HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-006938NORTHROP GRUMMAN June 24, 2024 8200-FY24-06 Mr. Doug Hansen, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 N.1950 W. P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Northrop Grumman Systems Corporatif 9160 North Highway 83 Promontory, UT 84307 northropgrumman .com Re: Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation (NGSC)-Promontory EPA ID number UTDOO9O8 1357, Hazardous Waste Manifest Exception Report Dear Mr. Hansen: This letter accompanies information regarding three Hazardous Waste Manifests that failed to be received within 45 days from Clean Harbors Environmental Services, which is required by 40 CFR 262.42. NGSC shipped three shipments of hazardous waste, under three manifests #0 12526546, #012526548, and #012526549, on May 1, 2024, to Clean Harbors Environmental Services. These shipments were held-up in transit and did not reach their final destinations until after the 45-day manifest return requirement. Enclosed is a copy of the original manifests, from Clean Harbors Environmental Services. Clean Harbors Environmental Services has been contacted and made aware of the delay in receipt of the manifests. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this report. My telephone number is (801)251-2166 or you can contact Blair Palmer at (435)863-2430. Sincerely Kris H Blauer, Manager Environmental Services DSHW-2024-006938 Please Drint or tvoe. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1.GeneratorlDNumber 2.Page lot 3.EmergencyResponsephone rurin/epprovea, UM NO. ZUU-UU39 4.f4p.nlfstTraclcJIiNumher WASTE MANIFEST FLE 5. Generator's Name end Mailing Address . Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address) , I .1 1 4 i ,, Generators Phone: 6. Transporter 1 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number i f.I7IT ,'l. "I. J2 7. Transporter 2 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number 8. Designated Facility Name and Site Address U.S. EPA tO Number UI I .3 'I . ill 9. / Facility's Phone: / U ...'. i 9a. 9b. U.S. DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number. io. Containers HM and Packing Group (if any)) 11. Total 12. Unit 13. Waste Codes No. Typo Quantity Wt.lVoI. 0 17 11 :474, 'r' . i - 14 7 __ __ __ a ________ ________ LU ________ 3. _________ _________ 14. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 41 U1i4U44?i4, 3'.414'iJ 124414 3441 U4i4U19 4444 474444 15. GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, ant are classified, packaged, marked and labeted/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable intemalional and national governmental regulations. If export shipment and lam the Primary Exporter, I certify that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the attached EPAAcknowtedgment of Consent. I certify that the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262.27(a) (itt am a large quantity generator) or (b) (if I ama small quantity generator) is hue. Generator's/Offeror's PrintedlTyped Name Signature Month Day Year - ' ": I2." !r' IL!! p... 16. Intemationat Shipments Import to U.S. Export from U.S. Port of entry/exit: ___________________________________________________ Transporter signature (for enports only): Dale leaving U.S.: 17. Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials Transporter 1 Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 0 a. Transporter 2 Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year I- 18. Discrepancy 18a. Discrepancy Indication Space fl Quantity Li Type [I] Residue [11 Partial Rejection Li Full Rejection Manifest Reference Number: 18b. Alternate Facility (or Generator) U.S. EPA ID Number Facility's Phone: F 18c. Signature of Altemate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year 19. Hazardbus Waste Report Management Method Codes (i.e., codes for hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling systems) 1. 12. f3. 4. 20. Designated Facility Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by the manifest except as nnted in Item 18a - Printed/Typed Name Signalure Month Day Year .. .. I I I I \V. 4i1 rivivu uiuuim diO 0050mm. GENERATOR1S (NTIAL COPY rnrt flMR Mn 20J9 Please pant or type. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS - I Generator ID Number 12. Page 1 of 1 3. Emergency Response Phone (435) 863-8545 _______________________________ 4. Manilfent Tracking Number O:L2526548 FLE WASTEMANIFEST UTD009081357 5 Generator's Name and Mm NORTHROP GR.N SYSTEMS CORPORATION Generator's Site Address (if different than marling address) PROMONTORY PROMONTORY P.O. BOX 707, (N/S M321) 9160 N US HWY 83 (435)863-5277 CORIN'NE1 UT 84307 Generator'sPhoure: U.S. EPM5Number 6. Transporter I Company Name M1W039322250 CLE.AN HARBORS ENV. SERVICES, INC. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number 6 Designated Facility Name and Site Address U.S. EPA ID Number KYD053348108 SAFETY- KLEEN (KY) 3700 LAGRANGE ROAD SNITRIIELD, KY 40068 FacililsPhoe (502) 8452453 ______________ 1 - 9a I 9b US DOT Description (Inctudmg Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number, 10. ContaIners 11. Totri 12. Unit 13 Waste Codes HM and Packing Group cit any)) No I Type QUafltiti Wt.No x 1 1JN1993,WS?E FLAflBLE LIQUIDS, N.O. S., (NET1YL 0 0 9 D N 03679 DOO1 DOO7 DOQ8 'I.-_____ ETHYL KETONE, XYLENE) ,3,I1, ItQ (DOO1) D018 I DO2228 z _________________________________________________ 2 w -- - 3 _ - 4 I ____- ________________ pactel Handling Instructions and Additional Information 1) a:128 P:i475.61 (9255> : 912484 2',233gca5 - ..............................._...,, ___....Ad ,,',llw4 _h , Iharmnnrshinrsno name. ant are classified. nackaged - it, latNtlrAIUWOnJrreum a r ..... ...., -. .._ _..--- - marked arid labeledlpiacarded. and are in all respects in proper condition for' transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulations. If export shipment and I am tIre Primary Exporter, I certify that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the attached EPAAckflowfedgrnient of Consent I certify that the waste minimization statement identified in40 CFR 262.27(a)(if tam a large quantity generator) or (b) (illama small quantity generator) is true. - - hA,,.,ih flm aiim import to u.s Export from U.S.. Port of entry/exit inly): Date leaving Receipt of Materials 18Discrepancy Itia.DiscrepancyI ndicationSpaceL]Quantifyfl TypeE ResidueE l'ertial Rejection 0 Ffl Rejection Mamfest Reference Number ________________________________ 16b. Alternate Facility (or Generator) U.S. EPA ID Number Facility's Phone ittc. Signature of Alternate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year ______________________I I 19.Hazardous Wa_Report Management Method Codes (i.e.,codes for hazardous wastetreatment,d isposal.endrecyclingsystems) _1 2.I ___________________ , 2Despate& _orperato____otiptafla15 covered by _ EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev. 12-17) Previous editions are obsolete. OES)OP4ATED FAC(UTY TO EPAs e-MANIFEST SSTE) Please punt or type. Form Approved. 0MB No. 2050-0039 UNWORH HAZARDOUS Number 12. Page lot t' Emergency Response Phone 1" Miitest Tracking Number WASTEMANIFEST UTD009081357 j(435) 863-8545 J 012526549 FLE Generators Name and Mailing Address Generator's SfteAddress (if different than mating address) NORTHROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORPORATION - PROMONTORY PROMONTORy P.O. BOX 707, (M,'S M321) 9160 N US HWY 83 GeneratopsPhone: (435)863-5277 I coRIrg, UT 84307 6. Transporter 1 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number CLEAN HARBORS ENV. SERVICES, INC. XAD039322250 L3?3Z CLEAN HARBORS EL DOR.ADO, LLC 309 AKERICAJJ CIRCLE .ARD069748192 EL DORADO, AR 71730 Fadli' Phoae: j7) R63-7173 _____________ _______ - ________________ g 9b. U.S. DOT Desaiptiou, (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazaid Class, ID Number, 10. Containers 11. rotat 12. Unit NM anCIdng Group (if any)) 13. Waste Codes No. Type Quantity WtNol. X UN308 9, WASTE METAL DER8, FLNthBLE, N. 0.3., - _____ .DOO1 EiQL (B0N PDt, M4ESIuM PDER),4.1,III 0 0 1 D N 00329 P 2. U3148,wa c,X Watez-remtjve liquid, n,o., (A1ninum Povderr),4.3,II, 1(DO03) 0 3. 8 D N 06219 P .LQQ P.2Q3.. -3. 4. !at Handling Instructions and Additional Information 1) :i7O P:892gi., 1a55) 2) :138 P:a11362234 0.85) 49124S4, 15. GENERATOR'SIOFJgl's CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately desaibed above ythepuopershipping name, ant are classified, packagnr marked and labeled/placarded, and are ri at respects In proper condition fur transport according to apptcabte Intamationatand national goveruwnental regutetions If export shipment and leer the Iiirnary Euporter, I cerfity that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the attached EPA Acknowtedgment of Consent I certify that the waste minimization statement Identified In 40 CFR 28127(a) (If lam a large quantity generator) or (b) fun ama smelt quantity generator) Is true. Generatoc's/Otferoq's Pnlnfedfryped Name Signature Month Day Year &çn7y 4Nn,e40 cii,eaezv y 16. internatIonal Sidianents u.s. port < ataniryfexit __________________________ Transporter signature (for exports only): wing U.S.: içdlRecetofMaindai Month :iny Your "transport i 5i _____ Prlnled/rypedfoarne Month Day Year VeeJ7 I 'Z,ff \J Ii' I? A 1B.Dtscrepancy .1 lBs. DIscrepancy Indicabon Space E Type Reatdue Pantai Rejection EFuilRe3ectn Manifest Reference Number l8b. Alternate Faclhlty (or Generator) U.S. EPA ID Number Fadluts Phone: Igo. Snature of Allamate Facility (or Generator) I I Month Day Year 19. Hazardous Waste Report Mairagement Method Codes (i.e., codes for hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling systems) 1. 4. 1 20. Designated Faclitty Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materIals covered by the maaifoeiexce* as naiad ha Item IBa PrInt ia- Signature Month Day Year an.mR7 L.. Ubbll,dNA I lli 1'A(ILII Y lU EPA's e4VlANI F S M