HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-006867DSHW-2024-006867 Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC 11600 North Aptus Road Aragonite, UT 84029 435.884.8100 www .cleanharbors.com June 21, 2024 Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov Mr. Douglas J. Hansen, Director Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 RE: Unresolved Manifest Discrepancies Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC EPA Number -UTD 981 552 177 Dear Mr. Hansen, In accordance with Module 2 condition 2.K of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA Permit, 40 CFR 264. 72( c) and R315-264-72( c ), this correspondence serves as written notification of two (2) unresolved manifest discrepancies. The manifest information, discrepancy and what is being done to resolve these issues can be seen below: • Manifest 019630573FLE -Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 1. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. • Manifest 018630415FLE -Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 1. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. "People and Technology Creating a Better Environment" Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the number listed below. Sincerely, William Simmons Facility General Manager III Clean Harbors Aragonite/Clive Incinerations 11600 North Aptus Road Dugway, UT 84022 (o) 435.884.8351 (c) 870.310.6029 Simmons. william@cleanharbors.com www.cleanharbors.com Please print c--~ that no material ctiange has oa:urrad either in thechanicta istiu; or in ttle prt)C8IS6 ~~MB No 2050-0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. Generator ID Number 2. Page 1 of 3. Emergency Response Phone 4. Manife$t Tracking Humber WASTE MANIFEST VAR O O O 51. 3 5 3 .1 483-3718 0 19 6 3 0 5 7 3 FLE Generator's S~e Address (tf diffeteo! lhan ma itng address) SAME U.S. EPA 10 Number CINI\ Harbors~LLC 11~ Narth Aotut Road G,ant:::.ille , UT 84029 UTD981.552177 Fadl" sPhone.: 9a . 9b . U.S. DOT lleqlion (induding Proper Shipping Name, Hazan! Class, ID Number, 10. Conl!linefS HM and Packing Group f~ any)) No. Type 00( 3. 4. 14, Special Handling Instructions illldAdditional lnfOllllillioo - l,all269639 DGl171 / )( ,5:$ acarded, and are m all r , I cer1ily !hat tile OOllleolli of this consignment conform to the tenns cf the attached EPAAduiowtedgrnent 01 Consent. t lhe 11/i!Ste min lmizati<ln statement idenMed ., 40 CFR 262.ZT(a) [d I am a large quan tity gener.illlr) or (b) (Ht a nal Shipments □ Import to U $. 0 Export from U.S. slg nalU!e (for &xports only): 11. Total Quantity 12. Unit Wt.Nol. 18a . Discrepancy Indication Space 1 18. Discrepancy D Quantity □Type 0 Residue D f'llrlial Rejection ~ 18b. Alternate Facillty (or Gencrolof) ::::i u ~ F1!61i1)"3 Phone: S 18c. Signa!Ufe or Altcma le Facility (or Genera roc !ci: Manifest Reterenr.e Number: U.S. EPA 10 Number 13 Waste Codes ( 1 I I I , ---,.-----•}---- / / I 1 / f ' --~--·"··,_), .. -.~ J ' I DFu!Rejecti~ Momh Day Year z~ ____________________________________________ ..._ _ _, __ ,__---t ~ 19. Haz.ardous Waste Report Management Me1hod Codes (i.e .. oodes fur llalardous waste treatmenl, disposal, and reeyclng ~!ems) ~ 1. 2 3. H040 1 20. Dasignaled Facility Owner or Opera tor : Certification of receipt of hazardous mate,ials CCll!!red by !he malllfesl e Pt!ritedlTypeo Name Sq,allll -~ ~ 4. Day 3 EPA Form 870 22 (Rev. 12-1 7) Previous ed itions are obsolete . DESIGNATED FACILITY TO EPA's e-MANIFEST SY'STEM Olililfl 1-lBrtxn has the IQ>Pl'0PfilD permits fer and will accept the 'W116te the~ iii shipping . 04 2401921251 PPW Generator acknowiedges tllill no material cnange na& occurred e!tner In tile cllaractel1611c& or tn !he process generating tile materia l. Please print or type. Fonn Awoved . 0MB No. 2050-0039 UNIFORM HAZAROOUS 1. Generatnr ID Number 2. P!IIJ8 I of 3. ~ Response P!10ne Ulan mbar WASTE MANIFEST T X D 9 8 8 0 4 4 8 :1 4 1 {800) ~83-371.8 5. ~---~ 39309 .10301Gateway Bt¥d. West SAME El Paso, TX 79925 Generatots Phonl : (9151263-5273 6. Transponer 1 Company ame U.S. EPA 10 Nurmar Clean-Harbors EnYironmentalServices. lnc. MAD O 3 9 3 2 2 2 5 0 7. T111 Clean Harbors Aral!onite LLC 11600 NorthADtus Road Grantsville. UT84029 UT0981552177 Facir 's Phone: (4 9a. 9b. U.S. DOT Oesaiplion (induding Proper Sh ipping Name, Haurd ClaU , ID Nurnber, HM and Packirg Group (~ any)) 10. COntlliners No, Type 11. Total Quriy 12. Unit Wt.Nm. a: 1 UN3287, WASlElOXfC LIQUID. INORGANIC, N.O,5, b f2 X IPHARMACEUTICALS\.6.1.PGII 7 L)F' 590 f" 13.wasteCodel; U010 :S U058 11-----1-2,..._-N_O_f_,.-R_C_NA __ A_lli __ R_OO_U_S_II_AS_i_E_l_lO_u_lD ___ f_FO_ft_M_M:_I_N_ 1 _'N ___ ...,_ ___ +---1----1---4-...;:,.:..;;.,._;..;....;....;.;;i,;;_;;;;;.:_--1 il&SIHl JI# l . 4. , •. ~Hel)dling ~nlAd<ttionalj/llomla60n 1 .RnttP8ARMA EaG.151 ~Bl W HH Jtf. 1S. GEHERATOR'SIOFFEHlR'S CERTlflCATION : I hcteby ded.n that 1111100tlltnt!I al !!'is consigm'tGl'II ant luly and ac:aJralely dela'.bed atxwe by Ille PI0!)8f 9/Wng name, ard ;re c:IIAifilld, padcaged, m.wted and~. lnlsre in iii~ n properClllldilkln b'trrispon a=nfr,g ID~ in • .m l\lllonlll gowmnen1a1 ~-If axpo,tslipmenl and I am Iha Pml8ly fJipn!t , I~ lhal !he con'l!n3 d lhi.!. cxins,gnmant C011k,m lo 1h11 lllr!I\S al h altadled EPAIQJIOll4edQIMM lcertify!halttll!-"'mlrimizalionstllamenliCIINl1ifilldin40CfR262.27{1)(dl1ma~qu.JI\Olyeenera111f «fl~~~~~~~gei~~~lllDl~)_!is!:ll'lle~-:........-----r::::-=----::~---::d ■ nlll 08y Yea1 ll18JII of Rlla!ip( of,,__ 18 Disaepancy S 181>. Memale Fadl'ly (« G9nera!or) c3 ~ Fadlit(s Phone: □ Resole □ Pll1ill Rejection U.S. EPA 10 Number 04 2 24 Mcntn Day Year I 18c. SigMtlJre of All8male Fad~ [Ill Ge!1efiJtl( I..._ __ ~ ___________________________ _.__......._ ____ .__~ i 19 . Hazardous Waste Repcn Management Melllod Codes (i.e .. codas for hazatdous waste lrealment. d~I, and racyd1ng systam,) ~1. H040 2~ s. 4. 120. Designa18d Facility 0,.,.,.., et Ope,ab: Certification cl receipt ol lmadous malllrials covered by 1he ~ a, ·~~~ ·~ Yt# ZJ.I EPA Form 870(>.22 (Rev . 12.1n Previous editions are obsolete. DESIGNATED FACILITY TO EPA's e-MANIFEST SYSTEM C'1!an Hamers has the appropriate permits for ana WIii actepl the illll5te tM generator!; snlpplng . DNX 2401135 712 PPW