HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-008488Results of 2023 Annual Indoor Air Monitoring Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation 2211 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah September 4, 2024 Prepared for: Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation P.O. Box 1693 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 1165 Scheuring Road De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL INDOOR AIR MONITORING This document entitled Results of 2023 Annual Indoor Air Monitoring was prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (“Stantec”) for the account of Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation (the “Client”). Any reliance on this document by any third party is strictly prohibited. The material in it reflects Stantec’s professional judgment of the scope, schedule and other limitations stated in the document and in the contract between Stantec and the Client. The opinions in the document are based on conditions and information existing at the time the document was published and do not consider any subsequent changes. In preparing the document, Stantec did not verify information supplied to it by others. Any use which a third party makes of this document is the responsibility of such third party. Such third party agrees that Stantec shall not be responsible for costs or damages of any kind, if any, suffered by it or any other third party as a result of decisions made or actions taken based on this document. Prepared by (signature) Andrew Riemer Approved by (signature) Chris Maxwell, P.G. RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL INDOOR AIR MONITORING Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ........................................................................... 2 1.1 SITE LOCATION ............................................................................................................... 2 1.2 HISTORICAL SITE INVESTIGATIONS ............................................................................ 2 2.0 INVESTIGATION METHODS ........................................................................................... 3 2.1 PRE-FIELD ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Health and Safety Plan .................................................................................... 3 2.2 INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AIR MONITORING FIELD PARAMETERS ............................ 3 2.3 INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AIR MONITORING LOCATIONS ........................................... 3 2.4 LABORATORY ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 4 3.0 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 APRIL 2023 MONITORING EVENT ................................................................................. 5 3.2 NOVEMBER 2023 MONITORING EVENT ....................................................................... 5 4.0 DATA USABILITY ASSESSMENT................................................................................... 6 4.1 DATA REVIEW ................................................................................................................. 6 4.2 SAMPLE HANDLING PROCEDURES .............................................................................. 6 4.3 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES ................................................................ 6 4.4 DATA RECONCILIATION ................................................................................................. 6 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 7 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 – Indoor Air Field Parameters Table 2 – Indoor Air and Outdoor Ambient Air VOC Laboratory Analytical Data LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Site Layout Figure 3 –Indoor Air Sampling Locations LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A – Indoor Air Sampling Methodology Appendix B – April 2023 Indoor Air Field Data Sheets Appendix C – November 2023 Indoor Air Field Data Sheets Appendix D – April 2023 Indoor Air Laboratory Analytical Data Report Appendix E – November 2023 Indoor Air Laboratory Analytical Data Report 1 | Page RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL INDOOR AIR MONITORING September 4, 2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the results of 2023 annual indoor air monitoring events conducted by Stantec Consulting Services, Inc (Stantec) at the Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation (Northrop Grumman) facility located at 2211 West North Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah (the Site). The Site location is shown on Figure 1. The Site Layout is shown on Figure 2. On May 9, 2017, the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) provided a letter to Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation (Northrop Grumman) approving the Final Human Health Risk Assessment (Stantec, March 2017) for chemicals of concern (COC) in soil, soil vapor, indoor air (IA), and groundwater at the Site. The soil vapor and indoor air constituents of concern are select volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Consistent with the approved risk assessment, the remedial approach for soil vapor and indoor air is long-term monitoring and institutional controls. Northrop Grumman has developed a Site Management Plan (SMP) which includes an updated annual indoor air monitoring program that will provide continued monitoring of IA conditions at the Site. The monitoring completed for the 2023 annual event is consistent with the recommendations in the SMP. The SMP is currently under UDEQ review. Analytical results from the 2023 annual indoor air monitoring event are consistent with previous monitoring events. Through evaluation of sub-slab, IA, and outdoor (OA) conditions over multiple sampling events between 2017 and 2023, Northrop Grumman has confirmed that the data and conclusions of the HHRA remain consistent and accurate. There is no current threat to the health of Site workers associated with VOCs. 2 | Page RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL INDOOR AIR MONITORING September 4, 2024 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1.1 SITE LOCATION The facility is located at 2211 West North Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah (the Site). The Site is bounded by North Temple to the north and south, 2200 W to the east, and 2400 W to the west. The Site location is shown on Figure 1. 1.2 HISTORICAL SITE INVESTIGATIONS The property was vacant space prior to purchase by Litton Systems, Inc. (Litton) in the early 1950’s. Litton was purchased by Northrop Grumman in 2001. The property was subsequently renamed as the Northrop Grumman Guidance and Electronics Company, Inc. in 2007, which has been subsequently renamed as Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation. The footprint of the original building constructed by Litton in the early 1950’s is shown on Figure 2. There have been three significant additions to the Site building since original building construction, including expansions in 2009 and 2010. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are present in soil and groundwater beneath this area of the Site building extending to depths of approximately 50 to 60 feet below ground surface (bgs). The primary constituent of concern is trichloroethylene (TCE). The VOCs in soil and groundwater are the source of VOCs detected in sub-slab soil vapor beneath the Site building. Relatively low concentrations of select VOCs are periodically detected in IA samples below regulatory threshold levels for commercial/industrial workers. The area of soil and groundwater affected by VOCs associated with historic Site operations does not appear to extend off-Site. 3 | Page RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL INDOOR AIR MONITORING September 4, 2024 2.0 INVESTIGATION METHODS The section presents the methods for the Site investigation activities documented in this Report, including fixed-based laboratory analysis of IA samples. Laboratory data are presented in Section 3. 2.1 PRE-FIELD ACTIVITIES 2.1.1 Health and Safety Plan Stantec prepared an amendment to the existing Site-specific health and safety plan (HASP) to address potential health and safety concerns associated with the proposed field activities. A copy of the HASP was available during field activities for use by Stantec and was reviewed for completeness prior to commencement of each indoor air sampling event. 2.2 INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AIR MONITORING FIELD PARAMETERS IA and OA monitoring was conducted on April 28 and November 10, 2023 following guidance outlined in the OSWER Technical Guide for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air (US EPA, June 2015). IA and OA methods and sample collection procedures are provided in Appendix A. IA and OA sampling locations are illustrated on Figure 3. IA and OA monitoring field parameters were reported on field forms. April 2023 field forms are included as Appendix B; November 2023 field forms are included as Appendix C. Field parameters were collected on an hourly basis using a TSI Q-TRAK Plus 8554 IAQ monitor; air speed, and air speed direction were recording using a TSI 9665-P VelociCalc Plus. Field parameters included: •Temperature; •Relative humidity; •Carbon monoxide (CO); •Carbon dioxide (CO2); •Air speed; and •Air speed direction. A MiniRAE photoionization detector (PID) with an 11.7 electrovolt (eV) lamp was also utilized to collect hourly headspace readings in the sample location areas. IA and OA field parameters are summarized on Table 1. 2.3 INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AIR MONITORING LOCATIONS IA and OA samples were collected at four locations during both the April and November 2023 monitoring events. The sampling events were conducted during a typical heating season configuration for the air handler units (AHUs). Three indoor locations (IA-2, IA-3, and IA-6) were selected in the north and north-central portions of the Site building (consistent with the SMP). One outdoor location (OA-1) was selected to provide information on the quality of “ambient” air being drawn into the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system and was collected concurrent with indoor air sampling. A duplicate sample was collected from one location (IA-2) during each monitoring event for quality control. 4 | Page RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL INDOOR AIR MONITORING September 4, 2024 2.4 LABORATORY ANALYSIS IA and OA samples were collected using passivated, batch certified, 6-liter (L) stainless-steel Summa™ canisters fitted with individually certified low-flow controllers calibrated for sample collection over a 10-hour period. The low-flow controllers were connected to canisters via a Swagelok™ compression fitting. Summa™ canister tags were marked with a unique identification number for shipment to the Eurofins Air Toxics, LLC (Eurofins) – Folsom, California laboratory under chain-of-custody documentation for VOC laboratory analysis under United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Method TO-15. The chain-of-custody included sample start and end times and initial and final canister vacuum readings for each sample. 5 | Page RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL INDOOR AIR MONITORING September 4, 2024 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 APRIL 2023 MONITORING EVENT TCE concentrations were reported below the laboratory limit of detection for all April 2023 IA and OA sample locations. Other detected VOCs were reported at concentrations below US EPA Industrial Air Regional Screening Levels. Table 2 provides a data summary of VOC compounds detected by laboratory analysis. The April 2023 laboratory data analytical report is included in Appendix D. 3.2 NOVEMBER 2023 MONITORING EVENT TCE concentrations were reported below the laboratory limit of detection for all November 2023 IA and OA sample locations. Other detected VOCs were reported at concentrations below US EPA Industrial Air Regional Screening Levels. The November 2023 laboratory data analytical report is included in Appendix E. 6 | Page RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL INDOOR AIR MONITORING September 4, 2024 4.0 DATA USABILITY ASSESSMENT Assessment of data usability is the overall process of evaluating the degree of confidence with which data may be used and relied upon. 4.1 DATA REVIEW Following receipt of the laboratory reports, data were subjected to an internal data review process. The following data qualifiers were noted by the laboratory in both the April 2023 and November 2023 analytical data reports: •A ‘J’ qualifier was used for estimated values; and •An ‘E’ qualifier was used to note where a result exceeded the calibration range, indicating that the result an estimated value. 4.2 SAMPLE HANDLING PROCEDURES Review of field notes, chain-of-custody documentation, and laboratory sample acceptance forms indicates that samples were collected and stored at ambient temperature and received by the laboratory within the following US EPA-established hold time of 30-days for Summa™ canister analysis under US EPA Method TO-15. 4.3 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Review of final laboratory reports for indoor air and confirmation outdoor air sampling indicate that there were no laboratory modifications to US EPA Method TO-15 for the 2023 sampling events. Canister dilutions and adjusted final pressures were appropriate for the sample volume collected. The laboratory conformed to method requirements for continuing instrument calibration, spike, and surrogate analysis and reporting of relative percent difference. There were no detections of target compounds reported in the laboratory method blanks during the analysis which would indicate instrument carryover between sample runs. 4.4 DATA RECONCILIATION No data reconciliation was required for either the field or at the laboratory. The data presented in this report are considered acceptable for their intended analyzing of VOCs in indoor air. 7 | Page RESULTS OF 2023 ANNUAL INDOOR AIR MONITORING September 4, 2024 5.0 CONCLUSIONS As part of SMP development and continued site management, Northrop Grumman conducted IA monitoring in April and November 2023. TCE was not detected in IA or OA samples during either monitoring event. The results of the 2023 indoor air sampling events are consistent with standard building conditions from multiple IA and OA sampling events completed between 2017 and 2022. Northrop Grumman has confirmed that the data and conclusions of the HHRA remain consistent and accurate. There is no current threat to the health of Site workers associated with VOCs in soil, soil vapor, IA, or groundwater beneath the Site building. Based on this data, Stantec recommends that one additional annual indoor air monitoring event be performed in the fourth calendar quarter of 2024. If the results from this event remain consistent with previous events, Northrop Grumman intends to recommend no further indoor air monitoring be conducted as part of the long-term site management plan. Tables TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)44.5 NA 50.1 NA 49.2 NA 48.0 NA 43.9 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 61.4 NA 60.5 NA 57.1 NA 58.4 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction Northwest NA Northwest NA West NA West NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA NA 6.9 NA 7.2 NA 7.7 NA 3.8 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 324 NA 331 NA 316 NA 334 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 52.9 59.7 65.0 64.3 NA NA NA NA 64.3 Relative Humidity (%)NA 23.5 20.2 22.4 17.6 NA NA NA NA 20.1 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.91 25.91 25.91 25.89 NA NA NA NA 25.79 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 127 193 62 241 NA NA NA NA 462 Air Speed Direction NA East East Soutwest Southwest NA NA NA NA North CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 424 463 512 358 NA NA NA NA 360 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA NA NA 40.0 NA NA 46 NA NA 40 Relative Humidity (%)NA NA NA 39 NA NA 40 NA NA 58 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA 30.28 NA NA 30.15 NA NA 30.22 Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA 116 NA NA 56 NA NA 144 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA Southwest NA NA West NA NA West CO (ppm)NA NA NA 0.0 NA NA 0.0 NA NA 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA NA NA 480 NA NA 440 NA NA 420 PID (ppm)NA NA NA 0.0 NA NA 0 NA NA 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 30.0 30.0 34.0 38.0 40 40 39 39 37.0 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86.0 84.0 74.0 74.0 65.0 63.0 72.0 73.0 73.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.35 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 177 89 148 222 178 46 64 396 243 Air Speed Direction NA East East West West West West Northwest North North CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 480 400 400 380 380 360 380 320 360 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)50 NA 56 58 60 64 65 66 68 69 Relative Humidity (%)44 NA 30 28 23 20 25 20 20 15 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)30.18 NA 30.19 30.19 30.17 30.16 30.14 30.14 30.08 30.07 Air Speed (ft/min)110 NA 148 448 265 509 70 210 563 489 Air Speed Direction West NA West West West West West West West West CO (ppm)0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO2 (ppm)400 NA 380 400 380 400 380 380 380 360 PID (ppm)0 NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)35 NA 41 46 NA 50 51 --- Relative Humidity (%)79 NA 62 43 NA 36 33 --- Barometric Pressure (in Hg)30.27 NA 30.22 30.21 NA 30.15 30.14 --- Air Speed (ft/min)330 NA 357 195 NA 431 179 --- Air Speed Direction Southeast NA Southeast Southeast NA Southwest West --- CO (ppm)0 NA 0 0 NA 0 0 --- CO2 (ppm)420 NA 400 440 NA 440 440 --- PID (ppm)0 NA 0.0 0.0 NA 0.0 0.0 --- Notes: °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available 4/28/2023 11/17/2017 2/9/2018 11/18/2021 1/13/2022 11/10/2023 OA-1 Page 1 of 10 TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)NA NA 68.1 NA 69.4 NA 70.9 NA 70.1 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 28.2 NA 25.7 NA 22.4 NA 22.1 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA NA 5.7 NA 7.5 NA 7.1 NA 5.3 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 421 NA 362 NA 355 NA 340 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 69.4 68.8 69.7 69.7 69.9 70.2 70.5 70.5 70.2 Relative Humidity (%)NA 26.5 26.7 24.4 23.2 22.6 22.4 22.8 22.4 23.2 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.92 25.92 25.92 25.91 25.88 25.86 25.84 25.83 25.81 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 0 35 0 15 30 25 13 3 18 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 497 491 444 444 408 402 401 403 423 PID (ppm)NA 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 61.0 63.9 67.3 65.3 68.6 67.2 66.7 63.4 70.2 Relative Humidity (%)NA 61 53 39 34 40 40 40 41 58 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.34 30.34 30.28 30.23 30.25 30.15 30.14 30.14 30.22 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 53 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 480 500 500 500 500 480 460 440 420 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 66.8 60.8 60.8 61.5 64.5 64.0 62.8 63.4 62.7 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86 84 74 74 65 63 72 73 73 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.35 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 25 0 86 8 0 8 0 0 8 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 460 400 420 420 380 400 380 380 320 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)68.0 NA 69.6 72.5 73.3 73.4 73.5 74.2 74.3 72.7 Relative Humidity (%)44 NA 30 28 23 20 25 20 20 15 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)30.18 NA 30.19 30.19 30.17 30.16 30.14 30.14 30.08 30.07 Air Speed (ft/min)29 NA 5 15 17 3 14 14 4 20 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO2 (ppm)420 NA 400 420 400 400 380 360 40 380 PID (ppm)0.0 NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)64.5 NA 66.1 67.9 NA 70.4 70.5 69.8 69.1 70.0 Relative Humidity (%)79 NA 62 43 NA 36 33 46 52 55 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)30.27 NA 30.22 30.21 NA 30.15 30.14 30.12 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)3 NA 9 20 NA 17 0 1 9 0 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)0 NA 0 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 CO2 (ppm)600 NA 580 560 NA 440 480 500 480 480 PID (ppm)0.1 NA 0.1 0.1 NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available 11/17/2017 2/9/2018 11/18/2021 1/13/2022 11/10/2023 IA-2 4/28/2023 Page 2 of 10 TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 W est North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)NA NA 68.0 NA 69.2 NA 69.1 NA 69.1 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 26.7 NA 25.1 NA 25.6 NA 23.4 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA NA 6.0 NA 5.7 NA 5.8 NA 4.9 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 362 NA 353 NA 355 NA 338 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 71.1 70.8 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.5 71.3 71.9 70.3 Relative Humidity (%)NA 25.5 24.5 23.0 22.2 21.5 21.4 21.1 22.4 22.4 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.93 25.93 25.92 25.91 25.88 25.86 25.84 25.83 25.81 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 11 2 7 7 3 15 1 5 13 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 522 530 453 441 422 423 401 404 432 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 64.1 66.1 68.7 67.7 69.3 68.3 68.0 65.2 70.8 Relative Humidity (%)NA 61.0 53.0 39.0 34.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 41.0 58.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.34 30.34 30.28 30.23 30.25 30.15 30.14 30.14 30.22 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 0 0 0 0 46 41 62 0 0 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 540 520 520 520 520 520 500 460 440 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 67.4 62.0 63.2 63.0 65.6 65.1 64.4 64.5 60.6 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86.0 84.0 74.0 74.0 65.0 63.0 72.0 73.0 73.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.35 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 48 19 87 51 55 77 79 0 0 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 460 440 460 420 420 420 400 400 340 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)69.2 NA 70.5 72.1 72.6 73.0 72.1 72.6 72.4 71.3 Relative Humidity (%)44 NA 30 28 23 20 25 20 20 15 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)30.18 NA 30.19 30.19 30.17 30.16 30.14 30.14 30.08 30.07 Air Speed (ft/min)75 NA 51 89 117 74 85 115 33 33 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO2 (ppm)400.0 NA 420 400 380 380 380 380 380 360 PID (ppm)0.0 NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)69.5 NA 68.2 69.4 NA 70.4 71.0 70.2 69.9 70.4 Relative Humidity (%)79 NA 62 43 NA 36 33 46 52 55 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)30.27 NA 30.22 30.21 NA 30.15 30.14 30.12 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)13 NA 129 72 NA 134 65 73 122 101 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)0 NA 0 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 CO2 (ppm)500 NA 460 460 NA 460 460 460 460 460 PID (ppm)0.1 NA 0.3 0.2 NA 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available 11/18/2021 1/13/2022 11/17/2017 11/10/2023 IA-3 2/9/2018 4/28/2023 Page 3 of 10 TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 W est North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)NA NA 70.1 NA 69.1 NA 69.5 NA 68.9 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 25.2 NA 25.3 NA 25.9 NA 23.4 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA NA 5.7 NA 5.5 NA 5.5 NA 4.8 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 360 NA 396 NA 360 NA 376 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 71.8 71.6 71.3 71.4 71.6 71.8 71.5 72.7 71.4 Relative Humidity (%)NA 25.9 26.3 25.7 25.6 25.8 25.6 25.8 25.4 26.1 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.93 25.93 25.92 25.92 25.88 25.86 25.85 25.83 25.81 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 1 3 12 15 2 1 3 1 2 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 495 493 544 459 468 438 411 445 511 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 65.2 66.7 69.3 68.3 69.7 69 68.7 66 71.1 Relative Humidity (%)NA 61.0 53.0 39.0 34.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 41.0 58.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.34 30.34 30.28 30.23 30.25 30.15 30.14 30.14 30.22 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 27 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 57 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 520 500 500 500 500 500 480 460 440 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 69.3 64.8 66.6 66.2 68.3 67.9 66.8 66.9 67.5 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86.0 84.0 74.0 74.0 65.0 63.0 72.0 73.0 73.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.35 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 0 0 17 0 0 0 41 0 16 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 440 420 400 380 380 360 380 360 340 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available 11/17/2017 2/9/2018 11/18/2021 1/13/2022 IA-4 Page 4 of 10 TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)NA NA 67.7 NA 67.9 NA 68.1 NA 68.9 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 36.0 NA 36.0 NA 26.1 NA 23.3 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA NA 4.7 NA 4.7 NA 5.4 NA 4.7 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 560 NA 375 NA 374 NA 361 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 71.8 71.3 71.5 71.5 71.8 72.2 72.1 72.2 71.7 Relative Humidity (%)NA 21.9 23.0 22.4 21.2 20.6 20.8 21.4 21.1 21.2 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.96 25.92 25.92 25.91 25.87 25.86 25.84 25.83 25.81 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 6 27 31 45 25 1 1 24 3 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 468 472 481 442 429 424 427 493 426 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 66.7 67.6 69.9 69.3 70.3 69.6 69.5 67 71.4 Relative Humidity (%)NA 61 53.0 39 34 40 40 40 41 58 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.34 30.34 30.28 30.23 30.25 30.15 30.14 30.14 30.22 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 66 96 76 0 63 46 46 80 58 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 480 480 500 500 480 480 460 440 440 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 69.8 66.1 67.3 67.3 69.2 69.1 67.5 67.7 68.1 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86 84.0 74 74 65 63 72 73 73 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.35 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 65 59 58 55 88 75 79 24 0 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 460 400 400 400 380 360 380 380 320 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available IA-5 11/17/2017 2/9/2018 11/18/2021 11/18/2021 Page 5 of 10 TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)NA NA 65.5 NA 66.6 NA 67.6 NA 68.0 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 37.1 NA 28.2 NA 27.4 NA 25.4 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA NA 4.4 NA 5.0 NA 6.1 NA 4.8 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 498 NA 370 NA 404 NA 343 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 71.8 71.2 71.8 71.4 71.3 71.9 72.6 72.5 72.3 Relative Humidity (%)NA 21.4 21.6 21.6 20.4 19.4 19.9 19.6 20.0 24.2 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.93 25.92 25.92 25.91 25.87 25.86 25.84 25.83 25.81 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 4 15 11 12 3 4 3 9 0 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 495 455 460 417 414 409 439 416 438 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 68.3 68.7 70.5 70.1 70.6 70.1 70.2 68.1 71.3 Relative Humidity (%)NA 61.0 53.0 39.0 34.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 41.0 58.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.34 30.34 30.28 30.23 30.25 30.15 30.14 30.14 30.22 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 66 52 104 94 42 51 72 48 77 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 520 500 520 500 480 500 500 460 460 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 70.4 66.9 68.0 68.3 69.8 69.7 68.3 68.7 68.9 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86.0 84.0 74.0 74.0 65.0 63.0 72.0 73.0 73.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.35 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 218 157 53 142 158 218 176 230 195 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 500 420 440 440 420 420 420 400 340 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)68.5 NA 71.7 72.8 72.5 72.9 72.5 74.9 73.5 73.0 Relative Humidity (%)44 NA 30 28 23 20 25 20 20 15 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)30.18 NA 30.19 30.19 30.17 30.16 30.14 30.14 30.08 30.07 Air Speed (ft/min)143.0 NA 95 86 118 117 172 107 138 135 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO2 (ppm)440 NA 460 400 400 400 400 380 400 380 PID (ppm)0.0 NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)69.4 NA 70.2 69.4 NA 71.5 71.9 71.9 71.9 71.7 Relative Humidity (%)79 NA 62 43 NA 36 33 46 52 55 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)30.27 NA 30.22 30.21 NA 30.15 30.14 30.12 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)118.0 NA 122 148 NA 68 54 43 48 55 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)0 NA 0 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 CO2 (ppm)500 NA 480 460 NA 500 480 500 480 480 PID (ppm)0.1 NA 0.1 0.1 NA 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available 2/9/2018 11/18/2021 1/13/2022 11/17/2017 11/10/2023 IA-6 4/28/2023 Page 6 of 10 TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 W est North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)NA NA 69.3 NA 63.4 NA 66.1 NA 66.3 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 26.4 NA 32.1 NA 31.1 NA 26.7 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA NA 6.3 NA 6.0 NA 6.5 NA 5.0 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 368 NA 351 NA 364 NA 334 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 71.1 70.9 70.9 71.0 71.4 71.4 71.3 71.8 71.7 Relative Humidity (%)NA 27.1 27.8 26.0 25.3 25.6 24.9 25.2 25.6 25.4 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.92 25.92 25.92 25.91 25.87 25.86 25.84 25.83 25.81 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 50 3 75 32 81 71 61 61 30 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 468 474 431 406 389 421 426 409 386 PID (ppm)NA 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 67.0 62.6 66.7 64.3 68.2 66.9 66.1 62.2 69.9 Relative Humidity (%)NA 61 53 39 34 40 40 40 41 58 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.34 30.34 30.28 30.23 30.25 30.15 30.14 30.14 30.22 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 9 132 89 48 104 45 74 124 64 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 500 500 480 480 480 480 480 460 400 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 66.3 66.7 60.1 60.8 63.5 62.8 61.7 62.3 60.6 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86.0 84.0 74.0 74.0 65.0 63.0 72.0 73.0 73.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.35 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 10 41 45 33 124 113 77 110 116 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 420 400 400 400 380 360 380 380 340 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available 11/18/2021 1/13/2022 IA-7 11/17/2017 2/9/2018 Page 7 of 10 TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 W est North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)NA NA 45.9 NA 44.3 NA 40.8 NA 40.2 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 59.7 NA 69.1 NA 73.9 NA 64.8 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)29.5 29.76 NA NA 29.8 NA 29.9 NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction Northwest East Northwest NA West NA Northwest NA Northwest NA CO (ppm)NA NA 5.6 NA 4.5 NA 4.2 NA 4.5 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 329 NA 332 NA 333 NA 358 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 52.8 57.8 72.9 63.6 66.8 67.8 65.3 65.4 60.2 Relative Humidity (%)NA 30.0 21.4 22.6 19.0 17.5 17.5 19.5 21.2 22.9 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.93 25.93 25.93 25.91 25.88 25.86 25.85 25.83 25.81 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 312 142 26 746 342 69 152 228 428 Air Speed Direction NA East East Southwest West West Southwest East Northeast East CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 424 426 400 362 368 379 362 364 359 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 34.0 37.0 40.0 43.0 44.0 46.0 45.0 44.0 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA 61.0 53.0 39.0 34.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 41.0 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.34 30.34 30.28 30.23 30.25 30.15 30.14 30.14 NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA 186 183 209 110 232 556 166 478 NA Air Speed Direction NA Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest West West West NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA CO2 (ppm)NA 440 400 400 400 400 400 400 380 NA PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA Temperature (°F)NA 30 30 34 38 40 40 39 39 37 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86.0 84.0 74.0 74.0 65.0 63.0 72.0 73.0 73.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.35 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 297 280 294 178 225 209 330 494 105 Air Speed Direction NA East West West West Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 440 400 400 360 420 340 380 320 340 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available 11/17/2017 2/9/2018 11/18/2021 1/13/2022 OA-8 Page 8 of 10 TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 W est North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)NA NA 68.2 NA 69.9 NA 70.8 NA 69.7 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 27.8 NA 25.1 NA 23.5 NA 22.1 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA NA 6.2 NA 7.8 NA 7.4 NA 5.5 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 395 NA 349 NA 351 NA 344 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 69.8 69.5 70.3 70.3 70.3 70.6 70.8 70.8 70.9 Relative Humidity (%)NA 24.8 25.7 24.1 23.4 22.4 22.1 22.7 22.3 22.7 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.92 25.93 25.92 25.91 25.88 25.86 25.84 25.83 25.81 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 3 24 3 26 0 25 2 17 16 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 502 513 453 430 436 427 431 427 389 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 67 61.4 65.9 65.3 67.8 66.6 65.5 61.5 69.6 Relative Humidity (%)NA 61 53 39 34 40 40 40 41 58 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.34 30.34 30.28 30.23 30.25 30.15 30.14 30.14 30.22 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 42 64 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 480.0 460 460 460 460 460 460 420 400 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 65.0 66.1 57.6 59.8 61.4 61.1 59.7 60.8 57.9 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86.0 84.0 74.0 74.0 65.0 63.0 72.0 73.0 73.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.35 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 8 18 70 55 35 0 0 0 NA Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 400 400 400 420 420 400 380 400 360 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available IA-9 11/17/2017 2/9/2018 11/17/2017 2/9/2018 Page 9 of 10 TABLE 1 Indoor Air Field Parameters Northrop Grumman Corporation 2211 W est North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Field Parameter Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6 Hour 7 Hour 8 Hour 9 Hour 10 (Stop) Temperature (°F)NA NA 67.3 NA 68.1 NA 67.2 NA 67.3 NA Relative Humidity (%)NA NA 28.3 NA 26.6 NA 26.4 NA 24.2 NA Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed (ft/min)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA NA 6.9 NA 15.9 NA 12.6 NA 9.1 NA CO2 (ppm)NA NA 347 NA 385 NA 368 NA 347 NA PID (ppm)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Temperature (°F)NA 69.8 69.3 70.1 70.1 70.3 70.7 70.9 71.2 70.7 Relative Humidity (%)NA 24.6 24.2 21.6 20.2 18.7 18.9 19.0 19.4 19.4 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 25.92 25.92 25.92 25.91 25.88 25.86 25.84 25.83 25.81 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 0 0 14 18 2 3 24 24 30 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 523 533 485 454 409 465 450 404 446 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 62.8 64.9 68.2 66.4 69.0 67.8 67.4 64.4 70.7 Relative Humidity (%)NA 61 53 39 34 40 40 40 41 58 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.34 30.34 30.28 30.23 30.25 30.15 30.14 30.14 30.22 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 480 500 520 500 480 500 460 440 4440 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature (°F)NA 68.6 63.7 65.0 64.4 66.8 66.6 65.6 65.7 66.0 Relative Humidity (%)NA 86.0 84.0 74.0 74.0 65.0 63.0 72.0 73.0 73.0 Barometric Pressure (in Hg)NA 30.39 30.40 30.35 30.04 30.30 30.25 30.21 30.14 30.16 Air Speed (ft/min)NA 0 69 72 47 54 58 52 0 25 Air Speed Direction NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CO (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CO2 (ppm)NA 460 380 380 360 340 320 380 340 300 PID (ppm)NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Notes: °F - degrees Fahrenheit % - percent in Hg - inches of mercury ft/min - feet per minute CO - carbon monoxide CO2 - carbon dioxide ppm - parts per million NA - not available 1/18/2021 1/13/2022 IA-10 11/17/2017 2/9/2018 Page 10 of 10 TABLE 2 Indoor and Outdoor Ambient Air VOC Laboratory Analytical Data Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation 2211 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Location Sample Start Sample Stop Laboratory Dilution Factor Acetone Benzene Chloro- ethane Chloroform Cyclo- hexane 1,4- Dichloro benzene 1,1-DCA 1,1-DCE cis- 1,2- DCE trans- 1,2-DCE 1,4- Dioxane Ethanol Ethyl- benzene 4-Ethyl toluene Freon 11 Freon 12 Freon 113 n- Heptane Hexane Methylene Chloride MEK 4- Methyl- 2- pentano ne N-Propyl benzene 2- Propanol PCE Tetra hydrofuran Toluene 1,1,1- TCA TCE 1,2,4- TMB 1,3,5- TMB m,p- Xylene o- Xylene 8/1/2013 8:11 19:25 1.8 220 E <0.29 <2.4 <0.88 <0.62 <1.1 <0.14 <0.071 <0.14 <0.71 <0.65 1.9 <0.16 <0.88 1.3 2.4 <1.4 <0.74 <0.63 <1.2 <2.6 <0.74 <0.88 120 <0.24 <2.6 ---<0.20 <0.19 <0.88 <0.88 ---<0.16 2/1/2014 8:36 19:11 1.72 17 0.59 <2.3 <0.84 <0.59 <1.0 <0.14 <0.068 <0.14 <0.68 <0.62 12 0.41 <0.84 1.2 2.8 <1.3 <0.70 1.0 <1.2 2.9 <0.70 <0.84 19 <0.23 2.9 ---<0.19 <0.18 <0.84 <0.84 ---0.32 11/17/2017 6:27 15:45 1 29 0.56 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 1.0 J <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 0.81 J <2.9 3.6 <1.7 0.94 J 1.6 J 1.4 J <3.1 <3.3 1.1 J 0.66 J 4.4 0.78 J 0.56 J 27 <2.7 3.9 1.5 <1.6 <2.1 1.4 J 0.85 J 1.1 J 0.49 J 2/9/2018 7:23 16:51 1 11 J 0.41 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 <1.6 <2.9 3.1 <1.7 <2.0 1.2 J 2.2 <3.1 <3.3 0.98 J 0.55 J <2.4 <1.6 <2.0 40 <2.7 <2.4 1.5 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 0.73 J 0.23 J 11/18/2021 8:30 17:47 5.29 78 <8.4 <28 <13 <9.1 NA <11 <10 <10 <10 <38 <50 <11 <13 <15 <13 <20 <11 <9.3 <92 <31 <11 NA 180 <18 <7.8 2.0 J <14 3900 <13 <13 <11 <11 1/13/2022 7:22 16:37 1.55 180 2.6 <8.2 <3.8 <2.7 NA <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 16 <11 92 1.2 J <3.8 1.5 J 2.8 J 3.2 J <3.2 2.4 J <27 <9.1 <3.2 NA 500 <5.2 2.1 J 6.9 <4.2 <4.2 <3.8 <3.8 3.9 <3.4 4/28/2023 7:24 17:17 1.78 47 <0.63 <3.0 <0.67 <0.59 NA <0.75 <0.89 <0.79 5.7 <0.71 7.4 J <0.86 <1.1 <0.98 2.3 J <1.6 <1.0 <0.89 <2.2 1.4 J <2.2 NA 110 <1.1 <0.80 1.6 J <0.91 <1.0 <1.5 <1.5 <1.4 <0.72 11/10/2023 7:25 14:45 2.08 44 <0.78 <3.8 <1.2 <1.3 NA <0.92 <2.1 <0.90 4.5 <3.4 13 J <1.1 <1.1 <1.9 <2.4 <1.7 <1.4 <1.1 <3.0 <2.1 <1.6 NA 140 <1.8 <2.0 1.8 J <1.4 <1.7 <1.4 <1.4 0.97 J <1.1 8/1/2013 8:25 19:34 1.81 73 0.50 <2.4 <0.88 <0.62 <1.1 <0.15 <0.072 <0.14 <0.72 <0.65 5.1 0.22 <0.89 1.8 2.4 <1.4 <0.74 0.65 <1.2 <2.7 <0.74 <0.89 160 <0.24 <2.7 ---<0.20 <0.19 <0.89 <0.89 ---0.24 2/1/2014 8:52 18:02 1.7 28 0.63 <2.2 <0.83 <0.58 <1.0 <0.14 <0.067 <0.13 <0.67 <0.61 6.4 0.54 <0.84 1.4 2.6 1.4 <0.70 4.9 <1.2 <2.5 <0.70 <0.84 55 <0.23 <2.5 ---<0.18 <0.18 <0.84 <0.84 ---0.67 11/17/2017 6:18 15:31 4.94 260 4.1 J <10 <7.2 <6.8 <12 <6.0 <16 <7.8 <7.8 <14 16 <8.6 <9.7 <11 <9.8 <15 <16 44 <6.9 <12 <8.1 <9.7 39 <13 <12 <7.4 <8.1 8.9 J <19 <9.7 2.9 J <8.6 12/15/2017*6:18 15:31 1 NA 1.7 <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 0.99 J <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 <1.6 1.2 J ---2.3 0.98 J 1.5 J 1.7 J <3.1 0.56 J NA 0.90 J 3.7 <1.6 0.59 J ---<2.7 <2.4 3.4 <1.6 <2.1 2.6 J 1.1 J 6.8 2.3 2/9/2018 6:36 16:36 1 7.9 J <1.3 <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 <1.6 <2.9 <1.9 <1.7 <2.0 <2.2 <2.0 <3.1 <3.3 <2.8 <1.4 <2.4 <1.6 <2.0 9.9 <2.7 <2.4 <1.5 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 <3.5 <1.7 11/18/2021 7:17 17:07 1.88 300 1.3 J <9.9 <4.6 <3.2 NA <3.8 <3.7 <3.7 72 <14 66 <4.1 <4.6 1.8 J 3.1 J <7.2 <3.8 8.6 <33 <11 <3.8 NA 880 <6.4 <2.8 3.9 <5.1 <5.0 <4.6 <4.6 2.5 J <4.1 1/13/2022 6:35 16:15 1.58 560 2.8 <8.3 <3.8 0.79 J NA <3.2 <3.1 <3.1 310 <11 110 1.3 J <3.9 1.5 J 2.2 J 5.8 J 1.5 J 3.6 4.2 J 3.4 J <3.2 NA 1400 E <5.4 <2.3 10 <4.3 <4.2 <3.9 <3.9 5.0 1.4 J 4/28/2023 6:58 16:58 1.75 140 <0.62 <3.2 <0.66 <0.58 NA <0.74 <0.88 <0.78 110 <0.70 14 J <0.85 <1.0 <0.96 2.3 J <1.5 <1.0 <0.88 <2.2 1.8 J <2.2 NA 430 <1.1 <0.79 1.2 J <0.90 <1.0 <1.5 <1.5 <1.3 <0.70 4/28/2023 (Dup-01)6:58 16:58 1.78 150 <0.63 <3.0 <0.67 <0.59 NA <0.75 <0.89 <0.79 120 <0.71 16 J <0.86 <1.1 0.99 J 2.1 J <1.6 <1.0 <0.89 <2.2 1.9 J <2.2 NA 480 <1.1 <0.80 1.2 J <0.91 <1.0 <1.5 <1.5 <1.4 <0.72 11/10/2023 7:05 17:05 1.61 230 0.73 J <2.9 <0.90 <1.0 NA <0.71 <1.6 <0.69 130 <2.7 20 <0.83 <0.88 <1.4 2.1 J <1.3 <1.1 4.9 <2.3 3.3 J <1.3 NA 460 <1.4 <1.4 2.3 J <1.1 <1.3 <1.1 <1.0 1.4 J <0.84 11/10/2023 (Dup-01)7:05 17:05 1.60 220 0.72 J <2.9 <0.89 <1.0 NA <0.71 <1.6 <3.2 140 <2.6 20 <0.83 <0.87 <1.4 <1.9 <1.3 <1.1 5.2 <2.3 <1.6 <1.3 NA 440 <1.4 <1.5 2.4 J <1.1 <1.3 <1.1 <1.0 1.3 J <0.83 8/1/2013 8:36 19:38 1.79 44 0.29 <2.4 <0.87 <0.62 <1.1 <0.14 <0.071 <0.14 <0.71 <0.64 3.6 <0.16 <0.88 1.6 2.5 1.7 <0.73 1.5 <1.2 <2.6 <2.6 <0.88 110 <0.24 <2.6 ---<0.20 <0.19 <0.88 <0.88 ---0.22 2/1/2014 8:58 18:58 1.68 30 0.67 <2.2 <0.82 1.0 <1.0 <0.14 <0.067 <0.13 <0.67 <0.60 7.9 0.96 <0.82 1.2 2.7 <1.3 1.5 2.4 2.0 2.7 <0.69 <0.82 82 0.67 <2.5 ---<0.18 0.22 <0.82 <0.82 ---0.87 11/17/2017 6:12 16:35 14 580 <18 <30 <21 <19 <34 <17 <44 <22 <22 <40 <26 <24 <28 <31 <28 <43 <46 <39 4.5 J <33 <23 <28 610 <38 <33 <21 <23 <30 <55 <28 <49 <24 12/15/2017*6:12 16:35 1 NA 0.81 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 1.4 J <2.9 ---0.96 J <2.0 1.7 J 1.7 J 1.2 J 0.37 J ---4.6 2.0 J <1.6 <2.0 ---<2.7 <2.4 2.3 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 3.5 1.1 J 2/9/2018 6:55 17:01 1 240 E 0.56 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 <1.6 <2.9 8.5 0.27 J <2.0 1.2 J 2.1 <3.1 0.36 J 18 1.3 J 0.71 J <1.6 <2.0 410 E <2.7 <2.4 2.0 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 1.1 J 0.31 J 11/18/2021 7:29 17:14 2.05 510 <3.3 <11 <5.0 <3.5 NA <4.1 <4.1 <4.1 38 <15 160 <4.4 <5.0 2.6 J 3.2 J 3.4 J <4.2 5.8 <36 <12 <4.2 NA 1500 E <5.5 <3.0 5.1 <5.6 <5.5 <5.0 <5.0 3.6 J <4.4 1/13/2022 6:40 16:18 1.58 500 2.6 <8.3 <3.8 0.81 J NA <3.2 <3.1 <3.1 100 <11 200 1.4 J <3.9 1.9 J 2.2 J 1.7 J 1.4 J 2.7 J <27 <9.3 <3.2 NA 1400 E 2.0 J <2.3 10 <4.3 3.4 J <3.9 <3.9 4.7 1.5 J 4/28/2023 7:05 17:05 1.87 340 <0.66 <3.2 <0.71 <0.62 NA <0.79 <0.94 <0.83 <0.84 <0.75 20 <0.91 <1.1 1.1 J 2.3 J <1.6 <1.1 <0.94 <2.3 1.6 J <2.3 NA 930 <1.2 <0.84 1.2 J <0.96 <1.1 <1.6 <1.6 2.7 J 0.77 J 11/10/2023 7:10 17:14 1.50 670 0.90 J <2.7 <0.84 <0.95 NA <0.66 <1.5 <3.0 <1.4 <2.5 26 <0.77 <0.82 1.4 J 1.9 J <1.2 <1.0 <0.83 <2.2 <1.5 <1.2 NA 1000 E <1.3 <1.4 3.5 J <1.0 <1.2 <1.0 <0.99 2.1 J <0.78 8/1/2013 8:43 19:46 1.78 94 0.3 <2.3 <0.87 <0.61 <1.1 <0.14 <0.070 <0.14 5 <0.64 6.3 0.26 <0.88 1.6 2.6 1.5 <0.73 6.1 2.8 <2.6 <0.73 <0.88 190 E <0.24 <2.6 ---<0.19 <0.19 <0.88 <0.88 ---0.34 2/1/2014 9:05 20:05 1.67 240E 0.69 <2.2 <0.82 <0.57 <1.0 <0.14 <0.066 <0.13 11 <0.60 8.3 0.70 <0.82 1.3 2.5 <1.3 <0.68 45 11 <2.5 <0.68 <0.82 450E <0.23 <2.5 ---<0.18 <0.18 <0.82 <0.82 ---0.85 2/1/2014 (BDS-1)9:05 20:05 1.67 200 E 0.66 <2.2 <0.82 <0.57 <1.0 <0.14 <0.066 <0.13 11 <0.60 9.5 0.76 <0.82 1.2 2.7 <1.3 <0.68 38 11 <2.5 <0.68 <0.82 430 E <0.24 <2.5 <0.18 <0.18 <0.82 <0.82 1.0 11/17/2017 6:10 15:53 25.1 560 <32 <53 <37 <35 <60 <30 <80 <40 <40 <72 <47 <44 <49 <56 <50 <77 <82 <71 19 J <59 <41 <49 3300 <68 <59 <38 <41 <54 <99 <49 <87 <44 12/15/2017*6:10 15:53 1 NA 0.55 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 24 <2.9 ---0.37 J <2.0 1.6 J 2.0 2.6 J <3.3 ---21 7.2 <1.6 <2.0 ---<2.7 <2.4 1.3 J <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 1.4 J 0.45 J 2/9/2018 7:00 17:05 1 560 E 0.47 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 22 <2.9 7.2 <1.7 <2.0 1.3 J 2.3 4.3 0.37 J 520 E 14 1.5 J <1.6 <2.0 1600 E <2.7 <2.4 1.7 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 0.91 J 0.29 J 11/18/2021 7:38 17:16 6.29 680 <10 <33 <15 <11 NA <13 <12 <12 3,600 <45 85 <14 <15 <18 <16 <24 <13 500 26 J <37 <13 NA 4000 E <21 <9.3 3.5 J <17 <17 <15 <15 <14 <14 1/13/2022 6:55 16:25 4.64 390 <7.4 <24 <11 <8.0 NA <9.4 <9.2 <9.2 3,000 <33 140 <10 <11 <13 <11 <18 <9.5 7.4 J 24 J 21 J <9.5 NA 3100 E <16 <6.8 7.8 J <13 <12 <11 <11 <10 <10 NE 1.6 NE 0.53 26,000 1.1 7.7 880 180 180 2.5 NE 4.9 NE NE 440 22,000 1,800 3,100 1,00 22,000 13,000 4,400 NE 47 NE 22,000 22,000 3 260 260 440 440 Notes: All results expressed as micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) * - indicates samples collected on 11/17/2017 were rerun by laboratory < - indicates concentration was reported below the laboratory limit of detection E - Value exceeds instrument calibration range J - Result is less than the reporting limit but greater than or equal to to the method detection limit. The concentration is an approximate value DCA - dichloroethane DCE - dichloroethene Freon 11 - trichlorofluoromethane Freon 12 - dichlorodifluoromethane Freon 113 - 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane MEK - methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) PCE - tetrachloroethene TCA - trichloroethane TCE - trichloroethene TMB - trimethylbenzene NA - not analyzed US EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency RSL - Regional Screening Level NE - not established BOLD indicates concentration exceeds the RSL IA-4 Indoor OA-1 Outdoor IA-2 Indoor IA-3 Indoor USEPA Industrial Air RSL (November 2023) Page 1 of 2 TABLE 2 Indoor and Outdoor Ambient Air VOC Laboratory Analytical Data Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation 2211 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Sample ID Date Location Sample Start Sample Stop Laboratory Dilution Factor Acetone Benzene Chloro- ethane Chloroform Cyclo- hexane 1,4- Dichloro benzene 1,1-DCA 1,1-DCE cis- 1,2- DCE trans- 1,2-DCE 1,4- Dioxane Ethanol Ethyl- benzene 4-Ethyl toluene Freon 11 Freon 12 Freon 113 n- Heptane Hexane Methylene Chloride MEK 4- Methyl- 2- pentano ne N-Propyl benzene 2- Propanol PCE Tetra hydrofuran Toluene 1,1,1- TCA TCE 1,2,4- TMB 1,3,5- TMB m,p- Xylene o- Xylene 8/1/2013 8:49 19:57 1.78 320 E 0.48 <2.3 <0.87 <0.61 <1.1 <0.14 <0.070 <0.14 2.3 <0.64 5.6 J 0.75 <0.88 1.9 4.4 3.8 <0.73 1.6 13 <2.6 <0.73 <0.88 450 E <0.24 <2.6 ---<0.19 <0.19 <0.88 <0.88 ---0.85 2/1/2014 9:11 18:56 1.74 540E 0.61 <2.3 <0.85 <0.60 <1.0 <0.14 <0.069 <0.14 <0.69 <0.63 4.8 2.0 <0.86 1.2 2.8 <1.3 <0.71 0.90 <1.2 <2.6 <0.71 <0.86 320E <0.24 <2.6 ---<0.19 <0.19 <0.86 <0.86 ---2.9 11/17/2017 6:05 15:50 11.9 550 <15 <25 <17 <16 <29 <14 <38 <19 12 J <34 15 J <21 <23 <27 <24 <36 <39 4.7 J 5.4 J <28 <19 <23 1100 <32 <28 <18 <19 <26 <47 <23 <41 <21 12/15/2017*6:05 15:50 1 NA 0.60 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 13 <2.9 ---0.57 J <2.0 1.6 J 2.0 4.3 0.56 J ---4.5 3.7 <1.6 <2.0 ---<2.7 <2.4 2.1 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 2.1 J 0.67 J 2/9/2018 7:08 17:10 1 410 E 0.47 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 20 <2.9 8.9 0.40 J <2.0 1.2 J 1.9 J 5.1 0.54 J 160 3.9 1.4 J <1.6 <2.0 980 E <2.7 0.93 J 2.3 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 1.4 J 0.47 J 2/9/2018 (BDS-1)7:08 17:12 1 360 E 0.53 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 20 <2.9 6.5 <1.7 <2.0 1.3 J 2.0 <3.1 0.48 J 190 4.5 <2.4 <1.6 <2.0 330 E <2.7 0.75 J 3.1 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 0.74 J <1.7 11/18/2021 7:43 17:19 2.13 390 <3.4 <11 <5.2 <3.7 NA <4.3 <4.2 <4.2 130 <15 62 1.6 J <5.2 1.8 J 2.9 J 3.8 J <4.4 15 <37 <12 <4.4 NA 1100 E <7.2 <3.1 12 <5.8 <5.7 <5.2 <5.3 6.4 1.7 J 11/18/2021 (BDS-1)7:47 17:21 1.79 410 <2.8 <9.4 <4.4 <3.1 NA <3.6 <3.5 <3.5 140 <13 65 1.5 J <4.4 1.8 J 3.4 J 4.4 J <3.7 16.00 <31 <10 <3.7 NA 1200 E <4.8 <2.6 12 <4.9 <4.8 <4.4 <4.4 6.9 1.6 J 1/13/2022 7:00 16:28 1.62 420 2.5 J <8.5 <4.0 <2.8 NA <3.3 <3.2 <3.2 57 <12 77 <3.5 <4.0 1.5 J 2.4 J <6.2 <3.3 2.7 J <28 <9.6 <3.3 NA 1800 E 1.5 J <2.4 9.5 <4.4 <4.4 <4.0 <4.0 4.5 1.4 J 8/1/2013 9:29 19:57 1.67 420 E 0.35 <2.2 <0.82 <0.57 1.8 <0.14 <0.066 <0.13 1.2 <0.60 5.6 J 0.5 <0.82 1.6 3.6 2.9 <0.68 1.2 5.9 <2.5 <0.68 <0.82 790 E <0.23 <2.5 ---<0.18 <0.18 <0.82 <0.82 ---0.57 8/1/2013 (BDS-1)9:29 19:57 1.81 390 E 0.35 <2.4 <0.88 <0.62 1.5 <0.15 <0.072 <0.14 1.1 <0.65 5.7 J 0.5 <0.89 1.5 3.6 3.1 <0.74 1.0 5.7 <2.7 <0.74 <0.89 730 E <0.24 <2.7 ---<0.20 <0.19 <0.89 <0.89 ---0.5 2/1/2014 9:16 19:16 1.78 55 0.64 <2.3 <0.87 0.65 <1.1 <0.14 <0.070 <0.14 <0.70 0.66 6.9 0.74 <0.88 1.2 2.9 <1.4 1.4 0.97 <1.2 <2.6 <0.73 <0.88 180E 0.32 <2.6 ---<0.19 <0.19 <0.88 <0.88 ---0.91 11/17/2017 6:03 15:11 5.58 350 <7.1 <12 <8.2 <7.7 <13 <6.8 <18 <8.8 5.5 J <16 4.8 J <9.7 <11 <13 <11 <17 36 2.3 J 2.5 J <13 <9.1 <11 740 <15 <13 1.5 J <9.1 <12 <22 <11 <19 <9.7 11/17/2017 (BDS-1)6:04 15:09 8.15 360 <10 <17 <12 <11 <20 <9.9 <26 <13 5.0 J <23 4.3 J <14 <16 <18 <16 <25 33 <23 3.2 J <19 <13 <16 910 <22 <19 <12 <13 <18 <32 <16 <28 <14 12/15/2017*6:03 15:11 1 NA 0.49 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 5.1 <2.9 ---0.45 J <2.0 1.4 J 1.6 J 3.7 35 ---1.9 3.3 <1.6 <2.0 ---<2.7 <2.4 1.6 <1.6 0.88 J <3.9 <2.0 1.3 J 0.40 J 12/15/2017* (BDS-1)6:04 15:09 1 NA 0.52 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 5.5 <2.9 ---0.34 J <2.0 1.5 J 1.6 J 3.9 33 ---2.1 3.1 <1.6 <2.0 ---<2.7 1.2 J 1.4 J <1.6 0.73 J <3.9 <2.0 0.87 J 0.27 J 2/9/2018 7:15 17:15 1 230 E 0.48 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 2.0 <2.9 7.4 0.41 J <2.0 1.2 J 2.2 5.0 13 17 1.1 J 1.2 J <1.6 <2.0 2500 E <2.7 0.71 J 1.8 <1.6 8.6 <3.9 <2.0 1.2 J 0.36 J 11/18/2021 7:52 17:25 7.57 690 <12 <40 <18 <13 NA <15 <15 19 120 <54 87 <16 <19 <21 <19 <29 <16 13 J <130 <45 <16 NA 9600 E <26 <11 16 <21 5500 <19 <19 8.4 J <16 1/13/2022 7:04 16:31 3.87 670 <6.2 <20 <9.4 <6.7 NA <7.8 <7.7 <7.7 36 <28 140 <8.4 <9.5 <11 <9.6 <15 <7.9 2.8 J <67 <23 <7.9 NA 6500 E <13 <5.7 17 <10 <10 <9.5 <9.5 4.6 J <8.4 1/13/2022 (BDS-1)7:07 16:32 1.75 580 2.4 J <9.2 <4.3 <3.0 NA <3.5 <3.5 <3.5 46 <13 92 1.7 J <4.3 1.5 J 2.0 J 1.7 J <3.6 3.1 <30 <10 <3.6 NA 8000 E <5.9 <2.6 10 <4.8 <4.7 <4.3 <4.3 6.2 1.6 J 4/28/2023 7:10 17:10 1.71 150 <0.60 <2.9 <0.65 <0.57 NA <0.72 <0.86 <0.76 29 <0.68 14 J <0.83 <1.0 1.0 J 2.4 J <1.5 <0.97 <0.86 <2.1 1.7 J <2.1 NA 2200 E <1.1 <0.77 <0.83 <0.87 <1.0 <1.5 <1.4 <1.3 <0.69 11/10/2023 7:14 17:19 1.91 520 <0.72 <3.5 <1.1 <1.2 NA <0.84 <2.0 <0.82 85 <3.2 24 <0.99 <1.0 <1.7 <2.2 27 <1.3 <1.0 <2.8 <1.9 <1.5 NA 1900 E <1.7 <2.8 3.3 J <1.3 <1.5 <1.3 <1.2 1.9 J <0.99 8/1/2013 9:13 20:06 1.79 87 0.32 <2.4 <0.87 <0.61 <1.1 <0.14 <0.071 <0.14 <0.71 <0.64 6.0 J 0.43 <0.88 2.0 2.5 1.7 <0.73 29 3.4 <2.6 <0.73 <0.88 130 <0.24 <2.6 ---<0.20 <0.19 <0.88 <0.88 ---0.49 2/1/2014 9:25 18:55 1.75 62 0.65 <2.3 <0.85 <0.60 <1.0 <0.14 <0.069 <0.14 <0.69 <0.63 16 0.91 <0.86 1.3 2.7 1.4 <0.72 120 1.8 <2.6 <0.72 <0.86 87 <0.24 <2.6 ---<0.19 <0.19 <0.86 <0.86 ---1.2 11/17/2017 6:14 15:25 4.05 280 <5.2 <8.5 <5.9 <5.6 <9.7 <4.9 <13 <6.4 3.1 J <12 17 <7.0 <8.0 <9.1 <8.0 <12 <13 49 16 <9.6 <6.6 <8.0 420 <11 <9.6 3.8 J <6.6 <8.7 4.2 J <8.0 2.8 J <7.0 12/15/2017*6:14 15:25 1 NA 0.73 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 3.1 <2.9 ---0.57 J <2.0 1.8 J 1.9 J 1.8 J 0.44 J ---15 3.5 0.69 J <2.0 ---<2.7 <2.4 3.6 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 2.2 J 0.67 J 2/9/2018 6:50 16:48 1 480 E 0.63 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 <1.6 <2.9 12 0.32 J <2.0 1.3 J 2.1 <3.1 0.44 J <2.8 0.53 J 0.86 J <1.6 <2.0 660 E <2.7 <2.4 2.1 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 1.2 J 0.37 J 11/18/2021 7:11 17:04 1.89 680 1.1 J <10 <4.6 <3.2 NA <3.8 <3.7 <3.7 3.4 J <14 150 <4.1 <4.6 2.4 J 3.0 J <7.2 <3.9 1.7 J <33 <11 <3.9 NA 2100 E <6.4 <2.8 5.0 <5.2 <5.1 <4.6 <4.6 3.7 J <4.1 1/13/2022 6:30 16:12 1.75 810 2.8 <9.2 <4.3 <3.0 NA <3.5 <3.5 <3.5 2.2 J <13 180 1.5 J <4.3 1.7 J 2.4 J <6.7 1.5 J 2.5 J <30 3.4 J <3.6 NA 2200 E <5.9 <2.6 10 <4.8 <4.7 <4.3 <4.3 5.0 1.4 J 8/1/2013 9:43 20:25 1.93 6.7 <0.31 <2.5 <0.94 <0.66 <1.2 <0.16 <0.076 <0.15 <0.76 <0.70 2.1 J <0.17 <0.95 1.3 2.5 <1.5 0.79 1.0 <1.3 <2.8 <0.79 <0.95 <2.4 <0.26 <2.8 ---<0.21 <0.21 <0.95 <0.95 ---<0.17 2/1/2014 8:24 18:44 1.7 16 0.61 <2.2 <0.83 <0.58 <1.0 <0.14 <0.067 <0.13 <0.67 <0.61 10 0.81 <0.84 1.2 2.9 <1.3 <0.70 1.0 <1.2 6.5 <0.70 <0.84 14 <0.23 4.5 ---<0.18 <0.18 <0.84 <0.84 ---1.0 11/17/2017 6:45 16:11 1 8.8 J 0.56 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 0.37 J <1.6 <2.9 <1.9 <1.7 <2.0 1.8 J <2.0 <3.1 0.26 J 0.62 J 2.2 1.1 J 0.77 J <2.0 1.4 J 0.35 J <2.4 1.2 J <1.6 6.6 <3.9 <2.0 0.66 J <1.7 2/9/2018 7:35 17:30 1 7.9 J 0.47 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 <1.6 <2.9 3.7 <1.7 <2.0 1.2 J 2.1 <3.1 0.32 J <2.8 0.56 J 0.85 J <1.6 <2.0 1.9 J <2.7 <2.4 1.5 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 0.79 J 0.24 J 11/18/2021 8:03 17:33 1.84 28 <2.9 <9.7 <4.5 <3.2 NA <3.7 <3.6 <3.6 <3.6 <13 88 <4.0 <4.5 1.6 J 2.6 J <7.0 <3.8 1.2 J <32 <11 <3.8 NA 51 <6.2 <2.7 2.9 J <5.0 <4.9 <4.5 <4.5 1.9 J <4.0 1/13/2022 7:35 16:48 1.51 14 J 2.4 J <8.0 <3.7 0.77 J NA <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <11 25 <3.3 <3.7 1.2 J 2.2 J <5.8 <3.1 2.0 J <26 <8.9 <3.1 NA 10 <5.1 <2.2 6.1 <4.1 <4.0 <3.7 <3.7 3.4 <3.3 2/9/2018 6:46 16:45 1 230 E 0.65 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 <1.6 <2.9 9.6 0.27 J <2.0 1.3 J 2.3 <3.1 0.42 J 0.92 J 0.58 J 0.85 J <1.6 <2.0 290 E <2.7 <2.4 2.2 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 1.1 J 0.34 J 11/18/2021 7:02 17:02 1.84 45 1.2 J <9.7 <4.5 <3.2 NA <3.7 <3.6 <3.6 <3.6 <13 10 J <4.0 <4.5 1.8 J 3.0 J <7.0 <3.8 1.0 J <32 <11 <3.8 NA 78 <6.2 <2.7 2.3 J <5.0 <4.9 <4.5 <4.5 1.9 J <4.0 1/13/2022 6:23 16:08 1.55 100 2.7 <8.2 <3.8 0.92 J NA <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <3.1 <11 31 <3.4 <3.8 1.6 J 2.1 J <5.9 <3.2 2.4 J <27 <9.1 <3.2 NA 140 <5.2 <2.3 7.1 <4.2 <4.2 <3.8 <3.8 3.7 1.2 J 11/17/2017 6:20 15:56 2.1 150 2.0 J <4.4 <3.1 <2.9 <5.1 <2.5 <6.7 <3.3 <3.3 <6.1 6.2 <3.6 <4.1 <4.7 2.4 J <6.4 <6.9 0.93 J 0.87 J <5.0 <3.4 <4.7 150 <5.7 <5.0 1.6 J <3.4 <4.5 <8.3 <4.1 1.3 J <3.6 12/15/2017*6:20 15:56 1 NA 1.8 <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 <1.6 <2.9 ---0.27 J <2.0 1.5 J 2.0 <3.1 0.40 J ---0.90 J 2.6 <1.6 <2.0 ---<2.7 <2.4 1.5 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 1.0 J 0.32 J 2/9/2018 6:42 16:40 1 17 0.59 J <2.1 <1.5 <1.4 <2.4 <1.2 <3.2 <1.6 <1.6 <2.9 4.6 <1.7 <2.0 1.2 J 2.3 2.1 J 0.27 J <2.8 0.56 J 0.96 J <1.6 <2.0 9.3 <2.7 <2.4 1.5 <1.6 <2.1 <3.9 <2.0 0.69 J <1.7 11/18/2021 7:23 17:10 1.89 67 1.5 J <10 <4.6 <3.2 NA <3.8 <3.7 <3.7 2.6 J <14 25 <4.1 <4.6 2.0 J 3.4 J <7.2 <3.9 1.7 J <33 <11 <3.9 NA 100 <6.4 <2.8 3.0 J <5.2 <5.1 <4.6 <4.6 2.4 J <4.1 1/13/2022 6:47 16:21 1.51 21 3.1 <8.0 <3.7 <2.6 NA <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <11 26 1.4 J <3.7 1.3 J 2.3 J <5.8 <3.1 2.0 J <26 <8.9 <3.1 NA 22 <5.1 <2.2 7.1 <4.1 <4.0 <3.7 <3.7 4.7 1.3 J NE 1.6 NE 0.53 26,000 1.1 7.7 880 180 180 2.5 NE 4.9 NE NE 440 22,000 1,800 3,100 1,00 22,000 13,000 4,400 NE 47 NE 22,000 22,000 3 260 260 440 440 Notes: All results expressed as micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) * - indicates samples collected on 11/17/2017 were rerun by laboratory < - indicates concentration was reported below the laboratory limit of detection E - Value exceeds instrument calibration range J - Result is less than the reporting limit but greater than or equal to to the method detection limit. The concentration is an approximate value DCA - dichloroethane DCE - dichloroethene Freon 11 - trichlorofluoromethane Freon 12 - dichlorodifluoromethane Freon 113 - 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane MEK - methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) PCE - tetrachloroethene TCA - trichloroethane TCE - trichloroethene TMB - trimethylbenzene NA - not analyzed US EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency RSL - Regional Screening Level NE - not established BOLD indicates concentration exceeds the RSL USEPA Industrial Air RSL (November 2023) IA-5 Indoor IA-6 Indoor IA-7 Indoor OA-8 Outdoor IA-9 Indoor IndoorIA-10 Page 2 of 2 Figures JOB NUMBER:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:193709721 TH AR CM SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE: DATE:02/28/20 1FOR:NORTHGROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMSCORPORATION2211 W. NORTH TEMPLESALT LAKE CITY, UTAH U: \ 1 9 3 7 0 4 4 4 0 \ 0 3 _ d a t a \ g i s _ c a d \ g i s \ m x d s \ 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 _ 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 _ G W _ T e c h M e m o \ F i g 0 1 _ S i t e _ L o c a t i o n _ 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 . m x d I 0 1,000 2,000 Feet Notes:1.Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map SITE LOCATION UTAH 1165 SCHEURING ROADDE PERE, WISCONSIN 54115PHONE: 920.592.8400 !A !A!A !A !A !A !A !A!A &< (&<(&< (&< (&< (&< (&< !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( && & ª! ª!ª!ª!ª! ª! ª!ª! ª! !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( ª! ª!ª! !( !( "&"&"& &< &< &< &< x x >( x x x x ED ED x ED x >(>( x >( "& LN200/250 Equip. Room Systems Test Burn-In Rand. Vib. Equip. Room P-500 F.F. Conf. Room #1 ASAP Lab A-200 C.R.A/4 Clean Room Seeker G 300 Cln Rm FOAS Assy. U.P.S. Research Lab Instrument Test Laser Weld Gyro Seal & Fill Cycler Room Tool Crib Cafeteria Equipment Rooms EMC Center LWWAA G.F.E. Stores M . R . B . Co - L o c a t i o n Metrology Inspection Calibration /FTE ZLG Optics Test FOAS CLG Assembly Component & Combining Optics Nurse Eq u i p . R o o m Change Room Teardown Fill / BurninChem LabKey Frame Clean Discharge CHA #1 CHA #2 TQC Mirror Align Wa t e r R o o m RLG PLC Install ZLG/ RLC Install Mach Shop Equip Room Ship / Rec Storage Building Sell-OffC-1Paint Shop Bond Men Wiomen Facilities Weld Shop Reliability Material Stores Tool Crib Stores O & R Women Men SMT Stores Wave Solder Coating Lobby Guard MW-13C MW-13AMW-13B MW-15C MW-12A MW-14C MW-12B MW-14BMW-14A MW-10 MW-5 MW-6 MW-4 MW-1 MW-3 MW-2 SB-6 SB-5 SB-4 SB-7SB-9 SB-10 SB-11SB-12 SB-13 SB-14 SB-3SB-1 SB-2 SB-40 SB-41 SB-42 SB-43 SB-44 SB-45 SB-39SB-37 SB-38 SB-36 SB-46 SB-47 SB-48 SB-49 SB-50 SB-52 SB-51 SB-30 SB-31 SB-32 SB-33 SB-34 SB-35 SB-53 SB-54 SB-55 SB-56 SB-22 SB-57 SB-19 SB-20 SB-17 SB-16 SB-58A SB-58C SB-58B MW-9 MW-7 MW-11 MW-8 SP-5 SP-2 VP-1 SP-1 SP-7 SP-6 SP-8 TP-2 TP-1 SP-9 TP-3 SP-3 VP-2VP-3 SP-4 VP-4 SB-15 JOB NUMBER:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:193709721 TH AR CM HISTORICAL SITE LAYOUT AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS FIGURE: DATE:02/28/20 2FOR:NORTHGROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMSCORPORATION2211 W. NORTH TEMPLESALT LAKE CITY, UTAH U: \ 1 9 3 7 0 4 4 4 0 \ 0 3 _ d a t a \ g i s _ c a d \ g i s \ m x d s \ 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 _ 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 _ G W _ T e c h M e m o \ F i g 0 2 _ S i t e L a y o u t _ 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 . m x d I 0 50 100 Feet Legend "&Angle Boring !(Soil Boring by Others (1992) !(Boring by Secor (2005/2006) &Geotechnical Boring &<1" Monitoring Well by Secor (2005) (&<2" Monitoring Well (1993) !A 2" and 4" Monitoring Well by Stantec (2008) x Soil Boring and Grab Groundwater Sample Location ED Soil Test Pit and Grab Groundwater Sample Location >(Soil Gas Sample Location (June 2009)ª!CPT Soundings (SECOR, 2007) Chemical Dispensing Pre 1979 to 1983 Clarifier Pre 1979 to 1934 Current Water Treatment Area 1994 to Present Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area 1986 to 1994 Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area pre 1979 to 1986 1165 SCHEURING ROAD DE PERE, WISCONSIN 54115 PHONE: 920.592.8400 !A !A!A !A !A !A !A !A!A &< (&<(&< (&< (&< (&< (&< !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( && & ª! ª!ª!ª!ª! ª! ª!ª! ª! !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( ª! ª!ª! !( !( "&"&"& &< &< &< &< x x >( x x x x ED ED x ED x >(>( x >( "& !? !? !? !? MW-10 MW-5 MW-4 MW-1 MW-3 MW-2 MW-7 MW-11 MW-8 MW-13C MW-13AMW-13B MW-15C MW-12A MW-14C MW-12B MW-14BMW-14AMW-6 SB-6 SB-5 SB-4 SB-7 SB-9 SB-10 SB-11SB-12 SB-13 SB-14 SB-3SB-1 SB-2 SB-40 SB-41 SB-42 SB-43 SB-44 SB-45 SB-39SB-37SB-38 SB-36 SB-46 SB-47 SB-48 SB-49 SB-50 SB-52 SB-51 SB-30 SB-31 SB-32 SB-33 SB-34 SB-35 SB-53 SB-54 SB-55 SB-56 SB-22 SB-57 SB-19 SB-20 SB-17 SB-16 SB-58A SB-58C SB-58B MW-9 SP-5 SP-2 VP-1 SP-1 SP-7 SP-6 SP-8 TP-2 TP-1 SP-9 TP-3 SP-3 VP-2VP-3 SP-4 VP-4 SB-15 OA-1 IA-2 IA-3 IA-6 PHONE: 920.592.8400 JOB NUMBER:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:193709721 TH AR CM FIGURE: DATE:06/29/23 3FOR:NORTHGROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMSCORPORATION2211 W. NORTH TEMPLESALT LAKE CITY, UTAH U: \ 1 9 3 7 0 8 0 4 9 \ 0 3 _ d a t a \ g i s _ c a d \ g i s \ m x d s \ 2 0 2 3 0 6 2 8 \ F i g 0 3 _ S S _ I A _ S a m p l i n g _ 2 0 2 3 0 6 2 8 _ 1 1 x 1 7 . m x d I 0 50 100 Feet 1165 SCHEURING ROADDE PERE, WISCONSIN 54115 Legend "&Angle Boring !(Soil Boring by Others (1992) !(Boring by Secor (2005/2006) &Geotechnical Boring &<1" Monitoring Well by Secor (2005) (&<2" Monitoring Well (1993) !A 2" and 4" Monitoring Well by Stantec (2008) x Soil Boring and Grab Groundwater Sample Location ED Soil Test Pit and Grab Groundwater Sample Location >(Soil Gas Sample Location (June 2009)ª!CPT Soundings (SECOR, 2007) !?Indoor and Outdoor Ambient Air Sampling Location Chemical Dispensing Pre 1979 to 1983 Clarifier Pre 1979 to 1934 Current Water Treatment Area 1994 to Present Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area 1986 to 1994 Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area pre 1979 to 1986 INDOOR AIR SAMPLING LOCATIONS Appendix A Appendix A Indoor Air Sampling Methodology 1 | Page Indoor air and outdoor ambient air sampling was conducted following guidance outlined in the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) Technical Guide for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air (United States Environmental Protection Agency – US EPA, June 2015). The events were conducted during both a typical heating and cooling season configuration for the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system in each building. US EPA considers the heating season to fall between the months of October and February. Indoor Air Sampling Methods Indoor air and outdoor ambient air samples were collected using 6-liter (L), passivated, individually certified, stainless steel Summa™ canisters fitted with individually certified low-flow controllers set to collect a sample over a 10-hour period. A 10-hour sample interval was selected as representative of a typical shift schedule for employees. Canisters for indoor air sampling were placed approximately three 3 to 4 feet off the ground. The low-flow controllers were connected to canisters via a Swaglok™ compression fitting. Canisters for outdoor ambient air sampling were collected concurrent with indoor air sampling. The canisters were placed in an upwind position at ground level in an area near building and in an area on the building roof near an HVAC system intake. Indoor Air Sampling Field Parameters Temperature, relative humidity, carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2) were collected on an hourly basis (where access allowed) using a TSI Q-TRAK Plus 8554 IAQ monitor; wind speed and wind direction were recording using a TSI 9665-P VelociCalc Plus. Volatile organic compound concentrations were recorded using a photoionization detector (PID) MiniRae 3000. Ambient air sampling field parameters were recorded on field sampling data logs, included as Appendix B (April 2023) and Appendix C (November 2023) and summarized on Table 1. Indoor Air Sample Collection and Analysis Summa™ canister starting and ending times, vacuum readings, and field readings were recorded on the field sampling data logs for each event. Canister tags were marked with a unique identification number and the canisters shipped to the Eurofins Air Toxics, LLC (Eurofins) – Folsom, California laboratory under chain-of-custody (COC) documentation for fixed-base laboratory analysis. The COC noted the final canister vacuums readings and serial numbers of the canisters and corresponding flow controllers. Canisters were analyzed for volatile organic compounds under US EPA Method TO-15. The Eurofins - Folsom laboratory is certified in the State of Utah. Sample Storage and Transport Indoor air and outdoor air confirmation samples were labeled with a unique sample identification number and placed within secure packaging provided by the laboratory and stored at ambient temperature. Appendix A Indoor Air Sampling Methodology 2 | Page Quality Assurance and Quality Control Analytical data was evaluated for accuracy and precision based on field and laboratory QA/QC performance. Laboratory analytical reports include a QA/QC check for adherence to holding times. Holding times are established by the US EPA and refer to the maximum allowable time to pass between sample collection and analysis by the laboratory. A 30-day hold-time for Summa™ canister analysis under US EPA Method TO-15 is specified by the US EPA. The analytical program includes laboratory control spikes and method blanks and are presented as part of the final laboratory report, illustrating the prescribed range of acceptable limits for analytical accuracy. Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D 5/10/2023 Mr. Andrew Riemer Stantec Consulting Corporation 1165 Scheuring Rd De Pere WI 54115 Project Name: NORTHROP GRUMMAN Project #: 193709165 Dear Mr. Andrew Riemer The following report includes the data for the above referenced project for sample(s) received on 5/1/2023 at Eurofins Air Toxics LLC. The data and associated QC analyzed by TO-15 are compliant with the project requirements or laboratory criteria with the exception of the deviations noted in the attached case narrative. Thank you for choosing Eurofins Air Toxics LLC. for your air analysis needs. Eurofins Air Toxics Inc. is committed to providing accurate data of the highest quality. Please feel free to contact the Project Manager: Jade White at 916-985-1000 if you have any questions regarding the data in this report. Regards, Jade White Project Manager Workorder #: 2305014 Analytical Report Page 1 of 29 Mr. Andrew Riemer Stantec Consulting Corporation 1165 Scheuring Rd De Pere, WI 54115 WORK ORDER #: 2305014 CLIENT:BILL TO: PHONE: Accounts Payable Stantec Consulting Services Inc. PO Box 6610 Broomfield, CO 80021 (920) 592-8400 05/01/2023 DATE COMPLETED:05/10/2023 P.O. # PROJECT #193709165 NORTHROP GRUMMAN Work Order Summary FAX: DATE RECEIVED:CONTACT:Jade White NAMEFRACTION #TEST VAC./PRES. RECEIPT PRESSURE FINAL 01A IA-2 TO-15 10.8 "Hg 1.8 psi 02A IA-3 TO-15 11.8 "Hg 2 psi 03A IA-6 TO-15 10.2 "Hg 1.9 psi 04A OA-1 TO-15 11 "Hg 1.9 psi 05A DUP-01 TO-15 11 "Hg 1.9 psi 06A Lab Blank TO-15 NA NA 06B Lab Blank TO-15 NA NA 07A CCV TO-15 NA NA 07B CCV TO-15 NA NA 08A LCS TO-15 NA NA 08AA LCSD TO-15 NA NA 08B LCS TO-15 NA NA 08BB LCSD TO-15 NA NA CERTIFIED BY: Technical Director DATE: 05/10/23 Page 2 of 29 Certification numbers: AZ Licensure AZ0775, FL NELAP – E87680, LA NELAP – 02089, NH NELAP – 209222, NJ NELAP - CA016, NY NELAP - 11291, TX NELAP – T104704434-22-18, UT NELAP – CA009332022-14, VA NELAP - 12240, WA ELAP - C935 Name of Accreditation Body: NELAP/ORELAP (Oregon Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program) CA300005-017 Eurofins Environment Testing Northern California, LLC certifies that the test results contained in this report meet all requirements of the 2016 TNI Standard. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Eurofins Air Toxics, LLC. 180 BLUE RAVINE ROAD, SUITE B FOLSOM, CA - 95630 (916) 985-1000 . (800) 985-5955 . FAX (916) 351-8279 LABORATORY NARRATIVE EPA Method TO-15 Stantec Consulting Corporation Workorder# 2305014 Five 6 Liter Summa Canister samples were received on May 01, 2023. The laboratory performed analysis via EPA Method TO-15 using GC/MS in the full scan mode. There were no receiving discrepancies. Receiving Notes There were no analytical discrepancies. Analytical Notes Ten qualifiers may have been used on the data analysis sheets and indicates as follows: B - Compound present in laboratory blank greater than reporting limit (background subtraction not performed). J - Estimated value. E - Exceeds instrument calibration range. S - Saturated peak. Q - Exceeds quality control limits. U - Compound analyzed for but not detected above the reporting limit, LOD, or MDL value. See data page for project specific U-flag definition. UJ- Non-detected compound associated with low bias in the CCV N - The identification is based on presumptive evidence. M - Reported value may be biased due to apparent matrix interferences. CN - See Case Narrative. File extensions may have been used on the data analysis sheets and indicates as follows: a-File was requantified b-File was quantified by a second column and detector r1-File was requantified for the purpose of reissue Definition of Data Qualifying Flags Page 3 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 01:18 AM 1.75 msd91.i / 91050825 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-01A 4/28/23 04:58 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN IA-2 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 4.80.90 Not Detected2.4 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.50.74 Not Detected1.8 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 3.50.88 Not Detected2.6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 4.31.5 Not Detected3.2 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 3.50.81 Not Detected2.6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 4.31.5 Not Detected3.2 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 130.70 Not Detected4.7 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 101.2 1.8 J8.8 2-Propanol 67-63-0 8.62.7 4307.3 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 4.31.0 Not Detected3.2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 3.62.2 Not Detected2.7 Acetone 67-64-1 217.6 14010 Benzene 71-43-2 2.80.62 Not Detected2.1 Chloroethane 75-00-3 9.23.0 Not Detected7.8 Chloroform 67-66-3 4.30.66 Not Detected2.1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 3.50.78 Not Detected2.6 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 3.00.58 Not Detected2.2 Ethanol 64-17-5 166.9 14 J8.2 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 3.80.85 Not Detected2.8 Freon 11 75-69-4 4.90.96 Not Detected3.7 Freon 113 76-13-1 6.71.5 Not Detected5.0 Freon 12 75-71-8 4.30.64 2.3 J3.2 Heptane 142-82-5 3.61.0 Not Detected2.7 Hexane 110-54-3 3.10.88 Not Detected2.3 Page 4 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 01:18 AM 1.75 msd91.i / 91050825 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-01A 4/28/23 04:58 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN IA-2 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 7.61.3 Not Detected2.8 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 302.2 Not Detected10 o-Xylene 95-47-6 3.80.70 Not Detected2.8 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 4.30.55 Not Detected3.2 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5.91.1 Not Detected4.4 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 2.60.79 Not Detected1.9 Toluene 108-88-3 6.60.85 1.2 J2.5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 3.50.78 1102.6 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 4.71.0 Not Detected3.5 J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 110 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 104 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 97 Page 5 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 03:09 PM 1.87 msd91.i / 91050907 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-02A 4/28/23 05:05 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN IA-3 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5.10.96 Not Detected2.6 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.80.79 Not Detected1.9 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 3.70.94 Not Detected2.8 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 4.61.6 Not Detected3.4 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 3.80.87 Not Detected2.8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 4.61.6 Not Detected3.4 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 130.75 Not Detected5.0 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 111.3 1.6 J9.4 2-Propanol 67-63-0 9.22.9 9307.8 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 4.61.1 Not Detected3.4 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 3.82.3 Not Detected2.9 Acetone 67-64-1 228.2 34011 Benzene 71-43-2 3.00.66 Not Detected2.2 Chloroethane 75-00-3 9.93.2 Not Detected8.4 Chloroform 67-66-3 4.60.71 Not Detected2.3 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 3.70.83 Not Detected2.8 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 3.20.62 Not Detected2.4 Ethanol 64-17-5 187.4 208.8 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 4.00.91 Not Detected3.0 Freon 11 75-69-4 5.21.0 1.1 J3.9 Freon 113 76-13-1 7.21.6 Not Detected5.4 Freon 12 75-71-8 4.60.68 2.3 J3.5 Heptane 142-82-5 3.81.1 Not Detected2.9 Hexane 110-54-3 3.30.94 Not Detected2.5 Page 6 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 03:09 PM 1.87 msd91.i / 91050907 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-02A 4/28/23 05:05 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN IA-3 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 8.11.4 2.7 J3.0 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 322.3 Not Detected11 o-Xylene 95-47-6 4.10.75 0.77 J3.0 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 4.60.59 Not Detected3.4 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 6.31.2 Not Detected4.8 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 2.80.84 Not Detected2.1 Toluene 108-88-3 7.00.91 1.2 J2.6 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 3.70.84 Not Detected2.8 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5.01.1 Not Detected3.8 J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 111 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 104 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 95 Page 7 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 03:35 PM 1.71 msd91.i / 91050908 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-03A 4/28/23 05:10 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN IA-6 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 4.70.87 Not Detected2.3 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.50.72 Not Detected1.7 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 3.40.86 Not Detected2.5 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 4.21.5 Not Detected3.2 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 3.50.79 Not Detected2.6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 4.21.4 Not Detected3.2 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 120.68 Not Detected4.6 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 101.2 1.7 J8.6 2-Propanol 67-63-0 8.42.6 2200 E7.1 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 4.21.0 Not Detected3.2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 3.52.1 Not Detected2.6 Acetone 67-64-1 207.5 15010 Benzene 71-43-2 2.70.60 Not Detected2.0 Chloroethane 75-00-3 9.02.9 Not Detected7.7 Chloroform 67-66-3 4.20.65 Not Detected2.1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 3.40.76 Not Detected2.5 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.90.57 Not Detected2.2 Ethanol 64-17-5 166.8 14 J8.0 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 3.70.83 Not Detected2.8 Freon 11 75-69-4 4.80.94 1.0 J3.6 Freon 113 76-13-1 6.61.5 Not Detected4.9 Freon 12 75-71-8 4.20.62 2.4 J3.2 Heptane 142-82-5 3.50.97 Not Detected2.6 Hexane 110-54-3 3.00.86 Not Detected2.2 Page 8 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 03:35 PM 1.71 msd91.i / 91050908 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-03A 4/28/23 05:10 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN IA-6 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 7.41.3 Not Detected2.8 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 302.1 Not Detected10 o-Xylene 95-47-6 3.70.69 Not Detected2.8 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 4.20.54 Not Detected3.2 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5.81.1 Not Detected4.3 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 2.50.77 Not Detected1.9 Toluene 108-88-3 6.40.83 Not Detected2.4 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 3.40.77 292.5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 4.61.0 Not Detected3.4 J = Estimated value. E = Exceeds instrument calibration range. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 110 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 104 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 97 Page 9 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 04:01 PM 1.78 msd91.i / 91050909 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-04A 4/28/23 05:17 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN OA-1 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 4.80.91 Not Detected2.4 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.60.75 Not Detected1.8 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 3.50.89 Not Detected2.6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 4.41.5 Not Detected3.3 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 3.60.82 Not Detected2.7 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 4.41.5 Not Detected3.3 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 130.71 Not Detected4.8 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 101.2 1.4 J8.9 2-Propanol 67-63-0 8.72.7 1107.4 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 4.41.1 Not Detected3.3 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 3.62.2 Not Detected2.7 Acetone 67-64-1 217.8 4710 Benzene 71-43-2 2.80.63 Not Detected2.1 Chloroethane 75-00-3 9.43.0 Not Detected8.0 Chloroform 67-66-3 4.30.67 Not Detected2.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 3.50.79 Not Detected2.6 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 3.10.59 Not Detected2.3 Ethanol 64-17-5 177.1 7.4 J8.4 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 3.90.86 Not Detected2.9 Freon 11 75-69-4 5.00.98 Not Detected3.8 Freon 113 76-13-1 6.81.6 Not Detected5.1 Freon 12 75-71-8 4.40.65 2.3 J3.3 Heptane 142-82-5 3.61.0 Not Detected2.7 Hexane 110-54-3 3.10.89 Not Detected2.4 Page 10 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 04:01 PM 1.78 msd91.i / 91050909 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-04A 4/28/23 05:17 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN OA-1 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 7.71.4 Not Detected2.9 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 312.2 Not Detected10 o-Xylene 95-47-6 3.90.72 Not Detected2.9 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 4.40.56 Not Detected3.3 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 6.01.1 Not Detected4.5 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 2.60.80 Not Detected2.0 Toluene 108-88-3 6.70.86 1.6 J2.5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 3.50.80 5.72.6 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 4.81.0 Not Detected3.6 J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 110 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 104 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 96 Page 11 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 04:27 PM 1.78 msd91.i / 91050910 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-05A 4/28/23 04:58 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN DUP-01 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 4.80.91 Not Detected2.4 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.60.75 Not Detected1.8 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 3.50.89 Not Detected2.6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 4.41.5 Not Detected3.3 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 3.60.82 Not Detected2.7 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 4.41.5 Not Detected3.3 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 130.71 Not Detected4.8 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 101.2 1.9 J8.9 2-Propanol 67-63-0 8.72.7 4807.4 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 4.41.1 Not Detected3.3 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 3.62.2 Not Detected2.7 Acetone 67-64-1 217.8 15010 Benzene 71-43-2 2.80.63 Not Detected2.1 Chloroethane 75-00-3 9.43.0 Not Detected8.0 Chloroform 67-66-3 4.30.67 Not Detected2.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 3.50.79 Not Detected2.6 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 3.10.59 Not Detected2.3 Ethanol 64-17-5 177.1 16 J8.4 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 3.90.86 Not Detected2.9 Freon 11 75-69-4 5.00.98 0.99 J3.8 Freon 113 76-13-1 6.81.6 Not Detected5.1 Freon 12 75-71-8 4.40.65 2.1 J3.3 Heptane 142-82-5 3.61.0 Not Detected2.7 Hexane 110-54-3 3.10.89 Not Detected2.4 Page 12 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 04:27 PM 1.78 msd91.i / 91050910 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-05A 4/28/23 04:58 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister NORTHROP GRUMMAN DUP-01 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 7.71.4 Not Detected2.9 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 312.2 Not Detected10 o-Xylene 95-47-6 3.90.72 Not Detected2.9 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 4.40.56 Not Detected3.3 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 6.01.1 Not Detected4.5 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 2.60.80 Not Detected2.0 Toluene 108-88-3 6.70.86 1.2 J2.5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 3.50.80 1202.6 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 4.81.0 Not Detected3.6 J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 111 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 104 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 97 Page 13 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/8/23 12:57 PM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050807d EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-06A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN Lab Blank Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.70.51 Not Detected1.4 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.00.42 Not Detected1.0 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00.50 Not Detected1.5 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 2.40.86 Not Detected1.8 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.00.46 Not Detected1.5 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 2.40.84 Not Detected1.8 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 7.20.40 Not Detected2.7 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 5.90.71 Not Detected5.0 2-Propanol 67-63-0 4.91.5 Not Detected4.2 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 2.40.60 Not Detected1.8 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 2.01.2 Not Detected1.5 Acetone 67-64-1 124.4 Not Detected5.9 Benzene 71-43-2 1.60.35 Not Detected1.2 Chloroethane 75-00-3 5.31.7 Not Detected4.5 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.40.38 Not Detected1.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.00.45 Not Detected1.5 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 1.70.33 Not Detected1.3 Ethanol 64-17-5 9.44.0 Not Detected4.7 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 2.20.48 Not Detected1.6 Freon 11 75-69-4 2.80.55 Not Detected2.1 Freon 113 76-13-1 3.80.88 Not Detected2.9 Freon 12 75-71-8 2.50.36 0.39 J1.8 Heptane 142-82-5 2.00.57 Not Detected1.5 Hexane 110-54-3 1.80.50 Not Detected1.3 Page 14 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/8/23 12:57 PM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050807d EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-06A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN Lab Blank Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 4.30.76 Not Detected1.6 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 171.2 Not Detected5.9 o-Xylene 95-47-6 2.20.40 Not Detected1.6 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 2.40.32 Not Detected1.8 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 3.40.64 Not Detected2.5 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 1.50.45 Not Detected1.1 Toluene 108-88-3 3.80.48 Not Detected1.4 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00.45 Not Detected1.5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.70.59 Not Detected2.0 J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 109 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 102 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 97 Page 15 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 01:14 PM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050906a EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-06B NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN Lab Blank Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.70.51 Not Detected1.4 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.00.42 Not Detected1.0 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00.50 Not Detected1.5 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 2.40.86 Not Detected1.8 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.00.46 Not Detected1.5 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 2.40.84 Not Detected1.8 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 7.20.40 Not Detected2.7 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 5.90.71 Not Detected5.0 2-Propanol 67-63-0 4.91.5 Not Detected4.2 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 2.40.60 Not Detected1.8 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 2.01.2 Not Detected1.5 Acetone 67-64-1 124.4 Not Detected5.9 Benzene 71-43-2 1.60.35 Not Detected1.2 Chloroethane 75-00-3 5.31.7 Not Detected4.5 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.40.38 Not Detected1.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.00.45 Not Detected1.5 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 1.70.33 Not Detected1.3 Ethanol 64-17-5 9.44.0 Not Detected4.7 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 2.20.48 Not Detected1.6 Freon 11 75-69-4 2.80.55 Not Detected2.1 Freon 113 76-13-1 3.80.88 Not Detected2.9 Freon 12 75-71-8 2.50.36 0.40 J1.8 Heptane 142-82-5 2.00.57 Not Detected1.5 Hexane 110-54-3 1.80.50 Not Detected1.3 Page 16 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 01:14 PM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050906a EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-06B NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN Lab Blank Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 4.30.76 Not Detected1.6 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 171.2 Not Detected5.9 o-Xylene 95-47-6 2.20.40 Not Detected1.6 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 2.40.32 Not Detected1.8 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 3.40.64 Not Detected2.5 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 1.50.45 Not Detected1.1 Toluene 108-88-3 3.80.48 Not Detected1.4 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00.45 Not Detected1.5 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.70.59 Not Detected2.0 J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 109 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 103 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 97 Page 17 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/8/23 11:50 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050806 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-07A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN CCV Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 95 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 97 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 112 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 95 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 89 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 92 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 107 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 100 2-Propanol 67-63-0 124 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 98 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 92 Acetone 67-64-1 103 Benzene 71-43-2 98 Chloroethane 75-00-3 100 Chloroform 67-66-3 95 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 104 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 98 Ethanol 64-17-5 104 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 95 Freon 11 75-69-4 83 Freon 113 76-13-1 109 Freon 12 75-71-8 85 Heptane 142-82-5 93 Hexane 110-54-3 98 Page 18 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/8/23 11:50 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050806 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-07A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN CCV Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 93 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 99 o-Xylene 95-47-6 94 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 92 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 99 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 94 Toluene 108-88-3 87 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 111 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 94 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 98 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 100 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 99 Page 19 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 10:19 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050903 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-07B NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN CCV Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 95 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 99 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 114 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 96 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 93 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 93 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 106 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 96 2-Propanol 67-63-0 128 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 98 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 88 Acetone 67-64-1 106 Benzene 71-43-2 93 Chloroethane 75-00-3 110 Chloroform 67-66-3 97 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 103 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 98 Ethanol 64-17-5 111 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 95 Freon 11 75-69-4 94 Freon 113 76-13-1 106 Freon 12 75-71-8 103 Heptane 142-82-5 87 Hexane 110-54-3 98 Page 20 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 10:19 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050903 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-07B NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN CCV Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 93 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 104 o-Xylene 95-47-6 95 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 91 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 101 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 94 Toluene 108-88-3 85 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 106 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 96 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 97 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 101 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 97 Page 21 of 29 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/8/23 10:37 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050804 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-08A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN LCS Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 95 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 95 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 106 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 96 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 83 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 92 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 94 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 95 2-Propanol 67-63-0 116 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 97 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 90 Acetone 67-64-1 106 Benzene 71-43-2 90 Chloroethane 75-00-3 105 Chloroform 67-66-3 92 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 101 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 99 Ethanol 64-17-5 118 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 96 Freon 11 75-69-4 89 Freon 113 76-13-1 102 Freon 12 75-71-8 97 Heptane 142-82-5 87 Hexane 110-54-3 95 Page 22 of 29 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/8/23 10:37 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050804 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-08A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN LCS Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 93 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 99 o-Xylene 95-47-6 96 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 91 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 100 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 97 Toluene 108-88-3 83 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 102 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 92 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 96 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 104 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 98 Page 23 of 29 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/8/23 11:04 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050805 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-08AA NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN LCSD Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 92 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 95 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 106 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 98 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 87 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 94 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 95 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 96 2-Propanol 67-63-0 115 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 98 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 93 Acetone 67-64-1 103 Benzene 71-43-2 96 Chloroethane 75-00-3 105 Chloroform 67-66-3 90 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 99 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 98 Ethanol 64-17-5 115 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 97 Freon 11 75-69-4 89 Freon 113 76-13-1 101 Freon 12 75-71-8 97 Heptane 142-82-5 92 Hexane 110-54-3 96 Page 24 of 29 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/8/23 11:04 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050805 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-08AA NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN LCSD Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 92 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 98 o-Xylene 95-47-6 95 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 93 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 98 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 98 Toluene 108-88-3 85 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 100 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 93 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 96 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 100 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 98 Page 25 of 29 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 10:45 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050904 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-08B NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN LCS Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 92 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 93 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 102 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 94 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 86 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 91 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 94 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 93 2-Propanol 67-63-0 113 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 95 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 89 Acetone 67-64-1 101 Benzene 71-43-2 91 Chloroethane 75-00-3 104 Chloroform 67-66-3 91 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 96 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 96 Ethanol 64-17-5 109 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 95 Freon 11 75-69-4 88 Freon 113 76-13-1 98 Freon 12 75-71-8 97 Heptane 142-82-5 88 Hexane 110-54-3 93 Page 26 of 29 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 10:45 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050904 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-08B NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN LCS Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 91 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 97 o-Xylene 95-47-6 93 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 88 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 96 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 96 Toluene 108-88-3 83 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 98 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 94 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 96 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 101 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 98 Page 27 of 29 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 11:11 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050905 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-08BB NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN LCSD Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 89 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 92 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 102 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 95 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 100 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 91 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 99 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 95 2-Propanol 67-63-0 113 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 97 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 94 Acetone 67-64-1 99 Benzene 71-43-2 98 Chloroethane 75-00-3 103 Chloroform 67-66-3 88 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 95 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 94 Ethanol 64-17-5 117 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 95 Freon 11 75-69-4 87 Freon 113 76-13-1 96 Freon 12 75-71-8 95 Heptane 142-82-5 94 Hexane 110-54-3 93 Page 28 of 29 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 5/9/23 11:11 AM 1.00 msd91.i / 91050905 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2305014-08BB NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable NORTHROP GRUMMAN LCSD Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 90 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 96 o-Xylene 95-47-6 93 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 91 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 94 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 94 Toluene 108-88-3 86 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 98 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 94 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 94 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 97 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 102 Page 29 of 29 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Appendix E 11/20/2023 Mr. Andrew Riemer Stantec Consulting Corporation 1165 Scheuring Rd De Pere WI 54115 Project Name: Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City Project #: 193709721 Dear Mr. Andrew Riemer The following report includes the data for the above referenced project for sample(s) received on 11/13/2023 at Eurofins Air Toxics LLC. The data and associated QC analyzed by TO-15 are compliant with the project requirements or laboratory criteria with the exception of the deviations noted in the attached case narrative. Thank you for choosing Eurofins Air Toxics LLC. for your air analysis needs. Eurofins Air Toxics Inc. is committed to providing accurate data of the highest quality. Please feel free to contact the Project Manager: Jade White at 916-985-1000 if you have any questions regarding the data in this report. Regards, Jade White Project Manager Workorder #: 2311268 Page 1 of 21 Mr. Andrew Riemer Stantec Consulting Corporation 1165 Scheuring Rd De Pere, WI 54115 WORK ORDER #: 2311268 CLIENT:BILL TO: PHONE: Accounts Payable Stantec Consulting Services Inc. PO Box 6610 Broomfield, CO 80021 (920) 592-8400 11/13/2023 DATE COMPLETED:11/20/2023 P.O. # PROJECT #193709721 Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City Work Order Summary FAX: DATE RECEIVED:CONTACT:Jade White NAMEFRACTION #TEST VAC./PRES. RECEIPT PRESSURE FINAL 01A IA-2 TO-15 9.2 "Hg 1.7 psi 02A IA-3 TO-15 7.6 "Hg 1.8 psi 03A IA-6 TO-15 10.6 "Hg 3.5 psi 04A OA-1 TO-15 13.7 "Hg 1.9 psi 05A DUP-1 TO-15 9.2 "Hg 1.6 psi 06A Lab Blank TO-15 NA NA 07A CCV TO-15 NA NA 08A LCS TO-15 NA NA 08AA LCSD TO-15 NA NA CERTIFIED BY: Technical Director DATE: 11/20/23 Page 2 of 21 Certification numbers: AZ Licensure AZ0775, FL NELAP – E87680, LA NELAP – 02089, NH NELAP – 209222, NJ NELAP - CA016, NY NELAP - 11291, TX NELAP – T104704434-22-18, UT NELAP – CA009332022-14, VA NELAP - 12240, WA ELAP - C935 Name of Accreditation Body: NELAP/ORELAP (Oregon Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program) CA300005-017 Eurofins Environment Testing Northern California, LLC certifies that the test results contained in this report meet all requirements of the 2016 TNI Standard. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Eurofins Air Toxics, LLC. 180 BLUE RAVINE ROAD, SUITE B FOLSOM, CA - 95630 (916) 985-1000 LABORATORY NARRATIVE EPA Method TO-15 Stantec Consulting Corporation Workorder# 2311268 Five 6 Liter Summa Canister samples were received on November 13, 2023. The laboratory performed analysis via EPA Method TO-15 using GC/MS in the full scan mode. There were no receiving discrepancies. Receiving Notes As per client project requirements, the laboratory has reported estimated values for target compound hits that are below the Reporting Limit but greater than the Method Detection Limit. Concentrations that are below the level at which the canister was certified may be false positives. Analytical Notes Ten qualifiers may have been used on the data analysis sheets and indicates as follows: B - Compound present in laboratory blank greater than reporting limit (background subtraction not performed). J - Estimated value. E - Exceeds instrument calibration range. S - Saturated peak. Q - Exceeds quality control limits. U - Compound analyzed for but not detected above the reporting limit, LOD, or MDL value. See data page for project specific U-flag definition. UJ- Non-detected compound associated with low bias in the CCV N - The identification is based on presumptive evidence. M - Reported value may be biased due to apparent matrix interferences. CN - See Case Narrative. File extensions may have been used on the data analysis sheets and indicates as follows: a-File was requantified b-File was quantified by a second column and detector r1-File was requantified for the purpose of reissue Definition of Data Qualifying Flags Page 3 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 02:16 PM 1.61 msdj.i / j111615 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-01A 11/10/23 05:05 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City IA-2 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 4.41.1 Not Detected4.0 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.20.71 Not Detected2.9 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 3.21.6 Not Detected2.9 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 4.01.1 Not Detected3.6 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 3.21.1 Not Detected2.9 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 4.01.0 Not Detected3.6 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 122.7 Not Detected8.7 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 9.51.6 3.3 J7.1 2-Propanol 67-63-0 7.92.7 4605.9 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 4.00.88 Not Detected3.6 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 3.31.3 Not Detected3.0 Acetone 67-64-1 195.3 23015 Benzene 71-43-2 2.60.61 0.73 J2.3 Chloroethane 75-00-3 8.52.9 Not Detected6.4 Chloroform 67-66-3 3.90.90 Not Detected3.5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 3.20.69 Not Detected2.9 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.81.0 Not Detected2.5 Ethanol 64-17-5 157.5 2012 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 3.50.83 Not Detected3.1 Freon 11 75-69-4 4.51.4 Not Detected4.1 Freon 113 76-13-1 6.21.3 Not Detected5.6 Freon 12 75-71-8 4.01.9 2.1 J3.6 Heptane 142-82-5 3.31.1 Not Detected3.0 Hexane 110-54-3 2.80.89 4.92.6 Page 4 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 02:16 PM 1.61 msdj.i / j111615 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-01A 11/10/23 05:05 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City IA-2 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 7.00.50 1.4 J3.1 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 282.3 Not Detected8.4 o-Xylene 95-47-6 3.50.84 Not Detected3.1 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 4.00.88 Not Detected3.6 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5.51.4 Not Detected4.9 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 2.41.5 Not Detected2.1 Toluene 108-88-3 6.10.76 2.3 J2.7 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 3.21.5 1302.9 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 4.31.3 Not Detected3.9 J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 100 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 101 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 102 Page 5 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 02:42 PM 1.50 msdj.i / j111616 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-02A 11/10/23 05:14 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City IA-3 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 4.11.0 Not Detected3.7 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.00.66 Not Detected2.7 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 3.01.5 Not Detected2.7 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 3.71.0 Not Detected3.3 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 3.01.0 Not Detected2.7 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 3.70.99 Not Detected3.3 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 112.5 Not Detected8.1 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 8.81.5 Not Detected6.6 2-Propanol 67-63-0 7.42.5 1000 E5.5 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 3.70.82 Not Detected3.3 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 3.11.2 Not Detected2.8 Acetone 67-64-1 185.0 67014 Benzene 71-43-2 2.40.57 0.90 J2.2 Chloroethane 75-00-3 7.92.7 Not Detected5.9 Chloroform 67-66-3 3.70.84 Not Detected3.3 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 3.00.65 Not Detected2.7 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.60.95 Not Detected2.3 Ethanol 64-17-5 147.0 2611 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 3.20.77 Not Detected2.9 Freon 11 75-69-4 4.21.4 1.4 J3.8 Freon 113 76-13-1 5.71.2 Not Detected5.2 Freon 12 75-71-8 3.71.8 1.9 J3.3 Heptane 142-82-5 3.11.0 Not Detected2.8 Hexane 110-54-3 2.60.83 Not Detected2.4 Page 6 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 02:42 PM 1.50 msdj.i / j111616 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-02A 11/10/23 05:14 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City IA-3 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 6.50.47 2.1 J2.9 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 262.2 Not Detected7.8 o-Xylene 95-47-6 3.20.78 Not Detected2.9 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 3.70.82 Not Detected3.3 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5.11.3 Not Detected4.6 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 2.21.4 Not Detected2.0 Toluene 108-88-3 5.60.71 3.5 J2.5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 3.01.4 Not Detected2.7 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 4.01.2 Not Detected3.6 J = Estimated value. E = Exceeds instrument calibration range. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 99 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 102 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 102 Page 7 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 03:08 PM 1.91 msdj.i / j111617 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-03A 11/10/23 05:19 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City IA-6 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5.21.3 Not Detected4.7 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.90.84 Not Detected3.5 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 3.82.0 Not Detected3.4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 4.71.3 Not Detected4.2 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 3.91.3 Not Detected3.5 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 4.71.2 Not Detected4.2 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 143.2 Not Detected10 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 111.9 Not Detected8.4 2-Propanol 67-63-0 9.43.2 1900 E7.0 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 4.71.0 Not Detected4.2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 3.91.5 Not Detected3.5 Acetone 67-64-1 236.3 52018 Benzene 71-43-2 3.00.72 Not Detected2.7 Chloroethane 75-00-3 103.5 Not Detected7.6 Chloroform 67-66-3 4.71.1 Not Detected4.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 3.80.82 Not Detected3.4 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 3.31.2 Not Detected3.0 Ethanol 64-17-5 188.9 2414 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 4.10.99 Not Detected3.7 Freon 11 75-69-4 5.41.7 Not Detected4.8 Freon 113 76-13-1 7.31.6 276.6 Freon 12 75-71-8 4.72.2 Not Detected4.2 Heptane 142-82-5 3.91.3 Not Detected3.5 Hexane 110-54-3 3.41.0 Not Detected3.0 Page 8 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 03:08 PM 1.91 msdj.i / j111617 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-03A 11/10/23 05:19 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City IA-6 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 8.30.59 1.9 J3.7 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 332.8 Not Detected10 o-Xylene 95-47-6 4.10.99 Not Detected3.7 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 4.71.0 Not Detected4.2 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 6.51.7 Not Detected5.8 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 2.81.8 Not Detected2.5 Toluene 108-88-3 7.20.90 3.3 J3.2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 3.81.7 853.4 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5.11.5 Not Detected4.6 E = Exceeds instrument calibration range. J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 99 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 102 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 102 Page 9 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 03:34 PM 2.08 msdj.i / j111618 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-04A 11/10/23 02:45 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City OA-1 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5.71.4 Not Detected5.1 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 4.20.92 Not Detected3.8 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 4.12.1 Not Detected3.7 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5.11.4 Not Detected4.6 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 4.21.4 Not Detected3.8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 5.11.4 Not Detected4.6 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 153.4 Not Detected11 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 122.1 Not Detected9.2 2-Propanol 67-63-0 103.5 1407.7 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 5.11.1 Not Detected4.6 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 4.31.6 Not Detected3.8 Acetone 67-64-1 256.9 4420 Benzene 71-43-2 3.30.78 Not Detected3.0 Chloroethane 75-00-3 113.8 Not Detected8.2 Chloroform 67-66-3 5.11.2 Not Detected4.6 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 4.10.90 Not Detected3.7 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 3.61.3 Not Detected3.2 Ethanol 64-17-5 209.7 13 J16 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 4.51.1 Not Detected4.1 Freon 11 75-69-4 5.81.9 Not Detected5.2 Freon 113 76-13-1 8.01.7 Not Detected7.2 Freon 12 75-71-8 5.12.4 Not Detected4.6 Heptane 142-82-5 4.31.4 Not Detected3.8 Hexane 110-54-3 3.71.1 Not Detected3.3 Page 10 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 03:34 PM 2.08 msdj.i / j111618 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-04A 11/10/23 02:45 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City OA-1 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 9.00.65 0.97 J4.1 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 363.0 Not Detected11 o-Xylene 95-47-6 4.51.1 Not Detected4.1 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 5.11.1 Not Detected4.6 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 7.01.8 Not Detected6.3 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 3.12.0 Not Detected2.8 Toluene 108-88-3 7.80.98 1.8 J3.5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 4.11.9 4.53.7 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5.61.7 Not Detected5.0 J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 101 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 101 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 102 Page 11 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 03:59 PM 1.60 msdj.i / j111619 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-05A 11/10/23 05:05 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City DUP-1 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 4.41.1 Not Detected3.9 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.20.71 Not Detected2.9 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 3.21.6 Not Detected2.8 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 3.91.1 Not Detected3.5 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 3.21.1 Not Detected2.9 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 3.91.0 Not Detected3.5 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 122.6 Not Detected8.6 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 9.41.6 Not Detected7.1 2-Propanol 67-63-0 7.92.7 4405.9 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 3.90.87 Not Detected3.5 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 3.31.3 Not Detected2.9 Acetone 67-64-1 195.3 22015 Benzene 71-43-2 2.60.60 0.72 J2.3 Chloroethane 75-00-3 8.42.9 Not Detected6.3 Chloroform 67-66-3 3.90.89 Not Detected3.5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 3.20.69 Not Detected2.8 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.81.0 Not Detected2.5 Ethanol 64-17-5 157.5 2012 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 3.50.83 Not Detected3.1 Freon 11 75-69-4 4.51.4 Not Detected4.0 Freon 113 76-13-1 6.11.3 Not Detected5.5 Freon 12 75-71-8 4.01.9 Not Detected3.6 Heptane 142-82-5 3.31.1 Not Detected3.0 Hexane 110-54-3 2.80.88 5.22.5 Page 12 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 03:59 PM 1.60 msdj.i / j111619 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-05A 11/10/23 05:05 PM 6 Liter Summa Canister Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City DUP-1 Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 6.90.50 1.3 J3.1 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 282.3 Not Detected8.3 o-Xylene 95-47-6 3.50.83 Not Detected3.1 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 3.90.88 Not Detected3.5 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5.41.4 Not Detected4.9 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 2.41.5 Not Detected2.1 Toluene 108-88-3 6.00.75 2.4 J2.7 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 3.21.4 1402.8 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 4.31.3 Not Detected3.9 J = Estimated value. D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 99 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 102 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 102 Page 13 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 10:07 AM 1.00 msdj.i / j111609c EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-06A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City Lab Blank Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.70.66 Not Detected2.4 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.00.44 Not Detected1.8 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.01.0 Not Detected1.8 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 2.40.66 Not Detected2.2 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.00.70 Not Detected1.8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 2.40.66 Not Detected2.2 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 7.21.6 Not Detected5.4 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 5.90.99 Not Detected4.4 2-Propanol 67-63-0 4.91.7 Not Detected3.7 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 2.40.54 Not Detected2.2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 2.00.79 Not Detected1.8 Acetone 67-64-1 123.3 Not Detected9.5 Benzene 71-43-2 1.60.38 Not Detected1.4 Chloroethane 75-00-3 5.31.8 Not Detected4.0 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.40.56 Not Detected2.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.00.43 Not Detected1.8 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 1.70.63 Not Detected1.5 Ethanol 64-17-5 9.44.7 Not Detected7.5 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 2.20.52 Not Detected2.0 Freon 11 75-69-4 2.80.91 Not Detected2.5 Freon 113 76-13-1 3.80.83 Not Detected3.4 Freon 12 75-71-8 2.51.2 Not Detected2.2 Heptane 142-82-5 2.00.70 Not Detected1.8 Hexane 110-54-3 1.80.55 Not Detected1.6 Page 14 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 10:07 AM 1.00 msdj.i / j111609c EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-06A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City Lab Blank Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: (ug/m3)CAS# LOD Compound (ug/m3) MDL Rpt. Limit (ug/m3) Amount (ug/m3) m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 4.30.31 Not Detected2.0 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 171.4 Not Detected5.2 o-Xylene 95-47-6 2.20.52 Not Detected2.0 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 2.40.55 Not Detected2.2 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 3.40.87 Not Detected3.0 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 1.50.94 Not Detected1.3 Toluene 108-88-3 3.80.47 Not Detected1.7 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00.91 Not Detected1.8 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.70.80 Not Detected2.4 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 97 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 102 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 102 Page 15 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 09:21 AM 1.00 msdj.i / j111608 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-07A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City CCV Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 100 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 89 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 82 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 87 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 102 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 89 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 98 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 85 2-Propanol 67-63-0 76 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 95 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 70 Acetone 67-64-1 85 Benzene 71-43-2 92 Chloroethane 75-00-3 93 Chloroform 67-66-3 91 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 87 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 83 Ethanol 64-17-5 70 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 86 Freon 11 75-69-4 103 Freon 113 76-13-1 104 Freon 12 75-71-8 95 Heptane 142-82-5 108 Hexane 110-54-3 79 Page 16 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 09:21 AM 1.00 msdj.i / j111608 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-07A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City CCV Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 88 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 85 o-Xylene 95-47-6 82 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 87 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 91 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 78 Toluene 108-88-3 91 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 88 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 98 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 96 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 104 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 103 Page 17 of 21 Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 05:15 AM 1.00 msdj.i / j111604 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-08A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City LCS Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 94 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 87 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 79 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 88 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 108 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 88 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 116 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 86 2-Propanol 67-63-0 98 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 94 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 78 Acetone 67-64-1 87 Benzene 71-43-2 89 Chloroethane 75-00-3 92 Chloroform 67-66-3 85 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 84 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 76 Ethanol 64-17-5 116 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 88 Freon 11 75-69-4 101 Freon 113 76-13-1 99 Freon 12 75-71-8 92 Heptane 142-82-5 97 Hexane 110-54-3 76 Page 18 of 21 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 05:15 AM 1.00 msdj.i / j111604 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-08A NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City LCS Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 88 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 82 o-Xylene 95-47-6 84 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 87 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 97 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 78 Toluene 108-88-3 88 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 88 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 93 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 95 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 102 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 102 Page 19 of 21 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 05:39 AM 1.00 msdj.i / j111605 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-08AA NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City LCSD Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 94 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 88 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 80 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 91 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 109 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 92 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 95 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)78-93-3 85 2-Propanol 67-63-0 80 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 96 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 78 Acetone 67-64-1 86 Benzene 71-43-2 90 Chloroethane 75-00-3 94 Chloroform 67-66-3 86 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 85 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 77 Ethanol 64-17-5 91 Ethyl Benzene 100-41-4 90 Freon 11 75-69-4 101 Freon 113 76-13-1 101 Freon 12 75-71-8 92 Heptane 142-82-5 96 Hexane 110-54-3 78 Page 20 of 21 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results. Dilution Factor: Instrument/Filename: 11/16/23 05:39 AM 1.00 msdj.i / j111605 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN 2311268-08AA NA - Not Applicable NA - Not Applicable Northrop Grumman - Salt Lake City LCSD Date/Time Analyzed: Client ID: Lab ID: Date/Time Collected: Media: CAS#Compound %Recovery m,p-Xylene 108-38-3 90 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 83 o-Xylene 95-47-6 87 Propylbenzene 103-65-1 89 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 99 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 77 Toluene 108-88-3 89 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 88 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 94 D: Analyte not within the DoD scope of accreditation. CAS#Surrogates Limits %Recovery 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 70-130 94 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 70-130 102 Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 70-130 101 Page 21 of 21 * % Recovery is calculated using unrounded analytical results.