City:MAGNA County or Parish:SALT LAKE State:UT
Refer to Report Dated:10/24/2018 EPA ID:UTD980961502
Report Developed By:STATE State ID:
Report Type:Expanded Site Inspection #001 Decision Date:10/24/2018
1. Further Remedial Site Assessment Under CERCLA (Superfund) is not required because:
NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information
2. Further Assessment Needed Under CERCLA.
3. Remedial study/cleanup needed.
Historic city landfill located about two miles south-southeast of the Salt Lake City International Airport. The landfill
received solid waste from 1923 to 1962 before being closed to public dumping. Municipal wastes such as household,
commercial, industrial and organic materials are believed to be buried on-site. Chromium and lead contaminated soils
were illegally dumped at the site in 1991 and subsequently removed under the direction of the Utah Division of Solid
and Hazardous Waste in 1997. The landfill is currently covered with top soil to various depths. Previous investigations
have identified elevated levels of organic compounds, heavy metals and the pesticides in on-site soils.
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) completed an Expanded Site Inspection (ESI) in 2017 to
evaluate potential health threats related to the site. According to the ESI report, exposure to contaminated soils is
limited by perimeter fencing and current operations and maintenance. There are no on-site residents, schools or
daycares located with 200 feet of the site. Arsenic, antimony, selenium and pentachlorophenol were found in shallow
groundwater, but there are no downgradient wells used for drinking water within four miles of the site. Elevated
concentrations of heavy metals in nearby surface water and sediment could not be attributed to the site due to potential
upstream sources of contamination.
Based on the review of the ESI report, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concurs with UDEQ’s
recommendation of No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP), at this time. The basis for the NFRAP determination
is provided above. A NFRAP designation means that no additional remedial steps under the Federal Superfund
program will be taken at the site unless new information warranting further Superfund consideration or conditions not
previously known to EPA regarding the site are disclosed. In accordance with EPA's decision regarding the tracking of
NFRAP sites, the referenced site may be removed from EPA’s Active site inventory and placed in a separate Archive
site inventory as an historical record if no further Superfund interest is warranted. Archived sites may be returned to the
Active site inventory if new information necessitating further Superfund consideration is discovered.
Site Decision Made By:Ryan Dunham
Signature:Decision Date:10/24/2018
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