HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0080731/23/24, 11:29 AM State of Utah Mail - RACT Analysis for Chevron Salt Lake Refinery https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=539c285453&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1787011550065192955&simpl=msg-f:17870115500651929…1/1 Ana Williams <anawilliams@utah.gov> RACT Analysis for Chevron Salt Lake Refinery Evans, Megan <Megan.Evans@chevron.com>Tue, Jan 2, 2024 at 1:23 PM To: "anawilliams@utah.gov" <anawilliams@utah.gov> Cc: "Vander Werff, Lauren" <LVanderWerff@chevron.com> Ms. Williams, As requested by the Utah Division of Air Quality, attached is the Reason Available Control Technology Analysis for the Chevron Salt Lake Refinery. A hard copy of this report will be sent on January 2, 2024. Thanks, Megan Evans Environmental Specialist Megan.Evans@chevron.com Salt Lake Refinery Chevron Products Company 685 South Chevron Way North Salt Lake, UT 84054 Tel +1 801 539 7320 Mobile +1 801 503 7029 saltlakecity.chevron.com 2023 Serious Ozone RACT Analysis_Chevron Salt Lake Refinery.pdf 5291K Chevron Kyle Drach Chevron Products Company HES Manager Salt Lake Refinery 685 South Chevron Way North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 Tel 801 539 7200 Fax 801 539 7130 January 2, 2024 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. 7021 2720 0001 4083 6814 Mr. Bryce Bird, Director Division of Air Quality Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P0 Box 144820 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Subject: Response to Ozone SIP RACT Analysis Request Dear Mr. Bird, Chevron Products Company (Chevron) Salt Lake Refinery received a letter dated May 31, 2023 from the Utah Division of Air Quality requesting a Reasonable Available Control Technology (RACT) analysis. Chevron is providing the attached in response to the RACT analysis request. If there are any questions regarding this report, please contact Lauren Vander Werff at (801) 539-7386 or LVanderWerffcchevron.com Sincerely, rLv( '?Jtf& Ur&oL Kyle Drach HES Manager Attachment Chevron 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Con rol Technology Analysis Chevron Salt Lake Refinery January 2, 2024 © 2023 Chevron. All rights reserved. Company confidential information for internal use only. Uncontrolled when printed. This document contains Chevron's confidential and proprietary information. Any use of this document without express, prior, written permission from Chevron and/or its affiliates is prohibited. 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis Contents 1 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Background ..........................................................................................................1 2 NOx and VOC Emitting Units ..........................................................................................2 3 Actual and Potential Emissions .......................................................................................8 4 RACT Analysis for Significant Source Categories ...........................................................9 4.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................9 4.2 Identify Reasonable Available Control Technologies ............................................9 4.3 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies........................................16 4.4 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based On Capture and Control Efficiencies .........................................................................................................16 4.5 Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental Feasibility....................................................................................17 4.6 Select RACT.......................................................................................................17 Tables Table 1: NOx and VOC Emitting Units ..................................................................................2 Table 2: Actual and PTE Emissions ......................................................................................8 Table 3: Control Technologies by Source Category ............................................................10 Table 4: Technically Infeasible Control Technologies .........................................................16 TableS: Remaining Control Technologies Ranked by Efficiency ........................................16 Table 6: Economic Feasibility by Source Category .............................................................17 Table 7: RACT by Source Category....................................................................................17 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis Purpose The Northern Wasatch Front is expected to be reclassified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as serious nonattainment for ozone in February 2025. In anticipation of this reclassification the Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) requested, by a letter dated May 31, 2023, a reasonable available control technology (RACT) analysis for nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compound (VOC) emitting units. This document provides a detailed top down RACT analysis for the NOx and VOC emitting units at the Chevron Products Company - Salt Lake Refinery. 1.1 Background The Chevron refinery processes various crude oils and lesser quantities of other hydrocarbon feedstocks to produce transportation fuels, petroleum coke, sulfur, and various byproducts. The refinery operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year. The refinery uses three general processes to transform crude oil into refined petroleum products: distillation, conversion, and purification. These processes occur in nine primary process units and various ancillary units. Distillation separates these raw materials into different fractions based upon their boiling point ranges. Some of the lighter factions are blended directly into products. Heavier hydrocarbons are further converted by processes that may combine, rearrange, or break molecules and form new hydrocarbon compounds. Products are then purified by removing and transforming compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide into useful compounds. Ultimately, components produced from the various refining processes are blended together according to product specifications. Products produced by the refinery include: fuel gas (all fuel gas produced is consumed by the refinery), propane, motor gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, gas oil, coke and liquid sulfur. The Chevron refinery currently operates under two approval orders, DAQE- AN1 011901104-22 and DAQE-AN1 011901106-22. Additionally, a Title V Operating Permit Application was submitted to UDAQ on January 31, 2020. Chevron refinery submitted a RACT analysis on January 31, 2023 for the Ozone Moderate State Implementation Plan (SIP). The purpose of this analysis is to provide UDAQ with the information requested in the May 31, 2023 letter. Based on the Chevron Refinery Moderate Ozone SIP Final RACT Determination, sent via e- mail on August 21, 2023, additional RACT controls are economically infeasible for Chevron's Refinery. The Air Quality Board accepted the technologies currently utilized at the Chevron Refinery as RACT in the Moderate Ozone SIP, which was approved on September 12, 2023. 16001 Cooling Tower #1 16002 Cooling Tower #2 Cooling Towers 16003 Cooling Tower #3 16004 Coolinq Tower #4 N/A 630 hp, diesel-fired emergency generator at NOx, VOC cooling water tower #1 536 hp, diesel-fired emergency generator at the NOx, VOC HDN substation N/A 755 hp, diesel-fired emergency generator at the NOx, VOC VGO Two 830 hp diesel-fired pumps for hydrogen NOx, VOC fluoride mitigation in :nsr!Nrrn!1lnrzlnTzu.uavL.ri,r-arl1rEl.r NOX, VOC N/A 1490 hp, diesel-fired emergency generator at the l[.3a'L.IiI Third North substation N/A 1676 hp, diesel-fired emergency generator at the NOx, VOC administration building N/A 168 hp, diesel-fired emergency generator at the NOx, VOC ,tank car loading rack 896 hp, diesel-fired emergency generator at the NOx, VOC north tank field N/A '617 hp diesel-fired emergency generator at the wastewater treatment plant N/A 670 hp, diesel-fired emergency generator at the I[sJ!t'LCsI __________ alkylation unit N/A Two 524 hp, diesel-fired compressors at the boiler J NOx, VOC N/A 805 hp, diesel-fired emergency at the FCC unit NOx, VOC motor control center N/A 109 hp diesel-fired backup pump sewer line NOx, VOC junction N/A Three 755 hp, diesel-fired backup pumps for fire .ra'L.Ifr N/A 400 kw, diesel-fired emergency generator at the NOx, VOC reformer substation NOx, VOC N/A 50 hp, natural-fired emergency generator N/A FCC unit regenerator NOx, VOC 10,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum Ti 0086 distillates 15,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T15088 distillates 15,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum 115090 115,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T15099 120,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T20030 20,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T20031 distillates 20,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum 120032 20,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T20040 distillates 20,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T20030 distillates 20,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T20031 120,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T20040 T3004i 30,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum distillates T30042 30,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum distillates 130043 30,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum distillates 130069 30,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum distillates 130074 30,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum distillates T30080 30,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum distillates T30082 130,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum IVOC distillates I T40050 40,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum VOC distillates I bbl storage tank containing petroleum VOC 40000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T40052 140000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T40070 140,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T40071 140,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T40072 40000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum T40112 .. 50000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum 150113 T5084 5,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum VOC distillates T60114 60,000 bbl storge tank containing petroleum VOC T60118 60,000 bbl storge tank containing petroleum VOC N/A Flare #1 for the coker unit NOx, VOC N/A Flare #2 for the FCC unit NOx, VOC N/A Flare #3 for the Alkylation unit NOx, VOC 110094 10,000 bbl storage tank containing wastewater/slop oil 110095 10,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend I'I'I' components, or feed stock T15093 15,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend I'L'I' components, or feed stock VOC Ti 5104 15,000 bbl storage tank containing VOC wastewater/slop oil T2001 5 20,000 bbl storage tank containing VOC wastewater/slop oil T20016 20,000 bbl storage tank containing VOC wastewater/slop oil 120017 20,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend VOC components, or feed stock T20018 20,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend VOC components, or feed stock 20,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend VOC T20019 components, or feed stock T2111 2,300 bbl storage tank containing wastewaterfslop VOC oil 25,000 bbl storage tank containing VOC T25108 wastewater/slop oil 25,000 bbl storage tank containing VOC T25109 wastewater/slop oil IsiIIIfls-30,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend components or feed stock T30021 30,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend components or feed stock T30022 30,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend components or feed stock T30023 30,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend components or feed stock T30024 30,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend components or feed stock ISI'I'll 30,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blended components, or feed stock 30,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, T30096 blended components, or feed stock 30,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, T30097 blended components, or feed stock 30,000 bbl storage tank containing T30107 wastewater/slop oil IfrL. 5,000 bbl storage tank containing oily sewer T3s11o 35,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blend components, or feed stock T40073 40,000 bbl storage tank containing petroleum 40,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, T40075 blended components, or feed stock 40,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, T40076 blended components, or feed stock 40,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, T40100 blended components, or feed stock T50078 50,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, blended components, or feed stock i11'M; 5,000 bbl storage tank containing slop oil VOC T60059 60,000 bbl storge tank containing crude oil VOC T60060 60,000 bbl storge tank containing crude oil VOC T60061 60,000 bbl storge tank containing crude oil VOC 160062 60,000 bbl storge tank containing crude oil VOC T60063 60,000 bbl storge tank containing crude oil T60077 60,000 bbl storge tank containing gasoline, VOC blended components, or feed stock T7539 7,000 bbl storage tank containing slop oil VOC 17513 7,000 bbl storage tank containing slop oil ,VOC T80ll5 80,000 bbl storage tank containing gasoline, VOC blended components, or feed stock T90116 90,000 bbl storge tank containing crude oil VOC 190117 90,000 bbl storge tank containing crude oil VOC Fl 1005 Boiler #5, 171 MMBtu/hr boiler with low NOx NOx, VOC burners Fl 1006 Boiler #6, 171 MMBtu/hr boiler with low NOx NOx, VOC burners Fl 1066 Boiler #7, 225 MMBtu/hr boiler with low NOx NOx, VOC burners and fuel gas recirculation 130 MMBtu/hr, furnace with low NOx burners for NOx, VOC lflhiIui the crude unit NOx, VOC F32021 48.2 MMBtu/hr fumace for the FCC unit 'S F32023 48.2 MMBtu/hr furnace for the FCC unit 1.. F3500l 52.3 MMBtu/hr furnace for the reformer unit NOx, VOC F35002 45 MMBtu/hr fumace for the reformer unit _________ F35003 31.7 MMBtu/hr furnace for the reformer unit NOx, VOC ISM'iP ______ F64010 19 MMBtu/hr furnace with low NOx burners for the NOx, VOC HDS unit F66l00 '40 MMBtu/hr furnace with low NOx burners for the IsiI!LøI VGO F66200 66 MM Btu/hr fumace with low NOx burners for the F70001 139.2 MMBtu/hr furnace for the coker unit NOx, VOC F7l 010 15.6 MMBtu/hr furnace for the HDN unit NOx, VOC F7l 030 36.3 MMBtuihr furnace for the HDN unit NOx, VOC 16 MMBtu/hr, refinery fuel gas-fired compressor NOx, VOC K35001 driver with selective catalytic reduction for the reformer 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis Source Category Un t Unit Description Pollutant Number Emitted Note: bbl = barrel(s) FCC = fluid catalytic cracking HDN = hydrodenitrification HDS = hydrodesulfurization hp = horsepower hr = hour(s) kw = kilowatt MMBtu = million British thermal units VGO = vacuum gas oil Wastewater Induced air flow at the wastewater treatment plant VOC Treatment with a regenerative thermal oxidizer. Plant will be N/A upgraded in 2025 to replace the induced air flotation devices with two dissolved nitrogen flotation units. 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis 3 Actual and Potential Emissions The following table provides the actual 2017 emissions and the potential to emit (PIE) emissions. 2017 actual emissions are from the 2017 Annual Air Emissions Inventory submitted to UDAQ on May 15, 2018, via the State and Local Emissions Inventory System. PIE emissions are from the Title V Operating Permit Application submitted to UDAQ on January 31, 2020. Table 2: Actual and PTE Emissions Emission Units I 2017 Emissions (tpy) PTE Emissions (tpy) NOx I VOC NOx I VOC Alkylation furnace 132 Boilers #1 and #21 Boler#5 crude Furnaces 23.1 254 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis Emission Units 2017 Emissions (tpy PTE Emissions (tpy) NOx VOC NOx VOC Notes: Emissions from Boilers #1-4 were included in the PTE emissions; however, they were removed in 2019. 2 Emissions for Boiler #7 were not calculated for the 2017 inventory because it was installed in 2019. The Title V application was submitted after the boiler was install and therefore, PTE emissions include Boiler #7. 4 RACT Analysis for Significant Source Categories 4.1 Introduction UDAQ has requested a top down RACT analysis, which includes the following steps: 1) Identify all reasonable available control technologies 2) Eliminate technically infeasible control technologies 3) Rank remaining control technologies based on capture and control efficiencies 4) Evaluate remaining control technologies on economic, energy, and environmental feasibility 5) Select RACT 4.2 Identify Reasonable Available control Technologies The following table displays control technologies by source category. Technologies were identified by searching the EPA's RACT/best available control technology (BACT)/lowest achievable emission rate Clearinghouse database and reviewing state and federal regulations. IComply with applicable heat exchange I systems/cooling towers requirements in 40 CFR Maximum Achievable Control I Part 63 Subpart CC, National Emission Standards I for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Petroleum Technology 'Refineries. Maximum Achievable Control ITechnology results in emissions controls more Istrinoent than RACT. Good combustion practices include following Good Combustion Practices manufacturer recommendations, routine maintenance, and combusting only ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel. Uses a catalyst to promote the oxidation of VOC Oxidation Catalyst into carbon dioxide and water. This control technology meets BACT and is out of scope for this RACT analysis. Comply with federal regulations 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart 1111, Standards of Pedormance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines, 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ, Standards of Pedom,ance for Stationary Maximum Achievable Control Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines, and Technology, New Source 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ, National Emission Performance Standards, and Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for PM2.5 BACT Requirements Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines. Additionally, comply with Section IX.H.12.d.ii of the Utah PM2.5 SIP, which limits NOx emissions facility wide. Maximum Achievable Control Technology, New Source Performance Standards and PM2.5 BACT requirements result in emissions controls more stringent than RACT, 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis Source Category Control Techno ogy Con r I echno ogy Description Controlled Ct rrently In Scope for RACT Pollutant being used Analysis at Chevron refinery Catalyst Additives _________________________________________ NOx NOx emissions are reduced by processing the feedstock through the hydrocracking unit and gas NOx Feedstock Hydrotreatment oil desulfurization, which reduce the nitrogen content in the feedstock. NOx removal system that injects ozone into the Low Temperature Oxidation fuel gas stream to oxidize insoluble NOx soluble NOx oxidized compounds. FCC Regenerator Maximum Achievable Control Technology, New Source Performance Standards, PM2.5 BACT Requirements, and Consent Decree Obligations FCC Regenerator Selective Catalytic Reduction (cont.) Comply with regulations R307-326, Ozone Non attainment and Maintenance Areas Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions in Petroleum Refineries, 40 CFR Part 60 Ja, Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007, and 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart UUU, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Petroleum Refineries: Catalytic Cracking Units, NOx, VOC Catalytic Reforming Units, and Sulfur Recoveiy Units. Additionally the EPA Consent Decree limits the NOx emissions from this unit based on a 365-day rolling average Also, Section lX.H.12.d.ii of the Utah PM2.5 SIP limits NOx emissions facility wide Comp ance with these regulations and consent decree requirements result in emissions controls more stringent than RACT. NOx emissions are reduced by utilizing a catalyst N x that reduce NOx to 142. ply with R307-327, Ozone Nonattainment Maintenance Areas: Petroleum Liquid age, 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Kb, Standards rformance for Volatile Organic Liquid age Vessel for Which Construction, nstruction, or Modification Commenced After 23, 1984, 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart CC. )nal Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Petroleum Refineries, 40 CFR Part 63 art EEEE, National Standards for Hazardous 'ollutants: Organic Liquids Distribution and 40 Part 63 Subpart , National Emission dards for Storage Vessels (Tanks)-Control ?l 2. New Source Performance Standards Maximum Achievable Control Technology It in emissions controls more stringent than Comply with federal regulations 40 CFR Part 60 Ja, Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007, and 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart CC, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants fmm Petroleum Refineries. Also, Section lX.H.11.g.v.B of the Utah PM2.5 SIP requires a flare gas recovery system or operation limitations. Flares 1 and 2 have a flare gas recovery system. Additionally, Section H.12.d.ii limits NOx emissions facility wide. Maximum Achievable Control Technology and New Source Performance Standards results in emission controls more stringent than RACT. Floating Roof Storage Tanks Source Category Floating Roof Storage Tanks (cont.) Furnaces Boilers, Compressor Drivers Contro T c ol y Maximum Achievable Control Technology and PM2.5 BACT Requirements 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis Control Technology Description Controlled Pollutant Comply with R307-327, Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Petroleum Liquid Storage, 40 CER Part 60 Subpart Kb, Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessel for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984, 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart CC, National Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Petroleum Refinefles, 40 CFR Part 63 VOC Subpart EEEE. National Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Organic Liquids Distribution and 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart WI, National Emission Standards for Storage Vessels (Tanks)-Control Level 2. Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology and New Source Performance Standards results in emissions control more stringent than RACT. Proper design and operations procedures NOx Comply with 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart DDDDD, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Poilutants for Major Sources: lndustnal Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters. Also, Section IX.I-l.12.d.ii of the Utah PM2.5 SIP limits NOx emissions facility wide and NOx, VOC Section IX.H.12.d.v limits the NOx emissions from compressors K35001, K35002, and K35003. Compliance with the Maximum Achievable Control Technology and PM2.5 BACT results in emission control more stringent than RACT. NOx emissions are reduced by injecting ammonia Selective Catalytic Reduction is injected in the exhaust gases in the presence of NOx a catalyst. This control technology meets BACT and is out of scope for this RACT analysis. Currently being used at Chevron refinery In Scope for RACT Analysis Source Categ Furnaces, Boilers, Compressor Drivers (cont.) Loading Racks Plantwide Fugitives Su fur Recovery Units 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis Contro Technol y Control Technology Description Controlled Pollutant Burners have lower combustion temperatures and NOx emissions by altering the air to fuel ratio in the combustion zones. This control technology NOx meets BACT and is out of scope for this RACT analysis. Comply with 40 CER Part 63 Subpart EEEE, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Organic Liquids Distribution (Non- VOC Gasoline). Maximum Achievable Control Technology result in emission control more stringent than RACT, Enclosed combustion device used for the destruction of VOC from loading fuel onto rail cars VOC and tanker trucks. The LDAR program reduces emissions by identifying leaking equipment, which then can subsequently be repaired. The EPA Consent VOC Decree mandates more stringent LDAR requirements on Salt Lake Refinery, which results in emission controls more stringent than RACT. Proper design and operations procedures NOx Currently being used at Chevron refinery In Scope for RACT Analysis 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis Source Category Sulfur Recovery Units (cont.) Wastewater Treatment Control Technolog Control Technology Description Controlled Pollutant Comply with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart QQQ, Standards of Pedormance for VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems, and 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart FF, National Emission Standard for Benzene Waste Operations. Max mum Achievable Control Technology and New Source Performance Standards result in emission control more stringent than RACT. Currently being used Chevron refinery In Scope for RACT Analysis Notes: SCR is currently on the Reformer Compressors only. 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis 4.3 Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies The following table lists the control technologies that are technically infeasible. Table 4: Technicall Infeasible Control Technolo " ies Source Control Reason for Being Technically Infeasible Category Technology FCC Catalyst Regenerator Additives Floating Roof Domed Roof Storage Tanks 4.4 Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based On Capture and Control Efficiencies Below is the list of controls with most efficiency to the least efficiency by source category. Table 5: Remainin' Control Technolo ies Ranked b Efficienc Source Category Con ro Technolog Cooling Towers Emergency Engines FCC Regenerator 1) Low Temperature Oxidation 2) Selective Catalytic Reduction 3) Feedstock Hydrotreatment 4) Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology, New Source Performance Standards, PM2.5 BACT Requirements, and consent Decree Obligations Fixed Roof Storage Tanks Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology and New Source Performance Standards Chevron conducted extensive trials with catalyst additives in the Salt Lake Refinery as part of the New Source Review Consent Decree and found no effect on NOx emissions Flare Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology and New Source Performance Standards Wastewater Treatment 1) Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer 2) Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology and New Source Performance Standards 3) Proper Operations I Selective Catalytic l$5,131,674 INo emission reductions Reduction2 I I I Oxidaon $13509761 FCC Regenerator [Low Temperature No emission reduction Notes: Cost does not include the cost of an unscheduled shutdown, significant loss of production, and price increases of refinery products that would occur if required to upgrade to a control technology 2 In addition to being economically unreasonable, the use of SCR has other substantial Environmental and Energy Impacts. Cooling Towers Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology VOC _E mergency Good Combustion Practices and Compliance with Maximum Engines Achievable Control Technology, New Source Performance NOx, VOC Standards, and PM2.5 BACT Requirements FCC Regenerator Feedstock Hydrotreatment and Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology, New Source Performance Standards, PM2.5 BACT Requirements, and Consent Decree Obligations Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology VOC and New Source Performance Standards Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology NOx, VOC and New Source Performance Standards Floating Roof Compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology Storage Tanks and New Source Performance Standards 2023 Ozone Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis Source Category Select d RACT Pollutant