HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-010391J. Paul Wright <pwright@utah.gov> Hildale Waterline Extension - File #13933 Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com>Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 5:20 PM To: Charles Hammon <charles@exceldesign.us>, "J. Paul Wright" <pwright@utah.gov> Cc: Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com>, Nathan Fischer <nathanf@hildalecity.com>, Athena Cawley <athenac@hildalecity.com> Paul, See comments in blue below. We will work on getting the revised report to you tomorrow. This would be confusing if you haven’t seen the booster station report! I thought you had. My apologies. Thank you. Riley Vane, PE Project Manager Jones & DeMille Engineering, Inc. p: (435) 986-3622 | m: (435) 705-1189 Shaping the Quality of Life. From: Charles Hammon <charles@exceldesign.us> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 4:16 PM To: J. Paul Wright <pwright@utah.gov>; Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Cc: Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com>; Nathan Fischer <nathanf@hildalecity.com>; Athena Cawley <athenac@hildalecity.com> Subject: RE: Hildale Waterline Extension - File #13933 Paul, I appreciate your response. The modeling was done by Jones & Demille, so I will defer to them, but it’s my understanding the state minimum requirements under the highest demand scenario can be met for this extension without the booster pump. This application, design drawings, and certification are only for the waterline extension and a separate application will be made in the future for the booster pump. I will rely on Riley to confirm the above and more specifically address your comments below. Thank you, 8/6/24, 5:05 PM State of Utah Mail - Hildale Waterline Extension - File #13933 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3bcb897f8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1804870309292934292&simpl=msg-f:1804870309292934292 1/3 Charles Hammon, PE Excel Design Associates, LLC 1185 West Utah Ave., Ste 102 Hildale, UT 84784 office: 435-619-4586 email: charles@exceldesign.us visit us at: www.exceldesign.us From: J. Paul Wright <pwright@utah.gov> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 4:10 PM To: Charles Hammon <charles@exceldesign.us>; Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Cc: Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com>; Nathan Fischer <nathanf@hildalecity.com>; Athena Cawley <athenac@hildalecity.com> Subject: Re: Hildale Waterline Extension - File #13933 Charles and Riley, I know we discussed this on the phone, but I want to ask a couple more questions based on what has been submitted: 1) The hydraulic model memo and report discusses a booster station and proposed modifications to that facility. I have not seen a design for that facility yet and it will have to be submitted for review and plan approval before it can be constructed (as a separate project I assume). You are correct. I understood that the booster station report was sent on to you and you were familiar with it, for sizing purposes only. My apologies. I’ll eliminate the reference to the booster station report and do a standalone report for this pipeline. The booster station report was prepared for future growth and is separate to this project. The design is not complete, and we are procuring funding for that project. 2) Is the booster station required for the Innovation Center to meet the minimum pressures? The memo didn't really address where the Innovation Center was located in the model and what pressures would be achieved for this specific portion of the area. The only that was addressed is that by adding the Innovation Center, the minimum pressure under 8/6/24, 5:05 PM State of Utah Mail - Hildale Waterline Extension - File #13933 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3bcb897f8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1804870309292934292&simpl=msg-f:1804870309292934292 2/3 Peak Day Demand would be 40.51 psi with a recommended "upgraded booster station". Again, I have not seen any submittals for a booster station in this water system. Booster station is not required and will be omitted from the standalone report. 3) We also require that the Peak Instantaneous flow scenario be modeled, which has a requirement of meeting 30 psi under that flow scenario and was not discussed at all in the memo. PID was modeled but mistakenly not included in the report. Will revise. 4) The fire flow scenario shows the minimum fire flows that can be met. I assume that this scenario was modeled by meeting a minimum pressure of 20 psi and that the Peak Day Demand was added onto the fire flow to meet the DDW requirement for this scenario? In summary (this will be described in the standalone report): The demands were calculated from Hildale/CCs recent Water Master Plan (adopted in 2024). PDD (40 psi) is obtainable. PID (30 psi) is obtainable. PDD + Fire Flow (20 psi) 700 gpm fire flow is obtainable. Let me know if you have any questions. Paul [Quoted text hidden] image001.png 40K 8/6/24, 5:05 PM State of Utah Mail - Hildale Waterline Extension - File #13933 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3bcb897f8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1804870309292934292&simpl=msg-f:1804870309292934292 3/3 321 North Mall Drive, Ste J-101, St. George, UT 84790 Phone: (435) 619-4586 ○ Fax: (435) 608-4586 Email: Charles@ExcelDesign.us MEMORADUM To: Paul Wright, District Engineer Utah Department of Environmental Quality 620 South 400 East St. George, UT 84770 From: Charles Hammon, PE Re: Hildale Waterline Extension – Plan Review Comments Date: 7-17-24 We reviewed the Plan Review comments and have the following responses: COMMENTS 1) Jerry mentioned to me that this is for an Innovation Center, but will also loop the water lines. Has this been included in the water system hydraulic model to ensure that the following scenarios are met especially for the demands of the Innovation Center and the fire hydrants. If so, the attached hydraulic model certification should be completed and signed. • 40 psi peak day demand • 30 psi peak instantaneous demand • 20 psi for fire flow (1500 gpm from the PNF + peak day demand) - Please see the attached certification from Jones & Demille. 2) On the trench detail , Sheet C-5.1 I could not see what soil type is specified for the pipe zone. It should be 3/4" minus soil at least. - Detail A2, Sheet C5.1 has been updated to include the soil type for the pipe zone. 3) What type of PVC pipe (type and pressure class) is going to be used, you have just called out PVC pipe from what I can tell. - Keynote 4, Sheet C-4.1 has been updated to include a DR18 pressure class rating for the PVC C900 water main. 4) All materials that come into contact with drinking water need to meet the following standard and should be included as a note in the plans: ANSI/NSF Standard for Health Effects. All materials that may come in contact with drinking water, including pipes, gaskets, lubricants and O-Rings, shall be ANSI-certified as meeting the requirements of ANSI/NSF Standard 61, Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects. To permit field-verification of this certification, all components shall be appropriately stamped with the NSF logo - This note has been added as Utility Plan Note 10 on Sheet C4.1. 5) I could not see any details or notes specifying water/sewer separation. There should be 10 feet separation (6 feet under certain conditions) horizontally (edge to edge) and when they cross, there should be a minimum of 18 inches of vertical separation with the water line above the sewer line. - Separation requirements are now shown as Utility Plan Note 11 on Sheet C-4.1. 6) I could not see the disinfection and pressure testing requirements in the plans or notes, the should be as follows: Disinfecting Water Lines. All new water mains or appurtenances shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C651-05 or a method approved by the Director. The specifications shall include detailed procedures for the adequate flushing, disinfection, and microbiological testing of all water mains. On all new and extensive distribution system construction, evidence of satisfactory disinfection shall be provided to the Division. Samples for coliform analyses shall be collected after disinfection is complete and the system is refilled with drinking water. A standard heterotrophic plate count is advisable. The use of water for public drinking water purposes shall not commence until the bacteriologic tests indicate the water is free from contamination. - Disinfection requirements have been added to Sheet C4.1 as Utility Plan Note 12. (7) Pressure and Leakage Testing. All types of installed pipe shall be pressure tested and leakage tested in accordance with AWWA Standard C600-10. - Pressure and leakage testing is now included on Sheet C-4.1 as Utility Plan Note 13. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you, Charles Hammon, PE Excel Design Associates J. Paul Wright <pwright@utah.gov> Water Main Extension Fire Flows 6 messages Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com>Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 1:43 PM To: Jesse Barlow <JesseB@hccfd.org> Cc: Nathan Fischer <NathanF@hildalecity.com>, "J. Paul Wright" <pwright@utah.gov>, Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Good Aernoon Chief Barlow! We are in the process of extending a water main to the Innovaon Center in Hildale, Utah. I have aached, for your review, the hydraulic flow analysis of the area serving the Innovaon Center. The hydraulic model shows the flow rate of 1,200 gpm at the hydrant while maintaining a 20 psi or higher. Would you be able to approve the main expansion and the fire flows for this project? I have copied the City Engineer and the Utah Division of Drinking Water reviewer on this email so please respond to ALL. Thanks     Jerry Jerald A Postema Ulity Director cell:602.614.6912 fax: 435.874.2603 320 E Newel Ave PO Box 840490, Hildale, UT 84784 Hydraulic Modeling Report Booster Station.docx 4507K J. Paul Wright <pwright@utah.gov>Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 1:44 PM To: Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com> Cc: Jesse Barlow <JesseB@hccfd.org>, Nathan Fischer <NathanF@hildalecity.com>, Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Jerry, I just wanted to verify that 1200 GPM is the correct number. When Riley sent a response to my email about a month ago, he said it was about 700 GPM at the hydrant at the Innovation Center while maintaining 20 psi. Regardless, I just want to verify that the fire authority is okay with whatever flow rate will be there. 8/27/24, 3:43 PM State of Utah Mail - Water Main Extension Fire Flows https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3bcb897f8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1808208697248777095&simpl=msg-f:180820869724877709…1/5 Paul [Quoted text hidden] Outlook-xwazjpdm.png 13K Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com>Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 2:29 PM To: "J. Paul Wright" <pwright@utah.gov>, Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com>, Jesse Barlow <JesseB@hccfd.org> Cc: Nathan Fischer <NathanF@hildalecity.com> Paul and team, Sorry for the confusion. I will try to clarify a few things. There are 2 distinct projects 1) the fire suppression line to the Innovation Center (unboosted), and 2) the booster station that will induce a higher-pressure zone. The challenge is that these are being submitted at almost the same time, by separate consulting firms (though JDE is modeling both) and they cover overlapping areas Project No. 1: The fire suppression line This was modeled and the flows and pressures reported reflect the unboosted, lower pressure zone connection. That is why you saw a 700 gpm fire flow capacity earlier. This will be temporary however, because of the 2nd project will boost pressure through this same line. Project No. 2: The booster station at Maple St. This modeling report is nearly complete and we are working on plans to submit for review. With the booster station, fire flows increase to 1200 gpm at the most demanding point of the pressure zone, far tot eh north of the innovation center. Hopefully this clarifies things. Chief @Jesse Barlow, if these are acceptable, including the 700 gpm temporary connection, please let us know as that might speed both projects along for Jerry and the town. Thank you. Riley Vane, PE Project Manager Jones & DeMille Engineering, Inc. p: (435) 986-3622 | m: (435) 705-1189 Shaping the Quality of Life. 8/27/24, 3:43 PM State of Utah Mail - Water Main Extension Fire Flows https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3bcb897f8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1808208697248777095&simpl=msg-f:180820869724877709…2/5 From: J. Paul Wright <pwright@utah.gov> Sent: Friday, August 23, 2024 1:45 PM To: Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com> Cc: Jesse Barlow <JesseB@hccfd.org>; Nathan Fischer <NathanF@hildalecity.com>; Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Subject: Re: Water Main Extension Fire Flows Jerry, I just wanted to verify that 1200 GPM is the correct number. When Riley sent a response to my email about a month ago, he said it was about 700 GPM at the hydrant at the Innovation Center while maintaining 20 psi. Regardless, I just want to verify that the fire authority is okay with whatever flow rate will be there. Paul On Fri, Aug 23, 2024, 1:43 PM Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com> wrote: Good Aernoon Chief Barlow! We are in the process of extending a water main to the Innovaon Center in Hildale, Utah. I have aached, for your review, the hydraulic flow analysis of the area serving the Innovaon Center. The hydraulic model shows the flow rate of 1,200 gpm at the hydrant while maintaining a 20 psi or higher. Would you be able to approve the main expansion and the fire flows for this project? I have copied the City Engineer and the Utah Division of Drinking Water reviewer on this email so please respond to ALL. Thanks     Jerry Jerald A Postema Ulity Director cell:602.614.6912 fax: 435.874.2603 320 E Newel Ave PO Box 840490, Hildale, UT 84784 8/27/24, 3:43 PM State of Utah Mail - Water Main Extension Fire Flows https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3bcb897f8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1808208697248777095&simpl=msg-f:180820869724877709…3/5 Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com>Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 2:35 PM To: "J. Paul Wright" <pwright@utah.gov> Cc: Jesse Barlow <JesseB@hccfd.org>, Nathan Fischer <NathanF@hildalecity.com>, Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Hi Paul! Yes, that is the correct number. I had Riley re-run the Hydraulic Model for the area to verify the flows and pressures at the Innovaon Center. I will defer to Riley is I am wrong or misunderstood. Th Jerry From: J. Paul Wright <pwright@utah.gov> Sent: Friday, August 23, 2024 12:44 PM To: Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com> Cc: Jesse Barlow <JesseB@hccfd.org>; Nathan Fischer <NathanF@hildalecity.com>; Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Subject: Re: Water Main Extension Fire Flows [Quoted text hidden] Jesse Barlow <JesseB@hccfd.org>Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 5:14 PM To: Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com> Cc: Nathan Fischer <NathanF@hildalecity.com>, "J. Paul Wright" <pwright@utah.gov>, Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Jerry, The Hildale-Colorado City Fire Department approves of the water main extension and fire hydrant to service the new Innovation Center at the estimated 700 gpm at 20 psi or greater understanding that this is temporary and a one-time approval for this extension only. Any future extensions in this area will be subject to a new review and approval through the Fire Department with an updated fire hydraulic flow analysis. In addition, we understand the City of Hildale is working with the State of Utah to fund a new pressure booster station with a fire pump to add fire protection to the area in the future. We support this effort and want to partner with the City in reviews of the pumping capacity and pressures on behalf of the Fire Departments duty to protect and serve the residents of Hildale. We are pleased to see this water main extension into this area due to there being no water mains or hydrants currently. Respectfully, Jesse Barlow Fire Chief 8/27/24, 3:43 PM State of Utah Mail - Water Main Extension Fire Flows https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3bcb897f8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1808208697248777095&simpl=msg-f:180820869724877709…4/5 Hildale – Colorado City Fire Department Ph. 928-875-2400 Cell. 435-703-1548 jesseb@hccfd.org [Quoted text hidden] Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com>Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 5:29 PM To: Jesse Barlow <JesseB@hccfd.org> Cc: Nathan Fischer <NathanF@hildalecity.com>, "J. Paul Wright" <pwright@utah.gov>, Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Thank you Chief Barlow. We will make sure to include you and your staff in any further proposed water extensions in this area. Thanks Jerry From: Jesse Barlow <JesseB@hccfd.org> Sent: Friday, August 23, 2024 4:14 PM To: Jerry Postema <jerryp@hildalecity.com> Cc: Nathan Fischer <NathanF@hildalecity.com>; J. Paul Wright <pwright@utah.gov>; Riley Vane <riley.v@jonesanddemille.com> Subject: RE: Water Main Extension Fire Flows [Quoted text hidden] 8/27/24, 3:43 PM State of Utah Mail - Water Main Extension Fire Flows https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3bcb897f8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1808208697248777095&simpl=msg-f:180820869724877709…5/5