HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-010740 BC&A PROJECT TITLE PAGE STOCKTON TOWN PAGE 00 01 01-1 OLD TANK WELL PROJECT CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE STOCKTON OLD TANK WELL PROJECT System No. 23010 CONSULTANT PROJECT NO.: 824-24-01 JULY 2024 OWNER ENGINEER Bids will be received at the office of Stockton Town located at 18 North Johnson St., Stockton, Utah 84071 until 2:00 pm on August 8, 2024. 7/23/24 BC&A TABLE OF CONTENTS STOCKTON TOWN PAGE 00 01 10-1 OLD TANK WELL PROJECT SECTION 00 01 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page BIDDING DOCUMENTS 00 11 16 Invitation to Bid ...................................................................................................... 00 11 16-1 – 00 11 16-2 00 21 13 Instructions to Bidders ..................................................................................... 00 21 13-1 – 00 21 13-12 00 41 00 Bid Form .................................................................................................................... 00 41 00-1 – 00 41 00-9 00 43 13 Bid Bond (Penal Sum) .......................................................................................... 00 43 13-1 – 00 43 13-2 00 43 70 Proposed Subs and Major Material Suppliers ............................................ 00 43 70-1 – 00 43 70-1 00 45 10 Contractor’s Current Business License Information ............................... 00 45 10-1 – 00 45 10-1 00 45 13 Bidder’s Experience and Qualifications ..................................................... 00 45 13-1 – 00 45 13-12 00 45 15 Resumes of Key Personnel ................................................................................. 00 45 15-1 – 00 45 15-1 00 51 00 Notice of Award ...................................................................................................... 00 51 00-1 – 00 51 00-1 00 52 13 Agreement ................................................................................................................ 00 52 13-1 – 00 52 13-7 00 55 00 Notice to Proceed ................................................................................................... 00 55 00-1 – 00 55 00-1 00 61 14 Performance Bond ................................................................................................. 00 61 14-1 – 00 61 14-5 00 61 15 Payment Bond ......................................................................................................... 00 61 15-1 – 00 61 15-4 00 62 76 Application for Payment ..................................................................................... 00 62 76-1 – 00 62 76-1 00 63 63 Change Order ........................................................................................................... 00 63 63-1 – 00 63 63-2 00 65 16 Substantial Completion ....................................................................................... 00 65 16-1 – 00 65 16-2 00 65 19 Certificate of Final Completion......................................................................... 00 65 19-1 – 00 65 19-2 00 65 20 Consent of Surety for Final Payment ............................................................. 00 65 20-1 – 00 65 20-1 00 65 21 Affidavit of Payment ............................................................................................. 00 65 21-1 – 00 65 21-1 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00 70 00 General Conditions ............................................................................................. 00 70 00-1 – 00 70 00-70 00 73 00 Supplemental General Conditions .................................................................. 00 73 00-1 – 00 73 00-5 BC&A TABLE OF CONTENTS STOCKTON TOWN PAGE 00 01 10-2 OLD TANK WELL PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Section Page DIVISION 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 11 00 Summary of Work ............................................................................................................ 01 11 00-1 – 01 11 00-5 DIVISION 2 – EXISTING CONDITIONS 02 32 30 Special Conditions for Drilling .................................................................................... 02 32 30-1 – 02 32 30-24 DIVISION 33 – SITE WORK 33 20 00 2015 Mobilization/Demobilization/Cleanup ..................................................................... 2015-1 – 2015-4 33 20 00 2020 Conductor Casing and Seal ............................................................................................. 2020-1 – 2020-3 33 20 00 2035 Production Well Borehole Drilling .............................................................................. 2035-1 – 2035-6 33 20 00 2040 Geophysical Logging .......................................................................................................... 2040-1 – 2040-2 33 20 00 2046 Caliper Survey ...................................................................................................................... 2046-1 – 2046-2 33 20 00 2050 Production Well Installation .......................................................................................... 2050-1 – 2050-6 33 20 00 2052 Installation of Gravel Pack and Seal between Well Screens ............................. 2052-1 – 2052-4 33 20 00 2054 Installation of Annular Grout Seal ............................................................................... 2054-1 – 2054-2 33 20 00 2060 Initial Well Development ................................................................................................ 2060-1 – 2060-4 33 20 00 2062 Install Pump for Well Development and Testing .................................................. 2062-1 – 2062-2 33 20 00 2064 Well Development by Pumping .................................................................................... 2064-1 – 2064-2 33 20 00 2066 Step-Rate Drawdown Test .............................................................................................. 2066-1 – 2066-2 33 20 00 2068 Constant-Rate Discharge Test ....................................................................................... 2068-1 – 2068-4 33 20 00 2070 Video Camera Survey ........................................................................................................ 2070-1 – 2070-2 33 20 00 2072 Plumbness and Alignment .............................................................................................. 2072-1 – 2072-2 33 20 00 2080 Disinfecting ........................................................................................................................... 2080-1 – 2080-2 33 20 00 2082 Well Head ............................................................................................................................... 2082-1 – 2082-2 33 20 00 2084 Well Capping......................................................................................................................... 2084-1 – 2084-2 33 20 00 2095 Drilling Fluids, Cuttings, and Pumped Water Disposal ....................................... 2095-1 – 2095-4 FIGURES 1 Site Location Map 2 Site Map and Nearby Wells 3 Site Layout Map DRAWINGS 1 Well Construction Schematic and Details BC&A TABLE OF CONTENTS STOCKTON TOWN PAGE 00 01 10-3 OLD TANK WELL PROJECT APPENDICES A Tooele County and Stockton Town Noise Ordinances B Existing Well Logs C Standard Requirements and Regulatory Citations D Well Drilling Fact Sheet Regarding Discharge Note to the reviewer: The front end contract documents (Bidding Documents and Conditions of the Contract) are not included as part of the submittal for review. DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SUMMARY OF WORK OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 01 11 00-1 SECTION 01 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. The Work to be performed under this Contract shall consist of furnishing all plant, tools, equipment, materials, supplies, and manufactured articles and furnishing all labor, transportation, and services, including fuel, power, water, and essential communications, and performing all Work, or other operations required for the fulfillment of the Contract in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. The Work shall be complete, and all Work, materials, and services not expressly indicated or called for in the Contract Documents which may be necessary for the complete, safe and proper construction of the Work in good faith shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR as though originally so indicated, at no increase in cost to the OWNER. 1.2 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The Work of this Contract comprises the drilling, logging, construction, developing, and testing of the Old Tank Well. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for providing all the labor, materials, and equipment necessary to construct, log, install, develop, and test the well. Location and site figures as well as drawings of the well and associated details are given in the DRAWINGS and FIGURES. The work shall include, but not be limited to, the following at the well: 1. Mobilization, demobilization, and site cleanup for the production well. 2. Drilling and sampling a 30-inch minimum diameter borehole to a depth of 40 feet. 3. Providing and installing a 26-inch minimum diameter temporary surface casing with a bentonite seal in the 30-inch minimum diameter borehole. 4. Drilling and sampling a 24-inch minimum diameter borehole to a minimum depth of 100 feet, or to an appropriate depth as determined by the CONTRACTOR, as shown on the DRAWINGS. 5. Providing and installing a 20-inch minimum diameter conductor casing and a DDW certified grout seal in the 24-inch minimum diameter borehole. 6. Drilling and sampling a 6-inch exploratory hole to the depth directed by the ENGINEER (approximately 1,100 feet). Drilling will be by the reverse circulation (RC) method. 7. Keeping a written log of strata encountered during drilling and a written daily record of work progress, crew present, and equipment and materials used. 8. Collecting cuttings representative of strata encountered during drilling of the borehole at least every 5 feet and at major lithology changes or as directed by the ENGINEER. 9. Running geophysical and caliper logs in the exploratory borehole. 10. Performing sieve analysis of drill cutting samples from the well as selected by the ENGINEER. 11. Drilling a production borehole to a 19.5-inch minimum diameter production borehole to the depth specified by the ENGINEER. 12. Running caliper log in the final reamed borehole. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SUMMARY OF WORK OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 01 11 00-2 13. Providing and installing 12-inch diameter stainless steel, wire-wrapped, 0.060- inch slot well screen for the Well as shown on DRAWINGS that meets or exceeds the calculated collapse strength, open area, and calculated tensile strength in Section 22 20 00 2050, and steel blank casing between screen intervals, with associated appurtenances in the well. Approximate size and quantities of stainless-steel screen and casing are shown in the DRAWINGS and actual lengths and positions may be modified by the ENGINEER as determined by field conditions. 14. Providing and installing 12-inch diameter steel well casing above the screen with appurtenances, in the well. Approximate quantities of steel casing are shown in the DRAWINGS and actual lengths and positions may be modified by the ENGINEER as determined by field conditions. 15. Providing and installing a 2.5-inch diameter gravel feed tube as shown in the drawings. 16. Providing and installing gravel pack in the well (gradation of gravel pack will be determined from sieve analysis results during borehole drilling but is estimated to be 8X12 gradation as shown on DRAWINGS). Approximate quantities of gravel pack are shown in the DRAWINGS and actual quantities may be modified by the ENGINEER as determined by field conditions. Additionally, applying a high concentration chlorine treatment (1,500 ppm) during the installation of the gravel pack to thin the drill mud will be required. 17. Providing and installing a DDW certified annular cement grout seal in the well. Approximate quantities of annular cement grout are shown in the DRAWINGS and actual quantities may be modified as determined by field conditions. 18. Developing the completed well by air lifting and mechanical surging with double-surge block. Initial development includes a high-dose concentrated chlorine treatment (1,500 ppm) and a clay dispersant treatment using Johnson Screens NW-220. 19. Providing and installing a pump for development and test pumping. 20. Further developing the well by pumping and surging with a test pump to be supplied by the CONTRACTOR. 21. Separating drill cuttings and development sediments from associated liquids and properly disposing of them. 22. Providing for the transport of development water and pump test water to a discharge point as approved by the ENGINEER. 23. Performing a 10-hour step-rate drawdown test. 24. Performing a 24-hour constant-rate discharge test. 25. Thoroughly cleaning all sediment and debris that has accumulated in the well after test pumping. 26. Performing a Video Camera Survey of the well. 27. Performing plumbness and alignment tests in the well. 28. Disinfecting the well. 29. Constructing the wellhead and capping the well. 30. Restoring the well site to its original condition. 31. Furnishing logs, daily records, and other items as specified to the ENGINEER. A. In all stages of the project the CONTRACTOR shall record detailed notes and provided copies to the ENGINEER. B. The ENGINEER reserves the right to change materials and quantities specified in the following documents based on conditions encountered in the field, as specified in Section 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. In addition, the ENGINEER reserves the right to BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SUMMARY OF WORK OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 01 11 00-3 discontinue the construction of the well if at any time the ENGINEER believes it is in the OWNER's best interest to discontinue. In such a case, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid at the prices bid for the actual work accomplished. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Standby time shall be paid for any portion of a normal work day when the ENGINEER's representative orders work to cease or when other activities at the site dictate shutdown as approved by the ENGINEER's representative. B. Downtime shall mean that time, other than standby time, during which drilling could occur but does not or when machinery is broken down, materials or equipment are not available, or the CONTRACTOR elects not to drill. All downtime shall be at the sole expense of the CONTRACTOR. 1.4 GENERAL A. See Section 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING, which contains information and requirements that apply to the work specified herein and are mandatory for this project. 1.5 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Submittals during construction shall be made in accordance with Section 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. B. Specific submittal items are specified within individual sections of these Specifications. 1.6 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for giving the ENGINEER advance notice prior to performance of specific work items as specified within individual sections of these Specifications. 1.7 SPECIALISTS AND CONTRACTORS A. Portions of the work require operations that are commonly performed by specialists and subcontractors. Well driller, well logging and testing firms, and all others employed in constructing the borehole shall meet the requirements of a Specialist as described in Section 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING and shall be approved by the ENGINEER. 1.8 STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CODES A. The well shall be constructed in conformance with the State of Utah Administrative Rules of Water Well Driller’s administered through the Utah Division of Water Rights as described in the Utah Administrative Code R655 (most recent version) and the State of Utah Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems, Design and Construction Standards for Systems administered by the Utah Division of Drinking Water as described in the Utah Administrative Code R309 (most recent version). The requirements of Tooele County and Stockton Town shall also be observed in construction of the well. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for filing the necessary permits and well logs required by the state. 1.9 SITE PROTECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SUMMARY OF WORK OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 01 11 00-4 A. Throughout the period of construction, the CONTRACTOR shall keep the work site free and clean of all rubbish and debris. Protective barriers and other safety protection necessary to protect the public and workers shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all existing fences, walls, buildings, trees, surface water bodies, wetlands, riparian areas, and landscape during the progress of work. In the event of damage to such property, the CONTRACTOR shall, at his own expense, immediately restore the property to a condition equal to its original condition and to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. This provision includes damage to surface and subsurface utilities. After completion of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall remove from the premises and work areas all materials, tools, debris, and drill cuttings from the drilling and pump installation operations. At the completion of the well, the site shall be cleared of all materials and left in a condition acceptable to the ENGINEER. 1.10 CONTAMINATION A. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times perform his operation in such a manner as to prevent the introduction of contaminants into the well. Tools, casings, pumps, and other elements shall be kept clean and disinfected prior to insertion into the well. Water supply and drilling fluids shall be protected from contamination. The ENGINEER will require the materials and equipment to be cleaned and disinfected if, in the ENGINEER's sole opinion, the operation is introducing contaminants into the well. 1.11 DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for disposing all materials generated during borehole drilling, well construction, well development, and well testing. The materials generated from these activities and any associated activities shall be disposed of as specified in Section 33 20 00 2095 – DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL. 1.12 LOST HOLES A. Holes Abandoned For Cause: If the ENGINEER determines that for reasons beyond the control of the CONTRACTOR it is necessary to stop drilling, or the hole is lost before the objective or desired depth is reached and further attempts to save or complete the hole are not practical, the hole will be ordered abandoned for cause. The CONTRACTOR shall fill and plug the hole according to the most restrictive city, county, state and/or federal regulations. The CONTRACTOR will be reimbursed for the footage drilled and other operations and for moving to an alternative location. B. Defective Holes: If the ENGINEER determines that the hole is lost due to negligence, incompetence, or malpractice on the part of the CONTRACTOR or his personnel, or to the use of defective or unsuitable equipment, he will immediately notify the CONTRACTOR in writing of his decision and order the hole abandoned. If a hole does not meet the requirements set forth herein, or if the CONTRACTOR fails to drill a hole to the depth specified by the ENGINEER within the scope of the agreement, the hole will be declared abandoned. Any hole that cannot be corrected to the required tolerance for alignment will be declared abandoned. The CONTRACTOR, at his own expense, shall fill and plug the hole(s) according to the most restrictive city, county, state and/or federal regulations. He shall drill a new hole at an alternate site in the immediate area approved by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR will not be paid for any footage drilled or for other operations performed in any hole abandoned because of defects. 1.13 DEPTH OF WELL BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SUMMARY OF WORK OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 01 11 00-5 A. The total depth of the production well shall be determined by the ENGINEER based on examination of the drill cuttings, results of the sieve analyses, and geophysical logging of the borehole. For the purposes of bidding, it is expected that the total depth of the Well shall be 1,100 feet below ground surface. 1.14 EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL A. The ENGINEER must approve mobilization of any equipment or personnel under this Contract. 1.15 WELL SITE A. Drilling equipment shall be set up within the areas designated by the ENGINEER. Upon completion and acceptance of the work, all equipment, unused materials, temporary facilities, and other miscellaneous items resulting from or used in the operations shall be removed. Each of the sites shall be restored to its original ground configuration by filling any pits or trenches and leveling soil piles or ruts. B. If additional space is required for temporary storage of materials and equipment within the limits of the site, the CONTRACTOR shall make his own arrangements to obtain the areas. All stored materials and equipment shall be removed from the site as part of demobilization upon completion of this Contract. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. The use of a manufacturer's name and model or catalog number is for the purpose of establishing the standard of quality and general configuration desired only. Products of other manufacturers will be considered in accordance with Section 02 22 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Equipment: All equipment shall be of the proper type and shall be in good condition to assure that the work can proceed without interruption and that the drilling of a plumb and straight well results. Drilling equipment, including collars and/or couplings, shall be of sufficient size, strength, and design to maintain plumbness and alignment in drilling the well to a depth of 1,100 feet or greater. - END OF SECTION - DIVISION 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 1 SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: This project involves drilling, construction, developing, and testing of a new production well for Stockton Town herein called OWNER. The production well is referred to and located as follows: • Old Tank Well (Roger St. & Copper St., Stockton, UT); The project shall consist of drilling and installing a conductor casing, drilling an exploratory borehole; geophysical logging and caliper survey of the exploratory borehole; drilling a production borehole; caliper survey of the production borehole; installation of mild steel casing and stainless steel screen; installation of gravel pack and grout seal; initial well development; pump development and testing of the well; video camera survey; plumbness and alignment testing; and well head completion for the production well. Site location maps are included in the DRAWINGS/FIGURES. The work to be performed under this project shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, supplies, and incidental items necessary or required to complete the work in all respects as shown on the DRAWINGS/FIGURES and as herein specified. All work, materials, and services not expressly shown or called for in the Contract Documents which may be necessary to complete the construction of the work in good faith shall be performed, furnished, and installed by the CONTRACTOR as though originally so specified or shown, at no increase in cost to the OWNER. 1.2 This project shall be bid based on a lump sum/unit costs as stated in the Bid Schedule. The amounts of work to be done and materials or services to be furnished under contract are noted in the list attached to the Bid Schedule. Quantities are estimates only and shall not be taken as an expressed or implied statement that the actual amount of material or work will correspond to the estimates. Adjustments for overruns and/or underruns shall be made on the values in the Bid Schedule. The OWNER reserves the right to increase or decrease certain items from the work or materials by up to 25 percent if found desirable or expedient by the OWNER, and the CONTRACTOR is cautioned against unbalancing of the bid by prorating overhead into a few items only when there are a large number of items in the proposal. The overhead and indirect charges should be prorated on all items. In the event the Specifications define work to be accomplished for which the proposal does not provide a specific pay item, its costs shall be considered as part of the cost Mobilization/Demobilization/Cleanup. 1.3 The Work hereunder will be constructed under both a unit price and lump sum contract items. The contract time shall be as specified in the Agreement. PART 2 - SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 The Specifications included in these Contract Documents establish the performance and quality requirements for materials and equipment, and the minimum standards for quality of workmanship and appearance. Any questions on interpretation of any portion of these BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 2 Specifications should be directed to and determined by the ENGINEER or their representative. PART 3 - REASONABLY IMPLIED PARTS OF THE WORK SHALL BE DONE ALTHOUGH ABSENT FROM SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 Specific tasks not completely described in these Specifications that are necessary or normally required as part of the work described, or that are necessary or required to make each installation satisfactorily or legally operable, shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR as incidental work without extra cost to the OWNER, as if fully described in these Specifications. The expense of such work shall be included in the applicable prices for the work described. PART 4 - SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS AND COMPLETION OF WORK 4.1 HOURS AND TIME OF WORK A. Construction activities, except those described below, shall be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. daily, except Saturdays, Sundays and legally designated holidays during which no work will be allowed unless otherwise designated. Work hours shall conform to Tooele County and Stockton Town ordinances and restrictions or local noise permit requirements, whichever is more restrictive. Special permission must be requested and granted, by the OWNER, for conducting work other than during the hours specified. Such permission, if granted, may require the CONTRACTOR to reimburse the OWNER for extra costs for premium pay for construction observation and other OWNER furnished support. B. The following work activities may be conducted 24 hours a day: drilling, reaming, installation of well casing, screen, gravel pack, and grout, and aquifer tests exceeding 12 hours. 4.2 SCHEDULING A. Plan the work and carry it out with minimum interference to adjacent land users. Prior to starting the work, confer with the OWNER and its representatives to develop an approved work schedule which will allow minimal interference. B. CONTRACTOR shall notify owners of adjacent property and utilities when prosecution of the Work may affect them. PART 5 - SITE CONDITIONS 5.1 SITE ACCESS A. The OWNER has the responsibility to provide legal access to drilling sites. The CONTRACTOR has the responsibility to provide physical access to all drilling sites. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 3 5.2 SITE INVESTIGATION AND REPRESENTATION A. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges satisfaction as to the nature and location of the work, the general and local conditions, particularly those bearing upon availability of transportation, access to the site, disposal, handling and storage of materials, availability of labor, water, electric power, roads, and uncertainties of weather, river stages, or similar physical conditions at the site, the conformation and conditions of the ground, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of the work, and all other matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof under this Contract. B. The CONTRACTOR further acknowledges satisfaction as to character, quality, and quantity of surface and subsurface materials to be encountered from his inspection of the site and from reviewing any available records of other exploratory work. Failure by the CONTRACTOR to become acquainted with the physical conditions of the site and all the available information will not relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. C. The CONTRACTOR warrants that as a result of examination and investigation of all the aforesaid data, the CONTRACTOR can perform the work in a good and workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the OWNER. The OWNER assumes no responsibility for any representations made by any of its officers or agents during or prior to the execution of this Contract, unless (1) such representations are expressly stated in the Contract and (2) the Contract expressly provides that the responsibility thereof is assumed by the OWNER. 5.3 INFORMATION ON SITE CONDITIONS A. If the OWNER or its representatives provide information concerning subsurface conditions or surface topography, neither the OWNER nor its representatives assume any responsibility whatever in respect to the sufficiency or accuracy of borings, or of the logs of test borings, or of other investigations that have been made, or of the interpretations made thereof, and there is no warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied, that the conditions indicated by such investigations are representative of those existing throughout such area, or any part thereof, or that unforeseen developments may not occur. 5.4 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY PROPERTIES AND SERVICE A. Where the CONTRACTOR's operations could cause damage or inconvenience to telephone, television, power, oil, gas, or water systems, the CONTRACTOR shall make all arrangements necessary for the identification and protection of these utilities and services. B. The CONTRACTOR shall be solely and directly responsible to the owners and operators of such properties for any damage, injury, expense, loss, inconvenience, delay, suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damage that may result from the drilling operations under the Contract Documents. Neither the OWNER nor the ENGINEER, their officers or agents shall be responsible to the CONTRACTOR for damages as a result of the CONTRACTOR's failure to identify and protect utilities encountered in the work. C. In the event of interruption to domestic water, sewer, storm drain, or other utility services as a result of accidental breakage due to drilling operations, CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify the proper authority. The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with proper authority. The BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 4 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with said authority in restoration of service as promptly as possible. D. Prior to starting any excavations, the CONTRACTOR shall (at least 48 hours in advance) call Blue Stakes Locator Service toll free at 800-662-4111 or locally at 811 and provide all necessary data relative to the proposed excavation. Confirm the location of any potential utilities in the vicinity to avoid them. 5.5 INTERFERING STRUCTURES A. Protect any and all existing structures from damage, whether underground or above ground. Where existing fences, gates, buildings, utilities, or any other structures must be removed to properly carry out the work, or are damaged during the work, they shall be restored at the CONTRACTOR's expense to their original condition and to the satisfaction of the property owner. 5.6 EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF WAYS A. The work will be located on property owned by the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR shall confine the drilling operations to within the property limits as shown in the DRAWINGS. B. It shall be the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to obtain such right-of-way additional to that specified or indicated to be provided as he may require to perform the work required to be performed under the contract. C. All compensation to be received by the CONTRACTOR for moving, maintaining, and restoring structures and improvements in accordance with the provisions hereof, and for complying with all the requirements prescribed herein, shall be included in the Bid Schedule. D. Neither the terms thereof nor anything shown on the DRAWINGS, in connection with rights- of-way provided by the OWNER shall be construed to entitle the CONTRACTOR to conduct operations in said right-of-way in violation of any county ordinances or regulations restricting interference with watercourses and drainage channels. The CONTRACTOR shall take adequate precautions against obstructing storm water flow in any affected watercourse or channel and shall not deposit excavated material anywhere that might interfere with or be subject to erosion from such flow. E. Nothing herein shall be construed to entitle the CONTRACTOR to exclusive use of any public street or way during performance of the contract work, and he shall so conduct his operations as not to interfere unnecessarily with authorized work of utility companies or other agencies in such streets and ways. 5.7 MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS A. Unless otherwise indicated on the DRAWINGS or specified herein, or otherwise called for by the OWNER thereof, all water, sewer, gas, or oil lines, lighting, power, or communication lines, or other surface or sub-surface structures of any nature that may be affected by the work shall be maintained by the CONTRACTOR and shall not be disturbed, disconnected, or damaged by him during the progress of the work. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 5 B. In the event the CONTRACTOR, in the performance of the work, should disturb, disconnect or damage any of the above, he shall bear all expense of whatever nature arising from such disturbances or the replacement or repair thereof. When said damage causes an unscheduled interruption of service, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately alert the utility company involved and shall make the necessary arrangements with the utility company to expedite repairs. Reconstruction shall be of the same types of materials and to the same or better quality as that which existed prior to the start of construction. C. The CONTRACTOR shall not disturb nor move fences, trees, shrubbery, or other planting along the access routes or adjacent to the well site, except after approval by the OWNER. Any such improvements moved, disturbed, or damaged shall be restored by the CONTRACTOR to a condition at least as good as when he entered upon the work. D. All public and private streets, roads, and driveways and other paved areas damaged or excavated by the CONTRACTOR shall be reconstructed by him with materials, and to a degree of quality at least equal to that which existed prior to the beginning of the project; but in no case shall elements of restoration be inferior to the applicable requirements set forth elsewhere in these specifications. 5.8 FIELD RELOCATION A. During the progress of construction, it is expected that minor relocations of the work will be necessary. Such relocations shall be made only by direction of the OWNER or its representatives. If existing structures are encountered which prevent the construction, and which are not properly shown on the Drawings, notify the OWNER before continuing with the construction in order that the OWNER may make such field revisions as necessary to avoid conflict with the existing structures. If the CONTRACTOR shall fail to so notify the OWNER when an existing structure is encountered, and shall proceed with the construction despite this interference, he shall do so at his own risk. PART 6 - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION UTILITIES AND FACILITIES 6.1 TEMPORARY WATER A. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for obtaining water and bearing all costs associated with obtaining a temporary water supply to conduct the work. All water requirements costs will be included in the CONTRACTOR's bid. B. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for installing temporary pipe, valves, and other appurtenances necessary to convey water to the drill sites from any temporary water service connection obtained by the CONTRACTOR. 6.2 TEMPORARY ELECTRIC POWER A. Electrical power may or may not be available at the site. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for meeting its own power requirements. All power requirements cost will be included in the CONTRACTOR's bid. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 6 6.3 SANITARY FACILITIES A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain sanitary facilities for his employees and his lower-tier Subcontractors' employees that will comply with the regulations of the local and state departments of health and safety. Cost of portable toilets and other appurtenances shall be included in CONTRACTOR's bid. 6.4 TELEPHONE A. Telephone service shall be established at the well site prior to conducting work and until all production well drilling, logging, construction, developing, and testing is complete. The purpose of this service is to allow the OWNER and ENGINEER to communicate with the CONTRACTOR's representatives or the ENGINEER's onsite personnel. A temporary telephone service or mobile telephone service are acceptable alternatives. The telephone shall be audible/visual to the driller at all times and the number shall be provided to the OWNER and ENGINEER. All telephone costs will be included as a part of the CONTRACTOR's mobilization bid. PART 7 - SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE 7.1 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAM A. The CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain for the duration of this Contract, a safety program that will effectively incorporate and implement all required safety provisions. The CONTRACTOR shall appoint an employee who is qualified and authorized to supervise and enforce compliance with the safety program. B. The duty of the OWNER and its representatives to conduct construction review of the CONTRACTOR's performance is not intended to include a review or approval of the adequacy of the CONTRACTOR's safety supervisor, the safety program, or any safety measures taken in, on, or near the construction site. 7.2 SAFETY EQUIPMENT A. The CONTRACTOR, as part of his safety program, shall maintain at his office or other well- known place at the jobsite, safety equipment applicable to the work as prescribed by the governing safety authorities, all articles necessary for giving first aid to the injured, and shall establish the procedure for the immediate removal to a hospital or a doctor's care of any person who may be injured on the jobsite. B. The CONTRACTOR shall do all work necessary to protect the general public from hazards, including, but not limited to, surface irregularities or unramped grade changes in pedestrian sidewalk or walkway, and trenches or excavations in roadway. Barricades, lanterns, and proper signs shall be furnished in sufficient amount to safeguard the public and the work. C. The performance of all work and all completed construction, particularly with respect to ladders, platforms, structure openings, scaffolding, shoring, lagging, machinery guards and the like, shall be in accordance with the applicable governing safety authorities. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 7 7.3 ACCIDENT REPORTS A. If death or serious injuries or serious damages are caused, the accident shall be reported immediately by telephone or messenger to the OWNER. In addition, the CONTRACTOR must promptly report in writing to the OWNER all accidents whatsoever arising out of, or in connection with, the performance of the work whether on, or adjacent to, the site, giving full details and statements of witnesses. B. If a claim is made by anyone against the CONTRACTOR or any lower-tier Subcontractor on account of any accident, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly report the facts in writing to the OWNER, giving full details of the claim. 7.4 TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE AND SAFETY A. Comply with all rules and regulations of the state, county, and city authorities regarding closing or restricting the use of public streets or highways. No public or private road shall be closed, except by express permission of the OWNER. Conduct the work so as to assure the least possible obstruction to traffic and normal commercial pursuits. Protect all obstructions within traveled roadways by installing approved signs, barricades, and lights where necessary for the safety of the public. The convenience of the general public and residents adjacent to the project, and the protection of persons and property are of prime importance and shall be provided for in an adequate and satisfactory manner. 7.5 PROTECTION OF PROPERTY A. Protect stored materials, cultivated trees and crops, and other items located adjacent to the proposed work. Notify property owners affected by the construction at least 48 hours in advance of the time construction begins. During construction operations, construct and maintain such facilities as may be required to provide access by all property owners to their property. No person shall be cut off from access to his residence or place of business. Maintain site surface drainage during construction. 7.6 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform all work in a fire safe manner. He shall supply and maintain on the site adequate firefighting equipment capable of extinguishing incipient fires. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with applicable federal, state, and local fire prevention regulations. Where these regulations do not apply, applicable parts of the National Fire Prevention Standard for Safeguarding Building Construction Operations (NFPA No. 241) shall be followed. PART 8 - PRESERVATION, RESTORATION, AND CLEANUP 8.1 SITE RESTORATION AND CLEANUP A. At all times during the work, keep the premises clean and orderly, and upon completion of the work, repair all damage caused by equipment and leave the project free of rubbish or excess materials of any kind. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 8 B. Stockpile excavated materials in a manner that will cause the least damage to adjacent lawns, grassed areas, gardens, shrubbery, or fences, regardless of whether these are on private property, or on state, county, or city rights of way. Remove all excavated materials from grassed and planted areas and leave these surfaces in a condition equivalent to their original condition. Replace top soiled areas raked and graded to conform to their original contours. C. All existing drainage ditches and culverts shall be reopened and graded, and natural drainage restored. Restore culverts broken or damaged to their original condition and location. 8.2 FINISHING OF SITE, BORROW, AND STORAGE AREAS A. Upon completion of the project, all areas used by the CONTRACTOR shall be properly cleared of all temporary structures, rubbish, and waste materials and properly graded to drain and blend in with the abutting property. Areas used for the deposit of waste materials shall be finished to properly drain and blend with the surrounding terrain. 8.3 REMOVAL OF ROCK FROM FINISHED SURFACES A. Remove and dispose of all loose rock and boulders larger than 2-inch diameter occurring on the finished surfaces as a result of the construction operations. 8.4 STREET CLEANUP DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Thoroughly clean all spilled dirt, gravel, or other foreign material caused by the construction operations from all streets and roads at the conclusion of each day's operation. 8.5 DUST PREVENTION A. Give all unpaved streets, roads, detours, or haul roads used in the construction area an approved dust preventive treatment or periodically water to prevent dust. Applicable environmental regulations for dust prevention shall be enforced. B. During the performance of all work included in the contract or any operations appurtenant thereto, whether on public rights-of-way, easements provided by the OWNER or on private property, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish all the labor, equipment, and means required and shall carry out proper and efficient measures wherever and as often as necessary to prevent his operations from producing dust in amounts damaging to property or causing a nuisance to persons living nearby or occupying buildings in the vicinity. Inadequate dust control by the CONTRACTOR may result in substantial CONTRACTOR liability, as specified in the following paragraph. C. The CONTRACTOR shall be held liable for any damage resulting from dust originating from his operations whether on public rights-of-way, OWNER’s right-of-way or on other property. All compensation to be received for dust abatement shall be included in the CONTRACTOR’s bid. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 9 PART 9 - MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 9.1 The CONTRACTOR shall, except as specifically stated in the Contract Documents, provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and other facilities and services necessary for proper completion of all work under the Contract Documents. 9.2 MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE A. The CONTRACTOR hereby guarantees that the entire work constructed by him under the contract will meet fully all requirements thereof as to quality of workmanship and of materials furnished by him. B. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to make at his own expense any repair or replacement made necessary by defects in materials or workmanship supplied by him that becomes evident within a two-year period after date of final payment, and to restore to full compliance with the requirements of these specifications, including all test requirements, any part of the plant facilities or appurtenant works which during said two-year period is found to be deficient with respect to any provision of the specifications. C. The CONTRACTOR shall make all repairs and replacements promptly upon receipt of written orders for the same from the OWNER. If the CONTRACTOR fails to make repairs and replacements within 5 days upon notification, the OWNER may contract with others for performance of the work and the CONTRACT and his surety shall be liable to the OWNER for the cost thereof. 9.3 Wherever in these Specifications the word "approved" appears, it shall be understood to mean "as approved by the OWNER or authorized representative." Where approvals are required, the CONTRACTOR shall keep a written signed record of those approvals and report such approvals in the daily logs. 9.4 The CONTRACTOR is advised that other contractors or subcontractors may be working at the site during drilling. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate work with other ongoing activities at the site. 9.5 Since the site may be accessible to the general public, inquiries as to the nature of the work are a possibility. All such inquiries by individuals or news media shall be politely referred to the OWNER. 9.6 SPECIALIST A. A person, partnership, firm, or corporation of established reputation (or if newly organized, whose personnel have previously established a reputation in the same field), which is regularly engaged in, and which maintains a regular force of workers skilled in either (as applicable) manufacturing or fabricating items required by the Contract Documents, or otherwise performing Work required by the Contract Documents. B. Where the Specifications require the installation by a Specialist, that term shall also be deemed to mean either the manufacturer of the item, a person, partnership, firm, or corporation licensed by the manufacturer, or a person, partnership, firm, or corporation who will perform the Work under the manufacturer’s direct supervision. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 10 9.7 SUBSTITUTES AND “OR EQUAL” ITEMS A. Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function, and quality required. Whenever one manufacturer or supplier of an item of material or equipment is mentioned in the Specifications of Divisions 1 and 2, add the words “or equal’ after the listed manufacturer or supplier, unless the manufacturer’s name is followed by words reading “no or-equal or substitute products will be accepted” or similar wording. Unless the specification or description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent or “or-equal” item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment or material or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted by the ENGINEER under the following circumstances: 1. “Or-Equal”: If in the ENGINEER’s sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by CONTRACTOR is equivalent to or better than the product named in the form, function, performance, reliability, quality, features, materials of construction, operation and maintenance cost, static and dynamic loads, general dimensional configuration, size, weight, and appearance to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related work will be required, it may be considered by ENGINEER as an “or-equal” item, in which case review and approval of the proposed item may, in ENGINEER’s sole discretion, be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requirements for acceptance of proposed substitute items. 2. Substitute Items: If in ENGINEER’s sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by CONTRACTOR does not qualify as an “or-equal” item, it will be considered a proposed substitute item. CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information as provided below to allow ENGINEER to determine that the item of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and an acceptable substitute thereof. The procedure for review by ENGINEER will include the following and as ENGINEER may decide is appropriate under the circumstances. Request for review of proposed substitute items of material or equipment will not be accepted by ENGINEER from anyone other than CONTRACTOR. If CONTRACTOR wishes to furnish or use a substitute item of material or equipment, CONTRACTOR shall first make written application to the ENGINEER for acceptance thereof, certifying that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design, be similar in substance to that specified and be suited to the same use as that specified. The application will state the extent, if any, to which the evaluation and acceptance of the proposed substitute will prejudice CONTRACTOR’s achievement of Substantial Completion on time, whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the work will require change in any of the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNER for work on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute and whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with the work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty. All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified will be identified in the application and available maintenance, repair and replacement service indicated. The application will also contain an itemized estimate of all costs or credits that will result directly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitute, including costs of redesign and claims of other contractors affected by the resulting change, all of which will be considered BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 11 by ENGINEER in evaluating the proposed substitute. ENGINEER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish additional data about the proposed substitute. 3. CONTRACTOR’s expense: All data to be provided by CONTRACTOR in support of any proposed “or-equal” or substitute item will be at CONTRACTOR’s expense. B. ENGINEER will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuant to paragraphs 9.7.A.1, 9.7.A.2, and 9.7.A.3. ENGINEER will be the sole judge of acceptability. No “or-equal” will be ordered, installed, or utilized without ENGINEER’s prior written acceptance which will be evidenced by a Change Order or an approved Shop Drawing. No substitute will be ordered, installed, or utilized without ENGINEER’s prior written acceptance which will be evidenced by a Change Order. OWNER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish at CONTRACTOR’s expense a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to any “or-equal” or substitute. ENGINEER will record time required by ENGINEER, and/or other consultants in evaluating substitutes proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR in making changes in the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNER for work on the Project) occasioned thereby. Whether or not ENGINEER accepts a substitute item so proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall reimburse OWNER for charges of ENGINEER and/or consultants for evaluating each proposed substitute item. C. Proposal by CONTRACTOR to provide “or-equal” or substitute materials or equipment shall be submitted within a maximum of thirty-five (35) days of Contract award. Further, CONTRACTOR agrees that these proposals create a risk that the materials or equipment may not meet the specified functional and performance requirements and create a risk associated with potentially unproven products. Risk arises due to unknowns relating to reliability and durability of product, and responsiveness and support capability of supplier. Limited time is available to review and accept an “or-equal” or substituted item during construction (as compared to time available during design). CONTRACTOR agrees, therefore, that acceptance of an “or-equal” or substitute item does not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for meeting specified functional and performance requirements. CONTRACTOR shall bear all costs necessary to ensure the “or-equal” or substitute item meets specified functional and performance requirements and operates trouble free. PART 10 - SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION 10.1 GENERAL A. Requirements in this section are in addition to any specific submittal requirements as set forth in Specification sections of these Contract Documents. B. Review, acceptance, or approval of substitutions, schedules, Shop Drawings, lists of materials, and procedures submitted or requested by the CONTRACTOR shall not add to the Contract amount, and all additional costs which may result therefrom shall be solely the obligation of the CONTRACTOR. C. The OWNER is not precluded, by virtue of review, acceptance, or approval, from obtaining a credit for construction savings resulting from allowed concessions in the work or materials thereof. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 12 D. It shall not be the responsibility of the OWNER or its representatives to provide engineering or other services to protect the CONTRACTOR from additional costs accruing from such approvals. E. After checking and verifying all field measurements, CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER and/or its representatives, in accordance with the schedule for submittals for review, submittals which shall bear a stamp or specific written indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied CONTRACTOR's responsibilities under the Contract Documents with respect to the review of the submittal. The data shown shall be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, materials, and similar data to enable OWNER to review the information. F. All samples shall have been checked by and accompanied by a specific written indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied CONTRACTOR's responsibilities under the Contract Documents with respect to the review of the submission and shall be identified clearly as to material, supplier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers and the use for which intended. G. Before submission of each submittal, CONTRACTOR shall have determined and verified all quantities, dimensions, specified performance criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data with respect thereto and reviewed or coordinated each submittal with other submittals and with the requirements of the work and the Contract Documents. H. At the time of each submission, CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER specific written notice of each variation that the submittal may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each shop drawing submitted to OWNER for review and approval of each such variation. I. OWNER's review will be only for conformance with the design concept of the project and for compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents and shall not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction (except where a specific means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review of a separate item as such will not indicate review of the assembly in which the item functions. J. ENGINEER 's review of submittals shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR has in writing called OWNER's attention to each such variation at the time of submission and OWNER has given written approval of each such variation by a specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the shop drawing or sample approval; nor will any approval by OWNER relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings or from responsibility for having complied with the provisions herein. K. Where a shop drawing or sample is required by the Specifications, any related work performed prior to ENGINEER's review and approval of the pertinent submission shall be the sole expense and responsibility of CONTRACTOR. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 13 L. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a mark-up set of drawings indicating “As-Built” conditions, which shall reflect actual construction details of the well. M. The CONTRACTOR shall on or about the last day of each calendar month make in writing an estimate of the amount and value of the work done up to that time in the performance of the contract. Such estimates shall include estimated quantities of unit price items of the Bid Schedule and the approved itemized breakdown of any Lump Sum items. Partial estimates shall be subject to adjustments and approval of the OWNER as provided in the General Conditions. Partial estimates and partial payments shall also be subject to deductions and withholding as provided in the General Conditions. N. Prior to the commencement of work at the site, a preconstruction meeting will be held at a mutually agreed upon time and place. The meeting shall be attended by the CONTRACTOR, its superintendent and its subcontractors as appropriate. Others attending will include the OWNER and the ENGINEER. Unless previously submitted, the CONTRACTOR shall bring to the meeting: construction schedules and a breakdown of contract price. 10.2 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Transmit five copies of each submittal to the OWNER or its representative. A specific submittal address and person will be arranged upon award of the Contract. B. Sequentially number the transmittal forms. Resubmittals to have original number with an alphabetic suffix. C. Identify project, CONTRACTOR, Project Title, Specification section number, description of the submittal, and reference to the Specifications Section and paragraph number being addressed, including products, units and assemblies, as appropriate. D. Apply CONTRACTOR's stamp, signed or initialed certifying that review, verification of products required, field dimensions, adjacent construction work, and coordination of information, is in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. E. Information documenting the experience of fabricators and manufacturers of materials and equipment to be supplied shall be submitted to the ENGINEER with shop drawing submittals as herein specified. 1. Information for 3 or more projects including the purchaser, size and type of product provided, date of installation, and the name, address and phone number of a contact person knowledgeable of the project shall be included in these submittals. Experience requirements for manufacturers and fabricators shall be in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. 2. The company name, address, phone number and name of a contact person of the local service representative of each manufacturer of equipment to be supplied shall be identified in the shop drawing submittals as herein specified. 3. At a time sufficiently early to allow review as hereinafter specified and to accommodate the rate of construction progress required under the contract, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER for review, complete shop, assembly and layout drawings of the fabricated materials to be furnished and installed under the contract. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 14 4. Said drawings shall indicate type of steel proposed to be used and five copies shall be submitted prior to manufacture or fabrication of the respective articles. F. Transmit submittals in accordance with final schedule of submittals. G. Provide space for ENGINEER review stamps. H. Revise and resubmit submittals as required, identify all changes made since previous submittal. Revisions shown of said shop assembly, or layout drawings, equipment drawings or catalogue data necessary to meet the requirements of the specifications shall not be taken as the basis of claims for extra charges. The CONTRACTOR shall accept such revisions or submit others for the ENGINEER to review. When delay is caused by the resubmission of details, the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any damages or extensions of time on account of such delay. I. Submittals will be acted upon by the ENGINEER as promptly as possible, and transmitted to the CONTRACTOR not later than 15 working days after receipt by the ENGINEER. J. As soon as practicable after acceptance by the ENGINEER of any data or shop, assembly, or layout drawing a final submittal shall be made with all corrections noted by the ENGINEER incorporated. This final submittal shall be clearly noted in CONTRACTOR’s submittal as being a final submittal of accepted drawings or data and shall consist of 5 clear legible copies of all information. Final submittals shall be forwarded to the ENGINEER. No Fabrication or other work shall be performed in advance of the receipt of the final accepted drawings and data. The CONTRACTOR shall not deviate in any way from the design, details, or dimensions shown on said final drawings or data without written consent of the ENGINEER. 10.3 SCHEDULES A. Submit estimated progress schedule and preliminary schedule of submittals in duplicate to OWNER. B. Show complete sequence of construction by activity, identifying work of separate stages, and other logically grouped activities. Indicate the early and late start, early and late finish, float dates, and duration. C. Progress schedule shall provide a workable plan for monitoring the progress of all elements of the work, establish the critical elements of work, and forecast potential problems in maintaining the specified completion dates. D. When so requested by the OWNER, an updated schedule shall be forwarded to the OWNER no later than the 5th calendar day of the month following. The OWNER’s receipt and acceptance of the updated schedule shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of any portion of a progress payment for the preceding month. E. Progress schedule shall indicate submittal dates, and product manufacture and delivery dates. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 15 F. Preliminary schedule of submittals shall indicate the submittals required by Specification section number with brief description, and starting and completion dates for respective submittal preparation by the CONTRACTOR, and submittal review by the OWNER. G. Revise and resubmit as required, identify all changes made from previous schedule submittal. PART 11 - INSPECTIONS AND TESTS OF MATERIALS 11.1 The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the OWNER full information as to the progress of the work in its various parts and shall give the OWNER timely notice of the CONTRACTOR’s readiness for inspection. When practicable, inspection will be made during the manufacture of articles. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, without additional charge, all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient inspection and tests required by the OWNER. 11.2 Samples and test specimens required under these specifications shall be furnished and prepared ready for testing in ample time for completion of all necessary tests and analyses before the articles or materials are to be delivered or used. The CONTRACTOR at his own expense shall furnish and prepare all required specimens and perform all required tests and analyses. 11.3 Final inspection and acceptance of the articles or materials may be made after delivery at the site of the work and at the expense of the OWNER. In the event that any material at the site of the work is rejected on account of failure to pass inspection or test, the CONTRACTOR shall replace same promptly. Final inspection will be made as promptly as practicable but may not in all cases be made prior to construction or final assembly. 11.4 The OWNER shall have the right at all times and places to reject articles and/or materials to be furnished hereunder which, in any respect, fail to meet the requirements or these specifications, regardless of whether the defects in such articles or materials are detected at the point of manufacture or after completion of the work at the site. If the observer, through an oversight or otherwise, has accepted material or work which is defective or which is contrary to the specifications, such material, no matter in what stage or condition of manufacture, delivery, or erection may be rejected by the OWNER. Compliance with the specifications is distinctly a duty of the CONTRACTOR and shall not be avoided by act or omission on the part of the OWNER’s observer. 11.5 Rejected articles and/or materials shall be removed promptly after notification, to a satisfactory distance from the vicinity of the accepted articles and/or materials at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. Any adjustments, corrections or repairs found necessary after the delivery of articles or materials, including all additional handling and shipping shall be paid for by the CONTRACTOR. PART 12 - PERMITS, LICENSES, LAWS AND REGULATIONS 12.1 PERMITS AND LICENSES A. WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 16 1. Well construction permit applications have been submitted to the Utah Division of Water Rights for the Driller Start Cards and production well construction. The CONTRACTOR shall, within 10 days after completing each production well construction and testing, submit all information required by the Utah Division of Water Rights, including, but not limited to, complete lithologic logs, dates drilled, depth of well, screened intervals, and sealed intervals. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall contact the Utah Division of Water Rights and the Utah Division of Drinking Water to determine their inspection requirements and notify them according to their requirements, so they can inspect construction operations according to their requirements. If any hole drilled by the CONTRACTOR is defective and ordered to be abandoned by the ENGINEER, then the CONTRACTOR shall obtain a permit from Utah Division of Water Rights according to their requirements for abandonment. All costs for compliance will be included in the CONTRACTOR's bid, and no additional compensation will be made for conformance with the permit requirements. B. NOISE PERMIT 1. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances related to noise abatement and bear all costs associated with compliance and permitting. 12.2 LAWS AND REGULATIONS A. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances related to conducting the work and bear all costs associated with compliance. PART 13 - ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS 13.1 AIR QUALITY A. All earth material excavated, stockpiled, or transported shall be wetted regularly to control dust emissions. B. Vehicle speed on unpaved access roads shall be limited to 15 miles per hour. C. Vehicle traffic areas shall be wetted regularly to control dust. Watering should occur at least twice daily with complete coverage, preferably in late morning and after work is done for the day. D. Trucks transporting earth materials offsite shall maintain a minimum two-foot freeboard. E. All material transported offsite shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. F. Equipment engines shall be maintained in good condition and in proper tone as per manufacturer’s specifications. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 17 G. All diesel-powered equipment should be turned off when not in use for more than 30 minutes and gasoline-powered equipment should be turned off when not in use for more than 5 minutes. H. Roadways in the vicinity of construction access points shall be swept as necessary to prevent the accumulation of silt. 13.2 SOIL QUALITY A. Machinery fluids, such as oil, fuel, hydraulic oil, brake fluid, etc., shall not be allowed to spill or leak onto the ground. In such case that spills occur the contaminated soil shall be removed and disposed of according to relevant environmental regulations and replaced with clean soil. 13.3 WATER QUALITY A. All drilling fluids, drill cuttings, and water generated during borehole drilling, well construction, well development and well testing shall meet the requirements of Section 33 20 00 2095 DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL. B. All machinery used in or above the well itself shall be maintained in proper working order as to prevent contamination of well water from lubricating fluids. PART 14 - PROJECT MEETINGS 14.1 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Prior to commencement of work at the site, a preconstruction conference will be held at a mutually agreed time and place which shall be attended by the CONTRACTOR, its superintendent, and its subcontractors as appropriate. B. The purpose of the conference is to designate responsible personnel and establish a working relationship. Matters requiring coordination will be discussed and procedures for handling such matters established. The compete agenda will be furnished to the CONTRACTOR prior to the meeting date, which may include the following: CONTRACTOR’s tentative schedules; transmittal, review, and distribution of CONTRACTOR’s submittals; processing applications for payment; maintaining record documents; critical work sequencing; field decisions and change orders; use of project site, office and storage areas, security, housekeeping, and OWNER’s needs; major equipment deliveries and priorities; and CONTRACTOR’s assignments for safety and first aid. C. The ENGINEER will preside at the preconstruction conference and will arrange for keeping the minutes and distributing the minutes to all persons in attendance. 14.2 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. The CONTRACTOR shall schedule and hold regular on-site progress meetings at least weekly and at other times as required by the ENGINEER or as required by the progress of work. The CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, and all subcontractors active on the site shall be represented at BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 18 each meeting. The CONTRACTOR may at its discretion request attendance by representatives of its suppliers, manufacturer’s, and other subcontractors. B. The ENGINEER shall preside at the meetings and provide for keeping and distribution of the minutes. The purpose of the meetings will be to review the progress of work, maintain coordination of efforts, discuss changes in scheduling, and resolve other problems which may develop. PART 15 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 15.1 GENERAL A. All work completed under this contract shall be in accordance the DRAWINGS and specifications and will be measured by the ENGINEER. The quantities appearing on the Bid Schedule are approximate only, and are prepared for the comparison of bids. Payment to the CONTRACTOR on bid items with unit prices other than “Lump Sum” will be made for actual quantities of work performed and accepted, or material furnished in accordance with the Contract. The scheduled quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished may be increased or decreased. B. The term “Lump Sum” when used as an item of payment will mean complete payment for the work described in the contract. When a complete structure, portion of work, or unit is specified “Lump Sum” as the unit of measurement, the unit will include fittings, accessories, and all work necessary to complete the work as shown on the DRAWINGS and as specified. C. When the accepted quantities of work vary from the quantities in the Bid Schedule, the CONTRACTOR shall accept as payment in full, so far as contract items are concerned, payment at the original contract unit prices for the work done. The OWNER reserves the right to add to or delete from quantities listed in the Bid Schedule in order to match the total bid with the budget money available. D. Measurement and calculation of quantities for payment to be as indicated in this section and supersedes the measurement and payment articles in applicable sections of the 1997 Utah Public Works Standard Specifications. E. Unit prices or lump sum amounts to include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, products, tools, equipment, transportation, services and incidentals; erection, application or installation of an item of the Work; overhead and profit, and doing all work shown on the Drawings, defined in the Specifications, and/or stipulated herein. F. Payment covers the cost of incidental work which includes: progress schedule; CQC program; mobilization and temporary facilities; safety procedure plan; dust control; surface water and drainage handling; coordination with property owners, businesses, contractors, and government agencies; all provisions required to provide and maintain full and continuous access to all properties affected by construction operations; construction surveying; saw cutting, removal, and disposal of existing trench pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and concrete waterway; unclassified excavation; pot hole excavations; trench excavations; trench shoring or trench boxes as applicable; removal and disposal of waste materials; trench dewatering; pipe zone material; select import fill material; compaction of trench backfill BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 19 materials; compaction density testing; monument restoration; roadbase; protection and support of existing surface and subsurface features; replacement of concrete waterway and drive approach(es); tree root trimming; replacement and restoration of existing utilities and other items damaged by the CONTRACTOR’s operations; removal and replacement of landscape materials and irrigation systems equal to or better than existing if damaged by the CONTRACTOR's operations; installation of sewer manhole invert cover(s) and subsequent removal as directed by governing authorities; and all other necessary work, to install the Work complete in place. G. BID ITEM A, Old Tank Well BID: Measurement and payment to be as follows: 1. Bid Item A1– Mobilization/Demobilization/Cleanup a. Measurement for Mobilization and Demobilization will be made on a lump sum basis. For purposes of payment, mobilization shall be 75 percent of the bid price for this item. Mobilization to include all equipment and materials necessary to complete the work including, but not limited to, drill equipment, logging, and pump test equipment. b. Payment Covers: Cost of mobilization; demobilization, including final site cleanup; obtaining any additional permits not already obtained by the OWNER. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. c. For purposes of payment, Mobilization and Demobilization shall be paid for on a percent complete basis. The lump sum bid price for this bid item shall not exceed 15 percent of the total bid price. 2. Bid Item A2– Conductor Casing and Seal – 26-inch Temporary a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to drill a minimum 30-inch borehole to a minimum depth of approximately 40 feet, or an appropriate depth determined by the CONTRACTOR, and set and seal the corresponding length of minimum 26- inch conductor casing as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 3. Bid Item A3– Conductor Casing and Seal – 20-inch a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to drill a minimum 24-inch borehole to a minimum depth of approximately 100 feet, or an appropriate depth determined by the CONTRACTOR, and set and seal the corresponding length of minimum 20- inch conductor casing as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 20 4. Bid Item A4a– 6-inch Diameter Exploratory Borehole Drilling a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per linear foot basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to drill a 6-inch exploratory borehole to a depth as required by Specifications. The measurement is from 40 feet below ground surface (assumed bottom of the installed temporary conductor casing) to the total depth of the completed well. The measurement does not include any rathole deemed necessary by the CONTRACTOR to log or test the borehole to the specified depth. Also includes cost of disposing drilling fluids, cuttings, and pumped water associated with the borehole drilling. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 5. Bid Item A4b– 19.5-inch Production Borehole Drilling (Reaming) a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per linear foot basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to ream out the pilot borehole after testing and drill a 19.5-inch borehole to a depth as required by Specifications. The measurement is from 100 feet below ground surface (assumed bottom of the installed conductor casing) to the total depth of the completed well. The measurement does not include any rathole deemed necessary by the CONTRACTOR to log or construct the well to the specified depth. Also includes cost of disposing drilling fluids, cuttings, and pumped water associated with the borehole drilling. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 6. Bid Item A5– Geophysical Logging a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost of geophysical logging of a pilot well borehole. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 7. Bid Item A6– Caliper Survey a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost of caliper survey of the pilot and production well boreholes. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 8. Bid Item A7a– Well Installation 12-inch Mild Steel Casing (0.250-inch wall) a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per linear foot basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to install 12-inch mild steel well casing as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 21 9. Bid Item A7b – Well Installation 12-inch Mild Steel Casing (0.375-inch wall) a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per linear foot basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to install 12-inch mild steel well casing as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 10. Bid Item A8– Well Installation 12-inch Well Screen 60-Slot – 304-SS Wire-Wrap a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per linear foot basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to install 12-inch diameter stainless steel wire-wrap well screen, 60-slot (range 40- to 80-slot), as required by Specifications and shown on the DRAWINGS. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 11. Bid Item A9– Well Installation 2.5-inch Gravel Feed Tube a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per linear foot basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to install 2.5-inch mild steel gravel feed tube as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 12. Bid Item A10 – Gravel Pack Installation – 8 x 12 Gradation a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per linear foot basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to install 8x12 gradation gravel pack (estimate) as required by Specifications and shown on the DRAWINGS. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 13. Bid Item A11 – Furnish 12% Sodium Hypochlorite (1,500 ppm Chlorine) a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a per gallon basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to provide liquid 12% sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) to the project site as required by Specifications prior to the installation of the gravel pack. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for the project. 14. Bid Item A12 – Installation of Annular Grout Seal a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per linear foot basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to install annual grout seal as required by Specifications and shown on the DRAWINGS. This pay item shall constitute BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 22 full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 15. Bid Item A13– Initial Well Development with Rotary Drill Rig a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per hour basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required for the initial development of the production well as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 16. Bid Item A14 – Furnish 12% Sodium Hypochlorite (1,500 ppm Chlorine) a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a per gallon basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to provide liquid 12% sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) to the project site as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for the project. 17. Bid Item A15 – Furnish NW-220 Treatment a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a per gallon basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to provide Johnson Screens NW-220 Clay Dispersant to the project site as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for the project. 18. Bid Item A16 – Mix/Prepare Chlorine and NW-220 Treatment a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to mix and prepare the chlorine and NW-220 treatment solution at surface in appropriate tanks prior to injection. Also includes cost of managing and disposing of any fluids or sediments associated with the installation work. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 19. Bid Item A17 – Inject/Swab Chlorine and NW-220 Treatment with Swab Tool a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per hour basis. b. Payment Covers: Costs associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to inject the chlorine and NW-220 treatment solution evenly into the well. Also includes cost of managing and disposing of any fluids or sediments associated with the installation work. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 20. Bid Item A18 – Install Pump for Well Development and Testing a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 23 b. Payment Covers: Cost associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to provide, install, and remove the pump and associated appurtenance for the development and testing of the production well as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 21. Bid Item A19 – Well Development by Pumping a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per hour basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required for the development of the production well by pumping as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 22. Bid Item A20 – Step-Rate Drawdown Test a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per hour basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to test the production well by the Step-Rate Drawdown Test as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 23. Bid Item A21 – Constant-Rate Discharge Test a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a unit cost per hour basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost associated with all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and equipment required to test the production well by the Constant-Rate Discharge Test as required by Specifications. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 24. Bid Item A22 – Video Camera Survey a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost to video camera survey of the production well. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 25. Bid Item A23– Plumbness and Alignment Testing a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost to perform the plumbness and alignment test for the casing and well screen of the production well. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 26. Bid Item A24 – Well Disinfecting a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost to disinfect the production well after completion of the well testing and prior to final capping. This pay item shall constitute full BC&A STOCKTON TOWN SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 02 32 30 - 24 compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 27. Bid Item A25 – Well Head a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost to complete the well head. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. 28. Bid Item A26 – Well Capping a. Measurement: Measured and paid for on a lump sum basis. b. Payment Covers: Cost to cap the production well. This pay item shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and materials required to complete this portion of the Work for this construction project. END OF SECTION DIVISION 33 SITE WORK BC&A STOCKTON TOWN MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION/CLEANUP OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2015 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2015 MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION/CLEANUP PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to mobilize, demobilize, and clean up the drill sites related to the drilling, construction, development, and testing of the Old Tank production well. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. 2.2 SECURITY FENCE A. A security fence shall be constructed for the protection of materials, tools, and equipment of the CONTRACTOR and lower-tier Subcontractors. At completion of the work, remove fence from the site and restore the area. The security fence shall be constructed at the sole expense of the CONTRACTOR. B. The CONTRACTOR shall provide access at any time and any necessary keys to the ENGINEER. 2.3 PARKING FACILITIES A. Parking facilities for personnel working on the project will be limited. Confine employee parking to the designated work area at the well sites. 2.4 NOISE CONTROL FACILITIES A. Where applicable, the CONTRACTOR will obtain a noise permit from Tooele County and Stockton Town. The CONTRACTOR will be fully responsible for compliance to the permit and the CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate compliance with the noise control requirements. A copy of the Tooele County and Stockton Town noise regulations are located in Appendix A. B. Diesel engine acoustical enclosure of steel framed, fiberglass filled panels shall be required for all drill rigs, compressors and pumps. Where these engines are not properly isolated to prevent noise in the supporting structure, this secondary noise shall be mitigated such as by the use of acoustical skirts for drill rig trailers. High performance mufflers shall be used on all diesel engines in regular use on the drill site. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION/CLEANUP OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2015 - 2 C. If required by the noise permit, noise barrier walls shall be constructed around the site to mitigate noise. It is anticipated the noise barrier walls will surround the drill site. The noise barrier walls shall consist of fiberglass filled acoustical walls, or equal, and have a minimum wall height of 20 feet. The noise barrier walls shall reduce the maximum continuous noise from drilling operations to less than 60 db at 50 feet around the perimeter of the drill site, or to levels designated in the noise permit, whichever is more strict. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 BOREHOLE DRILLING A. Set up borehole drilling and related other equipment within the area designated by the ENGINEER. Accomplish all required work in accordance with applicable portions of these Specifications. 3.2 CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT A. Set up construction facilities in a neat and orderly manner within designated area. Accomplish all required work in accordance with applicable portions of these Specifications. Confine operations to work area shown. B. Some obstructions may not be shown. Bidders are advised to carefully inspect the existing facilities before preparing their bids. The removal and replacement of minor obstructions such as electrical conduits, water, waste piping, and similar items shall be anticipated and accomplished, even though not shown or specifically mentioned. C. Major obstructions encountered that are not shown on the DRAWINGS, or could not have been foreseen by visual inspection of the site prior to bidding, should immediately be brought to the attention of the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER will make a determination for proceeding with the work. 3.3 CONTAMINATION PRECAUTIONS A. Avoid contamination of the project area. Do not dump waste oil, rubbish, or other similar materials on the ground. 3.4 DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for disposal of all drilling fluids, drill cuttings, development water, and test waters as further described in these Specifications. 3.5 CLEANUP OF CONSTRUCTION AREAS A. During execution of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall daily clean the site, adjacent properties, and public access roads and dispose of waste materials, debris, and rubbish to assure that grounds, and public and private properties are maintained free from accumulations of waste materials and rubbish. CONTRACTOR will provide containers for collection and disposal of waste materials, rubbish, and debris. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION/CLEANUP OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2015 - 3 B. Upon completion and acceptance of the borehole, remove from the site the drill rig and related equipment and all debris, unused materials, temporary construction buildings, and other miscellaneous items resulting from or used in the operations. Replace or repair any facility that has been damaged during the construction work. Restore the site as nearly as possible to its original condition. 3.6 NOISE CONTROL A. The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate compliance with the noise control requirements. Noise levels shall be monitored at least once daily, and at the request of the ENGINEER, during a time when onsite equipment is in use and noise levels are expected to be the highest. Noise levels shall be measured next to the drill site boundary and at 50 and 100 feet from the drill site using a calibrated and certified sound level meter furnished by the CONTRACTOR and kept on site at all times. Noise levels will also be measured at the property boundary. B. Nighttime drilling operations shall be conducted while limiting the following activities: hammering on pipe, racking or making-up of pipe, rapid acceleration and deceleration of diesel engines, and picking up or laying down drill pipe. C. If, at any time, the noise limits are exceeded, immediate corrective action shall be taken through drilling equipment modifications, addition of noise abatement equipment or changes in operating procedures. Noise levels shall be monitored to demonstrate compliance. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION/CLEANUP OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2015 - 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK BC&A STOCKTON TOWN CONDUCTOR CASING AND SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2020 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2020 CONDUCTOR CASING AND SEAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to install a temporary conductor casing (24-inch) and conductor casing (20-inch) and seal including reaming conductor casing borehole, providing and installing the conductor casings, installing grout seal, and other work as necessary for the production well borehole. Approximate conductor casing borehole depth/diameter and conductor casing diameters and lengths are shown in DRAWINGS. The CONTRACTOR shall install a minimum 24-inch diameter conductor casing to 40 feet, and a minimum 20-inch diameter conductor casing to a minimum depth of 100 feet, or to an appropriate depth as determined by the CONTRACTOR, at the well location. 1.2 STATE OF UTAH REQUIREMENTS A. The CONTRACTOR shall meet the State of Utah Division of Water Rights and Division of Drinking Water inspection and certification requirements for placing a seal for a public water supply well, R309-515-6(5)(b) or R655-4-12.1.2, U.A.C.. The conductor casing shall have a certified grout seal and appropriate documentation provided by the CONTRACTOR. 1.3 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to starting drilling operations for installing the conductor casing and seal for the well. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. 2.2 CONDUCTOR CASING A. The conductor casing shall be fabricated in lengths not less than 20 feet and shall have a wall thickness not less than 5/16-inch for the 24-inch and 20-inch casings. Conductor casings shall be ASTM A-53, Grade B, or equivalent as approved by the ENGINEER. 2.3 GROUT A. Sand-cement grout shall be used to construct the well seal. The sand-cement grout shall be an equal parts mixture of cement and sand/aggregate with no more than 6 gallons of water per one 94-pound sack (one cubic foot) of Portland Cement. The cement shall meet the requirements, including the latest revisions, of ASTM C 150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement, the State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(6)(i), U.A.C., and the BC&A STOCKTON TOWN CONDUCTOR CASING AND SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2020 - 2 State of Utah Water Well Handbook – Part II – Minimum Well Construction Standards R655- 4-11.4 and 11.5, U.A.C. Portland Cement Type I, II, III & V, or an approved equivalent, and any additives shall meet the requirements, including the latest revisions, of Standard Specifications for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. Additives must be approved by the ENGINEER. 2.4 WATER A. Any water used shall be potable. Water will be obtained by the CONTRACTOR. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 BOREHOLE REAMING A. The CONTRACTOR shall drill a hole not less than the diameter indicated in the DRAWINGS to a depth below ground surface or deeper as shown in DRAWINGS as determined by the ENGINEER. 3.2 CONDUCTOR CASING INSTALLATION A. When the conductor casing borehole has been completed, the conductor casing shall be installed. The length of the conductor casing for shall be determined by the ENGINEER during initial borehole drilling, but approximate lengths as shown in DRAWINGS shall be assumed for bidding purposes. All field joints shall be properly butt welded during installation with a minimum of two passes per circumference. Special care shall be exercised to ensure that the conductor casing is straight and plumb. B. Four (4) steel guides (at minimum) shall be welded to the conductor casing at 90 degree intervals around the casing and at intervals of not more than 30 feet vertically to centralize and hold the casing in the proper position until the concrete seal is in place. The first set of guides shall be placed 5 feet from the bottom of the conductor casing. A minimum of three sets of guides shall be installed. Centralizers are not necessary for the temporary conductor casing installation. 3.3 CONDUCTOR CASING SEAL A. The conductor casing seal shall be placed after the conductor casing bore is completed and the conductor casing is placed in the hole. The annular space between the conductor casing and the conductor casing borehole shall be filled with grout from the bottom of the boring to the required elevation as shown on the DRAWINGS. B. The grout shall be pumped into the annular space through a tremie pipe or other approved method by the ENGINEER prior to the installation of the seal. A grout pipe shall extend from the ground surface to the bottom of the zone to be grouted. Grout shall be placed, from bottom to top, in a continuous operation. The grout pipe can be slowly raised as the grout is placed, but the discharge end of the grout pipe must be submerged in the emplaced grout at all times until grouting is completed. The grout pipe shall be maintained full to the surface at all times until completion of the grouting of the entire specified interval. Once the grouting operation is complete, no further work shall be performed on the well for a minimum of 24 BC&A STOCKTON TOWN CONDUCTOR CASING AND SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2020 - 3 hours. No standby time will be paid while cement is setting. In the event of borehole collapse prior to placement of the concrete grout, the CONTRACTOR shall take whatever steps are necessary to reopen the hole and place the seal as specified. Any such remedial action shall be conducted at the CONTRACTOR's expense. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL BOREHOLE DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2035 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2035 PRODUCTION WELL BOREHOLE DRILLING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes drilling of a 6-inch exploratory hole and drilling a minimum 19.5-inch production well borehole, including drilling, logging, sampling, sieve analysis, and all other materials, equipment, supplies, tools, and labor required to obtain data required for selecting the production well depth, screen interval, slot opening size, gravel pack size, and other information as required. B. The drilling shall be by the reverse circulation and flooded reverse circulation methods. C. Drilling fluids shall be disposed of as specified in 33 20 00 2095 DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to starting borehole drilling operations for the well. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTACTOR shall submit driller’s reports, detailed stratigraphic logs, penetration rate reports, cutting samples and chip tray samples as described below. B. The CONTRACTOR shall submit sieve analyses results for up to fifteen (15) drill cutting samples of the borehole as specified below. C. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, equipment, supplies, tools, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. 2.2 DRILLING FLUIDS (IF NECESSARY) A. The objective is to avoid intrusion of clays or additives into the aquifer. B. Only potable water is to be used. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL BOREHOLE DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2035 - 2 C. Drilling fluid and well additives, if required, shall be approved by the ENGINEER and shall be ANSI/NSF 60 certified. No drilling fluids, chemicals, additives, or conditioners that may be believed to become a food source for bacteria growth in the well or in the aquifer, including phosphates, will be allowed. Only Baroid’s “Quick-Gel”, CETCO’s “Super Gel-X”, or equivalent shall be used in the drilling fluid. Organic drilling additives shall not be used. The drilling fluid shall possess such characteristics as are required to adequately maintain the walls of the borehole, to prevent caving of the walls as drilling progresses, and to permit recovery of representative samples of drill cuttings. The use of clay, mud, or other foreign matter that has a tendency to build an excessive mud cake on the walls of the hole and clog or seal up the water-bearing stratum will not be permitted. D. No drilling fluids, chemicals, additives, or conditioners that may be believed to become a food source for bacteria growth in the well or in the aquifer, including phosphates, will be allowed. If the CONTRACTOR introduces any such materials into the well, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify the OWNER and initiate removal of such materials at no additional cost to the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR will then meet with the OWNER and ENGINEER to discuss the conditions related to the violation and at that time be prepared to propose methods and procedures to thoroughly clean the well from all such materials to the satisfaction of the OWNER and ENGINEER at no additional cost to the OWNER. If the CONTRACTOR cannot demonstrate to the satisfaction of the OWNER and ENGINEER that all such materials have been removed, the OWNER shall have no further obligation to pay any invoices for services performed by the CONTRACTOR. E. Drilling fluid properties shall be maintained to deposit only a thin (maximum of 1/16 of an inch), easily removable filter cake on the face of the borehole. The drilling fluid properties shall be maintained as follows: 1. Weight: Not to exceed 9.2 lbs./gallon 2. Viscosity: Not to exceed 32 seconds per quart 3. Sand Content: Not to exceed 1 percent 4. Total solids content: Not to exceed 7 percent. 5. 30-minute water loss: Not to exceed 15 cc F. Equipment for measuring fluid properties shall be immediately available at the drill site. Drilling fluid properties, including fluid weight, viscosity, water loss, sand content, and total solids content, shall be checked: 1) every 50 feet of depth drilled; 2) every 4 hours of circulation when not drilling; and 3) as directed by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain current records on the site at all times to show: 1) time, depth, and results of all mud tests; and 2) all material added to the system including time, amount, and depth. All drilling fluid test equipment and test procedures shall be equal to those given in the American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 13B-1, Recommended Practice Standard Procedure for Field Testing Water-Based Drilling Fluids. G. The CONTRACTOR shall remove any residual mud cake on the borehole wall during development of the well. Drilling fluids and additives shall be approved by the ENGINEER prior to use. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL BOREHOLE DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2035 - 3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER 5 days (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excepted) prior to drilling. B. The CONTRACTOR shall provide at all times a thoroughly experienced, competent, and Utah-licensed driller present at the site during all operations at the drill site. C. Logging and Records: The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the ENGINEER a written daily log of the work. Information supplied shall include, as a minimum, accurate depths, thicknesses, and nature of the strata penetrated. Drilling rates, water levels, and other information may also be requested by the ENGINEER. Progress on all phases of the work shall also be reported. These daily records shall indicate all quantities of unit price pay items and be signed daily by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTACTOR shall submit a complete driller’s log for the well that carefully and accurately describes the following information: 1. The reference point for all depth measurements 2. The depth at which each change of formation occurs 3. The depth at which first water was encountered 4. The depth at which each stratum was encountered 5. The thickness of each stratum 6. The identification of the material of which each stratum is composed, such as: a. General grain size (clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobble, boulder) b. Specific grains size (very fine, fine, medium coarse, very coarse) c. Relative proportion of grain size d. Sorting and color e. Cementation f. Unified Soil Classification in accordance with ASTM D 2488. g. Density (for granular material) or consistency (for fine material) h. Particle angularity, particle composition i. Plasticity of fines j. Structure (stratified, laminated, fissured, lensed, intact, etc.) 7. The depth interval from which each water and formation sample was taken 8. The depth at which hole diameter (bit sizes) change 9. The depth to the static water level (SWL) and changes in SWL with well depth 10. Any and all other pertinent information for a complete and accurate log 11. Any variation in the addition and amount of approved clays or chemical products or water required during drilling and properties of the drilling fluids as described in Part 2, 2.2D DRILLING FLUIDS of this Section and the depth at which such changes occur 12. Depth or location of any lost drilling fluid, drilling materials, or tools 13. Depth of the surface seal, if applicable 14. The nominal hole diameter of the well bore above and below casing seal 15. The amount of cement and bentonite installed for the seal 16. The depth and description of well casing 17. The description (to include length, diameter, slot sizes, material manufacturer) and location of well screens 18. The sealing off of all water-bearing strata, if any, and the exact location thereof BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL BOREHOLE DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2035 - 4 D. The CONTRACTOR shall construct the well in strict conformance with all laws, rules, and regulations, and standards related to the construction of wells in the State, County, and other local jurisdictions as applicable, where the well is located. 3.2 CIRCULATION SYSTEM A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a circulation system which will minimize the recirculation of drill cuttings. The system shall include settling tanks of adequate size, a sampling trough, a shaker table, and a desanding-desilting system. The system shall be designed to facilitate the retrieval of representative samples from the discharge with a minimum of recirculation of material. The mud tank system shall be equipped with a shaker table and a desander- desilter system with a minimum of four cones, capable of handling the capacity of the system. The desander-desilter system will have a pump capable of supplying a minimum of 40 psi per cone at 80 gpm per cone minimum. B. Use only drilling fluids and additives specifically recommended by the manufacturer for use in municipal water well drilling. Avoid contamination of the samples or the aquifer. Do not introduce muds, clays, or drilling aids into the well or use lime, cement, organic matter, or other material to stop circulation losses of the drilling fluid, without reviewing the proposed program with the ENGINEER. 3.3 BOREHOLE DRILLING A. The production borehole shall be drilled at the approximate location shown in the DRAWINGS/FIGURES. Information to be obtained during borehole drilling includes data on grain size distribution and hydraulic properties necessary for selection of the proper well depth, screened interval, slot opening size, and gravel pack size. B. Two boreholes shall be drilled at the same location. The first shall consist of a 6-inch diameter, exploratory hole. Logging specified in 33 20 00 2045 GEOPHYSICAL LOGGING shall be conducted in the exploratory hole. After completion of the geophysical logging, a production hole shall be drilled such that the final borehole is at least the diameter shown in the DRAWINGS, so as to be sufficiently large to provide for installation of annular seals and gravel pack material by tremie pipe around the casing and screen as shown in the DRAWINGS. The production borehole shall be drilled to 19.5-inch diameter. For bidding purposes, the depth of the borehole is shown in the DRAWINGS. The ENGINEER reserves the right, however, to increase or decrease the depth of the borehole by up to 25 percent. The ENGINEER will have a representative onsite during the drilling to determine the exact depth of the borehole based on cuttings. C. The CONTRACTOR shall utilize weighted drill collars and stabilizers on the drill pipe to maintain a straight and plumb borehole. D. The CONTRACTOR shall control, verify, and correct plumbness, out-of-roundness, and straightness of the drilled hole as the drilling progresses. Such checking shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from requirements of testing as specified in 33 20 00 2072 PLUMBNESS AND ALIGNMENT. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL BOREHOLE DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2035 - 5 3.4 SAMPLE COLLECTION A. Every 5 feet and at each change in the strata, the CONTRACTOR shall collect a large, approximately 3-pound, representative sample of the interval or new strata in accordance with procedures approved by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall label and store each sample in a suitable container. The label shall include the following information: well name, date, time, and depth interval. The sample containers shall be stored in a manner to prevent breakage or loss. All containers shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR. Formation samples, immediately after being placed in containers, shall be labeled clearly, either directly on the container or on a tag attached thereto, using ink, indelible pencil, or other medium that is resistant to moisture and sunlight. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the safe storage of formation samples until such times as they are accepted by the OWNER. Time, place, and mode of delivery shall be as directed by the OWNER. B. The CONTRACTOR shall collect and assemble chip-tray samples of the same samples just described (3.4-A). The chip-tray samples shall be gently washed as to remove drilling fluid from the sample but care shall be taken as to not wash away natural formation fines from the sample. The chip-trays shall be labeled neatly and clearly with the depth interval of the sample. The chip-trays shall become the property of the ENGINEER immediately upon their creation. 3.5 SIEVE ANALYSIS A. The CONTRACTOR shall determine the grain size distribution of up to fifteen (15) samples selected from the well by the ENGINEER. Data required from the sieve analyses are the cumulative percent retained by each sieve of a particular screen size opening. The samples shall be submitted to a qualified geotechnical laboratory for analysis by ASTM D 422 Test Method. The number of sieves and sieve sizes used for the gradation analysis shall be approved by the ENGINEER prior to conducting the analysis. The required screen sizes shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 3”, 1½”, ¾”, 3/8”, No. 4, No. 8, No. 16, No. 40, No. 80, No. 100, and No. 200. The data from the sieve analyses will be required before a well screen slot opening and gravel pack size and distribution range will be chosen by the ENGINEER. Therefore, sieve analysis results shall be made available to the ENGINEER within 1 day of the completion of the pilot hole. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL BOREHOLE DRILLING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2035 - 6 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK BC&A STOCKTON TOWN GEOPHYSICAL LOGGING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2040 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2040 GEOPHYSICAL LOGGING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work, including labor, supplies, materials, tools, and equipment, necessary to provide the following geophysical logs of the exploratory borehole: spontaneous potential; single point resistivity; neutron (or compensated sonic); temperature; 16” and 64” resistivity; gamma ray; and deviation. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to starting the geophysical logging for the borehole. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the geophysical logs as specified below from the borehole. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Upon completion of the exploratory borehole, as specified in SECTION 33 20 00 2035 PRODUCTION WELL BOREHOLE DRILLING, and before running of the geophysical logs, the CONTRACTOR shall cease drilling and circulate for not less than one hour. The borehole shall be completely filled with drilling fluid during geophysical logging. B. The geophysical logs shall be run by a SPECIALIST in the running of such logs, and the results shall be fully explained to the ENGINEER. The set of logs to be obtained shall include spontaneous potential; single point resistivity; neutron; temperature; 16” and 64” resistivity; gamma ray; and deviation. The logs will be provided at 2 vertical scales: 50 feet to 1-inch, and 20 feet to 1-inch. The horizontal scale shall be approved by the ENGINEER. Changes in these requirements may be made if, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, not all of these logs are required. All data shall be recorded digitally. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN GEOPHYSICAL LOGGING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2040 - 2 C. The geophysical logs shall be run in the presence of the ENGINEER and the results, including 3 field copies of each log, provided to the ENGINEER immediately upon completion. The logs shall become the property of the ENGINEER at the time logging is completed. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all geophysical interpretations and analyses to the ENGINEER. Geophysical log interpretation and analyses shall consist of all processes of determining water bearing aquifer information in the hole from geophysical logs, including locations, thicknesses, attractiveness for development, and shall be done by a qualified geophysicist within 48 hours of completion of logging. The geophysical log analyst must demonstrate competence through background, training, and experience. It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to ensure that all log analyses and/or interpretations are made by a person so qualified. D. In addition to the three field copies, the CONTRACTOR shall submit the following for the borehole: 1. Five copies of each geophysical log at each scale. 2. Digital ASCII files (.LAS) of all geophysical data on a CD/DVD, thumb drive and/or email. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN CALIPER SURVEY OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2046 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2046 CALIPER SURVEY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, materials, tools, and equipment, necessary to obtain a caliper log of the exploratory borehole and the production well borehole. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to starting the caliper survey for the well. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the caliper logs from the borehole (pilot and reamed production) as specified below. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Upon completion of the exploratory hole, as specified in 33 20 00 2035 PRODUCTION WELL BOREHOLE DRILLING, the CONTRACTOR shall make a caliper survey of the borehole. The caliper used to perform the survey shall have a minimum of three arms and shall be capable of indicating a hole diameter to 42 inches. The logs shall be provided at 2 vertical scales: 50 feet to 1-inch and 20 feet to 1-inch. The horizontal scale shall be approved by the ENGINEER. All data shall be recorded digitally. B. If the caliper survey shows the hole to be less than the specified diameter at any point or the hole to be less than the specified depth, the hole shall be reamed or redrilled and resurveyed at the CONTRACTOR’s sole expense. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN CALIPER SURVEY OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2046 - 2 C. The caliper survey shall be run in the presence of the ENGINEER and the results, including 3 field copies of each log, provided to the ENGINEER immediately after completion. The logs shall become the property of the ENGINEER at the time the logging is completed. D. In addition to the three field copies, the CONTRACTOR shall submit the following for the well: 1. Five copies of each caliper survey at each scale. 2. Digital ASCII (.LAS) files of caliper survey data on a CD/DVD, thumb drive or email. E. The CONTRACTOR will conduct a second caliper survey of the final borehole when reamed out to the final borehole diameter as shown in the DRAWINGS. The second survey shall be run in the presence of the ENGINEER and the results (including 3 field copies of each log, 5 final copies at each scale, and digital ASCII (or LAS) as specified above) will be provided to the ENGINEER immediately after completion. The logs shall become the property of the ENGINEER at the time the logging is completed. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL INSTALLATION OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2050 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2050 PRODUCTION WELL INSTALLATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary for the construction of the production well, including the well casing, well screen, gravel feed tube, and all other work required to construct the wells related to these items. 1.2 WELL CASING A. This item includes providing and installing the well casing, including double welding collars, and centralizers. Casing diameters are shown in the DRAWINGS. 1.3 WELL SCREEN A. This item includes providing and installing the 304 stainless steel, wire-wrap well screen with centralizers. The well screens must meet or exceed the calculated collapse strength, open area, and calculated tensile strength specified in Part 2.3 below. 1.4 GRAVEL FEED TUBE A. This item includes providing and installing the 2.5-inch diameter gravel feed tube for the Well (Schedule 40). 1.5 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to installation of well screen, well casing, gravel feed tube, and water level measurement tube. 1.6 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items as specified below: 1. Drawings and design data on each of the well screens and casing. 2. Welding certifications of welders. 3. A mark-up set of drawings indicating “As-Built” conditions, which shall reflect actual construction details of the wells, including all dimensions and quantities of materials used. 4. Casings and screens installed in the wells shall be ANSI/NSF 61 certified. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL INSTALLATION OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2050 - 2 PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. 2.2 WELL CASING A. The well casing shall be 12-inch diameter, fabricated in lengths not less than 20 feet with welding collars attached, unless otherwise specified in the DRAWINGS. The wall thickness for the 12-inch casing shall be comprised of ¼-inch and 3/8-inch. The wall thickness of the casing that comes into contact with stainless steel shall be at least 3/8-inch. The connection of steel to stainless steel shall be welded in accordance with Part 3.1 below. The length of the thickened casing will extend at least 5 feet from the steel/stainless steel connection. The well casing shall be of ASTM A-53, Grade B or better, or equal. 2.3 WELL SCREEN A. The well screen shall be 12-inch diameter. The total length of screen for the well is estimated as shown in the DRAWINGS, unless otherwise specified by the ENGINEER. B. The 12-inch well screen shall be made of 304-stainless steel, and be of the welded, wire- wrapped, continuous-slot type as manufactured by Johnson Filtration Systems, Roscoe Moss, Houston, or equal. Well screen shall be designed to withstand a minimum collapse pressure of 203 psi for 0.060-inch slot opening. The surface wire shape shall cause the slot opening to widen inwardly to minimize clogging. Surface wrap-wire height shall be 0.250 inch to provide the desired collapse strength. The wrap-wire face width shall be of minimum dimension to provide 26.7% open area for the 0.060-inch slot opening. The minimum screen tensile strength must exceed at least twice the total weight of the screen and any standard wall blank casing suspended below the top screen joint. The tensile strength shall be a minimum of 30,900 pounds. Well screens shall be accompanied by manufacturers screen specifications and open area. C. Dimensions of openings and screen length, as shown in the DRAWINGS, will be 0.060-inch for bid purposes but may be modified by the ENGINEER based upon analysis of formation samples taken during the borehole drilling. Please note that the screen slot size and estimated quantity is subject to change upon evaluation of the pilot hole data. The CONTRACTOR shall have the appropriate manufacturer’s on notice for a rush order for the materials required to complete the construction of the production well. D. The ENGINEER reserves the right to increase or decrease the length of the well screen by up to 25 percent. E. Within 24 hours (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excepted) after the full depth of the well has been reached, the geophysical logging has been completed, and the sieve analysis results have been received by the ENGINEER, the ENGINEER will decide whether or not a well screen shall be installed. If the ENGINEER decides that the well screen is to be installed, the ENGINEER will specify the lengths and location of the well screen and the locations and lengths of blank casing sections within this same 24-hour period. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL INSTALLATION OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2050 - 3 2.4 GRAVEL FEED TUBE A. The CONTRACTOR shall fabricate and install a 2.5-inch Schedule 40 steel gravel feed tube for the Well. The gravel feed tube shall extend from the surface to the gravel pack to allow for the placement of additional gravel should the level of the top of the gravel drop during development. The gravel feed tube shall be furnished and installed as shown on the attached DRAWINGS. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 WELDING A. All welding shall be conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the American Welding Society code of good practice. B. Welders shall be certified in accordance with American Welding Society 010.9-80 for level AR-1 and shall be qualified in the 2G and 5G positions or the 6G position. C. If applicable, a special weld shall be used to join the stainless steel with steel. All welding shall be a full, continuous, running weld and shall conform to the American Welding Society specifications. Welds for connecting stainless steel to steel shall be made using AWS Type E312 or E309 electrodes, or equal. D. If applicable, a special weld shall be used to join stainless steel to stainless steel. All welding shall be a full, continuous, running weld and shall conform to the American Welding Society specifications. Welds for connecting stainless steel shall be made using AWS Type E308-15 lime coated or E308-16 titanium-coated electrodes, or equal. Reverse polarity d.c. current shall be used with E308-15 rods and a.c. or d.c. reverse polarity with E308-16 rods. 3.2 WELL CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall install well casing, well screen, water level measurement tube, and the gravel feed tube. Actual well casing length, well screen length, and gravel feed tube length configuration and location may be modified by the ENGINEER, based on the results of the sampling and testing of the production well borehole. B. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for supporting and anchoring the well casing and the gravel feed tube in such a way as to hold them in place during the placement of gravel, during development, and when the well is completed. The bottom of the well casing/well screen assembly shall be at a sufficient distance above the bottom of the hole to ensure that none of the weight of the casing will be supported from the bottom of the hole. C. All casing welding collars shall be properly lap-welded during installation with a minimum of two continuous passes per circumference. All joints shall be watertight. In addition, beveled edge well casing shall be acceptable and all field joints shall be properly butt- welded during installation with a minimum of two passes per circumference. All field joints on the gravel feed tube shall be attached using threaded couplers or properly butt-welded BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PRODUCTION WELL INSTALLATION OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2050 - 4 during installation with a minimum of two passes per circumference. Special care shall be exercised to ensure that the gravel feed tube is straight and plumb. D. The casing and well screen shall be joined by a continuous full fillet weld of thickness equal to the thickness of the coupling. All alignment holes shall be completely filled by welding. E. Dissimilar metals in the casing and/or well screen, including all couplings between the stainless steel well screen and steel well casing, shall be joined together using special connectors or welds recommended by the manufacturer for joining such materials. F. Centralizers shall be fabricated of 5/16-inch steel with the same chemical composition and physical properties as the casing or screen to which they are welded and shall be at least 2 inches wide and at least 2 feet long. Centralizers shall extend out at least 2 inches from the casing wall. Centralizers shall be placed at 60-foot intervals starting 5 feet from the bottom of the string and extending to the ground surface. At least four (4) equally spaced centralizers shall be placed at each 60-foot interval in such a manner that interference with gravel pack placement is minimized. Centralizers shall be as shown on the DRAWINGS. G. Casing, screen, or gravel feed tube that fails, collapses, separates, or does not pass the tests for plumbness or alignment shall be repaired or replaced, or a new well drilled, as approved by the ENGINEER, at the CONTRACTOR's sole expense. H. The casing shall extend a minimum of 36 inches above the anticipated finished ground surface and the natural ground surface shall slope away from the casing. A sanitary, weatherproof seal of a completely welded cap shall be placed on top of the well casing to prevent contamination of the well. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALLATION OF GRAVEL PACK AND SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT BETWEEN SCREENS PAGE 30 20 00 2052 - 1 SECTION 30 20 00 2052 INSTALLATION OF GRAVEL PACK AND SEAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to install the gravel pack and seals (if necessary) between well screen sections of the production well. 1.2 GRAVEL PACK A. This item includes the work necessary to install the gravel pack. 1.3 SEAL BETWEEN WELL SCREENS A. This item includes the work necessary to install an annular seal between well screens if directed by the ENGINEER. A seal may not be used in construction of the well. 1.4 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to placement of the gravel pack for the well. 1.5 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items for the well as specified below: 1. A 5-pound sample of each proposed gravel pack material for the well shall be submitted to the ENGINEER with the sieve analysis results for approval prior to delivery of the filter pack to the site. Gravel pack delivered to the site shall be of the same specification. Data sheets shall be from the gravel pack supplier certifying compliance with these specifications. 2. A mark-up set of drawings indicating “As-Built” conditions, which shall reflect actual construction details of the well, including all dimensions and quantities of gravel pack and seal materials used. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALLATION OF GRAVEL PACK AND SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT BETWEEN SCREENS PAGE 30 20 00 2052 - 2 B. All chemicals used shall be ANSI/NSF 60 approved. C. Furnish 12% Sodium Hypochlorite (@1,500 ppm) 1. 20,000 gallons of drilling fluid = 360 gallons of 1,500 ppm 12% sodium hypochlorite 2.2 GRAVEL PACK A. Gravel for packing the well shall be provided by P.W. Gillibrand Sands, SRI, or equal and be of high uniformity. The type, size, gradation, and uniformity of gravel shall be determined by the ENGINEER depending on field conditions determined by the borehole. The gravel pack gradation is estimated to be 8x12 gradation for bid purposes as shown on the DRAWINGS, but may be modified by the ENGINEER following review of sieve analyses. All gravel pack material shall be silica sand, hard, water-worn, and washed clean of silt, fine sand, dirt, and foreign matter and shall be ANSI/NSF 61 certified. Crushed gravel will not be accepted. All gravel is subject to the approval of the ENGINEER prior to use in the packing process. Gravel pack gradation may be revised after completion and review of the sieve analysis of the drill cuttings. 2.3 SEAL BETWEEN WELL SCREENS A. Any annular seals installed at the direction of the ENGINEER between screened intervals shall consist of 1:1 ratio (dry volume) granular bentonite (No. 8 size chips) unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER. 2.4 WATER A. Any water used shall be potable. Water will be obtained by the CONTRACTOR. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GRAVEL PACK A. The gravel pack shall be placed in the well bore annulus in accordance with AWWA A100-20, Section 4.7 and Appendix B (Well Construction and Gravel-Pack Installation Methods). B. The gravel shall be disinfected by the CONTRACTOR according to AWWA A100-20, Sections 4.7 and 4.9, and the State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(6)(k), U.A.C. and State of Utah Water Well Handbook – Part II – Minimum Well Construction Standards 655-4-11.6.5, U.A.C. Unlined steel tanks shall not be used for mixing the chlorine disinfection solution. In order to assure that no contamination is introduced into the well, the gravel pack must be washed with a minimum 100 ppm solution of chlorinated water at the surface before it is introduced into the well. C. Before gravel placement, the CONTRACTOR shall make adequate preparations for continuous circulation of potable water with 1,500 ppm chlorine or thinned drilling mud with 1,500 ppm chlorine. The fluid properties shall be approved by the ENGINEER. The chlorinated Potable water or chlorinated drill mud shall be circulated while installing the BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALLATION OF GRAVEL PACK AND SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT BETWEEN SCREENS PAGE 30 20 00 2052 - 3 pack. Circulation shall be continuous until the pack is fully in place. The method of gravel placement shall be by hydraulically pumping the gravel through tremie pipe from the bottom of the annulus upward. The rate of gravel placement shall not exceed 1½ feet per minute, as measured by a sounding line, and placement shall proceed without interruption until completion. During placement, the bottom of the tremie pipe shall be no more than 40 feet above the level of the gravel pack in the well. Every precaution shall be taken to ensure placement of the gravel pack continuously from the bottom of the well to a point above the well screen without separation or bridging of the materials as they are introduced into the well. Detailed notes shall be kept regarding the quantity of gravel pack used vs. the sounding line measurements. Additionally, the CONTRACTOR shall record the depth of the gravel following the installation of each super sack and report to the ENGINEER. D. Should the borehole not take the calculated volume of gravel with allowances for normal losses and settling, the ENGINEER will have cause to reject the well. E. The CONTRACTOR shall run clean water continuously down the gravel feed tube during the pumping operation and add gravel as needed to maintain the tube full per the DRAWINGS. 3.2 SEAL BETWEEN WELL SCREENS A. Any annular seals shall be placed as specified by the ENGINEER. Seals shall be installed in the same manner as the gravel pack. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALLATION OF GRAVEL PACK AND SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT BETWEEN SCREENS PAGE 30 20 00 2052 - 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALLATION OF ANNULAR GROUT SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2054 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2054 INSTALLATION OF ANNULAR GROUT SEAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, materials, tools, and equipment, necessary to install the annular grout seal for the production well. 1.2 STATE OF UTAH REQUIREMENTS A. The CONTRACTOR shall meet the State of Utah inspection and certification requirements, State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(6)(i), U.A.C. and Sate of Utah Water Well Handbook – Part II – Minimum Well Construction Standards R655-4-11.4.2, U.A.C., for placing a sanitary seal for water wells. 1.3 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to placement of the annular grout seal for the well. 1.4 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items as specified below: 1. Data sheets on grout composition and weights for each grout batch for the wells. 2. A mark-up set of drawings indicating “As-Built” conditions, which shall reflect actual construction details of the well, including all dimensions and quantities of annular grout seal materials used. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. 2.2 GROUT A. Sand-cement grout shall be used to construct the well seal. The sand-cement grout shall be an equal parts mixture of cement and sand/aggregate with no more than 6 gallons of water per one 94-pound sack (one cubic foot) of Portland Cement. The cement shall meet the requirements, including the latest revisions, of ASTM C 150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement, State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(6)(i), U.A.C. and Sate of Utah Water Well Handbook – Part II – Minimum Well Construction Standards R655-4- BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALLATION OF ANNULAR GROUT SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2054 - 2, U.A.C.,. Portland Cement Type I, II, III & V or an approved equivalent, and any additives shall meet the requirements, including the latest revisions, of Standard Specifications for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. Additives must be approved by the ENGINEER. 2.3 BENTONITE SEAL A. Any bentonite seal installed shall consist of ¼” to 3/8” sodium bentonite chips or coated/non-coated sodium bentonite pellets, unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER. B. Any fine sand installed as part of the bentonite seal shall consist of #60 mesh clean silica sand, unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER. 2.4 WATER A. Any water used shall be potable. Water will be obtained by the CONTRACTOR. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. After the gravel pack has been placed and settled to the depth specified by the ENGINEER, an annular grout seal shall be placed from the top of the gravel pack to the ground surface. B. As part of the grout seal, the CONTRACTOR shall install a bentonite seal (chips or coated /non-coated pellets), through the tremie pipe, on top of the gravel pack per the design DRAWINGS. A layer of fine sand (#60 or approved equal by ENGINEER) shall be placed on top of the bentonite seal, through the tremie pipe, prior to the placement of the grout seal per the design DRAWINGS. C. The grout pipe shall extend from ground surface to the bottom of the zone to be grouted. Grout shall be placed from the bottom to top, in a continuous operation. The grout pipe can be slowly raised as the grout is placed, but the discharge end of the grout pipe must remain submerged in the emplaced grout at all times until the grouting is completed. D. Portland cement grouts must be allowed to cure a minimum of 24 hours for Type I, II, III & V cement before well drilling, construction, or testing may be resumed. No standby time will be paid while grout is setting. E. The CONTRACTOR shall take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent the casing from collapsing. In the event that the casing collapses, the CONTRACTOR shall take whatever steps are necessary to reopen the well and place the seal as specified. Any such remedial actions shall be at the CONTRACTOR's sole expense. F. The CONTRACTOR shall keep a record of the volume of grout used. The volume shall not be less than the calculated volume of the annular space between the well casing and reamed borehole. The CONTRACTOR shall supply the devices to measure the volume of grout placed in the well. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALLATION OF ANNULAR GROUT SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2054 - 3 END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALLATION OF ANNULAR GROUT SEAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2054 - 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INITIAL WELL DEVELOPMENT OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2060 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2060 INITIAL WELL DEVELOPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, tools, materials, and equipment necessary for the development of the production well using the rotary drilling rig or other ENGINEER-approved development rig. B. Water and residual drilling fluids generated during surge block and air lift or submersible pump development shall be disposed of as specified in SECTION 33 20 00 2095 DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL. C. The total initial well development time is estimated to be equal to that shown in the CONTRACTOR’S bid documents. However, the ENGINEER shall be the sole judge as to when development is complete and may therefore increase or decrease the total development time. 1.2 DEVELOPMENT USING DRILLING RIG OR DEVELOPMENT RIG A. This item includes the work necessary to surge block and air lift or submersible pump develop the well. 1.3 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 24-hour advance notice prior to beginning well development by surge block and air lift for the well. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. Any water used shall be potable from a chlorinated municipal water supply. B. All chemicals used shall be ANSI/NSF 60 approved. C. Furnish the following (8,000 gallons treatment volume): 1. 150 gallons 12% Sodium Hypochlorite 2. 20 gallons NW-220 Clay Dispersant 2.2 SURGING AND BAILING EQUIPMENT A. Furnish a surge block consisting of a double rubber swab, bailer, and air lift or submersible pump system, and all necessary appurtenant equipment necessary for developing the well. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INITIAL WELL DEVELOPMENT OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2060 - 2 The swab shall be of sufficient thickness and size to effectively agitate the well. The rubber disks on each swab shall be rigid, at least 1-inch thick, and sized to the inside diameter of the well. 2.3 SAND CONTENT MEASURING DEVICE A. Provide a sand content measuring device such as an Imhoff cone, or equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. After the grout seal has been placed in accordance with the preceding Specifications, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER and make the necessary arrangements for conducting well development. The time required for development will be recorded by the hour with one-half hour intervals as the smallest units of time credited to the CONTRACTOR. Fractions of an hour less than one-half hour but exceeding one-quarter hour will be considered to be one-half hour. Fractions of an hour less than one hour but exceeding three-quarters of an hour will be considered to be one full hour. The time to be recorded for well development shall commence when the equipment is installed in the well and is placed in operation and shall end when development pumping or testing is stopped at the direction of the ENGINEER. No time will be recorded for delays resulting from equipment stuck in the hole; equipment breakdown; arranging major drilling, pumping or testing apparatus; or failure to conduct the operations in a diligent and workmanlike manner by which the desired results could ordinarily be expected. B. Approximately 1/3 of the initial development budgeted hours shall take place to remove the heavy drilling mud and suspended cuttings using the dual swab tool. C. Following the removal of the heavy drilling mud, and due to the nature of drilling system and the drilling fluids used, the CONTRACTOR will be required to perform a shock chlorination treatment of 1,500 ppm sodium hypochlorite solution and a clay dispersant (NW-220) treatment. The treatment is used to aid in the removal of remaining drilling fluids and mud cake (bentonite and polymers) on the borehole wall and formation. Drilling mud dispersants shall be approved by the ENGINEER and shall be ANSI/NSF 60 approved. The mud dispersant product shall not contain phosphates, nor products that may be believed to become a food source for bacteria growth in the well or in the aquifer. The CONTRACTOR shall inject the sodium hypochlorite and NW-220 mixture into the well at multiple locations in the well screens using the dual swab tool. The method for adding the chemical to the well shall be developed by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the ENGINEER. Time allotted for injection shall be approximately 4 hours. D. Following the injection of the chlorine and NW-220 solution the CONTRACTOR shall aggressively agitate and mix the solution in the well using a dual swab tool. The screened portions of the well shall be thoroughly swabbed. Surge the solution throughout the well screen for no more than 8 hours by raising and lowering the swab tool. This is to surge the chemicals out of the well casing and into the gravel pack and formation. The mixture shall be left in the well for a minimum of 24 hours and no standby time shall be given during that BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INITIAL WELL DEVELOPMENT OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2060 - 3 period. The remaining approximately 2/3 of the initial development budgeted hours will be used to remove the chemical treatment. 3.2 SURGE BLOCK AND AIR LIFT DEVELOPMENT A. Development shall consist of airlift with the rotary drilling rig so as to both loosen and remove all sand, silt, mud and other solids from the well. B. A surge block shall consist of a dual rubber swab assembly with two (2) swabs on a 4-inch minimum pipe separated by a 10-foot section of perforated drill pipe. Sufficient perforations shall be drilled between the surge blocks for passage of at least 600 gpm. There shall be a minimum of ten (10) 2-inch minimum diameter holes in the pipe, between the swabs. The rubber swabs should fit snugly in the well so as to minimize leakage around the swabs. For an example of a dual rubber swab, refer to Groundwater and Wells, Second Edition, Pages 507 and 515 (by Fletcher G. Driscoll, 1986, published by Johnson Division, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112). C. Airlifting or pumping and surging from each treatment interval shall continue for each screened/perforated interval in the well, or until all sand, silt, mud, and other solids have been removed from the treatment interval or as directed by the ENGINEER. Multiple development passes shall be used as directed by the ENGINEER. Airlifting or pumping and surging shall begin at the top of the screened interval and work downward to the bottom of the lower-screened interval. The quality, quantity and type of solids removed from the well shall be recorded by the CONTRACTOR. D. Solids settling is required before the water is discharged from the surface storage tank, as well as adherence to other State of Utah Division of Water Quality requirements. E. Disposal of water produced during development and the collected solids is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and shall be done in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain all permits that are required for disposal of the waste materials. F. Periodically, the CONTRACTOR shall measure and bail from the well all sand, silt, and clay that has accumulated at the bottom. Development shall be continued until all cuttings, fines, sand, mud and drilling fluids have been removed from the well. Upon completion of this operation, the well shall be bailed clean of all accumulations of mud, sand, rock, or sediment to its full depth prior to commencing the pumping of the well. The CONTRACTOR also has the option to airlift from the base of the well with an open-ended suction line to remove accumulated sediments. G. The CONTRACTOR shall run potable water continuously down the gravel feed tube during the operation and add gravel as needed to maintain a level in the tube as directed by the ENGINEER. H. Sand measurements shall be made with an Imhoff cone at the start and finish of airlift pumping at each 20-foot interval. I. The total amount of material removed from the well during bailing or airlifting shall be recorded in the Driller's log. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INITIAL WELL DEVELOPMENT OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2060 - 4 END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALL PUMP FOR WELL DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 22 00 2062 - 1 SECTION 33 22 00 2062 INSTALL PUMP FOR WELL DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to provide, install, and remove the pump and associated appurtenances for development, test pumping, and water level measurement, and includes installation of two (2) 1-inch water level measurement access pipes. The sounder pipes must be of sufficient size for the CONTRACTOR supplied electronic well sounder and pressure transducers. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER advance notice prior to installing the test pump in the well. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following prior to the installation of the test pump: 1. Pump curve of test pump and number of stages 2. Pump column size 3. Motor Horsepower (submersible) or test engine horsepower (turbine) B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. B. Plumbness and alignment testing will be performed prior to installing the test pump in accordance with SECTION 33 20 00 2072. 2.2 SAMPLE PORT/TAP A. Provide a smooth nose sample tap at the well head for the collection of water quality samples. 2.3 SAND CONTENT MEASURING DEVICE A. Provide a sand content measuring device such as a Rossum centrifugal sand separator, or equal. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALL PUMP FOR WELL DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 22 00 2062 - 2 2.4 FLOW MEASUREMENT A. Provide an orifice plate and manometer capable of reading the maximum pumping rate. B. Provide an in-line totalizing and instantaneous flow meter (mag-meter) capable of the maximum pumping rate. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Following the completion of initial development with the drill rig, the CONTRACTOR shall install a deep well high-capacity test pump to perform the development of the well by pumping. The CONTRACTOR shall mobilize and commence development with the test pump within 1 week (7 calendar days) of completion of initial development with the drill rig. If the CONTRACTOR does not commence development with the test pump within the 1-week period, the CONTRACTOR will perform 4 hours of development with the test pump for each day delay at no additional cost to the OWNER. The test pump shall not be removed from the well until all well testing, including recovery monitoring, is complete. All fuel shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR. B. Provide 2 sounding tubes adequate for insertion of water level sensing devices into the well before, during, and after the test pumping. The access pipe must allow free passage of pressure transducers that are 1-inch in diameter and approximately 8-inches long. The sounding tube shall be securely fastened to the pump column assembly, terminate approximately 5 feet above the pump, and be perforated, at a minimum, along the bottom 10 feet. C. The test pump shall be of a type and capacity to pump under the performance conditions outlined in the following table, unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER. Pump Capacity (gpm) Minimum Pump Setting* (ft bgs) Maximum Pump Setting (ft bgs) 100-1,000 450 600 D. *The CONTRACTOR shall set the test pump between the minimum and maximum pump setting. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for lowering the pump setting as necessary to achieve the maximum test pump capacity. E. The prime motor shall be of a variable-speed type and be equipped with sound-deadening devices as appropriate. Discharge piping shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR and be of sufficient size and length to conduct water to the wastewater disposal area as specified in 33 20 00 2095 DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL. The CONTRACTOR shall provide instantaneous and totalizing flow meters or other approved devices that will measure the flow rate to an accuracy of at least 5 percent. The BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALL PUMP FOR WELL DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 22 00 2062 - 3 CONTRACTOR shall also provide an orifice plate and manometer with appropriate apparatuses to measure discharge flow from the well. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN INSTALL PUMP FOR WELL DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 22 00 2062 - 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK BC&A STOCKTON TOWN WELL DEVELOPMENT BY PUMPING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2064 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2064 WELL DEVELOPMENT BY PUMPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to develop the production well by pumping. B. Water generated during pump development shall be disposed of as specified in SECTION 33 20 00 2095 DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to beginning well development pumping for the well. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit pump development data for the well using a form provided by the ENGINEER. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall monitor and document the specific capacity (pumping rate and drawdown) of the well as it is developed with the pump. The monitoring frequency and instrumentation shall be approved by the ENGINEER. B. After installation of the test pump equipment, the CONTRACTOR shall commence well development by pumping and surging to clear the well of all additional accumulation of mud, sand, and sediment. The initial pumping rate shall be restricted and, as the water clears, shall be gradually increased until the maximum rate is reached. The step increase discharge schedule and maximum pumping rate shall be determined by the ENGINEER prior to the initiation of pumping. The quantity shall be measured by an approved orifice BC&A STOCKTON TOWN WELL DEVELOPMENT BY PUMPING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2064 - 2 plate and manometer and/or other method approved by the ENGINEER. At regular intervals, the pump shall be stopped and the water in the pump column allowed to surge back through the pump intake, and the pump restarted. These surging operations, with increasing pumping rates, shall be repeated as development of the well continues and shall be done in a manner satisfactory to the ENGINEER. C. The well shall be considered thoroughly developed when it produces water at its maximum discharge rate, based on the depth and nature of the strata screened, and does not produce fine sands in excess of the sand production limitations or is considered sufficiently developed by the ENGINEER. The sand production limitations shall be that the water produced by the well contains less than 5 parts per million of sand after 20 minutes of surging and pumping at the desired capacity of the well. In addition, the specific capacity will be stable at any selected pumping rate. During the development pumping, the rate of sand production shall be measured by a centrifugal sand separating meter, such as a Rossum Sand Tester, as described in the Journal of American Water Works Association, Volume 45, No. 2, February 1984. The Rossum Sand Tester shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR and placed in a location approved by the ENGINEER. Development procedures, quantities, sand production, and times shall be recorded in the Driller’s Log. D. Upon completion of the development operations, the CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER that the bottom of the well is clear of all sand, mud, and other foreign material. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STEP-RATE DRAWDOWN TEST OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2066 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2066 STEP-RATE DRAWDOWN TEST PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to test the production well by the Step-Rate Drawdown Test. B. Water generated during pump testing shall be disposed of as specified in SECTION 33 20 00 2095 DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to beginning the step rate drawdown test for the well. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit pump test data for the well. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. A step-rate drawdown (discharge) test shall be performed to determine well performance characteristics. B. The step-rate drawdown test will be performed after the well has been sufficiently developed by the test pump as approved by the ENGINEER. C. The CONTRACTOR shall monitor and document the specific capacity (pumping rate and drawdown) of the well as it is pumped. The monitoring frequency and instrumentation shall be approved by the ENGINEER. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STEP-RATE DRAWDOWN TEST OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2066 - 2 D. During the step-rate drawdown test the discharge rates from the pump shall be controlled by both a valve and engine throttle. The discharge rate shall be controlled and maintained at approximately the desired discharge rate for each step with an accuracy of at least plus or minus 5 percent. Pump discharge rates shall be measured with instantaneous and totalizing flow meters, as approved by the ENGINEER. E. Step-Rate Drawdown Test: Each well shall be "step" tested at rates of approximately 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1.25, and 1.5 times the design capacity of the well. The test shall be conducted under the supervision of the ENGINEER. F. Whenever continuous pumping at a uniform rate has been specified, failure of pump operation shall require that the test be aborted and further testing suspended until the water level in the pumped well has recovered to its original level. For the purposes of this section, recovery shall be considered "complete" after the well has been allowed to rest for a period at least equal to the elapsed pumping time of the aborted test, with the exception that if any three successive water level measurements spaced at least 20 minutes apart show no further rise in the water level in the pumped well, the test may be resumed at the direction of the ENGINEER. G. Any test that does not meet the duration requirement specified above, or that is initiated too soon after an aborted test as defined above, shall be declared invalid, and the CONTRACTOR will not be paid for the invalid test. 3.2 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT A. Equipment needed to adequately monitor water level before, during, and after the step-rate drawdown test include: 1. Electronic water level sounder (Solinst or equal) of sufficient length to monitor water level. 2. Pressure transducer (In-Situ Inc. PXD-261, Level TROLL, or equal) to be placed in the water level sounding tube of sufficient length to remain below the water table during the entire duration of the pumping test. 3. Data logger (Virtual HERMIT, Level TROLL, or equal) for the purpose of obtaining frequent and automated water level readings during the pump test. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN CONSTANT-RATE DISCHARGE TEST OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2068 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2068 CONSTANT-RATE DISCHARGE TEST PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to test the production well by the Constant-Rate Discharge Test. B. Water generated during pump testing shall be disposed of as specified in SECTION 33 20 00 2095 DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to beginning the constant-rate discharge test for the well. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit pump test data for the well. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. A long-term constant-rate discharge test shall be performed to determine local aquifer characteristics. B. The constant-rate test shall be conducted not less than 12 hours after completion of the step test by pumping the well at the design rate for a period of 24 hours, or until the ENGINEER terminates the test. When the pumping is terminated, the CONTRACTOR shall not conduct any activities for the duration that the well was pumped that might affect water levels in the well during the recovery period. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN CONSTANT-RATE DISCHARGE TEST OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2068 - 2 C. The CONTRACTOR shall monitor and document the specific capacity (pumping rate and drawdown) of the well as it is pumped. The monitoring frequency and instrumentation shall be approved by the ENGINEER. D. During the constant-rate drawdown test the discharge rate from the pump shall be controlled by both a valve and engine throttle. The discharge rate shall be controlled and maintained at approximately the desired discharge with an accuracy of at least plus or minus 5 percent. Pump discharge rates shall be measured with an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter and orifice plate/manometer apparatus, as approved by the ENGINEER. E. Whenever continuous pumping at a uniform rate has been specified, failure of pump operation shall require that the test be aborted and further testing suspended until the water level in the pumped well has recovered to its original level. For the purposes of this section, recovery shall be considered "complete" after the well has been allowed to rest for a period at least equal to the elapsed pumping time of the aborted test, with the exception that if any three successive water level measurements spaced at least 20 minutes apart show no further rise in the water level in the pumped well, the test may be resumed at the direction of the ENGINEER. F. Any test that does not meet the duration requirement specified above, or that is initiated too soon after an aborted test as defined above, shall be declared invalid, and the CONTRACTOR will not be paid for the invalid test. G. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all information to the ENGINEER regarding the type of pumping equipment used, including engines, drive components, bowls, lines, and shafts. The CONTRACTOR shall keep records of the operation of equipment during the tests including engine rpm and horsepower, fuel use, and other essential information that will be useful in designing a pump system. H. During the constant rate pump test, the CONTRACTOR will provide assistance and access to the ENGINEER for collecting water quality samples from the pump discharge water. Approximately one water quality sample may be taken for the full suite of Safe Drinking Water Act parameters near the end of the test. I. After completion of water level monitoring, and after the pump has been removed from the well, the CONTRACTOR shall remove all sand and debris that has accumulated in the bottom of the well. 3.2 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT A. Equipment needed to adequately monitor water level before, during, and after the constant- rate pumping test include: 1. Electronic water level sounder (Solinst or equal) of sufficient length to monitor water level. 2. Pressure transducer (In-Situ Inc. PXD-261, Level TROLL, or equal) to be placed in the water level sounding tube of sufficient length to remain below the water table during the entire duration of the pumping test. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN CONSTANT-RATE DISCHARGE TEST OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2068 - 3 3. Data logger (Virtual HERMIT, Level TROLL, or equal) for the purpose of obtaining frequent and automated water level readings during the pump test. B. Hand (manual) measurements of depth to water shall be performed before and after the test using an electronic water level sounder to test the accuracy of the transducer. Manual measurements will also be performed during the pumping test at a frequency approved by the ENGINEER. The data logger and transducer shall be set-up and started prior to the pump test so that the initial static water level is determined and recorded. Several measurements shall be taken over the 24-hour period before the test. The data logger will be set up to recorded water level measurements at a logarithmic time frequency as the pumping is started. At a minimum, water level measurements will be collected in accordance with the following table: Time Since Pumping Started/Stopped (minutes) Time Interval for Drawdown Measurements (minutes) 0-10 0.5-1 10-15 1 15-60 5 60-300 30 300-End of test (minimum 24 hours) 60 (1 hour) C. Flow rates shall be measured accurately and recorded at the same time interval as drawdown data. D. After pumping is terminated (24-hour minimum test duration) recovery shall be monitored for at least 6 hours or until 85 percent recovery is completed. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN CONSTANT-RATE DISCHARGE TEST OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2068 - 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK BC&A STOCKTON TOWN VIDEO CAMERA SURVEY OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2070 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2070 VIDEO CAMERA SURVEY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to perform the video camera survey. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to beginning the video camera survey for the well. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the video camera survey(s) for the well as specified below. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. After completion of well discharge tests, a color video camera survey shall be run the full depth of the well by the CONTRACTOR. Any sediment that may have accumulated in the bottom of the well should be cleaned out prior to the video survey. The equipment used shall produce a DVD/USB with an automatic depth indication. The camera shall be disinfected prior to being placed in the well. The proposed camera survey shall receive the ENGINEER's approval before being performed. The survey shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER. 1. Unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER, accumulated sediment in the bottom of the well shall be cleaned out prior to the video survey. Since a bailer may be insufficient to remove fines (silt and clay), an airlift line or submersible pump shall be run to the bottom of the well to pump out accumulated fines. Significant sediment in the well shown by the video survey shall be cause for additional cleaning of the well and rerunning the video survey. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN VIDEO CAMERA SURVEY OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2070 - 2 B. In the event a clear video is not available, clearing the well with a flocculent will be required to obtain a good quality video survey. Prior to conducting the video survey, the CONTRACTOR shall clear the well with a NSF certified flocculent. The CONTRACTOR shall mix 1 quart of Baroid EZ Mud, or approved equivalent, with 55 gallons of potable water and pour it into the well. The CONTRACTOR shall then pour 5 gpm of potable water from a chlorinated municipal source into the well for a 12-hour period (3,500 gallons water). The well clearing procedure shall be used prior to each video performed on the project. C. After clearing the well with the flocculent solution and potable water, a color video camera survey shall be performed the full depth of the well by the CONTRACTOR. D. The equipment used shall produce a DVD/digital video with an automatic depth indication at 1/10-foot intervals. The beginning and end of the video shall contain the date and well name. The DVD disks and box or flash drive (USB) shall be labeled clearly with the date and well name. The video camera shall have vertical down-hole and horizontal side-hole viewing capability. Horizontal side-hole viewing shall be controllable to allow viewing at any angle within a 360 degree rotation. 1. A dynamic vertical down-hole view video shall be run from the top of the well to the bottom of the well at a speed not exceeding 30 feet per minute. 2. The video camera during the dynamic vertical down-hole view run shall be interrupted at the direction of the ENGINEER for periodic static horizontal side-hole viewing. E. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the ENGINEER with the original DVD or flash drive (USB) within 48 hours of the completion of the survey. F. The ENGINEER reserves the right to inspect the video of the well for defects in the well casing. Any defects noted will be either cause for rejection by the ENGINEER or correction by the CONTRACTOR. If defects in the casing are found and the cause is due to installation by the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall bear the cost for the necessary repairs and the cost of resurveying the hole. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PLUMBNESS AND ALIGNMENT OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2072 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2072 PLUMBNESS AND ALIGNMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to perform the plumbness and alignment test for the casing and well screen. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to give the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to beginning the plumbness and alignment survey for the well. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the plumbness and alignment survey data for the well as specified below. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall use every precaution to ensure the well is straight and plumb, and without bend or offset. Plumbness and alignment of the well shall be tested after the CONTRACTOR completes the well and before the test pump is installed in the well. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all materials necessary for the plumbness and alignment tests and shall perform the tests. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a written report on the results of the tests. Failure to meet the plumbness or alignment limitations as herein set forth are the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and shall be subject to correction at his sole expense. B. The well shall be tested for alignment and plumbness by running an approved gyroscopic log meeting the requirements of AWWA A100-20, Appendix D. Test shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER. The results shall be plotted by the CONTRACTOR as specified in AWWA A100-20 Appendix D and submitted to the ENGINEER. The maximum BC&A STOCKTON TOWN PLUMBNESS AND ALIGNMENT OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2072 - 2 allowable horizontal deviation (drift) shall not exceed two-thirds of the smallest inside diameter of that part of the well being tested per 100 feet of depth. C. Alignment of the casings and well screens shall be tested by lowering into the well a section of pipe 40 feet long or a dummy of the same length. The outer diameter of the test pipe or dummy shall not be more than ½ inch smaller than the inside diameter of that part of the casing or hole being tested. If a dummy is used, it shall consist of a rigid spindle with a minimum of three rings, each ring being 12 inches in length. The rings shall be truly cylindrical and shall be spaced one at each end of the dummy and one ring in the center. The central member of the dummy shall be rigid so that it will maintain the alignment of the axes of the rings. The maximum allowable misalignment or “dogleg” is one that will allow a 40-foot long section of pipe or dummy to pass freely through it. D. The plumbline may be suspended from the drilling rig or from a tripod with winch. An adjustable guide block shall be provided so that the test pipe or dummy will hang in the exact center of the top of the well casing. As the pipe or dummy is lowered into the hole, the deflection of the plum line from the exact center of the casing will be measured every 10 feet. E. The maximum allowable horizontal distance between the actual well centerline and a straight line representing the proposed pump center line shall not exceed one-half the difference between the inside diameter of the casing and the outside of a 10-inch outside diameter pump bowl. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN DISINFECTING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2080 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2080 DISINFECTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to disinfect the well after completion of well testing and prior to final capping. The pump used for well development and testing shall be removed prior to disinfection. 1.2 NOTIFICATION TO THE ENGINEER A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for giving the ENGINEER 48-hour advance notice prior to beginning the disinfecting for the well. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. Any water used shall be potable. B. Furnish the following chemicals: 1. 5 gallons - Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite (12%) 2. Potable water – potable water will be made available to the CONTRACTOR by the OWNER. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER and make the necessary arrangements for conducting the disinfection treatment. B. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct the video survey of the well prior to conducting disinfection treatment. C. After the completion of the well and before final capping of the well head, the well shall be disinfected by a chlorine solution in accordance with AWWA A100-20, Section 4.9, ANSI/AWWA C654, and the State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(11), U.A.C. and Sate of Utah Water Well Handbook – Part II – Minimum Well Construction Standards R655- 4-11.6.5 (most recent versions). D. Unless superseded by Laws and Regulations, the quantity of sodium hypochlorite added to the well shall be sufficient to produce a minimum of 100 ppm available chlorine when BC&A STOCKTON TOWN DISINFECTING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2080 - 2 mixed with the total volume of water in the well. If the well is a gravel packed well, the total volume of water includes the water in the gravel pack. E. The sodium hypochlorite shall be delivered to the site in original closed containers bearing the original label indicating the percentage of available chlorine and date of manufacture. The sodium hypochlorite shall not be more than 2 weeks old. F. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare the disinfectant by mixing a concentrated solution of sodium hypochlorite and water in suitable mixing tanks. Unlined steel tanks shall not be used for mixing. The CONTRACTOR shall provide suitable transfer pumps and agitators necessary to accurately prepare the chemicals. G. The sodium hypochlorite shall be placed in the well by injection through a tremie pipe. The total volume of sodium hypochlorite solution shall be injected by thirds into the bottom, middle, and top of the water column within the well. The top of the tremie pipe shall be a minimum of 20 feet below the water surface in the well as the disinfectant is emplaced. H. After the disinfectant is emplaced, the well shall be agitated with a bailer for 2 hours. I. After the solution has resided in the well for at least 12 hours, a volume of potable water equal to the volume of water in the well shall be pumped into the well head (estimated at 7,000 gallons). END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN WELL HEAD OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2082 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2082 WELL HEAD PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to complete the well head. 1.2 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a mark-up set of drawings indicating “As-Built” conditions, which shall reflect actual construction details of the well head, including all dimensions and quantities of materials used. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The various appurtenances shown on the DRAWINGS for the well head shall be constructed as the last section of casing is installed. This work shall include, but not be limited to, compacted backfill around the well head. The CONTRACTOR shall compact backfill around the well head sufficiently to prevent later settlement. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN WELL HEAD OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2082 - 2 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK BC&A STOCKTON TOWN WELL CAPPING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2084 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2084 WELL CAPPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to cap the well. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Upon completion of all work in connection with well construction, development, and testing, the wells shall be capped by continuously welding on a minimum ¼-inch thick steel plate to the well head with the same properties as the well casing (e.g. mild steel casing = mild steel plate). The cap and weld shall be watertight. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN WELL CAPPING OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2084 - 2 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK BC&A STOCKTON TOWN DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2095 - 1 SECTION 33 20 00 2095 DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, tools, materials, and equipment necessary to dispose all drilling fluids, drill cuttings, and water generated during borehole drilling, well construction, well development, and well testing. B. Costs associated with the disposal of drilling fluids, drill cuttings, and water generated during borehole drilling, well construction, well development, and well testing shall be included in the unit cost per linear foot for drilling as shown in the Bid Schedule. 1.2 PERMITS, LAWS, AND REGULATIONS A. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable permits, laws, and regulations in disposing of drilling fluids, drill cuttings, and water generated during drilling, well construction, well development, well testing, and disinfection. The permits, laws and regulations shall include, but not be limited to all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances related to disposing of materials generated in constructing wells. 1.3 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following: 1. If applicable, or requested by the ENGINEER, approved chain-of-custody form(s) demonstrating compliance with federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances related to disposing of materials generated during well construction. B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the SECTION 02 32 30 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR DRILLING. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.1 GENERAL A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as specified. 2.2 OWNER-SUPPLIED FACILITIES A. The OWNER will make available to the CONTRACTOR the use of an existing location to directly discharge well development water and pump test water. The locations to discharge water are shown on DRAWINGS/FIGURES. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for supplying the transmission piping and other appurtenances to convey the water from the well to the designated discharge point. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2095 - 2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DRILLING FLUIDS FROM DIRECT MUD ROTARY DRILLING METHOD A. All drill cuttings and solid materials must be transported off site for disposal. No drill cuttings or solid materials can be wasted on-site. It will be disposed offsite in accordance with applicable ordinances and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. B. All drilling fluids, all displacement fluids generated during the well construction process, and all initial surge block and airlift development fluids shall be contained onsite in appropriate containers, such as Baker tanks, Frac tanks, or equivalent, as approved by the ENGINEER. C. All drilling fluids and all displacement fluids generated during the construction process and all initial surge block and airlift development fluids shall be disposed by the CONTRACTOR off site at a State-Approved landfill within 5 days upon completion of surge block and airlift development. Following disposal, the CONTRACTOR shall supply the OWNER with documentation in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations to demonstrate compliance. If water quality of the drilling and development fluids is suitable in accordance with State of Utah regulation, the fluids can be discharged to the OWNER-designated location. A copy of the Fact Sheet Regarding Water Discharge from Water Well Drilling and Operation, prepared by the Utah Division of Water Quality, is located in Appendix C. 3.2 DISCHARGE WATER FROM DEVELOPMENT BY PUMPING AND WELL TESTING A. All development and testing water shall be contained onsite in appropriate containers, such as Baker tanks, Frac tanks, or equivalent until such time water quality suitable for discharge is achieved in accordance with State of Utah regulations. B. Solid matter will be separated from the drilling fluids and displacement fluids prior to disposal. C. The water remaining after separation that meets State of Utah water quality standards shall be discharged to the OWNER-designated location. D. The solid matter remaining after separation shall be removed from the site by the CONTRACTOR and disposed offsite in accordance with applicable ordinances and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. E. The water discharged from pump development and well testing shall be disposed via temporary pipelines provided by the CONTRACTOR. The pipelines shall have a minimum capacity to convey up to 1,000 gpm. The CONTRACTOR shall discharge water so as not to create erosion or cause turbidity in any surface water channel. F. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to prevent the discharge stream from damaging or eroding the site or drainage channel. G. It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to minimize impacts to access and use of private and public road by the transmission piping and discharge stream. Use of ramps, earthen berms, or similar means for pipeline crossings of public and private accesses shall be employed. In BC&A STOCKTON TOWN DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2095 - 3 addition, caution signs and speed restrictions shall be employed where public right-of-ways are impacted. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate ramps and signage with the OWNER. END OF SECTION BC&A STOCKTON TOWN DRILLING FLUIDS, CUTTINGS, AND PUMPED WATER DISPOSAL OLD TANK WELL PROJECT PAGE 33 20 00 2095 - 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK FIGURES P:\Stockton Town\824-24-01 Stockton Well\2.0 Design Phase\2.9 GIS\2.9.4 APRX\Stockton Well\Stockton Well.aprx Igaichuk 7/8/2024 FIGURE NO. SCALE: 2 STOCKTON TOWN OLD TANK WELL NEARBY WELLS MAP NORTH: NO R T H Proposed Old Tank Well L E G E N D Existing Wells Proposed Old Tank Well Roads 0 4,0002,000 Feet Owner: Holmes, Ronald K. Water Rights: 15-4139 Depth: 340 feet Diameter: 8-inch Screen: 280-340 feet Water Level: 185 feet (2002) Specific Capacity: 10.71 gpm/ft Owner: Lonnie K. and Laurali Bates Water Rights: 15-4101 Depth: 240 feet Diameter: 5-inch Screen: 220-240 feet Water Level: 185 feet (2005) Specific Capacity: NA Owner: Wilford and Edith Green Family Trust Water Rights: 15-4100 Depth: 400 feet Diameter: 5-inch Screen: 380-400 feet Water Level: 239 feet (2005) Specific Capacity: 0.03 gpm/ft Owner: Rodney C. Higbee Water Rights: 15-5083 Depth: 397 feet Diameter: 4.5-inch Screen: 297-397 feet Water Level: 239 feet (1997) Specific Capacity: NA Owner: Kristin Rasmussen Water Rights: 15-5603 Depth: 560 feet Diameter: 6-inch Screen: 437-440 feet Water Level: 319 feet (2021) Specific Capacity: NA Owner: David Carberry Water Rights: 15-1817 Depth: 237 feet Diameter: 6-inch Perforation: 180-233 feet Water Level: 158 feet (1975) Specific Capacity: NA Owner: Running R Livestock Water Rights: 15-5210 Depth: 210 feet Diameter: 8-inch Screen: 60-210 feet Water Level: 38 feet (2020) Specific Capacity: NA Owner: Stockton Town Water Rights: 0715010M00 Depth: 620 feet Diameter: 12-inch Screen: NA Water Level: 274 feet (2008) Specific Capacity: 18.7 gpm/ft Owner: Richard Wheeler Water Rights: 15-3929 Depth: 360 feet Diameter: 4-inch Perforation: 300-360 feet Water Level: 277 feet (2000) Specific Capacity: 0.06 gpm/ft Owner: Bruce Bolinder Water Rights: 15-4610 Depth: 680 feet Diameter: 10-inch Screen: 220-680 feet Water Level: 215 feet (2007) Specific Capacity: 0.33 gpm/ft Owner: Altaview Concrete Water Rights: 0715001M00 Depth: 970 feet Diameter: 10-inch Screen: 300-970 feet Water Level: 310 feet (2008) Specific Capacity: NA DRAWINGS 01 01 C-01 JU L Y 2 0 2 4 AN D D E T A I L S SC H E M A T I C WE L L C O N S T R U C T I O N 82 4 - 2 4 - 0 1 ST O C K T O N , U T OL D T A N K W E L L ST O C K T O N T O W N I. G A I C H U K I. G A I C H U K C. D E K O R V E R C. D E K O R V E R CI V I L P:\Stockton Town\824-24-01 Stockton Well\2.0 Design Phase\2.7 Drawings\2.7.2 Sht\Old Tank Well.dwg Plotted: 7/3/2024 4:33 PM By: Seth Riggs RE V I E W RE V I S I O N S NO . DA T E DE S C R I P T I O N RE V . B Y DE S I G N BA R I S O N E I N C H O N OR I G I N A L D R A W I N G PR O J E C T NU M B E R DA T E : SHEET OF DRAWING NO. AP P R O V E D CH E C K E D DR A W N DE S I G N NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N FO R R E V I E W O N L Y VE R I F Y S C A L E PRE L I M I N A R Y APPENDIX APPENDIX A NOISE ORDINANCE • StocktonTown • Tooele County CHAPTER 7 NOISE CONTROL SECTION: 5-7-1: Prohibited Noise 5-7-2: Regulated Noise 5-7-3: Factors For Determining Violation 5-7-4: Exceptions 5-7-5: Special Permit 5-7-6: Penalty 5-7-1: PROHIBITED NOISE: It is unlawful for any person to wilfully or with reckless disregard create the following noise disturbances within the Town: A. Disruption Of Dwelling: To make, cause or permit any excessive noise which annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of any home, business, neighborhood or person residing therein which, under the circumstances, would disturb a person of average and reasonable sensitivities. B. Disruption Of Meeting: To make, cause or permit any excessive noise which prevents or disrupts a lawful meeting, gathering, business or other lawful activity, which under the circumstances would disturb a person of average and reasonable sensitivities. C. Automobiles: To operate or permit the operation of a motor vehicle which causes excessive noise levels as a result of a defective or modified exhaust system, an audio system within or on the vehicle, or as a result of any unnecessary rapid acceleration, deceleration, engine revving or tire squealing. D. Street Performances: To use or permit the use of bells, whistles, sirens, music horns or any other noise making device for the purpose of business, amusement or otherwise which tends to cause persons to congregate on the streets or sidewalks of the Town. E. Emergency Signals: To make, cause or permit the sounding of any fire, burglar, automobile or civil defense alarm, siren, whistle or similar emergency signaling device other than for emergency or testing purposes. Any testing permitted herein shall be conducted between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. and shall be conducted for the minimum test cycle time not to exceed three (3) minutes. (Ord. 2016-10-13, 10-13-2016) 5-7-2: REGULATED NOISE: It shall be unlawful to cause, permit or perform the following acts between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. within the Town when such acts create a noise disturbance within a residential area: A. Loading Operation: To load, unload, open, close or otherwise handle boxes, crates, containers, building materials, garbage containers or similar objects. B. Construction Work: To operate any tools or equipment used in construction, drilling, repair, alteration or demolition work on buildings, structures or streets. C. Power Equipment: To operate any mechanically powered saw, drill, sander, grinder, lawn or garden tool, lawn mower or other similar device, other than powered snow removal equipment. D. Garbage Collection: To collect garbage, waste or refuse. E. Loudspeakers: To operate or use any loudspeaker, public address system or mobile sound vehicle amplifying sound therefrom. F. Instruments Or Devices: To operate or play any radio, television, musical instrument or similar audio device. (Ord. 2016-10-13, 10-13-2016) 5-7-3: FACTORS FOR DETERMINING VIOLATION: The factors to be considered in determining whether a violation of the provisions of this chapter exists include, but shall not be limited to, the following: A. The level of the noise; B. The nature of the noise, i.e., usual or unusual; C. The origin of the noise, i.e., natural or unnatural; D. The level and intensity of any background noise; E. The proximity of the noise to residential areas; Stockton Town Noise Ordinance F. The nature and zoning of the surrounding area; G. The density of inhabitants in the surrounding area; H. The time of day of the noise; and I. The recurrence or consistency of the noise. (Ord. 2016-10-13, 10-13-2016) 5-7-4: EXCEPTIONS: The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to emergency situations, the lawful exercise of free speech, except as regulated herein by reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, and conduct permitted by license or permit of the Town, or otherwise authorized by law. In addition, this chapter shall not apply to agricultural equipment or operation, unless such equipment or operation is determined by the Town to constitute a nuisance from the negligent or improper operation of any such equipment or operation. (Ord. 2016-10-13, 10-13-2016) 5-7-5: SPECIAL PERMIT: Persons may file an application with the Town for a special temporary noise permit authorizing the applicant to take certain action or conduct certain activities not otherwise permitted herein. Any permit issued hereunder shall be in addition to any and all other licenses or permits required by law, and shall be subject to all other State and County laws regarding noise emissions. A. Application: Applications for a special temporary noise permit shall be made in writing to the Town Clerk and shall include the following items: 1. Name and address of the applicant; 2. Activity or purpose for which the permit is desired; 3. Reasons why the permit is necessary, including an explanation of undue hardship and lack of reasonable alternatives; 4. The specific date, time and location to be covered by the permit; 5. Any other relevant information requested by the Town. B. Fees: Each application for the special temporary noise permit filed hereunder shall be accompanied by any required permit fees set forth in the Town consolidated fee schedule. No permit shall be issued until the proper fees have been paid to the Town. Unless otherwise provided, the fees required herein shall be in addition to any and all other license or permit fees imposed by any other law. C. Issuance: The Mayor or his/her designee shall review all applications filed hereunder and may issue or deny a permit, in whole or in part, based upon consideration for public health and safety. Any permit issued hereunder shall contain any conditions upon which the permit has been granted, including the effective dates, time restrictions, location and other reasonable requirements necessary to minimize adverse effects upon surrounding areas and any persons therein. D. Denial: If the proper fees have not been paid, or the Mayor determines that the application does not conform with applicable law or it is not in the public's best interest to issue the permit, the Mayor shall deny the permit and notify the applicant in writing of such denial. The notice shall state the reasons for denial and inform the applicant that he or she may file a written appeal of such denial pursuant to subsection I of this section. E. Term: Any permit issued hereunder shall specifically state the term and purpose for which it was issued, not to exceed thirty (30) days. F. Limitation: Except as provided herein, each permit issued hereunder shall be valid only for the person to whom it is issued. Permit holders shall ensure that the permit is available for inspection by Town officials at the place and time for which it is issued. G. Records: The Town Clerk shall keep a record of all permits issued hereunder, including the name of the person to whom the permit was issued, the type of permit issued, and the fees collected. H. Revocation: Any permit issued hereunder may be revoked or suspended by the Mayor due to the permit holder's failure to comply with the provisions hereof or other applicable law. Prior to revocation of any permit, proper notice and an opportunity to be heard shall be provided to the permit holder. I. Appeal: Any determination made by the Mayor relative to the issuance, denial or revocation of a permit hereunder may be appealed to the Town Council by filing, within ten (10) days from the date of said determination, a written notice of appeal setting forth the grounds for the appeal and any other pertinent information. Such notice of appeal shall be filed by delivering an original and five (5) copies to the Town Council during regular business hours. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Town Council shall thoroughly and objectively investigate the matter and issue a written decision stating the reasons for the decision and informing the appellant of any right to judicial review provided by law. The Town Council may hold a hearing on the appeal within thirty (30) days of the date of the appeal; and may delegate its duty to investigate the matter to one (1) of its members, or to another person. Any petition for review of the Town Council's decision shall be filed with the District Court within thirty (30) days of the date of the decision. (Ord. 2016-10-13, 10-13-2016) 5-7-6: PENALTY: Any person found in violation of this chapter shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and subject to imprisonment and/or fines as provided by law. Violations of this chapter shall also constitute a public nuisance and may be enjoined and abated as such by the Town. (Ord. 2016-10-13, 10-13-2016) 142 (i) within 15 feet of any road or manmade fire break intended to stop or slow the spread of a vegetation fire; (ii) on any parcel smaller than one acre where such vegetation would pose a fire risk to neighboring properties or any structure(s); or (iii) on any parcel one acre or larger, within 30 feet of a property line where such vegetation would pose a fire risk to neighboring properties or any structure(s). (2) Non-compliance with this ordinance may be subject to Title 5 Chapter 3, Abatement, as well as Title 5 Chapter 11, Tax Liens and Recovery Cost Methods. (3) The following are exempt from this Fire Break Code: (a) Agricultural practices in an agricultural protection zone, including any agricultural activity or operation conducted using sound agricultural practices, unless that activity or operation bears a direct relationship to public health or safety; or (b) Remote and isolated residential properties with a minimum of one mile separation between their property line and another developed property. Chapter 19: Noise Control Section 6-19-1. Purpose. 6-19-2. Definitions. 6-19-3. Powers and duties. 6-19-4. Noise emergency orders. 6-19-5. Specific noise prohibitions. 6-19-6. Use district noise levels. 6-19-7. Sound level measurement. 6-19-8. Exemptions. 6-19-9. Permits. 6-19-10. Motor vehicle noise. 6-19-11. Notice. 6-19-12. Inspection. 6-19-13. Enforcement. 6-19-14. Right to appeal. 6-19-15. Penalty. 6-19-1. Purpose. These regulations establish the minimum standards: (1) to reduce the making and creation of excessive, unnecessary, or unusually loud noises within the limits of Tooele County. (2) to prevent the making, creation, or maintenance of such excessive, unnecessary or unusually loud noises that are prolonged, unusual, or unreasonable in their time, place, or use, and that affect and are a detriment to public health, comfort, convenience, safety, or welfare of the residents of Tooele County; and (3) to secure and promote the public health, comfort, convenience, safety, welfare and the peace and quiet of the inhabitants of Tooele County. Tooele County Noise Ordinance 143 6-19-2. Definitions. As used in this title: (1) “A-weighted sound pressure level” mean the sound pressure level as measured with a sound-level meter using the A-weighted network. The standard notation is dB(A) or dBA. (2) “Ambient sound pressure level” means the sound pressure level of the all-encompassing noise associated within a given environment, usually a composite of sounds from many sources. It is also the A-weighted sound pressure level exceeding 90 percent of the time based on a measurement period, which shall not be less than ten minutes. (3) “Continuous sound” means any sound that exists, essentially without interruption, for a period of 10 minutes or more. (4) “Cyclically varying noise” means any sound that varies in sound level so that the same level is obtained repetitively at reasonable uniform levels of time. (5) “Decibel” means a logarithmic and dimension-less unit of measure often used in describing the amplitude of sound. Decibel is abbreviated dB. (6) “Device” means any mechanism that is intended to produce, or that actually produces noise when operated or handled. (7) “Dynamic braking device” means a device used primarily on trucks for the conversion of the engine from an internal combustion engine to an air compressor for the purpose of braking without the use of wheel brakes, commonly referred to as a Jacob’s Brake8. (8) “Emergency work” means any work required to restore property to a safe condition following a public calamity or to protect persons or property from an imminent exposure to danger. (9) “Emergency vehicle” means a motor vehicle used in response to a public calamity or to protect persons or property from an imminent exposure to danger. (10) “Health department” means the Tooele County Health Department. (11) “Impulsive noise” means a noise containing excursions usually less than one second, or a sound-pressure level using the fast meter characteristics. (12) “Motor vehicle” means any vehicle that is self-propelled by mechanical power, including, but not limited to, passenger cars, trucks, truck-trailers, semi-trailers, campers, motorcycles, mini-bikes, go-carts, snowmobiles, and racing vehicles. (13) “Muffler” means an apparatus consisting of a series of chambers or baffle plates designed to transmit gases while reducing sound. (14) “Ninetieth percentile noise level” means the A-weighted sound pressure level that is exceeded 90 percent of the time in any measurement period, such as the level that is exceeded for ninth minutes in a ten-minute period. It is abbreviated L90. (15) “Noise disturbance” means any sound that annoys or disturbs a reasonable person with normal sensitivities or that injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, hearing, peace, or safety of another person. (16) “Noise” means any sound that is unwanted and causes or tends to cause an adverse psychological or physiological effect on human beings. (17) “Owner” means any person who alone or jointly or severally with others: (a) has legal title to any premise, dwelling, building, or structure with or without accompanying actual possession thereof; or 144 (b) has charge, care, or control of any premise, dwelling, building, or structure as legal or equitable owner or agent of the owner, or is an executor, executrix, administrator, administratrix, trustee, or guardian of the estate of the owner. (18) “Person” means any individual, public or private corporation, partnership, association, firm, trust, estate, the state or any of its departments or political subdivisions, institution, bureau or agency thereof, County, city, or any legal entity that is recognized by the law. (19) “Plainly audible” noise means any noise for which the information content of that noise is unambiguously transferred to the listener, including, but not limited to the understanding of spoken speech, comprehension of whether a voice is raised or normal, or comprehension of musical rhythms. (20) “Property boundary” means an imaginary line at the ground surface, and its vertical extension that separates the real property owned by one person from that owned by another person. (21) “Public right-of-way” means any street, road or trail or similar place that is owned or controlled by a public or governmental entity. (22) “Pure tone” means any sound that can be distinctly heard as a single pitch or a set of single pitches. (23) “Repetitive impulsive noise” means any noise that is composed of impulsive noises that are repeated at sufficiently slow rates such that a sound level meter set at Afast© meter characteristic will show changes in sound pressure level greater than 10 dB(A). (24) “Sound” means a temporal and spatial oscillation in pressure, or other physical quantity with interval forces that cause compression or rarefaction of the medium, and that propagates a finite speed to distant points. (25) “Sound level meter” means an instrument, including a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector and integrator, time averager, output meter or visual display or both, and weighted networks, that is sensitive to pressure fluctuations. The instrument reads sound pressure level if properly calibrated and is of type 2 or better as specified in American National Standards Institute Publication S1. 4-1971 or its successor publications. (26) “Sound pressure” means the instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and the average or barometric pressure at a given point in space due to sound. (27) “Sound pressure level” means twenty times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the RMS sound pressure to the reference pressure, which shall be 20 micropascals and abbreviated LP or SPL. (28) “Stationary noise source” means any device, fixed or movable, that is located or used on property other than a public right-of-way. (29) “Steady noise” means a sound pressure level that remains essentially constant during the period of observation and does not vary more than 6 dB(A) when measured with the Aslow© meter characteristic of a sound level meter. (30) “Tenth percentile noise level” means the A-weighted sound pressure level that is exceeded ten percent of the time in any measurement period (such as the level that is exceeded to one minute in a ten minute period) and is denoted L10. (31) “Use district” means a portion of the unincorporated territory of Tooele County, established as a zoning district by the zoning ordinance, within which certain uniform regulations and requirements or various combinations thereof apply. 145 6-19-3. Powers and duties. The Community Development Director shall be responsible for the administration of this regulation and shall make inspections of any premises and issue orders as necessary to effect the purpose of these regulations. 6-19-4. Noise emergency orders. Whenever the Health Department finds that a noise emergency exists requiring immediate action to protect the public health, safety, or well-being, the director of the Health Department may issue an order declaring the existence of a noise emergency and require that remedial action be taken. The order shall be effective immediately. 6-19-5. Specific noise prohibitions. The following acts are declared to be in violation of this chapter: (1) The sounding of any horn or signaling device on any truck, automobile, motorcycle, emergency vehicle, or other within the County, except as an emergency or danger warning signal as provided in the Vehicle Code of the State of Utah. (2) Using, operating or permitting, the use or operation of any radio receiving set, television, phonograph, drum, tape player, compact disc player, musical instrument, or other machine or device for the production or reproduction of sound between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. in a way that is plainly audible on public property or on a public right-of-way so as to be a nuisance. (3) The use or operation of a loudspeaker or sound amplifying equipment in a fixed or movable position or mounted upon any vehicle in or upon any street, alley, sidewalk, park, place, or public property for the purpose of commercial advertising, giving instructions, directions, talks, addresses, lectures, or transmission of music to any persons or assemblages of persons in violation of Section 6-19-6 or cause a noise disturbance, unless a permit is first obtained as provided by Section 6-19-9. (4) Selling anything by outcry within any area of the County zoned primarily for residential uses in such a manner as to violate Section 6-19-6. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit the selling by outcry of merchandise, food, and beverages at licensed or permitted sporting events, parades, fairs, circuses, and other similar public entertainment events. (5) Owning, keeping, possessing, or harboring any animal or animals that, by frequent or habitual noise making, violates Sections 6-19-6. The provisions of this section shall apply to all private and public facilities, including any animal pounds that hold or treat animals. (6) Loading, unloading, opening, or otherwise handling boxes, crates, containers, garbage containers, or other objects outside between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. (7) Operating or causing to be operated by equipment used in construction, repair, alteration or demolition work on buildings, structures, streets, alleys or appurtenances thereto: (a) in residential or commercial land use districts between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. (b) in any land use district where such operation exceeds the sound level (8) Operating or permitting the operation of any power equipment rated five horsepower or less in residential or commercial zones, including, but not limited to, power saws, sanders, lawn mowers, garden equipment, or snow removal equipment for home or building repair or ground maintenance: 146 (a) outdoors between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.; or (b) any such power equipment that emits a sound pressure level in excess of 74 dB(A) measured at a distance of 50 feet (15.25 meters) from the source. (9) Operating or permitting the operation of any power equipment rated more than five horsepower, including but not limited to, chain saws, pavement breaker, log chippers, powered hand tools, except equipment used for construction activities: (a) in residential or commercial land use districts between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.; or (b) in any land use district if such equipment emits a sound pressure level in excess of 82 dB(A) measured at a distance of 50 feet (15.25 meters) from the source. (10) In any place of public entertainment, permitting the operation of any loudspeaker or other source of sound which produces, at a point that is normally occupied by a customer, maximum sound pressure levels of 100 dB(A) as read with the slow response on a sound level meter, unless a conspicuous and legible sign at least 225 square inches in area is posted near each public entrance stating in large letters “WARNING: SOUND LEVELS MAY CAUSE HEARING IMPAIRMENT.” This provision shall not be construed to allow the operation of any loudspeaker or other source of sound in violation of Section 6-19-7 of this title. (11) The use of explosives, fireworks, discharge guns, or other explosive devices outside of approved public recreational facilities that are audible across a property boundary, public space, or right-of-way, without first obtaining a permit as provided by Section 6-19-9. The provision shall not be constructed to permit conduct prohibited by other statutes, ordinances, or regulations governing such activity. (12) Permitting any motor vehicle racing event at any place in violation of Section 6-19-6 without first obtaining a permit as provided by Section 6-19-9; (13) Flying a model aircraft powered by internal combustion engines, whether tethered or not, or the firing or the operation of model rocket vehicles or other similar noise-producing devices, between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. or in such a way as to violate Section 6-19-6. (14) Operating any motor vehicle with a dynamic braking device engaged, except for the avoidance of imminent danger; (15) Operating or permitting the operation or use of any truck, automobile, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle because of disrepair or mode of operation violates Section 6-19-10. (16) Operating, causing, or permitting the operation or use of any refuse compacting vehicle that creates a sound-pressure level in excess of 74 dB(A) at 50 feet (15.25 meters). (17) Collecting garbage, waste, or refuse between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.: (a) in any area zoned residential or within 300 feet of an area zoned residential; or (b) in any land use district so as to cause a noise disturbance. (18) Operating, causing, or permitting the operation of any motor vehicle or any auxiliary equipment attached thereto either in violation of Section 6-19-10 or in such a way as to cause a disturbance in a residential zone for a consecutive period of 15 minutes or longer. (19) Creating noise in excess of the residential standard as defined in Section 6-19-6 within the vicinity of any school, hospital, institution of learning, court, or other designated area that requires exceptional quiet while in session. Conspicuous signs shall be displayed in the streets indicating that the same is a quiet zone. 147 (20) Sounding, operating, or permitting the sounding or operation of an electronically amplified signal from any burglar alarm, bell, chime, or clock, including but not limited to, bells, chimes, or clocks in schools, houses of religious worship, or governmental buildings that fail to meet the standards in Section 6-19-6 for longer than five minutes in any hour. (21) Sounding or causing the sounding of any whistle, horn, or siren as a signal for commencing or suspending work or for any other purpose in violation of Section 6-19-6 except as a sound signal of imminent danger. (22) Operating any recreational vehicle or snowmobile that produces a sound level more than 82 dB(A) at 50 feet (15.25 meters) from the source. 6-19-6. Use district noise levels. (1) It shall be a violation of this title for any person to create sustained noise that exceeds the limits set forth for the following receiving land use districts when measured at the property boundary or at any point within the property affected by the noise: Use District 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Residential 55 dB(A) 65 dB(A) Commercial / Agricultural 60 dB(A) 80 dB(A) Industrial 75 dB(A) 90 dB(A) (2) When a noise source can be identified and measured in more than one land use category, the limits of the most restrictive use shall apply at the boundaries between different land use categories. (3) Notwithstanding compliance with Subsection (1) it shall be a violation of this title for any person to operate or permit the operation of any stationary source of sound that emits a pure tone, cyclically varying sound, or repetitive impulsive sound that creates a noise disturbance. (4) It shall be unlawful for any person to create any unnecessary noise on any street, sidewalk, or public place adjacent to any school, library, or other public institution of learning while it is in use, provided conspicuous signs are displayed on the street, sidewalk, or public place indicating the presence of a school, library or other public institution of learning. (5) It shall be unlawful for any person to create any unnecessary noise adjacent to any hospital in which the noise interferes with the workings or disturbs or unduly annoys patients in the hospital, provided conspicuous signs are displayed on the streets, sidewalk, or public place indicating the presence of a hospital. 6-19-7. Sound level measurement. Sound level measurements shall be made with a sound level meter using the A weighted scale in accordance with standards promulgated by the American National Standards Institute or other reasonable standards adopted and tested by the Health Department. 6-19-8. Exemptions. The following uses and activities shall be exempt from noise level regulations, including decibel restrictions: (1) noise of safety signals, warning devices and emergency pressure relief valves; 148 (2) noise resulting from any authorized emergency vehicle when responding to an emergency call or in time of an emergency; (3) noise resulting from emergency work; (4) noise resulting from lawful fireworks and noisemakers used for celebration of an official holiday; (5) any noise resulting from activities of temporary duration permitted by law for which a license or permit has been approved by the Health Department in accordance with Section 6-19-9; (6) emergency public announcement systems operated by a public entity; and (7) music resulting from any official school band later than 7:00 a.m. and prior to 10:00 p.m. 6-19-9. Permits. (1) Applications for a permit for relief from the noise restrictions in this chapter on the basis of undue hardship may be made to the Health Department. Any permit granted by the Health Department shall contain all conditions upon which the permit has been granted, including, but not limited to, the effective dates, time of day, location, sound pressure level or equipment limitation. The requested relief may be granted upon good and sufficient reason showing: (a) that additional time is necessary for the applicant to alter or modify his activity or operation to comply with these rules and regulations; (b) that the activity, operating, or noise source will be of temporary duration and cannot be performed in a way that would comply with these rules and regulations; and (c) that no reasonable alternative is available to the applicant. (2) The Health Department may prescribe any reasonable conditions or requirements deemed necessary to minimize adverse effects upon a community or the surrounding neighborhood. (a) The sponsor of a special event, including professional fireworks displays, may seek relief from the noise restrictions in this chapter where the Health Department shall review requests for relief from noise restrictions associated with special events or public assemblies. (b) The request shall include: (i) the dates, time and duration of the event; (ii) the location of the event; (iii) the sponsor of the event; (iv) contact information for the event operator; (v) a description of the event and the types of noise-making activities expected; (vi) a map of the event location and the probable location of any stage, speakers, or mixing boards if applicable; (vii) identification of surrounding zoning districts and any anticipated sound sensitive neighbors; (viii) a completed Health Department Temporary Mass Gathering Permit application form or equivalent information; (ix) a request by the Community Development Department or Sheriff’s Department for review by the Health Department and containing their recommendations; and (x) any fees that may be required. (c) The Health Department shall receive this request at least 30 days prior to the event. 149 (d) The Health Department shall review the request and make recommendations to minimize impacts on the surrounding incorporated or unincorporated areas. (e) The Health Department shall return the request with its recommendations to the origination office. (f) The final review and recommendation for approval or denial shall be filed with the Health Department at least ten business days prior to the scheduled event and shall include: (i) any changes to the original application; and (ii) any variations to the Community Development Director’s recommendations that has been approved. (g) The Community Development Director shall respond to any noise-related matters associated with the events approved by the County. 6-19-10. Motor vehicle noise. (1) No person shall drive, move, or knowingly permit to be driven or moved a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles exceeding the following noise limits for the category of motor vehicle shown below at any time. Noise shall be measured at a distance of at least 25 feet (7.62 meters) from the near side of the nearest lane(s) being monitored and at a height of at least four feet (1.22 meters) above the immediate surrounding surface. Sound pressure level, dB(A) Speed limit 40 mph or less Speed limit over 41 mph Any motorcycle 84 88 Motor vehicles with a manufacturers gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) or gross combination weight rating (GCWR) of 10,000 pounds or more or any combination of vehicles towed by such motor vehicle. 90 94 Any other motor vehicle or any combination of vehicles towed by any motor vehicle 80 84 (2) Subsection (1) shall apply to the total noise from a vehicle or combination of vehicles and shall not be construed as limiting or precluding the enforcement of any other provisions of these rules and regulations concerning motor vehicle mufflers for noise control. (3) No person shall operate or cause to be operated any motor vehicle unless the exhaust system of the vehicle is: (a) free from defects that affect sound reduction; (b) equipped with a muffler or other noise dissipative device; and (c) not equipped with any cut-out, by-pass or similar device. (4) No person shall operate a watercraft between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. which exceeds 75 dBA as measured on shore. Between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. this sound level shall be 65 dBA as measured on shore. 6-19-11. Notice. (1) The Community Development Director or enforcing officer shall notify owner(s) or others of violations. If the Community Development Director or enforcing officer has inspected any real 150 property, personal property, or person and has found and determined that the property or person is in violation of this chapter or has reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any part of this chapter, he shall give notice of the violation(s) to the owner(s) or other responsible person(s) thereof. (2) Prior to initiating a court complaint for the violation of this chapter, the Community Development Director or enforcing officer shall issue a notice pursuant to Subsection (1) and shall: (a) describe the property; (b) give a statement of the cause for its issuance; (c) set forth an outline of the remedial action that complies with the provisions of this chapter; and (d) set a reasonable time for the performance of any required remedial act. (3) The Community Development Director shall serve notice pursuant to Subsections (1) and (2) upon the owner(s) of the property or other responsible person(s). Service shall be deemed complete if the notice is: (a) served in person; (b) sent by certified mail to the last known address of the owner or other responsible person(s); or (c) published in a newspaper of general circulation. 6-19-12. Inspection. (1) It shall be the duty of the Community Development Director or enforcing officer, upon the presentation of proper credentials, to make inspections of any property on or where noise disturbance is occurring or may occur as is necessary to ensure compliance with these regulations. (2) Inspections may be made with the consent of the owner(s) or other responsible person(s). If consent is not granted, a search may be made pursuant to an administrative search warrant issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. (3) Any violation of this chapter is declared to be a nuisance and may be subject to summary abatement by a restraining order or injunction issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. (4) Owner(s) may request a factual report of inspections. Upon request, the owner(s) or other responsible person(s) of any property shall receive a report setting forth all facts found that relate to the compliance status. 6-19-13. Enforcement. (1) The Community Development Director shall have primary, but not exclusive, enforcement responsibility for these rules and regulations as it concerns stationary sources. Enforcement responsibility for vehicular sources shall be the Sheriff’s office. (2) The Community Development Director and other designated officers shall be special function peace officers of the County and shall have the authority to issue citations for the violations of this chapter. (3) The Community Development Director or an authorized representative shall enforce this title and is empowered and directed to institute an appropriate action or proceeding in any case 151 the noise level is illegal or is in violation of any County ordinance or code. To this end the Community Development Director or designee may: (a) issue a written notice of violation to the person having charge or control of the source of noise in violation of this title; (b) abate and remove sources of non-conforming noise. (c) initiate action with the County Attorney’s Office for: (i) injunctive relief; or (ii) the filing of criminal charges against violators. (d) issue citations to violators for non-compliance. 6-19-14. Right to appeal. Within ten calendar days after the Community Development Director has given a notice of violation, any person aggrieved by the notice may request in writing a hearing before the Health Department. The hearing shall take place within ten calendar days after the request is received. A written notice of the Health Department’s final determination shall be given ten calendar days after adjournment of the hearing. The Health Department may sustain, modify, or reverse the action or order. 6-19-15. Penalty. (1) Any person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this chapter, either by failing to do those acts required herein or by doing a prohibited act, is guilty of a class B misdemeanor, pursuant to Section 26A-24-22, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended. If a person is found guilty of a subsequent similar violation within two years, he is guilty of a class A misdemeanor, pursuant to Section 26A-24-22, Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as amended. (2) Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate violation. (3) The County Attorney may initiate legal action, civil or criminal, to abate any condition that exists in violation of this chapter. (4) In addition to other penalties imposed by a court of competent jurisdiction, any person found guilty of violating this chapter shall be liable for all expenses incurred by the Community Development Director in removing or abating any nuisance or other noise disturbance. Chapter 20: Smoking in Public Places Section 6-20-1. Smoking prohibited. 6-20-2. Definitions. 6-20-3. Violation. 6-20-1. Smoking prohibited. In the unincorporated areas of Tooele County, smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of public playgrounds, play pits, sporting areas, children, and animal venues, gathering places, concession stands, and pathways. It shall be permissible to smoke in public parking areas and other designated areas at such venues. APPENDIX B NEARBY WELL LOGS 15-1817 David Carberry 4/8/24, 3:46 PM waterrights.utah.gov/docSys/v907/e907/e907065m.htm https://waterrights.utah.gov/docSys/v907/e907/e907065m.htm 1/2 WELLPRT Well Log Information Listing Version: 2003.09.18.00 Rundate: 10/12/2003 02:14 PM Utah Division of Water Rights Water Well Log LOCATION: S 300 ft W 1200 ft from E4 CORNER of SECTION 27 T 4S R 5W BASE SL Elevation: feet DRILLER ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY # 1 NEW WELL DRILLER: MILLER DRILLING LICENSE #: 292 START DATE: 09/21/2000 COMPLETION DATE: 09/22/2000 BOREHOLE INFORMATION: Depth(ft) Diameter(in) Drilling Method Drilling Fluid From To 0 100 10 AIR ROTARY AIR & WATER 100 1360 6 AIR ROTARY AIR & WATER LITHOLOGY: Depth(ft) Lithologic Description Color Rock Type From To 0 65 LOW-PERMEABILITY,CLAY,SILT,SAND,GRAVEL TAN 65 70 LOW-PERMEABILITY,OTHER TAN CONGLOMERATE SOFT 70 189 LOW-PERMEABILITY,CLAY,SILT,SAND 189 231 LOW-PERMEABILITY,CLAY,OTHER TAN SHALE 231 238 LOW-PERMEABILITY,OTHER TAN SHALE 238 333 WATER-BEARING,OTHER TAN SANDSTONE 333 360 WATER-BEARING,OTHER TAN SANDSTONE ROCK BROKEN UP WATER LEVEL DATA: Date Time Water Level (feet) Status (-)above ground 09/22/2000 277.00 STATIC CONSTRUCTION - CASING: Depth(ft) Material Gage(in) Diameter(in) From To +2 98 STEEL .250 6 98 360 PVC .217 4 CONSTRUCTION - SCREENS/PERFORATIONS: Depth(ft) Screen(S) or Perforation(P) Slot/Perf. siz Screen Diam/Length Perf(in) Screen Type/# Perf. From To 300 360 PERFORATION .125 6 6 ROWS CONSTRUCTION - FILTER PACK/ANNULAR SEALS Depth(ft) Material Amount Density(pcf) From To 0 98 BENTONITE 12 100 WELL TESTS: Date Test Method Yield (CFS) Drawdown (ft) Time Pumped (hrs) 15-3929 Richard Wheeler 4/8/24, 3:46 PM waterrights.utah.gov/docSys/v907/e907/e907065m.htm https://waterrights.utah.gov/docSys/v907/e907/e907065m.htm 2/2 09/22/2000 AIR LIFT .045 360 3 GENERAL COMMENTS: CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION Well Head configuration: Water tight cap Casing joint type: welded Perforator used: no data surface seal: yes Depth of seal: 98' Drive shoe: no Surface seal placement method: pumped in PERF (Open Bottom) Additional data not available. 15-4100 Wilford and Edith Green Family Trust 15-4101 Lonnie K. and Laurali Bates 15-4139 Holmes, Ronald K. 15-4610 Bruce Bolinder 4/8/24, 10:34 AM waterrights.utah.gov/docSys/v907/e907/e90700la.htm https://waterrights.utah.gov/docSys/v907/e907/e90700la.htm 1/2 WELLPRT Well Log Information Listing Version: 2003.09.18.00 Rundate: 10/11/2003 10:22 AM Utah Division of Water Rights Water Well Log LOCATION: S 800 ft E 500 ft from W4 CORNER of SECTION 31 T 4S R 4W BASE SL Elevation: feet DRILLER ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY # 1 NEW WELL DRILLER: LAKE HURON LLC LICENSE #: 55 START DATE: 04/14/1997 COMPLETION DATE: 04/28/1997 BOREHOLE INFORMATION: Depth(ft) Diameter(in) Drilling Method Drilling Fluid From To 0 20 16.0 CABLE TOOL WATER 20 170 6.00 CABLE TOOL WATER 170 400 6.00 AIR ROTARY WATER LITHOLOGY: Depth(ft) Lithologic Description Color Rock Type From To 0 53 CLAY,SILT,SAND DARK BROWN 80% CLAY 80% CLAY 53 130 SAND,GRAVEL BROWN 130 142 GRAVEL BROWN CEMENTED CEMENTED 142 145 CLAY RED 145 174 SAND,GRAVEL BROWN CEMENTED 6" CASING STOPPED AT 150' 2 GPM AT 160' 174 176 CLAY BROWN 176 277 SAND,GRAVEL BROWN 277 280 CLAY BROWN 280 400 SAND,GRAVEL BROWN FRACTURES @ 348' - 357' - 369' - 398' WATER LEVEL DATA: Date Time Water Level (feet) Status (-)above ground 04/28/1997 239.20 CONSTRUCTION - CASING: Depth(ft) Material Gage(in) Diameter(in) From To -7 397 TIMCO PVC SDR 17 .237 4.50 +1.5 150 A53B .250 6.00 CONSTRUCTION - SCREENS/PERFORATIONS: Depth(ft) Screen(S) or Perforation(P) Slot/Perf. siz Screen Diam/Length Perf(in) Screen Type/# Perf. From To 297 397 PERFORATION .020 100' FAC SLT CONSTRUCTION - FILTER PACK/ANNULAR SEALS Depth(ft) Material Amount Density(pcf) 15-5083 Rodney Higbee 4/8/24, 10:34 AM waterrights.utah.gov/docSys/v907/e907/e90700la.htm https://waterrights.utah.gov/docSys/v907/e907/e90700la.htm 2/2 From To 0 20 VOLCLAY GROUT 2 14 277 397 10-20 COLO SILICA SAND 10 GENERAL COMMENTS: ADDITIONAL DATA NOT AVAILABLE 15-5210 Running R Livestock 15-5603 Kristin Rasmussen 0715001M00 Altaview Concrete 0715010M00 Stockton Town Emergency Well0715010M00 15-4065 APPENDIX C STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS • R309-515-6 (DDW) • R655-4 (DWRi) BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 1 ATTACHMENT C STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS This section contains standard requirements and citations from UAC R309 and UAC R655, as provided by the staff of the DDW. The CONTRACTOR is required to adhere to these State of Utah requirements and citations. Sentences in “italics” indicate if the citation is not applicable to the project. CONTRACTOR shall comply with the following requirements if applicable: R309-515-6 (5) Outline of Well Approval Process. Well PER, Plans, and Specifications Approval (a) Well drilling shall not commence until both of the following items are submitted and receive a favorable review: (i) a Preliminary Evaluation Report on source protection issues as required by R309-600- 13, and (ii) engineering plans and specifications governing the well drilling, prepared by a licensed well driller holding a current Utah Well Drillers License or prepared, signed, and stamped by a licensed professional engineer or professional geologist licensed to practice in Utah.; (b) Inspection of Well Sealing During Construction. (i) Authorized Individuals (A) The following individuals are authorized to witness the well sealing procedure for a public drinking water well: (I) an engineer or a geologist from the Division of Drinking Water; (II) a district engineer of the Department of Environmental Quality; (III) an authorized representative of the Division of Water Rights; or, (IV) an individual having written authorization from the Director and meeting the below listed criteria. (B) At the time of the well sealing an individual, who is authorized per (i)(A)(IV), shall present to the well driller a copy of the letter authorizing him or her to witness a well sealing on behalf of the Division of Drinking Water. A copy of this letter shall be appended to the witness certification letter. (C) At least three days before the anticipated well sealing, the well driller shall arrange for an authorized witness listed in (i)(A) above to witness the procedure. (See R309-515-6(6)(i)). (ii) Obtaining Authorization (A) To be authorized per (i)(A)(IV) above to witness a well sealing procedure, an individual must have no relationship to the driller or the well's owner. The individual must have at least five years professional experience designing wells, supervising well drilling or other equivalent experience associated with well drilling or well sealing that is acceptable to the Director. (B) Individuals, desiring the Director’s authorization to witness a well sealing procedure, shall provide the following information to the Director for review over his or her signature attesting to the correctness of the information: (I) a detailed description of the applicant's experience with well drilling projects, including number of years of experience and type of work. Three references confirming this professional experience are required. (II) evidence of licensure as a professional engineer or professional geologist in Utah. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 2 (III) no relationship may exist between a person authorized to witness well sealings and a well driller that would serve as the basis for suspicion of favoritism, leniency, or punitive action in the performance of this task. Examples of such relationships would be family; former long-term employment associations; business partnerships, either formal or informal; etc. The Director’s decision, with right of appeal as provided in R305-7, shall be accepted relative to what constitutes a conflict of interest or a relationship sufficient to disqualify an applicant from all or specific witness opportunities. (IV) An acknowledgement that he/she would not be acting as an agent or employee of the State of Utah and any losses incurred while acting as a witness would not be covered by governmental immunity or Utah's insurance. (VI) Willingness to follow established protocols and attend such training events as may be required by the Director. (VII) Complete with a minimum 75 percent passing grade, an examination on water well drilling rules, as offered by the Division of Water Rights. (C) The Director may rescind the authorization if an individual fails to comply with the criteria or conditions of authorization listed above. Guidance: A conflict of interest occurs whenever a duty, such as acting in the interest of the public, intersects with a personal desire (either positive or negative), such as monetary gain or a personal relationship, requiring a decision to be made between them. Each individual faced with a conflict between acting in the public’s interest or acting for personal benefit is expected to act in the public’s interest as it relates to sealing a well. Questions relating to possible conflicts may be referred to the Director. (iii) Well Seal Certification The individual witnessing the well sealing procedure shall provide a signed letter, including the following information, to the Director within 30 days of the well sealing: (A) certification that the well sealing procedure met all the requirements of Rule R309-515-6(6)(i); (B) the water right under which the well was drilled and the well driller's license number; (C) the public water system name (if applicable); (D) the latitude and longitude of the well and method used for its determination; (E) the well head's approximate elevation; (F) casing diameter(s), length(s), and material(s); (G) the size of the annulus between the borehole and casing; (H) a description of the sealing process including the sealing material used, its volume, density, method of placement, and depth from surface; and, (I) the names and company affiliations of other individuals observing the sealing procedure including, but not limited to, the well driller, the well owner, and/or a consultant. (c) After completion of the well drilling, the following information shall be submitted and receive a favorable review before water from the well can be introduced into a public water system: (i) a copy of the "Report of Well Driller" as required by the State Engineer's Office which is complete in all aspects and has been stamped as received by the same; BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 3 (ii) a copy of the letter from the authorized individual described in R309-515-6(5)(b) above, indicating inspection and confirmation that the well was grouted in accordance with the well drilling specifications and the requirements of this rule; (iii) a copy of the aquifer drawdown test data, as a minimum, including the yield versus drawdown test data, as described in R309-515-6(10)(b) along with comments and interpretation by a licensed professional engineer or licensed professional geologist of the graphic drawdown information required by R309-515-6(10)(b)(vi)(E); (iv) a copy of the chemical analyses required by R309-515-4(5); (v) acceptable evidence that the water system owner has a legal right to divert water for the proposed use(s) from the well source(s); (vi) a copy of complete plans and specifications prepared, signed, and stamped by a licensed professional engineer covering the well housing, equipment, and diversion piping necessary to introduce water from the well into the distribution system; and (vii) a bacteriological analysis of water obtained from the well after installation of permanent equipment, disinfection, and flushing. (d) An Operation Permit shall be obtained in accordance with R309-500-9 before any water from the well is introduced into a public water system. R309-515-6 (6) Well Materials, Design and Construction Well Interior Surfaces (a) ANSI/NSF Standards 60 and 61 Certification. All interior surfaces must consist of products complying with ANSI/NSF Standard 61. This requirement applies to drop pipes, well screens, coatings, adhesives, solders, fluxes, pumps, switches, electrical wire, sensors, and all other equipment or surfaces which may contact the drinking water. All substances introduced into the well during construction or development shall be certified to comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 60. This requirement applies to drilling fluids (biocides, clay thinners, defoamers, foamers, loss circulation materials, lubricants, oxygen scavengers, viscosifiers, weighting agents) and regenerants. (b) Permanent Steel Casing Pipe shall: (i) be new single steel casing pipe meeting AWWA Standard A-100, ASTM or API specifications and having a minimum weight and thickness as given in Table 6 found in R655-4-11.2.3 of the Utah Administrative Code (Administrative Rules for Water Well Drillers, adopted April 11, 2011, Division of Water Rights); (ii) have additional thickness and weight, if minimum thickness is not considered sufficient to assure reasonable life expectancy of the well; (iii) be capable of withstanding forces to which it is subjected; (iv) be equipped with a drive shoe when driven; (v) have full circumferential welds or threaded coupling joints; and (vi) project at least 18 inches above the anticipated final ground surface and at least 12 inches above the anticipated pump house floor level. At sites subject to flooding, the top of the well casing shall terminate at least three feet above the 100-year flood level or the highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. (c) Non-Ferrous Casing Material. The use of any non-ferrous material for a well casing shall receive prior approval of the Director based on the ability of the material to perform its desired function. Thermoplastic water well casing pipe shall meet AWWA Standard A100-06 and shall bear the logo NSF-wc indicating compliance with NSF Standard 14 for use as well casing. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 4 Guidance: Approval for non-ferrous well casing will be determined considering well depth, formations, temperatures, corrosion potential, well seal material, and other pertinent information. (d) Disposal of Cuttings. Cuttings and waste from well drilling operations shall not be discharged into a waterway, lake, or reservoir. The rules of the Utah Division of Water Quality must be observed with respect to these discharges. (e) Packers. Packers, if used, shall be of material that will not impart taste, odor, toxic substances, or bacterial contamination to the well water. Lead or partial lead packers are specifically prohibited. (f) Screens. The use of well screens is recommended where appropriate and, if used, they shall: (i) be constructed of material resistant to damage by chemical action of groundwater or cleaning operations; (ii) have size of openings based on sieve analysis of formations or gravel pack materials; (iii) have sufficient diameter to provide adequate specific capacity and low aperture entrance velocities; Guidance: Usually the entrance velocities should not exceed 0.1 fps. (iv) be installed so that the operating water level remains above the screen under all pumping conditions; and, (v) be provided with a bottom plate or wash-down bottom fitting of the same material as the screen. (g) Plumbness and Alignment Requirements. Every well shall be tested for plumbness and vertical alignment in accordance with AWWA Standard A100. Plans and specifications submitted for review shall: (i) have the test method and allowable tolerances clearly stated in the specifications; and, (ii) clearly indicate any options the design engineer may have if the well fails to meet the requirements. Generally, wells may be accepted if the misalignment does not interfere with the installation or operation of the pump or uniform placement of grout. (h) Casing Perforations. The placement of perforations in the well casing shall: (i) be located, as far as practical, to permit the uniform collection of water around the circumference of the well casing; and, (ii) be of dimensions and size to restrain the water bearing soils from entrance into the well. (i) Well Sealing Techniques and Requirements. For all public drinking water wells, the annulus between the outermost well casing and the borehole wall shall be sealed with grout to a depth of at least 100 feet below the ground surface unless an "exception" is issued by the Director (see R309-500-4(1)). If more than one casing is used, including a conductor casing, the annulus between the outermost casing and the next inner casing shall be sealed with grout (meeting the sealing materials requirements of R309-515-6(i)(ii) herein) or with a water tight steel ring having a thickness equal to that of the permanent well casing and continuously welded to both casings. If a public drinking water well will be equipped with a pitless adapter or unit, a well seal shall be installed to a minimum depth of 110 feet to take into account the top 10 feet of compromised seal interval. Guidance: This is required in order to prevent the seepage of undesirable surface or shallow ground water along the casing into the water bearing aquifer. The Division BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 5 of Water Rights Administrative Rules for Water Wells Rule R655-4-11.7.5, Pitless Adapters/Units states, “A cement grout seal shall not be allowed within the pitless unit or pitless adapter sealing interval. The pitless adapter or unit sealing interval shall be sealed with unhydrated bentonite. The pitless adapter or unit, including the cap or cover, pitless case and other attachments, shall be designed and constructed to be watertight to prevent the entrance of contaminants into the well from surface or near-surface sources.” Therefore, a cement seal should not be used in the future pitless interval as a cement seal would need to be chipped and broken away from the casing when the pitless area is excavated and installed which could lead to casing damage. A bentonite seal must be used in the future pitless interval. The following shall apply to all drinking water wells: (i) Consideration During Well Construction. (A) Sufficient annular opening shall be provided to permit a minimum of two inches of grout between the outermost permanent casing and the drilled hole, taking into consideration any joint couplings. (B) The casing(s) must be placed to permit unobstructed flow and uniform thickness of grout. Guidance: For the purpose of determining the dimension of the annular opening between the drilled hole and or any carrier casing or permanent casing which may be used, the nominal pipe dimension of casing or hole can be used. Centralizers, casing spacers, or welded guides are recommended to center the casing and to provide uniform grout thickness. (ii) Sealing Materials. (A) Neat Cement Grout. Cement, conforming to ASTM Standard C150, and water, with no more than six gallons of water per sack of cement, shall be used for two-inch openings. Additives may be used to increase fluidity subject to approval by the Director. (B) Concrete Grout. Equal parts of cement conforming to ASTM Standard C150, and sand, with not more than six gallons of water per sack of cement, may be used for openings larger than two inches. (C) Clay Seal. Where an annular opening greater than six inches is available, a seal of swelling bentonite meeting the requirements of R655-4-11.4.2 may be used when approved by the Director. (iii) Application. (A) When the annular opening is less than four inches, grout shall be installed under pressure, by means of a positive displacement grout pump, from the bottom of the annular opening to be filled. (B) When the annular opening is four or more inches and 100 feet or less in depth, and concrete grout is used, it may be placed by gravity through a grout pipe installed to the bottom of the annular opening in one continuous operation until the annular opening is filled. (C) All temporary construction casings shall be removed prior to or during the well sealing operation. Any exceptions shall be approved by the State Engineer’s Office, and evidence of State Engineer’s Office’s approval shall be submitted to the Director (see R655-4- for conditions concerning leaving temporary surface casing in place). A temporary construction casing is a casing not intended to be part of the permanent well. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 6 (D) When a "well in a protected aquifer" classification is desired, the grout seal shall extend from the ground surface down to at least 100 feet below the surface, and through the protective clay layer (see R309-600-6(1)(x)). (E) After cement grouting is applied, work on the well shall be discontinued until the cement or concrete grout has properly set, usually a period of 72 hours. Guidance: “Public Water Supply Well Grouting Requirements and Procedures” is available on the Division’s website as additional information for grout placement. (j) Water Entered Into Well During Construction. Any water entering a well during construction shall not be contaminated and should be obtained from a chlorinated municipal system. Where this is not possible, the water must be treated to produce a 100 mg/l free chlorine residual in accordance with R655-4-11.6.5. (k) Gravel Pack Wells. The following shall apply to gravel packed wells: (i) the gravel pack material shall be of well-rounded particles, at least 90 percent siliceous material, no more than five percent acid solubility, smooth and uniform, free of foreign material, properly sized, washed, and then disinfected immediately prior to or during placement; (ii) the gravel pack shall be placed in one uniform continuous operation; (iii) refill pipes, when used, shall be Schedule 40 steel pipe incorporated within the pump foundation and terminated with screwed or welded caps at least 12 inches above the pump house floor or concrete apron; (iv) refill pipes located in the grouted annular opening shall be surrounded by a minimum of 1.5 inches of grout; (v) protection shall be provided to prevent leakage of grout into the gravel pack or screen; and, (vi) any casings not withdrawn entirely shall meet requirements of R309-515-6(6)(b) or R309-515-6(6)(c). R309-515-6 (7) Well Development Well Development (a) Every well shall be developed to remove the native silts and clays, drilling mud or finer fraction of the gravel pack. (b) Development should continue until the maximum specific capacity is obtained from the completed well. (c) Where chemical conditioning is required, the specifications shall include provisions for the method, equipment, chemicals, testing for residual chemicals, and disposal of waste and inhibitors. (d) Where blasting procedures may be used the specifications shall include the provisions for blasting and cleaning. Special attention shall be given to assure that the grouting and casing are not damaged by the blasting. R309-515-6 (8) Well Capping Capping Requirements. (a) The well shall be securely capped in accordance with R655-4-14.1 until permanent equipment can be installed. (b) At all times during the progress of work the contractor shall provide protection to prevent tampering with the well or entrance of foreign materials. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 7 Guidance: A welded metal plate or a threaded cap is the preferred method for capping a completed well until permanent equipment is installed. R309-515-6 (9) Well Abandonment Well Abandonment. (a) Test wells and groundwater sources which are to be permanently abandoned shall be abandoned in accordance with R655-4-14. (b) Wells to be abandoned shall be sealed to prevent undesirable exchange of water from one aquifer to another. Preference shall be given to using a neat cement grout. Where fill materials are used, which are other than cement grout or concrete, they shall be disinfected and free of foreign materials. When an abandoned well is filled with cement-grout or concrete, these materials shall be applied to the well hole through a pipe, tremie, or bailer. R309-515-6 (10) Well Assessment Well Assessment. (a) Step Drawdown Test. Preliminary to the constant-rate test required below, it is recommended that a step- drawdown test (uniform increases in pumping rates over uniform time intervals with single drawdown measurements taken at the end of the intervals) be conducted to determine the maximum pumping rate for the desired intake setting. (b) Constant-Rate Test. A "constant-rate" yield and drawdown test shall: (i) be performed on every production well after well development and prior to placement of the permanent pump, (ii) have the test methods clearly indicated in the specifications, (iii) have a test pump with sufficient capacity that when pumped against the maximum anticipated drawdown, it will be capable of pumping in excess of the desired design discharge rate, (iv) provide for continuous pumping for at least 24 hours or until stabilized drawdown has continued for at least six hours when test pumped at a "constant-rate" equal to 1.5 times the desired design discharge rate, (v) provide the following data: (A) capacity vs. head characteristics for the test pump (manufacturer's pump curve), (B) static water level (in feet to the nearest tenth, as measured from an identified datum; usually the top of casing), (C) depth of test pump intake, (D) time and date of starting and ending test(s), Guidance: It is recommended to monitor any existing wells in the area during the pump test to perform a more useful aquifer test and determine if there will be interference from other wells. (vi) For the "constant-rate" test provide the following at time intervals sufficient for at least ten essentially uniform intervals for each log cycle of the graphic evaluation required below: (A) record the time since starting test (in minutes), (B) record the actual pumping rate, (C) record the pumping water level (in feet to the nearest tenth, as measured from the same datum used for the static water level), (D) record the drawdown (pumping water level minus static water level in feet to the nearest tenth), BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 8 (E) provide graphic evaluation on semi logarithmic graph paper by plotting the drawdown measurements on the arithmetic scale at locations corresponding to time since starting test on the logarithmic scale, and (vii) Immediately after termination of the constant-rate test, and for a period of time until there are no changes in depth to water level measurements for at least six hours, record the following at time intervals similar to those used during the constant-rate pump test: (A) time since stopping pump test (in minutes), depth to water level (in feet to the nearest tenth, as measured from the same datum used for the pumping water level). (c) Safe Yield. If the aquifer drawdown test data show that the drawdown has stabilized, the Director will consider 2/3 of the pumping rate used in the constant-rate test as the safe yield of the well. The safe yield is used to determine the number of permanent residential connections or ERCs that a well source can support. R309-515-6 (11) Well Disinfection Well Disinfection. Every new, modified, or reconditioned well including pumping equipment shall be disinfected before being placed into service for drinking water use. These shall be disinfected according to AWWA Standard C654-03 and A100-06 as modified to incorporate the following as a minimum standard: (a) the well shall be disinfected with a chlorine solution of sufficient volume and strength and so applied that a concentration of at least 50 parts per million is obtained in all parts of the well and comes in contact with equipment installed in the well. This solution shall remain in the well for a period of at least eight hours, and (b) a satisfactory bacteriologic water sample analysis shall be obtained prior to the use of water from the well in a public water system. R309-515-6 (13) Well House Construction The use of a well house is strongly recommended, particularly in installations utilizing above ground motors. In addition to applicable provisions of R309-540, well pump houses shall conform to the following: Well Casing Projection Above (Eventual) Floor (a) Casing Projection Above Floor. The permanent casing for all ground water wells shall project at least 12 inches above the pump house floor or concrete apron surface and at least 18 inches above the final ground surface. However, casings terminated in underground vaults may be permitted if the vault is provided with a drain to daylight sized to handle in excess of the well flow and surface runoff is directed away from the vault access. Well Casing Termination at Flood Sites (d) Well Casing Termination at Flood Sites. The top of the well casing at sites subject to flooding shall terminate at least 3 feet above the 100 year flood level or the highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher (refer to R309- 515-6(6)(b)(vi)). R309-600-6 Protected Aquifer Status BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 9 (x) “Protected aquifer” means a producing aquifer in which the following conditions are met: (i) A naturally protective layer of clay, at least 30 feet in thickness, is present above the aquifer; (ii) the PWS provides data to indicate the lateral continuity of the clay layer to the extent of zone two; and (iii) the public-supply well is grouted with a grout seal that extends from the ground surface down to at least 100 feet below the surface, and for a thickness of at least 30 feet through the protective clay layer. R309-600-6 Replacement Well “Replacement well” means a public-supply well drilled for the sole purpose of replacing an existing public-supply well which is impaired or made useless by structural difficulties and in which the following conditions are met: (i) the proposed well location shall be within a radius of 150 feet from an existing ground-water supply well, as defined in R309-600-6(1)(k); and (ii) the PWS provides a copy of the replacement application approved by the State Engineer (refer to Section 73-3-28 of the Utah Code Annotated). R655-4-4.1 Authorization to Drill Authorization to Drill Well The OWNER shall provide the driller with a start card. 4.1 Authorization to Drill The well driller shall make certain that a valid authorization or approval to drill exists before engaging in regulated well drilling activity. Authorization to drill shall consist of a valid 'start card' based on any of the approvals listed below. Items 4.1.1 through 4.1.12 allow the applicant to contract with a well driller to drill, construct, deepen, replace, repair, renovate, or abandon exactly one well at each location listed on the start card or approval form. The drilling of multiple borings/wells at an approved location/point of diversion is not allowed without authorization from the state engineer's office. Most start cards list the date when the authorization to drill expires. If the expiration date has passed, the start card and authorization to engage in regulated drilling activity is no longer valid. If there is no expiration date on the start card, the driller must contact the state engineer's office to determine if the authorization to drill is still valid. When the work is completed, the permission to drill is terminated. Preauthorization or pre-approval of pump installation/repair work, well cleaning, development, testing, and disinfection is not required. A well renovation permit is required if an existing well is to be modified by activities such as deepening, casing/seal/gravel pack repair/renovation, liner installation, pitless adapter/unit installation, and perforating/screen installation. A well renovation permit is not required if the well is not modified by activities such as cleaning, development, testing, disinfection, and pump work. 4.1.1 An approved application to appropriate. 4.1.2 A provisional well approval letter (also known as a Rush Letter Approval). An approved provisional well letter grants authority to drill but allows only enough water to be diverted to determine the characteristics of an aquifer or the existence of a useable groundwater source. 4.1.3 An approved permanent change application. 4.1.4 An approved exchange application. 4.1.5 An approved temporary change application. 4.1.6 An approved application to renovate or deepen an existing well. 4.1.7 An approved application to replace an existing well. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 10 4.1.8 An approved monitor well letter. An approved monitor well letter grants authority to drill but allows only enough water to be diverted to monitor groundwater. 4.1.9 An approved heat exchange well letter. 4.1.10 An approved cathodic protection well letter. 4.1.11 An approved non-production well construction application. 4.1.12 Any letter or document from the state engineer directing or authorizing a well to be drilled or work to be done on a well. R655-4-4.2 Well Start Card The OWNER shall provide the driller with a start card. 4.2 Start Cards 4.2.1 Prior to commencing work to drill, construct, deepen, replace, repair, renovate, clean, or develop any well governed by these administrative rules, the driller must notify the state engineer of that intention by transmitting the information on the "Start Card" to the state engineer by telephone (leaving a voice mail is acceptable notification), by facsimile (FAX), by hand delivery, or by e-mail (with completed Start Card scanned and attached to e-mail). Thereafter, a completed original Start Card must be sent to the state engineer by the driller after it has been telephoned in (including voice mail). A completed original Start Card does not need to be sent to the state engineer by the driller after it has been faxed or E-mailed. A copy of the Start Card should be kept at the drill site at all times regulated activity is being conducted. 4.2.2 A specific Start Card is printed for each well drilling approval and is furnished by the state engineer to the applicant or the well owner. The start card is preprinted with the water right or non-production well number, owner name/address, and the approved location of the well. The state engineer marks the approved well drilling activity on the card. If a Start Card is stamped with 'Special Conditions', the licensee shall contact the state engineer's office to determine what the special drilling conditions or limitations are; then implement them in the drilling and construction of the well. The driller must put the following information on the card: a. The date on which work on the well will commence; b. The projected completion date of the work; c. The well driller's license number; d. The licensed well driller's signature. 4.2.3 When a single authorization is given to drill wells at more than one point of diversion, a start card shall be submitted for each location to be drilled. 4.2.4 Following the submittal of a start card, if the actual start date of the drilling activity is postponed beyond the date identified on the start card, the licensed driller must notify the state engineer of the new start date. 4.2.5 A start card is not required to abandon a well. However, prior to commencing well abandonment work, the driller is required to notify the state engineer by telephone, by facsimile, or by e-mail of the proposed abandonment work. The notice must include the location of the well. The notice should also include the water right or non-production well number associated with the well and the well owner if that information is available. 4.2.6 A start card or pre-notification is not required to perform pump installation and repair work on a well. R655-4-4.3 Well Driller Requirements Well Driller Requirements 4.3 General Requirements During Construction BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 11 4.3.1 The well driller or pump installer shall have the required penal bond continually in effect during the term of the license; otherwise the license will become inactive. 4.3.2 The well driller's/pump installer's license number or company name exactly as shown on the license must be prominently displayed on each well drilling/pump rig operated under the license. If the company name is changed the licensee must immediately inform the state engineer of the change in writing. 4.3.3 A licensed well driller or a registered drill rig operator must be at the well site whenever the following aspects of well construction are in process: advancing the borehole, setting casing and screen, placing a filter pack, constructing a surface seal, or similar activities involved in well deepening, renovation, repair, cleaning, developing, testing, disinfecting, capping, pitless installation, or abandoning. All registered drill rig operators working under a well driller's license must be employees of the well driller and must use equipment either owned by or leased by the licensed well driller. A licensed pump installer or a registered pump rig operator must be at the well site whenever the following aspects of pump work are in process: pump removal, pump installation, modification to the well head including capping, sealing, and pitless adapter/unit installation, or similar activities on and within the well involving pump installation/repair. Inasmuch as a licensed pump installer is allowed to clean, develop, test, and disinfect a regulated well, these activities must be performed in the presence of a licensed pump installer or registered pump rig operator. All registered pump rig operators working under a pump installer's license must be employees of the pump installer and must use equipment either owned by or leased by the licensed pump installer. A registered drill rig operator who is left in responsible charge of advancing the borehole, setting casing and screen, placing a filter pack, constructing a surface seal, or similar activities involved in well deepening, renovation, repair, cleaning, developing, testing, disinfecting, capping, pitless installation, or abandoning must have a working knowledge of the minimum construction standards and the proper operation of the drilling rig. The licensed well driller is responsible to ensure that a registered operator is adequately trained to meet these requirements. A registered pump rig operator who is left in responsible charge of pump installation or repair must have a working knowledge of the minimum construction standards and the proper operation of the pump rig. The licensed well driller or pump installer is responsible to ensure that a registered operator is adequately trained to meet these requirements. 4.3.4 State engineer provisions for issuing cease and desist orders (Red Tags) Construction Standards: The state engineer or staff of the Division of Water Rights may order that regulated work on a well cease if a field inspection reveals that the construction does not meet the minimum construction standards to the extent that the public interest might be adversely affected. Licensed Drilling Method: A cease work order may also be issued if the well driller is not licensed for the drilling method being used for the well construction. Incompetent Registered Operator: If, during a field inspection by the staff of the Division of Water Rights, it is determined that a registered operator in responsible charge does not meet these requirements, a state engineer's red tag (see Section 4.3.4) shall be placed on the drilling rig or pump rig and the drilling/pump operation shall be ordered to shut down. The order to cease work shall remain effective until a qualified person is available to perform the work. No licensee or registered operator on site: If, during a field inspection by the staff of the Division of Water Rights, it is determined that neither a licensee or registered operator are one BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 12 site when regulated well activity is occurring, the state engineer may order regulated well work to cease. General: The state engineer's order shall be in the form of a red tag which shall be attached to the drilling/pump rig. A letter from the state engineer shall be sent to the licensee to explain the sections of the administrative rules which were violated. The letter shall also explain the requirements that must be met before the order can be lifted. A licensee may appeal a Cease and Desist order by: submitting to the Division a written statement clearly and concisely stating the specific disputed facts, the supporting facts, and the relief sought; or requesting a hearing on the issue according to the provisions of R655-4-7. A Cease and Desist Order shall remain in force during the pendency of the appeal. 4.3.5 When required by the state engineer, the well driller or registered operator shall take lithologic samples at the specified intervals and submit them in the bags provided by the state engineer. 4.3.6 A copy of the current Administrative Rules for Water Wells should be available at each well construction site for review by the construction personnel. Licensed well drillers/pump installers and registered operators must have proof of licensure or registration with them on site during regulated well activity. 4.3.7 Prior to starting construction of a new well, the licensed driller shall investigate and become familiar with the drilling conditions, geology of potential aquifers and overlying materials, anticipated water quality problems, and know contaminated water bearing zones that may be encountered in the area of the proposed drilling activity. R655-4-4.4 Removing Drill Rig from Well Site. 4.4 Removing Drill Rig From Well Site. 4.4.1 A well driller shall not remove his drill rig from a well site unless the well drilling activity is properly completed or abandoned in accordance with the construction standards in Sections 9 thru 12. 4.4.2 For the purposes of these rules, the regulated work on a well will be considered completed when the well driller removes his drilling rig from the well site. The regulated pump work on a well will be considered completed when the pump installer removes his pump rig from the well site. 4.4.3 The well driller may request a variance from the state engineer to remove a drill rig from a well prior to completion or abandonment. This request must be in written form to the state engineer. The written request must provide justification for leaving the well incomplete or un- abandoned and indicate how the well will be temporarily abandoned as provided in Section R655-4-14 and must give the date when the well driller plans to continue work to either complete the well or permanently abandon it. R655-4-4. Official Well Driller’s Report (Well Logs) 4.5 Official Well Driller’s Report (Well Log) 4.5.1 Within 30 days of the completion of regulated work on any well, the driller shall file an official well driller's report (well log) with the state engineer. The blank well log form will be mailed to the licensed well driller upon receipt of the information on the Start Card as described in Subsection 4.2. 4.5.2 The water right number or non-production well number, owner name/address, and the approved location of the well will be preprinted on the blank well log provided to the well driller. The driller is required to verify this information and make any necessary changes on the well log prior to submittal. The state engineer will mark the approved activity (e.g., new, BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 13 replace, repair, deepen) on the well log. The driller must provide the following information on the well log: a. The start and completion date of work on the well; b. The nature of use for the well (e.g., domestic, irrigation, stock watering, commercial, municipal, provisional, monitor, cathodic protection, heat pump, etc.; c. The borehole diameter, depth interval, drilling method and drilling fluids utilized to drill the well; d. The lithologic log of the well based on strata samples taken from the borehole as drilling progresses; e. Static water level information to include date of measurement, static level, measurement method, reference point, artesian flow and pressure, and water temperature; f. The size, type, description, joint type, and depth intervals of casing, screen, and perforations; g. A description of the filter pack, surface and interval seal material, and packers used in the well along with necessary related information such as the depth interval, quantity, and mix ratio; h. A description of the finished wellhead configuration; i. The date and method of well development; j. The date, method, yield, drawdown, and elapsed time of a well yield test; k. A description of pumping equipment (if available); l. Other comments pertinent to the well activity completed; m. The well driller's statement to include the driller name, license number, signature, and date. 4.5.3 Accuracy and completeness of the submitted well log are required. Of particular importance is the lithologic section which should accurately reflect the geologic strata penetrated during the drilling process. Sample identification must be logged in the field as the borehole advances and the information transferred to the well log form for submission to the state engineer. 4.5.4 An amended well log shall be submitted by the licensed driller if it becomes known that the original report contained inaccurate or incorrect information, or if the original report requires supplemental data or information. Any amended well log must be accompanied by a written statement, signed and dated by the licensed well driller, attesting to the circumstances and the reasons for submitting the amended well log. R655-4-4.6 Official Well Abandonment Reports (Abandonment Logs) 4.6 Official Well Abandonment Reports (Abandonment Logs) 4.6.1 Whenever a well driller is contracted to replace an existing well under state engineer's approval, it shall be the responsibility of the well driller to inform the well owner that it is required by law to permanently abandon the old well in accordance with the provisions of Section R655-4-14. 4.6.2 Within 30 days of the completion of abandonment work on any well, the driller shall file an abandonment log with the state engineer. The blank abandonment log will be mailed to the licensed well driller upon notice to the state engineer of commencement of abandonment work as described in Subsection R655-4-4(4.2.5). 4.6.3 The water right number or non-production well number, owner name/address, and the well location (if available) will be preprinted on the blank abandonment log provided to the well driller. The driller is required to verify this information and make any necessary changes BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 14 on the abandonment log prior to submitting the log. The driller must provide the following information on the abandonment log: a. Existing well construction information; b. Date of abandonment; c. Reason for abandonment; d. A description of the abandonment method; e. A description of the abandonment materials including depth intervals, material type, quantity, and mix ratio; f. Replacement well information (if applicable); g. The well driller's statement to include the driller name, license number, signature, and date. 4.6.4 When a well is replaced and the well owner will not allow the driller to abandon the existing well, the driller must briefly explain the situation on the abandonment form and submit the form to the state engineer within 30 days of completion of the replacement well. R655-4-4.7 Official Pump Installation Report (Pump Logs) 4.7 Official Pump Installation Report (Pump Log). 4.7.1 Soon after the completion of regulated pump work on any well, the licensee shall file an official pump installation report (pump log) with the state engineer. If well disinfection is the only activity on a well, a pump log need not be filed with the state engineer. Blank pump log forms will be available to the licensee at any Division office, requested by mail, or downloaded from the Division's website (www.waterrights.utah.gov). 4.7.2 Pertinent information to be included on the pump log by the licensee shall consist of: a. The water right number or non-production well number; b. the well owner name and address; c. The approved point of diversion or location of the well; d. The start and completion date of work on the well; e. The nature of use for the well (e.g., domestic, irrigation, stock watering, commercial, municipal, provisional, monitor, cathodic protection, heat pump, etc.; f. Pertinent well details including casing diameters/depths, total well depth, well intake depth intervals, wellhead configuration including pitless adapter/unit configuration if applicable; g. A detailed description of pump-related work performed on or in the well including pump setting depth, pump type, pumping rate, valving, drop piping, jointing, capping, testing, sealing, disinfection, and pitless adapter/unit installation; h. Static water level information to include date of measurement, static level, measurement method, reference point, artesian flow and pressure, and water temperature; i. A description of the finished wellhead configuration; j. The date, method, yield, drawdown, and elapsed time of a well yield test; k. Other comments pertinent to the well activity completed; m. The pump installer's statement to include the licensee name, license number, signature, and date. R655-4-4.8 Incomplete or Incorrectly Completed Report 4.8 Incomplete or Incorrectly Completed Reports An incomplete log or a log that has not been completed correctly will be returned to the licensed well driller to be completed or corrected. The well log will not be considered filed with the state engineer until it is complete and correct. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 15 4.8 Extensions of Time The well driller may request an extension of time for filing the well log if there are circumstances which prevent the driller from obtaining the necessary information before the expiration of the 30 days. The extension request must be submitted in writing before the end of the 30-day period. R655-4-4.9 Late Well Logs – Lapsed License 4.9 Late Well Logs – Lapsed License All outstanding well logs or abandonment logs shall be properly submitted to the state engineer prior to the lapsing of a license. A person with a lapsed license who has failed to submit all well/abandonment logs within 90 days of lapsing will be subject to the state engineer's enforcement powers under Section 73-2-25 of the Utah Code (Related rules: Section R655-14 UAC) R655-4-10 General Requirements 10.1 Standards 10.1.1 In some locations, the compliance with the following minimum standards will not result in a well being free from pollution or from being a source of subsurface leakage, waste, or contamination of the groundwater resource. Since it is impractical to attempt to prepare standards for every conceivable situation, the well driller or pump installer shall judge when to construct or otherwise perform work on wells under more stringent standards when such precautions are necessary to protect the groundwater supply and those using the well in question. Other state and local regulations pertaining to well drilling and construction, groundwater protection, isolation distances (setbacks) from potential contamination sources and/or other structures/boundaries, and water quality/testing regulations may exist that are either more stringent than these rules or that specifically apply to a given situation. It is the licensee's responsibility to understand and apply other federal, state, and local regulations as applicable. R655-4-10.2 Well Site Locations 10.2 Well Site Locations. 10.2.1 Well site locations are described by course and distance from outside section corners or quarter corners (based on a Section/Township/Range Cadastral System) and by the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system (NAD83 Map Datum) on all state engineer authorizations to drill (Start Cards). However, the licensee should also be familiar with local zoning ordinances, or county boards of health requirements which may limit or restrict the actual well location and construction in relationship to property/structure boundaries and existing or proposed concentrated sources of pollution or contamination such as septic tanks, drain fields, sewer lines, stock corrals, feed lots, etc. The licensee should also be familiar with the Utah Underground Facilities Act (Title 54, Chapter 8a of the Utah Code Annotated 1953 as amended) which requires subsurface excavators (including well drilling) to notify operators of underground utilities prior to any subsurface excavation. Information on this requirement can be found by calling Blue Stakes Utility Notification Center at (800)662-4111. 10.2.2 Regulated wells shall be drilled at the approved location as defined on the valid start card. The driller shall check the drilling location to see if it matches the state- approved location listed on the Driller's Start Card. R655-4-10.3 Unusual Conditions BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 16 10.3.1 If unusual conditions occur at a well site and compliance with these rules and standards will not result in a satisfactory well or protection to the groundwater supply, a licensed water well driller or pump installer shall request that special standards be prescribed for a particular well (variance request). The request for special standards shall be in writing and shall set forth the location of the well, the name of the owner, the unusual conditions existing at the well site, the reasons and justification that compliance with the rules and minimum standards will not result in a satisfactory well, and the proposed standards that the licensee believes will be more adequate for this particular well. If the state engineer finds that the proposed changes are in the best interest of the public, the state engineer will approve the proposed changes by assigning special standards for the particular well under consideration. At the Division's discretion, the licensee applying for the variance may be required to provide additional technical information justifying the variance. The variance request will be evaluated, and a response will be given within fourteen days. In a public health emergency or other exceptional circumstance, verbal notification for a variance may be given. An emergency usually consists of a well failure resulting in a dry well or an unusable well. Driller convenience does not constitute an emergency. R655-4-11 Well Drilling and Construction Requirements 11.0 General 11.0.1 Figures 1 through 5 are used to illustrate typical well construction standards, and can be viewed in the State of Utah Water Well Handbook available at the Division of Water Rights, 1594 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Figure 1 illustrates the typical construction of a drilled well with driven casing such as a well drilled using the cable tool method or air rotary with a drill-through casing driver. Figure 2 illustrates the typical construction of a well drilled with an oversized borehole and/or gravel packed without the use of surface casing. Figure 3 illustrates the typical construction of a well drilled with an oversized borehole and/or gravel packed with the use of surface casing. Figure 4 illustrates the typical construction of a well drilled with an oversized borehole and/or gravel packed completed in stratified formations in which poor formation material or poor quality water is encountered. Figure 5 illustrates the typical construction of a well completed with PVC or nonmetallic casing. R655-4-11.1 Approved Products, Materials, and Procedures 11.1.1 Any product, material or procedure designed for use in the drilling, construction, cleaning, renovation, development pump installation/repair, or abandonment of water production or non-production wells, which has received certification and approval for its intended use by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) under ANSI/NSF Standard 60 or 61, the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) may be utilized. Other products, materials or procedures may also be utilized for their intended purpose upon manufacturers certification that they meet or exceed the standards or certifications referred to in this section and upon state engineer approval. R655-4-11.2 Well Casing - General 11.2 Well Casing - General 11.2.1 Drillers Responsibility. It shall be the sole responsibility of the well driller to determine the suitability of any type of well casing for the particular well being constructed, in accordance with these minimum requirements. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 17 11.2.2 Casing Stick-up. The well casing shall extend a minimum of 18 inches above finished ground (land) level and the natural ground surface should slope away from the casing. A secure sanitary, weatherproof mechanically secured cap/seal or a completely welded cap shall be placed on the top of the well casing to prevent contamination of the well. If a vent is placed in the cap, it shall be properly screened to prevent access to the well by debris, insects, or other animals. 11.2.3 Steel Casing. All steel casing installed in Utah shall be in new or like-new condition, being free from pits or breaks, clean with all potentially dangerous chemicals or coatings removed, and shall meet the minimum specifications listed in Table 6 of these rules. In order to utilize steel well casing that does not fall within the categories specified in Table 6, the driller shall receive written approval from the state engineer. All steel casing installed in Utah shall meet or exceed the minimum ASTM, ANSI, or AWWA standards for steel pipe as described in Subsection 11.1 unless otherwise approved by the state engineer. Applicable standards (most recent revisions) may include: ANSI/AWWA A100-AWWA Standard for Water Wells. ANSI/ASTM A53-Standard Specifications for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc- Coated, Welded and Seamless. ANSI/ASTM A139-Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (NPS 4 and over). ANSI/AWWA C200-Standard for Steel Water Pipe-6 in. and Larger. ASTM A589-89-Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Carbon Steel Water-Well Pipe. API Spec.5L and 5LS-Specification for Liner Pipe. ASTM A106-Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service ASTM A778-Standard Specifications for Welded, Unannealed Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubular Products. ASTM A252-Standard Specification for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe Piles. ASTM A312-Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes ASTM A409- Standard Specification for Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High-Temperature Service TABLE 6 MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR STEEL WELL CASING Depth Nominal Casing Diameter (in) 0 to 200 (ft) 200 to 300 (ft) 300 to 400 (ft) 400 to 500 (ft) 600 to 800 (ft) 800 to 1000 (ft) 1000 to 1500 (ft) 1500 to 2000 (ft) 2 .154 .154 .154 .154 .154 .154 ... ... 3 .216 .216 .216 .216 .216 .216 ... ... 4 .237 .237 .237 .237 .237 .237 .237 .237 5 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 6 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 8 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 10 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .313 .313 BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 18 12 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .313 .313 14 .250 .250 .250 .250 .313 .313 .313 .313 16 .250 .250 .313 .313 .313 .313 .375 .375 18 .250 .313 .313 .313 .375 .375 .375 .438 20 .250 .313 .313 .313 .375 .375 .375 .438 22 .313 .313 .313 .375 .375 .375 .375 .438 24 .313 .313 .375 .375 .375 .438 ... ... 30 .313 .375 .375 .438 .438 .500 ... ... Note: Minimum wall thickness in inches. For nominal casing diameters less than five (5) inches, the minimum wall thickness must be equivalent to ASTM Schedule 40. For any other casing diameter not addressed herein, prior approval by the state engineer is require. 0.250 = 1/4, 0.312 = 5/16, 0.375 = 3/8, 0.438 = 7/16. R655-4-11.2.4 Plastic and Other Non-metallic Casing 11.2.4 Plastic and Other Non-metallic Casing. Materials. PVC well casing and screen may be installed in Utah upon obtaining permission of the well owner. Other types of non-metallic casing or screen must be approved by the state engineer prior to installation. Plastic well casing and screen shall be manufactured and installed to conform with The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard F 480 (most recent version), which are incorporated by reference to these rules. Casing and screen meeting this standard is normally marked "WELL CASING" and with the ANSI/ASTM designation "F 480-, SDR-17 (or 13.5, 21, etc.)". All plastic casing and screen for use in potable water supplies shall be manufactured to be acceptable to the American National Standards Institute/National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) standard 61. Other types of plastic casings and screens may be installed upon manufacturers certification that such casing meets or exceeds the above described ASTM/SDR specification or ANSI/NSF approval and upon state engineer approval. Minimum Wall Thickness and Depth Requirements. PVC well casing and screen with a nominal diameter equal to or less than four (4) inches and for non-production well purposes shall meet the minimum wall thickness required under ASTM Standard F480-95 SDR 21 or a Schedule 40 designation. PVC well casing and screen use for water production well purposes with a nominal diameter equal to or less than four (4) inches shall meet the minimum wall thickness required under ASTM Standard F480-95 SDR 17 or a Schedule 80 designation. PVC well casing and screen with a nominal diameter greater than four (4) inches shall meet the minimum wall thickness required under ASTM Standard F480 (most recent version) SDR 17 or a Schedule 80 designation. Additionally, caution should be used whenever other than factory slots or perforations are added to PVC well casing. The installation of hand cut slots or perforations significantly reduces the collapse strength tolerances of unaltered casings. The depth at which plastic casing and screen is placed in a well shall conform to the minimum requirements and restrictions as outlined in ASTM Standard F-480 (most recent version) and to PVC casing manufacturer recommendations. Liner pipe does not need to meet these wall thickness requirements if it is placed inside of a casing that does meet these wall thickness requirements. Fiberglass Casing. Fiberglass reinforced plastic well casings and screens may be installed in wells upon obtaining permission of the well owner. All fiberglass casing or screens BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 19 installed in wells for use in potable water supplies shall be manufactured to be acceptable by ANSI/NSF Standard 61 and upon state engineer approval. Driving Non-metallic Casing. Non-metallic casing shall not be driven, jacked, or dropped and may only be installed in an oversized borehole. Protective Casing. If plastic or other non-metallic casing is utilized, the driller shall install a protective steel casing which complies with the provisions of Subsection 11.2.3 or an equivalent protective covering approved by the state engineer over and around the well casing at ground surface to a depth of at least two and one half (2.5) feet. If a pitless adapter is installed on the well, the bottom of the protective cover shall be placed above the pitless adapter/well connection. If the pitless adapter is placed in the protective casing, the protective casing shall extend below the pitless entrance in the well casing and be sealed both on the outside of the protective casing and between the protective casing and well casing. The protective cover shall be sealed in the borehole in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 11.4. The annular space between the protective cover and non-metallic casing shall also be sealed with acceptable materials in accordance with Subsection 11.4. A sanitary, weather-tight seal or a completely welded cap shall be placed on top of the protective cover, thus enclosing the well itself. If the sanitary seal is vented, screens shall be placed in the vent to prevent debris insects, and other animals from entering the well. This protective casing requirement does not apply to monitor wells. Figure 5 depicts this requirement. R655-4-11.3 Casing Joints 11.3 Casing Joints. 11.3.1 General. All well casing joints shall be made water tight. In instances in which a reduction in casing diameter is made, there shall be enough overlap of the casings to prevent misalignment and to insure the making of an adequate seal in the annular space between casings to prevent the movement of unstable sediment or formation material into the well, in addition to preventing the degradation of the water supply by the migration of inferior quality water through the annular space between the two casings. 11.3.2 Steel Casing. All steel casing shall be screw-coupled or welded. If the joints are welded, the weld shall meet American Welding Society standards and be at least as thick as the wall thickness of the casing and shall consist of at least two beads for the full circumference of the joint and be fully penetrating. Spot welding of joints is prohibited. 11.3.3 Plastic Casing. All plastic well casing shall be mechanically screw coupled, chemically welded, cam-locked or lug coupled to provide water tight joints as per ANSI/ASTM F480-95. Metal screws driven into casing joints shall not be long enough to penetrate the inside surface of the casing. Metal screws should be used only when surrounding air temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (F) which retards the normal setting of the cement. Solvent-welded joints shall not impart taste, odors, toxic substances, or bacterial contamination to the water in the well. R655-4-11.4 Surface Seals and Interval Seals Well Surface Seals and Interval Seals 11.4 Surface Seals and Interval Seals – General 11.4.1 General. Before the drill rig is removed from the drill site of a well, a surface seal shall be installed. Well casings shall be sealed to prevent the possible downward movement of contaminated surface waters in the annular space around the well casing. The seal shall also prevent the upward movement of artesian waters within the annular space around the well casing. Depending upon hydrogeologic conditions around the well, interval seals may need to be installed to prevent the movement of groundwater either upward or downward around the BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 20 well from zones that have been cased out of the well due to poor water quality or other reasons. The following surface and interval seal requirements apply equally to rotary drilled, cable tool drilled, bored, jetted, augered, and driven wells unless otherwise specified. 11.4.2 Seal Material. General. The seal material shall consist of neat cement grout, sand cement grout, unhydrated bentonite, or bentonite grout as defined in Section R655-4-2. Use of sealing materials other than those listed above must be approved by the state engineer. Bentonite drilling fluid (drilling mud), dry drilling bentonite, or drill cuttings are not an acceptable sealing material. In no case shall drilling fluid (mud), drill cuttings, drill chips, or puddling clay be used, or allowed to fill, partially fill, or fall into the required sealing interval of a well during construction of the well. The annular space to be grouted must be protected from collapse and the introduction of materials other than grout. All hydrated sealing materials (neat cement grout, sand cement grout, bentonite grout) shall be placed by tremie pipe, pumping, or pressure from the bottom of the seal interval upwards in one continuous operation when placed below a depth of 30 feet or when placed below static groundwater level. Neat cement and sand cement grouts must be allowed to cure a minimum of 24 hours before well drilling, construction, or testing may be resumed. Allowable setting times may be reduced or lengthened by use of accelerators or retardants specifically designed to modify setting time, at the approval of the state engineer. The volume of annular space in the seal interval shall be calculated by the driller to determine the estimated volume of seal material required to seal the annular space. The driller shall place at least the volume of material equal to the volume of annular space, thus ensuring that a continuous seal is placed. The driller shall maintain the well casing centered in the borehole during seal placement using centralizers or other means to ensure that the seal is placed radially and vertically continuous. Neat cement and sand cement grout shall not be used for surface or interval seals with PVC and other approved non- metallic casing unless specific state engineer approval is obtained. Bentonite Grout. Bentonite used to prepare grout for sealing shall have the ability to gel; not separate into water and solid materials after it gels; have a hydraulic conductivity or permeability value of 10E-7 centimeters per second or less; contain at least 20 percent solids by weight of bentonite, and have a fluid weight of 9.5 pounds per gallon or greater and be specifically designed for the purpose of sealing. In addition, if a bentonite grout is to be placed in the vadose zone (unsaturated interval), then clean rounded fine sand shall be added to the bentonite grout in order to increase the overall solids content and stabilize the grout from dehydrating and cracking in that interval. For 20% solids bentonite grout, at least 100 pounds of clean rounded fine sand shall be added. For 30% solids bentonite grout, at least 50 pounds of clean fine sand shall be added. Bentonite grout shall not be used for sealing intervals of fractured rock or sealing intervals of highly unstable material that could collapse or displace the sealing material, unless otherwise approved by the state engineer. Bentonite grout shall not be used as a sealing material where rapidly flowing groundwater might erode it. Bentonite or polymer drilling fluid (mud) does not meet the definition of a grout with respect to density, gel strength, and solids content and shall not be used for sealing purposes. At no time shall bentonite grout contain materials that are toxic, polluting, develop odor or color changes, or serve as a micro-bacterial nutrient. All bentonite grout shall be prepared and installed according to the manufacturer's instructions and these rules. All additives must be certified by a recognized certification authority such as NSF and approved by the state engineer. All bentonite used in any well shall be certified by NSF/ANSI approved standards for use in potable water supply wells, or equivalent standards as approved by the state engineer. Unhydrated Bentonite. Unhydrated bentonite (e.g., granular, tabular, pelletized, or chip bentonite) may be used in the construction of well seals above a depth of 50 feet. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 21 Unhydrated bentonite can be placed below a depth of 50 feet when placed inside the annulus of two casings, when placed using a tremie pipe, or by using a placement method approved by the state engineer. The bentonite material shall be specifically designed for well sealing and be within industry tolerances. All unhydrated bentonite used for sealing must be free of organic polymers and other contamination. Placement of bentonite shall conform to the manufacturer's specifications and instructions and result in a seal free of voids or bridges. Granular or powdered bentonite shall not be placed under water by gravity feeding from the surface. When placing unhydrated bentonite, a sounding or tamping tool shall be run in the sealing interval during pouring to measure fill-up rate, verify a continuous seal placement, and to break up possible bridges or cake formation. 11.4.3 Seal and Unperforated Casing Placement. General Seal Requirements. Figure 1 illustrates the construction of a surface seal for a typical well. The surface seal must be placed in an annular space that has a minimum diameter of four (4) inches larger than the nominal size of the permanent well casing (This amounts to a 2-inch annulus). The surface seal must extend from land surface to a minimum depth of 30 feet. The completed surface seal must fully surround the permanent well casing, must be evenly distributed, free of voids, and extend to undisturbed or recompacted soil. In unconsolidated formations such as gravels, sands, or other unstable conditions when the use of drilling fluid or other means of keeping the borehole open are not employed, either a temporary surface casing with a minimum depth of 30 feet and a minimum nominal diameter of four (4) inches greater than the outermost permanent casing shall be utilized to ensure proper seal placement or the well driller shall notify the state engineer's office that the seal will be placed in a potentially unstable open borehole without a temporary surface casing by telephone or FAX in conjunction with the start card submittal in order to provide an opportunity for the state engineer's office to inspect the placement of the seal. If a temporary surface casing is utilized, the surface casing shall be removed in conjunction with the placement of the seal. Alternatively, conductor casing may be sealed permanently in place to a depth of 30 feet with a minimum 2-inch annular seal between the surface casing and borehole wall. If the temporary surface casing is to be removed, the surface casing shall be withdrawn as sealing material is placed between the outer-most permanent well casing and borehole wall. The sealing material shall be kept at a sufficient height above the bottom of the temporary surface casing as it is withdrawn to prevent caving of the borehole wall. If the temporary conductor casing is driven in place without a 2-inch annular seal between the surface casing and borehole wall, the surface casing shall be removed. Specific state engineer approval must be obtained on a case-by-case basis for any variation of these requirements. Surface seals and unperforated casing shall be installed in wells located in unconsolidated formation such as sand and gravel with minor clay or confining units; unconsolidated formation consisting of stratified layers of materials such as sand, gravel, and clay or other confining units; and consolidated formations according to the following procedures. Unconsolidated Formation without Significant Confining Units. This includes wells that penetrate an aquifer overlain by unconsolidated formations such as sand and gravel without significant clay beds (at least six feet thick) or other confining formations. The surface seal must be placed in a 2-inch annular space to a minimum depth of 30 feet. Permanent unperforated casing shall extend at least to a depth of 30 feet and also extend below the lowest anticipated pumping level. Additional casing placed in the open borehole below the required depths noted above shall meet the casing requirements of Subsection 9.2 unless the casing is installed as a liner inside a larger diameter approved casing. Unconsolidated Formation with Significant Confining Units. This includes wells that penetrate an aquifer overlain by clay or other confining formations that are at least six (6) feet BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 22 thick. The surface seal must be placed in a 2-inch annular space to a minimum depth of 30 feet and at least five (5) feet into the confining unit above the water bearing formation. Unperforated casing shall extend from ground surface to at least 30 feet and to the bottom of the confining unit overlying the water bearing formation. If necessary to complete the well, a smaller diameter casing, liner, or well screen may be installed below the unperforated casing. The annular space between the two casings shall be sealed with grout, bentonite, or a mechanical packer. Additional casing placed in the open borehole below the required depths noted above shall meet the casing requirements of Subsection 11.2 unless the casing is installed as a liner inside a larger diameter approved casing. Consolidated Formation. This includes drilled wells that penetrate an aquifer, either within or overlain by a consolidated formation. The surface seal must be placed in a 2-inch annular space to a minimum depth of 30 feet and at least five (5) feet into competent consolidated formation. Unperforated permanent casing shall be installed to extend to a depth of at least 30 feet and the lower part of the casing shall be driven and sealed at least five (5) feet into the consolidated formation. If necessary to complete the well, a smaller diameter casing, liner, or well screen may be installed below the unperforated casing. The annular space between the two casings shall be sealed with grout, bentonite, or a mechanical packer. Additional casing placed in the open borehole below the required depths noted above shall meet the casing requirements of Subsection 11.2 unless the casing is installed as a liner inside a larger diameter approved casing. Sealing Artesian Wells. Unperforated well casing shall extend into the confining stratum overlying the artesian zone, and shall be adequately sealed into the confining stratum to prevent both surface and subsurface leakage from the artesian zone. If leaks occur around the well casing or adjacent to the well, the well shall be completed with the seals, packers, or casing necessary to eliminate the leakage. The driller shall not move the drilling rig from the well site until leakage is completely stopped, unless authority for temporary removal of the drilling rig is granted by the state engineer, or when loss of life or property is imminent. If the well flows naturally at land surface due to artesian pressure, the well shall be equipped with a control valve so that the flow can be completely stopped. The control valve must be available for inspection by the state engineer at all times. All flowing artesian water supply wells shall be tested for artesian shut-in pressure in pounds per square inch and rate of flow in cubic feet per second, or gallons per minute, under free discharge conditions. This data shall be reported on the well log. Exceptions: With state engineer approval, exceptions to minimum seal depths can be made for shallow wells where the water to be produced is at a depth less than 30 feet. In no case shall a surface seal extend to a total depth less than 10 feet below land surface. 11.4.4 Interval Seals. Formations containing undesirable materials (e.g., fine sand and silt that can damage pumping equipment and result in turbid water), contaminated groundwater, or poor quality groundwater must be sealed off so that the unfavorable formation cannot contribute to the performance and quality of the well. These zones, as well as zones with significantly differing pressures, must also be sealed to eliminate the potential of cross contamination or commingling between two aquifers of differing quality and pressure. Figure 4 illustrates this situation. Unless approved by the state engineer, construction of wells that cause the commingling or cross connection of otherwise separate aquifers is not allowed. 11.4.5 Other Sealing Methods. In wells where the above-described methods of well sealing do not apply, special sealing procedures can be approved by the state engineer upon written request by the licensed well driller. R655-4-11.5 Special Requirements for Oversized and Gravel Packed Wells BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 23 Gravel Pack or Filter Material 11.5 This section applies to wells in which casing is installed in an open borehole without driving or drilling in the casing and an annular space is left between the borehole wall and well casing (e.g., mud rotary wells, flooded reverse circulation wells, air rotary wells in open bedrock). 11.5.1 Oversized Borehole. The diameter of the borehole shall be at least four (4) inches larger than the outside diameter of the well casing to be installed to allow for proper placement of the gravel pack and/or formation stabilizer and adequate clearance for grouting and surface seal installations. In order to accept a smaller diameter casing in any oversized borehole penetrating unconsolidated or stratified formations, the annular space must be sealed in accordance with Subsection 11.4. In order to minimize the risk of: 1) borehole caving or collapse; 2) casing failure or collapse; or 3) axial distortion of the casing, it is required that the entire annular space in an oversized borehole between the casing and borehole wall be filled with formation stabilizer such as approved seal material, gravel pack, filter material or other state engineer-approved materials. Well casing placed in an oversized borehole should be suspended at the ground surface until all formation stabilizer material is placed in order to reduce axial distortion of the casing if it is allowed to rest on the bottom of an open oversized borehole. In order to accept a smaller diameter casing, the annular space in an oversized borehole penetrating unconsolidated formations (with no confining layer) must be sealed in accordance with Subsection 11.4 to a depth of at least 30 feet or from static water level to ground surface, whichever is deeper. The annular space in an oversized borehole penetrating stratified or consolidated formations must be sealed in accordance with Subsection 11.4 to a depth of at least 30 feet or five (5) feet into an impervious strata (e.g., clay) or competent consolidated formation overlying the water producing zones back to ground surface, whichever is deeper. Especially in the case of an oversized borehole, the requirements of Subsection 11.4.4 regarding interval sealing must be followed. 11.5.2 Gravel Pack or Filter Material. The gravel pack or filter material shall consist of clean, well-rounded, chemically stable grains that are smooth and uniform. The filter material should not contain more than 2% by weight of thin, flat, or elongated pieces and should not contain organic impurities or contaminants of any kind. In order to assure that no contamination is introduced into the well via the gravel pack, the gravel pack must be washed with a minimum 100 ppm solution of chlorinated water or dry hypochlorite mixed with the gravel pack at the surface before it is introduced into the well (see Table 7 of these rules for required amount of chlorine material). 11.5.3 Placement of Filter Material. All filter material shall be placed using a method that through common usage has been shown to minimize a) bridging of the material between the borehole and the casing, and b) excessive segregation of the material after it has been introduced into the annulus and before it settles into place. It is not acceptable to place filter material by pouring from the ground surface unless proper sounding devices are utilized to measure dynamic filter depth, evaluate pour rate, and minimize bridging and formation of voids. 11.5.4 No Surface Casing Used. If no permanent conductor casing is installed, neat cement grout, sand cement grout, bentonite grout, or unhydrated bentonite seal shall be installed in accordance with Subsection 11.4. Figure 2 of these rules illustrates the construction of a typical well of this type. 11.5.5 Permanent Conductor Casing Used. If permanent conductor casing is installed, it shall be unperforated and installed and sealed in accordance with Subsection 11.4 as depicted in Figure 3 of these rules. After the gravel pack has been installed between the conductor casing and the well casing, the annular space between the two casings shall be sealed by either BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 24 welding a water-tight steel cap between the two casings at land surface or filling the annular space between the two casings with neat cement grout, sand cement grout, bentonite grout, or unhydrated bentonite from at least 50 feet to the surface and in accordance with Subsection 11.4. If a hole will be created in the permanent conductor casing in order to install a pitless adapter into the well casing, the annual space between the conductor casing and well casing shall be sealed to at least a depth of thirty (30) feet with neat cement grout, sand cement grout, bentonite grout, or unhydrated bentonite. A waterproof cap or weld ring sealing the two casings at the surface by itself without the annular seal between the two casings is unacceptable when a pitless adapter is installed in this fashion. Moreover in this case, the annular space between the surface casing and well casing must be at least 2 inches in order to facilitate seal placement. 11.5.6 Gravel Feed Pipe. If a gravel feed pipe, used to add gravel to the gravel pack after well completion, is installed, the diameter of the borehole in the sealing interval must be at least four (4) inches in diameter greater than the permanent casing plus the diameter of the gravel feed pipe. The gravel feed pipe must have at least 2-inches of seal between it and the borehole wall. The gravel feed pipe must extend at least 18 inches above ground and must be sealed at the top with a watertight cap or plug (see Figure 2). 11.5.7 Other Gravel Feed Options. If a permanent surface casing or conductor casing is installed in the construction of a filter pack well, a watertight, completely welded, steel plate (weld ring) at least 3/16 of an inch in thickness shall be installed between the inner production casing and the outer surface/conductor casing at the wellhead. A watertight fill port with threaded cap may be installed for the purpose of placing additional filter pack material in the well. R655-4-11.6 Protection of the Aquifer 11.6 Protection of the Aquifer 11.6.1 Drilling Fluids and LCMs. The well driller shall take due care to protect the producing aquifer from clogging or contamination. Organic substances or phosphate-based substances shall not be introduced into the well or borehole during drilling or construction. Every effort shall be made to remove all substances and materials introduced into the aquifer or aquifers during well construction. "Substances and materials" shall mean all bentonite- and polymer- based drilling fluids, filter cake, and any other inorganic substances added to the drilling fluid that may seal or clog the aquifer. All polymers and additives used in any well shall be certified by NSF/ANSI approval standards for use in potable water supply wells, or equivalent standards as approved by the state engineer. The introduction of lost circulation materials (LCM's) during the drilling process shall be limited to those products which will not present a potential medium for bacterial growth or contamination. Only LCM's which are non-organic, which can be safely broken down and removed from the borehole, may be utilized. This includes, but is not limited to, paper/wood products, brans, hulls, grains, starches, hays/straws, and proteins. This is especially important in the construction of wells designed to be used as a public water system supply. All polymers and additives used in any well shall be certified by NSF/ANSI approval standards for use in potable water supply wells, or equivalent standards as approved by the Division. The product shall be clearly labeled as meeting these standards. Polymers and additives must be designed and manufactured to meet industry standards to be nondegrading and must not act as a medium which will promote growth of microorganisms. 11.6.2 Containment of Drilling Fluid. Drilling or circulating fluid introduced into the drilling process shall be contained in a manner to prevent surface or subsurface contamination and to prevent degradation of natural or man-made water courses or impoundments. Rules BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 25 regarding the discharges to waters of the state are promulgated under R317-8-2 of the Utah Administrative Code and regulated by the Utah Division of Water Quality (Tel. 801-536-6146). Pollution of waters of the state is a violation of the Utah Water Quality Act, Utah Code Annotated Title 19, Chapter 5. 11.6.3 Mineralized, Contaminated or Polluted Water. Whenever a water bearing stratum that contains nonpotable mineralized, contaminated or polluted water is encountered, the stratum shall be adequately sealed off so that contamination or co-mingling of the overlying or underlying groundwater zones will not occur (see Figure 4) Water bearing zones with differing pressures must also be isolated and sealed off in the well to avoid aquifer depletion, wasting of water, and reduction of aquifer pressures. 11.6.4 Down-hole Equipment. All tools, drilling equipment, and materials used to drill, repair, renovate, clean, or install a pump in a well shall be free of contaminants prior to beginning well construction or other in-well activity. Contaminants include lubricants, fuel, bacteria, etc. that will reduce the well efficiency, and any other item(s) that will be harmful to public health and/or the resource or reduce the life of the water well. It is recommended that excess lubricants placed on drilling equipment be wiped clean prior to insertion into the borehole. 11.6.5 Well Disinfection and Chlorination of Water. No contaminated or untreated water shall be placed in a well during construction. Water should be obtained from a chlorinated municipal system. Where this is not possible, the water must be treated to give at least 100 parts per million free chlorine residual. Upon completion of a well or work on a well, the driller or pump installer shall disinfect the well using accepted disinfection procedures to give at least 100 parts per million free chlorine residual equally distributed in the well water from static level to the bottom of the well. A chlorine solution designated for potable water use prepared with either calcium hypochlorite (powdered, granular, or tablet form) or sodium hypochlorite in liquid form shall be used for water well disinfection. Off-the-shelf chlorine compounds intended for home laundry use, pool or fountain use should not be used if they contain additives such as antifungal agents, silica ("Ultra" brands), scents, etc. Table 7 provides the amount of chlorine compound required per 100 gallons of water or 100 feet linear casing volume of water to mix a 100 parts per million solution. Disinfection situations not depicted in Table 7 must be approved by the state engineer. Additional recommendations and guidelines for water well system disinfection are available from the state engineer upon request. TABLE 6 AMOUNT OF CHLORINE COMPOUND FOR EACH 100 FEET OF WATER STANDING IN WELL (100 ppm solution) Well Diameter (inches) Ca-HyCLT* (25% HOCL) (ounces) Ca-HyCLT (65% HOCL) (ounces) Na-HyCLT** (12- trade %) (fluid ounces) Liquid CL*** (100% C12) (lbs) 2 1.00 0.50 3.5 0.03 4 3.50 1.50 7.0 0.06 6 8.00 3.00 16.0 0.12 8 14.50 5.50 28.0 0.22 10 22.50 8.50 45.0 0.34 12 32.50 12.00 64.0 0.50 14 44.50 16.50 88.0 0.70 16 58.00 26.00 112 0.88 20 90.50 33.00 179 1.36 BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 26 For Every 100 gal. of water add: 5.50 2.00 11.5 0.09 * Calcium Hypochlorite (solid) ** Sodium Hypochlorite (liquid) *** Liquid Chloride R655-4-11.7 Special Requirements 11.7.1 Explosives. Explosives used in well construction shall not be detonated within the section of casing designed or expected to serve as the surface seal of the completed well, whether or not the surface seal has been placed. If explosives are used in the construction of a well, their use shall be reported on the official well log. In no case shall explosives, other than explosive shot perforators specifically designed to perforate steel casing, be detonated inside the well casing or liner pipe. 11.7.2 Access Port. Every well shall be equipped with a usable access port so that the position of the water level, or pressure head, in the well can be measured at all times. 11.7.3 Completion or Abandonment. A licensed driller shall not remove his drill rig from a well site unless the well is completed or abandoned. Completion of a well shall include all surface seals, gravel packs or curbs required. Dry boreholes, or otherwise unsuccessful attempts at completing a well, shall be properly abandoned in accordance with Section R655-4-14. Upon completion, all wells shall be equipped with a watertight, tamper-resistant casing cap or sanitary seal. 11.7.4 Surface Security. If it becomes necessary for the driller to temporarily discontinue the drilling operation before completion of the well or otherwise leave the well or borehole unattended, the well and/or borehole must be covered securely to prevent contaminants from entering the casing or borehole and rendered secure against entry by children, vandals, domestic animals, and wildlife. 11.7.5 Pitless Adapters/Units. Pitless adapters or units are acceptable to use with steel well casing as long as they are installed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and specifications as well as meet the Water Systems Council Pitless Adapter Standard (PAS-97) which are incorporated herein by reference and are available from Water Systems Council, 13 Bentley Dr., Sterling, VA 20165, phone 703-430-6045, fax 703-430-6185 (watersystemscouncil.org). The pitless adaptor, including the cap or cover, casing extension, and other attachments, must be so designed and constructed to be secure, water tight, and to prevent contamination of the potable water supply from external sources. Pitless wellhead configurations shall have suitable access to the interior of the well in order to measure water level and for well disinfection purposes. Pitless configurations shall be of watertight construction throughout and be constructed of materials at least equivalent to and having wall thickness and strength compatible to the casing. Pitless adapters or units are not recommended to be mounted on PVC well casing. If a pitless adapter is to be used with PVC casing, it should be designed for use with PVC casing, and the driller should ensure that the weight of the pump and column do not exceed the strength of the PVC well casing. If it is known that a pitless adapter/unit will be installed on a well, a cement grout seal shall not be allowed within the pitless unit or pitless adaptor sealing interval as the well is being constructed. The pitless adapter or unit sealing interval shall be sealed with unhydrated bentonite as the well is constructed and before pitless installation. Upon pitless adapter/unit installation, the surface seal below the pitless connection shall be protected and maintained. After the pitless adapter/unit has been installed, the associated excavation around the well from the pitless connection to ground surface shall be backfilled and compacted with low permeability fill that BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 27 includes clay. The pitless adapter or unit, including the cap or cover, pitless case and other attachments, shall be designed and constructed to be watertight to prevent the entrance of contaminants into the well from surface or near-surface sources. 11.7.6 Hydraulic Fracturing. The hydraulic fracturing pressure shall be transmitted through a drill string and shall not be transmitted to the well casing. Hydraulic fracturing intervals shall be at least 20 feet below the bottom of the permanent casing of a well. All hydraulic fracturing equipment shall be thoroughly disinfected with a 100 part per million chlorine solution prior to insertion into the well. The driller shall include the appropriate hydraulic fracturing information on the well log including methods, materials, maximum pressures, location of packers, and initial/final yields. In no case shall hydrofacturing allow commingling of waters within the well bore. Clean sand or other material (propping agents) approved by the Division may be injected into the well to hold the fractures open when pressure is removed. 11.7.7 Static Water Level, Well Development, and Well Yield. To fulfill the requirements of Subsection R655-4-4.5.2, new wells designed to produce water shall be developed to remove drill cuttings, drilling mud, or other materials introduced into the well during construction and to restore the natural groundwater flow to the well to the extent possible. After a water production well is developed, a test should be performed to determine the rate at which groundwater can be reliably produced from the well. Following development and testing, the static water level in the well should also be measured. Static water level, well development information, and well yield information shall be noted on the official submittal of the Well Log by the well driller. 11.7.8 Packers. Packers shall be of a material that will not impart taste, odor, toxic substances or bacterial contamination to the water in the well. 11.7.9 Screens. Screens must be constructed of corrosion-resistant material and sufficiently strong to withstand stresses encountered during and after installation. Screen slot openings, screen length, and screen diameter should be sized and designed to provide sufficient open area consistent with strength requirements to transmit sand-free water from the well. Screens should be installed so that exposure above pumping level will not occur. 11.7.10 Openings in the Casing. There shall be no opening in the casing wall between the top of the casing and the bottom of the required casing seal except for pitless adapters, measurement access ports, and other approved openings installed in conformance with these standards. In no case shall holes be cut in the casing wall for the purpose of lifting or lowering casing into the well bore unless such holes are properly welded closed and watertight prior to placement into the well bore. 11.7.11 Casing vents. If a well requires venting, it must terminate in a down-turned position at least 18-inches above ground (land) level, at or above the top of the casing or pitless unit and be covered with a 24 mesh corrosion-resistant screen. R655-4-12.1.2 Public Water Supply Wells 12.1.2 Public Water Supply Wells. Public water supply wells are subject to the minimum construction standards outlined in Section R655-4-11 in addition to the requirements established by the Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water under Rules R309-515 and R309-600. Rules and requirements in R309-515 and R309-600 are regulated by the Division of Drinking Water and not by the Division of Water Rights and may include a preliminary evaluation report related to drinking water source protection, well plan and specification review and approval, and mandatory grout seal inspection (The Division of Drinking Water should be contacted to determine specific and current rules and requirements). BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 28 R655-4-13 Deepening, Rehabilitation, and Renovation of Wells This provision is not applicable to the project. 13.1 Sealing of Casing. 13.1.1 If in the repair of a drilled well, the old casing is withdrawn, the well shall be recased and resealed in accordance with the rules provided in Subsection R655-4-11(11.4). 13.2 Inner Casing. 13.2.1 If an inner casing is installed to prevent leakage of undesirable water into a well, the space between the two well casings shall be completely sealed using packers, casing swedging, pressure grouting, etc., to prevent the movement of water between the casings. 13.3 Outer Casing. 13.3.1 If the "over-drive" method is used to eliminate leakage around an existing well, the casing driven over the well shall meet the minimum specifications listed in Subsection R655-4- 11(11.4). 13.4 Artesian Wells. 13.4.1 If upon deepening an existing well, an artesian zone is encountered, the well shall be cased and completed as provided in Subsection R655-4-11(11.4). 13.5 Drilling in a Dug Well. 13.5.1 A drilled well may be constructed through an existing dug well provided that: Unperforated Casing Requirements. An unperforated section of well casing extends from a depth of at least ten (10) feet below the bottom of the dug well and at least 20 feet below land surface to above the maximum static water level in the dug well. Seal Required. A two foot thick seal of neat cement grout, sand cement grout, or bentonite grout is placed in the bottom of the dug well so as to prevent the direct movement of water from the dug well into the drilled well. Test of Seal. The drilled well shall be pumped or bailed to determine whether the seal described in Subsection R655-4-13( is adequate to prevent movement of water from the dug well into the drilled well. If the seal leaks, additional sealing and testing shall be performed until a water tight seal is obtained. 13.6 Well Rehabilitation and Cleaning. 13.6.1 Tools used to rehabilitate or clean a well shall be cleaned, disinfected, and free of contamination prior to placement in a well. 13.6.2 The driller shall use rehabilitation and cleaning tools properly so as not to permanently damage the well or aquifer. If the surface seal is damaged or destroyed in the process of rehabilitation or cleaning, the driller shall repair the surface seal to the standards set forth in Subsection R655-4-11(11.4). 13.6.3 Debris, sediment, and other materials displaced inside the well and surrounding aquifer as a result of rehabilitation or cleaning shall be completely removed by pumping, bailing, well development, or other approved methods. 13.6.4 Detergents, chlorine, acids, or other chemicals placed in wells for the purpose of increasing or restoring yield, shall be specifically designed for that purpose and used according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 13.6.5 Any renovation, rehabilitation, cleaning, or other work on a well that requires alteration of the well itself shall be conducted by a licensed well driller. 13.6.6 Following completion of deepening, renovation, rehabilitation, cleaning, or other work on a well, the well shall be properly disinfected in accordance with Subsection R655-4- 11(11.6.5). R655-4-14 Abandonment of Wells BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 29 14.1 Temporary Abandonment. 14.1.1 When any well is temporarily removed from service, the top of the well shall be sealed with a tamper resistant, water-tight cap or seal. If a well is in the process of being drilled and is temporarily abandoned, the well shall be sealed with a tamper resistant, water-tight cap or seal and a surface seal installed in accordance with Subsection R655-4-11(11.4). The well may be temporarily abandoned during construction for a maximum of 90 days. After the 90 day period, the temporarily abandoned well shall be completed as a well that meets the standards of Section 11 or permanently abandoned in accordance with the following requirements, and an official well abandonment report (abandonment log) must be submitted in compliance with Section R655-4-4. 14.2 Permanent Abandonment. 14.2.1 The rules of this section apply to the abandonment of the type of wells listed in Subsection R655-4-1(1.2) including private water wells, public supply wells, monitor wells, cathodic protection wells, and heating or cooling exchange wells. A licensed driller shall notify the state engineer prior to commencing abandonment work of an existing well and submit a complete and accurate abandonment log following abandonment work in accordance with Section R655-4-4 of these rules. Prior to commencing abandonment work, the driller shall obtain a copy of the well log of the well proposed to be abandoned from the well owner or the state engineer, if available, in order to determine the proper abandonment procedure. Any well that is to be permanently abandoned shall be completely filled from bottom to top in a manner to prevent vertical movement of water within the borehole as well as preventing the annular space surrounding the well casing from becoming a conduit for possible contamination of the groundwater supply. A well driller who wishes to abandon a well in a manner that does not comply with the provisions set forth in this section must request approval from the state engineer. 14.3 License Required. 14.3.1 Well abandonment shall be accomplished under the direct supervision of a currently licensed water well driller who shall be responsible for verification of the procedures and materials used. 14.4 Acceptable Materials. 14.4.1 Neat cement grout, sand cement grout, unhydrated bentonite, or bentonite grout in accordance with Section R655-4-11.4 shall be used to abandon wells and boreholes. Other sealing materials or additives, such as fly ash, may be used in the preparation of grout upon approval of the state engineer. Drilling mud or drill cuttings shall not be used as any part of a sealing materials for well abandonment. The liquid phase of the abandonment fluid shall be water from a potable municipal system or disinfected in accordance with Subsection R655-4- 11(11.6.5). 14.5 Placement of Materials. 14.5.1 Neat cement and sand cement grout shall be introduced at the bottom of the well or required sealing interval and placed progressively upward to the top of the well. The sealing material shall be placed by the use of a grout pipe, tremie line, dump bailer or equivalent in order to avoid freefall, bridging, or dilution of the sealing materials or separation of aggregates from sealants. Sealing material shall not be installed by freefall (gravity) unless the interval to be sealed is dry and no deeper than 30 feet below ground surface. If the well to be abandoned is a flowing artesian well, the well may be pressure grouted from the surface. The well should be capped immediately after placement of seal materials to allow the seal material to set up and not flow out of the well. 14.5.2 Bentonite-based abandonment products shall be mixed and placed according to manufacturer's recommended procedures and result in a seal free of voids or bridges. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 30 Granular or powered bentonite shall not be placed under water. When placing unhydrated bentonite, a sounding or tamping tool shall be run in the sealing interval during pouring to measure fill-up rate, verify a continuous seal placement, and to break up possible bridges or cake formation. 14.5.3 If seal material settlement occurs during placement and set up, the top of the abandoned well casing or borehole shall be topped off with approved sealing material until the seal top remains at the natural ground surface. 14.5.4 Abandonment materials placed opposite any non-water bearing intervals or zones shall be at least as impervious as the formation or strata prior to penetration during the drilling process. 14.5.5 Prior to well or borehole abandonment, all pump equipment, piping, and other debris shall be removed to the extent possible. The well shall also be sounded immediately before it is plugged to make sure that no obstructions exist that will interfere with the filling and sealing. If the well contains lubricating oil that has leaked from a turbine shaft pump, it shall be removed from the well prior to abandonment and disposed of in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations. 14.5.6 Verification shall be made that the volume of sealing and fill material placed in a well during abandonment operations equals or exceeds the volume of the well or borehole to be filled and sealed. 14.6 Termination of Casing. 14.6.1 The casings of wells to be abandoned shall be severed to the natural ground surface or deeper if necessitated by development of the area. If the casing is severed below ground surface, compacted native material shall be placed above the abandoned well upon completion. 14.7 Abandonment of Artesian Wells. 14.7.1 A neat cement grout, sand-cement grout, or concrete plug shall be placed in the confining stratum overlying the artesian zone so as to prevent subsurface leakage from the artesian zone. The remainder of the well shall be filled with sand-cement grout, neat cement grout, bentonite abandonment products, or bentonite grout. The uppermost ten (10) feet of the well shall be abandoned as required in Subsection R655-4-14(14.5.3). 14.8 Abandonment of Drilled and Jetted Wells. 14.8.1 A neat cement grout or sand cement grout plug shall be placed opposite all perforations, screens or openings in the well casing. The remainder of the well shall be filled with cement grout, neat cement, bentonite abandonment products, concrete, or bentonite slurry. The uppermost ten feet of the well shall be abandoned as required in Subsection R655-4- 14(14.5.3). 14.9 Abandonment of Gravel Packed Wells. 14.9.1 All gravel packed wells shall be pressure grouted throughout the perforated or screened section of the well. The remainder of the well shall be filled with sand cement grout, neat cement grout, bentonite abandonment products, or bentonite grout. If gravel pack extends above or below the perforated/screened interval in the annular space between the casing and borehole wall, additional perforations in that blank interval of casing shall be required. The uppermost ten feet of the well shall be abandoned as required in Subsection R655-4-14(14.5.3). 14.10 Removal of Casing. 14.10.1 Where possible, it is recommended that the well casing be removed during well abandonment, and when doing so, the abandonment materials shall be placed from the bottom of the well or borehole progressively upward as the casing is removed. The well shall be sealed with sand cement grout, neat cement grout, bentonite abandonment products, or bentonite grout. In the case of gravel packed wells, the entire gravel section shall be pressure grouted. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 31 The uppermost ten feet of the well shall be abandoned as required in Subsection R655-4- 14(14.5.3). 14.11 Replacement Wells. 14.11.1 Wells which are to be removed from operation and replaced by the drilling of a new well under an approved replacement application, shall be abandoned in a manner consistent with the provisions of Section R655-4-14 before the rig is removed from the site of the newly constructed replacement well, unless written authorization to remove the rig without abandonment is provided by the state engineer. Also refer to the requirements provided in Subsection R655-4-4(4.4). 14.12 Abandonment of Cathodic Protection Wells. 14.12.1 The general requirements for permanent well abandonment in accordance with Section R655-4-14 shall be followed for the abandonment of cathodic protection wells. 14.12.2 A cathodic protection well shall be investigated before it is destroyed to determine its condition, details of its construction and whether conditions exist that will interfere with filling and sealing. 14.12.3 Casing, cables, anodes, granular backfill, conductive backfill, and sealing material shall be removed as needed, by re-drilling, if necessary, to the point needed to allow proper placement of abandonment material. Casing that cannot be removed shall be adequately perforated or punctured at specific intervals to allow pressure injection of sealing materials into granular backfill and all other voids that require sealing. R655-4-4 Well Driller Requirements Well Videotaping Well videotaping is required for the project. R655-4-15 Monitor Well Construction Standards This provision is not applicable to the project. 15.2 Installation and Construction. 15.2.1 Materials and Equipment Contaminant-Free. All material used in the installation of monitor wells shall be contaminant-free when placed in the ground. Drilling equipment shall be clean and contaminant free in accordance with Subsection R655-4-11(11.6.4). During construction contaminated water should not be allowed to enter contaminant-free geologic formations or water bearing zones. 15.2.2 Borehole Integrity. Some minor cross-contamination may occur during the drilling process, but the integrity of the borehole and individual formations must then be safeguarded from permanent cross connection. 15.2.3 Casing and Screen. The well casing should be perforated or screened and filter packed with sand or gravel where necessary to provide adequate sample collection at depths where appropriate aquifer flow zones exist. The casing and screen selected shall not affect or interfere with the chemical, physical, radiological, or biological constituents of interest. Screens in the same well shall not be placed across separate water bearing zones in order to minimize interconnection, aquifer commingling, and cross contamination. Screens in a nested well can be placed in separate water bearing zones as long as the intervals between the water bearing zones are appropriately sealed and aquifer cross connection and commingling does not occur. Monitor well casing and screen shall conform to ASTM standards, or consist of at least 304 or 316 stainless steel, PTFE (Teflon), or Schedule 40 PVC casing. 15.2.4 Gravel/Filter Pack. If installed, the gravel or filter pack should generally extend two (2) feet to ten (10) feet above screened or perforated areas to prevent the migration of the sealing material from entering the zones being sampled. Gravel or filter pack material shall meet the BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 32 requirements of Subsection R655-4-11(11.5.2). Gravel/filter pack for monitoring wells does not require disinfection. Drill cutting should not be placed into the open borehole annulus. The well driller shall ensure that a bridge or voids do not occur in the annular space during the placement of the gravel pack by means of a sounding device or other mechanism. 15.2.5 Annular Seal. All monitor wells constructed shall have a continuous surface seal, which seals the annular space between the borehole and the permanent casing, in accordance with the provisions in Section R655-4-11. The surface seal depth requirements of Section R655-4- 11 do not apply to monitor wells. The surface seal may be more or less than 50 feet depending on the screen/perforation and/or gravel pack interval. Seals shall also be constructed to prevent interconnection and commingling of separate aquifers penetrated by the well, prevent migration of surface water and contaminations into the well and aquifers, and shall provide casing stability. The seal shall have a minimum diameter of four inches larger than the nominal size of the permanent casing, and shall extend from land surface to the top of the filter pack. After the permanent casing and filter pack (optional) has been set in final position, a layer of bentonite or fine sand (e.g., mortar sand) shall be placed on top of the filter pack to maintain separation between the seal material and the screened interval in order to insure that the seal placement will not interfere with the filter pack. The remaining annular space shall be filled to land surface in a continuous operation with unhydrated bentonite, neat cement grout, sand- cement grout, or bentonite grout. Only potable water should be used to hydrate any grout or slurry mixture. The completed annular space shall fully surround the permanent casing, be evenly distributed, free of voids, and extend from the permanent casing to undisturbed or recompacted soil. All sealing materials and placement methods shall conform to the standards in Section R655-4-2 and Subsection R655-4-11(11.4). The well driller shall ensure that a bridge or voids do not occur in the annular space during the placement of the seal. 15.2.6 Cuttings, Decon Water, Development Water, and Other IDW. Drill cuttings, decontamination (Decon) water, monitor well development water, and other investigation derived waste (IDW) shall be managed and disposed of in accordance with applicable state and federal environmental regulations. It is the responsibility of the driller to know and understand such requirements. 15.3 Minimum Surface Protection Requirements. 15.3.1 If a well is cased with metal and completed above ground surface, a locking water resistant cap shall be installed on the top of the well. 15.3.2 If the well is not cased with metal and completed above ground surface, a protective metal casing shall be installed over and around the well. The protective casing shall be cemented at least two feet into the ground around the nonmetallic casing. A water tight cap shall be installed in the top of the well casing. A locking cap shall be installed on the top of the protective casing. 15.3.3 Monitor wells completed above ground and potentially accessible to vehicular damage shall be protected in the following manner. At least three metal posts, at least three inches in diameter, shall be cemented in place around the casing. Each post shall extend at least three feet above and two feet below ground surface. A concrete pad may be installed to add protection to the surface completion. If installed, the concrete pad shall be at least four (4) inches thick and shall slope to drain away from the well casing. The base shall extend at least two (2) feet laterally in all directions from the outside of the well boring. When a concrete pad is used, the well seal may be part of the concrete pad. 15.3.4 If the well is completed below land surface, a water tight cap with a lock shall be attached to the top of the well casing. A metal monument or equivalent shall be installed over and around the well. The monument shall serve as a protective cover and be installed level with the land surface and be equipped with a waterproof seal to prevent inflow of any water or BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 33 contaminants. Drains will be provided, when feasible, to keep water out of the well and below the well cap. The monument and cover must be designed to withstand the maximum expected load. 15.4 Abandonment. 15.4.1 Abandonment of monitor wells shall be completed in compliance with the provisions of Section R655-4-14. The provisions of Section R655-4-14 are not required for the permanent abandonment of monitor wells completed at a depth of 30 feet below natural ground surface. R655-4-16. Pump Installation and Repair. 16.1 Pump installation practices. All pump installations shall be completed in such a manner as to prevent waste and contamination of groundwater by pollution material entering the well from pumping equipment, casing connectors, fittings, piping, sanitary seals or caps. 16.2 Surface Seal. If in the process of pump installation or repair, the well's surface seal is disturbed or damaged, it shall be repaired and resealed in accordance with the standards provided in Subsection R655-4-11(11.4). 16.3 Tools, Equipment, and Materials. Down-hole tools and equipment used in performance of pump installation and repair shall be cleaned, disinfected, and free of contamination prior to placement in a well. All tools, drilling equipment, and materials used to drill a well shall be free of contaminants prior to beginning pump-related work. Contaminants include lubricants, fuel, bacteria, etc. that will reduce the well efficiency, and any other item(s) that will be harmful to public health and/or the resource or reduce the life of the water well. It is recommended that excess lubricants placed on equipment be wiped clean prior to insertion into the well. Thread Compounds, Sealants, and Lubricants must not exceed the maximum contaminant levels for chemicals, taste, and odor. The licensee shall use pump-related tools and equipment properly so as not to permanently damage the well or aquifer. 16.4 Disinfection. Following completion of pump installation and repair work on a well, the well, pump, and in-well discharge piping shall be properly disinfected in accordance with Subsection R655-4-11(11.6.5). 16.5. Product, material, and Process Standards. Any product, material or procedure designed for use related to pump installation and repair of water production or non-production wells, which has received certification and approval for its intended use by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) under ANSI/NSF Standard 60 or 61, the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) may be utilized. Other products, materials or procedures may also be utilized for their intended purpose upon manufacturers certification that they meet or exceed the standards or certifications referred to in this section and upon state engineer approval. Organic substances shall not be introduced into the well or borehole during pump installation and repair work. 16.6 Surface Completions. Pump installers shall leave the well surface completion upon completion of pump installation/repair work in accordance with the standards in Subsection R655-4-11 as it pertains to casing stick up, steel/PVC casing extensions, sanitary capping and venting, and protective casings. Upon completion, all wells shall be equipped with a watertight, tamper-resistant casing cap or sanitary seal. 16.7 Flowing Artesian Wells. In accordance with Subsection R655-4-11(, artesian wells that flow naturally at the surface, the well shall be equipped with a control valve so that the flow can be completely stopped. The control valve must be available for inspection by the state engineer at all times. BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 34 16.8 Seals Between Casings. If the well is constructed of multiple casing strings at or near the ground surface and if a pitless adapter/unit is installed, the standards of Subsection R655-4- 11(11.5.5) shall be employed to ensure proper sealing between casings is maintained. 16.9 Water Level and Flow Measurement. Following pump installation and repair work, the well shall be left in such a manner to allow for access to water level measurements in accordance with R655-4-11(11.7.2). After pump installation and repair work is completed on a well, the static water level should be measured after which a test should be performed to determine the rate at which groundwater can be reliably produced from the well. Pumping water level should be measured and recorded during this test. Static water level and well testing information shall be noted on the official submittal of the Pump Log by the pump installer or well driller. 16.10 Surface Security. If it becomes necessary for the pump installer to temporarily discontinue operation on a well before completion or otherwise leave the well unattended, the well must be covered securely to prevent contaminants from entering the casing and rendered secure against entry by children, vandals, domestic animals, and wildlife. 16.11 Above-grade connections. An above-grade connection into the top or side of a well casing shall be at least eighteen inches (18") above the land surface and shall be constructed so as to exclude dirt or other foreign matter by at least one of the following methods, as may be applicable: (A) Threaded connection; (B) Welded connection; (C) Expansion sealer; (D) Bolted flanges with rubber gaskets; (E) Overlapping well cap; or (F) If a water well pump is mounted or sealed on a concrete pedestal, the casing shall extend at least to the top of the pedestal and at least eighteen inches (18") above the land surface. 16.12 Pitless Connections. Pitless adapters and units shall be installed in accordance with the standards set forth in Subsection R655-4-11(11.7.5). Pitless adapters shall be installed below the frost line. A below-ground connection shall not be submerged in water at the time of installation. Holes cut in the casing through which the pitless adapters are installed must be sized and constructed so as to guarantee a watertight seal with the pitless adapter in place. 16.13 Backflow Protection. When a check valve or foot valve is not a part of the pump, a check valve or back-siphon prevention device shall be installed on the pump discharge line within the well or beyond the well to eliminate the opportunity for contaminated water to backflush into the well. Such device must be designed to direct or isolate the water flow to prevent water in the distribution line from running back down the well during removal or repair to the pump and pumping equipment. When a flow meter is installed on a well the meter must be located downstream from the backflow preventer and be placed in accordance with manufacturer spacing specifications. 16.14 Hand Pumps. Hand pumps shall be of the force type equipped with a packing gland around the pump rod, a delivery spout which is closed and downward directed, and a one-piece bell- type base which is part of the pump stand or is attached to the pump column in a watertight manner. The bell base of the pump shall be bolted with a gasket to a flange which is securely attached to the casing or pipe sleeve. 16.15 Pumping Water Level. In a screened or perforated well, the well pump setting and suction inlet shall be located so that the pumping level of the water cannot be drawn below the top of the screen. 16.16 Pump and Column/Drop Pipe Removal. During any repair or installation of a water well pump, the licensed installer shall make a reasonable effort to maintain the integrity of ground BC&A STOCKTON TOWN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATORY CITATIONS OLD TANK WELL PROJECT ATTACHMENT C PAGE - 35 water and to prevent contamination by elevating the pump column and fittings, or by other means suitable under the circumstances. KEY: water wells, pump installers, well drillers license Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: April 9, 2018 Notice of Continuation: August 1, 2014 Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 73-3 APPENDIX D WELL DRILLING FACT SHEET REGARDING DISCHARGE Fact Sheet Regarding Water Discharges From Water Well Drilling and Operation Prepared by: Utah Division of Water Quality Updated July 2002 Background: Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R317-8-2 requires a UPDES discharge permit for the discharge of pollutants from any point source into waters of the State. A point source is defined as “any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, from which pollutants are or may be discharged.” Through the use of various drilling methods and reasonable best management practices, water well drilling generally can be conducted such that no discharge occurs or that only de minimis (insignificant) amounts of pollutants would be released into waters of the State. As such, it has been the policy of the Division of Water Quality to not require water well drilling operations to obtain a discharge permit as long as they do not discharge or discharge de minimis amounts of pollutants. There may be circumstances where a discharge permit is necessary or desired by the well driller or owner. However, because a discharge permit can take several months to issue, requires payment of a permit fee, and because the permit would contain specific enforceable effluent quality limits and frequent self-monitoring and reporting requirements, it is highly recommended that all options to avoid discharge or attain the de minimis discharge be explored before pursuing an individual discharge permit. Best Management Practices (BMP’s) The goal of BMP implementation is to avoid discharge or, if this is not practicable, to obtain a de minimis pollutant discharge during any phase of well development. The primary pollutants of concern are total suspended solids and turbidity in the form of drill cuttings and muds. Occasionally chemicals such as surfactants are used during the drilling operation. It is the responsibility of the operator and/or owner to assure that BMP’s are properly installed and operated in order to contain all fluids or to produce a de minimis pollutant discharge to waters of the State. Some BMP’s are indicated below: 1. Drill pits or ponds of adequate size for total containment of all fluids containing drill cuttings, surfactants and associated chemicals. 2. Pits or ponds used for settling; followed by filter cloth and/or straw bales which can be used for filtration prior to fluids entering surface waters of the state. 3. Land application of produced waters during drilling, pump testing, and well development where no discharge would occur to waters of the State. 4. Land application where sufficient filtration through vegetation removes solids and turbidity before water is diffused and enters any surface waters. 5. Other sediment and turbidity reduction treatment such as frac tanks, cyclone separators, etc. Pollution of waters of the state is a violation of the Water Quality Act, UCA 19-5, which provides for significant monetary penalties, and additional penalties for violations that are willful or caused by gross negligence. If you have any concerns not covered in this fact sheet or any further questions, please contact: Mike Herkimer Jim Goddard (801) 538-6058 (801) 538-7314 Division of Water Quality Division of Water Rights 288 North 1460 West 1594 West North Temple, Suite 220 P.O. Box 144870 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4870 MHERKIME\WP\FACTSHEETWELLDRILL3.wpd