HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007918Michael O. Leavitt Govertor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exesutive Dir€ctor Dennis R. Downs Dir€ctor TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: #*B,x ;" ** # H ys ^H ffi*mtm,ffi n#ff ffi-H*m*ffire DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE 288 North 1460 Wegt P.O. Box l,{4880 salr kke city, Urah 84ll+4880 (E0l) 53E{170 (E01) 538{715 Fax (E0l) 5364414T.D.D. MEMORANDI]M FILE David M. McCleary, Environmental Scientist Permitting Section April 15, 1993 Hill Air Force Base (HAFB), Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) Lithium Batt€ry Deactivation (LBD) Facility, Fact Sheets. Attached are the Fact Sheets prepared as specified by R315-3-25 for the Draft Research, Developement, and Demonstration Permits for August 26, 1992 and December 1,, 1992. DMM/dm Printed on recycled paper }IAEB, IJTTR RDD Fact Sheet Draft: August 26, 1992 Iast Revision: August 19, 1992 FACT SHEET FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE RF^SEARCII, DEYETOP,MEIYT. AI\D DEIVIONSTRATION DRAFT PERMIT IIiII Air Forrce Base Utah Test and Training Range Lithium Battery lleactivation Facility Box Elder County, Utah This fact sheet has been developed by the Executive Secreary for the Utatr Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. The purpose is to discuss the draft permit that the Utatr Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board proposes to issue to Hill Air Force Base (HAFB), Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) [the Permittee], under the authority of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act. The permit would regulate Research, Development and Demonstration @DD) activities at the Lithium Battery Deactivation (LBD) Facility located in Box Elder County, Utatr. .A. PT]RFOSE OF THE PERMITTING PROCESS The purpose of the permitting process is to develop the specific requirements necessary for the Permittee to comply with the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder by the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board in the Utah Administrative Code (R315). \ Utah is federally authorized to administer and enforce the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act @CRA) of 1980 and portions of ttre Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984, within the State, in lieu of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act is the State statutory authority to regulate the management of solid and hazardous waste. The Utatr Environmentat Quality Code created the Uah Sotid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (Control Board) to administer the provisions of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act. The administrative authority for the Control Board to approve and issue RCRA hazardous waste permits has been delegated to ttre Executive Secretary @xecutive Secretary) of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. EPA maintains an oversight role of the State's authorized program. This draft permit is the third permit renewal prepared for this facility, which is the final renewal allowed per R315-3-22. The Executive Secretary has prepared this draft permit filf@ Factsheet - page 1 HAFB, UTTR RDD Fact Sheet Draft: August 26,1992 Iast Revision: August 19,1992 which sets forth all the applicable requirements with which the Permittee must comply during the 365 operating days of the permit. B. PROCEDTJRES FOR REACHING A FINAL DECISION R315-3-26 requires that the public be given at least thirty (30) days to comment on each draft permit prepared under the Uatr Solid and Hazardous Waste Act. The comment period will begin on August 26, 1992 and end on October 9, 1992 at 5 pm. The complete administrative record consisting of the permit application, draft permit, fact sheet, and documents relating to the draft permit may be reviewed, Monday through Friday between 8 am and 5 pr, at the office of the Executive Secretary at the address listed in this fact sheet. A copy of the draft permit and fact sheet, may be reviewed, Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., at the Bear River District Healttr Department, Logan, Utah, and the Tooele County Health Department, Tooele, Utah. Questions concerning the draft permit or the administrative procedures should be directed to: Connie S. Nakahara, Manager Hazardous Waste Permit Section David M. McCleary, Permit Writer or Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P.O Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 801-538-6170 Interested parties are invited to submit written comments concerning the draft permit. Public comments will be accepted until 5:00 P.M. on Friday, October 9, 1992. A11 persons wishing to comment on any of the permit conditions should submit the comments in writing to: Dennis R. Downs i Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board State of Utah DEQ DSHW P.O. Box 144880 salt Lake city, uT 84114-4880 fnW Factsheet - page 2 }IAFB, UTTR RDD Fact Sheet Draft: August 26,1992 I:st Revision: August 19,1992 Comments should include all reasonable/available references, factual grounds, and supporting material. A public hearing will be held on September 29, lgg2beginning at l:30 pm, at the following location: Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building Room 406 288 N. 1460 W. Salt I,ake City, UT 84116 An additional public hearing will be held in Tooele, Utatr at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 30, 1992 at the: Tooele County Courthouse, Auditorium 47 South Main Tooele, Utah The purpose of the public hearing will be for interested parties to make comments to be officially entered into the record. Those wishing to make comments at the formal public hearings are also encouraged to submit those comments in writing. The Executive Secretary will consider all written comments received during the public comment period, including the public hearings, when making a final decision on this draft permit. Notice will be given to the applicant and each person who has submitted written comments or requested notice of the final decision. (fhe final decision shall become effective upon issuance of the permit decision.) C. FACILITY DESCRIPTION C.1. General The UTTR LBD Facility is a RDD permitted facility reapplying for its third permit renewal. This facility is located 55 miles west of Salt I-ake City located on the UTTR Desert Oasis Facility located in Box Elder County, Utah. Access to the site is accomplished via interstate Highway 80 from the east to west and then via exit 62 on a county road through Puddle Valley crossing Tooele County into Box Elder County which allows access into the facility. fffZn] Factsheet - page 3 HAEB, UTTR RDD Fact Sheet Draft: August 26, L992 I:st Revision: August L9, L992 The hazardous waste activity of this unit is to deactivate lithium thionyl chloride batteries (submodules) by treatment in facility Ank units. C.2. Units to be Permitted This facility consists of three subsurface tank units, wastewater ponds and overhead monorail system to lift 565 pounds submodules into treatment tank systems. The mechanical elements of ttris facility are utilities providing water, and recirculating pumps to circulate water through the treated lithium submodules. D. PERMIT ORGANIZATION The permit is divided into four Modules Module Module Module ATTACHMENTS TO THE PERMIT I Standard Conditions II General Facility Conditions m Storage and Treatment in Tanks Waste Analysis Plan Security Plan Inspection Schedules Personnel Training Preparedness and Prevention Plan Contingency Plan Closure Plan Research Plan Research Description and Process Description fflml Factsheet - page 4 O HAEB, UTTR RDD Fact Sheet Draft: August 26,1992 last Revision: August L9,1992 g. Tank Specifications & Drawings E. SI]MMARY OF PERMIT CONDMONS This section of the fact sheet provides a brief summary of the conditions in the draft permit. MODTJLE I STAI\DARD PERMIT COI{DIIIONS Part I of the permit sets forth the standard procedural conditions that are applicable to all hazardous waste management facilities. The column entitled "Regulation/Utah Code Annotated" provides the Utah statutory authority for the permit condition specified in the column entitled 'Permit Condition." The column entitled "Regulation/Utah Administrative Code, R315' provides the Utah regulatory authority. Permit Subiect Utah Code Annotated Condition R315 I.A. Effect of Permit I.B. Enforceability I.C. Other Authority I.D. Permit Actions f .E. Severability I.F. Duties to Comply I.G. Permit Expiration -3-13, -3-22, -3-23 -3- 10(0,-3-15, -3-L6, -3- 230)Q) -3- 16 -3-10(a) -3-11(d) fnry Factsheet - page 5 Permit Subject Condition I.H. I. I. I.J. I.K. I.L. I.M. I.N. I.O. r.P. I.Q. I.R. I. S. I.T. I.IJ. I.V. I.'W. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity not a defense Duty to Mitigate Proper Operation and Maintenance Duty to Provide Information Inspection and Entry Monitoring and Records Reporting Planned Changes Reporting Anticipated Noncompliance Certification of Construction or Modification Transfer of Permit Twenty-four Hour Reporting Monitoring Reports Compliance Schedules Facility Activity Reporting Biennial Report Other Noncompliance HAFB, IITTR RDD Fact Sheet Draft: August 26, L992 Ixst Revision: August 19, L992 Utah Code Annotated R315 3-10(c) -3-10(c) -3-10(e) -3-10(h) -3-10(i) -3-10(i), -3-10(lx1) -3-10(1X2) 3-10(lx2xi) -3-100)(3), -3-230)Q) -3-10(l)(6) -3-10(1X5) -3-1 -3-22 -3-10(l)(e) -3-100)(10) fflml Factsheet - page 6 Permit Subject Condition r.x. I.Y. I.Z. r.AA. I.BB. I.CC. I.DD. II.A. II.B. II.C. II.D. II.E. MODT]LE II GEI{ER,AL FACILITY STAITDARDS Module II of the permit sets forth general conditions for the facility with which the Permittee must comply. Permit Subject Condition Other Information Signatory Requirement Confidential Information Reports, Notifications, and Submissions Documents to be Maintained at the Facility Site Protection of Human Health and the Environment Definitions Applicability Design and Operation of Facility Waste Analysis Security General Inspection Requirements IIAEB, IJTTR RDD Fact Sheet Draft: August 26, L992 L^ast Revision: August L9, 1992 Utatr Code Annotated R315 -3-100x11) -3-10(k), -3-8 R315-10 3-23(bX1) Utah Code Annotated R3 15 -8-2.4 -8-2.5 -8-2.6 fff@ Factsheet - page 7 Permit Subject Condition II.F. IT.G. rI.H. II.I. II.J. II.K II.L rr.M. II.N. Permit Subject Condition III.A. III.B. Applicability Tank System Design MODT]LE Itr STORAGE AND TREATMEIYT IN TAIYK SYSTEIVIS Module III of the permit sets forth conditions for storage and treatment in tank systems with which the Permittee must comply. Personnel Training Preparedness and Prevention Contingency Plan General Requirements For Ignitable, Reactive, or Incompatible Waste Recordkeeping and Reporting Closure/Post-Closure Cost Estimates For The Facility Closure Financial Assurance for Facility Closure Liability Requirements HATts, I]TTR RDD Fact Sheet Draft: August 26, L992 Last Revision: August 19, 1992 Utah Code Annotated R315 -8-2.7 -8-3.1 -8-4.1 -8-2.8 -8-5.3, -8-7 -8-8 -8-8 -8-8 to -8-4.7 5, 6 and 7 Utah Code Annotated R3t5 -8-10 -8- 10 fifllRl Factsheet - page 8 I1 IIAFB, I]TTR RDD Fact Sheet Draft: August 26, L992 last Revision: August 19, 1992 Utah Code Annotated R315 Permit Subject Condition ru.C. Tank System Installation -8-10 m.D. Permitted Waste Identification III.E. General O,perating Conditions -8-10 III.F. Inspection Schedules and Procedures -8-10 III.G. Responie To I-eals Or Spills -8-10 III.H. Recordkeeping and Re,porting m.I. Tank System Modification Requirements m.I. Tank Closure -8-10 III.K. Provisions For Incompatible Wastes -8-10 ftlTW Factsheet - page 9 UTAH HAZARDOUS WASTE RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND DEMONSTRATION DRAFT PERMIT LITHIUM BATTERY DEACTIVATION FACILITY FOR Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Box Elder County, Utah August 26, L992 o I{AEB, IJTTR RDD Permit Draft: August 26, L992 Last Revision: August L9, 1992 STATE OF UTAH DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL Permittee: Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Pursuant to the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act, (the Act), 19-6-101, as amended and the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) (R315-1 through R315-14) as adopted by the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (the Board), a plan approval (herein after called "permit") is issued to Hill Air Force Base (HAFB), Utah Test and Training Range ruTfR) (herein after called the "Permittee'), to operate a hazardous waste Research, Development, and Demonstration (RDD) treatment facility in Box Elder County, Utatr. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has authorizd the Executive Secretary to issue such a permit under Section 3006(b) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act @CRA). The Permittee must comply with all the terms and conditions of this permit and in the Attachments I through 9. The Permittee must comply with all applicable State regulations including R315-1 through R315-14, R315-50, and R315-101. Applicable rules are those which are in effect on the date of issuance of this permit. This permit is based upon the adminismtive record, as required by R315-3-24(d). The Permittee's failure in the application or during the permit issuance process to disclose fully all relevant facts, or the Permittee's misrepresentation of any relevant facts at any time, shall be grounds for the termination or modification of this permit, the initiatiori of an enforcement action, including criminal proceedings, or any combination of these remedies. The Permittee must inform the Executive Secretary for the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board @xecutive Secretary) of any deviation from the permit conditions or changes in the information on which the application is based which would affect the Permittee's ability to comply, or actual compliance with the applicable regulations or permit conditions or which alters any condition of this permit in any way. The Executive Secretary shall enforce all conditions of this permit which are designated in this permit as State requirements. Any challenges of any permit condition that concern State requirements shall be appealed to the Utah Solid and Hazardous Wastes Control Board in accordance with the Utah Code Annotated. HAFB, UTTR RDD Permit Draft: August 26, L992 Last Revision: August 19, 1992 This permit is effective as dated and shall remain in effect for 365 operating days, unless revoked and reissued, pursuant to R315-3-15 or terminated, pursuant to R315-3-16 or continued in accordance with R3 15-3-1 1(d). Dennis R. Downs Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazafious Waste Control Board Date TABLE OF CONTET{TS HATts, UTTR RDD Permit Draft: August 26, 1992 Iast Revision: August 19, L992 PAGEYolume L Introduction and Signature Page Table of Contents a a a a a a a a a a a a a . . . r o a a a a a a a . . . . a a a a a al . . .111 Listof Attachments ......v Definitions . . .vi Module I - Standard Permit Conditions Module I EFFECT OF PERMIT .I - 1 ENFORCEABILITY ..I-1 OTHER AUTHORITY .I - 1 PERMIT ACTIONS . .I - 1 DUTIESTOCOMPLY ....T-2 PERMITEXPIRATION ....I.3 NEED TO HALT OR REDUCE ACTIVITY NOT A DEFENSE I3 DUTYTOMMGATE, ....I-3 PROPER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE .I. 3 DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION . .T - 4 INSPECTION AND ENTRY .T. 4 MOMTORING AND RECORDS . .T - 4 REPORTING PLANNED CHANGES . . .I - 6 REPORTING ANTICIPATED NONCOMPLICANCE .I - 6 CERTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION OR MODIFICATION I6 TRANSFER OF PERMIT . . .I - 7 TWENTY-FOUR HOUR REPORTING . .T - 7 MOMTORING REPORTS . .I - 9 COMPLIANCESCHEDULES ....I.9 FACILITY ACTIVITY REPORTING . . .I - 9 BIENMAL REPORT .I - 10 . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :l- 13 SIGNATORYREOIJIREMENT ...I.10 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION .I - 10 REPORTS. NOTIFICATIONS. AND SUBMISSIONS .I - 10 DOCUMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED AT THE FACILITY SITE PROTECTION OF HUMAN HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT r 11r12 HAFB, UTTR RDD Permit Draft: August 26, L992 Last Revision: August 19, L992 Module II - General Facility Conditions Module II A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. APPLICABILITY ....[- 1 DESIGNANDOPERATIONOFFACILITY ...II.1 WASTE ANALYSIS PLAN .II - 1SECTruTY ...TT-2 GENERAL INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS . .IT.2 PERSONNEL TRAINING . .II . 3 PREPAREDNESS AND PREVENTION . .II - 3 CONTINGENCYPLAN ...II .4 GENERAL REOUIREMENTS FOR IGMTABLE. REACTIVE, ORINCOMPATIBLEWASTE ...[.5 RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING . .II - 5 CLOSURE ....II-6 COST ESTIMATES FOR TIIE FACILITY CLOSURE . TI . 7 FINANCIAL ASSURANCEO FOR FACILITY CLOSURE . .II - 7 LIABILMYREOI]IREMENTS ...TT.7 Module III - Storage and Treatment in Tank Systems . . . Module III APPLICABILTTY M - 1 TANK SYSTEM DESIGN . .III - 1 TANK SYSTEM INSTALLATIQN .TII.2 PERMITTED WASTE IDENTIFICATION TII - 4 GENERAL OPERATING CONDMONS .III - 4 INSPECTION SCHEDULES AND PROCEDURES . . . III.5 RESPONSE TO LEAKS OR SPILIS IJT.1 RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING . .III . 8 TANK SYSTEM MODIFICATION REOUIREMENTS . III - 10 TANK CLOSURE . . .M. 10 PROVISIONS FOR INCOMPATIBLE WASTES III . 11 lv HAFB, IJTTR RDD Permit Draft: August 26, 1992 Iast Revision: August 19, 1992 ATTACIIMENTS TO TIIE PE,RMIT The following documents are excerpts from the Permittee's RCRA Research, Development, and Demonstration Permit Application dated November 12, l99l as modified by subsequent amendments. The listed documents are hereby incorporated, in their entirety, by reference into this permit. The Executive Secretary has as deemed necessary, modified specific language in the Attachments. These modifications are described in the permit conditions (Modules I, II, and III), and thereby supersede the language of the original Attachment. These incorporated Attachments are enforceable conditions of this permit as modified by the specific permit conditions. 1. Waste Analysis Plan Contains Permittee's Waste Analysis Plan, pages 1-1 through l-25. 2. Security Contains Permittee's Security Procedures, pge 2-1. 3. Inspection Schedules Contains Permittee's Inspection Schedules, pages 3-1 through 3-10. 4. Personnel Training Contains Permittee's Personnel Training Plan, pages 4-1 throgh 4-3 5. Preparedness and Prevention Contains Permittee's Preparedness and Prevention Plan, pages 5-1 through 5-4. 6. Contingency Contains Permittee's entire Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures, pages 6-1 through6-12 7. Closure Contains Permittee's Closure Plan, pages 7-1 throughT-7. 8. Research Plan Contains Permittee's Research and Process Description pages 1-1 through L-2 and pages G-l through G-3. 9. Tank Specifications and Drawings Contains Permittee's Tank Specifications and drawings, pages H-l through H-16. HAEB, UTTR RDD Permit Draft: August 26, L992 Last Revision: August L9,1992 DEFINITIONS For purposes of this permit, terms used herein shdl have the same meaning as those in R315-2, 3, 4 and 8, unless this permit qpecificaUy provides otherwise; where terms are not defined in the regulations or the permit, the meaning associated with such terms shall be defined by a standard dictionary reference or the generally accepted scientific or industrial meaning of the term. "Approved" means written approval from the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Ilazardous Waste Control Board. uBoardn means the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. "Executive Secretary" means the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. 'Facility' means all contiguous land and structures, other appurtenances and improvements on the land, used for treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste. A facility may consist of several treatment, storage, and disposal operational units (e.g., one or more landfills, surface impoundments, or combinations of them). "Facility Plan Approval" means a written approval (referred to as a permit) to operate a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility within the State of Utah. "Hazardous waste constituent" means a constituent that caused the Control Board or the Executive Secretary to list the hazardous waste in R315-2 or R315-50-10. "Hazardous waste" means a solid waste, or combination of solid wastes, which, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause, or significanfly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or pose a subbtantial present or potential haaard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed. "Operating day" shall mean any fraction of a calaender day when operating the faciliuty under this permit. "Precipitation" means rain, snow, sleet, or hail. "Registered or Registered Professional Engineer" means any individual who is registered as a Professional Engineer by any state's Department of Business Regulation or its equivalent and is qualified by experience and education in the appropriate engineering field. vl IIATts, IJTTR RDD Permit Draft: August 26, L992 Iast Revision: August 19, 1992 "Release" means any spilling, leaking, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, pumping, escaping, leaching, dumprng, or disposing of hazardous wastes (including hazardous waste constituents) into the environment (including the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles containing hazardous wastes or hazardous constituents). 'submit' or "submission" means to be received by hand delivery, mail, certified mail, express mai[, and facsimile logged in at the offices of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. "Surface impoundment" or impoundment menns a facility or part of a facility which is a natural topographic depression, man-made excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials (although it may be lined with man-made materials), which is designed to hold an accumulation of liquid waste or waste containing free liquids, and is not an injection well. Examples of surface impoundments are holding, storing, settling, and aeration pits, ponds and lagoons. v1l HAEB, UTTR Fact Sheet .Dece'rhber 1,1992 FACT SHEET FOR ITAZARpOUS WASTE RESEARCH, DEVE,T4PMENTT AND DEMONSTRATIO-N DRAFT PERMIT HiIl Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility This fact sheet has been developed by the Executive Secretary for the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. The purpose is to discuss the draft permit that the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board proposes to issue to Hill Air Force Base (HAFB), Utah Test and Training Range OffR) [the Permittee], under the authority of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act. The permit would regulate Research, Development and : ' Demonstration (RDD) activities at the Lithium Battery Deactivation (LBD) Facitity located in Box Elder County, Utah. ,:'' A. PURPOSE OF THE PERMITTING PROCESS The purpose of the permitting process is to develop the specific requirements necessaryl tbr the Permittee to comply with the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder by the Utah Soiid and Hazardous Waste Control. Board in the Utah Administrative Code (R315). I ' Utah is federally authorized to administer and enforce the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1980 and portions of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984, within the State, in lieu of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act is the State statutory authority to regulate the management of solid and hazardous waste. The Utah Environmental Quality Code created the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (Control Board) to administer the provisions of the Utah Solid'and Hazardous Waste Act. The administrative authority for the Control Board to approve and issue RCRA hazardous waste permits has been delegated to the Executive Secretary (Executive Secretary) of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. EPA maintains an oversight role of the State's authorized program. This draft permit is the third permit renewal prepared for this facility, which is the final renewal allowed per R315-3-22. The Executive Secretary has prepared this draft permit which sets forth all the applicable requirements with which the Permittee must comply during the 365 operating days of the permit. Fnml Factsheet - page I HAFB, UTTR Fact Sheet December L, L992 B. PROCEDTJRES FOR REACHING A FINAL DECISION R315-3-26 requires that the public be given at least thirty (30) days to comment on each draft permit prepared under the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act. The comment period will begin on December L, 1992 and end on January t4, 1993 at 5 pm. The complete administrative record consisting of the permit application, draft permit, fact sheet, and documents relating to the draft permit may be reviewed, Monday through Friday between 8 am and 5 pm, at the office of the Executive Secretary at the address listed in this fact sheet. A copy of the draft permit and fact sheet, may be reviewed, Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., at the Bear River District Health Department, Logan, Ud, and the Tooele County Health Department, Tooele, Utah. Questions concerning the draft permit or the administrative procedures should be directed to: Connie S. NakahilB, Manager Permitting Section or David M. McCleily, Permit Writer Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P.O Box 144880 salt Lake city, uT 84114-4880 801-538-6170 Interested parties are invited to submit written comments concerning the draft permit. Public comments will be accepted until5:00 P.M. on Thursday, January L4, L993. All persons wishing to comment on any of the permit conditions should submit the comments in writing to: Dennis R. Downs Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board State of utah DEQ DSHW P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Comments should include all reasonable/available references, factual grounds, and supporting material. fnW Factsheet - page 2 A public hearing will be held on January 6, following location: HAFB, IJTTR Fact Sheet December 1. , L992 L993 beginning at 10:00 am, &t the Martha Hughes Cannon Health Building Room 406 288 N. 1460 W. salt Lake city, uT 84L16 An additional public hearing will be held in Tooele, Utah at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, January 6, 1993 at the: Tooele County Courthouse, Auditorium 47 South Main Tooele, Utah The purpose of the public hearing will be for interested parties to make comments to be officially entered into the record. Those wishing to make comments at the formal public hearings are also encouraged to submit those comments in writing. The Executive Secretary will consider all written comments received during the public comment period, including the public hearings, when making a final decision on this draft permit. Notice will be given to the applicant and each person who has submitted written comments or requested notice of the final decision. (The final decision shall become effective upon issuance of the permit decision.) C. FACILITY DESCRIPTION C.1. General The UTTR LBD Facility is a RDD permitted facility reapplying for its third permit renewal. This facility is located 55 miles west of Salt Lake City located on the UTTR Desert Oasis Facility located in Box Elder County, Utah. Access to the site is accomplished via interstate Highway 80 from the east to west and then via exit 62 on a county road through Puddle Valley crossing Tooele County into Box Elder County which allows access into the facility. The hazardous waste activity of this unit is to deactivate lithium thionyl chloride batteries (submodules) by treatment in facility tank units. pfTru Factsheet - page 3 HAFB, UTTR Fact Sheet December l, L992 C.2. Units to be Permitted This facility consists of three subsurface tank units, wastewater ponds and overhead monorail system to lift 565 pounds submodules into treatment tank systems. The mechanical elements of this facility are utilities providing water, and recirculating pumps to circulate water through the treated lithium submodules. PERMIT ORGANIZATION The permit is divided into four Modules Module Module Module ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, Standard Conditions General Facility Conditions Storage and Treatrnent in Tanks II m TO THE PERMIT Waste Analysis Plan Security Plan Inspection Schedules Personnel Training Preparedness and Prevention Plan Contingency Plan Closure Plan Research Plan, Section 1, Research Description and Section 2, Lithiurn Battery Specifications Tank and Facility Specificatiotrs, Drawings, ffid Pertinent Information rufW Factsheet - page 4 TIAFB, UTTR Fact Sheet December 1. , L992 E. SI]MMARY OF PERMIT CONDITIONS This section of the fact sheet provides a brief summary of the conditions in the draft permit. MODI]LE I STAI{DARD PERMIT COi\DITIONS Part I of the permit sets forth the standard procedural conditions that are applicable to all hazardous waste mimagement facilities. The column entitled "Regulation/Utah Code Annotated" provides the Utah statutory authority for the permit condition specified in the column entitled "Permit Condition." The column entitled "Regulation/Utah Administrative Code, R315' provides the Utah regulatory authority. Per:nit Subje.gt Condition I.A. I.B. I.C. I.D. I.E. I.F. r,G. I.H. r. r. r. J. r.K. I.L. Effect of Permit Enforceability Other Authority Permit Actions Severability Duties to Comply Permit Expiration Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not A Duty to Mitigate Proper Operation and Maintenance Duty to Provide Information Inspection and Entry Utah Code Annotated R3 15 -3-13, -3-22, -3-23 -3-10(0 ,-3-15, -3-L6, -3-16 -3- 10(a) -3- 1 1(d) Defense 3-10(c) -3-10(c) -3-10(e) -3-10(h) -3-10(i) fnry Factsheet - page 5 Permit _Subjecf Condition I.M. r.N. I.O. r. P, I. Q. HAFB, UTTR Fact Sheet December L , 1992 Utah Code Annqtated R3 15 -3-10(i), -3-10(l)(1) -3-100)Q) 3-10(l)(2Xi) -3-100)(3), -3-23(b) (2) -3- 10(1)(6) -3- 10(1)(s) -3- 1 -3-22 -3- 10(1)(e) -3- 10(1)(10) -3-10(1X11) -3- 10(k), -3-8 R3 15-10 Monitoring and Records Reporting Planned Changes Reporting Anticipated Noncompliance Certification of Construction or Modification Transfer of Permit Twenty-four Hour Reporting Monitoring Reports Compliance Schedules Facility Activity Reporting Biennial Report Other Noncompliance Other Information Signatory Requirement Confidential Intoruration Reports, Notifications, and Submissions Documents to be Maintained at the Facility Site Protection of Human Health and the Environment pffRl Factsheet - page 6 3-23(b)(1) HAFB, TITTR Fact Sheet December L, L992 MODT'LE II GET.IE,RAL FACILITY STANDARDS Module II of the permit sets forth general conditions for the facility with which the Permittee must comply. Permit Subject Condition rI. A. II. B. II. C. II. D. II. E. rI. F. II. G. II.H. II. I. II. J. II. K II.L l[.M. Applicability Design and Operation of Facility Waste Analysis Security General Inspection Requirements Personnel Training Preparedness and Prevention Contingency Plan General Requirements For Ignitable, Reactive, or Incompatible Waste Recordkeeping and Reporting Closure/Post-Closure Cost Estimates For The Facility Closure Financial Assurance for Facility Closure Utah Code Annotated R3 15 -8-2.4 -8-2.5 -8-2.6 -8-2.7 -8-3, 1 -8-4.1. to -8-4.7 -8-2.8 -8-5.3, 5, 6 and 7 -8-7 -8-8 -8-8 -8-8II.N. Liability Requirements pfml Factsheet - page 7 HA}ts, IJTTR Fact Sheet December 1 , L992 MODI]LE Itr STORAGE AND TREATMET{T IN TANK SYSTEIVIS Module III of the permit sets forth conditions for storage and treatment in tank systems with which the Permittee must comply. Permit Subject Condition III.A. rII.8. III. C. III.D. III. E, III. F. III. G. III.H. III. I, III. J. III. K. Applicability Tank System Design Tank System Installation Perrnitted Waste Identification General Operating Conditions Inspection Schedules and Procedures Response To Leaks Or Spills Recordkeeping and Reporting Tank System Modification Requirements Tank Closure Provisions For Incompatible Wastes Ulah Code Annotated R3 15 -8-10 -8- 10 -8- 10 -8- 10 -8- 10 -8- 10 -8- 10 -8-10 &nTRl Factsheet - page 8 UTAH HAZARDOUS WASTE RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND DEMONSTRATION DRAFT PERMIT LITHIUM BATTERY DEACTIVATION FACILITY FOR Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Box Elder County, Utah December 1, L992 HAEB, UTTR Draft RDD Permit December 1, 1992 STATE OF UTAH DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL Permittee: Hill Air Force Base Utah Test and Training Range Pursuant to the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act, (the Act), 19-6-101, as amended and the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) (R315-1 through R315-14) as adopted by the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (he Board), a plan approval (herein after called "permit") is issued to Hill Air Force Base (HAFB), Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) (herein after called the "Permittee"), to operate a hazardous waste Research, Development, and Demonstration (RDD) treatment facility in Box Elder County, Utah. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has authorized the Executive Secretary to issue such a permit under Section 30060) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The Pennittee must comply with all the terms and conditions of this permit and in the Attachrnents 1 through 9. The Permittee must comply with all applicable State regulations including R315-1 through R315-14, R315-50, and R315-101. Applicable rules are those which are in effect on the date of issuance of this permit. This pennit is based upon the administrative record, as required by R315-3-24(d). The Permittee's failure in the application or during the permit issuance process to disclose fully all relevant facts, or the Permittee's misrepresentation of any relevant facts at any time, shall be grounds for the termination or modification of this permit, the initiation of an enforcement action, including criminal proceedings, or any combination of these remedies. The Permittee must inform the Executive Secretary for the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board (Executive Secretary) of any deviation from the permit conditions or changes in the information on which the application is based which would affect the Permittee's ability to comply, or actual compliance with the applicable regulations or permit conditions or which alters any condition of this permit in any way. The Executive Secretary shall enforce all conditions of this permit which are designated in this perrlit as State requirements. Any challenges of any permit condition that concern State requirements shall be appealed to the Utah Solid and Hazardous Wastes Control Board in accordance with the Utah Code Annotated. HAFB, UTTR Draft RDD Permit December 1,, 1992 This permit is effective as dated and shall remain in effect for 365 operating days, unless revoked and reissued, pursuant to R315-3-15 or terminated, pursuant to R315-3-16 or continued in accordance with R315-3-1 1(d). Denrris R. Downs Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Date IntroductionandSignaturePage ......i TableofContents . ....iii }IAEB, IJTTR Draft RDD Permit December 1, L992 TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1 PAGE Module I - Standard Permit Conditions Module I A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. r. J. K. L. M. N. o, P, Q. R. S. T. U V. 'w'. x, Y. Z, AA. BB. CC. EFFECT OF PERMIT .I - 1 ENFORCEABILITY . .I - 1 OTHER AUTHORITY .I. 1 PERMIT ACTIONS . .I - 1 SEVERABILITY ...,T-2 DUTIESTOCOMPLY ....T-2 PERMITEXPIRATION ....I-3 NEED TO HALT OR REDUCE ACTIVITY NOT A DEFENSE . . . I - 3 DUTYTOMITIGATE ....I-3 PROPER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE .I - 3 DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION . .I - 4 INSPECTION AND ENTRY .T - 4 MONITORING AND RECORDS . .I - 4 REPORTING PLANNED CHANGES . . .I . 6 REPORTING ANTICIPATED NONCOMPLIANCE . . I. 6 CERTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION OR MODIFICATION . . . I - 6 TRANSFER OF PERMIT . . .T. 7 TWENTY-FOUR HOUR REPORTING . .I - 7 MONITORING REPORTS . ,I - 9 COMPLIANCESCHEDULES ....I-9 FACILITY ACTIVITY REPORTING . . .I - 10 BIENMAL REPORT .I - 10 OTHERNONCOMPLIANCE I- 10 OTHERINFORMATION ...I- 10 SIGNATORYREOUIREMENT ...I- 10 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION .I - 10 REPORTS. NOTIFICATIONS. AND SUBMISSIONS .I - 11 DOCUMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED AT fiIE FACILITY SITE . I - 11 PROTECTION OF HUMAN HEALTH AND THE EI.IVIRONMENT . . . | - 12 List of Attachments .v Definitions . . .vi iii t I{AFB, IJTTR Draft RDD Permit Decernber 1., L992 Module II r General Facility Conditions Module II A, B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M, N. APPLICABILITY ....[- 1 DESIGN AND OPERATION OF FACILITY . . . II. 1 WASTE ANALYSIS PLAN .II - 1 SECURITY ...1I-2 GENERAL INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS . .II - 2 PERSONNEL TRAINING . .II - 3 PREPAREDNESS AND PREVENTION . .II - 3 CONTINGENCYPLAN ...II-4 GENERAL REOUIREMENTS FOR IGNITABLE. REACTIVE. ORINCOMPATIBLEWASTE ...[-5 RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING . .II - 5 CLOSURE ....II-6 COST ESTIMATES FOR THE FACILITY CLOSURE .II - 7 FINANCIAL ASSURANCE FOR FACILITY CLOSURE , . . TT . 7 LIABILITY REOUIREMENTS . . .11- 7 Module III - Storage and Treatment in Tank Systems . . . Module III APPLICABILITY III - 1 TANK SYSTEM DESIGN . .III - 1 TANK SYSTEM INSTALLATION .III - 3 .PERMITTED WASTE IDENTIFICATION III - 4 GENERAL OPERATING CONDITIONS .III - 5 INSPECTIONSCHEDULES ANDPROCEDURES ...M-5 RESPONSE TO LEAKS OR SPILLS fiI - 7 RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING . .III - 9 TANK SYSTEM MODIFICATION REOUIREMENTS . III - 10 TANKCLOSURE ...III-11 PROVISIONS FOR INCOMPATIBLE WASTES III - 11 iv HAFB, UTTR Draft RDD Perrnit December 1,, 1992 ATTACIIMEDITS TO THE PERMIT The following documents are excerpts from the Permittee's RCRA Research, Development, and Demonstration Permit Application dated November t2, t99t as modified by subsequent amendments. The listed documents are hereby incorporated, in their entirety, by reference into this permit. The Executive Secretary has as deemed necessary, modified specific language in the Attachments. These modifications are described in the permit conditions (Modules I, II, and III),. and thereby supersede the language of the original Attachment. These incorporated Attachments are enforceable conditions of this permit as modified by the specific permit conditions. 1. Waste Analysis Plan Contains Permittee's Waste Analysis Plan, pages 1-1 through l-25. 2. Security Contains Permittee's Security Procedures, page 2-1. 3. Inspection Schedules Contains Permittee's Inspection Schedules, pages 3-1 through 3-10. 4. Personnel Training Contains Permittee's Personnel Training Plan, pages 4-1 through 4-3 5. Preparedness and Prevention Contains Permittee's Preparedness and Prevention Plan, pages 5-1 through 5-4. 6. Contingency Contains Permittee's entire Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures, pages 6-1 through 6-12 7. Closure Contains Permittee's Closure Plan, pages 7-1 throughT-7. 8. Research Plan Contains Permittee's Research Description and the Lithium Battery Specifications, pages 8-1 through 8-5. 9. Tank Specifications and Drawings Contains Permittee's Tank Specifications and drawings, pages H-1 through H-15. V rllL HAFB, IJTTR Draft RDD Permit December L, L992 DEFINITIONS For purposes of this permit, terms used herein shall have the same meaning as those in R315-2, 3, 4 and 8, unless this permit specifically provides otherwise; where terrns are not defined in the regulations or the permit, the meaning associated with such terms shall be defined by a standard dictionary reference or the generally accepted scientific or industrial meaning of the term. "Approved" means written approval from the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. "Board" means the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. "Executive Secretaqr" means the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. "Facility" means all contiguous land and structures, other appurtenances and improvements on the land, used for treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste. A facility may consist of several treatment, storage, and disposal operational units (e.9., one or more landfills, surface impoundments, or combinations of them). "Facility Plan Approval" means a written approval (referred to as a permit) to operate a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility within the State of Utah. "Hazardous waste constituent" mea.ns a constituent that caused the Control Board or the Executive Secretary to list the hazardous waste in R315-2 or R315-50-10. "Hazardous waste" means a solid waste, or combination of solid wastes, which, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed. "Operating day" shall mean any fraction of a calendar day when operating the facility under this permit, not including work related to maintenance and repairs. "Precipitatiorl" means rain, snow, sleet, or hail. "Registered or Registered Professional Engineer" means any individual who is registered as a Professional Engineer by any state's Department of Business Regulation or its equivalent and is qualified by experience and education in the appropriate engineering field. avl HAEB, UTTR Draft RDD Permit December 1, L992 "Release" means any spilling, leaking, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, pumping, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing of hazardous wastes (including hazardous waste constituents) into the environment (including the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles containing hazardous wastes or hazardous constituents). "Submit" or "Submission" means to be received by hand de1ivery, mail, certified mail, express mail, and facsimile logged in at the offices of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. "Surface impoundment" or impoundment means a facility or part of a facility which is a natural topographic depression, man-rnade excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials (although it may be lined with man-made materials), which is designed to hold an accumulation of liquid waste or waste containing free liquids, and is not an injection well. Examples of surface impoundments are holding, storing, settling, and aeration pits, ponds and lagoons.