HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007741 Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 1165 Scheuring Road De Pere WI 54115-1001 August 7, 2024 Project/File: 193708049 Mr. Brad Lachnor, Environmental Engineer Utah Department of Environmental Quality Multi Agency State Office Building 195 North 1950 West, DEQ Second Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Dear Mr. Lachnor, Reference: Groundwater Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Decommissioning and Replacement Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation - Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, 2211 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah On behalf of Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation (Northrop Grumman), Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (Stantec) is providing this groundwater monitoring well and soil vapor monitoring point decommissioning and replacement groundwater monitoring well correspondence for the Northrop Grumman facility at 2211 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah (the Site). The Site location is illustrated on Figure 1. On April 28, 2022, Stantec submitted the Recommended Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Programs under the Site Management Plan (the Plan) to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), outlining continued annual groundwater monitoring at the Site. Consistent with the Plan, annual groundwater monitoring will continue in the near term for shallow zone (or S zone) monitoring wells MW-02, MW-04, and MW-05 (replaced with MW-05R). Annual soil vapor sampling is not required. The proposed plan for groundwater monitoring well and soil vapor probe monitoring was approved by UDEQ in a letter correspondence dated July 1, 2022. Groundwater monitoring wells and soil vapor probes not included in the Plan were scheduled for decommissioning in early 2023. This letter report documents the decommissioning activities and replacement of MW-05 with groundwater monitoring well MW-05R. Groundwater Monitoring Well Decommissioning Consistent with the fieldwork notification submitted by Stantec in February 2023 (Attachment A), Northrop Grumman completed appropriate decommissioning of groundwater monitoring wells at the Site. Well abandonment was completed under the direction of Stantec field personnel during the week of March 20, 2023 by Cascade Environmental (Cascade) of West Jordan, Utah. Cascade is a licensed driller in the state of Utah following provisions set forth in Utah Administrative Code R655-4-14. Groundwater monitoring well decommissioning field activities were conducted following UDEQ Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (DSHW) – 2014-017974 Attachment VI-2: Permanent Abandonment of Monitoring Wells. Prior to decommissioning, monitoring wells were first gauged for depth to water and total depth using an oil/water interface probe. The following table summarizes groundwater monitoring well details: August 7, 2024 Mr. Brad Lachnor, Environmental Engineer Page 2 of 4 Reference: Groundwater Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Decommissioning and Replacement Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation - Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, 2211 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah Well Location Well Diameter Depth to Water1 Total Depth Comment MW-1 2 5.00 14.45 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-2 2 - - Well utilized as part of annual monitoring program MW-3 2 2.55 13.80 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-4 2 - - Well utilized as part of annual monitoring program MW-5 2 NA NA Decommissioned March 2023 MW-5R 2 - 13.50 New well utilized as part of annual monitoring program MW-6 2 4.25 39.50 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-7 1 - - Well located in secured location and not accessible MW-8 1 3.95 14.90 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-9 1 - - Well located in secured location and not accessible MW-10 1 6.89 14.8 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-11 1 - - Well located in secured location and not accessible MW-12A 2 5.60 36.75 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-12B 2 0.30 64.70 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-13A 2 4.95 39.90 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-13B 2 1.10 68.00 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-13C 4 2 2 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-14A 2 3.55 44.90 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-14B 2 0.50 67.80 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-14C 4 2 2 Decommissioned March 2023 MW-15C 4 2 2 Decommissioned March 2023 1 indicates depth to water at the time of monitoring well decommissioning NA: not available 2 indicates well observed under artesian conditions; depth to water and total depth not measured Groundwater monitoring wells decommissioned were MW-1, MW-3, MW-5, MW-6, MW-8, MW-10, MW-12A, MW-12B, MW-13A, MW-13B, MW-13C, MW-14A, MW-14B, MW14C, and MW-15C. Groundwater monitoring well locations are illustrated on Figure 2. Following gauging, the casing was removed at each groundwater monitoring well location to a depth of 1-foot bgs by Cascade. Each well was then filled to near ground surface with bentonite grout placed with a tremie pipe working from the base of the well to the top. The existing traffic-rated well vault was kept in place after groundwater monitoring well decommissioning to protect the integrity of the surrounding parking lot. Groundwater monitoring wells MW-13C, MW-14C, and MW-15C were completed in the regional confined aquifer, where groundwater exhibits artesian conditions (i.e., groundwater will naturally flow to the surface from a well that penetrates this aquifer). Artesian groundwater monitoring wells were observed to not have a pressure greater than 4 pounds per square inch, and decommissioning of these wells utilized techniques to fully contain water from each location during placement of the bentonite grout with the tremie pipe. Groundwater monitoring wells MW-2, MW-4, and MW-5R will remain in place for future sampling as needed. Groundwater monitoring wells MW-7, MW-9, and MW-11 are located inside the Site building and will be decommissioned at a later date, if and when those areas become accessible. Monitoring Well Reports and Well Driller’s Reports completed by Cascade Drilling documenting decommissioning are included as Attachment B. August 7, 2024 Mr. Brad Lachnor, Environmental Engineer Page 3 of 4 Reference: Groundwater Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Decommissioning and Replacement Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation - Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, 2211 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah Groundwater Monitoring Well Replacement Due to observed surface damage, MW-5 was abandoned as part of March 2023 decommissioning activities and replaced with MW-5R on April 26, 2023. Groundwater monitoring well MW-5R is located within 5 feet of the former location of MW-5. Well installation was completed by Cascade under the direction of Stantec field personnel and was completed with 2-inch inside diameter, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) riser and 0.010-inch well slotted PVC well screen. The well screen interval and total well depth were selected to replicate the well construction for former well MW-5. The well annular space was filled with 1 foot of cement grout above the well screen, followed by installation of a protective well vault flush-mounted within the surrounding asphalt surface. Soils generated during well installation were containerized in a 55-gallon drum for management as investigation derived waste (IDW). Well construction detail and soil lithology are illustrated on the boring log included as Attachment C. Groundwater monitoring well MW-5R was developed on November 8, 2023 using hand bailing and surging techniques. The well was bailed until observed to be free of sediment (equating to approximately 9 well volumes). Purge water was collected in a 55-gallon drum for management of IDW. Groundwater Monitoring Well Survey Groundwater monitoring wells retained as part of the annual monitoring program (MW-2, MW-4, and MW-5R) were surveyed for ground surface and top of casing elevation on November 9, 2023 by Cook Surveying & Associates of Salt Lake City, Utah under the direction of Stantec field personnel. Results of the survey are provided as Attachment D. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Decommissioning Soil vapor monitoring point decommissioning was conducted in March and April 2023. Consistent with the approved Plan, accessible soil vapor monitoring points were decommissioned inside the Site building pending approved access to the locations by facility management. The following summarizes soil vapor monitoring point decommissioning details: • Soil vapor monitoring points SS-7, SS-16, SS-17, and SS-18 are in secured locations inside the main building and were not accessible for decommissioning at the time of the field mobilizations. These soil vapor monitoring points will be decommissioned as access becomes available; • Soil vapor monitoring points SS-1 and SS-2 could not be located during the field mobilizations. Additional attempts to locate these monitoring points will be conducted on future site visits; • Soil vapor monitoring points SS-3, SS-4, SS-6, SS-9, SS-10, SS-12, and SS-15 were properly decommissioned. The sample tubing was removed from each location and the inside of the well box filled with concrete. The well box and locking surface covers were kept in place after decommissioning to protect the integrity of the existing Site building floor. Sub-slab sampling is not recommended as part of the annual monitoring program; however, soil vapor monitoring points SS-5, SS-8, SS-11, SS-13, and SS-14 will remain in place for future sampling as needed. Soil vapor monitoring points are illustrated on Figure 3. August 7, 2024 Mr. Brad Lachnor, Environmental Engineer Page 4 of 4 Reference: Groundwater Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Decommissioning and Replacement Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation - Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, 2211 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah IDW Management IDW solids and liquids generated during the groundwater monitoring well and soil vapor monitoring point decommissioning in March 2023 and groundwater monitoring well replacement in April 2023 were containerized into 55-gallon drums by Cascade. Drums of IDW solids and liquids were labeled with non- hazardous waste stickers and placed in a secure location on Site for future off site management and disposal coordination by Facility maintenance staff. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. Andrew Riemer Associate Phone: 651.600.2308 andrew.riemer@stantec.com Chris Maxwell P.G. Principal Geologist Phone: 925.878.1620 chris.maxwell@stantec.com Attachments: Figure 1 – Site Map Figure 2 – Groundwater Monitoring Well Locations Figure 3 – Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Locations Attachment A – February 2023 Fieldwork Notification Attachment B – UDEQ Well Abandonment Logs Attachment C – MW-05R Boring Log Attachment D – Groundwater Monitoring Well Survey Cc: John Kehs, Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation Figures PHONE: (920) 592-8400 JOB NUMBER:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:193708049 TH AR CM SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE: DATE:02/28/20 1 FOR: NORTHGROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORPORATION 2211 W. NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH U: \ 1 9 3 7 0 4 4 4 0 \ 0 3 _ d a t a \ g i s _ c a d \ g i s \ m x d s \ 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 _ 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 _ G W _ T e c h M e m o \ F i g 0 1 _ S i t e _ L o c a t i o n _ 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 . m x d I 0 1,000 2,000 Feet Notes:1.Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map SITE LOCATION 1165 SCHEURING ROAD DE PERE, WISCONSIN 54115UTAH &>&>&> &> &> &> &> &>&> &> &>&> (&< &> &> (&< &< &< &< &> !A LN200/250 Equip. Room Systems Test Burn-In Rand. Vib. Equip. Room P-500 F.F. Conf. Room #1 ASAP Lab A-200 C.R.A/4 Clean Room Seeker G 300 Cln Rm FOAS Assy. U.P.S. Research Lab Instrument Test Laser Weld Gyro Seal & Fill Cycler Room Tool Crib Cafeteria Equipment Rooms EMC Center LWWAA G.F.E. Stores M . R . B . Co - L o c a t i o n Metrology Inspection Calibration /FTE ZLG Optics Test FOAS CLG Assembly Component & Combining Optics Nurse Eq u i p . R o o m Change Room Teardown Fill / BurninChem LabKey Frame Clean Discharge CHA #1 CHA #2 TQC Mirror Align Wa t e r R o o m RLG PLC Install ZLG/ RLC Install Mach Shop Equip Room Ship / Rec Storage Building Sell-OffC-1Paint Shop Bond Men Wiomen Facilities Weld Shop Reliability Material Stores Tool Crib Stores O & R Women Men SMT Stores Wave Solder Coating Lobby Guard MW-4 MW-2 MW-9 MW-7 MW-11 MW-5R MW-13C MW-13A MW-13B MW-15C MW-12A MW-14C MW-12B MW-14B MW-14A MW-10 MW-5 MW-6 MW-1 MW-3 MW-8 JOB NUMBER:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:193708049 AR CM FIGURE: DATE:07/11/23 2 FOR: C: \ U s e r s \ b m c e v e r s \ O n e D r i v e - S t a n t e c \ D e s k t o p \ N o r t h r o p G r u m m a n \ g i s \ m x d s \ 2 0 2 3 0 7 1 1 \ F i g 0 2 _ W e l l L o c a t i o n s _ 2 0 2 3 0 7 1 1 . m x d I 0 50 100 Feet GROUNDWATER MONITORINGWELL LOCATIONS Legend &<1" Monitoring Well by Secor (2005) (&<2" Monitoring Well (1993) !A 2" and 4" Monitoring Well by Stantec (2008) &>Decommissioned Monitoring Well Chemical Dispensing Pre 1979 to 1983 Clarifier Pre 1979 to 1934 Current Water Treatment Area 1994 to Present Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area 1986 to 1994 Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area pre 1979 to 1986 BRM NORTHGROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORPORATION 2211 W. NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH1165 SCHEURING ROAD DE PERE WISCONSIN 54115 PHONE: 920.592.8400 !A !A!A !A !A !A !A !A!A &< (&<(&< (&< (&< (&< (&< !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( && & ª! ª!ª!ª!ª! ª! ª!ª! ª! !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( ª! ª!ª! !( !( "&"&"& &< &< &< &< x x >( x x x x ED ED x ED x >(>( x >( "& )# )# )#)# )# )# )#)# )# )# )# )# )# )# )# )# )# )# MW-10 MW-5 MW-4 MW-1 MW-3 MW-2 MW-7 MW-11 MW-8 MW-13C MW-13AMW-13B MW-15C MW-12A MW-14C MW-12B MW-14BMW-14AMW-6 SB-6 SB-5 SB-4 SB-7 SB-9 SB-10 SB-11SB-12 SB-13 SB-14 SB-3SB-1 SB-2 SB-40 SB-41 SB-42 SB-43 SB-44 SB-45 SB-39SB-37SB-38 SB-36 SB-46 SB-47 SB-48 SB-49 SB-50 SB-52 SB-51 SB-30 SB-31 SB-32 SB-33 SB-34 SB-35 SB-53 SB-54 SB-55 SB-56 SB-22 SB-57 SB-19 SB-20 SB-17 SB-16 SB-58A SB-58C SB-58B MW-9 SP-5 SP-2 VP-1 SP-1 SP-7 SP-6 SP-8 TP-2 TP-1 SP-9 TP-3 SP-3 VP-2VP-3 SP-4 VP-4 SB-15 SS-1 SS-11 SS-13 SS-14 SS-16 SS-17 SS-18 SS-2 SS-5 SS-7 SS-8 SS-15 SS-6 SS-9 SS-12 SS-10 SS-3 SS-4 JOB NUMBER:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:BRM AR CM FIGURE: DATE:07/11/23 3 FOR: NORTHGROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORPORATION 2211 W. NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH C: \ U s e r s \ b m c e v e r s \ O n e D r i v e - S t a n t e c \ D e s k t o p \ N o r t h r o p G r u m m a n \ g i s \ m x d s \ 2 0 2 3 0 7 1 1 \ F i g 0 3 _ S V L o c a t i o n s _ 2 0 2 3 0 7 1 1 . m x d I 0 50 100 Feet Legend "&Angle Boring !(Soil Boring by Others (1992) !(Boring by Secor (2005/2006) &Geotechnical Boring &<1" Monitoring Well by Secor (2005) (&<2" Monitoring Well (1993) !A 2" and 4" Monitoring Well by Stantec (2008) x Soil Boring and Grab Groundwater Sample Location ED Soil Test Pit and Grab Groundwater Sample Location >(Soil Gas Sample Location (June 2009)ª!CPT Soundings (SECOR, 2007) )#Sub Slab Vapor Sample Location )#Decommissioned Sub Slab Vapor Sample Location Chemical Dispensing Pre 1979 to 1983 Clarifier Pre 1979 to 1934 Current Water Treatment Area 1994 to Present Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area 1986 to 1994 Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area pre 1979 to 1986 SOIL VAPOR MONITORINGPOINT LOCATIONS 1165 SCHEURING ROAD DE PERE WISCONSIN 54115 PHONE: 920.592.8400 193708049 Attachment A Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 1165 Scheuring Road De Pere WI 54115-1001 February 14, 2023 Project/File: 193708049 Mr. Brad Lachnor, Environmental Engineer Utah Department of Environmental Quality Multi Agency State Office Building 195 North 1950 West, DEQ Second Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Dear Mr. Lachnor, Reference: Fieldwork Notice - Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Decommissioning - Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, 2211 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah On April 28, 2022, Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (Stantec) submitted a Recommended Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Programs under the Site Management Plan (the Plan) to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) for the Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation (Northrop Grumman) facility at 2211 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah (the Site). The Plan was approved in a letter from UDEQ to Northrop Grumman dated July 1, 2022, included as Attachment A. Consistent with the approved Plan, decommissioning is scheduled to start the week of March 20, 2023 using an approved drilling contractor in the State of Utah following provisions set forth in Utah Administrative Code R655-4-14. Stantec personnel will provide field oversight during well decommissioning activities; monitoring wells will include MW-1, MW-3, MW-6, MW-7, MW-8, MW- 9, MW-10, MW-11, MW-12A, MW-12B, MW-13A, MW-13B, MW-13C, MW-14A, MW-14B, MW14C, and MW-15C. Monitoring wells MW-13C, MW-14C, and MW-15C are completed in the regional confined aquifer where groundwater exhibits artesian conditions and abandonment of these wells will utilize techniques that will fully contain water from each location. Monitoring well locations are illustrated on Figure 1. Monitoring well construction detail is provided in Table 1. The casing at each well location will be removed to depth of 1-foot bgs by the driller and abandoned to surface using a tremie pipe and bentonite grout. The existing well vaults for monitoring wells located inside and outside the Site building will remain in place after decommissioning to protect the integrity of the surface features. Annual groundwater monitoring will continue for shallow zone (or S zone) monitoring wells MW-02, MW-04, and MW-05, which contain COC at relatively low concentrations. The purpose of monitoring groundwater conditions at these three S zone wells is to confirm COC in groundwater remain at or federal below drinking water standards (DWS) at the down-gradient limits of the Site property boundaries. February 9, 2023 Mr. Brad Lachnor, Environmental Engineer Page 2 of 2 Reference: Work Notice - Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Decommissioning - Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, 2211 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah Consistent with the approved Plan, up to thirteen soil vapor monitoring points will be decommissioned inside the Site building pending approved access to each location by facility management. Soil vapor monitoring points will include SS-1, SS-2, SS-3, SS-4, SS-6, SS-7, SS-9, SS-10, SS-12, SS-15, SS-16, SS-17, and SS-18. Soil vapor monitoring points are illustrated on Figure 2. The existing soil vapor monitoring point well box and cover will remain in place after decommissioning to protect the integrity of the existing facility building floor. Sub-slab sampling is not recommended as part of the annual monitoring program; however, at the request of UDEQ soil vapor monitoring points SS-5, SS-8, SS-11, SS-13, and SS-14 will remain in place for future sampling as needed. Investigation derived waste and water generated during monitoring well and soil vapor monitoring point decommissioning will be containerized in 55-gallon drums and liquid totes by the drilling contractor for disposal by the Facility. Within 30 days of the completion of field activities, the drilling contractor will submit well abandonment logs to the State Engineer. Stantec will also submit a letter correspondence to UDEQ, summarizing the monitoring well and soil vapor monitoring point decommissioning efforts. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. Andrew Riemer Associate Phone: 651.600.2308 andrew.riemer@stantec.com Chris Maxwell P.G. Principal Geologist Phone: 925.878.1620 chris.maxwell@stantec.com Attachments: Figure 1 – Well Locations Figure 2 – Soil Vapor Monitoring Point Locations Table 1 – Monitoring Well Construction Detail Attachment A – July 1, 2022 UDEQ Approval Letter Cc: John Kehs, Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation Figures !A !A!A !A !A !A !A !A!A &< (&<(&< (&< (&< (&< (&< !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( && & ª! ª!ª!ª!ª! ª! ª!ª! ª! !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( ª! ª!ª! !( !( "&"&"& &< &< &< &< x x >( x x x x ED ED x ED x >(>( x >( "& LN200/250 Equip. Room Systems Test Burn-In Rand. Vib. Equip. Room P-500 F.F. Conf. Room #1 ASAP Lab A-200 C.R.A/4 Clean Room Seeker G 300 Cln Rm FOAS Assy. U.P.S. Research Lab Instrument Test Laser Weld Gyro Seal & Fill Cycler Room Tool Crib Cafeteria Equipment Rooms EMC Center LWWAA G.F.E. Stores M . R . B . Co - L o c a t i o n Metrology Inspection Calibration /FTE ZLG Optics Test FOAS CLG Assembly Component & Combining Optics Nurse Eq u i p . R o o m Change Room Teardown Fill / BurninChem LabKey Frame Clean Discharge CHA #1 CHA #2 TQC Mirror Align Wa t e r R o o m RLG PLC Install ZLG/ RLC Install Mach Shop Equip Room Ship / Rec Storage Building Sell-OffC-1Paint Shop Bond Men Wiomen Facilities Weld Shop Reliability Material Stores Tool Crib Stores O & R Women Men SMT Stores Wave Solder Coating Lobby Guard MW-13C MW-13AMW-13B MW-15C MW-12A MW-14C MW-12B MW-14BMW-14A MW-10 MW-5 MW-6 MW-4 MW-1 MW-3 MW-2 SB-6 SB-5 SB-4 SB-7SB-9 SB-10 SB-11SB-12 SB-13 SB-14 SB-3SB-1 SB-2 SB-40 SB-41 SB-42 SB-43 SB-44 SB-45 SB-39SB-37 SB-38 SB-36 SB-46 SB-47 SB-48 SB-49 SB-50 SB-52 SB-51 SB-30 SB-31 SB-32 SB-33 SB-34 SB-35 SB-53 SB-54 SB-55 SB-56 SB-22 SB-57 SB-19 SB-20 SB-17 SB-16 SB-58A SB-58C SB-58B MW-9 MW-7 MW-11 MW-8 SP-5 SP-2 VP-1 SP-1 SP-7 SP-6 SP-8 TP-2 TP-1 SP-9 TP-3 SP-3 VP-2VP-3 SP-4 VP-4 SB-15 PHONE: (317) 876-8375 FAX: (317) 876-8382 JOB NUMBER:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:193708765 TH AR CM WELL LOCATIONS FIGURE: DATE:02/28/20 1 FOR: NORTHGROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORPORATION 2211 W. NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH U: \ 1 9 3 7 0 4 4 4 0 \ 0 3 _ d a t a \ g i s _ c a d \ g i s \ m x d s \ 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 _ 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 _ G W _ T e c h M e m o \ F i g 0 2 _ S i t e L a y o u t _ 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 . m x d I 0 50 100 Feet 5778 WEST 74TH STREET INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46278 Legend "&Angle Boring !(Soil Boring by Others (1992) !(Boring by Secor (2005/2006) &Geotechnical Boring &<1" Monitoring Well by Secor (2005) (&<2" Monitoring Well (1993) !A 2" and 4" Monitoring Well by Stantec (2008) x Soil Boring and Grab Groundwater Sample Location ED Soil Test Pit and Grab Groundwater Sample Location >(Soil Gas Sample Location (June 2009)ª!CPT Soundings (SECOR, 2007) Chemical Dispensing Pre 1979 to 1983 Clarifier Pre 1979 to 1934 Current Water Treatment Area 1994 to Present Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area 1986 to 1994 Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area pre 1979 to 1986 !A !A!A !A !A !A !A !A!A &< (&<(&< (&< (&< (&< (&< !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( && & ª! ª!ª!ª!ª! ª! ª!ª! ª! !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( ª! ª!ª! !( !( "&"&"& &< &< &< &< x x >( x x x x ED ED x ED x >( >( x >( "& )# )# )# )# )#)# )# )# )# )# )# )# )# )# )# )#)# )# MW-10 MW-5 MW-4 MW-1 MW-3 MW-2 MW-7 MW-11 MW-8 MW-13C MW-13AMW-13B MW-15C MW-12A MW-14C MW-12B MW-14BMW-14AMW-6 SB-6 SB-5 SB-4 SB-7 SB-9 SB-10 SB-11SB-12 SB-13 SB-14 SB-3SB-1 SB-2 SB-40 SB-41 SB-42 SB-43 SB-44 SB-45 SB-39SB-37SB-38 SB-36 SB-46SB-47 SB-48 SB-49 SB-50 SB-52 SB-51 SB-30 SB-31 SB-32 SB-33 SB-34 SB-35 SB-53 SB-54 SB-55 SB-56 SB-22 SB-57 SB-19 SB-20 SB-17 SB-16 SB-58A SB-58C SB-58B MW-9 SP-5 SP-2 VP-1 SP-1 SP-7 SP-6 SP-8 TP-2 TP-1 SP-9 TP-3 SP-3 VP-2VP-3 SP-4 VP-4 SB-15 SS-15 SS-9 SS-8 SS-6 SS-5 SS-16 SS-17 SS-10 SS-12 SS-11 SS-13 SS-14 SS-18 SS-7 SS-1 SS-2SS-3 SS-4 I PHONE: (317) 876-8375 FAX: (317) 876-8382 JOB NUMBER:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:193704440 TH AR CM FIGURE: DATE:02/24/22 2 FOR: NORTHGROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORPORATION 2211 W. NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH U: \ 1 9 3 7 0 8 0 4 9 \ 0 3 _ d a t a \ g i s _ c a d \ g i s \ m x d s \ 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 4 _ S S _ I A _ S a m p l e L o c a t i o n s \ F i g 0 3 _ S S _ I A _ S a m p l i n g _ 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 4 _ 1 1 x 1 7 . m x d I 0 50 100 Feet 5778 WEST 74TH STREET INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46278 Legend "&Angle Boring !(Soil Boring by Others (1992) !(Boring by Secor (2005/2006) &Geotechnical Boring &<1" Monitoring Well by Secor (2005) (&<2" Monitoring Well (1993) !A 2" and 4" Monitoring Well by Stantec (2008) x Soil Boring and Grab Groundwater Sample Location ED Soil Test Pit and Grab Groundwater Sample Location >(Soil Gas Sample Location (June 2009)ª!CPT Soundings (SECOR, 2007) !?Indoor and Outdoor Ambient Air Sampling Chemical Dispensing Pre 1979 to 1983 Clarifier Pre 1979 to 1934 Current Water Treatment Area 1994 to Present Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area 1986 to 1994 Freon Tanks and Chem Storage Area pre 1979 to 1986 )#Sub Slab Vapor Sample Location SOIL VAPOR MONITORING POINT LOCATIONS Table 1 TABLE 1 Monitoring Well Construction Details Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation 2211 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Boring Well Screen Screen Screen TOC Depth Diameter Top Bottom Length Elevation (feet bgs)(inches)(feet bgs)(feet bgs)(feet)(feet AMSL) MW-1 4/29/1993 14 2 3 13 10 4221.56 MW-2 4/29/1993 13.5 2 3.5 13.5 10 4222.12 MW-3 4/29/1993 13.5 2 3.5 13.5 10 4220.94 MW-4 5/3/1993 14.5 2 3.5 13.5 10 4221.50 MW-5 5/3/1993 15.5 2 3.5 14.5 11 4221.31 MW-6 5/4/1993 40 2 29.5 39.5 10 4221.24 MW-7 8/17/2005 16 1 5 15 10 NM MW-8 8/18/2005 16 1 5 15 10 NM MW-9 8/19/2005 16 1 5 15 10 NM MW-10 8/19/2005 12 1 2 12 10 NM MW-11 10/3/2005 12 1 2 12 10 NM MW-12A 12/12/2008 2 30 40 10 4224.35 MW-12B 12/12/2008 2 53 63 10 4224.49 MW-13A 11/7/2008 2 30 40 10 4223.83 MW-13B 11/7/2008 2 65 70 5 4223.81 MW-13C 11/7/2008 117 4 105 115 10 4224.08 MW-14A 11/6/2008 2 34 44 10 4224.51 MW-14B 11/6/2008 2 63 68 5 4224.47 MW-14C 11/5/2008 127 4 120 125 5 4224.54 MW-15C 11/8/2008 116 4 100 110 10 4223.45 Notes: bgs = below ground surface TOC = Top of Casing AMSL = above mean sea level NM = not measured 77 Well/ Boring ID Installation Date 63 72 Page 1 of 1 Attachment A Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D.Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SPENCER J.cox AND RADIATION CONTROL Governor Douglas J.Hansen DEIDRE HENDERSON Director Lieutenant Governor July 1,2022 JOhn Kehs Northrop Grumman Mission Systems Post Office Box 1693,MS 1401 Baltimore,MD 21203 RE:Site Management Plan Recommended Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Northrop Grumman Guidance and Electronics Company,Inc. 2211 West North Temple,Salt Lake City,Utah UTDO73 095804 Dear Mr.Kehs: The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (Division)has completed its review of yourApril2$,2022,submittal of the Recommended Groundwater and Indoor Air Monitoring Programs under aSiteManagementPlanfortheNorthropGrummanSystemsCorporationpropertylocatedattheaddresslistedabove. The Division concurs with the recommendations in the letter.Additionally,the Division has determined thepropertynowmeetstheCorrectiveActionCompletewithControlsdesignation.Please prepare and submitforreviewtotheDivisionadraftSiteManagementPlanandEnvironmentalCovenantfortheproperty. If you have any questions,please call Brad Lauchnor at (801)536-0254. Sincerely, ouglas J.ansen,Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control DJH/BML/wa c:Angela C.Dunn,MD,MPH,Health Officer,Salt Lake County Health Dept. Dorothy Adams,Deputy Director,Salt Lake County Health Dept. Ron Lund,Environmental Health Director.Salt Lake County Health Dept. John Kehs,Northrup Grumman Mission Systems (Email) DSHW-2022-017801 195 North 1950 West •Salt Lake City,UI Mailing Address:P.O.Box 144880 •Salt Lake City,UT 84114-4880 Telephone (801)536-0200 •Fax ($01)536-0222 T.D.D.($01)5364284 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100%recycled paper State of Utah Attachment B Attachment C ASPHALT SILT ; ML; light grayish brown; medium dense; moist; no odor SILTY CLAY ; CL-ML; light grayish brown; medium plasticity; soft; very moist; no odor Wet Borehole terminated at 15 feet. ML CL- ML Flush-mounted well vault 2-inch PVC riser Bentonite seal 0.020-inch slotted PVC screen Sand pack LOCATION:2211 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah Ti m e & De p t h (f e e t ) 5 10 15 DRILLING METHOD:Hollow Stem Auger Description US C S Gr a p h i c Lo g DRILLING EQUIPMENT: GROUND ELEV (ft):4224.455 WELL CASING DIA. (in):2 STATIC DTW (ft):Not Encountered BOREHOLE DEPTH (ft):15 BOREHOLE DIA.(in):4.25 DRILLING COMPANY:Cascade Drilling DRILLING: INSTALLATION: STARTED STARTED PROJECT:Salt Lake City Facility 4/26/23 4/26/23 PROJECT NUMBER:193708049 COMPLETED: COMPLETED: MW-5RPAGE 1 OF 1 INITIAL DTW (ft):4.5 LATITUDE: NORTHING (ft):7449999.528 LOGGED BY:A. Riemer EASTING (ft):1514122.388 LONGITUDE: TOC ELEV (ft):4224.125 WELL DEPTH (ft):13.5 CHECKED BY:C. MaxwellSAMPLING EQUIPMENT: 4/26/23 4/26/23 WELL / PROBEHOLE / BOREHOLE NO: GE O F O R M 3 0 4 2 0 2 4 - 0 7 1 0 _ S L C _ M W - 5 R _ B O R I N G _ L O G . G P J S T A N T E C E N V I R O T E M P L A T E 0 1 0 5 0 9 . G D T 8 / 5 / 2 4 Well ConstructionDe p t h (f e e t ) 5 10 15 Bl o w Co u n t Me a s u r e d Re c o v . (f e e t ) He a d s p a c e PI D (u n i t s ) Time Sample ID Sa m p l e Attachment D Client Name Stantec Trey Campbell 806-683-5910 2211 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah Survey Date Thursday, November 9, 2023 Northing (Y)Easting (X)Elevation (Z) 1000 7449837.995 1514706.569 4225.219 MW - 2 - TOP OF LID 1002 7449838.109 1514706.523 4224.709 MW - 2 - CASING N SIDE ON MARK 1003 7450004.41 1514262.043 4224.373 MW - 4 - TOP OF LID 1004 7450004.636 1514261.989 4224.005 MW - 4 - CASING N SIDE 1005 7449999.528 1514122.388 4224.455 MW - 5R - TOP OF LID 1006 7449999.523 1514122.418 4224.125 MW - 5R - CASING N SIDE 1007 7449368.126 1513502.439 4223.427 REFERENCE BENCHMARK - SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH RANGE 1 WEST, SLB&M Project Location Utah State Plane Coordinates - Central Zone (4302) - US Survey FeetPoint Number Description Project Surveyor