HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-010483Liberty Coe <lcoe@utah.gov> Access for Remediation of Former Top Stop 1 message Michael Cronin <mc@wasatch-environmental.com>Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 1:31 PM To: "lorinay@gunnisoncity.org" <lorinay@gunnisoncity.org> Cc: Liberty Coe <lcoe@utah.gov> Mayor Nay, Good afternoon! At the request of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR), Wasatch Environmental authored a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Addendum to complete the remediation of the petroleum release that emanated from the former Top Stop in Gunnison. I have attached an access agreement, an injection plan map, and a copy of the CAP Addendum. We would like to perform the work described in the CAP Addendum from October 28 through November 1, 2024. Wasatch will follow the requirements for Blue Stake utility clearance notification, will obtain a traffic control plan and implement the necessary traffic controls, and will restore the paved surfaces in the locations where we inject. Please review the attached information at your convenience and feel free to contact me directly with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. To allow us access to the shoulders and park strips along 100 South Street, west of Main Street, please sign and return the attached access agreement. Please let me know if you have any concerns that we may need to address. The DERR project manager is Liberty Coe email: lcoe@utah.gov phone: (801) 536-4100. Kind regards, Mike Michael S. Cronin, P.G. Senior Geologist and Senior Project Manager Wasatch Environmental, Inc. Office: (801) 972-8400 Cell: (801) 209-5211 Email: mc@wasatch-environmental.com 3 attachments Figure 1 - Injection Plan Map.pdf 2904K Access Agreement Gunnison City 2024.pdf 68K Gunnison CAP Addendum Final 5-8-24.pdf 1709K 9/4/24, 12:36 PM State of Utah Mail - Access for Remediation of Former Top Stop https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=42b3ca2a2c&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1808842119874023208&simpl=msg-f:1808842119874023208 1/1 CONSENT FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY I, Lori Nay, Mayor (Grantor) am the lessee, owner, or authorized representative of the owner of the property described below: Address or Description of Property: Shoulder and park strips along 100 South Street west of Main Street Purpose for Access I hereby grant temporary access to the employees and authorized representatives of Wasatch Environmental, Inc., to complete direct-push drilling and injections of PetroFix™. This work is being conducted at the request of, and under direct contract with, Wind River Petroleum; with regulatory oversight by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR ). This work is being conducted under a corrective action plan, approved by the DERR, in an effort to complete remediation of the petroleum release that occurred from the C-4 Top Stop formerly located at 15 South Main Street in Gunnison. No additional sampling is planned in conjunction with the execution of this work; however, routine groundwater monitoring will continue as necessary. Utility Clearance Requirements Prior to the commencement of drilling, all utilities on the property must be marked and the drilling locations must be confirmed to be clear of all utilities. Wasatch Environmental will request Blue Stake utility clearance for all sample locations and relay the request numbers to the drilling contractor so that they can use these numbers to process their own utility clearance requests. Wasatch Environmental will provide property owners with a map (attached) indicating the approximate location of the proposed borings. Property owners are asked to mark or otherwise convey, to the best of their abilities, the location all privately owned underground facilities such as irrigation lines and sprinkler lines located on their property. In accordance with Utah Code Title 54, Chapter 8a, Wasatch Environmental, its employees, and authorized representatives will not drill within 24 inches of any marked underground utilities. Wasatch Environmental, its employees, and authorized representatives are not liable for damages to any unmarked or incorrectly marked publicly owned utilities. Any questions concerning this Consent for Access to Property may be directed to Mr. Michael Cronin of Wasatch Environmental by telephone at (801) 972-8400, or by email at mc@wasatch-environmental.com. (Grantor Signature) (Date) April 26, 2024 Injection Plan Map 0.017 mg/L MW-5 MW-26 0.036 mg/L MW-27 Injection Area PRB Injection Area MW-41 Injection Area MW-27 Injection Area 16 borings Inject 13 - 18 feet bgs 800 lb PetroFix 40 lb PetroFix EA 90 gallons per point PRB Injection Area 16 borings Inject 14 - 20 feet bgs 800 lb PetroFix 40 lb PetroFix EA 90 gallons per point MW-41 Injection Area 16 borings Inject 14 - 20 feet bgs 1,200 lb PetroFix 80 lb PetroFix EA 90 gallons per point 39 West 100 South 29 West 100 South 100 South Street Injection Plan Inset Map