HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-010586Utah Department Of Environmental Quality
Division Of Drinking Water Sanitary Survey
Sanitary Survey
General System Information
Exception Granted: R309-550-7(1) | Horizontal Separation Requirements for Mahogany Water line mains and sewer line not met.
Exception Granted: R309-550-7(1) | As is ofren the case in large waterline projects, waterline sometimes encroach upon existing
sewer lines. The subject project's engineering plans indicate three such encroachments that are
inconsistent with the pertinent State Rules for separation of wate
Site Visit Date Surveyor Name
08/12/2024 Nagendra Dev
WEBER BASIN WCD - SOUTH PWS ID: UTAH06013 Rating: Approved 06/06/1980 Active
1 Admin Contact (AC) [ eMail address is REQUIRED ]
MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be
designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such
be supplied to the Division.
*First Name: DARREN E
*Last Name: HESS
*Address: Redacted
*State: UT
*Zip: 84405
*Email: dhess@weberbasin.gov
*Phone: 801-771-4365
Emergency Phone: 801-475-4320
2 Legal Contact (LC) [ if no eMail address is available, enter NoeMail@utah.gov ]
MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be
designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such
be supplied to the Division.
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Organization: WEBER BASIN WCD
*Address: 2837 UT-193
*State: UT
*Zip: 84041
*Phone: 801-359-4494
DEQ | Drinking Water
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Site Visit Info
3 Owner Contact (OW) [ if no eMail address is available, enter NoeMail@utah.gov ]
MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be
designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such
be supplied to the Division.
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Organization: WEBER BASIN WCD
*Address: 2837 UT-193
*State: UT
*Zip: 84041
*Phone: 801-359-4494
4 Direct Operator in Charge (DO) [ if no eMail address is available, enter
NoeMail@utah.gov ]
MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be
designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such
be supplied to the Division.
*First Name: Josh
*Last Name: Hogge
*Address: 2837 UT-193
*City: Layton
*State: UT
*Zip: 84041
*Email: jhogge@weberbasin.gov
*Phone: 801 771 4359
Emergency Phone: 801 771 4359
5 Does the system serve a Residential population?N
6 Does the system serve a Transient population? (A transient population is a rotating
population that is served by a water system that does not remain in the jurisdiction of
the water system for long periods of time. Examples of a transient population include,
but are not limited to, campers at a campground, users of a highway rest stop, skiers
at a ski resort, guests at a hotel, or patrons of a restaurant or a shopping center.)
7 Does the system serve a Non-Transient population? (A non-transient population is a
population served by a water system that is the same population being served by the
system for at least six months of the year, but is not a resident in the system.
Examples of a non-transient population include, but are not limited to, employees of a
restaurant, shop, or ski resort; teachers and students at a school, day-care center, or
church; doctors, nurses, and other employees at a hospital or healthcare clinic.)
8 Population - Wholesale :200000
9 Residential Connections:0
10 Commercial Connections:2
11 Industrial Connections:0
12 Agricultural Connections:0
13 Date of Survey (First Day of Field Work)08/12/2024
14 Date of Survey (Last Day of Field Work) ** this should match the Date of Survey in the
header **
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Management and Operations
15 Date final report sent to system (questionnaire, deficiency report and capacity
16 Water system representative present during the survey:Josh Hogge (Notes: Dillon Walton)
17 How much time was spent to prepare survey documents prior to field survey? (Round
up to nearest quarter hour)
18 How much time was spent to complete the field survey (arrival to completion; include
travel time between water system facilities)? (Round up to nearest quarter hour)
19 How much time was spent traveling from the office to system and back again at the
end of the field survey? (Round up to nearest quarter hour)
20 How much time did it take to finish the Survey Report? (Round up to nearest quarter
21 Did you survey multiple water systems in one trip? ... if yes, answer the following
22 For a community water system with water sources that require power to produce
sufficient flow, system is equipped with standby power option.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S033 | R309-515-6(2)(a) | Rule requires a community water system
without naturally flowing water sources, such as springs or flowing wells, to have one
or more of the system's sources equipped for operation during power outages. To
ensure continuous service when the primary power has been interrupted, a redundant
power supply is required. A redundant power supply may include a transfer switch for
auxiliary power such as a generator or a power supply service with coverage from two
independent substations. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
23 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations,
treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through or in
MODIFICATIONS, IF APPLICABLE] [undocumented sources are covered in a
different question]
SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2)
and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water
projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not
started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
24 Are there any individual home booster pumps installed in the distribution system (not
for fire suppression)?
SIG | 50pts | SM | M008 | R309-550-11(3) | R309-550-11(3)
25 Does the system haul water?N
26 For a community system serving 100 or more connections, at least 2 water sources
are available.
SIG | 50pts | SO | TGR7 | R309-515-4(3) | Rule requires Community Water Systems
serving more than 100 connections to have a minimum of two sources except where
served by a water treatment plant. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
27 Does system have a consecutive connection to another water system not listed in the
SOURCE section of Waterlink Report? If yes, answer the following question(s)
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Cross Connection and Operator Certification
28 Does the system have a deficiency meeting the required source capacity? (USE
29 Does the system have a deficiency meeting the required storage capacity DUE
30 Does the system have a deficiency meeting the required equalization storage capacity
for indoor/outdoor demands (but not because of fire suppression needs)? (USE
31 Does your water system have an Emergency Response Plan?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
31A Does your Emergency Response Plan include cybersecurity?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
31B Does your water system use any computers, laptops, phones, tablets, or any other
computer systems to manage, operate, or maintain the PWS (SCADA or Industrial
Control Systems)? This includes any water sources, treatment, distribution or any
process related to operation function
31C Does your water system use any computer systems in regular business operations
such as accounting, billing, payroll, human resources, or management?
32 Legally adopted authority statement
MIN | 15pts | SM | M003 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes a legally adopted and functional
local authority to enforce the program (i.e., ordinance, bylaw, or policy).
33 Documentation of annual public awareness and/or employee training
MIN | 15pts | SM | M004 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes providing public education or
awareness material or presentations.
34 Documentation of personnel trained to manage the program (COMMUNITY WATER
MIN | 15pts | SM | M005 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes an operator with adequate
training in the area of cross connection control or backflow prevention.
35 Does the water system have detailed records of cross connection control activities?
(inventories of backflow assemblies, devices, and air gaps installed within the system)
MIN | 15pts | SM | M006 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes written records of cross
connection control activities.
36 Does the water system have records of on-going enforcement activities? (test history,
enforcement activities, hazard assessments)
MIN | 15pts | SM | M007 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes test history and documentation
of on-going enforcement activities.
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General Maintenance and Environment
37 Operator meets required level of certification for water system. ( IF NO CERTIFIED
SIG | 50pts | OC | C001 | R309-105-11, R309-300-5(3) | Rule requires every
community and NTNC water system and public water systems that utilize
treatment/filtration to have at least one operator certified at the classified grade of the
water system. Certification must be appropriate for the type of system operated
(treatment and/or distribution). This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
38 Certified operator is within 1 hour travel time of water system. ( IF NO CERTIFIED
MIN | 0pts | OC | C002 | R309-300-5(14) | Rule requires the operator to be within 1
hour travel time, under normal work and home conditions, of each drinking water
system for which he is considered in direct responsible charge.
39 Are there any visual indications of unsanitary conditions?
SIG | 50pts | SM | M017 | R309-200-6, R309-105-18, R309-215-4(3) | R309-200-6 The
Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels for public water systems deals with
substances which affect the aesthetic quality of drinking water. They are presented
here as recommended limits or ranges and are not grounds for rejection. The taste of
water may be unpleasant and the usefulness of the water may be impaired if these
standards are significantly exceeded.
R309-105-18 The Director or the local health department shall be informed by
telephone by a water supplier of any "emergency situation". The term "emergency
R309-215-4(3) If the water fails to meet minimum standards, then certain public
notification procedures shall be carried out, as outlined in R309-220. Water suppliers
shall also keep analytical records in their possession, for a required length of time, as
outlined in R309-105-17.
40 No unprotected connection between the distribution system and a source of
contamination. (If there is an unprotected connection, describe the location in detail.)
SIG | 50pts | DS | D009 | R309-550-5(11) | R309-550-5(11)
41 Are air release/vacuum valves in the distribution system? ... if yes, answer the
following question(s)
42 Water system has a program to maintain, operate, or control the use of fire hydrants.
REC | 0pts | DS | D012 | N/A | Fire hydrants provide a direct access to the water in the
distribution system. In order to protect the quality and integrity of the water, fire
hydrant access should be controlled.
43 Blow offs or air release valves are not directly connected to a sanitary sewer line.
SIG | 50pts | DS | D013 | R309-550-6(5)(a), R309-550-6(6)(c) and (7)(a) | Rule states
blow-offs or air relief valves shall not be connected directly to a sewer. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
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General Disinfection
WS017 - SUNSET WELL - Proposed Source
44 Blow offs or air release valves do not discharge below flood level in ditches or
SIG | 50pts | DS | D016 | R309-550-9(1) and (2), R309-550-13(2) | R309-550-9(1 & 3)
45 All water mains installed after 1995 that provide fire flow are at least 8 inches in
MIN | 15pts | DS | D019 | R309-550-5(4) & (5) | Rule states that the minimum line size
serving a fire hydrant lateral shall be 8-inch diameter unless a hydraulic analysis
indicates that required flow and pressures can be maintained by 6-inch lines.
46 Distribution system capable of providing minimum pressure of 20 psi at all service
SIG | 50pts | DS | D003 | R309-105-9, R309-550-5(1) | Rule states the distribution
system shall maintain minimum pressures as required by R309-105-9 at all points of
connection under all flow conditions. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
47 Was the water system constructed or new portions added after January 1, 2007? ... if
yes, answer the following question(s)
48 Water system follows AWWA disinfection procedures for new, repaired, or seasonal
water mains and tanks.
SIG | 25pts | MR | D018 | R309-550-8(10) | All new and repaired water mains and
appurtenances shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C651. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
49 How often do you periodically disinfect any or all parts of your water system (i.e. batch
disinfection) other than for repairs or maintenance?
SIG | 50pts | SM | G006 | R309-105-6(1)(a), R309-500-6 | R309-105-6(1) Approval of
Engineering Plans and Specifications
R309-500-6 Plan Approval Procedure.
50 Does the water system still have physical access to this facility? Y/N Guidance:
Answer NO if sold and no longer have security access or the facility is demolished and
can not be inspected.
51 Does the water system still have physical access to this facility? Y/N Guidance:
Answer NO if sold and no longer have security access or the facility is demolished and
can not be inspected.
52 Is this source in operation without an Operating Permit?
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
52A When is the anticipated date to request an Operating Permit? Explain in comments...about a year
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53 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
54 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
55 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
56 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
57 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
58 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
59 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
59A Vent screened with #14 mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | SO | S006 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Guidance states provisions should be
made for venting the well casing, however if vented R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) and R309-
550-6(6)(a)require vents be fitted with a #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen.
59B Vent down-turned
SIG | 25pts | SO | S007 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Guidance states provisions should be
made for venting the well casing, however if vented R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) and R309-
550-6(6)(b) requires vents be downturned or shielded to prevent the entrance of
surface water or rainwater.
59C Vent has adequate clearance to prevent contamination from entering the well
SIG | 25pts | SO | S008 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Guidance states provisions should be
made for venting the well casing, however if vented R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) and R309-
550-6(6)(b) requires vents be terminated with a discharge with an appropriate air gap.
60 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
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60A Pump to waste line discharges with a minimum of 12-inch clearance to flood rim
SIG | 25pts | SO | S009 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) | Rule requires a pump-to-waste line
connected to a sewer/storm drain to have a minimum 12-inch clearance to the flood
rim. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or
have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
60B Pump to waste line equipped with #4 non-corrodible mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | SO | S010 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) | The discharge end of the pump-to-
waste line shall be covered with a No. 4 mesh corrosion-resistant screen. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
60C Pump to waste line downturned if it discharges to sewer/storm drain or allowing
complete drainage if not downturned
SIG | 25pts | SO | S011 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) | The discharge end of the pump-to-
waste line shall be downturned. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
61 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
62 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
63 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
64 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
65 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
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66 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
67 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
68 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
69 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
70 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
71 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
71A Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping downturned
SIG | 25pts | SO | S028 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping
on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be down-turned.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
71B Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping screened with #14 mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | SO | S029 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping
on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be covered with a
#14 mesh corrosion-resistant screen. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
71C Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping has at least 6 inches of clearance
above floor
SIG | 25pts | SO | S030 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping
on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be at least 6
inches above the well house floor. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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WS007 - ORCHARD WELL - Active
72 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
73 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
74 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
75 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
76 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
77 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
78 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
79 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
80 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
80A Vent screened with #14 mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | SO | S006 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Guidance states provisions should be
made for venting the well casing, however if vented R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) and R309-
550-6(6)(a)require vents be fitted with a #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen.
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80B Vent down-turned
SIG | 25pts | SO | S007 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Guidance states provisions should be
made for venting the well casing, however if vented R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) and R309-
550-6(6)(b) requires vents be downturned or shielded to prevent the entrance of
surface water or rainwater.
80C Vent has adequate clearance to prevent contamination from entering the well
SIG | 25pts | SO | S008 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Guidance states provisions should be
made for venting the well casing, however if vented R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) and R309-
550-6(6)(b) requires vents be terminated with a discharge with an appropriate air gap.
81 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
81A Pump to waste line discharges with a minimum of 12-inch clearance to flood rim
SIG | 25pts | SO | S009 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) | Rule requires a pump-to-waste line
connected to a sewer/storm drain to have a minimum 12-inch clearance to the flood
rim. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or
have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
81B Pump to waste line equipped with #4 non-corrodible mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | SO | S010 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) | The discharge end of the pump-to-
waste line shall be covered with a No. 4 mesh corrosion-resistant screen. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
81C Pump to waste line downturned if it discharges to sewer/storm drain or allowing
complete drainage if not downturned
SIG | 25pts | SO | S011 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) | The discharge end of the pump-to-
waste line shall be downturned. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
82 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
83 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
84 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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85 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
86 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
87 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
88 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
89 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
90 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
91 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
92 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
92A Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping downturned
SIG | 25pts | SO | S028 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping
on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be down-turned.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
92B Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping screened with #14 mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | SO | S029 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping
on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be covered with a
#14 mesh corrosion-resistant screen. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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92C Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping has at least 6 inches of clearance
above floor
SIG | 25pts | SO | S030 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping
on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be at least 6
inches above the well house floor. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
93 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
94 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
95 Is this facility Active or Inactive?I
95A Explain why this facility is Inactive (Is this facility in stand-by mode?)stand-by mode
96 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
97 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
98 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
99 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
100 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
101 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
102 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
DEQ | Drinking Water
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103 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
104 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
105 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
106 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
107 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
108 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
109 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
110 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
111 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
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112 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
113 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
114 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
115 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
116 Is this facility Active or Inactive?I
116A Explain why this facility is Inactive (Is this facility in stand-by mode?)stand-by mode
117 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
118 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
119 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
120 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
121 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
122 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
123 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
DEQ | Drinking Water
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124 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
125 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
126 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
127 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
128 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
129 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
130 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
131 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
132 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
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133 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
134 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
135 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
136 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
137 Is this facility Active or Inactive?I
137A Explain why this facility is Inactive (Is this facility in stand-by mode?)stand-by mode
138 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
139 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
140 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
141 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
142 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
143 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
144 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
DEQ | Drinking Water
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145 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
146 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
147 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
148 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
149 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
150 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
151 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
152 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
153 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
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154 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
155 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
156 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
157 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
158 Is this facility Active or Inactive?I
158A Explain why this facility is Inactive (Is this facility in stand-by mode?)stand-by mode
159 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
160 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
161 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
162 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
163 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
164 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
165 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
DEQ | Drinking Water
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166 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
167 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
168 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
169 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
170 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
171 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
172 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
173 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
174 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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175 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
176 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
177 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
178 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
179 Is this facility Active or Inactive?I
179A Explain why this facility is Inactive (Is this facility in stand-by mode?)stand-by mode
180 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
181 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
182 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
183 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
184 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
185 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
186 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
DEQ | Drinking Water
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187 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
188 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
189 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
190 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
191 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
192 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
193 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
194 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
195 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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196 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
197 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
198 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
199 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
200 Is this facility Active or Inactive?I
200A Explain why this facility is Inactive (Is this facility in stand-by mode?)stand-by mode
201 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
202 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
203 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
204 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
205 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
206 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
207 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
DEQ | Drinking Water
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208 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
209 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
210 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
211 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
212 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
213 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
214 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
215 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
216 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
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WS014 - DAVIS BLVD WELL - Active
217 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
218 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
219 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
220 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
221 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
222 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
223 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
224 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
225 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
226 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
227 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
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227A Vent screened with #14 mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | SO | S006 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Guidance states provisions should be
made for venting the well casing, however if vented R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) and R309-
550-6(6)(a)require vents be fitted with a #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen.
227B Vent down-turned
SIG | 25pts | SO | S007 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Guidance states provisions should be
made for venting the well casing, however if vented R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) and R309-
550-6(6)(b) requires vents be downturned or shielded to prevent the entrance of
surface water or rainwater.
227C Vent has adequate clearance to prevent contamination from entering the well
SIG | 25pts | SO | S008 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Guidance states provisions should be
made for venting the well casing, however if vented R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) and R309-
550-6(6)(b) requires vents be terminated with a discharge with an appropriate air gap.
228 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
228A Pump to waste line discharges with a minimum of 12-inch clearance to flood rim
SIG | 25pts | SO | S009 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) | Rule requires a pump-to-waste line
connected to a sewer/storm drain to have a minimum 12-inch clearance to the flood
rim. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or
have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
228B Pump to waste line equipped with #4 non-corrodible mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | SO | S010 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) | The discharge end of the pump-to-
waste line shall be covered with a No. 4 mesh corrosion-resistant screen. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
228C Pump to waste line downturned if it discharges to sewer/storm drain or allowing
complete drainage if not downturned
SIG | 25pts | SO | S011 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) | The discharge end of the pump-to-
waste line shall be downturned. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
229 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
230 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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231 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
232 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
233 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
234 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
235 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
236 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
237 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
238 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
239 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
DEQ | Drinking Water
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Exception Granted: R309-600-13(3)(a) Sewers Within DWSP Zones and Management Areas | The sewer lines and laterals located within source
protection zone 2 do not meet the requirements of R309-515-6(4),
239A Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping downturned
SIG | 25pts | SO | S028 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping
on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be down-turned.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
239B Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping screened with #14 mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | SO | S029 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping
on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be covered with a
#14 mesh corrosion-resistant screen. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
239C Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping has at least 6 inches of clearance
above floor
SIG | 25pts | SO | S030 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping
on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be at least 6
inches above the well house floor. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
240 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
241 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
242 Is this facility Active or Inactive?I
242A Explain why this facility is Inactive (Is this facility in stand-by mode?)stand-by mode
243 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
244 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
245 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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246 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
247 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
248 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
249 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
250 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
251 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
252 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
253 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
254 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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255 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
256 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
257 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
258 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
259 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
260 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
261 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
262 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
263 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
264 Storage tank capacity in gallons (from SDWIS; if different explain why in the
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265 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations,
treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through DDW
SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2)
and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water
projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not
started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
266 Ladders, ladder guards, platform railings, or safely located entrance hatches are
MIN | 15pts | FW | V004 | R309-545-18 | Rule requires ladders, ladder guards,
platform railings, and safely located entrance hatches where applicable for water
storage tanks and requires safety practices to conform to pertinent laws and
regulations of the Utah Occupational Safety and Health Division.
267 Tank is vented.
SIG | 25pts | FW | VL02 | R309-545-15 | Rule requires drinking water storage tanks to
be vented. Overflows cannot be considered or used as vents. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
268 Are air vents present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
268A Vent is either down-turned or shielded from contaminants (at least 2 inches below the
bottom of the opening)
SIG | 25pts | FW | V005 | R309-545-15(1) | Rule requires inverted vents on water
storage tanks to be down-turned a minimum of 2 inches below any opening and
shielded to prevent the entrance of contaminants. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
268B End of vent terminates at least 24 inches above earthen cover (buried tank) and is
located and sized to avoid blockage during winter.
MIN | 15pts | FW | V006 | R309-545-15(2) | For buried structures, the rule requires the
end of the vent discharge to be a minimum of 24 inches above the earthen covering.
268C Vent covered with #14 or finer non-corrodible mesh screen.
SIG | 25pts | FW | V007 | R309-545-15(4) | Rule requires a water storage tank vent to
be fitted with #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen and vents 6-inches or greater in
diameter to be fitted with additional heavy gauge screen or substantial covering to
protect the #14 mesh screen from vandalism or damage. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a compliance action plan
approved by DDW.
268D Vent 6-inch diameter and larger protected with additional heavy-gauge screen or
substantial covering.
MIN | 5pts | FW | V035 | R309-545-15(5) | Rule requires vents that are 6-inch diameter
or greater to be fitted with additional heavy gauge screen or substantial covering,
which will protect the No. 14 mesh screen against vandalism or damage.
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269 Are access openings present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)
MIN | 15pts | FW | VL03 | R309-545-14 and 14(1) | Rule requires drinking water
storage tanks to be designed with reasonably convenient access to the interior for
cleaning and maintenance.
269A Access opening framed at least 4 inches above roof surface or 18 inches above
earthen cover.
MIN | 15pts | FW | V008 | R309-545-14(1) | Rule requires tank access opening to be
framed at least 4 inches above the surface of the roof, or on a buried tank, to be at
least 18 inches above any earthen cover over the tank.
269B Access opening shoe box type with at least 2 inches of overlap
SIG | 25pts | FW | V010 | R309-545-14(2) | Rule requires the frame of an access
opening to be provided with a close fitting solid shoebox type cover which extends
down around the frame at least two inches and is furnished with a gasket(s) between
the lid and frame. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
269C Access opening lid properly gasketed
SIG | 25pts | FW | V009 | R309-545-14(2) | Rule requires the access opening to a tank
to be furnished with a gasket between the lid and frame. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
270 Access opening locked
SIG | 25pts | FW | V029 | R309-545-14(3) | Rule requires the lid to any access
opening to have a locking device. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
271 Roof or wall penetrations sealed
SIG | 100pts | FW | V017 | R309-545-6(1) and 545-9 | Rule requires openings in a
storage tank roof or top, designed to accommodate control apparatus or pump
columns, to be welded, gasketed, or curbed and sleeved and to have additional proper
shielding to prevent vandalism. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
272 Area surrounding ground-level or buried storage tank is graded to prevent surface
water from standing within 50 feet.
SIG | 25pts | TR | V001 | R309-545-7(4) | Rule requires the area surrounding a
ground-level or buried water storage tank be graded in a manner to prevent surface
water from standing within 50 feet of the tank. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
273 Storage tank roof is sloped to prevent ponding
MIN | 15pts | FW | V003 | R309-545-9(4) | Rule requires drainage of storage tank roofs
to eliminate water ponding.
274 Are there cracks in the walls or roof of the storage tank? (if yes, select only one of the
following options)
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275 Is a tank overflow present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)
SIG | 25pts | FW | VL01 | R309-545-13 | Rule requires all storage tanks to be provided
with an overflow that discharges at an an elevation between 12 and 24 inches above
the ground surface or the rim of the receiving basin. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
275A Overflow line discharges at least 12 inches above ground or the flood rim of receiving
SIG | 25pts | FW | V011 | R309-545-13 | Rule requires all water storage tanks to be
provided with an overflow that discharges at an elevation between 12 and 24 inches
above the ground surface or the rim of the receiving basin.
275B Overflow line covered with #4 mesh non-corrodible screen
SIG | 25pts | FW | V012 | R309-545-13(3) | Rule requires overflow pipes to be
screened with #4 mesh non-corrodible screens installed at a location least susceptible
to damage by vandalism. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
275C Overflow line connected or discharges to a sanitary sewer drain?
SIG | 50pts | FW | V013 | R309-545-13(5) | Rule prohibits overflow pipes from
connecting to, or discharging into, a sanitary sewer system. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
276 Are the drain line and overflow combined?Y
277 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
278 Storage tank capacity in gallons (from SDWIS; if different explain why in the
279 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations,
treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through DDW
SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2)
and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water
projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not
started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
280 Ladders, ladder guards, platform railings, or safely located entrance hatches are
MIN | 15pts | FW | V004 | R309-545-18 | Rule requires ladders, ladder guards,
platform railings, and safely located entrance hatches where applicable for water
storage tanks and requires safety practices to conform to pertinent laws and
regulations of the Utah Occupational Safety and Health Division.
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281 Tank is vented.
SIG | 25pts | FW | VL02 | R309-545-15 | Rule requires drinking water storage tanks to
be vented. Overflows cannot be considered or used as vents. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
282 Are air vents present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
282A Vent is either down-turned or shielded from contaminants (at least 2 inches below the
bottom of the opening)
SIG | 25pts | FW | V005 | R309-545-15(1) | Rule requires inverted vents on water
storage tanks to be down-turned a minimum of 2 inches below any opening and
shielded to prevent the entrance of contaminants. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
282B End of vent terminates at least 24 inches above earthen cover (buried tank) and is
located and sized to avoid blockage during winter.
MIN | 15pts | FW | V006 | R309-545-15(2) | For buried structures, the rule requires the
end of the vent discharge to be a minimum of 24 inches above the earthen covering.
282C Vent covered with #14 or finer non-corrodible mesh screen.
SIG | 25pts | FW | V007 | R309-545-15(4) | Rule requires a water storage tank vent to
be fitted with #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen and vents 6-inches or greater in
diameter to be fitted with additional heavy gauge screen or substantial covering to
protect the #14 mesh screen from vandalism or damage. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a compliance action plan
approved by DDW.
282D Vent 6-inch diameter and larger protected with additional heavy-gauge screen or
substantial covering.
MIN | 5pts | FW | V035 | R309-545-15(5) | Rule requires vents that are 6-inch diameter
or greater to be fitted with additional heavy gauge screen or substantial covering,
which will protect the No. 14 mesh screen against vandalism or damage.
283 Are access openings present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)
MIN | 15pts | FW | VL03 | R309-545-14 and 14(1) | Rule requires drinking water
storage tanks to be designed with reasonably convenient access to the interior for
cleaning and maintenance.
283A Access opening framed at least 4 inches above roof surface or 18 inches above
earthen cover.
MIN | 15pts | FW | V008 | R309-545-14(1) | Rule requires tank access opening to be
framed at least 4 inches above the surface of the roof, or on a buried tank, to be at
least 18 inches above any earthen cover over the tank.
283B Access opening shoe box type with at least 2 inches of overlap
SIG | 25pts | FW | V010 | R309-545-14(2) | Rule requires the frame of an access
opening to be provided with a close fitting solid shoebox type cover which extends
down around the frame at least two inches and is furnished with a gasket(s) between
the lid and frame. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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283C Access opening lid properly gasketed
SIG | 25pts | FW | V009 | R309-545-14(2) | Rule requires the access opening to a tank
to be furnished with a gasket between the lid and frame. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
284 Access opening locked
SIG | 25pts | FW | V029 | R309-545-14(3) | Rule requires the lid to any access
opening to have a locking device. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
285 Roof or wall penetrations sealed
SIG | 100pts | FW | V017 | R309-545-6(1) and 545-9 | Rule requires openings in a
storage tank roof or top, designed to accommodate control apparatus or pump
columns, to be welded, gasketed, or curbed and sleeved and to have additional proper
shielding to prevent vandalism. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
286 Area surrounding ground-level or buried storage tank is graded to prevent surface
water from standing within 50 feet.
SIG | 25pts | TR | V001 | R309-545-7(4) | Rule requires the area surrounding a
ground-level or buried water storage tank be graded in a manner to prevent surface
water from standing within 50 feet of the tank. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
287 Storage tank roof is sloped to prevent ponding
MIN | 15pts | FW | V003 | R309-545-9(4) | Rule requires drainage of storage tank roofs
to eliminate water ponding.
288 Are there cracks in the walls or roof of the storage tank? (if yes, select only one of the
following options)
289 Is a tank overflow present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)
SIG | 25pts | FW | VL01 | R309-545-13 | Rule requires all storage tanks to be provided
with an overflow that discharges at an an elevation between 12 and 24 inches above
the ground surface or the rim of the receiving basin. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
289A Overflow line discharges at least 12 inches above ground or the flood rim of receiving
SIG | 25pts | FW | V011 | R309-545-13 | Rule requires all water storage tanks to be
provided with an overflow that discharges at an elevation between 12 and 24 inches
above the ground surface or the rim of the receiving basin.
289B Overflow line covered with #4 mesh non-corrodible screen
SIG | 25pts | FW | V012 | R309-545-13(3) | Rule requires overflow pipes to be
screened with #4 mesh non-corrodible screens installed at a location least susceptible
to damage by vandalism. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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PF007 - ORCHARD WELL BOOSTER PUMP -- Pump Stations - Active
289C Overflow line connected or discharges to a sanitary sewer drain?
SIG | 50pts | FW | V013 | R309-545-13(5) | Rule prohibits overflow pipes from
connecting to, or discharging into, a sanitary sewer system. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
290 Are the drain line and overflow combined?Y
291 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
292 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations,
treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through DDW
SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2)
and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water
projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not
started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
293 Pump Type (Centrifugal, Hand pump, Jet, Positive Displacement, Screw, Submersible,
Vertical turbine)
Vertical turbine
294 If the pump station is used to pressurize the distribution system, does it have at least
two functioning pumping units? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)
SIG | 25pts | PU | PS18 | R309-540-5(4)(b) | Rule states inline booster pumps,
withdrawing water directly from distribution lines without storage and feeding water
directly into distribution lines, shall have at least two pumping units. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
294A Demand is met by remaining pump(s) when largest pumping unit out of service
SIG | 25pts | PU | PS19 | R309-540-3(a) | Inline booster pumps shall have at least two
pumping units (such that with any one pump out of service, the remaining pump or
pumps shall be capable of providing the peak day demand of the specific portion of
the system serviced). This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
295 Pump station building and equipment are protected from flooding.
MIN | 15pts | PU | PS13 | R309-540-5(1)(a)(ii), R309-540-5(2)(a)(iii) | Pump station
access shall be 6" above surrounding ground and located at least 3’ above 100-year
flood elevation or highest recorded flood elevation; station is accessible at all times
unless it can be taken out of service when inaccessible.
296 There are no unprotected cross-connections in the pump station.
SIG | 50pts | PU | PS15 | R309-105-12(1) | Cross connections are not allowed unless
controlled by an approved and properly operating backflow prevention assembly or
device. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or
have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Treatment General - Active
Exception Granted: R309-206-I5(4)(b)(iii); | 0.55 to 0.65 mm size silica sand will be used as the bottom layer for the filter media. The upper range is
greater than the 0.45 mm maximum filter size requirement in the rules.
Exception Granted: Rule R309-102-2.2; Rule R309-102-2.2 | No check valve is included after the well head.
297 Discharge piping has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 15pts | PU | PS03 | R309-540-5 (6)(c)(i) | Rule requires that a standard pressure
gauge be installed on the pump discharge line.
298 Does the pumping facility have an air relief valve located on the discharge piping? ... if
yes, answer the following question(s)
299 Pump station properly secured
MIN | 15pts | PU | PS33 | R309-540-5(1)(a)(v) | The pump station is protected to
prevent vandalism and entrance by animals or unauthorized persons.
300 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
301 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations,
treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through DDW
SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2)
and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water
projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not
started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
302 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
303 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
304 What is the objective of the treatment process and how do you know it is working?
(e.g., surface water treatment, disinfection, arsenic removal, TDS removal etc.)
Surface Water Treatment (Notes: Two
primary objective - to make water potable
(safe to drink) and palatable (aesthetically
acceptable for drinking). The goal of surface
water treatment is to reduce the presence of
disease-causing organisms and associated
health risks to an acceptable safe level.)
305 Walk me through the different process steps of your treatment plant. What is the
purpose of each step? Show me how you determine you are meeting your Treatment
Conventional Surface Water Treatment
Process (Notes: Conventional treatment
including clarification
(coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation or
dissolved air flotation), sand filtration,
activated carbon adsorption and
disinfection. These include: (1) Collection ;
(2) Screening and Straining ; (3) Chemical
Addition ; (4) Coagulation and Flocculation ;
(5) Sedimentation and Clarification ; (6)
Filtration ; (7) Disinfection ; (8) Storage ; (9)
and finally Distribution.)
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306 What Chemicals are used? Why?Coagulant aid, hypochlorite (Notes: Various
types of chemicals are used in right from the
entry point in influent to exit point in effluent
in the treatment plant. Coagulants like ferric
chloride/alum is used in coagulation
process to make flock, also depending upon
situation anionic and cationic polymers are
used for flock and filtration for removal of
chunks/contaminants. Ozonation is used for
taste/odor issue along with as disinfectant.
To meet the CT, chlorination is used to
make water free of pathogens.)
307 How is the chemical dose adjusted with flow and water quality? Prompts: What flow
rate is used for the adjustment (influent, effluent, CFE)? What water quality
parameters would make you change dose rate?
Flow rate and Turbidity (Notes: Based of
Combined Filter Effluent (CFE) dose is
adjusted. If there is change of turbidity, pH
or alkalinity, there is adjustment of dose rate
so as to meet the vital water quality
parameters under control so as to check
DBPs or even control corrosion in the
308 Does influent flow rate vary?N
309 Process control testing is consistent with the specific treatment process
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
310 There is a means to accurately measure the quantities of chemicals used.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD99 | R309-525-11(7)(d)(iv) | Provisions shall be made for
measuring the quantities of chemicals used. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
311 Treatment plant properly secured to protect the quality of the treated water, R309-520-
SIG | 25pts | SM | A050 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
312 Are liquid chemicals used? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
312A Proper cross-connection control is provided on the service water lines that feed the
solution tanks
SIG | 50pts | TR | TG53 | R309-525-11(9)(b)(i) | Rule requires cross connection control
to be provided to assure that the make-up waterlines discharging to solution tanks
shall be properly protected from backflow as required by the Utah Plumbing Code.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
compliance action plan approved by DDW.
312B There are adequate spill containment provisions for acid and caustic liquids.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TG59 | R309-525-11(6)(a)(iv)(B), R309-525-11(8)(b)(viii) | Rule
requires liquid chemical storage tanks to have an overflow and receiving basin or drain
capable of receiving accidental spills or overflows, and meeting all the requirements of
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312C If there is a day tank, the bulk tank and day tanks have separate screened vents.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TG60 | R309-525-11(8)(b)(vi) | Rule requires acid storage tanks to
be vented to the outside atmosphere, but not through vents in common with day tanks.
312D Solution tanks and tank refilling line entry points are properly labeled to identify the
chemicals or liquids
MIN | 15pts | TR | TG03 | R309-525-11(8)(c)(vii) | Rule requires tanks to be properly
labeled to designate the chemical contained.
312E No direct connections exist between a sewer and drain or overflow from the feeder,
solution chamber, or tank.
SIG | 50pts | DS | M020 | R309-105-12(1) | Rule states that a water supplier shall not
allow a connection to his system which may jeopardize its quality and integrity. Cross
connections are not allowed unless controlled by an approved and properly operating
backflow prevention assembly. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
312F Chemical storage tank access opening properly covered?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
313 Treatment chemicals meet ANSI/NSF 60.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD90 | R309-525-11(5), R309-520-6(2) | All chemicals added to
drinking water, including chlorine, chloramines and chemicals used to generate
hypochlorite solutions and chlorine dioxide, shall be certified as complying with
ANSI/NSF Standard 60. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
314 Are all chemical feeders properly verified for accuracy?
SIG | 25pts | TR | TG21 | R309-525-11(7)(a)(i) | Feeders shall supply, at all times, the
necessary amounts of chemicals at an accurately controlled rate, throughout the
anticipated range of feed. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
315 Spare parts are available for all chemical feeders
MIN | 15pts | TR | TX09 | R309-525-11(7)(b)(i) and (ii) | R308-525-11(8)(b)(i) states
that a means consistent with the nature of the chemical solution shall be provided in a
solution tank to maintain a uniform strength of solution. Continuous agitation shall be
provided to maintain slurries in suspension. 2 dem
316 Incompatible chemicals stored separately
SIG | 25pts | TR | TG19 | R309-525-11(7)(a)(iv) | Rule prohibits chemicals that are
incompatible from being fed, stored, or handled together. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
317 Daily operating records reflect chemical dosages and total quantities used
SIG | 25pts | MR | TG20 | R309-105-14(3)(a) | Rule requires all water system using
chemical addition or specialized equipment for the treatment of drinking water to
regularly complete operational reports. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Treatment General
318 Raw water compliance samples are collected before any treatment. R309-215-4(4)
SIG | 25pts | TR | T006 | R309-525-15(10)(a)(i) | R309-525-15(10)(a)(i)
318A If yes, was location shown?at influent
319 Where are finished water quality monitoring samples collected?after filter
320 Does water system have a DEQ/DWQ (UPDES permit) discharge permit for the
proper disposal of treatment plant waste to land or water?
MIN | 15pts | SM | TGR3 | R309-105-6 | R309-105-6
321 Which parameters are watched when running treatment plant?flow turbidity
322 What type of alarm system is used?SCADA
323 Does treatment plant have a SCADA system?Y
323A Can operators respond to all alarms in a normal day, or do they have to silence
legitimate alarms?
323B How are alarm set points adjusted and how are changes recorded?Operator can control remotely or through
324 Proper lab equipment on site to support required operations & maintenance of the
SIG | 25pts | TR | T019 | R309-525-17(1) | Sufficient laboratory equipment shall be
provided to assure proper operation and monitoring of the water plant. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
325 Pre- and post-chlorination systems for surface water plants shall be independent to
prevent siphoning of raw or partially treated water into the clear well.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TG35 | R309-520-7(1)(h), R309-525-11(9)(a) and (b) | Pre- and
post-chlorination systems must be independent to prevent possible siphoning of
partially treated water into the clear well. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
326 For a surface water plant serving more than 3,300 persons, chlorine residual of water
entering the distribution system shall be continuously measured.
SIG | 25pts | TR | T021 | R309-100 - R309-600 | All instrumentation needed to verify
that treatment processes are sufficient shall be properly calibrated and maintained. At
a minimum, this shall include turbidimeters. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
327 Walk me through the different process steps of your treatment plant. What is the
purpose of each step? Show me how treatment requirements for Giardia, Virus and
Cryptosporidium removal/inactivation determine are determined?
Conventional Surface Water Treatment
Process (Notes: Conventional treatment
including clarification
(coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation or
dissolved air flotation), sand filtration,
activated carbon adsorption and
disinfection. These include: (1) Collection ;
(2) Screening and Straining ; (3) Chemical
Addition ; (4) Coagulation and Flocculation ;
(5) Sedimentation and Clarification ; (6)
Filtration ; (7) Disinfection ; (8) Storage ; (9)
and finally Distribution.)
328 Is a gas chlorination facility located inside of a water treatment plant with multiple
processes and operating areas? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)
DEQ | Drinking Water
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328A Openings between the gas chlorine room and the treatment plant are sealed and the
chlorine area is separate from plant operating areas.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD18 | R309-520-7(2)(d)(iv) | For gas a chlorinator housed at a
water treatment plant, the rule requires all openings between the chlorine room and
the remainder of the plant to be sealed.
328B Doors open outward and have panic bars.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD95 | R309-520-7(2)(g)(iii) | Rule requires outward-opening doors
equipped with panic bars to allow rapid exit at gas chlorination rooms housed in water
treatment plants.
328C A floor drain in the chlorine operation area discharges outside of the building and is
not connected to internal or external drain systems in the plant.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD96 | R309-520-7(2)(g)(iv) | Rule requires floor drains to discharge
to the outside of the building and not be connected to other internal or external drain
systems for gas chlorination rooms housed at water treatment plants.
328D There is a shatter-resistant inspection window to observe the chlorine room.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD56 | R309-520-7(2)(g)(i) | Rule requires a chlorine room at a
water treatment plant to have a shatter resistant inspection window installed in an
interior wall preferably located so that an operator may read the weighing scales
without entering the chlorine room.
328E Chlorine room ventilation is separate from the treatment plant ventilation where one-
ton cylinders are used.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD18 | R309-520-7(2)(d)(iv) | For gas a chlorinator housed at a
water treatment plant, the rule requires all openings between the chlorine room and
the remainder of the plant to be sealed.
329 Do you treat recycled water?N
330 Are finished water storage (clearwell and/or backwash tank) access openings
present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)
330A Access opening framed at least 4 inches above roof surface or 18 inches above
earthen cover.
MIN | 15pts | FW | V008 | R309-545-14(1) | Rule requires tank access opening to be
framed at least 4 inches above the surface of the roof, or on a buried tank, to be at
least 18 inches above any earthen cover over the tank.
330B Access opening shoe box type with at least 2 inches of overlap
SIG | 25pts | FW | V010 | R309-545-14(2) | Rule requires the frame of an access
opening to be provided with a close fitting solid shoebox type cover which extends
down around the frame at least two inches and is furnished with a gasket(s) between
the lid and frame. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
330C Access opening lid properly gasketed
SIG | 25pts | FW | V009 | R309-545-14(2) | Rule requires the access opening to a tank
to be furnished with a gasket between the lid and frame. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Treatment - Chlorination General - Active
330D Roof or wall penetrations sealed
SIG | 100pts | FW | V017 | R309-545-6(1) and 545-9 | Rule requires openings in a
storage tank roof or top, designed to accommodate control apparatus or pump
columns, to be welded, gasketed, or curbed and sleeved and to have additional proper
shielding to prevent vandalism. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
331 Primary disinfection to complete surface water treatment requirements is achieved
prior to the first connection at peak flow conditions
SIG | 25pts | TR | T096 | R309-525-16(b) and (b)(i) | R309-525-16(b) and (b)(i)
332 Disinfection compliance monitoring location demonstrates adequate CT has been
SIG | 25pts | TR | T099 | R309-215 | R309-215
333 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
334 Is system required to provide primary disinfection? Prompt - If system knows they are
required to chlorinate based on water quality issues and/or knows they are required to
provide a minimum CT then follow-up by DDW is needed.
334A If yes, no new connections have been added prior to approved first connection that
would change the disinfection CT calculation.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD26 | R309-505-7(2), R309-520-4 and 6(4) | Point of application of
disinfectants shall be at a location that will achieve the required disinfection CT prior to
the first service connection. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
335 When chlorination is required, disinfection has operated uninterrupted during the past
year while supplying drinking water.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD25 | R309-520-6 | Rule requires continuous disinfection of
groundwater sources that do not consistently meet bacteriological quality standards,
all surface water sources, and groundwater sources under the direct influence of
surface water. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
336 Chlorine (gas & hypochlorite solution, tablets, granules, ) and chemicals used to
generate chlorine solutions and chlorine dioxide meet ANSI/NSF 60.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD90 | R309-525-11(5), R309-520-6(2) | All chemicals added to
drinking water, including chlorine, chloramines and chemicals used to generate
hypochlorite solutions and chlorine dioxide, shall be certified as complying with
ANSI/NSF Standard 60. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
337 If chemical dilution or dissolution is needed, cross-connection control is provided on
water lines feeding solution tanks.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TX07 | R309-525-11(2)(c), R309-525-11(9)(b)(i) to (iv) | Cross
connection control shall be provided on make-up water lines feeding solution tanks.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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338 Water flow rate is measured to control chemical feed?
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD79 | R309-525-11(7)(d)(ii) and (iii), R309-525-11(7)(a)(i) |
Chemical feed rates shall be proportional to flows and a means to measure water flow
rate shall be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
339 Solution tanks and tank refilling line entry points are properly labeled to identify the
MIN | 15pts | TR | TG03 | R309-525-11(8)(c)(vii) | Rule requires tanks to be properly
labeled to designate the chemical contained.
340 Free chlorine residual test equipment on-site or available?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD78 | R309-520-7(1)(j) | Rule requires chlorine residual test
equipment available capable of measuring residuals to the nearest 0.1 mg/l in the
range below 0.5 mg/l, to the nearest 0.3 mg/l between 0.5 mg/l and 1.0 mg/l and to the
nearest 0.5 mg/l above 1.0 mg/l.
341 Spare parts are available to replace parts subject to wear and breakage
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD75 | Standard Method 334.0 Determination of Residual Chlorine
in Drinking Water Using an Online Chlorine Analyzer. [EPA 815-B-09-013 September
2009 Page 13] | Spare parts shall be provided and maintained for all
chlorinators to repair parts subject to wear and breakage.
342 Is chlorine chemical dose rate adjusted due to different water demand flow rates
and/or changing water quality?
343 Is there a designated chlorine Point of Entry (POE) sample location?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
344 POE is before first connection/customer?
SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d)
345 Chlorine residual records are maintained and available... if yes answer following
SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d)
345A System is sampling distribution residuals throughout entire distribution system
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
345B Distribution chlorine residuals meet minimum concentration requirement
SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d)
345C "What is the maximum free chlorine residual measure? This value never exceeds 4.0
mg/L? "
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
345D System collects at least three distribution chlorine residual samples a week?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
345E System is sampling distribution residuals in accordance with monitoring schedule
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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TP003 - BOUNTIFUL WELL CHLORINATOR -- Treatment - Chlorination General - Active
346 Treatment plant properly secured to protect the quality of the treated water. R309-520-
SIG | 25pts | SM | A050 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
347 Daily operating records reflect chemical dosages and total quantities used
SIG | 25pts | MR | TG20 | R309-105-14(3)(a) | Rule requires all water system using
chemical addition or specialized equipment for the treatment of drinking water to
regularly complete operational reports. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
348 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
349 Is system required to provide primary disinfection? Prompt - If system knows they are
required to chlorinate based on water quality issues and/or knows they are required to
provide a minimum CT then follow-up by DDW is needed.
349A If yes, no new connections have been added prior to approved first connection that
would change the disinfection CT calculation.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD26 | R309-505-7(2), R309-520-4 and 6(4) | Point of application of
disinfectants shall be at a location that will achieve the required disinfection CT prior to
the first service connection. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
350 When chlorination is required, disinfection has operated uninterrupted during the past
year while supplying drinking water.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD25 | R309-520-6 | Rule requires continuous disinfection of
groundwater sources that do not consistently meet bacteriological quality standards,
all surface water sources, and groundwater sources under the direct influence of
surface water. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
351 Chlorine (gas & hypochlorite solution, tablets, granules, ) and chemicals used to
generate chlorine solutions and chlorine dioxide meet ANSI/NSF 60.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD90 | R309-525-11(5), R309-520-6(2) | All chemicals added to
drinking water, including chlorine, chloramines and chemicals used to generate
hypochlorite solutions and chlorine dioxide, shall be certified as complying with
ANSI/NSF Standard 60. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
352 If chemical dilution or dissolution is needed, cross-connection control is provided on
water lines feeding solution tanks.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TX07 | R309-525-11(2)(c), R309-525-11(9)(b)(i) to (iv) | Cross
connection control shall be provided on make-up water lines feeding solution tanks.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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353 Water flow rate is measured to control chemical feed?
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD79 | R309-525-11(7)(d)(ii) and (iii), R309-525-11(7)(a)(i) |
Chemical feed rates shall be proportional to flows and a means to measure water flow
rate shall be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
354 Solution tanks and tank refilling line entry points are properly labeled to identify the
MIN | 15pts | TR | TG03 | R309-525-11(8)(c)(vii) | Rule requires tanks to be properly
labeled to designate the chemical contained.
355 Free chlorine residual test equipment on-site or available?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD78 | R309-520-7(1)(j) | Rule requires chlorine residual test
equipment available capable of measuring residuals to the nearest 0.1 mg/l in the
range below 0.5 mg/l, to the nearest 0.3 mg/l between 0.5 mg/l and 1.0 mg/l and to the
nearest 0.5 mg/l above 1.0 mg/l.
356 Spare parts are available to replace parts subject to wear and breakage
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD75 | Standard Method 334.0 Determination of Residual Chlorine
in Drinking Water Using an Online Chlorine Analyzer. [EPA 815-B-09-013 September
2009 Page 13] | Spare parts shall be provided and maintained for all
chlorinators to repair parts subject to wear and breakage.
357 Is chlorine chemical dose rate adjusted due to different water demand flow rates
and/or changing water quality?
358 Is there a designated chlorine Point of Entry (POE) sample location?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
359 POE is before first connection/customer?
SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d)
360 Chlorine residual records are maintained and available... if yes answer following
SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d)
360A System is sampling distribution residuals throughout entire distribution system
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
360B Distribution chlorine residuals meet minimum concentration requirement
SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d)
360C "What is the maximum free chlorine residual measure? This value never exceeds 4.0
mg/L? "
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
360D System collects at least three distribution chlorine residual samples a week?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
360E System is sampling distribution residuals in accordance with monitoring schedule
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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TP007 - ORCHARD WELL CHLORINATOR -- Treatment - Chlorination General - Active
361 Treatment plant properly secured to protect the quality of the treated water. R309-520-
SIG | 25pts | SM | A050 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
362 Daily operating records reflect chemical dosages and total quantities used
SIG | 25pts | MR | TG20 | R309-105-14(3)(a) | Rule requires all water system using
chemical addition or specialized equipment for the treatment of drinking water to
regularly complete operational reports. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
363 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
364 Is system required to provide primary disinfection? Prompt - If system knows they are
required to chlorinate based on water quality issues and/or knows they are required to
provide a minimum CT then follow-up by DDW is needed.
364A If yes, no new connections have been added prior to approved first connection that
would change the disinfection CT calculation.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD26 | R309-505-7(2), R309-520-4 and 6(4) | Point of application of
disinfectants shall be at a location that will achieve the required disinfection CT prior to
the first service connection. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
365 When chlorination is required, disinfection has operated uninterrupted during the past
year while supplying drinking water.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD25 | R309-520-6 | Rule requires continuous disinfection of
groundwater sources that do not consistently meet bacteriological quality standards,
all surface water sources, and groundwater sources under the direct influence of
surface water. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
366 Chlorine (gas & hypochlorite solution, tablets, granules, ) and chemicals used to
generate chlorine solutions and chlorine dioxide meet ANSI/NSF 60.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD90 | R309-525-11(5), R309-520-6(2) | All chemicals added to
drinking water, including chlorine, chloramines and chemicals used to generate
hypochlorite solutions and chlorine dioxide, shall be certified as complying with
ANSI/NSF Standard 60. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
367 If chemical dilution or dissolution is needed, cross-connection control is provided on
water lines feeding solution tanks.
SIG | 50pts | TR | TX07 | R309-525-11(2)(c), R309-525-11(9)(b)(i) to (iv) | Cross
connection control shall be provided on make-up water lines feeding solution tanks.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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368 Water flow rate is measured to control chemical feed?
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD79 | R309-525-11(7)(d)(ii) and (iii), R309-525-11(7)(a)(i) |
Chemical feed rates shall be proportional to flows and a means to measure water flow
rate shall be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
369 Solution tanks and tank refilling line entry points are properly labeled to identify the
MIN | 15pts | TR | TG03 | R309-525-11(8)(c)(vii) | Rule requires tanks to be properly
labeled to designate the chemical contained.
370 Free chlorine residual test equipment on-site or available?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD78 | R309-520-7(1)(j) | Rule requires chlorine residual test
equipment available capable of measuring residuals to the nearest 0.1 mg/l in the
range below 0.5 mg/l, to the nearest 0.3 mg/l between 0.5 mg/l and 1.0 mg/l and to the
nearest 0.5 mg/l above 1.0 mg/l.
371 Spare parts are available to replace parts subject to wear and breakage
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD75 | Standard Method 334.0 Determination of Residual Chlorine
in Drinking Water Using an Online Chlorine Analyzer. [EPA 815-B-09-013 September
2009 Page 13] | Spare parts shall be provided and maintained for all
chlorinators to repair parts subject to wear and breakage.
372 Is chlorine chemical dose rate adjusted due to different water demand flow rates
and/or changing water quality?
373 Is there a designated chlorine Point of Entry (POE) sample location?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
374 POE is before first connection/customer?
SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d)
375 Chlorine residual records are maintained and available... if yes answer following
SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d)
375A System is sampling distribution residuals throughout entire distribution system
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
375B Distribution chlorine residuals meet minimum concentration requirement
SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d)
375C "What is the maximum free chlorine residual measure? This value never exceeds 4.0
mg/L? "
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
375D System collects at least three distribution chlorine residual samples a week?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
375E System is sampling distribution residuals in accordance with monitoring schedule
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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TP003 - BOUNTIFUL WELL CHLORINATOR -- Gaseous Chlorination - Active
376 Treatment plant properly secured to protect the quality of the treated water. R309-520-
SIG | 25pts | SM | A050 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
377 Daily operating records reflect chemical dosages and total quantities used
SIG | 25pts | MR | TG20 | R309-105-14(3)(a) | Rule requires all water system using
chemical addition or specialized equipment for the treatment of drinking water to
regularly complete operational reports. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
378 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
379 If disinfection is required, standby chlorination equipment of sufficient capacity is
available to replace the largest unit.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD22 | R309-520-7(1)(k)(ii) | Where chlorination is required for
disinfection of the water supply, the rule requires standby equipment of sufficient
capacity to be available to replace the largest unit in the event of its failure. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
380 Is the chlorinator room heated and has the ability to be protected from excessive heat?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD08 | R309-520-7(1)(l) | Rule requires chlorinator buildings to be
heated, lighted, and ventilated as necessary to assure proper operation of the
equipment and safety of the operators.
381 If continuous disinfection is needed, automatic switch over of chlorine cylinders is
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD01 | R309-520-7(2)(a), R309-520-6(1) | Rule requires automatic
switch over of chlorine cylinders be provided if continuous disinfection is required.
382 Exhaust fan takes suction near the floor as far as practical from the door and air inlet,
and discharges outside away from air inlets.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD09 | R309-520-7(2)(d)(iii) | Rule requires a chlorine room exhaust
fan to take suction inside the chlorine room near the floor, as far as practical from the
door and air inlet, and discharge air outside of the building away from air inlets.
383 Air inlets are located near the ceiling and fitted with louvers.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD10 | R309-520-7(2)(d)(iv) | Rule requires chlorine room air inlets
to be through wall louvers near the ceiling.
384 Chlorine vent line discharges outside and above grade and is screened with #14 mesh
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD13 | R309-520-7(2)(e) | Rule requires the chlorine vent line to
discharge outside, above grade, at a point least susceptible to vandalism, and to have
the end covered with a #14 mesh non-corrodible screen. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Liquid Hypochlorination - Active
385 Separate switches for chlorine room fans and lights are located near the entrance to
the room (or are located outside the chlorine room if housed in a water treatment
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD12 | R309-520-7(2)(d)(v) | Rule requires separate switches for
the chlorine room fans and lights to be located near the entrance to the room and to
be protected from vandalism. The switches are required to be located outside the
chlorine room if housed in a water treatment plant.
386 Chlorine cylinder is restrained in position to prevent upset.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD15 | R309-520-7(2)(h) | Rule requires chlorine cylinders to be
restrained in position to prevent upset. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
387 Chlorine cylinder is not stored in direct sunlight or exposed to excessive heat.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD17 | R309-520-7(2)(f)(ii) | Rule prohibits chlorine cylinders from
being stored in direct sunlight or exposed to excessive heat. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
388 Weight scale is provided for weighing chlorine gas cylinders/containers.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD02 | R309-520-7(2)(i) | Rule requires scales to be provided for
determining chlorine cylinder weight. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
389 Is the chlorine cylinder 150 pounds in capacity? ... if yes, answer the following
389A Leak response/repair plan available
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
389B Bottle of ammonium hydroxide (56 % ammonia solution) is available for chlorine leak
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD14 | R309-520-7(2)(l)(i) | Rule requires a bottle of ammonium
hydroxide (56% ammonia solution) to be available for leak detection.
389C Immediate access to NIOSH respirator available
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD04 | R309-520-7(2)(k)(ii) | Where 150 pound chlorine cylinders
are used, a respirator recommended the National Institute of Occupational Safety and
Health must be available. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
390 Is the chlorine cylinder 1 ton in capacity? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
391 Is the (daily) scale weight or volume data recorded? Explain where in the comments...
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD02 | R309-520-7(2)(i) | Rule requires scales to be provided for
determining chlorine cylinder weight. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
392 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
DEQ | Drinking Water
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TP007 - ORCHARD WELL CHLORINATOR -- Liquid Hypochlorination - Active
393 Operational means provided to avoid injection of significantly decayed hypochlorite,
such as solution strength testing and delivery records
MIN | 5pts | TR | TD68 | R309-520-7(3)(b) | Rule requires the water system to provide
an operational means, such as keeping records of the delivery date of the hypochlorite
solution, to avoid the injection of significantly decayed hypochlorite solutions.
394 Solution tank is covered to minimize corrosive vapors
MIN | 5pts | TR | TD64 | R309-525-11(8)(b)(iii) | Chemical solutions shall be kept
395 Where concentrated hypochlorite solutions (5% or greater) are handled in containers
LARGER than 55 gallons: emergency eyewash station and a safety shower present
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD66 | R309-520-7(3)(a)(i) | Where hypochlorite solutions are used
at remote locations or in quantities of 55 gallons or less on site, safety showers are not
required and alternative emergency eyewash may be provided. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
396 Where concentrated hypochlorite solutions are handled in containers of 55 gallons or
LESS: some method of emergency eyewash provided (a full eyewash station and
shower is not required)
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD66 | R309-520-7(3)(a)(i) | Where hypochlorite solutions are used
at remote locations or in quantities of 55 gallons or less on site, safety showers are not
required and alternative emergency eyewash may be provided. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
397 Hypochlorite solution storage area is protected from excessive heat and direct sunlight
MIN | 5pts | TR | TD67 | R309-520-7(3)(a)(ii) | States Storage and injection areas shall
be designed to minimize the decay in strength of concentrated hypochlorite solutions
from excessive heat or direct sunlight.
398 Records are kept to minimize the use of decayed hypochlorite solution
MIN | 5pts | TR | TD68 | R309-520-7(3)(b) | Rule requires the water system to provide
an operational means, such as keeping records of the delivery date of the hypochlorite
solution, to avoid the injection of significantly decayed hypochlorite solutions.
399 There are adequate spill containment provisions for acid and caustic liquids.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TG59 | R309-525-11(6)(a)(iv)(B), R309-525-11(8)(b)(viii) | Rule
requires liquid chemical storage tanks to have an overflow and receiving basin or drain
capable of receiving accidental spills or overflows, and meeting all the requirements of
400 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
401 Operational means provided to avoid injection of significantly decayed hypochlorite,
such as solution strength testing and delivery records
MIN | 5pts | TR | TD68 | R309-520-7(3)(b) | Rule requires the water system to provide
an operational means, such as keeping records of the delivery date of the hypochlorite
solution, to avoid the injection of significantly decayed hypochlorite solutions.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Coagulation
TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Flocculation
402 Solution tank is covered to minimize corrosive vapors
MIN | 5pts | TR | TD64 | R309-525-11(8)(b)(iii) | Chemical solutions shall be kept
403 Where concentrated hypochlorite solutions (5% or greater) are handled in containers
LARGER than 55 gallons: emergency eyewash station and a safety shower present
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD66 | R309-520-7(3)(a)(i) | Where hypochlorite solutions are used
at remote locations or in quantities of 55 gallons or less on site, safety showers are not
required and alternative emergency eyewash may be provided. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
404 Where concentrated hypochlorite solutions are handled in containers of 55 gallons or
LESS: some method of emergency eyewash provided (a full eyewash station and
shower is not required)
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD66 | R309-520-7(3)(a)(i) | Where hypochlorite solutions are used
at remote locations or in quantities of 55 gallons or less on site, safety showers are not
required and alternative emergency eyewash may be provided. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
405 Hypochlorite solution storage area is protected from excessive heat and direct sunlight
MIN | 5pts | TR | TD67 | R309-520-7(3)(a)(ii) | States Storage and injection areas shall
be designed to minimize the decay in strength of concentrated hypochlorite solutions
from excessive heat or direct sunlight.
406 Records are kept to minimize the use of decayed hypochlorite solution
MIN | 5pts | TR | TD68 | R309-520-7(3)(b) | Rule requires the water system to provide
an operational means, such as keeping records of the delivery date of the hypochlorite
solution, to avoid the injection of significantly decayed hypochlorite solutions.
407 There are adequate spill containment provisions for acid and caustic liquids.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TG59 | R309-525-11(6)(a)(iv)(B), R309-525-11(8)(b)(viii) | Rule
requires liquid chemical storage tanks to have an overflow and receiving basin or drain
capable of receiving accidental spills or overflows, and meeting all the requirements of
408 Primary coagulant used at all times the plant is in operation Y
409 What primary coagulant is being used?F
410 Is a coagulant aid or filter aid being added?Y
411 Is there a means to determine coagulant dosage?
MIN | 15pts | TR | T083 | R309-525-11(2)(a) and (d) | R309-525-11(2)(a) and (d)
412 There is a standard operating procedure (SOP) available for adjusting flocculator
413 Does the flocculation process produce visible floc?
MIN | 15pts | TR | T082 | R309-525-12(2)(g) | The flocculation unit shall be capable of
producing a visible, settleable flow.
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TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Filtration - General
TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Filtration - Multi-Media (Rapid Sand)
414 Instrumentation and controls for the process are operational, and in service
SIG | 25pts | TR | T021 | R309-100 - R309-600 | All instrumentation needed to verify
that treatment processes are sufficient shall be properly calibrated and maintained. At
a minimum, this shall include turbidimeters. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
415 Is turbidity monitoring required? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
415A How often is the turbidity meter calibrated?monthly
415B How often is the flow of turbidity meter verified?daily
415C Is continuous turbidity monitoring in operation.
SIG | 50pts | TR | T005 | R309-525-15(4)(b)(vi), R309-525-15(4)(c)(vii) | Each dual
media and tri-media filter must be provided with equipment which shall continuously
monitor turbidity in the filtered water. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
416 What is the maximum filtration rate throughout the year (in gpm/sf)?6
417 What criteria are used to determine when a filter backwash is needed?C
418 What criteria are used to determine filtration is functioning properly? (PSI, Turbidity,
Headloss, Flow rate, water quality parameter)
419 Criteria is used to determine filter loading rate meets the manufacturers
recommendations? R309-525-15(2) Explain in comments...
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
420 What criteria are used to determine if filter media needs to be replaced?turbidity
421 Is backwash flow rate verified to determine it meets minimum requirements?
MIN | 15pts | TR | T076 | R309-525-15(7) | Rule requires that backwash systems be
designed and operated to
provide for adequate backwash with minimum media loss.
422 If system filters by Direct Filtration, the plant is configured to shut down automatically
when a source water exceeds 20 NTU for longer than 3 hours, or when the source
water turbidity exceeds 30 NTU at any time? R309-530-5(3)(g)
SIG | 25pts | TR | T021 | R309-100 - R309-600 | All instrumentation needed to verify
that treatment processes are sufficient shall be properly calibrated and maintained. At
a minimum, this shall include turbidimeters. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
423 Are the filters equipped with surface wash or air scour to enhance backwash?Y
424 Filter media is evaluated to verify it meets the manufacturer's specifications for depth
and effective media size?
SIG | 25pts | TR | T033 | R309-525-15(4) | R309-525-15(4)
DEQ | Drinking Water
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TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Activated Carbon - Powdered
TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Fluoridation - Active
425 What is the depth of media required for this filtration system? Explain in comments...
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
426 Is PAC being added for removal of organic material? ... if yes, answer the following
426A PAC is added as early as possible in the treatment process to provide maximum
contact time
MIN | 15pts | TR | TC07 | R309-525-11(2)(a) and (d) | R309-525-11(2)(a) and (d)
426B PAC is applied before the application point of chlorine or any other oxidant
MIN | 15pts | TR | TC07 | R309-525-11(2)(a) and (d) | R309-525-11(2)(a) and (d)
426C Addition of PAC is provided at several points in the system
MIN | 15pts | TR | TC07 | R309-525-11(2)(a) and (d) | R309-525-11(2)(a) and (d)
426D PAC is stored in a room separate from any other chemicals
SIG | 25pts | TR | TC10 | R309-525-11(7)(a)(iv), R309-105-10 | R309-525-11(7)(a)(iv),
427 Are the feeders manually or automatically controlled?C
428 Feed lines are labeled or color coded
MIN | 5pts | TR | TC15 | R309-525-8 | R309-525-8 states the piping in water treatment
plants shall be color coded for identification. 2 demerit points shall be assessed.
429 PAC storage areas are reasonably clean and dry to insure operator safely
SIG | 25pts | TR | TC17 | R309-525-11(6)(a)(i)(C ), R309-525-11(6)(c ), R309-525-19,
R309-105-10, R309-525-15(d) | R309-525-11(6)(a)(i)(C), R309-525-11(6)(c), R309-
525-19, R309-105-10, R309-525-15(d)
430 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
431 Background fluoride level before adding fluoride (in ppm):0.2
432 Target dose of fluoride added (in ppm):0.7
433 Typical fluoride level after adding fluoride (in ppm):0.7
434 Sampling location is present for measuring the final fluoride level (if compliant, answer
follow-up question)
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF44 | R309-535-5(2)(d)(iii) | A sampling point shall be provided
downstream of the fluoridation facility for measuring the fluoride level of treated water.
C (Notes: at point of entry)
434A Identify the sampling location of the measured final fluoride level:POE
435 There is a means to measure the flow of water to be treated
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF11 | R309-535-5(2)(d)(i) | A means to measure the flow of treated
water shall be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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436 Fluoride concentrations, including chemical dosage and total water quantity, are
calculated daily. Daily operating records reflect chemical dosages and total quantities
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF20 | R309-105-14(3) | R309-105-14(3) requires all water system
using chemical addition or specialized equipment for the treatment of drinking water
shall regularly complete operational reports. For a fluoridation facility that does not
calculate fluoride concentrations, include field and lab fluoride results.
437 Fluoride testing instruments are properly verified (zeroed & recorded split samples) or
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF21 | R309-525-25(4) | R309-525-25(4) states all instrumentation
needed to verify that treatment processes are sufficient shall be properly calibrated
and maintained.
438 Fluoride chemicals are stored in covered or unopened shipping containers inside a
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF06 | R390-535-5(2)(b)(i) | Fluoride chemicals shall be stored in
covered or sealed containers, inside a building, and away from direct sunlight and a
source of heat.
439 Fluoride injection point shall not be located upstream of lime-soda softening or ion
exchange softening process.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF50 | R309-535-5(2)(g)(iii) | Added the following: The fluoride
injection point shall not be located upstream of lime softening, iron exchange, or other
processes that affect the fluoride level.
440 Chemicals used for fluoridation meet the NSF/ANSI 60 standard or applicable AWWA
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF04 | R309-535-5(2)(a)(i) | All chemicals used for fluoridation shall
be certified to comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 60. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
441 Electrical outlet and cord/plug for fluoride feed pump is a non-standard receptacle type
without using an adaptor and feed pump is interconnected with a well or a service
pump (to ensure that the fluoride feed pump is turned on only when the well or service
pump is on and water is flowing in the pipe)
SIG | 100pts | TR | TF22 | R309-535-5(2)(f) | Rule requires the electrical outlet used
for fluoride feed pump to have interlock protection by being wired with the well or
service pump, such that the feed pump is only activated when the well or service
pump is on. The rule also prohibits the feed pump from being plugged into a
continuously active ("hot") electrical outlet. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
442 Acid-resistant secondary containment is provided and adequately sized for corrosive
fluoride solutions.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF26 | R309-535-5(2)(c )(i), (ii) and (iii) | Rule requires secondary
containment: for tanks containing corrosive fluoride solutions, to be sized to contain
the maximum volume of solution handled, and to be designed to be acid resistant.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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443 Vent for the chemical storage, injection and operating areas vents to outside
atmosphere and away from air intakes.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF24 | R309-535-5(2)(j)(iii) | The fluoride operating area shall be
vented to outside atmosphere and away from air intakes.
444 Incompatible chemicals are not stored in fluoride storage or injection areas.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF28 | R309-535-5(2)(b)(i) - (iv) | Fluoride chemicals shall be stored
in covered or sealed containers, inside a building, away from direct sunlight and a
source of heat, and not be stored with incompatible chemicals. Bags or other
containers for dry materials shall be stored on pallets. Containers for dry materials
shall be kept closed to keep out moisture.
445 Has any electrical or SCADA work been done recently that could affect the original
design or fluoride control settings?"... If the answer is yes, answer the next question.
446 Is fluorosilicic acid used for fluoridation? ... if yes, answer the following questions Y
446A Acid solution tank is mounted on a scale or has other means of measuring the quantity
of fluoride used each day (such as level indicator or loss-of-weight recorder).
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF14 | R309-535-5(2)(d)(ii) | A means shall be provided to measure
the solution level in a tank and the quantity of the chemical used. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
446B Solution tanks for fluorosilicic acid are vented to atmosphere outside the building
(away from air intake).
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF29 | R309-535-5(3)(b)(ii) | Rule requires solution tanks at
fluorosilicic acid installations to vent to the outside, above grade, away from air
intakes, and where least susceptible to contamination.
446C Neutralizing chemical is available for immediate use in case of acid spill
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF42 | R309-535-5(3)(e) | A neutralizing chemical shall be available
on site to handle small quantity accidental acid spills. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
446D Deluge shower and eyewash station are provided. The emergency shower and eye
wash station should be located close to, but outside of, the fluorosilicic acid operating
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF15 | R309-535-5(3)(d) | Emergency eyewash stations and
showers shall be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
446E Appropriate acid-resistant personal protective equipment provided for operators
(including eye or face protection gear for handling acid, acid resistant long rubber
gloves, apron or coverall, and boots)
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF13 | R309-535-5(3)(f), R309-535-5(4)(h), R309-535-5(5)(e) | The
use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is required when handling fluorisilicic acid
and dry chemicals. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
446F If acid bulk storage tank and day tank are present and there is a risk of solution
overflow from the bulk tank to the day tank, each tank is provided with separate vent.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF31 | R309-535-5(3)(b)(iii) | Rule prohibits a bulk tank from sharing
a vent with a day tank if there is a risk of solution overflow from the bulk tank to the
day tank.
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446G If there is a transfer pump between the acid bulk storage tank and the day tank, there
is a means to stop the transfer of acid in case of transfer pump failure.
REC | 0pts | TR | TF32 | recommendation | A means to stop the transfer pump will
protect the operator and minimize possible acid spill.
446H Emergency shutoff is near the entrance of the fluoride operating area to turn off the
transfer pump or injection pump in case of acid spill
REC | 0pts | TR | TF33 | recommendation | Having an emergency shutoff near the
entrance of the fluoride operating area will better protect the operator and minimize the
need of entering the operating area during acid spill.
446I Means provided to handle catastrophic failure of acid bulk storage tank.
REC | 0pts | TR | TF34 | recommendation | Water system should have an operation
plan in place and provide adequate training to the operators for responding to
catastrophic failure of acid bulk storage tank.
446J There is a seismic restraint system for the acid bulk storage tank.
REC | 0pts | TR | TF35 | recommendation | The acid bulk storage tank should be
adequately restrained to prevent catastrophic failure in case of seismic event.
447 Is a saturator used for fluoridation? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
448 Is fluoride dry feed equipment used?....if yes, answer the following questions N
449 Appropriate personal protective equipment provided for operators (including NIOSH
approved respirator and chemical/dust-resistant safety goggles for saturators and dry
feeders, acid-resistant gloves, apron or coverall, and boots)
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF13 | R309-535-5(3)(f), R309-535-5(4)(h), R309-535-5(5)(e) | The
use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is required when handling fluorisilicic acid
and dry chemicals. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
450 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
451 Background fluoride level before adding fluoride (in ppm):0.2
452 Target dose of fluoride added (in ppm):0.7
453 Typical fluoride level after adding fluoride (in ppm):0.7
454 Sampling location is present for measuring the final fluoride level (if compliant, answer
follow-up question)
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF44 | R309-535-5(2)(d)(iii) | A sampling point shall be provided
downstream of the fluoridation facility for measuring the fluoride level of treated water.
C (Notes: at point of entry)
454A Identify the sampling location of the measured final fluoride level:POE
455 There is a means to measure the flow of water to be treated
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF11 | R309-535-5(2)(d)(i) | A means to measure the flow of treated
water shall be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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456 Fluoride concentrations, including chemical dosage and total water quantity, are
calculated daily. Daily operating records reflect chemical dosages and total quantities
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF20 | R309-105-14(3) | R309-105-14(3) requires all water system
using chemical addition or specialized equipment for the treatment of drinking water
shall regularly complete operational reports. For a fluoridation facility that does not
calculate fluoride concentrations, include field and lab fluoride results.
457 Fluoride testing instruments are properly verified (zeroed & recorded split samples) or
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF21 | R309-525-25(4) | R309-525-25(4) states all instrumentation
needed to verify that treatment processes are sufficient shall be properly calibrated
and maintained.
458 Fluoride chemicals are stored in covered or unopened shipping containers inside a
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF06 | R390-535-5(2)(b)(i) | Fluoride chemicals shall be stored in
covered or sealed containers, inside a building, and away from direct sunlight and a
source of heat.
459 Fluoride injection point shall not be located upstream of lime-soda softening or ion
exchange softening process.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF50 | R309-535-5(2)(g)(iii) | Added the following: The fluoride
injection point shall not be located upstream of lime softening, iron exchange, or other
processes that affect the fluoride level.
460 Chemicals used for fluoridation meet the NSF/ANSI 60 standard or applicable AWWA
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF04 | R309-535-5(2)(a)(i) | All chemicals used for fluoridation shall
be certified to comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 60. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
461 Electrical outlet and cord/plug for fluoride feed pump is a non-standard receptacle type
without using an adaptor and feed pump is interconnected with a well or a service
pump (to ensure that the fluoride feed pump is turned on only when the well or service
pump is on and water is flowing in the pipe)
SIG | 100pts | TR | TF22 | R309-535-5(2)(f) | Rule requires the electrical outlet used
for fluoride feed pump to have interlock protection by being wired with the well or
service pump, such that the feed pump is only activated when the well or service
pump is on. The rule also prohibits the feed pump from being plugged into a
continuously active ("hot") electrical outlet. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
462 Acid-resistant secondary containment is provided and adequately sized for corrosive
fluoride solutions.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF26 | R309-535-5(2)(c )(i), (ii) and (iii) | Rule requires secondary
containment: for tanks containing corrosive fluoride solutions, to be sized to contain
the maximum volume of solution handled, and to be designed to be acid resistant.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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463 Vent for the chemical storage, injection and operating areas vents to outside
atmosphere and away from air intakes.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF24 | R309-535-5(2)(j)(iii) | The fluoride operating area shall be
vented to outside atmosphere and away from air intakes.
464 Incompatible chemicals are not stored in fluoride storage or injection areas.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF28 | R309-535-5(2)(b)(i) - (iv) | Fluoride chemicals shall be stored
in covered or sealed containers, inside a building, away from direct sunlight and a
source of heat, and not be stored with incompatible chemicals. Bags or other
containers for dry materials shall be stored on pallets. Containers for dry materials
shall be kept closed to keep out moisture.
465 Has any electrical or SCADA work been done recently that could affect the original
design or fluoride control settings?"... If the answer is yes, answer the next question.
466 Is fluorosilicic acid used for fluoridation? ... if yes, answer the following questions Y
466A Acid solution tank is mounted on a scale or has other means of measuring the quantity
of fluoride used each day (such as level indicator or loss-of-weight recorder).
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF14 | R309-535-5(2)(d)(ii) | A means shall be provided to measure
the solution level in a tank and the quantity of the chemical used. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
466B Solution tanks for fluorosilicic acid are vented to atmosphere outside the building
(away from air intake).
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF29 | R309-535-5(3)(b)(ii) | Rule requires solution tanks at
fluorosilicic acid installations to vent to the outside, above grade, away from air
intakes, and where least susceptible to contamination.
466C Neutralizing chemical is available for immediate use in case of acid spill
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF42 | R309-535-5(3)(e) | A neutralizing chemical shall be available
on site to handle small quantity accidental acid spills. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
466D Deluge shower and eyewash station are provided. The emergency shower and eye
wash station should be located close to, but outside of, the fluorosilicic acid operating
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF15 | R309-535-5(3)(d) | Emergency eyewash stations and
showers shall be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
466E Appropriate acid-resistant personal protective equipment provided for operators
(including eye or face protection gear for handling acid, acid resistant long rubber
gloves, apron or coverall, and boots)
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF13 | R309-535-5(3)(f), R309-535-5(4)(h), R309-535-5(5)(e) | The
use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is required when handling fluorisilicic acid
and dry chemicals. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
466F If acid bulk storage tank and day tank are present and there is a risk of solution
overflow from the bulk tank to the day tank, each tank is provided with separate vent.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TF31 | R309-535-5(3)(b)(iii) | Rule prohibits a bulk tank from sharing
a vent with a day tank if there is a risk of solution overflow from the bulk tank to the
day tank.
DEQ | Drinking Water
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TP002 - DAVIS SOUTH WTP -- Ultraviolet Radiation
466G If there is a transfer pump between the acid bulk storage tank and the day tank, there
is a means to stop the transfer of acid in case of transfer pump failure.
REC | 0pts | TR | TF32 | recommendation | A means to stop the transfer pump will
protect the operator and minimize possible acid spill.
466H Emergency shutoff is near the entrance of the fluoride operating area to turn off the
transfer pump or injection pump in case of acid spill
REC | 0pts | TR | TF33 | recommendation | Having an emergency shutoff near the
entrance of the fluoride operating area will better protect the operator and minimize the
need of entering the operating area during acid spill.
466I Means provided to handle catastrophic failure of acid bulk storage tank.
REC | 0pts | TR | TF34 | recommendation | Water system should have an operation
plan in place and provide adequate training to the operators for responding to
catastrophic failure of acid bulk storage tank.
466J There is a seismic restraint system for the acid bulk storage tank.
REC | 0pts | TR | TF35 | recommendation | The acid bulk storage tank should be
adequately restrained to prevent catastrophic failure in case of seismic event.
467 Is a saturator used for fluoridation? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
468 Is fluoride dry feed equipment used?....if yes, answer the following questions N
469 Appropriate personal protective equipment provided for operators (including NIOSH
approved respirator and chemical/dust-resistant safety goggles for saturators and dry
feeders, acid-resistant gloves, apron or coverall, and boots)
SIG | 25pts | TR | TF13 | R309-535-5(3)(f), R309-535-5(4)(h), R309-535-5(5)(e) | The
use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is required when handling fluorisilicic acid
and dry chemicals. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
470 Brand and model information of the UV process WEDECO Kl43
471 Number of UV reactor(s)2
472 High flow treated by each UV reactor 20 mgd
473 Low flow treated by each UV reactor 10 mgb
474 The UV disinfection process is used for treating:Y
475 Standard operating procedure (SOP) is in place to handle UV lamp breakage, power
supply interruption, response to alarms, etc.
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD39 | R309-520-8(4)(b) | Rule requires an incident plan to be
developed for a UV treatment system to address lamp breakage and release of
mercury, response to alarms, power supply interruptions, activation of standby
equipment, failure of systems, etc.
476 Is there a UV intensity sensor? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y
476A How often is the UV intensity sensor calibrated?per need
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476B UV intensity sensor is calibrated per manufacturer's instructions or the operation &
maintenance guidelines stated in the UV Disinfection Guidance Manual by EPA.
SIG | 25pts | TR | TG21 | R309-525-11(7)(a)(i) | Feeders shall supply, at all times, the
necessary amounts of chemicals at an accurately controlled rate, throughout the
anticipated range of feed. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
477 How often is the UV quartz sleeve inspected and cleaned?monthly
478 Chemicals used in the cleaning of UV reactor components in contact with the drinking
water meet ANSI/NSF standard 60
SIG | 50pts | TR | TD41 | R309-520-8(3)(j) | Rule requires chemicals used in the
cleaning of UV reactor components in contact with drinking water, such as quartz
sleeves, be certified as meeting ANSI/NSF Standard 60 – Drinking Water Treatment
Chemicals – Health Effects. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a compliance action plan approved by DDW.
479 Does the water system claim disinfection credit for using UV disinfection? ... if yes,
answer the following question(s)
479A It is possible to isolate the UV disinfection process or each UV reactor for maintenance
MIN | 15pts | TR | TD42 | R309-520-8(3)(g) | Rule requires that it be possible to isolate
each reactor for maintenance.
479B There is a backup power source for the UV disinfection process
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD43 | R309-520-8(3)(l) | Rule requires that a backup power supply
of sufficient capacity to ensure a continuous supply of power be provided for the UV
disinfection system. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
479C Redundant primary disinfection mechanism is in place that will provide primary
disinfection when the UV process fails or is out of service
SIG | 25pts | TR | TD44 | R309-520-8(3)(m) | Rule requires a redundant disinfection
mechanism that will apply an approved primary disinfectant to achieve the CT or log
removal/inactivation required for compliance within a maximum response time of 15
minutes if a UV facility is off specification or offline. This significant deficiency must be
corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
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