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Kennecott Utah Gopper Corporation i
Utah Department of Environmental Qr.rality'
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
0c1' 2is
ln the fall of '1990, the U. S. Environmental Piotection'Agency (EPA) began to compile
data for the purposes of preparing documentation to determine if the properties owned by
Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation (KUC) and nearby impacted properties should be listed
on the National Priorities List (NPL) of sites eligible for federal cklanijp funding under the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability'Act of 1980, as
amended in 1986 by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act. After the parties
could not agree on the'terms of a sile-wide Consent Decree, EPA proposed two sites, the
Kennecott North Site and the Kennecott South Site, for listing on the NPL in January 1994.
Beginning in early 1991, KUC began to cooperate with EPA and the Utah Department
of Environrnental Quality (UDEO) in identifying the environmental problems associated with
these Sites, studying these problems, and developing work plans with EPA to remediate
them. Twenty-two operable units have been identified and progress has been made on all of
them (see attached table). ln addition, KUC has participated with EPA, UDEQ, and others in
a Groundwater Technical Review Committee, the Risk Assessment Task Force, and the
Ecological Technical Advisory Group. KUC has finalized a settlement of a Natural Resource
Damage Claim for damages to groundwater with the state trustee. KUC is conducting studies
to determine the ecological risks associated with historical.and current mining activities.
Finally, KUC has participated with EPA and UDEQ in evaluating several Administrative
Reforms designed to increase public participation and streamline cleanup decisions. ln
summary, KUC has shown ample evidence of good faith through substantial progress toward
a complete cleanup of their sites in the Oquirrh Mountains.
Although there are substaniial cleanup activities yet to be performed, EPA and UDEQ
now have sutficient evidence that cleanups by KUC can be perforrned without making a final
listing decision. This document represents the understandings reached by EPA, UDEQ, and
KUC. In exchange for KUC's agreement to continue spe.cified cleanup activities e[ lhe sites,
EPA agrees not to proceed with a decision iegarding final listing of KUC properties in the
Oquirrh Mountains on the NPL or equivalent list.
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1. Complete the RI/FS on the $outh Zone Grounciwater probiems vrithin the next two
and one-half years. ''
2. Complete a'lemosdf'action un tfrs Waitewater Tre.atmenl:Ph* Sludge ;Ponds ' ' ,
withrn ihree 1,63is of completion of ihe repository. Thls actign,vuilljiFclude cunptty iAentified
smelter and ref'Htqrl soits :rThe soiis cleal,rup at the Snteiter and refinery may be extendeci in
scope and d_lrralton it adc.liBional cbntamiriaidd soils that. require cleanup are-f6und,u r.. ri ji.'. i : '
3. Complete the South Jordan Evaporation Ponds cleanup within one year.
4. Start a BI/FS on the North Zone groundwater problems (e.g. originating at the
refinery and smelter sites) within one year of completion of tne eco)of,icat inO human health
risk assessments, if such an HI/FS is shown necessary based on ecologicat and human
health risk assessments. This RI/FS should be completed within 3 years atter the start.
5. Continue groundwater source control measures at the Bingham Canyon Mine
waste rock dumps and other KUC facilities under the auspices ol the UDEQ.
6. Complete environmental assessments of currently identified on-site historic lacilities
and their associated wastes and conduct cleanups of these wastes if shown necessary by the
ecological and human health risk assessments.
7. Completion of the currently-defined ecological risk assessment studies and
development of recommendations within one year. The scope and/or schedule may be
extended pending review of results from ongoing studies.
Items 1 - 4 will be completed pursuant to agreed-upon work plans and separately-negotiated
Administrative Orders on Consent. The time frames referenced in the items listed above
represent current best estimates and may be extended only by mutual consent of all parties.
All work items are subject to review and approval by EPA and/or UDEQ as appropriate.
1. Take no further action relating to the final listing of the Kennecott North Zone anO
the Kennecott South Zone on the NPL unless KUC fails to perform the activities as described
2. Proceed to withdraw the sites from proposal for inclusion on the NPL after
construction of all cleanup prolects is completed.
3. Consider KUC's operational needs in the scheduling of all studies and cleanups.
4. Keep UDEQ informed and timely supply documents to UDEQ for review.
5. Work with UDEQ to avoid duplicate oversight costs.
1. Maintain jurisdiction over the etforts to control discharges from the Bingham
Canyon Mine waste rock and other KUC facilities covered by state groundwater permits.
2. Participate in the review and guidance of cleanup and study work, as described
above, while avoiding to the extent practicable duplicative oversight ctsts.
This Memorandum of Understanding represents the concepts to be used for future
management of the site. All parties reserve all of their legal and administrative rights under
federal and state law.
Executive Director
Department of Environmental Quality
State of Utah
Dated: o, -, a-
Operable Units and Status
Operable Unit Status
OU1 Bingham Creek
Phase 1 residential soils completed
Phase 2 channel sediments completed, except on RR tracks
Phase 3 residential soils in progress, other pRp
OU2 SW Jordan Groundwater Ptume, RI/FS in progress
OU3 Butterfield Mine
Phase 1 waste rock completed
Phase 2 downstream soils study in progress
OU4 Large Bingham Reservoir
Phase 1, first basin ccmpleted
Phase 2, second basin near completion
OUS ARCO Tails other PRP, cleanup in progress
OU6 Lark completed,
OU7 S. Jordan Evap. Ponds near completion
OU8 WWTP Sludge Ponds cleanup in progress
OU9 Magna Soils study completed, no further
OU10 Copperton Soils
no further
OU1l Bingham Canyon studies in progress,
cleanup of uranium facility
OU12 East Side Collection cleanup in progress
OU13 Smelter and Acid Plant ' studies in progress
OU14 Refinery studies in progress
OU15 Magna Tailings Pond studies in prcgress.. '
OU16 Bingham Creek underflow cleanup in progress
Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation
Utah Deparfinent of Environmental Quality
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Amendment No. 1
In accordance with a provision of the MEMORANDUM OF LINDERSTA){DING
(September 27, 1995) between Kennecott Utah Copper, the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, regarding study and cleanup
schedules on Kennecott Utah Copper properties, the three undersigned parties have agreed to
extend the completion date for Kennecott Utah Copper provision #7, the ecological risk
assessment by an additional year. The amended completion date for the ecological risk
assessment project is September 26,1997.
By signature below, the following individuals represent the authority to execute this
, o/r/qe
Assistant Regional Administrator
Ecosystems Protection and Remediation
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII
Department of Environmental Quality
State ofUtahs&
t",/, /ie
Bruce Farmer
Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation
Max H. Dodson
R. Nielson
E rratto DELIvERF-D