HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-010304195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144830 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830 Telephone (801) 536-4200 • Fax (801) 536-4211 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4284 Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Tim Davis Director November 16, 2021 Mike Folkman Summit Water Distribution Company 8506 Bluebird Lane Park City, Utah 84098 Subject: System-Specific Minimum Sizing Standards Summit Water Distribution Company, System #22059, File #11516 Dear Mike Folkman: Based on the water use data submitted to the Division of Water Rights (DWRi), the following system-specific minimum sizing standards have been set for Summit Water Distribution Company water system: Peak Day Source Demand (gal/day/ERC) – 887 gal/day/ERC Average Annual Demand (gal/yr/ERC) – 181,560 gal/yr/ERC Equalization Storage (gal/ERC) – 497 gal/ERC Fire Storage (gal) – 2,205,000 gal These standards are effective as of the date of this letter. A summary of the water use data and calculations used to set the minimum sizing standards is attached for your reference. The Division plans to evaluate these standards every 3 years, or upon request. Water System Background Summit Water Distribution Company (the System) is a public water system in Summit County that operates the following drinking water facilities ranging from new construction to 40-year- old infrastructure: Eleven (11) storage tanks with a combined volume of 6-million gallons of storage One (1) spring Nine (9) active groundwater wells Eight (8) lift stations Purchases water from Weber Basin through Mountain Regional Special Service District Mike Folkman Page 2 of 3 November 16, 2021 The System is a shareholder owned company that provides drinking water throughout its district in addition to Park City Mountain Resort for snowmaking, emergency water for two other water systems and whole sales water to a third system. Minimum Sizing Standard Background Per Utah Code 19-4-114, the information needed for the Division of Drinking Water (the Division) to set system-specific minimum sizing standards may be based on water use data submitted to the DWRi, or alternatively, a community water system can submit an engineering study to the Division if the water system’s water use data is not representative of future use or the water system does not yet have actual water use data. Actual water use data was available through DWRi. Therefore, the Division analyzed the submitted DWRi water use data and sent a draft summary of the resulting system-specific minimum sizing standards to your office on October 6, 2021. The Division allowed for 30 days for your water system to review the draft system-specific minimum sizing. Your office replied on October 7, 2021 to verify the draft sizing standards are representative. Therefore, the Division is setting system-specific minimum sizing standard for Summit Water Distribution Company water system. Water Use Data Definitions Peak Day Source Demand is the total flow into a public water system to meet the demand of the water system on the day of highest water consumption in a calendar year. Average Annual Demand is the total quantity of drinking water flowing into a public water system within a calendar year. Total Equivalent Residential Connections (ERCs) term represents the number of residential service connections and the number of equivalent residential connections for non-residential connections (commercial, industrial, institutional connections). Minimum Equalization Storage requirement is a volume that is equivalent to the amount of water needed to meet the average day culinary demand for public water systems. Equalized storage per ERC is calculated by dividing the Average Annual Demand per ERC data by the number of operational days in a year. Fire Storage was set based on information from Park City First District on April 13, 2020 of 1,000 gallons per minute for 120 minutes. On October 6, 2021, you provided the Division with the total storage your water system maintains for fire of 2,205,000 gallons. Storage Capacity Based on your systems storage facilities and the storage minimum sizing requirement established in this letter, your system is compliant with the minimum storage capacity requirements. Mike Folkman Page 3 of 3 November 16, 2021 Source Capacity The Division has documentation of established safe yields for all your system sources. Using total system wide safe yields and the source minimum sizing requirement established in this letter indicates your water system is compliant with minimum source capacity requirements. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Cheryl Parker, of this office, at (385) 271-7039, or Michael Newberry, Engineering Manager, at (385) 515-1464. Sincerely, Michael Newberry, P.E. Engineering Manager CP/mrn/mdb Enclosures 1.Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Drinking Water Minimum Sizing Standards Summary Report cc: Nathan Brooks, Summit County Health Department, nbrooks@summitcounty.org Milk Folkman, Summit Water Distribution Company, mike@SWDC.us Julie Cobleigh, Division of Drinking Water, jjcobleigh@utah.gov Cheryl Parker, Division of Drinking Water, chparker@utah.gov Chief Mike Owens, Park City Fire Authority, mowens@pcfd.org Coy Porter, Office of the State Fire Marshal, coyporter@utah.gov DDW-2021-008862 Community 6,850 Phone: 435-649-7324 Emergency Phone: 435-649-7324 Date Standard effective Peak Day Source Demand per ERC (gal/day) Average Annual Demand per ERC (gal/year) Equalization Storage per ERC (gal/day) 100.0% 0.0% SOURCE CALCULATION Peak Day Source Demand per ERC(gpm)0.62 Existing Source Capacity (gpm):4,475 ERCs:6,065 Required Source Capacity (gpm)3,734 Source Deficiency (gpm):0 No Source Deficiency CAPACITY CALCULATIONS FOR SOURCES ERCs:6,065 Required Storage w/o Fire Flow (gal)3,016,887 Required Fire Storage (gal):2,205,000 Required Storage w/ Fire (gal):5,221,887 Storage Deficiency:5,221,887 Storage Deficiency CAPACITY CALCULATIONS FOR STORAGE STORAGE CALCULATION Equalization per ERC (gal):497 Existing Storage (gal):0 Mike Folkman System Type: 8506 Bluebird Ln Population: Park City, U 84098 mike@swdc.us MINIMUM SIZING STANDARD 11/4/2021 887 181,560 497 Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Drinking Water Minimum Sizing Standards Summit Water Distribution Company PWS ID: UTAH22059 DWRi WATER USE DATA REPORTED Data Year Peak Day Source Demand (gal/day) Average Annual Demand (gallons) ERCs Op Days 2020 4,726,567 988,648,227 6,065 365 2019 4,562,110 896,012,046 6,041 365 2018 4,256,084 1,023,383,943 6,213 365 Variability 3% Data from these reporting years 2018 to 2020 Max Peak Day Source Demand per ERC (gal/day)779 x 14%=887 Max Average Annual Demand per ERC (gal/year)163,079 x 11%=181,560 Max Equalization Storage per ERC (gal/day)447 x 11%=497 ST009 RED PINE TANK 50,000 GAL WS001 NEW REST STOP WELL 800 GPM ST010 RED HAWK TANK GAL WS003 JEREMY RANCH WELL #4 511 GPM ST012 SPRING CREEK SPRINGS STORAGE 50,000 GAL WS005 WHITE PINE WELL 20 GPM ST008 MOOSE HOLLOW TANK 200,000 GAL WS006 CHURCH WELL 95 GPM ST001 LOWER HIDDEN COVE TANK 500,000 GAL WS007 STORAGE WELL 800 GPM ST002 UPPER HIDDEN COVE TANK 500,000 GAL WS008 OLD F-7 WELL 185 GPM ST003 PLAT 5 TANK 500,000 GAL WS009 U224 WELL 167 GPM ST004 TOMBSTONE TANK 100,000 GAL WS012 NEW F-7 WELL 468 GPM ST005 RANCH PLACE TANK 750,000 GAL WS010 UPPER SPRING CREEK 242 GPM ST006 TRAILSIDE TANK GAL WS014 UTAH22137 1054 GPM ST007 SECTION 27 TANK 750,000 GAL WS016 HI-UTE WELL REPL-1 133 GPM Storage Totals GAL Source Totals:4,475 GPM 1,100,000 1,500,000 6,000,000 SYSTEM STORAGE AND SOURCE INVENTORY SYSTEM STORAGE DETAILS SYSTEM SOURCE DETAILS Equalization Storage per ERC (gal/day) 779 162,278 445 14%11%11% 755 146,478 401 685 163,079 447 MINIMUM SIZING STANDARD CALCULATIONS Variability Factor Peak Demand per ERC (gal/day) Avg Annual Demand per ERC (gal/year)