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Technical Memorandum Limitations: This document was prepared solely for Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWRF) in accordance with professional standards at the time the services were performed. This document is not intended to be relied upon by any other party except for regulatory authorities contemplated by the scope of work. We have relied on information or instructions provided by CVWRF and other parties and, unless otherwise expressly indicated, have made no independent investigation as to the validity, completeness, or accuracy of such information. 451 A Street, Suite 1500 San Diego, CA 92101 T: 858.514.8822 Prepared for: Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWRF) Project Title: RACT Analysis for the Control of NOx Project No.: 159388 Technical Memorandum Subject: RACT Analysis for Emission Units at CVWRF Date: November 21, 2023 To: Bryan Mansell, Chief Engineer From: Jason Wiser Copy to: File Prepared by: Katie Dorety, Senior Associate Engineer Reviewed by: Jennifer Border, Principal Engineer iii 1_RACT Analysis Table of Contents List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................... iv Section 1: Background ................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 Site History and Permitting Timeline .................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Attainment Status .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Description of Emissions Units ............................................................................................................. 4 Section 2: RACT Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 JMS Digester Gas/Natural Gas Cogeneration Engines ....................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies ........................................................................ 6 2.1.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies ....................................................... 7 2.1.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies ........ 7 2.1.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility ............................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.5 Select RACT ........................................................................................................................ 10 2.2 Diesel Fired Emergency Generators .................................................................................................. 10 2.2.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies ..................................................................... 10 2.2.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies .................................................... 11 2.2.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies ..... 11 2.2.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility ............................................................................................................................ 11 2.2.5 Select RACT ........................................................................................................................ 11 2.3 Waste Oil Heaters ............................................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies ..................................................................... 11 2.3.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies .................................................... 11 2.3.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies ..... 11 2.3.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility ............................................................................................................................ 12 2.3.5 Select RACT ........................................................................................................................ 12 2.4 Digester Gas Flares ............................................................................................................................ 12 2.4.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies ..................................................................... 12 2.4.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies .................................................... 12 2.4.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies ..... 12 2.4.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility ............................................................................................................................ 12 2.4.5 Select RACT ........................................................................................................................ 12 2.5 Boilers ................................................................................................................................................. 13 2.5.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies ..................................................................... 13 2.5.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies .................................................... 13 2.5.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies ..... 13 Table of Contents iv 1_RACT Analysis 2.5.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility ............................................................................................................................ 13 2.5.5 Select RACT ........................................................................................................................ 14 Section 3: Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 15 Attachment A: 2021 BACT - Cogen Engines ............................................................................................... A Attachment B: 2023 BACT - Emergency Engines ......................................................................................... Attachment C: Flare Replacement Cost Estimate ........................................................................................ Attachment D: Boiler Retrofit Emissions Reduction .................................................................................... Attachment E: Cost Escalation ...................................................................................................................... List of Tables Table 1. Emission Sources .......................................................................................................................... 5 Table 2. Revised Estimated Costs for Engine Controls ............................................................................. 8 Table 3. Estimated Ongoing Cost of SCR Control ...................................................................................... 9 Table 4. RBLC BACT Methods of Control ................................................................................................. 11 iii 1_RACT Analysis List of Abbreviations BACT Best Available Control Technology Btu British thermal unit CH4 methane CO carbon monoxide CO2 carbon dioxide Cogen Cogeneration CVWRF Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility DAQ Division of Air Quality g/hp-hr grams per horsepower-hour ICE internal combustion engine LAER Lowest Achievable Emission Rate MMBtu/hr million Btu per hour NAA Nonattainment Area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standard NOx nitrogen oxide PM10 particulate matter 10 micrometers PM2.5 particulate matter 2.5 micrometers ppm parts per million RACT Reasonably Available Control Technology RBLC RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District SCR selective catalytic reduction SIP State Implementation Plan SO2 Sulfur dioxide USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency VOC volatile organic compound Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 4 1_RACT Analysis Section 1: Background The Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWRF) is located at 800 West Central Valley Road in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. CVWRF treats wastewater using a combination of processes. Every day, between 50 and 60 million gallons of wastewater are conveyed into the facility for treatment. Those millions of gallons of water are processed, impurities are separated and treated, and harmful bacteria, protozoa, and viruses are eliminated so that only clean water is returned to Mill Creek and the Jordan River. 1.1 Site History and Permitting Timeline CVWRF is currently permitted under Title V Air Permit 3500191001, issued March 16, 2020, through the State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (DAQ). Emissions at the facility are primarily associated with electric power generation from the operation of prime-use digester gas/natural gas-fueled engine generators and standby emergency diesel engine generators. Due to an anticipated change in attainment status, the facility is required to perform a Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis. 1.2 Attainment Status CVWRF is located in Salt Lake County, Utah which is currently designated non-attainment for PM2.5, SO 2 and ozone; the area is also designated as a PM10 maintenance area. Specific non-attainment status (marginal, moderate, serious, etc.) is designated by the degree to which an area does not meet the national primary or secondary ambient air quality standard for a National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) pollutant. Salt Lake County was designated as marginal non-attainment for ozone on June 4, 2018. Since the area was not able to attain the ozone standard within the three-year period allowed by United States Environmental Pro- tection Agency (USEPA), the area was re-designated as moderate non-attainment for ozone on November 7, 2022. Ozone is not emitted directly into the air, but is formed through the photochemical reaction of nitrogen ox- ides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). NOx and VOCs are known as ozone precursor gases, which are, for the most part, emitted directly into the atmosphere. The Northern Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Area (NAA) is required to attain the ozone standard by August 3, 2024; however recent monitoring data indicates the Northern Wasatch Front NAA will not attain the standard and will be reclassified to serious non-attainment of ozone in February of 2025. The serious non-attainment classification will trigger requirements for major stationary sources and new thresholds for major stationary sources (50 tons per year or more of NOx or VOCs). The facility is estimated to have a poten- tial to emit exceeding 50 tons per year of NOx, triggering the new major source threshold under the Northern Wasatch Front NAA reclassification. The Ozone Implementation Rule in 83 FR 62998 requires the State Im- plementation Plan (SIP) to include RACT for all major stationary sources in nonattainment areas classified as moderate or higher. 1.3 Description of Emissions Units The following emissions units are covered by the Title V permit (3500191001) last revised on September 9, 2021 and are sources of NOx. Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 5 1_RACT Analysis Table 1. Emission Sources Emission Source Description Digester Gas/Natural Gas Generator Engines (4) Cogeneration Engines #1, #2, #3, #4 Four (4) GE Jenbacher Model JMS 612-F28F02 generator engines Rating: 2,509 hp (each) Fuel Type: Digester Gas/Natural Gas* *Digester gas is the primary fuel Emergency Generator Engines (10) #2 and #3 – Rating: 896 hp each #4 – Rating: 349 hp #5 and #6 – Rating: 800 hp each #7 and #8 – Rating 1,341 hp each #9, #10, and #11 – Rating: 2,884 bhp/2000kW each Fuel Type: Diesel Waste Oil Heaters (3) Rating: 0.28, 0.33, and 0.35 MMBtu/hr each Fuel Type: Used Oil Digester Gas Flares (2) Fuel Type: Digester Gas Type: Candlestick Boilers (2) Boiler #1 Rating: 6.05 MMBtu/hr Boiler #2 Rating: 6.28 MMBtu/hr Fuel Type: Natural Gas Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 6 1_RACT Analysis Section 2: RACT Analysis A RACT analysis requires implementation of the lowest emission limitation that an emission source is capa- ble of meeting by the application of a control technology that is reasonably available, considering technologi- cal and economic feasibility. A RACT analysis must include the latest information when evaluating control technologies. Control technologies evaluated for a RACT analysis can range from work practices to add-on controls. As part of the RACT analysis, current control technologies already in use for NOx sources can be taken into consideration. To conduct a RACT analysis, a top-down analysis is used to rank all control technol- ogies: Step 1: Identify all reasonably available control technologies Step 2: Eliminate technically infeasible control technologies Step 3: Rank remaining control technologies based on capture and control efficiencies Step 4: Evaluate remaining control technologies on economic, energy, and environmental feasibility Step 5: Select RACT The following presents the detailed RACT analysis for the emission units identified in Section 1.3. 2.1 JMS Digester Gas/Natural Gas Cogeneration Engines 2.1.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies A BACT analysis was completed for the Cogeneration Engines dated February 11, 2021. This BACT analysis is provided as Attachment A in full, and has been utilized in the RACT analysis. Several existing sources of information were used to identify emission controls that had been used for simi- lar projects. The Utah DEQ, Air Quality Division did not have a RACT determination for a comparable digester gas engine. BC conducted a search of the following BACT databases: USEPA RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) - Category 17.140 – Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) – Large (>500 hp) – Landfill/Digester/Bio-Gas California Statewide BACT Clearinghouse –ICE: Landfill or Digested Gas Fired The results of these searches are included in the BACT analysis included in Attachment A. Table B-1 of At- tachment A contains the RACT Determinations for Engines that were found in the USEPA RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse for Category 17.140 firing on landfill/digester/bio-gas. The search yielded 20 potential pro- jects for consideration. Table B-2 of Attachment A contains the results of a search of the California Statewide BACT Clearinghouse. Three projects were found, although one is a repeat from the USEPA RBLC. All of the projects from the EPA database used landfill gas as fuel. While landfill gas and digester gas, can both be categorized as “biogas,” they are dissimilar in composition. Digester gas is generally higher in heat content than landfill gas and is comprised primarily of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Landfill gas, on the other hand, typically contains less CH4 and includes a mixture of various organic chemicals. As a con- sequence, combustion of digester gas and landfill gas will emit different pollutants at different levels. There- fore, landfill gas projects are not considered comparable to the proposed project. The California Air Resources Board Statewide search yielded two digester gas fired projects, both of which have lower emissions limits for NOx than the cogeneration engines. The City of Santa Maria Wastewater Treatment Plant has a much smaller engine and does not provide many details on emission control, there- fore it was excluded from the BACT analysis. Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 7 1_RACT Analysis The project most similar in design, by engine size, is Orange County Sanitation District which uses an oxida- tion catalyst and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for emission controls. This document will go into further detail about the infeasibility of installing SCR controls for the cogeneration engines. Orange County Sanita- tion District is located in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) noted for its extremely poor air quality (serious non-attainment for PM2.5 and extreme nonattainment for ozone), with three times the population of Salt Lake County. The emission controls required in SCAQMD are much stricter than in any other part of the United States, making that project not comparable. In addition to the 2021 BACT analysis, an updated search of the EPA database using the same Category 17.140 was conducted on September 26, 2023. No new digester gas fired sources nor new control technol- ogies were identified in that search. 2.1.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies The control technologies identified above (oxidation catalyst and SCR) are considered technologically feasi- ble for the cogeneration engines. 2.1.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies An add-on SCR control device is expected to provide 90% control of NOx emissions. An oxidation catalyst will not provide control of NOx emissions. 2.1.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility During a BACT analysis dated February 11, 2021, Mr. Jim Schettler, PE, Brown and Caldwell’s Vice President of Mechanical Engineering, completed a conceptual cost analysis to retrofit engines 3 and 4 with oxidation catalyst and an SCR system. This analysis is found in Attachment A (Attachment C of the 2021 BACT report). To add these controls would require significant redesign including: Additional equipment cost for the control equipment. Redesign and reconfiguration of all exhaust piping for both engines. Additional sensors, wiring and controls. Additional equipment installation costs. Structural modifications to the engine building, including the 2nd and 3rd deck, roof, and building wall. Increased engineering costs. As detailed in Attachment C, costs to retrofit the engines to add SCR as well as oxidation catalysts would to- tal $656,000 per engine (or $2,624,000 total) in 2021. Since the addition of oxidation catalysts would not improve NOx emissions, the costs above have been adjusted to account for installation of the SCR systems only, bringing the cost down to $556,800 per engine (or roughly $2,227,208 for all 4 engines) in 2021 dol- lars. [It was assumed that 1/3 of the costs for the “Oxidation catalyst + SCR system” and 1/3 of the costs for the “Equipment installation” were attributable to installation of the oxidation catalysts.] Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 8 1_RACT Analysis Table 2. Revised Estimated Costs for Engine Controls Equipment Item Size Cost, each $ Remarks SCR system (1/3 reduction for omitting oxidation cat.) For each engine 93,333 vendors quotes Urea solution atomizing air compressor For this size SCR 6,000 complete Urea solution atomizing air piping 60' per engine 1,440 approx. Urea solution storage tank, 600 gallons HDPE 4,500 vendors quotes Urea solution storage tank, fill and vent piping 3" 3,450 HDPE Urea solution fill pump as needed 7,500 gear pump Replacing 20" SST piping with 24" SST 46' each engine 31,280 sch 10S High temp exhaust piping insulation, 24" dia 2" thick, 50' 7,200 approx. 24" SST piping supports lump sum 3,754 Expansion joints for 24" SST pipe 3 per engine 13,500 SST bellows Urea solution piping, 1/2" SST 65' per engine 1,560 Subtotal $ 173,517 SCR sensors & electric controls wiring and controls 13,881 8% Electrical wiring, motor starters, conduit, and misc. 27,763 16% Subtotal $ 215,161 Equipment installation, per "RS Means Guide" at 35% 75,306 estimating guide Structural steel modifications to 2nd deck approx.. 65,000 retrofit Structural steel modifications to 3rd deck approx.. 28,000 retrofit Structural modifications to roof approx.. 23,400 retrofit Structural mods to building wall for 24" EE dia approx.. 31,560 retrofit Subtotal $ 438,427 Engineering costs at 12% 52,611 typical, retrofit Contingency at 15% 65,764 Total for each engine-generator $ 556,802 Approximately Using the current prime lending rate of 8.5% (Wall Street Journal prime rate, 10/17/2023) and an expected life of 20 years, the following formula was utilized to provide an annualized value for the construction cost for SCR on the engines. 𝐵=𝑃𝑉∙ቄ ଵି(ଵା)షቅ (Eq. 1) Where: B = annualized control cost PV = present day value of the control technology i = interest rate at which the source can borrow money (8.5%) n = life of equipment (number of years) Using Equation 1 results in a $235,351.24 annualized value for the construction cost to install SCR on all four engines. In addition to construction costs, SCR will require ongoing costs as detailed in Table 3 below. Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 9 1_RACT Analysis Table 3. Estimated Ongoing Cost of SCR Control IC Engine SCR System Ongoing Costs of Operation SCR System Costs for an 1812 kW INNIO Jenbacher JMS 616 Spark Gas IC Engine Generator Jim Schettler, BC SCR System Electrical Operating Cost 10/20/2023 Atomizing air compressor 5 HP load approximate 4.14 kWe load electricity cost $2,957 per year Urea solution booster pump 0.5 HP load approximate 0.44 kWe load smaller motors are less efficient electricity cost $313 per year SCR system instruments, controls, heaters 600 watts approximate, 6 instruments 0.60 kWe load electricity cost $428 per year Urea heating 200 watts during cold weather hours 0.20 kWe load electricity cost $34 per year for 2,000 hr/yr operation Freeze protection 200 watts during cold weather hours 0.20 kWe load electricity cost $34 per year for hr/yr operation Urea Instruments 200 watts approximate, 6 instruments 0.20 kWe load electricity cost $143 per year SCR System Electrical Operating Cost, total $3,910 per year approximate Urea Cost Urea solution usage, per hour 5.2 gals per hour, per similar engine-generator SCR system urea dosing 8,300 hours per year, per engine-generator Urea solution yearly usage 42,835 gallons per year, per continuously operated engine-generator Urea solution unit cost $2.40 per gallon, at 42.5 % urea solution Urea solution annual cost $102,805 per year, each operating engine-generator Engine Lubrication, Added Cost of Low Ash Lube Oil (required for SCR catalyst) Added cost per gallon of low ash lube oil $5 estimate Jenbacher JMS616 engine lube capacity 180 gallons Engine oil changes per year 5 approximately every 1600 operating hours Added low ash engine lube oil cost $4,500 per year, each operating engine-generator SCR Catalyst Media Core Replacement SCR catalyst core replacement frequency every 6 years approximate, per Bob Erdman, sales engineer SCR catalyst core replacement cost, complete $32,000 per catalyst supplier for San Diego project SCR catalyst core replacement cost, per year $5,333 per year annualized SCR System Testing Cost engine exhaust source test costs $3,750 per year by an independent testing firm (estimate per Best Environmental) Total yearly operating cost $120,000 for each engine-generator Assumptions:$0.008 calculated cost per kWhr, average 0.086$ per kWh - electricity cost 8,300 hr/yr engine operating time 2,000 hr/yr cold weather operating hours Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 10 1_RACT Analysis Equation 2 was then utilized to provide the annualized cost of control. 𝐴=𝐵+𝐶 𝐷 (Eq. 2) Where: A = annualized cost of control ($/ton of pollutant removed) B = annualized control cost (construction cost, per Equation 1 above) C = annual ongoing cost of control ($/year) D = Reduction in emissions (tons/year) Assuming the SCR systems will reduce NOx emissions by 90% yields a reduction of 31.12 tons of NOx. The cost-effectiveness of the SCR systems then equates to $22,985 per ton of NOx removed. Table 2-13 (Cost and Cost Effectiveness Summary for NOx Control Techniques Applied to Lean-Burn SI Engines) in EPA’s Alter- native Control Techniques Document (EPA-453/R-93-032) published in July 1993 provides an estimated cost-effectiveness threshold for the 2,509 HP engines of $890/ton NOx removed (in 1991 dollars). When these costs are escalated to current (year 2023) costs, the cost-effectiveness threshold is estimated to be roughly $2,500/ton NOx removed (based on Engineering News Record cost data). When comparing the esti- mated cost of control to the cost-effectiveness guidelines, the addition of SCR control is not considered cost- effective for the engines. This discussion does not account for direct and indirect environmental costs associated with storage and handling of the urea necessary for the system. Therefore, for these reasons, we find additional emissions controls to be infeasible for the cogeneration engines. 2.1.5 Select RACT Per the analysis in Section 2.1.4, no RACT has been identified that is economically feasible for the existing cogeneration engines. 2.2 Diesel Fired Emergency Generators 2.2.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies A BACT analysis was completed for the Diesel Fired Emergency Generators dated June 26, 2023. This BACT analysis is provided as Attachment B in full, and has been utilized in the RACT analysis. Several existing sources of information were used to identify emission controls that have been used for simi- lar projects. The Utah DEQ, Air Quality Division did not have any NOx RACT determination for a comparable internal combustion engine. In response to the area around the facility having been recently designated non- attainment for ozone, the Utah DEQ website contains area source rules which apply to several specific source categories; none of the rules apply directly or indirectly to internal combustion engines. BC conducted an initial search of the following BACT database: USEPA RBLC – Category 17.110 – Internal Combustion Engines – Large (>500 hp) – Fuel Oil (kerosene, aviation, and diesel) with a keyword search for “emergency” The results from the RBLC initially provided over 6,000 potential determinations. However, the results were further refined through filtering the information as follows: Engines fired on fuel other than diesel were removed Engines driving fire pumps were removed Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 11 1_RACT Analysis Smaller engines (roughly under 1,000 hp) were removed Pollutants were limited to NOx only The refined RBLC results provided 18 BACT determinations. The remaining control technologies for NOx cited are listed in Table 4 below. Table 4. RBLC BACT Methods of Control Pollutant Methods of Control NOx Emission Limit: 3.95 g/HP-hr – 4.46 g/HP-hra a. The RBLC entry did not specify the method of control. BC requested verification from the agency which submitted the determination for the NOx emission limit (PA 0291) and received a response from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection stating that the source had never been constructed. Therefore, this emissions limit was not demonstrated as achieved in practice and was not brought forward for consideration as RACT. As noted in the footnote for the NOx emission standard in Table 4 above, according to an email from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, the facility subject to the NOx emission limit was never constructed and the limit was not achieved in practice. Therefore, this RACT determination was not brought forward. 2.2.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies Not applicable as no control technologies are identified. 2.2.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies Not applicable as no control technologies are identified. 2.2.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility Not applicable as no control technologies are identified. 2.2.5 Select RACT Per the analysis in Section 2.2.1, no RACT has been identified for the existing emergency generator engines. 2.3 Waste Oil Heaters 2.3.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies Existing sources of information were used to identify emission controls that have been used for similar pro- jects. BC conducted an initial search of the following BACT database: USEPA RBLC – All Process Types, Process Name Contains: “waste oil” The results from the RBLC provided zero potential determinations. 2.3.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies Not applicable as no control technologies are identified. 2.3.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies Not applicable as no control technologies are identified. Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 12 1_RACT Analysis 2.3.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility Not applicable as no control technologies are identified. 2.3.5 Select RACT Per the analysis in Section 2.3.1, no RACT has been identified for the existing waste oil heaters. 2.4 Digester Gas Flares 2.4.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies Existing sources of information were used to identify emission controls that have been used for similar pro- jects. BC conducted an initial search of the following BACT database: USEPA RBLC – Category 19.320– Digester and Landfill Gas Flares – Pollutant Name: NOx The results from the RBLC initially provided 5 potential determinations. The method of control for the 5 de- terminations considered were listed as “good combustion practices” and installation of a gas collection sys- tem with a flare. However, two of the processes noted that control was achieved using an enclosed flare. Since enclosed flares are commonly used for combustion of excess digester gas at wastewater treatment plants and the facility currently uses an open flare, this RACT review considered the use of an enclosed flare for providing NOx control. 2.4.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies Use of an enclosed flare is considered technologically feasible for combustion of excess digester gas at the plant. 2.4.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies Use of enclosed flares is the only control technology being considered. Based on a literature review of NOx emission factors for open flares and enclosed flares, it is expected that use of an enclosed flare would pro- vide approximately a 12% reduction in NOx emissions (0.06 lb NOx/mmbtu for an enclosed flare versus 0.068 lb NOx/mmbtu for an open flare). This would result in a 0.06 ton per year NOx reduction at the facility. 2.4.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility Using Equations 1 and 2 (described in Section 2.1.4), together with a recent cost proposal received by BC for a project in Washington State as well as data provided by BC’s subject matter experts for ongoing costs for an enclosed flare, the cost of control is estimated to be roughly $ 568,000 per ton of NOx removed. (See At- tachment D for information on the flare cost breakdown.) BC did not find a cost-effectiveness threshold specific to NOx emissions from flares, but the cost-effective- ness threshold for NOx is $ 17,500 per ton of NOx reduction in the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) in California. Using this threshold for comparison purposes finds that the cost of replacing the ex- isting flare with an enclosed flare is not economically feasible. 2.4.5 Select RACT Per the analysis in Section 2.4.4, no RACT has been identified that is economically feasible for the existing digester gas flares. Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 13 1_RACT Analysis 2.5 Boilers 2.5.1 Reasonably Available Control Technologies Existing sources of information were used to identify emission controls that have been used for similar pro- jects. BC conducted an initial search of the following BACT database: USEPA RBLC – Category 13.310 – Commercial/Institutional-Size Boilers/Furnaces (<100 million BTH/H) – Gaseous Fuel & Gaseous Fuel Mixtures – Natural Gas; Pollutant Name: NOx The results from the RBLC initially provided 189 potential determinations. However, the results were further refined to 18 entries through filtering the information as follows: Larger boilers (greater than 10 MMBtu/hr) were removed Boilers without a throughput listed (0 MMBtu/hr) were removed Boilers without a control method description were removed The remaining entries identified the following as possible control technologies for NOx for natural gas-fired boilers of similar design and size: Low NOx burners Good combustion practices Use of pipeline quality natural gas Control technologies, good combustion practices, and use of pipeline quality natural gas are already imple- mented and thus will not be considered any further in this evaluation. This document will go into further de- tail about the infeasibility of installing the low NOx burners for the boilers. 2.5.2 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies All control technologies are technically feasible. 2.5.3 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Efficiencies The only control technology under evaluation is the use of low NOx burners. Low NOx burners capable of achieving 30 ppm NOx in the exhaust are estimated to provide approximately 68% NOx reduction. 2.5.4 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility Mr. Jim Schettler, PE, Brown and Caldwell’s Vice President of Mechanical Engineering, completed a concep- tual cost analysis to retrofit boilers 1 and 2 with low NOx burners. This analysis is found in Attachment C. To replace the existing burners with 30 ppm NOx Weishaupt burner using flue gas recirculation as the low NOx technique, the combined cost including burner, installation, and start-up services would cost $80,000 each or $160,000 total. As shown in Attachment D, the cost of controls is calculated to be $45,184 per ton NOx removed for Boiler #1 and $43,529 per ton NOx removed for Boiler #2. Table 6-11 (NOx Control Cost Effectiveness Without/With CEM System, Natural-Gas-Fired ICI Boilers) in EPA’s Alternative Control Techniques Document -- NOx Emissions from Industrial / Commercial / Institutional (lCI) Boilers (EPA-453/R-94-022) provides an estimated cost-effectiveness thresholds for retrofitting an existing 10 MMBtu/hr boiler with low NOx burners. The costs provided range from $3,260 to $4,300 per ton NOx re- moved (in 1992 dollars). When the upper end of this cost range is escalated to current (year 2023) costs, the cost-effectiveness threshold is estimated to be roughly $11,400/ton NOx removed (based on Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 14 1_RACT Analysis Engineering News Record cost data). When we compare the estimated cost of control to the cost-effective- ness guideline, retrofitting the boilers with low NOx burners is not considered cost-effective. Therefore, we find retrotting the existing boilers for NOx control to be infeasible. 2.5.5 Select RACT Per the analysis in Section 2.5.4, no RACT has been identified that is economically feasible for the existing boilers. Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx 15 1_RACT Analysis Section 3: Conclusion In conclusion, control technologies were identified for the following equipment: 1. Cogeneration engines 2. Diesel powered emergency generators 3. Flares 4. Boilers All control technologies identified were determined to be technically or economically infeasible. Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx A 1_RACT Analysis Attachment A: 2021 BACT - Cogen Engines Technical Memorandum Limitations: This document was prepared solely for Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility in accordance with professional standards at the time the services were performed and in accordance with the contract between Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility and Brown and Caldwell dated December 16, 2020. This document is governed by the specific scope of work authorized by Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility; it is not intended to be relied upon by any other party except for regulatory authorities contemplated by the scope of work. We have relied on information or instructions provided by Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility and other parties and, unless otherwise expressly indicated, have made no independent investigation as to the validity, completeness, or accuracy of such information. 11020 White Rock Road, Suite 200 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 T: 916-444-0123 Prepared for: Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility Project Title: TO 2016-01 Cogen Replacement Project No.: 148855 Technical Memorandum Subject: Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 Date: February 11, 2021 To: Bryan Mansell, Plant Engineer From: Jennifer Marchek Copy to: File Prepared by: Jennifer Marchek, Principal Engineer Reviewed by: Jason Wiser, Project Manager Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 ii Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx Table of Contents Section 1: Background ............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Site History and Permitting Timeline .............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Attainment Status............................................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Description of Engines .................................................................................................................................... 2 Section 2: BACT Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Pollutants for Which BACT is Required .......................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Control Technologies and/or Emission Limits ............................................................................................... 3 Section 3: Infeasibility of Controls ........................................................................................................................... 4 Section 4: Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Attachment A: Engine Specifications ....................................................................................................................... A Attachment B: BACT Database Search Results ...................................................................................................... B Attachment C: Additional Controls Retrofit Cost Estimate ..................................................................................... C List of Tables Table 1. CVRWF Title V Emissions Limits for Jenbacher Engines 1 and 2 ............................................................ 1 Table 2. Manufacturer's Emission Guarantees ...................................................................................................... 2 Table 3. Applicable Emission Limits from 40 CFR, Part 60, Subpart JJJ for Landfill/Digester Gas >1,350hp ........................................................................................................... 4 Table 4. Most Stringent Emission Rates Identified for Digester Gas Fired Engines ............................................ 4 Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx Section 1: Background The Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWRF) is located at 800 West Central Valley Road in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. CVWRF treats wastewater using a combination of processes. Every day, between 50 and 60 million gallons of wastewater are collected and flow into the facility for treatment. Those millions of gallons of water are processed, impurities are separated and treated, and harmful bacteria, protozoa, and viruses are eliminated so that only clean water is returned to Mill Creek and the Jordan River. 1.1 Site History and Permitting Timeline CVWRF has a Title V Air Permit though the State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (DAQ), Permit 3500191001, issued March 16, 2020, which expires March 16, 2025. Emissions are primarily associated with electrical generation from the operation of digester gas engines and emergency generators. In 2016 CVWRF began a project to update its five older Waukesha digester gas/natural gas engines with four 2,509 horsepower (hp) GE Jenbacher engines (engine details are provided in Attachment A). The newer engines must be installed and commissioned one at a time to ensure continuous operation. The facility obtained an air permit (DAQE-AN104140012-17) from DAQ for all four new Jenbacher engines in 2017 and purchased all four engines at that time. DAQ conducted the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) analysis and approved all four engines as meeting BACT at the time of permit approval. The project experienced several delays in scheduling and in 2019 the DAQ modified the permit to include only engines 1 and 2, with CVWRF intending to install the new engines in 2023. In 2020 CVWRF made gains in the schedule and is now prepared to install engines 3 and 4 in 2021. Upon submittal of an NOI to add engines 3 and 4 into the permit, DAQ asked for an updated BACT analysis for engines 3 and 4. This document is the response to that request. The Title V permit contains the following emission limits for the new engines as shown in Table 1. Table 1. CVRWF Title V Emissions Limits for Jenbacher Engines 1 and 2 Pollutant Digester Gas Mode Emission Limit (g/bhp-hr) Natural Gas Mode Emission Limit (g/bhp-hr) VOC 1 0.7 NOx 0.55 0.55 CO 2.5 2.0 CO = Carbon Monoxide NOx = Nitrogen Oxides VOC = volatile organic compound Engines 1 and 2 have been source tested and meet these emission limits. The permit does not contain limits for sulfur dioxide (SO2), Particulate Matter less than 10 Microns (PM10), or Particulate Matter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5). Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx 1.2 Attainment Status CVWRF is located in Salt Lake County, which is currently a non-attainment area for PM2.5, SO2 and Ozone, and designated as maintenance status for PM10. At the commencement of the engine replacement project, Salt Lake County was in attainment with the Federal 8-hour Ozone standard. In 2018, the area’s status was changed to marginal non-attainment for Ozone. 1.3 Description of Engines At the time of purchase of all four engines and installation of engines 1 and 2, the manufacturer emission guarantees for the engines were as noted in Table 2 below and included as Attachment A Table 2. Manufacturer's Emission Guarantees Pollutant Emission Rate (g/bhp-hr) NOx 0.55 CO 2.5 Non-methane Hydrocarbons 0.3 Non-methane Ethane Hydrocarbons 0.2 PM10 0.03 PM2.5 0.02 Section 2: BACT Analysis Following United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Guidance, BACT can be defined as the most stringent of the following: • The lowest emission rate or most effective emission limitation successfully achieved in practice by the same type of equipment, combusting the same type of fuel. • The lowest emission rate or most effective emission control device determined to be technically feasible and cost effective for the equipment being installed, combusting the same type of fuel. • The requirements of a Utah or Federal Performance Standard Regulation. A BACT analysis is performed on a case-by-case basis and must consider emission rates and/or control technologies that have been achieved on similar equipment or that are technically feasible and cost effective. These requirements have led to development of a standard procedure for case-by-case “top down” BACT analyses. • Step 1: Identify pollutants for which BACT is required. Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations require BACT for all criteria pollutants. • Step 2: Identify emission rates and/or control technologies. Once the pollutants for which the BACT analysis is required are identified, candidate emission rates and/or control technologies must be identified. • Step 3: Evaluate technical feasibility of the emission rates and/or control technologies identified in Step 2. Any emission rates and/or control technologies that are not technically feasible should be eliminated at this step. Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 3 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx • Step 4: Ranking of remaining emission rates and/or control technologies by effectiveness. This ranking should consider, as appropriate, control efficiency, resulting emission rates, energy impacts (fuel use, etc.), and environmental impacts (secondary air emissions, hazardous waste production, impacts to other media, etc.). • Step 5: Cost effectiveness evaluation of the most stringent emission rates and/or most effective controls. • Step 6: Select BACT. 2.1 Pollutants for Which BACT is Required This BACT analysis considered emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, PM10, PM2.5, and SO2. 2.2 Control Technologies and/or Emission Limits Several Sources of information were used to identify emission controls that had been used for similar projects. The Utah DEQ, Air Quality Division did not have any BACT determination for a comparable digester gas engine. BC conducted an initial BACT determinations search of the following databases: • USEPA Reasonable Available Control Technology (RACT)/BACT/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) Clearinghouse - Category 17.140 – Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) – Large (>500 hp) – Landfill/Digester/Bio-Gas • California Statewide BACT Clearinghouse –ICE: Landfill or Digested Gas Fired The results of these searches are found in Attachment B. Table B-1 contains the BACT Determinations for Engines that were found in the USEPA RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse for Category 17.140 (ICE) firing on landfill/digester/bio-gas). The search yielded 20 potential projects for consideration. Table B-2 contains the results of a search of the California Statewide BACT Clearinghouse. Three projects were found, although one is a repeat from the USEPA RBLC. All of the projects from the EPA database used landfill gas as fuel. Landfill gas and digester gas, while both can be categorized as “biogas”, are dissimilar in composition. Digester gas is generally higher in heat content than landfill gas and is made up of almost pure methane and carbon dioxide (CO2). Landfill gas, on the other hand, is made up of a mixture of various organic chemicals. As a consequence, combustion of digester gas and landfill gas will emit different pollutants at different levels. Therefore, landfill gas projects are not considered comparable to the proposed project. The California Air Resources Board Statewide search yielded two digester gas fired projects, both of which have lower emissions limits for NOx, VOC, and CO than engines 3 and 4. Neither digester gas projects contained emission limits for PM10, PM2.5 and SO2. The City of Santa Maria Wastewater Treatment Plant is a much smaller engine and does not provide many details on emission control, therefore it was excluded. The project most similar in design, by engine size, is Orange County Sanitation District which uses an oxidation catalyst and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) for emission controls. This document will go into further detail about the infeasibility of installing this level of controls for engines 3 and 4. Orange County Sanitation District is located in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) noted for its extremely severe air pollution (serious non-attainment for PM2.5 and extreme nonattainment for Ozone), with three times the population of Salt Lake County. The emission controls required in SCAQMD are much stricter than in any other part of the United States, making that project not comparable. Additionally, BACT must consider applicable regulatory performance standards. For the engines, 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 60, Subpart JJJJ is applicable. The following ICE emission limitations are imposed by these regulations as shown in Table 3. Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 4 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx Table 3. Applicable Emission Limits from 40 CFR, Part 60, Subpart JJJ for Landfill/Digester Gas >1,350hp Pollutant Emission Limit (g/hp/hr) NOx 2 VOC 1 CO 5 g/hp/hr = grams per horsepower per hour Based on the investigation described herein, it was determined that one comparable project had stricter requirements identified for NOx, CO, and VOC, while the BACT search did not specify stricter emission limits for PM10, or PM2.5. For PM10, and PM2.5 the manufacturer’s guarantee or Title V limit will be considered most stringent as identified in Table 4. Table 4. Most Stringent Emission Rates Identified for Digester Gas Fired Engines Pollutant Emission Limit (g/hp/hr) Source NOx 0.15 Orange County Sanitation District a CO 2.03 Orange County Sanitation District a VOC 0.14 Orange County Sanitation District a PM10 0.03 Manufacturer's Specifications PM2.5 0.02 Manufacturer's Specifications a. Project contains additional emission controls which are infeasible for this project Section 3: Infeasibility of Controls Mr. Jim Schettler, PE, Brown and Caldwell’s Vice President of Mechanical Engineering, completed a conceptual cost analysis to retrofit engines 3 and 4 with oxidation catalyst and a SCR system. This analysis is found in Attachment C. To add these controls would require significant redesign including: • Additional equipment cost for the control equipment. • Redesign and reconfiguration of all exhaust piping for both engines. • Additional sensors, wiring and controls. • Additional equipment installation costs. • Structural modifications to the engine building, including the 2nd and 3rd deck, roof, and building wall. • Increased engineering costs. As detailed in Attachment C, these combined costs would total $656,000 per engine or $1,312,000 total. In addition, this would add a significant time delay for the project; meanwhile the existing Waukesha engine 5, which pollutes at a much higher level than the new engines 3 and 4, would continue to operate. As the existing engine is operating outside of its useful life and prone to mechanical malfunctions, it could also lead to shutdowns at the facility which would result in more frequent operation of the diesel standby engines and reduce the reliability of the wastewater treatment systems. Therefore, for these reasons, we find additional emissions controls to be infeasible for engines 3 and 4. Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 5 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx Section 4: Conclusion In conclusion, CVWRF purchased and initially permitted Jenbacher engines 1, 2, 3 and 4, which at the time were all deemed to meet BACT. Engines 1 and 2 were installed and are operational, but due to a series of construction delays the facility was unable to meet the original schedule for installation of engines 3 and 4. One digester gas fired ICE project found in the BACT database search utilized oxidation catalyst and SCR to meet lower NOx and CO limits. However, at this point to install these controls for engines 3 and 4 would require extensive redesign and significantly increased construction costs as outlined in Section 3 above. For these reasons, we are requesting that engines 3 and 4 be considered to meet BACT without modification, as was previously determined, and be permitted for installation by DAQ. Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 6 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx This page intentionally left blank. Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 A Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx Attachment A: Engine Specifications Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 A Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx This page intentionally left blank. GE Distributed Power GE Gas Engines Emissions Letter 8/16/2016 Page 1 of 3 16 August 2016 GE Distributed Power – GE Gas Engines confirms that the pollutants, in the amounts listed below, are confirmed as valid "NOT TO EXCEED" values, for stationary applications per engine, and based on site gas conditions that meet TI 1000-0300 standards for the: Brown and Caldwell: J612 F28/F02 Pollutant Emission Limit NOx 0.55 g/bhp-hr (NO2) Evaluated using EPA method 7E CO 2.5 g/bhp-hr Evaluated using EPA method 10 NMHC 0.3 g/bhp-hr Evaluated using EPA method 18 (non-aldehydes, non-methane hydrocarbons, all CxHy with x>1) NMNEHC 0.2 g/bhp-hr Evaluated using EPA method 18 (non-aldehydes, non-methane ethane hydrocarbons, all CxHy with x>2) PM 10 0.03 g/bhp-hr PM 2.5 0.02 g/bhp-hr The following criteria apply for demonstration purposes: (1) Operations will be on Sewage Gas, Natural Gas or a Blend all of which must meet the GE Gas Engines gas quality requirements stated in the Technical Instruction 1000 -0300. (2) A minimum content of 60% CH4 (air free) is required to ensure a stable combustion in our engines when run on Sewage Gas. (3) A minimum content of 80% CH4 (air free) is required to ensure a stable combustion in our engines when run on Natural Gas (4) Based on nominal mass flow as provided by the project specific data sheets or mass flow calculations according EPA method 19. (5) Formaldehyde – GE Gas Engines has done a significant amount of research studying formaldehyde (CH 2O) concentrations in our engine exhaust streams. The results of this research find that formaldehyde is in itself a difficult quantity to measure accurately and consiste ntly, however, what can be stated from our studies is that typically, the range of formaldehyde in raw exhaust can go from 50 to 150 mg/Nm3 at 5% O2 (0.14 TO 0.45 g/bhp-hr). GE Distributed Power GE Gas Engines Emissions Letter 8/16/2016 Page 2 of 3 If a unit is running on Biogas or Landfill Gas (LFG), formaldehyde (CH 2O) is then even more difficult to maintain and measure since Biogas/LFG are high in moisture and sulfur concentrations, which make the use of catalysts very difficult due to the potential of catalyst poisoning. GE Gas Engines can only guarantee formaldehyde values with an Oxidation Catalyst when we run a GE Gas Engines Standard Natural Gas. In this case, we could achieve levels of 60~70 mg/Nm3 @ 5% O2 (0.18 to 0.22 g/bhp-hr) on the measurement method VDI 3862. (6) For emissions shown in units of g/bhp-hr, values are valid between 80% and 100% rated stable load (not for island mode). (7) For emissions shown in units of mg/Nm3, values are valid between 50% and 100% rated stable load (not for island mode). (8) Please note that the CO and NMHC levels are for start-up only and are expected to drift slowly upwards as deposits build up in the engine and as the engine experiences normal wear. CO drift can be decreased by following GE Gas Engines specific maintenance and repair schedules along with the use of genuine GE Gas Engines parts and components. (9) Please note that the NOx level is expected to drift slowly upwards as deposits caused by contaminations in the gas build up in the engine and as the engine experiences normal wear. NOx drift can be compensated up to a certain extent, by calibrations to engine operating parameters in the Diane XT controls system. Excessive deposits resulting from gas contamination may require the cleaning of the combustion chamber and turbochargers depending on gas quality and the severity of gas contaminations. (10) Maintenance and component repairs for the GE Gas Engines equipment is carried out by qualified personnel strictly according to the schedules and repair requirements set by GE Gas Engines along with the use of genuine GE Gas Engines parts and components. (11) Testing to determine compliance with this commitment will be at the expense of the customer and accomplished by a certified laboratory chosen by the customer. The engine/installation is to be in good working order consistent with GE Gas Engines recommende d maintenance practices prior to any testing. GE Gas Engines reserves the right to participate and/or challenge the results of any testing. If the engine fails to meet the emissions representations the customer must provide the following supporting documentation to GE Gas Engines: (1) Fuel gas samples (2) Complete maintenance records (3) A full report including the calculations and results of any emissions testing. GE Gas Engines will be given a reasonable amount of time to take any or all of the followin g actions: Perform additional testing in an effort demonstrate the emissions representations. If this testing demonstrates compliance with no adjustments required to the engine, customer will pay for added testing. If testing fails to demonstrate compliance with the emissions representations, the testing will be paid for by GE Gas Engines. Make such adjustments to the engine so as to bring the engine into compliance with the emissions limits provided in this letter. GE Distributed Power GE Gas Engines Emissions Letter 8/16/2016 Page 3 of 3 Conformity Declaration (acc. ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004) We hereby confirm that stationary GE Gas Engines comply with 40 CFR Part 60, subpart JJJJ and be labelled as follows: “THIS ENGINE IS EXCLUDED FROM THE REQUIREMENT OF 40 CFR PART 1048 AS A “STATIONARY ENGINE”. INSTALLING OR USING THIS ENGINE IN ANY OTHER APPLICATION MAY BE A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW SUBJECTED TO CIVIL PENALTY AND THE OWNER/OPERATOR MUST COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENT OF CFR PART 60. THIS ENGINE IS NOT PART OF A REQUI RED OR VOLUNTARY CERTIFICATION PROGRAM AND IS CLASSIFIED AS NON-CERTIFIED PER 40 CFR PART 60, SUBPART JJJJ”. GE Distributed Power GE Gas Engines 11330 Clay Road Houston, TX 77041 This page intentionally left blank. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 1/54 Technical Description Cogeneration Unit JMS 612 GS-B.L with Island Operation Brown & Caldwell JMS 612 F28/F02, 4160V Dual Fuel The ratings in the specification are valid for full load operation at a site installation of 4240 ft (1292 m) and an air intake temperature of T1 < 95 F (35C). At T1 > 95 F (35C), an output deration of 1.11%/F (2.0%/C) will occur. Electrical output 1812 kWe Thermal output ( Biogas / Natural Gas ) 2594 / 2752 Mbtu/hr Emission values NOx < 0.5 g/bhp.hr (NO2) 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 2/54 0.01a Technical Data on Sewage Gas (F28) (at module) ______________________ 5 0.01b Technical Data on Natural Gas (F02) (at module) ______________________ 6 Main dimensions and weights (at module)(with gearbox) 7 Connections 7 Output / fuel consumption 7 0.02 Technical data of engine ___________________________________________ 8 Thermal energy balance 8 Exhaust gas data 8 Combustion air data 8 Sound pressure level 9 Sound power level 9 0.02.01 Technical data of gearbox _______________________________________ 9 0.03 Technical data of generator ________________________________________ 10 Reactance and time constants (saturated) 10 0.04 Technical data of heat recovery ____________________________________ 11 General data - Hot water circuit 11 General data - Cooling water circuit 11 100% Biogas Thermal Connection Variant K ______________________________ 12 100% Natural Gas Thermal Connection Variant K __________________________ 13 0.10 Technical parameters_____________________________________________ 14 1.00 Scope of supply - Module _________________________________________ 16 1.01 Spark ignited gas engine __________________________________________ 16 1.01.01 Engine design (Air Start) _______________________________________ 17 1.01.02 Additional equipment for the engine (spares for commissioning) ______ 18 1.01.03 Engine accessories ____________________________________________ 19 1.01.04 Standard tools (per installation)__________________________________ 19 1.02 Generator-medium voltage ________________________________________ 20 1.03 Module Accessories ______________________________________________ 23 1.03.01 Engine jacket water system _____________________________________ 25 1.03.02 Automatic lube oil replenishing system incl. extension tank __________ 25 1.04 Heat recovery ___________________________________________________ 26 1.05a Gas train (Biogas) ______________________________________________ 26 1.05b Gas train (Natural Gas) __________________________________________ 27 1.05c Pre-chamber Gas train (Natural Gas) _______________________________ 27 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 3/54 1.07 Painting ________________________________________________________ 28 1.11 Engine generator control panel per module- Dia.ne XT4 incl. Single synchronization of the generator breaker ________________________________ 29 Touch Display Screen: 30 Central engine and module control: 32 Malfunction Notice list: 34 1.11.01 Remote messaging over MODBUS-TCP ___________________________ 36 1.11.06 Remote Data-Transfer with DIA.NE XT4 ___________________________ 37 1.11.14 Generator Overload / Short Circuit Protection ______________________ 41 1.11.15 Generator Differential Protection _________________________________ 41 1.11.16 Generator Earth Fault Protection (nondirectional) ___________________ 41 1.11.31 Interfaces to customer Master synchronization (Synchronization of grid CB) 42 1.20.03 Start System (Air Start) _________________________________________ 42 1.20.04 Battery System _______________________________________________ 43 1.20.05 Electric jacket water preheating __________________________________ 43 1.20.08 Flexible connections ___________________________________________ 44 1.20.45 Fuel Blending _________________________________________________ 44 2.00 Electrical equipment _____________________________________________ 45 2.02 Grid monitoring device ___________________________________________ 45 2.12 Gas warning device ______________________________________________ 47 2.13 Smoke warning device ____________________________________________ 47 3.70 Control Strategy and Options ______________________________________ 48 3.71 Vibration Sensor _________________________________________________ 50 3.72 Seismic Protection _______________________________________________ 50 4.00 Delivery, installation and commissioning ____________________________ 51 4.01 Carriage 51 4.02 Unloading 51 4.03 Assembly and installation 51 4.04 Storage 51 4.05 Start-up and commissioning 51 4.06 Trial run 51 4.07 Emission measurement (exhaust gas analyser) 51 5.01 Limits of delivery ________________________________________________ 52 5.02 Factory tests and inspections ______________________________________ 53 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 4/54 5.02.01 Engine tests 53 5.02.02 Generator tests 53 5.02.03 Module tests 53 5.03 Documentation __________________________________________________ 54 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 5/54 0.01a Technical Data on Sewage Gas (F28) (at module) Data at: Full load Part Load Fuel gas LHV BTU/scft 548 100% 75% 50% Energy input MBTU/hr [2] 14,670 11,336 8,002 Gas volume scfhr *) 26,770 20,686 14,602 Mechanical output bhp [1] 2,509 1,881 1,255 Electrical output kW el. [4] 1,812 1,355 896 Recoverable thermal output ~ Intercooler 1st stage MBTU/hr 1,618 914 366 ~ Lube oil MBTU/hr ~ ~ ~ ~ Jacket water MBTU/hr 976 864 740 ~ Exhaust gas cooled to 727 °F MBTU/hr ~ ~ ~ Total recoverable thermal output MBTU/hr [5] 2,594 1,778 1,106 Heat to be dissipated ~ Intercooler 2nd stage (with gearbox) MBTU/hr [9] 503 338 214 ~ Lube oil MBTU/hr 752 674 578 ~ Surface heat ca. MBTU/hr [7] 506 ~ ~ Spec. fuel consumption of engine electric BTU/kWel.hr [2] 8,098 8,367 8,929 Spec. fuel consumption of engine BTU/bhp.hr [2] 5,847 6,025 6,375 Lube oil consumption ca. gal/hr [3] 0.12 ~ ~ Electrical efficiency % 42.1% 40.8% 38.2% Thermal efficiency % 17.7% 15.7% 13.8% Total efficiency % [6] 59.8% 56.5% 52.0% Hot water circuit: Forward temperature °F 186.0 181.0 176.8 Return temperature °F 170.0 170.0 170.0 Hot water flow rate GPM 324.2 324.2 324.2 *) approximate value for pipework dimensioning [_] Explanations: see 0.10 - Technical parameters All heat data is based on standard conditions according to attachment 0.10. Deviations from the standard conditions can result in a change of values within the heat balance, and must be taken into consideration in the layout of the cooling circuit/equipment (intercooler; emergency cooling; ...). In the specifications in addition to the general tolerance of ±8 % on the thermal output a further reserve of +5 % is recommended for the dimensioning of the cooling requirements. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 6/54 0.01b Technical Data on Natural Gas (F02) (at module) Data at: Full load Part Load Fuel gas LHV BTU/scft 917 100% 75% 50% Energy input MBTU/hr [2] 14,245 10,947 7,651 Gas volume scfhr *) 15,534 11,938 8,344 Mechanical output bhp [1] 2,509 1,881 1,255 Electrical output kW el. [4] 1,812 1,355 896 Recoverable thermal output ~ Intercooler 1st stage MBTU/hr 1,437 808 279 ~ Lube oil MBTU/hr ~ ~ ~ ~ Jacket water MBTU/hr 1,135 1,009 839 ~ Exhaust gas cooled to 677 °F MBTU/hr ~ ~ ~ Total recoverable thermal output MBTU/hr [5] 2,572 1,817 1,118 Heat to be dissipated ~ Intercooler 2nd stage (with gearbox) MBTU/hr [9] 608 373 218 ~ Lube oil MBTU/hr 582 518 446 ~ Surface heat ca. MBTU/hr [7] 577 ~ ~ Spec. fuel consumption of engine electric BTU/kWel.hr [2] 7,863 8,080 8,538 Spec. fuel consumption of engine BTU/bhp.hr [2] 5,677 5,818 6,095 Lube oil consumption ca. gal/hr [3] 0.12 ~ ~ Electrical efficiency % 43.4% 42.2% 40.0% Thermal efficiency % 18.1% 16.6% 14.6% Total efficiency % [6] 61.5% 58.8% 54.6% Hot water circuit: Forward temperature °F 185.9 181.2 176.9 Return temperature °F 170.0 170.0 170.0 Hot water flow rate GPM 324.2 324.2 324.2 *) approximate value for pipework dimensioning [_] Explanations: see 0.10 - Technical parameters All heat data is based on standard conditions according to attachment 0.10. Deviations from the standard conditions can result in a change of values within the heat balance, and must be taken into consideration in the layout of the cooling circuit/equipment (intercooler; emergency cooling; ...). In the specifications in addition to the general tolerance of ±8 % on the thermal output a further reserve of +5 % is recommended for the dimensioning of the cooling requirements. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 7/54 Main dimensions and weights (at module)(with gearbox) Length in ~ 360 Width in ~ 90 Height in ~ 110 Weight empty lbs ~ 51,460 Weight filled lbs ~ 53,660 Connections Hot water inlet and outlet in/lbs 4''/145 Exhaust gas outlet in/lbs 20''/145 Fuel Gas (at module) in/lbs 4''/145 Water drain ISO 228 G ½'' Condensate drain in/lbs 2''/145 Safety valve - jacket water ISO 228 in/lbs 2x1½''/2.5 Safety valve - hot water in/lbs 2½''/232 Lube oil replenishing (pipe) in 1.1 Lube oil drain (pipe) in 1.1 Jacket water - filling (flex pipe) in 0.5 Intercooler water-Inlet/Outlet 1st stage in/lbs 4''/145 Intercooler water-Inlet/Outlet 2nd stage in/lbs 2½''/145 Output / fuel consumption ISO standard fuel stop power ICFN bhp 2,509 Mean effe. press. at stand. power and nom. speed psi 290 Fuel gas type Sewage gas | Natural gas Based on methane number | Min. methane number MN d) 135 | 100 | 94 | 80 Compression ratio Epsilon 12.5 Min. fuel gas pressure for the pre chamber psi 53.6639638 Min./Max. fuel gas pressure at inlet to gas train psi 1.74 - 2.9 c) Allowed Fluctuation of fuel gas pressure % ± 10 Max. rate of gas pressure fluctuation psi/sec 0.145 Maximum Intercooler 2nd stage inlet water temperature °F 122 Spec. fuel consumption of engine BTU/bhp.hr 5,847 | 5,677 Specific lube oil consumption g/bhp.hr 0.15 Max. Oil temperature °F 176 Jacket-water temperature max. °F 203 Filling capacity lube oil (refill) gal ~ 145 c) Lower gas pressures upon inquiry d) based on methane number calculation software AVL 3.2 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 8/54 0.02 Technical data of engine Manufacturer GE Jenbacher Engine type J 612 GS-F28 Working principle 4-Stroke Configuration V 60° No. of cylinders 12 Bore in 7.48 Stroke in 8.66 Piston displacement cu.in 4,568 Nominal speed rpm 1,500 Mean piston speed in/s 433 Length in 167 Width in 74 Height in 99 Weight dry lbs 20,944 Weight filled lbs 22,708 Moment of inertia lbs-ft² 1345.01 Direction of rotation (from flywheel view) left Radio interference level to VDE 0875 N Starter motor output kW 13 Starter motor voltage V 24 Thermal energy balance Energy input MBTU/hr 14,670 | 14,245 Intercooler MBTU/hr 2,121 | 2,045 Lube oil MBTU/hr 752 | 582 Jacket water MBTU/hr 976 | 1,135 Exhaust gas cooled to 356 °F MBTU/hr 2,393 | 2.019 Exhaust gas cooled to 212 °F MBTU/hr 3,290 | 2,900 Surface heat MBTU/hr 278 | 349 Exhaust gas data Exhaust gas temperature at full load °F [8] 727 | 677 Exhaust gas mass flow rate, wet lbs/hr 24,368 | 23,888 Exhaust gas mass flow rate, dry lbs/hr 22,864 | 22,440 Exhaust gas volume, wet scfhr 304,560 | 302,520 Exhaust gas volume, dry scfhr 274,560 | 273,660 Max.admissible exhaust back pressure after engine psi 0.725 Combustion air data Combustion air mass flow rate lbs/hr 22,709 | 23,243 Combustion air volume SCFM 4,692 | 4,802 Max. admissible pressure drop at air-intake filter psi 0.145 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 9/54 Sound pressure level Aggregate a) dB(A) re 20µPa 100 31,5 Hz dB 90 63 Hz dB 88 125 Hz dB 100 250 Hz dB 95 500 Hz dB 94 1000 Hz dB 93 2000 Hz dB 91 4000 Hz dB 91 8000 Hz dB 94 Exhaust gas b) dB(A) re 20µPa 116 31,5 Hz dB 104 63 Hz dB 121 125 Hz dB 124 250 Hz dB 116 500 Hz dB 111 1000 Hz dB 110 2000 Hz dB 108 4000 Hz dB 104 8000 Hz dB 86 Sound power level Aggregate dB(A) re 1pW 122 Measurement surface ft² 1,528 Exhaust gas dB(A) re 1pW 124 Measurement surface ft² 67.60 a) average sound pressure level on measurement surface in a distance of 3.28ft (converted to free field) according to DIN 45635, precision class 3. b) average sound pressure level on measurement surface in a distance of 3.28ft according to DIN 45635, precision class 2. The spectra are valid for aggregates up to bmep=319.083028 psi. (for higher bmep add safety margin of 1dB to all values per increase of 15 PSI pressure). Engine tolerance ± 3 dB 0.02.01 Technical data of gearbox Manufacturer EISENBEISS Type ~ Gearbox ratio 1:1.2 Efficiency % 99.46 Mass lbs 2,822 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 10/54 0.03 Technical data of generator Manufacturer STAMFORD e) Type MVSI 804 R e) Type rating kVA 2,441 Driving power bhp 2,496 Ratings at p.f.= 1.0 kW 1,812 Ratings at p.f. = 0.8 kW 1,794 Rated output at p.f. = 0.8 kVA 2,243 Rated reactive power at p.f. = 0.8 kVAr 1,346 Rated current at p.f. = 0.8 A 311 Frequency Hz 60 Voltage kV 4.16 Speed rpm 1,800 Permissible overspeed rpm 2,250 Power factor (lagging - leading) 0,8 - 1,0 Efficiency at p.f.= 1.0 % 97.3% Efficiency at p.f. = 0.8 % 96.4% Moment of inertia lbs-ft² 1774.12 Mass lbs 11,228 Radio interference level to EN 55011 Class A (EN 61000-6-4) N Ik'' Initial symmetrical short-circuit current kA 2.57 Is Peak current kA 6.53 Insulation class H Temperature rise (at driving power) F Maximum ambient temperature °F 104 Reactance and time constants (saturated) xd direct axis synchronous reactance p.u. 1.67 xd' direct axis transient reactance p.u. 0.16 xd'' direct axis sub transient reactance p.u. 0.12 x2 negative sequence reactance p.u. 0.17 Td'' sub transient reactance time constant ms 15 Ta Time constant direct-current ms 91 Tdo' open circuit field time constant s 4.00 e) GE Jenbacher reserves the right to change the generator supplier and the generator type. The contractual data of the generator may thereby change slightly. The contractual produced electrical power will not change. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 11/54 0.04 Technical data of heat recovery General data - Hot water circuit Total recoverable thermal output MBTU/hr 2,594 | 2,572 Return temperature °F 170.0 Forward temperature °F 186.0 | 185.9 Hot water flow rate GPM 324.2 Design pressure of hot water lbs 145 min. operating pressure psi 51.0 max. operating pressure psi 131.0 Pressure drop hot water circuit psi 15.23 Maximum Variation in return temperature °F +0/-21 Max. rate of return temperature fluctuation °F/min 18 General data - Cooling water circuit Heat to be dissipated MBTU/hr 1,255 | 1,190 Return temperature °F 122 Cooling water flow rate GPM 110 Design pressure of cooling water lbs 145 min. operating pressure psi 7.0 max. operating pressure psi 73.0 Loss of nominal pressure of cooling water psi ~ Maximum Variation in return temperature °F +0/-21 Max. rate of return temperature fluctuation °F/min 18 The final pressure drop will be given after final order clarification and must be taken from the P&ID order documentation. 100% Biogas Thermal Connection Variant K 100% Natural Gas Thermal Connection Variant K 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 14/54 0.10 Technical parameters The following “Technical Instruction (TI) of GE JENBACHER” form an integral part of the contract and must be strictly observed: TI 1100-0110 – Boundary Conditions for GE Jenbacher Gas Engines TI 1100-0111 – General Conditions – Operation and Maintenance TI 1100-0112 – Installation of GE Jenbacher Units These Technical Instructions reference other guides and instructions which can be provided upon request. These should be reviewed carefully by all personnel involve d with the application, installation, and maintenance of any GE Jenbacher gas engine. All data in the technical specification are based on engine full load (unless stated otherwise) at specified temperatures as well as the methane number and subject to technical development and modifications. For isolated operation an output reduction may apply according to the block load diagram. Before being able to provide exact output numbers, a detailed site load profile needs to be provided (motor starting curves, etc.). All pressure indications are to be measured and read with pressure gauges (psig). (1) At nominal speed and standard reference conditions ICFN according to DIN-ISO 3046 and DIN 6271, respectively (2) According to DIN-ISO 3046 and DIN 6271, respectively, with a tolerance of + 5 %. Efficiency performance is based on a new unit (immediately upon commissioning).Effects of degradation during normal operation can be mitigated through regular service and maintenance work. (3) Average value between oil change intervals according to maintenance schedule, without oil change amount (4) At p. f. = 1.0 according to VDE 0530 REM / IEC 34.1 with relative tolerances (5) Total output with a tolerance of +/- 8 % (6) According to above parameters (1) through (5) (7) Only valid for engine and generator; module and peripheral equipment not considered (at p. f. = 0.8) (8) Exhaust temperature with a tolerance of +/- 8 % (9) Intercooler heat on: * standard conditions (Vxx) - If the turbocharger design is done for air intake temperature > 86°F w/o de- rating, the intercooler heat of the 1st stage need to be increased by 2%/K starting from 77°F. Deviations between 77 – 86°F will be covered with the standard tolerance. * Hot Country application (Vxxx) - If the turbocharger design is done for air intake temperature > 104°F w/o de-rating, the intercooler heat of the 1st stage need to be inc reased by 2%/K starting from 95°F. Deviations between 95 – 104°F will be covered with the standard tolerance. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 15/54 Definition of output ISO-ICFN continuous rated power: Net break power that the engine manufacturer declares an engine is capable of delivering continuously, at stated speed, between the normal maintenance intervals and overhauls as required by the manufacturer. Power determined under the operating conditions of the manufacturer’s test bench and adjusted to the standard reference conditions. Standard reference conditions: Barometric pressure: 14.5 psi (1000 mbar) or 328 ft (100 m) above sea level Air temperature: 77°F (25°C) or 298 K Relative humidity: 30 % Volume values at standard conditions (fuel gas, combustion air, exhaust gas) Pressure: 1 atmosphere (1013.25 mbar) Temperature: 32°F (0°C) Output adjustment for turbo charged engines The ratings in the specification are valid for full load operation at a site installation of 4240 ft (1292 m) and an air intake temperature of T1 < 95 F (35 C). At T1 > 95 F (35 C), an output deration of 1.11%/F (2.0%/C) will occur. Radio interference level The ignition system of the gas engines complies the radio interference levels of CISPR 12 and EN 55011 class B, (30-75 MHz, 75-400 MHz, 400-1000 MHz) and (30-230 MHz, 230-1000 MHz), respectively. Parameters for the operation of GE Jenbacher gas engines Maximum room temperature: 122°F (T2) -> engine stop If the actual methane number is lower than the specified, the knock control responds. First the ignition timing is changed at full rated power. Secondly the rated power is reduced. These functions are carried out by the engine management. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 16/54 Operation of Voltage and frequency outside of stated li mits for the generator as per IEC 60034-1 Zone A will result in a power de-rate up to and including tripping of the equipment. The generator set fulfills the limits for mechanical vibrations according to ISO 8528-9. If possible, railway trucks must not be used for transport (TI 1000-0046). Parameters for the operation of control unit and the electrical equipment Relative humidity: 50% Maximum temperature: 40°C. Altitude: <2000m above the sea level. The gas quantity indicated under the technical data ref ers to standard conditions with the given calorific value. The actual volume flow (under operating conditions) has to be considered for dimensioning the gas compressor and each gas feeding component – it will be affected by: Actual gas temperature (limiting temperature according to TI 1000-0300) Gas humidity (limiting value according to TI 1000-0300) Gas Pressure Biogas is based on 60% CH4, 40% CO2 unless otherwise detailed. 1.00 Scope of supply - Module Design: The module is built as a compact package. The engine base is bolted to the gearbox/generator base. The Engine output shafting is connected through a coupling to a gearbox. A second coupling is then provided connecting the gearbox to the generator. To provide the best possible isolation from the transmission of vibrations, the engine rests on the engine base -frame by means of anti-vibration mounts. The remaining vibrations are eliminated by mounting the complete module (engine and gearbox/generator frames) on isolating pads (e.g. Sylomer). This, in principle, allows for placing of the module to be directly on any floor capable of carrying the static load. No special foundation is required. Prevention of sound conducted through solids has to be provided locally. 1.01 Spark ignited gas engine Four-stroke, air/gas mixture turbocharged, aftercooled, with high performance ignition system and electronically controlled air/gas mixture system. The engine is equipped with the most advanced LEANOX® LEAN-BURN COMBUSTION SYSTEM developed by GE JENBACHER. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 17/54 1.01.01 Engine design (Air Start) Engine block Single-piece crankcase and cylinder block made of special casting; crank case covers for engine inspection, welded steel oil pan. Crankshaft and main bearings Drop-forged, precision ground, surface hardened, statically and dynamically balanced; main bearings (upper bearing shell: grooved bearing / lower bearing shell: sputter bearing) arranged between crank pins, drilled oil passages for forced-feed lubrication of connecting rods. Vibration damper Maintenance free viscous damper Flywheel With ring gear for starter motor and additionally screwed on. Pistons Single-piece made of steel, with piston ring carrier and oil passages for cooling; piston rings made of high quality material, main combustion chamber specially designed for lean burn operation. Connecting rods Drop-forged, heat-treated, big end diagonally split and toothed. Big end bearings (upper bearing shell: sputter bearing / lower bearing shell: sputter bearing) and connecting rod bushing for piston pin. Cylinder liner Chromium alloy gray cast iron, wet, individually replaceable. Cylinder head Specially designed and developed for GE JENBACHER-lean burn engines with optimized fuel consumption and emissions; water cooled, made of special casting, individually replaceable; Valve seats and valve guides and spark plug sleeves individually replaceable; exhaust and inlet valve made of high quality material; Pre- chamber with check-valve. Crankcase breather Connected to combustion air intake system Valve train Camshaft, with replaceable bushings, driven by crankshaft through intermediate gears, valve lubrication by splash oil through rocker arms. Combustion air/fuel gas system Motorized carburetor for automatic adjustment according fuel gas characteristic. Exhaust driven turbocharger, mixture manifold with bellows, water-cooled intercooler, throttle valve and distribution manifolds to cylinders. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 18/54 Ignition system Most advanced, fully electronic high performance ignition s ystem, external ignition control. MORIS: Automatically, cylinder selective registration and control of the current needed ignition voltage. Lubricating system Gear-type lube oil pump to supply all moving parts with filtered lube oil, pressure control valv e, pressure relief valve and full-flow filter cartridges. Cooling of the lube oil is arranged by a heat exchanger. Engine cooling system Jacket water pump complete with distribution pipework and manifolds. Exhaust system Turbocharger and exhaust manifold Exhaust gas temperature measuring Thermocouple for each cylinder Electric actuator For electronic speed and output control Electronic speed monitoring for speed and output control By magnetic inductive pick up over ring gear on flywheel Air Starter motor Engine mounted air starter motor 1.01.02 Additional equipment for the engine (spares for commissioning) The initial set of equipment with the essential spare parts for operation after commiss ioning is included in the scope of supply. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 19/54 1.01.03 Engine accessories Insulation of exhaust manifold: Insulation of exhaust manifold is easily installed and removed Sensors at the engine: Jacket water temperature sensor Jacket water pressure sensor Lube oil temperature sensor Lube oil pressure sensor Mixture temperature sensor Charge pressure sensor Minimum and maximum lube oil level switch Exhaust gas thermocouple for each cylinder Knock sensors Gas mixer / gas dosing valve position reporting. Actuator at the engine: Actuator - throttle valve Bypass-valve for turbocharger Control of the gas mixer / gas dosing valve 1.01.04 Standard tools (per installation) The tools required for carrying out the most important maintenance work are included in the scope of supply and delivered in a toolbox. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 20/54 1.02 Generator-Medium Voltage The 2 bearing generator consists of the main generator (built as rotating field machine), the exciter machine (built as rotating armature machine) and the digital excitation system. The digital regulator is powered by an auxiliary winding at the main stator or a PMG system Main components: Enclosure of welded steel construction Stator core consist of thin insulated electrical sheet metal with integrated cooling channels. Stator winding with 5/6 Pitch Rotor consist of shaft with shrunken laminated poles, Exciter rotor, PMG (depending on Type) and fan. Damper cage Excitation unit with rotating rectifier diodes and overvoltage protection Dynamically balanced as per ISO 1940, Balance quality G2,5 Drive end bracket with re greaseable antifriction bearing Non-drive end bracket with re grease antifriction bearing Cooling IC01 - open ventilated, air entry at n on-drive end, air outlet at the drive end side Main terminal box includes main terminals for power cables Regulator terminal box with auxiliary terminals for thermistor connection and regulator. Anti-condensation heater 3 PT100 for winding temperature monitoring+3 PT100 Spare 2 PT100 for bearing temperature monitoring Current transformer for protection and measuring in the star point xx/1A, 10P10 15VA , xx/1A, 1FS5, 15VA Electrical data and features: Standards: IEC 60034, EN 60034, VDE 0530, ISO 8528-3, ISO 8528-9 Voltage adjustment range: +/- 10 % of rated voltage (continuous) Frequency: -6/+4% of rated frequency Overload capacity: 10% for one hour within 6 hours, 50% for 30 seconds Asymmetric load: max. 8% I2 continuous, in case of fault I2 x t=20 Altitude: < 1000m Max permitted generator intake air temperature: 5°C - 40°C Max. relative air humidity: 90% Voltage curve THD Ph-Ph: <3% at idle operation and <3% at full load operation with linear symmetrical load Generator suitable for parallel operating with the grid and other generators Sustained short circuit current at 3-pole terminal short circuit: minimum 3 times rated current for 5 seconds. Over speed test with 1.2 times of rated speed for 2 minutes according to IEC 60034 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 21/54 Digital Excitation system ABB Unitrol 1010 mounted within the AVR Terminal box with following features: Compact and robust Digital Excitation system for Continuous output current up to 10 A (20A Overload current 10s) Fast AVR response combined with high excitation voltage improves the transient stability during LVRT events. The system has free configurable measurement and analog or digital I/Os. The configuration is done via the local human machine interface or CMT1000 Power Terminals 3 phase excitation power input from PMG or auxiliary windings Auxiliary power input 24VDC Excitation output Measurement terminals: 3 phase machine voltage, 1 phase network voltage, 1 phase machine current Analog I/Os: 2 outputs / 3 inputs (configurable), +10 V / -10 V Digital I/O: 4 inputs only (configurable), 8 inputs / outputs (configurable) Serial fieldbus: RS485 for Modbus RTU or VDC (Reactive power load sharing for up to 31 GEJ engines in island operation), CAN-Bus for dual channel communication Regulator Control modes: Bump less transfer between all modes Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) accuracy 0,1% at 25°C ambient temperature Field Current Regulator (FCR) Power Factor Regulator (PF) Reactive Power Regulator (VAR) Limiters: Keeping synchronous machines in a safe and stable operation area Excitation current limiter (UEL min / OEL max) PQ minimum limiter Machine current limiter V / Hz limiter Machine voltage limiter Voltage matching during synchronization Rotating diode monitoring Dual channel / monitoring: Enables the dual channel operation based on self -diagnostics and setpoint follow up over CAN communication. As Option available Power System Stabilizer (PSS) is available as option. Compliant with the standard IEEE 421.5 -2005 2A / 2B, the PSS improves the stability of the generator over the highest possible operation range. Computer representation for power s ystem stability studies: ABB 3BHS354059 E01 Certifications: CE, cUL certification according UL 508c (compliant with CSA), DNV Class B, 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 22/54 Commissioning and maintenance Tool CMT1000 (for trained commissioning/ maintenance personal) With this tool the technician can setup all parameters and tune the PID to guarantee stable operation. The CMT1000 software allows an extensive supervision of the system, which helps the user to identify and locate problems during commissioning on site. The CMT1000 is connected to the target over USB or Ethernet port, where Ethernet connection allows remote access over 100 m. Main window Indication of access mode and device information. Change of parameter is only possible in CONTROL access mode. LED symbol indicates that all parameter are stored on none volatile memory. Setpoint adjust window Overview of all control modes, generator status, active limiters status and alarms. Adjust set point and apply steps for tuning of the PID. Oscilloscope 4 signals can be selected out of 20 recorded channels. The time resolution is 50 ms.Save files to your PC for further investigation. Measurement All measurements on one screen. Routine Test Following routine tests will be carried out by the generator manufacturer Measuring of the DC-resistance of stator and rotor windings Check of the function of the fitted components (e.g. RTDs, space heater etc.) Insulation resistance of the following components Stator winding, rotor winding Stator winding RTDs Bearing RTDs Space heater No Load saturation characteristic (remanent voltage) Stator voltage unbalance Direction of rotation, phase sequence High voltage test of the stator windings (2 x Unom. + 1000 V) and the rotor windings (min. 1500 V) 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 23/54 1.03 Module Accessories Base frame Split Base Frame fabricated with welded structural steel. First frame to mount the engine, jacket water heat exchangers, pumps and engine auxiliaries, the second to mount the gearbox and generator. Coupling #1 Engine to Gearbox coupling is provided. The coupling isolates the major sub-harmonics of engine alternating torque from gear box. Coupling #2 Gearbox to Generator Coupling is provided. This coupling is designed with a torque limiter to couple gear box with alternator. Coupling housings Provided for both Couplings Anti-vibration mounts 2 sets of isolation, one is arranged between engine block assembly and base frame. The second is via insulating pads (SYLOMER) for placement between base frame and foundation, delivered loose. Gear box: A Single-stage spur gear with overhead shaft and closed loop lube oil system, completely mounted on the gearbox/generator base frame. The lube oil heat exchanger is integrated with the warm/cooling water circuit. The gear transmission ratio is 1:1.2. Oil volume is approximately 52 gals (196 liters). Exhaust gas connection A flanged connection is provided that collects the exhaust gas turbocharger output flows, inc ludes flexible pipe connections (compensators) to compensate for heat expansions and vibrations. Combustion air filter A Dry type air filter with replaceable filter cartridges is fitted. The assembly includes flexible connections to the fuel mixer/carburetor and service indicator. Interface panel (M1 cabinet) Totally enclosed sheet steel cubicle with hinged doors, pre-wired to terminals, ready to operate. All Cable entry will be via bottom mounted cable gland plates. Painting: RAL 7035 Protection: External NEMA 3 (IP 54), Internal IP 20 (protection against direct contact with live parts) Cabinet design is according to IEC 439-1 (EN 60 439-1/1990) and DIN VDE 0660 part 500, respectively. Ambient temperature 41 - 104 °F (5 - 40 °C), Relative humidity 70% 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 24/54 Dimensions: Height: 51 in - 82 in (1300 mm-2100 mm) Width: 40 in - 47 in (1000 mm -1200 mm) Depth: 16 in - 24 in (400 mm-600 mm) Control Power Source: The starter batteries and the cabinet mounted battery chargers will provide the power source for this enclosure. Interface Panel contents and control functions: The cabinet houses the unit Battery Charger and primary 24VDC Control Power Distribution (breakers, fuses, and terminals) from the unit Batteries Distributed PLC Input and Output cards, located in the cabinet, gather all Engine, Gearbox and Generator Control I/O. These cards transmit data via data bus interface to the central engine control of the module control panel located in the A1 cabinet. Data bus is via CAN and B&R Proprietary Data Highw ay (Data Cables provided by GE) Speed monitoring relays for protection are provided. Gas Train I/O Collection, including interface relays and terminals for gas train shutoff valves. Transducer for generator functions, such as excitation voltage. Door Mounted Emergency Stop Switch with associated Emergency Stop Loop interface relays. Miscellaneous control relays, contacts, fuses, etc. for additional control valves, and auxiliaries. Interface Terminal Strips Skid Mounted 3 Phase Devices are Powered by 3 x 480/277 V, 60 Hz, 50 A AC Power for engine mounted auxiliaries (heater, pumps, etc.) are routed through a separate J -box mounted on the side M1 cabinet (Box E1). This is done to maintain signal segregation (AC from control) NOTE: Generator Current Transformer wiring is connected directly to the Generator and does NOT pass through the M1 cabinet. Exhaust gas scavenging blower An exhaust gas scavenging blower is used to scavenge the remaining exhaust gas out of the exhaust gas pipe work, to prevent the appearance of deflagrations. Function: Before each start scavenging by blower is done for app. 1 minute (except at black out – start) Supervisions: Scavenging air fan failure Scavenging air flap failure Consisting of: Fan Exhaust gas flap Temperature switch Compensator and pipe work 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 25/54 1.03.01 Engine jacket water system Engine jacket water system Closed cooling circuit, consisting of: Expansion tank Filling device (check and pressure reducing valves, pressure gauge) Safety valve(s) Thermostatic valve Required pipework on module Vents and drains Electrical jacket water pump, including check valve Jacket water preheat device 1.03.02 Automatic lube oil replenishing system incl. extension tank Automatic lube oil replenishing system: Includes float valve in lube oil feed line, including inspection glass. Electric monitoring system will be provided for engine shut-down at lube oil levels "MINIMUM" and "MAXIMUM". Solenoid valve in oil feed line is only activated during engine operation. Manual override of the solenoid valve, for filling procedure during oil changes is included. Oil drain By set mounted cock Oil sump extension tank (delivered loose) 79.3 gal To increase the time between oil changes Pre-lubrication- and aftercooling oil pump: Mounted on the module base fram e; it is used for pre-lubrication and aftercooling of the turbochargers. Period of operation: Pre-lubrication: 1 minute both pumps Aftercooling: 15 minutes from engine stop only the 480/277 V pump Consisting of: 1 piece oil pump 1500 W, 480/277 V 1 piece oil pump 1500 W, 24 V All necessary vents Necessary pipework 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 26/54 1.04 Heat recovery Engine-mounted intercooler and lube oil heat exchanger; jacket water heat exchanger mounted to the engine res. to the module base frame, complete with interconnecting pipe work. The exhaust gas heat exchanger is mounted to the heat recovery module. The insulation of heat exchangers and pipework is not included in GE Jenbacher scope of supply. Heat exchanger - air/fuel mixture to warm water (intercooler) The engine-mounted intercooler is of two stage design. The first stage is integrated with the warm water circuit. The second stage requires low temperature water. Heat exchanger - lube oil to water The engine mounted lube oil heat exchanger is not integrated. The heat must be taken away by a separate cooling circuit. Heat exchanger - engine jacket water to warm water Mounted to module base frame complete with interconnecting pipe work, for recovery of engine jacket water heat. 1.05a Gas train (Biogas) Pre-assembled, delivered loose, for installation into gas pipework to the engine. Consisting of: Main Biogas gas train: Manual shut off valve Gas filter, filter to <3 µm Adapter with dismount to the pre-chamber gas train Gas admission pressure regulator Pressure gauge with push button valve; 0-7.25 psi (0-500 mbar) Solenoid valves Gas pressure switch (min.) Leakage detector Gas pressure regulator TEC JET (has to be implemented horizontal) The gas train complies with DIN - DVGW regulations. Maximum distance from TEC JET outlet to gas entry on engine, including flexible connections, is 39.37 in (1 m). Reference GE Jenbacher Technical Instruction TI 1510-0064 for Tec Jet and Gas Train installation details 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 27/54 1.05b Gas train (Natural Gas) Pre-assembled, delivered loose, for installation into gas pipework to the engine. Consisting of: Main Natural Gas train: Manual shut off valve Gas filter, filter to <3 µm Adapter with dismount to the pre-chamber gas train Gas admission pressure regulator Pressure gauge with push button valve; 0-7.25 psi (0-500 mbar) Solenoid valves Gas pressure switch (min.) Leakage detector Gas pressure regulator TEC JET (has to be implemented horizontal) The gas train complies with DIN - DVGW regulations. Maximum distance from TEC JET outlet to gas entry on engine, including flexible connections, is 39.37 in (1 m). Reference GE Jenbacher Technical Instruction TI 1510-0064 for Tec Jet and Gas Train installation details 1.05c Pre-chamber Gas train (Natural Gas) Pre-assembled, delivered loose, for installation into gas pipework to the engine. Consisting of: Pre-chamber gas train: Manual shut off valve Gas filter, filter fineness <3 µm Solenoid valves Pressure regulator Calming distance with reducer Pressure gauge with push button valve; 0-72.5 psi (1-5 bar) Pre chamber gas pressure regulator (incl. stabilization section) assembled at the flexible connection pre chamber gas. Use of fuel other than Natural Gas in Prechamber to be noted. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 28/54 1.07 Painting Quality: Oil resistant prime layer Synthetic resin varnish finishing coat Color: Engine: RAL 6018 (green) Base frame: RAL 6018 (green) Generator: RAL 6018 (green) Module interface panel: RAL 7035 (light grey) Control panel: RAL 7035 (light grey) 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 29/54 1.11 Engine generator control panel per module- Dia.ne XT4 incl. Single synchronization of the generator breaker Dimensions: Height: 87 in (including 8 in pedestal *) Width: 32 -48 in*) Depth: 24 in *) Protection class: external IP42 Internal IP 20 (protection again direct contact with live parts) *) Control panels will be dimensioned on a project specific basis. Actual dimensions will be provided i n the preliminary documentation for the project. Control supply voltage from starter and control panel batteries: 24V DC Auxiliaries power supply: (from provider of the auxiliary supply) 3 x 480/277 V, 60 Hz Consisting of: Motor - Management - System DIA.NE Setup: a) Touch display visualization b) Central engine and unit control 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 30/54 Touch Display Screen: 15“ Industrial color graphic display with resistive touch. Interfaces: 24V voltage supply VGA display connection USB interface for resistive touch Protection class of DIA.NE XT panel front: IP 65 Dimensions: W x H x D = approx. 16x12x3in The screen shows a clear and functional summary of the measurement values and simul taneously shows a graphical summary. Operation is via the screen buttons on the touch screen Numeric entries (set point values, parameters…) are entered on the touch numeric pad or via a scroll bar. Determination of the operation mode and the method of synchronization via a permanently displayed button panel on the touch screen. Main screens (examples): Main: Display of the overview, auxiliaries status, engine start and operating data. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 31/54 ELE: Display of the generator connection with electrical measurement values and synchronization status OPTION: Generator winding and bearing temperature Trending Trend with 100ms resolution 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 32/54 Measurement values: 510 data points are stored Measurement interval = 100ms Raw data availability with 100ms resolution: 24 hours + max. 5.000.000 changes in value at shut down (60 mins per shut down) Compression level 1: min, max, and average values with 1000ms resolution: 3 days Compression level 2: min, max, and average values with 30s resolution: 32 days Compression level 3: min, max, and average values with 10min resolution: 10 years Messages: 10.000.000 message events Actions (operator control actions): 1.000.000 Actions System messages: 100.000 system messages Central engine and module control: An industrial PC- based modular industrial control system for module and engine sequencing control (start preparation, start, stop, aftercooling and control of auxiliaries) as well as all control functions. Interfaces: Ethernet (twisted pair) for remote monitoring access Ethernet (twisted pair) for connection between engines Ethernet (twisted pair) for the Powerlink connection to the control input and output modules. USB interface for software updates Connection to the local building management system according t o the GE Jenbacher option list (OPTION) MODBUS-RTU Slave MODBUS-TCP Slave, PROFIBUS-DP Slave (160 words), PROFIBUS-DP Slave (190 words), ProfiNet OPC Control functions: Speed control in idle and in island mode Power output control in grid parallel operation, or according to an internal or external set point value on a case by case basis LEANOX control system which controls boost pressure according to the power at the generator terminals, and controls the mixture temperature according to the engine driven air-gas mixer 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 33/54 Knocking control: in the event of knocking detection, ignition timing adjustment, power reduction and mixture temperature reduction (if this feature is installed) Load sharing between engines in island mode operation (option) Linear power reduction in the event of excessive mixture temperature and misfiring Linear power reduction according to CH4 signal (if available) Linear power reduction according to gas pressure (option) Linear power reduction according to air intake temperature (option ) Multi-transducer to record the following alternator electrical values: Phase current (with slave pointer)) Neutral conductor current Voltages Ph/Ph and Ph/N Active power (with slave pointer) Reactive power Apparent power Power factor Frequency Active and reactive energy counter Additional 0 (4) - 20 mA interface for active power as well as a pulse signal for active energy The following alternator monitoring functions are integrated in the multi-measuring device: Overload/short-circuit [51], [50] Over voltage [59] Under voltage [27] Asymmetric voltage [64], [59N] Unbalance current [46] Excitation failure [40] Over frequency [81>] Under frequency [81<] Lockable operation modes selectable via touch screen: "OFF" operation is not possible, running units will shut down immediately; "MANUAL" manual operation (start, stop) possible, unit is not available for fully automatic operation. "AUTOMATIC" fully automatic operation according to external demand signal: Demand modes selectable via touch screen: external demand off („OFF“) external demand on („REMOTE“) overide external demand („ON“) 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 34/54 Malfunction Notice list: Shut down functions e.g.: Low lube oil pressure Low lube oil level High lube oil level High lube oil temperature Low jacket water pressure High jacket water pressure High jacket water temperature Overspeed Emergency stop/safety loop Gas train failure Start failure Stop failure Engine start blocked Engine operation blocked Misfiring High mixture temperature Measuring signal failure Overload/output signal failure Generator overload/short circuit Generator over/undervoltage Generator over/underfrequency Generator asymmetric voltage Generator unbalanced load Generator reverse power High generator winding temperature Synchronizing failure Cylinder selective Knocking failure Warning functions e.g.: Cooling water temperature min. Cooling water pressure min. Generator winding temperature max. Remote signals: (volt free contacts) 1NO = 1 normally open 1NC = 1 normally closed 1COC = 1 change over contact Ready for automatic start (to Master control) 1NO Operation (engine running) 1NO Demand auxiliaries 1NO Collective signal "shut down" 1NC 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 35/54 Collective signal "warning" 1NC External (by others) provided command/status signals: Engine demand (from Master control) 1S Auxiliaries demanded and released 1S Single synchronizing Automatic For automatic synchronizing of the module with the generator circuit breaker to the grid by PLC - technology, integrated within the module control panel. Consisting of: Hardware extension of the programmable control for fully automatic synchronization selection and synchronization of the module and for monitoring of the generator circuit breaker closed signal. Lockable synchronization selection via touch screen with the following selection modes: "MANUAL" Manual initiation of synchronization via touch screen button followed by fully automatic synchronization of the module "AUTOMATIC" Automatic module synchronization, after synchronizing release from the module control "OFF" Selection and synchronization disabled Control of the generator circuit breaker according to the synchronization mode select ed via touch screen. "Generator circuit breaker CLOSED/ Select" Touch-button on DIA.NE XT "Generator circuit breaker OPEN" Touch-button on DIA.NE XT Status signals: Generator circuit breaker closed Generator circuit breaker open Remote signals: (volt free contacts) Generator circuit breaker closed 1 NO The following reference and status signals must be provided by the switchgear supplier: Generator circuit breaker CLOSED 1 NO Generator circuit breaker OPEN 1 NO Generator circuit breaker READY TO CLOSE 1 NO Mains circuit breaker CLOSED 1 NO Mains circuit breaker OPEN 1 NO Mains voltage 3 x 4160V or 3x 110V/v3 - other measurement voltages available on request Bus bar voltage 3 x 4160 V or 3x 110V/v3 – other measurement voltages available on request Generator voltage 3 x 4160 V or 3x 110V/v3 – other measurement voltages available on request Voltage transformer in the star point with minimum 50VA and Class 0,5 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 36/54 The following volt free interface-signals will be provided by GE Jenbacher to be incorporated in switchgear: CLOSING/OPENING command for generator circuit breaker (permanent contact) 1 NO + 1 NC Signal for circuit breaker undervoltage trip 1 NO Maximum distance between module control panel and engine/interface panel: 99ft Maximum distance between module control panel and power panel: 164ft Maximum distance between module control panel and master control panel: 164ft Maximum distance between alternator and generator circuit breaker: 99ft 1.11.01 Remote messaging over MODBUS-TCP Data transfer from the Jenbacher module control system to the customer's on -site central control system via MODBUS TCP using the ETHERNET 10 BASE-T/100BASE-TX protocol TCP/IP. The Jenbacher module control system operates as a SLAVE unit. The data transfer via the customer's MASTER must be carried out in cycles. Data transmitted: Individual error messages, operational messages, measured values for generator power, o il pressure, oil temperature, cooling water pressure, cooling water temperature, cylinder and collective exhaust gas temperatures. GE Jenbacher limit of supply: RJ45 socket at the interface module in the module control cabinet 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 37/54 1.11.06 Remote Data-Transfer with DIA.NE XT4 General DIA.NE XT4 offers remote connection with Ethernet. Applications: 1.) DIA.NE XT4 HMI DIA.NE XT4 HMI is the human-machine-interface of DIA.NE XT4 engine control and visualization system for GE Jenbacher gas engines. The system offers extensive facilities for commissioning, monitoring, servicing and analysis of the site. By installation of the DIA.NE XT4 HMI client program it can be used to establish connection to site, if connected to a network and access rights are provided. The system runs on Microsoft Windows Operating systems (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8) Function Functions of the visualization system at the engine control panel can be used remotely. These are among others control and monitoring, trend indications, alarm management, parameter management, and access to long term data recording. By providing access to multiple systems, also with multiple clients in parallel, additional useful functions are available like multi-user system, remote control, print and export functions and data backup.DIA.NE XT4 is available in several languages. Option - Remote demand/blocking If the service selectors switch at the module control panel is in pos."Automatic" and the demand -selector switch in pos."Remote", it is possible to enable (demanded) or disable (demand off) the module wit h a control button at the DIA.NE XT4 HMI Note: With this option it makes no sense to have an additional clients demand (via hardware or data bus) or a self-guided operation (via GE Jenbacher master control, grid import /export et c.). Option - Remote - reset (see TA-No. 1100-0111 chapter 1.7 an d1.9) Scope of supply Software package DIA.NE XT4 HMI Client Setup (Download) Number of DIA.NE XT4 HMI - Client user license (Simultaneous right to access of one user to the engine control) Nr. of license Access 1 1 Users can be logged in at the same time with a PC (Workplace, control room or at home). 2 - “n“ (Optional) 2- “n” Users can be logged in at the same time with a PC (Workplace, control room or at home). If 2- “n” users are locally connected at Computers from office or control room, then it is not possible to log in from home. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 38/54 Caution! This option includes the DIA.NE XT4 HMI client application and its license only – NO secured, encrypted connection will be provided by GE Jenbacher! A secured, en crypted connection – which is mandatory – has to be provided by the customer (via LAN connection or customer-side VPN), or can be realized by using option myPlant™. Customer requirements Broad band network connection via Ethernet(100/1000BASE-TX) at RJ45 Connector (ETH3) at DIA.NE XT4 server inside module control panel Standard PC with keyboard, mouse or touch and monitor (min. resolution 1024*768) Operating system Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 DirectX 9.0 c compatible or newer 3D display adapter wit h 64 MB or higher memory 2.) myPlant™ myPlant™ is the GE Jenbacher remote monitoring and diagnostic (RM&D) service Offering Feature Connect Protect Asset Management Online data transfer Big Data cloud storage Engine status visibility Control alarms visibility Basic data trends Remote access to DIA.NE HMI - Unlimited data trending - Advanced diagnostics - WINSERVER Protection Plan - Fleet Management Fleet status on world map - Fleet summaries and reporting - Mobility SMS/Email notifications - Smartphone app Web application with following features: Visualization of the current state of the engine (available, in operation, fault) View of various readings of the Gen-set Visualization of counts as a trend graph (if plant available online, or by manually entering of the counter readings) Trend graph of the performance value (low resolution; only if system available online) myPlant™ Connect is free of charge for registered customers myPlant™ Protect is free of charge within the warranty period and is also included as part of any contractual service agreement (CSA). 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 39/54 Scope of supply Access to myPlant™ Discovery version for up to 4 users Connection between plant server and myPlant™ system Customer requirements Permanent Internet line (wired or mobile, (see option 4)) See technical instruction TA 2300-0008 Outbound data connectivity (from plant server to Internet) ONLY – INBOUND connections must NOT be allowed! CAUTION! It is in the responsibility of the customer to prevent direct access from the Internet to the plant server using technical equipment like firewalls. GE Jenbacher does not provide such security devices and services as part of this option! 3.) myPlant™ notification service Automatic alarm notification system for myPlant™ - enabled DIA.NE XT systems (all versions). Function Automatic transfer of engine messages to the customer via email or SMS in case of engine trip, engine start/stop or connectivity loss. Scope of supply Feature of myPlant™ web portal Customer requirements Engine must be connected to the myPlant™ system via Internet connection myPlant™ notification is free of charge within the warranty period and is also included as part of any contractual service agreement (CSA). 4.) Mobile Internet (OPTION) Connection Plant - Customer via secured Internet - connection See also technical instruction TA 2300 - 0006 Scope of delivery Mobile Internet router with antenna to connect to the DIA.NE Server XT4 Customer requirements SIM card for 3G / 4G 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 40/54 5.) Network overview For information only! 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 41/54 1.11.14 Generator Overload / Short Circuit Protection ANSI Function Code 50/51 Digital protection relay, 3-phase, integrated into the module control panel. Connected to the protective current transformers in the generator star point Acting on the generator circuit breaker and on the generator de-excitation Alarm message on the DIA.NE screen Characteristics / settings: Setting for overload: to 1,1 times of the generating set rated current, Dependent time characteristic acc. to IEC 60255-151: very inverse, time multiplier setting 0,6. Setting for short circuit: to 2,0 times of generating set rated current, Independent time characteristic: 300 ms (800 ms when dynamic network support). 1.11.15 Generator Differential Protection ANSI function code 87 Digital protection relay, 3-phase, integrated into the module control panel. Connected to the protective current transformers in the generator star point (GEJ scope of supply) and to the protective current transformers in the generator circuit breaker panel (current transformers by client, secondary 1A, optionally: 5A). Acting on the generator circuit breaker and on the generator de-excitation Alarm message on the DIA.NE screen In plants with a unit generator-transformer configuration the protection is realized as generator/transformer differential protection. 1.11.16 Generator Earth Fault Protection (nondirectional) Digital protection relay, integrated into the module control panel. Acting on the generator circuit breaker and on the generator de-excitation Alarm message on the DIA.NE screen Dependent on the generator grounding method one of the following protection functions is applied: 1) ANSI function code 50N/G Detection of the earth fault current e.g. by means of a window-type current transformer (Current transformer by client, secondary 1A, optionally: 5A). 2) ANSI function code 59N/G Detection of the residual voltage e.g. by means of the voltage measured across the broken -delta secondary windings of grounded voltage transformers (voltage transformers by client) 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 42/54 1.11.31 Interfaces to customer Master synchronization (Synchronization of grid CB) Scope: Interfaces from/to each module control panel and customer Master panel with potential free c ontacts. Further project specific interfaces must be checked during project phase The engines can run in island mode according to technical instruction TA 2108-0031 based on the condition that island mode function of the control system is properly designed, supplied, installed and commissioned by the customer in accordance with GE Jenbacher requirements. Request to customer master synchronization: Manual synchronization For manual synchronization a "synchronizing check relay" is necessary. Signal monitoring The synchronizing panel has to have monitoring to detect unlogical signals and operations (such as trip errors) to ensure safe operation. Grid protection device (supplied locally): Protections and settings must be according to GE requirements Max. distance between customer Master synchronization panel and GE Module control panel: 164 ft Scope of supply GE Jenbacher: Terminals at each module control panel. 1.20.03 Start System (Air Start) Pneumatic Start System: 6.2 bar (90 psig) Starter Motor requiring 2730 Nm3/hr (1610 scft/min) for 10 minutes. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 43/54 1.20.04 Battery System Battery (is not included in GE Jenbacher scope): 4 piece 12 V Pb battery, 160 Ah (according to DIN 72311), complete with cover plate, terminals and acid tester. Battery voltage monitoring: Monitoring by an under voltage relay. Battery charging equipment: Capable for charging the starter battery with I/U characteristic and for the supply of all connected D.C. consumers. Charging device is mounted inside of the module interface panel or module control panel. General data: Power supply 3 x 320 - 550 V, 47 - 63 Hz max. power consumption 1060 W Nominal D.C. voltage 24 V (+/-1%) Voltage setting range 24 V to 28,8V (adjustable) Nominal current (max.) 40 A Dimensions ca. 10 x 5 x 5 inch (240 x 125 x 125 mm) Degree of protection IP20 to IEC 529 Operating temperature 32 °F – 140 °F (0 °C - 60 °C) Protection class 1 Humidity class 3K3, no condensation. Natural air convection Standards EN60950,EN50178 UL/cUL (UL508/CSA 22.2) Signalling: Green Led: Output voltage > 20,5V Yellow Led: Overload, Output Voltage < 20,5V Red Led: shutdown Control accumulator: Pb battery 24 VDC/18 Ah 1.20.05 Electric jacket water preheating Installed in the jacket water cooling circuit, consisting of: Heating elements Water circulating pump The jacket water temperature of a stopped engine is maintained between 133 °F (56°C) and 140°F (60°C), to allow for immediate loading after engine start. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 44/54 1.20.08 Flexible connections Following flexible connections per module are included in the GE Jenbacher -scope of supply: No.Connection Unit Dimension Material 2 Warm water in-/outlet in/lbs 4''/145 Stainless steel 1 Exhaust gas outlet in/lbs 20''/145 Stainless steel 1 Fuel gas inlet in/lbs 4-6''/232 Stainless steel 2 Intercooler in-/outlet in/lbs 2½''/ Stainless steel 2 Lube oil connection in 1.1 Hose Seals and flanges for all flexible connections are included. 1.20.45 Fuel Blending As a prerequisite to any discussions regarding on online fuel blending, both gases must comply with GE Jenbacher TI 1000-0300. Physically, the engine must be installed with two Tec Jet based gas train systems sized as required. To function properly, each individual gas train should be able to provide the full fuel flow required to maintain rated load of the engine generator set. If 0-100% blending on each fuel is specified, the technician must have the capability to operate the engine on each fuel (from Start to Full Load) independently. Intermediate or partial blending can be done by request. From a controls perspective, the customer must provide the following Dual Fuel Blending signals (at a minimum) 1) Fuel Gas Selection - Discrete Contact Input to the Diane Control System that represents the fuel that the unit will start with (1 = High Btu (Gas1), 0 = Low Btu (Gas2)). 2) Release for Gas Mixing – Discrete contact input to the Diane Control System that represents a release of the fuel delivery system to operate in mixing mode. This signal is used in conjunction with Mixing Percentage in order to establish the amount of fuel to mix. 3) Mixing Percentage – An Analog (4-20mA) input to the Diane Control System representing the percentage of Gas 2 fuel to mix. As prerequisite for blending, the following permissive conditions must be met 1) Breaker is Closed 2) Unit is operating in Leanox control (No Island Mode) 3) No Gas Train 1 Low Pressure 4) Gas Train 1 READY (internal health signal) 5) No Gas Train 2 Low Pressure 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 45/54 6) Gas Train 2 Ready (internal health signal) 7) Mixing Percentage signal healthy Fuel Transfers are not permitted as long as the health of each gas train is not clear or if Gas Pressure of the other train is Low. Diane Warning alarm signals 3221 (Gas Train 1 Low Pressure) or 3222 (Gas Train 2 Low Pressure) will be displayed if this is the case. Provided the above permissive conditions are met, to activate mixing, Release for Gas Mixing must be enabled. Once enabled, the engine will ramp to the mixing percentage specified by Mixing Percentage. The transfer rate is 1.7% per second, or if the transfer is to 100% of the other fuel, expect a ramp time of 60 seconds to get from one fuel to the other. The mixing percentage can be adjusted at any time during mixing operations (Release for Gas Mixing = 1). Should a fault occur, the fuel system will default to the gas selected at start (based on Fuel Gas Selection contact status). This percentage will be maintained throughout the load profile of the engine, provided there is sufficient capacity of the second fuel to maintain the load setpoint. Should there be insufficient fuel to maintain the KW setpoint, a Low Pressure Alarm will occur and the unit will transfer back to the base fuel as dictated by the position of the Fuel Gas Selection contact. 2.00 Electrical equipment Totally enclosed floor mounted sheet steel cubicle with front door wired to terminals. Ready to operate, with cable entry at bottom. Naturally ventilated. Protection: IP 42 external, NEMA 12 IP 20 internal (protection against direct contact with live parts) Design according to EN 61439-2 / IEC 61439-2 and ISO 8528-4. Ambient temperature 41 - 104 °F (5 - 40 °C), 70 % Relative humidity Standard painting: Panel: RAL 7035 Pedestal: RAL 7020 2.02 Grid monitoring device Standard without static Grid - 60Hz alternator Function: For immediate disconnection of the generator from the grid in case of grid failures. Consisting of: High/low voltage monitoring High/low frequency monitoring Specially adjustable independent time for voltage and frequency monitoring 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 46/54 Vector jump monitoring or df/dt monitoring for immediate disconnection of the generator from the grid for example at short interruptions Indication of all reference dimensions for normal operation and at the case of disturbance over LCD and LED Adjusting authority through password protection against adjusting of strangers Scope of supply: Digital grid protection relay with storage of defect data, indication of reference dimensio ns as well as monitoring by itself. Grid protection values: Parameter Parameter limit Max time delay[s] Comments 59-61Hz Do work normal f<[ANSI 81U] 59Hz 0,5 Load reduction with 10%/HZ below 59Hz! f<<[ANSI 81U] 58.5Hz 0,1 f>[ANSI 81O] 61,5Hz 0,1 Load reduction with 30%/HZ above 61Hz! U<[ANSI 27] 90% 1 Load reduction with 1%P /%U below 95% U<<[ANSI 27] 80% 0,2 Load reduction with 1%P /%U below 95% U>[ANSI 59] 110% 30 Load reduction with 1%P /%U above 105% U>>[ANSI 59] 115% 0,2 Load reduction with 1% P/%U above 105% Df/dt [ANSI 81R] Or Vector shift [ANSI 78] 2Hz/s, 5 Periods Or 8° -3pol Cos phi range: 0,8ind (overexcited) - 1 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 47/54 2.12 Gas warning device Function: The gas warning device continuously monitors the radiated air in the engine room and warns against gases which are injurious to persons’ health and against explosive gas concentrations. The measuring head (catalytic sensor) is attached on the covering or nearby the ground, dependent upon the gas source. Scope of supply: Alarm unit voltage: 24VDC 2 Gas sensor(s) 2.13 Smoke warning device Function: The smoke warning device in combination with the optical smoke detector (installed in the control room) and the thermal smoke detector (installed in the engine room) provide extensive early warning signal. Design: The device has an optical display for alarm and operation. The smoke warning device is installed in a plastic housing. Scope of supply: Alarm unit voltage: 24 V 2 Smoke detector(s) 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 48/54 3.70 Control Strategy and Options Control Strategy - Grid Parallel with KW Control – Real Power Load Control of the Generator set will be either via a 4-20mA input from the customer representing a unit KW load setpoint or a KW load setpoint entered on the Diane XT3 screen. Upon breaker closure, the unit will ramp to the setpoint at a maximum rate of (Rated Unit KW) / 180 seconds. Grid Parallel with PF Control – Reactive Power Load Control of the Generator set will be either via a 4-20mA input from the customer representing a unit Power Factory setpoint or a Power Factor setpoint entered on the Diane XT4 screen. Upon breaker closure, the unit will maintain the setpoint. Grid Parallel with Import/Export Control - Load Control via an Import/Export KW level entered on the Diane XT4 screen. Required will be a customer 4-20mA signal representing the Site KW (Imported and/or Exported Power) that is to be controlled. Upon breaker closure, the unit will ramp to a load that will drive the KW value represented by the 4-20mA input signal to the level entered on Customer Import/Export Setpoint entered in the Diane XT4 screen. Once at the setpoint, the unit will raise and lower load to maintain this value. If the generator load required to maintain this setpoint drops below the minimum load level of the generator set, the unit 52G circuit breaker will be opened. Grid Parallel with Fuel Gas Supply Pressur e Control - Load Control via Fuel Gas pressure level entered on the Diane XT4 screen. Required will be a customer 4-20mA signal representing the Fuel Gas Supply Pressure to the engine that is to be controlled. Upon breaker closure while running against t he utility, the unit will ramp to a load that will maintain the supply pressure at or above the value represented by the setpoint entered in the Diane XT4 screen. Should the setpoint be reached, no further load will be added so as to not drive the pressure lower. If the pressure begins to drop, the unit will offload to maintain the setpoint. If the pressure increases, the engine load will increase. Should the generator load required to maintain this setpoint drop below the minimum load level of the generator set, the unit 52G circuit breaker will be opened. Island Mode Operations with Blackout Starting – Island Operations with Black start capability will allow the engine to start and run without utility being present. The engine will be able to start t he engine on battery power, close the generator breaker against a dead bus, and operate independently of a utility power source. The customer must ensure that there is sufficient fuel gas and pre-chamber gas at pressure in the event of a Type 6 engine so configured. The engine will start without the normal confirmation of engine block temperature or operation of a circulating AC water pump. It will be required of the operators that once the engine is connected to the generator bus, power to the engine auxiliaries be restored. Load Management is expected to be limited by the operators to the limits of the engine, as per GE Jenbacher TI 2108 -0031. This system will work in conjunction with a GE Jenbacher Master Synchronizing Control (see appropriate Spec Section) if so equipped, or a customer Master Synchronizing Panel as per 1.11.31. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 49/54 Per Unit Customer Enclosure Controls - Diane XT4 System will be provided with the following additional features to operate a customer enclosure - Audible and Visual Alarm Indications - Hardware and software to drive a customer provided horn and strobe. Power for these devices is provided from the control system and is 24VDC - Discrete Input for Air Filter Differential Pressure – Additional Discrete Input and associated software for control Per Unit Balance of Plant Controls – Hot Water Loop Panel Controls and Software to include: - Hot Water Pump (Panel Control Parts and SW Only) - The option will add specific contact output and feedback input to/from an MCC for the Hot Water Pump. This will include relays and software. - Hot Water Return Temperature Control (Panel Parts and SW Only) - This feature will provide all necessary controls to operate a 3 Way temperature control valve. The customer will provide a PT100 as a feedback signal and the Diane will provide a 4-20mA Analog Output to a customer provided valve. Control and Display Software are also provided. - Emergency Hot Water Temperature Control (Panel Parts and SW Only) - This feature will provide all necessary controls to operate a 3 Way temperature control valve. The customer will provide a PT100 as a feedback signal and the Diane will provide a 4-20mA Analog Output to a customer provided valve. Control and Display Software are also provided. - Emergency Hot Water Pump Control (Panel Parts and SW Only) - The option will add specific contact output and feedback input to/from an MCC for the Emergency Cooling System Pump. This will include relays and software. Per Unit Balance of Plant Controls – Intercooler Loop Panel Controls and Software to include: - IC Temperature Control (Panel Parts and SW Only) - This feature will provide all necessary controls to operate a 3 Way temperature control valve in the IC Loop if Not Required by Site Conditions. The Diane will provide a 4-20mA Analog Output to a customer provided valve and will utilize mixture temperature as a feedback input. Control and Display Software are also provided. - Intercooler Pump Control (Panel Control Parts and SW Only) - The option will add specific contact output and feedback input to/from an MCC for the Intercooler Water Pump. This will include relays and software. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 50/54 Additional Control Signals for Display - - Additional Analog Inputs for Display (4-20mA) – 5x - Additional Analog Inputs for Display (PT100) – 5x - Additional Analog Inputs for Display (Type K T/C) – 5x Additional Options - M1 Air Conditioner Unit 3.71 Vibration Sensor A structural Vibration Sensor will be installed on the package base frame to detect excessive vibrations. A signal we will sent to the control panel to indicate an alarm condition. 3.72 Seismic Protection The main base will be supplied with pre-drilled holes to accommodate customer furnished bolts to act as retaining elements in the event of an earthquake. The customer foundation mounted bolts cannot come into contact with the unit base frame, as these bolts are for retention only, not mounting. Details will be provided at first drawing submittal. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 51/54 4.00 Delivery, installation and commissioning 4.01 Carriage According to contract. 4.02 Unloading Unloading, moving of equipment to point of installation, mounting and adjustment of delivered equipment on intended foundations is not included in GE Jenbacher scope of supply. 4.03 Assembly and installation Assembly and installation of all GE Jenbacher -components is not included in GE Jenbacher scope of supply. 4.04 Storage The customer is responsible for secure and appropriate storage of all delivered equipment. 4.05 Start-up and commissioning Start-up and commissioning with the GE Jenbacher start -up and commissioning checklist is not included. Plants with island operation require internet connection. 4.06 Trial run After start-up and commissioning, the plant will be tested in an 8-hour trial run. The operating personnel will be introduced simultaneously to basic operating procedures. Is not included in GE Jenbacher scope of supply. 4.07 Emission measurement (exhaust gas analyser) Emission measurement by GE Jenbacher personnel, to verify that the guaranteed toxic agent emissions have been achieved (costs for measurement by an independent agency will be an extra charge). 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 52/54 5.01 Limits of delivery Electrical Module: At terminals of module interface panel At terminals of generator terminal box (screwed glands to be provided locally) Module control panel: At terminal strips Auxiliaries: At terminals of equipment which is supplied separately Warm water At inlet and outlet flanges on module At inlet and outlet flanges of the exhaust gas heat recovery system Low temperature water At inlet and outlet flanges at module Exhaust gas At the exhaust gas exit of the engine At inlet and outlet flanges of the exhaust gas heat recovery system Combustion air The air filters are set mounted Fuel gas At inlet and outlet flanges of gas train At inlet flange of gas pipework on module At outlet flange of the pre-chamber gas train At inlet flange of pre-chamber gas pipework on module At connection for boost pressure compensation on module At connection for boost pressure compensation on gas pressure regulator of the pre -chamber gas train Lube oil At lube oil connections on module Draining connections and pressure relief At module Condensate At condensate drain on exhaust gas heat exchanger Insulation Insulation of heat exchangers and pipe work is not included in our scope of supply and must be provided locally. 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 53/54 First filling The first filling of the plant, (lube oil, engine jacket water, anti-freeze, anti-corrosive agent, battery acid) is not included in our scope of supply. The composition and quality of the used consumables are to be strictly monitored in accordance with the "Technical Instructions" of GE JENBACHER. Suitable bellows and flexible connections must be provided locally for all connections. Cables from the module must be flexible. 5.02 Factory tests and inspections The individual module components shall undergo the following tests an d inspections: 5.02.01 Engine tests Carried out as combined Engine- and Module test according to DIN ISO 3046 at GE Jenbacher test bench. The following tests are made at 100%, 75% and 50% load, and the results are reported in a test certificate: Engine output Fuel consumption Jacket water temperatures Lube oil pressure Lube oil temperatures Boost pressure Exhaust gas temperatures, for each cylinder 5.02.02 Generator tests Carried out on the premises of the generator supplier. 5.02.03 Module tests The engine will be tested with natural gas (methane number 94). The performance data achieved at the test bench may therefore vary from the data as defined in the technical specification due to differences in fuel gas quality. Carried out as combined Engine- and Module test commonly with module control panel at GE Jenbacher test bench, according to ISO 8528, DIN 6280. The following tests are made and the results are reported in a test certificate: Visual inspection of scope of supply per specifications. Functional tests per technical specification of control system. Starting in manual and automatic mode of operation Power control in manual and automatic mode of operation Function of all safety systems on module Measurements at 100%, 75% and 50% load: Frequency Voltage Current Generator output 08.12.2016/HT(P (5015) TS JMS 612 F28 F02 4160V 8 December 2016 Brown & Caldwell - SPP.docx Copyright ©(rg) 54/54 Power factor Fuel consumption Lube oil pressure Jacket water temperature Boost pressure Mixture temperature Exhaust emission (NOx) The module test for operating frequenzy 50 Hz and 6,3-6,6kV / 10,5kV-11kV will be carried out with the original generator, except it is not possible because of the delivery date. Then a test generator will be used for the module test. To prove characteristics of the above components, which are not tested on the test bench by GE JENBACHER, the manufacturers’ certificate will be provided. 5.03 Documentation Preliminary documentation 60 days after receipt of a technically and commercially clarified order: Module drawing 1) Technical diagram 1) Drawing of control panel 3) List of electrical interfaces 2) Technical specification of control system 2) Technical drawing auxiliaries (if included in GE Jenbacher-limit of delivery) 1) At delivery: Wiring diagrams 3) Cable list 3) At start-up and commissioning (or on clients request): Operating and maintenance manual 4) Spare parts manual 4) Operation report log 4) This page intentionally left blank. Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 B Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx Attachment B: BACT Database Search Results Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 B Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx This page intentionally left blank. Attachment B Facility 1 Facility 2 Facility 3 Facility 4 Facility 5 Facility 6 Facility 7 Facility 8 Facility 9 Facility 10 Facility 11 Facility 12 Facility 13 Facility 14 Facility 15 Facility 16 Facility 17 Facility 18 Air District Maine DEP Vermont DEC Indiana DEM Michigan DEQ Illinois EPA Florida DEP Michigan DEQ San Diego County APCD Oregon DEQ Oregon DEQ Vermont DEC Michigan DEQ Michigan DEQ Michigan DEQ Indiana DEM Ohio EPA Santa Barbara County APCD Ohio EPA County, State Penobscot, ME Orleans, VT White, IN Macomb, MI Ogle, IL Sarasota, FL Lennon, MI San Diego, CA Gilliam, OR Gilliam, OR Washington, VT Shiawassee, M Shiawassee, M Shiawassee, M Hendricks, IN Loraine, OH Santa Barbara, CA Mahoning, OH Facility Type Juniper Ridge Landfill Coventry Municipal Solid Waste Facility Liberty Landfill, Inc. Waste Management, Inc Pine Tree Acres Landfill Hoosier Energy Sarasota Landfill Gas-to-Energy Venice Park Recycling & Disposal Facility City of San Diego, Public Utilities Department Landfill Columbia Ridge Landfill and Recycling Center Columbia Ridge Landfill and Recycling Center Moretown Landfill Gas to Energy Facility Venice Park Landfill Venice Park Landfill Venice Park Landfill Twin Bridges Recycling and Disposal Facility Loraine County LFG Power Station City of Santa Maria Landfill Carbon Limestone Landfill Gas Power Station Date of ATC Date of PTO 3/30/2016 3/4/2016 10/22/2015 2/13/2015 12/23/2013 12/18/2013 12/11/2013 9/25/2013 6/21/2013 6/21/2013 7/12/2012 5/8/2012 5/8/2012 5/8/2012 3/5/2012 9/14/2011 8/25/2011 7/5/2011 Process Name Engines #1, #2, #3 Stationary Internal Combustion Engin Landfill Gas-Fired Engine Generator ICE Engines Engines Four landfill gas-to-energy engines 4 CAT engines using landfill gas ICE Landfill Gas Fired Engine Caterpillar 3516 Engine Caterpillar 3520C Engine Landfill gas to energy engines (2)Caterpillar 3516 Generator Engine Caterpillar 3512 Generator Engine Landfill Gas Generator Engine Caterpillar 3520 Generator Engines (2)Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine Internal Combustion Engine Caterpillar engines (2) Fuel Type Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Treated Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Throughput 16.5 MMBTU/HR 2535 SCFM 1.6 MW (2233 BHP) 541 SCFM 2.6 MW 554 SCFM (2242 BHP) 1600 KW 2233 BHP 1400 MMdscf/yr 2328 MMdscf/yr 1600 KW 800 KW (1148 HP) 615 KW (861 HP) 1600 KW (2233 HP) 1.6 MW (2233 HP) 2233 HP 1.426 MW (1966 HP) 2233 HP Notes Polluntants NOX Technology Air/Fuel Ratio Controllers Good combustion practices Efficient combustion design and air-fuel controllers Engine Design Electronic AFRC Electronic AFRC Electronic AFRC Lean burn technology Lean burn with AFRC Lean burn technology Limit 0.6 g/bhp-hr 2.97 lb/hr 0.6 g/bhp-hr 0.6 g/hp-hr 0.6 g/bhp-hr 3 lb/hr 0.5 g/bhp-hr 1.45 g/bhp-hr 183.8 lb/mmdscf 0.6 g/hp-hr 2.954 lb/hr 2 g/bhp-hr 2 g/bhp-hr 0.6 g/bhp-hr 2.46 lb/hr 10.78 tons/yr 0.5 g/bhp-hr 38 ppmvd @ 15% 02 6 min 5.9 lb/hr both engines together 25.84 tons/yr both engines together 3 g/bhp-hr CO Technology Service/Cleaning Good combustion practices Proper combustion in engines Engine design and maintenance Electronic AFRC Electronic AFRC Electronic AFRC Good combustion practices Lean burn technology Lean burn with AFRC Lean burn technology Limit 3.5 g/bhp-hr 17.3 lb/hr 3.5 g/bhp-hr 17.3 lb/hr 3.3 g/bhp-hr 2.5 g/hp-hr 3.5 g/bhp-hr 17.3 lb/hr 3.3 g/bhp-hr 16.3 lb/h 2.5 g/bhp-hr 285.9 lb/mmdscf 3.6 g/hp-hr 17.72 lb/hr 2.75 g/bhp-hr 3.1 g/bhp-hr 3.03 g/bhp-hr 3.3 g/bhp-hr 3.3 g/hp-h 13.53 lb/hr 59.26 tons/yr 2.75 g/bhp-hr 308 ppmvd @ 15% 02 6 min 1.64 lb/hr both engines together 7.18 tons/yr both engines together 1 g/bhp-hr VOC Technology Engine Design Lean burn with AFRC Limit 0.71 g/hp-hr 0.63 g/bhp-hr 20 PPM @ 15% 02 5.4 lb/mmdscf 20 ppm @ 3% O2 23.5 lb/mmdscf 28.82 lb/hr 125.79 tons/yr 86 ppmvd @ 15% 02 6 min 28.82 lb/hr125.79 tons/yr PM2.5 total PM total PM total PM Technology Coalescing Filters Good combustion practices Proper O&M Proper O&M Proper O&M Limit 1.2 lb/hr 23.3 lb/mmcf, CH4 dry 0.1 g/hp-hr 0.1 g/hp-hr 0.253 lb/hr 0.492 lb/hr 0.1 g/hp-hr 0.2 g/bhp-hr 0.2 g/bhp-hr 0.2 g/bhp-hr PM10 Technology Coalescing Filters Limit 1.2 lb/hr 0.49 lb/hr 2.15 tons/yr 0.1 g/bhp-hr 0.98 lb/hr both engines together 4.3 tons/yr both engines together 0.1 g/bhp-hr SO2 Technology Limit 3.51 lb/hr 300 ppm 49.91 lb/mmdscf 0.28 lb/hr 1.23 tons/yr 0.56 lb/hr both engines together 2.46 tons/yr both engines togethe Hydrochloric Acid Technology Limit 0.36 lb/hr 1.58 tons/yr 0.3 lb/hr both engines together 1.32 tons/yr both engines togethe Visible Emissions Technology Limit 10% opacity as a 6 min avg 10% opacity as a 6 min avg Formaldehyde Technology Limit Hydrogen Sulfide Technology 300 ppm 98% DRE 0.53 lb/mmdscf Limit (1) - Tentatively identified compound U - non-detect, value shown is the reporting limit. 76 J - estimated value, above the method detection limit, but below the reporting limit. Table B-1. BACT Determination for Engines USEPA RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse for Category 17.140 - Internal Combustion Engines - Large (>500 HP) - Landfill/Digester/Bio-Gas Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified in this document Tables for BACT doc.xlsx Attachment B Facility 1 Facility 2 Facility 3 Facility 4 Facility 5 Facility 6 Facility 7 Facility 8 Facility 9 Facility 10 Facility 11 Air District Maine DEP Vermont DEC Indiana DEM Michigan DEQ Illinois EPA Florida DEP Michigan DEQ San Diego County APCD Oregon DEQ Oregon DEQ Vermont DEC County, State Penobscot, ME Orleans, VT White, IN Macomb, MI Ogle, IL Sarasota, FL Lennon, MI San Diego, CA Gilliam, OR Gilliam, OR Washington, VT Facility Type Juniper Ridge Landfill Coventry Municipal Solid Waste Facility Liberty Landfill, Inc. Waste Management, Inc Pine Tree Acres Landfill Hoosier Energy Sarasota Landfill Gas-to-Energy Venice Park Recycling & Disposal Facility City of San Diego, Public Utilities Department Landfill Columbia Ridge Landfill and Recycling Center Columbia Ridge Landfill and Recycling Center Moretown Landfill Gas to Energy Facility Date of ATC Date of PTO 3/30/2016 3/4/2016 10/22/2015 2/13/2015 12/23/2013 12/18/2013 12/11/2013 9/25/2013 6/21/2013 6/21/2013 7/12/2012 Process Name Engines #1, #2, #3 Stationary Internal Combustion Engin Landfill Gas-Fired Engine Generator ICE Engines Engines Four landfill gas-to-energy engines 4 CAT engines using landfill gas ICE Landfill Gas Fired Engine Caterpillar 3516 Engine Caterpillar 3520C Engine Landfill gas to energy engines (2) Fuel Type Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Treated Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Landfill Gas Throughput 16.5 MMBTU/HR 2535 SCFM 1.6 MW (2233 BHP) 541 SCFM 2.6 MW 554 SCFM (2242 BHP) 1600 KW 2233 BHP 1400 MMdscf/yr 2328 MMdscf/yr 1600 KW Notes Polluntants NOX Technology Air/Fuel Ratio Controllers Good combustion practices Efficient combustion design and air-fuel controllers Engine Design Limit 0.6 g/bhp-hr 2.97 lb/hr 0.6 g/bhp-hr 0.6 g/hp-hr 0.6 g/bhp-hr 3 lb/hr 0.5 g/bhp-hr 1.45 g/bhp-hr 183.8 lb/mmdscf 0.6 g/hp-hr 2.954 lb/hr CO Technology Service/Cleaning Good combustion practices Proper combustion in engines Engine design and maintenance Limit 3.5 g/bhp-hr 17.3 lb/hr 3.5 g/bhp-hr 17.3 lb/hr 3.3 g/bhp-hr 2.5 g/hp-hr 3.5 g/bhp-hr 17.3 lb/hr 3.3 g/bhp-hr 16.3 lb/h 2.5 g/bhp-hr 285.9 lb/mmdscf 3.6 g/hp-hr 17.72 lb/hr 2.75 g/bhp-hr VOC Technology Engine Design Limit 0.71 g/hp-hr 0.63 g/bhp-hr 20 PPM @ 15% 02 5.4 lb/mmdscf 20 ppm @ 3% O2 23.5 lb/mmdscf PM2.5 total PM total PM total PM Technology Coalescing Filters Good combustion practices Limit 1.2 lb/hr 23.3 lb/mmcf, CH4 dry 0.1 g/hp-hr 0.1 g/hp-hr 0.253 lb/hr 0.492 lb/hr 0.1 g/hp-hr PM10 Technology Coalescing Filters Limit 1.2 lb/hr SO2 Technology Limit 3.51 lb/hr 300 ppm 49.91 lb/mmdscf Hydrochloric Acid Technology Limit Visible Emissions Technology Limit Formaldehyde Technology Limit Hydrogen Sulfide Technology 300 ppm 98% DRE 0.53 lb/mmdscf Limit (1) - Tentatively identified compound U - non-detect, value shown is the reporting limit. 76 J - estimated value, above the method detection limit, but below the reporting limit. Table B-1. BACT Determination for Engines USEPA RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse for Category 17.140 - Internal Combustion Engines - Large (>500 HP) - Landfill/Digester/Bio-Gas Facility 19 Facility 20 Michigan DEQ Michigan DEQ Wayne, MI Ottawa, MI Carleton Farms Landfill Ottawa Generating Station 6/29/2011 6/17/2011 Landfill gas fired generator engines (2)Landfill gas fire generator engine Landfill Gas Landfill Gas 260,880 mmBtu/yr combined for both engines. Each engine greater than 500 HP 264.38 MMscf/yr (2233 HP) Good combustion practices with AFRC Good combustion practices with AFRC 0.6 g/bhp-hr each engine 1 g/bhp-hr Good combustion practices with AFRC Good combustion practices with AFRC 2.2 g/ghp-hr each engine 3.3 g/ghp-hr Good combustion practices with AFRC 0.15 g/bhp-hr Good combustion practices with AFRC 0.23 g/bhp-hr each engine Good combustion practices with AFRC 1.25 lb/hr each engine Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified in this document Tables for BACT doc.xlsx Attachment B Table B-2. BACT Determination for Engines California Statewide Clearinghouse for Internal Combustion Engines: Landfill or Digester Gas Fired Facility 1 Facility 2 Facility 3 Air District South Coast Santa Barbara County APCD Santa Barbara County APCD County, State Orange, CA Santa Barbara, CA Santa Barbara, CA Facility Type Orange County Sanitation District City of Santa Maria Landfill City of Santa Maria Wastewater Treatment Plant Date of ATC 4/7/2010 Date of BACT Determination 4/4/2017 Date of PTO 8/26/2011 Process Name IC Engine Internal Combustion Engine V-12 gas-fired ICE Fuel Type Digester Gas Landfill Gas Digester Gas Throughput 3471 HP 1.426 MW (1966 HP) 510 BHP Notes Cooper Bessmer MAN Polluntants NOX Technology Oxidation Catalyst, SCR Lean burn with AFRC Air to Fuel Ratio, Regulation Compliance Limit 11 ppmvd at 15% O2 38 ppmvd @ 15% O2 6 min 15 ppmvd at 15% O2 CO Technology Oxidation Catalyst, SCR Lean burn with AFRC Air to Fuel Ratio, Regulation Compliance Limit 250 ppmvd at 15% O2 Lean burn with AFRC 333 ppmvd at 15% O2 VOC Technology Oxidation Catalyst, SCR Lean burn with AFRC Limit 30 ppmvd at 15% O2 86 ppmvd @ 15% O2 6 min PM2.5 Technology Limit PM10 Technology Limit SO2 Technology Limit Hydrochloric Acid Technology Limit Visible Emissions Technology Limit Formaldehyde Technology Limit Hydrogen Sulfide Technology Limit ROG Technology Limit (1) - Tentatively identified compound U - non-detect, value shown is the reporting limit. J - estimated value, above the method detection limit, but below the reporting limit. Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified in this document Tables for BACT doc.xlsx This page intentionally left blank. Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 C Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx Attachment C: Additional Controls Retrofit Cost Estimate Technical Memorandum Best Available Control Technology Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 C Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Determination for Cogen Engines 3 and 4 TM - FINAL.docx This page intentionally left blank. Central Valley Engine Exhaust SCR Retrofit Conceptual Cost Jim Schettler 2/1/2021 Equipment Item Size Cost, each $Remarks Oxidization catalyst + SCR system For each engine 140,000 vendors quotes Urea solution atomizing air compressor For this size SCR 6,000 complete Urea solution atomizing air piping 60' per engine 1,440 approx. Urea solution storage tank, 600 gallons HDPE 4,500 vendors quotes Urea solution storage tank, fill and vent piping 3"3,450 HDPE Urea solution fill pump as needed 7,500 gear pump Replacing 20" SST piping with 24" SST 46' each engine 31,280 sch 10S High temp exhaust piping insulation, 24" dia 2" thick, 50'7,200 approx. 24" SST piping supports lump sum 3,754 Expansion joints for 24" SST pipe 3 per engines 13,500 SST bellows Urea solution piping, 1/2" SST 65' per engine 1,560 subtotal $220,184 SCR sensors & electric controls wiring and controls 17,615 8% Electrical wiring, motor starters, conduit, and misc.35,229 16% subtotal $273,028 Equipment installation, per "RS Means Guide"at 35%$95,560 estimating guide Structural steel modifications to 2nd deck approx.65,000 retrofit Structural steel modifications to 3rd deck approx.28,000 retrofit Structural modifications to roof approx.23,400 retrofit Structural mods to building wall for 24" EE dia approx.31,560 retrofit subtotal $516,547 Engineering costs at 12%61,986 typical, retrofit Contingency at 15%77,482 Total for each engine-generator $656,000 approximately Table 1. Estimated Costs As requested, here is a brief conceptualized cost estimate to add oxidation catalysts and SCR systems to the new 1812-kW Central Valley Jenbacher engine-generators. The costs below are per engine. Currently each 1812-kW Jenbacher engines is now installed in the Power Gen Building that was originally built in 1984 and was designed for housing five 625-kW engine generators. Over the years the original rich-burn Waukesha engines were converted to lean-burn engines and upgraded, or replaced with 1300-kW lean-burn engine-generators. More recently the original engines were replaced with current technology lean-burn Jenbacher engines (engines 1 & 2) that were located with the spaces vacated by removing the original machines. When the needed engine exhaust heat recovery heat exchangers and silencers were added, on the now larger diameter 20" diameter exhaust piping, there was little available physical space remaining. Additionally the replacement lean-burn engines (engines 3 & 4), just like all large IC engines, have limitations on their allowed exhaust backpressure, now totaling 20-inches water column (inches WC), per their manufacturer. As before, the new Jenbacher engine generators (engines 1 & 2) and their support exhaust equipment are located within the existing building, for noise containment and climate control. Based on the reconfigured 1812-kW engine-generators, we now have two serious limitations on adding more exhaust equipment such as the proposed oxidation catalysts and the SCR related equipment. 1. The longest available section of straight bare exhaust piping is now about 9 feet long. Oxidation catalyst, the SCR mixing section and their SCR catalyst are much longer, totaling 15 feet per one candidate supplier's quote, and 16 feet long per another quote. 2. Even with the now larger size 20" diameter engine exhaust piping, when totaling all the backpressure imposed by the exhaust piping and the needed exhaust heat recovery equipment, the remaining allowable backpressure is only about 3" WC, out of the total allowable 20" WC. Quotations from 2 experienced oxidation catalysts and SCR suppliers state that their exhaust treatment equipment will need ether 8" WC or 10" WC backpressure, or much more pressure than available. This suggests that larger diameter 24" dia EE will likely be needed, in lieu of 20" dia. The estimated cost of the oxidation catalyst and SCR equipment, plus needed building modifications and equipment is shown below in Table 1: This page intentionally left blank. Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx B 1_RACT Analysis Attachment B: 2023 BACT - Emergency Engines Technical Memorandum Limitations: This document was prepared solely for Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWRF) in accordance with professional standards at the time the services were performed and in accordance with the contract between CVWRF and Brown and Caldwell dated January 3, 2023. This document is governed by the specific scope of work authorized by CVWRF; it is not intended to be relied upon by any other party except for regulatory authorities contemplated by the scope of work. We have relied on information or instructions provided by CVWRF and other parties and, unless otherwise expressly indicated, have made no independent investigation as to the validity, completeness, or accuracy of such information. .202 Cousteau Place, Suite 175 Davis, CA 95618 T: 530.747.0650 Prepared for: Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility Project Title: Emergency Diesel Engine Generators Serving Blower Building Project No.: 159388 Technical Memorandum Subject: BACT Analysis for Emergency Engine Generators 9, 10, and 11 Date: June 26, 2023 To: Bryan Mansell, Chief Engineer From: Jason Wiser Copy to: File Prepared by: Jennifer Border, Principal Engineer Reviewed by: Don Trueblood, Chief Scientist Best Available Control Technology Analysis for Emergency Engine Generators 9, 10, and 11 ii Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Emerg Engines 9, 10, 11.docx Table of Contents Section 1: Background..............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Site History and Permitting Timeline..................................................................................................................1 1.2 Attainment Status................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Standby Emergency Diesel Engine Generators.................................................................................................2 1.3.1 Engine Emissions and Controls..........................................................................................................2 Section 2: Best Available Control Technology Analysis...........................................................................................3 2.1 Pollutants for Which BACT is Required..............................................................................................................4 2.2 Control Technologies...........................................................................................................................................4 Section 3: Conclusion................................................................................................................................................5 Attachment A: Emergency Engine Data....................................................................................................................A Attachment B: EPA RBLC Search Results ................................................................................................................B List of Tables Table 1. Engine Data .................................................................................................................................................2 Table 2. RBLC BACT Methods of Control..................................................................................................................4 Best Available Control Technology Analysis for Emergency Engine Generators 9, 10, and 11 1 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Emerg Engines 9, 10, 11.docx Section 1: Background The Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWRF) is located at 800 West Central Valley Road in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. CVWRF treats wastewater using a combination of processes. Every day, between 50 and 60 million gallons of wastewater are conveyed into the facility for treatment. Those millions of gallons of water are processed, impurities are separated and treated, and harmful bacteria, protozoa, and viruses are eliminated so that only clean water is returned to Mill Creek and the Jordan River. 1.1 Site History and Permitting Timeline CVWRF is currently permitted under Title V Air Permit 3500191001, issued March 16, 2020, through the State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (DAQ). Emissions at the facility are primarily associated with electric power generation from the operation of prime-use digester gas/natural gas-fueled engine generators and standby emergency diesel engine generators. The facility is currently undergoing construction of a Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) system to reduce effluent total phosphorus concentrations as required by the Technology Based Phosphorus Effluent Limit Rule promulgated by the Utah DWQ in 2015. The new standby emergency diesel engine generators (hereafter referred to as “engines”) will provide emergency power to the blower building which serves the BNR system. The generators are on-site but are not commissioned; commissioning is expected to take place in late 2023. 1.2 Attainment Status CVWRF is located in Salt Lake County, Utah which is currently designated non-attainment for PM2.5, SO2 and Ozone; the area is also designated as a PM10 maintenance area. Salt Lake County was designated as marginal non-attainment for Ozone on June 4, 2018. Since the area was not able to attain the ozone standard within the three-year period allowed by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the area was re-designated as moderate non-attainment for ozone on November 7, 2022. Best Available Control Technology Analysis for Emergency Engine Generators 9, 10, and 11 2 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Emerg Engines 9, 10, 11.docx 1.3 Standby Emergency Diesel Engine Generators Table 1 provides information regarding each of the three identical engines. Table 1. Engine Data Manufacturer MTU Rolls Royce Generator Model 641-VL75-M Engine Model 16V4000G74S Displacement 76.3 liters Number of Cylinders 16 Displacement per cylinder 4.77 liters per cylinder Generator Power (Electrical)2,000 kW Engine Power (estimated)2,884 BHP` Engine Emissions Data: Certification NOx + NMHC CO PM Tier II 5.38 g/hp-hr 0.45 g/hp-hr 0.04 g/hp-hr a. Engine horsepower based on the fuel consumption provided in the manufacturer spec sheet at 100% load and assumptions from footnotes “a” and “e” of AP-42 Table 3.4 1 CO = Carbon Monoxide kW = kilowatt(s) g = gram(s) hp-hr = horse power per hour NMHC = Non-methane hydrocarbon NOx = Nitrogen Oxides PM = Particulate Matter 1.3.1 Engine Emissions and Controls Since the engines do not drive fire pumps, were manufactured after 2006, and are being installed after July 11, 2005, they are subject to 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 60, Subpart IIII, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Engines [40 CFR 60.4200]. Since the engines are designated for emergency use, the model year is later than 2006, and the displacement is less than 30 liters per cylinder, they are subject to the emissions standards provided in 40 CFR 60.4202 [40 CFR 60.4205]. Section 4202 of Subpart IIII further requires that engines rated at 50 HP or more must meet the emissions standards in 40 CFR 1039, Appendix I and the smoke standards in 40 CFR 1039.105. [40 CFR 60.4202(a)]. The emissions standards in 40 CFR 1039, Appendix I for engines over 560 kW are equal to the emissions standards for Tier 2 engines. The section regarding smoke standards, 40 CFR 1039.105, states that the smoke opacity standards provided do not apply to engines certified to a PM emission standard of 0.07 g/kW-hr (0.05 g/hp-hr) or lower. Since the engines are certified to a PM emission standard of 0.04 g/hp-hr, the smoke opacity standards do not apply. Best Available Control Technology Analysis for Emergency Engine Generators 9, 10, and 11 3 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Emerg Engines 9, 10, 11.docx CVWRF will be required to comply with the other provisions of Subpart IIII, specifically to: Operate and maintain the engines according to the manufacturer’s emission-related written instructions; Change only those emission-related settings that are permitted by the manufacturer; Install and configure the engine according to the manufacturer’s emission-related specifications; Limit operation of the engines for non-emergency purposes to a maximum of 100 hours per year (of which up to 50 hours per year can be for uses not associated with maintenance and testing of the engines). The USEPA Certificate of Conformity for the engine family states that the following treatment devices are integral to the engine (“non-after treatment devices”): electronic control and puff limiter. In addition, the emissions guarantee provided by the manufacturer exceeds the emissions requirements of 40 CFR 1039, Appendix I (the emissions standards are less than the Tier 2 emissions limits). Section 2: Best Available Control Technology Analysis Following USEPA Guidance, best available control technology (BACT) can be defined as the most stringent of the following: The lowest emission rate or most effective emission limitation successfully achieved in practice by the same type of equipment, operated under similar conditions (rating and capacity), at the same type of source; or The lowest emission rate or most effective emission control device determined to be technologically feasible and cost effective for the equipment being installed; or The requirements of a State or Federal Performance Standard Regulation. A BACT analysis is performed on a case-by-case basis and must consider emission rates and/or control technologies that have been achieved on similar equipment or that are technologically feasible and cost effective. These requirements have led to development of a standard procedure for case-by-case “top down” BACT analyses. Step 1: Identify pollutants for which BACT is required. Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations require BACT for all criteria pollutants. Step 2: Identify emission rates and/or control technologies. Once the pollutants for which the BACT analysis is required are identified, candidate emission rates and/or control technologies must be identified. Step 3: Evaluate technological feasibility of the emission rates and/or control technologies identified in Step 2. Any emission rates and/or control technologies that are not technologically feasible should be eliminated at this step. Step 4: Rank remaining emission rates and/or control technologies by effectiveness. This ranking should consider, as appropriate, control efficiency, resulting emission rates, energy impacts (fuel use, etc.), and environmental impacts (secondary air emissions, hazardous waste production, impacts to other media, etc.). Step 5: Evaluate cost effectiveness of the most stringent emission rates and/or most effective controls. Step 6: Select BACT. Best Available Control Technology Analysis for Emergency Engine Generators 9, 10, and 11 4 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Emerg Engines 9, 10, 11.docx 2.1 Pollutants for Which BACT is Required This BACT analysis considered emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, PM10, PM2.5, and SO2. 2.2 Control Technologies Existing sources of information were used to identify emission controls that have been used for similar projects. The Utah DEQ’s website contains several source-specific BACT analyses that were submitted by facilities which are major sources of PM2.5 and PM2.5 precursors regarding various types of facilities. Several of these documents contain an analysis of BACT measures for PM2.5 control from emergency engines. BC reviewed these analyses and did not find any that provided achieved-in-practice controls that exceed the PM-related controls already proposed for the engines. In addition, in response to the area around the facility having been recently designated non-attainment for ozone, the Utah DEQ website contains area source rules which apply to several specific source categories; none of the rules apply directly or indirectly to internal combustion engines. BC conducted an initial BACT determinations search of the following database: USEPA Reasonable Available Control Technology (RACT)/BACT/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate Clearinghouse (RBLC) – Category 17.110 – Internal Combustion Engines – Large (>500 hp) – Fuel Oil (kerosene, aviation, and diesel) with a keyword search for “emergency” The results from the RBLC initially provided over 6,000 potential determinations. However, the results were further refined through filtering the information as follows: Engines fired on fuel other than diesel were removed Engines driving fire pumps were removed Smaller engines (roughly under 1,000 hp) were removed Pollutants were limited to criteria pollutants only and omitted carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and visible emissions The refined RBLC results provided 18 BACT determinations. The remaining control technologies cited are listed in the Table 2 below. Table 2. RBLC BACT Methods of Control Pollutant Methods of Control Particulate Matter Minimize hours of operation Tier II Engine Good combustion practices SOx Low sulfur fuel (15 ppm sulfur content) VOC Minimize hours of operation Tier II Engine CO Minimize hours of operation Tier II Engine NOx 3.95 g/HP-hr – 4.46 g/HP-hra a. BC requested verification from the agency which submitted the determination for the NOx emission limit (PA 0291) and received a response from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection stating that the source had never been constructed. Therefore, this emissions limit was not demonstrated as achieved in practice and was not brought forward for consideration as BACT. Best Available Control Technology Analysis for Emergency Engine Generators 9, 10, and 11 5 Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Emerg Engines 9, 10, 11.docx As noted in the footnote for the NOx emission standard in Table 2 above, according to an email from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, the facility subject to the NOx emission limit was never constructed and the limit was not achieved in practice. Therefore, this BACT determination was not brought forward. The remaining Methods of Control cited in the results from the RBLC search will be incorporated by CVWRF in the operation of the emergency engines. Section 3: Conclusion In conclusion, CVWRF purchased MTU emergency engines 9, 10, and 11 and has installed them at the facility. The engines are not currently operational as the facility which they will serve has not been constructed yet. The engines are considered to meet current BACT requirements for the size and type of operation with the following provisions: The engines are certified Tier II. The engines will be operated and maintained according to the manufacturer's emission-related written instructions; Only those emission-related settings that are permitted by the manufacturer will be changed; The engines will be installed and configured according to the manufacturer’s emission-related specifications; Operation of the engines for non-emergency purposes will be limited to a maximum of 100 hours per year (of which up to 50 hours per year can be for uses not associated with maintenance and testing of the engines). Only ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel will be used in the engines. The above provision are considered to satisfy the requirement that good combustion practices are utilized during the operation of the engines. Best Available Control Technology Analysis for Emergency Engine Generators 9, 10, and 11 A Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Emerg Engines 9, 10, 11.docx Attachment A: Emergency Engine Data Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility South Salt Lake, UT (3) 2000kW Diesel Generators JULY 2021 REV-2 Submitted by: Nick Paolo Smith Power Products, Inc. 303-810-1085 npaolo@smithppi.com SU B M I T T A L L Date: September 14, 2020 Reference: SPP2702.4 CVWRF 3 Salt Lake City - 2000kW QTY 3 4160V We are pleased to offer the following quote for the above project: The proposal is per one-line drawing and specifications with clarifications in the notes section of the bill of materials listed after the quote: please reference previous quote 2702.1 QUANTITY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL PRICE 3 MTU 2000kW Generator Set M/N DS2000 Diesel Fuel Derate: 2000kW @ 4300 Feet, 104°F 4160V Volt, 3 Phase, 60 HZ, 1800 RPM Genset OPU Dry Assembly Weight: lbs. Included Included 3 Generator Enclosure Weather Proof Level 2 85 dBA at 23’ Included Included 3 NGR’s Included Included *Crane/rigging not included. Fuel not included. Cat walks not included. If required, we can provide an adder. Equipment Description: Generator: Application Emergency Standby (3D) 1, Frequency 60 Hz 1, Generator Voltage 4160 V 1, Phase 3 Phase 1, Unit Specification Standard Unit 1, Engine Model 16V4000G74S (24volts) 1, Exhaust Emissions (EPA) EPA Tier 2 1, Radiator Design Temperature 43°C 1, Temp Rise 130° 1, Power Output 2000 kW 1, Full Load Amps 346 1, Generator Frame and Wire Qty LSA 641-VL75-M (6 Wire) 1, Generator Wire Configuration Wye 1, Custom Generator Enclosure Sound 85dB(A) @ 23ft 1, Fuel Tank UL142 24hr tank 1, Control panel With Control Panel 1, Circuit Breaker Options Exterior mounted 1, Breaker Wire Color Scheme Standard Breaker Wire Color Scheme 1, Paralleling Paralleling without MTU Components 1, Central Valley Water Reclation Facility SEPT2020 REV0 Page 29 of 146 3 3 3 NGR’s y Generator Enclosure MTU 2000kW Generator Set M/N DS2000 2000kW @ 4300 Feet,104°F 4160 V 2000 kW y Sound 85dB(A) @ 23ft UL142 24hr tank ()@ MTU 16V4000 DS2000 45 °C Diesel Generator Set 2,000 kWe/60 Hz/Standby/380 - 13,800V Voltage (L-L)380V † ‡416V † ‡440V † ‡480V † ‡600V ‡ Phase33333 PF 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Hz 60 60 60 60 60 kW 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 kVA 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Amps 3,798 3,470 3,280 3,007 2,406 skVA@30% voltage dip 6,899 6,030 6,745 4,914 4,575 Generator model*841-M70-M 841-M70-M 841-M70-M 641-VL90-M 641-VL85-M Q|¬Ò³|130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C ¢|tÖ¢6 LEAD WYE 6 LEAD WYE 6 LEAD WYE 6 LEAD WYE 6 LEAD WYE Voltage (L-L)4,160V 12,470V 13,200V 13,800V Phase3333 PF 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Hz 60 60 60 60 kW 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 kVA 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Amps 347 116 109 105 skVA@30% voltage dip 4,303 3,243 3,633 3,971 Generator model*641-VL75-M 4P6.6-2600-M 4P6.6-2600-M 4P6.6-2600-M Q|¬Ò³|130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C 130 °C/40 °C ¢|tÖ¢6 LEAD WYE 6 LEAD WYE 6 LEAD WYE 6 LEAD WYE * ¢³½¹Ö| ht¹¢ÒÉ ¢¯h¹|Òh¹|t¢Ú½¯hÖ¢Ǒ † U0ƓƓƑƑ¢Ð |¯|x ‡ L¢Ð |¯|x Lɳ¹|¯hÖ³ Central Valley Water Reclation Facility SEPT2020 REV0 Page 50 of 146 MTU 16V4000 DS2000 45 °C 4,160V LJH|¬¯|³|¹³³¹hxh¯x¬¯¢x½t¹¢ÉǑ¢³½¹Ö| ht¹¢ÒÉǗ5QU³ÖÒs½¹¢¯ ¢¯hxxÖ¢ht¢Ú½¯hÖ¢³Ǒ |ÒÖÚthÖ¢³hx³¹hxh¯x³ — Emissions • EQ|¯Ɠt|ÒÖÚ|x — ||¯h¹¢¯³|¹³x|³|xhxh½ htÖ½¯|x htÖ|³t|ÒÖÚ|x to standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 —L|³tt|ÒÖÚthÖ¢Ǡ¢¬Ö¢h • % t|ÒÖÚthÖ¢ • OSHPD pre-approval —U0ƓƓƑƑǡ¢¬Ö¢hǝ¯| |¯¹¢Lɳ¹|¯hÖ³ ¢¯hÆhhs¹ÉǞ —Lǡ¢¬Ö¢hǝ¯| |¯¹¢Lɳ¹|¯hÖ³ ¢¯hÆhhs¹ÉǞ • CSA C22.2 No. 100 • CSA C22.2 No. 14 —E|Ò ¢Òht|³³½¯ht||ÒÖÚthÖ¢ǝEǞ • ||¯h¹¢¯³|¹¹|³¹|x¹¢%L;ƙƖƓƙǡƖ ¢¯Ö¯h³|¹¯|³¬¢³| • ^|ÒÚ|x¬¯¢x½t¹x|³nj®½h¹Énjhx¬|Ò ¢Òht|¹|Ò¹É • ||³É³¹|³h¯|¬¯¢¹¢¹É¬|hx ht¹¢Òɹ|³¹|x —E¢Ç|¯¯hÖ • Accepts rated load in one step per NFPA 110 • E|Ò³³s|hÆ|¯h|¬¢Ç|¯¢½Ö¬½¹x½ÒƓƕ¢½¯³¢ ¢¬|¯hÖ¢ is approved up to 85% L¹hxh¯x|®½¬|¹ * Engine — Air cleaner — Oil pump — Oil drain extension and S/O valve —½Û¢Ç¢Ú¹|¯ —¢³|xt¯hth³|Æ|ÖhÖ¢ — Jacket water pump — Inter cooler water pump —Q|Ò¢³¹h¹³ — ¢Ç|¯ hhx hxÒÆ| — Radiator - 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0 2 Rolls-Royce Group ÇÇÇǑÖ½ǡ³¢½Ö¢³Ǒt¢ Weights and dimensions ¯hÇhs¢Æ| ¢¯½³Ö¯hÖ¢¬½Ò¬¢³|³¢Énjsh³|x¢³¹hxh¯x¢¬|¬¢Ç|¯ƕƙƑÆ¢¹||¯h¹¢¯³|¹Ǒ0|Ö³hÉÆhÒÉÇÖ¢Ö|¯Æ¢¹h|³Ǒ¢¢¹½³| ¢¯³¹hhÖ¢x|³Ǒ L||Ç|s³¹| ¢¯½¹³¬|tÚt¹|¬h¹|x¯hdzǑ _|¹³hxx|³¢³h¯|sh³|x¢¢¬|¬¢Ç|¯½¹³hxh¯||³Öh¹|³¢ÉǑ¢³½¹Ö| ht¹¢ÒÉ ¢¯htt½¯h¹|Ç|¹³hxx|³¢³ ¢¯É¢½¯³¬|tÚt||¯h¹¢¯³|¹Ǒ Lɳ¹| |³¢³ǝ0È_È#Ǟ _|¹ǝ|³³¹hǞ ;¬|¬¢Ç|¯½¹ǝ;EUǞ ƗnjƕƔƓÈƓnjƔƔƙÈƔnjƒƚƒǝƓƖƔǑƓÈƚƓȃƓƖǑƗǞ ƓƑnjƘƓƑǝƕƖnjƗƙƘsǞ HhÖx|ÚÖ¢³hxt¢xÖ¢³ —L¹hxsɯhÖ³h¬¬É¹¢³¹hhÖ¢³³|ÒÆ|xsÉh¯|hs|½Ö¹É ³¢½¯t|ǑQ|³¹hxsɯhÖ³h¬¬ths|¹¢ÆhÒÉ¢hx³ ¢¯Ö| x½¯hÖ¢¢ h¬¢Ç|¯¢½¹h|Ǒ6¢¢Æ|Ò¢hxth¬hs¹É ¢¯Ö³¯hÖǑ HhÖ³h¯|htt¢¯xht|ÇÖ%L;ƙƖƓƙǡƒnj%L;ƔƑƕƗǡƒnj LƖƖƒƕnj hxLƓƘƙƚǑÆ|¯h|¢hx ht¹¢¯NjȅƙƖȓǑ —¢³½¹É¢½¯¢th5QU³ÖÒs½¹¢¯ ¢¯x|¯hÖ ¢ÒhÖ¢Ǒ Sound data L¢½xxh¹h³¬¯¢Æx|xh¹ƘǝƓƔ ¹ǞǑ ||¯h¹¢¯³|¹¹|³¹|xhtt¢¯xht|ÇÖ%L;ƙƖƓƙǡƒƑhxÇÖÚ¹||Èh½³¹Ǒ U¹¹É¬| L¹hxsÉ ½¢hx Level 0: ;¬|¬¢Ç|¯½¹Njx ǝǞ 98.7 Emissions data NOxǼ65#CO PM 5.38 0.45 0.04 —½¹³h¯|Ǘ¬ǡ¯hx³¢Çh¹ƒƑƑȓ¢hxǝ¢¹t¢¬h¯hs|¹¢ EÇ|¹|xtÉt|Æh½|³ǞǑ³³¢|Æ|³¢ Ö|||hÉÆhÒÉ ÇÖhs|¹¹|¬|¯hÖ½¯|njsh¯¢|ÖÒt¬¯|³³½¯|nj½x¹Énj ½|¹É¬| hx®½h¹Énj³¹hhÖ¢¬h¯h|¹|¯³nj|h³½Ò³ÖÒ½|¹hÖ¢nj |¹tǑQ|xh¹hÇh³¢s¹h|xt¢¬ht|ÇÖULE¯|½hÖ¢³Ǒ Q|Ç|¹|xtÉt|Æh½|ǝ¢¹³¢ÇǞ ¯¢|ht||³ ½h¯h¹||x¹¢s|ÇÖÖ|ULE³¹hxh¯x³Ǒ 5QUƒƗ^ƕƑƑƑLƓƑƑƑǝƓnjƑƑƑ_|ǞƕƖȝǡL¹hxsÉ/ 04 Central Valley Water Reclation Facility SEPT2020 REV0 Page 53 of 146 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 2020 MODEL YEAR CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY WITH THE CLEAN AIR ACT OFFICE OF TRANSPORTATION AND AIR QUALITY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48105 Certificate Issued To: MTU America, Inc. (U.S. Manufacturer or Importer) Certificate Number: LMDDL95.4GTZ-007 Effective Date: 01/29/2020 Expiration Date: 12/31/2020 _________________________ Byron J. Bunker, Division Director Compliance Division Issue Date: 01/29/2020 Revision Date: N/A Model Year: 2020 Manufacturer Type: Original Engine Manufacturer Engine Family: LMDDL95.4GTZ Mobile/Stationary Indicator: Stationary Emissions Power Category: 560<kW<=2237 Fuel Type: Diesel After Treatment Devices: No After Treatment Devices Installed Non-after Treatment Devices: Electronic Control, Smoke Puff Limiter Pursuant to Section 111 and Section 213 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. sections 7411 and 7547) and 40 CFR Part 60, and subject to the terms and conditions prescribed in those provisions, this certificate of conformity is hereby issued with respect to the test engines which have been found to conform to applicable requirements and which represent the following engines, by engine family, more fully described in the documentation required by 40 CFR Part 60 and produced in the stated model year. This certificate of conformity covers only those new compression-ignition engines which conform in all material respects to the design specifications that applied to those engines described in the documentation required by 40 CFR Part 60 and which are produced during the model year stated on this certificate of the said manufacturer, as defined in 40 CFR Part 60. It is a term of this certificate that the manufacturer shall consent to all inspections described in 40 CFR 1068 and authorized in a warrant or court order. Failure to comply with the requirements of such a warrant or court order may lead to revocation or suspension of this certificate for reasons specified in 40 CFR Part 60. It is also a term of this certificate that this certificate may be revoked or suspended or rendered void ab initio for other reasons specified in 40 CFR Part 60. This certificate does not cover engines sold, offered for sale, or introduced, or delivered for introduction, into commerce in the U.S. prior to the effective date of the certificate. The actual engine power may lie outside the limits of the Emissions Power Category shown above. See the certificate application for details. Ce n t r a l V a l l e y W a t e r R e c l a t i o n F a c i l i t y S E P T 2 0 2 0 R E V 0 P a g e 3 8 o f 1 4 6 Issued to: MTU America Inc 100 Power Dr Mankato MN 56001-4790 This certificate confirms that representative samples of ENGINE GENERATORS Stationary engine generator assemblies, Diesel Fueled, for indoor use, Models 12V4000, 16V4000, 20V4000 followed by D, followed by S, followed by 1250 thru 3250. Have been investigated by UL in accordance with the Standard(s) indicated on this Certificate. Standard(s) for Safety: UL 2200-Engine Generators CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 100-14-Motors and Generators Additional Information: See the UL Online Certifications Directory at https://iq.ulprospector.com for additional information. This Certificate of Compliance does not provide authorization to apply the UL Mark. Only the UL Follow-Up Services Procedure provides authorization to apply the UL Mark. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered as being UL Certified and covered under UL’s Follow-Up Services. Look for the UL Certification Mark on the product. Central Valley Water Reclation Facility SEPT2020 REV0 Page 43 of 146 Accredited Body: DQS GmbH, August-Schanz-Straße 21, 60433 Frankfurt am Main, Germany CERTIFICATE This is to certify that MTU America Inc. 100 Power Drive Mankato, MN 56001 United States of America has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System. Scope: Development, production, sales and service of decentralized energy systems. Through an audit, documented in a report, it was verified that the management system fulfills the requirements of the following standard: ISO 9001 : 2015 Certificate registration no. Excerpt from certificate registration no. Valid from Valid until Date of certification 500767 QM15 353331 QM15 2018-08-15 2021-08-14 2018-08-15 DQS GmbH Stefan Heinloth Managing Director Central Valley Water Reclation Facility SEPT2020 REV0 Page 44 of 146 Best Available Control Technology Analysis for Emergency Engine Generators 9, 10, and 11 B Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the beginning of this document. BACT Emerg Engines 9, 10, 11.docx Attachment B: EPA RBLC Search Results USEPA RBLC Output Page 1 of 2 Exported on June 15, 2023 Filtered on Fuel (Diesel) Excludes: fire pumps smaller engines RBLCID Facility Name Corporate Or Company Name Facility County Facility State EPA Region Other Agency Contact Info Permit Num SIC Code NAICS Code Complete Application Date Permit Issuance Date Date Determination Last Updated Permit Type Process Name Primary Fuel Throughput Tput Unit Pollutant Test Method Control Method Description Emission Limit Emission Limit 1 Unit Case-By-Case Basis TX-0728 PEONY CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING FACILITY BASF BRAZORIA TX 6 David Infortunio 512-239-1247 <David.Infortunio@tceq.texas.go v>118239, N200 2813 325311 2/11/2015 4/1/2015 1/31/2020 B Emergency Diesel Generator Diesel 1500 hp Carbon Monoxide Unspecified Minimized hours of operations Tier II engine 0.0126 G/HP HR OTHER CASE- BY-CASE MA-0039 SALEM HARBOR STATION REDEVELOPMENT FOOTPRINT POWER SALEM HARBOR DEVELOPMENT LP ESSEX MA 1 Cosmo Buttaro MassDEP Northeast Regional Office 205B Lowell Street Wilmington, MA 01887 (978) 694-3281 Cosmo.Buttaro@State.MA.US NE-12-022 4911 221112 9/9/2013 1/30/2014 5/5/2016 A Emergency Engine/Generat or ULSD 7.4 MMBTU/H Carbon Monoxide Unspecified 2.6 GM/BHP-H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE PA-0291 HICKORY RUN ENERGY STATION HICKORY RUN ENERGY LLC LAWRENCE PA 3 JOHN F. GUTH NORTHWEST REGION AIR PROGRAM MANAGER 230 Chestnut Street Meadville, PA 16335-3481 814-332-6940 37-337A 4911 221112 12/20/2012 4/23/2013 3/2/2020 A EMERGENCY GENERATOR Ultra Low sulfur Distillate 7.8 MMBTU/H Carbon Monoxide Unspecified 5.79 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE *PA-0313 FIRST QUALITY TISSUE LOCK HAVEN PLT FIRST QUALITY TISSUE, LLC CLINTON PA 3 18-00030C 2676 322291 4/14/2015 7/27/2017 3/26/2019 B Emergency Generator Diesel 2500 bhp Carbon Monoxide Unspecified 3.5 G PA-0291 HICKORY RUN ENERGY STATION HICKORY RUN ENERGY LLC LAWRENCE PA 3 JOHN F. GUTH NORTHWEST REGION AIR PROGRAM MANAGER 230 Chestnut Street Meadville, PA 16335-3481 814-332-6940 37-337A 4911 221112 12/20/2012 4/23/2013 3/2/2020 A EMERGENCY GENERATOR Ultra Low sulfur Distillate 7.8 MMBTU/H Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)Unspecified 9.89 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE TX-0728 PEONY CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING FACILITY BASF BRAZORIA TX 6 David Infortunio 512-239-1247 <David.Infortunio@tceq.texas.go v>118239, N200 2813 325311 2/11/2015 4/1/2015 1/31/2020 B Emergency Diesel Generator Diesel 1500 hp Particulate matter, filterable 10µ (FPM10)Unspecified Minimized hours of operations Tier II engine 0.15 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE TX-0728 PEONY CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING FACILITY BASF BRAZORIA TX 6 David Infortunio 512-239-1247 <David.Infortunio@tceq.texas.go v>118239, N200 2813 325311 2/11/2015 4/1/2015 1/31/2020 B Emergency Diesel Generator Diesel 1500 hp Particulate matter, filterable 2.5µ (FPM2.5)Unspecified Minimized hours of operations Tier II engine 0.15 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE MI-0447 LBWL--ERICKSON STATION LANSING BOARD OF WATER AND LIGHT EATON MI 5 Please contact the permit engineer Melissa Byrnes 517-648-6339 ByrnesM@michigan.gov 74-18A 4911 221112 9/22/2020 1/7/2021 9/10/2021 D EUEMGD-- emergency engine diesel fuel 4474.2 KW Particulate matter, filterable (FPM)Unspecified Good combustion practices, burn ultra-low diesel fuel, and will be NSPS compliant.0.2 G/KW-H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE TX-0728 PEONY CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING FACILITY BASF BRAZORIA TX 6 David Infortunio 512-239-1247 <David.Infortunio@tceq.texas.go v>118239, N200 2813 325311 2/11/2015 4/1/2015 1/31/2020 B Emergency Diesel Generator Diesel 1500 hp Particulate matter, filterable (FPM)Unspecified Minimized hours of operations Tier II engine 0.15 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE PA-0291 HICKORY RUN ENERGY STATION HICKORY RUN ENERGY LLC LAWRENCE PA 3 JOHN F. GUTH NORTHWEST REGION AIR PROGRAM MANAGER 230 Chestnut Street Meadville, PA 16335-3481 814-332-6940 37-337A 4911 221112 12/20/2012 4/23/2013 3/2/2020 A EMERGENCY GENERATOR Ultra Low sulfur Distillate 7.8 MMBTU/H Particulate matter, total (TPM)Unspecified 0.02 TPY OTHER CASE- BY-CASE USEPA RBLC Output Page 2 of 2 *PA-0313 FIRST QUALITY TISSUE LOCK HAVEN PLT FIRST QUALITY TISSUE, LLC CLINTON PA 3 18-00030C 2676 322291 4/14/2015 7/27/2017 3/26/2019 B Emergency Generator Diesel 2500 bhp Particulate matter, total (TPM)Unspecified 0.2 G TX-0728 PEONY CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING FACILITY BASF BRAZORIA TX 6 David Infortunio 512-239-1247 <David.Infortunio@tceq.texas.go v>118239, N200 2813 325311 2/11/2015 4/1/2015 1/31/2020 B Emergency Diesel Generator Diesel 1500 hp Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)Unspecified Low sulfur fuel 15 ppmw 0.61 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE MA-0039 SALEM HARBOR STATION REDEVELOPMENT FOOTPRINT POWER SALEM HARBOR DEVELOPMENT LP ESSEX MA 1 Cosmo Buttaro MassDEP Northeast Regional Office 205B Lowell Street Wilmington, MA 01887 (978) 694-3281 Cosmo.Buttaro@State.MA.US NE-12-022 4911 221112 9/9/2013 1/30/2014 5/5/2016 A Emergency Engine/Generat or ULSD 7.4 MMBTU/H Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)Unspecified 0.011 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE OH-0352 OREGON CLEAN ENERGY CENTER ARCADIS, US, INC.LUCAS OH 5 P0110840 4931 221112 4/3/2013 6/18/2013 5/4/2016 A Emergency generator diesel 2250 KW Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) EPA/OAR Mthd 6C 0.03 LB/H N/A PA-0291 HICKORY RUN ENERGY STATION HICKORY RUN ENERGY LLC LAWRENCE PA 3 JOHN F. GUTH NORTHWEST REGION AIR PROGRAM MANAGER 230 Chestnut Street Meadville, PA 16335-3481 814-332-6940 37-337A 4911 221112 12/20/2012 4/23/2013 3/2/2020 A EMERGENCY GENERATOR Ultra Low sulfur Distillate 7.8 MMBTU/H Sulfur Oxides (SOx)Unspecified 0.01 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE TX-0728 PEONY CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING FACILITY BASF BRAZORIA TX 6 David Infortunio 512-239-1247 <David.Infortunio@tceq.texas.go v>118239, N200 2813 325311 2/11/2015 4/1/2015 1/31/2020 B Emergency Diesel Generator Diesel 1500 hp Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)Unspecified Minimized hours of operations Tier II engine 0.7 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE PA-0291 HICKORY RUN ENERGY STATION HICKORY RUN ENERGY LLC LAWRENCE PA 3 JOHN F. GUTH NORTHWEST REGION AIR PROGRAM MANAGER 230 Chestnut Street Meadville, PA 16335-3481 814-332-6940 37-337A 4911 221112 12/20/2012 4/23/2013 3/2/2020 A EMERGENCY GENERATOR Ultra Low sulfur Distillate 7.8 MMBTU/H Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)Unspecified 0.7 LB/H OTHER CASE- BY-CASE *PA-0313 FIRST QUALITY TISSUE LOCK HAVEN PLT FIRST QUALITY TISSUE, LLC CLINTON PA 3 18-00030C 2676 322291 4/14/2015 7/27/2017 3/26/2019 B Emergency Generator Diesel 2500 bhp Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)Unspecified 3.5 G RBLCID Facility Name Corporate Or Company Name Facility County Facility State EPA Region Other Agency Contact Info Permit Num SIC Code NAICS Code Complete Application Date Permit Issuance Date Date Determination Last Updated Permit Type Process Name Primary Fuel Throughput Tput Unit Pollutant Test Method Control Method Description Emission Limit Emission Limit 1 Unit Case-By-Case Basis Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx C 1_RACT Analysis Attachment C: Flare Replacement Cost Estimate Construction Cost $1,042,698 recent proposal for an enclosed flare to be located in Washington 560 scfm - proposed gas flowrate to be handled by flare 68 scfm - current gas flow to flare at CVWRF $294,273 Estimated construction cost for flare to handle current gas flow^ ^ using the "Rule of six tenths" for cost estimation NOx Emissions from flare 0.52 tons/year NOx Emissions from enclosed flare 0.46 tons/year NOx reduction 0.06 tons/year Capital Cost $294,273 Life of Enclosed Flare 20 years 8.50%Prime Rate (10/17/2023) Present Value Control Cost:$31,096 Annual Maintenance Cost:$3,007 Lifetime Maintenance Costs $60,145 Annualized Cost of Control:$568,390 per ton NOx removed Emissions Reduction 0.068 lb NOx/mmbtu open flare emissions factor (AP-42, Table 13.5-1) 0.06 lb NOx/mmbtu enclosed flare emissions factor (manufacturer guarantees) 12%NOx reduction Enclosed Flare Operating Cost 11/7/2023 9:31 Jim Schettler Energy Cost Used (input values, typical) Natural Gas $3.50 per million Btu Electricity $0.086 per kWhr, average Flare Energy Use per John Zink rep, Bob Erdman (510) 736-3711 Natural gas not required for the pilot light, nor the flare itself Electric Power Usage Blower 10 HP 8.29 kW 100 Hr/yr (testing)assumed 828.56 kWhr/year $71.26 per year Control Panel (heater)watts 125 Varec flare Catalog condensation control, typical 2,000 hours per year assumed 250 kWhr/yr Heat tracer watts 800 estimate flame arrester and flame check Heat tracer watts 500 estimate drip trap Heat tracer watts 200 estimate PRV actuator kW total 1.5 hours per year 500 freeze protection assumed kWhr/yr 750 Electric heating 1000 kWhr/year Electric heating $86.00 total per year, electric usage cost $157 for motors, freeze protection, condensation control Replacement Equipment Item Costs Thermocouples every other year $1,000 see above approximate replacement PLC every 5 years $3,000 see above Typical 10 year cost Thermocouples replace 5 $5,000 per Bob Erdman PLCs replace 2 $6,000 per Bob Erdman Typical 10 year cost, total $11,000 Source Testing Cost typical test cost $2500 per source test per Bob Erdman first year $2,500 initial source test first year $2,500 added testing and adjustments 2nd year $2,500 yearly source test 3rd year $0 source test every other year, after 2 years 4th year $2,500 source test 5th year $0 source test every other year, after 2 years 6th year $2,500 source test 7th year $0 test every other year 8th year $2,500 source test 9th year $0 test every other year 10th year $2,500 source test 10 year total $17,500 per a source test every other year Total operating cost per year, average $3,007 Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx D 1_RACT Analysis Attachment D: Boiler Retrofit Emissions Reduction Heat Input Boiler = 6.05 MMBtu/hr HHV Natural Gas = 1020 Btu/SCF x NOx Emission Factor = 100 lb/MMSCF = Uncontrolled NOx Emissions = 0.593 lb/hr Heat Input Boiler = 6.05 MMBtu/hr x Fd1 =8710 dscf/MMBtu = Exhaust Flowrate = 52,696 SCFH x MW NOx = 46.0055 lb/lbmol x NOx limit = 30 ppm 1E+06 MV = 385 ft3/lb-mol (standard molar volume) = Controlled NOx emissions = 0.189 lb/hr Difference = 0.404 lb/hr 1.77 ton NOx/yr removed Cost of Controls = 80,000$ 45,184$ per ton NOx removed Notes: 1 for natural gas (per Table 19-2, EPA Method 19) BOILER #1 Heat Input Boiler = 6.28 MMBtu/hr HHV Natural Gas = 1020 Btu/SCF x NOx Emission Factor = 100 lb/MMSCF = Uncontrolled NOx Emissions = 0.616 lb/hr Heat Input Boiler = 6.28 MMBtu/hr x Fd1 =8710 dscf/MMBtu = Exhaust Flowrate = 54,699 SCFH x MW NOx = 46.0055 lb/lbmol x NOx limit = 30 ppm 1E+06 MV = 385 ft3/lb-mol (standard molar volume) = Controlled NOx emissions = 0.196 lb/hr Difference = 0.420 lb/hr 1.84 ton NOx/yr removed Cost of Controls = 80,000$ 43,529$ per ton NOx removed Notes: 1 for natural gas (per Table 19-2, EPA Method 19) BOILER #1 Reasonably Available Control Technology Analysis for NOx E 1_RACT Analysis Attachment E: Cost Escalation SCR Economic Feasibility EPA’s "Alternative Control Techniques" Document (EPA-453/R-93-032) published in July 1993 Provides a cost effectiveness threshold for reduction of NOx from engines using SCR 890.00$ per ton in 1991 dollars 4889 Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction Cost Index (CCI) for 1991 13498 ENR CCI for October 2023 (20 Cities Average) 2,457$ per ton cost-effectiveness threshold escalated to 2023 dollars Low NOx Burner Economic Feasibility 4,300$ per ton NOx reduction in 1992 dollars 5059 Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction Cost Index (CCI) for 1992 13498 ENR CCI for October 2023 (20 Cities Average) 11,473$ per ton cost-effectiveness threshold escalated to 2023 dollars Table 2-7 of EPA's "Alternative Control Techniques Document -- NOx Emissions from Industrial / Commercial / Institutional (lCI) Boilers" (EPA-453/R-94-022)