HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-010737 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Rose Park Corner Mart, W A KEC-24 Atlas Technical Consultants 358 South 700 East, B518 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 www.oneatlas.com Office: 801-935-4917 September 16, 2024 Mr. Kevin Beery Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 SUBJECT: Proposed Work Plan and Price to Conduct Groundwater Monitoring Rose Park Corner Mart 950 West 1000 North Salt Lake City, Utah Facility ID 4000903 UST Release Site KEC Work Assignments KEC-24 UDEQ Technical Services Contract #216364 Dear Mr. Beery: Please find attached a copy of the Proposed Work Plan and Price to conduct groundwater monitoring and reporting at the above referenced site. Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical and environmental engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 801-971-1064. Sincerely, Atlas Technical Consultants LLC Jim Coletta, P.G. Branch Manager Utah Certified UST Consultant Rose Park Corner Mart, WA KEC-24 Atlas Technical Consultants PROPOSED WORK PLAN for GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND REPORTING ROSE PARK CORNER MART 950 WEST 1000 NORTH SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH FACILITY ID 4000903 UST RELEASE SITE KEC WORK ASSIGNMENT KEC-24 UDEQ TECHNICAL SERVICES CONTRACT #216364 September 16, 2024 Prepared for: Mr. Kevin Beery State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 Prepared by: Atlas Technical Consultants 358 South 700 East, B518 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Rose Park Corner Mart, WA KEC-24 Atlas Technical Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal Title Page Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES ........................................................................................................................ 1 2.1 Task 1 – Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting ............................................................................ 1 3. DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................................... 2 4. PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE ................................................................................................... 2 5. PERSONNEL ........................................................................................................................................ 2 6. SUBCONTRACTORS ........................................................................................................................... 2 7. EXCEPTIONS, ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS, OR SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS .................................. 2 8. CONFLICT OF INTEREST ................................................................................................................... 3 9. COST ESTIMATE ................................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 1 – Site Map Table 1 - Proposed Project Schedule Table 2 - Cost Estimate Appendix A – Contract Required Paperwork Rose Park Corner Mart, WA KEC-24 Atlas Technical Consultants 1 PROPOSED WORK PLAN for GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND REPORTING ROSE PARK CORNER MART 950 WEST 1000 NORTH SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH FACILITY ID 4000903 UST RELEASE SITE KEC WORK ASSIGNMENT KEC-24 UDEQ TECHNICAL SERVICES CONTRACT #216364 1. INTRODUCTION Under Work Assignments KEC-24, the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) requested Atlas Technical Consultants (Atlas) prepare a work plan and price to conduct groundwater monitoring and reporting at the above referenced site. This proposed Work Plan presents a brief description of the tasks to be performed including a schedule (Table 1) for completing the activities described herein and a detailed cost breakdown (Table 2). 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES The objective of this proposed Work Plan is to conduct a groundwater sampling event and to prepare a summary report. Each task is described in greater detail in the following sections. Utah Certified Soil and Groundwater Samplers will perform the groundwater sampling activities described below under the direction of a Utah Certified UST Consultant. 2.1 Task 1 – Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting The procedures described below will be used to sample monitoring wells MW -1, 2, 4B, 5B, 6, 7, and 8. Initially, the groundwater depth and free product thickness (if present) will be measured at each well location. These measurements will be taken with a down-hole water level/free product interface probe. The water level/free product probe will be decontaminated between each well with an Alconox detergent wash and tap water rinse. Monitoring wells MW -1, 2, 4B, 5B, 6 and 7 will be developed/purged of a minimum of three well casing volumes or until dry using new dedicated disposable bailers. Monitoring well MW -8 (1-inch diameter well) will be developed/purged of a minimum of three well casing volumes or until dry using a peristaltic pump. If free product is measured in a well, that well will not be sampled. After monitoring wells MW -1, 2, 4B, 5B, 6, and 7 have been developed, a new dedicated disposable bailer will be utilized to collect a groundwater sample from each of the wells. The sample collected from MW -8 will be collected through the pump tubing. The samples will be directly transferred to the laboratory provided containers and immediately stored on ice in an insulated cooler. The samples will then be transferred under chain-of -custody documentation to a Utah-certified laboratory for MBTEXN (USEPA Method 8260B), and TPH-GRO and TPH-DRO (USEPA Method 8015B). The purge and decontamination water will be poured on the asphalt surface allowed to evaporate. A groundwater monitoring report would be prepared under Task 1. The report will include: • Data tables with historic and newly obtained analytic data; Rose Park Corner Mart, WA KEC-24 Atlas Technical Consultants 2 • Measurements for depth to water and free product; • Laboratory reports and chain of custody forms; • A site map and groundwater gradient map; and • Field observations including standard operating procedures for well purging and sampling. One copy of the report will be provided to the DERR. 3. DELIVERABLES The anticipated deliverables for the work identified in this proposed Work Plan include the following: • Groundwater Monitoring Report; and • Invoices, backup documentation, and contract required forms. 4. PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for the activities described herein is presented in Table 1. 5. PERSONNEL The key personnel for the proposed activities are as follows: • Atlas Senior Project Manager: Jim Coletta (P101) • Atlas Professional Geologist: Jim Coletta (P102) • Atlas Project Manager: Jim Coletta (P103) • Atlas Senior Technician: Olaf Questereit (P105) 6. SUBCONTRACTORS The following subcontractors will be used in the performance of the above scope of work: • Pace Analytical Laboratory - will provide state certified laboratory services. Based on information provided by each selected subcontractor, the following contract requirements have been met: • The selected subcontractors are not currently debarred pursuant to Utah Code Section 63- 56-48 or EPA’s most recent “Master List of Debarred or Suspended Facilities”; • The selected subcontractor have no apparent conflict of interest; and • The selected subcontractor is not minority or women owned business enterprises. 7. EXCEPTIONS, ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS, OR SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS At this time, no exceptions or special requirements to the proposed Work Plan are anticipated with the exception of the grant of access agreement. In the event exceptions or special conditions arise, Atlas will amend this proposed Work Plan or submit a new Work Plan for DERR approval before initiating any work outside the scope of services described herein. Rose Park Corner Mart, WA KEC-24 Atlas Technical Consultants 3 8. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Based on Atlas present knowledge of the site location and conditions, no personal or corporate conflict of interest has been identified for the performance of the scope of services described in this proposed W ork Plan. Atlas will contact DERR immediately if a potential conflict of interest is identified during the performance of this proposed Work Plan. 9. COST ESTIMATE The estimated cost for implementation of this proposed Work Plan is presented in Table 2. The estimated budget would require adjustment if the scope of services identified herein is modified or any assumptions are incorrect. Exhibit 3 from UDEQ Technical Services contract is presented in Appendix A. Rose Park Corner Mart, WA KEC-24 Atlas Technical Consultants TABLE 1 PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE TASK MONTH October 2024 November 2024 Task 1 – Groundwater Sampling and Reporting X X Labor Category Staff Quantity Hourly Rate Subtotal Subtotal Totals P101 Senior Project Manager - Project setup and coordination 2 152.00$ 304.00$ 304.00$ P103 Project Manager - Coordinate with laboratory, coordination of sampling effort, and prepare HASP 3.5 118.00$ 413.00$ 413.00$ P105 Technician III - Preparation and gather supplies, well development, well sampling, and sample processing (includes travel time) 11 90.00$ 990.00$ 990.00$ P108 Admin - Setup project and invoicing 2 62.00$ 124.00$ 124.00$ Labor Subtotal 1,114.00$ #REF! Direct Costs Equipment/Materials/Supplies Water Level/Free Product Interface Probe 1 55.00$ 55.00$ 55.00$ Sampling Supplies 1 25.00$ 25.00$ 25.00$ Traffic Cones 1 15.00$ 15.00$ 15.00$ Peristaltic Pump (MW-8 is a 1-inch well)1 30.00$ 30.00$ 30.00$ Flexible Tubing 25 0.50$ 12.50$ 12.50$ Disposable Bailers 6 9.00$ 54.00$ 54.00$ Outside Services 8 93.50$ 748.00$ 748.00$ Per Diem 45 0.655$ 29.48$ 29.48$ Direct Costs Subtotal 968.98$ Reporting Labor Category Staff Quantity Hourly Rate Subtotal Subtotal Totals P101 Senior Project Manager - Coordination and review 1 152.00$ 152.00$ 152.00$ P102 Professional Geologist - Prepare groundwater gradient map 2 147.00$ 294.00$ 294.00$ P103 Project Manager - Report review and payment request 3 118.00$ 354.00$ 354.00$ P105 Senior Technician - Data entry and report preparation 8 90.00$ 720.00$ 720.00$ P107 Drafter - Prepare groundwater gradient map in AutoCAD 2 85.00$ 170.00$ 170.00$ P108 Administrative Assistant 1 60.00$ 60.00$ 60.00$ Labor Subtotal 1,750.00$ #REF! Task 1 Total :4,549.98$ 950 West 1000 North Mileage - One round trip o the site Salt Lake City, Utah Task 1 - Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting - Sample MW-1, 2, 4B, 5B, 6, 7, & 8 Laboratory - MBTEXN, TPH-GRO, and TPH-DRO, plus Trip Blank (includes 10% markup) TABLE 2 Rose Park Corner Mart Work Assignment KEC-24 Facility I.D. 4000903 Groundwater Sampling and Reporting APPENDIX A CONTRACT REQUIRED PAPER EXHIBIT “3” DELIVERABLE AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE Date September 16, 2024 Work Assignment No. KEC-24 Deliverable/Task Number Description Due Date Price Task 1 Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting Sampling (10/31/24) Reporting (11/30/24) $4,549.98 Work Assignment Total $4,549.98