HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-010748Cover Page Corrective Action Plan Implementation Report Former Murray Fleet Facility 4400 South Main Street Murray, Utah September 16, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61237057 Prepared for: Lumen Technologies, Inc. Broomfield, Colorado 6952 South High Tech Drive Midvale, Utah 84057 P (801) 545-8500 Terracon.com Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials i Cover Letter September 16, 2024 Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation P.O. Box 144840 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 Attention:Ms. Liberty Coe Telephone: (801) 536-4100 Email:lcoe@utah.gov RE: Corrective Action Plan Implementation Report Former Murray Fleet Facility 4400 South Main Street, Murray, Utah Terracon Project No. 61237057 Dear Ms. Coe: Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has prepared this report documenting excavation of petroleum impacted soils at the Former Murray Fleet Facility site located at 4400 South Main Street in Murray, Utah, on behalf of Lumen Technologies, Inc. Corrective action was competed following a Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation approved Corrective Action Plan (CAP), dated May 17, 2023. Please contact Andrew Turner at 385-388-7028 if you have questions regarding this information or if we can provide any other services. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Andrew S. Turner Amy Austin Project Manager Authorized Project Reviewer Environmental Services ' P \ ' X V W L Q Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials ii Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................ 1 1.1 Site Description ..................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Information ................................................................................ 1 1.3 Objective .............................................................................................. 2 1.4 Extent of Contamination .......................................................................... 2 1.5 Public Notice .......................................................................................... 3 2.0 Methodology ....................................................................... 3 2.1 Soil Excavation and Disposal .................................................................... 3 2.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling ..................................................................... 4 2.3 Groundwater Management ...................................................................... 4 2.4 Groundwater Treatment—Hydrogen Peroxide Application ............................ 4 2.5 Backfill and Surface Restoration ............................................................... 5 2.6 Sampling Quality Control/Quality Assurance .............................................. 5 3.0 Conclusion .......................................................................... 5 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials iii Appendices Appendix A Exhibits Exhibit 1: Topographic Site Overview Exhibit 2: Previous Investigation Sample Locations Exhibit 3: Confirmation Soil Sampling Locations Appendix B UDEQ DERR Letter Dated May 26, 2022 Public Notice Appendix C Analytical Data Tables Table 1: Confirmation Soil Sample Results Appendix D Laboratory Analytical Reports Appendix E Soil Disposal Documentation Corrective Action Implementation Report Former Murray Fleet Facility | Murray, Utah September 16, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61237057 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 1 1.0 Introduction Corrective action was required at the Former Murray Fleet facility to address petroleum- impacted soils remaining on the site originating from a release from an underground petroleum storage tank owned by Lumen Technologies, Inc. (Lumen). Terracon developed a Corrective Action Plan (CAP), dated May 17, 2023, which was approved by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR). The CAP was designed to address removal of the impacted soils and facilitate re- development of the site for the new property owner. 1.1 Site Description Site Name Former Murray Fleet Facility Site Location/Address 4400 South Main Street, Murray, Utah General Site Description The entire site is approximately 1.94 acres occupying one parcel. The building covering the impacted soil area was demolished during the time of the remedial action. Exhibit 1 (Appendix A) illustrates the approximate location of this parcel in relation to the surrounding area.Exhibit 2 is a site diagram indicating the approximate locations of the historical and recent soil borings and related features. 1.2 Project Information The former Murray Fleet Facility site is located at 4400 South Main Street in Murray, Utah. The facility had previously been operated by US WEST, Qwest Communications, and CenturyLink (now Lumen) and included offices, fleet maintenance facilities, service vehicles, and support equipment. The property is now owned by Evergreen—45th & Main Land, LLC. and was most recently used to store recreational vehicles. Two petroleum underground storage tank (UST) releases were reported to the UDEQ DERR and were identified at the facility during ownership and operation by Lumen. One of the releases, Release HDA, involved a former gasoline and diesel fuel UST area in the northern portion of the site. The second release, Release NCD, involved a former used oil UST in the southern portion of the site. Site investigations, groundwater monitoring, and remediation activities to address the releases were conducted from the early 1990s to the middle 2010s. A corrective action remediation was performed in 2013 with removal of impacted subsurface soils, and post-remediation reports detailing this work in both areas were submitted to Corrective Action Implementation Report Former Murray Fleet Facility | Murray, Utah September 16, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61237057 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 2 DERR. Release HDA received regulatory “No Further Action” status from the DERR in March 2014, and the northern portion of the site has since been redeveloped for multifamily residential use. A portion of the impacted soils related to Release NCD could not be removed and was left in place below the western portion of the facility’s maintenance building. DERR agreed to wait until the on-site building located above a portion of Release NCD was demolished prior to requiring further remedial action in that area. In 2022, the current property owner notified DERR of a planned demolition of the building. As a result, DERR sent a letter dated May 26, 2022 to Lumen, the responsible party, stating that a CAP will need to be developed in order to properly remediate the remaining contamination related to Release NCD (Appendix B). Terracon prepared a CAP intended to meet the criteria and standards established by DERR in order for the remediation to protect human health and the environment, be cost effective, and use the appropriate cleanup technology. 1.3 Objective The objective of the CAP was to remove the petroleum-impacted soils and treat groundwater remaining beneath the former on-site building adjacent to the former UST basin that exceeded regulatory screening levels. 1.4 Extent of Contamination A subsurface investigation conducted on the property by Wasatch Environmental in 2022 collected soil and groundwater samples on the property. Soil borings were specifically drilled in the former UST area. The results of the investigation (report dated May 16, 2022) reported petroleum hydrocarbons in soil that exceeded DERR Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and groundwater that exceeded DERR ISLs and Tier 1 Screening Levels for petroleum hydrocarbons in one location. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were not reported to exceed a regulatory screening level in the soil or groundwater samples. A Limited Site Investigation (LSI) conducted by Terracon (Terracon, April 26, 2023) identified a small area within the on-site building and adjacent to the former used oil UST (Release NCD) where soil and groundwater contamination was previously identified. The Terracon LSI included five soil borings for the collection of soil and groundwater samples. Historic and current Terracon boring locations are shown on Exhibit 2 (Appendix A). One soil sample (B-4-8) collected at eight feet below the ground surface (bgs) exceeded the UDEQ ISL for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH)—Diesel Range Organics (DRO). While other analytes were detected above the laboratory Reported Detection Limit (RDL), this was the only sample to exceed a UDEQ screening level. VOCs were not reported to exceed a regulatory screening level. Corrective Action Implementation Report Former Murray Fleet Facility | Murray, Utah September 16, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61237057 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 3 Groundwater was encountered at approximately eight feet bgs in each of the borings. Groundwater from boring B-2 exceeded UDEQ ISLs for TPH – Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) and benzene, and groundwater from boring B-4 exceeded UDEQ ISLs for TPH-DRO and TPH-GRO. Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs) for ethylbenzene, naphthalene, and/or xylenes were exceeded from groundwater samples collected from borings B-2, B-3, and B-4. Based on the results of the LSI, the approximate extent of soil contamination remaining above a screening level encompassed approximately 300 square feet adjacent to the historical tank. The contaminated soil in the area extended from a minimum of five feet bgs to a depth of at least eight feet bgs but not below twelve feet bgs (where a clean soil sample was collected). 1.5 Public Notice Upon receipt of DERR approval of the CAP, the potentially affected public was notified of the remedial action. On June 22, 2023, the public notice was posted at the property and hand- delivered to the adjoining properties where public comment was solicited. A copy of the Public Notice is included in Appendix B. No comments were received. 2.0 Methodology The proposed corrective action methodology was to excavate and remove impacted soils remaining at the site associated with Release ID NCD and remove (if required for excavation) and treat impacted groundwater during excavation. Prior to excavation work, the public utility location service (Blue Stakes) was be notified at least 48 hours prior to digging or drilling as required by law. In addition, a subcontracted private utility location service was used to identify and mark subsurface utilities around the planned excavation area. 2.1 Soil Excavation and Disposal Soil excavation and transportation services were contracted to Direct Push Services (Direct Push). Soil excavation activities began on August 16, 2024, and were completed on August 23, 2024. Backfilling and compaction continued at the site until August 27, 2024. Soil was excavated in the defined area (Appendix A Exhibit 3) to depths ranging from approximately twelve to thirteen feet bgs. The entire excavation area measured approximately 16 feet (east–west) by 29 feet (north–south). Unimpacted soils (based on previous investigations, PID readings, and visual observations) from the surface to approximately seven feet bgs were excavated and set aside. This soil was later reused by the site for ground leveling, topsoil, and general site improvement activities. Corrective Action Implementation Report Former Murray Fleet Facility | Murray, Utah September 16, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61237057 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 4 The impacted soils were transported to and disposed of at ET Technologies Soil Regeneration Site in Salt Lake City (ET Technologies). Characterization sampling of the impacted soil was conducted per ET Technologies requirements. Results of the profile sample are included in Table 1 (Appendix C). Approximately 255 tons of petroleum-impacted soils were transported to ET under proper waste manifest. A copy of the weight tickets is included in Appendix E. 2.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling Upon completion of the soil excavation, a confirmation soil sample was collected from each of the four sidewalls and one from the floor of the excavation. Samples were collected at a specific depth based on visual observations and field screening using a PID. Sample locations are shown on Exhibit 3 (Appendix A) and results are shown on Table 1 (Appendix C). The confirmation soil samples were submitted to Chemtech-Ford Laboratories in Sandy, Utah, for analysis of TPH-DRO, TPH-GRO, Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), and methyl tert-butyl ether, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene (MBTEXN). A copy of the laboratory analytical reports is included in Appendix D. 2.3 Groundwater Management Dewatering was not required during excavation. A frac tank to be used for storing and sparging groundwater was available on-site as needed. However only a minimal amount of water entered the excavation, so groundwater pumping and sparging was not necessary. 2.4 Groundwater Treatment—Hydrogen Peroxide Application In order to reduce residual soil and groundwater impacts in the immediate vicinity of the excavation, a chemical oxidation event using hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulfate was implemented after excavation of impacted soils. The amount of hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulfate used was based on supplier recommendations and professional judgement. One 55-gallon drum containing a 35% solution of hydrogen peroxide was added directly into the groundwater at the bottom of the excavation via the use of a pump and hose. Specific areas were targeted based on where residual contamination appeared most likely to remain. After hydrogen peroxide application, 10 pounds of ferrous sulfate was added into the excavation to further advance the chemical reaction. Corrective Action Implementation Report Former Murray Fleet Facility | Murray, Utah September 16, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61237057 Facilities |Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 5 2.5 Backfill and Surface Restoration The excavation was backfilled with clean imported gravel, with the gravel placed in approximately eight to twelve inch lifts and properly compacted to approximately 95% compaction rate. A geotextile fabric was placed on top of the gravel at approximately eight feet bgs. Engineered road base was installed as needed and properly compacted from approximately one foot bgs to the surface. Stockpiled overburden from the top seven feet was not mixed with the gravel backfill and was only used at the very top for ground leveling. The surface was completed to match the surrounding area based on the site owner’s request. 2.6 Sampling Quality Control/Quality Assurance All oversight and sampling work during the excavation and groundwater treatment was conducted under the direction of a Utah-Certified UST Consultant. All environmental samples were collected by a Utah-Certified Groundwater and Soil Sampler. Quality assurance for the sampling program included standardized sample collection, preservation, and handling methods as well as documenting field information and keeping chain-of- custody records. Samples were analyzed by Chemtech-Ford Laboratories, a Utah-certified laboratory. 3.0 Conclusion The corrective action implemented at the site successfully removed impacted soils exceeding a regulatory screening level. The source of groundwater impacts was removed from the area, and the treatment applied to the excavation after the removal of impacted soils will further enhance degradation of any remaining petroleum hydrocarbons in the groundwater. Appendix A Exhibits N: \ G I S \ 6 1 2 3 7 0 5 7 _ L u m e n \ 6 1 2 3 7 0 5 7 _ L u m e n . a p r x Exhibit terracon.comPH. 801-545-8500 6952 S High Tech Dr, Ste B Midvale, UT Reviewed By: Drawn By: Sep 2024 Date: 61237057 Project No.: Former Murray Fleet Facility 4400 South Main Street Murray, Utah Previous Investigation Sample Locations 2 ABA AST DATA SOURCES: ESRI - Basemaps @A@A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A @A SP-6 SP-5 SP-4 SB-1 SP-12 SP-3 GP-1 SS-1 GP-2 SS-2 SP-11 SP-1 SP-2 MW-14MW-4 MW-3 MW-1 MW-2 MW-9 MW-8 MW-10 BS-13 BS-12 BS-11 BS-10 BS-9 BS-8BS-7 B-2 B-1 B-3 B-5 B-4 GP-A GP-B GP-C GP-D GP-E GP-F SV-1 SV-2 SV-3 0 40 8020 Feet ³ ³ @A Soil Boring (Terracon 2023 Investigation) @A Monitoring Well - Terracon Soil Probe - Terracon Biosparge Well - Terracon Wasatch Soil Vapor Point Wasatch Soil Boring Former UST Soil Excavation Area Historic Excavation Area Approximate Site Boundary N: \ G I S \ 6 1 2 3 7 0 5 7 _ L u m e n \ 6 1 2 3 7 0 5 7 _ L u m e n . a p r x Exhibit terracon.comPH. 801-545-8500 6952 S High Tech Dr, Ste B Midvale, UT Reviewed By: Drawn By: Sep 2024 Date: 61237057 Project No.: Former Murray Fleet Facility 4400 South Main Street Murray, Utah Confirmation Soil Sampling Locations 3 ABA AST DATA SOURCES: ESRI - Basemaps @A @A @A @A @A B-2 B-1 B-3 B-5 B-4 GP-A GP-B GP-C Floor-1 at 13' N. Wall-1 at 9.5' W. Wall-1 at 9.5'E. Wall-1 at 9' S. Wall-1 at 9.5' 0 10 205 Feet ³ ³ Soil Confirmation Sample @A Soil Boring (Terracon 2023 Investigation) Wasatch Soil Boring Soil Excavation Area Former UST Historic Excavation Area Appendix B UDEQ DERR Letter Dated May 26, 2022 Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD June 22 to July 22, 2023 Petroleum Release Cleanup Project Former Murray Fleet Facility, Release ID NCD 4400 South Main Street, Murray, Utah A historic release of petroleum hydrocarbons was reported at the former Murray Fleet Facility located at 4400 South Main Street, Murray, Utah. The current property owner intends to redevelop the site. As petroleum-impacted soils and groundwater exceeding a regulatory screening level associated with a previously removed historic underground storage tank remain at the site, the owner would like to remove and properly dispose of the impacted soils to allow for unrestricted development of the property. A Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) approved Corrective Action Plan was developed to address the removal of impacted soils and groundwater. Site Description The facility had previously been operated by US WEST, Qwest Communications, and CenturyLink and included offices, fleet maintenance facilities, service vehicles, and support equipment. Two underground storage tank (UST) releases reported to the DERR were identified at the facility. One of the releases involved a former gasoline and diesel fuel UST area (Release HDA) in the northern portion of the site, and the second release (Release NCD) involved a former used oil UST in the southern portion of the site. Site investigations, groundwater monitoring, and remediation activities to address the releases were conducted from early 1990s to the middle 2010s. Both releases were remediated in 2013 with removal of impacted subsurface soils. However, a portion of the impacted soils of Release NCD could not be removed and was left in place below the western portion of the facility’s maintenance building. That building is now scheduled for demolition and the soils can be accessed. Cleanup Measures The proposed cleanup approach is to excavate and remove petroleum-impacted soils above the DERR Initial Screening Level from the site. A hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulfate solution will then be applied to the groundwater remaining in the excavation prior to backfill with clean soil. Schedule On-site cleanup activities are anticipated to begin in August 2023. Once started, the corrective actions are expected to take approximately 8 to 10 weeks to complete. For More Information A copy of the Corrective Action Plan prepared for this site is available at the DERR in Salt Lake City (address below; office hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). For additional information or to provide comment(s), please contact: Liberty Coe, Project Manager 801.536.4100 Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Appendix C Analytical Data Tables Table 1 - Soil Confirmation Sample Results Lumen - 4400 South Main Street, Murray, Utah TPH-GRO TPH-DRO Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, total Naphthalene MTBE Lumen ET Profile -1 Grab 08-16-2024 21.6 220 <0.12 <0.31 <0.31 <0.93 <0.31 <0.19 E. Wall - 1 at 9'9 08-20-2024 2.53 <63 <0.01 <0.03 0.04 <0.09 0.11 <0.02 Floor-1 @ 13'13 08-19-2024 <2.89 <64 <0.12 <0.29 0.31 <0.87 <0.29 <0.17 N. Wall - 1 at 9.5'9.5 08-20-2024 <2.86 <63 <0.11 <0.29 <0.29 <0.86 <0.29 <0.17 S. Wall - 1 at 9.5'9.5 08-20-2024 <0.297 <60 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.09 <0.03 <0.02 W. Wall - 1 @ 9.5'9.5 08-19-2024 54.3 454 <0.10 <0.24 0.58 <0.72 2.03 <0.14 150 500 0.2 9 5 142 51 0.3 1500 5000 0.9 25 23 142 51 0.3 bgs -below ground surface. mg/kg:Milligrams per kilogram. Utah's Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and risk-based Tier 1 Screening Levels (Tier 1) for petroleum releases at leaking underground storage tank sites Bold value exceeds Method Detection Limit (MDL). Sample Location Depth, ft bgs Date Sampled units - mg/kg Analyte UDEQ ISL UDEQ Tier 1 Appendix D Laboratory Analytical Reports The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Terracon IHI Attn: Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 Work Order: 24H1560 Project: Murray - Lumen UST #61237057 8/19/2024 Approved By: Mark Broadhead, Project Manager 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 4 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Terracon IHI Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 61237057 8/16/24 12:16 @ 22.0 °C 8/19/2024 Murray - Lumen UST #61237057 Sample ID: Lumen ET Profile -1 Lab ID: 24H1560-01Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/16/24 11:50 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Client Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/24309EPA 1664BModNDOil & Grease (HEM) %8/16/248/16/240.1 CTF800080.8Total Solids mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/24309EPA 1664BModNDTRPH (SGT-HEM) MBTEXn mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/240.12 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/240.31 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/240.19 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/240.31 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/240.31 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/240.93 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/243.09 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]21.6Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 8/16/248/16/2462EPA 8015 C220Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Murray - Lumen UST #61237057 CtF WO#: 24H1560 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 2 of 4Page 2 of 4 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Terracon IHI Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 61237057 8/16/24 12:16 @ 22.0 °C 8/19/2024 Murray - Lumen UST #61237057 Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL). 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. On calculated parameters, there may be a slight difference between summing the rounded values shown on the report vs the unrounded values used in the calculation. Project Name: Murray - Lumen UST #61237057 CtF WO#: 24H1560 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 4Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4 The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Terracon IHI Attn: Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 Work Order: 24H1653 Project: Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 8/20/2024 Approved By: Mark Broadhead, Project Manager 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 5 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Terracon IHI Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 61237057 8/19/24 14:26 @ 10.7 °C 8/20/2024 Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 Sample ID: Floor-1 @ 13' Lab ID: 24H1653-01Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/19/24 11:20 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Mark Lilly Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic mg/kg dry 8/20/248/19/24317EPA 1664BModNDOil & Grease (HEM) %8/19/248/19/240.1 CTF800078.6Total Solids mg/kg dry 8/20/248/19/24317EPA 1664BModNDTRPH (SGT-HEM) MBTEXn mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.12 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.29 EPA 8260D/5030B0.31Ethylbenzene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/19/248/19/240.17 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.29 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.29 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.87 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/242.89 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 8/20/248/19/2464EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 CtF WO#: 24H1653 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 2 of 5Page 2 of 5 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Terracon IHI Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 61237057 8/19/24 14:26 @ 10.7 °C 8/20/2024 Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 Sample ID: W. Wall-1 @ 9.5' Lab ID: 24H1653-02Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/19/24 12:30 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Mark Lilly Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic mg/kg dry 8/20/248/19/24314EPA 1664BMod709Oil & Grease (HEM) %8/19/248/19/240.1 CTF800079.7Total Solids mg/kg dry 8/20/248/19/24314EPA 1664BMod521TRPH (SGT-HEM) MBTEXn mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.10 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.24 EPA 8260D/5030B0.58Ethylbenzene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C8/19/248/19/240.14 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.24 EPA 8260D/5030B2.03Naphthalene mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.24 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/240.72 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 8/19/248/19/242.41 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]54.3Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 8/20/248/19/2463EPA 8015 C454Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 CtF WO#: 24H1653 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 5Page 3 of 5 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Terracon IHI Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 61237057 8/19/24 14:26 @ 10.7 °C 8/20/2024 Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL). 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. On calculated parameters, there may be a slight difference between summing the rounded values shown on the report vs the unrounded values used in the calculation. Flag Descriptions J-LOW-C = Estimated low due to low recovery of CCV Project Name: Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 CtF WO#: 24H1653 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 4 of 5Page 4 of 5 Page 5 of 5 The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Terracon IHI Attn: Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 Work Order: 24H1711 Project: Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 8/21/2024 Approved By: Mark Broadhead, Project Manager 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 6 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Terracon IHI Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 61237057 8/20/24 11:15 @ 16.1 °C 8/21/2024 Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 Sample ID: E. Wall - 1 at 9' Lab ID: 24H1711-01Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/20/24 8:50 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Mark Lilly Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/24315EPA 1664BModNDOil & Grease (HEM) %8/20/248/20/240.1 CTF800079.2Total Solids mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/24315EPA 1664BModNDTRPH (SGT-HEM) MBTEXn mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030B0.04Ethylbenzene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030B0.11Naphthalene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.09 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.306 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]2.53Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 8/21/248/20/2463EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 CtF WO#: 24H1711 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 2 of 6Page 2 of 6 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Terracon IHI Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 61237057 8/20/24 11:15 @ 16.1 °C 8/21/2024 Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 Sample ID: N. Wall - 1 at 9.5' Lab ID: 24H1711-02Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/20/24 9:20 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Mark Lilly Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/24315EPA 1664BModNDOil & Grease (HEM) %8/20/248/20/240.1 CTF800079.4Total Solids mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/24315EPA 1664BModNDTRPH (SGT-HEM) MBTEXn mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.11 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.29 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.17 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.29 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.29 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.86 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/242.86 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 8/21/248/20/2463EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 CtF WO#: 24H1711 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 6Page 3 of 6 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Terracon IHI Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 61237057 8/20/24 11:15 @ 16.1 °C 8/21/2024 Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 Sample ID: S. Wall - 1 at 9.5' Lab ID: 24H1711-03Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 8/20/24 9:46 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Mark Lilly Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/24299EPA 1664BModNDOil & Grease (HEM) %8/20/248/20/240.1 CTF800083.3Total Solids mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/24299EPA 1664BModNDTRPH (SGT-HEM) MBTEXn mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.09 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 8/20/248/20/240.297 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 8/21/248/20/2460EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 CtF WO#: 24H1711 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 4 of 6Page 4 of 6 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Terracon IHI Andrew Turner 6949 South High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 61237057 8/20/24 11:15 @ 16.1 °C 8/21/2024 Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL). 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. On calculated parameters, there may be a slight difference between summing the rounded values shown on the report vs the unrounded values used in the calculation. Project Name: Murray - Lumen UST # 61237057 CtF WO#: 24H1711 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 5 of 6Page 5 of 6 Page 6 of 6 Appendix E Soil Disposal Documentation