Hill Air Force Base
Utah Test and Training Range
Box Elder Gounty, Utah
Research, Development, and Demonstration Permit
For the Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility
January 6, 1993
Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building, Salt Lake City, Utah
Room 406
1O:OO A.M.
January 6, 1993 .
Tooele County Courthouse, Tooele, Utah
South Auditorium
7:OO P.M.
Hearing Officer: David McCleary
Ladies and Gentlemen, we call this hearing to order. This is a hearing to receive
comments on the draft Hazardous Waste Research, Demonstration, and Development
(RDD) Permit being issued to Hill Air Force Base, Utah Test and Training Range for
treatment and deactivation of lithium batteries at their facility located in Box Elder
County, Utah. This permit will be the third permit renewal for this facility, which will
allow the Permittee to operate for 365 operating days upon issuance of this permit.
This hearing is being held under the authority of Section 1 9-6-101 through 105 of the
Utah Code.
My name is David McCleary. I represent the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control
Board and have been appointed by the Executive Secretary of the Board as the hearing
officer. AIso present at this hearing are other representatives of the Utah Division of
Solid and Hazardous Waste.
The public notice for the draft permit was published in the December 1 , 1992 issues
of the Tooele Transcript Bulletin. Salt Lake Tribune. Deseret News. Ogden Standard
Examiner. Herald Journal, and the Box Elder News and Journal. A copy of the draft
permit and the administrative record has been made available for examination at the
Department of Environmental Ouality,288 North 1460 West, Salt Lake City, Utah.
A public notice announcing the draft permit was also published in the newspaper and
has been available for public inspection.
Opportunity will be provided to any person desiring to participate in these hearings.
Written statements dealing with the draft permit received no later than 5:OO P.M.,
January 14, 1993 will be accepted for the record. lf anyone desires to make an oral
statement regarding the draft permit, please sign the form and leave it with me.
These proceedings are being recorded and a transcript of these proceedings wi!! be
available for public inspection at the Department of Environmenta! Ouality, Division
of Solid and Hazardous Waste, 4th Floor of the Martha Hughes Cannon Health
This is an administrative hearing and as such there will be no cross examination of the
witnesses. Those who have questions to ask or statements to make should state
their names and direct their statements to me. I will then determine the
appropriateness of the question and/or statement and direct your statement to the
appropriate individua!. I ask that you confine your remarks to the information in the
draft permit and limit them to 10 minutes or less. Comments that are not pertinent
will be ruled out of order.
It is the policy of the Department of Environmental Ouality that the hearing remain in
session for at least one hour. lf, during that hour, there comes a time when there is
no one desiring to make a statement, the session will be recessed. At the end of the
hour or longer, the hearing will be reconvened and the record reopened. The hearing
wil! then be concluded after all those who desire to make a statement have done so.
lf there are no additional comments, this hearing will be considered closed. Any
additional written comments will be received until 5:OO p.m., January 14, 1993.
Please leave your comments with the secretary at the front desk of the Division of
Solid and Hazardous Waste, Fourth Floor of the Cannon Health Building.
Adjourned at
Adjourned at
, January 6, 1993
, January 6, 1993
Hill Air Force Base
Utah Test and Training Range
Research, Development, and Demonstration Permit
For the Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility Public Hearing
January 6, 1993
Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building, Salt Lake City, Utah
Room 406
1O:OO A.M.
(Yes or No)
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Hill Air Force Base
Utah Test and Training Range
Research, Development, and Demonstration Permit
For the Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility Public Hearing
January 6, 1993
Tooele County Courthouse, Tooele, Utah
South Auditorium
7:OO P.M.
(Yes or No)
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