HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007149DSHW-2024-007149 [le_apffar~~ WAUA.U. .. N.¥.Y..W<ULU- Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC 11600 North Aptus Road Aragonite, UT 84029 435.884.8100 www .cleanharbors .com July 5, 2024 Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov Mr. Douglas J. Hansen, Director Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 RE: Unresolved Manifest Discrepancies Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC EPA Number -UTD 981 552 177 Dear Mr. Hansen, In accordance with Module 2 condition 2 .K of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA Permit, 40 CFR 264. 72( c) and R315-264-72( c ), this correspondence serves as written notification of two (2) unresolved manifest discrepancies. The manifest information, discrepancy and what is being done to resolve these issues can be seen below: • Manifest NHCBJ41224-1 -Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that two containers were missing from line 3. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. • Manifest 018338885FLE -Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 7. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is , to the best of my knowledge and belief, true , accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. "People and Technology Creating a Better Environment" [le_apU~~~· .w.x..uxu..xu.x Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the number listed below. • Sincerely, William Simmons Facility General Manager III Clean Harbors Aragonite/Clive Incinerations 11600 North Aptus Road Dugway, UT 84022 (o) 435.884.8351 (c) 870.310.6029 Simmons.william@cleanharbors.com www.cleanharbors.com w 1- UJ ; UJ ::, 0 C a: <( ~ :c I z i '· , NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST P;.,,_,j.,;,;1or~ (Form designed !or use on ettte 112 pill:h) typewriter) t . Generalc<'s US EPA 10 No. 2. Pag,, I · •. NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFES1 NONEREQUIRED ol i 3_ Generarofs Na""' aoo Ma,ing A<ld,.N Juneau Citw And BorouSI of 155South Seward Street 4. a.!.MaMJ4.~~( 9980 6. US EPA 10 Number a. us EPA 10 Number •· UN1263. PAINT RElAlED MATERIAL 3, PG II. 23C < FP < 60C 0 b. E UNt993. FlAMIM8lE UQUIDS.11.0.S ... (GASOLINE. PETROlEUM DISTIUATES). 3, PG H. 23C < FP < IOC N A. Stele Tran,?Orters I □ a. Tran,pcrter 1 Phone tW . C. State Trenllj)Orte(s ID 0. Tra,,epo"812 Phone E. S.s Fadlfly1 IO F Ftc:Jllly'a Pllon1 comain,ra 13. 14, Total Unit No. Typ, 0u•nttty Wt.Nol, 013 CF q 02- p 007 TP 14 033 p Et----------------------------........ --+-----+---------,1----- R C. UN1993. FI.AMMMLE UQUIDS.N.O.S .. fGASOUNE. PETROL£UM A DISTIUAlES}. 3, PG II, 23C < FP < &OC T Oi.5 OM p ~L/c,O Oi-------------------------------1--+-----+--'-----~1------t R d. G. AddttjONI De&eriptjon,;; k,r Materials listed Above HtSllftffll HliH Ua.Clti.463036 ERGft.28 15. Sp11elal Helldllng Instructions end Addidonal lnform1don of t.1111111!1 ~-FIIClllly Owner or OperalOI': C&11ifiea~on or rectlpt GI Ille w-m&1er1all covered by lhil m.,,KN1, NCI.Pl ae noteCI In ltem 19. F'rlnh1111Typed Name H. Handll"9 Codes lor WasleS Lisled AlxMI Hb'tl> Ho'W HIJ',tC> EMERGEMCY PffOHE .. (800)483-3718 GENERAlOR: Juneau City And 8erllUlllh of Oe!II Monl/l DI)' ~ I • 01111 Mon!fl s Mo/1111 Olly Yeer a:: i w z w (!) ~~~~JJZO~JJLS ~~J~JJ2~PI~~~ -'': :·-.-~:: ;~rn!" ~o~A,.ro\'ed OMBNo 2050-0039 4. M.ml~t Tracking Number UNIFORM HAZARDOUS , Generator ID Number ' WASTE MANIFEST t,. K B f, -, r-. 1) :;;, S 8 4 ~; 018338885 FLE 5 Geoora!Ol's Name and Mailing ~MIS JE-:FP Gener.illJI'~ • Address (11 d:fferanl than maling add 5) 1o;•3ci:s ,::>:!EC 7240tiart1.-rmast2,·Rd .jf;f.R., )~~ ;;5505 9a 9b U S DOT Desaipoon (1nduding Proper Shipping Name Ha2aro Class 10 N\,mber, HM and P3ck,sg Group (ii anyIJ " , ,< ~ "i, • ) Ru UM:19S3. WA~Tf HAMMABI.E LlOLJIDS NG .S (fTHANGl PRQPfl.N-2-'JL\. 3. ?fj !\1. (D00-1\. iFP=25C\ (tf'?;<:,) llN32BG, WA.STE CORftOSI\/E UQUID, BA.SIC. lf-lOf-/Gi~NIC, NOS, ISODillM i-fi'POCHL0fi•ITE1. 8, PG Ii, W2J.i i.lN::!470, W STE PAlNT ftflAfED MATfRIAl. CORFOSiVE fl..P.MM;tBLE, E \3). PG U <FP<3SC:·\ {#1.B) 14 Spec,.11 Handling lnstructior.s and Additional lnlormallon 4:;14 ~'.il"Hnev A,,,i.:- lf.rER./1,!-, 9&5,::;;_; ,o Containers No Type Of DF IJ O 1 Df OF l t1910220 ERGJl.:S U:~_5 tl91.0.:·2o·J('• 1 (#'29; FL03C2 2 .!!9:l..G27.3 £~G#128 1X.3G l1:H027Jr701 {#139) LP03C3 < t19:.'0:C52-LPOi ERG#t.54 1.;;5 M92025:rnn1 (1/J:ii 'LP81.C1 U S EPA JO N-ombl!f US EPA ID Number 11 Total Ouan1ity 00052 0 0 0 (• 12 Un:I WI/Vol p f' p p )001 13 Waste Codes I L ...- > 11:c: 0" 1, j 4 o JJ•,·r1 ;~:·m-r:-·-;1·,,-~~ :· :":e.-;:L•:·0';•' :,:;,;c J .. 1 ·~ -:. r3,--• • ,rt .,.. ,-~u,..~Y~ . 1._... tr!.~. e,~f-,1-~ I"'.:.'"'.-:-7· •,--, ,-.,-.• =.·•·= ,...,T-11' :-. =~ •,.. -., .. ~. ,· .~,...... -....... ,,.:. .... -.-.:--.. -•. --.: ,--• •~ 15 GENERATOR'S/OFfEROR'S CERTIFICATION : I nereby declare that the oontents ol 1!11s consignment are My and accurately diescnbed above by the proper ;lt1Jllllr!g name ard are classi1ie<1. onci<;igP.<J mar1red and latle/ec/placacded . ar.d are •n a~ respects ,n prope< condibon for transport accord,ng to appl,cable ,ntemationaland national goverr.rnental regulations If expon sh,pmeot ac,d I am tre Pnmary E,ocrter. I certify that the contents of th,, cons'.lnment conlo'TTl to u,e terms of toe attached EPA AcJmcwledgmem c! Consent ('.ertfy lt1at tr.e waste mm•rn!za:1cn s!ate-mer.r ,denbfi-ed .n '10 CFR 262 2?(a) fi t I am a large quan~ty ger:eratcr) or 1b, I am a General ilcfttt> D~ Year . C ,e:,1., t"v ~ 3 J II D Import to U S D Expon from U S Pon of enlrfiexit TransJ)Oner SJgNJ IUle tlO< &•portli o,11yJ Date I(!; v,ng U S 17 Transporter Adulowledgmenl of Receipt of Matenals 1"-Ctlth Day ve.u CJ Quant,ty □Type 0Res,:lue D Pama! Reiecnor, ~ 18b J\l\t!U'1k• Fac1lily /Or Generator) ;j <.J ~ r .. ,r t•f p \Cnr @ ~,~--j -,g-11:-~:~-,.-c~.~A:-1~-;~-3'.-s ~:a-~-~-,-,~-~---.. ,-,-.----------------------------'---------~~.-.~---D~a-1--v-c-M-I ~ Q ~,-9-H-~-.:a_f<_I~-.. s-\/:-ia-;-,~-R-e-po_r,_i_-,~-_-e,-.-,-: 1-.h-.:.•:ti_N_C_oo_e_<_:,-e-wa_e_s-!o-r -~az-a:o-,-_._-,-,,-a;-te_u_ea_:_me--n-t --j -<SD{;_'_sa_l _a_nd-..,,-C'i-.-cl-•ng-_ ,-y-,t-e,-is-,---------------''----'---..._--1 ff3 t-:---------__;;----.,.,..--------------.,,3---..;...._.;.._;_ _______ --,-~----------------I 0 o( receipt of hazardcus rna1(~rml!i 1:ove,ed b~• fi'le manifest exoepl as nded rn ltf.111 18a Stgna:w.> EPA Forrr, 8700-22 ,Re" DESIGNATED FACILITY TO EPA's e-MANIFEST SYSTEM Please print or lyp 09 2401915770-001 SC PPW 4 /1/2024 a-:w• ,~ i!US002QDOOl.S 8P<IS00'2.W~ 8/0830?..l-f Farm Approved , 0MB No 205().(I039 _UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 21 Goric<alof ID Nu1111lor 1 22 P(lge 123. Manflnl Tra.cklng Number (Continuation Sheet) AK857002S649 2 of") 01833S8S5FLE 24 Ger.erarors Na'Tle JBER 25 Transe-0rter 3 TOTE Maritime Alaska US EPA IDNumbc1 Corn~any Name l WAD070397966 26 Transpcrter __ t Ccmp:m)• Narne ~ ~ v a--,,\ _C-IY .x"lr-~ 'x-u s. U S EPA ID Number I L,,W tM <' uDO I 5< 7 '+-7 2?a 27b US oor Descnpion (1ncludIng Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class. ID Number 28 Cool.H liet'l 29 Toial 30 . Unil 31 WaS!ll Codes HM and Pack:ng Group :,t any)I No Type Quantity WtNol X 5_ UN2922. WASTE CORROSIVE LIQUIDS. TOXIC. N.O . .S_, D002i (GLUTARALOEHYDEt 8-(6.1\. PG IIL (#28l 001 OF 00001 p 1---•---'--h -•t----· •• I I I X 6. UNi 760. WASTE CORROSIVE LIOUIOS. N_O.S .. (SODIUM 00021 1---HYPOCHLORITE\. 9-PG Ill. (#33\ 001 DF 00012 p ., I , . . . 7.~UN3082, WASTE ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS D0071 I X SUBSTANCES, LIQUID. N.O.S., {CHROMIUM). 9,PG II! (0007), (~~ 001 OF 00005 p ! ,----,. • I . ~ . I ' X 8. RQ. UN3077. WASTE EN\IIRONMENTALL Y HAZARDOUS D007, I ~ SUBSTANCES. SOLID. N.O.S .. <CHROMIUMl. 9. PG Ill moon. (#31 l 001 DF 00025 p ,____ ___ ,, w z w t I (!) -• I ' I ,_ I - I I I ----- I . r I I I I ~ --•a -·--r--·-i I i ' -----I . I I ' I I ------ ' ; ;,;> ~i Handling :1>S1roc1!,)i, and Add1!1onal "110m13!10n S.)(920290-Lli'Ol. El!GflS,1 l.XS 6.M920291-LPOl. 6':flS,1 lXS 7.9~209-LPJ.O li:E.Gfl. 71. lXS !J. ftll,10222-T..£07 Ell&::fli1 lJUJ c::: 3:i Tra!lSPOr1€r A.clmov.:e-:Jgrn~nl of Receipt of I /.JnniJ!S / A ,./ w P.uiii,<:'1~oo,1 N~nl(! ~~ SIQl41 1tU /L)t(j 17'(tl/11J,/ I- 0::. I 0 , a. 34 Trnssxrte,'"'l ArJII'O'tf-!!C<lfrel'I cf Rcmic1 of MaW.als V V ✓ I en ~ j __... z ~ ~w;;~./~~ 15~-~~~v 1~/Jv.: I- )'.] D1sc.f.-3pa:-icy / ' -7-I' ✓ ( I ~ ::; u <t LL 0 w :.l. P1a2ardous 'Na~le Rep,:,,:. ~.1::ra~el""',W''. !·.~~-,::i-J Cod:-s :; e !;i: ::odes !or hazardous waste ~aaLme:1! d;spt.1s.:il anj recyciirg s;·sicmsi z t:; 1-1n4n I I I I (!) "'U.A..lljf\. 7 Uf\A./\ Q UA_./\ en w 0 I I I I DESiGN.l.TED FACILITY TO EPt\'s ,:,-MANIFEST SYSTE// Please pnn t or !ype, 2401915770 SP45002000015 SP450024F4680 1108302,,1 J8[17@,?D:> Form Approved 0MB No 2050-0039 I-' UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 121 GcnumlOt 10 Number I 2l P~& ,~, 23,Mantlest Tra~~=fLE (Continuation Sheet) AK8570028649 2.:1 Gen~ratc(s Nar.i,:,. JBER 25 Transoorter --~ Company Name U S EPA JD Numbcl Clean Harbors Environmental Svc I MA 003S-'l 22250 2i ~;a~s~or:er (ycpany Narre U S ~?A !O Number I 27 J 27t: IJ S DOT Df-:srnpM~ (1nc!ud1ng Proper St11poing Name Haz;1ra Class . ID f-4umtier 2B C:::iniamers 29 To:a! 30 Unit 31 Wastt! Coeles HM and Pacr.:ng Group /1r any)J Na l )'PI! Ouant,ty WtNol ' I ~ ~-I I -I +-i ' • . ! I a:: I 0 ' ; ~ ---t- l ' w I z j UJ I (!) -I ! I J I -~ ! 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