HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0104661 DAQC-952-24 Site ID 13039 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS – Bauer Pit THROUGH: Rik Ombach, Minor Source Oil and Gas Compliance Section Manager FROM: Paul Bushman, Environmental Scientist DATE: September 23, 2024 SUBJECT: Sources: One (1) 600 hp diesel-fired generator (#62-2180) Contact: Grant Ensign: 435-979-5351 Location: 2830 South Bauer Road, Stockton, Tooele County, Utah Test Contractor: Montrose Air Quality Services Permit/AO#: DAQE-AN130390005-22 dated March 16, 2022 Action Code: TR Subject: Review of stack test report dated September 20, 2024 On September 20, 2024, Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a test report for one (1) 600 hp diesel-fired generator at Geneva Rock Products Bauer Pit, Tooele County, Utah. Testing was performed August 27, 2024, to demonstrate compliance with the CO limits found in 40 CFR Part 63, subpart ZZZZ to reduce CO emissions by 70 percent or more. The source demonstrated compliance by measuring CO emissions at the inlet and outlet of the catalyst. The calculated test results are: Source Test Date Pollutant Method Tester Results Tester Reduction Results DAQ Results DAQ Reduction Results Limits 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator #62-2180 Inlet August 27, 2024 CO 10 539.2 ppm @ 15% O2 99.6% Reduction 528.33 ppm @ 15% O2 99.6% Reduction 70% or greater CO Reduction 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator #62-2180 Outlet August 27, 2024 CO 10 2.1 ppm @ 15% O2 1.77 ppm @ 15% O2 DEVIATIONS: None. CONCLUSION: The stack test appears to be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: The emissions from the one (1) 600 hp diesel-fired generator should be considered to have been in compliance with the emission limits of 40 CFR Part 63, subpart ZZZZ during testing. ATTACHMENTS: DAQ stack test review excel spreadsheets, Geneva Rock Products stack test report. Bauer Pit CO Inlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Reference Methods 2, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, & 19 Source Information Company Name Geneva Rock - Bauer Pit Company Contact:Grant Ensign Contact Phone No.801-802-6954 Stack Designation:600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62-2180) Inlet Test & Review Dates Test Date:8/27/2024 & Review Date: 9/23/2024 Observer:None Reviewer:Paul Bushman Emission Limits Emission Rates SO2 NOX CO SO2 NOX CO lbs./MMBtu lbs./hr. ppm 400.00 528.333 Percent %O2 Correction as a whole #15.00 Test Information Heat Input Stack I.D. inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static) fuel flow rate (Btu/hr.) Heat Input (Btu/hr.) 9.00 0.442 Contractor Information Contact: Cheyney Guymon Contracting Company: Montrose Air Quality Services Address: 6823 South 3600 West, Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Phone No.: 801-794-2950 Project No.:#N/A #N/A Round Division of Air Quality Instrumental Reference Methods - Gaseous Measurements Method 19 - F factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu Diluent F factor used O2 CO2 Anthrocite 2 Bituminous 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane 10100 COAL OIL GAS 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 Wet CEM Correct For O2 CO2 Interference w/CO Yes Yes Yes Bauer Pit CO Inlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Calibration Error Test Test Date August 27, 2024 O2 CS - Cal. Span 19.66 Units % Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Passed Cal. CC283537 11/20/31 Mid-level 10.07 10.10 0.03 0.15% Passed Cal. CC73283 10/21/30 High-level 19.66 19.70 0.04 0.20% Passed Cal. % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of CS - Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 51.22% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date CO2 CS - Cal. Span Units % Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date SO2 CS - Cal. SpanUnits ppm Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date NOx CS - Cal. Span Units ppm Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date August 27, 2024 CO CS - Cal. Span 511.00 400 Units ppm Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.039% Passed Cal. CA02286 10/15/29 Mid-level 230.50 231.00 0.50 0.098% Passed Cal. EB0099336 07/05/25 High-level 511.00 510.00 1.00 0.196% Passed Cal. % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 45.11% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Valid Cal Gas Valid Cal Gas Valid Cal Gas Valid Cal Gas Bauer Pit CO Inlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Geneva Rock - Bauer Pit SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62-2180) Inlet CS Calibration Span 511.00 19.66 Units ppm ppm ppm %%Unprotected CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 230.50 10.07 High-Level 511.00 19.66 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00%0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 45.1%51.2% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0%100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CDir CMA 511.00 10.07 Calibration Error Test Cs - Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.20 0.00 Mid-Level 231.00 10.10 High-Level 510.00 19.70 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 510.00 10.10 Low-Level 0.04%0.00% ppmdv Difference 0.2 0 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Mid-Level 0.10%0.15% ppmdv Difference 0.5 0.03 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. High-Level 0.20%0.20% ppmdv Difference 1 0.04 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.10 0.10 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.02%TRUE 0.51%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.1 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Failed Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 509.80 10.00 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.04%TRUE 0.51% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.20 TRUE 0.10 Pass or Failed Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/27/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 356.10 15.7 CO 0.0% 0.0% 69.7% 0.0% 79.9%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.20 0.10 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.00% TRUE 0.51%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.0 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 510.40 10.00 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.08%TRUE 0.51% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.4 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift TRUE TRUE 0.02%TRUE 0.00%Drift Difference TRUE TRUE 0.1 TRUE 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Up-scale Gas Drift TRUE TRUE 0.04% TRUE 0.00% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.6 TRUE 0.0 Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass NOTEThese cells scans for the appropriate Cdir gas after the Cmentered. If this scan is incorrect change the Cdir to the correct gas value. Failed Bias Dialog Failed Drift Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog CO Calibration Gas Failed Bias Dialog Bauer Pit CO Inlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Geneva Rock - Bauer Pit SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62-2180) Inlet CS Calibration Span 511.00 19.66 Units ppm ppm ppm %% CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2Low-Level 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 230.50 10.07 High-Level 511.00 19.66 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00%0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 45.1%51.2% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0%100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 511.00 10.07 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.20 0.00 Mid-Level 231.00 10.10 High-Level 510.00 19.70 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 510.00 10.10 Low-Level 0.04%0.00% ppmdv Difference 0.2 0 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Mid-Level 0.10%0.15% ppmdv Difference 0.5 0.03 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. High-Level 0.20%0.20% ppmdv Difference 1 0.04 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.20 0.10 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.00%TRUE 0.51%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 510.40 10.00 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.08%TRUE 0.51% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.4 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/27/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 306.00 16.9 CO 0.0% 0.0% 59.9% 0.0% 86.0%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.20 0.10 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.00% TRUE 0.51%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.0 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 510.70 9.90 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.14%TRUE 1.02% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.7 TRUE 0.2 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift TRUE TRUE 0.00%TRUE 0.00%Response Spec. Difference TRUE TRUE 0.0 TRUE 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Up-scale Gas Drift TRUE TRUE 0.06% TRUE 0.51% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.3 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Drift Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog Failed Bias Dialog Bauer Pit CO Inlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Geneva Rock - Bauer Pit SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62-2180) Inlet CS Calibration Span 511.00 19.66 Units ppm ppm ppm %% CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2Low-Level 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 230.50 10.07 High-Level 511.00 19.66 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00%0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 45.1%51.2% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0%100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 511.00 10.07 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.20 0.00 Mid-Level 231.00 10.10 High-Level 510.00 19.70 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 510.00 10.10 Low-Level 0.04%0.00% ppmv Difference 0.2 0 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Mid-Level 0.10%0.15% ppmv Difference 0.5 0.03 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. High-Level 0.20%0.20% ppmv Difference 1 0.04 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.20 0.10 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.00%TRUE 0.51%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 510.70 9.90 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.14%TRUE 1.02% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.7 TRUE 0.2 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/27/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 312.00 17.9 CO 0.0% 0.0% 61.1% 0.0% 91.0%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.20 0.10 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.00% TRUE 0.51%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.0 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 510.10 10.00 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.02%TRUE 0.51% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.1 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift TRUE TRUE 0.00%TRUE 0.00%Response Spec. Difference TRUE TRUE 0.0 TRUE 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Up-scale Gas Drift TRUE TRUE 0.12% TRUE 0.51% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.6 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog Failed Drift Dialog Failed Bias Dialog Bauer Pit CO Outlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Reference Methods 2, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, & 19 Source Information Company Name Geneva Rock - Bauer Pit Company Contact:Grant Ensign Contact Phone No.801-802-6954 Stack Designation:600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62-2180) Outlet Test & Review Dates Test Date:8/27/2024 & Review Date: 9/23/2024 Observer:None Reviewer:Paul Bushman Emission Limits Emission Rates SO2 NOX CO SO2 NOX CO lbs./MMBtu lbs./hr. ppm 400.00 1.770 Percent %O2 Correction as a whole #15.00 Test Information Heat Input Stack I.D. inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static) fuel flow rate (Btu/hr.) Heat Input (Btu/hr.) 9.00 0.442 Contractor Information Contact: Cheyney Guymon Contracting Company: Montrose Air Quality Services Address: 6823 South 3600 West, Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Phone No.: 801-794-2950 Project No.:#N/A #N/A Round Division of Air Quality Instrumental Reference Methods - Gaseous Measurements Method 19 - F factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu Diluent F factor used O2 CO2 Anthrocite 2 Bituminous 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane 10100 COAL OIL GAS 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 Wet CEM Correct For O2 CO2 Interference w/CO Yes Yes Yes Bauer Pit CO Outlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Calibration Error Test Test Date August 27, 2024 O2 CS - Cal. Span 19.66 Units % Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Passed Cal. CC283537 11/20/31 Mid-level 10.07 10.10 0.03 0.15% Passed Cal. CC73283 10/21/30 High-level 19.66 19.70 0.04 0.20% Passed Cal. % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of CS - Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 51.22% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date CO2 CS - Cal. Span Units % Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date SO2 CS - Cal. SpanUnits ppm Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date NOx CS - Cal. Span Units ppm Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date August 27, 2024 CO CS - Cal. Span 50.20 400 Units ppm Cylinder No. Expiration Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.30 0.30 0.598% Passed Cal. DT0008978 08/01/31 Mid-level 25.30 25.20 0.10 0.199% Passed Cal. DT0038221 02/27/32 High-level 50.20 50.20 0.00 0.000% Passed Cal. % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 50.40% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Valid Cal Gas Valid Cal Gas Valid Cal Gas Valid Cal Gas Bauer Pit CO Outlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Geneva Rock - Bauer Pit SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62-2180) Outlet CS Calibration Span 50.20 19.66 Units ppm ppm ppm %%Unprotected CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 25.30 10.07 High-Level 50.20 19.66 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00%0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 50.4%51.2% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0%100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CDir CMA 25.30 10.07 Calibration Error Test Cs - Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.30 0.00 Mid-Level 25.20 10.10 High-Level 50.20 19.70 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 25.20 10.10 Low-Level 0.60%0.00% ppmdv Difference 0.3 0 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Mid-Level 0.20%0.15% ppmdv Difference 0.1 0.03 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. High-Level 0.00%0.20% ppmdv Difference 0 0.04 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.00 0.10 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.60%TRUE 0.51%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.3 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Failed Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 25.00 10.00 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.40%TRUE 0.51% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.20 TRUE 0.10 Pass or Failed Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/27/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 0.70 15.6 CO 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 79.3%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.00 0.00 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.60% TRUE 0.00%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.3 TRUE 0.0 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 25.20 9.90 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.00%TRUE 1.02% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.0 TRUE 0.2 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift TRUE TRUE 0.00%TRUE 0.51%Drift Difference TRUE TRUE 0.0 TRUE 0.1 3% of Span Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Up-scale Gas Drift TRUE TRUE 0.40% TRUE 0.51% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.2 TRUE 0.1 Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass NOTEThese cells scans for the appropriate Cdir gas after the Cmentered. If this scan is incorrect change the Cdir to the correct gas value. Failed Bias Dialog Failed Drift Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog CO Calibration Gas Failed Bias Dialog Bauer Pit CO Outlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Geneva Rock - Bauer Pit SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62-2180) Outlet CS Calibration Span 50.20 19.66 Units ppm ppm ppm %% CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2Low-Level 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 25.30 10.07 High-Level 50.20 19.66 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00%0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 50.4%51.2% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0%100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 25.30 10.07 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.30 0.00 Mid-Level 25.20 10.10 High-Level 50.20 19.70 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 25.20 10.10 Low-Level 0.60%0.00% ppmdv Difference 0.3 0 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Mid-Level 0.20%0.15% ppmdv Difference 0.1 0.03 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. High-Level 0.00%0.20% ppmdv Difference 0 0.04 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.00 0.00 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.60%TRUE 0.00%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.3 TRUE 0 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 25.20 9.90 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.00%TRUE 1.02% Difference TRUE TRUE 0 TRUE 0.2 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/27/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 1.00 17.1 CO 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 0.0% 87.0%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.00 0.00 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.60% TRUE 0.00%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.3 TRUE 0.0 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 25.10 9.90 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.20%TRUE 1.02% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.1 TRUE 0.2 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift TRUE TRUE 0.00%TRUE 0.00%Response Spec. Difference TRUE TRUE 0.0 TRUE 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Up-scale Gas Drift TRUE TRUE 0.20% TRUE 0.00% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.1 TRUE 0.0 Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Drift Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog Failed Bias Dialog Bauer Pit CO Outlet $1_RM 2, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, _ 19 - RA (B_W(Modified June 26, 2018) Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Geneva Rock - Bauer Pit SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62-2180) Outlet CS Calibration Span 50.20 19.66 Units ppm ppm ppm %% CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2Low-Level 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 25.30 10.07 High-Level 50.20 19.66 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00%0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 50.4%51.2% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0%100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 25.30 10.07 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.30 0.00 Mid-Level 25.20 10.10 High-Level 50.20 19.70 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 25.20 10.10 Low-Level 0.60%0.00% ppmv Difference 0.3 0 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Mid-Level 0.20%0.15% ppmv Difference 0.1 0.03 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. High-Level 0.00%0.20% ppmv Difference 0 0.04 Status Passed Cal.Passed Cal. Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.00 0.00 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.60%TRUE 0.00%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.3 TRUE 0 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 25.10 9.90 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 0.20%TRUE 1.02% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.1 TRUE 0.2 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/27/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 1.40 17.6 CO 0.0% 0.0% 2.8% 0.0% 89.5%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.00 0.00 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias TRUE TRUE 0.60% TRUE 0.00%± 5% of Span Difference TRUE TRUE 0.3 TRUE 0.0 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. CM - Up-scale Gas 24.70 9.90 SBi - Up-Scale Bias TRUE TRUE 1.00%TRUE 1.02% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.5 TRUE 0.2 Pass or Invalid Run Passed Cal. Passed Cal. Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift TRUE TRUE 0.00%TRUE 0.00%Response Spec. Difference TRUE TRUE 0.0 TRUE 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Up-scale Gas Drift TRUE TRUE 0.80% TRUE 0.00% Difference TRUE TRUE 0.4 TRUE 0.0 Pass or Re-Calibrate Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog Failed Drift Dialog Failed Bias Dialog Source Test Report for 2024 Compliance Testing 600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62-2180) Geneva Rock Products Bauer Pit, Tooele, UT Prepared For: Geneva Rock Products 2830 Bauer Road Tooele, UT 84074 Prepared By: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC 6823 South 3600 West Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 For Submission To: Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Document Number: GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Test Date: August 27, 2024 Submittal Date: September 20, 2024 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Review and Certification I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this document is complete and accurate and conforms to the requirements of the Montrose Quality Management System and ASTM D7036-04. Signature:Date:September 20, 2024 Name:Cheyney Guymon Title:Client Project Manager I have reviewed, technically and editorially, details and other appropriate written materials contained herein. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the presented material is authentic and accurate and conforms to the requirements of the Montrose Quality Management System and ASTM D7036-04. Signature:Date:September 20, 2024 Name:Beckie Hawkins Title:District Manager Facility Certification I have reviewed this document and agree that the information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Date:September 20, 2024 Name:Grant Ensign Title:Environmental Specialist 2 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah 2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Table of Contents Section Page 1.0Introduction ........................................................................................................ 5 1.1Summary of Test Program ............................................................................. 5 1.2Key Personnel .............................................................................................. 7 2.0Plant and Sampling Location Descriptions................................................................ 8 2.1Process Description, Operation, and Control Equipment ..................................... 8 2.2Flue Gas Sampling Location ........................................................................... 8 2.3Operating Conditions and Process Data ........................................................... 9 3.0Sampling and Analytical Procedures ..................................................................... 10 3.1Test Methods ............................................................................................. 10 3.1.1 EPA Method 3A, Determination of Oxygen in Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) .......................................... 10 3.1.2 EPA Method 10, Determination of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) ........................... 10 3.2Process Test Methods .................................................................................. 11 4.0Test Discussion and Results ................................................................................. 12 4.1Field Test Deviations and Exceptions ............................................................. 12 4.2Presentation of Results ................................................................................ 12 5.0Internal QA/QC Activities .................................................................................... 14 5.1QA/QC Audits ............................................................................................. 14 5.2QA/QC Discussion ....................................................................................... 14 5.3Quality Statement ...................................................................................... 14 List of Appendices AField Data and Calculations ................................................................................. 15 A.1Emissions Test Results ................................................................................ 16 A.2 Field Data .................................................................................................. 24 A.3 Example Calculations .................................................................................. 31 B Quality Assurance/Quality Control ........................................................................ 34 B.1Units and Abbreviations .............................................................................. 35 B.2 Instrumental Test Method QA/QC Data .......................................................... 43 B.3Calibration Records ..................................................................................... 48 B.4 Accreditation Information/Certifications ......................................................... 55 3 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ List of Tables Table 1-1 Summary of Test Program ...........................................................................6 Table 1-2 Summary of Average Compliance Results - Generator Engine #62-2180............6 Table 1-3 Test Personnel and Responsibilities ...............................................................7 Table 2-1 Sampling Location.......................................................................................8 Table 4-1 CO Emissions Results - Generator Engine #62-2180......................................13 List of Figures Figure 3-1 EPA Methods 3A and 10 Sampling Train.......................................................11 4 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Summary of Test Program Geneva Rock Products contracted Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC (Montrose) to perform a compliance emissions test program on the following units at Tooele, UT - 2830 Bauer Road located in Tooele, UT: 600 hp diesel-fired Caterpillar SR4B generator engine (#62- 2180). The test was conducted to determine compliance with Approval Order DAQE- AN130390005-22 issued by Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) as well as 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ requirements. The Environmental Protection Agency has established national emissions limitations and operating limitations for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) emitted from stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE) located at major and area sources of HAP emissions. In the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 40, Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ requires that CO meet one of the following requirements for non- emergency, non-black start compression ignition RICE >600 HP (located in Table 2d.3.): x Limit concentration of CO in the stationary RICE exhaust to 23 ppmvd at 15 percent O2. x Reduce CO emissions by 70 percent or more. The specific objectives were to: x Measure emissions concentrations of O2 and CO at the inlet to the catalyst and the outlet of the catalyst of the Caterpillar SR4B generator engine (#62-2180). x Conduct the test program with a focus on safety. Montrose performed the tests to measure the emission parameters listed in Table 1-1. 5 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Table 1-1 Summary of Test Program Test Date Unit ID/ Source Name Activity/Parameters Test Methods No. of Runs Duration (Minutes) 8/27/2024 600 hp diesel-fired Generator Engine (#62- 2180)1 O2 EPA M3A 3 60 CO EPA M10 3 60 To simplify this report, a list of Units and Abbreviations is included in Appendix C.1. Throughout this report, chemical nomenclature, acronyms, and reporting units are not defined. Please refer to the list for specific details. This report presents the test results and supporting data, descriptions of the testing procedures, descriptions of the facility and sampling locations, and a summary of the quality assurance procedures used by Montrose. The average emission test results are summarized and compared to their respective permit limits in Table 1-2. Detailed results for individual test runs can be found in Section 4.0. All supporting data can be found in the appendices. The testing was conducted by the Montrose personnel listed in Table 1-3. The tests were conducted according to the test plan (protocol) dated July 8, 2024 that was submitted to and approved by the UDEQ. Table 1-2 Summary of Average Compliance Results - CAT SR4B Generator Engine #62-2180 Parameter/Unit Average Results Emission Limit Emission Limit Reference Pre-Catalyst CO Emissions Concentration, ppmvd @ 15% O2 ---- Post-Catalyst CO Emissions Concentration, ppmvd @ 15% O2 2.1 23 40CFR63, Subpart ZZZZ, Table 2.d.3. % Catalytic Reduction (CO ppmvd @ 15% O2) 99.6 reduce CO emissions by 70% or more 40CFR63, Subpart ZZZZ, Table 2.d.3. 1 Measurements were conducted upstream of the catalyst and downstream of the catalyst. 6 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ 1.2 Key Personnel A list of project participants is included below: Facility Information Source Location: Geneva Rock Products, Inc. 2830 S. Bauer Road Tooele, Utah 84074 Project Contact: Grant Ensign Role: Environmental Specialist Company: Geneva Rock Telephone: (801) 802-6954 Email: gensign@cldeinc.com Agency Information Regulatory Agency: Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality Agency Contact: Chad Gilgen Telephone: 385-306-6500 Email: cgilgen@utah.gov Testing Company Information Testing Firm: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC Contact: Beckie Hawkins Cheyney Guymon Title: District Manager Field Project Manager Telephone: (801) 372-7049 (801) 794-2950 Email: behawkins@montrose-env.com chguymon@montrose-env.com Table 1-3 details the roles and responsibilities of the test team. Table 1-3 Test Personnel and Responsibilities Name Affiliation Role/Responsibility Cheyney Guymon Montrose Project Manager/Field Team Leader/Qualified Individual (QI)/Trailer operator Tyler Crane Montrose Sample train operator Jarom Brandow Montrose Sample train operator Joby Dunmire Montrose Calculations and report preparation Grant Ensign Geneva Rock Observer/Client Liaison/Test Coordinator 7 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ 2.0 Plant and Sampling Location Descriptions 2.1 Process Description, Operation, and Control Equipment Diesel oxidation catalysts (DOCs) are exhaust after-treatment devices that reduce emission from diesel engines. Typically packaged with the engine muffler, DOCs are widely used as a retrofit technology because they require little or no maintenance. DOCs consist of a flow-through honeycomb structure that is coated with a precious metal catalyst and surrounded by a stainless-steel housing. As hot diesel exhaust flows through the honeycomb (or substrate), the precious metal coating causes a catalytic reaction that breaks down the pollutants. These devices may be formulated to operate with fuel sulfur levels of 500 ppm or less, but they are most effective when fuel sulfur is 15 ppm or less. DOCs can be coupled with closed crankcase ventilation, selective catalytic reduction, or lean NOX catalyst technologies for additional emission reductions. 2.2 Flue Gas Sampling Location Information regarding the sampling location is presented in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Sampling Location Sampling Location Stack Inside Diameter (in.) Distance from Nearest Disturbance Number of Traverse Points Downstream EPA “B” (in./dia.) Upstream EPA “A” (in./dia.) 600 hp diesel- fired Generator Engine (#62- 2180)1 9 4 / 0.44 4 / 0.44 Gaseous: Single point The sample location was verified in the field to conform to EPA Method 1. 1 Sampling locations are the same upstream and downstream of the catalyst orientation. 8 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ 2.3 Operating Conditions and Process Data Emission tests were performed while the source and air pollution control device was operating at the conditions required by the permit. The unit was tested when operating at greater than 90% capacity of rated load. Plant personnel were responsible for establishing the test conditions and collecting all applicable unit-operating data. Data collected includes the following parameters: x Production throughput, tons per hour (tph or ton/hr) 9 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ 3.0 Sampling and Analytical Procedures 3.1 Test Methods The test methods for this test program have been presented in Table 1-1. Additional information regarding specific applications or modifications to standard procedures is presented below. 3.1.1 EPA Method 3A, Determination of Oxygen in Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) (3$0HWKRG$LVDQLQVWUXPHQWDOWHVWPHWKRGXVHGWRPHDVXUHWKHFRQFHQWUDWLRQRI2ωLQ stack gas. The pre-catalyst gas and the post-catalyst gas is continuously sampled and FRQYH\HGWRDQDO\]HUVWKDWPHDVXUHWKHFRQFHQWUDWLRQRI2ω7KHSHUIRUPDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWV of the method must be met to validate data. Pertinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: o Single-point sampling is performed for 2ωPHDVXUHPHQWVas the inside diameter of each location is too small to conduct a meaningful stratification test as outlined in the provisions in section 8.1.2 of Method 7E. o The expected calibration span value is 19.662ω for both the pre- catalyst and post-catalyst sampling locations. The typical sampling system, which incorporates EPA Method 10, is detailed in Figure 3-1. 3.1.2 EPA Method 10, Determination of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) EPA Method 10 is an instrumental test method used to continuously measure emissions of CO. Conditioned gas is sent to a gas filter correlation NDIR analyzer to measure the concentration of CO. The performance requirements of the method must be met to validate the data. Pertinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: o Single-point sampling is performed for CO measurements as the inside diameter of each location is too small to conduct a meaningful stratification test as outlined in the provisions in section 8.1.2 of Method 7E. o The expected calibration span values are 511 ppmvd CO for the pre- catalyst sampling location and 50.2 ppmvd CO for the post-catalyst sampling location. The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-1. 10 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Figure 3-1 EPA Methods 3A and 10 Sampling Train Sample / Calibration Gas Exhaust Exhaust Sample / Calibration Gas O2 AND/OR CO2 ANALYZER CO ANALYZER DATAOUTPUT DAS SIGNAL SIGNAL SAMPLE CONDITIONING SYSTEM WITH PUMP EPA ProtocolCalibration Gases MASS FLOW CONTROLLER / CALIBRATION GAS MANIFOLD CALIBRATION GAS LINE STACKGAS STACKWALL HEATED SAMPLE LINE HEATEDFILTER "SAMPLE” AND “BY-PASS" ROTAMETERS WITH FLOW CONTROL VALVES THREE WAY VALVE BY-PASS “BIAS” ROTAMETER WITH FLOW CONTROL VALVE “ANALYZER” ROTAMETERS WITH FLOW CONTROL VALVES SAMPLE PROBE 3.2 Process Test Methods The applicable regulations and the test plan do not require that process samples be collected during this test program; therefore, no process sample data are presented in this test report. 11 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ 4.0 Test Discussion and Results 4.1 Field Test Deviations and Exceptions No field deviations or exceptions from the test plan or test methods occurred during this test program. 4.2 Presentation of Results The average results are compared to the permit limits in Table 1-2. The results of individual compliance test runs performed are presented in Table 4-1. Emissions are reported in units consistent with those in the applicable regulations or requirements. Additional information is included in the appendices as presented in the Table of Contents. 12 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Table 4-1 CO Emissions Results - CAT SR4B Generator Engine #62-2180 Parameter/Units Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Date 8/27/2024 8/27/2024 8/27/2024 Time 10:04-11:04 11:12-12:12 12:20-13:20 Process Data Product Throughput, tph ------120 Sampling & Flue Gas Parameters sample duration, minutes 60 60 60 60 pre-catalyst O2, % volume dry 15.9 17.2 18.2 17.1 post-catalyst O2, % volume dry 15.9 17.3 18.0 17.1 Pre-Catalyst CO Emissions Concentration ppmvd 356.7 306.2 323.1 328.7 ppmvd @ 15% O2 421.1 486.3 710.2 539.2 Post-Catalyst CO Emissions Concentration ppmvd 0.7 1.0 1.9 1.2 ppmvd @ 15% O2 0.8 1.7 3.9 2.1 % catalytic reduction 99.8 99.6 99.5 99.6 13 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ 5.0 Internal QA/QC Activities 5.1 QA/QC Audits EPA Method 3A and 10 calibration audits were all within the measurement system performance specifications for the calibration drift checks, system calibration bias checks, and calibration error checks, except where noted in Section 5.2. 5.2 QA/QC Discussion All QA/QC criteria were met during this test program. 5.3 Quality Statement Montrose is qualified to conduct this test program and has established a quality management system that led to accreditation with ASTM Standard D7036-04 (Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies). Montrose participates in annual functional assessments for conformance with D7036-04 which are conducted by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). All testing performed by Montrose is supervised on site by at least one Qualified Individual (QI) as defined in D7036-04 Section 8.3.2. Data quality objectives for estimating measurement uncertainty within the documented limits in the test methods are met by using approved test protocols for each project as defined in D7036-04 Sections 7.2.1 and 12.10. Additional quality assurance information is included in the report appendices. The content of this report is modeled after the EPA Emission Measurement Center Guideline Document (GD-043). 14 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Appendix A Field Data and Calculations 15 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Appendix A.1 Emissions Test Results 16 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Company :Geneva Rock Bauer Date :8/27/2024 Locatoin:Tooele, Utah Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 CO Inlet 356.1 ppm CO Outlet 0.7 ppm 356.7 ppm (corrected) 0.7 ppm (corrected) 421.1 ppm (@ 15% O2)0.8 ppm (@ 15% O2) % Reduction (ppm @ 15 %O2):99.8 CO Inlet 306.0 ppm CO Outlet 1.0 ppm 306.2 ppm (corrected) 1.0 ppm (corrected) 486.3 ppm (@ 15% O2)1.7 ppm (@ 15% O2) % Reduction (ppm @ 15 %O2):99.6 CO Inlet 322.8 ppm CO Outlet 1.9 ppm 323.1 ppm (corrected) 1.9 ppm (corrected) 710.2 ppm (@ 15% O2)3.9 ppm (@ 15% O2) % Reduction (ppm @ 15 %O2):99.5 CO Inlet 328.3 ppm CO Outlet 1.2 ppm 328.7 ppm (corrected) 1.2 ppm (corrected) 539.2 ppm (@ 15% O2)2.1 ppm (@ 15% O2) % Reduction (ppm @ 15 %O2):99.6 Average Gaseous Emissions Summary Gaseous Emissions Run #1 Run #2 Run #3 17 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Plant :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :August 27, 2024 Run :1 Cat. Dp:2.5 in. H2O Cat. Temp In:819.0 qF Cat. Temp Out:814.0 qF Date and CO Inlet CO Outlet O2 Inlet O2 Outlet Time (ppm)(ppm)(%)(%) 8/27/24 10:04 379.2 0.8 15.2 15.2 8/27/24 10:05 377.7 0.9 15.3 15.2 8/27/24 10:06 376.1 0.9 15.3 15.2 8/27/24 10:07 374.2 0.8 15.3 15.2 8/27/24 10:08 375.7 0.8 15.3 15.3 8/27/24 10:09 371.5 0.7 15.3 15.2 8/27/24 10:10 375.9 0.6 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:11 378.5 0.5 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:12 375.8 0.5 15.3 15.3 8/27/24 10:13 379.8 0.5 15.1 15.3 8/27/24 10:14 374.9 0.5 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:15 374.6 0.4 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:16 376.1 0.6 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:17 375.0 0.8 15.2 15.4 8/27/24 10:18 382.4 0.7 15.3 15.4 8/27/24 10:19 385.6 0.7 15.4 15.5 8/27/24 10:20 384.5 0.7 15.3 15.5 8/27/24 10:21 382.2 0.6 15.3 15.5 8/27/24 10:22 379.5 0.6 15.4 15.5 8/27/24 10:23 381.5 0.6 15.4 15.5 8/27/24 10:24 382.8 0.6 15.4 15.6 8/27/24 10:25 383.4 0.6 15.5 15.6 8/27/24 10:26 385.7 0.6 15.6 15.6 8/27/24 10:27 385.8 0.6 15.6 15.6 MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVICES 6823 South 3600 West 801-266-7111 Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 18 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 8/27/24 10:28 386.0 0.5 15.9 15.7 8/27/24 10:29 388.4 0.5 15.9 15.7 8/27/24 10:30 386.5 0.5 16.0 15.7 8/27/24 10:31 385.5 0.7 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:32 384.7 0.5 16.0 15.8 8/27/24 10:33 385.4 0.5 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:34 387.4 0.5 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:35 391.5 0.5 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:36 382.7 0.8 16.1 15.8 8/27/24 10:37 358.8 0.8 15.7 15.8 8/27/24 10:38 317.4 0.8 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:39 318.8 0.7 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:40 319.1 0.7 16.0 15.8 8/27/24 10:41 321.5 0.8 16.2 15.8 8/27/24 10:42 317.7 0.8 16.2 15.8 8/27/24 10:43 333.2 0.7 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:44 344.1 0.8 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:45 388.1 0.8 15.9 15.9 8/27/24 10:46 392.4 0.7 15.8 15.8 8/27/24 10:47 347.9 0.7 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:48 315.5 0.8 16.2 15.8 8/27/24 10:49 317.3 0.9 16.2 15.9 8/27/24 10:50 344.3 0.9 15.6 15.8 8/27/24 10:51 320.2 1.0 16.2 15.9 8/27/24 10:52 312.2 1.2 16.2 15.9 8/27/24 10:53 315.4 1.1 16.2 15.9 8/27/24 10:54 314.0 0.6 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 10:55 311.7 0.7 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 10:56 311.3 0.7 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 10:57 310.1 0.6 16.1 15.8 8/27/24 10:58 311.1 0.8 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 10:59 311.5 0.9 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 11:00 311.4 0.8 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 11:01 309.7 0.9 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 11:02 309.3 1.0 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 11:03 307.3 1.1 16.1 15.9 ǀĞƌĂŐĞ 356.1 0.7 15.7 15.6 CŽƉƌĞ 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 CŽƉŽƐƚ 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 Ž 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 CŵƉƌĞ 509.8 25.0 10.0 10.0 CŵƉŽƐƚ 510.4 25.2 10.0 9.9 ŵ 510.1 25.1 10.0 10.0 CŵĂ 511 25.3 10.07 10.07 ŽƌƌĞĐƚĞĚǀĞƌĂŐĞ͗356.7 0.7 15.9 15.9 19 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Plant :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :August 27, 2024 Run :2 Cat. Dp:2.7 in. H2O Cat. Temp In:822.0 qF Cat. Temp Out:819.0 qF Date and CO Inlet CO Outlet O2 Inlet O2 Outlet Time (ppm)(ppm)(%)(%) 8/27/24 11:12 305.9 0.8 16.9 16.8 8/27/24 11:13 305.0 0.8 16.7 16.8 8/27/24 11:14 296.2 1.0 16.8 16.8 8/27/24 11:15 310.9 0.8 16.8 16.9 8/27/24 11:16 312.6 0.9 16.8 16.9 8/27/24 11:17 320.6 1.9 16.8 16.9 8/27/24 11:18 307.6 1.7 16.8 16.9 8/27/24 11:19 301.3 1.5 16.9 16.9 8/27/24 11:20 307.2 0.9 16.8 17.0 8/27/24 11:21 309.0 1.1 16.8 17.0 8/27/24 11:22 310.3 1.1 16.9 17.0 8/27/24 11:23 308.5 0.7 17.0 17.1 8/27/24 11:24 304.5 0.7 17.0 17.1 8/27/24 11:25 304.5 0.9 17.0 17.1 8/27/24 11:26 316.9 1.3 17.0 17.2 8/27/24 11:27 315.4 0.9 17.1 17.2 8/27/24 11:28 309.8 0.7 17.0 17.2 8/27/24 11:29 311.3 1.0 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:30 312.8 0.8 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:31 308.9 0.9 16.8 17.3 8/27/24 11:32 307.5 1.1 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:33 307.9 1.1 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:34 303.8 0.8 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:35 305.3 0.8 16.9 17.3 MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVICES 6823 South 3600 West 801-266-7111 Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 20 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 8/27/24 11:36 303.9 0.9 16.9 17.1 8/27/24 11:37 302.4 1.1 17.0 16.9 8/27/24 11:38 294.8 1.0 16.9 17.0 8/27/24 11:39 289.2 1.3 16.9 17.0 8/27/24 11:40 291.1 1.3 17.1 17.0 8/27/24 11:41 296.6 1.2 17.1 17.1 8/27/24 11:42 298.3 1.3 17.0 17.1 8/27/24 11:43 300.6 1.4 17.1 17.1 8/27/24 11:44 303.9 1.1 17.3 17.1 8/27/24 11:45 300.5 0.9 17.2 17.1 8/27/24 11:46 308.6 1.1 17.2 17.2 8/27/24 11:47 308.3 1.2 17.3 17.1 8/27/24 11:48 308.9 1.4 17.2 17.1 8/27/24 11:49 307.3 1.3 17.2 17.2 8/27/24 11:50 306.6 1.0 17.2 17.2 8/27/24 11:51 310.2 1.2 17.1 17.2 8/27/24 11:52 311.6 1.0 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:53 308.6 1.0 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:54 301.7 1.2 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:55 303.1 1.2 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:56 308.3 1.4 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:57 291.1 1.2 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:58 306.9 1.0 17.3 17.3 8/27/24 11:59 307.2 1.0 17.3 17.3 8/27/24 12:00 308.1 1.5 17.3 17.3 8/27/24 12:01 310.7 1.0 17.3 17.4 8/27/24 12:02 306.6 1.0 17.3 17.4 8/27/24 12:03 293.9 0.8 17.3 17.4 8/27/24 12:04 295.3 0.7 17.4 17.4 8/27/24 12:05 293.3 0.9 17.4 17.4 8/27/24 12:06 297.4 0.9 17.5 17.4 8/27/24 12:07 301.5 1.0 17.3 17.5 8/27/24 12:08 309.8 0.9 17.2 17.5 8/27/24 12:09 302.9 0.8 17.1 17.5 8/27/24 12:10 309.6 1.0 17.4 17.6 8/27/24 12:11 310.2 1.5 17.3 17.5 Average :306.0 1.0 16.9 17.1 CŽƉƌĞ 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 CŽƉŽƐƚ 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 Ž 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 CŵƉƌĞ 510.4 25.2 10.0 9.9 CŵƉŽƐƚ 510.7 25.1 9.9 9.9 ŵ 510.6 25.2 10.0 9.9 CŵĂ 511 25.3 10.07 10.07 ŽƌƌĞĐƚĞĚǀĞƌĂŐĞ͗306.2 1.0 17.2 17.3 21 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Plant :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :August 27, 2024 Run :3 Cat. Dp:2.7 in. H2O Cat. Temp In:815.0 qF Cat. Temp Out:813.0 qF Date and CO Inlet CO Outlet O2 Inlet O2 Outlet Time (ppm)(ppm)(%)(%) 8/27/24 12:20 311.5 1.3 17.6 17.1 8/27/24 12:21 312.2 1.6 17.7 17.2 8/27/24 12:22 301.4 1.8 17.7 17.1 8/27/24 12:23 295.0 1.6 17.7 17.1 8/27/24 12:24 309.6 1.5 17.6 17.2 8/27/24 12:25 303.6 1.4 17.6 17.2 8/27/24 12:26 307.6 1.4 17.7 17.2 8/27/24 12:27 306.7 1.4 17.7 17.3 8/27/24 12:28 307.7 1.7 17.7 17.3 8/27/24 12:29 312.0 1.2 17.8 17.3 8/27/24 12:30 310.9 1.1 17.8 17.4 8/27/24 12:31 306.2 1.1 17.9 17.4 8/27/24 12:32 300.1 1.2 17.8 17.4 8/27/24 12:33 314.3 1.2 17.8 17.5 8/27/24 12:34 317.5 1.2 17.9 17.5 8/27/24 12:35 312.8 1.2 17.8 17.5 8/27/24 12:36 330.9 1.2 17.9 17.5 8/27/24 12:37 340.3 1.4 17.9 17.5 8/27/24 12:38 337.0 1.2 17.9 17.6 8/27/24 12:39 320.4 1.2 17.9 17.6 8/27/24 12:40 316.0 1.1 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:41 312.6 1.0 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:42 298.5 0.9 17.8 17.7 8/27/24 12:43 309.1 1.5 17.8 17.7 MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVICES 6823 South 3600 West 801-266-7111 Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 22 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 8/27/24 12:44 312.3 1.3 17.8 17.7 8/27/24 12:45 316.6 1.0 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:46 306.9 1.1 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:47 301.0 1.2 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:48 313.6 1.1 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:49 327.6 1.3 17.8 17.7 8/27/24 12:50 329.3 1.5 17.8 17.7 8/27/24 12:51 322.8 1.9 17.7 17.6 8/27/24 12:52 312.0 1.5 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:53 314.5 2.0 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:54 306.6 1.1 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:55 301.4 1.1 17.6 17.6 8/27/24 12:56 313.5 1.6 18.0 17.7 8/27/24 12:57 328.4 1.1 18.0 17.7 8/27/24 12:58 322.9 1.9 17.9 17.7 8/27/24 12:59 310.4 1.7 18.0 17.7 8/27/24 13:00 308.0 1.3 18.1 17.7 8/27/24 13:01 298.2 1.6 18.2 17.8 8/27/24 13:02 307.6 1.2 18.2 17.8 8/27/24 13:03 330.7 1.1 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:04 327.0 0.9 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:05 314.5 1.0 18.2 17.8 8/27/24 13:06 305.3 1.1 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:07 308.2 1.0 18.3 17.9 8/27/24 13:08 315.3 1.0 18.3 17.9 8/27/24 13:09 302.8 0.9 18.2 17.9 8/27/24 13:10 309.2 1.2 18.2 17.9 8/27/24 13:11 309.3 1.7 18.0 17.9 8/27/24 13:12 306.1 2.3 17.8 17.9 8/27/24 13:13 300.5 3.0 18.0 17.9 8/27/24 13:14 307.5 3.2 18.3 17.9 8/27/24 13:15 311.5 2.1 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:16 304.6 1.7 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:17 308.8 0.9 18.2 17.9 8/27/24 13:18 305.5 0.8 18.1 17.8 8/27/24 13:19 303.2 0.9 18.0 17.8 Average :312.0 1.4 17.9 17.6 CŽƉƌĞ 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 CŽƉŽƐƚ 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 Ž 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 CŵƉƌĞ 510.7 25.1 9.9 9.9 CŵƉŽƐƚ 510.1 24.7 10.0 9.9 ŵ 510.4 24.9 10.0 9.9 CŵĂ 511 25.3 10.07 10.07 ŽƌƌĞĐƚĞĚǀĞƌĂŐĞ͗312.2 1.4 18.2 18.0 23 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Appendix A.2 Field Data 24 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Plant :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :August 27, 2024 Run :1 Cat. Dp:2.5 in. H2O Cat. Temp In:819.0 qF Cat. Temp Out:814.0 qF Date and CO Inlet CO Outlet O2 Inlet O2 Outlet Time (ppm)(ppm)(%)(%) 8/27/24 10:04 379.2 0.8 15.2 15.2 8/27/24 10:05 377.7 0.9 15.3 15.2 8/27/24 10:06 376.1 0.9 15.3 15.2 8/27/24 10:07 374.2 0.8 15.3 15.2 8/27/24 10:08 375.7 0.8 15.3 15.3 8/27/24 10:09 371.5 0.7 15.3 15.2 8/27/24 10:10 375.9 0.6 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:11 378.5 0.5 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:12 375.8 0.5 15.3 15.3 8/27/24 10:13 379.8 0.5 15.1 15.3 8/27/24 10:14 374.9 0.5 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:15 374.6 0.4 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:16 376.1 0.6 15.2 15.3 8/27/24 10:17 375.0 0.8 15.2 15.4 8/27/24 10:18 382.4 0.7 15.3 15.4 8/27/24 10:19 385.6 0.7 15.4 15.5 8/27/24 10:20 384.5 0.7 15.3 15.5 8/27/24 10:21 382.2 0.6 15.3 15.5 8/27/24 10:22 379.5 0.6 15.4 15.5 8/27/24 10:23 381.5 0.6 15.4 15.5 8/27/24 10:24 382.8 0.6 15.4 15.6 8/27/24 10:25 383.4 0.6 15.5 15.6 8/27/24 10:26 385.7 0.6 15.6 15.6 8/27/24 10:27 385.8 0.6 15.6 15.6 MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVICES 6823 South 3600 West 801-266-7111 Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 25 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 8/27/24 10:28 386.0 0.5 15.9 15.7 8/27/24 10:29 388.4 0.5 15.9 15.7 8/27/24 10:30 386.5 0.5 16.0 15.7 8/27/24 10:31 385.5 0.7 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:32 384.7 0.5 16.0 15.8 8/27/24 10:33 385.4 0.5 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:34 387.4 0.5 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:35 391.5 0.5 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:36 382.7 0.8 16.1 15.8 8/27/24 10:37 358.8 0.8 15.7 15.8 8/27/24 10:38 317.4 0.8 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:39 318.8 0.7 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:40 319.1 0.7 16.0 15.8 8/27/24 10:41 321.5 0.8 16.2 15.8 8/27/24 10:42 317.7 0.8 16.2 15.8 8/27/24 10:43 333.2 0.7 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:44 344.1 0.8 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:45 388.1 0.8 15.9 15.9 8/27/24 10:46 392.4 0.7 15.8 15.8 8/27/24 10:47 347.9 0.7 15.9 15.8 8/27/24 10:48 315.5 0.8 16.2 15.8 8/27/24 10:49 317.3 0.9 16.2 15.9 8/27/24 10:50 344.3 0.9 15.6 15.8 8/27/24 10:51 320.2 1.0 16.2 15.9 8/27/24 10:52 312.2 1.2 16.2 15.9 8/27/24 10:53 315.4 1.1 16.2 15.9 8/27/24 10:54 314.0 0.6 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 10:55 311.7 0.7 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 10:56 311.3 0.7 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 10:57 310.1 0.6 16.1 15.8 8/27/24 10:58 311.1 0.8 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 10:59 311.5 0.9 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 11:00 311.4 0.8 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 11:01 309.7 0.9 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 11:02 309.3 1.0 16.1 15.9 8/27/24 11:03 307.3 1.1 16.1 15.9 Average :356.1 0.7 15.7 15.6 26 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Plant :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :August 27, 2024 Run :2 Cat. Dp:2.7 in. H2O Cat. Temp In:822.0 qF Cat. Temp Out:819.0 qF Date and CO Inlet CO Outlet O2 Inlet O2 Outlet Time (ppm)(ppm)(%)(%) 8/27/24 11:12 305.9 0.8 16.9 16.8 8/27/24 11:13 305.0 0.8 16.7 16.8 8/27/24 11:14 296.2 1.0 16.8 16.8 8/27/24 11:15 310.9 0.8 16.8 16.9 8/27/24 11:16 312.6 0.9 16.8 16.9 8/27/24 11:17 320.6 1.9 16.8 16.9 8/27/24 11:18 307.6 1.7 16.8 16.9 8/27/24 11:19 301.3 1.5 16.9 16.9 8/27/24 11:20 307.2 0.9 16.8 17.0 8/27/24 11:21 309.0 1.1 16.8 17.0 8/27/24 11:22 310.3 1.1 16.9 17.0 8/27/24 11:23 308.5 0.7 17.0 17.1 8/27/24 11:24 304.5 0.7 17.0 17.1 8/27/24 11:25 304.5 0.9 17.0 17.1 8/27/24 11:26 316.9 1.3 17.0 17.2 8/27/24 11:27 315.4 0.9 17.1 17.2 8/27/24 11:28 309.8 0.7 17.0 17.2 8/27/24 11:29 311.3 1.0 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:30 312.8 0.8 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:31 308.9 0.9 16.8 17.3 8/27/24 11:32 307.5 1.1 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:33 307.9 1.1 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:34 303.8 0.8 16.9 17.3 8/27/24 11:35 305.3 0.8 16.9 17.3 MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVICES 6823 South 3600 West 801-266-7111 Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 27 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 8/27/24 11:36 303.9 0.9 16.9 17.1 8/27/24 11:37 302.4 1.1 17.0 16.9 8/27/24 11:38 294.8 1.0 16.9 17.0 8/27/24 11:39 289.2 1.3 16.9 17.0 8/27/24 11:40 291.1 1.3 17.1 17.0 8/27/24 11:41 296.6 1.2 17.1 17.1 8/27/24 11:42 298.3 1.3 17.0 17.1 8/27/24 11:43 300.6 1.4 17.1 17.1 8/27/24 11:44 303.9 1.1 17.3 17.1 8/27/24 11:45 300.5 0.9 17.2 17.1 8/27/24 11:46 308.6 1.1 17.2 17.2 8/27/24 11:47 308.3 1.2 17.3 17.1 8/27/24 11:48 308.9 1.4 17.2 17.1 8/27/24 11:49 307.3 1.3 17.2 17.2 8/27/24 11:50 306.6 1.0 17.2 17.2 8/27/24 11:51 310.2 1.2 17.1 17.2 8/27/24 11:52 311.6 1.0 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:53 308.6 1.0 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:54 301.7 1.2 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:55 303.1 1.2 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:56 308.3 1.4 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:57 291.1 1.2 17.2 17.3 8/27/24 11:58 306.9 1.0 17.3 17.3 8/27/24 11:59 307.2 1.0 17.3 17.3 8/27/24 12:00 308.1 1.5 17.3 17.3 8/27/24 12:01 310.7 1.0 17.3 17.4 8/27/24 12:02 306.6 1.0 17.3 17.4 8/27/24 12:03 293.9 0.8 17.3 17.4 8/27/24 12:04 295.3 0.7 17.4 17.4 8/27/24 12:05 293.3 0.9 17.4 17.4 8/27/24 12:06 297.4 0.9 17.5 17.4 8/27/24 12:07 301.5 1.0 17.3 17.5 8/27/24 12:08 309.8 0.9 17.2 17.5 8/27/24 12:09 302.9 0.8 17.1 17.5 8/27/24 12:10 309.6 1.0 17.4 17.6 8/27/24 12:11 310.2 1.5 17.3 17.5 -80 Average :306.0 1.0 16.9 17.1 28 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Plant :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :August 27, 2024 Run :3 Cat. Dp:2.7 in. H2O Cat. Temp In:815.0 qF Cat. Temp Out:813.0 qF Date and CO Inlet CO Outlet O2 Inlet O2 Outlet Time (ppm)(ppm)(%)(%) 8/27/24 12:20 311.5 1.3 17.6 17.1 8/27/24 12:21 312.2 1.6 17.7 17.2 8/27/24 12:22 301.4 1.8 17.7 17.1 8/27/24 12:23 295.0 1.6 17.7 17.1 8/27/24 12:24 309.6 1.5 17.6 17.2 8/27/24 12:25 303.6 1.4 17.6 17.2 8/27/24 12:26 307.6 1.4 17.7 17.2 8/27/24 12:27 306.7 1.4 17.7 17.3 8/27/24 12:28 307.7 1.7 17.7 17.3 8/27/24 12:29 312.0 1.2 17.8 17.3 8/27/24 12:30 310.9 1.1 17.8 17.4 8/27/24 12:31 306.2 1.1 17.9 17.4 8/27/24 12:32 300.1 1.2 17.8 17.4 8/27/24 12:33 314.3 1.2 17.8 17.5 8/27/24 12:34 317.5 1.2 17.9 17.5 8/27/24 12:35 312.8 1.2 17.8 17.5 8/27/24 12:36 330.9 1.2 17.9 17.5 8/27/24 12:37 340.3 1.4 17.9 17.5 8/27/24 12:38 337.0 1.2 17.9 17.6 8/27/24 12:39 320.4 1.2 17.9 17.6 8/27/24 12:40 316.0 1.1 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:41 312.6 1.0 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:42 298.5 0.9 17.8 17.7 8/27/24 12:43 309.1 1.5 17.8 17.7 MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVICES 6823 South 3600 West 801-266-7111 Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 29 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 8/27/24 12:44 312.3 1.3 17.8 17.7 8/27/24 12:45 316.6 1.0 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:46 306.9 1.1 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:47 301.0 1.2 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:48 313.6 1.1 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:49 327.6 1.3 17.8 17.7 8/27/24 12:50 329.3 1.5 17.8 17.7 8/27/24 12:51 322.8 1.9 17.7 17.6 8/27/24 12:52 312.0 1.5 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:53 314.5 2.0 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:54 306.6 1.1 17.8 17.6 8/27/24 12:55 301.4 1.1 17.6 17.6 8/27/24 12:56 313.5 1.6 18.0 17.7 8/27/24 12:57 328.4 1.1 18.0 17.7 8/27/24 12:58 322.9 1.9 17.9 17.7 8/27/24 12:59 310.4 1.7 18.0 17.7 8/27/24 13:00 308.0 1.3 18.1 17.7 8/27/24 13:01 298.2 1.6 18.2 17.8 8/27/24 13:02 307.6 1.2 18.2 17.8 8/27/24 13:03 330.7 1.1 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:04 327.0 0.9 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:05 314.5 1.0 18.2 17.8 8/27/24 13:06 305.3 1.1 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:07 308.2 1.0 18.3 17.9 8/27/24 13:08 315.3 1.0 18.3 17.9 8/27/24 13:09 302.8 0.9 18.2 17.9 8/27/24 13:10 309.2 1.2 18.2 17.9 8/27/24 13:11 309.3 1.7 18.0 17.9 8/27/24 13:12 306.1 2.3 17.8 17.9 8/27/24 13:13 300.5 3.0 18.0 17.9 8/27/24 13:14 307.5 3.2 18.3 17.9 8/27/24 13:15 311.5 2.1 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:16 304.6 1.7 18.3 17.8 8/27/24 13:17 308.8 0.9 18.2 17.9 8/27/24 13:18 305.5 0.8 18.1 17.8 8/27/24 13:19 303.2 0.9 18.0 17.8 Average :312.0 1.4 17.9 17.6 30 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Appendix A.3 Example Calculations 31 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 ZƵŶηϭ^ĂŵƉůĞĂůĐƵůĂƚŝŽŶƐ WDĞƚŚŽĚϯ͗ĞƚĞƌŵŝŶĂƚŝŽŶŽĨKdžLJŐĞŶĂŶĚĂƌďŽŶŝŽdžŝĚĞŽŶĐĞŶƚƌĂƚŝŽŶƐŝŶŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐĨƌŽŵ^ƚĂƚŝŽŶĂƌLJ^ŽƵƌĐĞƐ ;/ŶƐƚƌƵŵĞŶƚĂůŶĂůLJnjĞƌWƌŽĐĞĚƵƌĞͿ ;ϰϬ&ZWĂƌƚϲϬ͕ƉƉĞŶĚŝdžͲϮͿ sĂƌŝĂďůĞ sĂůƵĞ ĞĨŝŶŝƚŝŽŶ hŶŝƚŽĨDĞĂƐƵƌĞŵĞŶƚ /ŶůĞƚKϮĂǀŐ ϭϱ͘ϳ ǀĞƌĂŐĞhŶĂĚũƵƐƚĞĚ'ĂƐŽŶĐĞŶƚƌĂƚŝŽŶ йǀĚ /ŶůĞƚKϮϬ Ϭ͘ϭ ǀĞƌĂŐĞWƌĞͬWŽƐƚĞƌŽ'ĂƐZĞƐƉŽŶƐĞ йǀĚ /ŶůĞƚKϮŵĂ ϭϬ͘Ϭϳ ŽŶĐĞŶƚƌĂƚŝŽŶŽĨhƉƐĐĂůĞĂůŝďƌĂƚŝŽŶ'ĂƐ й /ŶůĞƚKϮŵϭϬ͘Ϭ ǀĞƌĂŐĞWƌĞͬWŽƐƚhƉƐĐĂůĞ'ĂƐZĞƉŽŶƐĞ йǀĚ /ŶůĞƚKϮŐĂƐ ϭϱ͘ϵ ǀĞƌĂŐĞ'ĂƐŽŶĐĞŶƚƌĂƚŝŽŶĚũƵƐƚĞĚĨŽƌŝĂƐ йǀĚ 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**  -   -;; *    76*6   -; *    7  >        42 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Appendix B.2 Instrumental Test Method QA/QC Data 43 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Company :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :8/27/2024 Sample Gas :CO Inlet Span :511 510 510.1 0.02 0.12 (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) (% of span) 0.2 0.2 0.00 0.00 Post-test #3 Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift 0.2 0.2 0.00 0.00 510 510.7 0.14 0.06 Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) (% of span) 510 510.4 0.08 0.12 Post-test #2 Bias Post-test #1 Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift 0.00 0.02 (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) (% of span) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.02 510 509.8 0.04 Initial Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) 511 230.5 231 0.5 0.10 510 1.0 0.20 0.04 Analyzer Calibration Cylinder Value Analyzer Response Absolute Difference Difference (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) 0 0.2 0.2 44 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Company :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :8/27/2024 Sample Gas :CO Outlet Span :50.2 25.2 24.7 1.00 0.80 (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) (% of span) 0.3 0 0.60 0.00 Post-test #3 Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift 0.3 0 0.60 0.00 25.2 25.1 0.20 0.20 Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) (% of span) 25.2 25.2 0.00 0.40 Post-test #2 Bias Post-test #1 Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift 0.60 0.00 (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) (% of span) 0.3 0 0.3 0 0.60 25.2 25 0.40 Initial Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) 50.2 25.3 25.2 0.1 0.20 50.2 0.0 0.00 0.60 Analyzer Calibration Cylinder Value Analyzer Response Absolute Difference Difference (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (% of span) 0 0.3 0.3 45 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Company :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :8/27/2024 Sample Gas :O2 Inlet Span :19.66 10.1 10 0.51 0.51 (%) (%) (% of span) (% of span) 0.1 0.1 0.00 0.00 Post-test Run #3 Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift 0.1 0.1 0.00 0.00 10.1 9.9 1.02 0.51 Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift (%) (%) (% of span) (% of span) 10.1 10 0.51 0.00 Post-test Run #2 Bias (%) (%) (% of span) (% of span) 0.1 0.1 0.00 0.00 Post-test Run #1 Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift 0.1 0.1 0.00 10.1 10 0.51 Analyzer Response System Response System Bias (%) (%) (% of span) Initial Bias 10.07 10.1 0.0 Analyzer Calibration Cylinder Value Analyzer Response Absolute Difference Difference 0.15 19.66 19.7 0.0 0.20 (%) (%) (%) (% of span) 0 0.1 0.1 0.51 46 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Company :Geneva Rock Bauer Source :Generator Unit #62-2180 Location:Tooele, Utah Date :8/27/2024 Sample Gas :O2 Outlet Span :19.66 10.1 9.9 1.02 0.00 (%) (%) (% of span) (% of span) 0 0.1 0.51 0.51 Post-test Run #3 Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift 0 0 0.00 0.00 10.1 9.9 1.02 0.00 Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift (%) (%) (% of span) (% of span) 10.1 9.9 1.02 0.51 Post-test Run #2 Bias (%) (%) (% of span) (% of span) 0 0 0.00 0.51 Post-test Run #1 Bias Analyzer Response System Response System Bias Drift 00.10.51 10.1 10 0.51 Analyzer Response System Response System Bias (%) (%) (% of span) Initial Bias 10.07 10.1 0.0 Analyzer Calibration Cylinder Value Analyzer Response Absolute Difference Difference 0.15 19.66 19.7 0.0 0.20 (%) (%) (%) (% of span) 0 0 0.0 0.00 47 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Appendix B.3 Calibration Records 48 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 49 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 50 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 51 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 52 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 53 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 54 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah 2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ Appendix B.4 Accreditation Information/Certifications 55 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Accredited Air Emission Testing Body A2LA has accredited MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVICES In recognition of the successful completion of the joint A2LA and Stack Testing Accreditation Council (STAC) evaluation process, this laboratory is accredited to perform testing activities in compliance with ASTM D7036:2004 - Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies. Presented this 27th day of February 2024. _______________________ Vice President, Accreditation Services For the Accreditation Council Certificate Number 3925.01 Valid to February 28, 2026 This accreditation program is not included under the A2LA ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation 56 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Cheyney Guymon This document certifies that this individual has passed a comprehensive examination and is now a Qualified Individual (QI) as defined in Section 8.3 of ASTM D7036-04 for the following method(s): Source Evaluation Society Group 3:EPA Gaseous Pollutants Instrumental Sampling Methods Certificate Number:081-2023-1 DATEOFISSUE:05/03/2023 DATE OF EXPIRATION:05/02/2028 57 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705 Geneva Rock Products, Bauer Pit, 600 hp Diesel-Fired Generator Engine #62-2180, Tooele, Utah2024 Compliance Source Test Report, 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ This is the Last Page of This Document If you have any questions, please contact one of the following individuals by email or phone. Name: Beckie Hawkins Title: District Manager Region: USA - Stack - Great Plains - Operations Email: behawkins@montrose-env.com Phone: (801) 372-7049 Name: Cheyney Guymon Title: Field Project Manager Region: USA - Stack - Great Plains - Operations Email: chguymon@montrose-env.com Phone: (801) 794-2950 58 of 58 GP081AS-042615-RT-1705