HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-006705DSHW-2024-006705 Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC 11600 North Aptus Road Aragonite, UT 84029 435.884.8100 www.cleanharbors.com June 11, 2024 Sent via email to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov Mr. Douglas J. Hansen, Director Division of Waste Management & Radiation Control Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 RE: Unresolved Manifest Discrepancies Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC EPA Number -UTD 981 552 177 Dear Mr. Hansen, In accordance with Module 2 condition 2.K of Clean Harbors Aragonite's (CHA) State RCRA Permit, 40 CFR 264.72(c) and R315-264-72(c), this correspondence serves as written notification of one (1) unresolved manifest discrepancy. The manifest information, discrepancy and what is being done to resolve these issues can be seen below: • Manifest 019539658FLE-Upon receipt of the shipment, it was discovered that one container was missing from line 1. CHA is working with the transporter to get this resolved. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. "People and Technology Creating a Better Environment" Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the number listed below. Sincerely William Simmons • Facility General Manager III Clean Harbors Aragonite/Clive Incinerations 11600 North Aptus Road Dugway, UT 84022 (o) 435.884.8351 (c) 870.310.6029 Simmons. william@cleanharbors.com www.cleanharbors.com _ Generalor acimNle<lges that no matertJI Cha1ge 11D occtmta eltfler 1n tne cllaraclefl&IIC& or In the pn,cH& gen~ Ille mate!1ill. Please pnn t or type . Fo,m Approyed 0MB No. 2050-0039 UNI FOR Pill HAZARDOUS 11. Generator ID Number WASTE MANIFEST MN D 04 6 7 0 7 44 4 1 2. Page 1 er , 3. Ellll!rgeocy Response Phone 1 (800)483-3718 r-n1~~~~ssa FLE 5. ~~ltiMite'&ings GeneralDl's Sile A(lc!lffl (ll ditltJellt tha.n ma iling address) 325CaunlyRoadS1 SAME Osseo, MN 55369 I GcnCQlo~sPhooc f76312TT--8342 6 Transporter I Company Name U-5. EPA 10 NUll'Cler Clean Harbors Erwironm~ntal S•rvices, Inc. I MAD039322250 7. TrlWJ)O(ler 2 Com pany Na me U.S. EPA 10 Nl#riler I 8 ~igna!ed Facility Name and Sile Address U.S.E~ION-...- Clean Hart.ors A~lfonile LLC UTD98i.552:l.77 11600 NDtthADlus Road Gral'll'ffih, UT 84029 Facifitv's Phone-. 1435\ 9a.a cu nn I 9a . 9b. U-S. DOT Description (incwd ing Proper Shipping Name , Haz.wd Clas$. ID Ntrnber, 10. Containers 11 . Total 12.Unit 13. Wllll8 Codas HM aoo Packing Group lit any)) No. Type Quantify WL/Vaj _ GI:: 1 • UN3175. WASTESOUDSCONTAINING F\AMMABlE LIQUID, I D001 D035 F003 0 X N.O.S .. CMmtYl E1lfYl. KETONE. XYLENE\. 4.J... PG II. ERG o~ 5"~ (A ~ (133} F005 w 2. z w C) 3. I I 4. I 1\S_~;n111dffiic:ri,'Y\ Cont~Cf~ b~ qenerat~, aqen;{ authortl¥ on Initial trJn&l)Oner to add or 6Ut>&lltute ac11111ona1 t11n&p01ten; on oeneratOI'& bef!af 1tlf .. ,-A•--:: Of tran on de encw.c nee or, 15, GENERATOR 'SIOfFEROR'S CERnflCATIOIII : 1 hareoy declare thal Iha con!llnts of this consignment ant fwy and ac::cu-ately oewibed above tJo/ the proper shlps)lng r.arne , ard n c:laoaified . pad<aged, marleed and labeled/placaroed , ar<l are in all respects in lll1lPEll' wndition b' lr8nspcwt ao::ading ID app5catllll fllemalloo8I and national gMmmenlal regulllion$. H expoll s/iprnlMTI and I am lh8 Pr'rnaey Exporter. I certify lllat Ille contenls of l!1is ~rmlf'JC oorlooTI ID Ille ll!nns of the atlached EPA ~nmt cf Coniool I certitylhal the was!! minimization slalement identified in 40 CFR 262.27(a) rrt I ;ma large~genertt,,) or (bl (WI .rn asmal quattily~) is 1rue. Gener.i!o!'slsl~u~ ors Prinledlfyped Na!llll /{ S I;nall/re~~ &I A t.lcd\ t>ay Year ~ ,,,Jc Kt11, I ,,,_v IS' Ito lv-t .... , 6. lnl.Cmalillnal Sti ipmenl s □ Import to U.S . OE>portf!QinU.S. Pott of entty/exit: J- 3!: T ta~ signature llor e"l)O<lS only): Date 1-ing u.s~ a: 17. Transpo<ler Adu,owledgmen\ cf Recetp! cf Materials ... ~ ------~ T 'lfli;&Pnn~~ Name {& J/,A Sqlature ./Jl'F Monlh Day Yea, i .'llr-.1 •.• ~ I IS" I le> 12-M en Tra 0$J.I'.""" • ~'"'"'""yped Name S!gnellire Manin Clay Ye ll! z ! l I I I I 18 .0isa~ 18a , ~ Ind~ 5paoe □ Quan1ity Drype □Re:Q,e □ Partial Rejaaion □ F_. Rljllc;1b, Marifesl Rfllarenoe Number. ~ 18b, A!rerra 1e Faolity (or Generator) U.S EPA 10 Number -' u i:f: Fao,ty's Phone: I C) tee. Sigr,ab.rre of Altemale Faa.ty (or ~l I lbnh I Day y-w i I £! 1 (! Hazardous Waste Report Management Melhod Codes (i.e., CJJdes tor hazardous W8Sle mrtment. di$poael , aid recyding sr-;l8111S) en ~ 1. H040 1 2 • r· , 1·· l 20 . O@signatecl Facility Owne< or Operalot: Cert!ficaliot, or ~ o/ hazanlous mslerials coYeted by lhe maoillls1 e~cept as ntted in llem 181,,.....-._ "\.... PrinbVT~N0)Jla12vJo 6eD/[)eJ; l~nabn ~~ l >w~,,;J;_J~ ~