HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-011044Keri Moya <kmoya@utah.gov> 2024 UTAH05019 | HIDEOUT CANYON CAMPGROUND Sanitary Survey - Results 4 messages dwadmin@utah.gov <dwadmin@utah.gov>Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 4:06 PM To: ddw_sanitarysurvey@utah.gov, jhadlock@tricountyhealth.com, cathleen.christensen@usda.gov, nhall@utah.gov I would like to thank all involved for helping in conducting this sanitary survey of your drinking water system. The Utah Division of Drinking Water's Improvement Priority System (IPS) Rule, R309-400, rates public drinking water systems. Points are assigned based on non compliance with the Drinking Water Rules. Points assessed during a sanitary survey will become part of the total IPS points if not corrected within the time frame specified in this report. Community systems that exceed 150 points will be rated as Not Approved if corrections are not made (Non-Community 120, Transient 100). The accompanying Deficiency Report shows the noted deficiencies (if any). Deficiencies associated with inactive facilities show up on the accompanying Deficiency Report to act as a tracking tool and reminder but are considered "pending" and will not count against the system's total IPS points once entered into our database. If the facility were to become active in the future, the pending deficiencies will also become active. Your IPS report is available at waterlink.utah.gov and should be updated within a few days. Attached are copies of the completed survey questions and resulting Deficiency Report, as well as the Capacity Calculations spreadsheet. Whenever a significant deficiency has been identified during a sanitary survey you must consult with the Division of Drinking Water regarding the appropriate corrective action within 30 days of being notified of that significant deficiency as specified in R309-215-16(3)(a)(vi). All significant deficiencies must be corrected within 120 days of the date of completion of the survey or the system must enter into a corrective action plan with the Division to address the significant deficiencies as specified in R309-215-16(3)(a)(v). Once the deficiency has been corrected (correction action) you must notify the Division and provide documentation of that correction within 30 days of the completing the correction. Failure to do so will result in a treatment technique violation as stated in R309-215-16(4)(a). We encourage you to take the necessary actions to correct the noted deficiencies. Once the deficiencies are corrected, please coordinate with our office at ddwips@utah.gov so that we can delete the appropriate IPS points assigned for that deficiency. Please use your water system number in all your correspondence to our office. **** For further correspondence, hit Reply All and remove dwadmin@utah.gov, as it is not monitored. **** 3 attachments 2024 UTAH05019 | HIDEOUT CANYON CAMPGROUND - Deficiency Report.pdf 3K 2024 UTAH05019 | HIDEOUT CANYON CAMPGROUND Sanitary Survey - Result.pdf 49K Hideout Canyon Campground Capacity Sheet.xlsx 480K Keri Moya <kmoya@utah.gov>Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 7:09 AM To: jhadlock@tricountyhealth.com Cc: Ryan Dearing <rdearing@utah.gov>, Nathan Hall <nhall@utah.gov> Good morning. Thank you for submitting the survey. In processing it, I noticed that you are changing the storage capacity of ST001 and ST002. ST001 from 950 to 1500 and ST002 from 6000 to 3500 per the operator. . The actual names of the storage facilities are 950 and 6000.I just wanted to make sure the operator was confident in his number before I make these changes or if I should reach out to the system for further clarification? [Quoted text hidden] -- Keri Moya Environmental Program Coordinator Division of Drinking Water 195 N. 1950 W. Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Phone: (385) 502-1401 Fax: (801) 536-4211 drinkingwater.utah.gov Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. 3 attachments 2024 UTAH05019 | HIDEOUT CANYON CAMPGROUND - Deficiency Report.pdf 3K 2024 UTAH05019 | HIDEOUT CANYON CAMPGROUND Sanitary Survey - Result.pdf 49K Hideout Canyon Campground Capacity Sheet.xlsx 480K Joseph Hadlock <jhadlock@tricountyhealthut.gov>Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 10:17 AM To: Keri Moya <kmoya@utah.gov> Cc: jhadlock@tricountyhealth.com, Ryan Dearing <rdearing@utah.gov>, Nathan Hall <nhall@utah.gov> He was confident in telling me that those tank volumes were not correct and that is why I changed them. [Quoted text hidden] Keri Moya <kmoya@utah.gov>Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 2:35 PM To: Rebecca Yoo <ryoo@utah.gov> Rebecca, This change came up in the SS for this system. I double checked with the surveyor and they said they are confident with the changes. So, I will go ahead and make them in SDWIS. Let me know if you have any questions. I just wanted to give you a heads up because it seems odd to me. Thanks, [Quoted text hidden]