HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007925INSPECTION REPORT for the TOOELEARMYDEPOT (rEAD) ur3213820894 Compliance Evaluation Inspection August 2002 Prepared by %"'#":?#.*:11,Ti"ffi Il?"Yf "" iI O *O INSPECTION REPORT for the TOOELE ARMYtrEPOT (TEAD) ur321 3820894 Compliance Evaluation Inspection August 2002 Utah Divisio, .tt?,T*d YHazardous waste Commercial,/Federal Facilities Section Table of Contents Facility Description Waste Streams, Waste Management Activities Credentials, Purpose and Scope Narrative OB/OD Treatment Area-Interim Status Compliance Permit and Operating Records Review Compliance with other Applicable Rules Compliance fssues or Concerns Appendix A Pre-inspection and SAA Checklists and List of Waste Management Units Ammunition Area ammo maintenance Building 519 Building 1223 Building 1375 Non-ammunition Area Building 511 Building 516 Building 520 Building 1252 Building 513 Appendix B 90-day Checklists, inspection logs and permitted storage checklists Ammunition Aiea Building 1320 Building 1325 Building 1345 Non-ammunition Area Area529 Permitted Storage Checklists - Module Itr of permit AmmunitionArea Building 1368 Building A101 Building 1325 - no waste Building C816 - no waste Igloo Al01 - no waste Non-ammunition Area Building 528 - no waste Building 1205 - no waste Building l2O4 - no waste Appendix C OB/OD Operating Record and ammo transfer records Appendix D Preparedness and Prevention, Checklist Appendix E Checklist for Manifests and Security Appendix F Checklists for Contingency Plan and Security Plan Appendix G Checklist for Training 2002 CEI Inspection Report for the Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) Date of Inspection: Facility: Notification: Facility Contact: August 6, 2002 Tooele Army Depot, Tooele, Utah Lar ge Quantity Generator UT3 21382189 4 Dave Woodworth (43s) 833-3s04 Type of Inspection: RCRA Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Participants: Connie Rauen, UDSHW George Lukes, UDSHW Dave Woodworth, TEAD Tom Turner, TEAD Darwin Jones, TEAD ammo area operations Sylvia Stapleton, TEAD ammo area compliance O Weather:Hot and clear: 90o F Time of Arrival: 8:00 am Time of Departure: 5:00 pm Report Prepared by: Connie Rauen Applicable Regulations: UAC R3l5-4, R315-5, R315-7, R3l5-8 and Part-B Permit issued March 22,1993, as modified Facilitv Description The Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) is a Department of Defense facility that is engaged in the storage, distribution and demilitanzation of conventional military munitions. Munitions are stored in igloos andmagazines and are demilitarized through disassembly and recycling of metal parts and then treatment by either destruction of the explosives in a furnace or by burning or detonation of the explosives on the ground, in pans or in static firing silos. TEAD is located on approximately 22,000 acres of land two miles west of the city of Tooele. Facility operations that have changed since the last CEI in 2001 are the addition of Army personnel to increase the security of the facility. The additional personnel require additional vehicle maintenance operations. Previously, only material handling equipment and vehicles needed for the DCD and TEAD facilities were maintained at TEAD. There has been a40Vo reduction in demilitarization operations, since the last CEI, due to homeland security concerns and the need for munitions. Waste Streams. Waste Manasement Activities At the time of this inspection, there were 15 Satellite Accumulation Areas (SAAs), four 90-day Storage Area and eight permitted storage units for hazardous waste in operation. On- Site Waste Generation Waste generated at the TEAD facility is from the following sources: (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) Some hazardous and some non-hazardous waste paint, sludge, blast grit, rollers, rags and brushes generated through the repair, maintenance and refurbishing (stripping, preserving and repainting) of munitions, Contaminated soil and purge water from corrective action and remedial action activities, Ash residues from the deactivation furnace and baghouse, propellant ash residue from the burn pans at the OB/OD treatment area and waste scrap metal from munitions casings after treatment, and Non- hazardous and hazardous waste stoddard solvent, oil, antifreeze, batteries and filters from vehicle and equipment maintenance activities. These continuous processes generate wastes that are stored in SAAs and 90-day storage areas. Generated wastes include spent paint and paint and solvent contaminated rags, paper and containers as well as spent oil, antifreeze and fuel filters. The waste codes assigned to the hazardous wastes include F001, F002, F003, F005, F008, D001, D002, D003, D004, D005, D007, D008 and U003. Generally, the paint waste from the ammunition processingarea contains solvents and the paint waste from the vehicle maintenance operation does not contain solvents. The solvent most often identified is methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). All generated hazardous waste is sent offsite to storage, treatment or disposal facilities selected by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and their contractors. The DLA prepares the manifests and iuranges for the shipping. The DLA office at DCD services the TEAD facility. Off-Site Generated Waste Received No off-site generated hazardous waste has been received, since the last CEI, for treatment or storage at TEAD. However, waste was received from Camp Williams on Apil22, 2OO2, that should have been manifested. A copy of the letter from TEAD explaining the situation is in Appendix A. The matter was referred to Alan Moore for further investigation. Export of Hazardous Waste In January of 2002, TEAD notified the Division of the shipment of 259,232 pounds of antipersonnel and antitank mines to Lubben, Germany. The mines are treated in an incinerator operated by the U.S. Army. A copy of the notification is in Appendix A. Waste Stream Evaluation. On January 25,2002, the Division received a waste stream evaluation with results from an analysis of the waste streams. A copy of this notification is in Appendix A. The list and the analysis coincide with the results of the visual inspection of the waste generation sites and records conducted in this inspection. The hazardous waste generation and storage sites are at the following locations: Satellite Accumulation Areas Ammunition Area ammo maintenance Source of Waste Generation Building 519 520 r223 r252 r37 5 r37 5 t37 6 t346 AED Permitted Furnace blast grit,D001 dry and liquid paint waste, D001 dry paint waste, D001 batteries, dry and liquid paint waste, D001 dry paint waste, D001 liquid paint waste, D001 dry and liquid paint waste, D00l OB ash and residue, D003, D001, D002 Building 1320 Incinerator Ash Residue Non-ammo Area Building 51 1 Oily Rags, U003 51 1 Batteries, D001, D002 4 513 513 516 90-Day Storage Areas Bdlg. 529 Bdlg. 1320 Bdlg. 1325 Bdlg. 1345 Used oil, antifreeze, filters Used oil, antifreeze, filters Used oil and gas Storage yard Ammunition waste at incinerator Not in use Not in use Permitted Storage Areas Liquid waste permitted storage areas Bdlg.528 Igloo A10l Solid waste PEP permitted storage areas Igloo C815 Igloo C8l6 Magazine 1368 Magazine l37O Magazine L2O4 Magazine L2O5 Credentials. Purpose and Scope 8:00 a.m. August 6,2002 The inspection team arrived at Building I to meet with Dave Woodworth of the Environmental Management Office. Credentials were presented and the purpose and agenda of the inspection discussed. The objective of the inspection was explained as to verify compliance with the State of Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Rules and with the TEAD, RCRA Part-B permit. The agenda was to inspect as many of the SAAs, 90-day storage areas and permitted storage area as time permits. The permitted incinerator was not included in the inspection. The Open Burn and Open Detonation Area was not inspected as it was not operating. Copies of the operating records (ammo and non-ammo areas) were obtained for review in the office Narrative of Inspection The following narrative provides a summary of the observations and a description of the activities in the buildings and areas that were inspected. A checklist with details of the compliance status was completed for each of the SAAs, 90-day storage areas and permitted storage areas. The completed checklists are in Appendices A and B. A summary of the compliance status of the inspected buildings and areas is included in the narrative. All of the SAA, 90-day storage and permitted storage and treatment areas are periodically inspected throughout the year. Fifteen SAAs, four 90-day storage area, and two of the permitted storage igloos and buildings were examined in this inspection. The remaining storage areas will continue to be included in future site inspections, but did not contain any waste at the time of this inspection. 9:00 a.m. Building 5l lA and B This building is used for maintaining vehicles used by the additional Army personnel temporarily occupying the facility. Trucks and large machine gun carriers are maintained in the building. It is anticipated that Army personnel will leave sometime in late 2002 and be replaced by Army Reserve personal that will continue to provide added security. The SAA contained one, 55 gallon, empty steel drum that was properly labeled with the words Hazardous Waste. A second SAA contained used lead -acid and Ni-Cd batteries. Copies of the SAA compliance checklists are in Appendix A. No compliance concerns were identified. 9:30 a.m. Building 513A and B. This is the Carpenter Shop which generates paint residues and contaminated rags. At one SAA there was one, l5-gallon, steel drum 213 full of wet paint sludge and at the other SAA there was one, 3O-gallon empty drum for the storage of spent paint rollers, rags and brushes. The drums were locked and properly labeled with the words HazardousWaste. EmilioArellanoistheoperatorof theSAAs. Noconcernswith the SAAs were identified. l0:00 a.m. Site 516. This is the power and utilities maintenance building and yard. The storage yard contains a three sided storage shed that is used to store oil and hydraulic fluids for the compressors, generators and boilers at the facility. Also, the shed contains stored product antifreeze and oil. Emilio Arellano is the operator of this SAA. There is a storage area that is managed as a SAA that contained one 55-gallon drum, l/4 full of used oil from the compressors, generators and boilers. There was one 30-gallon empty metal drum that was labeled oily rags. A plastic 55-gallon drum was one-forth full with waste antifreeze. When full, the waste oil is picked up by an oil recycler (Indian Oil) hired by the DRMO.. Some of the used oil is contaminated with spent diesel fuel which makes the oil a hazardous waste with a D001 waste code. No compliance issues were identified with the storage area. Building 5/9. This is the Pilot Model Shop which is a machine shop that builds parts for the incinerator at TEAD as well as various military incinerators in the U.S. and other countries. Lorin Chatwin is the operator of the SAA and accompanied us in the area. In this building there is a steel, walnut, and glass bead blaster that removes rust and paint from small machine parts. There was one 4O-gallon steel drum Vzflll of oily rags and one steel, 30-gallon drum, half full of dry paint residue. The drums were locked and properly labeled. No compliance issues were identified. Sites 520A and B. This is the painting and assembly building for small parts used at the incinerator and other buildings of the facility. One SAA is on the south end of the building. It contained an empty, steel, 55-gallon drum. There is a parts cleaner near the SAA that contained non-hazardous stoddard solvent. No other waste was at the SAA. The other SAA also is at the south end of the painting and assembly building. It contained one, 40 gallon, steel drum, full of dry paint, rollers, brushes and rags and was properly labeled with the words Hazardous Waste. The analytical data for this waste stream indicates that it is contaminated with MEK. Also, there was one, 20 gallon, steel drum, l/4 full of paint sludge. This drum had a closed and locked funnel. The drum was properly labeled. No compliance issues were identified at these SAAs. Site 1223. This is one of the munitions processing buildings where various munitions are inspected and when necessary refurbished. No personnel were present in the building. No waste was present. The point of contact for control of the SAA is Sylvia Stapleton. She accompanied us in the building. No compliance issues were identified at the SAA. Sites 1252A, B and C. These SAAs are in the ammunition supply building. Glen is the operator of the SAAs. There was one,40 gallon, empty steel drum and one, 30 gallon, steel drum, Yzflll of paint sludge. The drums were locked and properly labeled. In SAA B, there was one 30 gallon metal container half full with Ni-Cd batteries. No other waste was in any of the SAAs. No compliance issues were identified. Site 1375A and B. These SAAs are in the ammunition operations area. Dry and liquid paint waste are generated. No waste was present during this inspection. Building 1i46. This is a SAA in the ammunitions operations area at the OB/OD area. It was not visited. Building 529. This is the 90-day storage yard in the main administration area adjacent to the permitted storage building 528. Dean Reynolds operates the storage area and the storage building. The waste present in the yard is listed on the checklist in Appendix A. The contingency plan at the yard was not complete. The plan was missing every other page. A new copy of the plan was obtained and put at the site before we left the area. No other compliance issues were identified. Buildings 1320, 1325 and 1345. These are 90-day storage sites in the ammunition area. The sites are not currently used. No waste was present. Permitted Storage Magazine 1205. There was one 55 gallon drum, about half full with lead foil contaminated with explosives. The lead foil lines some munitions. The waste was produced from the disassembly of 40 mm munitions. The start of storage date was June 25, 2002. No compliance issues were identified. Igloo 815. This earthen covered storage igloo was empty. The spill response equipment and fire extinguisher were in place and in good condition. Two-way communication between any operators and emergency response personnel is conducted through the use of cell phones which each operator has been assigned. Igloo C816. This earthen covered storage igloo was empty. Igloo A101. This earthen covered storage igloo was empty. Building 1204. This is an above ground storage magazine that was empty. There were construction personnel working in the building. The doors were open and construction dust and debris were on the floor. A steel cage was being constructed to line the inside of the building. This building will be closed for hazardous waste storage but will continue to be used for the storage of munitions. TEAD has not notified of the intent to discontinue storage of waste munitions and to close the building and delete conditions in the permit. Service magazine 1368. This building contained two misfired JATO rockets that were put into storage on August 22,2OO1. No other compliance issues were identified. Service magafine 1370. Two 55 gallon metal drums were present that contained liquid explosive containing waste from the scrubbers at the main ammunition operations building. This building is used to inspect and at times disassemble munitions. These drums are destined for open detonation treatment at the OB/OD area. A concern for detonating liquid waste was expressed to Dave Woodworth and Darwin Jones. The inspection record for the permitted storage buildings, igloos andmagazines was reviewed and found to be acceptable. The storage areas are inspected weekly. A copy of some of the inspection records is in Appendix B. OB/OD Treatment Area-Interim Status Compliance We met in Sylvia Stapleton's office, in Building 1005, where the administrative record for the OB/OD treatment area and the munitions storage areas are stored and maintained. Darwin Jones, chief of demilitarization operations, joined us. A copy of the record for the period January L,2O02, through August 6,2002, is in Appendix C. Information in the OB/OD operating record includes the date the munition was treated, the type of munition, the type of demilitarization, and the pan, pit or static firing tube that was used. The types of munitions treated at the OB/OD facility include bombs, rockets, rocket motors, fuses, propellant charges, 30 mm cartridges, blasting caps, detonation cord, dynamite and primers. An ammunition transfer record accompanies munitions that are taken out of storage and transponed to either the incinerator or the OB/OD grounds. A total of 40,559 lbs. gross weight, 71,634lbs. NEW, of explosive materials, 181,232 items, were OB or OD at the facility from January 1,2002, through August 6, 2002. This includes 40,559lbs net of propellant powders, 3200 grenades, 4484, 105 projectiles, 49,046 fuses, 2201 detonating cords and miscellaneous other items such as TNT/RDX test kits, 60 mm cartridges, rocket motors, ignitors, blasting caps, dynamite and flares. The Part A permit lists a limit of 10 tons per hour and 750lbs. NEW per detonation or static fire. This limit was not exceeded in the period since the last CEI. The only section of the State Rules that specifically addresses OB/OD interim status, and is not covered in other sections of the rules and this report, is UAC R3l5-7 -23.7. This section of the rules states that OB/OD treatment facilities must obtain a certification from the Board that they can meet performance standards of UAC R315-8-15 (Incinerator operating standards) if they choose to burn wastes with hazardous waste codes F020 through F023, F026 or F027 . The explosive wastes treated at the OB/OD area only have the RCRA characteristic of reactivity, D003. A certification from the Board is not required for the TEAD facility. UAC R315-7-23.6 contains requirements for a minimum distance from OB or OD to the Property of Others. The requirements are for a permitted OB/OD unit. For 101 to 1,000 pounds of waste explosives or propellants the required minimum distance to the property of others is 1,250 feet. The south and west sides of the OB/OD unit border the TEAD facility boundary. Land use adjacent to the south and west facility borders is open space. The land is owned by the Bureau of Land Management and is designated by Tooele County for multiple uses including agriculture and grazing. The burn pans lie approximately one mile to the southern border and one mile to the western border of the facility which is greater than the 1,250 feet requirement. The static firing silos and the open detonation pits are further from the boundaries than the burn pans. August 7,2002 Permit and Operating Records Review in oflice We received copies of the non-ammunition operating record including inspection reports, some training records, some manifests and LDR notifications and analytical data on generated waste. These documents were reviewed in the Division office. A checklist for the review of manifests is in Appendix E. No compliance issues were identified. Since the last CEI inspection, TEAD received 20 mm munitions, for treatment at the incinerator, from the Red River Munitions Depot in Texas, the Anniston Army Depot in Alabama, the Sierra Army Depot in California and the Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky. No other type of munition was received. TEAD exported to Germany mines with bursting charges. A checklist for the Preparedness and Prevention Plan is in Appendix D. A current copy of the Contingency Plan was at Building C815. No fires, explosions or releases of hazardous waste or constituents occurred since the last CEI inspection. In accordance with the Preparedness and Prevention Plan in the permit, an internal communication and alarm system for the permitted buildings is provided by a cellular phone which is carried by EM and EOD personnel which manage and inspect each building. A portable fire extinguisher is carried in each EM and EOD vehicle and is present in each permitted building. No compliance issues with the Preparedness and Prevention Plan in Attachment 6 of the permit were identified. A checklist for the Security Plan is in Appendix E. Weekly inspection checklists for the permitted buildings and areas were reviewed at the facility. No problems were noted. Inspections are conducted according to the Inspection Plan in Attachment 4 of the permit. A fence surrounds the facility and access is controlled by Security personnel. Access to the permitted areas is controlled by Environmental Management (EM) and Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) Personnel. A checklist for the Training Plan is in Appendix F. Copies of the employee listing and job positions is in Appendix G. An outline of the annual training course provided to all hazardous materials workers is in Appendix G. A copy of Dave Woodworths's training o 10 record was reviewed and found to be adequate. No compliance issues with implementation of the Training Plan were identified. Compliance with other Applicable Rules R315-5-l Purpose. Scope and Applicability: The facility is a Large Quantity Generator and a permitted storage and treatment facility. R315-5-1.11 Hazardous Waste Determination: All of the waste generation sites investigated during this inspection were classifying waste correctly. R3 15-5 -1.12 Identification number: 1JT3213820894 R315-5-2 Manifesting: No problems were noted with completion of manifests for on-site generated waste shipped off site for treatment and disposal. The shipments of LAR certification requirements of R3l5-13 (40 CFR 268.7) are adhered to with use of a form. Any discrepancies in the manifests, noted by either the generator or the TSDF are noted on a manifest change sheet which is attached to the original manifest. R315-5-3.34 Pre-Transport Requirements: No problems with packaging and labeling of waste were noted during the inspection. R315-5-4 Record keeping: Copies of manifests and biennial reports are kept at the TEAD Environmental Management Office in Building 1. R3 15-5-5 Exports of Hazardous Waste. TEAD has since the last CEI exported mines to Germany for treatment. R315-5-4.41 Biennial Reporting: Not evaluated in this inspection but the latest report was reviewed and the waste types compare to the waste profile sheets in the operating record. No discrepancies were noted. R3L5-5-4.42 Exception Reporting: N/A R315-5-4.43 Additional Reporting: N/A R3 15-5 -3.34 Accumulation Time: R3 t5-5-7 R3 L5-7 No problems were noted in the 90-day storage area or the permitted areas. through R3l5-5-8 are not applicable to the TEAD. Interim Status Compliance; See section of this report on OB/OD treatment area. No compliance issues were identified. 11 R3 15-16 Standards for Universal Waste Management: Universal waste batteries are stored in building 1005 in the ammunition operations area. The waste was properly labeled with the words "Universal Waste." The date of accumulation was on each drum of batteries. The waste batteries had not been stored for more than one year. There are very few universal waste fluorescent light bulbs generated at the facility. They have been replaced by GE Ecolux non-mercury bulbs. Spent mercury containing bulbs are stored in the 90-day storage area adjacent to Building529. The universal waste bulbs were properly labeled and none of the bulbs were stored for more than one year according to the dates of storage on the labels. Compliance Issues or Concerns An inspection close-out meeting was held with the inspection team and Tom Turner, the Chief of Environmental Compliance at TEAD. Closure of building 1205, solidification of the liquid waste in building 1370 before treatment and the treatment of the JATO rockets in building 1368 before one year of storage were discussed as being issues of concern. Closure of building 1205 is being addressed in a separate correspondence with TEAD. In a phone conversation with Darwin Jones and Dave Woodworth on September 3, 2002,it was agreed that any liquid waste to be treated at the OB/OD area would be solidified before treatment. It was agreed that "solidification" would be defined as being able to pass the Paint Filter Liquid Test. In the same phone conversation I was told by Dave Woodworth that the solidified waste is scheduled to be burned the week of September 10, 2002. Also,I was told that the JATO rockets that were nearing their one year storage date were treated the week of August 26,2002. MRW llclca Signature Date T2 .x!c tr(.)og TOOELEARMYDEPOT (TAD) CEI PRE-INSPECTION CHE,CKLIST Date of Inspection: Inspection Team: Pre-Inspection Conference : Date: AWt'*L 5r?ooa Inspection Scope: Time: Equipment: Notification of Inspection: a. Facility b. Tooele Health Dept. QW Team Irader Signature Supervisor Signature APPENDIX A HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS Satellites: Building 511; Army; solvent waste. Building 51 1: Batteries Building 513; Public Works; liquid paint waste. Building 513; Public Works; dry paint waste. Building 516; Contaminated Rags Building 519; Ammunition Equipment; blast grit. Building 520; Ammunition Equipment; liquid paint waste. Building 520; Ammunition Equipment; dry paint waste. Building 1223; Ammunition Operations; dry paint waste. Building 1252; Ammunition Operations; liquid paint waste. Building 1252; Ammunition Operations; dry paint waste. Building 1252; Ammunition Operations; batteries Building 1375; Ammunition Operations; liquid paint waste. Building L375; Ammunition Operations; dry paint waste. Building 1346; Ammunition Operations; open burning ash/residue 9O Dav ereas: /4) -,', Building 529; Environmental Office; all wastes except explosive. Building l32O; Ammunition Operations; all wastes. Building 1325; Ammunition Operations; all wastes. Building 1345; Ammunition Operations; all wastes. Permitted Storage Facilities: /f;\ -\"1 Building 528; Environmental Office; all wastes except explosive. Igloo A101; Ammunition Operations; explosive wastes. Igloo C815; Ammunition Operations; solid explosive wastes. Igloo C816; Ammunition Operations; solid explosive wastes. Above Ground Magairne 1204; Ammunition Operations; solid explosive wastes. Above Ground Magairr:e 1205; Ammunition Operations; solid explosive wastes. Service Magazine 1368; Ammunition Operations; solid explosive wastes. Service Magazine 1370; Ammunition Operations; solid explosive wastes. Permitted Treatment Facilities: Deactivation Furnace, building 1320; Ammunition Operations; excess or obsolete munitions. Interim Status Facilities: Open Burning and Open Detonation Facility; Ammunition Operations; excess or obsolete munitions. (s) 30 June 2002 o o SATCLIST.XLS lD#:Date: INSPECTION ITEM Hazardous Waste I nspection Sate llite Accumulation C hecklist clrAloN I c lttclNal rut I COMMENTS ls the satellite accumulation area at or near the point of generation? R315-5-10 262.34(c) 262.34(cX1) / eu4 ls the satellite area under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste? 262.34(cxl )/ Does the generator have the accumulation contiainer labeled with the words 'hazardous waste' or with other words that identity the Conientr oi tne'coniain er? 262.34(c)(t )(ii)/ The generator can not store more than 55 gallons ol hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. 262.34(cX1) J Are the contiainers in good conditions?262.34(cX t Xi)V ls the hazardous waste stored in containers that are compatable with the waste? 262.34(cXt Xi),/ ls the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except when waste is being added or removed? 262.34(c)(t )(i),/ ls the generator managing the accumulation container in a manner that will not cause it to rupture or leak? 262.34(c)(t )(i)(F-n ls the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess of the 55 gallon or 1 quart limits, to a gGday storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? 26?.34(cX2) oL t{rdtil,rr) o lnsoector's lnitials, Wt-Pase -\- of I SATCLIST.XLS lD#:Date: Hazardous Waste lnspection .A Satellite Accumutation Checklist 45 INSPECTION ITEM ctrATtoN I c I r.rc I rual rur COMMENTS ls the satellite accumulation area at or near the point of generation? R315-5-10 262.34(c) 262.34(cX 1)\/ l{ rr-C-* 1M ls the satellite area under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste? 262.34(c)(1 ) V Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled with the words 'hazardous waste' or with other words that identify the Conients oi tne'coniain er? 262.34(c)(t )(ii)\/ The generator can not store more than 55 gallons of hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. 262.34(cxl ) / Are the contiainers in good conditions?262.34(cX t Xi)\,/ ls the hazardous waste stored in containers that are compatable with the waste? 262.34(cXt Xi)V ls the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition excePt when waste is being added or removed? 262.34(cX t Xi) ( ls the generator managing the accumulation container in a manner that will not cause it to rupture or leak? 262.34(cX t Xi)\,/ ls the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess of the 55 gallon or quart limits, to a gGday storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? 262.34(cX2) V M lnspeclor's lnitials,C 3-Page I or SATCLIST.XLS Site:lD#:Date: INSPECTION ITEM Hazardous Waste I nspection Sate llite Accumulation C hecklist ctrAIoN I c lruclnal rur I COMMENTS ls the satellite accumulation area at or near the point of generation? Fl31 5-5- 1 0 262.34(c) 262.34(cX 1 )/ ls the satellite area under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste? 262.34(cX 1 ) / l--5{qo* 30boF Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled with the words 'hazardous waste' or with other words that identity the Conient, oi th"'coniain er? 262.34(c)(1)(ii)/ The generator can not store more than 55 gallons ol hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. 262.34(cX1) / Are the contiainers in good conditions?262.34(cX t Xi) ,r/ ls the hazardous waste stored in containers that are compatable with the waste? 262.34(c)(l )(i)/ ls the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except when waste is being added or removed? 262.34(cX t Xi)/ ls the generator managing the accumulation container in a manner that will not cause it to rupture or leak? 262.34(c)(t Xi)_/ ls the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess of the 55 gallon or quart limits, to a gGday storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? 262.34(cX2) xvU''/ lnspector's lnirials , C'f Page +"t-l- SATCLIST.XLS Site: Hazardous Waste I nspection Satellite Accumulation C hecklist INSPECTION ITEM CITATION I C INCINAI NI COMMENTS i-f,fftM*1f-L Cu\^L( ls the satellite accumulation area at or near the point of generation? R31 5-5-10 262.34(c) 262.34(cX 1) ls the satellite area under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste? 262.34(cX 1 ) 262.34(c)(1)(ii) Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled with the words 'hazardous waste' or with other words that identity the con[ent, oi tn" coniain er? ,Lc ++D 262.34(cX1)The generator can not store more than 55 gallons ol hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. ,r0/,o*@tAre the containers in good conditions?262.34(cX t Xi) ls the hazardous waste stored in containers that are compatable with the waste? 262.34(cX t Xi) ls the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition excePt when waste is being added or removed? 262.34(cX t Xi) ls the generator managing the accumulation container in a manner that will not cause it to rupture or leak? 262.34(c)(t )(i) ls the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess of the 55 gallon or 1 quart timits, to a gGday storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? 262.34(cX2) o o lnspeclor's lnitials , g( 'Page +rt f o o SATCLIST.XLS Site:lD#:Date: Hazardous Waste I nspection Sate llite Accumulation C hecklist INSPECTION ITEM ctrATtoN I c ltrclnal rur COMMENTS ls the satellite accumulation area at or near the point of generation? R315-5-10 262.34(c) 262.34(cX1)/ ls the satellite area under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste? 262.34(cX1) / /ry4w ",{) A Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled with the words 'hazardous waste' or with other words that identity the cont"nt, oi th" coniain er? 262.34(c)(t )(ii) /ffi, The generator can not store more than 55 gallons ol hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. 262.34(cX1)v Are the contiainers in good conditions?262.34(cX t )(i) 1/' ls the hazardous waste stored in containers that are compatable with the waste? 262.34(cXt Xi) V ls the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except when waste is being added or removed? 262.34(cX t Xi) / ls the generator managing the accumulation container in a manner that will not cause it to rupture or leak? 262.34(cXt Xi),/ ls the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess of the 55 gallon or 1 quart limits, to a gGday storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? 262.34(cX2)p O lnspector's lnitials:Paoe I or IT- a o SATCLIST.XLS Site:lD#:Date: Hazardous Waste I nspection Satellite Accumulation Checklist INSPECTION ITEM ctrATtoN I c lr'rclrual rur COMMENTS ls the satellite accumulation area at or near the point of generation? Fl31 5-5- 1 0 262.34(c) 262.34(cX 1)t/ A- ls the satellite area under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste? 262.34(cX 1) v ) Does the generator have the accumulation contiainer labeled with the words 'hazardous waste' or with other words that identity the Con[ents oi the' coniainerz 262.34(c)(t )(ii)V The generator can not store more than 55 gallons of hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. 262.34(cX1) V Are the contiainers in good conditions?262.34(cX t Xi)r/ ls the hazardous waste stored in containers that are compatable with the waste? 262.34(cX t Xi)t/ ls the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except when waste is being added or removed? 262.34(cX t Xi) / ls the generator managing the accumulation container in a manner that will not cause it to rupture or leak? 262.34(c)(t )(i)/v' ls the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess of the 55 gallon or quart limits, to a gGday storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? 262.34(cX2) e1 U o Insoeclor's tn itials,CrL Pase -l-or Site:/ID#:Date: INSPECTION ITEM Hazardous Waste I nspection Satellite Accumulation C hecklist ctrAIoN I c lr.rclNal rur I COMMENTS ls the satellite accumulation area at or near the point ol generation? H315-5-10 262.34(cl 262.34(cX 1) Tl 0 ls the satellite area under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste? 262.34(cX 1) Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled with the words 'hazardous waste' or with other words that identify the contentr oi tt "'coniiin er? 262.34(cXl Xii) The generator can not store more than 55 gallons of hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. 262.34(cX1) Are the contiainers in good conditions?262.34(cX t Xi) ls the hazardous waste stored in containers that are @mpatable with the waste? 262.34(cX t Xi) ls the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition excePt when waste is being added or removed? 262.34(cXt Xi) ls the generator managing the accumulation container in a manner that will not cause it to rupture or leak? 262.34(c)(t )(i) ls the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess of the 55 gallon or quart limits, to a gGday storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? 262.34(cX2) SATCLIST.XLS lnspector's lnitials I W Pase t "f I I I lnspector's lnitials, C O I SATCLIST.XLS Sile:{,O ID#:Date: Hazardous Waste lnspection Satellite Accumulalion C hecklist INSPECTION ITEM .4-Mt\lw1{)M crrArroN I c lr.rclrual Nr I COMMENTS ls the satellite accumulation area at or near the point ol generation? R315-5-10 262.34(c) 262.34(cX1)J ls the satellite area under the control of the operator of the proc€ss generating the waste? 262.34(cxl ) t/ l-Ll?3u-L s rni5c * Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled with the words 'hazardous waste' or with other words that identify the c6nientr 'oi t. coniiin er? 262.34(cXl Xii)V I - Scqerl 1ra#o+ 4rA*, The generator can not store more than 55 gallons ol hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. 262.34(cX 1) /la Are the containers in good conditions?262.34(cX t Xi)t/ lav= ls the hazardous waste stored in containers that are @mpatable with the waste? 262.34(cX t Xi),/ ls the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except when waste is being added or removed? 262.34(cX t )(i)t/ ls the generator managing the accumulation contiainer in a manner that will not cause it to rupture or leak? 262.34(c)(t )(i)r/ ls the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess of the 55 gallon or 1 quart limits, to a gGday storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? 262.34(cX2) Y 0 Pase I or I I I 0 SATCLIST.XLS Site:iB ID#:Date: INSPECTION ITEM Hazardous Waste lnspection Satellite Accumulalion C hecklist crrAroN I c lr.tclrual rur I COMMENTS ls the satellite accumulation area at or near the point of generation? R315-5-lO 262.34(c) 262.34(cX1)-11c. --r)a 0 rt-\Af) ls the satellite area under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste? 262.34(cX 1) Does the generator have the accumulation contiainer labeled with the words 'hazardous waste' or with other words that identify the iil[entr oi tnrconiiin er? 262.s4(.,,r,,,,, The generator can not store more than 55 gallons ol hazardous waste or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. 262.34(cX 1) Are the contiainers in good conditions?262.34(cX t Xi) ls the hazardous waste stored in containers that are @mpatable with the waste? 262.34(cX t Xi) ls the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except when waste is being added or removed? 262.34(cX 1Xi) ls the generator managing the accumulation contiainer in a manner that will not cause it to rupture or leak? 262.34(c)( t )(i) ls the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess of the 55 gallon or 1 quart limits, to a gGday storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? 262.34(cX2) lnspector's lnitials C&Pase I "f J- T REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TOOELE ARMY DEPOT TOOELE, UTAH 84074-5OOO h,TECEIVE$ JAt{ 17 2q0?- D*broPd;,flf-6'?,'YP:* , rrnh hnnartffi#; Envtronmental oUalltvJanuary L4,2OO2 Environmental Oflice SUBJECT: Annual Report for Exporters of Hazardous Waste Mr. Dennis R. Downs Director, Division of Soiid artd Hazardous Waste Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 144880 288 North 1460 West Salt Lake City, UT 84L44-488O Dear Mr. Downs: As required by Utah Administrative Code R315-5-13, the following information is provided regaSding sixteen shipments of hazardous waste from Tooele Ar*y Depot (TEADI to Lubben Ge.rmany for disposal. (1) Our EPA identification number is: UT321382O894. (21 Our mailing address is: Commander, Tooele Army Depot, Attn: SMATE-CS-EO, Tooele, Utah 84074. (3) TEAD is located three miles south of the City of Tooele. (4) This report covers calendar year 2001. (5) The consignee for all shipments was Industriepark Spreewerk Lubben GmbH. (6) The consignee's address is Scchlepriger Landstrasse 1, PASOOOO2S, D 1 5907 Lubben, Germany. (71 The wastes shipped were antipersonnel and antitank mines. (8) The wastes carried EPLhazardous waste numbers D003, DOO6, D007, D008, and D030 (9) The UN identification numberwas Ol37 and the UN class was 1.1D. (10) The waste was shipped by four companies; R and R Trucking, EPA ID number MO000O12948; Tri-State Trucking, EPA ID number MODO95038998; NEI Trucking'EPA ID number PXROOOO33373; , Baggett Trucking, EPA ID number AL000O989632: and Central Gulf Lines, EPA ID number LA00O0O2LO7L. (11) 259,232 pounds of waste.was shipped. (L2l TEA? continues to pursue other op_tions to disposing of waste munitions. Currently we are pursuing a propellant to fertilizer operation and the autoclave recovery of TNT from 75O pound bombs. Mw As required by the above referenced regulation for this report, the following certification is provided: " I certiff under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is t ne, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment." Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact David Woodworth of my staff at 833-3240. Sincerely, Thomas A. T\.rrner Chief, Environmental Office 2 Mffiw REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMEhIT OF THE ARMY TOOELE ARMY DEPOT TOOELE, UTAH 84074-5OOO April 29,2OO2 Environmental Ofiice SUBJECT: Receipt of Unmanifested Hazardous Waste Mr. Dennis R. Downs Director, Division of So1id and Hazardous Waste Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 144880 288 North L46O West Salt Lake City, UT 84L44-488O Dear Mr. Downs: Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) received a smoke pot, five flares, one grenade, and approximately 1,000 rounds of 7.62 mrn cartridges, see enclosed copies of DA Form 1348, from Camp Williams on April 22, 2OO2. Upon receipt of the munitions it was determined that they were unserviceable and in extremely poor condition and should have been classified as hazardous waste by tJ:e generator and shipped as such. The purpose of this letter is to serye as an unmanifested waste report, as required by the Utatr Hazardous Waste Management Rules. The total weight of each item is indicated on the attached forms. The waste should have been shipped with the EPA code DO03. The EPA ID number for Camp Williams is unknown to TEAD. The munitions were detonated the next day due to their poor condition. Should you have any questions regarding tJ:e shipment, please contact David Woodworth of rny staff at 833-3240. Sincerely, Thomas A. T\rrner Chiel Environmental Office Encl CF: Cdr Camp Williams t{ 0 . 63 9 aa ? TR R I . I S P O R T R T I DN L? = A + 28 3 3 a4 / 2 3 t 8 ? a. r 3 tt : A Z '$ f f i 'E b' " $i l \. :+j F' q. s >' d , r :. . c ^t $ rr { ' f r r r r ) : , -l t l- - ' j - r ' - r iB - - - ; l+ r .l .$ t ,5 i ; ', 1 s Is a '8 , 'i ' t l. ' f ' t,@ u U Er -[ , EGa ! t J I t t, a. . ta r a f\s! \ {\,s . $!- t b tr r ,p >ft g\xx FT ab t I I 8l .E l EI 'E l FI Pl oB ;o'g JrA o *b l 5' ITI b+ l h* l fl LT : EE TR R I \ I S P O R T R T I oN 72 3 2 + 28 3 9 US A P A Vr . O O 84 , ' l ) r 8 ? N0 . Eg E aa ^ o PR E V I O U S ED M O N [' I A Y EE US E D Ef f i rB t l E- q Fl q \#& 25 . I' J A T I F I Y A L I .1 r 1 , , 0. 3 C U I , { E I J T t{ U t r . t g E R gT O C K I . ( r ll I *3 r . t F i : r l I 3 O . r : t ?-z!av) r, ' t -l FrrrF t-z ir rz EIFo Eo r9 {xa F. Ib7ElaFa€fl l r{-6z s }{ e0 [ ] tD . ? ! j r \(h l N Is \ \A- l -tq tt\ \\E f"qt s\} e0 , Ft , c l{ - t i r Ul 13 3 j 2 . 1 t or Y t1 0 . ? 9 i co t ' J co o E (7 1 I Dt s T tE 6 - 6 6 ) uP t7 + E O l \rh\ \. r f\\R \S {\$F \s tr l r F "f l nf\ \ zt Af i U r ' r ' q 1 1 , 1 . 1 u. A T 4 nt\E. -t \ tr \\_s }, \\ . \}}\tA )boF iI r(_ , l\D) \t 6} ES t/ 3 b -tt $)a $t0 . .l .L t,4 nl :!Htr g F.l l :EIi E-{sb u E B-, t EEI r-zog Efig e H I oI;hrot tl E{ O } ' , gE E $ ?* " 3 g> da "T l dqt I ee g Eal dE d F5 E rs tl Er 'r q lt l FE l, Dt ] FO R M i 34 8 . 1 A . .I U L P 1 IS S U E II E L E A $ E I R E C E I P T DO C U I V I E N T I -l t \ tr J -+B LZ S Z ' + 28 3 3 DD FO f i M 13 4 A . ] A . JU L g} 1 IS S U E RE L E A S E / H E C E I P T DO O U I U 1 E I { T Za t 2 9 t 8 2 L7 : AZ TR A N S P O R T R T ] ON NO . Ag a dz = f fi .( \ -N Bt\s 'r \ SAhs t\t\ .L \ vir \ - _*- s ) R- , \\ t \\ )N! \L \\t- )s/ ^ t\ F , -\ - \ N \\\t)st\ $)\\ .. : h \"# \r \b U \*J \E ts ,, oF\ L\(F -b ts &I N&ts ls F F= r C)l (- \r 7. -n*o { at tt $J Jo t Ds I .0 -0 $J t,\+=Ur r(\ l h U >dra2(r , cr z f- l -{-\-7z J-z Eoda(t>P€c -dL; t-?Eb iu>.{EIa Bz -,H :i 7 r( E t i l T t0 l ' l . d l , DA r ' 1 3i i . Er [ t: I ' & l t ll {2 8 - 2 4 r OT Y 12 5 1 . 3 9 , co N co D E (7 r l ot s T tE B , 5 5 ) rr P l? & B O l !- e , NA I l f J N A L ST D C K NO O, AD D (8 . ? 2 I I i; uo c u M E r . t T r{ u } r g € t I a Sl J F F t x l3 o ' 4 d l I \\q il , ' * " \! rT \P r} t\ }r .{ \. * YIt E \" f,E .L {6$9) (r ) 0r \- \L $r o 3 T *I BTE bp r. . I ! " It l \. t^ l us e l e vl , 0 D PR A f l O U S ED M O N IN A Y BE US E D \\-UJInvOq \?tL. \s {t \N t {s\ qt . t T >?T.7- rnrA Il "C-;-l-E lHz 32 il Iaao?f toDzEt,ErdFFI ?Bbhl= t H4Hoz-H ? l. rl f i l l ' r , J h l \ r . i: A . 1 ' A 20 . Rl E , r* . $ r U, t2 3 . l 4 l O' l ' v 12 6 - 2 9 1 co N C, O D { I 17 r I or s T rE $ . 5 0 ) uP P. - E o l 28 , I' l A T t $ t { { L sT o c K hl , ; ! , .q AD D le - Z Z t \(^ ! \$ ?. ; t . tl D C Ul ' i l E N? I' J r , l ; r l 0 ! R e, SU F F I A 13 0 . u $s $ N :{ tu t- \\t \*\R i. l\ UIts hJ \k "\ Fx h1. - . ,\s\. {C5 !a IAb \r r \L L) n- I r! ! rl n l toI g J :Eio o -aF B EI d, rLra ag fr*{oz 2o3 EI fi F-(ct, ,n N0 . 6 3 b FB 3 a4 / l ! / a " il : AZ TR R I . I S P O R T R T I ON DD FO R M 'I 3{ . 8 - 1 A , JU L $1 US A P A v1 , 0 0 1^ 2 . : a .r _ 28 3 . e IS S U E RE L E A S E / I I E C E I P T D O' C U M E N T o ,. t fi T I t. ' {1 , q5 is#s '' B fl * a - ,- bi ) 1W EH o\ N u\ a \I N \ \ PR E V I O U S ED M O N MA Y BE US E D ff i ff i \q \& H * o \3*$* 2 I. , n, i C U b r E F r T TT U M E E B & SI J F F I X l3 } + r r I at i . Ht C io - o r I PS Pu r l t C I i t A L I ur tl 3 . u r 4 l I gr c i l i i r. , U . $ I OT Y r? F r - 3 9 t I n0 n {; . t 1 r I CO N CO D E t? l I I I Dt g T (E E - s E l I \ uF (? 4 - r o , (f r IY * \' s i \N S $I $ \' t Fs RF { t v \J \v \t r \-sll . AO O l r l O h h \ L OA T A \L \F\w ]}0() , ?rrzkl (r 2{ri-b-nz Ez, Il !ti B7tl o atl !5{-FFFl v-Jaa-€H7d6z,Ar El $ 1 , f f lE I HI El 3l I Fl -l $l FF $$\ N P !mct !!mo @ -. - - - . ' s IT Erlrl I Htr It lo no g <E r r O - - 't l 8=E :- E E -l - - t r Ol l r * -- I o- q5 , Eq J;iI r- -( - \- Er o r d l SE n i+ tR > F c) sE t r SD -- E i a - tA ) tr ? c . r -j i -F *, rr = { f , = -g F + F QJ -Df r F - tA -! ! ,\ r -- L) Bo m E {- r } F' t t r l a 'n - t r o -- ao : 3 -r - . - ?\ o - E E' Z , E X ) -E - -N 5 gr o{ t, h l 5E ' 9r , v ON \t N o\ t 9N Dr * aa{} co a rO D oa r r. Ol Nl i L, g , .F o r IIIqt r lt a {e l ac l og r C) E -o ,\ , t l gr e }E 0f 9 o6 {t !EO r9 0 cl r , dr l }, r I ti t I FD il c Z Ia fr tl l ){ al {-ET J -gr J -E\ J c Ia tP { -oo E ! -t{6{Dt-!:D r) It t o.{o Fi T ts :p ES E T EE - I FE EH H q tn U C d O '- E FE o1 , oa a ; vt 4 , r ? g / 9 " 7i : EZ TR R N S P O R T R T I ON DD FO R M 13 4 . I } - ' I I L , JU L 91 UE A P A Vl . O O I" 1 V ) + 2t 3 S IS S U E ff E L E A E E / R E g EI P T DE C U T V { E N T N0 . Eg a a al o t ur \-t a's ,x 3 r\ E't r ta , ;f , " -] " +. t k * , \* ff i - h Ff i E V I O U S ED I T I O N MA Y BE UE E D l- r Cu r v r E r r r Hr , r r . , t a g g . Ul (2 3 ' 2 { r | ST O C F . 1t 0 , & I A, SU r r r i ,3 t } * . r r QT Y t2 l i , ? . 9 t I AO D tg . I l * 1 ) I CO N co o E (7 l r I - I DI B T I E E - $ $ J i \ I uF l? 4 ' F 0 l $_ lHT rH$i sd ra !? 7 . ;, ll t l r r T ' ( ] t IJ l, tsz |!lrtoE,- \t - [h t d: i I b DF G: $ "l "S \\ \{ a IES. E rR - q= { qr E 3 q" t -X .$ Hqa F l ,H \t, i,t{t $g E #} H I f f LH E 3I - - I EE F Fi =r HI * HE I EE qH H I- L II L H I El * F I 5l -l lf f i =tr G t" l trG t. } $hr\, -+- r\o t.-t - Fh\ b ff .hr . vqd h.e t, -. - - a . a 'r , !. ,q Dil :!I !! ! ,. l tE r- P o -i l t t l p : .r r l Bs F.+ -r - . 1 ut r t -- . . E i I <- z c l t, a > -t alcl hD bl at {t j ,r r r r t l I -r - J I >2 " . 1 BE H i :t l ! . E l tl l D r l E? t r 1 6} - o l Er z e l l i $. . o 1 s# E hE l +-r l l oo - - l rm g l rr + , O l <a > l -L - r , r l ,l-l ?- O l d- sa o o l -F { l <o E t IbJ 6) 9) (, $ ts 9,D snb ra -t l>tN I t' t i .: r It n lo t\ t r- { I $l N l. N i tr t r s IQ t r I .l ^ r I ol r Ie x I tc l r ll } o \l a r- . - ie c l-I .9 D l- -Io a l- E -o n i, t i l -lE -, gr g 15 o l .t g | AE t{ t E lo o t ,( p D l Dg , dt F r. - a - lN r r- - I sl a }C oc lo a rr 6 Et ro -- , tE o I 6- l i- Y ir \ , I t) { EtrIE 3l l ez--l x 6nl ar J r- rq{ -I@q rr r il r J r-6! f c' i a lD { -aao (I trF?H J t{o l-!T n1r n-tu tr +Bg b,x '!oa EE H I SB - 'l E l dE S r Fs F i td ( 7 E 7 0 :* El l- . d r{ ,l I KH I \ S H U R T f , T i ON 7? 5 2 + 28 3 3 DD FO B I T T 13 4 8 . 1 A , JU L 91 IS S U E BE L E A S f u R E C E I p T Do c U M E f { T (J - / J_ _ l t 41 r l. l 0 . 69 A DA 7 -L. t :f t .. F . EE ,t r \ -) { =r r i [f f f i CD \J r$EE IFAZ r r\ $ }J -t r r 'r r , (*-r ft 1t -8 H"' , s t L US A F A VI , O O k'r 6 i ' \ r . tu \- ' .r \ - t$ r " " \*&" FN B / I O U E EO I T I O N MA Y BE US E O 6 rD t{ t \=eD f,D, {, -Jo - -J [6:s} ($3 9Jo U,s' \. I -d. li ; . NA T I O I I A L li ; . pg * u D , t E i l T NU M B E E sr B C [ 1J c , ti I a su r F t x (3 ] . ? $ j an o rB - 2 3 r I I DE' ttztr ta -1 {-r-nz al7,EiFo?-o>a-ts dhlFFa.U-E .+ -HU sg H6z-F Go(' ^ I$c I soi l tr t(4 $J oo l- '$, tb l- L I0 , Bt C t{ , . 5 1 t/ t fJ 3 ' 2 r , oT Y tl ! 6 . 2 9 1 Co N cO o E () rt Dt s T t5 B - 6 g l uP l? 4 , t 0 ) F- hr to9 s, ' ac II , 1 r :) n *rb_Y (-r J k' 1r \- - -+g R ch C{v 37 . Ap p l T l O l ' l A L DA T A bF rI $ \r D - dt D \q / * q .[t $(^ t \fc .s Y u (r - I .a F tl t I Eg) 17 o Eth H E),J D,t,I{L trfi l-tCp rt l ni \s $E p NE sf r bI B N k 6\ tr -a AT I LcI-l E?l t-6'--l ra P 2rl oeEm PI.o fi , l' l H Glo B. B d F' E F tE t, r r kE t !r ; E l -: l A . \r ( lr : t N0 . 6g a Za t 2 9 / A Z LT : ' 8 2 TR R N S P O R T R T I O N L2 5 g + 28 3 9 Dp _ q o H M 13 4 8 , 1 & . , JU L g1 TS S U E RE L E A S E / f f E C E | P T tl O C u M E h t T US A F A vr . O O t' ; , ) ( i ;' T8 F I / I O U S ED I T I O N MA Y BE US E O .i i l rh *l C) r)B cr } F? I q7 I [\ i E\ r .r J . tr l I Hz, i t! - r lr l P .\ - . (- l )acc ts t s- \ :"F *F \& Mw REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TOOELE ARMY DEPOT TOOELE, UTAH 84074-5OOO January L6,2OO2 DiuisronH,,n#ffirs*aste rr,,t tln*errmRnr nf Fnvironmental Oualltr Environmental Office SUBJECT: Annual Waste Stream Evaluation Mr. Dennis R. Downs Director, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 144880 288 North L46O West Salt Lake City, UT 84L44-4880 Dear Mr. Downs: In accordance with condition II.D.3 of the Hazardous Waste Storage and Incineration Permit issued to TEAD March 22, t993, the annual evaluation of waste streams has been completed. Copies of the Waste Stream Evaluation Forms are enclosed. Based on the analytical results of the last few years the miscellaneous dry paint waste (paint brushes, rollers, stencils, etc...) should be handled as non-haz,ardous waste. In the 80s and early 90s we would occasionally detect some low levels of hearr5z metals in our dry paint waste, predominately from paint wastes generated in the old maintenance area. To ensure we did not improperly dispose of any dry paint waste, all dry paint waste was collected, handled and disposed of as hazardous waste. Test results for several years now have not detected any heavy metals in our dry paint waste. Our most recent analytical of the dry paint waste has displayed a flash under 140 degrees Fahrenheit, however by definition it is not ahaz,ardous waste since it is a solid. We are attaching the test results for the last two years with the annual evaluation form. In addition, we are planning to sample all existing dry paint waste satellites in February to veri$r that the waste is properly characterized as rrotr-hazardous. Unless you non-concur with our characterizatton, we will discontinue the practice of handling dry paint waste as hazardous waste as soon as the next round of samples is received, assuming no hazardous constituents are detected. ,t 2 Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact David Woodworth of my staff at (a35) 833-3240. Sincerely, fu4-ffiuld/ Encl THOMAS A. TURNER Chief Environmental Office Figure 1 WesrE SrnrAM EvaruATroN FoRM wasre SrreamName lfl rr.. ?oi nt Rrt#dltlo'f, N., -rlWaste Stream Number: A OOI Current Waste Stream Analytical Date: S/Zg/O t EPA Waste Codes , A{o14€ Date l. I t'{ | c, t t Brief Process Description: lvent, etc.)Material(s) Used (paint, S*€*r.i/s -'ro /i rs Changes In Process Since I-ast Analyical (material or procedural): ftone Signature Attachment 2 -- Waste Analysis Plan Tooele Army Depot Comments: ls a New Waste Stream Analytical Necessary? YES NOX June 20,2W1 TJI3213820894page24 rOR IhIFO GE,ITEHATOB II.ATTTE 06/ 2g.l 9g 1 1 :04 HAZARDOUS WASTE PEOFILE SHEET Job 495 1i.ME OF WASre STHEAIVI SI,IHICAL CONTACT wAsrE pnbrru No.,4oo / Paga 2 RAHGE luli loo irf,,;{fr/{/,i*L/ PH (Aqueous Ig EXACT Only) 2.1 , 1?.,4 Serrrsionstl tlE u.s. EPA'O *o, ,rT3a/3g TETEPHONE NB, STATEID NO. C. MATERIAL COMPO$TIoH I Attach Afi trtEDs, *mpla Analysis and Additiutal lnfo*tttlonl B. SHIFFIflG FIFOBMATION ub, Fr+E FISMMAELE PEH f-tas cFB 1zB.121 A YEs > 12-5 N/A . HAZAhDOUS GENERATING PHOCESS E. C${EBeTOft gEBTIFICATION 1 00% ( POIS!fiI PEf, 49 cFR 173.1tr2 - rr-. IE5 PROFER SHIPPING cu+ss q LI,N. OH N,A. NO- PACKTNG GHOUP E CIRCLA REPORTABLE OTY IHO} fl*o s6€TE-Ld-Eo (e/68) T"oe{", Ut 8407{- E. wAsTEDEStrEIElBo-rydcne@- !.,.. PHYll SICAL STA uaulD AEHOSOL TEu K GAS (CYLINtrEH) SOLID SFEOFIC GHAVITY DENSITYuI oo < 73. F (Zg CI [lzB-roooF(zs-adcl n i4z'zooo F r'l . g3o cl tl r eooo F (EBo cl ExAcr rltEArMeruT GnouP tl w A NeN-wAsra,uATER LANn btsPosAL BEFTHICTED WASTE tr yEs fft Yex, LDfr Norificatian/*nificatienlWufr Ae*noanv HWPS) fl No EFn wASTE GoDEs D4p,I STATE WASTE CODES t] )r E.ooo Bru/LB t] < 1$re tl o By voLuME t]< 5?I HALAGENS BY VOL E. . HCRA GFIARACTEBTSTIC WASTES A TGNTTABLE rDoot t(4o eFB zE1 .2I I -' I I HtcHroc [} Low roc . t] exttrt?En FEft 4e cFR ,:t.ts1 f| c,H*ostvE tDoou ) (4o cFH aal .?zt t] FEAcrrvE (Doos) t] wATEH EEAcrrvE ' tl trYAr{rDE HEAfirvE t] suLFrDE REAcrrvE TOXICITY CHAHA CTERISTI C t4D CFH 261 24'. ISEE PG 2 FOH LI6TINGI fl *o ccHRoslvE PER -t4E cFR 123.1s6 IJ YEs fl*o I HEHEBY .. GEHEH.trToH's Atrtl{oHEED $IcIuATuh,e DRfirrs FoBir 1930, JUL 96 lEFl-t4age I of 3) ENVIROPRO LABORATORI ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-251 1 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address: 2132 South 3500 West Vf,est Va11ey City, UT B 4119 Date Received: 5-3-2001 Date Collected: 5-1-2041 Projec{:: TooeIe North n- LAB DIRECToR L.^.,--l t-O*U*! DATE ;' .i,,*.g..,. .1,.*g P,ld ::,-._:iir.rt ii.r:ese::v'eri, Pr'$srlr,.,atj.t,* eriried at ti:iie r.r'f i:flr.:r:.r-i:t P,* $a':r4:ie r:+t ir: p:rtli."*:r r;,1;:'Lai.ner t,ype rJr v'ci.riill..: il- ,S,lrp-i.* i:+i.rJj.n.-.: 1..i.::':l+: *x4:**rj{:iJ f-c::: ti:is t+s:U (.: * (.].',.; * [ .:iJ 'g ;:i r: il.i. ;.'; ;r i.. I,;.!: ri: ;$ ,.1'!i: !]. * :f 'C,.f C,I: * n ;- Ji:i.k *: {,..r ;.u.::.i: r.)ii{i !.:ti: :: tii.:i.:vi::.r y .f *:- i'u.r.'* Aool CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Solid Job: Analysis Method Flags st^rg46 101-0 Date Prep. -na1. 5-4 AIIIOITNT 83 F S-?J*=, 1 Analysis FIa shpoint Lab Sjrmple ID. 1230 0 7 ANATYTE FLASHPOINT Prep.Method, sr,r]B46 1010 Customer Sample ID Tooele #7 Reporting limit t1 ENVIHOPRO LABORATORIES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801 ) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address: 2132 South 3600 West West Va1ley City, UT 84119 Date Received: 5-3-200I Date Collected: 5-1-2007 Project: Tooele North Analysis_ TCLP D-LiSt SEMIVOLATILE Lab Sample ID. ]-230 0 7 ANALYTE O-Cre s oI rrrr p-Cresol 2, A-Dinitrotoluene Hexachl-oroben z ene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachl- o roethane Nitroben zene Pentachl orophenol Pyridine 2, 4 , 1-Trichlorophenol 2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenol Prep . t'Iethod. Di1. 0.1 1317/3510 Customer SampLe ID Tooe1e #7 REPORTING LIMIT mg/L 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 o.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Solid .fob: Arralysis Method SWB 46 821 O Date Prep. /Ana1 . s-1 / 5-22 CONCENTRATION (ms /t) ND ND .11 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Flags .)\ Lab Director d*'_: L-),38+-\ Date Rudy Labban ..S^- L2-o I ENVIROPRO LABORATORIES Aenl 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Phone: *'?i'lHf#,i'1Li#,i s64-zr 21 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address : 21 32 South 3 60 0 VrIest West Valley City, UT 84119 Date Reeeived: 5-3-200L Date CoL]-ected: 5-1-200! Project: Tooele North CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch I'Iatrix: SoIid Job: Prep.Method Analysis Method FIags Dir 100svf,846 1311,/5030A SWB46 82608 Customer . Sample ID. Date Analyzed 5-7 / 5-16 AMOT'NT (mg /t) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Date S-'2,3.-ol Arralysis TCLP Volatile Lab_Sample ID. 1230 0 7 ANALYTE Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlororform I, I-Dichloroethene I ,2-Dichloroethane 7, 4-Dichlorobenzene Methyl Ethy1 Ketone Tet rachl oroethyl ene Trichloroethene Viny1 Chloride Tooele #7 REPORTING LIMIE (mg /l) 0.2 4.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 4.2 0.2 Lab Director Rudy Labban f'.i.;ru L.tutrut:# F.]* l;igt Di:ssi*i:.;*ci , ?::ssr:r.vii.t i.ve acici*ci ,;ii t i.:l:* cf ::elrs.i.t:t: .S* 1l;*n:r'r:l!.* n+t.i.r:.'pi:nt.ae:: i.:*t:ti.t:i.::*i: t::iF* *:: vr.:j.i.iiii* ii- 1:-:ai*l'.:.*, i:r:.i.'li:.;:q ti:i;t: $?;i:tlf:rdr:rci fr::"'ti:.is't-r:s:'l: i.: - Ct.l.s't-r::,*i, ::,;:ci j. I1,i-':tl rrrt}:il*nt sr i:,1'r:i;en ?.* N*f *f.i+ t; *i': ::i i*Ii:.!.r.i. {: '.,i,:'.1. i:l:iy:.* :il+::: ?(-i.,i.. ,;*,*;:i.h* ii::i lili:.r.l:*l:r:it* .'lic:l*,'i.:*:.!ll* f"3.ii.u.r* ii- liiqtl: iJii'u i..i*ri rir"lc t-o in* t..rj.:< i:$.Irip$riIi.t'i'i:, to ENVI ROPRO LABORATORT ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801 ) 964-251 1 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address: 2732 South 3500 West West Valley City, UT 84119 Date Received: 5-3-200L Date Co].],ected: 5-1 -2001, Project: Tooele North Prep.Metlrod. Dil 1 SWB46 131L/3050A Customer Samp1e ID Tooele #1 METHOD CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch t'Iatrix: Solid Job: Analysis TCLP METALS Lab Sampl-e ID. ]-23007 METAI,S Arralysis Method. sw8 46 6010B Date Prep. -naI. s-14/5-18 REPORTING LIMIT mg 'l 0.1 0. 05 0 .02 0. 05 0. 05 0.05 0.01 0. 05 FIags AIUOT'NT mgl ND .30 .052 3 .02 ND ND ND ND ARSEN I C BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMlUM LEAD MERCURY SELENIUM S ILVER 6010B 60108 601-08 6010B 6010B 1 41 0A 11 40 11 6t Lab Director Rudy Labban T i ::, r": 'i o rr rrr: qil. .:, ':.1, aa *.; L r.! !r 4 l'## :i* i;iot i)::*$i*::v*c!, i/::'*sr:::..rs.t:.rt*.*cic!*<i et t:i.r:* r:r::ece:i.pt :)- l-:;r.ii:5':.i* nr.lt j.n !':i'i:p*)i' r.:r:.r:'L:ili;r*:.i' tltpr* ili' u$-t l.iiilri ll- S"txi.pi.,'.1 l:l:i.,:.i::g t it:.o extgll.;eri jic'r' i-i:.i g t- gs'i. i:- Cr.::ltt,::,tj';, lri*ei. :::l}t 11i:*'s-.3i:rt l}r: i:.ll+i;'*n ';'-' I-Ii:t. c:urc,u{Iir s;:.i*pi.*: v*i.r::'c* .i-cr'}C.i.,[' ii" Sp;.lct,: lil: ;it.i.r.r+i:;.it.t:'! r:j:i:.:i)v'ii:r? ii:,ii.urf:: Date d"?,,e.-- 6 t Labban Figure 1 WNSTE SrneAM EvaruATIoN FoRM waste streamName //'rc Zi*/ ' ,fl u,/ Waste Stream Numb "r, ff O Z Date I T current waste Stream Analytical Date: g /rt /o t ,t EPAWasteCodes: 'OO-, - t '<r*}O<-( B ri e[-Eoces s pescripti on : Materiq](s) Used (paint, solvent, etc.) Changes In Process SinceLast Analytical (material or 7rc. feasn/ Dotao.'i /tt-.cr i I rocedural); - /*/-r{/*-/ Comments:-s/ot//t4 ls a New Waste Stream Analytical Necessary? YES NO :' Attachment 2 -- Waste Analysis Plan Tooele Army Depot June 20,200L TJ8213820894page 24 I.. GEilEfiATOB HA[ttE unMu LEWJ,S Zt>Ugb/Zli5E 06/2g.lgA 11 :04 HAZARDOUS WASTE PHOFILE SHEET Job 495 WASTE PROFILE NO. NAIiE OF WASTE STHEAM CFINIGAL CONTAC uh, Fq l.g, 2 ,- r Qo9i fl *o 3, PH lAqueaus Is., EXACT Solrrtions E Mtv) 2.1 . 12.4 tlu u.s- EPA rDNo, uTSz/3 g ogc, STATTID NO. C. MATERIAL COMPO$TIoH CAS HO I Attech All lvlSDs, *mpta Analysis and Addtiaetal ln lonnttloal D. SHIFFIHG FIFOBMATION TET-EPHONE NO, FOISOiII PEB 4sf cFB 173.112 E YES > 12-5 N/A . HAZAftDOUS JENEHATING PHOCESS Fl-f+MI\rlABLE PER r-n 4s cFF 'za ,1?1 EI vEs fl *o ccRRcstvE PER -t4E trFR 123.1g6 LI YEs EI *o HAZA.HD CI.A.SS Lr.N. OH N.A, NO. PACKING GHOUP CEHtrLA. HEPORTABLE OTY IFO} s6fry-ei-€o (s./68) 'Tboe/", Ul 8407{- 1. PHYSICAL STATE F uoulD tr GAs (.YLTNDERI tl AEHosoL t] soLID t] *LUDGE gPqCInc gEAVTTY DENSITYn u m *raoF tzd ct t] 7s-rqdrEs-edcl n 142'zoo- F (El - gf cr tl = eooo r (eao sl ExAcr THEATME}{T GRoUP t] **"#*ATEH X NoN-wAsrnvATER LANN DISPOSAL RESTHICTED WASTE ltt Yex, LDBl,l EFA WASTE CSDES S*I'ATE WASTE EODES f g s,ooo Bru/LB f] . r O* B o BY voLuME [ "sr HALoGENS BY voL E. . RCBA CHABACTERISTIC WASTES m IGNTTABLE tDoo.i l(40 cFH zE1 ,21t ' f] H,GH roc WATEH BEACfiVE t] Lolv roc n oxt'teEn FeF 4e cFH t:a.ts1 coHHoslvE lDoog! (4o crH 261 .221 tl trYANrDE HEAtri'wE I suLFrDE HEAcrrvE TOXICITY CHAHECTEHISTI C t{D cFH 261 .24} ISEE PG Z FON LISTING} DRMS FORtII 1930, JUL 96 (tuge t of 3) ,l ra ,hoo7 12 F ArraLysis Method Flags sv,flB45 9040B 5-3 17: 15 AI{OTJIVT 10. B .li rAB DrREaro* Go-, Lo*u*\ oere Cz-t-o l Rudy Labban i'l.aq.Leqe$d P* tiot preserveri, i:resei'vati*.,+ ariderj at tinio r-)f ",ice:.$tB-. Sciiiaie nr-.t in prcper ccrt\-1-ainei' t-l1pe t:. voiu:n+ H- Sar,Fi:i.e hoi.rJi.ng t:i.:ir.e exqeerleil f+r thj.6 tejit C- Cofi[oily s*ai. nof- p]:ii:Bent rrt broken C- Sf;ike or Surr$gaLe .re(:irvs.ry failu;e a I ENVIROPRO LABOHATORIES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CTIENT: SafetyKleen CONTACT: Justin Beard Address z 2132 South 3600 West West Va11ey City, UT 8411-9 Date Received: 5-3-2001 Received By: Tom Bosch Date CoJ.J.ected: 5-1-200L Matrix: Liquid Project: Tooele North IIob: Ana].ysis Prep.Method Ana].ysis Method Flags Flashpoint SW846 1010 SW846 1-010 Lab Sample ID. Customer Samp].e ID Date Prep./Anal. 1-23010 Tooele #10 5-4 ANALITE Reporting linit AMOITNT Analysis Prep.Met}od. SWB 46 90 4OBpH Lab Sample ID. Customer Samp].e ID Date Prep./Ana1. L230 1 0 ANALYTE pH Tooele #10 ENVIROPRO LABOHATORTES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phonei (801) 964-251 1 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: Saf etyKl-een Address: 2132 South 3500 West VtIest Val ley City, UT B 4!L9 Date Received: 5-3 -200! Date Collected: 5-1-2007 Project: Tooele North CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Liquid .fob: Analysis TCLP D-LiSt SEMIVOLATILE Lab SampLe ID. L230 1 0 AI{ALYTE O-Cre s oI rn, p-CresoI 2 , 4-Dinitrotoluene Hexachloroben zene Hexachl orobutadiene Hexachloroethane Nitrobenzene Pent a chlo ropheno I Pyrid j-ne 2 , 4, 6-Trichlorophenol 2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenol Prep.Method D,il. 0.5 131l./35 10 Customer Samp].e ID TooeIe # 10 REPORTING LIMIT mg/t 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Arralysis Method F1ags SWB 46 821 O D Date Prep. -naI. s-7 I s-23 CONCENTRA.TION (rng / L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Date .f- e-3 *o'\ d#rt.,r., Yi.r..-\.r, .A !.irl.L;'Geg+\Lab Director Rudy Labban I'-L 'lr: L,t!#r:rlir@l;- ii+c 1.r::i'::i*I:ii*tj, FrrS:i*:.uirdti.ii* *dii*ii a.T:. t..i..:r':.;: *:i: :r''.3.-:ri:.;:r'[ ?.- ;i;lrq;i.*: f;(rt: i.r;r filf;F.:xI rlf.ri.ill*1i.jliri.I i-'r'p;* i)r -ii'.:!.i \:;a"f: 'ti* ri.irr.pi.* i:i;iti.t.nq t-i;*.*: r:vfl:t::*::ti{::ii f ur t-}r..:-s i..t::;* i,.. C- Ciis;Loti"'7 su*i ni:I p::*:st't'it i]:: bxuk;i':r; A - $i: i. ,':.* {r i: Sri:: t- *ryat e :: si:,Jve i: ri t'.*. i i. i.i i: e 1.\- l-l:i. rri: Ci j. :i. i;rt: :. i:n cii.i* t O ritra.t- :: :i. :j; COillDCS, :. t j. cn ENVTROPRO TABORATORIES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address : 27 32 South 3 50 0 lVest Vilest, Valley City, UT 84119 Date Received: 5-3-200]- Date Co].Lected: 5-1-240]- Project: Tooele North a CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch Ma,trix: Liquid Job: AnaLysis Method SWB 46 82608 Ana1ysis. TCLP Volatile Lab SampLe ID. L23010 ANATYTE Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chl o robenz ene Chloroform 1, 1-Dichloroethene I , 2-Dichloroethane L, 4-Dichlorobenzene Methyl Ethyl Ketone Tetrachloroethylene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Prep.Method, Dil 1000 SW 131L/5030A Customer SasE>Ie ID. Tooele #10 REPOREING LIMIT (mg /L) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Lab Director F];tu Ltti*r:ici# P- i.]*t $ies*x.;ect, Pi*$e::va.ti..;* ..:.cicieci a.t ti.:lre *:: iec*::r.'i:i: .*- lIrrI::il-..i.* nnt ,i.il ni:$p*i cnr:t.Frinei: t):p* *:l vi:ll.LiIr:e i.'i- ii.uipire irr.:iri:ing t:ini*l *:<c*r'rri*ri'fcr tl:j.c *est ,:-' Cr:st+cii,, si*ai.. r:ot !-rreiier:t rfr 'h:r'+iirln T.- i:i+t ..ln+l:<]h Sa:i,.i::.l.* r".CiUm* fC.:: TCj.,p ,#- Sp:i.i.:* i):ti iiu.::r',':.;*l* r*t1f.r",'*.ii',/- f'.:i..j.r:r*. i-;- i{j.t't: iji.iut-i.$ti r.jr.}t: t-c ioat,ri:( {.:sIipl}$i t-;l*n Date AnaLyzed 5-1 / 5-76 A}{OT'NT (ms /t) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 7-62 . 6.2 ND ND Date . fJaS...-.=> \ FLags D Rudy Labban ENVIROPRO LABORATORIES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address : 21 32 South 3 60 0 V{est Vrlest Valley City, UT 84119 Date Reeeived: 5-3- 200L Date Collected: 5-1 -200! Project: Tooel-e North Prep.Method. Dil 1 SWB46 1317/3050A Customer .Samp].e ID Tooe1e #10 METTIOD 6010B 6 0108 6 010B 6 0108 6010B 1 41 0A 11 40 11 6L -r- A ar trr -j rr {-r.r .! lrl r-. CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch ldatrix: Liquid Job: Analysis Method Flags SWB46 6O1OB Da,te Prep. /An+I . s-14/5-18 REPORTING LIMIT Arralysis TCLP METALS Lab SampLe ID. 7230 1 0 }{ETAI,S ARSENIC BARIUM CADM]UM CHROMIUM LEAD MERCURY SELENIUM S ILVER Lab Director mgl 0.1 0. 05 0 .02 0. 05 0. 05 0.05 0.01 0. 05 AMOT'NT mgl ND .94 ND ND .32 ND ND ND Rudy Labban ENVIROPRO LABORATORI ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 904-ZTZ1 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address : 27 32 South 3 60 0 Viest West Va1ley City, UT 84119 Date Received: 5-3-2007 Date Co]-lected: 5-1 -200I Project: Tooele North Analypis Flashpoint Lab Sample ID. !230 0 B ANATYTE FLASHPOINT Analysis pH Lab Sarrple ID. 1230 0 B A$[ALYEE pH Prep.Method sr,{B46 1010 Customer Sample ID TooeIe #B Reporting J.imit Prep.Method. SWB 46 90 4OB C.gstomer Samp]-e fD TooeIe #B CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Liquid Job: Analysis Method F]-ags swB 46 1010 Date Prep. J naL. 5-4 A}TOUNT 83 F Ana].ysis Method F1agrs SWB46 904OB Date Prep. '- nal . 5-3 14:30 AI{OUNT 5.7 DATE ,Sa Lg- o'!LAB DIRECTOR i;"! :rri '! or-rc:nrii .i. r*..! .r.r:s, r,: i., a ^\..@'li* i.!r.:t !]i.r:):.-)*r'veri, iii:';)s*i.vi:rt:.ve ar.irieri at t'.i-:iir: *'f i't){.tf:}i5:,1* ii"- S'lrp"|e i:r-rt ii: p3:ill-1$r' tr-:r:tainf,r tirp-'e Ot' i."o-i.liiir.fi Fi- Sar,i::;.* h,;.i.iJi.r.:g t:i.:n* *x{:e*iJ*rJ f:c,r thj.s' t'lst i:.- llr:;:;l-,irj',; ;*,.-..:i).1. :.::rii:. filli*;3f:lt:f. ';1'r 'n:r,rk*r: A * ii.p i i* ei ii .!: *:i:: ]: ij ix i] f:. c: r i:: L: (iv {::.r j1i f'a i iu r 'ci Rudy Labban i'r ENVtrHOPRO LABOHATOHIES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 9M-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address: 2132 South 3500 West We st Val l ey City, UT B 41 1 9 Date Received: 5-3- 2001, Date Col-Lected: 5-1-2001 Project: Tooele North Arra].ysis TCLP D-LiSt SEMIVOLATILE Lab SampLe fD. L230 0 B A}IALYTE O-Cre sol- ffi, p-CresoI 2, 4-Dinitrot,oluene Hexachloroben zene Hexachl o robut adi ene Hexachloroet.hane Nit roben z ene Pent achlorophenol Pyridine 2 , 4 ,5-Trichlorophenol 2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenol Prep.Method Dir. 0.1 1317/3510 Customer Sample ID Tooe1e # B REPORTING LII*IIT mg/1 0.1 0.1- 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 l:'* (:lf::.5it CONTACT: Justin Beard Reeeived By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Liquid Job: Analysis Method SWB46 821 O Da,te Prep, -naI , s-l / s-23 CONCENTRATION (mg / L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Date ,fl- L?.-c> 1 FIags Lab Director Rudy Labban EHVIROPRO LABORATOHI ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address: 2132 South 3600 West Vflest Valley Ci ty , UT B 4119 Date Received: 5-3-2001 Date Collected: 5-1-200L Project: Tooele North CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch t.Iatrix: Liguid Job: Analysis TCLP Vo1atile Lab. Samp1e ID. L230 0 B A}IAIYTE Prep.Method Dil 1000 SW 131_7/5030A Customer Samp1e ID. TooeIe #B REPOREING LIMIT (mg /t) Analysis Method SWB 45 82608 Date Analyzed 5-7 / 5-16 el'{oUNT (mg /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ?9. L ND ND ND FIags D Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlororform 7 , 7- Di chloroethene 7 ,2-Dichloroethane !, 4-Dichlorobenzene Methyl Ethyl Ketone Tet rachloroethyl ene Trichloroethene Vinyl Chloride Lab Director i. I'i * r.r' T r: rv r-,r t': r'i:^ .L !:.f, t.l ;i r.. . \.< L.l A\a ir.r-.' r r,lrnwiwrrtttEt.t tw!-,r ltrp';- 1'1ot. I)::ssi*lr;eci, P::*se:v4.i.i..".* .r.cidtd ,.'r.t. t:i.:r,e ci. ::ei:*:i.1:t 3* lj,*.4*:pli. * n.*t :i. ri ili. *pr*:: *'*t:ta:i. n* r t.;;pe o::','* -1. t;r::t: ii-' l$,:lutp-'ir:: i:r.: j,r.1:.n.1 tinir': *);ti.l{:}r'}df}(t f *:: tir:. s: test C-' (iuistr:'liy :lt:iii nr.)t i.ri'ri*r:i:.i- +3: i:,1'':i';gn ? - )itr t gy.';,;'r.;,qt: :-: a:iir;,i. * '.ir-'.i. iilirr: f i,:' Ti*:i.,;: *- Si-ri.k* f;I i:r:.r:::t u* [.* r'g:.1f1\r'gJ]'*r f a:ii.i:::f: ii- Ii:.Ef: ij.iiu Li.i';r: dl:ti: t:,.i :rii: l.,.ri-:i i:o;i:posi t..i.ori 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Date (Czfl*6) Rudy Labban LO EHVIROPHO LABORATOHI ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801 ) 964-251 1 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address : 27 32 South 3 60 0 Vflest West VaIIey City, UT 84119 Date Received: 5-3-2001 Date Col].ected: 5-1-2001 Project: Tooele North CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch I'Iatrix: Liquid .Iob: Analysis TCLP METALS Lab Sample _ID. 723008 METALS ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD MERCURY SELENIUM S ILVER Pretr>.Method Dil 1 SWB46 1317/3050A Customer Samp].e ID Tooele #B METHOD 6010B 5 010B 6 010B 6 010B 6010B 1 41 0A 11 40 11 6I Analysis Method SWB46 6O1OB Date Prep. tnaI. s-14/5-18 REPORTING LIMIT mg1 0.1 0. 05 0 .02 0.05 0. 05 0. 05 0. 01 0. 05 F].ags AMOT'NT mgl ND 1.45 ND ND .39 ND ND ND Lab Director il,*,i;i.*llt,*-giiqi ;".';* l.iint' nl-,!*;fli:{,'*(:, i/i*S,*i:VAti...re rffjCj*fi ui.t t:.f::* ':.:f :lf.}(.:$j.i.)t.!. . , .., ... :r.. ^. ... ii* S,rini:i.r': nrft in pi*!:{:}i r.:i:r:t air:*i' If i'rr:: r)i: vr}ii.rfl}r;} fi'^ Sauilr:q} i:*r,:t.inq t::-ni* *x#eri*rici i:,r1 tir:..s ie:lt i-;-. i-jL: * t'.3i* ir, ;:t* e.i. ncrt i:i,':*is*rl t {rli kr:::cil*r:*i'* i:ir:,t- i::t:.:*-u$h ;Srlitfi).f, ::Oi.i:Iir.* f.'+f TL:.i.,i] ii- tipik-cr o:: ;-1.'uir.rf.ri:a t.*. .Ii::i:i/",'ii::.r:,' iail.i.:.rt: Date Figure 1 WaSTE STnPAM EvaTUATION FoRM Waste Stream Name -;a&rl Date / t' Waste Stream Number:Coo/ Current Waste Stream Analytical Date: EPA Waste Codes:C6pS s-Descriptio Changes In Process Since Last Analytical (material or procedural): {"( Comments: ts a New Waste Stream Analytical Necessary? YES Y NO Signature Attachment 2 -- Waste Analysis Plan Tooele Army Depot June 20,200I ur3213820894page24 Figure 1 WasTE SrngAM EveruATIoN FORM t' ''o wasre StreamName AE D fi " Tri o,Date 4 i Waste Stream Number: EU: / Current Waste Stream Analytical Date: ,i a, EPA Waste Codes: Brief Process Description: c Material(s) Used (paint, solven!, e!c.) Chanees In Process Since L^ast Analvtical (material or orocedural):" I ies, , ,r4' ftsJs z,)_doo#J.iia Comments: ls a New Waste Stream Analytical Necessary? YES NOY Signature Attachment 2 -- Waste Analysis Plan Tooele Army Depot June 20,2AOL IJT32882A894page 24 t1 birrYtrlra I-t rr\,utr/ca.lga I1304 Job 495 PROFEfi SHIFqING NAME D CLASS L',N. OH N.A. NO.of PACKING GHOUP CEHCLA. REPORTABLE'ATY HO} Paga 2 1 00% HAZAHDOUS WASTE PEOFILE SHEET ot*sEnAToR INFO$'iA GEHEHATOE ttlA[ttE t.. HAZAhDOUB JENEHAflNG PHOCESS ,4 € b'/,^ r*a Ro,bL nr-/ TEqF{f{ICAL CONTACT ,D*n ffa7rot PROFILE NO. NAME OF WASTE STHEAh,I TET.EPHONE NO, .U.S. EPA ID NO,uTSLl38 oBq I Attech Nl fvl$Ds. *mpla Analysit and Addrloaal ln fonnef;lonl EI. SHIFPIfiIG THFORII'IATION POISON PEf, -1^49 GFB 173132 fl YEs 6 FI-4MMABLE PER F-l 49 eFR 17r.121 LI YES GOHROSIVE PEa -t49 trFR 1?3.1s6 LJ YEe W*o W*o fI *o so€TE-Lfl-€o (e/*8) 'Tboe./", U/ 84a4- 1. PXVSICAL STATE tl uoulD fJ GAs (cYLrNtrEH) t] AEHosoL m souD SFEORC BEAVITY DENSITYn u C, MATERIAL COMPOSITIOil POHENT CAS l\lo, RAilGE r?t D < r3g F leeo ct t] 7s-roooF (zs-Boo cl t] 142'zod F ter . gf ct A , zooo . (EBo cl ExAcr 3, PH lAqueoss Solrrsions htV) ' f]g, EXACT 2.r . 12.4 THEATMETuT GnouP n wAsTEwATEH U U A NgN-wAsTEryATER UANN OISFOSAL BESTHICTEB WASTE tt Ye*, LDR N EFe wAsrE ioPes boo d^ ?looa. Do STATE WASTE EODES f] 3 u.ooo Bru/LB f] " r s* H o By voLuME f] "tn HALoGENs BY vol E. . RCEA CFIARACTEBISTIC WASTES t] IGNTTABLE lDooi )(40 cFH z*l .2I I ' f] H'GH roe WATEH EEACTIVE LOW TOC n trYANrDE HEAcrrvE tr oxttrteE* FEft 4e cFn I ?g.t s1 coHHostvE lDoo3) (4O CFH 961 :.Izt SULFIDE HEACTTVE TOXICITY CHAHECTEHISTI C 14,o cFF 261 24',t ISEE PG Z FOH LISTING) rOH CERTIFICATION I HEHEEY .. DRttIS FOBM tg3O, JUL Hd lEFl-ltuge t of 3) ENVIHOPRO LABORATOBIES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (8011964'2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen CONTACT: Justin Beard Address:. 2732 South 3600 West West Va11ey City, UT 84119 Date Received: 5-3-2001 Received By: Tom Bosch Date ColJ.ected: 5-l--2001 Matrix: Liquid Project: Tooele North ilob: Arralysis Prep.Met}od Analysis lfiet]rod Flacrs Flashpoint SW846 1010 SW846 1010 Lab Samp].e fD. Customer Samp1e ID Date Prep./Anal. 123002 Tooele.#2 5-4 ANALYIE Reporting linit A!{OIINT - Analvsis Prep.Metfiod Analysis Method F].ags ( pH SWB46 90408 SW846 90408' Lab Samp1e ID. Customer Samp1e ID Date Prep./Anal. 123002 Tooele *2 5-3 14:30 A}IAI,YIE AIT{OI,NT pH 9.5 o LAB DIRECT"- DATE Rudy Labban T' i ilg,*. J,,,Cjlr: :iiri i.i* iiir>t' r)'r'',-li;Lli:v*)ci, 1:i't*f):-'r.,ativt) aridr::ri ilt t;n*. of i'tf.:r;i.i i::t:jw * I 1r, ... F' + i", Ll'* S.i.::',;,.ii"* t'tot i,r: i1r'r;Ffi!'-' ti)n'i:a-ti)r.ji.' '[:vpi3 ..:)r' i,'+.].u.ii:-s: Lr- Li.*tni.:-i.*:: i::r:.:.i.ij:i.i'i<i 'i:::.me *x{::i:*iJ*ij f {';: 1-i: j. si i:+:: L. r.'-' i'-r.: :i.r i'..,..rij'r' ;] ,; ,:: .1. t:: i.r t fi.':: t.;:i ,.ir).: i.. ,i.,.'il k;.I.1 i.,ii: *;:r ..'..-_.: :- ..L1* i:iu.i.Ii.i:: ir.v- ;ir.:.r.]li;(lf rr i..ti; .I'ti:r.'.i.ivt::.:::/ Ii:.i.lu-,r*: .{..^_ L3 _oi ;o CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address : 21 32 Sout,h 3 60 0 West West VaIley City, UT 84119 Date Received: 5-3-20AL Date Collected: 5-1-2001, Pro j ect : Tooe l- e No rth Analysis TCLP Vo1atile Lab SampLe IP. L23002 ANAITTE Be nzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlororform L ,7-Dichloroethene L , 2-Di chloroethane L, 4-Dichlorobenzene Methyl Ethyl Ketone Tetrachloroet hylene Tri ch1 oroethene Vinyl Chloride Flags H 'o Lab Director : : ': .. -... i ...,.-r...,-'-- ..i l-' l, .-: i.: 1..: \. i. I ..,. r r. \.1 ?*- l.j;;?T*:.v*:li, j:ii:c:ii:i:i:';;:.r-:j..,;* e::ldi,:ci #.t i:i.irie,' ;::il i.r;ti.t* j.l.;t- ii- 1!iulii--'i.r:: li*t :i:: l,)ri:!,:{fi. ci:.i";i:a.'i.it':i}i: 1...:,'i:,t'r' si r'*l.i.l:::i: I:i-. .i*ii;it.i.r:t i:*.i.i.i.i.:'ir; L;.i'r:* tt:4,r-r:r::{.i*ti. i:r.:r i-i:.iS: i."f:}ri'i- .-: .-r.-.. o- .- i*.:...-- r... -!l:;:-rij-i, :is::ii i. ;\-i.',:. ii:.f i:.'i r:i,1i lj,:::' i':.i'li j:'l:': 'i'-- lj,ll 'i.. *I.t,l'iit;:1 #i,1.iii$.,i.* li:'.ri.i.::.inqr.r j::,:,:l' T;L,ii: ,;i - ;: ;C; i. ii * r.1r .il ;li :.: .f .f i., r.T .ii I.. f: .li :;i; r-l Lr 'r; f:: .IJ v .i, ci 3. .i. i-,: .ii .:, EIEVI HOPHO LABORA?SRX ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT S41 19 Phcne: (B0i) 964-251 1 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Liquid .Tob: Prep.Method Analysis Method Dil 5 SWB46 131r/5030A SW846 82608 Customer Samp]-e ID. Date Analyzed Tooele #2 REPORTING LIMIT (mg /L) 0.025 0.025 0. 025 0. 025 0.025 0. 025 0. 025 0.05 0.025 0. 025 0. 05 Date GrCci 6-L / 6-L1, AMOrnsf (ms /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Rudy Labban no HffiVIHOPRO TABOHATCIRXES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-2s1 1 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address : 27 32 South 3 60 0 Vrlest West Valley City, UT 84119 Date Received: 5-3- 2A0! Date Colleeted: 5-1-2001 Project: Tooele North Analysis PfeIl.Method. TCLP D-List SEMIVOLATILE Dil. (.01) l-3L1 /3510 Lab SampLe ID. Customer Sample ID t23002 AT{AI,YTE O-Cresol ffi, p-CresoI 2 , 4-Dinitrotoluene Hexachl oroben zene Hexa chI orobutadiene Hexachl oroethane Nitrobenzene Pentachlorophenol Pyridine 2, 4 , 6-Trichlorophenol 2, 4, s-Trichlorophenol Lab Director TooeIe #2 REPORTING LTMIT mg/L 0. 15 0. 15 0.1 1 0. 15 0.1 0.1 0. 15 0.1 0.1 0.1 I *'ll*.i. fti: a CONTACT: Justin Beard Received By: Tom Bosch I.Iatrix: Liquid Job: Analysis Method SWB45 827 O Date Erep. -naI. 6-1 / 6-t coNcsNTRA,TrOl.I (mg /L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND FIags H o Date L( 5-,-o I I'.L,ijl*g**i.[:.. ]i'i: i].I'':::i*r'-.i*ti, l'r'*--i'}:!:';;;i,::i.ri': ridd*i:i ;i?J. i:.:i1.* ,l':f. i:- i.ri;i,pi.f: r'i*i- i::r l-.ri:,:ii.::i:.::,1)i*ici.i.;;i{:.ll i."-/!,e,.'.';T -Ji;.!.:.;:ii+ r:-. ;:ein},.i* ir+iiJi:::tT i:.i;nst 'i:11r..'.'::r:Ci'::ij .f:i;.r i.i',is i-t:,5L u - Ci;g i. ()iJ.i.' s$n .i :.:g i':. !-11: t:''r:;t'i';.i: $ r ii:: skf:':'i ;; * lii i: ::. i:- li: ti i: 3'..i t: i: cl c1;. i: t l r 3 t-' ci *,' t il ir' il ,:t :i. .t :.1 i: * Rudy Labban fitrrYi 5 EVIT'I'UJ?U Date: 8l24lo1To: Tooele Army Depot attn. Dean Reynolds SMATE-CS-EO Bldg. I Tooele, UT 84074 Group #: 47968 Lab #: 01-U007363 Sample Desc: 1355 Baghouse Sample Matrix: SOLID Date/Time Sampled: 8/ 8/0 1 , Date/Time Received : 81 9/0 1 t 7:45 1 4:55 RESULT 0.0099 4.9 L0 8.5 5.L o.2 0. 0g 0.03 l-.9 Approved Page 0.0002 0 .05 0.05 0. 05 0.L 0.L 0. 0L 0 .02 0.1 0.1- 0.0L s/L4/ot s/rt/ot s/rz/ot B/Lt/ot s/Lt /ot s/Lt/ot e/Lt/at B/rt /ot B/Lt/ot B/rt /ot B/L:t /ot ae\ SIrl 846 sw 845 sw- 845 sw- 846 sw- 846 sw- 846 sw- 846 sw- 846 sw- 846 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS PARJAMETER 'f rNoRcArvrc PARAMETER' Mercury (TCLP) , as Hg, mg/r TCLP Ext. Solution pH, units pH, solution selection, units pH, after extraction TCLP, units Arsenic (TCLP) , as As, mg/L Barium (TCLP) , as BEt, mg/L Cadmium (TCLP) , as Cd, mg/L Chromium (TCLP), as Cr, mg/L Lead (fClP ) , as Pb, ng /L Sel eniurn (TCLP ) , as S€ , mg /L Silver (TCLP ) , as Ag, mg /L NOTE; Samp1e not received on ice. MINIUt,M REPORTING IJIMIT DATE (Unf.) eXef,YZED IdETHOD AI{AIJYST sw 846 7470A M.fB M.fB MJB M,JB M'JB MJB M,JB M.JB M,fB M,JB MJB 1-2 : 00 l-5 :00 1-5:00 L5:00 L]- : L0 LL: l-0 1L:10 l-l- : 10 l-L : L0 1-l- : l-0 11:10 904 5 9045 50r-0 50r_0 50r-0 60r-0 6 010 5 010 5 010 IvIRL = Report detection limit t,o, -F {generic.rpt} 61OO SOUTH SI8 ATLER SAt T LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 tAX Laborat DirectorGayer, Figure 1 WaSTE SrnraM EVALUATIoN Fonvl i ''a waste stream Name Do'hrr.fi, E rro-, ?ordr, pur" , ' ' ' Z77- Waste StreamNumber: E OOZ Current Waste Stream Analytical Date: S/tS, O EPA waste codes: D OO e , DooA Changes-In Process Since Last Analytical ra6".ta Material(s) Used (oaint. solvent. etc.) D/ .'o/e tQ . ' Jrai s Brief Process Descri Comments: ls a New Waste Stream Analytical Necessary? YES )( NO Signature ,o Attachment 2 -- Waste Analysis Plan Tooele Army Depot June 20,200L ur3213820894page 24 FROI1 :DRI4O TOOELE ig BB2 5853ir *,'f, :l 'j'' Jan. LG ffiAZ A7:AAAF. PZ €ooe Date: 3/1 3/00 t \-'To: Tooele ArmY Depot attn. Dean ReYnolds Building I Tooele. UT 84074-5008 Group #= 35597 Lab #; 00-U00 1192 Sample Desc: DEAC 028 Date Sampled: 2l1OIOO Date Subrnitted: 211OlO0 Time Sampled: 8:45 Tirne Received; 10:O5 EPA [Lazardous Wasge No. D004 D00s D00 5 D00? DO0 I D009 D01 0 DOL1 Parameter ArBenic Barium Cadrnium Chromium Lead M€rcury Selenium Silver TCLP Evaluation ReguS.aEory l,imiu rog/T. (ppm) 5,0 100.0 L,0 5.0 5,0 o,2 1-0 5.0 SampIe ResuiE rog/L (ppm) 0.1 330 0.24 5.8 0,1 Pas s pass * * Exceeds Irimit Pas s** Exceede lrimit Pas s pass Pass ** **L 61OO SOUIH STNATLEN srLT LAKE ctry UIAH 81107 6905 001 262 729s PHoNE 801 262 7370 tAX nt. To: Tooele Army Depot attn. Dean Reynolds Building I Tooele, UT 84074-5008 Group #: 35597 Lab #: 00-U001 192 Sample Desc: DEAC 028 Sample Matrix: SLUDGE-S Date Sampled: 2.110/00 Date Submitted : 211 0/00 PARATIBTER INORGA}STC PARAMETERS II{RL = ReporI detecLion } irni t, {generic.rpt} CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date: 311 0/00 Time Sampled: 8:45 Time Received: 10:05 METIIQD AIIAIJYST NOTE: Sample received on iqe. Mercury analysis perforrned by AWAL, 453 lil , 3600 S., SITC,IJIP 84115, 801-263-8686, Approved By: MI![TMUM REPORTTNG LIICIT DAIIIE RESULA (mr.) AI1ALYZED Page 61OO SOUI'{ STR ATLERstrt LAKE r-tTY ulAH 84ta7 6905 801 162 7299 PHoilE |At 262 7378 fAX , r officer Ld bwza:L@ zwz 9T 'uPf ESSS Z8B SE? : 'ON =NOHd 3-t=B0I 0^lu0 : tdouj FRBI'I : DRI,IO TOOELE PHONE NO. : 435 gg2 5953 tr**W#WAN"r'{,Id{fli CEHTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Jan, 16 i r (r',.t Date: 3/1o/oo Time Sarnpled: 8:45 Tirne REceived: 10:O5 METTIOD AI.IAI,TSE To: Tooele Army Depot attn, Dean Reynolds Building I To.oele, UT 84074-5008 Group #; 35597 Lab #: OO-UOOI 192 Sample Desc: DEAC 028 sample Matrix: SLUDGE-S Date Sampled: 211olo0 Date Submitted: 2110/00 I \-r., TlTNIMIM RBPORTIN€ LXMIr DATE RESULI (Unf,) nXff.VZEDPAB.BIIETER INORGAI\TIC PARAMETERS TCIrP Ext,. golution PH, r:nits pH, solution selectrion, units pH, af ter extrracU ion ICLP , uniE,g Arsenic (rCLtr ) , as As , fig /t Barium ( TCLP) , as Ba, .fiig /1" Cadmium (SCLP), as Cd, mg/t, Chromiurn (rclP) Iread (TCITP) , es Mercury (TCLP) , Selenium (rcr,P ) Silver (TCLP) , as Cr, mg/L Pb, mg/L eE llgt, fiE /L, , ds Se, mg/t es Ag, ng/L 4.93 2, 00 4,00 0.L 330 0. zo 5.8 0,1 Approved Page 2/17 /OO 2/tt /oo z/rt /oo z/zz/oo 2/22/OO 2/22/oo 2/22/oo 2/22/ao t/ e/oa 2/22/oo 2/22/oo 10:29 10 : 2 9 10:29 10:29 ].Q:29 10:29 1,0:29 gw 845 sw 846 sw- 845 sw-846 sw-845 SW- 846 sw- 84 5 sw 845 sw- 846 sw-846 9045 9 045 5 010 6 010 5 010 5010 501_0 74?AA 5 010 60Lo M,IB },ILIB M.lE ,lJT J.fT '? TFFIUJ J. .7.fT J,lT AWA.L, tne, J,JT JJT 0.05 0 .05 0.05 0.2 0.1_ 0 ,01 0.02 0.1 0. 05 0.L 0 - 01 MRL = Report det'ection limit l-.u,,'!generic,rpt] 6I OO SOUfH SIff ATLEN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 8dI07 6905 80t 202 72gg PH|ilE 801 262 7378 FAX officer FROM : DRI'IO TOOELE 't \,,\_-." To: Tooele Army Depot attn. Dean Reynolds Building 8 Tooele, UT 84074-5008 Group #:35 5g7 Lab #; OO-U001 191 Sarnple Desc: DEAC 01C Date Sarnpled : 2t1 O/00 Date Subrnitted: 21 10/oo 882 5853 Jan. 16 20Az @7:E1RT,1 P4 o "\r-, TCLP Evaluarion Regu1atsory ILimic mgii.. (ppm) 5.0 100.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 0-2 1.0 5.0 Time Time Sample Result mg/t (pBm) '3.1 0. 01 Date: 3/13/OA Sampled: 8:30 Received: 10:05 PABs Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Paes Pass EPA Hazardous Waste No, D0 04 D005 D0 06 D007 D0 08 DO09 . D010 \ D0L1\_-,, Pf,rameter Ilrs erric Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Sel-enium Si lver 6100 s0uTH $ffr/qlLEfr SA I T LAKE E ITY UTAH 81107 6905 801 262 7299 PH?NE 801 202 737 I fAx FROrm : DRt'10 t TOOELE D To: Tooele Arrny Depot attn, Dean Reynolds Building I Tooele, UT 84074-SO08 Group #: 35597 Lab #: 00-U00 1191 Sample Desc: DEAC 01C Sample Matrix; SLUDGE-S Date Sarnpled:. 211 0/00 Date Submitted : 211 0/00 PARAtr{ETER , TNORGANIC PATU\METERS TCIrP ExE. Solution PH, unif s pH, eolution sel-ectiofi r units FH, after extraction TCLP, urliUs Arsenic (TcTrP) , as As, mg/t Barium (TCLP) , as B&, mg/t Cadmium (fCbP) , as Cd, mg/L Chrom:lum (TCITP ) , as Cr, mg/L Lead (TCLP ) , as Pb, mg /t" Mereury (rcr"B) , as Hg, ms/r, Seleniurn (TCITP ) , as SE , ng /L Silver (TCLP) , a6 Ag, mg/I' Itffi,L = ReBOft PHoNE NO. : 435 882 5853 il,'{'i E,tvfr fl,ht h-!* !#l$'N CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Jan. 16 2W?,J l" L Date: 311 0/00 Sampled: 8:30 Received: 10;05 P5 j I a r' -.:' o \--, tIfNIMtnI EEPORTING T.IMIT DATE REBUI/T (!mf,) AUALYZSD Tirne Time o.05 2/17/O0 0.05 2/r7 /OO 0. os 2/17 /000.2 zlzz/oa t-o:29 0.i- 2/22/00 10:29 o. or z /zz / oo ro ;29 o . 02 2 /22/ 00 1o :29 0.1 2/22'/00 L0:29 o.05 3/ 9/Oo o.I z/zzloo l-o:29 0 . 01 2 /22/ 00 10 :29 !fiBTHOD RNAI/YgT 4.93 5,50 I . 00 3.1 0 . 01 s$r 946 sw 846' slil- I45 s[{- 846 sw- 846 sw- g 46 sw- 946 SW 846 sw- 846 s!{- 846 M'IB 904 5 M,JB 9045 MLTB 5 O 10 ..I,JT 6 010 'JrIT 6 010 ,7.7f 6 010 SJrr 6010 J;rT 7E7OA AWAL, InC, 6 0 L0 LTJT 5O1O JJT Approved By; 6t00 s0uTH $IHlr[Efr SAtT LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 80t 262 7zee PH0NE 801 262 7878 FAX oft ice rPor .-.-"{generic.rpt} detection limit, Page 6905 FRON : DR[{O TOOtrLE t \-' To: Tooele Army Depot attn. Dean Reynolds Building I Tooele, UT 84074-5008 Group #: 35597 Lab #: 00-U00 1 1 91 Sarnple Desc: DEAC 01C Sample Matrix: SLUDGE-S Date Sampled: 211 O/00 Date Subrnitted: 2110/00 PAtrA}MTER \_-, fNORGANIC PARAIUETERS MRIJ = Report detection lirnit I \--''(generic.rot) PHONE NO. : 435 882 5853 W t't E {Vt t tr {; ir;- f #i{r:^d CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Jan. 1,6 m4z {: .i t' ' r.) . : I Date; glIO/OO Tirne Sampled: 8:30 Tirne Received: 1 0: Os o NOTE: SEfflPle rtot received on ice Mercuql analysis performed by AWAL, +63 w. 3500 S., SIJC,III 84LL5, 801-263-8696. Approved By; lITINI}IIIM REPORTTNG I,IMIT DATE RESUTT (MRL) ANALYZED ![E?HOD AilTAI.YgT 6100 s0urn srerrLEn s4r.7 LAKE ctlY UTAH 84107 6905 A01 262 729e PH0fiE |At 262 7375 tAX of f icer Page Figure 1 WaSTE SrnrAM EvaruATIoN FoRM Waste Stream Name Date / L Waste StreamNumb"r, f OO3 Current Waste Stream Analytical Date: 7 a, , EPAWasteCodes: ' 'e - Brief Process Description: , Material(s) Used (paint, solvent, etc.) {ro/e //o^ -* Changes In Process Since Last Analytical (material or procedural):nzvt4 Comments: ls a New Waste Stream Analytical Necessary? YES NOX Signature Attachment 2 -- Waste Analysis Plan Tooele Army Depot June 20,2001 ur3213820894page 24 a.l ENVI HOPRO LABOHATORI ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake Gity, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 964-2511 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen CONTACT: Justin Beard Addressz 2732 South 3600 West V{est Va11ey City, UT 84179 Date Received: 5-3-2001 Received By: Tom Bosch Date Col].ected: 5-1--2001 Matrix: Solid Project: Tooele North ,fob: Analysis Prep.Mettrod Analysis Metlrod E'Iaqs Flashpoint Sw84 6 1-010 Sv[84 6 1010 Lab Samp1e fD. Customer Samp1e ID Date Prep./Anal. 1"230L2 Tooele #12 5-4 AIIALYTE Reporting J.imit A!{OITNT >200 F Analvsis Prep.Method Arralysis lfethod Flags pH SW845 90408 SW845 90408 Lab Samp1e ID. Customer Sa.urple ID Date Prep. /Arra1. L230]-2 Tooele t*12 5-3 17 :15 A}IAIYIE AMOI'NT pH 5.0 \ LAB DTRECToR 1 u,**J DATE s-.2r.-c t Rudy Labban rl EffiVI MOPMO T-dLtsOHATOffiT ES 2712 South 3600 West, Suite E Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 964-251 1 / FAX: (801) 964-2721 CLIENT: SafetyKleen Address: 2132 South 3600 West West Valley City, UT 84119 Date Received: 5-3-200L Date Col]-ected: 5-l--200L Project: Tooele North CONTACE: Justi-n Beard Received By: Tom Bosch Matrix: Solid Job: Analysis Prep.Method TCLP D-List SEMIVOLATILE Dil. (.002) 1311/3510 SW846 8210 H Lab Semple ID._ L23A12 ANALYTE Customer SarnpLe ID Date Prep. /AnaL. Tooele #72 5-t / 6-1 REPpRTING LrMrr pONCENTRAETON Analysis MethoSl Flags (rng / L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND O-Cre s o1 rTrr p-Cresol 2, 4-Dinitrotoluene Hexachloroben z ene ll;.g/L 0.03 0. 03 a .02 0 .02 0 .02 0. 02 0.03 0 .02 'i-r Lab Director " I = *=*r-l Date 6- /sao I O Hexachlorobutadiene 0.03 Hexachl oroethane Nitrobenzene Pent achloropheno I Pyridine 2,4,l-Trichlorophenol 0.02 2,4,S-Trichlorophenol 0.02 Rudy Labban 3;"1 ; i: ',' ,;,r i.; r:: 11 ,i*._a i.:.... ii,:,'i:, 1.':I *:j;:i]lil"tr,::*. .i'.!i',i::irf;:.!li;i.it".i.',r..:, *rJtj'*rj ;ii.. 'i-.L:ii.* ,1 .!- .I'"...:'.lt*.;..1,;. i':- i:::..:l:i'.i.:i.,::: lli,-' :.. :i.;:, fi.f il,il,i:tl '..1,i.'ll: i.rii.l'i';:.I i-i.5.;*,, ,1.'I '.:':,.i.:.il*.t: .{.- I.r:;i$.l.ti' '.,i.,.i.,'j.i.: 't:f i..i.:rir:: ,:i:.\i.'.rl:cijr:.'fj i. ir f i i'ri ;5 ;. u:: i: ; - l'rili { ul.i'1 .$rr :ii i .i,ii I j;) i; s.' ::i ti-.i; I ri H i: :: f:};.i:i,. ;)- :J1.:rk.*: ci li'l.ii: i:*i;;-+.i::t ilt:'iliiY$l:r,' i;,i.:i..i.i.Ii.fJ E x o tr('tctr(l)ao. 9ODACLST.XLS lD#:Date: Hazardous Waste I nspection Container Managernent Checklist 90 Day Storage Site, INSPECTION ITEM CITATION lruclrual rql I COMMENTS ls the container labeled with the words 'Hazardous Waste' ? U{..0MW H31 5-5-10 262.u(aX3) J 0 nft,-L I Lrt A o-At rLll&vTsE'AL, O"tbloi ts tneUate upon which accumulation began clearly marked and visibly for inspection? ls that date <= 9O days old? 262.u(aX2) 262.u(a) J !-Lrtd, 1fuN ) (-55qflL/+/Lffi ls there a Preparedness and Prevention Plan for this site or the facitity as a whole, including this site ? 262.u(aXa) 265 subpart C / ls there a Contingency Plan for this site or the 'fa-cility as a whole,'iniluding this site ? 262.u(ax4) 265 subpart D J ls there up to date Personnel Training for the employees at this site or the lacility as a whole, including this site? 262.u(ax4) 265.16 I ,4"ldaM-uJaffJ-,| 9{t d /* +|X,AJL Are the containers accumulating and holding hazardous waste in good condition? 262.u(aXtXi) 265 subpari t 265.171 I Are the containers comPatible with the hazardous waste being stored in them? 265.172 I Ng{,rnJ- ls the generator maintiaining his/trer containers in a closed condition excePt when adding or removing waste lrom the container? 26s.173(a)I .?fAl,ua U Containers holding hazardous waste must not be opened, handled ancl\or stored in a manner which could caus€ it to leak. 265.173(b)l ls the generator inspecting his/tter contiainers at least weekly. and do the insPections look for leaks, deterioration, and other lactors that may cause a release of hazardous waste or constituents to the environment? 265.174 / v bltqtoalcSf%tMulU aft{r"n , ca r-al // The generator must store ignitiable or reactive hazardous waste at least 15 meters (50 feet) lrom the faciliV's property line. 265.176 ot I t{qde "/g/oatH 55wklU*kob^';lnspecto/s lnitials Cfu Zd<j)p @J*ry-fu'2-:L' b'Zk* s/5/oa- I I a O Site:lD#:Date: Hazardous Waste I nspeclion Container Management Checklist 90 Day Storage Site INSPECTION ITEM crrAIoN I c lrqclrunl Nl COMMENTS ls the container labeled with the words 'Hazardous Waste' ? Fl31 5-5- 1 0 262.u(ax3) ls the date upon which accumulation began clearly marked and visibly for inspection? ls that date <= 9O days old? 262.u(aX2) 262.34(a) ls there a Preparedness and Prevention Plan for this site or the facility as a whole, including this site ? 262.u(ax4) 265 subpart C ls there a Contingency Plan for lhis site or the 'Eieiliv as a whole,'indluding this site ? 262.u(aX4) 265 subpart D ls there up to date Personnel Training for the employees at this site or the facility as a whole, including this site? 262.u(ax4) 265.16 Are the containers accumulating and holding hazardous waste in good condition? 262.u(aXtXi) 265 subpart I 265.171 Are the containers compatible with the hazardous waste being stored in them? 265.172 ls the generator maintaining his/her containers in a closed condition excePt when adding or removing waste from the container? 26s.173(a) Containers holding hazardous waste must not be opened, handled ancl\or stored in a manner which could caus€ it to leak. 26s.173(b) ls the generator inspecting his/her containers at least weekly, and do the inspections look for leaks, deterioration, and other factors that may cause a release of hazardous waste or constituents to the envlronment? 265.174 The generator must store ignitable or reactive hazardous waste at least 15 meters (50 feet) from the faciliV's propertY line. 265.176 lnspecto/s lnitials,!b gODACLST.XLS Page -Lor I I a lnspecto/s lnitials: gODACLST.XLS lD#:Date: INSPECTION ITEM Hazardous Waste lnspection Container Management Checklist 90 Day Storage Site I crrAloN I c lruclrqal rul I COMMENTS ls the container labeled with the words 'Hazardous Waste' ? 831 5-5-1 0 262.u(aX3)-llo ls the date upon which accumulation began clearly marked and visibly for inspection? ls that date <= 9O days old? 262.u(aX2) 262.34(a)N-kicT-t*,l/, tl,ot ls there a Preparedness and Prevention Plan for this site or the facility as a whole, including this site ? 262.34(aXa) 265 subpart C ls there a Contingenry Plan for this site or the 'Ia-cility as a whole,'indluding this site ? 262.u(aX4) 265 subpart D ls there up to date Personnel Training for the employees at this site or the facility as a whole, including this site? 262.u(ax4) 255.16 Are the containers accumulating and holding hazardous waste in good condition? 262.u(aXtXi) 265 subpart I 265.171 Are the containers compatible with the hazardous waste being stored in them? 265.172 ls the generator maintaining his/her containers in a closed condition excePt when adding or removing waste from the container? 265.173(a) Containers holding hazardous waste must not be opened, handled ancl\or stored in a manner which could cause it to leak. 26s.173(b) ls the generator inspecting his/her containers at least weekly, and do the inspections look for leaks, deterioration, and other factors that may cause a release of hazardous waste or constituents to the envlronment? 265.174 The generator must store ignitable or reactive hazardous waste at least 15 rneters (50 feet) from the faciliV's propertY line. 265.176o Page of - 9ODACLST.XLS site t3+(lD#:Date: Hazardous Waste I nspeclion Container Managernent Checklist 90 Day Storage Site INSPECTION ITEM ctrArroN I c lr.tclrual rut COMMENTS ls the container labeled with the words 'Hazardous Waste' ? Fl31 5-5-10 262.u(aX3) ls the date upon which accumulation began clearly marked and visibly for inspection? ls that date <= 90 days old? 262.u(aX2) 262.u(a) ls there a Preparedness and Prevention Plan for this site or the facility as a whole. including this site ? 262.u(ax4) 265 subpart C ls there a Contingenry Plan for this site or the 'faEility ai a whole,'indluding this site ? 262.u(ax4) 265 subpart D ls there up to date Personnel Training for the employees at this site or the facility as a whole, inctuding this site? 262.u(ax4) 265.16 Are the containers accumulating and holding hazardous waste in good condition? 262.u(aXtXi) 265 subpart I 265.171 Are the containers comPatible with the hazardous waste being stored in them? 265.172 ls the generator maintaining his/trer containers in a closed condition excePt when adding or removing waste from the contiainer? 265.173(a) Containers holding hazardous waste must not be opened, handled ancl\or stored in a manner which could caus€ it to ftaak. 265.173(b) ls the generator inspecting his/her containers at least weekly, and do the inspections look tor leaks, deterioration, and other factors that may cause a release of hazardous waste or constituents to the environment? 265.174 The generator must store ignitable or reactive hazardous waste at least 15 meters (50 feet) lrom the faciliV's ProPertY line. 265.176 lnspecto/s lnitials r-&Paselrt L AMMUN ITION OPERATIONS SATELLITE ACCUMUTATION SITES WEEKLY INSPECTION DATA L. The following Satellite Accumulation Sites located in the Ammunition Operitions Area were inspected on lt lltO}the undersigned. Date 2. The following items will be inspected when at the sites: A. Container , Open, poor condition, waste incompatible. B. labels Not tabeled, waste name, stock #, drum #, Building #. C. Site requirements Signs not posted-Hazardous Waste, No Smoking Areas painted, Area not under contol of operator, spill control not present, containers not on pallets, incompatible waste, combustible trash present, no access to communicatiol. 3. I the undersigned have inspected the above satelli accumulation sites and have listed any problems and corrective actions. '.,,.,,',-*-.'o A'1237A A125tA A122tA A1223A INACTIVE A12238 A1345A A1Z83A A1222A A13ZOA A13758 A137sC A1375D A1375F: A12524 Signature o AMMUNITION OPERATIONSsA1tr#,1,i:Hitl",tsSxfi:" 1. The following Satellite Accumulation Sites located in the Ammunition Operations Area were inspected on 7/30,31 102, by the undersigned. Date 2. The following items will be inspected when at the sites: A. Container . Open, poor conditioo, waste incompatible. B. I-abels Not labeled, waste name, stock #, druffi #, Building #. C. Site requirements Signs not posted -Hazudous Waste, No Smoking 3. I the undersigned have inspected the above satellite accumulation sites and have listed any o ....,."'$*'"'o A12s2A A12528 ATz2TA A1223A A1223B. A1345A A1283A A1222A A1320A A1375/' A1375B. A1375C A1375D A1375E, A137sF A13468 A125lA Areas painted, Area not under contol of operator, spill control not present, containers not on pallets, incompatible waste, combustible trash present, no access to communication. problems and coffective actions. AMMUNITION OPERATIONS LESS THAN 90 DAY SITE WBEKLY INSPBCTTON DATA 1. The following less Than 90 Day Sites located in the Ammunition Operations Area were inspected on 7lll02 by the undersigned. Date 2. T\e following items wil be inspected when at the sites: . A. Container' l4open, poor condition, waste incompatible. B. labels Not labeled, waste name, stock #, drum #, Building #, start date. C. Site requirements Signs not posted-Hazardous Waste, No Smoking, POC, area secure, no aisle space, spill conrol not present, no access to communication, no salvage drain, no personal O protective equipment, no fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher not charged. 3. I the undersigned have inspected the above lrss than 90 day site(s) and have listed any problems and corrective actions. \ :l32A INACTIVE o o AMMUNITION OPERATIONS LESS TTIAN 90 DAY SITB WEEKLY INSPECTIONDATA 1. The following kss Than 90 Day Sites located in the Ammunition Operations Area were inspected on 418102 by the undersigned. Date 2. T\e following items will be inspected when at the sites: A. Container 74Open, poor condition, waste incompatible. B. Iabels Not labeled, waste n{une, stock #, drum #, Building #, start date. C. Site requirements Signs not posted-Hazardous Waste, No Smoking, POC, irea secure, no aisle space, spill contol not presenq no access to communication, no salvage drain, no personal protective equipment, no fre extinguisher, fire extinguisher not charged. 3. I the undersigned have inspected the above l-ess than 90 day site(s) and have listed any problems and corrective actions. o ffiATAMffU$ IVIATURIAL - HATARff ilU$ WA R'{SPECTIOhI LOG AILLA/BLNO : OI}EN ISUIINING/I]PEI{ D[ I OITIT\1 ION [t,,..,.- *:- , ., =. ' l-ul, rOLLowtNG u a umnruM ohlcE WEIL+Y-4S,-C-0IIDJII0NS PERMIT Ar.rD Ar{y nnncurr.iErfrs nr.rn rmn coruurdrrvr ACTT0N WII,L I}E Nq-rED ry Tl-lE SPACES llEl,ow. ALI- orr.mR irgMs wlr-ffi-ri'.ibprctre rncu rlAy oF oB/oD opF.l{ATIoNS. ANY DEFlclbtlclEs AND TI-IE COIilIL,C"TIVE ACTION 1VILL BE NOTE,D [AEILJJH II\VARN]}-IG SIGhIS I AIUI BUIIht PA.NS COVEILE,D WI.lE,I'tr NOT Iht USE tltlltN Pr\N I-lD (llOL,ES) W IIATI.IEI\ C OhID ["ilOt.{ S IVIDIrNCE OT SPII-LS OT LIJAI($ WIIILtr LOADING OIT UbILOADTNG nru.--or,n Rn'r t o rvnl c o n n tTLo u s IS A CONTINCENCY PLAN AVAILABLE SATETY EQuli)ldENT AS I{EQUII{ED i;ORTI-IE JOB SAI'li'fY SLIOtrS : L-}LOVES FLAI( JACK]ITS VL,IfiCLI] I{OIIhI EYII \Vr:rSl-I FIIU:. IIXTil{ G U IS FIL, tt I-[A].II) "rC)OLS rffir$l$Hi#PLCsH}Jnsry$ $'{'m o fIfiA]'HS ATItrD FENCI]S CONNITIOI{ OF I]URhI I}A]'.IS B{JITN PAN CLE,AI{ DII,TONATIC}N T}ITS Ct)VElt"fr"L-LS I-1"/r.Ir"$ ljlA.f Sr\I;ETY GLr\SSHS I(EV I.,AII. LIL,LIvT}]T Ii C OIvIMIJ lvICr\TIChl nllv I CE, l(O/rl) BAlUillR,b hiJ-tI], CONDITICN I U].l LIXPLOD En ORl]N/\hl CE, o :*;# *ti;TiFffi ilfiiffi , r auiiiln rli'ii: : :+t ;;,*.r...e!-...r.... ..t.. . .--.. -. r. .J3 :.:4. '1i... -t-....{'.'; :i : c o,.mdrivfi fi [$i6'n{ T$t#iiffi { --t I TI-IE UNDEIISIGNE,D CEI1TI1"Y TI.IAT I I-I,AVE COMI'LE,TT,D TTIE ABOVE INSPECTIONS AT rtllntt ,,- .-- */O3r - D drn: /5 4k Qt - o fiIGI"{}th; Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tooele Army Depot (TBAD) rJT3213820894 Module III - Container Managemellf --- Checklist Permitted unit: [' a III.B. Waste ldentification III.B.I..RCRA Wastes Only the following wastes may be stored at this facility: D001 DOm D003\ D004 D00s D006 D007 D008 Do2o ooz\pM Dozs Doz6 Do28 Dozs Do3o D037 D039 D040 D042 D043 F001 F002 F003 p098 P106 U002 U019 U03 1 U041 U044 U05 1 u154 rJztt U220 U226 rJ239 [R315-5-10: Is the date of intial storage clearly marked and visible for inspection?] List the waste codes and start of accumulation date of containers in storage. D009 D011 D032 D033 F004 F005 u069 u075 D018 D019 D035 D036 K047 P030 u080 u151 Dare l rlce-page 1 inspector's initi ilr C-P III.C.Condition of Containers III.D.Compatibility of Waste with Containers Are the containers holding hazardous waste in good condition and compatible with the contents? Management of Containers Are all container{cloqe{Z Istthe aisle space adequate for persons and equipment (2.5 ft min.X No containers grea=t6r than 85 gallons are allowed. The 55 and 85 gallon containers may not be stacked more than two high. III.E. III.F.Containment Units At capacity, the Permittee may store the following: Bldg. 528 - 680 85-gallon liquid waste containers or equivalent, 7,500 cubic feet of volume Igloo A.101 - 108 85-gallon liquid and solid waste containers or equivalent,l,227 cubic ft of vol. 9,180 gallons combined liquid and solid waste; 6,L20 gallons max. liquid wastes Igloo C8l5 - 144 85-gallon solid waste containers or its equivalent, I,636 cubic feet of volume Date page 2 inspector's initials Iglo Ma Mag. 12 Mag. 1205 What is th L44 85-gallons solid waste containes or it equivalent, 1,636 cubic feet of volume 8 85-gallon solid waste containers or its equivalent, 71 cubic feet of volume 8 85-gallon solid waste containers or its equivalent, 71 cubic feet of volume 8 S5-gallon solid waste containers or its equivalent, 71 cubic feet of volume volume of waste currently in the unit? Has the capacity been exceeded? o( 'Vto The waste in building 528 shall be segregated by bays as identified accordingly:* toxic sludge and solids* corrosive (alkaline) and reactive* ignitable and solvent* corrosive (acidic) Is the waste segregated? The liquid and solid waste in Igloo A101 shall be separated by a rope barricade and identified. Is the waste separated? . ,, ' Dare ddoe It page 3 inspector's initials CP 7 o U X o r-(!c F4F(a)aa o @o(1 )o) (Eo- 9Ho) {- a .F t r- l-sv t,)Er r- l .- 'I J H .F l l- . .o+J0) (Dt4-rha . r_ l U)h-dF{-svo) +l(r )dBIa(r ) l- .0) .ot- l)a- 1 ts(l )EC) (l ) 9u) 9o ' E E H6 " IY . E : ho LJ \J 'F A d. = \J 11 ; . d E LO E Hq l : ' 6E E IJ . I! I& r+ + .l g roro FEoEo- 1r ) ro o)a) ro I roto (orc)ooro I@O)oN (0 (o INoInc\ I st 'ooro I@O)oC\ I (oOoro I@O)oN pEa p-oU) p6a oCUooo Co(oCo(I )o o(Uo(Do -oJ@@ -oJ -oJoro\N -oJs+of: . -oJro -oJo$lt - rr )N (d tr JNNo)O) sfFOoi to s5 o7o=6a ) tO /n F. ' gP5 (6 tU CE tuOf--- C) CY ) O tr ) rr ) NU J il @ , o=Eg Es , P5 ro @o CDF3 , 6=35?q tO a) ,Y r E -o _ oLLIoI=tuo OI r, - f' . IJLuo OLLIO) (o !J=tUo N C\ . I oo@@++ C\ I C\ . I OObb++ NNOObb $$ N (f ) o(t ro(l )o @OOro Io)oc\ l F=FatUF ;58S YZ F_ . L: 5LLIocoT=L!oNNoo if !t tf or lf l - zi ; {-F= -\ ) ^> Xo ) 9N to l o 8E -* Fo(oCo(l )o ooro Io)ON FvFU) LUF TX+o ot T o=YZ FF . OTLIo) fr . tJ=tuo. .. . NNoo++ oOD (oocr )N oCY ) (o oc) (o g$ lH o dqH1 UJ > to + EB NI (o - 0' { c\ L .= .Ooro I+fr 'ON c\ J-- rO _ . $ooro Io)oc\ I f: .ooLO a tf: .C)N (oOoLO Isl ' F-oC\ I p6U) p6a=c0 pEU) p6cn . Co(dCooo-oJr. - ro-o ' JNt+cf )$O) f-f-roIJ:c ru =o *r r Yt U LO F E= No4a ft f f i Yc l >r r J rx > Or u NN oo$ sl ' I-c0 =c0 -oJ(o\rc' {N -oJ(ofr ' rO -oJ@f-rO -oJ(ottc) ^ c\ l -oJ(or\ rO -oJ(oF. rO FzJJtJ Jo-otro- -oJ(osf0' tN -oJ(oNrO -oJ(o1' - rO o) roSrz- ?j = I, U Yo - (o 1 1 hE ;j o - (o@oro l- ?jFH (o l. \ l' . . =LL -o - Oo) Fr .NF [i 4 ?jFH ro ta PI oILL lt - (o !JTUo I@(o !t - (o IJ>E tx = Oi . t - NNoo ,J ) - b CD C) OTLINO)IJI, r Jo NN oobh cY ) ct ) NNoobb55 cf ) $ r. f ) tuFoztu I. I Ja5TL J=[!ooztI JC' tf 8E N< ;t u $OOl. f ) I@cf )o.s t . . . . . . . . . . . co(Uooo oo<. c)c) (o Oc) (odcr )N.- .NIq. c' ) _nl .= . \fc)OrO I tF-Oc\ lp6@.cm-oJr( )Oo) _ cr ) -oJro@o_ cr ) .oJrO@or _ CDO) rOcr )O)I cr ) tf )oIo!@f-(r ) .t@@I ll .(0 IJ=LUQNobbc\ I c\ l I\rO$_c\ t O.,@_ cr ) I oorf ) I (f )Noc\ I rOOOrO !sl ' Fr .ON p6CDC=co p6@=m-oJoOro - rO -oJ@(o\N-oJ@(o\N -oJ@OrO _ rO -oJ€(o\N -oJ@o'r l rO o) rOEFE4 ?j =u r Yo - CO 1^ ' t F. . = II -o - f. -EF l- z- ?j=r r I lI (O ar N=PI I@(o t-(o IJ>= rr J = Ol r oIN(o !JtuoNNoo++55 N c\ l oohh55 @n co = t\ Z- !+ r o) tu TOYZ O( TPE *O[6o7ai l Yc g JE> r. u r. u > O lx _ Nc \ I ooNR = NN ;oztuotr tuTUorO$ aItLoEEoo $OOto ICDNO.$ r . . . . . . _ _ . . . C.9(6ooo El-ooort rct )C IE{r ,(s t-oo-oCo l- F(6CoFooCoo-oCl-=mCoo-o @n (o = l\ z- +- o) tu TO?2 o( TPi l -C ' z[r Jo nr a N [T ?> J IJ J >H uJ x > Oi t . ( NNOO CD CT ) EE aoEoX(l )EUI(uF- tuH laeaalio-ozoEUoU) c3 f0. . rq UN oo cD C ) .+ - r- r \J E) o J=E( 6 +t C =- l =o at r _ .\ ' . B . EE OO tu ru +U *\ tr l H<5r JJ O) (o o-o -. 1 A r. ) ' a== s' ] - :- ' + J\CD{m .. . . . . . . . . . P . . -G ) (^ ) Cr ){r .o . N) t\ ) (0 r . . .. - o _ o(D ,- to)g)d.o = zo €ro?ooI oo o g)=.o) -Uo(fo C)+t T1+ -U g)=C @oo. l\ )O(o @ I(r loO(o N)O(oo I(r loO(J l oo 3 3o*o SR a 4V J a 1U t {- _ : . 9D u ' Hf f i E 3r {?I G){(r l TDo coooO +- r > (r l co (x :l ra SU oz Bi qf f i -n l s (, 1 ) N lu { o) (r l ee I\ ) l\ ) ae i OO r$ N) 'm u 3mm< - - J) -oi 2E?Iol\ ) 6i q zO + r r? l- (. r r t? (o mo mg) .\ Aru Iu co G) OO ru lu BHE< S- TT I T 6Es+6f -\ -\ . l\ ) l\ ) G) (r ) oo l\ ) lu AA tu Iu ea OO tu lu mo 3mm< 6)mzo: a -b , OON) lu A- \ OO tu N) ss aa OO ru N) !U!m6=nr <B +r I ;- ' . - . - ;c o *. { L, ) O) -U A PF F{.' (^ ) !OUo A. \ee OO tu lu A. \ae OO lu tu mo 3mm< o!mb ; Z. \?Iolu ) -t ' l o :5 8 N) > MF<5 mo ) n? o mz mc ) 3mm< o!9E?i Oru U .J . J{ lU r =8 =5m( o o) ol ' }O(o @ o mg) Um I-I @ru !TI o Um =r I @(^ ) ITI c> 8A zO + I r?=H -- l s m3 O< l l flo 3A 2O ri =R J- (, l -{ s HH flo Iio) X ru E AB dH 63 J{;t =5m( o o) obo(o (J l 96 cj d =E o)@ 94 oG HF (o 5o Cl ) (o N)mg) mg) .O OO mg) ruN mg) o mg) r\ )mg) ru mg) Uo o =g)=.o cno c) - rc, rC' (r l (J l r(, ro O) !-cr o)F(t (o r(, {!rct r(, Uo o g)*.o = r(t t-o co r .g Uo o g)E3 .o o)r(t tu5 ro (o ro oo o g)=.o CNo o- Uoo g)-.o o(D o g)=.o C] (D o q)=.o = Uo o g)=.o Uo o g)*.o = cno o- cno o- cno d @o (f . cno d cno d cno d lu G) I (J tOo @ N o) I(r lOo{ f\ ) (^ ) I(r loo(r l N)G) t(r tO f\ )O !(r loof\ ) t\ )c) I(J lOo (r ) ru O()I(nOON N)OO I(r l c)o @ c6 tu oo I(r lOO(o lu N) l\ ) G) (o @ m+ - CJ 1 t8 flo mzo d G)o m mfl G)mzo (r l C^ )o m mfl G)mzo (r l Cr )o m mflo mzo (J l5(r l m mIo mzo (r l5(r t m mIo mzo s(J l (r l + 5(r l G) s(J l C^ ) ee oc ) oo tu N T! U {mY< F I{o I{l\ ) I -l ' . ' . - i ' +c D HE TN aq P Oo c- ut mo ) oq l {o, -\ -\ , aa oo I\ ) lu Tr ' = Ju )eg !F f, l -: , t- \ { 5e =Ed EU -{ o+E *( , l BB 1- \ \r \r t A A rY ' -lmT AA ' \\ _ lu l\ ) (^ ) (, \\ \ OO ru ru "m ' u 3mm< - - J) -oi mE d .z lu ?T of\ ) o+ T^ . , #8 - I z-u ri , ll l O T( O 1B =u t LJ G) @ E]o o O)=.o = lu(o(o ro o(D o g)=.o = Uo o g)=.o = ru .Joo!(r lOo(n lu OO I(r lo o N) J J G) t(l l O J O .P N) I o) 55(, I (r t (r l co -l - l 1. l =5 -\ (, -; (f i -' ! c. r t -< (. l ) :.s(l l{ do)O m mIomzo .. . : H El E fl lfi l = 6l ! IA ;i + * ?l r t E ir xt E (9 L{ a# e o. C D =' 5 1 / Li . ,i !- t 9. < = iJ . , YEL F B S E. q t ih (D ()x .( D ct (DFto a CD (D {!rrn o FD Ch aa a oo f- t Ca CD a !9) (o (D tu o @ @oct )o(r ) (uo- ai- ac) *) .F {--LV)-!, .r i 'l!c- .F a ti€5) (l ) (Da--art ) . r- {V)-'J t9d(l ) .a - )a)t9B(l ) (l ) (ACA l- tq) -oE)AC)-\Joo(l ) +)u) gO . E E Hd ? tv . E 7 h. e A tr . = v (l ) " o E TP E HA : - 6E E E' . [ I ] E ,e + 'r ' ': , F FEoEo- roro FEatro- ro lr ) CE b_ g E '( r ) o = (I ) ( E X = b Y= ; (J L 8 FE E 6 ,t >o - vr = c6 E_ 8 g H =E 9 9 tOoorO I rOc)NC)C6IJ2. ( U tJ J !r o6 CoCdo(x )o E o) ( l ) rCtJ ) I- @c ll -EP oY - < 5i db NC CD .5 . _ . . @ _ . NNoobb ro ro I L (d H O *t tr l , r' F ol < -- fL. \ t - . = Lv . - - ta. l > X qp - 6 E X (U L L- ft = 8I g @INoIt:$Oorr ) ! rocr )Nt-oCUo(l )o (I )E 0( * ) 6 N( l )8= toil E 'r ' (l ) .- b9 6o - Nr O P_ P loro r_ ( l ) sc ) fi .s r oa NNOObb rr ) tr ) (' ) E H Hg C) x ( I ) or o . = I l- P \ - ' I - lp EB w !- \. - O a >f ; pg E p (oNrO T rO N 6S o rr t CU N sl r ) Ih ro ( f ) - gJ $t o C) -z - LL I 99 r lJ - pr u LJ <<o z, - LI J C)zLu(, trTUTU oz[Uo(rut [T+cr ) rO oorO I (oCY ) OOrO IcoN OoOrO IOC\ IN rOoorO INNN rO !NoI -oJCONa' { e)N Jc0 o(U l-ooo co(6ooo o(uo(I )o 'i u . " " ' . " . tx@(o--c) @Eb OCbE - or( l ) 5E 'J i c) 5s t -. . . . 9 _ . (I )o) ]C OE F- ( E o( ) 't E=e fi 2 ar S NNOO ro ro ro ro (Y ) o- aoH+ o)F? O /r rv P5 *OtL Ist ' c)?J[r JoNNOObb lr ) ro oE CD ,- \ N= rn Z- ro -r - SH?1 o( r 9i l =o ztU .( , CD E l- !. U ?> JU J Eo r Z, t- IJ J ; > Oi L C NNOOAE ro ro aftL rbE= 5= Nz , tr r I o 69?- oa \ HE -o - NOIaNZHU -1 tr = rI J ru = O ru _ NN ooooaa $\ f oE EoO Oztuorr r. u [Tfr . c\ IP F-N(o I r( ) rO lt - c\ J (o I rOrO IOcr ) rO-+$\f , ION (r ) !+ tr o ooolc(U "o - o-+tooooo- (o INoIslNOor( ) I<. c\ I (o-NoOrO I$C\ I (or.@oorO I$N or -ocoI (o INo oOrO ! rOc\ I Ooc) rO I LON 6()AF>\ = -c o CL tL ?; zJ .U = E8 t- o 6 E6 o. = Fc foEC6zLo -r E zE@o ZO ?E I- - c O o- a _ z i+ooEO pocr ) pEa p6a p6U) p-oct ) o(6CooorON\NoO)@_NODo) _@Ncf )Hf oi rFg O rr t FYP5 NoI$CDOIJtuoNC \ t OOO) O) NN tf s o(oooo o(dooo Co(6Cooo Co(UCooo Co(6o(l )o -oJ -oJ -oJ -oJl-@o) - -oJcr )O-- -o -oJ -oJ -oJ@a)o) -oJ$@\@<t t ' I, UN\ (u tuo(oc\ t CU I. T J c\ l (d tu (6 tUcf ) !f ,00 @c)@?U6= oh jc ) At U -i -? ro o FT O)Ro - <o o Po AZ . OFp2Pd NN S8 l' . - < (Y ) Z- sE TT U or r y *H (Y ) ) @CD@?r r 6= ohrc ) i\ [U 'r - to r- NE HF Cf , - F? 9oP5 oLLIF- (0 IJ=I. I JoNNOO $$NN$< ' NoIao) 7 9P i l Yc g > r. u r. r r E Or u No+5 O7 \i l Yc s >r x ru E Or u OLLI fr '@IJtuo NOLLI tf ,c)OIJL!o c\ t N oo$< ' NNs$ NNOO $$c\ l N $$ N C\ l oobb NN sf !t N C\ l OObb c\ l N $$ {+ N ct ) N (r l A OJ + o) o) -L -\ OO lu N)om =I-IO{O) ITI ON) TI J iG )N9 T5 fl AON x?=8 -{ (o (r l -c r t CDO mg) eaee oo tu lu ut ut CD G) qe oo lu lu qq CD Ca ) ee c) o lu N) qq o) G ) ee OO r$ I\ ) uf l oo cn C ) 1+ -ET o ==E6 oz oc n 3z3\ ' o Jzq)3o MU 3mm< J) - Q' r .2i ?I ON) )= u ts E {' - , , S :S F (o l TI oN) !D !o l0 m6= IT<\+O]\ ) Um =r I so) ITI C) lu +G ) *. { (- , o) I m: F5 {N E8 €E] -s@Oo ro ad iB I o5m6 NF EN I #G ) 6B !Amx i- < o 2H '( o ru lU #c D ={ (J O) !APF r{ 'G ) NO s mg) s mg) lu m B) c={=oeE ru .J{@ r . .. 9 : G)5 r .. (r _o(D o S)=.o -5@oo r(, @ Ct l rg t\ )5 ro lu r.o N t-(, od- { Eg = s) - :- +zg;FO U{ qE =- o TI -U O= =< -l ( / , _ c)9) ooc) {t s !!g))Caoo- .}@oo t-(, (o (J l ro 1\ )5 t-o tp ul tD ED f ao o- ao o- CNod cno d tu r\ ) (r t ul ut ut tt (, (r l OOOOG) ru .. 4 I JO J ru I .J o) N) (r l5I(, lOo N) (r loI(r lOO(r l f\ ) (r loI(r loof\ ) tu (J loI(r toOlu !(r t 5 5 ru o) (, l -- r o l\ ) o I (r l ru -o o)ooI 5O -o m mDomzo (r l -( r l !fl o1 = (r l Jn -U f, l ofl = C' I J, 'm mflomzo oo 3 3o*o .P @ o mg)U(D o g)=.o I(o o G) o)eOru Um =r Io5{I_T 1 Oru ' ii ' r' JG ) ;F -ouo P ol r J@5? =f \ ) J Cr ) )r u @{o m tr ) N eqoru TI Nm !f, lox = o) o) ae oo ru l\ ) EAaa O( ) N I\ )om t-IO(r t ITI IOt\ ) ea qq OO ru lu Um rIo(r l t\ ) ! -T 1 Iolu Um rIO G) (o I l1 Olu TI J t- C^ ) N9 T5 8B xP -q o .T ' I J t- OJ N9 T5 fl _: . Oc o xl it T] -r iG )NP T5 8Bx?=8 J( O ru -s f\ ) (J l mg) .P G) -m O) sr l @ @s mg) N)r .o Uo o =g)=.o =N) (J l{I(r lO o '- - - - - - J ' f\ ) I .P o (r l (r l t (r l tu Jn 5(, .} f\ )5 G)r(,s(o ro .9{l\ )@ rg O't \ ) (o{rc, l\ )5 !-(, N Fct Uo o =g)=.o = Uo o =B)*.o = U(D o B)*.o cng o. @o () . cno o- I\ ) (r l (o I(r lOo.( o lu r\ ) ut (n {{ It (r t (, t OOoo@{ f\ ) (r l o) I(r tOo t(o I Jo o "9 N) I o) 5 (r l I 5 Cr ) (r l s (r l I 5(1 ) (r l 5(r l -o (r l G)oIso TICNm -onox = 33ee OO ru N Um =rI ?, .T t Ot\ ) "' ) - " . . ; k?Fr gm5 xG ) -u o 5B as m 33ae OO TU N) ee OO tu Iu om r3 ?TI Of\ ) Id -1 cr r 25or ' mR x6#6 8E m TI oN) T1 - CNm !flox = Uo o -)g)=.o U(D o O)=.of, o(D o g)=.o c, ) I(r loo(o '- ro " " i \ ) J .J o) o) ru N) lt (, r (, l ooO- r (o o I o N I (r l 5 Ca )oI(r lP (r l G)o I (r l Cr )o (, t Cr )5 (r l G)o <C -Z - Z- -t !' n Hfl€Tm :p (J l Cr ) l\ ) (r l o)O) I (r l G)@ ut 5 \) .. r (, r (, t I 5(r ) .}(J l (l l I N)O) I(r loO@ 5 (r l -o1 oT = ii + ,F ?J E] E1 ir XH E (v H H. r E A o. C D =' 5 \J H. o = 9< ,- r iJ . , r v $ t- b D -a f l : S E. q B th oo eo 6o O a()CD{F90 (D Fe D9 O cn v)oo aFl O. D9 o (h !g) (oo5o @ @orooo) CEo- 9FH(l ) i- ) r_ t-lvt)E.F (.- rdx .F l Li€.f - ) (l )o rf a CACA .E l a-drr l do5JadBIq) rnl- {c) -o)- { i<t)H(l )Eo(D l- )u2 9o ' E E El E d (J . = A d. = v o' ( , E lO E Hq : - 6H 5 IJ . { El E< r( + .: t , ocf ) rO () cY ) rO oOD rO Nr( )$IoG) st @!+$IocY ) <. [-Eatro-oC9$ FEoEo-oc) sl ' Oc) lf ) IoOrf ) (oCY ) sl - (ocr ) t C\ I N c) (o IC\ IoI (o INoI@r. ( ) I ro sf COIc\ IoI $ tf o)oOrf ) ! cr )@N (oorO I cr ) (oN !+oro Ic) (oN O OO t. r ) tJ ) !t !+ $ (o (o NN (oOoLO IO) (oc\ l f. -ooro a$CON O)ooro I$(oc\ I COOolf ) I (oNN F- cr )Or. O I@F- c\ I @cr )o1r ) I@lt -C\ I p6U) p6@ p6U) pEo p6U) pE@ pE@. . . . Co(6Co(l )o p6a pEU) p6@ co(uCo(I )o Co(6T-ooo.oJ Co(Uooo.oJ o(t rCo(1 )o Co(ECo(1 )o CoCUo(l )o oCUCo(1 )o o(uooo coC6ooo -oJ -oJODN -oJN.oJcf ) (oc\ LO) -oJ.oJ -oJ@-oJcY ) Fr .O) -oJoN -oJ .oJ -oJc) -oJ@ -oJO) -oJoo -oJoOo, -oJ@ -oJ FUJoo(ro_o _ (U tr J (o (6 TI J ro (6 tTt- (t r tT JN(oco - (u I. J J (oo\ (U TJ J ro (u TUo)F-@_ CU tu@Fr .@_ (dul ro (u tT NOD@?5F NT U +o?o l' - Lu E8 o)No?Hh +o O, n I l- l l' - E I\PU *oTL!1' -F-Oj[Uo F- (\ I@?5F NT U +o oI l- l l' - E PU *oLLIN@o!JTUo CD I- N= d=oa \ ?E OnHH CD J FL L +$-o , .t - J( o=$ i od i CD F N= 6= O t- ' l ?E OnEH CY ) J @ooI$C\ I r. - Io(f ) o+ cr )@o)I6CDoIrot r O I, I J O) =PI CD I. - N= ,. 5 = O( 1 ?- E On fi H cD ) LL 5(oryEo Nt r+8 lt - l- E8 CY ) lt -@rySo q! EF8 NrEE C\ IotL IOootJ=l, To t. (O<'oI rOr+oI J<N1. - I. I J ; (] i L NotLg> rl -JE=a I. U E oo - F .? a s6 ', E jr L <N1. ^ !. u = Oi L Io) .t : (o$_ rOtf IJ-N1. ^ I. I J = O' l r c\OITLIC\ INIJtuo NoLLI !t IJ=tuo NNOONNEE NNOONNEE N c\ l ooNN (o (o NNOObbEE N C\ I OObb (o (o NNOObbbb NNOObb (o ( o NNoobbEE (o (o Nc \ I c) o (\ I N NI - C\ J N oo NNNN f, - @ o) N cr ) o fi lE lH lf i lf i lf i lB Ic)c) rOdrOsfIocr ) sf Fc.Itro- lr )$ FEarro- rO$ @rtcoEEoo poU)Co(6ooo o(uo(l )o o(6Cooo I- Ir Ir lF l- l- 13oofC(Uo- _c L {t()ooo NoLLI t+ IJtuo + l- Io l' - E6 o. = l- c f @CDNc\ l I (f )Cf J F N tJ J t A On t l- l !' - CE t\-( ) *o!. L I lr )@OIJ=TU .o .. c\ I N oo NNbb (f ) l- N= 6XFP C) n o-RH CD ) Nc \ I OO NNbb FI O l- f\ ) t\ )o l\ ) lulu @ (o ;l i il J l = {{ lu N) OONt u {{ lu lu OO ru N {{ lu Iu oc ) r$ Iu {{ I\ ) r\ ) OO lu lu {{NN OON f\ ) {{RN OO I\ ) N) {{ r$ N) oo lu r\ ) {{NA OO lu lu Um =r Io(o(o ITI oru {{AN OO l\ ) N {{ I\ ) I\ ) OO tu Iu Um !-tO(o ru !TI oN) {{ ru Iu OO I\ ) l\ )Um r IO{(o I TI oru {{N) T\ ) OO tu N) \l NNN OO ]\ ) l\ )Um r I o!!TI oN) UN ooU, O ET o 5=E( 5 c) Z oc n 3z -l \- 3o =zg)3o C={=o9u om =t-to(o{!TI Ol\ ) =- - " ' . - - t\C) A ,1 = J) T\ ) UE !t\ )O) _( r l (r l O mg) Um F I N)oITI ON) "r i - ' - - - j - ' T{ !N C) A n=J) tu oE Itu O)@(o {mg) Um =t-IO(o5 I 'T t olu Um t-Io(oo ITI Oru Um F !O(O (J l ITI ot\ ) om F a @ aTI ON) om =t-I o5ITI oru Um =r I O)5ITI oru Um =r Io(o o) ITI Of\ ) qsgi J) tu UE (, ru O) ru qd -I {Ri J) lU UE ri ,N) (r l (^ )o)m 9) gT Re )) I\ ) oE rbN)O)F qTgi J) t\ ) UE ri ,O)@ O) q- . , s gi J) t\ ) oE (,o3 gs t\o5 Yf u tr . , \J CD$O) (, l (r ) qT 8i J) t\ ) ud l !@ q: gn J) I\ ) oF ru lu(r l{ qs C) A o+ J) l\ ) u3 5 @3 O= t qT gn )) tu UE rl , ru(r l (r l qT Re J) N) oH luo)O){ mg) O)mg) 5 mg) mg) l\ )mg) mg) o)mg) O)mg) {mg) (r l mg) (r l !-ct @ ro ro q)r(t (^ ) t-(t ru ro rC' O)ro O)ro ro G)ro o)rg 5 rg @ ro o d- l 8g = s' - - ro rg rC' rct ro ro Uo o g)=.o rg U(D o g)d,o ro r o_o(D o g) .f .o U(D o g)=.o ro r .g U(D o g)-.o zgJ FL U+ qE =. o T- U O= =< -l ( / , C) g) oo C)+t C @oo. Uoo B)6'= Uoo =q)d.o U(D o g)=.o Uo o g)=.o = Uo o g)=.o U(D o g)=.o ao d U(D o =g)=.o @od U(D o =g)=.o cno o- ao () - a 9.d @o d CNo o. cno o- @od cn 9,d a 9.d @od cno d l\ )N@ I(, tof\ )o I\ )N@ I(r lO5 f\ ){o I(r loAo) f\ ){@ I(r loN(o r\ ){@t 'u l o55 N) \t @ I(r lOG) r\ ) N){@ I(,oN) (J l (r t t\ ){@ I(r lolu{(r t f\ ){@ I(r lO G) lu !@ I(r lOru G) ji ru{@ I(r lO5 @ '5 ru\@ I(r lOs(r l 5 f\ ) !@ !(r lo G) (, r ) (r l (r l (J l 5 (r t (r l (r l s s C^ )@ F G)@ 5(^ )@ s(r )o) 5 G)@ 5G) CI ) -t I .J . sl E @l @ 5 G)@ 5o)o) s(^ ) o) 5 G)O) 5 C^ )O) oo 3 33j Nl I$ l tu l ru l ru l tu l ru (o I @t {t o) I (, | l 5t (r ) ut o mI m =l = il i -- - r I O "l P 31 3 r\ ) T N) E sI E * 8 il S i n $l i {, U EI U E rb I l. l , o> I O) Nl s ry l ry l Y dl dl d (, l (J t l ul =l Bl s {{NN OO I\ ) r\ ) {{ \r N OO tu ru {{ ru r\ ) OO ru lu om rI 5 ITI c) ru '; " " j ' tr d rNC) A ,^ \ = J) tu ud I{@ O U(D o g)*-o = o(D o A)Ef .o o(D o g)*.o = U(D o =g)=.o JI .T 5l s ., 8 lr . ii + .! s ET N | r J L. HH E (y H ec E E o. o =' 5 \. ' / L, l . i^ !- 9. < = iJ - a veL p p s H6 Ai - .- 1 .ooeo H,)-E i,-) \Jor- t (/ )a(Do{at (n Fl .o Pl-t))f-OF. a rh l- a t(Do F} l- i r- l lr .-ra,--t- ' ta . ,^B(-->ii F.FI (D F.d !0) (o (D O)o @ @ofr . (t )o) (Uo- at4F'(l ) 9.F {-d_J-l) .- t t-'c , -o_ i li .o !l . {:)o0)-(n(r ) .- {a F{ -l9Hd(l ) 9adB(l ) (l ) (r )al- i (l ) .oF(H-)i(DEC) (D+J -U 2 9o ' E E d- ,\ Hd E tY . tf =h o LJ \J '- A tr . E v (D E E lO E '- i ;. i rv i{ y5E 6 TJ . TI ] E ts +t T ,, e le E IE l. - 61 6 a_ l@ 51 3 H l$ +l @ $ lS l$ lS l. " l. co(Uo(I )o o(Eooo (d I. I JO(oro -Nc)$NI (o@cf ) Ioo! roc\ l CD .= . _ _ NotL IO)+oIJutoNoc\ I N= oCD CD +g to h c) = o) = l- z, H8 Ol , n t .r J . /P6 ;NotLci r (o:=l. J Jo otroOFTUo c\ t N oo NN N- I- - oE Eoo o lo $ lr otf$ O+$ O$+ oct ) r( ) (oOD tr ) (oa) ro Ot+\+ @cf ) sl ' @a)$ COc)<. (oCY ) \f (oc) t .i 3o@f?L(uo-o- 1F()oooo- tl ? .ot+olo I@f-N (o (0 (o @ ro @OOro I@fr .N <. r_C)Oro I cr )@C\ I @OOtr ) I@Fr ' c\ I ro ro $ $ $@Noro I@NN NOro I@f-c\ l @ooro Ic)@N COoro I@Nc\ l N$Oro I@NN NOoro Ic)6N C9 rf ,olr ) I@l-c\ l (v )Oro I@F-N roOro I@lt -CN st ' cr )Oro Ico f-N (UC)AF>, = -c o CL tL OE ,- \ f *oFO?; z ', ' _ ' ; 6=5g FO 5 pEU) p6cr ) p6@ p6U) p6a p6a) pEa p6a p6a p6a p6a pEa p6q) p6a Co(uo(l )o oC6cooo Co(Uo(l )o Co(6co(I )o o(6o(1 )o o(6o(l )o o(6co(l )o CoC6o(I )o Co(6o(I )o o(UCo(t )o Co(uCooo Co(6Cooo-oJ o(UCo(x )o-o ' J o(do(I )o -oJ -oJ .oJ -oJ -oJ -oJ -oJ -oJ .oJ -oJ -oJ -oJa) -oJ -oJ(o -oJNN -oJo) -oJ -oJN -oJr+ -oJ -oJO -oJe) -oJ -oJN -oJt Ed o= FC foE(uzCoF \L -ZE aozo C6 turoN CS TJ J (6 TU cr )<. (U tUO) (6 LU (6 TU$ (uLuN CU:F@@$o NI T+6 ?c ) F- r- EH (6LuoNNO) (orySo cN rr rn+U t\ .LI =o (6 I, U(oN (U tr JN (UTUcr ) rO(o(oryEo Nt r F8 l- r- EH F-@tf , )NNI cv ) cY ) I ry l ?' F* l F* l cY ) | ?- |*otL ! (f )O)oIJtI Jo'N rOrNrN- l sl ' sl ' o) (oryEo NT E +8 FH !+rO(osEo CN IT ILV?O f- t- FH F(orySo Nt r+8 f- r- EH c\ l$rOLONo Nt r FBHh yo rOO) (o$Eo c\ t E +8 Nr -EH tft+(o?Bo NI T+8Fh =o tf$N+Eo NI T+8E" ' @@(oryEo NI T+8 N! -EH $rOrONo qJ c E F8 EH o<. lf )If, o NI TFU Nt -h ir t -oNoLL6cY ) j=TUo ?E I- - c O o- _ @ z ?Hoo EO NoLLI tf ,NIJ[To OJotL I@O)oIJ=TUo NOLLINIJ=tUo cf )OLLI@eoIJ=Luo NoI. L I rONIJ[Uo NOLLIADIJI. Uo NoLLI@@oIJTUo NoLL! (ooIJtuo NoI, L IO)NaJtuo NOLLIcf )OIJtuo_NN ooNN N- I- - c\ loLL !Ncf ) IJtuoNN ooc{ N N= N NoLLI@ot J=tUo NNOO c\ I N N= N N C\ I ooNN N- N- NNoo C\ I N NN NN oo c\ l N NN - NNooNN NN - N C\ l oo c\ I N NI - NN oo NNN- I- - NNooNN NN - NNOO Nc \ J NN Nc \ I oo NN NN - N C\ I OO (\ l c\ t N= N- cr ) C9 @CY ) o) cr ) !+ O<. JT J t\ ) @ {{ lu Nqqoo tu r\ )c]m rI O) lu ! .T I O T\ ) oD - - " - J ' oG ) oI(o G) C' I I(o (, ^ )O o) '5 @O m o) {{ N) l\ ) ae OO l\ ) I\ ) {{Nr u N) ru OO ru r\ ) {{EE oo ru lu {{ee oo ru tu {{ae OO ru N {{EE OON) t\ ) {{EE OON) 1\ ) {{AN OO lu l\ ) {{AN OON) r\ ) {{N\ T OO I\ ) N) ODE8 ,+ Fr t- t \J VA \E. ; o ==E( 5 oo 3 3o)zg)3o C={ =' o gs _ Um rI{G) ITI oI\ ) Um r I{(^ ) ITI O T\ ) (f m =rI O) lu ITI ol\ ) -o u fl mo< f, r r <& +r olu Um rt O) ru ITI of\ ) (f m r a o) lu ITI Oru om r Ios(o ITI olu Um r I o) I 'T t Olu Um r I Oc) ITI oN om =rIo @(o !TI ol\ ) *, c^ ) \J \C) ( ) il 8 t Cr J =8Y& Fi O \. / ul J) O) OK C) o il 8 , C, J EE /- i O \, / (r l J) O) 9d cj 6 o) A o6 5 .. J . (o G) -( > m Rd \r , l\ ) \J O oi tl -J 2+Hq o) - ^ oG ) oI(o (, 1 ) (r l I(o (^ )O 96 o5 o) A =E (r l I G)o .T I J - Cr ) NH !8 E* t x? JG ) qT Ri fl no UE (,o){{ q:gi J) l\ ) oE (,o(J l{ qT Ri fl NoE (, ru (F t mg) m B) O) 's (r l CD mg) I\ ) -@ N(r l m B) "P @O mg) -( ^ ) OJ f\ )mg) \tNO mg) mg) @ mg) mg) U(D o g) rao luO r(, lu(r l t-5 ruO ro G) (r l 'o (r l O)ro -( . ,5(t l ro (^ ) -( ^ ) (r l (l l{rcr .IOOo) t-o -( ^ , (oO(o ro CD t-g t-ct 5 ro ro o-o- { U, ,1 a== s' ] - -zgJ FL TT o5 {a C)g) tu(J l rg {(o ro @@ rC' {(r l rc, G)@ r(, (o ro o rcr @ 9) a: i . o T! (D ao d U) g)*.o fl o Uo o g)=.o ao Uoo g)*.o = U(D o =q)=i .o = o(D o g)=.o "" a od cl (D o g)=.o = o(D o g)d.o U(D o =g)=.o o(D o g)=.o = CNo o- cno d cno d ag o- ao o- ao d CNod l\ )N)O(r ) I(r lOo N) .J I @io I J "9J tu ! -lO) f\ )Nc)5I(r loO luNo G) I(r looo lu (o(o I(r tOO(J l ru (o\t I(r lOo f\ ) (o{I(r lO(> l\ ) ru (o O I(, roO{ tu (o c) !(r lOoo) "" ' J I O) l\ ){@ I(r lOC)@ 5 r\ ){@ !(r lo5(o l\ ){@ !(r lOlu5 -U o 0oo +t s -U ,+Tg))C U,oo. (r t ! .9 I\ ) I O) I s>N I C' ) {I "9 lu I o) F 5 ut A 5G ) lu o I FA5:-(, l o)o ! G)s(, t o(r l 5O "9 (r loO sG)N)Efl oI = 5oo I s(, I\ ) s(r l (o IO .C , ' (r l5(r l I (J l (r l O) 55(J l I s(r l{ 5 G)O) 5G) O) . 5 (l )O) oo 3 3oao {{ l\ ) t\ ) (o (o OO ru N Um rI O) ru ITI oru o+ - -t u, cj 6 o) A OX (n I(o C^ )O G) Jr t @(D r ., c t "" " " " ' i u ' ru JOI(r lOO5 .J J(, | 5 sG ) so ! .J As5'- - (J l G)OIU(D o g) t3 .o {{G) G) OO \\ \\ oc ) ru r\ )Um r ! .- l O) l\ ) !TI ON) OD 'r OG ) C> I(o (. ' ) (r l !(o J CA )O (^ ) -5o) Cl )@ 1- .. . . . 9 Uoo g)=.o l\ ) tu .J J I(r loO(r l '- " . ' . - - - J . ' I J .P rJlu I -l(' ) "" i , . . J ' (, l s G) OJ SO I J555:- . (r l G)OI =o-JJo at J5q)oD z(]{o{l-a .J@5 -- 3 J N( , r (. ) OI N( o mr g) (, J'o .. 1 (o -o , (. )@ r(t {J'o Cr )5 rc, -l I JI J sl el H m mflomzo ': , f l4ii + ,+ Ff ] r? I FT I L XH E q: S I = O. cr i A oo =' ! J \J =. o 7 g< r+ r sF g T E. q B 6 '- l (D r)8. (D C' (DFtO v, CD (D{p ra (D F9 D) (n a CD (Do ET Ft a.O. (D a -o O) (o (D @o @ -lslorE-Aou OTuBJEGT: Recolnmensarron ror Dern uftetziltron REFERENGE: SB 742-1, paragraph?-Zc (7) Surveillance Gontrol Numben O [.- O 1.? Date:13-Aug by most expeditious approved means is recomlnended Explosive, Water Gel, TOVEX {OO Demiliterzation of the following item(s) by the Surveillance Division: {} Nomenclature! 1 37 5.O I -1 80- 577 9,,MY772) Stock Number/DODIG: 3) Lot Number!SEE AG4F 4) Owner: B5A 5) Manager! 7) Quantity:6) Gondition Gode: 9) Hazard Glass/Division/Storage Gompatibility Group: { O) Net Explosive Weight Per Gomplete Rciund: .,4.1) Total Weight Per !tem:o,5 l.r, Net Explosive Weight Per Total Quantity: 13) Type of Main Filler: Filler: TYPE E BLAST EXPL NEW= 38.5 B14 8) Location: GO8O4O NEWr NE}Y: NEWr NEW: NEW: NEW: 77 {,{ D o,5 38,5 Filler: Fillen Type of Gomponent Filler: Filler: Filler: Filler: NEW: NEWI NEW: NEW: NEW: Filler: Filler: Filler: Fillen Filler: Filler: {4} Reason for request (Must agree with lnspeetion comments): mrnis ARE cc-H AND rN BsA AccouNT. GETTTI{c RrD oF THEsE rrEMs wrLL LEssEN THE AMouNr o THRU: * Z, Ghief, Surveillance Division 3, Division Environmental Goordinator 4. Planning and Gontrol Division : rtannlng n be assigned prior to Waste Stream Analysis being approved, 5. Planning and Gontrol Division Signatr*= Dater g nB lO f { 3-Aug I 5r-o r-"-D{4 1' REGOMMENDATION FOR DEMILITARIZATION Sunreillance Gontrol Number!, O I - O 1'l Time: Signature: Date: Timer Signature: Date: Time: Signature:i Time= ,/F rR.S_ . Signature: Time=. ('ir n G DEMIL-L66*FXsrytber o 1. Originator * Copy will be furnished to Ghief of Gompliance Branch after complete staffing, ,*-aO o te AC4F FOR STOEK NUMBER 13750118A5779 DEPOT T DATE 01225 TIME 1510 TAI.,OG DATA ARe V EXP-I{T 3 .0 PACK-REF LEVEL A NA SIC A AR.CODE X FIA DK1XG PMIE sP - REQ CIIC 2 I-CTIJ PK-CUBE O. OO1O ST.COMP D CL-SUP 5 ICC I PK-WT 8.50 SUB-CL W COMP. RD I,OT B PRICE ]".75 UI EA DATA. FURN A MAT. CAT D QDC ]" . 1 UM EA DEMII, G MGR 814 RECOV. CD DODIC MY77 MSL- ID SCIC P DOIrI 010l. L MSL- SYS SHEIIF 0 NOMENCLA,TURE EXPITOS IVE , WATER GEL CONSOI,IDATED BALAI{CE DATA COND RIC DO.IJA DOI'I DOIJR QUAI{TITY H B5A 01213 01"011 77 P B5A O 10 O 9 01011 18 uM-QTY 0000000001 UP-QTY 6 UP- SI ZE 100 IJGTH 6O T{DTH 7O HGTH q . q RIC SERIAI,.I,OT-NBR DOI,LA IJS ACT D-MF gI'-D SIJ STIJ FC SAUP SC DIJIN T'J DNIN TN SA DBFECT CODBS RBSTRICT TS A MS R 'JOC QUANTITY OAL-QTY C-ID COMP-I,oT'NBR CF-C-ilF C-QTY C-DEFECTS H B5A MIXED 00123 7 000000000 0 00022 x0005 r,0808 P 3c328sFc018Av H0c c08040 22 ..,+. TSAUNNNO!{N 00305 7 0o00oOOOO O O0006 ZOOOS r,0408 p 3CO18AVC328SFC318SF goc c080rt0 18 B5A18FE92N5 01213 I 092020000 0 00000 W0102 IJ1108 p 3C011TAC018AV H0c c08040 18 HBsA24-AUG-98-r1 01046 7 0980S0000 0 00000 9'0102 L1108 P 3C011TACo1BAV g0c c08040 6 sB5A24AUG98rJl 01193 7 098080000 0 00000 00000 00000 0 0 gos c08o4o 6 HB5A252318F892N5 01165 7 oOOOOO0oO O OOOOO OOO0o OOOOO O O H0B C08040 7 P B5A UNKNOI{N 00305 7 0000 0 0006 Z 0010 L 0408 p 3 C018AV C328SF C318SF B0c c08040 6 PB5A24AUG98IJ1 o1oo9 7 o9608oOOO 0 oOOlo X0106 AO8o8 p 3CO1IENCOI8FZC010AV H0B C08040 6 P85A252318F892N5 9929t I OO0oOOOO0 0 00000 00000 oOOO0 0 o ' H0c c08040 6 *r*r*r END OF AC4F ****i* .!, -'rFi\ ..!.1'",o EXPLOSTVE WATEB GEL 1376-01- 180-5779 1-Oct-98 A. Components Net Explosive Weight = Tota1 Weight= 1.08 lbs 8.00 lbs (1) Propellant, Explosives, & Pyrotecnics (2) Btu per pound B. Totals Complete Rouhd Weieht (PEP) SuUur Halogens Lead Mercury Heat of Combustion 1.08 lbs (basis) 0.0% 0.0o/o 0.4% 0.0o/o 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs 0.00 lbs -67 4 btu's/round PEP (1) Weight 0bs)%s %Hal %Pb %He Unit Heat of Combustion (2) Heat of Combustion (Btu's) Ammonium Nitrate 1.0830 0.ao/o A.0o/o 0.04/o 0.0%-622 -67 4 0 0 0 0 0 o o Hf i E 3 gei 8B ut - EE ff i g ru EEe#; i et EF f; s EE - TE {t . g .t .E o3,F0\U ,u ,E9 F(q: r '( l u fi {fr [ {d s o #E . F Eo T n* r n uI r3a,{ru r (J t 3 t e ,G , E* ut tl , 3 eE & fr 5 u ;: , , r l l vE $ E{ i iI H LI Ur ! l. - J ,r , ir r l Bn i l N\r, 4 \(N\fkI \,J}q$ *, \ 5\ 5 q, ft *dEmC3mqfEfrCI u- o ,o - L,J &{@' O,-'nP-W +" QuWLw P"uuk8 *;/4 Obm efu'&'l"u% Ao 1., -/Jelp TNsDS lrf offirLadito,Y**uny.ffi::: t Wt-D om6 dlc,TnocK C, cAO Ocnb Dffi pm? #rb fr{uuJl OCty FCAT fcCT Uae,frrr-+, -4cA DCol ,Hg +w 7 o o A xoF( ']ctr(I)aa o \ o Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) Permit Checklist w3213820894 Attachment 6, Module II.J and R315-8-3 - Preparedness and Prevention Building 528 - Container Storage Facility (CSF) ll.J.z Required Equipment. TEAD shall equip and maintain in good operating condition the following equipment (set forth in the Plan in Attachment 6) as required by R315-8-3.3: , a device capable of summoning external emergency assistance from the local fire department or local emergency response teams such as a telephone and fire alarm box, immediately available at the scene of operations a portable fire extinguisher of the chemical type (halon l2ll) (list date of last test of extinguisher - Attach. 6 states that fire dept. inspects extinguishers on a monthly basis) internal communications and alarm systems capable of providing immediate emergency instruction, voice or signal, to facility employees - hand-held radio, voice or canister air horn. '-L'-(/lL nYA@,j.,,(-.pJ eyewash statioh and emergency showerG,frside the facility ArrLd'-O/LI*,lfrzuJcfu, Inspector's Initials Cf , spill kit and personnel protective equipment inside the facility A minimum of 30 inches of aisle space between the rows of pallets fire hydrant 31 is within 500 ft of the CSF, fire hydrant no. 20 is within 700 ft. List the date of the last test of the hydrants. II.J.3 Testing and Maintenance of Equipment TEAD shall inspect weekly (when in use) the spill control, fire and decontamination equipment to assure its proper operation in time of emergency Comments: Date {a}.a page 2 Inspector's Initi * Q;I- Building Al01 - PEP Container Storage ll.J.2 Required Equipment. TEAD shall equip and maintain in good operating condition the following equipment (set forth in the Plan in Attachment 6) as required by R315-8-3.3: internal communications and alarm systems capable of providing immediate emergency instruction, voice or signal, to facility employees - hand-held radio, voice or canister air horn. a device capable of summoning external emergency assistance from the local fire departrnent or local emergency response teams such as a telephone and fire alarm box, immediately available at the scene of operations (list date of last test 6 on a monthly basis) a portable fire extinguisher of the chemical type of extinguisher - Attach. 6 states that fire dept. inspects eyewash station and mergency showeq nside the facility spill kit and personnel protective equipment inside the facility Dare 4 tln^page 3 Inspector's Initi als Cr? A minimum of 30 inches of aisle space between the rows of pallets II.J.3 Testing and Maintenance of Equipment TEAD shall inspect weekly (when in use) the spill control, fire and decontamination equipment to assure its proper operation in time of emergency nr/ Comments: Date 4rb^page 4 Inspector's Initi arc Cfu r! xo trl'ot-{'>((l) O.a Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) Permit Checklist w32t3820894 Module II-L and R315-4 - Manifest System [.L.1 When receiving off-site generated hazardous waste for storage at TEAD, the facility shall comply with the manifest requirements of R315-4-l If a load is refused for storage at the facility and returned to the generator, such action must be documented in the operating record. ll.L.2 Copies of all manifests received by TEAD shall be submitted to the Division within l0 days of receipt of the manifests by TEAD ' Date 44,w Page 1 Inspector's initi *, eE-,' o rn# -r lOa\ l$P otL: Ti oA+ CLu,,rwptw o.J*,*r-e,ab\e$tfi' {%tt uLLt-*nCfuL, dM,*",t*o' tn*bffiffiT^J t-De olC ,Ooob, fticf M^tt.+ Mt qLdt-/'(,o*-!wbp*-j tuuLq TsDY> TAtftD t^ O tl- (rL,, r',L,,,N|. +rr S Ll try/ec Flease print'or type. (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.)Form ApprovetC. OMB No.2A50-0039. Expr'res 9-30-99 G E,N E R A. UNIFORM HAZAHDOUS\ WASTE MANIFEST 1. Generator's US EPA lD No. Manifest u[.,?,1 ,3J,,31,1,1,.&1= Sl e 1,.0,f g,l ,g,l * tffllTTi ti t 2' Page 1 | tnformation in the shaded areas"' t, I is not required by Federal law. lGenerator's Name and Mailing Address TOOELE AA!,ff DEPOT {NORTH} SIOTE-IR BUITDING T8 TOOELE, UT 8{0?4 4. Generator's Phone ( 435) S33-350{ ATTHTDEA}{' REYNOTDS' US EPA lD Nurnber6.5. Tfansporter 1 Cornpany Name C k^r^^" 0 "^..o t-.I*.*L rdl.Q..**m r\ h rlrltzlol dole' h I qlgls lYI\ 1p7,illffi *' ?, A; E'$,,', 7. Transport&r 2 Company Name U$ EPA lD NumberliltrtB. 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10. US EPA lD Number SATETY-KLEEN (GP"ASSY UOUNTAIN) . INC. EXIT 41 OFF I-80 3 I.{ILES EAST. ? HILES NORTH wENDOVER, ur 84083 lulrlol glglrlslo lr lr lr ls Facility's,Phone. :,,, ,, ,.,r'.: .,,..,8,0 1,/. 3,83,,- 8,9,0.0',,, H,' 1 1 . US DOT Description (lncluding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard C/ass and lD Number) tHMI 12. Containers No. I Tvne 13. Toial Quantity 14. Unit Wt/Vol fl x IIAUARmUS UASrE, SOLID, tl. O. S. tCA${It }1, tEADt g, NA30??, PG rrr ol ol6 Dlu 0l 0l5l?18 P '.:.'.. 1:.. 1. l:,4.. 1'!..".:.:!':1:,:.i,. F 7 x POLYfiITORINATED BTPHII!{YLS, SOtrD 9, 1Jil2315f PG rr ol ol 6 DI H ol21 11 1l B P !.:.!:.. :.i.,..1 ..:: t! :.:.......".-..'.:.1.r.,.: j.... r.. !..:..:_ :rr..'1'.:: l 11l',1. i .'...i,,,.1:i::i1l.:i:.':-r.,.i1...:.1.'i.:r':..'...'r.'j,',:,'.11...', :.,j. 'r.1...r.;ri: r::ij:1:1.:: :: rl: .:'.r- : i: l :1..: i. r.-..:: 1 i':.. .' ..,,i fi,'61[81i,, r,,.,,r iii.'..,i""t,., '*,,:-':j.Ll.r,: r1,r i, i ..:. .j. .,.:r'r . ,. - ,if f;,:.j',:', i.it;,'::.::.,i.:.;.1::;i:';rii.ii.r::i::.:.:ir.j.,il:1,r.:..,,.i.1:i::r:::::i:i :-: r. : :... r.. i r.,: ..:: :r.. .'..:.: :. : .:: : ! :: j.. j ..i :.,-j... : i: r:.... c. \ \.", j \un 0l r,l r. l 61 4 P r.r.:.r.:. r;r:'.::.:.i:: .1 . 'r :: . jj;r:.:.. rr :.;:: ::1.1, :...:.!,1.t..1:j-.:,.:.....i,,..... :...t.,.::,1_:.r..,'::..-..:::.,..1.,1 ': .111: rI'..:..:.1.1rr. 1 ....:,"j1.: :lr:.r. il.6H,E irr,i,,,ir i,..-,i.I.fi,,,i.,. ., , ,,':.t., ':j:ri."1 ,,: .1 r.., r -.:r, .: il _ ., j,, . .....-r.,...- ., :: ..,::..: :,1','|,,:.:-, :i.: |,,,..a :'.,..'':. d.. I r:i.i' i:r.! ,r,' iiilffi :ii:*iBt,; 11,1.{ffii .:,:l'.:;:Ilri*i i,ffi 8t it'.,,,;:;,, :,,, i:.1i:t+l;iE;irriii::'1.. . :r.:.:. :. Iil ::rr...:: :: il. r:.i'l :::l.i:1..:: .. i1:: 1:...:.:.. ..1.:'...1i'1_,i Special Handling lnstructions and Additional lnformation sP4400-9?-D-0O12: 0855 2d IIR'EIERGE[{CI*:' 8S04681?60' (5?9} rnucff'At'7(i" rlI{s x: po#' I l5 lb-t SK (GS} TS"Tffi COITTRACTOR FOR TTTIS TACII,ITY'S eLI, BILIIIIG A]lD CORntsSPoilt]HICE T0: PO Bolt 1{0, DPor' lLf I bal gf,SfE. PLEJhSE nOUTEsAurrrllff, sr 53080 15. A. GUIDEf 1?1B. GUIDE* 171 C. GUIDE# 1?1 D. 1 6. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignmsnt are tully and accurately doscribed above bv propershipping name and are classified, packfi, marked, and labeled, and are in all re'speas in proSr condition fo/transport by highwdy according to applicable intornational and hational government regulations. lf I am a large quantity generator, l.certify that I have a program in place to reduco the volumo and toxicity of waste g€neraled to the degres I have detgrmined to be economically and.the environme!'t! OB, if I am a small quantity genorator, I hav€ made a gobd raith €ffort to minimize my waste generatlon and select thb best wast6 managemont method that is Printed/rvped Name ebrrn - Na-\soJ Signature /ll . ^\ Month Day year \--Jrr-. ) I\rraQ I- ) Ieiql crdl aA T R A Ns Po R T E R tr^17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of'Heceipt of Materials u' B.h- K&;i:.6b 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day yearItlrlt F A I I T Y 19. Discrepancy lndication Space n A fr\*t/) sl:fl I tnl "*'^ /? dt ZFacilityowneroropprator.pe,tiniatlo"o9,9ceiptottrazaroouSmateria|scwere- Pr n'fed/r'of'W rtfl, { kt rr s Month Dav Year il{F{tr}ffi'fW ##/,/rA EPA Form 8700-200 (Rev. 9-BB) Previous editions are obsoiete.585-7521 + I G E N E R A T o H UNIFORM I.IAZAHDOUS\ WASTE nflANIFEST 1. Generator's US EPA lD No. Manifest Document No.ii|''i'l ,| ,I'i I ,lL:|::1."1,,'l';'l':,i Ii 1,,l" 1t Ii 2' Page 1 | lnformation in the shaded areasur , I is not required by Federal law. 4.Generator's Phone ( ,5* Transporter 1 Company Name' i; i *-t*.' 1i, _\, L... ,i{. l.'i; '.::,'ro .*],"}..i ,"# ",*.-* -*3,. ,q,,.,.i il,il ,u,. ".;;, ''', ,, tr 6. US EPA lD Number [,,i, lli l[,i l*,", Ie-,;*[:i hun [^r l:i[-, |J:., l*u,t d:? . .ir ,."ifl ..... :. ii B .f s{4 ?..-! .F ,ai/.,;. . 5 iH.. U$Hd.* ilS'iffi6nffi ,.uf,ffi'4i,i;,,, L ;,-T::.,ffi,, 7. Transportbr 2 Company Name B.US EPA lD Numberililil .f , riAhsfi o*6tt5,:,Ph,o nb . 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address ...],i.:,..i...:..l..i.,i.: 10. US EPA lD Number , . ', , .-. : .-:..j : ii l:r"l:.:r 1",,'1,1,, l,l,. li I il,t,*t,!,::F.,,lk 1 1. US DOT Description (lncluding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class and lD Number) l'l{Ml 12. Containers No. I tvoe 13. Total Quantity 14. Unit WWoI 4..!;:X '*'li r:;i,.i b -'io"'l C..ir it'i,t.i;r.;t'r.; liii,'r, ii 'i i'',i i:iilLii'iri,'. a, .,i't,i' j::;''','"'''', .. .... . ir.1; .1'.:''l l'r-..11.., /'j'j.: ,;, 1..1i.' : 1 .. (1:, '' j-'I I .., r'l ?il: f iii .t ,.. Ir,''.., . : , r. :, .1 :..: .;.i j l: ,.l,.il;' i , r' ' ,'.''l-: 1,r'.i ::l ::: ;..i.-, ;. . . lifli:[:i,,l'u'.[,', ,.",1:-t,.:',;:ri'..:::i,$::,:t;,r,', :.:t.l -,.1:.ilj :rli .;rijjj--:{,:j- " :l.i;tii,iil.]j,:tl grir,,j\,t .,.,. ,':r,{l#,i#.Eqti:i: , l:: hl'4:.i!:;!li)iiiirt, Xll!.!|,9 r- l'1r-,: IL t: ;fr,r, :,:,,1Ilrj: . (.:,::ii-.3ar-!:_:i 1. liii{rl::,:::.::,}ii : r. ::i i:*. d. t 't';,:., i:...t_..;:ij: l: ::: ::,!j'l...ir?:.ir?r:rrj.i..'::i.a: !i::.,.:::l:1.:t:',t;ir-!i::::;.i'jij,iJ,:r.r:..4.:ri:."'..r.:..'.'r.:...-rr''1.r'!i.a::i::::ii:!i'"..:..r.4.:..i:..... _ ::.:,::.r.i::fj:r:i:ii::::j.:i.i:rr;r'1.1:;.:irr::rl'-:ii;.j:j1::1tii.,,,,,..:..j;'::' i'rl;,;jri;ixl r;i f,ii,,. J,,,,1,1r,;i ;i1iii:i', r;,;, ,_.,.,.,,,:...,*.......,,1:.....,.. :.-.1..j::.. ii....! :.r....:rr: irj.i+ii:t{1:,:.]i ira . \j.1i "'..j-::,'."'"r':i'i:-:,- i.: :' '1: :r:l-:.. .... ..'.: , :j... ..: 'r'r' r"r' 'rj 1 .. 'i I '.: . ii.,::r:!:: : :'.,"'.:'.!.. '."':: i[i.,, Audltiunel,O,ssoii$[i6n,s: tor .ugteriAl s,ft$teri',Above K',i l:iandling,r0ffiesifoii sl6s,, iiisiediffi ovei.,.. '',, :i..1, r.,,!, 15. Special Handling lristructions and Additional lnformation 'li liri iiir; i.,i it " i *f:i ::1 ""i,' l' ,. ..1*:.'i '",',1'i- .i '.:: ,,';' :.1-:/.4 ! I',.] .,, ,i ,i i, : -:.q4-!a.: ..5;"$'i' ,..:l i.r ..:i i .i ioL i . ':1.:r ir 2 t -:.:. : . -i.:1'i s i. t .. : ii .ir .t ,:-:: :i .1, ,1 l:".,.ii,-: ;. ir l'i' ; r ::' i* t-'i .' i'r.- -: .i j .: . ias f ,. '; :-:i'.,:! t l,i 1 6. GENEHATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declarE that the contents of this consignmsnt are fully and accuratEly described above by propershipping nam6 and ara classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respecls in propor condition for transport by highway according to applicable intgrnational and national govErnment regulations. lf I am a large quantity generator, I cortify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically and.the onvironment OR, il I am a small quantity generator, I have mado a good faith etfort to minimizo my wast6 generation and select the best waste managemant method that is available to me and that I can a{ford. Printed/Typed Name Signature ; i Month Day Yeari , j:.,,'".,,,..,,. [. ], ll{-t-,t,;, T R A N S Po R T E R 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Fleceipt of Materials , ,rltl T., :t 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printedffyped Name Signature Month Day Yearttlrlt F A I I T Y 19. Discrepancy lndication Space I ZO. Facniv Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this maniiegt except as noted in ltem 19. Printed/Typed Name Signature Moiith Day Year nlntHl (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.)Form Approved. OMB No. 2050-0039. Expires 9-30-99 EPA Form 8700-200 (Rev. 9-BB) Previous editions are obsolete. t 585-7521 AC4 ;Sru,i.r;S-ffil* S/A.en,/rnk;t$H,::f4 ; i:Jfrt Ui*.'J*',' Prbase print or type. (Forrn designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.)Farm Approvad. OMB No. 205a-00gg. Expires 9-30-99 I..N N I FORM E-I AZAHDOUS WA$T'E MANIFEST .: i :t,} 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. Manifest ,HLG"I,,3,h-&lu,*1,L&k,.8,1,,at$,[..8,1*,9;,1-e$']:[l,i,i]ditli* lnforrnation in the shaded areas is not required by Federal law. 2. l \Generator's Narne and Mailing Addressa TooEtE egl,fr DEPor (HoR?H)7 SIOTE-IR BUII,DING T8 TOOELE, UT 84 074 4. Generator's Phone ( {35) 833-3504 ' A?T}$rtsEAI{i. REY!$O3,DS . its l : StatelGEne iatirrl,Sit Og...;i,.r'ffii i;$ff i,*i.i.hriffi ,,r[i,tii,i:jli*ii$ffi,1i #,ffii'[iiiilixiitrt]i 5. TransDorter 1 Comoanv Name 6, US EPA lD Numberf [^,^^^^:..* t,.1*.L.'* 1 .L.,rtr\ tlirlBloldolohI (g15lv Z TransportCIr 2 Cornpany Name US EPA lD Numberililil8. :,.1 i,.1 r.i lJl t s;rr.rl :.,, i. .1';:j..,ii'J j 11: :l{i/ ir' :i:i'' :.rj., jj ,',. : - : j ..'..- i'. i\ .l - i ,.r.,,. :.. ..:,:.. i:\i... ni*i'ah#O*Ad'i,s..,ffi 0,nei[i riiiilii:riiiriiiffi iir,iiiii:.. L Designated Facility Narne and Site Address '10, US EPA lD Number S.EFETY-KLEE,IT (GRASSY UOI'NTAIN}, INC. EXIT 41 OFF I-80 3 HILES EB.SI. ? !{II,ES NORTH $ElrDovER, uT 94083 lulrlplglg I r ls lo lr lr la la Efli'in-|,I-w**fiffi tnitl$it*i'ffi 11 US DOT Description (lncluding Praper Shipping Name, Hazard Class and lD Number) IHM 12. Containers No. I tvpe 13. Total Quantity 14. Unit WWol ' i;lii:iiiiii:: ii,, r: :i,iit,iilii,';;iiljrliiiil iriiniilliiWeste,:nr$-ii:ti:ffi ii5:,i;itijlllii:irii:,r: : i,ij l(irj.'.1itj'.';i:ilir',i;i.ii a. x HAUAABOUS gAStE, SOLID, $1.O. S, (C$Illtlllrltr IrEAEil, 9, Itre3077, PG IrX ol 0l 6 Dl !r olol 5l?14 DL ffiffiffi b. x 9, 1rN2315, PG rr ,0{ 0l 6 DI M ol21 1l rl B P q. ,x 9r, .1IN2315, PG II .'I Dl u P d.i I il t[.lr''dir ','i'i'if iri i i$[, l,ii,tti,,i$ rffi ,.1.','!i'i Ir:.ri : i.i,-r':*.i:ii.:,ri I Ltp,i'ijii,..t F:ffi{i{ #J**tt rliiiiir! (dditir I ili;::.r,.:{f' fffitrj 15. Special Handling lnstructions and Additional lnformation ' gPa{00-9?-D-00121'0855 2{ m ''XEIIERGEI{CY* g" ' 8O0*,681?50" ('5'79} SK (GS}' IS-TIIE COIITNACTOR TOR EIS BGILTTY' S ALI, BITI,ING &ilD CORRBSPOI{DAI|ffi TOr 'PO BOtt 140,.S,. GUIDEI 1?1,B* GUTDE* 1?1 c: curDs* 171 D.. " r'r " DPo*, lLs: I Gal EhSfE. PLEASE ROUTE sArrKmLL,E, Sr 53080 16, GENEBATOB'S CERTIFICATION: I hareby dodare that th€ contentB of this consignmert ar6 tully and accurately dBcdbod abo/e by prcper shipping name and ar€ c_la8siflod, pack6d, marksd, and labeled; and are in all r€sp€cts in proper condiuon br transport by hlghway according to applicablo imsrndional and nauonal government r8gulatlons. lf I am a large quantlty gEnerator, I cortify that I havo a program in placB to rduce the volume and toxlciv ot waste generated to the dggre€ I hav6 dgterminod to be economically and the environment OR, if I a4 a small quartlty generator, I have mads a good lalth offort to minlrlize my wast€ generation and s6led the be8t waste managoment method that is avallablB to m6 and that I can E ford ^Printed/rvped Narne C]o*.,;-. $\.a\.qa.) Signature f 11 . ^\ Monin Day year \--Jo.- a ) I\Ir.aQ La ) Icloll crcifle T R A N s Po R T E,.R 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Heceipt of Materials fA Printedffvoed Narne tChdi A- K*o,'t B,i,\ ffilr1/i,iffih 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Narne Month Day YearrtltttSignature F A c I T Y 19. Discrepancy lndication Space L. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receiptol hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in ltem 19, PrintediTyped Name Signature Month Day Year fltf,lHl 585-7521 *ffie#f;htAL = ftm*liffiru "f,* GffiS$Eftp."i*'ifi EPA Form 8700-200 (Flev. 9-BB) Previous editions are obsolete. Supplemental Document to Block r, DTID DO# Cbntainers Quantlty/Ug.t lilo. lTtrye LlP ID# Page 1. af 2 l,tanifest# T2011 r Page 1 Clin Ei.n Item Descrlption A A A A A A B B B B 9. 00 9{0{ L0.00 9{0{ lL. 00 9{oil 12. 00 g{0{ 13.00 9{0{ 14 . 00 940t1 1,00 ?005 2.00 ?006 3.00 7006 d.00 7012 5.00 7012 6.00 Tatz 7.00 7a2g 8,00 7a2g DRLIIIt #: 41320M0205902 Y67G222O71ES01" '08'55 AcCt M IIATE: A2/28/OZ N IIRUU *z 41320M0206{01 96.00 P 1 I Dl,I55 1 I nm55 1 I DM55 1 I DI.{55 1 I D!,155 1 I m{55 6 1 I DI,{8 5 1 I m{85 1 I Dt{85 1 I rlr{8 5 1 I Drr85 1 I D[.i8 5 6 1 I Dil55 1 I DM55 2 o B ACCUH DAIE: O3l05lAZ H DRLM #: 41320M0206501 ACCUH DA?E: A3106/A2 N DRUM *r At320t{02065501 ACCUH DA?E: 03/A7 l0z DRUH *; 41320M0206602 ACCTIH DATE I O3/A7 /O2 N DRt H #: 41320!{020?001 A CCuI.f DATE: O3/7I/AZ NS sERIAt #: 6?08?50 ACCU H DATEg 1],./13/0L NSN: SERIAT f: 6?08752 ACCU H DATE: LL|LX|A\ NS}I: sERIAt #: 6?08?45 ACCI, l{ I}ATEr 11/13/01 NSI{ r $ERIAL, #r 904{?1955 AC CUM DATE: LLfiT/AT NSN SERIAIT #: {041054 ACCU !t IIILTE: 11/31/01 NSN: SERIAT#r {0t11253 ACcl,I H DtrTEr 71./13/01 NSN: DRt !{ *: PCts0202A23AZ A cct !t DAIE: 01/23lOZ Ns DRt t{ #: PCts020202301 A CCLJM DAfE: 0 L/23fi2 NS Y67G2220L7Ei0A2 Y67G?.?,20?18003 Y67G2220?18004 1it67g222CI718005 s67G?,2247 18006 Llne Totals Y6'/,c?.2,201,6800rt Y67G2220168005 t867G?'?.20168006 Y67G?,220168007 v67G2?20168008 w67G2?20168009 Line Totals Y67G2?2070800r1 r67G2220708005 Line Totals 88.00 P 92.00 P 96" oCI P 100,00 P 102,00 P 57{.00 P 300.00 P 300.00 P 300,00 P {06,00 P 406.00 P {06.00 P 2118.00 P 5?{.00 P 590.00 P 1t5it. 00 P 0855 0B 55 0855 08 55 085s 0855 08 55 0855 08 55 0855 08 55 08s5 0855 C c -e't \r oA- ,(H ,#ttr. Irt Menilest No. T2OIIGcnerator TOOELENOS11E Prrrndbi*0'CFR $25t4dt!'hrcty@tfirfipmtcddort:rf rcrlri.irda&r.il0CFR?rtz68ld'DirpodfrrEiclfurt@Rr)* A. GENERAL }VASTE NOTIrICATION E'or mrfi B - EPA lf,tarte Coder ''-n ''u. & EDR'silhcatigorles'$fmylr 'ii; r'i. ;li.:r, ,l;;. '. ii ,,i i'.t$f codmarasc,4fufrffiI lrfl$[nffi, ,'rr,rt.t,; li*'3:., :r.. . :,s" I : +1'!: lVffitcCinrfrtucntfiCIfrIErfloni , fi"'i";" Ckcchtha tlMirn,n'bffi'or =tWt qcleCowtfrteld # or weAtuMtZ I GSdElg447?,-94 ' D006 IXXI8 fl cnc* ifAsachffit I hs.,beta,usod m EIN* tr Check if.Asnchcat Z har,bGGa.rucd. 2 GIr[226843t NOTIB f=l gfuob'If*fiEfhod' t has bton' uscd .-:" i , tr u l:-: EIN*c tr chscktrAhMzhobamurd 3 Glrfl22684:l0,' NONE -, ". Lr.. !t\ EI ttme' t] chso[ ifArbchcd 2 hB bGssuscd 4 El,,Cht*"ifAfinchffi I hs,boau rccd :ii*:',i: l' r'.1' flN*u E Ctu.f ifAthtuI@bG€oused 5 fl cnoc* ifArhc.hc*'r hrs bGcsrxcd" ii,l.oi5:;.-.ie..1 jii, ,.r, ' .- 6 '*fl'Nffi'' D m* ifAfrchpd? h'bccouscd [l mir hamdou"dcbriq s idrffied,&orlemtrircNo{rt'' - nm,up"a*,-*;;*.m1ff'f- $z6s*z(.! ' f'elr@ uadif pco@ of lm fu I prrrmlli trw Gmi-cd'& 6 fuilir uridi tiG'trnrht & &t 6a lS pi* cofiid ri'b wrrtu td"hsvc rd bctn mh&d'uinrAppcod[nNbil{rCBRPrt26t&&d'&irtrbp.drwill'bGrrdtoscnilbdimficintyinooqfiiarccwiii'lb'dffiw'ffid'ffi. fri 16 ps*r"* 4CI CFR' g26t:42(s). I o car td tGrG rc significd Foldoo &r daiElqg a &lia osilifcdmi hchdfu'trpordtilit, of fnc c iryclrmrd. J_I mir waster as idsdified ebove oalineNo(s} E, EXTENgIONS &.ITARIANCE,S, i. is d prohibitcd fffi,lad dispmel & i*nrbjcctto e-dmdlirs'e#easistr u-variuce ag.,trdilityt'niacqca.+!Fceffirioo, henbblovary&niororwtouethdqliettoilrirme&iruhale'qlicablefus: t5c--,'- lt\..,'*^ . 0^"; [)r;Iso*i coL , c4, E,Eil..,i,.: . itlc[HrfEE]Ifg ArfiortzBtt Elgnailrc l\runc dE TIUe (Pflx0s6 or TJipGdl LI}R .NOTIFTCATT$ffir,B;Offi.f, '* a o o print #1"0". Form designed for use Form Approved. OMB No. 205G.0O39. *,pires 9-3G99 t: If--uflt I Fo R M H AZAR Do u s\*/ wAqIE_!!4NIFEsr 1. Generators us EpA tD No. ySl;jfrTnt No. ul rl 3l a!-1.31 9lzt.glBlel4l,tl?l 01111 2' Page 1 | tnformation in the shaded areas.oI l, I is not required by Federat law. AT?N:DEAN RBY-I{OLDS E "A"tofs Name and Mailing Address a TooEtE ARur DEPor (NoRTH)- SIOTE-IR BUTI,DING T8 TOOELE, UT 840?4 4. Generato/s Phone ( 435) 833-350{ A. State Manifest. Document'Number 5. TransDorter 1 (, [o,^^^^: Company Name +t?.\\ rn rr) l-,-rrl uX*-r r+ 6.US EPA lD Number I .L'rrr\ t-rir-lal ol dolo lrr l(rtrlv G. State Transporter's lD D. Transportefs Phonq ht 1544^zLz s zlTransportlr 2 Company Name US EPA lD Number8.E. State Transporte/s lD F. Transportefs Phone 10. US EPA lD Number INC. MITES NORTH lulrlolg lg lr ls lo lr lz la la Designated Facility Name and Site Address SAFETY-I(LEEN ( GRASSY UOIIHTAIN ) EXIT 4I OFF I-80 3 MITES EAST. WENDOVER, UT 84 083 o a 7 G. State Facilihls lD H. Facilit/s Phone 11.US DOT Description (lncluding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard C/ass and lD Numbe) HMI 12. Containers No. I Tvoe 13. Total Quantity 14. Unit Wt/Vol E N E B A il x EnZIRDOUS mSrE, SOLTD, t{. o. S. (CAII{ILH, IfiAI}' 9, I{r307?, PG lrr ol ol 6 Dl u ol olsl?14 P F 7 x PoLYCETpRINATED BTPEmIYLS, SOLrD 9, 1112315, PG rI ol ol5 Dl u ol21 1lr. l I P \ \.x poLycEIoRrNerED BIPEEIIYLS, SOLrD 9, 1112315, PG rr ol ol 2 Dl u ol 11 L1 61 4 P d. r-- !o g*on3f D escri,qli,ons for,Mater:ials Usted Above "''"'''h*'i ffi;;Aa|72:g1irr14"OoOOir :':'',' ' " :r",:i1 '" "it:'' t3=t"t'g5.2268{31ttt^:':'jr:jr;'1"}:" *-+*'i+I'vr" '''iri*r':' - ' l' ,: :rl',:.Q;;lGli2268'l30:rr;:: ',1t1riu,'*q1:, 'r,:: ,.':r:,, ,;;-,eri.1.;.. .,, -r . 'i DPor' lL(] I G"f 5ASTE. PUEJASE ROtIfESAUrELIS, m 53080 15.Special Handling lnstructions and Additional lnformation 5P4{00-9?-D-0012: 0855 21 m ID{ERGEIETI: 800{581?60 (5?9) rRrrcrt , AotTto rRlr{s ry Pot, [15 lb1 SK (GSI IS TEE COI{IIRNCTOR TOR TEIS r}SILITY' SAtt BIttIilG AllD CORRESPOT{I}AilCE TO: PO BOX 1{0,A. GUIDEI 1?1B. GUIDE' 171 C. GUIDEI 171 D. 16. GENERATORTS CERTIFICATION: I hgreby declare that the cont€nts of this consignment are tully and accurately describod above by proper shipping nam€ and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and arg in all respects in propsr condition lor transport by highwav according to applicable international and national govsmment r€gulations. ll I am a large quantity generator, I cartity that I have a program in placa to raduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I havs determinBd to be economically and tho environmont; OR, if I am a small quantity genarator, I have made a good faith efiort to minimize my waste gsneration and select the best waste management method that is availabl€ to me and that I can afiord. ^Printed/rvped Name C]o.,.o.: -, h\,--\.qa,-) Signature I 11 . ^\ Month Day year L-lr\- t ) I\\ 1,. Q ;- ) lrs{l oalor a T H A N s P o R T E R 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Fleceipt of Materials fA Printed/Tvoed Name tCht A. Ku-n 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Yearltlrlt F A c I L, I T Y d K n 19. Discrepancy lndication Spacet'&fo',P;"rff; -. (j,ffi atc-tyLh CLta .edhu.*[*i-, u-]a &-.;t[h t#q"7/-,.-C"- --- L"/ h xI- /*OZ .t't A.-t /) llA I l--1 .1I}acilityowneroropprator:pertificationowceiplofhazardousmaterialscoue,e*6ymi,(na,lWl/N{///////r- (/tlms 'fW /fi/,/// ,W{h;p 585-7521 EPA Form 8700-200 (Rev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. ORIGI}.IAL. RETUHN TO GENERATOR Jr. 1O oA 11:19a Contract #: DR]'IO TOOELE 435 882 s853 p.2 sP4400-97-D-0012 Disposal Facility: Date: SK Grassy Mountain 06 June 2002 Generator:Tooele Armv Depot Delivery Order #:855 Profile / Approval #: Manifest #: T20ll Please change the above: Chanee weisht on line B fronx 2118 P to 963 K ard on line C from 1164 P to 529K. Reason for change:The weiehts need to be chaneed from pounds to kilosrarns because these items were PCB waste. We will match these changes as stated in this letter. Please call with any questions regar{ing this matter. (Name) (Title) (Telephone) P. 3 Ju n 1O 02 1t : 1 g a DR I ' { O TO O E L E T6 ' d -l u l o r 43 5 88 2 58 5 3 Ec r E tl t EE oB ll ll EB CEC'FCI ,E L ._ < o( , ll 1l Ot > II rldit -e i :lPIdl ;l ,0 I ilw7 l 'u tn . IT JEE' (I t- '- J+ - 7I ' E H P' 'S t gA H a ;t r = I Er ts E E 6 n' 5 HX E 'r o B X $+ H {tr (g I ': IlIIt: h, l ol tr , I hl {} ! il cl 4luru t FI ri iE2ffEol-orlIL) v,GIJ JEE tt O rt J - gn J' .r baE rt F Et t ox ci qDLlI , (9 ll rJHl- ,* ,r6 !O ? 9! 9 >P E fr - * l S? E lL j- l= o ]i ' 9 6 Ef ; T E-f= t ) rE 6 lu a s, Eo ? 6, E S {} E tl c ig s (| l L rJ . 4?l ,f l t.oC)Hl-TJ l-q,4o(J a-aEIGEr -aT9 ti lE H* $H" E[ H tl l 5 g= ( Gr l7LllAl ilT\f Jd J+ JF a>) J- gr\ts{\f I-) a at r , E: E lr l l J , ETEd ba e3 G( l- E El Eo ,E U l- t r l = si f ; Yo H d{. fi<.= I a \rr l- Io \r * a^- t, r l qJ 4 d .- . g +iY a ty .. g \r ,Ft T- r d.- !I ^a \ r- r $ ,l - . 1 \*-r .F J o\}, l+I rr r<a IIII "J l \g '^ l jl t- l _gEx gHs -l *9:1 *I fr r H il0- f d hI h: h! ;r\ I )E€r{ 0A GIM .lc11 \,or \,o .f , JOi I, 1 yf\h oF1/ | EE a ,_ - tL rt s p E- * B fv l b{ se D4 Ca € U *J Eg a. 5 t.L t. { .o{-. J IkN hf\ t hA, ) la^I 31 L tl tl l o- l- X ,x ) x ) x r61 i e.. IE\ u. l 6 gD - p l& l ll r r EE rE z o: ) Es {CEF ohr5.sr€ $J \4r).sF\) tTFsF-t III ulhl s{JFlJdsl fl rlql -ivloll t' l4If,oY tJo t1t{ofr l tl ,. , ) c3 t,r l -]oiqot r. t l ol f. l l o1 ae l dl O- l HU l n ' (5 5 ) 53 - l l^ l g d j I^ I U E P : E I TE l g Z ' 9 A - g A OI t8 ' a 31 3 0 0 1 0h ] } f f i )-- BilTO GENEsATOB / pnnt or typo. (Form designed for use on elite 11z-pitch) tyrcwriter.)Form Approvd. OMB No.205G0039. Eryiiresg-3&gg G E N E B A, A B UNIFOR]T,I HAZARDOUSA WASTE MANIFEST 2' Page 1 | tnformation in the shaded areas. 9f* 1, l- i;;;i rli-ulreo by Federal law. IJherato/s Name and Mailing Addle_s! _- ?OOELE ARTfY DEPOT (NORTII) SIOTE-TR BUII.DING T8 TOOELE, UT 8{074 4. Generato/s Phone ( {35) 839:15.0,1 AIIN:DEAN REYIIOLDS .&:State tvtanifest Document'Number . ': :, , ;, .. ":{#4.**r-:Xr;qilX;"'.:""i':''.' .':r;,'',;',.-: ir",.' i:" ' ;'.'.'''''. i1'''.".;;i :*rii?,rt*i;;.ri;i'ii . if,;:i i;;;i US EPA lD Number5. Transoorter 1 f'[o*^'^: Company Name nL> f-J-*Li-l -L'tcr\hlrlalol dolobI(rh-lY 6. 23t l&ii^-zlzs'' US EPA lD Numberililll8.ll E Tnrsportefls,Ft, one'. 10. US EPA lD Number INC. HILES NORTH lulr lDl e I g l1 l3 I o lr lzlqlp o Designated Facility Name and Site Address SAFETY-ICLEEN ( GR.BS SY }TOIJNTAIH ) H(IT 41 OFF I-80 3 }TILBS EAST. HENDO\IER, UT 84 0 83 a 7 H. Facilitt's Phone : ,,,i-. . ,- ,80L1323-8900 11.US DOT bescription (lncluding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard C/ass and lD Number) f HMI 12. Cantainers No. I Tvoe 13. Total Quantity 14. Unit I4Wol l. .. Waste No. il x BZAnmUs gesrE, soLID, N.O.S. (CeD{rLn{, TEAII} 9, !rt3077, PG rrr ol ol6 Dlu ol olslTl4 P F 7 x POIYCEIORII,IITED BfPEBIIS, SOLfD 9, LrlJ2315, PG fI ol ol6 Dl u ol2l 11 1l B P \ \.x POI,rcEIORII'IArED BIPElIrn S, SOLID 9, t ]12315, PG II ol ol 2 Dl !f olll 11 61 4 P d. .a ) J-dditional Descriptions for Materials Ljsted Above .: .. . ' /. .i .i" 1 -.r.1 A; Gf6!J6843$.1:'.:i.3.=i,i{.-::' :, -- . - -'-€-'-Gll226S{3O'* ;:''-=" G-' I ....'1 K Handling Codes for Wastes Uqled Above .i'' . . ,. Special Handling lnstructions and Additional lnformation SP4{00-9?-IF0012r 0855 15.2t B, ElrEnGIil,CTr: 8fiX6817@ (579) rRucxt. Aoll(r' rRrils 1: Pol sK (GS! rS TEB 6['IrnnCrOR mR TEISALt BII,LITIG T}ID @RRESPOt{INilCE TO: ' I l5 lL'? DPor' I I.g: I Gol EACtLTff' S rASTE. PI.Eif,SE NOT'TE PO BOX 1{0, SNrryrIJS, rI 53080A. GUIDEI 171B. GUIDEC 171 C. GT'IDEI 171 D. 16. GENERATORS CEBTIFICATION: I hereby dedare that the contents of rhis consiEnmBnt are fully and acqirately clescribed abow by propar diipping nam6 and arc dasslfied. packed. mE kBd, and labalsd, and are in dl rsspocts in proper condition loitransport b,y highwai accoEline to spdicable intsmltional and national govsmmBnl tBgulalions. avallable to me and trat I c8n E rord, ^Printed/rvped Name Cbr.*:- N,-.\.sc*) Signature t 11 . ^\ Month Day year \--Jo.- t) l\uaa la ) lo.tl ci+lcta T R A N S Po R T E R 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Fleceipt of Materials fA Printed/Tvoed Name , -h;f A- Ko.n '' e-11 KA;iWh 18. Transpoder 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Yearrrtrll F A c I L I T Y -) -h ra-.t rt "i-|nt f l-1 ,1, ,4 d 19. Discrepancy lndication Space f 20. Facility Owner or Opprator: fb4{g4ion or4cetpt ot hazaroous materiati corere@y tniffia4itesl3rceptffot"d in tt", ts.'//lfrr(-/// /// /f I,^^rr M /hr:" /ftild Month Dav Year rF,{fir,P 58$7521 EPA Form 870S200 (Rw. 9-88) Prwious edittons are obsolete. o FIFFl tsEHo Fl t!ot: d U-0Fgc0 F FJ ( . ) ( r O C , ; ) ET F fr g Fi -k i XE I F F f' = ( } ri : b .t \. 1 :- d (---H C PF u !- ' = ' b H z tr E c 3H . R . A E H L- , ' iJ i- . A tr Lr l ;J o< ts sr r r f r )- . 7 5F Li !J ra gA= v r) a RF r x( D ,. i =3E r- | tf . ts . : =AEO ao :t h Fr l \i F t5 o\ ol doi . . > 5& v{o D) io FC , Fto a oa a o (Dr- t i- j 'op, (D 'o H)(,a "d U) Fe F}o Floo fr j rr rr J F?)-U fr lEo F- l zofrHl+ , 1* r)ct rtoN) IoO&$: . I\ J N)O.@5 U. l ()ao r ur N) !!F\o In =r)gl r) -t+t .N)ouT N'w oN) F H$ = i c s F FT E F € H Fi F s 3 \o o I 3 -. I Ft i, Fi Al E il €E F a H c- g =' E a =' z E= ? r> l r = E . 5 Ly i J t . E =' = D ) a i f v( - a =' '( , cr co i s - . l () F i C ) A ) I - l . g' ; i l o = l - ;; E A E -E - - C l r - Fr g. rD r- D lt - o 7; r i 3 lH FB * rH E + Ig Fs € a l= E BE . d fi il E e i d€ E i q E =s r = . t r c u r0 ? g a- A- E= = . A- ?A tr ' o P i. E sg H s E. il . I ] 5 o i r . 6= = + = g' € 3 * B =. o = -c Gl v) IB ( D O PI J 6 er 8 3' -q sg r f 5 =o a B = o. 5. ? a3 g HE E 6 g Fs $ gE E g + 5F F F€ a s A =E g E6 E g Es i *i s F HH g E[ g >I j ' e F r 5 - . - &o B& c !r o (, o o A'ai O O - vr 6 9 3 :, Z H ? t =^ O E +O O S 6 '' t - E' " Bl r Fi r 6' E pl AA () o A =H ' j 3?ar ' t\ )3I 1e q /; M I ;* . ff i , i l 's n e A ' * ' H Tl s #f f i ff i f f i 1" f f i ,' ff i ,@ ff i # o D'E ?i-(aaoj. r CIo (Df- t F'F' tr , oqoI- t TOOELE ARrvry DEPOT (NORTI{) PO BOXD TOOELE Attn: CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL 8447 4 Safety-Kleen Inc. Grassy Mountain Facility 3 mi East 7 mtNorth of Exit 41 offI-80 Clive, Ut 84029 EPA ID# - UTD9913O 1748 Mailins Address: P.O. Box 22750 Salt Lake City. Utah 84122 Disp Cell Disposed As required by 0 CFR 761-28 (a), we are providing this Certificate of Disposal to confirm that the following loads: Load ID Line WS Number Waste Name WTKG Type 200200fl74 BI GBO2.OO83 DRAINED TRAI{SFORMERS 247 T cz,c5,7 a4D312002 shipped on manifest number T2011 was/were diqposed in an EPA approved chemical waste landfill. Under civil and criminal penelties of law for the making or zubmission of false or fraudulent statements or representations (18 U.S.C 1001 and 15 U.S.C 2615),I certify that the inforrration contained in or accompanyrng this document is true, accurate and complete. As to the identified section(s) of this document for which I cannot personally veriff truth and accuracy, I certify as the company official having zupervisory responsibility for the person who, acting under my direct instructions, made the verification that this information is true, accurate, and complete. RW{fl"a*- Gary tr-. Mossor, General Manager CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL TOOELE ARIvtY DEPOT (NORTH) PO BOXD TOOELE Attn: uT 84074 Safety-Kleen Inc. Grassy Mountain Facility 3 mi East 7 mtNorth of Exit 41 offI-80 Clive, Ut 84029 EPA ID# - UTD9913OI748 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2275Q SaIt Lake Ciqv. Urah 84122 As required by 40 CFR 761-28 (a), we are providing this Certificate of Disposal to confirm that the following loads: Load ID Line WS Number Waste Name !\rr KG Type Disp Cetl Disposed 200200fi74 GBO2.OO83 DRAINED TRANSFORMERS 247 T CZ,C1,7 04125/2002 shipped on manifest number T2011 wa"Vwere disposed in an EPA approved chemical waste landfill. Under civil and criminal penelties of law for the making or submission of false or fraudulent statements or representations (18 U.S.C 1001 and 15 U.S.C 2615),I certif that the information contained in or accompanyng this document is true, accurate and complete. As to ttre identified section(s) of this document for which I cannot personally veriS truth and accuracy, I certif as the company offcial having supervisory responsibility for the person who, acting under my direct instructions, made the verificzition that this infonnation is true, accurate, and complete. -W{fl"a-- Gary L. Mossor, General Manager CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL TOOELE ARIvtY DEPOT (NORTIO PO BOX D TOOELE Attn: Safety-Kleen Inc. Grassy Mountain Facility 3 mi East 7 mi North of Exit 4l off I-80 Clive, Ut84029 EPA ID# - I..]'TD99L3O174B Mailing Address: P.O. Box 22750 Salt Lake Citv" Utah 84122 uT 84A74 As required by 40 CFR 761-28 (a), we are providing this Certificate of Disposal to confirm that the following loads: Load ID Line WS Number Waste Name WT KG Type Disp Cell Disposed 200200 tt70 cB02-0083 DRAINED TRA].ISFORMERS 970 T cz-ct4-z 0510812002 shipped on manifest number T20Il was/were disposed in an EPA approved chemical waste landfill. Under civil and criminal penelties of law for the making or submission of false or fraudulent statements or representations (18 U.S.C 1001 and 15 U.S.C 2615),I certifr that the information contained in or accompanying this document is true, accurate and complete. As to the identified section(s) of this document for which I cannot personally veri$ truth and accuracy, I certiff as the company offcial having supervisory responsibility for the person who, acting under my direct instructions, made the verification that this inforrnation is tnre, accurate, and complete. 2W{fl'**v Gary L. Mossor, General Manager **z*r'ru E ca H $s rtrEess ffi ilgilsfr s rB NOTIFICATIOI.{ OF WASTE ACCEPTANCE Safety-Kleen, Grassy Mountain Facility (GBo2-0083) Prepared: Apnl 10,2A02 Waste Name: Process Producing Waste: Type of container: EPA Waste Codes: PCB2 ProIile Sheet No: 226g43l ffi$ttfill|.ltlsglt" TRA].ISFORMER DISCARDED }IATERIAL DRIJM Custonl er Maillne I n formati on 'V/aste Acceptance No: GB02-00E3 EPA ID: UT3213820894 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT (NORTID BLDG T8 SIOTE.iR (435) 833-3504 TodeLB DEAI.I REYI.IOLDS uT 84014 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT (IroRTH) PO BOXD TOOELE Thank you for selecting Safety Kleen, Grassy Mountain for your waste management requirements. Your waste stream has been reyiewed and is acceptable for rnanagernent at ow facility based on the information provided on the profile sheet number listed above and conditions listed below" Our facility has the necessary permits for mariaging this waste and will accept this waste as indicated below. The Waste Acceptance -$umber must be listed on all siripping documents and correspondence. Please retain these documents for your records and futrre reference. Qn*rU you have any questions, or to schedule a shipment, please contact Grassy Mountain Customer Service at 1-801-323-8900. The waste steam identified by the reference nurnber above is acceptable for disposal with the following treatrnent: INCINERATE OILILANDFILL CARCASS This vaste is acceptable for delivery beginning on ApriVl0/2002 and expires on ApriV10i2003 An auual certification and review of this waste skeam will be required for continued acceptability. Shipping Requirennents : Comments: The Acceptance Number must be clearly marked on top of every container. Approval Brett Bushnefi $f , ,- Date:Approval JACK (JOHN H.) KEHOECil , Date:_rtT Safety-Kleen (Gossy Moutain ), Inc., P.O. Box 22750, Salt Lake City, Utah 84122 (801) 323-8900 Fax: (80f ) 323-8990 lof I Authorization: Sfi? #rffi flem H $erulc*s ffit.:.glsH&sg Prepared: Apnl 10,2002 Waste Name: Process Producing Waste: Typ. of container: EPA'Waste Cotles: PCB C u_stonrer Site In formation Wasto Acceptance No: GB02-0084 EPA ID: Lr8213820894 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT (NORTrr) BLDG T8 SIOTE.IR 1435) 833-3504 TodBt B DEAI.I REYNOLDS UT 84074 TOOELE ARMY DEPOT CNORTID PO BOXD TOOELE uT 84074 Thank you for selectiag Safety Kleen, Grassy Mountain for your waste managernent requirements. Your waste stream has been reviewed and is acceptable for management at our facility based on the information provided on the profile sheet number listed above and conditions listed below. Our facility has the necessary permits for managing this waste and will accept this waste as indicated below. The Waste Acceptance Number must be listed on all shipping documents and correspondence. Please retain these documents for your records and future reference. fnord you have any questions, or to schedule a shipment, please contact Grassy Mountain Customer Service at 1-801-323-8900. The waste stream identified by the reference number above is acceptable for disposal with the following treatrnent: This waste is acceptable for delivery beginning on Landfill ApriVLLl}0,AZ and expires on April/10/2003 An annual certification and review of this waste stream will be required for continued acceptability. Shipping Requirements : Comments: The Acceptance Nurrber must be clear$ marked on top of every container. Authorization: %$tlou.HBoil, NOTIFICATIO}.I OF WASTE AC CEPTAI{CE Safety-Kleen, Grassy Mountain Facility (GBoz-0084) Profile Sheet No: 2261430 SOIL CLEAI.IUP IUATER"IAL DRTII\4 Approvat: . . Bfett BuShnell $, B Approval' JACK (J0HN H.) t(EHoE m Safety-Klecn (Grassy Mountain ), Inc., P.O. Box 22750, Salt Lake City, Utah 84122 (801) 323-8900 Fax: (8O1) 323-8990 lof I Please print or fh-degjgffed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.)L p;: Form '#r*r$ Expirese-3o-ee R A T o R UNIFONM E.{AUARDO!.JS WASTE MANIFEST 1. Generator's US EPA lD No. Meinifest Document No. ,I|,'l,.rT,J,$, 1 .;[,'X,,1-, :l"8;f E{&,S,*|,9.nil,fl',,{'['j 2 1,0,'I I"f 2 2' Page 1 | lnformation in the shaded areas , Pl ,J:;'" ,,1 is not required by Federal law. 3.Generator's Name and Mailino Address TOCELE ARMY DEPOT f NORTH) SIOTE_IR tsUItDING TB TOOELE, UT s40?4 Generator's Phone ( 435) 833-3504 ATTN3DEAN REYNOLDS 4. ,ft ,,$Ht$, Maniiq5t,;Doeurne nt't.NUmber t,,i,.1fr,,lrl.i:r.,i,L,f,.i".ti'-.'',,.'t,'t',-,,,,.',:,,.iLl.*'.t1.,;.i;-,tl t.'..-,r,r B 5. Transporter 1 Gompany Name TT, As Ta-e.hr s/c"rL Tu c- 6. US EPA lD Number lol td ulylBlr lslel&l?n li 7. Transporter 2 Company Nalne B.US EPA lD Numberllilil E 9.Designated Facility Name and Site Address SAFETY-KtEEN (ARAGONITE} 11600 NORTH APTUS ROAD ARAGONTTE, UT 84 029 10. US EPA lD Number INC, lu lr lD Ie ls 11 15 15 l2 11 17 l? 11.US DOT Description (lncluding Praper Shipping Name, Hazard C/ass and lD Number) rHM I . 12. Containers No. I tvpe 13. Total Quantity 14. Unit WWoI a. x IIAUARDOUS $ASTE, SOIII D' I'!. O. 5. (CAIII{IIJI{, I{ETEXIT ETEYIJ KETOITE) 9, Nr30??, PG rrr 0'l0I1'CIM Ozq 8offi P b. ,{:'r,:',, ,'.itl :'.:', c. d, lr i! r!: J neil', DeScr:ipti 6n$ ,,fo r, Material$'Listed'.A[Ove,, ;.,,,,]I 15.Special Handling lnstructions and Additional lnformation SPd d 0CI-g?-D-0012 : 08 55. " i 2{'m E{ERGmICf,*g 8004681?60' (579) r v I rnnns 1: Po*'l 15 113 DPo*, ll5ll{ SASTE. PLEJIsE ROUTE SAUI(VrLLE, Sr 53080A. B. GUIDB# 1?1 c D SK (G5) IS Tffi.'CONTruICTOR TCIR TIilS FACII,ITYTSALI BILLIIIG AllD CORRESPONDA]ICE fO: PO BOX 1{0, 1 6. GENERATOR'S CEBTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classilied, packed, marked, and laboled, and are in all respects in prop'er condition toatransport by highway according to applicable international and national government rggulations. lf I am a large quantity generator, I certify that I havo a program in placo to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically and..ths environment OB, if I am a small quantity gensrator, I havs made a good faith effort to minimize my waste genBration and select the best waste management method that is available to m€ and that I can aftord.*"*ryi:Jl5 (r;\sa.)sisnature 0 ro. .l ilrr-e--n^^. IHKtrl*I,il T H A N s Po H T E H 17. Transpofter 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ar' Printed/Typed Name CJu). fraE; Signature Month- €{yC-,€*E n,aW Day WV Year ldlz 18. Transportdr 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials / Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day YearItttlt r A c I L I T Y 19. Discrepancy lndication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as ngtsd in ltem 19.W q"\ r'tM ,*rq[e$/Typeo Name / t-fll.Pn N*,#t { n!.r *a#trtr (€'f,? ^^ M,4Att W'fu 585-7521 i,rffil ffimfiffitruAt* mE31rmN T'ffi ffiffiP{EmATffim EPA Form 8700-200 (Rev. 9-BB) Previous editions are obsolete. '/ Please print or type. (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.)Form Approved. OMB No. 2050-0A39. Expires 9-30-99prant or type. (l-orm destgneo lor use on tul Aur E N. E R A T o .R [..I N ! FOHM I{AZAR DO[.'S WASTE MANIFEST 1. Generator's US EPA lD No. Manifest, Document No.,,1,f' l . l ' l, l l. l l'' 1,' I' l''' l- l l'' l' I 2' Page 1 I lnformation in the shaded areas()r : I is not required by Federal law. a Generator's Name and Mailino Address . ; t"1 ..ii.r,r,j,- r'1;lir;i' t :,.u{;i: i'"iYi ; irt ';: l- ,; 1 o ,jfj'i,:, 'i i,i i...'l i j n,,j I, i.j:r 'itr+ .: 'i :j i.i,. ,:. ,, i:, , .i, ?,';:' r.1 :-f I i ' ,i .j, Generator's Phone ( u "' ) ri ::t ,it."i'{ 4. .F-J5"rsPorter 1€omPany Name \ $, W,..t *."4t.* [,*{ *,1.**.L.;:,3***d 6.US EPA lD Number lir;rili. |;;; Jt ft li:", 1#:-,1?i F lt 4+s4th+ ka.r LU .q1,;-' \g+;/ ltrr:I'I. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 8.US EPA lD Numberililll 9.Desi s n,ate-S Facil ity !\f _4m e, 4n d Sitg $$d r:egs : , ,,'.Ii'1,,'j" trt . 1r, l ,Ilr+i:?, ;' lr. i,1,;:'i;; i; ,ii'i i ';r'i1 i i i;ri,, iij:r ,i;,'.1:tri ,:,.i.rr1'|:i;;,; f;.ii"ri.."j.,i.,l ,1ii,rl;:ir.;-,,;;, ,+.,i. i :'i{,. li:'?t .,;,;1; 1r,;.:ir 10.US EPA lD Number , :'1. { }j l,r' lt, ,, l,u Iru 1,, I 11.US DOT Description (lncluding Proper Shipping Name,Hazard C/ass and lD Number)12. Containers No. I tvpe 13; Total Quantity 14. Unit WWol a. ?=irrll::;.;..1.& -,.|, b..l; :i. C. 1i:r,: :l:-it,i:ir :lii llii:i;:r1.:i':l: t.::;:',,2;*,i;1t, d. ... 1 :: :r'i' ; ;: r:''i ii .i,..: .: t.- "1" i i :d ir.,1,: ir,; :i::i :..1:l:.i.:i if,:ti.) i,t!.!:,:i, :::.,:i!,::.1=,t.,:.n ]:ir..l, .;., r,irs;ir:.i 1ii i. ::..:iii1.tl !:j r:: lj.:!.' :..:!:.r-..r:l r1i"':i;.ij:!r::j:rj:: :1:; :..... 1.r.:..:.!.r.:.."'r,r?..1.ili:ll;l{. .r1r.1:r:! ii:.r:r:'..r ri. +::r: r:.r:: 11 .: 'lr.r: iir,,;;ii,j1.t.1ii+.i:iii: ii:. :,};r':l 'i: :l,i,,iri i:::li!:r ::.i.1.:\!t '..:rr'. i. it Eiii;:i::4 $,SSFnal ft$cjintffi,r6,ruateiiats, ti dffiove It* ,'i:i',,,, ;rt;.i;: i4.f.'.irffi,,r+.$,tr''..,,,,.i t.,i,,,,r:{l :,,+i;;}$it,u.,i"*rt+ i,.tid"i,.L;.i:1t..9i l'iirtirl :K"HahdiinE"OOAEs :fo,r :Wastes;,,L ffi . nnOVe il f::::i:::i:ij,':..'.:.-r: 1.",,r.':.:jr:.1 ::::..:..:r.-:-:...::..:: :i..r..i.i 1.1..-:1,.r1:;.11. ..,:,j,,:::,,,,,,,ii,],,,j,,,,,,,,,,,,,',::l,,::,:,:,:, . r":i:r.:r::i. ).1.::. .:.1 :.t.:r:::r.ir-:l.iii::.:jt j.:i..::.r1:: : ,, 'iii .i, :,ii {1ri.iti--1i ;i;ir i, i1. ii'.ir .i ii ' i': ?,r 1: iri i '.i' -.it ji, rdr:J Edlr,i. ' .: *fi :,,i f: J: 'l' Ft:.1 ,1 -.t 15. Special Handling lnstructions and Additional lnformation ":t !' r'Y .. 'J t -11's t. I *4: i ig1y1 t+9*r*** i i li'i- i_ r: '.:!n' ! < a#.- , ,pa;, i tY,a.': i I , i j *",'I |r'r' ii. ;'j :i l l,ir- : .i:i,i-i.j'a!'..i fr: ,*i';,"i1 ,.::t'.,ii- :,;il;i.l," .',;r:';r' |t";:i ii,i,itt.i.i,:;-;lll 1ii, 'i! r!l 16. GENEBATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that th€ clntsnts ot this consignment are tully and accurately described abo/e by proper shipping name and are classmed, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respEcts in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable intornational and national governm€nt regulations. ll I am a large quantity genarator, I certify that I have a program in plaoe to reduce the volume and toxicity ot waste generated to the degree I have detgrminod to be economically and the environment; OR, i, I am a small quantity gonerator, I have mad6 a good faith offort to minimize my waste generation and select the best wasto management mothod that is available to me and that I can afiord. Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day".i, YearI I ,l l,*"'l | : T H A N S Po R T E R 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Fleceipt of Materials Signature Month Dry Yrql. ,,;' 1', l" I l.!' I l;-L' 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Fleceipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Month Day Yearsignature rrrrrr F A c I L l T Y 19. Discrepancy lndication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certitication of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in ltem 19. Printed/Typed Name signature {vtonth Day Wr ttttll 585-7521 GENERATOffi COPY EPA Form 8700-200 (Rev. 9-BB) Previous editions are obsolete. Please print ortype. (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.)Form Approvdd. OMB No. 20504039. Expires 9-30-99 I G E N E R A T o H I I UNIFORM hIAEhNDO[."8S WASTE MANIFEST :*I:Ii 1. Generator's US EPA lD No. ManifestDocument No. .t&l;,iE'J*$t,.'p ,fu | l#*t:3ef,0:r;t$-,1. r[#r{&[r8,1i$::1't.'1'8'i o.Generator's Name and Mailinq Address TOOELE AR}ff DEPOT' fNOR?H} SIOTE-IR BUIIDING T8 TOOELE, UT 84074 Generator'sPhone ( 435) 833-350{ ATTN:.DEAN REYHOLDS 4. 5. Transporter 1 Company Name i T?S,Ss Ta-** sr/or*r]- :f.r (- . 6. US EPA ID Number lol tcl uly 13 lr sl8l&l?n lt :r,i ,,.:r'l;i:r i,:.:'ii ii;j \.: I.i.f:: i'\. rj..r' r'i;i :i 7.Transporter: 2 Cornpany Nalne 8.US EPA lD Number \' ri,r, ::.:..i1':f,::, r':.r 'j . :.. .:,r.. rf o Designated Facility Name and Site Address SAFETY-KIEEN (ARAGONITE} 11.600 NORTH APTUS ROAD ARAGONTTE, UT - 84 A29 10. US EPA lD Number INC. Iu lr lD le 18 11 15 15 12 11 l? l7 i f,.; j r: ;'.1 1.:i .r''.: ::. 'ri j.: :',;:. ). ..:ii-' :. -:.'|.'' :1:':'. r', i. '.I... '.1".- ..r. i:.-t'. .: ,... i a,.:.. -',: ' : r T :r \ . 1 ; I i . : . .a j. : , : .. 1': \ . . .:....'.',,.:1. !: _.;, .. . ., J.., !i...- n...#it:; . I;,r,t; o,,, iri..,'; : ;-:r..: :.. ...!_.i:.... i i::J--..--..1.11 I .,. 1 ,.',.:...-.. ,:.:,. ::.iii.rj ,;i'ii :. i.'1: r.!1,,i.i*,1:l .. .:j !. ..,..-. -i. . ..j:,r i,r,l:i....:: iiirr;,,'.' i iidiliii*lf $ Fmt t!Y.,'$,.Phon0r,1111;;,.i1iii ,'iii i i',iB O,ft#, 3,2-:3.* 8.1i$ O,tl ; :,'.,' .: ;i1i: r i i::;i ri--,: ; ;: : . ;r l',i', jf ,, .i,l ir ii,i, i,,,l i,ii:,, ':r'j1i: r.i,1,, : r,.,, : -. :. !1..-.!'-',. .... ',. .. :1 :.r.r i,r:..r-j : ..,:,.....,. ..:r.1\ . :'.1:.1..-. ..... 1-': ii..!.1'...1, i'. j : : r, .: ,-.'.':. , .,: i .i,i' .:'i.:.ii,'l :l ;':;ii:i: r r1 I i.l: t,i.lL;i :i; ':. j: : ...'.:-r.l: :.: j. ;ri i L:.-'.,,;..1 :,i :.i:' , i,,r; :liai i',.':ii'i :l', :i ii,,#i:il '.1.,,,.:..r'.l i;: ii. .-..._j. fi! :\ri.i::ir.:..:1.1: f . i... . i. :..-. :...: \. : .. :- .-.. i:! :: j....1.]\rl.!i. i,.i. ."...1i....,': .. .., t..,..:...,i ........r.. :,:.. | :. : :..I,r r,..:: 11,US DOT Description (lncluding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class and lD Number) HMI 12. Containers No. I tvpe 13. Total Quantity 14. Unit Wt/Vol i ii :; 1.r'.' 1 i.; "i::l;l j';ril :,,, I i. i,';.: iii i,li'l;1ii:i i ;i 1 ;:. ;.;;;i;i1.t. i jl: 'j. i:.::1.'.. ,..': ':1;::i ;)iili?;,.,1,.i:.ii r,,i,i1ffflst$$ii;iiiffi :.'_:irr-.r"'.i:i:.j.1':rr::.:":r',.i.)ij::::..jf,:ljr.rj.l.:,;;,l.jjj:. a. x mz.[RDous $ASTET SOITID, N.O.S. (CAIXT{IUU, HETEf,L BTESL I(EEONE) 9, NA30??, PG rrr 0,1 0 [,].CIM I ozL4 goffi P b. fi***i+niffi [i....:i+,iiili'',ltf iiiiLriiiii llijt:i$llui c. d,nriitii,li'i,ffi ixl ii[Lffi i,ffiiili**],,iffi ii! jij ji, lililrlri'i;;:,;:.:iii....' i;+I:' i':,'1 -, .,,ir,,; .il,jIi;.::ri,i:. .::: ;, i:ii:li::'.]I:l;i::;-:,,;.i:i ,.,. :.:t :..:,'.-.:::: r..._ i.i:t.tj#:.r. ;:.i rlgi,ltist iAHove,;.i:,,l,i,ri:r+ri:i.:r,ii'''';i,'i..:i,.:lri1!;,.i;:,..,u,i,',.. ;..i[$t..,;;]ffii,i,ul;i,,'i'!i:+';:i,r',:; '::,:iiiii:ii1,.i",';i r,1i:ii:'i::i"r ':.::'r.:'i: irrriri#i***$*ffi*g*#*f -ffi '.";r; .i1,1;,ii',:.irii':,'+..i,,' ;:r;ij#i:'ll,;iit;i,:i;itiiiiij;iilf:,:, i:,'::t,,:::l'.:,.'i,:,'r ." j:;ii, ':'.'r';;li : l':i ;1i' :;,, 11 ;'il;;;.li :; ;::i,,r,,il:,,;;ii',.r,:iiiiiii'.,i.iilii. ,"l,ii1iit:itii,rr,liiilirrrr:ilil ,..::...,.'.j...,. '. j.. i: . :: :,:'.1'i; rj:r.i.". , -.. j. - :..,, ., t....,i.,,t :!.i rt.!,;:,.,,,.., . t:. | .'....:,'-.. ... , .t : :;:..:t.. I :,i.:,: i.i1,',:1.: :;.; ': :.. t 1-:r '.ij + r, ., "i -':1....'.'-: l ,:,;i.,.... :1.:: ,.' ;r;:..j;::.' 1,,;:;1 : i i'-; ii;,i.:r, : . : t.":ii'.t ..,,ir'\..-..., . ..,.., i.'i'.i:-'r: ! l, l!.,'r"J:'i:.':.!.'.: .:- j:,i':: i:..'.,i.:t i:.i-:::. , i',i.1 :i. i,iii i' .1:- :;.-: ...-..,1i:. il. 1':.r i. I j-: i.._.!: I.i... t ,l' tl, r;j,ii:iljir,lii:,i::...'ai ;ir .i: i., r.l;.: r,T,': rr., .: .,\1.':i..rit,:ll.;'. ...4.. :--r..:.i:: t. ri: :.s;.. :,,: : r, : ir, ji. l,j?:i:i:,itll;:,,..':,#,:', ;.'i l.:' i. F.Hpngllng,,Cgdes,,f pr,We.9les.tiste6$,!Svei-i;I 'i il.'iu ;i, tll i'ii'ill*iti,'tt *i1fi.ii'i, i I +iu,ii;,ri iiiii+ ""'*ffi-**i*'ffi0*$* 15. Special Handling lnstructions and Additional lnformation SP4{0S-9'?-D-001,2'. 0855" '::' '|' :']r " ' (5?9) |: Po*=119 113 DPo*' I l5l't { A. 8,, GUIDET 1?1 C D 5K'(Gsl fS THE'CONTRACIOR FOB TIIIS rnCIIrITIl g rAsTE. PIfiASE BQUTEer,u Brl,lrne,Hgo connEsP"oilDeile,E.,,[o: ,?o,BOl[ 1{0, ,SBIIXfi'1ILI.E, Tr 53080 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hBreby doclare thatthe contents of this consiqnmentare fullv and accuratelv describad above bv proper shipping name and are classitied, packed, markod, and labeled, and are ln all rdspects in prop'Er condluon br transport by highwei according to appllcable id€mational and national govemment regulations. lf t am a large quantity generator, I certlf,y that I have a program in place to rBduce th6 volume and toxicity of waste g€nerated to the degree I havo determinBd to be economically and thg onvironment OR, if I am a small quantity generator, I havs made a good laith elfort to minimize my waste generation and select the besl waste management mothod that is available to me and that I can dlord PrinteclJTvoed Name I'"*'(J;;i5 N.-\sa.) signature 0rn^^--- iltr.o\F-- rHir oay* Yearddr{: T R A N s Po R T E H 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgemeni of Fleceipt of Materials v Printed/Typed Name Clu), Dafrt Signature Month l oYr Day ww Year lalz 18, Transpor'tdr 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials / Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day YearIllrlt F A c I L I T Y 19. Discrepancy lndication Space -.3\- 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certificatioh of receipt of ha.ardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in ltem 19. Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day' yEEf tlHtIr #MgGENAL. ffiHM'MN T# ffifr$dEffiA?#ffi 58s-7521 EPA Form 8700-200 (Rev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. Ftanlfest# T2012: Page 1 L,ette r Clin Ein Item DescriptJ-on Supplemental Document to Block 'I DryTD DO# Containers Quantity/UOl,t No. lTlrye L/P ID# Page 1of l, t 15. 00 9{07 Contract (s) : SPd400-9?-D-0012 Safety-Kleen (GS), Inc. DRUM #; 4122140206601 ACCI,H DATE: 03/ A7 /02 I{ v57c2?20?28001 0855 Line Totals C. O. R. SS.gnature 3&OOtfiI- Pi|tlf&. n 340ffir PZ.ttil . r rr 1 I CXil t. Date4h)o.o-u fiEtrr,#trfr..t B R I\$ s TTFrc&T..J,ff N' ffi' s,ffi [.kf,' Generetor TOOELENORIH M^strtrest No. T2OI2'I kurdb4OCER$26S.(r),rffiymdfibtidilcrt:ddr'rr6rtltictcdudrr40'Cl,lrh26SlndDirpodnrrbintc(tm} ! For mlrh e .,i.,' i,1iri;:.'.ii j-:i ti i:j.i. EFtf WSIC CUdCf t a:i1 e EDR Subcrtcgoils (if rry)' IfitnMurecrlffi&rgdI TrIW.'' I D0ffi D007 Im08 llm5'r00s i f'l Cn cf ifArhchcd t hs beoo ugcd - 184 ?;rI D N* , E cnogrifA$rfud2 hubsmurcd 2 I Cno*ifAlfu t hasbccouaod tr u 3 I cnr* ifAttafuod I hag bGm rnod 4 fl CUo.* ifAreihcc I hsg hcn rusd u u il N*o fJ cno* ifAtm,hdz hre bccorrcod 5 ir,/ [J Chcclc ifAtlrfucd r has beG,G uaod 6 I--l m ifAtee,hmm 1 lrg hco rrcd 1 fl' E, EAZANDOUS D&'BnIS.NO.E.IrICAf,ION Xmirffi&hL-cidrfficd&srco,IircNo(rl 1 ;. n Ttis cotuifficd soil; u idcfficd &one mlineNo(g).ir uubjccfur"-'6e eltcrtrdive tstafu€d studcds sf40:'€,[iR,, $26S.a9(c] Lhlllrersal *dwrt War& frA'are *:wu.ili almtd.b birwttt"inry'giwrr:aoltawaf:od,tffitM:#E etqtfluoxde, slerium edfrde& vandhat &.ziw, &arcpruwt at"co/ltcfitrd,la,rs gterder.'tenfrrMs ilE rmfuerrdltteatitsitttttittl,ard' "" ' ' : i'ji: l.!,", D*LA&F,AGIG,f,SlCnfCneiEfOXf'$tOTtr$IC.lLSION,&",CEREilSICA, IOL{" I-l mi" lS pact( as-id€diBbdi&w m,Line No{e}is afijocd to,lhe altolmdive tsloed:Mds o640"CER $268'42{c}. 'I cctd$'E!.r.. podty of lar, fu I pocmlly'hrc cmnincd & a fuitir wi6 6a w.# & fu fur'16 podi co&ilr mly v,*s lhd'ltcvri not b!€o crchdod udrAgpcodirlVb40CFBPrt263'&tut&tu l&loceurilb slotb acorihrsttuiaecilifincrryni&oewith&l dtrrldiw.fsobldtudrrdr fri 16 psdr d 40 CER''!268:42(cl I ru turre fu ft.rc rc rigulEcd pco.Eios frr nnoiliag e:frIn ccrtifipdiq, iachdry'tu'poss6illty'of'fr: c imgrnrmlU'G; [.,EX3ENSIONS,&,,.I[ffi*' i :, ; is uot prohibitsd,frm lad.diryosct & is sfiject to,.o dcedlhc cilensim.ff,vrieoce,[l fUr vuascr as ld€trifcd ebovc salineNo(s), e;&, hsdabitity'v$imc, suo-by-case s$cosiffi,' 3x-' tt\*rt-r^ ) (o**r- d ,tiJ..^ r (fP :d or Tlpcd) O-l/ 04 t -r -aGcmrrbu"EAlfiorizsd Signdtrc Nmc &Tltte (Pritrl Chemica! $eruiees ElEuisEolt E$tfEIlI,HIEEll, APRIL T7 , 2OA2 DEFENSE REUTILTZATION & MKTNG DRMO TOOETE ARMY DEPOT BULIDING 2 O]-D TOOELE, UTAI{ 8407 4 EPA ID: UT3 2L3 820 894 Customer ManifesL: T20I2 Cert,ificate of Disposal No. 165353 Document z L22I9 destroyed as of APRIL 13 , 2002 This is to certify that the hazaidous material manifested Kleen on the above Safety-K1een Aragonite Document Number was by incineration in accordance with 40 CFR 751 (and 40 CFR 254 if as of the above certification date Attached is a detailed report which identifies the date(s) of disposal.Residue from this waste has been disposed of at an approved and permitted Hazardous Waste Landfill Under civil and criminal penalties of law for the making or submission offalse or fraudulent statements or representations (18 U.S.C. l-OO1 and 15 U.S.C. 26l-5), f certify that the information contained in or accompanying this document is true, accurate, and complete. As :to the identifiedsection(s) of this document for which I cannot personally verify truth and accuracy, I certify as t,he company official having supervisory responsibilityfor the persons who, acting under my direct instructions, made the verifica-tion that this information is true, accurate, and complete. Safety-Kleen, Aragonite UT EPA TD # UTD 981 552 L77 Facility anager to Saf ety- disposed of applicable )o aSales P.O. Box 22890 salt Lake city, uT 84122-0890 801 .323.8100 Fax 801 .323.8877 fi hemEea[ $ertEices E]EwlsEon E$tfBlll,filEErr. APRIL 17, 2OA2 Environmental Manager DEFENSE REUTILIZAT]ON & MKTNG DRMO TOOEIJE ARMY DEPOT BI'LIDING 2O]-D TOOET,E, UTArI 84074 RE: Certificates of Disposal Dear Environmental Manager : Enclosed please find your Cert,ificate (s) of Disposal and accompanying detsail-ed report (s) for the waste that was shipped to our facilityfor treatment. Your original manifest number is referenced on bot,hof these documents along with a Safety-Kleen Aragonite document number. Your waste has been properly treated and the residue from this waste has been disposed of at an approved and permitEed hazardous wast,e 1andfi11 Safety-K1een appreciates you as a valued customer. If you should have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact oneof our customer/facility representatives at (801) 323-8L00. Sincerely, at.'ac r_nager P.o. Box 22890 . Salt Lake city, UT 84122-0890 . 801.323.8100 . Fax 801.323.8877 Enclosures , n Page: 1 Certif icate of Disposal Det,ail Report 04/L7 /20A2 05:06 GenerAEOr I 7A25],5 DEFENSE REUTILIZATION & MKTNG CD # Document * It,em Stat.e # Cust,omer # r]4)es weigbt Received Destroyed Drum Sr1 Nun 155353 L22t9 L ur002012 T20t2 cM 2s80 04/L2/2002 04/L3/2002 o Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) Permit Checklist w3213820894 Attachment 3, Module II.E and R3L5-8-2.5 - Security Plan and Procedures General security provisions include: 1) a barrier around the entire TEAD facility 2) 24honr 7- day-per week surveillance by roving patrols 3) warning signs posted along perimeter fence ...unauthorized entry 4) internal barriers around specific facilities 5) controlled entry to all HWM units through locked gates 6) personnel access controlled by TEAD EM and Security personnel 7) two way radio communication between security personnel, selected employees and a central communications center and 8) telephone communications available at selected facilities. The current HWMUs (permitted) are: storage yard and bldg 528, bldg. A101, C815, C8l6 and 1368 andL2O4 andL2O5. Date 4dc^page 1 Inspector's Initi l, Cl,P , Irr xop('otr(l)a A. r o Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) Permit Checklist ur32r3820894 Attachment 5, Module II-G and R315-8-2.7 -Personnel Training R31s-8-2.7(a)(2) training program at TEAD is conducted by a person trained in hazardous waste R31s-8-2.7(d) V TEAD shall maintain the following documents and records and make them available upon request: job title for each position at the facility related to H.W. management and the name of the Ft O[-, written job description for each position listed above including the requisite skill, education or other qualifications and duties of employees assigned to each position management employee filling each job wdften description of the type and amount of both introductory and continuing training that will be given to each person filling a position listed abol records that document that the training-or job experience required above has been given to and completed by facility personnel R315 -8-2.7(e) OL+r'^"ing records on current employees shall be maintained until closure of the facility C(*inirg records on former emplyees shall be retained for at least three years from the date the employee last worked at the facility Condition II.G.L ru), I ${.7fenO shall provide training in the use of the Contingency Plan, and hazardous waste management procedures relevant to their positions, on an annual basis for all on-site employees Condition II.G.2 fX( - TEAD shall maintain training documents and records that indicate the date the employee -#aYhired, the type and amont of training that was received and the date the training was conducted. The record shall also indicate the dates of promotion or transfer if the change affected the type or amount of training required Q-rs 7 Date $tSa Page2 Inspector's initi ab OF- Condition II.G.3 TEAD shall maintain a copy of the Training Plan at the facility DateW Page 3 Inspector's initials o x o tr('tctr(I)aa 08/1 3t2002 Name ABBOTT, WILLIAM Allen, Dale ALLRED, NEIL ALLRED, SUSIE ANDERSON, GORDON Andress, Robert ARCHIBALD, R. BRUCE ARELLANO, EMILIO Armstrong, Aran AYALA, DAVID Baer, Mark L. Barbas, Jan Bates, David Bean, Melissa BEAUMONT, DAVEY BENDER, ROBERT Benson, Michael BIack, Christina H. BLEVINS, GERRY BRANNAN, DANNY BREWER, PENNY BRINKERHOFF, ROBERT BROOKS, JACK BROWN, JERRY Bruffett, Ernest BULLOCK, GWEN CANDELARIO, ELMER CARTER, LELAND CASTAGNO, PETE CHAMBERLAIN, SPENCER CIURA, ROSE MARIE CLARK, ED Cole, Carl E. Collings, James Collings, Risa Conder, Jennie COOKE, DOUGLAS DAVIS, GORDON Davis, Ryan DEHERRERA, MICHAEL DENNIS, JAMES R. Dicou, Brent DIXON, WILLIAM V. DODDS, DAN DODGE, STANLEY L Dunn, Brandon Eldridge, Timothy A. EVANS, AARON Evans, Dean FITZLAFF, JAMES FIVAS, RONALD FLANDERS, ARNOLD P FLORES, JOHN FORAKIS, JOHN Franco, Art Personal Data - Privacy act of 1974 Tooele Army Depot Employee by Organization Listing Job No JobTitle 01184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 01781 Battery Repairer Worker 01635 EXPLOSTVE OPERATOR (FLO) 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 01 184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 00742 EQU!P SPEC(ORD/MACH) 01433 MAINTENANCE MACHANIC Date Completed 12t04t2001 12t04t2001 01t08t2002 04t09t2002 12t04t2001 08t06t2002 10t02t2001 06t04t2002 03t05t2002 08106t2002 06t25t2002 01t0812002 10t02t2001 12t04t2001 02t04t2002 06t04t2002 08106t2002 05t07 t2002 02t04t2002 04t09t2002 12t04t2001 06t04t2002 02t04t2002 06t04t2002 05t07 t2002 06t25t2002 01t08t2002 02t04t2002 03t05t2002 01t08t2002 11t01t2001 05t07 t2002 02t04t2002 06t25t2002 08t06t2002 08t06t2002 03t05t2002 05t07 t2002 01108t2002 06t25t2002 06t04t2002 08t06t2002 03t05t2002 02t04t2002 03t05t2002 06t25t2002 01t08t2002 06t04t2002 06t25t2002 12t04t2001 06t25t2002 05t07 t2002 12t04t2001 01t08t2002 01t08t2002 Page 1 Date Required: 12t0312002 12t03t2002 01t07 t2003 04t0812003 12t03t2002 08t05t2003 10t01t2002 06t03t2003 03t04t2003 08105t2003 06t24t2003 01t07 t2003 10t01t2002 12t03t2002 02t03t2003 06t03t2003 08t05t2003 05t0612003 02t03t2003 04t0812003 12t03t2002 06t03t2003 02t03t2003 06t03t2003 05t06t2003 06t24t2003 01t07 t2003 02t03t2003 03t04t2003 01t07 t2003 10t31t2002 0510612003 02t03t2003 06t24t2003 0810512003 08t05t2003 03t04t2003 05t06t2003 01t07 t2003 06t24t2003 06t03t2003 08t05t2003 03t04t2003 02t03t2003 03t04t2003 06t24t2003 01t07 t2003 06103t2003 06t24t2003 12t03t2002 06t24t2003 05t06t2003 12t03t2002 01t07 t2003 01t07 t2003 J;anization D/AO D/AO D/AO D/AO Contractor D/AE D/PW Northwind D/AE US Filter Parsons Northwind SCA D/AO D/AO Contractor DRMO D/AO D/AO D/AO D/AO D/AO D/AO d[3 D/AO D/PW D/AE D/AO D/PW USACE D/AO Contractor Contractor D/PW D/AO Army D/AO D/AO Contractor D/AE D/AO D/AO US Filter Army D/AO D/AO D/AO ef3 D/AO D/AO Army 00742 EQUrP SPEC(ORD/MACH) Contrc GWTP Operator Contractor 01184 (MOV) MAT HANDLER OOOO HVY MOB EQUIP MECH R005N Environmental Protection Specialist OO9O7 QUASAS 01694 BLOCKER BRACER (MVO) 01095 AMMO INSPECTOR 017OO AMMO INSPECTOR 16330 QUASAS 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) z,B,007 BLKR/BRACER(PACK)SUP 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 26604 (MVO) MAT HANDLER LDR 00736 EQU|P SPEC(ORD/MACH) WOOD WKR TOOL CRIB V0585 Geologist 01635 Explosives Operator (FLO) ????? ELECTRONICS (HtcH VOLT) 99999 EXP OPER 01761 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (pAtNT WRKR/F 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 00644 EQUIP SPEC 01296 AMMO INSP 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) Contrc GWTP Operator 2:6604 01 635 01 780 01 635 01 635 (MVO) MAT HANDLER LDR Explosives Operator (FLO) Battery Repairer (Cable lnspector) EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 01184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 08t13t2002 ffanization :il:=cos, M'KE D/AO GILES, JACK Contractor Gonzales, Barolin D/AO GONZALES, JIMMY F D/AO GREEN, RICHARD D/AO HAMM, DENNIS W. US Filter Hanmann, Jeff Contractor Hardman, Lorna D/AO HAWKINS, HAL D/AO HAWS, RAY Army Hempstead, Malvin D/AO HENDERSON, DONALD R D/AO HICKMAN, BRENT D/AO HIGBEE, RODNEY D/AO Hofeling, Edwin R. D/AE HOLBROOK, GARY D/AO HOLLAND, CHARLES D/PW HOLLAND, RONALD D/AO Hollander, Wayne D/AO HUEBNER, ROBERT D/PW HUGHES, LEO Contractor lmlay, Dave Kleinfeldr lvers, Matt Parsons Jirik, Richard ^D/AO JONES, J. DARWIN lroo KEMP, DEBRA D -D/AO KEYSAW, HARRY AEEC Klein, Randy Contractor Kohles, Steven R. D/AO KRULETZ, TONY Kleinfeldr Krupicka, Daniel US Filter Kubacki, Steve A. D/AO KUBICEK, KATHLEEN D/AO LEATHAM, CLINT Contractor Lee, David D/AO LINT, JAY D/AO LOWERY, BYRON Contractor Magliocchino, Anthony D/AO MAKIN, MERLIN D/AO Malcolm, Oliver D/AO MANCHEGO, STEVAN E D/PW Manchester, David D/AO MARTINEZ, FREDDY D/AO MARTINEZ, JAMES R D/AO MARTINEZ, KENNETH R Northwind Matzen, Tom D/AO MCDONALD, DAVID EO McFarland, Larry D/AO MCINELLY, DANNY D/AO McNeeley, KATHLEEN B (PENE)e,i: il::ti#:iJil., D/AO MERKLEY, TAL R. D/AE MICHAELIS, DAVID D/AO MILLER, RODNEY Personal Data - Privacy act of 1974 Tooele Army Depot Employee by Organtzation Listing Job No JobTitle 01095 AMMO INSPECTOR 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 01635 EXPLOSTVE OPERATOR (FLO) 01184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 00876 (MVO) MAT HANDLER Contrc GWTP Operator 01 184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 28008 (MVO) MAT HANDLER SUPV 01635 EXPLOSTVE OPERATOR (FLO) TASK LIST 01 184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 00652 MECH ENGINEER 99999 (EXP WKR) TASK LIST 01635 Explosives Operator (FLO) 00454 CRANE/EQUIP OPERATOR Contrc Project Geologist Contractor z,B,843 EXPLOSIVE OPERATOR SUPERVISOR 01635 EXPLOSTVE OPERATOR (FLO) Contractor 01095 AMMO INSPECTOR Contrc Staff Geologist Contrc GWTP Operator 01296 AMMO INSPECTOR 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 00158 CRANE OPERATOR 01184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 01473 BRAKER/SWITCHER 26603 EXPLOSIVES OPERATOR LEADER 01781 Battery Repairer Worker 01784 MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR 01696 EXPLOSIVE OPR (ENGR EQU!P/FLO) 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 01297 BLOCKER BRACER (MVO) 01357 Environmental Protection Specialist 01238 ELECTRICIAN 01635 EXPLOSTVE OPERATOR (FLO) 01s02 BLOCKER BRACER (MVO) 01184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 00736 EQUrP SPEC(ORD/MACH) TASK LIST Date Completed 0610412002 06t25t2002 08106t2002 05107 t2002 0410912002 08t06t2002 12t04t2001 08t06t2002 08106t2002 01t08t2002 01t08t2002 04t09t2002 08106t2002 05107 t2002 01108t2002 01t08t2002 11t01t2001 01t08t2002 12t04t2001 0210412002 02104t2002 08t06t2002 03t05t2002 01108t2002 12t04t2001 4u0912002 04t09t2002 08t06t2002 08106t2002 06t04t2002 04t09t2002 06t25t2002 02t04t2002 08t06t2002 08106t2002 11t01t2001 12t04t2001 08t06t2002 08t06t2002 06t04t2002 01t08t2002 01t08t2002 06104t2002 06t25t2002 11t01t2001 03t05t2002 06104t2002 02104t2002 06t25t2002 04t09t2002 04t09t2002 02t04t2002 02t04t2002 06104t2002 12t04t2001 Page 2 Date Required: 0610312003 06t24t2003 08t05t2003 05t06t2003 04t0812003 08t05t2003 12t03t2002 08t05t2003 0810512003 01t07 t2003 01t07 t2003 04t08t2003 08t05t2003 05t06t2003 01t07 t2003 01t07 t2003 10t31t2002 01t0712003 12t03t2002 02t03t2003 02t03t2003 08t05t2003 03t04t2003 01t07 t2003 12t0312002 04t08t2003 04t08t2003 08t05t2003 08t05t2003 06t03t2003 04t08t2003 06t24t2003 02t03t2003 08t05t2003 08t05t2003 10/31t2002 12t0312002 0810512003 08t05t2003 06t03t2003 01t07 t2003 01107 t2003 06t03t2003 06t24t2003 10t31t2002 0310412003 06t03t2003 02t03t2003 06124t2003 04t08t2003 44t08t2003 02t03t2003 02t03t2003 06t03t2003 12t03t2002 08/1 312002 Personal Data - Privacy act of 1974 Tooele Army Depot Employee by Organization Listing Job No JobTitle 00742 EQUrP SPEC(ORD/MACH) 16333 AIR COND EQ MECH 99e99 (EKP WKR) TASK LIST R1335N Property Disposal Specialist (Environmental) 01237 RED EYE MISS MECH ZBO34 EXPLOSIVE OPER SUP 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) ZBOOS MVO MAT HAND SUP 01547 ELEC ENG TECH 01635 EXPLOSIVE OPERATOR 01570 WTP OPR (PLUMBER) 01 696 EXPLOSIVES OPERATOR (ENGR EQUIP/F PAINTER 00862 Environmental Protection Specialist 00742 EQU!P SPEC(ORD/MACH) 01184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 01297 BLOCKER BRACER (MVO) 01711 PRODUCTTON CONTROLLER (AMMO) 28838 AMMUNITION MAINT SUPPORT SUPV 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 01635 Explosive Operator (FLO) TASK LIST 01184 (MVO) MAT HANDLER 16279 EXPLOSIVE WORKER 00644 EQUIP SPEC(ORD/MACH) 01972 EXPLOSTVE OPR (HM MATL HANDLER/F 01 635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) Contracter 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 017OO AMMUNITION INSPECTOR 01314 Supv Environmental Engineer 00126 TOOLMAKER 01221 Explosives Worker 01635 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) 00351 BLOCKER BRACER PACK. ?????? UTIL SYS FOREMAN Contrc Contractor 26599 BLOCKER/BRACER LDR 01374 MECH ENGINEER Date Completed 06104t2002 0510312002 03105t2002 06125t2002 01t08t2002 10t02t2001 03t05t2002 03t05t2002 12t04t2001 02t04t2002 02104t2002 05t07 t2002 08t06t2002 01t08t2002 0510312002 08t06t2002 08t06t2002 12t04t2001 10t02t2001 02t04t2002 08t06t2002 08t06t2002 12t04t2001 06t25t2002 01t08t2002 01t08t2002 12t04t2001 02t04t2002 01t08t2002 05t07 t2002 01t08t2002 03105t2002 02t04t2002 02t04t2002 02t04t2002 12t04t2001 0510712002 06t04t2002 01t08t2002 01t08t2002 06t25t2002 02104t2002 06t04t2002 11t01t2001 08t06t2002 01t08t2002 04t09t2002 01t08t2002 03105t2002 03t05t2002 06t25t2002 04t09t2002 06104t2002 06t04t2002 10t02t2001 Page 3 Date Required: 06t0312003 05t02t2003 03t04t2003 06t24t2003 01t07 t2003 10t01t2002 03t04t2003 03t04t2003 12t03t2002 02t03t2003 02t0312003 05t06t2003 08t05t2003 01t07 t2003 0510212003 08t05t2003 08t05t2003 12t0312002 10t01t2002 02t03t2003 0810512003 08t05t2003 12t03t2002 06t24t2003 01t07 t2003 01t07 t2003 12t03t2002 02t03t2003 01t07 t2003 05t06t2003 01t07 t2003 03t0412003 02t03t2003 02t0312003 02t03t2003 12t03t2002 05t0612003 06t03t2003 01t07 t2003 01t07 t2003 06t24t2003 02t03t2003 06t03t2003 10t31t2002 08t0512003 01t07 t2003 04t08t2003 a1t07 t2003 03t04t2003 03t04t2003 06t24t2003 04t08t2003 06t03t2003 06t03t2003 10t01t2002 ffanization D/PW D/AO DRMO Army D/AO D/AO D/PW D/AO D/AO D/AO D/AE Contractor D/AO D/PW D/AO D/AO D/AE EO D/AE D/AO D/AO D/AO D/AO C[3 D/AO D/AO D/AO Army D/AO D/AO D/AE D/AO SCA D/AO D/AO Parsons Army D/AO D/AO EO D/AE D/AO D/AO D/AO D/AO D/AO D/PW e#r D/AO D/AE Northwind Name MONDRAGON, ALEXANDER MURRAY, KIM NELSON, DAVID Nielson, Connie Nino, Peter OLIVER, KENNETH OLSON, HARRY PERKINS, DANNY PERRELLA, RICHARD S PERRENOUD, LEO F. PETERSON, BYRON PETERSON, JOE Peterson, Leon PHILPOTT, NICHOLAS POLOSKEY, GARRY POMEROY, TIM L POWERS, CRAIG A REED, CHRIS Reynolds, Merle D. RICHARDS, RYCKIE ROMANO, JERRY ROPER, L!NDSAY RUSSELL, LELAND D SAUNDERS, BRUCE W SCHIPANSKY, GARRY L SHEFFER, JUSTIN Sherman, Greg SHIELDS, CAREY SHIELDS, REX L. SMITH, MICHAEL Smith, Stephen Snyder, Roland SORENSON, STINA SPEER, RICK STAPLETON, SYLVIA A Sununu, Chris SYMONDS, NEAL L Thiemig, Michael Thomas, Jil! Thomas, Stanley TIMMERMAN, CARL A JR TURNBOW, GLEN L Turner, Thomas UFFENS, STEVE Valerio, Louie VELARDE, JUAN B VONHATTEN, LUANN Waggoner, James WALTER, DENNIS WARE, THOMAS Warr, Barry Watkins, Charles WEBB, STAN WELLS, LAWRENCE Whitmore, Erik 08t13t2042 fi;anization D/AO D/AO D/AO EO Name WILLIAMS, CONNIE WINDLEY, PHIL WINTERS, LARRY WOODS, GORDON Woodworth, David Date Completed 04109t2002 01t08t2002 0410912002 06104t2002 0612512002 Page 4 Date Required: 04t08t2003 01t07 t2003 04t08t2003 06t03t2003 06t24t2003 Personal Data - Privacy act of 1974 Tooele Army Depot Employee by Organization Listing Job No JobTitle 01 635 01 095 01184 001 95 00236 EXPLOSTVES OPERATOR (FLO) AMMO INSP (MVO) MAT HANDLER IND EQUIP MECH Environmental Engineer Jrganization Name Job No JobTitle Date Completed Date Required: EO McFarland, Larry 01357 Environmental Protection Specialist 0210412002 0210312003 08t1312002 EO EO EO Reynolds, Merle D. Turner, Thomas Woodworth, David Personal Data - Privacy act of 1974 Tooele Army Depot Employee by Organization Listing 00862 Environmental Protection Specialist 01314 Supv Environmental Engineer 00236 Environmental Engineer Page 10 10102t2001 10t01t2002 06t04t2002 06t03t2003 06t25t2002 06t24t2003 Fage 1 of, 5 Replaces PD#: New i{ajor Command: XQ Region: West CIPTTIS PD: No Acquisition Position: No Interdlsciplinaryl No Target GradelFPL: 11 Career Ladder PD: No O PD#: Feoo*o2 Shred: 901 Inetallation: Position Description ENVIRONM ENTAL PROTECTION SPECIALIST GS-OOz8-11 IOC, TOOELE ARMY DEPOT ENVIRONMENTAL I.4ANAGEMENT OFC. OL Drug Teet Requiredl No Financial Disclosure Required: No Requires Acce$s to Firearmsr TBD Position Sensitivity: I Emerglenef Essential: N Citation 1: OPM PCS Environmental Prct Spec, GS-028, Mar g5 Citation 2: OPM PCS Safety & Occ Health Mgmt Series, GS-018, Aug 81 Classified By: J.S. Paulick (SVJ) Glascification Dctet L2/L5/92 FLSAr Exempt Career Program: 00 Functional Code: Cornpetitive Areal 01 Competitive Levelr 0005 RAB FQo0862 DUTIES: MAJOR DUTIES Serves as an Environmental Protection Specialist responsible for the management, coordination, analysis, and review of envircnmental plans and programs at TEAD to ensurc compliance with State, Federal, and Localenvironmental rules and rcgulations. Provides advice and assistance: program monitoring: and Fecommendations and solutions to environmen6l problems within assigned areas. Serves as the TEAD point of contact for State, County, and Federul agencies involve in environmental issues at TEAD. Responsible for the preparation of reports and permits concerning environmental issues in to State and Federal regulations. Manages programs designed to minimize the quantities of hazardous waste generated at TEAD in compliance with federal regulations which speciff annual reduction goals. Position requires a knowledge of principles, practices, and techniques of environmental planning and protection, Position also rcquires a knowledge of State, Federal, and Army environmental compliance regulations conceming areas of responsibility. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES trttp:llwww.wcpoc.army.miUfasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?Job40862&CPAC=FQ&CPCN=F... l2/4lOA FASCTASS Hazardous \Naste Minimization Fage 2 of 5 Responsible for the management of the waste Minimization and Capitalization Account (Vt MCA) at TEAD, Ensures that execution of this program complies with AMC objectives and associated public laws. Develops contract speclfications fur the implementation of WMCA projects. Monitors the implementation prccess and prepares reports for higher headquarters as rcquired. Participates on the TEAD Hazardous Waste Minimization (HAZNIN) Committee, wlth the responsibility of identifying areas of study, in which pollution preventlon and hazardous waste minimization initiatives may be implemented. Ensures that pollution prevention and HAZMIN initiatives comply with TEAD goals and associated regulations. Responsible fior developing plans and procedures for de-llsting non-hazardous wastes which are presently classified as hazardous wastes at TEAD. Participates on TEAD cornmittees involVed in minimizing the quantity of hazardous waste generated (i.e. PAT Teams, DESCOM Center fior Technicai Excellence Task Team). Responsible fur ensuring tfiat sound envimnmental practices are followed during project development. Acts as the Environmental Management Divislon point of contact fior any environmental issues encountered during project development. Identlfies, develops, and implements technologies for the purpose of reclamation, recycling, and r€use of hazardous wastes generated, Drinking water Responsible for implementation and managemeflt of TEAD Drinking water Quality Program. Performs required sampling of a variety of drinkiflg water pollutants requircd by the State of Utah, Public Drinking water regulations Monitors changes and new requirements in Drinking Water regutations and updates the TEAD drinking water management plan, sample schedules, and laboratory analysis requirem€nts as needed. Develops contract requircments and administers contfticts for analysis of drinking water samples. Monitors water system operations to ensure that State regulation are followed and that all required documentation and reports arc maintained as required by State regulations (i.e. chlorinatlon rieports, backflow inspection reports, bacteriologic reports, and chemical analysis reports), Prcpares and submits required r€ports te State regulators on monthly, quarterly. and annual basis. Acts as the point of contact for County and State regulators concerning compliance issues and inspections of the TEAD water system. Permits Responsible fur the preparation and submittal of required documentation for. obtainirtg NPDES permits fior Ground Water and Storm Water Discharges. Participates in establishing regulatory prcrgrarns on depot for these discharges by identification of facilities requiring permitting, preparing management plans, preparing sampling and analysls plans, performinE requlred sampling, preparing and maintaining documentation and reports rcquired by State and Federal agencies, hfip://urww.wcpoc.army.mil/fasclasdoonDisplayDesc.asp?Iob={0862&CPAC:FQ&CPCN=F.. l2l4l0O FASCI,,ASS Fage 3 of 5 Participates in the development and implementation of a pollutlon prevention plan required as a permft condition with the intent of etiminating or minimizing contaminants contained in Storm Water Discharges. Hazardous Materials Evaluates Hazardous Materials used at TEAD for the purpose of researching and identifying non- hazardous chemicals or non-chemical processes which will ellminate the use of that specific chemical, eliminate adverse health effects, and eliminate hazardous waste generated by the use of that chemical. Participates in the implementation of a Hazardous Materials Tracking System. OB/OD Air Quality and Noise Abatement Participates in the management of and performs required tasks associated with open Burning/Open Detonation Air Quality and Noise Abatement Program. Tasks performed lnclude monitor:ing of levels, ambient air samples,'Plume samples, and EPA criteria pollutants. Performs analysls on samplee to determine the impact of OB/OD operations on the air quality in su.rrounding communities. Works with State and County offlcials in the operation of a joint air monitoring pmgram, Responsible for management of analytical contracts for analysis of environmental samples obtained during air monitoring. SARA Title IIL Community Right To Know. Manages the Community Right To Know Program at TEAD, Maintains required chemical inventories and performs report to the U.S. EPA, State of Utah, Division of comprehensive Emergency Management, and the Local Emergency Planning Commission. 700o/o Factor 1: Knowledge Required by the Position. (FL t-7, 1250 points) Knowledge of broad range of environmental planning and prctection concepts, principles, practices, laws, and regulations sufficient to manage, coordinate, and implement a full range of environmental programs (i.e. RCRA, CERCLA, SARA, NPDES, and State of Utah Drinking Water Regulatlons) Broad knowledge of physical and biological sciences to manage environmental programs. Practical knowledge of sampting and analysis procedures for a variety of environmental samples (i.e. Drinking Water, Hazardous Waste, Air Samples, etc.) Practical knowledge of environmental engineering sufficient to identifo common deficiencies associated wlth assigned environ mental programs. Factor 2: Supervisory Controls. (FL2-4,450 points) Supervisor assigns overall objectives and managerhent r€sources available to achieve expected results. Program or speclallzed requirements and time constraints are developed in consultation with the supervisor. Independently plans and executes assigned programs resolving conflicts and prcblems. Work is coordinated with organizational staff with initiative taken to interpret environmental policy, standards, and rcgulations,in terms of objectives. Determines courges of action to be taken or methods and techniques to be applied, Supervisor is informed of pncgrcss, htp://www.wcpoc.army.mil/fasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?Job=O0862&CPfuC=FQ&CPCN=F... lzl4l00 o r...A$uLA.hili .tsags4F potentially controversial situations, etc. Work is reviewed only from an overall standpoint in terms of compatibility and effectiveness in meeting objectives. Factor 3: Guidelines. (FL 3-3,275 poinB) Guidelines include State and Federat laws and regulations regarding the entire range of environmental issues, as well as Army regulations and installation SOP's. Independently evaluates, selects, and applies guidelines to specific or differinE situations, adapting and modifying situations as needed. Factor4: Complexity. (FL4-4, 225 points) Specialist work involves a wide range of envlronmental operations (CERCLfi/ SARA, RCM, etc.) reguiring a substantial number and diversity of environmental hazards. Work requires a high degree of indepertdence to provide technical advice and assistance in assuring compliance with State, Federal, and Army environmental regulatlons. Work requires managing, coordinating, reviewing, analyzing, and evaluating environmental programs within assigned area fior regulatory compliance. As work involves hazards to the environment, there is generally no clear cut approach in solving problems or eliminating them. Work typically required interpretation of a variety of circumstances to eliminate environmental problems with assigned proEram aneas. Factor 5: Scope and Effect. (FL 5-3, 150 points) Work involves the evaluation and analysis of environmental problems, conditions, and administratlve practices affecting environmental conditions and programs in assigned areas, Work efforts affect the quality of programs and assure environmental compliance with State, Federal, and Army environmental rules and regulations. Factor 6: Pensonal Contacts. (Fl- 6-3, 60 points) Personat contacts are with a variety of offtcials, manage6, engineers, contractors, and State, Federal, Local, and Army regulatory agencies. Fa&or7| Purpose of Contacts. (FL7-3,120 points) Purpose of contacts is to influence, motivate, and encourage unwilling, skeptlcal, and often uncooperatlve individuals to adopt or comply with envimnmental practices, procedures, and regulations; to persuade of negotiate agreements with agencies and contractors where there exists conflicting interests and opinions; to justrfy work to regulatory ofricials; and to coordinate work with a variety of individuals, Factor 8; Phyeical Demands. (FL 8-2, 20 points) Work requires regular, and recurring physical exeftion related to inspections, site visits, in industrlaland chemicalexclusion ar6as. Work requires considerable Standing, walking climbing bending, crouchlng, stretching, reaching or similar movements. Occasionally there is a need to lift and carry moderately heavy objects. Work requlres some agility and dexterity. Factor 9: Work Environment. (FL9-2,20 points) Work is usuatly performed in an ofrice setting; however, work involves regular and recurrent exposure to hazards, unpleasantness, and discomforts due to unfuvorable conditions such as hazardous materials, hazardous waste, chemical agents, etc. TOTAL: 2570 points GMDE: GS-II hfip:/iwww.wcpoc.army.mil/fasclasdconDisplayDesc.asp?Job:00862&CPAC=FQ&CPCN=F... l2l4lA0 F'ASCLAS$ ]-. Page 5 of 5 I-TAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENT: NOTE: Performs hazardous waste management duties and/or hazardous waste worker duties in permitted or regulated facilities. Duties may involve one or rnore of the following: management, coordination, engineering, or technical work involving hazardous waste management progrcms or projects; and/or movement, contalnerization, storage, identification, record-keeping, emergency response, treatment, and/or disposition of hazardous wost€; Duties may rcquire one or awe of the following: the ability to interpret and implement environmental regulations; knowledge of hazardous waste products and safiety regulations; and the sklll to effect regulatory requirements and ensure proper management and/or handling of hazardous waste. Incumbent must successfully complete training in hazardous waste management procedures within six (6) months after the date or appointment to this position and will not work in unsupervised situations until these training requirements have been met. Incumbent must also participate in annual review of this training. hup:/lwww.wcpoc.anny.milltbsclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?Iob:00862&CPAC=FQ&CPCN:F... l2l4lAo PD#: FQ00236 Shred: 902 Installation: IOC, TOOELE ARMY DEPOT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OFC. OL Citation 1: OPM PCS Environmental Engr Series, G5-819, Apr 78 Classified By: JOSEPH S. PAULICK (AAB) Classification Datat 7/L3192 FASCI.ASS FIJSA: Exernpt Career Program; t5 Functional Code?, g?4 Cormpetitive Area: ql Cornpetitive Level: 329 RAB FQo0236 DUTIES: MA]OR DUTIES Position Description ENVIRONHENTAL ENGIN EER GS-O8L9-13 Drug Test Required: No Financial Dieclosure Requiredl No Requires Access to Firearmo; TBD Position Sensitivity: 1 Emergency Essential: N Fage I" of 4 Replases PD#l Itlajor Cornmand: XQ Region: UVest CIPIIIS PD: No Acguisition Positionl No fnterdisciplinary: No Target GradelFPL; f3 Career Ladder PD: No Serves as an Environmental Engineer and technical expert within the Industrial Risk Management Directorate (IRMD), rcsponsible fior independently planning and conducting a range of intricate compliance reviews fur Tooele Army Depot to include the Consolidated Maintenance Facility, the Industrial Wastewater Treatment PIanU and tenant organizations, such as, the Chemical Agent Munition Disposal System and the Chemical Stockpile Disposal Plant. Assignmene involve complex or sensitive problems of analysis, including economic factors and the implementation of R&D requirements, the full range of chemical demil processes and discharges, technical decisions of considerable significance to depot operations, development of, improvement in, modiftcation to existing or construction of new facilities or systems. Position requires advisory, consulting, reviewing, operating and coordinating serices in one or more of the permit program phases, and involves exercising full technical responsibllity for projects or studies of a complex or difficult nature that.are significant to the success or failure of the missions of the TEAD Complex. 100o/o Resolves questions raised by technical personnel; explains legal requirements; revlews economic considerations, outlines application processes and furnishes data on proposed requirements. Technical issues may be controversial in nature. Therefore employee, based on experience of operations, percuades or influences other technical personnel to adopt new or different approaches to operations logistic6 to solve regulatory compliance issues. Provides technical expertise, advice, and assistance to key Depot management officials and technical personnel conceming difficult and rare envircnmental concerns (such as those associated with conventional and chemical munition, storage, maintenance and demil and research and development of those demil processes). Reviews programs or projects and provides comment to htp://www.wcpoc.army.miVfasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?Job=00236&CPAC=FQ&CPCN=F.. l2/4fi0 FASCI-ASS Fage 2 of 4 insure that necessary information is considered and included. Confers with other TEAD officials, subJect-matter specialists, engineers, to explain, veriff, or justify information. Pe.riodically inspects and evaluates Depot environmental facllities to assure compliance with State, Federal and Army environmental regulations and inspections. Assures that allsteps are taken to avoid environr,nental violations and takes corrective measures as rcquircd. Prepares and maintains documentation fior reporting purposes as needed. Confers with hlgher command, State and Federal regulatory agencies; Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHS), and the Army Environmental Health Agency (AEHA), to assure procedures are IAW provisions of public laws. Attends a varlety of meetings, public hearings, seminars, etc., concerning environmental and hazardous waste matterr, serving as a representative of the TEAD Commander. Prepares and makes presentations and briefings for environmentafhazardous programs and provides responses to questions. Keep abreast of the latest environmental developments and state-of-the art technology; trade journals; technical publications and reports; State, Federal, and program guidetlnes; to identify new technological developments for consideration or implementation in Maintenance facilities. FACTOR 1. Knowledge Required by the Position. (Fl- I-8, 1550 Points) Mastery of advanced concepts, principles, and practices of environmental engineering, to serve as a technical authority of all aspecB of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCM) and the Clean Air Act (CAA) for the TEAD Complex with responsibility for providing o<pert advice on the interpretation and implementation of technical policy directives and programs as well as the review of plans and specifications for projects within the TEAD Complex and the provision of consultative services concerning the full range of environmental engineering facillties or systems pertlnent to the specialty areas involved, Knowledge and skill to dwelop and revlse environmental engineering standards, technical guidelines, and specifications for guidance of TEAD Complex engineers, engineering specialists, and operators and to furnish advice on the use and interpretation of the assigned technical guides. Knowledge and skill to review and'evaluate the work of environmental'and other englneers within the TEAD Complex by reviewlng englneerlng reports and related design drawings and specifications on proposed major construction projects, approving, disapproving, or modifying envircnmental fieatures to meet regulatory reQuirements. Knowledge and skill to guide and coordinate environmental engineering programs within the TEAD Complex by initiating and formulating technical policies, criteria, standards, procedures, and similar guides for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and management of RCRA Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities, and other systems and proJects have regulatory compliance issues'(such a6 water treatment systems and air emission sources). Knowledge and skill to prtvide staf? advisory, consulting, and reviewing seryices for the TEAD Complex with responslbility for reviewing and coordinating all work associated with indepth regulatory compliance reviews of each TEAD Complex site and proposing corrective actions required to solve non-compliance issues at each site. Knowledge and skill to coordinate and review broad programs of the CTEAD Complex concerned with the design, construction, modification, maintenance, and operation of varied envlronmental engineering facllities under diverce conditions within the TEAD Complex. FACTOR II. Supervisory Controls, (FL2-4, 450 Points) http://www.wcpoc.army.mil/fasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?1ob40236&CPAC=FQ&CfCN=F... l2l4l0A FASCLASS Page 3 of Supervisor makes initial assignments in the furm of broad over:all responsibillties and objectives. Individual projects or work to be accomplished are established by the incurnbent in consultation with the $upervisor. The incumbent independently plans own work, coordinates with other engineers or subject-matter specialists, resolves problems, and carrles assignments through to completion. Employee renders advice independently but keeps supervisor informed of major or controversial issues. Completed work is Upically accepted as technically accurate based on conformance to poliry, achievement or objectives, and compatibility with worlt of other functional elements of the organization. FACTOR III. Guidelines. (FL 3-4, 450 Points) Although guidelines, to include public !aws, agency regulations and policy statements exist, the cohtents are often inadequate or totally lacking in dealing with more complex prcblems. The employee exercises judgment and ingenuity in developing technical conditions/solutions for use at the Depot environmental facilities. The employee exercises initiative and based on experience, may deviate from tr:aditional operative measures in developing solutions to problems. FACTOR IV. Complexity. (FL 4-5, 325 Points) Work consists of a variety of duties invofving a broad range of diversified features or depth of analysis. Typical assignments involve problems dealing with permit compliance fior disposal of hazardous waste. Individual assignments typically contain 7-8 complex features where issue and factors to he considered involVe major areas of uncertainty in approach and methodology or interpretation and evaluation processes resulting from program changes, technological developments, unknown phenomena, conflicting requirements, hazardous waste components, storage of wastes, and changing guidelines pertaining to such. FACTORV. Scopeand Effect. (FL5-4,225 Points) Purpose of the position ls to provide expertlse on chemical, toxic and hazardous waste material treatment, storage or disposal facilities and processes for development of technical guidelines, i.e., EPA data collection, secondary containment development and permit application, to be implemented at the Depot. Employee proMdes advice concerning their applietion as well as information on current and future technology for resolution of critical problems encountercd. Guidelines developed affect the work of engineers and subject-matter specialists of the Depot Complex, regulatory agencies, and higher headquarters. FACTOR VI. Pensonal Contacts. (FL 6-3, 60 Points) Personal contacts are with engineers and other subJect-rnatter specialist3 of headquarters, USATHAMA, EPA, State, Federal and municipal agencies, pnorfessionals of the COCO Plant, AEHA, DHHS, Bureau of Hazardous and Solid Waste Air Quality Divislon, HAC Security and Investigative Branch, and private industry officials who deal with hazardous waste and chemicals. FACTOR VII. Purpose of Contacts. (FL7-3,120 Points) The chief purpose of contacts is to obtain or provide technical information conceming practlcal and cost-effective techniques, processes, equipment and systems associated with hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities. Such information involves alternative approaches and technical issues that are either conflicting or controversial in nature. The employee influences or persuades other subject-matter specialists to adopt new or different approaches when confronted with conflicting or controversial issues. FACTOR VIII. Physical Demands, (FL 8-2, 20 Points) http://www.wcpoc.army.mil/fasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp ?Iob=00236&CPAC=FQ&CPCN=F... 12l4lX0 FASCLASS n' Yage 4 oT 4 Work is sedentary in nature, except during regular and recurring field visits where there is considerable walking, bending, climbing, and stooping to lnspect various faiilities, structures t equipment, and procedures. FACTOR IX. Working Condations. (FL 9-1, 5 Points) Work is predominantly in an office setting; however, during visits to various locations withln the depot complor there is recurring exposur€ to unfavorable and hazardous conditions such as snakes, spiders, explosive items, chemical agents, etc. TOTAL: 3205 Points. GRADE: GS-13 NOTE: Pefforms hazardous waste management duties and/or hazardous waste worker duties in perml,tted or regulated facilities. Duties may involve one or more of the following: management, coordination, engineering, or technicat work involving hazaldous waste management programs or pnojects; and/or movement, contalnerizatlon, storage, identification, record-keeping, emergency nesponse, treatment, and/or disposition of hazardous waste. Such duties require the ability to interpret and implement environmental regulations; knowledge of hazardous waste products and safety regulations; and the skill to effect regulatory requirements and ensure proper management and/or handlirtg of hazardous wastes. Incumbent must successfully complete tmining in hazardous waste management procedures within six (6) months after the date of appointment to this position and will not work in unsuperulsed situations until these tralning rcquirements have been met. Incumbent must also participate in an annual review of this training. http://www.wcpoc.anny.mil/fasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?Job=00236&CPAc=FQ&CPCN:F... lzl$lUA PD#! FQ01357 Shred: 901 fnstallationl IOC, TOOELE ARMY DEPOT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OFC. OL Citation 1l OPM PCS Environmental Prot Spec, GS-028, Mar 95 Gitation 2: OPM PCS Safety & Occ Health Mgmt Series, GS-018, Aug 81 Claceified By: Harold K. Oliver (SVJ) Clqesification Dstet 9/U94 FASCLASS Fl*Srtl Exernpt Career Program! 00 Functional Codel Competitive Area: 01 Cornpctitive Level: 0006 Gds rQo L3s7 II4AJOR DUTIES Posltlon Descriptlon ENVIRON M ENTAL PROTECTION SPECTALTST GS-OOz8-L2 Drug Test Required: No Financia! Disclosure Required: No Reguires Access to Firearms! TBD Position SEnsitivityl 1 Emergency Essentialr N Page 1 of 4 Replaces PD#: MaJor'Command; Region: West xQ CIPl,lS PD; No Acguisition Posltion: No Interdisciptinany: No Target Grade/FPL: Lz Career Ladder PD: No Serves in the poaition of BRAC Environmental Coordinator (BEC) fur Tooele Army Depot. Receives general direction and supervision coverlng policies and broad program goals. Exercises delegated authority for the execution of environmental clean-up programs related to the transfer of the Depot or parcels within. Duties include the following: 1. In consultatiort with the Chief, Envircnmental Management Division is personally responsible for implementation and execution of the President's fast track clean-up inltiative to include planning and executing a wide range of environmental restoratiort activities including technical studies, survey, clean-up feasibility and restoration actions. Analyzes and interprets technical findings and determines the need for further investigation or action. Coordinates with other envircnmental co- workers, the chain-of-command and aEpot staff to establish effective plans to correct deficiencies, maintain compliance and expedite clean up. Separates technical issues from local political and public rclations issues, devising strategies to improve management of each, Enlists the support of the chain-of-command for resolvlng controversial issues and keeps superiors informed of changing or new conditions, 35o/o 2. Repofis to the Chief, Environmental Programs Branch for general policy direction and supervision, hut performs duties as part of a matrix organization involving direct relationships with state and federal environmental regulators, higher headquarters and officials of the public and private sectors. Represents the chain-of-command in environmental clean up and transfer negotiations with a variety of fiederal, state, local and community agencies and officials. Exercises delegated authority to make commitments based upon concept plans or prograrn strategies and/or needs previously approved the incumbenfs chain-of-command. Recommends approvalof Records http:/iwww.wcpoc.anny.mil/fasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?Iob=013 57&CPAC=FQ&CPCN:F... l2l4lA0 FASCI,ASS Fage 2 of 4 of Decision (ROD), corrective action plans, removal actions documents, environmental baseline survey reports, parcel determinations and other documents on behalf of the Command and the Department of the Army after consulting with memberc of the incumbent's chaln-oFcommand and other involved, affected depot officials and Army Agencies. 2006 3. Coordinates with the Command, environmentat co-workers and other agencies regarding BRAC Environmental funding. Exercises delegated authority to direct the u.se of BRAC envircnmental funds to accomplish clean up and closure actions. Coordinates the establishment of funding priorities, transfer of funds between pro[7rams and serves as point-of-contact for BRAC 1383's and funding information, Exercises delegated authority to obligate funds in accordance with approved BRAC Work Plan and authorizes environmental contract changes, modifications and scopes of work. 100/6 4. Executes clean up and coordinate transfiers of depot property wlth federal, state, Iocal and community agencies and officials. Chairs the BRAC Clean up Team, Co chair the Restoration Advisory Board and serves as an advisor to a variety of depot committees to which the incumbent is assigned, Works directly with the USEPA and State Environmental Office, Keeps the chain-of- command informed of actions, agreements and issues addressed therein; pre-brieh and consults with the chain-oFcommand before meetings and conferences for the purpose of devising strategies or receiving policy and direction . L0a/a I 5. Coordinates the lnstallation restoration program within BRAC parcels by ldentiffing; evaluating, and cleaning up sites for which the Army is responslble where hazardous waste substances have been released to the environment, Dwelops closure plans for closure of hazardous waste sltes assuring compliance with State and Federal regulatory guidelines. Assures that plans cleady state the depofs plan to clean up hazardous waste areas assuring that quality standards have been met in cleaning up hazardous waste sites. Plans must be technically sound and are submitted to the - State and EPA for review by regulatory personnel. Works with the State and EPA to ensure thatV . clean up is completed in accordance with the developed closure plans. Identifies solid waste managernent units for remediation of frazardous waste sites. Identifies arcas to include on llst of waste sites as submitted to State and EPA regulatory personnel. Coordinates with project officers, EPA, State agencies, and contractors for final clean up of hazardous waste sites. 5o/o 6. Reviews, coordinates and exercises delegated authorfty to conduct, or ffiuse to be conducted, surveys, studies, and clean up actions involving transfiers of depot property. Exercises delegated authority in sighing findings, transfer documentation, lea$es and environmental condition statements. Works as q member of a teaffi in devising environmental monitoring plans and evaluating the environmental aspects of a private sector lessee's operations. LOoh 7. Read all changes to Federal, State and local environmental laws or regulations applicable to the Depot, summarizes the impacts and recommends appropriate actions. Write and feviews and submits for review a wide variety of reports, findings and corrcspondence encompassing environmental issues. Develops the Depot's BR,AC Clean up Plan, Installation Action Plan, and updates other established plans as requlred, Performs rclated, studies and assignments in accordance with timelines established by prior agreement, suspense by higher headquarters or as otherwige assigned, 7olo 8. Responds to inquiries from State officials, headquarters per$onnel, Corps of Engineer,s, AEHA, etc. Prepares and submits reports, packets, suspense, correspondence, analysis of firtdings, etc./ to provide information on status of programs, provide requested information, etc., as required. Lo/o 9, Acts as a team leader and provides advice and assistance to division engineers and/or technical personnel concerning environmental compliance programs such as asbestos management, UST cornpliance, and NEPA analyses. Review varied team projects and provides comments and directions as ne@ssary to insure that necessary provisions to meet appllcable envlronmental standards are included, t% hup://www.\trcpoc.army.mil/fasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?Job={1357&,CPAC=FQ&CPCN=F... l2l4l0l o FASCI.,ASS Page 3 of 4 10. Attends a variety of meting, publlc hearings, seminars, etc., concerning environmental matters acting as a representative of Tooele,Army Depot. Makes presentations or gives briefings, concerning environmental programs as required. lo/o Performs other duties as assigned. FACTOR L. KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED BYTHE POSr|.ION (Level L-7, t25O Points) Knowledge in applying analytical techniques to issues concerning the efficlency and effectiveness of BRAC environmental clean up prograrns. Knowledge of pertlrtent federal and state, and local taws and regulatlons in order to negotiate environmental clean up and transfer issues. Ability to obtigate and transfer funds from the BRAC budget. FACTOR 2. SUPERVISORY CONTROLS (Level 2-4,450 Points) Employee works independently within a fiamework of priorities, funding, and overall project objectives. Works with superulsor to develop mutually acceptable proJect plan, and establish scope and deadlines. Completed projects, reports, etc. are reviewed by the supewisor for compliance wlth pre- established goals. FACTOR 3. GUIDEUNES (Level S-4,450 Points) Guidelines cover overall goals and objectives, which require considerab-le interpretatlon. Very few precedent studies have been accomplished that directly relate to previous closures and are unique environmental issues FACTOR 4. COMPLEXITY (Level 4-5,325 Points0 The work consists of projects and studies, which require in-depth analyses of specific taskings and many intenelated issues. Detailed plans must be establlshed goals and objectives delineated and implementation procedures developed before any action takes place. Assignments are further complicated by the need to make value Judgments and draw conclusions on highly subJective environmental issues not readily accessible to verificatlon. FACrOR 5. SCOPE AND EFFECT (Level 5-4,225 Points) The purpose of the work is to assess effectiveness and efficiency of stafF activities dealing with environment transfer and clean up for the depot. Develops or supplements regulations governing environment and clean-up issues. Scope of the work encompasses many military establishments, companies in private industry, as well as local, city, state and federal governments. The effect of the work accomplished contributes to environmentally clean tand and facilitles that are more marketable for reuse. The effect of the work transcends through local and state to federal environmental protection agencies. FACTOR 6. PERSONAL CONTACTS (Level 6-3, 60 Points) Contacts are with percons outside the agenry, e.g. consultants, contractors and executives. Contacts may be with officials several managerial levels above the incumbent. htp://www.wcpoc.army.miVfasclas#conDisplayDesc.asp?Job=01357&CPAC=FQ&CPCN=F... l2/410O FASCI,ASS Page 1 af 4 FACTOR 7. PURPOSE OF CONTACTS (Level 7*3, L20 Points) Purpose of the contacts is to influence managers and officials to accept flndings. May need to persuade same on novel implementation procedures, and encounter resistance in regard to conflicting ideas or objectives and resource problems. FACTOR 8. PHYSICAL DEMANDS (Level 8-2,20 Points) Job involves hands-on fieldwork inspecting BRAC clean up operations. FACTOR 9. WORK ENVIRONMENT (Level 9-1, 5 Points) At times the incumbent might be exposed to hazardous substance resulting from clean up operations. TOTAL POINTS: 2905 GMDE: GS-12 NOTE: Perfurms hazardous waste management duties and/or hazadqus waste worker duties in permitted or regulated facilities. Duties may involve one or more of the following management, coordination, engineering, or technical work involving hazadous waste management programs or projects; and/or movement, containerization, storage, identification, record keeping, emergency nesponse, treatment, andlor disposition of hazardous waste. Duties may require one or more of the following: the ability to interpret and implement environmental rcgulations; knowledge of hazardous waste products and safety regulations; and the skillto effiect regulatory requirements and ensure proper management and/or: handling of hazardous waste. INCUMBENT MUST SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE TMINING IN HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES WITI|IN SD( (6) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF APPOTNTMENT TO THIS POSmON AND WILL NOT WORK IN UNSUPERVISED STruATIONS UNTILTHESE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. INCUMBENT MUST ALSO PARTICIPATE IN AN ANNUAL REVIEW OF THIS TRAINING. http://www.wcpoc.axmy.mil/fasclassiconDisplayDesc.asp?Job=01357&CPAC=FQ&CPCN=F...t2/41CI0 FASCI-,ASS Position tlescription PD#: FQ0L3L4 Shred: 902 Installation: IOC, TOOELE ARMY DEPOT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OFC. OL Gitation 1: OPM PCS Environmental Engr Series, GS-819, Apr 78 Citation 2: OPM General Schedule Supervisory Guide, Apr 98 Classified By; HAROLD K OLIVER (SSC) Glacsification Dat6t 8/3/95 FL,SA: Exempt Career Programr 16 Functional Code: 092 Competitive Area: 01 Competitive Level: 328 SUPERVISORY CONTROLS SU PERVISORY ENVI R.OI{ M E NTAI ENGINEER GS-O819-13 Drugl Test Reguiredr No Finaneial Disclosure Required: No R,equires Acces$ to Firearrns: TBD Position Sensitivityl 2 Ernergency Eseential: N Page X of 3 Replaces PD#: Major Command: XQ Region: West CIPI'ilS fDl No Acquisition Positionr No Interdisciplinaryl No Target Gnade/FPtr 13 Career Ladder PD: No The Directorate of Industrial Risk Management provides general guidelines and direction for the development and implementation of all hazardous waste management programs for Tooele Army Depot Complex. Serves as the Commande/s expert and personal advisor conceming envircnmental management issues; and for the establishment and continued interest in the $uccess of all phases of hazardous waste programs forTooele Army Depot Complex, Relied upon to establish management goals and objectives, which are responsible to the needs and resolution of hazardous waste program$ throughout the TEAD-Cornplex. MAJOR DUTIES Position has rcsponsibility for managing, directing, planning, and controlling all hazardous waste management programs fior Tooele Army Depot Complex. Acts as the Commander's personal representative in maintaining proper surveillance of TEAD-Complex hazardous waste operations, 'reporting significant environmental violations, and recommending correctlve action. Directs and coordinates the development, presentation, and malntenance of current and long-range hazardous waste management plans and projects. Malntain responsibility for operating the pollution abatement pmgrarni managing the hazardous and toxic materials/waste program; managlng all RCRA permittirtg and compliance programs; managing the disposal of hazardous waste; managing Clean Air Act requirements; managing the TSCA (PCB) program; managing all analytical requirements; preparing and coordinating the development of hazardous waste management programs for Tooele Army Depot Complex; and assuring that Tooele Arrny depot Complex is in compliance with all state and federal envircnmental regulations. Provides intense program management of aforementioned proJEcts that ane higfrly visible and could cause depot work stoppage (e,9., consent decrees, and notice of violations, major construction, environmental permits, and inspections) lf action is not taken to assure continued operation. Position directs the work of professional engineers, environmental protection specialists, and wage grade personnel. http://www.wcpoc.axmy.mil/fasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?Job-01314&CPAC:FQ&CPCN=F... 12l4l0| FASCLASS Page 2 c{ 3 Position requires supervisory skills as well as knowledge of professional engineering concepts, principles, and practices applicable to the full range of environmental engineering, 1. WORK PLANNING AN ORGANIZATION: Plans and establishes the organization to accornplish assigned functions. Reviews and approves short and long-range obJectives and plans and schedules hazardous waste management programs, Recommends adjustments and solves problems in operataons which affiect major organizational segments and overall efficiency. Discusses and recommends regulatory reguirements and objectives that form the hasis of poliry decisions. Attends and participates in top management planning conferences. Directs courses of afiion or changes wlthin the framework of established policies and objectives, Presents and defends program requirements and, based upon approved depot tesources, recommends acceptance or rejection of changes to hazardous waste management programs. As necessary, adjusts programs/work to conform to imposed limitations. 2. WORK ASSIGNMENT AND REVIEW: Reviews all hazardous waste management-related programs, plans, and/or designs for any proposed modiflcation to existing structures or construction of new facilities taking into consideration economic factorc, requirements, and environmental concerns. Directs and reviews work accomplishments. Assures that studies and field surveys are conducted on hazardous waste conditions and assures that reports are prepared and submitted. Spot-check subordinate's wort fur regulatory accuracy and compliance in meeting program obJectives. Studies and interprets regulations directives, textbooks, congressional acts local, state, and federal regulations,' and statutes of agenqp policy and program directives to accomplish allenvironmental obJectives. Attends monthly public meetings with the Utah State Department of Health to keep abreast of changes to local envirortmental laws. 3, PERSONNEL FUNCTIONS: Selects employees from list of eligibles for promotion, assignment, and rcassignment. Recognizes outstanding or exceptional performance of indivlduals and initiates action for formal awards. Initiates position classification actions. Responsible for attendance and leave including apprcval of all sick and annual leave and leave schedules. Recelves complaints and grievances resolving most of those, which can be settled informally, Holds corrective interviews with employees and proposes disciplinary action where indicated. Informs employees, either individually or ingroups of responsibillties, rights, and privileges; and o<plains personnel policies, procedurcs, and specific actions, When necessary, works closely with technical specialists to obtain and provide accurate information and advice. Conducts informal training of employees to provide backup skills by cross tralning. 4. Serves as a member of the TEAD Hazardous Waste Management Board. Meetings are designed to resolve lssues having to do with recycling, minimization, inventory pnograms, disposal, storage, and trcatment plans; and implementing the TEAD Hazardous Waste Management Plan and addressing permit and compliance issues. Performs other duties as assigned. NOTE: Perftrrns hazardous waste management duties and/or hazardous waste worker duties in permitted or regulated facilities, Duties may involve one or more of the foltowing; management, coordination, engineering, or technical work involving hazadous waste management programs or projects; and/or movement, containerlzation, storage, identification, record keeping, emergency nesponse, treatment, and/or disposition of hazardous waste. Duties may require one or more of the fullowing: the abillty to interprct and implement environmental regulations; knowledge of hazandous waste products and safety regulations; and the skillto effect fegulatory requirements and ensure proper management and/or handling of hazardous waste. INCUMBENT MUST SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE TRAINING IN HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES WTTHIN SrX (5) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF APPOTNTMENTTO THrS pOSrmON AND WILL NOT WORK IN UNSUPERVISED SITUATIONS UNTIL THESE TMINING REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET, INCUMBENT MUST AI.SO PARTICIPATE IN AN ANNUAL REVIEW OF THIS htp://www.wcpoc.anny.mil/fasclass/conDisplayDesc.asp?Iob:01314&CPAC=FQ&CPCN=F... l2l4l\0 Fage 3 oi 3 TMINING. Factor 1. Program Scope and Effect (Level 1-2, 350 Points) As Chief of Environmental Prcgrams Branch, responsible for managing, directing, planning, and controlling environmental programs and activities for Tooele Army Depot Cornplex, Services provided impact the entire military installation, which is of small to medium scope. The functions performed signlficantly affiect the entire installation. Factor 2, Organizational Setting (Level 2-1, 100 Points) The positlon is accountable to a position that is two or more levels below the first SES equivalent in the direct supervisory chain. Factor 3. Supervisory and Managerial Authority Exercised (Level 3-2,450 Points) Position includes the full range of superuisory responsibilities including planning and scheduting work assignments, providing advice, counse!, or lnstructions to employees on both technical and admlnistrative matters, setting priorities for completion of work, developing operating budgets, and providing methodologies in meeting goals and objectives. Factor 4. Personal Contacts Subfactor 4A. Nature of Contacts (Level 4A-2t50 Points) Incumbent serves as the TEAD CommandeCs personal reprcsentative concernlng all environmental program issues and concerns fsr the TEAD Complex. Contacts are with higher ranking managers, supervisors, and staff or other work units and activities throughout the installation. Other contacts are with fiederal agencies, technical or operating level employeee of State and local governments, and managers doing business wlth the installation in the environmental program area. Contacts may be formal and informal, occur in scheduled conferences and meetangs, or take place through telephone contacts. Subfactor 48. Purpose of Contacts (Level 100 Points) The purpose of contacts is to Justify, defend, or negotiate in representing the program segment directed, in obtaining or committing resources, and in gaining compliance with established policies, regulations, or contracts. Work at thls level usually involves active participation in conferences, meetings, or presentations involving problems or issues of considerable consequence or importance to the program managed. Factor 5. Difficulty of Typical Work Directed (Lsvel 5-7,93O Points) Work directed is GS-12 or equivalent. Factor 6, Other Conditions (Level 6-5, L225 Points) Position requires substantial coordination and integration of a number of majof work assignments in the Environmental Management and Hazardous Waste Management ariea comparable in dfficulry to the GS-12 level. http://www.wcpoc.amry.mil/fasclasVconDisplayDeso.asp?Job=01314&CPAC:FQ&CPCN=F... l2l4rcA COURSE OUTLINE COURSE TITLE: TEAD HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT COURSE 1.0 Introduction Duties of the Hazardous Waste Handler: Indicate that the duties of the handler are dependent upon where he is assigned and the various duties will be discussed as the specific situation is discussed during this training session. 2.O Key Regulations that Affect Hazardous Waste Management: Discuss the basics of the RCRA regulations to include what the acronym stands for, when the rurles were put into effect, State primacy, etc... 3.0 Hazardous Waste: briefly define the difference between a hazardous material, a solid waste and a hazardous waste. 1.1 1.2 1.3 L.4 1.5 3.1 3.2 Objectives: The objectives of this class is to provide initial training to employees recently assigned (within six weeks of their assignment) to their hazardous waste duties and serve as an annual refresher training for employees currently having hazardous waste duties in accordance with State and Federal Hazardous Waste Regulations. At this time administer pre-test.. While the employees are taking the pre-test, pass out Chapter V (Hazardous Waste Management and Chapter IX (Installation Spill Response) of the Environmental Management Plan. Commanders Responsibilities: Review the Commander's duties as discussed in section C.1 of chapter V. Environmental Quality Control Committee Duties: Is a Committee made up of the Commander, CEA, Depot Directors, and the Chief's of the Contracting and Environmental Offices. The Committee meets quarterly and will advise the Commander onhazardous waste issues and take appropriate actions to ensure the depot stays in full compliance. Duties of the Environmental Office: Review the duties of the Environmental Office as discussed in section C.2 of chapter V. Characteristic Hazardous Waste: Briefly go over the four characteristics, ignitable, corrosive, reactive and toxic. Listed Waste: Briefly go over U, P, and K listed wastes. 4.O 3.3 Waste Streams Common to TEAD and Handling Requirements 3.3.1 Deactivation Furnace: Ammunition that is removed from storage and sent to be treated, either in the OB/OD area or the furnace, makes up the largest generation category. The largest source of process waste comes from the air pollution control equipment of the deactivation furnace when in operation. 3.3.2 Permitted Storage: Eight permitted units, seven for waste ammunition/explosive storage and one for all other types. Other than explosive/munition wastes, paint waste and discarded product are the next largest waste streams. Cleanup of past sites can be a large source, but is sporadic. 3.3.3 OB/OD Grounds: As stated above, ammunition that is removed from storage and is sent to be treated, either in the OB/OD area or the furnace, makes up the largest generation category. The open burning process generates ash that must be handled as hazardous waste. 3.3.4 Ammo Maintenance Operations: Ammunition that is damaged beyond repair during maintenance, inspection or other ammunition functions is hazardous waste. Hazardous Waste Handling Requirements 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Containe rizing Hazar dous Waste : Review the container requirements as discussed in sections D, E, F, and G of chapter V. Labeling Waste Container: Review the labeling requirements as discussed in sections D, E, F, and G of chapter V. Explain the differences between labeling at each type of unit. Satellite Accumulation Site: Review the generator requirements as discussed in section E of chapter V. 90 day Storage Site: Review the operator requirements as discussed in section F of chapter V. 4.5 Permitted Hazardous Waste Storage Facility: Review the operator requirements as discussed in section G of chapter V. 4.6 Typical Flow of Hazardous Waste: Explain how the drums of waste move from the generator, to the 90 day area, then if necessary to a permitted unit and finally off-depot. Explain how TEAD's goal is to ship waste off depot before it is necessary to place waste in permitted storage. 5.0 Deactivation Furnace Requirements 5.1 Permit Conditions: Review the operator requirements as discussed in section H of chapter V. 5.2 Inspection Requirements: Operators must conduct daily and weekly checks of the equipment as stipulated in the permit. 6.0 OB/OD Operating Requirements 6.1 Permit Requirements: Review the operator requirements as discussed in section I of chapter V. Discuss OB/OD is only allowed for waste munitions that can not be disposed of by other means. 6.2 Inspection Requirements: Operators must conduct daily and weekly checks of the equipment as stipulated in the permit. O 7.O Recordkeeping Requirements 7.1 Inspection Records: Inspections must be recorded on forms provided by the Environmental Office for a minimum of three years. 7.2 Training Records: The Environmental Office maintains the Hazardous Waste Training records. 7.3 Operating Records: Operating records will be maintained as discussed in sections I, H and J of Chapter V. 8.0 Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Plans and Procedures 8.1 Emergency Response Procedures: Discuss the response procedures as provided in Chapter VII. Be sure to indicate that 91 1 is for depot phones and other phones, such as hand held phones must call 833-2911. Explain that the Installation on Scene Coordinator is the Emergency Operations Officer. Go over Figures 1.2 and 2.1 of Chapter VII. 8.2 Emergency Equipment: Before starting a new operation the employee should review with his supervisor/leader where and what emergency equipment is available at the site. Identify where the spill equipment can be found athazardous waste sites, green barrels. 8.3 Communication andf or Alarm System: Generally voice commands, air horn or truck horns to get everyone's attention. Assistance will be obtained and the spill reported via hand held radios or phones where fixed phones are not available. 9.0 Pollution Prevention: Elimination of pollution at the source is the preferred approach to compliance. 9.L 9.2 Product Substitution: The simplest alternative to pollution prevention when a viable non-hazardous substitute is available. However the process may cause the waste hazardous to be generated. Process Modification: Changing the process may eliminate the generation of the waste. For example, cleaning paint guns in a closed loop process the recycles the solvent, may eliminate or greatly reduce the hazardous waste that is generated. nffi wryGffiwffi\m.* ffiPf Drtc.Fnt*edft:oorem @ Job-Jitlg BEicf D-?scriotior! of HU llanafcmcnt Dutlcs FCRA TraininLReceived Ifeining Coursc Titls Job * Emoloyac lhme FOrpioycc SSll D.atc Lefl Prq$:am t- ,', ,,," *f.*u'''"d#' 1., :rB 'r-litt'* ..i4 tq,_dt( 3i.^ I *1.F *lJt", i;. .td. !. [ ..,,rr u.rf,'5 I.. j: I *Azardau6 W$* Mawr-1e,rfie,l* {cn ("ttect bn Bir\+s L lntrodoctorv Trtinino (ilust Dc rlthin 6 months of cntcrlno oroorm) Duc, Drte C.omo.. Dttc Hours Ptfs/Fril ln+trustor k:q:Eiltl:ETTt r-EI E Annuel frrininAlllurt bc rithin t2 montfis of ofcvlous lrrinlno ddc) Dur Ortc Como Dtto llours Pers/Feil lnstructorF:qAW ffl [E ffi I -fi ***'f ' * a. ,. ;F,i tr*'t- ii 't . ,i i,ri..," Lo,' t lr,l$.ilt+*" .' ffi b* o [*'10'u u "'* L rul1,i t H c1 . ,,.*. ,"*. l -::i./ ! i i,f! 'i it -.$ *'.sn' & .in!',iiril'-rtit ,"i r:*"- ,t U t #tn\o;'1'*"- .rd'l 'v ': . ii-r: .'ri ;'. i:. itr:' $i ;rr.: ':x.ir \F ^:iYi.."c* i qri ,-1F o.* *;f i . \riY $ ',a/ J * r.t -,i:ll t ,. t",, i , ,"F. 'i i' w@ rfl t-{l@ls-ffi| WW [Hl tr tFl EIryErr.fl p rnf E,'# !#2t),frp ww e fJ ww rE.l WF:jr;ffi]i ft ---t-"-Ei, j--rTITf, q'IEl WW \r- L' ao /S) :"fr i{:, i ,:..?.;i" ,i,l l0-02-A{ tb"bt-bL ie#*-M fuil,ti-#} E w w ,I * ,[ 15 t f,l ['' ' {,,'iefs"'i i"' * * - L,t,oi.*'*;t*},;h, ?'Hctn'f $.*:' /+J da n1 *:?,*r *,,Ilur,"; ; fr t"!.* ,,-- ot.'j i fii It i;',i'.jr :i_ i;t' i.-.: ' & rji l"'" ,.,0 , ,a fr,' -" *5l i'3 .,,i"'[iV tJ f'o ' tjrr Ii'"* t -,. ti' ,1.' * ,+.d"' .i tt .,t' .ll' a ri!"'t !: irt ; tl ! l.:. :i 11 lii i/l r'Ft: i! + lf;rI i ,:..f "* f *"5 : i lq:.i a t: ,'i ,lw TOOELEARIVIY DEPOT FIAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT COUR,SE FINAL EXA]VI score, Iri}q%lNa:ne: Please "CRCLE-tlre letter*tlat'eorresBollds tO the' eorreot anslwer. 1. A Hazardous Waste Managemerrt Unit can be. A Permitted storage areaB. Satellite accumulation point ," 90 day storage area /D'J All of the abovell 2. Who is the individuat ttre state of Utah recognizes as being responsible for tJle hazardous waste generated at Tooele Army Depot? The Director of Conventional Amrno The Civilian Personnel Officer The Depot Cornmander The Environmental Office en Burn & Open Detonation area ent Facility. Tfue FaIse TEAD's Installation on Scene Coordinator 0OSC) in case of an emergenry is? A The ir:dustriat Hy$ene OfreerB. The Chief of Environmerrtal Of0ee The Civilian Executive Assistant The Emergency Operations Officer 5. No one wiil accept hazardous waste from off depot, unless approved in advance by the Environmental Office (EO). True False aI actions can be taken agajnst TEAD employees as well as tl:e depot. True False A B.q The Op Tfeatm G B. 3.(OB/OD) is considered aHazardous Waste 4. G B. Crimin "'Ai1{-{ 6. ;,l. 8. o tlc Ahazardous waste is A. The same asB. Identical to hazatdous material or haaardous chemical, Just like Very different from a i:r order for an employee to handle hazardous waste in a permitied storage .AtgB, he must have access to. A. Acommunication dsuice for summoning heipB. A spill Ht A De6ontaminationequlpment(eyewash) t DJ All of the above\J Individuals wori<ing in at 90 day or permitted storage areas are required to be familiar urith the Hazatdous Waste Contingency PIan.,-:{rtal n=e : B. False 10.The initial response to any emergency should be? ,---.\ lg To protect human heatth and safety, then ttre environment . -. To panic and runC. Ignore the alarm and wait fu further i:rstructionsD. Report to the c-.U$c The Envirorrmerrtal Quality Control Committee includes which of the following gfoups as members. Directors, hazardous waste handlers, Enviror:ment staff and Safety staff The Chiefs of Contracting and Env Ofiices, Directors, Commander, and CEA L2. C. Cotnmander and Speciat StatrD. A1l of ttreAbove It is essential that the operating record for the OB/OO operation be courplete, accurate and fachral. It must include; A Date, time and pit, pan, or silo numberB. Anafy[cal identi$/ing the hazardous constihrents lppe of ordnance treated All of the above 13. Prior to accurtulating waste you must first have a container cornpatible with the waste and a huardous waste iabel. '?4- \A) TlueH False o 11. o 74, Tooele Army Depot currenfly has the folowing t5pes of container storage for hazardous waste. A- Satellite aecumulaflon 4. 9O day & pernritted(-, Att of'the above. D. None of the above.- -r5. waste resid ffi.I"*ri"i-"f b"*-p"d;;J;rrin;.t* tt "t;ii*t#pq5rs must be handled as hazardous waste. ^\t5l rrue' B. False 16. \ilhat is a hazardous waste? A A waste which the EPA or the state of Utatr has listed by name.B fixffii.xf*3l*ffi..:*d because it.has iorrosive, toxic, reactive, or . C. deneraliy.p"ulorU, .tazarAous substance whieh can no longer be used for its intended purpose. All of tkre above L7. Hazatdous waste containers must: Have a number & content label DOT placards Have a yellovr "Haaardous Waste' iabel on vrhich is written ttre waste nomenclature, and a unique container number. Danger Keep Out labe1 18. The Fire Deparbnent should be notified at 91Ifrom a depot phone or 833-291L from phones not cor:neeted to the depot system whenever: A An immediate safety hazard or oflrer emergency erdsts.B. There is a question as to the extent of the hazard. /-*4" A spiil occlrrs dudng off-duty hours. \ D\ All of the abovet-_J 19. If a temperature or pressure sensor indicates a reading outside the permit parameters -.-ttre waste feed should automaticaliy shut donrn.r-f\ a. I TrueY False 2A. A hazardous waste that is on the feed list for the deactivation furnace and there are no feed limitations prwenting the feed can also be treated at the OB/OD grounds. Tfue False AH r,E D \ C-) H \*.--l flrD.A