HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0104721 DAQC-966-24 Site ID 10335 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – TESORO REFINING AND MARKETING COMPANY THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Paul Morris, Environmental Scientist DATE: September 25, 2024 SUBJECT: Location: 474 West 900 North, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Contact: Morgan Sites – 801-366-2046 Tester: Alliance Technical Group, LLC Sources: Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) Wet Gas Scrubber (WGS), East Cogeneration Unit (CG1), and West Cogeneration Unit (CG2) FRS ID #: UT0000004903500004 Permit# AO DAQE-AN0103350075-18 dated January 11, 2018 Subject: Review of Pretest Protocol dated September 18, 2024 On September 19, 2024, the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a protocol for testing of the Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company’s FCCU WGS, CG1, and CG2 located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Testing will be performed on November 19-21, 2024, to determine compliance with the emission limits found in AO Condition II.B.7.a. PROTOCOL CONDITIONS: 1. RM 1 used to determine sample velocity traverses: OK 2. RM 2 used to determine stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate: OK 3. RM 3A used to determine dry molecular weight of the gas stream: OK 4. RM 4 used to determine moisture content: OK 5. RM 5/202 used to determine PM emissions: OK 6. RM 7E used to determine NOx emissions: OK DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted. CONCLUSION: The protocol appears to be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: Send protocol review and test date confirmation notice. ATTACHMENTS: Stack testing protocol. 6 , 3 salt Lake city Refinery 474 West 900 North salt Lake city, uT 84103-1494 ^i\E..ngy" September 18,2024 Mr. Paul Morris Division of Air Quality Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake ciry, uT 84114-4820 Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company's Salt Lake City Refinery FCCU WGS PM Emission Test Cogen NOx Emission Test Dear Mr. Morris: {{r,{r&H: Morgan Sites Environmental Professional Enclosed Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLG A subsidiary of Marathon Petroleum Corporation Hand Submittal Enclosed please find the protocol for the 2024 PM Emission Test for the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) Wet Gas Scrubber (WGS), and the 2024 NOx Emission Test for the Cogeneration Unit scheduled for the week of November l8th, 2024.. Please contact me at (801) 366-2046 if you have any questions. Sincerely, wen oepnniuEffi sEP 1 I 2024'fiqrt a delrlercd At6rrc Prepared By Alliance Technical Group, LLC 3683 W 2210 S, Suite E West Valley City, UT 84120 Site Specific Test Plan Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company Salt Lake City Refinery 474 West 900 North Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Sources to be Tested: Wet Gas Scrubber & East and West Cogen Proposed Test Dates: November 19-21,2024 Project No. AST-2024-41 17 pdlldrpe IECHt.t I AI GR i,.r I )Site Specific Test Plan Test Prosram Summarv Requlatory lnformation Permit No. Source Information DAQE-AN 103350075- l8 Source Name FCCU WGS East Cogeneration Unit West Cogeneration Unit Contact Information Source ID PS#4 CGI CG2 Target Paramelers PM, PM2.5, PMIO NOx NOx Tesl Localion Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company Salt Lake City Refinery 474 West 900 North Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Facility Contact Morgan Sites msites@marathonpetroleum. com (385) 306-4615 Test Company Alliance Technical Group, LLC 2700 NE Burton Rd., Suite A Vancouver, WA 98662 Project Manager Charles Horton charles.horton@alliancetg.com (3s2) 663-7s68 Field Team Leader Ryan Lyons ryan. lyon s@stacktest.com (708) 214-4850 (subject to change) QA/QC Manager Kathleen Shonk katie.shonk@al I iancetg.com (8t2) 4s2-478s Test Plan /Report Coordinator Lisa Simonik lisa.simonik@alliancetg.com (724) 977-9360 A nalytical Laboratories Alliance Technical Group, LLC 5530 Marshall Street Arvada, CO 80002 Eric Grosjean eric.grosjean@al liancetg.com (303) 420-5949 Particle Technology Labs 555 Rogers St. #4 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Aubrey Montana amontana@particlelabs.com (630) 969-2703 Regulatory Agency Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake Ciry, UT 841l4 (80r) s36-4400 MPC - Salt Lake City, UTAST-2024-4 I I 7 pulErrpe) ill.ti{-.4 _. ii (_) i J i-) Site Specific Test Plan Table ofContents TABLE OF CONTENTS l.l Process/Control System Descriptions.. ................ l-l 2.0 Summary of Test Program ............2-1 2.2 Process/Control System Parameters to be Monitored and Recorded ............... .....................2-l 3.1 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods I and 2 - Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric Flow Rate........3-l 3.2 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3/3A - Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide.... ........... 3-l 3.3 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4 - Moisture Content......... .......................3-2 3.4 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 5 and 202 - Total Particulate Matter........... ..................3-2 3.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control - U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3/3A ............. ....... 3-3 3.6 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3.A - Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide......... ......... 3-3 3.7 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 7E - Nitrogen Oxides ......... 3-3 3.8 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 19 - Mass Emission Factors ..................... 3-3 3.9 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 205 - Gas Dilution System Certification. ....................... 3-3 3.10 Quality Assurance/Quality Control - U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 3A and 7E...........................3-4 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-l: Program Outline and Tentative Test Schedule ......................2-2 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Appendix A B Method I Data Example Field Data Sheets AST-202.1-.1I I 7 3 of36 Page iiMPC - Salt t-ake City. UT AI T l a !1 i\.1 I (1. r\ FralEe i a; n () tl P Site Specrfic Test Plan Introduction 1.0 Introduction Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) was retained by Marathon Petroleum Corporation (MPC) to conduct compliance testing at the Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company (Tesoro) Salt Lake City, Utah refinery. Portions of the facility are subject to provisions of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) Permit No. DAQE-AN103350075-18. Testing will be conducted to determine the emission rates of the emission rates of particulate matter (PM), particulate matter less than l0 microns (PMl0) and particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) from the exhaust of the Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) Belco Wet Gas Scrubber (WGS) Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) for the PMl0 Cap calculation per the annual requirement detailed in the UDAQ permit. Additionally, testing will be conducted to determine the emission rates of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the exhausts of the fwo (2) cogeneration trains designated as East Cogen (CG I ) and West Cogen (CC2). The data collected during the testing program will be used to determine the correct emission factor for the East and West Cogen unit's NOx Cap calculation per the biennial requirement detailed in the UDAQ permit This site-specific test plan (SSTP) has been prepared to address the notification and testing requirements of the UDAQ permit. 1.1 Process/ControlSystemDescriptions The FCCU Regenerator / Carbon Monoxide Boiler (Heat Recovery Unit) is equipped with CONOX oxygen injection, ammonia injection, and an ESP/LoTOx (WGS) system for emission controls. Emissions are exhausted through one ( I ) stack designated as PS#4. The Cogeneration Unit consists of two (2) cogeneration trains (CGl and CG2), each has a ll.8 MW (based on annual average) turbine with SoLoNOx controls and one heat recovery steam generating (HRSG) unit rated at approximately 157.8 MMBtu,/hr (HHV). The units may be fired on plant & natural gas. 1.2 Project Team Personnel planned to be involved in this project are identified in the following table. Table l-l: Project Team 1.3 Safety Requirements Testing personnel will undergo site-specific safety training for all applicable areas upon arrival at the site. Alliance personnel will have current OSHA or MSHA safety training and be equipped with hard hats, safety glasses with side shields, steel-toed safety shoes, hearing protection, fire resistant clothing, and fall protection (including shock corded lanyards and full-body harnesses). Alliance personnel will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with Client and Alliance's safety policies. A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) will be completed daily by the Alliance Field Team Leader. MPC - Salt Lake City, UT Facility Personnel Morgan Sites Regulatory Agency UDAQ Alliance Personnel Ryan Lyons other field personnel assigned at time oftesting event AST-2021-4 I l 7 4 ol36 pul6rrpE) T E C 11 N lai A t ,3 R O l.l P Site Specific Test Plan Summary ofTest Programs 2.0 Summary of Test Program To satis$ the requirements of the UDAQ permit, the facility will conduct a performance test program to determine the compliance status of the FCCU WGS ESP and the East Cogen (CGl) and West Cogen (CG2). 2.1 General Description All testing will be performed in accordance with specifications stipulated in U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 1,2, 313A,3A, 4,5,7E, 19, and 202. Table 2-l presents an outline and tentative schedule for the emissions testing program. The following is a summary of the test objectives. Testing will be performed to demonstrate compliance with the UDAQ permit. Emissions testing will be conducted on the exhaust of FCCU and the East Cogen (CGl) and West Cogen (cG2). Each of the three (3) test runs will be approximately 60 minutes in duration. If the stack gas temperature is less than 85"F at the time of testing, total particulate matter will be measured using U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 17 or modified U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 5 with an unheated sample system. NOx mass emission rates in units of pounds per hour (lb/hr) will be calculated from fuel use during the test runs. NOx emissions in pounds per million British thermal units (lb,&lMBtu) will be determined with EPA Method l9 calculations using an Fd value calculated from a fuel analysis provided by Tesoro for each run. The data collected during the testing program will be used to determine the correct emission factor for the East and West Cogen unit's NOx Cap calculation per the biennial requirement detailed in the UDAQ permit. 2.2 Process/Control System Parameters to be Monitored and Recorded Plant personnel will collect operational and parametric data at least once every l5 minutes during the testing. The following list identifies the measurements, observations and records that will be collected during the testing program: FCCU WGS ESP o Production/Throughput,lb,4rr . Scrubber Flow Rate o Fan Frequency East Cosen (CG I ) and West Cogen (CG2) . Fuel Analysis o Fuel Consumption 2.3 Proposed Test Schedule Table 2-l presents an outline and tentative schedule for the emissions testing program. MPC - Salt Lake City, UT a a a a AsT-2024-4 I I 7 5 ol36 Page 2-l AllElrceTECHNICAL GROUP Site Specific Test Plan Summartt of Test P rosrams Table 2-1: Program Outline and Tentative Test Schedule DAY I -November 18,2024 Equipment Setup & Pretest QA/QC Checks 5hr DAY2-November 19,2024 FCCU WGS ESP VFR t-2 3 60 min l0 hr Oz / COz 3 BWS 4 PM 51202 DAY3-November20,2024 East Cogen (CGl) Oz/COz 3A 3 60 min 8hrNOx7E lb/IvIMBtu l9 DAY4-November2l,2024 West Cogen (CG2) Ozl COz 3A 3 60 min 8hrNOx7E lb/TvIMBtu l9 DAY 5 -November 22,2024 Contingency Day (if needed) 2.4 Emission Limits Emission limits for each pollutant are below. Teble 2-2: Emission Limits AST-2024-41 l7 Page2-2MPC - Salt Lake City, UT 5 of35 AI f E C lll'J lC A L ,-i Fl O ll i)Site Specific Test Plan Summary ofTest Programs 2.5 Test Report The final test report must be submitted within 60 days of the completion of the performance test and will include the following information. In addition to the final test report, the test results must be entered into the U.S. EPA Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) for submittal via CEDRI. o lntroductior - Brief discussion of project scope of work and activities. . Results and Discussion - A summary of test results and process/control system operational data with comparison to regulatory requirements or vendor guarantees along with a description of process conditions and/or testing deviations that may have affected the testing results. . Llethodologt - A description of the sampling and analytical methodologies. t Sample Calculations - Example calculations for each target parameter. c Field Dala - Copies of actual handwritten or electronic field data sheets. . Laboratory Data - Copies of laboratory report(s) and chain ofcustody(s). o Quality Control Data - Copies of all instrument calibration data and/or calibration gas certificates. o Process Operating'Control System Data - Process operating and control system data (as provided by MPC) to support the test results. Fla MPC - Salt Lake City, UT 7 o136 AST-202.1-4117 Page 2-3 Site Specific T'est Plan '[ e s t i nq .l te t hoclo I og.t' 3.0 Testing Methodology This section provides a description of the sampling and analytical procedures for each test method that will be employed during the test program. All equipment, procedures and quality assurance measures necessary for the completion of the test program meet or exceed the specifications of each relevant test method. The emission testing program will be conducted in accordance with the test methods listed in Table 3-1. Table 3-l: Source Testing Methodology All stack diameters. depths, widths. upstream and downstream disturbance distances and nipple lengths will be measured on site with an EPA Method I verification measurement provided by the Field Team Leader. These measurements will be included in the test report. 3.1 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods I and 2 - Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric Flow Rate The sampling location and number of traverse (sampling) points will be selected in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l. To determine the minimum number of traverse points, the upstream and dorvnstream distances will be equated into equivalent diameters and compared to Figure l-l in U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l. Full velocity traverses will be conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2 to determine the average stack gas velocity pressure. static pressure and temperature. The velocity and static pressure measurement system will consist of a pitot tube and inclined manometer. The stack gas temperature will be measured with a K- type thermocouple and pyrometer. Stack gas velocity pressure and temperature readings will be recorded during each test run. The data collected will be utilized to calculate the volumetric flow rate in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2. 3.2 l-1.S. EPA Reference Test lllethod 3/3A - Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide The oxygen (O:) and carbon dioxide (CO:) testing will be conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3/3A. One (l) integrated Tedlarbag sample will be collected during each test run. The bag samples will be analyzed on site with a gas analyzer. The remaining stack gas constituent will be assumed to be nitrogen for the stack gas molecular weight determination. The quality control measures are described in Section 3.5. MI)C - Salt l-ake Crt [ ]'l Peremeter U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods Notes/Remarks Volumetric Flow Rate I &.2 Full Velocity Traverses Oxygen / Carbon Dioxide 3 t3A Integrated Bag / Instrumental Analysis Moisture Content 4 Cravimetric Analvsis Total Particulate Matter 5t202 Isokinetic Sampling Oxygen / Carbon Dioxide 3A Instrumental Analysis Nitrogen Oxides 7E Instrumental Analvsis Mass Emission Factors l9 Fuel Factors / Heat Inputs Cas Dilution System Certification 205 ASl--l()lt-.lt | 7 8 ol'36 l'agc .1- | puIATEE) I'EC}Ii\JiCA _i It o i.l i)Site Specific Test Plan Testing Methodologt 3.3 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4 - Moisture Content The stack gas moisture content will be determined in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4. The gas condition ing train will consist of a series of chilled impingers. Prior to testing, each impinger will be filled with a knownquantityofwaterorsilicagel. Eachimpingerwill beanalyzedgravimetricallybeforeandaftereachtestrun on the same analytical balance to determine the amount of moisture condensed. 3.4 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 5 and 202 -Total Particulate Matter The total particulate matter (filterable and condensable PM) testing will be conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 5 and202. The complete sampling system will consist of a glass nozzle, glass-lined probe, pre-weighed quartz filter, coil condenser, un-weighed Teflon filter, gas conditioning train, pump and calibrated dry gas meter. The gas conditioning train will consist of a coiled condenser and four (4) chilled impingers. The first and second impingers will be initially empty, the third will contain 100 mL of de-ionized water and the last impinger will contain 200-300 grams of silica gel. The un-weighed 90 mm Teflon filter will be placed between the second and third impingers. The probe liner heating system will be maintained at a temperature of 248 +25'F, and the impinger temperature will be maintained at 68oF or less throughout testing. The temperature of the Teflon filter will be maintained greater than 65oF but less than or equal to 85'F. If the stack gas temperature is less than 85"F at the time of testing, total particulate matter will be measured using U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l7 or modified U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 5 with an unheated sample system. Following the completion of each test run, the sampling train will be leak checked at a vacuum pressure greater than or equal to the highest vacuum pressure observed during the run. If condensate is collected in the first dry impinger, then the front-half of the sample train (the nozzle, probe, and heated pre-weighed filter) will be removed in order to purge the back-half of the sample train (coil condenser, first and second impingers and CPM filter). A glass bubbler will be inserted into the first impinger. If needed, de-ionized ultra-filtered (DIUF) water will be added to the first impinger to raise the water level above the bubbler, then the coil condenser will be replaced. Zero nitrogen will connected to the condenser, and a 60-minute purge at l4 liters per minute will be conducted. Afterthe completion of the nitrogen purge the impinger contents will be measured for moisture gain. The nitrogen purge will be omitted if minimal condensate is collected in the dry impingers. The pre-weighed quartz filter will be carefully removed and placed in container l. The probe, nozzle and front half of the filter holder will be rinsed three (3) times with acetone to remove any adhering particulate matter and these rinses will be recovered in container 2. All containers will be sealed, labeled and liquid levels marked for transport to the identified laboratory for filterable particulate matter analysis. The contents of impingers I and 2 will be recovered in container CPM Cont. # 1 . The back half of the filterable PM filter holder, the coil condenser, impingers I and,2 and all connecting glassware will be rinsed with DIUF water and then rinsed with acetone, followed by hexane. The water rinses will be added to container CPM Cont. #l while the solvent rinses will be recovered in container CPM Cont. #2. The Teflon filter will be removed from the filter holder and placed in container CPM Cont. #3. The front half of the condensable PM filter holder will be rinsed with DIUF water and then with acetone, followed by hexane. The water rinse will be added to container CPM Cont. #l while the solvent rinses will be added to container CPM Cont. #2. All containers will be sealed, labeled and liquid levels marked for transport to the identified laboratory for condensable particulate matter analysis. MPC - Salt Lake Cit_v, UT 9 ol36 AST-2024-4 I I 7 Page 3-2 Afanoe 3.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control - U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3/3A Cylinder calibration gases will meet EPA Protocol | (+l- 2%) standards. Copies of all calibration gas certificates will be included in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Appendix of the report. Low Level gas will be introduced directly to the analyzer. After adjusting the analyzer to the Low Level gas concentration and once the analyzer reading is stable, the analyzer value will be recorded. This process will be repeated for the High Level gas. For the Calibration Error Test, Low, Mid, and High Level calibration gases will be sequentially introduced directly to the analyzer. The Calibration Error for each gas must be within 2.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5%o absolute difference. A Data Acquisition System with battery backup will be used to record the instrument response in one (l) minute averages. Thedatawill becontinuouslystoredasa*.CSVfileinExcel formatontheharddriveofacomputer. At the completion of testing, the data will also be saved to the Alliance server. All data will be reviewed by the Field Team Leader before leaving the facility. Once arriving at Alliance's office, all written and electronic data will be relinquished to the report coordinator and then a final review will be performed by the Project Manager. 3.6 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 34 - Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide The oxygen (O:) and carbon dioxide (CO2) testing will be conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3A'. Data will be collected online and reported in one-minute averages. The sampling system will consist of a stainless-steel probe, Teflon sample line(s), gas conditioning system and the identified gas analyzer. The gas conditioning system will be a non-contact condenser used to remove moisture from the stack gas. lf an unheated Teflon sample line is used, then a portable non-contact condenser will be placed in the system directly after the probe. Otherwise, a heated Teflon sample line will be used. The quality control measures are described in Section 3. 10. 3.7 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 7E - Nitrogen Oxides The nitrogen oxides (NOx) testing will be conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 7E. Data will be collected online and reported in one-minute averages. The sampling system wilI consist of a stainless-steel probe, Teflon sample line(s), gas conditioning system and the identified gas analyzer. The gas conditioning system will be a non-contact condenser used to remove moisture from the stack gas. lf an unheated Teflon sample line is used, then a portable non-contact condenser will be placed in the system directly after the probe. Otherwise, a heatedTeflonsamplelinewill beused. ThequalitycontrolmeasuresaredescribedinSection3.l0. 3.8 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 19 - Mass Emission Factors The pollutant concentrations will be converted to mass emission factors (lb/MMBtu) using procedures outlined in U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 19. The calculated fuel factor (F-Factor) will be used in the calculations based on the fuel gas analysis. 3.9 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 205 - Gas Dilution System Certification A calibration gas dilution system field check will be conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Method 205. Multiple dilution rates and total gas flow rates will be utilized to force the dilution system to perform two dilutions on each mass flow controller. The diluted calibration gases will be sent directly to the analyzer, and the analyzer response recorded in an electronic field data sheet. The analyzer response must agree within 27o of the actual diluted gas concentration. A second Protocol I calibration gas, with a cylinder concentration within l0% of one ofthe gas divider settings described above, will be introduced directly to the analyzer, and the analyzer response MPC - Salt Lake Cit_v, UT l0 ol36 AST-2024-,11 l7 Page 3-3 pilldrrcE) Site Specrfic Test Plan Testine lvlethodology-. H aj,ii:' recorded in an electronic field data sheet. The cylinder concentration and the analyzer response must agree within 2o/o. These steps will be repeated three (3) times. 3.10 Quality Assurance/Quality Control - U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 3A and 7E Cylinder calibration gases will meet EPA Protocol | (+l- 2o/o) standards. Copies of all calibration gas certificates will be included in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Appendix of the report. Low Level gas will be introduced directly to the analyzer. After adjusting the analyzer to the Low-Level gas concentration and once the analyzer reading is stable, the analyzer value will be recorded. This process will be repeated for the High-Level gas. For the Calibration Error Test, Low, Mid, and High-Level calibration gases will be sequentially introduced directly to the analyzer. The Calibration Error for each gas must be within 2.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv absolute difference. High or Mid-Level gas (whichever is closer to the stack gas concentration) will be introduced at the probe and the time required for the analyzer reading to reach 95 percent or 0.5 ppm (whichever was less restrictive) of the gas concentration will be recorded. The analyzer reading will be observed until it reaches a stable value, and this value will be recorded. Next, Low Level gas will be introduced at the probe and the time required for the analyzer reading to decrease to a value within 5.0 percent or 0.5 ppm (whichever was less restrictive) will be recorded. If the Low- Level gas is zero gas, the acceptable response must be 5.0 percent of the upscale gas concentration or 0.5 ppm (whichever was less restrictive). The analyzer reading will be observed until it reaches a stable value and this value will be recorded. The measurement system response time and initial system bias will be determined from these data. The System Bias for each gas must be within 5.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv absolute difference. High or Mid-Level gas (whichever is closer to the stack gas concentration) will be introduced at the probe. After the analyzer response is stable, the value will be recorded. Next, Low Level gas will be introduced at the probe, and the analyzer value will be recorded once it reaches a stable response. The System Bias for each gas must be within 5.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv absolute difference or the data is invalidated, and the Calibration Error Test and System Bias must be repeated. The Drift between pre- and post-run System Bias must be within 3% of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv absolute difference or the Calibration Error Test and System Bias must be repeated. To determine the number of sampling points, a gas stratification check will be conducted prior to initiating testing. The pollutant concentrations will be measured at twelve traverse points (as described in Method l) or three points (16.7,50.0 and 83.3 percentof the measurement line). Each traverse point will be sampled for a minimum of twice the system response time. If the pollutant concentration at each traverse point do not differ more than 5%o or 0.5 ppm (whichever is less restrictive) of the average pollutant concentration, then single point sampling will be conducted during the test runs. Ifthe pollutant concentration does not meet these specifications but differs less than l0% or 1.0 ppm from the average concentration, then three (3) point sampling will be conducted (stacks less than 7.8 feet in diameter - 16.7, 50.0 and 83.3 percent of the measurement line; stacks greater than 7.8 feet in diameter - 0.4, 1.0, and 2.0 meters from the stack wall). If the potlutant concentration differs by more than l07o or 1.0 ppm from the average concentration, then sampling will be conducted at a minimum of twelve (12) traverse points. Copies of stratification check data will be included in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Appendix of the report. MPC - Salt Lake Cit-v. UT I I o136 AST-2024-4t t7 Page 3-4 put6rpe TECIiI.JI(IA! GROIJP Site SpeciJic Test Plan Testins Methodoloev An NOz - NO converter check will be performed on the analyzer prior to initiating testing. An approximately 50 ppm nitrogen dioxide cylinder gas will be introduced directly to the NOx analyzer and the instrument response will be recorded in an electronic data sheet. The instrument response must be within +/- l0 percent of the cylinder concentration. A Data Acquisition System with battery backup will be used to record the instrument response in one (l) minute averages. Thedatawill becontinuouslystoredasa*.CSVfileinExcel formatontheharddriveofacomputer. At the completion of testing, the data will also be saved to the Alliance server. All data will be reviewed by the Field Team Leader before leaving the facility. Once arriving at Alliance's office, all written and electronic data will be relinquished to the report coordinator and then a final review will be performed by the Project Manager. MPC - Salt Lake CityAST-2024-4 I I 7 AI Site Specific Test Plan Quality Assurance P rogram 4.0 Quality Assurance Program Alliance follows the procedures outlined in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Management Plan to ensure the continuous production of useful and valid data throughout the course of this test program. The QC checks and procedures described in this section represent an integral part of the overall sampling and analytical scheme. Adherence to prescribed procedures is quite often the most applicable QC check. 4.1 Equipment Field test equipment is assigned a unique, permanent identification number. Prior to mobilizing for the test program, equipment is inspected before being packed to detect equipment problems prior to arriving on site. This minimizes lost time on the job site due to equipment failure. Occasional equipment failure in the field is unavoidable despite the most rigorous inspection and maintenance procedures. Therefore, replacements for critical equipment or components are brought to the job site. Equipment retuming from the field is inspected before it is returned to storage. During the course of these inspections, items are cleaned, repaired, reconditioned and recalibrated where necessary. Calibrations are conducted in a manner, and at a frequency, which meets or exceeds U.S. EPA specifications. The calibration procedures outlined in the U.S. EPA Methods, and those recommended within the Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems: Volume III (EPA-600/R-94/038c, September 1994) are utilized. When these methods are inapplicable, methods such as those prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or other nationally recognized agency may be used. Data obtained during calibrations is checked for completeness and accuracy. Copies of calibration forms are included in the report. The following sections elaborate on the calibration procedures followed by Alliance for these items of equipment. o Drv Gas Meter and Orifice. A full meter calibration using critical orifices as the calibration standard is conducted at least semi-annually, more frequently if required. The meter calibration procedure determines the meter correction factor (Y) and the meter's orifice pressure differential (AH@). Alliance uses approved Altemative Method 009 as a post-test calibration check to ensure that the correction factor has not changed more than 5olo since the last full meter calibration. This check is performed after each test series. o Pitot Tubes and Manometers. Type-S pitot tubes that meet the geometric criteria required by U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2 are assigned a coefficient of 0.84 unless a specific coefficient has been determinedfromawindtunnel calibration. Ifaspecificcoefficientfromawindtunnel calibrationhasbeen obtained that coefficient will be used in lieu of 0.84. Standard pitot tubes that meet the geometric criteria required by U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2 are assigned a coefficient of 0.99. Any pitot tubes not meeting the appropriate geometric criteria are discarded and replaced. Manometers are verified to be level and zeroed prior to each test run and do not require further calibration. o Temperature Measurins Devices. All thermocouple sensors mounted in Dry Gas Meter Consoles are calibrated semi-annually with a NlST-traceable thermocouple calibrator (temperature simulator) and verified during field use using a second NlST-traceable meter. NIST-traceable thermocouple calibrators are calibrated annually by an outside laboratory. . Nozzles. Nozzles are measured three (3) times prior to initiating sampling with a caliper. The maximum difference between any two (2) dimensions is 0.004 in. . Diqital Calipers. Calipers are calibrated annually by Alliance by using gage blocks that are calibrated annually by an outside laboratory. rla MPC - Salt Lake City. UT l3 ol36 AST-2024-41 l7 Page 4- I pjlldrpe Tl,Cllll lCi\r, n () i: lD Site Specific Test Plan Quality Assurance P rogrom Barometer. The barometric pressure is obtained from a nationally recognized agency or a calibrated barometer. Calibrated barometers are checked prior to each field trip against a mercury barometer. The barometer is acceptable if the values agree within + 2 percent absolute. Barometers not meeting this requirement are adjusted or taken out of service. Balances and Weiehts. Balances are calibrated annually by an outside laboratory. A functional check is conducted on the balance each day it is use in the field using a calibration weight. Weights are re-certified every two (2) years by an outside laboratory or internally. If conducted internally, they are weighed on a NIST traceable balance. If the weight does not meet the expected criteria, they are replaced. Other Equipment. A mass flow controller calibration is conducted on each Environics system annually following the procedures in the Manufacturer's Operation manual. A methane/ethane penetration factor check is conducted on the total hydrocarbon analyzers equipped with non-methane cutters every six (6) months following the procedures in 40 CFR 60, Subpart JJJJ. Other equipment such as probes, umbilical Iines, cold boxes, etc. are routinely maintained and inspected to ensure that they are in good working order. They are repaired or replaced as needed. 4.2 Field Sampling Field sampling will be done in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the applicable test method(s). General QC measures for the test program include: . Cleaned glassware and sample train components will be sealed until assembly. . Sample trains will be leak checked before and after each test run. . Appropriate probe, filter and impinger temperatures will be maintained. o The sampling port will be sealed to prevent air from leaking from the port. . Dry gas meter, AP, AH, temperature and pump vacuum data will be recorded during each sample point. o An isokinetic sampling rate of 90-l l0% will be maintained, as applicable. o All raw data will be maintained in organized manner. o All raw data will be reviewed on a daily basis for completeness and acceptability. 4.3 Analytical Laboratory Analytical laboratory selection for sample analyses is based on the capabilities, certifications and accreditations that the laboratory possesses. An approved analytical laboratory subcontractor list is maintained with a copy of the certificate and analyte list as evidence of compliance. Alliance assumes responsibility to the client for the subcontractor's work. Alliance maintains a verifiable copy of the results with chain of custody documentation. NIPC - Salt Lake City. UT l-l of 36 AST-202.+-41 I 7 Page.l-2 l5 of36 AilAtr-SOURCE TESTING Lcaioo T6oro RellniEr - S.lt LrL. Ciry, UT Method I Data Sourcc FCCU B.l.o WGS (S0ck PS#r) Dud Oriotraioo: vfrical ouaooigr,ffi Dittur. (rcm Fr Wdl to Ont.id. of Pon, --'iiii6'- ir Nipple L6Irh: 9 00 itr Dtpth of Dua, --lii6-io cro!! Sdoad Arc. of Duo, ---iI?-6, No. of Tst Poru:--T- Dittrc Ar 15 0 n Di.tue A Duct Dirm.., T(mu.r b. , 0.5) Dirtre 8: 12 0 ft DBruce B Drct Dr"mc^,T(.u.r mt z, Mioitum Number of Tr.rcnc Point: ---ld- Adud Nunbcr of Tr.tdc PoinB: 2.f Number of Rsding! pc, Pointr ----1- 'xatnr-Lq-B-h t .rEbdA?tFd ht-O.alr-.c. !-I ,.-'-----l- -tu -rUl.Ar) CIRCULAR DUCT LOCATION OF TRAVERSE POINTS Nunba oJ ntws. pi^B il o rlio&a I 3 { 5 6 1 t 9 l0 ll l2 2 f .t s 6 1 t 9 to ll l7 14.6 E5 .t 67 25.0 7J0 o1' .t .l t.t.6 296 701 E5r 956 32 t0 5 l9l 323 617 t06 E9J 96t 76 E2 l{ 6 22.6 3{2 658 11 1 8J{ 9l t 2l 6.7 ll8 t71 250 15 6 641 750 8:3 rE2 931 Trarcrs Point '/. oI Di,fr{.r Di.tuc. fron inrid. Dirtuca from ou$idc of I J { 5 5 1 t 9 l0 u t2 2t 61 il8 t11 250 t56 6.t l 750 82.3 t82 913 979 202 643 ll rl l6 99 24 00 l.t tt 6t t2 72 00 79 0t tr 67 89 J7 93 gtt I 1.02 lt..ll 20 33 25.E) 33.0{) 1l 18 70.It2 81 00 88 0t 93 67 9t 57 102 98 'Percent of\tNk dtailctcttofr hil.lc \|all to tderte p<\nt SlacL Dl8rm A= 15n. B={2tt. Ixpth of Duct = 96 m Crcss S€trcnal Aea DownSlr$m Ol$urbancc o oao o a o o oao upttrcam Dkturbanaa l6 ol36 l7 ol36 A/tfure Cyclonic Flow Check Location -- Source -- Project No. - Sample Point Anele (AP{)) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 IE l9 20 2l .,, 23 24 Averese al6rce Method 3/3A Data Locetion -- Source -- Project No. - 02 Data CO2 Dete Dele/Time Date/Time lllake/ModeVSN Paremeter Cylinder ID Cylinder Concentration. 7o Analyzer Concentration. 7o Cylinder lD Cylinder Concentration. 7o Analyzer Concentration. 7o Zero Gas High Range Gas rllid Renge Ges Concentrstion Spa n, o/o Required Accurecy, 7o Date/Time Date/Time illeke/llodeVSN Parameter Cylinder lD (lvlinder Conccntrqtion- o/" Analyzer Concpnlrltion- o/.Cylinder ID Cvlinder Concentrrtion- o/. Analyzer Concentrltion- o/. Zero Ges High Range Gas Mid Range Gas Concentration Span, 7o Required Accuracy, 7o Dete/Time Date/Time illeke/IlodeVS:\- Parameter Cylinder lD Cylinder Cnnnanirofinn o/- Analyzer r-^nnrnfroti^h o/^Cylinder lD Cylinder l-nnnanfrafinn oZ Analvzer fnnnantrofinn o/^ Zero Gas High Renge Gas illid Range Gas Concentration Sprn, 7o Required Accuracy, %o I 9 ol36 Method 4 Data Source -- Project No. -- Parameter PM Analysis Gravimetric Run I Date: lmpinger No.I )3 4 Total Contents Empty Empty H20 Silica Initial Mass, g Final Mass, g Gain Run 2 Date: Impinger No.I .,3 4 Total Contents Empty Empty H20 Silica Initial Mass, g Final Mass, g Gain Run 3 Date: Impinger No.I )3 4 Total Contents Empty Empty H20 Silica Initial Mass, g Final Mass, g Gain 20 ot'36 pd/t6rtre Isokinetic Field Data Sirrt Time: Eod Time: Sourre: -" STACK DATA (EST)EOUIPMENT STACK DATA (EST)FlLTER NO.STACK DAT.{ 'FINAI,I MOIST. D,{T,{ Moillure: _70 esi BsroDetric: - in Hg Static Prcrs: - rn WC Stack presr: - in Hg CO1: - oh O7: - lo Ny'CO: - % Md: - lb/lb-mole illr: - lbilb-mole Meter Bor ID,::_ Y:- ,lH @ 1ln.wc;'l-- Probc ID: - Lioer Mrterirl: - Pitot ID: - litot cYryp.,---J-I- I,to-t"lo,f Nozle Do (in.): - E!t, Tm: E!1. T!: - 'F E!t. APr - in WC E!t. Dn: - in Trrr.l R.ie: - cfm Pb: - rn Hg Pg: - in WC ort-:-% CO2: -- o/o I a-^u q r-1.:-r Vlc (ml) K.FACTOR -EAK CHECK! Pre Mid I Mid 2 ]! id 3 Polt Mid I (c0 Mid 2 (cf) vlid 3 (c0 L..kR.t (.fm): Vrcum (in Hg): Pilol Tub.:,lid-Poitrl t .kClE kVol (.O: AL Sample Time (minuae!) Dry Grs llete. Reading (ft') Pitol Tube AP (ln wc) Cr! TemEraturc! (oF)Orifice Press. AH (in. WC) Pump Vac (in. Hg) .:a. T.6mrr.nr.. loFl % ISO Vr (fps) DGll Averrce Sixck Prob€Filrer Imn Erit Aur Begin End rderl o00 #DIV/O #DIVi0l dDI\'OI #DIV/OI tDtv/o HDI\'/OI #r,vi0l #DIV/OI dntv/0 HDIV/OI #DIV/OI #Dlv/01 #DIV10l HDIV/OI 4DI\"OI #l)tv/01 #DtV/01 #DIViOI 4DIV/O HDIV/Ol 4DIV,OI #DMol #DIV,Oi rDtv,ol #DIV/OI #DIV/OI #Dlvi0r ,DIV10 #Dlv/01 #DIV/O tDIvi0r HDI\';O! tDMOI #DIV/O #DIV,0i #DIV/OI tDMOr #DIV/OI #DIViOI #DIVi0r #DI\"0r #DIV/Ol dDtv/o #DIVi0r #DIVi0 a =0L] Run Time Vm AP Tm Ts Y"t AH %tso Bws Y..Vrc 60.0 mtn 0.000 ftJ in. WC - in. WC 2l of36 pultfure s:l lr rl, l,melion - QA/QC Data Source - Projcct No. - Pratmeler - Date Nwle lD N@lc Dismctcr (in.) #l HZ 13 Dn lAvcrllc) Differcnce Critcria Mslcrial < 0 0O.l rn Dele Pitot lD llvidence ot demnsa? Evidence of mir-rlionm€nt? LSltDtttron ot Rpneir reouircd? Dote Probc ID Rcfercncc lndicatcd Dilfcrcncc Criteris Probe LcnEh 1.5 c6 (absolule) Field Bslsncc Chsk Dete Balmce ID Test Werrht tD d We'uhl Iu) D'fferpnce lo Drt.Bsromctric Prersure EVrqanca ot drmroa?Reading Vcrificd LAlOrttron ot Reneir reouired?W.ath.r Station Lftaiion Daie Meter Bor lD P6itive Prcssure Lcrk Ch(k Resgeni Lol#Field Prcp per Ficld Lot Dat.By Run Run I Run I Flow R2ie llnml Flow Rate llnm)Flos Rale (lDm) Clock Trme ('lmk [-rme I CImk Trme T A6rce Location: -- Appendix A Example Calculations Source: -- Project No.: -- Run No.: I Parameter: -- Mcter Pregsure (Pm), in. Hg AHPm = Pb+.t3s wherc, Pb.3=barometric pressure, in. Hg AH.:= pressure differential of orifice, in H2O Pm -- = in. Hg Absolutc Strck Grs Pressurc (Ps), in. Hg Ps = pb* PB whcrc, 13'6 Pb..;=barometric pressure, in. Hg Pg.;= static pressure, in. H2O Pt--=in Hg Stenderd Mctcr Volumc (Vmstd), dscf 77.647xYxVmxPmVmstd =Tmwhcrc, Y.....-= meter correction factor V.-.,,1!!!!-= meter volume, cf Pr.;= absolute meter pressure, in. Hg Tr.-= absolute meter temperature, oR Vmstd - = dscf Standrrd Wct Volumc (Vwstd), scf Vwstd=0.04707xVIc whcre, Vlc volume of H2O collected, ml Y,,1516-=561 ilIoisture Fnction (BWSset), dimensionlcss (thcorcticrl st seturrtcd conditions) 1063?-(#:#)BWSsat = P, whcre, Tt.....-= stack temPerature, oF Pr.....-= absolute stack gas pressure, in. Hg BWSsat - = dimensionless lVloisturc Frsction (BWS), dimensionless (mcrsurcd) Vwstdntrrawotre7"" (Vwstd * Vmstd)Vwst6- " - -:- ' --= staildard wet volume, scf Vmstd - = standard meter volume, dscf BWS -- = dimensionless 23 of 36 A!6rce Location: -- Source: -- Project No.: -- Run No.: I Parameter: -- Appendix A Example Calculations Nloisture Frrction (BWS), dimcnsionless BWS = BWSmsd unless BWSsat < BWSmsdwhere, BWSsat BWSmsd BWS moisture fractton (theoretical at saturated conditions) = moisture lractron (measured) Nlolecular \l'eight (DR\') (!ld), lb/lb-mole Md : (0.44 x 0/oCO2) + (0.32 x o/oO2) + (0.28 (100- o/oCO2 - o/oOZ)) where, CO, -= carbon dioxide concentration, o/o = oxygen concentration, 7o = lb/lb mol Nlolecular Weight (\YET) (lls), Ib/lb-molc Ms : Md (1 - BWS) + tB (BWS) where, o2 Md Md BWS Ms Average Velocity (!'s), ftlsec = molecular weight (DRY), lbilb mol = moisture tiaction, dimensionless = Ib/lb mol Vs = 85.49wherc, Cp a Pl/2 Ts Ps Ms Vs l-,,(LYrtzl avg x ^lor _ * = pitot tube coefficrent \ xCpx Averrge Strck Ges Flow at Stack Conditions (Qa), acfm Qa = 60x Vs x As where, Vr.....-= stack gas velocrty, f1lsec At.....-= cross-sectional area of stack. ftl Qa - = acfm Avenge Steck Ges Flow et Standard Conditions (Qs), dscfm Ps Qs = 17.647 x Qa x where, = velocity head ofstack gas, (in. H2O)ril = absolute stack temperature, oR = absolute stack gas pressure, in. Hg = molecular u'eight of stack gas, lb/lb mol = fVsec = moisture tiaction. dimensionless = absolute stack gas pressure, in. Hg = absolute stack temperature, oR = dscfm (1 -BwS), r, = average stack gas flow at stack condrtions, actmQa BWS Ps Ts Qs 24 o136 Appendix A Example Calculations Location: Source: Project No.: Run No.: Parameter: 0.0319xTmx29 Dry Grs Dleter Calibretion Chcck (l'qa), dimcnsionless Y -- : meter correction factor, dimensionless ,IF=run.me,mrn. Yqa = where, Vm Tm ^H@Pb AH avg Yqa Volume of lriozzle (Vn), ftr TstVn =- 10.002669xV\c*Ps\ where, Ts Ps Vlc Vm Pm Y Tm Vn 0 000 lsokinetic Sampling Rate (I), 7o G x60xAnx7s Vn x 100 0 = total meter volume, dcf -- : absolute meter temperature, "R = orifice meter calibration coefllicient, in. Fl2O = barometric pressure, in. Hg = average pressure dit'ferential oforifice, in HzO = molecular weight (DRY), lb/lb mol = average squareroot pressure differential oforifice, (in. H2O)'r = dimensionless = absolute stack temperature, oR : absolute stack gas pressure, in. Hg = volume of H2O collected, ml = meter volume, cf = absolute meter pressure, in. llg = meter correction f'actor, unitless = absolute meter temperature, oR = volume ofnozzle, ftj Vm xPmxY\_t Tm) )xrool= whcre, Vn 0 An Vs I nozzle volume. fil 60.0 = run time, minutes = area of nozzle, ftl = average velocity, fVsec =% 25 of 36 A/t6tre SOURCE TESTING QA Data Location - Source -- Project No. -- Parameter (l' - Orrflel COr - Outlet NOx - Outlet Make Model S/N Operating Range Cylinder ID Zero Low Mid Hish NA i1 NA 1i NA t1 Cylinder Certifed Values Low Mid Hish NA NA NA Cylinder Expiration Date Zero Low Mid Hish NA Y NAil NA rl Alt6r'i@ SOURCE TESTING Calibration Data Location: - Source: -- Project No.: -- Date: -- Parameter Oz - Outlet CO: - Outlet NOx - Outlet Exoected Averase Concentration Span Between Low High Desired Span Low Range Gas Low Hish NA NA NA NA NA NA Mid Range Gas Low Hieh High Range Gas Low Hish NA NA NA NA NA NA Actual Concentration (7o or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.0 NA 0.0 NA 0.0 il ResDonse Time (seconds) Upscale Calibration Gas (Cur) Instrument Response (%o or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hieh NA NA NA Performance (7o of Span or Cal. Gas Conc.) Zero Low Mid Hish NA NA NA Status Zero Low Mid Hish NA NA NA 21 of 36 AtlErrEE) SOUFICE TESTING Bias/Drift Determinations Location: Source: Project No.: Parameter Or - Outlet COr - Outlet NOx - Outlel Run I Date Span Value lnstrument Zero Cal Response lnstrument Mid Cal Response Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Mid Response Posttest Svstem Mid Response Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posttest SDan Drift (%) Zero Mid Run 2 Date Span Value lnstrument Zero Cal Response Instrument Mid Cal Response Pretest Sy'stem Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Mid Response Posttest System Mid Response Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Zero Itctest Span Posttest Soan Drift (%) Zerc Mid Run 3 Dete Span Value lnstrument Zero Cal Response Instrument Mid Cal Response Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Prctest System Mid Response Posttest Svstem Mid Response Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Z,ero Pretest Span Posttest Soan Drift (%) 7-erc Mid A/tfurc=Emissions Calculations Location - Source -- Project No. - Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Average Date Start Time Stop Time Source Data Source Load. %o Fue[ Factor (O2 drv). dscf/MMBtu EL Fd 8,71 0 8,710 8,710 8,7t0 Calculated Data - Outlet Oz Concentration, % dry co, COz Concentration. % dry cco, NOx Concentration, ppmvd NOx Emission Factor, lb/MMBtu (O2d) CNo* EFNo. o:a 29 of36 Ailfure SOURCE TESTING Lcrtion: - Runl-CEMSData Sourcc: -- Projet No.: -Drtc: - Tioe Urir Stet6 Or - Outlca Y. ,lry V4lid COr - Outlct NOr - Outlcl 'A dry p[mvdValid Valid Ulcorr6icd RUE Avcngc (C6) Crl G$ Coocetrirrtlon (CMr) Prcl6t Syttcn Zaro R€poltc P6ti6t SyttcE Z.ro Raporsc Av.ng. Zcro R6pon!€ (Co) Prct6t Syltcm Ctl R6poorc P6tt6t Sytam Cd R6pon3c Averege Cel Rapoarc (Cy) CffiBt d R[! 30 of36 pult6trce SOURCE TESTING Location: - NOx Converter Efficiency Check Project No.: -- N02 Converter Check - Outlet Analyzer Make Analyzer Model Serial Number Cylinder ID Number Cylinder Exp. Date Cvlinder Concentration. DDm Pre-Test Date Time Pre-Test Concentration, ppm Pre-Test Efficiency. To Post-Test Date Time Post-Test Concentration, ppm Post-Test Efficiencv. 7o *Required Efiiciency is > 90 % 3l of36 A/r6trce QA Data Stratification Check Location: 0 Source: 0 Project No.: 0 Traverse Point Time NOx (oom) o2 (o/o\ Coz (o/ol A-l 2 3 4 5 6 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 B-l 2 3 4 5 6 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 Average Criteria Met Sinele Point Sinsle Point Sinele Point pd/t6rre SOURCE TESTING Location: -- Project No.: -- FUEL FACTOR CALCULATION BASED ON FUEL ANALYSIS CO}IPONEN'I Ntw lltot.Ey.NIOI-ES C NIOLES H I}IOLES O ]IIOLES N NIOLES S HYDROGEI\2.016 HELIUV 4.003 METHANI t6.043 WATER 18.015 CARBON MONOXIDE 28.010 NITROGEI\28.013 ETHYLENE 28.054 ETHANE 30 070 OXYGEI\31.999 HYDROCEN SULFIDT 34.076 ARGOI\39.948 PROPYLENE 42.081 CARBON DIOXIDT 44 010 PROPANT 41.097 BLrTYLENES 56 08 ISO-BUTANE 58.24 N.BT]TANI 58 24 PENTENES 70 35 ISO-PENTANT 72 5l N.PENTANE 72.5l BENZENT 78.t4 HEXANT 86 78 TOLUENI 92 4t HEPTANT 100.205 ETHYLBENZENE 106.168 XYLENI t06.168 TOTAL \!,EIGHT (LBS' WEIGHT% L}IV (BTI.I/SCF):= SUM [(MOLE%, . LHV i) * 100 ]: suM [(MoLE%i o HHV i) * 100 ] = SUM [(MOLE Yo1 o DENSITY i) * 100 ] = DENSrry (LB/SCF) = DENSITYTTR (0.0763 LB/SCF) = HIIV + DENSITY =SUM [(MOLE%r . MWi) " 100 ] = 106 , IG.6ao%H) + (1 .53.VoC) + (0.14o/sl!) + (0.57.%3)-(0.46o%O)]+ QQ,y = 106 , [ (5.57 .%H) + (1.53.%C) + (0.14 o%N) + (0.57.%3) - (0.46 o%O) ] + GCV = 106 , (0.321 .%C) * GCV =0.209oFa=F" HHV (BTI.I/SCF): DENSITY (LB/SCF): SPECIFIC GRAVIT}' GC\'(BTI.'/LB) NIW (LB/LBNIOLE) F6 (DSCF/Iil\tBTt'): F* (WSCF/lllllBTl-i): F. (SCF/r!rltBTL',): Expected Foi 33 of 36 I Appendix A Example Calculations Location: Source: -- Project No.: -- Run No. /Method Run I / Method 7E NOx - Outlet Concentration (Cro,), ppmvd C:ro* = ( Cou, - Co ) * ( ,ft;) where, Cob, co Cto CM Cruo* DrNo*od - where, Cxo* K Fd co, EELr NC)xC)d #N/A L l 95E-07 8,7 l0 : average analyzer value during test, ppmvd: average ofpretest & posttest zero responses, ppmvd: actual concentration ofcalibration gas, ppmvd: average ofpretest & posttest calibration responses, ppmvd: NOx Concentration, ppmvd NOx - Outlet Emission Factor (EFno,o,a), lb/MMBtu ER516"xKxFd- (rd,-4;) = NOx - Outlet Concentration, ppmvd = constant, lb/dscf ' ppmvd = fuel factor, dscf/MMBtu = oxygen concentration, %o = lb/MMBtu 34 of36 Alr6rtrce SOURCE TESTING L6raio: Tesoro Refinrnc ad Mrketrnu Compmv EPA Method 205 Field Calibration of Dilution System Projeci No.: -- D.te Analvzer Male Analyzer Model Analyzer SN Envrronics ID ComponenvBalace Gr - Cylrnder Gm ID (Drlutron) Cylrnder Ga Concentrahon (Drlutron). ppm Cylrnder Co tD (lllid-Lerel) Cylrnder Co Concentranon (Mrd-Level). ppm Targel l!1.3! Flow Trrget Diluiion Target Flw Rte Trrget ConcenirNtion Aclusl Concenirrtion Itrjection I Analyzer Cotrcaniraiion Injection 2 Analyzer Conceotrstion Injeclion 3 Analyzer Concentratioo Aversge Analyzer Corceolrslion Diflereoce Average Error (L2%l l0ul0L.q00 'to 800 70 IOU5L 800 50 I 0t./5t.500 50 IOU IL 200 40 t0t-/II.t00 .1 0 *Not all AST Environrcs Unrts have 2-l0L M6s Flow Controllers For these units the 90% @ Tlpm md 80% @ Tlpm inlections will not be conducted Avcrage Aorlyzcr Coocentralioo lnjectior I Error I t2%t lnjeclioo 2 Error ( t2%l hjection 3 Error (+2%l NliilLevel SuDolv Gr! Crlibration Direci to Crlibrstion Gas Cotrcentration Inj4lion I Analyzcr Concentrrtion lnjstion 2 Analyzer Concen(rrtion lnjection J Analyzer Concentrrtion Average Analyzer Conceniration Dilference AvemSe Error 35 ol36 36 of36