HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0081181/23/24, 11:50 AM State of Utah Mail - RE: Potential Impact - Serious Ozone Nonattainment Area Designation (DAQP-042-23)
Ana Williams <anawilliams@utah.gov>
RE: Potential Impact - Serious Ozone Nonattainment Area Designation (DAQP-042-23)
DETTENMAIER, ERIK M CIV USAF AFMC 75 CEG/CEIEA <erik.dettenmaier.1@us.af.mil>Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 11:08 AM
To: Ana Williams <anawilliams@utah.gov>
Cc: "BECK, ALLISON B CTR USAF AFMC 75 CEG/CEIEA" <allison.beck.ctr@us.af.mil>
In response to the ‘Serious Ozone Nonattainment Area Designation – Potential Impact to Hill Air Force Base’ letter dated May 31, 2023
Hill AFB is pleased to submitted our completed Ozone RACT anaylsis attached. Please confirm receipt at your convience.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Erik Dettenmaier, Ph.D.
Lead Engineer/ Hill AFB Air Quality Program Manager
801-777-0888 (com)
385-368-1042 (mobile)
75CEG/CEIE, Hill AFB, UT 84056-5003
2 attachments
Hill AFB RACT Analysis 2023_Cover Letter.pdf
Hill AFB Ozone RACT Analysis.pdf
29 December 2023
Amanda Burton
Chief, Environmental Branch
7290 Weiner Street, Building 383
Hill Air Force Base UT 84056-5003
Utah Division of Air Quality
Attention: Major New Source Review
P.O. Box 144820
Salt Lake City UT 84114-4820
Dear Director
Hill Air Force Base (AFB) is pleased to submit the enclosed Reasonably Available Control
Technology (RACT) analysis for control of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) from stationary emission sources located at the installation. This submittal is in response to the
letter issued by the Utah Division of Air Quality (Division) regarding the Serious Ozone Nonattainment
Area (NAA) Designation – Potential Impact to Hill Air Force Base, dated 31 May 2023. In the letter, the
Division identified Hill AFB as a major stationary source located in the Northern Wasatch Front Ozone
NAA and requested the submittal of NOx and VOC RACT analyses of stationary sources at Hill AFB.
The attached includes a top-down analysis and comprehensive summary of RACT for applicable
source categories emitting NOx or VOCs. Based on the analysis, the existing emission limits,
compliance, and monitoring requirements identified throughout the attached report and those contained
within Title V Operating Permit #1100007004 represent or exceed RACT.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this issue further, my point of contact is Dr.
Erik Dettenmaier 75 CEG/CEIEA, at (801) 777-0888 or erik.dettenmaier.1@us.af.mil.
X Amanda Burton
Chief, Environmental Branch
RACT Analysis
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable
Available Control Technology
Document no: 230815094046_1e4a034f
Revision no: Final
Hill Air Force Base – Main Base
Contract W91238-22-C-0011
December 2023
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
230815094046_1e4a034f i
Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................................... iii
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
2. Background ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
3. Hill AFB Emission Unit Information ............................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Sources of NOx and VOC Emissions................................................................................................................ 3-1
4. RACT Determination ......................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Approach .................................................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 RACT Analyses by Source Category ............................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Chemical Stripping .................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.2 Degreasers .................................................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.3 External Combustion .............................................................................................................................. 4-4
4.2.4 Building 507 Melt Furnaces ................................................................................................................. 4-8
4.2.5 Fire Training ............................................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.2.6 Fuel Storage Tanks ............................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.2.7 Internal Combustion ............................................................................................................................ 4-13
4.2.8 Engine Test Stands ............................................................................................................................... 4-14
4.2.9 Landfill Gas Generators ...................................................................................................................... 4-15
4.2.10 Jet Engine Testing ............................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.2.11 Liquid Calibration Units ..................................................................................................................... 4-17
4.2.12 Miscellaneous Armaments Firing .................................................................................................. 4-18
4.2.13 Nondestructive Inspection ............................................................................................................... 4-18
4.2.14 Paint Gun Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 4-19
4.2.15 Rocket Motor Testing ......................................................................................................................... 4-20
4.2.16 Site Remediation .................................................................................................................................. 4-21
4.2.17 Surface Coating .................................................................................................................................... 4-22
4.2.18 Waste Fuel Reclamation.................................................................................................................... 4-24
4.2.19 Waste Solvent Reclamation ............................................................................................................. 4-25
4.2.20 Wastewater Treatment ...................................................................................................................... 4-25
5. References ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Appendix A List of Approval Orders by Source Category
Appendix B RBLC Search Results
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Table 3-1. Actual and PTE Emission (tons per year) for NOx and VOC ...................................................................... 3-1
Table 4-1. Available Control Technologies for External Combustion Sources Greater Than or Equal to
2 MMBtu and Less Than 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB ........................................................................................................ 4-4
Table 4-2. Technically Infeasible Control Technologies for External Combustion Sources Greater Than
or Equal to 2 MMBtu and Less Than 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB ................................................................................. 4-5
Table 4-3. Available Control Technologies for External Combustion Sources Greater Than or Equal to
5 MMBtu at Hill AFB .......................................................................................................................................................... 4-6
Table 4-4. Technically Infeasible Control Technologies for External Combustion Sources Greater Than
or Equal to 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB ................................................................................................................................... 4-7
Table 4-5. Available Control Technologies for Melt Furnaces Less Than 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB ...................... 4-8
Table 4-6. Technically Infeasible Control Technologies for Melt Furnaces Less Than 5 MMBtu at Hill
AFB ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-9
Table 4-7. Available Control Technologies for Surface Coating Activities at Hill AFB ..................................... 4-22
Table 4-8. Technically Infeasible Control Technologies for Surface Coating at Hill AFB ................................ 4-23
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
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Acronyms and Abbreviations
°C degree(s) Celsius
°F degree(s) Fahrenheit
AFB Air Force Base
AO Approval Order
BACM best available control measure
BACT best available control technology
bhp brake horsepower(s)
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CI compression ignition
CO carbon monoxide
DoD U.S. Department of Defense
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
hr hour(s)
ICE internal combustion engine
IWTP industrial wastewater treatment plant
kW kilowatt(s)
LAER lowest achievable emission rate
MACT maximum achievable control technology
mm millimeter(s)
MMBtu million British thermal unit(s)
mmcf million cubic feet
NAA Nonattainment Area
NDI nondestructive inspection
NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NEW net explosive weight
NOx nitrogen oxides
NSPS new source performance standards
PM2.5 particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in aerodynamic equivalent diameter
PM10 particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic equivalent diameter
ppm part(s) per million
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
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ppmv part(s) per million by volume
PTE potential to emit
RACT reasonable available control technology
SCR selective catalyst reduction
SIP State Implementation Plan
UDAQ Utah Division of Air Quality
VOC volatile organic compound
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
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1. Introduction
This document provides a top down reasonable available control technology (RACT ) analysis and
comprehensive summary of RACT for all permitted emission units emitting ozone precursors at Hill Air
Force Base (AFB). The analysis was conducted for and in accordance with the request of the
State of Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ), detailed in a letter dated May 31, 2023 (UDAQ, 2023). In
their letter, UDAQ identified Hill AFB as a major stationary source located in the Northern Wasatch Front
Ozone Nonattainment Area (NAA) (UDAQ, 2023). In anticipation of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) redesignating the Northern Wasatch Front ozone NAA to serious classification in February 2025,
UDAQ requested RACT analyses from all major stationary sources and those sources with the potential to
become major sources (potential to emit of 50 tons per year or more of nitrogen oxides [NOx] or volatile
organic compound [VOCs]) within the NAA in accordance with the Ozone Implementation Rule
in 83 FR 62998. UDAQ will use the information presented in the RACT analyses as part of its development
of Serious NAA State Implementation Plan (SIP).
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2. Background
Hill AFB provides worldwide logistics support for some of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Department of
Defense’s (DoD) most sophisticated weapon systems. Support operations include systems management,
spare parts, and major maintenance, repair, rework, and modification services. Hill AFB has extensive
industrial facilities for painting, paint stripping, metal plating, parts warehousing/distribution, jet engine
testing, and wastewater treatment. Hill AFB is a major source for ozone precursors, NOx, and VOC.
Hill AFB holds a Title V Operating Permit, Operating Permit #1100007004. Activities at the Base can be
grouped in approximately 27 source categories with numerous Approval Orders (AOs) and Approval
Letters that outline requirements and limitations for activities permitted within these documents.
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3. Hill AFB Emission Unit Information
3.1 Sources of NOx and VOC Emissions
As noted, Hill AFB has VOC and NOx emission sources from approximately 18 of its 27 source categories.
Table 3-1 provides the 2017 actual emissions and the potential to emit (PTE) emissions for these source
categories that emit NOx and VOC. Each source category will be addressed in detail in the forthcoming
Table 3-1. Actual and PTE Emission (tons per year) for NOx and VOC
2017 Actual
PTE Emissions
Source Category NOx VOC NOx VOC PTE Reference
Chemical Stripping - 4.09 - -[b] 2020 Title V Renewal Application.
201.2 tons per 12-month period
VOC emission limit meets BACT in
Subpart H of the PM2.5 SIP
Degreasers - 4.15 - 35.0 2020 Title V Renewal Application
External Combustion 46.4 2.84 361 17.8 2020 Title V Renewal Application
Fire Training 4.91E-
1.07E-01 2.20E-
2.00E-01 AO DAQE-AN101210272-20
Fuel Storage - 15.7 - 33.6 AO DAQE-AN101210260-19
Internal Combustion 33.6 14.1 401 46.1 2020 Title V Renewal Application
Jet Engine Testing 11.6 1.05 64.0 24.0 2020 Title V Renewal Application
Liquid Calibration Units - 1.39E-01 - 10.0 2020 Title V Renewal Application
Metal Plating[c] - 3.35E-02 - 7.58E-02 2020 Title V Renewal Application
Miscellaneous Armaments
- 7.20E-
- 2020 Title V Renewal Application
Nondestructive Inspection - 5.56E-01 - 4.82 2020 Title V Renewal Application
and AO DAQE-AN101210275-21
Paint Gun Cleaning - 9.82 - 3.68[b] 2020 Title V Renewal Application.
201.2 tons per 12-month period
VOC emission limit meets BACT in
Subpart H of the PM2.5 SIP
Rocket Motor Testing - 0.00 3.03E-
6.83E-04 2020 Title V Renewal Application
Site Remediation - 7.14E-01 - 5.00 R307-401-15
Surface Coating - 32.9 - -[c] 2020 Title V Renewal Application.
201.2 tons per 12-month period
VOC emission limit meets BACT in
Subpart H of the PM2.5 SIP
Three-Dimensional Printing[c] - 0.00 - 1.83E-01 2020 Title V Renewal Application
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2017 Actual
PTE Emissions
Source Category NOx VOC NOx VOC PTE Reference
Waste Solvent and Fuel
- 2.07E-01 - 1.71 2020 Title V Renewal Application
Wastewater Treatment - 1.95E-01 - 12.0 2020 Title V Renewal Application
[a] Emissions are from the 2017 Annual Emissions Inventory submitted to UDAQ April 10, 2018 (CH2M, 2018).
[b] Some or all of the PTE emissions are included in the 201.2 tons per 12-month rolling period VOC emission limit, which includes
chemical stripping, painting operations, and solvent cleaning operations subject to 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 63
Subpart GG.
[c] A RACT analysis was not provided for metal plating and three-dimensional printing source categories because emissions
associated with these source categories are so low.
BACT = best available control technology
PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in aerodynamic equivalent diameter
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4. RACT Determination
RACT analysis for the source categories with VOC and NOx emissions in Table 3-1 are presented in this
4.1 Approach
The following steps as provided by UDAQ were adhered to in determining RACT for the NOX and VOC
emitting emission units at Hill AFB:
Step One—Identify All Available Control Technologies. A thorough search on the EPA’s
RACT/BACT/lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) Clearinghouse (RBLC) and federal/state/local
new source review permits.
Step Two—Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control Technologies. Technically feasible option means
a technology that is available and applicable to the permittee’s operations. This demonstration should
show, based on physical, chemical, and engineering principles, that technical difficulties would
preclude the successful use of the control option on the emission unit under review. Technically
infeasible control options are then eliminated from further consideration in the RACT analysis.
Step Three—Rank Remaining Control Technologies Based on Capture and Control Effectiveness.
This ranking should include control efficiencies, expected emission rates, or expected emissions
Step Four—Evaluate Remaining Control Technologies on Economic, Energy, and Environmental
Feasibility. The factors considered while evaluating the most effective control options are energy
impacts, environmental impacts, and economic impacts. If the top control option is not selected as
RACT, evaluate the next most effective control option.
Step Five—Select RACT. The final step in the process is to select the RACT level control based on the
analysis provided in the previous four steps.
4.2 RACT Analyses by Source Category
4.2.1 Chemical Stripping
This section discusses the RACT analysis for chemical stripping activities at Hill AFB. The largest chemical
stripping operation at Hill AFB consists of stripping tanks and rinse baths. Parts are soaked in heated and
agitated tanks containing a mixture of methylene chloride and phenol and then moved by automatic hoist
to a series of rinse baths. The tanks have floating water layers to act as barriers and minimize emissions.
Cross-flow ventilation is used to vent emissions to exhaust stacks. Chemical stripping material may also be
used as spot treatment on aircraft or parts. This localized treatment may occur either inside or outside the
confines of a paint booth. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC identifies the following as possible VOC control technologies for chemical stripping activities at
Hill AFB.
Use of immiscible solvents in tanks (for example, cover layer of water in tank)
Use of solvent application techniques that minimize emissions while providing high transfer efficiency
Good work practices, including proper handling of solvent and solvent-laden rags Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible.
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
230815094046_1e4a034f 4-2 Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of immiscible solvents in tanks and compliance with maximum achievable control technology (MACT )
standards, voluntary VOC limitations, and good work practices are identified RACT for depainting and
chemical stripping.
Cleaning operations and depainting (chemical) operations subject to National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Subpart GG also comply with the MACT standards set forth within
these regulations. Hill AFB also complies with the RACT standards within the control technologies
guidelines document Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Coating Operations at
Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Operations (EPA, 1997) for activities relating to the cleaning of
nonaerospace vehicles or components. Compliance with these requirements have been identified as BACT
in previous permitting actions. This voluntary RACT application satisfies the requirements of BACT for
controls of VOC emissions for the cleaning of nonaerospace vehicles and components.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved BACT determination conditions, which
incorporate flexibility provisions, for chemical stripping, as detailed in DAQE-AN0101210200A-09:
VOC emissions shall not exceed 201.2 tons per rolling 12-month period from painting equipment or
operations, solvent uses associated with paint booths, and chemical depainting operations that fall
into categories A, B, C, D, E, F, and G at Hill AFB main Base and Little Mountain sites (Categories: A:
Cleaning Operations Subject to NESHAP GG, B: Primer and Topcoat Application Operations Subject to
NESHAP GG, C: Depainting (Chemical) Operations Subject to NESHAP GG, D: Specialty Coating
Application Operations to Aerospace Vehicles or Components, E: Surface Coating Application
Operations not Subject to NESHAP GG, F: Specialty Coating Application Operations to non-Aerospace
Vehicles or Components, G: Depainting (Chemical) operations not Subject to NESHAP GG.)
4.2.2 Degreasers
This section discusses the RACT analysis for degreasers at Hill AFB. Both cold cleaning and vapor
degreasing methods are used at Hill AFB. Cold cleaning is the most commonly used degreasing method.
The process involves manually cleaning and degreasing small parts in a solvent bath. Each part is placed
in the bath, soaked, removed, and allowed to dry. Where feasible, Hill AFB uses aqueous-based degreasing
agents. Vapor degreasing typically uses heated solvent vapors in a closed cabinet to clean metal
components. Condensation coils are used to condense solvent vapors. Metal parts are suspended above
the heated solvent and solvent vapors are allowed to condense on the metal parts. The condensed
solvents are then returned to the tank. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC identifies the following as possible VOC control technologies for various source categories at Hill
Use of tight-fitting cover when equipment is not in use to reduce VOC emissions
Good operating and maintenance practices to minimize evaporative losses
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
230815094046_1e4a034f 4-3 Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of tight-fitting covers and good operating and maintenance practices to minimize emissions is
considered to be BACT for degreasers.
In addition, compliance with Utah Administrative Code R307-335-4 and -5 is considered to be a best
available control measure (BACM) for degreasers. Furthermore, Hill AFB complies with the pre-approved
BACT determination, as detailed in DAQE-AN101210228-12, for flexibility provisions for the following
types of degreasers:
Open Top Vapor Degreasing (non-NESHAP) operations:
- Units to be equipped with a cover that can be opened and closed without disturbing the vapor
zone. Covers are to be kept closed except when processing workloads through degreaser.
- One of the control devices listed within the permit will be installed.
- Solvent carryout will be minimized.
- Parts will be sprayed only in or below the vapor level.
- Ventilation fans will not be used near degreaser opening, nor provide exhaust ventilation
exceeding 20 cubic meters per minute per square meter (65 cubic feet per minute per square
foot) in degreaser open area, unless necessary to meet state and federal occupational, health, and
safety requirements. The exhaust ventilation flow will be measured using EPA Reference
Methods 1 and 2 of 40 CFR Part 60, or by EPA-approved equivalent state methods.
- Porous or absorbent materials, such as cloth, leather, wood, or rope will not be degreased.
- Workloads will not be allowed to occupy more than half the degreaser’s open top area.
- Solvent will not be visually detectable in water existing the water separator.
- Safety switches will be installed as detailed within the permit.
- Control device specified will meet the applicable requirements of R307-335-4 and -5.
Modified Immersion Cold Cleaners (non-NESHAP) operations:
- Waste or used solvent to be stored in covered containers. Waste solvents or waste materials that
contain solvents will be disposed of by recycling, reclaiming, by incineration in an incinerator
approved to process hazardous materials, or by an alternate means approved by the Director.
- Hill AFB will drain solvent-cleaned parts for 15 seconds or until dripping has stopped, whichever is
longer. Parts having cavities or blind holes will be tipped or rotated while draining.
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- If the solvent volatility is greater than 4.3 kilopascals (33 millimeters [mm] of mercury or
0.6 pound per square inch) measured at 38 degrees Celsius (°C [100°F]), or if solvent is heated
above 50°C (120°F), then one of the listed control devices will be used:
A cover, which will remain closed except during actual loading, unloading, or handling of parts
in cleaner.
Solvent spray, which will be a solid fluid stream at a pressure that does not cause excessive
splashing and may not be a fine, atomized, or shower-type spray.
Modified Remote Reservoir Cold Cleaning (non-NESHAP) operations:
- Waste or used solvent to be stored in covered containers. Waste solvents or waste materials that
contain solvents will be disposed of by recycling, reclaiming, by incineration in an incinerator
approved to process hazardous materials, or by an alternate means approved by the Director.
- Hill AFB will drain solvent -cleaned parts for 15 seconds or until dripping has stopped, whichever is
longer. Parts having cavities or blind holes will be tipped or rotated while draining.
- Hill AFB’s remote reservoir batch cold solvent cleaning machines will employ a tightly fitting cover
over the solvent sump that will be closed at all times except during the cleaning of parts.
- Tanks, containers, and all associated equipment will be maintained in good operating condition
and leaks will be repaired immediately or the degreaser will be shut down.
- If used, the solvent spray will be a solid fluid stream at a pressure that does not cause excessive
splashing and may not be a fine, atomized, or shower-type spray.
4.2.3 External Combustion
This section discusses the RACT analysis for external combustion units at Hill AFB. External combustion
units located at Hill AFB range from industrial natural gas-fired boilers (capable of operating with fuel oil
No. 2 as an alternative fuel) to common residential hot-water heaters. These boilers provide both process
steam and comfort heat. Typical boiler operations consist of heating a closed loop water system with
make-up water feed and chemical addition to prevent biological growth and reduce scaling. Air and fuel is
fed into a firing chamber and combusted, heating the water to produce steam for process and space
heating purposes. Units Greater Than or Equal to 2 and Less Than 5 MMBtu Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC identifies the following as possible NOx and VOC control technologies for external combustion
sources, greater than 2 million British thermal units (MMBtu) and less than 5 MMBTU at Hill AFB, including
boilers, process heaters, air handlers, and curing and burnout ovens used to burn off coating and debris
from metal parts. Available control technologies are provided in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1. Available Control Technologies for External Combustion Sources Greater Than or Equal to
2 MMBtu and Less Than 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB
Source Category Control Technology Description Pollutants
External Combustion Updated NOx Burners
(Low/Ultra-low NOx)
Natural gas burner designed to reduce NOx
emission generation to the lowest rate
achievable (30 ppmv for low-NOx burner and
9 ppmv for ultra-low NOx burner).
External Combustion Flue Gas Recirculation A portion of cool exhaust gases are
recirculated back to the combustion zone to
lower the flame temperature and reduce NOx
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Source Category Control Technology Description Pollutants
External Combustion Good Combustion
Practices/NSPS and
NESHAP Standards
Following the manufacturer’s
recommendations for fuel and air mixture
and burner operation and complying with
applicable NSPS and NESHAP standards.
NOx and VOC
External Combustion Use of Only Pipeline Quality
Natural Gas as Fuel
Natural gas combustion, except during
curtailment, when combined with good
combustion practices generates less
emissions than other fuels.
NOx and VOC
External Combustion Operating Limitations Limiting the operation of a source where
practical to eliminate excess emissions.
NOx and VOC
Note: The control technologies identified are consistent with those presented in the BACT determinations prepared and submitted as
a part of recent Hill AFB permitting actions.
NSPS = new source performance standards
ppmv = part(s) per million by volume Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Table 4-2 lists the control technologies not technically feasible for external combustion sources greater
than or equal to 2 MMBtu and less than 5 MMBTU at Hill AFB.
Table 4-2. Technically Infeasible Control Technologies for External Combustion Sources Greater Than or
Equal to 2 MMBtu and Less Than 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB
Reasons for Being Technically Infeasible
Use of Only
Natural Gas as
The sole use of only pipeline quality natural gas is also infeasible because the
Air Force’s readi ness requirements specified in Air Force Manual 32-1068 (United
States Air Force [USAF], 2020) dictate that the boilers must have an alternate fuel
source for redundancy to continue the mission in times of fuel shortages or
curtailment. For this reason, use of only pipeline quality natural gas is not
technically feasible, however the units will run on natural gas except in times of
curtailment or shortage.
Limiting the allowable hours of operation could undermine the mission of the
facility and compromise national security. Therefore, runtime limitations are not
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all remaining control technologies are technically feasible and currently
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable as all remaining technically feasible control technologies identified are already
implemented at Hill AFB. For those external combustion units that are not already equipped with low-NOx
or ultra-low NOx burners, those units did meet BACT when they were permitted.
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
230815094046_1e4a034f 4-6 Step Five – Select RACT
The use of low-NOx burners, ultra-low NOx burners, flue gas recirculation, pipeline quality natural gas, and
good combustion practices meet or exceed RACT for external combustion units greater than or equal to
2 MMBtu and less than 5 MMBtu.
In addition, new, reconstructed, or modified Hill AFB boilers comply with Utah Rule R307-315, NOx
Emissions for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters, 2.5–5 MMBtu. For these
units, these rules represent RACT. Units Greater Than or Equal to 5 MMBtu Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC identifies the following as possible NOx and VOC control technologies for external combustion
sources greater than or equal to 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB. Available control technologies are provided in
Table 4-3.
Table 4-3. Available Control Technologies for External Combustion Sources Greater Than or Equal to
5 MMBtu at Hill AFB
Description Pollutants
Updated NOx
Natural gas burner designed to reduce NOx emission
generation to the lowest rate achievable (30 ppmv for low-
NOx burner and 9 ppmv for ultra-low NOx burner).
Flue Gas
A portion of cool exhaust gases are recirculated back to the
combustion zone to lower the flame temperature and reduce
NOx formation.
Good Combustion
Following the manufacturer’s recommendations for fuel and
air mixture and burner operation and complying with
applicable NSPS and NESHAP standards.
NOx and VOC
Use of Only
Pipeline Quality
Natural Gas as Fuel
Natural gas combustion, except during curtailment, when
combined with good combustion practices generates less
emissions than other fuels.
NOx and VOC
Limiting the operation of a source where practical to eliminate
excess emissions.
NOx and VOC
Note: The control technologies identified are consistent with those presented in the BACT determinations prepared and submitted as
a part of recent Hill AFB permitting actions. Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Table 4-4 lists the control technologies not technically feasible for operations at Hill AFB.
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Table 4-4. Technically Infeasible Control Technologies for External Combustion Sources Greater Than or
Equal to 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB
Reasons for Being Technically Infeasible
Use of Only
Natural Gas as
The sole use of only pipeline quality natural gas is also infeasible because the
Air Forces’ readiness requirements specified in Air Force Manual 32-1068 (USAF,
2020) dictate that the boilers must have an alternate fuel source for redundancy
to continue the mission in times of fuel shortages or curtailment. For this reason,
use of only pipeline quality natural gas is not technically feasible; however the
units will run on natural gas except in times of curtailment or shortage.
Limiting the allowable hours of operation could undermine the mission of the
facility and compromise national security. Therefore, runtime limitations are not
technically feasible.
hr = hour(s) Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all remaining control technologies are technically feasible and currently
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all remaining technically feasible control technologies identified are already
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
The use of low-NOx burners, ultra-low NOx burners, flue gas recirculation, pipeline quality natural gas, and
good combustion practices meets or exceeds RACT for external combustion units greater than or equal to
5 MMBtu.
In addition, new, reconstructed, or modified Hill AFB boilers comply with R307-316, NOx Emissions for
Natural Gas-Fired Boilers, Steam Generator, and Process Heaters, greater than 5 MMBtu. For these units,
these rules represent RACT.
In addition, Hill AFB is to meet the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination for air handlers in
accordance with DAQE-AN101210237-15:
The combined consumption of natural gas in the air handling equipment rated greater than or equal
to 5 MMBtu/hr and less than or equal to 20 MMBtu/hr shall not exceed 450 million cubic feet (mmcf)
of natural gas consumed per rolling 12-month period.
Hill AFB is to also meet the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination for flexibility provisions for
air handlers in accordance with DAQE-AN101210237-15:
Hill AFB is allowed to add or modify any air handler rated greater than or equal to 5 MMBtu/hr and
less than or equal to 20 MMBtu/hr equipped with a low-NOx burner, provided that each of the
following conditions are met:
- The proposed addition or modification does not cause an increase in the currently established
Basewide limit of 450 mmcf of natural gas consumed per rolling 12-month period for air handlers
rated greater than or equal to 5 MMBtu/hr and less than or equal to 20 MMBtu/hr.
- The new or modified equipment must meet the requirements listed in the permit as BACT.
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For boilers, Hill AFB is to meet the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination for boilers in
accordance with DAQE -AN101210245-16:
The combined heat input to all boilers as defined in the permit (except those classified as exempt and
grandfathered) shall not exceed 2.76E12 BTU per rolling 12-month period.
Visible emissions shall be no greater than 10% opacity for all boilers (except those classified as
exempt and grandfathered) as defined in the permit.
For boilers with capacities of 50 MMBtu per hour or greater, emissions of NOx shall not exceed the
product of 0.09 pound/MMBtu rated capacity of the unit in MMBtu/hr. All grandfathered boiler units
at Hill AFB are currently in the process of being replaced.
4.2.4 Building 507 Melt Furnaces
This section discusses the RACT analysis for the metal melt furnaces at Hill AFB. Hill AFB uses three
natural gas-fired metal melt furnaces each less than 5 MMBtu to cast lead, aluminum, brass (zinc/copper
alloy), and kirksite (lead/zinc/copper alloy) parts. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC identifies possible NOx and VOC control technologies for melt furnaces less than 5 MMBtu at Hill
AFB. Available control technologies are provided in Table 4-5.
Table 4-5. Available Control Technologies for Melt Furnaces Less Than 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB
Description Pollutants
Selective Catalytic
A catalyst and an injection of a reductant are used to
convert NOx in the exhaust to water and nitrogen. The
use of a catalyst allows for the redox reaction to take
place at exhaust temperatures between 440 and 840°F.
Selective Noncatalytic
An injection of a reductant without the aid of a catalyst
is used to convert NOx in the exhaust to water and
nitrogen. Exhaust temperatures must range from 1,400
to 2,000°F to be effective.
Updated NOx Burners
(Low/Ultra-low NOx)
Natural gas burner designed to reduce NOx emission
generation to the lowest rate achievable (30 ppmv for
low-NOx burner and 9 ppmv for ultra-low NOx burner).
Flue Gas Recirculation A portion of cool exhaust gases are recirculated back to
the combustion zone to lower the flame temperature
and reduce NOx formation.
Good Combustion
Practices/NSPS and
NESHAP Standards
Following the manufacturer’s recommendations for fuel
and air mixture and burner operation and complying
with applicable NSPS and NESHAP standards.
NOx and VOC
Use of Only Pipeline
Quality Natural Gas as
Natural gas combustion, except during curtailment,
when combined with good combustion practices
generates less emissions than other fuels.
NOx and VOC
Operating Limitations Limiting the operation of a source where practical to
eliminate excess emissions.
NOx and VOC Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Table 4-6 lists the control technologies not technically feasible for melt furnaces less than 5 MMBtu at Hill
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Table 4-6. Technically Infeasible Control Technologies for Melt Furnaces Less Than 5 MMBtu at Hill AFB
Reasons for Being Technically Infeasible
Selective catalytic reduction requires exhaust gas temperature in a range of
500 to 1,200°F (Cleaver Brooks, 2010). Application of an SCR on a melt furnace
with limited hours of operation is technically infeasible.
The Boiler Emissions Guide (Cleaver Brooks, 2010) indicates that post
combustion methods such as selective noncatalytic reduction are generally not
used on boilers with inputs of less than 100 MMBtu/hr. Hill AFB does not own or
operate any boilers larger than 100 MMB tu/hr.
Use of Only
Natural Gas as
The sole use of only pipeline quality natural gas is also infeasible because the
Air Force’s readi ness requirements specified in Air Force Manual 32-1068 (U SAF,
2020) dictate that the boilers must have an alternate fuel source for redundancy
to continue the mission in times of fuel shortages or curtailment. For this reason,
use of only pipeline quality natural gas is not technically feasible.
Limiting the allowable hours of operation could undermine the mission of the
facility and compromise national security. Therefore, runtime limitations are not
technically feasible.
SCR = selective catalyst reduction Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all remaining control technologies are technically feasible and currently
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all remaining control technologies identified are feasible and already
implemented at Hill AFB. The metal melt furnaces at Hill AFB met BACT at the time they were installed.
The units have limited hours of operation and modification of the existing units to install flue gas
recirculation or low -NOx or ultra-low NOx burners is not a cost- or technically effective option. Step Five – Select RACT
The use of good combustion practices meet or exceed RACT for melt furnaces less than 5 MMBtu.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination fuel throughput
limitations, as detailed in DAQE-AN0101210189-08:
Natural gas consumption from melt furnaces shall be no greater than 0.289 million standard cubic
foot per calendar year combined total for all melt furnaces.
4.2.5 Fire Training
This section discusses the RACT analysis for fire training activities at Hill AFB. Hill AFB conducts fire
training exercises and drills at a training facility that allows open-area fires. The fuels used for fire training
can include propane, dry wood, smoke fluid, and automobiles. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies possible VOC and NOx control technologies for fire
training activities at Hill AFB. It should be noted that there are no data available for firefighter training in
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the RBL C, so similar process types were reviewed to evaluate processes similar to firefighter training.
However, there were no BACT determinations for such similar combustion sources. Available control
technologies currently in use at Hill AFB to control VOC and NOx emissions are the following:
Good operating procedures and combustion practices: Proper operation of firefighting equipment and
use of good combustion practices reduce emissions.
Fuel limitations: Limiting fuel usage to the most favorable fuel type for a particular combustion unit.
For example, propane is the fuel of use at the aircraft training facility, and the low sulfur content of
propane reduces the potential for sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions, thus resulting in a lower potential for
aggregation of sulfur containing compounds and in lower PM2.5 emissions. Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
All technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good operating procedures, combustion practices, and fuel limitations exceed RACT and constitute
BACT for firefighter training activities.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination fuel throughput
limitations, as detailed in DAQE-AN101210272-20:
Fuel and material consumption shall not exceed the following limits:
- 30,000 gallons of propane per rolling 12-month period
- 18,000 pounds class A materials per rolling 12-month period
- 8 automobiles per rolling 12-month period
- 20 gallons of liquid smoke per rolling 12-month period
4.2.6 Fuel Storage Tanks
This section discusses the RACT analysis for fuel storage tanks at Hill AFB. Hill AFB uses and stores jet A,
fuel oil No. 2, and gasoline fuels in aboveground storage tanks and underground storage tanks, ranging in
capacity from less than 500 gallons to greater than 2 million gallons. The fuel is used to fuel aircraft,
power emergency generators, fuel personal and government vehicles, and fuel other equipment.
Emissions from this category result from storage tank standing and working losses, including those
resulting from dispensing facilities. Tanks less than 500 Gallons
Those tanks at Hill AFB less than 500 gallons are considered to be small fuel storage tanks and are not
subject to permitting or notification requirements as detailed in DAQE -AN101210288-23. Therefore,
these tanks are not included as a part of this RACT analysis.
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230815094046_1e4a034f 4-11 Tanks Greater than or Equal to 500 Gallons and less than 19,812 Gallons Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC control technologies for
various source categories at Hill AFB:
Good design and operating practices
Use of submerged fill
Fixed roof tanks
Low vapor pressure fuel
White or aluminum exterior surfaces
Use of Stage 1 Vapor Recovery Systems Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed above for control of emissions are technically
feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
All technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of Stage I vapor recovery, fixed roof tanks equipped with a submerged fill pipe, tanks with uninsulated
exterior surfaces exposed to the sun painted white, beige/sandstone aluminum or other DoD-mandated
color, and good design and operating practices is considered to meet or exceed RACT for tanks greater
than or equal to 500 gallons and less than 19,812 gallons.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination fuel throughput
limitations for fuel storage tanks, as detailed in DAQE-AN101210288-23:
Aboveground and underground fuel storage tanks with a capacity greater than or equal to 500 gallons
and less than or equal to 19,812 gallons, the total combined capacity of in-service fuel storage tanks
shall not exceed the following limits:
- 770,000 gallons combined capacity for diesel tanks
- 123,000 gallons combined capacity for gasoline tanks
- 600,000 gallons combined capacity for jet fuel tanks
Flexibility provisions – Hill AFB is allowed to add or modify an aboveground or underground fuel
storage tank, provided the fuel storage capacity is less than 19,812 gallons and the capacity
limitations are not exceeded. The new or modified fuel storage tanks shall be horizontal fixed roof
tanks or better with submerged fill.
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230815094046_1e4a034f 4-12 Tanks Greater than or Equal to 19,812 Gallons Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC control technologies for
various source categories at Hill AFB.
Good design and operating practices
Use of submerged fill
Fixed roof tanks less than 25,000 gallons
Low vapor pressure fuel (below 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Kb threshold)
White or aluminum exterior surfaces
Use of Stage 1 Vapor Recovery Systems
Internal or external floating roof for tanks greater than or equal to 25,000 gallons
Dual rim seals for tanks greater than or equal to 25,000 gallons
Tank venting to a control device for tanks greater than or equal to 25,000 gallons Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Result
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of Stage I vapor recovery, low vapor pressure fuel (where possible), fixed roof tanks equipped with a
submerged fill pipe, tanks with uninsulated exterior surfaces exposed to the sun painted white,
beige/sandstone aluminum or other DoD-mandated color, and good design and operating practices are
considered to exceed RACT and meet BACT for tanks greater than or equal to 19,812 gallons and less
than 25,000 gallons.
For tanks greater than or equal to 25,000 gallons, use of internal or external floating roofs, low vapor
pressure fuel (where possible), and uninsulated exterior surfaces exposed to the sun will be white,
beige/sandstone, aluminum, or other DoD-mandated color; dual rim seals; and good design and operating
practices are considered to exceed RACT and meet BACT for tanks greater than or equal to
25,000 gallons.
Hill AFB will also comply with NSPS Subpart Kb requirements, when applicable. In addition, Hill AFB will
comply with the applicable requirements of R307-328, Gasoline Transfer and Storage. In addition, Hill
AFB complies with the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination fuel throughput limitations for
fuel storage tanks, as detailed in DAQE-AN101210288-23:
Aboveground and underground fuel storage tanks with a capacity greater than 19,812 gallons, the
total combined capacity of in-service fuel storage tanks shall not exceed the following limits:
- 7,500,000 gallons combined capacity for diesel tanks
- 642,000 gallons combined capacity for gasoline tanks
- 102,000,000 gallons combined capacity for jet fuel tanks
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4.2.7 Internal Combustion
This section discusses the RACT analysis for internal combustion units at Hill AFB. Internal combustion
processes include primary and emergency reciprocating internal combustion compression ignition (CI)
engines, spark reciprocating internal combustion engines (ICEs) and internal combustion and turbine
engine test stands. The primary fuels used for these sources include fuel oil No. 2, natural gas, landfill gas,
and gasoline. Units Less Than or Equal to 1,700 kW Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC was reviewed to identify possible VOC and NOx control technologies for the ICEs less than
1,700 kilowatts (kW) at Hill AFB. In addition to the RBLC, other sources including control equipment
vendors, published literature, and previous UDAQ BACT determinations for diesel-fired emergency
generators were reviewed. The following is a list of control technologies identified:
Good combustion, operating, and maintenance practices
SCR for nonemergency units
Use of diesel fuel with a fuel sulfur content no greater than 15 parts per million (ppm) (0.0015%) by
Limiting hours of operation in accordance with NSPS Subpart IIII to less than 500 hours annual for
readiness (maintenance and testing) for emergency generators
Use of a tier-certified engine Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Based on the review of control technologies, all of the control technologies listed are technically feasible;
however, it is not economically feasible or in some applications practical to retrofit existing Hill AFB
generators with SCRs. While selective catalytic reduction is designed to reduce NOx emissions for diesel
generators, retrofitting a generator may affect the performance and power output of the engine. In some
applications at Hill AFB, this may present significant issues and impair the mission. Furthermore,
generators in use at Hill AFB of this size are for emergency use only and SCRs are not considered
technically feasible for emergency units. All generators at Hill AFB do meet BACT when installed, and all
technically feasible control technologies identified, are already implemented at Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good combustion, maintenance, and operating practices; ultra-low sulfur diesel (0.0015% by
weight); a limit on hours of operation for maintenance and testing operations; and use of a tier-certified
engine are considered to meet or exceed RACT for ICEs less than or equal to 1,700 kW.
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In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination for flexibility
provisions for emergency generators in accordance with DAQE-AN0121175-06:
The permittee shall not exceed 8,670 combined hours of maintenance-related operations per rolling
12-month period for all the limited use power supply units combined. No single limited use power
supply unit shall exceed 500 hours of maintenance-related operation per rolling 12-month period
unless otherwise specified.
Visible emissions from diesel-fired limited use power supply units shall be no greater than 20%
opacity except for a period not exceeding 3 minutes in any hour. Units Larger Than 1,700 kW Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC was reviewed to identify possible VOC and NOx control technologies for the ICEs greater than
1,700 kW at Hill AFB. In addition to the RBLC, other sources including control equipment vendors,
published literature, and previous UDAQ BACT determinations for diesel-fired emergency generators were
reviewed. The following is a list of control technologies identified:
Good combustion, operating, and maintenance practices
Use of diesel fuel with a fuel sulfur content no greater than 15 ppm (0.0015%) by weight
Limiting hours of operation in accordance with NSPS Subpart IIII to less than 500 hours annual for
readiness (maintenance and testing) for emergency generators
Use of a tier-certified engine
SCR for nonemergency units Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible; however, SCR is not technically feasible for those emergency units greater than
1,700 kW. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all remaining control technologies are technically feasible and currently
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all remaining technically feasible control technologies identified are already
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good combustion, maintenance, and operating practices; ultra -low sulfur diesel (0.0015% by
weight); a limit on hours of operation for maintenance and testing operations; and use of a tier-certified
engine are considered to meet or exceed RACT for ICEs greater than 1,700 kW.
4.2.8 Engine Test Stands
Hill AFB does have engine load test stands for load testing and testing of generators that have come into
Hill AFB for rework. These activities are permitted in DAQE -AN101210261-18. The engines coming in for
rework are field-ready deployable assets and are used in the field and not on Base at Hill AFB.
Furthermore, in most instances, the engines coming in for work have a National Security exemption and
are used to support the mission. As such, these engine test stands are not discussed in this RACT analysis.
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4.2.9 Landfill Gas Generators Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC identifies the following as possible VOC and NOx control technologies for the ICEs less
than 1,700 kW combusting landfill gas at Hill AFB.
Good combustion, operating, and maintenance practices
SCR for nonemergency units
Use of diesel fuel with a fuel sulfur content no greater than 15 ppm (0.0015%) by weight
Limiting hours of operation in accordance with NSPS Subpart IIII to less than 500 hours annual for
readiness (maintenance and testing) for emergency generators
Use of a tier-certified engine Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
All identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are technically feasible with the
exception of SCR. This technology is designed to reduce NOx emission from diesel generators by about
85%. This technology does not perform well with variable fuel sources and poisoning of catalysts
frequently occurs when halogenated compounds are present in the fuel source. Halogenated compounds
are often present in the landfill gas, and thus SCR is not technically feasible for use on these engines. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all remaining control technologies are technically feasible and currently
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all remaining technically feasible control technologies identified are already
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good combustion, maintenance, and operating practices, including operation at high excess air for
lean-burn engines, which results in lower combustion temperatures and thus lower NOx emissions, and a
limit on hours of operation for maintenance and testing operations is considered to meet or exceed RACT
for landfill gas ICEs less than 1,700 kW.
In addition, based on the review of control technologies and the pre-approved BACT as documented in
DAQE-AN101210251-17, Hill AFB has determined the following meets or exceeds RACT for landfill gas
ICEs less than 1,700 kW:
Good combustion, maintenance, and operating practices
Lean-burn ICEs designed to be operated at high excess air; thus resulting in lower combustion
temperatures and lower NOx emissions.
Visible emissions limitation
Compliance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ ‘Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition
Internal Combustion Engines’ requirements
Compliance with 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ ‘National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines’ requirements
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Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination emission limitations for
landfill gas generators in accordance with DAQE-AN101210251-17:
Visible emissions shall be no greater than 10% opacity.
Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) shall be no greater than 3.3 grams per brake horsepower (bhp)-hr
from each of the 814 bhp and 1,148 bhp lean-burn engines. Emissions of CO shall be no greater than
2.5 grams/bhp-hr from the 1,350 bhp lean-burn engine.
Emissions of NOx shall be no greater than 2 grams/bhp-hr from each of the 814 bhp and 1,148 bhp
lean-burn engines. Emissions of NOx shall be no greater than 1 grams/bhp-hr from the 1,350 bhp
lean-burn engine.
Permittee shall ensure that 10% or more of the gross heat input to the affected emission units on an
annual basis shall be from the combustion of landfill gas. In addition, the permittee shall operate the
affected emission units in a manner that reasonably minimizes hazard air pollutant emissions.
4.2.10 Jet Engine Testing
This section discusses the RACT analysis for jet engine testing activities at Hill AFB. As a part of aircraft
rework activities, Hill AFB has to test jet engines. It should be noted that these are mobile sources and
add-on controls are not feasible for said sources. The engine testing facilities contain noise-control
systems and an exhaust system that vents jet (gas turbine) engine exhaust directly to the atmosphere.
Engine tests range in duration from brief starts to several hours. Each test cycle consists of operating the
engine at different power settings, or modes, for set durations. Jet engine test cell personnel record test
durations, which are used to calculate emissions from engine testing. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
Recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC and NOx control technologies for jet
engine testing activities at Hill AFB: Good operating procedures, namely following proper testing
operations to minimize VOC and NOx emissions while testing engines. Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good operating procedures and compliance with pre-approved emissions and visual emissions
limitations meet or exceed RACT for jet engine testing.
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In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination emission
limitations and visual emissions limitations for jet engine testing, as detailed in DAQE -AN101210223-12:
The total emissions from all the jet engine testing, auxiliary power testing, and engine pickling
operations on the Base, combined, shall not exceed the following emission limits in tons per rolling
12-month period: particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic equivalent diameter
(PM10) = 4.5, sulfur dioxide = 8.1, NOx = 64, CO = 48.0, VOC = 24.
Visible emissions, from jet engine testing and auxiliary power testing, shall be no greater than
20% opacity except for a period not exceeding 1 minute in any hour.
4.2.11 Liquid Calibration Units
This section discusses the RACT analysis for liquid calibration units at Hill AFB. Located throughout the
Base are various liquid calibration systems and associated equipment, including test stands and atomizers,
used for testing and calibrating fluid flow components such as pumps, meters, valves, and fuel system
components. Components are placed in test stands and calibration fluid is pumped through them for
calibration or to test function. Following testing, components are reassembled and remaining calibration
fluid is purged and reused or sent offsite as used oil. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC control technologies for
liquid calibration units at Hill AFB: Good operating procedures, namely operating equipment as designed
and intended to minimize emissions of VOCs. Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good operating procedures and compliance with pre-approved emissions limitations meet or
exceed RACT for liquid calibration units.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination emission
limitations and visual emissions limitations for liquid calibration units, as detailed in DAQE-
Flexibility Provisions – Hill AFB is allowed to add or modify any liquid calibration system provided each
of the following conditions are met:
- The total amount of VOC emissions generated by the liquid calibration systems shall not exceed
10 tons per rolling 12-month period.
- The new or modified equipment must meet the requirements listed in the permit as BACT.
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4.2.12 Miscellaneous Armaments Firing
This section discusses the RACT analysis for miscellaneous armaments firing at Hill AFB. Hill AFB operates
small arms firing facilities for training and testing purposes. These facilities can be operated as a firing
range or as a testing location for various small combustion activities, including squib, igniter, and impulse
cartridge testing. The indoor facilities are equipped with control devices (for example, cartridge filters) to
reduce emissions. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC and NOx control
technologies for miscellaneous armaments firing at Hill AFB: Operating limitations, such as limitations on
the operation of a source where practical to eliminate excess emissions of NOx and VOCs. Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good operating procedures and compliance with pre-approved emissions limitations meet or
exceed RACT for miscellaneous armaments firing.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved BACT determination conditions for
miscellaneous armaments firing, as detailed in DAQE-AN101210249-17:
The combined net explosive weight (NEW) of all miscellaneous munitions tested (Building 1642) shall
be no greater than 1,000 pounds per rolling 12-month period. This limit applies to all munitions with
a NEW of 5 pounds or more.
Test firing at the indoor test range (Building 746) shall be limited to two 20-mm guns in 1 hour or one
25-mm gun in 1 hour or one 30-mm gun in 1 hour. The 12-month rolling maximum shall be
50,000 rounds of 20-mm cartridges, 20,000 rounds of 25-mm cartridges, and 20,000 rounds of
30-mm cartridges.
4.2.13 Nondestructive Inspection
This section discusses the RACT analysis for nondestructive inspection activities at Hill AFB. Inspection
processes include leak and surface testing using fluorescent penetrant inspection and magnetic particle
inspection. Fluorescent penetrant inspection uses three tanks that contain inspection penetrant, penetrant
emulsifier, and wet developer. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The CARB BACT Clearinghouse and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible control
technologies for nondestructive inspection (NDI) activities at Hill AFB. The RBLC was reviewed as well,
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however, no category was available specific to NDI processes, so similar processes were evaluated. No
BACT determinations for NDI processes or those similar to NDI processes were found:
Proper operation and maintenance practices – Such activities will reduce VOC emissions by ensuring
proper quantity of penetrant is sprayed and proper quantity of emulsifier is used.
Closed covers on VOC-containing equipment when not in use – Will reduce VOC volatilization when
the process is not in use. Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Using proper operation and maintenance practices and maintaining closed covers on VOC-containing
equipment are considered to exceed RACT and meet BACT for NDI activities.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved BACT conditions for NDI activities, as
detailed in DAQE-AN101210275-21:
The following material consumption limits shall not be exceeded:
- 760 gallons of penetrant per rolling 12-month period.
- 424 gallons of emulsifier per rolling 12-month period.
The spray enclosure for penetrant operations shall remained closed when in automated spray mode
4.2.14 Paint Gun Cleaning
This section discusses the RACT analysis for paint gun cleaning activities at Hill AFB. Paint gun cleaning
operations use a solvent to clean paint guns after use. The solvent is either applied through flush or
immersion cleaning. At Hill AFB, these cleaning operations are done either in paint booths or at paint gun
cleaning stations. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC control technologies for
paint gun cleaning at Hill AFB:
Good work practices, including proper handling of solvent
Use of cover on equipment - Equipment is covered when not in use to reduce VOC emissions
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
230815094046_1e4a034f 4-20 Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good work practices, including proper handling of solvent, and use of cover on equipment when not
in use, are considered to exceed RACT or meet BACT for paint gun cleaning activities. Furthermore,
compliance with Aerospace NESHAP, R307-350, Miscellaneous Metal Part and Product Coatings, and
R307-355, Aerospace Manufacture and Rework Facilities, meets BACM.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved BACT determination conditions, which
incorporate flexibility provisions, for NDI activities, as detailed in DAQE -AN0101210200A-09:
VOC emissions shall not exceed 201.2 tons per rolling 12-month period from painting equipment or
operations, solvent uses associated with paint booths, and chemical depainting operations that fall
into categories A, B, C, D, E, F, and G at Hill AFB main Base and Little Mountain sites. (Categories: A:
Cleaning Operations Subject to NESHAP GG, B: Primer and Topcoat Application Operations Subject to
NESHAP GG, C: Depainting (Chemical) Operations Subject to NESHAP GG, D: Specialty Coating
Application Operations to Aerospace Vehicles or Components, E: Surface Coating Application
Operations not Subject to NESHAP GG, F: Specialty Coating Application Operations to non-Aerospace
Vehicles or Components, G: Depainting (Chemical) operations not Subject to NESHAP GG.)
4.2.15 Rocket Motor Testing
This section discusses the RACT analysis for rocket motor testing activities at Hill AFB. Hill AFB test fires
rocket motors at an indoor testing facility. The rocket motors are mounted inside a containment cell for
testing and exhaust is vented through a stack. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC and NOx control
technologies for rocket motor testing activities at Hill AFB: Operating limitations, including limitations on
the operation of a source where practical to eliminate excess emissions of NOx and VOCs, and during no-
burn and clearing index conditions. Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB.
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
230815094046_1e4a034f 4-21 Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good operating procedures, including compliance with pre-approved emissions and material
throughput limitations, meets or exceeds RACT for rocket motor testing.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved RACT/BACT determination conditions for
rocket motor testing, as detailed in DAQE-AN101210249-17:
The combined NEW of all rocket motors tested in the Rocket Motor Test Facility (Building 11647)
shall be no greater than 19,600 pounds per rolling 12-month period.
From November 1 through March 1 (or current UDAQ no-burn season date range):
- 665 pounds of NEW per day on unrestricted action burn days (or current UDAQ terminology for
days where there are no restrictions on the use of solid fuel burning devices)
- 399 pounds of NEW per day on voluntary action burn days (or current UDAQ terminology for days
where voluntary reductions are in place for the use of solid fuel burning devices)
- No test firings will be allowed on mandatory action burn days (or current UDAQ terminology for
days where solid fuel burning devices may not be used)
From March 2 through October 31 (or current date range outside of the UDAQ no-burn season):
- 665 pounds of NEW per day on days with a clearing index 500 and above
- 399 pounds of NEW per day on days with a clearing index between 500 and 200
- No test firings will be allowed on days with a clearing index 200 and below
4.2.16 Site Remediation
This section discusses the RACT analysis for site remediation activities at Hill AFB. Hill AFB has several
ongoing site remediation projects that use remedial technologies such as soil vapor extraction and air
stripping to remediate the contaminated media. The remedial activities underway at Hill AFB are being
performed under Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC control technologies for
site remediation activities at Hill AFB:
Good operating and maintenance procedures
Compliance with R307-401-15 requirements Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Control
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB.
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
230815094046_1e4a034f 4-22 Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of good operating practices and compliance with R307-401-15 requirements are considered to meet
or exceed RACT for site remediation activities.
4.2.17 Surface Coating
This section discusses the RACT analysis for surface coating activities at Hill AFB. Most surface coating
operations at Hill AFB are done in paint booths and are spray- or roller-applied to equipment and aircraft.
Solvents may be used in conjunction with paints and coatings to thin the coating before application and
for surface coating cleanup activities. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies possible VOC control technologies for surface coating
activities at Hill AFB. Available control technologies are provided in Table 4-7.
Table 4-7. Available Control Technologies for Surface Coating Activities at Hill AFB
Control Technology Description Pollutants
High Efficiency Means of
Use of HVLP spray guns, hand application, or
other low-pressure means of coating to maximize
transfer efficiency.
Use of Low VOC Materials Using materials with low VOC content, both
coatings, solvents, and other inputs.
Activated Carbon Adsorbs VOC emitted from paint booths. VOC
Regenerative Thermal
A combustion device that controls VOCs by
converting the emissions into carbon dioxide and
water through the use of heat before exhausting
them to the atmosphere.
Operating Restrictions/Good
Work Practices/NESHAP and
UDAQ Rule Standards
Limiting the operation of a source where practical
to eliminate excess emissions. Minimizing VOC
emissions while cleaning, mixing, storing
materials, including keeping containers shut. This
includes complying with applicable NESHAP and
UDAQ rule standards. UDAQ rules meet BACM.
HVLP = high volume low pressure Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Table 4-8 lists the control technologies not technically feasible for operations at Hill AFB.
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Table 4-8. Technically Infeasible Control Technologies for Surface Coating at Hill AFB
Reasons for Being Technically Infeasible
Surface Coating Activated
While activated carbon is widely used to control VOC emissions and pilot scale
projects have been implemented with modest success on small automotive size
paint booths, it is not used at large aerospace manufacturing and rework facilities.
For a control to be feasible, it must have a practical potential for application and
this has not been demonstrated in industry or research and development testing
for facilities with booths as large and with comparable usage rates as Hill AFB.
Surface Coating Regenerative
Regenerative thermal oxidizers work best when the VOC concentration is low. Hill
AFB coatings fall outside the optimum range of the regenerative thermal oxidizer
and appropriate for use at Hill AFB. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all remaining control technologies are technically feasible and currently
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all remaining technically feasible control technologies identified are already
implemented at Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Operating restrictions, good work practices, use of application methods with a high transfer efficiency, and
use of low VOC-containing materials are considered to meet or exceed RACT for surface coating.
Cleaning operations and primer and topcoat application operations subject to NESHAP GG comply with
the MACT standards set forth within these regulations. Hill AFB also complies with the RACT standards
within the control technologies guidelines document Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
from Coating Operations at Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Operations (EPA, 1997) for activities
relating to the application of specialty coatings on nonaerospace vehicles or components. This voluntary
RACT application satisfies the requirements of BACT for controls of VOC emissions for the surface coating
of nonaerospace vehicles and components.
For surface coating operations not subject to NESHAP GG, activities comply with the RACT
standards -which meet BACM -- described in the most recent versions of R307-342, Sealants and
Adhesives, R307-348, Magnet Wire Coatings, R307-350, Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products
Coatings, R307-352, Metal Container, Closure and Coil Coatings, R307-355 Aerospace Manufacture and
Rework Facilities, and R307-361, Architectural Coatings. For those processes not subject to the NESHAP
and not subject to the RACT standards of the control techniques guidance detailed above, Hill AFB
complies with the VOC limitations as outlined in DAQE-AN0101210200A-09.
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In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved BACT determination conditions, which
incorporate flexibility provisions, for surface coating, as detailed in DAQE-AN0101210200A-09:
VOC emissions shall not exceed 201.2 tons per rolling 12-month period from painting equipment or
operations, solvent uses associated with paint booths, and chemical depainting operations that fall
into categories A, B, C, D, E, F, and G at Hill AFB main Base and Little Mountain sites (Categories: A:
Cleaning Operations Subject to NESHAP GG, B: Primer and Topcoat Application Operations Subject to
NESHAP GG, C: Depainting (Chemical) Operations Subject to NESHAP GG, D: Specialty Coating
Application Operations to Aerospace Vehicles or Components, E: Surface Coating Application
Operations not Subject to NESHAP GG, F: Specialty Coating Application Operations to non-Aerospace
Vehicles or Components, G: Depainting (Chemical) operations not Subject to NESHAP GG.)
Furthermore, Hill AFB complies with the requirement in the PM2.5 SIP that states the VOC emissions from
painting and chemical stripping operations shall not exceed 0.58 ton per day.
4.2.18 Waste Fuel Reclamation
This section discusses the RACT analysis for waste fuel reclamation activities at Hill AFB. Jet A fuel is
reclaimed from aircraft during fuel system purging, testing, and maintenance. Before depot maintenance,
fuel systems are purged of all fuel as a safety precaution. Once the scheduled maintenance is complete,
the aircraft fuel system is tested again for leaks and overall integrity before the aircraft is cleared for flight. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC control technologies for
waste fuel reclamation at Hill AFB:
Operating restrictions and procedures – Limiting the operation of a source where practical to eliminate
excess emissions and proper equipment operations. Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
All technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of proper operating procedures and maintenance of equipment, along with compliance with the fuel
throughput conditions outlined within the permit are considered to meet or exceed RACT for waste fuel
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved BACT determination conditions for waste
fuel reclamation, as detailed in DAQE-AN101210250-17 :
Proper operation and maintenance of equipment
Extraction of JP-5, JP-6, JP-8, JP-10 or Jet A fuels (or equivalent fuels to be determined by the
Director) no greater than 170,820 gallons per rolling 12-month period
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4.2.19 Waste Solvent Reclamation
This section discusses the RACT analysis for waste solvent reclamation activities at Hill AFB. Hill AFB
operates a reclaiming unit that is electrically heated and has a water-cooled condenser to reclaim used
solvents. The system is able to operate continuously or in batches. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible VOC control technologies for
waste solvent reclamation at Hill AFB:
Use of a Control Device – Each emission unit is to be equipped with a water-cooled condenser,
refrigerated chiller, carbon adsorption, or other device that reduces VOC emissions from the unit.
Operating Restrictions and Procedures - Limiting the operation of a source where practical to
eliminate excess emissions and proper equipment operations, including use of a cover that shall
remain closed except during set up of reclamation operations or when adding or removing solvent.
Waste or used solvent also to be kept in closed containers. Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Use of operating restrictions and good operating procedures, and use of a control device, such as a chiller
as detailed in DAQE-AN0101210215-11, are considered to meet or exceed RACT for waste fuel
4.2.20 Wastewater Treatment
This section discusses the RACT analysis for wastewater treatment activities at Hill AFB. The Hill AFB
industrial wastewater treatment plant (IWTP) treats industrial wastewater that contains a variety of organic
compounds. In 2019, a wastewater sludge dryer was installed at the IWTP. This equipment is used to dry
sludge to reduce the sludge volume prior to offsite disposal. Step One – Identify All Available Control Technologies
The RBLC and recent permitting review identifies the following as possible control technologies for various
source categories at Hill AFB:
Proper operation and maintenance of the equipment
For the sludge dryer, BACT consists of using a steam heat exchanger for drying and a wet scrubber
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
230815094046_1e4a034f 4-26 Step Two – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Controls
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible. Step Three – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness
Not applicable because all identified technologies listed in Step One for control of emissions are
technically feasible and currently implemented at Hill AFB. Step Four – Evaluate Most Effective Control and Document Results
Not applicable because all technically feasible control technologies identified are already implemented at
Hill AFB. Step Five – Select RACT
Proper operation and maintenance of equipment, compliance with emissions limitations, and for the
sludge dryer, use of a steam heat exchanger for drying and a wet scrubber meets or exceeds RACT for
wastewater treatment.
In addition, Hill AFB complies with the following pre-approved BACT determination conditions for
wastewater treatment, as detailed in DAQE-AN101210262-19:
For the Air Stripper towers:
The emissions of VOCs shall be no greater than 12.01 tons per rolling 12-month period.
For the Sludge Dryer:
The scrubber shall operate at all times that the sludge dryer is in operation. The scrubber shall operate
within the provisional compliant pressure drop range determined by operational experience. The
provisional compliant pressure drop rang shall be posted near the pressure drop monitor and shall be
included in the corresponding Operation and Maintenance Plan. The dryer shall cease operation if an
excursion of more than 2 inches of water column outside the provisional compliant pressure drop
range occurs.
Visible emissions from the sludge dryer wet scrubber shall be no greater than 20% opacity.
Hill Air Force Base Reasonable Available Control Technology Analysis
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5. References
CH2M. 2018. Hill Air Force Base – Main Base 2017 Annual Criteria and Hazardous Air Pollutant Emission
Inventory. March.
Cleaver Brooks. 2010. Boiler Emissions Guide. CB-7435.
United States Air Force (USAF). 2020. Air Force Manual 32-1068, Heating Systems and Unfired Pressure
Vessels. 16 June.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1997. Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from
Coating Operations at Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Operations. December.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2018. “Implementation of the 2015 National Ambient Air
Quality Standards for Ozone: Nonattainment Area State Implementation Plan Requirements.” Federal
Register . Vol. 83, No. 234. 6 December.
Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ). 2023. Serious Ozone Nonattainment Area Designation – Potential
Impact to Hill Air Force Base. Communication. 31 May.
Appendix A
List of Approval Orders by Source
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Table A-1. List of Applicable Approval Orders by Source Category
Source Category Approval Order Number
Chemical Stripping DAQE-AN0101210200A-09
Degreasers DAQE-AN101210228-12
External Combustion: Air Handlers DAQE-AN101210237-15
External Combustion: Boilers DAQE-AN101210245-16
External Combustion: Building 507 Melt Furnaces DAQE-AN0101210189-08
External Combustion: Curing and Burnout Ovens DAQE-AN101210261-18
External Combustion: Hydrazine Thermal Oxidizer DAQE-AN101210233-14
Fire Training DAQE-AN101210272-20
Fuel Storage DAQE-AN101210288-23
Internal Combustion: Emergency Generators DAQE-AN0121175-06
Internal Combustion: Engine Test Stand DAQE-AN101210261-18
Internal Combustion: Landfill Gas Generators DAQE-AN101210251-17
Jet Engine Testing DAQE-AN101210223-12
Liquid Calibration Systems DAQE-AN101210225-12
Metal Plating DAQE-AN0101210214-11
Miscellaneous Armaments Firing DAQE-AN101210249-17
Nondestructive Inspection DAQE-AN101210275-21
Paint Gun Cleaning DAQE-AN0101210200A-09
Rocket Motor Testing DAQE-AN101210249-17
Surface Coating DAQE-AN0101210200A-09
Waste Fuel Reclamation DAQE-AN101210250-17
Waste Solvent Reclamation DAQE-AN0101210215-11
Wastewater Treatment: Air Stripper Towers DAQE-AN101210262-19
Wastewater Treatment: Sludge Dryer DAQE-AN101210262-19
Appendix B
RBLC Search Results
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Table B-1. RBLC Search Results for Fuel Storage Tanks
RBLC ID Tank Description VOC Control Determination
IN-0158 550 gal ultra-low sulfur diesel tank. Good design and operating practices.
IN-0273 HFR tanks storing diesel fuel. Capacities: 650 gal, 5,000
Use of good design and operating
practices. Each tank shall use a fixed roof.
LA-0309 600 gal gasoline tank. Submerged fill.
LA-0314 1,000 gal gasoline tank. Submerged fill.
OK-0154 2,800 gal diesel tank. Fixed roof tank.
TX-0728 10,708 gal diesel tank. Low vapor pressure fuel, submerged fill,
white tank.
TX-0799 Fuel tanks of various capacities. Fixed roof tanks, submerged fill, white or
aluminum exterior surfaces.
TX-0825 HFR tanks storing products with a vapor pressure < 0.1
psia. Capacities: 546 gal, 2,016 gal, 2,982 gal, 9,996 gal,
12,600 gal.
Painted white, submerged fill.
< = less than
BACT = best available control technology
gal = gallon(s)
ID = identification
LAER = lowest achievable emission rate
psia = pound(s) per square inch absolute
RACT = reasonable available control technology
RBLC = RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse
VOC = volatile organic compound
Table B-2. RBLC Search Results for Internal Combustion Engines
Size (kW) NOx Control Determination
1,750 Comply with 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII and 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ.
2,000 Good combustion and maintenance practices and compliance with NSPS 40 CFR 60.
Subpart IIII
2,179 Good combustion practices and meeting NSPS IIII requirements.
2,250 Limit on operating hours, use of ultra-low sulfur fuel and good combustion practices.
2,250 Purchase engine certified to the standards in NSPS Subpart IIII.
1,923 Compliance with 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ and NSPS 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII, good
combustion practices. use of ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.
2,000 Comply with 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII; operate the engine in accordance with the engine
manufacturer’s instructions or written procedures designed to maximize combustion
efficiency and minimize fuel usage.
2,000 Compliance with 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII; operating the engine in accordance with the
engine manufacturer’s instructions or written procedures (consistent with safe
operation) designed to maximize combustion efficiency and minimize fuel usage.
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Size (kW) NOx Control Determination
2,179 Comply with 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII.
2,500 Comply with 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII.
CFR = Code of Federal Regulations
kW = kilowatt(s)
NOx = nitrogen oxides
NSPS = New Source Performance Standards
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Table B-3. RBLC Search Results for Large Boilers Greater Than 5 MMBtu
RBLC ID Permit
Issuance Date
Boiler Capacity
Pollutant Control Determination
AR-0167 12/01/20 40 NOx Ultra-low NOx burners and good combustion
OH-0387 9/20/22 45.6 NOx Ultra-low NOx burners, good combustion
practices, and the use of natural gas
MI-0454 12/20/22 50 NOx Low-NOx burners or FGR along with good
combustion practices
IN-0359 3/30/23 53.1 NOx Low-NOx burners and good combustion
FL-0371 6/07/21 60 NOx Low-NOx burners
KS-0041 10/30/19 69 NOx Ultra-low NOx Burners
IN-0359 3/30/23 53.1 SOx, PM10,
PM2.5, VOC
Good combustion practices, and the use of
pipeline quality natural gas
AR-0168 3/17/21 58 SOx, PM10,
PM2.5, VOC
Combustion of Natural gas and Good
Combustion Practice
MI-0452 6/23/22 61.5 SOx, PM10,
Good combustion practices, and the use of
pipeline quality natural gas
MI-0452 6/23/22 61.5 VOC Good combustion practices
AR-0168 3/17/21 64 & 66 CO Good operating practices
OH-0387 9/20/22 45.6 CO Good combustion practices and the use of
natural gas
BACT = best available control technology
CO = carbon monoxide
FGR = flue gas recirculation
hr = hour(s)
ID = identification
LAER = lowest achievable emission rate
MMBtu = million British thermal unit(s)
NOx = nitrogen oxides
PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in aerodynamic equivalent diameter
PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic equivalent diameter
RACT = reasonable available control technology
RBLC = RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse
SOx = sulfur oxides
VOC = volatile organic compound