HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-008064Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products Murray, Utah 1100 Augusta Drive, Unit 704 Oxford, Mississippi 38655 Phone (662) 680-9927 Fax (662) 680-9208 NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background .................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 UDEQ RACT Submittal Requirements ............................................................................ 1 2.0 NOX EMITTING UNITS AT THE FACILITY ............................................................................. 2 2.1 Emission Unit Descriptions ............................................................................................ 2 3.0 EMISSIONS SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 4 4.0 PROPOSED NOX RACT ........................................................................................................ 4 4.1 Review of RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse................................................................... 4 4.2 12.5 MMBtu/hr Natural Gas Boiler / Pentane Emissions Control System (PECS) ....... 30 4.2.1 Control Technologies ............................................................................................... 30 4.3 160 HP Fire Pump Engine .................................................................................................... 30 4.3.1 Control Technologies ............................................................................................... 30 5.0 PROPOSED RACT ............................................................................................................... 31 Attachment A: Process Flow Diagram .......................................................................................... 32 Attachment B: RBLC Search Results .............................................................................................. 32 Attachment C: Emissions Calculations .......................................................................................... 39 NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Atlas Molded Products, Murray, Utah, facility has been identified as having the potential to become a major stationary source located in Utah’s Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Area (NAA). The Northern Wasatch Front ozone NAA is expected to be reclassified to “serious” nonattainment of ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) in February 2025. A serious nonattainment classification will trigger new requirements for major stationary source. Specifically, the reclassification will lower the emissions threshold for Title V Major Source status and for Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) and Volatile Organic Compound (NOX) Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis requirements to 50 tons per year. Atlas Molded Products will not be a major source of NOX emissions even after the expected reclassification. However, a NOX RACT analysis has been requested by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ). Therefore, the purpose of this document is to present a RACT analysis for NOX emitting sources at the facility. 1.1 Background On August 3, 2018, EPA designated the Northern Wasatch Front as marginal nonattainment for the 2015 eight-hour ozone standard. The Northern Wasatch Front NAA includes all or part of Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, and Tooele counties. The Northern Wasatch Front was required to attain the ozone standard by August 3, 2021, for marginal classification. However, the Northern Wasatch Front NAA did not attain the ozone standard by the attainment date and was reclassified to moderate status on November 7, 2022. The Northern Wasatch Front NAA is now required to attain the ozone standard by August 3, 2024, for moderate classification based on data from 2021, 2022, and 2023. However, recent monitoring data indicates the Northern Wasatch Front NAA will not attain the standard and will be reclassified to serious status in February of 2025. This anticipated reclassification from moderate to serious status will trigger new control strategy requirements for major sources in the Northern Wasatch Front NAA. Specifically, the Ozone Implementation Rule in 83 FR 62998 requires the State Implementation Plan (SIP) to include RACT requirements for all major stationary sources in nonattainment areas classified as moderate or higher. The requirements for RACT in a serious ozone nonattainment area are found in Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 182(c). A major stationary source in a serious ozone nonattainment area is defined as any stationary source that emits or has the potential to emit 50 tons per year or more of NOX or NOX. Atlas Molded Products currently has the potential to emit greater than 50 tons per year of VOC but not NOX. 1.2 UDEQ RACT Submittal Requirements A RACT analysis requires implementation of the lowest emission limitation that an emission source is capable of meeting by the application of a control technology that is reasonably available, considering technological and economic feasibility. A RACT analysis must include the latest information when evaluating control technologies. Control technologies evaluated for a RACT analysis can range from work practices to add-on NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 controls. As part of the RACT analysis, current control technologies already in use for NOXs or NOx sources can be taken into consideration. To conduct a RACT analysis, a top-down analysis is used to rank all control technologies. The RACT analysis identifies each emission point listed, the control options evaluated for each specified pollutant, the proposed RACT in the form of RACT emission limit(s) and/or work practice(s), suggested monitoring and recordkeeping to demonstrate compliance with the proposed RACT requirement(s), and schedule(s) for implementing RACT. The RACT analysis also includes technical and economic supporting documentation for the identified RACT. 2.0 NOX EMITTING UNITS AT THE FACILITY The following NOX emission unites are identified in the current Air Approval Oder DAQE- AN0104200008-07: Table 1: Permitted Emission Points Emissions Source NOX Source Emissions Controls in Place Boiler Yes No Fire Pump Engine Yes No 2.1 Emission Unit Descriptions The EPS process begins with pentane-impregnated polystyrene beads as the raw material. These beads are heated with steam in a “pre-expander,” which softens the plastic while causing the pentane gas to expand the bead. This causes the beads to expand or “puff up.” After pre-expansion, the beads are pneumatically transferred to bead storage bag in the aging room, where they cool, stabilize, and reach the desired density for molding. Molds are then filled with the conditioned beads and steam is applied to create the foam block. Steam is supplied by a 12.5 MMBtu/hr natural gas-fired boiler which also serves to combust pentane (VOC) emissions from the foam process. A 160 HP diesel-fired emergency fire pump engine is located at the facility to pump water for firefighting if needed. The engine is tested for approximately 30 minutes each month. Beyond that, the pump will only operate in the event of a fire. Table 2 summarizes the NOX emitting sources at the facility. NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 3 Table 2: Emission Unit Characteristics Emissions Source Capacity Raw Material Product Exhausts To 12.5 MMBtu/hr Boiler 12,500 CF/hr Natural Gas/Pentane Steam / Emission Control Stack Fire Pump Engine 160 HP Diesel Fire Pump Pressure Stack NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 4 3.0 EMISSIONS SUMMARY Potential NOX emissions are presented in Table 3 based on potential fuel usage and calculated using emission factors published in USEPA document AP-42. Actual emissions are calculated based on the calendar year 2023 fuel usage Table 3: Potential and Actual Emissions Emissions Source NOX Emissions Potential (tons/year) 2023 Actual (tons/year) 12.5 MMBtu/hr Boiler 5.315 1.250 Fire Pump Engine 21.725 0.014 4.0 PROPOSED NOX RACT EPA defines RACT as “the lowest emission limitation that a particular source is capable of meeting by the particular source is capable of meeting by the application of control technology that is application of control technology that is reasonably available considering technological reasonably available considering technological and economic feasibility and economic feasibility” (44 FR 53762; September 17, 1979). It may require technology that has been applied to similar, but not necessarily identical, source categories. It is not intended that extensive research and development be conducted before a given control technology can be applied to the source. This does not preclude requiring a short-term evaluation program to permit the application of a given technology to a particular type of source. A discussion of the available emission controls, previous RACT determinations, and the proposed RACT control strategy for the facility follows. 4.1 Review of RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse In order to identify available control technologies, a search was conducted of the EPA RACT/BACT/LAER clearinghouse (RBLC) database to find NOX emission controls that would be applicable to fuel burning operations. Many NOX RBL determinations were found with varying methodologies. These are summarized in Table 4. NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 5 Table 4: EPA RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) Database Search Results Pollutant Source Fuel RACT Determination NOX Boiler / Heaters / Engines Natural Gas / Diesel Run Time Limitation – Limit operating hours to minimize annual emissions. Combustion Optimization – Control excess oxygen, flame temperature, and residence time to minimize emissions. Low NOX Burner Technology – Install advanced burner technology to reduce emissions Selective Catalytic Reduction – Install add-on emissions control to capture and eliminate emissions. NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 30 4.2 12.5 MMBtu/hr Natural Gas Boiler / Pentane Emissions Control System (PECS) 4.2.1 Control Technologies Each of the control methods identified in Table 4 would be technically feasible. However, limiting run time would not be feasible from an operational standpoint. The facility needs access to steam to continue to operate. Replacing the boiler with one equipped with Low NOX Burner technology or applying add-on emissions controls in the form of an SCR would be technically feasible but, given the current level of emissions and the expected reduction, these technologies would not be cost effective. Table 5 shows the calculated annual cost of a replacement LNB boiler. Assuming a 50% reduction in NOX emissions, the resulting annualized cost of $43,981 would yield a cost per ton of NOX reduction in excess of $40,000/ton based on actual emissions and $20,000 per ton based on potential emissions. The facility currently uses electronic sensors and controls to maintain an optimum combustion chemistry and ensure complete combustion and, thus, minimize NOX emissions. Further, the combustion rate in the boiler is automatically adjusted to compensate for times when there is a lower steam demand. Continued efficient operation of the boiler is the proposed RACT for this source. NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 30 Table 5: Replacement Boiler with Low NOX Burner Total Annual Cost (TAC) Direct Costs (DC)Natural Gas Required, scfm QG 194 Purchased Equipment Cost (PEC)Direct Operating Costs Boiler (2003 Dollars)A $80,000 Operating Labor (OL)0.5 h/shift $0 Instrumentation 0.10 A $8,000 Supervisory Labor (SL)15 % OL $0 Sales Tax 0.03 A $2,400 Maintenance Labor (ML)0.5 h/shift $0 Freight 0.05 A $4,000 Maintenance, Materials (M)100 % ML $0 Purchased Equipment Cost (PEC)1.18 A = B $94,400 Natural Gas $3.30/MCF $0 Foundation and Supports 0.08 B $7,552 Total Direct Operating Costs $0 Handling and Erection 0.14 B $13,216 Indirect Operating Costs Electrical 0.04 B $3,776 Overhead 60 % of L&M $0 Piping 0.02 B $1,888 Administrative Charges 2 % of TCI $4,833 Insulation for Duct Work 0.01 B $944 Property Tax 1 % of TCI $2,417 Painting 0.01 B $944 Insurance 1 % of TCI $2,417 Direct Installation Costs 0.30 B $28,320 Capital Recovery Cost CRF *TCI $34,315 Total Direct Costs (DC)1.30 B $122,720 Total Indirect Operating Costs $43,981 Indirect Costs (IC) Engineering 0.10 B $9,440 Total Annual Cost (TAC)$43,981 Construction and Field Expenses 0.05 B $4,720 Contractor Fees 0.10 B $9,440 Start-up 0.02 B $1,888 Performance Test 0.01 B $944 Contingencies 0.03 B $2,832 Total Indirect Costs (IC)0.31 B $29,264 Total Capital Investment (TCI)(2003 Dollars)1.61 B $151,984 Total Capital Investment (TCI) (2024 Dollars)1.59 TCI 2003 $241,655 Note: Labor and utility costs are not expected to be higher than the current levels. Therefore, they were not included in the calcualtion. NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 30 4.3 160 HP Fire Pump Engine 4.3.1 Control Technologies Each of the control methods identified in Table 4 would be technically feasible. However, given the extremely limited run time of the fire pump engine, no changes to the combustion technology nor any add-on emissions controls would be economically feasible. Therefore, the proposed RACT is to limit run-time to monthly testing. NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 31 5.0 PROPOSED RACT Atlas Molded Products proposes the following RACT options for the NOX emitting sources at the facility: 12.5 MMBtu/hr Natural Gas Boiler / Pentane Emissions Control System (PECS)  NOX – Proper operation and maintaining optimum combustion chemistry to ensure complete combustion and, thus, minimized NOX emissions. 160 HP Fire Pump Engine  NOX – Limitation on annual run-time. Proposed annual limit of 100 hours. The proposed RACT techniques are already in place and operating. NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 32 ATTACHMENT A: PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM 300 HP BOILER STEAM KNOCKOUT PRE- EXPANDER EPS RAW BEADS FP1 RM1 TG AGING BAG BLOCK MOLD AGING BAG AGING BAG AGING BAG BEAD STORAGE ROOM RM RAW MATERIAL SAMPLING POINT FP FINISHED PRODUCT SAMPLING POINT VOC VOC SAMPLING POINT TG TRACER GAS INJECTION POINT AIR STREAM EPS CONVEYOR CONVEYOR AIR RETURN MAKE-UP AIR Figure 2-1 Process Diagram 5 NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 32 ATTACHMENT B: RBLC SEARCH RESULTS RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES *TX-0964 LINDE, INC JEFFERSON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325120 10/05/2023 &nbsp;ACT FLARE 0 P 40 CFR 60.18 and good combustion practices 0 TX-0955 INEOS OLIGOMERS USA LLC TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 03/14/2023 &nbsp;ACT THERMAL OXIDIZER 0 P Burner design for good combustion and to minimize NOx formation.0 TX-0955 INEOS OLIGOMERS USA LLC TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 03/14/2023 &nbsp;ACT Marine Vapor Combustor Unit (MCVU)0 P Burner design for good combustion and to minimize NOx formation.0 TX-0955 INEOS OLIGOMERS USA LLC TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 03/14/2023 &nbsp;ACT FLARE 0 P Burner tip design and supplemental fuel control assure combustion, open air combustion does not add temperature to the NOx formation potential 0 LA-0364 FG LA LLC ST. JAMES LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 01/06/2020 &nbsp;ACT Control Devices: Flares, Vapor Combustors, and Thermal Oxidizers 0 P Combination of minimizing the quantity of waste gas and supplemental fuel and good designs and combustion practices.0 TX-0955 INEOS OLIGOMERS USA LLC TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 03/14/2023 &nbsp;ACT FILTER OVEN 0 P Efficiency burner and enclosed combustion 0 LA-0307 MAGNOLIA LNG, LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 03/21/2016 &nbsp;ACT flares 7.33 kg/hr P good combustion practices 0 LA-0307 MAGNOLIA LNG, LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 03/21/2016 &nbsp;ACT Regenerative Heaters 7.37 mm btu/hr P good combustion practices 0 LA-0305 LAKE CHARLES METHANOL, LLC CALCASIEU PARISH LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325199 06/30/2016 &nbsp;ACT WSA Preheat Burners 0 P good engineering design and practices and use of clean fuels 0 LA-0305 LAKE CHARLES METHANOL, LLC CALCASIEU PARISH LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325199 06/30/2016 &nbsp;ACT Gasifier Start-up Preheat Burners 23 MM BTU/hr (each)P good engineering practices, good combustion technology, and use of clean fuels 0 LA-0349 DRIFTWOOD LNG LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 07/10/2018 &nbsp;ACT Acid Gas Thermal Oxidizers (5)77.81 mm btu/hr P LNB and Good Combustion Practices 0 LA-0349 DRIFTWOOD LNG LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 07/10/2018 &nbsp;ACT Condensate Vapor Thermal Oxidizer 98 mm btu/hr P LNB and Good Combustion Practices 0 LA-0307 MAGNOLIA LNG, LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 03/21/2016 &nbsp;ACT Thermal oxidizers (2 units)21 mm btu/hr P Low NOX Burners 0 LA-0307 MAGNOLIA LNG, LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 03/21/2016 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary boilers 171 mm btu/hr P Low Nox burners 0 OH-0387 INTEL OHIO SITE LICKING OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 334414 09/20/2022 &nbsp;ACT Semiconductor Fabrication: P179 through P182 0 Four Semiconductor Fabrication: P179 through P182 B Low NOX burners on the RCTOs, annual burner tuning on the trimix systems, good combustion practices, and the use of natural gas 0 0.96 lb NOX/hr from each RCTO, based on an average of all RCTOs controlling the twin-fab. 39.9 lb NOX/hr from all the wet scrubbers controlling each twin-fab. 0.34 lb NOX/hr from each trimix system. 212.7 tons of NOX per rolling, 12-month period from each twin-fab. *LA-0398 CAMERON LNG, LLC CAMERON PARISH LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 211112 09/19/2023 &nbsp;ACT Train 4 Thermal Oxidizer (EQT0114)83.8 mm btu/hr P Low-NOx burners Minimize gas to the thermal oxidizer Good equipment design Use of appropriate Instrumentation Good combustion practices 0 LA-0305 LAKE CHARLES METHANOL, LLC CALCASIEU PARISH LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325199 06/30/2016 &nbsp;ACT Wet Sulfuric Acid Plants 904.3 tons/day (each)A SCR 0 LA-0349 DRIFTWOOD LNG LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 07/10/2018 &nbsp;ACT Hot Oil Heaters (5)16.13 mm btu/hr B ULNB and Good Combustion Practices 0 PA-0310 CPV FAIRVIEW, LLC CAMBRIA PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/02/2016 &nbsp;ACT Combustion turbine and HRSG with duct burner - firing NG blend with ethane 0 Emission limits and pollution controls are identical to operation with only NG fuel and with firing duct burner N 0 See process information PA-0310 CPV FAIRVIEW, LLC CAMBRIA PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/02/2016 &nbsp;ACT Combustion turbine and HRSG without duct burner - firing NG blend with ethane 0 Emission limits and pollution controls are identical to operation with a fuel blend of NG and Ethane and without firing duct burner N 0 See process information AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Charge Hopper Dedusting 0 SN-122 P Combustion of Natural Gas and Good Combustion Practices 0.0032 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Furnace Dedusting 0 SN-124 P Combustion of Natural Gas and Good Combustion Practices 0.0032 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Briquetter Dedusting 0 P Combustion of Natural Gas and Good Combustion Practices 0.0032 LB/MMBTU KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 01-03 - Vacuum Degasser (under vacuum)1750000 tons steel produced/yr Molten steel will be transferred via ladle from the LMF to a vacuum degasser or directly to the continuous caster. The primary purpose of the vacuum degasser is to reduce/eliminate dissolved gases, especially hydrogen and nitrogen. During this process, sulfur is retained in the slag, resulting in minimal SO2 emissions. Process gases are evacuated by a dry mechanical vacuum pumping system, which maintains the degasser at the required operating pressures. The process gases are filtered prior to being evacuated by the vacuum pump and exhausted to the atmosphere through a stack. During the degassing process, material additions are made for deoxidation, desulfurizing, and alloying. These materials will be supplied to the vacuum degasser by the Alloy Handling System. Similar to the LMF, the vacuum degasser will consist of a twin-tank design that will allow material addition to one ladle while a second ladle is under vacuum. With this design, the two vacuum tank degassers will share the vacuum pump system, which will only permit one ladle to be under vacuum at a time. During alloy addition, the vacuum tank degasser is exhausted to the Melt Shop Baghouse (C0101) for PM control. When the vacuum tank degasser is under negative pressure, the exhaust stream is routed to a filtration system to remove particulate matter from the degasser exhaust stream prior to the mechanical vacuum pump. The filtration system is integral to the vacuum degassing process, as it is required to maintain protection of the dry mechanical vacuum pumps against abrasive particles. The filter system is located between the vacuum tank and the vacuum pump. The steel does not undergo decarburization during the degassing process, as oxygen is not added to the vacuum degasser.P This EP is required to have a Good Work Practices (GWP) Plan.0.005 LB/TON GWP Plan for EP 01-03: The Good Work Practices (GWP) plan must include written operating instructions and procedures that specify good operating and maintenance practices and include, at a minimum, the following specific practices targeting PM, PM10, PM2.5, VOC, SO2, CO, and NOx emission minimization, and a means of verifying the practices have occurred: i.Tracking material usage to ensure that equipment is operated as designed and correcting any operating or design issues as quickly as possible; ii.Employing a preventative maintenance program, including a preventative maintenance schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions for routine and long-term maintenance. PA-0309 LACKAWANNA ENERGY CENTER, LLC LACKAWANNA PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 12/23/2015 &nbsp;ACT Auxillary Boiler 13.31 MMBtu/hr Fired only on natural gas supplied by a public utility. Limited to 4000 hrs per year on a 12 month rolling basis.B SCR and ultra low NOx burners, Fired only on natural gas supplied by a public utility.0.006 LB/MMBTU Limited to 4000 hrs per year on a 12 month rolling basis. NOx Standard applies at all times including startup, shutdown, or malfunction NOx CEMS (1-hour average) PA-0311 MOXIE FREEDOM LLC LUZERNE PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/01/2015 &nbsp;ACT Auxilary Boiler 55.4 MMBtu/hr Shall construct qualifying small gas combustion units capable of reducing nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions to or below: i. 30 ppmdv NOx at 3% O2 when firing gas; ii. 300 ppmdv CO at 3% O2. The combustion unit(s) shall be fired only on natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas Total fuel usage of the auxiliary boiler shall not exceed 214.9 MMscf on a 12-month rolling basis. Shall maintain and operate the source in accordance with good engineering practice.N 0.006 LB/MMBTU AR-0171 NUCOR CORPORATION 1.1E+11 AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 02/14/2019 &nbsp;ACT SN-219 Galvanizing Line No, 2 Furnace 128 MMBTU/hr A Low Nox Burners, SCR/SNCR 0.0075 LB/MMBTU AR-0172 NUCOR CORPORATION MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 09/01/2021 &nbsp;ACT SN-219 Galvanizing Line No, 2 Furnace 0 A Low NOx burners, SCR/SNCR 0.0075 LB/MMBTU NY-0103 CRICKET VALLEY ENERGY CENTER LLC USA NY NEW YORK DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 221112 02/03/2016 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary boiler 60 MMBTU/H Limited to 4,500 H/YR A flue gas recirculation with low NOx burners 0.0085 LB/MMBTU EPA/OAR Method 7, 7E, or 19 *IN-0365 SULLIVAN IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 221112 06/19/2023 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Turbine CTGA 3800 MMBtu per hour Option 1 Siemens Model SCC6-9000HL Turbine - natural gas-fired combined cycle system with a maximum heat input capacity of 3,800 MMBtu per hour, equipped with a Siemens combustion turbine generator (CTG) exhausting to a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) which will feed steam to one steam turbine generator (STG), using dry-low-NOx (DLN) combustors and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for control of NOx emissions, and an oxidation catalyst as VOC and CO control, and exhausting to stack CTG with continuous emissions monitors for NOx and CO. Facility will install only one turbine, but at the time of permitting had not decided which turbine would be used.A Selective catalytic reduction system and dry-low-NOx combustors 0.0085 POUND PER MMBTU The NOx emissions from the combustion turbine generator shall be controlled by a Selective Catalytic Reduction system and dry-low-NOx combustors. PA-0307 CALPINE MID-MERIT, LLC YORK PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 06/15/2015 &nbsp;ACT Auxilary Boiler 62.04 MCF/hr The proposed auxilary boiler will fire NG exclusively with maximum rated heat input capacity of 61.0 MMBtu/hr and is equipped with and ulatra-low NOx burner and a flue gas recirculation system for NOx control. It will be used for preheating components of HRSG and the 420 MW steam turbine during CT startup.B Good combustion practices, Ultra-Low NOx burners, FGR 0.0086 LB/MMBTU TX-0955 INEOS OLIGOMERS USA LLC TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 03/14/2023 &nbsp;ACT HEATER NO 2 0 P Burner design for good combustion efficiency and to minimize NOx formation.0.01 LB/MMBTU MD-0042 OLD DOMINION ELECTRIC CORPORATION (ODEC)CECIL MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 04/08/2014 &nbsp;ACT AUXILLARY BOILER 45 MMBTU/H NATURAL GAS FUEL ONLY, OPERATION OF ULTRA LOW-NOX BURNER TECHNOLOGY, GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES, MAX HEAT INPUT OF 90,000 MMBUT/HR PER 12-MONTH ROLLING PERIOD P EXCLUSIVE USE OF PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS AND GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.01 LB/MMBTU MD-0045 MATTAWOMAN ENERGY, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 11/13/2015 &nbsp;ACT AUXILIARY BOILER 42 MMBTU/H PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS FUEL ONLY, OPERATION OF ULTRA LOW-NOX BURNER TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT TO NSPS SUBPART DC RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS B EXCLUSIVE USE OF PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS, ULTRA LOW-NOX BURNERS, AND GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.01 LB/MMBTU *IL-0134 CRONUS CHEMICALS, LLC DOUGLAS IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 325311 12/21/2023 &nbsp;ACT Boilers 179.4 mmBtu/hr Two 179.4 mmBtu/hr boilers B LNB and SCR 0.01 LB/MMBTU Compliance with Limit 1 demonstrated by NOx CEMS TX-0656 NATGASOLINE JEFFERSON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 05/16/2014 &nbsp;ACT Reformer 1552 MM BTU/H A SCR 0.01 LB/MM BTU LA-0364 FG LA LLC ST. JAMES LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 01/06/2020 &nbsp;ACT PR Reactor Charge Heater 277 mm btu/h Throughput is maximum operating rate. 253 mm btu/h normal operating rate.A SCR and LNB 0.01 LB/MMBTU LA-0364 FG LA LLC ST. JAMES LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 01/06/2020 &nbsp;ACT Boilers 1200 mm btu/h Includes UTI Boiler 1, UTI Boiler 2, and UT2 Boiler. Throughput is maximum and normal operating rates.A SCR and LNB 0.01 LB/MMBTU AK-0083 AGRIUM U.S. INC.USA AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 325311 01/06/2015 &nbsp;ACT Three (3) Package Boilers 243 MMBTU/H Three (3) New Natural Gas-Fired 243 MMBtu/hr Package Boilers A Ultra Low NOx Burners 0.01 LB/MMBTU IL-0130 JACKSON GENERATION, LLC WILL IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 221112 12/31/2018 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler 96 mmBtu/hr The auxiliary boiler is used on an intermittent basis (up to 2,000 hours/year) to produce intermediate pressure steam for heating the heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) and steam turbines B Ultra low-NOx burners and flue gas recirculation air preheater, automated combustion management systems, automated water blowdown, good combustion practices 0.01 LB/MMBTU IL-0133 LINCOLN LAND ENERGY CENTER (A/K/A EMBERCLEAR)SANGAMON IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 221112 07/29/2022 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler 80 mmBtu/hour The Auxiliary Boiler is used on an intermittent basis to produce intermediate pressure steam for heating the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) and combined-cycle combustion turbines B Ultra low-NOx burners and flue gas recirculation, air preheater, automated combustion management system, with an oxygen trim system and an automated water blowdown system.0.01 POUNDS/MMBTU *LA-0398 CAMERON LNG, LLC CAMERON PARISH LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 211112 09/19/2023 &nbsp;ACT Hot Oil Heaters (EQT0111, EQT0112, EQT0113)90 mm btu/hr P Ultra-low NOx burners 0.01 LB/MM BTU LA-0391 MAGNOLIA POWER LLC IBERVILLE LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221112 06/03/2022 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler 80 mm BTU/h B Ultra-low NOx burners and good combustion practices.0.01 LB/MM BTU BACT limit is 0.01 lb/MM BTU. Ultra-low NOx burners and good combustion practices. *PA-0316 RENOVO ENERGY CENTER, LLC CLINTON PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 01/26/2018 &nbsp;ACT Water Bath Heater 15 MMBtu N 0.01 LB WI-0283 AFE, INC RACINE WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 334419 04/24/2018 &nbsp;ACT B01-B12, Boilers 28 mmBTU/hr Each of the twelve boilers, 28 mmBTU/hr maximum rating P Ultra-low NOx Burners, Flue Gas Recirculation and Good Combustion Practices 0.0105 LB/MMBTU WI-0284 WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221112 04/24/2018 &nbsp;ACT B13-B24 &amp; B25-B36 Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 28 mmBTU Twenty-four natural gas-fired boilers. Only 20 operating at any given time.P Ultra-Low NOx Burners, Flue Gas Recirculation, and Good Combustion Practices.0.0105 LB/MMBTU *IL-0134 CRONUS CHEMICALS, LLC DOUGLAS IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 325311 12/21/2023 &nbsp;ACT Reformer Furnace 1096 mmBtu/hr B Low-NOx Burners (LNB) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)0.0109 LB/MMBTU Compliance demonstrated using NOx CEMS *PA-0316 RENOVO ENERGY CENTER, LLC CLINTON PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 01/26/2018 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler 118800 MMBtu/12 month period B &lsquo;&lsquo;ultra-low NOx burners and flue gas re-circulation&lsquo;&lsquo; operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and good operating practices 0.011 LB MD-0041 CPV MARYLAND, LLC CHARLES MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 04/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT AUXILLARY BOILER 93 MMBTU/H NATURAL GAS FUEL ONLY, OPERATION OF LOW-NOX BURNER TECHNOLOGY, FLUE GAS RECIRCULATION (FGR), GOOD COMBUSTION CONTROLS, MAX HEAT INPUT OF 372,000 MMBTU/HR B EXCLUSIVE USE OF NATURAL GAS, ULTRA LOW-NOX BURNERS, AND FLUE GAS RECIRCULATION (FGR)0.011 LB/MMBTU TX-0772 JEFFERSON RAILPORT TERMINAL I TEXAS LLC ORANGE TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)424710 11/06/2015 &nbsp;ACT Commercial/Institutional-Size Boilers/Furnaces 95.7 MMBTU/H Three boilers will be used intermittently to provide steam for heating tanks or railcars as necessary to reduce viscosity of heavy liquids. P Low NOx burners and flue gas recirculation 0.011 LB/MMBTU IL-0129 CPV THREE RIVERS, LLC GRUNDY IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 221112 07/30/2018 &nbsp;ACT Fuel Heater 12.8 mmBtu/hr The fuel heater indirectly heats the natural gas fuel for the combustion turbines. Natural gas for the combustion turbines must be heated to counteract the cooling that occurs when the pressure of the gas is reduced.A Low-NOx burners 0.011 LB/MMBTU Permit limits are 0.45 lb/hr and 2.0 ton/yr IL-0130 JACKSON GENERATION, LLC WILL IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 221112 12/31/2018 &nbsp;ACT Fuel Heater 13 mmBtu/hour Indirectly heats the natural gas fuel for the combustion turbines. This natural gas must be heated to counteract the cooling the cooling that occurs when the pressure of the gas is reduced.A Low-NOx combustion technology 0.011 LB/MMBTU MA-0039 FOOTPRINT POWER SALEM HARBOR DEVELOPMENT LP ESSEX MA MASSACHUSETTS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 01/30/2014 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler 80 MMBTU/H A ultra low NOx burners 0.011 LB/MMBTU the project is subject LAER for NOx as ozone precursor, and BACT-PSD for NOx as NO2 precursor. PA-0310 CPV FAIRVIEW, LLC CAMBRIA PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/02/2016 &nbsp;ACT Auxilary boiler 92.4 MMBtu/hr Operation of the auxiliary boiler shall not exceed 4000 hrs in any continuous 12-month period.B Ultra low NOx burners, FGR, good combustion practices 0.011 LB/MMBTU IL-0129 CPV THREE RIVERS, LLC GRUNDY IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 221112 07/30/2018 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler 96 mmBtu/hr The auxiliary boiler is used on an intermittent basis (up to 4,000 hr/yr) to produce intermediate pressure steam for heating the heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) and combustion turbines.A Ultra-low NOx burners and flue gas recirculation, air preheater, automated combustion management system with O2 trim system and automated water blowdown, and good combustion practices.0.011 LB/MMBTU Permit limits are 1.1 lb/hr and 2.2 ton/yr WI-0300 NEMADJI TRAIL ENERGY CENTER DOUGLAS WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221121 09/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural Gas-Fired Auxiliary Boiler (B02)100 MMBTU/H Boiler B02 – One 100 MMBtu/hr Natural Gas-Fired Auxiliary Boiler with ultra-low NOx burners, Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR), and Oxidation Catalyst (C02)P Ultra-low NOx burners, flue gas recirculation, and operate and maintain B02 according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.0.011 LB/MMBTU If equipped with a continuous oxygen trim system that maintains an optimum air to fuel ratio, a tune-up shall be conducted within 120 days after start- up and within 60-months of each preceding tune-up. If not equipped with a continuous oxygen trim system that maintains an optimum air to fuel ratio, a tune-up shall be conducted within 120 days after start-up and within 13 months of each preceding tune-up. Note: Under 40 CFR 63.11237, an oxygen trim system is defined as a system of monitors that is used to maintain excess air at the desired level in a combustion device over its operating load range AL-0328 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY MOBILE AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 221112 11/09/2020 &nbsp;ACT 90.5 MMBtu/hr Aux Boiler 90.5 MMBtu/hr N 0.011 LB/MMBTU AL-0329 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 221112 09/21/2021 &nbsp;ACT Three Gas Heaters 10 MMBtu/hr N 0.011 LB/MMBTU PA-0310 CPV FAIRVIEW, LLC CAMBRIA PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/02/2016 &nbsp;ACT Dew point heater 13.8 0 N 0.011 LB/MMBTU PA-0311 MOXIE FREEDOM LLC LUZERNE PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/01/2015 &nbsp;ACT Fuel Gas Heater 0 N 0.011 LB/MMBTU IA-0107 INTERSTATE POWER AND LIGHT MARSHALL IA IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AIR QUALITY 221112 04/14/2014 &nbsp;ACT dew point heater 13.32 mmBtu/hr N 0.013 LB/MMBTU IA-0107 INTERSTATE POWER AND LIGHT MARSHALL IA IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AIR QUALITY 221112 04/14/2014 &nbsp;ACT auxiliary boiler 60.1 mmBtu/hr fuel limit of 288.7 million cubic feet of natural gas per 12-month rolling period N 0.013 LB/MMBTU TX-0955 INEOS OLIGOMERS USA LLC TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 03/14/2023 &nbsp;ACT HOT OIL HEATER 0 B Burner design for good combustion efficiency and to minimize NOx formation with a SCR system to further reduce NOx.0.014 LB/MMBTU LA-0305 LAKE CHARLES METHANOL, LLC CALCASIEU PARISH LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325199 06/30/2016 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boilers and Superheaters 0 Supplement fuel: fuel gas Boilers: 225 MM BTU/hr each A SCR 0.015 LBS/MM BTU WY-0075 BLACK HILLS POWER, INC LARAMIE WY WYOMING AIR QUAL DIVISION, AIR QUALITY 221122 07/16/2014 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler 25.06 MMBtu/h A Ultra low NOx burners and flue gas recirculation 0.0175 LB/MMBTU RACT/BACT/LAER CLEARINGHOUSE QUERY RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES OH-0368 PALLAS NITROGEN LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 325311 04/19/2017 &nbsp;ACT Ammonia Tanks (T005, T006, and T007)3982773 GAL Three identical 3,982,773 gallon Ammonia Tanks 1, 2 and 3 with flare. Throughputs and limits are for one tank, except as noted.A flare to control ammonia emissions 0.02 LB/H OH-0368 PALLAS NITROGEN LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 325311 04/19/2017 &nbsp;ACT Ammonia Day Tank (T018)295194 GAL 295,194 gallon Ammonia Day Tank with flare A flare to control ammonia emissions 0.02 LB/H *PA-0319 APV RENAISSANCE PARTNERS GREENE PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 08/27/2018 &nbsp;ACT NATURAL GAS FIRED AUXILIARY BOILER 88 MMBtu/hr B Lo-NOx burners, Flue Gas Recirculation, good combustion practices, proper operation and maintainance.0.02 LB/MMBTU LA-0364 FG LA LLC ST. JAMES LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 01/06/2020 &nbsp;ACT Pyrolysis Furnaces 372 mm btu/h Includes 20 furnaces in Ethylene Plants 1 and 2. Throughput is normal and maximum operating rates.A SCR and LNB 0.02 LB/MMBTU AR-0155 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 11/07/2018 &nbsp;ACT BOILER, VACUUM DEGASSER 88.7 MMBTU/HR B COMBUSTION OF NATURAL GAS AND GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICE LOW NOX BURNERS 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0171 NUCOR CORPORATION 1.1E+11 AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 02/14/2019 &nbsp;ACT SN-142 Vacuum Degasser Boiler 50.4 MMBTU/hr A Low Nox Burners 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0172 NUCOR CORPORATION MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 09/01/2021 &nbsp;ACT SN-202, 203, 204 Pickle Line Boilers 0 Three 12.5 MMBTY/hr boilers A Low NOx burners 0.035 LB/MMBTU IN-0359 NUCOR STEEL MONTGOMERY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 331111 03/30/2023 &nbsp;ACT Boiler (CC-BOIL)50 MMBtu/hr A low NOx burners 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0155 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 11/07/2018 &nbsp;ACT BOILER, PICKLE LINE 53.7 MMBTU/HR B LOW NOX BURNERS COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0155 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 11/07/2018 &nbsp;ACT BOILER SN-26, GALVANIZING LINE 53.7 MMBTU/HR B LOW NOX BURNERS COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0159 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 04/05/2019 &nbsp;ACT BOILER, PICKLE LINE 0 B LOW NOX BURNERS COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0159 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 04/05/2019 &nbsp;ACT BOILERS SN-26 AND SN-27, GALVANIZING LINE 0 B LOW NOX BURNERS COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Pickle Line Boiler 53.7 MMBtu/hr SN-24 B Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Galvanizing Line Boilers #1 and #2 53.7 MMBtu/hr SN-27 and SN-28 B Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Pickle Galvanizing Line Boiler 53.7 MMBtu/hr SN-37 B Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0159 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 04/05/2019 &nbsp;ACT BOILER, ANNEALING PICKLE LINE 0 P Low NOx burners, Combustion of clean fuel, and Good Combustion Practices 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Galvanizing Line #2 Furnace 150.5 MMBtu/hr SN-29 B SCR, Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0155 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 11/07/2018 &nbsp;ACT PREHEATER, GALVANIZING LINE SN-28 78.2 MMBTU/HR B SCR, LOW NOX BURNERS, AND COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL AND GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.035 LB/MMBTU AR-0159 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 04/05/2019 &nbsp;ACT PREHEATERS, GALVANIZING LINE SN-28 and SN-29 0 B SCR, LOW NOX BURNERS, AND COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL AND GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.035 LB/MMBTU MD-0041 CPV MARYLAND, LLC CHARLES MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 04/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT FUEL GAS HEATER 9.5 MMBTU/H P USE OF PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS AND GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.035 LB/MMBTU MD-0045 MATTAWOMAN ENERGY, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 11/13/2015 &nbsp;ACT FUEL GAS HEATER 13.8 MMBTU/H P USE OF PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS AND GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.035 LB/MMBTU OR-0050 TROUTDALE ENERGY CENTER, LLC MULTNOMAH OR OREGON DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 03/05/2014 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary boiler 39.8 MMBTU/H A Utilize Low-NOx burners and FGR.0.035 LB/MMBTU MI-0442 THOMAS TOWNSHIP ENERGY, LLC SAGINAW MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 08/21/2019 &nbsp;ACT FGPREHEAT 7 MMBTU/H Two (2) natural gas-fired preheaters, each with a maximum heat input of 7 MMBTU/hr, used to preheat the natural gas above the dewpoint prior to combustion in the CTG.P Good combustion practices and low NOx burners 0.036 LB/MMBTU SNCR and NSCR are not technically feasible. SCR and flue gas recirculation are all considered to be not economically feasible. MI-0442 THOMAS TOWNSHIP ENERGY, LLC SAGINAW MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 08/21/2019 &nbsp;ACT FGAUXBOILER 80 MMBTU/H Two (2) natural gas-fired auxiliary boilers, each with a maximum rating of 80 MMBTU/H (HHV) to facilitate startup of the CTGHRSG and to provide the required steam to support the startup of the facility, including but not limited to: steam for sparging, STG seals, etc. P Good combustion practices and low NOx burners.0.036 LB/MMBTU SNCR and NSCR are not technically feasible. SCR and flue gas recirculation are all considered to be not economically feasible. TX-0772 JEFFERSON RAILPORT TERMINAL I TEXAS LLC ORANGE TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)424710 11/06/2015 &nbsp;ACT Commercial/Institutional-Size Boilers/Furnaces 40 MMBTU/H Hot oil heater P Low NOx burners 0.036 LB/MMBTU AK-0085 ALASKA GASLINE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 486210 08/13/2020 &nbsp;ACT Three (3) Building Heat Medium Heaters 275 MMBtu/hr Building Heat Medium Heaters are EUs 31 - 33, each with 275 MMBtu/hr throughput.A Low NOx Burners and Good Combustion Practices 0.036 LB/MMBTU EUs 31 - 33 have potential NOx emissions of 43.32 tpy each. TX-0845 ARKEMA INC.JEFFERSON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 08/24/2018 &nbsp;ACT LOADING 0 P LOW NOX BURNERS ON CONTROL DEVICE 0.036 LB/MMBTU AK-0085 ALASKA GASLINE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 486210 08/13/2020 &nbsp;ACT Two (2) Buyback Gas Bath Heaters and Three (3) Operations Camp Heaters 32 MMBtu/hr Buyback Gas Bath Heater 1 (EU 34) has 25 MMBtu/hr throughput. Buyback Gas Bath Heater 1 (EU 35) has 21 MMBtu/hr throughput. Operations Camp Heaters 1 -3 (EUs 36 - 38) has 32 MMBtu/hr throughput each.A Low NOx Burners, Good Combustion Practices, Limited Operation of 500 hours per year per heater.0.036 LB/MMBTU EUs 34 and 35 have 500 hour per year limit per heater, EUs 36 -38 have no hour limit. MI-0435 DTE ELECTRIC COMPANY ST. CLAIR MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 07/16/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER: Auxiliary Boiler 99.9 MMBTU/H A natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler, rated at 99.9 MMBTU/H to facilitate startup of the CTG/HRSG trains and to provide steam to the steam turbine generator seals. The auxiliary boiler is equipped with low NOx burners (LNB) and flue gas recirculation (FGR).P Low NOx burners/Flue gas recirculation.0.036 LB/MMBTU The cost of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is over $100,000 for the project. TX-0714 NRG TEXAS POWER LLC HARRIS TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 12/19/2014 &nbsp;ACT boiler 80 MMBTU/H operation limitation of 4,000 hours per year P low-NOx burners 0.036 LB/MMBTU TX-0656 NATGASOLINE JEFFERSON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 05/16/2014 &nbsp;ACT Heaters 45 MMBTU/H P ultra low NOx burners 0.036 LB/MMBTU TX-0656 NATGASOLINE JEFFERSON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 05/16/2014 &nbsp;ACT heaters (5)24.3 MMBTU/H P ultra low NOx burners 0.036 LB/MMBTU TX-0693 GOLDEN SPREAD ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC HALE TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 04/22/2014 &nbsp;ACT heater 5.5 MMBTU/H N 0.036 LB/MMBTU *IN-0365 SULLIVAN IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 221112 06/19/2023 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler 96 MMBtu per hour N 0.037 LB PER MMBTU NOx emissions from the auxiliary boiler shall be controlled by a Low NOx Burner. KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 034 - Holding Furnace #1 41.9 tons/hr Molten aluminum produced in the melting furnaces is troughed to one of the two holding furnaces for further alloying and metal purification activities prior to casting. Once completed, molten metal is transported from a single holding furnace at a time through an in- line degasser for fluxing prior to casting. These emission units process only clean charge in form of molten aluminum but use reactive fluxing and are therefore new Group 1 furnaces under 40 CFR 63, Subpart RRR. Control Device: Lime-Injected Baghouse #4 Maximum Capacity: 367,044 tons/yr Maximum Heat Input Capacity: 30.0 MMBtu/hr Emissions calculated for natural gas consumption using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, Vendor estimates, and 40 CFR 98, Tables C-1 and C-2. Emissions calculated from aluminum metal production using the design grain loading for the baghouse, and allocating the flow for the process (64,433 dscfm), and then speciating using the TRC Report for “Box Furnace Stack (5M3)†and the UPL from similar facility testing for condensable portions. HF emissions calculated using a max wt% of fluoride in the salt flux of 2.71%, and an injection rate of 0.68 lb of salt flux/ton of aluminum. Metal HAPs calculated using the RTR Modeling Docket Memo.B Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan, Low-Nox Burners (LNBs) capable of meeting 0.063 lb/MMBtu.0.04 LB/TON BACT for this equipment is the installation of LNBs and a GCOP Plan. Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, implementation of the GCOP, and installation of low NOx burners. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring, recording and reporting throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated using similar unit vendor estimates. KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 035 - Holding Furnace #2 41.9 tons/hr Molten aluminum produced in the melting furnaces is troughed to one of the two holding furnaces for further alloying and metal purification activities prior to casting. Once completed, molten metal is transported from a single holding furnace at a time through an in- line degasser for fluxing prior to casting. These emission units process only clean charge in form of molten aluminum but use reactive fluxing and are therefore new Group 1 furnaces under 40 CFR 63, Subpart RRR. Control Device: Lime-Injected Baghouse #4 Maximum Capacity: 367,044 tons/yr Maximum Heat Input Capacity: 30.0 MMBtu/hr Emissions calculated for natural gas consumption using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, Vendor estimates, and 40 CFR 98, Tables C-1 and C-2. Emissions calculated from aluminum metal production using the design grain loading for the baghouse, and allocating the flow for the process (64,433 dscfm), and then speciating using the TRC Report for “Box Furnace Stack (5M3)†and the UPL from similar facility testing for condensable portions. HF emissions calculated using a max wt% of fluoride in the salt flux of 2.71%, and an injection rate of 0.68 lb of salt flux/ton of aluminum. Metal HAPs calculated using the RTR Modeling Docket Memo.B Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan, Low-Nox Burners (LNBs) capable of meeting 0.063 lb/MMBtu.0.04 LB/TON BACT for this equipment is the installation of LNBs and a GCOP Plan. Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, implementation of the GCOP, and installation of low NOx burners. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring, recording and reporting throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated using similar unit vendor estimates. TX-0888 CHEVRON PHILLIPS CHEMICAL COMPANY LP ORANGE TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325211 04/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT Heaters 100 MMBtu B Low NOx burners and good combustion practice.0.04 LB/MMBTU TX-0845 ARKEMA INC.JEFFERSON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 08/24/2018 &nbsp;ACT HEATERS 31 BTU/HR B LOW NOX BURNERS, CLEAN FUEL 0.04 LB/MMBTU WI-0306 WPL- RIVERSIDE ENERGY CENTER ROCK WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221112 02/28/2020 &nbsp;ACT Temporary Boiler (B98A)14.67 MMBTU/H P Low NOx burners, flue gas recirculation, shall be operated for no more than 500 hours, and shall combust only pipeline quality natural gas.0.04 LB/MMBTU MI-0452 MARSHALL ENERGY CENTER, LLC CALHOUN MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 06/23/2022 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER (South Plant): Auxiliary Boiler 61.5 MMBTU/H A natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler, rated at 61.5 MMBTU/hr (HHV) to facilitate startup of the CTGHRSG train and to provide the required steam to support the startup of the facility, including but not limited to steam for sparging, STG seals, etc. The auxiliary boiler is equipped with low NOx burners (LNB) and flue gas recirculation (FGR).B Low NOx Burners/Flue Gas Recirculation and Good Combustion Practices 0.04 LB/MMBTU Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) was calculated to be over $18,000/ton for NOx. MI-0423 INDECK NILES, LLC CASS MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 01/04/2017 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER (Auxiliary Boiler)182 MMBTU/H One natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler rated at 182 MMBTU/H fuel heat input.B Low NOx burners/Flue gas recirculation and good combustion practices.0.04 LB/MMBTU Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is greater than $10,000/ton for NOx. MI-0433 MARSHALL ENERGY CENTER LLC CALHOUN MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 06/29/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER (North Plant): Auxiliary Boilder 61.5 MMBTU/H A natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler, rated at 61.5 MMBTU/H (HHV) to facilitate startup of the CTGHRSG train and to provide the required steam to support the startup of the facility, including but not limited to steam for sparging, STG seals, etc. The auxiliary boiler is equipped with low NOx burners (LNB) and flue gas recirculation (FGR).B Low NOx burners/flue gas recirculation and good combustion practices.0.04 LB/MMBTU Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) was calculated to be over $18,000/ton for NOx. MI-0433 MARSHALL ENERGY CENTER LLC CALHOUN MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 06/29/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER (South Plant): Auxiliary Boiler 61.5 MMBTU/h A natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler, rated at 61.5 MMBTU/H (HHV) to facilitate startup of the CTGHRSG train and to provide the required steam to support the startup of the facility, including but not limited to steam for sparging, STG seals, etc. The auxiliary boiler is equipped with low NOx burners (LNB) and flue gas recirculation (FGR).B Low NOx burners/flue gas recirculation and good combustion practices.0.04 LB/MMBTU Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) was calculated to be over $18,000/ton for NOx. *MI-0445 INDECK NILES, LLC CASS MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 11/26/2019 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER 182 MMBTU/H One natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler rated at 182 MMBTU/H fuel heat input (EUAUXBOILER).B Low NOx burners/flue gas recirculation and good combustion practices.0.04 LB/MMBTU Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is greater than $10,000/ton for NOx MI-0451 MARSHALL ENERGY CENTER, LLC CALHOUN MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 06/23/2022 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER (North Plant): Auxiliary Boiler 61.5 MMBTU/H A natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler, rated at 61.5 MMBTU/hr (HHV) to facilitate startup of the CTGHRSG train and to provide the required steam to support the startup of the facility, including but not limited to steam for sparging, STG seals, etc. The auxiliary boiler is equipped with low NOx burners (LNB) and flue gas recirculation (FGR).B Low NOx burners/Flue gas recirculation and good combustion practices.0.04 LB/MMBTU Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) was calculated to be over $18,000/ton for NOx. MI-0440 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY INGHAM MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 611310 05/22/2019 &nbsp;ACT EUSTMBOILER 300 MMBTU/H A natural gas-fired medium-pressure steam boiler rated at 300 MMBTU/H and designed to supply 200,000 pounds of steam per hour for campus heating. The steam boiler will be equipped with low-NOx burners and internal flue gas recirculation (FGR) to reduce NOx emissions and will also be capable of firing No. 2 fuel oil as backup.P Low-NOx burners and internal flue gas recirculation (FGR)0.04 LB/MMBTU There is a third emission limit in the permit which is 0.20 lb/MMBTU heat input. The applicable requirement for this limit is 40 CFR 60.44b(a). Reburning, overfire air, SCR, NSCR and SNCR were considered not technically feasible for this application. SCR while technically feasible would cost $17,000 per ton of NOx controlled, while burning natural gas in the boiler. This is not considered to be economical. When operating on diesel as the back-up fuel in an emergency scenario, SCR is not technically feasible because it requires auxiliary power which wouldn't be available in that situation. WI-0300 NEMADJI TRAIL ENERGY CENTER DOUGLAS WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221121 09/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural Gas-Fired Heater (P05)10 MMBTU/H P Low-NOx burners, only combust pipeline quality natural gas, and operate and maintain the heater according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.0.049 LB/MMBTU Tune the heater within 120 days of the initial operation, and within 24-months of each preceding tune-up. WI-0300 NEMADJI TRAIL ENERGY CENTER DOUGLAS WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221121 09/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural Gas-Fired Heater (P04)10 MMBTU/H P Low-NOx burners, only use pipeline quality natural gas, maintain and operate according to manufacturer’s recommendations.0.049 LB/MMBTU The permittee shall tune P04 within 120 days of the initial operation of P04, and within 24-months of each preceding tune-up. MD-0042 OLD DOMINION ELECTRIC CORPORATION (ODEC)CECIL MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 04/08/2014 &nbsp;ACT DEW POINT HEATER 5 MMBTU/H P USE OF EFFICIENT DESIGN OF THE HEATER, EXCLUSIVE USE OF PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS ONLY, AND APPLICATION OF GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.049 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Coil Coating Line - Chemical Dryer, Primer Oven, and Finish Oven 0 SN-108a, SN-108b, and SN-108c. SN-108a has a heat input of 4.9 MMBtu/hr. SN-108b has a heat input of 22.8 MMBtu/hr. SN-108c has a heat input of 17.3 MMBtu/hr.P Good combustion practices Energy efficient burners Combustion of natural gas 0.05 LB/MMBTU MI-0448 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 12/18/2020 &nbsp;ACT Thermal oil heater (EUTOH in FGTOH)38 MMBTU/H One natural gas-fired thermal oil heater for press and sifter rated at 38 MMBtu/hr fuel heat input (EUTOH in FGTOH). Also falls under the RBLC Process Type Code 30.590.B Good design and combustion practices, low NOx burners 0.05 LB/MMBTU Arauco conducted a cost analysis for SCR for the press/sifter thermal oil heater. The results show that SCR is not economically feasible, with a cost of $27,000 per ton. The small increase in heat input capacity (4 MMBtu/hr) does not make add on control cost effective. MI-0448 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 12/18/2020 &nbsp;ACT Thermal oil system for thermally fused lamination lines (EUFLTOS1 in FGTOH)10.2 MMBTU/H One natural gas-fired thermal oil system for thermally fused lamination lines rated at 10.2 MMBtu/hr fuel heat input (EUFLTOS1 in FGTOH).B Good design and combustion practices, low NOx burners 0.05 LB/MMBTU SCR is not economically feasible for the press/sifter thermal oil heater, with a cost of $27,000 per ton. Given this high cost for the larger heater, SCR would also not be cost effective for the smaller heater. MI-0448 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 12/18/2020 &nbsp;ACT 2 Paper Treating Lines (EUPTL1 and EUPTL2 in FGPTL)3.4 MMBTU/H Two paper treating lines (EUPTL1 & EUPTL2 in FGPTL). Each line has a 3.4 MMBtu per hour natural gas dryer and a monthly material limit for HAP content of each coating, limiting the HAP content to 1.6% by weight of coating material or 8% by weight of coating solids.B Good Design and Combustion Practices, Low NOx Burners 0.05 LB/MMBTU Each emission limit listed above is for each natural gas (NG) dryer with each emission unit (EU). The temperature of the dryer exhaust would be approximately 176°F, well below the 480 to 800°F required for SCR control and the 600 to 2,100°F required for SNCR. Water/steam injection would not be feasible because the purpose of the dryers is to dry the treated paper. MI-0425 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 05/09/2017 &nbsp;ACT EUTOH in FGTOH 38 MMBTU/H One natural gas-fired thermal oil heater for press and sifter rated at 38 MMBTU/hr fuel heat input (EUTOH in FGTOH). Also falls under the RBLC Process Type Code 30.590.B Good design and combustion practices, Low NOx burners.0.05 LB/MMBTU The company conducted a cost analysis for SCR for the press/sifter thermal oil heater. The results show that SCR is not economically feasible, with a cost of $27,000/ton. The small increase in heat input capacity (4 MMBTU/HR) does not make add on control cost effective. MI-0425 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 05/09/2017 &nbsp;ACT EUFLTOS1 in FGTOH 10.2 MMBTU/H One natural gas-fired thermal oil system for thermally fused lamination lines rated at 10.2 MMBTU/H fuel heat input (EUFLTOS1 in FGTOH). Note: The throughput capacity, 10.2 MMBTU/H, is not a change but instead a correction from the previous entry. The previous entry is under MI-0421 for the original permit.B Good design and combustion practices, low NOx burners.0.05 LB/MMBTU SCR is not economically feasible for the press/sifter thermal oil heater, with a cost of $27,000 per ton. Given this high cost for the larger heater, SCR would also not be cost effective for the smaller heater. MI-0425 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 05/09/2017 &nbsp;ACT EUPTL1 &amp; EUPTL2 in FGPTL (2 paper treating lines)3.4 MMBTU/H Two paper treating lines (EUPTL1 & EUPTL2 in FGPTL). Each line has a 3.4 MMBTU/H natural gas dryer and a monthly material limit for HAP content of each coating, limiting the HAP content to 1.6% by weight of coating material or 8% by weight of coating solids. B Good design and combustion practices, low NOx burners.0.05 LB/MMBTU The emission limits above are for each natural gas (NG) dryer with each emission unit. The temperature of the dryer exhaust would be approximately 176 deg. F, well below the 480 to 800 deg. F required for SCR control and the 600 to 2100 deg. F required for SNCR. Water/steam injection would not be feasible because the purpose of the dryers is to dry the treated paper. IN-0359 NUCOR STEEL MONTGOMERY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 331111 03/30/2023 &nbsp;ACT Annealing Furnace for Galvanizing Line 53.1 MMBtu/hr This annealing furnace is used for continuous galvanizing line.B low NOx burners and good combustion practices 0.05 LB/MMBTU MI-0440 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY INGHAM MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 611310 05/22/2019 &nbsp;ACT FGFUELHEATERS 25 MMBTU/H Two natural gas fired fuel gas dew point heaters. Each heater has a 25 MMBTU/H throughput capacity.P Low NOx burners and good combustion practices.0.05 LB/MMBTU Reburning, overfire air, SCR, NSCR, and SNCR were considered not technically or economically feasible for this application. MI-0421 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 08/26/2016 &nbsp;ACT EUFLTOS1 in FGTOH (Thermal Oil System for Thermally Fused Lamination Lines)34 MMBTU/H One natural gas fired thermal oil system for thermally fused lamination lines rated at 10.2 MMBTU/H fuel heat input (EUFLTOS1 in FGTOH).B Low NOx burners and good design and combustion practices.0.05 LB/MMBTU SCR is not economically feasible for the press/sifter thermal oil heater with a cost of $27,000/ton. Given this high cost for the larger heater, SCR would also not be cost effective for the smaller heater. MI-0421 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 08/26/2016 &nbsp;ACT EUTOH (In FGTOH)--Thermal Oil Heater 34 MMBTU/H One natural gas fired thermal oil heater for press and sifter rated at 34 MMBTU/H fuel heat input (EUTOH in FGTOH). All falls under RBLC Process Type Code 30.590.B Low NOx burners and good design and combustion practices.0.05 LB/MMBTU The company conducted a cost analysis for SCR for the press/sifter thermal oil heater. The results show that SCR is not economically feasible with a cost of $27,000/ton. MI-0421 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 08/26/2016 &nbsp;ACT EUPTL1 and EUPTL2 in FGPTL (2 paper treating lines)3.4 MMBTU/H Two paper treating lines (identified as EUPTL1 and EUPTL2 in FGPTL of the permit). Each line has a 3.4 MMBTU/H natural gas dryer and a monthly material limit for HAP content of each coating, limiting the HAP content to 1.6% by weight of coating material or 8% by weight of coating solids.B Low NOx burners and good design and combustion practices.0.05 LB/MMBTU The emission limits identified above are for each natural gas dryer with each emission unit. The temperature of the dryer exhaust would be approximately 176 deg F, well below the 480 - 800 deg F required for SCR control and the 600 - 2100 deg F required for SNCR. Water/steam injection would not be feasible because the purpose of the dryers is to dry the treated paper. RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES MI-0424 HOLLAND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OTTAWA MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/05/2016 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER (Auxiliary boiler)83.5 MMBTU/H One natural gas fired auxiliary boiler rated at 83.5 MMBTU/hr fuel heat input (EUAUXBOILER).B Low NOx burners/Internal flue gas recirculation and good combustion practices.0.05 LB/MMBTU Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is greater than $12,000/ton for NOx. FL-0356 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT OKEECHOBEE FL FLORIDA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 03/09/2016 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler, 99.8 MMBtu/hr 99.8 MMBtu/hr Fires only natural gas. Limited to 2000 hr/yr.P Low-NOx burners 0.05 LB/MMBTU Method 7E testing, or manufacturer certification is sufficient FL-0367 SHADY HILLS ENERGY CENTER, LLC PASCO FL FLORIDA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 07/27/2018 &nbsp;ACT 60 MMBtu/hour Auxiliary Boiler 60 MMBtu/hour Only fire natural gas P low-NOx burners 0.05 LB/MMBTU Compliance by initial and annual stack test, or manufacturer guarantee. FL-0371 SHADY HILLS ENERGY CENTER, LLC PASCO FL FLORIDA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 06/07/2021 &nbsp;ACT 60 MMBtu/hour Auxiliary Boiler 60 MMBtu/hour Only fires natural gas A Low-NOx burners 0.05 LB/MMBTU Compliance by initial and annual stack test, or manufacturer guarantee. IN-0285 WHITING CLEAN ENERGY, INC.LAKE IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 221112 08/02/2017 &nbsp;ACT Space Heaters 0 (a)Six (6) Sterling TF-400 natural gas-fired space heaters, identified as HTR 1 through 6, constructed in 2000, with a maximum capacity of 0.4 MMBtu per hour, each, with low NOx burners, and exhausting to atmosphere. (b)Three (3) Carrier 48TCED natural gas-fired space heaters, identified as HTR 7 through 9, constructed in 2000, with a maximum capacity of 0.224 MMBtu per hour, each, and exhausting to atmosphere.N 0.05 LB/MMBTU Additional PSD BACT NOx limit requirements: NOx emissions from Heaters 1 through 9 shall be controlled through the use of Good Combustion Practices. Heaters 1 through 9 shall combust only natural gas. The combined heat input to Heaters 1 through 6 shall not exceed 5,256 MMBtu per year. The combined heat input to Heaters 7 through 9 shall not exceed 1,766 MMBtu per year. LA-0364 FG LA LLC ST. JAMES LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 01/06/2020 &nbsp;ACT Hot Oil Heaters 1 and 2 0 Hot oil heaters are identical and will not operated simultaneously.A LNB 0.06 LB/MMBTU TX-0845 ARKEMA INC.JEFFERSON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325199 08/24/2018 &nbsp;ACT INCINERATOR 0 P LOW NOX BURNERS 0.06 LB/MMBTU NSPS CCCC, DDDD AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT TWO SOAKING PITS 24 MMBTU/H TWO IDENTICAL UNITS P LOW NOX BURNER 0.06 LB/MMBTU AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT TWO HEAT TREAT FURNACES 25.45 MMBTU/H P LOW NOX BURNERS 0.06 LB/MMBTU TX-0888 CHEVRON PHILLIPS CHEMICAL COMPANY LP ORANGE TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325211 04/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT THERMAL OXIDIZERS 0 P low NOx burners 0.06 LB/MMBTU AR-0171 NUCOR CORPORATION 1.1E+11 AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 02/14/2019 &nbsp;ACT SN-220, 222, 225, 228, 229 0 Galvanizing Line Dryer, Alkali Wash Burners, Chromate Dryer. Ranging from 4 to 26 MMBTU/hr A Low Nox Burners 0.063 LB/MMBTU IN-0324 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 05/06/2022 &nbsp;ACT Nitric Acid Plant EU 009 720 metric ton per day A selective catalytic reduction system (SCR) at all times the process is in operation, except during unit startup and shutdown when the catalyst temperature is below its operational minimum temperature 0.064 LB/TON Startup of the nitric acid plant from cold conditions begins with the introduction of liquid ammonia feed into the unit for nitric acid production and N2O & NOx reduction in the control equipment. The startup procedure takes approximately up to three (3) days. During plant startup, several individual processes and equipment begin operation including cooling water flow in the ammonia evaporator, steam flow into the ammonia preheater, air compressor, a series of tailgas heaters and condensers, an ammonia burner, a tailgas turbine, an absorption tower, and the control system. Ammonia oxidation in the ammonia burner does not commence until the temperature in the burner reaches 890 °C. The startup period ends when the ammonia burner reaches the required Shutdown of the nitric acid plant from full load requires approximately up to two (2) days. During shutdown, BACT work practice standards shall consist of Good Combustion Practices, where applicable, and operation of the control equipment while the control equipment is above minimum operating temperature. The shutdown period begins when operating temperatures in the ammonia burner fall below 890°C and nitric acid production ceases after cutting of ammonia supplied to ammonia burner. The control equipment and ammonia injection will be discontinued when temperatures in the control equipment falls below 600°F. During malfunctions, BACT work practice standards shall be followed for the emission unit and its air pollution control equipment as stated in Condition B.13, Emergency Conditions. LA-0349 DRIFTWOOD LNG LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 07/10/2018 &nbsp;ACT Flares (9)0 P Good Equipment Design, Best Operational Practices, Use of low sulfur facility fuel gas 0.068 LB/MM BTU AK-0085 ALASKA GASLINE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 486210 08/13/2020 &nbsp;ACT Eight (8) Flares for Vent Gas Disposal 76000 Mscf/hr Flares for Disposal of Vent Gas. EU 45 - HP Hydrocarbon Flare East - 76,000 Mscf/hr (7.3 Mscf/hr pilot, purge, & assist). EU 46 - HP Hydrocarbon Flare West 76,000 Mscf/hr (7.3 Mscf/hr pilot, purge, & assist). EU 47 - LP Hydrocarbon Flare East 4,200 Mscf/hr (1.3 Mscf/hr pilot, purge, & assist). EU 48 - LP Hydrocarbon Flare West - 4,2003 Mscf/hr (1.3 Mscf/hr pilot, purge, & assist). EU 49 HP Byproduct (CO2) Flare East - 9,500 Mscf/hr (2.7 Mscf/hr pilot, purge, & assist). EU 50 - HP Byproduct (CO2) Flare West - 9,500 Mscf/hr (2.7 Mscf/hr pilot, purge, & assist). EU 51 - LP Byproduct (CO2) Flare East - 29,000 Mscf/hr (6.3 Mscf/hr pilot, purge, & assist). EU 52 - LP Byproduct (CO2) Flare – West 29,000 Mscf/hr (6.3 Mscf/hr pilot, purge, & assist).P Proper flare work practice requirements, establishing a flaring minimization plan, and limit operations to 500 hours per year per unit flaring during startup, shutdown, and maintenance events.0.068 LB/MMBTU EUs 45 through 52 have a combined PTE of 1,551.37 tpy. IN-0324 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 05/06/2022 &nbsp;ACT Emergency Urea Flare EU-EUF 2.1 MMBtu/hr P The pilot and purge gas fuels shall be natural gas 0.068 LB/MMBTU (b)The Permittee shall comply with the following flare minimization practices to reduce emissions during startups, shut downs, and other flaring events: (1)Flare Use Minimization: Flare EU-EUF shall be limited to flaring ammonia during high-pressure events to the extent practicable; (2)The Permittee shall train all operators responsible for the day-to-day operation of the flares on the flare minimization practices and the specific procedures to follow during process startup, shutdown, and other flaring events; and (3)The Permittee shall investigate the “root cause†of malfunction events that cause flaring events other than at startup or shut down. This root cause analysis shall identify the apparent cause of unanticipated flaring event and shall recommend additional preventive measures that will minimize the chance of a repeat event. The Permittee shall implement the recommended preventive measures. (c)Flare emissions shall be controlled by use of the following practices: (1)Flares shall be designed for and operated with no visible emissions, except for periods not to exceed 5 minutes during any two consecutive hours; (2)Flares shall be operated with a flame present at all times; and (3)Flares shall be continuously monitored to assure the presence of a pilot flame with a thermocouple, infrared monitor, or other approved device. AK-0083 AGRIUM U.S. INC.USA AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 325311 01/06/2015 &nbsp;ACT Three (3) Flares 1.25 MMBTU/H 1.25 MMBtu/hr Ammonia Tank Flare, 0.4 MMBtu/hr Emergency Flare, and 1.25 MMBtu/hr Small Flare P Work Practice Requirements and Limited Use (limit venting to 168 hr/yr each during startup, shutdown, and maintenance events)0.068 LB/MMBTU IN-0263 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 03/23/2017 &nbsp;ACT FRONT END FLARE EU-017 1.12 MMBTU/H N 0.068 LB/MMBTU LIMIT 3: PILOT AND PURGE GAS FUELS USED SHALL BE NATURAL GAS LIMIT 4: COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING FLARE MINIMIZATION PRACTICES TO REDUCE EMISSIONS DURING STARTUPS, SHUTDOWNS, AND OTHER FLARING EVENTS: (1) SHALL LIMIT PERIODS WHEN THE BACKUP STORAGE COMPRESSOR AND THE AMMONIA REFRIGERATION COMPRESSOR ARE OFFLINE AT THE SAME TIME TO THE EXTENT PRACTICABLE; (2) TRAIN ALL OPERATORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAY TO DAY OPERATION OF THE FLARES ON THE FLARE MINIMIZATION PRACTICES AND THE SPECIFIC PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW DURING PROCESS STARTUP, SHUT DOWN, AND OTHER FLARING EVENTS; (3) SHALL INVESTIGATE THE &lsquo;&lsquo;ROOT CAUSE&lsquo;&lsquo; OF MALFUNCTION EVENTS THAT CAUSE FLARING EVENTS OTHER THAN AT STARTUP OR SHUT DOWN. THIS ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS SHALL IDENTIFY THE APPARENT CAUSE OF UNANTICIPATED FLARING EVENT AND SHALL RECOMMEND ADDITIONAL PREVENTIVE MEASURES THAT WILL MINIMIZE THE CHANCE OF A REPEAT EVENT. LIMIT 5: FLARES SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR AND OPERATED WITH NO VES, EXCEPT FOR PERIODS NOT TO EXCEED 5 MIN DUING ANY 2 CONSEC. HOURS; SHALL BE OPERATED WITH A FLAME PRESENT AT ALL TIMES; SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MONITORED TO ASSURE THE PRESENCE OF A PILOT FLAME WITH A THERMOCOUPLE, INFRARED MONITOR, OR OTHER APPROVED DEVICE. LIMIT 6: SHALL NOT EXCEED 336 HRS PER 12 CONSECUTIVE MONTH PERIOD WITH COMPLIANCE DETERMINED AT END OF EACH MONTH. IN-0263 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 03/23/2017 &nbsp;ACT BACK END FLARE (EU-018)1.12 MMBTU/H N 0.068 LB/MMBTU LIMIT 3: PILOT AND PURGE GAS FUELS USED SHALL BE NATURAL GAS LIMIT 4: COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING FLARE MINIMIZATION PRACTICES TO REDUCE EMISSIONS DURING STARTUPS, SHUTDOWNS, AND OTHER FLARING EVENTS: (1) SHALL LIMIT PERIODS WHEN THE BACKUP STORAGE COMPRESSOR AND THE AMMONIA REFRIGERATION COMPRESSOR ARE OFFLINE AT THE SAME TIME TO THE EXTENT PRACTICABLE; (2) TRAIN ALL OPERATORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAY TO DAY OPERATION OF THE FLARES ON THE FLARE MINIMIZATION PRACTICES AND THE SPECIFIC PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW DURING PROCESS STARTUP, SHUT DOWN, AND OTHER FLARING EVENTS; (3) SHALL INVESTIGATE THE &lsquo;&lsquo;ROOT CAUSE&lsquo;&lsquo; OF MALFUNCTION EVENTS THAT CAUSE FLARING EVENTS OTHER THAN AT STARTUP OR SHUT DOWN. THIS ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS SHALL IDENTIFY THE APPARENT CAUSE OF UNANTICIPATED FLARING EVENT AND SHALL RECOMMEND ADDITIONAL PREVENTIVE MEASURES THAT WILL MINIMIZE THE CHANCE OF A REPEAT EVENT. LIMIT 5: FLARES SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR AND OPERATED WITH NO VES, EXCEPT FOR PERIODS NOT TO EXCEED 5 MIN DUING ANY 2 CONSEC. HOURS; SHALL BE OPERATED WITH A FLAME PRESENT AT ALL TIMES; SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MONITORED TO ASSURE THE PRESENCE OF A PILOT FLAME WITH A THERMOCOUPLE, INFRARED MONITOR, OR OTHER APPROVED DEVICE. LIMIT 6: SHALL NOT EXCEED 336 HOURS PER 12 CONSECUTIVE MONTH PERIOD WITH COMPLIANCE DETERMINED AT END OF EACH MONTH. *IL-0134 CRONUS CHEMICALS, LLC DOUGLAS IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 325311 12/21/2023 &nbsp;ACT Startup Heater 47.7 mmBtu/hr P LNB, good burner design, and GCP 0.07 LB/MMBTU Compliance demonstrated by stack testing AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT TWO 4.44 MMBTU/HR STRIP DRYERS 4.44 MMBTU/H P LOW NOX BURNER 0.07 LB/MMBTU AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT TWO 1.37 MMBTU/HR STRIP DRYERS 1.37 MMBTU/H P LOW NOX BURNER 0.07 LB/MMBTU AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT TWO HARDENING FUNACES 4.13 LB/MMBTU P LOW NOX BURNER 0.07 LB/MMBTU IN-0359 NUCOR STEEL MONTGOMERY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 331111 03/30/2023 &nbsp;ACT Tunnel Furnace No. 2 502 tons/hour heat input capacity of 84 MMBtu per hour A low NOx burners 0.07 LB/MMBTU IN-0359 NUCOR STEEL MONTGOMERY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 331111 03/30/2023 &nbsp;ACT Tunnel Furnace No. 1 502 tons/hour heat input capacity of 84 MMBtu per hour B low NOx burners (LNB) and good combustion practices 0.07 LB/MMBTU IN-0359 NUCOR STEEL MONTGOMERY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 331111 03/30/2023 &nbsp;ACT Continuous Casters CC #1 and CC #2 502 tons/hour (total)P good operating practices 0.08 LB/HR FOR STEAM VENT AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT ANNEALING FURNACE 8.3 MMBTU/H P LOW NOX BURNER 0.08 LB/MMBTU LA-0377 TOKAI CARBON CB LTD.WEST BATON ROUGE LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325182 05/27/2020 &nbsp;ACT 1-19 Burner 1 12 MW Units are in mega watts.B Low NOx Burners and good combustion practices.0.08 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Natural Gas Space Heaters 170 MMBtu/hr SN-35 B Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.08 LB/MMBTU AR-0159 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 04/05/2019 &nbsp;ACT COLD MILL SPACE HEATERS 0 B Low NOx burners, Combustion of clean fuel, and Good Combustion Practices 0.08 LB/MMBTU AR-0172 NUCOR CORPORATION MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 09/01/2021 &nbsp;ACT SN-209 Annealing Furnaces 0 A Low NOx burners 0.0915 LB/MMBTU AR-0155 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 11/07/2018 &nbsp;ACT SMALL HEATERS AND DRYERS SN-05 THROUGH SN-11, SN-16, AND SN-17 0 RH VESSEL PREHEATER STATION, VESSEL TOP PART DRYER, RH VESSEL NOZZLE DRYER RH DEGASSER BURNER/LANCE LADLE PREHEATERS LADLE DRYOUT STATION VERTICAL LADLE HOLDING STATION TUNDISH PREHEATERS #1 THROUGH #2 B LOW NOX BURNERS COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.095 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Lime Injector Burners 0 SN-05 and SN-06 B Low NOX burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.095 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Vertical and Horizontal Ladle Preheaters 0 Horizontal Ladle Preheaters - SN-07 through SN-11 Vertical Ladle Dryout Flash Preheater Stations - SN-12 through SN-15 B Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.095 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Casting Process Heating Source 30 MMBtu/hr SN-50 P Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.095 LB/MMBTU AR-0159 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 04/05/2019 &nbsp;ACT SMALL HEATERS AND DRYERS SN-10 through SN-13 0 Vertical Ladle Dryout Flash Preheater Stations B LOW NOX BURNERS, COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL, AND GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.095 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Tundish Preheaters/Dryout Stand 0 SN-16 through SN-21 B Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.097 LB/MMBTU AR-0159 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 04/05/2019 &nbsp;ACT SMALL HEATERS AND DRYERS SN-16 through SN-19B 0 Tundish Preheaters/Dryout Stands #1 through #6 B Low NOx burners, Combustion of clean fuel, and Good Combustion Practices 0.097 LB/MMBTU AK-0083 AGRIUM U.S. INC.USA AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 325311 01/06/2015 &nbsp;ACT Startup Heater 101 MMBTU/H Natural Gas-Fired 101 MMBtu/hr Startup Heater. Installed in 1976.P Limited Use (200 hr/yr)0.098 LB/MMBTU The economic analysis indicates the level of NOx reduction does not justify installing selective catalytic reduction. Based on the excessive cost per ton of NOx removed per year, installation of selective catalytic reduction on the startup heater is not considered a feasible option for reducing NOx emissions. AR-0171 NUCOR CORPORATION 1.1E+11 AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 02/14/2019 &nbsp;ACT SN-141 Vacuum Tank Degasser No. 2 0 P Proper equipment design and operation 0.098 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT VT Degassers 0 SN-03 and SN-04 P Combustion of natural gas and good combustion practice 0.1 LB/MMBTU *IL-0134 CRONUS CHEMICALS, LLC DOUGLAS IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 325311 12/21/2023 &nbsp;ACT Front End Flare 2.22 mmBtu/hr P Flare minimization plan and root cause analysis, smokeless, steam-assist flare design, work practices in accordance with 40 CFR 63.11(b), GCP, nitrogen purge gas 0.1 LB/MMBTU Also 10.57 tons/yr (both pilot and SSM) and 10.57 tons/bi-monthly period during commissioning/shakedown period *IL-0134 CRONUS CHEMICALS, LLC DOUGLAS IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 325311 12/21/2023 &nbsp;ACT Ammonia Storage Flare 0.4 mmBtu/hr P Flare Minimization Plan and Root Cause Analysis, Steam-assist flare design, Work Practices in accordance with 40 CFR 60.18(b), GCP, use of nitrogen as purge gas 0.1 LB/MMBTU Also 13.7 tons/year from boil-off events and 15.68 tons/year (pilot and boil-off) *IL-0134 CRONUS CHEMICALS, LLC DOUGLAS IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 325311 12/21/2023 &nbsp;ACT Ammonia Flare 2.22 mmBtu/hr P Flare Minimization Plan and Root Cause Analysis, Steam-assist flare design, Work Practices in accordance with 40 CFR 63.11(b), GCP, use of nitrogen as purge gas 0.1 LB/MMBTU Also 8.97 tons/year (Pilot and SSM) and 8.97 tons/bi-month period (Pilot and SSM) during commissioning/shakedown period WI-0291 GRAYMONT WESTERN LIME-EDEN FOND DU LAC WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 327410 01/28/2019 &nbsp;ACT P05 Natural Gas Fired Line Heater 1.5 mmBTU/hr P Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Coil Coating Line Dryers and Ovens 0 SN-43 through SN-45 Chemical Dryer Primer Oven Finish Oven P Good combustion practices Energy efficient burners Combustion of natural gas 0.1 LB/MMBTU AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT PUSHER FURNACE 3 160 MMBTU/H P LOW NOX BURNER 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0171 NUCOR CORPORATION 1.1E+11 AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 02/14/2019 &nbsp;ACT SN-228 and SN-229 Zinc Dryer and Zinc Pot Preheat 3 MMBTU/hr each A Low Nox Burners 0.1 LB/MMBTU RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES AR-0171 NUCOR CORPORATION 1.1E+11 AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 02/14/2019 &nbsp;ACT SN-233 Galvanizing Line Boilers 15 MMBTU/hr each A Low Nox Burners 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0155 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 11/07/2018 &nbsp;ACT FURNACES SN-39, ANNEALING 85.15 MMBTU/HR B LOW NOX BURNERS COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Annealing Furnaces 117.9 MMBtu/hr SN-39, consists of 15 annealing furnaces for a total of 117.9 MMBtu/hr P Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT MgO Coating Lines Drying Sections 26.4 MMBtu/hr SN-54 and SN-56. Each sources has a heat input of 13.2 MMBtu/hr.B Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Hydrogen Plant #2 Reformer Furnace 12.5 MMBtu/hr SN-111 P Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Batch Annealing Furnaces 0 15 furnaces for a total of 117.9 MMBtu/hr SN-34 B Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Hydrogen Plant #2 Reformer Furnace 75 MMBtu/hr SN-114 six units, 12.5 MMBtu/hr each P Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Decarburizing Line Furnace Section 58 MMBtu/hr SN-40 and SN-42. SN-40 has a heat input of 36 MMBtu/hr. SN-42 has a heat input of 22 MBtu/hr.B Low NOx burners SCR Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Annealing Pickling Line Furnace Section 66 MMBtu/hr SN-47 B Low NOx burners SCR Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Annealing and Coating Line Furnace Section 13 MMBtu/hr SN-51 B Low NOx burners SCR Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Flattening Coating Lines, Furnace Sections 64 MMBtu/hr SN-58 andSN-60. Each unit has a heat input of 32 MMBtu/hr.B Low NOx burners SCR Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.1 LB/MMBTU FL-0363 FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY BROWARD FL FLORIDA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 12/04/2017 &nbsp;ACT Two natural gas heaters 9.9 MMBtu/hr P Manufacturer certification 0.1 LB/MMBTU No testing required; design spec only FL-0356 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT OKEECHOBEE FL FLORIDA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 03/09/2016 &nbsp;ACT Two natural gas heaters 10 MMBtu/hr Fueled only with gas. May operate one heater at a time.P Must have NOx emission design value less than 0.1 lb/MMBtu 0.1 LB/MMBTU Design standard only. No testing required. OK-0173 COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY BRYAN OK OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/19/2016 &nbsp;ACT Heaters (Gas-Fired)0 Numerous gas-fired heaters will be installed. The application requested that the sizes all be kept confidential.P Natural Gas Fuel 0.1 LB/MMBTU TX-0691 NRG TEXAS POWER LLC GALVESTON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 05/20/2014 &nbsp;ACT fuel gas heater 18 MMBTU/H N 0.1 LB/MMBTU TX-0694 INDECK WHARTON, L.L.C.WHARTON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 02/02/2015 &nbsp;ACT heater 3 MMBTU/H N 0.1 LB/MMBTU TX-0772 JEFFERSON RAILPORT TERMINAL I TEXAS LLC ORANGE TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)424710 11/06/2015 &nbsp;ACT Commercial/Institutional-Size Boilers/Furnaces 13.2 MMBTU/H Boiler will be operated continuously to maintain system temperatures in the intermittent boilers and heavy liquid storage tanks.N 0.1 LB/MMBTU AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT RTC MELTER NO 2 93 MMBTU/H P LOW NOX BURNER 0.12 LB/MMBTU OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC FULTON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT Tundish Dryer #2 (P030)1.2 MMBTU/H P Use of natural gas, good combustion practices and design 0.12 LB/H MI-0435 DTE ELECTRIC COMPANY ST. CLAIR MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 07/16/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUFUELHTR2: Natural gas fired fuel heater 3.8 MMBTU/H A natural gas-fired 3.8 MMBTU/H heat input HP fuel heater.P Low NOx burner 0.14 LB/H *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Flare Pilot Burner 1.46 MMBTU/HR P Proper burner design and operation 0.14 LB/H TX-0851 RIO GRANDE LNG LLC CAMERON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)486210 12/17/2018 &nbsp;ACT Thermal Oxidizer 71.3 MMBTU/HR Two thermal oxidizers to burn acid gas from natural gas Acid Gas Removal Units for Trains 1 and 2. In addition, for these two trains, the thermal oxidizers also accept breathing losses from the condensate tanks and the emissions from natural gas liquid truck loading. P Low NOx burners and good combustion practices.0.162 LB/MMBTU KS-0030 MID-KANSAS ELECTRIC COMPANY, LLC - RUBART STATION GRANT KS KANSAS DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT, BR. OF AIR & RADIATION, KS 221112 03/31/2016 &nbsp;ACT Indirect fuel-gas heater 2 mmBTU/hr One (1) indirect fuel-gas heater, rated at 2 mmBtu/hr heat input, which shall only burn natural gas, for the purpose of heating the natural gas fuel prior to combustion in the Caterpillar 4SLB RICE.N 0.2 LB/H *LA-0394 SHELL CHEMICAL LP ASCENSION LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 12/12/2023 &nbsp;ACT 55-22 - PAO Thermal Oxidizer 2 MM BTU/hr P Use of good thermal oxidizer design and implementation of good combustion practices 0.23 LB/HR OH-0379 PETMIN USA INCORPORATED ASHTABULA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 02/06/2019 &nbsp;ACT Quenching &amp; wastewater treatment (P008)0 Quenching & wastewater treatment, equipped with a flare.P Good combustion practices and the use of natural gas 0.235 LB/H AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Coil Coating Line - Finish Oven 12.2 MMBtu/hr SN-108d P Good combustion practices Energy efficient burners Combustion of natural gas 0.25 LB/MMBTU AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Coil Coating Line RTO 12.2 MMBtu/hr SN-46 P Good combustion practices Energy efficient burners Combustion of natural gas 0.25 LB/MMBTU AR-0168 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 03/17/2021 &nbsp;ACT Annealing and Coating Line Drying Furnace 15 MMBtu/hr SN-53 B Low NOx burners Combustion of clean fuel Good Combustion Practices 0.25 LB/MMBTU OH-0375 LONG RIDGE ENERGY GENERATION LLC - HANNIBAL POWER MONROE OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 11/07/2017 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler (B001)26.8 MMBTU/H 26.8 MMBtu/hr natural gas-fired boiler with a low-NOx burner and flue gas recirculation A Flue gas recirculation and low NOX burner 0.29 LB/H KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 041b - Indirect-Fired Building Heating Systems ≤ 1 MMBtu 3 MMBtu/hr (total) Building heating units across different buildings/process areas designed for comfort with no direct discharge to atmosphere. Includes 6 indirect-fired units ≤ 1 MMBtu/hr. Emissions calculated using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, 40 CFR 98, Subpart C, and a HHV for natural gas of 1,000 Btu/scf.P Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan 0.3 LB/HR Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, and implementation of the GCOP. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring and recordkeeping of throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated using AP-42, Chapter 1.4. OH-0374 GUERNSEY POWER STATION LLC GUERNSEY OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 10/23/2017 &nbsp;ACT Fuel Gas Heaters (2 identical, P007 and P008)15 MMBTU/H Two identical Fuel Gas Heaters; 15.0 MMBtu/hr natural gas-fired fuel gas heater with low-NOx burners. The natural gas heaters will heat a water bath.A Low-NOx gas burner 0.3 LB/H OK-0173 COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY BRYAN OK OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/19/2016 &nbsp;ACT Electric Arc Furnace 0 In the proposed CMC mill, scrap metal will be transported into the facility to be used as feedstock for the Melt Shop. In the Melt Shop, ferrous metal will be fed into the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF). Steelmaking is accomplished using electrical energy, with a melting temperature within the EAF of approximately 3,000 °F. Furnace off-gases, also at 3,000 °F, will be captured by a direct evacuation control (DEC) system and used to pre-heat the scrap being brought to the furnace. Throughput Capacity/Size has been deemed &lsquo;&lsquo;Confidential&lsquo;&lsquo; by the applicant.P Oxy-firing.0.3 LB/TON OF STEEL The application proposes oxy-firing as BACT for NOx to a level of 0.3 lb/ton of steel melted. This level is somewhat higher than the lowest NOx level shown on RBLC for electric arc furnaces but the proposed BACT level has been demonstrated by stack testing on a similar mill, whereas a demonstration is not readily available that the 0.2 lb/ton has actually been met in practice. AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT EAFs and LMFs 250 tons per hour steel SN-01 and SN-02 of the Permit P Scrap management plan and good operating practices 0.35 LB/TON OF STEEL *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Reactor Charge Heater - 53B001 10.1 MMBTU/HR A Ultra-Low NOx Burners (ULNB)0.4 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.04 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Melt Shop #2 (EU 20 Baghouse #3 Stack)2000000 tons steel/yr Includes emissions from the following units: Single shell DC EAF, 2 Ladle Metallurgical Furnaces, tundish preparation activities (Incl. dump station, relining station, and skull torch cutting), ladle preparation activities (Incl. dump station and relining station), used refractory cleanout, scrap bucket charge, safety lining dryer for tundishes, vertical ladle preheater at LMF. The capture efficiency of melt shop #2 is assumed to be 99%. Melt shop #1 & #2 (EU 01 and EU 20) are limited to a combined 3,500,000 tons steel cast/yr as measured as the total cast tons at the outlet of the A-Line Continuous Caster (EP 01-03) and B-Line Continuous Caster (EP 20-03) combined. Simultaneous arc operation in both shells of EP 01-01 and simultaneous casting operations in both casters (EP 01-02 and EP 20-03) is prohibited. Equipped with CEMS for CO, NOx, and SO2.P Combustion processes must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan 0.42 LB/TON Also subject to a 44.9 lb/hr emission limitation, averaged over 24 hours on non-production days. Emissions are measured via CEMS. The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Melt Shop #1 (EU 01 Baghouse #1 &amp; #2 Stack)2000000 tons steel/yr Includes emissions from the following units: Twin shell DC EAF, A-Line Continuous caster, 2 Ladle Metallurgical Furnaces, 7 Ladle pre- heaters, 2 ladle dryers, 4 tundish pre-heaters, 2 tundish side pre-heaters, 4 SEN pre-heaters, 2 tundish dryers, 6 mandrel pre-heaters, tundish preparation activities, ladle preparation activities, used refractory cleanout, 4 stirring stations, scrap cutting from slag pot, and B-Line continuous caster. The capture efficiency of melt shop #1 is assumed to be 99%. Melt shop #1 & #2 (EU 01 and EU 20) are limited to a combined 3,500,000 tons steel cast/yr as measured as the total cast tons at the outlet of the A-Line Continuous Caster (EP 01-03) and B-Line Continuous Caster (EP 20-03) combined. Simultaneous arc operation in both shells of EP 01-01 and simultaneous casting operations in both casters (EP 01-02 and EP 20-03) is prohibited. Equipped with CEMS for CO, NOx, and SO2.B Combustion processes must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. New equipment in the meltshop is equipped with low-NOx burners (70 lb/MMscf).0.42 LB/TON Also subject to a 44.9 lb/hr emission limitation, averaged over 24 hours on non-production days. Emissions are measured via CEMS. The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT Melt Shop (EU 01) &amp; Melt Shop Combustion Sources (EU 02)1750000 tons steel produced/yr Emissions from the melt shop are exhausted to a Negative Pressure Pulse-Jet Baghouse (C0101). The Melt Shop is equipped with canopy hoods to capture and vent emissions that are not captured by the direct shell evacuation system (DEC or DSE). The melt shop has an overall capture efficiency of 99% of emissions generated within the melt shop. Includes emissions from the following units: EP 01-01 – Single Shell AC Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), EP 01-02 - Ladle Metallurgical Furnace (LMF), EP 01-03 – Vacuum Degasser (during alloy addition only), EP 01-04 – Caster, EP 01-08 – Tundish Preparation, EP 01-09 – Ladle Preparation, EP 01-10 – Furnace Refractory Cleanout, and Emission Unit 02 (EU 02) – Melt Shop Natural Gas Combustion Sources: EP 02-01 – Ladle Preheaters #1-#7, Burner Maximum Capacity: five at 15 MMBtu/hr, each; two at 10 MMBtu/hr, each; EP 02-02 – Ladle Dryer, Burner Maximum Capacity: 15 MMBtu/hr; EP 02-03 – Tundish Preheaters #1 & #2, Burner Maximum Capacity: 20 MMBtu/hr, each; EP 02-04 – Tundish Dryers #1-#4, Burner Maximum Capacity: 15 MMBtu/hr, each; EP 02-05 –Mandrel Preheater #1 & Tundish SEN Preheaters #1 & #2, Burner Maximum Capacity: 3 MMBtu/hr, each; and EP 08-04 – Scrap Charging P The facility is equipped with Continuous Emission Monitors (CEMS) to enable real- time monitoring of NOx emissions, allowing adjustments to the process as needed to reduce emissions. Additionally, All EPs are required to have with a Good Work Practices (GWP) Plan or a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.0.42 LB/TON Emission Limit 3: 104 lb/hr, 30-day rolling average; Work Practice Requirements: GCOP Plan for EPs 01-01, 01-08, 02-01, 02-02, 02-03, 02-04, & 02-05; GWP Plan for EPs 01-03, 01-05, 01-08, 01-09, & 01-10; Additionally: EPs 02-01, 02-02, 02-03, 02-04, and 02-05 shall be equipped with low NOx burners (burners designed to maintain 70 lb/MMscf and the NOx emission standards). KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 031 - Sidewell Melting Furnace #2 14.3 tons/hr This furnace receives decoated aluminum scrap directly from the decoater via a scrap conveyor and supports solid reactive fluxing. Charge materials can be automatically or manually fed to the sidewell of the furnace. This emission unit is a new Group 1 furnace under 40 CFR 63, Subpart RRR. Control Device: Lime-Injected Hot Baghouse #2 (Both the charge well and hearth are exhausted to this baghouse) Maximum Capacity: 125530 tons/yr Maximum Heat Input Capacity: 32.0 MMBtu/hr Emissions calculated for natural gas consumption using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, Vendor estimates, and 40 CFR 98, Tables C-1 and C-2. Emissions calculated from aluminum metal production using the design grain loading for the baghouse, and allocating the flow for the process (64,677 dscfm), and then speciating using the TRC Report for “Side-well Furnace with Baghouse†and the UPL from similar facility testing for condensable portions. HF emissions calculated using a max wt% of fluoride in the salt flux used of 2.71%, and an injection rate of 40.0 lb of salt flux/ton of aluminum. Metal HAPs calculated using the RTR Modeling Docket Memo.B Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan, Low-Nox Burners (LNBs) capable of meeting 0.125 lb/MMBtu.0.44 LB/TON BACT for this equipment is the installation of LNBs and a GCOP Plan. Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, implementation of the GCOP, and installation of low NOx burners. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring, recording and reporting throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated based on a calculated UPL from six (6) tested emission factors at a confidence level of 95% of similar units. None of these emission factors include natural gas combustion contributions so a separate emission factor is derived for the NOx emissions contribution from natural gas combustion using AP-42 Chapter 1.4. Emission limit only includes captured emissions at 98% capture efficiency. KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 030 - Sidewell Melting Furnace #1 14.3 tons/hr This furnace receives decoated aluminum scrap directly from the decoater via a scrap conveyor and supports solid reactive fluxing. Charge materials can be automatically or manually fed to the sidewell of the furnace. This emission unit is a new Group 1 furnace under 40 CFR 63, Subpart RRR. Control Device: Lime-Injected Hot Baghouse #2 (Both the charge well and hearth are exhausted to this baghouse) Maximum Capacity: 125530 tons/yr Maximum Heat Input Capacity: 32.0 MMBtu/hr Emissions calculated for natural gas consumption using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, Vendor estimates, and 40 CFR 98, Tables C-1 and C-2. Emissions calculated from aluminum metal production using the design grain loading for the baghouse, and allocating the flow for the process (64,677 dscfm), and then speciating using the TRC Report for “Side-well Furnace with Baghouse†and the UPL from similar facility testing for condensable portions. HF emissions calculated using a max wt% of fluoride in the salt flux used of 2.71%, and an injection rate of 40.0 lb of salt flux/ton of aluminum. Metal HAPs calculated using the RTR Modeling Docket Memo.B Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan, Low-Nox Burners (LNBs) capable of meeting 0.125 lb/MMBtu.0.44 LB/TON BACT for this equipment is the installation of LNBs and a GCOP Plan. Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, implementation of the GCOP, and installation of low NOx burners. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring, recording and reporting throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated based on a calculated UPL from six (6) tested emission factors at a confidence level of 95% of similar units. None of these emission factors include natural gas combustion contributions so a separate emission factor is derived for the NOx emissions contribution from natural gas combustion using AP-42 Chapter 1.4. Emission limit only includes captured emissions at 98% capture efficiency. RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES MI-0440 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY INGHAM MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 611310 05/22/2019 &nbsp;ACT FGENGINES 16500 HP This flexible group consists of the four (4) natural gas-fired reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE). The throughput capacity is 16,500 HP per engine.A Selective catalytic reduction 0.5 G/HP-H The first emission limit, 0.5 g/hp-h does not include startup and shutdown. The limit applies to each engine within the flexible group FGENGINES. Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the engine load below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shutdown, until the point at which the fuel flow to the engine is terminated. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level, shall be described in the plan that is required as part of the permit. The second emission limit is 1.0 g/hp-h OR 82 ppmvd at 15%O2. Owners and operators may choose to comply with the emission standards in units of either g/HP-H or ppmvd at 15%O2. The limit applies to each engine within the flexible group FGENGINES. Pre-stratified charge, NSCR and SNCR were considered not technically feasible for this application. AR-0172 NUCOR CORPORATION MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 09/01/2021 &nbsp;ACT SN-01 EAF 585 tons steel per hour A Low NOx Burners 0.51 LB/TON AR-0171 NUCOR CORPORATION 1.1E+11 AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 02/14/2019 &nbsp;ACT SN-01 EAF 585 tons steel per hour P Natural Gas Fired Oxy Fuel Burners 0.51 LB/TON MI-0424 HOLLAND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OTTAWA MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/05/2016 &nbsp;ACT EUFUELHTR (Fuel pre-heater)3.7 MMBTU/H One natural gas fired dew point heater for warming the natural gas fuel (EUFUELHTR).P Good combustion practices.0.55 LB/H Low NOx burners are greater than $31,000/ton for NOx. KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 033 - Front-Load Tilting Melting Furnace 15 tons/hr The Front-Load furnace receives runaround scrap and prime charge (clean charge) via a charge transfer car. The Front-Load furnace does not support solid reactive fluxing. Emissions generated in the furnace will be routed to a shared baghouse (Hot Baghouse #3) serving both the NDC furnace and the Front-Load furnace. This emission unit is therefore considered a new group 2 furnace as defined in 40 CFR 63, Subpart RRR. Control Device: Lime-Injected Hot Baghouse #3 Maximum Capacity: 131,400 tons/yr Maximum Heat Input Capacity: 68.0 MMBtu/hr Emissions calculated for natural gas consumption using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, Vendor estimates, and 40 CFR 98, Tables C-1 and C-2. Emissions calculated from aluminum metal production using the design grain loading for the baghouse, and allocating the flow for the process (26,047 dscfm), and then speciating using the TRC Report for “Box Furnace Stack (5M3)â€. Uncontrolled (and uncaptured emissions) are calculated by back calculating using 98% capture efficiency.B Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan, Low-Nox Burners (LNBs) capable of meeting 0.125 lb/MMBtu.0.57 LB/TON BACT for this equipment is the installation of LNBs and a GCOP Plan. Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, implementation of the GCOP, and installation of low NOx burners. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring, recording and reporting throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated using similar unit vendor estimates for natural gas combustion contributions and the minimum emission factor from nine (9) tested emission factors of similar Group 1 Furnace units for the metal melting contributions. The minimum was selected due to Group 2 Furnace status (clean charge only) of the Front-Load Furnace. Emission limits only include captured emissions. KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 032 - Novelis Dual Chamber (NDC) Recycling Furnace 16.5 tons/hr This furnace will receive decoated aluminum scrap directly from the rotary decoater via a scrap conveyor that discharges into the stirring well portion of the open sidewell. Additionally, runaround scrap, post industrial automotive (auto.) scrap, and/or open market scrap will be charged from a charging machine into the charging chamber. The NDC Furnace can also be fed manually into the open sidewell with runaround scrap or post-industrial auto scrap. The open sidewell will also support solid reactive fluxing. Emissions generated in the charging chamber, enclosed sidewell, open sidewell, and main hearth will be routed to the baghouse. This emission unit is a new Group 1 furnace under 40 CFR 63, Subpart RRR. Control Device: Lime-Injected Hot Baghouse #3 (The charging chamber, open sidewell and main hearth are all exhausted to this baghouse) Maximum Capacity: 144802.8 tons/yr Maximum Heat Input Capacity: 54.0 MMBtu/hr Emissions calculated for natural gas consumption using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, Vendor estimates, and 40 CFR 98, Tables C-1 and C-2. Emissions calculated from aluminum metal production using the design grain loading for the baghouse, and allocating the flow for the process (97,600 dscfm), and then speciating using the TRC Report for “Side-well Furnace with Baghouse†and the UPL from similar facility testing for condensable portions. HF emissions calculated using a max wt% of fluoride in the salt flux of 2.71%, and an injection rate of 40.0 lb of salt flux/ton of aluminum. Metal HAPs calculated using the RTR Modeling Docket Memo.B Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan, Low-Nox Burners (LNBs) capable of meeting 0.143 lb/MMBtu.0.63 LB/TON BACT for this equipment is the installation of LNBs and a GCOP Plan. Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, implementation of the GCOP, and installation of low NOx burners. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring, recording and reporting throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated based on a calculated UPL from six (6) tested emission factors at a confidence level of 95% of similar units. None of these emission factors include natural gas combustion contributions so a separate emission factor is derived for the NOx emissions contribution from natural gas combustion using AP-42 Chapter 1.4. Emission limit only includes captured emissions at 98% capture efficiency. OH-0379 PETMIN USA INCORPORATED ASHTABULA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 02/06/2019 &nbsp;ACT Startup boiler (B001)15.17 MMBTU/H Startup boiler, natural gas fired with maximum heat input of 15.17 MMBtu/hr.B Low-NOX burners, good combustion practices and the use of natural gas 0.634 LB/H OH-0366 CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE - LORDSTOWN, LLC TRUMBULL OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 08/25/2015 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler (B001)34 MMBTU/H 34 MMBtu/hr (Higher Heating Value (HHV)) natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler A Flue gas recirculation (FGR) and low NOx burner 0.68 LB/H MI-0435 DTE ELECTRIC COMPANY ST. CLAIR MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 07/16/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUFUELHTR1: Natural gas fired fuel heater 20.8 MMBTU/H A natural gas-fired 20.8 MMBTU/H heat input HP fuel heater.P Low NOx burner 0.75 LB/H OH-0370 TRUMBULL ENERGY CENTER TRUMBULL OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 09/07/2017 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler (B001)37.8 MMBTU/H Auxiliary Boiler 37.8 MMBtu/hr A Flue gas recirculation (FGR), low NOx burner 0.76 LB/H OH-0372 OREGON ENERGY CENTER LUCAS OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 09/27/2017 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler (B001)37.8 MMBTU/H 37.8 mmBtu/hr natural gas fired auxiliary boiler with low- NOX burners and flue gas recirculation P low NOX burners and flue gas recirculation 0.76 LB/H NJ-0084 PSEG FOSSIL LLC MIDDLESEX NJ NEW JERSEY DEPT OF ENV PROTECTION, DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 221112 03/10/2016 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler firing natural gas 687 MMCFT/YR Maximum heat input rate for natural gas fired auxiliary boiler is 80 MMBtu/hr (HHV) permitted to operate for 8760 hrs/yr.P low NOx burners and flue gas recirculation (FGR)0.8 LB/H KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Material Handling Sample Line Plasma Cutter (EP 02-06)3500000 tons steel/yr The hot band coils produced at the hot rolling mill must be sampled for quality assurance/quality control validation. EP 02-06 is installed in a new inspection line building located adjacent to the coil yard. The inspection line plasma cutter will make approximately 96 cuts per 24-hour shift. This plasma cutter is equipped with a built in RoboVent air filtration unit that will exhaust within the new Inspection Line building.P The permittee must develop a Good Work Practices (GWP) Plan to minimize emissions.0.81 LB/HR The permittee shall prepare and implement a Good Work Practices (GWP) plan that includes written operating instructions and procedures that specify good operating and maintenance practices and includes, at a minimum, the following specific practices targeting emission minimization, and a means of verifying the practices have occurred: i. Tracking material usage to ensure that equipment is operated as designed and correcting any operating or design issues as quickly as possible. ii. Employing a preventative maintenance program, including a preventative maintenance schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions for routine and longterm maintenance. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Rolling Mill Inspection Line Plasma Cutter (EP 02- 07)3500000 tons steel/yr EP 02-07 is installed within the Rolling Mill Building in order to cut samples of product for inspection and quality assurance testing. The plasma torch cutting is equipped with down draft burn table to capture fume generated during the cutting process and is vented to a dust collector for PM control. The dust collector will discharge within the building with a final egress point to atmosphere through the building roof monovent.P The permittee must develop a Good Work Practices (GWP) Plan to minimize emissions.0.81 LB/HR The permittee shall prepare and implement a Good Work Practices (GWP) plan that includes written operating instructions and procedures that specify good operating and maintenance practices and includes, at a minimum, the following specific practices targeting emission minimization, and a means of verifying the practices have occurred: i. Tracking material usage to ensure that equipment is operated as designed and correcting any operating or design issues as quickly as possible. ii. Employing a preventative maintenance program, including a preventative maintenance schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions for routine and longterm maintenance. *WV-0029 ESC HARRISON COUNTY POWER, LLC HARRISON WV WEST VIRGINIA DEPT. OF ENVRIONMENTAL PROTECTION; DIV. OF AIR QUALITY 221112 03/27/2018 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler 77.8 mmBtu/hr Annual emission based on 4600 hours/year.P LNB, FGR, Good Combustion Practices 0.86 LB/HR OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC FULTON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT Tundish Preheaters #3 and #4 (P028 and P029)9.5 mmbtu/hr All limits and throughputs are for each unit.P Use of natural gas, good combustion practices and design 0.95 LB/H NJ-0085 STONEGATE POWER, LLC MIDDLESEX NJ NEW JERSEY DEPT OF ENV PROTECTION, DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 221112 07/19/2016 &nbsp;ACT AUXILIARY BOILER 4000 H/YR B Low NOx burners and Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) and use of natural gas a clean burning fuel 0.975 LB/H AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Hot Pressure Relief Vent 0 SN-125 B Flare, Scrubber, Good Combustion Practices, Low NOX Fuel 1 TPY KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 037 - Sow Dryer 20 MMBtu/hr Natural gas-fired dryer preheats aluminum sows and other forms of hard &lsquo;&lsquo;clean charge†prior to manually feeding into the furnaces. Control Device: None Maximum Capacity: 15.9 tons Al/hr Emissions calculated using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, vendor estimates for similar units, 40 CFR 98, Subpart C, and a HHV for natural gas of 1,000 Btu/scf. The metal processing capacity is based on 111.3 tons Al/batch, 7 hrs/batch.B Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan, Low-Nox Burners (LNBs) capable of meeting 0.054 lb/MMBtu.1.08 LB/HR BACT for this equipment is the installation of LNBs and a GCOP Plan. Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, implementation of the GCOP, and installation of low NOx burners. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring, recording and reporting throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated using similar unit vendor estimates. *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Recycle Gas Heater - 51B002A 33 MMBTU/HR A Ultra-Low NOx Burners (ULNB)1.3 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.04 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Recycle Gas Heater - 51B002B 33 MMBTU/HR A Ultra-Low NOx Burners (ULNB)1.3 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.04 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Recycle Gas Heater - 51B002C 33 MMBTU/HR A Ultra-Low NOx Burners (ULNB)1.3 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.04 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Recycle Gas Heater - 51B002D 33 MMBTU/HR A Ultra-Low NOx Burners (ULNB)1.3 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.04 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Recycle Gas Heater - 51B002E 33 MMBTU/HR A Ultra-Low NOx Burners (ULNB)1.3 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.04 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) *MI-0445 INDECK NILES, LLC CASS MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 11/26/2019 &nbsp;ACT FGFUELHTR (2 fuel pre-heaters)27 MMBTU/H Two natural gas-fired dew point heaters for warming the natural gas fuel (EUFUELHTR1 & EUFUELHTR2 in FGFUELHTR). The total combined heat input during operating shall not exceed 27 MMBTU/hr as well. The CO2e limit is for both units combined; however the other limits are per unit.P Good combustion practices 1.32 LB/H SCR and Low NOx burners are each greater than $18,000/ton for NOx, factoring in the redundancy of the heaters (limited joint operation). OH-0379 PETMIN USA INCORPORATED ASHTABULA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 02/06/2019 &nbsp;ACT Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) (P901)0 Electric Arc Furnace, including smelting, tapping, pouring, and casting.A Direct Evacuation Control 1.4 LB/T KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 05-03 - Heavy Plate Cutting Beds #1-#4 150000 tons steel/yr Four plate cutting beds (i.e., burning beds) are used to cut plates to specific customer specifications, as well as for obtaining samples for quality assurance testing. Three of the burning beds is equipped with two oxy-fuel cutting torches, and the fourth burning bed is equipped with an oxy-fuel cutting torch and a plasma cutting torch (i.e., total of seven oxy-fuel torches and one plasma torch). Each burning bed employs a downdraft table connected to a dust collector. Max torch capacity: 0.0028 MMscf/yr.P This EP is required to have a Good Work Practices (GWP) Plan.1.4 LB/HR Emission Limit 3: 4.50 ton/yr, 12-month rolling, combined; For EP 05-03, the permittee shall prepare and implement, upon initial compliance demonstration but no later than 180 days after startup, a Good Work Practices (GWP) plan that includes written operating instructions and procedures that specify good operating and maintenance practices and includes, at a minimum, the following specific practices targeting PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, and VOC emission minimization, and a means of verifying the practices have occurred: i.Tracking material usage to ensure that equipment is operated as designed and correcting any operating or design issues as quickly as possible. ii.Employing a preventative maintenance program, including a preventative maintenance schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions for routine and long-term maintenance. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 03-06 - Hot Rolling Mill Plasma Cutter 1110000 tons steel/yr The steel sheet from the Steckel mill is either cut to length with plasma torches for processing as light plate or banded into coils via a downcoiler before transfer to the coil yard.P This EP is required to have a Good Work Practices (GWP) Plan.1.4 LB/HR For EP 03-06, the permittee shall prepare and implement, upon initial compliance demonstration but no later than 180 days after startup, a Good Work Practices (GWP) plan that includes written operating instructions and procedures that specify good operating and maintenance practices and includes, at a minimum, the following specific practices targeting PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, and VOC emission minimization, and a means of verifying the practices have occurred: i.Tracking material usage to ensure that equipment is operated as designed and correcting any operating or design issues as quickly as possible. ii.Employing a preventative maintenance program, including a preventative maintenance schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions for routine and long-term maintenance. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 04-04 - Light Plate Plasma Torch Cutting 180000 tons steel/yr The plasma torch cutting is equipped with down draft burn table to capture fume generated during the cutting process and is vented to a dust collector for PM control. The dust collector will discharge within the building with a final egress point to atmosphere through the building roof monovent.P This EP is required to have a Good Work Practices (GWP) Plan.1.4 LB/HR For EP 04-04, the permittee shall prepare and implement, upon initial compliance demonstration but no later than 180 days after startup, a Good Work Practices (GWP) plan that includes written operating instructions and procedures that specify good operating and maintenance practices and includes, at a minimum, the following specific practices targeting PM, PM10, PM2.5, and NOx emission minimization, and a means of verifying the practices have occurred: i.Tracking material usage to ensure that equipment is operated as designed and correcting any operating or design issues as quickly as possible. ii.Employing a preventative maintenance program, including a preventative maintenance schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions for routine and long-term maintenance. OH-0377 HARRISON POWER HARRISON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 04/19/2018 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler (B001)44.55 MMBTU/H 44.55 MMBtu/hr natural gas-fired boiler equipped with low-NOx burners. The permit includes the option to install either General Electric turbines (with 80 MMBTU aux boiler B002) or Mitsubishi turbines (with 44.55 MMBTU aux boiler B001).B Good combustion practices and low NOx burner 1.56 LB/H OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC FULTON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT Ladle Preheaters and Dryers (P021-023, P025- 026)16 MMBTU/H Consists of the 5 following units: Ladle Preheat #5 (P021) Ladle Preheat #6 (P022) Ladle Dryer #5 (P023) Ladle Dryer #3 (P025) Ladle Dryer #4(P026) All limits and throughputs are for each unit.P Use of natural gas, good combustion practices and design 1.6 LB/H AR-0167 DELEK US UNION COUNTY AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 324110 12/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT SN-803 - #4 Pre-Flash Column Reboiler 40 MMBtu/hr SN-803 is a 40 MMBtu/hr reboiler (nominal design) used to maintain the temperature in the pre-flash column in order to separate crude oil into gasoline and naphtha. The reboiler is fueled by NSPS Subpart J quality gas. It was installed in 1979 and will be retrofitted with next generation, ultra-low NOx burners. As a result of the refinery expansion permit revision, this source has undergone PSD review for PM10. BACT for this source is good combustion practice.P Ultra-low NOx burners and good combustion practice 1.9 LB/HR KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 041c - Indirect-Fired Building Heating Systems &gt; 1 MMBtu 19.2 MMBtu/hr (total) Building heating units across 10 different buildings/process areas designed for comfort with no direct discharge to atmosphere. Includes 17 indirect-fired units > 1 MMBtu/hr. Maximum individual heating rate input is 1.5 MMBtu/hr. Emissions calculated using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, 40 CFR 98, Subpart C, and a HHV for natural gas of 1,000 Btu/scf.P Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan 1.92 LB/HR Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, and implementation of the GCOP. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring and recordkeeping of throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated using AP-42, Chapter 1.4. MI-0441 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/21/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUEMGNG2 6000 HP EUEMGNG2 is a 6000 HP natural gas-fueled emergency engine manufactured after 2009 serving a 4,000 kW generator. The engine generator is used to facilitate operations during idling of the plant for routine maintenance checks and readiness testing.P Burn natural gas and be NSPS compliant 2 G/HP-H The NOx emission limit in the permit is 2.0 g/HP-H OR 160 ppmvd at 15%O2. Either is based on an hourly time period. The control considered technically feasible was catalytic oxidation; however, it was not considered economically feasible. MI-0441 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/21/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUEMGNG1--A 1500 HP natural gas fueled emergency engine 1500 HP EUEMGNG1 is a 1500 HP natural gas-fueled emergency engine manufactured after 2009 serving a 1,000 kW generator. This engine generator is used to charge the batteries in the uninterruptible power supply battery system.P Burn natural gas and be NSPS compliant.2 G/HP-H The emission limit contained in the permit for NOx is 2.0 g/HP-H OR 160 ppmvd at 15%O2. The control considered technically feasible was catalytic oxidation; however, it was not considered economically feasible. PA-0311 MOXIE FREEDOM LLC LUZERNE PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/01/2015 &nbsp;ACT Combustion Turbine With Duct Burner 3727 MMBtu/hr DLN burner, SCR, Oxidation Catalyst and shall maintain and operate the sources and associated air cleaning devices in accordance with good engineering practice. shall install, certify, maintain and operate continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) for nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and ammonia emissions on the exhaust of each combined-cycle powerblock. Emissions limits are for each combustion turbine/duct burner block.B DLN burner, SCR, good engineering practice 2 PPMDV @ 15% O2 106.2 tpy 12-month rolling basis PA-0311 MOXIE FREEDOM LLC LUZERNE PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/01/2015 &nbsp;ACT Combustion Turbine without Duct Burner 0 B DLN burners, SCR, good engineering practice 2 PPMDV @15% O2 106.2 tpy on 12-month rolling basis NY-0103 CRICKET VALLEY ENERGY CENTER LLC USA NY NEW YORK DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 221112 02/03/2016 &nbsp;ACT Turbines and duct burners 228 mw A dry low NOx burners in combination with selective catalytic reduction 2 PPMVD @ 15% O2 Applies to all operating loads, except during startup and shutdown. PA-0310 CPV FAIRVIEW, LLC CAMBRIA PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/02/2016 &nbsp;ACT Combustion turbine and HRSG with duct burner NG only 3338 MMBtu/hr Emission limits are for each turbine operating with duct burner and do not include startup/shutdown emissions. Tons per year limits is a cumulative value for all three CCCT. CEMS for NOx, CO, and O2. Each CCCT and duct burner have 5 operational scenarios: 1 CCCT with duct burner fired - fueled by NG only 2 CCCT with duct burner fired - fueled by NG blend with ethane 3 CCCT without duct burner fired - fueled by NG only 4 CCCT without duct burner fired - fueled by NG blend with ethane 5 CCCT without duct burner fired - fueled by ULSD (Limited to emergency use only)B Dry Low NOx combustion technology, SCR at all steady state operating loads, good combustion and operating practices 2 PPMDV @ 15% O2 ppmdv limit is for each turbine with duct burner, TPY is a cumulative total. RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES LA-0364 FG LA LLC ST. JAMES LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 01/06/2020 &nbsp;ACT Cogeneration Units 2222 mm btu/h Throughput is maximum operating rate. 2139 MM BTU/hr normal operating rate.A Dry low NOx combustor design along with SCR.2 PPMVD BACT limit is corrected to 15% oxygen. MA-0039 FOOTPRINT POWER SALEM HARBOR DEVELOPMENT LP ESSEX MA MASSACHUSETTS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 01/30/2014 &nbsp;ACT Combustion Turbine with Duct Burner 2449 MMBTU/H two 315 MW (nominal) GE Energy 7F Series 5 Rapid Response Combined Cycle Combustion Turbines with Duct Burners and 31 MW (estimated) steam turbine generators A Dry Low NOx Combustors & Selective Catalytic Reduction 2 PPMVD @ 15% O2 during start-ups (≤ 45 minutes): NOx ≤ 89 lb per event during shutdowns (≤ 27 minutes): NOx ≤ 10 lb per event the project is subject LAER for NOx as ozone precursor, and BACT-PSD for NOx as NO2 precursor. PA-0309 LACKAWANNA ENERGY CENTER, LLC LACKAWANNA PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 12/23/2015 &nbsp;ACT Combustion turbine with duct burner 3304.3 MMBtu/hr Limits are for each CCCT and yearly limits are for cumulative turbine and duct burner. Duct burner throughput is 637.9 MMBtu/hr.B Dry low-NOx burners, SCR, exclusive natural gas 2 PPMDV @15% O2 NOx CEMS 1-hour average IL-0133 LINCOLN LAND ENERGY CENTER (A/K/A EMBERCLEAR)SANGAMON IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 221112 07/29/2022 &nbsp;ACT Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbines 3647 mmBtu/hour Combined-cycle comustion turbines and heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) with a 35 mmBtu/hr duct burner. Turbine inlets would have evaporative cooling systems to cool the inlet air during warm weather to increase power output.A Dry low-NOx combustion with ultra-low NOx combustors; low-NOx duct burners; and selective catalytic reduction (SCR)2 PPMV @ 15% O2 Emission limit 1 is applicable during normal operation, excluding startup and shutdown; averaging time: 3-operating hour, rolled hourly. Beginning 36 months after completion of shakedown, the averaging time: 1-operating hour. Emission Limit 2 is applicable during startup and shutdown: 130 pounds/hour (cold start/shakedown); 71 pounds/hour (non-cold start); 55 pounds/hour (shutdown). Limits for startup and shutdown are applicable for each clock hour that includes a startup, shutdown or shakedown. Compliance demonstrated using a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) MD-0041 CPV MARYLAND, LLC CHARLES MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 04/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES 725 MEGAWATT TWO GENERAL ELECTRIC (GE) F-CLASS ADVANCED COMBINED CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 725 MW, COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG) EQUIPPED WITH DUCT BURNERS, DRY LOW-NOX BURNERS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST B DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)2 PPMVD @ 15% O2 EMISSION #1 IS WITH AND WITHOUT DUCT FIRING EMISSION #2 IS FOR EACH STARTUP/SHUTDOWN EVENT LA-0391 MAGNOLIA POWER LLC IBERVILLE LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221112 06/03/2022 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine w/ Duct Burners and HRSG 5081 mm BTU/h Normal operating rate is 4930 MMBTU/h.B Dry low-NOx combustor design, selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and good combustion practices.2 PPMVD Units are ppmvd@15% O2 on a 24-hour rolling average based on a one-hour average. FL-0367 SHADY HILLS ENERGY CENTER, LLC PASCO FL FLORIDA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 07/27/2018 &nbsp;ACT 1-on-1 combined cycle unit (GE 7HA)3266.9 MMBtu/hour One nominal 385 MW GE 7HA.02 CTG and one HRSG with duct firing [approximately 210 MMBtu/hour], and one nominal 210 MW steam turbine generator (STG)B Dry low-NOX combustors and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)2 PPMVD AT 15% O2 2nd Limit of 15 ppmvd @ 15% O2 (for turbine loads ≥ 75%), 30-operating-day rolling avg. (NSPS Subpart KKKK) 3rd Limit: 96 ppmvd @15% O2 (for turbine loads < 75%), 30-operating-day rolling avg. (NSPS Subpart KKKK) FL-0371 SHADY HILLS ENERGY CENTER, LLC PASCO FL FLORIDA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 06/07/2021 &nbsp;ACT GE 7HA.02 Combustion Turbine and HRSG with Duct Firing 3622.1 MMBtu/hour Throughput based on a compressor inlet air temperature of 59° F, the higher heating value (HHV) of natural gas, and 100% load A Dry low-NOX combustors and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)2 PPMVD AT 15% O2 2nd Limit of 15 ppmvd @ 15% O2 (for turbine loads ≥ 75%), 30-operating-day rolling avg. (NSPS Subpart KKKK) 3rd Limit: 96 ppmvd @15% O2 (for turbine loads < 75%), 30-operating-day rolling avg. (NSPS Subpart KKKK) WI-0283 AFE, INC RACINE WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 334419 04/24/2018 &nbsp;ACT P90 – Natural Gas-Fired Emergency Generator 9.51 mmBTU/hr 750 kW or 1,114 brake horsepower P Good Combustion Practices and the Use of Turbocharger and Aftercooler 2 G/BHP-HR 2.0 grams/brake horsepower-hour Or 160 ppmvd at 15% oxygen. MI-0442 THOMAS TOWNSHIP ENERGY, LLC SAGINAW MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 08/21/2019 &nbsp;ACT FGCTGHRSG 625 MW Two (2) combined-cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generators (CTGs), each with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in a 1x1 configuration with a steam turbine generator (STG). Each CTGHRSG has a combined nominal 625 MW electricity production (ISO) and a maximum combined heat input rating of 4,200 MMBTU/hr (HHV). Each HRSG is equipped with a natural gas-fired duct burner with a maximum rating of 560 MMBTU/hr (HHV) (ISO) to provide heat for additional steam production.B Good combustion practices, dry low NOx burners and selective catalytic reduction (SCR).2 PPM There are 3 emission limits within the permit and each limit applies to each unit. Emission Limit 1 = 2 ppmvd based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each hour, except during startup and shutdown. Table 1 of 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart KKKK allows 96 ppmvd NOx at 15 percent O2 when the turbines are operating at less than 75 percent of peak load, or at temperatures less than 0 deg. F. Emission Limit 2 = 190 lb/hour and applies hourly, including startup or shutdown. Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the turbine output below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shut down, until the combustion process ends at flame-off. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level, shall be described in the plan required in special condition (SC) III.2 of the permit. Emission Limit 3 = 15 ppmvd, each unit and is based on a 30-day rolling average, except during operation less than 75 percent of peak load. Does not include startup and shutdown. Table 1 of 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart KKKK allows 96 ppmvd NOx at 15 percent O2 when the turbines are operating at less than 75 percent of peak load, or at temperatures less than 0 deg F. Thomas Township Energy does not consider wet controls, SNCR, XONON, EMxGT or NSCR to be technically feasible for the proposed equipment. Dry Low NOx Combustor Design (DLN) with SCR (80-99% NOx reduction). MD-0046 KEYS ENERGY CENTER, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 10/31/2014 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES 235 MW TWO SIEMENS F-CLASS (SGT6-500FEE) SERIES COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH DUCT BURNERS, WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 735 MW, COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG), DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTORS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST, AND FUELED EXCLUSIVELY ON PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS. HEAT INPUT LIMITED TO 6,802 BTU/KWH (NET) AT ALL TIMES WHEN THE CTS/HRSGS ARE OPERATING (LHV). INITIAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE HEAT RATE LIMITATION SHALL BE DEMONSTRATED USING ASME PTC-46 TEST METHOD. ANNUAL THERMAL EFFICIENCY TEST CONDUCTED ACCORDING TO ASME PTC-46, OR ANOTHER METHODOLOGY APPROVED BY MDE-ARMA, AND COMPARE RESULTS TO DESIGN THERMAL EFFICIENCY VALUE. AN EXCEEDANCE OF THE HEAT RATE LIMIT IS NOT CONSIDERED A VIOLATION OF THIS PERMIT, BUT TRIGGERS A REQUIREMENT FOR KEYS TO SUBMIT A MAINTENANCE PLAN TO MDE-ARMA WHICH SPECIFIES THE ACTIONS KEYS PLANS TO TAKE IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE HEAT RATE LIMIT. THE PLAN SHALL INCLUDE A TIMEFRAME THAT THE HEAT RATE LIMIT WILL BE MET NOT TO EXCEED 60 DAYS UNLESS AGREED TO BY MDE-ARMA.B GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES, DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION 2 PPMVD @ 15% O2 WITH AND WITHOUT DUCT FIRING, EXCEPT DURING PERIODS OF STARTUP/SHUTDOWN MD-0045 MATTAWOMAN ENERGY, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 11/13/2015 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES 286 MW TWO SIEMENS H-CLASS (SGT-8000H VERSION 1.4-OPTIMIZED) COMBINED CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 286 MW (EACH), COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG) EQUIPPED WITH DUCT BURNERS, DRY LOW-NOX BURNERS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST. HEAT RATE LIMITED TO 6,793 BTU/KWH (NET) AT ALL TIMES WHEN THE CTS/HRSGS ARE OPERATING (LHV). INITIAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE HEAT RATE LIMITATION SHALL BE DEMONSTRATED USING ASME PTC-46 TEST METHOD. ANNUAL THERMAL EFFICIENCY TEST CONDUCTED ACCORDING TO ASME PTC-46, OR ANOTHER METHODOLOGY APPROVED BY MDE-ARMA, AND COMPARE RESULTS TO DESIGN THERMAL EFFICIENCY VALUE. AN EXCEEDANCE OF THE HEAT RATE LIMIT IS NOT CONSIDERED A VIOLATION OF THIS PERMIT, BUT TRIGGERS A REQUIREMENT FOR MATTAWOMAN TO SUBMIT A MAINTENANCE PLAN TO MDE-ARMA WHICH SPECIFIES THE ACTIONS MATTAWOMAN PLANS TO TAKE IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE HEAT RATE LIMIT. THE PLAN SHALL INCLUDE A TIMEFRAME THAT THE HEAT RATE LIMIT WILL BE MET NOT TO EXCEED 60 DAYS UNLESS AGREED TO BY MDE-ARMA.B GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES, DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)2 PPMVD @ 15% O2 WITH AND WITHOUT DUCT FIRING MI-0424 HOLLAND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OTTAWA MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/05/2016 &nbsp;ACT EUNGENGINE (Emergency engine--natural gas)500 H/YR A 1,462 HP natural gas-fueled emergency engine manufactured in 2016 serving a 1,040 kW generator. The engine is used to charge the batteries in the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) battery system (EUNGENGINE). Restricted to 144 hours/year on a 12-month rolling time period basis.P Good combustion practices.2 G/HP-H AR-0171 NUCOR CORPORATION 1.1E+11 AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 02/14/2019 &nbsp;ACT SN-215, 216, 217, 218, 239, 231, 232 Natural gas fired emergency generators 0 P Good operating practices.2 G/KW-HR IA-0107 INTERSTATE POWER AND LIGHT MARSHALL IA IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AIR QUALITY 221112 04/14/2014 &nbsp;ACT Combustion turbine #1 - combined cycle 2258 mmBtu/hr two identical Siemens SGT6-5000F combined cycle turbines without duct firing, each at 2258 mmBtu/hr generating approx. 300 MW each.B Low-NOx burners and SCR 2 PPM AL-0328 ALABAMA POWER COMPANY MOBILE AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 221112 11/09/2020 &nbsp;ACT Two 744 MW Combined Cycle Units 744 MW A SCR 2 PPM *PA-0316 RENOVO ENERGY CENTER, LLC CLINTON PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 01/26/2018 &nbsp;ACT Combustion Turbine Firing NG 0 General Electric model 7AH.02 lean premix DLN natural-gas/ultra-low diesel-fired combustion turbine (CT) and steam turbine (ST), where the CT and ST train is configured in a single shaft alignment and drive one common electric generator capable of producing approximately 500 megawatts (MW) of electricity, shall be equipped with dry-low-NOx (DLN) combustors.A SCR 2 PPMDV *PA-0319 APV RENAISSANCE PARTNERS GREENE PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 08/27/2018 &nbsp;ACT COMBUSTION TURBINE UNIT w/o DUCT BURNERS UNIT 2665.9 MMBtu/hr A SCR 2 PPMDV NJ-0084 PSEG FOSSIL LLC MIDDLESEX NJ NEW JERSEY DEPT OF ENV PROTECTION, DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 221112 03/10/2016 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine with Duct Burner firing natural gas 0 B SCR and use of natural gas a clean burning fuel 2 PPMVD@15%O2 *MI-0445 INDECK NILES, LLC CASS MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 11/26/2019 &nbsp;ACT FGCTGHRSG 3421 MMBTU/H 3421 MMBTU/H for each turbine 740 MMBTU/H for each duct burner for a combined throughput of 4161 MMBTU/H or 8322 MMBTU/H for both trains. Two combined-cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generators (CTGs) with Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) (EUCTGHRSG1 & EUCTGHRSG2 in FGCTGHRSG). The total hours for startup and shutdown for each train shall not exceed 500 hours per 12-month rolling time period.A SCR with DLNB (Selective Catalytic Reduction with Dry Low NOx Burners)2 PPM There are 4 emission limits for EACH CTGHRSG within FGCTGHRSG as follows: Emission Limit 1 = 2 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup/shutdown (SS). Emission Limit 2 = 15 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 30-day rolling average as determined each operating day. Emission Limit 3 = 27.4 lb/h based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup/shutdown (SS). Emission Limit 4 = 286 lb/h based on each operating hour during startup or shutdown. Startup and shutdown operations are limited to 500 hours per 12-month rolling time period for each CTGHRSG train. Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the turbine output below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shut down, until the point at which the fuel flow to the combustor is terminated. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level, shall be described in the startup and shutdown emission minimization plan. The efficiency range is 80-90 percent. MI-0433 MARSHALL ENERGY CENTER LLC CALHOUN MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 06/29/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG (South Plant): A combined cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator with heat recovery steam generator.500 MW A combined-cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator (CTG) with heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in a 1x1 configuration with a steam turbine generator (STG) for a nominal 500 MW electricity production. The CTG is a H-class turbine with a rating of 3,080 MMBTU/H (HHV). The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas-fired duct burner rated at 755 MMBTU/H (HHV) at ISO conditions to provide heat for additional steam production. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with dry low NOx burner (DLNB), SCR and an oxidation catalyst.A SCR with DLNB (Selective catalytic reduction with dry low NOx burners).2 PPMV The estimated efficiency of SCR with DLNB is a range of 80-90%. There are 4 NOx emission limits in the permit, as follows: Emission Limit 1 = 2 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour except during startup and shutdown (S.S.). Emission limit 2 - 15 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 30-day rolling average as determined each operating day (not including startup and shutdown) per NSPS KKKK. Emission limit 3 = 29.7 LB/H based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour except during startup and shutdown. Emission limit 4 = 126.5 LB/H based on each operating hour during startup or shutdown. Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the turbine output below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shut down, until the point at which the fuel flow to the combustor is terminated. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level, shall be described in the plan required in Special Condition III.2 in the permit. Startup and Shutdown hours are limited to 300 hours per 12 month rolling time period. MI-0433 MARSHALL ENERGY CENTER LLC CALHOUN MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 06/29/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG (North Plant): A combined-cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator with heat recovery steam generator.500 MW Nominal 500 MW electricity production. Turbine rating of 3,080 MMBTU/hr (HHV) and HRSG duct burner rating of 755 MMBTU/hr (HHV). A combined-cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator (CTG) with heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in a 1x1 configuration with a steam turbine generator (STG) for a nominal 500 MW electricity production. The CTG is a H-class turbine with a rating of 3,080 MMBTU/hr (HHV). The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas-fired duct burner rated at 755 MMBTU/hr (HHV) at ISO conditions to provide heat for additional steam production. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with dry low NOx burner (DLNB), SCR, and an oxidation catalyst.A SCR with DLNB (Selective catalytic reduction with Dry Low NOx burners).2 PPMVD There are 4 NOx emission limits for EUCTGHRSG as follows: Emission limit 1 = 2 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour except during startup and shutdown. Emission Limit 2 = 29.7 lb/h based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour except during startup and shutdown. Emission Limit 3 = 15 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 30-day rolling average as determined each operating day. This limit is from NSPS KKKK. Emission limit 4 = 126.5 lb/h each operating hour during startup or shutdown. Estimated efficiency of SCR with DLNB is a range of 80-90% Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the turbine output below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shut down, until the point at which the fuel flow to the combustor is terminated. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level shall be described in the plan required by Special Condition III.2. Startup and shutdown hours are limited to 300 hours per 12-month rolling time period. MI-0435 DTE ELECTRIC COMPANY ST. CLAIR MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 07/16/2018 &nbsp;ACT FGCTGHRSG (EUCTGHRSG1 &amp; EUCTGHRSG2)0 Two (2) combined-cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generators, each with a heat recovery steam generator (CTGHRSG). Plant nominal 1,150 MW electricity production. Turbines are each rated at 3,658 MMBTU/H and HRSG duct burners are each rated at 800 MMBTU/H. The HRSGs are not capable of operating independently from the CTGs.A SCR with DLNB (Selective catalytic reduction with dry low NOx burners).2 PPMVD There are 4 NOx emission limits in the permit, described below: Emission limit 1 = 2 ppmvd at 15% O2 based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown (S.S.). The limit applies to each unit. Emission limit 2 = 28.90 LB/H based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown (S.S.). The limit applies to each unit. Emission limit 3 = 15 ppmvd at 15% O2 based on a 30-day rolling average as determined each operating day. The limit applies to each unit and is from NSPS KKKK. Emission limit 4 = 262.4 LB/H each operating hour during startup or shutdown (S.S.). The limit applies to each unit. The estimated efficiency of SCR with DLNB is a range of 80-90%. Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the turbine output below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shut down, until the point at which the fuel flow to the combustor is terminated. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level, shall be described in the plan required in Special Condition III.2 in the permit. RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES MI-0452 MARSHALL ENERGY CENTER, LLC CALHOUN MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 06/23/2022 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG (South Plant): A combined-cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator with heat recovery steam generator.3064 MMBTU/H Nominal 500 MW electricity production. Turbine rating of 3064 MMBTU/H (HHV) and HRSG duct burner rating of 889 MMBTU/H (HHV). A combined-cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator (CTG) with heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in a 1x1 configuration with a steam turbine generator (STG) for a nominal 500 MW electricity production. The CTG is a H-class turbine with a rating of 3,064 MMBTU/hr (HHV). The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas fired duct burner, with a maximum heat input rating of 889 MMBTU/hr (HHV) and rated at 874 MMBTU/hr (HHV) at ISO conditions to provide heat for additional steam production. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with dry low NOx burner (DLNB), SCR, and an oxidation catalyst.A SCR with DLNB [Selective Catalytic Reduction with Dry Low NOx Burners]2 PPM There are 4 NOx emission limits, all 4 will be described below: Emission limit 1 = 2 ppmvd based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. The applicable requirement is BACT. Emission limit 2 = 29.2 lbs/hr based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour except during startup and shutdown. The applicable requirements are BACT, NAAQS and PSD increment. Emission limit 3 = 15 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 30-day rolling average as determined each operating day. The applicable requirement is NSPS KKKK. Emission limit 4 = 126.5 lbs/hr based on an operating hour during startup or shutdown. The applicable requirements are BACT, NAAQS and PSD increment. Estimated efficiency of SCR with DLNB is a range of 80-90% Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the turbine output below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shut down, until the point at which the fuel flow to the combustor is terminated. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level, shall be described in the plan required in SC III.2. Startup and Shutdown hours are limited to 300 hours per 12 month rolling time period. PA-0307 CALPINE MID-MERIT, LLC YORK PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 06/15/2015 &nbsp;ACT Two Combine Cycle Combustion Turbine with Duct Burner 3001.57 MCF/hr Two (2) Combustion Turbine, 235 MW / 2512.5 MMBtu/hr, will fire NG and with the design having no bypasss from the CT to HRSG the CT will always be in combined cycle mode the HRSG with NG-fired Duct Burner maximum rated heat input capacity 722 MMBtu/hr. CT will employ dry low NOx burner technology (NG firing), controled by SCR and oxidation catalyst. . (Operational limits are for each CCCT NG-fired with duct burner)B SCR, Dry Lo-NOx combustor, good combustion practices and low sulfur fuels 2 PPVDM @ 15 O2 Tons per year limit is for cumulative emissions from both CCCT in any 12-month period IA-0107 INTERSTATE POWER AND LIGHT MARSHALL IA IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AIR QUALITY 221112 04/14/2014 &nbsp;ACT Combustion turbine #2 -combined cycle 2258 mmBtu/hr B SCR, Low-NOx burner 2 PPM TX-0713 TENASKA BROWNSVILLE PARTNERS, LLC CAMERON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 04/29/2014 &nbsp;ACT (2) combined cycle turbines 274 MW Each CTG is site-rated at 274 MW gross electric output at 62°F ambient temperature. At this condition, two HRSGs with full duct burner firing produce enough steam to generate an additional 336 MW, for a total of 884 MW gross, or with about 5% losses, about 840 MW net electric output. Under summertime conditions, the net output is approximately 800 MW with the 2x1 CCGT configuration or about 400 MW with the 1x1 CCGT configuration.A Selective Catalytic Reduction 2 PPMVD TX-0714 NRG TEXAS POWER LLC HARRIS TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 12/19/2014 &nbsp;ACT (2) combined cycle turbines 240 MW The gas turbines will be one of three options: (1) Two Siemens Model F5 (SF5) CTGs each rated at nominal capability of 225 megawatts (MW). Each CTG will have a duct fired HRSG with a maximum heat input of 688 million British thermal units per hour (MMBtu/hr). (2) Two General Electric Model 7FA (GE7FA) CTGs each rated at nominal capability of 215 MW. Each CTG will have a duct fired HRSG with a maximum heat input of 523 MMBtu/hr. (3) Two Mitsubishi Heavy Industry G Frame (MHI501G) CTGs each rated at a nominal electric output of 263 MW. Each CTG will have a duct fired HRSG with a maximum heat input of 686 MMBtu/hr.A Selective Catalytic Reduction 2 PPMVD 7 ppm ammonia slip limit TX-0751 EAGLE MOUNTAIN POWER COMPANY LLC TARRANT TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221122 06/18/2015 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Turbines (&gt;25 MW) – natural gas 210 MW Two power configuration options authorized Siemens – 231 MW + 500 million British thermal units per hour (MMBtu/hr) duct burner GE – 210 MW + 349.2 MMBtu/hr duct burner A Selective Catalytic Reduction 2 PPM IL-0129 CPV THREE RIVERS, LLC GRUNDY IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 221112 07/30/2018 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbines 3474 mmBtu/hr Throughput of ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) is 3798 mmBtu/hr. Combined cycle combustion turbines w/ heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). Turbine inlets will have inlet evaporative cooling systems to cool inlet air during warm weather to increase power output.A Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and low-NOx combustion technology (dry low-NOx combustion technology for natural gas; water injection for ULSD)2 PPMV @ 15% O2 Emission Limit 1 is for natural gas. Emission Limit 2 is for ULSD. Emission Limits 1 & 2 are effective beginning 36 months after commissioning. Limits 1 & 2 are not applicable during startup, shutdown, tuning and commissioning. Permit limits are as follows, applicable on a per-turbine basis, 3-hr average. For natural gas: Without duct burner: 25.2 lb/hr With duct burner: 32.0 lb/hr Other periods (incl. startup/shutdown): 228 lb/hr Extended startup: 228 lb/hr Tuning: 228 lb/hr For ULSD: Normal Operation: 83.6 lb/hr Extended startup: 277 lb/hr Tuning: 277 lb/hr See also Condition 2.1.6(a)(iv) of the issued permit for operation during transition. IL-0130 JACKSON GENERATION, LLC WILL IL ILLINOIS EPA, BUREAU OF AIR 221112 12/31/2018 &nbsp;ACT Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine 3864 mmBtu/hr Combined-cycle combustion turbines with heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). Turbines will have inlet evaporative cooling systems to cool inlet air during warm weather to increase power output.A Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and low-NOx technology (dry low-NOx combustion technology)2 PPMV Emission Limit 1 is applicable for first 36 months of operation. Emission Limit 2 is applicable beginning 36 months after commissioning of turbines. Pounds/hour limits without duct burner are: 30.5 (normal operation), 180.3 (startup/shutdown/commissioning) and 91.5 (tuning). Pounds/hour limits with duct burner are: 33.9 (normal operation, 33.9 (startup/shutdown/commissioning) and 91.5 (tuning). All pounds/hour limits for normal operation apply on a 3-hour average. Pounds/hour limits for startup/shutdown/commissioning and tuning apply on a 1-hour average. See also Condition 2.1.6(a)(iv) of the issued permit. NJ-0084 PSEG FOSSIL LLC MIDDLESEX NJ NEW JERSEY DEPT OF ENV PROTECTION, DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 221112 03/10/2016 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine without Duct Burner Firing Natural Gas 28169501 MMBTU/YR Natural Gas Usage: <=28,169,501 MMBtu/year which includes maximum ultra low sulfur distillate oil usage of =2,371,943 MMBTU/year A SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR) SYSTEM 2 PPMVD@15%O2 WI-0300 NEMADJI TRAIL ENERGY CENTER DOUGLAS WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221121 09/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural-Gas-Fired Combined-Cycle Turbine (P01)4671 MMBTU/H One Natural-Gas-Fired Siemens SGT6-8000 H Combined-Cycle Turbine with Natural Gas-Fired Duct Burner and Diesel Fuel Oil Back- Up [Maximum continuous rating: 4,671 MMBtu/hr higher heating value (HHV) when combusting natural gas, 4,027 MMBtu/hr, HHV when combusting diesel fuel oil], Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) (C01a) and Oxidation Catalyst (C01b)B Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), low-NOx burners, Water injection when firing diesel fuel oil.2 PPM AT 15% O2 Except during start-up and shutdown NJ-0085 STONEGATE POWER, LLC MIDDLESEX NJ NEW JERSEY DEPT OF ENV PROTECTION, DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 221112 07/19/2016 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine firing Natural Gas with Duct Burner 4000 h/yr A SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION AND DRY LOW NOX 2 PPMVD@15%O2 COMPLIANCE BY CEMS AND STACK TESTING NJ-0085 STONEGATE POWER, LLC MIDDLESEX NJ NEW JERSEY DEPT OF ENV PROTECTION, DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 221112 07/19/2016 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine firing Natural Gas without Duct Burner 8040 H/YR A Selective Catalytic Reduction System and Dry Low NOx 2 PPMVD@15%O2 COMPLIANCE BY CEMS AND STACK TESTING *IN-0365 SULLIVAN IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 221112 06/19/2023 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Turbine CTGB 4200 MMBtu per hour Option 2 GE Model 7HA.03 Turbine - natural gas-fired combined cycle system with a maximum heat input capacity of 4,200 MMBtu per hour, equipped with a GE combustion turbine generator (CTG) exhausting to a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) which will feed steam to one steam turbine generator (STG), using dry-low-NOx (DLN) combustors and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for control of NOx emissions, and an oxidation catalyst as VOC and CO control, and exhausting to stack CTG with continuous emissions monitors for NOx and CO. Facility will install only one turbine, but at the time of permitting had not decided which turbine would be used.A Selective Catalytic Reduction system and dry-low-NOx combustors.2 PPMVD FL-0356 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT OKEECHOBEE FL FLORIDA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 03/09/2016 &nbsp;ACT Combined-cycle electric generating unit 3096 MMBtu/hr per turbine 3-on-1 combined cycle unit. GE 7HA.02 turbines, approximately 350 MW per turbine. Total unit generating capacity is approximately 1,600 MW. Primarily fueled with natural gas. Permitted to burn the base-load equivalent of 500 hr/yr per turbine on ULSD.A Selective catalytic reduction; dry low-NOx; and wet injection 2 PPMVD@15% O2 NSPS Subpart KKKK is applicable. This subpart is adopted as &lsquo;&lsquo;Secondary BACT&lsquo;&lsquo; during startup/shutdown/malfunction periods. Compliance by NOx CEMS. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 10-05 - Austenitizing Furnace Rolls Emergency Generator 636 HP A natural Gas emergency generator used to provide emergency power supply for critical operations should the facility power supply be interrupted. This generator is a 4-stroke, lean-burn engines that has a displacement of less than 30 liters per cylinder.P This EP is required to have a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.2 G/HP-HR The permittee shall prepare and maintain for EP 10-05, upon initial compliance demonstration but no later than 180 days after startup, a good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the plan shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 10-06 - Tempering Furnace Rolls Emergency Generator 636 HP A natural Gas emergency generator used to provide emergency power supply for critical operations should the facility power supply be interrupted. This generator is a 4-stroke, lean-burn engines that has a displacement of less than 30 liters per cylinder.P This EP is required to have a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.2 G/HP-HR The permittee shall prepare and maintain for EP 10-06, upon initial compliance demonstration but no later than 180 days after startup, a good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the plan shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. MD-0042 OLD DOMINION ELECTRIC CORPORATION (ODEC)CECIL MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 04/08/2014 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES, WITH DUCT FIRING 1000 MW TWO MITSUBISHI &lsquo;&lsquo;G&lsquo;&lsquo; MODEL COMBUSTION TURBINE GENERATORS (CTS) WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 270 MW CAPACITY EACH, COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG) EQUIPPED WITH DUCT BURNERS, DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTORS, SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR), OXIDATION CATALYST B USE OF DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR TURBINE DESIGN , USE OF PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS DURING NORMAL OPERATION AND SCR SYSTEM 2 PPMVD @ 15% O2 WITH AND WITHOUT DUCT FIRING. NOX EMISSION DURING SHUTDOWNS IS 100 LB/EVENT. THE STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN LIMITS ARE FOR BOTH CTS COMBINED KS-0030 MID-KANSAS ELECTRIC COMPANY, LLC - RUBART STATION GRANT KS KANSAS DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT, BR. OF AIR & RADIATION, KS 221112 03/31/2016 &nbsp;ACT Spark ignition RICE emergency AC generators 450 kW Two (2) spark ignition emergency AC generators, each rated at 450 kW (approximately 604 BHP), which shall burn only natural gas for fuel for the purpose of providing emergency power.N 2 G/HP-HR OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC FULTON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT Shuttle Cars #1 and #2 (P019 and P020)30 MMBTU/H Consists of the 2 following units: Shuttle Car #1 (P019) Shuttle Car #2 (P020) All limits and throughputs are for each unit.B Use of natural gas, use of low NOx burners, good combustion practices and design 2.1 LB/H OH-0379 PETMIN USA INCORPORATED ASHTABULA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 02/06/2019 &nbsp;ACT Ladle Preheaters (P002, P003 and P004)15 MMBTU/H Three identical Ladle dryers / preheaters, natural gas fired with maximum heat input of 15.00 MMBtu/hr, emissions are vented to the EAF baghouse. Throughputs and limits are for one preheater, except as noted.P Good combustion practices and the use of natural gas 2.12 LB/H KS-0030 MID-KANSAS ELECTRIC COMPANY, LLC - RUBART STATION GRANT KS KANSAS DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT, BR. OF AIR & RADIATION, KS 221112 03/31/2016 &nbsp;ACT Spark ignition RICE electricity generating units (EGUs)10 MW Twenty-four (24) new spark ignition 4SLB RICE EGUs (Caterpillar model G20CM34), used to generate electricity. The generating capacity of each EGU will be 10 megawatts (approximately 13,410 BHP). Each EGU shall be equipped with a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system and an oxidation catalyst, and shall burn only natural gas for fuel.N 2.13 LB/H OH-0377 HARRISON POWER HARRISON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 04/19/2018 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler (B002)80 MMBTU/H 80 MMBtu/hr natural gas-fired boiler equipped with low-NOx burners. The permit includes the option to install either General Electric turbines (with 80 MMBTU aux boiler B002) or Mitsubishi turbines (with 44.55 MMBTU aux boiler B001).B Good combustion practices and low NOx burner 2.19 LB/H *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Regeneraton Heater - 51B001 61 MMBTU/HR A Ultra-Low NOx Burners (ULNB)2.44 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.04 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) MI-0421 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 08/26/2016 &nbsp;ACT EUCOOLING in FGPRESSCOOL (Board Cooling System)0 Board cooling system equipped with a wet scrubber (WS01) to control particulate emissions. The press system and board cooling systems share an exhaust due to the use of a single enclosure to comply with the PCWP MACT.P Good design and operation practices 2.5 LB/H There are 3 NOx emission limits: Emission limit 1 = 2.5 LB/H. Applicable reqt is BACT, NAAQS, PSD increment. Emission limit 2 = 11 tpy based upon a 12-month rolling time period as determined at the end of each calendar month. Applicable reqt. is BACT, NAAQS, PSD increment. Emission Limit 3 = 0.04 LB/1000 SQF, 3/4 inch basis. Applicable reqt is BACT. There is no combustion associated with the press, but there are NOx emission factors. All control options would be combustion controls. There is no NOx emitted from the board cooling system. These limits apply to the total emissions from the press and board cooler. MI-0448 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 12/18/2020 &nbsp;ACT Continuous Press System (EUPRESS in FGPRESSCOOL)0 Continuous press system to form mats into raw particle boards equipped with a wet scrubber (WS01) to control particle emissions. The press system and board cooling systems share an exhaust due to the use of a single enclosure to comply with the PCWP MACT. P Good design and operation practices 2.5 LB/H There is a third emission limit of 0.04 lb/1000ft2, 3/4 inch basis, on an hourly basis. There is no combustion associated with the press, but there are NOx emission factors. All control options would be combustion controls. There is no NOx emitted from the board cooling system. These limits apply to the total emissions from the press and board cooler. MI-0448 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 12/18/2020 &nbsp;ACT Board Cooling System (EUCOOLING in FGPRESSCOOL)0 Board Cooling System equipped with a wet scrubber (WS01) to control particle emissions. The press system and board cooling systems share an exhaust due to the use of a single enclosure to comply with the PCWP MACT.P Good design and operation practices 2.5 LB/H There is a third NOx emission limit of 0.04 lb/1000 ft2, 3/4 inch basis, on an hourly basis. There is no combustion associated with the press, but there are NOx emission factors. All control options would be combustion controls. There is no NOx emitted from the board cooling system. These limits apply to the total emissions from the press and board cooler. MI-0421 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 08/26/2016 &nbsp;ACT EUPRESS in FGPRESSCOOL (continuous press system)0 Continuous press system to form mats into raw particle boards equipped with a wet scrubber (WS01) to control particulate emissions. The press system and board cooling systems share an exhaust due to the use of a single enclosure to comply with the PCWP MACT. P Good design and operation practices.2.5 LB/H There are 3 NOx emission limits for this emission unit. Emission limit 1 = 2.5 LB/H. Applicable reqt is BACT, NAAQS & PSD Increment. Emission limit 2 = 11 T/YR based upon a 12-month rolling time period as determined at the end of each calendar month. Applicable reqt is BACT, NAAQS, & PSD Increment. Emission limit 3 = 0.04 lb/1000 ft2, 3/4 inch basis. Applicable reqt. is BACT. There is no combustion associated with the press, but there are NOx emission factors. All control options would be combustion controls. There is no NOx emitted from the board cooling system. These limits apply to the total emissions from the press and board cooler. MI-0425 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 05/09/2017 &nbsp;ACT EUPRESS in FGPRESSCOOL 0 Continuous press system to form mats into raw particle boards equipped with a wet scrubber (WS01) to control particle emissions. The press system and board cooling systems share an exhaust due to the use of a single enclosure to comply with the PCWP MACT. P Good design and operation practices.2.5 LB/H There is a third emission limit: Emission Limit 3 = 0.04 lb/1000 sq. ft., 3/4 inch basis. There is no combustion associated with the press, but there are NOx emission factors. All control options would be combustion controls. There is no NOx emitted from the board cooling system. These limits apply to the total emissions from the press and board cooler. MI-0425 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 05/09/2017 &nbsp;ACT EUCOOLING in FGPRESSCOOL 0 Board cooling system equipped with a wet scrubber (WS01) to control particle emissions. The press system and board cooling systems share an exhaust due to the use of a single enclosure to comply with the PCWP MACT.P Good design and operation practices.2.5 LB/H There are 3 emission limits: Emission Limit 3 = 0.04 lb/1000 sq.ft., 3/4 inch basis. There is no combustion associated with the press, but there are NOx emission factors. All control options would be for combustion controls. There is no NOx emitted from the board cooling system. These limits apply to the total emissions from the press and board cooler. RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES MI-0451 MARSHALL ENERGY CENTER, LLC CALHOUN MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 06/23/2022 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG (North Plant): A combined cycle natural gas fired combustion turbine generator with heat recovery steam generator 3064 MMBTU/H Throughput Information: Nominal 500 MW electricity production. Turbine rating of 3,064 MMBTU/hr (HHV) and HRSG duct burner rating of 889 MMBTU/Hr (HHV). A combined-cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator (CTG) with heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) in a 1x1 configuration with a steam turbine generator (STG) for a nominal 500 MW electricity production. The CTG is a H-class turbine with a rating of 3,064 MMBTU/hr (HHV). The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas fired duct burner, with a maximum heat input rating of 889 MMBTU/hr (HHV) and rated at 874 MMBTU/hr (HHV) at ISO conditions to provide heat for additional steam production. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with dry low NOx burner (DLNB), SCR, and an oxidation catalyst.A SCR with DLNB (Selective catalytic reduction with Dry low NOx burners)2.5 PPM There are 4 NOx emission limits with only 2 noted in table above: Emission limit 1 above = 2 ppmvd based on a 24-hour rolling avg as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. The underlying applicable requirement (UAR) for this limit is BACT. Emission limit 2 above = 29.2 lbs/hr based on a 24-hour rolling avg as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. The UARs are BACT, NAAQS and PSD Increment. Emission limit 3 = 15 ppmvd at 15% O2 based on a 30-day rolling average as determined each operating day and does not include startup and shutdown. The UAR is NSPS KKKK. Emission limit 4 is 126.5 lbs/hr, each operating hour during startup or shutdown. The UAR for this limit is BACT, NAAQS and PSD increment. Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the turbine output below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shut down, until the point at which the fuel flow to the combustor is terminated. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level, shall be described in the plan required in SC III.2. Startup and Shutdown hours are limited to 300 hours per 12 month rolling time period. OR-0050 TROUTDALE ENERGY CENTER, LLC MULTNOMAH OR OREGON DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 03/05/2014 &nbsp;ACT GE LMS-100 combustion turbines, simple cycle with water injection 1690 MMBTU/H B Utilize water injection when combusting natural gas or ULSD; Utilize selective catalytic reduction (SCR) with aqueous ammonia injection at all times except during startup and shutdown; Limit the time in startup or shutdown.2.5 PPMDV AT 15% O2 OH-0387 INTEL OHIO SITE LICKING OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 334414 09/20/2022 &nbsp;ACT 45.6 MMBtu/hr Natural Gas-Fired Nitrogen Vaporizers: B029 through B032 45.6 MMBTU/H Four 45.6 MMBtu/hr Natural Gas-Fired Nitrogen Vaporizers: B029 through B032 B Ultra-low NOX burners, good combustion practices, and the use of natural gas 2.59 T/YR MI-0423 INDECK NILES, LLC CASS MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 01/04/2017 &nbsp;ACT FGFUELHTR (Two fuel pre-heaters identified as EUFUELHTR1 &amp; EUFUELHTR2)27 MMBTU/H Two natural gas fired dew point heaters for warming the natural gas fuel (EUFUELHTR1 & EUFUELHTR2 in flexible group FGFUELHTR). The total combined heat input during operation shall not exceed 27 MMBTU/H (each) as well. The CO2e limit is for both units combined; however the other limits are per unit.P Good combustion practices.2.65 LB/H The emission limit of 2.65 lb/hr is for each unit. SCR and low NOx burners are each greater than $18,000/ton for NOx, factoring in the redundancy of the heaters (limited operation). AR-0167 DELEK US UNION COUNTY AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 324110 12/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT SN-808 - #7 FCCU Furnace 56 MMBtu/hr SN-808 is a 56 MMBtu/hr furnace (nominal design) used to heat gas oil. It is fueled by NSPS Subpart J quality gas. It was installed in 1979. BACT for this source is good combustion practice.P Good combustion practice 2.8 LB/HR IN-0324 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 05/06/2022 &nbsp;ACT fire water pump EU-015 500 HP N 2.83 G/HP-HR NOx emissions from the diesel-fired emergency fire water pump (EU-015) shall be controlled by good combustion practices MI-0454 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/20/2022 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG1 667 MMBTU/H EUCTGHRSG1- A nominally rated 667 MMBtu/hr natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator (CTG) coupled with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas-fired duct burner rated at 204 MMBtu/hr to provide heat for additional steam production. The CTG is capable of operating in combined-cycle mode where the exhaust is routed to the HRSG or in simple-cycle mode where the HRSG is bypassed. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with a dry low NOx burner (DLNB), selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and oxidation catalyst.A Dry low NOx burners and selective catalytic reduction for NOx control for each CTG/HRSG unit.3 PPM There are 5 NOx emission limits with only 2 listed above. All 5 are detailed below: Emission limit 1 (above) = 3.0 ppmvd at 15%O2 on a 240hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup (SU) and shutdown (SD). Emission limit 2 (above) = 60.0 lbs/hr on an hourly basis including startup or shutdown in combined cycle mode. Emission limit 3 = 60.0 lbs/hr on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour. Applies in HRSG bypass mode. Emission limit 4 = 25 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 4-hour rolling average except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Applies in HRSG bypass mode. (NSPS limit). Emission limit 5 = 25 ppmvd at 15%O2 on a 30-day rolling average except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Applies in combined cycle mode. (NSPS limit). The use of SCR with the DLNB is the highest ranked control system and was selected as BACT; therefore, an economic analysis was not performed. MI-0454 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/20/2022 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG2 667 MMBTU/H EUCTGHRSG2- A nominally rated 667 MMBtu/hr natural gas-fired CTG coupled with a HRSG. The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas-fired duct burner rated at 204 MMBtu/hr to provide heat for additional steam production. The CTG is capable of operating in combined-cycle mode where the exhaust is routed to the HRSG or in simple-cycle mode where the HRSG is bypassed. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with a DLNB, SCR, and oxidation catalyst.A Dry low NOx burners and selective catalytic reduction for NOx control for each CTG/HRSG unit.3 PPM There are 5 NOx emission limits, all of which are listed below: Emission Limit 1 = 3.0 ppmvd at 15% Oxygen (O2) on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. Emission Limit 2 = 25 ppmvd at 15% Oxygen (O2) on a 4-hour rolling average, except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Applies in HRSG bypass mode (NSPS limit). Emission Limit 3 = 25 ppmvd at 15% Oxygen (O2) on a 30-day rolling average, except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Applies in combined cycle mode. (NSPS limit). Emission Limit 4 = 60.0 lb/hr on an hourly basis, including startup or shutdown in combined cycle mode. Emission Limit 5 = 60.0 lb/hr on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour. Applies in HRSG bypass mode. The use of SCR with the DLNB is the highest ranked control system and was selected as BACT; therefore, an economic analysis was not performed. MI-0441 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/21/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG2--A 667 MMBTU/H natural gas fired CTG with a HRSG.667 MMBTU/H EUCTGHRSG2 is a nominally rated 667 MMBTU/H natural gas fired CTG coupled with a HRSG. The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas fired duct burner rated at 204 MMBTU/h to provide heat for additional steam production. The CTG is capable of operating in combined-cycle mode where the exhaust is routed to the HRSG or in simple-cycle mode where the HRSG is bypassed. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with a DLNB, SCR and oxidation catalyst.B Dry low NOx burners and selective catalytic reduction for NOx control.3 PPM There are 4 NOx emission limits in the permit for this emission unit. Emission limit 1 is 3.0 ppmvd at 15% O2 based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. This limit is when the unit is in combined cycle mode. Emission limit 2 is 25 ppmvd at 15% O2 based on a 4-hour rolling average, except during operation less than 75% peak load. This limit is when the unit is in HRSG bypass mode. Emission limit 3 is 60.0 lb/h when the unit is in combined cycle mode. It is hourly including startup or shutdown. Emission limit 4 is 60.0 lb/h when the unit is in HRSG bypass mode. It is based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour. The use of SCR with DLNB is the highest ranked control system and was selected as BACT; therefore, an economic analysis was not performed. MI-0441 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/21/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG1--A 667 MMBTU/H NG fired combustion turbine generator coupled with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)667 MMBTU/H A nominally rated 667 MMBTU/hr natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator (CTG) coupled with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas-fired duct burner rated at 204 MMBTU/hr to provide heat for additional steam production. The CTG is capable of operating in combined-cycle mode where the exhaust is routed to the HRSG or in simple-cycle mode where the HRSG is bypassed. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with a dry low NOx burner (DLNB), selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and oxidation catalyst.A Dry low NOx burners and selective catalytic reduction for NOx control.3 PPM NOx emission limit 1 is 3.0 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. The limit applies when the unit is in combined cycle mode. NOx emission limit 2 is 25 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 4-hour rolling average, except during operation less than 75% of peak load. The limit applies to the unit in HRSG bypass mode. **There are two additional NOx limits in the permit**************** NOx emission limit 3 is 60.0 lb/h when the unit is in combined cycle mode. The limit is hourly including startup or shutdown. NOx emission limit 4 is 60.0 lb/h when the unit is in HRSG bypass mode. The limit is based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour. The use of SCR with the DLNB is the highest ranked control system and was selected as BACT; therefore, an economic analysis was not performed. MI-0424 HOLLAND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OTTAWA MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/05/2016 &nbsp;ACT FGCTGHRSG (2 Combined cycle CTGs with HRSGs; EUCTGHRSG10 &amp; EUCTGHRSG11)554 MMBTU/H, each Two combined cycle natural gas fired combustion turbine generators (CTGs) with heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) (EUCTGHRSG10 & EUCTGHRSG11 in FGCTGHRSG). The total hours for both units combined for startup and shutdown shall not exceed 635 hours per 12-month rolling time period.A Selective catalytic reduction with dry low NOx burners (SCR with DLNB).3 PPM AT 15% O2 The emission limits above are for each emission unit as follows: 1) 3 ppmvd at 15% O2 based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. 2) 8.18 LB/H based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. Startup is defined as the period of time from synchronization to the grid (generator breaker closed) until the unit reaches steady state operation (loads greater than 50 percent of design capacity). Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the initial lowering of the turbine output below 50 percent of full operating load, with the intent to shutdown, until the point at which the generator breaker opens. The efficiency range is 80-99 percent. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Vacuum Degasser (incl. pilot emissions) (EP 20- 12)700000 tons steel/yr Molten steel will be transferred via ladle by a ladle car to the vacuum degasser, LMF, or to the caster if additional refining is not required for a specific product. The primary purpose of the vacuum degasser is to reduce/eliminate dissolved gases, especially hydrogen and nitrogen. During this process, sulfur is retained in the slag, resulting in minimal SO2 emissions. During the degassing process, material additions are made for deoxidation, desulfurizing, and alloying. These materials will be supplied to the vacuum degasser by the Alloy Handling System. Process gases are evacuated by a dry mechanical vacuum pumping system, which maintains the degasser at the required operating pressures. The process gases are exhausted to a vent stack equipped with a flare burner. The flare will have a natural gas-fired pilot with a heat input rate of 12 MMBtu/hr. Good combustion control practices will be utilized to minimize CO emissions from the flare stack.P The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan and a Good Work Practices (GWP) Plan to minimize emissions.3.02 LB/HR The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. And: The permittee shall prepare and implement a Good Work Practices (GWP) plan that includes written operating instructions and procedures that specify good operating and maintenance practices and includes, at a minimum, the following specific practices targeting emission minimization, and a means of verifying the practices have occurred: i. Tracking material usage to ensure that equipment is operated as designed and correcting any operating or design issues as quickly as possible; ii. Employing a preventative maintenance program, including a preventative maintenance schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions for routine and longterm maintenance. iii. Procedures and practices to monitor and ensure emissions are effectively captured by Melt Shop canopy hooding, and a description of corrective actions to be taken in the event that they are not. OH-0368 PALLAS NITROGEN LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 325311 04/19/2017 &nbsp;ACT Package Boilers (2 identical, B003 and B004)265 MMBTU/H 265 mmBtu/hr Package Boilers #1 and #2 (B003 and B004). All limits and throughputs are for an individual boiler unless otherwise noted.B Low NOx burners and flu gas recirculation (FGR)3.3 LB/H AR-0167 DELEK US UNION COUNTY AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 324110 12/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT SN-805 - #4 Pre-Flash Reboiler 75 MMBtu/hr SN-805 is a 75 MM Btu/hr reboiler (nominal design). It was installed in 1996 and will be retrofitted with next generation, ultra-low NOx burners. On May 17, 2000, this source was tested for NOx emissions using EPA Reference Method 7E pursuant to §19.702 of Regulation 19, and 40 C.F.R., Part 52, Subpart E. The test results submitted to the Department demonstrated compliance. As a result of the refinery expansion permit revision, this source has undergone PSD review for PM10. BACT for this source is good combustion practice.P Ultra-low NOx burners and good combustion practice 3.5 LB/HR OH-0374 GUERNSEY POWER STATION LLC GUERNSEY OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 10/23/2017 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler (B001)185 MMBTU/H 185.0 MMBtu/hr natural gas-fired boiler with low-NOx burners and flue gas recirculation (FGR)A low-NOx burners and flue gas recirculation 3.7 LB/H *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Utility Boiler 1 656 MMBTU/HR A Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)3.94 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.006 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Utility Boiler 2 656 MMBTU/HR A Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)3.94 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.006 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Utility Boiler 3 656 MMBTU/HR A Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)3.94 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.006 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) MI-0426 DTE GAS COMPANY OAKLAND MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 486210 03/24/2017 &nbsp;ACT EUN_EM_GEN (Natural gas emergency engine).205 H/YR A nominally rated 1,300 electrical kilowatts (ekW) output emergency genset containing a 1,818 HP natural gas fueled engine manufactured in 2011 or later. The engine is used to provide electrical power to the station and support equipment in the event power from the public utility grid system is lost (EUN_EM_GEN). Restricted to 205 hours/year on a 12-month rolling time period basis.B Low NOx design (turbo charger and after cooler) and good combustion practices.4 LB/H There is also an NSPS limit of 2.0 g/HP-hr or 160 ppmvd; the g/HP-hr limit is demonstrated through manufacturer certification, and the ppmvd limit is demonstrated through compliance testing. MI-0420 DTE GAS COMPANY OAKLAND MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 486210 06/03/2016 &nbsp;ACT EUN_EM_GEN 225 H/YR A 1,506 kilowatts (kW) natural gas fueled emergency engine manufactured in 2011 or later. The engine is used to provide electrical power to the station and support equipment in the event power from the public utility grid system is lost (EUN_EM_GEN). Restricted to 225 hours/year on a 12-month rolling time period basis.B Low NOx design (turbo charger and after cooler) and good combustion practices.4.8 LB/H There is also an NSPS limit of 2.0 g/HP-hr or 160 ppmvd; the g/HP-hr limit is demonstrated through manufacturer certification, and the ppmvd limit is demonstrated through compliance testing. PA-0311 MOXIE FREEDOM LLC LUZERNE PA PENNSYLVANIA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 221112 09/01/2015 &nbsp;ACT Emergency Generator 0 Sulfur content of the diesel fuel combusted by the emergency diesel generator shall not exceed 15 ppm. Shall maintain and operate the source in accordance with good engineering practice.N 4.93 G/HP-HR LA-0349 DRIFTWOOD LNG LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 07/10/2018 &nbsp;ACT Compressor Turbines (20)540 mm btu/hr B DLN and SCR 5 PPMVD *LA-0394 SHELL CHEMICAL LP ASCENSION LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 12/12/2023 &nbsp;ACT 02-22 - AO-5 Syltherm Furnace 94.16 MM BTU/hr Natural Gas Heat Input 63.95 MM BTU/hr Process Vent Gas Heat Input 30.21 MM BTU/hr P Use of ultra low NOx Burners 5.14 LB/HR KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 041a - Direct-Fired Building Heating Systems 53 MMBtu/hr (total) Building heating units across 10 different buildings/process areas designed for comfort with no direct discharge to atmosphere. Includes 53 direct-fired units. Maximum individual heating rate input for EU041a is 2.58 MMBtu/hr. Emissions calculated using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, 40 CFR 98, Subpart C, and a HHV for natural gas of 1,000 Btu/scf.P Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan 5.3 LB/HR Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, and implementation of the GCOP. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring and recordkeeping of throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculated using AP-42, Chapter 1.4. AR-0167 DELEK US UNION COUNTY AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 324110 12/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT SN-842 - #12 Unit Distillate Hydrotreater 50 MMBtu/hr SN-842 is a 50.0 MMBtu/hr furnace (nominal design). It is fueled by NSPS Subpart J quality gas. It was installed in 1993. BACT for this source is good combustion practice.P Good combustion practice 5.3 LB/HR OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC FULTON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT Tunnel Furnace #2 (P018)88 MMBTU/H Raises and equalizes the temperature of the steel slabs to a level suitable for hot rolling.B Use of natural gas, use of low NOx burners, good combustion practices and design 6.16 LB/H AR-0167 DELEK US UNION COUNTY AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 324110 12/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT SN-805N - #4 Vacuum Furnace 142.2 MMBtu/hr SN-805N is a 142.2 MMBTU/hr (annual) source. The furnace will be fueled by NSPS Subpart J quality gas. As a result of the refinery expansion permit revision, this source has undergone PSD review for PM10, NOx, and CO. BACT for this source is good combustion practice and next generation ultra low NOx burners.P Ultra-low NOx burners and good combustion practice 6.5 LB/HR CT-0159 CPV TOWANTIC, LLC NEW HAVEN CT CONNECTICUT DEPT OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 221112 11/30/2015 &nbsp;ACT Aux Boiler 359.6 MMCF A Boiler permit does not specify any add-on control other than ultr-low NOx burner. Unit may be required to use additional control options to meet emissions limit.7 PPMVD @3% O2 NOx limit was based on San Joaquin Valley SIP requirement for similar sized boiler. AK-0083 AGRIUM U.S. INC.USA AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 325311 01/06/2015 &nbsp;ACT Five (5) Natural Gas Fired Combustion Turbines 37.6 MMBTU/H Five (5) Natural Gas-Fired Solar Combustion Turbines rated at 37.6 MMBtu/hr each. Installed in 1976.A Selective Catalytic Reduction 7 PPMV AK-0083 AGRIUM U.S. INC.USA AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 325311 01/06/2015 &nbsp;ACT Five (5) Waste Heat Boilers 50 MMBTU/H Five (5) Natural Gas-Fired 50 MMBtu/hr Waste Heat Boilers. Installed in 1986.A Selective Catalytic Reduction 7 PPMV RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Galvanizing Line #2 Radiant Tube Furnace (EP 21- 08B)36 MMBtu/hr The strip is thermal treated in order to achieve uniform metallurgical structure and strength prior to application of the zinc coating. Thermal treatment is provided by a direct-fired furnace (EP 21-08A) to preheat the strip followed by radiant tube heating (EP 21-08B) to reach the final annealing temperature. The preheat and radiant tube sections of the furnace are equipped with natural gas-fired low- NOx burners and controlled by selective catalytic reduction/selective non-catalytic reduction (SCR/SNCR). During a cold start, SCR does not reach operating temperature for approximately 30 minutes.During this time, only low-NOx burners are controlling emissions of NOx. NSG estimates the unit may undergo 1 cold start every two (2) weeks.B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. This unit is also equipped with a SCR/SNCR system to control emissions. During a cold start, SCR does not reach operating temperature for approximately 30 minutes. During this time, only low-NOx burners are controlling emissions of NOx. NSG estimates the unit may undergo 1 cold start every two (2) weeks.7.5 LB/MMSCF Also subject to the following limits for cold starts during the year (during which the SCR/SNCR is not controlling emissions): 50 lb/MMscf and 0.083 ton/yr from cold starts. The permittee is required to develop a maintenance plan for the control device, and monitor ammonia slip and maintain it below 10 ppm at all times. The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Galvanizing Line #2 Preheat Furnace (EP 21-08A)94 MMBtu/hr The strip is thermal treated in order to achieve uniform metallurgical structure and strength prior to application of the zinc coating. Thermal treatment is provided by a direct-fired furnace to preheat the strip followed by radiant tube heating (EP 21-08B) to reach the final annealing temperature. The preheat and radiant tube sections of the furnace are equipped with natural gas-fired low-NOx burners and controlled by selective catalytic reduction/selective non-catalytic reduction (SCR/SNCR). During a cold start, SCR does not reach operating temperature for approximately 30 minutes. During this time, only low-NOx burners are controlling emissions of NOx. NSG estimates the unit may undergo 1 cold start every two (2) weeks.B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. This unit is also equipped with a SCR/SNCR system to control emissions. During a cold start, SCR does not reach operating temperature for approximately 30 minutes. During this time, only low-NOx burners are controlling emissions of NOx. NSG estimates the unit may undergo 1 cold start every two (2) weeks.7.5 LB/MMSCF Also subject to the following limits for cold starts during the year (during which the SCR/SNCR is not controlling emissions): 50 lb/MMscf and 0.083 ton/yr from cold starts. The permittee is required to develop a maintenance plan for the control device, and monitor ammonia slip and maintain it below 10 ppm at all times. The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC FULTON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT Tunnel Furnace (P001)112 MMBTU/H Raises and equalizes the temperature of the steel slabs to a level suitable for hot rolling.B Use of natural gas, use of low NOx burners, good combustion practices and design 7.84 LB/H KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION TODD KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331314 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT EU 029 - Decoater 27.6 tons/hr Natural gas-fired rotary decoating kiln used to remove lacquers, oils, water, dust, and fines from aluminum scrap with the capability to charge to two sidewell melt furnaces or the NDC furnace. Shredder scrap is mainly sourced from Scrap Processing Line #1, but may also be manually fed from shredded scrap storage bunkers. This emission unit is a new scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kiln under 40 CFR 63, Subpart RRR. Control Devices: Lime-Injected Hot Baghouse #1; Afterburner Max Annual Capacity: 241245.6 tons/yr of scrap Max Heat Input Capacity: 30 MMBtu/hr Emissions calculated for natural gas consumption using AP-42, Chapter 1.4, Vendor estimates, and 40 CFR 98, Tables C-1 and C-2. Emissions calculated from aluminum metal production using the design grain loading for the baghouse, and allocating the flow for the process (96,734 dscfm), and speciating using the EPA PM Calculator. HCl emission calculations are based on similar facility stack testing. CO emission calculations are based on similar facility stack testing. Metal HAPs calculated using the RTR Modeling Docket Memo.B Low-Nox Burners (LNBs) & Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan 8.82 LB/HR Initial compliance demonstration with BACT is through development of a GCOP plan within 90 days of equipment startup, implementation of the GCOP, and installation of low NOx burners. Continuous compliance is demonstrated through monitoring, recording and reporting throughputs for the equipment. Emissions calculations are based on the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) limit from a comparable facility and includes both the metal processing and natural gas combustion contributions to emissions. Uncontrolled (and uncaptured emissions) are calculated by back calculating using 98% capture efficiency. Emission limits only include captured emissions. TX-0693 GOLDEN SPREAD ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC HALE TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 04/22/2014 &nbsp;ACT combustion turbine 202 MW new GE 7FA 5-Series gas turbine in a simple cycle application, with a maximum electric output of 202 megawatts (MW) and a maximum design capacity of 1,941 million British thermal units per hour (MMBtu/hr). The turbine will operate a maximum of 4,572 hours per year.P DLN combustors 9 PPMVD TX-0694 INDECK WHARTON, L.L.C.WHARTON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 02/02/2015 &nbsp;ACT (3) combustion turbines 220 MW The CTGs will either be the General Electric 7FA (~214 MW each) or the Siemens SGT6-5000F (~227 MW each), operating as peaking units in simple cycle mode P DLN combustors 9 PPMVD TX-0851 RIO GRANDE LNG LLC CAMERON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)486210 12/17/2018 &nbsp;ACT Refrigeration Compression Turbines 967 MMBTU/HR Twelve General Electric Frame 7EA simple cycle combustion turbines to serve as drivers for refrigeration and compression at the site. There are six process trains and there are two turbines per train. One each of the pairs of turbines has a downstream heat exchanger in the exhaust stream. The heat exchanger heats oil in a closed circuit for process uses elsewhere in the natural gas liquefaction system.P Dry Low NOx burners. Good combustion practices 9 PPMVD *TX-0964 LINDE, INC JEFFERSON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)325120 10/05/2023 &nbsp;ACT HEATERS 0 ASU REGENERATION HEATERS & ASU VAPORIZER HEATERS P LOW NOX BURNERS 9 PPMVD TX-0713 TENASKA BROWNSVILLE PARTNERS, LLC CAMERON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 04/29/2014 &nbsp;ACT boiler 90 MMBTU/H 50% annual capacity factor P ultra low-NOx burners, limited use 9 PPMVD AL-0329 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 221112 09/21/2021 &nbsp;ACT Three 229 MW Simple Cycle Combustion Turbines 229 MW N 9 PPMVD AR-0167 DELEK US UNION COUNTY AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 324110 12/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT SN-811 - #9 Reformer Furnace 170 MMBtu/hr SN-811 is a 170 MMBtu/hr furnace (nominal design) used to heat the #9 Unit Stripper bottoms. It is fueled by NSPS Subpart J quality gas. It was installed in 1980. BACT for this source is good combustion practice. This source is equipped with a CEMS for monitoring NOx emissions P Good combustion practice and CEMS for monitoring NOx emissions 9.1 LB/HR OH-0368 PALLAS NITROGEN LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 325311 04/19/2017 &nbsp;ACT Primary Reformer Heater (B002)740 MMBTU/H 740 mmBtu/hr Primary Reformer Heater with selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR)B SNCR and low NOx burners 9.25 LB/H 0.0125 lb/MMBtu heat input (HHV), based on a daily rolling 30-day average, excluding periods of startup and shutdown. 9.25 lbs/hr, based on a daily rolling 30-day average, excluding periods of startup and shutdown and 42.4 tons per rolling, 12-month period. 0.13 lb/mmBtu of heat input (HHV), 96.2 lbs/hr, and 2.31 tons per rolling, 12-month period during periods of startup and shutdown. OH-0387 INTEL OHIO SITE LICKING OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 334414 09/20/2022 &nbsp;ACT 29.4 MMBtu/hr Natural Gas-Fired Boilers: B001 through B028 29.4 MMBTU/H Twenty-eight 29.4 MMBtu/hr Natural Gas-Fired Boilers: B001 through B028 B Ultra-low NOX burners, good combustion practices, and the use of natural gas 9.74 T/YR B001 through B014 combined limit of 9.74 ton rolling 12 month period B015 through B028 combined limit of 9.74 ton rolling 12 month period OH-0367 SOUTH FIELD ENERGY LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 09/23/2016 &nbsp;ACT Auxiliary Boiler (B001)99 MMBTU/H 99 MMBtu/hr dual fuel [natural gas and ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD)-fired] boiler with low-NOx burners and flue gas recirculation B Flue gas recirculation (FGR), low NOx burner, and natural gas/ultra low sulfur diesel 9.9 LB/H 0.1 lb/mmbtu for diesel. OH-0368 PALLAS NITROGEN LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 325311 04/19/2017 &nbsp;ACT Startup Heater (B001)100 MMBTU/H 100 mmBtu/hr Startup Heater P Good combustion control (i.e., high temperatures, sufficient excess air, sufficient residence times, and god air/fuel mixing).10 LB/H OH-0368 PALLAS NITROGEN LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 325311 04/19/2017 &nbsp;ACT Nitric Acid Process (P005)482 T/D Nitric Acid Process with selective catalytic reduction (SCR). Nitric acid HNO3 production shall not exceed 482 tons per day and 175,820 tons per year.A selective catalytic reduction (SCR)10 LB/H 0.5 lb/ton of nitric acid produced OH-0368 PALLAS NITROGEN LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 325311 04/19/2017 &nbsp;ACT Back-End Process with flare (P003)150 MMBTU/H Back-End Process Flare (emissions from non-routine releases from the amine regeneration and MDEA storage system) - the pilot flare has a maximum heat input of 0.9 mmBtu/hr (operates 8,760 hours per year) and the flare has a maximum heat input of 150 mmBtu/hr. B utilizing a flare with good combustion practices, natural gas to fuel pilots, and venting flare during only start-up, shutdown and malfunction events 10.37 LB/H 0.068 lb/mmBtu of heat input OH-0368 PALLAS NITROGEN LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 325311 04/19/2017 &nbsp;ACT Ammonia Synthesis Process with flare (P004)150 MMBTU/H Ammonia Synthesis Process with flare - the pilot flare has a maximum heat input of 0.9 mmBtu/hr (operates 8,760 hours per year) and the flare has a maximum heat input of 150 mmBtu/hr.B utilizing a flare with good combustion practices, natural gas to fuel pilots, and venting flare during only start-up, shutdown and malfunction events 12.44 LB/H 0.068 lb/mmBtu of heat input IN-0263 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 03/23/2017 &nbsp;ACT STARTUP HEATER EU-002 70 MMBTU/HR P GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 12.611 LB/H SHALL COMBUST NATURAL GAS AR-0167 DELEK US UNION COUNTY AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 324110 12/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT SN-810 - #9 Hydrotreater Furnace/Reboiler 70 MMBtu/hr SN-810 is a 70 MMBtu/hr furnace (nominal design) used to heat naphtha. It is fueled NSPS Subpart J quality gas. It was installed in 1958. This source was declared subject to NSPS Subpart J as a result of the Consent Decree (CIV. No. 03-1028) between Lion Oil, ADEQ, and the US EPA.N 12.7 LB/HR MI-0420 DTE GAS COMPANY OAKLAND MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 486210 06/03/2016 &nbsp;ACT FGAUXBOILERS 6 MMBTU/H Two natural gas-fired auxiliary boilers, each rated at 6 MMBTU/H fuel heat input. The boilers are identified as EUAUXBOIL2 and EUAUXBOIL3 within the flexible group FGAUXBOILERS. The boilers are subject to 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart DDDDD, which requires tune ups.B Ultra low NOx burners and good combustion practices.14 PPMVOL The emission limit is 14 ppmvd at 15% O2 for each boiler. Selective catalyst reduction (SCR) was $53,300/ton of controlled NOx. OH-0379 PETMIN USA INCORPORATED ASHTABULA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 02/06/2019 &nbsp;ACT Process gas heater (P001)218.9 MMBTU/H Process gas preheater, natural gas, indirect fired with maximum heat input of 218.9 MMBtu/hr, emissions are vented to a stack.B Low NOX burners, use of natural gas and good combustion practices 14.01 LB/H LA-0364 FG LA LLC ST. JAMES LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 01/06/2020 &nbsp;ACT PR Waste Heat Boiler 94 mm btu/h Maximum operating rate. 86 MMBTU/h normal operating rate.A SCR and LNB 14.41 LB/H The PR-WHB is also used for heat recovery for a waste gas stream that contains NOx. TX-0691 NRG TEXAS POWER LLC GALVESTON TX TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (TCEQ)221112 05/20/2014 &nbsp;ACT (6) simple cycle turbines 65 MW General Electric Frame 7E turbines have an ISO rating of 65 MW and a nominal maximum generating capacity of 80 MW. The turbines were originally constructed as Frame 7B units that were remanufactured in 1999 and upgraded to 7E machines Each of the turbines will not exceed 20 percent annual capacity (equivalent to 1,752 full load hours) in any single year or 10 percent annual capacity factor (equivalent to 876 full load hours) averaged over any three year period, which qualifies each of the CTGs as Acid Rain Peaking Units under 40 CFR 72.2 P DLN combustors 15 PPMVD limited use AK-0085 ALASKA GASLINE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 486210 08/13/2020 &nbsp;ACT Six (6) Simple Cycle Gas-Turbines (Power Generation)386 MMBtu/hr EUs 25 -30 each provide 44 MW of power generation for the facility A DLN combustors and Good Combustion Practices 15 PPMV @ 15% O2 Potential NOx emissions of 91.53 tpy for each turbine. MI-0420 DTE GAS COMPANY OAKLAND MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 486210 06/03/2016 &nbsp;ACT FG-TURBINES 10504 HP Five (5) simple cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbines (CTs) to drive compressors that will be used to transport natural gas through pipelines. The turbines are identified as EUTURBINE1, EUTURBINE2, EUTURBINE3, EUTURBINE4, and EUTURBINE5 within the flexible group FGTURBINES. There shall be no more than a combined total of 5 events (startup or shutdown) per clock hour. The total number of startup events for all units combined shall not exceed 500 events per 12-month rolling time period. The total number of shutdown events for all units combined shall not exceed 500 events per 12-month rolling time period. The maximum nominal rating of each turbine shall not exceed 10,504 HP (ISO).A Dry ultra-low NOx burners 15 PPM The NOx emission limit is 15 ppmvd and is for each turbine within the flexible group. The BACT emission limit subsumes the NSPS emission limit of 25 ppm at 15 percent O2. Normal baseload operation is considered to be loads greater than 50 percent of peak load and at or above 0 deg. F. The emission limit does not include startup and shutdown or temperatures below 0 deg F. Startup and shutdown is considered to be the ramping up or ramping down of the turbines through loads 50 percent or less. There is also an emission limit for the NSPS that allows 150 ppmvd for each unit when operating at less than 75 percent of peak load and at temperatures less than 0 deg F. Selective catalyst reduction (SCR) was $58,300/ton of controlled NOx for each turbine separately and Selective Non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) was $46,200/ton of controlled NOx for each turbine separately. SCR was $34,120 - $45,833 per ton of controlled NOx for all turbines combined, depending on control efficiency. MI-0426 DTE GAS COMPANY OAKLAND MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 486210 03/24/2017 &nbsp;ACT FGTURNBINES (5 Simple Cycle CTs: EUTURBINE1, EUTURBINE2, EUTURBINE3, EUTURBINE4, EUTURBINE5)10504 HP Five simple cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbines (CTs) to drive compressors that will be used to transport natural gas through pipelines (EUTURBINE1, EUTURBINE2, EUTURBINE3, EUTURBINE4, EUTURBINE5 in FGTURBINES). There shall be no more than a combined total of 5 events (startup or shutdown) per clock hour. The total number of startup events for all units combined shall not exceed 500 events per 12-month rolling time period. The total number of shutdown events for all units combined shall not exceed 500 events per 12-month rolling time period. The maximum nominal rating of each turbine shall not exceed 10,504 HP (ISO).A Dry ultra-low NOx burners.15 PPM The emission limit is 15 ppmvd for each turbine. The BACT emission limit subsumes the NSPS emission limit of 25 ppm at 15 percent O2. Normal baseload operation is considered to be loads greater than 50 percent of peak load and at or above 0 deg F. Startup and shutdown is considered to be the ramping up or ramping down of the turbines through loads 50 percent or less. There is also an emission limit for the NSPS that allows 150 ppmvd for each unit when operating at less than 75 percent of peak load and at temperatures less than 0 deg F. Selective catalyst reduction (SCR) was $58,300/ton of controlled NOx for each turbine separately and Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) was $46,200/ton of controlled NOx for each turbine separately. SCR was $33,400-$58,300 per ton of controlled NOx for all turbines combined, depending on control efficiency. AR-0167 DELEK US UNION COUNTY AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 324110 12/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT SN-804 - #4 Atmospheric Furnace 280 MMBtu/hr SN-804 is a 280 MMBTU/hr source used to heat the bottoms from the pre-flash column in order to separate them into naphtha, kerosene, diesel, and gas oil. The furnace is fueled by NSPS Subpart J quality gas. As a result of the refinery expansion permit revision, this source has undergone PSD review for PM10, NOx, and CO. BACT for this source is good combustion practice and next generation ultra-low NOx burners. This source is equipped with a CEMS for monitoring NOx emissions.P Good combustion practice, ultra-low NOx burners, and CEMS for monitoring NOx emissions.16.4 LB/HR *LA-0315 BIG LAKE FUELS LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT Steam Methane Reformer 2.71 MMBTU/H A Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)16.54 LB/H BACT Limit = 0.006 LB/MMBTU (12-Month Rolling Average) AK-0085 ALASKA GASLINE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 486210 08/13/2020 &nbsp;ACT Six (6) Cogeneration Gas-Fired Turbines (Treated Gas Compressor Turbines)576 MMBtu/hr 576 MMBtu/hr includes turbine and supplemental duct burner for waste heat recovery unit for cogeneration. EUs 1-6, Treat Gas Compressor Turbines.A DLN combustors and Good Combustion Practices 17 PPMV @ 15% O2 Potential NOx emissions of 105.24 tpy for each cogeneration turbine including supplemental firing duct burner for WHRU. AK-0085 ALASKA GASLINE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH AK ALASKA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS 486210 08/13/2020 &nbsp;ACT Six (6) Cogeneration Gas-Fired Turbines (CO2 Compressor Turbines))431 MMBtu/hr 431 MMBtu/hr includes turbine and supplemental duct burner for waste heat recovery unit for cogeneration. EUs 7-12, CO2 Compressor Turbines.A DLN combustors and good combustion practices 17 PPMV @ 15% O2 Potential NOx emissions of 80.46 tpy for each cogeneration turbine including supplemental firing duct burner for WHRU. KS-0041 HOLLYFRONTIER EL DORADO REFINING LLC BUTLER KS KANSAS DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT, BR. OF AIR & RADIATION, KS 324110 10/30/2019 &nbsp;ACT Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit 48000 BPD BACT Emission Limits for this unit were proposed based on issued Construction Permit C-9191 (based on Consent Decree, Civil Action Case No. 09-CV-1032-WEB-KMH) and were accepted as BACT by the KDHE.P LoTOx 20 PPMVD Both Emission Limits for this unit should be corrected to 0% O2. IN-0359 NUCOR STEEL MONTGOMERY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 331111 03/30/2023 &nbsp;ACT Sheet Metal Coating Line with Ovens and RTO 73.9 tons per hour B low NOx burners and good combustion practices 20 POUNDS PER HOUR MI-0426 DTE GAS COMPANY OAKLAND MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 486210 03/24/2017 &nbsp;ACT FGAUXBOILERS (6 auxiliary boilers EUAUXBOIL2A, EUAUXBOIL3A, EUAUXBOIL2B, EUAUXBOIL3B, EUAUXBOIL2C, EUAUXBOIL3C)3 MMBTU/H Four natural gas-fired auxiliary boilers, each rated at 3 MMBTU/H fuel heat input (EUAUXBOIL2A, EUAUXBOIL3A, EUAUXBOIL2B and EUAUXBOIL3B in FGAUXBOILERS) and two natural gas-fired auxiliary boilers, each rated at 1 MMBTU/H fuel heat input (EUAUXBOIL2C and EUAUXBOIL3C in FGAUXBOILERS). The boilers are subject to 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart DDDDD which requires tune ups.B Ultra-low NOx burners and good combustion practices.20 PPM AT 3% O2 Emission limit 1 above is 20 ppmvd at 3% O2 for each 3 MMBTU/H boiler and Emission limit 2 above is 9 ppmvd at 3% O2 for each 1 MMBTU/H boiler. Selective catalyst reduction (SCR) was $117,718/ton of controlled NOx. IN-0263 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 03/23/2017 &nbsp;ACT NATURAL GAS AUXILIARY BOILERS (EU-012A, EU-012B, EU-012C)218.6 MMBTU/H P LOW NOX BURNERS WITH FLUE GAS RECIRCULATION AND GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 20.4 LB/MMCF EACH LIMIT 3: SHALL COMBUST NATURAL GAS IN-0324 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 05/06/2022 &nbsp;ACT natural gas-fired auxiliary boilers EU 012A and EU 012B 218.6 MMBtu/hr P The natural gas-fired auxiliary boilers shall combust natural gas 20.4 LB/MMCF NOx emissions from the natural gas-fired auxiliary boilers (EU-012A and EU-012B) shall be controlled by the use of low NOx burners and flue gas recirculation and by the use of good combustion practices at all times boilers are in operation. *IN-0365 SULLIVAN IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 221112 06/19/2023 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Turbine CTGA SU/SD 3800 MMBtu per hour Startup and Shutdown Limitations for Combustion Turbine Option 1: Siemens Model SCC6-9000HL Turbine.N 20.7 TONS PER YEAR The NOX emissions from the combined cycle combustion turbine stack shall not exceed 20.7 tons per twelve (12) consecutive month period, for the duration of the combined startup and shutdown events, with compliance determined at the end of each month. MD-0045 MATTAWOMAN ENERGY, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 11/13/2015 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES - SHUTDOWN 286 MW TWO SIEMENS H-CLASS (SGT-8000H VERSION 1.4-OPTIMIZED) COMBINED CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 286 MW (EACH), COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG) EQUIPPED WITH DUCT BURNERS, DRY LOW-NOX BURNERS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST B DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN, GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)23 LB/EVENT OH-0366 CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE - LORDSTOWN, LLC TRUMBULL OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 08/25/2015 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbines (two, identical) (P001 and P002)2725 MMBTU/H Combined cycle combustion turbine (2,725 MMBtu/hr heat input turbine at ISO conditions and 179 MMBtu/hr heat input duct burner) with dry low NOx combustors, selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and catalytic oxidizer. Limits and throughputs are for single turbine.A dry low NOx combustors, selective catalytic reduction (SCR)23.5 LB/H 2.0 ppm by volume dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen. 23.5 lb/h with duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 22.3 lb/h without duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 107.2 t/yr per rolling 12 month period for all operating modes, including startup. 162.1 lb/h during cold startup, 78.7 lb/h during hot startup, 112.8 lb/h during warm startup, and 57.3 lb/h during shutdown. MI-0447 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 01/07/2021 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGSC1-natural gas fired simple cycle CTG 667 MMBTU/H A nominally rated 667 MMBTU/hr natural gas-fired simple cycle CTG. The CTG will utilize DLNB and good combustion practices.B DLNB and good combustion practices.25 PPM Emission Limit 1 = 25 ppmvd at 15% oxygen (O2) based on a 4-hour rolling average, except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Emission Limit 2 = 60.0 lb/hour based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. Efficiency for DLNB ranges from 70-80%. MI-0454 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/20/2022 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGSC1--A nominally rated 667 MMBTU/H natural gas-fired simple cycle CTG 667 MMBTU/H A nominally rated 667MMBtu/hr, natural gas-fired simple cycle CTG. The CTG will utilize DLNB and good combustion practices.B DLNB and good combustion practices.25 PPM Emission limit 1 above = 25 ppmvd at 15% O2 based on a 4-hour rolling average, except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Emission limit 2 above = 60.0 lbs/hr based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. Efficiency for DLNB ranges from 70-80%. MI-0441 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/21/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGSC1-A nominally rated 667 MMBTU/hr natural gas-fired simple cycle CTG 667 MMBTU/H A nominally rated 667 MMBTU/H natural gas-fired simple cycle CTG. The CTG will utilize DLNB and good combustion practices.P Dry low NOx burners (DLNB) and good combustion practices.25 PPM Emission Limit 1 is 25 ppmvd at 15%Ox. It is based on a 4-hour rolling average, except during operation less than 75 percent of peak load. Emission Limit 2 is 60.0 lb/h based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. Efficiency for DLNB ranges from 70-80%. LA-0307 MAGNOLIA LNG, LLC CALCASIEU LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221210 03/21/2016 &nbsp;ACT Gas Turbines (8 units)333 mm btu/hr P Dry Low NOX burners and good combustion practices 25 PPMVD OH-0375 LONG RIDGE ENERGY GENERATION LLC - HANNIBAL POWER MONROE OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 11/07/2017 &nbsp;ACT Mitsubishi Combustion Turbine (P005)3320 MMBTU/H Mitsubishi Model 501JAC natural gas or natural gas+ethane fired combined cycle combustion turbine generator equipped with dry low- NOx (DLN) burners nominally rated at 3,320 MMBtu/hr at 100% load and -5° F exhausting through a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) with supplemental natural gas-fired duct burners nominally rated at 108 MMBtu/hr controlled with catalytic oxidation and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) used to generate electricity. The Project will use either a GE Model 7HA.02 (P004), Mitsubishi Model 501JAC (P005) or Siemens Model SCC6-8000H (P006) combustion turbine (CT) with duct firing in the HRSG to increase steam generation in the steam turbine. Only one turbine will be built but each of these turbines are included in this RBLC entry.A dry low NOx burners and an SCR system 25.1 LB/H 2.0 ppm by volume dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen. 25.10 lb/h with duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 26.4 lb/h without duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 119.4 t/yr per rolling 12 month period for all operating modes, including startup. 68.1 lb/h during cold startup, 55.4 lb/h during warm startup, 34.6 lb/h during hot startup, and 37.9 lb/h during shutdown. RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES OH-0370 TRUMBULL ENERGY CENTER TRUMBULL OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 09/07/2017 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbines (two, identical) (P001 and P002)3025 MMBTU/H Two identical combined cycle combustion turbine (3,025 mmBtu/hr heat input turbine at ISO conditions and 237 mmBtu/hr heat input duct burner) with dry low NOx combustors, selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and catalytic oxidizer. Throughputs and limits are for single turbine except as noted.B dry low NOx combustors (DLN) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR)25.3 LB/H 2.0 ppm by volume dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen, 25.3 lb/h with duct burner, 23.8 lb/h without duct burner (each limit except startup and shutdown). 117.6 t/yr per rolling 12 month period for all operating modes, including startup and shutdown. 162.0 lb/h during cold startup, 78.7 lb/h during hot startup, 113.0 lb/h during warm startup, and 72.7 lb/h during shutdown. OH-0372 OREGON ENERGY CENTER LUCAS OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 09/27/2017 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbines (two, identical) (P001 and P002)3055 MMBTU/H Combined cycle combustion turbine (3,055 mmBtu/hr heat input turbine at ISO conditions and 221.3 mmBtu/hr heat input duct burner) with dry low NOX combustors, selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and catalytic oxidation. All heat values are on a HHV basis. Throughputs and limits are for single turbine except as noted.B Dry low NOX combustors and selective catalytic reduction (SCR)25.3 LB/H 2.0 ppm by volume dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen. 25.3 lb/h with duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 23.8 lb/h without duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 118.02 t/yr per rolling 12 month period for all operating modes, including startup. 162 lb/h during cold startup, 78.7 lb/h during hot startup, 113 lb/h during warm startup, and 57.3 lb/h during shutdown. OH-0375 LONG RIDGE ENERGY GENERATION LLC - HANNIBAL POWER MONROE OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 11/07/2017 &nbsp;ACT General Electric Combustion Turbine (P004)3544 MMBTU/H General Electric model 7HA.02 natural gas or natural gas+ethane fired combined cycle combustion turbine generator equipped with dry low-NOx (DLN) burners nominally rated at 3,544 MMBtu/hr at 100% load and -5° F exhausting through a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) controlled with catalytic oxidation and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) used to generate additional electricity. The Project will use either a GE Model 7HA.02 (P004), Mitsubishi Model 501JAC (P005) or Siemens Model SCC6-8000H (P006) combustion turbine (CT) with duct firing in the HRSG to increase steam generation in the steam turbine. Only one turbine will be built but each of these turbines are included in this RBLC entry.A dry low NOx burners and an SCR system 26.1 LB/H 2.0 ppmvd at 15% oxygen (O2) and 26.1 pounds per hour, excluding periods of startup and shutdown. 125.8 tons of NOx per rolling, 12-month period, including start-up and shutdown emissions. 164.5 lb/h during cold startup, 109.7 lb/h during hot startup, 87.4 lb/h during warm startup, and 27.9 lb/h during shutdown. OH-0375 LONG RIDGE ENERGY GENERATION LLC - HANNIBAL POWER MONROE OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 11/07/2017 &nbsp;ACT Siemens Combustion Turbine (P006)3602 MMBTU/H Siemens Model SCC6-8000H natural gas or natural gas+ethane fired combined cycle combustion turbine generator equipped with dry low-NOx (DLN) burners nominally rated at 3,602 MMBtu/hr at 100% load and -5° F exhausting through a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) with supplemental natural gas-fired duct burners nominally rated at 667 MMBtu/hr controlled with catalytic oxidation and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) used to generate electricity. The Project will use either a GE Model 7HA.02 (P004), Mitsubishi Model 501JAC (P005) or Siemens Model SCC6-8000H (P006) combustion turbine (CT) with duct firing in the HRSG to increase steam generation in the steam turbine. Only one turbine will be built but each of these turbines are included in this RBLC entry.A dry low NOx burners and an SCR system 27.1 LB/H 2.0 ppm by volume dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen. 27.10 lb/h with duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 22.4 lb/h without duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 128.8 t/yr per rolling 12 month period for all operating modes, including startup. 72.7 lb/h during cold startup, 87.1 lb/h during warm startup, 77.7 lb/h during hot startup, and 44.8 lb/h during shutdown. OH-0377 HARRISON POWER HARRISON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 04/19/2018 &nbsp;ACT Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (MHPS) Combustion Turbines (P007 &amp; P008)3231 MMBTU/H Two identical MHPS Combustion Turbines 1 and 2; Mitsubishi Model M501JAC natural gas-fired combined cycle combustion turbine generator equipped with dry low-NOx (DLN) burners nominally rated at 3,231 MMBtu/hr (HHV) at 100% load and 51° F exhausting through a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) with supplemental natural gas-fired duct burners nominally rated at 306 MMBtu/hr (HHV) controlled with catalytic oxidation and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) used to generate electricity. The permit includes the option to install either General Electric turbines (with 80 MMBTU aux boiler B002) or Mitsubishi turbines (with 44.55 MMBTU aux boiler B001). Limits and throughputs are for single turbine except as noted.A dry low NOx burners and an SCR system 28 LB/H 2.0 ppm by volume dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen on a 24-hr block averaging period. 28 lb/h with duct burner, except startup and shutdown. 26.7 lb/h without duct burner, except startup and shutdown. 124.0 tons per rolling 12 month period for all operating modes, including startup and shutdown. 3.22 tons per rolling 12 month period for startup and shutdown periods. *LA-0394 SHELL CHEMICAL LP ASCENSION LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325110 12/12/2023 &nbsp;ACT 01-22 - AO-5 Boiler 350 MM BTU/hr A Use of SCR to limit the NOx emission rate 29.41 LB/HR During startup events, the SCR catalyst must be at the proper operating temperature before ammonia can be injected into the flue gas. During startup/shutdown/maintenance periods, which may total up to 100 hours per year, NOx emissions shall be limited to ≤ 0.084 lb/MMBtu (3-hour average). During these periods, low NOx burners continue to function to minimize NOx emissions. OH-0377 HARRISON POWER HARRISON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 04/19/2018 &nbsp;ACT General Electric (GE) Combustion Turbines (P005 &amp; P006)3459.6 MMBTU/H Two identical GE Combustion Turbines 1 and 2; GE model 7HA.02 natural gas-fired combined cycle combustion turbine generator equipped with dry low-NOx (DLN) burners nominally rated at 3,459.6 MMBtu/hr (HHV) at 100% load and -2° F exhausting through a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) with supplemental natural gas-fired duct burners nominally rated at 570.45 MMBtu/hr (HHV) controlled with catalytic oxidation and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) used to generate additional electricity. The permit includes the option to install either General Electric turbines (with 80 MMBTU aux boiler B002) or Mitsubishi turbines (with 44.55 MMBTU aux boiler B001). Limits and throughputs are for single turbine except as noted.A dry low NOx burners and an SCR system 29.5 LB/H 2.0 ppm by volume dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen on a 24-hr block averaging period. 29.5 lb/h with duct burner, except startup and shutdown. 25.1 lb/h without duct burner, except startup and shutdown. 139 tons per rolling 12 month period for all operating modes, including startup and shutdown. 12.99 tons per rolling 12 month period for startup and shutdown periods. AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT 2 CALP LINE BOILERS 24.59 MMBTU/H 2 IDENTICAL BOILERS P LOW NOX BURNER FLUE GAS RECIRCULATION (FGR) GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES (GCP)30 PPMVD AL-0307 CONSTELLIUM COLBERT AL ALABAMA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT 331315 10/09/2015 &nbsp;ACT PACKAGE BOILER 17.5 MMBTU/H P LOW NOX BURNER FLUE GAS RECIRCULATION GCP 30 PPMVD MI-0447 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 01/07/2021 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER--nat gas fired auxiliary boiler 50 MMBTU/H A natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler, rated at less than or equal to 50 MMBTU/hour will facilitate startup of the CTG/HRSG trains and provide steam to the steam turbine generator (STG) seals. The boiler will also provide warming steam to the HRSG, and other related services. The boiler will not produce high pressure steam for use in electric generation.B Low NOx burners (LNB) or flue gas recirculation (FGR) along with good combustion practices.30 PPM Emission Limit 1 = 30 ppmvd at 3% O2 on an hourly basis. The controls considered technically feasible were LNB, FGR, and SCR. An economic cost analysis for a SCR to reduce NOx emissions was estimated to cost $18,527/ton. This value is not economically feasible. Therefore, the emission rate achieved from the use of LNB and FGR is considered BACT for NOx. MI-0454 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/20/2022 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER--natural-gas fired auxiliary boiler, rated at less than or equal to 99 MMBTU/H 50 MMBTU/H A natural gas-fired auxiliary boiler, rated at less than or equal to 50 MMBtu/hr will facilitate startup of the CTG/HRSG trains and provide steam to the steam turbine generator (STG) seals. The boiler will also provide warming steam to the HRSG, and other related services. The boiler will not produce high pressure steam for use in electric generation.B Low NOx Burners (LNB) or Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) along with good combustion practices.30 PPM The emission limit is 30 ppmvd at 3%O2 on an hourly basis. The controls considered technically feasible were LNB, FGR, and SCR. An economic cost analysis for a SCR to reduce NOx emissions was estimated to cost $18,527/ton. This value is not economically feasible. Therefore, the emission rate achieved from the use of LNB and FGR is considered BACT for NOx. MI-0441 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/21/2018 &nbsp;ACT EUAUXBOILER--natural gas fired auxiliary boiler rated at &lt;= 99MMBTU/H 99 MMBTU/H A natural-gas fired auxiliary boiler, rated at less than or equal to 99 MMBTU/H will facilitate startup of the CTG/HRSG trains and provide steam to the steam turbine generator (STG) seals. The boiler will also provide warming steam to the HRSG, and other related services. The boiler will not produce high pressure steam for use in electric generation.A Low NOx burners (LNB) or flue gas recirculation along with good combustion practices.30 PPM The emission limit is 30 ppmvd at 3%O2 and is based upon an hourly averaging time. The controls considered technically feasible were LNB, FGR, and SCR. An economic const analysis for a SCR to reduce NOx emissions was estimated to cost $18,527/ton. This value is not economically feasible. Therefore, the emission rate achieved from the use OF LNB and FGR is considered BACT for NOx. OH-0367 SOUTH FIELD ENERGY LLC COLUMBIANA OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 09/23/2016 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbines (two, identical) (P001 and P002)3131 MMBTU/H Two identical combined cycle combustion turbine (3,131 MMBtu/hr heat input turbine at ISO conditions, natural gas firing with evaporative cooler on and 800 MMBtu/hr maximum heat input natural gas-fired duct burner) with dry low NOx combustors, selective catalytic reduction (SCR), catalytic oxidizer, and wet injection for ULSD firing. Heat input for ULSD firing at ISO conditions, with evaporative cooler on is 3,173 MMBtu/hr. Throughputs and limits are for single turbine except as noted.B Dry low NOx (DLN) burners for natural gas firing, wet injection when firing ultra low sulfur diesel, and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for both natural gas and ultra low sulfur diesel.30.51 LB/H 2.0 ppm by volume dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen, hourly average, natural gas, with and without duct burner. 5.0 ppm by volume dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen, hourly average, ultra low sulfur diesel. 30.51 lb/h with duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 24.92 lb/h without duct burner (except startup and shutdown). 66.32 lb/h for ultra low sulfur diesel (except startup and shutdown). 151.3 t/yr per rolling 12 month period for all operating modes, including startup and shutdown. When firing natural gas, 231.4 lb/h during startup and 26.5 lb/h during shutdown. When firing ultra low sulfur diesel, 181.3 lb/h during startup and 85.4 lb/h during shutdown. *WV-0029 ESC HARRISON COUNTY POWER, LLC HARRISON WV WEST VIRGINIA DEPT. OF ENVRIONMENTAL PROTECTION; DIV. OF AIR QUALITY 221112 03/27/2018 &nbsp;ACT GE 7HA.02 Turbine 3496.2 mmBtu/hr Nominal 640 mWe All emission limits steady-state and include 1000 mmBtu/hr Duct Burner in operation Short Term startup and shutdown limits in lb/event given in permit.B Dry-Low NOx Burners, SCR 32.9 LB/HR OH-0374 GUERNSEY POWER STATION LLC GUERNSEY OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 221112 10/23/2017 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbines (3, identical) (P001 to P003)3516 MMBTU/H Three identical Combustion Turbines; GE 7HA.02 natural gas-fired lean pre-mix combined cycle combustion turbine generator equipped with dry low-NOx (DLN) burners nominally rated at 3,516 MMBtu/hr HHV at 100% load and -18° F exhausting through a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) with supplemental natural gas-fired duct burners nominally rated at 997 MMBtu/hr HHV controlled with catalytic oxidation and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and cooled with an air-cooled condenser (ACC) used to generate electricity. Throughputs and limits are for a single turbine except as noted.A dry low NOx burners and SCR 33.85 LB/H Limits are for single turbine except as noted. 2.0 ppm by volume, dry basis (ppmvd) at 15% oxygen turbine with duct burners and turbine only, both excluding startup and shutdown. 26.37 lb/h without duct burners. 33.85 lb/h with duct burners. Both excluding startup and shutdown 266.7 lb/cold startup, 140.7 lb/hot startup, 88.4 lb/warm startup and 32.7 lb/shutdown. 422.19 t/yr per rolling 12 month period total for all 3 turbines. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Vacuum Degasser Boiler (EP 20-13)50.4 MMBtu/hr B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. Also equipped with low-NOx burners.35 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. *IN-0365 SULLIVAN IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 221112 06/19/2023 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Turbine CTGB SU/SD 0 Startup and shutdown conditions for Option 2: GE Model 7HA.03Turbine N 35.8 TONS YEAR The NOx emissions from the combined cycle combustion turbine stack shall not exceed 35.8 tons per twelve (12) consecutive month period, for the duration of the combined startup and shutdown events, with compliance determined at the end of each month. MI-0423 INDECK NILES, LLC CASS MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 01/04/2017 &nbsp;ACT FGCTGHRSG (2 Combined Cycle CTGs with HRSGs)8322 MMBTU/H There are 2 combined cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generators (CTGs) with heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) identified as EUCTGHRSG1 & EUCTGHRSG2 in the flexible group FGCTGHRSG. The total hours for startup and shutdown for each train shall not exceed 500 hours per 12-month rolling time period. The throughput capacity is 3421 MMBTU/H for each turbine, and 740 MMBTU/H for each duct burner for a combined throughput of 4161 MMBTU/H or 8322 MMBTU/H for both trains.A SCR with DLNB (selective catalytic reduction with dry low NOx burners)38.1 LB/H There are 4 emission limits (2 in the table above) with are for EACH CTGHRSG. They are as follows: Emission Limit 1 = 3 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 24-H rolling avg as determined each operating hour except during startup and shutdown. Emission Limit 2 = 15 ppmvd at 15%O2 based on a 30-day rolling avg as determined each operating day. (NSPS KKKK). Emission Limit 3 = 38.1 LB/H based on a 24-H rolling avg as determined during each operating hour except during startup and shutdown. Emission Limit 4 = 286 LB/H based on an operating hour during startup or shutdown. Startup and shutdown operations are limited to 500 hours per 12-month rolling time period for each CTGHRSG train. Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the turbine output below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shut down, until the point at which the fuel flow to the combustor is terminated. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level, shall be described in the startup and shutdown emission minimization plan. The efficiency range is 80-90 percent. MI-0424 HOLLAND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OTTAWA MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 12/05/2016 &nbsp;ACT FGCTGHRSG--Startup/Shutdown (2 combined cycle CTGs with HRSGs; EUCTGHRSG10 &amp; EUCTGHRSG11)554 MMBTU/H; EACH Two combined cycle natural gas-fired combustion turbine generators (CTGs) with heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) (EUCTGHRSG10 & EUCTGHRSG11 in FGCTGHRSG). The total hours for both units combined for startup and shutdown shall not exceed 635 hours per 12-month rolling time period. This process group is to identify emission limits during startup and shutdown.A Selective catalytic reduction with dry low NOx burners (SCR with DLNB).43.7 LB/H The emission limits above are for each emission unit during startup/shutdown. Startup is defined as the period of time from synchronization to the grid (generator breaker closed) until the unit reaches steady state operation (loads greater than 50 percent of design capacity). Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the initial lowering of the turbine output below 50 percent of full operating load, with the intent to shutdown, until the point at which the generator breaker opens. The efficiency range is 80-99 percent. IN-0359 NUCOR STEEL MONTGOMERY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 331111 03/30/2023 &nbsp;ACT Hot Water Circuit Burner for Sheet Metal Coating Line 5.12 MMBtu/hr B low NOx burners, good combustion practices and only pipeline quality natural gas shall be combusted 50 LB/MMSCF IN-0359 NUCOR STEEL MONTGOMERY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 331111 03/30/2023 &nbsp;ACT Hot Water Circuit Burner for Galvanizing Line 9 MMBtu/hr This hot water circuit burner is used for Continuous Galvanizing Line.B low NOx burners, good combustion practices, use of pipeline quality natural gas 50 LB/MMSCF KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 13-01 - Water Bath Vaporizer 22 MMBtu/hr, combined The Water Bath Vaporizer is a backup unit employed when the air separation plant is down or the nitrogen or oxygen demand is more than the air separation plant is generating. During these events, liquefied gas maintained in storage tanks is passed through the Water Bath Vaporizer to vaporize the liquefied gas prior to distributing the gas to the process operations. The vaporizer consists of two natural gas-fired, low NOx burners to heat the water bath. The combustion gases from the indirect-fired burners exhaust directly to the atmosphere via individual stacks.B Low-Nox Burners (Designed to maintain 0.05 lb/MMBtu); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.50 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare and maintain for EP 13-01, upon initial compliance demonstration but no later than 180 days after startup, a good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the plan shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Pickle Line #2 – Boiler #1 &amp; #2 (EP 21-04 &amp; EP 21-05)18 MMBtu/hr, each Emission limitations are on an individual basis.B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. Equipped with low-NOx burners.50 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Air Separation Unit Water Bath Vaporizer (2 indirect burners) (EP 23-01)14.5 MMBtu/hr, each P The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. Equipped with low-NOx burners.50 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Galvanizing Line #2 Alkali Cleaning Section Heater (EP 21-07B)23 MMBtu/hr B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. This unit is also required to be equipped with low-NOx burners (0.07 lb/MMBtu).50 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Galvanizing Line #2 Annealing Furnaces (15) (EP 21-15)4.8 MMBtu/hr, each 15 total furnaces.B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. This unit is equipped with low-NOx burners.50 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. WI-0306 WPL- RIVERSIDE ENERGY CENTER ROCK WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221112 02/28/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural Gas Fired Combustion Turbine (P20, P21) Phase II Commissioning 2208 MMBTU/H Natural gas fired combustion turbine with heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). Phase II commissioning is the period when synchronizing the turbine through SCR tuning after Phase I. Total fuel input (natural gas) to the turbines may not exceed 1,960 Million cubic feet for both turbines combined. Oxidation catalyst must run at all times during Phase II commissioning.N 55 PPMVD, 15% OXYGEN Nitrogen oxide emissions may not exceed the limit from any turbine. RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES WI-0306 WPL- RIVERSIDE ENERGY CENTER ROCK WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221112 02/28/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural Gas Fired Combustion Turbine (P20, P21)- Startup operation during Phase II Commissioning 2208 Natural gas fired combustion turbine with heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). Phase II commissioning is the period when synchronizing the turbine through SCR tuning after Phase I. Startup is defined as the beginning of firing natural gas in the combustion turbine until the turbine/HRSG train reaches the minimum emissions compliance load, or the intended operating load if lower than the minimum emission compliance load.N 55 PPMVD, 15% OXYGEN MI-0447 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 01/07/2021 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG1 667 MMBTU/H EUCTGHRSG1--A nominally rated 667 MMBTU/hr natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator (CTG) coupled with a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas-fired duct burner rated at 204 MMBTU/hr to provide heat for additional steam production. The CTG is capable of operating in combined-cycle mode where the exhaust is routed to the HRSG or in simple-cycle mode where the HRSG is bypassed. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with a dry low NOx burner (DLNB), selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and oxidation catalyst.A Dry low NOx burners and selective catalytic reduction for NOx control for each CTG/HRSG unit.60 LB/H There are 5 NOx emission limits in the permit with 2 listed above. All five will be listed here including the two above so that everything is included. Emission limit 1 = 60.0 lb/hr; hourly including startup or shutdown in combined cycle mode. Emission Limit 2 = 60.0 lb/hr based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour. Applies in HRSG bypass mode. Emission Limit 3 = 3.0 ppmvd at 15% oxygen (O2) based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. Emission Limit 4 = 25 ppmvd at 15% oxygen (O2) based on a 4-hour rolling average, except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Applies in HRSG bypass mode (NSPS limit). Emission Limit 5 = 25 ppmvd at 15% oxygen (O2) based on a 30-day rolling average, except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Applies in combined cycle mode (NSPS limit). The use of SCR with the DLNB is the highest ranked control system and was selected as BACT; therefore, an economic analysis was not performed. MI-0447 LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 01/07/2021 &nbsp;ACT EUCTGHRSG2 667 MMBTU/H EUCTGHRSG2--A nominally rated 667 MMBTU/hr natural gas-fired CTG coupled with a HRSG. The HRSG is equipped with a natural gas-fired duct burner rated at 204 MMBTU/hr to provide heat for additional steam production. The CTG is capable of operating in combined-cycle mode where the exhaust is routed to the HRSG or in simple-cycle mode where the HRSG is bypassed. The HRSG is not capable of operating independently from the CTG. The CTG/HRSG is equipped with a DLNB, SCR, and oxidation catalyst.A Dry low NOx burners and selective catalytic reduction for NOx control for each CTG/HRSG unit.60 LB/H There are 5 emission limits total for this emission unit and all will be listed here; including the two listed in the table above. Emission limit 1 = 60.0 lb/hr; hourly including startup or shutdown in combined cycle mode. Emission limit 2 = 60.0 lb/hr based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour. Applies in HRSG bypass mode. Emission limit 3 = 3.0 ppmvd at 15% oxygen (O2); based on a 24-hour rolling average as determined each operating hour, except during startup and shutdown. Emission limit 4 = 25 ppmvd at 15% oxygen (O2); based on a 4-hour rolling average, except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Applies in HRSG bypass mode (NSPS limit). Emission limit 5 = 25 ppmvd at 15% oxygen (O2) based on a 30-day rolling average, except during operation less than 75% of peak load. Applies in combined cycle mode (NSPS limit). The use of SCR with the DLNB is the highest ranked control system and was selected as BACT; therefore, an economic analysis was not performed. MD-0046 KEYS ENERGY CENTER, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 10/31/2014 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES - SHUTDOWN 235 MW TWO SIEMENS F-CLASS (SGT6-500FEE) SERIES COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH DUCT BURNERS, WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 735 MW, COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG), DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTORS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST, AND FUELED EXCLUSIVELY ON PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS.B DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN, GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION 60 LB/EVENT KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 15-01 - Natural Gas Direct-Fired Space Heaters, Process Water Heaters, &amp; Air Makeup Heaters 40 MMBtu/hr, combined Numerous small (<1 MMBtu/hr, each) heaters located around the facility.B Low-Nox Burner (Designed to maintain 0.07 lb/MMBtu); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.70 LB/MMSCF GCOP Plan for EP 15-01: The good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan must define, measure, and verify the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 03-01 - Walking Beam Reheat Furnace (Including Cold Starts)400 MMBtu/hr For cast slabs, the steel rolling process at the mill is initiated at the walking beam reheat furnace. Cast steel slabs exiting the quench box move through the natural gas-fired reheat furnace, which reheats and equalizes the temperature of the steel slabs to increase malleability. The furnace has a maximum design heat input rate of 400 MMBtu/hr, which accounts for the total thermal capacity of all burners installed in all heating zones of the furnace. This maximum heat input capacity is more thermal capacity than is required (365 MMBtu/hr) to operate the furnace at the maximum design processing rate of 333 tons/hr of cold slabs. The furnace design includes multiple heat distribution zones that are individually controlled with a combination of modulating and pulse- firing regulation. This combination of operating conditions optimizes the temperature uniformity of the heating zones while minimizing excess air and reducing the oxygen content inside the chamber. Preheating, heating, and bottom soaking zones will be equipped with direct-fired, low-NOx flameless burners that can work efficiently in both flame and flameless mode to maintain the required heating zone temperatures when feeding cold slabs. The top soaking zones will be equipped with direct-fired, low-NOx radiant burners. All burners operate by preheating combustion air supplied by a heat recuperative system that utilizes heat from the furnace exhaust gas to preheat the combustion air.B Low-Nox Burner (Designed to maintain 0.07 lb/MMBtu); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.70 LB/MMSCF GCOP Plan for EPs 03-01: The good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan must define, measure, and verify the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 04-03 - Tempering Furnace 48 MMBtu/hr The Tempering Furnace is heated with direct-fired, low NOx, natural gas cold air burners. The burners are grouped into specific heating zones and the temperature in each zone is automatically controlled. The burners fire directly into the furnace to maintain the furnace operating temperature at 1,200ºF, and the waste combustion gases are vented from the furnace into an exhaust duct, pulled into an exhaust fan, and discharged to atmosphere through a vertical stack.B Low-Nox Burner (Designed to maintain 0.07 lb/MMBtu); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.70 LB/MMSCF GCOP Plan for EPs 04-03: The good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan must define, measure, and verify the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Galvanizing Line #2 Chemical Treatment &amp; Dryer (EP 21-11)876000 tons steel/yr Chromate solution usage limited to 1000 gal/yr. Burner Maximum Capacity: 3 MMBtu/hr. Corrosion and rust resistant roll coater and a natural gas-fired dryer for curing.B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. Equipped with a low-NOx burner (0.07 lb/MMBtu).70 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT A-Line Tunnel Furnace (EP 02-01)104.3 MMBtu/hr Max metal capacity is 3,500,000 tons/yr. The A-Line Tunnel Furnace will maintain and equalize the temperature of slabs after the caster and before the 2-stand roughing mill. The A-Line Tunnel Furnace include a swivel furnace section to allow transfer of steel slabs to the B-Line Tunnel Furnace (EP 02-02). The furnace is equipped with low-NOx burners designed to maintain 0.07 pound (lb)/MMBtu of NOx. Combustion gases from the furnaces will be routed through the enclosed furnace to a single stack (South A-Line Stack) for discharge to the atmosphere.B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. Equipped with Low NOx burners (0.07 lb/MMBtu)70 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT B-Line Tunnel Furnace (EP 02-02)163.1 MMBtu/hr Max metal capacity is 3,500,000 tons/yr. The -Line Tunnel Furnace will maintain and equalize the temperature of slabs after the caster and before the 2-stand roughing mill. The B-Line Tunnel Furnace transfers steel slabs to the 2-stand roughing mill. The furnace is equipped with low-NOx burners designed to maintain 0.07 pound (lb)/MMBtu of NOx. Combustion gases from the furnaces will be routed through the enclosed furnace to a single stack (South A-Line Stack) for discharge to the atmosphere.B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. Equipped with low NOx burners (0.07 lb/MMBtu)70 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Heated Transfer Table Furnace (EP 02-03)65.5 MMBtu/hr Max metal capacity is 3,500,000 tons/yr. Additional temperature control of the steel slabs/sheet will be conducted after the roughing mill by the Heated Transfer Table Furnace, which feeds the existing hot rolling mill. The Heated Transfer Table Furnace will be equipped with low-NOx burners designed to maintain 0.07 lb/MMBtu of NOx. Combustion gases from this Furnace will be routed through the enclosed furnace to a single stack (North A-Line Stack) for discharge to the atmosphere.B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. Equipped with low NOx burners (0.07 lb/MMBtu).70 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Galvanizing Line #2 Zinc Pot Preheater (EP 21-09)3 MMBtu/hr Natural gas-fired (direct) heater used to melt initial zinc ingots upon startup or following extended outage. NSG requested an operational limitation on Zinc Pot Preheaters of 168 hours per year.B The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. This unit is equipped with a low-NOx burner.70 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. MD-0046 KEYS ENERGY CENTER, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 10/31/2014 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES - HOT STARTUP 235 MW TWO SIEMENS F-CLASS (SGT6-500FEE) SERIES COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH DUCT BURNERS, WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 735 MW, COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG), DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTORS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST, AND FUELED EXCLUSIVELY ON PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS.KEYS IS PROHIBITED FROM OPERATING BOTH CTS IN A CONCURRENT STARTUP MODE. ADDITIONALLY, THE START-UP OF A SECOND CT SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE START-UP OF THE FIRST CT IS COMPLETE.B GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES, DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION 71.4 LB/EVENT KEYS IS PROHIBITED FROM OPERATING BOTH CTS IN A CONCURRENT STARTUP MODE AS DEFINED IN CONDITION B-II-4. ADDITIONALLY, THE START-UP OF A SECOND CT SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE START-UP OF THE FIRST CT IS COMPLETE. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 05-01 - Group 1 Car Bottom Furnaces #1 - #3 28 MMBtu/hr, each Groups of car bottom furnaces are used to perform various heat treatment processes, such as stress relieving, normalizing, tempering, austenitizing, and annealing, as required by customer specifications. Group 1 includes three direct-fired car bottom furnaces, fueled by natural gas. For plates that are austenitized, they are removed from the furnace and immediately lowered into the batch quench tank for a defined duration to complete the quenching process. After cooling, the fully hardened plates are placed into another car bottom furnace to temper the plate to the desired hardness.B Low-Nox Burner (Designed to maintain 0.08 lb/MMBtu); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.81.6 LB/MMSCF GCOP Plan for EPs 05-01: The good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan must define, measure, and verify the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 05-02 - Group 2 Car Bottom Furnaces A &amp; B 60 MMBtu/hr, combined Groups of car bottom furnaces are used to perform various heat treatment processes, such as stress relieving, normalizing, tempering, austenitizing, and annealing, as required by customer specifications. Group 2 includes two direct-fired car bottom furnaces, fueled by natural gas. For plates that are austenitized, they are removed from the furnace and immediately lowered into the batch quench tank for a defined duration to complete the quenching process. After cooling, the fully hardened plates are placed into another car bottom furnace to temper the plate to the desired hardness. One is 28 MMBtu/hr, one is 32 MMBtu/hr.B Low-Nox Burner (Designed to maintain 0.08 lb/MMBtu); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.81.6 LB/MMSCF GCOP Plan for EP 05-02: The good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan must define, measure, and verify the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 03-05 - Steckel Mill Coiling Furnaces #1 &amp; #2 17.5 MMBtu/hr, each On each side of the Steckel mill, mandrels housed in direct-fired heated chambers continually wind and unwind the ribbon of steel as it passes back and forth through the Steckel mill. The goal is to reduce radiant heat loss so the steel can be rolled longer and thinner. These furnaces burn natural gas.B Low-Nox Burner (Designed to maintain 0.08 lb/MMBtu); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.81.6 LB/MMSCF GCOP Plan for EPs 03-05: The good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan must define, measure, and verify the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. MD-0046 KEYS ENERGY CENTER, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 10/31/2014 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES - WARM STARTUP 235 MW TWO SIEMENS F-CLASS (SGT6-500FEE) SERIES COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH DUCT BURNERS, WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 735 MW, COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG), DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTORS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST, AND FUELED EXCLUSIVELY ON PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS.B GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES, DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)82.9 LB/EVENT KEYS IS PROHIBITED FROM OPERATING BOTH CTS IN A CONCURRENT STARTUP MODE AS DEFINED IN CONDITION B-II-4. ADDITIONALLY, THE START-UP OF A SECOND CT SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE START-UP OF THE FIRST CT IS COMPLETE. MI-0425 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 05/09/2017 &nbsp;ACT FGDRYERRTO (2 Natural Gas Fired Rotary Dryers 139.9 MMBTU/H 2 natural gas fired rotary dryers identified as EUDRYER1 and EUDRYER2 in the flexible group FGDRYERRTO. The maximum design heat input capacity for each dryer burner shall not exceed 139.9 MMBTU/H per dryer. The maximum design heat input capacity for RTO1 shall not exceed a maximum of 25 MMBTU per hour. The dryers and RTO1 are equipped with low NOx burners. The dryers also have product recovery cyclones that are not considered to be pollution control equipment.B Good combustion practices and low NOx burners 95 LB/H The second emission limit is 1.1 lb/oven dried ton. SNCR and low NOx burners were determined to be technically feasible add-on control technologies. However, SNCR applied to just the thermal energy plant would not be effective. Any reagent (ammonia or urea) and some of the nitrogen produced by the SNCR would be oxidized to NOx in the RTO used to comply with 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDD. Therefore, SNCR is not feasible for the thermal energy plant exhaust. In addition, the RTO exhaust temperature is 200 to 300 deg. F, well below the 1,550 to 1,950 deg F required for SNCR to operate. SNCR is not technically feasible for the RTO exhaust. This emission limit applies to the total emissions from all of the processes exhausted through the RTO. MI-0421 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 08/26/2016 &nbsp;ACT 2 Natural gas fired rotary dryers (EUDRYER1, EUDRYER2 in FGDRYERRTO)139.9 MMBTU/H per dryer Two natural gas fired rotary dryers. The maximum design heat input capacity for each natural gas dryer burner shall not exceed 139.9 MMBTU per hour. The maximum design heat input capacity for RTO1 shall not exceed a maximum of 25 MMBTU per hour. The dryers and RTO1 are equipped with low NOx burners. The dryers also have product recovery cyclones that are not considered to be pollution control equipment.B Good combustion practices and low NOx burners.95 LB/H There are two emission limits. Emission Limit 1 = 95 LB/H. Applicable reqt is BACT, NAAQS, PSD Increment. Emission Limit 2 = 1.1 lb/oven dried ton. Applicable reqt is BACT. SNCR and low NOx burners were determined to be technically feasible add-on control technologies. However, SNCR applied to just the thermal energy plant would not be effective. Any reagent (ammonia or urea) and some of the nitrogen produced by the SNCR would be oxidized to NOx in the RTO used to comply with 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDD. Therefore, SNCR is not feasible for the thermal energy plant exhaust. In addition, the RTO exhaust temperature is 200 to 300 deg. F, well below the 1550 to 1950 deg F required for SNCR to operate. SNCR is not technically feasible for the RTO exhaust. This emission limit applies to the total emissions from all of the processes exhausted through the RTO. RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC GALLATIN KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT Cold Mill Complex Makeup Air Units (EP 21-19)40 MMBtu/hr, total Total of 40 MMBtu/hr of natural gas-fired air heaters located throughout the Cold Mill Complex to control humidity of indoor coil storage bay.P The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan 100 LB/MMSCF The permittee shall prepare a good combustion and operations practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures, and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i. A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii. A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii. A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 01-06 - Caster Torch Cutoff 0.64 MMBtu/hr The continuous steel slab exits at the bottom of cooling the chamber and is cut to specified lengths using an oxy-fuel torch to form discrete slabs. The slabs may then be further cooled in the quench box before being transferred to the slab storage yard or continuing on the processing line to the reheat furnace. Emissions generated from the oxy-fuel torch cutting of the cast slabs is emitted within the building at the end of the caster and discharged to atmosphere through the Rolling Mill building monovent.N 100 LB/MMSCF Compliance is assumed when burning natural gas. OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC FULTON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT Twin-Station Ladle Metallurgy Facility (LMF 3/4) (P906)250 T/H EAF 2 (P905) direct evacuation control (DEC) and LMF 3/4 (P906) DEC vents to baghouse 2. Canopy hood captures emissions from P905, P906 and Caster 2 (P907) and vents to baghouse 2.A DEC systems with air gap 105 LB/H 0.42 lbs/ton of liquid steel produced combined emission limit for EAF #2 (P905), twin station ladle metallurgy facility (LMF 3/4)(P906), and caster #2 (P907). 105 lb/h combined emission limit for EAF #2 (P905) and twin station ladle metallurgy facility (LMF 3/4)(P906). 828.5 t/yr per rolling 12-month period combined emission limit for EAF #1 (P901), ladle metallurgy facility (LMF 1/2)(P902), EAF #2 (P905) and twin station LMF 3/4 (P906). OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC FULTON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT Caster #2 (P907)250 T/H EAF 2 (P905) direct evacuation control (DEC) and LMF 3/4 (P906) DEC vents to baghouse 2. Canopy hood captures emissions from P905, P906 and Caster 2 (P907) and vents to baghouse 2.A DEC systems with air gap 105 LB/H 0.42 lbs/ton of liquid steel produced combined emission limit for EAF #2 (P905), twin station ladle metallurgy facility (LMF 3/4)(P906), and caster #2 (P907). 105 lb/h combined emission limit for EAF #2 (P905) and twin station ladle metallurgy facility (LMF 3/4)(P906). 828.5 t/yr per rolling 12-month period combined emission limit for EAF #1 (P901), ladle metallurgy facility (LMF 1/2)(P902), EAF #2 (P905) and twin station LMF 3/4 (P906). OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC FULTON OH OHIO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 331111 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT Electric Arc Furnace #2 (P905)250 T/H EAF 2 (P905) direct evacuation control (DEC) and LMF 3/4 (P906) DEC vents to baghouse 2. Canopy hood captures emissions from P905, P906 and Caster 2 (P907) and vents to baghouse 2.A DEC systems with air gap 105 LB/H 0.42 lbs/ton of liquid steel produced combined emission limit for EAF #2 (P905), twin station ladle metallurgy facility (LMF 3/4)(P906), and caster #2 (P907). 105 lb/h combined emission limit for EAF #2 (P905) and twin station ladle metallurgy facility (LMF 3/4)(P906). 828.5 t/yr per rolling 12-month period combined emission limit for EAF #1 (P901), ladle metallurgy facility (LMF 1/2)(P902), EAF #2 (P905) and twin station LMF 3/4 (P906). MD-0045 MATTAWOMAN ENERGY, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 11/13/2015 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES - HOT STARTUP 286 MW TWO SIEMENS H-CLASS (SGT-8000H VERSION 1.4-OPTIMIZED) COMBINED CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 286 MW (EACH), COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG) EQUIPPED WITH DUCT BURNERS, DRY LOW-NOX BURNERS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST B GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES, DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)105 LB/EVENT WI-0306 WPL- RIVERSIDE ENERGY CENTER ROCK WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221112 02/28/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural Gas Fired Combustion Turbine (P20, P21) Phase I Commissioning 2208 MMBTU/H Natural gas fired combustion turbine with heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). Phase I commissioning is the period of initial cranking and steam blows when starting a turbine for the first time. Total fuel input (natural gas) to the turbines may not exceed 882 million cubic feet for both turbines combined and 1.20 million cubic feet in any hour for a single turbine.N 110 PPMVD, 15% OXYGEN WI-0306 WPL- RIVERSIDE ENERGY CENTER ROCK WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221112 02/28/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural Gas Fired Combustion Turbine (P20, P21)- Startup operation during Phase I Commissioning 2208 MMBTU/H Two natural gas fired combustion turbine with heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). Phase I commissioning is the period of initial cranking and steam blows when starting a turbine for the first time. Startup is defined as the beginning of firing natural gas in the combustion turbine until the turbine/HRSG train reaches the minimum emissions compliance load, or the intended operating load if lower than the minimum emission compliance load.N 110 PPMVD, 15% OXYGEN IN-0263 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 03/23/2017 &nbsp;ACT AMMONIA STORAGE FLARE (EU-016)1.1 MMBTU/H N 125 LB/H LIMIT 3: PILOT AND PURGE GAS FUELS USED SHALL BE NATURAL GAS LIMIT 4: 168 HOURS / 12 CONSECUTIVE MONTH PERIOD LIMIT 5: COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING FLARE MINIMIZATION PRACTICES TO REDUCE EMISSIONS DURING STARTUPS, SHUT DOWNS, AND OTHER FLARING EVENTS: (1) SHALL LIMIT PERIODS WHEN THE BACKUP STORAGE COMPRESSOR AND THE AMMONIA REFRIGERATION COMPRESSOR ARE OFFLINE AT THE SAME TIME TO THE EXTENT PRACTICABLE; (2) TRAIN ALL OPERATORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAY TO DAY OPERATION OF THE FLARES ON THE FLARE MINIMIZATION PRACTICES AND THE SPECIFIC PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW DURING PROCESS STARTUP, SHUT DOWN, AND OTHER FLARING EVENTS; (3) SHALL INVESTIGATE THE &lsquo;&lsquo;ROOT CAUSE&lsquo;&lsquo; OF MALFUNCTION EVENTS THAT CAUSE FLARING EVENTS OTHER THAN AT STARTUP OR SHUTDOWN. THIS ANALYSIS SHALL IDENTFY THE APPARENT CAUSE OF UNANTICIPATED FLARING EVENT AND SHALL RECOMMEND ADDITIONAL PREVENTIVE MEASURES THAT WILL MINIMIZE THE CHANCE OF A REPEAT EVENT. LIMIT 6: FLARES SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR AND OPERATED WITH NO VES, EXCEPT FOR PERIODS NOT TO EXCEED 5 MINS DURING ANY 2 CONSEC. HRS.; SHALL BE OPERATED WITH A FLAME PRESENT AT ALL TIMES; SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MONITORED TO ASSURE THE PRESENCE OF A PILOT FLAME WITH A THERMACOUPLE, INFRARED MONITOR, OR OTHER APPROVED DEVICE. MD-0045 MATTAWOMAN ENERGY, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 11/13/2015 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES - WARM STARTUP 286 MW TWO SIEMENS H-CLASS (SGT-8000H VERSION 1.4-OPTIMIZED) COMBINED CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 286 MW (EACH), COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG) EQUIPPED WITH DUCT BURNERS, DRY LOW-NOX BURNERS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST B GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES, DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)132 LB/EVENT MD-0045 MATTAWOMAN ENERGY, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 11/13/2015 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES - COLD STARTUP 286 MW TWO SIEMENS H-CLASS (SGT-8000H VERSION 1.4-OPTIMIZED) COMBINED CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 286 MW (EACH), COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG) EQUIPPED WITH DUCT BURNERS, DRY LOW-NOX BURNERS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST B GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES, DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)153 LB/EVENT KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 04-02 - Austenitizing Furnace 54 MMBtu/hr The Austenitizing Furnace uses only natural gas as fuel. The furnace is indirect fired with a nitrogen atmosphere to prevent scale formation and the resulting scale pickup that occurs on the roll surface. The furnace is equipped with radiant tube low-NOx burners that operate in flame and flameless modes. When a cold plate is charged, some of the first sections of the heat zone are momentarily pulled down below 1560ºF. When the radiant tube burners are below 1560ºF, they operate in flame mode with a guaranteed NOx emission rate of 0.252 lb/MMBtu. Once these burners reach 1560ºF, they return to flameless mode. The remaining sections of the heat zone and the soaking section continuously operate in flameless mode. The guaranteed NOx emission rate for the flameless mode is 0.155 lb/MMBtu. The burners fire into a radiant tube to isolate the waste gas from the furnace atmosphere. The burners are selfrecuperative, eliminating the need for a common recuperator. The waste gases from the burner are used to preheat combustion air, and the waste gases are then vented into an exhaust system and out of the building to dedicated stack.B Low-Nox Burner (Designed to maintain 0.15 lb/MMBtu in flameless mode and 0.25 lb/MMBtu in flame mode); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.158 LB/MMSCF Emission Limit 3: 44.05 ton/yr, 12-month rolling The permittee shall prepare and maintain for EP 04-02, upon initial compliance demonstration but no later than 180 days after startup, a good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan that defines, measures and verifies the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the plan shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. IN-0324 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 05/06/2022 &nbsp;ACT ammonia storage flare EU-016 1.1 pound per MMBtu P The pilot and purge gas fuels shall be natural gas 168 HR/YR NOx emissions from the ammonia storage flare (EU-016) shall not exceed 125.00 lb/hr, while venting. (c)The Permittee shall comply with the following flare minimization practices to reduce emissions during startups, shut downs, and other flaring events: (1)Flare Use Minimization: The Permittee shall limit periods when the backup storage compressor and the ammonia refrigeration compressor are offline at the same time to the extent practicable; (2)The Permittee shall train all operators responsible for the day-to-day operation of the flares on the flare minimization practices and the specific procedures to follow during process startup, shut down, and other flaring events; and (3)The Permittee shall investigate the “root cause†of malfunction events that cause flaring events other than at startup or shut down. This root cause analysis shall identify the apparent cause of unanticipated flaring event and shall recommend additional preventive measures that will minimize the chance of a repeat event. The Permittee shall implement the recommended preventive measures. (d)Flare emissions shall be controlled by use of the following practices: (1)Flares shall be designed for and operated with no visible emissions, except for periods not to exceed 5 minutes during any two consecutive hours; (2)Flares shall be operated with a flame present at all times; and (3)Flares shall be continuously monitored to assure the presence of a pilot flame with a thermocouple, infrared monitor, or other approved device. MI-0448 ARAUCO NORTH AMERICA CRAWFORD MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 321219 12/18/2020 &nbsp;ACT 2 Natural gas fired rotary dryers (EUDRYER1, EUDRYER2 in FGDRYERRTO)139.9 MMBTU/H Two natural gas-fired rotary dryers. The maximum design heat input capacity for each natural gas dryer burner shall not exceed 139.9 MMBtu/hour. The maximum design heat input capacity for RTO1 shall not exceed a maximum of 25 MMBtu/hour. The dryers and RTO1 are equipped with low NOx burners. The dryers also have product recovery cyclones that are not considered to be pollution control equipment. The dryers are allowed to bypass RTO1 for up to 500 hours per year as long as there are no wood chips or flakes in the dryers and the total heat input to the dryers does not exceed 140 MMBtu/hour with no more than 100 MMBtu/hour provided by wood combustion in EUENERGY.B Good combustion practices and low NOx burners 170 LB/H There is a second emission limit also: Emission limit 2 = 2.0 lb/oven dried ton, with an hourly averaging time. This limit is also BACT. SNCR and low NOx burners were determined to be technically feasible add-on control technologies. However, SNCR applied to just the thermal energy plant would not be effective. Any reagent (ammonia or urea) and some of the nitrogen produced by the SNCR would be oxidized to NOx in the RTO used to comply with 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDD. Therefore, SNCR is not feasible for the thermal energy plant exhaust. In addition, the RTO exhaust temperature is 200 to 300 deg. F, well below the 1,550 to 1,950 deg F required for SNCR to operate. SNCR is not technically feasible for the RTO exhaust. This emission limit applies to the total emissions from all of the processes exhausted through the RTO. The dryers are allowed to bypass RTO1 for up to 500 hours per year as long as the total heat input to the dryers does not exceed 140 MMBTU/hour with no more than 100 MMBTU/hour provided by wood combustion in EUENERGY. Emissions during RTO1 bypass are lower than normal operation due to the lower firing rate. BACT during RTO1 bypass is good combustion practices and low NOx burners. KY-0110 NUCOR MEADE KY KENTUCKY DEP, DIV FOR AIR QUALITY 331111 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT EP 03-02 - Ingot Car Bottom Furnaces #1-#4 37 MMBtu/hr, each Four (4) direct-fired natural gas car bottom furnaces are employed to reheat ingots produced off-site. The slabs and ingots are heated to a uniform rolling temperature of approximately 2,250 °F.B Low-Nox Burner (Designed to maintain 0.18 lb/MMBtu); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan.181.6 LB/MMSCF GCOP Plan for EPs 03-02: The good combustion and operation practices (GCOP) plan must define, measure, and verify the use of operational and design practices determined as BACT for minimizing PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, and GHG emissions. Any revisions to the GCOP plan requested by the Division shall be made and the revisions shall be maintained on site. The permittee shall operate according to the provisions of this plan at all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan shall be incorporated into the plant standard operating procedures (SOP) and shall be made available for the Division’s inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: i.A list of combustion optimization practices and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. ii.A list of combustion and operation practices to be used to lower energy consumption and a means of verifying the practices have occurred. iii.A list of the design choices determined to be BACT and verification that designs were implemented in the final construction. IN-0324 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 05/06/2022 &nbsp;ACT startup heater EU-002 33.34 MMBtu/hr P shall combust natural gas, shall be controlled by good combustion practices 200 HR/YR IN-0324 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 05/06/2022 &nbsp;ACT Discontinuous Urea Flare EU-DUF 1.12 MMBtu/hr P The pilot and purge gas fuels shall be natural gas.240 HR/YR NOx emissions from the discontinuous urea flare (EU-DUF) shall not exceed 462.83 lb/hr, during venting. (c)The Permittee shall comply with the following flare minimization practices to reduce emissions during startups, shut downs, and other flaring events: (1)Flare Use Minimization: Flare EU-DUF shall be limited to flaring ammonia during high-pressure events to the extent practicable. The ammonia compressor main shall be depressurized prior to compressor maintenance. The Permittee shall limit venting ammonia rich streams to Flare EU-DUF to the extent practicable during non-emergency startup and shut down operations; (2)The Permittee shall train all operators responsible for the day-to-day operation of the flares on the flare minimization practices and the specific procedures to follow during process startup, shutdown, and other flaring events; and (3)The Permittee shall investigate the “root cause†of malfunction events that cause flaring events other than at startup or shut down. This root cause analysis shall identify the apparent cause of unanticipated flaring event and shall recommend additional preventive measures that will minimize the chance of a repeat event. The Permittee shall implement the recommended preventive measures. (d)Flare emissions shall be controlled by use of the following practices: (1)Flares shall be designed for and operated with no visible emissions, except for periods not to exceed 5 minutes during any two consecutive hours; (2)Flares shall be operated with a flame present at all times; and (3)Flares shall be continuously monitored to assure the presence of a pilot flame with a thermocouple, infrared monitor, or other approved device. MD-0046 KEYS ENERGY CENTER, LLC PRINCE GEORGE'S MD MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 221119 10/31/2014 &nbsp;ACT 2 COMBINED-CYCLE COMBUSTION TURBINES - COLD STARTUP 235 MW TWO SIEMENS F-CLASS (SGT6-500FEE) SERIES COMBUSTION TURBINES (CTS) WITH DUCT BURNERS, WITH A NOMINAL GENERATING CAPACITY OF 735 MW, COUPLED WITH A HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG), DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTORS, SCR, OXIDATION CATALYST, AND FUELED EXCLUSIVELY ON PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS.B GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES, DRY LOW-NOX COMBUSTOR DESIGN AND SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION (SCR)245.2 LB/EVENT KEYS IS PROHIBITED FROM OPERATING BOTH CTS IN A CONCURRENT STARTUP MODE AS DEFINED IN CONDITION B-II-4. ADDITIONALLY, THE START-UP OF A SECOND CT SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE START-UP OF THE FIRST CT IS COMPLETE. LA-0391 MAGNOLIA POWER LLC IBERVILLE LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 221112 06/03/2022 &nbsp;ACT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Startup and Shutdown 5081 mm BTU/h Startup and shutdown emissions from the combined cycle gas turbine.P Good combustion practices.260 LB/HR MI-0435 DTE ELECTRIC COMPANY ST. CLAIR MI MICHIGAN DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 221112 07/16/2018 &nbsp;ACT FGCTGHRSG (EUCTGHRSG1 &amp; EUCTGHRSG2)--Startup &amp; Shutdown 0 This section is the startup and shutdown emission limits for FGCTGHRSG. Two 3,658 MMBTU/H natural gas-fired combustion turbine generators (CTGs) coupled with heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs). The HRSGs are equipped with natural gas-fired duct burners rated at 800 MMBTU/H to provide heat for additional steam production. The HRSGs are not capable of operating independently from the CTGs.A SCR with DLNB (Selective catalytic reduction with dry low NOx burners).262.4 LB/H The emission limit above is 262.4 LB/H for each unit and is per operating hour during startup or shutdown. Startup is defined as the period of time from initiation of the combustion process (flame-on) from shutdown status and continues until steady state operation (loads greater than a demonstrated percent of design capacity) is achieved. Shutdown is defined as that period of time from the lowering of the turbine output below the demonstrated steady state level, with the intent to shut down, until the point at which the fuel flow to the combustor is terminated. The demonstrated percent of design capacity, or demonstrated steady state level, shall be described in the plan required in Special Condition III.2 in the permit. LA-0377 TOKAI CARBON CB LTD.WEST BATON ROUGE LA LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENV QUALITY 325182 05/27/2020 &nbsp;ACT 2-19 Incinerator 1 5.88 MM scf/h B Low NOx burners, flue gas recirculation, and good combustion practices.300 PPM WI-0300 NEMADJI TRAIL ENERGY CENTER DOUGLAS WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221121 09/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural Gas-Fired Combined-Cycle Turbine (P01) Start-up and Shutdown (Natural Gas)0 One Natural-Gas-Fired Siemens SGT6-8000H Combined-Cycle Turbine with Natural Gas-Fired Duct Burner and Diesel Fuel Oil Back- Up [Maximum continuous rating: 4,671 MMBtu/hr higher heating value (HHV) when combusting natural gas, 4,027 MMBtu/hr, HHV when combusting diesel fuel oil N 335 LB/START-UP Total start-up and shutdown emissions: 108.3 T/YR. (based on 1525 hours per year for start-up and shutdown, combined, for natural gas operation) RBLCID CORPORATE OR COMPANY NAME FACILITY COUNTY FACILITY STATE AGENCY NAME NAICS CODE PERMIT ISSUANCE DATE PROCESS NAME THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT_UNI T PROCESS_NOTES CONTROL METHOD CODE CONTROL METHOD DESCRIPTION EMISSION LIMIT 1 EMISSION LIMIT 1 UNIT POLLUTANT_COMPLIANCE_NOTES IN-0324 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 05/06/2022 &nbsp;ACT Front End Flare EU 017 1.12 MMBtu/hr P The pilot and purge gas fuels shall be natural gas 336 HR/YR NOx emissions from the front end flare (EU-017) shall not exceed 317.71 lb/hr, during venting operations. (c)The Permittee shall comply with the following flare minimization practices to reduce emissions during startups, shut downs, and other flaring events: (1)Flare Use Minimization: Process syngas streams to flare EU-017 shall not contain ammonia. During the startup of the sequential reformer, only one process stream at a time shall be sent to the flare to the extent practicable. Maximize the use of process syngas during the startup of the ammonia unit; (2)The Permittee shall train all operators responsible for the day-to-day operation of the flares on the flare minimization practices and the specific procedures to follow during process startup, shut down, and other flaring events; and (3)The Permittee shall investigate the “root cause†of malfunction events that cause flaring events other than at startup or shut down. This root cause analysis shall identify the apparent cause of unanticipated flaring event and shall recommend additional preventive measures that will minimize the chance of a repeat event. The Permittee shall implement the recommended preventive measures. (d)Flare emissions shall be controlled by use of the following practices: (1)Flares shall be designed for and operated with no visible emissions, except for periods not to exceed 5 minutes during any two consecutive hours; (2)Flares shall be operated with a flame present at all times; and (3)Flares shall be continuously monitored to assure the presence of a pilot flame with a thermocouple, infrared monitor, or other approved device. IN-0324 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC POSEY IN INDIANA DEPT OF ENV MGMT, OFC OF AIR 325311 05/06/2022 &nbsp;ACT Back End Flare EU-018 1.12 MMBtu/hr P The pilot and purge gas fuels shall be natural gas 336 HR/YR NOx emissions from the back end flare (EU-018) shall not exceed 420.00 lb/hr, during venting. (c)The Permittee shall comply with the following flare minimization practices to reduce emissions during startups, shut downs, and other flaring events: (1)Flare Use Minimization: Flare EU-018 shall be limited to flaring ammonia during high-pressure events to the extent practicable. The ammonia compressor main shall be depressurized prior to compressor maintenance. The Permittee shall limit venting ammonia rich streams to Flare EU-018 to the extent practicable during non-emergency startup and shut down operations; (2)The Permittee shall train all operators responsible for the day-to-day operation of the flares on the flare minimization practices and the specific procedures to follow during process startup, shutdown, and other flaring events; and (3)The Permittee shall investigate the “root cause†of malfunction events that cause flaring events other than at startup or shut down. This root cause analysis shall identify the apparent cause of unanticipated flaring event and shall recommend additional preventive measures that will minimize the chance of a repeat event. The Permittee shall implement the recommended preventive measures. (d)Flare emissions shall be controlled by use of the following practices: (1)Flares shall be designed for and operated with no visible emissions, except for periods not to exceed 5 minutes during any two consecutive hours; (B)Flares shall be operated with a flame present at all times; and (C)Flares shall be continuously monitored to assure the presence of a pilot flame with a thermocouple, infrared monitor, or other approved device. AR-0173 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC MISSISSIPPI AR ARKANSAS DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 331111 01/31/2022 &nbsp;ACT Reformer Natural Gas Fired 1591 MMBtu/hr SN-123 B Scrubber, Low Combustion of Natural Gas, and Good Combustion Practices NOX Burners,383.3 TPY WI-0300 NEMADJI TRAIL ENERGY CENTER DOUGLAS WI WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; AIR MGMT. PROGRAM 221121 09/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT Natural-Gas-Fired Combined-Cycle Turbine (P01) Start-Up and Shutdown (diesel)0 One Natural-Gas-Fired Siemens SGT6-8000H Combined-Cycle Turbine with Natural Gas-Fired Duct Burner and Diesel Fuel Oil Back- Up [Maximum continuous rating: 4,671 MMBtu/hr higher heating value (HHV) when combusting natural gas, 4,027 MMBtu/hr, HHV when combusting diesel fuel oil],N 860 LB/START-UP Total start-up and shutdown emissions: 20.3 T/YR. (based on 42 start-ups and 42 shutdowns per year using diesel) NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis Atlas Molded Products, Murray Utah March 29, 2024 Page 39 ATTACHMENT C: EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS PROCESS EMISSIONS Emission Unit ID Unit Process ID Throughput Operations 179012 Natural Gas Combustion 1 Natural Gas Combustion Annual Throughput: 24.99 MILLION CUBIC FEET (Natural Gas) (Input) Start Time: 09:00 AM, Stop Time: 05:00 PM Average Hours/Day: 8.0, Days/Week: 5.0, Weeks/Year: 52.0 Actual Days/Year: 260.0 Actual Hours/Year: 2,080.0 Monthly Operations: Jan: 8.19%, Feb: 7.7%, Mar: 8.95%, Apr: 8.19%, May: 8.07%, Jun: 7.86%, Jul: 8.08%, Aug: 8.03%, Sep: 7.76%, Oct: 8.51%, Nov: 9.46%, Dec: 9.2% Pollutant Emis. Factor (Lbs/UOM)Emis. Factor UOM Calculation Method Estimated Emis. (Tons) PM10-PRI - PM10 Primary (Filt + Cond)7.6 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.094961999999999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% PM10-FIL - PM10 Filterable 1.9 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.023740499999999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% PM25-PRI - PM2.5 Primary (Filt + Cond)7.6 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.094961999999999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% PM25-FIL - PM2.5 Filterable 1.9 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.023740499999999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% PM-CON - PM Condensible 5.7 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.0712215 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% SO2 - Sulf ur Dioxide 0.6 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.007496999999999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% NOX - Nitrogen Oxides 100.0 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)1.2495 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% VOC - Volatile Organic Compounds 5.5 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.068722499999999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% CO - Carbon Monoxide 84.0 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)1.04958 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% 7439921 - Lead 0.0005 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.0000062475 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% NH3 - Ammonia 3.2 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.039984 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% 7440382 - Arsenic 0.0002 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000002499 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 71432 - Benzene 0.0021 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000026239499999 8/13 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 7440417 - Beryllium 0.000012 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000000149939999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 7440439 - Cadmium 0.0011 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.0000137445 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 7440473 - Chromium 0.0014 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000017492999999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 7440484 - Cobalt 0.000084 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000001049579999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 50000 - Formaldehyde 0.075 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000937124999999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 110543 - Hexane 1.8 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.022491 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 7439965 - Manganese 0.00038 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000004748099999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 7439976 - Mercury 0.00026 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000003248699999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 91203 - Naphthalene 0.00061 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000007621949999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 7440020 - Nickel 0.0021 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000026239499999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 7782492 - Selenium 0.000024 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000000299879999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Pollutant Emis. Factor (Lbs/UOM)Emis. Factor UOM Calculation Method Estimated Emis. (Tons) 9/13 Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 108883 - Toluene 0.0034 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000042482999999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 91576 - 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.000024 E6FT3 - MILLION CUBIC FEET 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000000299879999 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. Pollutant Emis. Factor (Lbs/UOM)Emis. Factor UOM Calculation Method Estimated Emis. (Tons) Emission Unit ID Unit Process ID Throughput Operations 179013 Fire Pump 1 Fire Pump Annual Throughput: 928.0 HORSEPOWER-HOURS (Energy) (Output) Start Time: 09:00 AM, Stop Time: 05:00 PM Average Hours/Day: 8.0, Days/Week: 5.0, Weeks/Year: 52.0 Actual Days/Year: 260.0 Actual Hours/Year: 2,080.0 Monthly Operations: Jan: 5.17%, Feb: 10.34%, Mar: 0.0%, Apr: 3.45%, May: 12.07%, Jun: 20.69%, Jul: 10.34%, Aug: 13.79%, Sep: 13.79%, Oct: 5.17%, Nov: 3.45%, Dec: 1.72% Comment: Operates an average of 30 minutes per month in test mode. Pollutant Emis. Factor (Lbs/UOM)Emis. Factor UOM Calculation Method Estimated Emis. (Tons) PM10-PRI - PM10 Primary (Filt + Cond)0.0022 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.0010208 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% PM25-PRI - PM2.5 Primary (Filt + Cond)0.0022 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.0010208 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% SO2 - Sulf ur Dioxide 0.00205 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.0009512 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% NOX - Nitrogen Oxides 0.031 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.014384 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% VOC - Volatile Organic Compounds 0.00247 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.00114608 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% CO - Carbon Monoxide 0.00668 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.00309952 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% NH3 - Ammonia 0.00014817518248 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_1 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (post-control)0.00006875328467 Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 75070 - Acetaldehyde 0.000005369 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000002491216 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 107028 - Acrolein 0.0000006475 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.00000030044 10/13 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 71432 - Benzene 0.000006531 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000003030384 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 106990 - 1,3-Butadiene 0.0000002737 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.0000001269968 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 50000 - Formaldehyde 0.00000826 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.00000383264 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 91203 - Naphthalene 0.0000005936 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.0000002754304 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 130498292 - PAH, total 0.000001176 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000000545664 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 108883 - Toluene 0.000002863 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.000001328432 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. 1330207 - Xylenes (Mixed Isomers)0.000001995 HP-HR - HORSEPOWER-HOURS 8_2 - EPA WebFIRE Emission Factor (pre-control)0.00000092568 Overall Control Efficiency: 0.0% Emission Comment: Pollutant and meta-data def aulted f rom Emission Factor ref erence source. Pollutant Emis. Factor (Lbs/UOM)Emis. Factor UOM Calculation Method Estimated Emis. (Tons) Emission Unit ID Unit Process ID Throughput Operations 179014 Storage Bins: A,B,C,D 1 Storage Bins: A,B,C,D Annual Throughput: 2,349.5 TONS (Product) (Output) Start Time: 12:00 AM, Stop Time: 11:30 PM Average Hours/Day: 24.0, Days/Week: 7.0, Weeks/Year: 52.0 Actual Days/Year: 364.0 Actual Hours/Year: 8,760.0 Monthly Operations: Jan: 5.52%, Feb: 5.26%, Mar: 8.21%, Apr: 7.84%, May: 10.5%, Jun: 10.28%, Jul: 9.54%, Aug: 8.93%, Sep: 8.61%, Oct: 7.75%, Nov: 9.04%, Dec: 8.52% Comment: All emissions taken at pre-expander Pollutant Emis. Factor (Lbs/UOM)Emis. Factor UOM Calculation Method Estimated Emis. (Tons) VOC - Volatile Organic Compounds 2_0 - Engineering Judgement (no EF)0.0 Emission Comment: All emissions included w ith expander. 11/13