HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007919Michael O. Leavitt Gorremor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. d*q- I d%ffi-fl;ffi*maffi #fffu$fumfu DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE 288 Norttr 1460 West P.O. Box 144EE0 Salt l-ake City, Utah 84119880 Exeorrtive Dir€ctor Dennis R. Downs FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: (801) 538-6170 (801) 538-6715 Fax (801) 536-Ut4 T.D.D. FILE MEMORANDUM ',,',!, at,"' ''4tr'1David U. iltCCteary, Environmental Scientist Permitting Section April 16, lgg3 Hill Air Force Base (HAFB), Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) Lithium Battery Deactivation (LBD) Facility, Research, Developement, and Demonstration (RDD) Permit, Public Participation Document. Attached is the Public Participation Document prepared pursuit to R315-3-29 for the HAFB, IITTR, RDD Permit. DMIvI/dm Printed on recycled paper *H H Public Participation Docurnent For hrblic Comrnent Periods And Public Hearings Concerning the Research, Ilevelopment, and Demonstration Perrnit Issued April 1, 1993 Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility Box Blder County, Utah Public Cornrnent Periods August 26, 1992 through October 9, 1992 and December 1, 1992 through January L4, 1993 Public hearings were held on the followiing dates and locations: September 29, 1992 and January 6, 1993 Martha Hughes Cannon Building Salt Lake City, Utah and sept',"l;;i:' #3ilt *tffi]uu' 1ee3 Tooele, Utah .$il ,H J H ru .Hil .M 1. 2 2'. 3. 4. 5. 6. Table of Contents Tableof Contents... ......1 PublicNotices. "....2:7 Hearing Officer Statements . 8-11 Public Hearing Attendance Sheets 12-15 TranscriptofPublicHearings ....16 Written Comments from HAFB/UTTR with responses and changes made by the Department of Environmental Quality . t7-25 Administrative Changes made by the Department of Environmental Quality . .26 H q I i M ffi -I l ; I J, I 'rlt..il * Page I ,'M H NOTICE Ttre Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board is issuing a Utatr Hazardous Waste Research, Demonstration, and Development (RDD) Permit to Hill Air Force Base, Uah Test and Training Range [Permittee] for treatment and deactivation of lithium batteries at their facility located in Box Elder County, Utah. This permit is the third perrnit renewal for this facility, which will allow the Permittee to operate for 365 operating days upon issuance of this permil. The Permittee's application has been reviewed by the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste and found to be acceptable. The Utah Solid and Hazardous Wastes Act requires a public comment period prior to approval of a permit by the Utirh Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. The current nrles provide the general public an opportunity to be notified and participate in the permit process. All permit conditions of the pernit are subject to this public comment period and public hearings scheduled. The public comment period will comrnence on August 26, 1992, when the public notice is published in the Box Elder News and lournal, the Ogden Examiner, the Herald Journal, the Tooele Transcript Bulletin, the Salt I-ake Tribune, ild the Deseret News, ild will end on October 9, L992, at 5:00 p.m. MST. A public hearing has been scheduled on September 29, L992 at 1:30 pm in room 406 of the Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building, located at 288 North 1460 West, Salt I:ke City, Utah. Due to the vicinity of this facility to Tooele County, an additional public hearing will be held the evening of Wednesday, September 30, 1992 at 7:00 pm in the auditorium at the Tooele County Courthouse located at 47 South Main, Tooele, Utah. Copies of the RDD Permit are available for public review and inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.ffi., Monday through Friday during the comment period at the following offices: H W ,H tr! I Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building, 4th Floor 288 North 1460 West Salt l-ake City, Utall Bear River DisEict Health Department 655 East 1300 North Ingan, Utah 8432I Tooele County Health Department 47 South Main, Roorn 220 Tooele, Utah 84074 ose M M Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. MST on October 9, L992 and addressed to: Dennis R. Downs, Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board . State of Utatr P.0. Box 144880 salt Irke ciry, utah 84114-4880 Any questions concerning the draft permit should be directed to David M. McCleary, Uffi Division of Solid and Ilazardous Waste, (801) 538-6170. M ry J t ,fl ,M trl t I i i'l J "1A * ,'.'l ,. {JU3 M M NOTICE The Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board is issuing a Utah Hazardous Waste Research, Demonstration, and Development (RDD) Permit to Hill Air Force Base, Utah Test and Training Range for treatment and deadtivation of lithium batteries at their facility located in Box Elder County, Utatr. The Utah Solid and Hazardous Wastes Act requires a public comment period prior to approval of a permit by the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. Based upon significant comments received during a public comrnent period commencing on August 26, L992 and ending on October 9, 1992, changes to the draft permit have been made. Therefore, the changes to the draft permit dated August 26, 1992 and the draft in its entirety will be subject to a second public comment period and public hearings scheduled. The public comment period will commence on Derember l, 1992, when the public notice is published in the Box Elder News and Journal, the Ogden Examiner, the Herald Journal, the Tooele Transcript Bulletin, the Salt I-ake Tribune, ild the Deseret News, and will end on January 14, L993, at 5:00 p.m. MST. A public hearing has been scheduled on January 6, 1993 at 10:00 arn in room 406 of the Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building, located at 288 North 1460 West, Salt Lake City, Utah. Due to the vicinity of this facility to Tooele County, an additional public hearing will be held the evening of Wednesday, January 6, 1993 at 7:00 prn in the auditorium at the Tooele County Courthouse located at 47 South Main, Tooele, Utah. Copies of the draft RDD Perrnit and record of changes made to the draft permit are available for public review and inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.rn., Monday through Friday during the comment period at the following officis: M W Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building, 4th Floor 288 North 1460 West Salt I-ake City, Uffi Bear River District Health Department 655 East 1300 North tngan, Ud 84321 Tooele County Health Department 47 South Main, Roorn 220 Tooele, Utah 84074 il! ffi a ,.,rud -rl Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. MST on January 14, 1992 and addressed to: Dennis R. Downs, Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Department of Environmental Quality P.0. Box 144880 salt Irke city, utah 84114-4880 o,$4 ; i M .M In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accomrnodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify Brent Bradford, Deputy Director at 168 North 1950 West, SLC, Utah 84114-4810, 536-4413, at least three working days prior to the meeting. For further information contact David McCleary, Environrnental Scientist, Department of Environmental Quality, 538-6170 or TDD #563-4414. M M d fl q I i i ri a .rl (,lttw/t t fe'/n/ qi I r'i .$il M ,M q Erccurir.e Direror Salt Lake City, Uuh 8{1 I +4880 Denuis R. Downs GOI) 538-61?0 Dircctor (80t1 538-6715 Fax September 15, 1992 Karen Brown National Sales Coordinator KSL Broadcast House 55 North 300 West salt I-ake city, uT 84110-1160 Dear Ms. Brown: Enclosed is a public notice which we would like aired on your radio station three separate times during the day on Tuesday, September 22, 1992: 1) between 7:00-8:00 f.il. , 2) between 11:30- 1:30 p.m., and 3) once more between 5:00-6:00 p.m. Please send invoice and affidavit of air time to: Dennis R. Downs, Director Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Department of Environrnental Quality P.O. Box 144880 Salt I-ake City, Utah 84114-4880 Sincerely, Connie S. Nakahara Permits Section Manager Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste CSN/KAB/Kb Enclosure c: Iarry Wapensky, EPA Region VIII John C. Bailey, M.D., M.S.P.H., Health Officer/Department Director, Bear River District Health Department Printed on recycled paper {iUb H M Md ffi fl I o NOTICE The Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board is issuing a Utah Hazardous Waste Research, Demonstration, and Development Permit to Hill Air Force Base, Utah Test and Training Range for treatment and deactivation of lithium batteries at their facility located in Box Elder County, Utah. A public hearing to discuss the RD&D Permit has been scheduled for September 29, L992 at 1:30 p.m. in room 406 of the Cannon Health Building located at 288 North 1460 West, Salt I-ake City, Utatr. A second public hearing will be held September 30, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium at the Tooele County Courthouse located at 47 South Main, Tooele, Utah. Contact David McCleary of the Department of Environmental Quality at 538-6170 if you have any questions. Persons with disabilities who require special accommodations should call Brent Bradford at 538-6621. : ; I .) ffi *$'7 o .-H ffi STATEMENT OF HEARING OFFICER FOR PUBLIC HEARING Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Box Elder County, Utah Besearch, Development, and Dernonstration Permit For the Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility September Martha Hughes Cannon Health Roorn 1:3O 29, 1992 Buildiilg, Salt Lake City, Utah 406 P.M. M September 30, 1992 Tooele County Courthouse, Tooele, Utah South Auditorium 7:0O P.M. Hearing Officer: David McCleary Ladies and Gentlemen, we call this hearing to order. This is a hearing to receive comrnents on the draft Hazardous Waste Research, Demonstration, and Development (RDDI Permit being issued to Hill Air Force Base, Utah Test and Training Range for treatment and deactivation of lithium batteries at their facility located in Box Elder County, Utah. This permit will be the third permit renewal for this facility, which will allow the Permittee to operate for 365 operating days upon issuance of this permit. This hearing is being held under the authority of Section 1 9-6-101 through 105 of the Utah Code. My name is David McCleary. I represent the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board and have been appointed by the Executive Secretary of the Board as the hearing officer. Also present at this hearing are other representatives of the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. The public notice for the draft permit was published in the August 25, 1992 issue of the Tooele Transcript Bulletin, and in the August 26, issue of the Salt Lake Tribune. Deseret News. Ogden Standard Examiner, Herald Journal, and the Box Elder News and Journal. A copy of the draft permit and the adrninistrative record has been made available for examination at the Department of Environmental Ouality, 288 North 1460 West, Salt Lake City, Utah. A public notice announcing the draft permit was also published in the newspaper and has been avaitable for public inspection. $.j{iR o a ffi M Opportunity will be provided to any person desiring to participate in these hearings. Written statements dealing with the draft permit received no later than 5:O0 P.M., October 9, 1992 will be accepted for the record. lf anyone desires to make an oral statement regarding the draft perrnit, please sign the form and leave it with me. These proceedings are being recorded and a transcript of these proceedings will be available for public inspection at the Department of Environmental Ouality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, 4th Floor of the Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building. This is an adrninistrative hearing and as such there will be no cross examination of the witnesses. Those who have questions to ask or statements to make should state their names and direct their statements to me. I will then determine the appropriateness of the question and/or staternent and direct your statement to the appropriate individual. I ask that you confine your remarks to the information in the draft permit and lirnit them to 1O minutes orless. Comments that are not peftinent will be ruled out of order. It is the policy of the Department of Environrnental Ouality that the hearing remain in session for at least one hour. lf, during that hour, there comes a time when there is no one desiring to make a statement, the session will be recessed. At the end of the hour or longer, the hearing will be reconvened and the record reopened. The hearing will then be concluded after all those who desire to make a statement have done so. lf there are no additional comments, this hearing will be considered closed. Any additional written comments will be received until 5:oo F.ffi., october 9, 1992. Please leave your comments with the secretary at the front desk of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Fourth Floor of the Cannon Health Building. Adjourned atl|l Septernbe r 29,1992 Adjourned at$:0 Z4epternber 30, 1992 M : i$ilg o I'S.!S,.nfigni*{ji H H STATEMENT OF HEARING OFFICER FOB PUBLIC HEARING Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Box Elder Gounty, Utah Research, Development, and Demonstration Permit For the Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility January 6, 1993 Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building, Salt Lake City, Utah Room 406 10:OO A.M. January 6, 1993 Tooele County Courthouse, Tooele, Utah South Auditorium 7:OO P.M. Hearing Officer: David McCleary Ladies and Gentlemen, we call this hearing to order. This is a hearing to receive comments on the draft Hazardous Waste Research, Demonstration, and Development (RDD) Permit being issued to Hill Air Force Base, Utah Test and Training Range for treatment and deactivation of lithium batteries at their facility located in Box Elder County, Utah. This perrnit wil! be the third permit renewalfor this facility, which will allow the Permittee to operate for 365 operating days upon issuance of this permit. This hearing is being held under the authority of Section 19-6-101 through 105 of the Utah Code. My name is David McCleary. I represent the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board and have been appointed by the Executive Secretary of the Board as the hearing officer. Also present at this hearing are other representatives of the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. The public notice for the draft permit was published in the December 1 , 1992 issues of the Tooele Transcriot Bulletin, Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret News. Ooden Standar Examiner. Herald Journal, and the Box Elder News and Journal. A copy of the draft permit and the administrative record has been made available for examination at the Department of Environmental Ouality, 288 North 1460 West, Salt Lake City, Utah. A public notice announcing the draft permit was also published in the newspaper and has been available for public inspection. H i ,tjiO o a' H M Opportunity will be provided to any person desiring to participate in these hearings. Written statements dealing with the draft permit received no later than 5:OO P.M., January 14, 1993 will be accepted for the record. lf anyone desires to make an oral staternent regarding the draft permit, please sign the form and leave it with me. These proceedings are being recorded and a transcript of these proceedings will be available for public inspection at the Department of Environmental Ouality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, 4th Floor of the Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building. This is an administrative hearing and as such there will be no cross examination of the witnesses. Those who have questions to ask or statements to make should state their names and direct their statements to me. I will then determine the appropriateness of the question and/or statement and direct your staternent to the appropriate individual. I ask that you confine your remarks to the information in the draft permit and limit them to 10 minutes or less. Comrnents that are not pertinent will be ruled out of order. It is the policy of the Department of Environmental Ouality that the hearing remain in session for at least one hour. lf, during that hour, there comes a time when there is no one desiring to make a statement, the session will be recessed. At the end of the hour or longer, the hearing will be reconvened and the record reopened. The hearing will then be concluded after all those who desire to make a statement have done so. lf there are no additional comments, this hearing will be considered closed. Any additional written comments will be received until 5:OO F.ffi., January 14, 1993. Please leave your comments with the secretary at the front desk of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Fourth Floor of the Cannon Health Building. M H j ,l 1 i I i ,llIil M m ) I I I Adjourned at Adjourned at , Jonuary 6, 1993 , Jonuary 6, 1993 g'"\ rr -t .-:o C F€a*Y*: ,. Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Research, Development, and Dernonstration Permit For the Lithiurn Battery Deactivation Facility Public Hearing September 29, 1992 Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building, Salt Lake City, Utah Room 406 1:3O P.M. MAILING ADDRESS ORGANIZATIONi NAME COMMENT (Yes or No) C(o ,-[ I AF11 / rn tr IIDtr,Q /NSil I 0o -/7La/ Ln slJy es Sr*lE ,/*r ETr< k/ {i^L *'L'e o u$$!e,iffi rt!+stlsdiq;l5E!.!+qitiHiL-fl ;:*'a':'s:<riH3': COMMENT (Yes or No) M H Hill Air Force Base' Utah Test and Training Range Research, Development, and Demonstration Permit For the Lithiurn Battery Deactivation Facility Public Hearing September 30, 1992 Tooele County Courthouse, Tooele, Utah South Auditorium 7:00 P.M. MAILING ADDRESS ORGANIZATIONNAME 0vtr fLr-ufrLa t :/L, *FB T<t^)5 rxlau K*rc ruul M q.. s!r-,ur grtttb IEQ /DstlrJ_ h) a - tt n bt tt 1t /V1 il YY rL'.n, v>fitw rutP/ffJt| ffr r ryLb lYf Esu b /,Ee /osa'J A) o l 't 1')-T- Il:lrIl,litlIll I IIII II..I iIIr ",1,. Oi.3IIr 'il1 o iisrlEi$Fi'q1:*itttrir*\:i*:*;rxiL<u!e COMMENT (Yes or No) . H Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Research, Development, and Demonstration Permit For the Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility Public Hearing January 6, 1993 Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building, Salt Lake City, Utah Roorn 406 1O:O0 A.M. MAILING ADDRESS ORGANIZATION -.=\ ,i- r NAME I il ,i/- /, M P -t,, / Ct",rk Lne s y'ry'/ ,4f// t.r<,/f Sr^ri- Ande,yx rr.S r-+ L*l 57Eu,AJ Lm St{/rhr"a *Fe aJoTrcUJ H o.r, tW-* r+-*r*d\v<-/rys*1 t^S AP 0e oC',LA ,ilott {-}'i a 'o K}!tj!ilS!$sl(t+;ii:\'i++r"ii'|-"{:rt':}tf'i:+ H -M Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Research, Development, and Demonstration Perrnit For the Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility Public Hearing January 6, 1993 Tooele County Courthouse, Tooele, Utah South Auditorium 7:0O P.M. MAILING ADDRESS ORGANIZATIONNAME COMMENT (Yes or No) 7A6 5- €tc 2D tJ?) I i I i q t 1 ui-5 oI H ',, Dick Clark: "Ilrere are enough items here that we would want to submit it in writing, however I have a couple of questions that perhaps we should ask in clariffig some of these as to how we feel. Some of them are comrnents such as, incomplete sentences or something, and we would tike to know just exactly what is meant by this sentence.n David McCleary: "Comments versus modules or attachments. In ttre permit there are several modules and then there are attachments. Are your comments to the modules." Dick Clark: "Yes, to the modules", and some to the attachments." David McCleary: nI would suggest ttrat you submit those in writing.' nAny other @mments?" David McCleary: 'Okay then we will consider this meeting adjourned and reconvene approximately 2: 30 p. m. The meeting was reopened at 2:30 p.m. and there were no comments made. David McCleary: " If there are no additional comments, this hearing will beconsidered closed. Any additional written comments will be received until5:00 p.m. Octobert 19, 1991. Please leave your comments with the secretary at the front desk of the Division of Solid and llazardous Waste, Fourth Floor of the Cannon Healttr Building, Thutk you."H H i ,M H M Norman E Bangerter Governor Kenneth L Alkema Executive Director Dennis & Downs Director StmiL* sfl t"]t,ffih DEPARTMENT OF EI\MIRONMENTAL QUATITY DTTflSION OF SOLID A}ID }IAZARDOUS WASTE 288 North 1460 West P. O. Box 144880 salt Lake city, utah 84114-4880 (801) s38-6170 (801) 538-6715 Fax 1t il '1 December 2,1992 CERTTFIED MAIL REITJRN RECEIPT REOI'ESTED Jamm R. Van Orman Director of Environmental Management Department of the Air Force Headquarters Ogden Air Logistics Center (AFLC) Hill Air Force Base, Utah 84056-5990 RE: Comments on Hill Air Force Base QIAFB), Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR), Draft Research Development, and DemonStration Permit, Lithium Banery Deactivation Facility. Dear Mr. Van Orman: Your comments on the HAFB, UTTR, draft Research, Development, and Demonstration Permit for the Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility in Box Elder County has been received and reviewed by the staff of the Division of Sol id and Hazardous Waste. We have addressed the comments as follows: Comment Number I - Table of Contents, page v, line I is as follows: Chuge to read: '8. Research Plan Contains Pernittee's Research Plan and ttre MESP Lithium Battery Specifications pages 8-1 though 8-5.-. The Permittee submitted pages 8-1 through 8-5 to replace pages l-l through 1-2 and pager G-l through G-3, for Research Plan referencing, therefore this change will be implernented as commented. Comment Nurnber 2' Table of Contents, page v, line 9 is as ficllows: Change to read: "9. Tank and Facility Specifications, Drawings and Pertinent Inforrnation Contains Permittee's Tank and Facility specifications, drawings zurd o$rer pertinent facility information, pages 9-1 through 9-17." . The Permittee did not resubmit all applicable pages of 9-1 through 9-17 to replace pages H-l through II-16, therefore this change will not be implemented as commented and will remain as stated in the August 26, 1992 draft permit. Comrnent Number 3 - Table of Contens, page vi is as follows: In the definition of "Operating Day", tfie word "facility" and "calendar" are misspelled. These words are corrected and spelled as specified in Webster's 9th New Edition Col legiate Dictionary. F,t* ld' 0i.'7 .o ', t! j t Iil ,fl Fl _t i 1 I iJ H M ,M Mr. Van Orman HAFB, UTIR Droft Pcrmit Comments Dcccmber 2, lgYz Pago 2 Comment Number 4 - Module I, page 3, para I.G. is as follows: Change to read: "This permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed 365 oporating days from date of issuance of this permit, not including work related maintenarce repairs. " . This comment is implemented al follows: Condition I.G. is changed to read, .... "not to exceed 365 operating days ftom date of issuance of this permit", and the definitions of the Table of Contents section for "operating day" will contain all information of this comment. Comment Number 5 - Module I, page 5, para I.M.4. is as follows: This para contains two, incornplete sentences. Please clarify. R315€-15(d) is included in sentence one of this permit condition to complete the sentence and sentence two of this permit condition is as follows: 'The request shall provide information demonstrating that the proposed mettrod(s) requested to be substituted is equivalent or superior in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, and precision (i.e., reproducibility). " Comment Number 6 - Module I, page 6, paraI.N. is as follows: The 2nd to last sentence is incornplete. Should it begin with "Neither"? The word "neither" is included in this permit condition. Cornment Number 7 - Module I, page 7, para I.R.2. is as follows: Is R3l5-2-1.9(e) the correct reference? This reference is changed to R315-2-11(e). Comment Number 8 - Module I, page 9, para I.U. is as follows: Appears to be an incomplete sentence. This permit condition is changed as follows: "The Permittee shall provide a facility effectiveness report to the Executive Secretuy each rnon0r, which chronicles operations and conditions of ttre facility." Comment Number 9 - Module I, page 10, para I.V. is as follows: Is it assumed that this report will cover a two-year period? Is ttris accurate? A Biennial Report is required to be submitted following March I in the even nurnbered years as specified in R315-8-5.6, which documents facility operations in the previous odd numbered years. .M (}"IB a: ir M M i .t {t M Mr. Van Onnan HAFB, UTTR Draft Permit Comments Decernb er 2, lgYz Page 3 Comrnent Number 10 e Module I, page reference? This reference is changed Comment Number 11 - Module I, page reference? 1 1, para I.BB.4. to R315-84.2(a). 12, para I.88.6. is as follows: Is R3 15-8-4-(a) the correet is as follows: Is R315-8-7.3 the correct This reference is ehanged to R315-8-7. Comment Number 12 - Module I[, page 2, para U.E.l. is as follows: ,Due to the numerous OO-ALC agencies involved with the deactivation facility maintenance and repair, it may not be possible to determine and submit to the Executive Secretary, an aecurate time schedule within 72 hours. Instead, a seven (7) day notification time would be more desirable. Obviously, all facitity operations will be terminated and all required documentation will occur :N soon as the problem is discovered. A seven day period would, however, allow OO-ALC time to fully coordinate with responding organizations and would, in most instances allow for problem resolution within this time frame This comment mnnot be implernented as sated. Seventy-trro Q2) hours is considered an adequate time frarne for submitting a schedule for remediating deterioration or malfunctions at this facility. Comment Number 13 - Module II, page 5, para II.J.3.. is as follows: Is R315-3-3.3 ttre correct reference? This reference is changed to R315-3-80). Comnrent Number 14 - Module II, page 6, para II.K.4. is as follows: Is R315-3-9.1(d) the correct reference? This reference is changed to R3l5-3-15(d). Comment Number 15 - Module II, page'7, pua II.K.8. is as follows: Is R315-8-7.9 the correct reference? The reference is changed to R315-8-7. Comment Number 16 - Module III, page 2, para trI.B.2. is as follows: The word "sixty" should be "thirt)ru. The word "sixty" is replaced with the word "thirr1r" oie F ot, ; ffi Mr. Van Onnan HAFB, UTTR Dmft Pcrrnit Commcnts Deccrnbor 2, l9Y2 Page 4 Comment Number 17 - Module III, page7, pila III.6.1.b. is as follows: Should the reference "III.E.6." be "III.E.S."? The permit condition cited in this pennit condition is Comment Number 18 - Module III, pageg, para UI.[f .4. is as follows: 10"? changed from III.E.6 to III.E.S. Should 'R450-8-10" be "R315-8- M The reference is changed to R315-8-10. Comment Number 19 - Module III, page 10, para III.I.1. is as follows: Should 'R450-8-10" be "R315- 8-10"? The reference is changed to R3l5-8-10. Comment Number 20 - Module IlI, page 6, paras III.F.6, III.F.6.a, and III.F.8 is as follows: The secondary containment system that will be used for the below grade process tanks will be ttre placement of a smaller diameter tank inside of the existing tanks. A leak detection system will be placed in the annular space between ttre tanks and this area will be covered by a sealing flange to prevent moisture intrusion. This configuration will make inspections of the secondary containment tal*s difficult. Inspections at the frequency now required by these Module paragraphs will cause excessive delays in battery deactivations. It is tlerefore proposed that the above paragraphs be amended as follows: para II[.F.6. Add "(during operation)" after the word "period" i ffil .M - i I d H para III.F.6.a. para III.F.8. Change to read "Integrity of the seconduy containment system sealing flange. " Change to read: "The Permittee shall, in addition to Condition III.F.7, inspect the secondary containment systems for the tanks identified in Condition III.B.4 at least once each year for the following:" Comment 20 is addressed as follows: Condition III.F.8. will be irnplemented as stated above and Condition III.F.6. and III.F.6.a. will be churged to read; III.F.6,The Perrnittee shall, in addition to the Conditions of I[I.F.2. through II[.F.4., visually inspect each tank system identified in Conditions If[.8.4. at least once each operating day for the following: Integrity of the secondary containment systern sealing flange; UI.F.6,a. Oc;O I..t I I i .M H Mr. Van Orman IIAFB, UTTR Draft Pcrmit Commonts Dcccmbcr 2, l99Z Pago 5 The following comments to the Attachments of the August 26, L992 draft permit will be implemented as stated except for the comments for Attachment 3, page 3-4 and Attachment 9, which will not be implemented: Attach. 1, (page 1-1, para 2-1), @age l-2, paras 2-2,2-3), (page 1-3, para 2-5), @age 1-11, para 15-1), (page l-15, Figuro 4) is as follows: New organizational and offrce symbol changes are reflected on submitted pages. l i iJ M Attach. 3, page 3-1, 2nd para. Attach. 3, page 3-1, 3rd para. Attach, 3. page 3-4, lst para. Auach. 3, page 3-5, item (3). Attach. 3, page 3-6. Attach. 3, page 3-'l . Attach 3, page 3-9. Attach. 3, page 3-10 Attach. 3, pages 3-5, & 3-10 The reference to "R315-8 .6.2" should be changed t0 "R315-8-2.6". Change the two references from "Module IV" to "Module IIIU. Change the references from "40 CFR 264. 15(c) and R3 l5-8-10.5(C)" to "40 CFR 264. ls(d) and R3 15:l- 9.6(d)',. Change telephone number from "'14274" to "72699u. Add the following to the sentence at the top of the "Pre- Operation Inspection Logn: "Any discrepancies discovered during inspection shall be imrnediately reported to OO-ALC/LMSHY. u. Add the following to the sentence at the top of the "Daily Inspection Log": "Irrunediately report all discrepancies to the identified agencies.". Change the second sentence at the top of the "Weekly Inspection Log" to the following: "Any discrepancy found with the security devices shall be imrnediately reported to Range Civil Engineering (SUE) - ext. 71545, Range Security (SUS) - ext 71522, ild LMSHY - ext. -12699," , Elirninate "First Aid Kit" as an item to be inspected. Change office symbol "LMMRO" to "LMSHY". I ,M H ,! ,i j ; i i I ilc H 3{, 3-9, 3-9, {.}2j. It M .M Mr. Van Onnan HAFB, UTTR Draft Perrnit Comrnents Dpcernber 2, lgYz Page 6 Anach . 4, page 4-3. Attach. 5, page 5-2, item 2. Attach. 5, page 5-3, item 4. Attach. 6, page 6-2, itern 2a. Attach. 6, page 6-2, itern 2c. Attach. 6, page 6i,, item 2d. Attach . 6, page 6-3, item 6. Attach. 6. page 6-4, 7th para. Attach. 6, page 6-8, Iine 3. Attach. 6, page 6-10, last pila, lst Attach. 6, age 6-L2, Figure 1. Attach . 7, page 7-4, lst para. Add new para: "Record keeping Requtementq Records urust be kept for all individuals participating and cornpleting the required training courses. Copies of these records must be kept at the UTTR complex.". Replace u400" with "1000u and delete "..., 500 gpm purnp. " from the "Structural purnper". Replace the word "truck" with "trailer" for the "water buffalo". Delete the words "with halon and dry chemical for engine fires" from the "Ramp patrol vehiclg". To accurately reflect what is located at ttre deactivation facility, change to read: "4. Safety equiprnent maintained at ttre facility specific to the possible hazards include a deluge shower, eyewash station and wash down/rinse water. ". Change to read: "a. Structural purnper - 1000 gallon storage capacity" Change to read: w/purnp)u. 400 gallon "Water Buffalo" (trailer Eliminate " - halon & dry chemicals" Eliminate the words "facility andn. Replace second sentence with "Sulfur dioxide gas is a colorless gils with a shaqp, pungent odor. ". Change sentence to read: "The Hill Consolidated Cornmand Post is notified as per driver's instnrctions on DD Forrn 836. ", Change sentence to read: "Immediately after the sentence ernergency condition is over, the Ernergency Coordinator or his alternate will determine if any uraterial from the lithium batteries is still considered hazardous. " . Update of Hitl AFB office symbols. Change reference from "R315-8-7.10n to 'R315-8-7. " . M o il i l .d M -1 i M w Mr. Van Orman HAFB, UTTR Draft Perrnit Comments December 2, lgYz Pago 7 Attach . 7 , page 7-5, lst para. Attach. 8, Title page. Attach. 8, page 1-1. Attach. 8, page l-2, step 2. Attach. 8, page l-2. Attach. G, Title page. Attach. G, paBB G-l Attach. G, page G-2. Attach. G. page G-3. Attach. 9, Title page. Attach. 9, page H-l. Change reference from "40 CFR L64.1 11' to"fi cFR 264.1 I 1.',. Change Title page to read: "ATTACIIMENT 8 SECTION 1 . RESEARCTI PLAN SECTION 2. LITHIUM BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS ". Change the page nurnber from "l-1" to n8-1" Replace '(Lithium Chloride)" in the chernical equation with " (Sulfur Dioxide)'. Change the page number from " L-2" to " 8-2" . Eliminate this page. Change Title to read: SECTION 2 - LITHIUM BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS U. Change figure references from "Figure G-l" and "Figure G.2" to 'Figure 8-1" and "Figure 8-2" respectively. Change page number frorn "G-1" to u8-3'. Change "Figure G-l" to "Figure 8-I ". Change page number from "G-2" to "g-4". Change "Figure G-2" to "Figure 8-2". Chuge page number from "G-3" to "8-5". Change Title page to read: "ATTACHMENT 9TANK AND FACILITY SPECIFICATIONS, DRAWINGS AND PERTINENT INFORMATION". Change figure references from "Figure H- 1", "Figure H- 2", "Figure H-3", and "Figure H-4" to "Figure 9-1", "Figure 9-2" , "Figure 9-3 ", and "Figure 9-4" respectively. Change page number frorn "H-1" to "9-1". Change figure reference from "Figure H-3" to "Figure 9-3tt. Change page number from "H-la" to "9-2". Attach . 9, page H-la. {-} j.t : .i -M H Mr. Yan Onnan HAFB, UTTR Draft Permit Cornmentr Decernber 2, lgYz Page 8 Attach . 9, page H-2. Attach. 9, page H-3. Attach. 9, page H-4. Attach. 9, page H-5. Attach . 9, page H-6. Attach . g, page H-7. Attach. 9, page H-8. Attach . 9, page H-9. Attach. 9, page H-10. Attach. 9, page H-l l. Attach . 9, page H-12. Attach. 9, page H-l3. Attach . 9, H-14. Attach. 9, page H-15. Attach. 9, page H-16. Change figure references from "Figure H-5", "Figure H- 6", and "Figure H-7n t0 'Figure 9-5n, 'Figure9-6", and "Figur e 9-7 " respectively. Change page number frorn "H-2" to "9-3". Change page number from nH-3 to "94,. Change figure references from "Figures lr-g and I{-9' to "Figures 9-8 and 9-9". Change page nurnber from *H*4" to u9-5', Changs page umber from "H-5" to ,'!6". Change "Figure H-ln to "Figure 9-1 ", Change page number from 'H-6" to "g:l " Change "Figure H-2" to "Figute 9-2,, . Change page number frorn ,H ,,,, to "9-g" Change "H-3", "H-33", "H-3bn, gtc. to appropriate 3", "9-3a", "9-3b", etc. for thg Z drawings. Change 'Figure H-4" to "Figure 94',. Change page nurnber from nH-9', to ,'9-10',. U,-4 i I Ii I M Change "Figure H-5" to "Figure 9-5,, Change page nurnber from "H-10' to Change "Figure H{" to "Figure 9{,, Change page nurnber frorn "H-l l " to Change "Figure H{" to 'Figure 9{" Change page number from "H-12', to Change "Figure H-7" to "Figureg-7,, Change page number from "H-13" to Change "Figure H-7" to "Figure 9-7" Change page number from "II- 14" to Change "Figure H-8" to "Figure 9-8" Change page number frorn "H-15" to Change "Figure H4" to "Figure 9-9,, Change page number fronr "H-16" to '9-l I " "9- 12" t'9- 13 " " 9- 14" tt9- 15 " " 9-16'* "9- 17" o Mr. Varr Onnan HAFB, UTTR Draft Pcrmit Commcnts Deccmbcr 2, lgn Pcgo 9 Ttre inspection schedules urd procedures comments of Comrnent Number 20 are significant deparilres ftom the August 26,1992 draft permit inspection schedules urd procedures, therefore, the August 26, 1992 draft permit will be re-noticed urd subject to a 45 day public cornrnent Beriod commencing on December L, L992 and ending on fanuary L4, 1992. A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, January 6, t992 at 10:00 am, at the following location: Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building Room 406 288 N. 1460 rV. Salt Lake City, UT 841 16 An additional public hearing will be held in Tooele, Utah at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, January 6, 1992 at the: Tooele County Courttrouse, Auditoriurn 47 Souttr Main Tooele, Utah We appreciate HAFB, UTTR allocating time to so thoroughly review and comrnent on the draft perrnit. Any questions in this regard should be addressed to Mr. David McCleary of my staff at 538- 6170. Sincerelv vours.R# Commercial/Federal Facilities Branch Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste STA/DMM c: John C. Bailey, M.D., M.S.P.H., Health Officer/Department Director Bear River District Health Department Linda Armington, R.N., M.P.H., Healttr Officer/Director, Tooele County Health Departrnent Larry Wapensky, EPA Region VIII .H .H .H I i i i i I.i l. t l 1 '| ! # M rq I I i Lt i I i i I I lJ H 1. 2. .H H Additional Administrative Changes to the Draft RDD Permit by the Department of Environmental Quality The Permit will be dated and effective April 1, 1993. The following page changes to the Table of Contents, page iv, Module III were made: Module III - Storage and Treatment in Tank Systems Module III C. TANK SYSTEM INSTALLATION TII.2 E. GENERAL OPERATING CONDITIONS III- 4 H. RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING Itr- 8 J. TANK CLOSURE M-10 K. PROVISIONS FOR INCOMPATIBLE WASTES III-10 The word "reissued" shall be deleted from Module I, condition I.D.1. The word "reissuance" shall be deleted from Module I, condition I.D.2. Module I, condition I.N., regulatory citation R315-3-9 shall be changed to R315-3-15. Module I, condition I.W., shall be worded as follows to provide clarification: r.W. OTHERNONCOMPLIANCE The Permittee shall report in writing all other instances of noncompliance with this permit not otherwise required to be reported in accordance with permit condition I.R. of this permit, within seven days of discovering the noncompliance. The reports shall contain the information listed in permit condition I.R. of this permit. Reporting shall not constitute a defense for any noncompliance. Module I, condition I.AA., emergency telephone number shall be changed to 801-536- 4123. Module I, condition I.BB.2., shall be worded as follows to provide clarification: I.BB.2.Inspection schedules (Attachment 3), as required by R315-8-2.6O) and a record of inspections in an inspection log for a period of three (3) years in accordance with R315-8.2.6(d); ffi H 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.d f, fl Page 26