will be identified in the OM&R Plan when the groundwater quality in the plume approaches the final cleanup levels. Comments from Utah Department of Environmental Quality The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) supports EPA’s decision to modify the remedy for Operable Unit 2 of the Kennecott South Zone Site. Public Participation EPA published a notice in the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune newspapers that described the ESD and its availability for review (under Section i 17(c) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. Section 9617). While a formal public comment period is not required when issuing an ESD, EPA and UDEQ provided an opportunity for the public to comment. Following a 30-day comment period, a responsiveness summary was prepared in response to comments received. This ESD, and all documents that support the changes and clarifications, are contained in the Administrative Record of the Kennecott South Zone Site (under 40 CFR, Section 300.435(c)(2)(i)). Statutory Determinations Under CERCLA Section 121, EPA must select a remedy that is protective of human health and the environment, complies with Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs), and is cost effective. EPA believes that the modifications to the ROD for the Southwest Jordan River Valley groundwater plumes are appropriate and the remedy will remain protective of human health and the environment. The selected remedy will continue to comply with federal and state requirements that are applicable and relevant and appropriate to the remedial action. This ESD does not fundamentally change the remedy and is cost effective. Section 121 also states that EPA must select a remedy that uses permanent solutions, alternative treatment technologies, or resource recovery technologies to the maximum extent practicable. In addition, CERCLA prefers remedies that include treatment that permanently and significantly reduces the volume, toxicity, or mobility of hazardous waste as a principal element of the remedy. The selected remedy uses treatment as a principal element in remediation of the aquifer and meets the statutory requirement. Date Carqt~ushin " " ] .... Assi~’tant Regional Administrator Ecosystems Protection and Remediation US EPA Region 8 Date Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality