HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007365DSHW-2024-007365
Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC
11600 North Aptus Road
Aragonite, UT 84029
www .cleanharbors.com
July 16, 2024
Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov
Mr. Douglas J. Hansen, Director
Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control
Department of Environmental Quality
195 North 1950 West
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880
RE: Unresolved Manifest Discrepancies
Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC
EPA Number -UTD 981 552 177
Dear Mr. Hansen,
In accordance with Module 2 condition 2.K of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA
Permit, 40 CFR 264. 72( c) and R315-264-72( c ), this correspondence serves as written
notification of one (1) umesolved manifest discrepancy. The manifest information, discrepancy
and what is being done to resolve these issues can be seen below:
• Manifest O 19982890FLE-Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that five
containers were missing from line 1. CHA is working with the transporter to get this
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel
properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,
and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
"People and Technology Creating a Better Environment"
Oe.aoUar~~ _z.x_ux_u_zuxuxuxu_
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the number listed
William Simmons
Facility General Manager III
Clean Harbors Aragonite/Clive Incinerations
11600 North Aptus Road
Dugway, UT 84022
(o) 435.884.8351
(c) 870.310.6029
Simmons. william@cleanharbors.com
. Generator acknow!eitges that no mater1a1 cnange na& occurred e11ner In tne cnaracte11st1cs ortn the proce&& generattna.the mate.1131 .0 .,nN '>Nin N\~9 Please pnnl or type f'Oml Mpprovell "'° o Lw,rv',N
UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ] 1 • Generate, ID Number
2. Page 1 al , 3. Emergency Response Phone
1 (800)483-37~8 r oiT998um2r8 9 0 FlE
5. 1'-~ ~M-W'ailing Address Geoer.llcfs Sile Addre5$ (ff different than mailiog ad~ress) I
3542 Bassett Street SAME Sant.a Clara, CA 95054
I Generator's Phone:
6. Transpolter 1 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number
Cfean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. I IWIAD039322250
7. Tr.:ins;:,orter 2 Company Name U.S. EPAID Ni.rnbef
8. ~naled Faci!ity Na<oo and Site Address U.S. EPA ID Number
Clean Harbors Aratonb LlC UTD981.5521.77 11600 Nortti Aptus RDild
Grantsville, UT 84029
Faciflfy's Pl)Qn&: ,~ -..e., ,.,.. ,u ,.,,. I
9a. 9b. U.S DOT Description (including Proper Sh ipping Name , Hazard Class, ID Number, 10. Containers 11.Total 12 . Unit 13. Waste Cedes HM and Packing Group (if any)) No. Type Quantity WINot.
a:: 1. RQ. UN3124, WASTE TOXIC SOLIDS, SELF-HEATING, N.0.5 .. 5 )f J-~ f D001 D00~ 47? 0 X (MANGANESE-(11)-HEXACYANOMAHGANATE (H) SODIUM SALT ~ HYDRATE).6.1. (4.2),PG II (0001) w 2. z f 352 w UN32'31,00RROSIYESOLID.ACIDIC,ORGAN!~.ff.O.S .. \ Dr l{O C>
14 . SPJgal ttandll~, lnstrucilons aod Additio<lffi11fcmlafk>n ~ \ bJ 1. .CH2H 1.55 .ERG 6 ~SS ~X
2 .Cll:273.fl.34 EllGl15-t i-Y,i p
3 .CH2645153 ft~-btrl
,._.__ .. , .. _., _____ ..,Contract retalnedj)v qenerator confer, !(!en~, i.ruthorll, on Initial tran& er to Jad or &llbstll.•"• 2N11H~ft~, -15. GENERAT0R'SIOFFER0R'S CERTIFICAllON: I hereby declare Iha! the contenl!! o( this consignment <I'll fully and accurately desaibed aboVe bV the pm per ~ing name , ffll are dasslf'8d, pa,:kaged,
marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all nispects in proper condition for JrallS!)Ort acccrding tD applicable intema~ooal and national govemmenlal regulatiam;. H export shipment and I am the Pl1lnaty
Exporter, I certify that the coolants of this consignment confonn to the \em,s or 1he altadled EPA AckmM!edgment of Consent
I certify that the waste minimization s1arement identified in 40 CFR 282.27(al Cd I am a large quantity geoerator) er (b) (ff I am a small quantity ~ra!Orl.l&.true.
GeraeralDl'sJOffglY Prin!BcVTyped Na~ ltt/r }L;_,.~A t rrv\ 1,,.
Signature~ -L-l / I 0~~/'-t;: I~ l;ea~
...., 16. lnlsmational Shipments
D1m~toU.S. / □ E)port from U.S.
, , # I i:-Port al enlryiellit: z Transporter &ignalllre (for exports only): Date leaving U.S.: r
~ 17 Tra nsporler AcknO'Medgment of Recept of Materials
1Gavri~Nama A 'f Cl l1 Cl IS,JrZ/---1 A_ Mon!tl Day Year
0 /'y-I /,, 11 12,,\I 9; "' I TraflSl)Orter 2 Prlflled.ll'yped Name ., ~· -Mcnlt) Day Year
I I I I ....
l 18. Discrepancy
18a. Discre?<Jncy lnd icatio'1 $paoe D Quantity Drype 0Re5idue 0 Partial Rejection □ Ful l Rejedian
Manliest Referemz Number:
~ 18b. Alternate Facility (Gr Generatot) U.S. EPA ID Number ....,
~ Fa e.l ily's Phone: I
5:1 18c Signature of Alternate Facillty (er Generator) l Month I Dav Year
~ I z
CJ 19. Hazaroous W""1;; Report Management Method Codes (i.e., codes for hazardous WilS1e lreatmenl. disposal , and lllcyciing systems) in w 1
• H040 1
• H040 13-H040 14. C
l 20. Des ignaled F-a cl!ity °"1Jer~ i)peratcr: ~tfon of receipt of hazanlous materials coV81l!d by the manifest e~ as nded in Item 18a
Prtnled/Type<.IName!Mii l I L~ Sigfla,. !uni ~-Month Day Year
I t ,_, ,t,,,,, ,,__ -I r~
__.;> -1 {, 1.251)'1 _.,,,, _ ... --,
EPA Form 8700-22 (Rl!:v. 12-17) Previousedllions are obsolete. ' DESIGNATED FACILITY TO EPA's e-MANIFEST SYSTEM
Clean Harnori; has tile appropriate pe1mttw for and wm accept the \!Oil.@ tne generator 11> sn1pp111g. ni ?40::t0~7'71 :l PPW