HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-011692Distribution System Utah DEQ Yes
Construction Plan Review Checklist Division of Drinking Water No
Project Information Professional Engineer Responsible for Design
PWS Name: Uintah Town Water System Name: James Flint
PWS ID: 29020 Registration No.: 7806324
Project Description: Valley Meadows Subdivision WL Phone No.: 8013994905
Email: jimf@haies.net
DDW Plan Review Information
Project File Number: 16246
Plan Review Engineer: Hunter Payne
Instructions: In the appropriate column below, for the Design Engineer or DDW Review Engineer, select a response from the dropdown menu indicating whether each requirement listed is
addressed in the plans and specs. Add Notes if needed to explain responses. Consult the UAC rules cited to fully understand the details of the regulatory requirements; the summaries
below are not meant to replace the rules.
UAC Rule Summary of Rule Requirement Design Engineer Review Engineer Notes
Engineer (note reason below if answer is 'No')
General Requirements
R309-500-6 (2)(b) Plans and specifications sufficiently detailed to assure properly constructed project
R309-500-6 (2)(c) Plans and specifications stamped, dated, and signed by PE Yes
R309-500-6 (2)(e) Exception to rule requirements granted by the Director for alternative designs Yes Review includes a minimum separation exception
R309-500-10 Method of wastewater disposal approved by DWQ or LHD (new water systems/subdivision additions) N/A
N/A Project will resolve existing physical deficiencies N/A
Hydraulic Analysis
R309-511-4 (1)(a)(i)(A-G) Certification and hydraulic model report unnecessary (if project type is listed in R309-511-4 (1)(a)(i)(A-G)) N/A Please see hydraulic modelling info in my
R309-511-4 (1)(b) Certification of hydraulic modeling results by PE provided (if project type is not listed in R309-511-4 (1)(a)(i)(A-G)) Yes
R309-511-4 (2)(d) Hydraulic model report provided (unless R309-511-4 (1)(a)(ii-iv) exemptions apply) N/A
R309-511-4 (2)(f) System capacity and expansion report provided in lieu of hydraulic model report (if required by the Director) N/A
R309-550-5 (3)(b) Hydraulic analysis provided for entire distribution system (>50% distribution system upgrade/new distribution system) N/A
Distribution System Pressure
R309-105-9 (2)(a) Minimum 20 psi peak day demand during fire flow Yes
R309-105-9 (2)(b) Minimum 30 psi peak instantaneous demand Yes
R309-105-9 (2)(c) Minimum 40 psi peak day demand Yes
R309-550-5 (1)(a) Minimum pressures maintained at points of connection under all flow conditions Yes
R309-550-5 (1)(b) Pressure reducing devices on new mains where static pressure exceeds 150 psi Yes
Fire Suppression
R309-510-9 (1) Distribution system sized for fire flow rate and duration according to local fire authority letter Yes
R309-550-5 (5)(a) Distribution system designed to meet fire flow requirements per local fire code official Yes
R309-550-5 (5)(b) Fire hydrant location per state-adopted fire code Yes
R309-550-5 (5)(c) Designed to meet minimum pressures throughout distribution system during fire flow Yes
R309-550-5 (5)(d) Minimum 6-inch diameter fire hydrant laterals Yes Please provide a fire hydrant detail.
R309-550-6 (5)(a) Fire hydrant drains separate from sewers Yes
R309-550-6 (5)(a) Fire hydrant drains greater than 10 feet from sanitary sewers Yes
R309-550-6 (5)(a) Fire hydrant drains greater than 10 feet from storm sewers Yes
R309-550-6 (5)(b) Fire hydrant laterals include auxiliary valves Yes
R309-550-6 (5)(c) Adequate fire hydrant drainage - acceptable natural soil, gravel pack, or dry well Yes
Pipe Sizing
R309-510-9 (2)&(3) Distribution system sized for peak instantaneous demand Yes
R309-550-5 (2) Distribution system designed using minimum flow rates for fire flow and peak instantaneous demand per R309-510 Yes
R309-550-5 (3)(a) Water main size based on hydraulic analysis of flow demands and pressure requirements Yes
R309-550-5 (4) Minimum water main size: 4" w/o fire hydrants; 8" w/ fire hydrants; 6" w/ fire hydrants & hydraulic analysis Yes
Cross Connection Control
R309-105-12 (1) Backflow prevention on cross connections N/A No cross connections present
R309-550-6 (8)(b) Backflow device installation conforms to state plumbing code N/A
R309-550-9 (1) Physical cross-connections absent Yes
R309-550-9 (2) Condensate or cooling water from engine jackets or heat exchangers separate from drinking water supply N/A
R309-550-9 (3) Interconnection with another drinking water system approved by Director N/A
Soil and Ground Water
R309-550-5 (6) Soil characteristics considered for water main burial Yes
R309-550-5 (9) Distribution system materials appropriate for corrosive soil or water Yes
R309-550-5 (10)(a)&(b) Non-permeable distribution system materials specified in areas of contamination N/A
R309-550-5 (11) DDW-specified design requirements used for water mains near contamination areas N/A
Design and Construction
R309-550-5 (6) Special design and burial for CWS water mains in geologic hazard areas N/A
R309-550-5 (7)(a) Dead ends minimized by making appropriate tie-ins N/A
R309-550-5 (7)(b) Unavoidable dead ends equipped with fire hydrants, flush hydrants, or blow-off valves Yes
R309-550-5 (7)(b) Dead end flushing devices sized for minimum velocity of 2.5 fps in the water main Yes
R309-550-5 (7)(b) Flushing devices separate from sewers Yes
R309-550-5 (8) Maximum interval of 500' between isolation valves in commercial districts N/A
R309-550-5 (8) Maximum interval of one block or 800' between isolation valves in non-commercial districts Yes
R309-550-5 (8) Maximum interval of 1 mile between isolation valves in areas of widely scattered customers & no future development N/A
R309-550-6 (1) NSF/ANSI 61 certification specified for drinking water system components Yes Please address this requirement
R309-550-6 (2)(a) Asbestos-cement pipe absent Yes
R309-550-6 (2)(b) Lead-free pipes and fittings specified Yes Please address these requirements. If project specifications are available, please provide a copy for review.
R309-550-6 (3) NSF/ANSI 61, AWWA C104-A21.4-08 through C550-05, and C900-07 through C950-07 conformance specified Yes
R309-550-8 (1)(a) Specs incorporate manufacturer's installation procedures or AWWA C600-10 for ductile iron pipe N/A
R309-550-8 (1)(b) Specs incorporate manufacturer's installation procedures or ASTM D2774 and AWWA M23 for PVC pipe Yes
R309-550-8 (1)(c) Specs incorporate manufacturer's installation procedures or ASTM D2774 and AWWA M55 for HDPE pipe N/A
R309-550-8 (1)(d) Specs incorporate manufacturer's installation procedures or AWWA C604-11 for steel pipe N/A
R309-550-8 (2) Continuous uniform bedding specified for buried piping Yes Not addressed by the provided plans. Please provide revised plans and/or project specifications
R309-550-8 (3)(a) Maximum 3/4-inch particle size specified for backfill material and for a min. of 6" below plastic pipe Yes
R309-550-8 (3)(b) Specs limit stones to maximum 2-inch diameter in backfill material and for a min. of 6" below ductile iron pipe N/A
R309-550-8 (4) Specs prohibit dropping pipe into trench Yes
R309-550-8 (5) Minimum cover specified to prevent freezing (pipe buried below depth of frost penetration) Yes
R309-550-8 (6) Thrust blocking, anchoring, tie rods, or restraints specified for tees, bends, plugs, and hydrants Yes
R309-550-8 (6) Pipe restraints properly sized for expected forces Yes
R309-550-8 (7) Pressure and leak testing specified per AWWA C600-10 Yes
R309-550-8 (9) Specs require open ends of pipe to be sealed at end of day's construction Yes
R309-550-8 (10) Procedures specified for flushing, disinfection, and microbiological testing (flushing per AWWA C651-05) Yes
Valves and Valve Chambers
R309-550-6 (6)(a) Air relief valves/hydrants at distribution system high points Yes
R309-550-6 (6)(b) Automatic valve air relief vent pipe designed with non-corrodible #14 mesh screen cover N/A
R309-550-6 (6)(b) Downturned automatic valve air relief vent at least 1 foot above grade N/A
R309-550-6 (6)(b) Automatic valve air relief vent at least 1 foot above pipe in chamber with no flooding & adequate drainage N/A
R309-550-6 (6)(c) Air Relief/Blow Off Valves separate from sewers N/A
R309-550-6 (6)(d) Adequate number of hydrants or blow-off valves for water-line flushing Yes
R309-550-6 (6)(e) Air relief valve protected from freezing N/A
R309-550-6 (6)(e) Shut-off valve provided to service air relief valve N/A
R309-550-6 (7)(a) Valve or meter chambers separate from storm drains Yes Please provide a fire hydrant detail.
R309-550-6 (7)(a) Valve or meter chambers separate from sanitary sewers Yes
R309-550-6 (7)(b) Valve or meter chambers drain to daylight , have absorption pit, or use sump pumps Yes
R309-550-6 (8)(a)(i) Isolation valves on both sides of each pressure reducing valve N/A
R309-550-6 (8)(a)(ii) Parallel PRV lines provided to accommodate low and high flows N/A
Waterline Separation from Sewers and Contamination
R309-550-7 (1)(a) Minimum 10 foot lateral separation between water and sanitary sewer lines N/A System has requested an exception to sewer/water crossings that don't meet these requirements.
R309-550-7 (1)(a) Water line a minimum of 18 inches above sanitary sewer line where they cross N/A
R309-550-7 (1)(b) Water and sewer lines installed in separate trenches N/A
R309-550-7 (1)(c) Information provided to support minimum 6' water/sewer lateral separation distance due to local conditions N/A
R309-550-7 (1)(d) Exception request to minimum separation standards provided per R309-105-6 (2)(b) N/A
R309-550-7 (3)(a) Greater water/sewer separation distance specified in areas of high groundwater N/A
R309-550-7 (3)(b) Minimum 20 foot water/sewer separation required where water lines may become unpressurized N/A
R309-550-7 (3)(c) Measures specified to prevent/minimize disturbance of existing water or sewer lines N/A
R309-550-7 (3)(d) Pipe material reflects corrosive conditions and inability to meet minimum separation between water/sewer N/A
R309-550-7 (3)(e)(i) New sewer force main enclosed in continuous sleeve within 10 feet of water main crossing N/A
R309-550-7 (3)(e)(ii) Minimum rated working pressure of 200 psi specified for new water main crossing over existing sewer N/A
R309-550-7 (4) Water service laterals crossing sewer mains/laterals meet minimum separation distances N/A
R309-550-12 (1) Unpressurized flows in transmission lines minimized Yes
R309-550-12 (2) Unpressurized transmission lines located greater than 20 feet from concentrated source of pollution Yes
R309-550-12 (2) Unpressurized transmission lines located outside of boggy areas and areas of water ponding Yes
Surface Water Crossings
R309-550-8 (8)(a) Lines above open water adequately supported and anchored N/A
R309-550-8 (8)(a) Lines above open water protected from damage and freezing N/A
R309-550-8 (8)(a) Lines above open water accessible for repair and replacement N/A
R309-550-8 (8)(b)(i) Minimum 2 feet of cover specified for lines for underwater crossing N/A
R309-550-8 (8)(b)(ii)(A) Restrained joints below water and flexible joints at water edges specified for crossings greater than 15 feet N/A
R309-550-8 (8)(b)(ii)(B) Isolation valves specified on both sides of underwater crossings greater than 15 ft. (beyond high ground water and flood zone) N/A
R309-550-8 (8)(b)(ii)(C) Means for water quality testing specified upstream and downstream for underwater crossings greater than 15 feet N/A
R309-550-8 (8)(b)(ii)(D) Pressure testing specified for line crossing under water N/A
Service Connections
R309-550-6 (8)(c) Meter installation conforms to state plumbing code and local standards Yes Not addressed by the provided plans. Please provide revised plans and/or project specifications
R309-550-11 (2)(a) Water services and plumbing conform to state-adopted plumbing code Yes
R309-550-11 (2)(b) Lead-free pipes and fittings specified for plumbing Yes
R309-550-11 (2)(b) Specs require plumbing pipes and fittings to be certified to meet NSF/ANSI 372 or NSF/ANSI 61, Annex G Yes
R309-550-11 (3) Individual service-connection booster pumps absent Yes
R309-550-11 (4)(a) Specs require service lines to be capped until connected Yes
R309-550-11 (5) Connection between service meter and home conforms to state-adopted plumbing code Yes