HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0080621/23/24, 11:24 AM State of Utah Mail - VOC RACT Analysis – Atlas Molded Products – Murray, UT -- DAQE-AN0104200008-07 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=539c285453&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1785748291657223493&simpl=msg-f:1785748291657223…1/2 Ana Williams <anawilliams@utah.gov> VOC RACT Analysis – Atlas Molded Products – Murray, UT -- DAQE-AN0104200008-07 David Sykes <david.sykes@accessenvironmental.com>Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 2:44 PM To: "anawilliams@utah.gov" <anawilliams@utah.gov> Cc: Josh Livingston <jlivingston@atlasroofing.com>, Jes Lundberg <jlundberg@atlasroofing.com>, David Sykes <david.sykes@accessenvironmental.com> Dear Ms. Williams, Atlas Molded Products, a Division of Atlas Roofing Corporation, is submitting for your review the attached Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) analysis for our facility located at 111 W Fireclay Avenue in Murray, Utah. The Atlas Molded Products, Murray, Utah, facility has been identified as having the potential to become a major stationary source located in Utah’s Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Area (NAA). The Northern Wasatch Front ozone NAA is expected to be reclassified to “serious” nonattainment of ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) in February 2025. A serious nonattainment classification will trigger new requirements for major stationary source. Specifically, the reclassification will lower the emissions threshold for Title V Major Source status and for Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis requirements to 50 tons per year. Atlas Molded Products will not be a major source of NOX emissions even after the expected reclassification. However, the facility is expected to become a major source of VOC emissions. Therefore, the purpose of the attached document is to present a RACT analysis for VOC emitting sources at the facility. If you should have any questions during your review of this information, please contact me at your convenience. Please reply to acknowledge receipt of the RACT Analysis. Sincerely, David C. Sykes, P.E. Principal Engineer Access Environmental Solutions, Inc. 1100 Augusta Drive, Suite 704 Oxford, MS 38655 Phone (662) 680-9927, ext 101 Direct (662) 368-1286 Fax (662) 680-9208 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Please notify the sender if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. 1/23/24, 11:24 AM State of Utah Mail - VOC RACT Analysis – Atlas Molded Products – Murray, UT -- DAQE-AN0104200008-07 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=539c285453&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1785748291657223493&simpl=msg-f:1785748291657223…2/2 AMP Murray UT RACT Analysis Report.pdf 3786K Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products Murray, Utah December 18, 2023 1100 Augusta Drive, Unit 704 Oxford, Mississippi 38655 Phone (662) 680-9927 Fax (662) 680-9208 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 UDEQ RACT Submittal Requirements .............................................................................. 1 2.0 VOC EMITTING UNITS AT THE FACILITY ............................................................................... 3 2.1 Emission Unit Descriptions .............................................................................................. 3 3.0 EMISSIONS SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 5 4.0 PROPOSED VOC RACT .......................................................................................................... 6 4.1 Review of RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse .................................................................... 6 4.2 EPS (Pre-Expander / Bead Aging / Block Mold) Process .................................................. 8 4.2.1 Control Technologies ............................................................................................... 8 4.2.2 Capture and Control Considerations ....................................................................... 8 4.3 Loose-Fill (Packaging) Process ............................................................................................... 8 4.3.1 Control Technologies ............................................................................................... 8 4.3.2 Capture and Control Scenario ................................................................................. 8 4.3.3 Technological Infeasibility ....................................................................................... 8 4.4 Recycled Foam Densification Process ................................................................................... 9 4.4.1 Control Technologies ............................................................................................... 9 4.4.2 Capture and Control Scenario ................................................................................. 9 4.4.3 Technological Infeasibility ....................................................................................... 9 5.0 PROPOSED RACT ................................................................................................................ 10 Attachment A: Boiler VOC Emissions Testing Results .................................................................. 11 Attachment B: Process Flow Diagram ........................................................................................... 30 Attachment C: RBLC Search Results .............................................................................................. 32 Attachment D: Emissions Calculations .......................................................................................... 39 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Atlas Molded Products, Murray, Utah, facility has been identified as having the potential to become a major stationary source located in Utah’s Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Area (NAA). The Northern Wasatch Front ozone NAA is expected to be reclassified to “serious” nonattainment of ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) in February 2025. A serious nonattainment classification will trigger new requirements for major stationary source. Specifically, the reclassification will lower the emissions threshold for Title V Major Source status and for Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis requirements to 50 tons per year. Atlas Molded Products will not be a major source of NOX emissions even after the expected reclassification. However, the facility is expected to become a major source of VOC emissions. Therefore, the purpose of this document is to present a RACT analysis for VOC emitting sources at the facility. 1.1 Background On August 3, 2018, EPA designated the Northern Wasatch Front as marginal nonattainment for the 2015 eight-hour ozone standard. The Northern Wasatch Front NAA includes all or part of Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, and Tooele counties. The Northern Wasatch Front was required to attain the ozone standard by August 3, 2021, for marginal classification. However, the Northern Wasatch Front NAA did not attain the ozone standard by the attainment date and was reclassified to moderate status on November 7, 2022. The Northern Wasatch Front NAA is now required to attain the ozone standard by August 3, 2024, for moderate classification based on data from 2021, 2022, and 2023. However, recent monitoring data indicates the Northern Wasatch Front NAA will not attain the standard and will be reclassified to serious status in February of 2025. This anticipated reclassification from moderate to serious status will trigger new control strategy requirements for major sources in the Northern Wasatch Front NAA. Specifically, the Ozone Implementation Rule in 83 FR 62998 requires the State Implementation Plan (SIP) to include RACT requirements for all major stationary sources in nonattainment areas classified as moderate or higher. The requirements for RACT in a serious ozone nonattainment area are found in Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 182(c). A major stationary source in a serious ozone nonattainment area is defined as any stationary source that emits or has the potential to emit 50 tons per year or more of NOX or VOC. Atlas Molded Products currently has the potential to emit greater than 50 tons per year. 1.2 UDEQ RACT Submittal Requirements The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) DAQ is requesting RACT analyses submittals from certain affected major sources located in ozone nonattainment areas by January 2, 2024. A RACT analysis requires implementation of the lowest emission limitation that an emission source is capable of meeting by the application of a control technology that is reasonably available, considering technological and economic feasibility. A RACT analysis must include the latest information when evaluating control Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 2 technologies. Control technologies evaluated for a RACT analysis can range from work practices to add-on controls. As part of the RACT analysis, current control technologies already in use for VOCs or NOx sources can be taken into consideration. To conduct a RACT analysis, a top-down analysis is used to rank all control technologies. The RACT analysis identifies each emission point listed, the control options evaluated for each specified pollutant, the proposed RACT in the form of RACT emission limit(s) and/or work practice(s), suggested monitoring and recordkeeping to demonstrate compliance with the proposed RACT requirement(s), and schedule(s) for implementing RACT. The RACT analysis also includes technical and economic supporting documentation for the identified RACT. Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 3 2.0 VOC EMITTING UNITS AT THE FACILITY The following emission points are identified in the current Air Approval Oder DAQE- AN0104200008-07: Table 1: Permitted Emission Points Emissions Source VOC Source Emissions Controls in Place Pre-Expander Yes Yes Bead Aging Bags Yes Yes Block Mold Yes Yes Recycled Product Densifier Yes No Two (2) Loose-Fill (Packaging) Expanders Yes No Loose-Fill (Packaging) Aging Bags Yes No Wire Cutters Yes No 2.1 Emission Unit Descriptions The EPS process begins with pentane-impregnated polystyrene beads as the raw material. These beads are heated with steam in a “pre-expander,” which softens the plastic while causing the pentane gas to expand the bead. This causes the beads to expand or “puff up.” Approximately 15-25 percent of the initial pentane content of the bead can be emitted during the pre-expansion process. After pre-expansion, the beads are pneumatically transferred to bead storage bag in the aging room, where they cool, stabilize, and reach the desired density for molding. The loose-fill operation consist of two expanders, one drum expander and one belt expander, which apply heat and steam to expand the beads. After each pass through an expander, the beads are pneumatically transferred to the loose-fill bead storage bags located in the same room for up to 24 hours. This time in the bead storage bags allows for bead stabilization. The beads pass through each expander twice a total of four passes. Since the loose-fill expanders and loose-fill bead storage are located within the same room, most of the pentane content is emitted within this room. VOC emissions from bead pre-expansion, bead aging and storage, and block molding are currently captured and controlled by combustion in a 12.5 MMBtu/hr natural gas-fired boiler. Emissions testing has shown a 99.91 percent VOC destruction efficiency. Table 2 summarizes the VOC emitting sources at the facility. Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 4 Table 2: Emission Unit Characteristics Emissions Source Capacity Raw Material Product Exhausts To Pre-Expander 5,500 lb/hr Raw EPS Beads Expanded EPS Beads Boiler Bead Aging Bags 3,000 lb/hr Expanded EPS Beads Expanded EPS Beads Boiler Block Mold 4,000 lb/hr Expanded EPS Beads EPS Foam Blocks Boiler Recycled Product Densifier Yes Scrap EPS Compressed Foam Bricks Plant Building Two (2) Loose-Fill (Packaging) Expanders Yes Raw EPS Beads Expanded EPS Beads Plant Building Loose-Fill (Packaging) Aging Bags Yes Expanded EPS Beads Expanded EPS Beads Plant Building Wire Cutters Yes EPS Foam Dimensioned EPS Foam Plant Building 12.5 MMBtu/hr Boiler 12,500 CF/hr Natural Gas/Pentane Steam / Emission Control Stack Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 5 3.0 EMISSIONS SUMMARY Potential VOC emissions are presented in Table 3 based on the facility-wide VOC limit of 64.6 tons per year. Actual emissions for the expander/aging/molding process are calculated based on the calendar year 2022 bead usage, an assumed 15 percent VOC retained in the finished products, and a combined capture and destruction efficiency of 79.37 percent (79.44% CE x 99.91% DE) from the most recent stack test in 2018. Recycled scrap densification emissions are based on testing conducted at Atlas Molded Products’ Byron Center, Michigan, facility. Loose-fill (packaging) expansion emissions are based on 15 percent retained in the finished product with no emissions controls. Table 3: Potential and Actual Emissions Emissions Source VOC Emissions Potential (tons/year) Actual (tons/year) Pre-Expander 58.361 28.06 Bead Aging Bags Block Mold Recycled Product Densifier 2.051 0.99 Two (2) Loose-Fill (Packaging) Expanders 4.181 2.01 Loose-Fill (Packaging) Aging Bags Wire Cutters <0.1 <0.1 12.5 MMBtu/hr Boiler 0.30 0.22 1 The facility-wide permit limit for VOC emissions from non-combustion sources is 64.6 tons/year. The individual sources do not have limits. Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 6 4.0 PROPOSED VOC RACT EPA defines RACT as “the lowest emission limitation that a particular source is capable of meeting by the particular source is capable of meeting by the application of control technology that is application of control technology that is reasonably available considering technological reasonably available considering technological and economic feasibility and economic feasibility” (44 FR 53762; September 17, 1979). It may require technology that has been applied to similar, but not necessarily identical, source categories. It is not intended that extensive research and development be conducted before a given control technology can be applied to the source. This does not preclude requiring a short-term evaluation program to permit the application of a given technology to a particular type of source. A discussion of the available emission controls, previous RACT determinations, and the proposed RACT control strategy for the facility follows. 4.1 Review of RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse In order to identify available control technologies, a search was conducted of the EPA RACT/BACT/LAER clearinghouse (RBLC) database VOC emission controls that would be applicable to EPS foam operations. The search identified multiple facilities that manufacture EPS foam. The results of the search can be found in Table 4. Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 7 Table 4: EPA RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) Database Search Results Company Name RBLC ID Permit Date Process Description RACT Determination Plymouth Foam *WI-0320 07/21/2022 Polystyrene foam products manufacturing Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) controlling pre-expanders, aging bins, and molds Cellofoam North America, Inc. IN-0284 04/19/2018 Expanded polystyrene products (EPS) Production limitations equaling 150 TPY VOC Genpak, LLC IN-0266 05/08/2017 One (1) polystyrene scrap repelletizer RTO at 98% destruction efficiency Polystyrene Foam Container FL-0360 12/20/2016 Polystyrene container manufacturing facility Boiler at 95% destruction efficiency Carpenter Company IN-0238 12/28/2015 Expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam manufacturing line RTO at 98% destruction efficiency Genpak, LLC IN-0219 07/06/2015 Three (3) polystyrene foam extrusion operations - butane only blowing agent RTO at 98% destruction efficiency Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 8 4.2 EPS (Pre-Expander / Bead Aging / Block Mold) Process 4.2.1 Control Technologies VOC emissions from each source identified in Table 4 were controlled by combustion—either a thermal oxidizer or a boiler. Atlas Molded Products currently utilizes a boiler with a destruction efficiency of 99.91 percent to control VOC emissions from the pre-expander, bead aging, and block mold and proposes the boiler as RACT for this process. 4.2.2 Capture and Control Considerations The capture efficiency for emissions from the pre-expander, bead aging, and block mold has been determined through testing to be 79.44 percent. The pre-expander emissions are routed to the total enclosure that houses the bead aging bags and can be considered to have near 100% capture. The block mold exhaust is routed to the enclosure as well but does have some fugitive emissions that cannot be captured, as the mold cannot be totally enclosed for safety reasons. A primary concern while designing total enclosures for EPS processes is the fire hazard. All aspects of the EPS pentane collection system must be designed with adequate ventilation in work areas, to protect workers from exposure to pentane, and air movement throughout the enclosure, to prevent the buildup of pentane to levels that are flammable or explosive. The lower explosive level of pentane is 1.5%. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines limit concentrations to below 25% of the LEL (NFPA 2015). 4.3 Loose-Fill (Packaging) Process 4.3.1 Control Technologies VOC emissions from each source identified in Table 4 were controlled by combustion—either a thermal oxidizer or a boiler. Combustion is the assumed technology of choice for controlling emissions from the loose-fill (packaging) process. 4.3.2 Capture and Control Scenario The loose-fill operation is contained in a large room approximately 75 feet x 50 feet x 25 feet tall and contains both the expanders and the storage silos. The loose-fill expanders are open vessels with large openings to allow for the transport of product. The beads are fed into the expanders by raising the storage silo bags above and conveying the material into the expanders. The storage silos are large bags approximately 16 feet x 20 feet x 15 feet. The most effective solution to capture pentane emissions from the loose-fill expander process would be to enclose the room and turn it into a PTE. Since the enclosure is so large, the exhaust does not need to go through a steam condenser and a dehumidifier. Due to the 10 room changes per hour minimum to support worker comfort required by the EPA Cost Control Manual (EPA 2002), the airflow from the loose- fill PTE must be at least 16,000 cfm. As the 12.5 MMBtu/hr boiler can only handle an airflow of about 2,400 cfm, the airflow from the loose-fill room is too large to be routed through the boiler. Therefore, the boiler is an infeasible pentane control device. 4.3.3 Technological Infeasibility As presented in Section 4.3.2, due to the large space that houses the loose-fill equipment and storage silos, the airflow from the loose-fill PTE will be too large to be handled by the 12.5 MMBtu/hr boiler proposed to be installed. Since the facility does not need steam from a larger Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 9 boiler, using the proposed boiler as a control device for the loose-fill expanders is considered technologically infeasible. 4.4 Recycled Foam Densification Process 4.4.1 Control Technologies VOC emissions from each source identified in Table 4 were controlled by combustion—either a thermal oxidizer or a boiler. Combustion is the assumed technology of choice for controlling emissions from the recycled foam densification process. 4.4.2 Capture and Control Scenario The recycled foam densification operation is contained in a large room approximately 70 feet x 60 feet x 25 feet tall and contains both the expanders and the storage silos. The recycled foam densification equipment consists of grinders and presses where the recycle is densified with large openings to allow for the transport of product. The most effective solution to capture pentane emissions from the recycled foam densification expander process would be to enclose the room and turn it into a PTE. Due to the 10 room changes per hour minimum to support worker comfort required by the EPA Cost Control Manual (EPA 2002), the airflow from the recycled foam densification PTE must be at least 18,750 cfm. As the 12.5 MMBtu/hr boiler can only handle an airflow of about 2,400 cfm, the airflow from the recycled foam densification room is too large to be routed through the boiler. Therefore, the boiler is an infeasible pentane control device. 4.4.3 Technological Infeasibility As presented in Section 4.4.2, due to the large space that houses the recycled foam densification equipment and storage silos, the airflow from the recycled foam densification PTE will be too large to be handled by the 12.5 MMBtu/hr boiler proposed to be installed. Since the facility does not need the steam from a larger boiler, using the proposed boiler as a control device for the recycled foam densification expanders is considered technologically infeasible. Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 10 5.0 PROPOSED RACT Atlas Molded Products proposes the following RACT options for the VOC emitting sources at the facility: EPS Process (Pre-Expander / Bead Aging / Block Molding)  VOC – Existing natural gas-fired boiler operating at 99.91 percent destruction efficiency Loose-Fill Expander  VOC – No Controls Recycled Foam Densification  VOC – No Controls The proposed RACT techniques are already in place and operating. They have been tested. Atlas Molded Products propose to continue the permit required recordkeeping of EPS bead usage and loose-fill and densified recycled foam production. Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 11 ATTACHMENT A: BOILER VOC EMISSIONS TESTING RESULTS EMISSIONS TEST REPORT Pentane Emission Control System Capture and Destruction Efficiency Testing Prepared for ACH Foam Technologies, Inc. Murray, Utah Performed on May 30 – June 1, 2018 Project # 18002 Soderberg Polytechnic Company, LLC 306 W. 7th St. #401 Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 221-9018 (888) 841-5857 (fax) 18002 ii PREFACE This report contains the results of testing that was performed at the ACH Foam Technologies facility in Murray, Utah, on May 30 – June 1, 2018. The data presented are believed to be accurate and complete. Questions concerning this report may be directed to Mr. Daniel Soderberg, Project Manager. This report was authored by Mr. Soderberg. Certified By: Daniel R. Soderberg Project Manager Soderberg Polytechnic Company, LLC July 16, 2018 18002 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.1 TEST SITE INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY.................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 PURPOSE OF TESTING .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.4 FACILITY CONTACT ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.5 TESTING COMPANY CONTACT ......................................................................................................... 1 1.6 SUMMARY OF TESTING PERFORMED ............................................................................................. 1 1.7 TESTING PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................................ 2 1.8 REGULATORY REPRESENTATIVES ..................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 2 - PROCESS DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... 3 2.1 EPS PRODUCTION PROCESS .............................................................................................................. 3 2.2 EQUPIMPENT DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................................ 3 Pre-Expander ............................................................................................................................. 3 Block Mold ................................................................................................................................. 3 2.3 CONTROL OF VOC EMISSIONS ......................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 3 - TEST PROTOCOL ................................................................................................. 6 3.1 OVERALL CONTROL EFFICIENCY ...................................................................................................... 6 3.2 CAPTURE EFFICIENCY METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................... 6 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE DURING TESTING ................................................................ 6 Determination of Total Pentane in Raw Material ........................................................ 7 Determination of Residual Pentane in Finished Product ......................................... 8 Calculation of Total Collectable Pentane ....................................................................... 8 Determination of Captured Pentane ................................................................................ 8 Calculation of Capture Efficiency ....................................................................................... 9 3.3 CONTROL EFFICIENCY METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 9 Boiler VOC Emission Rate ..................................................................................................... 9 Boiler Inlet VOC input rate ................................................................................................... 9 Calculation of Destruction Efficiency ............................................................................... 9 3.4 TOTAL EMISSIONS FROM THE PROCESS DURING THE TEST PERIOD ............................ 10 SECTION 4 - SUMMARY OF RESULTS ................................................................................... 11 4.1 DESTRUCTION EFFICIENCY .............................................................................................................. 11 4.2 CAPTURE EFFICIENCY ......................................................................................................................... 12 4.3 POTENTIAL ERRORS IN TESTING ................................................................................................... 12 18002 iv 4.4 PENTANE CONTENT ANALYSIS RESULTS ................................................................................... 13 4.5 RAW DATA FILES .................................................................................................................................. 13 4.6 GRAPHS OF INLET FLOW AND CONCENTRATION ................................................................. 13 SECTION 5 - SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES ................................................ 16 5.1 SAMPLING LOCATIONS..................................................................................................................... 16 Boiler Inlet ............................................................................................................................... 16 Boiler Outlet ........................................................................................................................... 16 5.2 DETERMINATION OF CAPTURED PENTANE .............................................................................. 16 Sampling System .................................................................................................................. 16 Analysis Instrumentation ................................................................................................... 16 Quantifications ...................................................................................................................... 16 Calibration Checks ............................................................................................................... 17 Stratification Check .............................................................................................................. 17 Boiler Inlet Flow Rate .......................................................................................................... 17 5.3 DESTRUCTION EFFICIENCY TEST METHODOLOGY................................................................. 19 Traverse Point Layouts ....................................................................................................... 19 Cyclonic Flow Check ............................................................................................................ 19 Stratification Check .............................................................................................................. 19 Response Time ...................................................................................................................... 19 Boiler Outlet Flow Rate ...................................................................................................... 19 Molecular Weight ................................................................................................................. 19 Moisture Content ................................................................................................................. 20 VOC Emissions (Total Hydrocarbons) ........................................................................... 20 5.4 RAW EPS SAMPLING .......................................................................................................................... 20 5.5 MOLDED BLOCK SAMPLING ........................................................................................................... 20 5.6 MOLDED SHAPE SAMPLING ............................................................................................................ 21 5.7 DETERMINATION OF PENTANES IN EXPANDABLE STYRENE POLYMERS ..................... 21 5.8 DATA LOGGING .................................................................................................................................... 21 5.9 DEVIATIONS FROM ANALYTICAL METHODS ............................................................................ 21 SECTION 6 - QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ...................................................................... 23 6.1 METHOD 320 (PENTANES BY FTIR) ............................................................................................... 23 Zero Checks ............................................................................................................................ 23 Calibration Transfer Standard .......................................................................................... 23 Dynamic Spiking ................................................................................................................... 23 6.2 METHOD 3A (OXYGEN/CARBON DIOXIDE) ............................................................................... 23 6.3 METHOD 25A (TOTAL HYDROCARBONS) .................................................................................. 23 18002 v 6.4 METHOD 2 (BOILER OUTLET FLOW RATE) ................................................................................. 23 6.5 METHOD ALT-012 (INLET FLOW RATE) ....................................................................................... 23 6.6 METHOD 4 .............................................................................................................................................. 24 6.7 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATIONS............................................................................................................ 24 Pitot Calibrations .................................................................................................................. 24 Thermocouple & Meter Calibrations ............................................................................ 24 Barometer Calibrations ...................................................................................................... 24 Dry Gas Meter Calibrations ............................................................................................... 24 6.8 CEM INTERFERENCE CHECK DATA ............................................................................................... 24 6.9 METHOD 306-91 PENTANE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................ 24 Duplicate Injections ............................................................................................................. 24 Calibration Drift ..................................................................................................................... 24 Screening Samples ............................................................................................................... 24 Duplicate Analysis ................................................................................................................ 24 Matrix Spike ............................................................................................................................ 25 Balance Calibration .............................................................................................................. 25 18002 vi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A – Detailed Results and Calculations Boiler Inlet Calculations (Captured Pentane) Method 320 QC Boiler Outlet Flow and Moisture Boiler Outlet VOCs, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Pentane Mass Calculations APPENDIX B – Calculation Equations APPENDIX C – EPS Pentane Analysis Sample Preparation Instrument Calibration & QC Analysis Results Chromatograms APPENDIX D – Production Data Plant Production Records Raw Bead Certificates of Analysis APPENDIX E – Field Data Sheets Boiler Outlet Flow and Moisture Raw Bead and Finished Product Sampling Project Notes APPENDIX F – Equipment Calibrations Pre-Test Calibrations Post-Test Calibrations APPENDIX G – Calibration Gas Certificates APPENDIX H – CEM Interference Test Data APPENDIX I – Boiler Outlet Raw Instrument Data 18002 1 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 TEST SITE INFORMATIO N Testing was performed at the ACH Foam Technologies, Inc. facility located at 111 W Fireclay Avenue, Murray, UT 84107. The latitude/longitude of the facility are 40.677156/-111.894906. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF FACIL ITY This facility produces expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam blocks, which are cut into various final products. EPS is produced by the expansion of polystyrene “raw beads” that contains a blowing agent, typically composed of one or more isomers of pentane at a concentration of 3.5% to 7% by weight. A portion of the blowing agent is emitted during the manufacturing process. ACH uses a Pentane Emission Control Systems (PECS) to capture and destroy these volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. 1.3 PURPOSE OF TESTING Testing is being conducted to measure the capture efficiency (CE) and destruction efficiency (DE) of the PECS in order to quantify the VOC emissions from the process after new control technology was installed. 1.4 FACILITY CONTACT The contact person for ACH is: Brian Curran Corporate Director EHS Office: (920) 924-4050 bcurran@achfoam.com 1.5 TESTING COMPANY CONT ACT The contact person for Soderberg Polytechnic Company is: Daniel Soderberg Project Manager Office: (816) 221-9018 ds@danielsoderberg.net 1.6 SUMM ARY OF TESTING PERFO RMED Testing was performed to determine the collection efficiency of the Pentane Emission Control System (PECS) and the destruction efficiency of a gas-fired boiler that was used as a pentane destruction device. Collection efficiency testing was performed by measuring the total mass of pentane fed to the boiler during a complete production cycle, and comparing this value to the total amount of pentane emitted during production. Collection efficiency testing covered a period of about 57 hours. 18002 2 Destruction efficiency testing was performed by the concurrent measurement of the VOC mass emission rates at the inlet and outlet of the boiler. Three 60-minute runs were performed. 1.7 TESTING PERSONNEL Testing was performed by Mr. Daniel Soderberg, QSTI, Project Manager, and Mr. William Robinson, Environmental Technician. 1.8 REGULATORY REPRESENT ATIVES No regulatory representative was present during the testing. 18002 3 SECTION 2 - PROCESS DESCRIPTION 2.1 EPS PRODUCTION PROCE SS EPS is produced in a multi-step process. During the first phase the raw polystyrene beads are partially expanded using steam in a pre-expander. The beads are then dried in a fluidized bed drier. After pre-expansion, the “pre-puff” beads are transferred to bags in the bead storage room where they are kept at elevated temperature for approximately 12 - 24 hours to allow excess blowing agent to diffuse from the beads. In the final step, the aged beads are transferred to a mold, where they are subjected to steam and vacuum cycles until they fuse into a solid block or shaped part. 2.2 EQUPIMPENT DESCRIPTI ONS The following equipment is used in the EPS manufacturing process. Pre -Expander The pre-expander is a Hirsch Pre-Ex 12000 batch expander with fluid bed dryer, serial number D 22 PD, manufactured in 2000. It is rated for a production rate of 6,000 pounds per hour at a density of 1.5 lb/ft3. Block Mold The block mold is a Kurtz Vacuum Mold, serial number BF000376. It was manufactured in 2007. The maximum cavity size is 4’ x 4’ x 24’. It is rated for a nominal maximum capacity of 15-20 block per hour, based on a density of 0.90 pounds per cubic foot. 2.3 CONTROL OF VOC EMISS IONS The PECS is a closed-loop system that collects pentane emissions from several points in the process:  Block pre-expander/dryer exhaust  Block mold vacuum pump exhaust  Block mold conveyor air return  Bead storage room The captured emissions from the block mold and pre-expander are passed through a condenser and dryer to remove moisture from the steam. The dried air is then fed into the bead storage room. A portion of the air in the bead storage room is continuously removed and combusted in the boiler that provides steam to the manufacturing process in addition to serving as an emission control unit (ECU). Fresh make-up air is drawn into the bead storage room through vents in the wall. Air from the bead storage room is also extracted for use by the pneumatic conveyance system that transports the pre-puff material. This air is returned to the bead storage room. 18002 4 The specification for the boiler are: Manufacturer Hurst Description HP 4-Pass Wetback with Preferred Instruments O2 Trim System. Capacity 300 HP Model # S1500-150-120 Serial # 0750501 Year Built 2007 Burner IC Model DG-145P (Serial#50148-1) Firing Rate (1000 BTU/CF) = 12,600,000 BTU/HR Steam 10,350 lb/hr Combustion Air 2,373 SCFM @ 100% Fire Rate, 396 SCFM @ Minimum Fire Rate A diagram of the process is shown in Figure 2-1. 300 HP BOILER STEAM KNOCKOUT PRE- EXPANDER EPS RAW BEADS FP1 RM1 TG AGING BAG BLOCK MOLD AGING BAG AGING BAG AGING BAG BEAD STORAGE ROOM RM RAW MATERIAL SAMPLING POINT FP FINISHED PRODUCT SAMPLING POINT VOC VOC SAMPLING POINT TG TRACER GAS INJECTION POINT AIR STREAM EPS CONVEYOR CONVEYOR AIR RETURN MAKE-UP AIR Figure 2-1 Process Diagram 5 18002 6 SECTION 3 - TEST PROTOCOL 3.1 OVERALL CONTROL EFFI CIENCY The overall control efficiency (OCE) was determined by multiplying the capture efficiency (CE) of the PECS and the destruction efficiency (DE) of the captured pentane in the boiler. The DE and CE were determined according to the following procedures: 3.2 CAPTU RE EFFICIENCY METHOD OLOGY The capture efficiency of the PECS was determined by comparing the mass of pentane captured and fed to the boiler with the total amount of collectable pentane emissions from the manufacturing process. Collectable pentane emissions were determined by the difference between the total mass of pentane in the raw expandable polystyrene (EPS) material and the residual pentane in the molded blocks and shape parts. Because of the batch nature of the process, emissions at any point in time cannot be considered representative of steady-state conditions. Therefore, it was necessary for the emission test to cover an entire production cycle. Because of the extended time required to “age” the pre-puff EPS before molding, the test covered a period of approximately 57 hours. During the testing 63,915 pounds of raw EPS material was processed for block molding and about 4,406 pounds of raw EPS was processed for pre-puff. At the beginning of the test, the pre-puff aging bags were empty and the emissions from the PECS were near zero. During the first test day, several batches of raw EPS were pre-expanded to fill the aging bags. On the second day, molding operations started and additional raw EPS was expanded. On the third day, the remaining pre-puff was molded, but no new raw EPS was pre-expanded. One lot of pre-puff material was sold as finished product, and was not molded into blocks. When all the pre-puff from the aging bags had been molded the emissions from the PECS dropped back to near zero, at which point the capture efficiency test was concluded. P roduction Schedule During Testing The following is a summary of the production during the test period. May 30, 2018 (expansion only): Pre-Expansion 4,406 lbs Flint Hills 5654, 0.70 Density (6.2 - 7.0% Pentane) 22,030 lbs Flint Hills 5654, 0.90 Density (6.2 - 7.0% Pentane) Block Molding None 18002 7 May 31, 2018 (mold materials from day 1 and expansion for day 3): Pre-Expansion 11,015 lbs Flint Hills S5454, 1.15 Density (4.5 – 5.1% Pentane) 15,435 lbs NOVA 3M77BG 1.80A Density (~4% Pentane) 15,435 lbs NOVA M77BG 1.80A Density (~4% Pentane) (second lot #) Block Molding 22,030 lbs Flint Hills 5654, 0.90 Density Pre-Puff 4,406 lbs Flint Hills 5654, 0.70 Density was final product as pre-puff beads, and was not molded into blocks. June 1, 2018 (complete molding of expanded material) Block Expansion None Block Molding 11,015 lbs Flint Hills S5454, 1.15 Density 15,435 lbs NOVA 3M77BG 1.80A Density 15,435 lbs NOVA M77BG 1.80A Density (second lot #) Determination of Total Pentane in Raw Material Samples from each lot of EPS resin used in the test were taken prior to the pre-expansion phase (Test Point RM1). These samples were placed into crimp-sealed vials to be analyzed later for their pentane content. The total amount of pentane in the raw material used was calculated as follows: MPTotal Total mass of pentane in raw material (lb) MRi Mass of raw material used from lot i (lb) IPi Initial pentane fraction in raw material lot i (% by weight) The amount of EPS processed into molded blocks was assumed to be the same as the amount of raw material processed, adjusted for the difference in pentane content between the raw material and finished product.    n i i iTotal IPMRMP 1 100 18002 8 Determination of Residual Pentane in Finished Product Samples from the EPS molded blocks produced during the test (Test Point FP1) were taken immediately after the blocks came out of the mold. These samples were placed into crimp-sealed vials to be analyzed later for their pentane content. The following equation was used to determine total residual pentane in the finished blocks and shapes: MPResidual Total mass of residual pentane in finished product (lb) MRi Mass of raw material used from lot i (lb) IPi Initial pentane fraction in raw material lot i (% by weight) RPi Residual pentane fraction in finished product lot i (% by weight) Calculation of Total Collectable Pentane The total collectable pentane for the test period was calculated as follows: MPCollectable = MPTotal - MPResidual MPCollectable Total mass of collectable pentane (lb) MPTotal Total mass of pentane in raw material (lb) MPResidual Total mass of residual pentane in finished product (lb) Determination of Captured Pentane During the entire test period the pentane concentration in the boiler feed (Test Point VOC 1) was measured as described in Section 4. The flow rate was also continuously monitored. The mass emission rate of pentane in the boiler air feed was calculated at 30-second intervals. The total mass of pentane captured during the test period was calculated as follows: MPCaptured Total mass of pentane captured by control system (lb) CPi Pentane concentration in boiler air feed for integration period i (lb/scf) Fi Flow rate of air feed to boiler for integration period i (scfm) Ti Duration of integration period i (minutes)       n i i i i iResidual RPRP IP MRMP 1 1001 1001 i n i iiCaptured TFCPMP 1    18002 9 Calculation of Capture Efficiency The following equation was used to calculate the capture efficiency: 100 eCollectabl Captured MP MPCE CE: Capture efficiency (%) MPCaptured Total mass of pentane captured by control system (lb) MPCollectable Total mass of collectable pentane (lb) 3.3 CONTROL EFFICIENCY METHODOLO GY The collected pentane emissions were fed to the boiler and destroyed by incineration. The destruction efficiency of the boiler was determined by comparing the amount of pentane at the boiler inlet (Test Point VOC1) and in the boiler’s emission stream (Test Point VOC2). Three one-hour runs were performed on the second day of testing, when pentane emissions were expected to be highest. Boiler VOC Emission Rate The total gaseous organic carbon (TGOC) concentration and flow rate from the boiler stack was measured to calculate the mass emission rate, as follows: MPStack Total mass of pentane emitted from boiler stack (lb) CPStack Concentration of pentane in boiler stack exhaust (lb/dscf) FStack Flow rate from boiler stack (dscfm) Boiler Inlet VOC input rate The mass of pentane fed to the boiler during the DE test was determined from the data collected for the capture efficiency testing. The boiler input VOC data for each run can be found in Appendix A. Calculation of Destruction Efficiency The destruction efficiency was calculated as follows: StackStackStackFCPMP 18002 10 DE Boiler destruction efficiency (%) MPCaptured Total mass of pentane captured by control system during DE run (lb) MPStack Total mass of pentane emitted from boiler stack during DE run (lb) 3.4 TOTAL EMISSIONS FROM THE P ROCESS DURING THE TEST PERIOD The total amount of pentane emitted from the process during the test period was calculated as follows: =−× 100 × 100 MPEmitted Total mass of pentane emitted during test period (lb) MPCollectable Total mass of collectable pentane (lb) DE Boiler destruction efficiency (%) CE Capture efficiency (%) 100 Captured StackCaptured MP - MPMPDE 18002 11 SECTION 4 - SUMMARY OF RESULTS 4.1 DESTRUCTION EFFICIEN CY Three 60-minute test runs were performed to measure the VOC mass rates at the inlet and outlet of Boiler #2 in order to calculate the destruction efficiency. The boiler outlet emissions for are summarized in Table 4-1. Detailed run reports can be found in Appendix A. Table 4-1 Boiler #2 Outlet VOC Emissions Parameter Unit Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Run Time on 05/31/18 start 16:25 17:55 19:30 end 17:28 18:59 20:35 Moisture % 14.31 14.32 14.43 14.35 Oxygen % 6.96 6.90 6.88 6.91 Carbon Dioxide % 8.44 8.49 8.52 8.48 Stack Temp °F 358 357 358 357 Stack Velocity ft/min 1,278 1,251 1,245 1,258 Flow Rate acfm 2,858 2,798 2,785 2,814 scfm 1,560 1,530 1,521 1,537 dscfm 1,337 1,311 1,301 1,316 Total VOCs (as pentane) ppmV Wet 2.93 2.42 1.84 2.40 ppmV Dry 3.42 2.82 2.16 2.80 Mass Emission Rate lb/hr 0.0514 0.0415 0.0315 0.0415 The mass rate of pentane fed to the boiler during each test run was taken from the data collected for capture efficiency testing. The pentane input rate and destruction efficiency results are summarized in Table 4-2. 18002 12 Table 4-2 Destruction Efficiency Parameter Unit Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Run Time on 05/31/18 start 16:25 17:55 19:30 end 17:28 18:59 20:35 Outlet VOCs (as pentane) ppmV wet 2.93 2.42 1.84 2.40 lb/hr 0.0514 0.0415 0.0315 0.0415 Inlet VOCs (as pentane) ppmV wet 2,455 3,306 3,773 3,178 lb/hr 38.22 49.99 57.02 48.41 Destruction Efficiency % 99.87 99.92 99.94 99.91 4.2 CAPTURE EFFICIENCY Measurement of captured VOCs at the boiler inlet was conducted form 10:00 on 05/30/2018 until 18:17 on 06/01/2018. The capture efficiency results are summarized in Table 4-3. Detailed calculations can be found in the appendices of this report. Table 4-3 Capture Efficiency Parameter Unit Result Total raw EPS expanded lb 68,321 Total pentane in raw EPS lb 3,681 Total residual pentane lb 1,569.2 Total collectable pentane lb 2,111.8 Total collected pentane lb 1,677.6 Capture efficiency % 79.44 Destruction efficiency % 99.91 Overall control efficiency % 79.37 4.3 POTENTIAL ERRORS IN TESTING The boiler outlet VOC emissions were not corrected for methane content. The measured VOC emissions are likely primarily methane from the fuel gas, and not pentane. The actual 18002 13 destruction efficiency is likely slightly higher than reported. Since the measured DE was above 99.9%, this bias would be statistically insignificant. There were no other factors that may have introduced errors in the test results. 4.4 PENTANE CONTENT ANAL YSIS RESULTS Details of the raw bead and finished product pentane analysis can be found in Appendix C. The analyses of all raw bead samples were in close agreement with the pentane content provided on the manufacturers’ certificates of analysis. The manufacturers’ certificates can be found in Appendix D. 4.5 RAW DATA FILES Complete calculation spreadsheets and raw data files can be found on the DVD-ROM included with this report. 4.6 GRAPHS OF INLET FLOW AND CONCENTRATION A graph of the pentane concentration over the test period is shown in Figure 4-1. Data from the plant’s LEL monitor is presented for comparison. A graph of the flow rate data and plant flow data is shown in Figure 4-2. Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 30 ATTACHMENT B: PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM 300 HP BOILER STEAM KNOCKOUT PRE- EXPANDER EPS RAW BEADS FP1 RM1 TG AGING BAG BLOCK MOLD AGING BAG AGING BAG AGING BAG BEAD STORAGE ROOM RM RAW MATERIAL SAMPLING POINT FP FINISHED PRODUCT SAMPLING POINT VOC VOC SAMPLING POINT TG TRACER GAS INJECTION POINT AIR STREAM EPS CONVEYOR CONVEYOR AIR RETURN MAKE-UP AIR Figure 2-1 Process Diagram 5 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 32 ATTACHMENT C: RBLC SEARCH RESULTS Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah December 18, 2023 Page 39 ATTACHMENT D: EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS Date - Year Date - Month Bead Usage (lbs) Bead Pentane Content (%) VOC Throughput (tons) VOC Emitted (15% Retained in Final Product) VOC Capture & Destruction Efficiency (%) VOC Emissions (tons) Monthly Production (%) 2022 January 452,295 5.28 11.89 10.11 79.37 2.08 7.18 2022 February 572,859 4.64 13.23 11.25 79.37 2.32 9.10 2022 March 699,415 5.16 17.80 15.13 79.37 3.12 11.11 2022 April 495,965 5.08 12.44 10.58 79.37 2.18 7.88 2022 May 590,391 5.32 15.65 13.30 79.37 2.74 9.37 2022 June 572,727 5.31 15.17 12.89 79.37 2.66 9.09 2022 July 509,954 5.26 13.34 11.34 79.37 2.34 8.10 2022 August 502,615 5.42 13.51 11.49 79.37 2.37 7.98 2022 September 607,087 4.98 14.97 12.72 79.37 2.62 9.64 2022 October 457,123 4.93 11.23 9.55 79.37 1.97 7.26 2022 November 494,493 4.70 11.72 9.96 79.37 2.05 7.85 2022 December 342,659 5.25 9.06 7.70 79.37 1.59 5.44 Total 6,297,583 5.11 160.01 136.01 28.06 100.00 Atlas Molded Products RY2022 Air Emissions (EPS Process) Murray Utah Date - Year Date - Month Bead Usage (lbs) Bead Pentane Content (%) VOC Throughput (tons) VOC Emitted (15% Retained in Final Product) VOC Capture & Destruction Efficiency (%) VOC Emissions (tons) Monthly Production (%) 2022 January 12,551 5.11 0.32 0.27 0.00 0.27 13.58 2022 February 9,417 5.11 0.24 0.20 0.00 0.20 10.19 2022 March 14,348 5.11 0.37 0.31 0.00 0.31 15.53 2022 April 8,723 5.11 0.22 0.19 0.00 0.19 9.44 2022 May 6,811 5.11 0.17 0.15 0.00 0.15 7.37 2022 June 3,852 5.11 0.10 0.08 0.00 0.08 4.17 2022 July 5,496 5.11 0.14 0.12 0.00 0.12 5.95 2022 August 4,852 5.11 0.12 0.11 0.00 0.11 5.25 2022 September 8,860 5.11 0.23 0.19 0.00 0.19 9.59 2022 October 3,482 5.11 0.09 0.08 0.00 0.08 3.77 2022 November 6,859 5.11 0.18 0.15 0.00 0.15 7.42 2022 December 7,146 5.11 0.18 0.16 0.00 0.16 7.73 Total 92,397 5.11 2.36 2.01 2.01 100.00 Atlas Molded Products RY2022 Air Emissions (Loose-Fill Expansion) Murray Utah Date - Year Date - Month Bead Usage (lbs) Initial Bead Pentane Content (%) Bead Pentane Content at Densification (15% of initial) Post Densification Pentane Content (%) Pentane Loss (%) VOC Emissions (lbs) VOC Emissions (tons) VOC Capture & Destruction Efficiency (%) VOC Emissions (tons) Monthly Production (%) 2022 January 35,109 5.28 0.79 0.36 0.43 151.62 0.08 0.00 0.08 7.18 2022 February 44,467 4.64 0.70 0.36 0.34 149.68 0.07 0.00 0.07 9.10 2022 March 54,291 5.16 0.77 0.36 0.41 224.92 0.11 0.00 0.11 11.11 2022 April 38,498 5.08 0.76 0.36 0.40 154.75 0.08 0.00 0.08 7.88 2022 May 45,828 5.32 0.80 0.36 0.44 200.84 0.10 0.00 0.10 9.37 2022 June 44,457 5.31 0.80 0.36 0.44 193.84 0.10 0.00 0.10 9.09 2022 July 39,584 5.26 0.79 0.36 0.43 169.56 0.08 0.00 0.08 8.10 2022 August 39,015 5.42 0.81 0.36 0.45 176.72 0.09 0.00 0.09 7.98 2022 September 47,124 4.98 0.75 0.36 0.39 182.55 0.09 0.00 0.09 9.64 2022 October 35,483 4.93 0.74 0.36 0.38 134.72 0.07 0.00 0.07 7.26 2022 November 38,384 4.70 0.71 0.36 0.35 132.57 0.07 0.00 0.07 7.85 2022 December 26,598 5.25 0.79 0.36 0.43 113.53 0.06 0.00 0.06 5.44 Total 488,838 5.11 0.77 0.36 0.41 1,985.31 0.99 0.99 100.00 Atlas Molded Products RY2022 Air Emissions (Recycled Product Densification) Murray Utah