HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-010439Salt Lake Refinery Chevron Salt Lake Refinery 685 South Chevron Way North Salt Lake, UT 84054 Tel 801 539 7354 Fax 801 539 7130 June3,2024 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. 7021 2720 00014083 6555 Mr. Bryce Bird, Director (bbird@utah.goi,) Utah Division of Air Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake City, UT 841144820 Attn: Joe Rockwell (rockwell@utah.gov) Tank 20015 Degas Notification Dear Mr. Bird, UTAH DEPABTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY ',1 D'VISION OF AIR !4 QUALIT In compliance with the requirements of R307-327-5(5), Utah PM2.5 State Implementation Plan (SIP) Section H.l l.g.vi.C., and 40 CFR 60.1 l3b(bx6xii), Chevron submits this de-gas and refill notification for Tank 20015. The information required by the SIP is shown in the table below. We expect to refill the tank in June 2024. If there are any questions, please contact Derek Rees at 801-539-7377 or drlh@chevron.com. Sincerely, Xr,,^t\W Desas start date and time:Junc 6, 2024, in the momins Tank owner, address, tank location and applicable tank permit numbers: . Chevron Salt Lake Refinery o 685 S Chevron Way North Salt Lake, UT 84054 o T20015- located in the North Tank Fieldo DAOE-ANl01 190104-22 Degassing operator's name, contact person, telephone number: Hydrochem PSC 562-279-4384 a a Tank capacity, volume of space to be degassed, and materials stored: o Capacity: approximately 20,000 barrels o Crude Descrintion of vanor control device:Thermal oxidizer Lauren Vander Werff REVIEWEDInitials: Date: August 19, 2024Compliance Status: OKFile #: 10119 (B2)