HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-006943DSHW-2024-006943Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC
11600 North Aptus Road
Aragonite, UT 84029
June 26, 2024
Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov
Mr. Douglas J. Hansen, Director
Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control
Department of Environmental Quality
195 North 1950 West
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880
RE: Unresolved Manifest Discrepancies
Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC
EPA Number -UTD 981 552 177
Dear Mr. Hansen,
In accordance with Module 2 condition 2.K of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA
Permit, 40 CFR 264. 72( c) and R315-264-72( c ), this correspondence serves as written
notification of two (2) unresolved manifest discrepancies. The manifest information, discrepancy
and what is being done to resolve these issues can be seen below:
• Manifest 019535341FLE -Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one
container was missing from line 1. CHA is working with the transporter to get this
• Manifest 019535333FLE -Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one
container was missing from line 1. CHA is working with the transporter to get this
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel
properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,
and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
"People and Technology Creating a Better Environment"
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the number listed
William Simmons
Facility General Manager III
Clean Harbors Aragonite/Clive Incinerations
11600 North Aptus Road
Dugway, UT 84022
(o) 435.884.8351
(c) 870.310.6029
Simmons. william@cleanharbors.com
~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS , , Genelil10r ID Number
WASTcMANlFEST C:AL00038582.6 1
2. PaQ9 1 ol, 3. ~Respime Pl.,i,e
1 (800; 483-3718 1
4·0195ng353 3 3 FLE
s. ~IOl's r;.me ane1 Ma-~-Address a1ser ermane te
Gentmofs Sele Addless (if dilllrM! hi! masg aclcnG)
1800 HarrisonSt 4410515th SL Oakland, CA 94612 I lancaster,(:A 93534 Genetalllr's Phooe · l301.\~?~7£G? A Tffl :Matthew Huraw
6. TrilllSPOrter 1 Company~ U.S. E~IO tbrbef
Clean Harbors En'l'ironmentalServices, Inc. I MAO039322250
7. Transportet 2 Compafl'( Name U.S. EPA 10 ti.Imber
8. Oe$Jgnalecl P.lc,it,, Name 8nd Sile Addle$$ U.S. EPA ID t-.'umber
Clean Harbors Arat!onite LLC UT098.1552.177 11600 NorthAotus Ro<1d
G~~ille, UT84029 Fae,•, s hooe: u -:.c;.\ 00,1 o .. r.n I
9a. 9b U.S. DOT Descnptlon (illduding Proper Shipprig Name . Hazard Class, ID Number, 10. Container.! 11.Tolal 12.Unit 13. Waste CQclet HM and Packing Group (ii any)) No. Type Quantity WI.Nd .
Cl: '· UN14 79. WASTE OXIOfZING SOLID. N.OS .. {SILVER NITRATE. 0001 0011 181 0 ~ ,c POTA-SStuM HITRA TEl. 5.1. PG m o, PP ' f p ffi 331
2:: 2. 0002 191 352 IU UH3291. REGULA TED MEDICAl. WASTE.. N.o.s_ iHUMAN <:> 8C>OILY FLUIOS t ALKAtlME BAlT(RIES). 6 .2, PG U o, VF ~7 p X
1~. Special Hand~"g ln~oos oodAddlli011al lnlormaboo O I )( 0'
1.CB526~26-1 ERGl140
2 .CH16.366Sl8 £R.Gl158 Of )(~0
, -----~---~ .. M --~------·",,, _ ·-·-·" ,_,,comrac1 te?a1ne 1 bl Qeri~r,,t o, c<o lJ!eri -'~!1H, ""'t l _.:i,.. .. ..1o.~ ,.11 1-1n -1 t--.--. •-•-1 ft. -•...l ,111,,r .. -·-
15. GEN'ERATOR 'SIOFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION : I hantby d!!dare dmt lhe conlefllS o( ltl!S OlOslgnme,,t are !l,1Jy end 8CC11181elydffllioed abowi b-/ lhe proper lihippilg name, anl 1111 dmtlled. pawg,d,
marl<ed and labeled/placarded, and ere in all respects in proper condition fur lransport acoording lo applic.it,te lnlllma11cnaland nalionsl govemmoolal raguJalions. If expol1 sh~8111811d 1 am the Pl1ma,y
Exporter , I c.ertify that lhe contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the allached EPAAckno'Medgment ol Consent.
I wrtify 11\al lhe wasie mi,,;miZation s1a1ement idenlified m 40 CFR 262.27(a) (It I am a lalge quantity genwalot) or (b) (ijl am a smal quanti!y genera!or) is true.
Genera!o!'!i!O!feroi's PrintedfTyped Namo Signallrll hJ.n 1
Mon1h Dey Y11r
[ \I\ 't.o,. ~It ,l. I f.,,J/ I fl51 ~ 1..21 _, 16. ln1ema110na1 sNpmen,s 0 lmpolt lo U.S. □E.xpo,tfrom us ' i:Jf errby/exit ....
ii!!: Transporter signam lfot exl)Olt! onlyl: 0. l8M1g U.S..
~ 17 Transponer ~menl of Receipt rl Malefials w
~ Trar>SjlOllef 1 Pnntlldi,?;iNane Bt~,~d;('o Signallny;..c..M.·· a .. .J. /1
Manlh DI)' Y•
0 /~ (,sfc; aJ.tr I . .,...,. ·----rt1 I t'1'1 I ~ 1.2.1 A. rn Transpooei 2 ""'1led/T)'l)td Name ~ ~ 0., YfM :z
~ I I I I I-
1S Diwepancy
18a . Discrepancy lndieali<ln Space □ Ouantty . Drype □lle,idve □ Pirtial Rejeai:Jn 0Fu1Rejd)n
Manliest Rsf919nca Nl.ll1ler.
~ 18!> AJwmaie Fil(ility (0< Genel'illor) U.S . EPA ID Number
::I u
I ' ~ Fac'~iy's Phone :
C 18· Signatin at Allem ala Facility (01 Generalor) I ~n, I Day Ye;r LI.I ~ I z
~ 1 !l. Hazardous Waste Report Ioli na\jem ant Method Codes (i.e , rodes for hazardous waste treab11Mt, disposal, and recyding .systams)
w 1. r-H040 13' r ·
20. ~oated Facihly Owner oc Ope,ator: Certification of receipt al haZanlol.lS malerials COffll!d by 11111 manifes1 e•cepi as rdl!d in ltl!m 18a
Prinle<lfT yped Nam.
l~r~H~.L ~ MJr,tt, 'N'f Yw
l-\ol\~ l"\~~--.... ..:7..~Z.. I u I ta 16-'-( .. EPA Fom, 8700-22 l Rev. 12-17) Prev1011s ed1oons are obsolete . DESIGNATED FACILITY TO EPA's e•MANIFEST SYSTEM
Clean H:1mo,s ~36 t'11! appropnate permits for Jnd • .._'11! ac-::ept lfll! waste Ille genemor :; i::t11pping GW 24027G2954-002 PPW
·P, rl • Ge ne ra1 or acknOWleages tnat no matenal c!liing,. nas occurrea e!ll'!er Ir! 1r,e cnaractenstlc~ or In the procesi; generatlnll..!1111 ma1.er1a1. 0MB No ~ """" ease p nl or type. "FOiih APlllOV8Q . . ,.""""""""
UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 11. Gel\eralor 10 Num ber
2. P8!1t 1 ol 13-Emeivency Re,;pora PIion&
1 {800) 483-3718 r·oiss~rr 3 41 FLE
5. ,l18(llto<'S ~r Ma=!lngACdt8$$ a1ser Get>etalofs Sil8 Ml1'85& (ii dillelent tt,;w, ~ adins!I)
iBOO Harrison St 4502 EilstAvenue S Oaktand, CA 94612 I Palmdale.CA 93552 GtnetalO(s Pllone: t':ll:\1 \ c'1s;,_ 7A.C:.'J ATTN :Matthew Hurav
6. Transpone< 1 Cc,mpa,,y Name U.S. EFI\ 10 Ni.niler
Clean Harbors EnvironmentalServices, Inc. I MAO039322.250
1. Transpoc1~ 2 COOlpany Name U.S. EPA ID Nirrber
8. Dt5/gll31ed fildlity N,me and 5'18 Addrtts U.S. EPA 10 Numbel'
C1ean Harbors Arai!onite LLC UTD981552177 11600 NorthAotus Road
Fa~ i~~lle. UT 84,q~~. ,..,.. . "" "" I
9a . 9b. U.S. DOT Description (including Proper ShiPtJing Name. Hazartl Class, ID Numbef, 1 o. Conlaine!S 11.Total 12.Unil 13. wasta Codes HM and Packing Grwp (~ any)! No. Type Quanlity wt~.
• UN1479, WASTE OXIDIZING SOLID. N.0-5 .. {SILVERNITRATE, 0001 0011 181 e X POTASSIUM HIJRAm. 5.1. PG Ill 01 PF Oj p ~ a:u. w 2. ifi
3. I
14 . Speoa/ Hand~ lnslrucoons and~ lnfollna/jon
1. _CB52H2fi-1 ED.Gl140 0 IX 05
,,_ ___ ,. ,n, -----~,.., ,,,contract retalne<IJ)Y,_q_enerator ~~!tftr~ ~~!12.Y. i.i., .... '1..-JC ..,. A .. ,_ ... , __ ·------~~ 411'1 _ .... ,,..,. -··1..--.......... _ ........ 1 ...... ~ ... .,, L--. .. ........ ,. ... #lo.P'I
15, GEIIERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFiCATION : I henlby d&dale lhal Ille coolants al this c:onsf911m$n1 &I'll ru~y end accurately d1JSCt1'bed aboYa by 1he p,qier shipping name, ard .-e dffllfted , pad(aged,
mar1<ed and labeled/placarded. and 11111 in all raspects 1n proper condruon lor 11o11sport actOrding to appllc;eble international and na~onal goverm,ental regulations. H export shipment and 1 am Iha Pl1maly
E~porter. I cer1 1ty lhat the C0111enl& cl Ws consignment oonftJnl 10 1he limns of lhe a«aclie<I EPA Admcwledgmant of Consent
I CE!tlfy Iha/ the waste mini1114zation statement ldenlified in 40 CFR 262.27(a) (if I am a large qualltitygllllQJ81or) °' (b) (Ill am a small quantity gllllllflllo'1 is true.
Ge~~~s/~a_~;;m;-a 6l,1 (Y"}b oCi\ I Sigr•~"' ~~ ~ I 05 1if31.2'1
=-' 16. I ntema!iOnaJ S~mer,ts Otl1"4)0rtlcU.S, □~1romu.s. Port ot -,1ry1ut .... z T~e.-signature (for exports 0111\')' Dale lelMng U.S.:
a:: 17. Transporter Adi~ ol Receip of MalBriais w
MonGl Olly ---~ lrnnsp011e1 l Pnntedfl' ,Ped Name 1 ; 1(}1) N &rno.rr1tn 0 Signalln_ ~ •.-c:i1 Ii _;. 0 G~{LS r I .--v•• ,.---r'r.--t'} ,os ,~ 12ri Q.
(I) Transpo,te< 2 Pnllled!Typed Nane V Sigrlalln ' Ab1'1 Olly Y• z
~ I I I I ....
I 18 Disaepancy
18a Oiscrepancy lndica!IOII Space D auanlity Orype OReshlJa □PDIR~ 0Fu1Rljacticl1
UM_, Ref8rence Number.
5 16b Allemale Fac,lity [or Generato r) U.S. EPA 10 Number
t1. Facilify's Phone: I
C 18': S,gnarure or Altli mate fadl~\i (or Ge110ra10r)
111 I Day Yea,-LIJ
~ I :.:
C) 19. Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (,.e_ codes for hazardotLS wasls lrealment. disposal , and n,cy,;:1ng aysl6ms} ;;
~1 ,2. r r · H040
l 20. Oesignated facilily Owner o, Ope,ator: Ce<1itation d ll!0!ipl CJl ha2'anlous lNlerialS aMlnld by ltle manilesl uCllj)I as ncmd ill Item 111a
Prin1ed/Typecl Name
M0f1l7l uay Year
\-\o\\\~ ~ O.'(i~a,f"~Z.. ~ l c nl u I~
EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev . 12-17} Pr&\/ious edltians are obsolete. DESIGNATED FACILITY TO EPA's e-MANIFEST SYSTEM
6W 2402763388-002 PPW