HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-010720Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov> Town Well 26009 WS002 updated DWSP plan review 2 messages Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov>Mon, May 6, 2024 at 2:13 PMTo: clintallen2016@yahoo.comCc: Deidre Beck <dbeck@utah.gov>, Melissa Noble <mnoble@utah.gov> Hi Clint, I'm in the process of reviewing the updated DWSP plan for the Town Well, received by the Division on December 5, 2022. This updated plan lacks documentation and information on implementation. Before I can concur the following needs to be addressed: The Town Well (WS002) has several uncontrolled potential contamination sources (PCSs). Wallsburg Town Water System agreed to use public education to manage these uncontrolled PCSs. These PCSs include residential homes, septic systems, fuel storage tanks, active/abandoned wells, and animal feeding operations. I've attached a page from the original DWSP plan that lists the management strategies the system agreed to implement for these PCSs. For me to be able to concur with theupdated plan I will need you to update sections 7 and 9 to show that the system distributed public education in the last six years. I also attached the updated DWSP planfrom 2017. This prior plan successfully documented implementation and should be used as a reference for what information is missing. If the system has not distributed public education material to all uncontrolled PCSs since 2017, this must be done as soon as possible. Supporting documentation must be provided for me to approve the update. Implementation must be done at least once every update cycle (six years). Most systems have not been implementing their plans so plan implementation is now enforced since the re-enactment of the IPS rule in January of 2020. Lack of plan implementation is considered a significant deficiency and could result in 25 Improvement Priority Points being assigned for failure to comply. As a courtesy, I can provide 90 days from the date of this email to addressthis issue, before I draft a formal disapproval letter. The Town Well was approved for a susceptibility monitoring reduction waiver in 2018. Waivers need to be renewed every six years to remain active. Please sign and date the attached susceptibility waiver if you would like to keep the reduced monitoring schedule. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Noah Zorsky, PG Environmental Scientist II | Division of Drinking Water P: (385) 707-7317 drinkingwater.utah.gov M: (385) 707-7317 nzorsky@utah.gov drinkingwater.utah.gov 3 attachments Susceptibility Waiver.pdf56K 26009 WS002 mgt strat.pdf272K DDW-2017-000591 - 0901a0688069e528.pdf8702K Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov>Tue, Aug 6, 2024 at 3:26 PM To: troy.wallsburg.town@gmail.com Hi Troy, This email requesting corrections to Wallsburg's updated DWSP plan was originally sent to Clint Allen in May. I believe he was the person who submitted the latest updated plan. I have not heard back and realized I forgot to include you in the email. Can you please address the issues described? I can provide additional time. Thanks Noah Zorsky, PG Environmental Scientist II | Division of Drinking Water | Source Protection P: (385) 707-7317 drinkingwater.utah.gov M: (385) 707-7317 nzorsky@utah.gov drinkingwater.utah.gov [Quoted text hidden] 3 attachments Susceptibility Waiver.pdf56K 9/5/24, 3:12 PM State of Utah Mail - Town Well 26009 WS002 updated DWSP plan review https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=d42b33a28c&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-2845306849087243280&simpl=msg-a:r26704723478570…1/2 26009 WS002 mgt strat.pdf 272K DDW-2017-000591 - 0901a0688069e528.pdf 8702K 9/5/24, 3:12 PM State of Utah Mail - Town Well 26009 WS002 updated DWSP plan review https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=d42b33a28c&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-2845306849087243280&simpl=msg-a:r26704723478570…2/2