HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-006992DSHW-2024-006992 Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC 11600 North Aptus Road Aragonite, UT 84029 435.884.8100 www.cleanharbors .com June 28 , 2024 Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov Mr. Douglas J. Hansen, Director Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 RE: Unresolved Manifest Discrepancies Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC EPA Number-UTD 981552 177 Dear Mr. Hansen, In accordance with Module 2 condition 2.K of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA Permi t 40 CFR 264. 72( c) and R315-264-72( c ), this correspondence serves as written notification of three (3) unresolved manifest discrepancies. The manifest information, discrepancy and what is being done to resolve these issues can be seen below: • Manifest 019975820FLE-Upon receipt of the shipment it was discovered that twenty- five containers were missing from line 2. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. • Manifest 019975819FLE-Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that thirty-five containers were missing from line 1. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. • Manifest BOL799783-Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 1. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system , or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true , accurate , and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. "People and Technology Creating a Better Environment" (JeJ1p6ar_liits· WJLUAWAUAU.A.W..R.W. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the number listed below. Sincerely, William Simmons Facility General Manager III Clean Harbors Aragonite/Clive Incinerations 11600 North Aptus Road Dugway, UT 84022 (o) 435.884.8351 (c) 870.310.6029 Simmons. william@cleanharbors.com www.cleanharbors.com UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1 Generator ID Number WASTE MANIFEST 7. T~ 2 Cempany Name • ~-Hazard Class. tD Number. No, Type Form ApproVed. 0MB No. 2050-0039 4. Minlfm TrJCki ne Number 01 9975819 FLE U.S. EPA ID Numl>et 11 Total Quantity 12 Un~ 'M.Nol. 13. Waste Codes GEHE:RATOR'SIOFA:ROR 'S CE:RTIFICATIO~: I hereby declare !hat th8 oontoolS of this cooslgnmenl are fuJy and ilCQJtiltely cleroibed abo\'9 by Ille pnJpej' shippi,g name. an! n dassffied, padlaged. malled and labeledlpl.gnled. and are In all respects in prope, oonditiOII !Of lrall!l)O!t acconlirg to IIPIJlk::a~ intlll!lalionaard nabonill gol.ffllmenli!I ragulalions . If export sNpmenl and I-am Iha Prinla'y Exporter, I certify 11131 the oontenlS of lh~ oonsignrnent oonform to the tem,9 of the attached Ef'AAd<OOIWl(lgment of Consent I tr.'Jtify lhat Ille waslB minimization stalement idenlified in40 CFR 262.27(a) (~ I am a ~quantity gener.llor) or [bl [~I .vn a small quanlilygenera(Of),:; trve. Month Day Year b~ fl-t ....1 6. lnlefflalional Shipmen ;:.. lmpo~ to U,S □Exportfrom U.S. Portofentrylexit: _______________ _ ii!: T ranspa1er slgl\¥\lre (for el(IJOIIS only): 18a Discrepancy lndica!ion Space 1 18. Dlsal!PIIICV ~ 18b. Alternate Facility (or GeneralOr) ...I c:; ~ facil1tfs Phone : 0 Quantity fa Hie. SigNJture of Altemate F-aality (or Gena!ator} ~ Dam lc.b'ingU ,S.: 0 Rl!Sidue O Partial Rejection Mml!SI Re~ NIITbar. U S. EF>A ID Number Mon th Day Year z~ __________________________________________ .._ _____ --; i 19. Hazanlous Waste Repoft Man31JemenI MelhOd Codes (l 1 .. oodi,,s for hazardeus waste ~t. disposal, and reeyc{ng syslems) ~ ,. 2. 3. 0 1 20. oesigna. tad Fe ci!ily Owner or Operator: Certification of NIQl<pl of ha2ardous rnateriaJs oovet'ell by lhe manifest exoepI as ncfed in Item 18a PrintadfTypidNall'le • ,,..,--,-., Sign~ Please print or type , Form Approved. 0MB No . 2050-0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. Generator 10 I-lu mbar WASTE MANIFEST 2 Page 1 of 3. Eme,gency Response Ptio ne •· Man N1 Tradung Number 019975820 FLE 9a. 9b . U.S. DOT Desaiption (including Proper Shipping Nam&. Haza/II Class. ID Number. HM and Pacmg Groop (hny)) 1. 3, ~s SiteAad~ (K lfdle,.nl 111an mailing ~l U.S. EPA 10 Number 11. Total Quantity 12, Unit WIN~. 13. Wasla Codes OENfRATOR'SIOFfEIIOR'S CERTIFICATION: I J1eraby dedillB that fie contents of this cons ignment are funy and ac:arrately described a!X>ve by the proper shipp ing riama , &rd Ill\! classified , packaged, mal1Ced and labeled/placarded, and are in all respecis in proper ccndilion for transport aw,rding ID appli<;.jtM& intematjonaland national go.vemmenlal regulations H export shipment and I am lhe Primary upollar, I ca<tily lhat the coolents of lhis consignment coofonn ID !he tanns of !he attao;hed EPAAcl<noMedgmenl of Consem. I certify1hat1he wast& minim izalio/l slalemenl idenlified in 40 CFR 262.V(a) (if I am a large quantity gencrator)or (b) [~I a lfi 17. TransporterAdmO\Oo1e(lgmentol Retei!ltof Mat~ ~ Tra<)Sp0111!t 1 Primed/Typed Nam! ~ AM-<-,-,..-c.,,__ i T~·2 Prin!ed!Typed Narre ! Slg11at1Jre Si;Jnam true 18a . [);scr~cy Indication Space I 18. Oisavpancy 0 Quantity □Type □ Residue O Pallial Rejection. ~ 18b.Memah! Faciily (or Gencrat<X) ;;; (.) i'.f Facility's l'llooe • ~ 18c. Sfgoa LUre of AUemate Facilrty {or Genera or) Uanife sl Ref~noe Number. U S. EPA IO Number Month Day Ye.r Mo ntfl Oay Yaas i c,1---------------------------------------------...._ _ _.__ ....... .__----I -19 Haza/1100s Waste Raport Management Method Codl!S (ie .. oodes for hazardo us wasle treatment, disposal , and recycfng systems) ffli-,-----.....;......:.... _ _.:.,::.;.__..;..._,,,...._,_ _________ .....;..-r::,.....;--'---.:....:-.....;.. _____ ..,.. ____________ ---f c 1. 2, 3. 4. j 20 . ~nated ~ by !he IT'oaM8SI ex as rdl!d in Item 18a PrilltoofT Slg . EPA Fo rm 87 Site Address: SAME SC PPW 4/1/2024 WORK OADEJlitii, ~8'265242& DOCUMENT NO. 7 J j 7 8 j STRAIGHT BIU OF LADING TRANSPORTER 1 EPA ID# --C~l1toeaw1n~•Kile,11,boti.eB1r"-s+E"'nt,,11t-•irH81t1AfffflK>e.,.11ta~I s~e"""'¥-4iieee~s.-, lk'l,i.ee.------VEHICLE ID # --;PM-A-AA,+9M8,._.,3_9""'3-""2c...;i2i...;.2~5...,8------------TRANS. 1 PHON97s1) 792 E3 000 TRANSPORTER2 _________________ _ VEHICLE ID# EPA ID# ___________________ TRANS .2PHONE ______ _ DESIGNATED FACILITY SHIPPER Clean Harbors Ara,!onite LLC Universitw of California FACILITY EPA ID II TSOF Telepllone tF SHIPPER EPA ID # Slllpper Tetei>none ,, UTD98i552i77 (4::1~\ RA.4...~1 00 CAD073i34777 {9M \ A,7-4 ?AA ADDRESS ADDRESS 11600 NorthAptus Road 900 UniYersity Annue Environmental Health and Safety CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Grantsville UT 84029 Riverside CA 92521. CONTAINERS TOTAL UNIT NO . & SIZE TYPE HM DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS QUANTITY WTNO L Ix.LI~ C..r 4iiNS291, N£DICAL WASTf. lLO.S., (VIALS, NEEDLES, I./~ e X • ---;-;;~ If.? DI:. II B. I C. D . E. F. G. H . SPECIAL HANDLING INSTRUCTIONJj.~G!,Hf;Y PHONE #: fS00\483-3718 GENERATOR: Un~ersity of California .CH27G8155ERG#i58 \..;A> d,vn °0 ,. ~ LvJJ'-IVl.1 TransporterAddress:.42 LongwaterDnve. Norwell.MA er11~ ,1 uo-11t2-2 3· Medical waste transnorter ID 3500. Gene.rator authorizes the use of subsequenttransportanon as selected by Clean Harbors SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified , described, packaged, marked and labeled and are in proper condition for transportatfon according to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation. DATE SHIPPER ---- DATE TRANSPORTER 1 PAINT SIGN DATE TRANSPORTER 2 PRINT SIGN • DATE - RECEIVED BY Generator acknowledges that no m.aterial change has occurred either in the ch acterislics or m the process generating: the matenal CH HF I SllitA .... r: 893WUnHnSt Rtnmdl.CA 12907 9C,.. 4/S/202' WORK OADEA--aot.NQ235 DOCUMENTNO. 06 7 4427 STIWGHT BILL OF LADING TRANSPORTER 1 _jClgn;lfJiD.JffllJM1AC1maJEaMldl•1111m.ueew•USil:1DM1maaJIM!lla... _____ VEHICLE ID# 41'Jtf\~ EPA IOI _ .... Ma.iAD.M.D.x.0.-3_.1~31..o112...,.2._.2ullu0,.__ _________ TRANS. 1 PHONE (781)D2-IOOO TRANSPORl"ER 2 _________________ VEHICLE ID# EPAIDt _________________ TRANS.2PHONE _____ _ OESfGNATED FACILITY SHIPPER iw...u..ns,a.ms.1na. u ... --.:--- FACILITY EPA ID # SHIPPER EPA ID t CA-T&OIT-tDi CAD073l34777 ADDlffls. YALE 81Rm tBfD=..,A ... Em ........ Hnllhandtnr CITY STATE ZIP CrTY STATE ZIP S...AM eA 92704 Rwlrltdt r.A 92121 CONTAINERS TOTAi. UNIT NO.ASIZE TYPE HM 0£SCAIPTION OF MATERIALS QUANTITY WTNOL ~x'/3(!£ c~ AIIIIHi.REAIIURD_,,.,.....tl.WTI. IUU,.1.2. NH. \,800 1' X -----•WTE 8. c. D. E. F. a. H. SPECIAL HANOI.ING INSTRUCTIONS EMEROEIIC't PHONE .. f'800\ 41N7ll IENEMlOR: Unt..,... lfC...,_, leff218017oao.1151 Df\JM ~i::Sc:fU-IS cll.111-o -uf\""e-f,t:rA;; i¼,L. 11c1; 13 Uh,l..r dNll1 Ill~~·) 4 l.ZI /'\', .. SHIPPERS CERTIFICATION: Thia 6a to certify lhat the lbOvt named fflllari ■II are pn,party otusllled, dffcrlbed, pacugld, marked and libeled anct ■re In proper condition for tranaportlltion according to the applfcable regulallone of th• Departmtm ot Transportation. DATE TRANSPORTER 1 TRANSPORTER 2 PAINT SIGN DATE RECEIVEOl!IY GNlnf., ......... lhtn■ mttdal ..... hf NIWIH tilMrilt tltt ••mllilJ erillt .. ,_.,.(flltltirelllt llll'letal. CHI 107 I