HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0081261/23/24, 11:45 AM State of Utah Mail - Serious Ozone Nonattainment Area RACT Analysis - UOU https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=539c285453&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1786568924097441149&simpl=msg-f:17865689240974411…1/1 Ana Williams <anawilliams@utah.gov> Serious Ozone Nonattainment Area RACT Analysis - UOU Briana Kistler <Briana.Kistler@ehs.utah.edu>Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 4:08 PM To: Ana Williams <anawilliams@utah.gov>, Jon Black <jlblack@utah.gov> Cc: Michael Brehm <michael.brehm@ehs.utah.edu>, Chantelle Russell <Chantelle.Russell@trinityconsultants.com>, Brian Mensinger <bmensinger@trinityconsultants.com> Ana, et el, Attached is the Ozone RACT submittal for the University of Utah, as required in the letter sent by your department on May 31, 2023 addressing the redesignation of the Northern Wasatch Front ozone nonattainment classification from moderate to serious. Please reply to confirm you have successfully received the attached report. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have or if additional information is required. Happy New Year! Thank you, Briana Kistler, E.I.T. Environmental Engineer Office: (801)-581-3906 Compiled UofU 2023 Ozone RACT Anaylsis 2023-1228 v4.0.pdf 1217K OZONE SERIOUS NONATTAINMENT SIP RACT Analysis University of Utah Prepared By: Trinity Consultants 4525 Wasatch Boulevard, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84124 801-272-3000 December 2023 Project 234502.0032 University of Utah / Ozone Moderate Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-1 2. INTRODUCTION 2-1 2.1 Description of Facility .............................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Emission Profile ....................................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 University Efforts to Reduce Emissions .................................................................... 2-2 3. REASONABLY AVAILABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES BACKGROUND 3-1 3.1 RACT Methodology................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Step 1 – Identify All Reasonably Available Control Technologies ................................... 3-2 3.1.2 Step 2 – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Options ........................................................ 3-2 3.1.3 Step 3 – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness ....................... 3-2 3.1.4 Step 4 – Evaluate Most Effective Controls and Document Results ................................. 3-2 3.1.5 Step 5 – Select RACT ................................................................................................ 3-3 4. UCHTWP BOILERS 4-1 4.1 UCHTWP NOX Technologies ...................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 UCHTWP NOX Step 1 ................................................................................................ 4-1 4.1.2 UCHTWP NOX Step 2 ................................................................................................ 4-2 4.1.3 UCHTWP NOX Step 3 ................................................................................................ 4-4 4.1.4 UCHTWP NOX Step 4 ................................................................................................ 4-4 4.1.5 UCHTWP NOX Step 5 ................................................................................................ 4-5 4.2 UCHTWP VOC Technologies ..................................................................................... 4-5 4.2.1 UCHTWP VOC Step 1 ................................................................................................ 4-5 4.2.2 UCHTWP VOC Step 2 ................................................................................................ 4-6 4.2.3 UCHTWP VOC Steps 3-5 ........................................................................................... 4-7 5. LCHTWP BOILERS 5-1 5.1 LCHTWP NOX Technologies ...................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.1 LCHTWP NOX Step 1 ................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.2 LCHTWP NOX Step 2 ................................................................................................. 5-3 5.1.3 LCHTWP NOX Steps 3-5 ............................................................................................ 5-4 5.2 LCHTWP VOC Technologies ...................................................................................... 5-5 6. LCHTWP TURBINE WITH WASTE HEAT RECOVERY 6-1 6.1 Turbine and WHRU NOX Technologies ...................................................................... 6-1 6.1.1 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 1 ................................................................................. 6-1 6.1.2 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 2 ................................................................................. 6-3 6.1.3 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 3 ................................................................................. 6-5 6.1.4 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 4 ................................................................................. 6-5 6.1.5 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 5 ................................................................................. 6-5 6.2 Turbine and WHRU VOC Technologies ...................................................................... 6-5 6.2.1 Turbine and WHRU VOC Step 1 ................................................................................. 6-5 6.2.2 Turbine and WHRU VOC Step 2 ................................................................................. 6-6 6.2.3 Turbine and WHRU Steps 3-5 .................................................................................... 6-7 7. DUAL FUEL BOILERS 7-1 7.1 Dual Fuel Boilers NOX Technologies ......................................................................... 7-2 University of Utah / Ozone Moderate Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants ii 7.1.1 Dual Fuel Boilers NOX Step 1 ..................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.2 Dual Fuel Boilers NOX Step 2 ..................................................................................... 7-3 7.1.3 Dual Fuel Boilers NOX Steps 3-5 ................................................................................. 7-6 7.2 Dual Fuel Boilers VOC Technologies ......................................................................... 7-7 7.2.1 Dual Fuel Boilers VOC Step 1 ..................................................................................... 7-7 7.2.2 Dual Fuel Boilers VOC Step 2 ..................................................................................... 7-7 7.2.3 Dual Fuel Boilers VOC Steps 3-5 ................................................................................ 7-8 8. BACKUP DIESEL BOILER 8-1 8.1 Backup Diesel Boiler NOX ......................................................................................... 8-1 8.1.1 Backup Diesel Boiler NOX Step 1 ................................................................................ 8-1 8.1.2 Backup Diesel Boiler NOX Step 2 ................................................................................ 8-2 8.1.3 Backup Diesel Boiler NOX Steps 3-5............................................................................ 8-3 8.2 Backup Diesel Boiler VOC Emissions ........................................................................ 8-3 9. OTHER SMALL NATURAL GAS BOILERS 9-1 9.1 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers NOX Technologies................................................... 9-1 9.1.1 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers NO X Step 1 ................................................................ 9-2 9.1.2 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers NO X Step 2 ................................................................ 9-2 9.1.3 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers NO X Steps 3 - 5 ......................................................... 9-3 9.2 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers VOC Technologies .................................................. 9-4 10. DIESEL-FIRED EMERGENCY GENERATORS 10-1 10.1 Diesel Fired Engines NOX and VOC Technologies .................................................... 10-1 10.1.1 Diesel-Fired Engines Step 1 ..................................................................................... 10-1 10.1.2 Diesel-Fired Engines Step 2 ..................................................................................... 10-2 10.1.3 Diesel-Fired Engines Step 3 ..................................................................................... 10-4 10.1.4 Diesel Fired Engines Step 4 ..................................................................................... 10-4 10.1.5 Diesel-Fired Engines Step 5 ..................................................................................... 10-5 11. NATURAL GAS EMERGENCY GENERATORS 11-1 11.1 Natural Gas Fired Engines NOX and VOC Technologies ........................................... 11-1 11.1.1 Natural Gas Emergency Generators Step 1 ............................................................... 11-1 11.1.2 Natural Gas Emergency Generators Step 2 ............................................................... 11-1 11.1.3 Natural Gas Emergency Generators Steps 3 – 5 ........................................................ 11-3 12. VOC FUGITIVES AND INSIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES 12-1 12.1 Fugitive VOC Technologies ..................................................................................... 12-1 12.1.1 VOC Fugitives Step 1 .............................................................................................. 12-1 12.1.2 VOC Fugitives Step 2 .............................................................................................. 12-1 12.1.3 VOC Fugitives Step 3-5 ........................................................................................... 12-2 12.2 Storage Tanks ........................................................................................................ 12-2 12.2.1 Storage Tanks Step 1 ............................................................................................. 12-3 12.2.2 Storage Tanks Steps 2 – 4 ...................................................................................... 12-3 12.2.3 Storage Tanks Step 5 ............................................................................................. 12-3 13. CONCLUSIONS 13-1 APPENDIX A. DETAILED COST CALCULATIONS A-1 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 1-1 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On May 31, 2023, the Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) sent a letter to The University of Utah (University) which identified the University as a major stationary source within the Northern Wasatch Front (NWF) Ozone Nonattainment Area (NAA). This letter indicated that UDAQ anticipates that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will reclassify the NAA as serious by February 2025. In order to prepare for the reclassification UDAQ has requested that a Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) analysis be submitted by January 2, 2024. Section 110 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) defines the requirements for the development of State Implementation Plans (SIPs), and Section 7511a specifies the requirements of a serious nonattainment SIP, which includes a Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) analysis for all major sources. The precursors to ozone are oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). As a result, the enclosed RACT analysis focuses on the emission sources at the University that emit these pollutants. The University has the potential to emit 50 tons per year (tpy) or more of NOX classifying it as a major source subject to SIP requirements. Based on further information provided by UDAQ the following elements have been requested for each RACT analysis: ► A list of each of the NO X and VOC emission units at the facility; ► A physical description of each emission unit, including its operating characteristics; ► Estimates of the potential and actual NOX and VOC emission rate from each affected source; ► The proposed NOX and/or VOC RACT requirement or emission limitation (as applicable); and ► Supporting documentation for the technical and economic consideration for each affected emission unit.1 Per UDAQ’s request, the University is submitting this RACT analysis no later than January 2, 2024. 1 Ozone SIP Planning RACT Analysis forms provided by Ana Williams, Utah Department of Environmental Quality on January 9, 2023 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 2-1 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Description of Facility The University is a public higher education institution with air emissions primarily due to the operation of boilers, comforting heating equipment, and emergency generators located in Salt Lake City. The University is operating as a stationary source under Title V Operating Permit Number #3500063004 and an approval order (AO), DAQE-AN103540030-22. This analysis focuses on main campus which includes higher education buildings, research facilities, student housing, sports arenas, the main hospital along with the Huntsman Cancer center and supporting operations. Specifically, this includes the following equipment: ► Upper Campus High Temperature Water Plant (UCHTWP) boilers, otherwise known as Building 302 boilers; ► Lower Campus High Temperature Water Plant (LCHTWP) boilers, otherwise known as Building 303 boilers; ► LCHTWP cogeneration unit, which includes a turbine and waste heat recovery unit (WHRU) duct burner, ► Hospital dual fuel and diesel boilers: • Ambulatory Care Complex (ACC) Boilers, • Backup Diesel Boiler in the Rehabilitation Hospital (Rehab), • Main hospital boilers, and • Huntsman cancer center boilers; ► Miscellaneous small primary and backup boilers; ► Diesel generator engines; and ► Miscellaneous VOC sources including the paint booth, fuel storage tanks, and various parts washers. Each of these emission sources will be discussed in a subsequent section. All correspondence regarding this submission should be addressed to: Mr. Michael Brehm, P.E. The University of Utah Associate Director, Environmental Management & Code Compliance 125 South Fort Douglas Blvd Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 Phone: (801) 585-1617 Email: michael.brehm@ehs.utah.edu Ms. Briana Kistler, E.I.T The University of Utah Environmental Engineer 125 South Fort Douglas Blvd Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 Phone: (801) 581-3906 Email: Briana.Kistler@ehs.utah.edu University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 2-2 2.2 Emission Profile Through recent permitting actions the University has established the following Potential to Emit (PTE) profile. A full explanation of calculation methods and inputs can be found within the permitting files. Table 2-1. University’s Potential to Emit Unit Group Potential Annual Emissions Estimate Tons per year (tpy) NOX VOC UCHTWP 14.42 1.47 LCHTWP Boilers 2.04 1.18 LCHTWP Turbine and WHRU 30.06 4.59 ACC and Rehab 4.37 0.37 Main Hospital Boilers 6.55 0.35 Huntsman Cancer Center Boilers 3.99 0.21 All Other Primary Boilers 1.90 0.22 All Other Backup Boilers 0.83 0.05 Current Generator Inventory 62.34 3.22 Misc. VOC 0.00 1.71 Totals PTE 126.50 13.35 Emissions from 2017 were utilized in initial SIP planning and are included as a reference within this report. Subsequent years are recorded within UDAQ’s State and Local Emission Inventory System (SLEIS). Table 2-2. University’s 2017 Actual Emissions Unit Group Actual Annual Emissions Estimate (tpy) NOX VOC Total 2017 Emission Rate 41.49 8.15 2.3 University Efforts to Reduce Emissions The University was established in 1850 and has committed to reducing the environmental impact of the University through its sustainability programs. While the University’s sustainability programs have a broad set of initiatives and focus primarily on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, the effect of this commitment translates through the University’s emission profile. This is evidenced through the following actions: ►Ceased operation of LCHTWP Boilers 3 and 4 in 2018 and 2019 respectively •Boilers 3 and 4 were 105 MMBtu/hr pre-NSPS units with an individual NOX emission rate of 187 parts per million (ppm ). These units were replaced by Unit 9, a single 72 MMBtu/hr unit, meeting an emission limit of 9 ppm. The reduction in supplied heat load was possible through campus energy saving initiatives and lowered the LCHTWP PTE by approximately 38 tpy of NOX. ►Decommissioning of the print plant and flash ironmaking processes in 2018 ►Reduced heat load and natural gas usage on UCHTWP to 530 MMscf/yr University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 2-3 •The UCHTWP historically provided for the heating needs of a variety of hospital buildings. The hospital was expanded in 2019 and is now semi-independent of the UCHTWP. The new units installed in the Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) support the existing hospital buildings as well as the ACC expansion with less natural gas. This reduction in heat load represented an actual decrease in the natural gas usage of the older UCHTWP boilers, resulting in a reduction of annual emissions. ►Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer •This unit has been decommissioned and removed from campus on October 12, 2023. Further discussion of decommissioning will be addressed in a forthcoming permit action. ►Investing in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified building designs •The University continues to expand and construct new buildings which support the primary initiatives of the University. Each of the new buildings constructed is LEED certified and thus exemplifies advancements in planning, construction, maintenance, and operations that result in less energy, less water usage, and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.2 These advancements allow for the installation of smaller and more efficient supporting units, such as boilers and emergency generators. Additionally, the University strives to install the unit with the lowest emission rating possible while meeting project scope and budget. Smaller more efficient units burn less fuel and thus produce less NOX and VOC. ►Wherever feasible the University is installing electrical systems and battery packs to replace the need for diesel fired emergency generators. 2 See this webpage for further information: LEED Buildings | Sustainability (utah.edu) University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 3-1 3. REASONABLY AVAILABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES BACKGROUND A RACT analysis has been conducted for each source addressed in Approval Order No. DAQE-AN103540030- 22 and Title V permit #3500063004 in the following sections. The University has organized the RACT analysis by emission unit group and addressed NO X and VOC precursor in this analysis in accordance with U.S. EPA’s “top-down” procedures per UDAQ guidance.3 3.1 RACT Methodology EPA has defined RACT as follows: The lowest emission limitation that a particular source is capable of meeting by the application of control technology that is reasonably available considering technological and economic feasibility.4 RACT for a particular source is determined on a case-by-case basis considering the technological and economic circumstances of the individual source.5 In EPA’s State Implementation Plans; General Preamble for Proposed Rulemaking on Approval of Plan Revisions for Nonattainment Areas – Supplement (on Control Techniques Guidelines), it provided a recommendation to states which says: …each [Control Technique Guideline] CTG contains recommendations to the States of what EPA calls the “presumptive norm” for RACT, based on EPA’s current evaluation of the capabilities and problems general to the industry. Where the States finds the presumptive norm applicable to an individual source or group of sources, EPA recommends that the State adopt requirements consistent with the presumptive norm level in or to include RACT limitations in the SIP.6 The University has referenced the published CTG’s as well as Utah Administrative Code (UAC) for Air Quality (R307), and proposed rules which establish a current presumptive norm specific to the NWF NAA. The preamble goes on to state: …recommended controls are based on capabilities and problems which are general to the industry; they do not take into account the unique circumstances of each facility. In many cases appropriate controls would be more or less stringent. States are urged to judge the feasibility of imposing the recommended control on particular sources, and adjust the controls accordingly. 3 UDAQ Ozone SIP Planning RACT Analysis, provided January 9, 2023 4 EPA articulated its definition of RACT in a memorandum from Roger Strelow, Assistant Administrator for Air and Waste Management, to Regional Administrators, Regions I-X, on Guidance for determining Acceptability of SIP Regulations in Non-Attainment Areas,” Section 1.a (December 9,1976). 5 Federal Register/Vol. 44. No. 181/Monday, September 17,1979/Proposed Rules – State Implementation Plan; General Preamble for Proposed Rulemaking on Approval of Plan Revisions for Nonattainment Areas – Supplement (on Control Techniques Guidelines). 6 IBID. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 3-2 Guidance provided by UDAQ for this RACT analysis states that this analysis is to be conducted using the “top-down” method.7 In a memorandum dated December 1, 1987, the EPA detailed its preference for a “top-down” analysis which contains five (5) steps.8 If it can be shown that the most stringent level of control is technically, environmentally, or economically infeasible for the unit in question, then the next most stringent level of control is determined and similarly evaluated. This process continues until the RACT level under consideration cannot be eliminated by any substantial or unique technical, environmental, or economic objections. Presented below are the five basic steps of a “top-down ” RACT review as identified by the EPA. 3.1.1 Step 1 – Identify All Reasonably Available Control Technologies Available control technologies are identified for each emission unit in question. The following methods are used to identify potential technologies: 1) researching the RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) database, 2) surveying regulatory agencies, 3) drawing from previous engineering experience, 4) surveying air pollution control equipment vendors, and/or 5) surveying available literature. Additionally, current CTG’s as well as UAC R307, and proposed rules were reviewed to establish a current presumptive norm specific to the NWF NAA. 3.1.2 Step 2 – Eliminate Technically Infeasible Options To ensure the presumptive norm established applies to the emission source in question a full review of available control technologies is conducted in the second step of the RACT analysis. In this step each technology is reviewed for technical feasibility and those that are clearly technically infeasible are eliminated. EPA states the following with regard to technical feasibility:9 A demonstration of technical infeasibility should be clearly documented and should show, based on physical, chemical, and engineering principles, that technical difficulties would preclude the successful use of the control option on the emissions unit under review. 3.1.3 Step 3 – Rank Remaining Control Technologies by Control Effectiveness Once technically infeasible options are removed from consideration, the remaining options are ranked based on their control effectiveness. If there is only one remaining option or if all the remaining technologies could achieve equivalent control efficiencies, ranking based on control efficiency is not required. 3.1.4 Step 4 – Evaluate Most Effective Controls and Document Results Beginning with the most effective control option in the ranking, detailed economic, energy, and environmental impact evaluations are performed. If a control option is determined to be economically feasible without adverse energy or environmental impacts, it is not necessary to evaluate the remaining options with lower control effectiveness. The economic evaluation centers on the cost effectiveness of the control option. Costs of installing and operating control technologies are estimated and annualized following the methodologies outlined in the 7 UDAQ Ozone SIP Planning RACT Analysis, provided January 9, 2023. 8 U.S. EPA, Office of Air and Radiation. Memorandum from J.C. Potter to the Regional Administrators. Washington, D.C. December 1, 1987. 9 U.S. EPA, New Source Review Workshop Manual (Draft): Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment Area Permitting, October 1990. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 3-3 EPA’s OAQPS Control Cost Manual (CCM) and other industry resources.10 Note that the purpose of this analysis is not to determine whether controls are affordable for a particular company or industry, but whether the expenditure effectively allows the source to meet pre-established presumptive norms. 3.1.5 Step 5 – Select RACT In the final step the lowest emission limitation is proposed as RACT along with any necessary control technologies or measures needed to achieve the cited emission limit. This proposal is made based on the evaluations from the previous step. 10 Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS), EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, Sixth Edition, EPA 452-02-001 (https://www.epa.gov/economic-and -cost-analysis-air-pollution-regulations/cost-reports-and-guidance-air-pollution), Daniel C. Mussatti & William M. Vatavuk, January 2002. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 4-1 4. UCHTWP BOILERS The upper campus high temperature water plant (UCHWTP), located in Building 302, has three (3) dual fuel boilers, 1, 3, and 4 that are each rated at 87.5 million British thermal units per hour (MMBtu/hr) equipped with 15% flue gas recirculation (FGR). These units are primarily natural gas-fired; however, diesel is used as a backup fuel during periods of natural gas curtailment or natural disaster. These boilers supplement the needs of the University Hospital’s Level 1 Trauma Center. The unique demands of a Level 1 trauma center, dictate the need for these units to have dual fuel capabilities, and in turn, creates some barriers to certain control technologies as described in further detail in the following sections. Recently, the University installed several new, highly efficiency dual fuel boilers, with low NO X burners. This allowed the University to commit to a SIP limit of 530 MMscf/yr of natural gas . 4.1 UCHTWP NOX Technologies The NO X that will be formed during combustion is from two (2) major mechanisms: thermal NOX and fuel NOX. Since natural gas is relatively free of fuel-bound nitrogen, the contribution of this second mechanism to the formation of NOX emissions in natural gas-fired equipment is minimal, leaving thermal NOX as the main source of NOX emissions. Thermal NOX formation is a function of residence time, oxygen level, and flame temperature, and can be minimized by controlling these elements in the design of the combustion equipment. 4.1.1 UCHTWP NOX Step 1 The University has reviewed the following sources to ensure all available control technologies have been identified: ► Proposed UDAQ rule R307-316, NO X Emission Controls for Natural-Gas Fired Boilers greater than 5 MMBtu/hr; ► EPA’s RACT/BACT/LEAR Clearinghouse (RBLC) Database for Natural Gas External Combustion Units (process type 13.310);11 ► EPA’s Air Pollution Technology Fact Sheets; ► EPA’s Clean Air Technology Center (CATC) Alternative Control Techniques Document – NOX Emissions from Utility Boilers; ► National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) DDDDD – Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters; ► NESHAP JJJJJJ – Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers at Area Sources; ► New Source Performance Standards (NSPS ) Subpart Dc - Standards of Performance for Small Industrial- Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units12 ► South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER)/BACT Determinations; ► San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) BACT Clearinghouse; ► Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) BACT/TBACT Workbook; ► Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) BACT workbook; and ► Permits available online. The control technologies identified through this search are listed in Table 4-1. 11 Database accessed November 10, 2023. 12 Boilers applicable to NSPS Subpart Dc do not have NOX emission limitations for Natural Gas Fired Boilers. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 4-2 Table 4-1. Medium Natural Gas Boilers NOX Controls and Emission Rates from RBLC13 The technologies identified as possible NOX reduction technologies are shown in the table below. Pollutant Control Technologies NOX Low NO X Burners (LNB) Ultra-Low NO X Burners (UNLB) Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Good Combustion Practices (GCP) No presumptive norm specifically addresses NOX emissions from dual fuel boilers . Therefore, control effectiveness, technical, and economical feasibility is compared to the presumptive norm established for natural gas combustion units in UDAQ rule R307-316, NOX Emission Controls for Natural-Gas Fired Boilers greater than 5 MMBtu/hr as they apply to the UCHTWP, which requires the following: ► NOX Emission Rate of 9 ppm v; and ► Operate and Maintain (O&M) in accordance with manufacturer's instruction. 4.1.2 UCHTWP NOX Step 2 To demonstrate a complete analysis, the University has evaluated the following technologies including both replacement burners and add-on controls. 13 The facilities were selected based on process type and purpose of equipment as well as location within similar Non-attainment areas and the application of SIP/PSD BACT. RBLCID Facility/Agency Name State Permit/Document Issued Control Method Averaging Time Case-by-Case MD-0041 CPV ST. CHARLES MD 04/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT 93 MMBTU/H EXCLUSIVE USE OF NATURAL GAS, ULTRA LOW- NOX BURNERS, AND FLUE GAS RECIRCULATION (FGR) 0.011 LB/MMBTU 3-HOUR AVERAGE LAER MD-0046 KEYS ENERGY CENTER MD 10/31/2014 &nbsp;ACT 93 MMBTU/H EFFICIENT BOILER DESIGN WITH ULTRA LOW NOX BURNER, EXCLUSIVE USE OF PIPELINE QUALITY NATURAL GAS, AND APPLICATION OF GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.01 LB/MMBTU 3-HOUR BLOCK AVERAGE BACT-PSD MI-0424 HOLLAND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS - EAST 5TH STREET MI 12/05/2016 &nbsp;ACT 83.5 MMBTU/H Low NOx burners/Internal flue gas recirculation and good combustion practices.0.05 LB/MMBTU TEST PROTOCOL WILL SPECIFY AVG TIME BACT-PSD OH-0381 NORTHSTAR BLUESCOPE STEEL, LLC OH 09/27/2019 &nbsp;ACT 88 MMBTU/H Use of natural gas, use of low NOx burners, good combustion practices and design 6.16 LB/H NA BACT-PSD PA-0310 CPV FAIRVIEW ENERGY CENTER PA 09/02/2016 &nbsp;ACT 92.4 MMBtu/hr Ultra low NOx burners, FGR, good combustion practices 0.011 LB/MMBTU AVG OF 3 1-HR TEST RUNS LAER *PA-0319 RENAISSANCE ENERGY CENTER PA 08/27/2018 &nbsp;ACT 88 MMBtu/hr Lo-NOx burners, Flue Gas Recirculation, good combustion practices, proper operation and maintainance. 0.02 LB/MMBTU HR LAER TX-0713 TENASKA BROWNSVILLE GENERATING STATION TX 04/29/2014 &nbsp;ACT 90 MMBTU/H ultra low-NOx burners, limited use 9 PPMVD @15% O2 BACT-PSD -BAAQMD CA 8/4/2010 ≥50 MMB tu/hr Ultra Low NOx Burners & FGR NA BACT -SJVAPCD CA 11/30/2022 ≥20 MMBtu/hr Assumed SCR 0.003 LB/MMBTU NA BACT -SCAQMD CA 12/2/1999 33.9 MMBtu/hr SCR 7 ppm NA BACT -SCAQMD CA 3/22/2016 39.9 MMBtu/hr SCR 5 ppm 15 mins LAER -SCAQMD CA 5/19/2004 39 MMBtu/hr Ultra-Low NOx Burner & FGR 9 ppm NA BACT -TCEQ TX 10/1/2018 >40 MMBtu/hr Low NOx Burners & SCR 0.01 LB/MMBTU NA BACT Emission LimitThroughput NA University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 4-3 Low NOX Burners LNB technology uses advanced burner design to reduce NOX formation through the restriction of oxygen, flame temperature, and/or residence time. There are two (2) general types of LNB: staged fuel and staged air burners. In a stage fuel LNB, the combustion zone is separated into two regions. The first region is a lean combustion region where a fraction of the fuel is supplied with the total quantity of combustion air. Combustion in this zone takes place at substantially lower temperatures than a standard burner. In the second combustion region, the remaining fuel is injected and combusted with leftover oxygen from the first region. A staged air burner begins with full fuel but only partial combustion air, and then adds the remaining combustion air in the second combustion region. These techniques reduce the formation of thermal NOX. This technology is listed in the RBLC search as a technically feasible control technology. Ultra Low NOX Burners ULNB technology uses internal FGR which involves recirculating the hot O2 depleted flue gas from the heater into the combustion zone using burner design features and fuel staging to reduce NOX. A ULNB most commonly uses an internal induced draft to reach the desired emission limitations. This technology is listed in the RBLC search as a technically feasible control technology. A ULNB can achieve an emission rate of approximately 9 ppm or 0.011 pounds per million British thermal units (lb/MMBtu) when used in conjunction with FGR. Flue Gas Recirculation FGR is frequently used with both LNB and ULNB burners. FGR involves the recycling of post-combustion air into the air-fuel mixture to reduce the available oxygen and help cool the burner flame. External FGR requires the use of ductwork to route a portion of the flue gas in the stack back to the burner windbox; FGR can be either forced draft (where hot side fans are used) or induced draft. This technology is listed in the RBLC search as technically feasible and is paired with LNB for the BACT determined control technology. Currently, the UCHTWP boilers use this technology. Selective Catalytic Reduction SCR has been applied to stationary source, fossil fuel-fired, combustion units for emission control since the early 1970s. It has been applied to large (>250 MMBtu/hr) utility and industrial boilers, process heaters, and combined cycle gas turbines. SCR can be applied as a stand-alone NOX control or with other technologies such as combustion controls. The reagent reacts selectively with the flue gas NOX within a specific temperature range and in the presence of the catalyst and oxygen to reduce the NOX into molecular nitrogen (N2) and water vapor (H2O).14 The optimum operating temperature is dependent on the type of catalyst and the flue gas composition. Generally, the optimum temperature ranges from 480°F to 800°F.15 In practice, SCR systems operate at efficiencies in the range of 70% to 90%.16 SCR is listed in the RBLC search as technically feasible. In some cases, this control technology is listed in combination with LNB and FGR. As previously mentioned, BAAQMD defines BACT as the combination of SCR, LNB, and FGR. 14 EPA Air Pollution Control Technology Fact Sheet, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) 15 OAQPS, EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, Sixth Edition, EPA/424/B-02-001 (https://www.epa.gov/economic-and-cost-analysis-air-pollution-regulations/cost-reports-and-guidance-air-pollution); January 2002 16 OAQPS, EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, Sixth Edition, EPA/424/B-02-001 (https://www.epa.gov/economic-and-cost-analysis-air-pollution-regulations/cost-reports-and-guidance-air-pollution)); January 2002 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 4-4 The ammonia “slip” associated with the SCR is a documented problem. The increased ammonia emissions (currently zero) from the implementation of this technology would offset the marginal air quality benefits the SCR option would provide from NOX emissions reduction. Additionally, ammonia slip emissions have the potential to increase secondary PM2.5 levels which would impact the surrounding PM2.5 serious nonattainment area and it is anticipated that the increase in particulate would offset any anticipated NOX emissions. Storage and handling of ammonia poses significant safety risks when applied at the University of Utah. Ammonia is toxic if swallowed or inhaled and can irritate or burn the skin, eyes, nose, or throat. It is a commonly used material that is typically handled safely and without incident. However, there are potential health and safety hazards associated with the implementation of this technology. The UCHTWP is located in a densely-packed area with other public facilities including student dormitories and the Red Butte Amphitheater, and a significant number of University staff, students, and the general public potentially in harm's way. Locating ammonia tanks in these premises poses significant health risks for students, faculty, patients, family members and the general public if a leak were to occur. The exhaust stream entering the SCR will require additional heat to meet the SCR operating temperature requirements (minimum of 480°F). This increase in exhaust temperature would require an additional combustion device, also increasing NOX, SO2, VOC, and PM2.5 emissions. Furthermore, there is a physical space issue concerning this technology. Building 302, where the UCHTWP boilers are housed, is confined by other buildings in the immediate proximity and may not provide the space required to physically install an SCR. The location of the boilers within the building also presents a space challenge when installing an SCR. That being said, the costs of installing an SCR would likely be higher than that presented in Step 4 below due to the limited amount of space under the current configuration. Though there are obvious physical limitations, public safety concerns, and additional pollutants being emitted to use this add-on control technology, the control device is being evaluated for cost feasibility. Good Combustion Practices The use of good combustion practices usually includes the following components: (1) proper fuel mixing in the combustion zone; (2) high temperatures and low oxygen levels in primary zone; (3) overall excess oxygen levels high enough to complete combustion while maximizing boiler efficiency, and (4) sufficient residence time to complete combustion. Good combustion practices are accomplished through boiler design as it relates to time, temperature, turbulence, and boiler operation as it relates to excess oxygen levels. 4.1.3 UCHTWP NOX Step 3 Based on an RBLC search the following technologies are currently being used for boilers less than or equal to 100 MMBtu/hr. These are ranked based on which technology can achieve the lowest emission rate. Note, an ULNB has not been proven with an SCR based on RBLC review. 1. LNB + SCR = 5 ppm or 0.004 lb/MMBtu17 2. ULNB = 9 ppm or 0.008 lb/MMBtu 3. LNB = 30 ppm or 0.036 lb/MMBtu 4. FGR = 42 ppm or 0.05 lb/MMBtu 4.1.4 UCHTWP NOX Step 4 The UCHTWP boilers are currently using 15% FGR and achieve an emission rate of 0.05 lb/MMBtu. To achieve the presumptive norm established, an emission rate of 9 ppm, an SCR may be installed on each 17 This emissions rate is representative of LAER. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 4-5 boiler. The University conducted a cost analysis following the method described in EPA Cost Control Manual Section 4 Chapter 2 Selective Catalytic Reduction Costs. Key to this analysis is the reduction removal efficiency and interest rate. For this analysis the University has used a reduction rate equivalent to a decreased emission rate of 9 ppm NO X. Since the actual nominal interest rate for a project of this type is not readily available to the University, additional resources were reviewed to determine appropriate nominal interest rates for this industry sector and project type. One such resource was the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For economic evaluations of the impact of federal regulations, the OMB uses an interest rate of 7%.18 A nominal interest rate of 7% has been referenced in EPA’s Cost Manual and has been commonly relied upon for control technology analyses for several decades as a representative average over time. Based on a 9 ppm emission rate and 7% interest rate the cost per ton removed is $63,911.19 Calculations are shown in Appendix A and are based on EPA Cost Control Manual Section 4 Chapter 2 Selective Catalytic Reduction Costs and Section 1 Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology. The cost per ton of NOX removed is beyond acceptable cost control effectiveness levels and therefore, the University has determined that this technology is economically infeasible for these units. The University also reviewed replacing the current burner with an UNLB with an emission rate of 9 ppm NO X or less. Using a manufacture supplier total equipment cost and 7% interest rate, it would cost $46,956/ton of NO x removed to achieve the 9 ppm emission rate. The cost per ton of NOX removed is beyond acceptable cost control effectiveness levels and therefore, the University is considering this burner technology economically infeasible for these units. Detailed cost calculations for this control technology for the UCHTWP are provided in Appendix A. Installation of a lower efficiency burner, i.e. LNB technology, is not expected to decrease the capital investment substantially. Therefore, the University has assumed replacing the current burner with a LNB is also economically infeasible. 4.1.5 UCHTWP NOX Step 5 The boilers in the UCHWTP employ FGR and O&M in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction which meets RACT. The University completes O&M in accordance with manufacturer recommendations, however replacement of the burner or the addition of SCR is economically infeasible. As a result, the University proposes that an emission rate of 0.05 lb/MMBtu using 15% FGR, limited natural gas consumption, and appropriate O&M meet RACT. 4.2 UCHTWP VOC Technologies 4.2.1 UCHTWP VOC Step 1 The University has reviewed the following sources to ensure all available control technologies have been identified: ► EPA’s RBLC Database for Natural Gas External Combustion Units (process type 13.310);20 ► EPA’s Air Pollution Technology Fact Sheets; ► EPA’s CATC Alternative Control Techniques Document – NOX Emissions from Utility Boilers; ► NESHAP DDDDD – Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters; 18 OMB Circular A-4, https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/omb/circulars_a004_a-4/ 19 Based on a vendor cost estimate. 20 Database accessed November 10, 2023. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 4-6 ► NESHAP JJJJJJ – Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers at Area Sources; ► SCAQMD LAER/BACT Determinations; ► SJVAPCD BACT Clearinghouse; ► BAAQMD BACT/TBACT Workbook21; ► TCEQ BACT Workbook; and ► Permits available online. The technologies identified as possible VOC reduction technologies are shown in the table below. Pollutant Control Technologies VOCs Thermal Oxidizer/Afterburner Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Catalytic Oxidation Good Combustion Practices No presumptive norm has been established for VOC emissions from combustion sources due to the low emission rate of units. 4.2.2 UCHTWP VOC Step 2 To demonstrate a complete analysis, the University has evaluated the following technologies: Simple Thermal Oxidizer or Afterburner (TO) In a simple TO or afterburner, the flue gas exiting the boiler is reheated in the presence of sufficient oxygen to oxidize the VOC present in the flue gas. A typical TO is a flare and is not equipped with any heat recovery device. A TO will require additional fuel to heat the gas stream starting from 280°F to at least 1,600°F and which will generate additional emissions. Additionally, a TO is no different from the combustion chamber of the boiler. Therefore, there would be little expected reduction in VOC with an increase in other combustion pollutants for the required heating of the exhaust stream. Therefore, the TO is not considered further. Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) A RTO is equipped with ceramic heat recovery media (stoneware) that has large surface area for heat transfer and can be stable to 2,300°F. Operating temperatures of the RTO system typically range from 1,500°F to 1,800°F with a retention time of approximately one second. The combustion chamber of the RTO is surrounded by multiple integral heat recovery chambers, each of which sequentially switches back and forth from being a preheater to a heat recovery chamber. In this fashion, energy is absorbed from the gas exhausted from the unit and stored in the heat exchange media to preheat the next cycle of incoming gas. An RTO will require additional fuel to heat the gas stream from 280°F to at least 1,500°F and which will generate additional emissions; therefore, the RTO is not considered further. Catalytic Oxidation Catalytic oxidation allows complete oxidation to take place at a faster rate and a lower temperature than is possible with thermal oxidation. Oxidation efficiency depends on exhaust flow rate and composition. Residence time required for oxidation to take place at the active sites of the catalyst may not be achieved if exhaust flow rates exceed design specifications. Also, sulfur and other compounds may foul the catalyst, 21 BAAQMD BACT/TBACT Workbook - BACT(2) for POC is GCP University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 4-7 leading to decreased efficiency. In a typical catalytic oxidizer, the gas stream is passed through a flame area and then through a catalyst bed at a velocity in the range of 10 to 30 feet per second (fps). Catalytic oxidizers typically operate at a narrow temperature range of approximately 600°F to 1100°F. A catalytic oxidizer will require additional fuel to heat the gas stream from 280°F to at least 600°F and which will generate additional emissions; therefore, catalytic oxidation is not considered further. Good Combustion Practices and Use of Clean Burning Fuels Good combustion practices for VOCs include adequate fuel residence times, proper fuel-air mixing, and temperature control. As it is imperative for process controls, the University will maintain combustion optimal to their process. Most results in RBLC determined that this was sufficient controls for VOC. Additionally, BAAQMD and SCAQMD did not provide BACT determinations for VOC. 4.2.3 UCHTWP VOC Steps 3-5 Steps 3 and 4 are not necessary since all control technologies not currently being used have been determined technically infeasible. Since no presumptive norm has been established for VOC emissions and all technically and economically feasible controls are currently utilized, the University proposes that good combustion practices and the use of a clean burning fuel meets RACT. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 5-1 5. LCHTWP BOILERS The lower campus high temperature water plant (LCHTWP) provides the heating and cooling necessary for the lower (western) portion of campus and is located in Building 303. The LCHWTP has three natural gas- fired boilers and a cogeneration unit which consists of a turbine and a waste heat recovery unit. This section focuses on the two (2) units rated at 50 MMBtu/hr each (Units 6 and 7) and the one (1) unit rated at 72 MMBtu/hr (Unit 9). Table 5-1 below summarizes the operating characteristics and installation date for each boiler. Table 5-1. Operating Characteristics and Installation Date Boiler Number Input Capacity (MMBtu/hr) Installed/Operating Characteristics Installation Date Unit 6 50 - Utilize LNB + FGR - 9 ppm Installed in 2016 Unit 7 50 - Utilize LNB + FGR - 9 ppm Installed in 2016 Unit 9 72 - Utilize ULNB - 9 ppm Installed in 2019 Startup and shutdown emissions are anticipated to be less than or equal to emissions during normal operations on the boilers at the LCHTWP. 5.1 LCHTWP NOX Technologies The NO X that will be formed during combustion is from two major mechanisms: thermal NOX and fuel NOX. Since natural gas is relatively free of fuel-bound nitrogen, the contribution of this second mechanism to the formation of NOX emissions in natural gas-fired equipment is minimal, leaving thermal NOX as the main source of NO X emissions. Thermal NO X formation is a function of residence time, oxygen level, and flame temperature, and can be minimized by controlling these elements in the design of the combustion equipment. 5.1.1 LCHTWP NOX Step 1 The University has reviewed the following sources to ensure all available control technologies have been identified: ► Proposed UDAQ rule R307-316, NOX Emission Controls for Natural-Gas Fired Boilers greater than 5 MMBtu/hr; ► EPA’s RBLC Database for Natural Gas External Combustion Units (process type 13.31);22 ► EPA’s Air Pollution Technology Fact Sheets; ► EPA’s CATC Alternative Control Techniques Document – NOX Emissions from Utility Boilers; 22 Database accessed November 10, 2023 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 5-2 ► NESHAP DDDDD – Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters; ► NESHAP JJJJJJ – Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers at Area Sources; ► SCAQMD LAER/BACT Determinations; ► SJVAPCD BACT Clearinghouse; ► BAAQMD BACT/TBACT Workbook; and ► Permits available online. The results of these searches are summarized in the table below: Table 5-2. Medium Natural Gas Boilers NOX Controls and Emission Rates from RBLC23 The technologies identified as possible NOX reduction technologies are shown in the table below. Pollutant Control Technologies NOX Low NOX Burners Ultra-Low NOX Burners Flue Gas Recirculation Selective Catalytic Reduction Good Combustion Practices 23 Database accessed November 10, 2023 RBLCID Facility/Agency Name State Permit/Document Issued Control Method Averaging Time Case-by-Case AK-0083 KENAI NITROGEN OPERATIONS AK 01/06/2015 &nbsp;ACT 50 MMBTU/H Selective Catalytic Reduction 7 PPMV 3-HR AVG @ 15 % O2 BACT-PSD AR-0155 BIG RIVER STEEL LLC AR 11/07/2018 &nbsp;ACT 53.7 MMBTU/HR LOW NOX BURNERS COMBUSTION OF CLEAN FUEL GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 0.035 LB/MMBTU NA BACT-PSD AR-0167 LION OIL COMPANY AR 12/01/2020 &nbsp;ACT 75 MMBtu/hr Ultra-low NOx burners and good combustion practice 3.5 LB/HR 3-HOUR AVERAGE BACT-PSD FL-0367 SHADY HILLS COMBINED CYCLE FACILITY FL 07/27/2018 &nbsp;ACT 60 MMBtu/hour low-NOx burners 0.05 LB/MMBTU NA BACT-PSD IN-0263 MIDWEST FERTILIZER COMPANY LLC IN 03/23/2017 &nbsp;ACT 70 MMBTU/HR GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES 12.611 LB/H 3 HOUR AVERAGE BACT-PSD IN-0359 NUCOR STEEL IN 03/30/2023 &nbsp;ACT 50 MMBtu/hr low NOx burners 0.035 LB/MMBTU BACT-PSD KY-0110 NUCOR STEEL BRANDENBURG KY 07/23/2020 &nbsp;ACT 54 MMBtu/hr Low-Nox Burner (Designed to maintain 0.15 lb/MMBtu in flameless mode and 0.25 lb/MMBtu in flame mode); and a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. 158 LB/MMSCF FLAMELESS MODE BACT-PSD KY-0115 NUCOR STEEL GALLATIN, LLC KY 04/19/2021 &nbsp;ACT 50.4 MMBtu/hr The permittee must develop a Good Combustion and Operating Practices (GCOP) Plan. Also equipped with low-NOx burners. 35 LB/MMSCF NA BACT-PSD KY-0116 NOVELIS CORPORATION - GUTHRIE KY 07/25/2022 &nbsp;ACT 53 MMBtu/hr (total) Good Combustion & Operation Practices (GCOP) Plan 5.3 LB/HR MONTHLY AVERAGE BACT-PSD *LA-0315 G2G PLANT LA 05/23/2014 &nbsp;ACT 61 MMBTU/HR Ultra-Low NOx Burners (ULNB)2.44 LB/H HOURLY MAXIMUM BACT-PSD MI-0447 LBWL--ERICKSON STATION MI 01/07/2021 &nbsp;ACT 50 MMBTU/H Low NOx burners (LNB) or flue gas recirculation (FGR) along with good combustion practices. 30 PPM AT 3% O2; HOURLY BACT-PSD NY-0103 CRICKET VALLEY ENERGY CENTER NY 02/03/2016 &nbsp;ACT 60 MMBTU/H flue gas recirculation with low NOx burners 0.0085 LB/MMBTU 1 H LAER PA-0307 YORK ENERGY CENTER BLOCK 2 ELECTRICITY GENERATION PROJECT PA 06/15/2015 &nbsp;ACT 62.04 MCF/hr Good combustion practices, Ultra-Low NOx burners, FGR 0.0086 LB/MMBTU NA LAER TX-0851 RIO BRAVO PIPELINE FACILITY TX 12/17/2018 &nbsp;ACT 71.3 MMBTU/HR Low NOx burners and good combustion practices.0.162 LB/MMBTU NA BACT-PSD VA-0321 BRUNSWICK COUNTY POWER STATION VA 03/12/2013 &nbsp;ACT 66.7 MMBTU/H Dry Low NOx burner.9 PPMVD NA BACT-PSD -BAAQMD CA 8/4/2010 ≥50 MMBtu/hr Ultra Low NOx Burners & FGR NA BACT -SJVAPCD CA 11/30/2022 ≥20 MMBtu/hr Assumed SCR 0.003 LB/MMBTU NA BACT -SCAQMD CA 12/2/1999 33.9 MMBtu/hr SCR 7 ppm NA BACT -SCAQMD CA 3/22/2016 39.9 MMBtu/hr SCR 5 ppm 15 mins LAER -SCAQMD CA 5/19/2004 39 MMBtu/hr Ultra-Low NOx Burner & FGR 9 ppm NA BACT -TCEQ TX 10/1/2018 >40 MMBtu/hr Low NOx Burners & SCR 0.01 LB/MMBTU NA BACT Throughput Emission Limit NA University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 5-3 The control efficiencies along with technical and economic feasibility are compared to the presumptive norm established in proposed UDAQ rule R307-316, NO X Emission Controls for Natural-Gas Fired Boilers greater than 5 MMBtu/hr as they apply to the LCHTWP, which requires the following: ► NOX Emission Rate of 9 ppmv; and ► Operate and Maintain (O&M) in accordance with manufacturer's instruction. 5.1.2 LCHTWP NOX Step 2 To demonstrate a complete analysis, the University has evaluated the following technologies including both replacement burners and add-on controls. Low NOX Burners LNB technology uses advanced burner design to reduce NOX formation through the restriction of oxygen, flame temperature, and/or residence time. There are two general types of LNB: staged fuel and staged air burners. In a stage fuel LNB, the combustion zone is separated into two regions. The first region is a lean combustion region where a fraction of the fuel is supplied with the total quantity of combustion air. Combustion in this zone takes place at substantially lower temperatures than a standard burner. In the second combustion region, the remaining fuel is injected and combusted with leftover oxygen from the first region. A staged air burner begins with full fuel but only partial combustion air, and then adds the remaining combustion air in the second combustion region. These techniques reduce the formation of thermal NOX. This technology is listed in the RBLC search as a technically feasible control technology. Ultra Low NOX Burners ULNB technology uses internal FGR which involves recirculating the hot O2 depleted flue gas from the heater into the combustion zone using burner design features and fuel staging to reduce NOX. An ULNB is most commonly using an internal induced draft to reach the desired emission limitations. This technology is listed in the RBLC search as a technically feasible control technology. An ULNB can achieve an emission rate of approximately 9 ppm or 0.011 lb/MMBtu. UDAQ has established this as the NOX emission standard through proposed boiler rules R307-315 and 316 as the use of an ULNB is the most common method utilized to meet a 9 ppm emission guarantee.24 Currently, unit 9 uses this technology. Flue Gas Recirculation FGR is frequently used with both LNB and ULNB burners. FGR involves the recycling of post-combustion air into the air-fuel mixture to reduce the available oxygen and help cool the burner flame. External FGR requires the use of ductwork to route a portion of the flue gas in the stack back to the burner windbox; FGR can be either forced draft (where hot side fans are used) or induced draft. This technology is listed in the RBLC search as technically feasible and is paired with LNB for the BACT determined control technology. Currently, Units 6 and 7 utilize use this technology. Selective Catalytic Reduction SCR has been applied to stationary source, fossil fuel-fired, combustion units for emission control since the early 1970s. It has been applied to utility and industrial boilers, process heaters, and combined cycle gas turbines. SCR can be applied as a stand-alone NOX control or with other technologies such as combustion controls. The reagent reacts selectively with the flue gas NOX within a specific temperature range and in the presence of the catalyst and oxygen to reduce the NOX into molecular nitrogen (N2) and water vapor 24 Effective July 10, 2023 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 5-4 (H2O).25 The optimum operating temperature is dependent on the type of catalyst and the flue gas composition. Generally, the optimum temperature ranges from 480°F to 800°F.26 In practice, SCR systems operate at efficiencies in the range of 70% to 90%.27 SCR is listed in the RBLC search as technically feasible. In some cases, this control technology is listed in combination with LNB and FGR. The ammonia "slip" associated with the SCR is a documented problem. The increased ammonia emissions (currently zero) from the implementation of this technology would offset the marginal air quality benefits the SCR option would provide from NOX emissions reduction. Additionally, ammonia slip emissions have the potential to increase secondary PM2.5 levels which would impact the surrounding PM2.5 serious nonattainment area and it is anticipated that the increase in particulate would offset any anticipated NOx emissions. Storage and handling of ammonia poses significant safety risks when applied at the University of Utah. Ammonia is toxic if swallowed or inhaled and can irritate or burn the skin, eyes, nose, or throat, it is a commonly used material that is typically handled safely and without incident. However, there are potential health and safety hazards associated with the implementation of this technology. The LCHTWP is located in a densely-packed area with other public facilities and a significant number of University staff, students, and the general public potentially in harm's way. Locating ammonia tanks in these premises poses significant health risks for students, faculty, patients, family members and the general public if a leak were to occur. The exhaust stream entering the SCR will require additional heat to meet the SCR operating temperature requirements (minimum of 480°F). This increase in exhaust temperature would require an additional combustion device, also increasing NOX, SO2, and PM2.5 emissions. Furthermore, there is a physical space issue concerning this technology. Building 303, where the LCHTWP boilers are housed, is confined by other buildings in the immediate proximity and currently does not provide the space required to physically install an SCR. The location of the boilers within the building also presents a space challenge when installing an SCR. The physical space restriction within Building 303 is more confined than the physical space in Building 302 as discussed in Section 4. Therefore, the SCR is considered technically infeasible for the boilers located in Building 303 due to physical limitations, public safety concerns, and additional pollutants being emitted to use this add-on control technology. Good Combustion Practices The use of good combustion practices usually includes the following components: (1) proper fuel mixing in the combustion zone; (2) high temperatures and low oxygen levels in primary zone; (3) Overall excess oxygen levels high enough to complete combustion while maximizing boiler efficiency, and (4) sufficient residence time to complete combustion. Good combustion practices are accomplished through boiler design as it relates to time, temperature, and turbulence, and boiler operation as it related to excess oxygen levels. 5.1.3 LCHTWP NOX Steps 3-5 Based on an RBLC search the following technologies are currently being used and are ranked based on which technology can achieve the lowest emission rate. 1. ULNB or LNB + FGR = 9 ppm or 0.011 lb/MMBtu 25 EPA Air Pollution Control Technology Fact Sheet, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) 26 OAQPS, EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, Sixth Edition, EPA/424/B-02-001 (https://www.epa.gov/economic-and-cost-analysis-air-pollution-regulations/cost-reports-and-guidance-air-pollution); January 2002 27 OAQPS, EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, Sixth Edition, EPA/424/B-02-001 (https://www.epa.gov/economic-and-cost-analysis-air-pollution-regulations/cost-reports-and-guidance-air-pollution); January 2002 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 5-5 2. LNB = 30 ppm or 0.036 lb/MMBtu 3. FGR = 187 ppm or 0.23 lb/MMBtu Units 6 and 7 currently utilize LNB and FGR and have a permitted NOX emission rate of 9 ppm (0.25 lb/hr), each.28 Unit 9, utilizes ULNB technology and achieves an emission rate of 9 ppm. The presumptive norm for the units in question is 9 ppmv, and O&M in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Since these units meet the presumptive norm, the University proposes they meet RACT. 5.2 LCHTWP VOC Technologies This RACT analysis has well established, after reviewing a variety of control techniques, for various sizes and fuels, that the proposed RACT is good combustion practices since all control technologies not currently being used have been determined technically infeasible. 28 AO AN103540025-13, Permit Condition II.B.2.c University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 6-1 6. LCHTWP TURBINE WITH WASTE HEAT RECOVERY The University has a natural gas-fired turbine cogeneration plant which includes both a turbine and waste heat recovery unit (WHRU) with duct burner. This combination is also known as a combined cycle turbine. The turbine model is a Solar Taurus 70 T7800S equipped with Solar’s SoLoNOxTM technology. The SoLoNOxTM technology uses lean-premixed combustion technology to ensure uniform air/fuel mixture, thus reducing formation of regulated pollutants. The unit is rated to 7.23 megawatts (MW) and de-rated to 6.5 MW based on altitude. The turbine has a heat input of 72.78 MMBtu/hr. The recycled waste heat from the gas turbine is sent to a Rentech waste heat recovery boiler. The supplemental duct burner is rated at 85 MMBtu/hr. The WHRU is a part of the combined cycle turbine system. The WHRU cannot operate without the turbine. For general practice the WHRU and turbine operate together and therefore have been evaluated as one unit. This unit is subject to the requirements of NSPS Subpart KKKK. The following sections detail potential controls and operating conditions necessary to achieve the required emissions for each pollutant. The review will detail controls as they apply to normal operations. Startup and shutdown operations manage emission rates by minimizing the duration of startup and shutdown. Therefore, the University during a startup will bring the turbine to the minimum load necessary to achieve compliance with the applicable NOX emission limits as quickly as possible, consistent with the equipment manufacturers’ recommendations and safe operating practices. During a shutdown, once the turbine reaches a load that is below the minimum load necessary to maintain compliance with the applicable NOX emission limits, reduce the turbine load to zero as quickly as possible, consistent with the equipment manufacturers’ recommendations and safe operating practices. Startup and shutdown emissions are anticipated to be less than or equal to emissions during normal operations on the turbine and WHRU at the LCHTWP. 6.1 Turbine and WHRU NOX Technologies The NO X that will be formed during combustion by two major mechanisms: thermal NOX and fuel NOX. Since natural gas is relatively free of fuel-bound nitrogen, the contribution to the formation of NOX emissions in natural gas-fired equipment is minimal and thermal NOX is the chief source of NOX emissions. Thermal NOX formation is a function of residence time, oxygen level, and flame temperature, and can be minimized by controlling these elements in the design of the combustion equipment. The turbine is permitted for an emission rate of 9 ppm NOX at 15% O2 and 2.65 pounds per hour (lbs/hr).29 The combined turbine and WHRU duct burner is permitted for an emission rate of 15 ppm NOX at 15% O2 and 18.97 lb/hr.30 6.1.1 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 1 Potential control technologies were identified through the review of the following: ► SCAQMD LAER/BACT Determinations; ► BAAQMD BACT/TBACT Workbook; 29 Title V Operating Permit #3500063004 Condition II.B.4.a. 30 Ibid. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 6-2 ► SJVAPCD BACT Clearinghouse; ► EPA’s RBLC Database for Combined Cycle Turbines (16.210);31 ► EPA Alternative Control Techniques Document – NO X Emissions from Stationary Gas Turbines; ► NSPS KKKK – Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion Turbines; and ► TCEQ BACT Requirements. The results are as follows: Table 6-1. NOX Turbine Controls and Emission Rates from RBLC32 The technologies identified as possible NOX reduction technologies for small combustion, combined cycle and cogeneration turbines are shown in the table below. Pollutant Control Technologies NOX Dry Low NOX Combustors/Low NOX Burner Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) EMx (formerly SCONOx) System Water/Steam Injection Natural Gas Usage and Good Combustion Practices Control technologies included in this table are those that have been shown in practice for use in one of the previously listed databases. UDAQ has not established state specific emission limits for combined cycle turbines. As a result, the University proposes the presumptive norm is consistent with NSPS Subpart KKKK which establishes NOX emission limits. 31 Database accessed November 10, 2023. 32 Database accessed November 10, 2023. RBLCID Facility/Agency Name State Permit/Document Issued Control Method Averaging Time Case-by-Case AK-0086 KENAI NITROGEN OPERATIONS AK 03/26/2021 &nbsp;ACT 102.1 MMBtu/hr Selective Catalytic Reduction and SoLoNOx Technology on Turbines 5 PPMV AT 15% O2 THREE-HOUR AVERAGE BACT-PSD IN-0173 MIDWEST FERTILIZER CORPORATION IN 06/04/2014 &nbsp;ACT 283 MMBTU/H, EACH DRY LOW NOX COMBUSTORS 22.65 PPMVD AT 15% OXYGEN 3-HR AVERAGE AT > 50% PEAK LOAD BACT-PSD IN-0173 MIDWEST FERTILIZER CORPORATION IN 06/04/2014 &nbsp;ACT 218.6 MMBTU/H, EACH LOW NOX BURNERS, FLUE GAS RECIRCULATION 20.4 LB/MMCF 3-HR AVERAGE BACT-PSD IN-0180 MIDWEST FERTILIZER CORPORATION IN 06/04/2014 &nbsp;ACT 283 MMBTU/H, EACH DRY LOW NOX COMBUSTORS 22.65 PPMVD AT 15% OXYGEN 3-HR AVERAGE AT > 50% PEAK LOAD BACT-PSD IN-0180 MIDWEST FERTILIZER CORPORATION IN 06/04/2014 &nbsp;ACT 218.6 MMBTU/H, EACH LOW NOX BURNERS, FLUE GAS RECIRCULATION 20.4 LB/MMCF 3-HR AVERAGE BACT-PSD LA-0295 WESTLAKE FACILITY LA 07/12/2016 &nbsp;ACT 159.46 MMBTU/HR Dry low NOx combustor (SoLoNOx) and good combustion practices, including good equipment design, use of gaseous fuels for good mixing, and proper combustion techniques (see notes below) 14.25 LB/HR HOURLY MAXIMUM BACT-PSD MA-0041 MEDICAL AREA TOTAL ENERGY PLANT MA 07/01/2016 &nbsp;ACT 203.4 MMBTU/H Dry Low NOx Combustor & Selective Catalytic Reduction 2 PPMVD@15% O2 1 HR BLOCK AVG/EXCLUDING SS, NG FIRING OTHER CASE- BY-CASE MA-0043 MIT CENTRAL UTILITY PLANT MA 06/21/2017 &nbsp;ACT 353 MMBtu/hr Dry Low NOx combustor for CTG & Selective Catalytic Reduction 2 PPMVD@15% O2 1 HR BLOCK AVG/EXCLUDING SS, NG FIRING OTHER CASE- BY-CASE -SCAQMD CA 03/08/18 547.5 MMBtu/hr SCR 2 PPMV 1 hour BACT -SCAQMD CA 02/05/21 490 MMBtu/hr SCR 2.3 PPMV@15% O2 1 hour BACT -SCAQMD CA 01/30/04 525 MMBtu/hr Dry Low-NOx 2 PPMVD@15% O2 1 hour BACT Throughput Emission Limit University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 6-3 6.1.2 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 2 Dry Low NOX Combustors/Low NOX Burner (Turbine Only) Although dry low NOX (DLN) combustors designed by different manufacturers may vary, they all employ the strategies of fuel and air pre-mixing and staged combustion to minimize NOX formation in combustion turbines. The combustors burn a lean, pre-mixed fuel and air mixture to avoid localized high temperature regions. A lean air-to-fuel ratio approaching the lean flammability limit is maintained, and the excess air acts as a heat sink to lower combustion temperatures, which lowers thermal NO X formation. A pilot flame is used to maintain combustion stability in this fuel-lean environment. Other techniques, such as variable geometry, fuel staging, or combustion staging, are also incorporated in DLN combustor design. The turbine currently includes this control technology, also known as the SoLoNOxTM technology. Ultra-Low NOX Burner (WHRU Only) ULNB technology combines internal flue gas recirculation (FGR), a low NOX burner and advanced engineering principle to further optimize oxygen concentrations, flame temperature, and/or residence time which involves recirculating the hot O2 depleted flue gas from the heater into the combustion zone using burner design features and fuel staging to reduce NOX. Based on an inquiry with the duct burner manufacturer, the duct burner has NOX emission guarantee for 0.08 lbs/MMBtu High Heat Value (HHV) (equivalent to 66 ppm). The duct burner manufacturer does not have a burner that can offer lower emissions which is available for retrofit, thus the use of an ULNB is technically infeasible. Selective Catalytic Reduction SCR refers to the process in which NOx is reduced by ammonia over a heterogeneous catalyst in the presence of oxygen. SCR can be applied as a stand-alone NO X control or with other technologies such as combustion controls. The SCR process requires a reactor, a catalyst, and an ammonia storage and injection system. The effectiveness of an SCR system is dependent on a variety of factors, including the inlet NOx concentration, the exhaust temperature, the ammonia injection rate, and the type of catalyst. According to EPA, the optimum temperature range over which SCR is effective is dependent on the type of catalyst and the flue gas composition. In general, the optimum temperature range is between 480 and 800˚F.33 SCR units typically achieve 70 - 90% NOx reduction.34 However, if the upstream NOX concentration is already low, as is the case with these units, it is difficult to achieve these control efficiencies. The ammonia "slip" associated with the SCR is a documented problem. The increased ammonia emissions (currently zero) from the implementation of this technology would offset the marginal air quality benefits the SCR option would provide from NOX emissions reduction. Additionally, ammonia slip emissions have the potential to increase secondary PM2.5 levels which would impact the surrounding PM2.5 serious nonattainment area and it is anticipated that the increase in particulate would offset any anticipated NOX emissions. Storage and handling of ammonia poses significant safety risks when applied at the University of Utah. Ammonia is toxic if swallowed or inhaled and can irritate or burn the skin, eyes, nose, or throat. It is a commonly used material that is typically handled safely and without incident. However, there are potential health and safety hazards associated with the implementation of this technology. The LCHTWP (Bldg 303) is located in a densely-packed area, adjacent to the TRAX line, the Huntsman Event Center, The Utah Museum of Fine Arts, and other public facilities, with a significant number of University staff, students, and the 33 L.M. Campdell, D.K. Stone, and G.S. Shareef, Sourcebook: NOx Control Technology Data, EPA/600/S2-91/029, 1991. 34 OAQPS, EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, Sixth Edition, EPA/424/B-02-001 (https://www.epa.gov/economic-and-cost-analysis-air-pollution-regulations/cost-reports-and-guidance-air-pollution); January 2002 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 6-4 general public potentially in harm's way. Locating ammonia tanks in these premises poses significant health risks for students, faculty, patients, family members, and the general public if a leak were to occur. The exhaust stream entering the SCR will require additional heat to meet the SCR operating temperature requirements (minimum of 480°F). This increase in exhaust temperature would require an additional combustion device, also increasing NOX, SO2, and PM2.5 emissions. Furthermore, there is a physical space issue concerning this technology and the current location. Building 303, where the LCHTWP boilers and the turbine are housed, is confined by other buildings in the immediate proximity and currently does not provide the space required to physically install an SCR. The location of the turbine within the building also presents a space challenge when installing an SCR. The physical space restriction within Building 303 is more confined than the physical space in Building 302 as discussed in Section 4. Therefore, the SCR is considered technically infeasible for the turbine and WHRU located in building 303 due to physical limitations, public safety concerns, and additional pollutants being emitted to use this add-on control technology. SCONOx (EMx) SCONOx is a catalytic oxidation and absorption technology that uses a single catalyst for the removal of NOX, CO, and VOC. This technology has been used since the late 1990s and is proven for use on combined cycle turbines, lean burn reciprocating engines, diesel vehicles, and refineries. This technology has several advantages over an SCR including: ► Provides control for several pollutants - lowering overall reported emissions of NOX, CO, VOC, and PM; ► No use of ammonia; ► Requires lower exhaust temperatures; and ► Available on a range of emission unit sizes – installed on units as small as 1 MW. Estimates of control system efficiency vary. However, EMx Design information indicates testing showing emission reduction as much as 99.5%.35 Commercially quoted NOX emission rates for the SCONOx system range from 2.0 ppm on a 3-hour average basis, representing a 78% reduction, to 1.0 ppm with no averaging period specified (96% reduction). The control technology has specific requirements for use and may be added as a retrofit technology or may require a new turbine to install the technology. Based on physical space constraints as discussed in the SCR section, the University has deemed this control technically infeasible as well. Water/Steam Injection Combustion control using water or steam lowers combustion temperatures, which reduces thermal NOX formation. Water or steam, treated to quality levels comparable to boiler feedwater, is injected into the combustor and acts as a heat sink to lower flame temperatures. This control technique is available for all new turbine models and can be retrofitted to most existing installations. Although uncontrolled emission levels vary widely, the range of achievable controlled emission levels using water or steam injection is relatively small. Controlled NOX emission levels range from 25 to 42 ppmv for natural gas fuel.36 35 Reduction shown in PowerPoint presentation sent to Beth Ryder, Trinity Consultants from Josh Gillespie, EmeraChem LLC. 36 Alternative Control Techniques Document— NOX Emissions from Stationary Gas Turbines University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 6-5 Good Combustion Practices Good combustion practices involve controlling the operating parameters of the combustors for temperature and turbulence, excess oxygen levels, and air/fuel mixing to ensure continual operation as close to optimum (i.e., minimum emission) conditions as possible. 6.1.3 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 3 SoLoNOxTM technology (DLN combustor), water/steam injection, and good combustion practices are all considered technically feasible. The turbine currently has the SoLoNOxTM technology installed and achieves an emission rate of 9 ppm. The water/steam inject states it is only able to achieve emission levels as low as 25 ppm. As such, the water/steam injection is removed from further consideration. The remaining technologies are ranked based on their lowest achievable emission rate: 1. SoLoNOxTM Technology– 9 ppm for Turbine alone 37 2. Good Combustion Practices For the WHRU, based on inquiry with the duct burner manufacturer, the current burner is the best available NOX guarantee for the application that is available. 6.1.4 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 4 The turbine is currently equipped with SoLoNOxTM technology for combustion control on the turbine and the WHRU duct burner is using good combustion practices. These are the most effective controls available for the unit. 6.1.5 Turbine and WHRU NOX Step 5 The turbine and WHRU function as a combined cycle turbine which meets NSPS subpart KKKK which the University proposes is the presumptive norm. The NOX emission limit established in NSPS KKKK is met through the use of SoLoNOxTM currently installed and the University proposes this control method meets RACT. 6.2 Turbine and WHRU VOC Technologies 6.2.1 Turbine and WHRU VOC Step 1 The University has reviewed the following sources to ensure all available control technologies have been identified: ► EPA’s RBLC Database for Natural Gas External Combustion Units (process type 13.310);38 ► EPA’s Air Pollution Technology Fact Sheets; ► SCAQMD LAER/BACT Determinations; ► SJVAPCD BACT Clearinghouse; ► BAAQMD BACT/TBACT Workbook; and ► Permits available online. The sources with VOC limits and most closely related processes were as follows: 37 Title V Operating Permit #3500063004 Condition II.B.4.a. 38 Database accessed November 10, 2023. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 6-6 Table 6-2. VOC Turbine Controls and Emission Rates from RBLC 39 The technologies identified as possible VOC reduction technologies for small combustion, combined cycle and cogeneration turbines are shown in the table below. Pollutant Control Technologies VOCs Catalytic Oxidation Thermal Oxidation Good Combustion Practices No presumptive norm has been established for VOC emissions from combustion sources due to the low emission rate of units. 6.2.2 Turbine and WHRU VOC Step 2 Catalytic Oxidation Catalytic oxidation allows complete oxidation to take place at a faster rate and a lower temperature than is possible with thermal oxidation. Oxidation efficiency depends on exhaust flow rate and composition. Residence time required for oxidation to take place at the active sites of the catalyst may not be achieved if exhaust flow rates exceed design specifications. Also, sulfur and other compounds may foul the catalyst, leading to decreased efficiency. In a typical catalytic oxidizer, the gas stream is passed through a flame area and then through a catalyst bed at a velocity in the range of 10 to 30 feet per second (fps). Catalytic oxidizers typically operate at a narrow temperature range of approximately 600°F to 1100°F. A catalytic oxidizer will require additional fuel to heat the gas stream at least 600°F and which will generate additional emissions; therefore, the catalytic oxidation is not being considered further. 39 Database accessed November 10, 2023. RBLCID Facility/Agency Name State Permit/Document Issued Control Method Averaging Time Case-by-Case AK-0086 KENAI NITROGEN OPERATIONS AK 03/26/2021 &nbsp;ACT 102.1 MMBtu/hr Good Combustion Practices 0.0036 LB/MMBTU THREE-HOUR AVERAGE BACT-PSD IN-0173 MIDWEST FERTILIZER CORPORATION IN 06/04/2014 &nbsp;ACT 283 MMBTU/H, EACH GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES AND PROPER DESIGN 2.5 PPMVD AT 15% OXYGEN 1-HR AVERAGE BACT-PSD IN-0173 MIDWEST FERTILIZER CORPORATION IN 06/04/2014 &nbsp;ACT 218.6 MMBTU/H, EACH GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES AND PROPER DESIGN 5.5 LB/MMCF 3-HR AVERAGE BACT-PSD IN-0180 MIDWEST FERTILIZER CORPORATION IN 06/04/2014 &nbsp;ACT 283 MMBTU/H, EACH GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES AND PROPER DESIGN 2.5 PPMVD AT 15% OXYGEN 1-HR AVERAGE BACT-PSD IN-0180 MIDWEST FERTILIZER CORPORATION IN 06/04/2014 &nbsp;ACT 218.6 MMBTU/H, EACH GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICES AND PROPER DESIGN 5.5 LB/MMCF 3-HR AVERAGE BACT-PSD LA-0295 WESTLAKE FACILITY LA 07/12/2016 &nbsp;ACT 159.46 MMBTU/HR Good combustion practices, including good equipment design, use of gaseous fuels for good mixing, and proper combustion techniques consistent with the manufacturer's recommendations to maximize fuel efficiency and minimize emissions (see notes below) 1.64 LB/H HOURLY MAXIMUM BACT-PSD MA-0041 MEDICAL AREA TOTAL ENERGY PLANT MA 07/01/2016 &nbsp;ACT 203.4 MMBTU/H Oxidation Catalyst 1.7 PPMVD@15% O2 1 HR BLOCK AVG/EXCLUDING SS, NG FIRING OTHER CASE- BY-CASE MA-0043 MIT CENTRAL UTILITY PLANT MA 06/21/2017 &nbsp;ACT 353 MMBtu/hr Oxidation Catalyst 1.7 PPMVD@15% O2 1 HR BLOCK AVG/EXCLUDING SS, NG FIRING OTHER CASE- BY-CASE -SCAQMD CA 03/08/18 547.5 MMBtu/hr Oxidation Catalyst 2 PPMVD@15% O2 1 hour BACT Throughput Emission Limit University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 6-7 Simple Thermal Oxidizer or Afterburner In a simple TO or afterburner, the flue gas exiting the turbine and WHRU duct burner is reheated in the presence of sufficient oxygen to oxidize the VOC present in the flue gas. A typical TO is a flare and is not equipped with any heat recovery device. A TO will require additional fuel to heat the gas stream starting from 280°F to at least 1,600°F and which will generate additional emissions. Therefore, there would be little expected reduction in VOC with an increase in other combustion pollutants for the required heating of the exhaust stream. Therefore, the TO is not being considered further. Good Combustion Practices Good combustion practices refer to the operation of engines at high combustion efficiency which reduces the products of incomplete combustion. The turbine installed has been designed to achieve maximum combustion efficiency. The University follows all instructions given in the operation and maintenance manuals that detail the required methods to achieve the highest levels of combustion efficiency. 6.2.3 Turbine and WHRU Steps 3-5 Since other add on control technologies require additional combustion units and therefore pollutant emissions, good combustion practices are the control for VOC emissions on a natural gas turbine and WHRU duct burner. Since no presumptive norm has been established for VOC emissions and all technically and economically feasible controls are utilized, the University proposes that good combustion practices and the use of a clean burning fuel meets RACT. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 7-1 7. DUAL FUEL BOILERS The University hospital is an Adult Level I Trauma Center which cares for patients across the spectrum of health care, from routine screenings to trauma emergencies including trauma surgery. The University’s hospital as well as the associated Huntsman Cancer Institute have recently undergone expansions. The boiler installations were selected in consideration of both the design and accreditation requirements of the hospital and the BACT requirements established by UDAQ. In addition, the boiler installations were selected based on the energy efficient design of the new building, allowing the University to optimize heat load and sizing for the most efficient operation of utility equipment. As a Level I trauma center, the University Hospital maintains accreditation from the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Healthcare, Inc. DNV is approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to deem hospitals in compliance with the CMS Conditions of Participation (CoPs). To meet accreditation requirements, the hospital’s expansion project’s design is based upon the following: ► 2010 Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities, which includes design codes from the following national organizations: • American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE); and • American Institute of Architects (AIA). ► DNV, the certifying body, follows the Ambulatory Care Complex Construction National Integrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organization (NIAHO) standards while integrating ISO 9001 with Medicare conditions. Relative to the boiler installations selected for the University Hospital’s ACC and Rehab expansions, ASHRAE and AIA standards require reserve capacity for heating sources and essential accessories both in number and arrangement that are sufficient to accommodate facility needs even when any one of the heat sources is not operating due to breakdown or routine maintenance.40,41 Furthermore AIA design code specifies, “… the capacity of remaining sources shall be sufficient to provide for sterilization and dietary purposes and provide heating for operating, delivery, birthing, labor, recovery, emergency, intensive care, nursery, and inpatient rooms.”42 Additionally in consideration of these standards, changeover timing is critical to ensure hot water and steam can be adequately supplied. To meet the aforementioned standards, the University Hospital has installed boilers that are dual fuel (i.e., both natural gas and back up fuel oil) to provide reserve capacity during breakdowns, natural gas curtailment, or maintenance activities. Specifically, to offer application flexibility and to meet changeover requirements, a dual fuel burner provides reliable steam and hot water supply.43 40 FGI 2010 Guidelines: ASHRAE 170 Part 2.1- 41 FGI 2010 Guidelines: AIA (2001) Annex B, Part 6.1.2 Reserve Heating and Cooling Sources. 42 Ibid. 43 As specified in NESHAP Subpart JJJJJJ, (NESHAP for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers Area Sources), typically boilers, intended to be normally operated on gaseous fuels are subject to gaseous fuels requirements, despite a limited allowance to burn liquid fuel for periodic testing of liquid fuel, maintenance, or operator training, not to exceed a combined total of 48 hours during any calendar year. Per these standards, burning liquid fuel during periods of gas curtailment or gas supply interruptions of any duration (emphasis included) are also included in this definition. In these regulations, a Period of gas curtailment or supply interruption means a period of time during which the supply of gaseous University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 7-2 Natural gas is the second most-consumed fuel source in the United States, comprising 27% of the nation's energy consumption. Technology and equipment innovations have improved dramatically, along with gaseous fuel and system reliability, however, the need still remains for backup fuel systems when natural gas supply is interrupted due to curtailment and unplanned conditions like storms, floods, natural disasters, or extreme cold temperatures. Diesel fuel offers a high thermal efficiency and is a proven and reliable technology for power generation applications. Additionally, diesel fuel is stable when stored and offers a relatively safe storage option in a populated location, such as the University Hospital. 7.1 Dual Fuel Boilers NOX Technologies In addition to the UCHTWP dual fuel boilers, the University has a handful of other boilers that also serve essential Hospital functions, these boilers are all primarily natural gas fired and only use diesel fuel as a back-up, in times of natural gas curtailment or natural disaster. This functionality is essential to maintaining the status and capacity of a Level 1 Trauma Center, and in turn, creates some barriers to certain control technologies, as detailed throughout this analysis. The NO X formed during combustion is from two major mechanisms: thermal NOX and fuel NOX. Since natural gas is relatively free of fuel-bound nitrogen, the contribution of this second mechanism to the formation of NOX emissions in natural gas-fired equipment is minimal, leaving thermal NOX as the main source of NO X emissions. Thermal NO X formation is a function of residence time, oxygen level, and flame temperature, and can be minimized by controlling these elements in the design of the combustion equipment. 7.1.1 Dual Fuel Boilers NOX Step 1 The University has reviewed the following sources to ensure all available control technologies have been identified: ► Proposed UDAQ rule R307-315, NOX Emission Controls for Natural-Gas Fired Boilers between 2 and 5 MMBtu/hr ► EPA’s RBLC Database for Natural Gas External Combustion Units (process type 13.310);44 ► EPA’s RBLC Database for Distillate Fuel Oil External Combustion Units (process type 13.220);45 ► EPA’s Air Pollution Technology Fact Sheets; ► EPA’s CATC Alternative Control Techniques Document – NOX Emissions from Utility Boilers; ► NESHAP DDDDD – Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters; ► NESHAP JJJJJJ – Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers at Area Sources; ► NSPS Subpart Dc - Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units46 ► SCAQMD LAER/BACT Determinations; ► SJVAPCD BACT Clearinghouse; ► BAAQMD BACT/TBACT Workbook47; and ► Permits available online. fuel to an affected boiler or process heater is restricted or halted for reasons beyond the control of the facility. Similar to the question we raise concerning emergency engines, should the PTE from these units, which normally fire a gaseous fuel, be based upon 48 hours of intended testing, maintenance or training as allowed by the regulation. However, the University only proposes to operate 8 hours per year of fuel oil similar to other units on the campus. 44 Database accessed November 10, 2023. 45 Database accessed November 10, 2023. 46 Boilers applicable to NSPS Subpart Dc do not have NOX emission limitations for Natural Gas Fired Boilers. 47 BACT(1) for NOX and CO (achieved using LNB+FGR+SCR and GCP) is 25 ppmvd NOX @3%O2 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 7-3 The technologies identified as possible NOX reduction technologies for small dual fuel boilers are shown in the table below. Pollutant Control Technologies NOX Low NO X Burners (LNB) Ultra-Low NO X Burners (UNLB) Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Good Combustion Practices (GCP) No presumptive norm specifically addresses NOX emissions from dual fuel boilers. Therefore, control effectiveness, technical, and economical feasibility is compared to the presumptive norm established for natural gas combustion units proposed in UDAQ rule R307-315 NO X Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu and R307-316, NOX Emission Controls for Natural-Gas Fired Boilers greater than 5 MMBtu/hr as they apply to the hospital dual fuel boilers, which require the following: ► NOX Emission Rate of 9 ppmv; and ► Operate and Maintain (O&M) in accordance with manufacturer's instruction. 7.1.2 Dual Fuel Boilers NOX Step 2 SCR SCR has been applied to stationary source, fossil fuel-fired, combustion units for emission control since the early 1970s. It has been applied to large (>250 MMBtu/hr) utility and industrial boilers, process heaters, and combined cycle gas turbines. SCR can be applied as a stand-alone NOX control or with other technologies such as combustion controls. The reagent reacts selectively with the flue gas NOX within a specific temperature range and in the presence of the catalyst and oxygen to reduce the NOX into molecular nitrogen (N2) and water vapor (H2O).48 The optimum operating temperature is dependent on the type of catalyst and the flue gas composition. Generally, the optimum temperature ranges from 480°F to 800°F.49 In practice, SCR systems operate at efficiencies in the range of 70% to 90%.50 SCR is listed in the RBLC search as technically feasible. In some cases, this control technology is listed in combination with LNB and FGR. However, in reviewing permits issued by the South Coast Air Management District, this control method is not considered BACT for boilers of this size which are located at hospitals. The ammonia "slip" associated with the SCR is a documented problem. The increased ammonia emissions (currently zero) from the implementation of this technology would offset the marginal air quality benefits the SCR option would provide from NOX emissions reduction. Additionally, ammonia has recently been designated as a precursor in Salt Lake County. Ammonia slip emissions have the potential to increase secondary PM2.5 levels in the area more than the SCR controlled NOX mass. The exhaust stream entering the SCR will require additional heat to meet the SCR operating temperature requirements (minimum of 480°F). 48 EPA Air Pollution Control Technology Fact Sheet, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) 49 OAQPS, EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, Sixth Edition, EPA/424/B-02-001 (https://www.epa.gov/economic-and-cost-analysis-air-pollution-regulations/cost-reports-and-guidance-air-pollution); January 2002 50 OAQPS, EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, Sixth Edition, EPA/424/B-02-001 (https://www.epa.gov/economic-and-cost-analysis-air-pollution-regulations/cost-reports-and-guidance-air-pollution); January 2002 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 7-4 This increase in exhaust temperature would require an additional combustion device, also increasing NOX, SO2, and PM2.5 emissions. More importantly storage and handling of ammonia poses significant safety risks when applied at the hospital. Ammonia is toxic if swallowed or inhaled and can irritate or burn the skin, eyes, nose, or throat. While ammonia is a commonly used material that is typically handled safely and without incident, vapors emitted due to slippage present a health and safety hazard. By definition the hospital cares for people seeking medical attention and the inhalation of ammonia vapors has the potential to compound the effects of other illnesses or pre-existing conditions. Locating ammonia tanks in these premises poses an amplified health risk which is unacceptable at a hospital therefore SCR is not further considered. ULNB and LNB As indicated in the name ULNB and LNB rely on burner design features and fuel staging to reduce NOX. Nozzle construction is the limiting component when establishing combustion efficiency and NOX production for both of these technologies. The nozzle which maximizes combustion efficiency and minimizes NOX when burning natural gas is designed to finely disperse natural gas into the combustion chamber. This type of nozzle is not possible when burning diesel due to the viscosity of the fuel, therefore the diesel nozzles produce larger droplets which then mix with air and ignite in the combustion chamber. In this case the hospital boilers must be dual fueled. Achieving this dual fuel specification can be accomplished in one of three ways: ► One burner with interchangeable nozzles specific to fuel type; ► Two burners, one with nozzles specific to natural gas and the other with nozzles specific to diesel; or ► One burner with dual fuel compatible nozzles. The most common design for a dual fuel boiler is to install nozzles compatible with diesel combustion which are covered with a fine mesh like material for combustion of natural gas. This allows the boiler to achieve ultra- low NO X emissions while firing natural gas; however, in order to allow the boiler to be fueled with diesel this mesh must be removed. Changeover will likely take an extended time, beyond 2 hours, to account for cool down of the boiler and burner assembly for a safe work environment. As previously mentioned, the University’s hospital operates as a Level I trauma center and in the event of a regional emergency, patients will likely be directed to the University’s hospital. Boilers proposed as part of the hospital provide hot water and steam for patient critical services such as autoclaves, humidification, backup hot domestic water, and other hospital equipment. To be accredited as a Level 1 trauma center, ASHRAE and AIA standards require backup systems to be available for the previously mentioned health care needs. Due to the critical nature of the services provided by these boilers a change-over period is unacceptable, and this boiler design is not further considered for RACT. Another option is to install two completely independent burners, one with nozzles specific to natural gas and the other with nozzles specific to diesel. This technology is used at the UCHTWP. This option significantly increases the combustion chamber size and the space allocated for the boilers. However, the current available space is not large enough to accommodate this design; therefore, this option is not technically feasible. The remaining option is to install one burner with dual fuel compatible nozzles. These nozzles are designed to accommodate the viscosity of diesel fuel while maximizing combustion efficiency for natural gas. The multiflam® 3LN version burners installed for the ACC have been designed to further reduce NOX emissions below the level which can be achieved by standard mixing head. These additional reductions are University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 7-5 accomplished by using special mixing assembly applying fuel distribution principles. Combustion values also depend on combustion chamber geometry as well as volumetric loading and boiler design. Certain conditions such combustion chamber dimensions, measurement tolerances, temperature, humidity, etc. must be verified in order to guarantee emission levels. This design represents RACT and allows the manufacturer to guarantee a NOX emission rate of 30 ppm. FGR FGR involves the recycling of post-combustion air into the air-fuel mixture to reduce the available oxygen and help cool the burner flame. External FGR requires the use of ductwork to route a portion of the flue gas in the stack back to the burner wind box; FGR can be either forced draft (where hot side fans are used) or induced draft. This technology is listed in the RBLC search as technically feasible and is often paired with LNB for the BACT determined control technology. The low NO X emission rate guaranteed by the manufacturer for ACC boilers is achieved by increased recirculation of combustion gases. The 3LN multiflam® version Low NOX - Oil/ Gas/ Dual fuel burner proposed is equipped with multiflam mixing head for the most stringent emission requirements. The low NOX emission is achieved by fuel distribution principle. Compliance to certain emission requirement is also dependent on combustion chamber geometry, volume loading and design of the combustion system. Although not traditional FGR, the burners have been designed with a mixing head for low NOX emissions and are feasible for a dual fuel purpose. Comparison to South Coast Air Management District In an effort to review all possible control technologies specific to dual fueled hospital boilers the University conducted a search for Level I trauma centers in air quality districts with similar air quality concerns . Upon review the University identified several Level I trauma centers in the South Coast Air Management District (SCAQMD). Since 2005 these Level I trauma centers have permitted a variety of small dual fuel boilers; however, rather than using diesel as the alternative fuel to natural gas these hospitals have permitted the use of AMBER® 363-II FUEL (Amber 363). Amber 363 was originally developed as a stand-by fuel with the emission requirements of SCAQMD Regulation 1146, which establishes NOX emission limits, in mind. This fuel has been designed as a replacement for #2 diesel, and little, if any, capital investment is required to change to this clean stand-by fuel alternative. Depending on the specific boiler/burner configuration, NOX emissions in the range of 10-30 ppm can be achieved. The table below summarizes the SCAQMD Hospital permits reviewed: University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 7-6 Table 7-1. SCAQMD Hospital Inventory Level I Trauma Center Permit ID Number Permit Date Boiler Size NOX Limit Keck Hospital of USC R-G3304 A/N497889 9/25/2012 5 MMBtu/hr 12 ppm on Natural Gas 40 ppm on Amber 363 Keck Hospital of USC G21317 A/N531671 11/2/2012 8.5 MMBtu/hr 9 ppm on Natural Gas 40 ppm on Amber 363 Santa Monica – UCLA Medical Center G30649 A/N519089 4/9/2014 16.3 MMBtu/hr 9 ppm on Natural Gas 40 ppm on Amber 363 NME Hospitals Inc. USC University Hospital F79855 A/N448805 12/20/2005 5 MMBtu/hr 12 ppm on Natural Gas 40 ppm on Amber 363 In order to achieve the bifurcated emission rates cited above two completely independent burners must be installed, one with nozzles specific to natural gas and the other with nozzles specific to Amber 363. As previously discussed with a secondary diesel burner, this option significantly increases the combustion chamber size and the space allocated for the boilers is not large enough to accommodate this design; therefore, this option is not technically feasible. Additionally, Amber 363 is the proprietary product of Amber Industrial Services which is primarily located in California. While Amber 363 could be shipped to the University via truck or railcar it is not readily available in the state of Utah and potential shipping complications represent an unacceptable risk to patient care. 7.1.3 Dual Fuel Boilers NOX Steps 3-5 The remaining, technically feasible options are ranked based on which can achieve the lowest emission rate. 1. LNB = 30 ppm or 0.036 lb/MMBtu; and 2. FGR = 42ppm or 0.05 lb/MMBtu. The University has installed units which met the most stringent emission standards possible at the time of installation. The presumptive norm for the units in question is 9 ppmv and O&M in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction. While the various dual fueled hospital boilers do not meet this presumptive norm all other control methods have been eliminated as technically infeasible options.51 As a result, the University proposes the use of specialized mixing heads, mixing assemblies, and advanced use of fuel distribution principles meet RACT. 51 Replacement of dual fueled boiler burners was deemed economically infeasible for the UCHTWP in section 4. It is assumed that a similar cost per ton removed would result from a similar analysis for a smaller unit. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 7-7 7.2 Dual Fuel Boilers VOC Technologies 7.2.1 Dual Fuel Boilers VOC Step 1 The University has reviewed the following sources to ensure all available and potentially applicable control technologies have been identified: ► EPA’s RBLC Database for Natural Gas External Combustion Units (process type 13.310);52 ► EPA’s RBLC Database for Distillate Fuel Oil External Combustion Units (process type 13.220);53 ► EPA’s Air Pollution Technology Fact Sheets; ► EPA’s CATC Alternative Control Techniques Document – NOX Emissions from Utility Boilers; ► NESHAP DDDDD – Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters; ► NESHAP JJJJJJ – Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers at Area Sources; ► SCAQMD LAER/BACT Determinations; ► SJVAPCD BACT Clearinghouse; ► BAAQMD BACT/TBACT Workbook54; and ► Permits available online. The technologies identified as possible VOC reduction technologies for small dual fueled boilers are shown in the table below. Pollutant Control Technologies VOCs Thermal Oxidizer/Afterburner Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Catalytic Oxidation Good Combustion Practices No presumptive norm has been established for VOC emissions from combustion sources due to the low emission rate of the units. 7.2.2 Dual Fuel Boilers VOC Step 2 To demonstrate a complete analysis, the University has evaluated the follow technologies: Simple Thermal Oxidizer or Afterburner (TO) In a simple TO or afterburner, the flue gas exiting the boiler is reheated in the presence of sufficient oxygen to oxidize the VOC present in the flue gas. A typical TO is a flare and is not equipped with any heat recovery device. A TO will require additional fuel to heat the gas stream starting from 280°F to at least 1,600°F and which will generate additional emissions. Additionally, a TO is no different from the combustion chamber of the boiler. Therefore, there would be little expected reduction in VOC with an increase in other combustion pollutants for the required heating of the exhaust stream. Therefore, the TO is not considered further. 52 Database accessed November 10, 2023. 53 Database accessed November 10, 2023. 54 BAAQMD BACT/TBACT Workbook - BACT(2) for POC is GCP University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 7-8 Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) A RTO is equipped with ceramic heat recovery media (stoneware) that has large surface area for heat transfer and can be stable to 2,300°F. Operating temperatures of the RTO system typically range from 1,500°F to 1,800°F with a retention time of approximately one second. The combustion chamber of the RTO is surrounded by multiple integral heat recovery chambers, each of which sequentially switches back and forth from being a preheater to a heat recovery chamber. In this fashion, energy is absorbed from the gas exhausted from the unit and stored in the heat exchange media to preheat the next cycle of incoming gas. An RTO will require additional fuel to heat the gas stream from 280°F to at least 1,500°F and which will generate additional emissions; therefore, the RTO is not considered further. Catalytic Oxidation Catalytic oxidation allows complete oxidation to take place at a faster rate and a lower temperature than is possible with thermal oxidation. Oxidation efficiency depends on exhaust flow rate and composition. Residence time required for oxidation to take place at the active sites of the catalyst may not be achieved if exhaust flow rates exceed design specifications. Also, sulfur and other compounds may foul the catalyst, leading to decreased efficiency. In a typical catalytic oxidizer, the gas stream is passed through a flame area and then through a catalyst bed at a velocity in the range of 10 to 30 feet per second (fps). Catalytic oxidizers typically operate at a narrow temperature range of approximately 600°F to 1100°F. A catalytic oxidizer will require additional fuel to heat the gas stream from 280°F to at least 600°F and which will generate additional emissions; therefore, the catalytic oxidation is not considered further. Good Combustion Practices and Use of Clean Burning Fuels Good combustion practices for VOCs include adequate fuel residence times, proper fuel-air mixing, and temperature control. As it is imperative for process controls, the University will maintain combustion optimal to their process. Most results in RBLC determined that this was sufficient controls for VOC. Additionally, BAAQMD and SCAQMD did not provide BACT determinations for VOC. 7.2.3 Dual Fuel Boilers VOC Steps 3-5 Steps 3 and 4 are not necessary since all control technologies not currently being used have been determined technically infeasible. Since no presumptive norm has been established for VOC emissions and all technically and economically feasible controls are utilized, the University proposes that the use good combustion practices and natural gas during regular operation, while having the capability to fire on diesel during natural gas curtailment or an emergency, meets RACT. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 8-1 8. BACKUP DIESEL BOILER The University currently utilizes one (1) 4.3 MMBtu/hr diesel boiler in the Rehabilitation Hospital. This boiler was selected in consideration of environmental requirements and sustainability, patient health, heating load, and engineering best practices for hospital design. While technology and equipment innovations for natural gas have improved dramatically, the need still remains for backup fuel systems when natural gas supply is interrupted due to curtailment and unplanned conditions like storms, floods or extreme cold temperatures. Diesel fuel offers a high thermal density and is a proven and reliable technology for backup power generation applications. Additionally, diesel fuel is stable when stored and offers a relatively safe storage option in a populated location, such as the University Hospital. The diesel unit will only be fired during emergencies or natural gas curtailment. 8.1 Backup Diesel Boiler NOX 8.1.1 Backup Diesel Boiler NOX Step 1 As previously discussed, the NOX formed during combustion is from two major mechanisms: thermal NOX and fuel NOX. Diesel contains a negligible amount of fuel bound nitrogen 55, therefore the contribution of this second mechanism to the formation of NOX emissions in diesel fired equipment is minimal, leaving thermal NOX as the main source of NOX emissions. Thermal NOX formation is a function of residence time, oxygen level, and flame temperature, and can be minimized by controlling these elements in the design of the combustion equipment. In review of documentation produced by air quality governing bodies with similar air quality designations, the University found that the South Coast Air Management District (SCAQMD) most directly addressed emergency use diesel boilers.56 In an effort to establish BACT and be consistent in BACT implementation the SCAQMD has published BACT Guidelines. In these guidelines SCAQMD states: “If special handling or safety considerations preclude the use of the clean fuel [e.g., natural gas], the SCAQMD has allowed the use of fuel oil as a standby fuel in boilers and heaters, fire suppressant pump engines and for emergency standby generators.” The use of these fuels must meet the requirements of SCAQMD rule 1146.1 which limits NOX for boilers, steam generators, and process heaters that are greater than 2 MMBtu/hr and less than 5 MMBtu/hr rated heat input capacity used in any industrial, institutional, or commercial operation.57 The requirements are as follows: “On or after September 5, 2008, the owner or operator of any unit subject to subdivision (a) shall operate such unit so that it discharges into the atmosphere no more than 30 ppm of NOX emissions or for natural gas fired units 0.037 pound NOX per million Btu of heat input, as specified in the permit to operate.”58 55 AP-42 Section 1.3 56 Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) were also reviewed. 57 SCAQMD 1146.1(a) 58 SCAQMD 1146.1(c)(1) University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 8-2 NOX limits are typically met through the implementation of a control strategy. EPA’s RBLC Database for Distillate Fuel External Combustion Units (process type 13.220) cited only good combustion practices as BACT.59 EPA’s AP-42 Section 1.3, Air Pollution Technology Fact Sheets, and CATC Alternative Control Techniques Document – NOX Emissions from Utility Boilers list FGR and LNB as potential control techniques for diesel units but no size or specific fuel requirements are given. For completeness the University has considered good combustion practices, FGR, and LNB as potentially applicable control technologies below.60 Table 8-1. Diesel Boiler NOX Controls and Emission Rates from RBLC Based on the review conducted the University proposes that the presumptive norm for small, backup, diesel fired boilers is a NOX emission rate of 30 ppm, limited firing, and good combustion practices. 8.1.2 Backup Diesel Boiler NOX Step 2 Good Combustion Practices The boiler uses a flexible water tube design which separates the heat transfer medium (water) from the furnace (combustion chamber). Good combustion practices for this type of equipment can be split into two categories: combustion chamber design and maintenance. Good combustion chamber design minimizes flame temperature, oxygen availability, and/or residence time at high temperatures as each of these variables has the potential to increase NOX production.61 The combustion chamber design proposed has considered each of these design variables to minimize the level of NOX produced. Good combustion practices will be ensured through an appropriate maintenance program. An appropriate maintenance program would include manufacturer recommendations as well as an in-depth 5 year tune up as required by NESHAP JJJJJJ.62 FGR FGR involves the recycling of post-combustion air into the air-fuel mixture to reduce the available oxygen and help cool the burner flame. External FGR requires the use of ductwork to route a portion of the flue gas in the stack back to the burner wind box; FGR can be either forced draft (where hot side fans are used) or induced draft. The diesel unit proposed is equipped with an induced flue gas recirculation line and a forced draft, flame retention head type burner which allows for efficient combustion. 59 Database accessed November 10, 2023. 60 Note, during review of available control technology through RBLC and other databases, an SCR was not listed for any source less than 26 MMBtu/hr. Therefore, this control technology was not evaluated for use on the boilers in this section. 61 AP-42 Section 1.3, Section Nitrogen Oxide Emissions 62 Table 2 to Subpart JJJJJJ of Part 63, line 13 RBLCID Facility/Agency Name State Permit/Document Issued Control Method Averaging Time Case-by-Case *WA-0349 HANFORD WA 04/04/2013 &nbsp;ACT Low NOx burners 0.09 LB/MMBTU 24-HR BACT-PSD WI-0270 DAIRYLAND POWER COOP ALMA STATION WI 06/13/2016 &nbsp;ACT 83.8 mmBTU/hr Limit nitrogen oxides emissions to 0.21 pounds per MMBTU 0.21 LB/MMBTU BACT-PSD -BAAQMD CA 8/4/2010 < 33.5 MMB tu/Hr Ultra Low NOx Burners & FGR NA BACT -SCAQMD CA 9/2/2022 8.4 MMB tu/hr Low NOx Burner 7 PPMV 15 min BACT Throughput Emission Limit NA NA University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 8-3 Low NOX Burners As with natural gas unit LNB technology applied to diesel units uses advanced burner design to reduce NOX formation through the restriction of oxygen, flame temperature, and/or residence time. These techniques reduce the formation of thermal NOX. The unit proposed is equipped with a low NO X burner which the manufacturer guarantees will emit no more than 30 ppm of NOX. 8.1.3 Backup Diesel Boiler NOX Steps 3-5 The diesel, backup boiler has a manufacturer guarantee of 30ppm and it assumed that either a LNB or FGR was utilized in the design. The University proposes emission guarantee of 30 ppm , limited firing, and good combustion practices meets RACT. 8.2 Backup Diesel Boiler VOC Emissions This RACT analysis has well established, after reviewing a variety of control techniques, for various sizes and fuels, that the proposed RACT is good combustion practices since all control technologies not currently being used have been determined technically infeasible. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 9-1 9. OTHER SMALL NATURAL GAS BOILERS The University operates several other boilers around campus to support individual building needs. All boilers combust natural gas. A complete list of these boilers is contained in in the Table 9-1. Table 9-1. Other Small Boilers at the University Startup and shutdown emissions are anticipated to be less than or equal to emissions during normal operations on the additional small boilers. 9.1 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers NOX Technologies The NO X that will be formed during combustion is from two major mechanisms: thermal NOX and fuel NOX. Since natural gas is relatively free of fuel-bound nitrogen, the contribution of this second mechanism to the Location Operating Scenario Capacity (MMBtu/hr) Fuel Type Building Number Building Name Primary 33 Clark Football Center Primary 5.25 Natural Gas 151 Sorenson Biotechnology Bldg. - USTAR Backup 20.67 Natural Gas 306 Buildings and Grounds Primary 8 Natural Gas 523 Moran Eye Center Backup 8.2 Natural Gas 565 Emma-Eccles-Jones Medical Research Center Backup 19 Natural Gas 581 School of Pharmacy Building Backup 17 Natural Gas 587 CMC unit 1 Primary 10.7 Natural Gas 587 CMC unit 2 Primary 10.7 Natural Gas 701/702 Medical Plaza North Tower/Medical Plaza South Tower unit 1 Primary 5.5 Natural Gas 701/702 Medical Plaza North Tower/Medical Plaza South Tower Unit 2 Primary 5.5 Natural Gas 865 Williams Building Regular Use 10 Natural Gas Misc. Mis. Primary Less than 5 Each Natural Gas University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 9-2 formation of NOX emissions in natural gas-fired equipment is minimal, leaving thermal NOX as the main source of NO X emissions. Thermal NO X formation is a function of residence time, oxygen level, and flame temperature, and can be minimized by controlling these elements in the design of the combustion equipment. 9.1.1 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers NOX Step 1 Step 1 for other small natural gas boiler is the same used for LCHTWP and the same sources were reviewed. The technologies identified as possible NOX reduction technologies are shown in the table below. Pollutant Control Technologies NOX Low NOX Burners Ultra-Low NOX Burners Flue Gas Recirculation Selective Catalytic Reduction Good Combustion Practices The control efficiencies, as well as technical and economic feasibility are compared to the presumptive norm established for natural gas combustion units proposed in UDAQ rule R307-315 NO X Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu and R307-316, NOX Emission Controls for Natural-Gas Fired Boilers greater than 5 MMBtu/hr as they apply to the miscellaneous small natural gas boilers listed here, which require the following: ► NOX Emission Rate of 9 ppmv;63 and ► Operate and Maintain (O&M) in accordance with manufacturer's instruction.64 9.1.2 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers NOX Step 2 To demonstrate a complete analysis, the University has evaluated the follow technologies including both replacement burners and add-on controls. Low NOX Burners LNB technology uses advanced burner design to reduce NOX formation through the restriction of oxygen, flame temperature, and/or residence time. BAAQMD lists typical technology for BACT for NOX using a combination of SCR, LNB, and FGR. SCAQMD used LNB plus SCR as the BACT determined control methodology for the US Government, Veteran Affairs Medical Center boiler rated at 39.9 MMBtu/hr in 2016. As shown in Section 4.1.4, the cost per ton removed is beyond acceptable cost control effectiveness levels and therefore, the University is considering this burner technology economically infeasible for these units. Ultra-Low NOX Burners ULNB technology uses internal FGR which involves recirculating the hot O2 depleted flue gas from the heater into the combustion zone using burner design features and fuel staging to reduce NOX. BAAQMD lists typical technology for BACT for NOX using a combination of ULNB and FGR. SCAQMD used ULNB as the BACT determined control methodology for the Fullerton College boiler rated at 10 MMBtu/hr in 2003. An ULNB can 63 UDAQ’s proposed rules are intended for new installations and not retrofitting existing boilers. 64 Neither R307-315 or 316 require the retrofit of existing units to meet the established standards. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 9-3 achieve an emission rate of approximately 9 ppm or 0.011 pounds per million British thermal units (lb/MMBtu) when used in conjunction with FGR. Flue Gas Recirculation FGR is frequently used with both LNB and ULNB burners. FGR involves the recycling of post-combustion air into the air-fuel mixture to reduce the available oxygen and help cool the burner flame. As previously discussed, both SCAQMD and BAAQMD have combined this technology with others to determine BACT. Currently, the UCHTWP boilers use this technology. This control technology is technically infeasible for retrofitting existing boilers due to the small spaces the other small boilers are located. Selective Catalytic Reduction SCR is listed in the RBLC search as technically feasible. In some cases, this control technology is listed in combination with LNB and FGR. As previously mentioned, BAAQMD defines BACT as the combination of SCR, LNB, and FGR. The ammonia "slip" associated with the SCR is a documented problem. The increased ammonia emissions (currently zero) from the implementation of this technology would offset the marginal air quality benefits the SCR option would provide from NOX emissions reduction. Ammonia slip emissions have the potential to increase secondary PM2.5 levels in the area more than the SCR controlled NOX mass. Storage and handling of ammonia poses significant safety risks when applied at the University of Utah. Ammonia is toxic if swallowed or inhaled and can irritate or burn the skin, eyes, nose, or throat. It is a commonly used material that is typically handled safely and without incident. However, there are potential health and safety hazards associated with the implementation of this technology. The other small boilers are located in a densely packed area with other public facilities including student dormitories, and a significant number of University staff, students, and the general public potentially in harm's way. Locating ammonia tanks in these premises poses significant health risks for students, faculty, patients, family members and the public if a leak were to occur. Furthermore, there is a physical space issue concerning this technology. The space required to physically install an SCR is not available for boilers located within buildings. As a result, SCR is considered technically infeasible. Good Combustion Practices The use of good combustion practices usually includes the following components: (1) proper fuel mixing in the combustion zone; (2) high temperatures and low oxygen levels in primary zone; (3) Overall excess oxygen levels high enough to complete combustion while maximizing boiler efficiency, and (4) sufficient residence time to complete combustion. Good combustion practices are accomplished through boiler design as it relates to time, temperature, and turbulence, and boiler operation as it relates to excess oxygen levels. 9.1.3 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers NOX Steps 3 - 5 Based on an RBLC search the following technologies are currently being used for boilers less than or equal to 25 MMBtu/hr. These are ranked based on which technology can achieve the lowest emission rate. 1. ULNB = 9 ppm or 0.011 lb/MMBtu 2. LNB = 30 ppm or 0.036 lb/MMBtu 3. FGR = 42 ppm or 0.05 lb/MMBtu University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 9-4 The University has installed units which met the most stringent emission standards possible at the time of installation. The presumptive norm for the units in question is 9 ppmv and O&M in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction. In reviewing the proposed rules, R307-315 and 316, no retrofit requirements are established. Additionally, the retrofit of technologies reviewed have been established as technically or economically infeasible.65 As a result, the University proposes the implementation of GCP as RACT. 9.2 Other Small Natural Gas Boilers VOC Technologies This RACT analysis has well established, after reviewing a variety of control techniques, for various sizes and fuels, that the proposed RACT is good combustion practices since all control technologies not currently being used have been determined technically infeasible. 65 Replacement of dual fueled boiler burners was deemed economically infeasible for the UCHTWP in section 4. It is assumed that a similar cost per ton removed would result from a similar analysis for a smaller unit. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 10-1 10. DIESEL-FIRED EMERGENCY GENERATORS Diesel-fired engines are classified as compression ignition (CI) internal combustion engines (ICE). The primary pollutants in the exhaust gases include NOX and VOC. The diesel-fired engines installed at the University are for emergency use only (except for readiness testing and maintenance) and will use diesel fuel meeting the requirements of 40 CFR 1090.305 for non-road diesel fuel (i.e., a maximum sulfur content of 15 ppm and either a minimum cetane index of 40 or a maximum aromatic content of 35 percent by volume). The University has multiple diesel-fired emergency generators permitted in Approval Orders (AO AN103540030-22), as well as Title V Permit No. 3500063004. In total the University has the following units: ► Small diesel-fired emergency generator engines that are each rated less than 600 hp and having a combined total capacity of up to 11,809 HP. ► Large diesel-fired emergency generator engines that are each rated greater than 600 HP and having a combined total capacity of up to 55,226 HP. U.S. EPA’s RBLC was queried to identify controls for other similar-sized emergency generator engines. The RBLC shows that most diesel-fired emergency generator engines have RACT emission limits or permitted emission limits under other regulatory programs at the promulgated 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart IIII Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (NSPS Subpart IIII). The purpose and use of the engine are important considerations if an engine goes beyond NSPS Subpart IIII standards. Presented below are the five steps of the top-down RACT review for diesel-fired emergency generator engines. 10.1 Diesel Fired Engines NOX and VOC Technologies 10.1.1 Diesel-Fired Engines Step 1 The least stringent emission rate allowable for RACT is any applicable limit under either New Source Performance Standards (NSPS – Part 60,) or National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP – Part 63). Emission limits for diesel-fired engines are limited by EPA’s Tier program established in 40 CFR 1039, and are referenced by NSPS Subpart IIII, Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines.66 Under these regulations EPA requires manufacturers to reduce the emissions from engines produced after certain dates in a tiered fashion, based on the size and model year. In general, the higher the tier rating, the lower the emissions produced. The engines evaluated under this RACT analysis are rated for emergency use only. Per NSPS Subpart IIII section 60.4202, EPA only requires emergency use engines to meet Tier 2 or Tier 3 standards based on the size of the unit.67 EPA established Tier 3 standards for all units rated between 50 BHP and 750 BHP and Tier 2 standards for all units rated above 751 BHP. 66 Non-Emergency regulated per 40 CFR 60.4201, Emergency regulated by 40 CFR 60.4202, and General Requirements regulated per 40 CFR 60.4203. 67 Emergency egines are regulated in 40 CFR 60.4202 which sites only 40 CFR 1039.104, 1039.105, and 1039.15. Tier 4 final and Tier 4 interiem standards are given in 40 CFR 1039.101 and 1039.102, respectively, which are not referenced. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 10-2 It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that these units meet the established emission limitations or Tier rating. In order to ensure these emission limitations are met manufacturers often incorporate design elements, such as turbochargers, aftercoolers, positive crankcase ventilation, and high-pressure fuel injection. The incorporation of these design elements allows the units to meet minimum RACT standards and are therefore not further considered in this analysis. In order to identify additional control technologies applied to emergency use engines the following sources were reviewed: ► EPA’s RBLC Database for Diesel Generators (process types 17.110 Large Internal Combustion Engines [>500 Hp] burning Fuel Oil and 17.210 Small Internal Combustion Engines [<500 Hp] burning Fuel Oil);68 ► EPA’s Air Pollution Technology Fact Sheets; ► SCAQMD Example Permits; ► TCEQ’s BACT combustion workbook; and ► BAAQMD Nonroad BACT Assessments. The following control methods have been identified as potentially feasible for control of emissions from emergency generator engines: Pollutant Control Technologies VOC & NOX Limited Hours of Operation Good Combustion Practices Use of Ultra-Low Sulfur Fuel Exhaust Gas Recirculation Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) 10.1.2 Diesel-Fired Engines Step 2 Limited Hours of Operation One of the options to control the emissions of all pollutants released from emergency generator engines is to limit the hours of operation for the equipment. Due to the designation of this equipment as emergency equipment, only 100 hours of operation for maintenance and testing are permitted per NSPS Subpart IIII. Therefore, limiting hours of operation is considered technically feasible. Good Combustion Practices GCP refers to the operation of engines at high combustion efficiency, which reduces the products of incomplete combustion, such as VOC and CO. Emergency generator engines are designed to achieve high combustion efficiency when maintained and operated according to the manufacturer’s written instructions. GCP are considered technically feasible. 68 Database accessed November 10, 2023. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 10-3 Exhaust Gas Recirculation NOX reduction can be achieved through recirculating exhaust into the engine. EPA tests have demonstrated NOX reduction up to 50 percent if the engine timing is retarded, but test results are accompanied by an increase in particulates.69 Computer based control schemes can assist in NOX reduction with associated timing retardation, but EGR can also result in heat rejection, reduced power density, and lower fuel economy. Exhaust gas recirculation is considered technically infeasible. Diesel Oxidation Catalyst A DOC utilizes a catalyst such as platinum or palladium to oxidize VOC emissions in the engine’s exhaust to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. Use of a DOC can result in approximately 90 percent reduction in VOC emissions.70 In addition to controlling VOC, a DOC also has the potential to reduce PM emissions by 30 percent (based on the concentration of soluble organics).71 However, the full reduction potential requires a minimum operating temperature of 150 ºC (300 ºF).72 Similarly, U.S. EPA recommends if an engine emits extremely high levels of PM and/or idles for long periods of time, an exhaust backpressure monitoring and operator notification system may be installed to notify the operator when maintenance is needed.73 For this reason, DOC control efficiencies are expected to be relatively low during the first 20 - 30 minutes after engine start up, in fact U.S. EPA considered this method of aftertreatment to be generally unsuitable for backup use.74 Since operation of emergency engines typically only includes short duration runs and at the University does not require the engine to be brought to full load for monthly maintenance and testing, DOC is considered technically ineffective for maintenance and testing.75 DOC is typically installed by manufacturers on prime engines and thus is considered technically infeasible for emergency operation. Selective Catalytic Reduction SCR systems introduce a liquid reducing agent such as ammonia or urea into an engine’s flue-gas stream prior to a catalyst. The catalyst reduces the temperature needed to initiate the reaction between the reducing agent and NOX to form nitrogen and water. Additional variations including non-selective catalytic reduction (NSCR) and selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) may be used but are not considered standard industry practice and are not listed in the RBLC, thus SCR remains the focus of this technical analysis. For SCR systems to function effectively, exhaust temperatures must be high enough (480 °F to 800 °F) to enable catalyst activation, which will be accounted for in operation.76 For this reason, SCR control 69 U.S. EPA Control of Heavy-Duty Diesel NOX Emissions by Exhaust gas recirculation, Office of Mobile Source Air Pollution Emissions Control Technology Division, August 1985 70 U.S. EPA, Alternative Control Techniques Document: Stationary Diesel Engines, March 5, 2010, p. 41. (https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-02/documents/3_2010_diesel_eng_alternativecontrol.pdf) 71 Response to Public Comments on Notice of Reconsideration of National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines and New Source Performance Standards for Stationary Internal Combustion Engines, EPA Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0708, June 16, 2014 72 U.S. EPA’s Technical Bulletin for Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Installation, Operation, and Maintenance, EPA-420-F-10-030 published in May 2010. 73 Ibid. 74 Response to Public Comments on Notice of Reconsideration of Nation al Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines and New Source Performance Standards for Stationary Internal Combustion Engines, EPA Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0708, Page 85, June 16, 2014 75 Annual testing requires the engines being brought to full load, but this is a small percentage of the overall maintenance and testing operation time. 76 EPA Air Pollution Control Technology Fact Sheet for Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), EPA-452/F-03-032 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 10-4 efficiencies are expected to be relatively low during the first 20 - 30 minutes after engine start up. Since operation of emergency engines typically only includes short duration runs for maintenance and testing, SCR is considered technically ineffective for maintenance and testing on small engine. Furthermore, for emergency engines under 600 HP, the use of an SCR is generally considered experimental. Due to the low emission reduction potential on an emergency unit of this size these controls are not standard practice for manufacturers.77 This leads to compromised equipment design and high potential for failure. Based on the technical considerations presented above a SCR is considered technically feasible for emergency operation of units with a power rating greater than 600 HP. 10.1.3 Diesel-Fired Engines Step 3 Effective control technologies for diesel engines are listed in the following table: Table 10-1. Emergency Engine Controls Feasibility Control Technically Feasible under 600 HP? (Yes/No) Technically Feasible above 600 HP? (Yes/No) Limited Hours of Operation Yes Yes GCP Yes Yes EGR No No DOC No No SCR No Yes All emergency engines installed after 2006 at the University meet the NSPS standards. For generators that were installed prior to 2006, they met the EPA tier rating required at the time of installation. Additionally, all units proposed will operate for limited hours, using good combustion practices, and fueled by ultra-low sulfur diesel. 10.1.4 Diesel Fired Engines Step 4 As SCR control technology is technically feasible for emergency operation of units over 600 HP, the University has conducted a cost analysis using the similar size generators (rated at 1,341 HP) as a baseline. Because of the negligible difference in engine size, the cost analysis is expected to be representative of all engines over 600 HP. SCR This cost analysis focused on NOX as the reduction potential for this pollutant is greater than all other criteria pollutants. After considering economic factors and other annual costs the calculated cost per ton removed is $142,797 per ton removed.78 The University proposes that this is not cost effective and was not further considered. A full cost analysis is included in Appendix A. 77 Call conducted with engine manufacturer on April 13, 2022 78 Cost estimate based on estimates from several vendors, sizes, and costs were provided and a linear interpolation was applied. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 10-5 10.1.5 Diesel-Fired Engines Step 5 The University uses all technically and economically feasible controls which generally include engine design consistent with NSPS IIII (post-2006), EPA Tier rating, limited hours of operation, good combustion practices and/or use of ultra-low sulfur fuel. Exact emission rates, reflecting this RACT, are included in the emission calculations submitted during recent permitting actions. In the case of the emergency units located at the Hospital, despite the experimental nature of additional controls for engines under 600hp, additional cost of the control equipment, maintenance, and structural modifications, DPF filters are used. This decision was made to protect sensitive receptors in the vicinity of the engines. The University proposes that this strategic decision goes above and beyond RACT requirements. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 11-1 11. NATURAL GAS EMERGENCY GENERATORS The University currently operates four (4) natural gas-fired emergency generator to maintain critical systems during an emergency, the engine total 1000kW. 11.1 Natural Gas Fired Engines NOX and VOC Technologies 11.1.1 Natural Gas Emergency Generators Step 1 The following sources were reviewed to identify available control technologies: ► SCAQMD LAER/BACT Determinations; ► SJVAPCD BACT Clearinghouse; ► BAAQMD BACT/TBACT Workbook ► TCEQ BACT Requirements; ► EPA’s RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse RBLC Database79 for Natural Gas Generators (process type 17.230 Small Internal Combustion Engines [<500 hp] – Natural Gas)80; and ► EPA’s Air Pollution Control Technology Fact Sheets. Available control technologies for natural gas-fired emergency generator engines include the following: ► Limited Hours of Operation; ► Routine Maintenance; ► Good Combustion Practices; ► Use of Natural Gas; ► Lean Burn Technology; ► Selective Catalytic Reductions (SCR); and ► Non-Selective Catalyst Reduction (NSCR). The following step evaluates the technical feasibility of each of these options. 11.1.2 Natural Gas Emergency Generators Step 2 Limited Hours of Operation One available way to control the emissions of all pollutants released from a natural gas-fired emergency generator engine is to limit the hours of operation for the equipment. Under New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Subpart JJJJ81, only 100 hours of operation for maintenance and testing are allowed for generators designated as emergency. It is conservatively estimated that the emergency generator will run for no more than 100 hours per year for testing and maintenance. This option is considered technically feasible. 79 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)/Best Available Control Technology (BACT)/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) 80 Database accessed November 10, 2023. 81 40 CFR 60.4243(d)(2) University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 11-2 Routine Maintenance Routine maintenance ensures the engine is working properly and as efficiently as possible, which, in turn, helps reduce emissions. For spark ignition internal combustion engines, 40 CFR 60 Subpart JJJJ requires that owners and operators of EPA-certified engines operating and maintain the engine consistent with the manufacturer’s emissions-related written instructions. Routine maintenance is considered technically feasible. Good Combustion Practices Good combustion practices refer to the operation of engines at high combustion efficiency, which reduces the products of incomplete combustion. The natural gas-fired emergency generator engines at the University are designed to achieve maximum combustion efficiency. The manufacturer has provided operation and maintenance manuals that detail the required methods to achieve the highest levels of combustion efficiency for the proposed unit. Use of good combustion practices is considered technically feasible. Use of Natural Gas Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel and is a highly efficient form of energy. It is composed mainly of methane and its combustion results in less NOx in comparison to other fossil fuels. Use natural gas for the proposed emergency generator engine is considered technically feasible. Lean Burn Technology With lean burn combustion technology, excess air is introduced into the engine along with the fuel. In lean burn engines, the air-to-fuel ratio may be as lean as 65:1 by mass. Excess air, in turn, reduces the temperature of the combustion process and combusts more of the fuel which ultimately can result in fewer hydrocarbons being emitted. Lean burn engines are used at the University and therefore are considered technically feasible. Selective Catalytic Reduction SCR systems introduce a liquid reducing agent such as ammonia or urea into the flue gas stream prior to a catalyst. The catalyst then reduces the temperature needed to initiate the reaction between the reducing agent and NOX to form nitrogen and water. For SCR systems to function effectively, exhaust temperatures must be high enough (200°C to 500°C) to enable catalyst activation. For this reason, SCR control efficiencies are expected to be relatively low during the first 20 to 30 minutes after engine start up, especially during maintenance and testing. Generally, engine loads during maintenance and testing for emergency engines are very low, which also reduces exhaust temperatures, resulting in low SCR control efficiencies. Controlling the excess ammonia (ammonia slip) from SCR use can also be difficult. Although SCR has been implemented on large (greater than one megawatt (MW) diesel-fired emergency generators, it has not been demonstrated on smaller emergency engines or natural gas-fired units.82 Since SCR is anticipated to have a relatively low control efficiency during maintenance and testing due to short periods of operation, low loads, and frequent starts/stops, implementing SCR technology for the emergency engine is not considered technically feasible. 82 https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/sites/default/files/barcu/regact/2010/atcm2010/atcmappb.pdf University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 11-3 Nonselective Catalytic Reduction NSCR is an add-on NOX control technology for exhaust streams with low oxygen content. NSCR uses a catalyst reaction to simultaneously reduce NOX, CO, and hydrocarbon to water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. The catalyst is usually a noble metal.83 Although NSCR has some of the same operational issues as an SCR, this technology has been demonstrated only on smaller rich burn engines and is, therefore, considered technically infeasible. 11.1.3 Natural Gas Emergency Generators Steps 3 – 5 The University proposes that RACT for the natural gas-fired emergency generator engines is operating and maintaining the engine in accordance with good combustion practices, which will include routine maintenance being performed on the units in accordance with the NSPS Subpart JJJJ requirements and combusting only natural gas. The hours of operation will be limited to 100 hours for maintenance and testing per year in accordance with NSPS Subpart JJJJ and RICE NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ. 83 https://www3.epa.gov/ttnchie1/mkb/documents/B_16a.pdf University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 12-1 12. VOC FUGITIVES AND INSIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES Fugitive VOC emissions result from the spray paint booth and parts washers at the University, cumulatively these sources are limited to 5 tpy of VOC emissions. The spray paint booth is used to paint a variety of objects used in building and facility maintenance. The parts washers are used in the equipment maintenance shops to removed grease from machine parts during the repair and preventative maintenance processes. 12.1 Fugitive VOC Technologies 12.1.1 VOC Fugitives Step 1 The University has reviewed the following sources to ensure all available and potentially applicable control technologies have been identified: ► R307-335 Degreasing; ► EPA’s Air Pollution Technology Fact Sheets; ► EPA’s Alternative Control Technology Paper “Control Techniques for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Stationary Sources” published in December of 1992; ► TCEQ BACT Guidelines for control technologies specific to painting and degreasing operations; ► BAAQMD BACT/TBACK Workbook; and ► Permits available online. The technologies identified as possible VOC reduction technologies for fugitive VOC sources are shown in the table below. Pollutant Control Technologies VOCs Alternative Chemical Properties Good Housekeeping Practices Add on Control Technologies The presumptive norm for the parts washers is defined in R307-335 which requires the units to be operated in accordance with good housekeeping practices. While no presumptive norm has been established for the paint booth, other UDAQ rules stipulate the maximum VOC or vapor pressure of the materials to be used or the operation of an add-on control. 12.1.2 VOC Fugitives Step 2 Alternative Chemical Properties Alternative chemical properties prevent VOC emissions through a reduced organic material composition or lower vapor pressure which in turn limited the potential for the material to emit. One common method is to use alternative materials with chemical properties that are less likely to result in VOC emissions. Chemical properties that are likely to result in low VOC emissions include materials with a low VOC content and low vapor pressure. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 12-2 Good Housekeeping Practices Good housekeeping measures ensure that VOC containing materials are not permitted to evaporate unnecessarily or used in excess of process requirements . Examples of good housekeeping practices include covering containers containing VOC material, enclosing waste material with VOC containing material, diminishing exposure to heat and open atmosphere as much as the process allows. Add on Controls Add on controls would be accomplished through the use of control techniques that oxidize, combust or otherwise change VOC emissions produced from a process into less harmful pollutants or a less harmful form of the pollutant. Any control system that destroys VOC emissions from a process has two fundamental components. The first is the containment or capture system, which is a single device or group of devices whose function is to collect the pollutant vapors and direct them into a duct leading to a control device. The second component is the control device, which reduces the quantity of the pollutant emitted to the atmosphere.84 The sources described in this section are small sources with minor emissions per source located throughout the University. Creating a capture system that spans this much area is technically infeasible therefore no destruction control techniques have been further evaluated. 12.1.3 VOC Fugitives Step 3-5 Alternative chemical properties (1st) and good housekeeping practices (2nd) are both technically feasible and are incorporated in conjunction with one another to ensure practically low VOC emissions. The highest ranked control measures are currently being implemented; therefore, no economic, energy, or environmental analysis was conducted. The University proposes these two activities as RACT as described below. Paint Booth When possible, the University utilizes low VOC inks, cleaners, solvents, and water-based paints. Additionally, the University implements work practice standards to reduce emissions, including: 1) utilizing fitting covers for open tanks; and 2) keeping cleaning materials, used shop towels, and solvent wiping cloths in closed containers. The University proposes these practices as RACT for the Paint Booth. Parts Washer When possible, the University utilizes low VOC solvents and degreasers. Additionally, the parts washers throughout the University are subject to UAC Rule R307-335, Degreasing and Solvent Cleaning Operations. This regulation requires the University to meet several good housekeeping related requirements as detailed in Condition II.B.19.a of the Title V Operating Permit (Permit Number 3500063004). The University proposes these practices as RACT for the Parts Washer. 12.2 Storage Tanks The University maintains several large storage tanks and a variety of small storage tanks: ► Three (3) diesel tanks with a capacity of 25,000 gallons, 84 EPA's Alternative Control Technology Paper "Control Techniques for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Stationary Sources" published in December of 1992. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 12-3 ► Two (2) diesel tanks with a capacity of 12,000 gallons ► One (1) diesel tank with a capacity of 35,000 gallons, ► One (1) jet fuel tank with a capacity of 10,000 gallons, and ► Various small tanks capacity of 10,000 gallons or less. 12.2.1 Storage Tanks Step 1 Emissions from fixed roof storage tanks result from displacement of headspace vapor during filling operations (working losses) and from diurnal temperature and heating variations (breathing losses).85 The University reviewed a variety of available sources, including but not limited to the RBLC 86 and NSPS Kb, Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced after July 23, 1984.87 The identified control methods for tanks of this size and vapor pressure included good operating and maintenance practices and submerged filling. 12.2.2 Storage Tanks Steps 2 – 4 Good Operating and Maintenance Practices As demonstrated by the emission calculations losses due to changes in temperature or barometric pressure are minimal for these tanks . Where possible the University has placed tanks indoors, in a basement, or buried underground which minimizes the temperature changes. Additionally, the diesel fuel is used as a backup, these are low throughput tanks, only storing fuel for use in the case of an emergency, minimizing the frequency of filling, and the associated emissions. The University uses good operating and maintenance on all tanks. Submerged Filling During submerged loading, the fill pipe opening is below the liquid surface level and liquid turbulence is controlled significantly, resulting in much lower vapor generation than encountered during splash loading.88 Due to the very low emission rate it has been assumed that the retrofit of this technology will be economically infeasible. The University is in the process of replacing tanks throughout campus as they have reached the end of their useful life. During the procurement of replacement tanks the University will request the addition of submerged filling as project scope and budget allow. 12.2.3 Storage Tanks Step 5 The University has considered emissions from these storage tanks negligible and proposes good operating and maintenance practices meets RACT. 85 EPA, Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 7.1 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks, September 2006. 86 Database accessed November 10, 2023. 87 Per the Universities Title V Operating Permit #3500063003 – Reviewer comments #5 - historical comments/modifications made to the Universities AO (DAQE-AN0354014-06), 10/26/06; removed NSPS Subpart Kb as an applicable requirement since tanks meet the size and vapor pressure requirements of 40 CFR 60.110b (b) and (c). 88 EPA AP-42 Section 5.2 Transportation and Marketing of Petroleum Liquids University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 13-1 13. CONCLUSIONS Based on the information presented and reviewed above, the following conclusions we’re determined regarding feasibility and RACT selections: Table 13-1. Boilers NOX Summary Table Technology UCHTWP (Section 4) LCHTWP (Section 5) Dual Fuel (Section 7) Diesel (Section 8) Small NG (Section 9) LNB Eliminated in Step 4 Selected as RACT and In Use Selected as RACT and In Use Selected as RACT and In Use Eliminated in Step 4 ULNB Eliminated in Step 4 Selected as RACT and In Use Eliminated in Step 4 Eliminated in Step 1 Eliminated in Step 4 FGR Selected as RACT and In Use Selected as RACT and In Use Eliminated in Step 2 Selected as RACT and In Use Eliminated in Step 2 SCR Eliminated in Step 4 Eliminated in Step 2 Eliminated in Step 2 Not Considered Eliminated in Step 4 GCP Selected as RACT and In Use Selected as RACT and In Use Selected as RACT and In Use Selected as RACT and In Use Selected as RACT and In Use Since a variety of control techniques are considered for the other equipment onsite the conclusions have been presented in a different format. All technologies are considered in step one. As technologies are eliminated, they are shown crossed out in the step that serves as elimination. Once eliminated, the technology is no longer considered in further steps. Technology that is not eliminated in steps 1-5 have been selected as RACT. University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants 13-2 Table 13-2. Other Sources Summary Table RACT Step Turbine & WHRU (Section 6) Diesel Emergency Generators (Section 10) Natural Gas Generators Fugitives (Section 12) NOX VOC VOC & NOX VOC & NOX VOC Step 1 - Dry Low NOX/ ULNB - SCR - EMx - Water Injection - GCP - CO - TO - GCP - Limited Hours of Operation - GCP - Ultra-Low Sulfur - Exhaust Gas Recirculation - DOC - SCR - Limited Hours of Operation - Routine Maintenance - GCP - Use of Natural Gas - Lean Burn Technology - SCR - NSCR - Alternative Chemical Properties - Good Housekeeping Practices - Work Practices and Solvent Cleaning Requirements identified in R307-355 - Add on Controls Step 2 - Dry Low NOX/ ULNB - SCR - EMx - Water Injection - GCP - CO - TO - GCP - Limited Hours of Operation - GCP - Ultra-Low Sulfur Fuel - Exhaust Gas Recirculation - DOC - SCR - Limited Hours of Operation - Routine Maintenance - GCP - Use of Natural Gas - Lean Burn Technology - SCR - NSCR - Alternative Chemical Properties - Good Housekeeping Practices - Work Practices and Solvent Cleaning Requirements identified in R307-355 - Add on Controls Step 3 - Dry Low NOX - Water Injection - GCP - GCP - Limited Hours of Operation - GCP - Ultra-Low Sulfur Fuel - SCR - Routine Maintenance - GCP - Use of Natural Gas - Lean Burn Technology - - Alternative Chemical Properties - Good Housekeeping Practices - Work Practices and Solvent Cleaning Requirements identified in R307-355 Step 4 - Dry Low NOX - GCP - GCP - Limited Hours of Operation - GCP - Ultra-Low Sulfur Fuel - Routine Maintenance - GCP - Use of Natural Gas - Lean Burn Technology - Alternative Chemical Properties - Good Housekeeping Practices Step 5 - Dry Low NOX (In Use) - GCP (In Use) - GCP (In Use) - Limited Hours of Operation (In Use) - GCP (In Use) - Ultra-Low Sulfur Fuel (In Use) - DPF - Routine Maintenance - GCP - Use of Natural Gas - Lean Burn Technology - Alternative Chemical Properties (In Use) - Good Housekeeping Practices (In Use) Detailed in Rule R307-335 and R307- 351 University of Utah / Ozone Non-attainment SIP – RACT Analysis Trinity Consultants A-1 APPENDIX A. DETAILED COST CALCULATIONS Cost Analyses Table A-1. RACT Control Cost Evaluation for ULNB Replacement - General Information Parameter Value Notes Heat Input 87.5 MMBTU/hr per unit Current Emission Rate 4.51 TPY, per unit, Using lb/MMBtu emission rates and a total of 530 MMscf/yr for all three (3) units Estimated Control Efficiency 60% Estimated using the EPA's Technical Bulletin, Nitrogen Oxides, Why and How They are Controlled (EPA456/F-99-006R). The LNB+FGR represents approximately the same control efficiency as the ULNB for ICI Boilers fired on Natural Gas. Estimated Emission Rate 1.80 TPY, per unit, Using lb/MMBtu emission rates and a total of 530 MMscf/yr for all three (3) units Operator ($/hour)$28.50 Utah Department of Workforce Services, Occupational Wages by Region, Median Annual Wage for Installation/Maintenance/Repair, Machinery cited $59,300. Assumed a standard working year contains 2,080 hours. Maintenance ($/hour)$28.50 Utah Department of Workforce Services, Occupational Wages by Region, Median Annual Wage for Installation/Maintenance/Repair, Machinery cited $59,300. Assumed a standard working year contains 2,080 hours. Equipment Life Expectancy (Years)10 U.S. EPA's Alternative Control Techniques Document -- NOx Emissions from Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (ICI) Boilers, Section 6.1.3 Total Annualized Cost and Cost Effectiveness Interest Rate (%)7.00%U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology Process Information Labor Costs Economic Factors University of Utah Trinity Consultants Cost Analyses Table A-2. RACT Control Cost Evaluation for ULNB Replacement - Capital Investment Parameter Value Notes Total Equipment Cost $112,100 Cost estimate based on communication with Holbrook Servco December 2023, several sizes and costs were provided and a linear interpolation was applied. Direct Installation Costs $109,500 Cost estimate based on communication with Holbrook Servco December 2023, several sizes and costs were provided and a linear interpolation was applied. Contingency $27,375 This cost was added as the total equipment cost was obtained anonymously and based on a linear correlation between equipment sizes, additionally it did not account for the duel fuel nature of the unit. 25% of the direct and indirect capital costs was recommended by U.S. EPA's Alternative Control Techniques Document -- NOX Emissions from Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (ICI) Boilers, Section Contingencies. Freight $5,605 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Table 2.4 Sales Tax $3,363 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Table 2.4 Instrumentation $11,210 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Table 2.4 Total Increase in Capital Investment ($)$269,153 Sum of total equipment, direct installation, indirect installation, contingency, freight, sales tax, and instrumentation costs. Capital Recovery Factor (CRF)0.1424 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Equation 2.8a Capital Recovery Cost (CRC)$38,321 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Equation 2.8 University of Utah Trinity Consultants Cost Analyses Table A-3. RACT Control Cost Evaluation for ULNB Replacement - Annual Operating, Insurance, Tax, and Other Costs Parameter Value Notes Operating Labor $15,604 Assumed 0.5 hours per 8-hour shift Supervisory Labor $2,341 Assumed to be 15% of operating Labor, EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Maintenance Labor $15,604 Assumed 0.5 hours per 8-hour shift Maintenance Materials $15,604 Assumed the same as Maintenance Labor per U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Total Direct Operating Costs $49,152 Sum of Direct Operating Costs on an Annual Basis Overhead $29,491 Assumed to be 60% of there total Direct Operating Costs, U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Administrative Charges $4,980 Assumed to be 2% of the Total Capital Investment, U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Property Tax $2,490 Assumed to be 1% of the Total Capital Investment, U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Increase in Insurance $2,490 Assumed to be 1% of the Total Capital Investment, U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Total Insurance, Tax, and Other Annual Costs $39,450 Sum of Insurance, Tax, and Other Annual Costs Table A-4. RACT Control Cost Evaluation for ULNB Replacement - Total Annual Cost & Cost per Ton Removed Parameter Value Notes Total Annual Cost $126,923 Sum of Capital Recovery Cost, Total Direct Operating Costs, Insurance, Tax and Other Annual Costs. NOX Removed (tpy)2.70 Cost per Ton of NOX Removed ($/ton)$46,956 1. While this cost analysis sites the U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, the cost estimates used for a retrofit are consistent in U.S. EPA's Alternative Control Techniques Document -- NOx Emissions from Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (ICI) Boilers, Section 6.1.2 Annual Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Costs. Direct Operating Costs Insurance, Tax, and Other Annual Costs1 NOX Cost Per Ton Removed University of Utah Trinity Consultants Cost Analyses Table A-5. RACT Control Cost Evaluation for SCR Addition to Existing Unit - General Information Parameter Value Notes Heat Input 87.5 MMBTU/hr per unit Current Emission Rate 4.38 TPY, per unit, See Emissions Information Estimated Removal Efficiency 0.70 Assumes the estimated removal efficiency is based on a 30 ppm to 9 ppm reductions in emissions. Estimated Emission Rate 1.31 Estimated Ammonia Usage 1.19 lb/hr, Calculated using U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 4 Chapter 2 Selective Catalytic Reduction Costs equation 2.35 Cost of Ammonia Reagent 0.27 $/lb, quote from Thatcher ($1.38/gallon for 19% ammonia) Cost of Catalyst $227.00 $/ft3, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Documentation for EPA’s Power Sector Modeling Platform v6 Using the Integrated Planning Model. Office of Air and Radiation. May 2018. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/airmarkets/documentation-epas-power-sector-modeling-platform-v6. Operator ($/hour)$28.50 Utah Department of Workforce Services, Occupational Wages by Region, Median Annual Wage for Installation/Maintenance/Repair, Machinery cited $59,300. Assumed a standard working year contains 2,080 hours. Equipment Life Expectancy (Years)23 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 4 Chapter 2 Selective Catalytic Reduction Costs average life expectancy for industrial boilers Interest Rate (%)7.00%OMB Circular A-4, https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/omb/circulars_a004_a-4/ Table A-6. RACT Control Cost Evaluation for SCR Addition to Existing Unit - Capital Investment Parameter Value Notes Total Increase in Capital Investment ($)$568,000 Cost estimate based on communication with CECO Environmental December 2023, several sizes and costs were provided and a linear interpolation was applied. Direct Installation Costs $170,400 U.S. EPA's Alternative Control Techniques Document -- NOx Emissions from Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (ICI) Boilers, Section Direct Installation Costs Indirect Installation Costs $187,440 U.S. EPA's Alternative Control Techniques Document -- NOx Emissions from Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (ICI) Boilers, Section Indirect Installation Costs Contingency $142,000 This cost was added as the total equipment cost was obtained anonymously and a minimum equipment cost was provided. Freight $28,400 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Table 2.4 Sales Tax $17,040 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Table 2.4 Instrumentation $56,800 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Table 2.4 Capital Recovery Factor (CRF)0.0895 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Equation 2.8a Capital Recovery Cost (CRC)$104,766 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Equation 2.8 Process Information Labor Costs Economic Factors University of Utah Trinity Consultants Cost Analyses Table A-7. RACT Control Cost Evaluation for SCR Addition to Existing Unit - Annual Operating, Insurance, Tax, and Other Costs Parameter Value Notes Operating Labor $35,369 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 4 Chapter 2 Selective Catalytic Reduction Costs estimates 4 hours per day of Operating and Supervisory Labor. The estimate presented utilizes Section 1, Chapter 2's assumption tat 15% of operating labor is supervisory labor Supervisory Labor $6,242 Assumed to be 15% of operating Labor, U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Maintenance Labor and Materials $2,840 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 4 Chapter 2 Selective Catalytic Reduction Costs estimates maintenance costs to be 0.5 percent of the total capital investment. Annual Reagent Costs $652 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 4 Chapter 2 Selective Catalytic Reduction Costs equation 2.58, assumed 2,000 hours of operation consistent with the reduced heat load Annual Catalyst Costs $6,810 Catalyst size calculated based on information provided in U.S. EPA's Air Pollution Control Technology Fact Sheet for SCR (EPA-452/F-03-032). Assumed Catalyst life of 5 years. Total Direct Operating Costs $51,912 Sum of Direct Operating Costs on an Annual Basis Overhead $26,670 Assumed to be 60% of there total Direct Operating Costs, U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Property Tax $5,680 Assumed to be 1% of the Total Capital Investment, U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Increase in Insurance $5,680 Assumed to be 1% of the Total Capital Investment, U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Section Administrative Charges $1,095 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 4, Chapter 2, Equation 2.69. Total Insurance, Tax, and Other Annual Costs $39,125 Sum of Insurance, Tax, and Other Annual Costs Table 8. RACT Control Cost Evaluation for Diesel Fired Emergency Generator - Total Annual Cost & Cost per Ton Removed Parameter Value Notes Total Annual Cost $195,803 Sum of Capital Recovery Cost, Total Direct Operating Costs, Insurance, Tax and Other Annual Costs. NOX Removed (tpy)3.06 Cost per Ton of NOX Removed $63,911 NOX Cost Per Ton Removed Direct Operating Costs Insurance, Tax, and Other Annual Costs University of Utah Trinity Consultants Cost Analyses Table A-9. Control Cost Evaluation for SCR on an Emergency Use Engine - General Information Parameter Value Notes Duty (kW)543 Mid-range generator size for units over 600hp Duty (bhp)728 Approximate conversion from kW to hp is 1.341 hp/kW Tier II Emission NOx Rate (g/kW-hr)6.4 U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality (U.S. EPA-420-B-16-022) published March 2016, Emission rate for NMHC+NOx was the published form, NMHC is anticipated to be a minor component of the emission factor. Tier II Emissions NOX (tpy)0.38 Total emission rate based on a maximum of 100 hr per year. Tier IV Emission NOx Rate (g/kW-hr)4.00 U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality (U.S. EPA-420-B-16-022) published March 2016, Interim Standard used as it is in the same form as the Tier II published standard, NMHC is anticipated to be a minor component of the emission factor. Tier IV Final Emissions NOX (tpy)0.24 Controlled emissions provided by Tier IV Final Nonroad Compression-Ignition Engines: Exhaust Emission Standards for NOX. Equipment Life Expectancy (Years)15 Exemption to replacement engine provisions codified in 40 CFR 60.4210(i) Interest Rate (%)7.00%OMB Circular A-4, https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/omb/circulars_a004_a-4/ Table A-10. Control Cost Evaluation for SCR on an Emergency Use Engine - Capital Investment Parameter Value Notes Total Capital Investment ($)$142,000 Cost estimate based on estimates from several vendors, sizes, and costs were provided and a linear interpolation was applied. Cost in 2023 dollars. Capital Recovery Factor (CRF)0.1098 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Equation 2.8a Capital Recovery Cost (CRC)$15,591 U.S. EPA Cost Control Manual Section 1, Chapter 2 Cost Estimation: Concepts and Methodology, Equation 2.8 Process Information Economic Factors University of Utah Trinity Consultants Cost Analyses Table A-11. Control Cost Evaluation for SCR on an Emergency Use Engine - Annual Operating Costs Parameter Value Notes Operating Labor, Maintenance, Brake Specific Fuel Consumption, and Catalyst Maintenance $4 $/hp, U.S. EPA Alternative Control Techniques Document: Stationary Diesel Engines (U.S. EPA Contract No. EP-D-07-019) Published March 5, 2010, Cost values are cited to be from 2005 and have been lowered to match a run time of 100 hours. Inflation Factor 1.69 Based on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI Inflation Calculator from January of 2003 to October of 2023. https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm Total Direct Operating Costs $4,922 Table A-12. BACT Control Cost Evaluation for Diesel Fired Emergency Generator - Annual Operating, Insurance, Tax, and Other Costs Parameter Value Notes Total Annual Cost $20,513 Sum of Capital Recovery Cost, Total Direct Operating Costs, Insurance, Tax and Other Annual Costs. NOX Removed (tpy)0.14 Cost per Ton of NOX Removed ($/ton)$142,797 Direct Operating Costs NOX Cost Per Ton Removed University of Utah Trinity Consultants