HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-010546DAQC-Cns73t000r-24 Site ID 15731 (Bl) MEMORANDUM TO: FILE - WOLVERINE GAS AND OIL COMPAI{Y OF UTAH, LLC - Covenant Field Production Facility THROUGH: Rik Ombach, Minor Source Oil & Gas Compliance Section Manager @ Kyle Greenberg, Environmental Scientist #f, September 10,2024 SUBJECT: FULL COMPLIANCE EVALUATION, Minor, Sevier CounW FROM: DATE: INSPECTION DATE: SOURCE LOCATION: DIRECTIONS: SOURCE CONTACTS: OPERATING STATUS: PROCESS DESCRIPTION: APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: August 6,2024 2080 South State Highway 24 Sigurd, UT 84657 2080 South State Highway 24, Sigurd,UT 84657 Tony Cook, Production Foreman, Office: 435.896.2956 Cell: 43 5.20 l.l 622 Email : tcook@wgo.us Operating Multiple wells bring produced fluids to the site via flowline where they are separated and stored in tanks prior to being transported off site by trucks. The source also utilizes an evaporation pond for the disposal ofproduced water from surrounding operations. The source operates on line power; an emergency generator engine will be on site for use during power disruption. Approval Order (AO) DAQE-ANI57310004-24 dated January 18,2024;40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOOa; 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ Permitted Location: SOURCE EVALUATION: Name of Permittee: Wolverine Gas and Oil Company of Utah, LLC - Covenant Field Production Facility 55 Campau Ave, NW 2080 South State Highway 24 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Sigurd, UT 84657 SIC Code: l3l I : (Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas) I.5 I.l t.2 r.3 t.4 II.A II.A.I It.A.2 II.A.3 II.A.4 Section I: GENERAL PROVISIONS All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-l0l] The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-l] All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R3074014] The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. 1R307-r071 The owner/operator shallcomply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307-150] Status: In Compliance. There have been no known modifications to the equipment or process in this AO that would affect emissions. No known breakdowns that caused excess emissions have occurred according to Wolverine Oil and Gas and an emission inventory has been submitted. Section II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS The approved installations shall consist of the following equipment: Covenant Facility Two (2) Oil Storage Tanks Capacity: 10,000 barrels (each) Control: Combustor NSPS Applicability: Subpart Kb Two (2) Bad Oil Storage Tanks Capacity: 400 barrels (each) Control: Combustor One (1) Produced Water Storage Tank Capacity: 2,500 barrels Control: Combustor I.6 t.7 II.A.5 II.A.6 II.A.7 II.A.8 II.A,9 II.B.I II.B.l.a II.B.l.a.l II.B.2 il.B.2.a II.B.2.a.l One (l) Propane Storage Tank Pressurized propane storage tank and associated valves and flanges Capacity: 30,000 gallons One (l) Combustor 98% destruction effi ciency Truck Loading Operations Control: Vapor Capture Line One (1) Emergency Generator Rating: 264hp Fuel: Propane MACT Applicability: Subpart ZZZZ Evaporation Pond Status: The above equipment was accurate during the time of inspection. II.B Requirements and Limitations Source Wide Requirements Unless otherwise specified in this AO, the owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any stationary point or fugitive source on site to exceed 20oh opacity. [R307401-8] Opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted in accordance with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-201-3] Status: In Compliance. Records reviewed show that visible emissions have not exceeded 20%o opacity, Storage Tank (Storage Vessel) Requirements The owner/operator shall not receive more than 2,920,000 barrels (l barrel:42 gallons) of crude oil per rolling l2-month period. [R307401-8] The owner/operator shall: A. Determine crude oil production with process flow meters and/or sales records. B. Record crude oil production on a daily basis. C. Use the monthly production data reported to the Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining to calculate a new l2-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous l2 months. D. Keep the production records for all periods the plant is in operation. 1R307-401-81 At all times after startup of production, the owner/operator shall route all gases, vapors, and fumes from the oil storage tanks and produced water storage tanks on site to the operating combustor. [R30740 I -8] II.B.2.b II.B.2.c rr.B.2.d II.B.3 ILB.3.a It.B.3.b II.B.4 ILB.4.a II.B.4.b II.B.4.b.l II.B.5 II.B.5.a II.B.5.c The owner/operator shall keep the storage tank thiefhatches and other tank openings closed and sealed except during tank unloading or other maintenance activities. [R307401-8] At least once each month, the owner/operator shall inspect each closed vent system (including tank openings, thiefhatches, and bypass devices) for defects that could result in air emissions according to 40 CFR 60.5416a(c). Records of inspections shall include the date of the inspection and the results of the inspection. [R307401-8,40 CFR 60 Subpart OOOOa] Status: In Compliance. Records reviewed show that the source has not produced more than 21920,000 barrels of crude oil during a rolling 12-month period, see attached records. The thief hatches were closed during the time of inspection. Thief hatches are inspected on a monthly basis, see attached records. Truck Loading The owner/operator shall load the tanker trucks on site by the use of submerged loading. 1R307-40 l -8, R307-s04-4I The owner/operator shall connect a vapor capture line to the operating combustor for use during on-site truck loading operations. The vapor capture line shall be used at all times during loading operations. [R30740 I -8] Status: In Compliance. Submerged loading and a vapor capture line are used for truck loading operations. Combustor Requirement Each combustor shall operate with a continuous pilot flame and be equipped with an auto-igniter. 1R307-s03-41 Each combustor shall operate with no visible emissions. [R307-401-8] Visual determination of emissions from each combustor shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 22. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The combustor is equipped with an auto-igniter and AVO records show that the combustor is inspected monthly for visible emissions. Produced Water Requirements The owner/operator shall not exceed 35.05 tons of combined VOC (GRO + DRO) emissions (where GRO shall be considered the measurement of organics in the C6 - Cl0 range and DRO shall be considered the measurement of organics in the Cl I - C28 range) from water sent to the evaporation pond per rolling l2-month period. [R307-401-8] The owner/operator shallnot exceed 2.43 tons of combined HAP emissions (excluding methanol) from evaporation pond per rolling l2-month period. [R307401-8] The owner/operator shall not exceed 9.86 tons of methanol emissions from evaporation pond per rolling l2-month period. [R307-401 -8] rr.B.s.d rr.B.5.d.l II.B.6 II.B.6.a II.B.6.b rI.B.6.b.l II.B.7 II.B.7.a To determine compliance with a rolling l2-month total, the owner/operator shall calculate a new l2-month total by the last day of each month using data from the previous l2 months. Combined VOC (GRO + DRO), HAPs, and methanol emissions shall be calculated using the following formulas: VOC (tons): (water volume) x [(VOC + BTEX) sampled concentrations] HAPs (tons) : (water volume) x (BTEX sampled concentrations) Methanol (tons) : (water volume) x (methanol sampled concentrations). [R307-401-8] The owner/operator shall: A. B. C. 1R307-401-81 Determine water volume received with billable receipts Record water volume received on a daily basis Keep the records of water received for all periods the plant is in operation. Status: In Compliance. See attached records showing that HAP and methanol emissions have not exceeded their rolling l2-month emission limits. The owner/operator shall collect and analyze samples as follows Unless specified below, the owner/operator shall collect and analyze samples, at a minimum, once monthly. If sampled emissions are below the following values for l2 consecutive sampling periods: GRO + DRO:0.70 tons/month, Combined HAPs excluding methanol = 0.05 tons/month, and Methanol : 0.20 tons/month, the owner/operator may collect and analyze samples, at a minimum of once every 12 months. The owner/operator shall use the concentration results of the most recently analyzed samples when determining compliance with Conditions II.B.5.a, b, and c. IR307401-8] The owner/operator shall collect, handle, and analyzed the samples as follows: A. The samples shall be collected at the outfall of the treatment process prior to water being discharged into the evaporation pond.B. The samples shall be no less than eight (8) oz. in volume.C. The sample shall be analyzed within seven (7) days after collection, and shall be stored at a temperature no less than 32oF and no moie tlian 40oF prior to analysis.D. The samples shall be analyzed for methanol, BTEX, TPH-GRO (C6 - Cl0), TPH-DRO (Cl I - C28), using appropriate EPA methods such as Method 8260 or 8015, or another EPA-approved method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] The owner/operator shall keep records of the results of the analyzed samples. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. See attached records showing the result of the produced water samples. Emergency Generator Requirements The owner/operator shall only use propane as a fuel source in the emergency generator. 1R307-401-81 II.B.7.b II.B.7.c II.B.7.c.l 11.8.7.c.2 II.B.8 II.B.8.a ILB.8.a.l It.B.8.b Visible emissions fiom the emergency generator shallnot exceed 10% opacity at any time. 1R307-401-81 The emergency generator engine shallbe limited to 100 hours per rolling 12-month period for regular maintenance, testing, and other allowed non-emergency uses listed in 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ. There is no restriction on use during emergency situations. [R307-401-81 Records documenting generator usage shall be kept in a log with the following information: A. Date the generator was used B. Duration in hours of the generator use C. Reason for generator use 1R307-40r-81 To determine compliance with a rolling l2-month total the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous l2 months. 1R307-401-81 Status: In Compliance. See the attached records of the emergency generator hour logs showing it has not operated more than 100 hours per a rolling l2-month period. The visible emissions from the emergency generator were unable to be observed. Monitoring Requirements of Fugitive Emissions (Leak Detection and Repair) The owner/operator shall develop a fugitive emissions monitoring plan. At a minimum, the plan shall include: A. Monitoring frequency B. Monitoring technique and equipment C. Procedures and timeframes for identifying and repairing leaks D. Recordkeeping practices E. Calibration and maintenance procedures 1R307-401-81 The plan shall address monitoring for "difficult-to-monitor" and "unsafe-to-monitor" components. IR30740 l -8] The owner/operator shall conduct monitoring surveys on site to observe each "fugitive emissions component" for "fugitive emissions." A. "Fugitive emissions component" means any component that has the potential to emit fugitive emissions of VOC, including but not limited to valves, connectors, pressure reliefdevices, open-ended lines, flanges, covers and closed vent systems, thief hatches or other openings, compressors, instruments, and meters. B. "Fugitive emissions" are considered any visible emissions observed using optical gas imaging or a Method 21 instrument reading of 500 ppm or greater. 1R307-401-81 II.8.8.b.1 Monitoring surveys shall be conducted according to the following schedule: No later than 60 days after startup of production, as defined in 40 CFR 60.5430a. Semi-annually after the initial monitoring survey. Consecutive semiannual monitoring surveys shall be conducted at least 4 months apart. Annually after the initial monitoring stuvey for "difficult-to-monitor" components. As required by the owner/operator's monitoring plan for "unsafe-to-monitor" components. lR30740r-81 Monitoring surveys shall be conducted using one or both of the following to detect fugitive A.Optical gas imaging (OGI) equipment. OGI equipment shall be capable of imaging gases in the spectral range for the compound of highest concentration in the potential fugitive emissions. Monitoring equipment that meets U.S. EPA Method 21,40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A. II.B.8.c 1R307-401-8I If fugitive emissions are detected at any time, the owner/operator shall repair the fugitive emissions component as soon as possible but no later than l5 calendar days after detection. If the repair or replacement is technically infeasible, would require a vent blowdown, a well shutdown or well shut-in, or would be unsafe to repair during operation of the unit, the repair or replacement must be completed during the next well shutdown, well shut-in, after an unscheduled, planned or emergency vent blowdown or within 24 months, whichever is earlier. 1R307-401-81 The owner/operator shall resurvey the repaired or replaced fugitive emissions component no later than 30 calendar days after the fugitive emissions component was repaired.[R307-401-8] The owner/operator shall maintain records of the fugitive emissions monitoring plan, monitoring suryeys, repairs, and resurveys. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. LDAR is conducted semi-annually. See attached reports. Section III: APPLICABLE FEDERAL REOUIREMENTS II.B.8.c.l II.B.8.d A. B. ILB.8.b.2 B. In addition to the requirements of this AO, all applicable provisions of the following federal programs have been found to apply to this installation. This AO in no way releases the owner or operator from any liability for compliance with all other applicable federal, state, and local regulations including UAC R307. 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOOa: Status: In Compliance. 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ: Status: In Compliance. The emergency generator hour logs show it has not operated more than 100 hours per a rolling l2-month period. AREA SOURCE RULES EVALUATION: The following Area Source Rules were evaluated during this inspection: EMISSION INVENTORY: Listed before are the Actual Emissions Inventory provided from Wolverine Gas and Oil Company of Utah, LLC - Covenant Field Production Facility. A comparison of the estimated total potential emissions (PTE) on AO: Approval Order (AO) DAQE-ANl573l000l-18 dated June 19,2018. PTE are supplied for supplemental purposes only. PREVIOUS ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS: COMPLIANCE STATUS & RECOMMENDATIONS: HPV STATUS: RECOMMENDATION FOR NEXT NSPECTION: NSR RECOMMENDATIONS: ATTACHMENTS: Compliance Advisory - DAQC-864-23 Early Settlement Agreement - DAQC-1159-23 Signed Early Settlement Agreement - DAQC-1313-23 In regards to Approval Order (AO Approval Order (AO) DAQE-ANl573l000l-18 dated June 19,2018: In Compliance. It is recommended the source be considered as in compliance during the time of inspection. N/A N/A N/A Produced Water Rolling l2-Month Sample Results, Crude Oil Throughput, Monthly Tank Inspections, Backup Generator Hour Log, Repair Orders, AVO Inspections of the Combustor, Service and Maintenance Records, LDAR Reports. Criteria Pollutant PTE tons/yr Actuals tons/yr CO: Equivalent s307.00 Carbon Monoxide 15.48 5.7905s Nitrogen Oxides 3.t I 1.07347 Particulate Matter - PMro 0.00 0.00006 Particulate Matter - PMz s 0.00 0.00006 Sulfur Dioxide 0.02 .00647 Volatile Organic Compounds 107.57 17.08718 Hazardous Air Pollutant PTE lbs/yr Actuals lbs/yr Benzene (Including Benzene From Gasoline) (CAS #71432)I 580 0.0002 Ethyl Benzene (CAS #100414)180 0.0001I Generic HAPs (CAS #GHAPS)40 l.l68l4 Methanol (CAS #67561)19720 Toluene (CAS #108883)2940 0.0004 Xylenes (Isomers And Mixture) (CAS #1330207)180 E: >d c Ia i I q { 6:3ou> E E 3 q 3 E I s s ;>r E E B I c $ E a g I o 8 E 3 T 6io9na 3d s , E q E E* 6 i;- E g I : B t; , s> >J 4 B B E aa E g t E E 8 & 3 I ; E I E E I E E E ; 8 ai v:5>nt s u> x c aB t t ax E E F g 3 E 8 E E E e 8 E E E E fdE: ix aa ea c E B c E E t aa aa a 8 E 8 8 E 8 8 E 8 9>EE * { * 3 s 4 s 3 o9! 3 E E e 9i !; > , }- E I 3 d 8 ^E s f; g E s iE E f s E t IE 3 I gI I nE -Eit E 3 8 3 t ; I I gE&IE=: 6e !- ! c: e *i eE* : EH ! Bi e _lt- st ! o5i unI5I8l EI{ I Iis-EI E!rEt Ittof, EeP I5r8! EIrlIi9-ErEr IH} iE * ll f i E-u! i€gT E $s i IS E5t I E rtEg fi E if i E5 i E E FE Ig ! E Covenant Fleld DAQE-AN 15731 0004-24 Oil and Water Storage lnventories Crude Oil Storage 12 Month Rolling TotalDateMonthly BBLS YTD BBLS )u122 115,291,606,558 1,001,850 Aug-22 t1,1,,829 71,8,487 1,,O35,527 Sep-22 104,895 823,382 L,062,538 od-22 104,968 928,350 1,086,950 Nov-22 99,564 1,027,91,4 L,L09,420 Dec-22 100,084 l,L27,ggg t,127,998 )an-23 99,L20 99,1,20 t,t44,854 Feb-23 86,912 186,032 1,159,685 Mar-23 10 1,598 287,630 1,181,333 Apr-23 96,441 384,01L 1,199,410 May-23 97,221 481,,292 L,207,956 lun-23 91,683 572,975 1,209,606 I ul-23 92,683 65s,658 L, L86,998 Aug-23 92,001 757,659 L,L67,1,70 Sep-23 87,005 844,664 r,r49,280 Oct-23 89,980 934,644 L,L34.292 Nov-23 85,368 L,O2L,OL2 1,,1,21,096 Dec-23 93,974 1,114986 L,t14,986 Jan-24 99,836 99,836 1,t1,5,702 Feb-24 89,383 L89,2L9 1,t1,8,L73 Mat-24 91,504 280,723 1,108,079 Apr-24 87,422 368,145 1,099,060 May-24 88,176 456,32L 1,090,015 )un-24 85,273 541,,594 1,083,505 )u124 541.,594 990,922 Aug-24 541,,594 898,921 Sep-24 541.,594 811,916 Oct-24 541,,594 721,936 Nov-24 541,594 635,568 Dec-24 541,594 54t,594 Produced Water Storage Totals Monthly BBLS YTD BBLS 525,580 525,580 462,872 988,452 470,647 1,459,099 445,950 1,905,049 464,225 2,369,274 444,056 2,813,330 466,1,82 3,279,5t2 468,137 3,747,649 453,33 1 4,200,980 467,653 4,668,633 453,383 5,L22,016 474,899 5,59O915 492,971 492,911 486,256 979,227 s02,358 1,481,595 489,632 t,97r,227 507,091 2,478,31,8 489,047 2,967,365 2,967,365 2,967,36s 2,967,365 2,967,365 2,967,365 296t,365 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2. 1.5.1 Page 1 of 1 Monthly Tank lnsp€ction iuV27,2022 updated 4/18/2017 Revision O Signature Tank lD T2 Comment Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterioratioil / Printname: ,LJEftJ T-r015z-k Tank surfaces show signs of leaka3e Bolts, rivets or seams are damage a ,/ Above gmund tank foundations h8:":r:d:L:r:Thd / Gaskets are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are inoperative ,/ / Vents are obstructed ,/ Thief hatch and vent valve doet not seal correcth Containment bcrm shows discolontion or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment Buards, labels or signs are missinS 049. Monthly Tanl lnsp.cdon Chcddlst Further descrlptlon and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheeL Any item answered aES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compllance wlth regulatory requirements. Records arc malnralned wlrh $e SPCC Plan at the Covenant fleld omce. Cori.l ofthis rcpon.rc locltld rt: WGO q.\Corporrr. shrr!d\f lakl Opaadonr\0.0 ApgendkE Px. 1 ol7 / / / r' Monthly Tank lnspection luly27,2O22 Prrntname: flLJ [rl**-'-sisnatureTfu Tank lD T-102 updated 4lt8lzo77 Rerrlslon 0 I __e Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterloration / / Bolts, rivets or s€ams are damagcd Gasketsaref"tlr--- - -/ Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obst u€ted Thlef hatch and vent valvE docs not seal correctly Containment berm shows dlsroloradon or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetatlon / / / / / / Equipment guards, labels or si8ns ate mirsing 0{9 - tlonth}y Trnk lospccdon Ch.chllrt further d€scription and comments, if needed, should be providcd on a s€paBte sheet of paper and attached to this sheet Any item answered 'YEs" needs to be promptly reponed, repalred, or replaced. as it may result in nonrompllance wlth regulatory rcquirementi Records are maintained with the SPCI Plan at the Covenant field of6ce, Codcs of thir rcpon arc locaiad at: w6o Q:\corpontc Sh.,rd\Fhld Op.rnlondo.o Applndks l4c2ol7 / Montfi ly Tank lnspection lulv 27,2022 Updated 4lrgl2017 Revlsion 0 Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Gaskets are l..rjls 9z_ / Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above Sround tank foundations have eroded or settled / / Level gauges or alarms are inop€ratlve Vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly €ontainrn€nt bcrm shows dlscoloration orstains ,/ IBerm is breich€d. "r "ro"'_ _-___ v . _. Tank€rea has trash and veSetatio " V/ ;Equipment Buards, labels or slgns are mi:,1!- _ / Otlg. l/lonthly T.nk lnspcctlon ChecUlst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a s€parate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES" needs to be prompdy reported, repaired, or replaced, ar it may result ln non-compllance wlttr regulatory requirements. Eecords are malnElned wltt! the sPcc Plan at the co/enant fieE omce. CoC{Cr oithlr rlport a,! laatad.!: wGO OlCorpont? Shlrcd\Frcld Op.f .rbn3\0.0 ApEGodico Pltc 3 ol 7 / Monthly Tank lnspecdon )uly27,2022 Printname: gJElrrlr*, sisnature;ilJ& Tank lD T-20r updated 4lt8l20L7 Revision 0 i:Comment Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage ,/ /Tank shows slgns ol damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled /Gaskets arc l€aking Level gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve / / Vents are obstrucEd Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly /v Contalnment berm shows discoloration or stains / Berm is breached or emdcd Tank area has trash and vegetatlon Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 0tr9 - IuonthlyTinl lnspGdlon Cicd(ll3t Funher dercriptlon and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet, Any item ansLnred "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may r€sult ln non-compllance wlth ,egulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SP€C Plan at the Covenant field office. Copiar o, t r ir rllort ara hcatGd rt: VrGO qr\Corporric Sha.cd\Fhld Opcr.tlonr\0.0 Al0cndlc.| Pata { of 7 / ,/ ttonthly tank tnspection luly 27,2022 updated 4ll8l20t7 Re{rlsion O T-202 Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage / Prrntname: fl-J&Ur** ,rrrrrr" 7)(L Tank lD ! : comment__---__-7- v Tank rhows slgns of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or reams are dama8ed Above Sround tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking / / ,/ Level Bauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed / / Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Contalnment berm shows discolorauon or slains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetatlon Equipment Suards, labels or signs are missing O49 - MontlllyTanl lnspectlon Or.cttast Funher description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may rerult in non{ompllance wlth regulatory requiremenB. Records are maintained with the SrcC Plan at the Covenant field office. Codci ot thir rcpon ara locatod:t: wGO Q:\Corporrt. sh.rrAFicld OpGr.tlo6\0.0 Appendice j Prte 5 ot 7 1_ / / / Monthly Tank lnspectlon tuly27,2O22 Printname: 9*J E"lr*"s S,3rarure @ j 2 comment TanI shows signs of a.ra8e, rust- Oet"rioratfon _ _ - 7 I Updard 4l78l2OL7 Revlsion 0 Tank lD T-203 Bolts, rivets o. s€ams are damaged Above groun_d tank fioundations have eroded or settled / Thief hatct and vent vahe does not seal correctly contalnment berm shows discolorau;;r stain, Berm is breached or eroded L / Oa9. iioodrly T.nk lnspccdon Checkllst Further descrlption and commenB, if n€eded, should be provlded on a s€parate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered-YEs" needs to be promptly reported, rcpaired, or rcplaced, as it may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory requirements. Records arcmalntained with the SPCC plan at the covenant fleld office, Coptcs of th'rr ,lport ata locatGd .t: W6o Q:\CoroDr.tc Shrld\fieE Op€r*ionr\O.O ADr6dtca3 PaSe 6 of 7 / -- ,/ r'_ __{ Tank area has trash and vegeEdon Equipment Suards, taUels or sig; are ,lstng Monthly Tank lnsp€ction July27,7022 Prrntname: ;r J &t t""^: sisnarure ?"/6 Tank tD T-303 Updated 4178120t7 Revision 0 !:Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakate Tank shows signs of damaSe, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or setded Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not s€al correctly Contalnment berm shows dlscoloration or stiins Berm is breached oreroded ,/ Tank area has tra5h and vegetation ----1 Equipment Buards. labels or signs are missing 049 - lionthly Tank lnspcctlon Ch.cklh Further description and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YEs" needs to be promptly rpported, repalred, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirem€nts. Records are maintained $rith the SPCC Plan at the Co/enant field offfce. copi6 ot this rcport lre lcat€d tt: WGO Q:\Corpor,tc Sh.r.d\Fi!ld Opr.tlou\0.0 Appandia6 PEl!lolT Monthly Tank lnspection August 2Q 2022 Print name:mMl ugdated 4lr8l2ot7 Revision 0 signature Tank lD o T-101 oz Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damaSe, rust or deterioration / ,/ Bolts, rivets or seams are dama8ed -'z Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level 8au8es or alarms are inoperative ( Vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly contalnment berm shows dlscoloration or stalns Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equlpment guards, labels or slSns are missing 049 - Monthly Tanl lnsgecdon Checllbt Further description and comments, if needed, strould be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet Any item ans,wered 'YES" needs to be promptly reported, repair€d, or replaced, as lt may result in non-compliance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the sPcC Plan at the Covenant ffeld office. CoplGt ofthl3 rlporl.rG loc.tad rt: WGO q:\Corpor.tc Sharcd\Ficld Op.ratioN\0.0 Appddk6 Plt.1of7 7-- J Monthly Tank lnspection August 20, 2022 Print name: Signature Tank lD Updated 4lL8/2077 Revision 0 o Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage o-2, Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterloration ,r/ Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking --/- Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly v _/ Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing __u 049 - Monthly Tank lnspccdon Checlllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the sPcc Plan at the covenant field office. Copi6 ofthi3 report are l*atcd at: WGO Q:\Corporat. Sharcd\Field Op.rations\0.0 App.ndice3 Pas32 ot7 Monthly Tank lnspection August 20, 2022 Print name: Signature Tank lD Trent Roberts updated 4lt8l2ot7 Revision 0 T-103 j:Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration d/'84/ Bolts, rlvets or seams are damaSed Above ground tank foundations have eroded or senled Gaskets are leaking LevelgauSesoralarmsareinoperative ,, *4 Vents are obstrua,ad __ ,r/ _ Thiefhatch and ventvalve does noi seal correctly ,/ Containment berm shows discoloration or stalns ,r/ t/ Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and veSetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing ,/ 049 - l/bnthly Tank lnspccdon Ctrcckllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result ln nonrompliance with regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copl6 of thB rcpon ara locatcd tt: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Ficld Operatiorr\o.o AppGndic6 Pt8. 3 of 7 Monthly Tank lnspection AuSust 20, 2022 Print name:Trent Raberts ^d/k/updated 4178/2OL7 Revision 0 Signature Tank lD T-201 g2 L/ Comment Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioratlon -'/-7Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking levet Sauellallms are inoperative / Vents are obstructed 7 -T7 Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation r-Equipment Suards, labels or signs are missing O{9 - Monthly Tank lnspection Ch€ckllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any ltem answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result ln non<ompliance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the spcc plan at the covenant field offfce. Copias of thls rrport .ra located rt: WGO Q:\Corporatr Sh.rcd\Fleld Operatlons\0.0 Appendlc€t Paa.4 ol 7 Monthly Tank lnspection August 2O 2022 Print name: Signature Tank lD updated 4lL8l2or7 Revision 0 7-202 o Comment Tank surfaces shorv signs of leakage Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rlvets or seams are damaged 27-/ --t'Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled / 7 Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are lnoperauve Vents are obstructed Thlef hatch and vent yalve does not seal corectly 7-Containment berm shows discoloratlon or stains B€rm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegeu|tion Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049. Monthly T.nk lnspectlon Cheddlst Further descrlptlon and commenq if needed, should be prorided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet Any item answered 'lES' needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as it may result in non-compllance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintalned with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Coglaa ot thir rcDon .r! lo..tGd .t: WGO Q:\C!rpor.t! Sh.reAFlcld Opcrnbns\o.o ADpcndk.s P.3rSofT ,/_ _r/, Monthly Tank lnspection August 20, 2022 Print name: Signature C Tank lD T-203 updated 4/18/2017 Revision 0 oz -/-/ _/ / Comment Tank surfuces show siSns of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or s€ams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly ,/ Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equlpment Suards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tanl lnspecdon Chcckllst Further description and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a s€parate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any ltem answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non.compllance wlth regulatory requirements. R€cords are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copl6 of this ,cport .re locatcd at: WGO Q;\Corporrtr SharGAFicld Op.r.tioN\0.0 App.ndices P.gc 6 of 7 '/(/ / Monthly Tank lnspectlon August 20, 2022 Print name: Sisnature Tank lD uqdated 4lL8l20L7 Revision 0 T-303 o---->-/ Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damaSe, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ,,/ Above Sround tank foundations have eroded or settled ;7 Gaskets are l€aking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed ,/ Thief hatch and ,"nt r.U. Ao", not r".t.orr..tty ,r/ Contalnment berm shows dlscoloration or stains e"rrn i, ur"..h"d - "l-"0 7 Tank area has trash and vegetation / Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing v,/ 009 - Ulonthly Tank lnspection Checkllst turther description and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained wlth the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copics of thii rrpon lrc lcrt.d at: WGO Q:\Corporatc Shar€d\Field Oparatlon3\0.0 App!ndics ?4a 7 ol7 u/ t/ Monthly Tank lnspection September 23, 2022 print namei Ar"$ Slgnature Tank lD T: t/ Updated 4/18/20U Revislon O Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rlvets or seams are damaged -,7Above ground tank foundations haye eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking / Level 8au8es or alarms are lnoperatlve / vents are obst ucted / Ihlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Contalnmbnt berm shows dlscoloradon or stalns Tank area ha5 t-ash and vegetation Otl9 - Monthly Trnk lnspetton Chcrkllrt Further description and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a s€parate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result ln non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records are malntalned wlth dle SPCC Plan at the Covenant freld office. Code5of thi! rcport.m luted.t: wGo Q;\Co.9or.te ShreAFl.ld Opfirtions\o.o Ap0andkat P.3a 1or 7 Mofltfi ly Tant lnspection September 23, 2022 Updetd4ll8l20l7 Revision o Signature Tank lD T-102 Commen_t Tank surltaces slrow slgns of lealage Tank shows signg of dama8e, aust or deterioration 8olts, rivets or seams are damaged Abo/e ground tank foundatlons have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correcdy i Containment berm shows discoloraton or stalns : Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 0.[9 - Monthly Iank lnsp€ctlon Chcclllst Further desuiption and comments, if needed, shanld be pmvided on a sepaEte sheet of paper and attached to this sheet Any item answered 'YEs" needs to be promptly rcported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-complience with regulatory requlrements. Records are maintalned with the SPCC Plan at the Co/enant field office. Copicr ot th8 ,aporl rrc locrtld at: $r@ Q\Corpor.r" Sharcd\Fcld Opqatbor\0.o Apprrdc6 P''i22ol7 I I Monthly Tank hspection September 23, 2022 Updad 4/18/20u Revision O signature Tank lD T-103 Comment Tank surfaces show signs of teakage Tanh shows signs of damage, rust or deterioradon Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above Eround tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are lnoperat{ve vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correcdy Contelnment berm shows dlscoloradon or stalns Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or slgns are misslng 049 - Monthly T.nk lnspcctlon Chcc}llst Further descriptlon antl commenB, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any ltem answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compllance wlth retulatory requlrements. Records are maintained wlth the sPcc Plan at the covenent field offfce. Copl6 of tils rcpolt are bcrted at: lvGO q:\Corpor.tc Sh.r.d\Fi.ld Opcralloni\o.0 ApF.rdlcG Prge 3 of 7 7 , Monthly Tanl Inspecdon September 23, 2022 UpdatdalLS/2OL7 Revision 0 Comment Tank surhces show si8ns of l€alage /l 1 iTank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration / /Bolts, rlvets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundafions have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaklng / /Level gauges or alarms are lnoperative vents ar€ obstructed / Thief hatch and vent vahre does not seal correctly I i Containment berm shows dlscoloratlon or stalns / Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has msh and ve8etatbn Equipment Buard$ labels or sltns are mlssing O49 - Monrhry frnl lmpGdoo Chcclltt Further description and cornments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet Any ltem answered -YES' needs to be prompdy repofted, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result in non-compliance with rpgulatry requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the covenant freld office. Codc, ot tiE rclort -a loc.tad et; wco q:\CorpoEte Shared$lcld Op6rdont\0.0 Appcidlcca e.ZDa al I Monthly Tank lnspectim September 23,2022 vgdated 1lt8l2ot7 Revision 0 SiSnature Tank I E:Cot!'!!g!!__ Tank surfaces show signs of leakage ,/ Tank shows signs of damate. rust or deterioration __.. ,_ ,/ ,_ Bolts, rlvets or seams are damage d / Above ground tank foundations have eroded or setd€d Gaskets are leakinB Level gauges or alarms are inoperatfue vents are obst ucted Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correcfly 'Contalnment berm shors dlscoloratlon or stalns i Berm is breached or eroded ,/' / iTank area has trash and vegetation iEquipment guards, labels or signs are mlsslng 049 - Monthly Tanl lnipxtbn Chcddlrt Further description and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered *YES" needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result in non<ompliance with regulatory requirements. Records are malntalned with the SPCC Plan ar the carenant field office. Codai of thiJ rrron .rG lmtrd .l: WGO q\Cilpor.te Sh.red\Fl€ld Oparillons\o.o Appordlcas P.ir 5 of 7 Monthly Tank lnspection September 23,2022 Prrnt name: A -nlf Elr.r-ii-i"M uod,arld4lLBlzoLT Revision 0 oz Comment Tank surhces shol signs of leakage /, /'Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rfuets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or s€ttled Gaskets are leaking Level gauSes or ahrms are lnoperatfue Vents are obstructed Thlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correcdy I Containment berm shows dlscoloradon or stalns Berm is breached or eroded 'Tank area has trash and vegetation ' Equipment guards, labels or signs are mlslng O4e - MontlrlyTrdr lnsp.don Chr*nrt Further description and comments, lf needed, should be proided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thlg sheet. Any ltem answered 'YES' needs o be prompfr reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result ln non-compliance with re8ulatory requlrements, Records are malntained wittr the SPCC Phn at the Covenant fleld office. Coplar of thls ra@rt ara locatcd at: WGO Q\CorpoEte Sharcd\Ecld Opsatbns\o.o Apg.lrdrclt PL6o,7 / Monthly Tank lnsp€ction SeptBmber 23, 2O22 Print name: Signature Tank l0 - T-303 Updated4ltBlz,LT Revirion 0 rTank surfaces show signs of leakage gE,/Comment -,/ iTank shows signs of damage, rustor deteriocrtion / igolts, riveB or seams are damaged iAbove ground tank foundations have eroded or settled lGaskets are leaklng i Level gauges or alarms are inoperative iVents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm shows dlscolontlon or stains Berm is breached or eroded ilt:l!=l'',:ryi* :Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing (x9 - itlon$ly lrnl lnsprcdon Oroclllst tunher descrlptlon and comments, if needed, rhould be provided on a separate sheet of pap€r and attached to this shset. Any item answered 'YES' needs to be prornptly repored, repaired, or replaced, as it may result ln non-compllance wtth regulatory regulrements. Records are malntained with the SPCC Plan at tre Covenant fleld offfce. Copacs of thts r.pon .r. h.rted ,t: WGO Q:\Corporer. Slrarld\fHd Opsrthat\o.o AFpGndkG ?.1 7ol7 jTank surfaces show signs of hakage Monthly Tank lnspection otubE,t23,m22 Tank lD updated 4/18/2017 Revision 0 _Comment It I I Boks, rives or seams are damaged lAbo/e ground tankfoundations haveeroded orsettled _ i Gaskets are haklng Level gauges or alaams are lnoperatve vents are obstructed I I i lcontalnmentbermshowsdiscobradonorstains , t,/ l| _-_ I Ii :./ ,Tank area has trash and vegetatl,on I , { (X9 - ltionthlyTenk lnspecdon Chcdllst Further descrlptbn and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheel Any hem answered 'YES' needs m be promptly reponed, repaired, or replaced, as lt may resrlt ln non-complhnce with regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SFCC Plan at the Covenant fleld office. Colin of thb rcllort.r.loc.t d at: WC'O q:\Corpo..t sh.raflFald oprrtions\o,O AppGndc6 Pile 1of 7 Printnam€: g*l Signature J' 8ot_ z t- I Tank shows signs of damage, rust or det€rloratlon Mofithly TanI lnspectbn October 23, 2022 Printname: 5/J 1lro4.,;:::%updated 4/18/2017 Revlsion 0 o2 Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank strows signs of damage, rust or deterloration _/ 8olts, rivets or seams are damaSed / ___ /Above gro.und tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are [eakin6 LevelSauges or alarrns are imperative / yen$ are obstructed -t/Thlef hatdt and vent valve does not seal correctly Containm€nt b€rm shows discolorat'ton or stains /_ t/ / / germ 13 breached or eroded Tank area hastrash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or slgns are missing 049 - ll/lonthly Tanl lnryectlon Chccklst Further description and comments, lf needcd, should be prorided on a s€paftrte sheet of paper and att ched to this rheet. Any item answ.red 'YES" needs to be promptly reponed, repalred, or replaced, as lt may r$ulr ln non-compliarce wiut regulatory requlrern€nts. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant f eld offlce. Copis o{ thir raport a.a locattd .t: lrJ@ O:\corpd.rc Shr.d\Fdd Op.r.tbrE\0.0 ApOmdcs P.$t2ol 7 / Monthly Tank lrupectlon October 23, 2022 fu€J updrted 4hEl2o17 Revlsion 0 Slgnature Tank lD Comment Trnk surfaces show $lgns of leakage Tank show' rlgns of dama8e, rust or det€r'roratiofl / /golts, rlveB or s€ams are damaged Above ground tank bundatlons have eroded or setded / /Gasketsare loaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative { _1_ _/ / Ventg are obstruded Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm thows dlscoloratlon or shlns Serm is breached or eroded / Tank area has trash and vegeEtion t/ /Equipment guards, labels or siSns are missing O{9 - ltionthly Tank lnspccdon Chcckflt Further description and commenq lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any hem answercd '"lES' needs to be profiptly reported, re0aired, or replaced, as it may r6ult in non-compllance with regulatory requlrem€nts- Records ars malntained with the SFCC Plan at the Covenant field offico. C6lLt of thit ap6t.i.lc.t.d .ti wGo Q\ctrporrt. Sharad\Fud Opr.tbc\o.0 r0pcndc6 Prta 3 ol7 Monthly Tanl lnspecthn October 23,2(n2 e,,ntn ^e, -9t a/ /,6r{J)sisnature"'fufu Tant tD - T-201 ugdated 417u2o17 Revlsion 0 I g comnrent Tank surfaces strow slgns of leakage Tank shows slgns of damag€, rust or deterioration .1lL:,ji::!:"1*amsaredama8e / Above ground ttnk foundatlons have eroded or settled / 6arkets are leaklng Level Baugei Or elarms are lnoperatlve Vents are obctructed ,/ Thilf hatch and vent vaJve does not seal correctly Contalnment bcrm show: dlrolorrdon or stalns / Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and ve8etation / Equiprnent Buards, hbels or signs are mlssinB / 049 . Monthly TenI lnspectlon Choclllst Funher descdptbn and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a s€parae sheet of paper and attached to thls shEet. Any ltem answe.ed "YES'needs to be promptly rrported, reprired, or replaced, as it may result ln non-compllance wlth regubtory requlrements. Records are mainteined wlth the SPCC Plan at the Coveoant fleld offlce. Coplar ot thit ra9ort ar! lo(atad at: rr'rco q:\Corporrt. sh.rcd\f ic5 OCcr.tbBU.o AFarft !t p.tc { o, l Monthly Tank lnsp€ctlon october 23, 2022 Print name: signAtur. Tant lD T-ZO2 updated4h$lzotT Revlslon 0 Tank surhces sho* ,ign, or tearl;--- S ',r, Comment Tank shows siBns of danu3e, rust or deterloratbn Bolts, riv€ts or seams are damaged Above gmund t nk foundations have eroded or settled ____/ ,/ L/ GaskeB are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperatlve vents are obstrEt€d Thief hatch and veflt valve does not seal correctly Containrnent berm *rows disc:lT_Tl- =|ns_. / Berm ls breached or eroded / Tank area has trash and veSetation Equhment guards, labels or signs are nf ssing 0tt9 - MonthlyTrnl hipactbn Chccllllt further derription afld comrnents, lf needed, should be prorided m a separate sheet of paper and .ttached to this *reet. Any item answered *YES' needs to be pmmpdy reponed, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compliance wtth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with th€ SPCC Plan at the Covenant fleld offlce. Cofi6 of thlr .aport art l4atad at: W@ O:\Co,po.atc Shrcd\fidd Opcrrllor\o.o Appendkrip4r5o(7 / Monthly Tank lnspection October 71,2022 Printnime: 5/Jrur"D';",-ffi Comm€nt uod,ated4ll8l20l7 Rcvrsion 0 P2 Tank surtaces show ggns of leakag Tank shows signs ofdamage, rust or deterloratlon 8ohs, rlvEE or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled "/ Gaskets are leahing Levelgauges or alarms are irrcperative ____t__ ,/ vents are obstructed Thisf hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Contalnment b€rm shows dilaoloration or stainr / r' Berm ls breacJEd or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation / Equlpmeflt tuards, labels or slgns are misslng 019 - Moothly Tanl lnspcctlon Chccklst Furthe, deraription and comments, if needed, shwld be provided on a s€parate sheet of paper and attadred to this rh€€t. Any ltem ansvvered '"VES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or rephced. ar it may result in mn-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records are malntained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copf,s of this rGpo.t rc loaatcd at, wGO Q\CorDorate Sh.r!d\Flcld opattotr\o 0 aopcndt.r Pif! 5 of 7 Montily Tank anspection Octob€r 23, A)22 updated 4/18/2017 Revlslon 0 SiBnrture Tanl lD r-303 o Comment Tank surfac€s shov/ dSns of leakage o =,/ Tank shows g8ns ofdamage, rust o, deterlorrtion Botts, rivlts or searlrs are damaged Above ground tank foundauons haw eroded or s€ttled Gaskets are l€aldn8 Level gauges or alarms are inoperativ€ Vents arB obstructed fhief hatrh and vent valve do€r not s€al correctly Contalnment berm shows discoloration or stains Eerm ls breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegeiitiffi -7 Equipm€nt Buards, labels or slgns are ml3sing 049 - i,lonthly Tanl ln3pcsdm ChccLlbt Further description and comments, if needed, shouu be prwided on a separate rhe€t of pEper and anached to this sheet Any lEm answered 'YE6' needs t0 be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it mey result in non-compllance wlth rcgulatory requirements, Records are maintained with Sre SPCC Plan at the Covenant Iield office. Corlc! ot thh rcporr ila locatcd at; WGO q\Co,po.rta tharsd\Fidd Optr.tiom\o0 App.ndlc6 ?4.7 d7 / Monthly Tank lnspection November 21,2022 Iank rD T-101 updated 4/18/2017 Revision 0 Comment Tank surfuces show signs of leakage fenk Shows signs of darnage, rust or deterloration Boltt rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking / /7-L€vel Baups or alarms are lnop€ratlvE vents are obstructed Thief hatdr and vent valve do€s .lot seal corectly C.ontainment berm shows dlscoloratlon or stalns Berm ls breached or eroded / / / / Tank area has trash and vetetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are misiing 0a9 - Motthly frnk lnspcctlon Checklist Further description and cornments, lf needed, should be provldrd on a separate sheet of paper and rtnched to this sheat. Any item answered 'YES" needs to be promptly reponad, repaired, or replaced, as at may result ln norrcompliance wlth regtrlatory requlrements. Records ere maintalned with the SrcC Plan at the Covenant fleld office. Copi6 of tl$ rcpon rrc locicd tts WGO q;\Cor8orrte Shrr€d\Ficld Opurtionr\o.o App.ndic.t P.|c 1of 7 / / MonthlV Tank lnspection November 21,2022 Signature Tank lD T-102 ufrate,l4lL8l2OL7 Revlslon 0 Comment Tank surhces show slgns of leakage Tank ihows signs of d6ma$, rust or deter'rontion BolB, rivPts or seams are damaged Above sround tanr rounoationsiJll.*l::.:*l______________ 1 Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperatlve Vents are obstructod Thlef hatrh and vent valve does not Jeal correcdy / / Contalnment berm shows dlscdoration or stains B€rm is keached or eroded /_ / ITank ar€a hes trash and veBetathn Equlpmem guardt labels or igns are mlssng 019 - Monrhf Trnl lnspocdor OrGcHst Further descrlptlon and comments, lf needed. should be p,rovided on a separate sheet o{ paper and attached to this sheet. Arry ltern anstyered ryES'rEeds to be promptly reported, repeired, or replaced, as it may resuJt in non-comdiance wi$ regulatory requiremenB. R€cords are malntalned with the SPCC Plan at the covenant field office. C.pt6 of thls repn ara bcatcd at: ur@ q:\CaFr.tG Sh.rGd\FGld Opcr.rbn \0.0 Appcndact ?q.2o'l Monthly Tanl lnspection Novemb€r 21,2022 Print na me: ["^** [.\Ugr,r,Sienrrur"l/W Tank l0 O uod,iled4lr8/2o17 Revlsion 0 T-103 i / Comment Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shows si8r6 of damege, rust or d€terioratlon golts. rivets or seams are daduged Above Sround Hnk foundatlons have eroded or settled Gaskets are leakint Le\r€lSau8es or alarms are inoperative / / / _1_ /Vents are obstructed Ihief hatch and vent yalve does not seal correctly / :A,",r*.tb.r.rl"*dl*"b*io-n oritalns / Berm is breach€doreroded / Tank area has trash and vegetatlon Equipment guards, labels or signs are mbsing Oa9 - lt bnthly Tcnt hrpccdoi Ch.cklst Funher descriptlon and comments, lf needed, should be provided on e s€prrate sheet of paper and anached to th's rheet. Any item answe.ed "YEs" naeds to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced. ar lt may resdr in non-compliance with regulatory requiremenE. Records are maintainod wlth the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field offfce. CoCs ofttlr re9orl re b.acd il: wGO Q\@rpor.|. ShrGd\tldd Opr.tloos\ol) ApFtdkcspryJd7 Tanl surfaces shoru s'rgns of leakage MonthlyTant lmpectin November 21, 2022 Printnama: /+rct F.l\rtr.- Slgnature Tank lD E: .- "/ updated 4lt&l2077 Rwision 0 Comment Tanl shors siSni o,f damage, rust or deterloradon Bolt, riveti or seams are damaged Abore ground tank foundatims have eroded or settled Gaskets are leakin8 , / Le^/el8au8es tr alarms are lnoperrtlve v€nts are obstructed Thhf hatch and ycnt valvc &er not seal correctly Contalnment berm shows dlscoloratlon or stins Serm is breached or eroded Tank area hai trash and veBetatbn Equlpment tuardt labels or signs are misting 0ll9 - Monthly Lnk ln5plctlon Chrcllltt Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a s€parate she€t of pape, and attadr€d to this sheet. Any ltem answered 'YES' needs to b€ promptly reported, repaired. or tephced, a3 it may result ln rrcn-compliance wlth r€gulatory requlrements. Records are matnt ined wiih the sPCc Plan at the Covenant field office. Colic. ol tntr rcport rc bcrtd rt: $r@ Q\@rporrt. 5h.r.Ati!6 Op.r]bnr\o.o r€pcndkct ?.a.1d7 , Monthly Trnk lnspecdon November 21, 2012 P;intnam€: S"t dt l-1\t.orz Sien"turrM Tank lD updeted 4l18l?fL7 Revision 0 T-203 8o Comrn6nt Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shows signs ofdamage, rust or deterioration Boltt rlvett or seams are damaged Above Bround tank foundations have eroded or setded / / ( Gaskets are leakin8 Level Bau8es or alarms are imperative VenB are obstructed Thief hatdr and vent valve does not seal correctly Conbinment berm shows discoloration or stains Earm is breached or eroded Tank area has tra*r and vegetadon Equipment 8!ards, labels orsigns are mlsslng 049 - lYlonthlyTer* lnsprctlo.r Cltlctlln Funher descripfion and rr.iments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of pape, a nd etBched to this slE€r. Any hem a nsrvered 'yEs' needs to bG promptv repofted, repaired, or replaced, as it mey re$ult in non-@mpl'Bnce wfth regulatory requiremenrs. R€cords are mainteined with the SrcC Pbn at the Covenant field office. cod6 of thfs ,€ron .ra bcar.d rc WGO Q:\Co.od.tc ShJcd\FLid oper.lbne\oo Aogmdic?r /7t Monthly Tank lnspecdm t{ovember 21,2022 Print narn€: 1-"n*t F.\ Sltnature Tank lD $: __ irnr.u.t..rrtowsiBnsof leakage / Tank shows slgns ofdamaSe, rustordet€rioratb ^ / Botts, rivets or 5eam9 are dame8ed Above grarnd tant fourdations have eroded ot settled Gaskets are leakin8 Leveleat|ges or ahrms tre lnoperatlve vents ar€ obstructed Thicf hatch and rrent valve does not seal conecfr Conteinment berm shows discoloradon or stllns Eerm B breacfied or eroded Updated 4/1El2017 Revlsion O Comment / -/-__ / / / T-303 Tank area has trE5h and rr€Set tion Equipment guards. labels or signs are mbslng 049 - Monthly Tanl hspectlon Ch.ctlsr Further dcrcrlptlon and commenE, lf needed, strould be provired on a separate sheet of paper and attached to th'6 sheet. AnY ltrm ar6weted ,"yES" needs to be pro,nptly reported, rcpaired. or rephced, as it may result in non-<ompllance w'rth reSulatory requirements. Recotds are maintained with the SPCC Phn at the CrvEnant field office. @is d lfilr r.Frt rr? locrt.d .t: lirco Q:\Corporlte sh.r.d\Fhld o0stlons\o.o App.fl dc6 P.ta7 ol7 MonthlyTank hsp€ction December 20, 2015 Print name: Signature Tank lD T-101 updated 4/18/2017 Revlslon 0 iTank surfaces show slgns of leakage i Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloratlon Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or s€tded Gaskets are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are inoperatfve vents are obstructed Thhf hatch and vent valve does not seal conecdy Containment berm shows dlscoloration or stains Berm is breached or emded Tank are3 has trash and vegetation Equlpment guards, labels or rigns are missing 0f9 - illonthfi frnk lnspcdon Ch.cklst Further descrlpdon and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a s€parate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet Arry ltem answered "YES' needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with rcgulatory requlrements" Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. CoCes of thh r.port are locatrd lt: wGO Q\Crrporrtc Sh.rcd\Fhld Op.rtti( nt\0.0 App.ndlc.. P.3e 1of 7 I i --i Monthly Tank Inspection December 20,2016 Prrntname: fnri> Ol5C4 sisnature A": dq Tank lD T-103 updated 4lt$l2ott Revislon 0 o2 Comment Tank surfaces show si8ns of leakage Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above Sround tank foundations have eroded or senled 1- IO.r**.r. rc.Nrf Level 8au8es or alarms are inoperative 7-,Vents are obstructed Thi€f hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly containment berm shows discoloration or stains i Berm is breached or eroded /JlTank area has trash and veSetation lrqulpment guards, labels or slgns are mlsdng ./ 049 - ilonthly Tsnk lnspcctlon Or.clll3t Further descrlption and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any hem answered 'YES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non{ompliance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the co/enant field office. Co]rig of thir rcport are locatcd at: wco Q\corpor.E shrrcAFicld Opcr.tions\0.0 Acpcndccs P.t.3 of7 Monthly Tank I nspectlon Oecember 20,2016 Print name: Slgnature Tank lD T-201 uod,ated4lLSlzOtT Revislon 0 Ei_Comment --_'---lTank surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or detedoratlon _/-_--_-7- Bohs, rlvets or seams are damaged iAbove ground tank bundatlons have eroded or settled 7I Gaskets are leaking Lavel gauges or alarms are inoperadve vents ar€ obstructed Thlef haEh and vent valve does not seal correctly ,Containment berm shows discoloration or stalns I Berm ls breached or eroded iTank area has msh and vegetation lEquipment Suards, labels or slgns are misslng Oag - mont,rly T.nI tnrpccdon Checkllst turther descriptlon and comments, if needed, Crould be provlded on a sepante sheet of pap€r and attached to this sheet. Any ftem ans,wered 'YES' needs to be prompuy reported, repalred, or replaced, ar lt may result an non{ompliance with regulatory requlrements. Records are malntalned wtth the SPCC Plan et the Covenant field office. codca oftfiB rcfoit rra locatad lt; w6O Q\Corpor.t. sh.rCd\rhE OpcotloG\o.o App.ndk6 P{.a of 7 -7 Monthly Tank lnspectlon Decembfr 2O 2016 prtntnrr",ff -.i5 vpdated 4lt8l?0t7 Revision 0 otscn Tank surhces show signs of leakage sisnature Tn0*-' Tank lD o Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration l801ts, rfuets or seams are damaged Above Bround tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leakinS Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed Thlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm shows discoloratlon or stains , Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetatlon lEquipment guards, labels or si8ns are missing 049 - Monthh T.nl lnspecdon Che*llst Further description and commenq if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered ' YES' needs to b€ promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non{ompliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPcc Plan at the Covenant fleld office. Cophr of thls rcport !r. locttcd at: wGO QlcorpoBt. 5h.rcd\Flcld Opd.ti6r\0.0 App€ndlc6 Pqe 5 ol7 ,r/ Covenant boom deployrnent ins0ectlon lnspection month / Year erint name ff or./r 5 Decl?o*t or5e4 vpdated4l8lz0L7 Revislon 0 srsnature a"r* 0t^,-' I aoom deptoyment area is un accessible Boom deployment stakes are mlsslng lBoom deployment marter is missing lBooms used for boom deployment are mising I 032 - Soom d.ployrn.nt lnsrcctlon Further description and comments, if needed, should be prorlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet Any item answered ifES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result in nonrompllance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are malntalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the Covenant fteld ofnce. Copl6 of tnb rcport ll.locilld il: WGO Q\Corporat! Sh.rcAFicld Operatlons\o.o Appcrdic.3 Pt3 lof1 MonthVTank lnspection Oecember 20, 2016 rnntname:ftr^/ll Ol5cnt fP/--0^'r T-203 udated4hSl2OLT Revislon 0 siSnature Tank lD Comment lTank surfaces show slgns of leakage lTank shows signs of damaSe, rust or deterlorationt__ lBolts, rlvets or seams are damaged lAbove ground tank foundations have eroded or settled lGaskeB are leakinS lLe\r€l gau8es or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal conecdy Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded iTank area has trash and vegetation iEquipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - MonthlyTanl Inspccdon Chec*llst Further descrlption and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a separate rheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any ltem answered ^fES' needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln norHompliance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant ffeld office. Copl.o of ttlr ,aport arc locttc{ .t: wGO Q\corporrE Sharcd\Fi.ld Op.r.doE\o.o Appcf,dhcs P{e6of7 lr' . -- Monthly Tank lnspection Oecember 20, 2016 Print name:Ti^ ^- ; S O lS<' updeted4h8l20t7 Revlslon 0 signature f Tank lD T-3O3 Olr.-- Comm€nt lTank surfaces show signs of leakage iTank rhows sl8ns of damage, rust or deterlontlon lBolts, rivets or seams are damaged I I+I -7 lAbove ground tank foundadons have eroded or setded I Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve lr"nO rr. -t/iThlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly .J I lContainment berm shows discoloration or stains iaerm lsbreached oreroded / lTank area has trash and vegetadon / lEquipment guards, labels or slgns are mlsslng 0f9 - iionthly Tanl lnspeclon Checlllst Further descriptlon and commenq if needed, should be prorided on a s€parate sheet of paper and attached to tlrls sheet Any ltem answered "YES' needs to be promptv reported, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompliance with regulatory requirementr. Records are maintained wlth the SPCC Plan at the Corenant fleld offlce. Coplca of thlr rlDon ara loc*ad at: WGO Q:\Corpor.t. sh.rcd\Flcld Opcr.tlonr\0.0 Appcndk6 ?ia7 ol7 lGaskets are leaking Monthly Tank lnspection January 20, 2023 Printname; JaVl BgW<-updated a/$l2ot7 Revision O o o =,_,/ ,/ ,/ Level 8ar8es or alarms are inoperative lVents are obstructed Containment berm shows discoloration or stains r' Srgnature kr Tank lD T-101 Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows si8ns of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rlvets or seams ate damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leakint / / Berm ls breached or eroded Tank area has trash and veB€tation iEquipment guards, labels or slgns are missinS 049 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any ltem answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non+ompliance with regulatory requirements. Records are malntalned wlth the sPcc Plan at the covenant field office. Copi6 of this rrport.re loc.ted at: wGO Q:\Corpor.tc SirrcAFlcld Opcratlont\0.0 A9pendkd Pate 1 of 7 7 / Monthly Tank lnspection January 2Q 2023 Printname: $Eh hba siBnature kr Tank lD T-102 Updated 4lLglzoL7 Revision 0 --- E 2,. .-Jomment ------' ltank surfaces show slgns of leakage "/ 'Tank shows slgns ofdamage, rust or deterloratlon iBolts, rlvets or seams are damage ,1_ _t- labove ground tank foundations have eroded or senled ,/ jcasketsare leaking / I Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstnrcted Thlef hatch and vent vahe does not seal correctly ,/ / ,/ Contalnment berm shows dlscolorauon or stains /Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has t ash and vetetation Equlpment guardt labels or signs are mising 0f9 - tvloflthly T.nl lmpecdon Ch.ddkt Further descriptlon and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any item answered "YES' needs to be prompfly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non<ompliance wlth reSulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant fleld office. Copis ot thB rcport arr lGatad at: wGO Q\Corpor.te Sh.red\Fleld Operrtlonr\o.0 Appendiccs P.ge2 ol 7 Monthly Tank lnspection January 20, 2023 updated 4lL8l2ol7 Revision O qo9 r' / Printname: \ox fotrc signature k Af- Tank lD T-103 Tank surfaces sttow slgns of leakage ]Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration , Bolts, rivets or seams are damage d / jAbove ground tank foundatlons have eroded or s€ttled / icasketsare leaklng .ilGaskets are leaklng {_ ,Level gaugesoralarmsare inoperative ,/ ,""o r* *r,rro*/ Thietlatch and ventvalve does not seal correlt, { I Contalnment berm shows discoloration or stains -/,w,r(o,r,,rc,,. uE / _t--- lBerm is breached oreroded / iTank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or slgns are mlsslng 049 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checkllst Further descrlptlon and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and anached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non{ompliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant fleld offlce. Copier of this report arc located at: wGO Q;\Corporrt€ Shared\Field OperatioN\o,0 Appadk.s P.gc 3 of 7 Monthly Tank lnspecdon January 20, 2023 Printname: JoL &bc<U Updaed 4l78l20r7 Revision 0 srsnature tr?- Tank lD _c9[{9qt, lTank surfaces show signs of leakage !2_ / ,/ / lTank shows signs ofdamage, rust or deterioratlon Bolts, rlvets or seams are damaS€d rAbove Bround tank foundations have eroded or settled 7 Gaskets are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are inoperatlve ,thtef hatch and ,ent valve does not seal correctly / / /r /rContalnment berm showi dlscoloration or stains Berm ls breached oreroded { lTank area has trash and vegetatlon / jEquipment guards, labels or signs are missing / Oa9 - l,ionthly TrnI lnspcctlon chcckll$ Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to fii5 sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to b€ promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance wlth regulatory requirements, Records are maintained with the sPcc Plan at the Covenant field office. Copi6 of thls.eport are locatad at: wco Q:\c6rpor.t. shar.d\ticld Opcr.dols\0,0 AprEndlc.s P?ae4 ol7 Monthly Tank lnspection January 20, 2023 Printname: lest^ thc ugdated 4ll8l20L7 Revision 0 Signature Tank lD r-202 Tankshowsslgnsofdamage,rustordeterloration r./ Comment rr ,/_Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above Bround tank foundations have eroded or senled I iGaskets are leaklng j level gauges or alarms are inoperative ivents t.- lThlefi are obstructed hatch and vent valve does not seaf.orr.ofy I containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm ls breached or eroded lTank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - ltlonthly Tanl lnspectlon Checkll3t Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and anached to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES" needs to be promptly reponed, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with reSulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Coti€t ofthit report are located at: wGO q:\Corporat. Sh.red\Fi.ld Opcr.tlons\0.0 App.ndlc.s Pete 5 of 7 Monthly Tank lnspection January 20,2023 Printname: +A bL'a sisnat,,re hf Tank lD T-203 updated 4/18/2017 Revision 0 o oz Comment iTank surfaces show si8ns of leakage Tank shows slgns of damaSe, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above Sround tank foundations have eroded or setded lGaskets are leaking level gauges or alarms are inoperative \1 vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve do€s not seal correctlv / Contalnment berm shows discoloration or stains / Berm ls breached or eroded f-7iTank area has trash and vegetation !Equipment guards, labels or slgns are mlssing (r{9 - MonthlyT.rl lnspoctlon Cheddltt Further descriptlon and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in nonrompliance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Cori.3 of this r.pon .rc bc.tcd .t: WGO q:\Corpor.tr Shrr.d\Flrld Opcr.tions\0.0 Appcndic6 Page 6 ot 7 Monthly Tank lnspectlon January 20, 2023 Printname: \bbh Strl updated 4lr8l2ot7 Revision 0 sisnature /*r? Tank lD T-3O3 lTank surfaces show signs of leakaSe 9 g comment [ - i, a* $ ardcclJ',Tank shows siSns of damaSe, rust or deterioration lBolts, rlvets or seams are damaged r' lAbove ground tank foundations have eroded or settled I Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative !vents are obstructedl ]thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly 7 Containment berm shows discoloration or stains I Berm ls breached or eroded lTank area has tresh and yegetation iEquipment guardS labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tank lnspcc{on Checkllst Funher derription and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any ltem answered 'YES" needs to be promptly repofted, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPcc Plan at the covenant lield office. Copi6 of this report .rc lft.t€d .t: WGO Q:\Corpor.t€ ShareAFleld OpcratlonsN.0 Appendlces Page 7 of 7 Monthly Tank lnspection February 23.2023 Print name: Signature Tank lD 5L/ 0<flrb updated 4/18/2017 Revision 0 T-101 o o =_ _qornrnq! Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank showr Cgns of damage, rust or deterlontion Boltg, rivets or seams are damaged .Above Bround tank foundationr have eroded or s€nled lGrskers an lcaklng T --- lterel gauges or alarms are Inoperative l-*:T_oo*:':1 / lrnl.t t.t.t'r and vent valve does not seal correctly ;Contalnment berm slrons dlscoloradon or stains ia", ,.: has trash and vegeEtlon jequlpment guards, labels or ignr are mlsslng / o/le . Monthly Tank lnspccdon dreclllst Further description .nd commcnts, if nreded, should be pro/ided on a separate sheet of paper and anached to this sheet. Any iEm answered ArES" needs to be prompdy reponed, rcpaircd, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance witi regulatory requlrements, Records are malntained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant lleld office. Copt6 ot t rir rcllort ile loatad ati V,l3O q:\CorFr.tc Sh.r.d\H.ld OpcrrtloN\0.0 Appqrdce P{! folT i Berm ls breached or erodcd Monthly Tank lnspection February 13,2023 Printnam€: 5U L T-102 sisnature jtJ/- Tank lD Xlo i"""yt t;; / irant shorssisns :1tgl'"" .l1jgy.:g__ ___ I iBdts, rhetsor seams are damaged ;Above ground Enk foundlllonr.nrr. eroded or settled / lGasketsare leaking lsel Bauges or abrms arg inope rative uodated 4lt8l2o\7 Revlsion 0 Comment Ventt are o,brtructed Thief htEh and vent t/atve does not serl correctly Containmefi berm shors discolontion or stalnt /Berm is breached * 19.d , _ Tank area has_trash and rregetatio.n __ _ / Equlpm!nt guardr, labels or signs are mis$ing O{9 - Monthly T.nl ln3pscdon dreddlst Funher descriptlon .nd commentt lf needed, should be provlded on a ieparate iheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any ltem answered "YES'needs to be promptly report€d, repaired, or replaced, as it may result ln norEompllance wlth regulabry requlrements. Records are mainbined with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. @pi6 of tlis.!pon *e loaatcd at: W6O Qi\Capor.r Shrld\riGid OpontbB\0.o Apocndkca Pi,e2al I / Montily Tank lnspection February 21 2023 Print name: Signature Tank lD 5L/ {L 54*1 & r-103 ugdateil4i,alm:-T Revls'ron 0 oz Comment iTenk rurlaces show signs of leakrge 'Tank shows glgns of darnag€, rust or d€terioretbn Bolts, rlvetr or seems are damaged Above trqrnd Enk foundations have eroded or setiled iGaskeB are leakiqg lcvel Beugls or ebrms aro inoperative r'/I 'Vents are #ructed / :Thlet haEh and vent vehre doca not seal corectly / :Contalnment bffm strows dircolorafion or rtains ! Berm b breached or crodcd / / Tant srea has U5h end Yegetatlon I Equlpment eurdi, hbels or Cgnt are ilissing 0tl9 - ironirly T.nk lmpectbn Chcclllrt Further descrlpuon and comm€nB, lf needed, should be provided on e sepaate sheet of paper and attached o thls sheet Any ltem answered qrES' needs to be promptly reported. repeired, or replaced. as it may r€srt in non-conrpliance with regulatory requirements. Records ar€ maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field oftice. Co9h3 ot thA rcgort rc bc.tcd ali WGO O;\CqDorrt sh.r.d\Hdd op?rlonrE.o Aep.rdc6 P,'!to,7 Mmthly Tenl lnspection February 23.2023 ftintnarn€; fl,//L si.natur€ fl*tZ_ Tank lD I-2Ol Updated 4/18/2017 Revlsion 0 E2 "/ Comm€nt Trnk surfaccs show slgns of leakage Tanl shows slSns of damrge, rust or deter'oration 8olB, rlvets or seams are damaged Above Sround Ank foundatlons have €roded or s€ttled ,/ Gaskets are leaking [evel gauges or abrms arc inoperativc VenE ar€ obsEucted Thhf hatch and v.nt valve doei not seal corrccth Cmtalnment berm shows dbcoloration or stains Brrm is breached or eroded :Tankarca hastrarh and vegetatlofl iEqulpment gusr*, labeb or Cgns are misslng (X9- MmtHVTanl lnspccdon Chcdrlbt Further .letdpuon and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of papcr and attached to thls sheet. Any ltem ansuored 'fEs' needt to be prollptly reported, repaired, o, ,eplaced, as it may result in nonrompllance with regulatory reqdremenB. Records are mrlnbined wlti $e SPCC Plan at the Covenant field ofrice. CoOi6 of ttir ,€9on arc bcrtd & W6O Or\Co(por.tc Shrcd\f rdd Opcr.rionr\0.0 ADgadkat P{r 4of 7 / Mootruy Lnk lnspection February 23, 2023 Print name: 5/r"/ /c ,/*{P T-202 ucd,elad4(LE|aOLT Revhlon 0 Slgnature Tank lO o Comment ,Tank surfrces strcw slgns of leakage 2 "/ 'Tank rhows slgns ofdamege, nrst or d€terloratlon .Eolts, riveB or searns ar€ damagedi . ,., -.. Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Levclge(4es or tLrms are iroperativg ,venB arc obsuuct€d Thiof h:tch and vcnt valrre does not iaal conectly ContalnrnGnt brrm show: discoloradon or stalrui "/ Berm ls breached or eroded Tank areo has tradr and vetetauon / '/- Equlpmentguardt labels orsi8ru are misCnS 0a9 - Monthly Tr'rk lnrpccdon Checlllrt Further d€scription and <ommcnb, lf ne€ded. should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and anached to thir sheel Any item .nrwered 'YES" nceds to be promptly rEported. repiired. or replaced, as it mav rejult in non.compl'rancc with reSulatory requirements. Records are maintalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the Co/enant Freld office. Copl6 otthb rtgort r. loc.t d .t wGo Q:\@por.t sh.rcd\F.ld Opc.tbN\o,o Apgmdc6PI.5 or 7 Monthly Tank lnsp€ction F€bruary 23, 2023 prrntname: fl./E updated 4/18/2017 Revislon 0 signature Tank lD iTank surfaces show siSns of leakage I iTank shors slgns of damage, rust or deterlontlon -54JrL T-203 !Boltt rivets or slams rrc damaged ,Above ground tink foundatlons have eroded or settld ica3ketr are lo.klB I lLe,rel 3auges or ebrms are lnoperative lvents ar€ obstructed lThiel hatch and vent vrlve does not seal correcdy iContalnment be.m shows dlscoloration or stalns B€rm ls br6ach6d or eroded /-_ _ /ilank arca has i?3h .nd vegetatlon lEquipmert Burrds, hbeb or ritns are missinB / 0tl9 - MontHl fanl lnipc(ton Chcclrlkt Furdrer desfiiptbn and comments, lf needed. stlould be provided on a separate sheet of paper and atached to thls slpet. Any ltem on$irered 'YES' rEeds b be prqnptly reported, repeired, or replaced, as lt may resuh in non<ompliance witJl r€gulatory requirementr Re@rds are maintalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field ofice. copls ot thi, rcfo.t rc loa,tad rt: \rrGO q\Corporut. Shrred\Fctd Op6rtio6\0.0 App.ndlacr Pry 6ot7 Monftly Tank lnspcction February 23, 2023 Print name: Signature Tank lD uodzred4ltBlZOLT Revision O Comment Tank rurfacersho* ggns *leakas; -4ilat &erL utl eoaea_ tlTank shows Cam of damage, rust or deterioration BolB, riYcts or seams are damaged ,r*/ L /*J L T-303 Abor/€ Sround tank toundations have eaoded or setfled Gesksts are hakln8 Lvel tautcs or al.rms are inoperadve vlnts.rE obstruct.d _l Thlef haEh and vent valve does mt seal correctly / Contalnment berm ihotrri dlrcoloradon or ltalns Bcrm is breechcd or erodcd 'Tank area has trash and veg€tatloo iEquhment guerds, labels or s[ns are mltsing ot09 - iionthh T.nl ln3pGctbn chcctlltt Furtlrer descrlptlon and commenB, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet Any ltrm Snswered 'fES'neeG to be promptly reported, repaired, or rephced. as it may reqilt ln non-cornpllance wlth reSuhtory requlrements. Records are malnulned wlth the SPCC Plan rt the Covenant fleld office. 0opl.3 of thli raport rra locatad at: w@ Q\cofpor.t sh.i.d\F.ld op.r.rh,rB\0, Agpcndar PrS. 7 of 7 MothlyTank lnspEdon :;:&i*r Tank lD T-101 Updabd 4ltgl2077 Reision O Comment surtaces shos siSni of leakaS€ Tank shows slgns of damaSe, rust or deterioration tround tanl bundadons have eroded or setued gauges or alams are lnop€ntlve are obst ucted hatch and ventvalve do€s not s€al conectly bem 3lws dlsolondon il stains breached or eroded area has tEsh and vegetrtlm guardt lab!ls or slSns are mlslng _-l 049 - Monthly Tlnl lnrpoctlon Chcc$n Furfier descrlptim and comments, lfneeded, should be prwlded on a seperate sheet of paper and attach€d to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES' needs to be promptly reponed, repalred, or Gplaced. ar lt may re$lt ln M{mpllance whh regulatory requirement! Reords ae ruint in€d wlth the sPcc Plan atthe cov.nant ied omc.. Copla ot tnb rrgon f,a lotrd i: wGO Oi\Corpont. Pi. I of7 lz 1 Ivlr MonthlyTank lnspccdon :[-g'h* Tanl lD T-lO2 updated 4/1u2o17 Relilon O T.nk surfecos shos slgns of lsakag€ Tank shows slgns ofdamate, rust tr dettrloatlon Eoltt rtoGts or serms alr dama8ed Aborre ground tank bundadons hay€ €roded or sttled Laklng Level gauggs or alams are lnoperatlve aE obstffited and vertvalve does not *el conectly EqulpnEnt Buardt labcb or Ctns .r. mlrsln8 oat - montily Trnl lnre.cdolr Ch.Ctltst Furthar descrtsdon and commen6, lf n€cdad, should br prorldrd on a 3eparata ahset of pape, and attaclEd to thls sh€at. Any ttem answered 'YES' needs to be prompdy repord, repalrod, or nphed, as lt may rsult ln nm{ompllance wlth reSulatory requlremcnts. Records are mrint incd whh th€ SPCC Pl.n rt the Cov€n.nt lleH omce. Copl- of tftlt .cpon rc ldad t: UrGO e\Co.pod. stund\n.E OD.ibdr\OO lFadc6 ?1 2o,7 bem shffi dlsoloBdon or rtalns area hes trash and Ytgltatirn MmdllyTank lnsp€cdon March 22,2023 Printn"*,fil UpdatPitlLSlzOLT Revlslon 0 sl8nature Tank lD Commenl Tank sufices show signs of leakate Tank shows ti8ns ofdamaSe, rust or deterloEtion f *,o n*r ", *.rrt.* o., o Garkets tlb*. 811t1l'"d1:n', h.l. Td101 are leaklng iLevel gau86 or alams are lnoperattw ,;;;-..", - Thiefhatch and v"nt valve docs not sal correcty Contalnment bem shows dl$olmtlon or staing Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and wgetatlon Equipment glardt lab€ls or sl8ns are missin8 Oil9 - i/ionoly T.nt h$.cllon Chcctln Funher descrtpdon and comments, lf reeded, should be provlded on a sp.rate sh€et of paps and attached to thls sh€eL Any itm answered 'YES" needs to b€ prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may reslt ln nort.tompllan€e wl$ regulatory r€qulrcments. Records ere malntalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the Crvenant fleld office. Copt6 of tits rGron arG bcatad at wGO O\Cdporx. grr.d\Fldd Opq.&ar\o.o App.nd.6 tua.3 of7 T-103 Mtrtily Tant lnsp€ctloo ;**;l p,l-lL senaturcQH\ Tank lD T-2Ol Updahd4l,.Sl2OlT Revision 0 Tank rurfaces show siSns of l..lage Tank showr slSns ofdamage, rustor d€terloBtion Bolts, rlwts or sams are damaged g:rEes tr alams aE lmpendve 0a9 - lrlontily f.nl lnrpc(don Ch.ctll3l Furttcr dcscrlptlon and commentt, if nseded, should b€ prwlded on a sparate sheet of papcr:nd atadred to this shect Any hlm answerad 'fEs' needs to b" gromptly reportd, t€palrcd, tr raphced, a! lt may result ln nm.co.npllance uldl rGSubbry rlqukements. nemrds are malntalned wlth th€ SPCC Plan at th€ @venrnt f,eld offce. Cod6otdilrlfr-al@t de $rGO Q:\Co.Doot ?1. a ol, hrtch and vent vahre does not teal conecth bem shows dircoloration or stains It ondrly Tanl ln3pacllon r-ffih[t'Upd.dry4n017 nsldon 0 T.nk tD T-202 oaC - hfidrly T.trt lnlD.auon chad.lllt runhrr dtscrlptloil .rd comm.fitr, ll naodad, shddd ba praidcd on a aoparatB ahaat of papar and attadld to drb rh..t Arly ltrf,r an3waltd 'vEs' mcds E b. FDmpO ,rporrd, np.lrd, r nfLcad, .s lt mf, rtidt ln nurcomplrm ultlt ttiuhbty ruquldtl|ltt i.cod3 l'! mrhdnod wlth lhG sPcC PLn ltrhc covtn ntlLld ofic.. CoDlr oaiib rflrr e lodd e urco A\0rro.r. tr.ndfld Orndd.\o.0 Artr*! Pr.r3or7 f.r* srrf.c.3 rlror rlgE d Ldrgl 4 frr* shors dl,ls d d.m{t, rust or drtE loration r loha rlvatr or rGams rrr darna&d lboJe riround lank fuundrdons h.w qEdcd or setllcd Garlcol ara haklng v Ln olnl{nr or alarms a'! k'loper.dve t/ /anB ar! obsh&tld nilaf hadr .rd tlflt rrahc do.3 nd !.rl oritctly t/ bntalnment bamr droryr drEol6rtqr d stalnt r' lm Bbudrad a.rodad f Lnl rru€ h.r urartr rnd r,astErbo / iqulpmrnt ![rdt lrbcls ot Sns src mbllri v MmthlyT.nl hsp.ctlon MaEh 22,2023 h*Pdnt namc: slgnanra Tenl lD /by -T71 T-203 Upd.M 4/rV2017 ieYtsbn 0 0{t. MonlhlyTml lnrp.cdon Ol.dlltt Funhsr d.scrlpdon and cofirmcnts, tf iladcd, thilH ba Ewldad ql a sapar.E lhGct d p.pcr.rd .tt chrd to d|b sha€t Any ltam an3wcrrd 'lEs'n€sds to be prmlptly reportEd, rlpelrGd, or rEpLced, rs lt m.y rast|lt h noHornpllanca ultr rc8ulabry nqulrcm.ots R.cords.r€ melntiincd wlth tha SPCC P,lan rt thc Cor.nrnt tlcld olitc, CoCr of dlli rwt m ldad t $60 A\CoFd SlEt4Fld Opr.d.6\0.0 At i&. P{r iot, rurhcc5 show dSns of l.clege $oss slSnr ot d:mag!, ru3t or fuloratlon grcund ulnL fturdrdons hrE arodcd or setd€d ,**fraO*,*"f .-*4, .rc. hs tirh and Ytt"trtlon MonthlyTenl lnspecdon :il["#w= Tank lO T-303 updared 4/18/2017 Rrylslon 0 Cmment oag - ironthry f.llt ln$.cdon Chtdllrt Further da$ripuon and cmm€nts, lf nccded, rhuld b€ provlded on a 5€p.nte shcrt of paper and att ched to thls shs.t Any hem an3wered 'YES' n€cds to ba Prdtpdy reportad, rlpahd, or rsplrced, rs lt may result ln mrompllance s,tth .e8ulabry raqulnemenE. Recordi ar€ mrlntalncd wlth the SPCC Plan.tthe @venant flcld ofic.. Copl6 of 6b cport .r. bd.d .r: I{/GO O\CsPo.lta ShaadF.ld OF-.dodO.O lFGrrft 6ttr 7 o,7 Tant shffi slgns of damte, rust tr dct rbBdm 8olts, rivG8 d ra.mi !c damatd trund tank foundationg haw eroded or cetd€d LevelSaugps or alams are lnop€Etlve Thlaf hrth ,nd vent Elvc does not saal c6rlcdy berm shffi dls.oloradon or stains Berm ls breach€d or eroded ana has tECr end wSetatlon Monthly Tank lnspectlon ^Ji--^Cn^[ Signature! l^LL- Tank lD T-101 Updad4ll.glzoLT Revislon 0 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deteriofittion Bolts, rlveB or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level 8au8es or alarms are lnoperative are obstrucEd 049 - tt ontily Tlnh lnspccdon Chcdrllst Further des.rlptlon and comments, lf n€eded, should be prwlded on a s€parate sheet of paper ard attached to this sheet. Any ltem answered 'YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records aremalntalned with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant ffeld offke. Copt* otfrils rcpon ara locatcrt rt WGO Q:\Corpor.t! Sh.r.AFt.ld Oper.fi ons\O.O App.ndcts P.8. I of7 hatch and vent valve does not seal conecuy berm sha^rs dlscolorauon or stains area has trash and vegetauon guards, labels or slgns are mlsslng Monthly Tank Inspectlon Aptil24,m23 ;:.::***rw udatfd4ltsl2otl Revislon 0 Tank lD Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage shows slgns of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged Bround tank foundations have eroded or setded Gastets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are lnoperative are obstructed Ihlef hatch and vent valve does not s€al conectly berm shows discoloratlon or stains is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetadon Equipment guards, labeh or slgns are missing 0{ll - MontftlyTank lnspectbn Chedrllst Further descrlpdon and comments, lf needed, should be prorlded on a sepaEte sheet of paper and attadred to this sheet. Any item answered'YES' needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may resuh ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records aremalntained wlth the SPCC plan at the Covenant field ofrice. Copica of Ofr report rrG locltad tt: wGO Q:\Corpor.ta Shar.d\Flcld Op.rrtionr\O.o Appondk.s p.ge 2 ol l Monthly Tank lnspectlon Apfl!24,20,23 Printname: fiV.--r' signature I -, UpdaEd4lLglzOLT Revislon 0 Tank lD T-1O3 Comment 049 - Monthly Tant lnspectbn Checlllst Further description and commenB, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of pape, anO attached to this sheet. Any item answered'rEs'needs to bc promptV reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlrementr. Records are malntalned with tte SPCC Plan at the @venant field offrce. Cod€s ofdrb rrpon .ra locrird .t: wGO (f,\Corpor.tG Sh.rcd\FLld Oprntionr\O.O App.ndc.sp.dc 3 of 7 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs ofdamage, rust or deterloration Bolb, rivets or seams are damaged Equipment guards, labels or signs are mlssing ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperatve hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains Tank area has trash and vegetatlon updated 4lr8l20].7 Revislon 0 Tank lD Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shorvs signs of damage, rust or deterloration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Bround tank founda$ons have ercded or settled are leaking 8AU8eS Or alarms are lnoperadve are obstructed hath and vent valv€ does not seal correctly berm shows discoloradon or stains is breached or eroded arca has trash and vegetadon guards, labels or signs are mising 049 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Checkllst Further descriPtlon and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of peper and attached to thls sheet, Any ltem answered "yES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced. as it may result ln nonrornpliance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field offre. Copi6 ofthb rGFDn r. bcrtad rt: WGO Q\Corpor.t. Sh.rGd\Ficld Opor.tions\0.0 Appcndk:s P.8c 4 of 7 MonthlyTank lnspecdon Apt1l24,2,23 ,r-- lt *rnLdqL;*:"fr#;r- Tank lD T-202 UpdatPd4lts/20t7 Revision 0 surfaces show slgns of leakage ,no"o ,6n, o, Orrn'ag* ,rr, o, O","no*t* riveB or seams are damaged ground tank fioundadons have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are Inoperawe are obstructed Ihlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correcth berm shows discoloratlon or stains B€rm is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetatlon Equipment &ards, labels or signs are mlssing (!19 - iionthly Tanl lnspecdon Checkllst Further description and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheel Any ltem answered "YEs' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result ln non<ornpliance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintalned with the SPCC plan at the Covenant fleld ofiice. I, . Copt6 of thE rcport .rc loc.tld il: WGO Q:\Corpor.E Shrrcd\Ecld Oporrttons\O.O Appcndic6 PzgcSofT Monthly Tank lnspection Aprr24,rou--._ n ";J:'TJ,V,P,', updated 4lt8/20r7 Revislon 0 Tank lO T-203 (X9 . Monrhly Tank lnspecdon Checllast Further descriptlon and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any ltem answered 'YEs" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result tn non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records aremaintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Coptc otthti repoft arc locatcd rt: WGO Q:\Corporatc Sherrd\Fteld Op€r.Uons\O.O AppGndks P.ic 6 of 7 -l surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterloratlon Bolts, riveB or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled Level BauSes or alarms are lnoperative fhief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly area has trash and vegetatlon Equipment guardt labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspection APril,4''o" -.-- t\Print name: T*l frerrl*J4-, sisnature aqWU Tank lD T-3O3 updated 4lt8/20l7 Revision 0 Comment surfaces show signs of leakage :*rttl@ shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration ---lttrt e4_e"+ 801ts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled are leaking Level gauges or alarms are lnoperative are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly T.nk lnspecdon Checkllst Further description and comments, lf ne€ded, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "yES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result ln non-compliance wlth regulatory regulrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Coptct of this rcport ,c bcated at: WGO Q:\Corporatr Sh.rcd\Ficld Opsations\O.O App€ndc6p.zat ol 7 Monthly Tank lnspection May 2?,2023 updared 4/L8120L7 Revision 0 printname: -LSh fotr. Signature hf Tank lD T-101 Ol9 - Monthly T.nl lnsp€ctlon Checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and amched to thls sheet. Any ltem answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompliance wlfi regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPcc Plan at the crvenant fleld office. Copies of this repon re lft.tcd.t: wGO Q:\Corpor.t. Sh.r.AFidd Opcratloro\o.o Appendkca Pl8C 1of 7 Comment rank surfaces show si8ns of leakage l'ank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloratlon lolts, rivets or seams are damaged / {bove ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Saskets are leaking -evel gauSes or alarms are lnoperative r'ents are obst ucted l'hief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly :ontainment berm shows discoloradon or stains lerm is breached or eroded Iank area has trash and vegetation / guards, labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspectlon May 23,2023 Prlnt name: $S" SU.r ugdated 4lL8lZ0L7 Revislon 0 sisnature bf TanK ID (n9 - MonthlyTenk lnspecdon chtckllst Furth€r description and cmrments, lf ne€ded, should be provlded on a leparate sheet of paper and attadred to thls sheet Any ltem answered 'YES" needs to be prompw t€ported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth reSulabry requlrements. Records are malntalned with the SPCC Phn at tle Covenant lield office, Copi.t o{ thb rcport r. hc.t.d rt: trreO Q:\corpor.t. ShrrGAHdd O9.r.doos\0.0 Af.ndcc. Pqazof 7 ank surfaces show signs of leakage lank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloratlon iolts, rlvets or seams are darnaged \bove ground tank foundafions have eroded or settled iaskets are leaklng rvel gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve / Yents are obstructed Thie, hatch and vent valve does not s€al correctly / Containment berm shows discoloration or stains I Berm ls breached or eroded Tank area has trash end vegeEdon Equipment guards, labels or slgns are mlsslng Monthly Tank lnspectlon May23,2O23 Prlntnamer J+t- ftU.UpdahdVLAaOLT Revlslon 0 sisnature hf Tank lD T-103 049 - Monthly T.nl lnrpcctlon Geddlst Further descrlpdon and commens, lf needed, should be pror'rled on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet Any ltem answered 'YES' needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replac€d, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are malntalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the C-ovenant lleld office, CodGs of th'B rcport arc l6rtcd at: WGO Q\Corpont Sh.r.d\F.ld Opc..tions\0.0 AppenocBs Px.3 of 7 surtaces strow slSns of leakage Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterioration Bohs, rivets or seams are damaged Abore ground tank fioundations have eroded or settled EEuges or alarms are lnoperauve Thlef hatch and vent valve do€s not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stalns area has trash and vegetatlon guards, labels or slgns are misslng Monthly Tank lnspection May 23,2023 Printname: -\eX St<- sisnature kf Tank lD T-2O1 updated 4lL8/2Ot7 Revision 0 Comment surfaces show slgns of leakage shows signs of damage, rust or deter'roration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled are leaking gauges or alarms are inoperative are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains Tank area has trash and veSetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are mlsslng 049 - Monthly T.nk lnspectlon Checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a separate sh€et of paper and attached to thls sheet. AnV item answered "YES' needs to be promptly reported. repalred, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant ffeld office. Copier ofthis repon trc locrtld .t: wco Q:\Corporrtc sh:rod\Firld Op€r.tlons\0.0 Appendicct PraG a of 7 Monthly Tanl lnspectlon May 23,2023 Updated 4ll8/20!7 Revlsion 0 Prtnt name: Jof- frtcc sisnature h l" Tank lD surfaces show slgns of leakage are obstructed hatch and vent valve does not seal correcdy berm shows discoloration or stelns ls breached or eroded area has trash and vegetation guards, lab€ls or slgns are mlssing 049 - ttlonihfi rank ln$cctbn Ched(lbt Further description and comments, lf needed, should be provkled on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any hem answered 'fES' needs to be promptv reported, r€palred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompliance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained wiul the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copars of thls rapo.t l.a locnad at: WGO Q\Capor.tG Srrarcd\Held Opc6tlons\0.0 Appendk.r P.Ie 5of7 shorvs slgns of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundadons have eroded or setded b knL lcd g*g8au8es or alarms are lnoperadve Monthly Tank lnspectlon May 23,2023 Print name: Signature Tank lD fut'rJosx k- T-203 Updated 4/tgl20L7 Revislon 0 Iank surfaces show signs of leakagB shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or slgns are mlsslng otr9 - Monthly T.nk lnsDectlon Cfteckllst Funher description and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are malntained wlth the SPCC Plan at the Covenant fleld offlce. Coplas of this report rrc located .t: WGO Q:\Corpor.te Sh.rcd\Fcld Oper.tiorB\0.0 Appendc6 P.tc 6 of 7 rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled are leaking gauges or alarms are lnoperative hatch and vent valve does not seal cor,ectly berm shows discoloration or stains m is breached or eroded Monthly Tank hspectlon May23,2023 Updated 4/L8120L7 Revision 0 Printname: JrSn fohC Signature f fTank lD T-303 049 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Chedrllst Funher description and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant fleld office. Copi6 of this report are lmted et: WGO Qlcorpontr Shar€AFl6ld Opratioru\o.o Appendkcr Prge7 ol 7 surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or s€ams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are lnoperative Vents are obsfucted Thlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly lgi.r,b.rr th*tdt*"|ffi Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetatlon Monthly Tank lnspectlon July 2O 2023 t Printname: fronf frrl ht/Updad4ltSlaOtT Revlslon 0 Slgnature Tank lD Comment (r9- Monthlylnl lnspcctbn Orc*lbt Further descripdon and cornmen6 if needed, should be provided on a separaE sheet of paper and attadred to this sheet, Any item answered 'fES' needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements, Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Corenant fleld ofhce. Co9aas otthis rQort.r! lGtcd.t wGO Q;\Corpont. SharoAF.ld Opar.tl,on3\0.0 Apperdk€s P.t lof7 rank surfaces show signs of leakage Iank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloradon (/ 301ts, rivets or seams are damaged {borre ground tank foundadons have etoded or settled t/ Saskets are leaking r' Level 8au8es or alarms are lnoperadve r' Vents are obstructed t/ Thlef hatch and vent valve does not seal conectly ,/ Contalnment b€rm shows dlscolondon or stalns ,/ Berm ls breached or eroded / Tank area has rash and vegetatlon / Equlprnent guards, labels or slgns are mlsslng / Monthly Tank lnspectlon Julv 20.2023 , I ,n","..", {rr.*{ff/'rK sisnature G Tank lD T-102 updated 4lL8l2ot7 Revision 0 Comment Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged Above ground ttnk foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are lnoperauve Vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and veSetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tanl lnspecdon Cheddlrt Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and at6ched to thls sheet. Any item answered '"YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as it may result ln non-compliance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field offlce. Copis ofthis rcgon are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Sh.r.d\Ficld Opar.tbns\0,0 Appendku P.t. 2 of 7 Monthly Tank lnspection July 2Q 2023 ;;,"; r"/ kl*rt& T-103 slgnature Tank lD 4lt&l2Ot7 Revlslon 0 ----l_-J l __.1 I surfaces show slgns of leekege shows slgns of damage, rust or deterioratlon Bolts, dveB or seams are damaged ground tank foundatlons have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperadve are obstructed hatrh and rrcnt valve does not scal correcdy berm shows discoloration or stalns is breached or eroded 049 - Mondrlyf.nk lnipccdon Ch.ctll3t Further descriptlon and commenB, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and anached to this sheet Any ltem answered 'fES' needs to be pomptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained wlth the SPCC Plan at the Govenant field offke. Copl6 of $is rcport &c locrt d tr wGO Q;\corporst. St.rdFi.ld Opcr.doru\o.o App.ndicc. P.t.3of7 area has trash and veSetation guards, labels or slgns are missing Monthly Tank lnspection July 20,2023 flJ,{*Print name: SiSnature Tank lD frr^]-(F T-201 updated 4l]^8l2ot7 Revlsion 0 surfaces show signs of leakage Tank area has trash and vegetadon t-rr,*", .r-rrJ, "*;;;r r r" -*"t 049 - Montftly Tank lnspcctlon Oleckllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non<ompllance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field omce. Copies of this repon are lcated rt: WGO q;\Corpor.te Sh.r.d\Fleld opcr.t ons\o.0 Appendks P.gc 4 of 7 Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve Thief hatch and vent valve does not s€al corectly berm shows discoloration or srains Berm ls breached or eroded Monthly Tank lnspectlon July 20,2023 ir'^r*^",' frt nrbk Updated 4lLEl20t7 Revlslon 0 Slgnature Tank lD ( T-202 guards, labels or si8n9 are missing Ofg - Itlonthly T.nl ln3pccdon Orcctlbt Further descrlptlon and comments, if ne€ded, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet Any ttem answered 'fES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln norrconrpllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records ar€ malnulned wlth the SFCC Plan at the Covenant ffeld offfce. Coph! ofthh rrport r? loc.trd .t: \i/GO q:\Co.po.rt SlBrcd\Fcld Opcntbn3\o.o Amcodkcs Plgc5ofT fank surfaces show slgns of leakage tl fank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterioration 301ts, rlvets or seams are darnaged la {bove ground tank foundations have eroded or settled 3asketr are leaking / -evel gauges or alarms are lnoperadve r'enB are obstructed Ihlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly :ontainment berm shows discoloration or stains V Serm ls breached or eroded rank area has trash and veSeE[lon Monthly Tank lnspectlon July 20,2023 , .' ),r' ^i * ^".' .r/^/ tt' l* k stsnature f"q Tank lD T-203 updated4/18120l7 Revlslon 0 Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shor6 signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaSed t 49 . Monthly Trnk lnsprtlon Chcckllst Further descrlption and commenE if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet ofpaper and attached to this sheet. Any ttem answered "YES' needs to be promptly repord, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln norrcompllance wltfi regulatory requlrements. Records are malntalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the Covenant fleld offlce. CopiG of thh roport arc laatad at: WGO CU\@rpor.t. Sh.r.4Fdd moE\0.0 App.odk€s Paga E of 7 ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve hatch and vent valve does not leal correctly Contalnment berm shows dlscoloration or stains Berm ls breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegebtlon Suards, labeh or slgns are mlssint JulV2O,2O23 r l^'^i"*T, r,,* fLl*,& sisnature (( Tank lD T-303 0f9 - ilonthly Tant lnspccdon Orcclllst Further descripdon and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a sepaftrte sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any hem answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulabry requlrements. Records are malntained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant fleld office. CoCrs of ihB nport r! locatcd il: wGO Q:\Corpor.t. Shercd\F.ld Opr.tlons\0.0 Appendkcs PI.e7o'7 Monthly Tank lnspectlon updatfd4l:.8l20tl Revlslon 0 ank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloradon rtvets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperative hstch and vent valve does not seal conectly berm shoivs dlscolorrdon or stalns is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetatlon guards, labels or slgns are mlsslng Monthly Tank lnspection luly 20,2023 Printname:Trcrvi5 Oltdl Updated 4lt8l2ol7 Revision 0 signature T,r^* 01.r.- Tank lD T-101 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration 801t5, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly containment b€rm shows discoloration or stains Tank area has trash and vegetation Equlpment guards, labels or signs are missinB 049 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet' Any item answered , yES' needs to be prompw reponed, rcpalred, or replaced, as it may result in non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements' Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office' copi.s of thB rcport a'e locatcd lt: wco A\co;ttc shared\Fi€ld op'rations\o'0 Appendkt3 PtSe 1 of 7 Monthly Tank lnspectlon July 2O 2023 Prlnt name:Tf4/ ; 5 O I 5 C^ srsnature {rrr>*l 0l--- Tank lD T-102 Updated 4lLAlzOtz Revlslon 0 Comment Of9 - MonthlyT.nk lnspccdon Chectllst Further descrlption and commens, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper aird attached to tfiis sheet Any ltem ansr rered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SFCC Plan at the Covenanr ffeld office. Coplas of dils rcport rrc locatad at: wGO q\@rpont Shtrtd\FGld Opcrtt ons\O.O Appardkc:pa8.2ol7 Iank surfaces show slgns of leakage lank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterioratlon Bolts, ri\rets or s€ams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled GaskeB are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve vents are obstructad fhlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Contalnment berm shows dlscoloratlon or stains Berm is breached or eroded ,/ lank area has trash and vegetatlon J Equipment guards, labels or slgns are missing Monthly Tank hspectlon July 20, 2023 Prlntname:Tray' jg O$C4 Updated 4lLBlzOL7 Revlslon o sisnature .f;"; 0Or.- Tank lO T-103 Comment surfaces show slgns of leakage shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloration rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled GaskeB are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049. Monthly Tanl lnspecdon Checkllst Further descriptlon and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and atEched to this sheet. Any item answered ' YEs" needs to be prompfly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SFCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Coptet of thls report rre l@atcd at wGO C[\Co.por.t. Sh.r.d\Fl.ld Oper.ttons\O.O App.ndiccr P.gc 3 of 7 hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains area has trash and vegetation Monthly Tank lnspecdon July 2O 2023 Print name: Tr4n'| 0 I 5Cn Updated 4lL8l2OL7 Revision 0 sisnature Tr-r; AO- Tank lD T-201 Oag - MonttlyTanl lnspccdon Oucltlst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any ltem answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Cownant field ofEce. Copl6 ddrls rrpon arc locrtcd at: wGO Q:\Corpor.t. Sh.red\Flcld Op€r.tbns\o.o A0pcadk6 P.gG 4 ot 7 Tank sufices show slgns of leakage shows siSns of damaSe, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tlnk foundaUons have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve hatch and vent valve do€s not s€al correctly Contalnment berm shows dlscoloratlon or stalns Berm is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetatlon guards, labels or signs are mlsing Monthly Tank lnspection luly 20,2023 Print name: Tn<.i, Olt ?,updatd4hS/20L7 Revision 0 stgnature -fe* Tank lD T-2O2 ab Comment fank surfaces show signs of leakage shows slgns of damage, rust or dcterioration (X9 - Monthly Trnk Inspccdon Orcdrllst Further descrlption and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any item answered "YEs' needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are malntalned with the SPCC Plan at the covenant field office. Coptes otthti rcpon era locatad at: wGO Q:\crrpor.t! shtred\Fcld Op.r.dons\O.O Arpendker prar 5 of 7 rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Contalnment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm ls breached or eroded area has trash and vegetatlon Equlpment Suards, labels or signs are mlssing Monthly Tank lnspectlon July 2Q 2023 Print name: T[qv;J O tS eq sisnature T; dt^-'' Tank lD T-203 updated 4/L8/2OL7 Revision 0 Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration 049 - Monthly Tank tnspcctton Checkllst Further descrlption and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered'rEs" needs to be promptly reponed, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result in non-compliance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records aremaintained with the spCC plan at the Covenant field office. Copies of this rerDn arc loc.tcd at: WGO Q:\Corpor.te Shared\Ficld Operations\O.O Appendkes page E of 7 Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Sauges or alarms are inoperative Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 7 /-r ,- Monthly Tank tnspectlon July 2Q 2023 Print name: T6a.ziJ OlSel sisnature T.-^) &- Tank lD T-303 Updated 4h8/20t7 Revlsion 0 Comment surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundatlons have eroded or settled are leaking Level gauges or alarms are lnoperative Vents are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains ls breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tsnk lnspecdon Checkllst Further descriptlon and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered'YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result in non-compliance with regulatory requlrements. Records aremaintained with the SPCC plan at the Covenant field office. Copl€s of this report rrc bcated .t: WGO Q:\Corporate Sh.reAFidd Op€r.tions\O.O Appendic.s pagc7 ot 7 Monthly Tank lnspectlon Ar4ust 20, 2023 Prlnt name: faer/ i 5 Slgnature lrtln Tank lD T-101 0llttt 0tn vpdad4ltslzolT Revislon 0 shows slgns of damage, rust or detprbratlon Bdts, rlvets or seams are damaSed ground tank foundadons have eroded or setded lcvel garges or ahrms are lnoperatlve hatch and vent valve do€s not seal correcdy berm shms dlscoloration or stalns Bcrm ls breached or eroded area has trash and vegetaffon Equlpment Suards, labeb or slgns are mlsslng 0t09- Month|fenl lnspccdon Chcctllst Further description and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of pap€r and attach€d to thls sheet. Any lEm answered "YES' needs to be prompw reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result In nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are malnalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the Corenant field ofice. Coplca ofErB rapon aro locrtcd at: wGO Q\Corpont. Sh.rcd\Hcld Opcrltbn!\o.o Appqldlc6?1.tdl Monthly Tank lnspectlon August 20, 2023 Prlntname: Tfo-; slgnature {7q,) Tank lD T-102 t Ol|tn 0l-* Updatdallslzo,T Revlslon 0 surfaces show slgns of leakage 8olts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly area has trash and vegetadon guards, labels or slgns are misslng 049 - iiontily Tanl ln$.cdon Orddlst Further descrlpdon and cornments, lf needed, should be provlded on a sepaEte sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet Any ltem answered -YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are malntalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the C.ovenant lleld office. Coplcs of tib rupon lr. locrtcd .t: W6O Ct\Corpor.t Sh.r.d\FUd Op.r.ltonr\0.0Ape.ndhos P{r2of7 MontrlyTank lnspecdon AugustD,2O2:l prtnt name:fra avi I Q lt2r1 uodatd4l,E,lz,.fl Revlslon 0 SlSnaure Tank lD G T-103 6ll.--- oag- MonftUf.nf frpocdon otdltst Further descrlgdon .nd cdnments, lf needed, should bc provued on a s€parata sheet of paper and attadied to thls sh€et Any lEm answeredT ES' ne€ds to be prompdy reporEd, rcpalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlti rcgulatory rcqulremenB. Records are malntalncd wtth thc SPcc Plan at the Covenant lleld offce. CopLrotdrb raportra loc.thd n: [160 G\Cdpor.o. Slr.r.d\F.ld Opo0o6\0.0 At ndc.. P{leldT shows slgns of demaga, rust or deterbradon rlveB or seams are damaSBd ground tank fuundauons have eroded or setded garg6 or alams are lnoperattve and ventvahe does not seal conecdy berm shows dlscoloEtbn or stalns arca hes trash and vegetadon guards, lrbcb or slgns are mlsslng Monthly Tank hspectlon August 2q 2023 Prrntname: Tr"ni t OltCn srsna$re {rn) dt* Tank lD T-201 UpdadalLBl20tT Revlslon 0 Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloration Bolts, rlvets or seams are damaged ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled Level gar.Bes or alams are lnoperatlve Ihlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correcfly berm shows dlscoloadon or stalns Berm ls breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetatlon Equlpment guards, labels or signs are missinS 0{9 - tbfonthly Lnl lnspccdon Ghcdllst Further descrlpdon and comments, lf needed, should be prwlded on a separaE sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet Any hem answered 'YES' needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are malntained with tie SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copaai of $ls r.pon.r. loc.t d lt: l rGOQ\Corpont Sh.rcd\Eddopcrrtbnr\0.0AppGndk!. P!r.4 of 7 MonthlyTank lnspec{on August 20, 20Zl rantname:ffavi J Al5c,rdt- Updad4lLSlNtT Revlslon 0 Slgnature Tank lD Tro') f-202 019 - l[ontft ly lenl lnspccdon Orcdllst Furtfier descrlpdon and commenB, f needed, should be provided on a s€parate sheet ofpaper and atached to $ls sheet Any ltem answered 'yES' needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may r€sult ln nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained wltfi the SFCC Plan at the C.ovenant field ofrce, Copacr ottrlt rlport l,c locatad at: UreO A\Corpor*r S;turd\ndd Opr.0oB\0.0 Apprxft.3 P{r5of7 Tank surfaces thow slgns of leakage Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloradon BolE, rtvets or seams are damaged Aborre ground tank foundadons have eroded or setded Level gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve hatch .nd vent \6lve do€s not s€al conecdy berm shows dlscolor"tlon or stalns area has trash and vegetatlon guards, labels or dgrs are misslng Monthly Tank lnspectlon August 2Q 2O23 Printname: Tt^-t I Slgnanrre lr..f 't ol,c-t dtn updatfd4ltsl2otT Revlslon 0 Tank lD 0f9 - ilonth[ fanl lnspccdon chcd.llst Further descrlpdon and co.riments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attrched to thls sheet Any ltem answered 'YES' needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may resutt ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are malntalned wlti the sPCc Plan at the Covenant lleld ofice. Copl6 of thls r@rt.r.loatcd.t: tt GO Q\CorDont Sh.nd\Fcld Op.rrtbns\O.O Appidk.. P.!c 6of7 Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloradon ground tanl foundadons have eroded or settled tevel gauges or alarms are lnoperadve Ihief hatch and vent ralve does not seal correcdy berm shows discoloraUon or stalns Berm ls breached or eroded area has trash and vegetadon Equlpment guards, labels or slgns are mlssing Monthly Tank lnspectlon August 20, 2023 Printname:t.-i, sisnature T*; 0 Tank lD T-:n3 o$e^ l* Updabd4lLgl2otT Revlslon 0 surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shorvs slgns of damage, rust or deterloradon Bolts, rlvets or s€ams are damaged ground tank foundadons have eroded or setded Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve hatch and vent yalye does not s€al conectly berm shows dlscolorauon or stains area has trash and vegeEtlon Equlpment guards, labels or slgns are mlssing 0{9- Monti[fenl hcpccdon Oud.llst Further dscrlpdon and commenB, lf ne€ded, should be provlded on a sepaEte sheet ofpaper and attached to fils sheet Any hem ansnered 'YES' needs to be promptly repored, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulabry requlrements. Records are malnalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the Covenant ffeld offlce. Coplca of $b raoon .rG lo(rtcd rt: wGO O\Corpontc Sihrrcd\Edd opcndons\o.o AF.ndc6 p,':eT d7 Monthly Tank lnspecdon September 20, 2OZl Prlntname: ShadRobertson signature 5Ug"/A) Tank lD T-101 Ol9 - tlonthly Tanl lnspccdon Orcctllst Further descrlptlon and commen6 lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls she€t Any ttem answered 'fES' needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as h may resuh ln non{ompllance wlth reguhbry requlremenB. Records are malntalned with the SrcC Plan at the Covenant field office. Coplc! of$B rcpo.t Jc loc.tcd rt wGO Q:\CoAor.t sh.r.d\F.ld Op.rdoB\0.0Ae0rdcG P.ac t df r surfaces show slgns of leakage shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloradon Bolts, dvets or seams arc damaged Above ground tank fioundadons have eroded or settled Level gau8es or alarms are lnoperadve hatch and vent valve does not seal conecdy berm shorrs dlscoloratlon or stains Berm ls breached or eroded Tank area tras trash and v€getauon Equlpment guards, labels or slgns are mlssing MonthlyTank lnspecdon sepEmber20,20zl Pdntname: ShadRoberBon srsnature JL,.t €J<r/r*> Tank lO Ol9 - montfily Tlnt lnrpcctlon OrccHlrt Further descrlptlon and commenq lf needed, should be provlded on a sepaGte she€t of paper and attached to thls sheet Any ltem answered 'tES' needs to be prornptly r€porEd, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory requlremenB. Records are malntalned wlth thc SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. coccr otthlt rccon.r. loortd .i w@ Q:\Co.por.t. shrnrflFrld op*etlons\0.0 Appidb..PI.l of I surfaces show slgns of leakage shows slgns of damaSe, rust or deterloradon 8olts, riveB or seams are damaged Above Sround tank foundaUons have eroded or setded Level BauSes or alarms are lnopendve Thlef hatch and vent valve do€s not seal conecdy Contalnment berm shows dlscoloratbn orstalns Berm ls breached or ercded Tank area has trash and vegetadon guards, labels or slgns are mlssing Monthly Tank lnspecdon September 2Q 2023 Prlnt name: Shad Robertson srsnature 5U€L*U Tank lD T-101 Of9 - Irlontily Tant lnspccdon Orcddlst Further descriptlon and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a sepaftlte sheet of paper and atbched to $ls sheet Any item ansrxered 'fES' needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlremenB. Records are malntalned wlth the sPcc Plan at the Covenant field ofhce. Coplca ofthis rcpon arc locatad at: WGO Q:\Co.por.t. Sh.r.d\F.ld Opr.dons\o,o ADp.ndlc.. eqc r cit I surfaces chow slSns of leakaSe shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloradon rivets or s€ams are damaged ground tank foundauons have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperadve hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows dlscoloratlon or stalns area has trash and vegeta0on guards, labels or slgns are mlssing MonthlyTank lnspecton SepEmber2O 2023 Pdntname: ShadRoberBon srsnature fl-rAtzt*, Revlslon 0 Tank lD Oa9 - Montily T.nl tnrpccdon Oudrllgt Furtfier descrlpUon and commenB, lf needed, should be proylded on a separate sheet of pap€r and attaded to drls sheet Any hem ansurered "yES'needs to be promptly reported, rcpalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory r€qulrementr Records are malntalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the Coyenant freld offfce. CoplGr of drb rlport arc lEtrd rt l,lrco Cu\Corpont Sh...d\F.ld Opr.doB\oo AppodlcG P.a. r of r rank surfaces slrow slgns of leakage t/ Iank shows signs of damage, rust or deterloration ,olts, riveB or seams are damaged irbove Sround ttnk founda0ons have eroded or setded Sasl(€ts ara leaklng .evelgaugps or alarms are lnoperatlve r/ents are obstructed / Ihlef hatch and vent valve does not seal conectly / bntalnment berm shows dlscoloradon or stains Berm ls breached or eroded fank area has trash and \reSetadon Equlpment guards, labels or sl8ns are mlsslng Montfi ly Tank lnsp€ctlon September 20, 2023 Print name: Shad Robertson Revlslon 0 sisnature 5/..( erleL^; Tank lD (lllll - lylonthly Tanl lnspecdon Chedrllst Further descrlpdon and commenB, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet Arry iEm ansu/ered *YES' needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth reguhory requlremenB, Records are malntained with th€ SPCC Plan at the Corenant lleld office. CoC.. of$b raport rrr loc.tcd at WGO Q:\Capor.t. Sherrd\Fcld Opcrrtoos\0.o App.ndlcc! P.g. 1 of f surfaces show slgns of leakage shows signs of damaSe, rust or deterloradon Bolts, rlvets or seams are damaged ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled Level gaug3s or alarms are lnoperatlve hatch and vent valve does not seal conecuy berm shows dlscoloratlon or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetadon Equipment Buardt labels or slgns are mlssing Monthly Tank lnspecdon September 2q 2023 Prlnt name: Shad Robertson Revlslon 0 srsnature ;;/J Tank lD (X9 - l{ontft ly Tant lnseocdon Orcdllst Further descrlpdon and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheeL Any lEm answered 'fES' ne€ds to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non{ompllance wlth regulabry requlrements. Records are malntalned wlth the SPCC Plan at the corenant field ofice, Cophr odthls rcpo.t r. loctt.d rt: wGO (l:\CqDorr. ShrrcdEold Ogcrdonr\o.o Agpcndc.t fuc lof r surfaces show slgns of leakage shows slgns of damage, rust or deterlorauon rlvets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundadons have eroded or setued gaugSs or alarms are lnoperildve hatch and vent valve do€s not seal conectly area has t?sh and vegetadon Buards, labels or slgns are mlsslng MonthlyTank lnspecdon September 20,2023 Printname: ShadRobertson srsnature ;ib/ €btL*) Tank lD T-203 O{9 - Monthly Tmt lnspccdon Chcdllst Further descrlptlon and commenB lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attachcd to Olls sheel Any ttem anslered 'fES'needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth reguhtory requlrements. Records are malntalned with the SPCC Plan at the Corcnant ffeld office. Codaa of$ls rcport rfr locatcd rt wGO O:\Co.por.t. Shrrcd\Fcld Oprodons$.o Ap.ndc.t P{Glofl surfaces show slgns of leakage shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloration rlvets or seamr are damaged Bround tank foundauons have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve hatch and vent valve does not seal correcdy berm shows dlscoloradon or stalns area has trash and vqetadon guards, labels or slgns are mlsslng MonthlyTank lnspecdon September 20,2023 Prlntname: ShadRobertson srsnature 1Lt t?-lrr/*Revlslon 0 Tank lD Comment 019 - trlonthhTanl lnspccdon OrccHlst Further descrlpdon and comments, lf needed, should be provHed on a separirte sheet of paper ard attached to $ls sheeL fury ltem answered 'fES' needs to be promptly reporEd, repalred, or rcplaced, as h may result ln nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlremenB. Records are maintalned wlth the SPICC Plan atthe Corcnant field ofice. CoCcr of $ls rcaon ara loc.t d t WCO a\Corpontr ShrnAndd Op.rdons\o.o Apr.ilIc.. P.fG 1 of 1 l'ank surfaces show slSns of leakage //ha", \eoo- 0*re+( Iank shour slgns of damage, rust or deterioradon /,(tl Bolts, rivets or scams are dam8Sed t/ Above Bround tank foundadons have eroded or setiled Gaskets are leaklng level gaugps or alarms ar€ lnoperadve YenB are obsfucted rhlef haEh and vent valve does not seal conecdy Contalnment berm shors dlscoloradon or stalns Berm ls breached or ercded Tank arEa has trash and vegetadon t/ Equlpmcnt guards, labels or slgns arc misslnS t/ Monthly Tank tnspectlon October 22, 2023 Print name: lr*ll Fl\iil, sisn"rur"1furn1M Tank lD T-101 Updated 4/L8/20L7 Revision 0 surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration O.l9 - Monthly Tank lnspcctlon Checkllst Fufther descripuon and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered'YES" needs to be promptly repofted, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compltance with regulatory requlrements. Records aremaintained with the SPCC plan at the Covenant fteld offlce. Copies of this repon er€ locatcd at: WGO Q:\Corporate Sh.rcd\Ft.ld Operttions\O.O Appendkes P.gc 1 of 7 rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank fourdations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are lnoperative hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetation lEquipment guards, labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspecdon October 22,2023 updated 4/L8l2Ot7 Revlslon 0 T-102 prlnt namei 6$tLt| nn -,,sit,.tur"1fr,a/L Tank lD 0a9 - Monthly Tank lnsp€cdon ChGclltst Further descrlpdon and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any hem answered'yEs" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory requiremenB. Records are malntained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field ofhce. Copi?3 ofthis rcportrc locatGd.t: wco q\Corpoat. Sh.rod\Fl.ld Opctuons\o.o App.ndic.s P'E,czol7 fank surfaces show slgns of leakage fank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged / irbove ground ttnk foundatlons have eroded or setded / Gaskets are leaking / Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve / Yents are obstructed J Ihief hatch and vent valve does not seal conectly / :ontainment berm shours dlscoloration or stains / lerm is breached or eroded / fank area has trash and vegetadon / Equipment guards, labels or slgns are mlssing ,/ Monthly Tank lnspectlon October 22, 2023 print name: h"rt vpdated 4/L8/20t7 Revislon 0Signature Tank lD T-103 Comment surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deteriorirtion Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetatlon Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing Oag - Monthly Tank tnspectlon Gheckltst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any ttem answered'YEs" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compliance wth regulatory requirements. Records aremaintained with the SPCC plan at the Covenant field office. Copies ofthis rlport ar. locatad at: wGO Q:\Corporat. ShareAFicld Oprr.tions\0.0 Appcndhcs P.tc 3 of 7 Monthly Tank lnspecdon october 2e 2023 Print name:Updated 4ll'gl20L7 Revislon 0 Tank lD T-201 oag . Monthly Tlnk lnspccdon ChGddlst Further descrlpton and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to drls sheet. Any ltem answered*YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory regulrements. Records are malntalned wla the sPcc Plan at the covenant field office. Copl6 ofthb rcpon.r. bcrtcd .t: WGO Q:\Corpont Sn.r.d\F.ld OpGr.tl,onr\0.0 Apg.ndk s Prgc tl of 7 fank surfaces show slgns of leakage / lank shows signs of damage, rust or deterloration / Bolts, riveB or seams are damaged / Above ground tank foundations have eroded or senled / Gaskets are leaking / Level gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve / y'ents are obstructed / Ihief hatch and vent yalve does not seal correcdy / 3bntainment berm shows dlscoloration or stelns /. lerm is breached or eroded / [ank area has trash and vegeEtlon / Equipment guards, labels or slgns are mlsing / Monthly Tank tnspectlon october 22, 2023 Tank lD r-202 Print name: brdlf F;tlrrrv Signature updated 4/L8/2OL7 Revision 0 Vents are obstructed hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tank hspectlon Checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered"YEs" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compliance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records aremaintalned with the SpCC plan at the Covenant field office. Tank surfaces show signs of leakage shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperative Coplla of thi3 raport are lmted .t: wGO q:\Corpor.t. Share4H.ld Op.?ations\o.O App€ndicrs Patc 5 of 7 Monthly Tank tnspectlon Oaober22,2023 Prlnt name: Si3nature Tank lD Copias oftiis raport tr! locetld at: WGO Q:\Corpor.t. Sh.r.d\Fl.ld Op.r.t ons\0.0 Appcndccs P.8. 6 of 7 uDd,ated4/LBl20Ll Revlslon o Further description and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and atbched to thls sheet Any ltem answered'YEs" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result in non<ompliance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records aremaintained wlth the SPCC plan at the Covenant field office, surfaces strow slgns ofleakage shows signs of damage, rust or deterloratlon Bolts, riveB or seams are damaged ground trnk foundaUons have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperadve Thlef hatch and vent valve does not seal conecdy berm shows discoloration or stains Tank area has trash and vegetatlon Equipment guards, labels or slgns are missing 049. Monthly Tank tnspecton Oteckllst Monthly Tank tnspectlon October 22, 2023 updated 4/L8/20L7 Revision 0 Tank surhces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Eolts, rivets or seams are damaged - Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are lnoperative are obstructed Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tant tnspectlon Oreckllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheeL Any item answered"YEs" needs to be promptly reporEd, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-"orpl-*" *rrth regulatory requiremenB. Records aremaintained with the SPCC plan at the Covenant field office. Copies ofthjs report are locatad .t: WGO Q;\Corporate Sh:reAFiold Opsadons\O.O Ap9€ndic6pare I ol 7 Berm is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetatlon Monthly Tank lnspectlon November 24 2023 Printname: fAa-i5 OtScn Updated 4lL8/2O17 Revlslon 0Signature Tank lD {r';)t'r T-101 Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage area has trash and vegetation Equlpment guards, labels or signs are missing 049. Monthly T.nl lnspccdon Checlllst Further description and commen6 lf ne€ded, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Arry ltem answered"YEs'needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may resutt ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records aremaintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. CoptG oftib report ilr locatcd .t: wGO Q:\corpont. Sh|nd\Hdd Opcf.t ons\0.0 AFcndtccl P,82tot 7 Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rlvets or Seams are damaged \bove ground tank foundatons have eroded or settled v Saskes are leaking .evel gauges or alarms are lnoperadve /ents are obstructed Ihief hatch and vent valve does not seal correcdy Sontalnment berm shows discoloradon or stains Berm ls breached or eroded J Monthly Tank hspection November 24 2023 Rrint name:f{c,1 y'l'! siSnature n6@v Tank lD T-102 0ttu 0l^,'- updated 4lL8/2Ot7 Revision 0 Tank surfuces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are inoperative hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tank lnsp€ctlon Checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the sPcc Plan at the covenant field office. Copics ofthi! rcport are located at: WGO Q:\Corponte Sh.rlAField Opcrat ons\O.O AppendrcGs P.Be2ol7 November 24 2023 erintname;'fLviJ Ol5g4 signature -Tt; 0t q Tank lD 049 - Monthly Tanl lnspecdon Checkllst Further descrlption and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to $ls sheet. Any item answered 'fES' needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained wlth th€ SFCC Plan at the Covenant fteld office. Coplrs ofthis raport are locatld tt: WGO q\Corporatc Sh.red\FlGld Opcr.tlons\O.O Appcndk.s Pilr3of7 Updatd4hsl2orT Revislon 0 surfaces show slgns of leakaSe shows signs of damage, rust or deterloration dvets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are Inoperative and vent valve does not seal conectly berm shons dlscoloratlon or stains area has trash and vegetaflon tuardt labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspectlon November 24 2023 Printname: T|^ulS ASenl updated 4/L8/2oL7 Revision 0slgnature Ar.r^r; 0(F Tank lD T-201 049 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Checkllst Further descripton and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained wifi the SPCC Plan at the Covenant fieid office. Copi13 ofthis repon are locat.d at; WGO Q:\@rporat. Shared\Eeld Op.rations\O.O Appcndklr paga 4 ot 7 ank surfaces show slgns of leakage ank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are inoperative hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly inment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetation Equlpment guards, labels or signs are missinB Montfi ly Tank lnspectlon November 24 2023 Prinrname: 1-r'awb 0ll4.,-Uod,atfd4il8,lzotT Revlsion 0 signature ar'rrr; dt'q Tank lD 049 - Monthly Trnl Inspcc{on Chockllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a separiite sheet of paper and attached to this sheet Any item answered 'rES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory requlrem€nts. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field offlce. Copl6 of this rrport rG locrtcd rt: WGO Q\Corpor.t Shtrcd\F.ldopcr.tbns\O,OAppendbca prtc 5 of 7 surfaces show slgns of leakage shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloration rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank fioundadons have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve hatch and vent valve does not seal correcdy berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetatlon guards, labels or signs are mlsslng Monthly Tank lnspectlon November 24 2023 e,n n" ",]7Luil OltL4 ugdatgd 4/L8|2OL7 Revlslon 0 sisnature G Oltl- Tank lD Comment surfaces show signs of leakage 049 - Monthty Tank lnspcctlon Chccllln Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to iltis sheet Any item answered 'YES'needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulabry requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copics of this rrport arc locrtld at: wco Q:\corpor.t. Shared\Fl.ld Opor.dons\O.O Applndk6 Fitr 6 of 7 [ank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration lolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level Sauges or alarms are lnoperauve Yents are obstructed ,/ Ihief hatch and vent valve does not seal correcdy J Containment berm shows discoloration or stains r/ Berm is breached or eroded ,/ fank area has trash and wgetatlon J Equlpment guards, labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspectlon November 24 2023 Print name: Signaturc Tank lD Updated 4ll8l2ll7 Revislon 0 [rwvil Ol\cq {r*?Oq surfaces show signs of leakage shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or setded gauges or alarms are lnoperadve Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm shows dlscoloration or stains area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or signs are misslng 049 - ttlonthly Ter* lnspccdon Chcckllst Further descriptlon and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and atbdred to thls sheet. Any iEm answered "YES' needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory requlremenB. Records aremalntalned with the SPCC plan at the C.ovenant field office, Copiar oftiis rcpon arr lootcd tt WGO Ct\@rpor.tG Shrr.d\Flrld OpGntbn \0.0 Appendkcs P'ac7ot7 Monthly Tank lnspectlon December 30, 2023 Updatd4l:,Bl2otl Revision O erintname:ftrQ*r^LGA signature G y,t Tank lD T-101 0f9 - Monthly Tank lnspccdon Chcckllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a sepaftrte sheet of paper and attached to $is sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compliance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant ffeld offlce. Coplcs of this report ara locatad rt: WGO Q:\Corporatc Shar€AF.ld Oper.tlons\O.O Appendices P.g€ I of 7 surf?ces show signs of leakage shows signs of damage, rust or deterloration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperadve are obstructed hatch and vent valve does not seal correcUy berm shows discoloration or stains is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspection December 30, 2023 rlnntnamefiV|rl,grrrl* sisnature?'l-lU Tank lD T-102 (,4 Updated 4/t812017 Revlslon 0 shows signs of damage, rust or deterloration Botts, rlvets or scams are damaged ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve hatch and vent vahe does not scal conectly Contalnment berm shows discoloratlon or stains area has trash and vegetadon Equipment guards, labels or signs are misslng Of9 - Montftly Trnk lnsp€cdon ChGctllit Further descrlptlon and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a separate iheet of paper and attached to $ls sheet. Any item answered "fES' needs to be prompw repored, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non<ompllance wlth regulatory requlremenB. Records are malntalned wlth tfie SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copt6 ofdits raport -r locatGd .t: wGO Q:\@rpor*. Sh.r.d\Ft.ld Op.r.dons\O.O AppendhG?4.2c,1 Monthly Tank lnspectlon December 30, 2023 ,antn"{fu/,Wrr]{ ' , ,ltsisnature /h/lh, Tank lD T-103 Updated 4/L8/20t7 Revlsion 0 Comment Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tank lnspecdon Chectllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to ttris sheet Any item answered 'YEs" needs to be promptly reporEd, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompliance wlth regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Cod6 ofthis repon ar! locat.d at: WGO Q\Cotporat€ Shar.d\Ficld Oper.tlons\0.0 Appendk6 Pas.3of 7 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Level Sauges or alarms are inoperatlve Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correcdy berm shows discoloration or fiins Berm ls breached or eroded area has trash and vegetatlon Monthly Tank lnspectlon ::::eI"q trn"*r"nl fi\ Tank lD T-201 updated 4/18/20u Revlslon 0 0{9 - MonthlyTrnk lnopecdon Chcdrllst Further descripdon and comments, lf needed, should be provlded on a 3apanete sheet of paper and attached to this sheet Any ltem answered "YEs' needs to be promptly reported, repalrcd, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wltfi regulatory requlrements. Records are maintalned wi$ the sPcc Plan at the @venant fteld offfce. CopLa ol6lr rGpon T. bc.t.d .t WGO Q;\Corpont Shmd\Flcld Opcrrtbnt\o.oAppcndkr3 P.gc aof 7 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage t/ Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioradon / ,olts, rivets or seams are damaged r' Above ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled r' GaskeB ar€ leaklng Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve t/ Vents are obstrucH t/ Ihief hatch and vent valve does not seal conecdy t/ Contalnment berm shows discoloration or stains t/ B€rm is breached or eroded t/ fank area has trash and vegetadon r' Equipment guards, labels or sfns are mlsslng t/ Monthly Tank lnspectlon December 30,2023 ':::::"9,fr0*,'Updabd4|LS|aOLT Revision 0 Tank lD T-202 049 - Montftly Tanl lnspectlon Checkllst Further description and commenB if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any ltem answered 'YES" needs to be promptly reponed, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompliance with regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Coplls of this report .ra locatcd at: wGO Q:\Corpo.ete Shar.d\Ficld Opc.adons\0.0 Appendk6 Pagc 5 of 7 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, riveB or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperadve Thlef hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains area has trash and vegetatlon guards, labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspectlon D,ecember !D. 2023 Prrntname: Tl\,"ril4- srsnature 7N updated 4lL8/20L7 Revlslon 0 Tank lD 049 - Monthly Tanl lnrpccdon Cheddlst Further descripdon and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to dris she€t. Any ltem answered 'fES' needs to be prompfly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are malntalned wlth the SPCC Plan atthe Covenant lleld office. Coplr! of this rGpoft arc locltcd at: WGO Q\Corpont Shu.d\E.ld Op.r.0onr\O.O Apgendk6 P.{:a6olT Tank surfaces show signs of leakage fank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration l/ BolB, rlveB or seams are damaged t/ {bove ground tank foundations have eroded or settled GaskeB are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve / Vents are obstructed Thlef hatch and vent \6lve does not seal correctly / Containment berm shows discoloration or stains t/ Berm ls breached or eroded v Tank area has trash and vegetatlon Equlpment guards, labels or signs are mlssing / Monthly Tank lnspectlon T.'.::;t,Q,*,,Ltsl^ sisnature n UV Tank lD T-3O3 updated 4lt8l20l7 Revision 0 surfaces show slgns of leakage ls breached or eroded area has trash and veSetauon guards, labels or signs are mlssing t}'l9. Monthly Tanl lnsp€cdon Chccldlst Further dexrlption and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a separaE sheet of paper and atached to this sheet Any item answered "YES' needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are malntalned wlth the spcc plan at the Covenant lleld office. Copls of this rcport lra locatcd il: wGO Q\Corporat. Sh...d\Fictd Opr.doc\O.O Apprndkc. wa7ol7 shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundadons have eroded or settted Level gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve Thlef hatch and vent valve do€s not seal corectly berm shoivs dlscolorat on or stains Monthly Tank lnspectlon January20,2024 ,,tn, n.r.Tt'vr y'("5 }lselt Updated 4lLBlzO],7 Revlslon 0 T-101 Srgnature F ptz*- Tank lD 049 - iionthly Tanl lnspestlon Chc*llst Further description and commenq lf needed, should be prorided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any ttem answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copaca of$b raport ila loc.tad at: wGO Q:\Corpontc Sh.rud\Hctd Opcr.Uons\0.0 Appcndices p.3c lof 1 surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloration Bolts, rivets or s€ams are damaged Above ground tank foundatlons have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve hatch and vent valve does not seal conectly berm shows dlscoloration or stalns Berm ls breached or eroded area has trash and vegetadon guards, labels or slgrs are mlsslng Monthly Tank lnspection January 20,2024 nrintr.r.,fft,/ rq O$Wl sisnature (*)0W Tank lD T-102 Updated 4lL8/2O17 Revislon 0 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaklng Level gauges or alarms are lnoperative hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetatlon Equipment Suards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tanl lnepectlon Checkllst Further descripuon and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and anached to this sheet. Any item answered"YEs" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulatory requirements. Records aremaintained with the SpCC plan at the Covenant field oflice. Copies o, this r?lprt.re located .t: WGO Q\Corpor.t€ Sharcd\Ficld Ops.tlons\O.O App€ndicesp.tc I of 6 Monthly Tank lnspectlon January20,2024 Updabd4h8l20t7 Revlslon 0 Rantn.,n",fto1 v; > Ol ) tt? srsnature ,-f;0f- Tank lD T-103 049 - Montfily Tant lnspocdon Chc*llrt Furtfier descrlpuon and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a s€parate sheet of paper and attached to d\ls sheet. Any item answered 'YES' needs to be prompdy repored, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Co/enant field office. Coplcr oftiis raport ra locrtld at: WGO Q:\Corpont. Sh.r.d\H.ld Ops.dons\O.O App.ndk.3 pajc 2of 6 Tank surfaces show slgns of leakage Tank shows signs of damagg rust tr deterloradon Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperatlve hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows dlscoloratlon or stains area has trash and vegetatlon guards, labels or slgns are mlssing Monthly Tank lnspection lanuary20,2024 ugdated 4ll8/2o77 Revision 0 T-201 Rrintname,ff^-i) s1 5 fi4 sisnature T;01"-' Tank lD ()49 - Monthly Tank lnspect{on Chedrllst Funher description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a s€parate she€t of paper and attached to fiis sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result in nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copl€. o, this report.ra loc.tcd .t: WGO Q:\Corporatc Shar.AFt.ld Opa.flons\O.O Appsndh.spdt! 3 of 6 Tank surfaces show signsof leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or senled Level gauges or alarms are lnoperauve hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or slgns are missing Monthly Tank lnspectlon January20,2024 --tPrtnt name: I toUl t 5 Updatd4/18/2017 Revlslon 0 OlSt'n srsnature Tr;0/1,- Tank lD T-202 Further descrlption and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to thls sheet. Any ltem answered'rEs" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth regulabry requlrements. Records aremalntalned with the SPCC plan atthe Covenant fleld ofrlce. Tank surfaces show signs of leakage shows slgns of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground ttnk fioundatons have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are lnoperadve Thief hatch and vrnt valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloratlon or stalns area has trash and vegebtlon guards, labels or signs are mlsslng 0f9 - Monthly Trnk lnspccdon Checkllst Coptc. of thtr rrport ara locttad at: WGO Q:\Corporeto Sh.r.d\H.ld Op.r.tbns\0.0Apcndke P!3.{of6 Monthly Tank tnspectlon )anuary 20,2024 Printname: lavi> Obg sisnature fir"; dl^z Tank lD T-203 Uodir€d4/r8l2OL7 Revision 0 Comment surfaces show signs of leakage Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are lnoperauve are obstructed hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tank tnspcctlon Checkllst Further descrlption and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answeredaEs' needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompllance wlth regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SpCC plan at the Covenant field office. Copi.s of this rcport arc locat€d ,t: wGO Q:\Corpor.t. Shared\Ft.td op€r.tions\0.0 Appendk€s p.8c 5 of 6 shows signs of damage, rust or deterloration rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundadons have eroded or settled MonthlyTank lnspecdon January2O,2O24 t etntname:frasxl J OIJ e,#1sisnature T;D-'- 0lr,- ufiated4lLBl2oLT Revision 0 Tank lD T-303 049 - Monthly Tanl tnspccdon Orcdrllst Further descrlpuon and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a s€paftrte sheet of paper and atached to tSls sheet. Any item answered 'rEs" needs to be prompdy reported, repalred, or replaced, as lt may result ln non-compllance wlth regulabry requlrements. Records aremaintalned wlth the SpCC plan at the Co/enant field office. @C.r ot $ls report .rG loc.tcd .t: n GO Q.\Corpontc Shrrrd\Ftdd OpcnUons\O.O Afcodtc.3pat. 6 of 6 fank surfaces show signs of leaka3e /mq4 Holt lfrltuto) l'ank shows slgns of damage, rust or deterloradon /Rusted lrolls n'4 noi t+ob lolts, rivets or seams are damaged \bove ground tank foundations have eroded or settted GaskeB are leaklng level gauges or alarms are lnoperadve /ents are obstructed / Ihief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Contalnment berm shows dlscoloratlon or stlins Berm is breached or eroded ,/ Tank area has trash and vegeta0on Equipment guards, labels or signs are mlsslng / Monthly Tank lnsp€ction o.t",2.2-L.a\ Tank 101 Ot9 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any ltem answered -YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as lt may result ln nonrompliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copics ofthB ,aport lra locrtld rt: wco Q:\@rpor.t sh.rad\H.ld Op.rrtlon3\0.0 App.ndlca. P.lc I of4 surfaces show signs of leakage shoun signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing ort", 2-?L -2,\ 049 - MonthlyTank lnspectlon Checklist Further derription and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as h may resuh in non<ompliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. copIGJ of $b r.prt.rc locatrd il: w6O q:\@rpor.t. Sh.rcAFtCd OpGr.tonr\0,0 Appcndc6 P(.c2sla Tank 102 surfaces show signs of leakage shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration 8olts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are inoperative hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains Tank area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspection 0.t., ?.1L -}Y Tank 103 049 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in mn-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained \ryith the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copia of thi! rcpon rrc lGtld rt: wGO q\Corporrt. Sh.rs4FtGld OpGr.Uons\O.O App.ndtcrs P.gG 3 of4 surfaces show signs of leakage shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inop€rative hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains ank area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspection o.,", 2.?,!.?\ 049 - MonthlyTank lnspectlon Checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in nonrompliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Coplca of$is raport Br! locatld.t: WGO Q:\Corpont. Shrrcd\Flold Opcredon3\O.O A0pendtc6 Pagr 4 of/f Tank 201 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows siSns of dama8e, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperative hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly berm shows discoloration or stains rank area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspection Date: 3'?,o -ei erinrn" ", flrJ (L ,rrnrur", 4.J E Tank 101 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled askets are leaking gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed in'*n.W Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing 049 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non<ompliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copl€a of thb report .rG lG.trd .t: WGO Q:\Corporate Sh.r.d\Fi.ld Opcr.tlons\0.0 Appendccs P.tr 1of4 Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation 3.eo_el 049 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "[ES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as h may result in non+ompliance whh regulatory requlrements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copl6 ofthE rcport .r. lodtcd rt: wCO CU\corpont sh.r.d\Fldd Op.r.tbns\0.0Appcndccr ,rrn n"^", &nJ E Tank 102 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperative hatch and vent valve does not s€al correctly Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing Tank 103 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or signs are missing (X9 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'yES" needs to be promptly reported, repalred, or replaced, as it may result in nonrompliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Coplaa ol thB raport ila locatcd lt: wGO Q\corpontc shrrcAFlCd opontlons\0.o Appendk6 P.tG 3 of4 Tank 201 Funher description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of pap€r and attached to this sheet, Any item answered "YES' needs to be promptly reponed, repalred, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records are maintained with the SPCC Plan at the Covenant field office. Copl6 of$B rcpofi x. loc.t.d .t: WGO Q\Co.pon tG Shrr.d\H.ld Oprdonr\O.OApp.ndc.t P.3. aof 'l ank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Botts, rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperatlve Thief hatch and vent valve does not seal correctly Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or signs are missing Of9 - Monthly Tank lmp€ction Checklist Monthly Tank lnspection Date: t'f '+Yl'}."1 Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Iank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level gau8es or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing Olfactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in mn-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Copics of thb rcport ara locatcd at: WGO Q:\Corporrtc Sh.rcAFlcld Op.r.tionsU.22.1 C.ontainment berm shows discoloration or stains Ihief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) Visual - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) O49 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Monthly Tank lnspection o"," Ll - It1- lLl - Print name: Signature: Tank 102 oz.Comment Suards, lab€ls or signs are missing Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveysl Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a sepeEte sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any ltem answered .yEs, needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requlrements. Records ofrepairs are documented in theseruice and maintenance and repair orders documents. @r ot thlr crt aE locatad at: WGO Q:\@rpont Sh.nduhld OpcrdoroU.22.l Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rlvets or seams are damaged Sround tank foundations have eroded or settled Level Sauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed berm shows discoloratlon or stalns Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) - Do you see gas or evldence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to Hf) Olfactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H"S) 049 - Montfily Tank lnspectlon Checklist l\4onthly Tank lnspection Comment Ol9 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Checklist Further descriptlon and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'yEs' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Coflcs of thb roport rc lut.d .t: WGO Q.\Co.ponb Sll.rcAFlrld Op.EdoNU.22.1 Print name: Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damaSe, rust or deterioration Jolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled 3askets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed :ontainment berm shows dlscoloratlon or stalns I Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and veBetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HzS) Vlsual - Do you see 8as or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to Hf) Olfactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H"5) Monthly Tank lnspection Date: t{'2.q'eq Print name: Signature: Tank 201 Ol9 - Monthly Tank lnsp€ctlon Checkllst Further description and comments, lf needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'yES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Cod6 ol thb ,!po.t.a bc.d tt: wGO q:\Capont Shrrd\Ft.ld Op.r{on5U.22.1 surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperative berm shows discoloratlon or stalns fank area has trash and veSetation guards, labels or siSns are missing hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch observations will be done from the ground due to Hrs) - Do you smell gas leaking ftom a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) Monthly Tank lnspection Date: fl. Pq. eq Print name: JDcl^ Bqa?i::;# Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs ofdamage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperatlve berm shows discoloration or stalns Tank area has trash and vegetation Epards, labels or signs are missing hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible - Do you hear gas leaklng from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations wlll be done from the ground due to H2S) Visual - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations wlll be done from the ground due to HrS) - Do you srncll gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations wlll be done from the ground due to H2S) Ol9 - Moothly Tank lnspecdon Chcckllst Further descrlptlon and commenE lf needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item ansurered 'yES' needs to be promptty reported, repaircd, or rcplaced, as it may result in nonrompliance with retulatory requirements. Records of repalrs are documented in the servlce and maintenance and repalr orders documents. Coplo o, thlr Eport.[ lqt d rE WGO q:\Co.po6tl Sh.nd\Fl.H Op.nt oroU.22.f Monthly Tank lnspection oate, C'?1'J-'1 Print name: sizn"ru,", G 0/-- Tank 101 Comment are obstructed Containment berm shows discoloration or stains hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Visual - Do you see 8as or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Offactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H.S) O49 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Copies of this report are locat.d .t: wGO q:\Corpor.t. ShareAField OpGretionsU.22.l Tank surfaces show signs of leakage .1 Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leakinB Level gauges or alarms are inoperative V Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment Suards, labels or signs are missing Monthly Tank lnspection e.ntn ^", Irtq,, i 5 Ol5t4 sign"tur", /fAA.-- 0,k Tank 102 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs ofdamage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauSes or alarms are inoperative :ontainment berm shows discoloration or stains Tank area has trash and veSetation guards, labels or signs are missinS Thief hatch and vent yalve (AVO Surveys) - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? obsbrvations wlll be done from the ground due to Hzs) - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch observations will be done from the ground due to Hf) - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) O49 - Monthly Tank lnspeaion Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provlded on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repalrs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Coplai ol thir Gport tr. locr!.d .t: WGO O:\Corpont sh.rtd\Fltld Op!nt1ffiU.22.1 Monthly Tank lnspection Date: 5-7Yt'7lYr erin n"^", T"al , 5 O]5 € n sienrtur", {r\or; dl- Tank 103 oz Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to HzS) (X9 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered aES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with reSulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Coplrr of thb rport.n lqt d .ti wGO Q:\Corport sh.nd\Fl.ld OpcntloB\1.22.1 Tank shows siSns of damage, rust or deterioration lolts, rivets or seams are damaged {bove ground tank foundations have eroded or settled 3askets are leaking -evel gauges or alarms are inoperative y'ents are obstructed :ontainment berm shows discoloration or stains lerm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and veSetation :quipment Suards, labels or si8ns are missing lhief hatch and vent valve (AVO Survevs) {udible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? All observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) /isual - 0o you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch >r vent valves? All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Monthly Tank lnspection o"r",5'*1'7q Print name frorit r)tse n Signature: Tank 201 {; opn Further description and commentt if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any ltem answered 'YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Copl.! of thb rpoft ar lstrd .t: WGO q:\Corpont Sh.roAFl.ld Op.ntbruU.Zl.l surhces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperative berm shows discoloration or stains Tank area has trash and vegetatlon guards, labels or signs are missing hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) - Do you hear gas leaklng from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to Hf) - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch observations will be done fiom the ground due to HiS) - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done ftom the ground due to H2S) 049 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Checklist Monthly Tank lnspection Daft:</}Yr'71 ,r,n n"^", -ftorrri) O\5e ,tnrur", 1i*tL 0W Tank 303 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage aA fi00{ {^ur-l€Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are dama8ed Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and veSetation Equipment Suards, labels or signs are missing Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Visual - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Olfactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to Hf) O{9 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Cophr of thb rrort an l€ttd lt: WGO Q\Corpo6t ShtroAFl.ld Op.ntbEU.22.1 Monthly Tank lnspection Date:6'?O-a'l sis^"r',", -f^btb 1lp\-- Tank 101 Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Copics of this rcport arc locatld at: wGO Q:\Corporate Sharcd\Fhld Opcrationsu.22.1 ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Eerm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guardl labels or signs are missing Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) - Do you hear gas leaklng from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) 049 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Monthly Tank lnspection Date: 6- 2;C^-?1 ,,.,.,...",Tra.2i s OlStrl sien"ru*,1]altilL 0 loJu\ rr,t ."*aur rE"r "t,**ta Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible-*rornffi (All observations wlll be done from the ground due to H2S) Visual - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H.S) Olfactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to Hf) Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "yES' needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with reSulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the servlce and malntenance and repair orders documents. shows signs ofdamaBe, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are inoperative berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or si8ns are mlssin8 (X9 - Monthty Tank lnspectlon Checklist @1.! of thir r.port tr ldt d .t: WGO Q:\Corpor.tc Shrr.d\Fhld Op.nttoBU.22.1 Monthly Tank lnspection oate, 6-ao - }ll p,i^t^a e,Ttqv;i 0l5e,l ,rrn"rur.,@ ra:k 103 Comment Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Iank shows signs of da mage, rust or deterioration Visual - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) - Do you smell gas leaklng from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to Hf) Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Coplcr of thlr nport .n lod .t: WGO Q:\Corponta Shrad\Fl.ld Opandonr\l.22.1 Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed Containment berm shows discoloration or stains ,/ Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are mlssin8 / Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the 8round due to HrS) ,/ O49 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Monthly Tank lnspection Dao":6- eO-3.q 0..,",,.,u,-Tiayi s Ol5C/t sun"ru,",{rlrrllri@ Olr -"'Tank 201 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Olfactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? | (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "yES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Coplat of thlt nport .rc l€t d .t: W6O q:\Co.pont! Shmd\Fbld OpGndoNU.22.1 rivets or seams are damaged Sround tank foundations have eroded or settled Sauges or alarms are inoperative berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) - Do you see Bas or evidence of hydrocarbons leakinS from a hatch (All observations will be done from the ground due to HIS) 049 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Monthlv Tank lnsoection 0",.,6-}.O-}Ll ,r,", ^"r", -TiqY ,5 O lJ e/\ sun"ru.,f.lvl/u';tL Ork Tank 3O3 oz Comment O49 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered 'YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with re8ulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Coplar of thls nport !rG lotad rt; WGO Q:\Corpont ShrEd\Ficld Op.ntloBU.22.1 Tank surfaces show signs of leakage v Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration R'^s lv Aarl 0oof Bolts, rivets or seams are dama8ed r Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled V Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed ./ Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and ve8etation ,/ Equipment guards, labels or signs are missinS Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HIS) Visual - 0o you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Olfactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observatlons will be done from the ground due to HrS) Monthly Tank lnspection oate: 'l - 2h - lA Print name: So<l\ BrL. ,,r^"*r", *- u/r*- Tank 101 / I o Comment "/ Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inoperative are obstructed berm shows discoloration or stains is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) ible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Visual - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HJ) - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) 049 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered"YES" needs to be promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs aredocumented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents. Copies ofthis rcport are located at: WGO Q:\Corpor.t. Si.rrd\Ftetd Opcr.tionsu.22.t Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Monthly Tank lnspection Date: 7'2.D- 2Ll Rrint name, Jrr<.!r AU6.a s,"n"rur", .4*t-- Y.-- Tanklo2 / / Comment 049 - Monthly Tank lnspectton Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet, Any item answered -yES- needs tobe promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compllance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in the service and maintenance and repair orders documents, Copirr of thtt r.port trc l@tcd rt: WGO O:\Corpont! Sh.r.d\Ft.td O[Entlon5u.22.l Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Level gauges or alarms are inoperative Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? observatlons will be done from the ground due to HzS) observations will be done from the ground due to - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Monthly Tank lnspection Date: ?--2D-[Ll Print name: Signature: Tank 103 Comment O49 - Monthly Tank lnspectlon Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered "yES" needs tobe promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records ofrepalrs are documented in theservice and maintenance and repair orders documents. Copig ol thlr rcpo.t arr l€tld !t: wco q:\corFDntc sh.EAFtGld OpcntioroU.22.l 7Tank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration rivets or seams are damaged ground tank foundations have eroded or settled Gaskets are leaking Level gauges or alarms are inooerative Vents are obstructed berm shows discoloration or stains is breached or eroded fank area has trash and vegetation qulpment guards, labels or signs are missing Thief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H$) Olfactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) Monthly Tank lnspection Date: ?. 2D -24 Print name: SiSnature: Tank 201 Comment fank surfaces show signs of leakage shows si8ns of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Ihief hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) observations will be done from the ground due to HaS) - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to Hf) - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground due to H2S) 049 - MonthlyTank lnspestion Checklist Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and a$ached to this sheet. Any item answered ,yEs, needs tobe promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records ofrepairs are documented in theservice and maintenance and repair orders documents. CopiGs of tht! Eport .E lst.d ,t: WGO O:\Corpont Sh!.ad\Ft.ld OpGErtoroU.22.1 Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperative Containment berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation Equipment guards, labels or signs are missing - Do you hear gas leaking ftom a hatch or vent valves? Monthly Tank lnspection Date: ? 'AD e.) print name: Jo6lr &rlz,z- srsn^rur", .4aU 4r-- rank 303 / Comment fank surfaces show signs of leakage Tank shows signs of damage, rust or deterioration Bolts, rivets or seams are damaged Above ground tank foundations have eroded or settled gauges or alarms are inoperative Vents are obstructed berm shows discoloration or stains Berm is breached or eroded Tank area has trash and vegetation guards, labels or signs are missing hatch and vent valve (AVO Surveys) Audible - Do you hear gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? (All observations wlll be done from the ground due to HIS)JT ual - Do you see gas or evidence of hydrocarbons leaking from a hatch vent valves? (All observations will be done from the ground dr.re to lOlfactory - Do you smell gas leaking from a hatch or vent valves? I (All observations will be done from the ground due to HrS) 049 - Monthly Tank lnspection Checkllst Further description and comments, if needed, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper and attached to this sheet. Any item answered .yES. needs tobe promptly reported, repaired, or replaced, as it may result in non-compliance with regulatory requirements. Records of repairs are documented in theservice and maintenance and repair orders documents. C4ptcr ot thk Gport .c latld .t:wco q:\@rFpnt shrrcd\Ftcld OpaEdomu.22.1 Covenant Field Project # N157310004 DAQE-AN 15731004-24 Backup Generator Usage 12 Month Rolling Total Backup Generator Usage Month Specific Day(s) Used Hour Meter Hours Run Maintenance & Testing Hrs Emergency Backup Hrs. 0.5 .Jan-l-9 12th 90.2 0.5 0.0 0.5 Feb-19 90.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 Mar-1.9 90.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 Apr-19 90.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 May-1-9 90.2 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.5 Jun-19 90.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 .lul-19 90.)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 Aug-19 1 1th 91.3 1.1 0.0 1.1 0.5 Sep-19 91.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 tJ.5 Oct-19 91.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 Nov-19 4th 91.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 1.0 Dec-l-9 91.8 0.0 0.0 o.o L.0 Jan-20 16th 01 2 0.5 0.5 0.0 1.5 Feb-20 12th 92.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 2.O Mar-20 10th 93.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 2.5 Apr-20 14th 93.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 3.0 May-20 14th 94.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 3.5 J un-20 15th 94.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 4.O J ul-20 10th 95.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 4.5 Aug-20 12th 95.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.0 Sep-20 8th 96.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.5 Oct-20 16th 96.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.5 Nov-20 14th 97.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Dec-20 12th 97.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Jan-21 10th 98.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Feb-2 1 1fth 98.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Mar-21 13th 99.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Apr-21 15th 99.8 0.5 0.5 0,0 6.0 May-21 10th 100.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 J un-2 1 8th 100.8 0.5 0_5 0.0 6.0 Jul2l t-2th 101.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Aug-2L 12th 101.8 0.5 0.0 6.0 Se p-2 1 10th 702.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Oct-21 13th 102.8 u-5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Nov-2 1 6th 103.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Dec-21 10th 103.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Jan-22 l-2th 104.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Feb-22 14th 104.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 b.u Mar-22 10th 105.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 6.0 Apr-22 10th 105.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.5 May-22 9th 106.3 0.5 0.0 0.5 5.5 )un-22 14th 106.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.5 )u122 8th 107.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.5 AUC-22 14th 107.8 u.5 nq 0.0 5.5 Sep-22 10th 108.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 Copies ofthis report are lo6ted at: WGO Q:\Corpocte Sharcd\Fleld Operation!\0.0 App€ndices PaSe I of 2 Covenant Field Project # N157310004 DAQE-AN 15731004-24 Backup Generator Usage 12 Month Rolling Total Backup Generator Usage Month Specific Day(s) Used Hour Meter Hours Run Maintenance & Testing Hrs.Emergency Backup Hrs 5.5 Ocl-22 13th 108.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.5 Nov-22 12th 109.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.5 Dec-22 12th 109.8 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.5 Jan-23 13th 110.3 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.3 Feb-23 10th 110.6 0.3 0.3 0.0 5.1 Mar-23 10th 110.9 0.3 0.3 0.0 4.9 Apr-23 14th 1.1.1..2 o.3 0.3 0.0 5.3 May-23 12th 111.6 o.4 0.4 0.0 5.1 J un-23 9th 119.9 8.3 0.3 8.0 4.9 J ul-23 12th L20.2 0.3 0.3 0.0 5.0 Aug-23 14th 120.8 0.6 0.6 0.0 4.9 Sep-23 12th L21..)0.4 0.4 0.0 4.7 Oct-23 l.4th r21.5 o.3 0.3 0.0 4.6 Nov-23 10th t21.9 o.4 o.4 0.0 4.6 Dec-23 8th t22.4 0.5 0.5 0.0 4.5 )an-24 L lth r22.8 o.4 0.4 0.0 4.5 Feb-24 14th L23.1 0.3 0.3 0.0 4.8 Mar-24 15th t23.7 0.6 0.6 0.0 5.2 Apr-24 14th t24.4 o.7 0.7 0.0 6.0 May-24 14th t25.6 L.2 1..2 0.0 6.0 )un-24 19th L25.9 0.3 0.3 0.0 5.7 )u124 1.25.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.1 Aug-24 0.0 4.7 Sep-24 0.0 4.4 ocr-24 o.0 4.O Nov-24 o.o 3.5 Dec-24 0.0 3.1 Jan-25 0.0 2.8 Feb-25 o.0 2.2 Mar-25 o.0 1.5 Apr-25 0.0 0.3 May-25 0.0 0.0 J un-25 0.0 0.0 J ul-25 0.0 0.0 Aug-25 0.0 0.0 Sep-25 0.0 0.0 Oct-25 0.0 0.0 Nov-25 0.0 0.0 Dec-25 0.0 0.0 Jan-26 o.0 0.0 Feb-26 0.0 0.0 Mar-26 0.0 0.0 Apr-26 0.0 copies of this rcport are l@ted at: wGo Q:\corpocte Shar.d\Ficld Opentions\0.0 Append ices Page 2 ol 2 Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Fleld Flare Stack #1 Oiland Gas Production Facility Air permlt # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Visual Determlnation of Smoke Emlssions From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 15 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affiliatlon of Observer: Date: Sky Condltlons: Wind Dlrection: Wind Speed: Start Time: End Time: Break Start: Break Flnlsh: Start Time: End Tlme: Did you observe any smoke during thls test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 713/2023 Clear N/A 0 8:10 8:25 8:25 8:35 8:35 8:50 No Wolverlne Gas and Oll Covenant Fleld Flare Stack#1 Olland Gas Productlon Faclllty Alr permlt # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Msual Determlnatlon of Smoke Emlsslons From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 15 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: AfHllatlon of Observer: Date: Sky Condltlons: Wnd Dlrectlon: Wnd Speed: Start TIme: End TIme: Break Start: Break Flnlsh: Start Tlme: End Tlme: Dld you observe any smoke durlng thls test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted. lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 81712023 Partly cloudy NiA 0 9:37 9:52 9:52 10:02 10:02 70:77 No Wolverlne Gas and Oll Covenant Fleld Flare Stack #1 Olland Gas Productlon Faclllty Alr permlt f DAOE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Vlsual Determlnatlon of Smoke Emlslons From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 15 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affl llatlon of Observer: Date: Sky Condltlons: Wnd Dlrectlon: Wnd Speed: Start TIme: End TIme: Break Start: Break FInlsh: Start TIme: End TIme: Dld you observe any smoke durlng thls test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted. lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman slt2/2023 Partly cloudy N/A 0 8:05 8:20 8:20 8:32 8:32 8:47 No Wolverlne Gas and Oll Covenant Fleld Flare Stack #1 Oll and Gas Productlon Faclllty Alr permit # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Vlsual Determlnatlon of Smoke Emlsslons From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 1,5 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Afff llatlon of Observer: Date: Sky Condltions: Wind Dlrectlon: Wlnd Speed: Start Time: End Tlme: Break Start: Break Flnlsh: Start TIme: End Tlme: Did you observe any smoke during thls test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 10/1212023 Partly cloudy N/A 0 10:09 1,0:24 10:24 L0:34 L0:34 10:49 No Wolverlne Gas and Oll Covenant Field Flare Stack #1 Oiland Gas Production Facility Air permit # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Vlsual Determination of Smoke Emisslons From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 1"5 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affiliation of Observer: Date: Sky Condltions: Wlnd Dlrectlon: Wlnd Speed: Start Tme: End Tlme: Break Start: Break Flnlsh: Start Tlme: End Time: Did you observe any smoke during thls test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 1.7/1.2/2023 Clear N/A 0 8:36 8:51 8:51 9:00 9:00 9:L6 No Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field Flare Stack #1 Oil and Gas Production Facility Air permit # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Visual Determination of Smoke Emissions From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two L5 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affiliation of Observer: Date: Sky Conditions: Wind Direction: Wind Speed: Start Time: End Time: Break Start: Break Finish: Start Time: End Time: Did you observe any smoke during this test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted. lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 1.211.6/2023 Clear N/A 0 11":04 11 :19 11:19 1.1.:29 1129 1,1:44 No Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field Flare Stack #1 Oil and Gas Production Facility Air permit # DAQE-4N157310003-23 Method 22 Visual Determination of Smoke Emissions From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 15 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affi liation of Observer: Date: Sky Conditions: Wind Direction: Wind Speed: Start Time: End Tlme: Break Start: Break Finish: Start Time: End Time: Did you observe any smoke during this test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted. lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 1.1912024 Partly cloudy N/A 0 8:46 8:56 8:31 8:46 8:56 9:11 No Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field Flare Stack #1 Oiland Gas Production Facility Air permit # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Visual Determination of Smoke Emissions From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 15 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affiliation of Observer: Date: Sky Conditions: Wind Direction: Wind Speed: Start Time: End Time: Break Start: Break Finish: Start Time: End Time: Did you observe any smoke during this test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 211.212024 Partly Cloudy N/A 0 9:08 9'.23 9:23 9:33 9:33 9:48 No Wolverlne Gas and Oll Covenant Fleld Flare Stack #1 Oil and Gas Production Facillty Alr permit # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Visual Determlnation of Smoke Emlssions From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 15 minute segments. Position yourself wlth the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affiliation of Observer: Date: Sky Conditions: Wind Direction: Wlnd Speed: Start Time: End Time: Break Start: Break Flnish: Start Tlme: End Time: Did you observe any smoke durlng this test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 3/1.312024 Partly Cloudy N/A 0 lO:47 1,1,:02 1,1-:02 L1.:1.7 71,:t7 1,1,:32 No Insert a photo of the flare stack below: Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field Flare Stack #1 Oil and Gas Production Facility Air permit # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Visual Determination of Smoke Emissions From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 15 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affiliation of Observer: Date: Sky Conditions: Wind Direction: Wind Speed: Start T'ime: End Time: Break Start: Break Finish: Start Time: End Time: Did you observe any smoke during this test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 4ltsl2024 Partly Cloudy N/A 0 9:10 9:25 9:25 9:35 9:35 9:50 No Wolverlne Gas and Oll Covenant Fleld Flare Stack#1 Oll and Gas Productlon Faclllty Alr permlt # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Msual Determlnatlon of Smoke Emlsslons from Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 15 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Afff llatlon of Observer: Date: Sky Condltlons: Wnd Dlrectlon: Wnd Speed: Start TIme: End Tlme: Break Start: Break Flnlsh: Start Tlme: End TIme: Dld you observe any smoke durlng thls test? lf you answered yes, descrlbe how long the smoke lasted. lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman s/13/2024 Partly Cloudy N/A 0 11:36 11:51 11:51 72:07 72:O1, 72:76 No Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field Flare Stack #1 Oiland Gas Production Facility Air permit # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Visual Determinatlon of Smoke Emissions From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two 15 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affiliation of Observer: Date: Sky Conditions: Wind Direction: Wind Speed: Start Time: End Time: Break Start: Break Finish: Start Time: End Time: Did you observe any smoke during this test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted. lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E. Cook Production Foreman 6/1.212024 Partly Cloudy N/A 0 10:23 10:38 10:38 10:48 10:48 11:03 No Wolverlne Gas and OII Covenant Fleld Flare Stack #1 Oll and Gas Productlon Faclllty Alr permlt # DAQE-AN157310003-23 Method 22 Vlsual Determlnatlon of Smoke Emlsslons From Flares This test will run for 30 minutes with a 10 minute break in between two L5 minute segments. Position yourself with the sun to your back or partially to your side. Do not face the sun during this test. Name of Observer: Affl llatlon of Observer: Date: Sky Condltlons: Wnd Dlrectlon: Wnd Speed: Start Tlme: End Tlme: Break Start: Break Flnlsh: Start Tlme: End Tlme: Dld you observe any smoke durlng thls test? lf you answered yes, describe how long the smoke lasted. lnsert a photo of the flare stack below: Tony E, Cook Production Foreman 7/72/2024 Partly Cloudy N/A 0 74:20 14:35 14:35 74:45 74:45 15:00 No Repair Order lndex Reoalr order # 001 002 003 004 00s 006 007 008 009 010 011 01,2 013 oL4 015 016 ot7 018 019 020 027 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 Locatlon of reoalr: Lact 1.01 skid WF 17-11Well head WF 17-3 Well head B-2 Treater 18-1 EB pump B-2 oil meter VCU Load Rack 101 Load Rack 102 Night shift / PPMU truck t7-4 4O1O line at well head Lights at load rack Load rack cable tray 18-3 ESD solenoid 17-1 4010 line @ wellhead E-Pad MCC Building WF 17-3 well head WF 17-11Well head WF t7-12 Well head WF 17-13 Well head WF L7-2 Well head A-2 Treater ESD Pilot 19.6 VFD CPF office A-pad chemical containment E-Pad MCC Building 17-L1. EB line Compressor on B-pad AC 101 front Drylock service truck batteries Oxygen scaven8er pump at treater 7/2" LOO# gauge 1.01 load bay Air line 20-5 vent box MOV at flair stack P380 loose clamp Bay 101 front Scully Bay 101 front load arm dry lock west Bad oil Treater Bay 102 front vapor hose North Main Treater 17-1.1Well Head 17112 Well Head 17-4 Well Head Load Rack 102 SWD #2 B pad MCC VCU 1.9-L Wellhead 1.7-4 Vent box Date of reoalr: 04/27/20 04/28/20 04/29/20 0sl02/20 0s/17/22 1slt7/22 os/23/20 05/26/20 06/30/20 07/23/20 08/0s/20 08/0s/20 08/os/20 08/os/20 08/07/20 08/tt/20 08/L5/20 08/Lsl20 08/Is/20 o8/ts/20 oEhs/20 08/2t/20 08122/20 08/23/20 os/ot/20 09/LO/20 oe/17/2o L0/27/20 LL/13./20 tLl76/20 77/17/20 tt/28/20 tt/28/20 77/29/20 12/Oe/20 72/t4/20 12/L9/20 L2/30/20 0L/08/2t oL/08/2t otl17 /21 oL/t1/2t 02/os/21. 02/06/2t 02/73/2t 03/02/21 03/03/21 03/08/21 03l28l2t Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repair Order lndex Reoalr order # 050 051 0s2 053 054 055 056 057 0s8 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071, 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 09s 096 097 098 099 Locatlon of reoalr: 17-lL Vent box lOL tank mixer 102 tank mixer 19-4 WAW 4010 Chemical Line 20-4 WAW 4010 Chemical Line 17-10 WAW 4010 Chemical Line 17-3 EB pump Biocide pump tank battery East Pressure relief on WKO North Main Treater 18-2 Well Head 19-1 wellhead 20-1. wellhead Air compressor in SWD MCC 17-4 wellhead 17-11 EB chemical pump 20-3 4010 Line 20-4 4010 line 1.9-5 4010 line CPF lights 18-2 WAW 4010 Chemical line 19-5 WAW 4010 Chemical Line 19-4 WAW 401,0 Chemical Line 17-8 WAW 4010 Chemical line 30000 gallon propane liquid line Pressure Relief on Produced gas KO tank A-2 Pressure control valve 17-L2 Casing flow line Lact unit 102 CPF swamp cooler A-1 pressure control valve Connect new printer at Accuload 1.7-7 Well Head B1 treater 17-4 Well Head Remove casing check on 1.7-3 A2 Treater 17-10 Well Head 20-3 Well Head A-2 treater meter valves 20-2 Well Head 20-4 Well Head B-1. treater 1" water valves L7-!4 Well Head L7-1 Well Head 17-11Well Head CPF office tool room light D-pad header building 17-12 Well head D-pad header building Date of reoalr: 04/06/27 04/27/2t 04/27/21 0412712t 04/2712L 04/2712t 04/29/2t 0s/1.1121. os/30/21 06h6/2t 06/09/21 06/t7/21 06/17/2L 06/23/2L 06/24/21 06/24/2t 06/27/21 06130/21 07/os/2t o7/08/2L 07/07/2L 07 /12121 07/12/21. 07/19/21. 06128/27 07 /2Ll2t 07 /2r/2t 07/2212t 07/22/21. 727/2L o7/30/2t 08/04l2t 08/04/2t 0810s/21 08/os/21 08/os/2L 08/os/2t 08/L8/2t 081t8/27 08/0t/2\ 08/20/2L 08/2Ll2L 08/23/2t 08/26/21 08/26/21 08/27/21 09/01/2t 09l04/21 0slas/21 09/osl2t Copies ofthis report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repair Order lndex Reoalr order f 100 101 to2 103 LO4 105 106 1,07 108 109 110 111 tL2 113 tt4 115 116 717 118 119 t20 1,2L 122 123 1.24 125 t26 727 t28 L29 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 74L 142 143 L44 L45 L46 L47 148 t49 Locatlon of reoalr: Flare KO pump 19-1 Wellhead L7-8 Wellhead 17-11 VFD A-2 Treater P38O VFD B-2 treater 1" ball valves Load bay #2 detonation arrestor D-pad MCC building Rebuilt gas dump on A-2 treater A-2 treater oil meters A2 treater Oil leg A-1 Water Dump 17-2 Casing check valve L8-1 Casing check valve L7-5 tubing Rosemount Whisper watt generator leaking valve on A 2 water dump L7-8 chemical (E.8.)pump E pad strobe C pad strobe B pad strobe A pad strobe 20-5 Wellhead Water Knockout Treater South Main Treater 17-5 hydraulic skid South main Treater Load bay #101 heat trace Office exterior lights A-2 Pressure control valve WKO E pad Wi-Fi 42 pad AC unit West t7-7 VFD 1,7-3 test actuator 17-18 VFD A pad West AC unit Lights at the CPF D pad MCC 2O-5 VFD SWD filter MOV T-101 recirc. Actuator 17-15 B treater test valve East charge pump flange adaptor C pad Air compressor Light at flare Change water dump bonnet on WKO change bad valves on D2 header 1.02 Emergency relief hatch Date of reoalr: oe/os/2t 09/11.12t 09/t2/21. 09l20l2r 09122/21. 09/29/2L t0/02/2t to/04/21 to/oLl21. to/L4/2t 10/24/22 LO/28/2L 7t/08/21 t2/08/27 72/08/27 t2/10/21 72/2t/27 L2/26/2t ouos/22 oL/08/22 ot/08/22 ot/08/22 ot/08/22 otl30/22 02lLs/22 02/Lsl22 02124/22 03/08/22 03/78/22 03/30/22 u/os/22 04/28122 osl02/22 0s/18/22 06/01./22 06/02/22 07/0u22 07/06/22 07/t4/22 07/20/22 07/20/22 07/20/22 08/03/22 to/72/22 08/30/22 09/29/22 70/0s/22 t0/09/22 70/13/22 to/16/22 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2. 12. I Repair Order lndex Reoalr order il 150 151 152 153 t54 155 156 L57 158 159 160 161 162 163 L64 165 166 t67 168 169 170 171 172 L73 L74 175 t76 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 t87 188 189 190 191 L92 193 L94 195 196 197 198 199 Date of reoalr: 1.1/07/22 1.1./22/22 tL/28/22 tt/28/22 7t/07/22 3.2/30122 a7/03/23 o7/04/23 01./03/23 ot/1!/23 ot/14/23 02/1.4/23 03/3t/23 04/t4/23 os/25123 06/06/23 06/Le/23 06/L9/23 06/26/23 07/78/23 07/L8/23 o7 /19/23 07/20/23 07/20/23 07/23/23 oe/08/23 08/t6/23 0812t/23 08/22/23 08/23123 08/23/23 08/31./23 oe/ot/23 oe/01./23 09172/23 oe/22123 1.0/03123 t0/t6/23 tt/20/23 11./20123 \2/08/23 12/28/23 ot/08124 oL/LL/24 ot/LL/24 ot/Ls/24 Locatlon of reoaln CPF shop heater Vapor recovery isolation valves Load bay #2 front scully East recirculation pump WKO Pilot 17-15 VFD East Pressure relief on Main 10L front and rear vapor recovery hoses and front load arm swivel Load bay KO pump 101 load bay detonation arrestor 102 load bay detonation arrestor small cooling fan above the CPF furnace. 16-1 VFD Screen on flare gas meter 17-5 unidraulic vessel 17-5 unidraulic Substation CPF PLC in office A3 MCC fiber connection Oil meter on SM treater D pad tower Fiber/ethernet switch P-370 flow meters 1&2 Produced oil line pressure transmitter conduit BO line pressure transmitter corrosion probes on tank 103 Flow and test line gaskets in the E-pad header building Lights in the battery 49 inch 225 gallon plastic tank (8090) chemical tank Leaking D2 pad quintaplex CPF VCU New skid P-370 Shop lights P-380 bearings CPF produced water MOV's CPF office PLC 18-3 VFD AC unit on D pad MCC building A-2 pad MCC ESP drive cooling fan A-1 test chemical injection spot C pad lR light Sump pump CPF Atlas Copco air compressor C pad MCC thermostat C pad camera 102 load bay detonation arrestor 19-5 tubing pressure rosemount 17-16 tubing pressure rosemount Lact unit 102 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field OperationsV. 12.1 Repair Order lndex Reoalr order # 200 20t 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 2to 2tt 212 213 214 215 2L6 21,7 218 219 220 22L 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 23t 232 233 234 235 Locatlon of reoaln Hoist hook in SWD building E.B. check valve on 17-10 E.B. check valve on 18-4 Load rack #1 rear scully cord D pad AC unit 19-5 heat trace Check valve on filter pot 362-4 P-380 chokes L8-2 heat trace 102 lact divert actuator ER valve and thief hatch on T 102 Vacuum / vent valve on T 103 101 lact. suction actuator Load bay loL printer CPF exit gate opener Lact LOL Pressure relief valves Service Truck C pad transformer CPF truckers restroom fan H2s monitor in SWD building Load Rack fL Front MOV CPF exit gate opener 1.7-9 well head 2" port on the flow line Server Rack UPS CPF PLC cabinet UPS 17-9 header gaskets Load Rack #1 front MOV D pad AC unit East Produced water charge pump A pad control cabinet Apad MCC CPF office control cabinet 19-6 VFD Bad oil recycle pump T-1.01 emergency relief hatch SWD swamp cooler Date of reoalr: ot/t8/24 oL/t8/24 07/18/24 01./22/24 ou22/24 ot/24124 02/08/24 02lt4/24 02114/24 02/22/24 02/2s/24 02l2s/24 02/26/24 03/07/24 03/78/24 03/L9/24 03/20/24 03/2t/24 03/2s/24 04/08/24 04/17/24 04/t8/24 04/30/24 os/01./24 os/oL/24 05/ot/24 05/20/24 os/21/24 05/30/24 06/17/24 06/17/24 06/27/24 07/01/24 07lo8/24 06/27/24 07/7L/24 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2. 12.1 0412L/20 Repair Order Lact 101 skid 001 Repalr Order S Descriptlon ofthe item to be repaired: The pressure relief valve on the Lact up stream the back pressure valve Describe what caused the fallure: Pressure relief valve did not pass test Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced pressure reliefvalve & tested to ensure it passed pressure test Coples of this report are located at: wco Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repair Order wF 17-11 Locatlon:Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: 3/8 WAW 4010 poly line. Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Punctured from being stepped on. Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Cut out bad section and replaced with stainless union Eazd7, Coples ofthls report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order wF 17-3 Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: ESD Bonnet Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Cracked diaphram Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were Installed? Replaced bonnet with rebuilt / painted one. ?,rr,* R, Copies ofthis report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order B-2 treater A oil meter Repalr Order f Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: Change out the 3/4 meter for a V2 meter Descrlbe what caused the failure: No failure, replacing with a smaller meter Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Used cleaned and inspected L/2 meter ?T I ?'u,,t Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0slt7l20 Repair Order B-Pad chemical pumps Date:Repalr Order # Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Replace the EB pump on 18-1 Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Dead pump Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? lnstalled a differeent pump. ?,wttoro Coples of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order B-2 treater Locatlon:Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: Replace the B oil meter on B-2 treater oil line Descrlbe what caused the failure: Meter not reading Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Replaced the old style meter eith a new one ?u7 I /r4l slt7l2o Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: os/23/20 Repair Order Vapor Combustion Unit 007 Repalr Order f Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Plugged burnertips Descrlbe what caused the failure: The burning of well vapors Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Clean burner tips Slad I Ea,ad Coples of thls report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Load Rack 101 Repalr Order # Description of the item to be repaired: The Dry-Lock on the front Load Arm. Descrlbe what caused the failure: Drivers have called saying it was leaking. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Replaced with a Rebuilt Dry-Lock. eiadAtxe Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Load Rack 102 Repalr Order # Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Camlock fitting on rear vapor recovery line. Descrlbe what caused the failure: Normal wear, drivers have called saying it was leaking. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes 2-brass handles. Rocf Thaataro Copies of this report are located at: wGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07122120 Providence truck 010 Repair Order f Description of the item to be repalred: Replace water pump on PPMU truck Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Wore out Were new parts used ln the repair? If so what new parts were lnstalled? New water pump ?,rylRo,r//oai Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08/04/20 174 11 Location:Repalr Order # Descrlption of the item to be repaired: WAW chemical line from MCC to Wellhead Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Sun damage/ Tension Were new parts used ln the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes 250'- Chemical line 1- stainless chemical check 2- stainless insert 2- stainless 2 piece ferrule 2- 318" stainless nut ?,rsrl I Rry Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Truck load Repair Order # Description of the ltem to be repaired: 4- lights at load rack. Descrlbe what caused the failure: lamps needed replacement Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes 4- 250W metal halide lamps RoW I ?,rant Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 07130120 Repair Order Truck load Repalr Order # Descrlption of the item to be repalred: Cable Tray cover Descrlbe what caused the fallure: High winds caught cable tray cover and broke fasteners. Were new parts used ln the repalr? If so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes Self tapping screws. Rary I ?oe*t Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order t7-L3 Repalr Order f Descriptlon of the item to be repaired: WAW 4010 poly line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Weathered / old Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 30'- 3/8" poly line 1- 3/8' compresson 90 3 - 318" inserts 3 - 3/8'ferrells EarurfrryaqD Copies of thls report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Location:Repair Order # Descrlption of the item to be repalred: Valve body on ESD solenoid Describe what caused the failure: Small piece of teflon tape plugged orfice. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes 3-way valve body, 120V solenoid. t; I-tt<o14 I fti? Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L7.L 015 Locatlon:Repalr Order f Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: WAW chemical line leak at well head. Describe what caused the fallure: Line was stepped on. Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 30'- 3/8' Poly line L- 3/8" compression coupling 2- 318" ferrules ?,rerrl I /ri/8/7120 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order E-Pad MCC 015 Repair Order # Description of the ltem to be repaired: MCC Building a/c unit Describe what caused the failure: Leaking freon Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes. Peterson Refrigeration made the repair. Qfad ?,/tire 8/LLl20 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 08lLs/20 Repair Order t7-3 ot1 Repalr Order # Descriptlon of the item to be repalred: WAW 4010 poly line Descrlbe what caused the failure: Weathered / old Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 30'- 3/8" poly line L - 318" compresson 90 3 - 3/8" inserts 3 - 3/8" ferrells EaorfrrydqD Copieg of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: osltsl20 Repair Order L7-IL Repalr Order fl Description of the ltem to be repalred: WAW 4010 poly line Descrlbe what caused the failure: Weathered / old Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 30'- 3/8" poly line L - 318' compresson 90 3 - 3/8' inserts 3 - 3/8'ferrells Eo'urefr I /qD Coples of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order t7-L2 Repalr Order # Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: WAW 4010 poly line Descrlbe what caused the failure: Weathered / old Were new parts us€d ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 30'- 3/8' poly line 1- 3/8' compresson 90 3 - 3/8" inserts 3 - 318" ferrells EazdrydqD Copies of thls report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 08lLsl20 Repair Order L7-2 o?t Repalr Order f Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Plugged EB check valve Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Thick chemical Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New brass check valve /4qD slts/20 Coples of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08122120 A-2 treater 022 Location:Repalr Order f Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: ESD kimray pilot Ilescribe what caused the fallure: Diaphragm in the pilot developed a hole Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? lnstalled a rebuilt pilot. ?,uv Aaifa@L 8122/20 copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order E Pad Repalr Order # Description ofthe item to be repaired: 19-5 will not start due to VFD faults. Describe what caused the failure: Main fuses in VFD failed, power outage. Were new parts used in the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 2- new fuses FWH-200A A t?,t<oq I lutl Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF tool room Repair Order # Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Plumbing to expansion tank on water heater. Describe what caused the fallure: Nipples are corroded. Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New nipples, SS Tee, and SS 90 ?,rzrtl I R "l Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order A-pad chemical containment L7 -t4 Date:Repair Order # Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: KMR 17-14 LMI chemical pump WAW 4010 Describe what caused the fallure: Electronics quit working Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Replaced the pump with another used LMI chemical pump with all stainless steel fittings. /ar1D.?aaaat Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 s/L(20 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order E-Pad MCC Building Repair Order f Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: A/C Condensor fan Motor Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Unknown Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes. New Condensor Fan Motor. ?etsrtot, Reln$ouftb,o Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 091L7120 Repair Order A pad 027 Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: L7-7LEB line not pumping Descrlbe what caused the failure: Plugged line at well head Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- Brass ferrule 1- Brass insert Roul slLT/20 Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Repair Order # Descrlptlon of the item to be repaired: Compressor on B-pad A/C unit Describe what caused the fallure: Wore out parts. Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New compressor was installed and a heater was installed around the new compressor to keep freon from freezing. /o/t*Doo L0/27120 Copies of this report are located at: wco Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Covenant Field CPF Repair Order # Descrlption ofthe ltem to be repalred: Dry-lock on front arm of Load Rack 101 Describe what caused the fallure: Broken spring in locking device of Dry-lock Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? We replaced it with a rebuilt Dry-lock OladAtae LuLLl20 Coples of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: LLIL4/20 Repair Order Covenant Field CPF Location:Repalr Order I Descrlptlon of the Item to be repaired: Replace batteries in service truck Descrlbe what caused the fallure: batteries no longer holding charge Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? 2- new batteries Rozf Thdagar. Repaired by: LL/L6/20 Date of Repair: Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 tLlLs/20 Repair Order Treater pad 031 Date:Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: oxygen scavenger pump Describe what caused the failure: The pump head is plugged up and the packings are worn out. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced the pump head with a spare one, it is a 3/8" piston the one removed was a 7f 4" piston. Also replaced the associated chen Wg,/,4*ttlL7120 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: LLlz8l20 Repair Order Load rack 101 Repalr Order fl Descrlptlon of the Item to be repalred: tl2" LW gauge on the load line. Describe what caused the fallure: Gauge gave out. Crude oil was shooting out of the vent on the top of the gauge. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Replaced the bad gauge with another new gauge. /a4i 81/& Coples of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: tu26/20 Repair Order D2 Pad 033 Date:Location:Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: Freezing air line at 20-5 Vent box. Changed existing air line so antifreeze pot can be used at 20-5 vent box. Describe what caused the failure: Moisture in air line coming up from D pad MCC. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes 10' 3/8" poly air line L- 3/8'SS compression T 4- SS ferrule 3- 3/8'SS nuts 1- 2" Malleable TB condulet 1- 2' GRC close nipple R "/W LL/28120 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Lu28l20 VCU sKid CPF Repair Order fl Descriptlon of the item to be repalred: MOV is not closing when there is a fault on the flare Desrlbe what caused the fallure: Contacts in control relay were sticking. MOV was not turning off in the closed position, motor was just stalling. Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- control relay R"rylM LLl29l20 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order P-380 Repair Order # Descrlptlon ofthe item to be repalred: P-380 is making a odd noise Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Loose clamp bolts around pump housing. Were new parts used In the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? No ?,rard?,ur1 L2/L0120 Copies of thls report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF Load bay 101 Repalr Order f Descrlptlon of the.ltem to be repaired: Bay 101front scully display is cracked. Desfflbe what caused the fallure: Possibly hit when truck driver was disconnecting from trailer, or hanging up scully cord. Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes 1- display for scully unit tA l-,<oryl ru? Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF Load bay 101 037 Repair Order # Description of the ltem to be repaired: Bay 101 front load arm dry lock started to leak Describe what caused the fallure: Worn parts Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? Yes 1- Replaced it with a brand new dry lock erad I lqD L2lL9l20 copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L2/30/20 West Bad OilTreater Repair Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: replace corroded parts on water dump Describe what caused the failure: corrosion Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? replaced cage with stainless and replaced the Disk and ratio plug with carbon steel as we did not have stainless in stock. /oiaDu Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operatlonsv.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: lLl08l2L Repair Order Load Bay 102 Repair Order fl Descriptlon of the item to be repaired: Vapor recovery hose front Descrlbe what caused the failure: Daily use Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes 9'hose material for 4 bands pipe wrap atal,tqlt<a,ry Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0Ll08l2L North Main Treater Repalr Order fl Descrlptlon ofthe item to be repalred: Water dump is hanging up Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Possibly a worn stem, or something stuck in the valve. Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes rebuilt internals from parts room t2, lct/,ta?lt<otq Ll812r Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: ot/L6l2t Repair Order A-3 Pad 041 Repalr Order # Description of the ltem to be repalred: 17-11 EB line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Plugged with chemical Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? 2 brass inserts 2 Brass ferrels qarud /il/r4.o'u L|LT/2L Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0LlL6l2L A-3 Pad Repair Order S Description of the item to be repaired: 17-12 EB Line Descrlbe what caused the failure: Plugged line Were new parts used ln the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? 2 Brass inserts 2 Brass ferrels Ear/wfr 7il1n4ie LlLTlzL Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 02/0s/21 Repair Order A-3 pad Repalr Order # Desrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: EB line on 17-4 Descrlbe what caused the fallure: line plugged Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? replaced line and rebuilt check A lta,,<otql l,url Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order o2106127 CPF Load Bay 102 Location:Repalr Order # Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Leaky swivel joint on Bay 102 front load line Describe what caused the fallure: Normal wear Were new parts used In the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- New swivel joint ?tard?,ur1 Coples of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 021L3/2L SWD #2 Repalr Order f Description of the item to be repaired: 1" Ball Valve & Coupon Holder Describe what caused the fallure: Unknown Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes. The 1" in SS Ball Valve was Replaced with a 1" Aluminum Bronze Ball Valve. eiadAlde 2/L3/2t Copies of this report are located at: wGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 03/02/2t Repair Order B pad MCC Repair Order S Description of the ltem to be repaired: power supply in control cabinet Describe what caused the fallure: Device failed reason unknown Were new parts used ln the repair? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes 1- SOLA SDN 10-24-100P power supply Rodf 3/2/2L Copies of thls report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 03102/2L o47 Locationl Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Fire eye is not working causing flare to shutdown. Describe what caused the failure: End of fire eye lifespan Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes 1- Honeywell S706PF UV 30'- 18awg 4 conductor twisted shielded cable. A l-tKqryl /,t4?3lslzt Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 03/0812L Repair Order 19-l Wellhead Repair Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: WAW chemical is no pumping Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Plugged check at wellhead Were new parts used In the repair? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- SS rebuilt check with teflon internals R"ryU*A 3l812L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order WF 17-4 Ventbox Date:Location:Repair Order # Description ofthe ltem to be repaired: EB Line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Check valve plugged and line pressured up and split line. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 20' of poly and a brass chemical check Ear,ffi Tc0lraau Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 17-11 Ventbox Location:Repalr Order fl Descrlptlon of the Item to be repaired: EB Line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Check valve plugged and line pressured up and split line. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? 40' of poly and a brass chemical check 416/21 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Rory Thdararr Date of Repair: 04127/2L Repair Order 101 Tank mixer 051 Repalr Order fl Descrlption of the item to be repalred: Belts on tank mixer Descrlbe what caused the failure: Worn from use Were new parts used ln the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 5- new belts R*rl N 4127lzL Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 102 Tank Mixer Repalr Order f Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: Belts on tank mixer Descrlbe what caused the failure: Worn out from use Were new parts used in the repair? If so what new parts were lnstalled? 5- new belts Rryl W 4/2712L copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate ShareAField operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 04/27/21 Repair Order 19-4 Wellhead Repalr Order # Description of the ltem to be repalred: WAW 4010 Chemical Line Descrlbe what caused the failure: Sun Rot Were new parts used ln the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? Yes. 3/8" Poly eiad ?,ltde 4127lzl Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2. 12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 204 Wellhead Location:Repair Order # Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: WAW 4010 Chemical Line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Sun Rot Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes. 3/8" Poly Qfad ?,04ire 4/27127 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: ul27l27 Repair Order 17-10 Wellhead 0s5 Repalr Order # Descriptlon of the item to be repalred: WAW 4010 Chemical Line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Sun Rot Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new partr were lnstalled? Yes. 3/8" Poly ehd?a0de 4127lzL Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 17-3 MCC Repalr Order f Descrlption of the item to be repalred: EB chemical pump 17-3 Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Worn out, Moisture in electronics Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- used chemical pump A t-,Katryl lao?4/2el2L Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate ShareAField Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0slLyzL Repair Order CPF Tank Battery 057 Repair Order fl Description ofthe ltem to be repaired: Biocide pump not pumping Descrlbe what caused the fallure: plugged check valves on pump Were new parts used ln the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? no ?,urtl slLLl2L Copies of this report are located at: wco Q:\corporate shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Location:Repalr Order # Descriptlon of the item to be repalred: East pressure relief on WKO Describe what caused the fallure: un known the seal surface has a small nick in it Were new parts used ln the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- Mercer 2" pressure relief valve. PN 9142H51T76U1 ?,urtl Ra/sdo TILLIZL Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 06/L6127 North Main Treater Repair Order # Description ofthe item to be repaired: Water dump is hanging up Describe what caused the failure: Possibly a worn stem, or something stuck in the valve. Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? Yes rebuilt internals from parts room EarurfrlSiad 6lt6l27 Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 06/0912L L8-2 Repalr Order # Description of the ltem to be repalred: Casing valve seized open Describe what caused the failure: Unknown Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced valve with one that we removed from 19-2 Ear,rdlW 6lsl2t Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 061t7127 Repair Order wF 19-1 Repair Order fl Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repaired: WAW 4010 Chemical Line Describe what caused the failure: Sun Rot Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? No. Cut out bad section of line. E4r,d I SlaZ 6/L8l2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 061L7/2t wF 20-1 Repalr Order # Description of the ltem to be repalred: WAW 4010 Chemical Line Describe what caused the failure: Stepped on and split line on gravel Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Cut out bad section of line Earud I SlaA 6lL8l21 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 06/2212L Repair Order SWD MCC Repalr Order # Descrlption ofthe item to be repalred: Belt on Atlas Copco air compressor Descrlbe what caused the failure: Worn out & or came loose Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- belt NAPA XL 7395 Rurr'l 6/2312t Coples ofthls report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0612412L L7-3 Repair Order # Descrlptlon of the item to be repaired: EB chemical check on 17-4 wellhead Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Plugged Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New brass check valve RorqThrn 4rO 6l24l2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L7-LL Repair Order f Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: EB chemical pump Descrlbe what caused the failure: Pump worn out Were new parts used ln the repalr? If so what new parts were Installed? No. We replacd the pump with a used one. ?,ur1 I R""l Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 06l27lzL Repair Order wF 20-3 Repalr Order # Ilescrlption of the item to be repaired: WAW 4010 Chemical Line Descrlbe what caused the failure: Sun Rot Were new parts used in the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes. 3/8" Poly 7,rr1 I /qD, Copies ofthis report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 06/27/2L 057 Location:Repalr Order fl Descriptlon of the ltem to be repaired: WAW 4010 Chemical Line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Sun Rot Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes. 3/8" Poly ?,ry I /ar1Dw, Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\z.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07l0s/2l Locatlon:Repair Order # Description of the ltem to be repaired: WAW 4010 Chemical Line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Sun Rot Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes. 3/8" Poly EalKfr I /qD 7lsl2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0710712L Repalr Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Center light on office north wall, light on the back of the fire suppression building, and light at propane tank Describe what caused the fallure: Burned out bulbs Were new parts used ln the repair? If so what new parts were lnstalled? New bulbs installed Roq 7hra44rr 718/2L Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07lo7lZL L8-2 Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: WAW 4010 Chemical Line Describe what caused the failure: pin hole in the chemical line believed to be caused bywrong material used to hold chemical Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes. 3/8" Nylon ?,,ant Rabda Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 717127 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Locatlon:Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Were new parts used In the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? eiad ?,iliae 4127lzt Copies of thls report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate ShareAField Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07lt2l2L E Pad 07L Repair Order f Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: WAW Chemical line from pump to chemical tank on 17-5 Descrlbe what caused the fallure: wrong material for chemical Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? New nylon ehdAtitu 4/27/2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07lL9l2L 073 Loratlon:Repair Order # Descrlption ofthe item to be repaired: WAW 4010 line from vent box to well head Describe what caused the fallure: Wrong material for chemical / Sun rot Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New Nylon Chemical line /*tD*Tltsl2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate shared\Fi€ld operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0612812L CPF 30000 gallon propane tank Location:Repair Order f Description of the ltem to be repaired: Replace the ESD actuator on the liquid line Describe what caused the failure: Diaphragm developed a leak Were new parts us€d ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? A new actuator of the same type was installed ?ry Eratfaqf 6/3olzl Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 07/2u2L Repair Order CPF 075 Locationi Repalr Order f Description of the ltem to be repalred: pressure relief on the produced gas KO tank will not close after pressure testing Describe what caused the fallure: build up of iron sulfides prevented the relief from shutting after we tested it Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? replaced with new pressure relief valve ?,,ztol Ra/sdo 7l2t/2L Coples of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07/2Ll2L Treater Pad 076 Location:Repair Order S Description of the ltem to be repalred: replace the pressure control valve on the A-2 treater due to it leaking. Replace entire valve and pilot for inspection. Descrlbe what caused the failure: ;tem and lo'wer stem packing that would not let valve to close Were new parts used In the repalr? If so what new parts were lnstalled? new valve instaled ?,urtl Ro4odo 7/2Ll2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07122/21 17-12 well head 077 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: leaking hammer union on the casing flow line Describe what caused the failure: fluid traped behind the check valve causing bactiria to grow and eat the carbon steel union Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? removed check valve and replaced union with new carbon steel ?rtnt Ro4sda 7/22/27 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 07122127 Repair Order LACT. 102 Descriptlon of the item to be repaired: Replace flex coupling between motor & pump Describe what caused the fallure: Regular wear from normal operations Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes 1- TB Woods 11E EPDM SF sleeve ?,uqlRa,r't Repalr Order fl 7l23l2t copies of this report are located at: WGO q:\Corporate ShareAField Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 07/2612L Repair Order CPF shop Repair Order fl Descrlptlon of the item to be repaired: Replace wall switch and pads in swamp cooler Describe what caused the fallure: Switch burned up, pads salted up. Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? New parts of the same were used. Roryl?zatl7*t 4/2712L Copies ofthis report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0713012t Treater Pad Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: Replace the pressure control valve on the A-1 treater as standard maintenance procedure. Replace entire valve and pilot for insped Describe what caused the fallure: No failure found after inspection Were new parts used In the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Rebuilt valve & pilot installed /4qD I Staa 7l30lzt Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0713012L Repair Order Load Bay 101 Repalr Order f Descrlption of the item to be repalred: Connect new printer to Accuload Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Change of printer connection from serial to ethernet Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were Installed? 80'Cat5E cable Rarrl 814127 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08/04l2L 17-7 Well head 082 Repair Order # Description of the item to be repalred: remove check valve from casing flow line Descrlbe what caused the failure: prevenative maintanance to prevent corrosion Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? SST piping with CS fittings ?,urtt Ro4odo 814l2t Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08/0s/2L B-1 Location:Repair Order # Descrlption of the item to be repaired: Replace the pressure control valve on inlet of treater, Describe what caused the failure: Service and Maintenance Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced valve with a newly rebuilt valve. /*/ 3,/,/*8lsl27 Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2. 12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0810s/2L 174 well head Repalr Order # Descrlptlon ofthe Item to be repaired: Change out the line and remove the check valve on the casing valve. Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Service and maintenance. Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? new stainless steel nipple. QiadAlaz 4/2712L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 08/osl2t Repair Order 17-3 well head 08s Repalr Order f Descrlptlon ofthe ltem to be repaired: Change out the line and remove the check valve on the casing valve. Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Service and maintenance. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? new stainless steel nipple. ?uq Eueilal4L 816/2L Copies of this report are located at: wco Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: o8l0sl2t Repair Order A-2 B meter on oil leg Repalr Order fl Descriptlon of the ltem to be repaired: Pull out B meter on oil leg and clean and make sure impeller is working correct. Describe what caused the failure: 17-19 not showing oil flow Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? None M8?,/*8ls/2t Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 08lL8/2L Repair Order 17-10 well head Repalr Order # Descriptlon ofthe ltem to be repaired: Change out line and remove the check valve on casing flow line. Descrlbe what caused the failure: Service and Maintenance Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New 2" S,S. nipple Al-,<oql /,ut,8lL8lzL Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08/L8127 20-3 well head Repair Order fl Desrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Change out line and remove check valve on flow casing flow line Descrlbe what caused the failure: Service and maintenance Were new parts used ln the repalr? If so what new parts were lnstalled? New 2" S.S. nipple TuqlRo,rt 8lL8l2t Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 08/0t/2L Repair Order A-2 treater 089 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Replace 1' water meter valves and oil meter valves Describe what caused the failure: Stems on the watervalves were corroded and loose. Oil walves may have been leaking, changed them out as PM. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? All new 1" warren Stainless Steel valves were installed. ?uq I /"4f slts/27 Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 20-2 Well Head Location:Repair Order f Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Change out line and remove check valve on flow casing flow line Descrlbe what caused the failure: Service and maintenance Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New 2" S.S. nipple ?rylW 8/20/2t Copies ofthls report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 08lL8l2L Repair Order 204 Well Head Repalr Order # Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Change out line and remove check valve on flow casing flow line Remove choke from well head Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Service and maintenance Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 4'- 2" S.S. pipe 1- 2" 90 R"ryU*f 8l2u2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07/Ls/21 B-1 treater Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: Replace 1" water meter valves. Describe what caused the fallure: Stems on the water valves were corroded and loose. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 2- 1" ss Warren ball valves 1'- 1" SS pipe 7,ur1 I W Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\z.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 17-14 Well Head Repalr Order f Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: Remove check valve from casing flow line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Prevenative maintanance to prevent corrosion Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New 2" Stainless steel nipple /aqDlSiad Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 08126/2L Repair Order 17-1Well Head Repalr Order f Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Remove check valve from casing flow line Describe what caused the fallure: Prevenative maintanance to prevent corrosion Were new parts used in the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? New 2" Stainless steel nipple WlSrad 8126/2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08/2712L 17-11Well Head Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: Remove check valve from casing flow line Describe what caused the failure: Prevenative maintanance to prevent corrosion Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? New 2" Stainless steel nipple WlSlad 8/2712L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\z. 12. I Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Tool Room Repalr Order f Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: light in tool room Describe what caused the failure: bulbs went out Were new parts used In the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 2- 4'4100K 120V LED lamps Rout 9ltl2t Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12., Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0s104121 Repair Order D pad header building 097 Location:Repalr Order f Descriptlon of the item to be repaired: Spare 3" grooved ball valve on the B-1 header in the D-Pad header building. Describe what caused the failure: Corrosion. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Replaced the 3" black steel ballvalve with a coated blind flang with a 1" S.S. nipple and S.S, 1" ballvalve for a drain. ?,rerrdRoul el4/2L Copies of this report are located at: wco Q:\Corporate shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 09/0s/21 Repair Order A3 Pad Locatlon:Repair Order # Descriptlon of the item to be repalred: 17-12 Well Sl. Describe what caused the fallure: Poor electrical connection at well head. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- New surface pigtail 1- can electrical parts cleaner 2- new FWH-400A fuses R""/W Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 09l0slzL Repair Order D pad header building Repalr Order f Descriptlon of the item to be repalred: 3" grooved ball valve on the BO line coming from D2 pad on B-1 header in the D-Pad header building. Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Corrosion. Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced the 3" black steel ball valve with a SS valve. ?,r*rd/al Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Flare KO pump Repair Order # Descrlption of the item to be repaired: Pump not working Describe what caused the fallure: ? Were new parts used ln the repair? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? Switched out pump with a spare. ?,rard/ul Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate ShareAField Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 09/tLl2L Repair Order 19-1Well Head Locatlon:Repalr Order # Descriptlon of the item to be repaired: Remove check valve from casing flow line Describe what caused the fallure: Prevenative maintanance to prevent corrosion Were new parts used ln the repalr? !f so what new parts were installed? New 2" Stainless steel nipple /d+DlSiad slLu2t Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\z.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 17-8 Well Head Location:Repair Order fr Description of the item to be repalred: Remove check valve from casing flow line Describe what caused the fallure: Prevenative maintanance to prevent corrosion Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New 2" Stainless steel nipple /4qdSfad 9lL2l27 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Share{Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 17-11 VFD Location:Repair Order fr Descriptlon of the item to be repalred: 17-11 VFD fan Describe what caused the failure: bracket failed Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- used Fan Rarrl Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order A-2 A & B meter on oil leg Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: Pull out A & B meter on oil leg and clean and make sure impeller is working correct. Describe what caused the failure: Sandy substance from 16-1 plugging meters Were new parts used In the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? None /aqD I Staa Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 09127/2L Repair Order P38O VFD Repair Order fl Description of the ltem to be repaired: VFD Describe what caused the failure: Unknown Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? New Baker Hughes VFD Roul Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: LOl02/2t Repair Order B-2 treater 105 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Replace both 1" oil meter valves and 1" water meter valve Describe what caused the failure: Stem on the water valve was corroded and loose. Oil walves may have been leaking, changed them out as PM. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? All new l" warren Stainless Steel valves were installed. Rury I /ooi L0l2l2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: to/0412L Repair Order CPF Load Bay 102 Location:Repair Order # Description ofthe item to be repaired: Detonation arrestor on vapor recovery system Describe what caused the failure: Driver overfilled his trailer and filled vapor recovery line with oil causing detonation arrestor to plug Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced detornation arrestor with clean one ?,,artl?rypaai Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 t0l4l27 Repaired by:Date of Repair: oel24/2L Repair Order D-Pad MCC Building Repair Order d Description of the item to be repaired: A/CCondensorfan Motor Describe what caused the failure: Unknown Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes. New Condensor Fan Motor. ?ete,raaoRe|tu?/t"druo Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: to/1412L Repair Order A-2 treater Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Gas dump Describe what caused the failure: Service and Maintenance Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were Installed? Replaced the diaphram section out of a valve off the shelf. Copies ofthis report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: LOl24l2t Repair Order A-2 A & B meter on oil leg 110 Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Pull out A & B meter on oil leg and clean Describe what caused the fallure: Sandy substance that was stuck in turbins in meters Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? None /a*D I 7*t L0124127 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: t0/24/21 Repair Order A2 treater oil leg 111 Locatlon:Repalr Order # Description of the ltem to be repaired: Oil meters plugging with sandy substance installing a strainer upstream of meters to try to solve issue. Describe what caused the fallure: Sandy substance that was stuck in meter turbines. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- 3" strainer 1- 2" 150 tapped flange 2-2" L50 flexgaskets /roil?,,e,rt Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 LOl28/2L Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order LL/08/21 A-1 Test Treater tLz Repair Order fl Description of the ltem to be repalred: lnged out water dump Describe what caused the fallure: Stem wearing and causing the dumb to stick Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? installed rebuilt water dump Siad I fD LL/8/2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 12108/2t Repair Order 17-2 Well head 113 Repair Order fl Descrlption of the item to be repaired: Removed the check valve on casing flow line. Describe what caused the failure: Service and Maintenance Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New stainless steel nipple to replace check valve. Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 18-1Well head Repair Order # Descrlption of the item to be repaired: Removed the check valve on casing flow line. Describe what caused the fallure: Service and Maintenance Were new parts used ln the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? New stainless steel nipple to replace check valve. Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: L2losl27 Repair Order 17-5 Wellhead 115 Repalr Order # Descriptlon ofthe item to be repaired: Rosemount on tubing Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Pressure transmitter failed Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- new rosemount Rozf LzlL0l2t Coples of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Repair Order fl Describe what caused the failure: Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate shared\Field operations\z.12. 1 Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order t2/2s/2L A2 treater tt7 Repair Order f Desmiption of the ltem to be repaired: upstream meter valve on the B water leg Descrlbe what caused the fallure: valve was leaking where the body screws together Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? replaced with new valve ?,rard7,rr1 L2lzs/2L Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order C-Pad Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: 17-8 E.B. chemical pump needs to be replaced. Describe what caused the failure: Electronics stopped working. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced bad pump with used spare pump off the shelf. Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 119 Repair Order f Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Alarm strobe Describe what caused the fallure: Bad bulb Bad PLC output Were new parts used in the repair? If so what new parts were installed? 1- new bulb Rou't Copies ofthis report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order C Pad Repair Order # Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Alarm strobe Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Bad strobe fixture Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what neu, parts were lnstalled? 1- new strobe Edward STRHA120 1- 120V control relay Rarrl Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0L108122 Repair Order B pad Lzt Repair Order f Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: Alarm strobe Descrlbe what caused the failure: Bad strobe fixture No PLC output Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- new strobe Edward STRHA120 1- 120V control relay Rorrl tl8l22 Coples of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0L/08122 Repair Order A pad L22 Repair Order t Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: Alarm strobe Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Bad strobe fixture Bad control relay Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what neu, parts were lnstalled? 1- new strobe Edward STRHA120 1- 120V control relay Roul copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 20-5 Wellhead Repair Order S Description of the item to be repalred: 1" ball valve upstream of the rosemount Descrlbe what caused the failure: Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? new 1" ball valve Siad Rolsdoo$ Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Water Knockout Treater Repair Order # Descriptlon of the ltem to be repaired: Pilot on the inlet PCV Describe what caused the failure: Service and maintenance Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? Replaced with newly rebuilt pilot /aqD I Sdaa 2/Lsl22 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order South Main Treater Location:Repair Order # Description ofthe item to be repaired: Pilot on the inlet PCV Describe what caused the failure: Service and maintenance Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced with newly rebuilt pilot /aq D I SAaa 2lLs/22 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Sha red\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0t/L2122 Repair Order 17-5 hydraulic skid t26 Repalr Order f Description of the item to be repaired: Battery in control panel Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Service and maintenance Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced with new lithium 6 V battery /aqD I Staa Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order South Main Treater 727 Repair Order f Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: Water Dump Bonnet Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstailed? Rebuilt bonnet with the same type of parts Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 03/L8/22 Load Bay 101 128 Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Heat trace splice boxes Describe what caused the failure: unknown Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 2- new PVC J-boxes a^t<@tl 3lt8/22 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order t29 Repair Order # Description ofthe item to be repaired: Exterior lights Describe what caused the failure: photo cell failed Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- intermatic photo cell Ro,rl 3/30122 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order A-2 Test Treater Repalr Order f Descriptlon of the item to be repaired: Pressure Control Valve Bonnet Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Valve wasn't operating properly Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Replaced with a rebuilt one SradlfD copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Location:Repair Order fl Description of the item to be repaired: Replace the water dump bonnett and valve internals Describe what caused the failure: The oil has been pushed out of the oil cavity, suspect the stem seals are bad Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? lnstalled a rebuilt assembly. ?zsnt I ?oq 4129/22 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order E pad Repalr Order # Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: Wifi antenna is not working Describe what caused the failure: Unknown Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Replaced antenna with new unit Ro,ul Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate ShareAField Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 42 pad 133 Repair Order S Description of the item to be repaired: West AC unit Describe what caused the failure: Refridgerant leak Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? fixed leak charged system. Dalz ?eleuarn s/L8122 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. I Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 06/oL/22 L7-7 VFD Repair Order # Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: 17-7 VFD fan Descrlbe what caused the fallure: loose bracket Were new parts used In the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- used Fan Rout Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate ShareAField Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 17-3 MCC Repalr Order # Description of the ltem to be repaired: 17-3 test actuator not opening Descrlbe what caused the fallure: failed relay Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- new relay Roul Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07lotlz2 17-18 VFD Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: Screen not working on VFD Describe what caused the failure: Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Changed out screen & graphics interface board. Replaced P-module Rorrl 7lLl22 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 06l20l22 A pad MCC L37 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: West AC unit Describe what caused the failurel Unit unable to keep up with summer temps. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? lnstalled additional condenser ?eloutno "$Ar4ouArut Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07/L4122 Locatlon:Repair Order # Description of the Item to be repaired: East light on Bay 102 Front light on fire suppression building tight at propane vaporizor Desglbe what caused the fallure: Light bulbs Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 3- M250light bulbs Roul Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate ShareAField operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07120122 139 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: AC unit MCC building Describe what caused the failure: Condenser fan wiring melted Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Repaired wiring. ?ete,uau R(zU4ozattaa 7122/22 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07120122 Location:Repalr Order fl Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: Run status on 20-5 VFD Describe what caused the fallure: failed relay Were new parts used In the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- new relay Roul Coples of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L40 Locatlon:Repalr Order # Description of the ltem to be repaired: MOV 3628 not opening or closing Descrlbe what caused the fallure: failed relay Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- new relay Roul 7120122 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08/03/22 Tank Battery Repair Order # Description of the ltem to be repalred: T-101 recirc MOV Describe what caused the failure: Motor failed in actuator Were new parts used In the repair? If so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- used actuator Razrl Coples of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08127122 D-2 header building L43 Location:Repair Order # Description of the ltem to be repaired: The B test treater valve on the 17-15 line needs to be replaced. Describe what caused the failure: The valve will not colse or open all the way. Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? New valve was installed ?,nti,a I ?zartun L0lLzl2? Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF Battery Repalr Order fr Desoiption of the ltem to be repalred: Charge pump flange adaptor and gasket Describe what caused the fallure: Defective flange adaptor gasket Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes installed new Grovelok flange adaptor ?,rstlu, RoAsdo Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order C pad MCC 145 Location:Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: C pad air compressor Describe what caused the failure: Failed start capacitor on motor Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- New start capacitor RouT Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. I Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Repalr Order f Descrlption ofthe ltem to be repalred: Light at the flare is out. tlescribe what caused the failure: Light bulb Were new parts used ln the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- M250li8ht bulb Rozf Copies ofthis report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L0109122 147 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Water dump on WKO Describe what caused the failure: Stem packing was leaking / general wear Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? replaced with rebuilt bonet ?oeotuo t0110/22 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order D2 Header Building 148 Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: replace bad valves in header building Describe what caused the fallure: Ball gasket expanded and would not allow ball to close. Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were Installed? Yes new valves were instaled. ?urtua Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: emergency relief gasket on tank 102 Describe what caused the fallure: Build up of iron sulfide on the sealing surface of the tank. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? new viton gasket, clean sealing surface of the tank. ?,,anl Ra4odo t0lt7l22 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2. 12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Lu07l22 CPF shop Repair Order f Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Propane heater in shop. Describe what caused the failure: Unknown Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- new control board 1- new control valve 1- relay for fan Rory Thaaqat4 LL/l122 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order LLlzLl22 Load bay 151 Location:Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: Vapor recovery isolation valve Describe what caused the failure: corrisive gas Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Warren stainless steel full port ball valve series 6156 ?utia 0kzr4 LLl22/23 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Load bay #2 L52 Repair Order f Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: front scully Describe what caused the failure: Bad display on scully intellitrol Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- used intellitrol cover/display 1- new scully cord PN 08155 Rarrl LL/28122 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operatlons\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Lu27l22 East Recirculation Pump 153 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: The east recirc pump is making a lot of noise. Describe what caused the failure: Motor bearings Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? 1- new 7.5 hp electric motor 1- new coupling ( TB Woods 6JE EPDM.) T,utalRouT L2/27122 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.1 2.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L2107122 Locatlon:Repair Order f Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Pilot on the WKO Descrlbe what caused the fallure: corosive gases in valve Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? replaced with newly rebuilt pilot Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L7-t5 Repair Order f Descrlptlon of the item to be repaired: 17-15 VFD Descrlbe what caused the fallure: VFD screen went out Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what ne(u parts were installed? 1- used screen Rotl Copies of this report are located at: wco Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0L/03122 treater pad Repalr Order # Descrlptlon of the Item to be repalred: east pressure relief on the main treater Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? replaced with new pressure relief ?aca tl4122 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0L104/22 load bays Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: 101 front vapor recovery hose is leaking 101 front load arm swivel joint Descrlbe what caused the fallure: normal wear and UV rays Were new parts used In the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? replaced with new hose ?,rart Lls122 Copies ofthls report are located at: wco Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order load bay KO tank Date:Location:Repair Order S Description of the item to be repaired: replace KO pump due to it leaking out the exaust Describe what caused the fallure: diaphragm failure Were new parts used In the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? replace with rebuilt pump Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order ollLuz3 Load bay 101 Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: Replace detonation arrestor Describe what caused the failure: plugged Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced with a clean arrestor ?ur4 I R""t LhL/23 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order oLlt4l23 Load bay 102 Repair Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: Replace detonation arrestor Descrlbe what caused the failure: Preventative maintenance Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced with a clean arrestor ?uq I Ean*fr LlL4/23 Copies of this report are located at: wco Q:\corporate shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 02114123 CPF office furnace room Locatlon:Repalr Order # Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repaired: The small cooling fan above the furnace needs to be replaced. Describe what caused the failure: The fan was still working but making bad squealing noises. Were new parts used ln the repair? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? Copies ofthis report are located at: wco Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order A2lA3 MCC Repalr Order f Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: 16-1 VFD screen wouldn't boot after power rycle because of frozen screen. Describe what caused the failure: unknown Were new parts used In the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- new P-module Rarrl Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF VCU Repair Order # Description of the ltem to be repaired: Difficulty reading #'s on flare gas meter display. Descrlbe what caused the failure: Sun damage/ EOL. Were new parts used In the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- new display Rurrl 4lL4l23 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order osl24l23 17-5 Unidraulic Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Replace the back pressure valve off the vessel. Describe what caused the failure: Piece of rubber stuck between sealing surfaces and rubber gasket ate away, Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? Replacet the lnvalco valve with a Kimray back pressure valve. ?zartl/ul sl24/23 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 17-5 Unidralic Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Needle valves on fluid end on Murphy switch. Describe what caused the failure: Corrosion. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes. 6000 psi needle valve. Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF substation Repair Order S Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Main fuse in substation Describe what caused the fallure: Snake on lnsulator below fuse Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes 1- S&C catalog # 465080R3 RozV Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF office L67 Location:Repalr Order I Descriptlon ofthe ltem to be repalred: PLC powersupply on bottom rack. Describe what caused the fallure: Rack would not power back up after power outage. Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were Installed? Yes 1- AB 1756-PA72 Rozq Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order A3 MCC Repalr Order # Descrlption of the hem to be repaired: Fiber connection from 43 pad to Office. Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Failed media converter at 43 pad. Were new parts used in the repalr? If so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes 1- set of fiber jumpers Roul Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Treater pad Repair Order fi Description of the item to be repaired: Oil meter on South main treater. Describe what caused the failure: Battery failed Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes 1- new Cameron battery -la/4q1,<utq 7lt8l23 copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 071L8123 D pad L70 Repair Order # Description of the ltem to be repalred: Fiber/ethernet switch at D pad tower Describe what caused the fallure: Switch failed during power outage. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes 1- new Siemens switch Rarrt 7/L8123 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07/te/23 CPF SWD L7t Location:Repair Order fl Description of the item to be repaired: Batteries in P-370 flow meters Describe what caused the failure: End of service life. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes 2- new cameron batteries QannealRouT 7l]'.el23 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07120123 CPF tank battery Repair Order fl Description of the item to be repaired: Replaced seal tight conduit on produced oil line pressure transmitter. Describe what caused the failure: Weather & sun damage Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Yes 6'- L/2" seal tight conduit ?,radlRo'rrl 7/20123 Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate shared\Fleld operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07120/23 CPF tank battery L73 Locatlon:Repalr Order S Description of the item to be repaired: Replaced pressure transmitter on BO line in tank battery Describe what caused the failure: Cover for wire connections gaulded, Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? No 1- Used pressure transmitter from stock was installed. ?,u-rdRoq 7120123 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07123123 Tank 103 174 Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: replace leaking bull plugs that hold cathodic protection probes on tank 101 Describe what caused the failure: corrosion ate through the bull plugs holding the corrosion probes. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? replace with stainless fittings Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08lLzl23 E - Pad header building L75 Location:Repair Order S Description ofthe item to be repaired: Replace all of the grooved fitting gaskets on the flow line and test line risers leaving the building. Describe what caused the failure: Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 081L4123 Tank battey L76 Location:Repalr Order f Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Light between the 4(X)'s and light above old chemical pump outlets are out. Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Coples of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Op€rations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 081L4123 t77 Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: The Roto-Mold 49 inch Plastic tank used for the 8090 Cracked 3/4 of the way up Describe what caused the failure: Age, Hot and cold weather. Were new parts used in the repair? If so what new parts were installed? New tank was installed StadlEa,a,&l?r*t el8123 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order D-2 pad Repair Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: Replace motor on the quintaplex skid Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Dry bearings Were new parts used ln the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? Replaced the motor with a new one Ra,ql?u"ra 8/L6/23 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF VCU Repair Order # Descrlption of the item to be repalred: Actuator on VCU in not working. Descrlbe what caused the failure: Actuator failed Were new parts used In the repalr? lf so what new parts were Installed? 1- new bettis actuator Ro,rl Copies of thls report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF SWD Repair Order # Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Commissioning of new P-370 skid Describe what caused the failure: NA Were new parts used ln the iepalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? NA Sala?aaAoo.lRauy Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF shop Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Lights in shop Describe what caused the failure: bulbs needed replacement Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? 35- T8 light bulbs -ta/,?4?1,<ottl 8l?3/23 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 08123123 CPF SWD Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Replaced both bearings in P-380 motor Describe what caused the failure: To be determined Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 2- new bearings T,taat tktaa Oltait l ?,u*a )8123123 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Sha red\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF battery Location:Repair Order S Description of the item to be repaired: MOV's for produced water are not functioning Describe what caused the failure: Relay failed for pit valve Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 3- new relays Rotl 8l3tl23 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order CPF Office PLC Repair Order fl Descrlptlon of the item to be repaired: Power supply for PLC in office top rack. Describe what caused the failure: Would not turn back on after power outage. Were new parts used in the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- Allen Bradley 1755-PA75 Ruul Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: os/ot/23 Repair Order E pad 185 Locatlon:Repalr Order # Descriptlon of the item to be repaired: 18-3 VFD Describe what caused the fallure: main fuse blew from power outage. Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were Installed? 1- new fuse Rarq s/L/23 Coples of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: T-102 emergency relief Describe what caused the failure: Build up of iron sulfides on the sealing surface Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? lnstalled new viton gasket and cleaned the sealing surface Earlrefr /illr,ni4e Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0e/L2/23 Repair Order D-Pad MCC Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: A/C unit on D-pad MCC Describe what caused the failure: Low on freon, Petersen's said that when unit is low on freon with the cooler ambient temps the coils freeze up and stop cooling. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Petersen's Refrideration came out and recharged the freon and found a small leak under the cap of the freon inlet port. They fixed Ws,/*slt2l23 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 09/22/23 A-2 Pad MCC Repalr Order # Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repalred: Cooling fan in the 17-7 ESP drive Describe what caused the failure: Broken fan cage Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstatled? 1- used fan Roul Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L0103123 A-1 Test header 189 Repair Order # Description ofthe item to be repaired: the top gasket on the chemical injection 3" tee is leaking Describe what caused the failure: contact with neat chemical and gasket was over tightened Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? new gasket was installed. Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order E-Pad Header 190 Repalr Order fl Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: Grooved fitting gaskets on the test line Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Wrong material was used causing the gaskets to degrade over time Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New Viton gaskets were installed Eald Tillnou Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\z.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair; Repair Order C pad 191 Repair Order f Description of the item to be repalred: lR light on tower Descrlbe what caused the fallure: unknown Were new parts used in the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- new lR light & power supply Roq Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order tLl20l23 L92 Locadon:Repalr Order f Dexrlptlon of the item to be repaired: Sump Pump will not start in hand or auto. Describe what caused the fallure: Water in HOA & start stop enclosure caused connections & switches to fail. Were new parts used ln the repalr? !f so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- HOA 1- Start/stop push button Rorr't tL/20/23 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 7Llztl23 CPF SWD MCC 193 Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Atlas Copco compressor leaking oil. Describe what caused the fallure: Pin hole in oil filter. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- new oil filter 1- new separator filter 1- oil RorylStad rLl20/23 Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L2lO8l23 C pad MCC Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Thermostat for air conditioner. Describe what caused the failure: unknown Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- Honeywell TH5220D1029 Rorrl L2/8/23 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order L2128123 C pad MCC 195 Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: replaced camera pointing towards well head. Describe what caused the failure: Camera would not switch to night mode. unknown Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- ubiquiti G3 pro camera Row L2128123 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 102 load bay Repalr Order f Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: Detonation arrestor Descrlbe what caused the failure: needed to be cleaned Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? no /rail?,,arrt Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0L/Ltl24 19-5 tubing pressure rosemount L97 Repair Order # Description ofthe ltem to be repaired: Rosemount pressure transmitter causing well to Sl. Describe what caused the failure: Well pressure exceeded max operating pressure causing Sl. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? No 1- used 4000psi transmitter Qa,w*lRot7 L/LLl24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order o1,lLLl24 17-16 tubing pressure rosemount Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repalred: Transmitter output is different from display by 60psi Descrlbe what caused the failure: Transmitter quit functioning correctly Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? no 1- used 2000psi transmitter Rozq Copies of thls report are located at: WGo Q:\corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0tltsl24 Repair Order Lact#2/ Load bay #2 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Trucks unable to load high pressure alarm on Accuload. Describe what caused the failure: Replaced pressure transmitter Checked electrical con nections for transmitter Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? no 1- used 800psi transmitter Roul LlLs/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order SWD building Repair Order S Description of the item to be repaired: Saftey latch on the hoist hook needs to be replaced Describe what caused the failure: Missing hook at time of inspection. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? New saftey latch was ordered and replaced on the hook. Jat@t*.LlL8124 copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0L/18124 17-10 vessel Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Plugged check valve on the E.B, line. Describe what caused the failure: Assuming the chemical is not compatible with the water in the flow line. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? lnstalled new brass chemical checks and cleaned the fitting good. /*i 8,/,4*tlL8124 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0tlL8l24 18-4 vessel Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Plugged check valve on E.B. line Describe what caused the failure: Assuming the water is not compatible with the water in the flow line. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? installed new brass chemical check valve and cleaned the fittings good. W87/*Llts/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0t122124 Load rack #1 Date:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Unable to get a green light on rear scully Describe what caused the failure: normal use/scully connector is worn out. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? New scully connector with new cord Rorrl Thr4arar4 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order oLl22l24 D pad MCC AC unit Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: AC unit not working Describe what caused the failure: Cracked elbow on discharge line Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes 1- filter dryer 1- 1/2" elbow refrigerant ?Aenarao R(n*Touttaa L/22/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 01124124 19-5 well head heat trace 205 Date:Location:Repair Order fi Description of the item to be repaired: Heat trace on well head not functioning Describe what caused the failure: Heat trace was removed for well work. Once reinstalled the circuit breaker was tripping. Found that the power indicator light had fi Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes 1- new indicator light Roul Ll24/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 02107124 Filter pot 363-4 206 Date:Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Check valve on bottom of poy 362-4 Describe what caused the fallure: lnternal coating failed letting corrosion develop ahole in the valve body. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? A new 2" 150 stainless steel check valve was installed. 7rrrl, Sld,, Earuttfr 218/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 021L4124 P-380 chokes Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Rebuilt 2- chokes for discharge piping on P-380 Describe what caused the failure: Seals failed on the stem. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 2- rebuild kits 2- coated stems R""/ 7ur7 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 021t4/24 18-2 heat trace Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Reinstalled heat trace that was removed for work over. Describe what caused the failure: NA Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Rurq 2lLsl24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.1 2.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 02122/24 Repair Order CPF tank battery Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: 102 lact. divert actuator Describe what caused the failure: Motor failed Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- used bettis 500 Rout 2122124 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order oLl70l24 Tank 102 2L0 Location:Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: Replace the emergengy releif hatch Replace the thief hatch Describe what caused the failure: lron sulfides have built up on the sealing surface corroding the steel. The thief hatch has a crack in the sealing surface through to the flange. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? A new ER hatch was installed. New ER hatch is made of stainless steel. A new theif hatch of the same make was installed. 7*rr7, Siad, Qamefr, ?oaq 2/2s124 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 0t120124 Repair Order Tank 103 ztt Location:Repair Order # Desription of the item to be repaired: lnstall a new vacuum / vent valve Describe what caused the failure: The old walve was made of carbon steel and had been corroded by iron sulfides causing it to not function. Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? A new vacuum / vent valve made of stainless steel was installed. ?*t, Slad,Qama, ?oor7, Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 212s/24 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 02122124 CPF tank battery 2L2 Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: 101 Lact. suction actuator closed status not working. Describe what caused the failure: micro switch not functioning correctly Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- used micro switch Roul Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.1 2.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 03lo7/24 Load bay 101 ?L3 Repair Order f Description of the item to be repaired: paper feed on printer failed Describe what caused the failure: paper jammed, and printer was damaged when trying to clear. Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? 1- Epson ET-M1170 Roul 317/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 03/L8124 CPF exit gate 2L4 Location:Repalr Order # Descrlptlon of the item to be repalred: Top gate opener hydraulic motor Descrlbe what caused the failure: shaft seal failed Were new parts used ln the repair? If so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- new hydraulic motor Roul Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate ShareAField Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 031t9/24 lact 101 2L5 Repair Order f Descrlption ofthe ltem to be repalred: The pressure reliefvalves upstream and down stream of lact 101 need to be replaced Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Failed the pressure test Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Copies ofthis report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate ShareAField Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 03/20/24 Service Truck Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Trailer brakes not functioning Describe what caused the failure: Brake control relay Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- new relay Al-t<oull /u?3120124 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Cpad Transformer 2L7 Repalr Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Distribution transformer Describe what caused the failure: Remanufactured transformer had high levels of combustible gas. This would indicate corona in oil & substantial decomposition. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- used 500KVA transformer Uo&louru Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 03/2s/24 CPF office 2L8 Repalr Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Exhaust fan truckers restroom Describe what caused the failure: Motor quit Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- new fan motor assembly Rorr'l 3l2sl24 Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\corporate shared\Field operations\2.1 2.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order SWD building Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: H2s monitor Describe what caused the failure: No failure, Sensors became obsolete. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? PO: GFC152 Rorrl 418/24 Copies of this report are located at; WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order Load Rack#1 Repair Order f Descrlption of the item to be repaired: Front MOV is faulting when a truck loads Describe what caused the failure: Micro switch failed Were new parts used in the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Used internals from a spare actuator Rorrl 4/L7/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 04/L8/24 CPF exit gate 22L Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: leaking hydraulic motor Describe what caused the failure: Shaft seal failed Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- new hydraulic motor Rurrl 4/L8124 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 04130124 17-9 Well head 222 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: 2" ball valve down stream on the ESD valve just above the flowline valve. Describe what caused the failure; Tried to remove the bull plug from the valve and the valve was leaking by. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Replaced with a new nickle bronze ball valve. utla/44q I ,<qul 4l30/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order os/0L/24 CPF server rack Repair Order # Descriptlon of the ltem to be repalred: UPS batteries Describe what caused the fallure: EOL Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New battery packs Rwt s/L124 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0sllLl24 CPF PLC cabinet UPS 224 Repalr Order # Descriptlon of the item to be repalred: UPS batteries Descrlbe what caused the failure: EOL Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New battery pack Roul Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order oslo].l24 C pad 17-9 header 225 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Replace leaking gaskets on the 17-9 header at the test line cross and the knocker line cross. Describe what caused the failure: The end seal ring was missing and the gasket material seemed a little hard. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? New orange stripe victaulic gaskets were installed. Slad,, Qaanea. ?u7 Rorq s12l24 Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 0s/20/24 Load Rack 101front MOV Repair Order # Descrlptlon of the ltem to be repaired: MOV is slow due to gears slipping Descrlbe what caused the failure: unknown, worn out Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? gears out of a used bettis EM500 one used motor Ra,ut Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order D-pad MCC Locatlon:Repalr Order s Description of the item to be repaired: D-pad MCC A,/C unit. Descrlbe what caused the fallure: MCC building keeps setting off a high temp alarm. A,/C unit not keeping up. Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? New refrigerant. Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order East PW charge pump Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Electric motor bearing noise. Describe what caused the failure: Changed for preventative maintenance. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- New 75hp electric motor Rorr/?urrq copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 06lt7l24 Apad control cabinet 229 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: PLC top rack will not power up. Describe what caused the failure: Failed power supply Were new parts used in the repair? !f so what new parts were installed? 1- New AB PA75 power supply Roul 6lL7l24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 051L7124 A pad MCC Repair Order # Descriptlon of the item to be repalred: UPS for control cabinet Describe what caused the fallure: UPS failed to maintain power Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? 1- used UPS with new batteries Rarrrl 6lL7l24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 06127/24 CPF office control cabinet 23t Repair Order S Description of the item to be repaired: UPS for control cabinet Descrlbe what caused the fallure: UPS failed to maintain power Were new parts used in the repalr? !f so what new parts were installed? 1- New UPS Eaton 9SX1500 Ro,rrl 6127/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 19-6 VFD Repair Order # Descriptlon ofthe ltem to be repaired: VFD fan Describe what caused the failure: Motor bearing seized Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- Used fan Ro,ul 7lLl24 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 7/8/124 Tank battery Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Love Joy coupler for the bad oil recirc pump. Describe what caused the failure: The coupler was worn out and missing all the teeth on one side. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? A new coupler was installed. Stad Rolsddo,4 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12. 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 06/27/24 T-101 234 Location:Repair Order # Description of the item to be repaired: Emergency Rellef Describe what caused the failure: Tape left on the sealing surface of the flange causing an un even sealing surface along with the use of a paper gasket. Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? Yes, new stainless flange and hatch assembly with viton gasket Earrffi /illno4o 6128124 Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order 07/Lt/24 Location:Repalr Order # Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: swamp cooler Descrlbe what caused the fallure: pump failed water scale Were new parts used ln the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? 1- new pump Ro,rr,t 7/LL/24 Copies of this report are located at: WGo Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: Repair Order location:Repair Order * Descrlption of the ltem to be repaired: Descrlbe what caused the fallure: Were new parts used ln the repalr? lf so what new parts were lnstalled? Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: WOLVERINE GAS AND OIL CORPORATION Producing Energy to Moke o Difference Covenant Field Service & Maintenance Records Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Fleld Operations\2.12.1 1a /Vest 10,000 Recirculation Pump 2a iast 10,000 Recirculation Pump la +00 BBL Bad Oil Recirculation Pump ta Lact 101 ia Lact LOz 5a Tank 101 Mixer 7a fank 102 Mixer 3a Iank 101 la Tank 102 10a l-ank 201 11a l'ank 202 t2a Tank 203 13a Tank 204 L4a Tank 103 15a Tank 302 15a Iank 303 t7a Tank 304 L8a Blanket Gas Header & VCU Vapor KO Tank 19a Produced Gas KO Tank 20a Produced Water Charge Pump 2ta Gas Detectors (H2S & Propane) 22a Buried Sump 23a West Bad Oil Treater 24a East Bad Oil Treater 25a Load Rack 101 26a Load Rack 102 27a Propane System 28a P370 Salt Water Disposal Pump & VFD 29a P380 Salt Water Disposal Pump & VFD 30a CPF Office Building 31a CPF Office MCC (to include VFD's and Electrical equipment) 32a ialt Water Disposal Building and Associated Piping 33a ialt Water Disposal MCC 34a y'apor Combustion Unit 35a Salt Water Disposal to the Pit WOLVERINE GAS AND OIL CORPORATION Producing Energy to Moke o Difference Covenont Field Service & Maintenance Records Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate ShareAField Operations\2.12.1 -2 Test Treater B-1 Test Treater B-2 Test Treater ater Knockout South Main Treater Biocide Pump / Oxygen scavenger pump East Glycol Pump West Glycol Pump Preussure Relief Tank Misc. Other -Pad Air Compressor Pad MCC, and Misc. Other Pad Air Compressor Pad MCC, Well VFD's, Well Header and Misc. Other B-Pad Air Compressor B Pad MCC, Well VFD's, Well Header and Misc. Other -Pad Air Compressor Pad MCC, WellVFD's, Well Header and Misc. Other WOLVERINE GAS AND OIL CORPORATION Producing Energy to Moke o Difference Covenont Field Service & Mointenonce Records 2g Pad MCC, Well VFD's, Well Header and Misc. Other Copies of thls report are located at: WGO Q:\Corpocte Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 E-Pad Air Compressor E-Pad MCC, Well VFD's, Well Header and Misc. Other 1k Truck No. 5 (No longer in use) 2k Spare (red) truck 3k Field Operator's Truck 4k Service Truck 5k ATV No. 1 SN 4XACH59A944374507 6k AW No. 2 SN 4XACH59A54A314605 7k Steam Cleaner / Trailer 8k Power Washer 9k Honda Generator 10k Backup Generator 11k Air Compressor (SWD, MCC Building) 72k Cat Loader 13k 4 Wheeler Trailer 14k Skid Steer 15k Water Filter Trailer 16k Tubing Trailer 17k Air Compressor (Shop) 18k lat Generator 1 19k lat Generator 2 20k Vultiquip Generator 150 lryA (Big) 27k Vultiquip Generator (Small) 22k -ight Plant 1 6354 23k Light Plant 2 6409 WOLVERINE GAS AND OIL CORPORATION Producing Energy to Moke o Difference Covenont Field Service & Mointenance Records Copies of this report are located at: WGO Q:\Corporate shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 Buckeye Fire Suppression Equipment Upper Treater Pad Fire Hydrant A-Pad Fire Hydrant CPF East Fire Hydrant CPF West Fire Hydrant Tank 101 Foam Mixing Chamber Tank 102 Foam Mixing Chamber Fire Eyes vaporation Sprayer (No longer in use) 1o 76-1 2o t7-t 3o t7-2 4o 77-3 5o 17-4 6o t7-5 7o 77-6 8o t7-7 9o 77-8 10o t7-9 11o 17-70 t2o L7-17 13o L7-12 t4o 17-73 15o 17-14 16o t7-15 t7o L7-16 18o 77-17 19o 17-18 20o 77-19 WOLVERINE GAS AND OIL CORPORATION Producing Energy to Make a Difference Covenont Field Service & Maintenonce Records Copies of this report are located at: wGO Q:\Corporate Shared\Field Operations\2.12.1 21o 18-1 22o 18-2 23o 18-3 24o 18-4 25o 19-1 26o 19-2 27o 19-3 28o t9-4 29o 19-5 30o 19-6 31o 20-t 12o 20-2 33o 20-3 34o 20-4 35o 20-5 36o SWD #1 37o SWD #2 o!cJr! -9+Gtqo.E:,o-o'o0. ,ooC(osU :oEo)ooC6U (u-o!OJcg(!Eo(!-co-E=o-3ocE' _9(!c =oEo@c(!(J :oE(t J@C(! !U (1 , .2EEocg(oE(u(! !o-Efo-3(UcE-9(oC :oEoooC(E-c . (J =oEc,bo(o(J :oEOJ@c. (!(J :oEoooc(6EU o-Efo-coo0 .=E=o()x(uGIqtE(l Jo(!o-ooE(U@c(oU :oEouoC(o(J :oE(uu) ao(J =oEooo (6(J :o!q)Uc(1 l (J oEfo- (uo't f ,Coo3oo. (u,=o(t ) .c!oooc(EU oE=o-o!oEc(u(u=oo-OJ -cP.=o(u-c!o)@c(E !U o-E=o-oE,o-o()oioo-os,coos. IEoooc(o !U @ot.o\to @oO)otto Olornood oF{c) F-{o Fi r{r{c!od r- l r{(oFIr{ mFt r{or{d r- .ol' .osfo Notnoo)o ooo(ooOlo orooF-. t -fo Oloc\ FIod Oloor- t t{d oFIr. lr!or- l FiFioc!r. l F-. 1 F-{(oF-{rno c\FI(nor- lFI rnF-{r\oN sfrlNr!@o laF-. 1o(nft 1o (oF-{Nor+o €FIrnF-tNo oc! ft lFI r- l r. . t FI (\ l (nc\, 1t.o Nc!o)oo o. lP(!occo!z .oct )c(GOJ o.=(!ocCoY. _9o. (l,oFEoo, ot(u-ootE(oEtf l o-:,(ooCo, :z oF =E(osU oo-0.,oFEoo c(Uc(oEo(o ol(!occc,>z oo.ooFEOJLOJ ol(!oCco!Z o)Eo)OJFEE(u o(!o oL oF oF cid.i GOEI 9OE' ! E. s x. 9 oto. ogE .e d f, obEoOoC l q689 C,o193 aE5a-c.eB5Ugq,qo8o'H0Ji\ rsHq qJtIcosAJ .s€06 Eu: s$ & Eq)cg(EEci-( ](Uc(!OJUtr(oo- (Eo-Eo. -o-g=CL j(Eo+(!o@(oUo13(u(l,z'6Eo@c(og(J '6EOJ@c(o..cU c)EEOJcg(o j(!OJ(! I3o.,E_9(oc '=Ebo (l,Uoi .2!EOJcg(!(oo(! !=(uE_9(oc '6!OJboc(lJ !U (uE(o Io3oo- (u.gq(o0., odbocGo-o=oCEg(!C '6Eoboc(oU '6Eoooc(oU '6-ooooL(!E(J '6-o(uooc(! (J o-Efogoo0 .go_5ooxo)EEo0sCLo&. o,E(oo3oo- (u !.g6G(UqOUboc(!0,, -o3(ucEg(g 0,EE0,cgoEc(oto(! !o-E=o=-o(U&. '6EC)@(!EU '6o)o0c(oEU '6!G)o0(o-cU ciEfo(u-cPo-oc(Uo,3oo- (uE, '6oEoooc(!(J ciE=o. OJoEco(u=oo- (u.Eoo) roouoc(oE(J CiE=oOJoEcoo,3oCLo) .gooEOJ@c(o !(J 0., ) -o - fo(J 'o(UU6-aojoc\I=o-ooEE(u()r!o- (l)e.rnrr ) r- l oooboo €oo)oslo Olor/ )oorl oFIor. l<lo -r. ldNoFI dri(or- iFIFI (nr. l F{oF-{F-{ l'roNo<lo t.ol' .osfo r. .ornog)o ooo(oF-tsfo o)oc!c!CN<) olooF-{+o OloOlc! tno O)oNF-. 1od oFI t- - l r!od F- l F-. , | toF-{rno c{FI(nor.. l !i <f F-{t\c. ' l F-l d r/ t r- { r- {(\$o r/ )F-lFIc!<to t,rlo-itoo ror{r\o<fo €r- l tnrlc\to oN(nriF-l J !-{r{rnc!r\o c{ r\, 1Oloo!-{ c!c\ t.c\c!d coFi(!otho>Z o-=(!oco5Z oto!od.E(o6 oJ(oo(l. , \z o_f(.l ,o(U}Z _9ooo,rFE(l. ,o, o. foocc(1 . , :z Eo-oodoF !-g o(!o)OJ(,oF o)o.oo)FEOJo lp(!COJo(9oF !(!U't ,(! .C o- f(ooccOJ :z oC(u\z o-=(!oCco\z !ocC(u\Z o(oo oL ot- oI- ,9(oL\aod cinN 60nEt688 . oo q, u 8. 9E> o!ooEE .e E Eq isoOooo. oE2do(,= a.E:a-coo:UoAJqoooc' rBU TE bH UqJqqJ(,cBcq)+r .sB\OU EU: Gb R Nq . i X o)() '-UT'o(Ucto_9'6CoJoL-o!(uE' !oodoE(uaoct!U =o!onoc(! (J :o!o@CGU =o!(I)oocfl ,U :oOJ@c(!U :oEo)@C(oU :o!o@c(!U _9o- fo(Jooo!0)u_qo-oE, =o!(uootr(!(Joo. fo(,o(UoE(l,(, _eo.oG, ciEfo- (uvoE(I ) (U3oo(U=.=oo-cEOJd)c(gE(J Jc(!Ft/1-c!=vc(1 lFE(,Eq) .CUodEo(J(! -o -od. o.Efo- (U-coEcoOJ3oo-o)P.EoEo)Uc(o-c .U o.Eo-oo'( fcoOJ=oo.o) .EoEoooc(o(J (uo- fo()oOJo!o)(J -go-o,E -go-=o()oo)o:o(uo-eo0,,E, (nfnf\ t 6oNoo @oO)o\to Ololnoo sl r{Fic!o FI r{(or{r- l FI (n3FIorl r\oNosto NoINoOlo Oloorlo or{Fic{o F.{r- { (orirno FIr. {oNFIFi c.. l F-. , | (f )or.. { r{ CN ?.. , | F-{o OlF- l (\ lr{r{FI o(\(nFI ri oa{ FIr{r. . l r{ FI(\an(\No N(\ lo' loor.. l (n(\!nf\6o <i (\ looFo o.J(oocCo)z -oc6c(!otl OJo- (UOJFE(l,(U -g p(!-cc0,(u(,oLF go-ooFEoLo =!(!U _o o (o !c(uo)(,oF rc(octllo(o !t! t1E(!(, oF oE(oso oF ot- oFE(!VI o ^l.'!N 60EE oo isha , x. > o!o. c, EE .9 ; €o r EEoOoc l oo89 doo3 a.E5o_qo65oUq,qo!oa{cooI\tL rsEH AJqqJ(J .socOJ+rcGoU Eu: ,B & & oEco3odt/1coEOJ(oL-o(o(J o.totsdt)co!o)(o-olo(J o.!co3dtJ 1coEo) (o-o(E(J o-P _coBdcoEo)(o€(o(J ovEo=d6't lOJ(! .oo(J oEco=dco13o)(! -oG(J o) -t a(o-oo, .=(!3(uc'o-9(!c =oE(Uooc(!o oEco=06coEoE€(! (J oPcBOUv)coEOJ6€(o(J oP,co=odco !o.) (o€(!{) o.P _Co=dtJ 1coE(UG€.!() o2Co3dtJ 1co-o(!€r! (J oEco3dt/ 1co!OJe€(!tl o.!coEOUU\co!0., (o€(!() o?co=odthcoE(ue€(!() o3co=c6coEo(o€(oU oEco3odthco !o(o€(o(l o.. ! nqoBdt'tcoE0)(g€(!() o..Eco3OUvtd)E0., (o€(!() oilco=odt- / ) cot(uG€r! (J oEco=odcoEOJG€o r\o(. o F-{sto r-o6FIsfo t-omFI(oo t.o6FIr' .o t.oL36o F\o(oFIo)o z. @oOro+o l- .ot/ t F- lor{ l- .ornFIFi ri l- .otFi c., , 1 .- l @ornr{FIo @oLnr{a!o ooolnr{(no @orr ' ) r. lsfo @oLnr{r.r )o @olnF- l (oo 6olnr- lNo @olnr. looo OornriOlo @olnFIor- { 6ornr{FIFI r\oto.{rno No"o - ' FI=fo r\o"o - ' r{rno Noor{(oo r' .oo)rlr\o No(oFI00o r\or/ tooro NostoOlo F-otnrlOlo F.oLnr. lo t.osl rlr{d t.ornFic\ 6otnr- l r{o ooornr- lc!o @o!ndmo @oI.r TF- lsfo coot)!- l l/ to @otlF-. , | (oo @or.r ) FINo @olnF'J "o - 'o @orn!- loro oornF{oFI -9 p fl , !co,)0,, (9oF E, 'o(! !v1 Joo(JoF ^9 p ro !(u(u(9oF E, -9 p(! !(uo(9oF _s 0 (o !Coo(9oF o-=(!occ(u\z F-Eo)o)coc(!ov1 G. -o(oE.vl FEqJo)coc(ooUI E(uo)F -9 0(ooo(9oF G, !(o t/ t FEoo) En, o(o .c . -oG-c(J d.E(! tn d. 'o(! t1 E. !(osLA _E o(oscOJo)(,oF !-9(EE.c0,,o(,F !p(!Eoo,(,oL .i6i GOEEEg . 9oo!8. 9 t>OE6- OEE .e a E- eEE oOooooE2do(9= oHUo{ rsEH AJqOJocBc0J+rcB\OU E us s. I & ovcoB06thcoE(U(!-ooU o.1 :co=dU) co!OJP(o€(o(J o..t :coBdtl lco!o(! .oloU o2co=dcoE(l)(o -o(oI d(u .xE(Uo.E(! !o(J-go-od. oo)E't lo- .=iio) (EJ(J(!E(UU(oo- (ud. oPco3doo '( )o)(o€6U :oEo@co!(J o.!co3odtJ 1corco(!P(oU ovco=dthd) !o(o€(!U o) (UE-oo- .E6o(!v(J(!Eoo(go. (ud oEco3dco!oo-o(EU o)(uEoo-E(l, , (J-go-od. oIco306(ndt !o)o:o(J ooEo,xEo)o-E(!cobo 'c(oOJ .oEc(!b0cEc'=!oc(ooU o2coBodco!o(o€(!(') o.tco=odtndtEo,(!€(trL) oP(l )EEo- .cEo,(oE(,(o '( ]G, ()IEo,od LoEco=3OUu1coEo(o€(!U :o!c,@(! !U oEco=odr/ )co!(u,(!Lp(o() Lo.!co=OUt/1coEo(!€(! (- . ) ooornF{N O)olJ ' ) r. l rio O)ornr- {No otorf )r{roo z z Olot/ ) FI<fo OlooFtod Olor/ 1F-{lno ololnFI(oo z. O)ornF-{r\o z O)ornr. looo z Olor. r l r. . loro o)or/ ) r-. 1oJ z. O)ornr. { F-{ oFIor- lsto O)ornr- tc! oF- t LNF{F-. {o @or/ ) F-{r{ 00ornr{NF-{ Olou1r. l F-{O Olornr- lc\o OloF-{c!No OlolJ 1r!No Olot)f- l (r 1o o)oorl\to O)ornr{\ro o)oTNr.. i tJ )o Otoo(nrnO Orornr- l (oo Olornr{No O)orn?.{r.o Oro(nr. lr\o O)ornri€o O|otnF- lolo Olooc\Olo Olor. n F-{od Oloc!F- lod Otornr. lF-. 1 Orornria\ !_b I ) .E !ooL(9or !go (o-cco)o) (9oF 3E(oU G,Et! ! d.coF E(U(uoF &.El! !u' t -qo, (uGJFEo)o E-oo!u' t d.cOJF -c-9 0 (!=cOJCJ(,oF -c_s 0 (!c0,, (U(,oF o'=oUJEoo EE(! !(n t- / ' tE(oao EE(oE GE(! !tJ t Coc(! Io e.E(o-ctJ 1 d.cOJF G.E(! -cUI =E(!U .l.1N co .E A oOophox. 9 otoo9E .c G €oEE oOoc l '6 . E 82 do(,= oUB! TE bq uqJqAJ(JcocAJ !.ssAEOU E ! u; of R \t ( / ) 6 To)o0 .g(uoG,(uE(oo)E3o-oo-E(o !(uo0c(ocU Lo.1 ico36uU) coEqJ(o€(!U tr(oo-Eoo)Eoo(o=oc(Uo(t ,2G0)f(Uo- J()(o -oco(u ,v ,(J(o-oooccfoEEooEoG oEco=dt1at)Eo(o!€(!U Eo!oo.x-9cp!(uruo-cor- toFI(J(oJco2oIJo-oEOJODc(!L) EOJxi;EOJ=oo-E(1 ,oE(!oUuEohoc6E,IF-{oriUoo2(!o-co13o)ooC(o !L) o.tcotsoatnco 't fo,r(!€GL) o.!co3OUt/)co-o(u(oL€(oU o.eCo3dtf to-oOJ(!€(!U ci fE0.)@oo:,E(!=oJ(t , -o(u.s(oE(Uuoc(oU (u .>6o_oo.9EE-co(J-9(uE!.q 0EoEidE-ooE==-ood o?co706 t/ lo15ot!_-o(oQ oP,co=06co!o(!-o(!U o2co3odVIcoE(u(!.o(o(J (lt(Uooc(oooo, l!oEg(u3oo-Ec(!o-E=o-=o-oo,boc(oU ovc3ddr -oo)6€GU oEco3cd tJ ' td) -oo)(!-o(gU oPco3dt/ 1d) -t ,o(o€(uU o.!cotsdtJ ' tco :o(u(!€(o(J ovCoBodtnco !o,(!_-o(!U oEco=dd)Eoo€(oU oEco3dt)coE0., )o€(!U z orlLn F{N 2oucoo- tt l oF.{r)FI(n z z oFIr/ )F- lst oFIr/ )FI l/) oF- lu) F-{(oo z z oF{rnF-{r\ oFIr/ )FI00 or. . l t/ )FIOr z orlrnFIoF-l orlrnr{r. ld or{rnFINFi F-l .- { rnF.{do r- lFI rnr. lc\o r. { r- { tns-. 1mo r- { !- {rnF- lsto OlocnNNFI oF{tnF-l F-{o oilNoc! oFI lnF, lc!o oFIoF{(no oF{F-. , | F{rno oFirnr. { rno or{rnF{$o oriLnFIrnO or{oc{u)o or. . lO)r!tno oF-. , | rnF-. , | (oo oF- l LNF-{r\ oF- l lnF{6 orlo)oOl orirar- {Ol or- l Lnr. {oF{ Orltnr. . t F- . 1 !i or{lnFI (\ JFi dr.{u)FiFI FI r. {rnr{r\ lo d-ltn.- l(n o(E=c(u>Z CE!(o t^C(!.d) t!(! -c IAC(!-co (/ ' 'c(!-co &E6! o(o d.E(! !6 oFE(o !E(E(l c0.,C(!-o(E &.E(!6 o(! oL C(!.coE(1 , -coF G,E(! =!(!(J E, !(!sLr t o(o G. -l ,rD d.cc)LF -3 96coo) (9oF .ici co -' EdFEg oo i=;. ox. > o!ooPE .z G €obe oAoeoo39 c,o(9= HoqUo{\ TE br r UqJqqJ(JsoqqJ !.Esou i ! U: \! O 0r . S \t v l f i oEco=dL'1co!o(!L-o(! (J o.!o3dt/ )6-oOJ(o€(oU oEfo-U(o .Eo-ooEOc(o -c .U ovoBdr/1co!OJ(o -oGU J(!OJEo)@c-9oo-oof-o(,coUEo-oco(! -:zooE(UL)(!Eod. oPo=odvl coE(u(o-oGU ovco=od tt 1coEo)d, .o(oo oEco3OUt/ tcoEo11 ,€(!U o!o=o5t/ )coEo(o€GU o!co3OEdlE(,(!L€oL) o!PUr! .EoE(U@c(!U o!co=odcoE(u(o-o(llU oEco=3odco1f ,o)(o€(!U o)2(otso!U(ooo(of(J(!oooE3oc-o_9(oc o.=otsoat/ l@!o.,(oL_- o(oU ovco=OUt1coEo(t€(!U ovco=o5t/ lco-oc,(o€(EU o.!co3odt/ ,615(Uro€(!U o.tco=OUU'' coE(u6-o(oU ov.coBOUv\co-oOJ(o€(!U oEco3OUt/)co 'o(u(o€(oL) oEco3OU tJ 1coa,o(!€(oU d!- { lJ 1 r. lrn !- lFI rJ 1F-{@o Hr{(oFIrno -rl lr ' ) F-{r\o z. FIrlt' ) F-{ooo Hflr/ ) !-. 1Olo -r, l rnFio F{r- l l/ )r. l FIFI FI r-. 1rnE{Nel a! FIrnF- l rlo c\rl r. . ) r- {c\o c. ' l F-. , | rnr- t rno c!FIrn?.1\to c{FIrnFIrf )o (\ t FIrnF- l (oo c\ !-{rnF- l r\o c{FIrnF-., |6o (\!- l t, ) F-. , |oto c., l FIrnF-lOFl F-{FI LNF- to rlFl rnrltno drllnf- . i t)o f-lr- t rnr{LOo e{F- lO|o(oo f{rlrnF{t\o F{rirnF<00o dFItnFIor FIFIt)FIor. l F-{FirnFI -lFI rlFIo6l !i flFIrnr{c{F- l 11r- { rnr{F- lo Nr{!- t ff ' )F- to c! r{rnF-. 1r{o Nr{rn f{(no NFt rJ t F- lsfo NF- l rj l c- { rJ ]o Nr. l l. .FI(^ oo Nr- { tr 1dr' .o c! FltnF{00 c\F- l rnF{or tE(! 3E(otU FE(u(u d.Eit !6 t(o6 or o(o c.E(!s E, !(oc oL tsE(!-c() ot- oo tf )c(!-co G, !(E 3!(o(, ot! &E(o-c o(o G, !(! BE(o !(l &. -( ](t ,E. .1Nn 60Ei qEg 9ocr p 8. 9 x. > ot , qoEE .2 6 5obEoOoc L oo89 C,o(9= oqt:oJ\ €s \o(JAJqqJQcBcAJ !.s€OU E us \: O0 r S \t q .i { oEco3odvt .DE(Uto-o(!(J =o!(l)@(! (. ) o.eCoBd.ncoEo, (o€(!(J o.. uco3OUcoEo(o€(!Q o., Hco305tncoEoe€(!U oEcoEd@Eo(!€(oU (uE=o(JJcococoCo.€o(ogfcoEo?0, ,r(!0Ju(oE(uo(,ooE. o.t nco306tJ ) co!0. , (E€(!U ollcoBdtlco!o(o€(!U o.eco3o5tlco!o(o_.or!U oEco=dvtcoE(u(gL-ot!U ovco3dtJ t co!o(!€(oU 0) J(!-oo, .c(!6(oE(uoo (oU o2o3dt/1coEo(o€(!U o!co3du1@Eo)(g€(oU oJHco3odv)coEo(o€(o(J Lo.. uo306t/ lcoEo.) (!e(\ , c.) o3o=dtl lco !o)(!€(!U o.t ico3dt/ lcoE(u(!_-o(oL) oEco3dtlcoE0,, (o€(!(J .:coBOUtncoE'oGL€G(J o.P _co3do'ood,€6(J 6ldrnF-{ri (nF- l rnor{ c! FILnFINr. l rn!- l t)!irlo rnF-{rnf- tNo (nF-{r, | F-{(no (nFIr/ )Ftso (nF- l rnF-{INo (nF-{r/ ) FI(oo rnF-{rnF- lNo (nr{rnr.{ooo (nFIt/ ) FIOto fnFILnFiof- t (nF-{ln!-{r{r{ (nF-{rnFiNr{ st F-{rn !- t?.{o sf F-{t)F-lNo slFIrnF.{CNo si r. . l t/ )Fio sfr. l lr t r- . 1ulo NFt t1r{oF-t NF-t ff)or. l r. . l c!FIr/ )FI rlr- l o' l F. l r/ )FlNr. l rnFlrnf- i r- l mFllnFir!o CNFlorr{a!o (n-lrnr- t (n (nr-. 1 lr ) Flst (nriLn !- {u) COr{U1 F{r. o CNFlttFlr' . (nFlslc!N (nFtr/ )Fl "o - ' (nFl ln3or rnF{rJ ) F{or. l rnFiLNF.i F-. tFl cnr- {rnF{Nr- l stFlraFl F{o r{rnr. lc\o st F{rnr{(no r{rnr{sto d.Et! oLF.oG d.E(E tl 3!(!(J oL d. 'o(E ! G,El! oL t!rqstt r d. ro(oE6 oL d.E(! tl o(!E(! tl o(o oF d. !(! o(o oF =-o(ocU GE(! oF =!(!(J nNnN oo "EEEooo=E. c t>o!ooEE .2 5 Eo tsoOoeoo89 doo= qoHUo{\ TFEq q.,qq)()trqJ !trBOU E ! US U Bb R \t r 4 6 o2co3OUdtEot!€(o(J oHoBodU) coEG, (o€(o(J o.gCo3odvl co!(l. ,(o€(o (_ ) 0) J(o -o(uc'6U(o !(Uh0c(!E. (_ ) oE,o=oUco!o(!€(! (J o2co3€ct )Ec,(!€(!CJ o.tco3odv)coEo,G-o(o(- ) o.go3dtl lcoE(u(!€(o(J oEEo=dv, coEOJP€(o(J o2o=dtnco!(l)(!€r!(J ozco=dt/loE(U(o€r!(J oEco3odU)aoEoo€(! (J o.eco3o5coEoo€(o(J ovco3dt^d! !(u(!€(I, L_ ) ovCo3dtnco!0.,G,€tlJ (J o:co3dtf lco 'oo)(! -o(!U o(1 ,L(!c.9GcooE(uo-o(o(U:(oc(uE(u()6o. (ud o.. i :o3odd)Eo(!€o(. ) oIJco3od t/ t coE(l)P(!-o(o(.) o2co3OUtt 1CEEo(!€EQ o!o=dco!o(!€EU o.eo=oaLr l coE(u(!€(!U st ?.. | rnt{(oo sl, FIrndt- . sl F{rnFI6 sFItn!-{Olo sFIt)FIori FIrn!-{rlrl sFItnHNr. t rnF- l tnrlF-. 1 rnFIr/ l FIa! lr , !{u) t-{(n tr ) FIrnri<to t)r" l r/ )F- t r.r ) rJ 1rlrnF- l (o rn f{rnFIN rnr{rnFi@o z. t)filnFioro lJ ) r{lnFIor{ rnf{lnr. l F.{F{ rnF. l rn i- . 1Nr{ (.oFI lnr- lFIo sf -lrn!-{rno sir{rn"- { (oo sfriTNr- {r\o st r. . l sfc!r\ sf rirnd@o =f F-. , | t' lFIOlo sf r. . l rnc-{oFI <fFi|nFIr. { r- { sF-{t.r )F- t c.. l r{ !nF- l rnFI r- l lnF- l !n!- l(\ to tnF-{rnFImo rnF-{rJ )rislo rnFItnF- l rno rnFILNF- . 1 roo rn?.1tnr. . lr\o rnF- l (oF- lFo rnF-. , | rn?i6o lJ ) F-. , | tnriOlo rnr- { lnrloFI rnF-{rnFI r{d lar- {rnd(\ Id e. !(!s G,E(o !tJ 1 =-E(!E,U oFE(o !U a6 oF G.Efov) =E(oU eF &.r ,(o tJ 1 ot! 3Ero-cU €.E(o lr 1 oF =1f(E !U o(! cOJ 5Z d. !.E =E(!(J G,E(!-ct\ eF d.E(!-c . ..inN coEEEgoo op8. 9 x. > ot t aoPE !6€q ,EE oOooB5 91 do(9= oG!! €! bH (JqJqqJ()cBqJ !.ssOU E ! 8S U sE & o2co=odV' co:oo)(o€fll (J E0,)c(o(uc=ooJod) 'oo) (J(oo.ot ofco=dtJ l co!o)(!-o(! (J ot:co3dt,cltEo)(!€(! (J oEco=o5 tt 1aoEq, (!€o(J o.:co3dt/ lco !(u(!€6(J Lo.tCo3OUt/ taoEoP(o€G(J ovco=06U1coEo(o€(oCJ o.. uco3odtt l co !ogpE(J o2oBdVIcoEo(!€lE(! (U,y(! -ooc'66E(oE0)uoc(o=tl ov,Co3odt/ lco'o(u(o€o() o.uco3oat,6a,(u(op6(J o.. uCo3dttcoE(ur! -o(!LJ o:l :co3dqt6Eq,(E€(o(J o.tco=dV| co!(u(E .o(! (J oECo=d@!o)(o€o(J oEo=dtlcoE0. , (!€(o(J o.cco3dvl EOEo)P(o_- o(1 ' (J o2troBodIAcoEo) (o€(! (J o!o3OUtnco!o(!€(!U oEco3oat/ lcoEo(!€(oLJ (oFIlr ) F-{c\o z. (oF- . 1 t,. } F-{(f )o (oF{rnrlso l. oF-{rn3u' )o (o!irn!- t (.oo (oF-l tlfir\o (oF-{roF-. 16o (oF-. 1 |nr. . lOlo (oF-{rnF- loF- l z. (oF-{rr t F-{r{r{ (oFIrnr. lc\ F-{ N3rnrir- {C) r\F-{rnF-{No r-F{rnrlrn rrr{rnri<f F- i{rnFI rn r\ r. . l rnF{(o Nr- l rnr{r\ NFIt. / ) !- lm r\FIrnF-{or (or- { l/)f{FIo r. orir\FIFIo (oF-{rJ . )FINo (oFIrnF.{(oo (ot-{rnF-{sto ror- l rr |FIrno (or. l l/)F-{(. oo (or. lLnr{r\o (or{rnri@o (of{rnr- lOlo (or. l \trloJ (or- { rnr. lo (oFIr/ tFI F-, |d (oFi rnF-lNd Nr{rnFIFIo Nt- . {rnr{c!o r\r- t t)r. l rno r\ r. l tnr. . l$a! r\r. l tnr{tno r\F{rnFI(oo Nr.. l t)r. l r\ r\rll/ )FI€ =!(! .E(J co)FoF d. 'c ,(! rn 3!(!cU (](o d, !(o o(o oF GE(! !r- f ) 3!(Et) o- (ooCco!z oF t!(!s oF &. !(g !VI 3E(oE, (J &. !(E ! ot- o(o G, !(! -c oF =!G!(J .inN 60EFEg . oo is8. 9 t>OE ooEh .c 6 €oteoOoosu 9 dooi HoUoJ\ rsE r- , AJqqJUcosqJ*.ssOU E 8S s. } & oP,co=odtncoEo(!€(!(J oECotsOUv,c6Eo(!€(!(J o) J(!-oo.seo(oEOJ@CG(J ogcoBodr/ l coEc)P(o€(o (J o!co=OUthcoE(I, l (!€(! (J o.eco=OUcDE(U(o€(! (J 3C=UoEouoc(!o, !ooEEC.l (oo(9 oPoBdLT ' coEOJ (o€l!(J ovtro3dcoEo(!€(!(J o.eCo=OUoE(U(!L_3l!(J o!Co=OUancoE(U(! -o(o(J o2co3odthoE(U(! .o(oCJ oEco3odU) coE0,, (o.o(E(_ ) o2co306v,d) !0.,(!L-oft , (- ) oECoBodLAco!OJ (o_- ont (J oP,co3OU(nco !OJ(oe(! (J o..t lco=d./1cc ) !o)t! -o(t , (t o.€co3odco!0,, (E€t!C.' o2co3OUtncoEOJ(! -o(! (J Lovco3dU1co-oo(!€6CJ o.!co=OUU1co-oo, (Ee(!(J oEco=06t/ tco !o(!€G(J Nr- l rnFIor- l F"irnFi r. . l fi tF-{rnFIc\Fi @FIrnF.tFIo ooF- l l/ )!- lc! oor- l rnFi(no @f- . 1rnFIsf @!- l rnF-l rn(f ooF-{rnFI(oo cor. l In!-{N @rlrnrl@ Or- l !nriOl €e{rnrloF-{ or{rnc. { F-{Fi or{tnr{r!F-{ Ol r- { t/ lF{FIo (, l rltnrlc\ olr- l lr 1r'{ (Y ) O) r, . l rnr{sfo Ol F,|rnFIrn r. . !{rnF-{Ol t-F- l rnrioFI r\ F-{o) F-{or- l t-rlrnr{r. . l r{ r. . r{rnr{a!Fi co!- lr/ ) !- l rl ooFICDr{rl orllnrlr!o €rirnr{(n oor{tnr{ @r- lLnr{rno 6r{rnFI(o cor{rnr{r\ @ilrnF{"o - ' Oc{rnr- {Ol @r{rnFIoF-{ @r. l !nFI r. . l !- l €drnF. lNrl ('lF{rnr- { F-. , | Ol F{rnF-{a\lo CNi- { l/)r. lrnal orriLr{<fo G.c(l. ,F G, !(! t/ , EoOJ=o oG E,c(uLF E,E(o !U) (UFo G, !(! !VI o(o G,cc)F BE(gEU G,E(! E,c(UF d.E(oU\ oF d.c(l,F =ro(! !(J d.E(u !CI e.E(o !vl oF o(o 3!(E !U .. i.i ooEE *i ;Eo o i' oE .!9 t>ot t ooo> .e E €oEE oOooE9 cto(,3 o!-{UB!! €E bB (. )AJqAJ(JoAJ+rc€OU E 9s .! qJ ob R \t h d 3 o.- -co=dco!oP(!-o(!(J o.tco3oa.nco !o(u€(oU oEco=dtncoEo(!€G,U oEco=06V)coEOJ(!€(!(J occo3odt/ tcoE(u(o€(o(J o.!co=€co!o(!€(I,U o.toEodcoE0)(o€(!(.) oEco3dco!o(!€(!(.) o!co3dt/ lcoEOJP(!€(!U o3co=€VI coE(u(gL€r! (J ozco3odtl lcoEo(E-o(E(J o.1 io3od./ tco!o,r(!€(!U OJ2oo- .r ioE(ooo_ lo)(oGcoa{ F{od.9(ud,q)fOJo-o-( ,oo(oo. (ud. oEco3dUI coE(U(o-o(o(J o2co3od../ ) coEot!€(gU o-Efo- (usPoEOJo=oo- OJ !='6q) !Eo,)ooc(!U o)P(!so.9Eo-E=o-coo.s(oLPoE0.)@c(!U Q) .g(or/ l (Jn, Jo)Eo)@c(DU o-E=o. o, !oEco)o=oo-oE, .co!o@c(o(J o-E=o-o, !oEEc,0)=oo-0) .Co!oEOc(oU Go,3Eoboc=oouEoolE(uos-(Jooo)oo- (ocoFIor- lEo,)EI)c(oo -oOlooGOJcoEo-91' !Go!(uul)c6(J rloo F- l/ )H OlFI rr l FI(^ o O) F-{tnFIr\ Ol F-{rn!- { "o - 'o Ol F-{r/ ) F-{Ol O)FI t)FIor. l OlFI r. r ) !-{-lrl OlFI r/ ) F-{c! FI oa! lnFIri o(\ l rnFIc\o o(\JrnF.{(n oc\ t/ ) F-{slo oNLnr{rno z oc{rnF-{Olo oNt')r{oFI Ol F-{rnr{rno O) !- {rnF-. 1(oo ot F-{rJ 1 F{No Ol F- l LnF- l6o o) F.{lnr{olo OlFI rnr- {oFi Ol F{rnr- l i-{!- { ol r.. l tJ )FINr{ oc! rnFIf.l oNlJ 1FI(\Io oNlnF-{(n oc{rnF{sf oc.. l r{c{$ oc\Lnr{@ oa!st FIoto oN(n!- {F{ fl -NF{!iFi -NJot\ r- lN(nc!r- r!No)ooFI rna{u)of. . lo rna\ (oF-{(n G,1f(! EPc(lJ ! oF d. .l f(osth on, Ecq)F G.CoF E,E(o 3E(g(l o6 oF E, !(!s, oE(o(J !G(J E(E(J oF coF>oE, o(o:o(! !(J oF oF &,c(UE &.c(uF cind 60EEEg . 60 iuE. s t>OE ooEE .e a €obeBE eo89 do(,= qooo{L rsbH QqJqq.,()ocq)+,tr€OU E ! u; ob R \l v\ ,) { o.Efo.oo!E(U(I ,3oo-o!.so:c ,(Ub0c(!U ooc'-(!0) -ooPoE.9C) -9(U 'r ,o(o(U(9 boc(o(u-oooE(J 't r(J(u0, -o0., (Uo, (, (nc! (oN6 (r1c! "o - ' NF- t F.{ ste{ ao - ' c! tn 0.,(! 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(- J o.€co=odt/ ,coE(U6!6 o.tco3dtf \co '( ,o(!€(l (J oEco3od IJ 'coEo, (!€(!() Lo.P _codahoEQ.'e€(E() o.P _co06U)coEoG€(o(l o3EOJc=-oou o.t sco3oa ,J 1co!o)(!€(!() !-9(g;l!;OJz o!-co3CUt/ )co .Eo(U€(!(J oEoBodt/ lco !(u(!€6LJ r\ol. or.. l=fo F\o@r- t (oo r' .oar. {No F. .ot)r- {ooo r\otor. . lCr)o 00oOto<lo r. .otnr-. 1od t.otnr{FI!-{ r\o<f .{Nd 00ornFIFIo ooornFIc\o 00otr ) F-{cf )o 6o]nFIo ooornr{rno ooolnr{(oo ooornrlIto 00otnr. l@O ooornF- to)o 00olnFior- { No(or- l (r 1o r\o6r. l rno r\o6F-. , | roo Fo01r. lNo r\o(or- l@O r\otnor\o t.o$ooro F\or/ )oro I\olJ .FioF- l r\o\fr- { r{ r\ornF-. , | c.. l r.{ @oLF.l r{o @ornrla{o @ornr{(no 00orni. lsfo @ornr. { lno @ol. r ) r. l (oo @oF.lrlr\o @ornr{l'.o €o6r. lr\o ooolnr. . l@o 00or/ )FtOto !_3 . 0 (!Eco(I , (9oF JooUcoF !t9(EEcoOJ(,oF -cs9r! !coo(,oF =-9 0 (!-ccq.,o(9oF o- f(!o0.,v FEo.,OJcot!o)ct E(o !v1 FEOJ0., cooo.) ah EoooF _9 9G-ccuOJ (9oF d.E(!-cv1 FE(uo, &. !ott 1 E_g o (!sco)o(,oF c!p(!-ccoo(,oF FE0) (l J go(!-cc0)OJ(,oF Eo,(uoF sgo(!c0)OJ (9oLF !_9 0 (!coo) (9oF G, !(! .. inN 60?FEg . ooE'=Eq x. > OEaoEb .2 Eq €oEE qOoo 'a t sE2doI3 C{ooGJ\ €$ bB (JqJqAJUsGs0J+r 'd\OU E * u: Gb R LN q i H oEco=odU' co!(I ) (o€(!(J oEco3dt1 1co1C(Uo€(! (- . ) oEco=3OU lr 1co !o, (!L€(!() oP,Eo=3d.hco !(u.!€(o(J ot:co3od tloE(UPG-o(!L- ) oco3€ah@E(uE-oo(J '6!(uuoco(J oEco=06thcoEo,o€(!(J Lo..ECo3dt1EOE(U(!nl!(J o.tco=06 ./ lco !o(o€(o(J o;! lCo=oa tlloE(Ul! !(!(J oECo3OUano!(u(!-o(o(- ) oECo306vlco!(u(!-o(o(J '6'oo,@Ca! (l o.€Co3oda/ , coE(u(!p(o(J oHco=06ahco !o(o€(o(J (uJ(o-oL(Uc'6U(gEo,ooc(os(J oEco=od tJ ' l coEo)P(!s(!(J oECo306vlco15o)(!-o(E(J o.tco3dtt 1co 'oOJ(!€(!(J oEcoBdtl lco !o(!€(!(J o.!co=06rnoE(U(!L€(o(J ooot!FIFIFI 6or/ )FI^lF{ o)ornF{F- to OlotnFIc\ lo Cr |ornF- l (n olornFIsto o)ooF{oFI Ololnr{Ino ololni- l(oo O'lornFIN Olotndooo Otolr ' )FIOl orornr- {oFI oFILNr- lFio 01ornf- { r- . 1F- l o)orn?. 1(\F-. 1 o!- lu) !- lFIo oFI rj ' l F-{N OF-. 1 rn-i(n oF-{rnE- {6 oF-{t)FIln ooornr{or. { ooornF{F.{ri oool, . )FI (\ I ri O)orn !-{F-{o Olornc{f\o o)or. r t FI(n Oloor{$o o)o\.rnF-lsfc) ololnF-{rno Olotnr{(oo orornr- { l'. o)ornFioo otot/ ' t r{Or Olo(\ ldor- l Olol/ )doFi Olotnf-{F-{FI O)or\c\ t F-{Fi OlotnFIc\FI orirnFI i- { odtnFI(\ l o3lJ ' ) r- { fn oF-{rnr{st FE(uOJ GE(oE,tl l t_g o(!scoo(,oF FEEo 39(! -cc(U(t, , L(,oF s39 (Ecoo(9oLF OJo- 0, ,o,FE(uo E, !(oE,U1 =!9(!ccoo(9oF _9CLooFEOJOJ go(!=c(l ) (U(9oF G,EGctn oo(o tso-c toG,cEF EE(! !tJ l !(!Eo(u oocCOJ !z!(! -c s-9r!c(U(l,L(,ol- .c-9(! !cq)(u(,oF &. !(! B!(!U -c!9(oECoo(9oF .inN co8EEr . -Q O o=E. E E9 ot6- OPEe55o iE88 . oo89 ciou,3 Nonoo{ €s bH (JqJqqJ(JosqJs.sB\OU E us 8. I & Lo!oB06(. / ) coEo(o€6(J oPco=odVIco !0.,(!g€(!Q oEco=dt/ ,co !o)(o€(!LJ oPo=odt)co!0. , (!€f!U oEco=OUtncoE(,,(o€(!U oE(Egc)3oo- .Eo!G,boc(E !U o:coB06v,coEo(oL€(oL) o.. | jEotsdtJ 1coE(Uro€(aU oEcots06tl lco .E 'o(!s(!U oEco3odu1coE' (U(o_3flcU oEo3o5UI co-oOJ (o-o(!U oP,o=OUUIoE(U(! -o(gU o:o306tncoE0)(o-o:(! (. ) o2Co306vloEoP(o€(1 ,U ov.co3OU tJ lco 'o(uPe€(9U ovgo=OUtt )00-oo(o€(!U o.tco=OUtnco !OJ(o€G' (. ) o.eo=oat)co!o)(o€(!(J o..Etro3OUvlcoEoP(o€(I 'L) o:co3dv,coEG, (o€(!U o-oPUo.=oEo@c(! fU Lovco=d(ncoE(ue_-o(o(J Or- { rnr{(oo oFI rnr. {r\o oFir/ l FIooo o!ilnfiOlo oF-{rnFIof-{ Fi F-{(oc\olo oFIr/ l FIr. l oFItnFIN F-. , | FIrr F-. , | r. to F-{FirnFiNo FIFIrnF{rno rl.- l !nrlsto FiFir/ l F- l l/ to FIFIrnFi(oo F-{FIrnF-tr\o F-{FIrnFIooo rlrlLnr{Olo FIFIrnr- lor{ r- l FIrnFI ri rlflr, ) r. . l c\ l (\F-l rnF-{r- lo oF{l/ l r- l tno <)r{ r.l . ' ) !- {(oo or, { tnr{r. .o odrnr. {00o or. l rnr. {Olo or{(o(\oro or{ror{oFi or. l l/ tFIF- l Fi or.. l rn!-{c\ l FI HF-{rnF-{F- t F- l f-. , |rnFIc.' t F- t r- l rnr{rn FI r{rnr{$o F-{F-{rnr{rn i- { f- l !nr. l (. oo r{rltnriT\o ridrnF- l ooo rlFI INFIOro r{rir.r ) F{OF-{ r. . l dtnFIF- l iiF{oc\ F-{rl r- l ?.{ tlFic\s{ =E(!sU G,E(o o(g t!prEcoU(9oF o(! !G!vlE(U(u GE(! t1 o(! d.E(!Evt 31'(o !U o(t, =EGU -c3p(oE(u(u(,oF &!(! ttJ l o(q l9(ocOJo(9oF e. -o(!ctll to, -ootcOJLF oro G,E(o tJ 1 3!(1 lU tsoood.cOJF .inN 6( ,TEEg oo ioh. c x. > OEdoEh !55obe .E E oo89 do(93 NoUo! TEEn AJqq)(JBsAJ+rE.EoU E ps .Y or Bb R rr ) (^ dX oEco305v16EoP(1 ,€(o(J oEco=dIJ 'co .1 C0)(o '- - o(o(J o.€co=3dv1co !(u(!-o(!U o2Eo=od t/ 1coE(uIo-o(!U o.. ! lco3OU tJ ld)E(uP(!L€(oU o.{ lgo3dt/ td)Eo(l t€(!(J o.cco=dtJ l coE(u(!Lo(o(J oEEo=dvlcoEofl,€(oo LoE,co306v' ,d)EOJ(!€(!(J Lo.. t ico3o5tld)Eol!€(!(J (l) 't rE(Js'6!c,aoc(! (J oc,co3dcoEo(!!€(! (J ovco3dt/ lcoE(ut!€(o(J o2Co3dt1d)Eo(!.o(o(J !_0 ,o-)o()OJ 't r !3o)c(!.t3c,E(oo3oo!n,CLEfo. .v , '=-o(l ,E-g(gc ov,Eo==OUt/ tcoEoP(!-o(!(J (l,c:,o(JJcocoCoEo.toPGc=coEoG(uq|!sE(J(! !(u(J-9o-oG, o.!co3dt/ ,coEoP(! -o(!(J o.. l :co3dt',coE(u(! II(o(J o.P _coBoau1d)ECJ(!€l!(J ofco==od lr 1d)EoP(! ^- o(oo oEco=od lr 1EOT'o(!€(!(J NFI rnr. . lN N!- l rJ ) r. l 16 c!FIt)rlrfo c!F- l t,Fi rn Nr- l lr lFI (oo c\ F-{tlFi I\o c\FI tr 1r- l ooo c\FIrnrlOlo (\ lr{rnFIo C', 1r{rn!- {FI F-{ (nFic!oF- l F{ a\ l F-{ rnr. {(\FI 01r- l rnF-l r- t rnFIrnF-{No (nFItnFId) ar 1 r. { lnr- {sfo (nFIlnrir/ ) (o!- { l/ )F-{(.o mF-., | t/ )FIF\ cnFIr/ )r- lo c{ f- {rnFI r. { c!r{tr ) F{No a\, 1 f{rnrlrno Nr. { lnr{t Nr- { rnr{rn (\ r. {rnr- t (oo c\ | r-. 1rn i{r\o c\Fi LNFIOo (\F-{lr l F-{ot c! !- {LNFIorl c! F-{Nor. . l r- . 1 r!FILNFIr{?{ (\ l F-. 1rnr. . l f\ , 1F., l CNFI t)F-l r- l (nFINoN rnF-{LNFIGI (nr- {Ot r. . l(\ (nr{rnr- lmo rnFIrnF-. 1sf (nr. . l rn?i .t n (r' )FIrnr- { (o (nF-{rnFIr\ 3_b 0(! !coo(,oF E.E(o o(! =E(Es(l _g o(!c(u(u(,oL G!r!s otl , -cLor!co)o(,oF =E(! !(J i,E(!s oLFo(o o(! E, !pro-cco0. ,ooF E,39 lll=c(1 ,o)uoF to) -ood.c(uF ocE(! -c o, !od.cEF !9(osc@o(,oF o(E GE(E o(u -t r !9(! tCoo(,oF .i'1 oo8EEg !oo=E. E x. > 6E+EEEe6Eo beoOoc l . 6. 889 C,oo= NoqUB! €s bq (JAJ€AJ(,cocqJ .s€OU E us Bb R tO vl 6 (uJ(o-o0, , '60a(! !o)ooC(! -c(J o.{ nco=du'td)Eo)(!€(!(J oP,co3du't coE(u(,€(! (J q) !(o-oo.cGo(oE(uooc(o-c(J o.. uco3odco!OJ6€(! (J o.€go306 t /'t coE(uo€(!() o.eco3OUco!(u(E€(oLJ o.1 nco3oaU) co!(U(o€(o(J oEco=dV\d)Eo6€(! (J Lo.tco=dvl coq,)(!€(! (J oEco3dtllcoEo(!L.o(o(J oP,co=OUt/ )d) !o6€(! (l o..t :co3dcoEo)(!€(o(J o.1 nCo3OUv' , coE(u(oL_.o(o (J o-: z(o-oo'( !!U(oEod)c(o(J oHco=dtf tco!ot!€o(.. ) oEco=dcoE0,(!€G(J o.:co=dt/ lcoEOJ(!€(o(J o, -: z(! -o(U.E(!L(J(gEc,hoc(g(J o.. ! ico=odtncoE(U(! .-- o(!U o.tco3dU1coEoG€(!U o.:co=dt/ lcoE0) (E€6|J (nFIlnF-. 1oro rnF-{t)!- lod (nFi rnF-{ r- . 1d (nF-{rn!- {c!d sr F.{rnF-{!- lo <t F-. , | rJ ' ) F- t c\o srilr l r- { (no sr- l rnF-{+o st !- lrnF-{rno srrnFi(oo sFIrnFIf'.o st r' { rnr' {@o sl r. . l tnr{O)o st r.{ lj l r. . loF{ sf iil,)r. l F{F{ strlLnFla{ Fl t)rlrnr. . l r- l Ln !-{lr )Fla\ (nFl=l c\ tr\o rndr.r ) Fl6o (n!- l l.r ) FlOlo (nFlNc.loro (n!- { l/ )Flor. . l (nF{t/ )dr. . l rnFlrnriN st r{rnF.{F{o st r{tnrlc\o sfr{rnrtano sfdtnr- {so IFlrnFlrno stFlrnF{(oo stFlLnrlr\o srrislr!r\o st rlrnr{6o tr. { l/ )FiOlO si r.. l r/ )rlo <t F. . lslc\or< slFlrnr{F{Fl .tFlrr ) F{c{!- l lr )rirnriFlo o(!E(!CI G,E(Et/ t E(lJ -ooG.coLF c(uFcc,5Z 3E(o-cU sp(ocAJOJ (9oF o(! G,Eoclr 1 Io!od.c(UF tr(lJ -ooG,co.)F go6cOJo) (9oF d.T'(o qtr(U-ooe.co)F o(o oFE(o !L) t.E(o -c .U1 _9 p (ocOJo(9oF =E(!(J o(ocoF to-ood.cOJF d.E(! ! !-9(!c(uOJ (,o! .inN 60EFEg 9Oar p E. s E> o: o aoEE PE q €oteoOoooo89 c,o(93 c\oHoo{\ TF bH (JqJqq)(JocqJ+) .E\OU E ps .P q, O0 r h Lo v' t d; oEo=ddEoPoo(oU oEco=dtncl )E(u(o .c l:(oU oEco3dt/ )6E(u(o-o:(oU oEEo3OU tllcoEo(o-o:G(J oriJco3cdr/ l at )E(u(! .o(!(- ) ooGco(Eco(uE(uc(uo-oG(u2G(u !oo(oo. (ue. oco3odV,coEo(o€(o(J o.€o3dt/ lco'oo(E=!(o(J o.tco3od tl lco ioo(o€(! (J oEco=dco-oc) .EL€(! (J o.. i :o=dand)Eo(!-orc(J o.{ lco3oUtl1at ) !q)(!€(o() oP,Co=odV) coEo(!€(g (t o2co3dU1coEo(o€(! (l o.!Co306tJ t co-oo(!L€.E() o2co306d) -( ,o(o€(! (! o.eco=dUI co!(u(o€(t (- . , o,!co=odtJ 1co.Eo)(o€(! (! oEco=06dt !o.)P(!€G(- - ) OJ J(o -oo.EgEoboc(!-cUciEfo- !c6ooEc(l, ,oiuo!-9o-o(J-t lOJ(J(!o(lJG. o€co=3odcoEOJ(!€(oU Lo.1 :co=dcoEo(!p(!U r/)r{tlFIcno rr )FI lr t FIslo tlr{r/ )FI l/)o t.r )?ir/ ) FI(oo tJ ' ) f-{rnFiNo z. rnFirnr{00o l/ , r. . l lnF-{o1o rnrirJ 1 F-{ori rnF- . 1 rnF- . 1 r- . t r.nflrnFINr- l (oF{rnt- t flo (or. l lnF-{N (oF{rnF- l (n (or. . l rnF-{=t (orllnF-l rn (oFi tJ ) fi(oo (ofirnF-. , |r\o (of{rnr. l6o roF-{rn3orO (oFIrnFIod LnFIrnric{o ln!-{t/ ' , ri(no LnFirnr{to Ln F{rnr- l rno rnFirnFI(oo lr ' l f-lb.\ lr\o LnFI t)r. lr\o rnF- l t)FI€o rnr. t In!-{Ol u1 r. { rJ ) FIoFI tnr. i rnriF-. 1FI rr )FIrnr- lNFi r. oF- l rnF- l r.{o (o!- lrnF- l a{ r.oFIrnF-l (r l (oFIrnFI+o (oFIrJ 1Fi I.r to (oFi tlF- l (oo (orlr/ t r-. 1r\o (or{Hrlooo (or. . l rn?.1@o ror{rnr{o)o t0., -ood,C,UF d!(EU) o(o &Eo!tt1 ts(IJ3oG,c(uF E(U(tJcc(,5Z !p(oco0. , L(9oF BE(! (l &.E(o .c oG !p(!gc(uOJ (9ot- &, :o(o !tr l totoG,coF 3't l(oU €. 't ,(o th o(! =lC(o.cU t(1 ) -ooE,coF -s(o !cOJo(,oF Eo)L(u !(! tl !(U.ood.C(UF o(o f.inN ooEEEr . 60 ioh. 9 x, > ot t aoPF y5€obe oOoC \ oa E 9- 6o(9= cvorJo{\ €s bH (. )AJqAJ(JsBcqJ+r .s€OU E I u: ob R Ln h ,l; OJJ(o-oc) '6o(o-ooooc(! !(- J ofco=od tl lct ) !o)(o€(oU o2co3odtt )co3OJ(!€(o (- - ) Lo.eCo=dt/1coEq)G€(, (J oEgo=odU'' coEC)o€(o(J o.. Eco3OUco!oG€(! (J oEco3OULAco!o(o-o(! (J o.tco3OUttcoE0., (o€(!() oEco=odt/ ' t .D!o(!s(E(| ovco3dlhCD:o(lJ(!_. oE(J o.. uco306t/ lcoE(u(!3(o(l oEco3dt/ )coEo(o-o(!L. . , oIJgo=dv1co!o)o€(!(J o.!co=OU tJ 1co!o(!€(!(J oj(o .oo, .s(!o(!-oo@c(oE(J o.tco3o5 t/ )coEo(!L-o(o(J o.!co3odco!o(!:(oU oEco=€co!o.)(o-o(E(J E(1 , (J(oo-o!Cn 6. -o, .E ff q , -o+too9t !GPEC-obPH ;i o iaYE9. 9 eF : 0,, =>tsor I ElEP .g P o- Ll(u ( J f- 3 co ) O- c EA , 9EbEo' - qE (u b o .c 6E3 (o €$E d, -u .€cfUscodoc(oC) -oooEE(lJ(oo(, (.orlrnrlFi r- { (orlrnr{N F\ rlLnrlr' {o r\r{ lnr'lc\o f. .rlLnF. . l (no f. . r' l lnsi+o NF. l lnFlrJ )o NF{rnF{(oo r\ F{r/ )FlNo NF{rnF{oo r\rlrnFlcr lo NFl rnFloF.. { r' . r'{rnFlFtFl t.F.l r/ ) F{c! r" ' l @FlrnFl r- to coF{rnF{No (or- l$r{oFl (or'irnrloFl (orlLnr{Fl (or{rnr{c!Fl F--lrnr- l rlo r. . r- l lr l FlNo r\ !{rnF{rno r\ r' { r, ) rl<to r\r'l rnF.. l rf )o r\F.. l rnFl(oo r\ F{rnF{r\o l'.Fl rnFl@o Nr' { rnrlOlo F. . FllnFloi. l r\F{ol F{ort N!-{LNr{F. l Fl ]. \ r{rnr{NF- l oorltnr{Fl @rl@c{rl @FlOrNFlo coY,E(! !tJ l 3EGU t(u-ooEo)F -c_g o (o-cco,o(9oF e. !(oEt/ t o(! t(U-ooG,coF _s(!CoOJ (9oF 3!(g !(J E,E(!r/ t o(! EE(!E oG =E'(!() E(U0.)so -c_g o (!sco(uL(,oF G, !(! E(u-ooe.c0) L !r! t/ ,oF coFo .inN 60?EEg . oo io8. 9 x. > OEooEF .2 5 totcoOooqo89 6oo= cvogo!\ rs \q\Joq)qqJUqBso!sAEOU Eu: 8. } & oJJgo=06 lr 1coEo(!€(!U oEco3dt/ 1coEo!(o€(oU oEco3dtl lcoE0)(o€(o(J o..t l=o=06t,co!OJ (E-o(oU oPco3OUcoEo(! -o(o(J oecoB05rhoEo.)(!€(oU o.eco3dt/ )coEo,(o€(o(J olicoBdtJ t coEo,(!€(o(J oEco=dtt )co!o)(!€(!L) o.gco3odCD1C(U(o€(!(J c(oo. (u(o3.c=o-oI(UL(oo- -( f ,oLoEooLE(U()GE(uE, Lovco3dtllao !o(! .o(!() oEco=odttEOE(u(o€(oU ovco3dVI coEC'6€(o(J ovgo3dv1co!o,(o€(oU ovco3dvto:oc,Pl!-o(!U o.P _co3dt/ tdlE(u(!_3(oU o.cco=306tlcoEoPag€(!(J o.€Eo=3odcoE'(u(g€(EU o2co=dV) co!o(g€(oU oPco=dtt tcoEOJ(g€(gU o.=co=dU)coEo(o€(!() @3tnFI(no @r. { r/ ) FIo 6"it)f- l rno @f{rnr{(oo €FIrnrlr\o @!-{rnr{coo 6FIlr ' ) rlO)o @FIrnr{od @FI!nriF- l F-{ @r{ rJ . ) FIc!d Ol rlr. r )FiF- lo or f-. 1Lnr{No or FIrnr. { (no ol FI]ni- lo ol !- trnr{rno o) FIlnr. l roo ot F-{Lnr- lNo Ol F-{rf ) r. l@o Ot FIrnrlcr lo orFIInr. lo Ol FI!nr. . l F- l r- t 6r- {LNr{No 6r{Lnri(no ooc-{tnFIo 00FIrJ 1 F-{rno @!-{l. r t FI(oo ooFItlFINo ooFIt')F-l@o @i- lu1 ilOlo oo i{rnr{or{ ooFIt)FI.- l rl ooFINFIc{ @f-{tr 1F-{N o)FIr.nF- l F{o or c- { tnF- t c!o or FIrnFIo1o or FIt)FIo o) !itnF- l rno Or FIrnF-{(oo otFI l/ )FIr\o Ol !- l lnFIooo ot r. l rnriOlo O)r{rni- loF-{ 3E(ot(J g0(occOJ(U(9oF e. !(!cLr) E(U.ood.coL to-ooE,co)F =!(! (J L(u-ood.coL t(U-ood.coLr &!G-ctt !!o(oc(u(U(JoL to) -c IoE,co)L tao (EccooL(9oF o(! dE(o.c6 Eo-ood,co)F E30(ocoo(,oF =E(l l (J tso3od,PcoL EE(! !6 -9(Ec(uo(,oF E(u-ooEc(t ) L E,E(o nNnN 60EEEg oo ioE. gE9OE aoEE .s G €ote.8 3 oo89 c,oo= NoUo{ TE bH (JAJqAJoqGeAJ .L r .sGAEOU Eu; 8, I & o.P _co=06t/ lcoEo(!-o(o(.) o.tco3da/ ) co!o) l!€(o(- ) o.tcoBodtl lcoEo)(!€(!U oEco=odt/ )coEOJt!€a!U oEcoBOU thc6Eo(!€(!U oEco=€v16EOJ(!€(!L) E=o-co-oco,o=oo.OJ .soo)Ec,@c(o .EL) (uooo(J,9Eo-EfoCoc, .EG:,o'oOJboc(E !I (u .E(! tl(J(!Jc, !'o0jboco-c .U o-E=o-dooEcOJ(uEo-oo0coo(JxoG.ooboc(o=U o-E=o-o)Eo!g(u0,,3oo. (U.so!oooc(! !(J (Uiz(! -oo) .g(!o) !!(u@c(!EU o-Elo-o-cPoEcQJo3oo.o, .EoEo)@c(oU _qoOloo- (!OJCoE(oo!E(oo-Eo@c(EE,I oE=o(u !oEc(l)L(u=ooov.coEo,)ooc(oU oo '-(oo) -oooE.9(J -9o:oo(!oI (U 'Ec(o(ufOJo- 'c ,o(, ) (oo-oG, ooc(oo) -oooEL' 't r(J -9(I )EOJr!0) (9 @t.o olord ot F-{rni-{(\ or! rJ . ) r- { r. lo or{rnFINo oc! rnr. { rno oc{r/ ) F-{go oc! t)F- l l/ )o OlFI rnFI F-. , | r. l ol F-{rnfiN oc\ t rnr{F- . to or!Ir )r{c!o o(\rnf{rno or!rnf{=to oNCN r-. 1 F-. , | F-. , | r. ic!dr. . l r- l dc{dor{ rlNanc{F. NrnN1- . NN(nc{ (oo Nc\O)oor{ aoNtoFI(n rnNto(\6o (nc\@c\r.. l rl ttr!rnFI F-{ c\l6(\ I rn o(E _E o(! !COJo(9oF E,T'(!E =E(oE,(J -g pGco(u(9ot- &.E(o !tll oF coL.od. o(o!(EEU -od.oF oL -oG, to oF gOJE uOJg$(9 .oG, -ot -oG, .inN 60EFEgoo a=8. 9E> OEa0 JEE .2 E6 EoEEoOoooo89 doo= Nor- {t6< €i bF t UqJqAJUsosqJ*.ss.EOU Eu: of R tn q d 6 dainN GOEFEg oo ir8. 9E> OE*Esq J4 ; 5c r EE88 oo89 do(9= Ux=oHr<c6F-\ €E bB ()AJqAJ()cG0J !.E\OU E ! ss .P o, 8E .E P(u-oo)C' (oo-EE' -96!(l. ) co Po-c I !o(JsoOJEgt!Ecodrno orl(nFlrio "ic!Nc!to oo-ooFEoo so.od. Lo) .xEcooPoE!o)(!o(9 ooE(u.xEcohoE't r(!o-o(t,OUE(!(uEo)u0C(oU !o,-3OJcE_9(oPCr,gG!,(1 , co .eOJ -c )3o13-g(!P.EE_9'6!(1 , coc\l rno oooc!Nor. .o<l (\ lr\o €c{r{sfo 00oNa.' t ooo F-{Nl\No .qJcoE(o(U E(u(uotJ l(!-co o.,(goq) \z E,oao&, .inN ooEEEg oo io;. oE> ot , ooEEe5 €oEE oOoaoo89 do(9= tux=Noq.vce! TEEH AJqAJQsoO.) +JcGEEOU E us R& E i.. inN i! oEEEg oo0r = ;- c r. > ot t+EYo .9 6 €q , IEoOoc lEB82 do(9= Bon-r .s6E\ TE bHUa)qAJUBqJ+,EAEOU E ! 8S 8E & (lJc=U'6oEoo!oQ!oo !(J(! !.q(lJG.L,)c(uo0oEUJ!o(J(!CL (uG. (u .>(!co)Effur! '( ](u(J(Eo.oG. NstFlN(\ (r" )o00o +N€(\ l (^ o +(\b' a\ l (o bod o(!(9!(!(ncoF OJ(o(,E(! .ct/ tcot- o-oEEu@c.=EE(!o.=Eo(ouoE(u(J(Eood. ooE(oub0c:=EE(!o.st(uqsuEoo(!o- 0)e. (1 , , .oE(!oboc:=EE(oo.sEo(o@E(U(J(!o. (UG, o;(J(oE=@.Et!oEq)c(o_9UEc(!o.: Z(!oo -cIt!-c.9(u(Jco)oo(UE(Uo!Eo(,t!CLoe. OJoGLfoo .El!c)E0)c(!_goEc(goJ(ouoE(J(o !.g(uLIJc(Ubo (UEoOJEoo(Eo-qJe. so(or.g'ococU6=oo,UcC,@oE(u1f(uo(!o(l J&. olrt rn@!i or. . l O. l NoLNr. . l i\ t r{ dr. . l a\ losl dr- . 1 (nosl a., l (\(Dr- ioF{ coNr{00o +NrJ ' )a. lc! s-9 p(!c(Uo(9PL tOJ -oo&PcOJL c(u6C(oIo(o IFE(o(,oL oFEt! -ctho(!(9 oF(UG(9!(t , !U)coF .inN coEEEg oo iuEo x, >OE aoEE .2 E6 E- o te6OoAoo89 do(,= Noq{<cE\ rsEq q)qqJ(. )oqJS'E.EOU E * ps .P o Gb R qh d ; I(oo)Q(o .oEco2!-9(!!s Eoo-o!oc(! -9L'Ec(!oolit roc.=E(U@Ua-o - !(uoE(l,L Ic(!coo.>(!c.9ua<i 1C(uL)(!o(l)d. r\oorc\@o Olo(noF-l F-. 1 si r{rnr. lc!o a E!p(oEOJo(9oE _9(ostroc)(,ot- o" f(!occo, :z .in 60EI oo isE. 9 t>OE aoEE .s 5 Eo ts e oOoc \ s- 9 c,o(93 HoN.r (s6F-! r!b r- , QAJqAJocGcOJ+rc€OU Eu: 8E H ri h d 6 6(!c,o(oE.9scoE_9(!c Eoo-oEo)ct! -o JU!c(oo-o:, (, t roc.sEoo0oo -o - 'oq,oEo) r\oO)N@o OlotoFi F-{ c_9 p (!c(u(u(9oL E_g o(! !c0)o(,oF .inN io o8EEg . oo isE. c t>o' l , o- oPE .g 5 €obE .8 3 8' 9 do(,= NoN.YsE! rsbq (,qJqqJ()cotrqJ !.E\ou b ! u: ct s t'' l qJ h t- { v \ ( ) 6 .i.1N 60EEEg oo igH. 9E> OT ' +E gEJ4 ; €oEE .E E eo89 c,oo= I(oo-co(E.c.goEE_9(!cNoo1c{6oE!p(! !co(U(9oF anoc\r<coH\ €! bH ()qJqqJ(JtrocAJ .strOU E ! u: Nb R !- . f q fi .i.. i 60?EEE . oo !o;. s t>o! , aoEE .e a €oEE uOoeAB89 C,o(9= -9(oooP(os.q.cPCo'o-q ,(!PcT\oCDc\6oE, _9 0(!co,o(9oF rtC)Nr<qbl-\ TE bq (JqJqqJUcBsAJ !.soOU E ! .u : 8E H r- . r (4 dE (u-ooo-=0., (!su0=o.=-o'oc(!o-ooo.c.9(Joogo- .9EoE(!oE(l )oEo OJ ->(oc(uE:lf(,(!_9.c(o3oE(!a,_q(!c tr\d riFIN (t ' )c\oFo sc! lnc!No to-ood.coF oFo(!(9E(o-car 1coF .in ie oEEE& -Q OOEE- g x. > ot l ooEEea €oEE oOoc l ooE2 cto(,= fi1o.Yc6E\ rsEH AJqAJ(JsBAJ&.ss.EOU E us SE H r- t 9t 6 .inN GOEFEg 9oopE. c t>OE6- OEE .2 6 Eo teoOoos. 9 doo3 I6(uU(o-c.9cozE-9(!cNoCt )a{@os. lpt!c6Jo(9PF No(oJ<cE! rsbH UqJqqJC) tros0J .l .E.EOU Eu: fi b R ri q d x dci '1 iE S !Ess igE. CE> o!ooEE paEgEE8& oa E 91 c,o(9= fftocr) .YsE\ rsbH (JqJqqJ(Jcocq. ,+r .sG.EOU Eu: s$ E !(!(l,U(E.9tco!-g(!Pqc (U->(oo-cl l==!OJ No\-o)(\ao - 'o Nr!rnFlO)o ip(tc(U(u(9oL t(L . l .ooG,coL .inN 60EEEg . oo irE. 9 t>o!ooEF sEEoEE3g oo89 dolo3 IGc,(JP(!.gco.. t :Eg(ol'.oo)N6o-c-! 9(!-ccoOJ (9oF E(nr<ts\ rsbH UqJq4. , (. )socqJ*.str\ou bu: -o t s IE ,} o.>(!o-d)(!@o-) ac(! -o!tsoz=f-o(uE OJ2t!o-dT(gboo-vc!-oPfo6==-oq,d (uEEaco.=+o:,(lJE(!o(!u0ov,c_gal ) (U2r!o-co(!@o, jzcs-otsoc.cE@tE !o- .e!'ocr!(!(UE(!oE(Uu!o-oe. g(o .u Aq3, a U iia 3= !- c -o .c o39o62Es .- o, E=(! U rcE= !ocl 3 YEoo eb O L Ol) (u l EE (U q :g(o ! ho ol (U . = ii or E3 -o ( o U Fu6- o 9c(u f co -8 , _L Oe8 EdEEoo , ooEE oo J d. e. JCPq:z.Eo-Ef,o-Ecd,LooEEooso- (ud Jc(oci )z.so.Eo.E(Uu!o. (1 ,e. (!o6EC(! !(o-ocoE!33oE:,o-E@6!!o- .g:oF.{P, '=-ooE. .v ,c(!o5Zo.g(!oo) !E(l. ,o(!o- 0)d .:(oooc=(o_9.€o(uf!o2(!o(nofo=1C(uC(!(uE o-E:,o-EU(oE,o- .gEPfo(l ,ooc(gcU f(!xooPfo@cv(o(I, ..PoofEo.Elo-Eoo (oo. ,EEfooUc(oU ooJ 00raFl o)o(De. rio OlorJ )(\r{o Olo(\oNo Olo(no(\o OloN(\(\o r!r{o)Nsto (f ) F{Olc\oF{ lr !r{mc!oF{ NFl(^ oFie{F{ rlNrf )oa{o r{NInooro ff )NsloF{o _9 p l!-cc(UOJ (9oLF !!p(! !coo(9oF to-ooG,coF =-9(! -cc(uo,(,IF L(u.ooaco)F c0) \zc(!-d! oSc(uF oE(o=U EGUyLoF Pc(uF oo)F .9(!L\oF .. i4d ooEI 9O . o!E. EE>OE o. q, EE .s # EoEE 6Oogo689 do(J ,= trFovoa.6f,UouIoOJT6(Dq,coa\ €s bH ()qJqqJUsocqJ !.SB\OU E ! u; s& E louB, r. i L i, i D" I ,tur J"E! f-Dl trr tr\o?.{c\N(\NEo-ood.c(ULF c.inN 60EFEg oo ioh. 9 x. > OE 6- OEb 9s 6 Eo ts e aOoq8u 9 do(,3 cEoYtr (D!0,U5!oo-\ r!bH (JAJtAJ(JosqJs.sG\OU E Cr s .9 o db R F- t q d6 coF_e(! .goE)o- (UEO(!U3oz. oo. foIoo-93oE!_q(oc -0 Jo- :,o()o(l )o=o)c15_q(!c -9o-=o(Jo(Uo30JcE-g(oc :o!oa0C(! !(Jorn(nIo-Cooo 'a=o!Eo06:oc0,, (U3oo-Eo(J -go- (Ud o-Efo-EOJCg(tEcl!o(UOJuo .c-o -o()3OJc!_g(oPc o-E=o- r\ lo.gc=3(ucoP(UPrEdol!oE(Uooc(!sU oEo-cg(!o@(uE(u.9ec)o3oo-o-Efo- OJbo (oc(, )NEg(Ec oPo- (E(!o)boC(!(uoaoEc(Eol4(oho foE(Uo0c(!-c . (J oPoEo-oUc(!(U-oooE(JL(J-go) 'r 3o(uo) (9 ooEo-oEOc(o(u-oooE(JL'OJ(L )Eo) (o(lJ (o o.E=o-oE(!so.EoE(uboc(! -c(- J oPoE!o-ob0c'c(!OJ -ooPoE.9(Jo(U!(U(!(lJ (1 1 ooEEPo-o0oc't r(!o) .oooE.9PUOJo!OJ(!o( r't o-E,o- P6(! tl JcooIoEo't rU_9(U!(U(, -go-ot ooEP(! l!Uc(o(u-oooEo't rP(J-9oEofoE(r l ooc!N si?i (o(\(oo lr l f- loFi rio lnr- l i- l r{rno (oF- l FIc\o ooF- { FIft 1Nr. l OlF- tNor. lo c{c\@oroo GI c., lo(n(oo r!(\ r- { (o6o (o6l r- { F-{LNo (nr{;'c{r{r{ sir!c{ F-{N sf(\(oa!N st f!6- 'Nrno slc!o(r 1tn slc\lo(nIA i(u(J(uCo2o3 o(!E(!U !oE(!U c(uLo C,OJLo (JOJFOJ(JEot/ 1o3oo- coL\.od =o)Uotr(Uo3 -od.co'5(!F .oE .od. E(!Et/ l(U(!(, -oE, Lo&. (u(a(9E(!s,UIcoL\.oG, .oE .in aq O TEEgooepE- g r>ot t or u9E .e 6 €q rEE oO@E l tt o89 do(,i a-E5o-qisoUqJtr='btuo5'boo-\ rsbH (J4.,qAJ()cosAJ+r .sG.EOU Eu: R& & EOJo)L EoC' L EoPqoF Eo, (uo-Efco Eooo-E:,co ci3t/ t .=o.!CoEE'o(!-o(ouo5{oo$(n<t l,)oo1+E(!gLo(uUINIE(l)osa(lJ&. o=tll,coEoEU'a\ I1'o)(Jt!o(l)d,olrlc\t O)oO)oo)O (nf{toosio (oFIrnrl(oo ta!- le{rlslo o(\ l rnorno oc\oF{Nd \tGI€oo -9 0(!sc0.,OJ (oeF Eo)c(! Io(! c(1 . ) (oIol! cgo\ZEOJo -oG,E(o ttl l c0. ,F -oe. f, inN ooEI oo iuE. s r. 2 ot t doEE .s S €q ,EE oOoE L ooEP doo3 6cGa.oa-ou.s r{!oUqJqJoc(9\ rsb r- , (JqJqq,UsoAJ+, .E\ou b ! 8S \J NE } ooEo-E=o- !q)()(oo.0)G ooEo-Elo-o(U(J-eo-oE, o- fE0)u)oo2o-q(o3oboco(!(Jc(uu0xo Jc(g_9.E(!=(l, ,c!-9(oc ooEoo .gf-oooc.C(oG} -o=(ucd,Efo.o-E===!(uG, -o(o-o-: zc(o .Eco=-oE,o-o.ot(!06oI!(Uo(oo-od.a!o)FI NorJoor. { Olo(oFtOl Oloc\ r. . lc\l r{FIr/ )otno r{FI00or\o c1c{ F{r! F-{F-{ ftG. coCooa, l ,c(1 l>dto cc(u\zco,F ccOJ :z c(!Lcoocco5Z .od. .i'1N iE oEEEg . oo iuE .q , E>OE ' o- o9F .e f i €oEe8e t8 9/ C,oo= a_E5B.e5a\ €s bB Uq) tq.,L)BOJ+r .Eou b ! u: Gt s Nq r h N( / ) d 3 aoao->Go-E5Eo-9o-oc(u@o.tco- o(J(oEq) .sEoEo(EoI OJ2(E.9(Uofoo-o-c-o(UU(oo(uc. o-EfEo)P(o=Eo,(J(!o_oE. (l. ,2t! -co-oouco,OJEoco(UEot/ ) tr 1 -c23OJ:o-Ef-o(u(!=6ooo-oit rEoL' l!o-oE. E(u!oooo)o3o-co.E-o(u(o3EopooEc(!@:o(!doo(ooEOJ(Jso-o \oEe=v.!al(o(l. ,EcG,@:o- .9(!ECJQ(oo-o ooorio(nO cn"{ l' .oF{o f-lNoslo sf FIr- lolooo (oc- l rJ . ) F-. , |@o oNo(nr!r- l rna{{r!F\ o. f(oocco\Z tro-oo€.coF o(!oF trOJ :tE(ULCJ EoOJcq,o c(l, Lbo(o(9 tro3od.PcOJF .. i6i iE o ,'Eir l !Eg oo irb. 9 o!doEE .2 5 Eo ts E 6Oooo. o89 C,o(,= 0JoOiH=oEoaoi TF !BUqJqqJ ' (JsGAJ*r 'E\ou h ! u: db R c\ q d x Hcici .. 9GOEEEr . oo {r ph .a , x. > OEo- 0, ph .e 6 €q rEE aOoc l oo89 dog,= ootnco-o(!(Jo(!.9oc(IJ.; !EE ]c r oJ l toi- @E> ' oo P FcEo J ;3Es L6.! aoooJ = ;]o- ! El ! =uEOsb 6-=b OF -C . t lt Eo , (u > (J o 6-O- a' E; F{a! (Y )Nr!Oo, !oGPcqJF 0J6OJtr=o!oGO6t!\ €sEH AJqAJ(JcoAJ+) .E\ou b 5 u: YL INE S fo(o3oOJc6OJEEo(uoE(l, , fod(UC:.OJouo)oo-6>o i (u E <( = ocb9 So u hg q. , L FEe= !EOo ) AHEJ (u o G o(o3oo,)c(!_9(JE(o(UglEooUo.)c.o.)o(Jooo- (!o) -cooo)h:6; o SE6. -G3Er c oJ ( U >b / Oo / E= (u o &. !ocoUo.,=od. -cu.E=oI.=o(oB IoCoU(u=0.,E,E(!o:,()(J.E(u(!E J()o-Et!(U==-ood. :oo-E(!(u=f.ood goo-!!oo,;o,uoC(t r3oz '6-+o,)ENOJEcoE(.l , .o!.,H=oo(oOJE(!G:,o.I foo0co-cL) i(u(J0)OJoovUo.lC(9(u.:(!o-0)d. E(oE(!oooE'5OJo-o.o@.Co-oOJ(J(!o.od. a:J(JEoLco-g.o(!(JECJb0(!L) EG-oooLoco'6(uo-o- lco@.Co-oo(J(!o- (ud '6_c io!NL(u !g(EE(o !.!=oooG,E(!o!OJboc(oE(J E_9-ooo-oo0GvoEc:,oLLoioo-2=Eoo-o.efuU==(Jfo!oo_CL(!=U) OJCoo- (otrooc'6Eoo-oEoI(oOJqocoEoU(Eo-oG, OJoiooUqJoo- (! roo(J(!o-OJG, Jooc'6 . 't(Uu-vL'o-!o!(lJo(!o-OJd c.oco,x(u-0)oIOJoo.GE(uo(oo.c,d @c:4oE0) ,9Goo(o(uE(! !0)ooc(!-cU !_qooJofo=(!(Jo-o(u.9=oOJ(!OJE(! !o,ooc(!ELJ oo) (o0. ,o!o@c(,l 3 (- J r\oFloOrot.oLOo(oo r\odfo(\ l Oro!nNF{ O)otn(\Fl Otoo(\c\ l (f o)oF{r\ lr!o O)or!orao Oloslorno 01ool r'{rno o)o(oo(oo O)ol'.rlro Otor.. , 1 rloF.l OloO) rlor- l OloOl r'{oFi o)o(o6lo oloslNrlr{ otornFi c{ orooFlc{ oFlF.. l rlr- lo oFl<foNo or' l (o(\ l(\o cOJe(oJE(lJc, FEc,o(,oF tro,co)ot l't(!aco coco)ogobco o.=L(ooCc(u>z o.=(oocco5Z o- (!occ(U5Z (,oF _s6Ec(u(u(9oF E(uoE(EIJ (,oF dco)F t9oF U\c(o-co(9oF d. !c(l, ,F E(U-ood.Pc(uF cOJF EC.l -ood.c0,,LF E-s o(o !cc,o, (9oF tso-ooGcoF EoEc(E!(!co .inN 60"EEI oo ar = 8. 9E>OE oo9E .2 5 €oEE8g oo89 do(,= oaGt.Boo! r!bn ()4. , tqJQsocOJ+Jco\OU Eur fi b i c\ h f i ..inN 608EEg oo io8. 9 t>o!o- oPEe5 5o teoOoos. 9 dolo3 o(Ud,0.,oE(uqoc(o !(J Eooo- (Ecococ'6(U3oECJGOJ(uE oo(o(UoEOJo0c(! t !(J E.x-9cpEq(!0.,3o)c>(Jo.EPco-o(u(J(oooe. oc)(oc,EEo,(J(ooOJd. _9J(JfcIo-o=!oe.j(!_9JL)fcI-g-oo-oo3-9fo!oooc(o=LJ oOJoq) !!oooE-c)E, oE(!(U1lE(l)U(!o- 0., d o(u(oo) -o!0)o(!oOJ t =(JoocIo!c=oostoJoo.Eco!(u(,(!E(uG oa)(oo!EC,()(oo- (ud. o(Uoo-oEo(JG-o -oE CJo.c .-c,ouoLoo- (!Eo(Jso-oG E(oEooco.Eo6=o-oo)o(oo- o)&. o(u(to,oE(uoo (!sU oOJG(lJoEo@c(!EU oo(oco,F(!coo,oE(uooc(oU o(u(oco.F(ocooo!OJooc(o .c .U o(uLL(oC.9(!o(l)o-oOJboc(oU oc,(!(uoE(UEOc6(. ) o(UL(oooEo)EOc(oU Uooo- (ocoLcoov6@Ec(og6o!oboc(oU E(,E(oocogoE3(uo-o- l==.ooEc(!-9-vUfcIE.23(u=o't fCJ(JoaOJd. J(Jo--ocooo)(Joo-o,E, o(U(!o,oEoooc(gU E(!-OJou(uoo- (g(oo,Ecd,ocoo) JU=cv, 'oE3Ec)u(! -o -od. odsla!od orlsfc!O!- t or{ror- {(\ r{r{r{!ir/ )o !- l !- {O) f\ooo r. . l db' c{\to c. l rlFlorno o. lFiNc\ t- .o r!db'No r{d!- l ft1o r{doriFl r{FlFla{r{ (\Flc\(\c\ l rnrlr..oF{o (nr'lFlC\slO (nrl(nF.. l tno rne- l (oF.. l (oo fi' )Flt. iiod (nrtmFlF{ rnF{oF-lc\ <t F{(orJFlo rfFiolorno st F{r\ lc\ r.oo sl r'{@-' a{(oo <l r. lorlOF-l stdrnc!r!d -c39(o-ccOJo(,oF .8 ,39G-.Ecc,o(,oF E(g(J coc(!-o(! c0., ! c(!cocC(u>z E(o-c .u1 cq)F co,F .Ego(oc0.,o(9oF tso-ooG,c(uF t(u .ooE,cc)LF E(U0);coF ccq) :zcoF E.go(! tcc,(ut,oF c.gcoEo0, , o(o oF L.Eco c(ULF cc(u!z !_b o(o -cc(U(u(9oE cco>zEo)o E(u(uE(oUoo ccOJ>z o(!ScoL oo, (!0.,oE0.,ooc(o-c .U Eoo(!OJFIoF- lCoo6fU(! .E 'oU(oo_(, -ocoxo33looor- lor- lcoE6o.oEfo.:o-ooU(oo-OJ!0 ) 9CE: oOJo(uE!(u(oo-0.,E. oo)(oc.9(!coo)EOJo-o(oq., :(o !C)(,)(!o-oG. vUo.'r fco-o(u(J(oo-c)d oof,o-=fo(o0., .co;COJ:o-o@.xL I(Jo.-ocoE(u(J(!oOJE. JUo.-oGoEOJU(!o. (uE. oo(ooFGco@oE0)boC6(J v()o.Eco-o(uU(!o-o,E. o(u(!c,oEo)aoc(o-c . (J OJ .g-OJoUOJoo- (lG(u !c(!cocoxUOJEUE(uC(!(u(J OJco=-o0.,6!E3JUEEEocooEo(j(BE.oE o(U(oco.Fft ,o(uoE(uooC6E, ooEt=(Jco.E(utcoIo-oEo) .x( .OJo(JOJoo- (!(uLooOlGocoE(o(J!(uU(oo.oE. oooC.9(ocoPOJoEo,ooc(g .cU 0) .g.OJo(Jo,oo- (!(o0.)Ec(!Pcoov(J(uL)Eoco-q(J xo-oi=U=oo.) -oxo-oEG)ooo_o,<icoEcoEo(. )tfo!OJ(J(!o-o)E. o(Uc.o(ooooEo,) (J(!o-oe. E(!ocjCooo-ccOJ0., -o(!o- OJE. oico==-oo,EGf3JooJ.oE(o!(ooJcouo)s. roOJo(!o-oE. (I )coPoc'-oo-oo(J6Ec) d a;co=_l-oOJG.Gse3v(JoJ.oE(o-o(!oJCoI(l, ,s.Eo)U(go- 0.,G. @Oo Ol r\ lo Lr ) r- {F.oc!o r/ ) rlanNC{o r/)rl(oor/)o rr t?iF\o@o lr )r{coOF-{FI (oF- l@?- lFIo ro"- l |. \N!-{o It -r{oGIslo Nf-{rnrlr..o @r' { rnNF-o NFIl'.(\. lO) r'.r- l c\ toori r. . F-{(ooori ooFiNNFl @Flr. r )o(o @F{6or' . @r{stc{F.o mrlLnc{ Ito @F-. 1 tnNNo ooF- l r- {a.lr{r{ O) FlrioFto O) F- lo(n(oo oc.. l (oc\rnO or\oc- t@o o(\rlF- l Fl -co .od.o6 EG(Jo c(uY, OJ -co Eo, l (l,oFc(uF oGo c0)F-co Eooso E(u(u-c .o !(ov)o(o !oE,U)E(!(J EocoLL -o(ooF E(g-coo EOJo,) o -co Eo0.,o !6-oe E(o-cv) oo!F oE(os.L) oF E,o!(o-cU .inN 60n'E6( qEg !oqJ = 8. 9E>OE ooEF .e 6 E- o EE aOooOo32 do(,3 E(o.c,oUooo. (!coc(J.9!EooGE. (Ud nd., i 60EEEE ooo98. 9E> ot t o- OEE .e 6 €o ieoOoC l 8" 9 do(,= qic!(oocoooo=6oo+toor- {(uEE(lJU_eo.oE. 5a(Jcoco(oo- ,9E'o(u(J(! -o - (uG. o)co3oc-t6-o(ov3-v . ()oJIaoE(EEro -9oo!Eo(Jso. (Ud E(oo(Jo(oo., .EE(!o.osU2,3Eo(J(ooOJG ucoso)o6.Co)EoOJco_cod)c'=E(Uboc(or(J 0.,xo-oc)o(oP6o'oo.E(go- (uG, o-u(o!E3o2G.9€o.9(!@c(u !ou(oo-o, .toE.z3OJo-o-)Ec(! izo(qo(!ooc'56oo:l -oo.)o-c.(u9^o:EA !>o- ! o9>, t s hegiEo (o b o !. =Oc .! -9 EP8; GP=o ,E€ @=rE-6o, (u-co(lJfEc'6E3-oC,o-cE(oocoE(uU(,o.OJ L:oo(oc.9(oco(1 , !(U !OJoGo-od. a.,oc0)E(ocoIcoovGooEOJ(. , (oo-O)G, too.3ov3!(udLoc)E)(.)Eoo(oo-o€. oco.=OJc!-9(!c ocoLCor(1 lo-6cqJ .E!o,o(!o. (ue. ococoooEdqL(o(Uo0Ec,(J(oo.oE, !(ooaUuo;(uolUUEo,E(ouoo- f (o(no N(r )o rl@o @f. . l r{ r' . l/ )d f. .rne{ g) rnF- t rnoN (nFla! Or\ , lr! (oc{ r\, 1 oN€c!FiFi oc\sl !iNd or!o) rif!Fl ... , | (\o(nN dc. . l (no@- ' r\ ' lN@drno r!r!rJ )r!FlFl 01c\sloF{o cno. JsloFlo a!N"- l rlFlo rnNb'of. .o slc!a{NF- lo a{r\o(no slc!Ndsto =fc!oc\ rJ )o stc\t Flo\.6o !o oF.od o(! !(o !L) !oo(uE(! c(o@oC(! I-oE 6oo (gc(oL-o&. E(u-oo&.c(u! .9(oScoL .9(oLbcOJ ! oF.oG, .9(oF aoG, .od. -oG, .oE Eoo(uEG.ot oo)(oc.o(\ lCooa,E(u@c(!U oOJGc.9(oo(u .]CEo@c(!EU oq.,(oc.9(!cooE!q)ooc(EcU o0,,(!c,9P(!coPoE'Eq,boc(! !U oOJ(oc.9(oco(UE1l (lJ60c(!U oP(l. , (oco,F(oC,oo, !1f(uuoc(E-c(J oo(!c.9(!o(u!-o(UboC6!U oo(oC.9(!qoC)E-oq)ooc(!(J o(ug(oC.9(!co(UE'oouoc(o !U oo(!c.o(!co(u 'oEo@(!U oc, (!c.9v(!o(l)EEoooc(!c(J ooLl!co,F(!co(uEEoooE(oU oo(\ ,co,F(ocooE' !ooo (oEU oo(€c.9(oCoo) :o!(uuoc(!EU oo(!co.F(!co(UEEoooc(oU o(U(oco'F(Ecoo!!o@c(!(. ) oC,'L(!oo-o(!o2(,+xft106oo(!co(!cooEEoEI )cr!U ooL(EcoF(!cooEEo@c(oU o(uL(!c.9P(!,co(I)a,Eo)@c(!E.L) oc,(!Co.E(!co(uoEoboc(EtQ o(t. , (oc.96coC' !Eq)ooc(oL) go(ur!co,F(. l tco(U-oEoboc(!U Or{FIr{Fio FI r- {c{Nr.o r- {Fi rn(\(o F-{F-{orGt "o - 'o (\F- { F- lorno r!rlr!GI f. .o NrJrooor (nr.l -- lc\ l (n i{roF- l (o cnr. {r\F-. 1orl rnr.{01dr. l r. l rnriF-{c\r. l (nFIOlFIc{r- l rnF-{(\a!r!r- l si F-{or- io3 rnFIf{<fo rnF-{rn(\ lno (oF-{(oGI (no r\ rlo@o NrlNoor- t r\r- l (orloF-. 1 oor{orN€o o(! o(o coF c0) t- Et!E, PcoF tc(o EoOJ o(! EoOJoL c(!-CD 1f(!U c(UF ccOJ !Z EG!IJ ' c(!dl oF E(o !tf l oG 'l ](!U Eoq) FinN GOEEE8 ooqr ! Eo L'6! t+EEFsa €c r EEaaoooo89 C,oo3 NoqU6E't roo! TF bH UqJqqJ(JsocAJ+, .sGOU E ! u: ,5 b R Nt a d B .inN coEEEgoo ioE. g E> ot t o0 , EE .g =- €obP88B5 9/ do(,= -0.,oUooo- (!oE,oOOlOJsoE(ooE(u(J(!E(uG. o(Uoc.o(ocoo-o-oo,ooc(oLJ E6'o(oo(!(ucov()o-EE(UL)(oo(UG. Eo-o(ooGocov(Jo-'oEoL)(oo_0)E Eo-ooo(!o)coJoo.E!OJ(J(Eoo, d (uEfobo '5oo-0)OJEco(U(!G-o+EOJ(J(go- o.)&. aiooo- (oG(lJ -o(oE3oEGoEo.)(J(!o- (ue. o.)o.c . (!G,coE.:3oo(oo-cE0,,(J(oo. OJd. (Uo!-OJo(Jo)oo- (!co_9EcroE,(! -o!o)Usoo)d. 0)oE-(UoUOJoo(ocoEo(Jso. 0, ,d. ocEoocoo'6E3o(J(oo-oG, oc, (Ec.9(ocoooE.foEq,@c(o-c(J (uE5(o(Jco1:(o .( JclEEo(J.co-o. f(u3oo-=osir{Eo(Jd,EoE, !(!(uE(ooPco-oo,boc(o(J ec:fE(1 )=sE=EvE.E33Uco(UoL} -oo)o(oo- OJd.5=ocoEoUa,(lJ(Jso-od. o- I(,ov)I3o.oEo.=GE.!2(!oocoEo()(oo-o ooGc.9(!cooEEoIGo-OJd. ooc(uE(!(g@Ec(ococo(uJ(g@EG,uso-od. oPo)(oc.o(gcOJo'6!oo0c(o !o o) coo sfsto Itod a! rnd o(o!-{ (oo)rl @F{sfc\r\o 6rlOt a-. 1@o @r{rnFlOlo o) F.{ol !-{sto Ol F- l c.. l F- l t)o or{(oFldo or!nc\ l Flo oe.l (or\rlO oc!OlN(oo rlN@o\-rlo rlc! (oo6lo dc\aoor{ c{c{stri€o (\N(orioFi r\ te\l6c!FlFi c\c\ r. nc\ r' l ?.1 rnr!sf FiFlo cnN@or' .o sa\;'oF- lo o E(uC)oF !(! !UcoF o=C0.,F E(\, -ct/ l(U(!(, !(oEtJ 1o(o !ooFEoF !ooFoF -oE. EooF-od -od.oF-co,,F -oE(UEo !(ov)oF .9oL\CoF aoE. t(u-ooE(uF (ul!(9oF .9(!F .q6!o o(!=oo (uqJNoo- (E(Uc(!o.eo-Eocll ,(Jo o0)(o(l. )E(!GJo(!.:(! rt rcooo. lo(JoEo!o(J(oo.q)n oN.Too-dloaE=o.coE(!fIJU!o,u(good. (uN't roo- (ocoEoUE(l)oE(UEU.t3tt l (UN't roo- (ocooc=-o'o(u=E(oEc(o !o)c(!oo oNoo-Gcopocooo'd _E(uU(oo.oE, OJ(oo-coo(o3Eo@c=oo,E(I , !o,(J(oo. (uG, LoNoo- (!Eoo-E5o-E.9l!=() .=u-l ,(u(J(!o-0)d, o=v\15c(o-o(oo- -c(Jo0.,oov.1 :CfUOJEo(oEou(!Eo.,G OJNoo- (oEoaE=o-Co-gf(Jo'o(U()so-o)G, qJN.Coo-GcooElo-c.o6f(JoE(Uu(o-o - CJd. oEf,Q,o-EfoE@(ogo- .gENiid.g,t s(!c'6Ecc, Jo!'oo)(J(!o- OJG, (Uc(l. , .go-E=o-oN.Coo.Gco(u.c(oP't f_9(!Pc v,CGc_9GoooooocnOJPoocpfg(u !cooo,o(!otJ 1U=(l. ,E6E_9(!E izC(oc:(!@oooornoEo(U.EPJgocoOJ2(!co:,-o-c)o-otf tUJ=oc6!-9(!c o)o(nr. { (. oO or' {o) r' { r. lo (\rlrnF-{O)o Nr' { r/ )F. lorl c. ' l rlornorl 6l?. t r{or{rl mr{O)r!tr )o (oFi r' lo(no. (oF{b'Nolo r\Firnc! (no r\o(n(no r\Flr- {o\to F.. rl<fC) ric!o(n(oo rnc\ F{ri6o o-=r!occo\z C0)co)ot- f lct!-ao oF 30)U (9tiEF (,FF oF o(!To o. lP(!oco) }Z t0., -ood.coF !(oUa(o=cOJ \z coVo(o oco)Y.c(uF oFo(u(!(9 oFE(o(, cinN 60NEx6Eg oo irH. o OEooEE l2 E 6 5oEEuOoo 'o b39 c,o(93 EqJqJcoo-oa-\ r!bH ()qJqqJ()cBcqJ+) 'E\ou b ! u: Nb R N (- r ) .l x o!E(!Eo!.co-ooooC(EU o-oE(!-c(Jf,Eo!o@r!EU !o) -oE(!(J=!.EoEo)@c(osU LooEo'-(J(UOJ !(u(g0) (, (u3E(oo=.so<,c)ooc(!EL) OJ -oE(oqJ3L.Eo!(Uooc(oE.U o-oE(E(JfL.soEOJooc(!U r{1+:o,3oBVIol- .cno-coOJ -voo!oooUE_q )(!c (u.oE(o !Uf.so'oooocoU LOJ -oE(o(Jf!.EoEo@c(o-cU (U-oE(!(J=.co!(l. ,o0c(o(J ooE't rC) (l)OJcoboc'-(!o-o!o,C) (Eo- 0)(Jo,Eoco o!E(!()5L!o(J(ooo&. ooEo't r(,)_qoEo6(!o(o OJ _oE6(J).=o-ooooc(! !U o-Efo-Ec(o(l) -oE(o(Jlgs=(uc!-g(oc c) -oE(!(J=!.EoEOJ@cCl -cU (uLEo@(no- .cc(oa0 .sEouEoo(oo- 0,,E, (u.oE(oofE.Eo!(l ,bD(o-c(J o-oE(!(Jq-c.go!(uoo (!EU gOJ -oE(o=(J:,s,coE0)ooc(!-c(J o)ciE06o.oE(UE(,fP.=oEoo0c(! !(J O)o(oN@o Oloanr. lr!F- t orif\FIn1o FIFIstFia{o F-{F- i (oN(no c\ F-{sfNdlo (nr{slo\to rnr{r\ . rl@o tr{sta\l (no sr, lotF-loto lf lr{r!oOlo (oric\ l F-. , |No (or- l f\(\@o (oFIo(r 1Olo F- FI(orlc{o r\F-t a. lFlNd 6el roF{No @F{NFa(no 00 f{or{@o ol r.{(oo6lo OlF.l rnc\6o o(\Ol r- l 00O cc(U\z cco\z o(g c(!.co E(!cU oF !(!U cOJF o(! E(!=U oF Eo t!(, o(! E(oEtl t =o) (jocOJ2o3 E(l Joal! co,FoF Eor .oo coFoF oco)F o\o(!(9cogF .i.i i! oEEEg oo ioE. c t>OE ooEE .2 E6 €o r ts E oOoo . qo89 do(! ,= osoBa-E\5oa-aqJtr=+ooN(r )o- .\ rsEq q)qq)UosqJ !.s€OU E ! u: 8E : Nt 4 d x 6lnN ooEFEE . 9oqr p E. o E>OE ooEE .2 16 E- obe oOoo . oo89 do(,= OJ l:it r060) .oE(o !o=E.=o!(Uoo (o-c(J qJ !GOUOJ -oEGU=oEOJooc(! (J 6ooc'c(oOJ -oooEE(u(EOJL' o_Efo.ooEo-EOooo3ocE(uc.s.qEEo(J uoaaoo_ -o.qE(uloo-E_9(!c -ctrozol- - rno-o, Joc, !'=-oG)E_9(oc oo .T6(u !ooE.( J(J_9o, !o, (t ,o, (9 r. {c!oooc\. 1o Flc!\toooo Flc!sfooH rnc!6l6t6o $c\cnFlmo sfc\(oNft 1o sc!coc! rJ ' |o o.oo.)F oc(UF -od. 0)oo IoJ(oco-oE, .2(o t- -.od (u(ot,.od. .od. 0) -oE(!(J=P.=o!G'b0c.E(J (usE(go=EP.go!OJh0c(oEU o-oE(! !o:, !.goroo)ooc(E !(. ) .=6o.o)o.=-oco)Ec(!ooEo't roq,c,Eo)oEoE. oPoEUU(Uo=f-oo!gfl,c .S.:Zo(o-o!c(uEc(!LooE=,!c,L-o0.,oE(ue. ooE(J()o,c)=:, -oo) !-9(!PC o!E(o()f-ccoEo,)@c(!c(J o) !E(!(,fs.Co15ouoC(! tU (u-oE(!(JP=gI.EoEo@c(!cU (t J -oE(! . -co=-C.=oEob0c(oEU o-oE(o(JPa!P.EoEo@c(!U o@CNo-coooEEo(oo) (9 OJ !E(!o=!.coEo@c(! !(J (U-oE(!(JvJEP.Eo!dJsc(!-cU (I , ,oE(o(JJ!.coEoooc(o-cU ooE(o !oJ-c . .goEo@c(!sU OJ -oE(!(Jls.EoE0JEOc(!EU o,9ocEEoc(€@cI(oE(!3fjE:,o. !C=o(oo.E-eL'EocG.l .s 9F (u .oE(o(J5c..coEo,aoc(!-cU o-oE(!(J=oEoaoC|!-cU oltoI6co=(I JCE_g(!Pc rn(r' ) lr !oFI o)or\(\@o F-. 1FIb' r\ l (no a\ F-{+a! 'c no c!FIst F-{sto (\FIo')c{ rno NF-{r{cotno C\FI rioori (nF-{slo\fo stFI rfNano sl r{C') rlOlo t/ t r- l r!oOlo ror{(o(\ooo (or- l r' {o r\ri(o.- { (\ lo @F. l (o3No Ol F{(ooNo or i-{rnr! "o - 'o oNorFI@o oNoi- lN F- l a\J6oNo r- lN<fo;.o r{N(t lc{oto !t! !(J !(osU oF c(o-co c(!aco c(E-o c(Daco E(! .cQ o(o !(!E,U oLt- E(ugo o(! !(! tt E(uc,o(! coFoF !oPcoLt- oL\(l ) (o(,coE oFc(Ut- oL\.otcoF o!oSc(UL c(U.od, d.i.1d 60EI oo ir;ox. > o. t *EEqea fobe88 clo82 cto(,= otroUa.E5a-ooa-aOJcl=ooooo_L rsbH UAJqq,()BsAJ+,s<. 8OU E ! u: db R Nq d ; ci.n .. 9oo"EE8 " oo loH. 9 l/o!ooEE .c 5 Eqbe oOooOo39 c,o(,= bocl!Gj -oooEE(u(!(u(9 pJo-Eo--oooo3oc(o.t;pJo-Eo- o-IOo+=ofoEq)ooc6(J d.s 2z0).;o- oUoEoE(o=()(oo- !(uTJ(uCo(J ooEo)(o0)(,c) -oE(!(JfP.s:o-oo)bocG!(J qboc(oo) -oooEEo(o(U(9 (l. , -oE(o !o=-c . '6-o0.)ooG.C(J oPoE.( JoOJOJLooocL(oOJ -oo!-l]o)o(oo-od (u-oE6o=P.co-oo)boc(oE(J ooc(o0.J -oooE!o(oC, (9 (U-oEooP=LE,P'6-oo,o0c(! -. c(J ooC(oo.oooEE0.)oO) (9 bo .go- 'aoo- -o.q(u@LaOJo_ -o0.) -6c -cfoooo(no-OJxoU3ocE_q(o oo .Co(l, -oooE.9(Jo,o,E(u(oOJ(, c!@.i r' {NsoOr{ a!r!(oFlc., l<) r\, 1N;' !i(oo c!e.lo)o?- { d ft. )c{ !iF{Lno rr )N(\rl(oo ft lc.' l cnc!ooo ff )c{ooc{@o cor\6a!rtF{ stc\c! F{c!O src\ | (oNNo rta! cnF-{ft' )o sta. l (oNmo rtNao ' - ' a. l rno .oE, 1fo-o-ot! COJF.od -o&. !o,9(oF -oc. .9(o\Co)F oL)cot(oU't r(, -9t!EoF oFoo(, -oE. oF .ot oFo oo(9eod. -od oll(t r.:GUIE@Ugo-od. oli.=(!U-!OJ(J(!o-oE o!it r .=(!UEE(uU(!o-oE. zc:,()-coE(!o-o.. t i:lL)oEoL' (go- (uLco(U(uCL oP,- L(gLJ-Eou(!o- (uG. OJg(E.=(!L)IEoU(oo-c, d oli.:(!(JIE(l )(J(oo-od oo!o-oEfo(!Eo)Co(UE(oooEOJcoEoo-o(U-c!oL'6o-c,e. ai .E=oL'oco(uP(oo,E(UP(o3ooo-ocooo.9cN:oc(EoOloo)F(uEEo) (J-go.o,e. _9ooQo-E(o=o-ccog(U-od(ooEos'ooU(!o-o,G. eo!LL) Io-oE' (1 . ,U(t -o - (ud oc)o.Eo(J.:(!.EoE' (uUc(! (J o-Ef'o=Eo-oc, -c . PE(o .: Zcro.ogo)otoE(lJE(!-gUo.9toJ=(ogE 0. ,oo(Jo-E(!=(UcoE' (Eo- !Et!(Jc.;t!3o!E0,,(J -go-oG. ox(t r -cgEooEo.co-EsEo)o-qo. (l ,d goL(ux0.,coo(Joo!o.E(I ) (J .Eo. c) t ofPxG-cgo-o.co-E-g(!E(l,Q(!o.c)d. o(!oo tixo.EooE.9f(E!-co-oE(l )L' !CL (UG. LoIoEo(1 lboExCJ -9OJo3'ooo(!o. (U&, Eooc,(u -: Z(Jf,P.EooEc6q=(!sxoEG'L)(!o.od. 0)P(!ho .!x(UooE.( Jf(!LEEoo.o!ou(!o- (ud P(UC5(oQEco(JoUIo- f=(Uc'o-0 J(!c Olr\ (oOrO OlN F{@d <fFI(\ @F{c\ t rlNN F{(nN (\ t r{l./ 1oF- l d d)FIor\ loF{ rnr- lorN(oo sfFIto(no ooFIFI(\t\o o) FIrnF-{r-. 1d oN(oc.' tano o6t F{N@o o6lm(\6o oa\ l t(\@o ric\ l lnor. lo F- l c\ l l'.rlr{o "{r!orl(no !-{c!r\r!r-o FIa{FioOto r!mo(r ' ) (no (n(\ t an(\ l "o - 'o -t(\ l6F. l (no sf. , l@- ' riano sl(\ lr lN(nO stc{6Fio sl(\t\r!(Do E(! (. ) !(EE() oF !(!cr/ l -o(!s.A -o&, E(o .C(J -oe.E(ornoF -oE'o(EU1 oF.oG, E(oU CoC(o=o(! oF oFco,F---oE -o€, .oE, -o&oF .oG, oL\.oE aoG, .o&. ioE dcin ooEEooo=E. 9 x. > OE ooEE ,2 8 €obE oOoeooE2cto(,= Glcs5coo,gEo' r{a-U! TE bqo4.,qAJ()oco.) +JfB\OU E ! u: db R m( / ) d X r. inN GOPEEEoo irE. s x. > OE ooEF .z -- 5obeE3 eo89 c,o(,= sa)Ea-Isa,BU't rUeIJ Jq6_qoAr !UcoUUIibo' tta-U! rsbB UqJqAJUoq,+.sG\OU E ! s) S .P o of s r' i qJ h cn (/ ) ,j; C)L)o.sUJo-o-: z()(oEooo.co-o- fLo)3oo. -oCJo(oo- (ud. orJEo.cL) Jo-oJU(Eoo.Eo-o-=0.,3oarooQ(oo- (IJd. oE(oo, !to)Eo(oNoF{coo6) -oooso- OJd. oo(Joc.9ofiUs!-{or- lCo(Jx=o.9E1fo(J6Eo,E .9o(o-oar1o- lJoGoIo) -oo()oo-od. c, 't r@FG-oo- fUJo-u-o-U'oo(J(go-c,d. r\ (Orl sf@ o]oN c!r{GI (nr{N 4., , 1c\ z z z (nNCNFl (oo (nNF{oOl sf(\ lc{t\r! $c! (oNc! tNF.{otn sfNF{oln c(E!0(!c(!u--od. c(o@(!(!r!-oe. c(!bo(!c(g I.o cr!@(o(!U.-od. c(obo(!c(! I-od. c(Eoo (Ecl!u-ot Hci '1 HTEEoo !o8. 9E> otaoEE .e E Ea t EE oOoot8 9/ ao(,3 Orco-t\tuBooq!co5tci=Scoooa.a0,6=oL TE b r- { (JqJqqJ()cocOJ+, .sGOU Eu: .q E H cn u, dx c'aEoo.o!Erazco3o.c lo)EoL)(!o-ot .P!oo. (u.gtEErnU)co3o-oE!o)u(oo.od. c'6Eoo.o)v,Efnzco=o€o!(u(J(oo.od. c,=(!hocP(!oUqic=(ooo,2(! !uOJsu.s(! !oo.oIJit r (1 ,coE(u(Eo(J(!E-o J(o .coIourl :t Booo(no- :o(uuo(g -c(J o:(6C.9CCfP(EE(U.clL c.9Uoo. .co)c(!L'63LC4 co6l (omo:o(U.=(oo-OJ t Eo!olI ,(!o-o,oPoo- OJPcosc:4o-E' (UoE=o.o eoo,E=oEoNroo- .coo(! -oEo(Jr!oo)E, oo- sf(!coPo, J(g@=oo-ollEo(J(gE.ot .!2osOJoJoo(l,co(J(!o(ooEEoU(!aOJE (\ to(r 1oo-o!(t r(Ut!J(JoE()OJEo,osaOJE, 6oo-o!.E(ncoo.:l!x,u(U,Jo)EPEo(,t!E.OJd. (uEtl tsQ,9o@(no-coOJJo(J=fo0,r . !-( )t!Pc Flstri Fi l'.F.. l (ooN r\oN Fi F{orloF{ Fl r{r!oFt F{F'l u1NoFI (nr. { lnor\ l F{ \tF{(no$o (oFi (. oorn oNr\eorl NNo(\r\ (\ lNFle. rn aoa!Ot F{N ooN(oc! "o - ' slN@- ' Fi3o sfN@- 'oN stNori(\ st(\tr- l c\ l o(o o(! ot! co}Z oF c(uF -co .ot 3o, (J P(U(!(,>oG. (lJL(o(,E(o so OJ(o(9E(ooF o(!(,d(! !tlloF o)L(!(,EfocIAoF (EoE(usPUE(uUso-ol _qcooo,o- Ec3(JcoogaE(l,orlto-0)&. o) !aEoUGo. (uE.P(U-ocoUE(1 , (Jso-0) _qEoo(l ,o- EcL)(J(JcoeooEo3(Uc_9(! oo .c=l.oUUoHCf(Joo) !(t rE(UU(Eo-OJe. olirE.=(! !C(! !!Ucoo.NEoco(J(u!(uo(!ao-qqooc,6- Ec=()Cogo) !(E't ,(u0r!CL (U&. oucoo!,fEE(UC(o(uo =c=UcolJ6co(J_9oo- (!-t ,cfl looEo)3o-o-ooU(go- (l) co0., l!0)EoEooE(UEc6OJc(uEo()o3_9-o !cf,(Jcoc, !IE-oOJo!o. (ud. F- l F-l lJ )oNo (nF-. 1oc\oFi rnF-{o)c\ (o t\rl(\o(o @r{(nc{t.o or F-. , | rl(nor{ oc{(oc. . t (n oc{(nriFIFi d(\sfc\rn rlNroNr/ )o r.. lNc\o(o c!c\ rnoor. l o(o E(o-cU "c , (oEU oF o(! aod. EG, (J oF coF CoF cOJF ot- - nN.i i! oEEEB - oo ir :EoE> o: o o- oEE y- -E- o be oOoC L oo89 do(,3 EcL)coo(J(!cou-9ooN-l fo(Jso- (u (JUooa.aAJb=co\ r!EH qJqqJUoqJ+,csAE oU Eu: Bt s BE } Lo.,cf.oE(Uc(o-9(JEc(! !OJoEo,G, oo(!oE(!Eoo0c(!E(J oo(!(uE(!Eoo0 (! !Uo)(J -go. .=ocL=-oE(Uc(!oo (Uo(!o- .gOJCf-o:oo)c(!_9U oC=ltEoc(!G,o:oc(! 'oo)oE(UG. OJ lloo.o-E(uF:oo(!o- d C,c=-o=o:oo)boc(oU oo0,,6oE(oG!c(!o-ooo-o-EoEooco(uf-o=o!(I,ooc(osU oE|!c.9(!cooo=o'o(uooc(oU o(u(!c.9(ocoPoEE(U@cl!s() o-oc=!!(Uo0c(!cU o-c,EL=-o!ob0c(o !U o-F(l )c=-o!oo0c(! !U o-EOJcf-o:ooooc(oU o. r=(Uc=-ooooc(!U o(ucl-oEo60c(!U o-oc=!!oooC(! (- J o- OJc=-o'oc(!Lo(UL(!C.9(ocooE!0)EOc(o(J CL ,Eoc=-oEC(!oq, (Eco(!coPoE!o)ooc(o-c(J 6o- o)cf-c IEc(ooo,(!g.9(gco0,,E!oboc(o -c . (J o. ,ac,cl-o'oc(!o(u(oc.9(Ecoo!Eoboc(!E(- ) o-o)c:, -oEE(!o(U(oc.9(EcooE!oooc(ELJ r\ot{(nNH otoi. l (r 1 i- lo o|oOt rlc\o oto(')Nr\o Oloco F-{F.{FI oFIFIr.. l F-. 1o or. l F{F-{No or{Lnr{No or. l rf )a{rno oF-. , | r. l (nod NFI(oor+o c!Fi LNF-{ooo c!d(ooOro c\ , 1 !-{b' r{Oro (\ F-{(nNOlo a\tFICIrooF-{ (\tio!-{F{e, l (\ti(oc\ lFIe{ (\r{r<a\Nr. l (nF-{t\FIF-{o (nFIr\oN (n!ir- {ornal FE(U(U(,oF E, -g(osE0,o)(,oF c_9(oEco(u(9oF =E(oE, (J(9oF =E(!(- ,FEo)(u (!.co E(!E,U coF cOJF or! E(!E.U !(!U E(!U E(!(J E(1 ,U !(!U E(! !(J co)F co.)F 0)F o(! (I ,F d'1N co8EEg . oos98. 9 r>ot t ooEb .e 5 Eo teoOoes' 9 do(9= ctro5aEo(Joa.s\ r!bH (JqJqq, (, ,cocq, .L J .s6.EOU E 8S tE & .i.i 60NEE! ! *6Lt a9oop8. 9 t>OE ooEE .2 5 E- oEg oOogooo( J 91 do(93 o-Eo)c!E(!oo(oc.9(ocoOJ 'oEo)ooc(! -c .U o- .Fo)c!Ec(oLo(UL(oc.9(!co(u1l !ooo (!-cU o.E(uc-oEc(!oo)(oc.9(ooP(UEEOJ@c(!U o- .FC)cl.oEcoPoL(oc.9(!Coo!E0)oo (oU oo- (uc:f-o-oCGoo(!,E(!coPo,E'oooo (!U o-o)clECGoo)(oc.9(oCoo,EEoooc(! !U o- 'uo,cf-o!c(ooo,agc.s6coq)E(uboc(o !U o- .FOJLf-oEc(oLoc,oc.9oco(u !Eo)bocoU o-EOJc-o!c(!oOJ(oc.o(!cooE!oboco!U o-E0.) f_o-oc(ooo,(g ,F(!coP(UE!oboc6!U o_o)c-o:oooP0. , (oc.9(!co(u !-( ]o)oo(o-c .U o- r:(u=-oro(u@(o() o- t:o)f-o!6)@(oU o- ,F(uc=3EOJoo(o-c(J o'a-oo)f1'(!o- ,E(uf-oE(U@(!sU .9(JoccU(l )=oo(! !(uco!oo tr oco(U(oOJoEq.)v(J(! !.9 p !-o(u(!o- co o- .Fo.)f.oEo)boCoQ oOJE(ooo !-9(oPc oof-o!qJ@(, !U o-ocf_oEoooc(o !U o.ocl-o-oqJboc(! -cL) oc,, (!co(ocoooE(uooC(,U pvcoIoo(JoErod.U!(uo(oo-Ue :(ooEoo)EocovE0)oo!o)E co{=(J0,Cou6oUg0,(o -o(uCOJ -coo 'F0. ,oq,3OJc!o. ) f!(o-oE(o !_9(oc l- .oo cno st (no l' .$o cn?.1r\osto rnr- {\tFl$ (nFlF{Nsf rnFlrnorn rnFlc\rlrno rnFlOl rlrno (n !- {tnF{(oo (nr- lNNt' . (nFlo(nl. \ (nFlNrio.' { ar) r- {orc!ori \fri€o(^ . l +F{Orocn stFlooFlf. - t)rirnFi\t TA"- l rn!- { (oFl(\Fl(o (oFistorlFl (oFlb' c{(\ l' -rl(oc{ rno l- . Fl(oFi LN oc.. l rn6l rno or!oc! r. . lFl oa.lO)c\ !-{ti oc{Ote.lFi r- lc!r/ )ocoo o(o E0)!o or o(! EOJo oF o(o o(o q.,F !(! !(J 0., )F oG E(o-c(J co,F EOJOJ o(! o(! al(! -c .U o(o -co Eo,o) (U(o(9Eost/ \ OJ6(9E(!u1o(o o.oe. -co-oE o.od. .i.. i 60"EEr . oo ioE. s r>OE ooEb .g -- 5obe oOoc L oo8! ) c,o(,= (l)o)Eaoboo(!coC,, (UUEOJ(J(oo- 0., ooGc.96cooEoE(ooo-=oEOJ()6o- (uE o(!:,o(!CoEE!OJ -o (nroF- l Ol f. -r{ cna{slFisto mc!r'{a.l6o cnc{(oF- lorl .od aoG. aoG. (ucLf3!oc(!_gU!(!EOJoE(lJd. oP6(lJ(!oE(oEEo,)ooc(!U oPoLGoE(!GEo,o0c(oUo(J(!o- ,Eo)cfo!(UC(!oI o(J(oo- ._ coC=o!(uc(!_9U (Ucf-oEoc(!_g(JEc(oEooE(UG, o-ooLo_o-EoFEo(!o- co goc-ooEoEOc(UU oE(!(uE(1 ,EEc(EOJ -ooo-o-EoEoocooc=-oo!(uo0c(oE(J Loo,(!c.9(gco(l,ooEo@c(t J !U Poloc.o(ocoo!E(uooc(o !(J o. (ucf-oEo@c(!gU o- .E(l)c-o!o)@c(oo o. ,t r(uc5!Ec)@cE!O o-Foc=!E(uuoc6(J ooc-o!o.)@c(!E,U o(Uc-o'o0)u0c(!U .sL(UcL=.oEG,@c(o-cU o- (ucLf-oEc(!oo(oc.9(!coP0., :oEOJ@c(o-cU o- L(lJcL=!!E(ooP(U(oc.9(oCoOJE-c ,ouoc(! L- J o-F0)C:, -o!c(!oo(!.o(!coPo-oE(Uaoc(o(J qoocf3'oc(goo,(oCo.F(!co(u !!(uboc(o() o. .=Lo)L:, -oEC(oo(u(!co,EfllcoqJEE0.,Uc6(t t-oF{(nc{ r-a oloF-{rnFIo Orool .ic\ o|oo)a{N CNo€F-. 1 F-{FI or.. l rlFIr- l or{!- {r{a{ oF-{lnr!No ot- l rn(\rn or{FI(noF-. , | Nr- l (oosf Nr. l lnr. l@o c!Fi (DoOlo c! r- {€riOl c! !irnNCN a\l i- lO|oorl c.. l F{or{F-{ Nf,{(o(\FIFi NriJNc!F-. 1 anF4 l\r{FIo rnr- l f. .oc!o (nF- l r{o(r' 1c) FE(t , ,o(9oF c_g D(!E0. , 0, , (9oL s-9 9(EcEoc.}(,oL 3'orlJc(J(9oF =E(!EUFE(uc, c(o.co E(!E. (J cEL coF o(! -o(oE() Ero(J E(, (J !(o .E(J !(o .C(J !(oU E(oU CoF (lJF Pc(UF o(g coF .. ind 603EE9 lo * o=E. E x, 2 ot , doEF .g =^ €q ,EEoOoooo82 doo3 Erqa-a. !coa.E5o_o- l/ )Tio()qJqqJ()oo!coOU Eu; L! il E & ci.i coTEEE . oo i' o8. 9E>OE ooEh .g =- E- OEEoOoo 'a t s 82 do(9= o- .FOJcl!!c(oLo0,oc.9(ocoo.) !E(uuocG!(J o-Eo)c)-o!c(oLoOJL(Eco,F(oCo0JEE(I )bocoE, (J o,F(ucf.oE(ooo)(!co.F(oCoo,EEoooc(o-c(J o-o,c=-o!c(ooOJ(oco,F(ocoo) !!c,EOc(oU o-0.,cf.o-oC(ooo)(E.9ooo-o-o(U@G!U o- .Eocf-oEc(oooL(oc.9(!cooE!(l)boc(o(J o-Eoc:,o!c(goP(u!(!C.9(ocooE!o)ooc(!EU o. (ul-oEc(ooo(!Co,F(oco(I )EE(u@c(osU o-L(uf-o!L(ooo(oc.9ocoo) !'ooooc(!EU o- (ucf-oEcfl,oPoog6Cot=GCoC' -o'oooo(!U o- ,Focf!Ec(ooqJ(oC.9(!cooEE(lJuoc(oU OJL:_vooo-Eo_o.)Pcoooo(o3roostogq)E=o) -) z(!EOoooal) (uE(,(Jso- cJd. (nF-l l'.osto rnFlFi<lo rnFlFlc!<io (nr'{ rJ ' )C) rno (oFlc{Flrno CNFlO) r- l rno (r l Fl!r )Fl(oO ro!-{c\r!No fnFio(nNo mFll'.i- lo (nFlO)r!orl F-lNor{F\o o(! E(U(u oF ofl , Eo(u oF o(o o(o coF Eo(J (uF !_b 0 (!co(u(9oF tr(!oEoo-E3'oc,v(!3Eo)(Jso-o) d (uc)E(l)6=(Uoo, -o_qo-o- .Er- lEOJ()oo-c,G. o'a!0)Pf13(!06C3oE':,c(u2(oooEEOJo,F t(!o- (u '6EE3Eo.) (J(oEo)G.oi=oo-EEoro= c,co-oo.9-ooIo(u(JE.9EOJ()Eo, (J(!o(ud Eoo-oo(Uo0 !Iv(J -5 2(JPo(o!(o- qoo,q-oc(!boco3C'coECGc)6LooEo)=l-oOJ !odo, flq,o- .EdqJc(o_9U oi(!o-E3!(!=rnoooc.CoE0.,o) !OJU(!oOJ<,C(oco'?.t=(!o,Eoo(!o-o& o2(g(ufoo-v(J6-o!o)Uoo. .cEc(oc3oEG'v,oco oI(!@!oU(oo.o, !(!FtJ 1 -cv3-o==Eo(J(oo.oc.9cEf(u63Ec(!oEo(ooIJ coPEcovlG-co,co3(UcIoE=Eo(E]roooooL) oo 't r(U(oU(o=E(oo-E='o(u(E='ooo0c(o-cL) 0)o-oEO !(J ,F(!=G!o_E:lEc)(!=Eouc(ocU o)(!o-EoI(Jo!o-olocl-oco(I) -t(oooo.) .o.of!OJu(!o(uG. (u .=OJ(o3CoOJ -v ,(o !(u.c(,E(lJc(o_9(_ ) o-E='oOJ(!icoo)6-:zoooEo@c(o !(, o=o-ccoo- loUCo(u2(!(! .oFIEo,L'Go-od OJco(o3CoOJ J(o3o) .c(!Eoc(E_9U o, (oagPEo-oc,P(!ou 0.)c0.) (o=cooJ(! -oo.c(!E(uc(o_9U j(1 )P0)E:ocoOJ !oc(o_9 aE=Eo63o)EE0,,ooc(o(t r\o6oFo r. .o"o - 'or\o Itoor{t.o oooF{rn @ornoor. . l (r too(nr. l or{slc{slo or- l@N<fo or{cr )orno orlrnor\o a{rl(nF-l rno (nF-{lnor{ rnFI "o - 'or- lo rnF-{sf flr. . l lnr{(nr{rno t)FI rnF{Olo r\FIor (\l(no r. -rlc!@o l' - f-{rnr{o coFIoa!No @FI rno\to oo i- ltn(\€o !-9 p(!co(UoeF o=(!oc.o\z o-:,(oocco:z o.:,(ooccoY. Eo-oo€.coF 0)E!=-oG=U E(uLc)oF fo3od.coF fOJ -oo&,coF tsOJ !od.Co)F to_oo&.coF io-ood.PcoF cco5Z-o6(J o!(o !Q Pc(Uo(! coc(uF !oo(! !ooF E(oUI E0.,oci6 Eo)(UE,o oF .inN 60EI oo 0J = 8. 9 t/o. E , aoEEeaEoEE oOoOo- 6OU Q/ do(,= qJoUtre! €s bF , (JAJqqJUoc0J .lJ'd\ou bu: ab R !- i h ,; Hc,itnl boEEET oc r isE^ g EBo. oci r4 6 fgEE8gE9dI3 d2a!a!E:Z=oPo:a!oulEE.od o(!o,L5oE'C' (!ol! ,6lii2)u)-2il,!u53f,?5.6u:!5=!ci ;i =ii1i. tUIa- I loUi. tuiZi o.E=!oP(It==oEo!9os, (J o@6 (\FlFl orFlooO1 !i(\@o r+Noft 1|. \ i- lser{rl .oG,oo oE.E !.t l o!q./ l o'o(! .. c6 o'aE{JfEGd=o-o=-C(u6LooEE(uq,F o.s(u=(J.9-oEoJC) (uUt.uE0., -c(J!o(J(!o(uE. GJcobo (UCJ=o(EOJo-E:fELo)(!==-ooG, o_EfE0., (!=oo(uErlo_Ef!oco0.,oE'r ' l FI=o- EoPo-o+o(l)ooE:JuilUluoE(o- pfoocv6-9(o3Eo)6toU(!o-oe. (ug5,0)Po,E=oEo!o(J(oo- (ud. Co.eE, .1 :3(u2(!o_E=E(!3fi1.=(o(uE(uo(!CLOJe. (uooo0=J(JOJ(J6.oEo!Io(uJlC3_g-ov,0., :o)=o.9-o!OJ(J(ooc)G, CJ .sopU.9cc )o(u2(oJ(J(UIJEo(J(oo-oG, 0)coG3cooJG-o0.) .s(o-oo)c(!o)o J(Jo.coI'o)u0c(!Uao t(D-q JG=E(Uo-E=!o(!3E(uol )C(!EU o)=o!coofoooc,2(oo-or- lEoo(oo(u& o.=OJ(o=coc) .:Z(o3o.E(oEo)c(!oU OJ(t,(uvoEo(oou oco(o3coPo-:z(o .oo.E(! !o)cG_q(. , sool!oUG'o(ut o(oo)oEo,Gou p:?!fu,t!1)5T:f=t-g!U!53JUfUc, l l) ( il1ru( E.g(!3boc=ozbbo)o(u !ooOJEcoo13(u(!_9(,E(!E_9=6- Cl(u(uE(u -ccoo.)2Grl(!E(u(J3o0,)e. oo.yo3f{ic l !-{Eo!(. ,oobo fEabgoo, -ccooOJEco06OJ -c-( ](u(o -q(JEr!E_9fo- (oFo (oooo o)@o slor{ l'roor{t' \o 6ornoor-. 1 coornF-{oF-{ o)Osfc{r!o O)oo(f)t-{FI oF{O) r{No o!- lsla{No oF-. , |oor!t(f (nr. . l@F- lNo rnrit)3Nr. l rn!- lcnFILno (oFIstFIolo r\ F-{orc!CN l'.FIstN00 t.r{rnr{orl o0F{of\a', 1 Nc!r!6o dN6of'. HNc\(\ lr\ i-{c\ rnoooo r- {NCN?i6o FIc!Gl e\ lO)o o=P(oocco>z to) .ootPcoF co)c(o:Eo _g ooc,0., IoL oP-c3Eo(J E(uooE,oL -g oaEEco(t. , (,o! Ec) -ooEcEF tOJ -ooE,c(UF coc(o-o oo(o oSqJ ! =oo(! ooF !(!= Eoocio .od. Itr(1 . ,F oE(ost- / \ tso-ooGOJF o\(uF .cooF E(! !t/lo(! a, inN ooREEB . ooo98. 9E>OE oo9E .: ? # €a r ES oOoeoo82 doo= qJtr0JEol-Nq\ rsbq (.,0. ,qOJ(JcBco*!OU E ! gs .P t u -o b R Nq d ; ..in oo n' Edl!Eg oooLE. C x. > ot t qoEE .2 5 5gEE8g 'o bE2do(,3 !o- .s!oo=Ec(oo(u(!3oI-o-ooor- {vL)5JuCJ(gE6-o)oo,ooE(u6ou .!o- .cE(!oc!c(ooo(!3oI3-oooFi I(J:,JZ(Jao6E(!EoG(uooEo(!ou 0)oEo(u.cEo0(!oot J'6ooCFGoo, -o=-cv=E-gi=-oc(!c.9U(I)E(o -Eo- .( o !o!o, (J(oo-o,d. oo -qocooOJEcooUEo)c(!_9oEc(I ,E.9o- eo,oEoEooo-:,ooOJo.go) '6!-9(!C 2Doa)-oltau:))v.=t)!tpIEur,iil3o: J i:!tirU1 -t:r:!3i :: l>. : i' 1>r_( !3l c- i fl o) ->(,Eo(Jofo)o-Eo)boc(o !U o->(!EcoU(uoo-coo)cco-o15o@cG!U Oror- l or{ r' { r{Fl N!- l o(nd Flr! rnc!orC) Fl c!b- c!oro Flc! (nr{oJ rla{str' loF{ r- lc{slc. lo Flr!a' c\od r' {c\t rnc!a\d 11N(r1oslo c{e{rnosto E(oo(, E(qU1o(! oF!o-oE, o!o oFo(t co) -co oL\(uF !ooF oE(oUI o'a!ofEGEc(oC3o!=o2(!ooE-o(UoF ts(oo- tJ 1-c:3(U2(ooEfEOJ(g=!oo(oo(ut o_=(oJ(, )0,, !(JEo)Uoo-OJo2(!o.EfE(u63=5-o(ue. L(r,o- t/ l t,E.t=o,2(I,o-E=!L(u(o3E(uU(!o"oe. EoPo-oo(ubI)E:Juf,JofPL)(o -o(o- o->(!o-EfE(o3rno@trEooroo(J(!o- (Ue.ioE!!3(oo)Eo. , (JGo(ue oocoOJEoEc(oovGooEG,)ooco-cU0.,2G_9.c0., (oOJEo,U(uo- ;cGc3oEo) yoco o)2(EoJoo" Jo(o-oEo., (. )oo- .g-t ]c(oc3o-oo-vocoo-ornooooo-o udcaEo)(t ,OJEOdoc(!_9uEc(!(u.Eotso0.,2(oCLcoEC)oOJo- .EEc(ofc0)? #oE(o0., -cc(!_9Qoboc:,o'lCc(!E(uOJEo.9'oEc(!o- (o(oJoo bocrz(!oG3ooco(EEc)o!o-EfEo(!3Eo,o(Eo- (Ut 0)=OJG=oq)x6-o(I , .st!Eo,c.Eo(J (u:oG3co(UJ6-o(U.=(!-oo,c6o,o (u .EcooooE.- {E(lJoEo.coE.;(u(t, ,Er!i- l r. . lE-9(!c o)=(UG=o(u -Y6-oo.=(!LEOJc(!OJo oJo!(E=Po,)2(oJuo(,Eoao (oE(J OJ(t ,OJoE(u(!oIL C'=(u(q=oP(UJo.oo.c(!-o(uc.(oo(J Ec(!q)o!(o !C(!c.9(J(uo- .Eo_9.Ecoo'aEc(!(u2t!6couo,=oJ o b_ E Eq8b _s E +' a dE oo _90, (o3@oEcoo2GF-{-oq.)U(!oq)d. o(uE(u(!;so, -coE(!(uc;oEC'2(oc\ !OJU(!o. (Ud. NOro r\oor{r\o r. .ornc\ I F-{ Orooc\o oroo)osfo O)oo(oF-l d Orlcoc\tslo oei l' .N(oo rnF- l (nF- l rr )o IJ . ) FIc\ F-{od lr 1 F{rnor-. 1!- t r\f- lN@o ror{a.tciOlo F. i{F\ riorl oor{o(\r\o f- l c.' l lr )o@o dN(nc\ "o - 'o <+Nor r{ o- fP(!ocC(u!z E-g o(o-ccoo) (9oF t(u -ooEc(uF _s 0Gco(u(,oF o2=!(! tU o-ooG,coF. E0) (uo6 tso, -ood.PCOJF coo(! EOJF!o C,OJ !qo !ooLF PcoEo !(! ! Eo)o,ci(! occ,F o-c (u(ot9E(! -cu1oLL r. inN GOEEEg 9oOEEEE>OE oogE .e 5 €oEEoAoooo39 do(,= 0iBo,tPHco\ r!bHoq,qa.)UsosqJ !.sBOU Eu: ab R cr ) q d 6 .inN tcooEEEg oo it8. 9 x. > otooEE .e 5 Eo tE8g 'o t s 39 do(,3 _9'aco(u2(!0) .g(uU(oo-o -ooEoo(.)o) !o_Eoo-oJ.! 2ooElCo(E3=.c loL OJo.)Eo)(g3.E_qEo- .Eo,2(!J(Joc(Jo-E:fELo(o=Eo)U(!o-o (uc(I,=U.9-o'oOJbob0=o-o)(J(oo. q. ) 0)Po)Eo!oc(g_qU @c=(u-9Eooc)=Eo, ->(go-an!c(!o-E:E(u(o3!(Uooc(! !(J E(u !ro3(o3.1 :(! !o-oo)26o-EEEOJL)Go-OJ 0.) J(!3OJ .g(!-oo)(!_qI (u -:zo.oo.C(! roocG-9o oJ(! .oo.s6E(Uc(!OJ(J o) I(! -o(u.s(gE(Uc(!OJ() (Ucor!3cooJ(E-o(l , .E(oE(Uc(o_q() ooo3(!=.t(u(! IUooE0.,boc(oo o(ooo-co-o(U(!o o(uEoEOJ(oOJo ocoP(u=coo-: zG-oo) .=(!P-oo(!OJo o)oEoo) 'oc,G(uo jo)o)EU;ff 1(oE3ooEoE0)IJl!o- o)E, oOJEoc=(, -C ,E30)0)EocoEoIJgo-n)d. :Dl)tfili4j5JuL2iI=f2?!U:!5!cJUfUIC- r 5lUlU! !lo_ .' oJ i fl bb (u(U(o3coocoo26:(!or{13cobD -9ocoEc(oo.oco(u(o(!-or{0.,E.oo(J(oo. (uG. o.go(o3(u !o(UIdt -oo.c(!(UEoctlt _9L)ooEoo, !oCG(u(J (ooF-l r'{ou)(\Flo ?.1F. l \lc!c! -r- lO)c{oo rnFlrlo(n rn!- l$Fl(o (nFi (ooOlo (nF. l c{r. {Olo r/ ) rl(nFltn TAF.{loNoFl r/ )Fiinoc\tFl roF. l FlN(n F!- l+a{6 r. o !-{(oFlO) r\Flr\F{o-l @rlr- l fnr-. 1o 6r- {oa!a. lo @r{6ot.o oc.. lNc\sfo oa!Nr. . l lno rll\ Idr{ooo ric!Noo c!c! "o - 'o(no go6coo(9oF cotso-ootE(!-c cotrooonE(! c(u .ooG.oF o(o to-ood.c0)F FEoo o(U !_s(!c(l )G) (9oF c-9 po.Eoo(JoF ol! !ooF tro) -ood.c(uF cotso-ood.E(o= goFo(! Eo(uci(! col- 13(osUci(o !ooF E(o-ctho(o o-oG, E(o !tllo(l , cr i .1N 608EE8 . 9O0r 9 h. 9E> oto r!, EE .9 Eq EoE8 oOooooE?doo3 0JoEEea!co\ €! bq Uq.,qqJ(JocAJ+, .ssOU E ss .P o ab R \t h d ; .ind i! O3EET . oo ?. o E. EE> otqoEE .z G E- et ts e oOoooo39 do(,= (o(J-oc(!(u-o(t r -o(o3E.!3o- lbo .Eu0@2o_ .too, lE(u.9=!OJ .c(ooG=Eo)L(!_9Uma.lO)c{oFl.2(oFc(UF 6i.i co"EEI oo io;oE>OE ooPE .y G €obe aOoa8. 9 do(,= oJootrE55tL\ rsbH UqJqqJ(JocqJ+) .E\ou b us ab R LO h , ; o.9tc,o.go- t!3o5Z3 o2(oo.EfE(U(o3o!(EEL0) .=!OJ(J(!o- (uG, o>z3(u !Corog6.9E0,,foo.(! lf J o2(ooElEo,P(E3o.9r!c(U.gE(UU(!o. OJE, (! t!.9(Uo)f(ULo-=oc!-9(!c (Jo-coo'aE(uo(!o- (l. , t 0.,2oo-EfEOJ(!3o-1 4(oc(u.gE@u(oo-o)G, OJ2(!o-Ef!oE(Eoc3oEo_E(oooo- (!-o(oEOJoo@(UcoPo.) J(oboUEo@oE,(J =oco3(g3bocvC) (!oEoo, 5oco-oo.E=!Lo) (!3Eo)U(!o.oE, o:zBo(U2(o6cooo) -ccosoo, -c .@(,(ooOJd Or rno @l.no sta!d r- l ro <ft)d m.- lr!r. lNrl r{(\ "o - 'o-{o ria!ornrno rlNrc |Fi(oo r- {Nr. l F-{r\o c\NLnFI(\o c!c{ct ) r!sto c. lNorof. .o c!NJFIorl 6lr!@oNF-l -o&.oF oL\co. )F !(o tf to.E(9 -od.o)F !(Eco(o oFcoF socOJF- .q(!L\CoF soSCoF .inN iE o3EEE . oo 6oE- 9E>OE ooEE .s GEoEE oOoos. 9 do(,= 5o()ocwqJB=\ €E bB (,AJqqJ(JcBcq.)+,cGOU E $ 9s .C or .o b R \o ( ^ d x o'a!(uft,(Eodc3oEl-c .o2(!ooE:o(Uc.,L .c(!E!,oEoo_Ef!o(o]rn.so- (u->(!o-EEOJ(o3coCJcco-c I !(uuGoot o-E=ELo)(,3coo-=(1 ' gooE.o!o(,(!o- (uG, (ucoN.c..u3C)oE=oG4FIE(uo(oo. (l ) (u.go!oo5coru(J(usUt.9Eog()Eo(JrooOJE o2(o.9E(u=0)o-Eo(J(!o- OJd. EoPo-oo-coo(u@EfzE(l) Jufv,u.) <o(o oocv.! 2Eo(UfEOJcCo-oo,63foEc,ooc(oE,o Ftnt,.t3(Ucco-oLo(!3ro(uUso- (U (,2oOJ .sco! fG(u(o.oOJ= oJQoc!OJ(o3oq)(o;ozo.9z0,,oo F\oorlr\o r\o(\Jooo @or. { r', 1oo @or. lN6o @ooo!-{ 00ornood Otoor r- l rno Oloo(\F-{ or{"o - 'or\, 1O orlrnFIc{o (or. . lr\oLno o-=(ooc(u\z to_ood.c(lJF to.ooG,oF tro-ood.c(uF E(U-ooe.OJF E, lp(ocq)(u(,oF oE!3E6!U 6tOJoG,c)F tso-ooE.coF c(.) L\oF nNnd 60XEEE 60 lo8. 9 x, > o!aoEE .e 3 Ec t EE88 oo8i , do(,= ovi\ rsbH UqJqqJUsGsAJ+, .sG\ou bu: R$ & (I J(UE(UP(o3CoOJmc(! !o!(!c, r, {E_9(o '6G, co2!H3(U2(otc) !(!3mcoI(oo!o,)u(go- (uG ooEo.E=EoN!_9(Eg o.EfEG, (!3co(U2r!(! .oft )Eo(,(oo.od. Eoco(o(u3o(Uf3(t. ,cco-oo(!3fo-oo)u)c(!(J o-E=-t ,(u(!icoo,(o(o-o.9f(, .9sf !OJo(!o.oG, (Jo-Coo=o.oPEo(J(gCL (ud. (Ucco3oE:, !oP(!=PloE(1 ]ooc(g !U Jc(!o)zo!uC=(Eo:o(U=E.9E(uo)o.q(!OJ -oo)Uc(!o (uqJE=o:o.E-otE-oEo@c(!EU rnNF{ Nc\t F-{ (oLNF-{ Ol (or{ Nool F.{oo r\o(nooto O'loorno ('lo(oorno Ol c- l toom Ol r{r\ f{N NNrn?. 1c\o c!N"o - 'o(n rnNstoF-{o (nr! "o - ' FIr\ of(oocco}Z .(l ,dlc(!OJ6 !p(!c(u0) (9oL E!plt t .cEo(u(9oL (uoEl!E(U(!(r , 'o(EsUo(! !(ovto(€ E(o!t) 1o(! 'tfltFco)F oL\-o&. Fi tr i io P 3f , EE -9 o e9E. g r. > otoq , o:LX2a :E ol EE88B5 91 c,o(93 aJootrcG:ov)\ €$ bH (.JqJtAJ()cBs4. ,s.E\<. cOU E ! 8S ab R oo v, t () ; o-E=o- (!ocooo ,a=o!o-Elo-EOJo(!Eoboc(J(oo-Eoo-Efo-EOJco)bI) tr o-E=o- (o .9Eo(Jocoo-oo@c(oEU robo P-c . .9 pvc(!U1oE(uEG-qUciEo- 0.,oocOJ(oocc,o0xoco!(oo-co-EJo-E' (UUgo- (UG. rl(no 1'-ostC\ t\o oro(ooo oc{ t.!- {r{r{ o- f(!occo\z !p(o-cCo)o(9oF (u6(,ooF .inN i! oPEEr . oo it r8. 9 x. 9 OEo( 1 , Eh p5 €oEE oOoC L eo89 C,o(,3 a.E5a.UUrc0JGoOJtr roa.E5a-qJtoco TE bq ()A)qqJUGqJ+) .sGAEOU Eu: 3& & .inN 6c )EEEEooo9E. 9 t>OE ooEE .2 36 €oTE8g t8 o2 do(93 o,(!c,6U>o0o(UNo(U:rg(ooC-9(oo0ostEoEE(ooa! (i l rloJOJL(o(9cq.,F AJoq, Io(,\(5\ tsbH oq)qqJ()socAJ .Ss:EOU Eu: 6b R r- t vt 6 cinN ooEEEg oo isE .! U E>OE o0 , EE ,c 6 €oEE uOoooo39 cio(,= o_E5a-oo\ooUJ\ TE bq UqJq4. ,UoqJ+J .sB\OU Eu: at s EE & .iFi coEEooo= ! E- 9 E> OEa( uPFea €o r EE88 . cL o89 doo= a.E5q-oo\('s\ TE bH ()AJqAJ(JcocAJ+rEOU Eu: RS H !- i 14 () ; nNnN co9EEEoo 0J = 8. 9 t>o1 , ooEEe5Eo iEaOOC L ooE2 doo= ceb,q,qo,5Ea_\ r$bB (JqJqq)UBcaJ+, .E\ou b ! u: at s rD o J : Fr q d x OJ !(!o(l, -cUc:,(! .! 9o- (!o2(oC.9Cc15o()'-ot1 1 CoEoFiJ3o-Efo-o-El.9t! -o-oo(. ,(!o-o o-Efo-6.9Eo-cU==!oUr!o.o) (U6o.g(!EtroE,Co-Eo-Eoo(oo- .gE=f3(U o(!(u .g(oEtoc.=o-E=o-E@(oo. .( oE=:, -oo =oo(I,o-Eo(J .=t!E(UoocG-c(J oto(nr. . lFo oFIOlo(Y )o (n!- lG1(\N (oFI f- l ft ' ) rlo O) !-{ l. r 1o(\ lo Nc! tnF- lo3 o)g=!(o(J lp(! tcoot,oL to.oo€.EF fo-ood.cEF c(l)FoL to) .ooGc(uL .in iE oSEEgoo lr pE. C x. > o!6- OEbea f, a t EP88 o689 ao(,= q,od\ rsbH ()qJqqJ(JcocAJ+r .sG\OU Eu; at s xE & !ooooE(u -5 2ooo)PE.=(EIooEo-Eo(J !oo0c(osU OJ.E':(o 'oo) .9aotJ 1 Eoo@Eo, JooOJP.=(!Ioo(uo-EoIJ!ouo(osU EoouoEoJooL(uz.=(l,Ioo(ugo-Eo(JE0,ooc(!.cU -ooobo !o-v ,oo(ut6oo(uo-Eoc, !OJooc(g.cU !oo@E(u izoooI'6 Ioooo-EoL'Eouoc(!(- ) EoouoE0) !,ooop(t - ,tl Joo0.,o-EoU!ojEOc(!U !ooooE(uv,oooP.=GooEo-EooE(uboc(oEU !oo@T'(t)&,oooil':ooo(l)o-Eo(J !(uo0c(!Q EooEOEo) -s zooo"g6oo(uo-Eo() !oboc(!U oo,o.Eo(J':(!oE-o!o)o0c(!-cU EooooEq) Jooo!(;Gooo,o-Eo(J-o(uboc(oE, (J ooo-EoQ.:(ocog(u-oE(Uhoc(oLJ !oooo !o) Joo(ut.=Goo(uo-Eo(J !o,boL(o=(J EoooEoJoo(l, !.=(r,Ioo0. ,oEoo'oo@c(!-ctl Eooo 'o0. ,vooa!iE.:(oIooOJo-EoUE(Uhoc(o-c(t !oobo !ovooo!G.=(oIoo(uo-EooE(UoocG' t() =oo0)aEoo.:(gEo. ,@c(o :ooo,Lo-EoI.!6E(uooc(,c EooEOE(U .: Zooo!i=.=(! l'oooo.EoU.:oEo,boc(!sLJ =ooq(Uo-Eoo.=(!(Uoo(o(J Noc!3(oo f, .ost t\sto l' .or/ )oor{ @o(. ooo O)osl r- l r. lo OtOtrl$o ololoNo orloc{!- lo r. . l rl(\o(oo r- { r{r\ , f{3 Noa{ rift ' ) r\oslr!(f t NotloN @o(oorlo @osl F-{or. t (l lor/ )FI r. l oro(oNN Olo@NoF{ oFic!oflf. { nF- l r\ F-. , | t) @r- l i{FI coF-{c! O) r{NNC\ l F-{ oNCN(\ lFIo oNNF-. , |ooo !-{(\ t r. . FI-io !- {r!o(r1No c\(\ I r/ ) F-{ori NNol i- lr\o (nc!r{F-toro sNc\r- l c\ to tsoood.coc(uF .Lococo(u c!p(oEc0,(l, (9oF G,,o.ooFE0.,c.) to-oo&cOJ L -9o. (UoFEOJo -G, tJ ) cocoIo(o Ego(ocC.)c, (9oF s_o o (!cOJog(,oLF E(o-c . tl loL oOJ .oCDo o-oE. E(u-ooG,cOJ t- cotr(!Io(o cOJcG-o(! coc(!To(o t(1 ) -ood.cEF o,oEl!Eog(!(9 cots(u3od. !(! ! cotr(U-ooG.E(oU'' .inN GOEEEg oo isb. 9 t>OE ooEF .9 5 f, gbeoOoa l 'a b39 cio(,3 oPa.Eo(J.\E6o_\ €s bq (JAJqq,, (JcGtrq.,sB\OU E ! u; sE & NINr.{OUr.r ) r. . rloo.Ed) IJ J=(UC-og:,o_ ov,(o .ooc'6Pcoc(uo)(,,Eoc(o-9(J (u !(!(uofoo.=6:(!E_q=o_ coL!r\t'\rlcoc, -=(oJ(Jo)(JEouGaP st r.. lIFr{co0boc(t rE(u_9.E(! !E3o-Elo-E.9E(uL)=Jor{ostEo(,soo)d r. {It\F- t (!CJcoE(uFtl l3ocE2=-o(!OJ=o=Eo0.)2(! .t aUo(J6.9Eos(,or{o\tEoU(!o. OJd r- {r\F- l60,co(uFt1 13(,C.1 3''t f(!(l, , !:o3coo2(oJoo. , ()o.9Eo)L)orlost !o()so(uG. (u=xit ro, -ooE(!(oE(,)(J!o-ot (ut(. )Eo(J(oE. (uG,n(ooE(l, !U.EOJ 't rOJ(g .oEo(Jgo- o. )n J(J(!o-o.>o.CLfo,;oo- (JJdEo,(J -go-oE, o.g!(!L)6ucouoo- l!oU_go- (u&. OlN(\ o(na! (nF- l rnc{ rno (nrllno(oo sfr{r{c{c{ I.r TFIr\F-l t\ oNr- {oot oNFIo\-Ol oc!HoOl c\6l6- 'or. { (nNo(nr- l F.{ <t (\ lr\F- l ro st(\NF-{r. o (uo-o(uFE0,o tO) -ood,coF cotsOJ .ooE, -ot! -c to-ooe,coL cOJcflJ IoG c(l. ,c(!-ol! co)c(!-ol! .oG !(! tllol- -ot .oG f. i"1 i!OUEEg . oo ioE. e t>ot t 6_ iU EE2a€gb8oOoc ! oo89 do(,= AJod!str(J . (J!6a-\ rsEq q)qqJ()sGs0. ,+rcG.EoU E 8S QA r h Nq d 3 EooboE(uJooo!..=(oIoo(Uo-EouEo,EOc(EE,(J !oo@!(u.vooo!it r.=(oIooo,o-EoI:o(uooc(o !(J Eoo@Eo-) <ooOJP.=(!Ioo(Uo.Eoo-oq)@c(! -c(J EooooE(u ,yoo(UP.!(!Iooo,o.Eo() -oo)ooc(o !(J 'oooboE(uJo-9q., !.:(!oooo-EoU!a)d0C(! -cU !oobl )E(uvo_eL(U !it r6Ioooo-EooE(uboc(! -c(J ooo-Eo(J.=oco!(u-oE(1. )o0crgU !oouoEo) Jooo, !tE'aooo,o-Eo(,E(u@cflt -c(J o.ELooo()o=oEo,ooc(!U EooEO !o) JooOJ !.=(oooOJo.Eo(J(uoog(!U !oo@E0, , Jo_9o!.=Goo0.,o.Eo(,E(uo0c(!tL.) '6Lo(ULo.Eo(J .=(E !o,@c(!o '6ooo.Eo(J.=(EEq)aoE(! -co Olosl F-. 1toOlornr{FIo Olo(oc\ . 1r\o Olo"o - 'NoFI orlc{or.{ r{FI "o ' - ' r{rno rlFl (n(\ l F- l @Fl r- lFlsto @rl+(\ lsio orr{NN(\ l t- i oNa\ toFlo i. , lNFrtF{o N(\rnFio stNc\FiNo oCL (u(1 ,FE(UOJ -E, t/ , c0,)c(g:t ro(o lJoF (,oF d. E6oF oo-ocoEo !o.ot !o-ooG,cEF (Uc(!to(o tso-ooGcoF coto.ood.E(! t, .i.i coEEEg 9O lr pE .! ! t>OEo. oEE .s 6EoEE .8 3 eo82 do(9= oEaE8B6a-T\ rsbH (Jq,qqJUcBsAJ ttrsOU Eu: !b R F- r h d6 ic=U(UEoo.gcoOJ l!o!.soE(!E(u.=(!o- (ua0c5E=acoOJ(u6- .tfUcoooo.Eou!(U(, , (!o(l , t ab .c=5-o(t)E(oo)ECoC(u(uLU(u(o(ULoF-{Eo)b0c6sU (l) !..:(!(JE(U@c(oU (nIr\FIcob0c(oL'coU!oo.c3o1'=(uco a,(U(u-c(U=oxocoEoo) .Ecotf lE(tJC) (oo- (UE (u!,.:(o(Jt,o@c(oEU EO .E==-oc,E(oo)E.cc0.,E()or!o,oFr{EOJoEo)d. Tr' . r. lC,oxo-oioEoo.Ecl l t!3oc'( f-9fo- oc0,,EcouU=o3OJ -oo!.:t!UEo)hoCl!U ooEc6EoQ(ooo.1 iCfUE(U(J.EOJ_0coe(uoa (u26c.9cc=F-o(u-c=u- .:cfUEo.=t!o-oJ^cooOJo- coOJ I3E0)o0([srJ0. ,o(!3gp(!VIEcfUp0.,xit rdo)d.coo(l)o- vc=UEo(I ) !!,(lJ(J(,Eot LoP, .=(!U-,0,,o0c(E-c(J Lc, !(t r .=(oUE' (Ub0c(! !U .tc=(. )(1 ,=coJ(o_qcoo(!Eo'6o.U_0coo(U6- op=oEo.:(!EEux()=ooo-9E' (uE(uooEC(!u0C.C'=EOJbI )c(!E(J_qcoOJ(ua- 2cU.COJ !!o(J-go.o)e. Tr\FiCo(uEot!E(U(J_go- (uE. N(\E, .g3.{ t !_9o)EcGE!oxat r(u !FoEoUo=o)o-og(!-v(!OJEc,ocoo,0, CL 01slo r. lF- l6r!(\ F- l r{o(n(no rlFI\iFICOo c\ !- lrnor. l (\FiCN F-. , | r- . , | NFIfnr{sfo (nF. lof\oFI st flNoF. . lo st r{6lr{r- lo l/ ) F-{otc\l (oo rnFINor\o (oF-{(oorno (oF-{Nr{@o @riC') r. lr\o arloa{r\O Ol r{InFi t- lFI oc!(o(\(no o(\c{ r. oo or!6- 'NoF{ r- {NrneFIC) r. { r\ l t')oNo r. {a{roF-{(. oal Cco!zo(! o(Eco)F Eo)(uc(l, , L !(! !o cco:zor! E(uq)cq)F !(! !(J c(!6o(! E(U(uo(o eL- 'o(oU cq.,F !(! .CU o(! o(! -od. E(EQ o o !(!U .oG,oF coF ri'1N 603€EEoo ioE. E E, > ot , ooEE sG5g ieoOOC L oo89 do('= 0,od!trtr0rEGqJ{o,=_u touqJ=8' !6a.(n\ r!bF { (.. , qJqAJ(.JsoAJ+, .str<. 6OU E ! 8S !t R Nq ( ) x .inN ii cGOEEET ooo=E. o t>OE ooEh .t ! 6 €q r ts e oOoooo39 c,o(93 :fEof-c23c(!oIFi -l I l'.!- lE(u(,so-OJd Na!E, .P _;2E-giEoEc(oE:oox(t r(UFJ(!3Ecf,ocoeoc,6- .=clEOJ:f.:3(!ouF.F.F-lE0., (Jso-ot s(uo(ofooOJmT\F-lE(uu(!E. (uE. oIooF-lIF\ Flcoc(u(uIJE(U(Jso.o)e. :c)Uo=o0.,co,ECooE(uE-o(oootr(Uo- .tcfL) .co, !Eougo-oE. ou.gOJfEoEIo-Eou(gEoc. oo- .9(Jo.gE.9Eo(J0) -o(ooE,odco(uv(oooa)o-o-=E(uu(oo-ol L(l,vit r(J-o0. ,uso- (ud.iGoEo=U.go) 'co,(!-o!(uL)(!o_oE. ic=Uco!'6oEC)co0) (J (noFl (o(nFt strnrl tncnrl (ofi )Fl F. rnr{ c\ , r.oFl !- lNor\O)o Nc\6F. l TNo NNr- {o(oo a.lc! c.. lo(o NNf{or\o NN\oot.o c!Nt)oo aoNr+(r l rno rn(\rnoo cnNO(nFl !- { NoFl(oo -oE, -od. -o€. -od. .od, .oE, oF -oG, ocOJF oF!(! .o&, :oooDOEo.: ZoooP.=(!Ioo(uoEo(,Eo@Et!s(J o-E':t!Ec,UEo, t/ t !ooo0Eo,v,ooL(Uv.=Goo(l, ,o-Eo(JE0.,uo (!TU Eooo0E(l, Joo(u!.E.=GIoo0,o-Eo(,Eoooc(,U !ooEO !(u-vooLOJ !rt r '6oo(Uo-EoQEoqoc(!U Eoooo !oJooLOJ !iE'E Ioo(l, ,o-EoUEob0C(! tU Eoo@Eo-voo(u!fE.!(ooooo-EoUEo)boE(! (- ) !ooooE(u-vooo) !G,- LIEoo0,o.Eo(, -o(Uuoc(!U Eoooo !o) Jo_9c, !,it r.=r!Ioooo.Eo(. , 'c ,(uuoc(!t(J o6o)oEoo.b(!coP,o-o:oosc(! !U !ooEO !oJoo(u!J.b(!Ioo(UCLEoUEoooc(!-c .U Eooq0 :oc, JoooP.=t!ooc,o-EoUE(Uo0c(!U Eoobo !(UJoooll,6Ioo(t )o-EouEoo0E(o !U =ooo,o-Eoo.:(!:oo)uoC(!s(J =oo(uCLEo(J.=(!Eoo0cr!(J licf(Jooco3Co(JEcoxOJ13_9(!E Noc\ f- l (oo Fosfc!+o r\olnood coo(ooto o)oFIrio o'rost r- {+o Noc{r- l ooo r\osiN(no r-ornoNo @oroor- lo @ost F-{oFI Olot)riFIo Oto(o6lNo F-l F.. lNr{lno !-{r- l (n(\ l r- l @FI F{r, l to @r- { tnNsfo o6t ct )NF-lo .- {Nr\FI r- lo C\ (Nrnrlor. l stc!(\r. lNo sfN(nri(oo tq) -ooE,cocoF -ocoC(o0) tl -$(!sc(U(u(9oF _9o. (u(I,FEoLo to-ooGcoF _goo,(uFE(uL(l, IGt', oF!(!U coc(U:o(E oLFT'l! !tll !o tso) !oG,PcEF co)c(!-oC, tooo&,vc(uLF gloE(U(u(9el- o(l, (Uo- .. in i! oREEg . oo !r 9 ;. 9 r>OE o0 ,EEe6 €o r EEa8 'a E89 do(9= oEo.E8q!6a-a\ t, EHH AJqOJ(JcocOJ+rcs.Eou b ! QS .P t u .H E . E ooEE'oo(!o. o)d.oc(! .!c:U- uogvo;! :fqo.E:fo-=Jr{Or r{ qJcFicocoo.g(ooE(o(uPo-o_) a(!oo !OJ(J(!o- (uE. EcfU.=(U i:{EE(Uo(!o. (Uc. E(o3osECOJ .c3Ef5bnc!(!-g(,=oii soEou(!o- (uE. E(!(U-c .63oxo-oEoo.EcoulEo,(J(!o-oE. .tc=(J.go!E(uo(!o-od bo .E=a.oL0, ,EooEoPfo0., .c(o(o1f_qf6- bo .E=:, -c lU(Jo2c:,Ucooz(J(!o. (!()EooGo- (uc.9G(u .9 poEoqJoo- oCJEco(J=o3-g-oEcfL) .EOJ IJi;Eou3ac,e. =cUc(l )EOJ(JGo-OJL(! 'o(uoELo Ec=UOJcoJ(o-9coc, (o 'oo) .L(!o-o) _6Cooo)o- Ec=L)()(JE(!o- cocooco=0.)c.!3.cUE3!(! -oo-c!_qG,c Ec(. ,(uE.co0)=OJoo(! -oo, .=(!o.o)ko0)oo- EC:,UEoU'-OJ_qcoooo- .tc3U.go) !!(u(J !o-od. qJoo(o(J.9Eooo-Eoocog.t=o=o)o.E(o.oEOJo(go- (ud. EC,UE(uUTo)_qcoo)oo- EcU'g -o!!OJu(oo-o,E, vc=U.s(l. )vrt rE(uUr!o-oE .=EfUEo)U-o.) _6coooo- Pd z. o1oc\ lNF-{o Nr- {o)osfo c{r. l (or.{O)o a{r. l rnoFI F{ N-lc!FI F{FI CDr. { rr 1r. { \lo (nF- l (nFIsf (f rnFIoc!of- t FIe{r{a! lnF-. , | cnc\ t, , lo lr l rlOl (\(o rnF'JoFiN rnF- l (na!N (oFi;'F-{ rJ 1o r\F-{Na! (o 6F-{rniitoo @rio(\r\ @.- l rn(\o Ol rl(nooFI Ol F-{!nF- lor. l oN(oN(no oc.. lOt fl(oo C(uCootncG.d) toood.Pc(uF tro,ooE,coF !(o !Q tOJ_ooG.EoF EOJ (utr(uF EOJ (l )oF E(!U E(!E. tJ l oo oL E(o(J E(oE(J o E(oU Ec)c, o(E .od. (uF -od. .!(oU !(g !U ., inN .. 960 i'Eit r FEgoo qr = E. E t>ot , ooEh .e 6 €oEE oOoacL O89 C,o(,= 0iod=Eco0Jto0AJ=-v lGLL0r=U.U!6o_co! €F bE UqJtqJooOJ+iG\OU E ! g: .\ E "E .i .1N .. !! 603EE8 . 9Ocr p E. o t>OE ooEE .e 5 €oEE oOooOo89 cio(,= ))uUt-u:j)(- r :(a=;I:( -l=' iil!u! ro i -(It J(!'!i-t?, hJu+1l 3tuj =t JlrlDt10 : 31 -lJ1al-(5. 1 ni !rU( L:1o .=clU'-CJviEEo,LJ6o_od OJ5(ot)ECoU.=o-o=o3oo-E(uu_go- (uG. o)co-ocouOJc(!_9UEc(oo(uo-EouEocoo) I!(uoEo)L oxo.ooE(o(o!o(J(!o.o,G. :Cl(J.soPEEo, lJ(!o- q)G, o!UEq. ,Q(oaoE, i(!oEc) !U.c(uo(o-oEo(J(oo.c,)d. Ec)Uo:oL'E(Uc(E_9(J .ec=Uoo,G) -ocoU6co,Eoo-o-a!o, -oE4 (orfo FiNr" l oC\Olc{or- { Flr!LnoFlo !- {r{No(no riNo)ot\o c{Nb'oF.. lo c{r!rnoori NNoff)3Fl sfa\o!- l(oo sfc{ f. .Fi (oo o!o Eo(J .oG, coc)P(l Jo- -oG. oF oF .o& -od 0. , .a :.:(!EoJ(JOJUEc(ooE(u@c(!U !ooooEoJooo!it r .!GIoo(uo-Eo(J-o(l)@c(ocU Eoo@Eo) izooOJ !.=(!Ioo0. , tso-Eo(J-oo,h0c(!-cU !ooooE(uJooOJg.=(ooo(uo-Eo(, !c)ooc(o !U EooaoE(uJooqJ !6oooo-Eo(,E(uooc(o !U -oooboEOJ -LooovTEGoo(uo.EooEo@C(! !U Eo2=c, (I ,o- !o,(JGo- (Ud. .Ee!ooG(! -osfrlooci7(q_9Eo,Uoo&. E(J.:3o=(Uo- !(uo(!o- (Ud. oEo-Eo(J.:(!coE-o-oo@c(!E(J EooaoE(, izoo(u !.:(ooo(L ,o-Eo(JE(U@c(o(J Eooao !0., Jooc, !fE.=(!Ioo(UoEo() !o,EOc(o(J Eoooo !oJooo!iE.=(ooooo-Eoo!0.,h0c(otU ooEcoo.:(J(oo- (o(J !o(J(!o(ud. :oo(uo.Eo(J.=(oEc,@c(oo =ooOJo-EoU.=GEc)ooC(!=(J Lnst OloOr r- . , | -lo O)o(oNo Orl@-- ' NF-lo F-{F-{(\ lo(o F-{!- lb' F-{F- l r{ O)ot)FIF-{O Olo(o(\No Oto;.a!oFI oFIc!oF-{F- l HFi "o ' - ' Flrno Ft !{rna{ F.{F.. { lnrlr/ )a!No r.. ) r{Nr!r\o t)rloFi@o @r{ri<fo @r, l=fc{<lo o(\ lO) r!r{o -lc!F\FIdo (\r!orc\ loro 6lr!rn"- los- l +Na{r. { (\ lo oo-c)C.JFEEo I&6 co)c(o-ci(o oF oF oc(u !(! C(U\zo(! c(uc(g-ci(! o)LF oFEl!t6 oo-oco !o coF co)tr(o-o(! .oE, tG) -ootcoF iOJoELLo(!(9 nNri 60REEg oo6=8. 9E> o! , oo9E .e 5 €q , iEoOoeoo82 (,o(,; oUa_EI{'boo-o\ r$bH (J4.,qqJQGqJ+r .so\OU E 8S hE s EL(Eo-o2=u'o!oU(!o- OJ3oEc=U- U.g==-o(UE(!OJ -c . .g(u.Y(ooo .9@c=(!I!o,(J(oo. (ud (tJ .Er{cocooJ(o.oo.g(oEOJcrc_9(J Ec=(J.E(lJ . IJ(t r !(l )()so-oG. @r'.FIoboc,a(o(,c.96fEoo-c3o.I f=_gco ,P -c=(. ) .=(UIJi; : -Eou(!ooG. bo .===ltoE(go!o:,o0,, .Er!|!E-9fo_ oco)EcoL)=o3-0 ) -o.!cfU.g0)v,Eo)U(!CL (uG. o)2(!E.9cE=!O.l fE o5Z=(nIOl r. . tEc(o.g.( J)(!=C,=(uE(o(u.Eo:(!E(uEoo(, ) ro-0 ) f,o- ..ucfU.EoPE(UUso(UG, aoc'f, ou0la.:o(ufalooINrlo(u,=cot!ou!(uuso-o o5Z3QJE,ooCsfIo) r' loCo(l, , J(!uo .( JEoU(!o-od. vctU.goliEo)(J(!o-oE *nc(J.sol:E(, ,(]so.o) t .tcf(. ) ,col:it r30)(J(oo- (Ud. o(Uo-EoUcoL(uooUE(uc(o .C Ju!c(!co(UE(uoEo (ufxiEo3oPE(u(Jso-OJ t ggEo(J_go-oG, (, ljit rU!(Uu(!o-oE,P(!oEo(,.go.Co(9-o!oU_go-od. (ooEo!(uo(!o-ot oEoc(!c.of-o.9'o.Er!EEo, (J(!o.od. oc\ il FlOl Fl stOr ri r\r'tN Oloor/ )o c\r{or{(oo a! rlFl(nor{ a.. l Firnor{r{ NrlO) Flrtr{ aorloc{or{ r'{c\c\(\ lo rnriOl c\ l (! ,o (or'lr\o\. l/)o r.oF{o(Y )Fl ri ooFtoa\No @F{"o - 'oOlo ot?iO(\rto O) rllj ' l rlr. . l r. { o(\, 1(oa! (n H6lrnor{ HN01or\ a\a{6oFt (nc{(oFIor'. 1 (nNo(i 1 r. . l r{ (nNooo\-Nr. l str!FIc\l (n s!p(!coE(9oF tc) -ooE,PcoLF Eooo(! !6.E(J ci(! E(oU E(! eF coLFIF o,E(U(l)c(I . ,F o6 c(l, ,F E(! !t,ci(1 l aoG, E(!E, (_ , E(! !(J co0., Poo- -oG, -oG. E(!EtJ l >od. =OJ()(ucc,2o= nci GOEE 6! uoo isE. C t>OE o- oEEea €o r ts e oOOC L ooE2do(,= Al€orj=!co0JtGq, Io,iq'o .L L 0J=U.U!6o-U\ rsbH UAJqqJ()strcqJ+J .sG.EOU E 8S hE "E .. inN 60 !Eql uEr . ooopE. s E> OEd@Eh .2 4 €oEE oOoc L Oo39 dolo= E(oo:OJ3CoOJ6o:=oo)(uo-o(!C)2tootr Jo,E.oEo(u3oo)2(o=6-or, lEoUso- (ud :cfUcooUEOJc(oC,,U a{c!O.lsa.lo(i 1$o <le.]oFltoO oF.o&. -od. !ooo0Eox,o-9(U !(t r .=t!ooEaEou!oo0E(o !(J (l ,-!':(!E0)(, .To6 EooEO !OJv,oo(uvi=.:(!IoooECLEo(J '( ,ouoC(gE(J Eoo@!(uJoo(Uv.:(!Ioo0)o-Eoo!oooc(o(J Eoooo !(Uv,oo(U !.=(!Ioo(Uo-EooEoboc(!(! !oouoE(U -: zooo!.:(!Iooo)o-EoU!(l)@c(!s(t !oono :o(l,v,oo!og'6ooo)o-Eo(JEOJEOC(oIt !oobo !OJ -Yooo!.=(!Ioooo-Eo(JEoooc(o(l EooooEoJooog.:(!Ioo(l)o-EoL) !oooc(!(l Eoooo !0,, -5 2o-9o.i i.:(!oo(l ,o-Eo(JEo@g(! (l ooo.EoU.=(gcogo-o!OJuc(g !() EooboEoizooo!..:(!Ioo(ULo-EoUEOJhoc(! (l Eoo@-o0., v,oo(uP(t r ':(qoo(uo-Eo(J I'OJboc(! !(l Eoo@rooJoo0,2iE.=oIoooo-Eo(,Eo@c(oT(J '6oECLEo(J.=.!Eo)oc(ot(t .==Uo(ucoEcoL'E(uxo!(l) 'o!d r-oNFI(o r\osf f!sto Nolnoor{ ooo(oo<fo (nosf r{r. lo Oro(o(\or. l or- l;'(\ r- . to F{r. lNoro dr. lr\FI r. {rt r-o(\ rl .( n Nosl(\ (n r\ot)or\ @o(oor{o ooo\tF{or. { oto(oc\, 1N Olo@NoFI oF-{Nor. . l FI dF-{Nr{rn F.{F.{cn6lF-. 1F- l ooF-{r. . l F{ @F-{rnc{ \f oNotNFi F- l c!l'.s{Fi sfr{Nr<N (\(nrl(o t(U-oog,coc0) t- L(UcoE(!OJ -s(!c(Uo. (9oF (l. , -o - 0., (UFE(lJo t(u !oEPcoL IG, c(l )c(oEcio _s(o !C(uo(. ,or E, !o(!.Etro(1 , (9oL C(UcoEG oF!(D to to!o&coL EoE(!-ci6 !pt! !c0)orcoL coo(l, , CL .ici ooEI oo ioE. 9 r. 9 o: o *gYq .c f i €o r bPs8 . oo89 c,o(J ,= opa.EI'bBo_o €sEH qJqqJ()BqJ+, .E\oU E 8: " s, I & .ecfUEoo-o_qco(UC)6- :cJUE(uo-(U_qco(uc)6- o!.=(!()Ec)orcEOJG. (Uv.-L(oU!oo(go. (ue. oc(U!coU=o3ocoec,v.!(o(J!oo(qo.od eooo.Eou=OJc-o_q(!.gc.9P(oOJ .9 . 0oco@(uo-Ti (Uo-o-o2c=UE(!o-o oi=o(oc) r- iI6oTcoFE_9Ec=ooocoo) Jobo .c(u3ouoc!(o -9OJ (,, )so-oE. rl igf(JEOJu'-c, _qco(Uo6- !CfU.Eo)gEoUoo-oE. EclU,gu.! n{EEo)U(oo-0)G, EcL) .g(uPTEE(u(J(!ao& o, '6foEo.:(!=o();o=o(UooE@CCJo.oEcGht )c'-'=:o(u@cG-co_6cog(u(Ua- .gc:l (J.=o)v(=3Uo(oE(uG. !crcboc(oGEc:-oEo(EoU!4.,oo@CN(! .e3(u-( ]oo)srlcoo)E,co(u(o(!3OJo( u o- > o( !=> rn : roE- o (J = g !- { S" i d, 6 (u13(!(Ur{cooUoEcoU.e(u(U-c3E(!o- i c! oJ o1 3 _( !Lo J O- E oo dl cctr ooG tJ 6oJ L .E od Eg 9>oJ o , >L =ovB tq-o t =Ofi" | o -!dEH6 o- E 0J q) E, E, .gg:,UcoooEc6oco)Eco(J-o(uu(ooc.,c.9ooao 't roE,EooOJo-3.9oJ (!OJcOJ !co(JEoooc'=EOJ .=(oo. (uco(l)oo- oulr to(\(!o5(!c!oU(oo.q, =Jx_9o-orif. . ilco-oG.ooEolJso(Ut =E)L) .90) !..t r !o(J(oo- OJd. oc5G(J(u3o.=suP,3oC(uEPIJ J !ooso-OJG, r\Ol ototO @o Ot rnFt o<f or\d FlF- {Nc\ l (oo r!Fi(or- l rno r{ !-{Lnorir. l (nFloc\lor{ lJ ' ) F{Ola!(oo NFlsf rlrno r\F.. l@oNo t-ri@F-{6o 00r{or!No or r- l r/ l Flr{rl oc\ (oc!cno oc\ "o - 'No c. . lNINor{o Flf\ lsfoOlo rlNrJ ' )oo)o FlNi- loor. { (\NoNr\o Nr!oc\l f'.o c!NNNO)o c!NrnooFl (f )c{ooFlN coF EOJo oF -o(!U oLF E(u(uoF!o cc(l. , )zEoo!(oU1 Ec. , (U ci(o ao& -oo=U o E(o-cU .oGoF o(uF o aoG. .od. -oE, oF >od ci.i ooEEot vEg . oo ioh .!r t>OE doEE .2 4 €q , teoOoooo89 do(,= AJoU!cBqJboU0J=_v i 'oIOr=gEGo-a\ rsbq (JqJqAJ(JBcqJ+, .soOU E 8S cl ; R Nh d ; .inN 60EEEgoo isE. s t-OE*Egq2a €oEE oOoeoo89 do(,= ooo-Eo(J.=(oo)E;ooE(uoo (!-cUc)E#(o E =oo. E 0J q/ E( t c- c uc l ccocE9PE dJ q oo e (E COJ G d. c _o :OJ : r=or - P=0J !r o- . ] ! GEE(ux c,cLOJ -c(1 ,o,y(JG!(oo- c\ooc.9(Jocco(JEq)EOc(oU vc=!@OD(!()o!c(oon :4o- (l)oo(o !U.9E.E3oIIEEov,o(oo-o(u()(!o. (uc.9(oo .: .9 E .F 6Ehd&c 'f : ;9 J o_ c 8= Il1)rO!JI=1'3U=3JI:cUzoeuflJcIroOJ1o9. d:!!0J ) 9p i :: i iu ' , riCJo ..t !i4 : 9. r olL: coo)bo !'-oE(uE-( ,(!vc=(Jgooo!(ucG_9(J EfUo(Utro)EcooECoE_9o.o5E(uEE r\@ sto(\ F-c\tc\ COc\c\FlOlo stNstoFlo sta!00rlFlo stGIc!Nr.r )o sl r\ lor{\oo <tr\r\r. { (oo !o .oE. so !o -oE .oE xo-ocol,)o(\(EE(l)c,o,ccoo(UoEfoL'oo-oNo(UEc(!oo)L:.:(!oc,boc(o-c(,oE(E= !,c(ooF-., |osto)co(u.g(o*Eohoo0 fEEoc(! -9(J o)EEOJ(uc(uv(!E(oho0) .gJ(!_g(l l@c'=(!.c.€oo=Ec{Ioor- lco(u.soF-{c)si3=Eg (J . = *=EE o.Ec,, r/ ' tIo(\ lE(ub0ct!(,o:(oo.goc{aFi (oriNFi !OJsc(!Uqi2(!ocornFlNFtE'0, ,bocc ) o> !dLJ > ourn!- l Ir\r{coc(Uc)(JEo(J-go- (uE, E!xOJoG.cf(tcoooEoE,EoC' (oo. (UG, ft lcn oN o0st Fl t)rnF{ 6f. ,Fl oN@c!F{d oN(r ,6l(\d r- {NNor\o NN(nrlod Nf\off ) l\d rnN(or' l@c) c.!uor!c_e l!.oG, oScoF c(l)F 't(!L\C,o,F .oe, '=(EL\LoG, nN'1 ooEFEg oo cr !E. sE>OE ooEE l4 - 6 €oEEse cL o89 cio(,= a,€oU!co0rEoqJts-q 'ol{s8' !Ga-To\ €s bq LIAJqqJ(JsBsAJ !.so.EqE8S s, I .E o(uo-Eo(. , .=(!Coo(o,=(!EE(1 ,b0c.EEU o6(Uo-Eo() ':(Eco6-o!(I ,u)c(EEU Loo,Lo-Eo(J.=(ocoo'o(u@C(oU o(l. ,o-Eo(J.=(!cooal(uooc(oE,U o(Uo-Eoo'6coo!(uooc(!E(J =ooOJo-Eou.=(gE(I )boc(!c) =oooo-Eo(J.:(oEo@cl! !c) (oFI "o - ' F-{(no @FI FIr- {<fo oorllnNsto oNorr{rlo r- l c\ tr\Fi r{o 6lNrnFIod sfN(\ t f{No oSc(uF !(!V, -co tr(l J -ood.c(l JF Er! !v| Eo-ood.coF oosiItrG)L(!(, .1NnN coEEETooo9E. c E> otooEEs65o ieoOoc l 'a B32 do(9= oEo-EIEoa_l{ ,\ rsbHQq.)qqJ(JcoAJ !.s€OU E ! u; nE .E €cfUcooPGE(U(J(!o-od .!c=Ucoo9E(Uo(oo,o&. .tfUCIoP, !OJ(J(!o(ut .:c=(Jco(u.git r-o(UC) (!o. (lJd PclU.;t(uo_3(U=d vc=UcoooGocoEcoUEo(,(!o.o& .=clUco(UgEo,U(oo.0.,G. -o=-oOJ -ooE(o(EE0, ,(,r!o-oG. (occoc(!E=E(u(,(oo- (uE 2ElUcooPEo(J(uo(uG. c,) !o(U(u-coop(uc:oOJ .c .o(u.>(! (nOJo-o-5(u-ccoOJ !oboo3o-o(u(JGo(ud (u !(!(lJoo)po.=.=(!Ec, .EE.9EG'scoUcoo,:r!Jo0)UoE(BOJc3oEFEOJ(J(!o- (u& ol!cnIooF-{goo)Eo(J(ooo)& o)=o)o-c .Co(u .Yq(guo0)(o 'ooU(ooo& i(!oEo.€cfL)OJ -g.c.0 , ,OJ(! -o(u -cEoU(oo- (UG. EC)Eoo0 (oo(u 'oC(!Ec=Ucov(! -gEo.xI .gc(Joo(J -oo(g(UU vc=(JoOJE(uEtrooGcOJE-9o-of!(uE! ol!too) ri;(!EOJU(oo.oE (oFIo (oa!o olrirl a! (nr. l rJ ' )@r- . t oo)F- t r\ . 1cnf\ LNr. {O)N(oo cor{r- lNr\o Ot rirnrlFi oa!b' c{rno o(\ f- lrl@o oc!of.{Oro F-{r! rnoFIo Na{a'o?. 1o a\a\a\orno r!Nrnoori (n(\FI r.. l6o fnNrlan6o (n(\ l rlooro (no. l (oooFi (nc!o(r 1FI $N(oorno f\ofl(oo <fa\ r- . rlr. oo stc{r- loNo oF E(ov1 .oE, -o(o !(J c.9(gqJ .q ponoo)(uo- ro6U c.9(oo.9 p (ud.co(u0.,CL15(!L) 1'(!=U .oG .ot oF oFc, (o(9 'tGF .o6 c,L(g(9!(! tJ 1 oF coF(!o, .9 0o€.coooo- -oE, .oE, .od. .inN 60"E6r oo io8. 9 x. > o!ooEE .e G 5oTE .E E ooE2do(,3 OJoG=!qo0JEo0, I=Ui_v tolt -0r=(J . (J'b6o-d\ €s bH ()qJqqJUcoqJ .s€OU E ! u: ,\ E . E ici '1N i! oEEEt s oo iuEo t>or o ooEF .g EEo bEoOoe8' 9 ao(9= ooE.9(J_9EIE(l. ,q(oo)(, (ac{omFlri(€oo(!c(!u--od 0,o(j !s6o!6OJIOr=-s larfOriU. (J\6a-!L (/ l to(JqJqqJUcotrAJ*, .sBouqJ .9qJ F. i ( oln(E!c(oo!6Jdoc(o(J o!it r !c(!o!(l,Uc(!U (uP(t rEc(ooEoboc(EU OJPat r !c(oo!(L , )boc(! (J (UvdE(uboc(!=()Ec(ooP.=(oE(u(,so-OJd EGo!=o(uooc(U(oo-Eo,(J(oo.oG. (uPrEEc(ooEoboc(EU E6(u-o=_9o)poE'oo(Joo.o,E. -oP(o-o'o0.,U(oo-oE. o)vrE!c(!o'oOJboc(o-cU (.. )vG!c@:o!oboc(o !U oE3o,z G,) !Ec(ooE(uo0c(! !U Lc) !rt r !c(oo!o,rooc6U c.l !EC(!oE0)@c(!(. ) 0J . !1lcroo!OJuoE(o(- ) c. , !-oc(Eo!(uooc(q(J (u !T'c(!oEOJboc(! (J o) !1fCooEG)boc(oU (U !Ec(ooEOJooE(! (J oP, it r!c(!oE(uboc(o !(t ts(,o-o(J(uoU!(uEC)o-o;oo=oooco)(oo- !(Uu(o -o - (ud l'.o) (oor' .o <tosfor{o FIFIa! F-{r' .o ot rlo(na{d o)No(no @(noc\No 6c\ l FlrJ 1o F.{rn lf )or{d 00rnr\o\. (no cn(or\ F.{oto r- .@rnc\r{o (or\JNrJ 1o sfo)r{r\ l tno Noornsto oFl6or\o oN(oF-. 1O) (> o(nrnr! t\o +6- ' c{sfo Nrio) F{r.. l (\F-{oFl rlo (nFloFlrno (nF{r\F{lno rnF. . l (oc{No mF{Or!No rnfi(noO cnF{cnoo (orirnoa! Fl sf flCNc.. l F.l sfrlrf(\ l rno str. tslo(oo sfr. loF{t)o sfr. l c\ le\ I. \o strltoorl <tF.. l rlFla!r{ rnFloc\, 1 (no rnFlorNroo lr 1FlsiFlt-o rnrltt\o)o rnF{o(nr. l ?.1 rJ )Fl6or\ l d oF o(! o(! E(ot/ l oF IF o(D 'o(oc(J E6ctt 1 o(o o(o o(! E(o !t1 !(! tJ 1 13(otn oF oF o(! oF !(o !UI o o(! ., i.i 60EEE8 . ooqr ! 8. 9E>OE ooEE .9 E6 5oEE 6Oooqo39 c,o(93 6cqJBlcoo?VIci={U5E\\ rsbq (.)q)qqJUBcq) !cs.EOU E ! u: iE s c, inN i: cooEEEg . oo qr p 8. 9 o!ooEE .e 6 E- oEE oOOC L 8" 9 c,o(9= ts(!o-oooo(J(o!(U=tro0.) -o.g o -c .o)E(uEEc,U(ooot oviEE(o:o-o0.)ooc(oE(J o!Ec(!o!(uooc(oU OJ(!oOJ6coE(U(oo-oo.)oG-o -o,G, o) l:iEEcdtoE0)@(E !U o:oLE6(ucoc'6foEoo(!o-oG. !o-oUEo(Jso- (ud(uIJEE(!oEoh0C(!Q (ux(ogopOJ .zEEo,Uoo- (ud. 0) !Ec(!o!oooc(oU ooF{rr t (oc\F- l !(oo. (uJG} -oco=C.lz. o)git r !(!:oEOJu0(!(J bo .C(I,o-o6c, !3cog,rIE(,o(go-o)&. N@rorJ 1cnFtAro,:€!(!oEo)ooc(oU oLnrtr{<f i'{GJo=(t r 'o(ooE'o,uoc(!U JO(oEOC't ro(UEc(o0)3(o(JOJ=!(uU(!o- (Ud. o-Efo.Lo)(E3E6JC' (ooqJe. olliIodooooc(!(J O) (o!- lFlFro fnl'-stoslo Oroor{c.l r{r, { stc! l' - !-{Olo o) r/ ) rJ . . )oc. lo t' . (osfc!sfo (or\oor{F- lo ornrnr" isto (. oF- l |. \orn (oFlfi ' ) Flt.o lc | F{r- looF{ (or{"o - ' riFl (oF. lo(na{ f. . !-{rnr- { r- {o NF{rlr!c!o l' .Flrnosto NFistoLNo l' .Fl(oc\@o l' .F-{sf F-{olo l' .Flc!rl F. !- lo) r{r. { rl @r- lNf\r{o ooF-locnF.{o oor- {si r- { rno ooF-l t+Fic{Fl o o(o o6 oF oF or oL oF oLF o(! !G(J o! !(!c6 oF E(oEoo) E(! !6 o) !iEodo-ooboc(o !(J o!odo:o(UbocG(J o)git rOUo-o(uboqC' !(J q) !(t rOUo-o0)boco!(J OJP,EOUoEooocG(J ol:06o-( ]o@c(o(J q) !iE06oro(Ub0c(oE(J (u !doEoqoc(E(J o)P.odo!o)bocGC) (U !.=(!Eoo(!ooG (u !€doEoooc(o-c(t (u!doEoooc(o (l a(l. } (!-oEouG-o -c)E 0, , !06o-oo@G(J ol:iEdo'oouoc(I , !(J Eoo-o3;pOJ :o-l ]o(J!o-OJE, oP, (t rodoE(u@(o .c(J 0) llE'6€boE- v(oo-=qJz 0., trEodoEo,q0c(osU OJEcUEo==(I ,p(uboc(uoo- -oc(,o, -: zo-o(!oEoU(!o.od. (UPOUo!o)ooc(!U (u!rt rdoroOJo0(o -c .U oo(nr- {c!(no (osl (oc{CNO oo ln"o - 'o6o (\NFIrlFio l/ )oo(\oc!rl ooolNr. ,o (or. . lo?.{rno N(nmr{oF-{ o)sl (noF{FI Ol (o(or{o!- l (o@Lnc!<fo oooc. ' lor- l 00oOloF-l F{ (o(nft )oc! r{ st (oNc!(oo oflof'. oornr\ f{F-{ r- { rnolc!FI cnrlNFIsfo cnrt6c!l'.o a!r{oo.)O)o F\ rlO) (\ l FI $r- l (oNc!o stFlhr{lno stFIb'oo)o <f !- l lJ . F-{(\rt st F-{rnorno sfFi r{r- l l/ )o t.r ' ) F-{F-or'.o u)FIa!@o LNr{slN@O rnr{<tFio u)FIr{oNH rnF-{(oF-{r. lo (oFiol rl(no (oi- {(na\ (no (oF-{F-ooro ro-l(nc. lo)o (oF- l r. lof-{!-{ r\r{r!riFIo oF o(E E(o tJ 1 oF oF oF E(ot/ l Eo(J oF E(!-cth coF -ooU Et! (J E(1 , tn o oF E(!3U oF oF !o oF !o nN^i 60"EEE ooo=8. 9E>OE o- oEE .e 5 5ob8oOoooo89 cio(,B Ut0reBa. ! €E bH (JqJqqJ()cBcAJ !so\OU E us xE & ornNFI c. . l F{QJoJG.ocoE(uo(,o-oG o!oUoE(l,@c(!-c(J 0. , !(t rodo(l, )ooCGU Norn(nFlQJovdoE(Uboc(oU (o$o(ostF- l€r0. , !oU:oE(uoc(I, (J -9,=Eo(nOrOr$!- lGlG);E(ooo5-o - JZ(oo-3oz !-{rnO)or !iGJo) !EoUo!o,oo(! .c . (J (o+F-(nLnr'{GJ(u !rt rcdo-o(uboc(o .. EQ ocqJ0. )o,o-oG,E!o)oo(!-cU (Or/)sl (Or- lGlo) !oUo!(UboC6U oo(oN(oF{er (UPdoEoboc(, -cU o(o<f r{r'. F-{QJo!oU:oEOJ@(!EU rn@si t.Flo(u !odoEOJ@C(o -.cU F. a. l Flt.NF{Aro)=it roU:oEo,@C(!sU o,p(uoocoGo- 0..,Pcog-o(oo) !!C(oq. , JUo(uE(Uo(t,o-o,G. (nF.F.o@riGJC)vEc(ooE(u@c(o-cU ol (o\t@F-tAr (U!it r 'oc(oo!od)c(! !U t)Flr\rn00!ieloo!OJ(!o)o-oE(1 , (J(oo-oG. d(o(u-oE. .q 0o,=0., .CoEo.,()Go- (ud. rl\tNFl (or- {QlG) !do-o0.,boc(oU .inN 6Ox€EE oOor p E. 9 x. > OE ooEE .9 Eq €c r teoOooo639 do(,= r.. lO) r{r\riArLOJP, iEoUoE(uoo (o !U €r{rlrnNAr0, JJ it roao'( ,(lJo0(gL) r, -sfslooa{€,)ollit rodoE(Uooc(o !U r\rnsi F{(!1GJo)c_qooc)oEc(ooE:Jo. OJ633o)z oo$LnanmGlo) !oUo'oq)oo (o !U t1l' .NrnQ;LotiiEodoE(Uboc(E(J t.r\O) rn<fQ.roiIoUo-( ,(Uooc(! !(J l' .01Fior$QJ(ugiIoUoEobog(oL) eGI6(nLneJo!i. rodoEo)bo (oU o)O) r{o) r. r )ArovIoUo!o)@(!U c(oEo(, 1C(uEE(!Ec(!CJ -cCJooov(J(!-oocE(u .( JE.V' i(!o.o3o=o:.t zcG3oEoo 3(UEc,EE(EEc(goN0.,=c(, !oo=oC_9(!@a{oEo.E(oo rJ )sf F{\f(oGJOJ=udoEoboc(oU rit.!-{-t(oQJo, .F3oz. EGo-C) .S Z(U !(oo)L30)z. o,e:oc(!oEoEO(o(Jslr- l l' .@(o oor\c\NG. )G) !it roUo!oboC(! !LJ ol'-a. l ooItGJo) !fEdoEoboco!LJ rnocqN@GJ (l ) !iIoUo!(uooc(oU o@o) (.o@Aro) !iIdo'o(u@(! !(- J Olst r.r ) a. lolGJ(u=udo1'o@c(!-c(l oOJo(lJf0)o.E='( ]C(o-9EoEo_E=o- IC(o6lEolU(oo-o)e. ot r' lNo@o Ol r{rlFl oc!oF{a.to o(\Lnrlrno oa\ooc\slo oc! (r lc!r-O or{rf ) r\ l r' l Fla{sfa.l c\ to F- lNorno Fic\olc\l (^ oo r- lc\b'o\r\o Fla{r. .ot,o F{a\, 1ofnoro Fla\ol r!olo rlc!oooo r'lr!c\rlc\ NNr. . a-. 1c\o c!NF\a. l rno Nc\r. . c. . l r\o c\Nrnorld NNe. l (\Flo rn(\lr!cno socoo(! cOJF s -coUE. .q o= OJ(! (,-u(9 trOJ !(E(, coF o(ou 0., (o(9oF !o oF PF coF E(! tho(o co)F !(!o(o .q6F E(! tJ 1 oF!G-cv\ coLF _9oo) -cUCo,oh0Lo a, inN co"EET oo i=8. 9 ot , ooEE .! 5 €obeaaoooo89 cio(,3 Ul-_9o6q,a-o'b0, lJ -q €s bn ()AJqqJ(JocOJ+JcG\ou $ ! u: .s < o r h cf ) (4 ,j { ciri i! oEI 9Oo!E. c r. 9 ot , ooEE .g f 5q , EE oOoc l 8- 9 do(,3 (orornr\Olero) !LdoE(Uooc(o(. , rnrOc\ F{or{Aro)=LodoEo@C(!U a!slo(oor{er (u=uodoEobo(o !L) c.9,9Ec(!cooo- -o6ELoE.Ec.)Uoo- (uo!(t r !c(!=fc.9.9Ec(!=,oooc(!-c(J ot(o-( ]OJ(J(!ooG. (o!o(oo.ELcooo(,E(JEo(J6o-on co€sfN-lrlerqJvIdoEob0c(!=U o)6o(or'{ F{GJOJ !iEodoEo)@c(o !U r' - rnc!@rlr- ler (ooEc(Eco!(!o.OJ -S Zg-o=(uz. (\ c. . l rn@F- l !- lQJ-q)o.o3oz. (n(noO6!ierOJPit rdoE(uoo (oU rt€or@rlr{Q. , PCJ !0) .uE!c(o0(t ]oE,0.,o(Jo(oo-c(Uo(!EoG, moorlON!- l€l(UCOJ !goUL) !c(ocoEc,c'F oc(tJ -qE0.,oso-uE rnNstCN6lrlArOJ2oUoE0,ooc(ocU rnc{ "o - 'osfo rnc.. lslo(oo (nc!orl6o (nNc\tNoro rnc!c{c\olo (na\c{t\Olo (na!o(\ F{: stc\ (oNF.lo <ir!orlrno <tr!.{r- l (no $c{Flc{(no sia{ (oc\ l rno stNO| r'{$o sic{ro?.1(oo oFo(o(, !(!v)OJG(9 oFEr! o(E(9 !0)(!(9 (u(o(, E(ot/ l EGcU1P(l)(o(, oFEG!tn(u(o(, oF!(o !UI(u(!(, oFo(!(, .9(EF-oG,o(!(, (t,oo-cUC(Uc(l. )ooo oF oor\(ot)OJ=(t rdoEo)noc(!E(J oornOr ro(oo)P(EOUo!0.,o0 (oLJ O)ooF-00(oog?=do)PtF -doEouo (o-c(J Ol r{r. r ) F. . lNol:€odo!(u@c(oU o!E=!(uooc(o(J o(!o,rcOJoo .Eo-ooooc(oE,L)jooEooo.E(J.:(o-oc(ooo,o-Eo(J .=(o .=o-o0.,uoc(!U o,26=Eo=(uo.3(ucEI(o tOlN+Nogit rdoEoooc(!(J sfOlst \oF\C,v(t ro5o-oohoE(oU slr\r\6r- .OJ .gt=Eoooc(oU ooFINO!r\OJ 't rOJ(! -o3(uz !f!E(,o) .o=oopLoboc(u(oo-EoboC(,U (ooOroco(u!iEdoEo@(go (oNNr{@oP(t rOUo!(uooc(oU rnosfN@(UvrE06oEOJ@c(o !U E_9(oo.srooEoo,v , (o-c Ico=OJz. riooo.Eoc, '6ogq, !(t r .L(!OJPdo!oo0GE() -oc(o 'o'6cooL(ut(!=(Uz lni- {t)c{00erooEc(! -o(oo.ov,(!-o6o)=oz (r t (orn(n6(ugIEdoT'CJ@c(E !(J o(oF{$oo0., !it r06oE(Ub0cfUg(J ot t(orJ )@er(Ut.EdoEoboc(!U Ol \l(orn@GJLc)P(t rE=!(uo0c6=U orno sr'lsi r'{OFl lnr- {stF.t r{r. { r\rlr\c\(oo oor'lOror{o Or'{(no(no @-lNc!sio oOr' {Fi F.{l'.o or' l rnrlF{Fl or rl@r' {sto oc{Fl(ntno oc{(oF.tFlFl -lNtorlrl F{c\NoNr' { c{c{(na! (o c!c\ ft 1orlrt (\lr!rnoriri (\ tr!oc\Fi F-{ AIr!Noc\ Fl rnc{;'oCN mc. lOra! rn (r 1Ntnc\oto rnr! rr )c{o'r 'o(!E oF gC0) \z E(uo,oF E(oU Eoc0, t- o oF-o€. !o-od boG,o -co-od. qJ(E(o .oE o oEG o!(1 , -c oF aoG,oFoo(9 .od. -od. oFE(!E, t- / l uOJ(o(, .inN ooTEEg . oo ioE .IP t>OE ooEE .e 5 5o teoOoooo89 do(93 oStrgttu\ rsE !'{ qJq4, ,osBcqJ+r .sB.EOU E ! 9s .P o -Y a r h \t q d 5 .inN io oEEEgoo ioE .r9 x. > OE 6- tu E; .e d €oEEE8 o639 c,o(,= Fi(or- l (o@GJ(U!.tEdoEG)b0c(I ,=L) nNo) r+mfoo,c'&Eosfro(.o(ocooo) !a; odoE(ub0cG.EU Go(u .: Z(! -og(! !o(J(!o-od (Odrn@(nLfo_c(uc'&co)O) (n\oT\ ooGJ (UPit rE=Ec(oOJeoUoE(uot )c(o-cL) (oFlN (nNNNr- lH r{(DF{r{o sr!6F{(no sl (\, l r\r!r\o .od. .oE, .od.oF p(u(Elc oo=o- J(!o- !(UUso- 6J&, rnN6l t)!G(JCooo-oOJ .:Z(! .c13OJo(!o-od. oo-otscoE.9!o(J-eo-o,d. og!C(1 Jo(Uc'E oc0.)T'oooc(oU o,F3o.)z. _9ENNrisfoJ(o-o(o(u30)(u!it r !c(ooo,c'&coEoootr(o(J gEoNF-l t+p=c(!Ec(oE.FC0., (uE-o(uooc(oU gEoNFlsloo-oUcooo 't rEoo0Cr1 tE.(J o.(oE(!BOJz UIJ3oJ30.)E o!T'C(oo(u'&cc,EOJ@ctl ,E,U o(oa! (OPoo-oUcoo) !o)L)(!o- (uG, >o(!-o13(tJu(!o- (l, ,&. F-{ro(o<fo.,gG-doEo.)b0C(! -cU ooNorJ 1oocsoo(JEc(!-ol!,E(ulJ(!o-C)G tio!Ec(!oEob0c(! .EU Fo;'otlo r\ooFlrno r\orn!- lO) Iror.r t Flc\ l r" { r\osf FlNf.{ 00o(. o(\F @oF-{r' {oo @odr. {6 00o(oorn @o(n(\ Ir\ @ornoFlFl coor\oFl !- { OlosloF{o ototoc!Fl (nFi(o"- t F{!i +NoFlc! -voo(JuicoF JooUuicP -c . -9 p(!c(uo)(,oF otro-ooEE(I , t .(Ucoc(oo c!p(!coo)(,oF !!p(oEcoo(9o- !9(o !c(u(u(9or !9(!coo) (JoF _9 p l! !coo(,oL 30(!ccoOJ (Jo! !p(!c(u(u(,oF (u.!E=E(g(! c_!9(!coo)(,oL _sr! !c(uo)(,oF Coqto3o!6 c, i .i 60REEg oo io8. 9 r>OE o, oPEPE tobe8e eoE2do(9= No(o\tH(o\tOto) ta ) I(J{\izc;zl-\ rsbq ()q,qAJ()BAJ+rE.EOU E 8S fi E & U=EJGoq!o(J(!o.o)G. ot(! !o)U(oo. 0,, o.Cooo!Ea,(! .CoP, rE!c(!ooc't oc(u!(UEOc(o(J (u3o)z gEo(Ooo(no-v , (!-o(!E3oc(u!tET'C(ooo)c'&c0.,E(U@c(E(J gEo(O@an6pfEc(!EC(!EFc(uLc,EEE(u60c(! -c . (J gfolnF- rno)eIE!c(ooo)c'E ocoEoo0cl! (J fo-crnr\lnoo-oBo))olEo!.q oEoo0c(! (J 3Eo(oNsf(uviE€o!0,,sc(!.c(t (uE.gUor!EEc.U(u-vr!LocoEoL)so- (UG, oEcoc.9cob0E't ro.E(u=€d Juo(JPooE=:oG, (J-go.od.OJ !it rEc(!oEoboc(otl No;'orno r\o(oFi@o Nornr- {(\rl r\otr'lGI F{ €o(oa\N @oFlrl"o - ' @oInor{ri oOoNoriri Oto<toNrl oto$oc!r. l oF{o(\a!o st(\ Iort(\ l JooL) ra icoF coto-ooG, !oct cotollooc ,E(!EVI bodlc(!@ lp(!c(1 , , (U(9oF -g o(!c(uo)(,oF !-g p(Ecoo) (9o]- !-! o(!c(U(lJ(,oF !_b 0(oEc(uo(,oF E(uo Co) \z (l. ) (!(o .. inN 6O6pEg . 90e!E. E E> ot l+E gqea €oEE uOoooo89 do(9= tno(6r+m!tLnsra ){(J{\i=Vtc\ctzt\ €s bq (JqJqq)UsosqJ+r .SB\OU Euf 6E & 3o.oL, .9EEoco.9 p .: Zo(U!. iE.=t!oo-Efa-06o(Uc'd oC(UEq. ,qoc(EcU o-Eaoo5OJo-3o)CE-9(oPc '6E(UboE(g-cUoo):, -o(!u3(uz. (uE6(UOJooE-oo.!3l3o,CE-9(!c (uo)E3oE3(l)cE-9(oC ooE(!u)OJ=EooOJE!oooE(!-c .U .o) .E-o=OJCE-9(oPc Eo(o=(o(u-vt! -oOJ=ouE3c(oeofo -oiOJcE-9(o(1 , Lg(oq)E,Pco_g(!PEo3o.)3oz l\o-lriOloNo<t r. { (no 00or{or- lFl Orou)F. l sto (llo(ooOo F-{!ir'.or\o coFlroFlNo rir!6F.l (o \ta!NGIr\o $r!r\Nt\ Io-ood.cocEF o-=(!rfCco\z o. f(!oCco5Z o- f(!oCEo!z o-=P0ooCcOJ )z 0Jc(o_9oE(oo3oz o(o EGt/ ) (u(o(,oF o)(!(9oF cinN 603€E8 . oo ioE. 9 E, > OE+Egg .! ! a €oEE oOoeo. o89 c,o(9= AJE6trOJc60r (JEo0i\ TE bH ()qjqqJ(JoqJ+rG\ou b ! u: xE & o-Efo. (u(!=(U3(Uo-==!0,,e. oE,(!=,Go.ooo(nE:sd.3oc!o(oEo=o- o)or- l r!r\o F.{F- t r. {ost (f o-=(Eocco\z o-=(ooCco\z 6i .., !N i! o4Ex6EE oo iub. 9 t>OE o- oEE .2 E6 EoEE8g eo89 do(9= 0rb=o,ioa-\ TE bH U4. ,qAJ(Jsos' qJ .S€OU E ! Cr s .P o tE & .inN 60EEEg 60 ioE. E x. > o!aoEE .2 E6 €o ts EmO oo 'a BE2do(,3 :o'o(uooc(o !(. ,t\?.1o)Fl(nocco\za(! oeq,c0J\,otsoI\ rsbH UqJqqJ(,ocq.)+, .sB\OB E ! u: L: fi E & dcinN i! o8EEt s oo ir c ts - 9 X, Y ot , 6- OEE vG €obeoAoee689 do(,= qoc.Eg(u-(U(!-o'oocGoU(or- { rlstoccosz octq,qqJ (Do-5.YUoco\ €s bn ()qJqqJ()cosOJ+)s.eAEOU Eu: 6b R r. i vt di 1fooooEo-5 2ooL0., !it r.=oIoo0,o-EoUE(Ubocr! -cU '( f ,ooo0EOJ JooGJ !.=GIoo0)o-EoU-o0.,o0 (o .. c(J OJ-!.=t]g 'oOJ (J'-OJ EooboE(u -5 2oooPoIoo(uCLEoIJEo)bo ro-cU EooboE(UvooqJ !.=(oIoooo.EoUE@booU E'ooooEoIoo(u !rt r.:6Ioooo-EoU-o(u@G-cU EooooE(uJooOJg(;.=(ooooo-Eou!c,ooG-c .L) !ooboEo) IooOJ=E.=(oooo.)o-Eou1Couoc(o(J ocOJpo6-Eoo(uLo-Eo(J.:t!30)z f- l\ffi lslooGo(u(uP'6oo(uoEo(,E(l. ,ooc(o-co EooboE(u -5 2oo(u!(oooo,o-Eou-o0)@cG-c(J or r. r ' )orno6L6ooo,PtE'6oo(uoEo(J -oooocG,o (uc(UEo(. )poc(lJoEoc(!o(J .!ocoEOJQso-od. oOJo-Eoooooc)(JCo;OJ(oE(UEE4 -cLn@sfr\ergqJ t:it r !(uooo,o-Eo(J -oo@C6!o rn@o cnolFl r\o(\Fl(. oo Nosi(\sfo Frot)ooF{ olo<tFl=lo O)otoc{oF- l orlmc{Fio dFla{oloo r. . r{F{Flrno or rlo)c\to F-orroorlo Noc!r- l (no l'.ostc!(no r\otJ )oNo orornFl r{o oro(or{l'-o Olo"o - ' c\ tod o!ic\or. l t- l F-lF-loNrno Fl !- {cnc\r- {Fl tr )Fl l' .rlOro lnFlt.ooF{ fia!cnNr.oo -lc\ t F{riNO (nNoc\ ilrl (uo-ooFEOJo tro-ooE,coC(uF -ococfl,o) tit oF (uo- (U(UFE0,,(u !(oU) o(! oF oF c(uE(! Eo(J (l. ,o-OJ t1o)=oo- c(!oo l!C(! t!.od c(obor!c(oL.oe. E(! !tJ 1.oG. nNnN 60NE6pE8 . 9oqJ =E. s r. >OE ooEE .9 E6 €o ts s oOoaO- o 39 c,oo= 5'bico(JUci=!. )oUa.EIL r!bH (Ja.rqq)Uccq.)+JG\ 5 OU E 8S -Y t s xE & g(uytEEf(U!LaL(u l:tE06oro(uboc(o(J o)2(!6co(Jov,L'=-oCotoE(U(Jgo- 0. ,q-0 JOJo) .CB o(uo- '=do)oo.E!(! !(Uo_eooG o!E)L(u!rt rLa0) !'6'oo@c(o(J (u .9e(U= q\tFi rnl, rr. l ycoco(L ) ,FOJcoPOJ@Eco=ocN o-Efo-0,c(oPxiEgo(Uc,= 0)L(uP(o-oNEooso-oE, o(!o!(u()(!aotl toF i!T\ \irnror{eroErt r .=(!Ec(!o!'6!OJ@c(!U irJ 1 r. r t r- l t\F{GJg(U !.9J(oE.E0(u=':(! !c(Eo!IE'6Eo,a0L(oE,U (U(!(U-) z()o-oEo(J(!o- (uE, 0)E.EU.( J=(oEsg=5!oooEcoI(gc,c(!oooE(u':(oo-od. '6(Uc'E oCOJ !oC)(!o- o)LOJoo(JooPoCvc(ooou!OJ(,)go-oG (U(!o!J()o-o0, !ouo2o.o!(uo(oo.o)d, rnc{oot-r{q-og.=(oE(U(o_9C'goP(o(!CL (uo(!3E='o(uaoEr! !(,ov,doou0ctE !U L(u! ri I N: |, l 0*:bs gE(t r > _g I r! .EE >! n :s l -l ,r \ f\ st r- . , l F.t RE t.Nr ! t/ ) a ni l It qb. e .= b:a<E !f(u u- 2J^oc ! -F t 6' P P (Y l t .= ee H 4: J I d{ * -E d. E L( l , o o) o ( ! ll g 0 J i- g E dS ^ E< = = 9o c i .o ^ ri T EE E c c{ :- : UN l t 6c!@r{c{v1q+z. (\orFlmo OloNFl (n Olo"o - - ' c{No Olo(or{(\ l F{ r!r1b.dlr 1o r{ F{r. { ri(\ I r. { 01Flsl f\tno (nFi rnoNF- t @Fl(oc! rfo NFiNrl<f F\ !ir\o(oo @el rnc{N Ol ?.. |C') r{oFl oN(. oc!6- 'o o(\tnF!Olo oc!Fl(\rl Nc!Nr\ l (no sfr!(nc\ l l' .o (UE=E(!E(J E_9(oEc(uo(9oF 0.) )zoL o o(U ,( U!= coto-ooG,Ea! -c cco\z o CotOJ -ooE, !(oE coEo-ooG!(! tr IFo coa,(!E o(U(l. ) -c= o)(uo-c= cotd, -oon:ot! !t) cor(u-ood.E(! !t) cofo!ot13(!.c "1Nn iD o !EEToo 6oE. gE> o!6- OEE .e 5 Eo r beoOoE l eoE2 ctot9= 0JEoo{I rsbH UAJqIsocqJ+, .soOU E 8S -v t s IE .F -9 . (ooE(oooc(!o.) -oEo) !33(Uz boc't roOJco6o!=!G,) J(J(uo-(I , tr3oz opoboco(!o-ocoo- (oUhocGo-o!C(!EoqE(UoGo- (U ihoc(!(u-oE(u-c .3E(U ., YU(!o- a\ FIa' c\l rno oa.lb' rlr{F-. 1 CNc\ rJ . )c\ l 00o cc(u5Z o(ooF(ugL(o(, oF .ind 603EEEoo irE- e L'ol , o- oEE .c G €oEE aOoooo39 do(,= Oisl-a0J0JOr=$\ r$bH ()OJqqJUcoqJs€OU E ! u: -Y t s TE . E fo=Ncdr{FILoooE3oJoo-9o.E(1 l .( J=(lt !!Ect!o!(l)=o- ooCLEouUE(uUso-o, _90. ,o.E= fo<t (o(Y ) !(g-9oo=o-:zoo_9o-E(! .9:,oT' !C(!oE_9=o- =oc<l (o(n(!(u jjodoEooc(oU =ooornQ., _9oE(oo.9f(o-c-oc(!oo'f , ocovooEc(!(U!rE6f!oho(oU 6rlor' loro rl(\\oFlr\o Fia!6oOlo Fir!(nc!olo oNoc\od -cooF coo(! ro(Et^ o(lJ !(! tt t Po(o(9oF dar i .1 iE . 9 3EEE . ooHE t>oto. oEEea :E o IE88 . e6E2cto(,= qlqJv,E\ rsbH (JAJqAJ()sBcAJ+J .s€OU E 8S sb R r- { h f i ov(oP(l ) -co'oco(ubo(os(J .9EOJcoEo.E(EE==-oo)&. pz)ot-lu)9)-ua])-I!D)I).2)ui))-u=532i-tlt!:JIilJ1 i tr=a f(D' at gOJ .c(E !otr(!oUTio(EOJb0a,c(!Eo.)(,OJo-c o(\ t \lr- l rno (nr! (. oGIol stNNEtr\o o6(9EGU1 !l!(J ,9(EFgso .2(!Fo ndnN coEEEE oo ioEq x. > OE6- OEF .g t- €oEE oOoqoo89 do19= Or=6tolJ _qJ6i\ €! bq UqJqAJ(. )BAJ+, .E\OU E 8S .v t s t0 q r h r- r ra d{ o!CTE 'oc(ogE(tJxo0c(oo-o!otEe(9 to(o-o(uJ(o !ucoooo)Eoo-cEo)(J!o.o€. (Uv,(o -oEo'o(g-oEOJ(o(U -: z(g-o&)'t foUsCL0)E,o(oo_gx(!=oCEg(!P.soocGo-oE(u(o0., (J (J .. t :3Ec(g-9oPcoQ(!=(!(UJ(!-o(u !E(uU(oo-oE, o(\orta\lo stNF{rlcoo stN(\rlcno st(\o)c{No aoEoF oF EoeF oF .in -. q i! oEEET _9 o s!Eg x. > o€o- oEE .e a 5q r ts E aOoc l oa 5 e1 do(,= q,oftr lqaP\ TEE !'{ qJqqJUsosqJ .s.e:EOU B us i6 b t r- t h f i cinN coTFEg . oo !=E .! ! t>o!ooEh g E6 5gEE oOoos9 do(,3 '6oEo-Eo(J '613o)uoc(o(J\t(\ f{r{Notp(!Ec(uOJ(,oF ao!3 .oEa.EI\ TF b !. { ()qJtqJ()sBcqJ !s€ou b ! u: (= E H t- t q ,j; dr. iqa1 608EEr . ooopE. C t>OE aoEF 9S €q ,EE88 oo89 c,oI= OJco€coUEa!(UT'E(od(,Eo:,Ltr. lF.or{oE(! Ho6OJcaJ (DI rsbH UqJqAJ(JcoAJ *iE.EOU E ! u: 6b R t' i q ,l; .i.i 60EEE8 . ooo= ; .q ) t>o!ooEE .e 6 €oEE oOooeo39 C,o(9= NoeAJc0JoI\ TE bH (Jq.rqq)UsGcqJ+JB\OU Eu: fr E H r- i h dx d.iar i coBEEg oo !pEo r. 9OE oogEsd €oEE3g qo82 clog,= o!E=Ec(o(U!(t ro'6o.Cuoc(uEoboc(E(J(oF{r{rl6lN6lc!Jo C!csV'ornoBtUsqJ 'oa-5G5\ rsbH oqJqqJ(JosqJ+r .s€OU E ! 8S EE H Nh ( ) 6 d.ifi 60EEEg oo@=Eo x. > ot , eoEE 14 E 6 E- qEg aOooB5 Q1 do(,3 trE!a )oE!qJc0Joo-5sEl\ TE bH Uq. , qqJ(JtroAJ+, .ss.EOU E 8S -Y t s FI q J : Nq d x OJ IEc(!oEOJUc(EE.U g-(f )FlFlN(\ lCJ !(t rEc(!oEo@c(o-cU -rnOl fnItN(U!tE -Ec(ooEOJboC(!EU NF- l (oosl rnNF..(\r!o cnN6c{r\o Eo .od. EoE6 .in is o -E6EEEoo lr pb. 9E>OE aoEE .2 4 EoEEoOooooE9do(9= r+(r ) (f}(oHc6a-Bl J rsbi (,qJqa)UoAJ !EOU E ! us -v t s c\ q J : N( / \ 6 oboc(EE.Uo(u!it ra o,LEo)o(oo.oG. oFisforiFl oc!oorlrlr'l 'o(! !rn co,c(!Io(! .inN coEEEgoo irE. E OE*EYo .2 4 5oEE oOoo 'a 389 Cio(,= (uboco-c(Joov(EoF{=lor. l F{!(!E.n O)o\t(oNqoEBl{\ TE bH (Jq)qqJ(. ,Gq) !cBOU E ! 8S -Y t s cr ) 0J S Nh d x .inN coEI oo ipEq , r, 2 otdoEE .g =^ €oEE88 . a^89 cio(,i cq,Ea-5bl{Jco.GEo_a- iho,u-a)o-r<g5a r!bH (Jq. )qqJ(JcocqJ !.sGAEou E ps .g oi EE .I (U(l)vo=coo,EIo.E(!E(ooGc(, , E(u(l , -cPU0.,o- .soOJo,)Eq)o) J():,co o.=(oE3o.EE(!oEo) .NcG->oEOEOJ(. ) (oo- OJG (u.Eco(uo.oIcoo->(o.s(oEE' (uu(oo(ut (u0)v(Jfoo.g(t )o-E(!E(!o(!colr , oOJv(J=coo.=-go-E(!E(oo(!v(u .9(oc(oo0.,v,(),cooooE(!E(!oJooE or' {drc\slo (nr'{r\ocoo COrtr'lFl$o rn!- l rnc!Fo (OFlrlr{r\o olF.l (\ Ja\ l r\ l oNFioelo o(! or PcoF Pc(ut- ot! o(! c)L(!(Jo(! ci fi 60NEx6E8 . oo irh. c t>OE 6- OEE .s 6 €o ieoO .s g cL o82 do(93 Eo)o) t- -o(uq5L !0) .cfI -oOJ I Eo) -c=u !OJE=u E(u-c=L Eo-c=u rnr{rnosto rJ ) rlr' lN(oo (or{rn(. . l r/ )o r. . ri "o - - ' !- loo ooFt6FlOo orFioc!(\ l oNrnc{sto r{c\ ao - ' (\ !no -o(lEUoG c(l. ) :zo coLF .l f(ostf l !(os(J (u(!(, E(o PcOJF ctr 'b>' IglJ - !Bq-0JGOrHq,a.a-5\ r$Eq q)qAJ(JocAJ+rEou l ! u: NE S t.i.1N ooEEEI oo isE. C t>OE ooEE .g t- EeEE88 s' 9 do(9i tr6'b{0rq-oqJ l{o- (J\ €E \o(Jq,,qAJ(JsGAJ€06 E ! g: Ar h cn q 6 EoOJF Eo!-=I Eo=E !(l )=u- E(U!t! Eo)2u- !0)2II Eofl! (nr. l rnoo t)rtF{Nroo (orlInc{Lno Nr'{ "o - ' !- l@o oor- l ooFl6o O)F- tor!(\rl oNrnNslo Fl(\@(\tno !(!E,Uo(! ccOJ>zo coF TI(!-c E(o-cL) POJL(o(9 E(o co .ici iE o !Eol :EToo (J =E .! 9 E> o!ooEE .2 s6 EoEEuOoo89 do(,= c6EIou-6IJ J tLo-\ r$bn (JqJqq. , (. )osqJ !.sB\OU E 9s .! u -q J h \l | ta , dX !o)o)F EOJ=L :oo)Efu !o!:,L Ec, -=l! -oo)0-?II 13(u3II :oofI (nr{ofi1(no rnFl r{(\ l (^ o (orlrJ ' )c\ r.r ) Frloorl "o - ' @r' {@F{@ Ot F-{oc\c! r' { oc! tnNt+o dr\ lmc{ ln Efl t Co:zEo CoF Efl , E(!(J (u(! (9 Eo c(uLL r. i .'!d i! OEFEg , ooo=E. C x. > otoi uEEe6 €oEEB8 8" 9 do(,= cct 'b\Io, .\rr_0J=t{a- (J €s bq Uq)q4. ,UoOJ+,oOU E ! 8S GE S !(1 ,cJF !o!3t! Eo,:,L E(UE, !II Eofl! Eo-=II E(U6:,L !OJ:,L (r 1rio(n(no rnrlr{(\ (^ oo (oF{ln(\ l rno NF{6i{6o €F{6- ' r. {@o Ol !- lor\ l6lFl oNl. . )e!sfo rlNoc! rno Et!cLr t Ccq) \zo c(UF !,(!car , E(! !(J uo(g(, !(! cot- .ind 60 -Ex688 . oocr = E. o r>o!doEF .r ! fi €q r ts e oOoot8o, do(93 oaEo€U5t .sxEtroILor<cE\ r$bH UqJqqJUsoo. , +JtrB\OU E ! sr s .! t u GE .F Eooo- (!suoE0,,u-goc)d. (nFi6rnEo0.,1loo!E(oL'=(uz o-oE(!(JuocxECoE(up(UEo(J(oo.oE (,ooo. (l ,s@!o)(J(uo-c @oo)(\Flo (nF.l00oft ' )o r'lN\tc!r\ _9 p(!co(U(9IF -c . !pt! !co,o)(,IL E(! v1 cOJF dc,inN iE oEEEgooopEgE> ot t 6- OEE .2 5 ioIE60ooE5 Q1 do(,= q,€Eo€(JOt tr:lEo.Pa\oqf<qE\ €s bHUqJqqJ()oqJ+, .so\OU E ! u: RE . } (!ooo- (!so0E(u(J!ood (!(uoo. (o(!ooEoL'go- OJE. t!(Uoo- r!suoEoL)so-od Eo(uEo(U-oE(!()3OJz. t(Uoo- r!(!ooEc, (Joo-c or{Nr\ lNt- i ri?.tNo-fo rlrlrnosto (nFIb'oCNo r- lc!sf r\ |No sp(!co(u(,oF coF. c(uF _g o (!scoo(9oF Pc(UF l.l .1)c(!c!co:=vc(uEOJo3ooo(! !(uoF (uo) rooo-og(!c, -9!(ucoo, (J o,o, !(u0. ,EE(!oc_9Eo,g(!o- r\oc{ (\ l€o olocoo(r lo FiN(o(\ t too s!p(!-cC(l J (U(9oF !!9(occo)(ut,oF P(l. ,(!(JeFc(uF nN'1N 60EEEg . oo ioE. c t>ot , 6- tu EEe5 €c r EE oOooS, 5 s1 do(93 o\t!0J tt\ TE bH UqJqq., (JsBcAJ+r .< cGOU E g, E .P qr GE } .i"., ! io OEEEs . oo io8. 9 OE oi uEE pGEo ts E88 'a B8P do(,= G=trqJolooz0JGo_oooaIt!\ rsbq (JqJqqJ(JcGsAJ !.sG\06 E ! u: SE E ooEEcr!aE=o.Eoogo.oG, ooEEc(oo-E=o- !(UQt!o.oG, -9o- .scE(!. , lCooUEoo,o(ooo.o|- ooE!c(oo.E:Jo. 1Jo(J_go-oE, o)oo)Fi(no O)o\-rcot-o Olo(ni'lr\o or'{Nr't r./ ' )o (,Fd,F F(,F oCLooFEEo T'(! -cU E(!oc3J,ofo,)(!=oo) -c=o):.. t :o-o.EooE(u!'6o- (u&, 'or!oc=izolo)(U-c3L0,,Eo. ,CoE!oso(!G Ol !ioNrn FIc!6F-{r\ oF !(!E. .i.i coEFEg 9Oo=E. EE>OE o- oEEy6 €obeoOoot8 9? do(9= AJc{t\ rsEH qJqqJUocqJ .}JcGou bu: ,\ . } & t(!CLoOJ .s!(U.c(oo- !v=(uCco-oou1 t!!(uUGo-oG, (oo,coGo,Ftl t3ocE,23E(!(uE(u3co(U2(ov(J(lJEoE.( JEo-cUoF-{oE(uU(!o- (ud or- {o33coo.Eo.E.9Eo)(JcoOJ(!v(JOJEU!0. ,c(! -qU @r{coOr=e. (. )c-9(!oo 'r ' !c{cE3o)3EOJoobo= @rlmOl=&. (JCoEo0 u' )NE'=(U3!OJooEO ! oo-i(nOl3G. (Jc-eoh! u'' )c{EE=(u=E(uoob0 !tn @rl(nor=G.Uc_9(ououl c.. lE.€3o)3!o)c()oo:ah @r- lmo)3a(J_9(ooo4r! !E](U3!o,@oo:l @r- l rnOl=e.(JE_e(oho .J ]NEg3o33ohobo _=t/l 6FI(nOrB&.U_9(ooo rr ' !c\ -cE3o3!(uboo0:ln o)F- l (ooc!FI t- l r. ' t rnosto rif\c!Olo !ic\sla. l F{r{ F- l(\NoNr{ Fle.lc\c{c\lrl a. ' l (\ rJ )oFlo c\No6l f{o (\c{(no(\ lo Nc!(\oo (U(o(9!(!U .o&.IF o(! E(! !v, oScOJgF .odoF ooF oSc(uF oL\-o&, Eo .. ind ooEI 9oEr g 8. 9E> ot , aoEE .s G €oEE oOooo. 6E2 do(,= H6H!g5.Bq)(Jr4ol .s !i Eb= (J4.,qAJ(JcGAJ !cGOU E 9s .P q, ob R r. 1 ( / ) d ; c,coo- iiroo)hosii C)co.9o- -ooboo0E ocoo- iI!oho06 iI o)cc)o- iiEOJbob0 ii o) .Eo)o- iI!OJoo .9 0o- o)c--q)o- iiEoboboE 0) .Eoo- iIEOJoooo ii OJco.+o-EOJooboE tl,oL3ozboc!o3ocoof(J(!0)2(! coil l!=3oosoEJ(J(us(,E.9Eo)oEooEoG. oo)o€BU=boEU0) .gEots(!6 Loo.ooo(J .9ooUcoo2(t,(! !sl !-{!(uU(oo- (t)E, @.s(o(JcoEJ'ooo-c3o:o3-9-o q=:Ec(oo) -cc3o'( f , rornornooo(oo0 rnE..:3o)iE(uoouo= too- (uoo-oa(ULo-c, .ELo)Ecbo .gooOJ -cco(UGo-oa{ -ooU(!o.oE t(!o. L.9(U.g13q., .E(oo- .:3OJco-ootJ 1U:o(uo!o(Ud. xo-oq)oE(1 lU=(u=Eoo, .g-6.9Eo,(J==!(uU(!o(Ud (o0)ooFFUIU\3(U.1 :3JZ(, )oUE.( , )Eo(JoF-{ot.l f0)U(oooE, oi2(!vQo-cUEo,oEo)EC(!o) .Eooc(!U=o-o(uoo(!E(J rnr{o stOlo t-or'.o<fo Nornrlrno r\ornF{(o r\ornFiN rro(T 1o"o - ' Itrot)r!or. l r\or{Nrl.- t 00o(ooNo r-of. .orno rro!-{r- {o No(. or. l rno r\oolN(oo r. .oo' rFlt-o r\ol'.c\ lO)o Nornc\ toF.l oootooF{o oro(or. l Lno slr{(nc)No strlOr r.. l roo rf ) r. lc\F. l (oo (oc- { rlc\ l r\. 1o (or. lstosfo (oFtsloo (or. l (oocoo or\ tNo"o - 'o oNrloo)o F{N(oc\oo E!p(oEc(u0)(,oF cocoo)oLco)5Z d)c(ootJ 1o(u)z E_s6!c(u(u(9oL E-s pG-ccoc, (9oL Co(oJEoo -c!p(!coo(,oF oSZ- ocL(. ) \z Co(aJE(uo) oC(oEc;(\ , E(uc(1 , Ic;G EoLoo EOJ (u !o oCoo(! cOJF!o c(u(!Io(o E(ovlo.o cinN 60EEEgoo iuE. 9 t>OE ooEhe6 €obE oOoo . ooE9doo= BriE.E5.tr0,tY)Or .s IEbe (JqJqqJ(JcosOJ .L ,sG.Eou su: ob R N( / ) d S c)c(uo. ii!o.)60Uii (uco.so- !obo .9 pL (l. , .gc).soEc.. )mo0E o,EEo- iTEoboooE (1 , .E(l,o- ii!obobo ii !(!o-cOJ3fo(uc=oGCo-9CL .scoocE(o(u!(l )(J(!o-oG, ocott - iiEoboo0 ii c,=OJo- ii!obooo ii c,cc,o- iiEoEOb0 iT Eoooa0fE.o.gc.9ooU'oOJ (. ,go-oG Eoo0o0:fEo,=c.oooU'o(U() !o- (t )E, o-E)o-=Jd)LUcoE@(!o. .go!(U(Jso- (Ud. co.eE23Eo(J!ooE,qJL)o!L' t,(, )E(l,()EooE(l )d. joo_9.E(oE3=U3couoc,E(t r -gb0 .9Eoo-o!0.,(,so-o) t 'oL'EC(!o2(!poc_9ooct lr J 'oo(,(!CLoG, Eobob0=E(o3(!P(u(lJLc.9P(-)oc(o.9Eoc(J(uEc=o,o. .gcNr- lE(u(Jso-o, E(o(U:o=coo)2(l lv(J0) t(JcoUJa,(Uboo0:o- :o(UL' -go. (ud. :o(oo=o3coo)2(!Jc,o=(Jcdrr iEoooEO=o. 'o(uogo-oE, (o(r 1otnooocoEoo tn!P-3ooc,G(ou:oo@m:, r(!o-Ecc, .E-oo) .E(!o- !v3OJtro.!3o2(oooE(u(J(!o-o, t (U2(!vUo, .EoEII t!Eo)oobo fE!(U(J-go- (Uc. oo()c=oE(Uo(uE,coEO 't roq0E'a.! !E(!E(u(J-go. (Ud. FIN It -oNo.+o F\or/) F-{rno Nornf- t (oo Nou1F{t\o r\o(noooo Forn(\o r\or. l f!r{FI @o(oo(\o F.or\o(no r\oF{r.{slo NoroFIrnc) r\oo)a! (oo f. .oor?.{No t\osfc!No r\or\c{olo r\ornNoil €o(ooF-{o otoor{<to Olo"o - ' r{(oo CNr{CNorn <f FI(norn tnF-{<l r- lo lnF-lNoNr. l (oF{rnN(o r\F- l \loorl 6FI "o - ' (\ t (n €F-{rnosf 01 F{ntr\ ot\ l rnrteo F.{Ncr lo(n E3. 0(Esco(U(,o! cocr!OJvtoCc(u5Z coc(!ot/\oc0,,>l !!p(o !c(Uo(9oL coc(!o) t/ )occo5Z go(otE(Uo(9oF co(!JE(U(u .Ego .ECoo(,oL FEc) (1 , FEoo, coc(!-c;G o-=(ooco!z E(Uo qJo) -ocoo c(l)c(! Ici(o o(u-ooo FE(uo) -coEoQ) (uL ci(! !(g (- J IF ri-!N oo -'Eit r l !Eg oo ioE- g t>otor uEE pG€o r beoOoc l ooE? cto(93 c\ lFl. !ostq,() (4O) .s 6S tEbz (Jq)q4.,(,cBc0.,+,o=ou b ! u: ob R cn v\ dX .inN 60EFEg ooqr = 8. 9 o!qoEE .2 6 €q ,EE oOoOoo39 doo= 60.,co(UFtnU}3(Uc-c33-o(oo!:o3coo->Gv00. , -c .U6.uE(uuoFlo!q., I(oEOJG, OJ .=3ooo .EGUco0.,oI(Jo)Eu!OJoE(ud.cnrl riC{Nosfo ric{OtoNFl oF o)F (Ucoo- ii!ooo .9 9o- (Uc(l )o. iiEobobo iT o,C(UoiiE(Uoo .po- (u:OJ .9o-E(Uoo .! pcL (uc(u.go-Eooo .9 po- (uco.go-Eobo .9o- ocOJ .o - o- -o(uboo0 iI ocOJo- iI!oEO .9 9o- TJG0., -co3(ooovU(u(JE.9E(U(Jco l!'oOJrJ(!o.oG, co.t_cv3Eo(.. ) (!o- OJEc(! -: zu(U-c(J6.9E0,,EUEo)oE(tJE. !=,x(J(o-ocoo(oo!(U(ucE(UU(!o- (Ud. .=(o='t5oOJ=coU]_9-o(lJ:@IJco0.,2(! Ioo-cU '1 3 o(J(oE(uE, !(oo=(u3o3o-ocoEoo.scot!-t ,QJu_eo- 0.,d.(l , .gcoIJcoo)2(! J(, )o) -coEo()sCLo,€. J(Jo)Udocd)UJ3oC(o!-9fo- (1 ,cd) lr r3(Uc(! -o_9=o- E(!oEco.=EOJ .ct!CLE!.3(ucco-ool!Eo(,(!o-oG, .=(EEOcJG-92op(U 't f(Uco-oolf JE(UU(!o" (Ut E(oo:o3oxo3coEoocorlostEoU(!o-o)E o,ooPcoEo)o(uo@c.Coooc,6,9E(!EoU(EoOJ€. oo=0)iEooo-3(ucc(o 'oC(o0)2(! !o0,, !(Jcot!!ooso.oG, (o0,tro(UPFt/ ' t rn=ocv.3E(!(u.c(u3coo(! !(JOJ !o(!.9EoE()or{ostE(UU(oo- OJd. ic=E'o=;L3o-Efo- cot!EoU-qo- OJd. (f )oo F\ r{ or$o (orf )o r\oNoto t\ornrlrno r\ornrlrc )o r\ornrir\o F-o(no@o FolnNo Norla!rl @o(ooNo r\or\o(no Itor. t F-{sto r\o(oF-{rno r-oorr!roo r. .oorFIF..o NoNe. loro r'-olr ) r!o @o(ooFIo (nF.{O)(\Lno \frl(noc\o (or. l (noFIo (or- lNNF-lo €rlF.oc\o 00r- lOro(no @ri(nor\o o)r{o6l6o oNolc\\fo oNtnF-. , |@o r{c!O)o\.rno r- {(\ "o - ' (\(no -c.l rnorfo dr!orr!st go(o !c(U(U(9oF coc6OJvlocco.) :z coc(!0. ,occc) :z 39(D-cco(u(9or s. o(o !co(U(9oL c0,(oJE0.,o _9 0 (o !co6)(,oF c(Uc(o-ci(! ofL(goc(uV (UOJ -ocoso (uo) -oco-co (uc, -oco-co oFE(u(u EEo, .oEEl! !(J cEF =U-L(9 oL oL(o(9E(o (l oF oF>oG, .inN coEEEgoo q) =8. 9E> ot*Ego .2 5 EobeoOoo 'a E89 do(,= cn*H.E&5.B0Jo14ol .s hS \j Ebz (JqJqAJ(JcocAJsOU E ! ss .P o ob i \t h 6 ci.i .. 960"EEE . oo 6oh. 9 t>o!ooEh .9 Eq 5obeoOoooo32 doo= ol=vUo-oo-cc3orosfr+oo_9Gqo tr l !P3(u3-o(u@uo6 CJ 'd!(,(! !oE,c3o!or- {os33o.eo@rnE,33c,=E(Uooooa C;2o-v .(JOJ(J!ooEo!c(oOJcoocGo=oEOJooc(o-cUrn00o F-{a! t' )r- l t.o F!a{LOr{f. .o rlc! (.ooooo o(o o(o (uLFo (u .Eoo- iT!(uaoUE o,2(!Nxao!c(!tsoo-=(n!oooc(! -c .(, o)c(uCLEt,OJ@.9 9o- oC,oo- iIa,OJoooo iT ocOJo-E'l fo)@.9 po- OJcoo- iIEob0bo ii f,xit roG(U-t ,ooooo=ao) !c(! roobooo:o- fbocvo3oco(!fo(!o,(g OJ iEuo .c(ooTNF-{coo)2(!(! -oN!c)usooE, oOro@tsU3t(U:Eoo.E6.9E(uo=(uc.=!I:,L coPs.!3Eo,o(oo-o,Ec(ov,(. ,OJE,UE.9E(u -cu!ooEoE 'o(o(u-c(u3oo-E=o-EoIo.E6UJE(u(,(!o- (Ud -o(oOJE.o=oo-Efo-Eoo.Ecot!EoUso-0) d o2(oJ(J0) !U4UJ(u-c .E(uo(oo-o,E, t(!o-EcLo) P.E!o.c(!o-E3(l,cco!otJ ' tuI'OJ(J-cCLoG, T' (!(u-cOJ3oo.E333ocE-0 . ,=o- !(!(U=o)3Pov(Jo=(,, )E.!2E0) (JEG(1 ) .=coLl t iooU(oo- (ud (!ococt r(UFtnar13ocE..t3E(E(Uo3coo2(!v(JC,(JEE(UUodo\t!(Uc.) (r lo. (ud E(g(u:(U3(oJ(,o)T(Jcou,ocP:oo(J(oo- (uc. o2(oJU(U-cUEooEo:oc(oC) ,E@c'a(oU=oEoooc(! !(J <f (oo NornF-{ooo r\o(r 1oooo r\orna!od r. .ornNF-{!i @oLnot\o r\oslr{r\o r\oF{F- lNo r\o6Firro r\or\c!O)o Folr 1c{oFI @ornoF-{o oroNodH (\ l riNriF{ {!-{cnoNo (oFIolc!r{o l'.F-{ao ' - ' rlano o)F- l (r ' )oslo ol r- {oa\l6o or\ t lno@o Flc\;'c! (no F.. l c{rnoo r{r!stN(oo Fl6l rno@o of(!occo)z a5(oocco\z E.P(! !cOJo)(,oF E_g o (E-ccOJo) (9oF c(UGJE(uo -c-g o(o-cco(U(9oF F(9F ofltE(! tU o- ln,ocCOJ :z o- f(!occ(U\Z E(u(U !o T,(!-c .v)o(!c(lJ5Z oL=o eoG:o(! !U -oecoF o(o(9E(osU oF LoE oScoF dnN GOEEEToo ioE. 9 x. > otdoEE .e 8 €a r ts e88 oo82 do(9= \t|.l .H!o:!qJt\4Or .s IEbz UqJqqJ()socqJs.SGOU E ! u: ob R LO h ( ) 6 o)c(Uo- iT!q)oo .9 9o OJc(uo- ii1fo)no .! po- (ucoo- ii't fOJbou0 iT OJc(uo- ifro(ubo .! po- o, ,=Eo- iiE(Uhob0E OJ .E(uo- iI!o,dooo iI (u .Eq.) .sa!o@oo ir - - d(uCJEo=oo-EJo-EoOJ .goEo.,ooc(o(. ) E(!OJEo,3oo-E5oEoOJ .Ela l !OJ(J(oo.oe. coE,E=!o(J -go. (uEE(o -5 2(.,0.)o6.9Eo.c ,I!(uoEoE, OJ2Gtroo- _9o-E(!a\ 'ooo(oo- (Ud. =o=-s z(J(! -oco!'6(J=o- 0)cco-o!0,, (go-o,2(!ol(UCL .: Zu(o.o(oo.g(!Ejzoql II Jo'oo,Eo,coU (uo(Jc,oEo)oOJECoooc.Coboc.9 .E(oEoU(!ooG (!c,cooFtht/ \3(ucEE3E(!OJ:(uicoo2(1 , Iu(uo6.( )EoE(Jor- {ost(ulJ(oo(l, t .9f(!gpcfCoo3'ootot/1 !(oo!:o=ocfoE(lJoEOJ(J(!o- (uE, =vcoEc(oo-EouIoE(! -o!oI(!o-o, t oo 't roFI!OJb0c(o !U<ioaoo- ,cEc(o=oo.EfoEoo.E)o- do(Jo)o- .SEC(ofoo-E=o-E(uoElo- bocoa! !o)ooc6Ud(u(J(l. ,o- .s'( ,c(!=oo-Eo- !(uo-Efa- boc't rG(U !ooEo'-L)o,oEo, (oOJ (9 tnri (oc{d t.oNo\-\fo NorJ . )F-l rf)o NornF-{(oo Nol. r ) F-{r\o r\o(noooo r\orrr{oFI @or.ooNo NoNo(r 1 Nor- t F-{sf r\o(oF-{r/) 1. .oO!c\(oo r. -ool r. {N NoNc!ot @o(ooF-{o oF-{Nof{o (nFIrnc! rn r+FICNo6lo <tFIF- l (r " )@ lr ) F.{r!NoFi Ol r{Nr. lN -iNOlom dN(nost Fic! F-{r- l r,. l Hc!of{Nf-. 1 c{r.' lslNNo c\c\ i.{(nrn c!a\ f- too (\NNosfo rna! !-{f{rno -9 p.o-cC(u(u(,o1- cofo-ooE!(! dIc(!ov)occo\Z coct!ot/ 1occOJ !z t9(o=coo.) (9oLL !. 0(!E(1 . )G, !(9or -cso(!co) (l J(,oF E(!UE(u(U Eoo, o. :,L(oocco\z o3(oocC(u}Z oEoo o, .gc=E(o-c . (J oF oF =(uU -ot E(oE.. / lo(o CoF=oF ooF -cooLF .o&. .inN ooREEgoo qr ! ; .! ! E> o!o- oEE .i =- E- et EE oAoosu 9 c,o(,= r)(EqJ !0r(J(/ )Orc h€ !i Eb= (Jq,qAJ(JcoAJ 'l ' rcc.EOU E 8S U ob R \o h r ; nNnN 6( ) !EolvEg oo6r = h. cE> ot , aogE .e 5 EoEEuOoooo89 cioo= JG)ooo2(gOJfOJo- JQ(!-oo,) !0.)Ugo- (uG, !oE3o_LfEo-coEco. )==GcoOJ2(o-9Eq,0)c-o(l. )u(oEoE o-EfCL -gosc3o-oEo)(J(!o- (u>a _9o'C.Co-oOJboo!Uio't roEcopfco( D oc>o (!!Et o-&' t 0)o-: zo=:(u=(l. ) (!o-Eo-=-oo,E-9(!E oo0) rr l\ot(!E(uoE(u(!ooEgooGorncd(oEqJoc (u .EcoUfocor.o.s(oo-o'( ,OJc(!(l)o bocGo_ooE.9Pu(u(UEo(ocJ (9 xoo. 't r '6E(Ubo (o .. cU (oo! (nIod.Q!ots(!UI ooC'-oc) -ooPE(J.EUOJoEo(!o(9 rn(o fi' )c! (Oc! r/ )o rnc{b'o(Oo rnN(ootoO rna.. l (or{F{Fi rna{Ol "- {rlrl ff )(\Ol c\r' { r' { (7 )GIorn!.1Fl stc!a1FlF- to rif6lr! riFlO sN@c!rnO coF\!o '5oLScq.)F E(!EU)OJ6(9 .oG,Eos, oLo(, -oGsr/ toF !ooF .od. trc) (!(9 .9(!o .ot (u.gOJo- ii!OJUEO ii o:oo. iiEOJEOo6 ii OJcoo- 6- !q)bo .9o- ocoo- a- :ooo0 .q 0o- o=oo- ii!(uooho ii (uE0,)o- dEOJoo .q o6- o.L ,tOJo=o (Uv(u=(lJo-F ool(uo-F oc'=oo.)ooo.lJ.c=o- fELol(u6- NoNosfo r\olJ ' )F- l lno r\oI. r ' F-., | l. oo r\ornF{No r\omo@o r\oNo(no Fo01r. t \to r\o(oFirno NornF- l (oo l- .o"o - ' F-{r\o FroNc!Oto oa!orot. rla'. 1(no6 F- lc\ (nFIor{ c!p(!s(l, ,(l,L(9oF oto!oEE(! !tf , coc(oOJ tt toco, SZ ct)c(ootJ 1occo)z c!0(gc(u(uLuoF -c_g o (!-co(U(9oF o(E(9o(o coFoF -cqo .inN iE oEEEg . oo irEo t>o- , ooEE .s GEobe8B ooE2 do(,3 (ot!0i5bq,eo\4tr t .S TE b? (lAJqqJ(JsBcAJ+rG\OU E ! u: R, I & oc(uo.E!c,@oo ii OJco)oE.l COJboEO ii (I)cc,oEa, (Ub060E 0)c(UCL iI13(Ubob0 ii (Uc(UaiiE(ubobo ii (uco)o. ii:o(Ub0oo ii (Uc(l)o. iiE(l)mu0 ii fGJIJ(! -o(uco(u2(! -9!(uoc(\ t F-{!oU_go-ola. 6-v ,()c, (J6.9E(UE. (. ,==-o(l )dE(!o€OJ3oCLE)o.Eo(U.Ecola jE(Uo(,o-ot TJ(ooso3oo-E)oEo(U.Eco lr JE(u(Jso-oG, conJ-c..u313o(J(o -o - o.)Ec(EJ(J(u !()6.9Eo. )oE(UoE(Ud. IC'o(Jt.UEo(J ll'5-oo)Lod!t!o):(U3oxo.oEooccoUJEc, I(!o.o)G, ,; J(Jo,QE.9Eo)s(J=fE(UdE(o(U:o)3oo-E=o.EoL(ucolr . lEo)(J(!o.o)&. bo60bofo-o.gcola lCoJoo(JE'o(J(oo-o&. ==cc(o(u !c3o!(ofoolnooo(ooo r/ ) !g3o)=E(u@oo6 f(oo-oc(u.E'oo, .g(oo. g23(ucco.oo(At!Eq,(,(oo. q.,E, h0 .c(ooc.9(,:, !oLo.c=oE3OJ co P(o(ucoE(UFtJ 1 t/ ' t3(u !nit15(o(u=(U3co(U.:(!J(,0) !oE.9Eooorlo+Eo(J(oo.@G, uoc.EEtJ )UEc(BOJo- '6 -Ftlltl.t :3EOJU(!o- OJE,oi .g3oEooc'6(o(Jcoo.>(oJ(Jo!IJEo)oEod. ou- .=cosoo .soooEo)(J(oo. ()G, (\6o o0@ri t-or\o<to t-olnf. . lu)o r\ornFI(oo l'.oIJ 1riNo r-o(no@O @o(ooNo t-ol' .omo r\o(nr. . l to Fo(oFi t)o Not/ )F-l (oo FocoF- lNo t.or\c!Oro oooroor- lo NFI6c\ t r{Fi anrlrnc\l t.r ro mrit\(\@o st fi(ooNo -if-. 1@F{No st rloF- lNrl tnr. lNF- t r\o (or. l tori to O| r. lo(\ooo F-{(\c{r- { (no rlN(Y )osfo r- {(\sio6o (nGIOlo\.oF-{ -g6c(Uo(9oLF coc(!OJ tnoCco:z cl )c(o(u t/ )oco\z lp(! !c(U(u(,oF !9(o-ccoo(9oF !-9l!-cc(l](U(,oF o.. t :s=!(oU -9o.ooFEoOJ _9oo,oFEo(U o-=(!oc(uY. to-ood.c(U l- EQJoo(! fo.ood.coF Eoo, !o -od, -o(o-cU oa! oF -coCor aoc. f. iq i! 9EE6c _8 5 !J pE" e t>o. E , *cEq .e a 5oEE8g s" 9 do(o= N(!o,:ba)Ur4O) .s r€b= ()qJqqJ()cGsqJ+,s.e.E.U E € 8S ob R oO vt di E_9.ooo-Eo.F(!.oc=EEooo0c!Lo3oco(o=(JG(u2(o :o0.,ooho=o-oco*€.;.9ooUE(u(Jn,CLo)c. E(ooEo)3P(o(l)ovUo) !U6.9EoUoEo)uGE(uE. -vUo!(J6,9E0,U=f-oo,oi !(ooa3oo-Elo-Eoo.sco tr JE(u()(oo.od coEc3EoU(!o(,L:oC(! I()oUE.! 2Eo)uEq)oEo, d n0 'arc(.)coo(o(!_oc{Ec(otroo-ooo.E(uU(so(ud @'a(o()c.9Pl)=.!oo-c3oE3ocu T,(oq)E:OJ3oxo-ocq.,Eo(u.=cot!!(U(t rooc. bo .s(!(Jc.9(, ) fEoo-c=o!3OJ co orio<tB3aocUoC 6(!oo .q oovc(oEoo, .gcoLU]ocE_g=L T,(!c)Eo3o(uccotr t3OJEE-o ,=o- t(oo-6c(u.sE(u.cGa-.cz3o,co!oU)uEOJo(oEod E(!q)(t, )3coo2(! I(J(uE,(JE,( JEo)suc'6oUoCLcoo)3ocoF- lo<f=3EOJo(1 ,o- (ue. EGo-co3oxo-oc0.,Eo(uco!-{osl3=EoU(oo- c, ,E E(!OJ -co=oo.Efo-EooccotU]c)cE-9f.L c;2G.Yu0.,sUEooEo, 13E(o(ucboc,6(!(,=oE0.,ODc(o -g() CLEfo- (u(!oE(l)=.t=o-E=o-6.9E0)E(J4UJ(u-c .EOJ(Jao.oE, (7 )N r\ ior. l 00r{rl ooo01oN Oro(c )oo (Y ) fi(ori<fo (nr- l lo(\Ino st r. . {anoc!o (oric.l (frlo roF- lu)6l roo (oFioooo r\ F-{or F.{No N!- loFI$o l'.r- {F-a\l (oo @r{c\ lc!<fo or f. lCNoooo r- lc!Ori(no r- {c\o)F-t t-o FIr!oroOto !- lr!c\rloro c\ lc\b'oF-{o ==U I F o-=(!occa\z E(u(UcoF cooro Eo Coo(o oLF ccqJY,co oco,F ro(o(JooG o(o o(! 13(orno(! E(! !vlo(o o ., inN GOEFEg oo ioh. 9 t>OE oogE .e E €oEE oOoa L 0. o89 do(,= cot\U5EOJUVIE, .s 6{rt B3= (JAJqqJ()ctrqJ&sOU E ! qJ c .! ; 8& & !(!oUJo-E(U=oo.o(!fU(!o2(! Lov.o=.cC.9oo(JoLo-Efo.E.9Eo(J=J.cE@(!-co. .gEo)P'o(u(J(oo.oE. coE-cE3'oooso. (t) !C(! t()(uEL'E.9EoE(J !(UoE(uG. o2(g(! -oo\z=(U=cooJ(l,@U!(uU_( !o. (uG. d(!(U:o3coUo:t rooro6=U3(uo. )3FNr{.Ebo .c-c=-otFIxc\!- lE(UU6o(uE !(Uh006:o- :lGx(J(! !Coo(goE(uoc UI tn.g!'6uoo .soo(J=o-Ec(ot6o,Ec,oGE(Ud.+o-oo,b0uo=o. fizU(!co E(!CJc3oE{fE3o-oc\ lo.EcoUJ=LTJob0EO=E-o't )o(1 . ,g(!.9Eo)=UcoU xo-oc0.,q,o-o(!0):o3EoOJ ,EcoLUEobooo=-o -Eou-Eo. (u&. ri )c'6(ooo.FofEoo.c3o!=oco o)2(!J(JoQEc(!xo-oc(u(uoPE(!o:o3Eoo.EcoUJEobooof-o - 'oo()fl laod -9o- .+cE(uaoul) :o-3(!EGo!oC(!_qUEc(!oUsf-LQ(! .o'oooEOJd.or.{ost=Bboc(J(Uc (os!.g oo, !o.v(!Eo(l)ccoul=OJcE_qfo- o-Efo-=JcoUJ(UE.EEoo(!o. .g!lCOJ(J(!o. (ud !(o(u-cE3(tJE,oo-E=o-Eo() .EcoUJ3ocE_gCL tr(ooEcOJ .gE(u.=(!o- ,.t :3oEco-ooLA lr JEo)o(oo.O)G. J(Jo(JE.9Eo(Jolf JEo(J(oo. (UG. 'o(o(D:o)3coo2(! -: zo(l. ,Uo.uEOJE() .C(g(uIJLoo-co0. , P3ocoFio+==Eo(J6CLo)d 6FImO'l=G, (. )c_e(goo '/ ' )a\ .!3o3Eobobof 6r- . 1anO)=E, (Joc-9(ouo 'J ' !c! ..E3(,3Eobob05 ooel fi1Ol=d, lJ-9(!b, l, . lot2=o3Eooooof @F.{(not=G(Jc-9(!@4N!2]OJiEoh0b0= olooFIrlo (nr. t (nF-{c{r{ s!- l(noc\ lo <t F-{o(oo rnF-. 1 !- lc\ fno rnFIr- r-. 1 l' ro lnFI<f F-. , |Olo tnF- tor. loFI (oFIo(nF{o (or{lJ ' )NIDo (or{@oor{ r\ F{o?.1sfo r\FIr\a! (oo r. . r{F{r.. l r\o r\FI(nr. . l r\o Ol F- l (no6o o6t66l6lo F{(\or- l (no Fi c\, 1 (na{FIF{ r.. l (\FoNd r. l r\ la!a{Nd N(\ l (ooilo ItF co)c(o-o(! o=(!oc(U:z or! !(EcU co(o-o(! coF o o o coo(o Eo oF c(U:z!o Coc(o-o(! -go.o(uFE(Uo) E(!Ucoo(! o)(!(, o(! E(! tt/ t oCoF -oEo1- ooLF ci..i iE oEEoo ioE. EE> ot t ooEEea €o r EE8g '6 . B 89 cio(,= O)(to=!qJtvlBrc €E b? ()q. ,qqJ()cBcqJ+, .sBsOU Eu: db R ra t/ ) dX cinN oo"EE8 . ooErh .!c !/OE ' ooEE -2 E6 EobEoOoooo39 aoo= ooFicnOr3(Jcs(!@u'' !a{v;(,3Eo)@bo=u1 cor'{ (r )Or3d.(Jc:(ohou"!c\ l .!3(u3E(U@uo=tJ 1 00dmo) '3&. (JC-e6bo4a{E30.,3E0)u0ho= aoCE'=!!(uE(oo) -c0. , .;Po, -Y(uoobocJ(oOJ(uU(oE- (l)ELNc.. l a- . 1 6la. l (\ JFlo c\c{RfNo c!Nr!oo sfa{a\o\-rno ocoF o-od !o .oe.oFo(!(9E(o ciEo.oc.()co!,oo(,E:ocoE'6oEo3o(UGJIoso!,oggo.oc. oE:,oo.:€E.cc.9oooT'ousCLo&. co2EE]EoooooE'c6vI0)EUf.9EtugEooEoG, @oc,T'c,(,CfoEoc6(uoEcGoqJao.9EosocoU!,(l,uoo.(,d Eo!oh0o0=d0, .Eo.9EoEu6u.E(, .!2CLT'oU-goOJG !ioo)EC'3oo.E=(J3cofCcoqJCLEoI!,oUso- 0.,G EOcGocoofI'oCLc3o.(3-g6 coUoco.9E(UtocooE,(Jd=()=o@.gE3-c )doCLCLcEoogo0,G n0 .E6UcoU5!ooc]o!3-9d hoc'6oUcoFof!,oCLC]o'c t3od Eoo-EcOJ .cEo.s6o. !.!3occo.t toUEoI-gooG GOJcooFiOJCE2;EooOJ3co6J2oIUo-gu6.9EqJUoHostE'oo!o(uE OJc=o.9Eq) .cC)oo$3=poa-gooE. oo.sEtt tVIs:3!,oI6otU!coo.s;oGh0 ,C6IcoooJUo-cIt,ooEtun .Uf@!Eoo(,oEoEUP,3 ot3Ln-ooxOJo.Eo!,oo0c6E(l o0c't ro0J -oooE0't r6-9(u!t(,o(U(D oY,rj lHttox0)o- 't r.go!oooco(J h0 .Eoo-c )ooEoo0)EEooo(, oti3r/)H-c tox(uE.Eo:ooo0cos(J E.9EOJEac. i r,o,Eco0,2oJUoEo(U .E 'oo!ood roOr (i. }oc.UEotso oE.c0,2o!(uUso-oG o0CGo-c )ooEuoqJc) !ooo(9 F.@ oN (oo dHtNN td(r )oN \toldl' . rnrnm u)HNrn rldNrno u)drodr)o (odNNo (odu)Nr{d o)Hc!No dNc{orlo NNc\ lsto N6d@o NNrndroo fnNtoo (nf{ddr|o mNrlN(r )o mNoandd $N(no stNoodo <tNmo <tNNd+o <tN@NlJ . )o coF !_@6sEoo(,e cc@Y coF o(, tlco-co cocEIoG coc6-oo coco-oo coc(,-oG ocG-oo to,o(9E'oso oF Eos(J IUoc.oF 3c,U(uco2o3 co\'5GF od o='t6F eoE E(uo(, oo-od)Eo .9Go GF-E 'o=a,6(9 -oE, .., i.i fr 5EEEg . -9 0 !, :e E. eE3 aoch .9 4 EqHE . 8" 9 cioc,3 o|l.teStoItr !c 6S tEb= Uq,qqJ(JtrAJoOU E 8S F't 0J h lt h 6 .ind GO 'Ex6EE . oo isE. CE> ot t ooEE .g -- E- o te.u 3 oo89 do(,= Eo-ooo-o(!U(!o,:(o -. :(oo.o.'t l=u'6.g(!EE(Uo(oo. (Ut co.e!.!3!OJU6aoEGvUOJ (JE.9E(l)oE(uoE(u q)2(! IUo!ocoUEoc(o_9U ts(oo-6u.g:o(u.Eoo-s.:3(. ,cco-oor/ ) t!Eq,L' (!o(ud o->(! IUo!(,6t!E(U(J(oo- (U&. c.9=-9'6(n!(UEEo; .Eoo.or{o$33ooco.FoE(ooP(J E(oOJ -c:o)3oxo-oc0.,Eo(u.Eor' losfEo(J(oo-oG coF(JOJ -oouoooEooE(uoEr!OJ:o](!0,,ccolt tE(u=(uto.C (u2(oxUc)cU1'(U(J!o-0)Ec(!E(oo:(u3oxotc(uEoOJ .EcoU3OJcc.(oE, (uoL'cfoEG)oocoh0coooc.9E(oE(Uo(!o-od. (oC'coGoFthUI3(uc-c.1 :;-oo(Uo3oo2(ovooE.UE.9E(u .. coor{ort-oG'o(!o-oG. xo-ocoot3oo€G)3Eoo) .=oo. !(L )(Jso-o&o,ao IJco:(J(u !t,E.9Eo.coE0)(Jgo-o&. o-E:,o.E.9Eo(,co lr JEoo(oood, o-z(EJUo,QroooEoEc(Uo.g@c'6toofo!(uooc(!.cLJ eUJc(!-coEo(. ) C!oo €rlo r\(\o rlsf6 ot)o ln(o rno) orooa\sfo (\F. . l (ooc{d $rl(noa{o @Flc!r'lFlo oN6!-{Oo ol F.. l stoa.' ld oa. l oor!st (f oNrnFl6o oc!NFlOlo rlNNr'lr.{o rlNoro(no r{Nrno$o r{(\ l r.ooO r{N<f(\roo rlNNN@O F=U o-5(oocco}Z cC'F oL(E(, o(!(9 (l)(!(9 3UEU-u -oG, El!19 oF- oF .o€. oFaoE E(! ./ la(! q(!0J5'oq,U(, }O) .s \i Ebz (JAJqqlUocqJ+rso\OU E ! 0J q .9 ; \: Nq r S F- r (/ ) dd E(Uboo0=o- 0., .Eoc-o=.=Co,aooU!c,L'so- (ue (u=Lbocvo3oELo(ofU(oo(! co.cE.. EiE(uU(!o-o:oc(!iz(J(U()(!.9E(l , (J!ooEoe. E(oo)EE3oxo-oco)Eoo)ccot!Eo)oooo fo- !(u(,(oo_ (UE. -d(oc,€0)3oPoE=CLEo(U,scoIJE(uobofo- 1foL)(oo.od 'c i (oo)€CJ3oo-E=o-Eoo) .Ecot!!c)u)ol) :o!o,o(!ooE. '6ooci7t!_9o)os,Co)o, -:(EooEE0,, I(!o-o)E. =cc(goc3o!o(omolnooo(obo l/ )T.t3(U]Ec,@oo !v\ 'o(oo:OJ3oo-E=o.EIoc4UJEq)L' (!o-c,&, ts(oo-EcOJ .cE(U.Er!o-E23occo-oo(nlr JEoot!CLod. Joo-cUit.9E(UC' corlJEc(!o'aEo) (J-go- (ud. -: z(Jo)ot.9E(U-cC' co lr J!o)(J(!oot E(!(u:c)3oxo-oPc(uEo0,, .EoFIost :oo)uso(tJd, d(oq) !=0.,ioxo-ocoEoo):coUJ3o)ctr(!E, (o(uco(l. , PFtJ t rn3(ucc.t=E(,OJs(uBco(u->(oJo(l, ,E(J6.9E(U=oodosl 'ooU(oo- (UE, u:oI)P3ut)Iull5pa!!ft,)U1IIi!;3p!))U:EIIii. j,-D' i >: J.!r!l =(!u'ac, (JoL=Eo)()so-OJE ooF{(nor3tUc-9(EEO4Nt_=0)31Cobod, lah @ri(nOr=G, (J-9(obo4NsP,=o31COJb0no=6 6rimo)3tUcs(!o0u]N!g3(tJ3E}oooq03th cor' { (r ' )O|BE,Uc_9(oooaN-ct-30.,=!oh0o0:, t/ 1 ooF{(nol3d.Uc_e(oao u'!(\.t3(u3!oooa0:,6 CNFlo N+o Fr\o €CNo CNooN@o o)o!- {(noo sfF.l rnoNo (o!- t (oc{Flo (oFl t\Nrlo r\ !- l6N(oo r\rlslr. l F{ri r.oFlsfo!to ot F{(nor+o o(\mr. l@o Or F{$oNr- . 1 ot\(or- lc!o oc{ rJ ' ) F{@o ?. 1 (\ lNF{r{o F{c\ l (nosto d(NN(\r\o F{NtnoO)o F{GI coNrtr. . l F{Nc\ rlN (\(\ rnor{o N(\oNr{o N(\(noNo o:zd. tn -G.Fo\z cicc(L , :Z coC(!-o(1 ' oo-ocoo oc.t !coo cOJF06COJ5Z Eoo-co oEo Eo, (o(, (u(!(, g(UcaoEo(! BQ-L(9 Iu(9 PF cEF o-o&, oot- -coScoF EoPF ocEL oL\-od. ndnN 60EI 9oo= ;oE> otooEE .2 3 €oEE oOOC L oo89 do(9B NH(F. lB0J5Ba,cUr4o| .s €€b= (. ,qJqq. , ()ctrtrqJcB\ou b ! u: rE ,} .., inN ooNEr, !Eg oo io;. eE> OE*Egq .! ! a €obEoOoOOo39 do(,= @F. . l (r )o13&(Jcs(!h0 fl(\!30.,3E(ubooo !tha\, 1c\No<foo t,c,u0@f-o . t!3v(J0., !(Jco tr . loE(!@c3oE(U2(!(oco o)=coUJ3OJcE-9fo- -v(- )o(JE.9Eo(Jo.Eo0cLocoEyfL vEOJ(J(!o.OJE!ic,o0oof-o - (!3too.c.9o0., .s6.9E(UE(Jo1'c=_qo-o- .Eod .P _Eoc(!-gUEob0U=o- (o3J()o)oco t! o:(o_9Eo)oc.s!oh0oo :o. co l! (ucolf JEoEOoo :CLEo)IJ(!o.ot slEo(o-oco!'o(J=o- 3o() -c=v(Jro!0., PobFI'oo) !15 poE-9o.>o-o-=.=r!E(U(,so.oE, :,5ccr!(Uc3oE(o(not.r )ooo(€oo rJ ) !.:3q,3Eouobo=./ l tGo-Etro, .EEo.=(Eo- .g3(Ucco.oo(nl!Eo(J(!o-oE, Et!oE(U3oxo-oC(UEoo.EcoUJo!Eo() .Eo- o,)E, '( ,(go!=o3oxo!c0)EoocoF. lostE(lJ()(!o-oG, P(o(UCooFUI tl l=(l,C.€=E(oos(l. ,=coo2(!-vI(l)s(,E.uE(Uc(JoFIo<f !OJ(,(!o-oE, (uC'6EooPo3Eou0c'ou0u0 .C==-ooE(!(u.=oJ(!ol ) .9Ec(!(U->(!U5E(U(J-gooE @Ft (nol=e.Uoc_e(!@!e6lc.P _=o31'(ua0boft/ , ooF- l (no)Be.Uc_9(!o0 '/ ' ! r\ l .1 :=o=Eooobo6 @FI(nor3d,Uc_e(!ooul (\, 1.E3oiE'oooboJ oFImOl3G,Uc_9(!@4(\E3(U=Eoo0h0f 6r{cn(, l=E,Uc-a(!oo46lE'=q,=Eoh0bo, ooFIrnCl l3tUc-9(o@4N!?-!o3EOJEOb!:, or. , to of{F{o c{r{f!c{F{ r{(noc{o LNr.. lo)r{c!o tnFIOlNrno r\Fi LNr!$o (ot- lo)(\r{o (oriNr{(oo (or. l t\(\(oo Nr{Ct ) t\(no (or{sfo<io o(\oFI6o 6FI(oc\ cr ro oa! l/ )F-{ "o - ' F- l a\ l (no$ FIa\, 1 (no(\ tr{ FIr{b'oNr.. l HNC\(\(\ l r{ NNI'Ie. r- {o NNor! i.{ r!c! (no(\ l (\Nc!o$ oooG,c(uF o(!oF co5Z o o co Eooc.o Eo(U-co cc(l l Jo(g 3!t(E(J EEoo E(U(!(9 eL 3U=t!(o oF E(!E,VIo6 !oSco)L -o&oL EqooL oScoL o.oCE o .. i.i GOEEEr . _9 o o98. 9E> oE t aoOEe5 €obE6Ooc L s- 9 do(,3 m(EqJ5tOJeaV)g) .s tEb= UEJ tqJ(JsBsOJ+r .ssOU E 8S U sb R r- { (/ r dx ,;:l=cc(!(usc=oE(o(not)ooo(!oo ln.P _3OJ;EoEOoo6 (ucdt!(UsE(uu(!o- o.)d. t(!o.o(l, .C!OJ .s(oo-E23(Ucco-oot/ l t!E(l)o(!o-oE, @c(t r(gE(Ulo.Efo.G.9EOJr(,,=Jor. lo+3=Eo,u(go(uG, (o(lJcoit rOJFFtJ l tJ l3(us.t3o2(!vL) (I J(JE.UEOJ(Jor. {o+3=!oL)(!o- (ud. o(ov()(uUEo,oEo,r 'oc(o(UcooC(,(J5oEoEl)c(o(J @r- { rnOl3G,Ug_9(ono4(\ Isil l3(u=Eouob05 @r- l rnO)=G, (Jc_9(Eo4Nf30);'t fou0@:,6 63rno\3d.Ug_9(!u0 tJ ]r!EE3(u3't l(Uoobo f @F- l anot3G,Utr -9(!u04c\l23o3Eo,)oooof cot- lanol3d,Uc-9(!no u' ) C'.1E3o=E(u@bo ft- / l 6ri(nol7GUc-9(oho4c\-c .P _3o3EoEObo:tl €r- l cnor=E. (. ,c_elobou') r\. 1E3q)3E(u@oo:tr t)c\ l CNOlo (orl+osto @f.. l tNOto Ct) r.. l (oo@o oc\ F{oOlo oc\l t-{oOro FIc.l (oa{6o FIc\ f\!- ld FIc\lr\oNFI FIc!c!Nf', 1 r{6l (. oorlo r{a\l "ir!r{o c!NcnoNo a{c!a!oslo E(u0, ,o Eo(u !o -cocoo(o oo(g coo(o E6-ct/ 1o(g E(o !tf ) EOJFo -oG,oF !ooF oPc(I, ,F -oEoF To .inN GO "EE' t ooqr = Eo LZOE doEE .z EEoEE oOooB5 s1 do(,3 stFl. !Or=!qJUVItr | .s tEbz (JAJqAJLJtrsOJ+r .EsOU E tu u: of s lr ) qJ h f- . t (/ ) dx tr(!o.9o.g:oo.c(!o, E,33oCco!otllu. tEoU_go-od. P(E(ucoG(l. ,Ft',ql=0,g!.:3E'(!o!o)3co(u .>(! !(Jo(JE,( JEo(Jor|o-fE0,uso- o)E, @r. {01or=nUc_9r!@u')(\E3o)3roob0bo=L/ l 6r{(nOr3tUc_9c,oo '4r\ lE=o='o0)bl )bo ftr @r- t rr ' ,Or=d.UcoEa0u')r! .. u=o)=E(Uu0@:vl @r-. 1ft lOl3€.UcoEbo u' l (\!3OJ3:oooob0:, tt cor. { (no)=d.UE_96ho '4c{ ..t :;(u3Eouobo,a €r- { (nor3G,UgoEo0 .J . ! (\ l -c.1 j3o3!,oboo0 _=VI @FIanO'l=d.Uc_9(guo4r! !2=o3!(t )bobo=v1 (l lFI rooc!r- l FINcno-lo r{N(oa!ri r. lNoF-{NF{ F- lc{sfr{Nd NN@oFIo a\c!(nNFIo (\(\(nC)a!o f!(\a{c)slo Po,(!(,E(oc,U oF aoEoF oSc0.,F oFc(u!- ooF !ocoF .o&,oF -co cin i! oSEET ooE=E. C r. 9 otooEE .c GEobeuOooeoE2ctoo= roH*HBq,5Bo,U(/)5t .s h. s \i 6b= QAJqq,(,soq.,+,sB<. 6ou b ! 8S GT R r- . f q 6 ts(!o-o'C(u.gE(u.g(Eo- -c.t;0,cco-ootJ 1t!Ec,o(!CL (ue. o,o()C=oEo)oo)EooocLoooc.9 ?E(oEoL)rEoO) t ooc,a(!()c.9ufEoLo.c=oE=0)co ooCo0.,Ft/1VIi(ucv3E(!(l,:o3coo2(! -5 2(.,o, .EUE.9E0JE,(,or.. lo\lEoc)t!o.o)E .! Jf(opc5oP0.)o!OJE.(Jv3UI oT3rnFI-oo=x_9o- (! .gfC' .EoEoooC(! !U bocGOJ -oooEuLo-q . ,o, -oOJ(oG' (9 o<fIirn f-{-ooxoo- (!E'5o,go'o(Uooc(!(J x(uo- (! .sfoCoooE.( . ,U_q(UEo)(J(Eo- (ud. ooE(!(u !ooE(, 't ro_9o-oOJ(!E(, qo:OJcOJo- fEE(u-oE:oOJ(o.UEogo=oco- :,E(1 , Jooti(l )E(o.!f(,co-gOJ -oE(uc(Uoo i= c3oEOJoofo,o.ho5fEoU(oooE :oo,Exo)o-6.s:,cr (u 'c ,(l,o0c(gQ x_9a(o.E=UcoooE(. , 't ro_9(UEo(J(oo-oG x-9o- (!.g:loEogo) -o!c,(, -gCLot OJ=(!Jo(uU6.( JEo!(J(ost rnooEo,Uoo- (ud. 6t.F-{ @O)Ft OlF-l (oo(\Fi F-l c\ lo)o(no HNNf{rno dc\cno\io (\O.tola\ (oo anNsfor. lo mNetFltoo mr\ I tor{Oo (n(\(or- l ooo (n(\o(nFld sta\ l F-{rt !io s(\Fir{F{o $(\oooa!o sN(oFlto lfNtoF{o r{ .a!o) F{r' . (l)L(o(,E(! !(J oF o(! oF 3oUoco2o= c(U.!2(oF .o€. o.9(EF ,9(oL\aod .oE. .oE.EoVIo(o(9oF -oG. E(U(o(.D Eo(o(9.2(!F-oG. o, (E(9'tt!LFaod. o'=(oF nNnd 60 -Eit r l !Eg oo 6r8. 9 x. > o!ooEE .r ! # €oEEoOoeoo39 do(9i toq*H!0rf,EAJtt4Ol .S IBb= Qq.) tqJ()trBo*.so\OB E ! u: RE H t- t q dd ts(ooo't ro;o,=llla-cE3oCCo-ootl l la J !(u(Jso- (Ud. P(oocoit rOJF- tJ 1ar ,3(uc-cE3!(oo=(u3coc)2(!JUo)oG.9E(uE(jorlost 'o(UUgo-o)€. Ol F-{(ooc\ l t r- {c!6lo\to (lJrc(9E(!sU -oG,oF dridr. i ooEEEgoo qr =E. c r>o!ooEi .e a €oEEEA t8e1 ctoo3 N!-lFl. 'bg5BqJ(Jr4Ol .s 6€\i Eb= (JOJciqJ()oAJ !B.EOU E ps .P o db R !- r h dx t(oo-oLo;(l. , .E6o-E.t3(l, ,cco!oUJ13ooG-o - (u& (oo)coGOJFU)U'3oic.e3E-(o0l !=c)3coo(oJoOjEUE.9Eooor- lost -ooUoE0,,E boc't r(!(UoLooEUo_qoEOJ(oE(9 ooE.9o_9oco(uGo. , rr ' ) r' .al _9t!Pc (Dg)rno&. (JT' (Utro ooc(o0. , -oooE(J .C(J_q(u !ofl to(, Ol rist !- l flr{ -r!Nosi CN(\oanrir{ (nc\ tnr- lc\ r- l <fc\olFiF{ \tN@(\ lf ) oF(UF ..otoL .oG, -od. 't(!=o -od. .inN i! oEEEg ooop8. 9 t>OE o- oPE .2 6 E- OEEoOoo8- 9 do(,3 0or- {(!qJ5tqJ€(J \4Ot .s tEbz (JAJtqJooq., !csOU E 8S U db R r- i h f i E(!oo(lJ .=EOJ ,E(!o- -c.P _3PoCco-ootf l l!EoU(!o-oG. (E(uEoG0.,Ftf )V'3oc!.1 i3-o(o(u-c0)3co(uEJUOJE,(,6.9E0,,EuoFIoslEo()(Eo. 0)E. .95(6pc=cooE=o. -goE.C=oEE(Uhoc(o-co q) ->(! .y(,oE,(JE.( JEo, g(Jrost rJ tooE(l, ,Q(oo. (uG orrirlf. {FiFi FIa{No<f a\c!sfo@ $c\ lo)FIN oFcoF -od.gF ocoF o't(1 ,F .. i '1r{ 608EE8 , oo i' oEoE>OE 6- OCE ,g =- €oEE8g3. i u1 C,oo= o)(Eg5EcUvlUt .S €t \= \J(JqjqqJUGAJ+,trs<. 6OU E s u: 8E H c\ ( 4 6 -s z(Jo)(J 't(uU(!ooLEc(Eocco lr . t=(ucE_9=o- t(!o. t(U.sEo, .Eoo.E.:3o)co-c.€;oco-oot/ t tuEo(J(oo-od. o-E=o- co ll Jo-cEoL) (oo,o)e. bo .=(E(JC.9(. )f!oLo-c=o!3oco (o(UoGoFti13oCE.t3!(oo:o3o(U2(!v,Q(u-c(JE.9EoUoFIosfE(U()(!o. (Ud. OJL:3oEO ,6(!(JoEco(u(oJoo)(JosEOJoEo rf)oo sFIFI or r. l (nc\r\o oc{or. l tJ )o FI(\Jr. . l rno F{NNosfo r{NClloc. l Eoo(!o(1 l (9 CoF .EoEF o(! oF co)F nN.1N iE o8EE8 . oo ioE .IP t>OE ooEh .e 6 5oEEse ooE9 cio(,= qooH!0JS!qJU9tBt hE \j Eb= (JAJqq. , (.,tr0J+r .E\od b ! E: t'i AJ h Nr 4 , ; ost!rJ ' l r. {oooxO.)EL.=o!(uooc(oT(J osf3TNrloc,oxo,o- .C.g:oEo)oocro !(J ost3rnr- lo(uox_go- 't rP.EoEo)h0c6(J !r' . (7 )Nsfc\oo$3l/ )FIo(uoxgo.EoEouoc(! (J o$=rnFIo(uox(uo-F.EoEoboC6-c(J Gc,Co(u3c)cs.!3o)GJo(U-c(JG.9E(uEUoFIosfEoUoood. GIor F.{EoEOJoE(u!o3(o-cG)coE.. E=oGol) .s(oUE(u.!OJE(uoGo-o,E, oIL3o)c!-9(o.=E'cGx-qo. (o.s=d(ooEOJL) .=36 ost3l/ )F.{-oox_9CL (o.s:,d.EoE0Jhoco-c(J boC(,o-oooEo'-o0, t!E(U6(U(, o=ttr{.oox_9o- (! .C=d.go-o(U@coELJ xgo-oPC'=ucoooE.Uo_9OJEo)(J(oo.OJd. o(oo-co(lJEo.coo 't ro_co)o,ooE_9(! @C'g -Go,oooE(J't rPo_9 l!a,o, (o(u(9 OJ .EOJcq)oLlEEo-oEfE-o) j(!.9E(l, .co3oco. lE(u .:Zoo-*-go(!.:=5cogo) -oE(uco-. c.9L :'6(u 'ox-9o- (o.E=C'oEC,@c(g(J ooIo=o't ,(UoEo(UUfl,(o(uEEg(o'6E. x_9o- (!.E=(,coooEu(J -q ,OJE(U(J(oo.o&, x-9o- (o.sfuco.!0, -oEo,U(oo- (uE o(oo @r'.FI @oa{ coF- t c\ tF- l iio oo f-loF- l@o or!(nF-lc! oc.. lO) rl@o Fihlbc{c!o Hc{(oa!sto -NOloro orr tO)N\oo m6lsfor- lo rnc{rlFI l/) rnc\ l (oF- l oo cn(. . l (oF- l6 cnc{CNc!or{ (nNocnr- { rl sfc{r{!- l r{ sf ..' , 1@oc{o $(\ lFlN !tN(oFlst $c{(orlsfo co)F c6)LF!oEo(u o,(o(, Pcq,F uoL(o(, 'l t(o !t/ l soo,(!(9 ;(UU0.,c't r0)2o3 c(uL.9(!F .oe. Eo.2(oF .9(o.oG. 'tGFco)F -od .oG,do!U1Q,)Gt9ot- fro,(r, (9 .od (u(o(9,9(!F.oG. o,(!(9't.(€F-od .idoi 60EEEg 9OQ=E. s x. > 6EooEE .s 6 €oEE oOoo 'a 389 doo= NooBqJsbq, .Eov)B' .s \i Ebe (JqJqq., (. )cGAJ+rcGOU E ! 9s .P o No r : c\ 9 t d x tGo.oc, .g'o(u .=6o- 'tocco-oot1la JEoL'(!o. (UE, !'6cgoot!EoL)(ooOJG, (!ocoo=o,c=.t3o,2oizU(u !(JE.9EoUoi. losfEo)u(!o-c)d. sl ii orr- lsl FiFIr- { oNrno€o oNc\oOlo oFcoF oF-od. o(! !o .inN GOEEEg . 9Oqr ! E .! u t>OE aoEE .9 5 €oEE oOoo . ooE9do(,= m0oH!g!0JUl^Ur .s ri Eb? ()AJqqJUsoqJ+rcB:EOU E ! sr s .P t u of s rn q l : N( / ) d X o$3u') F{-oox-9o. .so!OJboc(oE,U t.( )Eolucduiooo->(oJuo-c . (J(!coo) !oboc(os(. ) (oOlmod.U'oots(ott l Uc't r(oo-ooPoE.9(Joo:o(U(!E(9 (\oN $Nsfr{Fio N@riF.{o sfc! (oFIr{o tt(\ l;'6l rno E(U(o(, Eo .! 3(,Eo -oe .. iH.i i! OEEEQ _8 6 e9 E- CE9OE ooEE .e # €c rEE oOoc l s" 9 do|o= Y6H'btu:.Ro)UlnB! .s I' Eb= (JqJ tqJ()cocOJ+rBOU E $ qr s .P o €B H Nh 6 q. ,co) .so-E0)bobo ii oco.go-EoooUii q)C(u.9dEou)boE (UcOJ .go-Eooodo ii OJcOJ .9 - CLEooooif ocOJ .go-Eooooo iI (uco.9 - o- !ooobo ii -o(u@o0:o-o)co23E, .sc.ooouE(u(J(oo(ud. (u(!coofo()c.9oo(JEo.>(! -9-ofoo o2rEooE(U(J(oEo)E, J(Jo(J '6.9E0,, -cL' .E@c'-ocoE=o- oo,E,( JEo, -cC) (UPvEobo@:oBU3do c'6o-c.o(Jo.E=U=o=_o(U!-9o-o- .E.EEOJmoofo- .c .:,GJ(J(oco EccoU+oEo)c@.cE(!ooE0.,Ea(!go.C@c5.Co)B OJoE.9EG.) (JCo@2o-=-o.c!(ubouo=o!:t! o-o0., -co.. t l -oooEo->(!o;ohoqo -?o- E2L (! -u o .s3U=q)oEoPo-oo.C@.ci=ao- c.9Eo) .socoEooE,oooEooEdo@ao fEfG.:ZL)(Eo ==(J(! -oco3o(,ho :oo(JfC PfoE!o,C(l ,g(JEOJ@oo :o. (Uo6.9E(UsU (uo6.9EOJ !o(UcoOJo-o- .EEoo0@=E- !(Uagoc, :,o2!o)cG_9(JdEE.( JEoEIEooooo fo r\oNoslo r\or/ ) r. . l rn r\oLnr{(oo trou'') r. lt.o r\o(nooo ooo(ooc!o Nor\o(no r\o(ns- lso f'.ol'.rit)o r\ooCNroo r. .ool F-{f'.o For-(\O)o coo(oor{o Otoc{F{FIo NF{ "o - ' c\ F{d (nr- {No6O s.. 1fnoNo lnrlrnrlF- lo rr l rlo(r 1 F-{o lnr- lr\r.. lNo rnrllnr',, 1No laF{(oc\ (f l LnF{stFlsf rnF{(nC', , 1 LNo r/)Fl r{o(o (orlrn.' l IN r.oF{sfoF\ f- . rl(nf{F 3o(!sc(1 ,G) (9oF d)C.E0j tJ tocc(u \Z co(!otl6cc!J)z !9(!co0, (9oF !9(!coo(,oF E!9(o.c(uo(,oF -c39(! -c .C(uo(,oF =E(EU oFot1 c oLc0.) !z occo\z socco\z -coot- o(!s6o ocCo\Z E(u(u ocE0,, rz oF!fo(t oG so EoLc) '1N"1N 60NE it r FEg oo !J 9Eo x. > OE *EUo .e a €oEEoOoo 'a b39 do(9= Ho)Hbs5'bqio\4Ol .s \i Ebz (Jq]qqJ(JB0J+,oOU E 8S 6b R N( 4 f i dnN 608EEs . ooo98. 9 t2o!ooEE .2 4 €oEE oOoos- 9 do(9= Iuo(J !(U(J(E-o -OJ0iCco la J=ocE_9ao- too-6co.EE(u.E6o_ -cz3oco.P _=(Uco-ooUroo(JGo- (ud. qJ .=3=coE(oo!:OJ=(u -YU(u(,G.9E(u .E()Eo)()(o -o -oE, (oOJcoGOJFvl t,3(uEt.t]!(!o) !:o=co(u ->(!JrJoE.L)t.oEOJ .c(Jorlo-fE(uo(!o-oE, -E i (I ,OJ:(u=C) F(!O)cE.( JE(uUor- lostoc.9oouoc=(!_q=oL) (u2(!v,o(uUE(UoEOJ .lCc(!oco0c'a(oC':,o'oOJooc(!s(J co!- l ft 1OrBG, (JC_9(!h0 '4c.' l .1 i3(U3-o(Ubo@fr! ' , @r{(nO|Bd.Uc_9(!@'4N!.t3G,3Eo)ooho6 @r' l fnOJBd.Ucot@'r ' )c{ !E3o)3!ooo@f6 oorJrnO)3d. (. )c_e(ooo u-1c{!3c,3E(ubob0f6 6FlfnO)3G,Uc_96oo 'J ' !c\.t3o3E(Uoooo=t) ooFlrnol3d.Uc_9(!h0 t)N!g=(u=Eohoqo6 @!- l (nOtBd.Uc_9Gul) 'r )N-c.t=o3E(Uuoaof @sto Fl(oo Flor- l Fr. {oo or ilCNa{Fo r' {c{;.o(oo Flc!a!osfo !- {N€F{(oo Flc\rlFlO)o FiNr. oc!F{F{ r- lc\o?.1GI F{ ria{<tc!NFI c!Nr\o\.rlo c\(\c! f{!io Nr{stoNo c\a\a!osfo E,o co,F o.oG, oF oLG(9!r!E E(!VIo(l l .oG,oF cE-co oFcoF ooF =oSc(UF o-oe. o ndci i! otEoo ioEo l-ol , qoEE .s G €oEE aOoeoo89 do(93 (U2t!goo!'=.ood C3oCJc=co(!Ed(!ooroco;f-ct/) E(oo- tt )s.!3=Go=v,u(o-o=oot o)Eov',v1;t j3OJcE.9EoUCo@.c-c3-oEc(! -9o- .scEoEOJ(J(!ooE vo(l)f(l,o-F @:fEEg(o;c\ lIoorlcoc,o(U2(!60g(!(JEooEOJiioE3-gdt oo=(uo-F Loc'tocoo0ovc:3o-=E(I J=o)Lo- (nrirnrlrno r/ t r.{Ol rlrn rnr. l rn(\sf LnF{(oF{ln oNo(r1F\ FIc!o)o(oo rl(\ (no6o H(\ I rnF{ori d!(!E, o(! co !o o(o o(o(9o(o qofr0,) |!(9 LoFoF !o Nq)q!gS!qJUU)t, ) .s h€IEb? 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GO89 do(9= rr )q)EqJ5Bq,eoa4Orc h= tBb= (JqJqqJUcos .q J +,c€OU E ! ss U db R Nq d ; .1N6; 60 n'Ex6E8 . ooop8. 9 x. > OE ooEh 9c qEobe oOoooo89 do(9= bocGG) -oooEo.C(Jo, l!Eo,ooL(,stC\6O'l rno-o&. o- fE(oo=cotr(Eo-6c(U .E-( ](u .E(oo- !.!i(Uco-c . *!3(Ucco-oot1IJE_9(!c (ubo(!aoo3oo- (u(!ol!.so=.E(oEN!oo(!o- (Ud (!oooPiocE=o2(!JU0,coE.9E(UooFIo\f'oOJu(oo-o)d @r{(nOl3d.Uc-9(q@u'!NE=o3-o(U@bo= @rlfnor3c.Uc_o(obo rr )c{-cE3o3E(uo0n0= €r{(nor3d.Uco6oou- l (\t.t=o3Eoo0bo= 00r. l cnot=€. (Jc_g(!oonc{3f=0.,3E(uEObo5 @r. . lano)=d.()C-9l!o04(\E3o3E0)hob6f @FionOr=d.(. ,c-9(od)4N!E3QJ3!OJbt )oo -= O'l !- l rnc)F.. lH oc!Nr! "o - 'o oe{c{oOlo r. tN611 r- . 1r. l FIa!Nr{(\ r- . 1 e\. 1c! (ooF-to c\(\r{r!F{o C',1a!stoc{o (\c{Nosto soE(! !L) oF-oG, o(oE,o !ooF -coc@F !ooF -coSc(uF oL.oE. o aldd 6c ,EEEgoo isE. c x. > ot t+Egq .e f i €o r EE oOoc lEBE2cto(,= (oOrB'bo:bq)eUt4ol .S hS \i Ebz (. ,AJqqJ()BcAJ+JcG.EOU E 8S 8E H cr , (/ ) dX o) .g(u.9CL !(lJoo@ii (lJ .E0)o- iiE(uoob6E (l ) .goo- iIEOJbon0E o.sE.sCLEoboooE OJcC.l .go-EOJu0o0E q(uc(u.9 -cECJbo .1 0o- (uco.go-Eooooo ii E(ud0o0:o- (u:o.e-o=.Ec.9oo(J !o(J(!o-c)d vE0,, (J(oo- (l. ,d(! !c(u3gOJo(!fP(J(!oc.c(o o2fooo=f!(ud -) .(JOJt)6.! lE(lJE(J.=b0C't roco.. t :=a- o(E@!.9 03UBoEoo-o.Ehocit rtf t t/ 1fo- EEo(Jd5 -o -OJdOJhobo !o- (!3,y(J0)(Jt.9Eo(JcoU qgo- .sco);oooaolCL(!3oOJf.v(J(oco -v ,(Jq)(.)o2€t.gc.9oooEo(Jso. (lJ (oEE.9 poco0J(!OJE0) .xL (!o-o-oL.;.9(oo) .EEoCouocf-oNxrn15(. ,U(!o-oG. t(oo- tco.sEoc6o-E. .1 :3o)coc.!3o,Ego-ooUJ !oL'(!o-OJ t boC'6(1 l (Jc.9o=!oLo-c3oE=o)co (!OJcooFrt1rh,(Uc-c.lJ3E(!o):OJ3Co(u2(!Ju(u -c ,(JE.( )Eo,(Jor. loriFEOJU(go-oE (u=E.( JEOJE(JoF-{o\focoEUoo0cE(oo,:,of(l :2 ,(! -9(oE(!oOJlqJ(!oc=oobo .goUco!.o-oboc(o() !OJco!EI) i= (\(oo r\oF\o\.sto t\ornF.{rno NotJ )FI (oo f. .orn!ir\o l' .o(noooo ooo(ooc!o NOr\o(no r\of. . l F-{sfo t' \oroF-{tt )o r\oo(r 1(oo r\oOr FIF-o r\ot.c\Olo @ob-oF-{o Oroo)or{o oF- l (ooOlo Nrlt,Fi rJ ]o sf F-{ft1oNo lnF- lst F-{\fo lJ ' ) rl(oN<fo l/)FIt.a{ooo (or- {or- la!o (oF-. , | r.ooso O)r- l t\r- lNo orr. l rnNNo F-{NF{F-l (r 1o FIc!No\fo FIN6F-. , | roo ric! f. ,o6o sp(Eco) (u(9oF coc(oot/ )occo:z cocr!ov)ocOJ :z so(!E,c(U(UL(9oLF so(!E,(u(u(,oF _g oa!scoQJ (JoF !_3 9ocoo(,eF c(!-6 d.E(! ocC(U5Z Eo)o, To to o =oo coo c(l, ,F o(o oF E(!v)oL(o(, .cooF cinN i! oEA 9oqr p E .!9 x. 2 ot , ooph .s 6 EoEE oO .9 9 oo89 do(93 qdN!o5ba)Ur4Ol .s tEb= UqJqAJ()c5cqJ !sBOU E 0J s .9 ; r. . t qJ : mh d 6 .,i .n N 60REEg 9oo!h- 9 t>ol , doEE .t ! 6 EoEE oOoeqo39 doo3 oo .E(o(Jc.oo=EooC3oE,Ico @F- l (nOlBE,Uc-9(!bou']c! !E3(u3E(u@aoftJ ' ) @Fl (f )or=e. 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(l )d o.,oVI tt tc=qJ(u6.9Eo) (Jcobo .gl-oE(uE(U(Jgo- (ud (U->(!o0 .g(!()b0c'6(!E-oQgo(UG. o,oof(!oo@.E6(o(JoC'GE=Eo(J -go- (Ud. ro(nor.r )oooce(!oo rt)E.c;uoc(oUE(uoo@=tJ l El!c, !o3co(u=ocoo:oIJ3-9o-oo2(!(o-oc!EoU(go-oE. t(oo-oc0, .=!o.=(!o.E!30,cov.3(ul!a,0.,cooCtro3t,o() -gCLod (!o)co(uFt,tl l3(Uc!!3!(!(U=o3coo2(o-v(Jo(JE.9E(U !(JoFIostE0,)()6o.@E E='oCo(,oPE(oo:o3EoEc(E.{ jfEco(Jovo-E=o-Eo(U.sE.UEo(Jor- lostEoL) (Eo- (UG, oo- .strqtt1 !.€3Eo(J(go- (uEc(!o.g3oGulc. (oUCo(u->(!JL' (uE, IJOJE' (uoE(UE, ooF-{(not=G,Uc-9(!boU-lc{ .g3o3Eoh0oo=6 oHfnol3d,(Jc-9(!b04(\s.P _3o3EoUoo:,U) @Ft (nor=G, (Jc-9(Do0 '/ ' )c!s!=(U=Eoooo0 !th ooF-{(nC')=d,UC_e(ouo4c\ l !33o)3:oo@EO !vt €F-. , | (nOl=G(JC-9Gaou]c! -c.e=(u=Eo@EOft/1 ooF{ft1Ol=G,UCI(oEO4N!f=o3E(U60UJa oorlmO'l=&. (Jc-9(!ao4NI?-=(l,3E(uooooJtJ 1 ro@o 6ooo or- lFIo(oo (nrl(ooo (nr-. 1oa!or. { rnF- l (oF- l rno rnrisfoNri (or. { (no\. t{o oFIlr )o{o o) r. {Nt\o o) r- l F{6lNo FIa! (noslo rl(\o(nroo ?.{Nor. l@o r. lNb-a\FI r{Noloa{d r- {c\t (n(\ lN r{(\@- 'o?. . |o c! c\, 1 (n(\r. lo N(\ l (noNo (\ l(\Nosfo oF o(o PC(uF o(o c(I)F E,o Eo,o)so E(osUo(E t(U(!(, oF o(ooLF .o&,oF -o&.oF !oScoF .otoLF oot' - Eo=co)F -oG,ot- -co .i".!N GOEEoo 6sE. e x, > ot , aoEE y5 €c rEE oOoc l '6 . b 89 dot93 (odc\bq,:!qJclJvlOlc 6E tEbz ()q. ,qq. lUBAJ !G\ou b ! 9l s .P o 8E H cn h d d vxo(!OJE(UU(!o-oG,E_9-ooo-o(!=UG(u2(g o.Efo-o.E 'q)(J-go.oG, _goo(of(J(o 'ooooc(! !U (oo)Lorc=UG0,oE E(Eo- tt1t.t3q)oLE.9EOJE(JEoP13OJ(J.Eo-od. E(oo-Eo.E-l,o.c(!o- !E3oco..u=o2(! !(uco(UcLo3'o(uU(!o.c,d, (oG' troG0.,Fv1v)3(ucsE;E(oo) .to3oo)2(oJUq)EoE.9EOJ .. 8UoFIostE(uua!o.ol&. o)C=E.9E(uUor{o<t33E0,u(!oo&. o-Efo-OJE-oOJcJE.9Eot(. )orlost=3Eo)(J(!o.oE E(o(lJ -c:OJ=Eo0.,:(oJo(uE(JEOc6(ooOUovosUE(UoE(Ue. r\(o rlOro OloaF- l f-{J Oloola{ f{ oFir+ob'o sf r. . lF.r!(oo rnFI(oF-{r. n<) O'lFI r. . l c.' lr\o r{Nrnosto r. l r\. 1 l' -6lo FINo(Y ) (oc) FIc{FIc! "o - 'o IG,vt o(!cco:z (9IF (J-c .oo(! o(! o(o(t, ,Lt!(, oF !r!EU cool!oF o.od. .i '1N EO n' E i688 . ooo=E- s x. > o!aoEE .2 5 EoEE oOoot8Q1 do(,= Y(5N!o,5.EAJthOl .s 6s tBb= (JqJqq)()cocqJ+,6OU E 8S \f q r h cn q d 6 Hfi.1d GOEI oo ir sEg x. 2 o!cL q, EF v5€c r ts E88 . cL o89 do(9= E=E()(!3co3o(J=o- o)Eu0 .st!L'c.9U=!oo-coo-v(!o0uoc't rEc,(, -eo- (l )&, tr(oo- .oo.cE(u(oCL .Ev3(utrtro.ooUIUJEoo(ooo)E (!o)coEo)Ft^t)3(uc-cE3!(o(U:o3coOJ2l!vUo!oE.( )EoEIoF{o<l !OJo-go-o&. €rlrnOl3d.Uc_9(gao u' )a\=.€=o=Eouo@fa @r. {(nOl3E,Uc_9(Eb0 14(\s.!3o3Eoboa0=6 6Flcr1Or=E, IJc-9(oao4N.c.€=(u3'oo)oobI) !tl t 6Fl(nOl3G, (J6tr -9(ooo '4NE.e'o3!oooooftt r 00Fl(no)3aUc_9(ob04r!t:3o3!0,b0bo56 @Fl(nOl3e.Uc_9t!@u]N-c2=o315(U@bo:, tl ooFl(} 1Ol=e. (JC_9|1 ,oou'! (\ , , I -cnJ=c,3E(uoo@:l t- f r ('oFtFr' { (O ot".{6Nori ('lF{b'o(\ lr{ Flc! (no+ F-{c!stNr' { rl -c{Olo(\F.l dr\ , 1 (nr!Nrl c., J(\6oF{o 6tNd)r\ Irt N(\(no(\o (\Nc\, 1osfal o coo(!(ul!(9 Po(o(9E(!E(J oF E(ov, Pc(1 , L\o .oG.oF ooF socoF .oEoF !o ro6r\bo5bq)sOrseoz6tq,cooeq, r4 to(,q,qqJQcosAJ .icct oUqJQ oe lr ) oJ q( / ) finN 60EEEEoo irE. 9 E> ot , aoCEea €o ie8e cl o82 doo3 c=oEooo.EoE(o0. ,o-=o(!(o-ortEo)U(o-o - (uE. (nc\ l rlNc!oror' {oo!l!E {to='bss'bq)(,14tr r .s !t Eb= UAJtqJUoOJ+,cGOU E ! 9r s .P o ,5 b R cn h d x .. i.. i iE OEEE8 -Q O o!h- c t>ot6- OEi .e a 5oEEB8B5 e1 ctooi o=oIcoo=oUItooo(\3(Uzdc)2(o(!cooNcgcoEl.cE=aF{rnstorlN(nr' l(\o(uv, !3E(!U N:ta=VIb0,:t(,sU(/ )Br .s 6S \i Ebz ()q)qq. , (JcBsAJ !sGEEOU E ! 8S RE H cn h d x Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field - Sigurd, UT Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) DAQE Air Quality Permit -AN N157310004-24 Leaks detected during Semi-Annual Optical Gas lmaging lnspections t--M.nthltt September March September March September March September March September March September March September March September March September Year Leaks ll Repalrs Detected nDtfflcuh to Monttor' Components 2023 2024 2024 2025 2025 2026 2026 2027 2027 2028 2028 2029 2029 2030 2030 2031 2031 64 75 74 o .L'e-OPocb.--Qc?oo0J=loc,EEooJoo>.dqRtJE6#dZr"or>'E!4dFOCJ-E8ig3 va((, Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field - Sigurd, UT Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) DAQE Air Quality Permit - AN N157310004-24 Leaks detected during Semi-Annual Optical Gas lmaging lnspections Comments / Descrlptlon of Repalrs, Repalr Orders and etc. 6121./2023 Wolverine received an email from Kyle Greenberg with the state of Utah asking for several forms of documentation regarding the Covenant Field air permit. 612312023 Wolverine responded to Kyle Greenberg with all request and documentation. 81912023 A field audit was conducted by the State of Utah. During the audit a 30,000 gallon propane tank was identified as not being listed on the air permit. Also there was one hatch leaking on tank #102. Wolverine had not been conducting inspections using a Gas lmaging Camera prior to this 8l1ol2023 On August 10th, 2023 filed operators took tank 102 out of service and opened the emergency relief hatch and found iron sulfide build up on and near the sealing surface of the hatch. The field operators were able to remove the deposits using a rag and a putty knife. lt was also determined that the hatch is beginning to pit. See Repair Order #185 and Service and Maintenance records for details. (Corporate Shared/Field Operations/2.12.1) 811.412023 A purchase order was placed to Applied Control for new thief hatches, emergency relief hatches and vacuum vent hatches. (See TCC393) The replacement hatches will be placed in Wolverine's stock and used for replacements as needed during future preventative maintenance work is conducted. 811.s12023 The Production Foreman Tony Cook, spoke with Chris Jensen about renting the gas camera. lt has been scheduled to pick up a gas imaging camera on August 30th and returning it by September 8th. , 9/s12023 A gas imaging camera was used to inspect pipeline flanges and wellhead connections throughout the field. 9/6/2024 A gas imaging camera was used to inspect the tanks and tank connections at the central tank battery. 9lLL/2023 Production Foreman Tony Cook, worked with Eric Clark at Stantec to complete a BACT review for the 30,000 gallon propane tank to be added to the air permit. 9/L2/2023 An Approval order modification was sent to the state to include the 30,000 gallon propane tank onto the equipment list on our air permit. wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field (LDAR) lnspections Copies of this report are located at: WGO/Corporate Shared/Field Operations/2.1. 15 updated U16/24 8of2 OJ.9baqcb.=-9oPooo:foo.:tsOoJoo'Icaqu nr u -z-o(=dtu9dEEg.JEEgE avvtv Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field - Sigurd, UT Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) DAQE Air Quality Permit - AN N 157310004-24 Leaks detected during Semi-Annual Optical Gas lmaging lnspections Comments / Descrlptlon of Repalrs, Repalr Orders and etc. s11,212023 An email was sent to Kyle Greenburg with the State of Utah showing that repairs had been made to the leaking tank hatch. tl1712024 During a review, the Fugitive Emissions Plan was updated. Additional items were added to the inspection list. The additional items now include operational equipment throughout the entire field. This also includes adding a propane tank at the CPF to the program. The written program also received formatting updates to better understand document locations and reporting requirements. Received the updated air permit from the State to include to the 30,000 gallon propane tank. DAQE-AN157310004-24 3/L8/2024 A gas imaging camera was used to inspect pipeline flanges and wellhead connections throughout the field. A gas imaging camera was used to inspect the tanks and tank connections at the central tank battery. 4/t6/2024 Updated the inspection list to add an emergency relief hatch for tank 1.03. 61412024 Tony Cook completed OGI I Gas certification course. Member #184696183 6/t412024 Updated the inspection list to include a certification number for the inspector. 6h412024 Added a page to the inspection form that will allow the inspector to document ambient temperatures, wind speeds and inspection times to include rest periods. 0 0 t 1t7 Totals Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Freld (LDAR) lnspections Copies of this report are located at: WGO/Corporate Shared/Field Operations/2. 1.15 updated tlt6l24 8of3 Wolwrlnc Gg rnd Oll Cov.n.rt R.ld - Siprd, tJT Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) DAQE-AN157310@4-24 Component f Lo6tion lnspGstors Nama: Tony E. Cook lrstrumGntUs.d: opgal EyetGas MmthlYcrr of lnspGcdon: september-23 NGld lnrpc.flon Du.: March-24 5 ? 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31. 32 33 34 Wd.nn.G.r.ndOrl Ce.n.nt Fl.ld ILOARI lntmdons Wolverine State 16-1 Wellhead, Casing Valves Kings Meadow Ranches 17-1 wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal L7-2 Wellhead, Casing Valves wolverine Federal 17-3 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-4 wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-5 Wellhead, Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 17-6 (WF 8-1) Wellhead, Casing Valves Kings Meadow Ranches 17-7 wellhead, CasinB Valves wolverine Federal 17-8 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverlne Federal 17-9 Wdlhead, Casing Valves wolverine State 17-10 wellhead, Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 17-11 wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-12 Wellhead, Casing Valves wolverine Federal L7-13 Wellhead, Casint Valves Kings Meadow Ranches 17-14 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-15 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-15 Wellhead, Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 17-17 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal L7-18 Wellhead, Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief wolverine Federal 17-19 Wellhead, CasinS Valves KIngs Meadow Ranches 17-20 Wellhead, Casing Valves KinSs Meadow Ranches 17-21 wellhead, Casing Valves wolverine Federal 18-1 wdlhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 18-2 Wellhead, Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 18-3 Leak Found ].' @,lo B* EIo El* Elio Qcs @lo f]". @.lo l.' @ro flcs P]'to D* El.ro f|"' p).ro ?* EIo l"' Pfo D* Elro D- ENo D* EIo f},.' Pfo D- EIo E}es Eho f}* Elo El- EIo Cq,.tof 66 Egt.c I@d.t: wGo/cdffi t! Sh.Ed/Frcld OEr.nd!,2.1 l5 Date lnspected e/s/23 9/s/23 9lsl23 9/s/23 el5l23 elsl23 s/s/23 9/s/23 elsl23 9/5123 9ls/23 e/s/23 e/s/23 9/5/23 9lsl23 915123 el5l23 e/s/23 9/5123 elsl23 els/23 9lsl23 9/s/23 9ls/23 9/5123 Cause of Leak Repalr orda # D- E}toD* ENoB* E).ro 10 11 13 t4 15 l6 77 B* ENoD* El'l.D* E)to D* EhoB* Ehof}* EIo B* ENoB* ElroD* E),o f|.' Plo 1". @'loB* ENo Ued.d UMna 8of4 Wohrurlna Grr rnd Oll Cownrnt Flald - s3urd, UT Leak oetection and Repair (LDAR) DAQE-AN157310004-24 Componentf Lo€tion lnspactoB Namc: Tony E. Cook lrEtrumnt U$d: opgal EyeCGas Montry'Yor of lmpo(don: September-23 Naxt lnipacoon DUG: March-24 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 184 Wellhead, Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 19-1. Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal L9-2 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 19-3 Wellhead. Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 194 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 19-5 Wellhead, CasinS Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 19-5 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 20-1 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 20-2 Wellhead, CasinB Valves Wolverine State 20-3 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 20{ Wellhead, CasinS Valves Wolverine State 20-5 Wellhead, Casing Valves Tank 101 (Produced Oil) Tank Hatch Vacuum/Vent Hatch Emer8ency Relief Hatch Foam Miring Chamber Tank 1.02 (Produced Oil) Tank Hatch Vacuum/Vent Hatch Emergency Relief Hatch Foam Mixing Chamber Tank 103 (Produced Water) Tank Hatch Vacuum/Vent Hatch Tank 301 (Bad Oil) Tank Hatch Tank 302 (Bad Oil) Tank Hatch CPF Tank Battery Valves and flanges Date lnspected Leak Found f]"' E}ro 9/s123 l.' [foflr' @oD* EIo 9ls/23 B* EIo e/5/23 l.' @ro s/5/23 E}* ENo 9/s/23 l"' [fo 9/s/23 4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 4A 49 50 51 53 54 55 55 57 58 59 60 51 62 63 64 Wdv.nn. G.iand Oi Cd.n.nt h.ld (LDAi) InsD(!ont Cause of Leak Repair order I 36 37 38 EI* E).roff"' plo Q'cs Pfo s/s/23 fI* E)ro 9lsl23 P". Pfo 9/s/23 1". [}ro 9/s/23 [.' [}r. el5/23 D* Eho 9/s/23 f|"' @'ro sl6l23 9/6/23 D* ENoD* ENo e/6123 flcs [fo 916123 D* Elo 9/6123 EI* ENoE}* ENoB* EIoD- EIo 9/6/23 B's EI'rof).' plo P'.s Pfo [cs [fo Numbsr ofdctaaad larks B* Elo 0 CA,.i olSrr r.pd.ru l6atld.t: WGO/Cdpo.. t. 5h.r.d/F.ld Op.ra tion t/2. 1. l5 u.dand t/t6/24 86f5 Wohicrlna Glr rnd Oll Covcn nt FlGld -9fud, Uf Leak Detection and Repair {LOAR) 0AQE-ANr.57310004-24 Componentf Location lnspactoB Nrrna: lrstrumcnt lJsGd: Monty'Ydof ln3pdon: Nd lffp.cion Du.r Cause of Leak Tony E. Cook Opgal EyeCGas March-24 September-24 Repair order d 6 7 8 13 14 15 77 20 2L 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 5U 31 32 33 34 WdsnaGa3adOl Cd.n.nl F'.ld (LoAR) ln6rd6n5 Date lnspected 3178/24 3lt8l24 3h8124 3h8/24 3/L8/24 3/L8/24 3/L8/24 3h8/24 3/t8/24 3h8124 3178124 3178124 3/L8124 3/L8/24 3/18/24 3/L8/24 3/18/24 3/t8/24 3/t8/24 3/78124 3/78124 3/7A124 3/L8124 3/18/24 3lt8/24 3/18/24 3/t8124 3/L8124 3lL8/24 3/78/24 3/t8/24 3/18124 3/78124 3/78/24 11 L2 Wolverine State 15-1 wellhead, Casing Valves Kings Meadow Ranches 17-1 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-2 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal L7-3. wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal L7-4 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-5 Wellhead, Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 17-6 (WF 8-1) Wellhead, Casing Valves KinSs Meadow Ranches 17-7 Wellhead, casing Valves wolverine Federal 17-8 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal L7-9 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine State 17-10 wellhead, Casing Valves Hvdraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 17-11. wellhead, Casint Valves Wolverine Federal 17-12 Wellhead, Casing Valves wolverine Federal 17-13 Wellhead, Casing Valves KinSs Meadow Ranches 17-14 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-15 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-16 Wellhead, Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 17-17 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 17-18 wellhead. Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 17-19 Wellhead, Casing Valves Kings Meadow Ranches 17-20 wellhead, Casing Valves Kings Meadow Ranches 17-21 wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 18-1 Wellhead, Casing Valves wolverine Federal 18-2 wellhead, Casing Valves Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 18-3 Leak Found 1". @.ro El* ENo P* EIo B- ENo El* El*o B* EIo B* EIo B* Eho lcs pfo f}* EIo Pcs @.lo 3* EIo [cs @ro 3* Eho D* ENo B* Elo l"' @o El* Elto C@.tothicgt.c ld.d.t: wGo/kD6E sh.d/Fdd oEr.!612.1.15 l* @.rof}* EluoB* EIo [.r QfoD* EIoD* Eluo 18 E]* ElroB* EIoD* Eho 1". @lo D* Eho Pcs P)loB* Elo flcr @'lo3* EIoB- EIo Upd.d r/r6l2a&6 Wolwrlnc Gs rnd Oll Caronmt Flcld -93urd, UT Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) DAQE-AN157310004-24 Componentf Location 35 Wellhead, Casing Valves wolverine Federal L8{ 36 Wellhead, Casing Valves 37 Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves 38 Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal L9-1 39 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal L9-2 40 Wellhead, CasingValves wolverine Federal 19-3 41 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wdverine Federal 194 42 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 19-5 43 Wellhead, Casing Valves M Hydraulic pump, vessel and valves45 Hydraulic vessel pressure relief Wolverine Federal 19-6 46 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 2G1 47 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 20-2 48 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine State 2O-3 49 Wellhead, Casing Valves Wolverine Federal 204 50 Wellhead, casing Valves wolverine State 20-5 51 Wellhead, Casing Valves Tank 101 (Produced Oil) 52 Tank Hatch 53 Vacuum/y'ent Hatch 54 Emergency Relief Hatch 55 Foam lvlixing Chamber Tank 102 (Produced Oil) 55 Tank Hatch 57 Vacuum/Vent Hatch 58 Emertenry Relief Hatch 59 Foam Mixing Chamber Tank 103 (Produced Water) 60 Tank Hatch 61 Vacuum/Vent Hatch Tank 201 (8ad Oil) 62 Tank Hatch Tank 301 (Produced Water Pit Tank) 53 Tank Hatch cPF Tank Battery 64 Valves and flanges CPF 30,000 Gallon Propane Tank 55 Valves and flanges 66 Pressure reliefvalves Treater Pad Pressure Relief Tank 67 Valves and flanges 68 Pressure relief valves AL Treater lnrpactors Nama: Tony E. Cook lnstrumcnt Us.d: Opgal Eyeccas Mon0VYcar of lnrp..tlon: March-24 N.!C lnrp..don Du.: September-24 Cause of Leak Repair order sDate lnspected Leak Found3lt8l24 El- EIo 3l!8124 [}* Ehos/!8/24 l.' Plo 3178124 D* EIo 3/78/24 3/18124 flor @ro D* EIo Valves and flanges A2 Treater Valves and flanges B1 Treater Valves and flanges 311.8124 El". 3lL8/24 D"' 3h1l24 8..3lt8/24 D.' 3178/24 Be 3lr1l24 f}.' 3/78124 E1.. 3/L8/24 D", 3lL8/24 P* 3/!8124 fla 3lr8/24 B"' 3lt8l24 Pc 3/18124 B"'3/r1l24 8",3ll8l24 D.' 3lLBl24 B.' 3/LBl24 fI"'3/t1l24 B"'3ltgt24 E1"' 3/Bl24 3/18/24 3118124 3h8124 3/L8/24 3h8/24 3/t8/24 3h8/24 3h8/24 3l!8/24 3lt8/24 311.8/24 Eho Pfo Eho B* EIo ff". [fo P.' @lo Do EIo B* EIo lcr Plo Cqr.rorhrrE6..! lc.td.t: wco/kr.t Sh.d/I idd Orr.tsr2.l.15 El'ro Pfo ENo Pfo Eho @ro @'ro @ro Pfo EIo Pfo @o Elro Pfo @fo @'to B- Elnof]c. 8]'ro f|"' Plo f}- Eluo P"' P!.loD* EIro 70 77 WdMm G.r.d Od Cd"n..t FEld (LDARI lnrFd'on5 Uod.w 1/l6naw Wohr.rln. G.r rnd Oll cancrmtFlcld-sfurd, UI Leak Detectlon and Repair (LDAR) DAQE-AN157310004-24 Crmponentf Locauon 82 Tre8ter 72 Valvc and flanges Meln Treater 73 Valves and flanges Produced Water Knockout 74 Valves and flangs lh.p.ctoE ll'..mrr lnrtrunrnt Urd: irontlw-rof ln p.c!on: llrrt lnoprcdon Dqc: Cause of Leak Tony E. Cook Opgal EyeCGas March-24 scptrmber-24 Rrplir ordcr il 75 C-Pad Pipeline Valve lsolation Set Valves and flanges Leak Found B. Elro El* EIo B. EI'ro DB O-t" 0 cst6 ol68 cFt e lGd.t: WGO/CryE $.adlrdd Opdor2.l.l5 Date lNpeded 3lt8l24 3/L8/24 3/Lll24 3/t8124 Numbe of drbctad bb WMrcG.r.dOl k6ilt tH (tDARll^.EtoB Upd.d rn6l21' 8olS T* I & E fi r Itra! r'tItirIrET li * it i l IE5t I fi i It, 6nIIiIrItEI .E r tt f , ll i l t !, o! iI4E f lb a ': i$ ! H?t!r$E f; H uE E rd 6E E5 TE E i =2 ! , t< u i ts i E