HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007862Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facil$mruD DELIVERED(rocDF) ,DEC f 32010 UTAH DIVISION OF $0un & HAzARDous WASTE Response to DSHW COMMENTS CONCERNING MODIFICATION REQUEST TOCDF-AI0-03-1092 Titted.,Install and operate Area 10 Liquid Incinerator' DSHW Tracking Number: 2010.00067 lf REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US ARMY CHEMICALS MATER}AL AGENCY TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT D]SPOSAL FACILITY 11620 STARK ROAD STOCKTON, UT 84071 DEC 1 3 20t0 F{Aruffi [}ffiLNVffiFqEM ffiHC $ S ?trItr UTAH DIVI.$ION OF SOLID & HAZART}OUS WASTE Jo lo. 07wfr \ Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility PM0902-10 Mr. Scott Anderson Director, Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P.O. Box 144880 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 SUBJECT: Response to Division of Solid andHazardous Waste (DSHW) Comments Conceming Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) Class 3 Permit Modification Request Titled "Install and Operate Area 10 Liquid Incinerator", TOCDF-AI0-03-1092 DSHW Tracking Number: 2010.00067, EPA ID: UT5210090002 Dear Mr. Anderson: Please find enclosed the response to comments received from DSHW concerning Permit Modification Request TOCDF-AI0-03-1092, which is titled "Install and Operate Area 10 Liquid Incinerator". Also enclosed is a compact disk containing electronic files of the affected TOCDF Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Permit change pages incorporating DSHW comments, where applicable, revised ATLIC performance test plans, revised drawings, and enclosures which provide supporting information. A hard copy of the files included on the compact disk is also provided. Note the following: o The ATLIC exhaust stack Near Real Time (NRT) agent monitor Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off (AWFCO) limit is revised from 0.5 and 0.4 Source Emission Limit (SEL) for Agent GA and Lewisite, respectively to 0.2 SEL for each agent. The SEL value for Lewisite remains at 0.03 milligrams per cubic meter (0.03 mg/m3). o The ATLIC Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) Plan is revised to include the spiking of the Spent Decon Solutions (SDS) with an organic compound (monochlorobenzene), and add the collection of exhaust gas samples for semi-volatile organic compounds. o Module IV and Attachment 2 are revised to increase the agent concentration limit for SDS to be processed in the Secondary Combustion Chamber of the ATLIC from ' 20 and 200 parts per billion for agent GA and Lewisite, respectively to 500 parts per million (ppm) for each agent. The 500 ppm agent limit for spent decon feed to the ATLIC Secondary Combustion Chamber is conservative and is proposed based on the intended organic spiking rate to the Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) during the ATLIC STB. TOCDF will spike monochlorobenzene to the ATLIC SCC during r"'" JJ Printed "^ @ Recycred Paper a -2- the STB at a rate that will result in a Spent Decon organic content of approximately 8,000 ppm (0.8 weight percent). The selected organic spike is more difficult to incinerate than Agent GA or Lewisite. o The SDS feed rate specified in the test plans is increased to account for the need to spike the SDS with Phosphoric Acid to replicate during the STB the particulate loading that will be experienced during the process of Agent GA. o The ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan is revised to use a Depot Area Air Monitoring System as the confirmation method for Lewisite NRT monitor alarms rather than second NRT monitor that is configured with a different analytical column. . o The ATLIC AWFCO system test frequency is revised from once every 30 days and proposed to as once every 14 days when the ATLIC is feeding hazardous waste for a period longer than 14 days. The basis for this proposal is provided in the response to DSHW comment # 4. o Module VI is revised to require TOCDF to conduct a Lewisite Mini-Burn which will allow for the continued processing of Lewisite upon completion of the Lewisite CPT. Data from this test will provide assurance that the ATLIC post-CPT Lewisite processing complies with the TOCDF RCRA hazardous waste incinerator performance standards TOCDF intends to submit a revised Laboratory Quality Control Plan (LQCP) and revised Laboratory Operating Procedures applicable to Agent GA and Lewisite analyses and monitoring under separate cover. TOCDF is aware of the desire of the DSHW to include the revised LQCP in the documents that will be evaluated during the second public comment period. A revised LQCP is being prepared and will be submitted to the DSHW shortly after January l,20ll. TOCDF respectfully requests a meeting to begin discussing any issues DSHW may have with the enclosed comment responses on or before December 22,2010, so that we may begin to work on those issues that appear to be the most concerning as soon as possible. The points of coniact in this matter are Ms. Sheila R. Vance at (435) 833-7577 or Mr. Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428. Sincerely, G-k,try# i&e tCI Gary ilV. McCloSkey EG&S Defense Materi4ls,Inc. *CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Thaddeus A. Ryb a, lr. TOCDF Site Project Manager *C ERTIFICATION STATEMENT Enclosure * I cERTtFy uNDER pENALTy oF LAw ru,lt rgrs ootuMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS wERE pREPARED UNDER My DtREcrroN oR supERvIsIoN tN ACCORDANCE WITII A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHER AND EVALUATE THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED. BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE THE SYSTEM, OR THOSE PERSONS DIRDCTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORJ|'IATION. THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED lS. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF; TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWAR.E TttAT TEENE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE FOSSIBILITY OT FINE AND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING vlot-ATloNs. HAND DELIVHHED ,0 l0 ,0 3il1 , DEC f'3 ACIl0 TOCDF Response to UTAH DlVlSloN 0F DSHw ATLIC for GA and Lewisite Modification Cosrgl-H.qttzARDous wAsTE Main Body of Permit Modification (General) 1. Please explain the management of spent nitric acid being shipped off-site for disposal versus the rinse water treated in the incinerator. Spent nitric acid is generated from rinsing out lewisite (L) Ton Container (TCs). After an L TC has been drained of its agent fill, it is filled more than halfway with a three (3) molar solution of nitric acid through the fill and drain valves. The lines are then detached from the TC valves, and the TC is rotated for at least one hour. The acid is added to the TC to both destroy any agent remaining in the TC and to dissolve the un-drainable solid heel that was identified during the GA and L sampling effort. After the TC is rotated for the required period of time (i.e., approximately one hour), the drain line is attached to the TC and the spent nitric acid is transferred to NSF-Tank-8514 or LCS-Tank-8516 that are located in the Area 10 Liquid Incinerator (ATLIC) Igloo Toxic Area. A sample of the spent nitric acid is taken at the tank, which is screened for agent concentration. If the L concentration in the spent nitric acid is greater than the Worker Concentration Limit (WCL), an eight (8) molar solution of nitric acid is added to the tank to destroy the agent. When the agent concentration in the spent acid is less than the WCL, the spent acid is transferred to 90-day Pollution Abatement System (PAS)-Tank-8569, which is located in the Environmental Enclosure, the same enclosure that houses the ATLIC PAS. Note the tank's designation is assigned based on it physical location, it is not associated with the ATLIC PAS. The samples collected from PAS-Tank-8569 are analyzed for pH, total dissolved and total suspended solids, and metals. The parameters of analysis are selected to support the planned method of disposal of this waste stream, which is deep well injection. Deep well injection is selected as the method of disposal because the spent nitric acid waste stream will have high concentrations of both arsenic and mercury. The mercury concentrations associated with this waste stream most likely will exceed the Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) limits for high mercury (HMERC) wastes. There are no metal concentration limits for wastes that are disposed of by deep well injection. The pH of this waste stream is maintained intentionally low to minimize suspended solids. 2. Please explain the mechanism to pump liquids out of the glove boxes. Liquids are added to and rernoved from TCs that are placed in the glove boxes through the use of two multifunction 4-way and 5-way valves. A 4-way valve in each glove box, with three lines coming into it and one line going out of it, is set to direct decontaminating Page 1 of 107 solution (decon), process water, or nitrogen to the TC (the single line coming out of the 4- way valve is attached to the higher of the two vertically-positioned TC f -inch valves). A 5-way valve in each glove box, with one line coming into it and four lines going out of it, is set to transfer GA to the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC), spent decon to the Spent Decon Tank, lewisite to the Agent Holding Tank, or spent nitric acid to the Spent Nitric Acid Holding Tanks. Liquids are transferred from the TCs in a line dedicated to the specific liquid using a pump that is also dedicated to that type of liquid. See drawing EG-22-D-8812. 3. Please provide narrative explaining the mechanism for injecting the carbon into the exhaust gas stream. The Pulverized Activated Carbon (PAC) system is a fully-automated system capable of injecting carbon into the inlet of a baghouse. When the PAC system is in automatic operation mode, carbon is injected into it, with the assistance of a blower, and.metered constantly by adjusting the speed of a screw feeder, based on weight loss and the desired injection weight. Carbon is hansferred from a bulk bag when the level in the screw feeder hopper is below a low weight setpoint. A rotary valve feeds the screw feeder hopper. Rotary valve operation stops when the screw feeder high weight setpoint is reached or when the level probe is maintained for a set amount of time. The cycle continues until the system is stopped. A tapered bulk bag of PAC is placed (tapered end down) into a hopper using a hoist. The tapered neck of the bag is positioned in the tapered bottom of the hopper. A bulk-bag massager can be automatically pulsed to maintain the free flow of carbon from the bag. A rotary valve directs this flow of carbon to a second smaller hopper that is used to measure the feed rate of the carbon to the ATLIC PAS. Carbon in the second, smaller hopper is metered into the process by adjusting the speed of a screw feeder. The screw feeder transfers the carbon to a funnel. The verticallytapered exit of the funnel is joined to a horizontally-oriented pipe through which air flows. The flowing air draws the carbon from the funnel by venturi effect. The end of the pipe adjoins the ATLIC PAS. The PAC is' introduced into the PAS upstream of the Baghouse. 4.The AWFCO system associated with the ATLIC will need every seven days. to be manually tested TOCDF initially proposed a 30-day test frequency for the ATLIC AWFCO System, which is the longest frequency allowed by the regulations. Rather than this frequency TOCDF request the DSHW to consider the following which is provided to justify a l4-day AWFCO Systern testing frequency. Groups of Operating Parameter Limits (OPLs) are specified for each component in a Pollution Abatement System (PAS) train based on the equipment type. The ATLIC PAS train includes multiple wet scrubbers, a venturi scrubber with a dedicated sump, a carbon injection system, a baghouse, and a fixed bed carbon filter. The number of PAS train components incorporated into the ATLIC PAS design res'ult in a larger AWFCO System than that associated with any of the TOCDF incinerators. Page 2 of 107 o Because the limited amount of waste to be processed by the ATLIC and the resulting short duration of ATLIC hazardous waste operations, the ATLIC AWFCO Systern will be tested manually. The short operational period of the ATLIC does not justify the development of automated AWFCO System testing software. Each test of the ATLIC AWFCO System is therefore estimated to take about 8 hours. When including the time to organize and coordinate the testing, each AWFCO test will take l2-hour, or one shift, during which waste feed to the ATLIC will be suspended. TOCDF is proposing an ATLIC AWFCO System test frequency of every 14 days, or before hazardous waste feed is initiated for times when the ATLIC is idle (i.e., not processing waste) for longer than 14 days. The ATLIC will be idle for extended periods of time. The ATLIC is idled (i.e., no hazardous waste processing) after completion of the Surrogate Trial Bum (STB) up until the STB Preliminary Data is approved by the Executive Secretary. The GA Campaign is expected to take 10 days. The ATLIC is then idled from the end of the GA Campaign to the start of the shakedown period associated with the Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT), a period of 53 day per the current schedule. During this time the Lewisite Operation Readiness Review (ORR) will be conducted. The AWFCO system must be tested prior to the initiation of hazardous waste and after any changes are made to the system. Considering the changes to the system needed to accommodate "half feed rate" and AWFCO System operational status changes during time when stack sampling is being conducted (i.e., during the performance testing when stack sampling is being conducted), the proposed testing frequency would result in testing of the system 6 times. Considering the number of tests, the time required to conduct each test, and the estimaied total ATLIC hazardous waste operating time (i.e., the time the ATLICis actually buming hazardous waste, the proposed frequency of 14-day or prior to the beginning of hazardous waste feed for idle period lasting longer than l4-days, the percentage of time required to test the ATLIC AWFCO System would be similar to that for a "long term" hazardous waste incineration system that was required to perform the testing every seven days ( 14 percent for the ATLIC as compared to once every seven day, or ll7 * 100: 14 percent). Table 1 shows the estimated number of ATLIC hazardous waste operational hours. Table 2 shows the number of AWFCO test events based on the proposed frequency and compares the percentage of time required to perform the testing for various tests frequencies as compared to the total hours of ATLIC hazardous waste operations. Page 3 of 107 Tahle 1. Tutal ATLIfl Hazariluns lYarte Feerl Opsratiun Tirne ffA f,;unpaign TC Seriel Nurrher Pounils ofAeent Prrocessiilg Ef,te ltrours ofPrucessing GA TC D.2523 1325 1J0 lbs.ftu.9.5 GA TC D-3J248 1488 150 lb s./hr.11.0 GA TC D.29813 653 150 lb s.lhr.J.J GA TC D.51365 636 150 lb s./tu.5.5 Each TC generate s 460 gallons SDS (Approxitnate 3,83J lbs. of SDS Each TC genere ates 345 gallons of SDS ( approximately 2,876lbs. of SD$ Each TC genere ates 345 gallons of SDS ( approximately 2,876lbs. of SD$ Totel hnur:s ofPncessing Agent l,s$,isite >1369 Totel ltrours ofPrueessilg SDS @ 450 Ih SDS/IIr ]639 TranrperEncy TC Prucocessing Totel Hours ofPrucessng SDS @ 450 Ih SDS/Hr F | 63.9 Total llours Agent & SDS Prucessing ts 332.,2 Euiuelent Days ofprucessing @24llourslDey >14 Estiileteil llour oftlarardnus lUaste Operation tu I Sr4port Surrrogate Trial Eurn enil Shakedrri'nl f fC Perioil F Total AlfrIC llnxerfuus lUastc Oueratins tlours ts I 4PB Total llnurs ofPrucessing Asent GA ] Totrl llnuns ofPmcessng SI]S @ 450 Ih SI]S/Hr > TC Serial Nrunber D-79705. & D-79711 150 th s./tn. D-49?21. D-79697- & D-79701 150 lb s./tu. 150 lb s./tr. 150 lbs.flu. Page 4 of 107 Table 2. Percentage of AWFCO System Testing Time Based on Total ATLIC Hazardous Waste Feed Operation Time Event Estimated Date Purpose S-Jul-11 AWFCO Test Test beforehazardous waste feed Start Surrogate Shakedown 6-Jul-l I Start Surrogate Trial Burn 13-Jul-11 AWFCOs Waived for stack testingEnd Surrogate Trial Burn 18-Jul-l I l2-Aug- l 1 AWFCO Test Revise Waste Feed Rate to ll2 STB Demo'ed Rate, PCC and SCC Low-Temp Limit and Exhaust Gas Max-Flow Rate Limit to STB Demo'ed Rate and test AWFCOs to ensure Jumper for STB is removed Start GA Operations 13-Aue-l I End GA Operations 23-Aue-11 l4-Oct-l I AWFCO Test Revise Waste Feed Rate to LCPT Rate, Test all AWFCOs nrior to resumins hazardous waste feed Start Lewisite Shakedown l5-Oct-l I 27 -Oct-ll AWFCO Test Everv 14-dav AWFCO test Start Lewisite CPT 28-Oct-11 AWFCOs Waived for stack testing End Lewisite CPT 3l -Oct-l I l-Nov-l I AWFCO Test Revise Waste Feed Rate to ll2 LCPT Mini-Burn Demo'ed Rate, PCC and SCC Low-Temp Limit and Exhaust Gas Max-Flow Rate Limit to STB Demo'ed Rate and test AWFCO to ensure Jumper for LCPT is removed Start Post Test Lewisite Ooerations 2-Nov-I End Lewisite Ooerations 3-Nov-I 4-Nov-I AWFCO Test Everv l4-dav AWFCO test Start Transparency TC Processing 5-Nov-1 End Transparency TC Processing 9-Nov-I ATLIC Hazardous Waste Operational Duratio 9-Nov-I 5-Jul-1 Days Spanning ATLIC Hazardous Waste Operator t3i No. AWFCO Tests @, everv 7-dav interval 20 No. AWFCO Tests @ everv 14-dav interval l0 No. AWFCO Tests @ l4-day interval or before Haz. Waste Feed if idle longer than l4-days 6 Hours to perform AWFCO Tests @ everv 7-dav interval*23s 47"h Percentage of AWFCO Testing { Time @ 498 Hqgrs ATLIC Hazardous Waste Operations Hours to perform AWFCO Tests @ every l4-dav interval*n7 240h Hours to AWFCO Tests @ l4-day interval or before Haz. Waste Feed il idle loneer than l4-davs* 72 140 *AWFCO Testing will take approximately 8 hour l2-hr shift There was no description of the secondary containment systems with calculations of their capacities. The only mention made of this issue was that there was insufficient capacity requiring installation of a "major spill collection tank" (see page 11 of the Class 3 Modification request). It is unclear how this would fulfiIl the secondary containment requirements as it is not one of those specified in 40 CFR S264.193(d). It appears that it would serve the purpose of removiiig the leaked or spitted material collected in a secondary containment system as described in 40 CFR $264.196. The purpose of the secondary containment system is to hold the spilled or leaked material until it can be collected and managed. Tank 8534 would not serve this purpose, as it would not be collecting this material until after the leak was detected, hoses connected, and the material was pumped to the tank. It is also confusing since Page 5 of 107 6. 516.4.9.4 of Attachment 16 makes it appear that there is sufficient secondary containment in the bermed area. The ATLIC TOX secondary containment calculations demonstrating that the design is in compliance with the applicable regulatory requirements can be found in Enclosure A. Drawings EC,-22-G-8216,F,C'-22-G-8217, EG-22-G-8227, aind EG-22-C,-8228 show various sumps. Please show on a floor plan where these sumps are located. Also, please describe which secondary containment system each are associated. A diagram showing the locations of the various sumps located in the ATLIC facility, and a table listing the area that each sump supports, can be found in Enclosure A. Table I Page 4 - The acetic acid was not discussed in the surrogate trial burn plan, (Section 1.3.1) but NaOH was for GA. Please explain The reference to acetic acid in Table 1 is an elror, a remnant from an early draft version of the permit modification request when TOCDF was considering an acetic acid rinse for the lewisite TCs. Bench scale testing using acetic acid to remove lewisite from metal coupons showed that it did not dissolve the lewisite, but instead created slime that coated the metal coupon. Acetic acid will neither be used in the processing of the lewisite TCs nor fed to the ATLIC,. Page 5 & 6 - Sampling in accordance with an approved sampling plan ( must be performed for both liquid and sludge materials. Please provide a sampling plan for further sampling/characterization verification. The TOCDF requests that DSHW reconsider the need for additional sampling and analysis of the agent in the GA and lewisite TCs based on the following paragraphs from Attachment 2 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit, which specify how the analysis of chemical agent occurred during past TOCDF Agent Campaigns. 7. 8. 2.2.r.3.2. 2.2. 1 .3.3. The Permittee shall analyze the chemical agent prior to each agent campaign from bulk containers. Agent samples shall be collected from a representative number of bulk containers agreed upon with the DSHW. The containers shall be sampled and analyzed following an approved sampling and analysis plan. At the beginning of each munition or bulk container campaign, agent samples shall be collected using a Sampling scheme that is approved by the Executive Secret ary. The samples shall be analyzed as specified in Table 2-0. These conditions were added to the TOCDF RCRA Permit partway through the first TOCDF agent campaign, which was for Agent GB; during the early stages of that campaign, it became evident that there was insufficient existing analytical information about the agents to establish incinerator metal feed rates through a single demonstration, Page 6 of 107 which ideally occurs during the Agent Trial Bum (ATB). Two additional performance tests were required during the Agent GB Campaign to increase incinerator metal feed rates as metal analytical data for Agent GB became available. The above quoted paragraphs were added to Attachment 2 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit to prevent having to perform multiple metal feed rate demonstrations throughout an agent campaign. Paragraph discusses how "a representative number of bulk containers agreed upon by DSHW" will be sampled. This is an important discussion point for an agent stockpile comprised of thousands of TCs. For the GA and lewisite stockpiles, TOCDF sampled every TC since there are only four GA and ten lewisite TCs. Paragraph specifies the parameters of analysis that, for the VX and Mustard Campaigns, were Health Risk Assessment (HRA) metals and organic content, which included agent purity. The metals analysis was performed on both liquid and solid phases of the TCs if solids were present. For the GA TCs, a liquid sample was collected from each TC and analyzed for organic content with the constituent of concern being the monochlorobenzene; this compound is more difficult to incinerate than Agent GA. Each sample was also analyzed for HRA metals using the same methods approved by DSHW for agent metals analyses conducted at TOCDF. Liquid and solid samples were collected from each lewisite TC. The liquid samples were analyzed for organic content and the Ll concentration was quantified. TheLZ and L3 concentrations were estimated because calibration standards for these compounds are unavailable. Both liquid and solid samples were analyzed for HRA metals. The sampling/analysis efforts for the GA and L TCs resulted in generation of the same data that would have been collected from an Executive-Secretary-approved sampling/analysis plan. Al1TCs were sampled, samples of both solid and liquid fractions were collected, and the parameters of analysis for the GA and L TCs were the same as those in past approved plans (i.e., organics to include agent purity and HRA metals). The GA and L TC sampling/analysis efforts provided TOCDF sufficient data to design and develop the Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) and Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) Plans to ensure that worst case demonstrations are made during the testing and to avoid the past problems that were experienced during the TOCDF Agent GB Campaign. Therefore, the existing GA and L TC analytical data fulfill the intent of the requirement found in the above-referenced paragraphs from Attachment 2 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit, Additionally, the permit modification request made clear the proposal not to perform any additional organic analyses of the GA and lewisite agent, or any additional metal analyses of the Agent GA. Therefore, the public was provided with an opportunity to comment on this proposal during the permitting process. Note TOCDF is evaluating the possibility of collecting a GA sample for metals analysis. If collected this sample(s) would be used to verify the results.presented in the GA and L Ton Page 7 of 107 Container Sample Analysis Report which was submitted as Attachment 3 to the initial ATLIC permit modifi cation requests. 9. Page 6 - Please provide justification why GA agent should be directly fed to the LIC instead of a tank (see comment above concerning additional samplinglanalytical). The Agent GA was proposed to be fed from the TCs directly to the LIC to minimize the amount of equipment that would require decontamination during the agent campaign change over from GA to lewisite. The transfer of GA to Agent Holding Tank LCS-Tank- 851l, and from this tank to the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC), would incur having to decontaminate the agent transfer line between the glove box and the holding tank, the holding tank, and the transfer line from the holding tank to the ATLIC PCC before the Lewisite Campaign could begin. The spent decon solutions that were generated from this decontamination process would also have to be heated in the ATLIC Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) before the Lewisite Campaign could begin. Furthermore, TOCDF plans to transfer the lewisite from the TC to the agent holding tank before feeding it to the ATLIC to allow blending the lewisite from different TCs to create an agent waste feed that has more consistent metal concentrations (i.e., the contents of the Lewisite TCs with high metals concentrations will be mixed with the contents of TCs with lower metals concentrations to create a feed with average metals concentrations). The individual metals analytical results for the GA TCs show a much narrower range among TCs; therefore, mixing the GA to create a more consistent waste feed in regards to metal content is not required. 10. Page 6 - Please explain the mechanism for mixing the agent tank. A recirculation line is incorporated into the design of the permitted lewisite, spent decon, and spent nitric acid hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks. The drawings that were submitted with the permit modification request show these lines. The liquid wastes are drawn from the bottom of the tank and reenter the tank at approximately the vertical midpoint. An eductor is located inside the tank on the end of the line. The eductor is submerged in the liquid, and the flow of liquid through the eductor causes the surrounding liquid to be pulled into and through the eductor, which multiplies the mixing efficiency. 11. Page 7 - All transparency tons will need to be treated the same and be processed through an approved decontamination procedure of nitric acid rinses (3x) followed by water rinse and it must be verified that all LlrLz and L3 are less than the waste control limit. Spent decon must be analyzed for agent, metals, and organic content. The agent content must be less than 20 ppb for GA and 200 ppb for Lewisite and the demonstrated organic content. Metals must have been demonstrated in the SCC prior to feeding to that chamber. The TOCDF concurs with the request to process all Transparency TCs in a similar manner. The original version of this permit modification request proposed to acid rinse only those Transparency TCs for which there were head space monitoring results showing the presence of lewisite. All other Transparency TCs would only undergo a water rinse. o Page 8 of 107 The TOCDF has revised the proposed Module VII Permit Conditions associated with Transparency TC treatment to require each Transparency TC to undergo an acid rinse followed by three water rinses. A single acid rinse is determined to be sufEcient for Transparency TCs. The interior of each TC was inspected with a borescope. No solid heels were found in any of the TCs. Additionally, afterbeing rinsed out, each TC will be cut in half and monitored for agent before being transferred off-site as F999 hazardous waste. Concerning the need to analyze lewisite and lewisite-derived wastes for Ll, L2, and . Analytical calibration standards are not available forL2 and L3. The presence of these isomers of lewisite (Ll) can be determined, but they cannot be quantified because of the lack of applicable calibration standards. o The presence of L2 and L3 will be noted on the analytical reporting sheet and will be reported in a similar manner as are the Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs). o All agent-derived wastes are required to be managed as F999 listed hazardous wastes. The application of this waste code ensures that these wastes will be managed as listed hazardous wastes. Conceming the need to spike the ATLIC Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) waste feed during the Surrogate Trial Bum (STB) with organics and metals: o The TOCDF concurs with the need to spike STB SCC waste feed with an organic compound. The STB Plan has been revised accordingly. o The TOCDF does not concur with the need to spike the SCC waste feed with metals since the metals spiked into the Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC) will travel through the SCC. The SCC does not remove metals from the exhaust gas. The metal feed rates demonshated during the STB, as derived from the metal spikes added to the PCC, will be regulated as the total metal fed to the PCC and SCC during ATLIC operations. Note that spent decon generated from the actual rinsing of lewisite TCs will be fed during the Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT). 12.Page 8 - The temperature of scrubber solution will need to be monitored as a waste feed cutoff (< 185" F). Waste collected in sumps must be analyzed for waste characterization. Each PAS system needs temperature cutoffs. Where is the sump sludge anticipated to be managed/treated? As required by the current TOCDF RCRA Permit, each incinerators Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff (AWFCO) system includes an AWFCO for High Quench Towdr Exhaust Gas Temperature. This AWFCO was specified in the RCRA Permit'before the promulgation of the Hazardous Waste Combustor Maximum Achievable Control Technology (HWC MACT) regulations. These regulations specify the Operating Parameters (OPs) that are Page 9 of 107 associated with the control of each emission standard, and the sample emission standards are listed as Performance Standards in the RCRA Permit. The HWC MACT regulations do not require that a High Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperature Operating Parameter Limit be established to ensure compliance with the ernission standards because this OP has no influence on the rernoval or control of ernissions from incinerators, and is therefore not an indicator of compliant incinerator operations in regards to the emission (i.e., performance) standards. A High Quench Tower Exhaust Gas temperature alarm is included in the ATLIC control system as a "Stop Feed" (i.e., an unregulated OP); it is included to protect equipment rather than to confrol emissions. The ATLIC control system will stop: feed to the PCC and SCC, the combustion air blowers, and the flow of fuel gas when the Quench Tower Exhaust Gas temperature exceeds 250 "F to ensure equipment downstream of the quench tower is not damaged. This OP was not included as an AWFCO because the temperature of the quench tower exhaust is not specified in the HWC MACT regulation as a surrogate measure of compliance with any of the emission standards. Rather, it is used as a Stop Feed for best managernent practice to protect equipment. Therefore, TOCDF does not concur with including this OP as an AWFCO. Concerning accumulated liquids in sumps; TOCDF concurs with the need to characteize liquids accumulating in sumps. Liquids that accumulate in sumps that are connected to SDS-Tank-8523 will be analyzed prior to being fed to the Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) of eh ATLIC. The liquids that accumulate in the sumps that are not directly connected to the SDS-Tank will be characteized prior to treatment. Sumps not connected to the SDS-Tank are managed as 90-day accumulation tanks and because they are not a permitted Hazardous Waste Management Unit (HWMU), and are not ancillary equipment to a HWMU, these sumps are managed under the "Generator Rules". These rules do not require a written waste analysis plan for wastes managed in tanks that are not permitted HWMUs. Concerning sump sludge management; TOCDF doe not expect to manage sump sludge due to the shortness of the ATLIC operations. L3. Page 8 describes the exhaust gas from the secondary combustion chamber entering the quench tower at the bottom and flowing counter-current to the cooling water. Drawing EG-22-D-821L, sheet I of 4, shows it entering the top. It also doesn't show it exiting the quench tower and entering the first tower of the packed bed scrubber. Please explain. A review of the drawing shows the description on page 8 of the permit modification request to be incorrect. The flow of exhaust gas is from the top to bottom of the Quench Tower. Water is sprayed into the exhaust gas as it travels down the length of the tower. Page 10 of 107 A review of the drawing also shows baffles in the Recirculation Tank (Tank 8912) which direct the flow of exhaust gas exiting the quench tower to the first packed bed scrubber and from the first packed bed scrubber to the second, and so forth. The baffles cause exhaust gases flowing through the PAS to contact the packed bed scrubbers in series, and prevent the parallel flow of exhaust gas through the three packed bed scrubbers. 14. Page 11 indicates that tanks 8514 and 85L6 are connected so that, ifnecessary, the content of one tank can be transferred to the other. Drawings EG-22-D-8215 and EC,-22-D-8216 show a connection to transfer from tank 8516 to 8514 but no piping is indicated to transfer from tank 8514 to tank 8516. Please explain. Revision (Rev) 5 of EG-22-D-8216 shows the capability to transfer wastes from tank 8516 to tank 8514, and from tank 8514 to tank 8516. A revised drawing package, to include this drawing, is provided with submission. 15. Please provide utilities drawing EG-22-D-8221referenced on the drawings for inclusion in the modification packet. The referenced drawing is provided in this submittal 16. Please provide a description of all of the interlock functions in either a drawing, table, matrix, or logic diagram. (It may be the matrix (ATLIC A&I MATRIX.XLS" referenced in Note 4 of drawingBC,-22-D-8210.) The ATLIC Alarm and Interlock (A&I) Matrix is provided as Enclosure B 17. Please explain how each of the follow issues will be handled for the carbon injection system: a. Ilandling the micronized carbon introduces problems associated with housekeeping and poteltial respiratory problems in the event of a failure in a filter element. This problem would be compounded because the carbon dust would be contaminated with substances of potential concern (SOPCs). In addition, finely divided activated carbon dust presents a fire and explosion hazardl. The ATLIC PAS Baghouse is equipped with 36 individual GORE-TEX filter elements configured in six rows with each row containing six elements. A loss of one of the filter elements inside the Baghouse will not result in contaminated activated carbon escaping the PAS. The PAS is a sealed system that is operated under negative pressure by the Induced Draft fan. However, it will result in a higher exhaust gas particulate loading downstream of the Baghouse. Prior to the exhaust gas release to the ambient air, these particulates will be removed by the Fixed Bed Carbon Filter (FBCF), which is downstream from the Baghouse. The FBCF design includes a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter at the back end, which will capture any Pulverized Activated Carbon (PAC) in the exhaust gas stream resulting from a loss of a Baghouse filter elernent. The pressure measurement across the FBCF will increase as the HEPA filter becomes loaded, Page l1 of107 which will eventually cause a Stop Feed with an associated alarm indicating that there is a process problem. Fires and explosions are prevented by the carbon being contained in the Bag during handling, and the high exhaust gas ternperature limit imposed on exhaust gases entering the baghouse by the MACT regulations. The process requires that a layer of uniform thickness be built up on the bag filter to provide uniform treatment for all of the gas. If the thickness varies, gas will pass preferentially through the thinner sections. It was not clear how uniform thickness would be achieved. The filter elements used in the ATLIC PAS Baghouse are made of GOR-TEX and do not require a filter cake to be deposited on their outer surfaces to efficiently remove particulate to meet the particulate emission standard. Any filter cake deposited on the bag would only minimally add to their particulate removal efficiency. More carbon consumption is required in the dry sorbent-injection design than the fixed-bed design. Thin layers on bag filters would have to be replaced frequently, during which breakthroughs would have to be avoided while acceptable flow and pressure were maintained. How will this be accomplished? The ATLIC Baghouse includes six rows of six filter elements each. A reverse jet of air is used to blow the filter cake off the elements to maintain a differential pressure across the Baghouse. A single row of elements is cleaned at a time, and the cleaning of individual rows of elements is controlled by a timer. At steady- state operations, there would always be 30 elements with a layer of filter cake on their outer surface and six elements without. However, as previously stated, TOCDF has selected the most efficient filter elements available for this application. "For dusts having a spherical shape, the reverse air jet also cleans out most of the residual dust cake in the filter media. After each pulse there will be very large penetrations of dust through the media until the cake reforms. The most effective solution to this problem is to provide GORE-TEX@ which is a laminated media. This laminated mernbrane provides what can be termed a very efficient artificial cake that is not affected by the cleaning jet."r 18. The rinse water contaminants must be demonstrated during the surrogate trial burn for feed of organics into the SCC. See response to DSHW comment #11. 19. Page 13 - Table 4lists the waste streams treated and generated by the ATLIC operations. There is no mention of the baghouse dust or the PAS blowdown. Please update. I Principles of Pulse Jet Fabric Filter and Cartridge Filter Performance, Dustex Corporation Page 12 of 107 b. c. TOCDF concurs that these waste steams were not included in the Table 4 of the permit modification request. However the table in the permit modification request is not included for review during the Second Public Comment Period. The PAS blow-down (i.e., spent scrubber brines) and baghouse dust (i.e., Spent Pulverized Activated Carbon [PAC]) are included in Sections2.2.2.29 and2.2.2.31 of Attachment2, respectively. 20. No written assessment, reviewed and certified by a qualified PE, attesting that the tank systems have sufficient structural integrity and are acceptable for storing or treating the waste as outlined in 40 CFR 5264.192 could be located. Please provide. The above referenced certification was provided to the DSHW with the submission of the Temporary Authorization Request to begin early construction of the ATLIC. A copy of the Professional Engineer (PE) certification is provided as Enclosure C. 2l.Page L3 - Please add narrative concerning additional waste codes such as benzene, dioxins, UTS, etc. that may apply. A narrative discussing Land Disposal Restriction Universal Treatment Standards (UTS) was not included for ATLIC waste streams because unlike the TOCDF Metal Parts Furnace (MPF) which is a batch operation incinerator, the ATLIC is a Liquid Incinerator (LIC). Wastes are metered into a LIC which results in a much more narow (i.e., steady- state) operational envelope as compared to a batch incinerator. LIC combustion chambers do not experience the momentary low oxygen concentration that are typical of batch feed incinerators. Further the waste feed to a LIC is atomized as it enters the combustion chamber which allows the oxygen present in the chamber to fully contact the waste droplets. TOCDF included UTS for MPF TC ash because this waste stream was generated inside a punched TC. The low oxygen environment created by the configuration of the waste feed to the MPF during Mustard TC processing (i.e., a large solid heel which was treated inside a "punched" TC) created the potential for compounds for which UTS were specified to be present in the ash generated inside the TCs. TOCDF therefore specified an analysis for these compounds in the TOCDF RCRA Permit Waste Analysis Plan. 22.Page 13 - The ATLIC carbon will have decon solution added to it. What is the decon solution and when is it added (type of container, etc.)? Please be specific. TOCDF revised Attachment 2 to specify Spent ATLIC HVAC activated carbon to be treated in the Autoclave. See Attachment2, Section Note TOCDF is however investigating other methods of Spent HVAC carbon treatment. 23. Table 4 - There were no listings of PAS brines and disposal method/codes in the table. Please update. Page 13 of 107 See response to DSHW comment # 19. 24.Page 14 - Spent decon from closure is listed, yet a closure plan was not submitted for this unit. Please revise. This permit modification request proposed to add a permit condition in Module II that would require TOCDF to submit an ATLIC Closure Plan by a specific date. The proposed Permit Condition reads: II.K.2. The Permittee shall submit a permit modification requeit that updates Attachment 10 (Closure Plan) for ATLIC associated hazardous waste manasement units no later than the frrst third quarter ofcalendar year 201 l. The TOCDF has also submitted a Class 3 Permit Modification Request to revise the RCRA Permit Closure Plan (see modification request TOCDF-ATT10-03-1111). The ATLIC closure should be addressed in Closure Plan after it is modified through Permit Modification Request TOCDF-ATTI0-03-111 1. Changes to the TOCDF RCRA Permit Closure Plan caused by this modification request will not be incorporated into the TOCDF '--- permit until some time in second quarter 2011. Zl.Page 18 - Please explain why DAAMS tubes aren't being used for the stack. Some narrative indicates they will be used. The revised Agent Monitoring Plan included rvith this submittal specifies the use of DAAMS as the confirmation method for lewisite Near-Real Time (NRT) alarms. 26.Page20 & 2l - The Surrogate Trial Burn Plan should address the high metals loading in the Lewisite and not just address the GA components. The TOCDF discussed this issue with DSHW prior to the development of the ATLIC Class 3 Permit Modification Request. It was determined that two separate trial burns would be submitted. A Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) would be conducted to demonstrate successful treatment of GA and lewisite organic constituents by dernonstrating the ability of the ATLIC to burn surrogate organic compounds that are more difficult to incinerate than either agent. Further, GA contains monochlorobenzene, which is one of the surrogates selected for use during the STB. The TOCDF decided to conduct a Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) because of the inability to spike the surrogate with a-suffrcient amount of arsenic to allow for the desired feed rate of lewisite.' The solubility of arsenic compounds in the required surrogates (monochlorobenzene being one of them) is limited. The selected arsenic- 'containing compound that will be used during the STB is soluble in the surrogate to a concentration that results in an overall arsenic feed concentration of 100 parts per million (ppm). To feed more arsenic to the ATLIC PCC would require either that the arsenic be spiked as an arsenic oxide, which is a solid, or that the arsenic-containing compound be fed as an additional separate feed to the PCC at the same time the surrogate is fed (as accomplished during the TOCDF Liquid Incinerator (LIC) Mustard Agent Trial Burn). Page 14 of 107 If arsenic oxides were used as a metal spike, they would need to be suspended in the liquid surrogate. To support lewisite processing, the oxides would need to be suspended in the liquid surrogate such that the arsenic content of the blend is 35 weight percent (the same arsenic weight percent as lewisite). At this high a weight percent, the suspended arsenic oxides would have a high probability of falling out of solution in the feed line and feed tank before they reached the ATLIC PCC feednozzle tip. This would result in a questionable and unverifiable arsenic feed rate demonstration. To feed a separate arsenic-containing solution to the ATLIC at the same time as the surrogate would require TOCDF to cut back on the surrogate feed rate since there is a limit as to how much heat content can be fed to the PCC. The spiking solution that was used to deliver the arsenic spike to the LIC PCC during the Mustard ATB was primarily ethylene glycol. The energy fed to the ATLIC PCC as spiking solution would limit the amount of surrogate that could be fed since all incinerators have heat input limits. Therefore, it was determined that the best waste feed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ATLIC to control high and low-volatile metals emissions was lewisite. 27.Page 20 - All transparency tons must go through an approved decontamination process. See response to DSHW comment #11. 28. Page 23 - The 507o feed rate after the trial burn may not be feasible for both agent or spent decon. If successful, may need to start at 20o/o feed rate. The proposed series of Module VI permit conditions associated with the ATLIC post-trial- burn waste feed rate are more restrictive then those proposed in the past for TOCDF incinerators. The sequence of conditions also ensures compliance with the TOCDF RCRA Permit Performance Standards as required by the 40 CFR 270.62(c), which reads: For the purposes of allowing operation of a new hazardous waste incinerator following completion of the trial burn and prior to final modification of the permit conditions to reflect the trial burn results, the Director may establish permit conditions, including but not limited to allowable waste feeds and operating conditions sufficient to meet the requirernents of 9264.345 of this chapter, in the permit to a new hazardous waste incinerator. These permit conditions will be effective for the minimum time required to complete sample analysis, data computation and submission of the trial bum results by the applicant, and modification of the facility permit by the Director. And 40 CFR 63.1206 (bXsXi)(C)( 2 ), which reads: You may petition the Administrator to obtain written approval to burn hazardous waste in the interim prior to submitting a Notification of Compliance for purposes other than testing.or pretesting. You must specify operating requirements, including limits on operating parameters that you determine will ensure compliance with the emission standards of this subpart based on available information. The Page 15 of 107 Administrator will review, modiff as necessary, and approve if warranted the interim operating requirements. The series of conditions proposed by TOCDF that would be applicable to the ATLIC post- trial-burn feed rate ensure compliance with the emission standards as follows: Waste feed is suspended pending availability, review, and submission of trial burn exhaust gas sample results and a determination as to whether results show compliance with the RCRA Permit Performance Standards for Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE); volatile, semi-volatile, and low-volatile metal emissions; chlorine and hydrogen chloride emissions; particulate emissions; and dioxin emissions. Agent GA and associated spent decon feed do not resume until the Executive Secretary approves the STB preliminary results (preliminary data results provide the information to make the determinations discussed in the previous bullet). The GA feed rate to the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC) is limited to half the PCC Principle Organic Hazardous Constituent (POHC) feed rate demonstrated during the STB and the spent decon feed rate to the Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) is limited to half the SCC organic feed rate demonstrated during the STB. These wastes are fed to the ATLIC at the limited rates while the operations of the ATLIC are maintained within the operational envelope used during the STB which is the same operating envelope that resulted in performance-standard-compliant incinerator operations, as demonstrated by preliminary data results, at twice the waste feed rates, for metal, and chlorine feed rates. The post Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) waste feed of lewisite and spent decon is limited to half the feed rates specified in the approved Lewisite CPT Plan. TOCDF is required to perform a Lewisite Mini-Bum during which the lewisite and spent decon feed rates are also limited to 50o/o and 100% of the approved CPT Plan approved rates, respectively. Post test ATLIC lewisite operations are therefore assured to be in compliance with the performance standards based on exhaust gas sample results obtained during the required mini-burn and result obtained during the STB. Lewisite and associated spent decon feed are proposed to resume after completion of the Lewisite CPT at rates demonstrated during the Lewisite Mini-Burn because: Compliance with the DRE standard for lewisite is ensured by results of the STB during which more difficult to incinerate organics were fed to the ATLIC than during the Lewisite CPT (provided the Executive Secretary approved the STB results). Compliance with the chlorine and hydrogen chloride emission standard is ensured by the results of the STB during which the feed rate of chlorine was higher than during the Lewisite CPT (provided the Executive Secretary approved the STB results). Compliance with the metal emission standards are ensured by results of the Lewisite Mini-Bum and by limiting the feed rate of Lewisite to the mini-bum feed rate, which is limited to half the design feed rate of the ATLIC. Note that TOCDF's past experience with preliminary data submissions associated with trial burns and demonstration tests have proven to be consistently accurate. Page 16 of 107 In addition, the DSHW maintains the authority to require TOCDF to suspend waste feed and penalize TOCDF if DSHW review of the preliminary data determines that the emission standards were exceeded during the time between the submission of the data and the completion of the DSHW review. 29.Page 23 - When is the mini-burn planned? The performance of a mini-burn is not required by regulation. Mini-bums are performed at the discretion of the owner, and are conducted to ensure a successful trial burn. The ATLIC is designed to treat the worst-case chemical agent, which is lewisite. To allow treatment of Agent GA, the STB will be conducted using metal spiking concentrations. The STB metal spiking rates are so low, relative to the capabilities of the ATLIC PAS, that TOCDF is confident that the STB results will show compliance with the TOCDF Performance Standards necessary for a successful STB. The resulting STB metals feed rates will be substantially lower than those expefienced during lewisite processing. TOCDF desires to continue the processing of lewisite after completion of the CPT and is therefore proposing to include a condition that if approved would required TOCDF to perform a Lewisite Mini-Bum. The feed rates of lewisite and spent decon during the Mini-Burn would be limited to 50Yo and 100% of the rates in the approved CPT Plan, respectively. These feed rates will produce a sufficient metals feed rates to allow the performance of the ATLIC PAS to be evaluated. Post Lewisite CPT ATLIC operations are assured to be in compliance with the performance standard based on the results of the Mini-Bum and by limiting the feed rate to rates demonstrated during the Mini-Bum, which for Lewisite are half the design feed rate and for spent decon 100% of the design feed rate. Note the post-CPT feed rate of spent decon is proposed to be 100% design rate (i.e., the rate specified in the approved CPT plan) because the spent decon is primarily water and spent decon is used to cool the SCC. The Lewisite Mini-Burn will occur shortly after the beginning of Lewisite operation because there is a proposed permit condition that limits the number and mass of Lewisite that can be used during the Lewisite CPT shakedown period. 30.Page24 -a. The permit requires that the Executive Secretary approve the sampling and analysis plan prior to implementation. This was not performed. Sampling prior to approval was at TOCDF's own risk. See response to DSHW comment #8. b. The High Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperature will still be required for the hazardous waste permit even though MACT may also require the sample OPL. See response to DSHW Comment #12 Page 17 of 107 c. The testing will be performed weekly as specified by the regulations. Since this is a new incinerator system, which will only be operating for about six months, this requirement is not unduly restrictive. See response to DSHW Comment #4 d. A closure plan for this unit has not been provided. See response to DSHW Comment #24 e. The Source hmission Limit for GA 0.0003 mdm3 x0.2:0.00006 mg/m3 10.2 SEL). For Lewisite, the GPL'/WPL/STEI/VSL value of 0.003 mg/m3 x 0.4: 0.0012 g/m3 should be used for the SEL. The stack limit is based on earliest detection. of.an upset condition. TOCDF has revised the ATLIC exhaust stack agent NRT monitor alarm setpoint to be 0.2 SEL for agents GA and L, with the L SEL value remaining at 0.03 mglm3. These setpoint will be evaluated during systemization to determine if the frequency of false positives alarms caused by use of a0.2 SEL alarm (i.e., AWFCO) setpoint is too great to allow efficient ATLIC operations. TOCDF will submit a Temporary Authorization Request with supporting documentation to revise the setpoints if a revision to the ATLIC exhaust stack agent NRT monitor alarm setpoints is required. The following is provide in support of the 0.03 mg/m3 SEL value for L and the use of the 0.5 and 0.4 SEL exhaust stack NRT monitor alarm setpoint for GA and L should the 0.2 SEL setpoint prove unworkable o Module I of the TOCDF RCRA Permit includes reporting requirements for when incinerator agent exhaust gas emission concentrations are confirmed to exceed I SEL. The TOCDF is aware that MINICAMS exhibit a negative bias when monitoring for lewisite, and studies show that a MINICAMS result of 0.4 SEL is actually equal to 1.0 SEL. Compliance with the following condition would be difficult to demonstrate were NRT monitors to also be used as a confirmation method for ATLIC lewisite operations, particularly if the AWFCO setpoint were established at0.4 SEL with a SEL equal to 0.03 mg/m3. Any release to the atmosphere from the combined stack for the two Liquid Incinerators, the Deactivation Furnace, and the Metal Parts Furnaceg ATLIC stack if the confirmed stack emission level, as defined in Attachmentg 22 and22A (Agent Monitoring Plan 4g!3!MeSeen! Monitorins Plail. iesoectivelv), exceeds the maximum e$enrable*taek identified for each individual agent in Table 1 of this Permit. The Permittee shall orally report, as specified in Condition I.U.l., to the Executive Secretary. o o I.,[f.1.c. Since the initial submission of the ATLIC Class 3 Permit Modification Request, TOCDF has developed a DAAMS method that will be used to confirm and quantiff lewisite exhaust gas concentrations. Therefore, the confirmation and basis of the lewisite emission concentration will be performed through DAAMS analysis Page 18 of107 and not by the MINICAMS result. Use of a DAAMS to confirm and quantifu lewisite exhaust gas onissions provide assurance that the requirement of Permit Condition I.U.1.c can be complied with when using an ATLIC exhaust stack MINICAMS AWFCO setpoint of 0.4 SEL with the SEL equal to 0.03 mglm3. The SEL values, which are applicable to agent incinerator exhaust gas emissions for all of the chemical agents is set higher than the GPLAMPL/STELNSL values because of the presence of interferents in the exhaust gas that are absent in ambient air. An AWFCO setpoint that borders the detection limits of the agent monitors will result in numerous false positive alarms and intemrptions in waste feed. The potential exist that the false positive alarms could be so frequent that they would have an impact on the Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) results. The MINICAMS will be used to monitor for lewisite in the ATLIC exhaust gas. These monitors detect lewisite using a halogen-specific detector that responds to the chlorine in the lewisite. Halogenated compounds are present in the process water used by the TOCDF incinerator PAS because the chlorinated well water is used for process water. The basis for the selection of the ATLIC agent exhaust gas concentration AWFCO setpoints proposed by TOCDF was to minimize false positive alarms. The effect of ATLIC exhaust gas matrix interferents on the ability of the monitors to accurately detect agent at concentrations near the monitor's detection limit will not be known until completion of the 28-day Baseline Studies, during which time the monitors will be arralyzingthe actual ATLIC exhaust gas matrix. The TOCDF implemented agent exhaust gas AWFCO setpoints at0.2 SEL for the TOCDF Common Stack during the GB, VX, and Mustard Campaigns. There were numerous false positive alarms at the beginning of the GB Campaign that were investigated and eventually attributed to the mercaptan that is added to natural gas to give it an odor. The low AWFCO setpoint of 0.2 SEL also contributed. Throughout the agent campaigns, beginning inl996 to date, the TOCDF Common Stack agent exhaust gas concentration AWFCO setpoint has been 0.2 SEL. Throughout this same time period, there was one Common Stack agent exhaust gas concentration AWFCO alarm that was confirmed as caused by the presence of agent and 800 false positive alarms. Through 14 year of agent campaign experience with TOCDF incinerator exhaust gas matrix effects, the monitoring staff has minimized the occurrence of false positive Common Stack agent alarms. The ATLIC will process agents GA and lewisite for less than approximately 200 hours. The operational time of the ATLIC is not sufficient to develop NRT agent monitoring (by ACAMS and MINICAMS) methods that would be reliable at the detection limits of the instruments. Dispersion modeling results do not support an exhaust gas AWFCO setpoint for GA or lewisite that is lower than proposed. For worst-case atmospheric conditions (i.e., most stable conditions), the minimum ATLIC exhaust gas agent concentration required to produce a ground level agent concentration equal to I STEL is 370 SEL Page l9 of 107 (this for lewisite with the SEL equal to 0.03 mdm3). For Agent GA, the minimum ATLIC exhaust gas agent concentrations required to produce a ground level GA concentration of I STEL is 1,200 SEL. This information is provided in Enclosure D. Therefore, the proposed ATLIC agent exhaust gas concentration AWFCO values of 0.5 SEL for GA and 0.4 SEL for lewisite, with a lewisite SEL equal to 0.03 m7lm3,provides protection to site workers and will provide a sufficient margin to alert the operator to take corrective actions before there is a risk ofexposure at ground level. Comparisons of arsenic mass emission rates based on the SEL and environmental regulations do not support the imposition of a more restrictive lewisite SEL value or an AWFCO setpoint that is less than 0.4 SEL. The table below compares the mass emission rate of arsenic from the ATLIC based on a SEL value of 0.03 mylm3 to the arsenic mass emission rate based on the HWC MACT Low-Volatile Metal (LVM) New Source Emission standard of 23 micrograms per dry standard cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen. Arsenic is included in the LVM grouping. Arsenic (As) Emission Rates Comparison @ the SEL and RCRA Permit Performance Standard Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (scfin 834 834 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (scfm) Exhaust Gas Temperature ("F)230 3.5 Exhaust Gas Moisture Content (%) Pressure (psia 12.2 6.6 Exhaust Gas 02 Conc (%) ATLIC Stack Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (acfin)905 782.5 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (dscfin@ 7oh Oz ATLIC Stack Exhaust Gas Flow Ratr (acrn/min 25.6 22.2 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (dscm/min @7% Oz) Lewisite SEL mg/m3 0.03 23 As Emission Standard (ug/dscm@ 7% C,2) Lewisite Emission Rate @ SEL (mg/hr)46.12 Lewisite As weight Fraction (%)36.14 As Emission Rate @ SEL (rng/hr)16.7 30.6 As Emission Rate @, STD (mg/hr) The above table shows that the mass ernission rate of arsenic allowed by the HWC MACT LVM New Source Emission Standard is almost twice the rate that would result if the ATLIC lewisite exhaust gas ernission concentration were maintained just below the I SEL, with the lewisite SEL value taken at 0.03 ^d^t. It is reasonable to compare differences in Arsenic mass emission rates rather than Lewisite emission rates because inorganic Arsenic is a Group A carcinogen. There is only anecdotal evidence for the potential carcinogenicity of Lewisite. However, the data are not definitive and do not support classifying Lewisite as a suspected carcinogen. The chronic exposure risk Page20 of 107 relative to ATLIC Lewisite processing is the inorganic Arsenic oxides generated from the combustion of the Lewisite and the environmental exposure and remediation concern related to the arsenic component of its degradation products rather than the Lewisite that may survive the incineration process. http ://www.nap. edu/openbook.php?record_i d:9 644 &p age:27 5 The ATLIC and associated PAS train incorporate three separate units that control organic emissions: 1) the Secondary Combustion Chamber,2) the Pulverized Activated Carbon (PAC) Injection System, and 3) the Fixed Bed Activated Carbon Filter System. Most commercial hazardous waste incinerators are equipped with Secondary Combustion Chambers, or Afterbumers. Some are equipped with either a PAC Injection Systern or Fixed Bed Carbon Filter Systern. The TOCDF is unaware of any commercial hazardous waste incinerators that are equipped with both activated carbon systems. The DSHW proposed SEL value for Lewisite is 0.003 mdm3. A 0.03 mg/m3 SEL value for Lewisite is supported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). This value was published by the CDC on March 8, 1988. A copy of the publication is provided in Enclosure E. The publication includes the justification for the selection of the lewisite SEL value. 31. I.U.4.b - The acronym "ATLIC" should be added after "TOCDF." The TOCDF concurs with this comment; the condition is revised as proposed. 32. I.U.S.a.ii - The acronym "ATLIC" should be added with 66TOCDF" and '(I)CD." The TOCDF concurs with this comment; the condition is revised as proposed. 33. I.U.6 - The acronym "ATLIC" should be added after "TOCDF" on the first line. The TOCDF concurs with this comment; the condition is revised as proposed. - This condition needs to readr "...until the TOCDF and ATLIC a;re,.." The TOCDF concurs with this comment; the condition is revised as proposed. 35.II.F.2 - Same comment as above. The TOCDF concurs with this comment; the condition is revised as proposed. 36. II.G.2 - This condition needs to read, "...at the TOCDF and ATLIC..." The TOCDF concurs with this comment; the condition is revised as proposed. 37. II.I.1.c - The acronym "ATLIC" needs to be added after "TOCDF." Page 2l of 107 The TOCDF concurs with this comment; the condition is revised as proposed. Module II 38. Page 4 - Please change 1.0 SEL to 0.2 SEL (the HVAC is at 1.0 VSL). The TOCDF does not concur with the proposed revision that would change the value of the ATLIC NRT monitor stack alarm point at which worker are required to mask from 1.0 SEL to 0.2 SEL; this would cause the ATLIC Control Room to mask the site and workers at other Area 10 locations. The proposed permit condition is similar to an existing permit condition applicable to TOCDF Common Stack agent alarms. Additionally, TOCDF has revised the ATLIC stack exhaust gas agent concentration AWFCO setpoints to 0.2 SEL as recorlmended by DSHW. With this change, the management of incinerator exhaust stack agent alarms for both the ATLIC and TOCDF in regard to actions taken to protect worker are identical. Each has the same initial alarm setpoint (i.e., 0.2 SEL) and the same masking criteria (i.e., workers mask if exhaust gas agent concentration reported by both staggered NRT monitors equals or exceeds 1.0 SEL). 39. Page 4 - There is a typo, it should read Attachment 22A instead of Attachment22. Please change ACAMS references to NRT. (ACAMS or MINICAMS) Corrections were made on Pages 3 and 4 of Module II to add the phrase'NRT monitors (ACAMS or MINICAMS)" and to note that the ATLIC agent monitoring requirements are in Attachment22A. 40.11.J.2.t - A closure plan must be provided for the secondary waste that could be processed in the Autoclave (provided the autoclave has demonstrated that agent waste stream prior to closure). See response to DSHW comment #24 41. II.J.5 - Please add ATLIC and Autoclave Closure Plan to closure plan attachments. See response to DSHW comment#24. 42.11.J.6: Please verify that the DVS and DVSSR are included in the closure plan if referenced here. Condition II.J.6 reads: The Permittee shall provide certification statements that each TOCDF and Area 10 hazardous waste management unit has been closed in accordance with the applicable specifications in Attachment 10 (Closure Plan), as required by R3l5-8-7. The reference to Area 10 hazardous waste management units include the Autoclave; ATLIC; Drum Ventilation Syglem (DVS); and Drum Ventilation System Sorting Room (DVSSR); and Igloos 1632,1633,1634,1635, and 1636 (all of which are located in Area 10 and managed by TOCDF). Page22 of 107 To differentiate between TOCDF- and DCD-managed Area 10 Hazardous Waste Management Units (HWMUs), the proposed condition is revised to read: The Permittee shall provide certi{ication staternents that each TOCDF and TOCDF manased Area 10 hazardous waste management unit has been closed in accordance with the applicable specifications in Attachment 10 (Closure Plan), as required by R315-8-7. Additionally, Class 3 Permit Modification Request TOCDF-ATT10-03-1111, which was submitted in June 2010 to comply with existing Permit Condition II.K.1, revised the TOCDF Closure Plan (Attachment 10 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit). A1l TOCDF- managed Area 10 HWMUs are addressed in the revised Closure Plan except the ATLIC. The TOCDF proposes to incorporate ATLIC closure requirements during the Second Public Comment Period associated with TOCDF-ATTI0-03-I1I I. Also see response to DSHW commerrt#Z4. 43,II.K.I - Please add Autoclave, DVSSR/DVS, CAMDS Attachment and ATLIC. Permit Condition II.K.I was proposed to be revised to read: The Permittee shall submit a permit modification request that updates Attachment 10 (Closure Plan) for TOCDF associated hazardous waste manaeement units in the second quarter ofcalendar year 2010. In addition, TOCDF proposed a new Condition 11.K.2., which reads: The Permittee shall submit a permit modification request that updates Attachment 10 (Closure Plan) for ATLIC associated hazardous waste manaqement units no latsr than the f,rst third quarter of calendar year 2011 Also see response to DSHW comment#24. Module IV 44,Table on page 2 - ttre LCS tanks are allowed to contain Lewisite miscellaneous liquid and decon solution during closure. Please add the word Lewisite to text. The proposed change has been incorporated into the revised Module IV that is included with this response. 45. Page 2 - Please separate out NSF-TANK-8514 and LCS-TANK-8516. The proposed change has been incorporated into the revised Module IV that i, i*frrara with this response. 46.1Y.8.2 - A subparagraph should be added to this permit condition for the SDS sumps in the ATLIC facility. Adding them to this paragraph adds an additional waste code to ALL of the sumps in the MDB as well as the ATLIC. Page 23 of 107 A subparagraph to Condition IV.B.2 has been incorporated into the revised Module IV that is included with this response. 41.lY.G.l - The only hazardous waste allowed in LCS-TANK-8511 is liquid Lewisite chemical agent and Lewisite spent decontamination solutions (l8o/o NaOH Solutions) from closure activities. Condition IV.G.I was revised to include (i.e., match) the wastes that are specified in the table starting on page 2 of Module [V. See response to DSHW comment #44. 48. IV.G.3. - The word 6feet' should be deleted prior to 667.5 inches.' The correction has been incorporated into the revised Module IV, which is included with this response. 49.1Y.H.2. - The word "each'prior to *NSF-TANK-8514'needs to be deleted as well as the word "feett' after "67.5.)' The correction has been incorporated into the revised Module IV, which is included with this response. 50. A paragraph similar to IV.I.4 should be added in IV.H for tanks NSF-TAI\K-8514 and NSF-TANK-8516 since the waste from these tanks is being shipped off-site for deep well injection. The TOCDF concurs; Condition IV.H.4 was added to address this comment. 51. IV.J.I- This condition should require that tank LCS-TANK-8534 be empty at all times, not just when chemical agent is being processed or stored. This tank is the secondary containment for the area and secondary containment should never have anything in it untdss there is a spill or release of some kind. The TOCDF concurs; Condition IVJ.l was revised to read: The Permittee shall maintain LCS-TANK-8534 free of waste when liquid wastes are nresent in the ATLIC Processins Bav or Toxic Area. This tank shall be used in the event of a major spill as a result of a tank. ancillary equipment. or ton container failure. 52.1Y.L.2.- The reference to Condition IV.M.I should be IV.L.l. The correction has been incorporated into the revised Module IV, which is included with this response. 53. IV.l - Please specify the concentration of the decon nitric acid solutions. Condition IV.H.3 was revised to specify the concentration of the nitric acid solution that will be added to NSF-TANK-8514 and LCS-TANK-8516 at 50 %. Page 24 of 107 54. IV. - TOCDF specifies two decon solutions, NaOII and sodium hypochlorite. Please provide narrative describing the decon used for each agent. The only decontamination solution that will be added to LCS-TANK-8523 is sodium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide will be used to treat spent decontamination and GA TC rinse solutions that accumulate in LCS-TANK-5823 to agent concentrations below the Waste Control Limit of 20 ppb. It will also be used to treat solutions that are generated during lewisite processing and accumulated in LCS-TANK-8523 to lewisite concentrations less than 200 ppb. Condition [V.I.l was revised accordingly. 55. IV.J.6 - Please specify the primary combustion chamber for all treatment. Please also specify which hazardous waste management unit is referenced. The intent of the proposed condition was to not specify how wastes that are stored in the major spill tank will be treated because the'major spiil.tank, as a contingency, may store any liquid waste generated at the ATLIC. If a major.spill of agent occurs, the spilled agent will be fed to the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC). If a major spill of spent nitric acid occurs, it will be captured in the major spill tank and transferred to an off-site Subtitle C Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF). Spent nitric acid cannot be fed to the LIC because buming the acid would generate excessive nitrogen oxides. Condition IV.J.6 was revised to read: Waste stored in LCS-TANK-8534 shall be treated in the combustion chamber or Hazardous Waste Manaeernent Unit soecified for the waste stream beine stored in Conditions IV.G.I IV.H.l. IV.L15 or IV.K.I. A,qenfGA Specifically, chemical agents shall be treated in the Prim Spent Nitric Acid Solutions shall be transferred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. Spent Decontamination Solutions shall be treated in the Secondarv Chamber of the ATLIC LIC. 56. IV.O - Please add ATLIC to the closure section. Condition IV.Q.2 was revised to read: -IV.MQ.2. The Permittee shall close the TOCDF and ATLIC Tank Systems in accordance with Attachment 10 (Closure Plan): Module V 57.Y.4.g.2 - Please provide details for the proposed NRT monitoring configuration which TOCDF has determined will be the best configuration and will best determine if there has been a release. Are the MINICAMS and DAAMS able to detect Lewisite in an incinerator stack environment? Page25 of 107 Condition V.A.1.g.2 was proposed to account for the possibility of using either a second NRT or a DAAMS as a confirmation method for ATLIC Agent Exhaust Gas Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff (AWFCO) alarms. A "single-cycle" DAAMS method for lewisite was not available at the time the ATLIC permit modification request was submitted. Since that time a DAAMS method has been developed and tested that is suitable for use as a confirmation method for lewisite exhaust gas MINICAMS AWFCO alarms. Proposed Condition Y.A.2.9.2 should be revised to read: V.A.1.e.2. When processine Lewisite the Permittee shall rnaintain and operate €ithtr DAAMS tubes and staggered MINICAMS monitors on the ATLIC Stack L!} it tih,". /nl lt ,rE ! .' .." J -q' J' ,r'. L/ as specified in Attachments 19 flnstrumentation and Waste Feed Cut- offTables) and 22 (Aqent Monitorinq Pl$n).ffi with Ci$similor anolytieal eo Note the MINICAMS and "single-cycle" DAAMS methods that have been developed for 'lewisite are capable of detecting this agent in the ATLIC exhaust stack. The methods were developed based on a lewisite Source Emission Limit of 0.03 mg/m3 and a MINICAMS sample/analysis cycle of seven minutes. 58. VA.l.H.ii - Please explain why the API-3000EM was specified. Is this type of monitor exclusive to TOCDF and ATLIC operations? The API-300EM CO CEMS was specified because it has internal components that are different from the other CEMS. Major and minor repairs and the recertification requirement associated with them are different for this model of CEMS. The model's high range span limit of 5,000 ppm is preferable over a CO CEMS having a lower range because of the requirement in the Hazardous Waste Combustor Maximum Achievable Control Technology (HWC MACT) to use a default value of 10,000 ppm in. the hourly rolling average exhaust gas CO concentration calculation for each minute that an operator's CO CEMS reports a maximum span value. ,_ 59. V.A.2.a - Please be advised that the DRE performance standards will be the same as was performed at TOCDF - a DRE of 99.999.9Yo for both surrogate and agent trial burns in the [,ICs. The TOCDF concurs with increhsing tire ATLIC Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE) Performance Standard for99.99 percent to 99.9999 percent for the selected surrogates. Section ll.4.l of Appendix A (Quality Assurance Project Plan) to the ATLIC Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) Plan shows that a "six-9s" DRE is mathematically possible. The revised Module V, which is included with this qubmission, incorporates the proposed change in the DRE requirement which will be demonstrated during the ATLIC STB. Page 26 of 107 60. V.A.4.a.i - The GA action level will be 0.2 SEL. Note 5 is not consistent with the narrative that appears in operations. The SEL for Lewisite should be 0.003 mdm3. See response to DSHW comment #30.e. The alarm setpoint for the ATLIC stack NRT agent monitors was revised from 0.5 and 0.4 SEL for GA and lewisite, respectively,to 0.2 SEL for each agent. Note 5 was revised as follows because DAAMS will be used as a confirmation method for Lewisite. s' GA D.AAMS beqome historical when Lgwisite is the only asent being processed by the ATLIC. witheifferq* an*ytieet eet m*@ 61. V.A.4b - Please explain if only MINICAMS was used for Lewisite. See response to DSHW Comment #57. 62.Y.A.4.g- The Lewisite monitoring level should be 0.003 mg/m3 and the action leveUalarm level should be 0.0012 mglm3. See response to DSHW comment #30.e, and #60. No change was made to this condition. 63. V.E.3.c - See comment above. The TOCDF concurs with the need to test the ATLIC AWFCO System more frequently than every 30 days and proposes a 14 day testing frequency. Additionally because the ATLIC system will experience periods of extended idle where it will remain at operating temperature, without processing waste while performance test results are being reviewed and approved, TOCDF requests that testing of the AWFCO system be required either every 14 days or prior to resuming waste feed for idle periods lasting longer than 14 days. See revised condition below and responses to DSHW comment #4. V.E.3.c. 'The Permittee shall perform a waste feed cut-off function test no less than once every 39 fourteen (14) days. No waste shall be fed to the ATLIC during the function test. If the ATLIC is not operational (i.e.. Shut down) or idlinq for loneer than 14 davs. the Permittee shall derforfir the function test when the ATLIC becomes operational. or priorio waste feed.' :hhu#deu# A:,cgpy of each function test shall be olaced in the 64. V.E.l.a - Spent decon may be burned in the primary chamber if it is below the demonstrated concentrations. Page 27 of 107 There is no intent to feed spent decon to the Primary Combustion Chamber of the ATLIC. Upon completion of each agent campaign, a solvent will be used to flush the agent feed lines. The solvent that is selected will conform to the requirements specified in Permit Conditions V.E. 1.b through V.E. 1.h. 65. V.E.l.a.ii - Please provide characterization of the anticipated composition of the miscellaneous agent contaminated waste stream. The miscellaneous agent-contaminated waste stream refers to the solvent that will contain chemical agent as it will be used to flush the agent line upon completion of each agent campaign. 66. V.E.l.d - Please specify the anticipated chlorine feed rate. The maximum chlorine feed rate to the ATLIC will be demonstrated during the Surrogate Trial Burn and is 192 pounds per hour, or 2,304 pound per 12 hours. 67. Please provide documentation that the viscosity of the waste to be pump is compatible with equipment. A report documenting the capabilities of the PCC waste feed lance nozzleis provided in Enclosure F. 68. V.E.l.g - The sampling plan for verification of waste must be approved and performed. The TOCDF does not concur with the need to perform additional analysis of the chemical agents. See response to DSHW comment # 8. 69. V.E.l.h - Please delete 'oeach." The correction to Condition V.E.l.h has been incorporated into the revised Module V provided with this submission. 70.Y.e.2.b - Please replace short term condition at half (or 20%) feed rate instead of TBD. Historically, Module V has not included short-term incineration conditions, which are included in Module VI. Module V is titled Long Term Incineration, which begins after the performance test results (as presented in the submitted test reports) are reviewed by DSHW. The term To Be Determined (TBD) was used throughout Module V for this reason (i.e., the operating parameter limits are determined from performance test results, and the tests have not yet been performed). Therefore, no change was made to the condition. 71. V.E.3.b - If the system is automatic, the word manual should not be necessary. o Page 28 of 107 This condition required the operator to manually stop feed if there were a failure of the AWFCO system. This condition is verbatim from the conditions in Module V that are specified for each TOCDF incinerator. Therefore, no change was made to the condition. 72.Y.8.3.c - Please be advised that waste feed cut-offs will be every seven days instead of every 30 days. See response to DSHW comments tA and#63. 73. Table Y.4 - The values are too high based on the processing feed rates of the agent. The values in Table V.4 for High and Low-Volatile metals are based on the metal feed rate associated with L since L is in excess of 30 weight percent arsenic. The value for the Semi-Volatile Metal feed rate is based on the planned lead feed rate during the ATLIC STB ([325 lb surrogateftr] * [001b lead/106 lbs surrogate] * l2hr: 0.39 lb semi-vol metalll2-hr) Enclosure G provides a spread sheet that calculates metals, chlorine, and ash feed rates associated with L feed. The Semi-Volatile metal feed rate associated with STB is provided above. Module VI 74. Module VI proposes to feed GA at 50oh of the demonstrated trial burn feed rate during the post-trial burn after the Executive Secretary has approved the preliminary results. However, for Lewisite, it proposes a 507o feed rate after the preliminary results are submitted and a75Yo rate after the Executive Secretary approves the preliminary results. Why the differenee? It also proposes to increase to l00oh of the trial burn feed rates without any regulatory approval (iust submittal of the NOC and trial burn reports). Approval of the trial burn reports will need to be done before full operations can commence. The precedent set by permit conditions applicable to past post-trial-bum feed-rate limitations applicable to the TOCDF incinerators that were established through permit modifications was to: l) feed at 50 % of the trial-burn-demonstrated rate immediately after completion the trial burn; 2) feed at75 Yo of the demonstrated rate after approval of preliminary data (as defined in the RCRA Permit ) by the Executive Secretary; and 3) feed at 100 %o of the demonstrated rate upon submission of the NOC and trial burn reports, and review by the Executive Secretary of the trial burn report Executive Summary. The feed rate increases discussed above were applicable to TOCDF incinerators during the final agent campaign, after multiple trial burns had been performed on each TOCDF incinerator. Because the ATLIC is a new incinerator, TOCDF proposed to suspend feeding of hazardous waste (i.e., agent) following completion of the ATLIC Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) until the Executive Secretary had approved the preliminary data. A review of the data by the Executive Secretary prior to proceeding with GA processing is deemed prudent Page 29 of 107 because. the STB would have been the first time a performance test was conducted on the ATLIC. The TOCDF also proposed to require the performance of a Lewisite Mini-Burn at a reduced lewisite feed rate to allow for the processing of lewisite after completion of the Lewisite CPT because the ATLIC is a new incinerator with no prior performance test result dataavailable to document the ability of the incinerator to comply with the metal emission standard associated with lewisite processing because of its high arsenic and mercury content. Note metals feed rates are allowed under the HWC MACT regulations to be extrapolated up based upon a review of trial burn data conducted by EPA which found a linear relationship between metal feed rates and metal emission concentrations. 75.V1.4.2.a.i - The Executive Secretary must approve the Lewisite and GA monitoring for all areas, including the staclg prior to approval of the mod (the LQCP, CDRL 24 and Table l2-2wrllbe updated in this modification). The TOCDF concurs with the need for the Executive Secretary to approve the Laboratory Quality Control Plan (LQCP) prior to ATLIC hazardous waste operations. A revised plan will be submitted. 76,Y1.A.2.a.i.b - GA will be 0.2 SEL for process upsets. See responses to DSHW comment # 30.e, last paragraph 77.Yl.A.z.b.ii - Please delete "agent operation.' The condition is revised to read: VI.A.2.b.ii. The Shakedown Period associated with ATLIC Surrosate Trial Bum shall not exceed 720 hours ofa*ent hazardous waste operations. 78. VI.A.2.b.iii - Characterization of the feed will need to be sampled and analyzed form the tank prior to feeding the waste during shakedown. See response to DSHW comment # 8. 79. VI.A.3.a.i - Please be advised that the DRE will need to be 99.9999Yo for surrogates and agents as required for all other TOCDF agents and surrogates. The Lewisite monitoring level will be 0.003 mdm3. See response to DSHW comments #30.e and #59. 80. Vl.A.4.a.iii.a.1 and,2- If any monitor fails, then waste feed stops immediately. Condition Vl.A.4.a.iii.a and associated sub-conditions have been revised to read as follows: VI.A.4.a.iii.a Page 30 of 107 ffiThe Permittee shall provide continuous monitorins in tn..{fI,fC tt monitorins shall consist of two staseered MRT monitors for each asent (ACAMS fo for tubes for each aeent beins processed per Condition Vl.A.4.a.xvii.a. If an interruption in monitorine occurs. feed to the ATLIC shall be discontinued. VLA, l,a,iii,a,l When preeessing agent Grt the merdterkrg sholl eensist ef twe steggerC A€rlJt{S andDA"AA{S*ube* VI,A,l,a,iiio,2 WhenBreeessing'ewisitethemerdteringshdl€onsistefeitlftreftwestegEerC is @ Vl'rt,4.a.iii,a'3 If ene ef ttre rCwdant agent merfters fails er malfirnetierq tho Pernfttee shell r€elaee er r€eair the rnonitff w i.:.. These conditions were originally proposed because there was not a "single-cycle" DAAMS method available for lewisite MINICAMS when the permit modification request was submitted. The TOCDF wanted to provide assurance to the public that a method to confirm ATLIC stack lewisite MINICAMS alarms would be provided by one of two methods, either a second, collocated MINICAMS or a collocated DAAMS. A "single- cycle" DAAMS confirmation method for lewisite has since been developed, and it will be used during lewisite processing. 81. VI.A.4.a.ix.d - Since only one CEMS is online, waste feed must be immediately stopped. The drawings that were submitted with the initial permit modification request did not depict that the ATLIC PAS is equipped with two carbon monoxide and two oxygen CEMS. The management of these CEMS will be the same as the CEMS application at TOCDF. 82. Vl.A.4.a.x.viiia - Please specify the location of agent monitors in the PAS. The ATLIC agent NRT monitors and DAAMS that are used to detect agent in the ATLIC exhaust gas are located in the horizontal run of exhaust duct that is downstream of the fixed bed carbon system and the ATLIC PAS Induced Draft (ID) fan (see drawingBg-22- D-8211, sheet 3 of 4, Rev. 7). 83. Vl.A.4.axviii - DAAMS tubes will be required. Page 31 of 107 The TOCDF intends to use DAAMS to confirm MINICAMS lewisite alarms in the ATLIC exhaust stack since development of a lewisite "single-cycle" DAAMS method. The above referenced condition is revised to read: I Vl.A.4.a.xviii. DAAMS tubes on the TOCDF coilrmon stack and ATLIC PAS stack{if usetlshall be analyzed at a frequency of one tube per four hours of sampling with a corresponding QP sample for each agent. 84. VI.E. - Please delete "other applicable codesD and list all allowable codes. This comment is assumed to refer to proposed condition VI.E.1.a.iv. The wording of this condition was taken from existing Permit Condition VI.B.1.a.iv, which is applicable to the TOCDF LIC and has been in the permit for many years. Additionally, TOCDF has revised the ATLIC Surrogate Trial Bum (STB) Plan to include organic spiking in the secondary chamber of the ATLIC (see below) ,l r,,,;,0 ii\ I VI.E.I.a.iv. Decontamination solution with the F999 waste code, and otheryp-pligatlE' waste codes, may be fed to the secondary chamber of the ATLIC during the shakedown period only if the operating conditions specified in Condition VI.E.I.b. are satisfied and the Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off (AWFCO) set-points specified in the trial burn plans are in effect with the exception of those AWFCO set-points specified in Condition VI.E.l.a.ix. vI B l a iv ff:,""":ffi::lfi lt?st"1il3ff"3.ilxilffi:l:,* llE:fli,l"f,i:" shakedown period only if the operating conditions specified in Condition VI.B.I.b. are satisfied and the waste feed cut-off limits specified in the trial burn plans are in effect. Module VII 85. VII.A.1.g - Please reword. The narrative is confusing. Revisions to Module VII were not proposed in the ATLIC permit modification request. // The TOCDF assumes that the correct reference is proposed condition VIII.A.I.h. The(\. condition is revised to read: VIII.A.I .h.Two ATLIC Gloveboxes located in DCD Area 10 Igloo 1639 fer*e+reining€f iaers Module VIII 86. VIII.D.8.c - Must be less than 0.5 VSL. Please provide narrative for the decon procedure Condition VIII.D.8.c and VIII.D.8.k have been revised to read: The Permittee shall maintain the pressure within the affected Glovebox below - 0.25 inches of water column as measured relative to the ATLIC Page 32 of 107 O VIII.D.8.c. Process Bay pressure until the agent concentration within the affected Glovebox is determined to be less than + 0.5 and 0.4 Vapor Screening Limitg (VSL) for Asent GA and Lewisite. resoectivelv. VIII.D.8.k. The Permittee ma], remove emptied and rinsed ton containers from the Glou"bo* irrtu.ior' rn*itorirre results are less than 0* 0.5 and 05 0.4 VSL for asents GA and L. respectively. .'., These values conform to the action levels specified in Attachment22a of the permit modification request. 87. VIII.D.8.d. - Please be advised that GA will need to be pumped to a tank before processing See response to DSHW comment # 9. 88. VIII.D.8.f - There will need to be a triple rinse with NaOH followed by a triple rinse with water. The TOCDF does not concur with the need to perform three NaOH decon solution rinses on GA TCs. The RCRA regulations allow generators to declare used containers "empty'' if the container previously held an acutely toxichazardous waste and was triple rinsed with an appropriate solvent. Empty containers do not have waste codes associated with thern and are not regulated by RCRA regulations. The TOCDF is not rinsing the GA or lewisite TCs in an attempt to change their status to non-regulated containers. The emptied and rinsed TCs will be managed as F999 hazardous waste. Once drained and rinsed, the TCs will be returned to permitted storage, and the glove boxes will be removed. A pipe cutter will be installed in the ATLIC Processing Bay where the glove boxes used to be. The pipe cutter will be used to cut each of the TCs in half. Then, these halves will be monitored for agent prior to being disposed of at a Subtitle c TSDF. The TOCDF has determined that the lewisite TCs will receive at least two nitric acid rinses. Proposed Permit Condition VIII.D.S.g is revised to read: VIII.D.8,g.The Permittee shall ensure Lewisite and solid heel residues have been completely removed from the in-process ton container by performin g a minimum of ene.lwo ton container rinse using a Nitric Acid based solution, followed by a minimum of three rinses using process water. 89. VIII.D.f.i - How will solids be determined? Please explain why nitric acid is used as decon instead of NaOH. Please specify the advantages for solids removal for agent and metals heels. During the GA and lewisite TC sampling and analysis program, the interior of the TCs were sampled for non-liquid matrices (solids or sludge) by attempting to collect a sample from scraping the inner wall of each TC. No samples were collected from the GA TCs, /7rtt k' Page 33 of 107 but were from the lewisite TCs. Solubility studies were conducted on the lewisite sludge samples using deionized water, acetic acid, and nitric acid. Nitric acid was selected as a rinsate for lewisite TCs because it both dissolved the sludge to some extent and destroyed the lewisite, whereas use of the deionized waste dissolved only the sludge and resulted in a rinsate with a high concentration of lewisite. This information is included in the Final Report for Ton Container Sample Analysis, which was provided as Attachment 3 to the ATLIC Class 3 Permit Modification Request. 90. VIII.D.8.g.1.i states that the nitric acid rinse will go to either tank 8414 or tank 8416 (probably meant 8514 and 8516). However, the drawings only show it going to tank 8516. The referenced permit condition is revised to read: VIII.D.8.g.1.i. Spent Nitric Acid to eitherNitric Acid Holding Tank (NSF-TANK-8514 or LCS-TANK-8!16), and Drawing EG-22-D-8216 Rev.5 is revised to show the nitric acid rinse going to either tank. 91. V[I.D.8.b. - The word "measure' on the last line should be *measured.' The proposed condition is revised as recofilmended. : 92. VIII.D.8 - The order should be drained, decontaminated, rinsed, and monitored The condition is revised to read: VIII.D.8.a.The Permittee may use the ATLIC Gloveboxes to drain, rins'e decontaminate, rinse. and monitor Agent GA, Lewisite, and "Transparen cy" ton containers. 93. VIII.D.8.c - It should be less than 0.5 VSL. See response to DSHW comment # 86. 94. VIII.D.8.d - Agent from GA ton containers will need to be transferred to a tank prior to processing in the LIC primary. See response to DSHW comment # 9. 95. V[I.D.8.f - Please change one rinse to three rinses with NaOH, followed by the water rinses. See response to DSHW comment # 88. 96. VIII.D.8.h.1 & 2 - All transparency tons will go through the decontamination sequence, not just ones that have been head-spaced. Also, three nitric acid rinses will be required instead of one. Page 34 of 107 The TOCDF concurs with performing the same rinse process on all Transparency TCs. However, TOCDF does not concur with the need to rinse Transparency TCs with three nitric acid rinses. Each Transparency TC was assayed with a borescope during the TC sampling and analysis program. The TCs were found to be emptybased on these results (i.e., they did contain solid heels). Photographs taken with the aid of the borescope are included as Enclosure H. Proposed conditions VIII.D.8.h. I & 2 are revised to read: VIII.D.8.h.l .Performing a minimum of one ton container rinse using a Nitric Acid based solution followed by a minimum of three rinses using process water. Tld+-eq*emqrt is appli€able te Tran^pareey Ten eentalrtrs fer wldeh detcete4 Additionally, rinsed and empty Transparency TCs will be managed as F999 hazardous waste. They will be cut in half monitored for lewisite, and disposed of at an off-site Subtitle C TSDF (i.e., in the same manner as the rinsed and emptied GA and lewisite TCs). See response to DSHW comment # 88. 97. VIII.D.8.g.1.i. -Tank number 8414 should be 8514 and 8416 should be 8516. The proposed condition is revised as recoilrmended. 98. VIII.D.8.h.3.i. - See comment "Oor". The proposed condition is revised as recommended. 99. VIII.D.8.i. - This permit condition should be worded as follows, (In the event of a spill from tanks Lcs-taNK-8s 1 1, NSF-TANK-8s 14, LCS-TANK-8s I 6, SDS-TANK-8523, a ton container, or associated transfer systems specified above, the Permittee may use tank LCS-TANK-8534 as an alternate storage tank as allowed by Condition IV.J.2." Proposed condition VIII.D.8.i is revised to read: b the event of a spill frorn tanks LCS-TANK-8511. NSF-TANK-8514. LCS-TANK-8516. SDS-TAI[IG8523. a ton container. or associated transfer svstems specified pbove. the Permittee mav use tank LCS- VIII.D.8.i. Page 35 of 107 4t, /i.rl IF Irl TAIYK-8534 as an alternate storase tank as allowed bv Condition fv.J.2. 100. VIII.D.8j. - The word gcontainer" at the end of the second line should be ttcontainers.' The proposed condition is revised as recommended. 101. VlI.D.8.k - A minimum of two complete monitoring cycles needs to be specified. The TOCDF concurs with the need to collect a representative sample for analysis. We also concur with the need to ensure that all the sample gas that flows through the Pre- Concenkator-Tube (PCT) is sample gas and not ambient air thatmay have entered the sample line while the monitor was offline. There are no conditions in the TOCDF RCRA Permit or associated attachments that specify a required number of NRT agent monitor sampling/analysis cycles. The requirement to perform multiple NRT monitor sample/analysis cycles is typically specified in the procedure specific to the operation. The requirement to perform multiple NRT cycles, or at least to time the collection of the sample so that the sample collected represent the intended sample, will be included in the glove box procedure, which is the process currently specified for the DVS operations. 102. VI[.E.18.c. - This condition should read, *...before removing the treated ton container in accordance with VIII.D.8.k." The proposed condition is revised to read: VIII.E.18.c.Upen eemptetierefthe draining and rinsing; the Ug-Permittee shall monitor the interior of the Glovebox before removing the treated ton container in accordance with VIII.D.8.k. 103. VI[.E.8.h - The acceptable range must be specified. Please include language to monitor a minimum of two complete cycles. The TOCDF assumes this comment refers to the agent monitoring results required to allow removal of a TC from a glove box. The limits are specified in Conditions VIII.D.8.o. and VIII.D.8.k as less than 0.5 and 0.4 VSL for GA and lewisite TCs, respectively. See response to DSHW comment # 86. See response to DSHW comment # l0l regarding the need to perform two NRT cycles to monitor the interior of a glove box prior to removal of TCs. ji' 104. VI[.E.18.b - Please specify the acceptable range. The proposed conditions appearing before VIII.E. 18.b specify a minimum value of less than 0.25 inches of water column. The condition is revised to refer to those conditions and reads: Page 36 of 107 Ol VIII.E.18.b. 105. VIII.E.18.c - Please done. The Permittee shall monitor the pressure differential between the interior of the Glovebox and the ATLIC Processing Bay throughout ton container draining and rinsing operations in accordance with Conditions VIII.D.8.b and VIII.D.8.c. specify where the monitoring specified in Condition VIII.D.8.k is The glove box pressure is monitored using a differential pressure hansmitter that provides a local reading and sends a reading to the ATLIC Control Room (see drawingBG-22-H- 8202, sheet l, Rev. 7). 106. The modification request proposes to not include an operating parameter limit for high quench tower exhaust gas temperature. The justification is that establishing a limit for the maximum quench tower exhaust gas temperature would be redundant to the high temperature limits on the baghouse and carbon filter. A maximum quench tower exit temperature is necessary to ensure proper operation of the packed bed scrubber. It should also be included as an equipment protection parameter. Maximum Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperature is included as a non-regulated Stop Feed for equipment protection, but not as a regulated AWFCO. See response to DSHW comment # 12. Module X 107. X.A.3.b&c - Please include the sumps. The TOCDF does not concur with the need to add sump references to Conditions X.A.3.b. and X.A.3.c. Section X.G of Module X is applicable to sumps and therefore applicable to the sump located at the ATLIC. The ATLIC sump system is designed similar to TOCDF's. There are sumps that are ancillary equipment to the spent decon holding tank. The same type of engineering controls applicable to TOCDF sumps will be used to control emissions from the ATLIC sumps (i.e., a cascading air ventilation system that is operated at less than atmospheric pressure and vents to a carbon filter system). The TOCDF recommends the following revision to address Subpart BB and CC requirer4enJs applicable to ATLIC permitted storage tanks and sumps. x.G.12.The Permittee shall control air emissions from hazardous waste tanks used as primary containment devices in accordance with R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.10841for the tanks identified in Table2 and Table 2-A. 108. X.A.3.c - GA will need to be placed into tanks before processing for sampling requirements. See response to DSHW comment #9. Page 37 of 107 109. X.J.3 - Please provide a detailed description of the HVAC monitoring system. There are three ATLIC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) carbon filter units; two are online at arry time. Each filter unit is configured with a bank of pre-filters, followed by a bank of High-Efficiency Air Filters, then by three beds of activated carbon, followed by a bank of HEPA filters. The NRT monitors (ACAMS for GA and MINICAMS for lewisite) are used to monitor for agent breakthrough after the first carbon bed (i.e., mid-bed between carbon beds I and2). A single NRT specific to each agent "spools" between the first mid-bed of the two online filter units. The DAAMS are used to continuously collect a sample after the first and second carbon beds of each online filter unit. The DAAMS are analyzed daily to generate a historical record. 110. X.J.3 - The narrative should specify throughout closure, not just when online. Are the two tMC systems identical? Please clarify. Proposed conditions X.J.3.a through X.J.3.c are similar to the existing Module X conditions that are applicable to the TOCDF HVAC carbon filter system. (See existing Permit Conditions X.J.l.a through X.J.l.c.) Therefore, no change was made to the proposed conditions. Each HVAC carbon filter unit is identical. See response to DSHW comment #109 and drawing Ec-22-H-8202,which was submitted as part of the ATLIC permit modification. 111. X.K.7 - It should be 0.5 VSL. The need to replace an activated carbon filter bed within an HVAC carbon filter unit is based on the results from the mid-bed NRT monitor. A review of the ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan (Attachment22/t) shows that NRTs are used to monitor ATLIC HVAC carbon filter units only after the first carbon mid-bed. Therefore, the basis for carbon bed replacement and the required beds needed for change should be the status of Bed 1. Bed 1, being the impacted carbon bed (i.e., the compliance point), leaves two carbon beds downstream to ensure. agent is not emitted to the environment. Considering that, Condition V.K.7 is revised to read: The Carbon Adsorption Filtration system for ATLIC shall have the first M carbon filter beds replaced when any agent is derteeted confirmed between the first and second midbeds at a concentrationgreaterthanorequa1to1.0V@daysfromthe time the midbed agent concentration reaches 1.0 VSL, the Permittee shall begin operations to replace the carbon in the affected unit. As revised above, Condition X.K.7 includes carbon replacement requirements equivalent to those applicable to the carbon filter unit that supports Autoclave operations (See Condition X.K.5). The two separate filter systems should have similar carbon replacement requirements considering that each carbon filter consists of three carbon filter beds. Page 38 of 107 Tables ll?a. Table 1- Please specify 0.003 for Lewisite. See response to DSHW comment #30.e. 112. Table 4a,page9 - Please explain why there is the potential for agent in the SDS, SDS-PUMP-8527 P999 but not in the other sump systems. The Spent Decontamination System (SDS)-PUMP-8527 is located in the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC) Room. The P999 waste code was listed in association with this sump for a contingency should there be a release of neat agent in the ATLIC PCC Room from the fgent piping that leads to the waste feed lance. The P999 waste code is not applicable to the other sumps listed in Table 4a because these sumps are located in the airlocks that are used by personnel entering and exiting the areas of potential agent contamination. These sumps will receive spent decon on a routine basis. The agents contacted by the decon bei:ome F999 waste by definition of the'State of Utah waste codes specific to chemical agents (P999) and residues from the treatment of chernical agents (F999). Appendix B 1L3. Please define transparency ton containers specifically. The'transparency ton containers must go through an approved decontamination procedure and then be agent monitored. Please revise the description. The following definition was included in Appendix B aS part of the ATLIC permit modification request: x. "Transparency Ton Container" shall mean a toh container than has been determined to be empty of liquids and solid and whose headspace has been sampled for Lewisite. The Transparency TCs were initially included on the list of the declared chemical stockpile because there was no proof that they did not contain recoverable liquid chemical agent, The 10 TCs to be rinsed at the ATLIC have been verified free of recoverable liquid agent through borescope assay; they are no longer included on the Chemical Weapons C,gnJention delfared chemical stockpile inventory of the United States. These TCs were also head-spaced monitored for lewisite and industrial chemicals. The results of the aqsay and head-space sampling can be found in the "Final Ton Container Sample Analydis Report," which was included as Attachment 3 of the ATLIC permit modification request. Attachment I - Main Body Permit Mod (Facility Description) 114., Table 1-1 - Please change the quantity of Lewisite to 20 ton containers and include a footnote indicating that ten are transparency ton containers. Please make Page 39 of 107 new table for the GA and L for the ATLIC since only L and GA will be processed at the ATLIC (or add another footnote). Footnote 5 does not include the leakers. This should be clarified. The Transparency TCs are not part of the Deseret Chernical Depot Stockpile. They were removed from the stockpile based on results of the assay and sampling documented in the final Ton Container Sample Analysis Report that was submitted as Attachment 3 of the ATLIC permit modification request. See responses to DSHW comment # ll3. Rather than create a new table for the ATLIC, TOCDF proposes to identify which items and agents will be destroyed at the TOCDF and which items will be desfroyed at the ATLIC by identiffing the applicable treatment facilitybeneath each item. Tablesl-l and l-2 are revised accordingly. Regarding Footnote 5, which is associated with Table l-1, TOCDF is unaware of any VX- or GB-containing leaking munitions that remain. Leaking VX and GB munitions were deshoyed at the end of the respective agent campaigns. 115. Table 1-2 - The "*tt footnote is not accurate for the leakers. The TOCDF concurs; the reference is deleted. 116. - Please specify "Lewisite'transparency ton containers. The Transparency TCs were assayed and found free of any recoverable liquid agent. The interior of each TC was also monitored by MINICAMS that were configured to detect lewisite. One TC had positive results for the presence of lewisite. It is not accurate to describe all Transparency TCs as lewisite Transparency TCs, particularly since they have been determined through borescope assay to be empty. Pictures from the borescope assay are included in Enclosure H. ll7. - Please add baghouse residues. The description associated with the above reference was intended to describe the Baghouse residues. The description is revised to read: Bashouse residues 118. - This section should also discuss the ATLIC PAS. The following paragraphs are added to Attachment 1 to address the ATLIC PAS: ATLIC exhaust eases are treated in a unioue PAS that is both wet and dry. Exhaust gases first pas throuqh a Ouench Tower. which causes them to cool and become saturated with water. The sases next pass throush a series of Packed-Bed Scrubbers that have chilled scrubber solution flowine throueh them. The Page 40 of 107 chilled scrubber solution causes the water in the exhaust sas to condense. The eases iater pass throuqh an electric re-heater which ensures the qases are at a temperature hieher than the dew point. The remainder of the ATLIC PAS downstream of the eas re-heater is a drv PAS and equipped accordinelv with a Pulverized Activated Carbon (PAC) Iniection Svstem. and a Baehouse. Spent scrubber brines which are collected in tanks and baehouse residues which are collected in containers are transported off-site for treatment and disposal. 119. The wind rose on drawing TE-16-C-3 is for all of DCD and this paragraph should be edited to reflect this. The following revision is made to paragraphs and 1.2.6,1 The wind rose for the TOCDF and ATLIC is included on Drawing TE-16-C-3 (restricted access - protected record). The wind rose plot is desiened from data collected at the DCD weather station located in Building 5108, and it reflects 1997-_year3-end data from Weather Station 9. The prevailing winds at the TOCDF area follow the orientation of the mountain ranges flanking either side of the facility. Wirtds are prevalent from the south through southeast in the summer and from the north through northwest in the winter. The wind rose reference above is applicable to all facilities within the DCD boundarv since mountains flank the entire boundarv of DCD. 120. -All fire suppression and detection equipment for the ATLIC will need to be installed by EG&G and its contractors. None of it will be covered in the DCD permit. This paragraph should have information similar to paragraphl.2.l4.l. The paragraph is revised to read: The ATLIC Fire D.etection and Prevention Svstem is described in Attachment 9. Section l2l, - Please change "munition" to ttmunition or bulk container." The requested correction is included in the revised attachment included in this submission. Attachment 2 - Main Body Permit Mod (Waste Analysis Plan) Page 41 of 107 ":r! i,iL .,,, {'rii,o'\.*. 122.,2 & 3.3 - This narrative still holds for GA and Lewisite. Additional sampling under an approved sampling plan is still required. Limiting this requirement to TOCDF agent campaigns is not appropriate. Please delete 6'TOCDF' from the narrative. See response to DSHW comment # 8. Additionally the analysis data for the GA, lewisite, and Transparency TCs were included in the permit modification so that the public would have an opportunity to comment on the data validity. The proposal presented in the revised Attachment 2 use these data for the charactertzation of these waste steams. 123. -Please be advised that additional sampling will be required for completeness. This information is included in the Ton Container Sample Analysis Final Report, which was included as Attachment 3 to the ATLIC permit modification request. The TOCDF position is that the data included in the report provide a complete characterization of the waste to be processed by the ATLIC for the following reasons: o Both agents were characterized for organic content and metals. These characteizations provide sufficient information to the operator to ensure compliance with the TOCDF RCRA Permit incinerator Performance Standards specified in Module VI. The analytical results show that GA contains monochlorobenzene (MCB) and further quantify the GA MCB concentration. The TOCDF used this information to identiff the need to perform a Surrogate Trial Bum (STB) prior to processing GA. The information was also used to select the surrogates MCB and perchloroethylene (PCE). Considering that MCB is a Class I Principle Organic Hazardous Constituent (POHC) and that the ATLIC Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE) demonstration will be based on this POHC and PCE (a Class 2 POHC), the organic data associated with the GA analysis are sufficiently complete to allow the operator to comply with the existing and proposed permit conditions prohibiting the incineration of organic compounds that are more difficult to destroy than what was demonstrated during a Surrogate Trial Burn (see below). Note that the GA organic compounds that were identified as "I-Inknown" in the analysis cannot be more difficult to incinerate than Class 1 POHCs, which are, according to the EPA, the most difficult to destroy. o lc l; '# ..,.i V.B.1.c._The Permittee shall not incinerate anyhazardous waste in the LICs that contains R315-50-10 organic hazardous constituents, which are more difficult to destroy than the material demonstrated in the surrogate trial burn. _The Permittee shall not incinerate any hazardous waste in the ATLIC that contains R315-50-10 organic hazardous constituents, which are more V.E.1.c. Page 42 of 107 difficult to destroy than the material demonstrated in the surrogate trial burn. The analytical results quantiff the metal content of Agent GA. These results were used to select the metal spikes and their associated feed rates during the ATLIC STB, which is being performed to support GA processing. The ATLIC PAS is designed to control metal emissions during lewisite processing, which involves metals at concentrations measured in weight percents; these metals are 1,000 orders of magnitude greater than the metal concentrations found in GA. The lewisite organic analytical results sufficiently characterize this waste stream to allow the TOCDF to ensure compliance with the TOCDF RCRA Permit Incinerator Performance Standards considering the selected Class I and2 POHCs that will form the bdsis of the DRE demonstration made during the ATLIC STB. The lewisite (whether it be Ll, L2, or L3) is not more difficult to destroy than the selected STB POHCS. The lewisite metals analytical results Sufficiently characterized this waste steam to allow the TOCDF to design the ATLIC PAS and to develop the lewisite RTC processing procedure, which requires mixing the contents of selected lewisite TCs in the Agent Storage Tank prior to feeding to create a waste feed with a consistent mercury concenhation. Note that metal results will be obtained throughout operations as the permit modification request proposes to quantiff the mbtal content of each tank of lewisite prior to processing its contents. The sampling plan that required an attempt to collect samples from the interior of the GA and lewisite TCs, and the associated result of the samples collected, provided sufficient information to the operator to develop and plan a process for rernoving the solid found in the lewisite TCs. The presence of solids and their high mercury concentration formed the basis for TOCDF to devise a nitric acid rinse processing step, to permit and install hazardous waste storage tanks for this waste stream, and to calculate that the spent nitric acid waste stream mercury concentration will be too great to process this waste steam in the ATLIC. Finally, the borescope assay performed on the Transparency TCs provided sufficient charaeterization for TOCDF to determine that theses TCs do not require as rigorous a rinse process as the lewisite TCs because the Transparency TCs contain minimal solids. The assay results were used to remove these TCs from the Chemical Stockpile list of the United States because they demonstrated that the Transparency TCs did not coritain any recoverable agent 2.2.1,21- Please reword to reflect the comments specified above regarding additional sampling. Please provide a sampling plan for approval for both liquid and sludge material. See response to DSHW comments # 8, and 123. Page 43 of 107 125. - Please delete the sentence *A detailed report of the...' since this was never approved by the Executive Secretary. See comment above describing an additional sampling plan. See response to DSHW comment # 8,123, and 124. 126. A minimum of one hour rotation is needed for treatment instead of a 6predetermined time.t' Please revise the narrative. Also, the ton containers need to be filled/extracted three times with NaOH. Rather than include a compliance requirement in an attachment that may be difficult to find, TOCDF proposes to revise conditions in Module VIII to require a minimum one-hour rotation of TCs between each rinse. The condition is revised and shown here. The same revision is made to the similar conditions appearing in Module VIII that pertain to lewisite and Transparency TCs. VIII.D.8.f. The Permittee shall ensure Agent GA and solid heel residues have been completely removed from the in-process ton container by performing a minimum of one ton container rinse using a sodium hydroxide based decontamination solution followed by a minimum of three rinses using process water._fuggg! rinse the ton container with added rinsate shall be ro\ated for a minimum of Regarding the comment reference to three NaOIi rinses, ."" r".porrre to DSHW comment # 89. 127. - Besides GA and HHRA metals, VOCs and SVOCs need to be added to the sampling plan. These parameters must be demonstrated during the trial burn in the SCC or the solutions must be processed in the PCC. The sludge sampling and analysis must be addressed in another section. Because the analysis of the spent decon will be performed on site to minimize delays in processing, TOCDF proposes to perform an analysis for percent organics, similar to the organic screen analysis that is currently applicable to waste analysis performed on spent decon treated at the TOCDF. Paragraph is revised to read: Prior to processing, the tank's contents are analyzed for agent content to ensure the Agent GA concentration is less than 20 parts per billion (ppb), which is the Waste Control Limif (WCL) for Agent GA, pefgggt-qgsanig content. and for HHRA metals. Note: if the Agent GA concentration is equal to or greater than 20 ppb NaOH based Decon Solution is added to the tank and the contents are sampled and analyzed again for agent. The same revision is made to paragraph2.2.l.25.3, which is applicable to spent decon generated during lewisite TC processing. Page 44 of 107 The TOCDF concurs with the need to spike the ATLIC Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) with an organic during the Surrogate Trial Burn (STB). The ATLIC STB Plan is revised to speciff spiking the SCC with monochlorobenzene. This level of organic spiking will establish the organic feet rate to the SCC. The percent organic analysis will ensure compliance with the limit established during the testing. 128. A minimum of one hour rotation is needed for treatment instead of a *predetermined time." Please revise the narrative accordingly. Also, the ton containers need to be filled/extracted three times with 3M nitr_ic.apid. See responses to DSHW comment # 126. 129. - There are other waste codes which need to be characterized for shipment off-site. The TOCDF acknowledges that other waste codes may apply. The sampling of this waste ',"stream for off-site treatment and disposal does not occur until the waste in the tank located in the ATLIC Toxic Area is transferred to the 90-day accumulation tank located in the ATLIC PAS area. 130. - Besides GA and IIHRA metals, VOCs and SVOCs will need to be sampled. See response to DSHW comment # 127. 131. 2,2.2.14 - Please Explain why TOCDF was added to the SDS tank sludges. Does the ATLIC need its own section with the same information except for GAIL instead of GB/VX and mirstard? The ATLIC SDS Tank Sludge waste steam was not identified because the speffdE'eor... generated at the ATLIC will be diluted with the TC water rinses. Sludge is,'nqt expected,to accumulate in the tank used to store ATLIC spent decon. 132. The statement concerning organics should be clarified or deleted. The next paragraph indicates that they will be sampled and analyzed. The paragraph is revised to read as follows: , = -' Spent S'Ciubber Brines are senerated from the operation of the ATLIC Pollution Abatement System (PAS). Purged scrubber brines are u." fq99.. D002. OOO+. OOOZ. OOOA. D009. *d D010J*"...{".rt ie eedrtpound$ arenot e*peet€d te be prc senrbffiif€* 133. - Brines will need to be tested weekly, not quarterly. Page 45 of 107 1"i ''.. j The TOCDF does not concur with the sampling frequencyproposed for ATLIC Spent Scrubber Brine for the following reason: A weekly sampliflg and analysis frequency was agreed upon for Spent Scrubber Brine generated by TOCDF Metal Parts Furnace (MPF) operations during the Mustard Campaign because TOCDF collected and analyzed less than2i solid heel samples from mustard TCs. To compensate for the infrequent sampling of the mustard TC solid heels that were fed to the MPF, TOCDF sampled andanalyzed the MPF scrubber brines on a weekly basis. The ATLIC waste feeds have been thoroughly characterized. Samples were collected and analyzed from each TC to be processed. Additionally lewisite and spent decon that are fed to the ATLIC will be characteized prior to being fed. Samples will be . collected from the "batch managed" Hazardous Waste Storage/Feed Tanks. Because TOCDF has charact eized,and will continue to characteri ze,thewaste feeds to the ATLIC, the proposed Scrubber Brine sampling and analysis frequency of either at each agent campaign char-rge or once per month (equivalent to the brine sampling frequency for characteizationof brines generated by the TOCDF incinerators) is sufficient. 134. Organic compounds may be present and will need to be analyzed for in each waste stream. Proposed paragraph specifies organics as an analytical parameter for Spent Pulverized Activated Carbon (PAC). To remove confusion, paragraph revised to read: .l The ATLIC PAS includes equipuient to inject PAC into the exhaust gas stream. The PAC is injected after the Exhaust Gas Re-Heater. The PAC adsorbs Mercury and (if any) residual organic vapors from the exhaust gas. Spent PAC is generated from operation of a baghouse filter system which removes the PAC from the exhaust gas. Spent PAC is discharged from the hopper located below the baghouse into a storage container. The federal and state waste codes applicable to this waste steam are F999, D004, D007, D008, D009, and D010. @ 135. & 2 - Not all compounds wiII be captured by the PAC. The baghouse residue must be sampled and ana.lyzed. The requirement to sample and analyze the Baghouse residues is found in Section 2.2.31. Also see response to DSHW comment # 136. 136. 2.2.32 - The baghouse filters residue must be sampled during each agent demonstration test and weekly during shakedown and post trial burn test. Page 46 of 107 o Section 2.2.31discusses the sampling and analysis required for Baghouse residues. The TOCDF proposed to apply the same waste codes to the fabric fi1ter media (i.e., the Baghouse filter residues) that are determined applicable to the Baghouse residues. The Baghouse residue matrix will be comprised of metals, ash, and Pulverized Activated Carbon (PAC). These same residues will be contained in fabric filter media that was used to remove the residues from the exhaust gas. Note that the Surrogate Trial Bum (STB) and Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) Plans are revised to require the collection and analysis of Baghouse residues during the testing. 137. - Please provide the carbon method and validation for Executive Secretary approval. A method to analyze spent ATLIC activated carbon waste streams is currently under development. When available, the procedure will be provided to DSHW for review, and a method validation study will be preformed, which DSHW representatives may observe. 138. - Please add to the end of the statement 6'...if no conlirmed alarm on the stack has occurred.' The paragraph is revised to read: Ol The ATLIC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (I{VAC) System consists of three filter units, with any two on-line at all times that agent is in the facility. Within each filter is a bank of pre-filters followed by a ," ' bank of HEPA filters, followed by three banks of activated carbon filters, followed finally by a second bank of HEPA filter. These filter elements will be replaced on an as-need basis. The applicable waste code is P999 for the pre- and HEPA filter located in from of the earbon beds and F999 for the HEPA filfer l6cated behindJhe lastcarbon bed-@ conlirmed asent alarm on the stack occurs. '' - 139. - All P999, P9991F999 carbon should be autoclaved. Section discusses the waste characterization for ATLIC Heating, Ventilation, and. . ,Air Conditioning (HVAC) System Pre- and High-Efficiency Particulate (HEPA) Air Filters that are used in the HVAC carbon filter units. Section discusses the waste charactertzation ai2plicable to the activated carbon that, when spent, willbe removed from the HV.AC filter units. Regarding the comment that the HVAC carbon should be treated on sjte using the Autoclave Subpart X Treatmbnt Unit, TOCDF concurs with the suggested treatment of spent activated carbon found to be"contaminated with agent above the Waste Control Limit (WCL) using the on-site Autoclave Subpart X Treatment Unit; Section has been revised accordingly. Paragraph is revised to read: Page 47 of 107 I/) '.{- r^-..'\ - t' Agent contaminated carbon is treated on-site in the Autoclave Subpart X Treatment Unit 140. -The reference to Module YIII does not explain how this waste stream will be managed. It only explains what the DVS/DVSSR is for and how it is used. Management of this waste stream needs to be spelled out more clearly. Paragraph is revised to read: Discarded pre- and HEPA filters located before the carbon beds have a high potential of being contaminated with agent and are therefore managed on-site per the requirernents found in Module VIII which are associated Autoclave and Drum Ventilation System/Drum Ventilation and Sorting Systern Room (DVS/DVSSR) secondary waste management, Filters found to be contaminated with chemical asent above 1.0 VSL are treated in the onsite Autoclave Subpart X Treatment Unit. l4l. - Is there a decontamination plan for deconning carbon filters for Lewisite and GA? \ilhy isn't the carbon autoclaved? What type of management control will be specified for direct feeding and witnessing the burning this waste stream? What is the determination for other compounds (metals and organics) for shipping this off- site? Is the carbon sampled for the other compounds prior to deconning? See response to DSHW comment # t39 142. The word "conduced'in the first line should be changed to "conducted." 143. The suggested revision is in Attachment2, included with this submission. 2.2.2,37.2., and2.2,2,39.2. -See comment regarding on-site waste processing in the MPF orautoclave. Each of the above-referenced pafagraphs are structured the same in that they specify waste management practices discussed in Module VIII, meaning that drums containing these waste streams will be evaluated in the Drum Ventilation System (DVS) to determine whether the headspace of the drum has an agent concentration greater than 1.0 Vapor Screening Limit (VSL). Drums with headspace monitoring results greater than the VSL will be treated in the A.utoclave; drums with headspace monitoring results equal to or less than the VSL will be shipped off site'to a Subtitle C TSDF. 144. - What determines successful deconning? Please specify < 0.5 VSL for a minimum of two complete cycles. Page 48 of 107 ol There is not sufficient volume in a sealed drum to perform two agent monitoring cycles. Therefore, these wastes will be evaluated for agent contamination byperforming headspace monitoring while they are in the drum. A representative headspace result is assured based on techniques presented to DSHW as a result of a previous DSHW comment conceming two-cycle headspace monitoring for waste currently being processed through the Drum Ventilation System (DVS). 145. - is the TOCDF planning to use the MPF to process GA and L secondary waste, or is the strainer waste destined for the autoclave? Please specify. Paragraph is revised to read: SpentAgentFeedSystemstrainerSwillbetreatedon-@sg Autoclave Subpart X Treatment Unit during the Secondary Waste 146. 2,2,2.41.2 - These also need to be sampled and analyzed for organics to verify they are below the regulatory and feed rate concentration. How will this waste stream be managed, on-site or off-site? This waste stream will be land disposed at an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. Paragraph is revised to read: .2 Representative samples of the discarded strainers are arralyzed for agent fand TCLP metals, including the analytes specified in Table 24a a;w! L TCLP orsanics. Samples from each of these two waste streams are collected once during each agent campaign. 147. - Please spell out Lewisite and specify '6...and Lewisite transparency ton containers.tt Paragraph2. is revised to read: Three (3) M nitric acid is used to rinse out the Lewisite Ton Containers after they are drained oftheir agent fill and to etch the interior of Transparencv Ton Containers. The acid's strength is diminished after use. Based on bench scale testing the concentration of Lg14jg[g in the weakened acid is greater then the WCL. The addition of 3 M or greater strength nitric acid drives the Lglqilg concentration to below the WCL. The waste -eodes anticipated to be applicable to this waste steam are F999, D004, D007, D008, D009, and D010. 148. 2.2,2.42.3.- The word "metals" prior to 6'TCLP metals" should be deleted. Will this waste be disposed on-site or off-site? What mechanism will be used? The suggested revision is incorporated into the revised Attachment 2 included with this submission. Page 49 of 107 The Spent Nitric Acid Tank strainer will be disposed of off site (i.e., at a Subtitle C TSDF) provided the agent screen results demonstrate that the lewisite concentration is below the WCL. 149. The decontamination procedure using 18% NaOH (GA) and 3M nitric acid must be performed a minimum of three times prior to rinsing with water. See response to DSWH comment # 88. 150. - Please change TCLP to totals (total metals and total organics) since the disposal is direct feed incineration. The suggested revision is incorporated into the revised Attachment 2 included with this submission. 151. Table 2-0 and Table 2-1 - information will need to be updated once all comments have been negotiated. All LOPs will need to be validated and approved by the Executive Secretary. The TOCDF concurs with the need to revise the above-referenced tables once the GA and lewisite Laboratory Operating Procedures (LOPs) are developed, and validated and approved by the Executive Secretary. The TOCDF intends to submit the LOPs as they become available through Class I Permit Modification Requests (with approval) as has been done in the past during agent campaign changeovers when new procedures were required b ecause of pro cessing different agents. 152. Table 2-A-2c and2-A-Zd - These should indicate draft or preliminary data (please add a footnote indicating additional sampling is required). The solids and liquid table should be called a different number or they should be next to each other in the plan. The TOCDF does not concur with the need to perform additional organic analysis of Agents GA and lewisite since the analytical results provided with the ATLIC permit modification request provided sufficient characterization based on the planned performance test demonstrations. The TOCDF proposed to sample and analyze the lewisite transferred to the agent tank for metals to ensure compliance with the metal feed rates. The results of the Surrogate Trial Burn and compliance with the AWFCO setpoint ensure compliance with the Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE) performance standard while processing lewisite, which is less difficult to destroy than the selected surrogates. Attachment 3 - Main Body Permit Mod (Sampling, Analytical & QC Procedures) 153. Please submit changes to the CDRL 24 for inclusion into this Class 3 Permit modification for GA and Lewisite. A revised CDRL 24 wtll be provided shortly after this submlsslon. Page 50 of 107 Attachment 4 - Main Body Permit Mod (Security Procedures) 154. 4.1.1.- Please change to read, "Security at all EG&G operated facilities at the DCD shall meet the criteria..." 155. 157. The paragraph is revised as suggested. 4.1.2 - Please change to read, o'...in effect at all EG&G operated facilities at the DCD, the DCD installation provides..." The paragraph is revised as suggested. 4.1.2. - In the second line after "Chemical Surety Restricted Area" the term oo(i.e., Area LO)'o is all that is needed. These changes make the wording in these paragraphs more general for all EG&G operated facilities and remove the need to constantly alter these paragraphs every time a new unit is added to the permit somewhere else on the DCD property. The paragraph is revised as suggested. 4.1.3. - This paragraph can be deleted, it is not needed. The paragraph is revised as suggested. 158. 4.3.1. - This paragraph should read, "Continuous surveillance is accomplished by security patrols. Overall administration of security personnel is performed by the Chief, DCD Security office." The paragraph is revised as suggested. 159. 4.5.1. - This paragraph should read, "Visitor access within the separate, fenced, perimeters is controlled by 24-hour guarded gates. Visitors are accompanied at all times during their visit to the facitity and are subject to security checks." The paragraph is revised as suggested. 160. 4.5.2. - This paragraph should be changed to readr "...routinely work in the EG&G operated facilities, picture identity badges.. . " The paragraph is revised as suggested. 161. 4.5.5. - This paragraph should be changed to read, "Pedestrian access is controlled by a..." The paragraph is revised as suggested. Page 51 of 107 162. 4.5.6. - This paragraph should be changed to read, "Vehicle access is controlled by a continuously guarded gate at each area. When a vehicle requires entry, all occupants...t' The paragraph is revised as suggested. 163. 4.5.7. - This paragraph should be changed to readr "...during their time within the facilities." The paragraph is revised as suggested. Attachment 5 - Main Body Permit Mod (Inspection Plan) 164. Table 5-1 - Under the heading, "Storage/Treatment Units" the cells in the "Frequency Inspection Method" column for ACS tanks need to be merged with ATLIC tanks. The cells in the same column for SDS tanks also need to be merged. Please list the individual PAS units, (e.g. carbon injection, baghouse, etc.) in the ancillary equipment section. Table 5-1 was revised to merge the cells as suggested. However, individual PAS process units were not added to this table because it was intended to provide a summary overview of the inspection requirements. Additionally, the PAS of the TOCDF and ATLIC incineration systems are different, which would require two separate listings. Note that the individual PAS process units are identified in the inspection tables that are specific to the incineration PAS requiring inspection (see Tables 5-15 and 5-33). 165. Table 5-2 - Agent monitors are every four hours instead of daily (Table 5-34 is correct). The UPS and Security do not have a frequency specified. The table was revised to specify that agent monitoring challenges occur every 4 hours or daily, and a reference to Table 5-24 is added. The UPS inspection is specified as monthly. Regarding Security, the ATLIC is within the boundary of U.S. Army Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) Area 10. The ATLIC uses the security fence, warning signs, and lighting that are provided for Area 10 to prevent entry by unauthorized personnel. There is not a fence that surrounds the ATLIC itself. 166. Table 5-32 - The fixed roof and closure devices of the TOX tankS shoirld be checked weekly. Table 5-37 specifies an annual inspection of ATllC:regulated hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks fixed roofs and closure devices. The frequency requirements are the same as those specified for the same tank features associated with the permitted hazardous waste storage tanks in the TOCDF TOX. The TOCDF does not concur with the need to increase the frequency of this inspection by 52 times considering that the integrity of the fixed roofs of the ATLIC tanks will be inspected prior to use, the tanks will be in service for months rather than years (as is the Page 52 of 107 O case for the TOCDF tanks), and the ATLIC is operated under the engineering controls provided by the ATLIC cascading HVAC ventilation system, which vents to multiple carbon filter units. 167. 5,4.3.1. - There are sumps in the ATLIC that need to be included in the narrative. The inspection log sheet found in Attachment 5 "Inspection Log Sheets" onpageD-2l lists the sumps that are regulated because any liquids that accumulate in them maybe pumped to a permittedhazardous waste storage tank. The four sumps identified on the inspection log sheet are ancillary equipment to the permitted Spent Decontamination System Tank located in the ATLIC Toxic Area, and they are inspected daily for accumulated liquids. Paragraph 5.5.3 is revised to read: 5.5.3 Storage/Treatment units and their associated secondary containment systems located outside the MDB and inside the ATLIC TOX Area undergo a dail! physical visual inspection. ATLIC sumps are insoected dailv for accumulated liouids. Note, there are seven other sumps located in the ATLIC (for a combined total of 11 sumps) that would bd used to collected wastes released from tanks that are operated as 90- day accumulation tanks. These seven sumps cannot be drained to a permitted storage tank, but must be drained using a portable sump pump or vacuum truck. These sumps are not ancillary equipment to any permitted hazardous waste storage tank and, therefore, are not referenced in the TOCDF RCRA Permit. 168. 5.9.2. - The acronym *ATLIC' is misspelled at the end of the fifth line. The correction to paragraph 5.9.2 is made. 169. Tables 5-31 & 5-35 - Please replace ttobserve" with "document." Please add "ton container or waste.t' Rather than replacing the word inspection criteria was revised waste" was added. "observe" with the word "document," the wording of the to read "Observe and record". To Table 5-3 1 the term "or 170. Table 5-32 - The frequency of the Waste Feed Cut-Off test needs to be every seven days, not 30 days. See response to DSHW comment # 4 and#63. 171. Table 5-33 - The baghouse section should include bag inspection for rips and tears. This suggested inspection criterion was not added to Table 5-33. The function of the fabric filters within the Baghouse is continually evaluated by the instrumentation that measures the differential pressure (dP) across the Baghouse. There is a regulated AWFCO Page 53 of 107 that occurs when the dP across the Baghouse is too low. A lower than expected dP across the Baghouse indicates loss of fabric filter integrity (e.g., a tom filter element, loss of a filter element). Additionally inspection of the bags would require either that the baghouse be bypassed during the inspection or that the incinerator be shutdown. 172. Table 5-34-35 - Please change the word "observe" to document." See response to DSHW comment # 169. 173. Page D-28, and M-13, Items 2a,2b, and 2d - The second "ATLIC PCC" should be*ATLIC SCC." The suggested correction is included in the revised attachment provided with this submission. 174, PageD-2g - "TOCDF PAS'should read "ATLIC PAS." All references to PAS are correct to read ATLIC PAS 175. PageD-32 - The first paragraph should be number 1. Footnote 2 should be 0.2 VSL for GA for early control. It is unclear exactly how the HVAC will be monitored. Please provide specific details on rotation, challenging, switching units, etc. The TOCDF does not concur with the use of a 0.2 VSL alarm point for the Filter Unit Vestibules. The proposed alarm point of 0.5 VSL is still set at half the VSL, which is a conservative alarm setting considering that the VSL is equal to the STEL, but the VSL is not a time weighted value - it is based on a single NRT sample/analysis cycle. A 0.5 VSL is also selected to ensure that the alarm value is not impacted by interferents that may be present. See response to DSHW comment # l}g for a discussion on the monitoring associated with the ATLIC HVAC system. 176. PageD-32, note 2 - It looks like the last two columns should be using notes 3 and 4, not 2 and 3. The agent monitoring plan should be22a, or just specify the values. Is spooling performed (vestibules)? How is it documented? What does the heading(DAAMS only station" mean for documentation? It could be indicating an alarm if the reviewer didn't know it was a DAAMS-only station. The footnote references are corected as suggested, and a reference to Attachment 22ais added. Note 2 on page D-32 says that the filter unit vestibules are monitored with DAAMS that are used at specific locations. (i.e., spooling is not applicable to DAAMS). The heading "DAAMS Only Station" refers to the sampling locations in each filter unit that are monitored by DAAMS only when the filter is online; these locations are the vestibule, after the second carbon bed, and after the third (i.e., the final) carbon bed. Page 54 of 107 If an entry to a filter unit is required, the filter unit is taken offline. Additionally, if an entry to the filter is required, the NRT is spooled from the current post-bed monitoring location to monitor the vestibule prior to the entry. 177. PageD-27 - Please add room for printing the inspector's name and signature. The referenced form included in Attachment 5 - Inspection Logs is revised as recommended. 178. Inspection Logs - All the headers will need to be redone on the newly added inspection log sheets so that they are correctly formatted like the rest of the headers in the document. The reference to "headers" is assumed to refer to the header on the page that shows the attachment name, attachment number, and date of revision. The attachment in question has historically been formatted to have different dates in the header based on when a particular form was added to the attachment. The TOCDF concurs that the final permit issued by DSHW will require headers on the newly incorporated inspection forms that are formatted similar to those that were in the attachment prior to the revision. However, this change in formatting cannot be completed until the data of issuance is known. Therefore, no change was made to the document included in this submission to address this comment. 179. Page D-33, item lc - The word ttnot" between the words $are" and ttleakingt' should be deleted. The referenced form included in Attachment 5 - Inspection Logs is revised as recommended. 180. Page M-12, note l. - Please explain why the DSHW letter and date is included? Please insert the required information. The DSHW letter reference is deleted. The requirernent specified in the letter is shown on the form in bolded text as follows: If the inspection cannot be performed due to residues in the sump, the residues must be removed to complete the inspection 181. Pages Q-6, Q-7, Q-8 - Please change to monthly. The referenced pages are the inspection forms for the semi-annual and annual inspections applicable to the ATLIC fire protection systerns, the annual inspection applicable to the ATLIC Emergency Power Systems, and the annual inspection applicable to the ATLIC Toxic Areahazardous waste storage and treatment tanks. The TOCDF does not concur with the need to increase the inspection frequency associated with the referenced systems. The inspection frequency currently specified for these ATLIC support systems andhazardous waste storage tanks is identical to that specified for Page 55 of 107 the corresponding TOCDF support systems andhazwdous waste storage tanks. The components of ATLIC systems must comply with the same design specifications as the corresponding TOCDF system in regards to reliability. The TOCDF is unaware of reliability issues with the selected components that comprise the ATLIC systems that would merit a l2-fold increase in the inspection frequency. The TOCDF is unaware of any data that show a need to increase the inspection frequency of the components of the above referenced systerns. If DSHW has access to such information, please provide it to TOCDF, and we will make the necessary adjustments to the inspection frequencies. No changes were made to the referenced inspection log sheets and inspection frequencies as a result of this comment. Attachment 6 - Main Body Permit Mod (Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test 182. - Please provide the documents for approval. When are they anticipated to be available? The procedure will be available before the beginning of systernization. Paragraph reference numbers for the on-site operational procedures used to test incinerator AWFCO systerns. The exiting procedure, which is applicable to the four TOCDF incinerators, is not a TOCDF RCRA-controlled procedure. These procedures are available for review whenever a DSHW representative is on site. DSHW representatives can observe the performance of AWFCO system testing whenever they choose. The TOCDF typically demonstrates the AWFCO system testing for DSHW before beginning an agent campaign. 183.,, and - It should be tested weekly instead of monthly. The above referenced paragraphs are revised to read: 6.5 .7.1 The frequency at which the testing of the waste feed interlock system of the ATLIC incinerator occurs is at least once every !l3e days (unless the incinerator is idle and does not process waste for lonser than 14 davs or shut down) or at the beginning of each agent campaign, which ever is shorter@ the shert drratien ef the ineinerater's hazardeus waste eperatiens; 2) ine the manual methed; and 5) the need te dsnenstrate the preper ip Page 56 of 107 \,3r, r*$ x The frequency of testing of the overtop protection systan of each .. ATLIC tank is at least once every lzpe days ffi The frequency at which the"funotion test occurs which is specified as once every 14 days or +gZdays, as indicated in Section 6.5.1. ''--,'t'i'184. Table 6-E -. The carbon injection feed and airhow must have information specified. The baghouse and carbon filter delta pressure frequency should be weekly. It needs to specify back-up monitors on the HVAC. DAAMS line challenges on the HVAC will be weekly. Values for instrumentation associated with the carbon injection system have been added to Table 6-E. Regarding the proposed accelerated calibration schedule for Pressure Differential Indicating Transmitters (PDITs); this same type of instrument is used to measure regulated operating parameters on the TOCDF incinerators. The calibration for these instruments has been 360 days throughout the operational life of TOCDF. The instruments have proven sufficiently reliable to support a 360-day calibration frequency; otherwise, TOCDF would have accelerated the frequency of calibration based on past necessary adjustment trends. The TOCDF is unaware of reliability issues with the PDITs selected for the ATLIC application tl;art are so extreme as to require an increase of 52 times in the calibration frequency. If DSHW has data that show a need to increase the calibration frequency of PDIT instrument, please provide it, and TOCDF will make the necessary adjustments to the calibration frequency. References to the HVAC backup agent monitors are also now included in Table 6-E. Regarding the DSHW proposal to increase the sample line challenge for ATLIC HVAC DAAMS from every 60 days to every 7 days; TOCDF is aware of issues regarding lewisite transmission down sample lines. Therefore, TOCDF has conducted Precision and Accuracy (P&A) studies on the MINICAMS that are configured to monitor for lewisite, which require the use of 1, 2-ethanedithiol (EDT) to transmit the lewisite down the sample line to the monitor. These results will be provided to DSHW prior to final permit issuance. The.TOCDF has not yet conducted P&A studies for lewisite DAAMS, which do not use EDT in the sampling line for lewisite transmission. These studies, in combination with the sample line challenges that will occur when the systems are installed in the ATLIC HVAC, will provide data that can be used to determine whether a more frequent sample line challenge is necessary. Note that the instrumentation will be installed and operated approximately nine months before it is needed for lewisite monitoring, so sufficient data will be available in enough time to allow for changes in the sample line challenge frequency prior to lewisite operations if it is determined, from the data, to be necessary. 6.5. 10.3 o t , Page 57 of 107 186. Attachment 7 - Main Body Permit Mod (Training Plan) 185. Table 7-1 -Will the CAMDS lab and monitoring personnel perform duties for, the ATLIC? Is the TOCDF CAL lab not performing analytical duties for the ATLIC? Please specify, for the ATLIC personnel, the location of generic personnel (e.g. junior chemist). The ATLIC laboratory personnel (e.g., Junior Chunist) will be performing their duties at the CAMDS Site Analytical Facility (SAF); other positions will perform duties at the ATLIC site. All duties for the ATLIC will be performed by ATLIC personnel, designated in Table 7-1 by a CD (which stands for CAMDS DCD) before job title (e.g., CD Instrument Technician). The CAMDS Site Analytical Facility (SAF) will handle ATLIC analytical duties. Please add "CDt'to the acronym list on page23. Completed 187. Table 7-2 - Needs the words *TOCDF Personnel" in a row above the General Manager job title. Completed 188. Table 7-2 -The words (ATLIC personnel" are used in Table 7-1 and "GA"/Lewisite personnel" are used in Table 7-2. Please be consistent in terminology. Completed using "ATLIC personnel" 189. Table 7-2 - Why are the Senior Lab Support Tech, Control Center Operator, and Electrical Tech the only personnel required.to have Toxic Area Training? Added X in TAT column for GA/Lewisite Mechanical Technician job title as a person in that position could perform entries. Two other job titles require TAT: Conhol Center Operator and Controls/I&C/Electrical Technician, and they are marked in the appropriate TAT column. The rest of the job titles are not positions that perform entries and, therefore, do not require TAT. (The Senior Lab Support Tech position is being eliminated and has been deleted from the table.) Attachment 8 - Main Body Permit Mod (Preparedness and Prevention Plan) 190. Please include ATLIC information. Section 8.1.2 discusses aisle space that is maintained in permitted container storage locations to allow for the inspection of containers. There are no permitted container storage locations at the ATLIC facility. Therefore, no reference to the ATLIC is made in this section of Attachment 8. 191. Please include narrative to indicate that it will be characterizedlanalyzed and monitored for agent. Page 58 of 107 The paragraph is revised to read: Waste at the ATLIC such as residue from the Pollution Abatement Systern (PAS) particulate removal device. and exoended PAS carbon filters and HEPA filters used in the PAS will be @ sampled and analvzed for aeent content per the requirernents in the Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan)rreret. Ooerators handling waste will wearthe appropriate level of PPE. Al[ waste is pl.aced in containers that meet or exceeds the requirernents stated in R315-8-9.3 and R315-7-16.3. 192. - Please provide the differences and similarities of the FCS and PDARS. The Process Data and Recording System used at the TOCDF is a data loggtng system that records data that can be retrieved through a series of"canned" or custom reports. The data can be reviewed to investigate problems with incineration operation or to demonstrate compliance with regulated operating parameters. The TOCDF PDARS is solely a system that records data provided by the process controllers that control the automated steps in the demilitarization process (e.g., the incinerator AWFCO System). The ATLIC Facility Control System (FSC) is a distributed control system similar to that used at the TOCDF, but comprised of more up-to-date hardware. The FSC will generate ' " 'data, througiibut its operation, that will also be recorded by a data acquisition system independent of the TOCDF PDARS. Data from the ATLIC systern will be able to be retrieved in a similar manner as it is from the TOCDF PDARS. 193. Add sectio n Please indicate.that the ATLIC incinerator has an automatic waste feed cutoff system as specified in Attachment 19, Table D-8-2. Paragraph 1 is revised to read: All incinerators. includine the ATLIC. have automatic waste feed' : cutoffs)rsterns as specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and' Waste Feed Cut-OffTables). 194. Please replace the bection heading with section heading 8,2.4.2,2,1. See response to DSHW comment # 193 above. 195. 8,2:6,3- "Should be t'each area's". How is the sump leak detected and reported to the CON-OP? The suggested correction is made. Sumps that are ancillary equipment to the permitted hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks (i.e., sumps whose content can be pumped directly to the tank because piping is provided to link the sump to the tank) are equipped . with interstitial leak detection probes. These sumps are of a similar design to those located Page 59 of 107 at the TOCDF. The status of the leak detection probes is observable from the Control Consoles located in the Control Room. 196. - Please add Attachments s22 and22a.n The suggested correction is made to paragrap h8.2.7.2 lg7. Please change all references in this paragraph from GB to Gseries if applicable. Paragraph is revised to read: 8.2.7,3 In addition to the agent monitoring equipment, detector paper may be used as a confirmatory test for identifyrng G series, VX, and H series agents in suspect liquids. This paper does not detect vapors or extremely small droplets of GBG series. VX, or mustard agents and may change color in the presence of other chemicals. . ,{.'198. - GA should be transferred to a tank and not direct fed to determine chiracterization of the feed prior to feeding to the LIC. Also, the sludge remaining after a liquid transfer must be sampled and analyzed. See response to DSHW comment # 9. Attachment 9 - Main Body Permit Mod (Contingency Plan) 199. The Iast sentence does not end properly. It appears text is missing. Paragraph is revised to read: The ATLIC Fire Detection and Protection consists of a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) located in the Area 10 Control Point facility ATLIC CCEE. The FACP reports to the TOCDF CON and the DCD Fire Department. The fire detection. internal alarm and central reportine systems are configrured in accordance with NFPA. Drawins EG-22-K-8201. Sheet 1. brovides a complete description" and list of ancillarv equipment to the Fire Protection Svstem. 200. Table 9-1-1- Please include SAF lab. The SAF equipment that is supported by emergency power is included in the revised table. Additionally, the table was revised to list that, generally, ATLIC ACAMS, MINICAMS, and DAAMS are provided with emergency power. 201. - This paragraph states that the TOCDF is the primary medical care facility for agent related events at the DCD. Is this correct? Page 60 of lA7 202. 203. 204. It is correct that the TOCDF Clinic is the primary medical facility for the entire depot (DCD included). Please discuss Ll,Lz and L3 and reformation to back to Ll. The referenced paragraph discusses the physical, chemical, and toxic properties of lewisite. A paper titled "Processing of Lewisite Munitions in the Explosive Destruction System," by Tricia Weiss, Chemical Materials Agency; John Didlake, Sandia National Laboratories; Tim Shepodd, PhD, Sandia National Laboratories and Robert Bradshaw, PhD, Sandia National Laboratories, dated March 2,2005 explains: Lewisite has a complex chemistry, presenting several challenges in developing a destruction process suitable for application to the EDS. The first challenge is with the characterization of Lewisite. Lewisite is actually a complex mixture of several compounds, all of which occur as trans-, cis- and gern- isomers. In munitions-grade Lewisite, the trans-Ll isomer typically predominates. The three homologues (L1, L2, and L3) form because Lewisite is produced by the catalyzed reaction of arsenic trichloride and acetylene. The Ll forms initially, but it will react with some of the acetylene to form L2, which will in turn react tq form.L3. In munitions grade Lewisite, Ll is the vesicant agent, but L2 aiid L3 are also toxic. Munitions-grade Lewisite is characterizedby specification as a minimum of 87%o Lewisite content' by weight, and a maximum of 4% arsenic trichloride content by weight. No distinction between Ll,Lz, and L3 were made in paragraph9.4.2.7.l because each isomer is equally toxic, and all are contained in the lewisite mixture. The hazards and precautions associated with lewisite management are the same regardless of the chemical structure of the lewisite molecule. Therefore, no change was made to paragraph9.4.2.7.l. - The word "signs" is misspelled at the beginning of the fourth line. The suggested correction is made to paragraph9.4,2.7.2.l 9,5.3,7.1.- This paragraph t:ilks about decon solutions for GB and VX. Is this correct or should this be GA and Lewisite? References to GB, VX and Mustard should be deleted from the ATLIC paragraph. Please specify which decontamination solutions will be in the two storage tanks. The pdragraph is revised to read: . The ATLIC would also be suoported by the TOCDF Emergency Response teams should a laree spill occur. ATLIC has additional spill response and decontamination equipment and resources located in the immediate vicinity. There aretnretanks is one tank at the ATLIC for storaee of the decontamination solution (187o NaOH solution) ffi. Truck mounteddeqontamination units with decontaminants fer€B*QC andawtar&agenti;are available at Area l0 to supDort ATLIC. These are maintained by'Deieret Chemical Depot Ammunition Storage Division for ATLIC and munition storagq missions. Page 6l of 107 205.Figures - There is no figure showing the eyewash locations, fire extinguishers and evacuation routes for the ATLIC. Please provide in hard copy and electronic version. A figure showing the exits applicable to the ATLIC has been included in the revised Attachment 9. Figure 9-7-35 shows the evacuation routes for DCD, to include Area 10. The TOCDF Conhol Room will direct the evacuation route from the ATLIC within Area 10 based on wind direction as reported from the DCD Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Fire extinguisher locations are not shown on the drawing because none are planned. Rather, the ATLIC is equipped with a Fire Protection System that includes sprinklers to extinguish fires. 206. Table 9-5-1- Please add SAF and DCD Operations (Area 10) to emergency .l .;..opeTations. Why is the radio network deleted for TOCDF daily operations? The SAF and CAMDS do not have radio systems; communication is by telephone only. The DCD is referenced in the footnote to Table 9-5-1. The section that was crossed out was deleted because information in the deleted section was applicable to daily operations and not emergency situations. 207, - Please explain how the two additional tanks for spent decon will be ready. Which decon will be used for each agent? The decontamination solution in the tank could be used to address spills within the ATLIC. Note that the decontamination solution for Agent GB is 18 % NaOH. This same decontamination solution can be used for lewisite; however, the resulting reaction liberates acetylene. The NaOH can be used to decontaminate lewisite only if the lewisite is present at low concentrations. As an example, the addition of 18 % NaOH is planned to lower the concentration of lewisite in the TC rinse water that will accumulate in the ATLIC Spent Decontamination System Tank to below the WCL. The NaOH can be used for this application because there is insufficient lewisite in the rinse water to cause an acetylene concentration of concem. The TOCDF is currently investigating different types of decontamination solutions that could be used for lewisite. Attachment 10 - Main Body Permit Mod (Closure Plan) 208. Table I-1-1 - The Closure Plan needs to be updated. See Responses to DSHW comment#24. Attachment 11 - Main Body Permit Mod (General Facility Drawings) 209. Pages 14 & 15 - Please update drawing per narrative. A revised set of drawing and revised Attachment 11 are provided with this submission. Attachment14 - Main Body Permit Mod (Demil Miscellaneous Treatment Units)o Page 62 of 107 Several paragraphs have the word *value'in place of the word ('yalve." The word "value" is replaced with the word "valve" where applicable. - An tts' needs to be added to the word ttroller" at the beginning of the fouth line. How is the ton container rhanually moved? Please provide narrative for the conveyor and movement from storage igloo. The transfer table is equipped with a motor that moves a TC into the glove box. The TC contacts a bearing-like roller in the glove box, which reduces friction to the point that the TC can move out of the glove box by manually pushing it. With the aid of a motorized wheel that contacts the bottom of the in-place TC, the same rollers are used to rotate the TCs while it is in the glove box. Paragraph revised to read: There are no conveyors associated with the ATLIC gloveboxes. Ton containers are moved into and out of the eloveboxes by beine placed on a cart referred to as a "transfer table". The ton container is manually.moved from the transfer table and placed upon multi- directional rollers that are used to move a ton container (alons its axis) in and out of ud*i? the elovebox. The same rollers are used to rotate the ton container around its axis rellers.are+sod during the rinse orocessing step to rotate the ton container to vAi€h allows for its entire interior surface to be contacted with the differerrt rinse solutions. '/.,4.10.6.'/.,. - An '(s" needs to be added to the word "containertt near the end of the sixth line. The "a'prior to the words 6'storage tankst' on the eighth line should be deleted. The referenced paragraph is revised as suggested. Explain how spilled wastes will be removed from the glove box. The paragraph is revised to read: There are no strmp pumps associated with the elove-box hazardous .waste manaeement units. Solutions accumulating within a slove- box. as a result of a spill and associated decontamination. can be transferred to a container bv openins a drain line located in the bottom of the slove-box. - An 6's" needs to be added to the word "container" at the beginning of the second line. Please change the word ttthere" to "they" on the second line. Please add an 65s" to the word t'material" on the last line. The paragraph is revised to incorporate the suggested cha4ges. - Please replace the word "then" in the fifth line with the word "they." Page 63 of 107 The paragraph is revised to incorporate the suggested change. 216. The word 66the" between the words "from" and "each" on the first line should be deleted. The narrative is confusing. If each glove box is ducted to the HVAC, why is the phrase "ultimately vents" specified? The paragraph is revised to incorporate the suggested change. The word "ultimately''is deleted. 217. 14 10.15. General Operating conditions. How do we know that insoluble solids/sludges are actually being rinsed during the GA TC rinsing process? Are there any other verification processes? Same question for Lewisite ton containers. The GA TCs were assayed for solid heels during the GA/L Ton Container Sampling Program. The results were provided as Attachment 3 of the Class 3 Permit Modification Request for the ATLIC. The lewisite TCs were also assayed and found to contain a small sludge layer that adhered to the inside bottom of the TC. Samples of the sludge layer were obtained. The rinsing process is intended to remove any non-liquid matrices. If sludge residue remains after the rinse process, these solids would be removed at the end of the process when the TCs (GA, L, and Transparency) are cut open. Once cut, the pieces will be tented and monitored for the agent of interest. Cutting the TCs also provides access to their interiors. The TOCDF plans to rernove the TC valves, plugs, and eduction tubes at this time. [n addition, solid residues that do not adhere to the interior of the TC, including discarded sampling equipment, will also be removed and containerized after the TCs have been cut in half. 218. 14.1015.2 - GA should be pumped to a tank prior to processing as discussed previously. The TOCDF does not concur with the need to transfer the GA from the TC to an intermediate storage tank before it is processed in the PCC of the ATLIC. See response to DSHW comment # 9. 219. - Delete the "s'o from the word o'fills" in the third line. The SDS will need to be sampled, analyzed and verified so it can be processed in the SCC. If not, it must be processed in the PCC. The proposed changes to Attachment 2 of the TOCDF Permit require the sampling and analysis of the spent decon prior to feeding it to the SCC of the ATLIC. Additionally, an organic screen has been added to the analyical parameters for spent decon, and the Surrogate Trial Burn Plan has been revised to require spiking the wastes fed to the SCC with an organic compound during the testing. Page 64 of 107 - Please delete the')" after the acronym "TSDF" in the fourth line. See comment on,SDS in Section Organics will need to be analyzed and be below the limits verified in the SCC during the surrogate trial burn. The paragraph is revised to incorporate the suggested change. See response to DSHW comment # 219 concerning spent decon feed to the ATLIC SCC. 221, & 11 - All transparency tons must go through an approved decontamination process and then may be head-spaced. The TOCDF initially proposbd to only rinse with nitric acid solution those Transparency TCs that headspace monitoring found to be contaminated with lewisite. The TOCDF has revised Module VIII and Attachment 14 to require all Transparency TCs to be rinsed out using one nitric acid solution rinse followed by three water rinses. One acid rinse is determined to be sufficient for Transparency TCs based on the borescope assay conducted on each Transparency TC during the GA/L Sampling/Analysis effort. The borescope results showed that there were no solid heels or residues inside the Transparency TCs. Pictures obtained by the borescope assay are provided as Enclosure H. Paragraphs and are revised to read: , All Transparencv TCs underso ,one Nitric Acid rinse followed bv three water rinses. Each rinse consists of fillins bv more than half wav (approximatelv 110 eallons) the emptied TC with the - ...*,-i"'-l--i rlnse ioiutirih and rotatine the TC for a minimum of one hour. i)dia-r( Tran'Bareney T€s th* re at Breugr samnle eelteeti ine ReServed. 222. - Please delete the word "are' prior to the word "undergo" at the end of the second sentence. Paragraph 14.10:15.11 is deleted. See response to DSHW cotnnent22l. 223. - Please change the word "transfer" to "transferred" in the last line. The par?graph is revised to incorporate the suggested change. - The heading should be "Agent Monitoring Procedures". Additional waste characterization will be required. The section heading is revised as suggested. 225. - Please delete the 66s" from ttTCs." Page 65 of 107 226. 227. 228. The paragraph is revised as suggested. 14.10,19.2- Please provide specific details of the treatment by rinsing with three rinses of decon followed by three rinses of water. The details of the rinse process for GA, lewisite, and Transfer TCs is specified in the proposed permit conditions found in Module VIII. - The section number should be < 4.0 YSL should be < 0.4 VSL. Also, please add a minimum of two complete monitoring cycles. The paragraph is revised to read: TCs are removed from the elove-box based on results obtained from the monitorins of the interior of the elove-box. For GA TCs. slove-box monitoring results of < 02 0.5 VSL allow for the TC to be removed from the elove-box. For Lewisite TCs. glove-box monitoring results of < 4+ 0.4 VSL allow for the TC to be removed from the glove-box. These monitorins criteria for removine TCs from a slove-box are based on monitorine results obtained from two sample/analvsis cvcles of the Near Real TimeMonitor or one complete cvcle preceded bv a purse cvcle to ensure the samole line is filled with the intended sample. Please add an *s'to the word "container' at the beginning of the last Iine and after the word "ton'in the first line of the first bullet. See previous comments on transparency tons and decontamination procedures. Previous headspace monitoring is not applicable, they must first go through an approved decon procedure prior to agent monitoring. Additional waste analysis is required for waste characterization. Waste codes specified may not be the only ones. Analysis will determine the correct codes. The suggested revision is made. Additionally, TOCDF concurs with the need to treat all Transparency TCs in the same manner, regardless of the previous headspace monitoring results. The third bullet in paragraph is revised to read: 1 ,l..i i; *,*l'i' 'i. .i' i ,,1i: , ,".'"'*..'i Up to ten ernpty ion containers. which are referred to as "Transparency Ton a Containers". These TCs undergo one Nitric Acid Solution rinse followed bv three water rinses. havebeen detefmined te saffrple' Transpareney T I ewisite based en . 229.,1-The narrative is confusing. Please separate out the section for the ATLIC and the igloos. Page 66 of rc7 The parugraph is revised to read: A.+er apprevat ef eartial eto . The slove-boxes will be closed as individual Ilazardous lYaste Manaeement Units (HWMU) bv disposal as hazardous waste debris/waste 230. - The last line should be reworded as follows; "...transfer lines are detached and removed from the ton container yalves.tt The paragraph is revised to read: The gJove-box provides secondary containment for the ton container beins treated. The sealed desiqn of the qlove-box controls both air ernissions and contains any release that may occur when the transfer lines ffi are detached and removed from the ton container valvestre+meried. 231. Attachment 14 general cornment - A table of sensors with critical sensors designated should be added to this attachment for the glove boxes. The ATLIC TC draining and rinsing is a manual process that is managed by local . operators; it is not managed remotely. Therefore, no sensors are associated with the glove boxes (see P&ID drawings EG-22-D-8212 and -8213). Attachment 16 - Main Body Permit Mod (Tank Systems) 232. - The term 66SDS tanks" in the next to last line should be "SDS tank" because there is only one. The suggested correction is included in the revised attachment provided with this submission 233. Please provide the tank number. Please also provide lab validation that the acid matrix for determining agent concentration is less the WCL. The referenced tank number (PAS-Tank-8569) has been added to paragraph The analytical procedures (i.e., LOPs) will be provided to DSHW as a Class 1 Permit Moclification (with approval) prior to the start of hazardous waste operations. The TOCDF is aware that the procedures require validation and approval by DSHW prior to the beginning of ATLIC hazardous waste operations. - n4. rc.2.3- The word 3'tank" should be added between the words "waste" and "that" onIt the fifth line. Page 67 of 107 The suggested correction is included in the revised attachment provided with this submission 235. 16.3.1. - The acronym "ATLIC" is misspelled the second time it appears in this paragraph. The suggested correction is included in the revised attachment provided with this submission. 236. GA will be fed to the tank also (see previous comments). The TOCDF does not concur with the need to transfer the Agurt GA from the TCs to an intermediate storage container before feeding it to the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC). See response to DSHW comment # 9. 237. - Please delete the term "empty' and replace with different terminology. Empty may be confusing and misused. The paragraph is revised to read: The amount of Lewisite drained from each ton container is not quanffied. Lewjsite ton containers are drained to the maximum extent possible the compressed air used to Bressurize the ton.contain€r durine drainineblows throuqh the ton container drain valve and the cycline of the diaohragm oumo that is used to drain the aeent increases. which notes that there are no liquids rernaininq. in the ton contain€r to oump. 238. 16.2.3 - Which tanks are carbon steel? The only tank that is made of carbon steel is the tank that will hold the lewisite, which is LCS-Tank-8511. Table 1 of the ATLIC Permit Modification Request specifies the material of construction of each of the tanks located at the ATLIC. 239. From previous eomments, GA is to be pumped to a tank and not directly fed. See response to DSHW comments # 236 and # 9. 240. - Please provide narrative discussing the sludge left in the ton container and how it will be managed. This attachment is applicable to the permitted hazardous waste storage tanks. The sludge in the lewisite TCs is dissolved to the extent possible by the multiple acid rinses. The amount of sludge left after the acid rinses will not be completely known until the TCs are cut in half. Note that the lewisite TC sludge samples were difficult to obtain because minimal amount of sludge in the TCs. Page 68 of 107 O z4t. 242. - Please describe how often the strainers will need to be emptied and how the waste will be managed. The strainers are emptied based on differential pressure (dP) measured across the filter. The strainer dP is shown on the control screens in the Control Room, and an alarm provides notice to the operator that a strainer needs to be emptied. Residues collected in the strainer are transferred to a waste container; the container is sampled and analyzed per requirement specified in Attachment 2 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit. Sections and indicate that tank 8534 can be filled, as well as emptied, with circulation pumps associated with the other tanks in the Toxic Area. Please explain how this would be done. X'rom the drawings, it appears that tank 8534 could only be fitled with the sump pumps since the tees on the recirculation lines are prior to the pumps. The descriptions in Sections 16.3.6 and 16.4.9 are revised based on a review of Drawings EG-22-D-8216, Rev. 5 and EG-22-D-8217,Fiev 3. The following changes are made to Section 16.3.6. . Major Spill Tank LCS-Tank-8534 is also included as gart of the Lewisite Collection Tank S]rstem. This tank does not have any Bumps associated with it. ie . LCS-Tank-8534 can be filled with liquid that accumulates in the Toxic Area Room Sumn 107 usins SDS-Pumo-E530. or bv connectins a flex hose between the output of LCS-Pump-8522 (which services the bermed area that supoorts the spent nitric acid tanks) and valve 1"-V-8636. Each tank's pipine svstem is equioned with a t-connection that a flexible hose can be attached. To transfer the contents of LCS-Tank-8534. a flexible hose is attached to the Major Spill Tank t- connegtion and to the t-connection that the spill tank's contents are to be transferred. The "dEstination" tank's circulation gump is then used to transfer the waste to the desired tank. It,3,6'7. MaiffS is is The following changes are made to Section 16.4.9. 16.4.9. ATLIC Tank System Secondary Containment The ATLIC permitted hazardous waste storaee and treatment tanks are located in the Toxic Area. The secondarv containment for these tank systefns is provided by the imoermeable base of the Toxic Area and the six inch curb that run the length of the area's outer oerimeter. The impermeable base is created bv coatins the concrete floor and berm with an epoxy coatins. There is second berm that runs Page 69 of 107 the lenqth of the Toxic Area. This 'lensth wise" berm seoaratOs the secondarv containment area into two areas. The ourpose of the berm is to isolate snill from the Spent Nitric Acid Storaqe Tanl$ which prevents the cominsline of soill residues from the these tanl$ and the Soent Decon Tanlc In addition there arettte is one sumps located in urithh the bermed Toxic Area. The*umtx-are This sump is of identical desisn as the lntermittent Collection Units located at the TOCDF. LCS-Pump-8522 is nrovided to transfer liouids that accumulate within the bermed area supoortinq the Snent Nitric Acid Tanks to the Maior Soill Tank or to the intact Snent Nitric Acid Tank should one of the acid tanks reouire senice. Further the Major Spill Tank that is located in the Toxic Area is maintained empty as a contineency should one of the tanls within the Toxic Area fail. The reouirernent to hold this tank in reserve to address potantial major soill essentiallv creates an additional 1.020 eallons of secondary contaiffnent caBacity. This tank is constructed of stainless steal which is compatible with all the wastes and materials that are stored in the tanks located within the ATLIC Toxic Area. Liquids are transferred to the Maior Snill tank throush the use of SDS-Pump-8530 bv first lettins the spiUed liquids accumulate in the secondarv containment area. or bv flex hose connections and the use of LCS-Pumo-8522 mreu*+ne{s€€f ing ffi There are five permitted hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks. and one tuok thut i, "*etopt fro* th" h-u.dor, *u itri" Acid that will be used to rinse out Lewisite TCs (i.e.. product). within the Toxic Area bermed area. One of the five oermitted tanks is maintained empty to address major spills. Eaih tank is of identical design except for the materials of construction (the Lewisite Collection Tankbeing made of carbon steel. the others made of stainless steel). The permitted storaee capacity of each tank is 1.020 gErllons. The volume sf the overall secondary containment created by the bermed Toxic Area is *$8'6 2.555 qallons. The volume of the secondary containment area that supnorts the Snent Nitric Acid Storase Tanks is 958 gallons. A spill sreater than 958 eallons would overflow the berm and flow into the Toxic Area secondarv containment area. The total volume available to address spills in the Toxic Area. includine that provided by the Major Spill Tank is 2o906 3.575 gallons. 243. 16,3.7.1- Please reword based on previous commi:nts. Paragraph the waste streams that are accumulated in SDS-Tank-8523. A review of this paragraph did not show a need for it to be revised since the Transparency TC are not included as part of the l;ewisite TC inventory. 244. (LDS-FILT-8510" is actually *SDS-FILi-gtrO." Please indicate in the narrative that the SDS tank will be sampled and analyzed to verify it can be fed to the SCC or PCC. Page 70 of 107 A review of Drawing EG-22-D-8217 shows that the pump tag is LDS-FILT-8510. To address the sampling and analysis requirements of the DSHW comment, the paragraph is revised to read: A diaphragmpump (LDS-Pump-8506) is used to transfer sperit decontamination solution and rinSe water from the ton containers to SDS- Tank-8523. The decontamination solution and rirse waterBasses throueh a duBlex strainer (LDS-FILT:8510) before it reaches the tank. There is a diaphragm pumB available for mixingthe contents of the tank SDS- Pumo-8524. After beinq samnled and analvzed per Attachment 2 of this permit the Ths tank's contents are fed to the Secondary Combustion Chamber of the ATLIC usine variable frequency drive eouipped soent decon feed pumps SDF-Pumg-8330 or 8340. The waste feed passes throueh a basket strainer located nrior to the pumos. 245. - The word "duringt' should be added between the words 5'generated" and "the' near the end of the second line. The suggested correction is included in the revised attachment provided with this submission. 246. - (NSF-Pump-85L5" is actually "NSF-Pump-8548." A review of drawing EG-22-D-8216 shows the reference to be correct as currently described in paragraph 247. - "NSF-Pump-8565 is actually "NSF-Pump-8577.' The suggested correction is included in the revised attachment provided with this submission 248, 16,4,9,2. - Please delete the word ttin" from the first line next to "within." Please add the sump IDs to the narrative. The suggested correction is included in the revised attachment provided with this submission 249. 16.5.2 - Please change the narrative to "will submit for approval" since the FCC has not been approved. The paragraph is revised to read: The fabrication date of the three ATLI C hazardous waste tank systems is aftbrJanuary 12. 1998 and each tank is required to undergo a Facility Construction Certification. The certification wiII be submitted for,approval imnoreved by the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. Therefore the requirerrrents of 40 CFR 264.191 are not applicable. 16.5.2. Page 7l of 107 - The sumps have level indicating transmitters. This information should be included in a narrative. Paragraph is revised to read: Each sump is equipped with a level indicator. sumn pump. and a leak detection system located between the concrete vault and the metal liner. A leaking metal liner would cause the leak detection system for the associated sump to alarm as observed on a Control Room Advisor Screen. 251. Table 16-4 - Please verify the specifications are exactly the same (e.g., shell thickness etc.) for the carbon steel tank and the stainless steel tank. Additional information will need to be provided for the GA agent tank. The specifications for the carbon steel and stainless steel tanks have been verified to be the same. Regarding a tank for Agent GA; the GA is to be hansferred from the TCs directly to the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber. 252. Tables 16-41 16-5, & 16-6 - The vapor pressufe include an"L." What does that indicate? The "L" is a typographical error and is deleted in the revised attachment provided with this submission AttachmentlT - Main Body Permit Mod (Equipment Lists) 253. Table 17.7 - Valve rt'-Y-8576 is listed as being blind flanged in the table but it appears that on the drawing valve %u -Y-8577 is the valve that actually has the blind fl ange. See drawin g &C,-22-D-8214, Rev. 2. Table 17.1 was updated to reflect changes. 254. Table 17.l - The table should indicate that valve %"-Y-8770 is blind flanged. This should also be shown on drawingBG-22-D-8212, Rev.2. Valve y4u-Y-8766 should also be shown on the same drawing with a blind flange. Valves y4"-Y-8770 and 8766 are used to inspect the double wall pipe for leak detection and are not blinded. The table has been updated to indicate theses valves are used for leak detection. 255. Table 17.1- The table lists PI-8671. but this instrument does not appear on drawing EG-22-D-8223, Rev. 3. Instrument PI-8678 does appear on the drawing but is not listed in the table. This appears to be a typo. Table 17.1 has been updated'to show PI-8671. Due to space issues the design has been updated and now there is only one agent feed pump. EG-22-D-8223, Revision 6 has been updated to show changes along with Table 17.1. Page 72 of 107 256.Table 17.l - Valve y2"-Y-8432 is capped. This needs to be indicated in the Equipment Type column of the table. Table 17.1 was updated to reflect changes. Attachmentlg - Main Body Permit Mod (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-Off Tables) 257. Table D-8-1 of Attachment 19 references a "common stack." The ATLIC has only one exhaust stack. Please delete *common stack" and replace with 6'exhaust stack." Table D-8-1 was updated to reflect changes. 258, Table D-8-1 - Lewisite only uses MINICAMS, not ACAMS. GA uses ACAMS and DAAMS. Please update. Table D-8-1 was updated to reflect changes. 259. Table D-8-2 - There should also be a low baghouse inlet temperature interlock. The baghouse differential pressure of 0.1" seems very low for a limit. Please justify this number. 40 CFR 63.1209 (What are the monitoring requirements) reads; (l) Maximum inlet temperature to dry particulate matter air pollution control device. You must establish a limit on the maximum inlet temperature to the primary dry metals emissions control device (e.g., electrostatic precipitator, baghouse) on an hourly rolling average basis as the average of the test run averages. There is no requirement for a low inlet temperature interlock. (m) Particulate matter. You must comply with the particulate matter emission standard by establishing and complying with the following operating parameter limits. You must base the limits on operations during the comprehensive performance test, unless the limits are based on manufacturer specifications. The baghouse differential pressure limits are based on manufactures specifications. 260. Table D-8-2 - The GA stack alarm should be 0.2 SEL. Please update footnote d also. Table D-8-1 was updated to reflect changes. Attachment20 - Main Body Permit Mod (CEMS Plan) 261. Table 6.4-l - Please change GA/L Furnace to GA/L Incinerator. The plan was updated to reflect the correct language. Page 73 of 107 262.Table 6.5-1 - C0 should be CO. If the unit is down for any reason, no waste feed may commence and any feed must stop. Please provide values for TBD. This table was updated to change the CO (zero) to a CO and also to include a back up CO and Oz monitors to allow feed if one unit is offline. Values are not available for the upstream and downstream locations. These values will be updated once the units have been installed. 263. 6.6,3 - Is the COIOz unit one unit or separate units? Why are their tag numbers different? Per 40 CFR, TOCDF must perform the RATA and DSHW must be notified 14 days in advance. Please include narrative. The CO/Oz units are one unit, but provide two separate streams of data. Different tag numbers are needed because they represent the storage locations of the separate data streams. Section 6.11.2 requires TOCDF to provide a45-day notice of testing. 264. EG033 - CEMS QAPP - Why was the section after 1.4 deleted? Please incorporate CDRL 006 and TE-LOP 540 and provide the correct revision number. Gas audits need to be changed in the Tables in EG 033. Section 1.5 has been updated to remove obsolete and non-applicable language. Section 1.3 references CDRL-06 and TE-LOP-540 already. Current revisions are not included in the reference to avoid unnecessary updates to multiple documents when one procedure is changed. The TOCDF does not agree that the gas audit tables need to be changed. All ATLIC CEMS operate on the same range as the current TOCDF CEMS. 265. Table 3-1 - Please provide narrative that a function test for the new AIT numbers will be done to ensure that the units are properly working. The TOCDF does not agree that a narrative needs to be provided detailing function testing. This is part of the normal process of installinEany instruments at TOCDF in compliance with the engineering change process, which includes a function test. If any part of the unit were not working properly, this would also show up in the initial RATA testing. Attachmentzz - Main Body Permit Mod (Agent Monitoring Plan) 266. Page 48 - The MED 904K should be an ACAMS, not MINICAMS. Why aren't DAAMS tubes specified? Please change the alarm level for GA to 0.2 Z. The MED 904K is a MINICAMS detector. The DAAMS Tag# 731 will be added to the plan for this station The TOCDF does not agree to the 0.2 Z alarmlevel and proposes a 0.5 Z alarm level. Page 74 of 107 267. Footnote 26 -Details on the confirmation procedure will need to be provided. Please explain which columns will be used for each monitor. Footnote 26has been overcome by events and will be removed from the plan. The details concerning which columns are to be used are controlled by EG-080 268. 3.2.1- Please explain why the total hydrocarbon monitor was deleted. The HWC MACT regulations require operators to demonstrate compliance with the hydrocarbon standard only during the DRE portion of performance testing. After this testing, compliance with the DRE perfornance standard is dernonstrated by maintaining the incinerator Operating Parameter Limits (OPLs) for maximum waste feed rate, minimum combustion chamber temperature, maximum exhaust gas flow rate, and maximum exhaust gas carbon monoxide concentration within the limits established by the performance test. See 40 CFR 63.1206(bX6) and 40 CFR 63.1209(a)(7). Attachment22A- Main Body Permit Mod (ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan) Lewisite General: 269. Draft vapor validation studies show that Lewisite DAAMS HPLC/MS method at the objective of25oh accuracy at95Yo confidenceonlyhadaccuracy30to3lpercent. Please provide a final vapor validation study of the environments the Lewisite will be in contact with at the facility. Please modify this section to reflect air action/confirmation of DAAMS at 0.2 AEL (WPL/GPL/VSL/SEL?). Additional vapor validation studies are not planned. A mass-spectrometry-based DAAMS method, of which the DAAMS lewisite confirmation method is an example, has an objective accuracy of * 35 o/oper programmatic U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency CMA LMQAP requirements. Therefore, the DAAMS HPLC/MS method in the draft vapor validation studies met CMA programmatic requirements. Moreover, in their April 10, 2003 letter to the Program Manager for Chemical Demilitarization Environmental and Monitoring Office, the CDC stated that the lewisite DAAMS method certified under the t' vapor validation study was acceptable as a quantitative Class 1 method (see Enclosure I). Note that the systemization of the monitors includes 28-day initial baseline studies. The NRT monitors will be operational approximately three months before the beginning of toxic operations. Additionally, the monitoring systems must past the initial baseline study before they can be used. The Agent Monitoring Plan and AWFCO tables included in Attachment 19 and the ATLIC performance test plans have been revised to show an NRT alarm point (i.e., an AWFCO setpoint) for ATLIC exhaust gas agent concentrations at 0.2 SEL for GA and L, with an L SEL equal to 0.03 mdm3. 270. Please specify the temperature and humidity calculated for emissions from the stack. The draft vapor validation studies show low accuracy for NRTs when operating at high temperature and humidity. Page 75 of 107 t'ii \ ,,t,'F.--- r&' ,b. i['.-,1 I t t t i ! fr, 1 \ A review of the ATLIC Mass and Energy Balances (MEBs) from the trial burn plans (and included with this permit application) show the exhaust gas temperature at the exhaust stack NRT monitoring location to be 230 'F with a moisture content of 4.5 percent by volume. This compares to a typical TOCDF exhaust gas temperature and moisture content of approximately 270 oF and 50 percent by volume, respectively. The initial 28-day baseline study will confirm the reliability and repeatability of the NRT monitoring systems. Baselines will be performed and approved before operations commence. 211. Alarm confirmation for NRTs will be at0.4 VSL/SEL/ECL but the action level will' rieed to be set at0.2 VSL/SEL/ECL. See Attachmertt22A, paragraph 32.3, for action levels. The lewisite action for the stack has been revised to 0.2 SEL, with the SEL value for lewisite equal to 0.03 milligrams per cubic meter (mglm3). 272. Page 9 - The GPL definition will need to indicate a24-hour GPL instead of 72-hour TWA for Lewisite. , 1., The CMA programmatic LMQAP Section 7.3 (Table 7.1, attached) lists the lewisite GPL as a7}-hotr TWA. 273. Page 9 - Baseline Definition: Please clarify cwithin limits." Please explain why the GPL AEL is for a"7}-hour TWA.' The initial Baseline definition was revised to read: Baseline (Initial): Before each individual agent campaign the monitoring system is operated in the configuration in which it will be used during the campaign. This is known as baseline operations. The purpose for the baseline is to provide I evidence that the whole system will perform within required tolerances and requirements, and to document the configuration of the system at the time of the baseline. Once a system is baselined baSed on the precision and accuracy study. at the start of the initial baseline study. ",, Regarding the origin of the 72-fu GPL, the original time weighting period for all the'\ i chernical agent GPLs was set at 72 hours in 1988 (Federal Register, Vol. 53, No. 50, - pp8504-850S.) The lewisite AELs were not included in the CDC 2004 revisions of chemical agent AELs. Therefore, the lewisite GPL remains a 72-hour TWA. 274. Page 10 - The SEL for Lewisite will need to be reevaluated for DCD because the Army previously had no intention of incinerating this agent and the SEL is site specific. The original TOCDF RCRA Permit allowed for the incineration of lewisite and GA at the TOCDF and specified feed rates for these wastes to the TOCDF Liquid Incinerators (LICs) in Module V. Page 76 of 107 The CDC has evaluated the lewisite SEL value and found that it protects human health. Additionally, TOCDF requested that the SEL be evaluated using anair dispersion model. The associated report is included in Attachment D. The TOCDF was informed at a meeting with DSHW that the CDC had communicated their finding and support of a 0.03 mglm3 SEL value for lewisite. 275. Page 10 - Please use the same definition of RDTE solutions as is specified in the TOCDF Monitoring plan, Attachment 22. The definition of RDTE solutions is revised to read: RDTE Dilute Solutions: RDTE Dilute Solutions are defined by the agent concentration and by the quantity in a single container. They are as follows: Agent Maximum Total Quantity Maximum Concentration G-agents Lewisite RDTE Dilute Solutions: Agent G-agents Lewisite 20.0 mg 50.0 mg Maximum Total Quantity 20 mg 50 mg 2.0 mg/ml 5.0 mg/ml agent concentration and by the quantity in Maximum Concentration 2.0 mg/ml 5.0 mg/ml 276. RDTE Dilute Solutions are defined by the a single container. They are as follows: No response required. 277. Section 22A.1- Please reword filter monitoring. It is confusing and most of the information could be placed in other locations. This is an introduction that highlights ATLIC monitoring and is intended to provide an overview. This section was changed to note that DAAMS would be used to confirm lewisite NRT alarms. 278. 2242.1.1 - Please discuss suspending of monitoring in another location. The last sentence is confusing. Only GA and L will be used with this monitoring plan. The second paragraph in this section is revised to reference the correct paragraphs and the last sentence ofthe paragraph is deleted. The paragraph now reads: This plan reflects the monitoring for each processing area when it is being used for agent work. When agent work in a given area is suspended, the monitoring for that area may be suspended as stated in Paragraphs 22A.9, 22A.17 .3 , 22A17 .5, 22A.20 or 224.21. hit.I1 l.\", Irl,! i. 'i-rn" i I'irI Page 77 of 107 279. 280. Section 22A.2.2 - Since TOCDF is going to be processing GA and L in the ATLIC, and it operates both the CAL and SAF laboratories, please justify why TOCDF is not responsible for the perimeter monitoring since it operates the laboratory which analyzes the tubes. The DCD performs and is responsible for the actual monitoring of the perimeter. In addition, the DCD is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the perimeter monitoring equipment, and for collecting and retrieving the samples. The Chernical Assessment Laboratory (CAL) and SAF are responsible for the analysis of the tubes provided to them by DCD. The DCD has been responsible for the perimeter monitors since the inception of demilitarization operations. Section 22A.2.4.2 - Will the co-located Lewisite DAAMS stations be used for confirmation of the MINCAMS alarms? DAAMS sample lines at CAMDS were eliminated as sample line failures were high. WiIl sample lines be use at these ATLIC stations? If yes, then does the vapor validation study support long sample line lengths? Please explain how the DAAMS only stations are being set up. Currently, method development is ongoing for lewisite DAAMS confirmation of MINICAMS alarms. Lewisite DAAMS sample line testing is being conducted. Configuration of DAAMS stations will be according to drawings, the Configuration Control Plan, and procedures. 281. 22A.8.3.'1, - What is considered the "processingbay?" The glove boxes? The igloo? The ATLIC Processing Bay is an area inside the igloo where the glove boxes are located. 282. 22A.9.1- ACAMS and MINICAMS will need to monitor the IIVAC stack when processing that agent. Paragraph 9.1.1 describes the filter monitoring. Table I of Attachment22A shows that the HVAC filter stack will be monitored using NRTs for GA and lewisite during their respective campaigns. 283. 22A.9.1.2 - Why isn't the same setup of ACAMS/MINICAMS rotating through three beds with DAAMS confirmation on each mid-bed used for both GA and L? The duration of the ATLIC processing is shorter, and the amount of agent less, compared to the TOCDF agent campaigns. At the TOCDF, TCs and munitions are opened to access the agent cavity, which allows the agent to volatilize into the air within the Munitions Demilitarization Building (MDB), thereby increasing the agent loading of the MDB HVAC carbon. At the ATLIC, TCs are processed by draining agent through the TC valves. This method of draining the GA and lewisite greatly reduces the loading of the ATLIC HVAC carbon. The NRT will cycle between the first and second mid-beds with DAAMS between the first and second, and second and third, which are analyzed daily. Having the DAAMS analyzed daily between the mid-beds as described provides an early indication of agent i : Page 78 of 107 .O breakthrough. Note there is DAAMS dedicated to second and to the third carbon filter bank. 284. 22A.9.1.2 - This section states that ATLIC filter mid-bed (between banks I & 2) locations shall be monitored continuously with DAAMS for any agents being processed, and that an NRT will eycle through the three different filter banks. Please justify why each filter bank should not have its own NRT for the mid-beds. See response to DSHW comment #283 above. 285. 22A.9.1.2 - The station table appendix has two MINICAMS stations with different columns for L with one station for confirmation. Please explain the location of the backup stations that will be needed when the stations are challenged so continuous monitoring is achieved. The revision to Attachment22A included with this submission specifies DAAMS as the confirmation method for Lewisite NRT mid-bed alarms. 286. 22A.g.1.2- Please specify that any alarm will be confirmed for L if the other station is being challenged. This comment has been overcome by events. TOCDF no longer intends to use a second NRT as a confirmation method for Lewisite alarrir. Rather a Lewisite DAAMS NRT confirmation method has been developed. Attachment2zA has been revised to specify this. 287. 22A.9.1.2 - Please explain the TOCDF proposal of monitoring with DAAMS for L when a reliable method for confirmation has not been provided. A DAAMS confirmation rnethod for Lewisite NRT alarm has been developed and will be provided to DSHW for approval. The revision to Attachment22A included with this submission specifies DAAMS as the confirmation method for Lewisite NRT mid-bed alarms. Note CAMDS has been using DAAMS for Lewisite historical monitoring in their filter banks formany years with the approval of DSHW. 288. - There is only one GA NRT listed for the mid-beds of all three banks. Where is the backup station at this location? See response to DSHW comment #283. 289. 22A.9.1.3-22A.9.2 - Since there is an option to analyze ATLIC wastes at the SAF or CAL, the more stringent requirement for the SAF laboratory will need to be provided. Page 79 of 107 ,,1,, ,t ,' 'ltl .t\ Paragraphs 22A.9.13 and22A.9.l.4 are deleted and marked reserved since Attachment 22Ais specific to the monitoring requirements for the ATLIC. Agent GA and Lewisite monitoring and carbon change out requirements for the SAF filters are specified in Attachment 29 and 30 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit, respectively. 290. 22A.9.1.4 - This section is in conflict with the change-out requirements of Module X. Attachmentzzl should state a criterion of one VSL for change out and Module X has one VSL change out criteria for carbon. Also, as there are only three carbon banks in this HVAC, the change out should begrn after break through in Bank One. Please justify why change out should occur only after break through of the second carbon bank. See response to DSHW comment # 289 above. 291. 22A3.1- Both lilter stacks will need to meet the requirement of monitoring in Section 9. The CAMDS monitoring Plan, Attachment 30, requires different monitoring requirements. Please use those for the processing of GA and L (see Section 30.3). The DSHW comment references paragraph 22A.3.1which discusses responsibilities. Paragraph 22A9.1references filter stack monitoring. The DSHW references to "both filter stack" is assumed to mean the ATLIC HVAC filter stack and the SAF filter stack. The ATLIC HVAC filter stack is equipped with NRT monitors (for the agents being processed in the plan0. The SAF filter stack requirements are specified in Attachment29 and 30 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit and are not addressed in Attachment22A. Attachment 30 requires NRT monitors on the plant filter stack for the agents being processed. The current monitoring configuration specified in Attachment22Ameets that requirement since the ATLIC filter stack is equipped with NRT monitors. Attachment 30 specifies the monitoring requirements for the SAF. GA and Lewisite NRT are not currently required (see Attachment 30, Section 30.3, third paragraph). Also see response to DSHW comment # 293. 22A.9.1.3 - This section states that the SAF Laboratory lilter shall be monitored with DAAMS for any agents in use. Does this mean any agents in use at the ATLIC or in the SAF lab? 292. .., nrr .e'.j"'rj r-l'i' itu.i' \. \,\r,:' ;'"\"-;o.,,i The SAF filter stack monitoring requirements for GA and Lewisite are specified rn Attachment29 and 30 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit. 293. 22A.9.1.3 - Since TOCDF will be doing further neat agent sampling of GA and L, please indicate where these samples will be analyzed? Lewisite has been monitored at the SAF filter stack with DAAMS only because of the past history with Lewisite at the CAMDS facility. A new campaign will require NRT monitoring at the SAF filter stack for both GA and L. Page 80 of 107 Currently the TOCDF is not planning to install NRTs agent monitors on the SAF filter stack. Additionally there are no permit requirements to monitor the SAF stack for GA and L whether or not non-dilute levels of neat agent samples are brought into the lab. The need to analyzeneat GA or Lewisite samples at the SAF is not anticipated. Field dilutions will be performed on agent samples that are collected to comply with treaty requirements, and methods are currently being developed to perform field dilutions on agent samples that are require a metals analysis. Should it be necessary for the SAF to perform neat agent sample analyses the installation ofNRT monitors on the SAF filter stack may not be necessary considering the limited number of neat agent samples requiring analysis. Worst case there would be two Agent GA samples needing analysis for Treaty compliance, two Agent GA samples two meet additional analysis requests from the DSHW, five Lewisite samples requiring metals analysis to comply with proposed conditions included in this permit modification, and no more than four Lewisite samples requiring analysis for Treaty compliance. This totals 13 neat agent samples requiring analysis for the entire ATLIC scope of operations. The CAL filter stack is equipped with NRT monitors for the agent being processed at the TOCDF. The CAL analyzed over 6,000 neat agent mustard samples. Note considering the limited scope of potential SAF neat agent operations, if necessary rather than adding NRT monitors to the SAF filter stack TOCDF will adhere to the CMA Monitoring Concept Plan (MCP) requirement to conduct Freon testing of the filter banks. , , !,-' Freon testing is conducted annually on the SAF carbon filter system. 294. 22AJ0.1- Please specify the limits in the SOP and provide a copy. These will be controlled in EG-080 and by procedures which is available for onsite review by DSHW representatives. 295. 22A.12.1.1- The TOCDF LQCP will need to be updated to include the requirements specified for the ATLIC. Changes per comments will be incorporated. A revised LQCP is currently under review and will be submitted in time to support the planned ATLIC operational schedule. 296, - Paragraph22{.1,5.3 does not exist. Please add that the Executive Secretary will also be notified. The referenced paragraph is revised from 15.3 to 16.3. Regarding notification of the Executive Secretary: this section describes what actions ar'e taken if the Limiting Conditions of Operation (LCOs) are not met. There is no requirement to notify the Executive Secretary of operations suspension at the TOCDF when LCOs are not met. TOCDF does not concur with the need to notify the Executive Secretary whenever ATLICtrr' operations are suspended because LCOs are not met. Page 8l of 107 \.rig.. :.. 'ir'" $ ;$ i gi,o*c v ?'lJ', riu .;ft oli;' ;,(i:, :. 1.ri'ri.t 297. 22412.2.4 - Please explain the mechanism for when two NRTs are monitoring for confirmation and one goes off line. This comment is overcome by lvents since the revised Attachment 22A submitted with this response to comments specifies the use of DAAMS as a confirmation method for Lewisite NRT alarms. 298. 22A'.12,2.4 - TOCDF has requested the use of dual Lewisite monitors without DAAMS tubes. TOCDF'will need to add a pafagraph designating the second NRT as the primary monitor in the event that the primary NRT is down. Please specify that agent would be conlirmed if there was an alarm. This comment is overcome by events since the revised Attachment 22A submitted with this response to comments specifies the use of DAAMS as a confirmation method for Lewisite NRT alarms. 299. 22A.13.2 - Please include the CAL laboratory also. The CAL is currently controlled in Attachmeri22. The CAL is not referenced because the status of the CAL does not have any impact on ATLIC operations and therefore CAL status is not a Limiting Condition of Operations. AttachmentZZAwas written to address the GA and L monitoring requirements needed to support ATLIC operations. 300. 22413.2 - References to 224.31 are incorrect. The reference was corrected to 22A.32 301. 22A'.13.3 - Please add the CAL and correct the wrong reference in paragraph 22A.12.2. Please delete "for all furnace." The phrase oofor all furnaces" is deleted. Also, see response to DSHW comment #299. 302. 22A.13.4 - Where are the dual MINICAMS confirmation set-ups located? Should additional information be added to this paragraph for MINICAMS with DAAMS confirmation tubes? This comment is overcome by events since the revised Attachment 22A submitted with this response to comments specifies the use of DAAMS as a confirmation method for . Lewisite NRT alarms. 303. 224.14.1- Which NRTs are not connected to the Facility Control Center? The only NRTs not connected to the FCC are short-term portable units. 304. 224.14.1. - The text states that all stack ACAMS and MINICAMS will be challenged in accordance with TE-LOP-524. Does TOCDF plan to use an ADC on the ATLIC? Also, new procedures will need to be addressed in LOP 524 for the addition of the L Page 82 of 107 confirmation NRTs. Please add narrative that each station will have an NRT and a DAAMS log book. The LOP 524 is being updated to add ATLIC requirements. Dilution Air Flow Controllers will be used on selected DAAMS stations as identified in the procedure. 'Documentation requirements are located in section 22A.ll. Note that the revised Attachment22A submitted with these comment responses specifies the use of DAAMS as the lewisite NRT confirmation method. 22A15.1- This section states that the "actual" monitoring locations are found in Appendix A. Please clarify the drawing location (it must specify the exact locations of monitors). Appendix A does identiff the location and the drawing number of the monitoring locations. The location of the ATLIC stack monitors can also be found on the drawings provided with the permit application (see drawingEg-22-D-8211, sheet 3 of 4, Rev. 7). 22A.16.2.1- The reference to Paragraph2LA.li.3 is incorrect. Please revise. The reference has been changedto 22A.13.3 22A.16.3 - Please add that temporary changes to monitoring at the stack and the HVAC are not allowed without permission from the Executive Secretary. As identified in paragraph22A.16.3.l, the Executive Secretary is notified prior to any reduction in monitoring. This is the same statement as that used in Attachment22. 22A.17.1.1- WPL monitoring during these short agent campaigns should be conducted on a daily basis; not just on just the first five days of processing in category C areas. The first five days is a requirement from the CMA programmatic MCP. The WPL monitoring will be conducted on a daily basis in the processing bay, filter area, and DAAMS-only stations as stated in Appendix A. 22A.17.1.1- Please clarify the last sentence. Will these be L2-hour tubes or 24-hour tubes? The WPL monitoring for the first five days of processing is a requirement from the CMA programmatic MCP. A11 Category C areatubes will be analyzed for the first five days of processing. The tubes will be collected and analyzed per approved methods. 22A.17.3.1- The last sentence should indicate "the incinerator." Please add the alarm level of 0.2 SEL for GA and 0.4 SEL for L. The sentence is corrected. The alarm levels and action levels are identified in other sections and do not need to be added here. Note that the alarm setpoint for the incinerator Page 83 of 1 07 exhaust stack was revised to 0.2 SEL for both GA.and lewisite, with the SEL equal to the values established by the (CDC). 311. - Please revise the narrative to include the STEL (used for worker protection and is a limit a worker cannot exceed more than once in a work shift). The STEL is defined on page 10 of Attachment22A. 312. 22A.17,3.1- Please justify why the SEL alarm level is not set at0,2 for both Lewisite and GA for early warning of process upset conditions. See response to DSWH comment # 30.e. 313. 22A.17.4- The Lewisite level for the stack needs to be 0.003 mgnf (see Attachment 9, page 37). As discussed with DSHW, TOCDF has revised Attachment 22Ato speciff an ATLIC exhaust gas agent concentration AWFCO setpoint from 0.4 SEL to 0.2 SEL. The lewisite SEL remains 0.i3 mdm'. 314. 22A.17.4 - How was the IDLH for Lewisite determined? Please provide any supporting documentation. The US Army issued a recommended IDLH for lewisite in August 2009 (see Enclosure J). The CDC has reviewed the documentation provided and agrees with the IDLH. The IDLH documentation package is currently going through final review at NIOSH. 315. 22A.17.5.2 - Will the facility be decontaminated before agent monitoring is discontinued? Please include closure plan informatien. This is a monitoring plan; a closure plan will be developed separately. Also, see response to DSHW comments #24 and# 40. 316. 22A.18.2 - Please explain how low volume sampling is attached to the Lewisite MINICAMS. If a method is developed utilizing an LVS, an operation will be developed and added to the procedure, which will need approval before use. 317. Sample lines should be challenged on the stack every four hours and on the other locations weekly since these campaigns are so short. Evaluations will be made as testing, systemization, and baselines are performed. If it is determined that sample lines need more frequent challenging, this will be implernented. 318. 22A.18.5.2 - Are the stations related to the control room that it is an'oS" mode? Explain how that.is documented if an alarm occurs. Since the DAAMS tubes are Page 84 of 107 used as the primary monitor of the original location, they are not used as conlirmation tubes. As described in the referenced section, the FCC receives a notification when a monitor is switched to the spool mode. The only stations that are designated as spool stations are the glove box stations. This NRT is a process monitor without DAAMS. The other spolled monitor is in the processing bay. This monitor may spool to Vestibule 101 in case of emergency. 319. 22A.18.6.1- Please provide a detailed narrative as to why V-G pads will be used for GA. As described in this section, V-G pads provide a cleaner, namower chromatographic peak by converting tabun (GA) to the more volatile species fluoro-tabun. 320. 22A.18.6.2 - Silver fluoride pads on the stack should be replaced every four hours. Unlike the TOCDF stack, the ATLIC stack is dry, and therefore, pads may not need to be replaced every four hours. The TOCDF incinerator exhaust is approximately 50 Yo moisture by volume; the ATLIC exhaust gas is about 4 % moisture by volume. The silver fluoride pad change out frequency willbe evaluated during systernization and the initial baseline study. If it is determined that a change-out frequency must be specified, it will be included in the Monitoring Configuration Control Plan. 321. 2i2A.19.1.3 - Why is the CON referenced instead of the Facility Control Center? What happens when the Lewisite MINICAMS are not staggered and no DAAMS tubes are available? The reference to the CON is changed to FCC. Also, the revised Attachment 22A specifies the use of DAAMS for lewisite NRT alarm confirmation rather than the use of a differently-confi gured NRT monitors. 322. 22419.13 - Any stack alarm will be confirmed if the lewisite monitors are not staggered as there will not be DAAMS tubes available for confirmation. Please explain in detail how a Lewisite alarm will be confirmed. Please include narrative if the back-up is on-line. This comment is overcome by events since the revised Attachment22A submitted with this response to comments specifies the use of DAAMS as a confirmation method for Lewisite NRT monitor alarms. 323. 224'.21.1- Please use 0.4 VSL and 0.2 WPL for Lewisite. The TOCDF does not concur with these limit criteria for suspending location specific agent monitoring. Section 21.1 of the Attachment 22A presents requirements that are identical to those specified in the DSHW approved Agent Monitoring Plan for TOCDF (Attachment 22). Page 85 of 107 It also should be noted that a < I VSL threshold has been adopted as a criteria for closure activities. When the agent concentration is determined to be less than 1 VSL, as measured under non-ventilated monitoring conditions, both monitoring and decontamination activities for the location being evaluated are suspended. The suspension of monitoring that Section22A2l.l refers to is during the transition to different agent campaigns when the facility is still operational and not during the time when closure activities are being conducted. TOCDF is aware that if monitoring in specific ATLIC locations is suspended prior to the time when non-ventilated monitoring can be conducted that monitoring for these locations may need to be reestablished and non-ventilated monitoring conducted to meet closure requirements. 324, 22A.22.1- Appendix A does not have a footnote indicating which monitors are not connected to the Facility Control System. A11 monitors identified in the plan are connected to the FCC. If any monitors are added that are not connected, then a footnote will be added atthat time. Also, see response to DSHW comment # 303. 325. 22A.22.1- This section references Section 22*.10.1for any potential exceptions to manually recorded logbooks, but Section22A.l0.l does not discuss logbooks. Please clarify and add narrative. The reference was changed to 22A.1 1.1 326. 22A.23.I, - Please provide the SOPs and method validation for approval. The lowest calibration standard must be at or below the alarm level, not the reporting level. Procedures and methods will be provided to DSHW for Executive Secretary approval prior to the beginning of agent operations. TOCDF understands that the DAAMS method reporting level cannot exceed the NRT monitor alarm level for the method to be valid. 327. 22A,28.1- Is the alarm level verified at the Control Center like TOCDF does? Accuracy between the NRT and the FCC will be verified by work orders. The verification is part of systernization and is performed via a function test. 328. 22L.l8.31What DAAMS method uses only three minutes sample time? Please provide exact locations of the GPL perimeter monitors. The DSHW comment is assumed to be in reference to paragraph22A.l8.3.1, which discusses the range of DAAMS-method sampling periods. There is a GB method that has a 3-minute sample time. The location of the perimeter monitors is identified in the DCD RCRA Permit since it is the responsibility of DCD to establish and maintain the perimeter monitoring system. Page 86 of 107 329.22A.32.1- The alarm level for GA will be 0.2 SEL and for L will be 0.4 SEL. A QP must be sampled with each DAAMS set (every four hours). Please delete references to furnaces. The revised AttachmentzzA submitted with this comment response specifies a 0.2 SEL alarm level for ATLIC exhaust stack NRT monitors forboth Agent GA and lewisite. The utility of this alarm setpoint willbe evaluated based on data generated during method development, certification, and validation. If there are excessive false or positive alarms during systemization, TOCDF will request a Ternporary Authorization to revise the alarm setpoints. As identified in section 22A.19.2.1, a QP is run with each set of DAAMS. The fumaces/incinerators reference is corrected. 330. 22A.32.2 - Please provide details on what is meant by "checked by monitoring." If both MINICAMS alarm, it is confirmed asent. Monitoring personnel do not have the option to say otherwise without DAAMS confirmation tubes. "Checked" means that the Monitoring personnel will verify whether the monitor is in alarm. Note that the revised Attachment22A, submitted with this response to comments, specifies the use of DAAMS as a confirmation method for lewisite NRT monitor alarms. 331. 22A32.3 - Please justify why the action level for Lewisite is not set at 0.2 VSL for the Category C and D areas. Lewisite is a carcinogen. Lewisite has not been identified as a carcinogen. From the CDC: "There is only anecdotal evidence for the potential carcinogenicity of Lewisite. However, the data are not definitive and do not support classifying Lewisite as a suspected carcinogen." (http://www.atsdr.cdc. gov/mhmi/mmg 1 63.html) TOCDF does not concur with the setting the alarm setpoint for Lewisite VSL NRT at 0.2 VSL. Based on a discussions held with DSHW TOCDF agreed to reduce the alarm level for GA and Lewisite NRTs monitoring the ATLIC exhaust stack to 0.2 SEL. The GA and Lewisite VSL NRT monitor alarm level remain at 0.5 and 0.4 VSL, respectively. 332. Page 28, Monitoring Level - Instead of putting both levels (ECLNSL) which is confusing, just put in the table the actual level of monitoring VSL. The monitoring level for these stations may change between ECL and VSL. The purpose of these is to monitor equipment/waste/personnel contamination levels. No change was made to the table. 333. Page29, DAAMS mode - the DAAMS tube will be analyzed weekly at the WPL with a corresponding QP. Please provide information for the primary DAAMS station, such as two QPs will be sampled and analyzed with each set of tubes (a QP for the A tube and a QP for the B tube). Page 87 of 107 TOCDF does not concur with the need to analyze VSL and WPL DAAMS on a weekly basis. Specific areas have different requirements as stated in the attachment. Specific sampling requirements will be indicated in the site LQCP. TOCDF has an established process for selecting which QPs will be analyzed. The LIMS program randomly selects the tubes tobe analyzsed to meet the CMA programmatic requirement of analyzing a DAAMS tube for each DAAMS method daily rotating stations with a tube from each station analyzed at least once every 28 days. This procedure will be implanted during systemization, and throughout the time period that the monitoring systems are operation prior to actual agent operations and throughout the 28-day initial baseline. Note TOCDF does not collect a QP with DAAMS tube set, rhther one QP is collected from each base-lined station whether the station collects A, B, C, and D tubes or only A and B tubes. 334. Table 1- a. Please change aII alarms for GA on the stack to 0.2 SEL. See response to DSHW comment # 30.e. b. Please explain why DAAMS tubes are not utilized in the stack as confirmation. The revised Attachment 22A submitted with this comment response specifies the use of DAAMS as the confirmation method for lewisite stack NRT alarms. c. Please explain use of TENT09DLIFL historical monitoring. DAAMS historical monitoring is conducted to ensure that continuous monitoring of the ATLIC exhaust stack occurs, in the event the lewisite NRT monitors fail. Based on lewisite DAAMS methods already in use for CAMDS monitoring, successful development of a DAAMS SEL historical method was known to be feasible. d. Please explain TEN 721K & TEN 721L. Based on "table explanation" there wouldn't be a need for the ECL, just the 0.5 VSL (three alarms levels were listed but only two monitoring levels). Alarm levels will be based on safety monitoring as this area is an A area. The VSL/ECL nomenclature coffesponds to the .515140 alarm level as follows: The VSL alarm level is 0.5 VSL The ECL alarm level may be set at 5 or 40 ECL based on the expected agent concentration in the area being monitored e. Please specify which Lewisite monitors 709 A goes with on the other MINICAMS (e.g.709 A has column DB-l and confirms with 7098L having column DB-624). See response to DSHW comment # 334.b above. o o Page 88 of 107 f. Note 4 indicate these monitors can monitor three other locations. Please specify which ones. IIow does the confirmation DAAMS tubes work? When monitoring three locations, do the primary locations of the DAAMS confirmation tubes and the other two locations assume any alarm is a confirmed agent as previously mentioned in the narrative? The reference to DAAMS was deleted from the note. Note that four is only for the glove-box locations indicated in the table. Monitoring in the glove box consists of the glove box and two small airlocks (one included in the design of each glove box). The DAAMS confirmation at these locations is required since agent is assumed to be present if the NRT monitor alarms. Additionally, the monitoring will rotate between the glove boxes and glove-box airlocks as needed. g. Please explain why TEN 729 AL is historical when 729 BL is conlirmation to AL yet AL has DAAMS tubes. This section is confusing. Please add footnotes for clarification. Please also show validation of DAAMS historical for Lewisite. This comment is overcome by events since the revised Attachment 22A submitted with this response to comments specifies the use of DAAMS as a confirmation method for Lewisite NRT alarms. h. What problems are associated with Lewisite DAAMS tubes? Please explain why the tubes can be used for historical purposes but not confirmation. The mass of lewisite collected over the time period of a single cycle MINICAMS alarm (5 to 15 minutes) is very small compared to the mass of agent collected over a historical sampling period (4 to 12 hours). In order to achieve the sensitivity required to detect the very small masses of lewisite associated with MINICAMS alarm confirmation, new methods employing very sensitive detectors had to be developed. Please explain why laundry monitoring for Lewisite is a DAAMS tube instead of MINICAMS. TEN 733K and TEN 733L are deleted from revised Attachment22A submitted with this response to comments. The cotton goods being monitored are product and not hazardous waste. Therefore these monitors should not be included in a hazardous waste permit. The narrative in the HVAC monitoring indicates that the NRT would be rotating through the mid-beds, yet the table for filter monitoring does not indicate process only monitoring at mid-bed one. The narrative in the HVAC monitoring section indicates that the NRT will rotate through the mid-bed 1 for all three filter banks. This is reflected in Table I by the ACAMS/MINICAMS tag number, which is the same for mid-bed I on filters 101, 102, and 103. Page 89 of 107 A MINICAMS for Lewisite Backup confirmation appears to be missing. Since two MINICAMS with dissimilar columns are needed for one "NRT setr" then the second set must be the same way. A confirmation column type is missing. Please specify column type, such as DB-1/DB-24, for each MINICAMS. See response to DSHW comment # 334.b. Please clarify stack monitoring in this section. DAAMS are listed for Lewisite. Please label all Lewisite NRTs with column configuration. See response to DSHW comment #334.b. DAAMS stations for Lewisite are listed for many stations but this is not reflected in the text. Also, TOCDF currently does not have a method for Lewisite analysis. Several areas have historical lewisite DAAMS monitoring, as indicated in the narrative (e.g., section22Al8.3.l). The TOCDF has developed and certified several lewisite DAAMS methods. These methods will be validated when the monitoring equipment is installed in the ATLIC facility and initial baseline studies are conducted. Also see response to DHSW comment # 334.b. Attachment l-Surrogate Trial burn plan for ATLIC 335. ES-l - Destruction of other potential organic compounds will need to be demonstrated during the trial burn or spent decon will need to burned in the primary combustion chamber. Please revise the language. The Executive Summary was revised to indicate that chlorobenzene will be fed to the Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) as part of the ATLIC Surrogate Trial Bum (STB). 336. Pagel- All SOPs for Lewisite and GA monitoring and waste analysis characterization will need to be approved by the Executive Secretary prior to GA or Lewisite processing. This includes the validation studies for each matrix. The second bullet on Page 2 of the plan was modified to address this comment. 337. Page 4- Additional sampling of the GA and Lewisite (liquid and solid) must be performed. The Executive Secretary has yet to approve a sampling plan for GA or Lewisite ton containers or the transparency ton containers. At what concentration is the NaOH added to the GA ton containers for rinsing? How many times are the GA ton containers rinsed with NaOH? What is the concentration of nitric acid added to. the Lewisite ton eontainers? How many rinses are performed with the nitric acid? Data provided with the ATLIC STB were valid and the possible metals analyses of an Agent GA verification sample is being investigated. The lewisite feed tanks will be sampled and analyzed for metals. The GA TCs will be rinsed with 18 % NaOH, and Section 1.3.1 was revised to include additional information. k. l. m. a. b. Page 90 of 107 c. One treatment with NaOH followed by three water rinses. d. The nitic acid is 3 Molar (M). e. Two treatments with nitric acid followed by three water rinses. 338. Page 4 - The spent decon tank will also need to be analyzed for organic compounds since the compounds are not processed through the PCC. The spent decon fed to the SCC during the STB will be a phosphoric acid solution, and no organic compounds will be added to it; therefore, the STB spent decon will not be analyzed for organic compounds. The phosphoric acid solution will be analyzed for the phosphate concentration and the metals concentration. Chlorobetuene will be added through a separate feed connection to the SCC feednozzle. The vendor-supplied analyses of the chlorobenzene will be used to characterize the feed, and it will not be analyzed. 339. Page 4 - GA should be placed in a tank prior to sampling or sampling will be required prior to bringing the ATLIC on line. Sludge samples may be taken from the ton container in the glove box. All ten ton containers of Lewisite will need to be sampled, drained and processed in the ATLIC. The sludge will need to be sampled, drained and then the ton container decontaminated in accordance with an approved decontamination plan and then sent to a Subtitle C TSDF. The ten Lewisite transparency tons containers will need to be sampled, drained and then decontaminated in accordance with an approved decontamination plan. O See response to DSHW comments # 8 ,9 andl 1. 340. A sampling plan and decontamination plan for the ton containers wiII need to be submitted and approved by the Executive Secretary prior to introducing hazardous waste. See responses to DSHW comments # 8 and I l. 341. Page 6 - Since mercury is being added to the surrogate mixfure, why not use a higher concentration to mimic the Lewisite? The Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test (LCPT) will demonstrate the metals treatment for lewisite. 342. Pages 6-7, Sectionl.4.l - During the surrogate trial burn, the worst case for the metals (representing Lewisite) will need to be demonstrated. The chlorobenzene will need to demonstrate the GA. The LCPT will demonstrate the metals for lewisite processing because the arsenic concentration in the lewisite is so high; metals spiking would require a compound like lewisite. Therefore, it was determined that the best way to demonstrate the arsenic concentration was to conduct the LCPT. The ATLIC STB will demonstrate the worst case for organic compounds incineration by establishing a DRE for Class 1 compounds. The STB will use chlorobenzene in the Page 91 of 107 surogate mixture feed material, and it will be fed by itself to the SCC. Chlorobenzene was chosen because it is a Class I compound in the EPA ranking system. The demonstration of a DRE for a Class I compound allows other Class 1 compounds, and any compounds ranked lower, to be incinerated without demonstrating a DRE for every compound; therefore, the dernonstration of a DRE for chlorobenzefie establishes the worst case forboth Agent GA and lewisite processing. 343. Page7, Section 1.4.2 - Please describe the cyanide and how it will be treated when processing GA. The ATLIC STB will not use Agent GA; therefore, there is no possibility of hydrogen cyanide emissions during the ATLIC STB. In any case, the Agent GA does not contain hydrogen cyanide; therefore, there are no special precautions for treating the cyanide. The cyano functional group on the Agent GA molecule will be combusted with the rest of the Agent GA. 344. Page7, Section 1.5 - DRE will be 99.99990/0 instead of 99.99o/o, as was previously performed for the other agents and surrogate of the TOCDF systems. The references to the DRE were changed to 99.9999 %o tlvoqgh out the plan. 345. Please evaluate the spent decon summary for LIC GA and Lewisite decon and what needs to be specified for the trial burn. The spent decon was re-evaluated, the proposed surrogate spent decon was redefined, and Section L.4.2 was revised. 346. Table 1-1 through 1-3 - Please indicate that this is preliminary data that was used to design the incinerator and propose parameters for the surrogate test. Additional characterization is required prior to processing the agent. Only about 40 weight percent of the GA agent is accounted for. The weight percent was not provided for the Lewisite, only the arsenic. Why was the data reported in so many different units? Why is the spent decon characterization for the HD applicable for the Lewisite and GA? a. The data provided will not change from the last sampling event. The ATLIC STB established a DRE for Class 1 compounds by demonstrating chlorobenzene; therefore, it does not matter what the organii compounds are since they are all approved for incineration based on the DRE demonstration of the Class 1 compound. Also see response to DSHW comment # 8. b. The tables were revised to point out that more than 40 Yo of the material was accounted for. c. The tables show the lewisite results as area percent. d. The units were reported based on the analyses results. e. The spent decon description was revised, and Table 1-3 was removed. Page 92 of 107 347.Since the process for draining the GA and Lewisite ton containers was not provided in detail, how much heel Qiquid/solid) would be left in the containers? The spent decon characterization has yet to be evaluated for these agents. Additional information was added to the plan for draining the TCs. The GA TCs do not contain solids and the TCs will be drained to a 0.5 inch of the bottom of the TC. This corresponds to less thanT lb of Agent GA, or less than 0.5 %oheel. The treatment with NaOH will add about 110 gallons of 18 % NaOH, and that will be combined with 2,400 lb of water as the rinse for a total of 3,200 lb of rinse. The resulting concentration of organic compounds in the rinses would not be able to exceed 0.25 %. 348. Section 1.7 - The surrogate will need to be worst case for both agents, not just GA. The spent decon organics must be demonstrated during the surrogate trial burn in the SCC and then be at or below those Hmits during operations (for example, < 0.5 wto/o organics). This section was revised to discuss the worst-case selection, and the addition of chlorobenzene to the SCC to demonstrate feeding organic compounds to the SCC. 349. Page 11 - Why is the "worst case" metals only for agent GA? Why isn't it evaluated for Lewisite metals also? The LCPT will demonstrate the metals feed for the lewisite. The only way tq spike with arsenic at a level for processing is to feed lewisite, which is the purpose of the LCPT. 350. Page 12 - The narrative indicates potential for HAPs in the spent decon, but goes on to indicate that the surrogate chlorobenzene fed to the PCC will cover the SCC. Please justify. The section was modified to discuss the addition of chlorobenzerLe to the SCC. 351. Page 14 of the ATLIC Surrogate Trial Burn Plan references drawings EC,-22-F-8201 and E,C,-22-F -8202. Please provide these drawings. These drawings are provided with this submission. 352. Section 2.3 - Please provide the residence time. Has an SOP been developed for the transfer and clean-out of the ton containers? Please provide. The residence time was calculated based on the information from the Mass & Energy calculations. The total residence time for the ATLIC is 3.36 seconds as shown in Appendix C of the plan provided. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 were modified to include a statement on the calculated residence times of the PCC and SCC. The SOPs for the cleanout and transfer of the ton containers have not been finalized point. atthis #I Page 93 of 107 353. Page 17 - Please verify on the daily inspections the negative pressure on the glove boxes. The differential pressures in the glove boxes are monitored by PDIT-831 1 and PDIT-8319, which are recorded by the control system. There are high- and low-pressure alarms associated with these monitors. The second paragraph of Section 2.5 was revised to include this information. 354. Page 17 - The glove boxes are locations where sludge samples could be taken in a controlled environment. Also,liquid agent (GA) may be obtained here if TOCDF wants to direct feed instead of sampling the tank. A sample of Lewisite from the tank will need to be analyzed prior to feeding. Verifying the mixing of the tank is part of the design. There is no need to sample the TCs further. The DRE will be demonstrated by a Class I compound during the ATLIC STB and distinguishing the compounds that are present in the TCs is not relevant based on the demonstrated DRE. Also see response to DSHW comment#8andl23. 355. Section 2.5.1- GA should be transferred to a tank prior to processing. Samples of the sludge from each ton containers should be analyzed for agent, metals, and organics. A minimum amount of time should be specified, such as 60 minutes. The NaOH rinse will need to be performed three times followed by water. The GA TCs were examined for sludge during the last sampling event, and no solids or sludges could be obtained. This indicates that was not any sludge in the GA TCs, or so little sludge that it would be removed by the TC rinse. The discussion was modified to include the rotation times that were specified in the modifications to Module VIII of the permit. The modified Module VIII states the Agent GA TCs will be rinsed with 18 % NaOH once for a minimum of 60 minutes, followed by three water rinses for a minimum of 60 minutes for each rinse. For further discussion, see the response to the next comment. 356. Page L8 - Please specify the concentration of the NaOH solutions. The container will need to be rotated for a minimum of 30 minutes. Why isn't the container filled three times with NaOH ("the appropriate solvento') and once with water as the final verification? Same comments for Lewisite with the nitric acid. The Agent GA TCs will be heated with l8 % NaOH and will be rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes. The Agent GA will be drained from the TC until a 0.5 inch of agent remains in the TC, which corresponds to about 7 lb of agent. The 110 gallons of 18 % NaOH gives amolarration of l20ll. Thehalf life of Agent GA at apH of ll at72 oF is 1.5 minutes. Therefore, the one rinse with NaOH for 60 minutes will be adequate to hydrolyze any remaining Agent GA. The TCs will then be triple rinsed with water to remove the NaOH from the TC. The lewisite TCs will be rinsed twice with 3 M nitric acid and rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes with each rinse. Following the acid rinses, the TCs will be rinsed three times with water and rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes with each rinse. The lewisite will be Page 94 of 107 drained to less than 0.5 inch, which corresponds to about 12 lb of agent. The 2 hours of reaction time would allow adequate time for the lewisite to hydrolyze to 2-chlorovinyl arsonous acid [ClC2HzAs(OH)z or CVAA], which would be soluble in water, based on the reported solubility of the lewisite hydrolysis products. The water rinses will rernove the acid from the TCs to stop the reaction between the metal TC and the acid. 357. Page L8 - Please provide details on what procedure is followed if the ton containers are cut in half and solids are found. The solids will be removed and heated as hazardous waste and transferred to a Subtitle C TSDF. 358. Section 2.5.2 - Please provide the chemistry for processing the Lewisite. Ll plus an acidic medium goes to HCI plus chlorovinylarsenous oxide (solid). What are the potential side reactions through the entire incinerator and PAS? What type of reactions could happen during the nitric acid rinses in the TOX tank? Where will the solids that form be tested? What percent of the liquid from the rinsing will be drained into the TOX tank and into the Spent Decon Tanks? What type of strainer will be located on the transfer line to the SCC if solids are present? More details need to be provided on the transfer from the ton container to the nitric acid TOX tank and also to the spent decon tank. Where is the ton container stored before the cutting process? How will the solids be treated (there is potential for Lewisite byproducts, metals, and other organic which may be as toxic as Lewisite 1)? How much IICI is produced in this process? How will the cutting process be performed and what will be done if solids are found? a. The lewisite will be incinerated to carbon dioxide, water, hydrogen chloride, and arsenic oxide (As2O3). After the lewisite has been transferred from the TCs, the heel in the lewisite TCs will be treated with 3 M nitric acid to remove the lewisite. The lewisite will hydrolyze in the 3M nitric acid to form CVAA. The hydrolysis of the lewisite quickly goes to 2-chlorovinyl arsonous acid, but the continuation to Lewisite oxide proceeds slowly. During testing to simulate the rinsing of the TCs, no solids were detected, indicating the reaction did not proceed to the oxide over the time frame of the testing. There would not be any side reactions in the incineration process because the lewisite will be oxidized to carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, water, and arsenic oxide. There are no side reactions in the PAS because the lewisite will not leave the incinerator. Any lewisite in the presence of water will hydrolyzeto CVAA. The lewisite in the acid solutions will continue to be converted to the CVAA until the concentration has decreased to below the WCL. e. The preliminary testing did not indicate that solids would form. If solids form in the lewisite Agent Holding Tank (LCS-TANK-8511), they would be collected in the filters on the pump that drains the tank. b. c. d. Page 95 of 107 h. During the processing of lewisite TCs, there willbe a minimum of two nitric acid rinses with approximately 110 gallons of liquid for each rinse, followed by three water rinses. The two nitric acid rinses will be transferred to the Nitric Waste Collection Tank (LCS-TANK-8516), and the three water rinses will be transferred to the Spent Decontamination Systern Holding Tank (SDS-TANK-8523). g. The transfer line going from the SDS-TANK-8523 to the SCC has a duplex basket strainer to collect solids prior to entering the feed nozzle to the SCC. Spent nitric acid is generated from rinsing lewisite TCs. After an L TC has been drained of its agent fill, it is filled with approximately 110 gallons of 3.0 M nikic acid solution through the fill and drain valves; this fills the TC more than half fuIl. The lines are then detached from the TC valves, and the TC is rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes. The acid is added to the TC to deshoy any agent rernaining in the TC. After the TC is rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes, a drain line is attached to the TC and the spent nitric acid is transferred to NSF-TANK-8514 or LCS-TANK-8516 which are located in the ATLIC Igloo Toxic Area. A sample of the spent nitric acid is taken at LCS-TANK-8516, which is analyzed for lewisite concentration. If the lewisite concentration in the spent nitric acid is greater than the WCL, 8.0 M nitric acid is added to the tank to destroy the agent. When the Lewisite concentration in the spent acid is less than the WCL, the spent acid is transferred to the 90-day tank PAS-TANK-8569, which is located in the Environmental Enclosure. This enclosure also houses the ATLIC PAS. The samples collected from PAS-TANK-8569 are analyzed for pH, total dissolved and total suspended solids, and metals. The parameters of analysis are selected to support the planned method of disposal of this waste stream, which is deep well injection. Deep well injection is selected as the method of disposal because the spent nitric acid waste stream will have high concentrations of both arsenic and mercury. The mercury concentrations associated with this waste stream most likely will exceed the Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) limits for High Mercury (HMERC) wastes. There are no metal concentration limits for wastes that are disposed of by deep well injection. This waste stream is acidic to minimize suspended solids. The TCs will be stored in a permitted hazardous waste storage igloo until they are ready to complete the cleanout process. j. After opening the TCs, solid debris will be characteized and shipped off site to a Subtitle C TSDF. (See response to DSHW comment # 218 and 358) k. The processing of the solids remaining in the TCs is not anticipated to generate any HCI. l. A special cutter that is similar to a pipe cutter will be used to cut the TCs. See previous response (i) for the handling of solid waste. Page 96 of 107 359.Section 2.5,3 - ALL transparency ton containers will need to be treated as if they were full ton containers after draining and proceed through the decontamination process and final disposition. The transparency TCs will be treated with one 3 M nitric acid rinse followed by three water rinses. The last water rinse will be analyzed for lewisite. Section 2.5.3 was revised to include this information. 360. Page 19 - All transparency ton containers will need to be rinsed three rinses with NaOH (or nitric acid) and three times with water and then head-space monitored. The transparency TCs will be treated with one acid rinse followed by three water rinses. The nitric acid rinse will be placed in LCS-TANK-8516, while the water rinses will be placed in SDS-TANK-8523 and processed in the SQC. The last water rinse will be analyzed for lewisite. Section 2.5.3 was modified to include this information. 361.Section 2.6.1- The surrogate will need to be pumped to a tank as the GA will be processed and sampled in the tank. Please explain why the acetic acid is used to purge the nozzle. IIow often is the purge performed? a. GA will be drained from the TCs directly to the PCC. . b. Acetic acid is no longer used to purge thenozzle, however Dowanal will be used to purge the agent nozzle between campaigns or if the fumace temperature needs to be lowered for any reason. c. The agent line willbe purged with compressed air every time there is a Stop Feed. 362. Sections 2,6.1 & 2.6.2 - IIow is the strainer material managed? As identified it the Waste Analysis Plan (WAP), the strainers for the PCC will be handled as secondary waste. The final disposition has not been established fully as of yet, but will be labeled with waste codes P999, D004, D007, D008, ,W, and 19,21. J The strainers for the SCC will be handled separately because they are not expected to be agent contaminated. These strainers will be samplqd for agent and TCLP metals. Waste codes associated with this waste stream will Qe P9.p, D004, D007, and D008. 363. Page 20 - Please verify that the strainers of the ATLIC have waste analysis associated' with them. See the previous comment. 364. Page2l - Are there any mercury monitors on this unit? If so, where? No, there are no mercury monitors on the ATLIC. A I a *';'1,;/' !:,t 't ' '" ,o/ L. .i'' , /'" ft; C \\I1,_.1J 112 Page 97 of 107 365.Page 2l - In the last paragraph, o'until" should be "unit." Corrected. 366. Page22 - In accordance with264.347, all AWFCO testing will be weekly. See response to DSHW comments #4 and#63. 367. Section 2.7 - Attrchment 22A, Appendix A indicates a different monitoring btrategy than specified in this section. Please clarify. Agent monitoring is not part of the STB. The difference in monitoring strategy has just recently changed, and the language in this plan will change to reflect using DAAMS as confirmation monitoring for lewisite. 368. In the fifth paragraph, "until" should be "unit." Corrected. 369. What type of carbon is in the HVAC? What type of carbon is provided in the carbon injection? What is the difference between the HVAC mentioned in Section 2.7 and the carbon filter system mentioned in Section2.10.7 besides the difference in design? Is the carbon filter system describedlrn2.10.7 just prior to the exhaust stack used for something else? The carbon injection system/baghouse was supposed to be used for mercury removal. What type of carbon is included here? Why will only one carbon bed be operating? The HVAC carbon is the same type of carbon used in the TOCDF HVAC units. The Baghouse Carbon Injection Systern uses a qowdered-Uro-inu@ carbon to aid in *"r"*y and metal removal. - -"/ The systern described in Section 2.7 is the system that removes agent from the rooms and filters the air through carbon to remove organic compounds and then discharges the filtered air to the environment, while the system described in Section 2.10.7 removes mercury from the exhaust gas from the combustion process. The Carbon Filter System (2.10.7) uses a sulfur-impregnated carbon designed to remove mercury, which is the same type as used in the TOCDF PFS. The system described in2.l0.l is designed for mercury removal from the exhaust gas from the combustion process. The Baghouse system is also designed for mercury removal. The Baghouse Carbon Injection System uses a powdered-brominated carbon to aid in mercury and metal removal. a. b. c. d. e. f. Page 98 of 107 g. The system is designed to operate with one carbon filter unit at a time, and the second unit is a back-up unit if needed. The carbon beds described in Sectiot2.10.7 contain enough carbon to remove the total mercurypresent in the Agent GA and the lewisite. 370. Page28 - All GA and Lewisite monitors at the stack will be challenged at the distal end every four hours. Please specify this in the plan. Agent monitoring at the stack is not part of the STB. As described in the plan, the monitors will be operated as described in the Agent Monitoring Plan (AMP), which is Attachment 22ato the TOCDF Permit. The AMP requires the ACAMS to be challenged every 4 hours. 371. Page 31 - Please verify the baghouse residue is sampled in the WAP. As described in the WAP, a composite of the baghouse residue will be sampled for each container transferred off site. 372. Page32 - Why is only one activated carbon bed used for removal of mercury? Are there mercury monitors after this carbon bed? The amount of carbon in one bed is estimated at882lb, and the carbon can have a 3 Yomercury loading, which would be about 26 lb of mercury. The total amount of mercury in the Agent GA and lewisite totals 5.02 lb of mercury. Therefore, one bed of carbon can hold five times the amount of mercury in the two agents. Also, the carbon injected before the Baghouse will also remove some of the mercury. The conclusion is that one carbon bed is more than adequate to handle the mercury in the Agent GA and lewisite. There are no mercury monitors in the ATLIC. 373. Page32 - Please provide a drawing of the sample point locations for the sampling trains and where the agent monitors will be located. Drawing EG-22-D-8211, Rev. 7,page3 of 4, was provided in Attachment 4 to the Permit Modification Request, and it shows the sampling ports for the ATLIC. 374. Section 2.10.8 -Are the agent monitors in the LIC duct instead of the stack? Please clarify. The agent monitoring ports are located in a duct between the Induced Draft fan and the stack as described in the plan. Please see DrawingBG-22-D-8211, page 3 of 4. 375. Section 2.11, - Please explain why the discharge stack (exhaust stack) is made of fiberglass reinforced plastic instead of steel. Are the carbon filter unit and the HVAC made out of the same material? Originally, the furnace was designed as a portable unit, and weight was a factor; therefore, the designers chose the fiberglass stack. ,. ;J,' ji. ,.t "..."'t I rf ,[]'^{" ' : i,#'1 Wr $ ... ,i ..'.-." l'ri t +f. { ,[. -,*.:" :\'---" .:i,,r,-.irti.' l,' ' a. b. Page 99 of 107 37 6. The outside of both the Carbon Filter Units and the HVAC units are made from Type 316 stainless steel. Table 2-2 -There needs to be additional MINICAMS for Lewisite confirmation. The DAAMS will be used for lewisite confirmation, and the plan will be updated to describe this. The number of MNICAMS will be controlled by the Agent Monitoring Plan, which is Attachment2Zato the TOCDF Permit. 377. Section 2.12.10 - Please provide the chemical reaction of brine with the Lewisite by- products. Lewisite and any organic reaction products should combust in the incinerator, which just leaves arsenic oxide and hydrogen chloride. These compounds will be collected in the scrubber liquor where the pH is controlled between 7.5 and 9.5. The hydrogen chloride will be neutralizedto form sodium chloride, and the arsenic oxide would dissolve to form -.soaiirm aisGirat* ,''''' *---^-"jSzb--SmUOnTrDnn will be gg.ggggo/o as specified in the permit and was performed previously for the TOCDF LIC. The references to the DRE were changedto 99.9999 %othroughout the plan. 379. Feed rates for metals will be specified since MACT CEMS for mercury or arsenic are not being utilized. The metals feed rates are listed in Table 5-3. 380. Page 43 - Since the TOCDF DRE requirement of 99.9999Yo is being required, please make the appropriate changes throughout the plan. The references to the DRE were changed to 99.99 99 Yo tl'rolghout the plan. 381. Page 43 - A semi-volatiles (SVOC) sampling train is required during the surrogate trial burn. Please revise through-out the plan. The STB plan was revised to include a Method 0010 sampling train for SVOCs. 382. Section 3.1 - A semi-volatiles sampling train is required. Please review sampling ports in Attachm ent 4, EC,-22-D-8211. See response to DSHW comment # 382. 383. Table 3-1 - For the surrogate trial burn, please replace MINICAMS with the SVOC train. The STB plan was revised to include a Method 0010 sampling train for SVOCs. Page 100 of 107 384.Page 44 -Lewisite monitoring would not be necessary during the surrogate trial burn. Please add the SVOC sampling train. The STB plan was revised to include a Method 0010 sampling train for SVOCs. Page 45 - Is there layering of the spiking solution or is the mixture completely homogenous? Please provide details on how the ton container is mixed. How will sludge be determined, sampled and managed? Please specify the exact location of the surrogate organic and metals feed valve. The spiking conhactor has developed a homogenous solution for the surrogate material, which will be transferred to a ton container. These are the same chemicals used for the LIC surrogate trial burn which had no issues with sludge. The metal feed will be injected into the system just prior to the agent nozzle. The exact location will be determined once the piping is installed. 385. 386. Section 3.2 - Please specify the time the surrogate mixture will be mixed. If simulating GA, then feed the surrogate from the ton container into the tank. Please specify a time frame, such as 30 minutes after sampling starts and 30 minutes prior to final sampling. 387. The spiking contractor will mix the chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene, and ship the mixture to TOCDF. The metals spiking solution will be a separate solution that will be injected into the feed lines just before the waste feednozzle. These two waste streams will be both sampled and analyzed separately. Both of the waste feed samples will be taken during the first and last hour of each run and analyzed separately. Page 46-During the surrogate trial burn, a cyanide train will be required. Please include cyanide analysis in every waste stream. Agent GA will not be used during the ATLIC STB; therefore, there is no need to add a cyanide frain to the sampling. 388. Section 3.3 - TOCDF is mixing version numbers in the narrative (e.g. 8260C and 8260 B). Please verify the correct version number and be consistent. The method numbering was standardized in the plans. 389.Section 4.0 - Please clarify the narrative. The exhaust samples will be collected for four hours with2Soh of sampling time spent in each of the four sampling ports. It should indicate how the trains will be sampling at what times during the four-hour run. Sections 3.2 and 4.0 were revised to clarify the collection of the isokinetic exhaust gas samples. Page 101 of 107 390. Page 49 - Spent decon will need to be demonstrated with 57o organic IIAPs if that is the cut-off for processing in the SCC. Section 5.1.2 was revised to describe the use of the diluted phosphoric acid and chlorobenzene as a simulated spent decon. The chlorobenzene will be added to the SCC during the STB at a feed rate that will represent about a I %o organic compound feed rate. 391. Page 50 - Please explain why mineral spirits were used as the matrix for spiking and provide an MSDS of the type pla lned for use in the trial burn. Table 5-1 does not specify the metals as indicated in the narrative on page 49. Mineral spirits and the metals have been removed from the surrogate mixture. The arsenic, lead, and mercury will be spiked into the feed line using a separate feed stream. Table 5-1 was modified to only include the chlorobenzene and tehachloroethene. The metals feed rates are shown in Table 5-3. 392. Section 5.1.1 - Why isn't the surrogate mixture worst case also for the Lewisite? The surrogate mixture is not the worst case for lewisite because lewisite has higher arsenic and mercury concentrations, and Lewisite processing will be demonstrated in the LCPT. 393. Section 5.1.2 - Spent decon needs to be representative of what will be fed during the agent campaigns. If TOCDF is only going to feed a specified concentration of organics and metals, then that would need to be demonstrated. Section 5.1.2 was modified to reflect the revised simulated spent decon. 394. Table 5-1 - The surrogate mixture does not include the metals. The metals concentrations are shown in Table 5-3. 395. Section 5.2 - The permit specifies a DRE is 99.9999oh and previous surrogate trial burns at TOCDF had the same specification. The references to the DRE were changedto 99.9999 Yothrolghout the plan. 396. Page 51 - The Permit requires 99.99990/0 DRE for the LIC. The references to the DRE were changed to 99.9999 %otfuottghout the plan. 397.Page 51 - This is the same spent decon issue that was previously discussed. The HAPs and metals should also be discussed. Section 5.3.1 was revised. 398. Page 54 - Please add TDS to the spent decon requirements. Page IAZ of 1 07 A diluted phosphoric acid solution will be fed as the simulated spent decon during the STB to simulate the phosphorus feed when feeding Agent GA and to increase the particulate load to the ATLIC. Chlorobenzene will also be fed to the SCC as part of the STB. The chlorobenzene and phosphoric acid will be pure streams and will not require a TDS analysis. 399. Page 54 - Based on ash rate, TOCDF is planning to process GA at 200 pounds/hour after approval. Section 5.8 was revised. 400. Page 57 & QAPP - 499.9999% DRE is required rather than the proposed DRE of 99.99Vo. The references to the DRE were changedto 99.9999 %throryhout the plan. 401. Page 6L - The AWFCO system will need to be demonstrated prior to each agent campaign. Section 6.4 was revised. 402. Page 63 & QAPP - Please add semi-volatiles throughout. O The STB plan was revised to include a Method 0010 sampling train for SVOCs. 403. Page 65 & QAPP - See previous comments on DRA. The references to the DRE were changed to 99.9999 Yotlrou,ghout the plan. Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) 404. Figure A-4-l - The ACAMSiDAAMS on the chart for the Surrogate Trial Burn is not needed. Figure A-4- 1 was revised. 405. Please add the semi-volatile train throughout document. The STB plan was revised to include a Method 0010 sampling train for SVOCs. 406. Section 6.3.7 - Method 29 does not specify not to cool for mercury, but references Method Five that does require cooling. Unless there is a reason not to cool the metals samples, please cool in accordance with Method Five. Methods 5,26A, and 29 do not address cooling the samples after they have been I recovered, and the only requirement is to ship the samples in an upright position to \ t L 1 minimize leakage. Also, 40 CFR 136, Table II, the preservation steps for aqueous \ v samples requires metals samples to be acidified to below pH2, but there is no requirement Page 103 of107 for cooling the samples that include mercury. Therefore, the samples recovered from the Method 5,26A, and29 will not be cooled. 407. Section 6.4 - Additional process samples (baghouse residue, condensate, process water) will need to be sampled and analyzed. The process samples listed in Section 6.4 were revised. An evaluation of the process samples resulted in the following process samples to be collected: surrogate feed mixture, scrubber liquor, venturi scrubber liquor, Baghouse residue, process water, and spent decon. 408. Table A-6-2 - The surrogate solution will need to be sampled at the start of the run and in the last 30 minutes of the run. Therefore, there are two samples per run. Also, organic compounds in VOC/SVOC should be analyzed in the surrogate mixture. The brine sample should be collected in the last 60 minutes of the run (add footnote). The spent decon should also be analyzed for TDS. Table A-6-2 was revised to add the second surrogate feed mixture sample. The surrogate feed mixture will be from commercial chemicals, and the certificate of analyses will be used to provide the other compounds present. The mixture will be aralyzed to determine the feed rates of the POHCs to the incinerator. The diluted phosphoric acid stream will not be analyzed for TDS. 409. Section 6.4.1- Does the spent decon need to be screened for agent during the surrogate trial burn? Section 6.4.1 was revised because the spent decon will not be screened for agent during the STB. 410. Table A-7-l - Because of the mercury, metals samples will need to be cooled after collection for Method 29. Methods 5,26A, and29 do not address cooling the samples after they have been recovered and the only requirement is to ship the samples in an upright position to minimize leakage. Also, in 40 CFR 136, Table II, the preservation steps for aqueous samples requires metals samples to be acidified to below pH 2, but there is no requirement for cooling the samples that include mercury. Therefore, the samples recovered from the Method 5,26A, and29 will not be cooled. Table A-7-l was revised, and the requirement for cooling the process samples for metals was removed. 4ll. Section 8.2 - Please add a sensitivity check on balance requirements. One of the bullets already states that the operation of the balance will be checked before weighing any samples. 412. Section 9 - Please add the semi-volatiles train. Also, please indicate that two samples of spent decon will need to be collected instead of just one. Page 104 of 107 The STB plan was revised to include a Method 0010 sampling train for SVOCs. The diluted phosphoric acid stream will be sampled from each tank that is made up for use in the STB. It is anticipated that two tanks of acid will be used, and each tank will be sampled. 413. Table A-9-1 - Please provide a link for Method 3885. Please update the table with TDS and other organic lists. Table A-9-1 was revised to show SW-846, Method 3585, instead of Method 3885. Additional Samples and analyses were added to the table to reflect the additional process samples added for analyses. 414. Table A-9-2 - Please add the semi-volatile train and sample. The STB plan was revised to include a Method 0010 sampling train for SVOCs. 415. Section 9.1.1 - Please replace the word ttappropriate" with the word "certified." This section was revised to add o'certified" to the standards. 416. Section 9.1.2 - Please add TDS as another inorganic parameter. The TDS analysis was added for the process water stream. 417. Section 9.1.3 - Please indicate that TICs will also be reported. The Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs) will be reported for the VOC and SVOC analyses of the process samples. 418. Section 9.1.4 - Please provide Method 3551A. The reference to Method 3551A was a typo, and it was changed to Method 30514. 4lg, Section g.2.1-For the LCS and MSiMSD, please add tetrachloroethene (PCE). Tetrachloroethene will be added to the LCS and MS/MSD sample analyses of the process samples and the Method 0031 samples. 420. Table A-9-5 - Please describe why the other compounds will not be analyzed. Chlorobenzene (BP 131'C) is on the borderline of VOCs/SVOCs and should be analyzed on both trains. VOCs are usually considered < 100 oC. The compounds that did not have an oo*" next to them are retained by the Tenax resin, and they do not make it to the Anasorb-747 tube; they are not recoverable from the Anasorb- 741 resin. Chlorobenzene is listed as a target analyte in Method 5041A (VOCs), and it is not listed as a target analye in Method 8270D (SVOCs). It has been analyzed in the Method 0031 Page 105 of 107 421. 422. 423. 424. samples in the past with no problems; therefore, it would be best to analyze it with the VOCs. Section 13.2 - Please include the MS/IVISD analysis for all the process streams. The MS/I\4SD samples will be added for the process water, one of the scrubber liquors, and the Baghouse residue samples. Annex A, page A-13 - Please add PCE to the MS/MSD and LCS. Tetrachloroethene will be added to the LCS and MS/MSD sample analyses of the process samples. Annex C - Are the URS resumes current? Are Eugene Youngerman and Margaret Jepson still working on this project? Please review and update if necessary. The resumes for each of the subcontractors were reviewed, and Annex C was modified to delete those ernployees no longer working on the project; in addition, new ernployees were added. Update table D-l - The Lewisite feed rate will be based on the Lewisite trial burn, not the surrogate trial burn. Also, the set point for agent monitors is 0.2 SEL for GA and 0.4 SEL for Lewisite. Table D-l has been updated to reflect any changes in the operating parameters setpoints. Appendix B 425. Page B-1 - Please clarify the narrative to indicate that the ATLIC shakedown may 426. begin after the surrogate and agent trial burn test p!4s have heen approved by the Executive Secretary. See previous comments regarding spent decon concentrations. Page B-l was revised to include the approval by the Executive Secretary and the new description of the spent decon feed. Page B-3 - The statement that the tons are empty is not accurate. Please revise. Page B-3 was revised to state: "The Transparency TCs were sampled and no liquid or solid samples could be collected from the TCs, indicating that they do not contain any liquids or solids; however, they may have once contained Lewisite." Page B-4 - The extension of an additional 720 hours will need to be approved by the Executive Secretary. Page B-4 was modified to read: "An extension of 720 additional hours of operating time may be requested, if necessary, as allowed by the governing regulations and TOCDF RCRA Permit, but the additional 720 hours will need to be approved by the Executive Secretary before any operation beyond the original 720 hours of shakedown." 427. Page 106 of 107 428.Additional sampling during the shakedown could also include the ton containers themselves by following a sampling and analysis plan approved by the Executive Secretary. All TCs have been sampled and the data provided. Attachment 3- Draft report on Ton container samples 429, The note should specify that before hazardous waste operations begin, the SOPs and LOPs will be submitted to the Executive Secretary for approval. The report that was included in Attachment 3 of the initial permit modification request present results obtained from a sampling and analysis effort that has occurred. The report is what it is and no change is made to the report. TOCDF is aware that ATLIC LOPs that are applicable to the monitoring, extraction, and analysis of Agents GA and L require the approval by the Executive Secretary. These LOPs will be submitted as they become available. 430. General: When monitoring for L, the CMA LMQAP (Table L3-3 or L3-4) requires two NRT challenge events be applied per station and divided evenly over the workday. Please address. A review of the CMA LMQAP shows the requirement to perform two challenges per day on Lewisite NRT monitors to be in Table 12-1 titled Summary of QC Challenge Requirements. This requirement is included in the revised LOP-524,now titled NRT Operations. The revised LOP will be provided to DSWH when the review is complete. 431. Please provide language for the Level A suit for Lewisite. The report that was included in Attachment 3 of the initial permit modification request present results obtained from a sampling and analysis effort that has occurred. The report is what it is and no change is made to the report. The type of suit that will be used at the ATLIC for Level A entries is the Responder@ CSMrM Suit which is made by DuPont. Page 107 of 1 07 E,NCLOSIJRE AA Secondary Containment Calcu\ations Toxic Area Room Room Containment Dimensions 474 inches * 208 inches* 6 inches =591,552 in3 Convert in3 to gallon multiply by .00432 Toxic Area Room Containment Capacity = 2,555 gallons The Largest Vessel in this area is capable of holding 1,000 gallons. Nitric Acid Containment Area lnside the Toxic Area Room Containment Dimensions 474 inches * 78 inches* 6 inches =221,832in3 Convert in3 to gallon multiply by .00432 Nitric Acid Berm Area Capacity = 958 gallons The Largest Vessel in this area is capable of holding 1,000 gallons. Note: lf all 1000 gallons of the Nitric Acid were to leak from the tank the extra 42 gallons would over flow the 6 inch berm between the Nitric and SDS tanks and be contained in the Toxic Sump area. See Drawing EG-22-S-8213 sheet 1 for dimensions. tro tItl r ,Gtr .I+,ooot-o lh otr (u l-FCLE=a cf )Nro@IYzFIaoa-YcoFo) .EEoItrooooCoo-ao-coaoacoF cf )Nroo! }<zFIaoa.YcoFo) .EpoIEoooocoo-ao-cog.oacoF CONlo@IYzFIaoa-YcGFo) .sE6:Ecoooocoo-ao.Co9.oacoF coNlooI :<zFIaoalzEoFo) .EE6Ttroooocoo- U)o-coaoacoF aoEcoooaEGoroooacootraoc(Ucoo-EAE o G' r ) oa c oo tr A- 'o @= so FC ) a$Ecoooac(UoEooU)cGoC(t , T)cocoo-EAE o (o a oa C oo tr .A c '6 aE So FC ) pcoCoo-Eat s o oaoa C GO tr .9 . E'6 @= -c O FO aoEcoooacooEol-oaEooc.9 , rO00 roOI \zzFIao() ldcoF(, ) .EEo-6co()o.CoaoaCoF U' lzcGFo(, )ooac=o1)3omU) (Lo-coaoU)coF o.Yc(I ,Fc=o:o3od)aTLo-CoaoocGF 1'CGcoo-Eat o (o A oa c oo E @- '6 a= So F- O aGEcoooacGoEooac(UoC.9 , :foGo-Ef,aoNOIaINNIotUcI )c=GEIf ,o-Coo$o.Coocr )>.t s 'ooIIO=Fo) -C.sao-EfaoGoFooGoo-cF tr -oo' E oo .a E JT , tr ao ao ao ao oz oz oz ao ao ao oz tr ., . 9 - g E8 J6 o ao U,o ao ao oz oz oz oz ao oz oz oCLFCLE=a (L:)aEoE ILfatoE o- faEOx o- faEOE xO&coz EOxcoz EoECoz x()Ecoz xoEcoz EOxCoz M()xCoz F-o II+,CL .I l-ooootro II*,c,ooJ o-Efalt ' -oEoox.ooo'=oF (ooEoox.mlzoo-EtU -a @oEooE. -YootU -a o-E:lU)oEoot()J Eoox.o-oEG.CoboEcoooAo - e5 JA o-Efaooa(L o-E:,U) (ooaIL o-EfoEootrcooooGCoo Gooo)Gt-oU)c3oE=od)a(L GocI ) .sroooJc=oIf ,=ooa(L .YofFoLCGFoECf ctzCLE=a +to.E:l cr ) N+to.Efa CO :t LoEfU) *oE=U) LO :f Lo-Ef,a (o :f Lo-EfU) lt -+o-Efa @+to-E=l U) O) :f to-Efo o:f to-Efa :t Lo-Ea zoIF=uoILzo-=fao-JF a o ENCLOSTJRE Ab ATLIC Sump Locations o Mw REPLY TO ATTEI{TIOII OF: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US ARMY CHEUICAL IIATERIALS AGENCY TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY 11620 STARK ROAD STOCKTON, UTA}I T4O7I APR 0 6 20t0 i-I AND DELIVHRED APR 0 I 2010 UTAH DIVI$ION OT $OLID & HAZARDOUS I/VASTE 6mora6-lD PM022l-10Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility SUBJECT: Temporary Authorization (TA) Request to Place Area l0 Liquid Incinerator (ATLIC) Facility Hazardous Waste Management Units (HWMUs) Mr. Dennis Downs, Director Utatr Deparfrnent of Environmental Quality Division of Sotid and Hazardous Waste P.O. Box 144880 288 North 1460 West salt Lake city, utah 841144880 Dear Mr. Downs: The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) is requesting a TA to begin placing the permitted HWMUs associated with the ATLIC facility, to include the incinerator and associated Pollution Abatement System (PAS). A Class 3 Permit Modification Request (PMR) to construct and operate the ATLIC was submitted to the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHUD on January 7,2010. Class 3 permit modification requests undergo two public comment periods that are separated by sufficient time to allow DSHW to incorporate necessary changes to the initial permit request, based on their review and input from the pubic. This TA is being submitted after the expiration date of the first Public Comment Period. $270.a2(e)(2XiiXA), Activities to be Conducted Under the TA Activities to be conducted under the TA are the placement of the regulated ATLIC HWMUs proposed in PMR TOCDF-AI0-03-1092 titled "Install and Operate Area l0 Incinerator". If the TA is granted, TOCDF will install five tank HWMUs and ancillary equipment, two Subpart X HWMUs (i.e., drain and rinse glove-boxes) and ancillary equipment, and one LIC with associated PAS equipped as discussed in the PMR. $270.a2@)QXiiXB), Necessity of the Temporary Authorization 40 CFR 270.42(c) does not contain a post-comment-period condition in order to begin constrirction activities associated with Class 3 modifications requests to correspond with 5270,42(b)(8) for Class 2 modification requests. However TOCDF has conservatively taken the -t_a PM022l-10 position that construction activities associated with Class 3 modification requests may not proceed until the Class 3 modification request is approved. Consequently, in order to begin construction activities prior to this Class 3 modification approval, temporary authorization to do so is requested from the DSHW. To prevent a disruption of ongoing waste management activities, TOCDF desires to proceed with the construction and installation of the HWMUs referenced in the previous section prior to receiving approval of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Permit modification request. The Lewisite (L) agent that will be treated by the ATLIC is not amenable to treatment in the existing TOCDF incinerator because of the high concentration of arsenic in the agent. Construction of the facility is expected to take approximately 8 months. A Class 3 PMR will undergo two public comment periods. Although the duration of the comment periods is defined in both the federal and state regulations, the time period between the end of the first and beginning of the second public comment period is open-ended and varies based on extent of changes to the initial permit request deemed necessary by DSHW and negotiated wilh the modification requestor and public commenter's. The ATLIC construction contractor is unable to schedule construction without TA approval because the approval date of the ATLIC PMR cannot be anticipated. There is not a regulatory defined time period for Class 3 PMR by which the administrator (i.e., the DSHW Executive Secretary) must make a determination as is the case with Class 2 PMR. Approval of the TA will allow scheduling of construction based on a fixed date and will allow completion of construction several months earlier. $270.a2@)(2Xii)(C)i Continued Compliance to 40 CFR 264 Standards The HWMUs that are planned to be installed witl not be used to manage hazardous waste during the duration of the TA. Hazardous waste management activities, to include the processing of surrogate material in the ATLIC, will not begin until approval of the PMR is received. $270.42(e)(3XiiXC),' Objective of the Temporary Authorization The objective of the TA is to prevent a disruption of waste management activities at the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD). Without TA approval the completion of the treatment of L Ton Containers (TCs) at the ATLIC will lag behind the completion of the treatment of the last remaining Mustard TCs at the TOCDF incinerators by as much as 350 days according to the existing schedules. The ATLIC is being constructed to destroy the four agent GA and ten L TCs that are part of the DCD Stockpile. The ATLIC will also treat ten empty TCs referred to as Transparency TCs. -3- PM0221-10 The destruction of the entire DCD Stockpile of chemical agent and munitions will be completed when these 24TCs (in total) are treated. These 24 TCs have remained in storage at DCD pending the availability of an acceptable method of treatment, which is the ATLIC. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Ms. Sheila R. Vance at (435) 833-7577 or Mr. Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428. Sincerely, Urus^/6t cr,-s Elizabeth A. Lowes EG&G Defense Materials, Inc, * CERTIFICATION STATEM ENT Enclosure Thaddeus A. Ryba, Jr. TOCDF Site Project Manager * CBRTI FICATION STATEMENT , I CERTIF'Y UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THATTHIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY D'RECTION OR SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SYSTEM DESICNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHER AND EVALUATE THE TNTORMATION SUBMTTTED, BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THE ?ERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANACE THBSYSTEMT OR THOSO PERSONS OIRECTLY RESPONSTOLE FOR CATHERING THE INFORMATION. THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ANI' BELIEN TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNITICANT PENALTIES FOR suBMIrflNCF LSEtNFORMATTON,tNCLUDtNCTHEPOSS|DILITYOrHNEANDTMPRISONMEM'r'ORKNOWTNGVTOLATTONS. AA MELLOR H,:;ffi ','.',:r"'i' sui'ie 1 / V'ENGlNttRlN0 offioe(801)768'0658 DESIGN CERTIFICATION The design for the tanks identified in Table 1, was reviewed to determine if the tanks will satisfy the requirements outlined in 40 CFR Section 264.192. The tanks will be located in Area 10 of Deseret Chemical Depot. This certification satisfies the requirements of R315-8-10 (40 CFR Section 264.192). The design for the tanks identified in Table 1 was reviewed and meets the requirements outlined in 40 CFR Sestion 264.192. Tank #-U"qese Descri PAS-TANK.8569 Hazardous Waste Brine HDLPE (Poly Tank) PAS.TANK.8551 Hazardous Waste Brine HDLPE (Polv Tank PAS-TANK.8552 Hazardous Waste Brine HDLPE (Polv Tank PAS-TANK.8553 Hazardous Waste Brine LCS-TANK-8s11 fiI;diAo G-Wa;te," A(iA nt" Sto ii LCS-TANK8534 Hazardous Waste, Agent, Spent Stainless Steel Decontam i n ati gn S_o ! u,tig11 (gpj SDS.TANK.B523 Hazardous Waste, Spent Stainless Steel Decontamination Solution SDS NSF-TANK-8514 Stainless Steel with Teflon Liner SDS LCS.TANK-8516 i Hazardous Waste, Spent -i-Degsr lerilne-tiell $el tltr"-o n f s p s i Stainless Steel with Teflon Liner I I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision according to a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managd the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete, I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. l, the undersigned, do hereby certiff that based on the information obtained, the design certification for the above referenced tanks addressed in this document is accurate and in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR Section 2A4192. 23 March 2010 IP-LPE P-qU-r"an$" Carbon Steel Hazardous Waste, Spent Decontamination Solution , i o Tahle 1: ATLIC Tank ldentification 'ffw\h9[ .YffiiJ' nn ffi Engineer No. 318691 ENCLOSIJRE D ATLIC Dispersion Modeling Results Analysis of Worker and General Population Safety Standards from Potential ATLIC Stack Emissions of Chemical Agents GA and Lewisite and Pollutants Cyanide, Mercury, and Arsenic at Deseret Chemical Depot October 2010 Background The EG&G has requested this study of potential chemical agent and pollutant emissions from the stack at the proposed Area 10 Liquid lncinerator (ATLIC) at Deseret Chemical Depot. Hypothetical chemical agent emissions for GA and lewisite are considered during an "upset" condition for the incinerator stack. The pollutants cyanide, mercury, and arsenic are evaluated assuming constant emissions from the stack. The projected chemical agent concentrations outside the stack are compared to current worker and general population health standards; the pollutants cyanide, mercury, and arsenic concentrations are compared to worker health standards. Two separate stack flow rates, a low flow and high flow, are considered. Approach Computer models are used to simulate potential chemical agent and pollutant emissions through the ATLIC incinerator. For modeling pu{poses, the stack effluent is presumed to contain chemical agent at a concentration equal to the Source Emission Limit (SEL); pollutant concentrations ire set equal to values previously measured (EGG). The model simulates the amount of "plume rise" above the stack due to buoyancy and momentum, the transport and diffrrsion of the effluent plume, and the maximum ground-level chemical agent concentrations. For the chemical agents, the model- predicted concentrations are compared to the established acute worker safety concentrations: the Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL) and the General Population Limit (GPL). For the pollutants, the model-predicted concentrations are compared to acute worker safety concentrations: STEL (cyanide), Time Weighted Average (mercury), and Threshold Limit Value (arsenic). This analysis employs the Army's D2 model, which is accredited through the Army Safety Office and Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DA Pamphlet 385- 61). The model generally provides conservative (safe-sided) predictions of potential agent concentrations (DPG, 2004). Worst-case daytime and nighttime meteorological conditions - which maximize the potential agent/pollutant concentration - are assumed. Chemical Agent and Pollutant Emission Ouantities The chemical agent emission rate is assumed to equal the Source Emission Limit (SEL) concentration. The emission duration for the "upset" condition is assumed to last approximately two monitoring cycles, eg 15 minutes. The SEL concentrations for GA and lewisite are listed in Table l. Table l. Stack Emission Levels (-gl-') Agent GA L SEL 0.0003 0.03 For the model simulations, these concentations are converted to mass by multiplying the SEL concentration and stack flow rate (Table 3). The pollutants cyanide, mercury and arsenic are assumed to be emitted continuously. Based on HWC MACT data, the assumed emission rates for the pollutants are listed in Table 2. Table 2. Pollutant Emission Rates (grams/second) Pollutant Stack Low Flow Stack High Flow Cyanide 2.918-3 4.638-3 Mercury 2.188-6 3.478-6 Arsenic 6.198-6 9.86E-6 Source Emrs slon P arameters In terms of modeling agent concentrations at ground level from stack emissions, the critical stack parameters are listed in Table 3. Table 3. Incinerator Stack Data Height (m) Diameter (m) Velocity (m/sec) Temperature (C) Exhaust Flow Rate (ft3/min) Low Flow 12. 0.36 6.8 I 10. 889. Hiqh Flow - 12. 0.3 6 13.6 I 10. r52l . Plume downwash has been considered, and deemed not likely to occur. Downwash results from a pressure differential of airflow around the stack, potentially dragging the stack emissions toward the ground much quicker than expected from simple atmospheric difhrsion. Downwash is considered not likely for these stacks, primarily due to the face velocity of the stack emissions and the elevated temperature of the emissions. The worker exposure is assumed to occur where the plume first reaches gtound-level, which is the peak concentration at groundJevel. The GPL is applied at the nearest depot fenceline location from the ATLIC, which is 7500 feet. In both cases, the maximum model-predicted concentration is assumed for both the worker and general public. It is worth emphasizing that a chemical agent emission is not expected. This study simply evaluates the unlikelypossibility of agent in a stack at a concentration equal to the SEL and the hazard to workers and the general population as determined by the STEL and GPL concentrations. Chemical Agent and Pollutant Toxicity Standards The chemical agent toxicity standards are listed in Table 4. Table 4. Chemical Agent Safety Standards (-g/^3) Agent GA L Pollutant Cyanide Mercury Arsenic STEL 0.0001 0.003 Acute Worker Standard 5.0 (NIOSH STEL) 0.025 (NIOSH TWA) 0.01 (osHA PEL) GPL 0.000001 0.00002* not been promulgated; value set equal to the GPL for mustard*the GPL for lewisite has agent The GPL is treated as a 12 hour averaging time. The pollutant toxicity standards are listed in Table 5. Table 5. Pollutant Worker Safety Standards (mg/m3) Meteorolo gical Parameters The important meteorological parameters needed to simulate this scenario are aftnospheric stability and wind speed. Ahnospheric stability represents a measure of turbulence, or the natural ability of the atmosphere to dissipate a chemical to lower concentrations as the plume migrates from the source. Worst-case meteorological conditions have been assumed, which produce the highest model-predicted groundJevel concentration. These conditions are: Pasquill Stability Category D (neutal) for a daytime emission and Pasquill Stability Category F (stable) for a nighttime emission. High wind speeds will restrict the amount of "plume rise" and produce the highest groundJevel concentration. As a result, for the nighttime emission, a wind speed of 3 m/sec is assumed, the maximum wind speed allowed for this stability category. Since there is no theoretical limit of wind speed with Stability Category D, a statistical approach is used. In this case, the 95th percentile is chosen to represent a high wind speed, to minimize plume rise above the stack. From an analysis of on-site DCD meteorological data, the 95th percentile wind speed is 9 m/sec. Windspeeds of 1 m/sec, for both daytime and nighttime emissions, are simulated to ensure the model captures the maximum groundJevel concentrations and dosages for the combination of low/trigh stack flow and plume rise. Model Results The maximum expected chemical agent concentrations are listed in Table 6. Due to the elevated emission, the peak concentration can occur at a significant distance from the stack. These "touchdown" distances ranged from approximately 200 - 300 meters (daytime) to 900-1000 meters (nighttime). Differences in these distances result from the natural diffusion of the chemical plume between daytime and nighttime conditions. The D2 model input/output for all simulations is listed as Appendix A. Table 6. Chemical Agent Peak Concentration (rngirn3) within DCD and Peak Dosage (mg-min/m3; at DCD Fenceline for 1 SEL Stack Release Agent GA Peak Concentration (mCm3) DCD Peak Dosage Fence I ine Dav 6.1 E-B 1. 1E-7 (mg-min/m3) Niqht. 4.1E-7 1 .6E-7 Dav Low Fl-ow A.IE-B High Flow B.1E-B Ni qht 4 .4E-B 3 .4E-B Peak Concentration DCD Agent Lewisite t* " (mg-min/m3) Dav Low Elow 6.lE-6 High Flow B. 1E-6 Low Elow High El-ow Low El-ow High Fl-ow Ni qht 5.2E-6 1 .6E-6 FenceI ine Dav Niqht 6.J E-6 4.J E-5 1.1E-5 7 .1E-5 ln all cases, a stack emission of chemical agent GA or lewisite equal to the SEL concentration produces a peak concentration at ground-level much lower than the STEL or GPL, for daytime and nighttime emissions. The elevated stack concentrations of GA and lewisite necessary to produce the STEL and GPL have been calculated. The results are provided in Table 7, in terms of multiples of the SEL. Table 7. Minimum Stack Emission Necessary to Produce Given Toxicity Threshold at Ground-Level (in Multiples of SEL). Agent GA srEL (DCD)GPL (Fenceline) Dav -2,700. !,200. Ni qht 2,200 . 2,900. Lewi s ite Dav -10,000. 6,500. Ni qht 1,500. 940. srEL (DCD) Dav Niqht 490. 510. 370. 390. GPL (Fenceline) Dav Niqht 2,700. 300. 1,300. 180. The maximum expected concentration levels at ground level for the pollutants cyanide, mercury, and arsenic are listed in Table 8. The model results (Appendix A) treat these emissions as one-hour events with constant meteorological conditions and determine the maximum one-hour concentration. If all one-hour predicted concentrations are less than the established toxicity threshold, the concentrations from continuous emissions with variable meteorological conditions must also be less than the established toxicity threshold. Table 8. Pollutant Peak Concentration (mg/m') ut Ground-Level Low EIow High EIow Low FIow High Fl-ow Low Flow High Flow Low Flow High Flow Low Flow High FIow Cyanide Dav Niqht t.4E-3 7.2E-3 t.l E-3 7.6E-3 Mercury Dav -1.1E-6 1.3E-6 Dav 3.0E-6 3.J E-6 Ni oht - 9 .78-1 7 .2E- 6 Arsenic Ni qht 2 .6E-6 3.5E-6 In all cases, the peak concentration is lower than the worker protection standard. The increased emission rates for the pollutants cyanide, mercury, and arsenic necessary to produce the worker safety standard have been calculated. The results are provided in Table 9, in terms of multiples of the HWC MACT emission rates (see Table 2). Table 9. Minimum Stack EmissionNecessary to Produce Worker Safety Standard at Ground-Level (in Multiples of HWC MACT Pollutant Levels) Cyanide STEL Dav Niqht 3,500. 4, 100. 2,900. 3,100. Mercury TVIA Dav Niqht 22,000. 21,000. 79,000. 20,000. Low Fl-ow Hi gh El-ow Arsenic TLV Dav Niqht 31300. 31800. 2,100. 2,800. The results show that very large chemical agent emission quantities, relative to the SEL, are required before the STEL and GPL can be exceeded for chernical agents GA and lewisite. For example, a lewisite stack concenkation of - 390 SEL is necessary before the STEL can be reached at ground level and a stack concentation of 180 SEL is necessary before the GPL can be reached for worst-case meteorological conditions. Larger stack concentrations for non-worst-case meteorological conditions would be required to exceed the STEL or GPL. Similarly, much largerpollutant emission rates than IIWC MACT standards must be emiffed before worker safety is threatened away from the ATLIC facility. For example, an emission quantity of arsenic at least 2,700 times greater than the HWC MACT standard must be emitted before the Threshold Limit Value is reached. Conclusions Chemical agent emissions of GA or lewisite at the SEL concentration are not expected to produce concentrations at ground level that exceed the STEL or GPL concentrations for the ATLIC incinerator at Deseret Chemical Depot. The HWC MACT Emission Standard rates for cyanide, mercury, and arsenic are far below that necessary to impact worker safety. Extremely large stack concentrations of chemical agent or pollutants are necessary before the STEL, STEl-equivalent, and GPL standards can be exceeded. References Implementation Guidance Poliqtfor New Airborne Exposure Limitsfor GB, GA, GD, GF, VX, H, HD, and HT, Department of Army, Assistant Secretary for Installations & Environment, 18 June 2004. Personal Computer Programfor Chemical Hazard Prediction (D2PC), CRDEC TR- 8702t, t987. Results of the Independent Verffication and Validation Analysis of D2-Puff Version 4.4, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Meteorology Division, DPG WDTC-TR-04-122, October 2004 Tortc Chemical Agent Safety Standards, Departrrent of Army Regulation 385-61, 12 October 2001. Handbook on Atmospheric Dffision, U.S. Department of Energy, DoE/TIC-\1223,1982. Guideline on Air Quality Models,EPA,40 CFR Ch I, 1999. Hazardous Waste Combustor Maximum Achievable Control Technology (HWC MACT) Emission Standard forNew Sources. o ENCLOSURE E o Federal Register March 1988 Lewisite SEL O Final Rgcommendations for Protecting Health and Safety Page I of 7 Sea rc h Warning: This site is being maintained for historical purposes, but has had no new entries since October 1998. To find more recent articles, please visit the following: . M-MWR at http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/mmwrsrch.htm. CDe lllleb Sea-r.ch at http:l lwww.cdc.gov/search.htm Final Recommendations for Protecting the Health and Safety against Potential Adverse Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Low Doses of Agents: GA, BV, VX, Mustard Agent (H, HD, Y), and Lewisite (L) Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control Public Health Service, National Center for Environmental Health Publication date : 031 L5(19BB WONDER Home Contact Us Table of Contents Agency Aslian Su_mmary Su ppl em_en!.a fy I n form atio n Recommendatlstrg P9IN IP-E q ANIACI TORJH IS-LA-CUME NT;" Tables esn-tj'pJl!mi-ts--f p-r-p"llemlcal"arenls Allgwa ble stack conceffiaHen_E_ h.r EhemiEAl o-Agency http : I / w ond e r. c dc . g ov/wo nde rlP rev Gui d/p 0 0 0 0027/p0 0 0 0A27 . a sp U2312008 Final Reoommendations for Protecting Health and Safety '' Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Public Health Servlce, HHS. Page 2 of7 Action Notice of Final Recommendations Effects of Long-term Exposure to Lewisite ( L). for Protecting Human Health low doses of agents GA, GB, and Safety Against VX, Mustard Agent Potential Adverse (H, HD, T), and Summary Agents GA, GB, VX, Mustard Agent (H, HD, T), and Lewlslte (L) are now stored by the Department of Defense (DOD). Public Law 91-145 (50 U.S.C. 1521) mandates that all unltary (self-contained) lethal chemical munitions be destroyed by 1994. Public Law 91-121 and Public Law 91-441 (50 U.S.C. 1512) mandate that the Department of Health and Human Servlces revlew DOD plans for disposing of these munitions and make recommendations to protect human health. Publlc comment was requested on these recommendations; this notice summarizes comments received, responds to those comments, and states the final recommendations. Effective Date: March 15, 1988. For Further Information Contact: Linda W. Anderson, Chief, Special Programs Group, Center for Environmental Health and Injury, Centers for Disease Control, Chamblee 27, Room 1208, MS F29, 1500 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30333. Supplementa ry Information On December 22, 1987, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published "Recommendatlons for Protectlng the Health and Safety Agalnst Potential Adverse Effects of Long- Term Exposure to Low Doses of Agents: GA, GB, VX, Mustard (H, HD, T), and Lewisite (L)" in the Federal Register (52 FR 48458), seeking public comment. We received comments from eight respondents. One respondent indicated that the recommendations had been sent to several agencies within their organization for review and that they had approved the statement as published. Two other respondents objected to the use of "weak" to characterize the carcinogenicity of mustard agent. Both polnted out that the term is not used by the Internatlonal Agency for Research on Cancer; one noted further that the National Toxicology Program has not accepted "weak" as a standardized descriptive term. The specific terms "strong" and "weak", as applied to carcinogens, were once used in extrapolating animal data to human prediction. The way in which that was done is not now generally accepted. We agree: the word "weak" has been deleted. One respondent objected to the statement "Some evidence suggests that Lewisite might be a carcinogen...." and referred to a recent comprehensive review of the published literature on Lewisite as well as unpubllshed reports avallable ln the llbrary of the U.S. Army Chemical Research, Development, and Engineering Center at Edgewood Arsenal. The respondents concluded, from their review of the literature, that Lewisite was not carcinogenic. The documents do mention the same evidence for carcinogenicity which was considered by the group. We agree that the evidence available to us does not seem to be of the quality required to label a chemical as "suspected carcinogen" but will stand by the original phrasing; "Some evidence suggests that Lewisite might also be a carcinogen...." (emphasis added). http : I I w onder. c d c . g ov/wonder/Prev Gui d/p0 0 00027/p 0 0 0 002 7 . asp U2312008 Final Recommendations for Protecting Health and Safety Page 3 of7 We were advised that the NIOSH recommended standard for occupational exposure to arsenic does not dlstlnguish between organic and lnorganic arsenic and recommends a standard of 0.002 mg (As)/m(3). The suggested control limit for Lewisite is equivalent to 0.001 mg/m(3), measured as arsenic'and is thus lower than both the OSHA Permissible Exposure Level and NIOSH's more protective recommendation. The same respondent objected to the comparison of cancer risk to risk of death by injury in industries considered nominally safe on the grounds that such a comparison supports the belief that injury rates are acceptable or irreducible. The obJection is valid and the comparison has been removed. Another respondent suggested that the recommendations would be strengthened by references. An extensive bibliography is available on request. The respondent also recommended use of a pressure- demand respirator when entering munition-storage igloos. This is in keeping with joint NIOSH-OSHA respiratory selection policy guidelines. Entry into igloos is governed by storage regulations and is not included in the Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program. HHS has no authority in matters concerning storage of chemical weapons. We therefore cannot include thls recommendation under Pub. L. 91- L2t,9L-44L, or 99-L45. We will forward the suggestlon to the Army Surgeon General's Office for their conslderatlon. An unpublished paper on the toxicology of VX was forwarded to us by an interested party. The paper suggested that there was a high probability of serious non-lethal effects wlth exposure to VX. The doses required to achieve these effects were not specified. Most of the paper was conjecture, based on analogy with other organophosphates. Information available in the open literature describing actual studies on VX was not used. These and other weaknesses in the paper rendered it not halpful for our deliberations; we do not concur with the conclusions of that paper. One respondent reminded us that a portion of the stockpile ls held in the Federal Republic of Germany. This was noted. A minor typographical error, "skin" mlsspelled "kin" was noted by several respondents. In addition to this correction, changes have been made in the text to note the NIOSH recommendation, to convey the sense of the epidemiologic evidence on carcinogenic potency without use of the term "weak," and to delete reference to deaths by injury in industries considered nominally safe. The final text of the recommendations follows. Recommendations Section t4L2 of Pub. L. 99-145 (50 U.S.C. 1521) mandates that the present stockpile of lethal chemical agents be destroyed by September 30, 1994. Public Law 91-121 and Pub. L. 91-441 (50 U.S.C. 1521) mandate that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) review Department of Defense (DOD) plans for transporting and/or disposing of lethal chemical agents and make recommendations for protecting human health and safety; HHS has delegated this authority to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In the absence of Federal regulatory standards, DOD has developed safety and health standards for handling these agents. Therefore, CDC revlewed the data and is making recommendations for protecting human health and safety during the transportation and/or dlsposal of these lethal agents. The national stockpile of lethal chemical agents includes six chemicals: o GA (Tabun or ethyl N, N-dimethyl phosphoroamidocyanldate, CAS 77-81-6) o GB (Sarin or isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate, CAS 107-44-8) o VX (O-ethyl-S-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl)-methyl phosphonothiolate, CAS 50782-69-9)r H, HD (Sulfur mustard or di-2-chloroethyl sulfide, CAS 505-60-2) o T (Bis(2-chloroethylthioethyl)ether, CAS 63918-89-8) o L (Lewisite or dichloro-2-chlorovinylarsine, ffS 541-25-3) The DOD stores these agents in bulk containers and/or munitions at eight locations within the continental United States. The remainder of the stockpile is stored outside the continenta! United States on Johnston Atoll in the Pacific Ocean (Southwest of the Hawaiian Islands) and in the Federal http : I I w ond e r. c d c . g ov/wonde r/P rev Guid/p 0 0 0 0027 I p0 0 0 0 0 2'l .asp U2312008 Final Reoommendations for Protecting Health and Safety Republic of Germany. None of the nerve agents are mutagenic. Results of recently completed studies on reports of studies on VX indicate no teratogenic effect. The EEG changes reported with GB were considered to be of questionable significance--given the difficulty of http ://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/PrevGuid/p0000027 / p0000027 .asp Page 4 of 7 Previously, HHS has made recommendations for protecting human health from the adverse effects of acute exposure to agents GB, VX, and mustard agent. Cltizens near depots where chemlcal weapons are stored have expressed concerns about potential for delayed effects of acute exposure and about the potential health effects of long-term exposure to low doses of agents. (Here "low dose" means an airborne concentration of agent below the control limits.) To resolve these questions, CDC gathered data on these agents and held an open meeting to discuss the potential delayed effects of acute exposure and of adverse effects of long-term exposure to low doses of these agents. The meeting, announced in the Federal Registerdated August 20, t987 (52 FR 3L449), was held September29-30, L987, in Atlanta, Georgia. The CDC invited consultants and the publlc. Comments from individuals rather than group comments or consensus were solicited. Llke widely used insecticides, the nerve agents, GA, GB, and VX are organic compounds containing phosphorus (organophosphorus compounds). They affect neryes, muscles, and glands by inhibiting acetyl cholinesterase, an enzyme these tissues must have to function properly. Sulfur mustard (H. HD, hereafter referred to simply as "mustard agent") and Lewisite (L) are vesicants--that is, they cause chemical burns or bllsters of the skin and mucous membranes, such as the conjunctiva of the eyes and the mucosa of airways. Lewisite is an organic compound containing arsenic. A sixth agent, HT, is a mixture of mustard agent, agent T (Bis(2- chloroethylthioethyl)ether) and impurities. Very little is known about the long-term toxicity of agent T, Agent T has a much lower volatility than the H with which it is mixed. It is not expected to constitute an airborne hazard unless mustard agent is - 2 also present at concentrations much higher than permitted. Almost all (99.7o/o) of the vapor released / by HT is mustard agent. HT control limits will therefore be identical with those for HD, with Jconcentrations measured as HD. : During the public meeting on the potential effects of exposure to these agents, concerns that were raised included: organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy; electroencephalographic (EEG) or other functional changes followlng exposure to organophosphates; the carcinogenicity, mutagenlclty, and/or teratogenicity of organophosphates; the cumulatlve effects of organophosphates, decreasing resistance to organophosphates pesticides; the carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and teratogenicity of mustard agent and Lewisite; delayed keratitis (injury to the cornea of the eye) following exposure to mustard agent; the response time, sensitivity, and specificity of monitors; the amount of agent in various parts of the storage and demilltarlzatlon facilities; the response tlmes and efficacy of abatement procedures in the event of an upset in plant operations or a release from storage, transportation, or incineration; use of historical monitoring in process control; and interactions of agents with other chemicals in the environment. Published and unpubtished repofts of all potential adverse effects including carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and teratogenicity for all agents were considered. Information on human carcinogenicity following wartime exposure to vesicants supplemented experimental data for mustard agent and Lewisite. Since the acute toxicity of GA and Lewisite had not been reviewed before, it was considered along with the potential long-term health effects. Reports relating delayed keratitis to mustard agent exposure were evaluated. The reports on delayed neuropathy and on EEG changes associated with poisoning by GB were available. In addition, individuals contributed critical information from their own experience and knowledge. The ability of organophosphates to cause delayed neuropathy has been tested in domestic chickens, a sensitlve lndlcator species. The chickens are given doses from 20 to more than 100 times the mean lethal dose and, for the chlckens to demonstrate this effect, they must be protected from death by pretreatment with atropine or with atropine and oxlme. GB caused neuropathy in chickens only at doses several times greater than the mean lethal dose. Under similar conditions, VX did not induce delayed neuropathy. Neuropathy is considered an unlikely outcome from either acute intoxication with any of the nerve agents or from long-term exposure to them. GB and initial after intoxication demonstrating such | 12312008 Final Reoommendations for Protecting Health and Safety changes and the absence of clinically significant effects even when EEG changes are present. Page 5 of 7 HHS had not previously reviewed standards for GA. The available information indicates that about twice as much GA as GB is needed to produce acute toxicity. Data for adverse reproductlve effects are less complete for GA than for GB. The llmited amount of GA present in the stockpile (4 tons) and the remoteness of the area where it will be destroyed (Tooele, Utah) provide further assurances that human health will be protected at the same control concentrations previously set for GB. Questions related to the nerve agents proved relatively easy to resolve. The information bases are falrly complete, and there appears to be little risk either of adverse health effects from long-term exposure to low doses or of delayed health effects from acute exposure. On the basis of the evidence reviewed, HHS concludes that human health wlll be adequately protected from exposure to GA, GB, and VX vapor at the concentrations shown in Table 1. Even long-term exposure to these concentrations would not create any adverse health effects. At these concentrations, no detectable reduction in resistance to organophosphorus pesticides would occur. The control limits contained in Table 1 are substantially below concentrations at which adverse effects have been observed for mustard agent and Lewisite. Delayed keratitis and chronic brohchitis are effects that follow acute symptomatic intoxication with mustard agent and would therefore not be expected at the limits proposed. Mustard agent ls not a teratogen, but lt ls a mutagen. Because HHS accepts that mustard agent is a human carcinogen and because some evidence suggests that Lewisite might also be a carcinogen, lower levels of exposure are of potential concern. Although the data suggest that mustard agent is less potent than such other known human carcinogens as tobacco, radon, and chromates, the data do not permit an estimate of the carcinogenic potency or the exact degree of the carcinogenic risk with confidence. Quantitative risk assessments prepared by the Oak Ridge National Laboratories and by a community study group at Edgewood, Maryland were considered. On the basis of a review of the methodology, we conclude that the many uncertainties in the method employed preclude its being used to define precisely the acceptable exposure limits to mustard agent. We conclude that the proposed work-place limits appear to provide adequate protection for workers during the limited time of potential exposure prior to completion of the Chemical Stockpile Demilitarization Program. Control of the stack emissions and the work-place air in accordance with the limits for mustard agent given in Tables 1 and 2 will amply protect a general population 1,000 meters or more from a demllltarlzation site or transportation route. Exposure to or contact with mustard agent by any route--respiratory, skln, or oral--should be limited to the extent practicable. This can be done by using appropriate engineering controls, personnel protective equipment, and work practices. Concentrations in the work-place environment and surrounding air should be measured and verified by instruments that can reliably detect concentrations at or below the control limits. Rail cars or other transport vehicles should be treated as work places for this purpose. At this time, the most sensitive monitors can reliably measure 0.003 mg/m(3) of mustard agent and Lewisite in the work-place air. The cycle time for mustard agent is 8 minutes--that is, the test is automatlcally repeated every 8 mlnutes. The cycle time for Lewisite is 12 hours. This level of exposure would be adequate protection for public health. The Army has reported the capability to monitor for mustard agent at concentrations as low as 0.0001 mg{m(3) using a 12- hour sample time. This capability has been proven under usual ambient conditions at only one site, If it will not delay disposal, it is recommended that such capacity be demonstrated at and used for all sites where mustard agent will be transported or destroyed, The capacity to conduct such monitoring at al! sites with mustard agent would represent a redundant safety factor. Toxlcological information speclflc to Lewisite is sparse. More is known about arsenic-containing compounds in general, but caution must be used ln extrapolation. The recommended control concentration limit, 0.003 mg/m(3), (measured as Lewisite) in air is equivalent to 0.001 mg/m(3), measured as arsenic and should be adequate to protect public health. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration had promulgated a standard of 0.5 mg/m(3) (measured as arsenic) for organic arsenic concentrations in work-place air. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recommended a standard of 0.002 mglm(3) for all forms of arsenic. The proposed http : //wonde r. c dc . g ov/wo nde r/P rev Gui d/p0 0 0 00 27 I p0000027 . asp | 12312008 Final Rgeommendations for Protecting Health and Safety Page 6 of7 Lewisite control limits are lower than the existing OSHA occupatlonal standard for organlc arsenic by a factor of approximately 500 and are lower than the NIOSH recommended standard by a factor of 2. The Army should seek, through engineering design and operational controls, to minimize exposure to Lewisite. The facts that Lewisite will be destroyed only at Tooele, Utah, a facility remote from population centers, and that the maxlmum burning time for destructlon of the existing stockpile of Lewisite is estimated to be less than 30 days provide additional assurance that human health will not be endangered. Certain monitoring crlteria are essential because any recommended exposure llmlt ls only as good as the capabllity to measure and verify the exposure concentrations as they may occur. Specifically, the Army has agreed to provide data to CDC that document accurate and reproducible monitoring for agents at the recommended exposure limits and at each transportation or demilitarization facility monitored. In summary, the control limits speclfied in (Table 1) for all agents tisted are considered protective of human health. The relatlvely short duratlon of the disposal program provides and addltional margin of safety. Control llmits for stack emisslons are prlmarlly an englneerlng matter. These limits should (a) be attainable by a well-deslgned, well-constructed, and well-operated incineration facillty; (b) glve an early indication of upset conditions; and (c) be accurately measurable in a timely manner, Limlts based on these criteria will restrict emissions to concentrations wetl below those that would endanger health; they wlll usually prove more restrictlve than a set on health bases alone. CDC has found that the allowable stack concentrations proposed by the Department of Army, (Tablg."_2) meet the criteria above and are more restrictive than limits set on health bases alone; therefore, CDC recommends no changes in the concentrations. The concentrations must be evaluated by air dispersion modellng a worst-case-credlble events and condltlons specific to each site to ensure that the control limits for the general population and work-place (Iah!el) would not be exceeded as a consequence of releases at or below the allowable stack concentrations. Dated: March 8, 1988, Robert L. Foster, Acting Director Office of Program Support, Centers for Disease Control (FR Doc. 88-5573 Filed 3-14-88; 8:45am) Billing Code 4150-18-M POINT OF CONTACT FOR THIS DOCUMENT: To request a copy of this document or for questions concerning this document, please contact the person or office listed below. If requesting a document, please specify the complete name of the document as well as the address to which you would like it mailed. Note that if a name is listed with the address below, you may wish to contact this person via CDC WONDER/PC e-mail. NATIONAL CTR FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CDC (NCEH) Publications 4770 Bufford Hwy, NE MS:(F-29) Chamblee, GA 30341 Agent General Population Workers GA, GB \r'( H, HD, HT(2) 0.000003 (3x10-) 0.000003 (3x10- ) 0.000L (lxL0-) 0.0001 (1xl0-) 0.00001 (1xL0- ) 0.003 (3xL0- ) http : / I w ond er. c dc . go v/wo nd e r/P re v Gui d/p 0 0 00 0 27 / p00 0 002 7 . a sp v2312008 Fi.nal Rpcommendations for Protecting Health and Safety Page 7 of 7 0.003 (3xLO-)0.003 (lxtO- ) Averaging Time 72 Hours I llourE 1. Protection against elq)osure to agents in aerosol and liquid form muEt be sufficient to prevenE, direct contact with 2 . DaE,a support,ing t,he ability to monitor f or mg/m ( 3 ) at, all sites should be developed . the skin and eyes. mustard agent at 0.000L HT is measured as HD. Table 2 Table 2 -- ALL0WABLE STACK CONCENTRATIONS (MG/M(3) ) FoR CI{EMICAL AGENTS Agent Maximum Allowable Stack Concentrat,ion GA, GB \irx H, HD, HT(L) L ( 1) HT j.s measured. as HD. 0.0003 (gxf 0- ) 0.0003 (3xL0-) 0.03 (3xL0-) 0.03 (3x10-) This Hp.me- I Policies and Regulati-p-ns aAFEE o HEALTX I EF r PEOPLE- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A. Tel: (404) 639-3311 / Public lnquiries: (404) 639-3534 / (800) 311-3435 q1/t \. ,N' page last reviewed: Wednesday, I Pisclaimer I e-Government I August 29, 2OO7 EPIA I Contact Us /-'-\- Departmgnt ofi .4 Health\tF 3::#:T,, 1/-((-" http : I lwo nd e r. c dc . g ov/wo nd e r/P revcu i d/p0 0 00027/p0 0 0 0 02 7 . asp U2312008 o ENCLOSURE F Waste Nozzle Atomrzatton Report o frrN sp r?yAnaryss '#il $ililMffit and Research Services Laboratory Test Report Conf idential By: Egemen Ergene Research Eng ineer Spray Analysis and Research Services Sp raying Systems Co.@ Eg eme n . e rg e ne@sp ray. com Ph: 630-51 7 -127 1 Test Number: 201 0T41 Drop Size Testing of North American Nozle Euntinental Research and Engineering Prepared For: Date: April 1 6, 201 0 ,N sprayAnaD/sis(rilllt g*,Smg:roa Introduction Background Continental Research and Engineering needed spray droplet size testing of a proprietary air atomization nozzle within several conditions. Spraying Systems Co., Spray Analysis and Research Services group used Phase Doppler Interferome@ (PDI) technique to measure the drop size and velocity distributions of the supplied nozzle. The drop size data will be arulyzed by Continental Research and Engineering to define the most suitable testing condition parameters for their requirements. Test Nozzle Continental Research and Engineering supplied the test nozzle to be characteized in this study. The nozzle operates with a liquid and a compressed air supply line. A representative image of the target nozzle is provided in Figure 1. Figure l. North American Nozzle ,-N sprayAnalysis Wlflfllr and Research Services 'r r I '- A Seryice of SprayinsSyutaar Co. Test Fluid Liquid Supply andflow rate measurement All testing was performed using a salt water solution as the original fluid is an environmentally health hazard. Several solutions are prepared to match the density of the original fluid, GA (p:1.073 gl"til. As a result, the water salinity was determined to be 100 g of salt/L of the mixture. The salt water solution was supplied to the system by a high capacity tank which was pressurized with dry compressed air. An air-driven agitator is installed inside the tank to prevent any precipitation of salt. Flow rate of salt water solution is contolled by Micro Motion RFT9739D4SUA Elite Remote Flow Transmiffer as shown in Figure 2.Elite series Flow meters have the accuracy of +0.10% within the flow rate range of this experiment. It's known that density is not the only parameter to match the sprayability of liquids. Therefore, viscosity and surface tension of the solution are also evaluated. It's found that at this salt content, the solution is losing its Newtonian viscosity character. Viscosity was determined to vary between 1.9 cP to 2.4 cP at the estimated shear rate range at room temperature. The actual fluid used by Continental Research and Engineering, GA, has.a viscosity of 2.277 cP. Surface tension decreased with the addition of salt. Pure water has a surface tension 72 mN/m and the solution was determined to have a surface tension of 62 mN/m. Continental Research and Engineering informed that the original working fluid has a surface tension of 32.5 mN/m at room temperature. Therefore, the drop sizes with the original working fluid are estimated to be rblatively smaller than the values determined by using the salt water solution. Figure 2. Micro Motion Elite Remote Flow Transmitter ,-\ sprayAnaD^is Y(lllli i**ffim:;ffie Atomizing Nitrogen Supply andJlow rate measurement The atomization inside the nozzle is assisted with dry compressed air. The atomization air was at room temperature (68 F) for all tests. Moreover, it was steady and consistent throughout testing. The compressed air flow rates were measured with a calibrated thermal mass meter manufactured by Endress-Hauser. This meter measures the airlnitrogen temperature and pressure at the measurement location to directly determine the mass flow rate. The high-accuracy (+l%) measurement range of this meter was from 0.01 scfm to -400scfrn. This device is shown in Figure 3. Test Setup Two separate supply systems were used in these tests. The first was a compressed air setup which provided a constant pressure air supply to the nozzle. The second supply was the pressurized salt water tank. Figure 4 describes the compressed air and salt water solution supply tank connections. Figure 3. Endress-Hauser Proline T-mass 65 ,\N sprayAnatysis'*ilflfllilt and Research Services 'r I r '' A Servtce of SprayingSr4etaar Co. Figure 4. Experimental Setup Schematic In addition to the liquid delivery setups, PDI measurement system test setup was used for this project to acquire drop size and velocity measurements across the major axis of the spray plume Phase Doppler Interferometry (PDD A tno-dimensional Artium Technologies PDI-200MD instrument was used to collect drop size and velocity measurements, as shown in Figure 2. The solid state laser systems (green 532 nm and red 660 nm) used in the PDI-200MD are Class 38 lasers and provide about 50-60mW of power per beam. This laser provides sufficient beam intensity power to offset spray density effects. It should be noted that the PDI system was .operated in a l-D orientation for these measurements, this results in a purely axial velocity component (speed at which particles are traveling downward in this case). PDI system setup is shown in Figure 5. h'essu.G G ,'N SprayAnatysis Wflf;flfle and Research Servicest r I ! '" A Service of SprayfosSrlutaars Ca The laser transmitter and receiver unit were mounted on rail assemblies with rotary plates; a 40" forward scatter collection angle was used. For this particular test, the choice of lenses was 1000mm for the transmitter and 1000mm for the receiver unit. This resulted in a size range with a size of about 4.2Wn - 480prm. This optical setup was used to ensure capturing a wide range of droplet sizes while maintaining good measurement resolution. The particular range used for these given tests was determined by a preliminary run where the Dys.5 and the overall droplet distribution could be examined. This appeared adequate to collect the target droplet size range produced by the nozzles. For each test point, a total of approximately 20,000 samples were used were acquired. The measurement point is formed by the intersection of the 2 laser beams (gleen beams). Because the PDI technique is a "poinf' sampling method, many measurement points were acquired for each nozzle/operating pressure. Specifically, 20,000 samples were acquired at 0.5' intervals from the spray centerline (directly below the nozzle) to outside the spray where no spray was present (5-7 point measurement total (2.5-3.0" spray radius). All PDI measurements were acquired at a 12" spray distance. The nozzle was traverse horizontally to measure from the spray center to the spray outer-edge. These sets of data are averaged by using a Volume Flux-Area weighing method. Weighted averages are based on the volume flux which passes through each point at which data was collected. These values are also weighted based on the area of the spray that they are meant to represent. In practice this means that the measurements at the outer spray plume locations cafiy a large consideration (weight) since they represent a larger area of the total circular sprayplume region. The volume-flux-weighted averaging method was conducted as follows. The drop size and velocity measurements are collected in a 'coincidence' mode; this means that both the velocity and drop size must be validated by the measurement system for a droplet to be counted. By measuring the drop size Test Nozzle Figure 5. PDI system setup o ,"N sprayAnalysis '*rtflflInil r**,Itrffim:;ffie and velocity of each valid drop as it passes through the measurement volume, a calculation of a local volume flux is obtained. By weighted averaging the drop sizes and velocities by the relative distribution of local volume flux, regions where a higher volume of spray passes carry more weight. This will account for regions that may have abnormally high or low drop size. , Additionally, the drop size and velocity results were area weighted. This method takes into account the area that each measurement point is prescribed to represent. For example, when acquiring evenly spaced measurements moving radially outward in a circular spray plume, the outer point represent much more spray area than the center point. See Figure 6 for a graphical representation of this concept. Clearly, as the circle radius (r) increases, the area increases by a2"d order degree. Through the cornbination of volume flux and area weighted averages, very reliable and condensed average drop size and velocity values are calculated from very diverse and complex spray characteristics across each spray plume. Clearly there are very wide distributions of both drop size and velocity throughout a spray plume, the weighted averaging method described here repiesents the most reliable method determined by Spraying Systems Co. to present the atomization process. Figure 6. Circul at area measurement point area weighting concept ,-N SprayAnalysis'*il llflfle and Research Services'r t tr '' A Servtce of SprayingSlatams Ca Drop Size (Diameter) Definitions The Dvo.t, Dvo.s, D:2, and Dvo.s diameters were used to evaluate the drop size. The drop size terminology is as follows: Dvo.sl Volume Median Diameter (also known as VMD or MVD). A means of expressing drop size in terms of the volume of liquid sprayed. The VMD is a value where 50% of the total volume (or mass) of liquid sprayed is made up of drops with diameters larger than the median value and 50% smaller than the median value. This diameter is used to compare the change in drop size on average between test conditions. D:z: Sauter Mean Diameter (also known as SMD) is a means of expressing the fineness of a spray in terms of the surface area produced by the spray. The Sauter Mean Diameter is the diameter of a drop having the same volume to surface area ratio as the total volume of all the drops to the total surface area of all the drops. Dvo.r: is'a value where l0% of the total volume (or mass) of liquid sprayed is made up of drops with diameters smaller or equal to this value. Dvo.g: is a value where 90% ofthe total volume (or mass) of liquid sprayed is made up of drops with diameters smaller or equal to this value. Duax: is the value of the largest drop size. ,\N sprayAnalysis ' 4ffi I | f, u ru*, 5ffF,?H:;ffie. Results and Discussion Table I showi the results the weight-averaged drop size data and axial velocity. As seen from the table below, axial velocity is dominantly controlled by the air supply as in most of the air-atomization nozzles. Drop sizes get larger as the fluid flow rate increases and as the atomization air decreases. Table 1. Volume Flux and Area Weighted Average Drop Size and Velocities TC Liquid Flow Rate (lb/h r) Air Pressure (psi) Air Flow Rate (scfm) DVO.1 (pm) D32 (pm) DVO.5 (pm) DVO.9 (pm) Dmax (pm) Ave rage Axia! Velocity (m/s) t 200 75 33.85 40.19 6L.94 55.04 111.05 183.53 28.35 2 300 75 34.01 45.38 70.95 73.63 130.30 ztt.2L 28.s0 3 325 75 34.05 48.29 75.L4 75.77 135.68 223.3L 29.07 4 325 50 24.85 49.93 77.43 81.49 153.19 248.56 22.22 Following graphs are showing the axial velocity and the drop size profiles across the spray radius. Series names in the figures are showing the salt water solution and compressed air flow rates respectively in the units given by Continental Research and Engineering. Some test conditions have less radial data as the spray is slightly narower in those cases. Figure 7 shows the axial velocity profile. As would be expected, the axial velocity magnitudes decrease as the measurement region is moved further downstream from the exit orifice; also, the velocity is shown to peak at the spray centerline and the profiles spread out within the measurement plane. Axial Velocity r/l -a E h, +..U -9(u -t!'= 70 60 50 40 30 20 L0 0 .{-2OA-75 {i300_75 -+325_75 0.s 1 1.5 2 2.5 Radial Distance frorn Center (inchl i- t__*____ I I I I i-*--_-*.-_'r__ - _-r-_ "_T_-_-_r'---r------r_'---l' i- ---r ____r'-_-_T_*-_--_'-__r___'_T-_ --r-_ Figure 7. Axial Velocity Profiles As seen from Figure 8, the trend of drop size profiles are very similar in the given test conditions. Larger drops are located at the inner radius. At the center of the nozzle, relatively larger drops are observed, which is very common in external mixing nozzles. ,\N sprayAnatysis Hlllfllt and Research Services'I I I '' A Seryice of SptayingSyreams Ca D32 .- E =Y o J! UIcoLo 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -+.200J5 {i300_75 +325_75 +*-ll$ 50 0.5 1 1.5 Radial Distance from center linchl Fisure 8. Sauter Mean Diameter (Dlz) Profiles Figure 9 presents the volume mean diameter (VMD) data. The VMD profiles are very similar to D:z profiles that were presented in the previous figure. One of the goals of Continental Research and Engineering is to keep VMD value less than 100 microns throughout the spray. With 75 psi air pressure, nozzle is capable of producing drops at the desired range. When the air line pressure is reduced to 50 psi, VMD value is slightly over 100 microns at centerline. DvO.5 .- E =-,o,t{ a-vt CLoL-cr 120 100 80 50 40 20 o -{-2OO-75 -G-3OO_75 -,F325_75 -ri-325 50 I t----.-------.- l 1 J i oo.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Radial Distance from center (inchl Fizure 9. Volume Mean Diameter (Dvg.s) Profiles l0 ,\N sprayAnalysis'*{tflililr'r#,5trtrH:ffie The other goal of Continental Research and Engineering is to possible. Figure 10 shows the variation of Drvrax as a function keep the maximum drop size as small as of the radial distance. Dmax ,- E:,Y o.!0 coLo 400 3s0 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 .r+-200_75 {-300_75 ..f-325_75 -ii-325 50 0.5 1 1.5 Radial Distance from Center (inch) Figure 10. Drraax Profiles As seen from the figure above, at constant amount of salt water solution, feeding more air to the nozzle helps to reduce the maximum drop size. This effect is not very noticeable at the outer radius. However, significantly large drops are observed at the centerline. Conclusion The results presented here acquired with the Phase Doppler Interferometry (PDD provides quantitative characteization of the nozzle supplied by Continental Research and Engineering Drop Size/Velocity data of several test conditions with different amounts of salt water solution and compressed air are compared. These measurement results provide clear spray characterization results with the North American Nozzle. Additional information can be drawn for the 'raw' data. However, this raw data requires proprietary processing programs to access the information. Therefore, if there is any information not contain within the delivered results that is of use to the Continental Research and Engineering, please contact Spraying Systems Co. and the data will be accessed and provided. Appendices Continental Research and Engineering is planning to prepare a CFD study based on the drop size data. For this purpose, axial velocity vs. drop size data is provided for some test conditions at centerline. l1 ,\N sprayAnatysis'+ilflffllr and Research Services 'r r r '" A Seruice of SproyingSysGams Co Figure I 1. Velocity vs. Drop Size for 200-75 case at centerline Figure 12. Velocity vs. Drop Size for 325_75 case at centerline t2 /-\ spraynp2lysis o":llllflr ru*,Iffim:ffie 100.0 :m,0 Umrtcr(fn) Fizure 13. Velocity vs. Drop Size for 325_50 case at centerline l3 ENCLOST]RE G Table Y4 Metal Feed Rates o.Y'ao!,(Eotr-CLCLooFe-*, '=o {r , (Ecnol-l-Jol-eOL - e- R cl t (v ) = r. = ll o1 1 . te .CU' _( E a= ro t r- N l- r -o -o €( 0 (\ co Fl f , ) F .F r CD 6s ? oo ra -- ll L.oE Eo r ar (E * ll o g E' iE tr E' (! o tr t (u = il omt s F-A o ? ot E -o ( L E= = tr - c t m ;( LE o. g AL -JI- - F9o o E3 E gL F' (E - c tr -. 1 5 ( / , - gs : $a : = ts b Or E =l ( r -r E$ t 9 .g ; .r o o E 3g O (U - goz tJ. I(\ F.c t-o+, (EuEoolJ .+, troE' )@oo+,GtE'ooII-(E a- ,o= Le-INF-o I oNc, oC' ) coci (0 rOFF (oco1( ) F @o)c\C\ l-e-o-o (0qo o*,otrooo oa? (0C' ) @(\ I F o)nFo) F ct ) I-(E*,o=oa-*JGo t,o+.c t o-o l-+, (E6.iEoU' t:o+om+oo a-+, (EoI=oJ F-o og a- l-oe-o E=g 9& fi E g He ) roO)qO lr )NC; N(o$1- -N rooqo oooqo (0cf ) l: .qO oooqo (ooOqo cf )ooqo rooqo rooqo roooC; CAOOqo oooqo roOqo (of: .oqo (o(oqo C8?E5 8; 6 XCo\ / cf ) rO cf ) r r r cf ) - N r F N r. IF lO r EAot r a. 0 o( o oo N N N r r N N r r r N r N r E o=E3 55 (,ol' , , | rOoN -oo (f )oNo o(om oom o00 oEO (f )oNO oNJC) No-oo- o aZ Nooa oc! (, ) oa 1r )oN oN ooco =(Uo @q(oN LO\Nr NNq$f- tta? l-cf )- NFqO) oqor nNrF (oO)q-rO ti f r. c ) c" j (o O) FF: .oN $cf )q\t rO \@ro (oqoN f: . oq f-o!- o)q@rr N$qorO Na? rO(o ilt-e-.c lo+,(t tE'oolro.t sa'=oJ pe oq ) (U - ? nsca ttrco ooo_ rNcf ) @c?o (oqo qo)O) (oqo ar rt r )qoV qr Na?O @ro cf )o, T. (f )nlo @qo sFo lr )qoV ono c!$r rf )+rt E.EE oEc .9coa EJ.E(U00 EJ:=Eoco Cot-oco E:l .E]C(UO EEot- .CO =o-ooO l-oo-o-o(J E(EoJ oaoooC(! e=lot-o 6.Y.9z EJ.Eooa oa E.=EF tr EJE(UC$ oN ?-o a-+, (t r=o(Eoo+, (EtEooIJ .e r- oE?-IEo?-'=-9l- r-oh I G+,o=o-Jl- ENCLOSTJRE H Trunsparency Bore Scope Images 1A ra *r = tr 4H8 t_ YO' E, Tr O ry U E= o B or ) 6 OJeE o d g j pE e -? -.r . 0 j oo 6 zz J aoo)GEoo-ooaol-oml-gREN5o C)CoF; . . . ' , oCol-(Uo-aC(Ut-F EE'=o-ot,L-G=oFE" tr -tooJCLol- t,tr IJ Jo-(!oE' l-o=o1-E' ) tr .YooJG=opo+, !E' )E E' tr II JE' )5o-ot,L(E=oFED tr .YooJEo*,+,oo !,trulo .G oE' LIE=oFE' ) tr .YooJ(E=opU' Ilt soJ LON$Noao(r ) (UEoo-oC)ac) t-om al-oC'6 .l - , CoOCoFoCooCol-(Uo-aC(Ut-FoOo t,cII JoGot,LG=oFE' ) tr .YooJEo+,+,oo t,tr IUo.:GoE' L.G=oFE' ) tr .YooJCLoF o {r , ?LooE6 o' = E E E O{ o= E =t g o- t J o pE g =t r o .9 . 9 c l JA J oo o zz z aoo)GEoo-ooaot-omt- -+ ed I- I\ t- (U Cr ) {r , !r C\oo OCoFoCol-Go-aC(Ut-F t,tr ]UE"=-o-ot,L-G=oFE" tr a--tooCLoF !,trUJo-:(Eo!,L-G=oFcD tr a-.YooJ-G=opU' +, !E" a-tr E' tr IJ JcD:,o.o!,t-G=o]-C, , , tr .YooJEo+, .Joo E' tr IJ Jo(!oE' l-t!=oFE" tr .YooJ-(gBopogIL oJ at-oCE$ CL O ON oc e r 5o l-taoo co ) og F Pop3 (u O o- a ?s ) sb Fm oOo T' tr IJ Jo-:oot,LG=oFE' tr a-.YooJEo+,+,o6 E' trUJo(Eo!,Lo=oFE' ) tr a---ooJCLoF otr !I GEoC) .=p=ct !-Joll g l ; iHt s r , EE E = Eo - dx z E t; 6E r - g =E E -e r ) 6 *E o (it t r J 9- ( 2 - zi t oE. 0 . 3 oo 6 zz J ao(r ) (UEoo-ooa0) t-oml- -+ oi \ =\ , .= No( o Ec o oO OCoFoCot- (Uo-oCol-F E' tr IJ JE' ) JEot,Lo=o]-E' ) tr a--tooCLoF E' tr IJ Jo-Go!,LG=oFE" tr a-.Yoo .J -G=opo{i, s-E) a-t E' tr IJ JE)=o.oE' LG=oFcncl(ooJEo+,+,oo E' tr IJ Jo2Go!,L(E=oFE' ) tr .YooJ(E=opovIL oJ at-oCE\ r cc o ONos (- \ ' -oo l-taoo co ) OE )- Pop3 (U O o- a ?s ) sb Fm oOo t,cUJo:Go!,LG=oFE, , tr .YooJEo+,+,oo !,tr IJ JoGo!,LG3oFc, ) tr .YooJCLoF .A ra=o\/E'orh ,oorh ,ooJoz {r ,troir E o- LOo- too E, I- '= o- Jcr E' tI tr rI -l ooa -Q P- G- -Gooo' = OLo. 9 taoo zz f-otr l- (U+, troo.=p=E .IJo-c lGl-ooooutroz ooCD (UEoo-ooaot-omt- /n ox - Y t- ,- f r- \/ (U 0 ) EO D oo OCoFoCol-Go-aC(Ut-F t,trUJE' ) JdoE' Lo=oFE' )c-tooCLol- !,tr IJ Jo-: (EoE' LG3oFE' ) tra- .YooJ(U=optt ,+,s-E"E t,trulE' )3-Got,L(u=oFE' ) tr .YooJEo+,+,oo E' truJoGoT' l-G=oFE' ) tr .YooJ-G'=opovrLoJ aI-oCEc o coooOP 1r \' Lroo l-taoo co ) OE F Pop3 GC ) o- a ?s ) sb Fm oOo E'cII Jo(Uo!,L. (E=oFE" tr .YooJEo+,+,oo E' trUJoGoE' L(E=oFE" tr .YooJCLoF 6I U=60 L. YO- E, Ih , E 8 tr o o of / ) * , "o u_ , +, gr E o LdG J OI PE E rI F l - .f . 0 i JAoo a zz J U)o(, ) (UEoo-ooaol-omt- fn e6 .= 0D (U l r ) E\ f , oo OCoFoCot-$o-aC(Ut-F t,trUIE' ) JEoT' L(E=oFE' ) tra- .YooCLoF E' trUJo2(uo!,LG=oFEDc a-.YooJG=opUt *,e-cDE !,tr IJ JE' )=o.o!,LG=oFE' )c.YooJEo+J+Jom !,tr IJ Jo2(Eo!,LG3oFcn tr .YooJG=opCI 'EoJ @LOco LO\toaoo) (UEoo-oC)aol-om aI-oC'6 {r , CoOCoFoCoOCoI-(Uo-aCN1-FoOo t,cLl Jo:Go!,f-G=oFcn tr .YooJEo+, {r ,oE E'c]UoGoE' l-G'=oFE' )c.YooJo.oF aE=gE'o {r , oo*r ,ooJI ooJ=oJ +, troooLo-pI oa{r , trG'o IItF'E.9 )aoz rh , troooLo-p=ct TIJoz a: o(r ) (UEoo-ooaot-oml- -+ OA - Y .= co G( o E\ T oo C)CoFocq) l-(Uo- U)CGt-F ] t,tr lI JE' )=o.ot,Lo=oFcr )c.Yo-9CLoF E' trUJo(EoE' L(u=oFE' ) tr .YooJ(E=opo+, .CE"E !,tr IJ JE' )=o-oEl-(U3oFE' ) tr .YooJEo+, -,o@ t,trUJo.:(Eo!,f-G=oFE' ) tr .YooJG=op(t , gt+ -oJ $oco (o\roaoo) (UEoo-oOaoI-om a1-oC'6{- ,CoOCoFoCoOCoI-$o-aC$I-FoOo t,cII Jo(uoE' LG=oFED tr .YooJEo+, +r ,oo !,tr IJ Jo.:(UoE' L(E3ol-E' ) tr --ooJCLo]- 14 ,aI=o\/tto*,oo{r ,ooJoz t-otr !- TE+, troo.Ep=cr a-Jo .c T GLo8 {r , o? lV --- - o 6| u , E zo L LOo- 10 ,oEi Jcr !, tr rr - I JOoa -Q E GL jt t r ooo' = OLoj .9 E, A oo zz aoo) (UEoo-oC)aol-omt- /n ei d .= N GC o EL O oo OCoFoCol-(uo-aCGt-F E' tr IJ JE' ) JEo!,LG=oFE" tr -vooCLoF E' trUJoGoE' f-(E=oFE' ) tr .YooJG=opo{J?-E' tr !,oLJyCLG'ooE)G.E--G=opo+,?-C' )Eoz !,trUIE"=o-oE' L(E=oFE' )gtaooJEo+,+,oo !,clt Jo.:(Eo!,LG=ol-E' )c.YooJG=opoEoJ aI-oCEc o c( o Ol - ?8 -oo l-taoo c( , ) OE F Pop3 (U ( ) o- a ?o sb Fm oOo E'cUJo-:Got, l-G3oFE'E.YooJEo+,*,oo E' tr IJ JoEoE' l-(E=oFE' ) tr .YooJCLoF oc .I (EEoo.=pIJcr IIJ-g .c T Gl + , 6t r aoEu E E o- E ^ - E E 3 JE r r r oA = sI E E gt s oo o 1F 1 r r ! r xt r o u. g o ta J oo o zz z aoo) (UEoo-ooarot-oml- NOi n -\ , t- ,^ \ .- \/ ($ r Eo o oo C)CoFoCot- (Uo-aCGt-F T' trutE'=o.oE' LG=oFE"c.YooCLoF o.c I (E II (E(Uocr ) c,Eoz t,tr IJ Jo(EoT' t-(!=ol-E, , tra- .YooJo=opo*, .CE' ) tr t,tr IJ IE"=-o-o!,Lt!=oFE' )c.YooJEo+, *r ,oo E'gIJ Jo2Go!,l-G=ol-E, , tr .YooJ(u3opog*-oJ a1-oCEF - co oc o ?E -oo Faoo C C' ) og F Pop3 (U ( ) o- a ?s ) sb Fm oC)o t,trUJo:(EoE' L(E=oFE)g.YooJEo+,+,oo E' truloGoE' L- t!;oFED tr .YooJCLoF o I ENCLOSURE I CDC Lewisite DAAN{S Class I Method Approval t DEPARTMENT OT HEATTH & HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service "":l"J;"T,ffii"Ti"?Ti.' Atlanla GA 30341-3724 April 10,2003 Mr. WilliamJ'B. Pringle Chieq Environmenul and Monitqing Office Prograur Manager for Ctreutical Demilitarization Environmenol and Monitsring Ofiice ATTN: SFAE€D'MM (Edge$,ood ArGs) Aberdeen Proving Groun{ MD 210t04005 Dcar Mr. Pringle Thank you for yorn later dsted April l, 2003 rqarding rcsults of tlre lewisite vapm validatiou fon thc MINICAIT{So-XSD and DaaMS as well as tbe report March 2003 rcort ,ao& ite Yopr Validationlo t E MNICAIIS)ffD ord Drl"llvfri Metlpds. In consultntion with rhc Nadonal Institute fo Occupational Safery and Heahh (NIOSH), wc have rcviened bch the resuhs and r€porL Thc resutts of the vapor validadon tests cstlblish and documented the performance of the L-XSD- MIMCAI\{S0 to +i4fl%naccrracy criterion wSth 95% corlidence for &rch corrcentration. The accuracy is less thsn the+l-25Vo acccptance criterion forNKf class I mcthods, Hovurver, opqating conditions uring a +l-25% frr liquid eftallenge recovaies in colrjunction with an alarm sctpoint of 4Wo of ths TWA monitoring level corupensate for tlre varian$. Under the specified operating conditions, this is considqed a vslid modified-class I method fo monitoring lerrisite 'n apo. tluoughout the chenrical denrilitarization program. The results of the vapor validation tcsts cstablish and documcnted rhe perfonmance of thc L MSD'DAAIv|S to +/-35% accuracy crit€rioo with 95% confidence for each conccut:ation. This is acceptrble as a quantitative clags I method for a mass-selective dctects udcr the sclestcd conditions. The use of liquid stlrdard chollenges above a constant vapor challenge helps defend the liquid clralleuge approach bcing ured tbr properly functioning anatytical systenu. We would like to thank you for your ruppct on the vapor validation tasks. We would like to oote Mr. Nisholas Kurlick's ecrcellent assistance and coordination with CDC and MOSH statr Please contact Mr. Jotrn Dccker of my staffat (770) 488-7619 if you havo any questioos. I Sincoely youm, /",-rb Paul Jo€, DO, MPH Acting Branch Chief, Medical Officer Chemical Dernilitarization Branch Division of Emergency and Environrnental Health Serrrices National Ccrrter for Envhonmental Heahh I ENfimSUmJ .i : DEPARTIUIENT OF THE ARTUIY OFFICE OF THE SURGEOH GENERAL SIOO LEESBURG PIKE : . FALI.^S CHURCH VA 22441.3268 MCHB-TS-MEM 24 August 2009 MEMORANDUM FOR BG William T. Wolf, Director of Army Safety, 223 23'd Street, Room 980, tulington, YA 22202 SUBJECT: New Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) Concentration kvel for Lewisite 1. Per request of the Department of the Army Chemical Safety Council (DACASC) @nclosure, reference a), an effective Lewisite IDLH concentration of 0.36 mg/m3 is recommended to replace the 0.003 mdmt value that is currently cited in Departnent of the Army Pamphlet (DA Pam) 385-61, Toxic Chernical Agent Safety Standards. This health-based value is considered appropriate for determining when air-purifring respirators and self-contained breathing appamtus are required during Army operations such as demilitariTationoperation on-going at Pine BluffArsenal. 2. As noted in the DA Pam, the existing Lewisite IDLH value was not toxicologically derived and was detection based due to perceived concems regarding carcinogenicity. The recommended value of 0.36 mg/rn3 is'considered a straightfonrard, scientifically defensible, toxicologically based, reasonably protective effective IDLH concentration level. 3. The enclosed memorandum documents the health and toxicological basis for deriving the recommended IDLH value. The evaluation addresses potential of both carcinogenic and non carcinogenic health effects. It was prepared by the US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine in conjunction with external subject matter experts who have been involved in a variety of past and on-going efforts pertaining to the development of health based exposure limits for chemical warfare agents to include an IDLH for the blister agent sulfur mustard. 4. Inquiries reghrding this recomrnended Lewisite IDLH can be directed to Ms. Veronique Hauschild, Directorate of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, USACHPPM, commercial (410) 436-1010, DSN 584-1010, or email: vhauschild@us.army.mil. FOR THE SURGEON GENERAL: Encl TIMOTHY K. ADAMS Brigadier General, USA Functional Proponent for Preventive Medicine MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD 4 August 2009 SUBJECT: New Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLID Concentration Level for l-ewisite l. References: a. Email, To OTSG (COL Hewitson, COL Evenson and COL Rowe), from Mr. Stephan Graham, USACHPPM, (as Chair ofthe Department of Army Chemical Agent Safety Council (DACASC) Chemical Agent Technical Subgroup (CATS), Subject: DACASC Request for Use of Air Purifring Respirator (APR) Against Lewisite, 24 June 2009. b. Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA Pam) 385-61, Toxic Chemical Agent Safety Standards, December 2008. c. Army Regulation AR 40-5, Preventive Medicine,2007. d. Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs) for Lewisite 1 (CAS 541-25-3), Lewisite 2 (CAS 40334-69-t) and Lewisite 3 (CAs 40334-70-l\, Technical Support Documentn Interim l, July 2007. Available at http:llwww.epa.gov/opVaeeVoubs). e. DHHS (US Department of Health and Human Services). 1988. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Final Recommendations for Protecting the Health and Safety Against Potential Adverse effects of Long-Term Exposure to Low Doses of Agents GA, GB, VX, Mustard Agent (H, HD, T), ad Lewisite (L).Fed Reg 53:8504-8507 (15 March 1988). f. Army Regulation AR 385-61, The Army Chemical Agent Safety Program, Table Z.Z,page 11,12 October 2001. g. DHHS.2004. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Interim Recommendations for Airborne Exposure Limits for Chemical Warfare Agents H and HD (Sulfrrr Mustard). Fed Reg 69 (85): 24164-24168 (3 May 2004). h. NRC/COT.2003,Nerve Agents (Appendix 1, pp 15-300), and Sulfur Mustard (Appendix 2, pp 301-383), in Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Selected Airbome Chemicals, Vol.3, Committee on Toxicology Subcommittee on Acute Exposure Guideline Levels, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. (Available at www.nap.edU). 2. Purpose. Per request of the Department of the Army Chemical Agent Safety Council (DACASC) (reference a), USACHPPM recommends that a Lewisite effective IDLH concentration of 0.36 mg/m3 should be used to replace the 0.003 mg/# value that is cnrrently cited in DA Pam 385-61 (reference b). This health-based value is considered appropriate for determining when air-purifying respirators (APRs) and self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) are required during Army demilitarization operations such currently on-going at Pine Bluff Arsenal. 3. Authority. The Army's Srugeon General is responsible for recommending health- based exposure levels for military-unique chemicals (reference c). Personnel of the Environmental Management Program (EMP) of USACHPPM's Directorate of Occupational and Environmental Medicine have historically been involved with the derivation of other chsmical agent health criteria such as the sulfur mustard IDLH. The EMP continues to follow other efforts regarding toxicological derivation of chemical agent criteria, and thus have coordinated this effort with extemal subject matter experts from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Environmental Sciences Division. The ORNL has been supporting an effort to develop acute (shofi term) public health exposure guidelines for Lewisite (reference d) and are thus very familiar with the current toxicological data. 4. Background. a. Per reference a, the DACASC requested the Surgeon General for guidance to help address recent problems at Pine BluffArsenal where efforts to demilitarize empty agent ton containers were being hampered by application of IDLH value (0.003 mg Lewisite/mll that was cited in iOOA edition of DA Pam 385-61 (reference b). as noted in the DA Pam, the existing Lewisite eflbctive IDLH value was not toxicologically derived and was detection based due to perceived concerns regarding carcinogenicity. b. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) does have certain oversight to ensure public safety at US Army stockpile sites and has formally established certain exposure limits for chemical agents in the stockpile. Though Lewisite is not currently recognized as a stockpile agent, in 1988 the CDC did pubtish continuous long term expoflre values termed chemical agent airbome exposure limits (AELs) for the general population (GPL) and unmasked agent workers (8-hr Time weighted average (TWA) for Lewisite (reference e). However, the CDC value for Lewisite was 0.003mg/mr for both workers and the general public. This value wasn't specifically 'derived' from the toxicological data, and the CDC FR (reference e) included the statement that "The control limits...are substantially below concentrations at which adverse effects have been observed for...Lewisite." At that time (1988), no IDLH value for any CW agent, including Lewisite or sulfir mustard, was developed by CDC. c. Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) exposure conditions are defined by NIOSH (www.cdc.gov/niosUngp/pgintrod.html) as "conditions that pose an immediate threat to life or health, or conditions that impose an immediate threat of severe exposure to contaminants, such as radioactive.materials, which are likely to have adverse cumulative or delayed effects on health." NIOSH goes on to point out that "The purpose of establishing an IDLH exposure concentration is to ensure that the worker can escape from a given contaminated environment in the event of failure of the respiratory protection equipment. " d. Because the Army needed values to use as the maximum use conoentration (MUC) for both HD and L to determine levels requiring supplied air protection, the Army made the protective decision to publish "[DLH" values for Lewisite as well as HD that were equal to the worker 8-hr TWA as established by CDC (the 1988 values provided in [tem 4.b above). The MUC values for HD and L were published as 0.003 mg/m3 HD or Lewisite and are noted in Table2.2, AR 385-61, p. I l, 12 October 2001 (reference f) where Footnote I gives an explanation for the 'blank entry' for IDLH for sulfi.r mustard agents and Lewisite as follows: "Since IDLH values are used solely for the purpose of establishing the concentrations at which SCBA or supplied-air respirators are required, it is not necessary to formally establish IDLH values for H and L because workers will already be required to wear these types of respiratory protection at concentrations much lower than what is corisidered IDLH for H and L because of soncems over carcinogenicity." [n short, and because the unmasked worker guidance was established at such a protective (low) concentration (and thus requiring respiratory protection at air concentrations >0.003 mg/m' , the authors of the October 2001 AR 385-61 assumed respiratory protection would have already been donned prior to atlainment of a Lewisite concentration with IDLH consequ€nces. e. In 2004 (reference g) the CDC updated the 1988 chemical agent AELs but did not address Lewisite because Lewisite was no longer in the stockpile. For the vesicant agent sulfi.u mustard HD the CDC published a new value -the STEL (0.003 mg UU#; and a new and toxicologically derived HD IDLH (0.7 mg HD/m'). f. tn the most recent DA Pam 385-61 (reference b), the 1988 Lewisite concentrations remained and were 'oflat lined" as protective values for the unmasked 8-hour TWA workerpopulation limit (WPL), the STEL and the IDLH. (NOTE: It is noted that there is actually an error in the WPL entry for L and HL in the December 2008 edition of DA Pam 38S-6t (reference b; Table 2-1-,p.7);the scientific notation to 0.003 mdm3 should be "3 x l0-3" rather than the depicted "3 x 103'). g. Since the same concentration (0.003 mg Lewisite/m3; is now established as the Lewisite WPL, STEL and IDLH by DA Pam 385-61 (reference b), any exceedance of the WPL or STEL for this compound also simultaneously exceeds the IDLH. As a consequence, APRs cannot be used when workplace air concentrations exceed 0.003 mg L/m3, and air-supplied respirators must be donned to meet PPE requirements for work in IDLH atmospheres. Data (reference^d) for Lewisite indicate that use of APRs at concentrations above 0.003 mg L/mi would be sufficiently protective, and allow agent workers to more efficiently perform the task of residual agent removal from materiel currently accumulating in garrison storage. 5. Derivation of Recommended Lewisite IDLH Value. a. General Approach. While there has not previously been a toxicologically derived "IDLH" for Lewisite, there are recent scientifically developed and peer reviewed acute human exposure guidelines for Lewisite which could be used as the basis for estimating an effective IDLH value. Specifically, Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs) for Lewisite are now available to the public from the USEPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (reference d). These values are calculated from available toxicological data for one-time exposures and designed to be protective estimates for a heterogeneous civilian population. There are three AEGL levels that reflect increasing severity of effects in the general population (1, 2 and 3, with Level 3 being most severe). Specific AEGL concentrations for each level are provided for five exposure durations: l0 minutes, 30 minutes, t hour, 4 hour, and 8 hours. A comparison of numerous hazardous chemical CDCAIIOSH-developed IDLH values against published AEGL values generally indicate that most IDLH values are within the range bounded by AEGL 2 to AEGL 3 concentrations. Since there are AEGLs for a 30 minute exposure period, this general boundary can also be applied to the Lewisite 30 minute interim AEGL 2 and3 values. As a consequence, a recommended effective IDLH for Lewisite would be located between 0.23 mg/m3 (30 minute interim AEGL 2 for Lewisite) and 1.4 mg/m3 (30 minute interim AEGL 3 for Lewisite). b. Calculation. To establish a specific value, we considered several different approaches. Since both HD and L are vesicants and since oritical effects for both vesicants are direct and local effects to eye and ocular tissues, and given the more robust data set and complete set of health criteria for HD (references g and h), we recommend that a Lewisite effective IDLH could be develaped from a ratio derived from the sulfur mustard AEGLs and IDLH values. HD values evaluated included the 30 minute AEGL? = 0.20 mg HD/m3, the 30 minute AEGL 3 :2.7 mg HD/m3 (from reference h), and the IDLH value = 0.7 mgHD/m3) (reference g). After evaluating the basis for the HD AEGL 2 and 3 and IDLH values, we determined that a reference ratio of the IDLIIi30 minute AEGL 3 concentration derived from HD information could then be applied to the 30 minute interim AECL 3 for Lewisite to arrive at an estimated effective IDLH. It is noted that the ratio approach was applied to the AEGL tier (AEGL 3) for which suffrcient experimental Lewisite vapor exposure data are available rather than the tier (AEGL 2) derived by exhapolation; results of the following assessment are thus based on the most complete Lewisite toxicity data available. The calculations are shown below: HD ratio IDLH|S0 minute AEGL3 : (0.7)l(2.7):) ratio of 0.26 Then to estimate IDLH for Lewisite: >Derived ratio from above (0.26) x 30 minute >(0.26) x ( 1.4 mglm3) : 0.364 mg/m3 > Rounded ta 2 significant digits, 0.36 mg/m3 Lewisite Lewisite AEGL 3 (l .4 mglm3) - is proposed as an effective IDLH for o c. Carcinogenicity. We also evaluated the carcinogenic potential for Lewisite for ttris exposure level and scenario. Though in 1988 the CDC noted "...HHS accepts that mustard agent is a carcinogen and because some evidence suggests that Lewisite might {emphasis added} also be a carcinogen...," we have evaluated the most current data set for Lewisite and based on following do not consider carcinogenicity to be a concern. While some confounded WWII-era human data indicate cancer lesions have been observed in humans exposed to Lewisite, these incidents were either associated wilh acute severe dermal injury from direct liquid exposure to Lewisite, or exposure to high airborne concentrations of Lewisite in combination with other warfare compounds such as sulfur mustard that together induced acute upper respiratory tract damage. No evidence supports carcinogenicity of Lewisite at low-level exposures. Many investigators consider the potential carcinogenicity of Lewisite to be a function of the elemental arsenic breakdown component of agent Lewisite. More recent toxicological assessments (reference d) included extensive searches ofthe open literature (including reports by the World Health Organization and Intemational Agency for Research on Cancer), and examination of lab animal data for potential Lewisite carcinogenicity. Consequurtly, we consider there to be no conclusive evidence that organo-arsenical compounds are oarcinogenic. 6. We consider the recommended Lewisite effective IDLH value of 0.36 mglm3 to be scientifically defensible, toxicologically based, and reasonably protective. Though personnel in an IDLH concentration would be required to wear self-contained breathing apparatus for protection, personnel working in Lewisite atrnospheres at concentrations up to 50 times the Lewisite WPL or STEL but below the IDLH can also use air puri$ing full-facepiece respirators w'ith appropriate chemical/particulate cartridges. Using full- facepiece respirators provides protection against the effects of relatively mild ocular and nasal initation expected at this concentration (reference d). These initation effects would be direct and local and not a consequence of systemic absorption, which provides additional evidence for the degree of protection afforded by the effective IDLH estimation presented here. Further, all data exarnined indicate that carcinogenesis would not be a conc,ern following 30-minute exposure to a conceutation of 0.36 mg Lewisite/m3. As such, the Environmental Medicine Program is recommending that this calculated effective IDLH value of 0.36 mg Lewisite/mr be used to replace the 0.003 mglm3 value cunently cited in DA Pam 385-61 (reference b), which is unnecessarily low and is cunently hampering the ability to safely and effectively conduct necessary operations at Pine Bluff. If this recommended elfective IDLH criteria would be useful in other applications it may be appropriate to consider requesting review by an extemal agency such as the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). 7. Points of Contact. Inquiries regarding this MFR can be directed to Ms. Veronique Hauschild, or Dr. Coleen Baird, Environmental Medicine Program, Directorate of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine; commercial (410) 436.1010, DSN 584-1010, or email: v.hauschild@us.army.mil or coleen.weese@us.ar4n.y,Inil. 7F> a.(- o TOCDF Standard Permit Conditions May 2005 MODULE I STANDARD PERMIT CONDITIONS I.A. EFFECT OF PERMIT I.A.1. The Permittee is allowed to store or treat hazardous waste in containers, treat and store hazardous waste in tanks, treat and store hazardous waste in miscellaneous (Subpart X) units, and ffeathazardous waste in incinerators at the TOCDF and ATLIC in accordance with the conditions of this Permit and in accordance with R315-5 I.A.2. Any treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste not authorized in this Permit is prohibited except as allowed by R3 1 5-5-3.34 or Condition I.F. 1 . The Permittee is authorized to comply with the conditions of other permits issued by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality or elements thereof and by the USEPA, so long as those conditions are not inconsistent with this Permit. When conditions of various permits are inconsistent, the Permittee must either comply with the more stringent conditions or ... - request and obtain modification of appropriate permits to avoid non-compliance. I.A.3. Compliance with this Permit during its term constitutes compliance, for purposes of enforcement, with the Utah Hazardous Waste Management Rules, except for those requirements not included in this Permit which become effectiveby statute. Specifically, compliance with this Permit druing its term constitutes compliance, for purposes of enforcement, with R3i5-8 only for those manggeme,nt practices specifically authorized by this Permit. The Permittee is also required to comply with R3 1 5-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14,16,50, and 101 as applicable. I.A.4. Issuance of this Permit does not convey prop"rty rights of any sort or any exclusive privilege nor does it authorize any rnjury to persons 0r property, any invasion of private rights, or any infringement of State or local law or regulations.. I.B. ENFORCEABILITY I.8.1. Violations duly documented through the enforcement process pursuant to Utah Code Annotated 19-6-1 12, rnay result in penalties. LC. OTHERAUTHORITY I.C.l . The Board expressly reserves any right of entry provided by law and any authority to order or perform emergency or other response activities as authorized by law. I.D. PERMIT ACTIONS I.D.1. This Permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause, as specified in R315-3-4. 1.D.2. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and re-issuance, or termination, or the notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance on the part of the Permittee does not stay the applicability or enforceability of any permit condition. Modulel-Pagel I.D.3. r.D.4. I.E. I.E.1. I.F. I.F.1 . I.F,2. I.G. I.G.1 . I.H. I.H.1 . TOCDF Standard Permit Conditions May 2005 The Executive Secretary may modit/ this Permit when the standards or regulations on which the Permit was based have been changed by statute, amended standards or regulations, or by judicial decision after the effective date of this Permit. Except as provided by specific language in this Permit, the Permittee shall not modifu or change the design or operation of the TOCDF or ATLIC or anyhazardous waste management practice referenced in this Permit until the Permit is modified in accordance with R315-3-4 and R315-4-1.5. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this Permit are severable and if any provision of this Permit, or the application of any provision of this Permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this Permit shall not be affected thereby. Invalidation ofany State or federal statutory or regulatory provision which forms the basis for any condition of this Permit does not affect the validity ofany other State or federal statutory or regulatory basis for said condition. DUTIES TO COMPLY The Permittee shall comply with all conditions of this Permit, except to the extent and for the duration such noncompliance is authorized by an emergency permit issued in accordance with R3 1 5 -3 -6 .2 or a temporary authorization issued in accordance with R3 I 5 - 3-4.3. Any permit noncompliance, other than noncompliance authorized by an ernergency permit or temporary authorization, constitutes a violation of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act and is grounds for enforcement action, permit termination, revocation and re- issuance or modification of the permit or denial of a permit renewal application. Compliance with the terms of this Permit does not constitute a defense to any order issued or any action brought under Sections 3007, 3008, 3013, or 7003 of RCRA (42 U.S.C. Sections 6927,6928,6934 and 6973), Section 106(a), 104, or 107 ofthe Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9606(a), commonly known as CERCLA) as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), or any other State or federal law providing for protection of human health or the environment from any imminent and substantial endangerment. DUTY TO REAPPLY If the Permittee wishes to continue an activity allowed by this Permit after the expiration date of this Permit, the Permittee shall apply for a new permit a minimum of 180 calendar days prior to the expiration date of this Permit, in accordance with R315-3-3.1(b) and R31s-3-2.1(e). PERMIT EXPIRATION This Permit shall be effective for ten years from the effective date of this Permit. Module I -PageZ I.I. I.I.1 . TOCDF Standard Permit Conditions May 2005 CONTINUATION OF E)(PIRING PERMII This Permit and all conditions herein shall continue in force until the effective date of a new pennit, if the Permittee has submitted a timely and complete application (in accordance with R315-3), and through no fault of the Permittee, the Executive Secretary has neither issued nor denied a new permit under R3l5-3-5 on or before the expiration date of this Permit. REVIEW OF PERMIT In accordance with the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act, UAC 19-6-108(13), this Permit shall be reviewed five years after the effective date and modified as necessary. NEED TO HALT OR REDUCE ACTTVTTY NOT A DEF'ENSE It shall not be a defense for the Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this Permit. DUTY TO MITIGATE In the event of noncompliance with the Permit, the Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize releases to the environmentresulting from the noncompliance; and shall carry out such measures as are reasonable to prevent significant adverse impacts on human health or the environment. PROPER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The Permittee shall, at all times, properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the Permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this Permit. Proper operation and maintenance includes following parts pf Permittee-approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which affect the management of h6zardous waste, effective performance, adequate fundlng, adequate operator staffing and training, and adequate laboratory and process controls, including ippropriate quality assurance procedures. This provision requires the operation of back-up or auxiliary equipment or similar systems only when necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of this Permit. The Permittee shall follow the procedures for SOP revision whenever it is necessary to change an SOP. The TOCDF Environmental Office shall provide copies of all temporary changes that address deviations from this P6rmit, upon request. Prior to July 1, 2005, and each July 1 thereafter, the Permittee shall submit a report to the Executive Secretary of the occasions during the previous calendar year when each incinerator operated outside of the operating ranges in Module V. Each report shall include the amount of time that an incinerator processed waste, idled, and tumed off the bumers (e.g., maintenance shutdowns, etc.). The report should, at a minimum, contain the I.J. I.J.1 . I.K. I.K.1 . I.L. I.L.1 . I.M. I.M.1 . I.M.2. I.M.3. I.M.4. Modulel-Page3 I.N. I.N.1 . I.O. I.O.1 I.O.1.a. I.O.1.b. I.O.1 .c. I.O.1 .d. r.o.2 I.P. I.P.1 . TOCDF Standard Permit Conditions May 2005 information provided in the "Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) IncineratorUpset Conditions Estimate for 1998, PDARS Review Based" (EG&G, 1999). DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION The Permittee shall fumish tothe Board and the Executive Secretary, within a reasonable time, any relevant information which the Board or the Executive Secretary may request to determine whether cause exists for modifoing, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this Permit, or to determine compliance with this Permit. The Permittee shall also fumish to the Board and the Executive Secretary, upon request, copies ofrecords required to be kept by this Permit. INSPECTION AI\D ENTRY Ptrrsuant to the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act, UAC 19-6-109, the Permittee shall allow the Board, the Executive Secretary, or their authorized officer, employee, or representative, upon the presentation of credentials as may be required by law to: Enter at reasonable times upon the Permittees' premises where a regulated facility, unit, or activity is located or conducted or where records are kept as reqrfired by conditions of this Permit; Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that are kept as required by conditions of this Permit; Inspect at reasonable times any portion of the Facility, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this Permit; and Sample or monitor for the purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act or RCRA, any substances or parameters at any location. The Executive Secretary, or an appointed representative, shall be allowed to make record of inspections by photographic, electronic, video tape, or any other reasonable medium. MONITORING AND RECORDS The Permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings (or equivalent recordings) for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by this Permit, the certification required by R315-8-5.3. (40 CFR Section 264.73(b)(9) incorporated by reference), and records of all data used to complete the application for this Permit for a period of at least three years from the date of the sample, measurement, report, certification, or recording unless a longer retention period for certain information is required by other conditions of this Permit. The Permittee shall retain, at the Facility, all monitoring records from all surface water sampling, seep sampling, soil sampling, sediment sampling, groundwater monitoring wells, and associated groundwater surface elevations until three years past the end ofthe corrective action instituted to address Modulel-Page4 Or TOCDF Standard Permit Conditions May 2005 releases of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents from any solid waste management unit created as a result of operations at the TOCDF a4dd[Jq. These periods may be extended by request of the Executive Secretary at any time by written notification to the Permittee and the retention times are automatically extended during the course of any unresolved enforcement action regarding the TOCDF- aogl r![IJg, to three years beyond the conclusion of the enforcement action. Pursuant to R315-3-3.1fi), records of monitoring information shall specifu: The date(s), exact place(s), and time(s) of sampling or measurements; The name(s), title(s), and affiliation(s) of the individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurernents; The dates analyses were performed; The individual(s) who performed the analyses; .. The analytical techniques or methods used; and The results of such analyses, including the Quality ControVQuality Assurance sunmary. rqr.:. q; Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the monitored activity. The methods used"shall be those approved procedures found in Module X; Attachments2,3,20, and22; or equivalent methods approved in accordance with Condition LP.4. The Permittee may substitute analytical methods which are equivalent or superior to those specifically approved for use in this Permit by modiffing the Permit in accordance with " R315-3-4.3. The modification request shall provide information, in terms of sensitivity, 'accuracy, and precision (i.e., reproducibility), demonstrating the proposed method(s) requested to be substituted. REPORTING PLAIINED CHANGES Prior to any planned physical alteration or addition, the Permittee shall give notice to the Executive Secretary of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted Hazardous Waste Management Units (permitted units). The Permittee shall give advance notice to the Executive Secretary of any planned changes in the permitted units or activities which may result in noncompliance with requirements of this Permit. Advance notice shall not constitute a defense for any noncompliance. CERTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION OR MODIFICATION The Permittee may not commence storage, treatment, or disposal of hazardous waste in any newly permitted unit or in a modified portion of an existing permitted unit until the Modulel-Page5 r.P.2. r,P.2,a. I.P.2.b. T,P,2,C. I.P.2.d. I.P,2.e. r.P.2.f. I.P.3. r.P.4. I.Q. I.Q.1. r.R. I.R.1 . I. S. I.S.1. I. S.2. I.S.3. I.S.4. I.T. r.T.1 . t I.IJ. I.IJ.I . I.IJ.1 .a. I.IJ.1 .b. I.IJ.l .b.i. TOCDF Standard Permit Conditions May 2005 Permittee has submitted to the Executive Secretary by certified mail, express mail, or hand delivery a letter signed by the Permittee and a registered professional engineer certiffing that the permitted unit at the TOCDF anf!:\'IL!Q haves been constructed or modified in compliance with this Permit; and The Executive Secretary has reviewed and inspected the modified or newly constructed permitted unit and has notified the Pem.rittee in writing that the permitted unit was found in compliance with the conditions of this Permit; or I[ within 15 calendar days of the date of submission of the letter in Permit Condition I.S.1., the Permittee has not received notice from the Executive Secretary of the inte,lrt to inspect, prior inspection is waived and the Permittee may commence treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste in the permitted unit certified in accordance with Condition r.s.1. Construction certification shall be performed for all the permitted units listed in Table2 and the IIVAC System. TRANSF'ER OF'PERMIT This Permit may be transferred to a new owner or operator only if it is modified or revoked and reissudd pwsuant to R315-3-4. Prior to transferring ownership or operation of the'IOCDF during its operating life, the Permittee shall notifu the new owner or operator, in writing, of the requirernents of R315-3, R315-8, and this Permit. TWENTY-FOTIR HOI]R REPORTING In accordance with R315-3-3.1(l)(6), the Permittee shall orally report to the Executive Secretary any noncompliance with this Permit which may endanger human health or the environment. Any such information shall be reported as soon as possible, but not later than24 hours from the time the Permittee becomes qware of the noncompliance. Potential endangerment to human health and the environment shall include, but not be limited to: Noncompliance with Condition tI.A. 1. Any release to the environment of a P999 hazardous waste as listed in R315-2-11(e)(1) or an F999 hazardous waste as listed in R315-2-10(e)(1) which results in the following: Confirmed agent concentrations at the DCD Facility boundary due to a release from the TOCDF or ATUC exceeding the General Population Limits as specified in Table 1 for each agent; or Confirmed agent coricentrations exceeding the Work Place Limits specified in Table 1 and Attachment 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan) at any agent monitor within Category C, D, and E areas as specified in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan). Any release to the atmosphere from the combined stack for the two Liquid Incinerators, the Deactivation Furnace, and the Metal Parts Fumace. or ATLIC stack if the confirmed stack emission level, as defined in Attachmentg22 g,nd22A (Agent Monitoring Plan gg! I.I-J. 1 .c. Modulel-Page6 I.LJ.1 .d. I.IJ.1 .e. I.IJ.1 .f. r.u.2. I.u.3. I.u.4. I.U.4.a I.U.4.b, I.IJ.4.c. I.LJ.4.c.i. I.U.4.c.ii. I.U.4.c.iii. I.U.4.c.i.v. I.I.J.4.c.v. I.tf .4.c.vi. i, ,, TOCDF Standard Permit Conditions May 2005 ATLIC Asent Monijoring Plan. resnectivelv), exceeds the maximum allerrable*taelr identified for each individual agent in Table I of this Permit. The Pennittee shall orally report, as specified in Condition I.U.l., to the Executive Secretary. Any release to the atmosphere from the TOCDF or ATLIC HVAC stack if the confrmed ernission level exceeds the level specified in Table I for each individual agent. Any indication that a release to the atmosphere from the combined stack for the two Liquid Incinerators, the Deactivation Fumace, and the Metal Parts Fumace, the ATLIC stzick. the ATLIC HVAC stack. or from the TOCDF HVAC system stack, where the stack emisSion level cannot be verified to be an agent monitor anomalywithnz4 hours ofthe time in which the agent monitor indicated the stack emission level exceeded the levels identified for each individual agent in Table 1 of this Permit. Any exceedance of the metals feed rates specified in Module V. The Permittee shall orally report to the Executive Secretary unintentional spills of P999 in any quantity. Any such information shall be reported in accordance with the procedures of R315-9, as soon as possible, but not later than 24 hours after the spill occurrence. Lr accordance with R315-9-1, the Permittee shall orally report to the Executive Secretary any TOCDF or ATLIL spill of any hazardous waste or material which, when spilled becomes a hazardous waste, other than a hazardous waste listed in R315-2-11(e). Any such information shall be reported as soon as possible, but not later than 24 hours after the spill occurrence. The oral report shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: Information concerning the release of any hazardous waste which may endanger public drinking water supplies, and Any information of a release or discharge of hazardous waste, or of a fire or explosion at the TOCDF 3i!!p!Q, which could threaten the environment or human health. The description of the occwrence and its cause including: Name, title, and telephone number of individual reporting; Name, address, and telephone number of the owner or operator; Date, time, and type of incident; Location and cause of incident; Name and quantity of materials involved; The q(tent of.injuries, if any; Module I -Page7 I.LJ.4.c.vii. I.IJ.4.c.viii. I.LJ.4.c.ix. r.LJ.s. I.u.5.a. I.IJ.5.a.i.. LU.5.a.ii. I.U.5.a.iii. I.U.5.a.iv. I.U.5.a.v. I.U.6. I.V. I.V.1 . I.'W'. I.W.l. TOCDF Standard Permit Conditions May 2005 An assessmcnt of actual orpotential hazardto the environment and human health, where this is appfi"batle; Description of any emergency action taken to minimize tfueat to human health and the environment; Any other information necessary to fully evaluate the situation and to develop an appropriate course of action. Within fifteen cale,ndar days of the time the Permittee is required to provide oral notification, as specified in Conditions I.U.1. through I.U.4., the Permittee shall provide to the Executive Secretary a written submission explaining the incident. In accordance with R315-9-4, the written submission shall include, but shall not be limited to the following: Name, address, and telephone number of the individual reporting; A description (include cause, location, extent of injuries, if any, and an assessment of actual orpotential hazardto the environment and human health outside the TOCDF, !!g ATLIC, the DCD, or combination of affectedfacilities beth) of the incident; The period(s) in which the incident occurred (including exact dates and times); Whether the results of the incident remain a threat to human health and the environment (whether the noncompliance has been corrected; whether the release has been adequately cleaned up); and If the noncompliance, release, or both have not been corrected, the anticipated time the cleanup or noncompliance is expected to continue. The submission shall also identify the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recrurence of the noncompliance or release; and the steps taken or planned to adequately clean up the release. The Permittee shall report all events occurring as a result of operations at the TOCDF q 1slg, classified as Chemical Events by either the TOCDF or DCD, to the Executive Secretary as soon as possible. OTHER NONCOMPLIANCE The Permittee shall report all other instances of noncompliance not otherwise required to be reported in this Permit in accordance with Condition I.U., at the time monitoring reports are submitted in accordance with Condition I.AA.1. The reports shall contain the information listed in Condition I.U. Reporting shall not constitute a defense for any noncompliance. OTHER INFORMATION Whenever the Permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in the permit application or submitted incorrect information in the permit application or in any Modulel-Page8 standard .".,nt, C"L:;3: May 2005 report submitted to the Executive Secretary, the Permittee shall promptly submit such facts or colrected information. I.X. SIGNATORY REOUIREMENT LX.1. All applications, reports, or other information requested by or submitted to the Executive Secretary shall be signed and certified in accordance with R3l5-3-2.2 and R315-3-3.1(k). I.Y. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION I.Y.1. In accordance with Utah Code Annotated 63-2-308 et seq, and Utah Code Annotated 19- 1-306 and implementing regulations, the Permittee may claim confidential any information required to be submitted pursuant to this Permit. 1.2. CONF'LICTS l.Z.l. All conditions within the modules of this Permit supersede conflicting statements, requirements, or procedures found within the attachments to this Permit. 1.2.2. If a conflict exists between conditions within the modules of this Permit, the most appropriate condition, as determined by the Executive Secretary, shall be met. I.2.3. Upon discovery of a conflict, a modification to the perinit shall be initiated by the Permittee to meet the Executive Secretary's determination. I.AA. REPORTS. NOTIFICATIONS. AND ST]BMISSIONS I.AA.1. On or before Septernber 1 of each year, the Permittee shall submit to the Executive Secretary a report which summarizes the QA/QC reliability problems experienced during the previous 12 months (July 1 through June 30) with Carbon Monoxide (CO), Oxygen (O2), and agent stack gas monitors and TOCDF ambient air agent monitors, including Depot Area Air Monitoring Systems. This summary report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: I.AA. 1 .a. Identity of the monitor experiencing the problem including serial number and location; I.AA.1.b. Identification of the tlpe of problem (e.g., borderline or deficient recoveries, description of the problem); I.AA.1.c. Frequency of the problem; and LAA.1.d. Corrective action implemented to correct the problem. l.AA.2. All reports, notifications, or other submissions which are required by this Permit to be sent or given to the Executive Secretary shall be sent by certified mail, express mail, or hand delivered to: Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Modulel-Page9 Standard P"rrit C"ffi;3: May 2005 288 North 1460 West P.O. Box 144880 salt Lake city, Utah 84114-4880 (801)-s38-6170 The Utah Department of Environmental Quality 24-Horx Answering Service telephone number is: (801) 536-4123. LAA.3. All reports, notifications, or other submissions which are required by this Permit to be sent or given to the Regional Administrator shall be sent by certified mail, express mail, or hand delivered to the EPA, Region VIII, State and Tribal Assistance Office, Assistant Regional Administrator at: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency State and Tribal Assistance Office 999 18th Street Suite 500 Denver, Colorado 80202-2455 Twenty-four hour number: (303!293- 1 78 8 I.BB. DOCT]MENTS TO BE MAINTAINED AT THE FACILMY SITE The Permittee shall maintain at the Facility, until closure is completed and certified by an independent, registered professional engineer, the following documents and amendments, revisions, and modifications to these documents: I.BB.l. Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan), as required by R315-8-2.4 and this Permit. I.BB.2. Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan), as required by R315-8-2.6 and this Permit. I.BB.3. Attachment 7 (Training Plan), documents, and records, as required by R315-8-2.7 and this Permit. I.BB.4. Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan), as required by R315-8-4 and this Permit. I.BB.5. Operating Record, as required by R315-8-5.3 and this Permit. I.88.6. Attachment l0 (Closure Plan), as required by R315-8-7 and this Permit. I.BB.7. Independent tank system assessment, installation, and repair certifications; as required by R315-8-10 and this Permit. I.BB.8. Plans and Operating Records as required by R315-8-18 and R315-8-22 ard this Permit. Module I - Page l0 o o o II.A. I II.A.t. TOCDF General Facility Conditions June 2007 MODULE II GENERAL FACILITY CONDITIONS DESIGN AI\D OPERATION OF FACILITY The Permittee shall design, construct, maintain, and operate the TOCDF igLA:[LIg to minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to air, soil, groundwater, or surface water. The Permittee shall construct all hazardous waste management units in accordance with the approved designs and specifications, except for minor changes deemed necessary by the Permittee to facilitate proper construction of the hazardous waste management units. Minor deviations from the approved designs or specifications necessary to accommodate proper construction and the substitution or the use of equivalent or superior materials or equipment shall be noted on the as-built drawings and the rationale for those deviations shall be provided in narrative form. After completion of construction of each hazardous waste management unit, the Permittee shall submit final as-built drawings and the narrative report to the Executive Secretary as part ofthe construction certification document specified in Condition LS. of Module I. The Permittee is only authorized and therefore shall only receive hazardous waste from facilities possessing the State/EPA I.D. Number UT5210090002, which includes the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) and the Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal Systern (CAMDS). WASTE ANALYSIS PLAN The Permittee shall follow the procedures of Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and Subpart BB and CC requirements (Module X). Reserved. All analyses, with the exception of analyses for the parameters for which the EPA has not promulgated methods, conducted pursuant to this Permit, shall be performed by a laboratory with a current Utah Department of Health, State Health Laboratory certification. As an altemative, the Permittee may conduct analysis pursuant to this Permit using methods promulgated by EPA if the Permittee is certified for the EPA-promulgated' methods. If the Permittee has not been certified for the method to be used, the Permittee may conduct the analysis provided that the promulgated method QA/QC requirements are satisfied, an application for State Health Laboratory certification has been filed, the Executive Secretary has been provided the MDL studies 14 days prior to the Permittee using the promulgated method and the Executive Secretary approves the Permittee to use the promulgated method. II.A.2. II.B. II.B.1. II.C. [.c.1. II.C.2. II.C.3. Module II - Page I II.D. II.D.1 . II.E. II.E.1 . il.E.2. II.E.3. TOCDF General Facility Conditions June 2007 SECTruTY PROCEDI'RES The Permittee shall comply with Attachment 4 (Security Procedures). INSPECTION PLAI\ The Permittee shall follow Attachments 5 (Inspection Plan) and 6 (Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test). Reserved. The Permittee shall remedy any deterioration or malfunction discovered by an inspection as required by R315-8-2.6(c). Lrspection reports shall be recorded as required by R3 I 5-8- 2.6(d). The Permittee shall maintain a copy of Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan) at the Facility until the TOCDF and ATLIC are is.certified as clean closed. The Permittee shall make only the following revisions to Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan) without first obtaining a permit modification, in accordance with R315-3-4. The procedures designated under Condition II.L. shall be followed to implement these revisions: The Permittee may change orientations of inspection related items on inspection tables. TRAINING PLAN The Permittee shall ensure that all personnel who handle hazardous waste are trained in hazardous waste management, safety procedures and emergency procedures, as applicable to their job description in accordance with Attachment 7 (Training Plan). Documentation of training shall be maintained as specified in Attachment 7. The Permittee shall maintain a copy of Attachment 7 (Training Plan) at the Facilityuntil the TOCDF and ATLIC are is.certified as clean closed. PREPAREDNESS AI\D PREVENTION The Permittee shall follow Attachment 8 @reparedness and Prevention Plan). The Permittee shall perform preventative maintenance and repair of the equipment identified in Module VIII, at a minimum, in accordance with maintenance procedures maintained at the facility. The Permittee shall maintain records of these preventative maintenance and repair activities on this equipment and schedules, reflecting minimum and planned frequency for the performance of these preventative maintenance activities in the Operating Record at the TOCDF and ATLIC in accordance with Condition I.P. II.E.4. II.E.5. II.E.5.a. II.F. II.F.1. II.F.2. II.G. II.G.1 . II.G.2. Module II - Page 2 II.H.1 . II.H.2. TT,H.Z,A, II.H.2.b. II.H.3.a. II.H.3.a.i. II.H.3.a.ii. II.H.3.a.iii. II.H.3.a.iv. II.H.3.b. II.H.4. TOCDF General Facility Conditions June 2007 CONTINGENCY PLAI\ The Permittee shall follow the procedures outlined in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan). If agent is detected in the DCD Facility perimeter monitors above the General Population Exposure limits in Table 1, or agent is detected in e.tther the TOCDF Common Staclq er TOCDF MDB HVAC Stac and is confirmed, the Permittee shall implement Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan). For TOCDF Common Stack confirmed ACAMS alarms, the Permittee shall cease agent movement at the TOCDF, with the exception of container storage operations and storage and treatrnent gperations in tanks. For TOCDF MDB IIVAC Stack ACAMS alarms, the Permittee shall cease all process operations at the TOCDF in accordance with Module X. II.H.2.c. For ATLIC Stack confirmed NRT.monitor (ACAMS or MINICAMS) alarms. the Permittee shall cease age,nt movement at the ATLIC. with the exception of storage of in- process ton containers in the Glove.Box Suboart X heatment units and storaee and treatment ooerations in tanks. tr.H.2.c. For ATLIC HVAC Stack NRT monitor (ACAMS or MINICAMS) alarms. the Permittee shall cease all orocess operations at the ATLIC in accordance with Module X. II.H.3. under either Condition Il.H.z. or shutdown as a result of a major explosion, as defined in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan), unless the following has occurred: The Permittee has submitted a request to resume operations to the Executive Secretary accompanied by the following information: Detailed description of the accidenVincident; The cause of the accident as determined by the results of investigation of the accident; The corrective action(s) taken; and A copy of the notification received by the Permittee from the Chemical Materials Agency (CMA) that operations are authorized to resume. The Executive Secretary has provided the Permittee a written approval to resume process operations. In the event of an off-site civilian chemical emergency, the Permittee shall comply with the procedures outlined in the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Progtam (csEPP). Module II - Page 3 II.H.5. II.H.6. TOCDF General Facility Conditions June 2007 Future modifications of Table 9-2-l or Table 9-2-2 of Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan) shall be submitted in accordance with R315-3-4. For TOCDF Common Stack ACAMS alarms at or above 1.0 SEL, the Control Room shall initiate the TOCDF site audible agent alarm (warbler tone), which notifies TOCDF site personnel to immediately mask and await further instructions. Both online Common Stabk staggered ACAMS must be in alarm at or above 1.0 SEL to require implementation of this site masking contingency. The control room has the option to mask site personnel at anytime for worker protection. II.H.7 which notifies Area 10 personnel to immediately mask and await further instructions. /Ft, Both on-line ATLIC LIC Stack staesered ACAMS must be in alarm at or above 1.0 SEL ,fl to r"q.rf"l*pt"-*tution of thi. riii -urkios *ntirrs*c]r. Th" "ont ot roorn t rs tt " - '' -r' option to mask Area l0 personnel at anytime for worker protection. For TOCDF MDB HVAC Stack ACAMS alarms at or above l.0 VSL, the Control Room shall initiate the TOCDF site audible agent alarm (warbler tone), which notifies TOCDF site personnel to immediately mask and await further instructions. II.H.8. rfor ATTIQ-HVAC Stack NRT monitors (ACAMS or MINICAMS) alarms at or above 1.0 VSL. tlie ATLIC Control Room shall initiate the ATLIC site audible asent alarm (warbler torie). which notifies Area 10 personnel to immediately mask and await further - instructions. - For TOCDF Category C Area ACAMS alarms above the alarm set point as specified in Attachment 22,the Control Room shall initiate theTOCDF MDB site audible alarm (repetitive beeping tone), which notifies personnel within the TOCDF MDB to mask and evacuate. The Control Room shall also activate the TOCDF MDB agent waming lights and notiff site personnel to remain clear of the TOCDF MDB. ' ' r'. *h( -*$d\t'{" II.H.8.a.For ATLIC Cat ACAM above th Attachment 22A. the ATt shall initiate the ATLIC site audible alarm (repetitive beepine tone). which notifies nersonEel"withi${heATLIC to mask and ft(f the ATLI I Room-shall also activ ATLIC aqent w of the ATLIC. *' t. .-" u- I ''.-; Lr 1 II.H.9 For TOCDF Category D Area ACAMS alarms above the alarm set point as specified in Attachment 22, the TOCDF Control Room shall initiate the TOCDF site audible agent alarm (warbler tone), which notifies TOCDF site personnel to immediately mask and await further instructions. II.H.9.a. For ATLIC Cateeory D Area ACAMS alarms above the alarm set point as specified in Attach-errt 22A- the ATLICE)troIRosq shall initiate the ATLIC site audible agerrt\) -r/ Module II - Page 4 II.I II.I.1 . II.I.1 .a. II.I.1 .b. II.I.1 .c. II.I.1 .d. TT.T.2. II.I.3. II.J. II.J.1 . TOCDF General Facility ::l3lffi; alarm (warbler tone). which notifies ATLIC site personnel to immediately mask and await *@ REC ORDKEEPING AI\D REPORTING In addition to the recordkeeping and rep6rting requirements specified elsewhere in this Permit, the Permittee shall comply with the following: The Permittee shall maintain a written Operatrng Record at the Facility, in accordance with R315-8-5.3 [40 CFR Section 264.73(a) incorporated by reference] for all records identified in R3l5-8-5.3. [40 CFR Section 264.73b)G) through (bX14) incorporated by reference]. The Permittee shall, by March 3l of each year, submit to the Executive Secretary a certificationpursuanttoR3l5-8-5.3 [40CFRSection264.73b)e)incorporatedby reference], signed in accordance with R3l5-3-2.2, that the Permittee has a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of hazardous waste generated to the degree determined by the Permittee to be economically practicable; and the proposed method of treatment, storage, or disposal is that most practicable method currently available to the Permittee which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the envlrorunent. The Permittee shall submit a biennial report covering the TOCDF and ATLIC activities to the Executiye Secretary in accordance with R315-8-5.6 and R315-3-3.10X9). The Permittee shall submit additional reports to the Executive Secretary in accordance with R315-8-5.8. All reports, notifications, applications, or other materials required to be submitted to the Regional Administrator shall be submitted to the State and Tribal Assistance Office, Assistant Regional Administrator to the EPA Regional address shown in Condition I.AA.3. All reports, notifications, applications, or other materials required to be submitted to the Executive Secretary shall be submitted to the address shown in Condition I.AA.2. CLOST]RE The Permittee shall meet the general closure performance standard as specified in R315-8- 7 during closule of all TOCDF and TOCDF manased Area 10 -hazardous waste management irnits. Compliance with R315-8-7 shall require closure of each hazardous waste management unit in accordance with Condition II.J. and Attachment 10 (Closure Plan). All secondary waste generated during the processing of Agents GB, VX, and Mustard at the TOCDF shall be processed by the Permittee prior to the completion of closure of the TOCDF. TTJ.2. Module II - Page 5 TOCDF General Facility Conditions June 2007 II.J.3. II.J.4. f[.J.5. II.J.6. TI.J,7 . II,J.8. II.J.9. II.K. II.K.1 . II.J.2.a. The ATLIC may be closed before all secondary waste generated during the processing Ae€,nt GA and Lewisite at the ATLIC have been processed provided the P€flnittee orocesses these wastes during the Autoclave Secondary Waste Camoaign associatd with DCD and CAMDS secondary wastes contaminated with similaraeents. Reserved. Reserved. The Permittee shall decontaminate or dispose of all TOCDf. effrciandeutocfave DVS. and DVSSR equipment as specified in Attachment 10 (ClosurlPfan). The Permittee shall provide certification statements that each TOCDF and TOCDF manased Area 10 hazardous waste management unit has been closed in accordance with the applicable specifications in Attachment 10 (Closure Plan), as required by R315-8-7. The Permittee shall notiff the Executive Secretary at least 45 calendar days prior to the closure date of any hazardous waste managemen! glit is expected to begin. In the event that any hazardous waste management unit cannot be clean closed by removing hazardous waste, hazardous waste constituents, contaminated subsoil, and any contaminated groundwater as specified in Attachment 10 (Closure Plan), the Permittee shall submit the modified closure and post-closure plan for that hazardous waste management unit to the Executive Secretary, as a permit modification request, in accordance with R315-3-4, within 30 calendar days of the date that the Executive Secretary notifies the Permittee in writing that the unit shall be closed as a landfill, in accordance with R3l5-8-7 (e.g., Post Closure Plan). Within 90 calendar days of the Permittee's receipt of the written approval from the Executive Secretary, in accordance with R315-3-4, of the modified closure plan and the post-closure plan required by Condition II.J.8., the Perrnittee shall close the hazardous waste management unit in accordance with the approved plans. CL9SI'RE PLAN - COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE The Permittee shall submit a permit modification request that updates Attachment 10 (Closure Plan) for TOCDF associated hazardous waste manaeement units in the second quarter ofcalendar year 2010. tr.K.2. The Permittee shall submit a oermit modification reouest that updates Attachment 10 (Closure Plan) for ATLIC associated hazardous waste manaeqnent units no later than the first third quarter of cal€Nrdar year 2011. EOUTVALENT MATERIALS/INT'ORMATION For certain equipment, materials, or minor information specified in this Permit and documents listed in Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures) that do not affect the analytical methods in the documents listed in Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures), the Permittee is allowed to use the equivalent or II.L. II.L.1 . Module II - Page 6 TOCDF General Facility ::#,ffi; superior equipment, materials, or minor information. Use of such equivalent or superior items shall not be considered a modification of the Permit, but the Permittee shall place in the Operating Record (prior to the institution of such revision) the revision, accompanied by a narrative explanation, and the date the revision became effective. The Executive Secretary may judge the soundness of the revision during inspections of the TOCDF and take appropriate action. The format of tables, forms, and figures, is not subject to the requirements of this Permit and may be revised at the Permittee's discretion. TINANCIAL ASSURANCE F'OR X'ACILITY CLOST]RE The Permittee is exempt from the closure financial assurance requirements, in accordance with R3 1 5-8-8 [40 CFR Section 264.1 40(c) incorporated by reference]. LIABILITY REOI]IREMENTS The Permittee is exempt from the liability coverage for sudden and accidental occurrence requirements, in accordance with R315-8-8 [40 CFR Section 264.140(c) incorporated by reference]. Module II - Page 7 7 h- o-(- o A TOCDFt Tank Systems March 2007 MODULE IV. TAIIK SYSTEMS TV.A. APPLICABILITY fV,A.l. The requirements of this Module pertain to the storage and treatment of hazardous waste in the Agent Collection System (ACS), Spent Decontamination System (SDs)lbothet TOCDF and ATLIC), aa*Brine Reduction Area (BRA) and Lewisite Collect OCS) tank systems identified in Condition IV.B.I. The Permittee shall comply with R315-8-10 and the conditions of this Permit for all tank systems. TV.B. WASTE IDENTIFICATION AI\D TANK USAGE IV.B.I. The Permittee may only store at the listed maximum capacity, and treat by detoxification (T29) in accordance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan), if applicable, the hazardous wastes listed for the following tank systems: TOCDF HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE AND TREATMENT TAI\K SYSTEMS Tank Number Maximum Storage Capacity Gallons Nominal Tank Dimensions I Allowable Waste Codes Permitted Management Activity' ACS-TANK-I01 500 (agent) 582 (other permitted' liquids, Note 2) 3'-6" diameter, 9'-9" high F999, P999, D002, D003, D004, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D01 1, D028, D034, D039 Storage of agent, miscellaneous agent contaminated liquids, decontamination solutions for maintenance or agent change-over, and non- hazardous agent simulants ACS-TANK-102 1,130 4'-6" diameter, 1 1r-9rr high F999, P999, D002, D003, D004, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D011, D028, D034, D039 Storage of agent, miscellaneous agent contaminated liquids, decontamination solutions for maintenance or agent change-over, and non- hazardous agent simulants SDS-TANK-I01 SDS-TANK-IO2 SDS-TANK-103 2,200 per tank 6r-0rr diameter 1 1'-6" high F999,P999, D002, D003, D004, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D011,D018, D019, D022, D028, D034, D039, D040, D043 Storage and treatment of spent decontamination solutions, miscellaneous agent contaminated liquids from a spill, and liquid wastes from Area 10 Glovebox Operations Module IV - Page 1 TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 BRA-TA}[K-IO1 BRA.TA}IK.IO2 BRA.TANIK-2OI BRA.TANK-202 42,900 per tank 20'-0" diameter 20'-0" high F999, D002, D004 through DOl I Storage and treatment spent scrubber brines and Pollution Abatement System (PAS) liquids ATLIC IIAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE AI\D TREATMENT TAI\K SYSTEMS Tank Number Maximum Storage Capacitv Gallons Nominal Tank I)imensions I Allowable Waste Codes Permitted Manasement Activitv LCS-TANIK-8s1I 1.020 5'- 3" diameler 6'-8" high P999. F999. D002. D004. D007. D009. D0t0 77*** Storage of Lewisite (.L) Agent. miscetlaneous Lewisite aeqnt qo decontamination solutions during closure NSF.TANIK-8s14 1.020 5'- 3" diameter 6'-8" high P999. F999. D002. D004. D007. D008 D009. D0l0 $torage of Spent Nitric gqrrerated from L TCs rinse-out. 3 M or greater Nitric Acid is added to treat agent concentrations to less than the WCL LCS-TAh[K-8516 1.020 5r_ 3il diameter 6t-8tt high P999. F999. D002. D004. D007. D008 D009. D010 Storaee of Spent Nitric eenerated from L TCs rinse-out. 3 M or sreater Nitric Acid is added to treat asent concentrations to less than the \ilCL SDS.TAI\IK-8523 1.020 5'- 3" diameter 6'-8" high F999. D002. D004. D007. D008. D021. Storage for,sLent NaOH solution used to decontaminate the interior D009. D0l0 of emptied GA Ton Containers. process equipment. water used to rinse out both GA and L TCs. NaOH decontamination solution is added to treat for agent concentrations greater than the WCL Module IV - Page 2 rv.B.2. fV.B.2.a. Sumps listed in Table 4a mav ndditionallv receive wastes with code D021, TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 The sumps listed in Tablq 4 rnd4a, used to collect decontamination solutions, agent and miscellaneous liquid spills are subject to the requirements of this Module. These sumps, also called Intermittent Collection Units (ICUs) by the Permittee, may be used to treat agent and agent contaminated hazardous wastes with decontamination solution before they are pumped to the permitted SDS tank system. Only wastes with the codes F999, D002, D003, D004, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D0l l, D018, D019, D0+1. D022, D028, D034, D039, D040, D043 and P999 are allowed in the SDS sumps. The maximum capacity of the SDS sumps as shown in Tableg 4 and 4a shall not be exceeded, except as allowed by Condition IV.B.S or Attachment 16 (Tank Systems). Wastes shall not remain in these sumps for more than24 hours, except as allowed by Conditions IV.B.6. and tv.B.7. Off-site generated hazardous wastes shall not be placed in any of the permitted tanks or sumps. Laboratory wastes shall not be placed in any of the permitted tanks and sumps. Notwithstanding the requirements specified elsewhere in this Permit, the Permittee may exceed the capacity of the sumps identified in Table 4 that are not listed in this Condition if, during a toxic area entry, the sump pump ceases to work and the subsequent decontamination of entrants causes the sump capacity to be exceeded and the decontamination is necessary to ensure a safe exit from the room or in the event of a failure of any of the SDS or ACS tanks. If this occurs, the Permittee shall record in the Operating Record the circumstances that caused the overfill and shall remove the waste as soon as it can be safely accomplished in accordance with Condition IV.B.2. This exclusion does not apply to the following sumps: SDS-PUMP-101, 102, 103, 104, 130, 131, 133, 136,137,138, 139, 140,141,742,144,156,167,173,192,193, BRA-PUMP- 704,204,103. Notwithstanding the requirements specified elsewhere in this Permit, the Permittee may store waste in the sumps listed in Table 4 for greater than24 hours if a toxic area entry necessary to support waste removal cannot be initiated or completed for any of the following reasons: fv.B.3. rv.B.4. IV.B.5. LCS-TANK-8534 1.020 5'- 3" diameter 6'-8" high P999. F999. D002. D004. D007. D008. D009. D0l0 D021 Contingency storage for major spills from tanks and/or ancillary equipment located in the TOX to include LCS- TANIK-85I I. SDS- TANK-8523. and NSF- TANK-85 14 NOTES: 1. See Attachment 16 for design information for the ACS, SDS. LCS. NFS and BRA tank systems. 2. Miscellaneous agent contaminated liquids are defined in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan), Section 5. IV.B.6. Module IV - Page 3 fV.B.6.a. fv.B.6.b. fV.B.6.c. fv.B.6.d. IV.B.6.e. fv.B.6.f. IV.B,6,g. rv.B.6.h. rv.B.7. fV.C. rv.c.1. IY,C.2, IV.C.3. rv.c.4. IV.C.5. fv.c.6. IV.C.7. TOCDF Tank Systerns' March2007 Agent concentrations exceed the authorized level for the PPE to be worn. A breach or tear occurs in a DPE suit. A loss of communications occurs between the parties involved in an entry. The room temperature is too high to allow an entry. Any of the participants in an entry suffer from an illness or heat stress. A loss of Life Support System (LSS) air occurs. A loss of either utility power or the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system occurs. Explosive components are present, endanger worker safety, and cannot be removed so as to allow removal of waste from the sump within 24 hours. Forthose instances where waste is not removed from the sumps within 24 hours as allowed by Condition IV.8.6., the Permittee shall record in the Operating Record the circumstances that prevented removal within 24 hours and shall remove the waste as soon as it can be safely accomplished. GENERAL OPERATING REOI]IREMENTS The Permittee shall not place incompatible waste or material in a tank system if the waste or material could cause the tank, its ancillary equipment, or the secondary containment sump to rupture, leak, corrode, or otherwise fail. The Permittee shall not place hazardous wastes in a tank or its ancillary equipment that has previously held an incompatible material until the tank or ancillary equipment has been properly decontaminated. The Permittee shall not place a different chemical agent in the ACS tanks until all sludge is removed and the tank has been properly decontaminated. The Permittee shall not place a different agent in the sump systems until the campaign changeover requirements for sumps specified in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan) have been satisfied. Any permitted tank system used to store or treat ahazardous waste at the TOCDF h\efliC stratl be managed in accordance with Module X. '<' The design and operating descriptions of the permitted tank systems are provided in Attachment 16 (Tank Systems). Operation of the permitted tank and sump systems shall comply with Attachment 16 (Tank Systems). Waste shall not be added to any of the tanks described in Condition IV.B.1. unless the associated tank's level control instrumentation identified in Attachment 6 (Calibration Plan) is operational in accordance with the manufacturers' specifications and the level devices are fully calibrated. If treatment is conducted in a tank system, sufficient freeboard shall remain so the permitted tank capacity shall not be exceeded when decontamination solutiorrs are added.,\ Any permitted tank used to store or treat ahazardous waste at ,1r" 1g6pt,g}Turc shall =7-be equipped with a level control device that prevents the tank system from dxceeding the permitted capacity. Module IV - Page 4 IV.C.8. fv.D. IV.D.1. fv.D.2. fv.D.3. IV.D.4. IV.D.5. I rv.E. IV.E.1. N.8.2. TOCDF 'ffi:.:il'iffi; The Permittee may transfer liquids accumulated in PAS-SUMP-I10 to the Brine Surge Tanls @STs) provided that prior to transfer, the Permittee has analyzed the liquids in accordance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). spEcrFrc oPERATTNG CoNprrroNs - TocDF AGENT STORAGE TAr\KS The only hazardous wastes or other materials allowed in ACS-TANK-IOI and ACS- TANK-102 are liquid hazardous waste chemical agents, miscellaneous agent contaminated liquid wastes, non-hazardous chemical agent simulants, and decontamination solutions used to decontaminate the system after agent campaigns and prior to maintenance activities that will be treated in the Liquid Incinerator (LIC) primary combustion chambers. The only chemical agents that can be placed in the ACS, ACS-TANK-101, and ACS- TANK-I02 are GB, VX and Mustard (fV HD/HT) and their naturally occurring break- down products. The miscellaneous agent contaminated wastes allowed in the ACS, ACS-TANK-101, and ACS-TANK-II2 are identified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan), Section2.2.l.l5. The maximum storage capacity of the Agent Holding Tank, ACS-TANK-101, shall be 582 gallons, except for agent. No more than 500 gallons of agent shall be stored in this tank. The maximum tank level, measured from the tangent of the bottom dome, shall not exceed seven feet six inches for non-agent wastes and six feet three inches for agent. The maximum storage capacity of Agent Holding Tank, ACS-TANK-102, shall be 1,130 gallons. The maximum tank level, measured from the tangent of the bottom dome, shall not exceed eight feet nine inches. SPECIFIC OPERATING CONDITIONS -TOCDF SPENT DECONTAMINATION STORAGE TANKS The only hazardous waste or materials that shall be placed in SDS-TANK-I01, SDS- TANK-102, and SDS-TANK-l03 are sodium hypochlorite decontamination solutions, sodium hydroxide solutions, agent breakdown products resulting from decontamination, the miscellaneous liquid wastes identified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) Section, spent bleach from PPE/personnel decontamination in the Munitions Demilitarization Building (MDB) using bleach bottles, wash-down of equipment or personnel with soap and water, major spills in accordance with Condition fV.E.4, run-off from fire suppression efforts as described in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan), and cleaning solutions used to decontaminate the system after agent campaigns and prior to maintenance activities. The maximum storage capacity of SDS-TANK- 1 0 1, SDS-TANK- I 02, and SDS-TANK- 103 shall not exceed 2,200 gallons in each tank. The maximum tank level, measured from the tangent of the bottom dome, shall not exceed nine feet five inches. ,o Module IV - Page 5 fv.E.3. fv.E.4. fv.E.5 rv.E.6. IV.E.7. IV.E.8. I rv.F. IV.F.1 . rv.F.2. fv.F.3. TOCDF 'il|:il:iffi; The only treatment allowed in the SDS Tanks shall be the addition oiapproved decontamination solutions (sodium hypochlorite or sodium hydroxide decontamination solutions) when the chemical agents GB and VX are detected at or above 20 parts per billion (ppb), and the mustard compounds II/IID/HT are detected at or above 200 ppb. The Permittee shall maintain a minimum of one SDS Tank (SDS-TANK-101, SDS- TANK-102, or SDS-TANK-103) free of waste when chemical agent (P999) is being processed or stored inside the MDB to be used in the event of a spill as a result of a tank failure, munition over-pack failure, or munition/bulk item failure. The Permittee may accumulate waste, identified in Condition ry.B.1., in all three SDS Tanls when no chemical munitions and bulk items are inside the MDB and no chemical agents are stored in ACS-TANK-l0l and ACS-TANK-102, such as during agent campaign changeovers or extended plant shutdowns. In the event of a spill described in IV.E.4., munitions that have passed the Explosive Containment Vestibule (ECV) may continue to be processed. The Permittee shall not process any other munitions until the circumstances which resulted in the spill have been rectified, the spill has been cleaned up, and a minimum of one SDS tank is free of waste, as specified in Condition IV.E.4. The Permittee shall manage waste accumulated in each SDS tank as an operating batch. A batch of waste shall be the volume of liquid accumulated in the tank when filling of the tank has been stopped and the Permittee has determined that no additional waste will be added to the tank before it is to be emptied. Prior to emptying the tank, the Permittee shall sample and analyze each batch of waste in accordance with the Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and Module X. Each batch of liquid waste accumulated in the SDS tanks shall be incinerated in the secondary chambers of the TOCDF LICs. Only liquid wastes having an agent conce,ntration at or below 20 ppb for GB, 20 ppb for VX, and 200 ppb for II/IIT/HD shall be incinerated in the secondary charnber of the LICs. SPECTFIC OPERATING CONDITIONS - TOCDF BRINE SI]RGE TAI\KS (BSTs) The only hazardous wastes that shall be placed in BSTs, BRA-TANK-101, BRA-TANK- 102, BRA-TANK-201, and BRA-TANK-202, are spent scrubber brines from the incinerator Pollution Abatement Systerns (PASs), liquid wastes from Sump 110, decontamination solutions, liquids collected in the BST secondary containment system, and decontamination or cleaning solutions used to decontaminate the system after agent campaigns and prior to maintenance activities. Reserved No ignitable or reactive waste may be stored in the BSTs. Module IV - Page 6 o", fv.F.4. TV.F.5. fv.F.6. fv.F.7. TV.F.8. TOCDF 'ffi1:iliffi; The maximum storage capacity of the BSTs, BRA-TANK-l0l, BRA-TANK-102, BRA- TANK-201 and BRA-TANK-202, shallbe 42,900 gallons per tank. The maximum level of liquid in the tank, measured from the bottom of the tank, shall not exceed 18 feet three inches. The only treatment allowed in the BSTs shall be the addition of approved decontamination solutions when the chemical agents GB and VX are detected in the brine above 20 ppb, and the mustard compounds IIII{D/HT are detected in the brine above 200 ppb. Contaminated liquids shall not be pumped from the BSTs until concentration levels are at or below 20 ppb for agents GB and VX, and 200 ppb for mustard compounds H/HD/HT. The Permittee shall manage waste accumulated in the BSTs in batches. A batch of waste shall be the volume of liquid accumulated in the tank when filling of the tank has been stopped and the Permittee has determined that no additional waste will be added to the tank before it is to be emptied. At such time, the Permittee shall sample and analyze the waste contained in that tank in accordance with the Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). Waste in the BST System shall be transferred off site to an approved facility for heatment and disposal. ry.G. SPECIFIC OPERATING CONDITIONS - ATLIC LEWISITE AGENT IIOLDING TAI\tK IV.G.I. The only hazardous wastes or other materials allowed in LCS-TANK-8511 are Lewisite chemical asent. miscellaneous Lewisite aeent contaminated liquids. and decontamination solutions used to decontaminate the system bfter asent camoaigns and orior to maintenance activities or closure. IV.G.2. The only chemical agent that can be placed in LCS-TANK-8SI1 is Lewisite and associated break-down produqts. tV.G.3. ' The maximum storage capaclty of the LCS-TANK-8SI1 shall be 1.020 gallons. The maximum tank level. measured frorh the tangent of the bottom dome. shall not exceed 67.5 inches tV.H. SPECIFIC OPERATING CONDITIONS - ATLIC NITRIC ACID HOLDING TANK lV.H.l. The onlv hazardous wastes or other materials allowed in NSF-TANK-8514 and LCS- TANK-8516 are liquid hazardous waste generated from the rinsing of L Ton Containers. IV.H.2. The maximum storage caoacity of NSF-TANK-8514 and LCS-TANK-8516 shall be 1.020 gallons. The maximum tank level. measured from the tansent of the bottom dome. shall not exceed 67.5 inches Module IV - Page7 TOCDF Tank Systerns March 2007 IV.H.3. The onlytreatment allowed inNSF-TAII[K-8514 and LCS-TANK-8516 shall be the addition of selutienslorNitric Acid Solution (50 wtTo) whe,n L is detected at concentrations equal to or greater than 200 parts per billion (opb). fV.H.4. The Permittee shall manase waste accumulated in NSF-TAI\K-E514 and LCS- TAI\K-8516 as an oneratine batch. A batch of waste shall be the volume of liquid accumulated in the tankwhen fillins of the tank has been stopoed and the Permittee has determined that no additional waste will be added to the tank before it is to be emntied. Prior to emptvins the tank the Permittee shall samole and anahze each batch of waste in accordance with the Attachment 2 (lVaste Analvsis Plan) and ModuleX. ryJ. SPECIFIC OPERATING CONDITIONS _ ATLIC SPENT DECONTAMINATION HOLDING TAI\K lV.I.l. The only hazardous waste or materials that shall be placed in L€SDS-TANK-8523 are sodium hydroxidp decontamination solutions and ae€,nt breakdown products resultine from the rhsins out and decontamination of Aeent GA Ton Contain€rs. rinse water A and L Ton Contain IV.I.2. The maximum storaee capacity of LGSDS-TAI.[K-8523 shall be 1.020 gallons. The maximum tank level. measured from the tangent of the bottom dome. shall not exceed 67.5 inches IV.I.3. The only treatnent allowed in LGSDS-TANK-8523 shall be the addition of approved \ir ium hvdroxide decontaminatio orLi 0 oarts Der million IV.I.4. The Permittee shall manaee waste accumulated in LCS-TANK-8523 as an op€ratine batch. A batch of waste shall be the volume of liquid accumulated in the tank wh€n fillins of the tank has been stopped and the Permittee has determined that no additional waste will be added to the tank before it is to be emotied. Prior to emptyine the tank. the Permittee shall sample and anallze each batch of waste in accordance with the Attachment . 2 (Waste Anal]rsis Plan) and Module X. Each batch of li mulated in SDS-TAI\K-8523 shall be incinerated in IC. Onlv liquid wastes havins an asent GA or Lthe secondafv i concentrati hall be incinerated in the secondarv chamber of the AT IV.J. SPECIFIC OPERATING CONDITIONS - ATLIC MAJOR SPILL COLLECTION ht or belo TAI\K Module IV - Page 8 TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 fu.J.1. The Permittee shall maintain LCS-TANK-8534 free of waste when liquid wastes are present in the ATLIC Processins Bav or Toxic Area. This tank shall be used in the event of a major soill as a result of a tank. ancillary eouipment. or ton container failure. lV.J.2. ln the event of a major soill LCS-TANK-8534 may be used to store any one of the followine waste that are processed or eenerated at the ATLIC: Agents GA or Lewisite. Spent Decontamination Solutions and ton container rinse water. or Spent Nitric Acid. Onl], one type of waste may be stored in LCS-TANK-8534 at a time. IV.J.3. The maximum storage capacity of LCS-TANK-8534 shall be 1.020 eallons. The maximum tank level. measured from the tansent of the bottom dome. shall not exceed 67.5 inches IV.J.4. The Permittee may complete the processing of any ton containers that are currently in the Glove Box Miscellaneous Treatment Units. but shall discontinue,receipt of additional ton containers until the circumstances which reSulted in the spill have been rectified. the spill has been cleaned up. and LCS-TANK-8534 is empty. to include the lower oortion of the tank that is domed. IV.J.6. Waste stored in LCS-TANK-8534 shall be treated in the combustion chamber or Hazardous Waste Management Unit specified for the waste stream being stored in Conditions IV.G. 1 IV.H. I . IV.I.15 or IV.K. I . Aeen#GA Specifically, chemical agents shall be treated in the Primary Combustion Chamber of the ATLIC LIC. Snent Nitric Acid Solutions shall be transferred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. Soent Decontamination Solutions shall be treated in the Secondarv Chamber of the ATLIC LIC. ( ioO i {l,1, Q.,- '' r, t IV.GK.SI]MPS DESIGNATED AS 24-HOI]R INTERMITTENT COLLECTION T]NITS (ICUs) Except as allowed by Conditions IV.B.6. and IV.B.7., hazardous wastes may be stored in the sumps (ICUs) identified in Table 4 for a period not to exceed 24 hours. Except as allowed by Conditions IV.B.6. and IV.8.7., sumps shall be pumped at least once every 24 hour period if liquids are detected. Compliance with Condition IV.GL.1. shall be documented in the Operating Record by recording the time and the duration between activation and deactivation of each sump's low level indicator instrument. OPERATING PROCEDTIRBS FOR BRINE TANKS SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ST]MP IV.GK.1. IV.GK.2. lv.+IL. Prior to orocessins waste stored in LCS-TANK-8534 the Permittee shall comolv with the Module IV - Page 9 ^/ | [v.HL.1. I rv.il.1.a. I rv.++r.1 .b. I rv.rn.l .c. I tv.HL.2. I I IV.I+1.3. 1y.fM. IV.[VI.1 . I IV.[\rI.2. TOCDF 'il:.:iliffi; Except for the presence of liquid in the sumps allowed by Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan), if the Permittee detects liquids in the BST System sump (identified by the associated pump number, BRA-PUMP-l03 orBCS-PUMP-l07 in Table 4), within 24 hours, the Permittee shall manage the liquids using one of the three following methods: The accumulated liquids can be transferred to a BST where the liquids shall be managed as a hazardous waste; The accumulated liquids can be transferred off site where these accumulated liquids will be managed as a hazardous waste (spent scrubber brines) as specified in Section of Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan); or If it can be demonstrated, in accordance with R315-2-3, that the material removed from the sump is precipitation, which does not contain listed hazardous wastes, the material may be managed as a non-hazardous waste. For the purposes of demonstrating that the material does not contain a listed waste, or is not derived from a listed waste, the analytical results obtained shall indicate that there is no detectable chlorine, the pH is neutral, the concentrations for TC metals and TC organics (identified by footnote 3 in Table 2-l in Attachment 2) are below the corresponding detection limits, and the specific gravity is equal to I t 5%. If these criteria are met, the material may be managed as a non- hazardous waste. Snow and ice shall not be allowed to accumulate or remain within the Brine Tank Secondary Containment System. Snow, ice, and liquid shall be removed within 24 hours of the end of the precipitation event. Snow and ice shall be managed as specified in Condition IV.{L.1. Sludges or solids collected in the BST System sump shall be analyzed for TCLP metals and TCLP organics. If the material from a representative sample is found to contain TCLP metals or TCLP organics above the toxicity characteristic regulatory level, the material shall be managed as a hazardous waste. If the metals or organics are all below the toxicity characteristic regulatory level, the material may be managed as a non-hazardous waste, INSPECTION SCIIEDT]LES AI\D PROCEDT]RES The Permittee shall inspect the tank and sump systems in accordance with the inspection schedule provided in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan). If any SDS or BRA tank has been out of service for 360 or more days, it shall be recertified by an independent, qualified registered professional engineer that the tank system is capable of storing liquid hazardous waste for the intended life of the system. The Permittee shall have this certification performed before the tank is put back into service. The certification report shall then be submitted to the Executive Secretary within 15 days after returning the tank system to service. RESPONSE TO LEAKS OR SPILLSI rv.4!. Module IV - Page l0 O ! fv.4g.1. I rv.il$.1.a. I rv.N.1.b. I rv.N.1.c. I rv.N.1.d. I IV.4g.2. I IV.49.3. rv.Ko. IV.KQ.1. IV.tP. IV.LP.1 . TOCDF 'ilI,:iliffi; In the event of a leak or a spill from a tank systern, from a secondary containment sump system, or if a system becomes unfit for continued use, the Permittee shall remove the system from service immediately and initiate the following activities: Stop the flow of hazardous waste into the system and inspect the system to determine the cause ofthe release. Contain any visible release to the environment. The Permittee shall immediately conduct a visual inspection of all releases to the environment and based on that inspection: (1) prevent further migration of the leak or spill to soils or surface water and (2) remove and properly dispose of any visible contamination of the soil or surface water. Remove waste and accumulated precipitation from the systern within 24 hours of the detection of the leak to prevent further release and allow inspection and repair of the system. If the Permittee finds that it will be impossible to remove the waste within this time period, the Permittee shall notiff the Executive Secretary as soon as possible but not to exceed 24 hours of that determination. For a release caused by a spill that has not permanently damaged the integrity of the system, the Permittee shall remove the released waste and make the necessary repairs to fully restore the tank or sump system before it is put back into service. If the Permittee replaces a component of the tank system to eliminate a leak, the replacement component shall satisfu the requirements for new tank systems or components in R3 1 5 -8- 1 0 [40 CFR Sections 264.192 afi 264.193 incorporated by reference]. After all major tank or sump system repairs, the Permittee shall obtain a certification by an independent, qualified registered professional engineer that the repaired system is capable of handling hazardous wastes without release for the intended life of the system before retuming the system to service. Examples of major repairs are: installation of an internal liner, repair of a ruptured tank, or repair or replacement of a secondary containment vault. CALIBRATION REOUIREMENTS The Permittee shall maintain, calibrate, and operate all process monitoring, control, and recording equipment as specified in Attachment 6 (Calibration Plan), whenever hazardous wastes are present in a permitted tank system. RECORD KEEPING AI\D REPORTING Except as allowed in Condition [y.L.2' the Permittee shall orally report to the Executive Secretary within 24 hours of detection when a leak or spill occurs from a tank system or secondary containment syston. Releases from a tank system that are contained within a secondary containment system need not be reported unless they occur from an unexplained source. All pertinent information about a release shall be recorded in the facility Operating Record. | [v.L9.2. Module IV - Page 11 | [v.L9.3. IV.LP .3.a. [v.LP.3.b. I rv.rp.3.c. I rv.rp.3.d. I rv.rp.3.e. | [v.L9.4. I IV.Lg.5. [V.LP.5.a. IV.LP.5.b. IV.LP.5.c. I w.rg.s.d. I rv.rp.5.e. I rv.rp.s.f. TOCDF 'ilL:iliffi; Within 30 calendar days of detecting a release to the environment from a tank system or a secondary containment system, except for P999 and F999 wastes which require a written report 4s specified by Condition I.U., the Permittee shall report the following information to the Executive Secretary:. Likely route of migration of the release; Characteristics of the surrounding soil (including soil composition, geology, hydro geology, and climate) including proximity of down gradient drinking water, surface water, and populated areas; Results of any monitoring or sampling conducted in connection with the release. If the Permittee finds it will be impossible to meet the written report time period, the Permittee shall provide the Executive Secretarywith a schedule of when the results will be available. This schedule shall be provided in writing before the required submittal period expires; Description of response actions taken or planned to minimize the spill impact on the environment; Describe the repairs, design changes, or operating procedures to the tank system to minimize the potential for additional spills or leaks. The Permittee shall keep on file at the facility the written certification statements by those persons that certifr the design, installation, and integrity of the tank systems until such time that those tank systems are certified closed. In the event that a tank exceeds the maximum allowable capacity designated for that system, the Permittee shall notiff the Executive Secretary in writing within seven days of discovery and document the following information in the facility Operating Record: The date and time of occurrence; The tank system involved and its contents at the time of the occurrence; Any other available tank storage volume within the system. If no additional storage capacity was available within the storage system, indicate if the associated collection and treatment activities were automatically stopped; A description of whether the tank system automatically switched from the High-High level tank to a tank with the available storage capacity and if the tank intake valves were automatically closed; Any associated incinerator automatic waste feed cutoff interlocks. IdentiSr the interlocks and whether the interlocks were successfully activated; and A description of the operating control procedures that allowed the tank system to exceed the maximum allowable storage capacity (e.g., why the operator was not successful in managing the waste within the high level volume working capacity). Module IV - Page 12 O I rv.Lg.6. | rv.fg.Z. The Permittee shall document and record the results of each BST waste analysis and any subsequent treatment. I rv.nee. cr,osrrRE I rv.UQ.t. Partial Closure I W.Uq. t .u. At the conclusion of each agent campaigl, the TOX shall be thoroughly decontam:inated; all decontamination films shall be removed using an appropriate rinse; all clouded observation windows that compromise the ability to view operations shall be cleaned or replaced; and maintenance and repair shall be performed. The Permittee will submit in writing to the Executive Secretary, a request for partial closure of the room and tank systems, since the agent is being changed. Upon approval for partial closure by the Executive Secretary, the next campaign will commence, when authorized, and when it is appropriate to do so. lrv.uo.z.ThePermitteeshal1closethe@TankSystemsinaccordancewith Attachment 10 (Closure Plan). TOCDI. Tank Systons March 2007 The Permittee shall document and record the results of each SDS tank waste analysis and any subsequent treatment. Module IV - Page 13 o o o i TOCDF Long-Term Incineration' 'i: March 2009 MODULE V LONC,-TERM INCINERATION ,iV.A. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR INCINERATORS AIID f,'T]RNACES .". V.A.I. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE V.A.1.a. The Permittee shall maintain each incinerator and furnace in accordance with the design plans and specifications. Design plans and specifications shall be provided to representatives ofthe Executive Secretary upon request. V.A.l.b. Modification to the design plans and specifications for an incinerator or a furnace shall be allowed only in accordancewith Condition tr.A.2. V.A.l.c. ' The Permittee shall install and test all process monitoring and control instrumentation for each incinerator and furnace in accordance with the design drawings in Attachment 11, and in accordance with the performance specifications and maintenance procedures Il. contained in Tables 6-A-1 (LIC 1) and 6-A-2 (LlC 2); Table 6-8 (MPF);an*Table 6-C | (DFSLand fable 6-f (efLIC) in Attachment 6 (Instrument Calibration Plan and Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test). V.A.l.d. Reserved. V.A.lre. The Permiuee shall maintain each incinerator or furnace such that when operated, in' accordance with the operatiiig requiremerts specified in this Permit, each incinerator or fumace shall meet the applicable performance standards specified in Section Y.A.2. V.A.l.f. The Permittee shall maintain and operate a minimum of one monitor for each oxygen (O2) and carbon monoxide (CO) continuous emission monitor specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). If either the CO or 02 monitors fail, " and no certified backup CEMS is on line, for continuous monitoring then feed to the incineratoi or furnace shall be stopped. V.A.1.f.i. For the MPF and DFS only, a back up 02 and CO monitor shall be on line in case the primary monitor fails or malfunctions during waste feed. The Permittee shall use the backup monitor until the waste has exited the furnacri or furnace system. The monitor that failed or malfunctioned shall be replaced or repaired prior to resuming feed to the furnace - or furnace system. V.A.l.g. The Permittee shall maintain and operate Depot Area Air Monitoring System (DAAMS) tubes and Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System (ACAMS) monitor on each. incinerator or fumace exhaust duct and DAAMS tubes and staggered ACAMS monitors on the corlmon stack as specified in Attachments 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables) and 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). V.A.1 .9.1 . When processing Agent GA the Permittee shall maintain and operate DAAMS tubes and staggered ACAMS monitors on the ATLIC Stack aS soeci.fibd in Attachments 19 (loit***tutio, urrd Wust" F""d Cut offT . \* _.-i* :*&, ModuleV-Pagel TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 V.A.l.g.2. When processing Lewisite the Permittee shall maintain and operate ei{her DAAMS tubes MINICAI{S monitors on the ATLI ed in Attachments 19 tion and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables) atid 22 A bnt Monitorin Plan v.A.1.h. *itbthe4rs#se* Major maintenance changes shall require recalibration of the Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) in accordance with the most stringent requirements of 40 CFR Part 266, Appendix IX, 40CFR Part 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification Tests and Attachment 20 (CEMS Monitoring Plans), Section 8.a.7. A certified monitor may receive minor maintenance and repairs and still remain certified in accordance with V.A.l.h.i and 40 CFR 266, Appendix D(. The following table categorizes the CEMS repairs and maintenance, and the re- certification step, if required, prior to placing the instrument on line for monitoring: ? "tA " v.A.l .h.i. Maintenance operation Rep a irs/lVl a int en a n c e Included Operational Validation Steps Required Modification of Critical Components oChanges to probe construction material oChanges of detection method oAddition or deletion of sample conditioning components oRelative Accur acy Test Audit (RATA). c7 -Day Calibration Drift Test. oResponse Time Test. oCalibration Error Test. Note: This is a full CEMS re-certification. Major oDetector change or repair. oCircuit card change or repair. oPower supply change or repair. o7 -Day Calibration Drift Test. oResponse Time Test. oCalibration Error Test. Minor (M aintenanc e/Rep airs) oAll other maintenance and repair activities not addressed above. These include, but are not limited to: .Analyzer adjustment or optimization. oCell replacement. oPump r epatr I rep lacement. oFilter replacement. o Sample conditioner repair gr replacement. oProbe replacement. oRe-calibration of instrument. oCalibration Error Test. oResponse Time Test Note: Re-certification in accordance with 40 CFR 266, Appendix IX is not required for monitors receiving Minor maintenance or repairs. The monitor shall remain certified. ModuleY -Page} . TOCDF Long-Term Incineration. March 2009 oTubins replacement. I V.e. t .U.ii. The fotlowing table categori zes the API-300EM CO analyzt repairs and maintenance, and the recertification step, if required, prior to placing the instrument on line for monitoring: ". Maintenance Operation RepairslVlaintenance Included Steps Required to Re- Certify for Operations Modification of Critical Components i:. o Replacement or update software o Replacement of software chip r Replacement of CPU Full CEMS analyzer recertification including : o Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) o 7.Day Calibration Drift o Response Time Test o Calibration Error Test Major o Change out of detector o S ynchronous/I) emodulation board replacement o Source . GCF wheel o GDF wheel motor o Calibration Error Test, Calibration o Calibration Error Test, Calibration, Dark Calibration o Calibration o 7 Day Calibration Drift M inor (MaintenanceRep airs)o Front panel filter o Any electronic board other than Synchronous/ Demodulation o Calibration o Calibration V.A.l.i. For the monitors specified in V.A.l.f., the replacement monitors, shall be certified in accordance with Condition V.A.4.f. I V.e.t j. Replacement ACAMSA4IMCAMS shall be available for the monitors specified in V.A.1.g. These monitors shall be certified in accordance with Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analyical, and QA/QC Procedures). V.A.1.k. Replacernent of the oxygen (O) and carbon monoxide (CO) monitors specified in V.A.l.f. shall be in accordance with the following: V.A.l.k.i. The replacement monitor shall be calibrated in accordance with R3l5-50-16 [40 CFR Part 266 , Appendix lX, 2 .l .6 .2 . for Response Time, and 2 .I .6 .3 for Calibration Errorl immediately aft er installation. V.A.1.k.ii. The replacement monitor shall be calibrated when installed and checked thereafter for' Calibration Drift. ModuleV-Page3 V.A.1.k.iv. v.A.1 .1. v.A.1.1.i. Y.4.2. Y.4.2.a. TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 The replacement monitoring system shall be calibrated and on-line before the calibration of the first monitor has expired. If this carurot be accomplished, feed to the incinerator or fumace shall be discontinued. Both monitors for one location may not be replaced within one 24-hour period without approval from the Executive Secretary. A report speciffing the following information shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary within 14 calendar days of replacement of any oxygen (Or) and carbon monoxide (CO) monitor specified in Condition V.A.1.f. The calibration data, both raw data and Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS), in accordance with R315-50-16 [40 CFR Part266, Appendix IX]; Serial numbers, t5pes, and ranges of both failed and replacement monitors; Date and time the monitor failed; Maintenance to be performed; and The identity of the incinerator or fumace. Replacement monitor information in Condition V.At.t. shall also be included in the annual report specified in Condition I.AA. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The incinerators and furnaces must achieve a Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE) listed in the following table for the chemical agent trial bum principal organic hazardous constituents (POHCs), the chemical agents GB, VX, and Mustard (H/IID/HT), and propellant, explosives, and pyrotechnics @EP). The DRE shall be calculated by the method specified in R315-14-7. Incinerator / Furnace (POHC)Minimum POHC DRE Each TOCDF LIC (GB, VX, Mustard')99.9999% MPF (GB,VX, Mustardr)gg.9ggg% DFS (GB, VX)'99.990 DFS (PEP)3 99.9904 ATLIC (Monochlorobenzene & Tetrachloroethylene)a 99.99990/o (each) 'Distilled Mustard (HD) has highest concentration of POHC in Mustard series HDIHIHT. 'A PFS DRE for Mustard not required. 3A,' one time demonstration during any agent campaign. oThe DRE for the identiGtbompounds serve as a surrosate measure of the DRE for An.r,t, urc th. trro un.nt th. ATLIC *ill pror"rr. The particilaterfatter emission from the TOCDF common stack shall be controlled by limiting the concentration of particulate in the exhaust gas from the Pollution Abatement Svstem of each incinerator to less than 29.8 millierams per drv standard cubic meter, v.A.2.b. ModuleV-Page4 o TOCDF Long-Temr Incineration March 2009 colTected to 7%o oxygen in accordance with the formula given below@ mi P.:P,,X l4l(21 -Y) P, : measured concentration of particulate matter ppm (dry volume) Y: measured 02 in the stack gas V.A.2.b.i. The particulate matter ernission from the ATLIC stack shall be controlled by limiting the concentration of particulate in the exhaust gas to less than 3.7 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter. corrected to 7olo oxygen in accordance with the formula given above. Y.A.2.c. The hydrogen chloride emission from the TOCDF common stack shall be controlled by limiting the concentration of hydrogen chloride in the exhaust gas from the Pollution Abatement System of each incinerator to less thar32 parts per million by volume, on a drybasis corrected toTo/o oxygen. V.A.2.c.i..The hvdrosen chloride emission from the ATLIC stack shall be controlled bv limitins the concentration of hydroqen chloride in the exhaust gas to less than 21 parts per million by volume. on a dry basis corrected to 7olo oxyeen. v.A.2.d. V.A.2.e. v.A.2.f. v.A.3. V.A.3.a. Toxic metals emissions shall be controlled by limiting the agent and agent contaminated waste feed rates to each incinerator and furnace. . ,"t//.cto,ot,l The Permittee shall control emissions of product2of incomplete combustion from each TOCDF incineratorg and furnaceg and the ATLIC such that the carbon monoxide (CO) level in each exhaust duct, corrected to 7o/o oxygen in accordance with the formula given below, shall not exceed 100 parts per million (ppm), dry volume, over a one-hour rolling average. CO. : CO,, x (21 - 7)l(21 - O,,) Where: CO.: corrected CO ppm (dryvolume) CO. : measured CO ppm (dry volume) O, : measuredoh Oz (dry volume) Compliance with the operating conditions specified in Conditions V.B.2., V.C.2., ard V.D.2.. and V.E.2 shall be regarded as compliance with the required performance standards identified in Conditions V.A.2.a. through V.A.2.e. However, if it is determined that during the effective period of this Permit that compliance with the operating conditions in V.B.2., Y.C.2., erV.D.2.. oi V.E.2. is not sufficient to ensure compliance with the performance standards specified in Conditions V.A.2.a. through V.A.2.e., the Permit may be modified, revokel, or reissued, pursuant to R315-3-4 INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS The Permittee shall inspect each incinerator and furnace in accordance with the inspection requirements of Attachments 5 (Inspection Plan) and 6 (Instrument Calibration Plan and Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test). ModuleV-Page5 v.A.3.b. V.A.3.c. V.A.3.c.1 V.A.3,c.2 V.A.3.c.3 V.A.3.c.4 v.A.4. V.A.4.a. V.A.4.a.i.. TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 The inspection data for the incinerators and furnaces shall be recorded. The records shall be placed in the Operating Record for each incinerator and furnace in accordance with Condition II.I. The following requirements apply when non-routine maintenance or repairs are performed on the Quench Tower, Venturi Scrubber, Scrubber Tower, or Demister. Ancillary equipment is excluded from these requirements. The Permittee shall notifr the Executive Secretary prior to the non-routine work. All work shall be performed in accordance with TOCDF work order procedure (PRP-MG- 015), which requires all work to be done in accordance with applicable specifications. Qualrty inspection and verification shall be conducted in accordance with TOCDF qualrty procedure (PRP-QA-006) and the affected component shall not be put in service until all inspections are complete All work order documentation and manufacturing specifications shall be maintained in TOCDF Document Control for archiving during the life of the facility. MONITORING REOUIREMENTS The Permittee shall maintain, calibrdte, and operate process monitoring, control, and recording equipment as specified in Attachments3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures), 6 (Instrument Calibration Plan and Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test), 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables), 20 (Continuous Emission Monitoring System Plans), and 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan); Condition V.A.1.f. and V.A.1.g.; and Conditions V.EE.6 through V.EE.10 while incinerating hazardous waste. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RGRA) rhonitors shall monitor as described in Conditions V.A.l.f. and V.A.1.g. The following table lists the alarm levels for the common stack, ducts and HVAC stack. Any alarm at or above these levels at the conrmon stack or ducts (when monitoring in accordance with Attachment 22)will cause a waste feed cut-off. If the HVAC stack ACAMS alarm at or above 0.5 VSL for any agent being monitored, a staged shutdown in accordance with Module X (Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, and the HVAC) shall be performed. MONITORING STATION MONITORING LEVEL DAAMS Confirmation Common Stack3 70 I AG ,7O I BG, 70I CG 0.2 SEL'70I DG,7OI EG Common Stackr 706AV, 706BV, 706CV 0.2 SEL'706DV ,7068V Common Stack 7A7 AH,7O7BH,7O7CH 0.2 SELI 7O7DH,7O7EH DFS Duct 7O2AH,7O2BH 0.2 SELI Yes MPF DuctJ 703C,703D 0.2 sEL' (Ce) 0.5 sEL'(VX)Yes ModuleV-Page6 TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 MONITORING STATION MONITORING LEVEL DAAMS Confirmation MPF Duct 7O3AH, 7O3BH 0.2 SEL'Yes LIC I Duct 7O4AH, BH 0.2 SEL'Yes LIC 2 Duct Duct 705AH, BH 0.2 SELI Yes HVAC Stack 60I CH, 60I DH 0.5 VSL2 Yes HVAC Stack 601AV, 601BV for VX 601 EG. 601FG for GB 0.5 VSL2 H i s tori callc o n fi im ati ona ATLIC PAS Stack GA monitors L monitors GA: 0.52 SELI L - oif! sEL' Yes5 ATLIC HVAC Stack GA monitors L monitors GA: 0.5 VSL2 L: 0.4 VSL2 Yes5 Notes: ' SEL1mgm3l: cB=0.0003, VX=0.0003, HD: 0.03. GA:0.0003. Lewisite : 0.032 vsllmg/m3;: GB= 0.000 l, vx=0.00001, HD:0.003. GA=0.000 l. Lewisite : 0.003. 3 a' When processing secondary waste the DAAMS tubes become confirmation tubes. When mustard is the only agent inside the facility boundaries, the tubes are historical. 5' GA DAAMS become historical when Lewisite is lhqonly aeent bcins proeessed bv the ATLIC. U menitering is p€rformed V.A.4.a.ii. A CEMS monitor may be taken off-line for calibration and minor maintenance as' - specified in Condition V.A.l.h. Data from the CEMS shall be recorded in the operating record and PDARS. V.A.4.a.iv. Data from the 02 and CO CEMS and staggered, common stack ACAMS monitors shall be used for reporting requirements. V.A.4.a.v. All RCRA monitors shall be connected to the waste feed cut-off. V.A.4"b. Monitoring of oxygeri (O2), carbon monoxide (CO),.and agent shall be provided at all times during waste feed to a fumace or incinerator. If an intemrption in monitoring (CO, 02 or agent) occurs, feed to that furnace shall be discontinued exce,pt as allowed in Attachment 19 (lnstrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). If the duct is not monitored by an ACAMSA4IMCAMS, then the DAAMS tubes shall be analyzed for that time period the ACAMSA{INICAMS was offJine. Monitoring shall resume in accordance with Attachment 22 (AgentMonitoring Plan). \:__ V.A.4.c. Hazardous wastes shall not be fed to an individual incinerator or furnace if any one of the monitoring instruments listed in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables) pertaining to that incinerator or fumace fails to operate properly. ModuleV-Page7 v.A.4.d. V.A.4.e. v.A.4.f. v.A.4.f.i.. V.A.4.f.i.a v.A.4.f.ii. v.A.4.f.iii. V.A.4.f.iv. V.A.4.f.v. V.A.4.f.vi. TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 Upon receipt of a written request from the Executive Secretary, the Permittee shall perform sampling and analysis of the waste and exhaust emissions to veriffthat the operating requirements established in the Permit achieve the performance standards delineated under Condition V.A.2. All monitoring, recording, maintenance, calibration, and test data shall be recorded and the records shall be placed in the operating record for each furnace in accordance with Condition II.I. The oxygen (Oz) and carbon monoxide (CO) monitors specified in Condition V.A.1.f. shall be certified in accordance with R3l5-50-16 [40 CFR Part266, Appendix D( and 40CFR Part 60, Appendix B, using the most stringent requirements. Certification or recertification must be accepted by the Executive Secretary. Interim approval of certification or recertification test results may be granted by the Executive Secretary, based upon a review of preliminary data and observations made during the certification testing, to allow operation of the monitor for compliance prior to submission of the final certification or recertification report. A certified monitor may only receive minor modifications and still remain certified. Condition V.A.1.h.i classifies CEMS repairs and maintenance as major changes or minor changes. Written approval from the Executive Secretary shall be required for downgrading a major change to a minor change. Each monitor shall be recertified annually, in accordance with R315-50-16 [40 CFR266, Appendix IXI and 40CFR Part 60, Appendix B using the most stringent requirements. This recertification shall be initiated within or before the calendar quarter of the certification anniversary date. The current certification shall remain in effect until a determination is made on the recertification. The certification date shall be the first day of certification testing. ModuleV-Page8 V.A.4.g. v.A.5. V.A.5.a. v.A.6. V.A.6.a. v.A.6.b. v.B. v.B.1. V.B .I .a. TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 Pursuant to Attachment 22 (Agerfi Monitoring Plan), the Permittee shall monitor and , A {! control emissions of chemical agsnts from each incinerator, fumace, and the TOCDF € lt r t- common stack. The emission level measured by each monitoring system shall not exceed the following concentrations: Chemical Agent Concentration (mg/m3) GB H/IID/HT VX TOCDF Incinerator and Common StackMaximum StaelrEmission: 0.0003 0.03 0.0003 GA Lewisite ATLIC PAS Stack Maximum Emission: 0.0003 CLOSURE At closure, the Permittee shall follow the procedures in Attachment 10 (Closure Plan). RECORDKEEPING The Permittee shall record and maintain, in the operating record for each incinerator and fumace, all monitoring and inspection data compiled under the requirements of this Permit, in accordance with Condition ILI. The Permittee shall record in the operating record the date, time, and duration of all automatic waste feed cut-offs, including the triggering parameters, reason for the deviation that resulted in a waste feed cut-off, and corrective measures taken to prevent recuffence of the incident. The Permittee shall also record all incidents of the automatic waste feed cut-off function failures, including the corrective measures taken to alleviate the condition that caused the failure. TOCDF LIOUID INCINERATORS &ICs) All numeric values included in any of the Conditions under V.B., which are marked with an asterisk (*), (except numeric values for agent GB, which have previously been approved) are tentative and may be modified by permit modification after the results of each trial burn have been evaluated by the Executive Secretary in accordance with R3l5- 8-15.5(c). The Executive Secretary reserves the right to replace the values, which are marked with an asterisk as necessary to be protective of human health and the environment. LIMITATION ON WASTE FEED Except during the short-term periods specified in Module VI for shakedown, trial burn, and post-trial burn, the Permittee shall incinerate only the following hazardous wastes in each LIC, in compliance with the operating requirements specified in Condition Y.8.2. ModuleV-Page9 V.E}.1.a.i.. V.B.1.a.ii. v.B.1.b. V.B.1.c. v.B.1 .d. V.B.l .e. TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 Only one chemical agent, or waste containing one chemical agent, shall be fed to the primary combustion chamber of the LIC at any given time. The spent decontamination solution or the miscellaneous agent contaminated wastes may be bumed either in the primary combustion chamber or secondary combustion chamber but not at the same time. If these wastes are bumed in the secondary combustion chamber, then only agent may be fed to the primary combustion chamber at the same time. The Permittee shall not incinerate any chemical agent, or any waste containing the chemical agent, for which treatment has not been successfully demonstrated through a trial burn in accordance with Module VI or by other means approved by the Executive Secretary. The Permittee shall not incinerate any hazardous waste in the LICs that contains R3l5-50- 10 organic hazardous constituents, which are more difficult to destroy than the material demonstrated in the surrogate trial burn. The feed rate of chlorine to each LIC shall not exceed 6,425* pounds, over a twelve-hour rolling average. Non-hazardous waste simufant test materials may be fed to either the primary or secondary combustion chambers to v'drify operating performance at the start of an agent or munition campaign, following maintenance, or after an approved furnace system modification. Only liquid, pumpable, waste with a maximum viscosity of 10 centipoise at 25o C shall be incinerated in the LIC. DESCRIPTION OF HAZARDOUS WASTES LIC 1 & LIC2 COMBUSTION CHAMBER MAXIMT]MFEED RATE lbs/hour Chemical Agents (P999, D002, D003, D004, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D011, D028, D034, and D039 ) Mustard G/HD/IIT)Primary 1,208* Miscellaneous Agent Contaminated Liquid Wastes (P999, F999, D001, D002, D003, D004, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D011, D018, D022,D028, D034, D039, D040, D043, F002, and F005) as identified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan), Section 2.2.t.15 GB Primary 833 VX Primary 5 80* Mustard (H/IID/HT)Primary 1 ,208 * Spent Decontamination Solutions (F999, D001, D002, D003, D004, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D011, D018, D019, D022, D028, D034, D039, D040, D043) as identified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan), Section GB Primary/Secondary 1,790 VX Primary/Secondary 1,790* Mustard @/HD/HT)Primary/Secondary 1,809* v.B.1.f. Module V - Page l0 V.8.1.g. v.B.1.h. v.8.1.i. v.8.2. V.B.2.a. v.8.2.b. V.B.2.c. v.B.2.d. V.B.2.e. v.8.2.f. V.8.2.s. V.B.2.g.i. V.B.2.g.t.a. TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 The Permittee shall conduct sufficient analysis of all waste treated in the LICs to veriff that the waste feed is within the physical and chemical composition limits specified, in accordance with the waste analysis requirements in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures). Metals feed rates to each LIC shall not exceed the values specified in Table V.l located at the end of this Module. Mustard from 1) ton containers that are sampled in Area 10 with liquid sample analyical results having mercury concentrations equal to one ppm or greater, or 2) 4.2-inch HD Mortars shall not be processed in the LICs until a permit modification is approved by the Executive Secretary for operation of pollution abatsment system equipment designed to control emissions of mercury from the LICs. OPERATING CONDITIONS All operating conditions shall be monitored in accordance with the Monitoring Requirements in V.A.4. The Permittee shall monitor emissions of chemical agent from each incinerator duct (LIC #1, LIC#2), and the common stack, as specified in Condition V.A.4. The waste feed(s) to the corresponding incinerator(s) shall be automatically cut off if any of the monitored operating conditions deviate from the values specified in Tables D- 5-2AandD-5-28 in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). Primary combustion chamber exhaust gas temperature shall be maintained at or above 2,544*" F, over a one-hour rolling average, but shall not reach or exceed 2,850*o F. Secondary combustion chamber exhaust gas temperature shall be maintained at or above 1,822*" F, over a one-hour rolling average, but shall not reach or exceed 2,200*" F. Carbon monoxide in the exhaust blower exit gas, shall be corrected to 7%o oxygen in accordance with the formula specified in Condition Y.A.Z.e' and shall be maintained below 100* ppm, dry volume, over a one-hour rolling average. LIC exhaust gas flow rate or unit production rate (as measured by the V-Cone) shall not exceed 8,400* standard cubic feet per minute, over a one-hour rolling average. If the exterior shell temperature of the slag removal system reaches or exceeds 500*o F, all waste feed to the LIC system shall be stopped. Shell integrity shall be verified, and recorded in the operating record, before wastes are re-introduced into the fumace system. Atomizing air pressure for the waste bumer nozzles, for both chemical agent and decontamination solution shall be maintained at or above the following set points: Primary Combustion Chamber, All Feed Rates (1-100%) - 60* psig. The Permittee may disable the Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off associated with Condition V.B.2.g.i. when the waste burner nozzle forthe primary chamber is removed and agent feed to the LIC is isolated. Secondary Combustion Chamber, All Feed Rates (l-100%) - 60* psig.V.B.2.g.ii. ModuleV-Pagell Long-Term rr.,H;il: March 2009 V.B.2.h. Reserved. V.8.2.i. The Permittee shall control fugitive emissions from the combustion zone of the LIC by the sealed system design of the LIC combustion chambers. V.B.2j. Quench tower exhaust gas temperature shall not exceed 225*" F. V,8.2.k. Exhaust gas pressure drop across the venturi scrubber shall be maintained above 32* inches of water column over a one-hour rolling average. V.B.2.1. Brine feed rate to the venturi scrubber shall be maintained above 105* gallons per minute over a one-hour rolling average and delivery pressure shall be maintained above 40* psig. V.B.2.m. Clean liquor feed rate to the scrubber tower shall be maintained above 425* gallons per minute, over a one-hour rolling average and delivery pressure shall be maintained above 35* psig. V.B.2.n. Quench Brine shall be maintained above a pH of 7.5*over a one-hour rolling average. V.8.2.o. Scrubber liquid effluent shall not reach or exceed 1.15TBD* specific gravity units, over a twelve hour rolling average. V.8.2.p. Oxygen concentration in the.exhaust blower exit gas, shall be maintained above 3o/o*,bttt shall not reach or exceed 15olo* oxygen on a dry volume basis. V.B.2.q. The maximum agent feed rate to the LIC primary combustion chamber shall not exceed 1,208* pounds over a one-hour rolling average. V.B.2.r. The maximum spent decontamination solution feed rate to the LIC secondary combustion chamber shall not reach or exceed 1,809* pounds per a one-hour rolling average. V.B.2.s. During cold start-ups of LICI orLlC2, the primary chamber waste feed nozzle shall not be installed and the waste feed control valve shall not be opened until the secondary combustion chamber is at 1,550*o F or higher as measured by thermocouples 13-TIC-103 (for LICI) or 13-TIC-781 (for LICZ} V.B.2.t. The Permittee may only direct exhaust gas to the PAS Carbon Filtration System (PFS) when hazardous waste is not being treated in the primary and secondary chambers. V.B.3. WASTE FEED CUT-OFF REOUIREMENTS V.B.3.a. The Permittee shall maintain and operate the systems specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables) to automatically cut off the hazardous waste feed to the LIC when the monitored operating conditions deviate from the set-points specified. V.B.3.b. In the event of a malfunction of the LIC automatic waste feed cut-off systems listed in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables) the Permittee shall immediately, manually, cut off the waste feed to the LIC and correct the malfunction prior ModuleV-Page12 V.8.3.c. v.c. v.c.1. V.C.1.a. V.C.1 .a.i. TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunctions, the time of the malfi,rnction, the time of resuming waste feed, the apparent cause of the malfunctions, and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. The Permittee shall perform a waste feed cut-off function test no less than once every 14 days. No waste shall be fed to the LIC during the function test. If the LIC is not operational (i.e., shut down), the Permittee shall perform the function test when the LIC becomes operational, prior to waste feed. Idling shall not be considered as "shut down." A copy of each function test shall be placed in the Operating Record. METAL PARTS FI]RNACE (MPF) All numeric values included in any of the Conditions under V.C., which are marked with an asterisk (*) (except numeric values for agent GB, which have previously been approved) are tentative and may be modified by permit modification after the results of each trial bum have been evaluated by the Executive Secretary in accordance with R315- 8-15.5(c). The Executive Secretary reserves the right to replace the values which are marked with an asterisk as necessary to be protective of human health and the erlironment. LIMITATION ON WASTE FEED During processing, the MPF dischaqge airlock (DAL) shall be monitored for the agents being processed in the MPF. During munitions processing, the MPF DAL shall monitor for agent either by high temperature or low temperature monitoring protocols according to Y .C.2.r. and Attachment 22. For secondary wastes, the MPF DAL shall be monitored using low temperature monitoring ac.cording to V.B.4 and Attachment22. Except during the short-term periods specified in Module VI for shakedown, trial bum, and post-trial bum, the Permittee shall incinerate only the following hazardous wastes in the MPF, in compliance with the operating requirements specified in Condition V.C.2. Chemical Asent Munitions Waste Codes: P999,F999, D003, D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009,D010, DOl l, D028, D034, D039 Maximum Charge Weight (lbs)2: 630* Mustard (H,HD,HT) Feed Rate (lbs/hr*)3: 3711* Item Type Zone la (min) Zone 2a (min) Zone 3a (min) DAL4 (min) Items/tray4 (#l Cycle Time (min)3 Mustard B aseline/B aseline P arent/Child Ton Containers (Mustard lbs. per Tray) L2 is <220* 85*l0x I 00x I 00*I 00* Mustard Baseline/Baseline Parent/Child Ton Containers Mustard lbs. per tray L4 is 5490* f'. 105*10*120*120*I 120* Mustard Baseline/Baseline Parenychild Ton Containers t"'?f,l':;i;lrraY)123*l5*I 43*143*I l43x Module V - Page 13 Mustard I 55mm Projectiles Full Tray (48 Proios)s 66*20*86*86*48 g6* 4.2" HT Mortarso (Mustard lbs. Per Tray < 83.5*)TBD*TBD*TBD*TBD*48-96 TBD* NOTES:I Based on the maximum zone time plus a nominal 5 minute tray transfer time.2 Maximum mustard ([VHD/HT) chmge weight successfully demonstrated during MPF HD Ton Container Agent Trial Burn for condition using ton containers.3 Cycle time is set by the longest zone time for all zones and does not include tray transfer time.a Values based on Discharge Air Lock (DAL) Low Temperature Monitoring (LTM) results obtained during agent trial bum, or as determined through compliance with Condition V.C.l.a.i.c. The zone times presented represent the zone timer set point and do not include the zone transfer time, which is a constant attribute of the MPF feed syste,m.5 The maximum zone time does not include the 5 minute zone hansfer time (86 + 5 =91 minutes), which is a constant of the MPF system 6. The 4.2" HT mortars processing times and operating conditions will be developed during each ramp-up phase. The final operating conditions will be incorporated into this table once the Executive Secretary has approved the final conditions. Low Temperature Monitoring is required for all mortar trays during the ramp-up. TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 V.C.l.a.i.a. Mustard ton containers that are sampled in Area 10 with liquid sample analytical results having mercury concentrations of less than one part per million (ppm(mglkg)) may be processed in the MPF before installation of Pollution Abatement System equipment designed to control emissions of mercury from the MPF. V.C.1.a.i.b. Mustard ton containers that are sampled in Area l0 with liquid sample ana$ical results having mercury concentrations equal to one ppm or gleater and 4.2-inch HD Mortars shall not be processed in the MPF until a permit modification is approved by the Executive Secretary for operation of pollution abatement system equipment designed to control emissions of mercury from the MPF. V.C.1.a.i.c. Reserved. V.C.1.a.i.c.i. Reserved V.C.1.a.i.c.ii. Reserved V.C.1.a.i.c.iii. Reserved. V.C.1.a.i.d. The 4.2" HT mortars Sampling/Analysis Plan and associated Ramp-up Phases must be approved by the Executive Secretary prior to implementation. V.C.1.a.i.d.i Each4.2" HT Mortars shall be drained to fifteen percent (0.87 lbs) or less before feeding to the MPF. V.C.1.a.i.d.2 The Permittee shall low temperature monitor all4.2" HT mortars during ramp-up (Phase I, tr, m). V.C.l.a.i.d.3 Tlte 4.2" HT burster wells will be processed with each tray of mortars or on a separate tray. A function test is required for more than 96 burster wells on a tray for those burster wells that are not fed with the mortars. V.C.l.a.ii. AeentContaminatedSecondaryWaste ModuleV-Page14 TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 Agent Contaminated Secondary Waste may be treated in the MPF. The MPF DAL shall be monitored for agents contaminating the waste by the low temperature monitoring protocol (600'F for GBA/X and 700'F for Mustard). The maximum charge weight of secondary waste for each category is specified Table V.C.l below, based on a minimum 75-minute fumace charge interval: Category Feed Rates Table V.C.l Secondary Waste Category Waste Stream Subcategory/ Component Maximum Tray Limit (per charge) Pounds per 12 hours, on 12 hour rolling average basis Net Weight of WIC/Container3 Contents Net Weight of WlC/Container3 Contents 2410 pounds maximum Combustible Bulk Solid Waste Ash Content 70* lbs.809* lbs. Halogen Content 97*lbs.1,500* lbs. BTU Content 3.5* Million BTUs Agent-Contaminated Spill Absorbents 45* lbs DPE Suits, Polyethylene Bags, and carbon filter cartridges (<25 cartridges) Metal bearing secondary waste shall not be within the MPF primary combustion chamber when halogenated wastes are present, except for metals that are integrated (embedded)6 into the waste's design and protective mask carbon canisters. 354*NA Non-Embedded Metalsa Group I (High-Volatile Metals) Mercury (D009) 0.03 l7* Non-Embedded Metalsa Group 2 Semi-volatile Metals Lead (D008 Cadmium (D006) Antimony Thallium Tin Zinc 7 6.54* Module V - Page l5 TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 Category Feed Rates Table V.C.l Secondary Waste Category Waste Stream Subcategory/ Component Maximum Tray Limit (per charge) Pounds per 12 hours, on 12 hour rolling average basis Non-Embedded Metalsa Group 3 Low Volatile Metals Arsenic (D004) Chromium (D007) Barium (D005) Boron Cobalt Copper Selenium (D010) Silver (D0l I ) Beryllium Aluminum Manganese Nickel Vanadium 50.7 4* Non-Combustible Bulk Solid Waste Aluminum 1000* lbs. Glass/Ceramics 241 0* lbs. Miscellaneous Metal 241 0* lbs. Carbon Filter Cartridges- Aluminum Housing onlv 25* each Building I Concrete Materials ffi To Be Determ ned'* To Be Determ ned'* Sludge ACS, AQS, SDS Agent- Contaminated Sludges and Aqueous Wastes 45* lbs. Area l0 Ton Container Sampling Waste 5'7 Polypropylene /Spill Pads Nitrile Gloves Steel Plugs Iron Clad Gloves Polyethylene Bags Polyethylene Syringes Polyethylene Bottles Flex Hoses Metal Hand Tools lbs LSS Hosess'7 Rubber/Neoprene Hoses with metal quick-connect 64 lbs High Density Polyethylene GDPE)s'7 HDPE Drum Material 32 lbs Airlock TrashT Butyl Gloves DPE Booties #1 (Silicone Rubber) DPE Booties #2 (PYC/CPE) Plastic Bags (Polyethylene) Duct Tape Gvc/Polyethvlene) 90 lbs Table Notes Note 1: Unless successive tmys are tracked to ensu'e the l2-hour limit is not exceeded, each WIC shall not exceed any one of the indicated limits. The indicated lirnits rnay be exceeded on a WIC as long as the l2-hour are complied with by limiting feeds on subsequent trays. If each WIC is limited to the indicated limits, the l2-hour limit will not be exceeded. Note 2: Successful treatment ofthese materials rnust be approved by the Executive Secretary Module V - Page 16 TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 Category Feed Rates Table V.C.l Secondary Waste Category Waste Stream Subcategory/ Component Maximum Tray Limit (per charge) Pounds per 12 hours, on 12 hour rolling average basis Note 3: Waste Incineration Containers (WICs) are defined as the assanbly of metal components that is used to contain, feed, and convey individual charges of secondary wastes and their resulting treatment residues through the MPF (i.e., Cut-away Ton Containers (CTCs), bum trays, rectangular open topped baskets equipped with catch pan). Note 4: Non-ernbedded metals are metals that may vaporize or become entrained in the combustion gas air during theunal treatment. Note 5: Based on a 75 minute charge interval. Note 6: Metals are fixed/embedded/ inefi/integrated/entrained in the waste and will not vaporize at fumace temperafures. Note 7: Based on Zone I (75 minutes), Zrl,rc 2 (50 minutes) and Zone 3 (25 minutes). V.C.1.a.iii. Secondary wastes may be treated in the MPF only if the following conditions are met: V.C.1.a.iii.1 The waste is evaluated and assigned to one of the secondary waste categories listed in the first column of the table; net weight of container, combustible bulk solid waste, noncombustible bulk solid wastes or sludge. Wastes associated with Condition V.C.l.a.ii., may not be fed until the Permittee has complied with the function testing requirements specifi ed in Condition VLC. 3.a. i.b. V.C.1.a.iii.2 The waste is arranged upon the burn tray in a configuration approved by the Executive Secretary in accordance with Condition VI.C.3.a.i.b. V.C. 1 .a.iii.3 A description of the waste and the categoization basis are documented in the operating record verifying feed rates are not exceeded. V.C.l.a.iii.4 The containment of the container (WIC, CTC or burn tray) may not be exceeded. V.C.1.a.iv. Secondary wastes generated during different agent campaigns may be fed separately or on the same tray provided the following conditions are met: V.C.1.a.iv.1 The MPF discharge airlock is equipped to monitor all agents contaminating the wastes fed to the MPF. V.C.1.a.iv.2 The MPF exhaust duct is equipped to monitor the agents contaminating the wastes fed to the MPF. V.C.l.a.iv.3 The Common Stack is equipped to monitor the agents contaminating the wastes fed to the MPF. V.C.l.a.iv.4 An MPF Destruction and Removal Efficiency has been determined, or an alternate means has been approved by the Executive Secretary for the agent contaminating the secondary wastes to be treated in the MPF V.C.1.a.v. All non-munition wastes that envelop an interior space (e.g. gauges, cans, escape air tanks, overpacks, glassware, etc.) must be opened or punctured before being placed in the MPF. ModuleV-PagelT V.C.1 .a.vi.. V.C.1 .a.vi.1 V.C.1 .a.vii V.C.1.a.viii v.c.1 .b. V.C.l.c. v.c.1.d. v.c.1.d.i V.C.1.e. v.c.1.f. TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 The wastes identified in V.C.l.a.ii. shall not be inside the MPF at the same time the wastes identified in V.C.l.a.i. are inside the MPF. Wastes identified in V.C. I .a.i and V.C.1 .a.ii may only be in the furnace at the same time if a Discharge Airlock Alarm caused one of the wastes to be retumed to the fumace for additional processing. Operating parameter limits specified in V.C.2 which are specific to waste identified in V.C. 1 .a.i and V.C.1 .a.ii do not apply for the waste retumed to the furnace provided the MPF zone times and terrrperatures in Zone 3, which ensures treatment of the waste, are equal to or greater than the zone temperatures established for the waste returned to the furnace and in compliance with Section 22.32 of Attachment22. During shakedown, ramp-up and function testing, this condition will not apply but will follow individual test plans. Waste identified in Table 2-5 of Attachment 2, Waste Analysis Plan, maybe processed for agent that has been successfully demonstrated per condition VI.C.3.a.i.c.1. at the specified operating conditions for munitions/ton containers without further function testing. The Permittee shall maintain records that differentiate and document between the Shakedown hours attributed to the processing of waste to be demonstrated during the trial bum/demonstration test and hours attributed to the processing of secondary waste per Condition V.C. 1.a.viii. The Permittee shall not incinerate any chemical agent, or any waste containing the chemical agent, for which treatment has not been successfully demonstrated through a trial burn in accordance with Module VI or by other means approved by the Executive Secretary. The Permittee shall not incinerate anyhazardous waste in the MPF that contains organic hazardous constituents as described in R3t5-50-10, that are more difficult to destroy than the material demonstrated in the surrogate trial burn. While processing secondary waste, the feed rate of total halogens to the MPF shall not exceed 1,500* total pounds over a twelve hour rolling average ard97* total pounds per each fumace charge. While processing mustard munitions or ton containers, the feed rate of total halogens to the MPF shall not exceed 1500* total pounds, over a twelve hour rolling average and206 total pounds per each fumace charge. The Permittee shall drain liquid from secondary waste. The separated liquid will be categorized and treated as an agent-contaminated sludge per Table V.C.l. The Permittee shall conduct sufficient analysis of the waste treated in the MPF to veriff that the waste feed is within the physical and chemical composition limits specified, in accordance with the waste requirements in Attachments 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and 3 (Sampling, Analyical, and QA/QC Procedures). ModuleV-PagelS Long-Term rr.,;T*:il: March 2009 V.C.1.g. While processing secondary waste, the feed rate of ash to the MPF shall not exceed 809* total pounds over a twelve-hour rolling average and 70* total pounds per each fumace charge. V.C.1.g.i While processing mustard munitions or ton containers, the feed rate of ash to the MPF shall not exceed 809* total pounds over a twelve hour rolling average and 147* total pounds per each fumace charge. V.C.l.h. The non-embedded metals feed rates to the MPF shall not exceed the values specified in Table V.2.a at the end of this Module. V,C.2. OPERATING CONDITIONS Y.C.2.a. All operating conditions shall be monitored in accordance with the Monitoring Requirements in V.A.4. The Permittee shall monitor emissions of chemical agent from the MPF duct and the common stack as specified in Condition V.A.4.a. The waste feed(s) to the incinerator shall be automatically cut off if any of the monitored emission levels exceed the values specified in Table D-6-2 in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). V.C.2.b. Only one loaded tray containing the waste materials shall be fed into the MPF at any given time. The minimum time intervals between each tray feed are specified in Conditions V.C.1.a.i. and V.C.1.a.ii. Y.C.Z.c. The hourly feed rate of the residual chemical agent contained in the MPF feed, shall not exceed the limits specified in Condition V.C.1.a.i. V.C.2.d. The number of munition units fed to the MPF per batch feed shall not exceed the limit specified in Condition V.C.1.a.i. Y.C.2.e. While processing mustard munitions and ton containers, the temperature of the primary chambershallbemaintainedabove 1,171"F* inZore 1, 1,318"F*inZone2andl,32l"F* inZone 3, and each zone shall not exceed 1,800*o F. Y.C.2.e.i While processing secondary waste the temperature of the primary chamber shall be maintained above 1,415oF* forZone 1, 1,439"F* forZone2 and1438'F* for Zone3 arrd each zone temperature shall not exceed 1800"F. V.C.z.f. While processing mustard munitions and ton containers, the MPF afterburner temperature shall be maintained above 1,976*" F over a one-hoqr rolling average and shall not exceed 2,175*o F. Y.C.z.t.i While processing secondary waste the MPF afterburner temperature shall be maintained at . " or above 2000oF* over a one-hour rolling average and shall not exceed 2,175oF. Y.C.2.g. Carbon monoxide concentration in the exhaust blower exit gas and correctedto 7 yo oxygen in accordance with the formula specified in Condition V.A.2.e., shall be maintained below 100 ppm, dry volume, over a one-hour rolling average. Module V - Page l9 Long-Term ,r"rffi;3: March 2009 V.C.2.h. While processing mustard munitions and ton containers, the MPF exhaust gas flow rate, or unit production rate (as measured by the V-Cone), shall not exceed 8,960* standard cubic feet per minute, over an one-hour rolling average. V.c.2.h.i While processing secondary waste the MPF exhaust gas flow rate, or unit production rate (as measured by the V-Cone), shall not exceed 7,710* standard cubic feet per minute, over a one-hour rolling average. Y.C.2.i. Oxygen concentration in the exhaust blower exit gas shall be maintained above 3* o/o oxygen but shall not reach or exceed 15* yo oxygen on a dry volume basis. Y.C.zj. The Permittee shall control fugitive emissions from the combustion zone of the MPF by maintaining the pressure in the primary chamber below -0.10 in WC. V.C.2.k. Quench tower exhaust gas temperature shall not exceed 225*" F. V.C.2.1. Exhaust gas pressure drop across the venturi scrubber shall be maintained above 30* inches of water column over a one-hour rolling average. Y.C.2.m. Scrubber liquid feed rate to the venturi scrubber shall be maintained at or above 105* gallons per minute, over a one-hour rolling average and above a minimum pressure of 70* psig. Y.C.2.n. Clean liquor liquid feed rate to the scrubber tower shall be maintained above 420* gallons per minute over a one-hour rolling average. Y.C.2.o. Clean liquor liquid delivery pressure to the scrubber tower shall be maintained above 35* pounds per square inch gauge, over a one hour rolling average. Y.C.2.p. Quench Brine pH shall be maintained above a pH of 7.6*, over a one-hour rolling average. Y .C.Z.q. Scrubber liquid effluent shall not reach or exceed 1.15* specific gravity units, over a twelve hour rolling average. Y.C.Z.r. The MPF Discharge Airlock shall be cooled, (low temperature monitored) to less than 600" F when processing GB and VX wastes and 700'F when processing mustard wastes, munitions and bulk containers. The items will be monitored via low-temperature monitoring in accordance with Attachment 22 monitoing procedures if any of the following upset alarms occur as specified in the table below for the munitions/bulk containers in the furnace at the time of the upset. In accordance with V.C.1.a.ii.a, all secondary waste trays will be "low-temperature monitored" regardless if the following upset alarms occur. Module V - Page20 TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 Tag Number Limit Descriptions 14-TIT-152 > 1,558r'oF (Baseline TC) TBD (4.2 HT Mortars) Furnace Temperature (Zone l) 14-TIT-141 > 1 ,464*oF (Baseline TC) TBD (4.2 HT Mortars) Furnace Temperature (Zone 2) 14-TIT-153 > 1 ,561 *oF (Baseline TC) TBD (4.2 HT Mortars) Furnace Temperature (Zone 3) 14-TIT-065 or 14-TrT-069 <1800'F MPF Afterburner Temperature Low-Low 14-TIT-065 or 14-Trr-069 > 2175'F MPF Aft erburner Temperature High-High 14-PDrT-786 > 1 .2 tn. w.c.Afterburner Exhaust Gas Velocity Pressure High 14-AIT-384m minute average. Correct to 7o/o-O2, dry volume Blower Exhaust CO Concentration. Average of 4 consecutive data points excluding points of calibration. Approximately 1- minute average. 24-AIT-669m > 1000 ppm 1 minute average. Correct to 7o/o-Oz, dry volume Blower Exhaust CO Concentration. Average of 4 consecutive data points excluding points of calibration. 1- minute average. 14-ArT-082 < 3o/o Oz Blower Exhaust 02 14-ArT-082 Blower Exhaust 02 60 second delay 24-ArT-670 < 3o/o Oz Blower Exhaust Oz 24-AIT-670 Blower Exhaust 02 60 second delay PAS 7O3AH/BH Z 0.2 SEL for Mustard. Malfunctions not included. PAS Blower Exhaust Agent Detected PAS 707 AH/BH/CH > 0.2 sEL. Malfunctions not included. Common Stack Exhaust Agent Detected Module V - Page2l Tag Number Limit Descriptions 14-TIT-010 > 2,395*oF (Mustard Baseline Ton Containers) TBD (4.2 HT Mortars) Primary Chamber Exhaust Temperature. V.C.2.s.v. v.c.2.t. v.c.3. V.C .3.a. v.c.3.b. V.C.3.c. TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 The following items shall be documented in the daily operating record: The monitoring protocol, either high temperature or low temperature The time the tray entered the discharge airlock The time the switch is activated to monitor the DAL instead of filtered air The agent monitoring readings in the discharge airlock for all agent types being processed at the time of occurrence The time the tray exited the discharge airlock into the cool-down area The Permittee may only direct exhaust gas to the PFS when hazardous waste is not being treated in the primary combustion chamber. WASTE FEED CUT-OFF REQUIREMENTS The Permittee shall construct and maintain the systems, specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables) to automatically cut off the hazardous waste feed to the MPF when the monitored operating conditions derriate from the set-point specified. In the event of a malfunction of the MPF automatic waste feed cut-off systems listed in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables) the Permittee shall immediately, manually, cut off the waste feed to the MPF and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunctions, the time of the malfunction, the time of resuming waste feed, the apparent cause of the malfunctions, and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. The Permittee shall perform a waste feed cut-off function test no less than once every 14 days. No waste shall be fed to the MPF during the function test. If the MPF is not operational (i.e., shut down), the Permittee shall perform the function test when the MPF becomes operational, prior to waste feed. Idling shall not be considered as "shut down." A copy of each function test shall be placed in the Operating Record. DEACTIVATION FT]RNACE SYSTEM DFS)V.D. Module V - Page22 Long-Term r""rffi;3: March 2009 All numeric values included in any of the Conditions under V.D. which are marked with an asterisk (*) (except numeric values for agent GB, which have previously been approved) are tentative and may be modified after the results of each trial burn have been evaluated by the Executive Secretary, in accordance with R315-8-15.5(c). The Executive Secretary reserves the right to replace the values, which are marked with an asterisk as necessary to be protective of human health and the environment. V.D.l. LIMITATION ON WASTE FEED V.D.l.a. Except during the short-term periods specified in Module VI for shakedown, trial burn, and post-trial burn, the Permittee shall incinerate only the following hazardous wastes in the DFS, in compliance with the operating requirements specified in Condition Y.D.2.; Waste Codes: P999, D002 Agent Feed Rate (lbs/hr)l D003, D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010 Not Applicable for Mustard (HiHD/HT) Propellant/Explosive Pyrotechnic (PEP) Feed Rate (lbs/hr)z: 479 Explosive Contaminated ECR Maintenance Residue Feed Rate (lbs/drop)3: 3.6 Item Type PEP (lbs/item) Maximum ltem Processing Rate (items/hr) Equivalent PEP Feed Rate flbs/hr) 4.2" Mortar bursters and fusesa 0. 14 274 3 8.4 155-mm Mustard Projectiles bursters and supplemental chargess 0.414 276 I 15 NOTES:rAn agent feed rate to the DFS is not applicable during the Mustard Campaign since mustard is not drained {iom mustard containing munitions in the ECRs (i.e., drained munition casings are not fed to the DFS during Mustard Campaign). P999 waste code is retained to account for incidental mustard contamination that may be on bursters removed from leaking munitions. 2 PEP f'eed rate demonstrated during DFS VX Agent Trial Bum. 3 ECR Maintenance Residues allowed to be processed are identified in Attachment 2, Table2-2a of this permit. Whm processing explosive-contaminated ECR Maintenance Residues an intemal kiln spacing of one flight between successive drops. 4 4.2'HD and HT mortars contain the same type and amount of explosives. If incidental mortar propellant that was not removed during reconfiguration is present, the Executive Secretary will be notified. The propellant will be fed separately. s Types 104 and 110 l55mrn projectiles contain the same type and amount of explosives. V.D.1.a.i. Energetics from only one munition type (i.e., 155mm projectile energetics or 4.2" mortar energetics), or waste generated from one chemical agent campaign, shall be fed to the DFS, at any given time. V.D.1.a.ii.Explosive Contaminated ECR maintenance residues shall be fed at a rate not to exceed 3.6 pounds per two-minute period. Non-explosive contaminated ECR maintenance residues generated during the mustard campaign shall be fed at a rate not to exceed 10 pounds per two minute period and 100 pounds per hour. The Permittee shall not incinerate any chemical agent, or any waste containing the chemical agent, for which treatmert has not been successfully demonstrated through a trial v.D.1.b. Module V - Pagez3 V.D.1 .c. v.D.1.d. V.D.l.e. v.D.1 .f. Y.D.2. V.D.2.a. v.D.2.b. V.D.2.c. v.D.2.d. V.D.2.e. v.D.2.f. Y.D.2.g. v.D.2.h. V.D,2,i, TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 burn in accordance with Module VI or by other means approved by the Executive Secretary. The Permittee shall not incinerate arryhazardous waste in the DFS that contains organic hazardous constituents as described in R3l5-50-10, that are more difficult to destroy than the material demonstrated in the surrogate trial bum. The feed rate of chlorine to the DFS shall not exceed 6.8* pounds per hour over twelve hour rolling average. The Permittee shall conduct sufficient analysis of the waste treated in the DFS to verifu that the waste feed is within the physical and chemical composition limits specified, in accordance with the waste analysis requirements in Attachments 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures). The non-embedded metals feed rates to the DFS shall not exceed the values specified in Table V.3 at the end of this Module. OPERATING CONDITIONS All operating conditions shall be monitored in accordance with the Monitoring Requirements in V.A.4. The Permittee shall monitor emissions for chemical agent from the DFS and the common stack, as specified in Condition V.A.4.a. The waste feed(s) to the incinerator shall be automatically cut off if any of the monitored emission levels exceed the values specified in Table D-7-2 in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). The hourly feed rate and maximum feed weight of the chemical agent contained in the DFS feed, demonstrated during the agent trial burn, shall not exceed the limits provided in Condition V.D.1.a. An agent feed rate to the DFS is not applicable during the Mustard Campaign since Mustard is not drained from Mustard munitions in the ECRs. The P999 waste code is retained to account for incidental Mustard contamination that may be on busters removed from leaking munitions. The number of munition units fed to the DFS in one hour shall not exceed the limit specified in Condition V.D.1.a. The temperature of the unquenched DFS rotary kiln exhaust gas shall be maintained above 954*" F, over a one-hour rolling average. The temperature of the quenched DFS rotary kiln exhaust gas shall not exceed 1,650+o F. Reserved. The tempepture of the heated discharge conveyor shall be maintained above 1,000*o F. The rate of movement of the heated discharge conveyor shall be controlled to provide a minimum solid retention time of 15* minutes inside the heated enclosure. The rotational speed of the retort shall be maintained within the following parameters: Module V - Page24 TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 O Y.D.2.i.i. The speed shall not reach or exceed two* revolutions per minute (rpm); V.D.2.i.ii. Except when in oscillation mode, the speed shall not reach or drop below 0.33 rpm; V.D.2.i.iii. Hazardous waste shall not be fed while the retort is in oscillation mode unless as provided in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). V.D.2j. The DFS afterburner temperature shall be maintained above 2150*o F, over a one-hour rolling average but shall not reach or exceed 2,350*o F. V.D.2.k. Carbon monoxide concentration in the afterbumer exhaust gas, correctedtoTo oxygen in accordance with the formula specified in Condition Y.A.2.e., shall not reach or exceed 100 ppm dry volume over a one-hour rolling average. V.D.2.1. The DFS exhaust gas flow rate, or unit production rate (as measured by the V-Cone), shall not exceed 13,210* standard cubic feet per minute, over a one-hour rolling average. V.D.2.m. Oxygen concentration in the exhaust blower exit gas shall be maintained above 3ohbut shall not reach or exceed l5%o oxygen on a dry volume basis. V.D.2.n. The Permittee shall control fugitive emissions from the combustion zone of the DFS by maintaining the pressure in the kiln below the pressure of the DFS furnace room. V.D.2.o. Quench tower exhaust gas temperature shall not exceed 200*o F. V.D.2.p. Exhaust gas pressure drop across the Venturi scrubber shall be maintained at or above 30* inches of water column, over a one-hour rolling average. V.D.2.q. Quench brine feed rate to the venturi scrubber shall be above 310* gallons per minute, over a one-hour rolling average and above a minimum pressure of 75* psig. Y.D.2.r. Clean liquor feed rate to the scrubber tower shall be maintained above 800* gallons per minute, over a one-hour rolling average. V.D.2.s. Clean liquor pressure to the scrubber tower shall be maintained above 35* pounds per square inch gauge, over a one-hour rolling average. y.D.2.t. The pH of the quench brine shall be maintained above 8.7*over a one-hour rolling average. V.D.2.t.1 The Permittee may revise the limit specified in Condition Y.D.2.t upon submission of the DFS performance test results that supports the revised limit; provided the performance test results also demonstrate that no change is required for the chlorine feed rate limit specified in V.D.1.d, and Operating Parameter Limits specified in Conditions V.D.2.l and V.D.2.p through V.D.2.s have not changed. V.D.2.u. Scrubber liquid effluent specific gravity shall not reach or exceed l.l0* specific gravity units, over a twelve-hour rolling average. Module V - Page25 V.D.2.v. V.D.2.w. v.D.3. V.D.3.a. v.D.3.b. V.D.3.c. TOCDF Long-Term Incineration March 2009 The DFS cyclone discharge shall be enclosed within a building, which shall be ventilated to the MDB ventilation system when the DFS is operational or when waste is present withrn the cyclone discharge building. The DFS cyclone discharge building shall be operated in accordance with the procedures specified in Attachment 8 @reparedness and Prevention Plan). The Permittee may demonstrate that the agent concentration of a sample of the residue generated from the operation of the DFS Cyclone is below 20 ppb for GB, VX or below 200 ppb for Mustard GI/IIDiHT), through analytical testing according to the procedures in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). If these analytical results indicate that the agent concentration of the cyclone residue is below these limits, then the residue may be transported off site to an appropriate hazardous waste management facility for keatment, disposal, orboth. If such a demonstration is not made, then the DFS cyclone residue shall be placed into permitted storage. WASTE FEED CUT.OFF REOT]IREMENTS The Permittee shall construct and maintain the systems specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables) to automatically cut off the hazardous waste feed to the DFS when the monitored operating conditions deviate from the set point. In case of a malfunction of the DFS automatic waste feed cut-off systems listed in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables), the Permittee shall immediately manually cut off the waste feed to the DFS and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunctions, the time of the malfunction, the time of resuming waste feed, the apparent cause of the malfunctions, and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. The Permittee shall perform a waste feed cut-off function test no less than once every 14 days. No waste shall be fed to the DFS during the function test. If the DFS is not operational (i.e., shut down), the Permittee shall perform the function test when the DFS becomes operational, prior to waste feed. Idling shall not be considered as "shut down." A copy of each function test shall be placed in the Operating Record. o V.E. AREA 10 LIOUD INCINERATOR (ATLIC) All numeric values included in anv of the Conditions under V.E.. which are marked with an asterisk (t) are tentative and maybe modified bypermit modification afterthe results of each trial bum have been evaluated by the Executive Secretary in accordance with R315-8-15.5(p). The Executive Secretary reserves the rieht to repl4ce the values. which are marked with an asterisk as necessarv to be orotective of human health and the environment. V.E.l. LMITATION ON WASTE FEED V.E.l.a. Exceot during the shortterm periods specified in Module VI for shakedown. trial burn. and posttrial burn. the Permittee shall incinerate onllr the following hazardous wastes in the ATLIC. in compliance with the ooeratine requirements specified in Condition V.E.2. Module V - Page26 TOCDF Long-Terrn Incinerati on March 2009 DESCRIPTION OF HAZARDOUS WASTES ATLIC LIC COMBUSTION CHAMBER MA)(IMUMFEED RATE lhs/hour Chemical Aqents 0999. F999. D002. D003. D004. D007. D00E. D009. D019. D021. and D027 ) GA Primary L Primary 325* h'ilu Spent Decontamination Solutions G999. D002. D004.D007. D008. D009. D019. D021. an D027) as iderrtified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) Decon Solution Secgndary 45e550* S'{;lr"*-'u"tn ?% 0b" ,rr*'r.q { L'*-: {.{*Y ,,/ 1 ..-. [ ,-, ,,.r'Jyt fd';' fi-r iA" '*" V.E.1.a.i. Only one chemical ae€nt. or waste containing one cherdcal asent. shall be fed to the V.E.l.a.ii. The spent decontamination solution orthe miscellaneous aeqrt contaminated wastes may be burned either in the primary combustion chamber or secondary combustion chamber but not at the same time. If these wastes are bumed in the secondary combustion chamber. then only age'nt may be fed to the orimary combustion chamber at the same time. -- V.E.t.b. The Permittee shall not incinerate any cheurical aeent. or any waste containingthe chemical agent. for which treatment has not been successfully dernonstrated throueh an agent or surrogate trial bum in accordance with Module VI or by other means aooroved by the Executive Secretary. V.E.1.c. The Permittee shall not incinerate any hazardous waste in the ATLIC that cbntains R3l5- 50-10 organic hazardous constituents. which are more difficult to destroy than the material demonstrated in the surrogate trial bum. no6*V.E.l.d. The feed rate of chlorine to the ATLIC shall not exceed 2J04* pounds. over a twelve- / hour rolling average. r-'"iV.E.l.e.ulan to veri nnance at th f an asent or followins mainte,nance. or after an approved furnace systern modification. V.E.l.f. Only liquid. oumpable. waste with a maximum viscosity of 2.26 centiooise at 20o C shall be incinerated in the ATLIC. V.E.1.g. The Permittee shall conduct sufficient analysis of all waste treated in the ATLIC to veri& that the waste feed is within.the Bhysical and chernical comoosition limits soecified. in accordance with the waste analysis requirements in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and Attachment 3 (Sampling. Analytical. and OA/OC Procedures). V.E.l.h. Metals feed rates to the ATLIC shall not exceed the values specified in Table V.4 located at the end of this Module. f i{ Module V - PageLl TOCDF Long-TerTn Incineration March 2009 V.E.2. ATLIC OPERATING CONDITIONS V.E.2.a. All operatine conditions shall be monitored in accordance with the Monitoring Requirements in V.A.4. The Permittee shall monitor emissions of chemical agent from ATLIC exhaust stack as sBecified in Condition V.A.4. The waste feed(s) to the ATLIC shall be automatically cut offif any of the monitored operatine conditions deviate from the values specified in Tables D-8-2 in Attachment 19 flnstrumentation and Waste Feed Cut- offTpbles). V.E.2.b. The maximum waste feed rate to the ATLIC primary combustion chamber shall not V.E.2.c. The maximuin waste feed rate to the ATLIC secondary combustion chamber shall not exceed TBD * pounds over a one-hour rolline avemge. V.E.2.d. Primary combustion chanrbqr exhaust eas iernoerature shall be maintained at or above TBD to F. over a one-hour rolling averaee. V.E.2.e. Secondary combustion chamber exhaust eas ternp€rature shall be maintained at or ahove IBD to F. over a one-hour rolline averaee. V.E.2.e. Atomizine airpressur,e for the waste burner nozzles. for both chernical ag€,nt and decontamination solution shall be maintained at or above the followine set points: V.E.2.e.i. Primary Combustion Chamber. All Feed Rates (l-1007o) - TBD t psig. V.E.2.e.ii. Secondary Combustion Chamber. All Feed Rates (1-100o/o) - TBD t psig. V.E.2.h. The Permittee shall control fugrtive emissions from the combustion zone of the ATLIC by the sealed system desiem of the ATLIC combustion chambers. V.E.2.i. ATLIC exhaust eas flow rate orunit oroduction rate (as mBsured by,instrurn€xrt 919-FIT- 8932 conrcted by ambierrt pressure and temDerature) shpll qot exceed TBP * standard cubic feet per minute. over a orle-hour rollins averaee. V.E.2j. Scrubber liouid feed rate to each of the three scrubbertowers shall be maintained above TBD * gallons per minute. over a one-hour rollins averaee and deliver.v oressure shall be maintained above TBD * osig. V.I.2.k. The pressure droo across each oack bed scrubber tower shall be maintained above TBD , inches of water column over a one-hour rolline average V.E.2.1. The averaee of the scrubber liquid pH as measured b], the three oH probes in the common scrubber sump shall be maintained above a pH of TBD *over a one-hour rolling averaee. V.E.2.m. Scrubber liquid effluent shall not reach or exceed TBD* sgecific grravityunits. over a twelve hour rolling average. Module V - Page29 TOCDF Long-Terrn Incinerati on March 2009 V.E.2.n. Ttie Venturi Scrubber liquidpH shall be maintained above a oH of TBD tover a one-hour rolline av€rage. V.E.2.o. Venturi Scrubber Sump liquid effluent shall not reach or exceed TBD* soecific eravity units. over a twelve hour rollins averaee. V.E.2.p. Exhaust eas pressure droo across the veNrturi scrubber shall be maintained above TBD t inches of water column over a one-hour rolline average. V.E.2.q. Scrubber solution feed rate to the venturi scrubber shall be maintained above TBD * gallons per minute over a one-hour rolling average and delivery oressure shall be maintained above TBD t psig. V.E.2.r. The powdered activated carbon injection rate shall be maintaind above TBD pounds oer ,hour over an hour rolline av€raee. V.E.2.s. The powdered activated carbon carrier fluid (compressed air) differential oressure shall be maintained above TBD inches of water column over a one-hour rolline average. V.E.2.t. The teuroerature of exhaust gas enterine the baghguse shall not.exceed TBD oF ov€r a one-hour rolling averaee. V.E.2.u. Oxyeen concentration in the exhaust blow€r exit gas. shall be maintained above 3%* oxygen on a dry volume basis. V.E.2.v. Carbon monoxide in the exhaust blower exit gas. shall be corrected to 7 % oxygen in accordance with the formula specified in Condition V.A.2.e.. and shall be maintained below 100* pom. dry volume. over a one-hour rolling average. V.E.2.w. The differential pressure across the on-line fixed bed carbon filter shall be maintained above TBD inches of water column over a one-hour rolline averaee. V.E.3. WASTE FEED CUT-OFF REOUIREMENTS V.E.3.a. The Permittee shall maintain and ooerate the systems specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-offTables) to autornatically cut offthe hazardous waste feed to the ATLIC wheir the monitored operating conditions dwiate from the set- points specified. V.E.3.b. ln the event of a malfunction of the ATLIC automatic waste feed cut-offsvstems listed in Attachment 19 (lnstrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-offTables) the Permittee shall immediately. manually. cut off the waste H to the ATLIC and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Ooeratins Record any waste feed cut-offsystem malfunctions. the time of the malfunction. the time of resuming waste feed. the apparent cause of the rnalfunctions. and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. Module V - Pagezg fourteen fl4 V.EF. v.EE.1. V.EF.2. V.EF.3. V.EF.4. V.EF.5. V.EF.6. V.EF.7. V.EF.8. v.EE.9. v.EF.10. v.EF.l 1 . TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 waste fi No waste shall be fed to the ATLIC durin the test. If the nal (i.e.. shut I perform the function test when the ATLIC becomes tional. or orior to waste feed. A cooy of each function test shall be placed in the Operating Record. COMMON STACK FOR LICs. MPF'. & DFS The Permittee shall maintain ACAMS and DAAMS continuous exhaust gas monitoring systems forchemical agent emissions on the common stack. The exhaust gas monitoring systems specified in Condition V.EE.1., shall be calibrated, inspected and operated in accordance with the applicable elements of Conditions V.A.3., V.A.4., and Attachments 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures); 6 (Instrument Calibration Plan and Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test); 20 (Continuous Emission Monitoring Plan); and22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). Reserved Emissions from the common stack shall be monitored for chemical agent as specified in Condition V.EE.2. The agent concentration shall not exceed the values specified in Condition V.A.4.g. The waste feeds to all incinerators and furnaces shall be automatically cut off when the emission level in the common stack exceeds 0.2 SEL for any chemical agent. ACAMS on the common stack shall be comprised of two primary monitors in staggered mode of sampling for continuous monitoring for each agent. A back-up monitor shall be stationed in the stack for contingency purposes, i.e., primary monitor malfunctions or calibration. Waste feed to all incinerators and furnaces shall be cut off when the ACAMS are not staggered. DAAMS Tubes on the common stack shall be analyzed at a frequency of one tube per four hours of sampling with a corresponding QP sample. A method of DAAMS tube trackino is discussed in Section Attachment 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). Data from all ACAMS shall be reported on PDARS. Data from aII DAAMS analyses shall be reported in the Operating Record. ffim:|;F##ffir shall be orally reported to the Executive Secretary wittttn24 Table V.l TOCDF LIC Metals Feed Limits ModuleV-Page30 TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 Metals l1224 hour Total (pounds)* Barium (D005)0.24 Selenium (D010) | 0.44 Silver (D0l I )a.24 Metal Volatility Group I 2-Hour Rolling Average3 (Total Pounds perl2 hours) High Volatile Metals (Mercury D009) 0.01 45*s Semi-Volatile Metals (Lead (D008) and Cadmium (D006))19.44*6 Low-Volatile Metals (Arsenic (D004), Beryllium, Chromium (D007))7.1g6 Notes: l. 24-hour Total is meas ured from 0000 hours to 2400 hours each calendar day. 2. Based on LIC agent GB Trial Burn, mini-burn, or the Metals Dernonstration Test. 3. Based on LIC VX ATB 4. Based on LIC HD ATB Plan 5. Based on the Maximurn Theoretical Emission Calculation (MTEC) at 6,000 scfin. Exhaust characteristics taken from the LIC HD ATB Report for Method 0029. Average exhaust gas moisture was 52.3o/o, average exhaust gas 02 was 8.8olo. 6. Based in LIC HD Agent Trial Bum Report Results. Table Y.2 RBSERVED Module V - Page 3l TOCDF Long-Terrn Incineration March 2009 Table Y.2a MPF Non-Embedded Metals Feed Rates For Secondary Waste Metal Volatility Group Metals Pounds per 12 hours, on L2 hour rolling average basis Group 1 (High-Volatile Metals) Mercury (D009)0.03 17* Group 2 (Semi-Volatile Metals) Lead (D008)Thallium 47 .5*Cadmium (D006)Tin Antimony Ztnc Group 3 (Low-Volatile Metals) Arsenic (D00a)Boron 20.8 Chromium (D007)Cobalt Barium (D005)Copper Selenium (D010)Manganese Silver (D001 I )Nickel Beryllium Vanadium Aluminum l. Values based on 75 minute Charge lnterval. Module V - Page32 TOCDF Long-Terrn Incinerati on March 2009 Table V.3 DFS Non-embedded Metals Feed Limits Metals Z4-hour To talr'z (pounds)* Barium (D005)6l Selenium (D010)0.00019 Silver (D0l I )0.000062 Metal Volatility Group I 2-Hour Rolling Average3 (Total pounds per 12 hours) High Volatile Metals (Mercury D009) 0.0094 Semi-Volatile Metals (Lead (D008) and Cadmium (D006))72 Low-Volatile Metals (Arsenic (D004), Beryllium, Chromium (D007))5.1 Notes: 1. Non-ernbedded metals are metals that may vaporize or become entrained in the combustion gas air during thermal treatment. 2. 24-how Total is measured from 0000 hours to 2400 hours each calendar day. 3. Based on the DFS VX ATB. Table V.4 ATLIC Metals Feed Limits Metal Volatility Group I 2-Hour Rolling Averagel Ootal pounds Ber 12 hours) High Volatile Metals (Mercury D009) 0.702 Semi-Volatile Metals (Lead (D008) and Cadmium (D006))0s+10393 Low-Volatile Metals (.fusenic (D004). Beryllium. Chnomium (.D007))I 1562 Notes: I Other metal feed rate reeulated through ash feed rate limit. 2 Based on the ATLIC LIC L ATB Plan. 3 Based on ATLIC STB Plan. 4,.,rf {,!i,?rrh.u*''^ $*#: f r- ModuleV-Page33 >; (, TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 MODULE YI SIIORT.TERM INCINERATION YI.A. GENERAL CONDITIONS T'OR INCINERATORS AND FT]RNACES . VI.A.l. TRIAL BURN PLANS . tr'VI.A.I.a. Trial Bum Plan Submittal VI.A.I.a.i. The Permittee shall submit a trial bum plan for each agent and for each incinerator that will process that agent. The Permittee shall perform a trial burn for each agent to be processed, for each fuinace that will process that agent. The Permittee shall submit each trial bum plan a minimum of 180 days prior to the start of the Shakedown Period for the planned trial burn. VI.A.I.a.ii. Each individual trial burn plan for each fumace and each remaining agent shall be submitted bythe Permittee in accordance with R315-3-4. VI.A.I.a.iii. These trial bum plans shall define operating conditions and waste feed rates that will be' used to determine incinerator performance in accordance with R315-8-15.4. VI.A.I.a.iv. The trial burn plan shall include ramp-up procedures to be implemented during shakedown for the furnace. VI.A.1.a.v. The trial burn plan shall include sampling and analytical methods in order to include decontamination solution in the trial bum runs. Proposed feed rates shall be evaluated by the Executive Secretary prior to use during Short-Term Incineration. VI.A.1.a.vi. The Executive Secretary shall review and approve all munition lot numbers to be processed during Short-Term Incineration. This reouirement is waived for GA. Lewisite and "Transparency''Ton Containers because of their small number. . 'VI:A.l.a.vii. During the mustard campaign, the DFS is exempt from the requirements of Conditions VI.A.1.a.i. through VI.A.1.a.v., VI.A.3, and VI.D. VT.A.2. SHAKEDOWN VI.A.2.a. Shakedown Periods Vl'rt,2,e,i, The Pandtteernay net start the ShatrCewn Pqied in the speeifrefuraee systqn until the F*eoutiYe Seeretarynppreyes in8 ino ,\-1 (L VI.A.2.a.i. The Permittee may not start the aeent processing in the sodclfic fumace system until the Executive Secretarv aooroves the specific trial bum plan and monitoring documentation is provided to the Executive Secretary that demonstrates the initial baseline has passed the .rit"riu tirt"d ir, tt " tOCp (CDnt Z+. tubl" tZ-2ffi-c '[,, I Module VI - Page I TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 VI.A.2.a.i.a. TOCDF alarm setpoints for NRT monitors in category C areas will not exceed 0.5 STE[/VSL. For mustard aeent. the common stack and ducts alarm setooints will not exceed 0.2 sEL. VI.A.2.a.i.b. The alarm setpoints for NRT monitors in cateeory C areas will not exceed 0.5 and 0.4 STELA/SL for Aeent GA and Lewisite. respectively. The ATLIC Liquid Incinerator (LIC) exhaust stack alarm setooints shall not exceed 0.2 5 SEL for GA and 0.2 4 SEL for Lewisite. VI.A.2.a.ii.The Shakedown Period shall begin with the introduction of each surrosate or agent inlq the fumace and shall end with the start of each fumace chemical agent or surroeate trial burn. There shall be a separate Shakedown Period for each furnace anrglgg@!. Only non-age,nt contaminated waste or materials shall be processed during Shakedown hours attributed to the Secondary Waste Demonstration Test and during the test runs associated with the demonstration test (i.e., DPE suits/material and carbon canisters). Secondary Waste identified in Table 2-5 of Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan), may be processed during the Shakedown periods for agent that have been successfully demonstrated per Condition VI.C.3.a.i.c.1 at the specified feed rates without further function testing. The Permittee shall maintain records that differentiate and document between Shakedown hours attributed to the processing of waste to be demonstrated during the trial bumi demonstration test and hours attributed to the processing of Secondary Waste per Condition VI.C.3.a.i.c. 1. A Monitoring plan for the discharge airlock will be submitted and approved by the Executive Secretary prior to commencing shakedown operations. Duration of the Shakedown Periods VI.A.2.a.iii VI.A.2.a.iv Each Shakedown Period associated with the TOCDF incinerators shall not exceed720 hours of agent operation. The Permittee may petition the Executive Secretary for one extension of the Shakedown Period for up to 720 additional hours for each agent test in accordance with R3 1 5-8- I 5.5(cX 1 ). VI.A.2.b.ii. The Shakedown Period associated with ATLIC Surrogate Trial Bum shall not exceed 720 hours of arat hazardous waste operations. VI.A.2.b.iii. The Shakedown Period associated with ATLIC Lewisite Agent Trial Bum shall not exceed 144 hours ofaeent oBerations and the amount ofag€nt orocessed during the Shakedown pgriod shall be limited to the lesser of either 7.500 pounds or the contents of three Lewisite Ton Containers. TRIAL BURN Trial Bum Determinations VI.A.2.a.v YI.A.2.a.vi vLA.2.b. vr.A.2.b.i. VI.A.3. VI.A.3.a. Module VI - Page 2 VI.A.3.a.i.. TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 The Permittee shall determine during the trial burn tests whether or not the following performance standards have been met: TOCDF Performance Standards Agent Trial Burn Minimum DREs for Applicable POHCs 99.9999% (LIC, Agent) 99.9999% (MPF, Agent) 99.990 (DFS, Agent) 99.990 (DFS, PEP) Particulate Matter Emission Limit 0.013 grains/dscf (29.7 5 mgldscm) , zt 7o/o Oz 'Mercury (Hg)130 peldscm at 7oh 02 Semi-volatile Metals (Pb, Cd)230 pgldscm at 70 Oz Low-volatility Metals (As, Be, Cr)92 Weldscm at 7o/o Oz Hydrogen Chloride lChlorine (HCUCI) Emission Limit 32 ppmv total HCI and Clz expressed as HCl equivalents at 7o/o Oz Toxic Metals Emission Limits At levels determined by the Executive Secretary to be protective of human health and environment. Dioxins/Furans TEQ 0.4 ngldscm at 70 02 CO Emission Limit, 60-Minute Rolling'Average 100 ppmv at 7o/o Oz Chemical Agents Emission Limits GB I H/HD/FrT VX 0.0003 mg/m' | 0.03 mg/m3 | 0.0003 mg/m3 ATLIC Performance Standards ATLIC Trial Burns Minimum DREs for Applicable POHCs 99.999906 each (Surrogates: Monochlorobenzene and Tetrachloroethylene) Particulate Matter Emission Limit 0.0016 erains/dscf (3 .7 ms,/dscm). at 7o/o O, Mercurv (He) Emission Limit 8.1 ueldscm at 7oh O, Semi-volatile Metals (Pb. Cd) Emission Limit l0 us,/dscm at 7oh Oz Low-volatility Metals (As. Be. Cr) Emission Limit 23 uddscm at 7o/o Ot Hydrosen Chlori de I Chlorine (HCVClr) Emission 21 ppmv total HCI and Clz expressed as HCI equivalents at 7oZ OeLimit Toxic Metals Emission Limits At levels determined by the Executive Secretary to be orotective of human health and environment. DioxinslFurans TEQ Emission Limit 0.2 ng/dscm at 7o/o Oz CO Emission Limit" 60-Minute Rollins Averaee 100 ppmv at 7o/o Ot Chemical Agents Emission Limits GA I Lewisite ,0.003 mg/mr* | 0.03 mg/m'* Z( *Continuously demonstrated by exhaust stack agent monitoring. VI.A.3.a.ii. Emissions from each trial bum shall be measured to quantiff total organics. .i Module VI - Page 3 vI.A.3.b. vI.A.3.b.i. vI.A.3.b.ii. VI.A.4. VI.A.4.a. VI.A.4.a.i. VI.A.4.a.ii. TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 The Permittee rnay use Cr{ test data collected during the agent trial burn to quantifr the amount of the total chromium that is subject to the Toxic Metals Emission Limits in the table above. Trial Burn Data Submissions and Certifications The Permittee shall submit a sunmary of all stack sampling data collected during the trial bum to the Executive Secretary upon completion of each trial burn run. The Permittee shall submit to the Executive Secretary a trial burn test report within 90 calendar days of completion of each trial bum. All submissions shall be certified in accordance with R315- 3-2.2. If the preliminary calculations show that the Permittee has failed to meet one or more of the performance standards listed in Condition VI.A.3.a. during the trial bum, the Permittee shall immediately stop waste feed to the incinerator system tested. The Executive Secretary shall be orally notified within 24 hours of this discovery. A written notification and explanation shall be submitted within 15 days of the oral notification. As ne,cessary for protection of workers, the Permittee may propose a revised post-trial burn feed rate for approval to dispose of open munitions/bulk containers and the hazardous waste remaining in the tank systems. MONITORING. INSPECTION. AND RECORDKEEPING REOUIREMENTS Monitorine Reouirements The Permittee shall maintain and calibrate the monitoring and recording equipment as specified in Attachments 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures), 6 (Instrument Calibration Plan and Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test), 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables), 20 (Continuous Emission Monitoring System Plans), and 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). Monitoring of oxygen (O2), carbon monoxide (CO), and agent shall be provided at all times during waste feed to a fumace or incinerator. If an intemrption in monitoring (CO, 02 or agent) occurs, feed to that furnace shall be discontinued except as allowed in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). If the duct is not monitored by an ACAMS, then the DAAMS tubes shall be analyzed for that time period the ACAMS was off-line. Monitoring shall resume in accordance with Attacbnent22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). The Permittee shall provide continuous monitoring in the TOCDF common stack for agents being processed. The continuous monitoring shall consist of two staggered ACAMS monitors for each agent and DAAMS tubes for each agent being processed per Condition Vl.A.4.a.xvii. If an intemrption in monitoring occurs, feed to all of the fumace systems shall be discontinued. VI.A.4.a.iii.a ie+in mon The Permittee shall provide continuous monitorins in the ATLIC stack for agents beins processed. The continuous monitorins shall consist of two staggered NRT monitors for each asent Module VI - Page 4 _rL,i*( u TocDF L v' Short-Term Incineration October 2007 (ACAMS for GA and MINICAMS for Lewisite) and DAAMS tubes for each asent being processed oer Condition Yl.A.4.a.xvii.a. If an hterruption in monitorine occurs. feed to the ATLIC shall be discontinued. DA"qAA$+$es. Vt'+,+,a,iii,e,Z V[^.1,&iii'4,3 reeei inei VI.A.4.a.iv. The Permittee.shall maintain and operate Depot Area Air Monitoring System (DAAMS) tubes and an Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System (ACAMS) monitor on each TOCDF fumace exhaust duct and DAAMS tubes and staggered ACAMS monitors on the corlmon stack for each agent being processed. If one of the redundant monitors fails or malfunctions, the Permittee shall replace or repair the monitor within 24 hours. If both monitors fail or malfunction, then feed to the incinerator or fumace shall be stopped. VI.A.4.a.v. The oxygen (Oz) and carbon monoxide (CO) monitors specified in Condition VI.A.4.a.ii. shall be initially certified in accordance with R315-50-16 [40 CFR Part266, Appendix IXl. and 40CFR Part 60, Appendix B, using the most stringent requirements. VI.A.4.a.v.a. Certification must be accepted by the Executive Secretary. VLA.4.a.v.a.i Interim approval of certification or recertification test results may be granted by the Executive Secretary, based upon a review of.preliminary data and observations made during the certification testing, to allow operation of the monitor for compliance prior to submission of the final certification report. VI.A.4.a.v.b. Certification shall expire at the end of the calendar quarter associated with the certification anniversary. VI.A.4.a.v.c. The certification date shall be the first day of certification testing. VI.A.4.a.v.d. Any monitor failing certification shall not be used for compliance. VI.A.4.a.vi. A certified monitor may only receive minor modifications and still remain certified. A list of minor and major changes and the corrective action is listed V.A.1.h.i. VI.A.4.a.vi.a. Written approval from the Executive Secretary shall be required for downgrading from majorto minor. Module VI - Page 5 VI.A.4.a.vii. TOCDF Short-Term lncineration October 2007 Major maintenance changes require recalibration of the CEMS in accordance with R3l5- 50-16 [40 CFR Part 266, Appendix D(, Performance Specification Tests], 40CFR Part 60, Appendix B, Condition V.A.l.h. and Attachment 20 (CEMS Monitoring Plan), using the most stringent requirements Vl.A.4.a.viii. Replacement -*itoii shall be available for the monitors specified in Conditions VI.A.4.a.ii. through VLA.4.a.iv. The oxygen (Oz) and carbon monoxide (CO) monitors specified in Condition VI.A.4.a.ii. shall be certified in accordance with Conditions VI.A.4.a.v. through vii. Replacement ACAMS and MINICAMS shall be certified in accordance with Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures). VI.A.4.a.ix. Replacement of the oxygen (Oz) and carbon monoxide (CO) CEMS specified in Condition VI.A.4.a.ii. shall be in accordance with the following: VI.A.4.a.ix.a. The replacement CEMS shall be calibrated in accordance with R315-50-16 [40 CFR Part 266,AppendixW.,2.l.6.2. forResponseTime, atd2.1.6.3 forCalibrationError] immediately after installation. VI.A.4.a.ix.b. The replacement CEMS shall be calibrated when installed and checked daily thereafter for Calibration Drift. VI.A.4.a.ix.c. The replacement CEMS must be calibrated and on line before the calibration of the first monitor has expired. If this carurot be accomplished, feed to the specific fumace system shall be discontinued I VI.a.+.a.ix.a. Both monitors for one TOCDF incinerator monitorine location may not be replaced within one 24-hour period without approval from the Executive Secretary. VI.A.4.a.ix.e. Replacement CEMS information shall also be included in the annual report specified in Condition I.AA. VI.A.4.a.x. A report speciffing the following information shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary within 14 calendar days of replacement of any monitor specified in Condition I vl.A.4.a.ix.eandATLIC CEMS: VI.A.4.a.x.a. The calibration data, raw and Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS), in accordance R315-50-16 [40 CFR Part266, Appendix D(]; VI.A.4.a.x.b. Failed and replacement monitor serial numbers, type and range of the monitors; VI.A.4.a.x.c. Date and time monitor failed; VI.A.4.a.x.d. Maintenance to be performed; and VI.A.4.a.x.e. The identity of the furnace. VI.A.4.a.xi. A CEMS maybe taken off line for calibration and minor maintenance as specified in Condition V.A.l.h. However, when taken off line for major maintenance or modifications, recertification of the monitor will be required as specified in Condition v.A.1.h. Module VI - Page 6 TOCDF Short-Terrn Incinerati on October 2007 VI.A.4.a.xii. Data from the CEMS shall be recorded in the operating record. Vl.A.4.a.xiii. Data from all monitors on-line will bcteported in the operating record. Worst-case data will be used for reporting requirements. VI.A.4.a.xiv. All monitors shall be connected to the waste feed cut-off. VI.A.4.a.xv.Hazardous wastes shall not be fed to a furnace if any waste feed cut-off instrument associated with that fumace listed in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut- off Tables) fails to opeffite properly. VI.A.4.a.xvi. All monitoring, recording, maintenance, calibration and test data shall be recorded and the records shall be placed in the Operating Record for the specific fumace. Vl.A.4.a.xvii. ACAMS on the TOCDF common stack shall be comprised of two primary monitors in staggered mode of sampling for continuous monitoring for agent. A back-up monitor shall be calibrated and stationed in the stack-monitoring house for contingency purposes, i.e., primary monitor malfunctions or calibration. Vl.A.4.a.xvii.a. ACAMS used to monitor for Aeent GA and MINICAMS used to monitor for Lewisite on the ATLIC stack shall be comprised of two primary monitors in stageered mode of sampling for continuous monitorine for aselrt. A back-up monitor shall be calibrated and stationed such that it is available for contingency purposes. i.e.. primary monitor malfunctions or. calibration. orevidr Vl.A.4.a.xviii. DAAMS tubes on the TOCDF common stack and ATLIC PAS stack{if*ed}shall be analyzed at a frequency of one tube per four hours of sampling with a corresponding QP sample for each agent. ,]. VI.A.4.a.xix. Data from aIITOCDF ACAMS (specified in Attachment 22, AgeriMonitoring Plan) shall be reported on PDARS. VI.A.4.a.xix.1 Data from all ATLIC NRT monitors (ACAMS and MINICAMS) (specified in . Attachment 22a. Asent Monitoring Plad shall be recorded by the ATLIC process data acquisition and recordins systern. VI.A.4.a.xx. Data from all DAAMS analyses shall be reported in the Operating Record. VI.A.4.a.xxi. C-onfirme'd agent alarms shall be orally reported to the Executive Secretary withn24 hours of confirmation. Module VI - Page 7 Short-Term rr.rlff3: October 2007 VI.A.4.b. Inspection Requirements VI.A.4.b.i. The Permittee shall comply with thb inspection requirements specified in Condition v.A.3. VI.A.4.c. Recordkee,pine Requirernents VI.A.4.c.i. The Permittee shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements as specified in Condition v.A.6. II vI.B. TOCDF LIQUID INCINERATORS (LICs) VI.B.l. SHAKEDOWN VI.B.I.a. Allowable Waste Feed VLB.I.a.i. During the shakedown periods, the Permittee shall limit the hourly feed of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, decontamination solutions and Munition DemilitarizationBuilding aqueous liquid wastes to the LIC to that specified in the LIC Agent Trial Bum Plan specific to the agent being processed. ' VI.B.1.a.ii. The Permittee shall not feed the following wastes to the LIC during the Shakedown Periods. VI.B.1.a.ii.a. Hazardous Wastes F020 through F023,F026, andF027. VI.B.1.a.ii.b. Any wastes containing polychlorinated biphenyls. VI.B.1.a.iii. The feed rate of chlorine to each LIC shall not exceed 7356 pounds, over a twelve-hour rolling average during the shakedown period. The Permittee shall speciff expected feed rates in each trial burn plan for the shakedown and trial bum periods. VI.B.I.a.iv. Decontamination solution with the F999 waste code, and other applicable waste codes, maybe fed to the secondary chamber of the LIC during the shakedown period only if the operating conditions specified in Condition VI.B.1.b. are satisfied and the waste feed cut- off limits specified in the trial bum plans are in effect VI.B.l.a.v. Changes to the LICs shall be certified as specified in Condition I.S. VI.B.I.a.vi. Throughout the shakedown periods, the Permittee shall conduct waste analysis in ."accordance with the approved trial burn plan and Attachments 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) : . and 3 (Sampling, Analflical, and QA/QC Procedures) for agent and other hazardous -.'. ' waste. ' VLB.1.a.vii. The Permittee shall determine waste codes for each waste stream as specified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). i:, vI.B.l.b. Module VI - Page 8 Short-Term rr.,;T*:il: October 2007 VI.B.1.b.i. During the shakedown periods, the Permittee shall operate the LIC furnace system in accordance with the approved trial burn plans and the following conditions: VI.B.I.b.i.a. The Permittee shall monitor emissions from the LIC duct and the common stack for chemical agent as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a. The waste feed to the incinerator shall be automatically cut-off if any of the monitored emission levels exceed the values specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). VI.B.1.b.i.b. Primary combustion chamber exhaust gas temperature shall be maintained at or above 2500" F, over a one hour rolling average, but shall not exceed 2,850o F. VI.B.l.b.i.c. Secondary cornbustion chamber exhaust gas temperature shall be maintained at or above 1,800o F, over a one-hour rolling average, but shall not exceed 2,200" F. VI.B.1 .b.i.d. Carbon monoxide concentration at the exhaust blower exit, correct ed to 7oh oxygen in accordance with the formula specified in Condition Y.A.2.e., shall not exceed 100 parts per million (ppm) dry volume over a one-hour rolling average. VI.B.1.b.i.e. The LIC exhaust gas flow rate, or unit production rate (as measured by the V-Cone) shall not exceed 9,500 standard cubic feet per minute, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.B.1.b.i.f. Oxygen concentration at the exhaust blower exit shall be maintained at or above 3Yo,bttt . shall not exceed l5%o on a dry volume basis. VI.B.1.b.i.g. Reserved VI.B.1.b.i.h. Atomizing air pressure for the waste burner nozzles, for both chemical agent and decontamination solution shall be maintained at or above the following set points: VI.B.I.b.i.h.l. Primary Combustion Charnber, All Feed Rates (1-100%) - 60 psig VI.B.1.b.i.h.l .a. The Permittee may disable the Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off associated with Condition VI.8.1.b.i.h.l. when the waste burner nozzle for the primary chamber is removed and agent feed to the LIC is isolated. VLB.1 .bJh.Z. Secondary Combustion Chamber, All Feed Rates (1-100%) - 60 psig VI.B. 1 .b.i.i. The Permittee shall control fugitive emissions by the seal system design of the LIC combustion chambers. VI.B.1.b.ij. Quench tower exhaust gas temperature shall not exceed 225o F. VI.B.1.b.i.k. Exhaust gas pressure drop across the venturi scrubber shall be maintained above 30 inches of water column, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.B.1.b.i.l. Clean liquor flow rate.to the scrubber tower shall be maintained at or above 400 gpm, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.B.1.b.i.m. Clean liquor pressure to the scrubber tower shall be maintained at or above 35 psig, over a one-hour rolling average. Module VI - Page 9 VI.B.l .b.i..n. VI.B.1 .b.i.o. VI.B.1.b.i.p. VI.B.l.b.i.q. VI.B.l .b.i..r. VI.B.1 .b.i..s. vI.B.1 .b.i.t. VI.B.1 .b.i.u. VI.B.1.b.i.v. VI.B.l .c. VI.B.1 .c.i. VI.B.1.c.ii. TOCDF Short-Temr Incineration October 2007 Quench brine liquid feed rate to the venturi scrubber shall be maintained at or above 100 gpm over a one-hour rolling average. Quench brine delivery pressure shall be maintained at or above 40 psig. The specific gravity of the quench brine effluent shall not exceed 1.20 over a twelve-hour- rolling average. The pH of the quench brine shall be maintained at7.0 or above, over a one-hour-rolling average. Reserved Reserved The Permittee shall monitor and control the emissions from the LIC systern. The emission levels from each monitoring system shall not exceed the agent concentrations specified in Condition VI.A.3.a. During cold start-ups, the individual LIC's primary chamber wastenozzle shall not be installed and the waste feed control valve shall not be opened until the secondary combustion chamber is at 1,550o F or higher as measured by thermocouple 13-TIC-103 (LICI) or l3-TIC-781 (LIC2). If the exterior shell temperature of the slag removal system exceeds 500o F, all waste feed to the LIC system shall be stopped. Shell integrity shall be verified, and recorded in the Operating Record, before wastes are re-introduced into the fumace system. Toxic metals emissions shall be controlled by limiting the agent and agent contaminated waste feed rates to the furnaces. LIC metals feed limits are in Table V.1 in Module V. Metals feed shall be determined using procedures specified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). Waste Feed Cut-Off Requirements The Permittee shall identi[, the waste feed cut-off instruments in each individual trial burn plan. The Permittee shall identifu the instrument number, the operating parameter, and the set point. When the waste feed cut-off tables for LIC1 and LIC2 are approved as part of the revised trial burn plans, the waste feed cut-off TAG identification numbers and associated set points shall be incorporated into Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Curoff Tables). In the event of a malfunction of a LIC automatic waste feed cut-off instrument identified in the approved trial burn plan, the Permittee shall immediatelymanually cut off the waste feed to the LIC and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunction, the time of the malfunction, the time of resuming waste feed, the apparent cause of the malfunction, and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. Module VI - Page l0 TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 VI.B.1.c.iii. All waste feed cut-off instruments shall be maintained and tested in accordance with Condition V.A.4. VI.B.1.d. MonitoringRequirements VI.B.I.d.i. The Permittee shall maintain and calibrate the monitoring and recording equipment as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a and V.A.1.h.i. VI.B.2. TRTAL BURN PERIOD VI.B.2.a. The Permittee shall operate and monitor the incinerator during the trial burn period as specified in each of the trial bum plans approved by the Executive Secretary. Each trial bum plan shall include procedures to insure that the data critical for conducting a risk assessment (e,g. dioxins/furans, metals, agent, etc.) meets the standards in the qualrty control plan accompanyrng the trial bum plan. VLB.2.b. Trial BurnDeterminations VI.B.2.b.i. The Permittee shall make the performance determinations specified in Condition VI.A.3.a. during the trial bum tests. VI.B.2.o. Monitoring Requirements VI.B.2.c.i. All continuous smission monitoring will follow the requirements as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a and V.A. 1.h.i. VI.B.3. POST-TRIAL BURN PERIOD VI.B.3.a. During the post trial burn periods in accordance with R315-8-15.5(c)(3) and for the minimum period sufficient for the Permittee to analyze samples, compute data, and submit trial burn results, and for the Executive Secretary to review the trial bum results and make any modifications necessary to the permit, the Permittee shall comply with the following conditions: VI.B.3.a.i. Limitation on Waste Feed VLB.3.a.i.a. After successful completion of an agent trial bum, the Permittee may feed permitted hazardous waste to the LIC up to 50% of the feed rate demonstrated during the trial bum. The Permittee may feed up to 75Yo of the demonstrated feed rate after approval of preliminary results by the Executive Secretary for the metals train, dioxin train, particulate/acid gas train(s), and Mustard DAAMS, including a preliminary DRE calculation. VI.B.3.a.i.b. Only one type of chemical agent shhfl be bumed in the LIC System at anygiven time. VI.B.3.a.i.c. Decontamination solution may be fed to the secondary chamber of the LIC during the agent post trial bum period only if the operating conditions specified in Condition VI.B.3.a.ii. are satisfied and the waste feed cut-off limits specified in the trial burn plans are in effect Module VI - Page I I VI.B.3.a.i.d. VI.B.3.a.i.e. VI.B.3.a.i.f. Short-rerm..'ffi"!31 October 2007 The Permittee shall not incinerate the miscellaneous agent contaminated liquid wastes in the LIC secondary combustion chamber except as allowed in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The feed rate of chlorine to each LIC shall be in accordance with VI.B.3.a.i.a. Throughout the post-trial burn periods, the Permittee shall conduct analysis of the waste to be treated in the LICs to veriff that the waste feed is within the physical and chernical composition limits specified in Module V and Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The procedure shall follow the waste analysis requirements in the trial bum plan and Attachments 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures) for agent and other hazardous waste. The Permitee may feed hazardous waste up to 100 percent of the agent trial burn demonstrated feed rate provided; VI.B.3.a.i.g VI.B.3.a.i.g.1 The Executive Secretary has previously approved the preliminary data referenced in Condition VI.B.3.a.i.a; VI.B.3.a.i.g.2 The Permittee has submitted the Notification of Compliance required by Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 63, Subpart EEE to the Utah Division of Air Qualrty; VI.B.3.a.i.g.3 The Permittee has submitted revised Conditions V.B.1.a, V.B.1.d, V.B.2, Table V.1. and revised Attachment 19 Tables D-5-2 and D-5-2B (Automatic Waste Feed Cut-off tables for LICs I and2 respectively) that incorporate operating parameter limits; VI.B.3.a.i.g.4 The Permittee has submitted the trial burn report and the Executive Secretary has reviewed the Executive Summary included in the report. VI.B.3.a.i.g.5 The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of Conditions V.A and V.B when the requirements of Conditions VI.B.3.i.b.g.2 throughVI.B.3.a.i.g.4havebeen fulfilled. VI.B.3.a.ii. Operating Conditions VLB.3.a.ii.a. The Permittee shall not treat any hazardous waste in the LIC during the post-trial burn period unless the system is operating in compliance with Condition VI.B.1.b., excluding the feed rates in Conditions VI.B.l.b.i.v. Waste Feed Cut-Off Requirements VI.B.3.a.iii.a. The Permittee shall comply with the waste feed cut-off instrument settings specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-Off Tables). Vl.B.3.a.iii.b. ln the event of a malfunction of a LIC automatic waste feed cutoff instrument as specified in the approved trial burn plan, the Permittee shall immediately manually cut off the waste' feed to the LIC and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunctions, the time of the malfunction, the time of resuming waste feed, the apparent cause of the malfunctions, and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. Module VI - Page 12 o VI.B.3.a.iii.c. VI.B.3.a.iv. VI.B.3.a.iv.a. VI.C. VI.C.1. VI.C.1.a. VI.C.1.a.i. VI.C.1.a.i.a VLC.1.a.ii. VI.C.1.a.ii.a. VI.C.1.a.ii.b. VI.C.1 .a.ii.c VI.C.1.a.iii. VI.C.1.a.iv. VI.C.1.a.v. VI.C.1 .a.v.1 TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 A11 instrumentation shall be maintained and tested in accordance with Condition V.A.4. Monitoring Requirements The Permittee shall maintain and calibrate the monitoring and recording equipment as specified in Condition VLA.4.a. and V.A.1.h.i. METAL PARTS F'T]RNACE SHAKEDOWN Allowable Waste Feed During the shakedown periods, the Permittee shall limit the hourly feed of hazardous and non-hazardous waste test materials to the MPF to that specified in the MPF Agent Trial Burn Plan or Demonstration Test Plan specific to the agent being processed. During the Shakedown period for mustard 155mm projectiles, the Permittee may process secondary wastes in accordance with Module V.C.l.a.ii. for secondary waste without using mustard 155mm projectile shakedown hours. The Permittee shall not feed the following wastes to the MPF during the Shakedown Period. Hazardous Wastes F020 through F023,F026, andF027. Any wastes containing polychlorinated biphenyls. Mustard ton containers, indicating a liquid mercury sample result of one part per million or greater. The feed rate of total halogens to the MPF shall not exceed 2490 total pounds over a 12- hour rolling average during the shakedown period. The hourly feed rate of the residual chemical agent contained in the MPF feed shall not exceed the limits provided in the approved trial bum plan. The Permittee may submit data generated during the Mustard Baseline Shakedown Period to the Executive Secretary for approval which supports a correlation between ton container heel depths and heel weight for Baseline Ton Container Processing. The method used to develop the correlation shall be described in the approved MPF Trial Bum Plan. Upon approval by the Executive Secretary of the heel depth-heel weight correlation, the Permittpd may use the Bulk Drain Station (BDS) Drain Tube System (DTS) to confirm drained ton container heel weights and extend the calibration frequency of the BDS load cells as specified in Attachment 6 from 90 days to 360 days. Changes to the MPF shall be certified as specified in Condition I.S.VI.C.1 .a.vi. Module VI - Page l3 VI.C.1 .a.vii. VI.C.I.a.viii The Permittee shall determine waste codes for each waste stream as specified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 Throughout the shakedown periods, the Permittee shall conduct waste analysis in accordance with the approved trial bum plan and Attachments 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures) for agent and other hazardous waste. The Permittee shall collect brine samples at a regular interval specified in2. to evaluate metals concentrations in the mustard baseline ton containers and mustard 155mm projectiles. The Permittee shall collect a treatment residue sample from each of the first three ton containers processed for each of the charge weight and charge interval sets that will be used during Baseline processing and evaluated by the Executive Secretary during the Shakedown Period. The samples shall be analyzed to ensure the agent content in the residue is below the Waste Control Limit specified in Attachment 2 for the agent being processed. The Permittee shall collect treatment residue (ash) samples from five projectiles (one (1) projectile from each of the first frve (5) trays processed) from 155mm mustard projectiles. The samples will be analyzed to ensure the agent content in the residue is below the Waste Control Limit specified in Attachment 2 for Mustard" Operating Conditions During the shakedown periods, the Permittee shall operate the MPF furnace system in accordance with the approved trial burn plans or demonstration test plans and the following conditions: The Permittee shall monitor emissions from the MPF duct and the common stack for chemical agent as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a. The waste feed to the incinerator shall be automatically cut off if any of the monitored emission levels exceed the values specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). The number of munitions units fed to the MPF per batch feed shall not exceed the limit specified in the approved trial bum plan. The temperature of all three zones of the primary chamber shall be maintained at or above I l50oF, but shall not exceed 1,800o F. The MPF secondary combustion chamber temperature shall be maintained at or above 1900o F, over a one -hour rolling average, but shall not exceed 2,175o F. Carbon monoxide concentration at the exhaust blower exit, correctedto 1Yo oxygen in accordance with the formula specified in Condition Y.A.2.e., shall not exceed 100 ppm dry volume over a one-hour rolling average. VI.C.1 .a.ix VI.C.1.a.x VI.C.1.a.xi vl.c.1.b. vr.c.1.b.i. VI.C.1.b.i..a. VI.C.1 .b.i.c. vl.c.1 .b.i.d. VI.C.1 .b.i.e. vl.c.1.b.i.f VI.C.I.b.i.b. Only one loaded tray containing the waste materials shall be fed into the MPF at any given time, with a minimum 20-minute interval between each tray feed. Module VI - Page 14 Short-Term rr",H;3: October 2007 VLC.I.b.i.g. MPF exhaust gas flow rate, or unit production rate (as measured by the V-cone), shall not exceed 9,500 standard cubic feet per minute, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.C.1.b.i.h. Reserved \/I.C.l.b.i.i. Oxygen concentration at the exhaust blower exit shall be maintained at or above 3o/o,but shall not exceed l5Yo on a dry volume basis. The Permittee shall control fugitive emissions from the cornbustion zone of the MPF by maintaining the pressure in the primary chamber below the pressure of the MPF furnace room. Quench tower exhaust gas temperature shall not exceed 225" F. Exhaust gas pressure drop across the venturi scrubber shall be maintained above 20* inches of water column, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.C.I.b.i.m. Clean liquor flow rate to the scrubber tower shall be maintained at or above 400* gpm, over a one-hour rolling average. vl.c.1.b.i.k. vl.c.1 .b.i.1. VI.C.1 .b.i.n. VI.C.1.b.i..o. VI.C.1.b.i.p. VI.C.1.b.i.t. Clean liquor pressure to the scrubber tower shall be maintained at or above 35 psig. Quench brine feed rate to the venturi scrubber shall be maintained at or above 85 gallons per minute, over a one-hour rolling average. The pH of the scrubber liquid effluent shall be maintained at 7 .0 or above, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.C.1.b.i.q. The specific gravity of the scrubber brine shall not exceed 1.20 specific gravity units over VI.C.1.b.i.r. a twelve-hour rolling average. Toxic metals emissions shall be controlled by limiting the agent and agent contaminated waste feed rates to the furnaces. MPF non-ernbedded metals feed limits are in Table V.C.l., V.2. and Y .2a in Module V. Non-embedded metals feed shall be determined using procedures specified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The Permittee shall monitor and control the emissions from the MPF system. The emission levels from each monitoring system shall not exceed the Chemical Agents Emission Limits specified in Condition VI.A.3.a. The Permittee shall comply with Conditions V.C. for processing munitions, bulk containers and secondary wastes in the Discharge Airlock utilizing either high temperature or low temperature monitoring. Low Temperature monitoring will be required if the specified upset conditions in Y.C.2.r. are exceeded. The Permittee shall perform low- temperature monitoring in the MPF Discharge Airlock for all secondary waste. Waste Feed Cut-Off Requirements VI.C.1 .b.i.s. VI.C.1 .c. Module VI - Page l5 VI.C.1.c.i. VI.C.1.c.ii. VI.C.1 .c.iii. vl.c.1 .d. vl.c.1 .d.i. vl.c.1.d.ii. YT.C.2. VI.C.2.a. vl.c.2.b. vl.c.2.b.i. VI.C.2.c. VI.C.2.c.t. VI.C.3. VI.C.3.a. TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 The Permittee shall identiffthe waste feed cut-off instruments in each individual trial bum plan. The Permittee shall identiff the instrument number, the operating parameter, and the set point. When the waste feed cut-off tables for the MPF are approved as part of the revised trial bum plans, the waste feed cut-off TAG identification numbers and associated set points shall be incorporated into Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut- off Tables). In the event of a malfunction of a MPF automatic waste feed cut-off instrument identified in the approved trial burn plan, the Permittee shall immediatelymanually cut off the waste feed to the MPF and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunction, the time of the malfunction, the time of resuming waste feed, the apparent cause of the malfi.rnction, and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. All instrumentation shall be maintained and tested in accordance with Condition V.A.4. Monitoring Requirements The Permittee shall maintain and calibrate the monitoring and recording equipment as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a and V.A.l.h.i. MPF Discharge Airlock Monitoring will comply with V.C. 1 ., VI.B.1 .b.i.v. and Attachment 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). TRTAL BURN PERIOD The Permittee shall operate and monitor the incinerator during the trial burn period as specified in each of the trial burn plans approved by the Executive Secretary. Each trial burn plan shall include procedures to insure that the data critical for conducting a risk assessment (e.g. dioxins/furans, metals, agent, etc.) meets the standards in the quality control plan accompanyrng the trial bum plan. Trial Bum Determinations The Permittee shall make the performance determinations specified in Condition VI.A.3.a. during the trial bum tests. Monitoring Requirements All continuous emission monitoring will follow the requirements as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a and V.A.1.h.i. POST-TRIAL BURN PERIOD During the post-trial burn periods, in accordance with R315-8-15.5(c)(3), and for the minimum period sufficient for the Permittee to analyze samples, compute data, and submit trial burn results, and for the Executive Secretary to review the trial bum results and make any modifications necessary to the permit, the Permittee shall comply with the following conditions: Module VI - Page l6 VI.C.3.a.i.. VI.C.3.a.i.a. VI.C .3 .a.i.a.3.i. VI.C .3.a.t.a.3.ii. VI.C.3.a.i.a.3. The Permittee may feed hazardous waste up to 100 percent of the agent trial burn demonstrated feed rate provided; TOCDF Short-Terrn Incinerati on October 2007 Limitation on Waste Feed After successful completion of an agent trial burn, the Permittee may feed approved hazardous waste to the MPF up to 50% of the feed rates demonstrated in the trial burn. The Permittee may feed up to 75oh of the demonstrated feed rate after approval of preliminary results by the Executive Secretary for the metals train, dioxin train, parliculatelacid gas train(s), and Mustard DAAMS results, including a preliminary DRE calculation. Forton containers the Permittee shall comply with the feed rate limitations by adjusting the charge weights and charge intervals such that the equivalent feed rate, on a pounds per hour basis, does not exceed the applicable percentage of the trial burn demonstrated rate. The post trial bum feed rates shall be calculated as follows: Post ATB feed rate: (Charge WLtu * Charge InLu)* Pct: Charge Wtlostatb * Charge Intpostatb Where: Pct :Applicable post trial burn feed rate (i.e.,0.5 or 0 .75) Charge Wtu6: Charge Weight demonstrated during the Agent Trial Burn (pounds /charge). Charge lntu6= Charge interval demonstrated during the Agent Trial Bum (Charge/hour) Charge Wtpo.t 6:Post ATB charge weight (pounds/charge); charge weight shall not exceed maximum weight demonstrated during Agent Trial Burn. Charge Irrtposts-atu=Post ATB charge interval (charge/hour); charge time shall be the greater ofthe result calculated from the equation above or the minimumcharge timeof 42 minutes (35 minutes forZone 1 timer plus 7 minutes for zone to zone tray transition time.) The Permittee shall comply with the agent and halogen feed rate limitations by feeding 1) less-than-full trays of projectiles at reduced feed intervals or, 2) full trays of projectiles at extended feed intervals or 3) comply with the conditions specified in Module V.C.1 and Y.C.2 for baseline ton containers. For Module V use, the Permittee will submit to the Executive Secretary the Zone time and number of projectile per tray that equal the limitation specified in Module V.C.l.d.i and the agent feed rate in V.C.1.a.i. The Executive Secretary has previously approved the preliminary data referenced in Condition VI.C.3.a.i.a; The Permittee has submitted the Notification of Compliance required by Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations,Part 63, Subpart EEE to the Utah Division of Air Quality; Module VI - Page 17 VI.C.3.a.i..a.3.iv. VI.C.3.a.i.a.3.v. VI.C.3.a.i.b. TOCDF Short_rerm rnc"TJfs; The Permittee has submitted revised Conditions V.C.l.a, V.C.l.d, Y.C.2,Table Y.2, andrevised Attachment 19 Tables D-6-2 (Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off Table for MPF) that incorporate operating parameter limits (i.e., AWFCO limits) identical to those specified in the Notification of Compliance for the regulated operating parameters that are common to both this Permit and the Deseret Chemical Depot Clean Air Act Title V Permit; The Permittee has submitted the trial burn report and the Execr.ltive Secretary has reviewed the Executive Summary included in the report. The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of Conditions V.A. and V.C whsn the requirements of Conditions VI.C.3.a.i.a.4 .i through VI.C.3.a.i.a.4.iv have been fulfilled. Only one type of chemical agent contained in munitions or bulk containers shall be feed into the MPF, at any given time. Secondary waste generated during different agent campaigns may be fed on the same tray provided a DRE for the agent contaminating the wastes has been demonstrated to comply with the performance standards specified in Conditions VI.A.3.a.i and the MPF exhaust ducts, DAL and cornrnon stack are configured to monitor the agents contaminating the wastes.. After successful completion of the Secondary Waste Dsmonstration Test, the Permittee may feed waste at 50% feed rate listed in Table V.C.1. For each new waste itream, an inspection and loading criterion shall be developed by the Permittee and approved by the Executive Secretary for WlCs/containers containing potentially agent-contaminated secondary wastes that are combustible, fibrous or porous (e.g., wood, paper, cardboard, cloth, etc.) before these wastes are treated in the MPF and the following is met: The Permittee shall configure each Secondary Waste load and inspection of each treated load in accordance with waste load configurations and inspection criteria approved by the Executive Secretary. The Permittee shall comply with this requirement by adhering to waste load configurations/inspection criterion developed through function tests that are performed to determine the optimum weight and load configuration for specific combinations of secondary wastes fed on the same bum tray and to determine if the waste is processed effectively. VI.C.3.a.i.b.2 A function test shall be performed for each waste load configuration containing combustible waste that differs from those previously tested because of either increased weight or types of wastes placed on the burn tray. VI.C.3.a.i.b.3 The Permittee shall provide notice to the Executive Secretary a minimum of seven days in advance of conducting a function test. Following each function test, and prior to implementation of resultant waste load configurations, DSHW shall provide written approval that such waste load configurations may be utilized. Upon approval by the Executive Secretary of preliminary results for the metals, dioxin/furans, and particulate/acid train(s), the Permittee may feed secondary waste at 75o/o of the feed rate demonstrated during the Secondary Waste Demonstration Test for the limiting parameters of halogens, ash, non-ernbedded metals, BTUs and carbon filter VI.C.3.a.i..c. Module VI - Page l8 Short-Term rr.rffi;3: October 2007 cartridges. The Permittee shall include in the preliminary data submission arwisedTl%o secondary waste feed rate table based on test results. VI.C.3.a.i.c.1 Non-munition agent contaminated debris, Agent Collection System residues, Quantification System maintenance residues, MDB process equipment, MDB HEPA filters, MDB carbon filter trays, munitions overpack containers, discarded tools and the non-munition wastes listed in Table2-5 in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) may be processed in the MPF after the associated agent trial bum period. Further function testing for the non-munition waste is not required provided the following feed limits are not exceeded: WASTE DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM FEED RATES POUNDS PER HOUR CHARGES PER HOUR MAX. POUNDS PER CHARGEI Hazardous waste as identified in Attachment? (Waste Analysis Plan), Table 2-5 290 3 100 l. The charge weight limit and feed rate limit do not apply to overpack/overpack-sections, or to steel objects, provided they are 1) fully disassembled, 2) have no obstructed crevices or volumes that may entrap residual agent and 3) are fed individually to the MPF . Overpacks and steel objects discussed above that weigh more than the above charge weight limit will be dismantled to the extent possible before feeding to the MPF. Agent feed rate limits will be maintained as listed in V.C. I .a.i. if any liquid agent is present in an overpack. 2. The MPF Discharge Airlock shall be iooled to less than 600" F prior to agent monitoring VI.C.3.a.i.d. All non-munition wastes that envelop an interior space (e.g. gauges, cans, escape air tanks, overpacks, glassware, etc.) must be opened or punctured before being placed in the MPF. VI.C.3.a.i.e. The combustible wastes identified in VI.C.3.a.i.c. shall not be inside the MPF at the same time the wastes identified in VI.C.3.a.i.a. are in this incinerator. VI.C.3.a.i.f. The feed rate of halogens to the MPF shall be in accordance with Condition VI.C.3.a.i.a. VI.C.3.a.i.g. The feed rate of ash to the MPF shall be in accordance with Condition VI.C.3.a.i.b. VI.C.3.a.i.h Throughout the post-trial burn periods, the Permittee shall conduct analysis of the waste to be treated in the MPF to veriff that the waste feed is within the physical and chemical composition limits specified in Module V and Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The procedure shall follow the waste analysis requirements in the trial bum plan and Attachments 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures) for agent and other hazardous waste. VI.C.3.a.i.i. Reserved. VLC.3.a.ij ln accordance with an approved trial burn plan; the Permittee shall demonstrate compliance with the Performance Standards in Condition V.A.2. for the highest rate at which it will feed waste to the MPF. Module VI - Page 19 Short-Term ,"",ffi;3: October 2007 VI.C.3.a.ii. OperatingConditions VI.C.3.a.ii.a. The Permittee shall not treat any hazardous waste in the MPF during the post-trial burn period unless the MPF system is operating in compliance with Condition VI.C.1.b. excluding the feed rates in Conditions VLC.1.b.i.c. and VI.C.I.b.i.r. VI.C.3.a.iii. WasteFeedCut-OffRequirements VlC.3.a.iii.a. The Permittee shall comply with the waste feed cut-off instrument settings specified in Attachment 19 (lnstrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-Off Tables). VI.C.3.a.iii.b. In the event of a malfirnction of a MPF automatic waste feed cut-off instrument as specified in the approved trial burn plan, the Permittee shall immediately manually cut off the waste feed to the MPF and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunctions, the time of the malfunction, the time of resuming waste feed, the apparent cause of the malfunctions, and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfu nctions. Vl.C.3.a.iii.c. All instrumentation shall be maintained and tested in accordance with Condition V.A.4. VI.C.3.a.iv. MonitoringRequirements VI.C.3.a.iv.a. The Permittee shall maintain and calibrate the monitoring and recording equipment as specified in Condition VLA.4.a and V.A.1.h.i. vr.D. DEACTTVATTON FURNACE SYSTEM (DFS) VI.D.l. SHAKEDOWN VI.D.I .a. Allowable Waste Feed VI.D.1.a.i. During the Shakedown Periods, the Permittee shall limit the hourly feed of agent and ECR maintenance residue to the DFS to that specified in the DFS Agent Trial Burn Plan specific to the agent being processed. VI.D.I.a.ii. The Permittee shall not feed the following wastes to the DFS, during the Shakedown Period: VI.D.1.a.ii.a. Hazardous Wastes F020 through F023,F026, andFO2l. VI.D.1.a.iii. The feed rate of chlorine to DFS shall not exceed 8.4 pounds total in a twelve hour rolling average period during the agent shakedown periods. VI.D.I.a.iv. The hourly feed rate of the residual chemical agent contained in the DFS feed, which was calculated using a 5o/o agentheel, shall not exceed the limits provided in the approved trial burn plan. VI.D.1.a.v. Changes to the DFS shall be certified as specified in Condition I.S. Module VI - Page20 Short-Term rr.,f*:31 October 2007 VI.D.I.a.vi. Throughout each Shakedown Period, the Permittee shall conduct waste analysis in accordance with the approved trial burn plan and Attachments 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and 3 (Sampling, Analyical, and QA/QC Procedures) for agent and other hazardous waste. VI.D.l.a.vii. The Permittee shall determine waste codes for each waste stream as specified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). VI.D.1.b. OperatingConditions VLD.1.b.i. During the shakedown periods, the Permittee shall operate the DFS furnace system in accordance with the approved trial burn plan and the following conditions: VI.D.I.b.i.a. The Permittee shall monitor emissions from the DFS duct and the coflrmon stack for chemical agent as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a. The waste feed to the incinerator shall be automatically cut off if any of the monitored emission levels exceed the values specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). VI.D.1.b.i.b. The number of munitions units fed to the DFS in one hour shall not exceed the limit specified in Condition V.D.l.a. VI.D.I.b.i.c. The temperature of the unquenched DFS rotary kiln exhaust gas shall be maintained at or above 954o F, over a one-hour rolling average. VLD. 1 .b.i.d: Th" temperature of heated discharge conveyor shall be maintained at or above 1 ,000o F. VI.D.I.b.i.e. The DFS secondary cornbustion chamber temperature shall be maintained at or above 2065" F, over a one-hour rolling average, but shall not exceed 2,400o F. VI.D.I.b.i.f. The rate of movement of the heated discharge conveyor shall be controlled so as to provide a minimum solid retention time of 15 minutes inside the heated enclosure. VI.D.1.b.i.g. The rotational speed of the retort shall be maintained within the following parameters: VI.D.I .b.i.g. 1 . The speed shall not exceed two revolutions per minute (rpm); VI.D.I .b.i.g.2. Except when in oscillation mode, the speed shall not drop below 0.33 rpm; VI.D.1.b.i.g.3. Hazardous waste may not be fed to the DFS while the retort is in oscillation mode except as provided in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables). VI.D.1.b.i.h. Carbon monoxide concentration at the exhaust blower exit, correct ed to 7o/o oxygen in accordance with the formula specified in Condition V.A.2.e., shall not exceed 100 ppm dry volume over a one-hour rolling average. VI.D.1.b.i.i. DFS exhaust gas flow rate, or unit production rate (as measured by the V-Cone), shall not exceed 13,210 standard cubic feed per minute, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.D.1.b.ij. The gas flow of the DFS shall be maintained between 22,000 and 40,000 ACFM at the exit of the exhaust blower. This parameter is measured during the Trial Burn Period. Module VI - Page 2l Short-Term ,"",H;3: October 2007 VI.D.1.b.i.k. Oxygen concentration at the exhaust blower exit shall be maintained at or above 3o/o,but shall not exceed l5o/o on a dry volume basis. VI.D.I.b.i.l. The Permittee shall control fugitive emissions from the combustion zone of the DFS by maintaining the pressure in the kiln below the pressure of the DFS furnace room. VLD.1.b.i.m. Quench tower exhaust gas temperature shall not exceed 225" F . VLD.I.b.i.n. Exhaust gas pressure drop across the venturi scrubber shall be maintained above 30* inches of water column, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.D.I .b.i.o. Quench brine feed rate to the venturi shall be at or above 3 10 gpm, over a one-hour rolling average with a liquid delivery pressure at or above 40 psig. VI.D.I.b.i.p. Clean liquor feed rate to the scrubber tower shall be maintained at or above 800 glm, over a one-hour rolling average. VLD.1.b.i.q. Clean liquor pressure to the scrubber tower shall be maintained at or above 35 psig, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.D.1.b.i.r. The pH of the quench brine shall be maintained at 8.7 or above, over a one-hour rolling average. VI.D.1 .b.i.s. Quench brine effluent specific gravity shall not exceed 1 . 10 specific gravity units, over a twelve-hour rolling average. VI.D.I.b.i.t. The Permittee shall continuously monitor and control the emissions from the DFS system. The emission levels from each monitoring system shall not exceed the Chemical Agents Emission Limits specified in Condition VI.A.3.a. VI.D.I.b.i.u. The temperature of the quenched DFS rotary kiln exhaust gas, shall not exceed 1,650o F. VI.D.I.b.i.v. Reserved VI.D.1.b.i.w. Toxic metals emissions shall.be controlled by limiting the agent and agent contaminated waste feed rates to the fumaces. DFS non-embedded metals feed limits are in Table V.3 in Module V. Non-embedded metals feed shall be determined using procedures specified Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). VI.D.I.c. Waste Feed Cut-Off Requirements VI.D.1.c.i. The Permittee shall identiff the waste feed cut-off instruments in each individual trial bum plan. The Permittee shall identiff the instrument number, the operating parameter, and the set point. When the waste feed cut-off tables for the DFS are approved as part of the revised trial bum plans, the waste feed cutoff TAG identification numbers and associated set points shall be incorporated into Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut- off Tables). Module VI - Page 22 Short-Term,r",ffi;3: October 2007 VI.D.I.c.ii. In the event of a malfunction of a DFS automatic waste feed cut-off instrument identified in the approved trial bum plan, the Permittee shall immediately manually cut off the waste feed to the DFS and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunction, the time of the malfunction, the time of resuming waste feed, the apparent cause of the malfunction, and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. VI.D.I.c.iii. All instrumentation shall be maintained and tested in accordance with Condition V.A.4. VI.D.1.d. MonitorineRequirements VI.D.I.d.i. The Permittee shall maintain and calibrate the monitoring and recording equipment as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a and V.A.1.h.i. VI.D.I.e. lnspectionRequirements VLD.1.e.i. The Permittee shall comply with the lnspection Requirements specified in Condition v.A.3. VI.D.I.f. Recordkeeping VLD.1.f.i. The Permittee shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements as specified in Condition v.A.6. VI.D.I.f.ii. Every time ECR residues are fed to the DFS the following information shall be recorded and kept on file in accordance with R315-8-5.3: VI.D.1.f.ii.a. The exact weight of the waste. VI.D.1.f.ii.b. The location of the waste feed identified as Line A or Line B chute. VI.D.1.f.ii.c. A brief description of the waste. VI.D.I.f.ii.d. The date and time the waste was fed to the DFS. VI.D.2. TRTAL BURN PERIOD VI.D.2.a. The Permittee shall operate and monitor the incinerator during the trial burn period as specified in each of the trial burn plans approved by the Executive Secretary. Each trial burn plan shall include procedures to insure that the data critical for conducting a risk assessment (e.g. dioxins/furans, metals, agent, etc.) meet the standards in the quality control plan accompanyrng the trial burn plan. VI.D.2.b. Trial Burn Determinations VI.D.2.b.i. The Permittee shall make the performance determinations specified in Condition VI.A.3.a. during the trial bum tests. O VI.D .2.c. Monitoring Requirements Module VI - Page 23 VI.D.2.c.i. VI.D.3. VI.D.3.a. TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 All emission monitoring will follow the requirements as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a. and V.A.l.h.i. POST-TRIAL BURN PERTOD VI.D.3.a.i. VI.D.3.a.i..a. During the post trial burn periods in accordance with R315-8-15.5(c)(3) and for the minimum period sufficient for the Permittee to analyze samples, compute data, and submit trial burn results, and for the Executive Secretary to review the trial bum results and make any modifications necessary to the permit, the Permittee shall comply with the following conditions: Limitation in Waste Feed After successful completion of an agent trial bum, the Permittee may feed permitted hazardous waste to the DFS up to 50% of the chemical agent and combined Propellant, Explosive, and Pyrotechnic (PEP) feed rates demonstrated during the trial bum. The Permittee may process tp to 75oh of the demonstrated agent and PEP feed rates after approval of preliminary results by the Executive Secretary for the metals train, dioxin train, particulate/acid gas train(s), and VX DAAMS results, including a preliminary DRE calculation. Full feed rates may be incorporated into Module V after the final report has been reviewed and approved by the Executive Secretary. VI.D.3.a.i.b. Only one tlpe of chemical agent (e.g., GB or VX) shall be burned in the DFS at any given time. The Permittee shall follow the requirements of R315-3-4 prior to simultaneous processing of multiple munition types. VI.D.3.a.i.c.The Permittee may only treat those ECR maintenance residues listed in Table}-Za of Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The maintenance residue feed rate shall be limited to 50Yo of the agent feed rate demonstrated during the Trial Bum Period. This residue weight is assumed to be agent. The maximum drop weight shall not exceed 50% of the maximum agent drop weight demonstrated during the trial burn. The Permittee may increase the feed rate and drop weight of maintenance residue to 75oh of the agent feed rate and drop weight demonstrated during the trial burn after the Executive Secretary approves the preliminary results specified in Condition VI.D.3.a.i.a. The kiln speed shall not exceed one rpm for a minimum of l5 minutes after the feed of maintenance residues. The HDC shall be placed in slow speed for a minimum of one hour after the last feed of ECR maintenance residues. VI.D.3.a.i.d. The feed rate of chlorine to DFS shall not exceed three pounds per hour during the agent' post-trial burn periods. VI.D.3.a.i.e.Throughout the post-trial burn periods, the Permittee shall conduct analysis of the waste to be treated in the DFS to verifu that the waste feed is within the physical and chemical composition limits specified in Module V and Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The procedure shall follow the waste analysis requirements in Attachments 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures) for agent and other hazardous waste. Module VI - Page 24 TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 VI.D.3.a.i.f. 'ln accordancE with an approved trial burn plan, the Permittee shall dernonstrate . compliance with the Performance Standards in Condition Y.A.2. for the highest rate at which it will feed waste to the DFS. VLD.3.a.ii. OperatingConditioris VI.D.3.a.ii.a. ' The Permittee shall not treat any hazardous waste in the DFS during the posttrial burn period unless the DFS system is operating in compliance with Condition VI.D.1.b., excluding the feed rates in Conditions VLD.1.b.i.b. and VI.D.1.b.i.w. VI.D.3.a.iii. WasteFeed Cut-OffRequirernents Vl.D.3.a.iii.a. The Permittee shall comply with the waste feed cut-off instrument settings specified in the approved trial bum plan. Vl.D.3.a.iii.b. In the event of a malfunction of a DFS automatic waste feed cut-off instrument as specified in the approved trial burn plan, the Permittee shall immediately manually cut off the waste feed to the DFS and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunctions, the time of the malfunction, the time of resuming waste feed, the apparent cause of the malfunctions, and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. Vl.D.3.a.iii.c. All instrumentation shall be maintained and tested in accordance with Condition V.A.4. O VI.D.3.a.iv. Monitoring Requirements VI.D.3.a.iv.a. The Permittee shall maintain and calibrate the monitoring and recording equipment as specified in Condition VI.A.4.a and V.A.1.h.i. ]. , Module VI - PageZl')' TOCDF Short-Tenn Incinerati on October 2007 VI.E. AREA 10 LIOUD INCINERATOR (ATLIC) VI.E.T. SHAKEDOWN VI.E.1.a. Allowable Waste Feed VI.E.l.a.i. Durins the shakedown periods. the Permittee shall limit the hourly feed of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. decontamination solutions and aqueous liquid wastes to the ATLIC VI.E.I.a.ii. The Permittee shall not feed the followine wastes to the ATLIC during the Shakedown Periods. VI.E.I.a.ii.a. Hazardous Wastes F020 throueh F023. F026. and F027. VI.E.I.a.ii.b. Anv wastes containine Bolychlorinated biohenyls. ' feed rate of chlorine to rates in each trial burn plan for the shakedown and trial buffi-iieriods. VI.E.1.a.iv. Decontamination solution with the F99/waste code. and other apolicable waste codes. may be fed to the secondary chamber of the ATLIC during the shakedown oeriod only if itions soecified i ition VI.E.I.b. are satisfied and theAutomatic with the exceDtion of those AWFCO set-Doints sDecified in Conditi VI.E.1.a.v. Chanees to the ATLIC shall be certified as snecified in Condition I.S. VI.E.I.a.vi. Throushout the shakedown periods. the Permittee shall conduct waste analysis in accordance with the approved trial burn olan and Attachments 2 (WaSte Analysis Plan) and 3 (Sampline. Analytical. and OA/OC Procedures) for ag€nt and oth€r hazardous waste.l?a u66t4*b VI.E.1.a.vii. The Permittee shall determine waste codes for each waste stream as specified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). VI.E.l.a.viii e Permittee shall not besin the Shakedown Period associat e Lewisite Comorehensive Performance Test (LCPT) unless'the Executive the preliminary data for the ATLIC SurroESG Trial Burn. VI.E.1.a.ix. Prior to beernnins the Shakedown Period associated with the LCPT the Permitee shall develoo the AWFCO setpoints for Minimum Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC) Temperature. Minimum Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) Exhaust Gas Temperature. Maximum PCC Waste Feed Rate. Maximum SCC Waste Feed Rate. and Maximum Exhaust Gas Flow Rate from process data qenerated during the ATLIC STB oer the methodology specified in 40 CFR 63.1209. M.E.l.a.ix.a If the Permittee provides to the Executive Secretary a revised Attachment 19. Table D-8-2 that incomorates the AWFCO set-ooints referenced in Condition VI.E.l.a.ix prior to the e L,l p,t, l Module VI - Page 26 : TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 initiation of the Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) Shakedown Period and k"do*n. Tot. *d Port-t'ot poiod, *ith th"." same AWFCO set-points in effect then the Permittee is not required to demonstrate a Destruction and Removal Effrciency (DRE) for Lewisite during the LCPT. VlE.l.a.ix.b If the Permittee does not provide the Executive Secretary a revised Table D-8 incomoratine the AWFCO set-points referenced in Condition VI.E.l.a.ix. prior to the initiation of the LCPT Shakedown Period and instead operates the ATLIC throuehout the Shakedown. Test. and Post-Test periods with one or more of the AWFCO set-points specified in Permit Conditions VI.E.l.b.i.b throueh VI.E.1.b.i.e. and VI.E.1.b.ij. then the Perqittee shall demonstrate a DRE for Lewisite durine the LCPT. VI.E.l.a.r The Permittee shall nerform a Mini-Burrr consisting of a minimum of one run durins which: YI.E.l.a.x.a. The feed rate of Lewisite to the ATLIC shall not exceed 50%o of the rate srecified in the aporoved Lewisite Trial Burn Plan. The Speirt Decon feed rate shall not exceed 1007o of the rate specified in the approved Lewisite Trial Burn Plan. VI.E.1.a.x.b. Particulate and metals shall be collected as ed in the aDDroved Lewisite"Trial Burn Plan VI.E.l.a.rc" The ash and metal feed rates to the ATLIC shall be quantified in a manner to allow for a particulate and metal removal efficiencv to be determined. VI.E.1.b. OperatingConditions \ ,' . VI.E.I.b.i. During the shakedown periods. the Permittee shall operate the ATLIC fumace system in accordance with the aoproved trial burn plans and the followins conditions: VI.E.I.b.i.a. The Permittee shall monitor emissions from the ATLIC PAS stack for chemical asent as , specified in Condition VI.A.4.a. The waste feed to the incinerator shall be automatically ' @ emission ler"ls "xceed the',ralues soecified in Attachment VI.E.I.b.i.b. The ma,tiffiih waste feed rate to the ATLIC primary combustion chamber shall not "*"",,*1" VI.E.1.b.i.c. .'The maxi rate to the ATLIC secon combustion chamber shall not reach or ex ounds over a one-hour rollin VLE.I.b.i.e. Secondarycombustion chamber exhaust eas temperature shall be maintained at or above 1.850*" F. over a one-hour rolline average. VI.E.l.b.i.f. Atomizins air pressure for the waste burner nozzles. for both chemical aeent and decontamination solution shall be maintained at or above the following set points: /; VLE.I.b.i.d. ' Primary combustion chamber eihaust gas tanperature shall be maintained at or above' 2.550*" F. over a one-hour roJlipg average. Module VI - Page 27 TOCDF Short-Teffn Incineration October 2007 VI.E.I.b.i.e. PrimaryCombustion Chamber. All Feed Rates (1-100%o) - 35t psie. VI.E.I.b.i.h. Secondary Combustion Chamber. All Feed Rates (1-100%o) - 35* osig. VI.E.I.b.i.i. The Permittee shall control fugitive ernissions from the combustion zone of the ATLIC by VI.E.l.b.ij. ATLIC exhaust eas flow rate or unit production rate (ps measured by in$trument 819-FIT- 8932 and corrected to standard conditions) shall not exceed 2=5e0 960* standard cubic fu per minute. over a one-hour rolling average. VI.E.1.b.i.k. Scrubber liquid feed rate to each scrubber tower shall be maintainod above 40+ eallons p€r minute. over a one-hour rolling averase and deliv€ry pressure shall be maintained above 25t Bsie. VI.E.I.b.i.l. The oressure drop across,each oack bed scrubber tower shall not maintained above 0.3 * inches otwater column over a one-hour rollins averaee VI.E.1.b.i.m. The average of the scrubber liquid oH as measured by the three pH orobes in the common scrubber sumo shall be maintained above a oH of 7.0 iover a one-hour rolling average. iouid effluent shall uiiits.-ove,f a twelve hour rolline av€raee. VI.E.I.b.i.o. The Veirturi Scrubber liquid oH shall be maintained above a pH of 7.0 fovar a one-hour rolling averaee. VI.E.I.b.i.p. Venturi Scrubber Sump liquid effluent shall not reach or exceed 1.28* specific gxavity units. over a twelve hour rollins average. VI.E.I.b.i.q. Exhaust cas pressure droo across the venturi scrubber shall be maintained above 12 * inches of water column over a one-hour rolling average. VI.E.I.b.i.r. Scrubber solution feed rate to the venturi scrubber shall be maintained above 8* gallons oer minute over a one-hour rollins averase and delivery pressure shall be maintained above 25* osie. ivated carbon iniecti n rate to s per hour over an hour rolling average. VI.E.1.b.i.t. The Bowdered activated carbon carrier fluid (compressed air) diffrentialBresoure shall be maintained above 15 standard cubic feet per minute M over a one-hour rolline average. VI.E.I.b.i.u. The temoerature of exhaust eas enterine the baehouse shall not exceed 240*oF over a one- hour rolline average. VI.E.1.b.i.v. The differential pressure across the baghouse filter elements shall be maintained above 0.1 inches of watqr column over a one-hour rolline averaee. Module VI - Page 28 VI.E.I.b.i.aa. Toxic metals emissions shall be controlled by limitine the agent and ag€Nrt contaminated / *urt" f".d *t", tp th" fu^u..r;tllc ,o"tul, f".d ti*itr "r" in rubG -vJ in tvtod,rl. v. 5 trtetdr fe"O rtrAt U" A"ternrined wine proc"dure. tpe"ified in Atdchm*;tnM;F- ( A""tyttt Pt""\ ) TOCDF Short-Term Incineration October 2007 VI.E.I.b.i.w. Oxyeen conc€ntration in the exhaust blower exit eas. shall be maintained above 3 %t but shall not exceed l5olo oxyeen on a drv volume basis. VI.E.I.b.i.x. Carbon monoxide in the exhaust blower exit gas. shall be correcied to 7 % oxygen in accordance with the formula specified in Condition V.A.2.e.. and shall be maintained below 100* ppm. dry volume. over a one-hour rolling averaee. VI.E.I.b.i.y. The differential oressure across the onJine fixed bed carbon filter shall be maintained above 0.3 inches of water column over a one-hour rolline average. VI.E.I.b.i.z. The temperature of e,xhaust eas enterine the fixed bed barbon filter shall not exceed 240*oF over a one-hour rolling averaee. VLE.1.c. WasteFeedCut-OffReouirements VI.E.l.c.i. The Permittee shall identi& the waste feed cut-off instrumeirts in each individual trial burn plan. The Perrnittee shall identi& the instrument number. the operatine param€t€r. and the set point. Whelr the waste feed cut-off tables for the ATLIC are approved as oart of the revised trial bum plans. the waste feed cut-offTAG identification numbers and associated set points shall be incorporated into Attachment 19 (lnstrumentation and Waste Feed Cut- offTables). VI.E.l.c.ii. In the event of a malfunction of an ATLIC automatic waste feed cut-offinstrument identified in the approved trial burn plan. the Permittee shall funrnediately rnanually cut off the waste H to the ATLIC and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste fM. The Permittee shall record in the Operatine Record any waste feed cut-off systern malfunction. the time of the malfunction- the time of resunrine waste feed. the aoparent cause of the ma$unction. and specific steps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfunctions. VI.E.l.c.iii. All waste feed cut-off instruments shall be maintained and tested in accordance with Condition V.A.4. VLE.1.d. MonitoringRequirernents _ j VI.E.I.d.i. The Permittee shall maintain and calibrate the monitoringand recording equipment as {ro."ifi-"d- it, cooditioo Yte.+.u *d v.e. t.t .i. --l VI.E.2. TRIAL BURN PERIOD VI.E.2.a. The Permittee shall operate and monitor the incinerator during the trial burn period as specified in each of the trial bum plans approved by the Executive Secretary. Module VI - Page}9 Short-Term rr"rH:3l October 2007 VI.E.2.b.i. The Permittee shall make the performance determinationi during the trial bum tests as specified for the ATLIC oer Condition VI.A.3.a. VJ.E.2.c. Monitoring Requirements VI.E.2.c.i. All continuous emission monitoring will follow the requirernents as specified in Condition VI.E.3. VI.A.4.a and V.A.l.h.i. POST-TRTAL BURN PERIOD VI.E.3.a. Durine the Bost trial burn Beriods in accordance with R3 l5-8-15.5(cX3) and for the minimum period suffrcient for the Permittee to anallze samDles. compute data. and submit trial burn results. and for the Executive Secretary to review the trial burn results and rnake any modifications necessary to the permit. the Permittee shall comply with the followine . sonditions: VI.E.3.a.i. Limitation on Waste Feed VI.E.3.a.i.a. After successful comoletion of the ATLIC Surrosate Trial BurrL the Permittee may feed Agent GA. associated GA Ton Container Rinsate and spent decontamination solutions to theATLIQ orovided: VI.E.3.a.i.a.1 . The Permittee has submitted data from the ATLIC Surroeate Trial Burn to include results iculate/acid qas train(sS calculations. and ){" VI.E.3.a.i.a.2. The Executive Secretary has approved the ATLIC Sufrogate Trial Burn Preliminary Data, YI.E.3.a.i.a.3 The feed rate of GA to the ATLIC Primarv Combustion Chamber does not exceed 507o of the combined Princinle Orsanic Hazardous Constituents Primarv Combustion Chamber feed rate demonstrated durine the trial burn. VI.E.3.a.i.a.4 The feed rate of GA Ton Container Rinsate and spent decontamination solutions to . the ATLIC Secondarv Combustion Chamber does not exceed 1007o of feed rate , . demonstrated during the trial burn. VI.E.3.a.i.a.5 The oreanic content of the wastes fed to the ATLIC Secondarv Chamber do not exceed 507o of that demonstrated durine the trial burn. YI.E.3.a.i.a.6 The feed rate of ash to the ATLIC Primarv and Secondarv Combustion Chambers does not exceed 100%o ofthe ash feed rate demonstrate durins the trial burn. and VI.E.3.a.i.a.7 The metals feed rates do not exceed 507o of the metals feed rates demonstrated durine the trial burn. After successful comoletion of theATLIC Lewisite Asent Trial Bum the Permittee ma iiocess Lewisite. and sBent decontamination solution which is cominsled with the Lewisite and/or Transparencv Ton Container water rinses at ffi Module VI - Page 30 VI.E.3.a.i..b. r#:ertui;#W #fi# ffi feed rates demonstrated durine the Lewisite Mini- BurnTiolBum provided: VI.E.3.a.i.b.l. The Permittee has submitted data from the Lewisite Tiol*um*ssoeiakC Mini-Burn and the results show that when orocessine Lewisite and spent decontamination solution at the Mini-Burn iatended demonstrated feed rates that metal and particulate emi cbncentrations are less than the values specified in Permit Condition VI.A.3.a.i. ien* i DA"AA4S-. Reserved VI.E.3.a.i.d. The Permittee may feed up to 75% pf the ATLIC Lewisite Aeent Trial Bum dernonstrat€d feed rate after aoproval of the ATLIC LIC Lewisite Agent Trial Burn oreliminary results by the Executive Secretary for the metals train. dioxin hain. and particulatdacid eas train(s). VI.E.3.a.i.e. Only one type of chemical aee,nt shall be bumed in the ATLIC at any siv€n time. VI.E.3.a.i.f. Aeent GA and Lewisite may be fed to the ATLIC during their respective oost trial burn R e --,r a r { oeriods only if the operating conditions specified in Condition VI.B.3.a.ii. are satisfied and S'1o" the waste feed cut-offlimits specified in the trial burn plans are in effect. VI.E.3.a.i.e. The Permittee shall not incinerate the miscellaneous asent contaminated liquid wastes in the ATLIC secondary combustion chamber exceot as allowed in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). VI.E.3.a.i.h. The feed rate of chlorine to ATLIC shall be in accordance with VI.E.3.a.i.a through VLE.3.a.i.d respective to the agent being orocessed. VI.E.3.a.i.i. Throuehout the nost-trial bum p€riods. the Permittee shall conduct analysis of the waste to be treated in the ATLIC to verify that the waste feed is within the physical and chemical comoosition limits specified in Module V and Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The procedure shall follow the waste analysis requirsrnents in the trial burn olan and Attachments 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and 3 (Samplins. Analytical. and OA/OC Procedures) for agent and other hazardous waste. VI.E.3.a.ij The Permitee may feed hazardous waste up to 100 oercent of the trial burn demonstrated feed rates provided: 'VI.E.3.a.ij.1 The Executite Secretarv has previously approved the preliminary data referenced in VI,E.3,.a.ij.2 ThePenrrittee ha.s s}&mitted the Notification of Compliance required by Title 40 of the : : Code of Federal Regulations. Part 63. Subpart EEE to the Utah Division of Air Oualitv: Module VI - Page 3l TOCDF Short-Terrn Incineration October 2007 VI.E.3.a.i..The Permittee has submitted revised Conditions V.E. I .a. V.E. I .d. V .8.2. Table V. I and revised Attachment 19 Tables D-8-2 (Automatic Waste Feed Cut-off Table for the ATLIC) that incorporate operatine oarameter limits: VI.E.3.a.ij.4 The Permittee has submitted the trial bum reports and the Executive Secretary has reviewed the Executive Summary included in the report. VLE.3.a.ij.5 The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of Conditions V.A and V.E. when the requirements of Conditions VI.B.3.a.i.k.2 through VI.B.3.a.i.k.4 have been fulfilled. VI.E.3.a.ii. Operatine Conditions VI.E.3.a.ii.a. The Permittee shall not treat an), hazardous waste in the LIC durine the post-trial bum period unless the s)rstern is operating in compliance with Condition VI.E.I.b.. excluding the feed rates in Conditions VI.E.1.b.i.),. VI.E.3.a.iii. WasteFeedCut-OffRequirernents Vl.E.3.a.iii.a. The Permittee shall comply with the waste feed cut-offinstrument settings specified in e-*trn* tq (h.--*"i".. Vl.E.3.a.iii.b. ln the event of a malfunction of a ATLIC automatic waste feed cut-offinstrument as , sDecifid-intheapprovedtrial-bumptan. the Permittee shall immediately manually cut off the waste feed to the ATLIC and correct the malfunction prior to resuming waste feed. The Permittee shall record in the Ooeratine Record any waste feed cut-off system malfunctions. the time of the malfunction. the time of resumine waste feed. the apparent cause of the malfunctions. and specific stsps taken to repair the malfunction and avoid similar future malfu nctions. Vl.E.3.a.iii.c. All instrumentation shall be maintained and tested in accordance with Condition V.A.4. tested to the frequency specified in Condition V.E.3.c using the methods soecified in Attachment 6. VI.E.3.a.iv. MonitorineRequirements Vl.E.3.a.ivra. The Permittee shall maintain and calibrate the monitorine and recordine eouipment as specified in Condition JI.A.4.a. and V.A. 1 .h. i. Module VI - Page 32 oa- F. o oo TOCDF Demilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 MODI]LE YItr MISCELLAI\EOUS TREATMENT TINITSo,-- VIII.A. APPLICABILITY VItr.A.1. The requirements of this module pertain to the miscellaneous units described in Attachment 14 (Miscellaneous Treatment Units) and listed below in Conditions VIII.A.l.a through VtrI.A.1.f. VtrI.A.l.a. Two Drum Ventilation System (DVS) Enclosures located iri OCO Area l0 Igloo 1632 Vm.A.1.b. Two Prqjectile/l\dortar Disassernbly Machines (PMDs) located in the ECRs. VItr.A.1.c. ,Three Multipurpose DemilitarizationMachines (MDMs) and the associated Pick and Place Machines (PKPLs) located in the Munitions Processrng Bay (MPB). VItr.A.1.d. Two Bulk Drain Stations (BDSs) located in the MPB. VItr.A.1.e. One Drum Ventilation System Sorting Room (DVSSR) located in DCD Area l0 Igloo 1632. VItr.A.l .e. 1 Prior to hazardous waste operations in this Igloo, standard operating procedures must be submitted to the Executive Secretary for initial evaluation. VtrI.A.l.f. One Air gperated Remote Ordnance Access System{Cutter Machine), which can be located in either ECR, or in the MPB. VIII.A. 1 .fg One AutoclavJ fo, tt " treatrirent of Secondary Waste located in DCD Area 10 Igloo 1 63 1 . VIII.A.1.fg.l Prior to hazardous waste operations in this Igloo, standard operating procedures must be ' submitted to the Executive Secretary for initial evaluation. VtrI.A.1.h. Two ATLIC Gloveboxes located in DCD Area l0 Ieloo 1639 @ @ VIILA.1.i. Reserved -' Vil.A.Z The Permittee may feed uncut busters from M104, M110, mustard 155mm projectiles and . 4.2" HT mortars to the DFS. VIII.B. ALLOWABLE WASTE F'EED Vm B.1. Reserved VIII.B.2. The Permittee may treat 155-mm projectiles, and 4.Zinch mortars (hazardous waste codes P999,D002, D003, D004, D006 through D010, D028, D034, and D039) in the PMDs and the MDMsiPKPLs to comply with rates specified in Modules V and VI for the DFS and MPF. Module VIII - Page I VIII.B.7. Waste treated in the ATLIC Gloveboxes shall be limited to the Aeent GA. Lewisite. and "Transparency''ton containers with one more of the followine waste codes: P999. F999. D002. D003. D004. D007. D008. D009. D010. and D021. VIII.B.3. VIII.B.4. VIII.B.5 VIII.B.6 V[I.C. VIII.C.1 . v[I.c.2. VIII.C.3. VIII.D. VIII.D.1 . VIII.D.2. DemilitarizationMiscellaneorrr."r*1lOr!,lrl June 2009 The Permittee may treat ton containers, (hazardous waste codes P999,D002, D003, D004, and D006 through D010, D028, D034, and D039) in the BDSs to comply with rates specified in Modules V and VI for the MPF. The Permittee is prohibited from treating waste in the miscellaneous units, identified in Condition VtrI.A.1 that is not identified in Conditions VIILB.2, VIILB.3, VItr.B.5 and VtrI.B.6. Wastes treated in the DVS Enclosures and the DVSSR shall be limited to TOCDF- generated secondary wastes with the following waste codes P999, F999, D002, D003, D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D011 and F001-F005 for TOCDF- originated laboratory sample waste. Waste treated in the Autoclave shall be limited to secondary waste with the following waste codes:P999, F999, D002, D003, D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D010 and D011 after approval. IGNITABLE AIID INCOMPATIBLE WASTES Ignitable wastes (D001) shall not be treated in the ECRs or MPB. The Permittee shall place only munitions or bulk containers with one type of chemical agent (e.g., GB, VX or Mustard) in the MPB at one time. Only one chemical agent may be placed in the ECRs. The Permittee shall not place chemical agent or munitions containing that chemical agent in a container that previously held a different chemical agent or munitions containing a different chemical agent until the container has been decontaminated to less than 1 VSL. The Permittee shall comply with the design and operating requirements specified in Attachment 14 (Miscellaneous Treatment Units) of the Permit. The Permittee shall comply with the requirements specified in the Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan) when there has been a release that escapes engineering controls or a fire, explosion, or detonation from the operation of the PMDs, MDMs, or BDSs. If equipment in the ECRs or down line of the ECRs shuts down, any munitions or munition components being processed in the ECRs may remain in the ECRs until the equipment in question is operational. Altematively, facility personnel may don appropriate PPE and physically retrieve the munitions or munition components from the ECRs and manually place the item(s) into an appropriate overpack for subsequent storage VIII.D.3. Module VIII - Page 2 VIII.D.4. VIII.D.5. VIII.D.6. VIII.D.7. VIII.D .7 .7.. VIII.D.7.2. VIII.D .7 .3. in the Toxic Maintenance Area (TMA). of occurrence in the Operating Record. TOCDF Demi I i t anzation M i scel I an eou s Treatmen t Un i ts June 2009 These activities shall be documented for each day If the equipment in the MPB or down line of the MPB shuts down, any bulk containers, munitions, or associated components being processed in the MPB may remain in the MPB until the equipment in question is operational. Altematively, facility personnel may don appropriate PPE and physically retrieve munitions or munition components from the MPB and manually place the item(s) into an appropriate overpack for subsequent storage in the TMA. These activities shall be documented for each day of occurrence in the Operating Record. The Permittee shall maintain sensors and interlocks identified as critical in the tables of Attachment 14 ( Miscellaneous Treatrnent Units) so that they are functional whsn the associated miscellaneous unit is operating. The Permittee is allowed to complete processing of any partially processed munition when a sensor or interlock identified as critical ceases to function. Munition rejects exiting any of the miscellaneous units identified in Condition VIU.A shall be transferred to the ECV, UPMC, MPB, or the TMA for pre-treatment under an Emergency Permit, retumed to storage, or placed back into the miscellaneous unit to complete treatment with the exception of 155mm mustard projectiles rejected by the PMDs solely because of stuck bursters or 4.2 inchHT mortars rejected by the PMD for failure to remove the fuze. The mustard 155mm projectiles that have been rejected by the PMDs solely because of stuck bursters or 4.2 inch HT mortars rejected by the PMD for failure to remove the fuze. may be rejected back to the ECV for storage until the PMD has been retooled to enable mechanical dislodging of the buster or commencement of the associated leaker/reject campaign. The mustard 155mm projectiles permitted storage capacity of the ECV shall not be exceeded. These activities shall be documented for each day of occurrence in the Operating Record. Igloo 1631 Autoclave Operating Requirement The Permittee shall conduct an Autoclave Demonstration Test in accordance with a test plan approved by the Executive Secretary for the purposes of establishing the minimum temperature and temperature exposure time needed to destroy and remove the agent contamination associated with the Secondary Wastes being treated. The Permittee may process up to 880* gallons of Secondary Waste per treatment cycle based on the collective volume of the drums either directly charged to the Autoclave or the drums emptied into the Autoclave Waste Bins. Secondary wastes may be treated in the Autoclave in the High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) containers or in the metal drum used to store the waste provided the Permittee demonstrates the effectiveness of treating secondary wastes in the storage containers during either the demonstration test or a function test as required by Conditions VItr.D.7.5.a and VIII. D.7.5.b Secondary wastes shall be processed in the Autoclave per the requirements specified in the Table VIII.A below. VIII.D.7.4. Module VIII - Page 3 TOCDF Demi I it arization M i scel I an eou s Treatmen t Un i ts June 2009 VIII.D .7 .5.Based on approval by the Executive Secretary of the results of testing conducted in compliance with Conditions VIII.D.1.5.a and VtrI.D.7.s.b, the Permittee may treat in the Autoclave secondary wastes as described in Table VIII.B. Table VIII.B Secondary Wastes Permitted for Autoclave Treatment Maximum Combined Drum Volume per Treatment Batch = 880 gallons Waste Stream Maximum Packing Density (lbs/ft3) TOCDF Generated: Contaminated DPE Suits in Poly-Drums TBD Contaminated LSS Air Hoses in Poly-Drums TBD Contaminated wood (dunnage associated with pallets) in Poly-Drums TBD TBD = To be Determined from Autoclave Demonstration Test VIII.D.7.5.a. The Permittee may perform function tests to demonstrate the effectiveness of Autoclave treatment to allow the treatment of wastes not listed in Table VItr.B. The function test(s) shall determine and establish: Table VIII.A Secondary Waste Autoclave Processing Requirements Autoclave Process Step Tag ID Requirement Step Duration (minutes) Autoclave Treatment Heat- Soak A10-TtT-241 A10-TtT-242 A10-TrT-243 A10-Trr-244 oF 180* minutes Post-Treatment Evacuation A10-PtT-203 Minimum Autoclave Maintained for minimum TBD minutes M inimum Post-Treatment Cooling & Drying Minimum TBD minutes Minimum Post Treatment Equilibration time before Autoclave Headspace Monitoring A10-PtT-203 A10-Trr-201 Minimum Autoclave Pressure S Atmospheric Minimum Autoclave Maintained for TBD minutes before Autoclave Headspace Monitoring Autoclave Headspace Monitoring TEN-083V TEN-083G TEN-083H Minimum One Complete ACAMS Cycles VX - 6 minutes/cycle GB-3minutes/cycle. HD: 5 minutes/cycle TBD _ To be determined from Autoclave Demonstration Test Module VIII - Page 4 VIII.D .7 .5.b. VIII.D .7 .5.c TOCDF D emi I i t arizati on M i scel I an eou s Treatment Un i ts June 2009 The maximum individual drum weight (i.e., packing density [drum weight/drum volumel) or waste bin weight applicable to the waste stream being tested, The acceptability of the storage container's material of construction for treating waste if the Permittee desires to treat the waste in storage containers, The optimum placement of the control thermocouples within the waste bin or waste storage container to determine when a representative section of the waste's mass has reached the treatment temperature, and The penetration of steam or moisture into a representative section of the waste(s) mass by either visual inspection of the treated waste(s) or post-treatment inspection of moisture indicators placed into representative sections of the waste(s) for the purpose of testing. The Permittee shall provide function plan for each new waste stream and a notice to the Executive Secretary a minimum of fourteen days in advance of conducting a function test. Following each function test, and prior to continue processing of the waste(s) tested, Executive Secretary shall provide written approval that such waste(s) may be processed in the Autoclave by the inclusion of the waste stream(s).description in Table VtrI.B. The Permittee shall continuously operate the Carbon Adsorption Filtration system which supports the Autoclave and DVS/DVSSR operations from the time hazardous waste management activities begin in Igloo 163 1 and 1632 to the time hazardous waste management activities cease and 1) both igloos and associated equipment within the igloos has been decontaminated sufficiently to achieve a WPL monitoring level and 2) the filter system activated carbon banks which have been exposed to chemical agent have been removed from the filter system. VIII.D.8. leloo 1639 Glovebox Operatinq Requirements VIII.D.8.a. The Permittee may use the ATLIC Gloveboxes to drain. dnse decontaminate. rinse. and , . monitor Agent GA. Lewisite. and "Transparency''ton containers. VII[.D.8.b. The Pemrittee shall not begin draining agent froni ton containers placed in the ATLIC Gloveboxes until the pressure within the affected Glovebox is below - 0.25 inches of water column as measured relative to the ATLIC Proceqsine Bay pressure. VItr.D.8.c: The Permittee shall maintain the pressure within the affected Glovebox below - 0.25 inches of water aolumn as measured relative to the ATLIC Process Baypressure until the asent concentration within the affected Glovebox is determined to be less than * 0.5 and 0.4 Vaosr Screenine Limits (VSL) for Aeent GA and Lewisite. rgspectivelv. : VItr.D.8.d. The Permittee shall transfer the asent drained from Agent GA ton containers that are processed in the Gloveboxes directly to the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber. VtrI.D.8.e. The Permittee shall transfer the asent drained from Lewisite ton containers that are processed in the Gloveboxes to LCS-Tank-8511 for processine in the ATLIC Primary Combustion Charnber. Module VIII - Page 5 TOCDF Dem i I i t artzation M i scel I an eou s Treatmen t Un i t s June 2009 VIII.D.8.f. The Permittee shall ensure Aeent GA and solid heel residues have been completely renroved from the in-process ton container by performins a minimum of one ton container rinse using a sodium hydroxide based decontamination solution followed by a minimum . .of three rinses using process water. For each rinse the ton container with added rinsate shall be rotated for a minimum of one hour before the rinsate is drained. VIII.D.8.f.1. The Permittee shall drain the contents of the in-process TC between each rinse and transfer the solutions removed to ATLIC SDS-Tank-8523 for processing in the ATLIC LIC Se,condary Combustion Chamber. VItr.D.8.g. The Permittee shall ensure Lewisite and solid heel residues have beeir comoletely removed from the in-process ton container by performing a minimum of eae two ton container rinse using a Nitric Acid based solution. followed by a minimum of three rinses using process water. For each rinse the ton container with added rinsate shall be rotated for a minimuqt'of one hour before the rinsate is drained. VIII.D,8.q.1. The Permittee shall drain the cont€nts of the in-process Lewisite TC betwe€n each rinse and transfer the: VIU.D.8.g.l.i. SpeNrt Nitric Acid to eitherNitric Acid Holding Tank (NSF-TAI.IK-8514 or LCS-TANK- 8516). and VIII.D.8.g. t .ii. Water rinses to Spe,nt Decontamination Tank SDS-Tank-8523 for orocessing in the ATLIC Secondary Combustion Chamber. VIILD.8.h . The Permittee shall ensure Transparency Ton Containers have been thorouehly decontaminated by: VIII.D.8.h.1. Performing a minimum of one ton container rinse using a Nitric Acid based solution followed by a minimum of three rinses usins grocess water.Ms in€ ine ffi For each rinse the ton container with added rinsate shall be rotated for a minimum of one hour before the rinsate is drained. VIII,D,8,h,2, P in ine M VIII.D.8.h.32. The Permittee shall drain the contents of the in-process Transparency Ton Container between each rinse and transfer the: V[I.D.8.h.3.i. Spent Nitric Acid to eitherNitric Acid Holdine Tank (NSF-TANK-8514 orNSF-TA]',IK- 8510. and VIII.D.8.h.3.ii. Water rinses to Spent Decontamination Tank SDS-Tank-8523 for processine in the' ATLIC Secondarv Combustion Chamber. Module VII - Page 6 O TOCDF Demilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009,: VIII.D.8.i. ffi In the event of a soill from tanks LCS-TAI\K-8511. NSF- TAIIK-8514. LCS-TAI\K-8516. SDS-TAI\K-8523. a ton container. or associated transfer svstems soecified above. the Permittee mav use tank LCS-TAIIK-8534 as an alternate storase,tank as allowed bv Condition fV.J.2. VIII.D.8 j. The Permittee shall dernonstrate the effectiveness of the ton container decontamination' and rinsing by collectine and analyzing a samole of the rinse water. Ton containers are , dptermined to successfully emptied and treated if the asent concentration in the final water' .rinse sample is less then the Waste Control Limit for the agent beine proeessed (20 oarts VItr.D.8.k. The Permittee malr rernove ernptied and rinsed ton containers from the ATLIC VIII.E.2. Gloveboxes when the affected Glovebox interior monitoring results are less than 03 0.5 and 05 0.4 VSL for aeents GA and L. respectively. DETECTION. INSPECTION. AI\D MONITORING REOTJIREMENTS As described in Attachment 14 ( Miscellaneous Treatment Units), the Permittee shall monitor the waste throughput for each miscellaneoud unit by use of the Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS) and the manual records maintained by the control room operators or the Area 10 Igloo (DVS/DVSSR and Autoclave) Operators. The Permittee shall use weighing, before and after draining, to quantifu the amount of agent removed in the BDSs. The Permittee shall use the bubbler system and load cells associated with the BDS to determine the quantity of liquid agent drained from a bulk container processed in the BDS. The amount of residual liquid and solid heel remaining in the bulk container shall then be determined by comparing the ton container's initial frll weight with the amount of liquid drained. If the Permittee is uhable to determine the quantity of liquid and solid residual heel in the bulk container or the Drain Tube System (DTS) encounters a solid heel before reaching the programmed drain level, the Permittee shall orally notify the Executive Secretary within 24 hours. The Permittee shall record the bubbler reading and load cell reading for each bulk item drained in the Operating Record. If the quantity of agent removed, as determined in Condition VtrI.E.l, is not consistent with the bubbler system or the DTS programmed drain level, then the Permittee shall not feed the bulk c3nlainer to the MPF until a resolution is agreed to orally by the Executive Secretary. As an alterative to using weights, before and after draining, to quantify the amount of agent removed in the BDS for Baseline Ton Container Processing, the Permittee may confirm the heel weight of drained bulk containers using the DTS and its associated programmed drain levels after the Executive Secretary has approved the correlation between heel depths and heel weights developed during the Mustard Baseline Shakedown Period as allowed by Condition VI.C.1.a.v. The Permittee shall record the results of drain condition in the Operating Record. If the evaluation conducted in accordance with Condition VIILE.3 indicates that the drain is insufficient to enable feed of the bulk container to the MPF, then the Permittee shall ,,r$j:J($'* VIII.E. VIII.E.1. VIII.E.2.a VIII.E.3. VIII.E.4.o Module VIII - Page 7 VIII.E.4.a. VIII.E.4.b, VIII.E,4,C. VIII.E.5. VIII.E.6. VIII.E .6.a. VIII.E.6.b. VIII.E.7. VIII.E.'7 .a. TOCDF Demilitarizati on Mi scellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 notifu the Executive Secretary as to which one of the following courses of action shall be implemented: The Permittee shall perform corrective maintenance on the BDS. The bulk container will then be drained again. The drain status will be re-evaluated according to Condition VtrI.E.3 or; For Mustard ton containers only, the bulk container shall be processed in accordance with the procedures demonstrated in the approved Mustard trial bum. The maximum feed weight is inModule V; or The Permittee shall comply with the requirements in Condition Vm.E.11. If the evaluation conducted in accordance with Condition VItr.E.3 indicates that the drain is sufficient, then the bulk container may be considered adequately drained and fed to the MPF. This determination shall be documented in the Operating Record. If the fill weight for a given ton container, as listed in the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) inventory, is less than the standard fill weights (1800 lbs Mustard), then the Permittee may opt to apply the following criteria when evaluating consistency between the quantity removed and the bubbler reading. If the quantity of agent removed from a ton container by the DTS is less than the minimum required to enable feed to the MPF, indicating that the residual liquid and solid heel is greater than the maximum allowed the Permittee shall 1) remove additional heel material at the HTS until the net weight is below the maximum allowed, or 2) comply with Condition VIII.E.3 and Condition VIII.E.4 or VIII.E.5. If the quantity of agent removed from the ton container is greater than or equal to the minimum required to enable feed to the MPF indicating that the residual liquid and solid heel is less than the maximum allowed then the ton container may be considered adequately drained and fed to the MPF. The Permittee shall use the bubbler system and the AQS associated with the MDM to determine if projectiles or mortars processed in the MDM are drained. If the Permittee is unable to determine if the projectile or mortar is drained using the bubbler system and the AQS, the Permittee shall orally notify the Executive Secretary within 24 hours. An AQS adequate drain determination consists of an indication of flow into the AQS. The Permittee shall record the bubbler readings and the AQS reading for each projectile or mortar drained in the Operating Record. If the quantity of agent removed is not consistent with a complete drain for the munitions on that tray, then the Permittee shall not feed the tray of projectiles or mortars to the MPF and shall follow the requirements specified below: The Permittee shall conduct a visual inspection and physical measurement to ascertain the drain status. The Permittee shall record the results of this evaluation in the Operating Record. If the visual inspection and physical measurement evaluation conducted in accordance with Condition VIILE.7.a indicates that the drain is insuffrcient, then the Permittee shall oVIII.E.8. Module VIII - Page 8 Dernil i tari zati on M i scel I an eou r r.""*"]:;1,,: June 2009 orally notiff the Executive Secretary as to which one of the following courses of action shall be implemented: VItr.E.8.a. The Permittee shall perform corrective maintenance on the MDM. The munition will then be drained again. The drain status will be re-evaluated according to Condition VtrI.E.7.a or; VIILE.8.b. The Permittee shall comply with Condition VIII.E.l 1. VtrI.E.g. If the visual inspection and physical measurement evaluation conducted in accordance with Condition VtrI.E.7.a indicates that the drain is sufficient, then the munition may be considered adequately drained and fed to the MPF. VItr.E.l0. The method used to determine if a bulk container, projectile, or mortar is adequately drained shall be recorded in the Operating Record for each of these items processed except for the mustard 155mm projectiles which will not be drained. VIII.E. 1 1 . Within 24 hours of discovery of any bulk container, proj ectile, or mortar which cannot be processed under Conditions VItr.E.2 through 6 and VIII.E.7 through 10, the Permittee shall notifu the Executive Secretary and (l) properly manage the munition or bulk container in the Munitions Demilitaization Building; (2) request and receive approval for further processing; or both. A sample of the undrained liquid, or solid, or both shall be taken and analyzed for agent purity and metals content, unless a treatment method for the bulk container or munition tlpe has been approved by the Executive Secretary in accordance with the procedures in R315-3-4. VIII.E.12. The Permittee shall follow the inspection requirements for the equipment/processing lines associated with the miscellaneous units as specified in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan). VIILE.I3. The Permittee shall initiate repair of all chips and cracks in the epoxy coatings on the floors of the ECRs and MPB within 72 hours of detection. VIII.E.14. The Permittee shall not conduct any DPE or related entries into areas which are contaminated with agent above the 140IDLH Mustard and 500IDLH GB and VX. VIII.E.15. The Permittee may use the Air Operated Remote Ordnance Access System (Cutter Machine) to cut into cylindrical items that have been rejected or require special handling. It may be used for nose closure removal, fuze removal, and access to interior components. The Cutter Machine will be used in accordance with site approved operating procedures. VIII.E.16 DVS Inspection and Monitoring Requirements VIII.E.16.a The Permittee may use the DVS Enclosures and DVSSR to gain access to the internal volume of secondary waste drums for the purpose of sorting, characterizing and determining the agent-contamination status (e.g., monitoring) of the drum's contents. VIILE.16.a.i The application of decontaminatibn solution in order to enable shipment of the waste is permitted only if such treatment is described in the WAP (CAL Aqueous Wastes, CAL Solid Wastes and MSB Solid Waste) to ensure agent concentration of the residual spent decontamination solution is below 20ppb GBNX or 200 ppb Mustard). Module VIII - Page 9 VIII.E.16.a.ii VIII.E.16.b VIII.E.l6.b.l VIII.E.16.d VIII.E.16.e VIII.E.I7 VIII.E.l7.a VIII.E.I7.b Demi I i tari zati on M i scel I aneou. r.".*.]rOr!rl, rl June 2009 The drum and its contents may be treated by the application of decontaminant or other cleaning compound with the goal of reducing risk to personnel or reducing the level of PPE for further handling. The P999 waste code shall thus be retained by the waste throughout the DVS treatment process. The Permittee may use the DVS Enclosures and DVSSR, only as specified herein, to characterize the "as-received" agent-contamination status of secondary waste drums by headspace monitoring. To add new waste streams to the list of approved waste streams specified in VItr.E.l6.d, a headspace monitoring demonstration test shall be performed for each waste stream. A plan must be approved by the Executive Secretary and a minimum of fourteen days advance notice of the demonstration test performance. The Executive Secretary shall provide written approval of the demonstrated headspace monitoring procedure for that waste stream. If headspace monitoring is not demonstrated the waste must be processed in the Autoclave or MPF after waste stream has been demonstrated per Module VItr. Once an approved headspace monitoring procedure is approved for a specific waste stream by the Executive Secretary, then the drum's contents may be classified into one of the following agent-contamination categories; destined for treatment or disposal indicated: Headspace < 0.2 VSL, ship and dispose offsite at a Subtitle C TSDF as F999 Waste (i.e., P999 Not-Applicable) Headspace 2 0.2 VSL and <1.0 VSL. ship and dispose offsite at a Subtitle C TSDF as F9991P999 with additional offsite controls (special handling through contract requirement) as an added measure of control to reduce potential contact with waste. Headspace 2 1.0 VSL, treat in a hazardous waste management unit (Autoclave) or TOCDF MPF permitted for treatment for that P999 waste stream. A Secondary Waste Drum Headspace Monitoring method is currently approved by the Executive Secretary for the following waste streams: Secondary Waste Drums Having a DSHW-Approved Headspace Agent Monitoring Method for Determination of Drum's Agent Contamination Status 1) DPE Suits Unapproved P999-characterized secondary waste types not listed in VIILE.l6.d shall be treated in a hazardous waste treatment unit (HWMU) permitted for P999 treatment. In lieu of performing headspace monitoring, the Permittee may conservatively treat approved waste types in a permitted HWMU as P999 waste. Autoclave Inspection and Monitoring Requirements The Permittee shall monitor and record the temperature and time of temperature soak associated with each batch of Secondary Waste treated in the Autoclave. The Permittee shall perform post-treatment agent monitoring on the Autoclave headspace to determine the applicable waste management practices for the treated wastes. O 1) 2) 3) Module VIII - Page l0 VIII.E.17.b.iii Autoclave treated secondary wastes with post-treatment headspace agent monitoring results equal to or greater than 0.5 VSL shall be retreated in the Autoclave. Vltr.E.17.b.iv The Permittee shall notiff the Executive Secretary of each instance when a batch of Autoclave treated wastes receives an additional Autoclave treatment. The Executive Secretary may require additional testing or an adjustment to Autoclave operating panrmeters and drum weight limits for secondary waste streams requiring repeated multiple treatments. VItr.E.l8. ATLIC Glovebox lnspection and Monitorine Reouirernsnts VIII.E.18.a.The Permittee shall insnect each ATLIC Glovebox as s ified in Attachment 5 of this Permit. VItr.E.18.b. The Permittee shall monitor the pressure differential between the interior of the Glovebox and the ATLIC Processing Bay throughout ton container drainine and rinsing operations in accordance with Conditions VIII.D.8.b and VIII.D.8.c. VIII.E.18.c. The Permittee shall monitor the interior of the Glovebox before removine the treated ton container in accordance with VIII.D.8.k VIII.E .I7 ,b,i VIII.E.l7 .b.ii VIII.F. VIII.F.1. VIII.F.2. VIII.F.3. VIII.F.4 TOCDF Demi 1 i t arization M i scel 1 an eou s Treatment Un i ts June 2009 Treated secondary wastes with post-treatment headspace agent monitoring results of less than 0.5 Vapor Screening Limit (VSL) and a demonstrated WCL of less than 20ppb for V)V GB and 200ppb for mustard may be managed in roll-offs for off-site transport to a Subtitle C TSDF as F999. Treated secondary wastes with post-treatment headspace agent monitoring results of less than 0.5 Vapor Screening Limit (VSL), but without a demonstrated WCL of less than 20ppb for V)V GB and 200ppb for mustard, may be managed in roll-offs for off-site transport to a Subtitle C TSDF asP9998999 with additional offsite controls (special handling through contract requirement) as an added measure of control to reduce potential contact with waste.. STORAGE REOUIREMENTS The Permittee may store waste in the form of maintenance residues on the equipment in the ECRs or on the floor of the ECRs provided that Conditions VIII.F.2 and VIII.F.3 are satisfied. - .,.-. Waste in the ECR sumps shall be removed within 24 hours as required by Module IV. The explosive limits of each ECR, as specified in Attachment 14 (Demilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units), shall not be exceeded. The Permittee may store open containers of secondary waste in the DVS enclosures and the DVSSR provided the DVS enclosure, the DVSSR doors, and Igloo doors are properly Module VIII - Page I 1 TOCDF Dernilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 closed and the igloo carbon adsorption filtration system is operable with the primary filter online. VIII.F.S The Permittee may,store in-process ton containers in the ATLIC Gloveboxes proyided that VIII.G. VIII.G.1 . the affected Glovebox is sealed and the oressure within the Glovebox is maintained neqative relative to the ATLIC Processine Bav oressure. CLOST]RE At closure, the Permittee shall follow the procedures specified in Attachment l0 (Closure Plan). VIII.H. Reserved Module VIII - Page 12 x.A. x.A.1. x.4.2. x.A.3. TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, and the HVAC June 2009 MODTILE X ArR EMTSSTON STANDARDS FOR EQImMENT LEAKS, TANKS, CONTATNERS, AI\D TIIE ITVAC APPLICABILITY - EOUIPMENT LEAKS The Permittee shall follow the procedures and requirements specified by R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1050 through 264.10651. The Permittee shall, as required by R315-8-2.4, determine for each piece of equipment specified by R315-8-18 whether this equipment contains or contacts a hazardous waste or hazardous wastes residue that equals or exceeds 10 percent by weight organic concentration using the analytical test methods and procedures in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The Permittee shall maintain records of these determinations as required by R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.t064]. R315-8-18 applies to the equipment identified in Table 17-1 of Attachment 17 (Equipment Lists) that is associated with the management of agent iry X.A.3.a.The TOCDF ACS tank system boundary begins at the suction wands at the drain locations (Bulk Drain Stations (BDSs) and Multipurpose DemilitarizationMachines (MDMs) located in the Munitions Processing Bay (MPB) and includes equipment in the Upstairs Munitions Corridor (UPMC) and the Toxic Cubicle (TOX), and ends at the Liquid Incinerator (LIC) primary chambers. X.A.3.b. The ATLIC Lewisite Agent Collection System boundary begins at the exit of each Glovebox Miscellaneous Treatment Unit located in the ATITIC Processing Bay. and includes Lewisite Aeent Holdinq Tank LCS-TANK-8SIl. ancillary equipment comprising the re-circulation loop. and ATLIC Lewisite feed oumos and lines. and ends at the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber. X.A.3.c. The ATLIC Agent GA Feed System boundary beginning at the exit of each Glovebox x.A.4. Miscellaneous Treatment Unit located in the ATLIC Processing Ba), and ends at the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber. The Permittee shall mark each piece of equipment covered by the requirements set forth by R3l5-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1050(d)] in such a manner that the equipment can be distinguished readily from other pieces of equipment CHANGE IN PROCESS Except as described in Condition X.E}.3, the Permittee shall perform a waste determination as specified by Condition X.A.2 if there is a change in process that could increase the total organic content of waste contacted by the equipment or the addition of new waste management units. x.B. x.8.1. ModuleX-Page1 x.8.2. x.B.3. TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, -a Hg;[; The Permittee shall modifu Table 17 -Z in Attachment I 7 (Equipment Lists), via a permit modification, to reflect the addition of equipment regulated under R3 I 5-8-1 8 if a waste determination as described in Conditions X.A.2. and X.8.1. indicates that R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1052 through 264.10601applies to the equipment, other than that described in x.A. Equipment identified in Condition X.C. and Attachment l7 (Equipment Lists) may be excluded from the requirements of R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1052 through 264.1060], and Condition X.C. and X.D. if the Permittee demonstrates that the equipment contains or contacts hazardous waste with an organic concentration of at least 10 percent by weight for a period less than 300 hours per calendar year. ModuleX-Page2 o TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, and the HVAC June 2009 X.C. STAI\DARDS. EOUIPMENT X.C.1. The Permittee shall comply with the following requirements: X.C.l.a. R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1054] for operation of pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service defined by R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.10311; X.C.l.b. R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1058) for operation of pressure relief devices in heavy liquid service and light liquid service defined by R3 15-8-1 8 [40 CFR 264.1031]; X.C.1.c. R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1058] for operation of connectors and flanges; X.C.l.d. R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1058) for operation of pumps in heavy liquid service defined by R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.t03t]; X.C.l.e. R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1057] for operation of valves in gas/vapor service defined by R3ls-8-18 [40 CFR 264.103t]; X.C.1.f. R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1055] for operation of sampling equipment connections systems outlined in Tables 17-l and l7-2 inAttachment 17 (Equipment Lists); X.C.l.g. R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1056) for operation of open ended valve or lines identified in Table 17-1 and Table l7-2 of Attachment 17 (Equipment Lists); and O x.c.l .h. R315-8-18 [40 cFR 264.10531 for operation of applicable compressors. X.C.Z. The Permittee shall perform leak detection monitoring required by Conditions X.C., and X.D., in such a manner to meet the minimum leak detection procedures, requirements, and performance standards specified in Section 22.38 of Attachment 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). X.D. LEAKING EOUIPMENT X.D.1. The identification and repair of leaking equipment shall comply with Condition X.C. and the additional requirements listed in Conditions X.D.1.a through X.D.1.c. X.D.1.a. As soon as conditions allow an entry, equipment shall be tagged with an identification number and the date the leak was detected. The tag shall be readily visible as outlined in R315-B-18 [40 CFR 264.1064]. X.D.1 .b. The identification tag required by X.D. 1 .a. may be removed after the leak has been repaired. X.D.l.c. lnformation associated with the leaking equipment shall be recorded and kept in the Operating Record for a minimum of three years. The record shall include the following information: X.D.l.c.i. Theequipmentidentificationnumber. ModuleX-Page3 TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, .*,ff Yfi; X.D.1 .c.ii. The date the leak was detected and the dates of each attempt to repair the leak. X.D.1.c.iii. Repair methods applied to each attempt to repair the leak. X.D.l.c.iv. "Repair Delayed" and the reason for the delay if a leak is not repaired within l5 calendar days after discovery of the leak. X.D.l.c.v. Documentation supporting the delay of repair of a valve in compliance with 40 CFR 264.1059(c). X.D.1.c.vi. The signature of the Plant Shift Manager (or designee) whose decision it was that repair could not be effected without a hazardous waste management unit shutdown. X.D.1 .c.vii. The expected dat'e of successful repair of the leak if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days. X.D. 1 .c.viii. The date of successful repair of the leak. X.F" RECORDKEEPING AI\D REPORTING X.F.l. The Permittee shall maintain a log for all equipment listed in Conditions X.A. and X.B. The log shall contain the following information: X.F.1.a. Equipment identification number and waste management unit identification; X.F.l.b. Approximate location of the equipment within the facility; X.F.l.c. T1,pe of equipment; X.F.1.d Percent of total organics by weight of the hazardous waste stream at the equipment; X.F.1.e. Physical state (e.g., gas, vapor or liquid) of hazardous waste at the equipment; and X.F.l.f. Method used to achieve compliance with R315-8-18. X.F.2. The Permittee shall record, in the Operating Record, a list of exempted equipment and supporting waste analysis as required by R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1064(k)]. X.F.3. The Permittee shall record, in the Operating Record, the inspection of equipment, detection of leaks, and repair of equipment X.F.4. The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual report each August I and February 1 to the Executive Secretary in accordance with R315-8-18 [40 CFR 264.1065]. The semi-annual reporting period shall be defined as from January I to June 30 or from July 1 to December 31' X.F.5. A report to the Executive Secretary, in accordance with Condition X.F.4., is not required for the leaks that are detected and repaired as required by Conditions X.C. and X.D ModuleX-Page4 TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, and the HVAC June 2009 X.G. APPLICABILITY. TAI\KS AI\D CONTAINERS X.G.1 . The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of R31 5-8-22, ak emission standards for storage of hazardous waste in tanks and containers at the facility. X.G.2. The Permittee is exempt from the requirements of R315-8-22140 CFR 264.1084 through 10871 provided the Permittee demonstrates compliance with X.G.2.a. and X.G.2.b. or demonstrates compliance with X.G.2.c. X.G.Z.a. All hazardous wastes entering a container, tank, or primary containment sump have an average volatile organic concentration (VOC) at the point of waste origination of less than 500 parts-per-million by weight as determined by Condition X.G.3.; X.G.2.b. All waste determinations specified by Condition X.G.1., have been updated at least once every 12 months following the date of the initial determination for hazardous waste streams entering container and tank units to be exempted; X.G.2.c. The VOC of the hazardous waste has been treated by an organic destruction or removal process that satisfies any one of the requirements and conditions of R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1082(c)(2)1, provided the VOC of the treated wastes have been determined by Condition X.G.3. for treated wastes which are not controlled and monitored as required by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1084 through 1087]. X.G.3. If the Permittee exempts the waste pursuant to Condition X.G.z., the Permittee shall determine the VOC as follows: X.G.3.a. lnitial or change of process waste determinations, at the point of waste origination, for average VOC(s) of hazardous waste streams and treated waste streams identified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) shall be performed in accordance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan), R315-8-22140 CFR 264.1083, which references 40 CFR 265.1084(a)(3)1, and subject to the procedures and requirements of Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures). X.G.3.b. The Permittee shall update all waste determinations as necessary at least once every 12 months following the date of the initial determination for hazardous waste streams. X.G.4. Except as allowed by X.G.5., the Permittee shall follow Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) to determine the maximum organic vapor pressure (MOVP) for hazardous wastes in tanks using level one control specified by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1084] through direct measurement to include a sufficient number of samples to be representative of the waste contained in the tank in accordance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). Within 30 days after sample collection, the MOVP data and results shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary to meet the requirements of R31 5 -8-22 140 CFR 264.10841 for MOVP analysis. Samples shall be taksn in accordance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). X.G.5. The Permittee may choose to use generator knowledge to determine the MOVP for hazardous waste in tanks as outlined by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 26a.1083(c)]. ModuleX-Page5 x.G.6. x.G.7. x.G.8. x.G.9. x.G.l0. X.G.10.a. x.G.10.b. X.G.10.c. x.G.1 1. x.G.12. x.G.13. X.G. 13.a. x.G.13.b. X.G.13.c. x.G.14 TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, and the HVAC June 2009 The Permittee shall update all vapor pressure tests as necessary, at least once every 12 months, following date of initial determination for hazardous waste entering tank units. The Executive Secretary may request a waste characteization to determine compliance with R3l5-8-22. The Permittee is prohibited from treating hazardous waste subject to the requirements for containers, tanks, and primary containment sumps unless air emission control is maintained in accordance with R3l5-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1084 through 1087]. Reserved. The Permittee shall control air emissions from hazardous waste in containers for the container managernent units identified in Table 2 as specified by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.10861 and as follows: For containers with a design capacity greater than26 gallons and less than 121 gallons, air emissions shall be controlled by level one control as specified by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1086(c)1. For containers with a design capacity greater than l2l gallons, which are in light material service as defined by R315-7-30 [40CFR 265.1081], air emissions shall be controlled by level two control as specified by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1085(d)]. For containers with a design capacity greater than l2l gallons, which are not in light material service as defined by R315-7-30 [40CFR 265.1081], air emissions shall be controlled by level one control as specified by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 26a.1086(c)]. Containers used for storage must be composed of suitable materials to minimize the exposure of VOCs to the atmosphere and the organic permeability of vapors. The container must form a vapor-tight seal. The Permittee shall control air emissions from hazardous waste tanks used as primary containment devices in accordance with R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264,1084] for the tanks identified in Table 2 and Table 2-A. The requirements of R315-8-22 and this Module do not apply to the following management units regardless of the waste determination: Containers that have a design capacity less than or equal to 0.1m3; Satellite containers; Process bulk feed tanks. For Area 10 Igloo 1631 (Autoclave) and Igloo 1632 (DVS/DVSSR) miscellaneous treatment units, air emissions shall be controlled by level three controls as specified in R3 1 s-8-22 (40 CFR264. I 086(e)). ModuleX-Page6 x.H. x.H.1. x.H.z. x.H.3. x.H.4. x.H.5. TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, and the HVAC June 2009 X.G.15. For the ATLIC hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks and miscellaneous treatment x.I. x.I.1 . x.r.z. units. air emissions shall be controlled by the level three controls as specified in R315-8- 22 (40 CFR264.1086(e)). INSPECTION AND MONITORING The Permittee shall follow the inspection plan and schedule in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan). The Permittee shall monitor air emission controls as specified in Attachment 22 (Agerrt Monitoring Plan). If any container greater than 0.lnt' in capacity (e.g., 55 gallon drum or ton containers) is stored for a period of one year or longer, the Permittee shall visually inspect the container and its cover and closure devices initially and thereafter at least once every 12 months. The container shall be inspected for visible cracks, holes, gaps, or other open spaces into the"interior of the container. For storage in the Container Handling Building (CHB) and Unpack Area (JPA), monitoring of the interior of the overpack can be used instead of this visual inspection.. With the exception of ton containers the Permittee shall make a first attempt at repair of any defect detected during the inspection described in Condition X.H.3. no later than24 hours after detection. Repair shall be completed as soon as possible but no later than five calendar days after detection. If repair of the defect cannot be completed within five calendar days, the hazardous waste shall be removed from the container and the container shall not be used to manage hazardous waste until the defect is repaired. Any ton container with a defect shall be managed as described in Attachment 5 (lnspection Plan) and Attachment 12 (Containers). The Permittee shall inspect containers and maintain a record of the inspections and a copy of the procedure used to determine that containers with a capacity of 0.46m3 or greater, which do not meet applicable DOT regulations as specified by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1086(01, afe not managing hazardous waste in light material service. REC ORDKEEPING AI\D REPORTING The Permittee shall maintain records for each container or tank exempted from the standards of Condition X.G. As required by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 265.1084(b)(2)] and Attachment 2 (Warste Analysis Plan), the Permittee shall record the information from each exempted hazardous waste determination as identified in Condition X.G. (e.g., test results, measurements, calculations and other documentation) including the date, time, and location for each hazardous waste sample collected. If exempted under Condition X.G., the Permittee shall record the identification nurnber of the hazardous waste management unit in which the waste is treated. x.I.3. ModuleX-Page7 x.I.4. x.I.5. x.I.6 X.I.6.a. x.I.6.b. x.I.7. X.I.7.a. x.I.7.b. X.I.I .c. x.J. x.J.1 . X.J.1 .a TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, *a T":"9#; The Permittee shall orally report to the Executive Secretary, within 24 hours, each occrurerrce when hazardous waste is placed in a waste management unit identifred in Table2 or Table 4 in noncompliance with the conditions specified in Condition X.G. The Permittee shall submit a written report within 15 calendar days of the time the Permittee becomes aware of the occurrence specified in Condition X.I.4. The written report shall contain the EPA identification number, the facility name and address, a description of the noncompliance event and the cause, actions taken to correct the noncompliance and prevent recurence of the noncompliance and the report shall be signed and dated by a authorized represe,ntative of the Permittee. The Permittee shall maintain the following information for all container management units identified in Table 2that are subject to the air emission requirements of R315-8-22140 CFR 264.10861: type of container; bpe of air emission control; and records of Inspections/I\4onitoring Information with the required information specified below: For all container management units identified in Table 2 tl:.ort are used to store containers having a design capacity greater than 121 gallons, the Permittee shall maintain the information used to determine the status of the material as either light or heavy in accordance with R315-7-30 [40 CFR 265.1081]. For all container management units identified in Table 2 that are used to store containers for which the less than 500 ppmv exemption is used, as specified in R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.I082(c\1, the Permittee shall maintain the exemption/waste determination information in Condition X.I.6. The Permittee shall maintain the following information in the Operating Record for all tanks subject to the air emission requirements of R3 15-8-22 140 CFR 264. 10841, identified in Table 2: An identifrcation number or other unique identification description of the tanks; Date of inspection; t1pe, description, and location of defect; date of detection; and corrective action taken to repair the defect; and Maximum organic vapor pressure of the hazardous waste in the tank, determined in accordance with Condition X.G. Where applicable, the determination shall include the date and time samples were taken, the analytical method used, and the anallical results. GENERAL OPERATING CONDITIONS TOCDF MDB HVAC All HVAC filter units and fllter unit vestibules shall be maintained at a negative pressure. These pressures will be recorded every four hours in the Operating Record. These pressures will also be recorded each time the unit's operating status is changed. If any of these readings are found to be positive, agent-processing operations within the facility shall cease immediately. A description of the filter system is located in Attachment 5 (lnspection Plan), Paragraph 5.9. ModuleX-Page8 x.J.l .b. X.J.1 .c. x.J.2 X.J.2.a x.J.2,b x.J.3. Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containerso "rO.n#filJune 2009 Seven HVAC filter units shall be operational at all times when any hazardous waste is being managed. During power upsets, the facility shall follow contingency procedures Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan) Paragraph ruLfor maintaining negative pressure... . The Permittee shall comply with Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan) for the inspection of the HVAC filter units. For the purpose of compliance with these conditions, each filter unit is defined as beginning at the inlet flange of the filter unit inlet isolation damper and snding at the outlet flange of the filter unit outlet damper. Area 10 Igloos 163l andL632 The Permittee may perform permitted hazardous waste management activities in Igloos 1631 and 1632 when Filter-l01 Grimary filter) is online. The Permittee shall suspend operations of the Autoclave, DVS and DVSSR and seal or rsmove all waste drums from Igloos 1631 and 1632 during times when Filter-lOl is offline and Filter-l02 is online. ATLIC HVAC X.J.3.a. All ATLIC HVAC filter units and filter unit vestibules shall be maintained at a nesative pressure when online. These pressures will be recorded every four hours in the Operating Record. These pressures will also be recorded each time the unit's operating status is changed. If any of these readines are found to be positive. aeent-processing operations within the facility shall cease immediately. A description of the filter system is located in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan). paragraph 5.9.2. X.J.3.b. Two HVAC filter units shall be operational at all times when any hazardous waste is being managed at the ATLIC. Durine oowerupsets. the facility shall follow contingency procedures Attachment 9 (Contineency Plan) Parapraph 9. I . I .5.3 for maintainins negative rcssue. X.J.3.c. The Permittee shall compl], with Attachment 5 flnspection Plan\ for the inspection of the HVAC filter units. For the purpose of compliance with these conditions. each filter unit is defined as beginnine at the inlet flange of the filter unit inlet isolation damper and ending at the outlet flanee of the filter unit outlet dgmper. x.K. x.K.1. REPLACEMENT OF CARBON FILTERBANKS The Permittee shall notiff the Executive Secretary within seven days after a confirmed breakthrough of chemical agent at 3 Vapor Screening Level (VSL) for GB, VX, and for HD in carbon bank number two of any one of the nine IV[DB HVAC carbon filter units. Within 30 days from the time of the confirmed breakthrough, the Permittee shall begin operations to replace carbon banks one and two in that unit. If any confirmed agent breakthrough is detected in any other carbon filter midbed (other than midbed #1 or 2), the Executive Secretary shall be notified within 24 hours. The Permittee shall begin operations to replace the carbon banks associated with the confirmed readings within 30 days of the confirmed breakthrough. ModuleX-Page9 x.K.2. x.K.3. x.K.4. x.K.5 X.K.6 TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, and the HVAC June 2009 The Permittee shall perform the analyses for spent carbon removed from a filter bank in accordance with the Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). This data shall be maintained in the Operating Record. The Permittee shall, at a minimum of every 18 months, perform leak test challenges on MDB HVAC carbon filters. The CAL rnd AILIC._HVAC carbon filters shall be leak test challenged at a minimum of every 12 months. If one or more trays in a bank are replaced, or if maintenance to a bank is preformed that could affect the filter's integnty or leak- tightness additional leak tests shall be performed on the affected banks before that filter is At the TOCDF MDB_aEd TOCDE HVAC carbon filter units, periodic (18-month) leak test challenges are not required for carbon banks one and two, and for any carbon bank three that has been exposed to confirmed agent breakthrough of carbon bank two. At the CAL and ATLIC HVAC exhaust filter units, periodic leak test challenges are not required for carbon bank one and for any carbon bank two that has been exposed to confirmed agent breakthrough of carbon bank one. The challenge data shall be submitted within fifteen days of cgmpletion of each complete filterblank challenge to the Executive Secretary. The Carbon Adsorption Filtration system (primary or back-up) for Igloos 163l and 1632 shall have the first carbon filter bed replaced when any agent is detected between the frst and second midbeds at a concentration greater than or equal to 1.0 VSL. Within 15 days from the time the midbed agent concentration reaches 1.0 VSL, the Permittee shall begin operations to replace the carbon in the affected unit. Ifagent is detected beyond the second carbon bed at the exhaust stack ofthe Igloos Carbon Adsorption Filtration system, then hazardous waste treatment and primary containment operations shall be immediately stopped and the exhaust flow path shall be switched to the back-up filter. All carbon within the filter train that experienced breakthrough shall be replaced with new carbon prior to being placed back into service in accordance with 40 CFR 264.1086(e)(2)(ii) via $264.10S7(c)(3)(i) via $264.1033(h)(1). \ X.K.7. The Carbon Adsomtion Filtration systern for ATLIC shall have the first and*eeend carbon filter beds replaced when any aeent is d€t€edconfirmed between the s€e€nd€nd third first and second midbeds at a concentration greater than or equal to L0 VSL. Within 15 days from the time the midbed aeent concentration reaches 1.0 VSL. the ,. Permittee shall beein ooerations to replace the carbon in the affected unit. ,i:l x.L.MONITORIN G REOUIREMENTS Module X - Page l0 x.L.1. x.L.z. x.L.3. x.L.4. x.L.5. x.L.6. X.L.J x.L.7.1 x.L.7.2 TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, *, T;##; The Permittee shall stop the feed of munitions to the demilitarization equipment identified in Attachment 14 (DemilitarizatioiEquipment) when an ACAMS alarm occurs for two consecutive cycles in the HVAC filter stack. If the ACAMS alarm is confirmed, the Permittee shall stop fumace operations once all drained agent and partially disassembled munitions have been thermally treated, until a determination has been made as to the cause of the alarm and actions have been taken to prevent the re-occurrence of the alarm. The Executive Secretary shall be notified within 24 hours pursuant to Condition I.U. of a release from the HVAC filter stack. A Depot Area Air Monitoring System (DAAMS) tube sampling the HVAC stack shall be pulled at least every twelve hours and aralyzed. A corresponding Quality Plant (QP) sample shall be pulled at least daily and analyzed. The QP sample shall correspond to one of the twelve-hour samples. The DAAMS tubes monitoring the most downstream midbed location shall be analyzed immediately if an HVAC stack ACAMS alarms is confirmed. The DAAMS tubes shall be pulled and analyzed in accordance with Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures) The HVAC filterunit vestibules shall be monitored in accordance with Attachment22 (Agent Monitoring Plan) for the presence of chemical agent when the associated filt'er unit is placed in a standby condition. Feed to the demilitarization equipment described in Attachment 1 4 (DemilitarizationEquipment) shall cease immediately upon a confirmed agent alarm from a HVAC vestibule. When the HVAC stack ACAMS is off line for more than 10 minutes, the DAAMS tube sampling the HVAC stack shall be pulled and analyzed as soon as the ACAMS is back on line. TIVAC DAAMS tubes are located in the midbeds as specified in Attachment 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan), for GB, VX, and Mustard agent. Igloo 1631 (Autoclave) and Igloo 1632 (DVS/DVSSR) carbon filtration systern shall continuously monitor for agent breakthrough. The Permittee shall continuously sample the exhaust air from the carbon filter train between the first and second carbon bed using DAAMS tubes. The DAAMS tubes will be analyzed for each potential agent that has exhausted into the carbon filtration system, and The Permittee shall sample the exhaust air from the carbon filtration system exhaust stack using ACAMS with confirmation DAAMS. All instances of breakthrough beyond the first carbon filter midbed shall be reported to the Executive Secretary within 24 hours. X.L.8. The ATLIC HVAC filter shall be monitored for breakthroueh of aeent between the individual carbon beds as specified in Attachment 22A. X.L.8.1. Thb Permittee shall monitor the exhaust air from the ATLIC HVAC Filter System Stack for agent as specified in Attachment 22A. FILTERS EXPOSED TO MORE THAN ONE AGENTx.M. ModuleX-Pagell x.M.l. TOCDF Air Emission Standards for Equipment Leaks, Tanks, Containers, and the HVAC June 2009 Before carbon filters exposed to more than one type of chemical agent may be fed to the DFS, the Permittee shall: (l) ensure the monitors for all agents to which the carbon potentially is exposed are in place in the DFS furnace duct, commol stack and processing areas; (2) submit a multi-agent monitoring plan to the Executive Secretary for approval; (3) submit a sampling and analytical plan to the Executive Secretary for approval in order to ensure that a determination can be made for further management of carbon in accordance with R3 I 5-3-4.3. ModuleX-Page12 TOCDF Tables July 2008 TABLE 1 AGENT EXPOSURE LIMITS AND AGENT STACK LIMITS LOCATION Concentration (mg/m3) GB or GAs H/HD/HT VX L5 Source Emission Limit (SEL)|'2 0.0003 0.03 0.0003 0.03 General Population Limitl'3 (Averaging time: 24 houis GB/VX and 12 hours Mustard)0.000003 0.0001 0.000003 0.003 Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL)'''' (15 minutes)0.0001 0.003 0.00001 0.003 Worker Population Limit4 lWff; ( l2 hours) 0.00002 4.00027 0.0000006 0.003 WPL4 (8 hours)0.00003 0.0004 0.000001 0.003 WPL4 (4 hours)0.00006 0.0008 0.000002 0.003 Vapor Screening Level (VSL)0.0001 0.003 0.00001 0.003 1. Public Law 9l-l2lll44 (USC 1512) mandates that the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) review the plans for transporting and/or disposing of lethal chemical agents and make recommendations for protecting human health and safety. HHS delegated review and recommendation authority to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 2 The Department of Army proposed the maximum allowable stack concenffations indicated in Table 1. HHS reviewed the concentrations and announced in the March 15, 1988 Federal Register (53 FR 8504) [conected in 53 FR I 1002, April 4, 1988] that the concentrations "met HHS criteria and appear to be more restrictive than limits set on a health base alone", and therefore made no recommendation for changes. 3 CDC published in the Federal Register (FR) Volume 68, Number 196, October 2003 the final AELs for GA, GB and VX. CDC also published in the FR, Volume 69, Number 85, May 3,2004, recommended AELs for mustard. 4. T\e 12- hour WPL monitoring level is used for routine historical monitoring. The 8- hour monitoring level is used for LSS air monitoring irregardless of actual sample time. The 4-hour monitoring level is used only for VX if the detection limit cannot be achieved due to interferences. 5. Processed exclusively at the ATLIC NOTE: CDC determined that the current available data precluded acceptable exposure limits for mustard agent being precisely defined. CDC concluded that the work-place limits will amply protect a general population 1000 meters or more from the demilitarization site for transportation route. Therefore, protection of the general public is dependent upon meeting the work-place limits within the facility. Tables - Page I TOCDF Tables July 2008 TABLE 2r HAZARDOUS WASTES/PERMITTED HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS WASTE TYPE ASTE CODES 15 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS INCINERATORS MISC UNITS TANK STORAGE TREATMENT CONTAINER STORAGE MUSTARD EXPLOSIVES FUZES DETONATORS INITIATOR BURSTER MUNITIONs BODY COMPONENTS DRAINED6 BULK ITEMS FILTERST METAL8 MISCELLANEOUSIO ee Note 10 MISCELLANEOUS LIQUID WASTES '4 BRINE SOLUTION 9 D002, D004 rough DOl I SPENT DECON SOLUTION Fggg, PgggtT D009, D0010, D019,D022, D029, D034, D039, D040 and D043 LIQUID MONITOR SUPPORT AND LAB WASTES F999, D00l , D002, F002, F003, F005 Tables - Page 2 TABLE 21 HAZARDOUS WASTES/PERMITTED HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS WASTE TYPE ASTE CODES l5 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS INCINERATORS TANK STORAGE TREATMENT CONTAINER STORAGEMISC UNITS DFS CYCLONE RESIDUE ECR MAINTENANCE RESIDUEI6 ts, F999, INCINERATION RESIDUE l. A list of the wastes that will be managed at this facility is shown in Attachment 2. . Sumps used as primary containment devices . Sumps used as secondary containment devices. . Reserved. . Includes munition body components other than rockets and mine bodies. . Includes ton containers. . Includes pre-filters and HEPA filters (from the ventilation system). . Includes steel pallet bands, parts/equipment, and nails. . Includes wood and wood preservatives as applied to pallets. . Includes agent contaminated debris, trash, baghouse debris, lightbulbs, demister candle packing, paint debris, ignitable wastes (aerosals, labpacks, isopropyl alcohol/glycol), batteries, refractory, slag, M40 canisters, MPF vacuum ash, spent cleaning solutions, scrap metal, piping, PAS solids, lamps, spent decon solution, sump sludge/solids, tap gear, paper, glass, plastics, demilitarization protective ensemble suit material, solid monitor support building and laboratory wastes that may include the following waste codes: D001-D0l 1, D018, D019, D021,D022, D035, D039, D040, F00l through F005, U002, U003, U037, U044, U080, Ul31, Ul54, U159, U210, U220,F999,and P999. Refer to Module III for the list of waste codes that can be placed into a specific container storage area. I 1. Reserved 12. Any abbreviations or acronyms found on this table, which are not defined in these footnotes, can be found in Appendix A. 13. Normally, the energetics (e.g., burster, explosives) will be rernoved from the projectiles/mortars in the ECRs before storage in the UPMC. However, if the burster detection systems, located at the Projectile Output Conveyor discharge stops in the UPMC, detect energetics, then the munitions with the detected energetics will be reloaded onto reject tables in the UPMC for storage. 14. The miscellaneous liquid wastes include agent contaminated hydraulic fluid, and lubricating oil 15. In addition to the waste codes listed in this table, additional waste codes may apply. 16. The ECR maintenance residues are identified in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The only ECR maintenance residues that can be fed to the MPF are unserviceable hand tools and metal hardware that are not contaminated with explosive residues (i.e., do not carry the D003 waste code). 17. Per Condition IV.E.6. TOCDF Tables July 2008 Tables - Page 3 TOCDF Tables July4gg* x{, A,'rV .\ \1,.'V \Fl tAu rlgltr z-lt AREA TO LIOUD INCINERTOR (ATLIO FACILITY HAZARDOUS \ilASTES/PERMITTED HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS WASTE CODES INCIhTERATOR MISC IJI\[ITS TANK STORAGE TREATMENT il El sr ilEl3l il €l *lglst ElflgI EEI EIgI AHo.- {'l €tltli.Fltrl-a ctl !l EI E flfirlt-l clol.-l!. I =l-lolat BEI :l $ :EIEIzlEl HIfir! =l dlodl OJal-lol'Fl >I ,gent GA P999. D004. D007. D008. D02l x x x ewisite P999. D004. D007. D008. D009. D0l0 x x x x \ pent Decontamination olution F999. D002. D004. D007. 'i D008. D02l x x x pent Nitric Acid P999. F999. D002. D004. D007. D008. D009. D0l0 x x x C Rinsg Water F999. Dq02. D004. D007. D008. D009 \,t\r. ,, 1.: x x , XI.\ x . ,A list of the wastes that will be manaqed at this facility is shown in Attachment 2 , Maior Spill Tank is maintained einotv unless it is requirad to store a release of liquids sreat€r than the accumulation sumo in the AfLIC Facility Toxic Area. Tables - Page 4 TOCDF Tables July 2008 TABLE 3 RESERVED Tables - Page 5 TOCDF Tables July 2008 TABLE 4 HAZARDOUS WASTE SUMP 1 SYSTEMS T SUMP I.D.NUMBER2 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CAPACITY (GALLON) DIMENSIONS OF SUMP(FEET) SECONDARY CONTAINMENT voLUME(GALLON) LOCATION REFERENCE UTAH WASTE CODE DRAWING3 COLUMN- ROW FLOOR ROOM4 SDS-PUMP-1OI 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 none required (MDB)B.l -14 2 UPA Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I02 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 none required (MDB)D-l4 2 UPA Fgggs SDS-PUMP.I03 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 none required (MDB)l-14 2 UPA Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I04 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 none required (MDB)A-8 2 UPA Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I 06 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 t34 H-6 2 ECR FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-I07 59 2.33x2.33x I .46 t34 c-6 2 ECR FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-108 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 t34 J- 10 2 ECV FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-I09 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 D-10 2 ECV FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-I I O 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 t34 B- l0 2 ECV Feee5Peel SDS-PUMP-I I2 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 t34 B-7 2 M-CR FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP- I I3 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 M-3 2 M.CR FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-I I4 89 23x2.3x2.25 134 J-3 2 M-CR FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-I I5 89 23x2.3x2.25 t34 D-3 2 M-CR FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP- I I6 89 2.3x23x2.25 134 B-3 2 M-CR FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-1I7 89 23x2.3x2.25 134 N-3 2 M-CR FgggsP 9996 SDS.PUMP-I I8 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 t34 B-5 2 M.CR FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-123 8e 23x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)A-3 2P AL Fgggs SDS-PUMP.I24 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 t34 B-4 2P .AL Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I25 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 L-5 IP AL Fggg5 SDS-PUMP.I26 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 t34 L-8 2P AL Fgg95 Tables - Page 6 TOCDF Tables July 2008 TABLE 4 HAZARDOUS WASTE SUMP 1 SYSTEMS SUMP I.D.NUMBER2 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CAPACITY (GALLON) DIMENSIONS OF SUMP(FEET) SECONDARY CONTAINMENT voLUME(GALLON) LOCATION REFERENCE UTAH WASTE CODE DRAWING3 COLUMN- ROW FLOOR ROOM4 SDS-PUMP-127 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)L-7 2P AL Fggg5 SDS-PUMP- I30 89 23x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)P-l I I MON Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I3I 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)M-13 I OBS Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I33 89 2.3x23x2.25 None required (MDB)M-2 I OBS Fgggs SDS-PUMP.I34 89 23x2.3x2.25 134 T-6 I M-CR.AL Fgggs SDS-PUMP- I35 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 t34 M-3 I TMA Fgggs SDS.PUMP-136 89 23x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)c-2 2 OBS Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I37 89 23x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)H-2 2 OBS Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I38 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)M-2 2 OBS F9g95 SDS-PUMP- I39 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)P-4 2 OBS Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I40 89 2.3x23x2.25 None required (MDB)P-6 2 OBS Fgggs SDS.PUMP.I4I 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)P-l I 2 OBS Fgggs SDS-PUMP-142 89 23x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)L-9 2 OBS Fggg5 SDS-PUMP-144 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)w-ll r (Pit)LIC Fgggs SDS-PUMP.I45 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 N- l0 2 MPB Fggg5P 9996 SDS-PUMP-I46 69 2.33x2.33x I .l I t34 N-8 2 MPB FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-147 69 2.33x2.33x I .11 134 L- l0 2 MPB FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-I48 89 23x23x2.25 134 L-8 2 MPB FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP- I49 59 2.33x2.33x 1.46 95 L-6 2 MPB FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-I5O 85 2.25x2.25x2.25 None required (tank)H-7 SDS Fggg5 Pggg6 SDS-PUMP- 15I 5t2 4.42x4.42x3.5 None required J-8 TOX FgggsP 9996 Tables - Page 7 TABLE 4 HAZARDoUS wASTE suMP 1 sYsrEMs I SUMP I.D.NUMBER, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CAPACITY (GALLON) DIMENSIONS OF SUMP(FEET) SECONDARY CONTAINMENT voLUME(GALLON) LOCATION REFERENCE UTAH WASTE CODE DRAWING, COLUMN. ROW FLOOR RooM4 SDS-PUMP- I53 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 P-5 I DECON Fggg5 SDS-PUMP-I54 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 M-6 I TMA Fgg95 SDS-PUMP-156 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)u-l I r (Pi0 LIC Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I57 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)u-9 I LIC Fgggs Pggg6 SDS-PUMP-I60 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)u-6 I AL Fgggs SDS.PUMP-16I 89 23x23x2.25 None required (MDB)J-9 I AL Fgggs SDS-PUMP.164 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 M-ll I BSA Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I67 89 2.3x23x2.25 None required (MDB)M-13 2 OBS Fgg95 SDS-PUMP.168 69 2.33x2.33x 1 .71 134 N-6 2 MPB FeeesPeeqL SDS-PUMP-I69 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 l-6 2 M.CR T FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-I73 89 23x23x2.25 None required (MDB)M-3 IP OBS Fgggs SDS-PUMP-I74 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 D-6 2 M-CR FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP- I75 89 23x2.3x2.25 134 M-ll 2 MPB FgggsP 9996 SDS-PUMP-I79 89 2.3x23x2.25 t34 Q-6 M-CR Fgggs SDS-PUMP- 1 8O 89 23x23x2.25 None required (MDB)T-7 I AL Fgggs SDS.PUMP- I 82 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)L-4 IP AL Fgggs SDS-PUMP- I 84 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 M-6 I M-CR Fgggs SDS.PUMP.I 88 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)s-9 I LIC Fggg5 Pggg6 SDS.PUMP-I89 89 23x2.3x2.25 134 K-7 2 M-CR Fggg5P 9996 SDS-PUMP-I90 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 M-9 I BSA Fggg5 SDS-PUMP-192 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)L-6 2P OBS TOCDF Tables July 2008 Tables - Page 8 Fgg95 TOCDF Tables July 2008 TABLE 4 HAZARDOUS WASTE SUMP 1 SYSTEMS SUMP I.D.NUMBER2 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CAPACITY (GALLON) DIMENSIONS OF SUMP(FEET) SECONDARY CONTAINMENT voLUME(GALLON) LOCATION REFERENCE UTAH WASTE CODE DRAWING3 COLUMN- ROW FLOOR ROOM4 SDS-PUMP-I93 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required (MDB)K-9 I OBS Fggg5 SDS-PUMP-I97 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 None required f I\/tT-lEl\L-6 I LAB Fgggs BRA-PUMP-I03 85 2.25x2.25x2.25 None required (tank)diked area BRA Fgggs BCST-PUMP-I 07 400 3x3x6 None required (tank)N/A UNLOAD STATION Fgggs I Hazardous waste sumps (meeting the RCRA definition of a tank) must comply with all applicable hazardous waste tank systern requirernents (R3 I 5-8- I 0). 2 MDB = Munition Demilitarization Building, SDS : Spent Decontamination Solution/Syston, BRA = Brine Reduction Area. 3 Referencebuildingcolumn-rownumbersfromDrawingsTE-l-G-504, -5,-6,-7,-8,-9,-l0,and-ll,TE-16-P-4. 4 TMA: Toxic Maintenance Area, DECON : Decontamination, MCR = Munition Corridor, BSA = I st Floor Buffer Storage Area, MCR-AL = Munitions Corridor Airlock, AL: Airlock, ECV = Explosive Containment Room Vestibule, ECR = Explosive Containment Room, TOX = Toxic Cubicle, SDS = Spent Decontamination Solution area, BRA = Brine Reduction Area, LIC = Liquid Incinerator, MON: Monitor Room, OBS: Observation Corridor, UPA = Unpack Area. 5 Spent decontamination solution. One agent per campaign. Other applicable waste codes are D002, D003, D004, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, D019, D022, D028. 6 Liquid agent routinely in area. Potential for collection and containment ofmajor agent spill. 7 BCS = Bulk Chemical Storage TABLE 4a ATLIC HAZARDOUS WASTE SUMP I SYSTEMS SUMP I.D.NUMBER2 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CAPACITY (GALLON) DIMENSIONSq SUMP(FEET) SECONDARY CONTAINMENT VOLUME(GALLON) LOCATION REFERENCE UTAH WASTE CODE DRAWING3CO LUMN-ROW FLOOR ROOM4 SDS-PUMP-8526 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 t34 c-5 I Entry Airlock B Fggg5 SDS-PUMP-8527 89 2.3x2.3x2.2,5 t34 A-5 -L LIC Room Fgggs. Pggg SDS.PUMP-8529 89 2.3x2.3x2.25 134 B-5 I Entry Airlock A Fggg5 Tables - Page 9 TOCDF Tables July 2008 i;r I 'r',t fu; I "'', il !^1- l,t'-"- .. c" I*, ..'hllq (i" olno. Pi^ i,"' t't.t' \J\, hP TABLE 4a ATTIC HAZARDOUS WASTE SUMP ' SYSTEMS SECONDARY CONTAINMENT VOLUME(GALLON) I Hazardous waste sumgs (meeting the RCRA definition of a tank) must comoly with all aoplicable hazardous waste tank system requirements (R3 I 5-8- I0). 2 SDS = Spent Decontamination System 3 Rgference building column-row numbers from Drawinss EG-22-D-8217. 4 TOX: Ioxic Cubicle and LIC = Liquid Urcin€rator 5 Soent decontamination solution. One aqent p€r camnaign. Oth€r aoolicable waste codes are D002. fnM. D007- D008. D009. D010. D021. Ir Tables - Page 10 TOCDF Tables July 2008 Tables-Pagell TABLE 5 SUMPS SYSTEM DESIGN STANDARDS SUMP AND TRENCH' NESIGN STANDARDS SUMP SYSTEMS PRIMARY CONTAINMENT2 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT3 TOXIC CUBICLE4 Construction Material:welded carbon steel welded carbon steel welded carbon steel Sump Capacity, gallons 8e (typ)8e (typ)stz (typ) Specified Shell Thickness, inches 3l16 steel 3l16 steel 3l 16 steel Dimensions, feet:2.3 x2.3 X2.25(typ)2.3 x 2.3 X 2.2s (typ)4.42x 4.42 x 3.s (tvp) Grating, inches reinforced fiberglass reinforced fiberglass reinforced fiberglass Protective Coating Agent Resistant Agent Resistant Agent Resistant Secondary Containment Capacity, gallons 134 not applicable 512 required Corrosion Liner Material concrete not applicable concrete Liner Thickness 6 inch 6 inch Protective Coating Dimensions, feet:Design Temperature, [-j F Agent Resistant Agent Resistant Agent Resistant Leak Detection System Visually inspect by and level detector not applicable Visually inspect and level detector I Standards apply to trenches (for sump collection systern designed with trench). 2 Corresponds to those sumps listed in Table 4 that have a numerical capacity value listed under the "secondary Containment Volume (Gallon)" column heading. 3 With the exception of SDS-PUMP- 1 51 (see below), corresponds to those sumps listed in Table 4 that have "none required" listed under the "Secondary Containment Volume (Gallon)" column heading. Those that are designated as "none required (tank)" correspond to sumps that are part of a secondary containment system for a tank. Those that are designated as "none required (MDB)" are those MDB RCRA permitted sumps that are part of a secondary containment systern for miscellaneous operations that occur in the MDB. 4 SDS-PUMP-l5l (Toxic Cubicle Sump.) o o o TOCDF Acronyms and Abbreviations June 2009 APPENDIXA ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AAI{ Analyzer alarn high AAFIH Analyzer alarm high-high AASS Automatic Agent Sampling System ACAMS Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System acfin Actual cubic feet per minute ACS Agent Collection System Ag Silver AIC Analyzer indicator control AL Airlock ALM Alarm AMC U. S. ArmyMaterial Command API American Petroleum Institute AQS Agent Quantification System AR Department of Army Regulations As Arsenic 'i: ' ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATLIC ,Area l0 Liquid Inciner,ator ALIX Auxiliary Ba Barium BAT Best Available Technology BCS Bulk Chemical Storage BDS BulkDrain Station Bldg Building BRA Brine Reduction Area BSA Buffer Storage Area BST Brine Surge Tank BTM Bottom Btu British thermal unitoC Centigrade CA Combustion air CAL Chemical Assessment Laboratory CAMDS Chemical Agent Munition Disposal System (located at Deseret Chemical Depot) CCL Chemical Control Limit CCl4 Carbon tetrachloride CCTV Closed-circuit television Cd Cadmium CDC Centers for Disease Control CDS Central Decontamination Supply CDTF Chemical Demilitarization Training Facility CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring System AppendixA-Pagel CERCLA CFR CH+ CHB CMA CO COz CON Cr CRO CSS CTC DAAI\{S DC DCD DDYR Decon DFS DHHS DIC DOP DPE DRE DSA DSHW DTS DVS DVSSR ECR ECV EP EPA EVAP oF FA FAH FIC FIT FR ft TOCDF Aoonyms and Abbreviations June 2009 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Code of Federal Regulations Methane Container Handling Building Chemical Materials Agency Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Control Room Chromium Control Room Operator Conditioning Settling System CutawayTon Container Depot Area Air Monitoring System Direct current Deseret Chemical Depot Drum Dryer Decontamination Deactivation Fumace System U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Density indicator control Dioctyl Phthalate Demilitarization Protective Ensemble (suits) Destruction and Removal Efficiency DPE Support Area Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Drain Tube System Drum Ventilation System Drum Ventilation System Sorting Room Explosive Containment Room Explosive Containment Room Vestibule Emergency Power U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Evaporators Degree Fahrenheit Fire alarm Flow alarm high Flow indicator control Flow Indicating Transmitter Federal Register Feet Gram Gallon Sarin, Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate Gas chromatography ob gal GB GC Appendix A -Page2 TOCDF Acronyms and Abbreviations GC/IVIS Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GFE Government Furnished Equipment gm/cc Grams per cubic centimeter gpm Gallons perminute H Levinstein mustard, bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide H Hish Hz Hydrogen HzO Water IIPOa Phosphoric Acid HCI Hydrochloric Acid IID Distilled mustard, bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide HDC Heated Discharge Conveyor HEPA High efficiency particulate air IIF Hydrogen fluoride Hg Mercury HHS Health and Human Services HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 HT Mustard, 60%lD and4}%T HTS Heel Transfer Ssytem IIVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning HWMU Hazardous Waste Management Unit ICU Intermittent Collection Units ID Identification in. Inch, inches JACADS Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System kg Kilogram L Liter LAH Level alarmhigh LAHH Level alarmhigh-high LAL Level alarm low LALL Level alarm low-low lb(s) Pound(s) lbm/hr Pound mass per hour LC Lo Lowest published lethal concentration Lctsg Lethal concentration - time product that produces 50 percent deaths among exposed, unprotected, and untreated personnel LDso Lethal dosage (50 percent death rate) LDR Land Disposal Restrictions, 40 CFR 268 LIC Liquid lncinerator LIT Level Indicating Transmitter LOP Lab Operating Procedure LPG Liquefied petroleum gas LSHH Level switch high-high LSS Life Support Systems AppendixA-Page3 TOCDF Acronyms and Abbreviations June 2009 m/s MCC MDB MDM MED mg MIL-STD MIN mL fllm MON MOVP MPB MPF MS MSB MUN mV mol wt N2 N/A NaOCI NaOH NFPA NIOSH NO NOz NO* NSPS Oz OSHA OVT OZ PAHH PAL PAS Pb PCB PDARS PDIC PEP PFS PIC P&ID Meters per second Mine Component Container Munitions D emil rtanzation Building Multipu{pose Demil rtanzation Machine Medical facility milligrams Military standards Mine Machine Milliliter Millimeter Monitor Maximum Organic Vapor Pressure Munitions Processing Bay Metal Parts Furnace Mass spectrometer, mass spectrometry Monitor Support Building Munitions Millivolt Molecular weight Nitrogen Not applicable Sodium hypochlorite Sodium hydroxide National Fire Protection Association National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Nitrogen oxide Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen oxides New Source Performance Standards Oxygen Occupational Safety and Health Administration Operational Verification Testing Ounce Pressure alarm high-high Pressure alarm low Pollution Abatement System Lead Polychlorinated biphenyl compounds Process Data Acquisition and Recording System Pressure differential indicator control Propellant, Explosives and Pyrotechnics PAS Carbon Filtration Systems Pressure indicator control, Product of Incomplete Combustion Piping and Instrumentation Diagram AppendixA -Page4 PIT PLC PMD POHC ppb ppm ppmv psi psia psig PSL QA QC R3l5 RCRA RDS RDX RTIA rpm RSM RTM SAIt\ scfh SCFM SDS Se SOPs Spent Decon SPORT SPS SRC STD SWMU T TAH TAHH TAL TALL TAP TCLP TDS TEAD TIC TLV.TWA TOCDF Acronyms and Abbreviations Pressure Indicating Transmitter Programmable Logic Controller Proj ectileilvlortar Disassembly Machine Principal organic hazardous constituent Parts per billion Parts per million Parts per million by volume Pounds per square inch Pounds per square inch absolute Pounds per square inch gauge Power switch low Qualrty assurance Quality control Utah Administrative Code R3l5 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Rinse and Drain Station Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine Residue Handling Area Revolutions per minute Rocket Shear Machine Real Time Monitor Superfund Amendments and ReauthoizationAct of 1986 Standard cubic feet per hour Standard cubic feet per minute Spent Decontamination Solution, Spent Decontamination System Selenium Standard Operating Procedures Spent decontamination solution Single Pallet Only Rocket Transporter Secondary power distribution system Single Round Container Standard Solid Waste Management Unit Bis [2(2-chloroethylthio)ethyl] ether Temperature alarm high Temperature alarm high-high Temperature alarm low Temperature alarm low-low Toxicological Agent Protective Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure Total dissolved solids Tooele Army Depot, Tooele Temperafure indicator control Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average AppendixA-Page5 TOCDF Acronyms and Abbrevi ations TMA Toxic Maintenance Area TNT Trinitrotoluene TOC Total organic carbon TOCDF Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility TOX Toxic Cubicle TSCA Toxic Substance Control Act TSDF Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility TSHH Temperature Switch High-High TWA Time Weighted Average UPA UnpackArea UPMC UpperMunitions Corridor UPS Unintemrptible Power Supply VOC Volatile Organic Concentration VOST Volatile organic sampling train VX O-ethyl-S(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) methyl phosphonothiolate VXH VX Hydrolysate, the liquid residue from a treatability studyperformed at CAMDS where water was added to 12 individual VX ton containers at approximately 10% byweight w.c. Water column wt.Yo Weight percent XXX Surface decontamination XXXXX Thermal treatment at l000oF for a minimum of 15 minutes AppendixA-Page6 2,,J '-r)o x CD TOCDF Definitions October 2009 APPBNDIX B - DEFINITIONS For pu{poses of this Permit, the following definitions shall apply: "Administrator" shall mean the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, Regional Administrator. "Agent Free" shall mean the non detection of any chemical agent while monitoring with an Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System. "Baseline Mustard Processing" shall mean the processing of that portion of the DCD Mustard ton container stockpile that has a mercury concentration of less than one part per million (<1 ppm (mglkg) in liquid phase of the ton container's fiIl as determined through analysis of samples collected in Area 10. A Mustard ton container having sample results meeting this criterion is referred to as a "baseline ton container." "Board" shall mean the Utah Solid and H*zardous Waste Control Board. "Child Container" shall mean a vessel which a slurry of *urt". and solid mustard heel is transferred to through use of the Heel Transfer System. "Executive Secretary" shall mean the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. "Facility", when used formally, shall mean all contiguous land, and structures, and other appurtenances, and improvements on the land at the Deseret Chemical Depot facility. This Facility description is set forth in Attachment I and includes DCD Area 10, CAMDS, and TOCDF which possess the State/EPA LD. Number uT5210090002. "GB" shall mean the nerve agent Sarin with the chemical name of Isopropylmethylphosphonofl uoridate. "H" shall mean blister agent mustard prepared through the Levinstein process with the chemical name of Bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide or 2,2'-dichlorodiethyl sulfide - sulfur mustard, that may be contaminated with trace concentrations of blister agent Lewisite. "HD" shall mean blister agent mustard that has been purified by washing and vacuum distillation that may be contaminated with trace concentrations of blister agent Lewisite "HT" shall mean blister agent mustard that is a 60:40 mixture of HD and T (bis[2(2-choroethylthio)ethyl] ether) , that may be contaminated with trace concentrations of blister agent Lewisite. "HSWA" shall mean the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment of 1984. "Hazardous Waste Constituent" shall mean any constituent identified in R315- 50-10, or any constituent identified in Appendix IX of 40 CFR Part 264. a. b. d. e. ob' h. J. k. 1. m. AppendixB-Pagel p. TOCDF Definitions October 2009 "Hazardous Waste" shall mean a solid waste, or combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness; or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed. The term hazardous waste includes hazardous constituents defined above. "L" shall mean blister agent Lewisite with the chemical name (2-chlorovinyl) arsine that may exist at trace concentrations in mustard bulk containers and munitions. 'Non-Baseline Mustard Processing" shall mean the processing of that portion of the DCD mustard stockpile that does not meet the definition of baseline processing. Items meeting the non-baseline definition are 1) Mustard ton containers and contents having a mercury concentration equal to or greater than one part per million (mg/kg) in the liquid portion of the ton container's fill as determined through analysis of samples collected in Area 10, and 2) all HT and HD mortars. "Parent TC" shall mean a Mustard Ton Container which a slurry of water and solid mustard heel is transferred from through use of the Heel Transfer System. ''RCRA, shall mean the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended by HSWA in 1984. "Release" shall mean any spilling, leaking, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, infecting, pumping, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing of hazardous wastes (including hazardous constituents) into the environment (including the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles containing hazardous wastes or hazardous waste constituents). "Significance Level" shall mean the observed level of contamination that has been determined to be allowed to remain. While the concentration of a significance level is above background concentrations, the observed level must be below applicable maximum contaminant limits established under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, water classification standards, or below applicable air quality standards. "Solid Waste lManagement Unit" (SWMU) shall mean any discernible unit at which solid wastes have been placed at any time, irrespective of whether the unit was intended for the management of solid or hazardous waste. Such units include any area at a facility at which solid wastes have been routinely and systematically released. "Staged shutdown" shall mean an "operator initiated shutdown to idle". "On - Site Container ( ONC )" shall mean the vapor-tight overpack container in which all munitions, with the exception of the spray tanks and the MKl16 bombs q. Appendix B -Page} ,J,::,"',: October 2009 which are currently stored in a different overpack-transport container, will be transported from the stockpile storage area to the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) and stordd prior to processing. x. "Transparency Ton Container" shall mean a ton container than has been determined to be emoty of liquids and solid and whose headspace has been sampled for Lewisite. ,ty. "VX" shall mean the nerve agent with the chemical name O-ethyl S- (2- diisopropylaminoethly) methylphosphonothiolate. Acronyms and abbreviations used in this Permit shall be defined as designated in Appendix A of this Permit. All definitions contained in R315-1, R315-2, R315-3, R315-8, and R315-9 are hereby incorporated, in their entirety, by reference into this Permit, except that any of the definitions used above shall supersede any definition of the same term given in R315. Where terms are not defined in the regulations or this Permit, the meaning associated with such terms shall be defined by a standard dictionary reference or the generally accepted scientific or industrial meaning of the term. AppendixB-Page3 9D C)) Ft CD) TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 ATTACHMENT 1 FACILITY DESCRIPTION Attachment 1-Page I TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 GENERALDESCRIPTION 1.1.1 Introduction 1.1.2 Facility Location and Setting 1.1.3 Chemical Weapons Destruction Program Overview 1.1.4 Chemical Agent Demilitarization Process Overview 1.1.5 Hazardous Waste DisposaVGeneration 1.2 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 1.2.1 General 1.2.2 Map Scale and Date 1.2.3 100-Year Flood Plain 1.2.4 Surface Waters 1.2.5 Surrounding Land Uses 1.2.6 Wind rose 1.2.7 Map Orientation 1.2.8 Legal Boundaries of the Facility 1.2.9 Access Control 1.2.10 Local Well lnformation and Groundwater Conditions 1.2.11 Buildings/Structures 1.2.12 Sewers (Storm, Sanitary, Process) I.2.13 LoadingAJnloading Areas 1.2.14 Fire Control Facilities 1.2.15 Flood Control and Drainage Barriers 1.2.16 Run-off Control Systems 1.2.17 Proposed New and Existing Hazardous Waste Management Units 1.2.18 Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) 1.3 LOCATIONINFORMATION 1.3.1 Seismic Standard 1.3.2 Floodplain Standards 1.3.3 Onsite Drainage 1.4 TRAFFIC PATTERNS 1.4.1 General Depot Traffic 1.4.2 Traffic Control 1.4.3 Estimated Volume and Frequency of Shipments 1.4.4 Road Surfacing and Load Bearing Capacity 1.4.5 Restricted Area Traffic Attachment I -Page2 $ TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 rilsT-er+rctms$ I I r eeetienef Desa* €hqr{eelnepet; datC 26 May 1998 I 3 ltrprexknoteGreurCwataMerdterWell r eeatien; datC 26 May 1998 LIST OF TABLBS 1-1 Original Stockpile e+of Chemical Weapons to Be Destroyed at TOCDF l-2 Chemical Agents to Be Destroyed at TOCDF 1-3 Composition of Munitions and Bulk Items Attachment I -Page3 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 LIST OF ACRONYMS ATLIC Area 10 Liquid Incinerator BCS Bulk Chemical Storage BRA Brine Reduction Area CAL Chemical Assessment Laboratory CAMDS Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System CFR Code of Federal Regulations CHB Container Handling Building CSB Communication Switch Building CSDP Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program CWC Chemical Weapons Conve,ntion DCD Deseret Chemical Depot DVS DrumVentilation System DVSSR Drum Ventilation System and Sorting Room DFS Deactivation Furnace System ECF Entry Control Facility GA Tabun: dimethylphosphoramidocvanidic acid ethyl ester GB Sarin, Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate II/HD/HT Sulflr Mustardr lDistilled Sulfrr Mustard/Distilled Mustard with 4O%Bis-[2-(2- chloroethylthio) -ethyll ether HVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning JACADS Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System L Lewisite: dichloro(2-chlorovinyl)arsine LIC Liquid Incinerator LPG Liquefied Petrolzum Gas MDB Munitions Demilitarization Building MSB Monitor Support Building MPF Metal Parts Furnace NDAA National Defense Authorization Act NFPA National Fire Protection Association OSIA On Site Inspection Agency PAS Pollution Abatement System PMB Personnel Maintenance Building PMCD ProgramManager for Chemical Demilitarization POT Potable Water System PRW Process Water System PSB Personnel Support Building PUB Process and Utility Building SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit T Bis-[2-(2-chloroethylthio)-ethyl] ether TCB Treaty Compliance Building TMA Toxic Maintenance Area TOCDF Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility UPA Unpack Area VX O-ethyl-S-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) methyl phosphonothiolate WTS Water Treatrnent System I Sulfur Mustard - Bis(2-Chloroethyl) Sulfide or 2.2'Dichlorodiethyl Sulfide Attachment I -Page4 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 o 1.1 1.1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION [R3 1 5-3-2.5ftX1)I Introduction The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) is a multi-incinerator hazardous waste treatment and storage facility located within the federally owned Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD). The TOCDF is designed and constructed for the treatment of the chemical agents and munitions stockpile currently stored at the DCD Area l0 (a.k.a. Chemical Munitions Storage Area). Area 10 is immediately adjacent and physically connected to the northern end of the TOCDF. l,l,l,2 l.I .2.2 l.r.2.3 t.t.2.4 1 . I .l ..3 The Area l0 Liquid Incinerator (ATLIC) is TOCDF operated. but located in DCD Area 1.1.2 10. separate from the TOCDF site. .The ATLIC has beeir built to treat the chemical nerve aq€,nt GA and the blister ag€nt Lewisite (L). The ATLIC and oth€r TOCDF-oDerated facilities are described in paragraoh . Facilitv Lqgltio4 and Settins ihg-OCO is leeate*in the State irf Utatr @about 7,900 hectares,*ndjs located approximately 26 kilometers (16 miles) south of the Cily of Tooele, off State Highway 36 at latitude 40o 18'00" North and longitude 112" 20'00" West. DCD is leeate*approximately 56 kilometers (35 miles) southwest of Salt Lake City, approximately 48 kilometers (30 miles) south of the Great Salt Lake, approximately 48 kilometers (30 miles) west of Utah Lake, and approximately 61 kilometers (38 miles) west of the city of Provo. Teeele €erxrf 'and :ts relatien te the ether tewns; eities; arC geegraplilelan&narks in the are*. The locationg of the'TOCDF and the ATLIC are'liee within the DCD installation boundaries as shown in Drawing TE-16-C-2.3 DCD is generally rectangular in shape: approximately 6.5 miles in length (east-west) and 5 miles in width (north-south) and comprises 19,364 acres. Several tlpes of chemical agents are stored at DCD in a variety of ammunition configurations, including ton containers, projectiles and mortars. These munitions are stored in Area 10. The processing area at the TOCDF, which is enclosed by a security fence, is comprised of approximately 40 acres. The distance from TOCDF demilitarization site to the nearest DCD boundary (due north) is approximately 2 miles. There are si*seven TOCDF-operated facilities, in addition to the TOCDF plant, on the DCD installation. but outside the site bo duie : l.l ,2.r l.r.2.4.1 The administration building located at 11600 Stark Road, approximately 3 miles northeast of the TOCDF. This building houses administrative offices only. 2 All figures are addressed at the end of this attachment. 3 All drawings are addressed in Attachment 11. Attachment I -Page5 l.l .2.4.2 1,L.2.4.3 1.1 .2.4.4 1.1 .2.4.5 1.1.3 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 The Chemical Assessment Laboratory (CAL). This facility is located approximately 1.5 miles southwest of the TOCDF. The CAL has laboratory quantities of chemicals and neat and dilute solutions of chemical agents on location, but not in quantities sufficient to pose a danger to persons or the e,lrvironment beyond the boundaries of the lab. The area known as Area 2 contains a number of warehouses. TOCDF controls eight of the warehouses in Area 2. These warehouses are used for storage of various items such as office furniture, tools, brick, product chemicals, and construction materials. Warehouses usedby TOCDF are buildings 4001, 4002,4012,4057,4058,4108, 4109, and 4110. TOCDF may use other buildings for the storage of material and equipment. Area 2 is located approximately 2 miles east-southeast of the TOCDF. The Transfer Yard is located approximately 1.5 miles easVnortheast of the TOCDF. Storage 1633, Igloo 1632@rum Veirtilation System (DVS) and Drum Ventilation System Sorting room @VSSR) Operations and Container Storage), and Igloo 1631 (Autoclave Operations) are located within DCD Area 10 which is immediately adjacent to and physically connected to TOCDF. The balance of Area 10 is permitted under a separate Part B RCRA permit administered by DCD. The ATLIC. also located at Area l0 in Ieloo 1639 (northwest of TOCDH. is designed and constructed for the treatmeirt of chernical nervp aeentGA and blister ae€nt lewisite (L). The ATLIC is accessible thrrough the Area I0'ECF. at the northwest end of Area 10. Chemical Weapons Destruction Prosram Overview The U.S. Army maintains a stockpile of chemical agents and munitions for the Department of Defense. This stockpile was established to deter other countries from using chemical weapons on U.S. or allied troops. In 1968, the U.S. stopped manufacturing chemical weapons. The stockpile is no longer deemed necessary for national security. ln November 1985, the U.S. Congress approved the Department of Defense Authorization Act (Public Law 99-145) which directed and authorized the destruction of 90 % of the total U.S. stockpile of unitary chemical munitions and agents by 30 September 1994. The Act was first amended on 15 March 1988 when the Army submitted the Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program (CSDP) implementation plan to Congress in which the deadline for destruction of the unitary chemical weapons stockpile was extended to 30 Apnl1997. This amendment also allowed more full-scale testing of the Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System (JACADS) facility. On 28 October l992,theNational Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 1993 directed the Army to dispose of the entire unitary chemical weapons stockpile by 31 December 2004. The NDAA supersedes Public Law 99-145. In April 1997,the Chernical Weapons Convention (CWC) was ratified by the United States and supersedes the NDAA. The CWC indicates that destruction of the unitary chemical weapons stockpile must be complete not later than 10 years after entry into force of this Convention (i.e., the year April 2007). o Attachment I -Page6 O 1.r.3.6 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 Chemical weapons are stored at eight separate sites throughout the continental United States, including the DCD.a At the begiming of agent destruction activities in 1996, DCD had the largest portion of the nation's chemical agent stockpile. Table l-1 shows the makzup of the DClDei,ginol stockpile that was either already or yet-to=be destroyed at TOCDF andthe ATLIC 4 The seven other sites are: Pine Bluff Chemical Activity, Arkansas; Anniston Chemical Activity, Alabama; Umatilla Chemical Depot, Oregon; Newport Chemical Depot, Indiana; Fdgewood Chemical Activity (Aberdeen Proving Ground), Maryland; Blue Grass Chemical Activity, Kentucky; and Pueblo Chemical Depot, Colorado. Attachment I -Page7 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 * These agents and munitions have been destroyed as ofNovernber 2009. ** Transoarencv Ton Container were assaved and found not to contaln an recoverable liouid asent and are not includid as oart of the DCD Chemical Stockolle. Facilitv shown in parenthesis denotes location of treatment of the munitions end bulk containers for the asent specified. s The Army's Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program began destroying the chemical stockpile at the TOCDF in August 1996. These numbers do not reflect chemical weapons destroyed since operations began. As of June 2005, all bulk containers and munitions containing VX and GB nerve agents have been eliminated from the stockpile. Table 1-1 ERIGF{*LSTOCKPILE OF CMMICAL WEAPONS FOR DESTRUCTION WTTOCDFORTHEATLIC Agent Item Quantityt Poundss HT-Blister (TOCDF) 4.2" Mortars 62,590 363,020 HD-Blister (TOCDF) 4.2" Mortars 976 5,860 Ton Containers 6,398 1 1,3 83,420 H-Blister ffOCDF) 155mm Projectiles 54,663 639,540 GB-Nervea ffOCDF) 105mm Cartridges I 19,400 194,620 105mm ProJectiles 679,303 1,107 ,260 M55 Rockets 28,945 309,720 M56 Rocket Warheads 1,066 11,406 l55mm Projectiles 89,141 579,417 MK-l 16 Bombs 888 308,140 MC-l Bombs 4,463 981,860 Ton Containers 5,709 8,598,200 VX-Nervel ruOCDF) 155mm ProJectiles 53,216 319,300 lll/.23 Land Mines 22,690 238,240 M55 Rockets 3,966 39,660 M56 Rocket Warheads 3,560 35,600 TMU-28 Spray Tanks 862 1,168,880 Ton Containers 640 910,960 GA-Nerve (ATLIC)Ton Containers 4 4.1 l0 L-Blister (ATLIC)Ton Containers 10 25.924 TransparencY** (ATLIC)Ton Containers 10 0 Attachmentl-Page8 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 The DCD stockpile of chemical agents includes organophosphate nerve agents and blister agents as listed below: 1.1.3 .7 .l nerve agent VX 1.1.3 ,7 .2 nerve agent Sarin (GB) 1.1.3 .7 .3 blister agents mustard (H, HD, and HT). I.1,3.7,4. - nerye aggnt tabun (GA) , . blister agent lewisite (L). an aTsine cemBound. Information on chemical agent characteristics are briefly described in Table 1-2. Attachment I -Page9 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 * Tlrcse agents and munitienshave akeady been deskeyed, Facilitv shown in oarenthesis denotes location of treatment of the munitions and bulk containers for the apent specilied. Table 1-2 CIIEI\IICAL AGENTS FOR DESTRUCTION WT TOCDT'g ATLIC Agent Description GBT (TOCDF) GB (Sarin) is a rapid-acting nerve agent. The action within the body is the inactivation of cholinesterase. The hazard from GB is that of vapor absorption through the respiratory tract, although it can be absorbed through any part of the skin, through the eyes, and through the gastrointestinal tract by ingestion. The agent absorption rate is accelerated through cuts and abrasions in the skin. When dispersed as large droplets, GB is moderatelypersistent; it is nonpersistent when disseminated as a cloud of very fine particles. vxt ruOCDF) VX is a rapid-acting nerve agent. The action within the body is the inactivation of cholinesterase. The hazard from VX is primarily that of liquid absorption through the skin, although it can be absorbed through the respiratory tract as a vapor or aerosol, and through the gastrointestinal tract by ingestion. VX is slow to evaporate and may persist as a liquid for several days. NIustard. ffOCDF) Mustard is a persistent and powerful blister agent. It acts principally by poisoning the cells in the surfaces contacted. Both liquid and vapor cause intense inflamrnation and may cause severe blistering of both the skin and mucous membranes. Mustard is only moderately volatile. Mustard is designated H, HD, and HT. H is mustard made by the Levinstein process. It contains up to 25 percent by weight of impurities, chiefly sulfur, organosulfir, and polysulfides. HD (distilled mustard) is mustard purified by washing and vacuum distillation, which reduces the impurities to about 5 percent. HT is a 60:40 mixture by weight of HD and T. T is an abbreviation for Bis-[2-(2-chloroethylthio)-ethyl] ether. GA (ATLIC) GA (tabun) is a rapidly-acting nerve agent that inactivates cholinesterase shortllr after contact. The hAzard from QA is that of vapor absorption throueh the respiratorv tract. althoush it can be absotred throush anv part of the skin. through the eyes. and through the gastrointqstinal tract (ingestion). The agent absorption rate is accelerated through cuts and abrasions in the skin. Wherr dispersed as larse droplets. GA is moderatelv Dersistent: it is nonDersistent when disseminated as a cloud of very fine particles. L (ATLIC) Lewisite is a powerfrrl irritant and blistering agent that immediately damases the skin. eyes. and respiratory tract. The bigeesthazard of L is that of vapor absomtion throush the respiratory tract. althoueh it aan be absorbed throuch skin. eyes. and eastrointestinal tract (insestion). Breause it contains arsenic. lewisite has some effects that are similar to arsenic poisonins. includine stomach ailments and low blood Dressure. Attachment I - Page l0 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 The chemical agents are stored at the DCD Area 10.6 The chemical agents are contained in mortars, artillery projectiles, and ton containers. Information on the munitions and bulk items is summarized in Table 1-3. 6 Area 10, with the exception of Igloos 1632 and 1633, is permitted under a separate part permit and administered by DCD. Attachrrentl-Pagell COMPOSITION Table 1-3 OF MT]NITIONS AI\D BT}LKITEMS Munition Agent Fuse Burster Propellant Dunnage 4.2 in. mortars HD, HT Yes Yes Yes Yes 155-mm projectiles H No Yes'No Yes Ton Containers H, HD. L. GA No No No No TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 Chemical Aeent Demilitarization Process Overview The TOCDF system involves reverse asseinbly of chemical agent-filled munitions and includes four incinerators for agent destruction. The TOCDF-olrerated ATLIC includes a Liquid Incinerator (LIC) for th€nnal destruction gf chemical agents GA and L. which'are stored in ton containers in DCD Area 10. l.l. .3 eieurol 2pres€ntsa.rirryli ffi treatment processes are based on the destruction of chemical ageqts.and energetic materials (enersetics at TOCDF only) by incineration. The primary processes employed at the planlTOCDF and AN€QF+ATUC andnd simplified +OGDF layoutg 3tg.is briefly discussed below. 1.1.4 1.1 .4,1 1.1 .4.2 1.1 .4.3 l.l .4.3.1 1.t.4.4.t | .L4.5.1 Munitions Processins The munitions processing at the TOCDF includes initial separation of explosives and draining of the chemical agent. The Deactivation Furnace System (DFS) processes explosives removed from mortars, and projectiles. The Metal Parts Fumace MPF) thermally decontaminates all drained bulk items, projectiles, and mortars from. wtrich the energetic components have been removed. 1.1..4.3.2 The ATLIC will be disoosinq onl], of GA. L. and Transpar€,ncy ton contain€rs and soe,nt 1.t.4.4 decontamination (speirt decon) and rinse solutions: there are no explosives involved. Aeent Processinq The Crahe*chemical agentg mustardJGA.end_t that are drained from bulk items and munitions'g4-eis bumed in the various Liquid Incinerators (LICs), along with spent decontamination solution and miscellaneous waste liquids. The TOCDF has two LICs and the ATLIC has one. Pollution Abatement System The flue gases from the DFS, MPF, and LICs are treated via separate wet Pollution Abatement Systems (PAS). The scrubber liquid (brine) from the wet scrubbers is pumped to storage tanks and transported off site for treatment and disposal. ' While the majority of these items contain bursters, some are stored without these components. Attachment I -Page12 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 ATLIC exhaust eases are treated in a unique PAS that is both wet and drv. Exhaust eases first pas throush a Ouench Tower. which causes them to cool and become saturated with water. The eases next pass throush a series of Packed-Bed Scrubbers that have chilled scrubber solution flowine throueh them. The chilled scrubber solution causes the water in the exhaust eas to condense. The sases later pass throush an electric re-heater which ensures the eases are at a temperature higher than the dew point. The remainder of the ATLIC PAS downstream of the eas re-heater is a drv PAS and equipped accordinelv with a Pulverized Activated Carbon (PAC) Iniection Svstenl and a Baehouse. Soent scrubber brines which are collected in tanks and baehouse residues which are collected in containers are transported off-site for treatment and disposal. Plant Operation l.l .4.6.1 The TOCDF is operated 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 52 weeks per year. Personnel are at the site at all times. I .1 .4.6,2 The ATLIC operates 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Personnel are at the site at all times. 1.1.5 Hazardous Waste DisposaVGeneration Chemical Aeents and Munitions When the munitions or bulk agents are delivered to the TOCDF or ATLIC from Area 10, the physical and accounting responsibilitiest4s are transferred from the storage account managed by the DCD commander to a demilitarization accountg managed by the TOCDF or ATLIC Site Project Managerg and the items are removed from the Army's inventory of chemical munitions. At this point, all bulk items and munitions will be classified as e hazardous wasteg. Agents GB, VX, GA. L. and mustard ago#are classified as a hazardous wasteg by the State of Utah. Potentiallv Hazardous Wastes Generated at the TOCDF and ATLIC 1.I.5.2.1 In addition to chemical agent and munition wastes, there are potentially hazardous wastes generated during TOCDF and ATLIC operations that may require either interim storage, further on-site treatment, or shipment off site to an approved hazardous waste management facility. Waste streams generated at the TOCDF and ATLIC are described in detail in the Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). These wastes include but are not limited to: I .l .5.2.I .l The brine generated from the incinerator pollution abatement system. 1.1, Reserved. Dry residues and ash collected from the TOCDF DFS. Attachment I - Page 13 1 .1 .5 .2.1 .4 1 .l .5 .2.1 .5 1 .l .5 .2.1 .6 1 .l .5 .2.1 .7 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 Ash frtrn the operation of the TOCDF MPF. Ventilation systern and PAS filters. Monitoring support and laboratory wastes generated from onsite chemical analysis. Spent Decontamination Solution. Ton container rinsate PersonalProtectiveEquipment(PPE) Decontaminated ton containers 1 .l .5.2.1 .1 1 ATLIC constructioa waste agbouse residues I .1 .5 .3,2 1 .1 .5 .3.3 1.2 r.2.1 1.2.1 .l 1.2.1 .1 .1 1.2,1 .1 .2 I .2.1 .1 .3 1.2.1 .1 .4 1.2.1 .1.5 TE-16-C-2 TE-16-C-3 TE-r6-C-4 T'E-16-C-5 TE-16-C-6 RCRA Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storaee Units that are Pernitted The hazardous waste management (process) systems consist of Container Storage, Tank Storage, Treatment in Tanks, Liquid lnjection Incineration, Rotary Kiln lrcineration, Multiple Hearttr Incineration, Treatment In and Using Miscellaneous Treatment Units. Treatment codes are referenced in R315-50-2. The incinerators are classified as hazardous waste incinerators because they are enclosed devices that use controlled flame cornbustion to thermally break down hazardous waste. The containers hold explosives, propellants, the various agents (e.g., ton containers and other items of equipment that contain these materials), and brine salts and dry residues from combustion. The storage of chemical agents, explosives, and propellants in the munitions and bulk items are addressed as container storage with regard to the hazardous waste regulations. Chemical and physical characteristics of the chemical agents and explosives are described in the Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). Tanks hold agurt, spent decontamination solution, brine, and miscellaneous liquids listed in Module IV. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP tR3 9)I General The following drawings+nd$gur6s ire used to satisff specific TOCDF fa€ility description requirements : Overall Site Plan & Vicinity Map Topographic Map (restricted access - protected record) Site Work Area I Plot Plan Site Work Area 2 Plot Plan Site Work Area 3 Plot Plan Attachment I - Page 14 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 | ,2.1 .1 .6 1.2.1 .1.7 | ,2.1 .1 .8 1.2,2 1.2,2.1 1.2.3 r.2.3.1 EG-16-C-7402 TE-22-C-10 TE-22-C-13 Site Work Storm Drain Plan Sewage Lagoon Site & Grading Plan Reservoir Site and Grading Plan 1,2,1,1,9 Figure L-l- r eeetienef Desaet €hqrdeel Depet 1,2'l'1,10 Figure I 3 rtfpreximateGrerxCwaterMeniterWell'eeetien t.2.t.2 Drawing TE-l6-C-3 (restricted access - protected record) is a Topographic Map of the TOCDF site and includes the local surrounding area to a distance of at least 1,000 feet from the site perimeter. Map scale is 1 inch equals 100 feet and the contour interval is 5 feet. I .2. 1 .3 The ATLIC is in Area 10. which includes permittd hazardous waste container storaee units reeulat€d b), the DCD RCRA Perrnit. fuea 10 is depicted in TE-16-C-3 and the ATLIC is detailed in EG-22-G-8221 (no scale). Mao Scale and Date The current revision and date of each drawing is indicated in the lower right-hand title block. The current date of each drawing is indicated in the lower right-hand corner. Likewise the scale of each map is shown. unless otherwise noted. Drawings TE-16-C-2 and TE-16-C-3 are drawn to a scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet. The DCD portion of Drawing TE-l6-C-3 is drawn to a scale of 1-inch equals 2500 feet. Drawing EG-22-G-8221 does not indicate scale. 100-Year Flood Plain The DCD has not been mapped for the National Flood Insurance Program and thus there are no 100-year floodplain maps for the installation. The floodplain standard is discussed in further detail in section 1.3.2. Surface Waters The DCD TOCDF and ATLIC sites altheD€D'algis located at an elevation (approximately 5170 feet)8 overlooking a relatively flat and arid lowland basin known as Rush Valley. The TOCDF buildings are approximately 140 feet higher in elevation than the valley floor and more than 7,000 feet horizontally distant.e Area 10. where Igloo 1639 (the ATLIC) is located. is built on an evenly-saded site that is relatively unoaved. so there is little runoff. The ATLIC will not impact surface waters because the entire facility is eirclosed. includine the PAS. t.2.4 r.2,4.2 8 Precise TOCDF site brass cap morument elevation markers are indicated on Drawings TE-16-C-5 and TE-16-C-6. e The brass cap monument markers located on the commercial railway due west of the TOCDF indicate an elevation of 5030 feet. (United States Geological Survey, Saint John Quadrangle, edited 1993). Attachment 1 - Page 15 L.2.4.3 F""ili,y D"J3ec,lo: Water-related features pertinent to the TOCDF3Od A[Lrc siteg are minor in importance, primarily because of their absence. Surface waters in Rush Valley include Rush Lake, Faust Creek and Reservoir, Vernon Creek and Reservolr, Ophir Creek, Clover Creek, and shallow ponds east of the town of Rush Valley. Several seasonal small streams, which originate in the Oquirrh, Stansbury, Onaqui, Tintic, and Sheeprock Mountains, disappear on the dry Rush Valley floor. No surface waters leave the valley. Runoff in Tooele Valley, which lies north of Rush Valley, drains to the northwest and into the Great Salt Lake. Most grciundwater recharge occurs through infiltration of precipitation in the mountains, and to a lesser degree, from stream recharge and irrigation. The topography of the drainage basin is generally smooth and uniform, sloping to the west from the TOCDF to the Rush Valley floor. The valley floor drains to Rush Lake, which is located approximately 1l miles northwest from the TOCDF.IO The 460-square mile Rush Valley drainage basin is characterized as having poorly drained alkaline soils of moderately consolidated and unconsolidated layers of sand, gravel, silt, and clay.rr Nevertheless, floods do not occur because of the arid climate and the storm water drainage system installed at the TOCDF. The lack of intermittent streams or defined flow paths in the valley confirms the lack of flooding potential. The elevation of the TOCDF above the valley floor further protects it from flood threats. Surroundins Land Uses The location of the TOCDF within the DCD installation boundaries is shown on Drawing TE-16-C-2. Also located on DCD property are the Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System (CAMDS) facility, the CAL;!T!IQ, and associated TOCDF operated facilities as described lr,I.l.2.?4. DCD (except Igloos 1631,1632 and 1633) and the CAMDS facility operate separately and independently of the TOCDF and are not addressed in this documen[howwe1, r#h€reos-the CAL and ATLIC flsloo 1639) plays an integral part in TOCDF demilitarization operations. DCD also oversees other activities that relate to the overall operation of the Depot. Other areas within DCD are open range and are controlled by the military. The majority of the land surrounding DCD is likewise federally owned. Much of the 6,919 square mile Tooele County, where DCD is located, is sparsely populated. DCD was constructed in1942 in Rush Valley. Originally, DCD was a relatively remote area, accessible only by a railroad that was used for collection and r0 The elevation of Rush Lake is estimated to be approximately 5000 feet. See+igure#r rr The Rush Valley is an elongated, north-south oriented, intermountain basin located between the Oquirrh Mountains to the east, the Stansbury and Onaqui Mountains to the west, and the Shiprock Mountains to the south. Rush Valley is located in the eastern Basin and Range physiographic province and is representative of intermountain basins within the province. Rush Valley is partially filled with alluvial sediments and lake beds. Geologic formations in the Vicinity consist of Paleozoic sedimentary rock, along with gravel, sand, and clay. The TOCDF is located near the bdse of the Oquirrh Mountains, where the land surface consists of relatively porous colluvial and alluvial deposits containing sand and gravel, with some conglomerate and clay. 1.2.4,4 1.2.5 Attachment I - Page l6 O TOCDFa*t,,*rrTf*;; distribution of mtrnitions. Access to Rush Valley is possible on State Highway 36 from the north and State Highway 73 from the east. Year 2000 population figures estimate the population for all of Tooele County at approximately 40,000. Presently, the majority of the county's population is concentrated north of the South Mountain geologic land formation, which separates Rush Valley from Tooele Valley.r2 A few small communities, including Stockton, Rush Valley, and Ophir, ranches, and mines are located between a 10-kilometer to 2S-kilometer (6-mi1e to 15-mile) radius of the TOCDF. No crty or town lies within 10 kilometers (6 miles) of the TOCDF. Land use outside the DCD is dominated by livestock gi:azlrl;g. Beef cattle lead as the primary livestock, followed by sheep. Cropland accounts for only a minute fraction of the agricultural land use around DCD. Only 2.9% of the Rush Valley Basin has been cultivated for growing crops. Crops grown in the area include wheat, barley, corn; oats, and alfalfa. Since rainfall in the valley is limited, r4gation is a common practice among the agricultural sector. Water is obtained from nearby streams and water storage reservoirs. Wind Rose ' ' The wind rose for the TOCDF and ATLIC is included on Drawing TE-l6-C-3 (restricted access - protected record). The wind rose plot is from data collected at the DCD weather station located in Building 5108 and reflects 1997 -year end data from Weather Station 9. The prevailing winds at the TOCDF area follow the orientation of the mountain ranges flanking either side of the facility.'3 Winds are prevalent from the south through southeast in the summer and from the north through northwest in the winter. t.2.5.3 r.2.5.4 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.7 .l 1.2.8 The wind rose reference above is applicable to all facilities within the DCD boundary since mountains flank the entire boundary of DCD. Man Orientation All drawings referenced in Paragraph 1.2.1 have a north arrow direction indicator. Lesal Boundaries of the Facilitv Drawing TE-16-C-2 shows the legal boundaries of the TOCDF. The legal boundaries of the TOCDF are defined as the area enclosed by the outer security fence and the portion of the existing fence along Heart Street that connects the TOCDF to Area 10 perimeter fence. 12 Year-end population estimates are as provided by Utah Department of WorKorce Services. '3@oquirrhMountainslietotheeastandtheonaquiandStansbury -Mountains to the west of the TOCDF. Attachment I -PagelT TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 The only waste management units in the immediate vicinity of the TOCDF plant are those units located at the facility itself and Igloos 1631, 1632,rnd 1633. and 1639 within DCD Area 10, located adjacent to and connected with TOCDF. 1.2.9 Access Control L2.9.l Access to the DCD is via County Road 198, connecting State Highway 73 to the Main (North) Gate, and via State Highway 73 directly connecting to the Doolittle Road and the East Gate. Entry to the TOCDF is controlled through the Entry Control Facility (ECF) located at the southem end of the facility. Attachment a (Security) provides a detailed narrative describing the security measures that are in place at the TOCDF and how access is controlled. All personal vehicles are parked outside of the TOCDF and do not impact the traffic within the fence. Entry to the ATLIC is controlled throueh the Area l0 ECF located at the northwest end of Generally, all traffic (including government vehicles, commercial carriers, and privately owned vehicles) follows the primary traffic route. Only security vehicles, conventional- munitions transportation vehicles, and maintenance vehicles travel off of the primary route As shown in Drawing TE-16-C-2, the TOCDF is immediately adjacent to and physically connected to Area 10, and therefore, the area becomes a contiguous restricted area. Consequently, there are no over-the-road transport or demilitarization items outside of this area. The ATLIC is inside Area 10. and there are no overthe-road transports or demilitarization items outside this area. 1.2.10 Local Well Information and Groundwater Conditions 1 .2.1 0. 1 There are no injection or withdrawal wells located at the TOCDF_or AT'UC. fipre+g six groundwater monitoring wells forn*near the TOCDF sewage lagoon. Groundwater occurs in three distinct aquifeis in Rush Valley. The most extensive aquifer is the basin-fill aquifer. The overlying, relatively impermeable, clay-sized lacustrine sediments confine this aquifer, and restrict hydraulic communication between it and the playa surfaces. The sand and gravel of the alluvial fans along the flanks of the mountains compose the second alluvial-fan aquifer. The highest quality groundwater obtainable in Rush Valley is contained in this aquifer. The third is an unconfined, shallow-brine aquifer, which lies just below the valley surface. Groundwater quality in the Rush Valley ranges from fresh to briny. Recharge to Rush Valley is almost entirely provided by rainfall and snow melt from the surrounding mountains. The basin-fill aquifer is recharged by subsurface inflow from adjacent alluvial fans and underlying Tertiary or Paleozoic rocks. Attachrnent I - Page l8 I .2.10.4 TOCDF Facilitv'rTriis; A southwest-to-northwest trending groundwater divide, which passes through the DCD, separates the flow of groundwater in Rush Valley into two distinct regions. Precipitation entering the ground water beneath the TOCDF and ATLIC can flow either toward South Mountain or the Thorpe Hills, depending upon which side of the divide they enter the aquifer. Buildines/Structures Drawing TE-16-C-2 shows all existing buildings, roads, railroads and fences in the vicinity of the TOCDF. Major buildings/structures located inside the TOCDF security fence include the following: Container Handling Building (CIIB); Entry Control Facility (ECF); Monitor Support Building (MSB); Treaty Compliance Building (TCB); Pollution Abatement System (PAS); Personnel Maintenance Building (PMB); Process and Utility Building (PUB); Various craft shops and supply warehouses; Brine Reduction Area Pollution Abatement System (BRA PAS); Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (IIVAC) Filters; and Munitions Demilitarization Building (MDB). Major components of the MDB include the following: Deactivation Fumace System (DFS);Metal Parts Fumace (MPF); Two Liquid Incinerators (LICs); Control Room; and various disassembly and support areas essential for processing the full range of the DCD's unitary stockpile of agents and munitions. Major buildings/structures located outside the TOCDF security fence include the following: Chemical Assessment Laboratory (CAL); Communication SwitchBuilding (CSB); Personnel Support Building (PSB); On-Site Inspection Agency (OSIA); Warehouse Buildings S-7 and S-8, and Area 10 Igloos 1631, 1632,rnd 1633. and 1639. which liaafq within the Area 10 security fence. Sewers (Storm. Sanitarv. Process) There are no sanitary or process sewage systems within the 1,000-foot radius of the TOCDF, other than the one constructed for the TOCDF. Location of the TOCDF Sewage Lagoon is shown on Drawing TE-22-C-10. Area 10 sewers are covered by the DCD RCRAPermit. Loadiney'Unloadins Areas The chemical agents stored at the DCD Area 10 are stored in mortars, artillery projectiles, and ton containers. The munitions or bulk containers are loaded into overpacks in Area 10, placed on specialized trucks, and taken to the TOCDF CHB.r4 The overpacks are moved from the CHB by conveyor to the Unpack Area (UPA) of the MDB. At the UPA, the air inside the overpack is monitored for agent, which would indicate a leaking container. A second TOCDF unload area involves the transfer of fuel and bulk chemicals from trucks to the Bulk Chemical Storage (BCS) facilities and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) tank.rs l.2.ll 1.2.1 1.1 1.2.1r.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.2.12 t.2.t3 r.2.13.1 t4 l5 See Drawing TE-16-C-5. See Drawing TE-16-C-4. I .2.r3.2 Attachment 1 - Page 19 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 The BCS facilities house the concentrated chemical solutions from which the decontamination, caustic wash, and neutralization solutions are made. The bulk chemicals are sodium hydroxide (18% by weight) and sodium hypochlorite (12%o or less by weight). LPG and each bulk chemical have its own storage tank or tanks, its own supply pumps, and its own distribution system. Tanker trucks supply the feedstock for the bulk chemicals or LPG. The trucks supply the TOCDF with bulk chemical stock solutions in the concentrations shown above. Ieloo 1639 (ATLIC) was selected to house the Area 10 Liquid l€A#;ncinerator because of its close proximity to the Area 10 GA/L ton container storaee. Delivery of these tons to Ieloo 1639 will be accomplished by open-bed truck and forklift. These tons will not be in iroverpacks because of the short transfer distance and the small number of tons to be orocessed at the ATLIC. 1.2.14 Fire Control Facilities The MDB interior fire systems are designed to meet National Fire Protection Association (I.[FPA) standards. The fire water storage requirement is 330,000 gallons. Portable fire extinguiihers, a sprinkler system, dry chemical systems, Halon systern, and FM-200/FE- 227 system are all built into the facility to minimize the threat of fire. The ATLIC Fire Detection and Prevention Svstem is described in Attachment 9, Section D€D+k>+r{arshell Water for the TOCDF a46lATI.rc is pumped from two wells located north of Stark Road (approximately2tlamilesnortheastoftheTOCDF).I6 Pumpsareinstalledattheexisting DCD withdrawal wells to produce the anticipated 616,000 gallons per day required at DCD. The DCD withdrawal wells are located east-northeast of the TOCDF and more than 5 miles distant. The well pumps supply water to the two existing reservoirs (with a combined capacity of 1 million gallons). Army Regulation, Mil 1008C, prescribes the volume of reserve water provided for fire fighting as 337,000 gallons. The two DCD 500,000 gallon water tanks serve as the ernergency fire water reserve for TOCDF. 1.2.15 The water is chlorinated at the wellhead and then moves to the two 500,000 gallon DCD water tanks. Water flows from the DCD water tanks to the TOCDF-and AILIC via 12" and 20" diameter water lines. A 12" diameter pipe loop around the TOCDF supplies fire- fighting water to the site and to the fire sirppression ryrtorrr in the CHB,.PMB, and MDB. A pipe from this loop supplies water for the Water Treatment System (WTS, located in the PMB). Softened water from the WTS feeds the Potable Water System (POT) and Process Water Systems (PR!V). f,'lood Control and Drainase Barriers Drawings TE-16-C-2 and TE-16-C-3 are topographic maps of the TOCDF and the local surrounding area: Area 10 is depicted in the former drawines. (Note: TE-16-C-3 is considered "restricted access - protected record.") Drainage from these facilitig$ is 16 See Drawing TE-I6-C-2. Attachrnent I -Page20 | .2.15.3 1.2.16 1.2.17 t.2.r7 .1 TOCDF Facility rr"if,#S; westerly. The overall drainage gradient for the Te€nF is l%o or greater. The topography is generally smooth and uniform, allowing no chance for ponding or pooling of runoff waters. Natural drainage channels exist and do not direct water onto the facility. The TOCDF covers approximately 40 acres and is largely covered by dirt, gravel, and impermeable surfaces (for example, buildings, asphalt, and concrete paving). Runoff from the TOCDF is controlled by the slope of the asphalt and concrete pavement and is directed towards storm drains, ditches, and culverts within the TOCDF. All on-site surface runoff is collected in an underground drainage system and routed to the storm drain detention pond.rT The pond is sized for the 100-year storm. Temperatures as well as types and amounts of precipitation are discussed in paragraph below. No surface waters are used as public water supplies in the immediate vicinity of TOCDF. Surface water is used primarily for agricultural purposes in Rush Valley. The ATLIC flood control and drainage barriers are covered by the DCD RCRA Permit. The climate of the :FO€DF.pQL is characterized as dry continental and is heavily influenced by the mountains surrounding the facility. Temperatures are frequently above 32'C (90'F). High temperatures of 37oC (100'F) and low ternperatures of -l7oC (OoF) occur. The area is noted for plentiful sunshine, low relative humidity, and light precipitation. Annual rainfall varies between 25-30 centimeters (10-12 inches), distributed primarily from mid-fall through late spring. April is the wettest month, with an average of 2.00 inches of rain. July is the driest month, with an average of 0.64 inches. Snow averages 40 inches per year, with the maximum (13.2 inches average) in January, and snowfall greater than I inch during each month from October through April. There is minimal tornado exposure (no known touchdowns in the valley since 1984) and minimal earthquake exposure. Run-off Control Svstems The location of the TOCDF and ATLIC are is+ueh+halitsiyvirtually devoid of surface water features or intermittent streams.'8 The access road to the North and East of TOCDF acts as a barrier to divert runoff from higher elevations. Drawings TE-I6-C-32, -33, -34 and EG-16-C-7402 detail the storm drainage features of the TOCDF. Proposed New and Existins Hazardous Waste Management Units The only waste management units in the immediate vicinity of the TOCDF plant are those units located at the facility itself and Igloos 1631 (Autoclave),1632 (Drum Ventilation System/Drum Ventilation System Sorting Room and Container Storage), an+1633 (Container Storage). and 1639 (ATLIC) located in Area 10 immediately adjacent to TOCDF.I9 t7 The storm water detention pond lies approximately 200 feet due west of the TOCDF as indicated on Drawing TE-16-C-3. " See paragraphs 1.2.4 through for a discussion of surface water features in Rush Valley. te See Drawing TE-16-C-3. Attachment I -Page2l 1.2.18 t.2.1 8.1 1.3 1 .3.1 1 .3.1 .l 1.3.1,2 1 .3. | .2.1 1 .3. | .2.2 1 .3. 1 .3.1 1 .3. r .3.2 1 .3. I .3.3 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 Spill Sites Module VII provides information regarding spill sites. LOCATION INFORMATION Seismic Standard tR315-3-2.5ftX11). R315-8-2.9(a)l The DCD is located in Tooele County, which is one of the counties listed in 40 CFR 264 Appendix VI. Since the installation is located in a political jurisdiction listed in Appendix VI, a geologic evaluation of the area has been performed in accordance with R315-3- 2.sox11). Findings were presented in a report to the U.S. Army Engineering Division, Huntsville, Alabama, and the Office of the Program Manager for Chemical Demilitarization @MCD), (which were the designated agencies in 1986). The findings of the report2o are as follows: One inferred fault occurs within a 3,000-foot radius of the site. The fault is inferred, presumably because geologic field evidence for the fault is unclear. No direct geologic information is provided in geologic literature on the absolute age of the most recent fault displacement for the inferred fault. Interpretation and evaluation of the available geologic literature indicate that the inferred fault could have had displacement sometime during the past 15,000 years. The Holocene epoch began 10,000 years ago. On the basis of these findings, a geologic study was performed to: evaluate geologic evidence for the inferred fault, explore for other faults associated with the inferred fault in the area of the site, and, obtain field data that may refine current estimates as to the age of the most recent displacement.2r The field study resulted in the identification of faults at three locations along a 2,250-foot- long trench. Geologic mapping of the deposits offset by the faults and development of age criteria for the deposits indicate that none of the identified faults is younger than 14,500 years. This determination is supported, in general, by the absence in the project area of land forms that are characteristic of youthful faulting. It is concluded that fault 20 "Geologic Evaluation for Compliance with Seismic Location Standard 40 CFR 270.14@)(ll) for Siting a Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System (CAMDS) at the Tooele Army Depot, South Area, Tooele County, Utah. " The report is dated June 5, 1986. 2r See, "Geologic Field Analysis for Siting a Chemical Agent Stockpile Disposal System at the Tooele Army Depot, South Area, Tooele County.' The report is dated December 15, 1986. Attachrnent 1 - Page22 1.3.2 1.3.2,2 1.3,2.J r.3.2.8 TOCDF Facilityrr"ifrffi; displacement has not occurred at the project site during the Holocene Epoch (i.e., the past 10,000 years), and that the site is acceptable according to 40 CFR 264 ard 270 and UAC R315. Floodnlain Standards tR315-3-2.5ftX1lXiiil. R315-8-2.9(b)l The DCD has not been mapped for theNational Flood Insurance Program and thus there are no 100-year floodplain maps for the installation. However, it has been determined that the site is outside of the 100-year floodplain and is not subject to flooding, based on the following: There is no history of flooding in the area. No floods have occurred at DCD since the depot came into existencenl942. The overall drainage gradient for the entire TOCDF and ATLIC areag is l%o or greater. The topography is generally smooth and uniform, allowing no chance for ponding or pooling of runoff waters. The lack of intermittent streams or defined flow paths in Rush Valley confirm the lack of flooding potential. The location of the TOCDF is such that it is virtually devoid of surface water features or intermittent streams. The closest body of surface water (i.e., 3-4 foot wide Ophir Creek) is located more than 1000 feet north of the TOCDF fence and does not appear on the topographic maps. Drainage forthe entire DCD is westerly, and the low area is more than 170 feet lower in elevation, and approximately 1l miles distant (i.e., Rush Lake) from the TOCDF. Few well-defined natural drainage channels exist in the vicinity; there are none that would carry or direct water to or through the site. All on-site surface runoff is collected in an underground drainage system and routed to the storm drain detention pond sized for the 100-year storm. No significant vegetation exists to retain runoff waters. The area is arid to semi-arid and receives little precipitation. The 100-year 244tow precipitation event is less than 3.3 inches. Due to local drainage at the site, the Rational Method was used to establish the 100-year frequency peak flow. The Rational Method is a simple, but accurate, hydrologic estimating technique generally used in small drainage area such as the local flow area at the TOCDF indA:[L!Q. There was no hydrologic study performed for the Rush Valley floor, given the site's history of no flooding and the relative height of the TOCDF above the valley floor. No computer modeling was performed for hydraulic analysis. Because of the unique characteristics of each watershed in arid regions such as Utah, it would not be appropriate to predict floods from the 460-square mile Rush Valley drainage area by the Rational Method or any method other than historic records at the site. Since there is no history of flooding in Rush Valley, it is expected that the "100-year flood" would be practically insignificant. The TOCDF and ATLIC elevation of 100 to 200 feet above the valley floor puts ilthem well beyond any expected flood level. Attachment I - PageZ3 1 .3.3 I .3.3. I I .3.3 ,2 TOCDF a*Ut"rr"ff:rffi; For local flooding, conservative "n" values or 0.035 were used to compute flood depths in channels. For bare earth channels, roughness would be lower, producing lower flood depths. In Rush Valley, roughness coefficient estimates were not needed because of the lack of flood potential. There are no bridges or sheam channels in the vicinity of the TOCDF or AItle for analysis. On-site Drainaee The TOCDF occupies approximately 40 acres and is largely covered by a variety of surfaces (i.e., buildings, asphalt, gravel, and concrete paving) such that runoff drains overland to the west. Runoff *emtle4e€DFis controlled bythe slope of the asphalt and concrete pavement towards storm drains, ditches, and culverts within the TOCDF. All on-site zurface runoff is collected in an underground drainage system, which drains to the storm drain detention pond. The site has been carefully graded so that water does not run towards any building and has a generally constant gradient of greater than I %. The 100-year, 24-how precipitation is less than 3.3 inches and poses no flood threat to the TOCDF from local ponding. Area 10 drainaee is covered by the DCD RCRA Perrnit. The site access road also acts as a barrier to runoff from the north and east of the site. There is no site run off expected from any other direction. A culvert allows some drainage to flow toward the TOCDF plant site. Approximately 36 cubic feeVsecond of runoff will flow across the northern end of the TOCDF parallel to the existing exclusion fe,nce. This drainage flows in a culvert where it passes under the security fence, and in an open ditch within the site. All other off-site drainage is diverted around the southern end of the site. The direction of surface water runoff flow is shown by bold arrows on the Topographic Map, TE-16-C-3 (restricted access - protected record). TRAFFIC PATTERNS tR31 5-3-2.5ftX10)I General Denot Traffic Access to the DCD is via County Road 198, connecting State Highway 73 to the Main (North) Gate, and via State Highway 73 directly connecting to the Doolittle Road and the East Gate.22 Both State Highway 73 and County Road 198 are two-lanes, undivided, asphaltic concrete roads zoned from 55 to 65 mph. Neither highway is heavily traveled. Theintcrsectionsof StateHighwayT3 andCountyRoad 198 aswellastheDoolittleRoad rvith State Highway 73 are simple interchanges. Traffic control at the Highway/Doolittle interchange is via a stop sign on County Road 198. Traffic control at the Doolittle Road,iHighway 73 interchange is by a stop sign on Doolittle Road. 'Ihe DCD West Gate is used at the discretion of DCD and the gate is kept locked. Access to the West Gate is via State Highway 36 onto Harrison Road. State Highway 36 is a two- lane, undivided, asphaltic concrete road. The Highway 36/Ilarrison Road intersection is a simple interchange with traffic control by a stop sign on Harrison Road. The TOCDF and Area 10 road systerng consists of undivided, asphaltic concrete roads. There are no one-way streets, traffic control devices, or signs within the TOCDF orjhg 1.4 1.4.1 l.4.l .l t.4.t.2 1.4.1 .3 22 See Drawing TE-16-C-2. Attachment 1 -Page24 1.4.1 .4 1.4.1 ,5 1.4.1 .6 1.4,2 1.4.3 1.4.4 r.4.4.1 1.4,4.2.1 TOCDF Facility rr"ff:itS; ATLIC. Entry to the TOCDF and Area 10 is controlled through seoarate theECFs located at each facility. All personal vehicles are parked outside of the TOCDF or Area 10 and do not impact the traffic within thosee facilities:r. Generally, all traffic, including government vehicles, commercial carriers, and privately owned vehicles, follow the primary traffic route. Only security vehicles and maintenance vehicles travel off of the primary route. As shown in Drawing TE-16-C-2, the TOCDF is immediately adjacent to and physically connected to Area 10, and therefore, the area becomes a contiguous restricted area. The ATLIC is within Area 10. Consequently, there is no over-the-road transport of demilitarization items outside of these{s areas. Intemal traffic movement between the storage and the demilitarization operating area is discussed in paragraph 1.4.2. Incinerator residues are disposed of offsite at an approved hazardous waste management facility. These materials are properly manifested and handled from the site to the off-site facility by a licensed transporter of such materials. Traffic pattems on site for these materials follow the primary traffic route discussed in paragraph from the facility plants to the depot boundary. Volumes and frequency of shipments are discussed in paragraph 1.4.3. Traffic Control Because of the low volume of traffic at DCD, traffic control measures are simple. Speed is restricted to 30 mph unless otherwise posted (e.g., office areas and parking lots), and 45 mph is posted for most of the primary fraffic route. All blind or hazardous tums are marked and posted at reduced speeds. Yield signs and stop signs control traffic at all major intersections. All railroad grade crossings are marked with signs. Traffic control enforcement is by security personnel. Estimated Volume and Frequencv of Shipments It is estimated that 500 vehicles will pass the security gate daily. Of the estimated 500 vehicles, 10 to 15 are commercial carriers (semis or truck-trailers) traveling almost exclusively to the TOCDF area. An additional 35 to 40 vehicles (including security and maintenance) travel to other destinations throughout the DCD. AsT*he ATLIC is located within Area 10. where the small number of GA and L ton containers to be processed are located. shipments to Area 10 should not increase significantly. Road Surfacine and Load Bearine Canacitv Roads, parking areas, and driveways are paved. In general, all main access routes servrng the TOCDF and ATLIC areag are of asphalt. The roads have l2-foot-wide lanes with a minimum cross slope of 2 percent and 3-foot-wide dirVgravel shoulders. The maximum load assumed for design is the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official's H20 loading: 18,000 pound axle load, Attachment I -PageZl 1.4.4,2.2 t.4,4.2.3 1.4,5 TOCDF Facility Description June 2009 32,000 pound maximum axle group, 80,000 pound maximum vehicle weight. Restricted Area Traffic Total associated two-way traffic on the roads used for the transport of the PAS Brines, DFS and MPF ash, and metal residue from the facility plants to the storage area ranges between 10 to 28 vehicles per day, depeirding on the type of munitie* munitions or bulk containers being processed. The truck traffic moving munitions between Area l0 and the CHB, and Area 10 and the ATLIC. varies daily depending on the munition being processed. This estimate does not include traffic associated with Area l0 maintenance, operations, and security, which is estimated at an additional 10 vehicles per day. a Attachment 1 -Page26 c+ FD C) iJ lJ P CD)c+ N) ATTACHMENT 2 WASTE ANALYSIS PLAI\ Supporting Documentation is located in Attachment 3. TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 2.t 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2,9 2.10 Table 2.0 Tabl e 2-l Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-4a Table 2-4b Table 2-4c Table 2-5 IABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PARAMETERS AND RATTONALE 40 CFR 264.13(bX1) [R31s-8-2.4] ANALYSES FOR WASTES REQUIRING ON-SITE TREATMENT ANALYSES FOR WASTES REQUIRING OFF-SITE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL PARAMETER TEST METHODS 40 CFR 264.13b)Q); [R31s-8-2.a] SAMPLING METHODS 40 CFR 264.t3b)G); [R31s-s0-6] FREQIJENCY OF ANALYSES 40 CFR 264.13(bX+); [R315-8-2.4] ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WASTES GENERATED OFF SITE 40 CFR 264.r3(b)(s); [R31s-8-2.a] ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR IGNTTABLE, REACTIVE, OR INCOMPATIBLE WASTES 40 CFR 264.13O)(6); [R315-8-2.4] RECORDKEEPING REQIJIREMENTS 40 CFR 264.7 3(b)(3); [R3 1 5-7- 1 2.a] SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS QA/QC PROCEDURES SUBPART CC AND BB SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES TABLES TOCDF'WASTE ANALYSIS PLAN SUMMARY On-site Treatment Wastes TOCDF WASTE ANALYSIS PLAN SUMMARY Off-site Treatment Wastes SITE.GENERATED WASTE STREAMS ECR Maintenance Residues, DF S ANIALYTICAL METHOD DESCRIPTIONS TOCDF Underlying Hazardous Constituent Analytes Metals Volatile Organic Compounds Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Agent Contaminated Wastes Attachrnent2-Pagel TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-A-l Table 2-A-2 Table 2-A-3 Table 2-A-4 Table 2-A-5 APPENDIXA AGENT RELATED DATA CHEMICAL AGENT PHYSICAL PROPERTIES CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION GB AGENTPURITY VXAGENTPURITY HD AGENTPURITY APPENDIXB BT]LK CONTAINER/IVII]NITIONS NON.EMBEDDED METAL CONTENT Table 2-B-1 Metals in Munitions (Metals with Feed Rate Limitations-Module V) Table2-B-2 Metals in Munitions (Other Metals of Interest) APPENDIX C BT]LK CONTAINER/IVIUNITIONS NOMINAL AGENT / ENERGETIC F'ILLS & ENERGETIC COMPOSITION Table2-C-l Energetic/Agent Nominal Weight for Chemical Agent MunitionslBulk Containers Table2-C-2 Composition of Reactive Material in Munitions Attachment2 -Page2 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 LIST OF ACROI\"YMS Acronym Definition ACS Agent Collection System AQS Agent Quantification System ATLIC Area 10 Liquid Incinerator BRA Brine Reduction Area BTU British Thermal Unit CAL Chemical Assessment Laboratory CAMDS Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System CTC Cutaway Ton Container DFS Deactivation Furnace System DCD Deseret Chemical Depot DSHW Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste DVS Drum Ventilation System DVSSR Drum Ventilation Sortine System Room ECR Explosive Containment Room EPA Environmental Protection Agency GA Tabun. Ethvl N.N.-dimethvlphosohoro- amidocvanidate GB Sarin, Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate GC/MS Gas Chromatographyimass spectrometry H/HD/HT Sulfur Mustard'/Distilled Sulfur Mustard/Distilled Mustard with 40% B i s l-2-(2-chloroethylthi o)-ethyll ether HDC Heated Discharge Conveyor HEPA Hieh Efficiency Particulate Air HRA Hazard Risk Assessment L Lewisite. 2-Chlorovinvl arsinedichloride LIC Liquid Incinerator MDB Muniti on Demi litarizati on Bui I dine t3mg/m Millierams per cubic meter MPF Metal Parts Furnace MSB Monitor Support Building ONC On-site Container PAS Pollution Abatement System PFS PAS Filtration Svstem PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl Compounds ppb Parts per billion ppm Parts per million RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RHA Residual Handline Area SDS Spent Decontamination System Subtitle C TSDF Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility TC Toxicity Characteristic or Ton Container TCLP Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure TDS Total Dissolved Solids TMA Toxic Maintenance Area TOCDF Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facilitv TSCA Toxic Substance Control Act TSDF Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility TSS Total Suspended Solids UPA Unpack Area UPMC, UMC Upper Munitions Corridor VOC Volatile Organic Concentration (BB/CC) VX O-ethyl - S - [ 2 -di i sopropyl am in o)ethyl I methyl phosphonoth i ol ate WCL Waste Control Limit Attachrn ent 2 Page TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 WIC I Waste lncineration Container Note: I Sulfrr Mustard: Bis(2-Chloroethyl) Sulfide or 2,2'-Dichlorodiethyl Sulfide Attachm ent 2 - Page 4 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 2.1. 2,1,1 . 2.1.2. 2.1 .2.1 . 2.r.2.2. 2,1 .2,4. 2.1 .2.5. 2.2. 2.2.1 . 2.2. 1 .1. 2.2.1 .2. 2.2. 1.3.1. INTRODUCTION Generators of hazardous waste are required to obtain detailed chemical analyses of wastes they intend to treat, store, or dispose of in order to ensure proper hazardous waste management practices. This Waste Analysis Plan describes: The physical and chemical analyses the Permittee shall perform before hazardous wastes are stored, treated, or transported off site for further treatment and ultimate disposal, The methods and frequency to be used to collect and analyze samples, The procedures that will be used to ensure the validity of the analytical results, and The basis for generator knowledge. Tables 2-0 and 2-l present a sunmary of this entire waste analysis plan. For each waste stream specified, these tables present the selected analytical parameters and corresponding analytical methods, sampling frequencies, and sampling methods. In addition the tables include either a reference to the unit that will treat each waste stream (for waste to be treated on site) or a reference to the process generating each waste stream (for wastes to be treated and disposed of off site). PARAIVTETERS AI\D RATIONALE 40 CFR 264. 13 ft Xl ) tR3 1 5.8-2.4I Analyses for Wastes Requiring On-Site Treatment Waste streams included in this section are treated on site in one or more of the four incinerators. Analytical parameters were selected for each waste stream based on previous analyical results obtained for similar waste streams, the homogeneity of the waste and the ability to obtain a representative sample, and/or govemment manufacturing specifications (in regards to munition energetic components). The Permittee shall determine the hazardous constituents in the waste streams to be treated on site. The Permittee shall also determine the underlying hazardous corrstituents as applicable in 40 CFR 268.9. For wastes to be treated on site, which are not inoluded in Table 2-0, the Executive Secretary shall be notified of the most appropriate management practices including treatment methods and appropriate waste analyses. This notification shall be in writing and occur within seven days from the time when the Permittee determines a waste has been generated that is not included in Table 2-0. The Executive Secretary will determine if the chosen treatment is acceptable Chemical Agents GB. VX. Mustard (HD/H/HT) Previous analyses of chemical agents have identified agent breakdown products and organic stabilizers (referred to collectively as agent organic content), and metal constituents. Data compiled from these previous analyses have been used to establish expected ranges for agent organic content (see Table 2-A-2) and metal constituents. Attachrnent2-Page5 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 The Permittee shall analyze the chemical agent prior to each TOCDF agent campaign from bulk containers. Agent samples shall be collected from a representative nurnber of bulk containers agreed upon with the DSIIW. The containers shall be sampled and analyzed following an approved sampling and analysis plan. At the beginning of each TOCDF munition orbulk container campaign, agent samples shall be collected using a sampling scheme that is approved by the Executive Secretary. The samples shall be analyzed as specified in Table 2-0. The sampline and analysis requirernents for aeents GA and Lewisite. which will be processed at the ATLIC. are specified in paragraph of this attachment. 2.2.t.3.4. Metals included in the HRA list are Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Bariunu Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Silver, Thallium, Tin, Vanadium, arrdZinc. 2.2.I.3.5. The metals analysis associated with the agent waste profile will be accomplished using the methods described in Tables 2-0 and2-3. The metal analytes quantified will be the HRA metals listed in Paragraph Baseline Mustard Ton Containers Prior to TOCDF receipt of Mustard ton containers, each TC shall have been sampled and analyzed at DCD Area 10 in accordance with the Area 10 Sampling Program. During the LIC ATB shakedown for baseline Mustard ton containers, each week one sample shall be collected from the ACS tank and analyzed for HRA metals, agent organics content and density, provided the ton container's liquid contents have been previously sampled and arnlyzed at Area 10 for HRA metals and shown to contain less than one part per million of mercury (< 1 ppm (mglkg). During LIC post-ATB and long-term incineration processing of Mustard baseline ton containers, the DCD Area 10 liquid Mustard sample analyses results will be used by TOCDF for characterization for the liquid Mustard in the baseline ton containers During the MPF ATB shakedown for baseline Mustard ton containers, sludge/solid samples will be collected in accordance with the MPF Mustard Trial Bum Plan. The metals analysis associated with the agent samples collected in compliance with Paragraph may be performed using either the site specific or the SW-846 methods described in Tables 2-0 and 2-3. Analytes quantified by the SW-846 methods shall be those HRA metals listed in paragraph Reserved. Based on the results of the agent sampling and analytical, agent feed rates to the incinerators shall be adjusted, as necessary, to ensure continued compliance with the metal feed rate limits. For each agent organic analysis and metals analysis, a sunmary of the results shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary monthly. Attachrn ent 2 - Page 6 TOCDF *^"*1,J;:,o'3; Appendix A of this waste analysis plan contains the following information regarding the chemical agents to be incinerated at the TOCDF: Table 2-A-1: Physical Properties of Chemical Agent (as a pure substance) .6.9.2 Table 2-A-2:Chemical Agent Composition 2,2.1.3 .6.9 2.2.1 .3 .6.9 ,I 2.2.1 .3,7 2.2.1 .3 ,7 .l 2.2,1 .3.7 .2 2.2.1 .3 .7 .3 2.2.1 .3 .7 .4 .7 .5 .7 .6 .7 .7 .7 .8 2.2.1 .3.8 2.2.1 .3 .8.2 Mustard 1 55mm Proj ectiles The initial characteization and continuing processing verification sampling will be performed in accordance with the plans approved by the Executive Secretary. If variation of the agent in the initial characteization sampling is found outside the specified limits in the sampling plan, modifications of the initial and verification sampling may be required as determined by the Executive Secretary. Thirty additional samples will be collected from lots specified in the Mustard 155mm Projectile Sampling Plan for continuous verification for a total of 15 samples or 30 total for both liquid and solid matrices. One additional verification sample set shall be collected and arralyzed quarterly until the end of the projectile campaign. Each verification sample set shall consist of one solid and one liquid sample from each of five separate projectiles for a total of 10 samples per verification sample set (five solid and five liquid). Each liquid sample from each verification sample set from the projectiles specified in 2.2.1 .3.7 .3 and 2.2.1 .3.7.4 shall be analyzed for agent organic content (i.e., purity and impurities), and HRA metals (and chlorine for the quarterly samples). Each solid sample from each verification sample set from the projectiles specified in ard2. shall be analyzed for HRA metals (and chlorine for the quarterly samples). Analysis results shall not necessarily be available prior to MPF treatment of the sampled projectiles. Sample verification analyses results will be immediately sent to the DSHW Chemical Demilitarization Section Manager at the same time results are reported to EG&G. 4.2lnchHT Mortars The initial characteization will be performed in accordance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan approved by the Executive Secretary. Phases II and tII of the Sampling and Analysis Plan will be determined after the results from the previous phase has been evaluated by the Executive Secretary. Initial characteization samples results must be approved prior to processing the agent in the LICs in Phase I, II and III for metals. The 4.2 inch HT mortar trays may be processed in the MPF during Phase I prior to receiving the analytical results. Attachrnent 2 - PageT t..TOCDF**"*1H:#3; 2.2.1,.3.8.4 Sample verification analyses results will be immediately sent to DSHW at the same time results are reported to EG&G. On liquid mustard (HT) sample will be collected from an ACS tank once per week throughout the HT campaign andanalyzed for metals. Every fifth sample collected will also be aralyzed for organic content. The Executive Secretary my revise this sampling frequency of analysis based on results obtained from performance of the 4.2 inch HT Sampling and Analysis program. Spent Decontamination Solutions Spent decontamination solutions treated on site shall be treated in the primary or secondary chambers of the LICs. Spent decontamination solution collected in SDS-TANK-101, SDS-TANK-102, or SDS- TANK-103 shall be sampled and analyzed per Table 2.0 Section 2.2.L4. Spent decontamination solutions shall be anallzed for chemical agent concenhation, corrosivity (pH), specific gravity, HRA metals, TCLP, and screened for organics by weight. The parameters of agent concentratiotr, pH, specific gravity, and the organic screen shall be determined for each tank of spent decontamination solution processed. The results shall be available prior to incineration. Confirmatory analyses for HRA metals, TCLP organics and explosives (if processing explosive munitions) in spent decontamination solutions shall be performed quarterly. :' The sampling and analyses of spent decontamination solutions for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with Subpart CC regulations shall be performed as described in Section 2.10 of this attachment. If results of the organic screen show that the spent decontamination solution contains organics in excess of five percent, the tank of spent decontamination solution shall be analyzed per Table 2-0. The Executive Secretary shall be notified prior to treatment of the solution. 2.2.L4.4. If chemical agent is detected above the Waste Control Limit (WCL) (i.e., 20 parts per billion (ppb) for GB, 20 ppb for VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard), additional decontamination solution shall be added to the tank, the contents of the tank shall be recirculated (i.e., mixed), and another sample shall be analyzed for agent. This procedure shall be repeated until the chemical agent concentration is below the limits specified above. Agent Collection System (ACS) & Agent Quantification System (AQS). Spent Decontamination System (SDS) Maintenance Residues The chemical agent contaminated debris and sludges generated from the maintenance of the ACS, AQS, and SDS equipment located in the Munitions DemilitaizationBuilding (MDB), but outside the Explosive Containment Rooms (ECRs), can be incinerated in the Metal Parts Furnace (MPF). ACS tank bottoms shall be characterized prior to treatment in the MPF. Samples shall be analyzed for HRA metal s. Attachment2-Page8 2.2.7..5,4 2,2.1.6. 2.2.1 .6.2. 2.2.1 .6.3. 2.2.1 .6.4. 2.2.1 .6.5. 2.2.1 .6.6. 2.2.1 .6.7 . 2.2.1 .7 . 2.2.r.1 .l . TOCDF*"""*lHIrtot; Collected ACS/AQS maintenance residues shall be weighed and characterized prior to incineration to ensure feed rates established for the MPF are not exceeded. The Operating Record shall include a detailed description of the residues fed to the MPF. ACS/AQS/SDS maintenance residues shall be properly managed prior to treatment in the MPF. ACS, AQS and SDS sludge shall be categorized as Agent Contaminated Sludge and managed as specified in paragraph Secondary Waste Noncombustible Bulk Solid Waste Categorv Noncombustible Bulk Solid Secondary Waste is composed of inert material that does not combust when placed into the incinerator. Examples of this waste are discarded components of MDB process equipment, and carbon filter trays (from which all carbon has been removed). The physical state of these wastes (i.e., debris) prevents the collection of a representative sample. All wastes included in this category are described by the Utah Hazardous Waste code P999. Other waste codes may apply based on generator knowledge. Wastes included in this category shall beplaced onto MPF bum trays or thermally treated ton containers that have been cut in half (cutaway ton containers or CTC) or Waste Incineration Containers (!VIC$. All wastes shall be weighed and characterized prior to being treated in the MPF to ensure compliance with this Permit. The Operating Record shall include a detailed description of the residues fed to the MPF in each bum tray, WIC or CTC. Noncombustible Bulk Solid Wastes shall be properly managed prior to treatment in the MPF'. Management of Noncombustible Bulk Solid Waste shall be in accordance with paragraph prior to treatment in the MPF. Additionally, these wastes included in this category maybe processed in the Autoclave (Igloo 1631) provided an approved function test has been demonstrated and approved by the Executive Secretary. For Autoclave processing, the TOCDF operating record shall include an entry for each secondary waste drum processed in the Autoclave. Each of these entries will include a description of the waste, tlpe of container, the total weight waste, the volume of the container storing the waste, the hazardous waste label number, and the time and date the waste was processed in the Autoclave per Module VIII. Drained Bulk Containers & Undrained Mustard l55mm Proiectiles with A ent Residue Drained bulk containers and projectiles with chemical agent residue (heel) shall be treated in the MPF. with the exception of Ag . Previous analytical results show some of the chemical agent to contain concentrations of metals. ln addition, the paints used on the containers and projectiles have metal- containing pigments. Attachm ent 2 - Page 9 TOCDF**"*1HI;o'# 2.2.I.7.2. The chemical agents and item surface coatings (i.e., paint) are both organic matrices containing metal constituents. Metal constituents contained in organic matrices are referred to as non-embedded metals. Non-ernbedded metals may potentially volatilize during incineration. Appendix B contains the following tables regarding the metals associated with each type of chemical agent munition and bulk container to be treated at the TOCDF: .3.1 Table 2-B-1: Metals in Munitions (presents by munition or bulk container, the total metal loading for non-embedded metals whose emission rates are regulated by this Permit). Table2-B-2: Metals in Munitions (presents, by munition or bulk container, the total metal loading for non-ernbedded metals whose emission rates are considered inthe TOCDF HRA). Data included in these tables can be used to determine the quantrty (and associated feed rate) of non-embedded metals fed to the incinerator. Note data for GA and Lewisite ton containers are included in the table for completeness. Drained Agent GA and Lewisite ton containers will be treated at the ATLIC. 2.2.I.7.5 Mustard 155mm projectiles are included for the purposes of the Waste Analysis Plan; however, the mustard l55mm projectiles are not required to be drained prior to incineration in the MPF. Energetic Munition Components 2.2.l.8.L Energetic munition components shall be incinerated in the DFS. The Permittee may use generator knowledge to determine the type and amount of explosive and propellant being fed to the DFS. Appendix C contains the following tables pertaining to explosive/propellant and agent fill weights and compositions: Table 2-C-1: Energetic/Agent Nominal Weight for Chemical Agent Munitions and Bulk Containers 2.2.I.8.3.2. Table2-C-2: Composition of Reactive Material in Munitions Explosive formulations are organic matrices containing metal constituents. The metals contained in these formulations will potentially volatilize during incineration (i.e., the metals are non-embedded). ' 'Thequantityofeachmetalidentifiedin TableZ-C-2hasbeenincorporatedintoTables2- B-1 and 2-B-2 found in Appendix B which present the total non-embedded metals for each munition and bulk container type to be treated at the TOCDF. O 2.2.1 .g. ECR Maintenance Residues Attachment2 - Page 10 . 2.2.1 .9.2 2.2.t.9.3 2.2.t.9.4 TOCDF **"*1,J;Irt'ffi Maintenance performed on the demilitarization machines, Agent Quantification System (AQS) components, and Agent Collection System (ACS) components that are located in the Explosive Containment Rooms (ECR) will generate waste residues. Dryresidues and sludge shall be placed into paper buckets prior to being fed to the DFS. A list of the ECR Maintenance Residues is provided nTableZ-2a. The Permittee shall decontaminate the unserviceable hand tools and metal hardware identified in Table 2-2a and process them in the MPF. If the explosive residue remains on the tools after decontamination, the metal tools and hardware shall be processed in the DFS. The maintenance residues in Table 2-2amay be contaminated with small amounts of spent decontamination solution, agent, hydraulic fluid, or lubricating fluid. Explosives- contaminated rags generated by personnel wiping explosive residues from reject munitions in the UPMC or ECV shall be fed to the DFS. ECR maintenance residues shall be weighed and properly identified as to the origin and physical characteristics prior to incineration to ensure the DFS feed rate limits are not exceeded. ECR maintenance residues are typically discarded items having agent surface contamination, explosive surface contamination, or both. Operation of equipment in the ECRs can generate explosive powders. ECR maintenance residues composed of powdered explosive and munitions components shall be managed separately from other ECR maintenance residues. The feed rate of ECR maintenance residues composed of explosive powders and munition components shall be limited to 3.6 pounds per drop with an internal kiln spacing of one flight between successive drops. The hourly feed rate is specified in Modules V (Long-Term lncineration) and VI (Short-Term lncineration). ECR maintenance wastes charged to the DFS that do not contain explosive components or containers of explosive powder may be fed at the feed rates specified in Module V.. When 155mm mustard projectile bursters are not sheared, no significant explosive contamination of the ECR will occur from processing. Otherwise, when bursters have been sheared, then the ECR maintenance waste charged to the DFS are assumed to consist entirely of explosives. TABLE 2-2a: Contaminated Waste ECR Maintenance Residues Waste Stream Allowable Waste Codes(s) Filter elements and bags Munition fragments (metal and explosives) Dust, dirt, debris, ECR sump sludge Munition components/fragments (i. e., burster fragments, supplementary charges, spacers, support cups, lifting lugs, and fuze adaptors that fall onto the turntable or floor) Clean-up material (e.9., rags, absorbent pads) Cotton goods (e.9., coveralls, mop heads) ECR Sump strainers Unserviceable hand tools and metal hardware (e.9., nuts, bolts, washers) Burlap bags P999,F999, D002, D003, D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009, D0l0 2.2.1 .9.5 AttachmentZ - Page I I 2.2.1 .10. 2.2.1 .10.1 2.2.1 .1 0.2 2.2.1 .10.3 2.2.1 .1 0.4 2.2.1 .1 1 . 2.2.1 .1 1 .1 . 2.2.1 .1 1 .1 .1 . 2.2.1 .1 l.l .2. 2.2.1 .1 1 .1 .3. 2.2.1 .1 I.2. 2.2. 1.11.3. r.4. 1 .5. 2.2.1 .1 1 .6. TOCDF*^"*lHIiJ;; Spent Activated Carbon Prior to completion of closure of the TOCDF, the Permittee shall treat agent contaminated site-generated carbon using Autoclave technology. The effectiveness of Autoclave technology for treating agent-contaminated carbon shall be made in a separate function test. The Permittee shall submit a function test to dernonstrate the effectiveness of Autoclave technology for the treatment of agent-contaminated carbon that includes an analytical method to determine the amount of agent absorbed onto the carbon. Upon approval of the test plan and associated carbon analyical method by Executive Secretary, the Permittee may execute the plan per the requirements of Module VItr. The spent carbon shall be placed into permitted storage areas designated to store waste contaminated with the same type of chemical agent until the results of a function test are approved by the Executive Secretary. PPE respirator carbon canisters and ACAMS filter canisters may be processed in the MPF per the specified feed rates in Table V.C.1. or in the Autoclave upon approval by the Executive Secretary of results of the testing specified in Module VIII. Agent Contaminated Dunnage Dunnage meeting the following definition shall be characteized as P999 hazardous waste. Agent contaminated dunnage is defined as: All dunnage held within an ONC or munitions overpack that is found to contain leaking munition(s) as evident by agent monitoring results of the air within the sealed ONC or overpack having a concentration of 0.5 VSL or above, or Dunnage that contacted leaking munitions or is contaminated with liquid agent, or Dunnage that has been sampled and the analytical results of an extract prepared from a representative sample have been found to contain agent at concentrations equal to or greater than 20 ppb for GB and VX, and 200 ppb of Mustard (IVHD/HT.) Dunnage characteized as P999 hazardous waste shall be treated in the MPF or Autoclave based on approval of the Executive Secretary upon completion of a successful performance test in accordance with an approved test plan. Reserved. Reserved Dunnage associated with M55 rockets will not be processed in the autoclave or incineration system unless TOCDF can veriff the dunnage is not PCB related. The dunnage shall be placed into permitted storage areas designated to store waste contaminated with the same type of chemical agent until results of the test are approved by the Executive Secretary. Combustible Bulk Solid Secondary Waste Category2.2.t.t2. Attachment2-Page12 2.2.1 .12.1 . 2.2.1 .12.2. 2.2.1 .l 2.3. 2.2.1 .12.4 2.2.1 .1 2.5 2.6 2.2.1 .13. 2.2.1 .1 3.2. 2.2.1 .1 3.3 TOCDF*^"*1H:io,3; Upon successful completion of the Secondary Waste Demonstration Test, wastes included in this category may be processed in the MPF. Wastes included in this category evolve combustion gases, and generate ash residues when incinerated. Examples of these wastes are Demilitarization Protective Ensemble (DPE) suits, and butyl rubber components. TOCDF will either analyze a representative sample of these wastes or use generator knowledge to determine proper feed rates. If generator knowledge is used, it will be documented in the operating record. Each waste feed charge shall be weighed prior to incineration to ensure TOCDF Permit conditions are not exceeded. The TOCDF operating record shall include an entry for each WIC of waste fed to the MPF. Each of these entries will include a description of the waste, the weight of the waste, metals content (the concentration if applicable), and the basis for categorizing the waste as a Combustible Bulk Solid. Combustible Bulk Solid Wastes may be fed in the same WIC as other secondary waste categories provided all conditions of this attachment and Modules V and VI are met. Additionally, these wastes included in this category may be processed in the Autoclave (Igloo 1631) provided an approved function test has been demonstrated and approved by the Executive Secretary. For Autoclave processing, the TOCDF operating record shall include an entry for each secondary waste drum processed in the Autoclave. Each of these entries will include a description of the waste, tlpe of container, the total weight waste, the volume of the container storing the waste, the hazardous waste label number, and the time and date the waste was processed in the Autoclave Module VIII. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Respirator and ACAMS Carbon Filter Canisters Three types of PPE respirator canisters are used at the TOCDF to prevent the inhalation of chemical agent (pre-l993M-40, post-l993 M-40 and DPE backpack). Two tlpes of ACAMS activated-carbon filter canisters are used to control agent emissions from ACAMS sample line exhaust (aluminum housing and plastic housing). The respirator canisters are filled with approximately five ounces of carbon that is impregnated with copper, zinc, silver, and molybdenum, the approximate weight percent of each being: six, six, one one-hundredth, and three respectively. PPE respirator carbon filter canisters generated in areas where the user is exposed to chemical agent vapors at concentrations at or above the STEL are considered contaminated with chemical agent. The number of PPE or ACAMS carbon canisters added to each WIC and the material used to fabricate the outer shell of the canisters (PVC or aluminum) shall be noted in the operating record. The weights of carbon canisters shall be subtracted from the allowable weight of the secondary waste categories it is associated with e.g., PVC (combustible), aluminum (non-combustible), and carbon (metals/ash etc.) Additionally, these wastes included in this category may be processed in the Autoclave (Igloo 1631) provided an approved function test has been demonstrated and approved by the Executive Secretary. 2.2.1 .1 3.4 Attachrnent2 - Page 13 2.2.1 .13.5 2.2.1 .14. 2.2.1 . I 5. 2.2.1 .15. 1 . 2.2.1 .1 5.2. 2.2.1 .15.3. 2.2.1 .1 5.4. 2.2.1 .16. 2.2.I .17 2.2.1 .18 TOCDF **"*1,J;;,o'6; For Autoclave processing, the TOCDF operating record shall include an entry for each secondary waste drum processed in the Autoclave. Each of these entries will include a description of the waste, type of container, the total weight waste, the volume of the container storing the waste, the hazardous waste label number, and the time and date the waste was processed in the Autoclave per Module VItr. Reserved Miscellaneous Agent-Contaminated and Non-Aeent-Contaminated Liquid Wastes Agent-contaminated hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil generated in the MDB shall be either contaiteized and placed into permitted storage or containerized and transferred to the ACS tanks (e.g., via BDS) and subsequently treated in the LIC primary chambers. Before transfff to the ACS tanks, the container(s) shall be weighed (e.g., via BDS load cells or a calibrated scale in the TMA) and the contents shall be sampled and analyzed (ref: Table 2-0). The corresponding results shall be documented in the Operating Record. (Agent-contaminated shall be defined as being at or above 20 ppb for GB and VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard. Agent-contaminated hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil may also be pumped to the ACS tanks, via the SDS collection system, and processed in the LIC primary charnbers. A sdmple shall be collected from the spuil decontamination tank before it is transferred to 'the ACS tank (ref: Table 2-0) for analysis. Before treatment in the LICs, the samples described abov'e shall be malyzed,for HRA metals. The analytical results shall be used to ensure that LIC metal feed rate limitations are not exceeded. Additionally, the associated manufacturer information (e.g., MSDSs, product data sheets, etc.) shall be reviewed to identifu organic hazardous constituents having a heat of combustion less than tetrachloroethylene (i.e., 2,141BTUllb). If any of these organic hazardous constituents are present, the waste shall be placed into permitted storage until an appropriate management option is identified by the Permittee and approved by the Executive Secretary. The results of the above analyses shall be documented in the Operating Record. Non-agent contaminated hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil generated in the MDB shall be containerized and managed properly or transferred to the ACS tanks (e.g., via BDS) and subsequently treated in the LIC primary chambers. Before transfer to the ACS tanks, the container(s) shall be weighed (e.g., via BDS load cells or a calibrated scale in the TMA) and the contents shall be sampled and analyzed (ref, Table 2-0). The corresponding results shall be documented in the Operating Record. Non-agent-contaminated hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil may also be pumped to the ACS tanls, via the SDS collection system, and processed in the LIC primary chambers. A sample shall be collected from the spent decontamination tank before it is transferred to the ACS tank (ref: Table 2-0) for analysis. Reserved Reserved S econdary Waste Management Attachm ent 2 - Page l4 2.2.1 .18.1 2.2.1 .18.3 2.2.1 .18.4 2.2.1 .19.1 2.2.1 .l 9.2 2.2.1 .19.3 2.2.1 .20. 2.2.I .20.1 . TOCDF*^"*1HI;o'3; Each MPF charge interval and weight shall meet the limits for agent, halogens, ash, metals and BTU. Noncombustible form core sandwich panels make up the outer walls of the MDB and concrete rubble generated during closure are not allowed to be processed until process for new waste streams from Module VI is followed and approved bythe Executive Secretary. Wastes containing metals must meet the requirements per Table V.C.l. by waste analysis if a sample can be obtained or by engineering evaluation based on manufacture literature. Manufacture information will be documented in the operating record. Secondary wastes are in process once placed on a WIC, provided the WIC is located in the tower Buffer Storage Area or the TMA A/B Area. Waste is classified as sludge when it cannot be managed by the LIC system because of the inability to transfer to the ACS tanks. Sludge is generated from the maintenance of the ACS, AQS and SDS equipme,nt maintenance and is managed separately from other secondary waste. Sludge is fed alone on a WIC. Sludge will be spread across the bottom of the WlC/container with a uniform thickness of less than 1.5 inches and verifiedprior to feeding into the MPF. Aqueous Waste* shall be fed to the MPF in S-gallon container with fusible spout. A representative sample of sludge shall be collected and analyzed prior to treatment in the MPF. The samples will be aralyzed for HRA metals. Sampling and analysis is required for each WIC of sludge treated in the MPF. Aqueous Wastes* are generated from the residue of the decontaminated drums of secondary waste and can either be processed through the LIC or processed in the MPF. If processed in the MPF, Aqueous Wastes shall be containerized and the containerized waste shall not be fed with other wastes on the WIC. The waste analysis requirements specified in Paragraph shall be applicable to containerized Aqueous Waste treated in the MPF. The Aqueous feed rate shall not exceed the waste feed rate equivalent to the sludge feed rate. Autoclave Seconda{v Waste Manasement The secondary waste matrices contaminated with Agents VX, GB, or Mustard that are listed in Condition VIII.D.7.vi may be treated in the Autoclave upon approval of the Executive Secretary. Aeent GA - ATLIC Aeent GA is destroyed exclusively at the ATLIC and is discarded oroduct characterized by the State and Federal hazardous waste codes P999. D004. D006. D008. D009. and D021: Previous anal]rtical results show Asent GA to contain arsenic at concelrtrations of approxinrately 40 parts per million (pDrm) lead at concentrations of aporoximately 20 ppm. and chlorob€nzene at concentrations of approximately 14 weisht percent. The analysis also showed the oresence of chromium at concentrations of less than 3 oom. Attachrn ent 2 - Page l5 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 The Aeent GA drained from each ton container is led directly to the ATLIC Prfunary Combustion Chamber (PCC). Because an int€mnediate storage vessel is not used to accumulate the agent drained from thg ton containers. each GA ton container has beeir sampled and anallzed before processing. Samples of Ae€nt GA were coll€cted from each ton container and anallzed for ae€lrt oreanic cont€nt and HHRA metals. The results are provided in Table 2-A-2. A detailed relrort of the Agent GA Analytical results was submitted to the Executive Secretary. 2.2.22. Iewisite- LTLIC Lewisite is destroyed exclusively at the ATLIC and is discar{ed product characterized by the State and Feder,al hazardous waste cqdes P999. D004. D007. D008. D009 and D010. Previous analytical results show Lewisite to contain arsenic at concentrations of 34 weieht Ber_ceirt. mqqur. at concelrtrations of apnroximately 500 oom and selenium at concenlration up to approximately 6 ppm (see Table 2-A-2). The Lewisite drained from each ton container is transferred to the agg, rt storaee tank located in the ATLIC Toxic Area. Each Lewisite ton container is dfained to the ereatest extent oossible. however the amount removed is not quantified. Additionally the tank the _ Lewisite is transferred to is a relatively large diameter tank so the change in tank volume caused by the addition ofagent from successively drained ton containers caqnot be used to accurately deterrrine the amoufrt of agent drai4ed tom each Lewisitq to{r container which is necessary to determine metal concErtrations via a mass balance. Therefore the content of thq agent collection tank (LCS-TAI.{K-8511) shall be sampled and analfagd.for HHRA metals before beins processed in the ATLIC ntimary combustion chamb€r (i.e.. each tank orocessed as a batch). Organic analysis is not performed because: 1) an orsanic apalysis has been performed on Lewisite and those results have been orovided to the DSHW. 2) the organic comoounds contained in Lewisite are easier to destrqy their the comDounds that were incinerated during the performance testingthat established the ooeratine parameter limits that assure comoliance with the organic comDound Destnrction and Removal Efficiency (DRE) Performance Standard. and 3) additional organic analysis would provide no useful information to lhe operator. Spent Decontamination Solution - ATLIC Speirt Decontamination Solutions are een€rated at the ATLIC from the rinsine out of GA. and maintenance activities. This waste stream also includes the water rinses that are drained from the GA. L and Transparency ton containers (.see Paraeraoh 2.2.1 .25). Whexl a ton container is drained of its Agent GA fill it is filled more than half-way with a Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) based decontamination solution. The ton container is then slowly rotated within the Glove Box for a pre-established period of time. When the decontamination step is comoleted the Soent Decon Solution is transferred from the ton container to a permitted hazardous waste storage tank (SDSJANK-8523) for later processing in the Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) of the ATLIC. 2.2.1 .23.3 Prior to processing. the tank's conteirts are anallzed for aeent contmt to ensure, the Agent GA conceirtration is less than 500 parts ner million (ppm) @ . percent orsanic content. and for HHRA metals. Note: if thg Aeenl GA eoncentration is eoual to or ereater than 20+ob 500 Attachmentz - Page I6 TOCDF**"*IJ;:rto'# ppm NaOH based Decon Solution is added to the tank and the contents are sampled and anallzed again for aeent. SBentNitricAcid-ATLIC l After each Lewisite ton container is emotied of its agent fill. the to{r container is frlled more than half way with a 3 Molar Nitris Acid solution and rotated for a specified period of time. This processine step is Berformed to remove the high metal content solid phase of Lewisite and breakdown products which cling to the inner surface of the ton containers. Each Lewisite ton container undergoes at least one acid rinse. 2.2. 1 .24.2., The Soer.rt Nitrig Acid is trai'rsferred to one of two germitted tgaardous waste. storaqe and treatment tanks (NFS-Tank-8514 or NFSJA}{K-851,6) which arq located in the ATLIC Toxic Area. This waste stream is de.scribed by waste codes P999. D002. D004. D007. D008. D009. and D010. The Spent Nitric Acid is-accumulated in the Nitric Acid Holdins Tanl$ until the tank's conte,lrts are sampled and anallzed for psent conc€ntration. If the results show the L concentration to be eoual to or ereater thq the WCL (200 ppb) nitric acid of 3 M or hieher concentration is added to the tank and the cont€,nts are circulated and re-sarnpled. When the results show the L concentration to be below the WCL (200 oob) the spent acid is transferred to. a 90day accumulation tank located in the PAS Enclosure where it is , stored Dendinq transf€r to an off-site TSDF for deqr well injection. Note the mctals analysis for this waste stream is associated with the 90day accumulation tank samoling and analysis requirernents (see paraeraph, 2.2,1.25 Ton Container Rinse Water - ATLIC UDon comlrletion of the rinsingpnd drainingof the NaOH based Decon Solution from GA ton containers and the draining of the Soent Nitric Acid Rinsate fromthe Lewisite ton containers.the emDty ton containers are further rinsed with at least three separate rinses of nroeess water. The volume of nrocess water used for each rinse is equivalent to at least half the voltrme of the ton contaher. Water is addd to the drained ton container then the container is rotated for a sDeci0ed Fefrixtof time, For GA this waste stream is described by the Heral and state waste\qddsE99*-D002. D004. D007. and D021. The applicable wastc codes for Le*isite Toffier a.e F999. D002. D004. D007. D008. D009. and D010. Ton container rinse water is drained and transferred'to SDS-TANK- 8523 located in the Toxic Area of the ATLIC forprocessing in the ATLIC SCC. During ' the orocessine of GA ton containers the rinse water is comingled with the Sp€nt Decon Rinsate e€,nerated from the rinsine of the GA ton containers. Durine Agent GA processing. the sampling and analvsis applicable to this waste stream occurs when the contents of the SDS tank is filled and the applicable analyses are Aeent. GA concentration. percent orsanic content,ggdn$RA metals. Durins Lewisite orocessine the solution accumulatine in the SDS tank (SDS-TAI.{K- 8523) is orimarily spent rinse water. The samplins and analysis requirements remain the same as durine GA procassing: i.e.. orior to beins processed in the ATLIC Secondary Combustion Chamber Droeesohs the tank's,conte,nts will be sampled and anallzed for agent conte'nt to deterrninethe Lewisite concentration. ffi de*omino+ho The rinse water is also analvzed for percent oreanic content and Attachm ent 2 - Page 17 2.2.2. . 2.2,2,1 .l . .2. TOCDF Waste AnalVsis Plan HHRA metals concentrations. Analvses for Wastes Requirins Off-Site Treatment & Disnosal The waste streams included in this section shall be transported off site for further treatment and ultimate disposal. The analytical parameters were selected based on process knowledge, TOCDF analytical data, and Land Disposal Restriction Notification requirements. The extraction method that will be used to determine Toxicity Characteristic parameter concentrations will be the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (SW-846 Method 1311). All waste streams included in this section (with the exception of the dunnage generated in the UPA, treated scrap metal, and liquids generated in SUMP 110) shall be characterized as F999 hazardous waste. Treated scrap metal is defined as metal from bulk containers, projectiles, and mortar rotrnds which has undergone thermal decontamination in the MPF under normal operating parameters and has no residue remaining internally or externally on the scrap metal. Treated scrap metal shall be managed in accordance with Section of this attachment after approval from the Executive Secretary for each agent campaign. Each shipment of F999 waste transported off site shall be accompanied by a hazardous waste manifest. The Permittee shall determine the hazardous constituents in the waste streams to be treated off site. The Permittee shall also detennine the underlying hazardous constituents as applicable in 40 CFR 268.9 and give proper notification with the hazardous waste manifest. LIC Slae The incineration of chemical agent and spent decontamination solutions in the LICs cause the generation of a o'glass like" slag waste stream. Slag (in a molten state) accumulates in the secondary chambers of the LICs. Each batch of slag shall be removed by tapping the slag extension of the secondary chamber and draining the molten slag into insulated drums or by chipping the solidified slag and placing the slag into containers. Each LIC secondary chamber is equipped with a view port that allows the operator to visually determine the slag level within the secondary chamber. The slag shall be removed before the slag level reaches the top of the view port. Each batch of LIC slag generated shall be analyzed for TCLP metals after each re-bricking until the metal concentrations drop below the regulatory limits. Reserved Treated Burster Casings/Fuse Bodies/Ash During the 155mm mustard projectile c4mpaigns, residues collected at the DFS HDC output will consist of ash, empty burster casingsnose closures/lifing lugs and fuze well cups. The bursters are removed in the ECRs leaving the projectile's burster well intact and theprojectile's agent cavityunopened. Projectile agsnt cavities are opened inthe Munition Processing Bay (MPB) just prior to the agent draining process step. AttachmentZ - Page 18 2.2,2,6,3 2.2.2,J.2 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 The ash and debris generated from this waste stream shall be analyzed for agent concentration, TCLP metals, TCLP organics and Universal Treatment Standard (UTS) as required. Reserved DFS Cyclone Residues DFS cyclone residues shall be arnlyzed per Table 2-l for the parameters of chemical agent concentration, TCLP metals, and TCLP organics. If analytical results demonstrate this waste to be Toxicity Characteristic for organics, this waste stream shall additionally be amlyzed for dioxins/furans and explosives. Reserved DFS cyclone residues having a chemical agent concentration below 20 parts per billion (ppb) for GB and VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard, shall be transported to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. DFS cyclone residues having an agent concentration equal to or greater than 20 ppb for GB and VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard shall be placed into permitted container storage until a treatment method is approved by the Executive Secretary. Treated Bulk Containers/Projectiles/Ivlortar Rounds (Scrap Metal) Each burn tray exiting the MPF undergoes an agent assessment to ensure adequate thermal treatment. The presence of chemical agent is determined by an Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System (ACAMS) located at the MPF discharge airlock. If chernical agent is detected above 0.5 VSL, the munitions/bulk containers are moved back into the MPF to undergo further thermal treatment. Munitions/bulk containers will be processed through the discharge airlock in accordance with Module V, VI, and Attachmerrt22 using either high temperature or low temperature monitoring of the discharge airlock. The MPF is designed with double-door airlock systems located on both the charge and discharge end of the primary combustion chamber (PCC). These systems prevent PCC combustion gases and agent vapors from being discharged to the MDB or the atmosphere when burn trays are charged and discharged respectively. The MPF primary cornbustion chamber is divided into three zones. Treatment through the MPF requires that each burn tray charge remain in each zone for a preset period of time as specified in Module V. When a bum tray advances to the discharge airlock, one zone must remain empty while the ACAMS in the discharge airlock is used to monitor the treated munition(s). While in the discharge air lock, the contents of the burn tray are monitored for the presence of chemical agents using ACAMS. The burn tray remains in the MPF discharge airlock for the ACAMS to monitor two complete cycles. Attachment2 - Page I9 2.2.2,7.6 2.2.2.t.7 TOCDF*^"*1,J;:;#; If chemical agent is detected at or above the action level of 0.5 VSL, the burn tray in the MPF discharge airlock is moved back into Zone3 (or Zone2 if the MPF is in a two-zone operation) for additional processing. If no agent is detected, the burn tray exits the MPF discharge airlock by being advanced to the MPF cool-down conveyor. Flaming or smoking munitions/bulk containers or waste trays shall be placed back into the discharge airlock for additional processing. F999 scrap metal (i.e., "disposable scrap metal") shall be managed as a hazardous waste and disposed at an approved, off-site Subtitle C TSDF unless the scrap metal is destined for recycling by smelting (i.e., "recyclable scrap metal") per below. Before disposal of the scrap metal, residue in the interior and on the exterior of the scrap metal shall be removed (e.g., vacuumed) and the scrap metal shall be visually verified as clean. The residue removed from disposable scrap metal shall be analyzed and managed according to the requirements described for MPF Munitions and Ton Container Residues (ref: section The residue removed from recyclable scrap metal shall be anallzed and managed as describedin2. below. For scrap metal destined for recycling exclusively by smelting, the recyclable scrap metal shall be managed as F999 disposable scrap metal hazardous waste and be transported with a hazardous waste manifest describing waste as an F999 Utah listed hazardous waste until 1) a test plan and report for the scrap metal has been approved by the Executive Secretary, afi2) verification testing has been accepted. Before shipment of recyclable scrap metal offsite, residue in the interior and on the exterior of the scrap metal shall be removed (e.g., vacuumed) and the scrap metal shall be visually verified as clean. The residue removed shall be analyzed and managed according to the requirements described below for the MPF Burn Tray, WIC and CTC residues (ref: section Any MPF treated bulk container/projectile/mortar that contains residue that cannot be removed shall be considered aF999 hazardous waste (not recyclable scrap metal) and the requirements specified in paragraph .6 shall be followed. All mustard 155mm projectiles shall be managed per paragraph .6. Mustard 155mm projectile residue for the initial and on-going verification sampling will be sampled and aralyzed per Table 2-l in this Attachment. MPF Treated Debris Pre-filters, HEPA filters, carbon filter trays (from which the carbon was removed prior to treatment in the MPF), munition overpacks, shipping containers, process equipment, and tools are treated in the MPF to remove surface contamination. Each burn tray, WIC or CTC exiting the MPF is analyzed for chemical agent as described in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) and Attachment 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). This MPF treated debris waste stream shall be managed separately from the scrap metal waste stream and shall not be recycled, with the exception of the following miscellaneous metal wastes; munition overpacks, piping, conveyors, drain probes, and shear blades. Miscellaneous metal wastes may be treated as scrap metal and recycled in accordance with paragraphs .6 and .7 . MPF Bum Tray. WIC and Cutaway Ton Container Residues2.2.2.9 Attachm ent 2 - Page 20 2, .1 w.r,"A.d;8;Dlr: June 2009 An inspection of the residue will be performed per criteria approved by the Executive Secretary. If the inspection criterion is met demonstrating complete treatment, then the waste will be sampled and anal)zed, if required, and managed off-site. If the residue does not meet the criteria, the residue will be drummed and placed in storage for further processing. The MPF residues ge,nerated shall be analyzed due to the variability of the waste steams. Additional sampling is necessary to ensure compliance with the 40 CFR 268.7 to identifi underlying hazardous constituents that may be present in the residue that could prevent land disposal. Each shipping container (i.e., drum or roll-off which ever is used) generated will be sampled. The samples will be screen for the agents contaminating the wastes. To determine applicable Toxicity Characteristics, samples will be additionally analyzed for TCLP metals and organic. To determine the presence of underlying hazardous constituents, samples will also be analyzed for metals as specified in Table 2-4a (note Toxicity Characteristic metals are a subset of this list), total volatile organic as specified in Table2-4b, and total semi-volatile organics as specified n2-4e. The volatile and semi- volatile organic analytes specified in Tables 2-4b xd 24c were selected base on their potential to be present in the residue as products of incomplete combustion. The residue waste stream resulting from the MPF incineration treatment of secondary waste shall be managed separately from the munitions metal residues and shall not be recycled. This waste stream shall be shipped to an approved hazardous waste facility for disposal. MPF Munitions and Ton Container Residues MPF munitions and ton container residues will be composed primarily of incinerated paint flakes and residues removed from the interior and exterior of the munition and ton containers as well as their burn trays. Residues shall be removed from each ton container or munition and associated bum trays and managed as hazardous waste separately from munition/ on container. MPF munitions and ton container residues shall be analyzed for chemical agent concentrations, HRA metals, TCLP metals and TCLP organics. Residue generated from the processing of ton containers and munitions shall be sampled and analyzed per Table 2-1. The sampling frequency may be extended to quarterly if supporting information is submitted and approved by the Executive Secretary that demonstrates the consistency of the analytical results relative to the hazardous waste codes applied to this waste stream The agent cavities of the mustard 155mm projectiles are obstructed by the burster well which prevents access to the projectiles' interior surfaces. The interior of the projectile will not be cleaned out prior to disposal at an approved hazardous waste facility. The small opening at the top of the 4.2-inch Mortars coupled with the obstruction caused by the interior baffle prevents access to the mortars' interior surfaces, thereby precluding cleanout. Therefore, the interior of the mortars will not be cleaned out prior to disposal at an approved hazardous waste facility. Incinerator Refracto2.2.2.11 Attachm ent 2 - Page 2l 2.2.2.r2.3 | 2.2.2.r3.3 TOCDF*^**1*Iiot; Upon change out, the discarded refractory lining of the incinerator primary and secondary chambers shall be amlyzed for TCLP metals and properly managed. PAS Residues PAS residues are comprised of scrubber brine precipitate and filter elements. The precipitate is collected in the bottom of the PAS process vessels (i.e., the quench towers, packed bed scrubbers, and demister vessels), and the PAS brine filters. Reserved The PAS residues shall be analyzed for the parameters of chemical agent concentration, corrosivity (pH), free liquids, TCLP metals, and TCLP organics. TOCDF Spent Scrubber Brines Scrubber brines are removed from the PAS as they are generated by the process control equipment. Spent scrubber brines shall be stored in BRA-TANK-101, BRA-TANK-102, BRA-TANK -20 l, and BRA-TANK-202. The scrubber brines are shipped to an off-site TSDF for further treatmeirt as necessary and ultimate disposal. Spent scrubber brines from each BRA tank to be transferred off site for further treatment and ultimate disposal shall be analyzed for chemical agent concentration, conosivity (pH) and specific gravity. On a monthlybasis or each munitions campaign change, whichever is sooner, a composite sample comprised of a sample from each BRA Tank shall be atalyzed for TCLP metals and TCLP organics. This analysis is to confrm the current waste profile for scrubber brines. The brine from which the confirmatory sample was taken may be shipped off site under the current brine waste profile. For Subpart CC VOC demonstration compliance, spent scrubber brines shall be sampled as the tank is being filled as required in Table 2-1 and specified by Section 2.10. Spent scrubber brines shall only be shipped off site for further treatment and ultimate disposal if the agent concentration in the brines is below 20 ppb for GB and VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard. Reserved. MPF brine samples shall be collected and analyzed after the initial agent verification sampling the fumace is completed and trays are fed back to back, but no longer than 4 weeks after commencemsnt of the mustard 155mm projectile campaign. Brine samples shall be collected from the discharge of the on-line MPF PAS brine pump. The samples shall be collected weekly, within the last four hours of the l2-hour day shift, and before any manual adjustment is made to MPF PAS liquid levels (excluding adjustments required addressing contingencies.) The samples shall be collected weekly until approval of the Executive Secretary to discontinue this sampling frequency has been granted. The samples shall be analyzed for HRA metals. Attachrnent2 -PageZ} | 2,2,2,14.1,3 2,2,2,15,1 2.2.2.I8 TOCDF**" *lHIrno'# TOCDF SDS Tank Sludges Filters associated with the SDS tanks collect solids that have precipitated out of spent decontamination solution. The sludge removed from the filters associated with the SDS tanks shall be anal)zed for chemical agent, corrosivity (pH), free liquids, explosives, TCLP metals, and TCLP organics. SDS tank sludges shall only be shipped off site for further treatment and ultimate disposal . if the agent concentration in the sludges is below 20 ppb for GB and VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard. If the agent concentration is found to be greater than or equal to these values, decontamination solution shall be added to the accumulation container and the analysis for chemical agent, pH, and free liquids shall be repeated. Sludges from SDS sumps located outside of the ECRs shall be managed in accordance with Paragraphs 2:2.2.1 4.1 and 4.2. BRA Tank Sludges Between agent campaigns, the scrubber brine sludge which has collected in the BRA tanls is removed. During scheduled maintenance of a BRA tank, scrubber brine sludge may be removed. BRA tank sludges shall be analyzed for agent concentration, pH, free liquids, TCLP metals, and TCLP organics. PAS Demister Candle Sleeves Prior to shipment, the demister candle sleeves from each PAS shall be analyzed for chemical agent concentration, TCLP metals and TCLP organics. Reserved Reserved Reserved Dunnase Generated in the Unpack Arca (UPA) The initial waste characterization of dunnage received in the UPA is based on a determination by Area 10 personnel. UPA personnel shall use ONC/overpack agurt monitoring to determine if dunnage has bbcome contaminated during transport to TOCDF. Dunnage present in ONCs/overpacks having agent monitoring results of 0.5 VSL or greater shall be characterized as P999 hazardous waste and managed as specified in paragraph Attachrnent? - Page23 2.2,2.21 .l .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 TOCDF *^"*1,J;I;o'6; Samples of dunnage (that have not been declared hazardous waste by Area 10) shall be taken in accordance with Table 2-1 from ONCs/overpacks that monitorbelow 0.5 VSL and do not contain leaking munitions. If an analysis of representative samples of dunnage shows agent concentrations at or above the WCL, the dunnage shall be characterized as P999 hazardous waste and managed as specified in paragraph2.2.Ll l.2. If the agent analytical results show the agent concentration is below the WCL and exhibits no hazardous waste characteristics or listings, the dunnage is not considered a listed hazardous waste. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) This waste stream includes items wom during the course of operations a TOCDF in areas where the potential for liquid or agent vapors are known to exist. Examples of these items can be described as either commercially available items, such as those known by brand names Saranex@, Tyvek@, or Responder@ suits, or Army specialty PPE items, such as the Demilitarization Protective Ensernble (DPE) suits or Toxicological Agent Protective (TAP) gear or suit. The PPE items are typically made of a mixture of PVC, chlorinated polyethylene resins, plasticizers, and metal stabilizers, or butyl rubber. Each PPE suit is decontaminated before the "Entrant" is removed from the suit. The decontaminated suits are bagged in containers (typically plastic bags, with two to three suits per bag), where they are segregated based on monitoring results for further waste handling. The bags that contaiq these items or other plastic sheeting material may also be included as part of this waste strea1tr and will follow the same requirements as the PPE for monitoring and waste characterization. Discarded PPE shall be characterized as P999,F999, or a combination of P9998999 hazardous waste. PPE that is not monitored for agent shall be characterized as P999 hazardous waste and managed as specified in paragraph PPE may be characterized as F999 hazardous waste if the agent monitoring results of the volume of air within the suit's container shows an agent concentration less that 0.2 VSL. PPE may be characterized as PggglEggg hazardous waste based upon and agent monitoring results of less thanl.0VSL and will be managed in accordance with paragraph Containers of PPE having agent-monitoring results equal to or greater than 1.0 VSL shall be characteized as P999 hazardous waste and managed as specified in paragraph Reserved. PPE to be managed as a P999 listed hazardous waste shall be treated in the MPF based on the results of the MPF Secondary Waste Demonstration Test. The treated PPE residue shall be managed off site as an F999 hazardous waste in accordance with condition Reserved. Attachm ent 2 - Page 24 .9 .10 . TOCDF*^"*1H:#3; PPE shipped off site as F999lP999 hazardous waste shall be managed at a Subtitle C TSDF. F9991p999 waste that is greater than 0.2 VSL and less than 1.0 VSL will require off-site controls (hrough contract requirements) as an added measure of control to reduce potential contact with the waste. SpentNon-Aeent Contaminated MDB Equipment Hydraulic Fluid and Lubricating Oil Spent hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil generated in the MDB to be transported off site for treatment shall be arnlyzed for chemical agent concentration, HRA metals, and TCLP organics. MDB-generated spent hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil having agent concentrations less than 20 ppb for GB and VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard may be managed at an off-site Subtitle C TSDF ortreated in the primary chamber of one of the LICs in accordance with Section MDB-generated spent hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil contaminated with chemical agent at or above 20 ppb for GB and VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard, shall be managed in accordance with Section The failure of a mechanical system inside the MDB could result in the generation of fluids contaminated with chemical agent and be commingled with spent decontamination solution. These fluids shall be collected in sumps and transferred to SDS-TANK-I0I, SDS-TANK-I02 or SDS-TANK-IO3 and managed as described in Section or Rags and absorbent materials from cleanup of hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil spills shall be characterized and managed appropriately. Reserved CAL Aqueous Wastes Operation of analytical equipment within the CAL results in the generation of an aqueous waste stream. CAL aqueous waste shall be analyzed for agent concentration, corrosivity (pH), ignitability, TCLP metals, and TCLP organics. CAL aqueous wastes may be transported off site for further treatment and ultimate disposal at a Subtitle C TSDF only if the agent concentration in the waste is below 20 ppb for agents GB and VX, and 200 ppb for agent Mustard. CAL Solid Wastes (debris) CAL generated solid wastes consist of but are not limited to discarded glassware, wipe cloths, paper, PPE, plastic, wood, pipet tips, DAAMS tubes, transfer tubes, silver-fluoride pads, discarded analytical equipment components, and vermiculite. Attachrn ent 2 - Page 25 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan Each individual item comprising this waste stream is decontaminated before it is placed into the accumulation container. Overtime as the container is filled, decontamination solution residues (that once clung to the item) collect in the bottom of the container. A sample of this residual decontamination solution shall be taken from the bottom of each container of CAL solid debris generated and anallzed for chemical agent. Containers having analytical results demonstrating the agent concentration in the decontamination solution is below 20 ppb for GB and VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard, shall be classified as F999 listed hazardous wastes. Containers having final analytical results demonstrating the agent concentration in the decontamination solution is at or above 20 ppb for GB and VX, and 200 ppb for Mustard shall be placed into permitted storage until the Executive Secretary approves a treatme,nt plan. MSB Solid Waste (debris) MSB generated solid wastes consist of but are not limited to wipe cloths, PPE, discarded monitoring system components, tygon tubing, silver-fluoride pads, DAAMS tubes, pre- concentrator tubes, and discarded analytical equipment. This waste stream shall be sampled, analyzed, and managed as described in paragraphs through Sump 110 Sump 110 is a collection sump designed to receive precipitation run-off collected on the incinerator PAS concrete pads. In the event of a PAS process equipment leak, the potential exists for Sump 110 to also accumulate incinerator PAS liquids/solids (e.g., scrubber brines). These liquids/solids generated from the treatment of chemical agents and chemical agent munitions are a listed hazardous waste in Utah. lf the material (either liquid or solids) accumulated in Sump 110 is to be transferred off site for treatment and/or disposal, a sample of the material shall be analyzed for agent concentratioo, pH, TCLP metals, and TCLP organics. If the agent concentration is below 20 ppb for GB or VX or below 200 ppb for Mustard, then the material may be transferred off site for treatment and/or disposal. Unless the Permittee can demonstrate in accordance with R315-2-3(d) that the material removed from the sump is not ahazardous waste, the material shall be managed as a hazardous waste. To determine if liquid collected in Sump 110 shall be treated on site or transferred off site for further treatment and disposal, the liquids shall be visually inspected for the presence or absence of a surface oil sheen. Sump 110 liquids having a surface oil sheen, which is evidence that organics were mixed with the sump contents, shall.not be transferred to the BRA for on-site treatment. When material accumulated in Sump 110 is transferred off site in tankers, the material in each tanker shall be sampled and aralyzed for pH, TCLP metals and TCLP organics. The material shall also be analyzed to confirm that agent concentrations are at or below either 20 ppb for GB and VX, or 200 ppb for Mustard. Attachrn ent 2 - Page 26 .6',7 2.2,2.28.2 TOCDF**"*1,J;I;rT; If no surface oil sheen is visuallypresent on the liquid accumulated in Sump 110, the liquid may be transferred to one of the BRA-Tanks. Any solid material removed from the sump shall be managed as a hazardous waste. Instead of off-site treaknenVdisposal, the liquid accumulated in Sump 110 maybe transferred to one of the BRA-Tanks provided no surface oil sheen is visually present. Likewise, any solid material removed from the sump may be containerized and then stored and/or treated on site. Autoclave Treated Waste Each batch of waste treated in the Autoclave is subjected to a minimum temperature for minimum time-period. The final process step is to fill the previously evacuated Autoclave with ambient air. After a predetermined time to allow for mixing and evaporation of moisture from the treated waste, the interior of sealed Autoclave is monitored for agent. Treated secondary waste with post-treatment headspace agent monitoring results of less than 0.5 vapor screening level rySL) and demonstrated WCL of less than 20 ppb for VX and GB and 200 ppb formustard maybe managed in roll-offs for off-site transport to a Subtitle C TSDF as F999. Other waste codes may apply. Treated secondary wastes with post-treatment headspace agent monitoring results of less than 0.5 VSL, but without demonstrated WCL of less than 20 ppb GB and VX and 200 ppbl mustard, may be managed in roll-offs for off-site transport to a Subtitle C TSDF as P999/F999 with additional off-site controls (special handling through contract requirements) as an added measure of control to reduce potential contact with waste. Other waste codes may apply. If the agent monitoring results of the Autoclave headspace shows an agent concentration equal to greater than 0.5 VSL the batch of wastes must undergo a new treatment cycle in the Autoclave. Spent Scrubber Brines - ATLIC Spent Scrubber Brines are generated from the oBeration of the ATLIC Pollution Abatement System (PAS). Purged scrubber brines are transferred to one of three 12.000 eallon 90-day accumulation storase tanls. The federal and state waste codes applicable to this waste stream are F999. D002. D004. D007. D008. D009. and D0l0Jeeause€pent SeruUUer grhes are E€r,r€ratC frem an iircin in€s" Each Tank of SBent Scrubber Brines is samoled and anallzed for the aeent being processed to ensure the asent conc€Nrhation is below the WCL (20 pnb for GA. 200 ppb for Lewisite). Samples will be collected from one tank at the beeinning of each aeent camoaign and quarterly thereafter. The oeriodic samples will be anallzed for TCLP metals includine the anaMes specified in Table 2-4a and TCLP organics. Additionally' samBles will be collected and analyzed for the organic compounds listed in Tables 2-4b and 24c if the brinps are Toxicity Characteristic for organics. Less Than (9 WCL Spent Nitric Acid - ATLIC Attachm ent 2 - Page 27 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan Spent Nitric Acid is first collected in one of two permitted hazardous'waste storaqe tanls located in the ATLIC Toxic Area. Once the Lewisite co,ncenhation in the conteirts of a tank is demonstrated to be less than the 200 ppb WCL they are transferred to a 90-day accumulation tank located in the ATLIC PAS Enclosure. 2.2.i.30.2 Less than WCL Spent Nitric Acid is anticioated to have hiqh concqnhations of arsenic and mercury based on the analytical results for the solid ohase Lewisite that was found to.cling to the interior of the Lewisite ton containers. The federal aqd state waste codes apolicable to this waste strearrr are F999. D002. D004. D007. D008..D009.and D010. TOCDF will collect samples from each< WCL Soent Nitric Acid Tankprior it centents beins shipI)ed offsite to a Subtitle C TSDF. Samples will be anallzed for TCI,P metals includine the analyt€s soecified in Table 24a and TCLP organics. Additionally samplps will be collected aqd analyzed for the or$anic compounds listed in Tables 2-4b and 24c if the < WCL reject water results are Toxigity Characteristic for orqanics. -incc this w?ste stream will be disposed off-site throueh de€p wpll injectioq fOCDF will additionally collect samples to be anallzed for total susnended solids. and oH. Spent Powdered Activated Carbon OAC) - ATLIC The ATLIC PAS includes equipment to inject PAC into the elhaqst gas,stream. The PAC is injected after the Exhaust Gas Re-Heater. The PAC adsorbs.Mercurv and (if anv) residual organic vaDors from the exhaust gas. Soent PAC is g€neratod from o[cration qf a baehouse filter syst€,m which rqnoves the PAC from the exhaugt qas. So€nt PAC is dischareed from the hopDer located.below the baghouse into a storage contain€r. The fderal and state waste codes aoplicable to this waste steam are F999. D004. D007. D008. D009. and D010. .2 Each drum of Sperrt PAC e€n€rated is saml,led and analyzed for the ag€Nrt beins processed to ensure the aeent conc€,rtration is below the WCL (20 ppb for GA.200 pob for Lewisite). Samoles will be collected from one qontainer at the becinninq of each aeent campaien or quarterly and anabzed for TCLP metals includinq the analytes soecified in Table 2-4a. TCLP organics and total metds. Additional samoles willbe collected and anallzed for the oreanic comoounds listed in Tables 24b.and 24c if the PAC is Toxicity Char. acteristic for organics. Bashouse Fabric Filters - ATLIC Discarded baghouse fabric filters are contaminated with the PAC. The apolicable federal and state waste codes are the same as those for PAC: i.e.. F999. D004. D007. D008. D009. and D010. Orsanic compounds are not expected to be present at this point in the nrocess because they are destroyed in the ATLIC combwtion chambers. Because discarded baghouse fabric filters are contaminated with PAC. the waste characterization that is applicable to the PAC will be apolied to the baehouse filtors. Sampline of baghouse fabric filters is not required. Spent PAS Fixed Bed Activated Carbon System Pre- and HEPA Filters - ATLIC Attachm ent 2 - Page 28 { w**A"d;:;lrl June 2009 The final ATLIC PAS componeirt exhaust eas flows thoush before it is released to the ambient air is a fixed bed activatod carbon filter system. There are two carbon filter systems with one beine on-line whenev€r the incinerator is at op€ratine temo€rature. Each filtruonsists gf a pre-Iiltq followed by a Hieh Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. followed by a single bank of sulfur impreenated activated carbon. followed by a second HEPA filter. SLent PAS Fixed Bed Activate Carbon Filter systern ore- and HEPA filt€rs may be co{rtaminated with Arserric. Chromium. Lead. and Mercury. The applicable federal and state waste codes associated with this waste steam are F999. D004. D007. D008. and D009. The filters are not exoected to be contaminated with organics because they are located downstream of the combustion chambers and are also located 4ownstream of where the PAC is injoQted and rernoved (see prwious section). SBent ATLIC pre- and HEPA lilter are sampled and analFed for TCLP metqls. includine the analytes specified in Table 24a. These wastes are manaqed oftsite at a Subtitle C TSDF. Soent PAS,Fixed Ped Activated Carbon - ATLIC -The sge,nt activated ca$onreuroved from the ATLIC PAS carbon filter systans is anticipated to be contaminated with mercury and arsenic. the apolicable waste codes beins F999. P004. and D009. The carbon in the fixed bed units is not exDected to be contaminated With organics because units are lpcated downstream of the combustion chanrbers and are also located downstream of where the PAC is injected and removed (see orevious section). The carbon will be samDled and anallzed for as€ots that w€re processed while the oarbon was beine us€d as a filter media to €,nsure this waste is below the WCL orior to it being transfcrred off-site for treatme,nt and dispgsal at a Subtitle C TSDF. This wasta stream includins the anal ified in Table 2- Spent ATLIC HVAC System Pre- and HEPA Filters - ATLIC The ATLIC Heatine Vartilation and Air Cpnditionins GryAC) Systern consists of three filter units- with any trro on-line at all times that agelrt is in the facility. Within each filter is a bank of ore-filters followed by a bank of HEPA filters. followed by three banks of activated carbon filters. followed finally by a second bank of HEPA filter. These filter elemeirts will be relrlaced on an as-need basis. The applicable waste code is P999 for the pre- and HEPA filter located in from of the carbon beds and F999 for the HEPA filter located behind the last carbon bed provided no conlirmed asent alarm on the stack gggurs. Discarded ore- and HEPA filters located before the carbon beds have a high poteirtial of being contaminated with ageirt and are therefore managed on-site per the reouirements found in Module VItr which are associated Autoclave and Drum Ventilation Ventilati ins S Room DVS/DVSSR) s Filters found to be contaminated with chemical asent abo 1.0 vs are treated in the onsite Autoclave Subpart X Treatment Unit. Facilitv Spent HVAC Activated Carbon - ATLIC The ATLIC HVAC Filter Svstem uses activated carbon as a filter media to control , {_/ I i'\ n .. ,,.. . l" { ^t, ,\Ii: 1,,ury Attachment2 -Page29 TOCDF Waste Analysis?lan chemical aeent €rnissions. Th€re are three filter units. each containing three banks of activated carbon. Agent monitoring is conducted after the fir.st and second carbon banks in each filter unit. The first bank of carbon will be contaminated with agent throush use. The second and third carbon beds of each filter are determined to be centaminated with - ,i ueent bu.ed d;umpliil una analyrir oJ@ results otthe HVeC l. fiiterunit mid-bed agerrimonitorine results. ..-J' Aeent contaminated earbon is treated on-site in the Autoclave Subpart X Treatment ' rT.:4L-'aL^^JI:}:^-^fI\^^^-.^-:.^.:^.o^l...:^-.^.L^..'^^.^^.^..-..'-ffiA,fUnit ien Activated carbon removed from cafbon banls that were positioned after a carbon bank that did not experience aeent brqakthroush aq det€nnined by int€r-bed ag€nt monitorins is sampt"dfanO anaFeA for usmt io di;onstrute th" corrcentration is t"to* the WCI, fZO \ '{*IIldescribe4 in the Drevioui oaraeraoh. If the results are less thanthe WclJie-ca.bon is 0 iY" - transf€rred to an off-site Subtitle C TSCF as,aq F999 waste. { ,- SecondaryWaste - Ageirt MonitpringWaste - ATLIC Asent Monitoring Waste is qenerated from routine maintenange conducted on the. ATLIC aeqrt monitoring systerns and includes manufactured iterns contaminated with as€nt. Examples include nitrile gloves. pre-conceirtrator tubes (glass tube filled with activated carbon) eas chromatoeraDh analytical colurnns. stainless steel connectors. and Teflon tubinq. The waste code apl,licable to this waste stream is P999. Aeent monitorinc wastes are managed on-site p€r the rgouirements found in Module VtrI which are associated with Autoclave and Drum V€ntilation Syst€fi,/Drum Yentilation and Sortine Syst€ur Room (DVS/DVSSR) secondary waste managelnent. Spent PAC will be placed into onsite permitted storase if a method to analvze this waste stream for asent has not been annroved bv the Executive Secretary. Secondary Waste - Discarded PPE Gevel A Suits. Butvl Rubber eear) - ATLIC Discarded Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is senerated bvo€rsonnel who make entries into contaminated areas of the ATLIC (i.e.. the Toxic Area where the hazardous waste storase tanl$ are located). This waste stream is comoosed of manufactured iterns tiallv contaminated wi suit butvl rubber sloves and etc. lfhe eoui rior to bein ved bv the "Entrant".te code aDDlicable to this w PPE w iated with Autoclave and Ventilation S decontamination procedure is not successful and F999 if it is successful. Sortifrg System Room (PYS/DVSSR) secondary waste management. Attachrnent? - Page 30 if the TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan: June 2009 : SecondarvWaste- Life Supgnt Svstem (LSS) AirHoses - ATLIC The.LSS air hose waste stream is generated by the oersofrnel eirtries into the aeent O contaminated area of the ATLIC LSS air hoses are discarded when they contact or are susoected to have contactod liquid chemical agent. This weste codes applicable to this ga!teigeauds-8999" Disbarded LSS air hoses are managed on-site per the requireme'nts found in Module VItr that are associatod with Autoglave and DrumV€xrtilation Systfln/DrumV€,ntilation and fiecondaryWaste - Agent Feed Systern Strainers - ATLIC There is a feed systsm associated with each hazardous waste storaee and treatrnent tank. Each feed system includes strainers oositioned before the oump that is used.to transfer the liquid waste to the incinerator. Note thse is a Id svstern sDecifig to GA however this aq€,nt i$ not transferred to a storage tank Brior to ilcincration: rath€r it is fed to the Primary Co.rnbustion Chamber of the ATLIC directly from the ton container. The Strainers are The federal and State waste codes aoplicable to soe, rt strainers een€ratod from feed systems that manase chernical ag€nts are P999. D004. D007. D008. D009. and D021. Snent Aeertt Feed Svstem strain€rs will he treat€d on.site in the Autoclave Suboart X Treatment Unit durins the Secondary Waste Camoaien associated with the t)Oe of aqent contaminatins the strainers. SecondarJr Waste - Spent Decon Tank System Strainers - ATLIC Soent Decon tank systern straiuers are included in a sepaxate cateeory because they are not exDected to be contaminated with agart. GA Ton containers are filled more than half way with a NaOH based decontamination solution after their agent fill has beeq removed. The NaOH based decontamination solution is known to destroy the chenrical as€nts. Waste codes associated with this waste stream are P999. D004. D007. and D008. Soent Nitric Acid Holding Tank Syi.tem strainers are geirerated from the {ilterine of the soent acid used to rinse out L TCs. Beirch scale studies showed this waste stream to have L concentratiprrs above the WCL depending on the shength of the acid. Three (3) M nitric acid is used to rinse out the Lewisite Ton Containers after they are drained of their agent frll and to etch the interior of Transoarencv Ton Containers. The dcid's streirsth is diminished after use. Based on bench scale testing the concentration of Lewisite in the weakened acid is ereater then the WCL. The addition of 3 M or greater strength nitric acid drives the Lewisite concentration to below the WCL. The waste codes anticipated to be applicable to this waste steam are F999. D004. D007. D008. D009. and D010. Attachment 2 -Page3l TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 A representative sample of this waste steam will be sampled and screened for aeent L and analyzed for*etels TCLP metals. including the analytes specified in Table 2-4a. Organics are not expected to be oresent due to the hieh concentration of the Nitric Acid solution. ;/-L 2 ,L "7 10 " Lt t*r X,,r€ . , . ^1:/, rz2.2.2.43 Decontaminated Ton Containers - ATLIC -Y:'*, ,'^ / t, r{-t\t' , , GA. Lewisite. and Transparency Ton Containers are determined to be decontaminated . 1.,,, i;/i r*6(;(-' bur"d on ih" Ag*t S"r.*.".r'lt, obtuir"d frorn u ,u-pl" of th" thi.d or fi*l *ut"r.irrr". ^" .. ; that is perfonnedJf the results show the agent conceniration in the rinse water samole is i below the waste contrel limit (20 ppb for GA. 200 ppb for Lewisite) the ton container is i determined to be decontaminated. Decontaminated ton containers are transferred to d,.permi@ardous waste and wiil be cut in half priorto being , o g ),. '' *,',0../ transferred to ; off-site Subtitle C TSDF. t ra' ^i' Spent Decontamination Solutions Generated Durine ATLIC Closure T.he ATLIC will process the chemical agent GA and Lewisite and the resulting solutions generated from the rinsins of the ton containers and decontamination activities performed to support day to day ooerations. Once the GA. Lewisite and "Transparency''TCs have been processed. closure of the ATLIC and associated support systems will beein. Spent Decon generated in support of closure activities maLbe treated at an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. This will allow the ATLIC to be closed in a shorter period of time. ATLIC closure eenerated Spent Decon Solutions may be treated at an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. The apBlicable waste codes are anticipated to be F999. D002. D004. D007. D008. D009. D010. and D021. Samples will be collected from each accumulation tank of solutions eenerated and analyzed for Agents GA and Lewisite. Te[,P Total metals. including the anal]4es specified in Table 2-4a. TCLP organics. pH. total suspended solids. and total dissolved solids. Closure generated spent decontamination solutions may be transferred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF provided the aeent concentration in the waste below the WCL (20 ppb and 200 ppb for GA and Lewisite. respectivelD. and the waste is treated by direct incineration. l'rI riL", ' :J nl k'' 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 PARAMETER TEST METHODS R315-8-2.4 t40 CFR 264.13(bX2)lr Table 2-3provides a listing of the analytical methods that shall be used to detect and quantiff the selected parameters. This information is presented in a relational format in Tables 2-0 and 2-l (the WAP Summary Tables). The on-site Chemical Assessment Laboratory (CAL) shall perform the analyses related to chemical agent and other CAl-assigned analyses listed in Tables 2-0 and2-1. The CAL shall be Utah-certified to perform analyses for the parameters that require Utah certification. Off-site analyses shall be performed by a Utah-certified laboratory for the parameters listed in Table 2-3. Attachm ent 2 - Page 32 2.3.5 2,4 2,4.1 2.5 2.5.1 2.6 2.6.1 2.7 2.7.7 2.8 2.8.7 2.9 2.9.1 TOCDF **"*1HIrto,8; The off-site laboratories selected shall be certified by the State of Utah for the methods referenced in this waste analysis plan. When new promulgated methods are approved by EPA, the Permittee shall notifu the off-site laboratories of the required change and request a time frame of when the change will occur. A laboratory will have six months to submit documentation to the Permittee of the change or a time frame when the change will be completed. The laboratory must use the most recently approved method within one year of promulgation. If that is not possible, a written request for extension must be provided to the Executive Secretary for approval. Only SW-846 promulgated methods shall be used unless an altemate method is approved by the Executive Secretary. SAMPLING METHODS R315.50.6 I4O CFR 264.13&X3)I : The sampling methods to be used for each waste stream are found in Tables 2-0 and2-l (the WAP Summary Tables). FREOT]ENCY OF'ANALYSES R}15-8-2.4 t4O CFR 264.13ftX4)I: The frequencies at which each waste stream shall be sampled ard analyzed are found in Tables 2-0 and 2-1 (The WAP Summary Tables). ADDITIONAL REOI]IREMENTS FOR WASTES GENERATED OFF SITE R315- 8-2.4 t40 CFR 264.13ftXfl1: The Permittee is not permitted to store or treat waste generated off site. The Permittee is only permitted to store and treat wastes generated by the facility having EPA ID Number tIT5210090002. ADDITIONAL REOTJIREMENTS FOR IGNITABLE. REACTTVE. OR INCOMPATIBLE WASTES R315-8-2.8 t4O CF'R 264.13ftXOI: The Permittee shall comply with R315-8-2.8 for management of ignitable, reactive, or incompatible wastes. RECORDI(EEPING REOTIIREMENTS R3 1 t4O CFR 2 64. 73 OX3)I : In accordance with Module II.I, analyical results generated in compliance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) shall be maintained on file at the TOCDF as part of the Operating Record. SAMPLING AI\D ANALYSIS OA/OC PROCEDT]RES The Laboratory Quality Control Plan in Attachment 3 describes the Quality Assurance/Quality Control procedures established at the TOCDF to ensure integrity and accuracy of the waste sampling and analysis effort. ST]BPART CC AI\D BB SAMPLING AI\D AIIALYTICAL PROCEDT]RES2.10 Attachrn ent 2 - Page 33 2.10.1 2.10.2 2.10.3 2.10.4 2.I0.5 2.t0.6 2.t0.7 2.10.7 .l 2.10.7 .3 2.I0.7 .4 2.10.7 .5 2.10.7 .6 2.t0.7 .7 TOCDF Waste Analysis?lan The Permittee shall perform initial or change-of-process waste determinations for hazardous waste listed in Tables 2-0 and 2-l for wastes managed in containers, primary containment sumps, and tanks identified in Table 2 entitled "Hazardous WastelPermitted Hazardous Waste Management Units" and Table 4 entitled "Hazardous Waste Sump Systems". These determinations shall be made at the points of waste origination for average VOCs before the first time any portion of the waste stream is placed in an applicable container, primary containment sump, and tank system. The average VOC is the mass-weighted average of a hazardous waste as made in accordance with Section 2.10.1. The Permittee may choose from the two following sets of requirements for waste determinations: Direct measurements or methods specified in Table 2-3 or Knowledge-based determinations. Waste determinations for VOC through direct measurements shall document the point of waste origination and the average VOC for an averaging period. The averaging period for all waste streams shall be designated and documented in the Operating Record. The averaging period can represent any time interval that the Permittee determined is appropriate for each hazardous waste stream ofthis section, but shall not exceed one year. Direct sample measurements shall be taken at the points of waste generation in manner to eliminate volatilization, biodegradation, reaction, or sorption during the sample collection storage and preparation steps. For ACS and SDS tank systems, the point of origination shall be considered the tank. A minimum of four samples shall be collected at the points of origination for applicable waste streams identified in this attachment. A1l samples for a given waste determination shall be collected within a one-hour period. The average of the four sample results constitutes a waste determination for the waste stream. All samples used for waste analysis shall be representative of the highest VOC. All samples shall be collected andanalyzed in accordance R315-7-30 [40 CFR 265.1084], Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures), and this Attachment. The Permittee may also apply other methods and requirements of R315-7-30 [40 CFR 265.1084(a)(3)l for samples collected and analyses to determine VOC, provided the methods are approved by the Executive Secretary as required by R315-3-4. All direct measurements used for sampling and analytical results which require implementation of Module X and Section 2.10, Subpart CC waste analysis requirements shall be documented in the Operating Record and shall include the following: Point of waste generation Averaging period Sampling plan used (See 40 CFR 265.1084(bX3XiiXC)) Date, time, and location where the samples were collected (40 CFR 264.1089(0) Quality assurance program including procedures to minimize loss of organics during sampling and measurement of accuracy of procedures (40 CFR 265.1084(a)(3xiii)(F) Analyical method used (40 CFR 264.13(b) Identification of the analyst who performed the anallical tests, and Analytical operating conditions. Attachrnent 2 -Page34 2.10.8 2.10.9 2.10.10 2.1 0.1 I 2.10.r2 2.10.12.t 2.10.13 2.10.14 2.10.r4.r 2.r0.14.3 TOCDF **"*1Y;:'io'6; Knowledge-based determinations may be used for making waste determinations provided that there is sufficient information to meet the requirements found in R315-8-22 [40 CFR 26s.1084(a)(4). The Permittee shall make and update all analytical determinations required by Section 2. 10 annually or prior to an agent campaign change for waste streams identified in this Attachment. For waste streams identified in Tables 2-0 and 2-l that are determined during sampling to have VOC above 500 ppm and are not managed with air emission controls as required by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1084 through 264.1087], the Permittee shall notifuthe Executive Secretary of each occrurence of non-compliance and prepare plans for the adoption of air emission control requirements or waste determinations as required by this section. The maximum organic vapor pressure waste determinations shall be performed by either direct measurement or knowledge of the waste prior to the first time hazardous waste is placed in the tank unit. Waste determinations for tank systems listed on Table 2 entitled "Hazardous WastelPermitted Hazardous Waste Management Units" shall be performed as specified by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 265.1084(c)] for tank systems using Level One control. Direct measurements for maximum organic vapor pressure shall be one of the following: Method 25Ein 40 CFR 60, Appendix A; ASTM Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure, ASTM 2879-92 (40 CFR 260.11). Knowledge of the waste for maximum organic vapor pressure shall be determined in accordance with Paragraph 2.10.1 1. As indicated below, the following wastes and waste management units are exempt from certain Subpart CC and sampling and analytical requirements of this Section: Hazardous waste that has been treated or reduced by an organic destruction or removal process that satisfies any one of the requirements and conditions of R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1082(c)l is not subject to waste analysis requirements of Section 2.10. Hazardous waste and residues, which are to be managed in containers, sumps, and tanks, which are complying with the air emission control standards of R3l5-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1084 through 10871 are not subject to waste analysis requirements of Section 2.10. Wastes which are collected subject to chemical events and discharges of wastes subject to spill clean-up requirements are not subject to the waste analysis requirements of Section 2.10. The sumps and tank systems that must meet Level Two air emission control standards specified by R315-8-22 [40 CFR 264.1084(b)(2)] are not subject to maximum organic vapor pressure determinations of Section 2.10. Wastes that satisff the requirements specified in R3 1 5-8 -22 140 CFR 264.1 082(c)(4)l are not subject to waste analysis requirements of Section 2.10. Attachm ent 2 - Page 35 TOCDF**"*lHIio'ffi 2.10.15 The Permittee shall perform required waste analysis determinations for Subpart BB equipment identified in 40 CFR 264.1052 through 264.1062, that contains or contacts hazardous waste with organic concentrations that equal or exceed 10 percent by weight using the analytical methods listed in Table 2-0 and Table 2-lby either direct measurement or by using knowledge-based determinations in Section 2.10.19 . 2.10.16 Direct measurements shall be obtained by collecting Subpart BB samples and performing an analysis as specified by Section 2.10.5 to determine organic concentration levels for equipment. 2.10.17 All samples and analysis results required by Section shall be documented in the Operating Record. 2.10.18 All analytical samples collected shall be representative of the highest total organic content of hazardous waste that contacts equipment. 2.10.L9 Application of knowledge of the nature of the waste or the process may be used for waste determination for Subpart BB equipment provided that the Permittee documents the waste determination by one of the following procedures: A demonstration that shows that no organics are used or are in contact with the equipment at a particular point in the process. Direct measurement data for waste streams listed in Table 2-0 and 2-l maybe used for equipment in contact with an identical hazardous waste stream that contains a total organic concentration of less than 10 percent by weight. If direct measurement methods are used to supplement knowledge-based determination, the following shall be maintained: The analyical method Samplingprocedures Samplevariability 2.10.Ig.2.4 Analytical variability associated with the test method that was used [40 CFR 26s.108a(aXa)l Location of sample collection Date and times samples were taken If knowledge is to be used instead of the specified test method for a specific waste, then the following shall be documented in the Operating Record to support the knowledge- based determination: Organic material balances of the source generating the waste or Previous organic constituent test data or Any other information, including but not limited to manifests, shipping papers, and waste certification notices. Attachrn ent 2 - Page 36 TOCDF**"*1,J;I#;; Samples collected for leak detection monitoring requirements specified by Module X.C and X.D, shall be obtained to meet the performance standards of 40 CFR 60, Method 21. Monitoring requires that samples be taken in close proximity to the Subpart BB Equipment, and documented exceedance of Method 21. Sampling shall be performed in accordance with the frequencies established by Module X.C. Attachm ent 2 - Page 37 il ts lzETaJOzF]F{ ea I lr l N: / ) .g t El . l FZ FqFaBtreUoE- { t-zf- ] t-aFrddFl. l t--OIzo()zaDoI{ ilaE]FOFt- { a 6l t- i raaoIt*aFrdIz:aJ0r tr (ea trc,E ri AOaB5 <dEE 8B ' Et r #5 GIE n. 2 Oa ts C € R5<; EE 8E ' Et r #E b0aH(da"E )oLHss H' o . f, '2 ad a - .. i Xc l E< .y ' ) 4 . ! . GI XME au s F tE $i i E 8 E € EE A t s g ; b Fg E g5 F E E U) l-al-{ -q ) ZE fr Er Os >f i rr !7gEH ,\ , oEl&t\ a0 ad :, .F { -a - Ho! f tr t s -E E h' E .9 $r E EH B o- b : EE $ cr , bl b .r a- H a. H o - - 3r O" '! 2 8 H H- E O. , r A' O O TJ HF Er E g E g. q E >: E e gA E E -c l i5 U a H 9 cO ? i. E E H $$ $ E cd qE o 5 ii r= t lE e , l -*BE g =g EE E E€ E; E - Eg TE E $ ET -E r E E ce . e { EE r v) x cu o qY T T T ) 83 E- B E rr i i i g€ g FE g E fi f i f i f i f i * HE EC) tr0. ) ()aoeoF Ot < tr o3 sE 5b .E H AY cd ri !# & BE E 7, !1 o C) ' - Uh t r b ;+ Y g B O '( , '- ' !, $. 8 E .! r- a A r- r H E; } A_ Eo * : E E .E E' E E oS E d - -(JdId -f * ^ z< 3 99 3 ,.IFF ^<> x 4 )i , il 2 H r{ < e &0r E>€ ot r Hd5s . E ts S s8 E I bE tr bo t r c0 < < rE l O. i 3 b" s -r _ -( (\ l El r n O Fo r o - (f ) ti Hl < o cd e- *E E d. a 6 E ab E )- l ^( \ O ,- 1 . l- tA f- FH n O + ts t n e a t - d. E bo 3 ?S E ur r ^ x -8 8 E .r (r t tr E E bs \r t c v( oo o o -. i 3 tr ) t . ) tf ) d - d. d . d. ; 6 ? aa a b E -) 4 _ a rJ .N O dd P Fr E 8 5 FF F Fr t 6r - d, ,o bo J .E rn 3F =E,. E E \f , . + t oo oo oo 9? ? O. F - r Pr oo o JJ a J dd P Fr E FF F FN d. E -) ti cd J oe - t_ a (r . l HE E 'd c o X E 5; SS d - S ?? 3 : - , T O. O . . i = = O- 33 bS S 3 dd E 8 5 I, ] FF t r ; 6 r - F ,r ia )&< fr l UF FI { Fr -3t <4et , g, -E ( o. , . ri A OaBt s ii . H a. < (- oEE s .i ' .O li () = #5 oatrocdoUO( n ?-Fe 0 U o0 ) =a(D ) u) <. ed ^) co H \/ J. r a-a \- ,=- cr .y -- fr s* 3 .l V) x tr o ) 9 U O: E H 9= P= E O- = = = _ UE C' F' - - - - =E J J y \. / :Z \/ -(. - ) >' t r a (A .F F " E HW 5 ' :1 ir C) E do = (t I H P 3( ) ( ) = 5o 5 o il , d\J?aHcdbo .E ? - L\ ) l* i _ tr o. , , I "t , r + sl E+ EI i, E . HI EE i ,e < l 61 6' 3 n eI E >; sl #E t rdcdo.0)oUotr aSo a E !O ( )Y: F > b tr =4 a 80 3i 6 <E : E O FZE3 Fi - ( <z E] D il IIF -g l ,-t& OU o . Hl - t rJJ > 33 g E IzH&FOrdFU)E C) q=o tr O . 9o g EB t( n o. = {.ic\ a 2abi bo ( d 1{ 8s '= (. ) F( )oOc9 (. ' l .iN qE trga63 ooeo0)bo cd tu IN0)O63 il ts leEiz)azt]R{ (} O I lr { (\ A -g x AH6n 4 HiFE I FrOBFr reUcEl FzE] lraFri*ttFrI 1F-a!zo()z-*Hlr l)oH&at. 1FO-t- fNcr i raaol T r. lFriIz-JEi l(aa O0 +. lr F. Ee s $ cd o- c) =E b€ c *i = E B EE f i * E /\ . J - ! ER r - ' 5 9 O -' J tr g# . E gE trCUE n. 2 oaB5<; EESB ' cE(. ) = aEAS clE n. 2 00 ) a ts c u ii t r t" . < doEE 5B ' Et r #5 O-Ots f ^ I' o t \- aZE fr !r Os >f i rr E Y - zi : ti ta ) EE l ,\ - ordiltr Es f , {H E qJ - ) El { ' dH3 HE fi E E i Et g E PE E fl VJ AE 06 ) )s 4 .5 s E =6 i oB E E r- FE e E cI .^ ^ l ' gg g g g g i * * i r E E= E $E $ $ $ T + sE E t fi s f i f i f i f i f i 9r =3 ( ) bg EH h-EE Sc > 6e o- t r *sH- 9 (r ) 0) eB5€ -vdId -I * - z< 3 99 3 ?. -FF / T <> Y 4. 2 il t t s rd < e N-Cr .. ' E E bI ^V t- - G I El rn O FO \ O r (f ) $< \J.a l r v (d eo S8 e SS ta ) (- ) - tA tA d. ; 6 E d. d . a b E aa rJ .C ! O rJ r J Fr E S $ Fi d Fr ; 6 r - FF d" E bo 3 6. 5 .E rn ; g 'd i= -o ' c E E: b -= E -o S t SB e tA t \ a ) A v d. d. d. - E a a ab E LJ -J A bJ .e \ O l, r d9 Fr E 3 5 F FF F, r ; - r _ d. E I0 3 6" 5 .= -l - '< 6l E Ll r n O = Fg g \c o E' i 5 I E .d ec ) 6 .t $ ^- =\ oo oo S8 P S \a (a tr ) A - ra Bl d. d. ; 6 E d. a a ab E a rJ LJ A LJ .C \ O rJ l, l pi P Fr f i 8 S d F FF F, r ; -r _ F ha 'l E( <E ] UF - fr l F !: ( :?4. f r 4t , E?1Hcd+) .Fxt)O. \- / !,() +JF-oU() .F l tn t rE &a oi 0 ) .= .J ' s i' -4-f t r = a t So B E :E <E O d\J'3 - (, .9 -i Ec 3 3 Fl -\ -v ) -4 8 : E E 9' o = E A- t l l - I. I r J = - ) (r = q =J ; J \/ ! . \ / -\. , ' E S ^ E EE 5 g CI H HE8 r 9 r d -\J .d 6p 'o -U G ? c h -v ) - -= ( D ( J \ r 85 : E E E 'F E 5 ' o t a E' 3 3 ' 3 { Ei - = . i p tr 3 e A = = 'E 8o - E J E E e= S 3 E E -a r h 4 E E 80 &= d i FzHO =l - Fr r<z ri l D dF -iIVzFIaU9 I <= IJ .O. Fard&FariFaE ()A. c0a ts ( O) ,F bo E E> , ^ . Oa a .- .^ .H tr [ i ? t' o - 4 Xo d !- t< c< . u 3< tJ . . . tr o\ n cg o l- { Fr A 7\ A \J L/ l+ ' t ,\ l o .g , ' d F? t r AF t -cd -) f- .oacd> o\ e. )C)bo C€ a< I?r 0) troC€ il l- {el. lz)OzFI F. { oa I fr { Nr / ) -g x EF t c€ 41 t- { iFq t' {0BFE { A-tUot' l FzrI ] 13aFtdilFrdt' r t-aIzo()z-&=i)oHilaE1Fa-Fl a t\c. i lanoHFl lFrd-Z(Jzlr l t]tr-aa A. (dF A.F (n-atl ,^ 10 ) \{ - ZE rr Ei Os >f r rr E7g Er d ,\ , oE1&tr go o ,9 a '= Gl t- ( H =t 3 BE * &E E HO . ? tg -b -q ,6 J (E . r { I 'r i E ir s 5 rn E ol- rol- .aVzFIa! )AE od (d 0. ) IJ . I ts abag AHEE95 E cE t Er e ts F =0 ) (, PoHRA a V -. r =v aH' g B (s = c A jJ cd ps(a dE a0 -q .H Lr EHT& Zr .3E ti <aoo: A. Y l J F{ Si S H' a b ,E SB -|JdI6 J* . z< 3 99 k t? -FF ^<> x 4; i il i E rd < z ilFr Ip. .oJb 0 lF r rI J . E tr E \ o E= t . ) -i oGt -: i O. .+ . f , . f , + oo o o @ o o [. ) \a \a rn d. o: d. d. oo o o J J Ja J rn E rn rn g rn -, r ; F F- F \J ,$A\Jo\\/ NN : + . + f- f- f- f- r. ) ( ( ra tt t t 0< p < o < 0 < oo o o JJ J J ll t l IJ . 1 tI . 1 EI TJ . I FF F F O . tn - lr t t -t O O |' 1 o ro \o t- eo ,- . N sb E = (. . ) ^ -, 4 d oO = , - r ( cd 'd o ! Q + o E: H : 3 g> o H E\ a 3N 8 R E tr d n ' O O ' - < =f , X c. r \O ,- r nW L Le . ) eo J O O- r O ka o\ "X t \O o o sB $= Ot i t c U c. c EC 5e Ji l =: 8 8? OO - tr ) O -( r i =o E O rr r = f - Q - O O "s cg r a O O Jr - , - r d) NF ( \ - t € - , E OO O tr C A tr -e Q e Q G| t - i (d *a )&<r d UF . FE ] F=3A<44f , E ,, t gEI E EI U ot (- 1 l o =l .= FI E .E $ ;I E E6 9 =I < E E E Nl &5 0 5 0 . t r oCB , ^ . \ Fi H a. r 1l *r .= b e: o( , - U tr () 6r - i .- - v ? H, i e i l< (J ' n -A L ( JS: -a & {o \ l ) A oaoxoo0aaoooir *A. a ,. o-'- > 0 t r (, ^ ct r L' r H Eg 6 O. = / O- -F -< J i= e u EI FT F I >, N .: 6 i\ .?E< 3 _s f f P oo-.ic!o(t )C)0)U(, )OO. Fz=e -- Fr -<z r{ p ilF r- r (r l (J U JJ E E' r (s E. o -( \ E E UU T S qJ !- r J J al ) EO. t-erdilFardFU)B \. / '. = :. o -1 o\ = rr ^ ) oa. 2 / \ av \ L_^- a i L/ - H '5 cd 92 HE - 6 .E < 6 tr = ( ) s =. 9 "< (J H. - H8E $ (l ) - = ir ot 9 ()A. a ooao OT |r ' ] i : o0) .+ O .ic! E c1 Cd F' t o tr o '5 Fi '* 5 0. ) B EE B = '- r ' = cU rl U ) H = CE E E g +r 0 ) ( J C , k F, T E E S- , 6E F d € U- H U . d 'a 9l O- a a - B- aE A & , -..ic\ QE trgOcd ts $obo cd o< INO()od ilF{ef. ie-0zF]F{ OO I lr l NA .g t SHcn 4 tr 2 F{ t' . {0BFraUoE{ FZ1. 1=aFH*-FriF-0Izo()z-il )r l)oE]&ardFa-F(t\(r i |aaoH;r rHri tlz()zltF1Ci=aa a-i0r] ^ I' o t \lZE tr 0r Os>f i rr &ZE Er d ,\ - ord&tr -. : .iC. l troo0)ac)oa ->rd rl * . z< 3 99 k .i -FF ^<> x {i H il z = r{ < e xO. E E- 6 sF E. q 9 !E E - 5 .y a gc ! g> . , E g r r e { _r - : v FE H rl a \. , ) EE E E i E gE E E T E gE € g E H uta )d< f. l UF -E l Fr - :a4&1t €cd ?l oo o0 . . = Ei n o3Bs =( ) J bI ) o' t r =0 )UoOt r xb n (r 6 -( . r d\v t bE . g H- b q r [r c l E il E ; e: i * E AS . E Hr g ; - ES E E T 2 2oGIoEC) (l ) -f: 9) r d E( ) bo .( d o. E< c! 3 C) ;E 55 'd E (D - H E{ +J r - -S. * ^ i 'd ; Ct l o- , - . - ?A \J -d : a a) t u \- , , ) g E" t E- t< -O 'c i Ct l UF, . Y N 9, _ > 2 l- i Fo} i i i O H. E FzEO a,Fl -<z r{ D tVEF 0. )oi< fJ . gi r&A aIJ .o alL , ,o 9, E€ 5 €- a A g Er '- r ' H - 9 0 ) sE E T 8 , q 9, E€ E €; - tE g g s s tleE1 ilFardFaB JmO,o(n .oOoz a.d .o \O (, .ic{ €C) i€ E Lr t- r 'H 0) = bI ) ., 5 F< Es Ee co H d{ ' E EE : E .E HE E 9 ts ' = 6J o= 6 E E ts : ; \E 5 E E , -6lc\ ao!i2oc)p, o j3 Y0 ) rr . t 6o oo (J .ic\ EAJ I gb E S@ u =. =. = = .: j O c n L .E P E€ s Hi S = 9, - ^ H s 5 cE E -J HE g S ,i.lN EA H U' .H E o> t 1" c i ? tr x< c) gE > E a a] E , , r r B Bx 2 b o- Q H < H -r Q ) Z ? l \ J.iN 'r , € (L ) o 5' +) (d c n ?a i< .= o A? 1E. E E \. / IUo . E) () E a. o ar tr E<E> -A F - l- { \- / J.ic{ E tr O \ ,1 60 O F{ F{ 7\ A \ / \J l+ < ,\ t 9. r ' d F? t r -3 E F- ) 0)ad> \robo cdnINOocd il ft laEIe)azJFr OA l-Na .g I EiFZ HFl0FFraUoH FZHt3aFrd*-lFf. lF-0Izo()z:- l&FI)orI 1&af. lFOB!- f tN(r i iaaoH:. lFrd tt ' (zIz-t]Fr-dU) b0 troo()oc,aaI 'd dori A. GIF c,aCdBoUd,oooa+iotr o0. )a0. l- roCUaG,BoU OHat] , ^ 40 ) \iZEEe r Os >gU€ 7g =r d P\ ,ori iltr +. C tr C € 80 € Gl t r R, g g. E 'i .b 0 -E b ru E ft # ,. l< ou 0 a0 . = \ cl S< F{ -o Qa -L E' A ' v A ^ i{ \- / LJ ri i E -; oa(t ) i- €H tr N. - O E: do -o .t r () ! a B- H 4= A 0) o () o 5- s ob0E)aB '1 , ,EUEo(l ,EI UEoG,H IId l- - z< 3 99 k ;; - FF . i <> x 4; i tZ E ri < z ilE( E ;" r 6 sF Eq e k8 t s - U .= a ge { g- E P r r e ' i -- t - : s - q - i- i \J 2 -> = o0 0 ) tr Gl H: EE E E € P #E E E E f rI . lt\f ,c{?oroJrnFEN 2n<d . qo <J O r- Gl OO^\ o OL r \a o ea O f- O r. l \o lh : tl l ^H5 F ri Y f E iv l _ { Fe a cd '1 3 t< ALi \_ , _ l_ (d H b g b8 H E E f, E r H I s O! ) O v . L . ea o 17 , H 5 O cF ra \ Lr G f- O ; O C{ e! qE f s, F , e , = s. q i' qI - 3 9 : g E E q $ HH F ? E H E ? E E E ra r\ O$ (r ) r \ OC , s5 Fj P rn X (a !. , d. = 3e rr r E FR I ha e& <r d UF - fr l Fr -3t <, 4 ?n ?1H bo o -T E E ? E D o, - ' o . 8 . . E E E iE E E g 1 E, E E E E E f l i 5[ ; s e r E # rE a g : e E g s r, E rt H E5 .e E(d t i (. ) o bo .E Ed0( ) t Bs xo -q bI ) i< do' t r =c ) E0 ) ot rES \- / o trotdoooU0. )ao li,^ r 4 .v F *{ 't r aEE, g .- *, 1 at r ' . 5 ^r - O t r o A. q E 9E H O. , , a vl !, ,c t r = t E( B C ) Jt :' r , I ! J A E€ H -h . { -H LBt s E S /, o F' E ' = } XE $H :E d . E 5d t4Ho.-5)tuH+' Jc4 HC)o-1HoU+. (- ' !C) .o o ,; A 1 =o { r t r iv o a a\ - +. , v -L v L&( - ? < Z acdo& oocUou00) -A }E JH j5 d ub 0 Ot r Oa ri o Fz=c -t r Fl -<z rd D &F. ocdooo fJ .P. t&O. tJ -O. c{UJUtFH >R F- -d t r t- i< r\ = d V. - HL -Jo - U tJ .Or tLor ()cgC) lizrd I-t-aE]Fa- Jm0) ,oC' ) ,ooQ 0 c! o -t A .ic{ a .e a tu < .= LJ B< ?, &, p g r- .t t! c s t r AU ) ( gEE : AA v IP en , ( E '- ( \, / () J". i C{ r!A.O. t+i.iN 5' E .l Po , + 3z E EE E = (d . = (\ ) -F l v- c) ( ) G l 9. U s H- 8 z EY E EF A 3I r# J.ic\ oOao&\o-.iC\ C) (hcd>hCdoooaoo-.iol oacB E} cd a tr )EgEg ?E tr ( o (D r r S€ ' o, E .- t A aC. l c! t' . cd '( , odo0 ) q) r4 . aE O bI ) cd dEg is cB EB .iN QE sLr -9acd ts c{ \f ,obo cd o< INo)<Ocd &F(ats {e)azIF{ (3 4 ! lr { NA .g x SHFz H-aBFraUoE{ Fzrd ts raFHilFlE l t<-0IzoIz-/,Et H)cr{&OriF0Bt a 6l t. i iaaotiHtHtlzUZl(lJCr tle0 <t>t EI€lRl *rfl ol El .r l ol EI EI al Bl #l sl ol G, I FI al cl l FI ol (! l FI -f . a8' o e - E Eo . r = E E $; E 3 a €E g E E EH E dg3 s tt E O b kH ) s F g; [ E E Eb 8 E f gH F O O F( - E co rJ i o. , I P !e # 3 q EE ? sE + ) \ ' o E e 3 gg s ri c. i E =' E = I a E ;E " j O 'E _r go - E x ir a g€ f o = - -E O' - ; < u - ,* i r? E 'E : i I" Es i 'l gf , 6i HE E EE E IE $E E i li 8 EE 3 iE A f l EE $ 5E ; EE i i FE ; Is E B$ i E E; i EH g EE A E EH E Xr f tg e E EE E q: f i ,i dE € -= >= J E- . EE E ? #g ? iE g -= d . ;; S = f €Z €f ; U f Ei E co E AA X EE i s EE E gE E g E E x E : il : S E= n ; E E 5 E Ei E E ;E E i i g i a i i E E 3; E s B g g g . Eg € A t * s Ef EE t € iE E A E E E E E E E E t Et I g e * * E i E E = u Ef rE ? E E E r 5g g 3 gE i i l H E E E *E E,E , c. i .* i + ,r ; \o r- od ?, ,-atl , - 1€ ) ai -ZE JO \r r rr Er O^ e >€ rr &ZE l= rd il \- ard&tr HI FI -c l () l sI 1 RI alEEI o- l -E l Gt l FI -q lol ct l l IJ . I I Elal ?, 1sl o. l JIct (t l l FI -c lol rS l €l 'r l *t s{ €l €l El HH a Hf l H ,f ; I "H t E l -IaId -l * . z< 3 99 k FF , ^ <> x 4) Z f, * E ra < e &ti {lzl xlBI+lHI il i l x aX d. l Et ol o l o JI J I J I- i l k l l r, t FI F I F xl8l ilHI xl il 81 8 l JI JI FI HI ha Jd< fr f UF -t {EE<4 4A EI C) I EIol ', , dl cl l f, E l s (a l EI>l#l rl a<t () tY ra r El El .s f, E l $ tr tot 6. ) t LlOI ?l tr tot a0<t edHf t HE I Fz=e -- F- t<Z Et p ?4xF UIUI o' l (J I r- lJIFI<t UIUI o- l c. l l JIFI<t UI (J IalUI=lFI<t $l \O l -l -l (a ) l r l "P l "l {l -E l ct l Gl l Hq t Lr - l tJ - l al a l zl z l UIUIal c. , l =lFI<t r-aHilFof- I t-0B <tot -r l tr t 0) l a0 :tot l -lot l c. t l 0) Ial }Isldc. t l c. i l tr lOI !. 1cl lqEISl Er gs | ;I Rl ll :l ll NI 'd l '6 1<lol 'E l 7l8t alxl ilc{ l c. i l c) l 3l rlol tr l .s l tr totul br El 5l il l I! tr o \ N c, O t- { t- /- \ 7\ A \/ \J H ^ t O .2 - o i .F ? tr -iE F- , IL.O+lacd ca$C)bo Cdor?o oc0 il l- {ats le)OzIF. { r- , 1 A lF {Nu ) .g x E F- l 6C 11 F{ i FE I t- {aBEra(,oEl >lOo 9. ^ ZA :r l \J dE >i n a' P r' EEObbEe E H. - .- (d 5 () EU O t- rOO AOooon"a (l . i ' tr O. H -d oFU b0oUl- t3. . s R6 da aU rna-iaJ<6 ZE , L tr oO- q >f i U€ zi 3 r. 1 8 -oHiltr E- e - i- l l\ ) 'F .- +- , !i - 5 8 0 . ) r] F r ) i < b 0 EE 5 F: A sE E e = : 9c t r E ' E U E r E gr e i BF * E s s ^ iz t< UD = R, 9p : E I E B E Bi * 3 * EE E E € g I O i- P = Fr ( ) " t r l o. r . r t i tx NE 6 a- cu X h r a A O i He E g E a EE 3 6E E B >l s o, E =E d a gE ?; E o *Y ' e HE c . E " i !r tr ci '- r '- OE d d c ?1 A' - l .E I Eo . o ! P .H 'E 8 9 E 3 3i l E E T ; o eo i Z ts l lr lt >) .9 95 i l . s E Ee r g 2Z H or I €. 9 !- t H E" g B E & r A' 9 : t r E - E H E€ E BH H t<0) (dtrooocUotro,t soO. trclagE8E q9 5U , ?.9 o d .t s X a o E E Et EO 3E H, E !i E €6 b o EI E E XU ; b 8. E Ef i E E BE E g gH E i a EE E g E 6 8 HS H eg3 E !\ ) - r l y ' ) =E o Ef * '+ r t r O g H' o Eg E Qa a ts E (- a k tr G t i € B5 sg l 'J ,1 i^ L Ve $E .- L IJ E o. o () 3 . - r '{ 5 . 9 € *r H C) Ep S, L' i hi r- t i' d ' cl Ii - 8 E ooq- .o)' rdt- (ooxtdL.FE)m-d o 't : "l rf i f 9-LeC 'r-63 2 |- - '^ ' f- f- (J k> E tr ' l ! : fl i E 14 < fr0r €d\n o r- t f- O$ ei f- KE Oc d H8 6r o Gl o F( -ca O t- t \O ! EE EO3^ s R oE o o i \ ea <. rd oO Lf - d+ r oL { c d E o 06 G, il H 8 H f i t' 'z f tO r- f Ca l BE b E b J' - . l O ' - r O r. l r H F( F{ F{ H( . a O c a \ a [< -r \O '- r Cr ) C. l f-\n I p<oJIHF JU\J at t4 (\ = r^ r 1/ ) u+ . ;, - F : - E =F o o o' E iF E = t 6E lr 3 . i O co o - { n s= 8 H E C ^I E g E qO I+ d L d (I ) r \ O cd o dE N +) : J- i r E O C r- - r F - F I l p E= B = 5 F c! oc aRs oo .d t- r tr odOO oo ea c! ea oo oo \o. !ol e{ooC)aq)oa taail rdFri te&0rJU-F- Iz I(dOzo. , ,JUF otd e. ) HA -r < C) 6J a 'E H8 $ 5> 5 ts O . O. i< ' r l (l ) l ibP U U <F F o(do()oU0. )bo otg .7 . ; l- l A 7o6J 2 'E H. E F, d> 5 ts O . O. Ir l ' l (D F { F{ bO U U <F F tr rRa L/ C) H- e UT o. l! oCd t<(. )ooUobo (dooU O-oFzrd13aFE] ilF z9, F1 U <c2a I -r (r l UU JJ UaaI&o V) tLo tJ - , Or l<z. rdF-' ( (t ) I frtro()zl- l&t. l)oHilof. lF0-NaNti =4Hd,Falr lFa o0 6daUJololo|N (. )oa0) il (\ 1olol c. l oq IJ r€i<0. )?' ) .1 = ct ) m< 'c - D C) ( u ii Eoo f, c a n6! c. l c! ooao&ulol o{c{ aC)) rda(. )&oIoUatJ . ,nqc. lol c! ao&t<Cd troEaC) ru E Ft ( ) 6. e 'd goo - ed 6gb Ft r cd \E ololN qE s<F'go6dB .+\f ,ob0 cO o< Ic!oocd l11lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII il ts {e=a>)U)zF]F. ( t- { A tHNA -g x Eict 4 F{ i F{ t' (aFtrRUcH Jaotra-aFzrd lra3rd il ttFrdFl- (0IrrfroIz-&ts)oE] llttariFO-Na 6l e. i 9^z= -\ JdE > i. i #> (D - - . A 'r = 6 U rE : g gt r o * r o Q- i O- t r (l ) r. :u g - (J tr -^ ' 5 hi ;; E H g aU ia0HaJ<6 ZE L fL Et Os >€U€ zi r rd 8 -ordiltr >\ 'd tu ' d J5 ( ) = A oi d8 E a. - +, !J +r ,g E g -A ( a o; r o) 6 :. E E E BE EE E H3 . E g; E EE ; E 2 t' - , o ts o . 3= E E, : O OE € €€ q= = L = = ir ir ts a E g a jr 3 Jr 3 o( J o( ) tr o c o Oh Oi r _4 . E( n = u ) ,E f r a €# . 0 sq H sq . - , 8 r= i F ] g l f r gE E gE E BE E gE 3 E= E 5T E os , : 5i q . - oA * cl U l L O 5E = 5E = P oo (a - , . o))<cUtiooxEFEca5c ) 'o "i rS f E-IGl '! ts 33 r . E- ' - - fr fr (J <! F tr ' i ! 1 {* E r- l < fr0r C) 'c t ) E E '( K5 S fi Bl 3? e{ -( - $ 5 Ft o qF oo : ot r l = \O eo + .O ' 9 e7 Lr f- f\ C .^ ,- f LJ o o L cu l i EU a O O O O- O cd p # il q =t HE S fi t r H ^r E .6 r . 9 'O ut O ta 1 ca i - , h 0 a ," 6 == i = 68 = rJ OO -6 - 6q l . x l r Oe l o 6 ,i , tf i i \ FF -7 E ca .+ c c . O I O! f , ca o ce y E O ( rr O t- c i C - - . O - i - , G l r A ( . r l Q - 'o Al- {G, (t- { '- oF ca <, f. l- Ok g> O il H8 l- '7 t \O t! Ao E6 l- a - A / . \P ;5 F - -E - $c!?O.o "q + ct tr l c. i F oi 5 tr c. l .9 ? ti o. "x 3 8L u a? ?t ,&r{FrdFail AHjUFTFJz EG . A (n -Y . g (n [ , c! tr -- o c B '- # , , g o EH c- E .e A Cu . a , = F E ; A 9' 'E qr Fr - - - t =E E e n. , , , 5e . E a tr E v o lx s i f r -t O 7, , 9 .p I * E a E! : * t E .= c B E S ' E g s = 6 gE s E E = = o- q '= \ : i . j y $* p p E8 s 8 E p 9s Jl- - ' =s hE aP - ) .d t r E E $s o ct - d ' 5 ,2 8 gE N 7) - u1 E' t r \- . - ( d J J o ) fr r- r ?. F :u x o .2 f' E is E aE E E? s E €g ; 'E F A E Ek : = =( n E q := d I gF I $ E E, 8 E tuoooUc)o0 z9, ?e :E N> ; -JEE J Aai I tJ . o- i5ard&FOrdFaE Q(. ) an ti V) ,o ! ) (D L . og dqHB 0) (a ) Lr ' F c. t u9 Or .O a? oqo. ! c. l c{ tJ . tr O\ A cd o l- { -a r\ A v LJ -r lt Q .s ' d F? t r -tE Ft trOJacd \n\f ,Ooo 63 O- , IGI , EIotr()cd il ts lel. ra-U)zF]Fr t- { 0 I lr i NA -g I E r- l Fz H-aBFrAlr lUcE- { -lao0.alraFZrd=2Frin-FriFt-aI frfro(,z!r*-=pordrl IIOr{Fo-6l aN(^ . i 9^z= -\ JdE > i' r a' t<OO AOoo () n a-^4 0 +i ' c O. H -l oFU LOO At )8A "T , +i ' c o. H -E O F- . U s 'd 'E EObbEe E H. - - cd - d o EU O ?t )-aJ<6 ZE , tr t r Os >f r U€ zi j rd 8 -afr l&tr r o*ot- rko i O. €H .. - , C) O' . 5 tr i n EE8g ep B Hl i Oc g Q t- r -i aaF .q b qc _c q o LI J AO o= .2 E Ei -e E $ s 5 E Ea IE E E€ EA tr = E Eo E E E [* iE g E := ; E EE E E ;t * fi $ E g E€ E E , E; I E &E E E EE E * gatr ( d E $, a. i l - O = a* b. ' [ * o. l t r t s 4 dFLA t r ro5 3 eo ts O t r )t 4 a \ +- < v oS g AO E tr tr o' F E o- O r e. g t. E cn #r E. El .. . o E s8 g a O r- < ^' A EE E E -rJtIet l '' l l- l 63 2 - -' ^ ' fi k ( J<! F E( 'l 11 {* E r. l < &0r b . 3A '- r o E P g H5 H 9N lQ c' l f- Lr ^ r rO '; C =! :. , : .- , N b c< + = = cF € - or A 8: ea < ' .: Y -E Ai r 5: =r , = il ;? ;5 HE E #E t r g He - E! !* S ; ln g d iE $ ;E EE E 8 t? € t- I- CU f \ -. O -{ - r ( g f; ca Q- ! E E E8 i= i = R I eE BN s s = ; $E $E S i E E B - E $g f , *. " E E : E g S I ba s )- l C ) O - r O ' - (d t x l r1 . 1 CC { O O ,, r , tf i (\ - F F 7 t ca $ cO \O pt O O c A O c a y E O ra t- r O Fe O . O - . O - i - , O Vt eA Q- E63 !oo\Tx oh rr Cr l :t sHo F{ Oeo O -r \O ?nil rdFE] Iz<il0r tlU-FJz e( n *( ) r .- l c! asq $ tr F E5 oF E o !. (. ) bb ^ H E a g :s gf l l 3 n E E $ $ ,E g E e , E ? g = 5 sE . g E E = 1 o. o_ =' . ) . = t - . = q $* p p ss s a E p cB a -f , o | .t- c\ qC) c o E 8 g cl b F H? 'E c r o o = E g -8 SO E e E: € H f, l f I ES U Fb .E - e ' E g iz = 3 f Et E F< = = E- o .o o) St r P P E8 E € ,9cdoO-JUF 9, tUae z= a I IJ - , O- , Ir . , , OrZ, 33 E E =4E]&FaE]FU)- vc! a Uan Y -{ ) tH - ^x i o u 3& i' \. , t- 5' B E !r ' F- r fo r g FE . q t4 6) V l- ' = r a9 = m ai O- , = cd >f i a \a €- )U qc\ lclN atroc6oooF,;o fJ . ,O- ,; 1) .d Oa F{ C) ololol a- ' o() tn (E0)dtuoo". i C. l c! QE F4Hga63 ts \o\f ,Obo Cd O- . . INO()cd il>)azF1F{ F, { A It s i NA -g x A )- l cl 4Hi ,HE- {0BFraUcH JOoOradA-\L2LC ts2,Frd*,1Ft. lF-aIErho(JzH&--lot4&ardFa-o!N6l (, ^ z= - L. / dE>i a #> bo .F oUIgEE b0oUEc ) :- oEE ?l .H5 p. g j. = t! LU -E[ ! E: H ^o c, P. = a fl f i I b eE d€ E rA \J 6 b- 9 .= Be 8: 3 ^o cd O. = a €f i I O-aJ<6 zE fr oO^ q >gU€ zi : rd 8 -oE]&Ir i aaR, cr t tr€C)a(Ua(. ) tioo0)dot{otrGI tro()() (g tJ J b0 cdaFcdo 'E c) '= E =( ga9 ir c) b€ eAoP - sr E Bt s oc ) tr p c, -q ,o h -0 ) -a > H0 ) :E E .doF .g ,6 9. , E (E c u 8, 9 ,O L +. 0) or J 4 Hs E. c a( ) G, E Bt V ^t r . eE e FH t r tE E<E . g ,\ / A *1 Ee e €5 8 rf r 'E " € J ^( D i &t r e Lj H E E< tl r (n t\ / ,\ E:. s o Eo ' A -c '= O o X O. c , =E o E5 t r uo 6 tr f ,i .X o o ) Ed B JA EEE E h A G, -E .- ' E E bE E io . ? F- F ' .c t + TE E EaIGt -t-33 r -- ' fr L L J k> E E- l H {z " E r{ < frOr (. l.f ,O6t<otfOo\ c. l t+ f- f- (n \a lto. p r oo J -. 1 tt lu tr l FF CO5S € C) e e ^ E F 5- l ! ,^ . 8 oo ^ ' i 5 8r E; € 3, - c' o . = sb 38 6 ra o h a. . 3 e. 5 , - , E - q R 3: 5 : E s rr l r - l\ - -O rO F= 5 ! a E O$Oo\ e{ s s f- f- f- tn t, 1 t. ) tt t O. , Pr O. oo o JJ J tt r rr l El tr l FF F dvXc { H o9 !R F i C! f , o O : "A f - g q J bE En o cg o - F{ - e O !l 3N 8 H .o 6' o ?o Al < d Q ) f - cU O 6d E e . { -< O , - < E o o Fi - - E t r t 3B = 5 E ?a*-riFt. l FizilOr t]U-FJz oco ., a EE E. t s o. zE8 () t r bo o <U a() a9 'E E8 F, .g ' > 5 J p. , , o. o. r J J gU U t: - F F oGl a , r 3r H - \ = tJ - .t s be : OI : t -r -' l ; 6. t s u u. ; 3 E 9' a q, :- a) TS s eO ao a' = L !q d 6p 0 O. O. JJUU FF z9, 1e '! E ^, - : !. ! F J I- I A ad 7lt/ ?3 3 3 E3 3 E u 33 3 3 3 EB B g * =aH&FardFaF ao td (hO&aOrN.i c. l c\ aOoL<C) .o-oP()aca.lol c! tJ - tr O\ A co o r- () o . X o .2 ' d F? t r -- EF - ood> f-.f , (. )b0 cOOrINo()oo oo .+obo CO o< INotroc0 ilFIa!laJazF]F{ F{ O I lr l 6l | 4 ) .g x E )- l cd 4 F{ i,rcE{aFF=aUo3 Jaoera-aFZri=aFE1 ilFrdF!(0IFr troIzlr lilFi)ofr l&ardFa-t\ aNc. i Ea dE>i n a' I.= o) tl roc Q 9q ir < (r r O- o; _ o I4 r r- ! Bg E Fz o . .HL6 bo . y ^q 1 J - .F ! l\ l LU - rA \ J Vs br r .A Rr o) Et a ^q G, A. E c' ) Fr f i g b0 't r oUEG ) l- oEE oaSiB5 E8 '! ! o E g e E Bg la ) a-(aJ<6 ZE I ,\ cO. q >f i U€ zi : rd 8 -aEl&tr ao'8 J&8 tr B !f Li E0 ) ri i A (. l o a '9 EEH 6a )Oa5 C)o0 rd)(n+rosC) CU pso(d rI ] .9 3 r 3g s' E E' = r- l E g < E F E' = 95 E .E E, H a: i AJ - .; E= E .O E E co E '{ E E l- a r\ tF a u BE T $ () 7 - .E EE . E o, t i ?- 3' E E g E g; E ()a0€)a+rooCdpoCI , EI C) .= o GIts o o' t r a6 (D - F. E EE O. tr i EO ad . o At l -o EEB UE :! Cl l E0 )oa 8r e c' J cU ! tl b :e E Et 5 . g rf i t s # ro/tsGl 't-38 2 -- ' Ei fi lJ <! F tr r- l !' : f, i = rI ] < xCr ta )Hs bF oE oc , ca O uNOO r- Y ra X ra v O. = 3e I! HFC d G. E sE ( d (J -o\ t u v -! ^ ls $ S 33 ;6 N s c c aa ^ r E S E il * * $ = 8 H f i ^l ^ l ^ t O - . t O ' O c a aa a E E 5 F 5 JJ J a : - 3 . - a dd F r g E a ; i l [. . t q t - O O - \ O - ( . . ) (. )$Oo\ t- {o ,_ . Ot a =f , o\ OO O\ O\ \. / \/ c! . + $ f- f- f- \. ) (a \a ll tOr Or Oi oo o Fl Fl Fl tt r El tI ] tu FF F -= r. ) - - I E= s O. -O - , l- ( \a f- X €n = i S - AA T ; S R N\ f . + i O E o o EE E a 8 EE ^' ^ t ^t . - r € O cl 33 3 E S H f i dd r I r E S E : t- t - t - - r O f i r O .d EF { E cd o o 3R SR o$ oa N ca f- rg oO bP EE OE OE il H 8 Hf i ^, ' .O .O rg er t 6E b Eb J- A - - A r. l \ F - f : F H He a O ! + e a ( n t- F \ O f - - ( r l ?nil rd I- { rdraa&trIU-t-Jz acdC)H& .9Fa F ) -H AE* 5 Q5 . " e 'E 5, E B E g S +r ?J ?n E PT € r 3 $5 g F P p .9(d ,^ . lJ tJ < E 9+ a 8g i u. = . q ts 8J nF o . ) TS f i otE t .- . g; F "a FE A 'g 5s g s g ts 8J o - o- 6 F or J J TE # P P otU .. HAEo6J 2 'E Hf i $ d> 5 ts O . O. t< l 1 (D )- { F{ OO U U <F F z9, ** () d \J -l -Lt- ( L; (t r H a 3. o f, s€ E tr - ' E 9? gS E E VZFIaoa vzF;&c0 aa _ ^ ?s t 3 P- - ^ 3 Eo u H o= = > E(aHilF. lF- {OHFaB t)o .Fcai- (C) .o.oPoa,ocA.iole\ C)o0E)aMzFIanV)+". io!N aobo€2avzFI&a.r ; ". i e. l c{ rnoOOaO€oiUtioa0)naAr \o.iolN €ooa0)dt- -.iol c{ otOV)C)&o< , .i c. l c{ .dooa()&O, .iqc! qE trgOcd tso il l= {aEIe)azF]F. ( F{ A lE t NA .a l . ] 6g 4l Fi r{HaBFraUcE- ( J(ho!rO-oFzrd lt raFII ]&Fri!aI fr fr (oIzriIH)crdiloklFa-6l a 6l c. i 9^Z= - \- , dE>i n #> s $- ^ E H B E H' g !. U g{ E E E E f l HP p. ' t r ao ll ,€' = cl x fi : C6actBoU clafi lBEoU G,aCdBoU (BaCdBoU ia0-a-]<6 ZE , I tr aOs >f i U€ zt : rr ] 8 -ordil I B} |i ( )g, i o, 2 a0 'd E >\ rr - J Eb Lt <€5 oc t =G l tr t r Eo al <sE ^ .i { .F a '- - - 2. E t s +8 E F 2) (J EJ8. o H EE g Bo EE () rJ - ' J '= a L_0) 5 q ) €u E EE E B }E H 9o v. l a \ !, ,- \l / 'E , i H. E -i . g ,r i s : Fi l P il q. - t' 3' , 0 ; EE > fi $= 0. ) (. - . O -O .i . i o\ ,- r \- / (, ) tr 9FA €E&o oo cl 6 o- q -g g , ; l\ r a . - =- o a cd sv . E a ao ; i cl t r E ii A LO. E € - 'q F q ) €E B A: . *t a G l Et r a qE c ) rf f € I aa(gCd t<€oatrclaoot<0) liCBoooGI t! d-c) OJ 4 -t r !q {- J v !, tr ct ( ) c. l 'o .E -E O C ' €s E oo - tr : E E. E E a E 5 oE tr E ?, 3 :B H B' E e '= tr : E a E Et s 9 EE E E t5 9 E 'f r € E e -l- r0' ) or J 'q ( q .a - ' , - !, t< CU C) ot . E -E O C I ' '! , +- , t, bE E oo - Eo b Fr i E6 H lv . - -a ti J o= tr E ?, 3 \, / o ii E H 9' E o t- { l\ . s1 '= tr l i 5 a t\ J .; J -- .H E Et s E EE E E r6 g E ,S . g E E -IJaIGl '!-33 2 -- ^ Er fr (J k> F E( 'l !1 f, * E hl < &A. .?E oH a ' 3R F ' i € o$ o o ^ z H !! 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( J bE bo bO '. - r tr r- S \ ) EE . e -a - \r / .- - -7 H- o a< F 'r FJ !r CB 'l F! r - ,t ) ! -E. , Q E Al ) cd c. i C. l o! c. l ol 0. )oaq)&e. ;ololo|N c)U) cd tst,)o0)cr JU+o. ! o' ! c. lN a ,. o o.t )0)acdBaJU.' r ; o{ oJc. l c{ a-o0. )oacd>=oama\C j ol C. l olN. IL tr O \ /a 03 O l- { -r 7\ A \J \J l* r (\ l O. 3 o F? t r -3EhC)acd O. $C)bo (dO.tC!O() cO ilFTats {eJazF]F{ t- { A It s t NA .g t EF I cl 4 t- { iF{ F' taBFraUcF{ Iao0.U)-aFzrI ]EraFH&FriF-aI trfroIz-&-)oEl&0rdFaBNaNt. i 2aEE > i' i 3> claCUB5oU ?1-o .F l !,E a hU ) H u' F < ,q <U O Y BI FI 8t FI ttFI |. )0:ra.l<6 ze Li l* oO. c >f r U€ z; : rd 8 -ordilfr aaGI CUti€0)aEcdaotrotioJ1c, tocl t4 '1 , C)cl c) liFtoGImocBE] xl- lolEIol EI tr l Gl ldGl lOIEI ?l tr l (D l lr t q* t Et $t HIFI -c lol sl l #tEI -c l () I fi t 1t- ., 1 cd 't E63 s - ts ' ^ ' f- Er L, <> F tr 'l !' : t z' E ra < fr0r rdA EHHO ra o H o 5s - _ R ca r - :o o o :E E ; H o G, _. 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El nl fl H s -(r J tIcl -r- 33 2 -- ( ' ^ fr f r t<> F (J H r* E ri < &Or <tzl EIct (( l l .r J ot -l l- l Ol \f l "a i l l. - l sl nd l I| i l f , g H =l E l Hl 'o t ct ft l l .a l or -l f- l ol +l cd f- r- l €1 Il f l E ] Hl =l E l {lzl xt o- l 3lHI <tzl slzl {lzl <tZI v.(r )*ts l rdFfE l 15a&0rJUt. lFJZ EIal ;1ol cl0) lHl sr -o l =l al dl ss l st Et 'l .e i 9l B vI g t al ;l Et it EI *' ol aYI or l c. t l -l-o l cl l FI \_ { si El El Hr l e l ct l l al tr r lol EIFI EI TI "E l sl ;l ql sE t c) I o0EIEIol tr l VI r- lol !. 1EIolEI () l tr l ol l, ) I tr l ol "l tr lol a0<I (. ) t o0EI 'lol tr l VIalEIol tr lot ol G) i b0 €lot=lCI tr l vlbl EI tr lol el 0) to[ €I0) t }ICI ct vt r- lolEIot tr l c) I ol c) t b0 'o l 0. ) l EIgl r- lol -. tEIol tr l () Iul z9, .? T tY ;. -J ti l " A ac U al<t o' l c- i JIFI<t al rlUI -l LJ !FI<t al<! o- l ul=lFI<t gE t '6 1 ul El ; t ul ul =l sl <l :E l gE t '6 1 6l Et ; t ul c- , , 1 il * l UI JIFI<t UI=lFI<t UI=lFI<t UI=l <t l(aE] ?, r l HFU) rdFaB () l 't r l 3IGt l tJ - l Or l al3l€l I (r t l =l 6l lt . l dt BIHI>l () I <l 't r , 1fl =, El €l :l "l :l l I <t o- l r! l :c l YIol tr lo- l?l Hl il = l ttot !) lcl l >t6l il *r :E I UI *t I ooEIol 'E l ol >t -r l ol qs l HI r! t o- l o- l €t "r l at l EIalol TI<Ial alJI-l .1 1 a. t l EIotalxalolot8l Et EI .E I 3s l sl er l c. i l ". t l c\ t l or l ot l ot l or l o{o{ ot l or l ol l or l ol l or l ot l e. i l LJ - t r 6 /a cl O l- a r< Uo . X o. e ' d F? t r -r Ft ;- .cd f- ) orr ) cd> \n0)bo (oOrIC. lO()cd il l- {al. la-azF] tr r- , ( A tHNA .g x Ei cl 4 t- { i, rdHaFFraUoF{ IOonrahtoFzfr l=2.Fr{&FriFlr taI trtroIz-il ts l)cE] ilOHFa-NaNt- i 9^ZA :< \r , dEEi i #> EI FI raa-aJ<6 zE I tr cO. q >. 3 U€ z+ : rd 8 -ordil tu br Fr lEl s EI rI fl B br tr lE| H EI €I EI EI EI El aJ .9 1 EI EI flal .E t :tot !. 1cr i l El a EI EI gg QT (J I HI EI sl El EI (t ) t EI tr l (. ) Ia[ ,E l sl -c lol cl l Ir . l l ro-Icl 't- 53 8 F( - h ' Er fr lJ <! 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Tg ; $ E P E: : n 9 6' s ^ {- r - (i (\ t € = !; i E .E E tF f ,r i 8 E E9 E 8 E q EE E E € i *! t $ g= a €6 8 o o' = =u . l H 5! ; Jv J Eo A c. i E= . t r li i N ts E E EB : = AH = 1 fi s ; Ei ,$ E 3 g it s ga :E It ? BE e H3 g* A A lE E i€ s: E r FE E iE EB = i 9E H IE j oo .s EX ' . : EE E fi ; U 1= ; t= a cg ,. . ' - O tr tr - = E€ i ' : X iE $ € Fa Fx* E ,E s $ ? f i q EE , F ;d a o . g E E EI : fr 5 3 r E I = Es g , Hg E " E g 5 E E= = $i H E E E ? J 2 =, = := S : 1 S E5 }E i E€ 8 E -j i : oHE E EE d E g I i= 3P ; P- , OI J o , E E< E ;: $ Is n ; E f ; rs is E EE ; F ry 1 f r E; E rf Et > EE E !{ s F i ! i + e Ee I5 1 ; H, E eq fi o 6 -c g! ! . - - d \. , ;- v EE i , EI E a € H EE E€ e E is 3 s * i1 Ei i . *I ? E E E H :l I E I + : i * f l i f s q)-qioLc--tA.--EGI t,taq) ra0-Ol]ztroUzrd)ori&tr --IGl '! -t 33 2 -t - a f- f- (J <> F tr . l H fl , 8 r. l < fr0( O&E]Frd ll ra&Or t]Uts tFjz z9, EH t) llaE1H/ xFardFa,. tJ . tr o\ n cu O r- 7\ A \ J \J tr { tr t Q .E . d F? t r -tEh good ca (nobo (BAc\Otroc0 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-2: Site-Generated Waste Streams Waste Stream Description EPA Waste Codesr Utah Waste Code MPF Metal Metal parts after incineration.N/A F999 MPF Residue MPF maintenance residue.D006, D008 F999 LIC Slag (hazardous)Slae generated in LIC secondary chamber.D007 F999 LIC Refractory (hazardous)Produced during refractory changeout.D007 F999 DFS HDC Ash (hazardous)Produced during the inc neration of mun tions.D006, D00g F999 DFS Cyclone Residue Produced during the inc neration ofmun tions.D006, D007, D008 F999 DFS Refractory Produced during refractory changeout.N/A F999 Brine Tank Sludge (hazafious)Produced during the cleanout of tanks that store scrubber brine. D006, D007, D008 F999 Demister Filters (hazardous)Produced during the changeout of demister filters. D006, D008 F999 PAS Quench Tower Residue Produced during the cooline of the off-gas.N/A F999 PAS Sump Sludge (hazafious)Generated during the cleanout of the PAS sumps. D005, D006, D007, D008, D0l I F999 RHA Baehouse Residue Residue collected from baghouse.D006, D008 F999 Decontamination- Neutral ization Solutions Produced from site decontamination and laboratory operations2. D002, D008, D0l g, D022, F002, F003, F005, D019, D022, D028 F999 Waste Heavy Metal Solution - Acidic, Oxidizing Generated at the Laboratory.D001, D002, D004, D006, D007, D008, D009. D010 F999 Waste Acid Solution Generated at the Laboratory.D002 F999 Waste Organic Solvents Generated at the Laboratory.D001, F002, F003, F005 F999 DPE Suits Generated during toxic operations.D003 F9991P999 Wood Pallets Produced during the unpacking of ONCs and rnunitions. N/A F999tP999 Spent Activated Carbon Produced during the changeout of carbon filters.D003 F999, P999 Miscellaneous Metal Parts Worn out equipment and parts.D006, D008 F999 Clean-up Materials Miscellaneous materials generated during the decontamination and maintenance of the plant. N/A F999 Incinerator Byproducts Byproducts fi om maintenance activities.D007 F999 Spent Hydraulic Fluid Produced during maintenance activities.N/A F999 Waste Oil Produced during rnaintenance activities.F00l , F002, D00l F999 Waste Paint Liquids Produced during rnaintenance activities.D001, D005, D007, D008, F002, F003, F005 F999 Waste Paint Solids Produced during maintenance activities.D007, D008, F002, F003, F005 F999 Spill Cleanup Materials Generated during single substance spill response cleanup. N/A F999 Trash, Debris, & PPE Produced during maintenance act V ties.D003 P999lF999 Broken Fluorescent Liehtbulbs Produced during maintenance act V ties D009 CAL Lab Liquids Miscellaneous materials generated after decontaminati on activities D001, D002,D022 F999 CAL Lab Solids Miscellaneou decontaminat i materials generated after on activities F003, F005,F999 DFS Demister Candle Packine Produced during change out of demister candles P999 Flamrnable Aerosols Off-spec/expired shelf I ife rnateri al D001, D007, D008, D035, D039 Flammable Labpacks Off-spec/expired shelf life materi al D00l P999, F999 Attachm ent 2 - Page 54 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 S it e- G. ".,Il3i'-i;1; e s tr e a m s Waste Stream Description EPA Waste Codesr Utah Waste Code IPA/Glycol Surrogate during systemization of plant equipment D00l F999 Lab acids Off-spec/expired shelf life material D001, D002, D006, D008, D019,D022, F003 F999 Lab Solvents Off-spec/expired shelf life material D001, D002, F003, u080 F999 Lead Acid Batteries Battery Change out D002, D008 F999 Lithium Batteries Battery Change out D003 F999 M40 Canisters Generated during toxic operations F999, P999 Monitoring Solids Discarded monitorine and sampline equipment.F999,P999 MPF Brick MPF refractory replacement D007 F999 MPF Vacuum Ash Residue removed from MPF burn trays and munitions. D006, D007, D008 F999 MSB Cleanine Solutions Cleaning of sampling equipment F999 NiCad Batteries Battery Change out D006,F999 PAS Pipine PAS pipine repairs and replacements F999,P999 PAS Solids Solids collected in PAS filters and removed from quench towers and scrubbers D006, D007, D008 F999, P999 Sodium Lamps Lieht Bulb replacement D005, D008, D009 F999,P999 Spent IPA Cleanine ACAMS equipment D00l F999, P999 Spent Scrubber Brine Generated from incineration operation D004" D007. D008 F999,P999 Surnp I l0 Sludge Sump I l0 clean out F999,P999 Tap Gear Generated during toxic operations F999, P999 Footnotes: l. The waste codes are determined by analysis and/or generator knowledge. Additional waste codes may apply. Attachm ent 2 - Page 55 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-32 Analytical Method Descriptions Method Description/Title ASTM D 482 Test Method for Ash from Petroleum Products ASTM D5865 Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Coal and Coke sw-846 1010 Pensky - Martens Closed-Cup Method for Determinine Ienitabilitv sw-846 10204 Setaflash Closed-Cup Method for Determining Ienitabilitv sw-846 1311 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure. sw-846 3010A Acid Digestion of Aqueous Samples and Exkacts for Total Metals for Analysis by FLAA or ICP Spectroscopy sw-846 30r5 Microwave Assisted Dieestion of Aqueous Samples and Extracts sw-846 3050 Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludees, and Soils. sw-846 3051 Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, Soils and Oils sw-846 3s10C Separatory Funnel Liquid-Liquid Extraction. sw-84 6 3052 Microwave Assisted Digestion of Siliceous and Organically Based Matrices sw-84 6 3520C Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction. sw-84 6 3s4t Automated Soxhlet Extraction sw-84 6 3s40C Soxhlet Extraction sw-84 6 3s45 Pressu rized Fluid Extraction sw-84 6 35804 Waste Dilutron. sw-846 5030B Purge and Trap sw-846 5035 Closed-System Purge-and-Trap and Extraction for Volatile Organics in Soil and Waste Samples sw-846 6010B Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. sw-84 6 6020 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry sw-84 6 74704 Mercury in Liquid Waste (Manual Cold-Vapor Technique). sw-846 747rA Mercury in Solid or Semisolid Waste (Manual Cold-Vapor Technique) sw-846 82608 Volatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/IvIS): Capillary Column Technique. sw-846 8270C Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Ivlass Spectrometry (GC/\4S): Capillarv Column Technique. sw-84 6 8290 Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDFs) by High Resolution Gas Chromatorgraphy/High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS) sw-84 6 82804 Analysis of PCDDs and PCDFs bv HRGC/LRMS sw-846 8330 Nitroaromatics and Nitramines by Hieh Performance Liquid Chromatosraphv ffiPLC) sw-84 6 8332 Nitroglycerine by Hieh Performance Liquid Chromatography sw-846 9040B pH Electrometric Measurement. sw-84 6 9045C Soil and Waste pH sw-846 90s6 Determination of Inorganic Anions by Ion Chromatography sw-846 9095A Paint Filter Liquids Test EPA 160.1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)' EPA t60.2 Total Suspended Solids (TSS)' EPA- 1668 Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in Water, Soil, Sediment, and Tissue bv HRGC/HRMS TE-LOP-522 Laboratory Operating Procedure for Depot Area Air Monitoring Systems (DAAMS) TE-LOP-524 Laboratory Operating Procedure for Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System (ACAMS) TE-LOP-s57 Analysis of Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometrv (ICP-MS) TE-LOP-572 Extractions/Analyses Including: WCL Extraction of GB for the Metals Diluent Solution; DWS Extraction of VX and HD; Extraction of GB, HD, and VX from Hydraulic Fluid; Analysis of GB, HD, and VX in Lubricating Oils; Analysis of GB, HD, and VX in Organic Wastes; and Extraction of GB, HD, and VX from Wood. TE-LOP-S74 Special Analyses Including: Specific Gravity Measurements. Attachm ent 2 - Page 56 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 OlTable 2-32 Analytical Method Descriptions Method Description/Title TE-LOP-s84 Neat Agent OPS/GC Including: GC-FID and GC-MSD Analyses of Agent Samples to Determine Aeent Purity. TE=LO.P-XXX Aeent GA and L Screen for ATLIC Solid Waste Matrices TE-LOP-XXX Aeent GA and L Screen for ATLIC Liquid Waste Matrices TE-LOP-XXX Attachm ent 2 - Page 57 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 TOCDF may demonstrate compliance with organic constituents Universal Treatment Standards if good-faith analytical efforts achieve detection limits for the regulated organic constituents that do not exceed the treatment standards specified in the Table found in 40 CFR 268.40 by an order of magnitude. Table 2-4a Metals (Universal Treatment Standards) I Antimony 1.15 mg,fi TCLP 6 Chromium (Total) 0.6 mg/l TCLP 11 Silver 0.14 mgfl TCLP 2 Arsenic 5 mell TCLP 7 Lead 0.7 5 ms,fi TCLP t2 Thallium 0.2 me/l TCLP 3 Barium 2l mell TCLP 8 Mercury 0.025 ms,ll TCLP t3 Vanadium 1.6 mg/l TCLP 4 Beryllium 1.22 ms,fi TCLP 9 Nickel ll mell TCLP t4 Zinc 4.3 ms,/l TCLP 5 Cadmium 0.1 I ms,ll TCLP t0 Selenium 5.7 me/l TCLP Table 2-4br Volatile Organic Compounds Universal Treatment Standards I Acetone (160 me/ke) l5 1,2-Dibromoethane (lSmelke) 29 1 , 1 , I ,2-Tetrachloroethane (6mg/ls; 2 Benzene (l0mg/kg) t6 Dibromomethane ( l5mg/ke) 30 | ,l ,2,2-T etrachloroethane (6mg/kg) 3 Bromodichloromethane (15mg/kg) t7 I ,l -Dichloroethane (6me/ke) 3l Tetrachloroethylene (6 melkg) 4 Bromomethane (15me/kg) 18 1,2-Dtchloroethane (6mg/kg) 32 Toluene (l0mg/ke) 5 2-Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone 36 me/ke) t9 I ,1-Dichloroethylene (6me/ke) 33 Tribromomethane (Bromoform) (lSms,lke) 6 Carbon disulfide (4.8mg/1 TCLP) 20 t r an s - 1,2 -D ichloro ethylene (3Omg/l<e) 34 1 , 1 , 1 -Trichloroethane (6mg/lqg; 7 Carbon tetrachloride (6 mslke) 2t | ,2-Dichloropropane (l8me/ke) 35 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane (6mglkg) 8 Chlorobenzene (6mg/kg) 22 cis -1, 3 -Dichloropropylene (l8me/kg) 36 Trichloroethylene (6mg/kg) 9 2-Chloro- 1,3 -butadiene (0,z8melke) 23 tr an s -1, 3 -D ichloropropylene ( 18me/kg) 37 Trichloro fluoromethane (30ms,lke) 10 Chlorodibromomethane ( l5me/ke) 24 1,4-Dioxane ( l70meike) 38 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (3 0 me/ke) 11 Chloroethane (6melke) 25 Ethylbenzene (lOmg/kg) 39 I ,l ,z-Trichlor o-l ,2,2- trifluoroethane (30 mg/kg) t2 Chloroform (6mglkg) 26 Iodomethane (65mg/ke) 40 Vinyl Chloride (6 mglke) l3 Z-Chloroethyl vinyl ether (NA) 27 Methylene chloride (30mg/kg) 4l Xylene (o-m-,p-) (30 mg/ke) t4 Chloromethane (30me/ke) 28 Methyl isobutyl ketone (33 me/ke) Attachment2 - Page 58 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 TOCDF may demonstrate compliance with organic constituents Universal Treatment Standards if good-faith analytical efforts achieve detection limits for the regulated organic constituents that do not exceed the treatment standards specified in the Table found in 40 CFR 268.40 by an order of magnitude. Table 2-4cl Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (Universal Treatment Standards) 1 Acenaphthylene (3.4mglkg) 23 p-Cresol (5.6m9/ke) 45 Hexachloro cyc lop entadiene (2.4mp,/ke) 2 Acenaphthene (3.4melkg) 24 Dibenz( a,h) anthrac ene (8.2mq,/ke) 46 Hexachloroethane (30me/ke) 3 Acetophenone (38me/ke) 25 m-Dichlorobenzene (6mg/kg) 47 Indeno (1,2,3 -c,d) pyrene (3.4mslkg) 4 Aniline (l4ms/ke) 26 o-Dichlorobenzene (6mglkg) 48 Naphthalene (5.6mg/kg) 5 Anthracene (3.4ms/kg) 27 p-Dichlorobenzene (6me/ke) 49 2-Naphthylamine (NA) 6 Beru(a)anthracene (3.4 me/ke) 28 2,4-Dichlorophenol (t4mslke) 50 2-Nitroaniline (l4melkg) 7 Benzo(b)fluoranthene (6.8mg/kg) 29 2,i-Dichlorophenol (l4ms,fte) 51 4-Nitroaniline (Z8mglke) 8 Benzo(k)fluoranthene (6.8me/ke) 30 Diethyl phthalate (28ms,fte) 52 Nitrob enzene (14 me/ke) 9 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene (1.8mg/kg) 31 2,4-Dimethyl phenol (l4ms,lke) 53 2-Nitrophenol (l3melke) l0 Benzo(a)pyrene (3.4m9,/ke) 32 Dimethyl phthalate (28melke) 54 4-Nitrophenol (29ms,lkg) 11 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether (llmelke) 33 Di-n-butyl phthalate (28melkg) 55 Pentachlorob enzene (l0mg/ke) l2 Butyl benzylphthalate (Z8ms,lke) 34 I ,4-Dinitrobenzene (2.3me/ke) 56 Pentachloroethane (6me/kg) l3 p-Chloroaniline (l6melkg) 35 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol (l60me/ke) 57 P entachl oronitrob en zene (4.8 me/ke) t4 B i s (2Chl oro e thoxy) me than e (1.2me.kg) 36 2,4-Drnitrophenol (160me/ke) 58 Pentachlorophenol (7.4ms,/ke) 15 B i s (2 -Chloro ethyl) e ther (6me/ke) 37 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ( l40me/ke) 59 Phenanthrene (5.6mglkg) t6 B i s (2 -Chloro i s opropyl) ether (7.2mglkg) , 3g 2,6- Dinitrotoluene (28mglkg) 60 Phenol (6.2 mg/kg) l7 4-Chloro-3 -methylphenol (r4mglke) 39 Di-n-octyl phthalate (28mglkg) 6l Pyrene (8.2mglke) 18 2-Chloronaphthalene (5.6me/ke) 40 Diphenylamrne (t3msfte) 62 1,2,4,S-Tetrachlorob enzene (l4mglke) r9 2-Chlorophenol (5.7mslke) 4t Fluoranthene (3.4mg,/ke) 63 2,3,4,6-Te trachloropheno I (7 .4 melke) 20 Chrysene (3.4me/ke) 42 Fluorene (3.4ms/ke) 64 1,2,4 -Trichlorobenzene (l9mp,lke) 2l o-Cresol (5.6me/ke) 43 Hexachlorobenzene (10me/ke) 6s 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol (7.4mp/ke) 22 m-Cresol (5.6mg/ke) 44 Hexachlorobutadiene (5.6me/kg) 66 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol (7.4mp,/ke) Attachrnent2-Page59 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-5 Agent Contaminated Waste That May Be Treated in The MPF' Waste Stream and Quantity (if Applicable)Waste Code(s) As sorted Parts/Material Conveyors Chains, Rollers, Links Gears, Bearings, Bushings Wheels, Idlers Gearboxes Gasket Materials (non-combustible) S eals (non-cornbustible) Pre-filters and HEPA filters Carbon Adsorber Trays (from which carbon has been removed) Collets Drain Probes Crimp Jaws and Pins Bore Station Blades Turntable Projectile Bushings Projectile Pickup Heads Shear Blades Punches Pusher Assemblies Paper, Cloth, Pads, Pillows, Spill Adsorbents (Cellulose/pol)propylene) (Maximum,28 lbs/charge for a single charge at 20,000 BTU/lb at 1450' F) (Maximum 16 lbs/charge for consecutively charged trays containing paper, cloth, pads, pillows and spill absorbents, at20,000 BTUllb at 1450" F) Jaw Gripper Assemblies Projectile Cans Hoists P999 Electrical Components Motors Conduit (Metal) Solenoids Switches (Safety, Limit, Light) Light Fixtures, maximum of 20 units per furnace charge P999 Attachrn ent 2 - Page 60 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Plumbine Materials Pumps Piping/Fittings/Tubing (metal) Chemical Seals Hydraulic Motors Hydraulic Cylinders Hydraulic Tubing/Fittings (metal) Hydraulic Hose/Fittings (metal) Pressure Regulators Flow Control Valves Pneumatic Actuators Accumulator Bladders Filter Cartridges/Elements and associated residue/cleanup material (includes AQS/ACS filter elements) Spray Nozzles Pipe Gaskets Valves (Hand, Solenoid, Agent, Decon, Hydraulic) P999 Instrumentation T est Equipment (Meters, Gauges, Etc.) Sensors, Transmitters, and Transducers Flow, Pressure, and Proximity Switches Pressure Gauges Cameras or Camera Parts Load Cells Speakers Low Volume Agent Samplers Thermocouples and Thermowells P999 Attachrn ent 2 - Page 6l TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Assorted Solids P999 Hand Tools Grating Metal Buckets, Pans, and Barrels Metal Brackets, Stands, Fixtures, Etc Escape Air Tank, Mask, and Regulators Scrub Brushes Banding Materral Empty Overpacks/Drums (Non-Combustible) Monitoring Sample Probes (DAAIVIS Tubes, etc.) S ilicone materiaUparts Glassware Plaster Paint Brushes, Rollers, and Pans Empty Paint and Lubricant Spray Cans (Punched), maximum 25 units per furnace charge Personal Protective Equipment (non-combustible) DPE Leather Over Garments, maximum 10 units per furnace charge Plastic bags used to contain contaminated wastes, a maximum of 1.0 lb per furnace charge In addition to the P999 waste code, the above-mentioned waste streams may carry the following waste codes: F999, D002, D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009, D010, and D011. Attachm ent 2 - Page 62 aHt+*ri l*o*+$r*a)FtZ, rf l (,+*U) r*x$t-*sdE+ r+t c}I ch adodTq.$ $+ct \s s\o chsct \ rl - a*$ el , l* s+o $c{ t tr h+s .o .r X :!0, . . .f lTg${ .9 *a ho lLo*$ . r+ aTIoEHoFL H$t$ fl $$f l $$$$ $H#$ IU{g(3* $ct \ pfr1$ f; q-sU)fd IoD r{ - ,ect \ lr h+ at/ t ) ch$ oO tt t h ef t ci l+ .l <+o *et t t, r hqct t <D*oD t 3g m f i I (h-sU)dtd 9r+ ao+rArl .+ qut ) chsci l rF ftcf t+ chso et rt tt t+c+ t I* H d*#c.t $$cf r rIs cl l di at r chet t \o T.9fi $tr t t oD* fi I* Ifr .$t'o a fi t {$us $tr t$ ma FLdr* cl ild *d\q$ \o++ t, r hsrl -$ ch9 $ qc[ .GBqTt$ oDct l+ $+ (U .gq) ofi *, ot t r{ -6o+ )l ( F+*F* ELo** H1,dfr$ *o .Gq) ,: f i 0x fi r+ a il$* b'Ifr e E$ I* hrtt.$ $ t$ r*olY.gE#rl J fr r+ ^r*ol \L ,t&$$ .+ I&+H$ [$ IE. (U ff olx&-&cr )d r+ a t* sAch -qfl r .*?f )$.* .* _uE $ a.9Eg-t (B .* .$ cI 2 .9tE.Io.sri lfoh *+$$ g(B {+ l _t (B .gb$0L tL tr O \ ,a cd o ts a - ^ 7\ A \J L. / H rN o .2 - d F? t r -3Eh l<0) (r )d> IIc! ri ; olobt$t+IT(B*tH8,J alEIEIdlEIzlEI JIEI ililEI 6l .: l alEI=l JI HE I EI EI -c l cl ul 'a l "u hl co l UIal *l5l c{ l cl l sl e{ l 3 .+ l (' ) l :l =l Et ql E1 et Et +l € l H €l+l €l c. r l 9l sl eo l ot -o t cl lEIEI cd l EI tr lol zl f- lsl o{ l EI elol ;lalol =lolol UI Hf , o6du( trooooO3oaE60o& alEI ilolat OIOI olnl EI€lsl fl f l H s o- l ol l ol ot l=l :c l nlUI :I \O l ;I 9Inl c{ l -l r- l rO l rc l "I oo l f- l *l f- l rr lqIol r\ l f- l -. 1 oo l il EI IL I il 'E l fr - l ol$l f- l o, l FIEI ol .- l-c l +J lx Fl €l 5I HI L El ql #l 6I HH (} . t\ ,a O. oldotOrc.. )ol !E l ta IaU] .+ l \O I f- l st l -lor l oo l -. 1 c! lql ro l O. l nl O, l f- l d. ! l *l co lol ;l co l c{ l $l$l .+ l OI -lol (\ r l FI el ro l EI=l .E;l=l 5l flEIol 5) lbl EI ol r- l cd l ol br €I:tcl l cl EI t- lol^lOI aJ lCB I o) l EIOI o. l 0) -ooao0)otro() tJ - oc\ f-d()oOOEc!o\ ,jEOa 'o t-0) (o> Ll0) I -s l 6lJOIHIolNI8l fl€l.icl cl l -q l 5. 1olol5t -c l () I cd l btOI -r l UI fi ' ul It lUIulolCIol 5) lot () I 6r l OI ol$l or l 'o l '= l ot ;lBI () Ial 5l EI al :l Er EI EI .i l 'r | ] alc6l :E Idi \O l 5l ;lnl f- l -. 1 $l "" ; l O\ l nl O, l r- l f- l rr lol ;l f- lsl O\ l rr lqlol Gr l FI rr lql co l OIOI ;I afr lsl :l -l ZI al AB €l Hf l fl H l fl H l al ^loloo l :E I Lj i \O l ;l r- lql O, l nl -r l .q l nl o\ l .q l O, l f- l €lnl cr r l er l $l ;lol FI or l nlql co l OIOInl oo l XI>l OI !) lCU I EI ._ l€lolcl $I HH H *l El 3l EI iI g] EI HI al o- lczl\o fl=U! c{ l \O l ot l f- l "1 1 r- l ro l or l ol l o. l co l ql er l rO l olel>lOIOI ol c{ l f- l nl eo l \O l OIOI ol il oo l ;l i] H H EI H€ I fi E l fl EIolEIol cl OI tr lol zl OI cIol zl ol=l !ioi l- . I cd 1a)Oi>lotat *- r la\ 0, l l c0 l al=l <. r l cg l -tcd l blclEI .+ l il aor ll- laI U, I \- lEIUI Bs f l g l c. Idl f: - l O1 EI Lj i ;l or l qlol=l \O l oq l \f l ra l \O IqlEI O\ l el \O l ;l qI or l EIdICIEIrlolol ol oo l ot l -, ' I sl g El €l =r il E l B $ g l eo l f- l oIOI -' l ilEI fl OIEI =l cl l (J lEI 5l Gl l EI8lEI (J l EI5l fl?lEIzl>l a ,r ' 9l HH $a FIEI '6 1HNIol ri l l: - l ol *r lcl '5 1 o. l odEIol c0 l !) l63 1Hl s fl g !t r l FIEI?l tr I !. 1cl lAal (. ) l Bl f l '7 l 1 Al - | gl el rl bI EIUI br 'o lol a1OIEIalolelGl l (J lOII alolEIEI o- lel =l _o t €lal ot ,lsl q HE I Il f l EI EI olHI elatEI (J I '7 , 1 x-c l O- l o\OOe{O)F- ) fi r- a cdFl |. 4gad c!II c\ l fr . , . ooo \odEot-a(d0)0)aoA.OUa)o3raoo)acdoaooa']Ecd 6F6aOo0 o TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-A-2 CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION AGENT CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT MinimumValue (wt%) MaximumValue (wt%) GB Isopropyl methyl phosphonofluoridate (GB Aeent)37 97 N,N'-Diisopropylcarbodiimide (DICDI)0 1.9 Tributylamine (TBA)I 9.5 Methylphosphonofluoridic acid (MPA) I 0 8.35 Diisopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP)0.9 27 Methylphosphonofluoridic acid (MPFA) t 2.6 13.6s Diispropyl urea (DIU)0 2.4 Diethvl methyl phosphonate (DEMP)0.6 0.6 Isopropylmethylphosphonic acid (IMPA) t 0.05 25.8 Fluoride (F) t 0.1 2,8 Density (e/ml)I L,2 Metals Minimum (me/ke)Nlaximum (me/ke) Aluminum 4,7 3205 Antimony 0.04 154 Arsenic 0.72 556 Barium 0.0094 40 Beryllium 0.002 1 Boron 1.1 4585 Cadmium 0.01 I 7.9 Chromium 0.72 54 Cobalt 0.07 10.9 Copper 0.25 120 Iron 18 4855 Lead 0.092 801 Manganese 0. 13 110 Mercury 0.0061 9.1 Nickel 0.72 415 Selenium <0.5 92 Silver 0.004 13 Thallium <.14 t54 Tin 0. l5 308 Vanadium 0.33 10 Note: l. The parameter is analyzed if the mass balance of the initial agent organic analys s is fbund to be 80% or le )SS. 2-A-3 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-A-2 CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION AGENT CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT MinimumValue (wt%) MaximumValue (wt%) vxr O-ethyl, S- [2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl] methylphosphonthiolate (VX Aeent) s9.6 96.7 Ethyl methylphosphonic acid (EMPA)2 0.460 5.42 N,N'-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC or DCHCDI)0.02 4.15 bis(2-Diisopropylaminoethyl) disulfide (KM or EA 4lgils 0.60 2.3 N,N'-Diisopropylcarbodiimide (DICDI)ND 2.20 S - ( 2 -D iis opropyl amino ethyl)methylpho sp ono thio ic ac id (EA 2tgD3 0.1 I 0.34 bis(2 -Diisopropylaminoethyl) sulfi de (I(K)0.2 0.4 Diethvl methylphosphonate (DEMP)0.02 0.18 Methylphosphonic acid (MPA)Z ND ND Chlorine 0.306 0.s 14 Metals Minimum (me/ke)Maximum (me/ke) Aluminum 1.5 1.8 Antimony ND Arsenic ND 78 Barium ND 1.0 Beryllium ND Boron ND Cadmium ND Chromium ND t2 Cobalt ND Copper ND 6.7 Iron 6.9 53 Lead ND 6.5 Manganese ND Mercury ND 0.78 Nickel ND Selenium ND 44 Silver ND Thallium ND Tin ND Vanadium 2.9 3.3 Zrnc 0.9 10.9 Notes: I . Data are taken frorn the Bulk Agent Stockpile Survey Report and 2001 Agent VX Characterization. 2. The parameter is analyzed if the mass balance of the initial agent organic analysis is found to be less than 85%. 3. The parameter is analyzed during shakedown and trial burn sampling only. ND = Not Detected 2-A-4 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-A-2 HD-Filled Ton Containers, Liquid Contents, Baseline CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION1 AGENT CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT Average Value Maximum Value Minimum Value HD Orsanic Compounds (Weieht Percent) Bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide (HD Agent)89.31 l0t 78.7 Thiodielycol 0.026 0.029 0.0218 1,Z-Dichloroethane 0.606 0.993 0.197 Tetrachloroethene 0.0502 0.0734 0.0127 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0518 0.05 8 8 0.0472 bis l2-(2-chloroethylthio)ethyll ether (T)0.1 69 0.355 0.0409 1,2-bis (2-chloroethylthio) ethane (Q)3.24 5.66 0.448 Hexachloroethane 0.210 0.293 0,0245 Lewisitez (ms/ke)s.24 14.5 2.82 1,4-Dithiane 1 .10 5.6 0.028 1,4-Thioxane 0.26 0.97 0.083 2-Chloroethyl 4-chlorobutyl sulfide 0.51 3.0 0.079 b is (2-Chloropropyl) sulfi de 0. 19 1.0 0.043 Chloriner 41.61 48.08 NA Metals (me/ke) Aluminum 38 55 t2 Antimony 5.09 5.5 0.67 Arsenic 5.80 51.6 1.3 Barium 5.08 5.5 0.44 Beryllium 5. l9 5.5 4.8 Boron 9.34 1l 4.0 Cadmium s. 19 5.5 4,9 Chromium 4.81 29.9 1.4 Cobalt 1.03 1.1 0.33 Copper 37.9 84.8 4,5 Lead 4.7 r 5.5 0.47 Manganese 1.67 6.49 0.33 Mercury 0.3 5 0.55 0.054 Nickel 3.40 15.7 0.36 Selenium l0.l 11 1.2 Silver 5.15 5.5 t.72 Thallium 5. 19 5.5 4.8 Tin t0.4 1l 9.54 Vanadium 3.r2 5.5 1.06 Zinc 9.76 29.4 3.42 Notes: I . The average, minimum and maximum concentration values shown in this table are based upon the results of the Mustard Sample Validation Project for the 80 of 98 ton containers sampled that contained less than one ppm Hg in their liquid contents. Data from the I 8 of 98 ton containers that had elevated mercury concentrations are not included in these values. 2. The values for Lewisite are reported in mg/kg instead of "weight percent". 3. The values for chlorine were calculated as the total combined weight ofchlorine in all ofthe chlorine-bearing organic compounds. 2-A-5 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Baseline HD-Filted CHEMICAL Table 2-A-2 Ton Containers, Solid Contents AGENT COMPOSITION1 AGENT CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT Average Value Maximum Value Minimum Value HD Metals (me/ke) Aluminum 36.2 r60 10.8 Antimony 2.05 30.3 0.t79 Arsenic 176 1 850 0.935 Barium t.42 14.2 0.0467 Beryllium 4.9 5.57 0.0572 Boron 9.7 1 1.1 3.99 Cadmium 0.888 5.34 0.0492 Chromium 47.7 397 9.28 Cobalt 7 .63 27 .t 2.00 Copper 151 2350 4.13 Lead 65. 1 625 6.61 Manganese 4tt 1 960 47 Mercury 1.s9 2s.6 0.0807 Nickel 82.6 96s 8.99 Selenium 24.1 27.8 1.09 Silver 4.41 5.55 0.0622 Thallium 5.04 5.57 0.4t2 Tin 9,39 52.6 0.966 Vanadium 3.55 5.57 0.98 Zinc 224 49s0 2.62 Notes: 1. The average, minimum and maximum concentration values shown in this table are based upon the results of the Mustard Sample Validation Project for the 80 of 98 ton containers sampled that contained less than one ppm Hg in their liquid contents. Data from the 1 8 of 98 ton containers that had elevated mercury concentrations are not included in these values. 2-A-6 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-A-2a H-Filled 155-mm Projectiles, Liquid Contents CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION' AGENT CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT Average Valuea Maximum Values Minimum Value6 H Oreanic Compounds (Weieht I )ercent) Agent)TBD TBD TBD Thiodiglycol TBD TBD TBD 1,2-Dichloroethane TBD TBD TBD Tetrachloroethene TBD TBD TBD 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane TBD TBD TBD bis l2-(2-chloroethylthio)ethvll ether (T)TBD TBD TBD 1,Z-bis (2-chloroethylthio) ethane (a)TBD TBD TBD Hexachloroethane TBD TBD TBD Lewisitez (mgikg)TBD TBD TBD 1,4-Dithiane TBD TBD TBD I,4-Thioxane TBD TBD TBD Z-Chloroethyl 4-chlorobutyl sulfi de TBD TBD TBD bis (2-Chloropropyl) sulfide TBD TBD TBD Chlorine3 TBD TBD TBD Metals (me/ke) Aluminum TBD TBD TBD Antimony TBD TBD TBD Arsenic TBD TBD TBI) Barium TBD TBD TBD Beryllium TBD TBD TBD Boron TBD TBD TBD Cadmium TBD TBD TBD Chromium TBD TBD TBD Cobalt TBD TBD TBD Copper TBI)TBD TBD Lead TBD TBD TBD Manganese TBD TBD TBD Mercury TBD TBD TBD Nickel TBD TBD TBD Selenium TBD TBD TBD Silver TBD TBD TBD Thallium TBD TBD TBI) Tin TBD TBD TBD Vanadium TBD TBD TBD Zinc TBD TBD TBD Notes: l. The Initial characterization has not yet been performed, this table will be updated when data becomes available. 2. The values for Lewisite are reported in mg/kg instead of "weight percent". 3. The values for chlorine were calculated as the total combined weight ofchlorine in all ofthe chlorine-bearing organic compounds. 2-A-7 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-L-2t H-Fitled 155-mm Projectiles, Solid Contents CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION1 AGENT CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT Average Valuea Maximum Values Minimum Value6 H Orsanic Compounds (Weieht I ercent) Aeent)TBD TBD TBD Thiodiglycol TBD TBD TBD 1,2-Dtchloroethane TBD TBD TBD Tetrachloroethene TBD TBD TBD 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro ethane TBD TBD TBD b is l2-(2 -chloroethylthio)ethyll ether (T)TBD TBD TBD 1,,2-bis (2-chloroethylthio) ethane (a)TBD TBD TBD Hexachloroethane TBD TBD TBD Lewisitez (mg/kg)TBD TBD TBD 1,4-Dithiane TBD TBD TBD 1,4-Thioxane TBD TBD TBD 2-Chloroethyl 4 -chlorobutyl sulfi de TBD TBD TBD bis (2-Chloropropyl) sulfide TBD TBD TBD Chloriner TBD TBD TBD Metals (me/ke) Aluminum TBD TBD TBD Antimony TBD TBD TBD Arsenic TBD TBD TBD Barium TBD TBD TBD Beryllium TBD TBD TBD Boron TBD TBD TBD Cadmium TBD TBD TBD Chromium TBD TBD TBD Cobalt TBD TBD TBD Copper ..TBD TBD TBD Lead TBD TBD TBD Manganese TBD TBD TBD Mercury TBD TBD TBD Nickel TBD TBD TBD Selenium TBD TBD TBD Silver TBD TBD TBD Thallium TBD TBD TBD Tin TBD TBD TBD Vanadium TBD TBD TBD Ztnc TBD TBD TBD Notes: 4. The Initial characterization has not yet been performed; this table will be updated when data becomes available. 5. The values for Lewisite are reported in mg&g instead of "weight percent". 6. The values for chlorine were calculated as the total cornbined weight ofchlorine in all ofthe chlorine-bearing organic compounds. 2-A-8 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 . Table 2-A-2b HT-Filled 4.2Inch Mortars, Liquid Contents CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION1 AGENT CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT Average Value Maximum Value Minimum Value HT Orsanic Compounds (Weisht Percent) Bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide (HD)z TBD TBD TBD bis l2-(2-chloroethylthio)ethyll ether (T)3 TBD TBD TBD 1,2-bis (2-chloroethylthio) ethane (Q)'TBD TBD TBD 2 -(2-chloroethyhio) ethyl 2 -chloroethyl ether3 TBD TBD TBD 1,2-Drchloroethane'TBD TBD TBD 1,4-Dithiane'TBD TBD TBD 1,4-Thioxane'TBD TBD TBD Chlorinea TBD TBD TBD Metals (me/ke) Aluminum TBD TBD TBD Antimony TBD TBD TBD Arsenic TBD TBD TBD Barium TBD TBD TBD Beryllium TBD TBD TBD Boron TBD TBD TBD Cadmium TBD TBD TBD Chromium TBD TBD TBD Cobalt TBD TBD TBD Copppr .i TBD TBD TBD Lead TBD TBD TBD Manganese TBD TBD TBD Mercury TBD TBD TBD Nickel TBD TBD TBD Selenium TBD TBD TBD Silver TBD TBD TBD Thallium T'BD TBD TBD Tin TBD TBD TBD Vanadium TBD TBD TBD Zinc TBD TBD TBD Notes: 1 . The Initial characte rizationhas not yet been performed. This table will be updated when data becomes available. 2. Quantitative analysis using calibration standard. 3. Reported as Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs), a semi-quanti'tative analysis based on percent of area under the chromatogram response curves. 4. The value for chlorine is determined frorn analysis. 2-A-9 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-A-2b HT 4.2Inch Mortars, Solid Contents CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION1 AGENT CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT Average Value Maximum Value Minimum Value HT Orsanic Compounds (Weieht Percent) Chlorine2 TBD TBD TBD Metals (mglkg) Aluminum TBD TBD TBD Antimony TBD TBD TBD Arsenic TBD TBD TBD Barium TBD TBD TBD Beryllium TBD TBD TBD Boron TBD TBD TBD Cadmium TBD TBD TBD Chromium TBD TBD TBD Cobalt TBD TBD TBD Copper TBD TBD TBD Lead TBD TBD TBD Manganese TBD TBD TBD Mercury TBD TBD TBD Nickel TBD TBD TBD Selenium TBD TBD TBD Silver TBD TBD TBD Thallium TBD TBD TBD Tin ai TBD TBD TBD Vanadium TBD TBD TBD Zrnc TBD TBD TBD Notes: 1. The Initial characterization has not yet been performed. This table will be updated when data becomes available. 2. The value for chlorine is determined from analysis. o 2-A- 10 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-A-2c GA Ton Containers Liquid Contents CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION' Ton ContainENumber =D252s3 D29813 D35248 p5136s Average Ag CT int GA EMICAL CONSTITUENT Ethvl N.N.-dimeth ocyanidate (Wt'/o 3 8.8 2l.l 26.6 19.8 26.6 < 1.0 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 2.0 < 1.0 8.0 7,0 5,7 Dir rethyl dirqethldphosphoramidate (Afea 7o)< 1.0 < 1.0 1.0 1.0 < 1.0 l0 l0 20 20 15.0 0.5 6.0 8.0 9.0 5.9 Tekamethyl phosphoroiyanidic diamide (Area 7o)8.0 7.0 10.0 I 1.0 9.0 qh orobenzene (Wt7o)4.09 1 1.6 13. I 10.7 9.87 Metals AT minum (me/ke)34.9 40.3 30.3 37.3 35.7 An limonv (mg/ke)0.52 0.23 334 316 162.7 tulenic (mCke)32.7 29.8 49.6 32.9 36.3 Ba kum (me t 1.06 0.62 0.39 0.36 0.6 Ber lvllium (me r < 0.05 0.05 0.0s 0.05 0.1 Bo lon (me/kp)109 tt2 l l3 95.6 107.4 Ca&mium (ms r < 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 Ch lomium (me )2.13 2.57 1,25 1.29 1.8 eq balt (me/ker < 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 Co boer (me/ker 21.6 10.3 0.82 1.72 8.6 rclo (me/ke)18.4 1 8.7 0.27 0.77 9.5 MJreanese (me/ke)1.25 1.32 0. 13 0.21 0.'7 M&curv (me/ke\4.1 0.49 10.4 l.8l 4,2 Ni lkel (ms/kel 0.68 0,7 0.09 0.t9 0.4 Selbnium (me/ke\< 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.1 sil lrer (me/ke)< 0.05 0.05 0.12 0.12 0.1 thhhum (me )< 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.0s 0.1 Tir [(me'kel 3.04 0.25 0.27 6.7 s 2.6 Va hadium (me/ke)9.58 I 1.5 13.9 1l I 1.5 Zit c (me/ke)62.1 43;l 28.3 36.7 42.7 tTLs t&lc obatains the analytical data for all four Aeoril GA Ton Containers stqred at DCD. }-A-tl TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 l*.,.-Table 2-A-2d Lewisite Ton Containers Liquid Contents CHEMICAL AGENT COMPOSITION' 4r gI rent Lewisite EMICAL CONSTITUENT (Area %)- Average Standard Deviation Maximum Value Minimum Value 2-,rovin ite Ll 7 6.9 2.1 80.4 74.3 &r G,S 2-Ct 14.9 I*A 16.4 13.0 fi*2 -Qhlorovinyl)arsine (Lewisite L3 )0.73 0.14 0.99 ND asE,1.3 0.34 1.9 ND Metals Ahlminum (ms/ke\34.3 4.25 44 29.8 Anlimonv (me/ke)313 16.0 338 292 Arlenic (Wt%)32.1 1.1 I 33.5 30.5 Balium (me/ker 0.376 0.1 I 0.59 0.16 Beh[ium (ms/ke)< 0.06 ND 0.10 < 0.05 Bolon (mq/kg)98. I Lto ll3 78.8 < 0.06 ND 0.10 < 0.05 'c*"***r*-rc,1,34 0. 15 1.59 l.l7 Cobalt (me1kg)< 0.05 ND < 0.05 < 0.05 Coboer (me/ke)0.94 0.95 2,35 0.26 Leld (me r 0.32 0.20 0.87 0.18 Mahreanese (me/ks)0.18 0.07 0.35 0.1 I M&curv (ms1kg)w 136 58 48.4 Nidkel (mg1ke)0.22 0.23 0.84 0.06 Selbnium (ms/ke)< 0.68 2.00 6.36 0.05 Sillrer (me/ke)0.14 0.08 0.35 0.1 Thhlium (me/ke)< 0.05 ND < 0.05 < 0.05 Tirl (me/ke)< 0.39 0.26 0.95 < 0.25 Vahadium (me/ks)t4.t 1.6 16.9 1 1.8 Zirlc (me/ker 44.4 13.2 72 30.8 rTilis table includes data from samole collected from all l0 Lrwisite Ton Containers stored at DCD o! 2-A-12 TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan June 2009 Table 2-A-2e Lewisite Ton Coptainers Solid Contents COMPOSITION' Averase Maximum Minimum Metals {mgJkq) Aluminum 1_@ M 54.5 Antimonv 2.685 3.450 1.870 Arsenic 165.360 21 1.000 99.600 Barium 0.66 1.77 0.31 Bervllium 0.15 0.36 0.06 Boron W M w Cadmium 0,30 0,73 0.1 Chromium 24.3 95.8 4.8 Cobalt 0.94 3.35 0.29 Cooner w 1.120 93.g Iron I 1.290 39. I 00 3.020 Lead 519 2.600 25.3 MAneanese 47.7 186 12.7 Mercurv 335.299 493.000 13 1.000 Nickel 143 47.5 3.17 Selenium 6.57 10.2 3.29 Silver 0.14 0.35 0.08 Thallium 0.50 0.66 0.25 Tin 11.67 16.6 7.36 Vanadium 19.2 22.3 l6.l Zinc ffi 1.194 ru 'This table inclqgles data from sample collected from al I 10 Lewisite Ton Containers stored at DCD - 2-A-t3 to t- l I-EoIadIo.- t)cn l) .H dxH.- I]()+lcn It tr E .l E FE I Fr rl tE. E -a\- c€ {Jc) f- laU) tHo.-*. ) .-dxI- ft lei- .H a-d€q) l= {a -El ff i ff i ff i &z Ncao\OqO &z &z \tooOqO o\OOgO E EH A tr o= -g g €= s E :' E E E d' = qP c! 3 -= EH E a co E€ E gT # EH S ": E T . .= E E \F E (n o tr = \n . Y . c u H =e a \o E F E EE i ^ HE ; 3 sE E 5E E grE E€ 3 EE f E u= a€ 'l = E E t rE t HT € H. ;€ ; .E T E d 3 si B El i r E E EE E '3 E ? H= EE E EE g E EF ; iG EE E -E f E e?H EE f E€ [ tr EH E iH O T EH € EE f -oE .E . H I ; q! ?2 ll EE H ;E t E Ei E EE E ri i -q E E *E E g .i , B A :E = b -O 9- ! \- / E ^ 3 tE ta g Eg g 'r E i a a 5 ; it € E € E u E 5 E ct 1E Ef fE E E 'q € 3 E P E € U B A EE E P ! E , E - = € - E EE € I A H g E E E EI i E i E j E E ' EE a ; I ! * * E s fr E E E : O S r , i 5 E EB i . # F E E E H X d# zE # Es # t r E +- ) | otZl - N ca :f , \n \o AI &z cao\OqO &z &z \f , caooOqO o\ f-OOqO OI l+ { r{ r' . ,z \oooOOqO &z &z fr . \nOOqO o\NOOqO sFr ?. ) LU &z f- .o\ ea \nooc' i &z 6t \o\f , eOoqC\ ca \of-OqO C\ ft .qO .f f i f f i ff i 'r . . t iff iAt- .' l r i l* r ri - . .. , d ,E ., ( ) ', . b X ft , :: i : : : i : t \ ii i i ! . ( A , t ii i i H ' ii i i ( l ) r '. l . d :' - i F l . ii i F l l ii ' G l :r . { i f ' A ,x ,r , o ' .( J .t ' t 1 .H ui , i l , . ' o , .f t ,' O ' i .. f. l tr ! { iF { ii i : , O r :i i : a : ' i' G l FA &z oo .f ,OOolO &z O\f , ooO o\ f-f-Oq o\ \noo .OqO EQ &z C\ ca f-cac1O &z \nf- . ooNc' )O .f , ooOqO \oOOqO q) tr &z o\No\OqO &z &z $ooOqO ooooOOqO GIE &z f-N\o.f ,9O &z @f-f- . ca9O cANooOqO \oNOOqO a &z ooO.f ,qO &z &z O\f ,o\OqO oo \ocaqO {t-,a &z N\o@OqO &z &z t. oNooOO f-coOOqO N 0 ,1 cg *- ) () |! : (a rOE/LT-)0e iOI]Fr Fd !reA)-F] ,qf- iaFdFAFTaHJFcF ard,4H-,)oI t aIFrF{ l-aA\ l- { f. ]acFdE13aFr l IzcZj3cF{ U)a{)0<()patr { )- {ad0) nf)t- , ( cd o<t- ' {aado lF {z \, l- r ()b{ 'O )oJI<aodo\Jz *O 0) 'd a0)&)- { ()o( 'O oaa(noa QE F4HgaodB ImIc\ +l00)Lq) +Jtr f- { t{ ' roOHcn+,o mL I( I ) NJ = 7\ {. J EI A -t V ri \, 6- . 3? ts o .I l+. ) .-dxI-F(aAx.-cr ) Ficn {. )() l. {e trN lr l l+ { lr r {! ) i:Hq)AI ff i ': l i . \ ,. 4 D , .l i l 'q ) ,t , ii F l rF l . ri , 6 l . *r , ; ,a ,H.o{lE, ,o , F{ r" ' l r J '- ', H . at r- i (D t ti a .f i ! in " ::. j &z ea \o\nqO &z ilz oo (nqO c\ coO.f ,qO €H a .E c * E. t r . () . E H El o a JJ-: O9 a -c \ : fr Et 8S u, E " \ EE IE F JE \o Fr ' - EE €E E ts , EEE t 8€ H 8 ?f E 9o oE; € H H *: E$ E 5g or EEE E* E E E H: E ; FE .E E g E: ' rf d 9E -t r = o. #* fr y r v J- i ro2 EH c =, 8 .; E E ? I 9' = - E 'E * ; 'E ! n E H T BI 8E EE E tr 3 c6 E Fc s 3 7? _ E EE .E = E .O " r - l tr . O E H EE I d S .t - , :z y ,r , . tr t E i i EE U: E E" . = ;E E i g E E f S 3 fr E E ' E f i' tu . g _ o E € 6 8 = H H: 6 9 E' d .E EE E ; g J # E EE I E E E E H EE ! E 5 E E E Pb H € E # E E E il T 3 : ;E P E g E s t E JE E EE E { :)ol- {ol- { adaotcdoac)F,iC) $- .€(d t<oa>{ )<O:)o()dF1F{ l- , { qi {- ) (oq)Nl- {o0. , CootsE(t l- . (. )HhEq)E0) -ou \J.d()X l+ I o-oc€C)L{ ()T]o()C) $< cCc00) 'a oHodtso63oHo UI F 0) I EIzl -, \f , \n c\ cr ) d-0 &z .t \noogO &z &z raoo \oqO o\ \oOqO tr !, (e ilz Ofr . \of-qO ilz &z f-NOgO o\o\ cA f-qO --U &z oo \nooooqO &z &z O\t t- {\oqO oo f-e\qO oU ilz .f ,OcaOqO &z &z f-\oOqO f- . caOqO m &z oooc \oqO &z &z ca \nqO t. n f-OqO r' ,z o\Ooo \oO &z &z f- t. n \oqO N\n\oOqO ilz \o\nOqO &z &z rnO\nOqO $\oOOqO .-z &z cnO. . .f , e" )O &z \n f-@ct lnO (n(nOgO r- - oo$i q)a &z ooONi &z ilz \ocf t ,\ oqO \. ) .f ,wOO f\ 0Hst +)c) It le (n rd?1--,)^IJo3aIE<ri t3aaFr lAt-A-FI 1 FAFTdri jF- {cE- . { U) 7AYaH-JoaaIt- { FdHeRfr laeriFI l= raF{IzozIt' rot- { ao{=orC) -oatr {tra(doa, *l- {63Prtra(c()a {- ) l. rH0)o0 '1 3 (,JHa63o 0) '( , aC)&oo{oaU) cdO tJ . tr O\ A cB O l- { -r t\ A \ J \J ry r\ l O .r 'o i F? t r ^F t iE *1 oa(dB *)Oq)L() +Jtr l- l th { oco -{cn *J() -F { )e tr t r tON. t r 7\ +J ll A -! V l- { \/ O' . . 3? -o .E{- ) .-A-/-=a/x.-co -i GI *)o13a trN dz am- &z amF amt- { E HTE EE € sq,q ii E tr €u B a ;q o g iN a E .E 2 E E e' s gH + 'l ? c o o. o B E€ E H, H i En E tr cU d r - ! c) * €t uE <u tr t' { cE ' ti N -E 3 8E H A, $ E E, E E H S' E ' Z E J E E Et r E Eg E E E- q = (d P s: A E E Ut r o ) o Es € . g . U '5 Aq i l E .E E C i "- { j i X t r d E $g € E E €: E ; 6 EE ; i l E HE EE Xa . > rE 6 U a; o -E ? 6 : fi +E i ' F. / ^ r o t r O \J r v \ / r D- P AE : fr EE Er E € € a : -E (j E- : g, , , q E g - EE E . = E I Eg i EE E ;E gE E # EE E Ef i . l € i E = F' = E o o - € 2 s uJ +E E€ E E E E S EE 5 ; U 3 E fg E E E E E E. E r. E EE E fi E * , 2 8 f r : E . .l . . 8l - c\ cf l . t \n +) lol zl tra &z RFAF &z Rmt- r RFAF tr ooO9O RmF .f , -qN omF RmF. t i-U f-oJO amt- , ' Oo\ (" 1O omt- , ( omF E &z omF \oo\9 omF RmF< &z amF{ &z omFr amt- { &z RmF &z omF omt- r .-Z .tcA=qO eFAF \oo\9O amF emt- r q)a r' , ,z amF r' . ,z anaF emF t)o a- AIJt{Fr rc$+ro-Gfr t' r ,1r- {a- r\ tr 0. l+ , { Gl FT ( +i +) qJ 2 aa6) r< .iII() a- of(Fr tLr>( t4FH l, n tn\- { ro rdt1--t)oe]aJtsF. l t3aAF{AAF{ FA llaf- lFl3ct- ( U)E?lHt-oe rf ,U) j3F{=aaf- lAeri FA l! ' {ard !zczI]3oF +(d F- {OcdO lF <z t1 Oo{ -do' JU) cO() t1 O 'd ao&C)b{ rOoaacOO\3a tq) ir r ( I-rdotieIU)Axo .F i+, cn l) .l dts t- .l r ( jo+) 6g 9t Fe rd .d E II ] FE .l E id ! I. . H '- F. f a) \- 6g+,q) \3a\/Ot-o .F (+) .H tH-- tr lza- .l adcn+Jq) r-a -Fr amF &z amF amF 8E g ,l r cU u )€ EE € r ET E E €u B a '; q o g ;c \ a E .E 2 S I g' x gE E $g E B, H E E3 ts tr cg d l F - ! o * €t uE <l ) t r i - { c g t r N -E 3 8E H A r + E EE s : S 'E ' r , E : E = Et r E Eg E E E- c = cd H -q : E E E Ut r O J o Ee € . 9 b '. . . 5 Aq r - i E f; : E E Sg S E E €: E ; 6 E€ Xi l , E FE EE xo ," E 6 6 a; o OE 2 6 : fi . p : E S -d oJ } E o g Tf r E E t as t I F !? E E E d= = OE 3 E rv .U .H .J J E 9 B EI E 6E X E E } E E =E H E I; . = ; E# := e =€ ; E E€ ! ' . 6 e : _8 T I U E rE E 2E E E E S E€ i E s E s ,t r s E H : H E; ! Hi ?E E; * EE z z f i n : E .. 18l - c\ ca $ \n 6l zl AI omt- r ilz Rmt. l Rmt- { OI l+ { l. J . l am3 &z RmF omF sFr RmF- { <.nc\ RmF omF f. ) trU amF Oo\ (t )O omt- { amt- , ' EU RmF \oo\9O omF amF q)m omt- r &z amF amF< cgE omF \nct ) omF omF O emF &z amF omF rt-CN amF &z omF RmF t\ ca-cg +Jq) !le a-'( L dxt-e <taFlFFd l- leArcaAFr lEaFiIzczFl Frot' r +60 o<acd (. ) l- {z rn ()a{ rdioFlacdo l! - {z f\ 0) 'O aO&C)OI 'd oaacB() \Je qE Al<fr ts +.aoLr€) {. Jtr l- {+{o0Fr . i cn +Jc) nA L lG ) N. E 7\ +) FE i A -\ b/ f- { \/ C0 '- _< 3 ts o .r ( tf .F l dts l a,)Haats .-ct ) -cn {- ) (. ) \= {a trN &z amF &z amt- { amt- { oU &z RFA t- { ilz oFA t- r amt- ' { -ts ta &z cmF &z aFAF amF tr ts {a caqc\ amF &z omt- { nmF I-U &z omt- r &z omt- { amF na ilz omF &z oFA t- { aaF &z oaF. &z omF- { RmF ilz RmH /,z omF. ( oFA t- { .-z o\ v" ) oo RmF NOqO amt- { amF< c)a &z amt- { &z omF- { Rml- , ( 0f{6d {r ) t<oHe\oo\ rHoGLFr f\ = Cr ) !. ( - - 6d tr EL : -L-E +j t1 ts aq)bI ,; f(cn {r )froIt {eeel \f , 0Edx,(-oe iaF1E' tHt3eaF4aari !aEraf" lJFloF. l ardd)i ( t)oe tf , OJt- {F{ l: {aardaAF] FE tcaF{IzczIFroF. ( ++) tr(cPr l- (aCC0)a t- ) (. )o{E5Jl- {U) (ooa la } o3 'o a()&Li()c{oaCd 0rOo. l- { 0<l' <o63o |< - {z tq) Fl--16ots {aIU)Eo.-{- , 6g {. 4 .l a-H .' r lIc) {. )cg rn *, IEmE .{ E F{ Fr r JT l^ A {r H. - -u ) L- cg {i0) biact ) d)ro .l*. J .r { dH-l) l= , (adx 'r i a-cg *r0)=a -3 #. i r . !: i i : i ; * iJ i ) ff i :. . d ,: . : .i ti f f i ', O lrcr 3 {. , lr ,, , cErar':\oO\ - . *{o>6gLrHj-. .d . -H ,, i . . 'Fh( ,h l t ,i i 5 l 'H : r. F l .( l ) , :i . ,a \ :u , Ii r . o , c0 *Jfi - ,- iV != { ,af:: i ' . : : 1 1 1 1 " Gr l ,. G. ; , , ' ' Na $4 &z amt- { r' ,z omt- { RmF 6FhH €S 8 i E3 t o\ o - { -' ! - \ / - - v: i EU i , H €g P s "; E tr b tr ? i E i6 c d U Cd .o = ?, q h .i EE e_ B Es s f E iE i I .E sE ai E EE H f .N _E . g g E i ?E € E s *i : a s E N5 " * { ; :H= 6 F. E H . g ts EE E T E E Si J E E i E u E ; to g O Eg € q : H q E H: A€ E *; EE E -o .t r ( EE € ;. p ; , r ; E g EE 2E , € E uE A E E l+ ! 6 o OE ?. q S 'c u, .i E E E ge .( , OJ , E E B c) I- ( = -Y O b At i ts E o E H 8€ I . 4 3 Fe = H ; i f rE i; E f E. g E . = E r F" E: l a E f o J 0 6- s i X g E \ f , f tr o T- a cd cs ,\ EE E E i E E ' EE € E * E E -g t E U E r' i -' 9f ^ B' O cg i El E g # E g EE 8. E S E E .9 . E I E H A, . o 3 EE F E E ; E #E f , z # f r 9 .. r O 8l .O r- oo O\ t- ' i EI zl al &z RmF ilz RmF cmH at l+ { ET &z Rmt- , ' &z RmF omF E0r &z am- \nc. ; amF RmF ?. ) liU o\ -t : .f , amF- Ov" )O omF RmF- { 15U N.f ,qO RFAF NOqO amt- < omt- ' r q) FE &z apaF &z RmF amF" c€ FA &z omF rn\ omF- omF O &z t- . 1mF- . t /,z aFA t- { omF A-a &z RFA F. < &z ecaF RmF 6t a-cn+)q) EIe a,tv/)<I,a^o. fOr. l3IE t Heafr laaFd tr t3ardJFoFr a rr { vt<FI=o !c aIFrHl= ieaHRaFdEFTeF{!zozF]-cFr +tr630rU) (oC) ar (. )e[ '1 3 )ct JU) ct d ()a rr - ) ()Eao&C)b{ ()oGp<oot- . o. , (U) (o() tJ . tr O\ n od o lr - { t- 7\ A \J \J l* r r\ l Q .E ' d F? t r .JE+ oadB -t ImIc\ |)U)Q)LIo '+ , a-t F{+roadcq :)q) e= Fa L r( D N. t r 7\ |) l. r i A -! V f- { \/ CQ -, 3? ts o .- {. J.-Ax/- l= {adH.-O t- l cgPq) !te trN H €E E d E3 5 O\ o - { -' j 5 o \ \ / f- - Et i' tr €r F i '= J g E aE IE F FE E B 8;E EE i H t fl i u E ot r t i c o H E .X g I E e ; E' f ; E s *i : a s E tE E s . , : g' E . 9 r j E E -E E B E E s' i EU o Eg € . : H q E E: A€ r g{ E g = E 'o . = cs - - ' - g HE zE E .l EE * E E o O: : n; , E E E F{ /- () tr E A F i; Eg H bA tE E € I E I ; iE EE F I EE F EE A E € O J U ;E E EE E S i E E E? E E E € E :t s g ; f e =€ uE € = I EE E E E # E iE s r€ E H E e = tr . E r€ tr E P -# E l , z # f r 9 .. r t ' 8l .O f- @ o\ ,- { 6l zl oUttsatr--Utr.-zq)O atr6n +JL(or= ra\oo\cqLH N= ai - - cn Fr E; +) d)rq)bI ,; fi6g+,L .oraa(, \ a\N++ro QE iHgadB [a IoIc{ t\ao) --')EoEIrt ) tro .! l{. 4GI .l . f .--tsEI .-F]c) {r ,GI \l tr ts l lc C{ I E r- l l E Jl s ca l .t s <l ' fr l a r a- cl +,c) tie\r r -a tro .I l{r , .I l AI'l-lrztr .- l a -l GI *,c) ts (e ra l t- l ti r q l <t?tEt l .0 1ddfr lOIEI rl l ci l IIEIOI UIEIol FI +, * i , ilz -{ lOIolql O1 fl ilz OC)qO &z +- )oatol- . (gao(ooF,iot<UCg t- .C)o>, 1 (. ) 5'c. )o(€E ,E(goNt<oa, (ooL{B€L{CgL0. ) ?a€O 'o€C) ,oH:a(. ) 'o(. )x lr E o-oo:) 'o C) L"0) '1 , aLao() (. ) l- . cg cOoi" ' ir a 6 0Aalo*.LiFa{o+{ +- ) tr rf a Ba63 t)q)>. F((. ) F1 t- lF . .l . rl al al C) l a) l EI EI zl z l ooA>aF{ cuaoal- .c) {- ' idt- ioUoF(,() *r+)e4F'aC) Eaol<€oaoA(, ) l- . (. )BC) L<o:,Bok(. ))Ea() r' , Fa0)OIEoa?1 .;cd+) (. ) 74HL. .o ., 8 al -l cr l E El € - I' F a =l o ul E >l I €l 'E ql co EI F ol = -o l d Ht r ts a l . -t rr . l lAI E zl E ol tr -q l o =l o .E t s 'o l = €l E !l I =l = NIIc\0) I(cF?1T,O(oa '. O 60 :)oL{c,0Lro .F ( :)(nL{ IA:aO(J?1oUaCO 5)OEJ)gOI A() -o rEl- . (l ) ts { cdatool{o{- ,a) l. i :)Ac) ?l ra t B(,a€:r)o0OOq+. .t - , .F ( BEo t, E l- . (J t4:t60 +- ) tro() ?ao(€A:ao .O oa63m,r ; osa,EOFc. ; OJ ,oC€a>lEOEoLr a4>rocd!r l. r l- .€Hoao(. )o!o 'o Oa)oI<C)>aOa0HFIat4F, lxCd at <t /z FaOOoO dz ilz OOqO &z al HI Hl EI F{OO &z Iz OO &t zt sl ti l zl (f ) (f l\noqc{ ilz \o-f , co€(\ I f-oo ;- ' {oO] &z Fa l LlUI dtzt f-\oooO &z .f , ooO \oc\OoO ilz EU &t zt o\ 00Nc' lO &z&z €l€lNI eo l dI El E El zr €) tr &t zt &z &t zt GI na 2t CAo\ c. )9O &z -- ] €l r- l ea l \o t l dt l =F a zt \ocaqO 2t * rnOO zt Ea zt ilz &t zt &z r+ee ) (* )O &t zt rD l -l si l *r l €) t >t F4U, I EI -lrlal l JIolol \r i .' l .l \lal .l l<t t- l El l >tol rd l alal Er l mt=l kl l JI<t t' ( I ol t- l ,- t 0E-lIrl-,otl \,a-lErHfl feardA-tA-Htrrtzrd IzozF]FcF \n l -[ l alad !lO. lOI -l€lal3l f& l tr l . -a l -l F{ l cd l r) l (l ) t =l qtN:)t4Hcd 1 o' . 1 .E l -l Fa l cd l :) lot >t t1-i l+J l ?a l Fa i (L ) t b{<l 'o l . r< l !, l 01 .H l 'l l .- 4 1 ai t I .d l -l cg l !r l0) I >l .' o l =l EI .i l alol el *r ldc) I o{ <t 'd l . -a l :l ol al tr l . r- a l -l cd l +J l 'E tr O \ n cu o z\ A \ / \. / H' r (r l Q. E o F? t r ^iE= ) t<HO+)acd \c !mIN f- ImIN +)0€)Lq) :f g lr i t+ roa-d*r ,(u "r E tQ l L tt €) NI E r. i l 5 F{ l r- EQ I - <t 3 E- t l o - .E l t) . lr lE_-Etr .! . U) -cl *.c) rl ia trN tt i " ' ! .i ! : 'll : . . . l '. . . 1 ' ! i l i" f i , . t i if f i h i i t o r i ff i i f f i dtzt fr .c\ l \oqO dz ilz f- .N\oqO &z 0isCB rra .F ( ;1 *a+. , l- i€q)€F{ otr?1Ho:)c,F.L.€tr0) t4 *. 4:)ooOo€o+- ,€0)a)()L{0)Bao-)COtr ts a J>r l- rxCU Eio:aq) ,o t, E L{o?1Cd :)Lao() l- ro(, ) L< +- ) t- ]c) *a!, >aO(t )Etr ,1ooOoOa +. {- ,>€o tF (rl { t- .C)Al- l(! rrd>ao() t4 O() -c d (t a La a U) >ao:)coq) 0. )=COa(! :)otr €ao&?aF40)>oL{a>to:.C\ l AHF' lr -oo?1 ts l EJ0) l- .oootr:,ot- lFaI&z .4 1 co l EI ;l Fa lcd l el (l ) l >t€l a) l 'o l 'o l a) I -o lEIHtr lol zlC) l -c l EI -u l 0) l €l !l() I tr l -l .| - )oAtlBEtrCB -) t- .0)Al- { a 'o oEEos6 aL{oc4 :a3l' - ' F'oA r-:,dL. . r- a*.:,>ac, :)OH0)F 'r ; lOI !) lOI zl AIa &z oo \oOqO &z il tzt oo \oOqO &z tr &z OOO &z &z OIqlOI &z -l-U &z FIc\qO &z &z c\qO dz oU &z OOOO dz &z OOOO &z tr &z c. r ] F{ iOI &z Iz cnO] zt &z) caO.f ,qO dz &z ea l OI .+ l qlOI &z ilz $qO &z &z .f ,qO 2t .-z ilz $o\c\ c?O &t zt ooooc\ t (t )O fr .OoqO &tzl (l )a &tzl El l zr il lzt 5tOIqlOI &t zt a -l GI +J(l )E ,^ lalEI -lIIrl-tol OJ \- i ct ) l il F- ( l rd l EInl Er I l ntcl fr l l na l EIHI '' ' l -t<t F{ l olFI tD l EI tr l=loleal -I l <tH] El l=lol fr t l alal rd l FA I =lHztctzl il tr lCI FI 3lal bdEI O. l a) l r< l -o l . r{ lal EI tr l .l l -l -a l cd l !) l +t .. i lEI . Fi lCB I O. l tr l !lcd l 6l=l r) l^i l !) ltr l o) l od<l 'c r l r r{ l,lot .d l:l . Fa lal t- . . t I (o l +) l ^t o r l €l .- l al0) l elEIG) l b0<t 'd l .- l -l ol al tr laC€ I :) l () l=l qE F4F, igacd O I (a ) -lHo .E l i.GI l. .I l -E .I l). ]q) l n& ts l e e. i l E r. t l Fr JI E ca l .E <l ! fr l a L !- cl t(u ttz\, -a Eo .- l {r .E-l-tr .- l a-di.c) Ttz -lH #t l i l ' r :\ ' . f , , :i i i i # - i zt *. - r I OIOIqlOI r' , | zt &t zt -r lOIolqlOI ttzt -) lol tr Ial cO l Bl r, l t- t l FI ttclol . r< l +- r l () t 0. ) l :) lc) I -1 lr l tr lOI>t c)BoA rr . t aEC) :)o0) :)(. ) -o5'oFa :tolic)>&z.. L a >EC) J4Lc, c4HL.aGI :.O?a ItLrtoL{ +JF4()OI€ag)- l }. aacr l :)q) t{otlEJ0. )Eol{0L.o+Jcu )- . Ht{€L. .F a o?1 't , (. ) 5)Lo0oL{- )ol- . I ?; l & el z olzl r 5) lol tr lolLI (B l al a) l JI cd l >l () I ?a l t- a lFI .l alotkt5l 9t (o l klototr l Fa l (t ) I 5r lol () I cg 1E] ,E l !)cg l c)NI l. {ooCd :rotrBtt<CBLrotr d€o€'o q) -o.1h(. )E(. )xtEO-oo€oli0) 'o atdts ao()Ol- . c\ l CO :)0)Hnat1Ho5)t<i{ta- l )< lroF4-:)?1 Ita4-5)BaCt , !)a)>{ L.oFe. i 'd l 0) l EII F'oat Fa l- .L-o (. - { l- i0) -oct 3CgGI ()?1 *{:.?l )tL{o (. H 0) 'o CB e4H}. r 0. ) p?aH(n() )<A)tr t{oL?1-o:,trc) cu (t ,x0) +, toL.o5.c, (J rE:,L.0)Ea{ ()8()trg ,; l I Fl lsl E ol ) *l E PI Hol -t r >l : EI F EI E ol := -o l -H EI ; Ht s 8E zl 3 €l I EI E 'o l .= €l E =l '1 , () l o =l = . lc o e{IIc!osCI ,F?aF' '1 , o(o),ocl :)ol- . (taL{o.. - )cl Li :, t<Hoots ioUacl +JOLr azEi)c,bI Lr0) ,. o tEl- .otr .F a c, 5)?ao()AHo0)k:ro?1 1- )BCJ +r ) rl DBa)JatA>ao0OOtr )e! (4 .a - )B 'o o r+ E L{ ()Lr co :)L.o()L.o5)(nAts aoT,C)a(d FA \o ", 'l :l \lEIol dt .E l f, ! l ad ', ; l ,H l sl EI EI Ht I El €l HI sI EE I 3J .E I El ;l ?l g El el El i l €l El El €l EI EI El il re l El fl E l $E l EI H I #l {l sl nl t<o{- rGI liotrol- .o?4 {- . 1o!,Eao€ ol il tzt O\ l ololqlOI &l zt dtzt O' l OIOIqlol dz al Fr l t- t l &t zt c! l ., . ) l -, 1 2t dtzt c\ l eo l zt EI 0r l dz xi l zr rn l eo l oe l el l c! l c\ l otelol &t zt r) liU ilz Fl lel rc l -lol il lzt =l l El l z, II IJU &z OO.c! c' )O ilz ooooc\ c' )O =l l z q)E d1zt ceOoqO dz &z ea l olOIqlol &z cl tr i 1r ' t r t ; . :r +l ' I ' OI 9l .l l at r- l!l {l ) l Ff l dEI ;f i 1<lJal lr lolGI .- l 6l 3lEI Iol ulEI 1' 0 t{ l ilz ca l or l cn l rO l dl &z €fr .ca9O l. n F(OqO il tzt OI <l /z v? l r- l cn l €l dz &z in[\ - cn€ &t zt E]al dz ln l tloq l ol dz ilz tr )$ooO EI N U) al c+.€)E U) ,1 5 A-a--oa\, ?{0F]FETERfE loafr l trFterd). fFot' { aE-t-l-oa\,a-]Ff. l !renEr loaf. I tr fr 1 Izoz-IF(oF +lal ox,l O{ l ar l -r l ,. . o l . Fl lal3l fr { l tr l r ri l-l ct l elG) l >l hlaJ l tr l . -a l cd l o. l tr l 'F l at (! l a- ) | c) I >l +)Hq) oX<I 'o l .- l alol . r{ lJI tr l . ti l-l -l c0 l !r lc) l >t oto) I3l 'o l .; f l al 0) l dl *. 1 tr l q) I b{ <t€l . ri lol al tr l . Fa l-l F{ l cB l -) l0. ) l >t I, L tr O. ,a c0 0 - Uo . X o .2 ' d F? t r -=E '- ) trC)ad oo !oIN :)a(l )Lq) {j tr-lr i oa-cl +f ol g -l e Cl b ^l f F1 l c FI I - El - r r *I .E.-E .- l -tr .-a, -cl +,€) Liz flNI i- | ' r l , 'i :1 , ', 1 . - 1. d' I, f C r l: r 'x , i } ; , r f i i j ,t l i i , $ ; i r i 4 Wf f i , id l g , f i .o t II .- l 6t rt l}I .3 1slE! I t. ' S<Idf{ lol :E l l OI Itl 9iEi l ol ulE! l ,F l &z oo t- {O &z &z €F{O &1z) :)oHoL{daot(noF,iol- .):.Co l<OoH0) :)OocOE(t r :,Cu()NL{oo6d rl - ,otrB rO LrCo troAt{ 'd (. ) 'o.O 0)s)- ' 0)Eox!E(. )so*. JEc) l- .o"O .F l U) L.o()0) l<(g(l , !)oFl l- 'H na ?aF'o ' tr agtc4F{ :r l() rl aar ltr .! a A *a:,Bact l :)o>aLr oo l q) al E sl H olzl ; :)otrU) (€B:rH?1FaoOC) 5)(. )€l- ( (. ) ()Bod(. ) +. )oo:r0, )€.l - )o?a() t- (c)>&z!,BEC) J4l- . CdHaG, +)C)HBoL. .0)al t.gJL. .;G,6l- .o .i l t cr l 'u ?l o) sl E EI E >l r EI .E OI t€ EI E -o l qY EI .E rf l o nl tr 2l r d '. E I E +- r l O .E l s €l = €l H !l I ul = dl a) l rE l . r{ l () ! a) lol 'l \oL{ q, ) trcd :)tro(,Lro: 1. .o:)C\ I l- .C)AHO?1Ho?1 r- {5)o:)€e()p EI al &z C\OqO ilz dz c! lOIelOI &z tr !(z ctzt o\OOqO &z &z 3l l z --U &t zt O\ l rn l OIqlOI &z &z O\ l tf r lOqlOI &z oU &tzt r- { I OIOIOIdl dz ilz OOqO ilz tr *t (r t l c{ l oo l NI.t OI dz zl ln l c! l oo l o. l l OI &z *l OIOI -r l -lOI ilz ilz OOFtO &z dl z) $lqlOI &z dz cac\ t rf ,qO lt .! tz lt O\ l ol co l c1 l OI ilz oo l oo l c! l (" ) l OI t- r I NIOIqlOI 2t c)a dtzt O\ l tn l EIOI &z *t O\ l ta r l -< lqlOI EI a-6l +fo=a ^roEAI-l-oQ\,O'JErHEoHRRHm:r {efE l Fl Frct' l (,Etr=oOl \r taJHfr tEleofr loofr l trLr i2r{ IZozFlFcFr il\l ala{3lEl (l ) I -a l -o l . Fa l -a t ,l Ir { l tr l '- l Fa l CU I +- ) l (L ) t >l clNl!) ltr I . r- t l cr l 0. lH .- l al Fa l cd l :) lol >t alNl+r l tr l c) I o{<l €l . Fa l ,I01 . Fa l rl tr l . t- . 1at t- a l cr r l !) l0) t >l nl \l I 0) I JI 'o l .d l alol1tr lol ox<t 'd l . -r l -lol al tr l . F{ l-l -l cd l !) l() l >t QE /L.gacdB o\ImIc{ a*r{Z, il t il $ If i t r f r F' ? i l t H$ ri l ilo ff t $ H** I ili7,Y^uc4. ,. R . r ^ $HH$ _ n$ oDx F+4.I-! ri l Io** $r I I .!$E ! ilr{ r+a*t $r +o J*o s*6orI*xr{ ta h6F{ . B'$ -!Hx cNs x Fl .z${ $n CD .d oP tt f i r{ i '* o<DoD# H*>1 . r+ ot F+t s oil 2Ih6r*e,*6 $r q* rl .1s ch "5ch <D+" cn IA I+ t i l o* ZU$+ e*el t a\oeN +!A ) oD tr*H*{r*o $$ E .r h lr t :+ t*d dt . xs ct tx $* * $+ i,oilHx HHxJfr+ fi $ &I . t+ a6 .a a ) rf i .$dFt lJ - tr O, .i co o l- { Ft 7\ A \J \J H ,\ I Q .E ' d F? t r -3EhoacB fi -t *' .?Fr Izlr l tr l H Ht a I| E zt b l. { l \ rr t( l A tl 2l xE fi I EI E] E nq E HI 5 il l rEt gFr l HF. i I HE l E I L. l 0) l EI or l EI f,czlaHdI4 4i l gH I fr Et n] $E l z r 3l E I oo l >I !l !t !t FzJJrdarofrEr rl s !t il !l !l Ifr 1oolra rl !l !I !! il ldFail)E Fl s $l -. : l ol '+ l pr l .q l oI !l hl -laoJtrXrd El F{ l olEt6l FI !t !t !l Fl rdootte NI >I \o l >t !I !I !l FzH() El s OI.l \O l €l r; l f- l=l OIol rc IJ ololOIJ OIol ,? l el l rdEF oi HI lr { i HI HI )+ { l EI olEI <Iol Fl l azo-lazrd Iz-a Fl s f- l \o 1 a $1e! l f- l -q l sf l ol l O\ l od l or l OI ol$l a" ' , 1 OIol $l .4 1 olol ,+ J c. r l ;r t G Fl rd UI E zl a ta l z Jl = qlFI oq l ro l ot l -lnl oo l -lnl oo l -r l ;l oo l HI EI I EI E stol -q lol tr t ql .t l EI .n l nl '- r I -. : l ol cn l -r ldl ea r l -, . : l ol en l -] I FI t, I t z t ol h] ol e l >t < t or l >I =l l =l $e t :l lBl <r {l or HE I zlOI :r l !HIBIEI EIOI >l€l .E l dl '+ l FI EI EI EI alLI 0) l tr l . =t l cr l l 5r l tr l EIelOI FI al l- . 1G) l .E t Gl l EIOI UIrlFI al tr ! c) I .E l cd l 9ltr tol () Iclol FI QE t4Hgacd ts IUIc! aZo-Flr lz)=azt. l t]Hil t- lF N t- l F\ lr l -dF Fr U F]&tE (czo-r i- ( ts l0oFr=aoU Zol-tr ts laoei tt lzoU oo 6 0)N tJ . , , oh0)F ooat- iocdooo o 'oE)ao '5-. o 'd e{ tSH^3 r oc oHU5s =OU .r ; E0 ) 5E aNXc ^- C d E. i C) ro J8s ca ca er ) , oo iJ I N EIxt=l=l cd lbl 5l o€N 'o cOOJ dEoF d ho)F Ualzzc\ l \cUa' loz0) t-OC)o.ot-l-I \o 6 =1 : Nil ut t. , gl 6 Ol f- zl ; FHlr r()F. l l{B aCd tiuol r. ) \o oo [n bI [- - \n boOf- boOca E- rZF]zc0racU .oO0al-oat- rENN 0)bo t<dU!oA.A.D ob{ l- r CC IU0)dEot-o obo t<CdUC)>J Obo l-UcdOc, d -o () c\ zo-Flizpl-a l- . cdLooIN+c\ lz tJ . tr O\ A C' 3 0 l- { r- Uo . . X O. 2 o Fp t r -5EhOod NI(,t 6l t )-J FJEJ g A o o o TOCDF Security Procedures June 2009 ATTACHMENT 4 SECURITY PROCEDURES Attachment4-Page I TOCDF Security Procedures June 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS 4.1 4.2 4.3 4,4 4.5 4.6 CFR DCD Code of Federal Regulations Deseret Chemical Depot SECURITY GENERAL SECURITY PROCEDURES A}tD EQUIPMENT TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM BARRIER MEANIS TO CONTROLENTRY WARNING SIGNS LIST OF ACRONYMS ATLIC Area 10 Liquid lncinerator GA . Tabun: dimethylphosphoramidocyanidic acid ethyl ester L Lewisite; dichloro(.2-chlorovinyl)arsine TOCDF Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Attachment4 -Page} TOCDF Security Procedures June 2009 4.1 SECURITY [R3 15-3-2.5ft)(4): R3 15-0-2.51 4.1.1 Security at the Deseret Chemical Denot (DCD) leeotC4eeele shall meet the criteria and standards of the Department of Army Regulation 190-59, "Chemical Agent Security Program." This regulation specifies criteria and standards for the storage, handling, and movernent of chemical surety materiel. It specifically describes the contents of physical security plans that are required for installations that have a chemical storage mission, requirements for perimeter security and storage structure protection systems, security procedures, requirements for security forces, and standards for physical security. The stipulations of AR 190-59 are more stringent than the security requirements set forth in R315-8-2.5. 4.1.2 4J1-In addition to the security procedures in effect at EG&G operated facilities at the DCD @, the DCD installation provides overall security. The Chemical Surety Restricted Area..t0C..drca1 . located adjacent to the facility has a security system that complies with AR 190-59. All security systems are in full effect during chemical demilitarization operations. The unclassified portion of the various security systems is discussed below. A map depicting the location of fencing, gates, and warning signs for the OCDF)andArea lO.andtheatheperimeterof . the Deseret Chemical Depot (PCD) is shown in drawing TB-16-C-2,which is located in . $ttachment 11 (General Facility Drawings) of this Permit. These systems will prevent unknouA*ng entry into the facility and minimize the possibilityfor the unauthorized entry of persons or livestock onto the facility by use of the following procedures and equipment: (1) fencing around the entire facility perimeter; (2) 24-hours-per-day, seven-days-per-week surveillance by armed patrols; (3) warning signs posted along perimeter fences to discourage unknowing or unauthorized erfiry; (4) entry limited to one gate, staffed by armed security personnel; (5) access limited to persons and vehicles displaying appropriate identification badges and vehicle placards; (6) two-way radio communication; (7) telephone communications available at selected facilities; and (8) security lighting provided at key locations. Drawine EG-22-G-8221 depicts a more daailed drawine of the ATLIC within Area 10. lg is?roYidCbyD€D,ffd 4.2 4.2.t GENERAL SECURTTY PROCEpURES AND EOUIPMENT tR3 15-3-2.5ftX4). R315-8-2.5(a)l The security provisions for the TOCDF are in addition to that of the Desmet€hmieal Bepee(pcO) security provisions. The ATLIC is located within the DCD Area 10 and is covered by the DdCD measures for securine site equipment and surety material. The following procedures and equipment at the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) prevent unknowghg entry into the facility and minimize the possibility for unauthorized entry of persons or livestock onto the facility: (1) fencing surrounding the site; (2) 24-hours-per-day, seven-days-per-week surveillance by armed patrols; (3) waming signs posted at the area perimeter; (4) routine entry to the facility limited to one gate, staffed by armed security personnel; (5) routine access limited to persons displaying appropriate identification badges and vehicle passes issued only by the Security Office; (6) two-way radio communication; (7) security lighting to illuminate the entire facility. DCD Attachment4-Page3 4.3 TOCDF Security rrff:iffi.; Area l0 Igloos 1631, 1632,{nd 1633. and 1639 are not located within the TOCDF proper, but are managed by TOCDF. Igloo 1631 contains the Autoclave Subpart X Treatment Unit. Igloo 1632 contains the Drum Ventilation System and Drum Ventilation Sorting Room System Subpart X Treatment Units and is also permitted as a container storage unit. Igloo 1633 is a permitted container storage unit. Am* Isloo 1639 contains the tabun (GA) nerve aeent and Lewisite &) blister aee'nt incineration facility which is referred to as the Area 10 Liquid tnqinerator (ATLIC). TWENTY.FOT]R IIOUR SURVEILLAIICE SYSTEM IR3 1 5.8-2.5ft)(1)I 4.3.1 Continuoussurveillance@isaccomplishedbysecuritypatrols. Overall administration of security personnel is performed by the Chief, DCD Security Office. 4.3.2 Each patrol is radio equipped. Typical duties required of patrol members include: Check for possible intrusion or security violations. Check the security of the bulldings wi'thin the patrol area. ' Check the physical integrity of perimeter barriers. Challenge persons within the patrol area as appropriate. Report all incidents and checkpoints. Respond to contingency calls. Perform specific duties as assigned. 4.3.3 Each patrol is equipped with required protective equipment. Limited first aid supplies, fire extinguisher(s), and lights are available. All patrols are armed. 4.4 BARRTER tR3 I 5-8-2.5ft)(2)(il1 4.4.1 'Ihe TOCDF and Area 10 are slrrounded by chain-link security fences. The perimeterp arEis completely lighted. The fenceg:Ig maintained in good repair. 4.5 NIEAI\S TO COTyTROL ENTRY.tR3l5-8-2.5ftX2Xiil1 4.5.1 Visitor access ithin the{r separate. fenced perimeter perimeters. is controlled byatpamt+24-how guarded gateg. Visitors are accompanied at all times during their visit to the facility and are subject to security checks. 4.5.2 For those individuals who routinely work in the- operated facilities, picture idortity badges and other forms of identification are required at the entry control point. These badges are.issued by the DCD to each individual. Attachment4 -Page4 4.5,3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.5.7 4.6 4.6.1 TOCDF Security Procedurest ,. June 2oo9 A worker must be current itrmedical screeiring and training requirerneirts as well as cleared through appropriate security progams. Within thege secure facilitigsy, certain.areas have been designated as Exclusion Areas. Access to Exclusion Areas is restricted to authorized personnel who have the appropriate training. Personnel within Exclusion Areas will always work under the "Two-Person Concept" or buddy system in which each worker remains in visual contact with his parhrer at all times. Once personnel have entered the facility, access to Exclusion areas is controlled. Pedestrian access is controlled by a continuously guarded tumstile system_at3agh_fagility. The individual maybe searched in his or her person and effects as determined by the guards. Upon acceptance of identification, the individual can pass through. All the gate guards are armed. Vehicle access is controlled"by a continuously guarded gate at€_9ach-al9a. When a vehicle requires entry@th€rfa€iliry, all occupdits'except the driver must exit the vehicle and enter through the turnstile system. The vehicle will be thoroughly searched by an armed guard. Shortterm access can be authorized. An'authorized escort accompanies these personnel during their time within the facilities.-either{aeiH* WARNING SIGNS tR3 15-8-2.5(c)l Signs warning that the areas areis restricted and dangerous, and that unauthorized entry is illegal, are posted near all facility access gates and around the perimeter. These signs are easily visible at a distance of 25 feet. Attachment4-Page5 ?+(.+ FDo) H CD) tJt TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 ATTACHMENT 5 INSPECTION PLAN TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF ACRONYMS 5.1 INSPECTIONPLAN/SCHEDULE 5.2 METHOD OF INSPECTION BASIS 5.3 INSPECTIONS 5.3.1 ContainerStorage 5.3.2 Incinerators 5.4 INCINERATORANCILLARYEQUIPMENT 5.4.1 Process ControllRCRA Compliance Instrumentation 5.4.2 DemilitarizationEquipment 5.4.3 lncineratorPollutionAbatement Systems 5.5 STORAGE/TREATMENTUNITS 5.6 LOADruNLOAD AREAS 5.7 AGENT MONITORS 5.8 24-HOUR IN'TERMITTENT COLLECTION I.INITS AND OTHER PERMITTED SUMPS 5,9 MDB VENTILATION CARBON FILTERS 5.10 EMERGENCY AND SA}'ETY EQUIPMENT 5.10.1 Emergency Power System[lnintemrptible Power Supply 5.10.2 Security System 5.10.3 Emergency Communication System 5.10.4 Fire Protection Systems 5.10.5 Hazmat Van and Decon Trailer 5.11 SPECIFIC INSPECTION PLANS AND LOG SHEETS Attachrnent5 -Page2 o TOCDF lnspection Plan June 2009 LIST OF TABLES 5-1 Hazardous Waste Management Unit Inspection Schedule & Methods of Inspection 5-Z TOCDF Support System Inspections 5-3 Automated Demilitarization lVlachines & Associated Equipment 5-4 Environmental Inspection for the iontainer Handling Building (CHB) & Secondary Containment Systems (Overpacks) 5-5 Environmental Inspection for the TMA Container Storage 5-6 Environmental Inspection for TMA Airlock/Decon Area 5-7 Environmental Inspection for the Unpack Area (IPA) Container Storage Area 5-7(a) Additional Environmental Inspection for the Unpack Area (JPA) When Secondary Containment Pallets Are Used 5-8 Environmental Inspection for the Explosive Containment Room Vestibule (ECV) Container Storage Area 5-g Environmental Inspection for the Upstairs Munitions Corridor (UPMC) Container Storage Area 5-10 Environmental Inspection for the S-2 Warehouse Container Storage Area & Secondary Containment Systems I S-tt Environmental lnspection fortheTOCDF LIC 1 & LIC 2PimaryChambers I S-tZ Environmental Inspection for the TOCDF LIC 1 & LIC 2 Secondary Chambers 5-13 Environmental Inspection for the Metal Parts Furnace 5-14 Environmental Inspection for the Deactivation Fumace System I S-tS Environmental Inspection for the TOCDF LIC 1, LIC 2, MPF, & DFS Pollution Abatement Systems 5-16 Environmental Inspection for the Load/Unload Areas & lncinerator Residue Discharge Areas I S-tl Inspection for the TOCDF Agent Monitors ,f 1.!, . Enyirbnmenlal Inspection For 24-hotx Intermittent Collection Units 5-19 Environmental Inspection forMDB RCRA Permitted Sumps Attachrnent5-Page3 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 LIST OF TABLES (coNTrNrrED) 5-20 Environmental Inspection for the Munitions Demilitarization Building Demilitarization & Material Handling Systems 5-21 Environmental Inspection for the Agent Collection Tanks ACS-TANK-101, ACS-TANK-l02 and ACS Tank Secondary Containment System 5-22 Environmental Inspection for the Spent Decontamination Solution Tanks SDS-TANK-101, SDS- TANK-102, SDS-TANK-IO3 and SDS Tank Secondary Containment System 5-23 Environmental Inspection for the Brine Reduction Area Surge Tanks BRA-TANK-I01, BRA- TANK- 1 02, BRA-TANK-2O 1, BRA-TANK -202 & Secondary Containment System 5-24 Environmental Inspection for the Igloo 1632 and 1633 Container Storage Areas and Secondary Containment Systems 5-25 Environmental Inspection for the Brine Reduction Area Pollution Abatement System 5-26 Environmental Inspection for the TOCDF Munitions Demilitarization Building Ventilation Carbon Filter System 5-27 Safety and Emergency Equipment Inspection for Emergency Response Equipment-(For alLEG&G QBerated Facilities) 5-28 Safety and Emergency Equipment lnspection for the TOCDF Emergency Generators, Security, Hazard Communication, & Fire Protection Systems 5-29 Environmental Inspection for Igloo 1631 Autoclave and the Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration System 5-30 Environmental lnspection for the Igloo 1632 Drum Ventilation System (DVS) and Drum Ventilation System Sorting Room (DVSSR) and the Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration System 5-31 Environmental Inspection for the ATLIC Ton Container Glove-boxes 5-32 Environmental Inspection for the ATLIC LIC Primary and Secondary Chambers 5-33 Environmental lnspection for the ATLIC LIC Pollution Abaternent Systems 5-34 lnspection for the ATLIC Aeent Monitors 5-35 Environmental lnspection for the'ATLIC Ventilation Carbon Filter System 5-36 Safety and Emereency Equipment Inspection for the ATLIC Emereency Generators. Security. Hazard Communication. & Fire Protection Systems Attachrnent5-Page4 TOCDF '"T#:;J# 5-37 Environmental lnspection forthe ATLIC TOX Area Tanls: NSF-Tank-8514" LtCS-Tank-8S16. l,CS-Tank-851l. SDS-Taok-8523. LtCS-Tank-8S34 and the tank Secondary Containment Systgn Attachment5-Page5 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 ACA]\dS ACS LIST OF ACRONYMS Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System Agent Collection System ATLIC Area 10 Liquid Incinerator Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off Bulk Drain Station Brine Reduction Area Continuous Emission Monitoring System Code of Federal Regulations Container Handling Building Depot Area Air Monitoring System Document Control Center Deactivation Furnace System Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Drum Ventilation System Drum Ventilation System Sorting Room Explosive Containment Room Vestibule High Efficiency Particulate Air Hazardous Waste Management Unit Intermittent C ollection Unit Liquid Incinerator Munitions D emil rtanzation Building Multiposition D emil rtanzation Machine Multi-Munitions Handling Systern Metal Parts Furnace National Fire Protection Association National Fire Code On-Site Container Pollution Abatement System Process Data Acquisition and Recording System Projectile Handling System Prq ectileAvlortar Disass ernb ly Machine Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Residue Handling Area Spent Decon Solution Toxic Maintenance Area Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Unpack Area Upper Munitions Corridor Unintemrptible Power Supply AWFCO BDS BRA CEMS CFR CHB DA."AMS DCC DFS DSHW DVS DVSSR ECV HEPA HWMU ICU LIC MDB MDM MMS MPF NFPA NFC ONC PAS PDARS PHS PMD RCRA RHA SDS TMA TOCDF UPA UPMC UPS Attachrnent5-Page6 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 TOCDF "'oT:i"Jrto'# INSPECTION PLAN/SCHEDULE tR315-8-2.6r R315-8-9.5: R315-8-10 t40 CFR 264. Subpart Jll R315-8-15.7: r315-3-5ftXfl1 The inspection required under R315-8-2.6 of permitted Hazardous Waste Management Units (HWMUs) is intended to minimize and prevent releases of hazardous waste to the environment and to protect human health. The frequency at which the inspections must occur is specified by regulation and varies depending on the type of HWMU being inspected. Table 5-1 lists the HWMUs permitted under the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) Hazardous Waste Part B Permit, their regulation-based required inspection frequency, and the method by which each HWMU is inspected. TABLE 5-1 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNIT INSPECTION SCHEDULE & METHODS OF INSPECTION HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNIT INSPECTION FREQUENCY REGULATION LOCATION AGENT I FREQUENCY VENTILATION I TNSPECTION CATEGORY' I METHOD2 CONTAINER STORAGE Container HandHir$ Building (cHB) Weekly R3l5-8-9.s Outside Munitions Dernilitarnzati on Building (MDB) D Weekly - Physical Visual Inspection of containers in the S-2 Warchouse , Igloos 1632 & 1633, and TMA Container Storage Area, secondaly containment pallets (S-2 Warehouse, Igloos 1632 & 1633, and UPA only) and storage base(CHB and TMA Container Storage Alea only). In tl're CHB and UPA: Autornatic Continuous Air Monitoring Syiteur/Depot Alea Air Monitoring Systern (ACAMS/DAAMS) used to detennirre leaking containers inside ovetpacks that remain in storage for longer than 7 days. S-2 Warehouse Weekly R3 t s-8-9.s Outside MDB D Igloo 1632 Weekly R3l5-8-9.5 DCD Area l0 D lgloo 1633 Weekly R3l5-8-9.5 DCD Area l0 D Unpack Area (UPA)Weekly R3l5-8-9.5 Inside MDB C Toxic Maintenance Area (TMA) Container Storage Weekly R3l5-8-9.5 Inside MDB A TMA Airlock Area Weekly R3l5-8-9.5 Inside MDB C Weekly (wheu overpacks are in storage) -Visual Inspection perfonned using closed circuit televisiou in the A/B area and visual irrspection through the observation con'idor window in the C area TMA Decon Area Weekly R3l5-8-9.5 Inside MDB NB Explosive Containment Room Vestibule Weekly R3 l5-8-9.5 Inside MDB fuB Weekly - Visual Inspection pertbnned using closed circuit television and plocess data obseryed from control screens. Upstairs Munitions Conidor Weekly R3 l5-8-9.s Inside MDB A/B Attachment5 -Page7 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-1 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNIT INSPECTION SCHEDULE & METHODS OF INSPECTION HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNIT INSPECTION FREQUENCY REGULATION LOCATION AGENT VENTILATION CATEGORY' FREQUENCY INSPECTION METHOD2 INCINERATORS Liquid Incinerator #l Daily R3l5-8- I 5.7(b), (c) Inside MDB A/B Daily - Visual Inspection perfonned using closed circuit television and process data observed from control screens. Monthly - Physical Visual Inspection. Liquid Incinemtor #2 A/B Area t0 Liquid Incinerator (ATLICIIC ATLIC LIC Room A/B Metal Pafts Fumace Inside MDB B Deactivation Furnace System B INCINERATOR ANCILLARY EQUI PMENT Incinerator Process ContrrcVRc RA Compliance lnstrumentation Based on Frequency stated in Calibration Plan (Attachrnent 6) Not Applicable Not Applicable Calibration - Calibration Frequency based on instrument type. Dernil Machines/Conveyorc Daily R3l5-8- l s.7(b) Inside MDB A, A/B Daily - Visual Inspection perfonned using closed circuit television and plocess data observed from control screens. Pollution Abaternent Systerns Daily R3l5-8- l s.7(b) Outside MDB D Daily - Physical Visual Inspection. lnside ATLIC Environrnental Control Systern STORAGE/TREATM ENT UNITS Agent Collection Systern (ACS) ACS-Tank- l0l ACS-Tank- 102 Daily R3 r 5-8- r0[40 cFR 264.1 e5(a), (b)l Inside MDB A Dailv - Phvsical visual inspection or Visual Insoection oerformed using elosed eircuit television and orocess data observed from control screens. Weeklv - Phvsical Visual Insoection. NSF-Tank-8s14 LCS-Tank-85 l6 LCS-Tank-851 I SDS-Tank-8523 LCS-Tank-8534 ATLIC TOX fuea Spent Decon Solution (SDS) SDS-Tank-l0l SDS-Tank- 102 SDS-Tank- 103 Inside Ivl DB SDS Ancillary Tank Systerns (24-Hour ICU and Secondary Containrnent Surnps) Inside MDB A, A/8, C Daily - Visual Inspection perfonned by use of the sump level indicators. ATLIC TOX Area for equip. associated with SDS-Tank-8523 Visual Inspection oerformed bY use of sump level indicators Attachrnent5-Page8 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE '1HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNIT INSPECTION SCHEDULE & METIIODS OF INSPECTION HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNIT INSPECTION FREQUENCY REGULATION LOCATION AGENT VENTILATION CATEGORY' FREQUENCY INSPECTION METHOD2 STORAGE/TREATMENT UNITS Brine Reduction tu'ea (BRA) BRA-Tank-101 BRA-Tank-102 BRA-Tank-2O1 BRA-Tar:/r.-202 Outside MDB D Daily - Physical Visual Inspection Cathodic Protection - Annually - Confinn proper operation. Every Other Month - Inspect/Test Sources of Impressed Current Autoclave & Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration Systern Daily & Weekly R3l s-8-16 [40 cFR 264.602, 264.1s(bx4), 264.1033, 264.10871 DCD Area l0 Igloo 163 I and Adjacent Carbon System D Daily - Physical Visual Inspection Weekly - Physical Visual Inspection ATLIC Ton Container Glove-box Carbon Adsorption Filtration System Daily & Weekly R3l5-8-16 t40 cFR 264.602. 264.15(bX4). 264.t033. 264.10871 ATLIC Processing Esy D Daily - Physical Visual Insoection -.. Weekly - Physical Visual Inspection Drum Ventilation System: DVS Enclosure DVS-l0l DVS Enclosure DVS-102 DVSSR Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration Systern Daily & Weekly R3l5-8-16 [40 cFR 264.602, 264.1s(bx4), 264.1033, 264.10871 DCD Area l0 Igloo 1632 and Adjacent Carbon Filter Systern D Daily - Physical Visual Inspection Weekly - Physical Visual Inspection BRA ANCI LLARY EQUIPMENT Pollution Abaternent Systern Daily R3 t s-8-2.6 Outside MDB D Daily - Physical Visual Inspection ' Agent Ventilation Categories are determined based on the probability ofagent contamination. The ranking system scales from A (highest probability) to E (no prcbability). More ventilation air is required to be moved thlough areas as the prcbability of agent contarnination increases. The level of personal pnctective equiprnent also increases as the prcbability of agent contaminatiou incrcases. 2 Inspections pedonned by the control room operators through the use ofclosed circuit television camems and process data acquisition systems arc refemed to as "Visual Inspections". Inspections perfonned by pemonnel present at the actual location are refen'ed to as "Physical Visual lnspections." 5.1.3 Table 5-2 includes additional inspections performed hazardous waste at the TOCDF and ATLIC. These minimtze releases of hazardous waste and to ensure functional. on systems supporting the treatment of inspections are intended to prevent and that emergency equipment is available and Attachment5-Page9 Table 5-2_T€)CDILSUPPORT SYSTEM INSPECTIONS TOCDF INSPECTIONS SYSTEM/ITEM INSPECTED INSPECTIONFREQUENCY REGULATION METHOD OT INSPECTION Hazardous Waste Load/Unload Areas Daily (when in use) R3l s-8-2.66X4) Physical Visual Inspection Agent Monitors Daily R3l s-8-2.6GX4) Challenge MDB RCRA Permitted Sumps (Cateeorv C) Daily Physical Visual Inspection MDB RCRA Permitted Sumps (Category B and A/B) Daily Visual Inspection performed by use of sump level indicators MDB Ventilation Carbon Filter System Daily Visual Inspection performed using process data observed from control Safetv/Emersencv Eq uipment Inspections Emergency Generators Monthly R3 ls-8-2.6(bxl) Operational Test Unintemrptible Power Supply Physical Visual Inspection Security Physical Visual Inspection Emergency Power System Annually R3l s-8-2.6(b)fl) Operational Test Evacuation Notification System Weekly R3 r s-8-2.6(bx1) Operational Test Fire Protection Systems Serni-annually & Annually R3 I s-8-2.6ftX1) Visual & Operational Tests Hazrnat Van and Decon Trailer Monthly R3l s-8-2.6(bxl) Physical Visual Inspection ATLIC INSPECTIONS Agent Monitors Everv 4 hour to Daily (See Table 5-34) R3 I 5-g-2.6(b)(4) Challenge ATLIC RCRA Permitted Sumps (LIC Room. Entry Airlock A. B and TOX Area Room) Daily Visual Inspection performed by use of sump level indicators ATLIC Veqtilation Carbon Filter System Daily Visual Inspection performed using process data observed from control screens. Safetv/Emersencv Equipment Insnections Emereency Generators Monthly R3l s-8-2.6(bx l ) Operational Test Uninterruptible Power Supply Monthly Physical Visual Inspection Security ATLIC is within Securitv Boundarv Provided by DCD Area l0 ien Performed bv DCD Securitv Emergency Power System Annually R3 l5-8-2.6(bX I ) Operational Test Fire Protection Systems Semi-annually & Annually R3 t 5-8-2.6(b)fl ) Visual & Operational Tests TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 Attachment 5 - Page l0 5,2 5.2,7 5.2,2 5.2.3 5.3 5.3.1 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 METHOD OF INSPECTION BASIS The method of inspection is based on the location of the HWMU relative to the Munitions Demilitarization Building (MDB). Due to the extreme toxicity of the chemical agent, the TOCDF is designed to minimize the number of times workers have the potential of being exposed to chemical agsnts. This is done primarily by the extensive application of automated equipment, closed circuit television cameras, and distributed Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS) in areas where the probability of chemical agent contamination is high. This criteria is also used in determininq the inspection methods for the ATLIC facility. To lessen the potential of chemical agent exposure to workers, the inspections of HWMUs located in areas having a high probability of chemical agent contamination (either airbome or liquid) are performed by control room operators through the use of closed circuit television cameras and the observations of critical process parameters displayed on the control room monitors (i.e. "Visual Inspections," see last column of Table 5-l). Areas where the probability of chemical agent contamination is low are inspected by personnel present at the physical location (i.e. "Physical Inspections," see last column of Table 5-1). INSPECTIONS The following describes the inspections to be performed at each HWMU and support system by category. Inspections specific to each HWMU and support system listed in the first column of Table 5-1 and Table 5-2 can be found in Tables 5-4 through 5-29r of this plan. The inspection logs used to record the results of each inspection can be found in the Inspection Log Sheet Attachment. Inspection log sheets shall be filled out completely and accurately by inspectors. Container Storaee [R315-8-9.51 Chemical munitions and bulk containers of chemical agents are stored in the CHB prior to being transferred to the MDB to begin the demilitarization process. While stored in the C[IB, munitions and bulk containers are kept in sealed overpacks. The type of munition overpack used is an On-Site Container (ONC). Likewise, chemical munitions and bulk containers of chemical agents are stored in the UPA, Explosive Containment Room Vestibule (ECV), and the Upstairs Munitions Corridor (UPMC), and the TMA Airlock/Decon Area. While stored in the UPA, non-leaking munitions and bulk containers shall be placed on secondary containment pallets or kept in the overpacks, described above, which provide secondary containment. Containers with site-generated waste are stored in the S-2 Warehouse and DCD Igloos 1632 and 1633. While stored in the S-2 Warehouse and Igloos 1632 and 1633, the containers shall remain closed except when adding or removing waste (includes periodically mouitoring the vapor space within thei container). 'Tables 5-4 through 5-28 are located at the end of this plan. 5.3.1 .1 5.3.1 .1 . 1 s.3. | .l .2 o: Attachment5-Pagell TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 Containerized waste and agent-contaminated equipment and parts are stored in the TMA Container Storage Area. The overpacks provide a level of containment in addition to the CHB and UPA storage area base because they are liquid tight; have the capacity to contain the entire volume of' the agent fill of the munitions and bulk containers stored inside them; and are not opened while they are in the CHB.2 Overpacks used in the CIIB shall also be vapor tight. 5 .3 . I . 1 .5 The air inside all overpacks stored in the CHB and in the UPA for more than seven days is " sampled and analyzed on the seventh day and every seventh day thereafter by an agent monitor. The results of the sample analysis are available before the end of the eighth day _ the overpack is in storage. Overpacks found to be containing munitions or bulk containers that are leaking are processed on a piiority basis or moved to a permitted storage area. 5.3.t.1.7 ONCs are subjected to an integrity test to determine their ability to contain vapors prior to .. .. : beingplacedintoserviceandonanannualbasisthereafter. -.... The storage base for each storage area (CHB, ECV, and UPMC) and the storage base in the Category A section of the TMA are inspected weekly for chips, cracks, and gaps in the concrete or concrete sealant. When used for container storage, the storage base of the TMA AirlocklDecon Area is inspected weekly for chips, cracks, and gaps in the concrete or concrete sealant. The containers and secondary containment pallets in the S-2 Warehouse, Igloos 1632 and 1633 and UPA are inspected weekly for rupture, corrosion, and released material. IncineratorstR3l5-8-15.7ft):R315-8-15.7(c)l The incinerators listed in Table 5-1 are located in individual rooms within the MDB rUrSl the ATLIC LIC Room. Because the demilitarizationprocess occurring inside these areas N{D}is operated remotely in order to lessen the potential exposure of workers to chemical agent, the equipment inside the MDB and ATLIC LIC Room is provided with instrumentation to allow the control room operators sufficient process information to determine the performance of the equipment. By combining the visual observations made through the remote control closed circuit television cameras and process data displayed on the control screens, the control room operators can monitor the performance of the incinerators to a sufficient degree to prevent releases of hazardous waste to the. ': envirclnment. During incinerator operation, the possibility of agent contamination within the rooms ".;'j.: prevents unplanned access bypersonnel. ;r Physical entry to the incinerator rooms does not occur on a regular predetermined basis because shutdowns of the incinerators are planned on an as-needed basis (i.e. irregular frequency). Process controUprocess parameter sensors and remote controlled closed 2Although the overpacks are not opened in the CHB, they are opened in the UPA located in the transition area between the CHB and the MDB. Attachrnent 5 -Page 12 5.3 .1 .2.4 5.3. r.2,5 s.3 .t .2.8 TOCDF ''oTlf;r'o'# circuit television cameras throughout the MDB and ATLIC LIC Room are used to conduct inspection in areas where trnplanned physical entry is prevented because of agent contamination and/or high temperatures. The daily visual inspections of LIC 1, LIC 2, MPF, and DFS and ATLIC UC primary chambers, waste feed systems, combustion air blowers, and fuel systems are conducted remotely using closed circuit television cameras and process data displayed on the control room monitors. The daily inspections conducted on the secondary chambers of LIC 1, on+LIC 2 ind ATLIC LIC are performed as a physical visual inspection. The temperatures of the rooms and the expected degree of agent contamination within the rooms housing the secondary chambers of the LICs are low enough to allow forunscheduled entry. The combination of the secondary chamber room temperature and the type of personal protective equipment that can be used place a lower heat load on the operator than that of the rooms housing the primary chambers. Physical visual inspections of the components of each incinerator are conducted when persorurel are in the rooms performing operational activities, maintenance activities, or both. Physical visual environmental inspections are conducted, at a minimum, on a monthly basis. Physical visual inspections of the PAS are conducted on a daily basis. Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Offs (AWFCO) shall be tested every 14 days. The method of testing is described in the Attachment 6 (Calibration Plan). Waste feed cut-off test documentation shall be included in the Operating Record. INCINERATOR AI\CILLARY EOUIPMENT Process ControURCRA Compliance Instrumentation The process control instrumentation associated with specific permit conditions is listed in the Calibration Plan (Attachment 6). The frequency of calibration is based on the type of instrument (e. g. temperature transmitter, pressure transmitter, etc.). A commercially available calibration system is used as a tool in performing calibration and maintaining calibration records. The system consists of numerous hand-held calibrators/data recorders and an associated database. Calibration records of incinerator process control instrumentation that are not Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) analyzers shall be maintained in the database associated with the calibration system. The technician calibrates each instrument and records sufficient information to demonstrate the following: instrument Tag ID, name of person performing the calibration, date calibration was performed, time calibration was performed, location of calibration event (Manufacturer, Shop, or Field), %o enor as found in an instrument that can be calibrated, Yo enor as left in an instrument that can be calibrated, and the calibrator values fed to the instrument that were used to determine o/o enor. 5.4 5.4.1 s.4.1.1 5 .4.7. .2 5 .4.1 .3 5.4.1 .4 Attachment 5 - Page l3 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 Data recorded on the hand held calibrator/data recorders is downloaded to the database. The database is then used to generate various reports. If additional information is reguired, custom reports are generated at the time the information is requested. The calibration plan and examples of calibration log sheets associated with the CEMS are included in thd TOCDF Continuous Emission Monitoring Plan. This Plan is on file at the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW) offices. 5.4.2 ry Automated demilitarization equipmeirt and Material Handling Systems are used throughout the MDB to prepare and feed chemical munitions and bulk containers of chemical agent to the incinerators. The disassemblyprocess used at the TOCDF to separate the explosive and agent components of chemical munitions uses automated process equipment. Table 5-3 lists the automated demilitarization machines and material handling equipment that function as ancillary equipment to the incinerators. Attachment5 -Page14 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 Table 5-3 AUTOMATED DEMILITARIZATION MACHINES & ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ITEM DESCRIPTION (quantity) LOCATION METHOD OF OBSERVATION Explosive Component Removal Proj ecti le/M ortar Disassembly Machin e (2)Explosive Containment Rooms A & B Control Room Operators using closed circuit television cameras and data presented on control room screens to oversee processing of munitions Material Transfer Projectile Tilting Conveyor (2)Munitions Corridor Same as above Multi-position Loader (2)Munitions Corridor Same as above Agent Component Removal Bulk Drain Station (2)Munitions Processing Bay Same as above Multipurpose Demil Machine/Pick and Place Machine (3) Material Transfer Associated Conveyors Throughout MDB Same as above Automation is used to remove the operator from the explosive and chemical agent hazards; force the steps in the disassernble/explosive separation/agent separation process to be executed in the same sequence every time; prevent the disassembly process from proceeding should a process step not be executed or interlocked components fail to complete their preprogrammed sequence; and sequence the feeding of munitions to the incinerators (i.e., the DFS). Automating the disassembly explosive/agent separation process in no way relieves the demilitarization machine operator from overseeing the process while it is in progress. There is a dedicated operator for each tlpe of demilitarization machine. Through the use of closed circuit television cameras and dedicated demilitarization machine process screens in the control room, the operator can determine what step of demilitarization each munition or bulk container is in. Should a machine malfunction, the demil line supported by that machine stops until the problem is corrected. The process step each demil machine is performing is displayed on the control room screen so that the operator can determine which process sequence step was not completed. The process line supported by the machine in malfunction cannot be started again (i.e., the fail safe interloc$ until the problem is corrected. The demil machine operator is required to observe the demil machines process munitions and bulk containers while the machines are in automatic mode to ensure that any stops in the programmed process sequence are corrected as soon as possible. The munitions demilitarizationprocessing lines are inspected daily to ensure that the equipment is functioning properly and the processing of a particular munition item has not been overlooked because of misplacing of the item on the floor or in reject holding locations. The operation of the demil machines is under observation by the demil control room operators at all times. Attachment 5 - Page 15 5.4,3 5.5 5.5. 1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 " 5.5.5 TOCDF '"T:i"Jr'J8; Incinerator Pollution Abatement Svstems Components of each incinerator's PAS undergo a dailyphysical visual inspection. PAS sump 110 at TOCDF is inspected daily for the presence of liquids. Accumulated liquids, in excess of three inches depth, are removed within 24 hours of detection and managed in accordance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). STORAGE/TREATMENT UNITS tR315-8-10 t40 CFR 264.195(a): 264.195ft)ll Table 5-l lists the permitted TreatmenVStorage Units that are required to undergo a daily environmental inspection. HWMUs ACS-TANK- 1 0 1, ACS-TANK- 1 02, SDS-TANK- 101, SDS-TANK-102, and SDS-TANK-IO3 are located inside the MDB. NSF-TANK- 85 I 4. LCS-TAITIK-8S 1 6. LCS-TANK-8S 1 1 . LCS-TANK-8534 and SDS-TANK-8523 are located in the ATLIC TOX Area. these units +a*are under the same engineering controls previously described. Because access is limited to the area where these tanks are located by the high potential of chemical agent contamination, the daily environmental inspection is performed by the control room operators using remote controlled closed circuit television cameras and process data displayed on the control room monitors. The associated secondary containment systems are inspected for the presence of liquids by observing the status of the secondary containment systems sump liquid level indicators. The presence of a level alann indicates liquid in the sump. A physical visual inspection shall be performed on the permitted treatment/storage units located in the MDB and the ATLIC TOX Area at a minimum on a weekly basis. During the physical inspection, the secondary containment systems associated with the tanks located in the Toxic Cubicle are inspected for cracks, gaps, and the deterioration of concrete sealer. Ultrasonic thickness testing of the SDS tanks is also performed during the physical inspection on an annual basis. Storage/Treatment units and their associated secondary containment systems located outside the MDB and inside the ATLIC TOX Area undergo a dailyphysical visual inspection. ATLIC sumps are inspected dailv for accumulated liquids. The Autoclave in Area 10 Igloo 1631 in conjunction with its shared filtration system, is a "miscellaneous treatment unit" in accordance with R315-8-16 [40 CFR 264 Subpart X] and is required to undergo environmental inspections by 40 CFR264.602. The Drum Ventilation System (DVS) Enclosures and Sorting Room (DVSSR) in Area 10 Igloo 1632 in conjunction with their shared filtration system are "miscellaneous treatment units" in accordance with R315-8-16 [40 CFR 264 Subpart X] and are required to undergo environmental inspections by 40 CFP.264.602. O 5.5.6 The ATLIC Ton Container Glove-box in Area 10 is considered a "miscellaneous treatment unit" in accordance with R315-8-16 [40 CFR 264 Subpart X] and are required to undergo environmental inspections by 40 CFR 264.602. LOAD/I NLOAD AREAS tR315-8-2.6ft)(4)l5.6 Attachment 5 - Page 16 5.6. 1 5.6.2 5.7 5.7 ,l 5.7 .2 5.7 .3 5.7 .4 5.8 5.8. 1 5.8.2 5.8.3 TOCDF *'oT:iTi.'a; Areas located outside engineering controls that are used to load and unload hazardous waste are: the CHB where overpacked bulk containers and munitions are received; outside of the Residue Handling Area (RHA); and locations where incinerator solid residues are discharged and the location in Area 10, outside Igloo 1631 where Autoclave treated waste is loaded into roll-offs. Load/Unload areas undergo a daily physical visual inspection (when in use) for discolored and stained soil or concrete, spilled residues of hazardous waste, and if applicable, proper container labeling, and usable incinerator residue container capacity. AGENT MONITORS Low-level agent monitors are used to determine the airborne concentration of chemical agent in the workplace and exhaust stack gases. The lowJevel agent monitors used are the Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System (ACAMS), and the Depot Area Air Monitoring System (DAAMS). The ACAMS and DAAMS are used throughout the TOCDF site. The inspection of and the need to calibrate each ACAMS are based on the results of agent challenge tests. ACAMS are "challenged" by injecting a dilute solution of chemical agent into the monitor and comparing the resulting spike and absorption column retention time (as recorded on the unit's strip chart) to those that are expected. The frequency at which ACAMS are challenged is based on the sampling location. The frequencies are specified in Table 5-17. The calibration methods used for ACAMS at the TOCDF are described in the Laboratory Operating Procedure titled "Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System" (TE-LOP- 524). Exanples of the agent challenge and calibration log sheets are included in TE-LOP- 524. Logbooks are kept at each ACAMS station and documentation of ACAMS challenge tests, calibrations and repairs for all ACAMS are maintained on site in addition to those listed above. 24.HOT'R INTERMITTENT COLLECTION T'NITS AND OTHER PERMITTED St]MPS All 24-Hour Intermittent Collection Units (ICUs) are equipped with pumps and level indicators. Each 24-Hour ICU is "pumped down" every 24 hours until the sump's low- level indicator deactivates (provided the low-level indicator was activated because of the rising level of accumulating wastes). Because the 24-Hour ICUs meet the definition of tanks, they shall be inspected daily. The daily inspection of the ICU is conducted by an operator monitoring the liquid level frr each ICU from the advisor screen located in the control room. Sumps containing liquid are purpped down within 24 hours from the time the liquid first began to accumulate (as indicated by the activation of the sump's level indicator). A PDARS report generated daily is used to demonstrate the ICUs were inspected and managed properly. Attachrnent 5 - Page l7 5.8.4 5.8.5 5.8.6 5.8.7 5.8.8 5.8.9 5.8. 1 0 . TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 Once per week, each ICU is inspected by personnel physically located at the ICU (i.e., a physical visual inspection). This inspection consists of observing the level of liquid in the ICU and communicating the observation to the control room to determine if the actual level of liquid in the ICU corresponds with the correct alarm displayed on the advisor screen. Other sumps (e.9., those sumps not classified as ICUs, etc.) consist of the following: MDB and ATLIC RCRA Permitted Sumps (CategoryAlB and B); MDB and ATLIC RCRA Permitted Sumps (Category C); Disconnected Sumps; and Secondary Containment Sumps (ACS, SDS, BRA Tanks, and Brine Loading Station sumps). The MDB aE(ATLIC Permitted Sumps (Category A/B and B) are connected to the SDS hazardous waste management unit and shall be inspected using ICU procedures. The daily inspection of these sumps is conducted by an operator monitoring the liquid level in each sump from the advisor screen located in the control room. Sumps containing liquid shall be pumped down within 24 hours from the time the liquid first began to accumulate (as indicated by the activation of the sump's level indicator). A PDARS report generated daily is used to demonstrate the sumps were inspected and are managed properly. The transfer of each sump's contents is complete when the sump's low level indicator alarm is deactivated. rl.. Once per week, each MDB Permitted Sump (Category A/B and B), with the exception of sumps SDS-PUMP-I57 and -188, shall be inspected bypersonnel physically located at the sump (i.e., a physical visual inspection). Since sumps SDS-PUMP-IS7 and -188 are located in high temperature areas near the LICs and a cool down is required before a physical visual inspection can occur, the physical visual inspections for these sumps shall be done monthly. These inspections consist of the inspector observing the level of liquid in the sump and communicating the observation to the control room to veri$ the actual level of liquid in the sump coresponds with the correct alarm displayed on the advisor screen. The MDB and ATLIC Permitted Sumps (Category C), which are connected to the SDS hazardous waste management unit, shall be inspected daily by physical visual inspections and shall be pumped down within 24 hours of detection. The transfer of each sump's contents is complete when the sump's low-level indicator alarm is deactivated. The Disconnected Sumps mehtioned above are not connected to the SDS hazardous waste managernent unit. Any hazardous waste coll€cted in these sumps shall be managed according to the standards applicable to generators of hazardous waste (R315-5). The inspection requirements for the secondary containment sumps mentioned above are described in Tables 5-21 through 5-24. During agent change over (i.e., the time period over which activities are conducted to prepare the TOCDF to treat a different tlpe of chemical agent), each ICU.:\TLIQ and MDB Permitted Sump (Categories A/fl, B, and C) shall be: Triple rinsed with appropriate decontamination solution to decontaminate the sump and provide a basis for regulatory partial closure. At the time the sumps are triple rinsed, the function of each sump level switch will be checked. Each sump will be filled Attachrnent 5 - Page 18 5.8 .10.2 5.8. 1 1 5.8 .ll .2 5.9 5.9.1 5.9.2 5.9.3 5.10 5.10.1 TOCDF t*Ti',,"Jrt#; incrementally so that each of the level switches will be activated in sequence. The control room will verifu the activation of each switch. Completely emptied so the metal sump can be inspected for corrosion and integrity of the surface coating. For ICUs, the following activities shall be performed annually and be documented: Interstitial leak detection sensor will be removed and tested for proper function. The control room will verify activation of the leak detection sensor. Interstitial space betwee,n the metal sump and the concrete liner will be checked for the presence of liquid. I4DBIIVAC CARBON F'ILTERS The MDB and ATLIC HVAC carbon filters shall be inspected daily to snsure proper operation and sufficient absorption media capacity. The TOCDF has Nnine exhaust filter units that are available, with any seven running at the same time. The ATLIC has 3 filter units that are available. with any 2 running at the same time. Each of the nine TOCDF filter units contains a pre-filter, a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter, six individual banks of carbon filters, followed by a HEPA filter. The ATLIC filters are confizured similar to those at TOCDF except each A,T[,G[ ATLIC filter system contains three banks of carbon. Differential pressure sensors (used to determine plugging) are located across the pre-filter, the initial HEPA filter, the final HEPA filter, and one to measure the overall differential pressure across each filter unit. Agent monitoring (ACAMS and DAAMS tubes, used to determine saturation of the carbon bank) occurs in accordance with Attachment 22 (AgerttMonitoring Plan). A flow sensor is placed in each filter's exhaust blower inlet to enable the control room operator to determine if any loss of performance has occurred in the filter unit's blower. The inspection of the MDB and the ATLIC carbon filter system shall be done daily and shall be performed by a control room operator observing the status of agent alarms, the differential pressure across the filter unit, and the exhaust blower flow rate of each operating exhaust filter unit. EMERGENCY AND SAFETY EOUIPMENT tR3 15-8-2.6ft): R3 15-8-2.6(c)l The design of the TOCDF and ATLIC includes emergency equipment to be used in the event of a fre or hazardous waste release. Additional inventories of supplies are set aside to be used in an emergency situation. Emergency equipment is inspected to ensure that it is available and functional in the event it has to be used. Included in this category are the emergency power generators, the security system, the site evacuation siren, the fire protection systems, and the Hazmat Van and Decon Trailer including the inventory of spill response equipment maintained on the vehicles. Emersencv Power Svstem./Uninterruntible Power Sunplvs.10.2 Attachment 5 - Page l9 5.10 .2.1 5. 10 .2.2 5.10.3 5.10.4 5. l0 .4.1 5.10.5 5. 10.5.1 5.10 .5 .2 ,rrO".,I:;?: June 2009 Each emergency generator shall be tested monthly to ensure the emergency generators function properly, and equipment and systems designated as essential loads continue to function if utilitypower is intemrpted. The emergency generators shall be tested by operatrng one emergency generator in either a loaded or unloaded configuration. This test format results in the performance of each emergency generator being evaluated on a monthly basis. The filter generator shall also be tested monthly by operating the generator in either a loaded or unloaded configuration. The Unintemrptible Power Supply (UPS) shall be inspected monthly by checking the battery voltage. Annually, the Emergency Power System (e.g., both emergency generators, switchgear, etc.) and UPS shall be tested by performing power loss tests. The annual power loss tests may be scheduled events or may be unscheduled or naturally oocurring events (e.g., power loss due to inclement weather, etc.). Securitv Svstem The ernphasis of the inspection of the security system is placed on the fence surrounding the TOCDF site, which is used to keep unauthorized personnel out. Waming signs are posted at approximately 100-foot intervals around the facility perimeter. The inspection is performed to ensure the integrity of the fencing system and determine if any warning signs are missing. Security lighting shall be inspected to ensure that all lights are working. Emersencv Communication Svstem The emphasis of the inspection of the TOCDF site communication system is placed upon the site evacuation siren. The siren shall be tested weekly to ensure proper operation. Although other methods of communication are available on the site (i.e., phones, radios, public address system) there is no plan to inspect communication equipment because it is used daily as part of the methods of maiiaging/operating the TOCDF. Fire Protection Svstems Four types of fire suppressants are used in the TOCDF fire protection systems; Halon 1301, FM-20088-227, dry-chemical, and water. The ATLIC uses a wet sprinkler system in Ieloo 1639 and a FM200 System in the ATLIC Control Center Equipment Enclosure. All system inspections conform to procedures and frequencies specified in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) - National Fire Code (l.tFC) l2A, 13, 17, ard 2001. Fire protection systems using Halon as a fire suppressant shall be inspected every six months to ensure a full charge of Halon is present in the Halon storage tanks. Fire protection systems using FM-200lpE-227 as a fire supp.ressant shall be inspected every six months to ensure a full charge of extinguishing agent is present in the FM-200|FE-227 storage tanks. Fire protection systems using a dry chemical fire suppressant shall be inspected every six months to ensure that there is a sufficient compressed gas (nitrogen) to propel the dry chemical through the system. 5.10.5,3 Attachrnent5-Page20 5. 10.6 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 Fire protection systems using water as a fire suppressant shall be tested annually to ensure that the water flow rate through the pipes feeding the system is sufficient. Hrzmat Van and Decon Trailer The Hazmat Van shall be stocked with PPE and all equipment and supplies necessary for hazardous material spills, including shovels, brooms, bags, absorbents, etc. The Hazmat Van also carries equipment and supplies necessary to perform emergency decontamination. The Decon Trailer contains PPE and all equipment and supplies necessary to perform personnel decontamination. The trailer has one fixed rinse shower and one portable decontamination shower. A TOCDF truck is used to move the Decon Trailer to the scene. The Hazrnat Van shall be inspected monthly to ensure that sufficient inventory of emergency response equipment is on hand, and that the equipment is functional. SPECIFIC INSPECTION PLAI\S AND LOG SIMETS Tables 5-4 through 5-28 contain the individual inspection plans for each of the HWMU and support systems previously discussed. Included in each plan are the items to be inspected, types of expected problems, and the inspection frequency. The Inspection Log Sheet Attachment to Attachment 5 contains the inspection logs used to document that the inspections occurred and to communicate the corrective actions (if any) that are required. All log sheets documenting the occurrence of required inspections and problems identified during each inspection shall be maintained in the Operating Record and shall be kept at the facility for a minimum of three years. The inspection log sheets shall be filled out completely and accurately by inspectors. 5.11 5.1 1 .1 5.11 .2 TABLE 5-4 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR THE CONTAINER HANDLING BUILDING (CHB) & SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS (OVERPACKS) rTEM 264.15(bX1)TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.1s(bx4) Overpack Time in Storage Review the CHB operating record to determine which overpacks will, or have been in storage for 7 days or more. Daily Deteriorating Containers (inside ovemacks) Monitor the interior air of all overpacks that have been in the CHB for 7 days. (Every 7 days) Containment System (Ovemacks) Conduct non-destructive integrity tests on overpacks.Annually CnnfoirlPre in Sfnr^oc Fncrrre fhqt fhe nrrrnhcr nf firll nrrernqr.lrs in cfnrqoc rlnec nnf Daily W..kty W..kty W..kty W..kly v vv^ wE ffi M"t.t@ Equipment Storage Base M exceed 48. storage to .t t labeled Observe material handling equipment during operation to determine any loss of performance. Inspect floors, trenches, and sumps for cracks, gaps in the concrete or the concrete coating. Inspect the ONC storage area for apparent spills or leaks Attachment 5 - PageZl TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-4 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE CONTAINER HAI\DLING BUILDING (CHB) & SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS (OVERPACKS) rTEM 264.15(bX1)TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) from the overpacks. Notes: Physical visual inspection perforrred throughout the week by CHB Operator(s). Attachrnent 5 -PageZ2 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5.5 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR TMA CONTAINER STORAGE ITEM 264.1s(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Deteriorating Containers Inspect the containers for deterioration (i.e., rupture, corrosion, released material, etc.). Weekly Closed Containers Ensure that all containers'covers/closure devices are secured in a closed position so that there are no visible holes, gaps or other open spaces into the interior of the container. R3 15-8- 22 140 CFR 264.1086(c)(3)l identifies allowable exceptions to this requirement. Weekly Storage Base Inspect the floor and sumps for cracks and gaps in the concrete or the concrete coating. Weekly Containers in Storage Ensure that the total volume of containers in storage does not exceed 2,200 gallons. Weekly Container Labels Inspect all containers in storage to ensure they are correctly labeled. Weekly Material Handling Equipment Observe material handling equipment during operation to determine any loss of perfonnance. Weekly General Area Inspect the TMA area for apparent spills or leaks from the containers. Weekly Notes: Physical visual inspection performed throughout the week by TMA operator(s). Attachrnent 5 -Page23 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-6 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR TMAAIRLOCK/DECON AREA rrEM 264.15(b)(1)TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(b)(3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Storage Base Inspect the floor and sumps for cracks and gaps in the concrete or the concrete coating. Weekly Containers in Storage (Permitted CapaciM Ensure that the number of overpacks in storage does not exceed 2. Weekly Closed Containers Ensure that all container covers/closure devices are secured in a closed position so that there are no visible holes, gaps or other open spaces into the interior of the container. R3 I 5-8-22 L40 CFR 264.1086(c)(3)l identifies allowable exceptions to this requirement. Weekly Container Labels Inspect all containers in storage to ensure they are correctly labeled. Weekly Material Handling Equipment Observe material handling equipment during operation to determine any loss of perfofinance. Weekly General Area Inspect the TMA Airlock/Decon Areas for apparent spills or leaks from the containers. Weekly Notes: When overpacl,s are in storage, visual inspection performed throughout the week by operator(s). Attachrnent5 -Page24 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE, S-7 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR THE UNPACKAREA (UPA) CONTAINER STORAGE AREA ITEM 264.1s(bx1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(b)(3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Overpack Time in Storage Review the UPA operating record to determine which ovenlacks have been in storape for more than 7 days. Daily D eterio r atingl Le aking Containers (inside overpacks) Monitor the interior air of all overpacks that have been in the UPA for more than 7 days. Every seven days Closed Containers (not in ONCs) Ensure that all container covers/closure devices are secured in a closed position so that there are no visible holes, gaps or other open spaces into the interior of the container. R3 15-8- 22 140 CFR 264.1086(cx3)l identifies allowable exceptions to this requirement. Weekly Permitted Cap actty Ensure that the number of closed (full) overpacks in storage does not exceed 9 ONCs. Daily Overpack Labels Inspect all overpacks in storage to ensure they are correctly labeled. Weekly Material Handling Equipment Observe material handling equipment during operation to determine any loss of perforrnance. Weekly Storage Base Inspect floors, trenches, and sumps for cracks, gaps in the concrete or the concrete coating. Weekly when storing leaking containers General Area Inspect the storage area for apparent spills or leaks from the overp acks/c ontainers . Weekly Notes: Physical visual inspection performed by MDB/UPA Operator(s). Attachrnent 5 - Page25 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-7 (a) ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE T]NPACKAREA (UPA) WHEN SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PALLETS ARE USED ITEM 264.15(b)(1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(b)(3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Deteriorating Containers and Secondary Containment Pallets Inspect the containers and the secondary containment pallets for deterioration (i.e., rupture, corrosion, released material, etc.). Weekly Closed Containers (not in ONCs) Ensure that all container covers/closure devices are secured in a closed position so that there are no visible holes, gaps or other open spaces into the interior of the container. R3l5-8- 22 140 CFR 264.1086(cX3)l identifies allowable exceptions to this requirement. Weekly Containers per Pallet Ensure that the number of containers stored per pallet does not exceed the quantities specified in the Inspection Log. Weekly Storage Configuration Ensure that the munition(s) or pallet(s) of munitions do not extend over the edge of the secondary containment pallet. Weekly Permitted Cap acity Ensure that the total number of overpacks and secondary containment pallets used to store containers does not exceed the limits specified in the Inspection Log. Weekly General Area Inspect the storage area for apparent spills or leaks from the containers or secondary containment pallets. Weekly Notes: Physical visual inspection performed by operator(s). Attachrnent5 -Page26 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5.8 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE EXPLOSTVE CONTATNMENT ROOM VESTTBULE (ECV) CONTAINER STORAGE AREA ITEM 264.15(b)(1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) D e teri o r atingl Le aking Containers Inspect the containers for deterioration (i.e., rupture, corrosion, released material, etc.). Weekly Closed Containers Ensure that all container covers/closure devices are secured in a closed position so that there are no visible holes, gaps or other open spaces into the interior of the container. R3 15-8- 22 140 CFR 264.1086(c)(3)l identifies allowable exceptions to this requirement. Weekly Containers in Storage (Permitted Capacity) Ensure that the number of containers in storage does not exceed the limits specified in Module IIL Weekly Storage Base Inspect floors for cracks or gaps in the concrete or the concrete coating. Weekly General Area Inspect the storage area for apparent spills or leaks from the containers. Weekly Notes: Visual inspection performed remotely by Control Room Operator(s). Mustard l55mm projectiles that have been rejected from the PMD back into the ECV solely due to a stuck burster do not have nose closures and4.2" Mortars that have been rejected from the PMD back into the ECV soley due to the inability to remove the fuze. In these cases, the burster well continues to function as the container closure device that contains the agent inside. Verification will consist of 1) the lack of visible leakage, and 2) the lack of an ECV ACAMS reading. TABLE 5-9 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR THE UPSTAIRS MUNITIONS CORRIDOR (UPMC) CONTAINER STORAGE AREA ITEM 264.15(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.1s(b)(3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Inspect the containers for deterioration (i.e., rupture, corrosion, released material, etc.). D e teri o r atrngl Le aking Containers Weekly Closed Containers Ensure that all container covers/closure devices are secured in a closed position so that there are no visible holes, gaps or other open spaces into the interior of the container. R3 l5-8- 22 140 CFR 264.1086(cX3)l identifies allowable exceptions to this requirement. Weekly Ensure that the number of containers in storage does not exceed the limits soecified in Module III. Containers in Storage Permitted Capacity) Storage Base Inspect floors for cracks and gaps in the concrete or the concrete coatin Weekly Inspect the storage area for apparent spills or leaks from the containers. General Area Notes: Visual inspection performed remotely by Control Room Operator(s). Attachrnent 5 - Page27 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-10 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE S-2 WAREHOUSE CONTAINER STORAGE AREA & SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS ITEM 264.15(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.150X3) FREQUENCY 264.15ftX4) Deteriorating Containers and Secondary Containment Pallets Inspect the containers and the secondary containment pallets for deterioration (i.e., opfure, corrosion, released material, etc.). Weekly Closed Containers Ensure that all container covers/closure devices are secured in a closed position so that there are no visible holes, gaps or other open spaces into the interior of the container. R3 15-8- 22 140 CFR 264.1086(c)(3)l identifies allowable exceptions to this requirement. Weekly Containers in Storage Ensure that the total volume of containers in storage does not exceed 38,720 gallons. Ensure that the volume of containers per secondary containment pallet does not exceed 600 gallons per pallet and the volume of the largest container on a secondary containment pallet does not exceed 60 gallonsl. Weekly Segregation of Incompatible Wastes Ensure that incompatible waste is not placed on a secondary containment pallet at the same tihe. Weekly Container Labels Inspect all containers in storage to ensure they are correctly labeled. Weekly Material Handling Equipment Observe material handling equipment during operation to determine any loss of perfoffnance. Weekly General Area Inspect S-2 Warehouse area for apparent spills or leaks from the containers or secondary containment pallets. Weekly Notes: I Attachment 12 describes circumstances where a larger container may be stored on a pallet in the S-2 Warehouse. Physical visual inspection performed throughout the week by S-2 Warehouse operator(s). Attachment5-Page28 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 o . TABLE 5-11 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR TOCDF LIC 1 & LIC 2 PRIMARY CHAMBERS ITEM 264.1s(b)(1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) TREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Primary Chamber Waste Handline/Pipine Inspect for leaks in the agent feed line at threaded and flanged pipe connections. Daily Primary Chamber Inspect for fugitive emissions and hot spots on the outer shell of the primary chamber, which would indic ate a breakdown of the chamber's refracto(y. Daily Primary Chamber Combustion Air Blower Evaluate combustion air blower performance through Control Room advisor screen observations. Daily LIC Primary Chamber Room Floor Inspect for residues of lubricant andlor wastes beneath the components of the LIC agent feed system and the LIC exhaust gas ductwork. Daily Waste Feed Cut-Off Mechanism Test control circuit and document that waste feed is stopped. Every 14 days Notes: Visual inspections are performed remotely through the use of Closed Circuit Television by the incinerator operator in the Control Room. Physical visual inspections are performed at a minimum on a monthly basis. TABLE 5-I2' ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR TOCDF LIC 1 & LIC 2 SECONDARY CHAMBERS ITEM 264.1s(bx1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.1s(b)(4) Secondary Chamber Waste Handline/Pipine Inspect for releases of wastes from the spent decon solution feed line at welded and flanged pipe connections. Daily Secondary Chamber Inspect for fugitive emissions, and hot spots on the outer shell of the secondary chamber, which would indicate a breakdown of the chamber's refractory. Inspect interior of second ary chamber through the view port to ensure the slag level has not reached the top of the view port. Daily Secondary Chamber Combustion Air Blower Inspect for loss of lubrication and vibration. Check for broken or missing anchor bolts. Daily Secondary Chamber Room Floor Inspect for residues of lubricant andlor wastes beneath the components of the spent decon feed system and the LIC secondary chamber ductwork having a potential to cause a release of wastes or fugitive emissions. Daily Notes: Physical visual inspections are performed daily by Operator(s) Attachrnent 5 -Page29 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-13 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE METAL PARTS FURNACE ITEM 264.15(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264,15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Waste Handling System Inspect for movement of internal conveyor system from the control panel by ensuring conveyor drive chains are in motion. Daily Combustion Air Blowers Evaluate combustion air blower perforrnance through Control Room advisor screen obseryations. Daily Primary Chamber Inspect for hot spots on the prirnary chamber outer shell, which would indicate a breakdown of the incinerator's refractory. Daily Afterburner Inspect afterburner shell for hot spots, which would indicate a breakdown of the afterburner's refractory. Inspect ductwork between primary chamber and afterburner for fugitive emissions. Daily Waste Feed Cut-off Mechanism Test control circuit and document that waste feed is stopped.Every 14 days Notes: Visual inspections are performed remotely through the use of Closed Circuit Television by the incinerator operator in the Control Room. Physical visual inspections are performed at a minimum on a monthly basis. I Attachment5-Page30 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-14 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE DEACTIVATION FURNACE SYSTEM ITEM 264.1s(bx1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.1s(b)(3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Waste Handling System Inspect the Projectile/Mortar Disassembly Machines within ECR 1 and ECR 2 to ensure that no explosive residues or explosive munitions components are collecting on the associated material handling equipment. Inspect for leaking hydraulic hoses/connections and accumulated residues of chemical agent. Daily Combustion Air Blower Evaluate combustion air blower perfofinance through Control Room advisor screen observations. Daily Rotary Kiln (Primary Chamber) Inspect the rotary kiln for fugitive emissions.Daily Rotary Kiln Drive Inspect the Rotary kiln trunnion rollers for smooth motion.Daily Rotary Kiln Drive Lubrication System Inspect the Rotary kiln trunnion bearing lubrication system for leaks and spills. Daily Heated Discharge Conveyor Inspect the Heated Discharge Conveyor motion indicator plate for smooth even operation. Daily *Heated Discharge Conveyor Inspect the floor beneath the Heated Discharge Conveyor for residues of accumulated wastes. Monthly Automatrc Waste Feed Cut-offs Test control circuit and document that waste feed is stopped.Every 14 days Notes: Visual inspections are performed remotely through the use of Closed Circuit Television by the incinerator operator in the Control Room. Physical visual inspections are performed at a minimum on a monthly basis. *Inspection performed monthly during physical visual inspection. Attachrnent 5 - Page 31 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5.15 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR TOCDF LIC 1, LIC 2, MPF, & DFS POLLUTION ABATBMENT SYSTEMS ITEM 264.15(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) DFS Afterburner Combustion Blower Inspect blower for excessive noise, vibration, loss of lubricant, and missing or broken anchor bolts. Daily DFS Afterburner Inspect afterburner shell for hot spot, which would indicate a breakdown of refractory. Daily Mechanical Locks for DFS Isolation and Air Intake Valves During normal operations, XV-862 will be locked in the open position and HV-863 will be locked in the closed position. Inspect XV-8 62.and HV-863 to ensure mechanical locks are in place and secure. Daily Exhaust Gas (PAS) Ductwork Inspect for fugitive emissions or residues at flanged duct connections and duct expansion joints. Inspect expansion ioints for breaks that would result in leakage to the system. Daily Quench Tower Inspect for brine residues at manway covers and released liquids from piping or pumps. Daily Venturi Scrubber Check venturi plug valve and ensure that it operates freely. Inspect for releases of scrubber liquid from associated pumps and pipine. Daily Packed Bed Scrubber Inspect for scrubber liquid residues at manway cover. Inspect for release of scrubber liquid from associated pumps and piping. Daily Demister Inspect for fugitive emissions or residues of scrubber liquid at the manway cover. Daily TOCDF PAS-SI.TMP-I IO Inspect for the presence of material and liquids in excess of three inches (3"). Check for oil sheen. Daily Bleed Air Darnper Ensure cover on bleed air damper is in place and secure.Daily PAS Blorver Inspect for excessive vibrations and loss of lubricant.Daily Scrubber Effluent Handling System Inspect brine transfer line and associated punrps for leaks at pump seals and flanged pipefittings. Inspect for swaying pipe system during operation. Daily Notes: Physical visual inspection performed daily by Pollution Abatement System Operator(s). Attachrnent 5 -Page32 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-16 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORLOAD/UNLOAD AREAS & INCINERATOR RESIDUE DISCHARGE AREAS ITEM 264.1s(bx1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) CHB LoadlUnload Area Visually inspect for discolored and stained soil/concrete and hazardous waste residues. Daily RHA LoadUnload Area (outside buildine) same as above Daily MPF Metal Residue Discharge Area Inspect for ash residues on cohcrete base underneath conveyor system. Daily DFS Cyclone Ash Discharge Area Inspect for ash residue around receiving container. Ensure that the container is labeled as hazardous waste and that there is sufficient space in the container to receive ash that will be generated during operational period. Daily DFS Heated Discharge Conveyor Residue Discharge Area Same as above Daily Notes: Physical visual inspections are performed daily (when in use). TABLE 5-17 INSPECTION FOR TOCDF AGENT MONITORS ITEMS 264.1s(bx1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.1s(b)(3) FREQUENCY 264.1s(bx4) TOCDF Common Stack (PAS 701 and -PAS 706) Perform agent challenge test IAW Attachment22 to determine the need to calibrate monitor, calibrate if agent test results in failure. Replace monitor if it can't be calibrated to specification. Agent Challenge (Every 4 hrs.) LIC 2 PAS Blower (PAS702\ Same as above Agent Challenge (Every 4 hrs.) LIC 1 PAS Blower (PAS703) Same as above Agent Challenge (Every 4 hrs.) MPF PAS Blower (PAS704) Same as above Agent Challenge (Every 4 hrs. for VX and Daily for GB) DFS PAS Blower (PAS70s) Same as above Agent Challenge (Every 4 hrs. for VX and Daily for GB) MDB Filter Stack (FrL601) Perform agent challenge test IAW Attachment 22 to determine the need to calibrate monitor, calibrate if agent test results in failure. Replace monitor if it can't be calibrated to specification. Agent Challenge (Daily) Notes: The (TAG ID's) used are those that appear on the Control Room advisor screens and the Process Data Acquisition and Reporting System (PDARS) generated reports. Attachment5-Page33 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-18 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR }4-HOUR INTERMITTENT COLLECTION UNITS ITEM 264.15(bX1) TYPE OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) TREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Waste Accumulation Time Review Daily PDARS Sump Report to veriff that no primary containment sump accumulated liquids for longer than 24 hours. Daily Sump Liquid Level Indicator Visually inspect each primary containment sump to determine if sump's liquid level coffesponds to level alarm displayed on control room advisor screen. Inspect for cracks and deterioration of protective coatings, rusting and any signs of leaks. Weekly Sump Liquid Level Indicators Demonstrate function of Sump liquid level detectors by filling sump (can be done during agent change-over decontamination step). Agent campaign change-over Metal Sump Completely empty sump and inspect metal sump for deteriorating surface coating, corrosion, and cracks. Agent campaign change-over Sump Interstitial Leak Detector Remove interstitial leak detection probe and test function.Annually Sump Interstitial Space Swath interstitial space through opening provided by removed interstitial leak detection probe to determine if space is dry. Annually TABLE 5-19 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR MDB RCRA PERMITTED SUMPS ITEM 264.1s(bx1) TYPB OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) For Category A/B and B Sumps Material in Sump Review Daily PDARS Sump Report to veriff that no sump accumulated liquids for longer than 24 hours. Daily Sump Liquid Level Indicator Physical visual inspection of each sump to determine if sump's liquid level coffesponds to level alarm displayed on control room advisor screen. Inspect for cracks and deterioration of protective coatings, rusting and any signs of leaks. Weekly For Category C Sumps Material in Sump Physical visual inspection to determine the presence of material in the sumps. Daily For Category A/8, B, and C Sumps Sump Liquid Level Indicators Demonstrate function of sump liquid level detectors by filling sump (can be done during agent change-over decontamination step). Agent campaign change-over Metal Sump Completely empty sump and inspect metal sump for deteriorating surface coating, corrosion, and cracks. Agent campaign change-over * Since sumps SDS-PUMP-I57, and 188 are located in high temperature areas near the LICs and a cool down is required before a physical visual inspection can occur, the physical visual inspections for these sumps is done on a monthly frequency. Attachment5-Page34 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-20 EIWIRONMENTAL INSPEC TION FORTHE MUNITIONS DEMILITARI ZATION BUILDING DEMILITARIZATION & MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEMS ITBM 264.1s(bx1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.1s(bx3) TREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Munitions/Bulk Container Demil Machines PHS-PMD-101 Observe the operation of the machines. Note the number of times each machine has to be put into manual mode because an interlock on the machine prevented further processing (in order to evaluate any deterioration in the machine's performance). Daily PHS-PMD-IO2 MMS.BDS.IOI MMS-BDS-IO2 PHS-MDM-101 PHS-MDM.IO2 PHS.MDM.l03 Material Handline Conveyor Systems Explosive Containment Vestibule Visually inspect for munitions and/or munitions components not being transferred by conveyors due to hung up or falling on the floor. Ensure that all containers are able to be moved by material handling system. Record the number of rejects in the ECV and Munitions Processing Bay. Daily Explosive Containment Room(s) By-Pass Convoyor Projectile Tilting Conveyors Multiposition Loader(s)/Pick and Place Machines Buffer Storage Area (supporting Munitions Processing Bay) Munitions Corridor Munitions Processing Bay (including Pick and Place Machines) Buffer Storage Area (supporting MPF) Notes: Visual inspections are performed remotely through the use of Closed Circuit Television by an operator in the Control Room. Attachrnent5-Page35 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-2I ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR THE AGENT COLLECTION TANKS ACS-TANK- I 0 1, ACS-TANK- 1 02 AND ACS TANK SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM ITEM 264.15(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.1s (bX3) TREQUENCY 264.15 (bX4) Level Indicators and Transmitters Check level indicator transmitters for proper operation at control panel. Daily Tank Structure Visually inspect for major corroded areas, discolored, or blistered surface coatirg, buckles or bulges in tank, corrosion around foundation, and evidence of overtopping. Daily Fixed Roof and Closure Devices Visually inspect to check for defects that could result in air pollutant emissions. Defects include, but are not limited to, visible cracks, holes or gaps in the roof sections or between the roof and the tank wall; broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged seals or gaskets on closure devices; and broken or missing hatches, access covers, caps, or other closure devices. Annually Tank Area Visually inspect for evidence of waste residue on floor.Daily Tank Supports Visually inspect for discolored or blistered surface coating and corroded areas. Daily Pipe System, Valves, and Pumps Visually inspect for leaks, vibration or swaying of pipe systems, missing pump anchor bolts. Daily Secondary Containment SystemSDS-PLIMP- l5 1 Visually inspect for the presence of liquid in secondary containment sump by observing the status of sump's liquid level indicator. Daily Secondary Containment System (including Toxic Cubicle Floor) During physical visual inspection, inspect for cracks and deterioration of protective coating of secondary containment system and Toxic Cubicle floor. Also inspect all items as listed above. Weekly Notes: Visual inspections are performed remotely through the use of Closed Circuit Television by an operator in the Control Room. Physical visual inspections are performed at a minimum on a weekly basis. Attachment5-Page36 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-22 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE SPENT DECONTAMINATION SOLUTION TANKS SDS-TANK-101, SDS-TANK-102, SDS-TANK-IO3 AND SDS.TANK SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM ITEM 264.15(b)(1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15 (bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15 (bX4) Level Indicators and Transmitters Check level indicator transmitters for proper operation at control panel Daily Tank Structure Visually inspect for major corroded areas, discolored, or blistered surface coatirg, buckles or bulges in tank, corrosion around foundation, and evidence of overtopping. Daily Tank Area Visually inspect for evidence of waste residue on floor.Daily Tank Supports Visually inspect for discolored or blistered surface coating and corroded areas. Daily Pipe System, Valves, and Pumps Inspect for leaks, vibration or swaying of pipe systems, missing pump anchor bolts. Daily Secondary Containment SystemSDS-PUMP-150 Visually inspect for the presence of liquid in secondary containment sump by observing the status of sump's liquid level indicator. Daily Ultrasonic Thickness Testing Inspect for corrosion (i.e., loss of shell thickness). If the measured wall thickness is less than or equal to 0.25 inches, then the affected tank is taken out of service until the TOCDF and DSHW agree upon an appropriate course of action. Annual Secondary Containment System (including Toxic Cubicle Floor) During physical visual inspection, inspect for cracks and deterioration of protective coating of secondary containment system and Toxic Cubicle floor. Also inspect all items as listed above. Weekly Notes: Visual inspections are performed remotely through the use of Closed Circuit Television by an operator in the Control Room. Physical visual inspections are performed at a minimum on a weekly basis. Attachrnent 5 -Page37 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5.23 EIWIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE BRINE REDUCTION AREA STJRGE TAIIKS BRA-TANK-101, BRA-TANK-102, BRA-TANK-201, BRA-TANK-202, BRrNE LOADING STATTON, PIPE TRENCH & SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM ITEM 264.15(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Level Indicators and Transmitters Check level indicator and transmitter for proper operation at the tank. Daily Tank Structure Visually inspect for major coroded areas, bulging or buckles in tank, waste residue stains on the sides of tanks and evidence of overtopping. Daily Pipe System, Valves, and Pumps Visually inspect for leaks, vibration or swaying of operating pipe systems, missing pump anchor bolts, leaking pump seals. Daily Pipe Trench Visually inspect for presence of liquids in secondary containment system. Ensure that there are no cracks or gaps in the coatino used to seal the secondary containment trench. Annually Secondary Containment System (includes sump and Brine Loading Station) Visually inspect for presence of liquids in secondary containment system and associated sump. Ensure that there are no cracks or gaps in the coating used to seal the secondary containment berms, floor, and sump. Daily Cathodic Protection Confirm proper operation of the cathodic protection systems.Annually Inspect/test sources of impressed current.Every other month Notes: Physical visual inspection performed daily by Operator(s). Attachment 5 - Page 38 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-24 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION F'OR THE IGLOO 1632 AND 1633 CONTAINER STORAGE AREAS AND SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.1s(B)(3) ITEM 264.1s(BX1) TREQUENCY 164.15(BX4) Deteriorating Containers and Secondary Containment Pallets Inspect the containers and the secondary containment pallets for deterioration (i.e., rupture, colrosion, released material, etc.). Ensure that all container covers/closure devices are secured in a closed position so that there are no visible holes, gaps or other open spaces into the interior of the container. R3l5-8- 22 140 CFR 264.108(cX3)l identifies allowable exceptions to this requirement. Closed Containers Containers in Storage Ensure that the total volume of containers in storage does not exceed 14,520 gallons. Ensure that the combined liquid volumer within the containers on a single secondary containment (SC) pallet does not exceed l0-times the SC pallet's rated capacity. Ensure that the liquid volu*e' of the single largest container on a secondary containment pallet does not exceed the SC allet's rated caoaci Segregation of Incompatible Wastes Ensure that incompatible waste is not placed on a secondary containment pallet as the same time. Container Labels Inspect all containers in storage to ensure they are correctly labeled. Material Handling Equipment Observe material handling equipment during operation to determine any loss of perforrnance. General Area Inspect Igloo 1632 and 1633 areas for apparent spills or leaks from the containers or secondary containment pallets, and for the accumulation of orecioitation. Physical visual inspection performed throughout the week by TOCDF personnel. lFor the purposes of determining required secondary containment capacity, only the volume of an overpacked container needs to be considered, not the volume of the overpack itself as long as the overpack contains only the leaking container (e.g. a 55-gallon drum of liquid waste overpacked in an S5-gallon overpack contributes only 55-gallons to the required SC capacity). Attachment5-Page39 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-25 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE BRINE REDUCTION AREA POLLUTION ABATEMENT SYSTEM ITEM 264.15(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264,15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Process Parameters Record differential pressure reading for each baghouse and compare the value with the previous day to determine if baghouse perfortnance consistent. Daily Process Equipment Knockout Box Inspect flanged joints joining ductwork to Knockout Box, Knockout Box manway cover, Knockout Box hopper knife gate, rotary valve, and Knockout Box flashing for salt residue buildup. Daily Process Equipment BRA PAS Ductwork Inspect flanged fittings in ductwork for buildup of salt residues. Daily Process Equipment BRA Baghouses Inspect hopper knife gates, rotary valves, and access doors for buildup of salt residues. Daily Knockout Box Discharge Container & Transfer hose Inspect container for the presence of hazardous waste label and ensure label is dated and that the label date does not exceed 90 days. Inspect transfer hose for crack or tears. Inspect outside of container and area around container for salt residue. Daily Baghouse Discharge Containers & Transfer Hoses Inspect containers for the presence of hazardous waste labels and ensure the label is dated and that the label date does not exceed 90 days. Inspect transfer hoses for cracks or tears. Inspect outside of containers and area around each container for salt residue. Daily Baghouse Pad Sump Inspect sump to ensure no liquids are present in the sump. If liquids are present sample for pH and oil sheen. Daily Exhaust Stack Plume Observe exhaust stack plume to ensure BRA PAS is functioning properly. Daily Emergency Equipment Inspect for the presence of a charged fire extinguisher, and the presence of portable or fixed eyewash station. Weekly Compliance Process P arameter Instrumentation Inspect calibration label on temperature sensing element TI- l72and Differential Pressure Transducers PDI- 143, PDI- 144, PDI-l45,and PDI-l86to ensure that the certified calibration seal has not been broken or tampered with. Daily Notes: Physical visual inspection performed daily by Pollution Abatement System Operator(s). Attachment5-Page40 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-26 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION TOCDF MUNITIONS VENTILATION FORTHE DEMILITARI ZATION BUILD IN G CARBON FILTER SYSTEM ITEM 264.1s(bx1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3)FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Agent Monitors Observe the values reported from the ACAMS monitoring the MDB ventilation carbon filter banks (to determine if breakthrough of any carbon bank has occurred). Daily Differential Pressures Observe the values reported from the differential pressure transmitters (to determine if plugging of any carbon filter bank has occurred). Daily Filter System Blowers Observe the flow rates reported by the filter system blowers (to determine if blower perfofinance has deteriorated). Daily Notes: Visual inspections are performed remotely by Control Room Operator(s) through use of the data acquisition system. TABLE 5-27 SAFETY AND EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INSPECTION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT (For all EG&G Operated Facilities) ITEM(quantity) 264.1s(bx1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.1s(bx3) FREQUENCY 264.1s(bx4) HAZMAT Truck with Decon Trailer Parked in proper location, gas tank is more than half full, engine starts. Monthly Ton Container Repair Kit (l) Inspect kit seal to ensure that the contents of the kit are complete. If the seal is broken inspect contents of kit. Monthly 85 Gallon Overpacks (3)Inspect for sufficient quantity.Monthly *OSHA Level A Response Suits (12) Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly OSHA Saranex Suits (6)Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly OSHA Level C Response Suits (6) Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly SCBA Packs with Bottles (6) Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly Spare Air Pack Bottles (6)Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly Respirats{g with particulatel or ganic vapor cartridges (6) Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly Non-'sparking Tool Kit (l Inspect for completeness of kit Monthly Portable Eyewash Station ( I Inspect for functionality Monthly Caustic Neutralizer ( 10 eallons) Inspect for sufficient quantity Monthly Acid Neutrahzer ( l0 eallons) Inspect for sufficient quantity Monthly Shovels (5)Inspect for sufficient quantity Monthly Brooms (5)Inspect for sufficient quantity Monthly Attachment 5 - Page 4l TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-27 SAFETY AND EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT II{SPECTION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT (For all EG&G Ooerated Facilities) ITEM(quantity) 264.15(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.15(bX4) Absorbent (100 lbs.)Inspect for sufficient quantity Monthly Foot Baths (4)Inspect for sufficient quantity Monthly :&:rTAP Butyl M3 Coveralls or OSHA A Response Suits (6) Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly TAP Butyl Hood (6)Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly TAP BuM M2 Gloves (6 pair)Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly OSHA Overboots (6 Pair) Inspect for suflicient quantity and functionality Monthly TAP Butyl M2Al Boots (6 Pair) Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly TAP Butyl M2 Aprons or OSHA Level C Coveralls (6) Inspect for sufficient quantity and functionality Monthly Agent Antidote Kits (6)Inspect for sufficient quantity Monthly Water for Decon (25 gallons)Inspect for sufficient quantity Monthly Notes: * There are at least 12 OSHA Level A Response Suits that are stored in the PMB TAP Room. ** There are at least 6 TAP Butyl M# Coveralls or OSHA Lrvel A Response Suits stored on the HAZMAT Truck. Attachment5 -Page42 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 . TABLE 5.28 SAFETY AND EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INSPECTION. FoR rHE-!reDE EMERGENCY"GENEBATORS, SECURITY, HAZARD COMMUNICATION, & FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ITEM 264.1,5(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQUENCY 264.1s(b)(4) Emergency Generators Test each Emergency Generator by operating in either a loaded or unloaded configuration. Monthly Filter Generator Test the Filter Generator by operating in either a loaded or unloaded configuration. Monthly Unintemrptible Power Supply Check for Adequate Voltage.Monthly Emergency Power S ystem/Unintemrptib 1e Power Supply Test Emergency Generators and Unintemrptible Power Supply by performing a power outage exercise. Ensure sufficient power is provided to equipment and systems designated as critical and essential loads. Annually Security Fencing Visually inspect the fences and gates surrounding TOCDF for integrity, sight obstructions caused by vegetation, and gaps at the fence base. Weekly Warning Signs Visually inspect for the presence of all signs. Sign must be leeible from a distance of 50 feet. Weekly Outside Security Liehtine Visually inspect the liehts for proper operation.Weekly Site Evacuation Siren Verify operability of evacuation siren.Weekly Fire Protection Systems Halon Veriff sufficient pressure in halon storage tanks.Six months Control Room UPS/B attery Enclosures and FM-200|FE-227 Verify sufficient pressure in FM-200/FE -227 storage tanks.Six months Dry Chemical Verify sufficient pressure in nitrogen propellant tanks.Six months Common PAS Toxic Chemical Automatic Sprinkler Veriff sufficient flow rate of water at inspector's test connection. Annually CHB UPA Fire Hydrants Verifu sufficient flow Annually Attachrnent5 -Page43 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-29 ENVIRQNMENTAL INSPECTION F'ORTHE IGLOO 163l AUTOCLAVE' SUPPORTING CARBON FILTER SYSTEM, AND HAZAROUDS WASTE LOAD AREA ITEM 264.1sftX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15ftX3) FREQUENCY 264.15ftX4) Autoclave and Ancillary Equipment Autoclave Door Inspect Locking Ring and Hinges. and Rollers for proger operation. Inspect O-Ring for cracks or gaps. IuspestDaorand Vessel ioint for sisns oJsteam leaks Weekly Autoclave Exterior Insoect for siqns of rust Weekly Process Steam Piping Insoect for leaks audlor drips Daily (when in use) Cooling Tower and Condensate Transfer Pumps Inspect fur leaks, unbroisal noise and vibrations Daily (when in use) Condensate Transfer Lines Inspect for rust and leaks andlor drips Daily (when in use) Material Handling Equipment Observe material handling equipment during operation to determine any loss of perforrnance including hydraulic or oil leaks, frayed cablcs, jrrky movement. Review the Site Work Order database for newly-generated maintenance requests. Weekly Autoclave Carbon Adsorption Filtration System Inspect ductwork for fugitive emissions or residues at flanged duct connections.Weekly Inspect joints for breaks that would result in in-leakage to the system.Weekly Observe pressure on Carbon Filter System Pressure Gauge to ensure system is operated under negative pressure relative to atmospheric (i.e., negative pressure in excess of 0.25 in- w.c.). Daily (when in use) Igloo 163l Floor Inspect floor area traversed by the condensate transfer piping and Autoclave load/unload area for condensate and/or wet spots. Daily (when in use) Igloo 1631 Waste Load/Unload Area Ensure Roll-Off is closed except when waste is being added to it Inspect for debris or waste that fell from the roll-off during transfer Daily (when in use) Attachrnent 5 -Page44 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-30 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE rGLOO 1632 DRUM VENTILATTON SYSTEM (DVS) ENCLOSURES, SORTTNGROOM (DVSSR) Ar[D THE IGLOO CARBON ADSORPTION FILTRATION SYSTEM ITEM 264.15(B)(1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS' 264.15(BX3) FREQUENCY 164.15(BX4) DVS Enclosures 101I 102 and DVSSR Inspect secondary containment floors and sumps for presence of standing liquids (sumps must be emptied of liquid within 24 honrs of collection), inspect sumps for signs of deteriorations, cracks, gaps or evidence of leakage. Ensure the DVS and DVSSR doors are closed if un- containenzedwaste is within the unit. Daily (when in use) DVS Enclosure 101 Miscellaneous Treatment Unit Inspect the enclosure, including observation windows, gloves, penetration seals, vent ducting for signs of deterioration, cracks, gaps or evidence of leakage. Ensure that the enclosure sump is emptied and that the main feed door and at least one of the airlock doors are fully closed (unless waste is currently being put in or taken out) Visually inspect the enclosure floors and sump for the presence of standing liquid, signs of deterioration, cracks, gaps, or signs of leakase DVS Enclosure 102 Miscellaneous Treatment Unit Inspect the enclosure, including observation windows, gloves, penetration seals, vent ducting for signs of deterioration, cracks, gaps or evidence of leakage. Ensure that the enclosure sump is emptied and that the main feed door and at least one of the airlock doors are fully closed (unless waste is currently being put in or taken out) Visually inspect the enclosure floors and sump for the presence of standing liquid, signs of deterioration, cracks, gaps, or signs of leakase DVS Sorting Room (DVSSR) Miscellaneous Treatment Unit Inspect the sorting room, including doors, walls, observation windows, penetration seals, vent ducting for signs of deterioration, cracks, gaps or evidence of leakage. Ensure that the interior floor and sump is dry and that the doors are closed (unless personnel are currentiy entering or exiting). Visually inspect the eirclosure floors and sump for the presence of standing liquid, signs of deterioration, cracks, aps. or sisns of leakase Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration System Inspect main and backup filter housings and ducting for Signs qf deterioration, cracks, gaps, evidence of gas leakage. 'Inspect induction fans for signs of degradation or failure. Ensure DVS Enclosures and DVSSR are operating in excess of 0.25 in-w.c. nesative Dressure. Weekly Material Handling Equipment Observe material handling equipment (i.e., forklift and hoists) during operation to determine any loss of performance, including hydraulic or oil leaks, frayed cables, jerky movement. Review the Site Work Order database for newlv- senerated maintenance reouests. Physical visual inspection performed throughout the week by TOCDF personnel. Attachrnent5-Page45 TOCDF Inspection PIan June 2009 TABLE 5.31 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR TIIE ATLIC TON CONTAINER GLOVF-BOXES ITEM 26/,.15(bX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 26/,.15(bX3) FREQUENCY zffi.15(bX4) Glove-box Gloves Inspect gloves and their penetration seals/gaskets for cracks. holes or tears. Ensure labeled service life of the elove has not expired Dailv Glove-box Pressure Observe and record Glove-box pressure reading to ensure negative pressure is maintained within the glove-box whenever a ton container or waste is Dresent Dailv Glove-box Interior Observe interior of elove-box through the observatlon windows to determine if connections to ton container. valves and piping are not leaking. Observe for presence of Dailv liouids Phvsical visual insnection performed bv local operator. Attachment5 -Page46 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5.32 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR ATLIC LIC PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CHAMBERS ITEM 264.1sftX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.150X3) FREOUENCY 264.150X4) Primary Chamber Waste Handline/Pipine Inspect for leaks in the agent feed line at threaded and flansed pipe connections. Daily Secondary Chamber Waste Handling/Pipine Inspect for releases of wastes from the spent decon solution feed line at welded and flanged pipe connections. Daily Primary Chamber Inspect for fugitive emissions and hot spots on the outer shell of the primary chamber. which would indicate a breakdown of the chamber's refractorv. Daily Secondary Chamber Inspect for fugitive emissions. and hot spots on the outer shell of the secondary chamber. which would indicate a breakdown of the c,hamber's refractory. Daily Combustion Air Blower Evaluate combustion air blower performance through Control Room advisor screen observations. Daily ATLIC Room Floor Inspect for residues of lubricant and/or wastes beneath the components of the LIC agent feed system and the LIC exhaust gas ductwork. Daily Waste Feed Cut-Off Mechanism Test control circuit and document that te feed is stopped. Every 3e 14 days or prior to orocessing waste if waste feed is suspended for lonser than 14 davs Notes: Visual inspections are oerformed remotely throueh the use of Closed Circuit Television by the incinerator ooerator in the Control Room. Physical visual inspections are oerformed at a minimum on a monthly basis. Attachrnent 5 -Page47 TOCDF lnspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-33 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FOR ATLIC LIC POLLUTION ABATEMENT SYSTEMS ITEM 264.1sft)(1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15ftX3) FREOUENCY 264.15(bX4) Exhaust Gps (PAS) Ductwork Inspect for fugitive emissions or residues at flaneed duct connections and duct expansion joints. Inspect expansion ioints for breaks that would result in leakase to the system. Daily Ouench Tower Inspect for brine residues at manway covers and released liquids fronn pipine or pumps. Daily Packed Bed Scrubber Inspect for scrubber liquid residues at manway cover. Inspect for release of scrubber liquid from associated pumps Daily and pipine. Venturi Scrubber Check venturi plug valve and ensure that it operates freely. Inspect for releases of scrubber liquid from associated pumps Daily and pioine. Moisture Separator Inspect for fugitive emissions or residues of scrubber liquid at the inlet and outlet flanges connections. Daily Baghouse Inspect inside Baghouse residue enclosure for integritv of the waste residue container's connection to the Baghouse hopper at discharge gate and for waste residues. Daily PAS Blower Inspect for excessive vibrations and loss of lubricant.Dailv Scrubber Eflluent Handling System Inspect brine transfer line and associated pumps for leaks at pump seals and flanged pipefittings. Inspect for swaying pipe system during operation. Daily Notes: Phvsical visual insoection perfiormed daily by Pollution Abatement System OperatorG). Attachrnent5-Page48 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 ! TABLE 5-34 INSPECTION FOR ATLIC AGENT MONITORS ITEMS 264.1sftX1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15ft)(3) FREOUENCY 264.15ftX4) ATLIC Exhaust Stack TEN-709 and TEN-710 Perform agent challenge test IAW Attachment 22A to determine the need to calibrate monitor. calibrate if aeent Aeent Challenge (Every 4 hrs.) test results in failure. Replace monitor if it can't be calibrated to soecification. ATLIC Filter Stack (TEN-7s0) Perform agent challenge test IAW Attachment 22A to determine the need to calibrate monitor. calibrate if aeent Agent Challenee (Daily) test results in failure. Replace monitor if it can't be calibrated to specification. Notes: The (TAG ID's) used are those that appear on the Control Room advisor screens and the Process Data Acquisition and Reoorting System generated reports. TABLE 5-35 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE ATLIC VENTILATION CARBON FILTER SYSTEM TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15ftX3) Observe the values reported from the ACAMS monitoring the ATLIC ventilation carbon filter banks (to determine if breakthroueh of any carbon bank has occurred) and vestibules to determine if corrective action is required. Record alarm status Differential Pressures Observe and record the values reported from the differential pressure transmitters (.to determine if plugging of anv carbon filter bank has occurred Filter System Blowers Observe and record the flow rates reported by the filter system blowers (.to determine if blower performance has deteriorated). Notes: Visual inspections are performed remotely by Control Center Equioment Enclosure Operator(s) throueh use of the data acouisition system. Attachment5 -Page49 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5.36 SATETY AND EMERGENCY EQUIPI\4ENT INSPECTION FOR TIIE ATLIC EMERGENCY GENERATORS. SECURITY. HAZARD COMMUNICATION. & FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ITEM 264.15(bX1) TYPBS OF PROBLEMS 264.15(bX3) FREQI'ENCY 264.15(bX4) Emgrgpncv Generators Test e.ach Emergencv Generator bv operating in either a loaded or unloaded configuration. Monthlv Unintemrptible Power Supply Check for Monthlv Emerggncv Power S v stem/ Uninte rruptib le Pqwqr Supplv Test Emergencv Generators and Uninterruptible Power Suqplv bv performing a power outage exercise. Ensure sufficient.power is provided to equipment and svstems designated as critical and essential loads. Annuallv Fire kotection Svstems ATLIC Control Room Fire Suppression Svstem Vs:rifv suf,ficient pressure in storage tanks.Six months Automatic Sprinkler System Verifv sufficient flow rate of water at inspector's test connection. Annuallv Attachment5-Page50 TOCDF Inspection Plan June 2009 TABLE 5-37 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTION FORTHE ATLIC TOX AREATANKS ITEM 264.1s(bx1) TYPES OF PROBLEMS 264.15 (bX3) FREOUENCY 264.15 ftX4) Level Indicators and Transmitters Check level indicator transmitters for proper operation at control panel. Daily Tank Structure Visually inspect for major corroded areas. discolored. or blistered surface coatine. buckles or bulges in tank. corrosion around foundation. and evidence of overtooping. Daily Fixed Roof and Closure Devices Visually inspect to check for defects that could result in air pollutant emissions. Defects include, but are not limited to Annually visible cracks. holes or gaps in the roof sections or between the roof and the tank wall: broken. cracked. or otherwise damased saals olgasl<qts ou closure devices; and broken or missing hatches. access covers. caps. or other closure devices. Tank Area Visuallv inspect for evidence of waste residue on floor.Dailv Tank Supports Visually inspect for discolored or blistered surface coating and corroded areas. Daily Pipe System. Valves. and Pumps Visually inspect for leaks. vibration or swaying of pipe svstems. missinq oumo anchor bolts. Daily Secondary Containment Visu.ally inspect for the presence of liquid in Toxic Area sumD by observins the status of sump's liquid level indicator. Daily Secondary Containment System (includine Toxic During physical visual inspection. inspect for cracks and deterioration of protective coatins of secondary containment Weekly Area Floor)system and Toxic Cubicle floor. Also inspect all items as listed above. Notes: Visual inspections are oerf,ormed remotely through the use of Closed Circuit Television by an ooerator in the Control Room. Physical visual insoections are oerformed at a minimum on a weekly basis. Attachrnent5-Page5l o o o TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test June 2009.' ATTACHMENT 6 INSTRI'MENT CALIBRATION PLAN & INCINERATOR WASTE FEED INTERLOCK FT]NCTION TEST l l l l I I I I l I l I I I I I I I I I 1 l I I I l l l Attachment6-Pagel TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test June 2009 Table of Contents Scope InstrumenVAlarm Tag ID Nomenclature Instrument Calibration and Preventative Maintenance Methods Overview Instrument Preventative Maintenance/ Calibration Methods Analyzer Indicator, Transmitter (XX-AIT-XXX) Continuous Emission Monitoring System pH Anallzers Density Indicator, Transmitter (XX-DIT-XXX) Flow Indicator, Transmitter (XX-FIT-XXX) Mass Flow Meters Electro-Magnetic Flow Meters Differential Pressure Indicator, Transmitters (XX-PDIT-XXX) Level Indicator, Transmitter (XX-LIT-XXX) Differential Pressure Transmitters Ultrasonic and Radar-Level Transmitters Level Switches (XX-LSHH-XXX) Temperature Indicator, Transmitter (XX.TIT-XXX) Current Switches (XX-TSLL-XXX) Temperature Switches (XX-TSHH-XXX) Pressure Indicator, Transmitters (XX-PIT-XXX) Pressure Switches (XX-PSHH-XXX) Weight Indicator, Transmitters (XX-WIT-XXX) Chemical Agent Monitors (PAS 7XXA, B, C) lncinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test Process Data Instrumentation Calibration and Waste Feed lnterlock Tables Attachment 6 - Page2 6-4'-1 6-A-2 6-B 6-C 6-D TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test June 2009 LIST Of TABLES Liquid Incinerator #1 Process Data and Waste Feed Interlock Instrumentation Calibration Liquid Incinerator #2 P.rocess Data and Waste Feed Interlock Instrumentation Calibration Metal Parts Fumace Process Data and Waste Feed Interlock Instrumentation Calibration Deactivation Fumace System Process Data and Waste Feed Interlock Instrumsntation Calibration TankHazardous Waste Management Unit Process Data and Tank Overtop Protection Inskumentation Calibration. ATLIC Incinerator Process Data and Wastg Fe ATLIC TankHazardous Waste Management Unit Process Data and Tank Overtop Protection Instrumentation Calibration. 6-E 6-F Attachment6-Page3 ACA]VIS ACS AQS ATLIC BDS BRA CEMS DFS GA Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock arr.,l:??rI June 2009 List of Acronyms Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring Systern Agent Collection System Agent Quantification System Area 10 Liquid Incinerator Bulk Drain Station Brine ReductionArea Continuous Emission Monitoring System Deactivation Fumace System Nei:r're Aee,nt GA Tabun Hazardous Waste Management UnitsHWMU L Lewisite LIC MDM MINICA]\dS MPF PAS PDAR PLC RCRA SDS TOCDF Liquid Incinerator System Multipu{po s e D emil ttanzation Machines Miniature Continuous Air Monitoring System Metal Part Furnace System Pollution Abatement System Process Data Acquisition and Recording Programmable Logic Controller Resource Conservation Recovery Act Spent Decontamination System i- Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Attachment6 -Page4 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test June 2009 6.1 SCOPE 6.1.1 This Calibration Plan: 6. 1 .1 .1 Describes the basis for assigning TAG IDs to the various instruments and alarms associated with components of the process control systems for Subpart X treatment units, tanks, and incinerators. Identifies components of the process control system associated with an incinerator requiring proper operation to ensure proper waste treatment, to stop/prevent the feeding of hazardous waste to an incinerator should the magnitude of permit regulated operating parameters exceed limits imposed by permit condition, and to demonstrate compliance with the conditions of this Permit. Identifies components of the process control system associated with permitted tank requiring proper operation to determine accurate volumes of liquid wastes stored in tanks, to prevent the overtopping of tanks, and to demonstrate compliance with Permit conditions limiting the volume of hazardous waste stored in tanks. Identifies components of the process control system associated with permitted Subpart X treatment unit requiring proper operation to ensure proper waste treatment, to stop/prevent the feeding of hazardous waste to Subpart X treatment unit, should the magnitude of permit regulated operating parameters exceed limits imposed by permit condition, and to demonstrate compliance with the conditions of this Permit. Differentiates between instrumentation calibrated by the user and instrumentation calibrated by the manufacturer. 6.1.1 .6 Differentiates between instrumentation that is calibrated and function tested, and instrumentation that is function tested only. Describes the methods used to veri$ operational accuracy (i.e., function test) and calibrate different types of process control instrumentation associated with the demonstration of compliance with the conditions of this Permit. 6. 1 .1 .8 Describes the methods used to function test the waste feed interlock system associated ' with each incinerator and the overtop protection system associated with each tank. 6.2 INSTRUMENT/ALARM TAG ID NOMENCLATURE 6.2.1 A unique TAG ID is used to identiff each instrument and alarm. An instrument's TAG ID is stamped on a tag physically attached to (or in close proximity to) the instrument. Each instrument TAG ID is comprised of a two-digit or three-digit prefix "system identifier," followed by a three or four-letter "instrument tlpe identifier," followed by a one to three-digit suffix "instrument number." 6.2.2 The two-digit/three-digit prefix "system identifier" and the corresponding systems are presented below: Attachrnent6-Page5 SYSTEM IDENTTFIER CORRESPONDING SYSTEM 1I-XXX-XXX Toxic Cubicle (TOX) Includes Agent Collection System associated with ACS- TANK-101 & ACS-TANK-L}} and Spent Decontamination System associated with SDS-TANK-I0I, SDS-TANK-L}} & SDS-TANIK-I03 1 a \z\z\z \7\z\z Y :---:l T-^ . l-^^-^^t^-^ Ct---L. -- -- lT r^ 1 O- T Trt ^\I J -.ar..aL-ar, -.{\-a|.-/\.L/IqUr(l UIUUItiIatUI Dylitt IIrU (IJIU I, OC IJL\/ L) 14-XXX-XXX Metal Part Furnace System (MPF) 16-XXX-XXX Deactivation Furnace System (DFS) 23-X)(X-XXX Brine Reduction Area System including: BRA-TANIK-101, BRA-TANIK -102, BRA-TA}TK -20I, BRA-TANK -202, BRA-EVAP-I O 1, BRA-EVAP -20I, BRA-DDYR-I O 1, BRA- DDYR -102, and BRA-DDYR- 201 24-XXX-XXX Incinerator Pollution Abatement Systems: LIC 1 PAS, LIC 2 PAS, MPF PAS, & DFS PAS 27-XXX-XXX Brine Reduction Area Pollution Abatement System including BRA PAS Baghouse Modules: BRA-SEPA-101, BRA- SEPA -1A2, BRA-SEPA-I 03, and BRA-SEPA -104 49-XXX-XXX Bulk Drain Station (BDS) Agent Quantification System associated with the Bulk Drain Stations (i.e., load cells): BDS-I01, & BDS-I02 51-XXX-XXX Agent Collection System (ACS) Agent Quantification Systems associated with the Rocket Shear Machines: RSM-I01, & RSM-102, and the Multipu{pose Demil Machines: MDM-101, MDM-102, & MDM.I03 81s-XXX-XXX ATLIC Incinerator 81g-XXX-XXX ATLIC Incinerator Pollution Abatement System TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test June 2409 Attachment6-Page6 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test June 2009 The following three or four-letter codes are used to identift different types of instruments: The three-digit numeric suffix is used to differentiate between individual instruments of the same t1pe. Even though instruments of the same type share the same three or four-letter "instrument type identifier" code, and some instruments share the same one to three-digit suffix, a unique TAG ID exists for each instrument since the complete TAG ID is composed of 1) the System ID Code, 2) the three or four-letter instrument tlpe identifier and 3) the one to three-digit suffix instrument number. TAG IDs describing alarm and switch waste feed interlocks are derived from the instrument TAG IDs by replacing the last two letters in the instrument type identifier code with one of the following combinations of letters: 3-4 LETTER CODES INSTRUMENT TYPE xx-AIT-XXX Analyzer Indicator Transmitters includes Continuous Emission Monitors for oxygen, carbon monoxide , & carbon dioxide, and pH analyzers Density Indicator Transmitters xx-FIT-XXX Flow Indicator Transmitters Level Indicator Transmitters Pressure Indicator Transmitters xx-PDIT-XXX Pressure Differential Indicator Transmitters XX-PDT-XXX Pres sure Differential Transmitters xx-TIT-XXX Temperature Indicator Transmitters Weight Indicator Transmitters PAS.XXX Chemical Agent Monitors ATLIC Chemical Agent Monitors Attachrnent6 -Page7 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test June 2009 The "A" and "S" letters in the waste feed interlock TAG ID are used to differentiate between waste feed interlocks activated by switches located in the field and waste feed interlocks activated by monitored process values exceeding setpoints established in the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) software. "A" designates a waste feed interlock that is activated when the magnitude of the four to 20 milliamp control signal output from a specific transmitter exceeds a setpoint established in the PLC software. The transmitter sending the control signal causing the waste feed interlock can be determined by associating the first letter in the waste feed interlock TAG ID with the three-digit suffix. As an example, l3-TAHH-610 (Temperature Alarm High High) is generated when the control signal output from temperature transmitter 13-TIT-610 which monitors the exhaust gas temperature of the LIC 1 primary chamber exceeds the setpoint established in the PLC software. 6.2.7 6.3 6.3.1 The instrument causing the waste feed signal, referring to the above example, TAHH-610 does not exist. interlock is the transmitter sending the control 13-TIT-610. An instrument with the TAG ID 13- "S" designates a change in state of a switch (which can be identified in the field by the TAG ID stamped on the tag attached to the instrument) causes the waste feed interlock. As an example, a pressure above atmospheric in the LIC I primary chamber causes 13- PSHH-233 (LIC 1 Pressure Switch #233Hidh High) to open. When this switch is open, waste feed is stopped/prevented. INSTRT]MENT CALIBRATION & PREVENTATTVE MAINTENANCE METHODS' Overview I In this plan, the tolerance or accuracyto which an instrument is calibrated is expressed as "percent of span." Span is defined as the arithmetic difference between an instrument's lower and upper range. TAG II)ALARM & SWITCHFEED INTERLOCK xx-xAL-xxx Alarm Low xx-xALL-xxx Alarm Low Low xx-xDALL-XXX Differential Alarm Low Low xx-xsLL-xxx Switch Low Low xx-xAH-xxx Alarm High xx-xAlIH-xxx Alarm High High xx-xDAH-xxx Differential Alarm High xx-xsHH-xxx Switch High High Attachrnent6-Page8 6.3.1 .1 6.3.1 .2 6.3,1 .3 6.3.1 .4 6.3.1 .5 6.3.1 .6 6.3 .l .7 6.3.1 .8 6.4 6.4.r 6.4.1 .1 6.4.1 . 1 .1 Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock arr"rl:?:r1 - June 2009 Preventative maintenance performed on components of the TOCDF incinerators and tank process control systems consists of function/accuracy tests and/or re-calibration. Preventative maintenance on user-calibrated instrumentation consists of function/accuracy tests and re-calibration if necessary. A commercially available process instrumentation calibration system is used at the TOCDF. The calibration system allows the user to download data specific to each instrument to be calibrated. The downloaded calibrator is then taken to the field and used to input (or used to enable the input of1 artificial process values into the instrument being calibrated. As the artificial process values are being input, the calibrator compares and records the instruments output. Depending on the output, the instrument is either left as is, or adjusted so that the output is within the pre-established percentage of the expected value. The "as found" and "as left" outputs of the instrument are recorded by the calibrator. Calibration results are then downloaded from the calibrator to a database and both an electronic and hard copy record of each calibration event is maintained. For instrumentation calibrated by the manufacturer, preventative maintenance performed by the user consists of periodic accuracy/function tests only. The results of function tests are not recorded in the instrument calibration system database for instruments calibrated by the manufacfurer. Proper calibration of manufacturer- calibrated instruments is demonstrated by the certificate of calibration provided by the manufacturer and the completed preventative maintenance procedure log sheet. At the conclusion of each function/accuracy test (and re-calibration if necessary) the validity of the data being sent by the transmitter to the control room advisor screen is tested by a procedure referred to as a "loop check". Loop checks are accomplished through coordination between the instrument technician performing the calibration and control room operators. The instrument technician injects various artificial control signal values into the instrument and informs the control room operator of the magnitude of the injected value. The control room operator then determines (by knowing the strength of the signal being injected and the span over which the transmitter is calibrated to) the accuracy of the entire control loop. The results of loop checks are recorded on log sheets that are kept on file and attached to the hard copy of each function/accuracy test result and/or calibration event. INSTRT]MENT PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE/CALIBRATION METHODS Analyzer Indicator. Transmitters (XX-AIT-XXX) Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems The certification and calibration of hazardous waste incinerator exhaust gas CO and Oz Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) are regulated by Federal Regulations found in 40 CFR 266, Appendix IX. Attachrnent6-Page9 6,4.1 .1.2 6.4.1 .2.1 6.4,1 .2.2 6.4.1 .2.3 6.4.t.2.4 6,4.2 6.4.2.r Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock trr;:??l June 2009 These regulations speciry required methods, frequencies, and accuracies to which the CEMS must be certified, calibrated, and audited. These include daily Calibration Drift (CD) tests, quarterly Calibration Error (CE) tests, and annual performance specification tests @STs). CO, 02, and NO* CEMS will be managed (i.e., certified, calibrated and audited) as specified in 40 CFR 266, Appendix IX and outlined in the TOCDF CEMS Monitoring Plan (CDRL 06). pH Anallzers pH analyzers are used to control the capability of PAS scrubber solutions to absorb acid gases exhausted by the incinerators. The PAS process control system of each incinerator is equipped with tr'no anallzers monitoring scrubber brine pH. Both analyzers sample the same location in the process stream. Only one analyzer is active at any one time. The active analyzer is used to control pH. The analyzer designated to be active is alternated at equal intervals. pH analyzers are calibrated by immersing the sensing element in certified buffer solutions at a pH of 4,7 , and 10 and observing the pH analyzer transmitter's output. The transmitter is determined to be properly calibrated if the output of the transmitter is within +2.0o/o of the expected value. pH analyzer transmitters are calibrated at least once every seven days. As the calibration history on each pH analyzers develops, the users will be able to determine the stability of the analyzer (i.e., the tendency of the analyzer's transmitter to drift out of calibration). If waste feed to an incinerator is discontinued for a period longer than seven days, calibration of the pH analyzerltransmitter associated with the incinerator is suspended but will be done prior to the resumption of waste feed. Density Indicator" Transmitters (XX-DIT-XXX) The density of Pollution Abatement System scrubber brine solutions for each incinerator is measured by a vibrating tube type primary sensing element and paired transmitter. The accuracy of the primary sensing element is established by the manufacturer through the design. The calibration of the associated transmitter is done by the manufacturer and is valid over the operational lifetime of the primary sensing element/transmitter pair. The manufacturer provides the user with a certificate of calibration for each density primary sensing element/transmitter pair. The user progftlms the transmitter per manufacturer instructions. The function and accuracy of the sensing element/transmitter pair is checked by taking a sample of the scrubber brine and determining the samples density by weighing the sample or using a hydrometer. If the density of the sample is within r2.0% of the value reported by the sensing element/transmitter pair, the instrument is determined to be functioning properly. Attachrxent6-Pagel0 6.4.3 6.4.3,1 6,4.3.2 1 Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Orr#??l June 2009 Proper operation of each density primary sensing elemenVtransmitter pair is tested at least once every 180 days. Flow Indicator. Transmitters (XX-FIT-XXX) Flow rates of incinerator liquid waste feeds, incinerator PAS solutions, and incinerator exhaust gases are determined using mass flow meters, magnetic flow meters, and differential pressure sensors respectively. Mass Flow Meters Mass Flow Meters are used to measure the feed rate of chemical agent and spent decontamination solution to the primary and secondary chambers of the Liquid Incinerators. Each mass flow meter consists of a vibrating tube type primary sensing element and a transmitter, which are calibrated by the manufacturer. Mass flow meters are not calibrated by the user; rather the manufacturer provides the user with a certificate of calibration for each flow meter. The manufacturer's calibration is valid over the life of the instrument. For mass flow meters, the instrument error increases as the flow rate decreases. The instrument calibration will be maintained such that the accuracy is within +0.4% at all flow rates above 10% of the maximum design flow rate. The TOCDF uses two mass flow meters in series to measure the feed rate of chemical agent to the primary chamber of each Liquid Incinerator. This ensures accurate measurements of agent feed rates and the ability to determine proper operation of the mass flow meters. If the agent feed rates reported by each flow meter are within 5olo of each other, the flow meters are determined to be functioning properly. If the flow rate values from each flow meter differ by greater than 5o/o, the flow meter causing the error will be repaired or replaced with a new factory calibrated one. The mass flow meter causing the error is determined by physical inspection and/or component continuity checks as described in literature provided by the manufacturer. Since mass flow meters are calibrated by the manufacturer, preventative maintenance performed by the user is limited to checking the "zero value" of each flowmeter (i.e., at flow rates of 0.0 lbs/hr transmitter output should be 4.0 milliamps) and resetting the "zero value" if necessary. The "zero value" of each mass flow meter is checked at least once every 180 days. Electro-Magnetic Flow Meters Electro-Magnetic Flow Meters are comprised of a primary sensing element and a transmitter. The primary sensing element is located in a section of piping of known cross sectional area. The accuracy of the primary sensing element is established by the manufacturer through the design. The transmitter associated with each magnetic flow meter is calibrated by the user. A frequency generator integrated within the transmitter as part of the flow meter's self- diagnostic system simulates the flow of liquids through the meter. Frequencies equivalent to zero and 100 percent of span are injected into the transmitter and the resulting milliamp output of the transmitter is evaluated and adjusted if necessary. Attachment6-Pagell 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.5 .1 6.4.s.2.2 6.4.s.3.1 Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock arr;:??rl June 2009 Electro-Magnetic flow metertransmitters are determined to be properly calibrated if the output of the transmitter is the expected value *1.0% of the transmitter's span. Maguetic flow meters are calibrated at least once every 180 days. Differential Pressure Indicator. Transmitters (XX-PDIT-XXX) Differential pressure measurements are used to determine flow rates of exhaust gases through each incinerator. A differential pressure measurement requires a transmitter capable of receiving and measuring the difference between a low and a high-pressure input. Differential pressure indicating transmitters are calibrated by removing the low and high- pressure inputs to the transmitters. The low-pressure leg of the transmitter is then exposed to atmospheric pressure. The high-pressure leg of the transmitter is exposed to five successive increasing pressures using either a hand pump or compressed gas. The transmitter is determined to be properly calibrated if the four to 20 milliamp output of the transmitter (when exposed to each of the five successive pressures) is the expected value +1.0% of the transmitter's span. Differential pressure transmitters are calibrated at least once every 360 days. Level Indicator. Transmitters (XX-LIT-XXX) Levels of liquids stored in permitted hazardous waste tanks and small vessels associated with the Agent Quantification System are determined using either differential pressure transmitters, or ultrasonic or radar level sensors. Differential Pressure Transmitters Differential pressure transmitters are designated in the TAG ID alpha code with the letters LIT when used in liquid level measurement applications. The low-pressure leg of the transmitter is exposed to atmospheric pressure, while the high pressure leg is exposed to the pressure head created by the column of liquid stored in the tank. Differential pressure transmitters used in tank liquid level applications are calibrated in the same manner and at the same frequency as those used to determine incinerator exhaust gas flow rates (i.e., XX-PDIT-XXX). Ultrasonic and Radar Level Transmitters Ultrasonic level sensors determine the distance between the liquid level surface and the face of the level sensor by measuring the time required for a sound pulse sent out from the sensor to be reflected offthe liquid surface and retum to the sensor. Radar level indicators make this strme measurement using a radio frequency pulse. The function/accuracy of ultra sonic level detector is tested using features included in the sensor/transmitter pair. The sensor generates artificial inputs to the transmitter at a frequency equivalent to that which the transmitter would receive if the tank were empty. Attachrnent6 -Page12 Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock O"r.rl:?"r1 June 2009 The sensor then repeats the process, generating inputs to the transmitter at a frequency equivalent to that which the transmitter would receive if the tank were full. The output from the transmitter should be four ard20 milliamps respectively +1.0% of the transmitter's span. Ultrasonic and radar transmitters are calibrated at least once every 180 days or 360 days as specified in the tables at the end of this Attachment. 6.4.6 Level Switches (XX-LSHH-XXX) Sonic level switches are used in permitted tank control systems to prevent the tanks from being filled beyond their capacities. Level switches are function checked to ensure proper operation by removing the switch and immersing it in liquid. The function of each level switch is tested at least once every 360 days. 6.4.7 Temperature Lrdicator. Transmitters (XX-TIT-XXX. XX-TT-XXX) Temperature transmitters are calibrated using a hand-held calibrations instrument, which simulates the thermocouple millivolt, output that is input to the transmitter by the thermocouple.2 Five calibration points are injected into the transmitter and the resulting milliamp outputs are evaluated. The transmitter is determined to be properly calibrated if the four to 20 milliamp output of the transmitter is the expected value *1.0olo of the instrument's span. Temperature transmitters are calibrated at least once every 90 days or 180 days as specified in the Tables at the end of this Attachment. 6.4.8 Current Switches (XX-TSLL-XXX and XX-PSHH-XXX) Current switches are used in some temperature and pressure control loops to activate waste feed interlocks. The current switch is placed in series after the temperature or pressure transrnitter. The current switch is adjusted so that it opens/closes at a threshold milliamp value (i.e., the setpoint). Current switches are calibrated using a hand-held calibrator, which simulates the input normally provided by a temperature or pressure transmitter. Each current switch is determined to be in calibration when it activates at a milliamp value equivalent to the setpoint +1.0% instrument's span. Current switches are calibrated at least once every 360 days. 6.4.9 Temperature Switches (XX-TSHH-XXX) Filled-system-type temperature switches are used on each incinerator to stop or prevent waste feed if an incinerator's PAS quench tower exhaust gas temperature exceeds the limit established through Permit conditions. Filled-system-type temperature switches are calibrated by exposing the sensing element of the switch to a region of known temperature. ' Thermocouples are not calibrated. The accuracy of a thermocouple over a specific temperature range is determined by the materials of construction and design. Attachrnent 6 - Page l3 6.4.10 6.4.10. I 6.4. 10.3 6.4.11 6.4.1 1 .3 6.4.t2 Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock a"";:?:rl June 2009 Each temperature switch is determined to be properly calibrated if the switch activates at temperatures equivalent to the setpoint+|.0%o of the transmitter's span. Filled-system-type temperature switches are calibrated at least once every 360 days. Pressure Indicator. Transmitters (XX-PIT-XXX) Diaphragm-type pressure sensors are used to measure and/or control process operating parameters associated with each incinerator's primary chamber pressure, quench brine delivery pressure to venturi scrubbers, and clean liquor delivery pressure to scrubber tower spray bars. The transmitter associated with diaphragm-tlpe pressure sensors are calibrated using a hand air pump or compressed gas to pressurize the diaphragn. The diaphragm is subjected to five different pressures ranging from 0 to 100% of the pressures the transmitter is set to span. The resulting output of the transmitter is then evaluated. Pressure transmitters are determined to be properly calibrated if the transmitter's four to 20 milliamp output is the expected value *1.0o/o of the instrument's span. Pressure transmitters are calibrated at least once every 180 days. Pressure Switches (XX-PSHH-XXX. XX-PSL-XXX. XX-PSLL-XXX) Pressure Switches are used to stop or prevent waste feed to each incinerator when primary chamber pressures exceed limits imposed by this Permit. Pressure switches are calibrated by injecting a pressure into the switch equivalent to the switch's setpoint. Pressure switches (PSHH) are determined to be properly calibrated if the switch activates at pressures equivalent to the setpoint+3.0%o of the instrument's span. Pressure switches are calibrated at least once every 180 days. Pressure switches (PSL and PSLL) are determined to be properly calibrated if the switch activates at pressures equivalent to the setpoint+\.0%o of the instrument's span. Pressure switches are calibrated at least once every 180 days. Weight Indicator. (Transmitters XX-WIT-XXX) Load Cells are used in the determination of the heel of chemical agent remaining in bulk containers drained at the Bulk Drain Stations and control the feed rate of chemical agent to the Metal Parts Fumace. The load cells may be used to weigh the miscellaneous wastes to the MPF to verifr that permit feed rates are not exceeded. They may also be used to quantiff the amount of miscellaneous agent contaminated liquids (hydraulic fluid, fuel oil, lubricating oil, etc.) that will be transferred to the ACS tanks. The transmitters associated with load cells convert and scale the millivolt output of the load cell to a four to 20 milliamp control signal. A calibrator is used to simulate the millivolt output of the load cell to the transmitter. The resulting output of the transmitter is then evaluated. Load cell transmitters are determined to be properly calibrated if the output of the transmitter resulting from a known input is that which is expected +0.2%o of the instrument's span. Transmitters associated with the load cells are calibrated at least once every 90 days. Attachment 6 - Page l4 6.4.13 6.5 6.5. 1 6.5.2 6.5.3 Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock a"";:??rl June 2009 A scale in the TMA may also be used to quantifu the amount of miscellaneous waste and miscellaneous agent contaminated liquids (hydraulic fluid, fuel oil, lubricating oil, etc.) that will be transferred to the ACS tanks. This scale will be calibrated once every 360 tlays by placing a known weight on the scale and adjusting the scale as necessary to obtain an accnracy of +2%o of the scales range. A record of this yearly calibration date, with results, shall be kept at the facility until the next calibration has been completed. Automatic Continuous AirMonitoring Systems (ACAMS) and Miniature Continuous Air Monitorine Systems (MINICAMS) are used to detect concsntration of agent in exhaust gases. The calibration and challenging of ACAMS/II4INIQAMS is described in Attachments 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures) ard22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). R315-8-15.7(c) INCINERATOR WASTE FEED INTERLOCK FUNCTION TEST The process control system of each incinerator is designed to stop or prevent waste feed when operating parameters exceed the limits specified in this Permit. This feature of the control system is referred to as the automatic waste feed cut-off (or waste feed interlock) system. Hazardous Waste regulations require owners and operators of an incinerator to periodically test this system. The TOCDF procedure titled "Waste Feed Interlock Testing" (Document Number TE- SOP-301) specifies the interlock that must be tested, the methods used to test the interlocks, and the frequencies at which the tests are to be conducted. The procedure includes examples of the forms used to document the test results.3 The ATLIC procedure titled "GA/L FACILITY OPERATIONS" (Document Nurnber TE- SOP-702) specifies the same information as listed in paragraph 6.5.2 except that it is specific to the ATLIC incinerator. The ATLIC incinerator waste feed interlocks are tested using the manual method described in paragraphs through The TOCDF waste feed interlocks are tested using one of two methods: (1) an automated method using PLC software that allows inputs of simulated signals into the logic of the field PLCs; or (2) a manual method that is used as a backup if the automated method is not functional. The Permittee shall document in the Operating Record the reason(s) why the automated method was not used and the action(s) taken to correct anyproblems with the automated method. Waste shall not be fed to the affected furnace(s) during the waste feed interlock test. The manual backup method for testing the waste feed interlocks is as follows: 3 The procedure to test the overtop protection systems associated with tanks as required by R31 5-8-10 [40 CFR 26al95(a)l are included in this procedure. Attachment 6 - Page l5 6.5.3. 1 6.s.3.2 6.5.4 6.5 .4.1 6.5.5 6.5.5. 1 Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock ar";:?:.I June 2009 Waste feed interlocks arc either activated when the four to 20 milliamp control signal output from a transmitter exceeds a setpoint residing in the process control software or when the value of a process parameter exceeds the setpoint of a switch and causes the switch to open. For waste feed interlocks activated when the magnitude of operating parameters cause the analog value of the four to 20 milliamp control signal output from a transmitter to exceed a setpoint residing in the process control software, the instrument technician injects an artificial control signal into the process control system that is greater or less than the value equivalent to the setpoint. The artificial control signal is injected at the location where the transmitter's output leads connect to the programmable logic controller. For waste feed interlocks activated by a change in state of a switch (i.e., contacts closed to contacts opm), the instrume,nt technician will cause a change in state of the control loop associated with the interlock being tested by opening (or removing) the fuse to the loop.a The TOCDF ACAMS associated with the waste feed interlocks are tested either automatically or manually as described in Section 6.5.3. Each ACAMS is tested for a malfunction alarm. ATLIC incinerator ACAMSA{INICAMS are tested manually. The ACAMSA{IMCAMS associated with the TOCDF Common Stack and ATLIC incinerator exhaust stack are additionally tested for a "non-staggered" alarm. The automated testing method produces a report documenting the testing of the waste feed interlocks that is prepared using a feature included with the waste feed interlock function test software. The alarms associated with the interlock function test shall be observed and verified by the Control Room Operator of the affected furnace. The observed time of each interlock alarm shall be included with the report. When using the manual backup testing methods, the control room operator observes the activation of each waste feed interlock on the incinerator-specific "Alarm Summary Screen" and records the time of its activation. The reports of the interlock function tests and alarm verifications for each fumace system and tank system shall be included in the Operating Record. The interlock function test report shall veriff that all appropriate interlocks occur (e.g., the TOCDF Common Stack ACAMS alarm causes an interlock to automatically prevent the waste feed to all of the fumaces.) Proper function of the entire waste feed interlock system is demonstrated by: The proper operation of instrumentation causing waste feed interlocks is ensured and demonstrated by compliance with the calibration methods and frequencies established in the calibration plan, Successful completion of the waste feed interlock function test demonstrates the absence of hardwire jumpers, software jumpers, or both within the portion of the process control logic (i.e., software) that stops and prevents waste feed. a The Level Switch High High (LSHH), which when activated, prevents continued liquid feed to tank HWMU are tested the same way as incinerator waste feed interlocks that are activated by switches. Attachrnent 6 - Page l6 o Inskument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock arr.,l??:l June 2009 Successful completion of the waste feed interlock function test demonstrates the proper function of the PLC, the PLC code associated with stopping or preventing waste feed, and the values of the setpoints used to stop or prevent waste feed. The design of the control system includes continual control loop self diagnostic checks. The process control system components are designed to fail safe (e.g., a failed thermocouple causes the associated transmitter to ramp to its high range, which in turn activates a waste feed interlock). 6.5.6 The waste feed interlocks required to be tested are those associated with operating parameters which have a corresponding Permit Condition limitation. 6.5.7 The frequency at which the testing of the waste feed interlock system of each TOCDF incinerator occurs is at least once every 14 days unless the incineration system has been shut down. If the ihcineration system has been shut down, the waste feed interlock system will be tested before waste feed is introduced. The interlock system shall be tested every 14 days when the fumace is idling or processing waste. Waste feed shall not occur to the effected incinerator during the waste feed interlock test. The frequency at which the testing of the waste feed interlock system of the ATLIC incinerator occurs is at least once every!!3e days (unless the incinerator is ldlg-g4gllb not nrocess waste for longer than 14 davs or shut down) or at the beginning of each agent campaign, which ever is shorter ine l) the e*terded length ef tirne and aCditienal eeerdinatien required te perferm the ag€n*€€ffipeif 6.5.8 The frequency of testing of the overtop protection system of each TOCDF tank is at least once every 14 days. The frequency of tqsting of the overtop protection system of each ATLIC tank is at least once every![3e days 6.5 .g The frequency of testing of the BRA waste feed interlock system is at least once every 1 4 days. 6.5.10 Although minor modifications to the procedures rnay occur, portions of the procedure that shall not be changed without prior approval by the Executive Secretary are: The methods used to test waste feed interlocks. The interlocks required to be tested. . The frequency at which the function test occurs which is specified as once every 14 days or€sdalls, as indicated in Section 6.5.7.o Attachment 6 -Page 17 6,6 6.6.1 6.6.2 6,6.3 6.6.4 6.6.5 6.6.6 6.6.7 6.6.9 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test June 2009 PROCESS DATA INSTRT]MENTATION CALIBRATION & WASTE FEED INTERLOCK TABLES The following tables list (by incinerator, Subpart X, and tank) the TAG IDs of process instrumentation whose proper function is required to demonstrate compliance with Permit conditions and stop or prevent waste feed when operating parameters exceed the limits established through the Conditions of this Permit. Under the column heading "Process Data Instrument TAG ID," transmitters are referenced rather than control loops because it is the transmitters that physically exist as instruments. It is the transmitters that must be calibrated properly to ensure precise process control and accurate data generation. Process data generated from the output of these transmitters is electronically recorded by the Process Data Acquisition & Recording System (PDARS). The outputs of the fransmitters listed are continuously monitored by the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), however process variables residing in the registers of the PLC are recorded by PDARS. The activation and duration of waste feed interlocks (listed in the following tables by alarm/switch TAG IDs) are recorded by PDARS also. PDARS reports are formatted to present the hourly maximum and minimum values of each parameter listed. The tables for all incinerators list two scrubber brine pH analyzer transmitter TAG IDs (A and B). The value appearing on the PDARS report associated with each incinerator is the "process variable" (a value that exists in a register of the controller which is the actual pH of the scrubber brine that is compared by the PLC to the setpoint). Each scrubber brine pH analyzer is a complete separate system. Only one of the pH analyzer systems is active at any one time and the system that is active is rotated on equal time intervals. It is the active system that provides the process variable to the controller and it is the process variable that appears on the PDARS reports. Each exhaust gas carbon monoxide (CO) 60-minute rolling average is composed of the previous 60 one-minute averages. Each one-minute average is composed of four instantaneous CO readings taken 15 seconds apart. Tables 6-8 and 6-C include control loop temperature TAG IDs appearing in bold print; signiffing two thermocouple/transmitter pairs are used to measure the temperature. Controllers receiving inputs from two thermocouples/transmitter pairs activate combustion chamber high and low temperature AWFCOs based on the most conservative temperature measured. The PLC is programmed to activate high and low temperature combustion charnber AWFCOs based on the thermocouple/transmitter pair measuring the highest temperature when the high temperature limit is approached, and the pair measuring the lowest temperature when the low temperature limit is approached. Attachment6-Page l8 ',;1k 'I"t'6ffi '=fid. :. I Agent Feed Rate to Prirnary Charnber l3-FIT-127 A l3-FIT- 127H- Mass Flowmeter Vibrating U-Tube TYPe 0 - 1,500 lbs/hr t 0.4% of Flow I 80 days 6.4.3 .2 2 Agent Feed Atornizing Air Pressure I 3-PIT- 128 Diaphragrn 0 - 200 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.t0 3 Agent Gun Nozzle Pressure I 3-PIT- I l2 Diaphragrn 0 - 25 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.10 4 Reserved 5 Prirnary Charnber Exhaust Gas Ternperafure t 3-TIT-610 Thennocouple 212 - 3,0000 F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 6 Secondary Chamber Spent Decon/Process Water Feed Rate 1 3-FIT- 102 Mass Flowmeter Vibrating U-Tube Twe 0 - 2,250 lbs/hr' t 0.4o/o of Flow I 80 days 7 Secondary Chamber Spent Decon/Process Atornizing Air Pressure Waste Feed Interlock l3-PSL-058 Diaphragrn 12 - 100 psig t l.0o/o of Span I 80 days 6.4.n 8 Secondary Charnber Slag Gate Open Waste Feed lnterlock l3-zs-3678 Lirnit Switch Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 9 Secondary Charnber Exhaust Gas Temperature I 3-TrT- 129 Thennocouple 32 - 2,4000 F t 1.0% of Sparr I 80 days 6.4.7 9.a S econdary Charnber Exhaust Gas Ternpemture [,ow Gas Temperature Waste Feed Interlock l 3-TSLL- 129 Cument Switch 4-20lm4 t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.8 7to Slag Removal Systern Shell t3-TtT-37 4 l3-TIT-375 l3-TIT-376 t3-TtT-377 Thennocouples 0 - 1000" F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 ll V-Cone pressure to con'ect to standard conditions 24-PtT-9431 Diaphragrn 8- I 3 psia t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.1 lla V-Uone ternperafure to correct to stdndard conditions ').4-tn-943t I lrennocouple 100-200" F + 1.0% of Span UU days 6.4. t llb V-Cone flow rate /.+-ilt-94JtA 24-FtT-9431 B DIP Cell U- 14, /6U clm + 1.0% of' Soan UU days 6.4.4 t2 Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Tempemture 24-TtT-397 Thennocouple 0-300'F t 1.0% of Span 90 days 6.4.7 12.a Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperature High Waste Feed Interlock 24-TSHH-089 Filled Systern t75 - 360" F t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.9 r3 Quench Brine Delivery Pressure 24-PtT- 100 Diaphragrn 0 - 150 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.10 t4 Quench Brine to Venturi Scrubber 24-FrT-08 8 Electro-M agnetrc Flowmeter 0 - 150 gprn t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.3 .3 l5 Venturi Scrubber A Pressure 24-PDtT-090 D/P Cell -0-70in. w.c.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.4 l6 Clearr Liquor to Scrubber Tower Sprays z4-FtT-t 12 Electr o-Magnetrc Flowmeter 0 - 1,000 gpm t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.3 .3 t7 Clean Liquor Delivery Pressure 24-Prr-129 Diaphragrn 0 - 100 psig t 1.0% of Sparr I 80 days 6.4.10 l8 Scrubber Liquid Effluent pH 24-ArT-091A 24-Atr-091 B Electrodes 0- 14pH Units ! 2.0o/o of Span 7 days 6.4.t .2 l9 Scrubber Liquid Specific Gravity 24-DIT-O83 Magnetically Vibrated Tube 0.6 - r.4 sGU t 2.0o/o of Span 180 days 6.4.2IBlower Exhaust Gas CO 24-AtT-018 Infi'ared Cell Analyzer 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test March 2009 Attachrnent 6 - Page l9 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test March 2009 ii:iilt:liiiffi ffin l;.i:,1:11F,118flfi 6ffi'ffi Yr{{,,11# 2t Blower Exhaust Gas CO t 3-Arr-083 Infiared Cell Analyzer 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm t 3.0% of Span CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 6.4.1.t 22 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz 24-AtT-210 Zirconiurn Oxide Cell Analyzer 0 -25%t 0.5% of Oz CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 23 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz t3-Arr-229 Zirconium Oxide Cell Analyzer 0 -2s%t 0.5% of Oz CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 24 Blower Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O4AH PAS 7O4BH ACAMS 0 - 512 sEL +25o/o of Response Challenge daily, calibrate if it fails the challense 6.4.t3 25 Common Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS TOIAG PAS TOIBG PAS TOICG PAS 7O6AV PAS 7O6BV PAS 7O6CV PAS 707 AH PAS 7O7BH PAS 7O7YH ACAMS 0 - 512 sEL +25"/o ot Response Challenge every 4 hoursicalibrite if it fails the challenge 6.4. l3 26 HVAC t,X.$ftrhaust Gas T.IL 6UICH FIL 6OIDH ACAMS U . 5I2 VSL +25o/o of Response Challenge evely 24 hours', calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4. l3 T.IL 6U I EC.' FIL 60 I FG3 FIL 60IAV3 FIL 60 I BV3 VSL +4U"h oI Response Lrne Challenge every 60 days * 3 days I 2 3 The HVAC ACAMS causes a staged shutdown as described in Module X. The ACAMS shall be challenged every 24 hours with a I -hour grace period before or after the 24-hour deadline. The GB and VX are historicaftnonitois Attachrnent 6 - Page20 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test March 2009 ffi ffi I Agent Feed Rate to Prirnary Chamber 13-FrT-73 1A 13-FrT-73 I B Mass Flowrneter Vibrating U-Tube Type 0 - 1,500 lbs/hr'.0.4% of Flow 1 80 days 2 Agent Feed Atornizing Air Pressure t 3-PrT-736 Diaphragrn 0 - 200 psig + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4. l0 3 Agent Gun Nozzle Pressure l3-PIT-760 Diaphragm 0 - 25 psig + 1.0% of Span 180 days 6.4.10 4 Reserved 5 Primary Chamber Exhaust Gas Temperature l3-TrT-710 Thermocouple 212 - 3,0000 F + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 6 Secondary Chamber Spent Decon/Process Water Feed Rate 13-FIT-763 Mass Flowmeter Vibrating U-Tube Type 0 - 2,250lbs/hr + 0.4Yo of Flow I 80 days 7 Secondary Chamber Spent DeconlProcess Atomizing Air Pressure Waste Feed Interlock 13-PSL-809 Diaphragm 12 - 100 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.rr 8 Secondary Chamber Slag Gate Open Waste Feed Interlock 13-zs-567B Lirnit Switch Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 9 Secondary Chamber Exhaust Gas Tempemture t3-TtT-782 Thennocouple 32 - 2,400" F + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 9.a Secondary Chamber Exhaust Gas Temperafure [.ow Gas Temperature Waste Feed Interlock 13-TSLL-782 Cument Switch 4-20mA t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.8 l0 Slag Removal Systern Shell l3-TrT-574 l3-TIT-575 13-TIT-576 13-TrT-577 Thennocouples 0 - 1000'F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 ll V-Cone Pressurc Production Rate 24-PU-9902 Diaphagrn 8-13 psia + 1.0% of Span I 8Odays 6.4.10 1la V-Cone 'I'emperafure 24- ilt -99u',2 I hennocouple 100-200"F + 1.0% of Soan I UU days 6.4.'t rlb V-Cone flow rate 24-FtT-9902/t 24-FYt-99028 DiP Cell U- 14,'/6U ctm + 1.0% of Soan I UU clays 6.4.4 t2 Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperature 24-TIT-816 Thermocouple 0-300"F t 1.0% of Span 90 days 6.4.7 12.a Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperature High Waste Feed Interlock 24-TSHH-800 Filled Systern 175 - 360' F t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.9 l3 Quench Brine Delivery Pressure 24-PrT-838 Diaplrragrn 0 -150 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4. l0 t4 Quench Brine to Venturi Scrubber 24-FIT-828 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter 0 - 150 gprn t 1.0% of Span 180 days 6.4.3 .3 15 Venturi Scrubberd Pressure 24-PDIT-814 DiP Cell -0-70in. w.c.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.4 t6 Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower Sprays 24-FrT-825 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter 0 - 1,000 gpm + 1.0% of Span I 80 days t7 Clean Liquor Delivery Pressure 24-PrT-839 Diaphragrn 0 - 100 psig t 1.0% of Span 180 days 6.4.t0 l8 Scrubber Liquid Effluent pH 24-AIT-83 I A 24-AtT-831B Electrodes 0 - 14 pH Units t 2.0 of Span 7 days ) 19 Scrubber Liquid Effluent Specific Gravity 24-DIT-835 Magnetically Vibrated Tube 0.6 - 1.40 sGU t2.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.2 Attachment 6 - Page2l TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test March 2009 |.yr,l#"p ffi 20 Blower Exhaust Gas CO 24-An-716 lnfiared Cell Analyzer 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm t 3.0% of Span CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 6.4.t.t 2l Blower Exhaust Gas CO 13-AtT-778 Infiared Cell Analyzer 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm + 3.0% of Span CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 22 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz 24-An-7fi Zirconium Oxide Cell Analyzer 0 -25%+ 0.5% of Oz CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 23 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz l3-Am-798 Zirconium Oxide Cell Analyzer 0 -2s%+ 0.5% of Oz CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 24 Blower Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O5AH PAS 7O5BH ACAMS 0 - 512 sEL +25o/o of Response Challenge daily, calibrate if it fails the challense 6.4.t3 Z5 Common Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS TOIAO PAS TOIBG PAS TOICG PAS 7O6AV PAS 7O6BV PAS 7O6CV PAS 107 AH PAS 7O7BH PAS 7O7CH ACAMS U - 5I2 SBL t25"/o ot Response Challenge every 4 hours,"calibrite if it fails the challenge 6.4. l3 26 HVAC Stack Exhaust Gas Agentr FIL 60I CH FIL 60I DH ACAMS 0-512 vsl-t25o/o of Response Challenge every 24 hourc2, calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4.13 FIL 60I EGJ FIL 60I FG3 FIL 60 I AV3 FIL 60I BV3 DA\AI\4S VSL t40% of Response Line Challenge evely 60 + 3 days l. The HVAC ACAMS causes a staged shutdown as described in Module X. 2. The ACAMS shall be challenged every 24 hours with a l-hour grace period before or after the 24-hour deadline. 3. The GB and VX are historical monitors Attachment6 -Page22 ffi ffi ,,ffi iiiiilii.n liiiiiliE iilliriii;tit"t iiiii I MPF Prirnary Charnber Temperafure Zone I l4-TrT-152 Thennocouple 0 - 2,000" F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 2 MPF Prirnary Charnber Temperature Zone 2 t4-TIT-l4l Thennocouple 0 - 2,000" F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 3 MPF Prirnary Charnber Tempemture Zone 3 l4-TrT- I 53 Thennocouple 0 - 2,000' F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 4 MPF Primary Chamber Exhaust Gas Ternpemfure l4-TIT-010 Thermocouple 32 - 27000 F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 5 MPF Prirnary Charnber Pressure l4-PIT-070 DIP Cell -10.0 - 0.0 in. w.c. t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.10 5.a.MPF Prirnary Chamber Pressure Hieh Waste Feed lnterlock l4-PSHH-034 Cument Switch 19.85 rnA t 1.0% of Setpoint 360 days 6.4.8 6 MPF Afterbumer Temperature 14-TIT-065 l4-TIT-069 Thennocouple 32 - 2,,7000 F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 7 V-Cone Pressure 24-PrT-9661 Diaphrarn 8-15 psia t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4. l0 la V-Uone I ernperature '24-tn-966 t I lrennocouple t UU-ZUU "+ 1.0% of Span I UU days 6,4. I 7b V-Cone flow mte '/4-il 1 -966 /A 24-FtT-9667B, DIY Cell 0- l6,990ctrn + 1.0% of' Soan I UU clays 6.4.4 8 Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperature 24-TIT-509 Thennocouple 0-300"F t 1.0% of Span 90 days 6.4.7 8.a Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Tempemture High Waste Feed Interlock 24-TSHH-223 Filled Systern 175 - 360'F t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.9 le Venturi Scrubber Difl'erential Pressure z4-PDtr-222 D/P Cell 0 - 50 in. w.c.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.4 l0 Querrch Brine to Ventuti Scrubber 24-FtT-218 Electro-Maguetic Flowmeter 0 - 150 gprn + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.3 .3 il Quench Brirre Pressure 24-PtT-233 D/P Cell 0 - 150 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.10 t2 Clearr Liquor to Scrubber Tower Sprays 24-FtT-248 Electr o-Magnetrc Flowmeter 0 - 1,000 gprn t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.3 .3 l3 Clean Liquor Delivery Pressure 24-PtT-258 D/P Cell 0 - 100 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.10 t4 Scrubber Liquid Effluent Specific Gravity 24-DtT-2t6 Magnetically Vibrated Tube 0.6 - 1.4 sGU t2.0o/o of Span I 80 days 6.4.2 l5 Scrubber Liquid Effluent pH 24-ArT-224A 24-AtT-2248 Electrodes 0 - 14 pH Units t 2.0 pH Span 7 days 6.4.t.2 l6 Blower Exhaust Gas CO l4-AIT - 384 Inf}ared Cell Analyzer 0-200&0- 5,000 pprn t3%of Span CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually t7 Blower Exhaust Gas CO 24-Atr-669 Infrared Cell Analyzer 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm t 3o/o of Span CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 6.4.1.t r8 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz r4-ArT-082 Zirconiurn Oxide Cell Analyzer 0 -25%+ 0.5% of Oz CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 6.4.t.l l9 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz 24-AtT-670 Zirconiurn Oxide Cell Analyzer 0 -2s%+ 0.5% of Oz CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: arrnually 6.4.t.1 ) 20 Blower Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O3AH PAS 7O3BH PAS 103 C PAS 703 D ACAMS 0 - st2 sEL t 25o/, of Response Challenge evely 4 hours fbr VX or daily fbr CB or mustard calibrate if it fails the challense 6.4.13 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test March 2009 Attachrnent 6 - Page23 March 2009 2t Common Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS TOIAG PAS TOIBG PAS TOICG PAS 7O6AV PAS 7O6BV PAS 7O6CV PAS 707 AH PAS 7O7BH PAS 7O7CH ACAMS 0 - 512 sEL t 25% of Response Challenge every 4 hourc, calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4.t3 22 L,oad Cell, BDS-101 49-WrT-152 L,oad Cell 0 -10,000 lbs + 0.20o/o of Span Every 90 days 6.4.12 23 L.oad Cell, BDS-102 49-WrT-252 I-,oad Cell 0 -10,000 lbs !.0.2% of Span Every 90 days 6.4.t2 24 Agent Quantification System MDM-IOI 5l -LIT-073 DP Irvel Indicating Tmnsmitter 0-25 in. w.c.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 25 Agent Quantification Systern MDM-I02 5l -LIT-083 DP Level Indicating Tmnsmitter 0-25 in. w.c.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.s.2 26 Agent Quantification Systern MDM.I03 5l -Lrr-093 DP I-evel Indicating Tmnsmitter 0-25 in. w.c.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 27 HVAC Stack Exhaust Gas Agentr FIL 60ICH FIL 60 I DH ACAMS 0-5 12 vsL t25% of Response Challenge every 24 hours2, calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4.13 FIL 60 I EG' FIL 60 I FG3 FIL 60I AV3 FIL 60 I BV3 DAAMS VSL t40% of Response Line challenge evely 60 + 3 days l. The HVAC ACAMS causes a staged shutdown as described in Module X. 2. The ACAMS shall be challengd every 24 hours with a I -hour grace period before or after the 24-hour deadline. 3. The GB and VX arc historical monitors TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test Attachrnent 6-Page24 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test March 2009 ffi ffi r,l iii'irffi .ll iiix iiie'*fiffi-fHtiff "r ,i;ffie,1iill -+', , Illaintenance'i.#dEft$ fu I Jammed Chute Line A Waste Feed lnterlock l6-xs-207 Radioactive Pr oxirnity Switch On-Off Non Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 2 Jarmned Chute Line B Waste Feed h-rterlock l6-xs-209 Radioactive Pr oxirnity Switch On-Off Non Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 3 Reseryed 4 Reserued 5 Kiln Rotational Speed Calculated fiom: t6-zx-602 Proxirnity Switch Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 7 Kiln Pressure l6-PIT-01 8 Diaphragm -2.0 to 1.0 in. w.c. + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4. l0 7.a Kiln Pressure High Waste Feed Interlock l6-PSHH -204 Diaphragrn -0.5 to 0.5 in. w.c. + 3.0% of Setpoint I 80 days 6.4.11 8 Kiln Exhaust Ternp Pre Quench 6-TIT-182 6-TrT-244 Thennocouple 0 - 2,3000 F + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 9 Kiln Exhaust Ternp.Post Quench 6-Trr-008 6-TIT- 169 Thennocouple 0 - 2,300' F + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 l0 Discl-rarge Conveyor Temperature (lower) t6-TtT-042 Thennocouple 0 - 1,6000 F + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 ll Discharge Conveyor Tempemture (upper) l6-TIT-184 Thennocouple 0 - 1,6000 F + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 t2 Discharge Conveyor Tip Gate Jarn Waste Feed Interlock l6-xs-0s8 Radioact Sw ve Lirnit tch Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable l3 Discharge Conveyor Slide Gate Jarn Waste Feed Interlock l6-xs-821 Radioactive Lirnit Switch Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable ,t4 Discharge Conveyor Speed [.ow Waste Feed Interlock r6-ssL-057 Speed ( Proximity) Switch On-Off Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable l5 Exhaust Gas Aftet'bunrer l6-TrT-092 l6-TIT-003 Thernocouple 0 - 2,400' F + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 l6 V-Corre Pressure 24-PtT-9430 Diaphrarn 8- I 3 psia t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.t0 l6a V-Cone I emperature '24- | il -94JU lrennocouple I UU-ZUU "+ 1.0% ot Soan I 80 days 6.4. I r6b V-Cone flow rate z4-t t't'-9430A 24-FtT-9430B D/P Cell 0-38,126 acfln + 1.0% of Soan I 80 days 6.4.4 l7 Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperafure 24-TlT-374 Thennocouple 0-300'F + 1.0% of Span 90 days 6.4.1 ll .a Quench Tower Exhaust Gas High Ternp Waste Feed Interlock 24-TSHH-001 Filled Systern t75 - 360'F t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.9 l8 Scrubber Liquid Effluent Specific Gravity 24-DIT-033 Magnetically Vibrated Tube 0.6 - 1.40 sGU t 2.0% of span I 80 days 6.4.2 l9 Scrubber Liquid Ef}luent pH 24-AIT-007A 24-AtT-0078 Electrode 0 - l4 pH Units + 2.0% Span 7 days 6.4.1 .2 20 Quench Brine Pressure 24-PIT-01 I Diaphragrn 0 - 200 psig + 1.0% of Spau 180 days 6.4.10 2l Quench Brine to Venturi Scrubber 24-FIT-006 Electro-rnagnetrc Flowrneter 0 - 400 GPM + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.3 .3 22 Venturi S crubber Differential Pressure 24-PDIT-008 D/P Cell 0 - 50 in. w.c.+ 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.4 23 Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower Sprays 24-FIT-030 Electro-tnagnetrc Flowmeter 0 - 3,000 GPM + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 24 Clean Liquor Pressure 24-PtT-036 Diaphragm 0 - 100 psig t 1.0% of Spatt I 80 days 6.4.10 25 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz 24-AtT-206 Zirconium Oxide Cell Analyzer 0 -2s%+ 0.5% of Oz CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 426 Blower Exhaust Gas O,l6-AIT- l7s Zirconiurn Oxide Cell 0 -2s%+ 0.5% of CD: daily 6.4.t.1 Attachrnent 6 - Page25 March 2009 hi#" Analyzer Oz CE: quarterly PST: annually 27 Blower Exhaust Gas CO 24-ArT-207 Infrared Cell Analyzer 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm + 3.0% of Span CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 6.4.t.t 28 Blower Exhaust Gas CO l6-AIT-059 Infiarrd Cell Analyzer 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm + 3.0% of Span CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 6.4.t.t 3l Blower Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O2AH PAS 7O2BHG PAS 7O2C PAS 7O2D ACAMS 0 - 512 sEL + 25% of Response Challenge every 4 hours for VX or daily for GB, mustard, calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4.13 32 Common Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS TOIAG PAS TOIBG PAS TOICG PAS 7O6AV PAS 7O6BV PAS 7O6CV PAS 707 AH PAS 7O7BH PAS 7O7CH ACAMS 0 - 512 sEL + 25% of Response Challenge evely 4 hours, calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4,13 33 HVAC Stack Exhaust Gas Agentl FIL 60ICH FIL 60I DT{ ACAMS 0-512 vsL tZl"/o oI Response ChallenRe evely 24 hou#, ' calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4.t3 F F F F L 601 EC', L 60I FG3 L 601A\/3 L 6OIBV:. DAAMS VSL +40Yo of Response Lrne Challense every 60 + Y days 1. The HVAC ACAMS causes a staged shutdown as descdbed in Module X. 2. The ACAMS shall be challenged every 24 hours with a I -hour grace period before or after the 24-hour deadline. 3. The GB and VX are historical monitors TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test Attachrnent 6 -Page26 March 2009 1 Agent Collection System ACS-TANK-I0I kvel Indicator I I -LIT-093 Radar kvel [ndicating Tmnsmitter 6-90in.t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 2 Agent Collection Systern ACS-TANK-I 0l High-High I-evel Interlock I I-LSHH- 091 Sonic lrvel Switch Interlock setpoint 7t 6tt above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 3 Agent Collection System ACS-TANK-I02 I-evel Indicator I l -LIT-I09 Radar kvel Indicating Tmnsmitter 6 - 105 in.t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 4 Agent Collection System ACS-TANK-I 02 High-High I-evel lnterlock I I-LSHH- 111 Sonic Irvel Switch lnterlock setpoint 81 9r' above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 5 Spent Decon Systern SDS- TANK-I 0l Irevel Indicator I l -LrT-020 Ultrasonic kvel Indicating Transmitter 0 - 107 in.*1.0% of Span I 80 days 6 Spent Decon Systern SDS- TANK-IOI High-High I-evel Interlock I I-LSHH- 018 Sonic kvel Switch lnterlock setpoint 91 srt above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 7 Spent Decon Systern SDS- TANK- 102 Level lndicator I I -LIT-030 Ultrasonic l-evel Indicating Tmnsrnitter 0 - 107 in.t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 8 Spent Decon System SDS- TANK-102 High-High lrvel Interlock I I.LSHH- 028 Sonic Irvel Switch Interlock setpoint 91 5rr above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 9 Spent Decon Systern SDS- TANK-103 kvel lndicator I l -LIT-064 Ultra Sonic Level Indicating Tmnsrnitter 0 - 107 in.t 1.0% of Span I 80 days l0 Spent Decon System SDS- TANK- 103 High-High Level Interlock I I-LSHH. 062 Sonic lrvel Switch Interlock setpoint 9'5" above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 ll Brine Reduction Area BRA- TANK- l0l l-rvel Indicator 23-LIT-003 Ultra-Sorric Level Indicating/transrn itter 0 - 210 in.t 1.0% of Span 360 days t2 Brine Reduction Area BRA- TANK-IOI High-High lrvel Interlock 23-LSHH. 002 Sonic Level Switch Interlock setpoint l8'3" See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 l3 Brine Reduction Area BRA- TANK- l 02 Level Indicator 23-LtT-007 Ultra-Sonic Level I ndi c ati n g/transrn itter 0 - 210 in.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.5 .3 t4 Brine Reduction Area BRA- TANK-102 High-High kvel Interlock 23-LSHH- 006 Sonic lrvel Switch Interlock setpoint l8' 3" See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 l5 Brine Reduction Area BRA- TANK-2O1 Level Indicator 23-LtT-703 Ultra-Sonic Level Indicating/trans rnitter 0 - 210 in.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.s .3 t6 Brine Reduction Area BRA- TANK-201 High-High Level Interlock 23-LSHH- 702 Sorric Level Switch Interlock setpoint l8' 3 See NOTE "tJ 360 days 6.4.6 t7 Brine Reduction Area BRA- TANK-202 Level Indicator 23-LtT-707 Ultra-Sonic Level I ndi cati ngltransrn itter 0 - 210 in.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.s.3 t8 Brine Reduction Alea BRA- TANK-202 High-High Level Interlock 23-LSHH- 706 Sonic lrvel Switch Irrterlock setpoint l8' 3" See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 NOTES: I Resewed 2 The tank tangent is the geornetric tmnsition where the cylindrical side meets the ellipsoidal bottom, apprcximately two inches below the head-to-shell weld. 3 lrvel switches are not.calibrated, they are function tested. The level at which they activate is not adjustable since each switch is positioned in the tank though a flanged opening in the side ofthe tank. TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test Attachrnent6 -Page27 March 2009 I Agent Feed Rate to Primary Chamber 807-FT-8430 Mas's Flowmeter Vibrating U-Tube Twe 0 - 1500 lbs/trr (t 0.4%) of Flow I 80 days 2 Agent Atornizing Air Press.822-PT-8410 Diaphragm 0 - 200 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4. t0 3 Primary Chamber' Exhaust Gas Temperature 815-TT-8471 Thermocouple 212 - 3,000" F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 4 Secondary Charnber Spent Decon/Process Water Feed Rate 815-FT-8521 Rheotherm Flow Meter 100 - 1000 lbs/hr t 0.4% of Flow I 80 days 5 Spent Decon Atomizing Air Press. 822-PT-8s l I Diaphragm 12 - lffi psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4. l0 6 Secondary Chamber Exhaust Gas Temperature 815-TIT-8571 Thennocouple 32 - 2400" F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 7 Stack Exhaust Gas Flow Rate 819-FIT-8932 D/P Cell 0-3.25 b \ry.c. t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.4 7a Stack Exhaust Cas Pressure 819-PrT-8932 Diaphram 8-13 psia + l.0o/o of Span I 80 days 6.4. t0 7b Stack Exhaust Gas Temperature 819-TIT-8932 Thermocouple 100-200 'F + 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 8 Scrubber Brine Pressure 8 l9-PT-8982 Diaphragm 0 - 100 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4. l0 9 Venturi Brine Pressure I l e-PT-8e56 Diaphragm 0 - 100 psig t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.10 l0 Scrubber Tower Flow 819-FT-8924 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter 0 - 150 gpm t 1.0% of Span I 80 days il Venturi Scrubber A Pressure 8 l9-PDT-8915 D/P Cell 0-70 in. W.C..t 1.0% of Span 360 days t2 Scrubber Tower Flow 8 l9-FT-892t 8l e-FT-8922 8 t 9-FT-8923 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter 0 - 150 gpm t 1.0% of Span I 80 days l3 Scrubber A Pressure 819-PDT-891 I 8 lg-PDT-8912 8 l9-PDT-8913 D/P Cell 0-70 in. W.C.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.4 t4 Venturi Specific Cravity 819-AT-8927 Magnetically Vibrated Tube 0.6 - 1.40 SGU + 2.0% of sDan I 80 days 6.4.2 l5 Venturi Liquid Effiuent pH 8 l9-AlT-8917 A,B&C Electrodes 0- 14pH Units ! 2.0o/o of Span 7 days 16 Scrubber Brine Specific Cravity 8 r 9-AT-8983 Magnetically Vibrated Tube 0.6 - 1.40 SGU + 2.0o/o of span I 80 days 6.4.2 l7 Scrubber Lrqurd Ettluent pH E I9.AI I -8952A,B&C Electrodes U- 14oH Units r ! 2.O"/o of Span b.4.t:/ l8 Uarbon lnlectron Feed FI-E933 Load Cell TBD 0-75 lbs.TBE)=O.ZO"/o oIidffiEE)90 davs +BD 6.4.I2TBD l9 Uarbon lnlectron Arr Flow H-E940 UECdl +BD 0-100 sclm TEDr t 1.07o of Spru:t[D lEO davs TBD 6.4,mD 20 Bag House A Pressure u l9-PLt,,t -uyJo D/P Cell 0-70 rn. W.C.t 1.0% of Span 36U days 6.4.4 2t Carbon Filter A Pressure 8 Ig-PDIT. 894U8942 DIP Cell 0-70 in. W.C.t 1.0% of Span 360 days 6.4.4 22 Carbon Filter Inlet Temperature 819-TIT-893e Thennocouple 0- 300" F t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.7 23 Stack Exhaust Gas CO 819-Arr-8302 A/B Infrared Cell Analyzer 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm t 3.0% of Span CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 24 Stack Exhaust Gas Oz 819-AIT-8301 A/B Zirconium Oxide Cell Analyzer 0 -2s%t 0.5% of Oz CD: daily CE: quarterly PST: annually 6.4.1.t 25 Stack Exhaust Gas Agent (GA) TEN 7O8AK TEN 7O8BK TEN 7O8CK ACAMS 0 - 512 sEL !25Yo of Response Challenge every 4 hours, calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4.13 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test Attachrnent6-Page28 26 ) Stack Exhaust Gas Agent (trwisite) I EN -IUgAL TEN 7O9BL TEN 7O9CL TEN 7O9DL TEN 7O9TIL TIIN 7O9FL MINICAMS 0 - s12 sEL +25Yo of Response Challenge every 4 houis, calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4.13 27 HVAC Stack Exhaust Gas Agentr(GA) I L,N /)UAK TEN 75OBK ACAMS 0 - 512 vsl t25%o of Response Challenge every 24 hours2, calibrate if it fails the challenge 6.4.13 28 HVAC Stack Exhaust Gas Agent'(GA) I I,N /)UAK.' TEN 75OBK] DAAMS VSL +40o/o of Response Line Challenge every 60 days + 3 days 6.4.t3 29 HVAC Stack Exhaust Gas Agentr (Lewisite) I EN -ISUAL TEN 75OBL TEN 750eL TEN 75ODL MINICAMS 0 - 512 vsl +25o/o of Response Challenge every 24 hours2, calibrate if it fails the challense 6.4.13 30 HVAC Stack Exhaust Gas Agentr(kwisite) I EN 75UAL' TEN 75OBL3 DAAMS VSL +40%o of Response Line Challenge every 60 days + 3 days 6.4.13 l. The HVAC ACAMSA,IINICAMS causes a staged shutdown as described in Module X. 2. The ACAMS/IvIINICAMS shall be challeneed wery 24 hours with a l-hour erace oeriod before or after the 24-hour deadline. TBD-These valnes will be ireereratC orier'te the fiit'al aublie aere* TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test March 2009 Attachment 6 -Page?9 TOCDF Instrument Calibration Plan & Incinerator Waste Feed Interlock Function Test March 2009 .:1. Initrurnint Teg ID I lewisite Agent Holding Tank LCS-TANK-851 I Level Indicator 812-LIT- 8540 Radar Lrvel Indicating Transmitter 0-65in.t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.5 .3 2 lrwisite Agent Holding Tank LCS-TANK-851 I High-High trvel Interlock 8I2.LSHH. 8539 Ultra Sonic lrvel Switch lnterlock setpoint 65" above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 3 Major Spill Collection Tank I-CS-TANK-8534 kvel Indicator 8 l2-LIT- 8590 Radar lrvel lndicating Transmitter 0-65in.t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 4 Major Spill Collection Tank LCS-TANK-8534 High-High Lrvel Interlock 8 I2-LSHH. 8589 Ultra Sonic [-evel Switch Ihterlock setpoint 65" above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 5 Spent Decon Holding Tank SDS-TANK-8523 Level lndicator 829-LIT- 8567 Radar Level Indicating Transmitter 0-65in.+ 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6 Spent Decon Holding Tank SDS-TANK-8523 High-High level [nterlock 829-LSHH- 8566 Ultra Sonic lrvel Switch Interlock setpoint 65" above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 7 Nitric Acid Holding Tank NSF-TANK-8514 Level lndicator 842-LIT- 8547 Radar [rvel Indicating Transmitter 0-65in.t 1.0% of Span I 80 days 8 Nitric Acid Holding Tank NSF-TANK-8514 High- High lrvel Interlock 842.LSHH. 8546 Ultra Sonic level Switch Interlock setpoint 65" above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 9 Nitric Acid Holding Tank LCS-TANK-8516 Lrvel Indicator 842-LtT- 8555 Radar level Indicating Transmitter 0-65in.+ 1.0% of Span I 80 days 6.4.s.3 l0 Nitric Acid Holding Tank LCS-TANK-8516 High- High lrvel lnterlock 842.LSHH. 8554 Ultra Sonic Level Switch Interlock setpoint 65" above tangent2 See NOTE 3 360 days 6.4.6 NOTES: t Reserved 2 The tank tangent is the geometric transition where the cylindrical side mees the ellipsoidal bottom, approximately two inches below the head+o-shell weld. 3' l.evel switches are not calibrated, they are function tested. The level at which they activate is not adjustable since each switch is positioned in the tank though a flanged opening in the side ofthe tank Attachment6-Page30 (.+(+ FD C))r+)l{P)(D)(.+{ ATTACHMENT 7 TRAININGPLAN TOCDF Training Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS LIST OF TABLES 7.1 PERSONNEL TRAINING 7.2 OUTLINE OF TRAINING PROGRAIvI 7.2.1 Programmatic Training 7.2.2 Job Titles and Duties 7.2.3 Training Content, Frequency, and Techniques 7.2.4 Chemical DemilitarizationTraining Facility 7.2.5 TOCDF Site Training 7.2.6 Annual Review and Other Training 7.2.7 Training Manager 7.2.8 Training for Emergency Response 7.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAINING PROGRAI\4 7.4 DETAILED COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Attachm ent 7 - Page I TOCDF Training Plan I LIST OF ACRONYMS CAIVIDS Chemical Agent Munition Disposal System CDTF Chemical Demihtanzation Training Facility CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMA Chemical Materials Agency JACADS Johnston Atgll Chemical Agent Disposal System PAS Pollution Abatement System PDAR Process Data Acquisition and Recording RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act TOCDF -Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility ATLIC Area 10 Liquid Incinerator LIST OF TABLES *. .,: TABLE 7-1 INITIAL TRAINING REQUIREMENTS TABLET-Z ANNUALREVIEWPROCESSCHANGEREQUIREMENTS Attachm ent 7 - Page 2 7.1 7 .l,l 7 .1.2 7 .1.3 7 .1.4 7.2 7.2.1 7 .2.1 .1 7 .2.r.2 TOCDF Training Plan @ PERS Or\NEL TRAINING tR3 1 5-3-5ft X12). Ri I 5-8-2.7t This training plan has been developed in accordance with R315-3-5(b)(12) and R315-8-2.7 as an integral part of the facility's Hazardous Waste Permit for hazardous waste treatment and storage. It has besn impleme,nted to ensure that the facility is operated in a manner that protects human health and the environment, both on and off the facility. The training program trains facility personnel to perform their duties by providing classroom instruction, hands-on Computer Based Training equipmeirt, and supervised on-the-job training. The program provides for both initial and annual review kaining, relevant to an employee's position, for the facility personnel that manage hazardous waste. This includes, but is not limited to, personnel that handle, move, perform maintenance on, or operate hazardous waste management equipment. The program provides facility personnel with training relevant to their positions to respond effectively to emergencies and familiarization with emergencyprocedures, emergency equipment, emergsncy systems and implementation of the contingency plan. Relevant to the employees' duties, instruction is given which teaches hazardous waste management procedures to ensure compliance with this Permit. Included in the training are assessments of each individual's skill and knowledge to determine that the training program objectives have been met. This training plan provides for the recording and documentation of training which meet hazardous waste requirements. This training plan is reviewed and updated periodically to maintain compliance with permit and regulatory requirements. This training plan is maintained and available at the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF). Section 7.2 provides an outline of the training program, while Section 7.3 describes implernentation of the training program. OUTLINE oF TRAINING PROGRAM IR315-3-5ft)(12). R315-8-2.7(a)(1). R315-8- 2.7(a\Q\t Pro grarnmatic Trainine The Chemical Materials Agency (CMA) has been tasked with carrying out the Army's responsibility for disposing of the United States stockpile of chemical warfare munitions pursuant to Public Law 99-145. There are eight disposal sites in the continental United States where chemical disposal facilities are or may be constructed, with the TOCDF being one of the eight. A programmatic training facility was planned to provide systems training. The programmatic demilitarizationtraining facility is located in the Edgewood Area of the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, known as the Chemical Demilitarization Training Facility (CDTF). Thistrainingprovidestheskillandknowledgethatiscommontotheeightchemical disposal facilities. The training is provided by using actual process equipment and lines, simulated toxic work areas, a control room, and a non-agent laboratory. Attachm ent 7 - Page 3 7 .2.1.3 7 .2.1 .4 7 .2.1.5 '7.2,2 7.2,2.2 ; 7.2.3 7 .2.3. 1 7.2.4 TOCDF -r*rr**#[i'S#fl ! The training progra:ir was developed from a job/task analysis that defined the technical tasks which are performed by the facility personnel. Skill and knowledge profiles were developed to indicate the items that must be known to perform a particular task. The skill and knowledge profiles were then used to develop the course objectives and supporting training materials. The TOCDF course materials are validated by technical review performed by Government and/or contractor subject matter experts. Any required changes are incorporated prior to using the course material. Not all facilitypersonnel receive advanced training at CDTF; initial training and annual review training are conducted at TOCDF. Tables 7-l andT-2listthe courses for initial, advanced, and.annual review training. The courses listed in the tables and described in Section 7.4 are taught at either CDTF or TOCDF. Job Titles and Duties IR315-8-2.7(dX1)l The original job titles and duties for job positions related to hazardous waste management were determined as part of the training program development process. Each job position .. ., shall have a written job description, which lists the requisite skill, education or other ' ' qualifications, and the duties for that position. The TOCDF job description and employee name filling that position shall be maintained at TOCDF. Facility personnel *" t ir"a usirig critgria for each job classification, which includes minimum standards for education and previous training or experience. Personnel expected to have access to agent will enter the Army's Chemical Personnel Reliability Program. ' Trainine Content. Frequencv. and Techniques R315-8-2.7(dX3). R3l5-8-2.7(c)l The classroom lectures, hands-on Computer Based Training, and self-paced study courses that are required by an employee's job position are listed in Table 7-I,Table7-2 andin the Training Records database. The descriptions of these courses, and the training frequency and techniques, are included in Section 7.4. Chemical Demilitarization Trainine Facilitv (CDTF) Training The CDTF located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is used to provide classroom and hands-on training for those personnel who will benefit from practicing with the unique demilitarization equipment and monitoring support equipment. The CDTF includes actual demilitarization process lines as training equipment, a control room, simulated toxic operations area, maintenance craft laboratories for electrical, instrument, and mechanical training, simulated toxic maintenance area, and a non-agent laboratory. ' . This equipment allows plant operators, maintenance personnel, and analytical and monitoring personnel to have hands-on experience in a nontoxic environment. Attachm ent 7 - Page 4 7.2.5 7 .2.5.1 7 .2.5.2 7.2.6 7 .2.6.1 TOCDF ,*ruJffi'S"t:il Major pieces of demilitarization equipment installed at the CDTF are the Rocket Shear Machine/Burster Size Reduction kit, Mine Machine, Projectile/l\dortar Disassernbly Machine, Multipurpose DemilitarizationMachine, Bulk Drain Station, conveyors, airlocks, fumace equipment and the Pick and Place Machine. The equipment is sequenced to follow the demilitarizationprocess from the Unpack Area, through the Explosive Containment Room Vestibule, and through the demilitarization operations. Operation and control of other process equipment not included at the CDTF is simulated using a simulation computer and trainer's console. The non-agent laboratory provides training in monitoring and analytical techniques in the areas of occupational exposure and environmental emission criteria. The personnel who do not require advanced technical training at the CDTF (administrative personnel, support staff, etc.) receive their training at the TOCDF. Personnel attend training at the CDTF in accordance with the requirements of their job position. The detailed course descriptions shown in Section 7.4 maybe taught by either TOCDF or CDTF instructors. Personnel in operations and maintenance are only required to train in those sections of the technical courses in Section 7.4 that are needed to operate/maintain the system(s) on which they will work. For example, a Control Room Operator attends applicable modules of Plant Operator training as required by their job position, while a Pollution Abatement System (PAS) Operator attends only those modules, which are relevant to the PAS. Also, a Control Room Operator who operates fumace systems is only trained in the sections applicable to those systems in each technical course. TOCDF Site Trainine During training, the employee gains plant knowledge and experience. Department managers and/or supervisors may conduct job specific training or performance demonstrations needed for employees to demonstrate job competency or to complete experience requirements. Employees shall not work unsupervised in the plant until the training requirements for their respective job titles are complete. This includes completing initial and advanced training courses and the satisfactory completion of any on-the-job training. Annual Review and Other Training Continuing training takes place at the TOCDF and/or CDTF. The job titles, which receive continuing training, are shown in Table 7-2. DPE suit training is only provided to those individuals with the specified job titles who actually make DPE entries. Additional training requirements of specific personnel are based on observation and critique by safety and supervisory personnel. Remedial training is conducted whenever necessary. When job specific requirements warrant change to either training or training material, such as a change in munition processing or agent campaign, retraining shall take place for the relevant job titles without modification to this Permit. lntegrated plant exercises are held that may involve small groups or.the entire facility in order to evaluate personnel emergency responses and provide team training. These exercise scenarios are also used to evaluate the emergency responses and the contingency procedures. Attachrn ent 7 - Page 5 ' 7.2.7 7 .2.7 .l .l 7 .2.7 .l .2 7 .z.i .r.3 7 .2:7 .1 .4 7 .2.7 .1 .5 7 .2.J .l .6 7 .2.7 .l .7 TOCDF Training Plan . @ When munition processing or an agent campaign is changed, the facility personnel shall receive specific training before the new campaign begins. The training courses for process change are listed in Table 7-2. Only the training necessary for the process change will be taught. 'Annual review training provides a review ofagent characteristics, hazards and symptoms, emergency response, and waste management. Some of the presentation techniques for annual review training may be changed from formal classroom activities to self-paced study. The self-paced study is directed and monitored by the Training Staff. The employee is given sufficient time to study the material for the course. The same material is reviewed in self-paced study as in formal classroom activities. The detailed course descriptions in Section 7.4 state the applicability of annual review training for each course. Included in the annual refresher training is a review of the agent characteristics and associated hazards/symptoms. In addition to completing required courses, all employees must understand the basic operation of the facility and know and abide by Army regulations applicable to chemical agent facilities, such as surety, security, and safety. Some of the presentation techniques may be changed to self-paced study from formal classroom activities, for individuals hired to fill a job position after the initial work force has been trained. The self-paced training is directed and monitored by the Training Staff and any on-the-job training is directed by the individual's supervisor. The employee is given sufficient time to study the material and take the written test(s) for the course. The new hires develop the same skill and knowledge as if they had attended formal classroom activities. New hires complete required training before working unsupervised in the plant. They shall complete initial training requirements within six months of the date of their employment or assignment to a new position. They shall complete advanced training requirements for their respective job titles prior to working unsupervised in the plant. Trainine Manaser [R3 1 5-8-2.7(ax2)l The Training Manager at the TOCDF is responsible for ensuring that employees have completed the training requirements and performance demonstrations, if any, for their specified job. Included in the requirements and responsibilities of the Training Manager are the following: Schedule training Coordinate training with the CDTF. Supervise the training of persormel in proper operation. of the facility in accordance with federal, state, and local environmental regulations, and the facility's Permit. Perform and evaluate classroom instruction. Document performance demonstrations, if any, for each job position. Administer the personnel training records in accordance with this Permit. Ensure the quality of the training progam. Attachm ent 7 - Page 6 7 .2.7 .l .8 7 .2.7 .l .9 7.2.7,2.1 7.2.7,2.3 7.2,7.3 7.2.8 7 .2.8.1 7.3 7 .3.1 TOCDF *rrt*=r,ffiffi Identiff training documents.' Direct and coordinate training docurnent development. The experience and qualifications of the Training Manager are: Trained in hazardous waste management. Knowledge of plant operations. Prior teaching experience including training plan development experie,nce. The Training Manager is required to become thoroughly familiar with hazardous waste management requirements and facility operations prior to exercising control over this training program. Facility personnel are trained to respond properly, as outlined in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan), to emergency situations based on their job responsibilities. Training includes agent characteristics/symptoms and first aid, response to alarms and evacuation response to fire alarms, and personal protective equipment. Employees receive training appropriate to their job description that includes emergency response for agent related emergencies. Practical exercises and participation in exercise scenarios provide onthe-job experience. Based on job duties, employees receive training on emergency monitoring equipment operation and maintenance, key parameters for waste feed cut-offs, and ground water contamination. Site hazardous material response training is provided to selected individuals from the site who acts as responders to hazardous material incidents. The site specific training is provided by an instructor whose qualifications meet the regulatory requirements as determined by the Training Manager. Annual review training is provided by TOCDF instructors. Training records for annual review training shall be maintained at the TOCDF. IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAINING PROGRAM tR315-8-2.7ft). R3 15-8- 2.7(d(4). R315-8-2.7(e)l Facility personnel that manage hazardous waste shall successfully complete their initial training within six months after their date of employment, assignment to the facility, or assignment to a new position at the facility. Prior to completing the advanced training, personnel that manage hazardous waste shall be supervised while performing hazardous waste duties. Attachm ent 7 - Page 7 7 .3.2 .7.1.3 7 ,3.4 7 .3.s 7 .3.5.1 7 .3.5.2 7 .3.5.3 7 .3.5.4 7 .3.6 7.4 7.4-.1 TOCDF Training Plan @ Training operations began prior to systemization, continue through plant operations, and end when closure is complete. The training program includes initial, advanced, and annual review training. Personnel in operations and maintenance are only required to completd the sections of the technical courses described in Section 7.4, which are relevant to the system(s), which the individual will operate or maintain. Employees are assigned to training courses that meet the needs of the facility and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Each course has its own unique set of objectives for skill and knowledge that must be mastered before the employee passes the course. The instructor records attendance and performance for each employee. The Training Department tracks the training given to and completed by each employee. Employees who cannot complete the training requirements for their job position will have their training records and performance evaluated. The evaluation will be conducted by the Training Manager and the individual's manager or department head. Recommendations on the employee's suitability to the job or the project will be made to the Human Resources Department. The following information and documents shall be maintained and available at the TOCDF: Job title for each position at the facility related to hazardous waste management, and the name of the employee(s) filling each job. A written job description for each job title. A written description of the tlpe and amount of initial, advanced, and annual review training given to each person named. Records that document the successful completion of the training and any experience required for each person named. The training records and documents shall be kept at least until closure of the facility. Training records on former employees shall be kept at least three years from the date the employee last worked at the facility. The Training Plan shall be maintained and available at the TOCDF. Detailed Curriculum Descriptions tR315-b-2.7(dX3)l The following curriculum categories consist of one or more training courses. Employees are required to successfully complete at least one training course in any category required for their job position. Employees receive training in the courses which are necessary for their job position. These courses may be applicable for initial, advanced, annual review, or process change training. lnitial training shall be completed within six months. Advanced training shall be completed following the initial training period but prior to the employee working unsupervised in the plant. Annual review training shall be accomplished within the same calendar month (anniversary month) plus or minus 30 days of initial training and may consist of self-paced study. Employees hired prior to the effective date of this Permit may use their last refresher date as the date of initial training. Attachm ent 7 - Page 8 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.5 TOCDF Training Plan @ For a change in munition processing or agent campaign, only the training necessary for the change is provided. Courses may be conducted by either CDTF or TOCDF personnel at either facility. Topics covered in the General Employee and Safety and Health categories meet the OSHA requiremsnts for Hazardous Waste Operations (HAZWOPER) for a TSDF facility. General Employee: This curriculum provides employees with general information about the TOCDF. This curriculum is an initial training requirement. Annual review training is applicable. Process change training is not applicable. Topics covered in this curriculum include: Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program Overview; Chemical Ageirt Description, Response to Alarms, Description of Munitions/Agent Inventory Process Flow Overview, Personal Protective Equipment for Site E try, Quality Control Overview, Federal and State Regulatory Authority, Emergency Response Plan and Organization, Safety Program Plan, Accident Prevention Plan, Industrial Hygiene Plan, Medical Plan, Training Plan, Qualrty Assurance Plan, Security and Safety. Safety and Health: This curriculum provides training that meets applicable OSHA and Army regulatory requirements for Operations and Emergency Response. This curriculum is an initial training requirement. Annual review training is applicable. Process change training is not applicable. Employees receive training in the courses which are necessary for their job positions. Topics covered in this curriculum include: Hazard Communication, CPR, First Aid, Confined Space, LockouVTagout. Advanced Safety and Health courses are provided to selected employees who act as part of the TOCDF Emergency Response Organization (ERO). Systems Descriptions: This curriculum describes the operation and control of the plant systems and is broken into training courses and taught at the block diagram, piping and instrumentation drawing level, as appropriate for the job position. Employees receive only the courses necessary forjob performance. These course are intended for employees who operate or maintain plant equipment and their managers/supervisors. This curriculum is an initial training requirement. Annual review and process change training are not applicable. Topics covered in this curriculum include: Major ComponentslEquipment and Construction; System Operation; System Flow; System Key Parameters; System lnterlocks; System Alarms; and System Waste Feed Cut-off. Toxic Area Personal Protective Equipment: This curriculum is an initial training requirement. Annual review training is applicable. Employees receive training in the courses which are necessary for their job positions. Topics covered in this curriculum include: Supplied Air PPE Levels of Dress (DPE or OSHA-A), Air Puriffing PPE Levels of Dress (Levels C and D), and Toxic Area EntrylExit protocol. This curriculum provides a description of all levels of protective clothing, toxic area entry reciuirements and procedures, decontamination techniques, toxic area entry monitoring activities, and personnel emergencies in toxic areas. Practical exercises are included for suit-up activities and decontamination. Plant Operations: This curriculum is intended for plant operators, their supervisors, and plant shift managers. Courses build on previous training for operators and supervisors who handle agent/munitions, control or handle waste streams associated with the demilitarization processes. Employees receive training in the courses which are necessary 7.4.6 Attachrn ent 7 - Page 9 7,4.7 7.4.8 J.4.9 7 .4.t0 l, t .' TOCDF Training Plan @ for their job positions. Hands-on training is provided for operators to develop the skills necessaryto operate plant equipment during normal and emergency conditions. This curriculum is an advanced training requirement. Arurual review training is not applicable. Process change training is applicable. Topics covered in this curriculum include: Control Description and Response; Interpretation of System Indication and Response; System Operation; System Safety, Chemical Surety, and Environmental Requirements;Normal System Operating Procedures; Abnormal,/Emergency Proeess System Procedures; Data Loggrng; Procedure Compliance and Process Control System Overview. .Plant Maintenance: This curriculum provides maintsnance craftsmen and supervisors with the skills and knowledge to maintain various pieces of plant equipment. This curriculum is an advariced training requirement. Annual review training is not applicable. Process change training is applicable. Topics covered in this curriculum include: Normal Operation; Troubleshooting; Maintenance Techniques and Methods; Safety and Environmental Requirements; and Data Logging. Monitoring: This curriculum provides monitoring personnel and supervisors with a description of monitoring activities and equipment. It provides skills and knowledge on the agent and industrial pollutant monitoring equipment used at the facility. This curriculum is an advanced training requirement. Annual review training is not applicable. Process change training is applicable. Topics covered in this curriculum include: Operation and Maintenance of Agent Monitors; Operation and Maintenance of Non-Agent Monitors; Troubleshooting Equipment Faults; Response to Agent and Non-Age,nt Monitor Alarms; Laboratory Monitoring Procedures; and Sample Collection Requirements and Methods. Laboratory: This curriculum is designed to introduce laboratory personnel to the plans, procedures and equipment necessary to perform the laboratory mission in a safe and environmentally responsible manner in accordance with applicable regulations. This curriculum is an advanced training requirement. Annual review training is not applicable. Process change training is applicable. Topics covered in this curriculum include: Laboratory Analytical Procedures; Laboratory Safety; Chemical Hygiene; Hazardous Waste Procedures; Contingency Procedures; Component Fault Isolation Techniques; Equipment Maintenance Safety; and Component Replacement. Process Control System: This course is intended for Controls Engineers and Process Data Acquisition and Recording (PDAR) Engineers. It provides a detailed explanation of the specific components of the process control system. This course is an advanced training requirement. Annual review and process change training are not applicable. Topics covered in this course include: Equipment Operation; Troubleshooting; and Programming. Attachmentl- Page l0 TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-1 InitiaUAdvanced Training Requirements Initial Training x x x x Advanced Training x x x x x Curriculum Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE (l)q) o-g---rd I.6lL C)E(r)I --!-c,(u HI EE6l Te€la rititr 6 C)L I a-notr O--o.I I EL .LL e)qtoa EA-E C)!a, a a--c .I)!6tL C)oo I--C-tr €) C.)-I6E(9 9 EI a-6tsla TEC-er a0 EI.-LoI atleolr2 to:aLo€6 FI a2-oL!eo(J acn G)9oLtrJOB TITLE TOCDF Personnel General Manager x x x Deputy General Manager - Technical Support/Risk Manager x X x Deputy General Manager - Closure Integration X x x x Permitting Supervisor x X x Environmental Manager x X X Environmental Shift Inspector x X Environmental I n spector/Auditor x'x Comp li ance/Audi t S upervi sor X x X Permitting Techni ci anlSpeci al i st X X X Environmental Test Specialist x X X Closure Electrical Engineer x'x x Closure Environmental Engineer Technologist X X X Closure Mechanical Engineer x X x Closure Manager X X x Secondary Waste Manager X X x Environrnental Technician X X x Project Manager - Mustard x X X Trial Burns Project Manager X X X Area lO/Secondary Waste Operations Manager x x X x Operator/Secondary Waste X x Operations Supervisor - Iv{ustard X x x x X Environmental Leader x X x Changeover Manager x x x x x Facility Modifi cation Specialist x X X X X Surety & Security Manager X x X Perfonnance and Quality Assurance Manager X x x Quality Manager X x x Attachment7- Page 1 1 TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-1 InitiaUAdvanced Training Requirements Initial Training x x x x Advanced Training x x x x x Curriculum Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE o C) o-a-Lh frl E.6f. C)E C)(J -rIt,l c,(u-f*i EEqt I ,g6a r{trtr 6lIL .9xoti a -l-o al!a .I LIU,oa aET()I0 a U'--o.Il I6Loao IEt-tr €J9E6-to IE.rl 6' TEC-Er AD-Ia- LoI.al Eo E Lo IdLoE 6l Fl a-ot I-IoU rA ?A C'UoL erJOB TITLE Quality Support Specialist X X x Quality Technician x x x Quality Oversight Specialist x x x Quality Support Supervisor x x X Quality Management Support Technician x X x Safety Manager X x x Deputy Safety Manager x X X Shift Safety Specialist X X X S afety En gi neer/Technol ogi st x X X Industrial Hygienist x x X Agent Munitions/Saf-ety Specialist x X x Security Specialist X x X Emergency Preparedness Administrator r x X x Training Manager X x X Training Instructor /Simulator Specialist x x X Training Special i st/lnstructor x X x Instructional Technologist X X x Operations and Maintenance Manager x X X Deputy Operations and Maintenance Manager X x X Assistant Operations Manager x X X x Plant Shift Manager X X X X Maintenance Manager X x X Systems Engineer X X X Controls Engineer X x X x : Controls Engineer Supervisor x x x x Operations Supervisor X X X X x Control Room Supervisor x'x x X X x x Hazmat/ H ot I i n e/ D S A/ S upervi sor X X x x x Control Room Operator X X X X X PAS Operator x x X X X BRA/RHA Operator X X X X Attachrnent 7- Page 12 TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-1 InitiaUAdvanced Training Requirements Initial Training x x x x Advanced Training x x x x x Curriculum Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE (9 C) o -aEL-hL frl-6L C)EoU E3-6t €) Hir E EI6 I ,g 6to f-Itr Cr qt (lJlr I.rlxoF TA--o.!a:a .I L(,a €)a ?A -l-h(, I0 0 et-Io a-3qt L(, A-o Tg a-n{ q)I EI 6te €) IE.-a 6t E !EC-o. a0--.I LoI.ra EIots2 LoT 6!Lo€ 6!:1 a-otr I--o Q qh ?t() I6litrJOB TITLE Utilities Operator x x x x DSA Operator x x x x x CHB/UPA Operator x x x x x Operations Munition Coordinator x x x X x x Maintenance Supervisor x x x x Maintenance Engineer x x x Calibration Coordinator x x Planner X x Electrical Technician x x x x x Instrument Installer x x I&C Technician x X x X x Mechanical Technician X X X x X PM/CM Technrcran X X Preventative Maintenance Coordi nator x X X Modifi cation Maintenance Supervisor x X X Warehouse Supervisor x X Hazardous Waste M anager X X x x X Hazardous Waste Coordinator x X x x X Senior Hazardous Waste Technician x x x X x Hazardous Waste Technician X X X X x Hazardous Waste Tracking Support Specialist X X Laboratory Manager/Battelle Senior Site Manager X X X X x Project Manager-Secondary Waste and Closure x x x X Laboratory QC Manager x x X X x QC Analytical Inspector x x x x X QC Analytical Inspector Supervisor / QC Specialist X X X x x Quality Engineer x x x X X Special Projects Chemist x x X x x QC Monitoring Inspector Supervisor / QC Specialist x X X X x QC Monitoring Inspector X X x X X Laboratory Monitoring Manager x X x X AttachmentT- Page l3 O TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-1 InitiaUAdvanced Training Requirements Initial Training x x x x Advanced Training x x x x x Curriculum Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ",. CURRICULUM TITLE €Je) o-g-ts If.l -a6L() Eo(J --IE. ctc) Hr*r-U-Iqt UeCct) Htr Cr 6le)L I.-*otr a-Io.!a Ia.-L ?)0(ua CA--T(uTa U2 U,--oo-.la 6tL €)aoT EI6t-t{ (l')IE6t taIo IE.ra 6tEz IEilt-tr a0-ts.taLofa--Io!{a Lo IctLoEC Fl a -loL3 -lIoU u)al)IoLtr.IAN TITLE CEMS Specialist x x X x Monito.irg Operations Manager x x x x X Monitoring Coordinating Manager x x x x x Master Technician x x x x Monitoring Foreman x x x X Senior Instrument TechlLead X x x x x Senior M onitoring Technician x X x X x M onitoring' Techni ci an I x x x x X Monitoring Technician II x X x x x Senior Laboratory Support Technician X x x x x Monitoring Scientist X x X X x Operations Analytical Support Manager x X X X X X Instrument Technician x x x X X Laboratory Analytical Manager X X X x Laboratory Shift Supervisor X x X X DAAMS Team Lead X x X x Senior GC Operator x X X X GC Operator x x X X Logistician X X x X Solutions Chemistry Lead X X x X X Agent Solutions Chernist x x X x X Metals Chernist X X X x x Mercury Metals Chemist X X X x Laboratory Data Analyst Demil Tech I x x X X Laboratory Data Ap'alyst Demil Tech II x X X X Plant Systems Engineering Manager X X X Proj ect Engineering Supervtsor x X X Engineering Manager X x X Engineering Supervi sor X X X Electrical Engineer Design x X X X Electrical Engineer x X X xo Attachm ent 7 - Page 14 TOCDF Table 7-1 InitiaUAdvanced Training Requirements Initial Training x x x x Advanced Training x x x x x Curriculum Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE (,) c) o-CL-LH rd-€LoEoI --t -lql e) Hr{ EE 6t !e€0 frltrtr 6t C)L Iaraxot- qa EIo.Il3 AI.IlLq) ehq)a a-bI{)Ta cA 0Eo a-I6 li(uao !EC I.tr €)I EI 6t-I(9IE.-l C E IEC-nr a0EaraLo I.L Eots2 Lo€6Lo4 C 11 U' -aoLIEoU e,,Y' C)IoLarJOB TITLE Mechanical Engineer - Design X x x Engineering Technologist - Design x x x Engineering/Technol ogi st x x x Engineering Technician x x x PDAR Engineer x x x PDAR Technician X x x Environmental Engineer/Technol ogi st X x x Project Specialist x X x ATLICWPersonnr )l Analytical Supervisor x x x x x Area lO/Secondary Waste Operations Manager x X X x ATLIC Operations Manager x x X X x Battelle/CAM DS Monitoring Manager X X X X x CAMDS/DCD Analytical Manaeer x x x x CD Instrument Technician X X x x x X x x x x x x CD Master Technician x x x X x x CD Monitoring Foreman x x x x x x CD Monitoring Technician I x X x x CD Monitorine Technician II X X X x x x CD Principal Research Scientist X x x X x x x x x x ieian x x x x x x Closure Laboratory and Monitoring Manager X X X X X Control Center Operator x x x x x x Controls / I&C/ Electrical Technician x X x x X GA/Lewisite Analytical Supervisor X X x GNlewisite Mechanical Technician X X X x x Gfu Lewisite Monitoring Manager x X x x x ICP Chemist X X x x X Junior Chemist X X x x X AttachrnentT-Page o TOCDF Training Planll' @ table 7-1 InitiaUAdvanced Training Requirements Initial Training x x x x Advanced Training x x x x x Curriculum Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE (9 c) o-g -lIt tr1-6L(l) E(r)(, a-I -lqt C)-r{ EE 6t Ie q30 Htr er 6tq)L I.rlxoF qr, Eo.rlya.IlL9a C)a 1a -l-I C) I o U) ?,,-Io.lT6lLoao flE{-ti (u9E 6t -lIo!E.- 6lE2 3-5 6t-tr a0-taItLo3.- EIc E Lo€6troE{ Fl a-oLI-IoU 0|t)(,IoLt(JOB TITLE Junior GC Operator x X x x x Junior M onitorin g Operator x X x x x Junior Shift Chernist x x x Monitoring Supervisor x x x X x Operations Supervisor - Secondary Waste x X X X PAS Operator GA/LEW x X X Senior Chemist x X x x x Senior GC Operator x x x X x Senior Monitorin g Operator x x x x x Senior Shift Chemist x X x Shift Lead - Monitoring x x x X X Shift Leader - Laboratory x X x X x Uti lities Operptor GA/LEW x x X Attachm ent 7 - Page 16 TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-2 Annual Review/Process Change Requirements Annual Review Training x x x Process Change Training x x x x Curriculum Number I 2 3 4 -5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE q) q) oraa-HIH-6lLq)-Io() --+)-6lq) Ht*r EEcl *.l €J fH GIa frlni nr GIo li .9xo Fr aE .92E F.-Io(l)-+JY-tD rAa8 atro.l+,clLoao +JA -acl-!r oI--tc€-I €)+, -lHo- GIttz {r)t I cl -lnr a0a I.-Lo:, a- Eo Lo+, 6ltio!cl t] a-o li+fa-ao U oaOooLilJOB TITLE TOCDF Personnel General Manager x x Deputy General Manager - Technical Support/Risk Manager x x Deputy General Manager - Closure lntegration x x X Permitting Supervisor x x Environmental Manager x X Environmental Shift Inspector X x Environmental In spector/Audi tor X x Compl i ance/Audi t S upervi sor X X Permitting Techni ci anlSpeci ali st X X Environmental Test Specialist X x Closure Electrical Engineer X X Closure Environmental Engineer Technologist x x Closure Mechanical Engineer X X Closure Manager X X Secondary Waste Manager X x Environmental Technici an x X Proj ect M anager-M ustard X X Trial Burns Project Manager X x Area 10/Secondary Waste Operations Manager x X x Operator/S econdary Waste x X Operations Supervisor - Mustard X x x Environmental Leader x X Changeover Manager X X X X Facility Modification Specialist x x X X Surety & Security Manager X X Perflonnance and Quality Assurance Manager x X Attachrnent Page 17 TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-2 Annual Review/Process Change Requirements Annual Review Training x x x Process Change Training x x x x Curriculum Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE €)(t) o-a aa L Frl-GI liotrq)I t-+) -tclq)llt{ Er< -ad {., ,9)rFt cga rd 0r!i cl(u L o.-xotr a tH0.-2E F.-Ia AcJir) V) AE aslxo.-+) GILoao +, aIcl-tr q) CJ dI ct dIq)+,-I.- cltlz +,-I GI-0( boAts.lLo+J.l dIoIIz L0+)6l liosclj rA-,oL*Ja IoU ratoq) CJo linrJOB TITLE Quality Manager x x Quality Support Specialist x x Quality Technician x x Quality Oversight Specialist x X Quality Support Supervisor x X Quality Management Support Technician x X Safety Manager x x Deputy Safety Manager x x Shift Safety Specialist x x S afety En gi neer/Tech n ol ogi st x x Industrial Hygienist X X Agent Munitions/Safety Specialist x x Security Specialist X X Emergency Preparedness Admini strator x X Training Manager x X Training Instructor /Sirnulator Specialist X x Training Specialist Instructor X X Instructional Technologi st X x Operations and Maintenance Manager X X Deputy Operations and Maintenance Manager X x Assistant Operations Manager x x Plant Shift Manager x x Maintenance Manager x X Systerns Engineer X x Controls Engineer x x Controls Engineer Supervisor x X Operations Supervisor X X X Control Room Supervisor X X X X x Hazmat/ H ot I i n e/D S fu S upervr s or X x x X Control Room Operator X x X Attachrnent 7- Page l8 TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-2 Annual Review/Process Change Requirements Annual Review Training x x x Process Change Training x x x x Curriculum Number I 2 3 4 -5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE q)o o-aa-Lri-6lLo--o() AtI.{-)-6lq) Htrt roAI GI +)€)(+r GIa rd nr nr (t €)L CJ.-xotr u,tIo 2Ets|ri-ai(l):l5Y'a ra AA ra;taoo-+, c{Loao +)trcl-I (l) It IclaIq) l, E.- 6l +,trcl-tr b0 E.!a lio{-,.!l Eo lro+,cl lio! 6l t] (a-o LItIo U tt2 u2o CJo li erJOB TITLE PAS Operator X x X x BRA/RHA Operator X x x Utilities Operator x x x DSA Operator x X x x CHB/UPA Operator x x x x Operations Munition Coordinator x x x x Maintenance Supervisor x X X Maintenance Engineer x x Calibration Coordi nator X X Planner x X Electrical Technician x x X X Instrument Installer x x I&C Technician X x X x Mechanical Technician X X X X PM/CM Technicran x x Preventative Maintenance Coordinator X x Modifi cation Maintenance Supervisor X x Warehouse Supervisor X X Hazardous Waste Manager X X X X Hazardous Waste Coordinator X X X X Senior Hazardous Waste Technician x X x X Hazardous Waste Technician X X X X Hazardous Waste Tracking Support Specialist X X Laboratory Manager/Battelle Senior Site Manager x x X x Project Manager-Secondary Waste and Closure x X x Laboratory QC Manager x X x x QC Analytical Inspector X X X x QC Analytical Inspector Supervisor / QC Specialist X X X X Quality Engineer x x X QC Monitoring Inspector Supervisor / QC Specialist X x x X Attachrnent 7-Page t9 TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-2 Annual Review/Process Change Requirements Annual Review Training x x x Process Change Training x x x x Curriculum Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE oo o-aaEI rd E clL €)-Hq)() --+r)-GIo F?(r*r ,!tr-tl c{ t) -€)rts GIa rd er!r cloL CJ.-xoF (aaIo.-2E-.-I i:(l)ngv0V1 AE (a -lIo a-+) c! lioao +,tI cg-ti Q)(J aa cl aI (r)+)-I.- cl =a +)-I en-!i o0 -lht.-Lo+).l Eo=2 Lo+)cl lio€ ctj u2-oL+,AIo U 0 U,oIoL!iJOB TITLE QC Monitoring Inspector X x x x Special Projects Chemist x x X Laboratory Monitoring M anager X x x CEMS Specialist x x X Monitoring Operations Manager x x x X Monitoring Coordinating Manager X x x X Master Technician x x x Monitoring Foreman X x X Senior Instrument TechlLead X x X x Senior Monitoring Technicran X X X X Instrument Technician X X X x Monitoring Technician I x x X X Monitoring Technician II x X X X Senior Laboratory Support Technician X x x x Monitoring Scientist x X X X Operations Analytical Support Manager x X X X X Laboratory Analytical Manager x X X Laboratory Shift Supervisor X X X DAAMS Team Lead X X X Senior GC Operator X X x GC Operator X X X Logistician X X x Solutions Chemistry Lead x X x X Agent Solutions Chemist x x x x Metals Chernist x X x X Mercury Metals Chemist X x x Laboratory Data Analyst Dernil Tech I x x X Laboratory Data Analyst Demil Tech II x x X Plant Systerns Engineering Manager X x Project Engineering Supervrsor x X Attachrn ent 7 - Page 20 TOCDF Training Plan , Table 7-2 Annual Review/Process Change Requirements Annual Review Training x x x Process Change Training x x x x Curriculum Number I 2 3 4 t 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE q)o o EIa-LLH-clL o)slEq) (J AtI{-)-GIq) Ht E aI cl t, €) IH cto rd Or er clo li (.) o-xoF a -lHo aL2EF.rIa -.:U'rr, A AA U, -lIo a-+) c, lioao +)Ed-tr q) (J IL 6lAIq) {.) aI.- GItie +fAa ctl -l0r a0-IaLLo+f.- Eotlz Lo+)cltro!clJ co -aoL+, dao U a u2o CJoL 0{JOB TITLE Engineering Manager X x Engineering Supervisor X x Electrical Engineer - Design X x Electrical Engineer X x Mechanical Engineer - Design X x Engineering Technologist - Design X X Engineeri n g/Technol ogi st X x Engineering Techni ci an x x PDAR Engineer x x PDAR Technicran X X Environmental Engineer'fechnologist x x Project Specialist X X ffiATLICPersonnel Analytical Supervisor x x Area l0/Secondary Waste Operations Manager X x ATLIC Operations Manager x x Battel lelCAM DS M onitori n&M anaeer x x CAMDS/DCD Analytical Manager x X CD Instrunent Technician X X €Drl{rstrument Teeh n iei ffr x x CD Master Technician x X CD Monitoring Forcman X x CD Monitoring Technician I X X CD Monitoring Teghnician II X X CD Principal Research Scientist x x x X i€ian x x x Closure Laboratory and Monitoring.Manager X X Co.ntrol Center Operator X X X Controls / I&C/ Electrical Technician x X x Attachment Page 2l TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-2 Annual Review/Process Change Requirements Annual Review Training x x x Process Change Training x x x x Curriculum Number 1 2 3 4 -5 6 7 8 9 CURRICULUM TITLE q)o o-attsI rd-cllrq) -lIo() -!l+)-€€oIti:rr€--acn t)€)IH ctla rdti nr c{oL C).-xoti raa-o.- a:TEE.-ta(l):l€\,ir, a AA a-Io.-l*-) €gLq)ao t)t c{-Rr Q)UtHcl-tq)+, dI.Il cltslz +)Ecl-tr a0tr.l lio+,.- Eo tro+rctLoE qn l] U2-0L+J aIo U u, u2o(JoLtrJOB TITLE GA/Lewisite Analytical Supervisor x x GA/Lewisite Mechanical Technician x x x GA/Lewisite Monitoring Manager x x ICP Chernist X X Junior Chemist x x Junior GC Operatoi 'x x Juhior Monitorin g Operator X x Junior Shift Chemist x x Monitorin&Supervisor X x PAS Operator GA/LEW X x x x x x Operations Supervisor - Secondary Waste x x Senior Chemist x X Senior GC Operator x x Senior Monitoring OBerator x x Senior Shift Chemist x x Shift Lead - Monitoring x X Shift Leader - Laboratory x X Utilities Operator GA/LEW x x x x x x Attachm ent 7 - Page 22 TOCDF Training Plan Table 7-l and Table 7-z Initial and Continuing Training Requirements ACRONYM LIST FOR JOB TITLES CD CAMDS/DCD: a designatqr for some of the ATLIC oersonnel iob titles DSA Operator Demilitarization Protective Ensemble Support Area Operator CHBruPA Operator Container Handling BuildingAJnpack Area Operator BRA/RHA Operator Brine Reduction Area/Residue Handling Area Operator PAS Operator Pollution Abatement System Operator I&C Technician Instrumentation and Control Technician Operator DAAMS Process Supervisor Depot Area Air Monitoring System Process Supervisor GC Operator Senior GC Operator PDAR Engineer Gas Chromatograph Operator Senior Gas Chromatograph Operator Process Data Acquisition and Recording Engineer Attachrn ent 7 - Page 23 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 ATTACHMBNT 8 PREPAREDNESS AND PREVENTION Attachment8-Pagel 8.1 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENTATION OF PREPAREDNESS AND PREVENTION REQT'IREMENTS 8.1.1 Equipment Requirements 8.I.2 Aisle Space Requirements PREVENTATIVE PROCEDURES, STRUCTURES, AND EQUIPMENT 8.2.1 LoadingAJnloading of Hazardous Waste 8.2.2 Runoff 8.2.3 Water Supplies 8.2.4 Equipment and Power Failure Equipment Failure Conkol Incinerator Upset Control Emergency Power 8.2.5 Personnel ProtectionEquipment 8.2.6 Spent Decontamination Collection System 8.2.7 Agent Monitoring Equipment PREVENTION OF IGMTION OR REACTION OF IGNITABLE, REACTIVE, OR INCOMPATIBLE WASTE 8.3.1 Precautions to Prevent Ignition or Reaction of Ignitable or Reactive Waste 8.3.2 General Precautions for Handling Ignitable or Reactive Wastes or Accidentally Mixing Incompatible Wastes 8.3.3 Management of Ignitable or Reactive Wastes in Containers 8.3.4 Management of Incompatible Wastes in Containers 8.3.5 Management of Ignitable or Reactive Wastes in Tanks 8.3.6 Management of Incompatible Waste in Tanks 8,2 8.3 Attachrnent 8 -Page2 t. '{.r i TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 ACAI\{S ACRONYMS Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System ATLIC Area 10 Liquid Incinerator BDS Bulk Drain Station BMS Burner Management System Brine Reduction Area Burster Removal Station First Floor Buffer Storage Area Burster Size Reduction Machine Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance Plan Chemical Assessment Laboratory Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System BRA BRS BSA BSRM CAIRAP CAL CAI\{DS CCEE Control Center Equipment Enclosure CFR CDS Code of Federal Regulations Central Decon Svstem Container Handling Building Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Water Distilled mustard, bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide Human Machine Interfaces Munitions D emi litanzation Building Metal Parts Furnace Multipurpose D emil ttarrzation Machine Nitrogen National Fire Protection Association DAu{MS DCD DFS ECR ECV CHB CO COz HzO HD HMIs Composition B 60% RDX, 39.5% TNT, 0.5o Calcium Silicate CON-OP Control Room Operator Depot Area Air Monitoring System Deseret Chemical Depot or' Deactivation Furnace System Explosive Containment Room Explosive Containment Room Vestibule E-stop Emereencv Stop FCS Facility Control Systern FSSS Flame Safety Shutdown Systan GA Tabun (Ethvl N. N-dimethylphosphoramide-cyanidate) GB S arin, Isopropyl methylpho sphonofluoridate H Levinstein mustard, bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide HOA Hand-Off Auto HS Hand Station HT Mustard, 60% HD and 40%T VO ' lnpui/Output . LCS ,'Local Control System Lewisite Dichloro-(2chlorovi$yl) arsine Liquid'lncinerator Loc'al-Off Remote LIC LOR MDB MPF MDM Nz NFPA AttachmentS-Page3 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 NO NOz Nitrogen oxide Nitrogen dioxide Tooele Army Depot Toxic Maintenance Area Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Toxic Cubicle Unpack Area Upper Munitions Corridor OWS Operator Workstation Pollution Abatement System Programmable Logic Controller Proj ectile/Jvlortar Di sas s embly M achine Personal Protective Equipment C ycl otrimethyl enetrinitramine Residue Handling Area Spent Decontamination Solution; Spent Decontamination System PAS PLC PMD PPE RDX RHA SDS T Bis[2(2-chloroethylthioethyl)] ether TC Ton Container TEAD TMA TOCDF TOX UPA UPMC \IX O-ethyl-S(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) methyl phosphonothiolate Attachrnent 8 -Page 4 8.1 8.1.1 9.1 .1.1 8.1 .t .2 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 DOCT]MENTATION OF PREPAREDNESS AI\D PREVENTION REOUIREMENTS IR3 15-8-3.3 : R3 15-8-3.61 Equipment Requirements The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) and Arba l0 Liquid Incinerator (ATLIC) maintains an extensive inventory of emergency equipment. Telephone and public address loudspeakers are available throughout the facility and in all work areas for use in case of emergencies. The telephone system is available for intemal as well as external communications. Portable fire extinguishers, a sprinkler systern, a halon system, and a FM-200|FE-227 system are all built into the facility to minimize the threat of fire. Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan) contains lists of emergsncy equipment that are inventoried on a regular basis. Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan) contains a list of additional emergency equipment available from Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) and Tooele Army Depot (TEAD). Pumps are installed at the existing wells to produce the anticipated 616,000 gallons per day required at Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD). The well pumps supply water to two reservbits (with a combined capacity of one million gallons). These reservoirs supply the water distribution system at DCD. These reservoirs provide sufficient water for operations at the TOCDF and ATLIC. and the fire water requirement of 330,000 gallons. All water storage tank system components are designed to meet National Fire Protection Association (I.[FPA) standards. ry Areas that will be used by TOCDF for container storage include tThe Container Handling Building, (CHB), Unpack Area (JPA), Explosive Containment Room Vestibule (ECV), the Upper Munitions Corridor CJPMC), the S-2 warehouse, the Toxic Maintenance Area (TMA), and Igloog 1632 and 1633 . The storage areas are arranged to provide efficiency in container storage; to provide adequate access for fire- fighting and proper maneuvering of a forklift (except in the ECV and UPMC); to meet minimum fire code requirements; and to allow easy access for personnel and equipment, which is needed for inspections and emergency operations. The CHB stores the munitions before demilitarization processing. There is a minimum of 2.5 feet of aisle space associated with the containers stored in the TMA Container Storage Area, the S-2 warehouse, and Igloos 1632 and 1 633. An aisle space will be available for fork lift operation in the S-2 warehouse and Igloos 1632 ard 1633. There is a minimum of six feet of aisle space between overpacks (On-site Containers (ONCs) stored in the CHB. There are no aisle space requirements for the containers stored within an overpack. Aisle space within an overpack is not relevant or needed since the overpacks are monitored and, if a release is detected, the overpacks and leaking munitions are managed as described in Attachment 1 2 (Containers). PREVENTIVE PROCEDT]RES. STRUCTT]RES. AIID EOUIPMENT tR3 1 5-3. 2.sftx8)t 8.1 .2 8.1 .2.2 8.2 AttachmentS-Page5 Ton containers (TCs) that will be processed at the ATLIC will be broueht directly from storage in Area 10 to the processins area. which is in close Broximity. The TC is then placed on the transfer table. From the transfer table. the TC is placed in the elovebox. where the agent GA or Lewisite is drained and orocessins begins. Reserved The incinerator ash and residue at TOCDF are @ischarged directlyto containers. The spent charcoal from the ventilation system a1!_TOCDF is removed from the ventilation system bypersonnel in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) clothing. The charcoal is placed in containers that are compatible with the material to be stored and meet or exceed the requirements stated in R315-8-9.3 and R315-7-16.3. 8.2.1 8.2.1 .2 8.2.1 .3 8.2,1 .4 8.2. 1 .5 g .2.1 .5. 1 8.2.1 ,5.2 i TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 Loadine/,Unloadihs of Hazardous Waste [R31 5-3-2.5ft)(8Xil1 The wastes managed at th+TOCDF and ATUC are described in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The scrubber brines are pumped from the incinerator scrubber towers to the brine tanks. The Spent Decon Solution (SDS) is collected in sumps, pumped to the spent decontamination tanks, and then transferred to the Liquid Incinerator (LIC). The @ent decontamination solutiongmaybe shipped off site if the requirements in the Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) are met. The munitions and bulk containers are delivered to the TOCDF CHB in overpacks via transport tnrck. They are unloaded from the transport truck and placed in the CHB. From the CHB, the munitions are transported by a conveyor to a lift system and then on a conveyor to the Munitions DemilitarizationBuilding (I\{DB). There they are unloaded in the Unpack Area (UPA) where processing begins. particulate removal device. and expen4ed PAS carbon filters and HEPA filters used in the PAS will be tl {,'h*sampled and analyzed for asent content per the requirernents in the Attachmsnt 2 (Waste Analysis Planlaremet. Operators handling waste will wear the aoprooriate level of PPE. All waste is placed in containers that meet or exceeds the requirernents stated in R315-8-9.3 and R31 5-7-1 6.3. The following procedures will be followed when transferring residue from the TOCDF Deactivation Fumace System (DFS) cyclone to the associated receiving container to minimize fugitive emissions and ensure proper management: The transfer funnel that is used to connect the cyclone discharge pipe to the receiving container will be sealed (e.g., via duct tape, etc.) to the receiving container and the cyclone discharge pipe. The building that encompasses the DFS cyclone discharge will be kept closed except when inspecting the receiving container and discharge are\ entering and exiting the building for operation and maintenance, and moving containers into and out of the building. Waste at the ATLIC such as residue from the Pollution Abatem€nt System OAS) AttachmentS-Page6 8.2.1 .5.3 8.2.1 .5.5 8,2.2 8.2.4 8,2,4.1 .7 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 The interior of the building will be monitored for the pressnce of agent prior to opening. The building shall be ventilated to the MDB ventilation system when the DFS is operational or when waste is present in the cyclone discharge building. Unless the Permittee demonstrates that the agent concentration of a sample of the residue generated from the operation of the DFS Cyclone is below 200 ppb for IIIHDAIT, the residue must be placed into permitted storage. Runoff tR3 15-3-2.5ft )(8)fiilI At TOCDF. rRunofffrom all hazardous waste handling areas to other areas of the facility or the e,nvironment is prevented by facility design features. Waste handling in the CHB, MDB, and RHA takes place in enclosed buildings. These measures should minimize the pote,ntial for precipitation runoff to reach these areas. The waste handling areas of the CHB and MDB have sumps for collection of spilled hazardous waste. The floor sumps for all toxic management areas of the MDB have provisions for transferring sump contents .to spent decontamination tanks (see Section 8.2.6). The other areas have passive sumps, which are pumped dry when liquids accumulate in them. Runoff from all hazardous waste handling areas to other areas of the ATLIC or the 8.2.3 environment is also prevented by facilit), desien features. The handling and transfer of hazardous waste in the Central Decon System (CDS) and Soerrt Decon System (SDS) takes place in a secure enclosure. which eliminates storm water exposure. The area where the Central Decon Systern (CDS) is located is bermed and the floor slopes to a collection sump that will collect any spills. The collection sump has a sump oumo to remove any snilled decon from this area. Spent Decon Systern (SDS) sumps are located in the rooms where equipment and personnel are to be deconned. The floors in these areas are also sloped to collect spills. The sumps are concrete with a steel pan and protective liner. Leak detection has been placed between the concrete sump and the steel pan. Water Supplies [R315-3-2.5ftX8Xiii)l The processing and storage of all hazardous waste at the TOCDF and ATLIC takes place in enclosed structures with concrete bases that prevent the downward percolation of wastes or liquids. Eouipment and Power Failure [R315-3-2.5ftX8'l(Ml TOCDF Equinment Failure Control The process control system at TOCDF is designed and operated to perform shutdown of the entire facility or a portion of the facility should an equipment failure (or other emergency) occur. The control room'has a positive-pressure, filtered supply air system providing protection against toxic fumes that could be emitted during an ernergency. A detailed description of the centralized control system is provided below. Attachment 8 -Page7 8.2,4.1.2 ,3 8, .5 .6 .7 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 The centralized process control system uses process controllers with functional keyboard or keyboards for operator interface and control ofthe system as required, control screens for displays, a printer to print out alarms and messages, and an event recorder or data logger. This equipment is installed in the Control Room and is defi:red as the Master Control Station. Contained in the process controller are the programs for each type of munition demilitarization machine throughout the facility and process-supporting facilities, such as utilities. An operator can remove a unit or piece of equipment from automatic control and control it manuallythrcugh the keyboard on the console. The control system is designed as a fail-safe system. All local controllers communicate with the central control on a real-time basis. Should this communication link become inactive (presumably from a failure in the central control), the local controls automatically shut down to a safe mode. The communication system described previously is a redtrndant system to reduce the likelihood of this occtrring as a result of a failure in the communications link. Initialization of the control system is necessary before munitions processing can begin. The initialization procedure resides within the process controller; the actual initialization is a semiautomatic operation. When the initialization has been successfully completed, the operator is notified via the control screen, which indicates that all permissives have been received and the system is now ready to process that type of munition. Any problems that may arise during the initialization are displayed on the control screen of the appropriate control room work station. Before processing munitions, each system is pre-checked by a test program from within the process controller. After initializationand performance verification, a second level of perforrnance verification is conducted by the process controller; this verifies the presence ofany shutdowns and any permissive interlocks. Having met all performance verification checks, a message appears on the control scresrl and printer that the munitions processing equipment, as viewed by the process controller, is ready for operation. After start of the system has been initiated, automatic operation follows, as long as all individual steps occur within their predetermined parameters and no shutdown signals occur. If a step or function does not occur within its predetermined parameters, a message appears on the control screen and on the printer; the operator shall take corrective action. Shutdown requests and interlocks are monitored. Where possible, applicable pre-alarms or indications that a shutdown condition is imminent are used. This gives the operator time to prevent a shutdown or to be prepared for it. Interlocks are developed to respond to various conditions in a manner applicable to the condition and equipment. As an example, some shutdowns are immediate, others are orderly. The system logs conditions, such as starting and stopping of equipment. In addition to the process control system, equipment such as furnaces, boilers, and airlock doors in the UPA and each load station have a local control panel that offers limited control. Local control panels offer the capability of operating in conjunction with the Master Control System or independently for maintenance purposes. Areas such as the UPA or incinerator require a semiautomatic operation, either during normal operation or .8 Attachment8-Page8 h. TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 startup. In the semiautomatic mode of operation, the Master Control Slatem rnay start a unit and wait for the next step to be initiated and controlled by an operator before proceeding to the next logic control step. ATLIC Equioment Failure Control The Facility Control Systan (FCS) at ATLIC is desiened to safely and gfficiently monitor and control the process systems. process support systems. and control systsms that are located within the facility. The FCS is composed of microprocessor-based electronic controllers and Human Machine Interfaces (fIMIs) with the orimary function of assistine operations oersonnel in the safe startuo. monitoring. control. data logging, alarming. and planned shutdown of the fasility. The FCS is configured to orovide system graohic een€ration. control confisuration. data collection. data storage. report gsneration. and prosranuninq. The FCS has grinters for alarm and reoorting pumoses. These printers,are connected to the FCS control network directly or via print servers or computers: they are located in the Control Center Equioment Enclosure (CCEE). The FCS has a firewall to Brotect the integrity of the FCS network. Olreration of the FCS is conducted from a CCEE in proximity to the ATLIC. There are three individual control consoles for Ooerations nersonnel. Each console houses a FCS operator workstation (OWS) consisting of two (2) LCD screens and any other equipment necessary to oerform automatic or manual control and monitorinq tasks. The Burner Manage,nrent System (BMS) has a flame safety shutdown s],stem GSSS). The BMS interfaces with the furnace control PLC to ensure the safety of all furnace purge. burner light-off. and bumer operations. Control is maintained through fuel and waste feed block valves. nilot valves. and the burner igniters. The BMS provides control signals to the-Prograrnmable Logic Controller OLC).for operation of the fuel control valves and monitors the combustion air blower operation fuel and combustion air control valves. and combustion air flow to veriffthey are operational for safe combustion. The BMS locks out the bumers and signals the PLC to stop related equipment if any safety interlock is violated. Activation of a reset by an op€rator is required to restore burner oneration followinga BMS lock-out of the burners. A purge blpass switch is orovided that allows the ooerator to b)ryass the purge cycle for relight of a burner when the temperature of the specific chamber is above 1400'F. It also allows blDass of the flame suoervision system for a burner located in a chamber where the temperature input to the purge blpass switch. ,' i' Control of all LIC eouioment is orovided throush the local control s$!em (LCS). All motors have a Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) or Local-Off-Remote (.LOR) Hand Station (HS) and emergency stoo (E-stoo) pushbutton located near the motor. Each HS station is connected to a microprocessor-based motor controller that monitors motor current. controls starting and stopping of the motor it is connected to. and relays all hand station activity and motor status (jncludins motor ourrent) to the plant control system. Attachment8-Page9 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 All safety-related lnLuVOutput (UO) connects directly to the BMS. The BMS has complete control over the flame safety systerns of the LIC. Flame safety data isi' ' ' ' communicated from the BMS to the control room operator (CON-OP). Control commands from the CON-OP and stop-feed commands are communicated to the BMS. A waste feed interlock is also hard-wired from the LCS directly to the BMS panel. An E- stop on the CON-OP console is hard-wired directly to the BMS. Incineration Unset Control At TOCDF. a A control systemprovides continuous automatic control of the incineration process. System interaction by the operator is limited to startup or shutdown of process systems or waste feed and reaction to abnormal conditions. In monitoring critical functions, the process control system gives advanced waming of alarms where possible, indicating that a critical or hazardous condition is developing and warning operators in time to take action. Interlocks are provided to respond to various conditions. Shutdown can be immediate or staged. All incineratorsjncludins the ATLIC. have automatic waste feed cutoff systems as specified in Attachment 19 (Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-Off Tables). 8J+l- At the ATLIC. waste feed to the primary chamber may be stopped by the CON- OP as either a "normal" ramped secgssion of feed or an anersencv shutdown of the LIC s],stem by actuating the ernergencv stoo (E-stop) button in the control room (CON E-stop). The CON E-stop shuts down the primary and secondary chamber bumers. stops the combustion air blower. drives all valves to their safe position. stops primary waste feed. and stops SDS feed. The Wench brine pump and ID fan remain running. An outside operator can initiate an emereency shutdown of the LIC system by acfuatingthe E-stop on the BMS panel. The BMS E-stop shuts down the orimary and secondary chamber bumers. stops primary waste feed. stops SDS feed. and shuts down the fuel gas supply to the fumace.,2.1 .l 8.2.5 8.2.s.1 Emersency Power The emergency power systems are described in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan). Personnel Protection Eouipment [R315-3-2.5(bX8Xv)l Various levels of protective clothing are required at the faeilit#aqililier to protect workers from the effects of the agent in the work environment. The type of protective clothing wom by the workers is based on the level of protection required by the location, the process, and the tlpe of agent. Selection of proper PPE is addressed in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan). Spent Decontamination Collection Svstem [R315-3-2.5(b'l(8Xiii)l8.2.6 Attachment 8 - Page l0 8,2.6.2 * TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 At TOCDF. Ipall category A and B areas, as well as in some category C areas, spent decontamination surrps and pumps are designated and provided to collect any liquid from that area and pump it to one of the SDS storage tanks in the Toxic Cubicle (TOX). AII primary sumps *" "o.rrt*"ted of steel and surrounded by an epoxy coated external concrete liner. Secondary sumps are consiructed of epoxy-coated concrete. The compatibility of materials has been considered when designing these sumps. There are no incompatibility problems with the selected materials and anticipated decontamination solutions or other such wastes. Attachment 16 (Tank Systems) contains a detailed description of the TOCDF sump system. At ATLIC. the SDS system starts at the collection points. There are sumps and oumos in the Entry Airlock "A". Entry Airlock "B". LIC Room. TOX Room. and a sump pan in each glovebox. Each area's floor is sloped. and SDS is collected in a below-srade sump. The sumps are constructed of concrete and have a steel pan placed within the concrete sump. The steel pan is lined with a protective liner compatible with the materials that are in the area. Leak detection is provided between the concrete sump and the steel pan. Information from the detector is sent to the control room to noti$ operators of any problems. If liquid is detected. the CON-OP will have the ability to activate and direct the sump content to the SDS collection tank. The collection points in the gloveboxes have collection pans: these pans are an integral part ofthe gloveboxes and are oiped and drained to the SDS collection tank. In the case of the TOX sump. the contents can be directed to the SDS collection tank or to the Major Spill tank. both located in the TOX. The Major Spill tank is provided as a storage point should a major spill occur. The tank is desiened to handle a "worst case" spill of the largest tank within the TOX (1000 eallons). This tank allows soilled liouids to be removed from the room in an efficient dgcreasing the likelihood of saturating the filters under a Major Spill condition. The SDS collection tank has a recirculation and sampline pipine loop that allows for continuous recirculation of the contents within the tanks as well as providine for a sampline point to remove SDS sample for testing. The Major Spill tank can be sampled and directed via a manually installed hose to any of the storage svstems within the TOX room utilizine that system's recirculation and samoling oiping loop. The area around the eloveboxes in the Processing Area is surrounded by a berm to provide containment if a leak occurs. 8.2.7 Aeent Monitorine Equipment [R315-3-2.5ftX8Xvi)l Chemical agents are routinely managed at TOCDF and ATLIC. The safe operation of these faciliti$y requires that personnel be protected from accidental or inadvertent exposure to these agents. The ventilation systems -minimizes worker exposure to agents. To supplement the ventilation system, an agent monitoring system is provided to alert facility personnel to the presence of agents. The agent monitoring equipment at TOCDF includes the Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System (ACAMS) and the Depot Area Air Monitoring System (DAAMS). In addition to ACAMS and DAAMS. monitoring equipment at the ATLIC includes Attachment8-Pagell 8.3 8.3.1 9.3. 1 .3 8.3.1 .4 8.3. 1 .5 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 MIMCAMS. Attachmentg 22 and2ZA(Agent Monitoring Plan) provides more information on each system, including a general description of the system, its theory of operation, and its sensitivity and response time. In addition to the agent monitoring equipment, detector paper may be used as a confirmatory test for identifying G series, VX, and H series agents in suspect liquids. This paper does not detect vapors or extremely small droplets of $!!fuggjgg, VX, or mustard agents and may change color in the presence of other chernicals.r PREYENTION OF IGNITION OR REACTION OF IGNITABLE. REACTTVE. OR INCOMPATIBLE WASTE Precautions to Prevent Ienition or Reaction of Ienitable or Reactive Waste [R315-3- 2.5ft)(9) and R3 15-8-2.8(a)-(c)l Ignitable waste at the facility includes waste generated at the Chemical Assessment Laboratory (CAL) and subsequently stored in the S-2 warehouse and Igloos 1632 and 1633. No sources of ignition will be allowed in the S-2 warehouse and Igloos 1632 and 1633 when ignitable items are stored. Potential sources of ignition to be prohibited include: open flames, smoking, cutting and welding, hot surfaces, frictional heat, sparks (static, electrical, or mechanical), spontaneous ignition (e.g., from heat producing chemical reactions), and radiant heat. "No Smoking" signs will be placed at the entrances to the S-2 warehouse and Igloos 1632 ard1633. No treatment of wastes within the containers in the S-2 warehouse and Igloos 1632 ard 1633 will occur (i.e., S-2 warehouse and the igloos will be used for storage only). This fact, coupled with the procedures identified in paragraph 8.3.4 regarding managernent of incompatible waste and the procedures identified above regarding the management of ignitable, will prevent the types of reactions described in R315-8-2.8(b). Reactive wastes at the TOCDF facility include chernical agents by EPA characterization, explosives, propellants, and certain active ingredients in the fuzes. No precautions are taken by the facility to protect reactive wastes from contact with the water from the automatic sprinkler system. The explosives, propellants, and fuze components were originally produced in a water solution, are compatible with water, and dissolution in water reduces the reactivityhazard of these components, so no special precautions are necessary to prevent contact with water. The demilitarizationprocess and operations in the MDB are designed to prevent accidental ignition or reaction of agent, explosives, and propellants. The entire building is a designated non-smoking area. During munition processing, all equipment is grounded to prevent the transfer of electrostatic charges to the munitions. Handling procedures have been incorporated into the transportation and plant operation procedures to apprise personnel of the importance of handling the munitions and bulk tArmy Regulation 50-6, Nuclear and Chemical Weapons and Material, "Chemical Surety Program," Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C., 15 January 1984. Attachment 8 -Page 12 8.3. I .6, 8.3. 1 .7 8.3. 1 .8 8.3. 1 .9 8.3. 1 . 10 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 containe?s. Conveyors and charge cars are used totransport munitions and their components witlin the MDB. The conveyor incorporates stops, interlocks, and guard rails that prevent the munitions and components from falling. The facility is protected from fires and explosions potentially caused by functioning munitions, electrical shorts, fuel leaks, overheated equipment, or miscellaneous equipment and operator failures by a fire protection system designed to meet the special needs of the plant areas. The fire protection system for the MDB includes: (1) automatic fire detectors throughout the building (smokq, thermal, and photoelectric tlpes); (2) manual fire alarm pull stations at exit points from the various hazard areas of the building; (3) fire protection water; (4) an automatic sprinkler system for the IJPA; (5) automatic total flooding Halon systems to protect the Control Room, Control Room Support Area, and Power Room; (6) automatic total-flooding FM-200/FE-227 for the UPS and Battery Enclosures; and (7) portable fire extinguishers located throughout the building (except in category A and B areas). A detailed description of the building fire protection system is provided in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan). The explosive components of munitions are removed by the projectile/mortar disassembly machine in the Explosive Containment Rooms (ECRs). There is also a burster size reduction machine in the containment room when projectiles are being processed. The containment rooms feature reinforced concrete enclosures designed to totally contain the effects of an accidental explosion. These areas are unmanned during normal operations. The probability of an explosion occurring in the DFS is low. The system is designed, however, so that the effects of an explosion within the incinerator are minimized, and the system's barrier (room) is designed to contain the explosive effects of an explosion in the system (similar to the ECRs). Material entrance to the retort is accomplished via the blast gate valve, which isolates the retort in case of an explosion. Again, this normally is an unmanned area. The agent in the munitions is removed by the Multipurpose Demilitarization Machine (MDM) or the Bulk Drain Station (BDS). These areas are protective clothing areas and normally are unmanned during processing operations. The probability of reaction of the agents is low because of the contained design of the drain stations and the compatibility of the materials in the plant. If a reaction of agents occurs, the system has been designed to contain all gases. An incident or accident involving an explosion is regarded as a serious event. If such an event should occur, processing of munitions will be safely halted and the plant will be shut down at a point where the munitions are secured. Startup shall not occur until the cause of the explosion is determined, a corrective action is implemented as necessary, and Executive Secretary approval is received. Detonations are not a planned technique for chemical demilitarization. A detonation will be handled by preplanned response in the contingency plan and the installation's Chemical Accident/lncident Response and Assistance Plan (CAIRA Plan). The definition of major detonation includes personnel injuries. The TOCDF regards any incident that results in any personnel injury from handling munitions as unacceptable, 8.3. r.12 Attachment 8 - Page 13 8.3. | .14 8.3. 1 .l 5 8.3. | .17 8.3.1 .18 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 requiring coffective action. The occurrence of any detonation in the course of denrilitarization of chemical munitions is unacceptable and requires corrective action. The possibility of a death from a detonation is included in the definition of a rnajor detonation, and operating procedures are designed to minimize this possibility. Both fire fighting and evacuation are possible options in an emergency situation. If the fire involves explosive materials or is supplying heat to explosives, or if the fire is so large that it cannot be extinguished with the equipment at hand, the personnel involved shall evacuate and seek safety. The fire protection system does provide protection against and immediate response for a situation involving fire inside the building. The fire protection system will provide protection by extinguishing a Class A fire involving dururage in the UPA. The fire protection system will provide protection against the spread of a fire to a pallet of munitions in the UPA and allow time for operators in the UPA to evacuate the area. The fire protection system will provide cooling and a degree of protection to munitions in the ECV and ECR from a fire that gets started away from the munitions. While the fire protection system does not provide a primary defense against a detonation of a munition, the system in connection with the blast resistant structure of the ECR and the compartmentalization of the ECV, UPA, Control Room, and incinerators does provide protection against the spread of fire from an explosive accident. By design, the only fires allowed inside of the MDB are to be contained within the fumaces. A fre in any other part of the plant is regarded as a serious event requiring immediate attention and corrective action. Because a fire that exposes energetic materials in the munitions can cause an explosion and/or rapid spreading of the frre, no distinction is to be made between "small" fires, "smoldering" fires, "large" fires, "dunnage" fires, or "explosives" fires. All fires inside the building are to be reported immediately and corrective action instituted immediately. Since any fire inside the building will consume oxygen and generate gases that cannot support life within a given enclosed space, it is imperative that the presence of a fire be communicated rapidly and traffic into an affected area be restricted to only those personnel prepared to fight a fire safely. Again, no distinction is to be made between "small" or "large" fires, or the tlpe of fire. Immediate response to communicate the presence of a fire and immediate corrective action is mandatory. The ECR and the associated equipment are designed to be operated remotely, unattended by operators. In the normal course of events, there will be no personnel inside the ECR while munitions are present. When repairs must be performed near explosively configured munitions or munition jam- ups, the demilitarization process will be stopped and adequately protected personnel may manually remove the munition(s) from the work area. The munitions can be moved to the UPA, ECV, or the First Floor Buffer Storage Area (BSA) until startup procedures can be initiated. With the explosively configured munitions removed from the work area, maintenance personnel can work on process equipment without the possibility of accidental munition detonation. Attachment 8 - Page l4 8.3. | .21 8.3. L22 8.3. r .24 8.3. | .2s TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 If an explosion occurs in a containment roorn, it is expected that a portion of the agent will be combusted while the remainder will exist in a vapor or liquid form. In the ECR, the agent vapors will be contained in the room because both the blast valves and the leak-tight dampers will be closed. The blast valves will remain closed until the pressure decays to the point where the spring force is greater than the room pressure (0.5 psi). At this pressure, the blast valve will open, but the leak-tight damper will continue to contain the gases. The leak tight dampers will not be opened until the room gas pressure has decayed to approximately atmospheric pressure High gas pressure in the DFS kiln will be vented through an attenuation duct, then through the afterbumer and @AS). The attenuation duct will reduce the gas pressures resulting from shocks so that an explosion will not violate the structural integrity of the afterburner or the PAS. The ECRs were designed to have a leakage rate of no greater than 300 cubic feet per minute. The ECR is completely surrounded by rooms that are ventilated to the filter system. Therefore, any leakage out of the ECR as a result of a blast will be vented to the filter system Liquid agent in the ECR resulting from an explosion will be collected in the ECR sump. Because of the limited number of munitions that will be in the ECR at any one time, the amount of liquid agent released by an explosion is not expected to be greater than about two gallons. Once ventilation has been reestablished in the ECR (by reopening the gas tight valves), Demilitarization Protective Ensernble (DPE) entries will be made and the area will be hosed down with decontamination solutions. Sufficient decontamination solution will be used to ensure complete neutralization of the agent. The resulting waste liquids will then be pumped to the spent decontamination holding tank system for later incineration in one of the two LICs. The GB sodium hydroxide-based spent decontamination solution may be shipped off site if the requirements of Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) are met. There is a remote possibility of a detonation in the DFS. This possibility is minimized by conholling the DFS retort temperature below a point where the explosive components would be expected to detonate. The possibility of a detonation is further reduced by spacing energetics on the feed conveyors and separating materials inside the retort by spiral flights, so that a detonation on one flight cannot propagate to other flights and cause a sympathetic detonation. The possibility of a detonation is further minimized by shearing bursters into pieces, open at both ends, so that combustion initiates at both ends of a cylindrically shaped burster and there is no net force to cause acceleration of a work piece in any axial direction. Bursters from large projectiles (155-mm) are sheared into pieces to increase the surface area available for combustion and to reduce the size of the pieces so that combustion does not auto accelerate to a detonation (i.e., the fuel burns itself out before a supersonic pressure wave in the burning fuel can be established). The energetic materials, because of their chernical composition, are expected to generate heat (2,000 to 4,000 Btdlb) and evolve gases (CO, CO2, H2O, NO, NO2, N2) rapidly, ao Attachment 8 - Page l5 9.3. I .27 8.3. | .29 8.3.1 .3 I TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 process generally described as deflagration. This rate is designed into the size of the retort, ductwork, and induced draft fan so that it can be controlled safely and effectively. This design concept has been proven effective in fumaces buming explosives and propellants from conventional munitions in several places across the country. If a detonation should occur in the DFS, the operation of the afterburner will be protected by the Blast Attenuation Duct in the ductwork between the retort and the cyclone, and secondarily by the cyclone separator. Discharge of combustion gases from the heated discharge conveyor is prevented by two blast gates in series at the discharge end of the heated conveyor. Fugitive emissions from the retort seals will be controlled by capturing the emissions inside a shroud srurounding the retort and recycling the emitted gases back into the retort or exhausting the gases to the ventilation filter system before they are discharged to the atmosphere. The room surrounding the DFS retort is a blast resistant structure and is separately vented to the ventilation filter system to control any vapors from inside of the building. These controls of feed rate, feed preparation, operating parameter controls, and design to control fugitive emissions from the DFS are adequate to safely manage chemical munitions in the TOCDF. If the DFS should shut down, the interlocking system managed by the computer control system will simultaneously stop the processing of munitions in the ECR. Feed to the ECR will stop, and the transfer of munitions to the ECV and UPA will stop until the furnace can be restarted. This will preclude a buildup of munitions components at the retort entry. The feed chutes will continue to be monitored for a high temperature and water will be sprayed into the feed chute to cool the chute and any pieces that are present in the feed chute to prevent an explosion. The ECR area ventilation category will remain at Category A once the blast valves and the leak t1,pe valves are opened after a detonation. The area surrounding the ECR will also rernain at category A. Before any entries are allowed in the ECR after a detonation occurs, the room air will be monitored to determine the agent concentration. The DFS ventilation category will remain at category B because no agent will be present other than what is expected. The room air will be monitored to determine the agent concentration before any entries will be allowed in the DFS after a detonation occurs. The Burster Size Reduction Machine (BSRM) receives projectile bu.rt"r, from the Burster Removal Station (BRS) of the ProjectileilVlortar Disassembly Machine (PMD). The burster is conveyed by the BRS gripper to the BSRM feed chute. Bursters are fed into a special die that is designed to hold the burster in place during the shear blade cycle. Except for bursters from 4.2-inch mortars, which are open on one end, the burster is sheared to preclude an explosion during buming and drops into the DFS feed chute. The machines for burster shearing are limited in the amount of force that can be applied and the speed at which they move to preclude application of a shock load of sufficient energy to initiate the energetic materials in the burster. The operation is conducted within an area of the plant designed to contain the explosive effects of a detonation if this remote possibility occurs. Attachment8-Page16 / 9.3. I .34 8.3.1 .35 8.3. r .36 8.3.1 .36. 1 8.3. I .36.2 8.3. r .37 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 The blast loads that must be contained are shock waves, quasistatic gas pressure and primary and secondary fragments. The shock waves are short duration, high pressures that range up to approximately 900 psig. The quasistatic gas pressure caused by the heating of the gas as a result of combustion will reach as high as 26 psig. The fragments will be generated by the munition casing. The ECR is designed with blast shields used to cover and protect the piping and electrical penetrations. If exposed agent piping is in the direct line of sight of the blast, the piping could be damaged by either the shock or the fragments. But, if the agent piping is behind the blast shield, it will be protected from damage. This shock pressure does not translate directly into hydraulic pressure because of its duration. Also, the shock pressure indicated above does not take into account the equipment and structure in the ECR. The equipment and structure will absorb part of the energy from this detonation, resulting in greatly reduced shock pressures. It is expected that the hydraulic pressure in the agent pipe will not exceed the design pressure for that pipe. The quasistatic pressure does translate into hydraulic pressure, but the hydraulic pressure will not exceed the design pressure of the pipe. Fragments will have no effect on agent piping outside of the ECR. To provide additional assurance that explosions will not damage the agent lines outside of the ECR, quick response valves were installed in the agent lines after the lines exit the ECR. The response time of these valves is between 50 ard75 milliseconds. Based on this discussion, rupture of the agent piping outside of the ECR is not expected. Also, it should be noted that all agent piping outside of the ECR that carries agent runs only through ventilation category A areas where the facility was designed to handle spilled agent. The lower blast gates in the feed chutes to the DFS retort are driven by double acting pneumatic cylinders. Proximity switches that sense the position of the cylinder in the open or closed positions are located at each end of travel of the cylinders. These are labeled ZS-01A, ZS-018, ZS-02A, afiZS-028. If a blast gate is to be closed but the position switches do not confirm that the blast gate is closed, the interlock will open and an alarm will be given to the operators that the blast gate did not close. This would be the first indication that a piece is caught in the blast gate guides. Confirmation of this is available with the jam sensors XS-207, XS-208, XS-209, or XS-210. There are two temperature sensors located in each feed chute TE-150, TE-202, TE-154, and TE-203 that will alarm if a high temperature condition is reached in this area between the blast gates. A high temperature would cause water to be sprayed into this area to cool the chute and work pieces in the chute. The safety features built into this system are: The blast gates move slowly so that should the gate impact a fize or burster piece there is not enough kinetic energy transferred to cause detonation. The high temperature switches are set below the temperature at'which the energetic materials would start to deflagrate. Tlpically this temperature is above 200' C (392" F). Since the operational steps of the blast gates are event driven, the program will not allow the operation to advance to the next step until the current step has been completed. In the case of the blast gates, before each cycle step can proceed, feedback from the limit switches on the gates must be received at the Programmable Logic Controller @LC). The Attachment 8 -Page 17 9.3. I .3 8 8.3. | .40 8.3.l.4l 8.3. | .42 8.3. | .43 8.3. I .46 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 PLC not only looks at the current state of the limit switch, it also verifies that the switching takes place in the proper sequence. If this signal is not receivd, m alarm is received in the control room and the ECR operations are halted. The blast gates that feed the DFS from the ECR are designed to prevent the propagation of the blast effects from the area where any blast occurred by ensuring that at least one blast gate between these areas is closed at any time. At certain times during explosive feed to the DFS, theie may be a burster and small amounts of agent between two gates that are closed. Effects bf a detonation during this time are expected to be minimal because both gates are designed to withstand a blast of this magnitude. Agent vapors evolving in the ECR are removed to the filter systern and vapors evolving in the DFS will be incinerated in the furnace or will be removed by the room filter system. When the blast gates in the ECR do not close completely, operations within the ECR are automatically halted. A detonation in the retort would be sensed by pressure sensors/transmitters at the discharge end of the retort, PIT-I8, and in the exhaust duct, PIT-I68. The retort is fabricated with a spiral flight which separates the solid materials into discrete segments. If a detonation should occur in one segment, the flight will inhibit propagation to adjacent segments, limiting the amount of material that explosively combusts. If a detonation should occur that causes a severe overpressure, feed to the retort would be stopped immediately, munitions processing upstream of the DFS would be stopped, the retort burner would be shut down, and the retort oscillated to allow the inventory of material in the retort to burn out. Any vented air is treated in the carbon filters to control vapor emissions from the plant before being released to the atmosphere. The DFS barrier and ducts exiting the barriers have been designed to withstand detonations. In the unlikely event that there is an explosion, that detonation will have very little effect on the afterburner. The shock wave from the rotary kiln would have to travel through ducting that will dissipate the energy to prevent stress until it exits the building. Once the duct leaves the building, it enters an attenuation duct that will significantly lower the shock pressure. From the attenuation duct, the duct runs to the cyclone, then to the afterburner. At this point, the blast pressures have decayed to barely noticeable levels that would not affect the afterburner operation or cause afterburner flameout. If a blast is detected, the Deactivation Furnace System afterbumer will be shut down in an orderly manner and the room air will be diverted to the filter system. The hazard analysis addressed the concem of reaching an explosive level as a result of combustibles in the Deactivation Fumace System barrier and it was concluded that this level would not be reached with the designed air flows in that room. Reserved Reserved Reserved AttachmentS-Page 18 8.3. 1 .48 8.3. I .49 8.3. 1 .50 9.3. 1 .5 1 8.3. I .s2 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 The burster well in projectiles is a metal tube that contains the burster. When the projectiles are being demilitarized, the fuze, booster, and burster are removed from the projectiles remotely in the ECR. The burster is removed from the burster well by applylng air pressure to the back of the burster and pneumatically forcing the burster out of the well. A clamp, specially designed to limit clamping pressure, grabs one end of the burster and withdraws it from the well. Bursters are conveyed to the BSRM feed chute by the BRS gripper. At no time at this step of the process is the burster well clamped or held from the outside, so there is no possibility of crimping the burster well with the burster inside of the well. If, for some reason, the burster cannot be removed from the well, the projectile is not processed further, but is rejected and loaded onto a tray specifically designated for rejected projectiles and is set aside for special handling. After the explosive components are removed from the projectile, the empty burster well is removed from the projectile, crimped, and placed back in the projectile. The crimping machine has been designed to deform an empty, thin wall cylinder that requires a low hydraulic pressure. If an accident should occur during the course of demilitarizing projectiles, the size of the event is strictly limited to the number of projectiles inside the ECR at any time. If an accident should occur, the event will be contained within the ECR and cleanup would be implemented as described previously. The force used to remove trzes f.om irojectiles is insufficient to cause an explosion. The fuze removal operaiion is used for the M8 fuze on 4.2 mortars. This operation is done under undue force conditions which, by definition, are less than a force required to deform the explosives either in the fuze or in the bursters. The burster material of the mortars is tetryl. There is a finite, albeit small, probability that the burster well may have been thoroughly corroded by the combined action of chemical agent on the outside of the burster well and the cast solid explosive on the inside of the burster well. In the course of storing and managing chemical weapons over the past 60 years and demilitarizing projectiles at the Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System (CAMDS) plant since l979,the Army has not had any indication that the possibility of burster well corrosion is a significant concem. If a corroded burster well is uncovered by fuze and burster removal, 1 1 .7 lb of mustard agent from a 155mm projectile or 6.0 lb of agent HD/HT from the 4.2 inch mortar projectile is possible inside of the ECR. The leak would be contained within the ECR. Any evolved vapor would be carried by the ventilation air to the carbon filters where the vapor would be absorbed onto carbon. The ventilation filter system has been designed to safely treat the air swept over a spill covering 96 square meters continuously for 449 hours. The filter system can safely lrandle the evolved vapors until the ECR can be emptied of munitions and the spill treated with decontamination solution. : After the burster is removed from a leaking projectile or the burster and propellant are removed from a leaking mortar cartridge, the burster well is removed, the agent is . removed by pumping out the cavity of the projectile, the burster well is crimped to prevent a tight reseal, and the projectile body and burster well are loaded onto a tray to be treated in the Metal Parts Fumace (MPF). The agent is pumped to the agent storage tanks in the 8.3. 1 .53 Attachrnent 8 - Page 19 8.3. 1 .55 8.3.2 8.3.2,1 8.3.3 8.3.3. 1 8.3.4 8.3.4. I Durine Lewisite operations at the ATLIC. the Nitric Acid Feed System (NFS) provides the facility with safe and effrcient required storage and distribution of nitric acid. The acid storaee enclosure houses the nitric acid supply barrels. The area will bermed and adequate ventilation will be orovided for the enclosure. TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 TOX and is incinerated in one of the two LICs. After treatment in the MPF at a temperature and time sufficient to destroy any remaining agent contamination, the metal that remains will be managed in accordance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). Reserved It is the basic requirement that the M8 fuzes have two independent interlocks that are always tumed to a safe position and the fuze train is intemrpted. Either of these interlocks is capable of preventing an unintended detonation before the ammunition is projected. An explosive train develops a detonation by progression of the reaction from an explosive of greater sensitivity but minimal quantity, to the explosives of least sensitivity (bursters). Without this train of explosives, a high yield detonation cannot be achieved. The interlock devices intemrpt the explosive train so that should an explosive function occur on the side of the device (i.e., thermal initiation in a furnace), the explosives on the other side of the device will not be affected. General Precautions for Handlins Ignitable or Reactive Wastes or Accidentlv Mixins Incomnatible Wastes tR315-3-2.5ftX9) and Ri15-8-2.8ft) General precautions for handling ignitable and reactive waste are discussed above. With the exception of the wastes stored in the S-2 warehouse and Igloos 1632 and 1633, none of the hazardous wastes are ignitable or potentially incompatible. Procedures which preVent mixing of incompatible wastes in the S-2 warehouse and Igloos 1632 ard 1633 are provided in section 8.3.4. Manasement of Ienitable or Reactive Wastes in Containers [R315-3-2.6(c) and R315-8-9.71 The containers of agent, explosives, and propellants are not ignitable and are managed so that water contact is minimized. This same practice is adhered to if other wastes, such as the incinerator ash or residue, are found to be reactive because ofthe presence ofsulfides or inorganic fluorides. All containers holding reactive or ignitable wastes will be located at least 50 feet from the facility property line. Manasement of Incompatible Wastes in Containers [R315-3-2.6(d) and R315-8- 9.8(a)(2)l No incompatible hazbrdous waste at TOCDF shall be managed at the CHB. Munitions and bulk coritainers with only one agent tlpe may be processed at one time. GA and Lewisite will not be processed simultaneously by the ATLIC. AttachmentS-Page20 TOCDF Preparedness and Prevention Plan July 2008 Containers with incompatible site-generated wastes shall not be placed on a secondary contafument pallet in the S-2 warehouse at TOCDF or Igloos 1632 and 1633 at the same time. Therefore, incompatible wastes, or incompatible wastes and materials shall not be placed in the same container or on the same secondary containment pallet. The acid storase enclosure at ATLIC will house the nitric acid suoolv barrels. The area will bermed and adequate ventilation will be provided for the enclosure. 8.3.5 8.3.5. 1 8.3.6 8.3.6. 1 Manaeement of Isnitable or Reactive Wastes in Tanks [R315-3-2.7 [40 CFR 270.16(fl1 and RI15-8-10 1264.198(a)(2)ll Agent, brine, and spent decontamination solutions have flash points that classiff them as Class IIIB liquids in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association. These are not unstable, ignitable or reactive liquids, as defined by the National Fire Protection Association (I.[FPA). The storage tanks are in fuIl compliance with the NFPA requirements. The agent collection and spent decontamination tanks are located in the TOX and Spent Decontamination System Room, respectively. These areas are provided with trenches and sumps that provide containment in excess of the largest tank capacity. The spacing between tanks is in excess of three feet. Manaeement of Incomnatible Waste in Tanks [R315-3-2.7 [40 CFR 270.16(fl1 and RI15-8-10 t264.199ft)lt The design of thclIOCpF allows for brines from the PAS to go to the brine surge tanks in the BRA, spent decontamination solutions and miscellaneous liquid wastes from the sumps to go to the spent decontamination tanks, and agent from the process machines and miscellaneous liquids to go to the agent collection tanks. All pollution abatement system brines from all of the furnaces, whether processing GB, VX, or mustard, are compatible. Different agents are not processed together in the ACS tanks and when changing from one agent to another, the agent collection tanks are thoroughly decontaminated to less than 20 ppb. The Scrubber Liquor Blowdown at the ATLIC will be directed to three 90-dav storage Receivinq Tanks. These storage tanks are sized to allow suffici€'nt storage for continuous processine operations. SBent d€contamination solutions and miscellaneous liquid wastes from the sumos eo to the spent decontamination tanks iq the Toxic Area. Different aeents are not processed together in the LCS tank. The GA aeent will be drained and fed directly to the LIC. Asent front Lewisite tons will be drained and collected in the Lewisite collection tank located in the Toxic Area. Attachment 8 -Page?l (+r+ FDo ;J F) CD iJ \o TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ATTACHMENT 9 CONTINGENCY PLAN This Contingency Plan is designed to minimize hazards to human health or the environment from fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous waste or hazardous waste constituent to the air, soil, or surface water. The provisions for carrying out emergeircy responses described in this plan are contained within emergency response procedures, available on site. Deseret Chemical Depot CAIRA Plan incorporated by reference, current plan available on site. o Attachment9-Pagel 9.1 9.0 9.2 li:, ; TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ABL[' OF CONTENTS coN-rnlaiNcY PLAN EI\{ERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS 9. 1 .1 Electrical Distribution and lmergency Power (EP) System Overview TOCDF Primary Power System (PPS) TOCDF SecondaryPower System (SPS) TOCDF Unintemrptible Power Supply (UPS) System TOCDF Emergency Ge,nerator (GEI.I) System 9.1 .1 .6 CAMDS Electrical and Emergency Power System 9.t.2 Fuel Gas System (Natural Gas and Liquefied Petrolzum Gas) 9.1.3 Fuel Oil System 9.1.4 Fire Detection and Protection Overview TOCDF Detection and Alarm TOCDF Automatic Sprinkler System TOCDF Halon (HAL) FM-200/F'E-227 Systems Reserved TOCDF and Area 10 Igloos Portable Fire Extinguishers TOCDF Dry-Chemical System CAMDS Fire Detection and Protection ATLIC Fire Detection apd Protection :" EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANZATION 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Scene Responders ' ' Incident Commander (IC)/Emergency Coordinator Scene Control Officer (SCO) SafetyAdvisor Environmental Advisor Maintenance Superintendent HAZMAT Team Leader (HTL) Decon Team Leader (DTL) Paramedic Team l,eader (PTL) Medical Clinician In Charge (MCIC) Rescue Team Leader (RTL) CMA Shift Engineer 9.2.3 Control Room . Assistant lncident Commander (AlC)/Altemate Emergency Coordinator Accountability Coordinator Sweepers 9.2.4 Contractor Management Advisory Team (CMAT) General Manager CMA Project Manager Deputy General Managers Government Shift Representative (GSR 9.2.5 CAMDS-Specific Emergency Notification Attachment 9 - Page2 o TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 9.3 9.2.6 ATLIC-Specific Emergency Notification IMPLEMENTATTOX 9.3.2 Fire or Explosion Incident 9.3.3 Agent or Non-Agent Release 9.3.4 Decision Process EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURE S 9.4.1 Notification 9.4.1.l Notification and Mobihzation Overview 9.4.1 .2 Persorurel Notification Site Personnel 9.4.1 .2.3 Public Address System Offsite Personnel DCD Installation 9.4.1 .2.6 EG&G Management 9.4.1 .3 Emergency Responder Notification 9 .4,1 .3. I Scene Response Teams DCD Primary Response Organizations ContractorManagement AdvisoryTeam HAZMAT Release Reporting 9.4.2 Identification of Hazardous Materials Identification of Hazardous Materials Overview Hazardous Materials at TOCDF and TOCDF Operated Facilities " GB (Sarin): Physical, Chemical, and Toxib Properties Effects of GB 9.4 ': ".' Hazard Symbol forGB VX: Physical, Chemical, and Toxic Properties Effects of VX' Hazard Symbol forVX Mustard: Physical, Chemical, and Toxic Properties Effects of Mustard HazardSymbol forMustard GA: Physical. Chemical and Toxic Properties' -' EffectsofGA Hazard Svmbol for GA Lewisite: Physical. Chemical and Toxic Properties Effects of Lewisite Hazard Svmbol for Lewisite 9.4.3 HazardAssessment Hazard Assessment Overview Event Detection Event Information Gathering Information Sources Information from Emergency Response Teams Information from SCO,IC, and Advisors Information from TOCDF Control Room,5 Information from Monitoring and Sampling Teams Event Assessment Determination of Event HazardZone Attachment9-Page3 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 9.4.4 ControlProcedures 9.4.5 Prevention of Recurrence or Spread of Fires, Explosions, or Releases Fire Fire Reporting and Evacuation 9, 9 .5 .4.8. 1 Immediate Actions Subsequent Actions 9.5 9.6 Fire and Agent Releases Prevention of Recurrence, Spread of Fires, Explosions, or Releases Explosive Hazards 9.4.6 Storage and Treatment of Released Material 9.4.7 IncompatibleWaste 9.4.8 Post-Emergency Equipment Maintenance 9.4.9 Container Spills and Leakage 9.4.10 Tank Spills and Leakage 9.4.11 Spills and Leakage from Other Regulated Units EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 9.5.1 Reserved 9.5.2 Communication and Alarm Systems SystemDesign Control Room 9.5.3 Spill Control and Decontamination Equipment 9.5.4 EmergencyEquipment Fire Extinguishing Equipment Emergency Personal Protective Equipment Emergency Personal Protective Equipment Overview Chemical Agent Ventilatio n/Hazard C ategories TOCDF Descriptions of Personal Protective Equipment Ensernbles Selection of PPE Chemical Agent Release 9.5.4,2.4.2 Industrial Chemical Release Medical Emergency Equipment Showers and Eyewash Facilities Agent Detection Equipment Decontamination Solution 9.5.4.'l Confined Spaces if Entry 9 .5 .4.8 Offsite Equipment Firefighting Equipment Heavy Equipment COORDINATION AGREEMENTS AND SUPPORT ORGANZATIONS 9.6.1 CoordinationAgreements Overview 9.6.2 DCD Support General '' '. DCD Security : Real Time Analysis Pldtforms (RTAPs) 9 .6.2.4 DCD Meteorological/Detection Teams (Met/Det) DCD Hotline Crew Attachrnent9 -Page4 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 DCD Decontamination Teams Emergency Operations Center (EOC) DCD Fire Station 9.6,3 Reserved 9.6.4 TEAD Support 9.6.4.I General TEAD Fire Station TEAD Public Works Support Center 9.6.5 Medical Support General Aid Station (DCD) Reserved U.S. ArmyHealth Clinic (TEAD) Dugway Proving Ground Air Ambulance Services Intermountain Medical Center University Hospital Mountain West Medical Center Utah Valley Regional Medical Center Salt Lake Valley Regional Medical Center 9.6.6 62nd Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Detachment 9.6.7 Community Fire Support Tooele City Fire Department Stockton Fire Department 9.6.7 .3 Grantsville Fire Department Tooele County Fire Department 9.6.7 .5 Volunteer Fire Departments 9.6.8 Other Emergency Services 9.6.9 Department of Army (DA) 9.7 PROTECTTVE ACTIONS AND EVACUATION PLAN 9.7.1 Protective Actions Overview 9.7.2 ProtectiveActionDecision-Making 9.7.3 ProtectiveActionlmplementation Protective Masks and Agent Antidotes 9.7 .3.2 Access and Traffic Control In-Place Sheltering Evacuation 9.8 REQUTRED REPORTS Attachment9-Page5 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 LIST OT'TABLES 9-1-1 Emergency Power Load Summary 9-2-l Incident Commanders (Emergency Coordinators) 9-2-2 Assistant Incident Comrnanders (Altemate Emergency Coordinators) 9-3-1 Agent Exposure Limits and Agent Stack Limits (-g/-') 9-4-l Munitions and Bulk Item Characteristics 9-4-2 Chemical and Physical Properties of Agent 9-5-1 TOCDF Emergency Communications 9-5-2 Emergency Decon Stations and Personnel Decontamination Equipment 9-5-3 Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) and TEAD Emergency Equipment 9-7-l Protective Action Communication Attachment9-Page6 9-1-1 9-r-2 9-3-l 9-5-1 9-s-2 9-5-3 9-5-4 9-5-5 9-5-6 9-s-7 9-7 -l 9-7 -2 9-7 -3 9-7 -4 9-7 -s 9-7 -6 9-7 -7 9-7 -8 9-7 -9 9-7 -10 9-7 -ll 9-7 -12 9-7 -t3 9-7 -14 LIST OF FIGI]RES TOCDF Emergency Response Organ rzatron DCD Emergency Response Organrzatron (Chemical Event) Initial Response Activities MDB l't Floor Eye Wash and Decon Stations MDB l't Floor Mezzantnes Eye Wash and Decon Stations MDB 2"d Floor Eye Wash and Decon Stations MDB 2nd Floor Mezzantnes Eye Wash and Decon Stations PUB l't Floor Eye Wash Stations PAS 100 Ft Level (Ground Floor) Eye Wash Stations CHB l't Floor Eye Wash Stations MDB 1st Floor MDB lst Floor MezzaruLnes MDB ZndFloor MDB 2nd Floor Mezzanines PUB lst Floor PAS 100 Ft Level (Ground Floor) PAS 16 Ft Level PAS ll4-129 Ft Levels PAS 128-l4l Ft Levels PAS 147 -150-Ft Levels PAS 159-170 Ft Levels CHB PSB MSB Plan TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2049 Attachment 9 - PageT TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 9-7 -t5 9-7 -16 9-7 -17 9-7 -18 9-7 -19 9-7 -20 9-7 -21 9-7 -22 9-7 -23 9-7 -24 9-7 -25 9-7 -26 9-7 -21 9-7 -28 9-7 -29 9-7 -30 9-7 -31 9-7 -32 9-7 -33 9-7 -34 9-7 -35 EG-16-C-0004 9-7 -36 LIST OF FIGT'RES ECF Plan PMB Plan S-l Plan S-2 Plan S-3 Plan S-4 Plan S-5 Plan 5-6 Plan s-7 Qu alit y lBnvironment a 1 ETC T-25 T-26 T-21 T-28 Area l0Igloos 1631,1632 and 1633 CAMDS Buildings 3309, 3311, and 3314 CAMDS Buildings 3308, 3310, and 3315 CAMDS Personnel Support Complex (PSC) and Command Post (CP) CAMDS Site Anal tical Facility (SAF), Building 7085 and Command Module (cMo) DCD Site Evacuation Map Evacuation & Rally Points Plan (TOCDF) CAMDS General Layout and Muster Areas Attachrnent9-Page8 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 O ls-7-37 ATLIC" Attachment9-Page9 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ACRONYMS For purposes of this Contingency Plan, the following acronyms are used: ACAMS AutomaticContinuousAirMonitoringSystem ACS Agent Collection System AFSC ArmyField Support Command AIC Assistant Incident Comrnander APR AirPuriffing Respirator Area 10 Chemical Surety Materiel Storage Area ATLIC Area 10 Liquid Incinerator BP BatteryPack BSRM Burster Size Reduction Machine BRA BrineReductionArea CA Combustion Air CAIRA Plan Chemical Accident/Incide,nt Response and Assistance Plan CAL Chemical Assessment Laboratory CAMDS Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System CBR Chemical, Biological, and Radiological CCEE Control Center Equipment Enclosure (ATLIC) CFR Code of Federal Regulations CHB Container Handling Building CHE Cholinesterase CMA Chemical Materials Agency CMAT Contractor Management Advisory Team CMO Command Module (CAMDS) CON Control Room..(IOCpE) CON-OP Control Room Operator (for ATLIC) CSEPP Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Plan DA Department of the Army DAAMS Depot Area Air Monitoring System DCD Deseret Chemical Depot Decon Decontamination DFS Deactivation Furnace System DOSC Deputy On-Scene Coordinator DPE Demilitarization Protective Ensemble DVS Drum Ventilation System DVSSR Drum Ventilation System Sorting Room ECF Entry Control Facility ECR Explosive Containment Room EMT EmergencyMedical Technician EOC Emergency Operations Center EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal EP EmergencyPower ERO EmergencyResponse Organization ERP Emergency Response Plan GA Tabun (Ethyl N. N-dimethylphosphoramidecyanidate) GB Sarin,Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate GC Gas Chromatograph GEN Emergency Generator Supply Attachment 9 - Page l0 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 -e. I GSR Government Shift Representative O ' , bis (2-clioroethyl) sulfide HD Distilled mustard, bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide hr Hour HT Mustard,600/o HD and 40%T ACRONYMS HTL HAZMAT Teamleader HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning IC Incident Commander ICU Intermittent Collection Unit IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health IR Infrared Retro-Reflective IRF Initial Response Force lb/hr pounds per hour LIC Liquid Incinerator LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas MCE Maximum Credible Event MCIC Medical Clinician In Charge MDB Munitions Demilrtanzation Building MDM Multi-pu{pose Demihtanzation Machine MET/DET MeteorologicallDetection Teams MOU MPF MSDS NaOCI NaOH NIOSH OSC PAS PDS PMB PMD POC POV PPE PPS PTL PUB QRU RTAP RTL SCBA SCO SDS SPORT Memoranda of Understanding Metal Parts Furnace Material Safety Data Sheets Sodium Hlpochlorite Sodium Hydroxide National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health On-Scene Coordinator Pollution Abatement System Personnel Decontamination Station Personnel Maintenance Building Proj ectileAVlortar Disas semb ly Machine Point of Contact Privately Owned Vehicles Personal Protective Equipment Primary Power Supply Paramedic Team Leader Process and Utility Building Qr\S^S eMr\ Shi$Quality r\ssuanee Speeialist and l "rurnurdtien Strrveillanee Quick Response Unit Real Time Analysis Platform Rescue Team Leader Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Scene Control Officer Spent Decontamination System Single Pallet Only Rocket Transporter Spent Decon Spent Decontamination Solution SPS Secondary Power Supply Attachrnent9-Pagell TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 SSCC SEL STEL T TAP TCB TEAD TOCDF TOX UPS UV VSL VX xxx xxxxx Site Security Control Center Source Emission Limit Short-Term Exposure Limit B i s [2 (2 -chloro ethylthio) ethyl] ether Toxicological Agent Protective Treaty Compliance Building ACRONYMS Tooele Army Depot (North Area) Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Toxic Cubicle Un-intemrptible Power Supply UltravioletAnfrared Vapor Screening Level O - ethyl - S (2 -dii sopropylamino ethyl) methyl pho sphonothio late 3X; surface decontamination 5X; thermaltreatment at 1000 oF for a minimum of 15 minutes Attachment9 -Page12 9.0 9.0.1 9.L i 9.L.1 9.1 .l .1 9.1 .1 .1 .1 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 CONTINGENCY PLAI\ 1R315.3.2.5. R315-8.4I This Contingency Plan provides for hazardous waste ilumagement and describes the actions facility persorurel will take in response to fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or nonsudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents from their containment systems. This plan encompasses TOCDF and TOCDF operated facflities including the Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System (CAMDS) rortLlthe Area 10 Liquid lncinerator (ATLIC). EMERGENiY EOTIIPMENT AIID SYSTEMS Electrical Distribution and Emergency Power @P) System Overview The TOCDF and ATLIC electrical system consists of primary and secondary systems. The primary system consists of substation, switchgears, and diesel engine generators. The secondary system consists of 480-V switchgears, Motor Control Centers, distribution transformers, panelboards, and Uninte.rruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems. The electrical loads are divided into three categories: critical, essential, and utility: Critical Loads are those required imr4ediately following a power intemrption. These loads are fed from UPS and battery packs (BPs). Those requiring AC power are supplied from a solid-state UPS consisting of a batteryiinverter system. Those requiring DC power are fed froin a battery charger and storage battery or a special purpose pack furnished as an integral part ofthe load device. Essential Loads are those that are essential for health and safety but can tolerate intemrption for a few seconds or more. Essential loads may be supplied from a standby generator system that can be started and fully loaded within 90 seconds. Utility Loads are those not falling into the first two categories. The loss of these loads may result in a shutdown of the facilities and loss of production, but will not endanger health or safety. TOCDF PrimaryPower System (PPS) Two 5-MVA transformers in the main substation, located near the TOCDF, receive primary power from the local electrical utility. This substation steps down line voltage from 46kV to 4.16kV and provides power to the TOCDF Primary Power System (PPS). Each transformer in the substation can carry 100% of the essential loads. Primary power to the ATLIC is provided by tying onto an existing 12.470 VAC overhead line from the Silverado substation that runs to TOCDF. TOCDF SecondaryPower System (SPS) The Secondary Power System (SPS) consists ofdouble-ended 480-V load center and switchgear, motor control centers, and other equipment necessary to control and distribute power to TOCDF equipment. The SPS drops the voltage received from the PPS from 4,160-V to 480-V through a series of transformers. These transformers supply power to 9.1 .1 .2.1,1 Attachment 9 - Page l3 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 the switchgear and load centers. The switchgear and load centers contain circuit breakers that control power to the SPS motor control.centers, transformers, and UPS systems. The TOCDF line has been extended thrcugh an undersound lin-e into Arca 10 to a new transformerpad at the ATLIC (approx. 1800 feet). A 2.0 MVA transformerBrovides 480 VAC 3O secondary power for the ATLIC. TOCDF Unintemrptible Power Supply (UPS) System The Unintemrptible Power Supply (tlPS) at TOCDF provides power to electrical loads that cannot be intemrpted for any length of time, such as instrument control systerns, Control Room advisor screens, closed-circuit television, DPE radio system, waming lights (flashing), fire alarms, exit and emergency lights, and agent monitoring systems. The UPS system for the TOCDF MDB uses offset battery racks in a separate room to facilitate access for maintenance and to accommodate cable connections to each battery. Positive room air circulation is utilized to avoid hazardous concentrations of hydrogen gas. If the utility and emergencypower systems are not available, the critical loads will be powered by two UPS batteries that provide power for no less than 45 minutes. 9,1,1,4 9.1 .1.4.1 lso provi tin criti with battery supply at full load for a period of 45 minutes in the event of power system failure. The UPS systern batteries are desiened to carry these loads with no interruption for that 45 minute period or until the ernereency generator syst€, n has started and automatically takes over the load. The UPS systems can be operated ind€pend€ntly as either UPS is caoable of carrying the entire UPS load should one UPS fail or require maintenance. Additionally. each UPS can be manually b)?assed if either UPS should require a blpass at anytime for any reason. A listing of the major systems and major equipment that remains operational under emergencypower at TOCDF and ATLIC is provided in Table 9-1-1. Table 9-1-1 IOCDF EMERGENCY POWER LOAD ST]MMARY Power Load Recommended Tvpe of Supply Load Classification Agent annunciation system BP,Critical Fire alarm BP Critical DPE radio base station BP,Critical ACAMS agent monitors UPS Critical Emergency liehting in non-toxic areas BP Critical Emergency liehtine in toxrc areas BPJ Critical Load center and electrical switchgear controls (SPS- LCTR-l0l and -102) UPS andlor Station Batteries Critical DA\r{\4S Monitoring EP Essential Rotary retort DFS drive EP Essential DFS retort lube oil pump EP Essential CCTV (selected areas)UPS Critical Public address system UPS or BP Critical Instrumentation (CON, PLCs, microprocessors)UPS Critical Control room ventilation (at handline)EP Essential UPS (power to)EP Essential Attachment 9 - Page 14 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Table 9-1-L TOCDF EMERGENCY POWER LOAD ST]MMARY Power Load Recommended Type of Supply Load Classification Life support system and compressor EP Essential CAL building. hood and filter units EP Essential Air filtration system (includes air handline units)EP Essential Instrument air compressor EP Essential Area 10 Igloos 1631,1632, and 1633 and the Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration System EP Essential Battery room exhaust(HVC-FANX- 1 02)UPS Critical LPG transfer pump air compressor, vaporrzer EP Essential Facility heating EP Essential Decon supply purnp and spare EP Essential Stack liehtine EP Essential MPF/ DFS/ECR feed and exit, conveyors/doors EP Essential DFS secondary combustion air blowers EP Essential MPF combustion air blower EP Essential DFS/MPF emergency exhaust blowers EP Essential DFS/MPF afterburners EP Essential Quench brine pumps EP Essential MPF/DFS Clean Liquor Pumps EP Essential Control room air conditionine EP Essential Process Water Supply EP Essential Primarf Cooling water EP Essential Elevators/doors EP Essential Notes: I BP = self-contained battery pack, EP = emergency power, UPS = solid-state unintemrptible power supply. 2 8-hour battery. 3 Battery packs are located in non-toxic areas. ATTIC EMERGENCY POWER LOAD SUMMARY Power Load Recommended Tvne of Supnlv Load Classification FTB#I MCC RM-8OOI UPS Critical 54-52- 120 Switch Gear Breaker open/close UPS Critical 54-52-l2l Switch Gear Breaker open/close UPS Critical 54-52- 122 Switch Gear Breaker ooen/close UPS Critical 54-52- 123 Switch Gear Breaker oper/close UPS Critical 54-52- 124 Switch Gear Breaker ooerr/close UPS Critical 54-52-125 Switch Gear Breaker open/close UPS Critical 54-52-126 Switch Gear Breaker open/close UPS Critical 54-52- 127 Switch Gear Breaker open/close UPS Critical Fire Alarm Svstem UPS Critical Sound svstem (PA)UPS Critical Radio Svstems UPS Critical Intrusion Detection Svstem UPS Critical Control room CCTV MON-8101.8102 swcH-8101. 8102 UPS Critical Attachrnent 9 - Page l5 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ATLIC EMERGENCY POWER LOAD ST]MMARY Power Load Power Load Power Load OPCW ROOM CCTV MON-8103.8104 swcH-8103.8104 UPS Critical Seimens PLC # s-7-3 l9 UPS Critical Server FCS-SRVR-2 I 1. 2 12 UPS Critical ContrqlConsol #l UPS Critical Control Consol #2 UPS Critical PLC Panel #l UPS Critical PLC Panel #2 UPS Critical PLC Panel E UPS Critical PLC Panel tl4 UPS Critical 19 iru RackCCTVIqQMM UPS Critical 24 in Rack UPS Critical Seimens Power Supplv #l UPS Critical Seimens- Power Supplv42 UPS Critical MON-DAAIVIS 671 UPS Critical MON-DAAIVIS 672 UPS Critical Phone Bgard UPS Critical Ensineerine Work Station UPS Critical Aeent Alarms UPS Cdtiaal MON-DA,AIVIS.672 UPS Critical UPS Critical MON-ACAIvIS-S21 UPS Critical MON-ACAIvIS-675 UPS Critical MON-MCAI\{S-I24 UPS Critical MON-MCAIVIS-I25 UPS Critical MON-DAAIVIS.676 UPS ftrliaal MON-ACAIVIS-523 UPS Critical MON-DAu{lvIS-677 UPS Critical MQN-MCAI\4S-I26 qPS Critical MON-MCAIUS-127 UBS Critiaal MON-DAAtvIS-678 UPS Critical MON-ACAIVIS-529 UPS Critical MON-DA\AIVIS-679 UPS Critical MON-MCAN{S-I30 UPS Critical MON-MCAMS.I3I UPS Critical MON-DAAIVIS.68O UPS Critical MON-ACAI\{S-53 I UPS Critical MON-MCAN{S-I32 UPS Critical MON-ACAI\{S.532 UPS Critical MON-W UPS Critical AGB-GLBX-8502 UPS Critical AGB-GLBX-85OI UPS Critical FTB-MON#6 RM.l 13 FTB.8OO6 UPS Critical MON.ACAMS.s19 UPS Critical MON-MCAMS-122 UPS Critical MON-ACAIVIS-520 UPS Critical MON-MCAMS-123 UPS Critieal Attachment 9 - Page l6 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ATLIC EMERGENC\.POWER LOAD SM Power Load Power Load Power Load MON-ACAIVIS-52I UPS Critical MON.W UPS Critical MON.ACAI\4S-525 UPS Critical MON-MCAI\{S.I29 UPS Critical MON-ACAI\4S-527 UPS Critical MON-MCAN4S-134 UPS Critical MON-ACAN4S-533 UPS Critical MON.DAAIVIS.6SI UPS Critical MQN-ACAN{S-535 UPS Critical MON-MCAN{S-136 UPS Critical MON-MCAI\{S-I35 UPS Critical MON-MCAIVIS-I37 UPS Critical MON-DAuU\4S-682 UPS Critical MON-ACAIVIS-s39 UPS Critical MON-ACANdS.537 UPS Critical MON.MCAMLL3S UPS Critical MON-DA\AIVIS-683 UPS Critical MON-DAAIVIS-684 UPS Critical MON-MCAIVIS-139 UPS Critical 815-fSU=8102 UPS Critical 835- PSU-8 101 UPS Critiaal FTB #3 MON RM 113 FTB-8003 UPS Critical FTB #4 MON RM 110 FTB-8004 UPS Critical FTB #5 Isloo RM I 13 FTB-8005 UPS Critical PAS PANEL l GACQMM)UPS Critical MON-ACAIv[S-543 UPS Critical MON-DAAIVIS-687 UPS Critical MON-ACAN{S-544 UPS Critical MQN-DAAMS.688 UPS Critical MON-ACANdS-545 UPS Critical MON-MCAI\4S.I42 UPS Critical MQN-MCAIVIS-143 UPS Critical MON-MCAIVIS-144 UPS Critical MON-MCAIVIS-145 UPS Critical MON-MCAIVIS-146 UPS Critical MON-MCAIVIS-I37 UPS Critical MON.DAAMS-685 UPS Critical MON-DAAI\{S.686 UPS Critical MON-DAAIVIS-689 UPS Critical MON-DAv{l\dS-690 UPS Critical FTB #?IMON RM 1I3 FTB-8002 UPS Critical MON-ACAIVIS-549 UPS Critical MON-DAu{IvIS-7415 UPS Critical MON-DA\AIVIS.7O5 UPS Critical MON-MCAIVIS-148 UPS Critical MON-MCAMS-I49 UPS Critical MON.ACAIVIS.S5I UPS Critical MON-DAAIVIS-693 UPS Critical MON-DAu{IvIS-717 5 UPS Critical Attachment 9 -Page 17 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ATLIC EMERGENCY POWER LOAD SIJMMARY Power Load Power Load Power Load MON-DAAMS-707 UPS Critical MON-MCAMS-150 UPS Critical MON-MCAMS.I5I UPS Critical MON.ACAMS-s59 UPS Critical MON-DA.AMS.713 UPS Critical MON-DA\AMS-7195 UPS Critical MON-DA,AMS.7II UPS Critical MON-MCAMS-152 UPS Critical MON-MCAMS-I53 UPS Critical MON.ACAMS.553 UPS Critical MON-DA\AI\4S-695 UPS Critical MON-ACAMS-s54 UPS Critical MON-DAAMS-696 UPS Critical MON-MCAMS-I54 UPS Critical MON.MCAMS-I55 UPS Critical MON.MCAMS.l56 UPS Critical MON-MCAMS-I75 UPS Critical Air Handline Unit LIC EP Essential Plant Air Svstem Air Compressor (PLA-COMP-8354)EP Essential LIC Combustion Air Blower EP Essential PAS Venturi Brine Pump EP Essential PAS Packed Bed Liquor Pump #1 EP Essential PAS Electric Reheater EP Essential Filter Bank A EP Essential Filter8anLc (Spare)EP Essential PUMP ChiIIEr UNit, LIC [HVC.PUMP.84OD EP Essential Pump Chiller Unit. Ieloo (HVC-PUMP-8327)EP Essential Air Handline Unit" Chiller. Isloo EP Essential PAS Air Cooled Liquid Cooler Fan #3 EP Essential Proeess lMater Supplv fump EP Essential WTS Loading Pump EP Essential 480V Power Distribution Panel (SPS-PANL-8008)EP Essential 480V Power Distribution Transfonner (SPS-TRSF-8006)EP Essential Critical Power UPS I/TRSF 8002 EP Essential GA/Lewisite Supply Pump #l NE Non-Essential Nitric Reiect Supplv Pump #l NE Non-Essential SDSiuppLy Pump #1 NE Non-Essential Chiller Air Cooled Condenser (PAS-COND-8975 A&B)NE Non-Essential PAS Carbon Tansport Blower NE Non-Essential PAS Liquid Chilter (PAS-CHL-8976 A&C)NE Non-Essential Swamp Cooler Blower Fan NE Non-Essential 480V Power Distribution Panel (SPS-PANL-8004)NE Non-Essential 480V Power Distribution Transformer (SPS-TRSF-8002)NE Non-Essential Air Handline Unit Ieloo EP Essential Plant Air Svstem Air Compressor (PLA-COMP-8357)EP Essential ID Fan ryFD)EP Essential PAS Air Cooled Liquid Cooler (PAS-COOL-8972 A&B)EP Essential Filter Bank B EP Essential Emergency Ouench Supply Pump EP Essential Attachrnent 9 - Page l8 ol I TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 TOCDF Emerge,ncy Generator (GEN) System The Emergency Generator (GEN) system at TOCDF consists of diesel-driven electrical generation systems capable of providing backup power to all of the critical and essential loads in case of a power outage. Diesel-driven auxiliary electrical generation systems are provided to supply essential power to the MDB and associated facilities for a safe and orderly shutdown. This includes power for emergency lighting, instrumentation and control system, building ventilation system, and key process equipment such as pumps and blowers where a power loss could either create a safety hazard or major damage to equipment. An additional diesel-driven filter generator is tied to all nine filter units in the MDB HVAC filtering system to provide power for any two of the filter units during an outage as needed. Plant security lighting is supplied from the Entry Control Facility generator. Area l0Igloos 1631 (Autoclave operations), 1632 (DVS/DVSSR operations & storage), 1633 (storage) and monitoring, including the Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration System, are provided emergency power by a dedicated natural gas-powered emergency generator. ACAMS monitoring at the carbon filtration system stack is initially powered by UPS. 9. I . 1 .5.3 The ATLIC Generator system consists of two diesel-powered gen€rators and associated support equioment. includine a fuel-oil day tank. The GeNrerator equipment is located east of Igloo 1639 in the erners€,ncy eenerator buildine. The g€nerators are used to enerqize the Essential and Critical loads only. The Primary Generator will supply these loads by opening and clo$ine a combination of tie breakers. main non-essential breakers and utility source breakersto ensure there is never a chance of back feedine the utility line from a f one of the qenerators should fail to start or fail durins oDeratio throueh the use of the PLC and qronitored bv the control room operators. a manual Tie breaker can be closed. At the same time SPS-MCC-8439 BKR #1 or BKR #2 can be 9.1.1 .5 9 .t .1 .s.1 ATLIC EMERGENCY POWER LOAD SI,]MMARY Power Load Power Load Power Load Pump Chiller unit. LIC (HVC-PUMP-8400)EP Essential Pump Chiller Unit. Isloo (HVC-PUMP-8414)EP Essential PAS Pump EP Essential Air Handline Unit. Chiller LIC EP Essential Process Water Supolv Pump EP Essential PAS Packed Bed Liquor Pump #2 EP Essential 4 8 0V Power Distribution Panel SP S-PAI.IL-8 007 EP Essential 4 8 0V Power Distribution Transformer SP S-TRSF-8 005 EP Essential Critical Powet EP Essential Gdlewisite Suonlv Pumn #2 NE Non-Essential Nitric Reiect Supplv Pump #2 NE Non-Essential SDS Supplv Pump #2 NE Non-Essential PAS Liquid Chiller (PAS-CHL-8976 B)NE Non-Essential Swamn Cooler Blower Fan NE Non-Essential Chiller Air Cooled Condenser (PAS=COND-8975 C&D)NE Non-Essential CDS Unloadine oump NE Non-Essential 4 8 0V Power Distribution Panel SP S-PAII{L-8 003 NE Non-Essential 4 8 0V Power Distribution Transforrrer SP S-TRSF-8 00 I NEr Non-Essential Attachment 9 - Page l9 9.1 .l .6 9.1.2 9.1 .2.1 9.1 .2.2 9.1 .2.3 9.1 .2.4 9.L.3 9.1 .3.1 a"rrrrr"rl?;?: June 2009 locked in their open positions until the failed generator can be brought back on line or normal utilitypower restored. Should either generator fail to start automatically after 4 attempts. the generators will reouire a manual start seque, rce. If both gendrators fail to start. the UPS maintains anergency liehtine. control systern ooeration. and communication while the plant is in a fail-safe condition. The CAMDS electrical power system consists of primary and secondary systems. The primary system consists of substation, switchgears, and diesel engme generators. The secondary system consists of 480-V switchgears, Motor Control Centers, distribution transformers, panelboards, and Unintemrptible Power Supply (UPS) systems. The CAMDS emergency power system consists of diesel-engine-driven emergency standby generators. These systems are capable of carrying the entire CAMDS emergency load and providing backup power to all of the critical and esseirtial loads in case of a power outage. Failure of commercial power is sensed by automatic transfer switches that start each generator and switch critical loads to standby power within ten seconds after a power failure. The CAMDS emergencypower is provided to all critical functions, e.g., the control system, agent monitors, emergency lighting, ventilation filter units, communication systems, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems, guardhouse, and perimeter lighting. Fuel Gas System (Natural Gas) The furnaces at TOCDF are designed to bum natural gas as theirprimary fuel source. The natural gas is fed to the facility from the local utility company main supply line at a nominal pressure of 70 psig. The TOCDF regulates this pressure down to a header pressure of35 psig. The TOCDF fuel gas system consists of commercially supplied natural gas, associated controls, indicators, and flare stack and fuel gas distribution system. A seismic-activated gas cutoff valve is provided to shut the gas supply to the equipment in the event of an earthquake. The DCD Area 10 Igloo natural gas-powered emergency generator is supplied by the DCD natural gas supply system. The CAMDS fuel gas system consists of commercially supplied natural gas, associated controls, indicators and distribution system. The use of fuel gas at the CAMDS site is limited to various building heating systems. At ATLIC. natural gas is supplied to the primary and secondary chamber burners as fuel. The fuel is suop-lied through the fuel supply skid located outside the buildine. Apressure regulator reduces the fuel supply pressure to the burners. The fuel flow rate is measured by an orifice plate and regulated by a flow-control valve and controller. Fuel Oil System The Fuel oil storage at TOCDF is provided to supply fuel to the emergancy diesel-driven electrical generation system. The fuel oil system consists of a belowground storage tank with level sensor, switch panel, drop tube, and 30-inch manway. The tank is double walled with a rustproof fiberglass reservoir. A monitoring system provides for leak detection. Attachment 9 -PageZ0 adjacent to each emergency diesel generator. The fuel oil tanks are subject to 4-hour periodic fire-watch inspections. The ATLIC has a fuel-oil day tank. In the event of a projected utility loss. orovisions will be made to provide fuel delivery as required or incorporate the addition of a larser fuel tank into the system design. An alternative to this course of action will be to oerform a prosrammed shut down of the Primary Generator and brins the Secondary Generator on line. This action would allow for additional operation before refueling would be required. 9,1.3.2 9.1,4 9.1 .4.1 9.1 .4.2 9.1 .4.2.1 9.1 .4.2.2 9.t.4.2.3 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 The CAMDS emergencypower system fuel oil supply is provided by fuel oil tanks located Fire Detection and Protection Overview TOCDF is equipped with smoke and fire alarm sensors, control panels, and alarms to alert personnel that a fire has been detected. Manual pull stations are located at exit points throughout the site to allow personnel to report visual sighting of a fire. Pull stations, alarms, and hydrants are located throughout the site near the fuel storage area for the emergency generator, the LPG tank, the PMB filters, the fuel and bulk chemical unloading area, the MDB filter and stack area, the CON filter, the CHB loading dock, and the backup generator area. To extinguish fres, sprinkler systems using water are used in the UPA, ECR, and CHB; Halon 1301 total-flooding systems are used in the CON and UPS rooms, FM-200iFE-227 total-flooding suppression systems are used in the UPS and Battery Enclosures; and dry chemical systems are used in the TOX; and the induced-draft fan oil-lube systems located east of the PAS building. Wet-pipe sprinkler systems are used in the PMB. Smoke detectors are used in the PSB, certain areas of the PMB, and the Treaty Compliance Building (TCB). Portable fre extinguishers are provided for rapid response to small fres. In addition, a looped water distribution system services the site's fire hydrants. TOCDF Detection and Alarm Fire detectors used in the various fire detection systems are one of the following tlpes: photoelectric, combination Ultraviolet/Infrared ([JV/IR), and thermal. Detectors in the furnace rooms and in areas subject to decon solution spray are hightemperature, rate-of- rise, and thermal types. Combination LIV/IR detectors are provided for the ID fan oil-lube systems. All other areas are provided with photoelectric detectors. If smoke or heat is sensed, an alarm is generated at the local panel and a signal go'es to the main supervisory control panel in the CON. That panel passes the alarm to the ECF control panel. The ECF control panel reports the alarm to the DCD fire department through the radio communication system. Rooms with Halon 1301 and FM-200/FE227 protection use cross-zoned anti-falsing photoelectric smoke/heat detectors. Rooms with dry-chemical extinguishing systern protection use cross-zoned protection with thermal and photoelectric detectors in the TOX. When these detectors sense smoke or heat, they simultaneously activate an alarm throughout the MDB using local alarm homs and strobe lights and visual and audio alarms in the CON. Attachment9 -PageZl g.l .4.2.4 9.1 .4.3 9 .l ,4.3.1 9,1 .4,3,2 9,1 .4,4 9.1 .4.4.1 9.1 .4.4.2 9.t.4.5 TOCDF Contingency?lan Ifa worker observes a fre and no alann has sounded, that person should pull the nearest manual pull station. Whsn a fire occurs inside of the double fence, the Plant Shift Manager must decide whether the fire can be extinguished without peril to personnel or equipment. Using existing resources and personnel can stop a small fire that has no chance of spreading further if promptly extinguished. TOCDF Automatic Sprinkler System Dry-type, hydraulically designed automatic sprinkler systems are located in the CHB and the UPA. Thermal fire detectors in these areas automatically trigger the systems. In the event of a fire, the sprinkler system dry pipes are charged with water by the activation of a deluge valve triggered by thermal detectors in the area. Sprinkler heads over the fire are then thermally activated by melting a fusible linkr. Water is released through open sprinkler heads to extinguish the fire. If the fire is very small and remotely located from explosives, it could be fought effectively with a hand-held extinguisher. In the event of a large fire or if the fire is detected in the UPA, the sprinkler systern automatically activates. If it fails to start automatically, operators in the UPA and CHB UPA must manually activate the sprinkler deluge valve. TOCDF Halon (HAL) and FM-200 EE-227 Systems Automatic total-flooding Halon 1301 (HAL) and FM-200/FE227 systems protect the CON and MDB UPS enclosures. Halon is used to extinguish fires in these rooms since it does not cause damage to electrjcal equipment. The CON rooms have raised computer-room floors, so these under floor spaces are also protected by Halon discharge nozzles. The systems are actuated by cross-zoned, photoelectric smoke/heat detectors in two stages; if a detector in only one stage is activated, a waming signal is generated. The automatic control leading to the HAL discharge is actuated only when detectors in two different zones are activated; the second alarm sets the system into a 30-second time delay mode with horns and strobes indicating imminent release. The time delay allows operators to push an abort switch, which inhibits the HAL and FM-20088-227 discharge as long as the button is held down. This allows personnel to determine the seriousness of the fire or if it is a false alarm, and it allows evacuation of affected personnel from the fire area if necessary. If the fire is small and can be fought safely, operators may abort the automatic release and use the manual Halon 72ll ftre extinguishers located in the CON and MDB UPS rooms to extinguish the fire. If the fre is large, and the operator does not choose to abort the discharge, the second alarm sounds and the HAL or FM-200/FE-227 f:re suppression system is discharged thirty seconds after the abort button is released. If the automatic discharge fails, the manual discharge switch may be used. The manual discharge switch overrides the time delay and abort switches in the system. Reserved rThe sprinkler system uses sprinklers with fusible alloy sealed into a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When heat from a fire causes the alloy to melt, the ball is forced upward into the center strut allowing a release of the pressurized firewater. Attachment9 -Page22 9,1 .4.6 9.1 .4.6.1 9,1 ,4.6,2 9.1 .4.6.3 9.1 .4.7 9.1 .4.7 .l 9.r.4.8 a""rirrJ?;il: June 2009 TOCDF and Area 10 Igloo Portable Fire Extinguishers Portable fire extinguishers are wall mounted throughout the TOCDF (except for A and B air categories in the MDB) and TOCDF-operated igloos, and are used in the event of a small fire that has been determined to be one that can be handled safely and kept under control. Two types of portable fire extinguishers are available depending on the type of fire expected in the immediate area: Halon l2ll andmultipurpose dry chemical. Both types are compatible with chemical agent and decontamination fluids. All personnel are authorized to use portable fire extinguishers to extinguish small fires and are familiar with extinguisher locations. Halon L2Ll fte extinguishers are rated 2A:60B:C and placed in areas where electrical fires or electrical hazards are expected. The contents ofthese extinguishers are stored as a . liquid under pressure and expelled as a liquid. ln areas where electrical'fires or electrical hazards are not expected, multipurpose dry- chemical fire extinguishers are sufficient. Multipurpose dry-chemical extinguishers for Class'A, B, and C, and rated20A:120B:C are mounted in such areas. TOCDF-Dry-Chemical System -'*: Fiyg dry-chemical type fire suppression systems protect specific process zones. Four systems are.located on the east side of the PAS platform east of the PAS building and provide protection to the four lube-oil systems of the four PAS induced-draft fans. A fifth system provides protection to the upper and lower levels of the TOX. CAMDS Fire Detection and Protection consists of hand-held portable fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, and four dry-chemical type fire suppression systems that protect the CMO, the SAF Lab, the SAF chemical storage room, and the CUB. The portable hand-held extinguishers are distributed throughout the buildings that remain standing (e.g., have not been decommissioned, demolished and closed yet). All personnel are authorized to use portable fire extinguishers to extinguish small fires and are familiar with extinguisher locations. Additional fire detection is provided by 4-hour periodic fire watch inspections. The ATLIC Fire Detection and Protection consists of a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) located in the Area l0 Control Point facility ATLIC CCEE. The FACP reports to the TOCDF CON and the DCD Fire Department. The fire detection. intemal alarm and central reporting systems are confizured in accordance with NFPA. Drawine EG-22-K- 8201. Sheet l. provides a comolete descriotion and list of ancillary equipment to the Fire Protection Svstem. 9. I .4. 10 An addressable Fire Detection Annunciation and Alarm system incorporates photoelectric smoke detectors as well as Combination fixed-temperature and rate-of-rise thermal detectors. This system is caoable of beins activated by local fire detectors or manual oull stations. 1 This system interfaces with the Main Suoervisory Fire Alarm Panel (MSFAP) and forwards this information to the TOCDF Control Room (CON) Fire Alarm Panel. Attachment 9 -Page23 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Fire dampers are not allowed in a hazardous exhaust duct. Duct detectors have been incomorated in the two monitoringrooms located inside the Environmental Control System (ECS) to ensure adequate detection and control. 9. I .4. 1 3 Portable fire extinzuishers are olaced throughout the facility in comoliance with NFPA 10. Most areas contain a temp€rature sensor only while other areas will contain combination photo and heat detectors. Each zone or area is adequately covered bv a combination Hom/Strobe alarm lieht designed with the ambient noise theshold in mind. A strobe sync module is installed within the FACP. The Ieloo. ECS. monitoring €nclosures. and the electrical room are protectd with a ore- action wet sprinkler system. In addition. an FM200 systemorotects the Prosrarn Logic Controller OLC) area inside the Control Center Equipment Enclosure (CCEE). 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.1 .1 9.2.1 .2 9.2.1 .3 9.2.t.4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGAITIIZATION tRi 15-8-4.3(c). R3 15-8-4.6: 29 CFR 1e10.120t Overview TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility response efforts are comfiranded and controlled by the Incident Comrnander (IC)2. The IC is an employee of EG&G, the operator of TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities. Oversight of emergency response efforts is provided by the TOCDF General Manager, also an EG&G employee. For the purposes of emergency response, *EG&G'includes all EG&G subcontractors such as Battelle. In an emergency that is declared a Chemical Accident/ftrcident Response and Assistance (CAIRA) event, response command and control is ceded to the DCD Commander operating from the installation Emergency Operations Center (EOC). During CAIRA events, the On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) has been designated by the DCD Commander to direct emergency operations. ln a CAIRA event, the EG&G IC will fulfrll this function under the direction of the OSC. EG&G's Emergency Response Organization (ERO) is composed of three distinct but coordinated groups of emergency personnel: Scene Responders, the Control Room, and the Contractor Management Advisory Team (CMAT). Each group has its own response role and focus, each complementing the other. Group composition and relationships are illustrated in Figure 9-l -1. The basic responsibilities of each of these three groups are discussed below. The DCD Emergency Response Organization for a chemical event is shown in Figure 9-1- 2. During chemical events, TOCDF emergency response efforts are under the direction of the DCD Commander at the DCD EOC. Direct interface is provided through the DCD OSC at the EOC. CAMDS EmergencyNotification-As describedin9.2.5, Theprescribed communication path for reporting CAMDS emergencies to the TOCDF Control Room is via the CAMDS 2 To be consistent with the EG&G Emergency Response Plan, the title of Incident Commander (IC) is used instead of Emergency Coordinator. Attachrnent 9 -Page24 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 CMO. CAMDS personnel have been trained to report all incidents directly to the CAMDS CMO, who then is responsible for notiffing the TOCDF Control Room in order to activate the ERO. ATLIC EmergencyNotification - As described in. 9.2.6. the orescribed communication path for reporting ATLIC emereencies to the TOCDF Control Room is via the ATLIC CON-OP. ATLIC oersonnel have bean trained to report all incidents directly to the ATLIC CON-OP. who then is responsible for notiryins the TOCDF Control Room in order to activate the ERO. 9.2.2 9,2.2.7'.2.4 Scene Responders The Scene Responders are comprised of EG&G and EG&G-contracted (e.g._-,Battelle) employees with the expertise to quickly respond to the scene of an event, assess the situation, and promptly implement corrective and protective measures. This group is modular in composition; therefore, responders can be mobilized based on need. The organizational structure of Scene Responders is pattemed after the unified command and control concepts of the Incident Comrnand System as specified in OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.120. Scene Responders are led by the IC who directs and controls emergency response activities at TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities, including CAMDS and ATLIC. Res_ponse teams are activated by the IC, and the IC will establish the response objectives. In a chemical agent event, the DCD OSC will establish rcsponse objectives and inform the IC. The responsibilities of each scene response leader and advisor are as follows: Incident Commander (IC)lEmergency Coordinator The Incident Commander (IC)/Emergency Coordinator during an emergency at TOCDF and all TOCDF-operated facilities (including CAMDS) is the TOCDF Plant Shift Manager. The alternate designee IC is the TOCDF Operations Shift Supervisor or personnel certified as either the TOCDF Plant Shift Manager or the TOCDF Operations Shift Supervisor. The IC is responsible for directing EG&G emergency response operations. The IC will receive notification of an event in the Control Room. The IC will determine whether the event is an incidental event or an emergency. If the event is an emergency, the IC will decide personnel protective actions and determine which elements of the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) to activate. The IC will then turn over operation of the plant to the Operations Shift Supervisor and assume the role of IC for the duration of the embrgency. The IC will: Ensure prompt notification of an emergency to pre-specified organizations. Ensure effective mobilization of EG&G, EG&G-contractors, and outside responders and resources. Ensure the safety ofsite personnel and responders. Ensure personn'el and responder accountability is maintained. Attachment 9 - Page.Z5,9.r 9.2.2, 9.2.2'.2.2.1,0.r contin-#;',J June 2009 Establish response strategies, obj ectives, and priorities. If appropriate, evacuate the facility (see Section Make the necessary notifications (see Section 9.7.1). Mobilize personnel and ensures the proper PPE is provided. Stop flow into the tank system and inspect to determine the cause of the release (see R315- 8-10 [40 CFR 264.196(a)], Sections 9.4.9 through 9.4.11, and Attachment 16 (Tank Systems) of this Permit regarding spills and leakage from TOCDF_aOd Al'Uc-permitted tanks, containers, and other regulated units (or Attachment 13 (Tank Systems) of the CAMDS Permit (incorporated into this Permit as Attachment 28) regarding spills and leakage from CAMDS-permitted tanks and containers). Shut off pumps and closes inlet valves as appropriate. If a valve, pipe, hose, or pump is leaking or spilling, isolate this equipment by closing the appropriate valves. Removes sufficient waste from the tank system within 24 hours after detection of leak to reach a level where further release is prevented and tank inspection and repair can be performed (see R315-8-10 [40 CFR 264.196(b)], Sections 9.4.9 through 9.4.11, alrLd Attachment 16 (Tanks Systems) of this Permit (Attachment 13 (Tank Systems) of the CAMDS Permit(incorporated into this Permit as Attachment 28) regarding spills and leakage from tanks, containers, and other regulated units). Transfers the contents to other tank(s), container(s), or an appropriate treatment process. As appropriate, removes the tank or component in question from service until permanent repairs can be made. Conducts a visual inspection of the release and prevents further migration and removes and properly disposes of any visible contamination (see R315-8-10 [40 CFR 264.196(c)), Sections 9.4.9 through 9.4.11, and Attachment 16 (Tank Systems) of this Permit (Attachment 13 (Tank Systems) of the CAMDS Peflmi(PenUq(incorporated into this Permit as Attachment 28) regarding spills and leakage from tanks, containers, and other regulated units). Assemble the appropriate response equipment (i.e., absorbent material, empty drums, overpacks. shovels, brooms, pumps, vacuum trucks, etc.) Determine the most appropriate containment and clean-up methods; implements appropriate containment procedures (i.e., earthen dikes, etc.). g. Initiate clean-up and, directly or through communidation with spill response persorurel, monitors the clean-up of the released material. Clean-up will be performed as soon as possible, following detection of the release, to minimize any associated affects on human health or the environment. Rele4pes to secondary containment systems will be cleaned-up within 24 hours of detection. The released material will be transferred (e.g., via shovel, Attachrnent 9 -Page26 TOCDF ontingency Plan pump, vacuum truck, absorbent, earth moving equipment, etc.) to a container(s) or other tank(s) in good condition or to an appropriate treatment process. g . .4 If the origin (and therefore the identity) of the released material is unknown, ensure that a sample of the released material and/or the clean-up residues/solutions are obtained and iuranges laboratory analysis. Ensure that the released material, that is treated or has been placed into a container(s) or tank(s) is managed in accordance with this Permit (e.g., stored in permitted container storage area(s), stored in permitted tank(s), shipped offsite, thermally treated, etc.). Fr.I" that, after clean-up is complete, the secondary containment system and all equipment and PPE used during clean-up is decontaminated as necessary and PPE and absorbent materials are restocked as appropriate. 9 . Develop and submit the appropriate reports required by R3 15-8-10 [40 CFR 264.196(d)] and Section 9.8 of this Contingency Plan. Ensure, tank systems are repaired or closed as appropriate (see R315-8-10 [40 CFR 26a.196(e)l). The repair methodology specified in the appropriate tank system desigdfabrication standards (i.e., ASME Section VIII Division I, API 650, etc.) will be followed. Attachment 10 (Closure Plan) of this Permit contains details regarding tank system closure. See Sections 9.4.9 through 9.4.11, and Attachment 16 (Tank Systems) of this Permit (Attachment 13 (Tank Systems) of the CAMDS Permit (incorporated into this Permit as Attachment 28) regarding spills and leakage from tanks, containers, and other regulated units. 9 . .l If the tank system is repaired and the repair was extensive, obtain and submit a certification by an independent, qualified registered professional engineer that the repaired system is capable of handling hazardous waste for the intended life of the system (see R3ls-8-10 [40 CFR 26a.t96(e)]). With advice and input from ERO members, the IC will: Assess the emergency and its consequences. g. Establish ahazardzone andprotectirre actions. g. Develop a corrective action plan. The IC will integrate non-EG&G responders such as firefighting and security services and ensure that all parties are fully informed of events and actions occurring at the scene. Upon termination of an emergency, the IC will make reentry and recovery recommendations and assist with recovery operations. The IC has the authority to commit all EG&G resources necessary to adequately . implement any.response actions. Table 9-2-1 identifies the ICs and Table 9-2-2 idertifres the AICs for TOCDF and TocDF-operated facilities, including CAMDS and ATLIC.Or Attachment 9 - Page27 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Table 9-2-l EMERGBNCY C OORDINATORS Incident Commanders Position Name and Address Work Phone Home Phone PLANT SHIFT MANAGER JAMES BREWER 167 McMichael Street Grantsville, Utah 84029 (43s) 833-7700 (43s) 8 84-67 68 BURKLEATHAM 566 Walden Drive Tooele, Utah 84074 (43s) 833 7700 (43s) 882-1 e1I JAY TVEY 2692 West Ridgeline Road Stocktoo, UT 84071 (43s) 833-7700 (43s) 830-s2s0 ROBERT PETERSEN 619 East 180 North Tooele, Utah 8407 4 (43s) 833-7700 (43s) 833 -e7 s4 GARY C. SMITH 865 East 980 North Tooele, Utah 84074 (43s) 83 3-7700 (43s) 843-01 8 1 SCOTT SORENSON 169 Millcreek Way Tooele, Utah 84074 (43s) 833-7700 (43s) 882-4347 TROYH. WORTHEN 273 West Sky Court Saratoga Springs, Utah 84045 (43s) 833-6722 (801) 33t-67t6 Table 9-2-2 ALTERNATE EMERGENCY COORDINATORS Position Name and Address Work Phone Home Phone CONTROLROOM SUPERVISOR/ OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR ROBERT ANDERSON 10540 South Columbia Way Sandy, Utah 84094 (43s) 8 33-7700 (801) s4s -8e73 DANIEL CURREY 4I9 South Bevan Way ; Tooele, Utah 8407 4 (43s) 8 33-77 t6 (43s) 8 82-3840 MATTELWELL 103 East Main Grantsville, Utah 84029 (43s) 8 33-7700 (43s) 8 84-60e3 KEITH EYRE 8441 Barnstable Road West Jordan, Utah 84088 (43s) 833-6722 (8o r) 282-1 68s JASON LARSEN 183 South Quirk Grantsville, Utah 84029 (43s) 833-7700 (43s) 884-s 046 Attachment9-Page28 9,2,2.3,7. TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Scene Control Officer (SCO) Immediately upon activation of any scene responder, the Scene Control Officer (SCO) will report directly to the scene, take control of the activities of fnst responders, and then coordinate the actions of all response teams upon their arrival. The SCO will conduct evacuation ofall personnel from the hazard zone; coordinate first responder efforts; control the spread of contamination; establish hazard zone perimeter control; determine the appropriate level of PPE for response teams; establish a staging area for response teams; designate the Personnel Decontamination Station (PDS) location; inform response team leaders of the mission objectives and priorities; assess person el and equipment requirements; ensure responder accountability is maintained; and coordinate the evacuation of emergency responders from the site if necessary. The SCO will keep the IC fully informed of scene events and actions, and ensure the safety and effective coordination of assembled response teams. The SCO will take direction from and report to the IC. Safety Advisor The Safety Advisor is responsible for identiffing and evaluating hazards, and ensuring the safety of emergency operations. The Safety Advisor position is filled by the shift Safety Representative. Immediately upon activation of any scene responder, the Safety Advisor will report directly to the scene to provide safety assessment and advice. When activities are judged by the Safety Advisor to be an IDLH condition and/or to involve an imminent danger condition, the Safety Advisor has the authority to alter, suspend, or terminate those activities and will inform the SCO andlor IC of any actions needed to correct these hazards at the emergency scene. The Safety Advisor will ensure the appropriate level of PPE is worn by responders; ensure pre-entrysafety checks are performed; ensure proper surveillance of responders inside the hazard zone; and assess the adequacy of the hazard zone perimeter and protective actions implemented. Environmental Advisor The Environmental Advispr is responsible for assessing the environmental consequences of a hazardous material event; providing guidance to the SCO and/or IC on contamination control, spill survey, and clean-up measures; and arranging for environmental sampling and analysis. The Environmental Advisor position is filled by the shift Environmental Table 9-2-2 ALTERNATE EMERGENCY COORDINATORS Position Name and Address Work Phone Home Phone DEVINLEMMON 3886 Sun Valley Drive Grantsville, Utah 84029 (43s) 833-7700 (435) 8 84-1s23 RALPH MAESTAS 484 South 100 West Tooele, Utah 84074 (43s) 8 33-7738 (43s) 8 82-63s0 ROBERT RALSTON 202 West 1900 North Tooele, Utah 84074 (43s) 833-7sse (43s) 843 -07 4s Attachrnent 9 -Page29 9,2.2.6 9.2.2,7 .l TOCDF Contingencyllan Representative. Immediately upon notification of any hazardous material release, the Environmental Advisor will report directly to the scene to assess environmental impacts and provide advice on environmental matters. The Environmental Advisor will provide advice and methods for keeping a spill and decontamination activities confined to initially affected areas (under engineering controls, inside a building, etc.) to the extent reasonable. The Environme,ntal Advisor will provide technical advice in the areas of spill cleanup, property decontamination, and hazardous waste disposal. Maintenance Superintendent The Maintenance Superintendent will perform duties as directed in an ernergsncy. HAZMAT Team Leader (HTL) The HAZMAT Team Leader (HTL) is responsible for directing activities of the HAZMAT Team. The HTL will obtain mission objectives from the SCO; assess the risks; develop a HAZMAT entry plan; prescribe safety measures to be taken; ensure proper equipment is used; brief en!ry and backup teams on the mission; perform entry readiness checks; dispatch the entry teams; provide constant surveillance and guidance during entry operations; direct portable air sampling for oxygen, combustible gas, and toxic vapor levels as required; ensure contamination control and personnel decontamination procedures are followed;maintain accountability of HAZMAT personnel; and obtain any needed support for entry teams. The HTL will take direction from and report to the SCO. Decon Team Leader (DTL) The Decon Team Leader (DTL) is responsible for directing activities of the Decon Team deployed to the scene. The DTL manages the setup and operation of the Personnel Decontamination Station (PDS) at the scene. The Medical Clinician in Charge manages the setup and operation of the PDS at the Medical Clinic. The DTL will obtain the PDS location from the SCO; determine the extent of PDS setup needed; ensure the proper decon solution and equipment are available; assign personnel and perform readiness checks; direct the processing of contaminated personnel through the decon line; ensure the PDS remains outside the hazard zone; minimize secondary contamination; monitor personnel at the PDS for signs of illness/exposure; maintain accountability of Decon Team personnel; obtain any needed support for decon activities; direct PDS shutdown and cleanup; and ensure proper PDS waste disposal. The DTL will take direction from and .,ePon to the SCO. Paramedic Team Leader (PTL) The Paramedic Team Leader (PTL) is responsible for directing activities of the Paramedic Team and all outside medical teams at the scene. The PTL will obtain mission objectives from the SCO; ensure proper PPE for medical personnel; assess the medical needs of the event; establish a triage and treatriibnt area at the scene as required; advise other team leaders on medical care and patient processing administered by their personnel (HAZMAT entrants, deconners, etc.); ensure patients have been at least gross decontaminated prior to transport; administer medical treatment; assess the need for further medical assistance and transportation; ensure medical support for responders at the scene; and obtain medical support through the Medical Clinician In Charge (MCIC) as needed. The PTL will take Attachrnent9-Page30\ 9.2.2.t1.1 TOCDF Contingency?lan direction from and report to the SCO for scene control matters and report to the MCIC for medical treatrnent matters. Medical Clinician In Charge (MCIC) The Medical Clinician In Charge (MCIC) has overall responsibility for emergency medical response. The MCIC is the most highly-trained medical person at the TOCDF Medical Clinic at the time of an emergency. TOCDF is the primary medical care facility forpetmtiel-agent related events at DCD @. The MCIC is responsible for dispatching medical transport vehicles and paramedics to the scene; authorizing administration of additional nerve agent antidote irf ections as required (may also be authorized by paramedics); providing casualty triage and treaknent instructions to paramedics on the scene; assuring the Clinic is staffed and prepared to receive casualties; ensuring casualties have been adequately decontaminated prior to treatment in the Clinic; managing personnel decontamination at the Clinic; performing and directing emergency triage and treatment of casualties arriving at the Clinic; requesting outside medical support directly from the DCD EOC via the TOCDF Control Room and keeping the DCD EOC updated on casualty status and medical response; directing activities of all outside medical teams at the Clinic; and recording and tracking treatment provided to casualties at the scene, at the Clinic, and in support facilities. Rescue Team Leader (RTL) The Rescue Team Leader is'responsible for directing activities of the Rescue Team in performing confined space/technical rescue. The RTL and Rescue Team personnel are also members of the HAZMAT Team. If the event involves HAZMAT response and either confined space or technical rescue, the RTL will defer to the HAZMAT Team Leader for matters involving HAZMAT operations (PPE, contamination control, personnel decontamination, etc.). The RTL will obtain mission objectives from the SCO; assess the risks; develop a rescue plan; prescribe safety measures to be taken; veriff that no explosive atmosphere exits prior to any confined space entry; ensure proper PPE and rigging systems for the rescue; brief rescue and backup teams on the mission; perform rescue readiness checks; dispatch the rescue teams; provide constant surveillance and guidance during the extraction; maintain accountability of rescue personnel; and obtain any needed support for rescue teams. The RTL will take direction from and report to the SCO. CMA Shift Engineer The CMA Shift Engineer will provide technical advice and guidance to the IC and Control Room personnel, and perform CMA notifications. During an off-hours emergency involving Contractor Management Advisory Team (CMAT) mobilization, the CMA Shift Engineer will dispatch the CMA Shift Quality Assurance Specialist and Ammunition Surveillance to the DCD EOC to act as a EG&G liaison and technical advisor pending CMAT arrival. Control Room9.2.3 Attachment 9 - Page 3l 9,2.3.1 TOCDF t-t"'rn?iJ8; The Control Room for TOCDF plant operations is located in the MDB. The Control Room is desigued with engineering controls to isolate it from the effects of potential hazards. It contains centralized monitoring capability and emergency communications systems including the 911 emergency reporting line, the site-wide public address system for broadcast of emergency notification and instructions, and base radio stations for emergency communications. It also provides centralized control and monitoring of critical plant systems and equipment. The Control Room is staffed on a 24-hour basis. The Control Roorn, comprised of shift Control Room Operators, is directed by the Plant Shift Manager during normal shift operations. The Plant Shift Manager will delegate direction of the Control Room to the Control Room Supervisor in an emergency event. The Control Room Supervisor will then be the Control Room group leader and be responsible for all. . TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility (including CAMDS and ATLIC) emergency notification; protective action instructions; activation of the Emergency Response Organization; emergency communications; and monitoring and controlling plant processes, systerns, and equipmeirt to ensure personnel safety and to mitigate damage to facilities and equipment. The role of the CAMDS CMO and the ATLIC CON-OP during the incident is primarily notification of the €,44'{D$incident to the TOCDF Control Room. Assistant Incident Commander (AlC)/Alternate Emergency Coordinatot' The Operations Shift Supervisor is the Assistant IC (AIC). The Operations Shift Supervisor may be designated the IC in any event by the Plant Shift Manager or will automatically assume the role of IC in the Plant Shift Manager's absence. If the Operations Shift Supervisor is designated the IC, he will then assume command of all EG&G emergency response operations and report to the EOC for the duration of the emergency. If the Operations Shift Supervisor assumes the role of IC, he will assign a certified Operator to assume the Operations Shift Supervisor's duties. The Operations Shift Supervisor is responsible for monitoring emergency alarms and communication devices; providing initial emergency instructions and guidance to first responders at the scene; rapidly notiffing required emergency services such as firefighting, medical, and security; alerting and notifring affected personnel of the emergency and protective actions; deploying responders to the scene and emergency facilities such as the Clinic and DCD EOC; promptly notiffing DCD and EG&G management; establishing a Control Room communications and information center for EG&G emergency response; initiating rapid entry and exit procedures for areas under surety controls; tracking accountability ofsite personnel and responders; acquiring resources to support scene operations; and documenting and tracking emergency events and actions. The above Operations Shift Supervisor responsibilities are carried out by the Control Room Operators, who are pre-assigned to certain emergency tasks at the start of their shift in order to maximize response effectiveness. ln addition, the Operations Shift Supervisor will assess any malfunction or damage to plant systems, equipment, or facilities; initiate remedial actions such as shutdown, reroute, or repair; identifo hazardous locations; anticipate emergency impact on associated systems 3 To be consistent with the TOCDF/EG&G Emergency Response Plan, the title of Altemate Incident Commander (AIC) is used instead of Alternate Emergency Coordinator. Attachrnent 9 -Page32 9.2,3.2.4 9 .2.3.3. 1 9.2.4 TOCDF a*rtrt.*?i#; or equipment; take action to mitigate damage; and provide technical advice and cautions for response teams working on plant systems. During an Emergency, the AIC in consultation with the CMA Shift Engineer, if available, has the authority to commit all EG&G resources necessary to adequately implement any response actions. Accountability Coordinator The Accountability Coordinator is responsible for managing muster area operations during an emergency requiring site-wide evacuation and coordinating personnel accountability during an emergency involving site-wide, in-place sheltering. Responder accountability such as HAZMAT, decon, and medical personnel is coordinated by the SCO at the event sce,ne. During site-wide evacuation, the Accountability Coordinator will manage muster area operations; report building sweep and personnel accountability results to the Control Room; maintain evacuee control and personnel accountability; transmit emergency information between the Control Room and evacuees; and ensure the safety of assernbled evacuees. During site-wide in-place sheltering, the Accountability Coordinator will report persormel accountability results to Control Room. The Accountability Coordinator will take direction from and report to the IC. Sweepers Sweepers are responsible for assuring that all buildings and areas under an evacuation directive are clear ofpersonnel and reporting results to the appropriate accountability 1ead. Sweepers are designated by building. Sweepers will perform their duties at the time of evacuation. Sweepers are the last persons out of their assigned building and will ensure the building is clear of personnel. The Sweeper will not enter an area of danger. If there is a hazardous condition, the Sweeper will report the area of the building that could not be swept. The IC may arange for the search and rescue of personnel thought to be in the area of danger. The Sweeper will normally report building sweep results to the Accountability Coordinator or Building Custodian. Contractor Management Advisory Team (CMAT) Pre-designated responsibilities have been assigned to each member of the Contractor Management Advisory Team (CMAT). The responsibilities for each MAT position are as follows: General Manager During an emergency, the EG&G General Manager is responsible for the health and safety of all personnel at TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities and for the overall direction of the EG&G emergency response effort. The General Manager or designee will ensure prompt, appropriate, and effective implementation of this plan in order to minimize the consequences of an emergency. The General Manager will review emergency response strategies, objectives, and priorities for appropriateness; notiff EG&G and their subcontractors (e.g., Battelle) corporate headquarters after DCD Commander concurrence; track casualty status and care; ensure proper notification to families of EG&G and subcontractor casualties after DCD Commander concurence; support DCD public affairs Attachment9-Page33 TOCDF Contingency?lan activities; ensure EG&G and subcontractor families are kept informed of personnel status; review news media reports for accuracy; monitor ongoing EG&G response actions; determine the need for additional personnel to support the CMAT; terminate EG&G emergency operations when appropriate; initiate an immediate critique of response effectiveness; and initiate coordinated recovery planning and operations. The General Manager will also work with and advise the DCD EOC Director of Operations on TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility issues. CMA TOCDF Site Project Manager The CMA TOCDF Site Project Manager is responsible for monitoring overall EG&G response efflectiveness, ensuring coordinated interface between EG&G and outside organizations, and providing technical and facility design basis information. The CMA TOCDF Site Project Manager will ensure CMA is notified and ke,pt informed of emergency events and activities; confirm notification of offsite agencies required by regulation or administrative agreement; ensure effective coordination between EG&G and outside organizations; ensure emergency terms of TOCDF Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) are upheld; assist in developing solutions to response problems; mobilize CMA, SAIC, and other government resources as needed to support CMAT activities; ensure proper notification to families of any government casualties after DCD Commander concrurence; coordinate EG&G public affairs activities and ensure integration with DCD efforts; ensure govemment families are kept informed of persorurel status; review and approve TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility-related press releases and briefing sheets; and review news media reports for accuracy. The CMA Project Manager will also work with and advise the DCD EOC Director of Operations on TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility issues. EG&G Deputy General Managers or Designee The EG&G Deputy General Managers are responsible for providing CMAT support to TOCDF and DCD, facilitating information flow and resource support between EG&G and DCD, and advising DCD EOC staff on plant operations and technical matters. The Deputy General Managers will assist with CMAT mobilization and operations; represent EG&G operational needs and interests at the EOC; advise EOC staff on plant systems and other technical matters; track casualty status and care; closely monitor ongoing EG&G response activities including responder actions and personnel protective actions; assist the Control Room in developing solutions to response problems; identiff and coordinate delivery of CMAT support; mobilize additional resources to support the CMAT as required; arrange support for extended response operations such as food and relief; assist the EG&G General Manager in determining emergency operations termination; and assist the EG&G General Manager in implementing recovery operations. The EG&G Deputy General Managers will work with and advise the DCD OSC on TOCDF and TOCDF- operated facility issues. The EG&G Deputy General M*ug"., delegate reviews and amendments to the Contingency Plan, if necessary, whenever: (a) The facility RCRA permit is revised; (b) The Contingency Plan fails in an emergency in any way; (c) The facility changes in its design, construction, operation, maintenance, or other circumstances in such a way that materially increases the potential for fires, explosions, or releases of hazardous waste or Attachment 9 -Page34 9.2,4.5 9.2,4.5.1 TOCDF Contingency PLan hazardous waste constituents, or changes the response necessary in an emergency; (d) The list of Incident Commanders changes; or (e) The list of emergency equipment changes. CMA Government Shift Representative (GSR) During an off-hours emergency involving Contractor Management Advisory Team (CMAT) mobilization, the CMA Government Shift Representative (GSR) will report to the DCD EOC to serve as liaison between DCD and EG&G and a technical advisor to EOC staff until the CMAT arrives at the EOC. The GSR will facilitate information flow and resource support between EG&G and DCD; represent EG&G response needs and interests at the EOC; and advise EOC staff on plant systems and other technical matters. The GSR will work with and advise the DCD OSC (or altemate) on TOCDF and TOCDF- operated facility issues until the CMAT arrives. The GSR will then tum over his responsibilities to the EG&G General Manager and take direction from the CMA Project Manager. The CMAT is comprised of the EG&G General Manager, the EG&G DeputyGeneral Manager for Plant Operations, the EG&G Deputy General Manager for Risk Management, and the CMA TOCDF Site Project Manager (or their alternates). The EG&G General Manager is ultimately responsible for the overall EG&G emergency response effort and serves as the head of the CMAT. The CMA TOCDF Site Project Manager provides a government oversight function. The Deputy General Managers provide technical expertise to DCD EOC personnel relative to TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility operations. In a CAIRA event in which the DCD Commander assumes responsibility for the overall response, CMAT members will serve as liaisons and technical advisors to DCD EOC staff and coordinate closely with the EOC Director of Operations and the OSC as necessary. The CMAT serves as an information and advisory group to DCD EOC staff and represents TOCDF needs and interests at the EOC. The CMAT will confirm completion of required notifications; ensure effective information flow between EG&G emergency facilities and the EOC; advise EOC staff on plant technical matters; review emergency response strategies, objectives, and priorities; monitor EG&G response and provide recommendations as appropriate; ensure adequate resource support to EG&G; track casualty status and care; complete corporate and family notifications; assist the Control Room in solving operational problems; support DCD public affairs activities; arange support for extended operations such as food and relief; terminate EG&G emergency operations; and initiate coordinated recovery planning and operations. The CMAT will not direct actions at the scene or at any emergency facilities but will ensure the overall plan of action is appropriate and that primary objectives are kept in focus. The IC makes the decision to activate the CMAT. The IC will automatically mobilizethe CMAT whenever DCD activates its EOC due to an event et TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facility. For EG&G-response pu{poses, the EOC is considered activated whenever the OSC is directing CAIRA operations fiom it. The IC, at his discretion, may mobilize the CMAT to the EOC or another location based on other considerations. During nbrmal working hours, CMAT members are mobilized from work locations near the EOC. Off- hours, CMAT members are mobilized from home locations some distance away, in which case the onsite CMA Government Shift Representative are dispatched to the EOC to provide plant technical information and represent EG&G needs until the CMAT arrives. Attachrnent9-Page35 9 .2.4.10 9.2.5 9 ,2.5.1 9.2.s.3 9 .2.s.s TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Upon arrival, the CMAT will augment and integrate into EOC staffing as required. As the event develops, additional EG&G expertise may be required at the EOC or some other location, e.g., plant systems specialists or special working groups may be needed to analyze specific problems and recommend solutions. The activation of additional EG&G personnel in support of the CMAT is at the discretion of the General Manager. During an emergency, the CMAT will continue to administer normal work functions not impacted by the emergency. CAMDS-Specific Emergency Notification Initial reports of CAMDS emergency events will be from the discovering CAMDS personnel to the CMO, who will then notifr the TOCDF Control Room for ERO activation. CAMDS emergency communications are performed by standard telephone, cellular phone, radio, and face-to-face contact. Upon discovery of an emergency event at CAMDS, site personnel are instructed to call4400 from a site phone that will connect them to the CAMDS CMO. The CAMDS Plant Shift Manager will receive event notification from the CMO. He will determine whether the event is an incidental event or an emergency. If the event is an emergency, he will decide immediate personnel protective actions for CAMDS site personnel, and then notif,i the TOCDF Control Room of the situation. The CAMDS Plant Shift Manager will request resources from the TOCDF Control Room to support emergency response actions at the CAMDS facility. The CAMDS Plant Shift Manager will then delegate operation of the CAMDS site to the CMO Operator for the duration of the emergency and assume responsibilities as assigned by the IC (e.g., advisor to the sco). Upon a declared emergency at CAMDS, the CAMDS Plant Shift Manager will select a POC from the CAMDS staff to meet the EG&G Emergency Response Organization at the CAMDS Command Post to ensure a safe entry route and advise a set-up location. The CAMDS Plant Shift Manager will ensure prompt notification of an emergency to pre- specified organizations; ensure effective mobilization of EG&G and outside responders and resources; ensure the safety ofsite personnel and responders; ensure personnel and responder accountability is maintained; and aid the SCO in establishing response strategies, objectives, and priorities. Upon termination of an emergency, the CAMDS Plant Shift N{anager will make re-entry and recovery recommendations to the IC and assist with recovery operations. ln the event of an emergency, CAMDS will receive support from EG&G Emergency Response Teams. CAMDS site employees are trained to OSHA 'awareness level' to recognize and report emergency conditions. Additionally all CAMDS site personnel are trained in CPR and use of an AED. 9.2.6 ATLIC-Soecific EmereencyNotification lnitial reports of ATLIC ernergenc), events will be from the discovering ATLIC personnel to the CON-OP. who will then notifu the TOCDF Control Room for ERO activation. Attachment9-Page36 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ATLIC smersencv communications are performed by standard telephone. cellular phone. radio. and face-to-face contact. Upon discovery of an emergency event at ATLIC. site personnel are instructed to call the ATLIC CON-OP from a site phone. The ATLIC Shift Supervisor will receive event notification from the CON-OP. He will determine whether the event is an incidental event or an emerEency. If the event is an emergency. he will decide immediate personnel protective actions for ATLIC site personnel. and then noti$ the TOCDF Control Room of the situation. The ATLIC Shift Supervisor will request resources from the TOCDF Control Room to support emergency response actions at the ATLIC. Upon a declared emereency at ATLIC. the ATLIC Shift Supervisor will select a POC from the ATLIC staffto meet the EG&G Emergency Response Organization at the ATLIC Designated Entry Point to ensure a safe entry route and advise a set-up location. The ATLIC Shift Supervisor will ensure Eompt notification of an emergency to pre- specified organizations: ensure effective mobilization of EG&G and outside responders and resources: ensure the safe8 ofsite personnel and responders: ensure personnel and resoonder accountability is maintained: and aid the SCO in establishins response strateeies. objectives. and priorities. Uoon termination of an emergency. the ATLIC Shift Suoervisor will make re-entry and recovery recommendations to the IC and assist with recovery operations. In the event of an emeree,ncy. ATLIC will receive support from EG&G Emereenc], Resnonse Teams. ATLIC site employees are trained to OSIIA 'awareness level' to recognize and report ernergency conditions. Additionally aII ATLIC site personnel are trained in CPR and use of an AED 9.3 9.3.1 9,3,2 TMPLEMENTATTON [R3 1s-8-4.2(b)l The purpose of this section is to establish guidelines for the orderly reporting and handling of emergency situations, which occur or could foreseeably develop at the TOCDF site or TOCDF-operated facilities. Due to the nature of materials handled at TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities, this plan may be implemented as a precautionary measure during routine operations. This Contingency Plan is implemented immediately in the event that a fire, explosion, or agent or non-agent release occurs which could threaten human health or the environment. Fire or Explosion Incident For the pupose of this section, fire means a fire in a chemical agent, oil, or hazardous material/waste storage, transportation, treatment, or work area. Explosion means an explosion in a chemical agent, oil, or hazardous material/waste storage, transportation, treatment, or work area. The Contingency Plan is implemented due to fire or explosion if: The event causes the release of toxic fumes. Attachment9 -Page37 9, 9, 9.3.2,2.5.3 9, 9.3,2.3 9.3.3 9.3.3. 1 TOCDF Contingency Plan The fire spreads and could possibly ignite materials at other locations on site, or could cause heat-induced leaks or explosions. The fire could possibly spread to offsite locations. The use of fire suppressant, either chemicals or water, could result in contaminated runoff. The explosion has or could: Result in danger from flying fragments or shock waves, Ignite other materials at the facility, Release toxic matErials. The fire or explosion endangers human health or the environment for any other reason. In the event that a fre and/or explosio:r has occurred, follow Section 9.4.1. Agent or Non-Agent Release For the purpose of this plan, agent release means the release of chemical agent to the environment outside of closed systems, facilities, or devices (e.g., lab hoods, glove-box, munitions and bulk containers) exceeding or predicted to exceed the agent exposure limits listed in Table 9-3-1. This includes release of any nature resulting in personnel exhibiting clinical signs or symptoms of agent exposure. Any potential release exceeding the agent exposure limits from a stack, which cannot be confirmed or non-confirmed withn24 hours, is also agent release. Non-agent release means release of oil, hazardous material/waste or hazardous waste constituents. Release means any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release to air, soil, or surface water at the facility. The Contingency Plan is implemented due to a spill or material release if: t -' Attachment9-Page38 Table 9-3-1 AGENT EXPOSTIRE LIMITS AND AGENT STACK LIMITS (me/m3) GA GB Lewisite VX H/IIDIIJT 12 hour W?LI 0.00002 0.00002 0.003 0.0000006 0.00027 24-hr GPLz 0.000001 0.000001 0.003 0.0000006 12 hour GPL 0.00002 SELJ 0.0003 0.0003 0.003 0.0003 0.03 STEL (fifteen minute TWA) 0.0001 0.0001 0.003 0.00001 0.003 VSL (single-cycle)0.0001 0.0001 0.003 0.00001 0.003 ' Unmasked agent worker l2-hour Worker Population Limit. 2 Non-agent worker/General Population (GP L) lz-hour time weighted average. 3 Sorr.e Emission Limit. 9 .3 .3.3. 1 9.3.4 9 .3 .4.1 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.1 .1 9.4.1 .1 .1 TOCDF Contingency?lan The spill could release toxic or flamrnable liquids or vapors outside of engineering controls or could cause a fire or gas explosionhazard. The spill could result in offsite or onsite soil, groundwater, or surface water contamination. The spili constitutes a release of a Reportable Quantity (RQ) of a hazardous substance under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The spill endangers human health or the environment for any other reasons. The Contingency Plan is implemented due to an agent spill or release if: Observation of an age,nt spill, leaking vapor, or mustard (garlic) odor outside of engineering controls. Agent signs and/or symptoms in personnel are observed. Agent is released to the environment, exceeding source emissions limits. ln the event that a spill or material release has occurred, follow section 9.4.1. Decision Process A logic diagram of typical initial response activities leading to implementation of the Contingency Plan is shown in Figure 9-6-1. Should the incident be of a minor or controllable nature (i.e., it presents no potential hazard to human health or the environment), the IC will not implement the Contingency Plan but will complete the necessary reporting per section 9.8. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDT RES [R315-8-4.7] Notifi cation [R3 15-8-4.7(a)l Notification and Mobilization Overview The ability to quickly alert and notifu personnel during an emergency event is critical. Site personnel and emergency responders must be informed in a timely manner to be able to initiate emergency response actions and implement protective actions. Twenty-four hour reporting will be adhered to as required by Condition I.U. EG&G will also send all other required reports, notifications, and submissions as required by Condition I.AA.2. to the Executive Secretary and the EPA Region VIII as required by Condition I.AA.3. At TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities, emergency notifications are performed by the TOCDF Control Room. Emergency conditions at TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facilities are most commonly indicated by system alarms sounding in the Control Room oi by first responders at the event scene calling information into the Control Room (e.g., from the CAMDS CMO. ATLIC CEE or Area l0 Igloo Control Point). AIl TOCDF alarms as well as the TOCDF-operated igloo ACAMS are 9.4.1 .1 .2 Attachment9-Page39 9 .4.1 .l .3 9.4.1 .l .4 9 .4.1 .1 .5 9.4.1 .2 9.4.1 .2.1 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 centrally monitored in the Control Room; therefore, Control Room operators will often be alvare of abnormal or emergency events as they occur. For the MDB, the Conkol Room has visual monitors as well as agent and other alarms. The Control Room also monitors TOCDF plant systems and are therefore aware of which elements of a system may not be functioning properly. Because of their monitoring capability, the Control Room is most likely to notiff personnel of an emergency or abnormal event based on direct and immediate input. First responder reports are the second most frequent means of event notification. All TOCDF personnel have been trained to call the Control Room when they recognize an emergency situation. No CAMDS or ATLIC alarms alert the control room directly; CAMDS persorurel have been trained to call the CMO when theyrecognize an emergency situation at CAMDS, who will then notiff the TOCDF CON. Likewise. ATLIC personnel have besn trained to call the CON-OP wh€n they recosdze an emersency situation at ATLIC. who will then notift the TOCDF CON. The Control Room can be reached by telephone or by hand-held radio at the following numbers: o Emergency (non-cellular) Telephone - Call 911. . Telephone-(435)833-7700. Control Room C.ellular Telephone - (435) 830-2472. For reporting CAMDS site emergencies to the CMO, extension 4400 form a site phone or (435) 833-4400 from a cellular phone will be used. The CMO will notifu the TOCDF Control Room for possible ERO activation. For reoortin 11 the CON-OP. ext ite nhone or (4 llular ohone will will noti& the TOCDF Control Room for possible ERO activation. The Control Room, which is staffed and operational24 hours a day,7 days a week, provides TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities with a 24-hotr notification capability. They receive alarms and first responder reports and perform all further notifications required. Control Room personnel record information provided by the caller on an Event Report form. The Control Room questions the caller to ensure all essential event information is obtained. The Control Room uses the Event Report form as the basis for all notifications. Emergency event notifications are made to alert site personnel and mobilize emergency responders, including DCD support. Emergency notifications to off-post authorities are made via the DCD Emergency Operations Center (EOC). It is the responsibility of DCD to notifr the public, as appropriate. Notifications will serve to alert personnel that an emergency situation exists and provide specific instructions on required protective actions to be implemented. Personnel Notification The ability to quickly direct personnel from a danger area to a safe area and prevent offsite personnel from traveling into a danger area is vitally important. EG&G has a system in Attachment9-Page40 9.4.1 .2.2.7 9.4.r.2.2.2 9.4.r.2.2.3 o 9.4.1 .2.2.4 9.4.1 .2.3 9.4.1 .2.3.1 TOCDF Contingency?lan place for promptly notifuing both onsite and offsite personnel of an emergency at TOCDF or any of the TOCDF-operated facilities. Site Personnel The TOCDF site-wide public address system is used to notiff TOCDF personnel of an emergency. The system simultaneously reaches personnel inside TOCDF buildings, as well as those outdoors. The system is capable of providing both an alert signal and an emergency message throughout the site. CAMDS also possesses a CAMDS-wide public address system for notification of CAMDS personnel. ATLIC also possess an ATLIC- wide public address system for notification of ATLIC personnel. The alert signal varies according to the type of event and action necessary. A warbler tone alerts persorurel to immediate$ mask and await emergency instructions. A steady tone alerts personnel to evacuate to the muster area and mask if directed by the TOCDFControl Room.ATLIC CCEE or CAMDS CMO. A repetitive yelping tone alerts personnel in the TOCDF MDB to mask and evacuate; Whenever an agent alarm is activated, lights installed in the MDB begin flashing to alert personnel in high-noise areas of an emergency event. For a non-agent emergency, the phrase "Attention, all site personnel" is broadcast as the alert signal, which prompts personnel to listen for an important follow-on message. An emergency message will quickly follow the alert signal to notifr personnel of emergency events and, if necessary, provide protective action instructions. Instructional messages are clear and concise. They will contain the information necessary for personnel to protect themselves. Sheltering messages will include instructions on how to maximize protection when sheltering. Evacuation instructions will include, at a minimum: Hazard t1pe. Hazard location. Danger areas to avoid. Muster area. Best path of travel. Evacuation instructions will contain familiar terms and landmarks and be broadcast initially at least two times, then periodically repeated. Public Address System The TOCDF;\TUQ and CAMDS public address systern consists of a signal generator, microphone, power amplifiers, and numerous loudspeakers installed throughout occupied buildings and outdoor areas across the site. The TOCDFTIsLIILIC system is on twin- diesel generator backup power and a UPS system. The CAMDS system is on diesel generator backup power. Emergency use and activation of the TOCDF PA system is controlled by Control Room operators. the ATLIC PA system is contrc OP and the CAMDS PA system is controlled by CMO operators. The agent alarm and Attachrnent 9 - Page 4l 9.4.t.2.3.2 9.4.1 .2.3.3 9.4.1 .2.4 9.4.1 .2.4.1 9.4.1 .2.4.2 TOCDFt-t*'r"*?i#; evacuation alarm switches and the emergency microphone are also located there. When switched on, alarm signal and microphone messages override any other PA use. In the event of microphone failure, a standard telephone can be used to make TOCDF site- wide or CAMDS site emergency announcements. Proper PA system functioning can be verified inside the Control Room and CMO by monitoring messages over Control Room and CMO loudspeakers. If the PA system fails during an emergency, radios and standard phones are used to dispatch nrnners to affected areas to make emergency announcements. Emergency components of the TOCDF-AIIIC and CAMDS PA system are tested weekly. During each test, the agent alarm and evacuation alarm are sounded, along with a test message. Offsiie Personnel Offsite TOCDF-operated facility (e.g., CAMDS, ATLIC. Area 10, etc.) personnel will be notified ofan event on site in order to provide any off-site protective actions required and prevent offsite persorurel from inadvertently traveling into a danger area prior to access control being established. The TOCDF Control Room will notiff DCD EOC, who will activate the warning lights along the roads leading to TOCDF, CAMDS-+ndATUCe4d Area l0 as necessary. When the flashing lights are on, no personnel mayproceed past the lights without their masks donned. Prompt notification to nearby offsite locations will also prevent outside personnel from adding to the problem. Offsite locations to be notified of all emergencies involving site-wide protective action include: o DCDEOC Chemical Assessment Laboratory (CAL) Receiving Warehouse and Transfer Yard Stark Road Office Area 2 Warehouses Area 10 Secondary Waste Facility CAMDS ATLIC Notification of DCD personnel is performed bythe EOC. EG&G notification of the EOC is described below. The CAL, Receiving, and the Stark Road Office will be notified of an emergency on site by standard phone. The Control Room will inform these locations of the emergency and any offsite protective actions required. The Control Room will also advise the sites to keep offsite personriel away from the TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facility; and, if site-wide sheltering is in effect, to instruct site personnel visiting their o Attachment9 -Page42 facility to phone their supervisor for accountability pu{poses. Area 2 carry a cellular phone and will be notified by phone. If an emergency occurs at any of the aboveJisted offsite locations, notification to the TOCDF Control Room may be accomplished using the same methods described above. In this situation, the CAL, Receiving, StarkRoad Office, Area 10, ATLIC and CAMDS will promptly notiff the TOCDF Control Room of an emergency at their location. ln the event of an emergency at Area2,TOCDF personnel working there will report it to the Control Roomusingacellularphoneorhandheldradio. Asdiscussedlrl.9.2.5,anemergency event at the CAMDS location is initially reported to the CMO by site phone extension 4400 or cellular telephone using (435) 833-4400. An emergency evbnt at the ATLIC location is initially reportd lp.Itre CON-OP by site phone extension rc or cellular teleohone usins (T35) 833-m. DCD Installation The Control Room will notifr the EOC of all TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility emergedcies and chemical events using the EOC hotline phone, with standard phone and DCD radio as backup methods. Chemical events are defined in detail in Section 4, Definitions, of the DCD CAIRA Plan (current plan maintained on site). It is understood that within 10 minutes from initial confirmed detection of an actual or likely chemical agent release at the DCD installation, the DCD Commander or designee must report the event to the Tooele County Sheriff Dispatch Center. The Control Room shall therefore report all events immediately upon discovery to the EOC. EG&G Management EG&G senior management has an interest in any emergency event occurring in an area under EG&G control. The Control Room will promptly notifu EG&G senior management of an emergency. At a minimum, the following managers or designees will be notified of all emergencies at TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facilities: General Manager Deputy General Manager for Risk Management and Technical Support Operations and Maintenance Manager CMA $hift Engineer CAMDS Closure Manager o Operations Manager for ATLIC TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 EG&G personnel visiting 9.4.r.2.4.3 9.4.1 .2.5 9.4.1 .2.5.1 9.4.1 .2.6 9.4.1 .2.6.1 9.4.1 .2.6.2 9.4.1 .3 9 .4.1 .3. 1 If the IC decides to mobilize the Contractor Management Advisory Team, the Control Room will notifu CMAT members. Emergency Responder Notification Scene Response Teams Attachment9 -Page43 9.4.1 .3.2 9.4, 9,4.1 .3 .2.2 9.4.1 .3.2.3 9 .4. 1 .3.3 9 .4. 1 .3.3. 1 9.4.1 .4 9 .4.t .4.1 9.4,2 9.4.2.t.1 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 EG&G scene response tealns comprised of TocDF-stationed employees will be notified of an onsite or offsite emergencyvia the TOCDF's site PA system. HAZMAT, Decon, and Paramedic T-eams are on site24 hours a day,7 days a week. A verbal PA announcement is made to EG&G response personnel to mobilize or stand by. If the HAZMAT and Decon Teams are mobilized, the HAZMAT Team Leader and Decon Team Leader will contact the Control Room for information and response confirmation. The Clinic is notified using the Clinic hotline phone. DCD Primary Response Organizations DCD Fire Station on the DCD installation will be notified of a TOCDF or TOCDF- operated facility emergency by the Control Room using a standard phone. The backup means of notification to the DCD Fire Station is by cellular telephone. The Control Room will notifythe DCD Site Security Control Center (SSCC) using a standard phone. The backup means of notification to the SSCC is by DCD radio. TOCDF Entry Control Facility (ECF) personnel will be alerted to an emergency event when site personnel are notified over the site PA system. ECF personnel will be mobilized by the SSCC. For all TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility emergency events, the Control Room will contact the DCD Emergency Operations Center (EOC) via hotline telephone, with standard phone as backup, to provide initial alert and request assistance as necessary. Contractor Management Advisory Team During normal working hours for members of the Contractor Management Advisory Team (CMAT), the CMAT will be alerted by the Control Room via the public address system and standard telephones. Off-hours, standard telephone will be the primary means of notifying the CMAT with cellular phone as the backup. HAZMAT Release Reporting For any emergency event requiring HAZMAT release reporting, the Control Room will notiff the DCD Emergency Operations Center and the CMA Shift Engineer, and provide a copy of the Event Report. All reporting to Army, local, State, and Federal agencies will be handled by DCD and the Environmental Department. Identification of Hazardous Materials [R3 15-8-4.7(b)] Identification of Hazardous Materials Overview As soon as possible, the IC will determine the character, source, and extent of any released materials by visual inspection and with reference to available information such as manifests, sample analyses, waste profile sheets, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and other available sources of information. lnitial identification includes the following parameters: .2 Attachment9 -Page44 .2.1 .2.2 TOCDFt*t*'ra?#3; Origm of the release Condition of the source (e.g., repairable leak, uncontrollable leak, easily moved, unmovable, etc.) Physical state of the spill (e.g., granular, liquid, gas) Odor, if noticed Color of material and Noticeable reactions (e.g., fuming, flaming, or gas evolution). After the materials have been identified to the fullest extent possible, the IC assesses the possible hazards to human health and the environment in accordance with Section 9.4.3 of the Contingency Plan. Hazardous Materials at TOCDF and TOCDF-operated Facilities Hazardous materials stored and used at TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities that may be involved in an emergency fall into two major categories: Industrial Chemicals and Chemical Agents. Industrial chemicals are handled through inventory control. The control room has access to information on all chemicals through Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) records kept on-site. Control room personnel will inform the IC of any chemicals involved in a spill or release. Bulk chemicals stored onsite include sodium hydroxide (caustic). The chemical agents stored in Area 10 comprise the blistering mustard agents (H, HD, HT). The mustard agents H, HD, and HT all refer to various blends of the same basic chemical compounda. Chemical agents are stored in three types of containers and/or munitions: artillery and mortar shells, and bulk containers. Munition and bulk item characteristics are shown in Table 9-4-1. a H is mustard made by the Levinstein process. It contains tp to 25Yo by weight of impurities, chiefly sulfur, organosulfur, and polysulfides. HD (distilled mustard) is mustard purified by washing and vacuum distillation, which reduces the impurities to about 5%. HT is a 60:40 mixture by weight of HD and T. T is an abbreviation for bis 2 (chloroethylthioethyl) ether. Table g-4-{ MUNITIONS AND BULK ITEM CHARACTERISTICS Fuzes Bursters 4.2-inch mortar shell 155-mm projectiles Attachrnent9-Page45 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 MT]NITIONS AI\D Table g-4-lr BT]LK ITEM CHARACTERISTICS Item Aeent Fuzes Bursters Ton containers GAI{D, HD. Lewisite NO NO Notes: I Fro*: "Disposal of Chemical Munitions and Agents," National Research Council Washington, D.C. 1984. Bulk containers are standard one-ton tanks in which GAltB.EDeOOlQfUiSb-is stored. Mortars and some projectiles contain mustard agent. As mentioned, the f,r+Sgyen major agents slated for demilitarization are the three types of mustard, C+HaChS; Tabun (GA). C:HuNaOzP. Sarin (GB), C+IIroFOzP; Lewisite. CzHaAsClr and VX, C1H2NO2PS. The chemical and physical properties of the agents are summarizedinTable9-4-2 and are discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs. Attachment9 -Page46 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Table g-4-2r CHEMICAL AI\D PTTYSICAL PROPERTIES OF AGENTS Agent Chemical Formula Molecular Weieht Boiling Point(oC) Melting Point(oC) Vapor Pressure (mmHe) H CaHnClrS t75 225 5to14 0.059 (20"c) HD c4H8cl2s 1s9 217 t4 0.069 (20'c) HT c4H8cl2s c3H16c12os2 (HD - lse) (T: 263\ 228 0 0.079 (20"c) GA C.HrrNrOzP 162.13 248 -50 0.057 (25'C) GB CaHroFOzP 140 158 -56 2.9 Q50C) Lewisite ezHzAseli 207.3?t96 -ffi 34.6 Q5 "Cl VX CrrHxNO?PS 267 298 -50 0.00063 (25"c\ Notes:I H, HD, HT, GB, vx data (U.S. ARMY, 1996, 1999, and 2001). GA and Lewisite data (MSDS GB (Sarin): Physical, Chemical, and Toxic Properties GB, also known as Sarin, is the most volatile of the nerve agents in the stockpile and, for this reason, is mainly an inhalation hazard. This nerve agent will not, however, dissipate immediately if spilled. GB is clear to amber in coloi;'with no odor. GB is readily hydrolyzed by either acid or base to relatively nontoxic products. The hydrolysis products, hydrofluoric acid and isopropyl methylphosphonic acid, can readily attack metal, which may explain degradation of some weapons. GB is miscible with water, but under neutral conditions (pH 7), the halflife for hydrolysis is several days. Efficts of GB GB is an extremely active inhibitor of cholinesterase (ChE). By forcing the buildup of acetylcholine at the synapsis of cholinergic nerve fibers, GB causes victims to experience pinpoint pupils (miosis), increased salivation, abnormal tearing of the eyes, urination, diarrhea, convulsions, respiratory collapse, and death. A lethal dosage of GB is 100 mg rnir/m3. Early treatment with oxime derivatives, such as pralidoximine, can accelerate regeneration of cholinesterase, especially in the peripheral nervous system. Treatment with atropine, an inhibitor of acetylcholine release, can also mitigate the toxicity of GB. Victims surviving the acute cholinergic effects of GB may suffer delayed neuropathy syndrome characteized by degeneration of peripheral nerves and permanent paralysis. In addition, like similar compounds, GB may cause abnormal fetal development. For this reason, pregnant women are restricted from areas containing the agent. Absorption of enough nerve agent by any route results in the following generalized effects upon the body system: Pupils become pinpoint, sometimes unequal (miosis) Frontal headache, eye pain, and slight dimness of vision occur Occasional nausea and vomiting Attachment9 -Page47 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Tightness in chest, wheezing or coughing Giddiness Tension Anxiety Restlessness Slowness of recall Confusion Slurred speech Generalized weakness Drooling Runny nose The extent of the symptoms depends on the amount of the agent received. A severe exposure causes: Convulsions (twitchirg, j erking, staggering) Collapse Paralysis Death, without immediate treatment, usually within 15 minutes. Hazard Symbolfor GB The hazard symbol for GB is a yellow circle, 24 inches in diameter, with a black letter "G" in the middle. VX: Physical, Chemical, and Toxic Properties VX is a clear to straw colored, oily liquid. It is both an inhalation and a skin contact hazard. Despite its low vapor pressure, VX still poses a significant vapor hazard. A lethal dosage for VX is 35 mg min/m3. VX is a nerve agent. Nerve agents are organophosphorus compounds, chemically related to pesticides. All nerve agents bind to cholinesterase, an snz)me of the human body that is essential for functioning of the nervous system. Effects of VX Attachrnent9-Page48,2.1 9 .4 .2.4.3 . 1 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 The acute toxic effects of VX are like those of GB, and its mode of action is similar. Absorption of VX results in symptoms identical to those produced by GB. Absorption of enough nerve agent by any route results in the following generalized effects upon the body system: . Pupils become pinpoint, sometimes unequal (miosis) Frontal headache, eye pain, and slight dimness of vision occur Occasional nausea and vomiting Tightness in chest, wheezing or coughing Giddiness Tension Anxiety Restlessness Slowness of recall Confusion Slurred speech Generahzed weakness Drooling Runny nose The extent of the symptoms depends on the amount of the agent received. A severe exposure causes: Convulsions (twitchirg, j erking, staggering) Collapse Paralysis Death, without immediate treatment, usually within 15 minutes. Hazard Symbolfor VX The hazard symbol for VX is a yellow circle, 24 inches in diameter, with black letters "VX't in the middle. Attachment9 -Page49 9.4.2,5 9,,1 9 . 9.4.2,5.3.1 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Mustard: Physical, Chemical, and Toxic Properties Mustard agent comes in three varieties that differ mainly in purity. H is the crude agent made by the Levinstein process. Distillation of the crude material yields HD. A mixture of HD (60 percent) with a similar compound, T (CIC2II4SC2H4)2O), is termed HT. T is also known as bis 2 (chlorethylthioethyl)ether. HT has the advantage of a lower melting point than pure HD, which freezes at 15oC and, therefore, cannot be poured at low ambient temperature. Mustard belongs to a family of toxicants, the N-, S-, and O- mustards. Mustard is a colorless, oily liquid with a garlic odor. It quickly numbs the olfactory nerves, after which the odor is no longer detected. Although the boiling point is relatively btdh(225"C for H), it has a significant vapor pressure at ambient temperatures. Even in the solid state at 0oC, the vaporpressure is 0.025 mm of Hg, which is 28% of the vapor pressure at 30oC. Mustard is virtually insoluble in water, but, because of its high lipid solubility, it rapidly pe,netrates the skin. Mustard is considered to be a 'lersiste,nt" chemical age,nt. Effects of Mustard Although inhalation of mustard produces pulmonary edema, it is classified as a vesicant. As such, it acts on the eyes, lungs, and skin, and bums and blisters the skin or any part of the body that comes in contact with it. Mustard has also been ide'ntified as carcinogenic, teratogenic, and mutagenic. The eye is the most vulnerable part of the body to mustard. Long exposures to low concerrtrations or short exposure to high concentrations can result in permanent eye damage. The initial effect after skin contact is a reddening of the skin. Depending on the severity of exposure, the reddening may progress to blistering and tissue destruction. The initial exposure is not accompanied by a sensation, but, as the symptoms develop, there may be an itching or burning sensation, which develops to reddening and then to blistering. lnhalation of mustard vapor or aerosol causes damage to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Damage from mustard exposrre develops slowly and may not reach maximum severity for several days. Hazqrd Symbol for Mustard The hazard symbol for mustard is a yellow circle, 24 inches in diameter, with a black letter rrHrr in the center. GA (Tabun): Physical. Chemical. and Toxic Properties GA. also known as Tabun is a colorless to brown liquid: eenerally odorless. thoueh possibly frnity. GA was manufactured as a warfare agent and is a lethal cholinesterase inhibitor. It has the same mechanism of toxicity as organophosphate insecticides but is much more potent. GA is considered to have moderately low persistence as it is less volatile than GB (sarin). but it is much more volatile than persistent aeents. such as VX or HD. If released into water. GA would likelv desrade from evaporation and hydrolysis. and be further broken down bv dissolution and treatment orocesses such as chlorination. Attachrnent9-Page50 ".rorr#;ohlJune 2009 Environmental and hydrolytic degradation products of GA are not significant toxic concerns. However. liquid aeent GA reaction with hieh-pH decon solutions (e.e.. household bleach) may produce toxic intermediate products (e.e.. claanide eas). Elfects of GA Sisns/symptoms of exposure to GA will occur within minutes or hours dependins on the dose. Even relatively low dose exoosure to GA can be fatal. though immediate administration of an antidote can be lifesavine. Symotoms are dose d€p€Nrd€'nt and may occur within seconds after exposure to vapors and within minutes or hours from exlpsure to liquid form. Mild: Runny nose. reduction in pupil size (.miosis). dimness of vision. tiehtness of chest. diflicult breathing. Mod€rate: Increased miosis (to level of oinoointine of pupils). headaches. confusion. drowsiness. nasal coneestion. tishtness of chest. nausea vomitine diarrhea. cramos. generalized weakness. twitchine of larse muscle erouos. Severe: Involuntary defecation and urinaJion. drooline. twitchine. staeg€ring. convulsions. cessation of breathine.lo$s gf consciousness. coma. and death. Hazard $tmboUor GA The hazard symbol for GA is a yellpw circle. 24 inches in diameter. with a black letter "G" in the middle. Lewisite: Physical- Chemical. and Toxic Prope4ies Lewisite is oily. colorless and odorless (if oure) to yeltow brown (if imBure) liquid with strone oenetratine goranium odor for impure com[,ounds. It was develoned as a warfare as€nt that can cause severe injuries to the skin. eyes. and respiratory tract. Unlike the sulfur mustard blister aeents. L is volatile and not oersistent. Because of its volatility. it has been manufactured in mixtures (e.e.. with sulfur mustard) to provide low freezing ooint for use in cold weather operations or as a hieh altitude soray aeent. If released h air as small aerosolized droplets or as a vaoor. pwe L misht last minutes to hours dep€ndine on weather conditions. Heat and moisture increase ags,rrt breakdownl vaporsldroplets will likely settle in coolerllow-lyinq areas since L is heavier than air. L brgals down inhours to two toxic products. lewisite o{ide and arsenic. which can oersist for days or more. The effects caused by L are not tupicallv fatal. but hieh enough conc€ntration exoosures (e.e.. direct liquid contact. high vapor concentrations) can cause immediate we pain and eye,/skin/respiratorytract irritation with lesions forming hours later (this is unlike HD which has delayed effects). Low airborne concentrations may cause onlytemporary eye irritation. L can penetrate normal clothine. Dimercaprol (a.k.a. British Anti-Lewisite. 2.3- dimercaptopropanol) applied topically is an antidote for L exposure to skin. Persistence: vcpor: hours-day: /laill'd: hours-day. dependins on amount. Elevated temperatures.' rain/other weather conditions will exoedite desradation. Wcts of Lqrvisite Irnmediate bumine pain (.eye and skin). skin redness within 15-30 min: then blister formation (approx. 12 hours oost exposure) and deep skin bums. Time of onset and severity of effects de,pend on dose. duration. and route of exoosure. Not all signs/symptoms may develoo. Inhalation: Immediate burnine pain. bloody nose. violent sneezinq. couqh. lung edema frothins mucous. sinus pain. shortness of breath: lung tissue Attachment 9 - Page 5l TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 damaee at higher concentrations and exoosure durations. Skin: Immediate stinsins pain and redness within 30 minutes. blisters within 12 hours (dependingon dose). deep skin burns. Ingestion ftare): Diarrhea. nausea. vomiting. Eves: Instant pain. tearine. irritation. and swelling of the eyelids. Corneal scaning. iritis. oermanent damaee and blindness within one minute. Hazard Svmbol.for Lewisite The hazard symbol for Lewisite is a yellow circle. 24 inches in diameter. with a black letter "L" in the middle. 9.4.3 Hazard Assessment [R315-84.7(c)l, HazardAssessment Overview Hazard assessment involves determining the type and nature of an emergency situation and its potential or actual impact. This leads to the determination of ahazard zone around the accident area, in which an unacceptable level of personnelhazard exits. Hazard assessment results serve as the basis for determining appropriate emergency response actions (e.g., hazard containment and control, selection and implementation of protective actions, mobilization of response personnel and equipment, etc.). Hazardassessment will be performed continually during the response phase of an event. The initial assessment will involve determining, as soon as possible, the emergency hazard type, source, amount, severity, and scope. Event hazard assessment will be performed by the first responders, Scene Control Officer (SCO), response teams, Control Room personnel, and the Incident Commander (IC) with assistance from DCD during events involving the release of chemical agent. Subsequent assessments will support redefining the event hazard zone and redirecting response and protective actions as necessary. 9 .4.3.1 .3 The hazard assessment process involves the following primary activities: event detection; event information gathering; event assessment; determination of event hazard zone; and on-going verification of event hazardzore. If a chemical agent release extends off-post, civilian authorities will become involved in extended or long-term assessment. This assessment will be primarily concemed with evaluating the impact of the event on the population and monitoring conditions to determine appropriate protective measures. On-going assessment will include identiffing long-term adverse effects on air, soil, water, wildlife, etc. In the event of a DCD emergency, which affects TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facilities, DCD performs hazard assessment and provides the appropriate protective actions. Event Detection Emergency event assessment and response activities begin with the detection of an event. Emergency events are identified primarily through the following means: Site persorurel in the vicinity (who become event first responders) Attachrnent9 -Page52 9, ' 9 .4.3.3. 1 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Control Room (via plant data monitorirg) o Detection equipment (for chemical agent) Personnel working in the vicinity of the event area will be the individuals most likely to witness or discover an emergency situation. AIl EG&G personnel have been trained to the OSHA Hazardous Materials Awareness Level. This provides a strong site-wide emergency detection capability. Awareness level personnel are trained to initiate the emergency response process by performing an initial assessment of event conditions and contacting the Control Room. The awareness training course covers the following basic concepts: Identification of emergency situations; Hazardous substances and their dangers and risks; Recognition of the presence of hazardous substances in an emergency; Identification of hazardous substances; and the Role of the first responder in the emergency response process, including use of the US DOT Emerge,lrcy Response Guidebook. Event lnformation Gathering It is important to gather as much information about an emergency event as soon as 'possible after detection. Accurate and timely event information results in a more comprehensive assessmsnt, which leads to implementation of the most appropriate response actions. The first information likely to be available during an emergency will be from the first responders on the scene. Except ATLIC and CAMDS personnel, all site personnel are taught to repofi emergency situations to the TOCDF Control Room. The TOCDF Control Room and/or the CAMDS CMO can be reached by telephone or by hand-held radio at the is described in the 5tr'bulla). Emergency (non-cellular) Telephone - Call 911. Telephone - (435) 833-7700. Control Room (on cellular phone) - (435) 830-2472. For initial reporting of CAMDS site emergencies lfo the CMO, extension 4400 on a site phone or (435) 833-4400 from a cellular phone will be used. 9 . For initial rsDortins of ATLIC site em cies to the CCEE. extelrsion site pone or (435) 833-ffi from a cellular phone will be used. The information provided by first responders will allow for an initial assessment of TOCDF events to be performed by the TOCDF Control Roonr;\T!!C ,CCEL -or CAMDS @CMO. However, to support the complete emergency event assessment process, the following information must be known or projected: Nature of release;9 . 1 Attachrnent9-Page53 TOCDF June 2009 !.' : ir:illH:*,, (small, moderate, or large) : d,[:+lT$,'f"ffi]1tffiflfi*.rl'"1?.:**ii#* a, s.urce,.ca,i.n and atmospheric inversion) e'4'3'3'3'2 3*""tiT;1Xf#::I azard? (should be assumed until monitoring data indicates otherwise) r Potential water hazard? o Potential subsurfacehazard? (adsorbed into the soil) Anticipated duration of hazard; and Extent of the area impacted by dispersion of hazard. Event information is recorded by Control Room Operators on an Event Report. Event information beyond that usually available from first responders is obtained from many dif ferent sources, including : : ,:","#'::::,:*' Control Room . Monitoring and sampling teams DCD Emergency Operations Center lnformation Sources The following describes the tlpe of event information provided by each of these groups. lryfbrmationfromEmergency ResponseTeams Emergency response teams include the HAZMAT Team, Paramedic Team, and Decon Team. The HAZMAT Team will provide information about the type, quantity, source, and behavior of the hazardous substance. HAZMAT members may also provide air sampling support. The Paramedic Team will provide information about number of casualties and the tlpe of injuries to the Control Room. The Clinic will provide patient condition, treatment, and transport status periodically to the Control Room. The Decon Team will provide the number of people processed ttrough thq Personnel Decontamination Station (PDS), and the capability of the PDS to handle additional personnel. By working close to the hazard, response teams have a unique perspective on the event and can provide specific information on the hazard and its immediate impacts. Attachrnent9-Page54 9 . 9.4.3,4.4.1 9 .4 .3 .4.5 .3 TOCDF Contingency?lan Informationfrom SCO, IC, and Advisors The SCO and IC gather event information through direct observation and input from advisors. The SCO, who is typically the first outside responder on the scene, provides event information to the IC, Control Room, and response teams. Information from TOCDF Control Room The Control Room serves as the technical center for TOCDF plant system information as well as a reference for TOCDF technical information. Control Room personnel monitor the status of TOCDF plant systems and activities via monitoring systems, which feed directly to computer terminals. The CAMDS CMO and the ATLIC CCEE servos a similar purpose for the CAMDS site. However, the TOCDF Control Room acts as a central point for collecting, assessing, and distributing event information from responders for events at all TOCDF-operated facilities. The Control Room also assists scene responders in obtaining required resources and forwards DCD MeteorologicallDetection Teams (Met/DeQ results, provided by the EOC, to the SCO. Information fro m Monito ring and Sampling Teams For emergency events involving the release of chemical agent or industrial chemicals, monitoring and sampling will be performed to confirm the release plume location and levels. Monitoring and sampling activities will be initiated as soon as possible after emergency event detection. Initial monitoring will focus on broadly defining the hazard and its impacts. Subsequent monitoring (and sampling) will provide more detailedhazard release characteristics. The HAZMAT Team will perform airborne monitoring as necessary during events involving the release of industrial chemicals. The TIAZMAT team will use an air pump instrument and associated detector tubes for the chemical(s) involved to perform air monitoring. Monitoring personnel will perform environmental sampling (e.g. surface, soil, water) as directed by the IC. For events involving the release of chemical agent, DCD will dispatch Met/Det Teams. Chemical agent samples will be taken to a lab located at DCD. DCD agent monitoring and sampling will be accomplished using the following equipment: Real Time Analysis Platform 6fAf1: Combines gas chromatograph with an automatic continuous environmental monitoring system in a self-contained mobile platform; provides low-level chemical agent monitoring capability. RTAPs required by an event at TOCDF or a TOCDF-operated facility will be provided by DCD. Depot Area Air Monitoring System (DAAMS) :Air sampling unit designed to provide lowJevel detection capability for GA. GB, H, Lewisite and VX agents requires lab analysis. In the event off-post monitoring and sampling are required, DCD, via the EOC, may provide resources and assistance to local off-post agencies requesting support. 9 .4.3 .4.5.5 Attachrnent9-Page55 9 .4.3.5 9 . 9 .4,3.5.3 9 . 9 . TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Event Assessment Initial event assessment will often be done by first responders at the scene or by the Control Room. This initial assessment involves a quick analysis of immediate hazard area dangers. Subsequent assessments will involve more integrated and complex analysis of event information. Hazard assessment is a process, which will continue throughout the event as additional event information becomes available. The hazard assessment process will involve analysis of threats, direct and indirect, to both human health and the environment. Direct threats are those posed by the immediate hazard and are generally obvious. The dangers of indirect effects are less obvious and can be caused by, for example, the generation of toxic, irritating, or asphyxiating gases from the event hazard; the run-off of water or chemicals used to control fire and heat-induced explosions; and the use of large amounts of decontaminants. The event hazard assessment process involves projection of affected areas and contamination levels using computer modeling based on event information and comparison of model predictions versus actual field data from MetlDet Teams (for agent only). For chemical agent releases, the DCD Emergency Operations Center (EOC) directs plume plotting and monitoring and sampling activities. The EOC initially performs plume projection based on the MCE (Maximum Credible Event) for a CAIRA event. The EOC later uses actual field data received from DCD MetiDet Teams to refine the initial projections. In the event of a DCD emergency, which affects TOCDF or any TOCDF- operated facility, DCD performs hazard assessment and develops and provides protective action recommendations. Hazard assessment will also be performed after the event response phase and prior to entering the recovery phase. This assessment will focus primarily on identiffing and analyzing long-term hazards and impacts and will support the setting of recovery priorities. Event assessment results will be used by the IC in directing response activities and developing TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility protective actions. This information will also be provided to DCD via the EOC for use in developing depot protective actions. DCD will supply the information to offsite authorities for use in developing protective actions for the public. The timeliness and accuracy of the event hazard assessment affects the ability to protect site and post personnel as well as the public Hazardassessment will result, at a minimum, in the following key information: Tlpe and nature of hazard Quantity of hazardous substance and form of release Direction and speed of release Definition of the hazard zone Expected effects on personnel in the hazard zone O Attachrnent9-Page56 9,4.3.6 9 . 9.4.4 9 .4.4.1 9.4.5 9.4.s.1 .1 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Determination of Event HazardZone Based on the emergency event characteization, ahazard zone will be determined. The hazard zone is the area around thehazard source in which an unacceptable level of personnel hazards exist. For industrial chemical releases, the hazard zone will be determined by comparing hazard exposure projections to the Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) for the specific hazardous substance involved. The STEL is the average concentration to which unprotected chemical workers may be exposed for up to 15 minutes continuously. A STEL level of greater than 1.0 is considered to be an unacceptable personnel risk. The use of STELs to define the hazard zone represents a conseryative approach to protecting personnel. For releases of chemical agent, DCD EOC staff determines the hazard zone by defining the "no effects" distance for the specific chemical agent involved. For chemical munitions in an explosivelyhazardous condition, EOC staff use the munitions fragment distance as the minimum hazard zone. Initial definition of the hazard zone will be based on the Maximum Credible Event (MCE) developed for TOCDF. The hazard zone will be refined as appropriate as actual event information becomes available. The hazard zone will be verified by results from monitoring and sampling activities. Changes in monitoring and sampling results, as well as changes in event conditions, will result in re-definition of the event hazard z.one. Control Procedures I R315-8-4.7(a)] EG&G emergency response personnel will comply with R3 1 5 -8 -4.2 by evaluating emergency situations with regards to the criteria specified in Section 9.3 and, if the emergency situation meets the criteria specified in Section 9.3 (i.e., the situation could threaten human health or the environment), immediately implementing the Contingency Plan (e.g., taking the appropriate response actions specified in Section 9.4, etc.). By implementing the appropriate portions of the Contingency Plan, the requirements of R315- 8-4.7 will be addressed as required by R315-8-4.3(a). Prevention of Recurrence or Spread of tr'ires, Explosions, or Releases [R315-8-a.7(e) & (01 Fire Fires or explosions occurring on the facility grounds are handled by the Emergency Response Team and the Deseret Chemical Depot Installation Fire Department unless they are beyond the capabilities of the two units. In that case, the Tooele County, Tooele City, Grantsville, and/or Stockton Fire Departments are called in to supplement onsite capabilities. If a fire involves explosive materials or is supplying heat to it, or if the fire is so large that it cannot be extinguished with the equipment at hand, the personnel involved shall evacuate and seek safety. .2 Attachrnent9 -Page57 9 .4.5.1 .3 9,4.5.1 .4 9 .4.5.1 .5 9 .4.s.1 .6 1.1 TOCDFt*ttt"*?#3; The TOCDF is equipped with both smoke and heat detectors in designated areas that alarm in the Control Room. The fire suppression system is designed to extinguish a fire before the fire increases the amount of agent available for release to the environment. In addition, the fire suppression system reduces the temperature produced by a fire to prevent rupturing of agent storage tanks/containers and piping, and the detonation of explosively configured munitions. All fire response personnel are provided with the appropriate protective clothing and , safety equipment. Care must be taken to contain and recover any runoff of waste and water, foams, or chemicals applied to the fire. If possible, the area should be diked and/or any runoff drains blocked prior to using liquids to put out the fire. Once extinguished, the materials involved in the fire and surrounding area are decontaminated, if necessary, recwered, and placed in containers for proper disposal. In the event of a fire, the major effort is placed on preventing the fire from spreading to nearby areas. The following actions are taken in indoor areas affected by a fire or explosion: Fire doors in buildings are closed. Hazardous work in all areas are terminated immediately. All feed lines to fumaces and additional equipment are shut down, as necessary and practical. The IC is contacted. The area is cleared of all personnel not actively involved in fighting the fire. Non- emergency personnel are to report to the designated assembly point for a head count. All injured persons are removed, and medical treatment is administered by qualified personnel. The IC is responsible for all firefighting efforts until help from outside the facility arrives. Supervisors of unaffected areas will stay with their personnel and will be ready to evacuate and account for the persons under their supervision. Fire Reporting and Evacuation Immediate Actions As soon as any fire of any size is found at any TOCDF-operated facility, the Control Room must be notified as described in this plan. If the fire is observed visually and no automatic alarms are activated, the individual noticing the fire pulls the nearest manual alarm in the area. If the sprinkler, dry chemical, Halon or FM-200/F8227 systerns are activated, ample time should be given for them to operate. When the fire is extinguished, the alarms should be deactivated. After the size and location of the fire is determined, he announces "Fire in the (speciS room, building, atea, etc.), stand by for instructions," on the TOCDF. CAMDS oTATLIC public address system@ Attachrnent9-Page58 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 E6tffi{s-appreeriote. The CAMDS,#TOCDF and ATLIC public address systems are operated from the CMO*-an+CON and CCEE only, respectively; the systems are entirely independent from one another. If the public address system is not functional, operators are used to pass instructions. Anyone in immediate danger must be assisted, if safe to do so. At TOCDF, all unpacking and munitions processing will stop until further evaluation of the event has been completed. The Control Room Operator and/or the CAMDS PSM notifies the IC and gives the information as noted below. The following information is also relayed to other appropriate personnel : (a) Location of fire O) Type of fire (if known) (c) Hazardous material involved (d) Number of known casualties (e) Type of injuries (if known) The IC determines the course of action based on the seriousness of the situation. The seriousness or size of a fire is a subjective decision that must be made as quickly as possible. If there is ever any doubt on the course of action to be taken, a large fire is assumed. Subsequent Actions Subsequent actions depend on the magnitude of the fire and, more importantly, the location. Procedures will be followed during firefighting activities at TOCDF or any TOCDF-operated facility. The DCD Fire Department is responsible for fighting the fire at TOCDF or TOCDF- operated facility. The IC directs the appropriate person to remain with the DCD Fire Department during firefighting for assistance with technical advice. An Emergency Response Team dressed in appropriate protective clothing enters the building to conduct reentry monitoring only after receiving approval from the IC, DCD Fire Department Chief, and Safety Representative. g. The IC, Safety Representativp and any other applicable personnel assess the damage and determine any further course of action to be taken. Fires and Agent Releases If an agent release occurs during or as a result of a fre, the offgases from the fire may contain toxic chemicals. As a precaution, all personnel fighting fires are in appropriate protective clothing at all times. The potentially toxic offgases cannot be controlled, but every effort is made to quickly extinguish the fire with the fire suppression system and douse any agent leaks with decontaminant when the scene is rendered safe. g. After a fire involving chemical agents has been controlled ,rrd "*iirrgrrished, the Emergency Response Team closely monitors the affected area to determine that all tfaces of chemical agents have been thoroughly decontaminated. For events outside the TOCDF Attachment9-Page59 9.4.5,3.4 9 . 9 , 9 . 9,4.5.4 9 .4.5 .4.1 9,4.6 TOCDF Contingency?lan MDB, the workers initially use standard detection kits to clear an area. More sensitive analyses are conducted in the facility laboratory if necessary. Inside the MDB building, standard lowJevel monitors of the facility are used to clear an area. This involves ensuring that all monitors are retumed to a normal level and that no detectable chemical agent rernains above the Alarm Set Point level. Runoff from fires inside the MDB are collected in sumps that drain to the SDS tanks. From there, these runoffs are fed to one of the two LICs. For an event at the facility, such as a transportation accident involving fire, runoff is contained as much as practical, absorbed on pads and managed appropriately. Any remaining materials in the fire area that may have been exposed to agent are decontaminated with decontamination solution and managed appropriately. Prevention of Recurrence, Spread of Fires, Explosions, or Releases [R315-8-4.7(e) &. fl] Fire and spill response actions discussed previously, and explosions in the following section, are the primary means of preventing releases of hazardous waste resulting from the recurrence or spread of fires and explosions. Other actions include collecting and containing the released waste and recovering or isolating containers. If the facility stops operations in response to a fire, explosion, or release, the Emergency Coordinator must monitor for leaks, pressure buildup, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes, or other equipment, wherever this is appropriate. Explosive Hazards In general, two tlpes of explosive hazards are of concem in the TOCDF facility: (1) explosives in the presence of agent, and (2) explosives alone. Many of the munitions to be processed in the facility contain explosives (bursters, supplemental charges, and fuzes). A detonation of an explosively configured munition presents not only ahazardto personnel and property from the blast effects, but also ahazard from the spread of chemical agent throughout the local work areas. Once the explosively configured munition has been. disassembled in the Explosive Containment Room, the explosive components will be separated from the agent and agent exposure from a detonation is not a concem. After separation, the explosives are incinerated in the TOCDF Deactivation Fumace System where all energetic material is destroyed. CAMDS no longer treats or manages explosives. Storaee and Treatment of Released Material [R315-8-4.7(e)l Once the emergency situation has ended, the IC will ensure that recovered waste, contaminated soil, or any other material (e.g., decontamination solution, etc.) that results from a release, fire, or explosion at the facility is immediately stored (i.e., placed in containers or tanks in good condition), treated, or shipped offsite. When determining the appropriate destination for this released material, the IC will address the compatibility considerations described below in Section 9.4.7. Information regarding the management of material that results from a release is provided below in Sections 9 .4.9 , 9 .4 .10, md 9.4.tt. Attachment9-Page60 TOCDF Contingency?lan Any agent-contaminated spilled liquids and any solid materials (rags, clothing, etc.) will be managed in accordance with this Permit. Waste that is not agent-contaminated will be managed onsite in accordance with this Permit or applicable regulations. The IC will ensure that, after clean-up is complete, all equipment and PPE used during clean-up is decontaminated as necessary (refer to Section 9.7.8 below) and first aid supplies and absorbent materials are restocked as appropriate. g.4.7 Incompatible Waste tR315-8-4.7(hx1)l g.4.7.1 The IC will ensure that, in the affected areas of the facility, the storage and treatment of wastes that may be incompatible with the released materials will be prevented until clean- up procedures are comple*ed. g.4.7.2 The TOCDF operating approach (i.e., onlyprocessing munitions and bulk containers containing one tlpe of agent at a time) minimizes the potential of released material being incompatible with other wastes in the area. Also, the design of the TOCDF plant minimizes the chlances of incompatible material contact. For instance, the brine, spent' decontamination solutions, and agent each have a separate and unique destination (e.g., BRA storage tanks, spent decontamination tanks, agent collection tanks). Additionally, this Permit mandates that containers, which share a cornmon secondary containment system, only be used for the storage and treatment of compatible waste streams. Likewise, this Permit requires that tanks, which share a cornmon secondary containment system, only be used for the storage and treatment of compatible waste streams. Therefore, the TOCDF plant design, this Permit, and normal operating procedures in use at any of the TOCDF-operated facilities will generally prevent management of an incompatible waste in afl area where a release has occurred. However, to ensure segregation of incompatible waste and materials, the IC will assure that the released material is characterizedby the appropriate means (e.g. analysis, checking facility records if origin of the release is known, etc.) and will use this information to ensure that no incompatible materials or wastes are brought into the affected area. The IC will also compare the characterizationof the released material to the characteristics of the waste and material already stored in the affected area. If, based upon this comparison, any transportable incompatible materials are determined to be in the area and available storage capacity exists elsewhere at the DCD or TOCDF-operated facility, the IC will have these materials moved to another available area (e.g., a different container storage area or tank system, etc.) where segregation of incompatible wastes/materials can be assured. Potentially incompatible waste or material that cannot be removed from the affected area will be segregated from the released material by using any appropriate means (e.g., earthen berms, overpacks, etc.) until the clean-up procedures are completed. 9.4.8 Post-Emergency Equipment Maintenance [R315-8-4.7(hX2)l After an emergency event, all emergency equipment used during the emergency response/clean-up, including PPE, will be either: (l) discarded and replaced with new emergency equipmentiPPE; or (2) cleaned with the proper decontamination solution, repaired as necessary, and reused. Also, as necessary, absorbent material and first aid supplies will be restocked and fire extinguishers recharged. Before operations resume, an inspection of the affected emergency equipment listed in Section 9.5 will be conducted by the IC or his designee to ensure that the equipment is clean and fit for future use. Once Attachrnent 9 - Page 6l 9.4,9 9.4.9,1 9.4.10 9.4. 10.1 9.4.11 TOCDFt*t*tffi#;; this inspection is complete and the appropriate notifications have bee,n made, operations may resume in the affected area. Container Spills and Leakage [R315-8-4.3, R315-8-9.21 If there is a spill, leak, or release from a container, which could threaten human health or the environment, the EG&G Emergency Response Plan (ERP) will be implemented. If this release involves a chemical agent and/or munitions, then the Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance (CAIRA) Plan (Appendix A of the ERP) will also be implemented. These plans provide detailed procedures, which encompass the various aspects of emergency response, including: notification, mobilization, PPE requirements, hazard assessment, emergency response, recovery, etc. If the spill, leak, or release from a container could threaten human health or the environment, then this section of the Contingency Plan will also be implemented. This section of the Contingency Plan augments the procedures provided in the ERP and the CAIRA Plan by focusing on procedures for responding to releases from containers. If an agent release is involved, the first individual to observe the release will mask and notiff the TOCDF Control Room (or CAMDS CMO or ATLIC CCEE as described herein). The procedures described in the ERP and CAIRA as well as the procedures identified below will then be followed. If a non-agent release is encountered, then the first individual to observe the release will do the following: Alert other nearby workers and, if outside, move upwind of the release. Contact the Control Room (or CAMDS CMO or ATLIC CCEE) who will contact the Control Room), which will then notiff the Emergency Coordinator; report the release, location, nature of material spilled (if known); and report the estimated amount involved. Prevent access to the area by vehicles or other personnel. Follow instructions offered by the Emergency Coordinator or the Control Room. Tank Spills and Leakage [R315-8-10 [40 CFR 264.194.c=ll If there is a spill, leak, or release from a tank system, which could threaten human health or the environment, the EG&G Emergency Response Plan (ERP) will be implemented. If this release involves a chemical agent, then the Chemical AccidenVlncident Response and Assistance (CAIRA) Plan (Appendix A of the ERP) will also be implemented. These plans provide detailed procedures, which encompass the various aspects of emergency response, including: notification, mobilization, PPE requirements, hazard assessment, emergency response, recovery, etc. If the spill, leak, or release from a tank system could threaten human health or the environment, then this section of the Contingency Plan will also be implemented. Spills and Leakage from Other Regulated Units Attachrnent9 -Page62 9.4.1 1.1 9.4,11 .2 9.4.1 I .3 9.5 9.5. 1 9.5,2 9.5,2.1 TOCDFt*tt'rHiJa; Spills and leakage from other units at the TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facilities are possible. These TOCDF units include the incineration systems (LIC1, LIC2, DFS, MPF), the associated pollution abatement systems, the Subpart X units (BDS, PMD, MDM, Area l0 Autoclave, DVS/DVSSR), and Slag Removal System (SRS). CAMDS units include various permitted HWMUs that support CAMDS closure such as tanks, sumps and container storage areas specified in this Permit. The ATLIC units includes the LIC. associated PAS system and various permitted HWMUs that support ATLIC operations such as tanks and sumps snecified in this Permit. If there is a spill, lealg or release from a unit identified above, which could threaten human health or the environment, the EG&G Emergency Response Plan (ERP) will be implemented. If this release involves a chemical agent and/or munitions, then the Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance (CAIRA) Plan (Attachment A of the ERP) will also be implemented. These plans provide detailed procedures, which encompass the various aspects of emergency response, including: notification, mobilization, PPE requirements, hazard assessment, emergency response, recovery, etc. If an agent release is involved, the first individual to observe the release will mask and notiff the Control Room (or the CAMDS CMO or the ATLIC CCEE). The procedures described in the ERP and CAIRA as well as the procedures identified below will then be followed. If a non-agent release is encountered, then the first individual to observe the release will do the following: Alert other nearby workers and, if outside, move upwind of the release. Contact the Control Room (orthe CAMDS CMO who will contact the Control Room), which will then notiff the Emergency Coordinator, report the release, location, nature of material spilled (if known), and the estimated amount involved. Prevent access to the area by vehicles or other personnel. Follow instructions offered by the Emergency Coordinator or the Control Room. EMERGENCY EQUTPMENT [R3 1s-8-4.3(d)] Reserved. Communication and Alarm Systems Communications inside the TOCDF will be achieved through a telephone system and the TOCDF public address (PA) system. Telephones are located so that each employee has access to one from his workstation. An employee can call the Control Room or any other telephone in the TOCDF and can be connected to an outside phone line from site telephones. Employees can access the PA system for paging by using or by contacting designated telephones throughout the site or by contacting the Control Room. The paging system will be broadcast through a series ofloudspeakers to provide coverage throughout the active portion of the facility. Two-way radios are also available for onsite communication. The TOCDF is connected to the local telephone system to enable extemal communications. Alarms will be broadcast over the PA system loudspeakers. The agent and evacuation alarms will be initiated by the Control Room. The alarm to Attachrnent9-Page63 9.5,2.1 .1 9.s.2.2.2 9.s.2.2.4 TOCDF ContirrrHrtrS; mask and await further instructions will consist of a warble tone (oscillating whine) broadcast. The alarm for site evacuation and masking, if directed bythe Control Room will consist of a steady-tone broadcast. The alarm to mask and evacuate personnel within the MDB will consist of a repetitive yelping tone. Generally, the alarms will be accompanied by instructions from the Control Room, which include event-specific instructions. Area 10 Igloo communications with the main TOCDF Control Room will be via the TOCDF-staffed Igloo operations control point by telephone or two-way radio. Although the TOCDF CON is the communications center for emergencies at any TOCDF- operated facility, communications within the CAMDS facility can be achieved through the telephone system and the CAMDS PA system. CAMDS employees can call the CMO or any other telephone at the CAMDS or TOCDF, and can be connected to an outside phone line. CAMDS employees can request PA announcement by contacting the CMO. The message will be broadcast through a series of loudspeakers to provide coverage throughout the CAMDS site. Alarms specific to the CAMDS site will be broadcast over the CAMDS loudspeakers. Agent and evacuation alarms at CAMDS will be initiated by the CMO. The alarm to mask and await further instructions will consist of a warble tone (oscillation whine) broadcast. CAMDS alarms will be accompanied by instructions from the CMO, which include event-specific instructions. Emereency communication at the ATLIC is the same as the CAMDS facilitv with the exceotion of relrortine to the CMO. ATLIC ernployees need to call the CCEE. System Design TOCDF and TOCDF-ooerated facilities emergency communications are performed by standard telephone, hotline telephone, cellular phone, radio, and face-to-face contact. All Emergency Response Organization members have received training in emergency communications. Common terminology has been developed to ensure clear communications. All personnel assigned radios have been trained in the use of those radios, Entry teams have been trained to remain in visual contact with their buddy. All communications links are backed up. A minimum of two charmels will be available on all radios. Within the areas with the highest probability of erirergency incidents (MDB, unpack) emergency phones have been strategically located. If required, the public address system, which is on an unintemrpted power source, could be utilized for one-way emergency communications on site. The system can be addressed to site-wide or specific locations. The system can be accessed through several identified facility standard telephones. The attached Emergency Communications table (Table 9-5-l) provides detailed infbrmation regarding the tlpes of equipment used for emergency communication. Links beyond the DCD Emergency Operations Center (DCD EOC) to Army, local, State, and Federal agencies are covered in the DCD CAIRA Plan. Table 9-5-1 TOCDF and TOCDF-Operated Facility Emergency Communications Phone Systems Standard Phones Lines into the site and on the site are buried. The phone system is on an Attachrnent9 -Page64 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Table 9-5-1 TOCDF and TOCDF-Operated Facility Emergency Communications trnintemrpted power supply. The backup power supply provides six hours of margin. If there is a loss of offsite (outside of TOCDF) power the system will continue to provide communications on the site, but will not provide communications offsite. Hotline Phones There are four hotline phones on site, all of which connect with the Control Room. These phones are located in the Entry Control Facility, Clinic, DSA, and DCD EOC. These phones, which are independent of the standard phone system, have an unintemrpted power supply that provides six hours of margin. Radio Network Wiens te l5l,955MHz, Fer daily epqatiens eeelr ef the fellewkrg greups are essigrCffi @Wine @geeratiens-++S @geemtiens++i.'lities Emergency Operations For emergency operations, the following response personnel will be assigned a specific radio channel (1 through 6). Emergency Responder Control Room Operators IC SCO Safety Advisor Environmental Advisor HAZMAT Team Decon Team Leader Rescue Team Leader Paramedic Team Leader TOCDF Clinic Fumaces (PAS) utilities CAL Appropriate radios are distributed to emergency response teams. DCD utilizes a Motorola Saber 16-channel radio system with 12 assigned frequencies ranging from 1 39.035 MHz to | 48.97 5 MHz. There are four portable radios with DCD frequencies assigned to TOCDF. In an emergency they will be used by the IC and Clinic. In addition, the Control Room maintains a DCD radio base station with 12 assigned frequencies. Attachrnent9-Page65 9,5,2.2,5 9.s.2.3.2 9.5.3 9.5.3. 1 9.s.3 .2 TOCDFt*t*'rn?#a; During drills and exercises, communications are typically prefaced by and ended with "This is a test exercise message". Control Room The TOCDF Control Room is the communications center for emergency response involving TOCDF and all TOCDF-operated facilities. The Control Room has engineering controls, which isolate it in the event of an emerge,ncy. It is manned 24 hours a day,7 days a week, and has backup emergency power. The Control Room contains the following communications equipment: standard phones, hotline phones, a cellular phone, radio base stations each covering all TOCDF channels, a radio base station covering all DCD channels, and a fax machine. In an emergency at TOCDF or a TOCDF-operated facility, specific Control Room Operators are assigned to act as phone contacts with specific response teams. Specific operators are assigned to each of the following groups: IC if he is in a field location, SCO, Clinic, CMAT, and EOC. The operatprs who are not assigned to one of these specific response teams will handle all other communications. These remaining groups will normally have limited communications requirements. If for any reason the communications needs of a group expand, a specific operator will be assigned. The TOCDF Control Room communicates with the TOCDF-operated Igloo personnel by telephone or two-way radio via the Igloo control point, which is staffed at all times during hazardous waste operations within the igloos. Spill Control and Decontamination Equipment TOCDF has trained personnel and a variety of equipment and supplies available onsite for responding to spills and decontamination at TOCDF-operated facilities. The HAZMAT and Decontamination Teams are staffed by trained on-shift personnel around the TOCDF site and are primarily composed of Maintenance and Operations personnel. The HAZMAT Team performs victim rescue, containment, mitigation, and clean-up activities during TOCDF and TOCDF-operated Igloos emergency events involving the release of chemical agent or industrial chemicals. The Decon Team performs associated personnel decontamination. HAZMAT and Decon Response Teams' resources include a Decon Trailer, HAZMAT Van,'Emergency Decon Station, Buildings S-1 and S-5, and the DPE Support Area (DSA). The HAZMAT Van and Decon Trailer are stationed inside Building S-1. All HAZMAT response equipment and supplies located in the HAZMAT Van and Decon Trailer are inspected on a regular basis as specified in Attachment 5 (lnspection Plan). Lists of equipment that must be maintained on the HAZMAT Van and Decon Trailer can be found in the Inspection Log section of Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan). The Decon Trailer contains PPE and all equipment and supplies necessary to perform personnel decontamination. The Decon Trailer inspection log identifies equipment and supplies available on the Decon Trailer. The Decon Trailer has one fixed rinse shower and one portable decon shower. A TOCDF truck is used to move the Decon Trailer to the scene. 9.s.3.3 Attachment9 -Page66 TOCDF Contingency?lan The HAZMAT Van is stocked with PPE and all equipment and supplies necessaryto respond to hazardous spills and emergency decontamination. The TIAZMAT Van inventory inspection log identifies equipment and supplies available on the HAZMAT Van. At TOCDF, Emergency Decon Stations house additional gear and are located along the most probable routes of egress in an emergency. Each Emergency Decon Station contains the equipment as listed in Table 9-5-2. CAMDS Additional Equipment As described previously, if a large spill were to occur, the CAMDS facility would be supported by TOCDF Emergency Response teams. CAMDS has additional spill response and decontamination equipment and resources located in the immediate vicinity. There are two tanks for storage of the decontamination solution for agents GB and VX. Truck Table 9-5-2 EMERGBNCY DECON STATIONS AI\D PERSONNEL DECONTAMINATION EQUIPMENT ITEM QUANTITY Coveralls 10 pair Socksr l0 pair Tee-shirtsr 10 pair Underw ear (merVwomen) I 10 pair Towels 10 DPE Booties 10 pair Blankets 10 Butyl Gloves 10 pair Scissors 2 patr Belt Cutter 1 Decon Solution 2 6 gallons Step Pans3 1 water, 1 decon Chemical Casualty Kits4 2 Spill Control Kit 1 NOTE: The HAZMAT Van and Decon Trailer respond to all chemical spills or incidents at TOCDF or TOCDF- operated facilities. Some of the items referenced above are stored on the HAZMAT Van and/or Decon Trailer. I Personnel will not receive these items until they have been evaluated at the TOCDF Clinic. The PMB will supply these items as necessary. 2 Liquid soap and water are readily available for decontamination. Decontamination solution is always available on the HAZMAT Van or Decon Trailer that responds to chemical spills or incidents. 3 Step Pans are always available on the Decon Trailer. Additional step pans are available from S-1. a Each individual has a chemical casualty kit with them at all times. Additional chemical casualty kits are available on the HAZMAT Van and at the TOCDF Clinic. 5 Spill control kits are stored on the HAZMAT Van. Additional spill control kits are available from S-1. Attachrnent9 -Page67 TOCDF Contingorcy Plan June 2009 mounted decontamination units with decontaminants for GB, VX, and mustard agent are available at Area 10 to support CAMDS. These are maintained by Deseret Chemical Depot Ammunition Storage Division for CAMDS and munition storage missions. ATLIC Additional Equinment The ATLIC would also be supported by the TOCDF Emersency Response teams should a laree spill occur. ATLIC has additional spill response and decontamination equipment and resources located in the immediate vicinity. There aretrvo{anlts is one tank for storage of the decontamination solution (18% NaOH solution@ Truck mounted decontamination units with decontaminants for €BrlA(ff(Lnrrstac aeents are available at Area 10 to supoort ATLIC. These are maintahed by Des€ret Chemical Dspot Arrmunition Storaee Division for ATLIC and munition storase missions. Emergency Equipment Fire Extinguishing Equipment Sprinklers Halon and FM-20088-227 systems are capable of operating automatically to extinguish fres in the TOCDF areas in which they have been placed. These areas include the UPA (sprinklers) and areas where electronic equipment is in use (Halon). Chemical tlpe fire suppression systems protect the ATLIC. CAMDS CMO, SAF Lab, SAF chemical storage room, and the CUB. Portable fire extinguishers are available throughout the facilities and are capable of extinguishing small fires. The facility structures are generally designed to be fire-resistive. An automatic detection and alarm system is placed throughout the TOCDF facility. Fire response forces have available portable extinguishers, a complete site firewater distribution system, and emergency response equipment similar to that of a municipal fire department. Emergency Personal Protective Equipment Eruergency Personal Protective Equipment Overview This plan section presents an overview of how the PPE available to EG&G will be utilized by personnel responding to a release event of chemical agent or industrial chemicals at a TOCDF-operated facility. Response to an agent release will require use of agent approved PPE by responders entering toxic or contaminated areas. The general work force is required to don Army air purifying respirators (masks) immediately upon notification by the Control Room-ATLIC-CCEE or CAMDS CMO of any unusual event that could result in a release of agent impacting the TOCDF-operated facility work site. All personnel who enter the vicinity of TOCDF, CAMDS. ATLIC or DCD Area 10 sites are trained in the use of, have issued to them, and are required to be prepared to use an Army protective mask. The use of the Army mask is for eggess only in the event of an agent release. Response to industrial chemical releases and spills require the wearing of OSHA PPE. The TOCDF facility was designed and constructed with the overriding consideration that "The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is the least desirable method of exposure control." Based on hazard analyses, the reduction of dependence upon PPE was designed into all areas and operations of the TOCDF. 9.5.4 .l 9,5.4.2,1 .1 9.5,4.2.r,2 Attachrnent9-Page68 TOCDF Contineency?lan The TOCDF and TocDF-operated facilities conduct operations in areas where no amount of design and engineering can alleviate the requirements to wear PPE. These requirements for wearing PPE are dependent on a number of factors that include the type of operations performed in an area and the likelihood of the presence of agent during normal or abnormal conditions. Selection of the appropriate level of protection is determined by the potential level of exposure/contamination that exists in the specific environment and the task to be performed. ChemicalAgentVentilation/HazardCategories I O.S.+.Z.Z.| Each room and/or building at TOCDFJTUC and CAMDS has a designated category rating of A, B, C, D, or E based upon the potential for agent contamination dtring normal munitions and support operations. Categories may be temporarily upgraded to correspond with increas ed hazar d potential. Rooms assigned a Category A rating have probable agent liquid and likely vapor contamination. Rooms assigned a Category A/B are evaluated for contamination probability depending on the operations being performed and the materials present. Rooms with a Category B rating have possible vapor contamination only resulting from routine operations. Rooms with a Category C rating have a low probability of agent vapor contamination. Rooms with a Category D rating have a very low probability of ever being contaminated by agent. 9 .5 .4 .2.2.1 .6 Rooms and areas with a category E rating are maintained from being contaminated by agent at all times barring the possibility of a catastrophic event. Descriptions of Personal Protective Equipment Ensembles Level A (A1-A2) clothing is used for entry into agent toxic areas with agent vapor and liquid present based on the OSHA and Army criteria for chemical agent activity. Level A provides positive pressure, full-face, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), or positive pressure supplied air line respirator with self-contained escape air supply, approved byNIOSH, and totally encapsulating, vapor-tight, chemical protective suit. The Demilitarization Protective Ensemble (DPE) suit (Level ,A.1) is normally used within the agent areas of the Munitions Demilitarization Building. ln any of these areas where an emergency occurs, the DPE suit is wom unless the emergency conditions themselves preclude the use of the suit. ln those circumstances, M3 B (81) (formerly known as Modified Level A) or OSHA Level A protective clothing is used. This equipment is available at the Demilitarization Protective Ensemble Support Area (DSA) in the TOCDF Personnel Maintenance Building. (PMB) M3 B (Bl) (formerly known as Modified Level A) or OSHA A clothing is the highest level of protection available at the site, excluding the DPE suit. OSHA A or M3 B (B1) may be used in the presence of liquid when conditions prohibit DPE, when needed to Attachment9-Page69 TOCDF "*,,rtffi#3; restore the plant to normal conditions, or as the primary PPE for DPE backup. It will be used for munitions handling or other tasks based on OSHA and Army criteria for chemical agent activity. Level B Protective Clothing-Level B (B1-B5) provides positive pressure, full-face Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), or positive pressure supplied air line respirator with self-contained escape air supply, approved byNIOSH, and non-encapsulating chemical protective clothing. It will be used for munitions handling or other tasks based on OSHA and Army criteria for chemical agent activity. Level C Protective Clothing - Level C (Cl-C6) provides an air purirying full-face respirator or protective mask and non-encapsulating chemical protective clothing. It will be used for entry into agent toxic areas with agent vapor only (no liquid) based on OSHA and Army criteria for chemical agent activity. Level D - Level D provides mask or respirator slung or readily available and employer provided clothing. It will be used for entry into agent toxic areas where no vapor is present oi anticipated based on OSHA and Army criteria for chemical agent activity. Street Clothes (SC) - This level consists of personal clothing with Mask Available and is for areas at TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities where no respiratoryprotection or chemical protective clothing is needed. Selection of PPE ChemicalAgentRelease When responding to a chemical agent release, the level of protection required will be determined for each operation. Conditions under which the various levels of protection are required are described along with the PPE descriptions in the section above. IndustrialChemicalRelease When responding to an industrial chemical release, the correct level of PPE is selected by the Scene Control Officer (SCO) with approval of the Safety Advisor. MSDS sheets for the chemical involved, the NIOSH "Personal Protective Equipment for lndustrial Chemicals Incidents: A Selection Guide", and the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook are references used in determining this selection. The PPE selection made by the SCO will also consider the work requirements of the entry to ensure the durability of the PPE is appropriate to that work. Medical Emergency Equipment The following emergency medical equipment is to be available at the TOCDF medical clinic. The clinic is responsible for ensuring that the following equipment is available and operational. o Ambulance bags (Jump Kits) o Oxygen Cylinders Attachment9-Page70 9,5,4,4.7 9 .5 .4.5 9 .5 .4.7 9 .s .4.7 .l 9.5 .4.8 9 .5 .4.8. 1 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Defibrillator Litters Mark 1 Auto Injectors (Nerye Agent Antidote Kit) Protective Clothing Protective Masks Ambulance/V ehicl e for transp orting casualti es Showers and Eyewash Facilities Safety showers, decontamination showers, and eyewash stations are located in appropriate areas of the MDB (Figures 9-5-1 through 9-5-4), the PUB (Figure 9-5-5), the PAS (Figure 9-5-6), the CHB (Figure 9-5-7), and the CAMDS SAF @igure 9-7-34). All figures are located at the end of the Contingency Plan. Agent Detection Equipment Agent munitions and alarms are present in each agent work area. The tlpe of monitors used varies based on.the agent being processed. The alarms/indicators consist of visual (rotating beacons or panel lamps) and audible alerts (homs). Instructions are given from the Control Room via the public address system to inform personnel as to what actions to take following an agent alarm. Decontamination Solution Decontamination solutions are available within the TOCDF facility to address liquid agent spills. The appropriate solution is available throughout the facility based on chemical agent being processed. The location is specific to each appropriate area of the facility. Confined Spaces Entry Equipment The equipment required for Confined Space Entry will be available and maintained at the TOCDF PMB, Building 5-6, or in the response vehicle. This includes a combustible gas indicator, an oxygen-sensing device, and self-contained breathing apparatus. Offsite Equipment Firefighting Equipment Fire protection, emergency equipment, and DCD support organizations are detailed in Section 9.6 Heavy Equipment Attachrnent9 -PageTl TOCDF "**rrffi#;; Supplemental heavy equipment and supplies will be available, if needed, from offsite sources including Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) and DCD. Table 9-5-3 lists the emergency equipment available at the DCD and TEAD. u A minimum of one shovel and one broom are kept at each container storage building. Table 9-5-3 DESERET CIIEMICAL DEPOT (DCD) AI\D TEAD EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT NOMENCLATT]RE CAPABILITY QUANTITY LOCATION Fire Trucks 1,000 gpm pumper 1 DCD Fire Station (Bldg s010) Brush truck, 1,000- gallon capacity, 200 gpm pump 1 DCD Fire Station (Bldg s0l0) Equipment truck, [-]-ton pickup 1 DCD Fire Station (Bldg s010) Crash truck for helicopter crash response; with foam, dry chemical water capabilities (NOTE: This .vehicle doubles as 1,0O0-gallon pumper truck listed above.) DCD Fire Station (Bldg s010) Ambulances Emergency personnel evacuation and medical support 4 TOCDF (r) DCD Area 10 (1) Bldg s010 (1) Bulldozer Caterpillar tlpe for brushfire, control, spill cleanup, general grading 1 Behind Building t34 (rEAD) Loader, Scoop Ito2-yd' capacity, front- end tlpe; for spill cleanup, etc. I Behind Building r34 (rEAD) Backhoe Wheeled type tractor- mounted; for ditch digging and excavation I Behind Building r34 (TEAD) Hand Tools (shovels, brooms, etc.)6 Small spill cleanup as available Container storage buildings Building s 16 (rEAD) Distributor, Water Tank 1,000 gallon with pump I Building 516 (rEAD) Auger, Earth Boring up to 24-tnch holes I Building 516 (rEAD) Excavator,Backhoe type excavation I Building 516 Attachment 9 -Page72 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 9,6 C OORDINATION AGREEMENTS A}{D SUPPORT ORGAI\IZATIONS [R3 1 5-8- 4.3(b), R315-8-3.71 9.6.1 Coordination Agreements Overview TOCDF, through DCD, has made contact with the local and regional entities and authorities, which may be involved, in an emergency situation at a TOCDF-operated facility. Each of these authorities have been provided with a copy of the current EG&G Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and relevant background information. A copy of this updated EG&G Contingency Plan, along with the DCD CAIRA Plan is provided to each of these authorities upon approval. 9 .6.1 .2 Discussions regarding their specific involvement and coordination have been held. The US Army, as owner and co-operator of TOCDF has contacted the following local authorities to obtain emergency response and/or mutual assistance and support agreements for the DCD, TOCDF, and TOCDF-operated facilities. The following agreernents are in place and on file at the TOCDF.7 7 Copies of the agreements are found at the back of this section. . Table 9-5-3 DESERET CIIEMICAL DEPOT (DCD) AND TEAD EMERGENCY EQTIIPMENT NOMENCLATT]RE CAPABILITY QUANTITY LOCATION Multipurpose (rEAD) Tractor Caterpillar-type for ditch digging, backhoe capabilities, etc. 10 Building 516 (rEAD) Grader, Road Road grading, ditch cleaniflg, etc., with 12- foot blade 5 Building 516 (rEAD) Loader, Scoop Ito2-yard3 cap acrty, front-end tlpe 2 Building 516 (rEAD) Crane, Shovel 1-yardt "upucity for loading sand and gravel 1 Crusher area (rEAD) Crane, Hydraulic 25-ton for major item material handling 1 Building 516 (rEAD) Truck, Dump S-yardt "upucity for handling and dumping 7 Building 516 (rEAD) Truck/Pickup For general purpose transportation 2 Building 516 (rEAD) Crane, Clamshell and Dragline 13-ton capacity 1 Building 516 (rEAD) Attachrnent 9 - Page73 9.6.1 .5 9.6.1 .6 9,6.2 9 .6.2.1 .l TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Tooele County Sheriffs Office (27 May 1997) North Tooele County Fire District (1 I August 1998) City of Stockton Fire Department (1 1 August 1998) City of Tooele Fire Department (1 1 August 1998) City of Grantsville Fire Department (1 1 August 1998) Mountain West Medical Center (14 March 2003) Evans Army Community Hospital (17 July 2003) Utah Valley Regional Medical Center (26 June 2003) Intermountain Medical Center (29 Febru da, 2008) University of lJtah Medical Center AirM ed (26 June 2003) Intermountain Health Care (IHC) Life Flight (23 July 2003) University of Utah Hospital (26 June 2003) EG&G is the main provider of emergency response resources at TOCDF-operated facilities including TOCDF, CAMDS, and the DCD Area l0 SecondaryWaste facility. EG&G utilizes a number of emergency support services located on the DCD installation. For most accident scenarios, installation resources are the only support required, with the exception of advanced medical treatment. TOCDF provides frst-level emergency medical care, but regional hospital support is required for casualties in need ofadvanced life support. Non-EG&G resources are requested through the DCD Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located at DCD Building 5108, except for urgent DCD Security and DCD Fire Station resources, which may be requested directly by the Control Room. Additional local, State, and Federal resoruces are available in the event of a major disaster. All local, State, and Federal notifications and resource requests will be made by DCD. The OSC identifies and recommends the outside resources needed to the DCD Commander, who in turn, establishes liaison with the provider to obtain them. DCD Support General DCD maintains its own response force to handle chemical accidents/incidents involving DCD operations. EG&G response teams may also be called upon to support an emergency on the installation. The DCD resources available to support EG&G emergency response are described below. DCD resources are under the command and control of the EOC on a daily basis. In the event EG&G requires DCD resources, the Control Room Attachrnent 9 - Page74 .l 9 .6.2.4.t TOCDF Contingency?lan will request them directly from the EOC, with the possible exception of initial DCD Security response. DCD Security The DCD Law Enforcement and Security Division (Security) is the sole provider of security services to TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities on a daily basis. In the event of an emergency at TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facility, Security will: ensure the safeguarding of chemical surety materiel and property provide perimeter control assistance and limit access to authorized personnel capture intruders . implement rapid entry/exit procedures for responders and evacuating personnel. Security personnel are under the command and control of the Site Security Control Center (sscc). Real Time Analysis Platforms (RTAPs) TOCDF monitoring personnel conduct agent monitoring at the facilityusing fixed ACAMS and DAAMS stations located primarily inside the CHB, MDB, CAL, and associated exhaust stacks. In the event of a chemical agent release outside a normally monitored area, TOCDF has the necessary portable equipment to perform airborne monitoring in these TOCDF-operated facility areas. DCD maintains Real Time Analysis Platform (RTAP) capability to support its daily chemical storage operations. The RTAP is a self-contained mobile platform, which can be moved from location to location to perform low-level, near real-time agent monitoring. Each RTAP includes a monitoring technician, a van with an ACAMSA4INICAMS, and a portable radio. RTAPs maybe deployed individually or in support of DCD response teams, such as a Met/Det Team or the Hotline Crew. DCD Meteorological/Detection Teams (MetlDet) DCD has MeteorologicallDetection Teams (MetlDet) available to perform initial entry, wind measurement, and agent detection activities. Each Met/Det Team includes at least two persons each with Army Level A and B protective clothing, available SCBA respiratory protection, a truck, portable radio, chemical casualty kit, decontamination solution, and a wind measuring instrument. Upon deployment of a Met/Det Team, a RTAP accompanies the team to perform lowlevel agent monitoring. DCD Hotline Crew DCD has a Hotline Crew available to perform personnel decontamination at the event scene. The Hotline Crew includes personnel and a mobile Persorurel Decontamination Station (PDS) consisting of a tractor and a decon-ready trailer. The mobile PDS is a Attachrnent9 -Page75 9, 9,6.2.7 9.6.2,7 .l .2 .3 .4 TOCDF a*,r"rrffirr#; totally self-contained, environmentally controlled, runoff-capturing hotline in a trailer, which can be moved from location to location to perform personnel decontamination. DCD Decontamination Teams DCD has De,contamination Teams available to perform decontamination of personnel and agent-contaminated surfaces such as property and equipment. Each Decontamination Team includes DCD personnel each with Army Level A and B protective clothing, a flatbed truck with a generator and decontamination tank, portable radio, and decontamination tools. DCD pre-assigns one Decontamination Team for rapid deployment to an event scene to perform emergency actions such as personnel decontamination, spill confinement, and surface decontamination. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) The Emerge,ncy Operations Center (EOC) is a fully equipped emergency facility maintained by DCD and located at DCD Building 5108. The EOC is staffed 24 hours a day,7 days a week, and is the primary point of contact for performing off-post notifications and obtaining resource support, including DCD, TEAD, and outside support. The DCD Commander is the Initial Response Force (IRF) Commander during a chemical accident/incident response and operates from the EOC. The OSC also operates from the EOC and maintains direct contact with the DOSC in the field. After the initial confirmed detection of an actual or likely chemical agent release at the DCD installation, the DCD Commander or designee must classifu the event; determine the protective action recommendation for off-post populations; and report the aforementioned items to the Tooele County Sheriff Dispatch Center. The DCD Commander or designee will notiff local, State, and Federal organizations required by regulation, mutual agreement, or response requirements; obtain emergency medical support, as required; and execute public affairs activities related to the event. TOCDF has two buses available for personnel evacuation. In the event of a site-wide evacuation of TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facility persorurel, up to five busloads of evacuees may require transportation from a TOCDF-operated facility muster area to a DCD assembly area. DCD will provide the additional buses needed to fill the transportation shortfall. During a chemical accident/incident, all buses on the DCD installation are under the control of the OSC, who will plan and direct any evacuation to DCD assembly areas. The Control Room requests transportation support from the EOC for any TOCDF-operated facility. In the event the primary EOC facility is within the down-wind hazard area, DCD command staff will activate and operate from their Mobile Command Post. Upon EOC activation due to an event at TOCDF or a TOCDF-operated facility, the Contractor Management Advisory Team (CMAT) will deploy to the EOC to provide technical assistance to EOC staff. EG&G will maintain and provide to DCD a current roster of CMAT members authorized to access the EOC. DCD Fire Station9.6.2.8 Attachrnent 9 - Page76 9.6,2.8.3 9.6.3 9.6.4 9 .6.4.t .l 9 .6.4,2 9 . 9 .6.4.3 TOCDF "*'*t}?lo'3; The DCD Fire Station, located on the DCD installation, is the primary provider of fire- frghting services and the backup provider of rescue and HAZMAT response services to TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities. The DCD Fire Station is a fully-equipped fire fighting station staffed 24 hours aday,7 days a week. The DCD Fire Station is located approximately 3.5 miles from TOCDF and 5.2 miles from CAMDS in DCD Building 5010 and has an expected arrival time of 8 - 1 0 minutes. In the event of a fire emergency, the TOCDF Control Room will contact the DCD Fire Station directly for fire fighting services. Once the DCD EOC is activated, the Control Room will request fire-fighting services through the EOC. Upon receipt of a fire alarm at TOCDF, the DCD Fire Station receives only a general alarm for the TOCDF site. The Control Room then informs the DCD Fire Station of the particular zone(s) in alarm and confirms the alarm prior to fire fighter deployment. Once deployed, EG&G will guide fire personnel to the scene and brief them on the event, structure layout, and hazards present. The senior DCD fire officer on scene will direct all fire fighting activities at TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities. In addition to fire fighting skills, DCD fire personnel are trained and certified in rescue operations and as Hazardous Material Technicians in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120. In an event involving hazardous industrial chemicals, DCD fire personnel will supplement EG&G HAZMAT resources as required. A fully-staffed and equipped EG&G HAZMAT Team is on site 24 hours a day,7 days a week. The Control Room requests DCD HAZMAT support through the DCD Emergency Operations Center. Reserved TEAD Support General Tooele Army Depot (TEAD), under the Army Field Support Command (AFSC), is located approximately 15 miles north of DCD and 2 miles southwest of the City of Tooele. TEAD maintains resources to support a chemical accidenVincident response at the DCD installation. The TEAD resources available to support EG&G emergency response are described below. In the event EG&G requires TEAD support, the TOCDF Control Room will request it through the EOC, with the possible exception of initial TEAD Fire Department response. TEAD Fire Station The TEAD Fire Station, located on the TEAD installation, is the backup provider of fire fighting services to TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities. It is a fully equipped fire fighting station staffed 24 hours a day,7 days a week. The TEAD Fire Station is located approximately 15 miles north of DCD and has an expected arrival time of 30 minutes. The TEAD Fire Station will supplement the DCD Fire Station resources. TEAD Public Works TEAD Public Works dispatches a representative to the Support Center to coordinate TEAD equipment support to the DCD installation. Attachrnent9 -Page77 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Support Center The Support Center is a fully equlpped emergency support facility maintained by TEAD. The Support Center is the primary point of contact for coordinating all TEAD resource support to DCD during a chemical accident/incident. The TEAD Commander is the Support Center Commander and operates from the Support Center. The TEAD Comrnander or designee will provide all aspects of logistical support to DCD, including transportation, equipment, and facility support. 9.6.5 Medical Support General Medical services at both the DCD and TEAD installations, with the exception of TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities, are provided and managed by Evans Army Community Hospital based at Fort Carson, Colorado. Evans Army Community Hospital staffs and equips the TEAD Health Clinic, and DCD Aid Station. Resources from these facilities are available to support a TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facility medical response, if necessary. In the event of multiple casualties requiring ground or air transport to definitive care facilities, medical resources other than Army support will be needed. Medical support, including Army resources, will be requested through the EOC to ensure there are no logistical impairments. The Medical Clinician In Charge (MCIC) of the TOCDF Clinic will make the initial request to the EOC through the Control Room, and once arrangements are made, will discuss the ETA and medical details directly with the medical support provider. Likewise, requests by DCD for TOCDF medical support on the DCD installation will be made through the EOC. Aid Station (DCD) The Aid Station, located on the DCD installation, is the first backup provider of emergency medical services to EG&G. It is a fully-equipped emergency medical station maintained by Evans Army Community Hospital. The Aid Station is located approximately 3.5 miles from TOCDF in DCD Building 5010 and has an expected arrival time of 8 - l0 minutes. Aid Station resources include two ambulances with advanced life support equipment and a minimum of two Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) on duty Monday - Thursday, 0630 - 1700. Reserved U.S. Army Health Clinic (TEAD) The Health Clinic, located on the TEAD installation, is the third backup provider of emergency medical services to EG&G. It is a fully-equipped emergency medical station maintained by Evans Army Community Hospital. The Health Clinic is located approximately 15 miles from DCD and has an expected arrival time of 30 minutes. Health Clinic resources include one physician, one ambulance with advanced life support equipment and a minimum of two EMTs (Monday-Thursday, 0630-1700 hours only). Attachment9-Page78 TOCDF ContingencyPlan Dugway Proving Ground Dugway will supply one ambulance with a physician and two EMS personnel if requested, with an expected arrival time of 50 minutes. Air Ambulance Services Air ambulances will provide air evacuation for casualties, when this can be done without endangering their personnel. Air ambulances will be requested directly by the MCIC through the EOC. The Control Room will be notified of this action immediately. Air ambulance services, which may be used, include: Life Flight (LDS Hospital) and AirMed (University Hospital). Intermountain Medical Center Severely ill or injured patients may be transported by air or ground ambulance to Intermountain Medical Center. Intermountain Medical Center should be utilized for general trauma, shock trauma, closed head injury and maybe used for chemical casualties. University Hospital Severely ill or injured patients may be transported by air or ground ambulance to University Hospital. University Hospital is the hospital of choice for chemical casualties and bum trauma. University Hospital should also be utilized for general trauma, closed ead or spine injuries, and as a backup for shock trauma. Mountain West Medical Center Patients who are ill or injured to a lesser degree may be transported by ground ambulance to Mountain West Medical Center. Utah Valley Regional Medical Center Patients who are ill or injured to a lesser degree may be transported to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo. 9.6.6 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Detachment In an emergency event involving unexploded ordnance or other potential explosion situations at TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facility, the EOD Detachment will be required to respond. The U.S. Army EOD Detachment is the primary response group for events that require Render Safe Procedures. The EOD Detachment is only dispatched via the EOC. 9.6.7 Community Fire Support Tooele City Fire Department In the event the TEAD Fire Department needs assistance, the Tooele City Fire Department will provide fire-fighting support. Estimated arrival time from Tooele is 45 minutes. Attachment9 -Page79 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Stockton Fire Department The Stockton Fire Department is the closest off-post responder. Stockton Fire Department is an all-volunteer fire fighting service. Anticipated mobilization time is approximately 30 minutes. Grantsville Fire Department The Grantsville Fire Department will provide a fourth level of fire fighting backup, if needed. 9.6.7,4 Tooele County Fire Department In the event the TEAD Fire Department needs assistance, the Tooele County Fire Department will provide fire-frghting support. Estimated arrival time from Tooele is 45 minutes. Volunteer Fire Departments The following Fire Departments may respond to any fire emergency to the best of their ability. Due to the volunteer nature of their agency and the departments' limited capability, no written agreement can be entered into. o Town of Rush Valley Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Quick Response Unit (QRU). . Town of Vemon Volunteer Fire Department o Town of Ophir Volunteer Fire Department 9.6.8 Other Emergency Services Coordination with other emergency services in Tooele, Utah and Salt Lake Counties, along with federal emergency response groups, is handled through the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Plan (CSEPP), which is coordinated by DCD. 9.6.9 Department of the Army (DA) Additional Department of the Army (DA) resources are available to respond to a chemical accident/incident at the DCD installation. These DAlevel resources are deployed by DA Headquarters, based on information and requests made by the DCD Commander. DA resources available to support a CAIRA response are detailed in the DCD CAIRA Plan. EG&G, through DCD, has made contact with the local and regional entities and authorities, which may be involved, in an emergency situation at the facility. 9,7 PROTECTIVE ACTIONS AND EVACUATION PLAN [R315-8-43(e)] 9.7 .l Protective Actions Overview o Attachrnent9-Page80 TOCDFt*""rn?iJ8; Protective actions are emergency measures intended to avoid or reduce personnel exposure to hazards. The two primary protective actions are evacuation, which involves moving personnel away from ahazard, and in-place sheltering, which involves personnel remaining indoors to avoid ahazard. Evacuation is the preferred protective action when conditions allow it to be safely completed prior to personnel hazardexposure. In-place sheltering is the preferred protective action when conditions do not permit a safe evacuation. Other protective actions include access control and the use of protective equipment. Protective equipment, such as respirators, suits, gloves, boots, etc., is wom primarily by emergency response personnel. All EG&G personnel in the vicinity of TOCDF, CAMDS or Area 10 have Army protective masks and Mark I nerve agent antidote kits required by DA PAM 385-61. Protective actions may be required for both on-post personnel and the off-post general public. The selection and implementation of protective actions for the public are the responsibility of civilian authorities and are addressed in the DCD CAIRA Plan. Protective actions may be implemented for either an actual or a potential danger. An example of a protective action based on an actual threat is an evacuation of the site due to DCD reporting a release of agent from Area 10. When protective actions are implemented prior to an actual danger existing they are called precautionary. An example of a precautionary protective action is evacuatin[ the site due to'the activation of the Depot Terrorist Alarm following a direct terrorist threat or actual terrorist attack in the United States. There is no health danger to the site, but depot procedures would require a precautionary site evacuation. Determination of the appropriate protective actions for an emergency event is made through the protective action decision-making process. The process involves an assessment of event conditions and available data, use of contingency plans based on the plant hazards assessment, and selection of the protective action that best protects personnel from hazard exposure and minimizes event impacts. The initial protective actions for an emergency event will be issued as soon as possible upon completion of the event assessment and protective action decision-making process. Subsequent protective actions will be developed and implemented as needed when changes in event conditions warrant upgrading or downgrading the existing protective actions. Examples of situations, which could result in the issuance of subsequent protective actions, include a shift in wind direction, obtaining results from monitoring teams, and successful containment of the hazard. Protective Action Decision-Making lnitial hazard assessment and protective action decision-making are performed in the Control Room or CAMDS CMO. An upset condition is identified in the TOCDF Control Room either by notification from site personnel (including the CAMDS CMO) or via alarms or abnormal system readings. Control Room personnel in conjunction with the CAMDS CMO persorurel, if applicable, perform an initial assessment of event conditions to determine the appropriate immediate response actions. These actions may involve providing guidance to first responders on how to properly confine thehazard and establish perimeter control, and/or may be requests for support from organizations such as Medical, TEAD Fire Department, or the HAZMAT Team. 9.7 .1.2 9.7.1 .3 9.7 .t.4 9.7.1 .5 9.7.2 9.7 .2.7 Attachrnent 9 - Page 8l 9.7 .2.2 9.J .2.3 9.7 .2.4 9.',l ,2.5 9.7 .2.5.r 9.7 .2.s.2 9.7 .2.5.3 9.J .2.6 9.7 .2.7 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Following the determination of required immediate response actions, the IC will begin the protective action decision-making process. The process involves an analysis of the following event conditions and factors: type of actual or potentiallnzard; anticipated hazard duration; time of hazard occurrence; meteorological conditions; projected or actual event impacts; and projected or actual populations affected byhazard. The selection ofprotective actions is based on the goal ofreducing personnel exposure to the hazard and reducing overall event impacts. For many smaller events, no protective actions may be required. For events with a slightly larger potential for personnel danger, the donning of protective masks, such as would be appropriate in a Chemical Accident/Incident, may be ordered as a precautionary protective action. For events that pose a more serious and imminent danger to personnel, a determination must be made between in-place sheltering and evacuation. The protective action of evacuation will be implemented primarily for events involving the sustained release or continued presence of chemical agent or other hazardous materials. The protective action of in-place sheltering will be implemented primarily for the following situations: Events involving a short hazard duration in which personnel could avoid hazard exposure by staying indoors until any released materials can pass through the area Events where time or protective equipment is not available to avoid significant exposure to personnel ln lieu of evacuation when weather or other conditions do not permit a safe evacuation Immediate protective actions may be implemented by personnel in the hazard area upon identification of an emergency event. Subsequent protective actions, however, are determined and issued by the IC. Since the IC position is filled by the TOCDF Plant Shift Manager, who is always available on site, TOCDF has 24-hour, protective-action, decision-making capability. In a Chemical Accident/lncident, the CAICO in the DCD (DCD EOC) will determine the appropriate protective actions for the entire installation, including TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities. The EOC also provides protective actions to EG&G personnel for post emergencies, which affect TOCDF-operated facilities. When protective actions have been determined and affected areas and populations defined, the information is relayed to the following groups by the method shown in Table 9-7-1. Table 9-7 -l Protective Action Communication Group Method of Contact TOCDF Site Personnel Public Address System On-Scene Responders Public Address System, Telephone, & Radio CAL Telephone Stark Road Offices Telephone Attachrnent9-Page82 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Table 9-7-l Protective Action Communication Group Method of Contact DCD (via EOC)Telephone CA]\4DS Public Address System & Telephone ATLIC Public Address System & Telephone It is important that all affected personnel and groups immediately carry out protective _ actions. 9.7 .2.9 DCD is responsible for providing protective action recommendations to off-post authorities. DCD bases their recommendations in part on information received from EG&G. The TOCDF Control Room provides DCD's Emergency Operations Center with the identical information used to develop the site protective actions. Final determination of off-post protective actions is the responsibility of off-post elected officials. The IC periodically assesses event conditions and evaluates the appropriateness of existing protective actions (in coordination with the CAICO in Chemical Accident/Incidents). Only the IC (CAICO in Chemical AccidenVlncidents) has the authority to upgrade or downgrade protective actions as appropriate. 9,7,3 Protective Action Implementation O Protective Masks and Agent Antidotes All personnel in the vicinity of TOCDF, CAMDS and Area 10 are issued military protective masks. Included in the issuing process is performance of a fit test and training on mask use and upkeep. The masks are examined annually at a minimum by the issuing branch, and each individual is responsible for performing a visual inspection of their mask monthly. The protective masks are designed to prevent inhalation of chemical agent vapors by personnel. The masks are not designed or intended to be used to limit exposure to any substances other than chemical agent. If the IC determines that the donning of protective masks is an appropriate protective action, affected persoru:el will be notified via the mpthods discussed in Section 9.7.2 of this Contingency Plan. 9 .7 .3.1 .3 In addition to military protective masks, all TOCDF, CAMDS and Area 1 0 persorurel have been issued three Mark I nerve agent antidote kits. Each kit contains two injectors: , : Atropine (2 mg) and Pralidoxime Chloride (600 mg). The injectors will be used whenever ,.-- two or more signs or symptoms of mild/moderate nerve agent exposure are being exhibited or whenever one or more signs or symptoms of severe nerve agent exposure are being exhibited. The injectors will be applied to either the outer thigh muscle or the upper, outer-quarter of the buttocks. Site persorurel have been trained in identiSring agent exposure symptoms and in the use of antidote injectors when they are issued the Mark I kits. O g.7 .3.2 Access and Traffic Control Attachrnent9-Page83 9.'7 ,3,2,1 9.7 .3.3 9 . 9.7 .3.3.2 9 . 9.7 .3.3.4 9.7 .3.4 9 .7 .3 .4.1 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Access control will be established to prevent access to the site or specific site buildings and areas. Depending on the severity and scope of the emergency event, access may be controlled at the DCD installation main gate, TOCDF Entry Control Facility (ECF), Control Room, and Clinic, in addition to the hazard-affected buildings and areas at TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities. Access control at the main gate and the TOCDF ECF will be performed by DCD security personnel. Additional TOCDF access control capability exists by closi.g the site gates, which are at the northeast and south sides of the site. Traffic control is intended to facilitate the smooth flow of vehicles during an evacuation. In-Place Sheltering In-place sheltering involves personnel remaining indoors to avoid exposure to the hazard outside. Most buildings can provide significant protection against industrial chemical plumes, particularly in releases of short duration. Most non-pressurized buildings, however, are not air-tight. After a period of approximately two to three hours, the inside hazardous concentration becomes equal to the outside concentration, and the structure no longer provides exposure protection. In-place sheltering, therefore, is only effective as a short-term measure. In the event in-place sheltering is ordered, personnel will complete the following actions to ensure the maximum possible exposure protection: Close windows and doors Shut off ventilation systems that draw air from the outside Note: Only applies to ventilation systems NOT specifically designed for agent filtration (e.g., office air conditioners). Move away from windows and doors (as appropriate) Move away from exterior walls facing the hazard (as appropriate) Individuals outdoors will be permitted to enter a building where personnel are sheltering, but the time that doors are open must be minimized. Personnel will be prevented from exiting the shelter, by verbal instruction, until the sheltering protective action is canceled or changed. At the discretion of the PSM, personnel accountability may be performed during in-place sheltering. The designated Point of Contact (POC) for each work group will use their respective Accountability Roster to perform an accountability of their personnel, then report the results to the Accountability Coordinator. Evacuation Evacuation involves the moving of personnel away from a hazardand to a safe area. An evacuation protective action may be declared for the entire TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities or a portion of the TOCDF and TOCDF-operated facilities, depending on the Attachrxent9-Page84 9,7 .3.4.2 9.7 .3.4.3 9.7 .3.4.4 9 .7 .3 .4.s TOCDF "-tt'rt*?i#; event severity and magnitude. A TOCDF-wide evacuation involves all non-essential personnel at TOCDF-operated facilities leaving the site to a safe location a significant distance away from the plant.s Essential personnel may be evacuated at a later time as conditions permit. A partial evacuation involves the movement of personnel from a specific TOCDF-operated facility, building or area to a safe area at another TOCDF- operated facility. The Incident Commander (IC) determines which buildings, areas, and populations are affected by an evacuation. If a partial evacuation is determined as the appropriate action, all affected personnel will be notified by the TOCDF Control Room or CAMDS CMO. Personnel in the affected area will be instructed to evacuate to a specified upwind location. All other persorurel will be told to stay clear of the affected area. The notification also requests that any personnel who normally work in the evacuated area but who are presently at other site locations report their whereabouts to the TOCDF Control Room or CAMDS CMO. Figures 9-7-1 through 9-7-34 show escape plans, which are posted in each building as applicable. These figures show the best routes out of that specific building. All site personnel have received training on evacuation procedures. Since CAMDS is currently in the Closure phase of operations, only CAMDS buildings that are occupied on a regular basis are included in the figures. Sweeps of evacuated buildings will be performed to ensure that all personnel have left, and Points of Contact (POCs) will perform personnel accountability. Based on sweep and accountability results, the IC will dispatch search and rescue teams as appropriate. The IC will determine when it is safe to return to the evacuated building or area. If it is determined that a site-wide evacuation is appropriate, all TOCDF and TOCDF- operated facilities will be notified by the TOCDF Control Room or CAMDS CMO. All non-essential personnel will be told to report to the designated muster area. The evacuation muster sites are indicated on Drawing EG-16-C-0004. There are two designated TOCDF muster areas: immediately south of the PSB immediately north of warehouse S-7 Lr addition, there are two designated CAMDS muster areas, as indicated on Figure 9-7-33: the CAMDS north access gate the CAMDS south access gate 9.7 .3.4.6 Signs are posted at the TOCDF and CAMDS muster areas to help persorurel assemble with their co-workers. The Accountability Coordinator reports to the muster area to manage muster operations. Visitors to the TOCDF or TOCDF-operated facilities will t "Non-essential" personnel are those not required to stay during an emergency and perform critical plant operations or response activities. Persons who must stay and perform task even though the site is evacuating are termed "essential" personnel. Attachment9-Page85 9.7 ,3.4.7 9.',l ,3.4.9 9.8 9.8.1 9.8.2 TOCDF Contingency?lan follow the directions of their escort. Escorts will take visitors to the appropriate muster area, where they will turn over custody of the visitor to the POC for visitors. Upon completion of muster area operations, the Accountability Coordinator, in coordination with the IC, will instruct personnel to either evacuate or return to their normal work locations. If transportation resources are required to support further evacuation, the IC will request resources from DCD. In some cases, Privately Owned Vehicles (POVs) will be used for evacuation. When evacuating in POVs, personnel will follow one of the DCD-designated routes used for evacuation from TOCDF. Figure 9-7-3I is a DCD site map depicting the possible evacuation routes from the TOCDF. The TOCDF Control Room and TOCDF Clinic are intended to be occupied by response personnel during most emergencies, even when the rest of the TOCDF is evacuated. Self- contained ventilation systems, filtered air systems, and positive pressure are among the engineered features of these buildings, which allow them to provide exposure protection to occupants. These buildings are locked during emergency events to control access. REQUIRED REPORTS [R31s-8-4.7(i) and (ilI Required reports are made in accordance with R315-8-4.7(i) & (i) and TOCDF Part B Permit Conditions. The operator must note in the operating record the time, date, and details of any inciderrt that requires implementing the Contingency Plan. For any emergency event requiring HAZMAT release reporting, the control room will notiffthe DCD EOC and the CMA Shift Engineer and provide a copy of the event report. All reporting to the Army, local, State, and Federal agencies will be handled by DCD. Attachrnent9-Page86 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 I----!ir--;;----] t----;;-*l l-- *"----l i i l Gr)rRATlBNs MANAcr"R firurtaAL MANAcr.fi l ii!--- '*f - i Figure 9-L-1 TOCDF Emergency Response Organization MANAGI}'TNT AilVI $GRY I[AM nf'l*SCil'ffl I NC I n[NT C0l'lil4ANt][fi rt)8sc ) { [Mf TiGENCY CG0Ril lf,lATilR i t"r*'ffiF*l 1.""itne*t,wx:";.. I I i'},tRAtnli:D it - | Tr*,tht Lt:AtjtR " I till'rTl?GL fi0ilh{ I]i.. FRATilR5 ti. il ll3/ tJP,l ii r::pr, nA T'JFis i*-* i,)Sir upLHATiltiS l,A.S,rUT 11.. I TY ilr,IHA ItjftS I RR',l,/R,LA I I li,ltiA I ciis i p,gir 1$ttH*r t'l,1Zt-lAT IiAl,{ i-EArtfi Attachrnent9-Page87 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 TOCDF Contractor Management Advisory Team Director of Operation (DCD EOC) TOCDF IC (TOCDF Control Room) DCD DOSC (FTELD) TOCDF RESPONDERS Figure 9-l-2 DCD Emergency Response Organization (Chemical Event) Attachment9-Page88 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Figure 9-3-1 Initial Response Activities Attachment9-Page89 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 LE5ETID: o cuSINEc ErEurSH &Axl)- 0'dEErEAIl SHUilER STrt toN u EE[0N SHUffiF O C$EINE0 E'E[t}{ ANE UTILITI STATI DI 01 301 I H0, 1 03 Figure 9-5-1 MDB l't Floor Eye Wash & Decon Stations Attachrnent9-Page90 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ttIB I LEGEND: - MEZZANINE LEVEL COMEINED DECON AND UTIIITY STATION DECOH $HOI',UER t r:t lrtIr 1:El[1it'! r: lml: tllJll!lq, [._._ Itr rlr s.rr1 Fq':lD l' Hr" *' UIll I rtt a:.Itrr '.Il(( uLr,ir Id\z rA q+Tr .F....tlrr.X, IEE ,:1 rErlSFl l!(. ia.lfl Figure 9-5-2 MDB l't Floor Mezzanines Eye Wash & Decon Stations f:t tr[}:tltf IJEI IJII il.4.d 'Itm Attachrnent 9 - Page 9l TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 {yI-,6 II r-carrun. 1$ cohrBru=D EvEv,/ASH &ANB ovERHEAD sHov'/ER srATloH + co[.tBtNED DECoN nND unlrry srAT oN af tr 'tB.,il,TD :-.r-l{ Figure 9-5-3 MDB 2nd Floor Eye Wash & Decon Stations Attachrnent9 -Page92 TOCDF Contingency PIan June 2009 o LEGEl.ID: ffi h'lEZZANlhlE LEVELi .- ....r.-.,"; tr DEcoH sHowER Figure 9-5-4 MDB 2nd Floor Mezzilnines Eye Wash and Decon Stations Attachrnent9-Page93 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 t) / ZND FLOOill LFSFHD: A COTEINED EYETASH AHD-" OI/ERHEAD SHDTER STATIOI{ Figure 9-5-5 PUB I't Floor Eye Wash Stations I{II# =w-- E,;'; '! -:6 n"=LiifiL \.-/-.n=.sy =N.;4, E% Attachrnent9 -Page94 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ril' ttI F .LEGEFID: 0 corlrBrlrEu EvF,'.IASH &ANB o,,ERHEAD gHDtvER srATIoN Figure 9-5-6 PAS 100 FT Level (Ground Floor) Eye Wash Stations Attachrnent9-Page95 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2409 r iltil[ ] rf l' ::lt I J': Ar.-'-,J'[,, _ .,. .,.FErfllji11,.,il __i*r,*A__-j-i . t iillll' , l I ffilllillf#iililrr r t,i :t: l''. .l r lrlliili llilll l.:[llI i,tll 'r___llfililil t_. . ... f,1: : ;l .-. - ,*-fl e COhIBINED EYEWASH &AND OVERHEAD SHOU\IER STATION Figure 9-5-7 CHB l't Floor Eye Wash Stations Attachment9-Page96 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 tt { LECEN0: ^A A8C IYPE EXT I NGU t SHER (HAN[) HELOI EE m reil FIRE ALARM CONIROL PAI'IEI. flITH PANEL NUMSER F IRE SYTE}I AN}IUNC I AI(]R II tTH PANEL NUMER HALSI CONIROL PANEL 'N I TH PANEL NUi€ER Figur e 9-7 -l MDB l't Floor Attachrnentg -Page97 <rExlT ttI P TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 L EGEN0.; A TU.OH TYPE TXTINGUISH:R ( HAN[) HILD ) - - EX I I iOUTE UNOER U€Z ZAI{ I EilE! <r E}(tI N0TE: Fffi TOxlc ,.fiEAS EXII VIA THE REYERSE PATH OF EHT1Y AS AI.TERHAIT ROUTE5 TILL BE LOCKEI}. Figur e 9-7 -2 MDB I't Floor Mezzanines Attachrnent9-Page98 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 t / r*l lflq-*(J L'--t.li5 EE Htrl tFF '{EE!t t I-ffit ["F L-rE*cYcHuTE - LEfiEuo i A A8C TYPE EXTTNGUI5I{ER (HAt$ HELO I IffiI FIRE ALARU COIIT8Or:r ,1IH PAIIEL t{tl€gfl IffiI FIRE SYIEil AIffiI}TCrt J'rr rlTH Ptf{EL HITEER <rExlI -,--E; EXtr nruTE YIA sIAlf,s TO I sT FLG]R Figure 9-7 -3 MDB 2nd Floor Attachrnentg-Page99 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ,YI P I .r-{..- _ Lt Sillfl:--_- l -l- - A +!i.3H. llIrtrtulsHEnL{ .. r -- tHi.,IO!+ILDI {-Ertr =,ru.- ixlf HrI'TE TI.{ SIllP.S fE lrt F'-tIIft J{UTE: Fln TOT:C .{NEIs EI IT U IT IHE R:VEi5E PITH tr ErrRr 15 *L r[.+{rIE HHJIE5 IILL ET I[EI(E[}. Figur e 9-7 -4 MDB 2nd Floor Mezzanines Attachrnent 9 - Page 100 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 #I P ZND TLOOR .H-\ -r{I I !!LJ b l----:tr l--E--L _ . ='.'Jt t ! t -l=.i I I ; .lItI =l m l.[ lr tri -r : tr ! trtr trtr Figur e 9-7 -5 PUB I't Floor L tEEts; 4 ,rBrl TIPE EXI tnfi U t$En { III}ID HELO ] A HTLIil ITPT ETIttIIUIsIIER I HTIf, HELO ] {-EIIT #+-G r Attachrnent 9 - Page l0l TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 I I i I ttIf H 3 H tr, Eh Figur e 9-7 -6 PAS 100 Ft Level (Ground Floor) -:]t ,l { I Itri L EGENQ: 6 l8C TYPE EXTINGUTSHER (HANO HELO I A HALON TYPT EXT INGU t SHER (HANO HEL[}} <iExlT Attachrnent 9 - Page 102 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ttI P f ! I I I I -{ I I li = I r--$ir't[ ; #38-H I to' LSIEL A ,tEC rPt E:(T Io{tII | s.rE B T HND TITL D I {rExlr rrr EX:I R0JT[ LHDER PLI TFflftIJ Figur e 9-7 -7 PAS 16 Ft Level Attachrnent 9 - Page 103 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 o tE f, / . 'rEIEttr: ffiSrlq'IE\EL ffi,qFEtlg'tEtr-L trffi llE'fflHtTof, HtusE tr-- t tet' LEUSL Wr1:filIE' LEvEL Ef".?TTt l2g' LEI/EL A TEI T'TIE ETT IFIOI'T SHEH I Ht,rln ffiL I : llfLtF :n: it lfru IEHIRIIL P tIE:r lt:{ f ttf,.:- I'tulJSEE {-ExtT rrd- EX,I P[U-E UIII]EH. FL[T;EFI/ Figure 9-7-8 PAS ll4-129 Ft Levels Attachrnent 9 - Page 104 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 .fI P ' iESEh0: i;.:[ltE tlE' LE'fi1 f{Tfirqffi I l.r' LEvEL tffiliEit I ts' LE'JEL FnZa l{l' LEUEL a rEc IrrE E rT t HGU t Silil! tHillII l{Elll I {-EnI dr= EJ(:T flUJT: UIIIER Fr-tTttHll Figure 9-7-9 PAS 128-141 Ft Levels Attachrnent 9 - Page 105 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 +I P { T;i:l;l:- '.'i-r- I L niiil d I I l a tu nlr,\J, ,^. I \-/' C. i. -\:!*\-/ TEfiEIItr: Effi:50', Ltuut H*=,,F-.tr= r(?'.LEYEL a ,tEc TrPE Err lil0u t SHEH THAHD HTLD) {rEIIT E!(tI RI]UTE UHllEfl fLTIFTRI Figur e 9-7 -10 PAS 147-150 Ft Levels Attachrnent 9 - Page 106 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 tt { LEGENO: F'ffi'f'''-q I 59' LEYEL ffillo'LEvEL a, ABC TYPE EXT I NcU I SHER ( HANO HELO I <rExlT -,E-- ExlT RoUTE UNoER PL AIF ORM Figure 9-7 -ll PAS 159-170 Ft Levels Attachrnent 9 - Page 107 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 tt / IIL -^:J LEGENO: A ABC TYPE EXTINGUISHEfl (HANO I{EL[) } <iExlT Figure 9-7-12 CHB Attachrnent 9 - Page 108 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 + { F r Fn4!r}: a rEc rrPE ErrlNCU isHEH tr.rAr{u HEL 0 r Figur e 9-7 -13 PSB Attachrnent 9 - Page 109 TOCDF Contingency Plan ruY00e t{ / l.EGEN0-: a A8C fiPE ExTINGUtSHER ( HAilO HEL[) I <E Figur e 9-7 -14 MSB Plan Attachrnent 9 - Page 110 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 fI F I EGEI{TI: A rEf, ITFE ETIIIIEU lslf,H t H TITJ HELO I +E!(ir Figur e 9-7 -15 ECF Plan Attachment9-Pagelll TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ltI f, I I I l t $,eflft s rEC TTPE ExTlt{CUl${Eil { HAI''|0 }iELo ) A H[TI}+ I'fPt EXT IHGIJ TSHEE (Hltt0 HILD ) {-ExlT Figur e 9-7 -16 PMB PIan I EI IEI -;-1-,,1'i- Ilr Attachrnent 9 -Pagell2 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 *S -1 I I I { I ij I I I i I Il I I I I I I &L-> ?NQ FLQQR PARTIAL PLAN MAIN FLOOR Figure 9-7-17 S-1 Plan LEGEND: A ABC TYPE EXTINGUISHEH (HANO HEL[)I <*Extr Attachrnent 9 - Page I l3 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 --+(5_ A ABC TYPE EXTINGUISHER ( HAND HELD ) <-ExlT Figure 9-7-18 S-2 Plan Attachrnent 9 - Page I 14 TOCDF Contingency Plan,T 200e :l-t I -l --4. - [,,IAIN TLCCIT I ETEilT: + iE{ T[2E EHT I t{HJ t SHEI (H,I}r:. HELII } {-ill' Figur e 9-7 -19 S-3 Plan SiCOND ILOCR Attachrnent 9 - Page I l5 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 r-flh--- PARIIAL PLAN $TIXHO FL{TH .IIIHIH lt -- ffi ',FFF ffi- 1----l\l \___ r MAIN TLOOR Figur e 9-7 -20 S-4 Plan O I i Tt f l It'i + I + I ;. t i I O PARTIA-L. PLAN sEc(fiil FLMfl sOU IH LECEYE: A AE{ TYFE EXTTIISUISTEE f HrllD ,-ti t.u , {iL(rr o Attachrnent 9 - Page I l6 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 R!*!- Il. I 'li[.!l -EA \unEr I t l l I tlt-l AI -Tr^ -^[-+,.- -fR 0L0( T 00 STTOND FI E.{5- . a i i \ rrng t -{,n- T I!1AIN TL F IF]---j ELJ=' E TL,_lt}r- *-14!-- STCOND TLOOR IEs I $ttltt': t qiC IlPl EI(TIHGU tSHEl I ir,llD ]l-LL0 : +;xir Figur e 9-7 -21 S-5 Plan Attachment 9 - Page I l7 *,-T+- FLOCR rT I rmi,i {--== I - -=='tI Figure 9-7-22 5-6 Plan Attachmentg-PagellS TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 M:ZZAIIJNE L FEEIJD:' 5 i.B[ ;TPi Ei{I l}lfrr,silE,q I H,tl#l HEL'.I1 {ii{rr Attachrnent 9 - Page I l9 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 lt { F LrfiElfr A .lflC -IFE iXTIHGJ:STIEI I HAtlu HE-[) i {riI:- Figur e 9-7 -24 Q u ality/E nviro nm enta I Attachrnent 9 - Page 120 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 T-?.J LtrjEl*10 t a AEI TTPE EX; tf{,}J I SHE t (Hixrl HEt.tl l {iETIT T-20 IftT t LEf, I{UI,{IEf, E I[ E]tG : I'tt tt I ]lt TEA IL tx' i0l#L Ex Figur e 9-7 -25 ETC Attachment9 -Pagel2l TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 --*#- A THC TIP E EXT IHGU l S|{ER . !HIhD }TEIDI +ExtT Figur e 9-7 -26 T-2s Attachrnent9 -Pagel22 ilItrI O O LIITilU {iHrrT Figur e 9-7 -27 T-26 o Attachment9-pagel23 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ,trI P L F(E tl0 : A ilEC TIPE :If :ltiul5H:H t H,tJl0 HEL.I I {-ExrT Figur e 9-7 -28 T-27 Attachrnent9 -Page124 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 ,fI P LE fiEIS: A ATC IYFE E:( T IXU ishEft ( l{liill . EI,D : -#=IlI Figure 9-7 -29 T-28 Attachrnent9 -Page125 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 CARBO}I ADSORPTIOil FILTRATP}I SYETET A LEGE]tID a ABC TYPE EXTTilGUTSITER (HANO HELOI +EXIT Figure 9-7-30 Igloos 1631, 1632 and 1633 Plan Attachment9 -Page126 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 BLBG 3311 gf, HRE Emrffi.nsHffi d> RRE ESCAPE nCA,JIE @ mrnurL THP RRE flr,Rm Figur e 9-7 -31 CAMDS Buildings 3309, 3311 and 3314 Plans Attachment9 -Pagel27 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 tr-g FNE EXIilGT.IS}GR FNE ESCAPE Rd'TE Figur e 9-7 -32 CAMDS Buildings 3308, 3310 and 3315 Plans Attachment 9 - Page 128 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 PSC SECOND FLOOR CoMMAND POST (CP) A FRE Exrilqfl3lcR 4 FFEESCAPEROUTE o ffit** Figure 9-7-33 CAMDS Personnel Support Complex (PSC) and Command Post (CP) Plans Attachrnent9 -Pagel29 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 BLDG 7085 A, t a Em*flrsl*n -}- FmE ErcAPE notm @ umur rnP FnE rtril @rrmaarcY EYrw J{ rrAnoil coNTRoL iilODULE (clr[O] Figur e 9-7 -34 CAMDS Site Analytical Facility (SAF), Building 7085 and the Command Module (CMO) Plans slrE AilALYnCAL FACTUTY (SAFI Attachrnent 9 - Page 130 TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 +--E--. Figure 9-7-35 DCD Site Evacuation Map o t II i f,oI' L Attachrnent9-Pagel3l I, L tr O\ /\ co o F( 7\ A \J \J t+ i l\ l I bg LF ( Iot s bo ' . o(J C. l coobo CO F- ' . Io\oocd Ax6€ -lFrU2+) tH.- to=A qJ r- - 9c s tt Y \o -r i€L) E ld o .-+Jcg -l-CJ6{ FE I qE Flts r5ALroU CA caobodA!OtoOco cnq) lrLq) +JaI-EIe-tJ \o t r mc n I\EO\ O .- Hb Y r, -' l -F {O0 - .- . - r- L\ . HL q) dHq) rlvV)aE(ZU o EH = is s gf f i r$ frt TOCDF Contingency Plan June 2009 Figure 9-7-37 ATLIC IGLOO 1639 /' ni err '] , r:-l'.t, -!f*. _lX LEGEND {- EXIT {:_)(_7 @ a (:7 I ;*4e ^?l !I Sri'q& , tir i Attachment9 -Pagel34 () (D TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 ATTACHMENT 11 GENERAL FACILITY DRAWINGS ARCHITECTURAL 1t'A" series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-7-A-8 CHB - Areas 7 -l through 7-8 NORTH ELEVATION 3 06128191 Y TE-7-A-9 CHB - Area 7 -2 through 7-9 SOUTH ELEVATION 2 06128191 Y TE-7-A-10 CHB - Unloading/Storage Area EAST & WEST EXTERIOR ELEV 3 06128191 Y TE-7-A-11 CHB - Center Area EAST & WEST EXTERIOR ELEV 2 0612819r Y TE-7 -A-12 CHB - Transition Area EAST & WEST EXTERIOR ELEV 3C 02124193 Y TE-7-A-13 CHB - Transition Area NORTH & SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEV 3C 02124193 Y TE-7-A-14 CHB _BUILDING SECTION A 3 07lt8l9t Y TE-7-A-20 CHB - ROOF PLAN IC 02124193 Y CML (?rC, series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-16-C-2 Site Work - OVERALL SITE PLAN & VICINITYMAP t4 U3U97 Y TE- l6-C-3 Site Work - Topographic Map (restricted access - protected record) 17 0U0sl09 Y TE-16-C-4 Site Work - Area 1 PLOT PLAN 13 I13U97 Y TE- 16-C-s Site Work - Area 2 PLOT PLAN 13 07 lt8l06 Y TE-16-C-6 Site Work - Area 3 PLOT PLAN 10 10124194 Y Attachment I l, Page I TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 MECHANICAL PROCESS (,Drr series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-00-D-901 General Symbols and Legend PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 18 02124109 Y TE-1-D-9 MDB - Spent Decon Collection PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 31 09127107 Y TE-l-D-10 MDB - Spent Decontamination Collection System PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 18 0s124106 Y TE-1-D-501 MDB - Rocket Processing System (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 33 06117108 Y TE-1-D-502 MDB - Rocket Processing System (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 33 0912s108 Y TE-1-D-503 MDB - Mine Processing System PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM l4 0s120199 N TE-1-D-505 MDB - Proj/Mortar & Bulk Item Processing System (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t4 09109196 Y TE-1-D-506 MDB - Proj/Mortar & Bulk Item Processing System (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t4 09109196 Y TE-l-D-507 MDB - TraylDunnage Processing System (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t2 0y30196 N TE-1-D-508 MDB - Tray Processing System (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 13 0U30196 Y TE-1-D-509 I of 2 MDB - Projectile/M ortar Disassembly & Output (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t6 09130/08 Y TE-1-D-509 2 of 2 MDB - Projectile/Mortar Disassembly & Output (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM l5 08/r sl96 Y TE-t-D-510 I of 2 MDB - Projectile/Mortar Disassembly & Output (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 16 09130/08 Y TE-1-D-510 2 of 2 MDB - Projectile/Mortar Disassembly & Output (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t4 08/l s196 Y TE-l-D-51I I of 2 MDB * Multiposition Loader (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t2 0s109196 Y TE-1-D-51 1 2 of 2 MDB - Multiposition Loader (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM lt r2lt319s Y TE-t-D-512 MDB - Buffer StoragelCharge Car (Znd Floor) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t4 06104108 Y L Attachrnent 11, Page 2 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 MECHANICAL PROCESS (rrDrr series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWINGTITLE REV. # REV. DATB APPROVEI) RCRA BASELINE TE-1-D-513 I of 2 MDB - Buffer Storage PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAI\{ t1 t2l0719s Y TE-1-D-513 2 of 2 MDB - Buffer Storage PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM l4 06104108 Y TE-1-D-514 MDB - Multipurpose Demil & Bulk Drain System (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAI\{ 24 08/1 1/08 Y EG-O1-D-514 MDB - Multipurpose Demil & Bulk Drain System (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 33 031t7109 Y TE-1-D-515 MDB - Multipurpose Demil & Bulk Drain System (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 18 tUt3l0t Y EG-01-D-515 MDB - Multipurpose Demil & Bulk Drain System (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 39 03117 109 Y TE-1-D-516 MDB - Multipurpose Demil & Bulk Drain System (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 13 03117109 Y TE-t-D-517 MDB - Multipurpose Demil & Bulk Drain System (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM l3 03117 109 Y TE-t-D-521 MDB - Agent Collection System PHS- MDM-101 PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 29 03lrt 109 Y EG-01-D-521 I of 2 MDB - Agent Collection System PHS- MDM-IOZ PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 26 0910s107 Y EG-O1-D-521 2 of 2 MDB - Agent Collection System PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 29 09124107 Y TE-t-D-526 MDB - LIC Furnace No. I - Primary Chamber PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 56 01/08/09 Y TE-l-D-527 l of 2 MDB - LIC Furnace No. 1 - Secondary Chamber PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 27 0s13y06 Y TE- t-D-527 2 of 2 MDB - LIC Furnace No. I - Secondary Chamber PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 15 10/08/98 Y TE-1-D-528 MDB - Metal Parts Furnace PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 4t 02103109 Y EG-1-D-528 MDB - Metal Parts Furnace PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 24 07 129108 Y TE-r-D-529 MDB - MPF Burners PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 2t 03120107 Y Attachment 1 l, Page 3 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 MECHANICAL PROCESS (rrDrr series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-1-D-530 I of 2 MDB - MPF Details PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t7 0410610s Y TE-1-D-530 2 of 2 MDB - MPF Details PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t9 a9Dsl08 Y TE-1-D-531 I of 2 MDB - DFS Retort PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 33 07 lr4l08 Y TE-1-D-531 2 of 2 MDB - DFS Heated Scrap Discharge Conveyor PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t7 09103198 Y EG-01-D-531 DFS Retort PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAIVI 31 081091a7 Y TE-1-D-533 MDB - DFS Air Blower/Retort Lube Oil System PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t7 09/30/08 Y TE-1-D-534 MDB - Toxic Cubicle - Spent Decon PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 40 04104108 Y EG-O1-D-534 MDB - Toxic Cubicle - Spent Decon PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 38 04104108 Y TE-1-D-535 MDB - Toxic Cubicle - Spent Decon PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 40 04104108 Y TE-1-D-536 MDB - Toxic Cubicle - Agent PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRA]\{ 45 tU07 107 Y TE-l-D-546 MDB - LIC Furnace No. 2 - Prrmary Chamber PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 53 612512008 Y TE- t-D-547 I of 2 MDB - LIC Furnace No . 2 - Secondary Chamber PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 32 0U29109 Y TE- t-D-547 2 of 2 MDB - LIC Furnace No. 2 - Secondary Chamber PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 13 r 0/08/98 Y TE-1-D-551 MDB - Rocket Shear Machine Feed (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t2 0U27 196 Y TE-l-D-552 MDB - Rocket Shear Machine (A) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 13 0s/17196 Y TE-1-D-s53 MDB - Rocket Shear Machine Feed (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t2 0U27 196 Y TE-1-D-554 MDB - Rocket Shear Machine (B) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 2t 0912s108 Y EG-O1-D-3501 TOX-Remote Agent Sampling System (RASS) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 13 04104108 Y Attachment I l, Page 4 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 MECHANICAL PROCESS (rrDrr series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE EG-O1-D-4902 Multipurpose Demil & bulk Drain system (Mercury Tons) PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 10 08/l 1/08 Y EG-01-D-8801 MPB - Heel Transfer System PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 4 0U2U09 TE-2-D-501 PUB - Brine Surge Tanks and Pumps - Line 1 PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 27 08l2sl0s Y TE-}-D-502 PUB - BRA Evaporator - Line I PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 20 08l2sl0s Y TE-2-D-503 PUB - BRA Drum Dryer - Line I PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRA]\4 2t 12120105 Y TE-2-D-504 PUB - BRA Drum Dryer - Line 1 PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRA]\{ 2t l2l20l0s Y TE-2-D-505 PUB - BRA PAS Burner & Manifold PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 20 12120105 Y TE-2-D-51 I PUB - Brine Surge Tanks and Pumps - Line 2 PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 26 08lzsl0s Y TE-2-D-512 PUB - BRA Evaporator - Line 2 PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM l9 0812410s Y TE-2-D-513 PUB - BRA Drum Dryer - Line 2 PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 22 tzl20l0s Y TE-6-D-501 PAS - LIC No. 1 - PAS Quench and Venturi PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 40 09118/08 Y EG-06-D-501 PAS - LIC No. I - PAS Scrubber Tower PIPING & INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM 37 03112109 Y TE-6-D-502 PAS - LIC No. 1 - PAS Demisters PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 21 07 l18/06 Y TE-6-D-503 PAS - Demister Acid Waste System PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 19 07 lt8la6 Y TE-6-D-504 PAS - MPF PAS Quench and Venturi PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 44 09118/08 Y EG-O6-D-s04 PAS - MPF PAS Scrubber Tower PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 43 031r2109 Y TE-6-D-505 PAS - MPF PAS Demister PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 28 07 lt8/06 Y EG-06-D-505 PAS - MPF PAS Exhaust Blowers PIPING & INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM 40 03126109 Y EG-O6-D-s06 PAS - DFS PAS Scrubber Tower PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 41 02124109 Y TE-6-D-506 PAS - DFS PAS Quench and Venturi PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 43 02124109 Y TE-6-D-507 PAS - DFS Exhaust Blowers & Stack PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 28 tzla3l08 Y Attachment Page 5 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 MECHANICAL PROCESS (rrDrr series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVEI) RCRA BASELINE EG-06-D-s07 I of 2 PAS - DFS Exhaust Blowers & Stack PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRA]VT 16 0s109196 Y EG-06-D-507 2 of 2 PAS - DFS Exhaust Blowers & Stack PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 29 07103108 Y TE-6-D-508 PAS - DFS PAS Demister PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAN4 28 04121/08 Y TE-6-D-509 PAS - DFS Afterburner PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 23 07114108 Y TE-6-D-510 PAS - Recovered Water System PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRA]\4 24 0912s1087 Y TE-6-D-51 I PAS - LIC No. 2 -PAS Quench and Venturi PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRA]VI 4t t213012008 Y EG-06-D-51 I PAS - LIC No. 2 -PAS Scrubber Tower PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 40 03112109 Y TE-6-D-512 PAS - LIC NO. 2 -PAS Demister PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 2l 07 lt8l06 Y TE-6-D -517 l of 2 PAS - LIC No. I Exhaust Blower PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 30 0U20109 Y TE-6-D -517 2 of 2 PAS - LIC No. 2 Exhaust Blower PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 3l 0U20109 Y EG-06-D-891 I PAS Filter System Building LIC No. l, No.2, MPF PFS Monitoring Ports P&ID l0 0U20109 Y EG-06-D-8912 PAS Filter System Building LIC No. 1 PFS Filter Module P&ID l0 0U20109 Y EG-06-D-8913 PAS Filter System Building LIC No. 2 PFS Filter Module P&ID 10 0y20109 Y EG-06-D-8914 PAS Filter System Building MPF PFS Filter Module P&ID 10 0y20109 Y TE-7-D-503 CHB - CHB Sump and Details PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 15 r2lt7 199 Y TE- 16-D-3 2of5 Site Work - Utilities Distribution PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 43 0912s108 Y TE-27 -D-501 I of 2 PUB - BRA PAS Baghouses PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 13 02104198 Y TE-27 -D-501 2 of 2 PUB - BRA PAS Baghouses PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM t2 12103197 Y TE-27 -D-502 PUB - BRA PAS Blower & Stack PIPING & INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM 16 02119198 Y Attachrnent I l, Page 6 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 Process Flow Diagrams (ttptt series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATB APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-1-F-s01 MDB - Deactivation Furnace System (DFS) PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM l0 0910s196 Y TE-l-F-s02 MDB - Liquid Incinerator System (LIC) No. I PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM l0 03103194 Y TE- 1-F-503 MDB - Metal Parts Furnace System (MPF) PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM 5 04l0sl0s Y TE-l-F-505 MDB - Toxic Liquid Storage (TOX) PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM t4 04101/08 Y TE-2-F-501 PUB - Brine Reduction Area (BRA) First Train PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM 13 0812s105 Y TE-2-F-502 PUB - Brine Reduction Area (BRA) Second Train PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM 13 08l2sl0s Y TE-6-F-501 PAS - Pollution Abatement System (PAS) for DFS PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM 1t 02123198 Y TE-6-F-502 PAS - Pollution Abatement System (PAS) for LIC #l PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM t2 t2lt7 197 Y TE-6-F-503 PAS - Pollution Abatement System (PAS) for MPF PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM il y06199 Y TE-6-F-504 PAS - MPF/DFS Demister Vessel Spare PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM 2 t2lt7 197 Y TE-6-F-506 PAS - Pollution Abatement System (PAS) for LIC #2 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM t2 08124198 Y Attachrnent I l, Page 7 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 General Arrangement (ttc" series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWINGTITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-1-G-501 MDB - Major Equipment Legend-l GENERAL ARRANGEMENT 33 t0lzsl06 Y TE-1-G-502 MDB - Major Equipment Legend-2 GENERAL AIUJ{{GEMENT t9 08/0s/08 Y TE-1-G-503 MDB - Major Equipment Legend-3 GENERAL AIUI{{GEMENT 23 08/0s/08 Y TE-1-G-504 MDB - First Floor Plan-North GENERAL ARRANGEMENT 22 07124106 Y TE-1-G-505 MDB - First Floor Plan-South GENERAL AITRJ{{GEMENT 30 t2104107 Y TE-1-G-506 MDB - lst FLR Platform Plan-North GENERAL AITRANIGEMENT 10 07 124106 Y TE-1-G-507 MDB - lst FLR Platform Plan-South GENERAL AITRJ{{GEMENT 13 03107196 Y TE-l-G-508 MDB - Second Floor Plan-North GENERAL AI(RJ{]{GEMENT. 33 r0102107 Y TE-l-G-509 MDB - Second Floor Plan-South GENERAL AI{RJ{]{GEMENT 19 08/0s/08 Y TE-1-G-510 MDB - 2nd FLR Platform Plan-North GENERAL AIUANIGEMENT t2 r0102106 Y TE-t-G-51 I MDB - 2nd FLR Platform Plan-South GENERAL AITRJ{{GEMENT 15 rt lt6l00 Y TE-1-G-512 MDB - Building Section A GENERAL AI(RANIGEMENT 1t 10i 1 y9s Y TE-l-G-s 13 MDB - Building Sections B, C & D GENERAL AIIRANGEMENT t2 04l0sl0s Y TE-6-G-501 PAS - Major Equipment Legend GENERAL AI(RANGEMENT 25 04109107 Y TE-6-G-502 PAS - Ground Floor Plan GENERAL AIIRANGEMENT 10 04109107 Y TE-6-G-s06 PAS - Building Section A GENERAL AI(RANIGEMENT 3 0612819r Y TE-6-G-507 PAS - Building Section B GENERAL AI{RANGEMENT 3 06128191 Y TE-7-G-501 CHB - Major Equipment Legend GENERAL AITRANGEMENT t4 10104107 Y TE-7-G-502 CHB - Plan-East, Unloading/Storage GENERAL AIUJ{{GEMENT t4 08102196 Y TE-7-G-503 CHB - Plan-West, Unloading/Storage GENERAL AILzu{{GEMENT 13 rU t6l00 Y TE-7-G-504 CHB - Plan-Center Area GENERAL AITRANGEMENT l1 10104107 Y Attachment I l, Page 8 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 General Arrangement (ttctt series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-7-G-505 CHB - First Floor Plan. Transition GENERAL AIUL{{GEMENT l0 0s/l s196 Y TE-7-G-506 CHB - Second Floor Plan, Transition GENERAL AITRANIGEMENT t2 tUt6l00 Y TE-27-G-501 BRA PAS - Major Equipment Legend & Floor Plan GENERAL AIIRANIGEMENT ll t2lt319s Y HVAC ("H" series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-00-H-902 General - Plumbing and Fire Protection SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2 05/18/90 Y TE-7-H-8 CHB - Mechanical Equipment Room (Area 7 -ll) PLAN 10 05/1 6196 Y TE-7-H-11 CHB - Mustard Thaw Container (Area 7 -4) UTILITY PLA}I 10 0s/1 6196 Y TE-7-H-15 CHB - DETAILS AND UTILITY ISOMETRIC t0 0s109196 Y Fire Protection (*Kr? series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE MDB - Fire Protection TOX CUBICLE DRY CHEMICAL SYSTEM 05/10196 MDB - Fire Protection DUN LIFT PLAN, SECTION & DIAGRAMS 07125194 o Attachrnent 1 l, Page 9 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 PLUMBING (rr[,r? series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWINGTITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-7-L-l CHB - Unloading and Storage Area - East PLUMBING PLANI l0 0s/1s196 Y TE-7-L-2 CHB - Unloading and Storage Area - West PLUMBING PLANI 10 05/10196 Y TE-7-L-3 CHB - MER and Conveyor Corridor PLUMBING PLANI l0 0s109196 Y TE-7-L-4 CHB - PLUMBING SCHEDULES AND DETAILS 3 0612819t Y MECHANICAL (rrMrr series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE EG-01-M-140r I of 2 MDB MPF Sparge Air Mods & Camera Location Layout 2 03128107 Y Attachrnent 11, Page l0 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 Piping (rrPrr series drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-00-P-901 General -MISCELLANEOUS PIPING DETAILS l2 05/10196 Y TE-l-P-54 MDB - Furnace Ducts & Pipeway Area l-10 UPPER PIPING PLAN l3 06l2U0t Y TE-1-P-501 MDB - TOX and SDS First Floor EL 100'-0" ENLARGED PIPING PLAN 10 04l2sl0s Y TE-l-P-502 MDB - TOX and SDS First Floor EL 108'-2" ENLARGED PIPING PLAN 1l 04107103 Y TE-l-P-503 MDB - TOX and SDS Area l-4 ENLARGED PIPING SECTIONS t2 04107103 Y EG-01-P- 1402 I of 5 MPF Back-Up Combustion Air Blower Addition Pipe Modification Assembly 1 0410s105 Y TE-2-P-7 PUB - EL 122'-0" Boiler Room Area2-5 PIPING PLAN 2 t0lt6192 Y TE-2-P-501 PUB - EL 100'-0" Brine Reduction Area2-4 PIPING PLAN 9 08/30/05 N TE-2-P-503 PUB - Brine Reduction Area 2-4 PIPING SECTIONS 7 08/30/0s N EG-O6-P-8904 PFS Building PAS Filter System Flue Gas & Vent Piping Plan & Sections 1l 03126109 Y TE-6-P-501 PAS - EL 100'-0" Area 6-1 PIPING PLAN 1l 0s/1 s196 Y TE-6-P-503 PAS - EL 100'-0" Area 6-3 PIPING PLAN 7 0212319s Y TE-6-P-505 PAS - EL 100'-0" Area 6-5 PIPING PLAN 6 02127 19s Y TE-6-P -507 PAS - EL I l1'-0" Area 6-l PIPING PLAN 1t 05/1s196 Y TE-6-P-509 PAS - EL 111'-0" Area 6-3 PIPING PLAN 10 02120196 Y TE-6-P-51 I PAS - El I l1'-0" Area 6-5 PIPING PLAN 4I 07 13U92 Y TE-7-P-1 CHB - Second Floor EL 122'-0" Area 7-14 PIPING PLAN 1t 02lts196 Y TE- t6-P-2 Site Work - Pipeway Are a 16-3 & 16- 1 1 PIPING PLAN t2 07 l02l0t Y TE- l6-P-4 Site Work - Truck Unload Area 16-10 PIPING PLAN 8 04127 100 Y TE- 16-P- 10 Site Work - Pipeway Area 16-12 & 16-13 PIPING PLAN t4 07 l02l0t Y TE- 16-P-504 Site Work - Brine Surge Tanks Area 16-12 PIPING PLAN 15 07 l02l0t Y TE- 16-P-505 Site Work - Brine Surge Tanks Area 16- 13 PIPING PLAN 15 07 l02l0t Y Attachrnent I l, Page TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 STRUCTURAL 1tt 5 tt series .drawings) DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE TE-00-s-901 General - GENERAL NOTES 3 06128191 Y TE-00-s-908 General - TYPICAL CONCRETE DETAILS 1 08107 189 Y TE-00-s-909 General - TYPICAL CONCRETE DETAILS 5 0s13U06 Y TE-00-s-910 General - TYPICAL CONCRETE DETAILS 1 08107189 Y TE-t-S-l MDB - Area 1-1 through l-9 IST FLOOR PLAN (COMP) 6 r2lt8l92 Y TE-1-S-2 MDB - Area l-1 lST FLOOR PLAN 10 osi 14197 Y EG-O1-S-2 MDB - Area l-1 ACCESS PLATFORM PLAN & ELEV. 10 0s/14197 Y TE- I -S-3 MDB - Area l-2 IST FLOOR PLAN 3 06128191 Y TE- 1-S-4 MDB - Area 1-3 lST FLOOR PLAN 2 0s/18/90 Y TE-l-S-5 MDB - Area l-4 IST FLOOR PLAN 5 03120192 Y TE-1-5-6 MDB - Area 1-5 1ST FLOOR PLAN l0 05/l 6196 Y TE-1-S-7 MDB - Area 1-6 IST FLOOR PLAN l0 0s/13196 Y TE- l -S-8 MDB - Area l-7 IST FLOOR PLAN 11 04104108 Y TE- 1-S-9 MDB - Area 1-8 1ST FLOOR PLAN 2 05/18/90 Y TE- 1-S-10 MDB - Area l-9 1ST FLOOR PLAN I 08107 189 Y TE- 1-5-60 MDB -FOUNDATIONS 2 0s/18/e0 Y TE- l -5-63 MDB - MISC CONC PLATFORMS 4 0612819r Y TE- I -5-69 MDB - FOUNDATION PLAN 10 0s/13196 Y TE- t-S-72 MDB - WALL SCHEDULE & DETAILS 3 12lt2l9l Y TE-2-S-5 PUB - All Areas FLOOR SLAB PLAN 1l 08/30/0s Y TE-7-S-1 CHB - Areas 7 -l through 7 -15 FLOOR PLAN & GENERALNOTES 5 r2lt8l92 Y TE-7-S-2 CHB - Areas 7 -1, 7 -2, 7 -4 FOLTNDATION AND FLOOR PLAN 5 12lt8l92 Y TE-7-S-3 CHB - Areas 7-5,7-7,7-8,7-9 FOUNDATION AND FLOOR PLAN 10 05/17196 Y TE-7-S-4 CHB - Areas 7 -10 through 7 -13 FOUNDATION AND FI,OOR PLAN 10 0s/17196 Y TE-7-S-6 CHB - Areas 7 -l through 7 -13 FOUNDATION AND FLOOR DETAILS 10 0U28197 Y TE-7-S-7 CHB - Area 7-14 FOUNDATION PLAN 10 0s/16196 Y TE-7-S-8 CHB - Area 7 -14 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 10 0slt7 196 Y TE-7-S-9 CHB - Area 7-14 SECOND FLOOR PLAN 10 0s/16196 Y TE- 16-5- 16 Site Work - BRA TANK FOUNDATIONS 2 06128191 Y Attachrnent I 1, Page 12 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 Vendor Drawings DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE 4-RHA-L47 A-C-002 General Arrangement/Outline Dimensions Assernbly Drawing/Shop Details Salt Containers 3 0U25193 Y 4-RHA-147 A-C-003 General Arrangement/Outline Dimensions Assembly Drawing/Shop Details Salt Container Covers 3 0U25193 Y 4-RHA-L47 A-C-004 General Arrangement/Outline Dimensions Assembly Drawings/Shop Details DFS Cyclone Disch arge Shroud 3 03115193 Y t7 -14 -167 -C Primary Chamb er 2 Fuel, Burner Injector Assembly (LV-14) QA Class II t8 12104107 Y 06-02-3710-D Assembly Prim ary Chamber (LrC-FURN-101) 11 U3U97 Y 06-a2-3713-D Assembly Secondary Chamber (LrC-FURN-t02) 1l 09109197 Y 06-02-3731-D Exhaust Duct Assembly 11 02104198 Y 06-02-3927 -D Assembly Primary Chamber (LIC-FURN- 201) l3 0U28198 Y 06-02-3928-D Assembly Secondary Chamber (LIC-FURN- 202) 11 09109191 Y 22-406-713-40r DFS Slagging Afterburner GENERAL AI(RANGEMENT t2 09124107 Y 22-406-721-401 DFS Cyclone and Slide Gate GENERAL AI(RANGEMENT 9 08109107 Y 22-s04-856-s01 Shell Assembly 13 09112197 Y 22-504-859-401 Rotary Kiln GENERAL AITRJ{{GEMENT 13 0s/1 6196 Y 22-504-947 -801 Duct from DFS-BLOW-l0l to DFS-FURN- 1 O I GENERAL AITRANGEMENT l0 0s/r 6196 Y DA-30- t 6l0- 1-6- 100 Primary Charnber Blower 1l 0810s197 Y DA-3 lRB t2t6-t0t Combustion Air Blower 5 0810s197 Y DA-3 2-1806-5- 106 Secondary Chamber Blower 7 0810s197 Y 42-524-777 DFS Duct from DFS Kiln to Blast Attenuation Duct GENERAL AITRANGEMENT t5 03,r6193 Y 42-s24-778 DFS Duct from Blast Attenuation Duct to Cyclone GENERAL AITRANGEMENT 13 04112196 Y 42-524-779 DFS Duct from Cyclone to Slaging Afterburner GENERAL AITRANGEMENT 13 08109107 Y 878- I 00 MPF Venturi Scrubber G 08/14197 Y 878-l0l DFS Venturi Scrubber G 08/14197 Y 878- t02 LIC Venturi Scrubber 11 0s/12108 Y 89-305-RH Side Elevation MPF System 8 r0102108 Y Attachrnent 11, Page l3 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 Vendor Drawings DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWING TITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE 90-8890-A I of 6 LIC I Quench Tower 10 05/0 U97 Y 90-8890-B I of 6 LIC #2 Quench Tower l2 07116198 Y 90-8890-C I of 8 LIC 1 Scrubber Tower 6 0li 1 u98 Y 90-8890-E I of 7 DFS Quench Tower 6 02123198 Y 90-8890-F 1 of 8 DFS Scrubber Tower 8 02113198 Y 90-8890-H I of 6 MPF Quench Tower 5 02106198 Y 90-8890-J I of 8 MPF Scrubber Tower 8 0U27 198 Y c-440441 RB 453 Pressure Blower Arrangement 4 CCW-UB from Drive End 6 08129197 Y D-90s7 06-M101 PT- 12-I 4-I 6 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT 10 0s/1s196 Y HM-1028 l of ll LIC Demister Vessel 04-PAS-DMIS-101 GENERA,L AITzu{NGEMENT 6 0826197 Y HM-1028 4ofll N{PF Demister Vessel 04-PAS-DMIS-l 03 GENERAL AITRANGEMENT 5 0412U93 Y HM-1028 5 of ll DFS Demister Vessel 04-PAS-DMIS- I 04 GENERAL AITRANGEIVI ENT 5 0610619s Y RD- 13549-3 5 of 15 Refractory Lining for Cross-Over Duct of Liquid Incinerator System GENERAL ARRANGEMENT & DETAILS 4 04lrsl97 Y ATLIC DRAWINGS DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWINGTITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE EG-22-A-8211 Sht I of ll Process Building Architectural Floor Plan 2 02taufi Y EG-22-A-8212 Sht I of 3 Igloo Architectural Floor Plan !07 t07 tr0 Y EG-22-C-8213 Site Paving and Grading Plan -5 05/06/10 Y EG-22-D-8210 Sht I of 2 LIC Primary P&ID 0 07t2ut0 Y EG-22-D-8210 Sht 2 of 2 LIC Secondary P&ID 6 07 t21l10 Y EG-22-D-821I Sht l-4 PAS P&ID 7.08t26tr0 Y EG-22-D-82t2 Glovebox 8501 P&ID -5 05t26n0 Y EG-22-D-8213 Glovebox 8502 P&lD -5 05t26n0 Y EG-22-D-8214 Lewisite Collection System P&ID I 08/31/10 Y Attachrnent I l, Page l4 TOCDF General Facility Drawings June 2009 ATLIC DRAWINGS DRAWINGNUMBER DRAWINGTITLE REV. # REV. DATE APPROVED RCRA BASELINE EG-22-D-8215 Nitric Reject Collection System P&ID !08/31/10 Y EG-22-D-8216 Nitric Acid Collection System P&ID )5-09/08/10 Y EG-22-D-8217 Spent Decon Collection System P&ID 3 08/3Uro Y EG-22-D-8219 Major Spill Collection System P&ID I 0s/06/10 Y EG-22-D-8222 SDS Feed System P&ID 6 09/01/10 Y EG-22-D-8223 Waste Feed System P&ID 0 09/01/10 Y EG-22-D-8227 PAS Blowdown Storage P&ID g 06/01/10 Y EG-22-D-8228 PAS Blowdown Unloading/Decon Loading P&ID 3 05/06/10 Y EG-22-F-8210 Sht r-2 GA TC Glovebox Processing 2 02t0ut0 Y EG-22-F-821I Sht t-2 Lewisite TC Glovebox Processing 2 02t0ut0 Y EG-22-G-8204 General Arrangement Plan -5 08/31/10 Y EG-22-H-8202 Sht l-3 HVAC P&ID Z tu02n0 Y Attachment I l, Page l5 F./op p (D h) A ATTACHMENT 14 Miscellaneous Treatment Units Demilit anzation Mi scellaneous TreatmJ:t53l June 2009 Table of Contents l4.l Description of Miscellaneous Units 14.2 Reserved 14.3 Bulk Drain Station 14.3.1 Physical Characteristics 14.3.2 Operations and Maintenance 14.3.3 Monitoring Procedures 14.3.4 Inspection 14.3.5 Closure 14.3.6 Mitigative Design and Operating Standards 14.3.7 Environmental Performance Standards for Miscellaneous Units 14.4 Projectile/Ir4ortar Disassernbly Machine 14.4.1 Physical Characteristics 14.4.2 Operations and Maintenance L4.4.3 Monitoring Procedures 14.4.4 Inspection 14.4.5 Closure 14.4.6 Mitigative Design and Operating Standards 1,4.4.7 EnvironmentalPerformanceStandardsforMiscellaneousUnits 14.5 Multipurpose Dernilitarization and Pick and Place Machines 14.5.1 Physical Characteristics 14.5.2 Operations and Maintenance 14.5.3 Monitoring Procedures 14.5.4 Inspection 14.5.5 Closure 14.5.6 Mitigative Design and Operating Standards 14.5.7 Environmental Performance Standards for Miscellaneous Units 14.6 Reserved 14.7 Air Operated Remote Ordnance Access System (Cutter Machine) 14.7.1 Physical Characteristics 14.7.2 Operations and Maintenance 14.7.3 Inspection 14.7.4 Closure 14.7.5 Mitigative Design and Operating Standards 14.8 DVS - Drum Ventilation System Enclosures and Sorting Room 14.2.1 Physical Characteristics 14.2.2 Operations and Maintenance 14.2.3 Inspection 14.2.4 Closure 14.2.5 Mitigative Design and Operating Standards 14.9 Autoclave 14.9.1 Physical Characteristics 14.9.2 General System and Operation 14.9.3 System Startup 14.9.4 Feed 14.9.5 Interlocks 14.9.6 System Shutdown (normal) 14.9.7 Emergency Shutdown 14.9.8 Monitoring Procedures I I Attachrnent -14 - Page I TOCDF Dernilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 Waste Identification Waste Throughput Inspection Closure Mitigative Design and Operating Standards 14.l0 ATLIC Ton Container Rinse and Drain Glovebox 14.10.1.Equioment Installations 14.10.2. Physical Characteristics 14.10.3. Dimensions and Location 14. 10.4. Conveyors 14. 10.5. Gates 14.10.6. Pumps and Transfer Lines 14.10.7. Sump Pump 14.10.8. Tanks and Containers 14.10.9. Feed System 14.10.10.lnstrumentation 14.10.11. Electrical System 14.10.12. Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System 14.10.13.Fire Protection 14.10.14. Alarm and Communication System 14.10.15. General System Operations 14.10.16.Svstem Startup 14.10.17.Interlocks 14.10.18. System Shutdown 14.10.19. Agent Monitoring Procedures t4.r0.20.Waste Identification 14.10.21 . Waste Throughput 14.10.22. lnspection 14. 10.23. Closure 14.10.24. Mitigative Design and Operating Standards 14.g.g 14.9.10 14.g.ll 14.9.12 14.9.13 t4-2-l t4-3-l I4-4-l t4-4-2 t4-s-l t4-5-2 t4-6-l List of Tables Reserved List of Bulk Drain Station Sensors and Critical Interlocks Maximum Explosive Weight in Explosive Containment Room Brojectile/Ivlortar Disassembly Machine Sensors Summary of Multipurpose DemilitarizationMachine and Pick and Place Sensors Multipurpose DemilitarizationMachine, Pick and Place Critical Sensors and Interlocks Reserved Attachment - 14 - Page 2 ACAMS ACS AQS BDS BRS BSRM CCTV CHB CON CWC DCD DFS DS DSHW DTS DVS DVSSR ECR ECV FCC HTS HVAC IS LIC MDB MDM MPB MPF MPRS NAAQS NCRS NO* O3 ONC PHS PLC PMro PMD PPE PPM RCRA RDS SDS Soz TOCDF TSP UPA DemilitarizationMiscellaneo..r.""*"]ro,i,l,,l June 2009 List of Acronvms Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System Agent Collection System Agent Quantification System Bulk Drain Station Burster Removal Station Burster Size Reduction Machine Closed Circuit Television Container Handling Building Control Room Chemical Weapons Convention Deseret Chemical Depot Deactivation Furnace System Discharge/Output Station Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Drain Tube System Drum Ventilation System Drum Ventilation System Sorting Room Explosive Containment Room Explosive Containment Room Vestibule Facility Construction Certifi cation Heel Transfer System Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System Infeed/Transfer Station Liquid Lrcinerator Munitions Demilitarization Building Multipurpose D emilitari zation M achine Munitions Processing Bay Metal Parts Furnace Miscellaneous Pdrts Removal Station National Ambient Air Quality Standards Nose Closure Removal Station Nitrogen Oxides Ozone Onsite Container Proj ectile/Tvlortar Handling System Programmable Logic Controller Particles Less Than 10 Microns in Aerodynamic Diameter Proj ectileil\dortar Disassembly Machine Personal Protective Equipment Pick and Place Machine Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Rinse and Drain Station Spent Decontamination System Sulfur Dioxide Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Total Suspended Particles Unpack Area Attachment -14 - Page 3 O TOCDF Demi I i t anzation M i scel I aneous Treatment Units June 2009 14.l Description of Miscellaneous Units 14.1.1 The miscellaneous units addressed in this attachment are: Reserved BulkDrain Station (BDS) Projectile/IMortar Disassembly Machine (PMD), including the Multi-position Loader. Multipurpose Demilitarization Machine (MDM), including the Pick and Place Machine. Reserved Air Operated Remote Ordnance Access System (Cutter Machine) 14.1.1,.7 DVS (DVS Enclosure 101, DVS Enclosure 102 and the DVSSR) Autoclave 14.1.2 These units do not fit the definition of a container, tank, surface impoundment, waste pile, land treatment unit, landfill, incinerator, boiler, industrial furnace, or underground injection well. Therefore, these units are categorized as miscellaneous units. The miscellaneous treatment units listed above will be used to treat the following items: Reserved Explosive components from munitions Reserved Reserved Ton containers (BDS) Reserved M104, Mll0projectiles, 155mm(PMD andMDM) M2 and M2Al mortar cartridges, 4.2-nch(PMD and MDM). TOCDF-Generated Secondary Waste (DVS and Autoclave) 14.1.3 Reserved 14.1.4 The treatment objective for the BDS is to separft'e the liquid agent from its container and send the agent to the ACS and the bulk item casing containing a solid and liquid residue ' heel to the Metal Parts Fumace (MPF) for further treatment. I4.1.5 The treatment objective for the PMD is to separate, as applicable, explosive and miscellaneous components and bursters from the munitions and send the burster to the BSRM for further treatment. All miscellaneous and explosive components and bursters are sent to the DFS for further treatment. I4.1.6 The treatment objective for the MDM is to separate the liquid agent from the munition and' send the agent to the ACS and the casing to the MPF for further treatment. For mustard 155mm projectiles, the treatment objective for the MDM is only to breach the agent cavity by collapsing the burster well downward into the projectile body. No agent will be removed from these projectiles. 14.1.7 Reserved 14.1.8 The treatment objective for the Cutter Machine is to gain access to the interior components of overpacked/reject munitions or other cylindrical items so that the liquid agent can be sent to the ACS or SDS for further processing, and the metal components to the MPF or DFS (if energetically configured) for further treatment. Attachment - 14 - Page 4 14.1 .9 14.1 .10 14,2 14,3. 14.3.1 14.3. I . I 14.3.1 .2 14.3.1 .2.1 t4.3. 1 .3 14.3.1 .4 14.3 .I .4.1 DemilitarizationMiscellaneo..r.".*r1ro,?3r,1 June 2009 The treatment objective for the DVS (i.e., the Enclosures and the DVSSR) is to treat agent contamination that exists on secondary waste by decontamination with an approved decontaminant (NaOH or Bleach) for the applicable agent type (e.g., GB, VX, Mustard) for reducing the level of PPE necessary for further treatment activities in the Autoclave. Treatment applicable to waste codes other than P999 is NOT with the objective of the DVS. The treatment objective for the Autoclave is the removal and destruction of the agent contaminating secondary waste through the application of pressurized steam. Reserved BI]LK DRAIN STATION The TOCDF bulk item processing system, which includes two BDSs, is designed to safely remove liquid agent, including liquefied solid agent heel, from ton containers. Following rernoval of the liquid agent, the ton container is sent to the MPF for further treatment. The liquid chernical agent is collected by the ACS, a separate system that includes the agent holding tanks, associated pumps, valves, piping, and other ancillary equipment. The drained agent is then incinerated in the LICs. Solid agent heel that has been liquefied at the HTS is transferred to a separate container and incinerated in the MPF. The BDS processes munitions that are not configured with explosives, propellants, or other energetics, so the processing system is only concemed with separating the chernical agent from the munition or bulk item. The BDSs are designed to 1) punch a hole in munitions or bulk items, 2) dranthe liquid chemical agent from them, and 3) liquefu a portion ofthe solid agent heel and transfer the liquefied agent heel to a separate container. The following munitions and bulk items are processed on the BDS: Ton containers. The BDS begins at the munitions demilitaizationgates, where the munitions are transferred from the Upper Munitions Corridor into the MPB onto the BDS Indexing Hydraulic Conveyor. It ends where the BDS Hydraulic Conveyor transfers the bulk item to a series of three MDM Indexing Hydraulic Conveyors that leads through two other indexing conveyors to the Lift Car Assembly at the far end of the MPB. Eventually, the bulk items are transferred to the MPF for thermal treatment. Equipment Installation The equipment that constitutes the bulk item processing system has already been installed, and the installation of these machines and their support equipment has been verified through the Facility Construction Certification documentation required by Permit Condition LS. This Certification attests that the bulk item processing system equipment has been installed in accordance with the equipment's design specification and drawings, as stated in the permit. Dimensions and Location14.3. 1.5 Attachment - 14 - Page 5 14.3. 1 .5. I r4.3.1.6 14.3.1 .6.1 14.3.1 .7 14.3.1 .'7 .l 14.3.1 .8 14 .3. 1 .9. 1 14.3 .r .8.2 14.3.1 .9 14.3. 1 .9.1 14.3. 1.10 14.3. 1.10.1 14.3.1 .1 0.2 DemilitarizationMiscellaneourrr""*"].o,!,1,,1 June 2009 Each BDS is approximately 17 feet long, eight feet wide and 10 feet high. The approximate nominal weight of each BDS is 16,500 pounds. The conveyors and HTS, which are an integral part of each BDS, are 17 feet long, five feet wide, and three feet high. They weigh approximately 3,000 pounds each. The BDSs are located on the second floor of the MDB in the MPB. Conveyors The BDS consists of a Munitions Transfer Conveyor, Main Frame Assembly, a Punch and Drain Station, and an HTS Rinse and Drain Station (RDS). The munitions and bulk items are transferred to the BDS in specially designed cradles that are mounted on MPF trays. Gates The cradles/trays are transferred automatically from the MDM Feed Conveyor in the Upper Munitions Corridor into the MPB through one of two MPB gates. The gates are opened to receive bulk items and they will not close until the bulk item is transferred completely into the MPB (see Section on interlocks). Pump and Transfer Lines Each BDS's ACS is equipped with pumps to remove agent from the bulk items. The agent is transferred from the BDS through lines connecting the pumps to the ACS and to the agent holding tanks. The two BDS RDSs share a common transfer line that enables the transfer of liquefied heel material from one BDS's RDS to the other BDS's RDS. The fluid transfer is performed through the use of a transfer pump located at the sending RDS (e.g., the RDS at the Parent TC). Tanks and Containers There are no tanks or containers directly associated with the BDSs. Liquid agent from the BDS DTS is pumped directly to the ACS Tanks. Liquefied heel material from the BDS RDS is pumped directly to a container staged at the opposite BDS RDS. Feed System The BDS Main Frame Assembly, which is constructed of steel, supports the conveyors, sensors, hydraulic apparatus, punch, drain tube apparatus, and other ancillary equipment associated with the BDS. The bulk items (including the cradle and tray) are weighed before and after the agent draining process to obtain the initial fulI weight and final drained weight of the items. A set of load cells, mounted on hydraulic cylinders in the Munitions Transfer Conveyor, are designed to accomplish this. The Punch Station consists of a hydraulic cylinder eqlipped with a punch and hold-down clamp. The hydraulic cylinder is mounted vertically on the upper front of the BDS column assembly, which stands next to the conveyor (toward the center of the MPB) so that the Punch is suspended over the center line of the conveyor. When extended, the t4.3.1 .10.3 Attachrnent - 14 - Page 6 DemilitarizationMiscellaneou.rr""*"lP,tl,,: June 2009 cylinder punches a hole through the top of the munition or bulk item. The punch is mounted at the top of the column when processing ton containers. Two position switches on the cylinder sense the position ofthe punch (retracted or extended). The BDS hold-down clamp is mounted on the hold-down support assembly, below the punch cylinder. It consists of two small hydraulic cylinders, one on each side of the punch, that extend a hold-down clamp near the surface of the bulk item. The hold-down clamp prevents excessive lifting or rolling of the munition or bulk item in place when the punch is retracted. The hold-down clamp cylinders are actuated by hydraulic fluid from the same control valve as the conveyor lift cylinders. The Drain Station consists of an agent drain tube that is lowered into the bulk item through the hole made by the ptrnch. A position switch provides indication of an "on- bottom" condition when a solid layer is encountered. The amount of agent removed is quantified at the Drain Station by the use of before and after agent drain weights. A bubbler provides verification of the liquid level in the bulk container. Reserved The draining of mustard ton containers at the DTS is performed using qualitative information gained through the approximate measurement of the solid residue heel that took place prior to TOCDF receipt of the ton containers and from historical tare weights and final weights. The transfer of liquefied heel material from one TC to another container staged at the opposite BDS RDS is performed using quantitative information regarding the weight of TC contents necessary to be removed from the TC in order to render the Parent TC treatable in the MPF. In addition, the Child Container (i.e., the container staged at the opposite BDS RDS that receives the liquefied heel material) net weight is ensured to be less than the maximum allowable to the MPF. The target weights for both the Child Container and the Parent TC are, in part, based on the most efficient use of the MPF and are subject to adjustment in order to respond to changing plant conditions. Instrumentation 14.3.1 .1 1. 1 Instrumentation associated with the BDSs is remotely monitored in the TOCDF CON. The instruments are primarily associated with the hydraulic and pneumatic systems, electronic position sensors, load cells, drain verification system, and interlocks. Table 14- 3-11 summarizes the various sensors for the BDS and their function. Details of the instruments and sensors are shown on drawings contained in Attachment 11 (General Facility Drawings). 14.3.1,12 Electricalsystem The electrical power supply and distribution network for the process systems are provided by the local utility and by the installation. Electrical power has been extended to the MDB complex as part of the site development. Additionally, there are two backup power systems: essential and unintemrptible. Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan) provides detailed information regarding the backup power systems.. ' All tables are located at the end of this Attachment. Attachment - 14 - Page 7 14.3.1 .1 3.2 14.3.1 .1 3.4 r4.3. 1.13.s DernilitarizationMiscellaneor.r..r*Jr0;r|r,: June 2009 Heating. Ventilation. and Air Conditioning System (IIVAC) The HVAC system for the MDB consists of a once-through cascade system servicing the MDB process areas, a stand-alone HVAC system servicing the MDB CON, and miscellaneous HVAC systems servicing the Category D areas. The primary means of preventing the release or spread of contamination is through the use of cascaded pressure control. The CON is maintained at a positive pressure with respect to the atmosphere, while toxic areas are maintained at a negative pressure with respect to the atmosphere. This ensures a flow of air from the cleanest areas to areas with ascending potential for higher contamination. Each room in the MDB has a designated category rating of A, A./fl, B, C, D, or E based upon the potential for agent contamination. Rooms assigned a Category A rating (negative pressure), like the ECRs, are routinely contaminated by either agent liquid or vapor. Rooms with a Category B rating (negative pressure) have a high probability of agent vapor contamination resulting from routine operations. Rooms with a Category C rating (negative pressure) have a low probability of agent vapor contamination. Rooms with a Category D rating (atmospheric pressure) have a very remote probability of ever being contaminated by agent. Rooms with a Category E rating (positive pressure) are maintained from being contaminated by agent at all times. The control of pressure for the incinerator rooms is accomplished by the control system. The pressure for the other rooms is balanced manually before facility start. The airflow and pressure differentials are regulated manually by fixed balancing dampers to maintain the desired negative environment in the MDB. Isolation dampers are located between Category A, A./8, or B rooms and Category C rooms to prevent possible migration of chemical agent to a lower contamination category area in case of an agent spill and a power failure. These isolation dampers are designed to fail closed. Three air handling units supply air to all Category A, A./8, B, and C rooms in the MDB. During normal processing, two air-handling units are online, with the third air-handling unit serving as a spare. Conditioned air is supplied to the air supply-handling units. The filters on the inlet of the air-handling unit are used to remove dust contained in the air. The units have heating coils that are supplied by hot water for use in the winter and l cooling coils supplied by chilled water for use in the summer. Outside air flowing across the coils is either heated or cooled. A blower on the unit is used to pull air from outside and deliver the air to the building rooms. Air rernoved from the MPB is exhausted to air filtration units. The MPB is maintained at a negative pressure of approximately 1.8 inches of water column. The exhaust air filtration units contain filter media (carbon adsorption units) used to ensure that agent is not released to the environment. Air removed from the ECRsis eihausted to air filtration units. The ECRs are maintained at a negative pressure of approximately 2.0 inches of water column. The exhaust air filtration units contain filter media (carbon adsorption units) used to ensure that agent is not released to the environment. t4.3.1.1 3.6 Attachment - l4 - Page 8 14.3.1 .13.8 14,3.1 .r4 14.3.I.14.1 4.2 14.3.1 .15 14.3.1 .l 5.1 14.3.2 DernilitarizationMiscellaneou.r.".*.LO;3r: June 2009 Each exhaust filtration unit has ACAMS ports to detect agent breakthrough *d send an alarm to the CON for the current agent campaign. The ACAMS sample as described in Attachment 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). Each exhaust filter unit is provided with a centrifugal fan that discharges the air to the atmosphere through an exhaust stack. Air flows through each exhaust filtration unit with a range of 12,200 to 16,000 cubic feet per minute. Air exhausted through the stack is monitored for the presence of GB, VX, and mustard chemical agent. Fire Protection System The fire protection system in the MPB consists of thermal (heat) detectors and fire dampers. There are 28 thermal (heat) detectors mounted on the ceiling and 10 on the trnderside of the platform of the MPB. There are five manual pull fire alarms in the MPB. As mentioned above, fire dampers are provided in ducts passing through fire-rated walls and ducts serving the MDB. The fire dampers restrict fire propagation in the building through the ventilation air ducts. Alarm and Communication Systems The MDB is equipped with telephones for TOCDF-wide communication. Personnel will be able to use this system to summon assistance in an emergency. The MPB is equipped with hom speakers and CCTV so that the CON operator can visually observe the operations in the MPB and notifu facility personnel in the event of an emergency. Fire alarms, initiated by the automatic heat detection system or the manual pull stations, are described above. Also, instrumentation alarms will send signals to the CON. Operations and Maintenance Munitions and bulk items to be processed at the BDS are received from the Upper Munitions Corridor, and transferred to the MPB. As the conveyor moves the bulk item(s) to the correct position under each station, the BDS punches and drains the bulk item. Mustard TCs that are to have their contents transferred to another container staged at the opposite BDS are transferred to the BDS RDS. For bulk items previously verified as drained prior to arrival at the BDS, the BDS drain and RDS sequence may be bypassed. As mentioned previously, all munitions are received and processed in cradles that are mounted on MPF trays. Ton containers are received one at a time. The following section further describes the operating sequence for bulk items processing at the BDS. The BDS is designed to receive bulk items and treat and forward the drained bulk containers to the MPF. The MPF maximum feed rates are specified in this Permit. Upon reaching the BDS, each bulk item waste will have been identified. Physical and chemical characteristics of each waste are summarized in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). Reserved General System Operation Reserved Attachrnent - l4 - Page 9 DernilitarizationMiscellaneourrr""*JL?,l,rl June 2009 Operating Description: Ton Container At the BDS, ton containers are punched, drained of liquid agent, and punched again at least once. The ton containers are moved to the punch position by the indexing hydraulic conveyor. Proximity switches detect flags located on the side of the cradles which position the cradle for punching and draining. When the bulk item is stopped at the punch position, the indexing conveyor lowers allowing the cradle/tray to rest on the main frame anvils. Simultaneously, the hold-down cylinders extend to prevent excessive lifting or rolling of the bulk item. The Punch then extends, creating a hole in the bulk item. When punching is complete, the punch cylinder retracts, the transfer conveyor raises, the hold- down cylinders retract, and the bulk item moves to the drain position. For bulk items previously verified as drained prior to arrival at the BDS, the BDS drain sequence may be bypassed. Prior to draining (and after ptrnching), the indexing hydraulic conveyor, tray, cradle, and munition/bulk item are raised hydraulically off the anvil and weighed by a set of four Load Cells. These cells are located under each corner of the conveyor and are mounted on the hydraulic cylinders that raise the conveyor. Weighing is accomplished electronically by actuating the Load Cells (conveyor in raised position). The weight is recorded by the PLC. A drain tube is lowered into the punched hole on the bulk item at the Drain Station. The tube then extends until it reaches an operator-entered depth inside the interior of the bulk item or until the solid is detected. Draining starts after the bubbler system verifies the presence of liquid chemical agent. The bulk item is drained to ensure all but residual chemical agent and solid residue have been removed. After the drain tube retracts, the bulk item is re-weighed by the Load Cells. By comparing the full and drained weights, the amount of chemical agent removed is obtained. The indexing conveyor then moves the bulk item to the correct position for punching at least once more vent hole, the conveyor and hold-down clamp lower, a vent hole is punched (the same size as the drain hole), and the conveyor and hold-down clamp raise. If the bulk item is considered sufficiently drained the bulk item (with cradle/tray) is then transferred to the MDM Indexing Hydraulic Conveyors that deliver the cradle to the opposite end of the MPB. If the bulk item is a Mustard TC to have additional heel material removed from it using the HTS, the "Parent TC" is moved to the correct position at the RDS for the water spray sequence. The high-pressure water spray wand is inserted into the TC and actuated to inject a predetermined amount of hot water. After a soaking period, the spray wand is retracted from the bulk item and the TC is moved to the correct position for the heel transfer sequence. After staging a "Child Container" at the opposite BDS RDS as a receiving vessel, both the Child Container drain tube and the Parent TC drain tube are inserted into their respective containers. Liquefied heel material is transferred from the Parent TC to the Child Container by the Parent TC's HTS pump. Setup Procedures The BDS is initialized before being placed in service. A1l major system components are remotely activated from the CON, and the PLCs verify the proper operation of the system. The indicators in the CON are observed to veriff the status of the BDS. The BDS major Attachment - 14 - Page l0 DemilitarizationMiscellaneou.r.""*"],o,!,lnl June 2009 system components are tumed off, and the initialization procedure is completed. At this point, the BDS is ready to receive a start command from the CON. System Startup The procedures for BDS startup are contained in the appropriate BDS system standard operating procedures document. In summary, the systems are started byplacing Line A and B BDSs in automatic mode, selecting the type of agent and bulk item to be processed, and then pressing the initialization start icon. This is accomplished remotely in the control room. When the control room display system start/stop icon changes from flashing to steady green, the processing lines are ready to accept bulk items. Feed Waste quantification requirements are met when the weighing operation is performed at the BDS. These various activities are recorded either manually, or by the PDARS, and such records will be available at the plant in the facility Operating Record. 1, Altematively, during baseline ton container processing, waste quantification may be met using the programmed levels associated with the BDS Drain Tube System (DTS) and the systems integrated bubbler provided the Executive Secretary approves the heel weight/heel depth correlation developed during the Mustard Baseline Shakedown Period as allowed per Permit Condition VI.C.1.a.v. Interlock Processes The BDS is operated in either the manual or automatic mode using a system of interlocks. The goal ofthe various interlocks is to ensure that the procedures executed by the various components of the BDS do not interfere with each other or operate in a manner that is unsafe to human life or harmful to the environment. The interlocks remain in place during manual operations. Should the BDS machine malfunction, the demilitarization line will stop until the problem is corrected. The process step being performed by the BDS is displayed on the CON screen so that the operator can determine which process sequence step was not completed. The BDS cannot be started again until the problem is corrected because the system is interlocked (in a fail safe mode). The demilitarizationmachine operators are required to observe the machines during automatic operations to ensure that any stops in the programmed process sequence are corrected as soon as possible. There are two interlocks associated with the BDS operations that are activated by sensors P2 and P5 (see Table 14-3-1 for a description of these sensors). When a munition and cradleltray are being transferred from the Munitions Corridor to the MPB through the munitions demilitarization gates, the gate will remain open and interlocked until the cradle/tray arrives at the BDS Punch Station. Sensor P2 detects the presence of the cradle/tray at the Punch Station and allows the gate to close. After a munition has been processed at the BDS, it passes sensor P5, a retroreflective sensor, whlqb signals that the cradle/tray is be.ing transferred to the next conveyor. If another munition is waiting in the Munitions Corridor at the munitions demilitarization Attachment -14 - Page l l DemilitarizationMiscellaneou.r*"*"Lo,!,l,rl June 2009 gates, and no BDS (or MDM) processing is being conducted, the gate(s) will open to allow the next cradle/tray into the MPB. SystemShutdown(Normal) 14.3.2.I0.I After the stop command has been issued, the BDS is "parked." When the BDS is parked, it is configured so that the conveyor lift table, hold-down cylinders, and punch cylinder are extended; this is the fail-safe mode. After the bomb and bulk item demilitarization campaigns have been completed, the BDS will no longer be needed except to transfer projectiles and mortars from the Munitions Corridor to the MDMs, which are also located in the MPB. Emersency Shutdown I4. In the event of an abnormal or upset condition associated with the BDS, the processing operations are modified in order to mitigate the condition. Abnormal or upset conditions are any conditions that cause an emergency termination in processing, nonconformance to a specified procedure, a safety hazard, equipment damage, or injury to personnel. These conditions are identified by plant personnel or indicated by the process sensors (which send signals to the CON through the PLCs). After conditions are identified, the CON issues an emergency stop command to the BDS. When this command is issued, the BDS machine components are stopped. Extended Shutdown The BDS operating procedures do not include specific steps to shut down the systern for extended periods. Instead, normal shutdown procedures are followed when the BDS machines are not being used. Shutdown procedures are implemented after the BDS is parked as explained earlier. Maintenance Maintenance of the BDS machine includes preventive maintenance procedures and corrective maintenance procedures. Preventive maintenance procedures generally involve inspections, cleaning (as required), and lubricating (as required) for the BDS machine. 14.3.3 Monitoring Procedures Each BDS is equipped with sensors to detect the presence, position, and weight of munitions and bulk items during operations. The sensors, which are corurected through PLCs, ensure that the munitions and bulk items will be processed safely by relaying information to the CON. The CON monitors the operations of the BDS through the dernilitarization operator. consoles and CCTV. The demilitarization operator consoles can display information from the PLCs and sensors. The PDARS provide operational data for analysis and historical records. lnformation obtained by the PDARS can be used to meet environmental monitoring and reporting requirements. ln addition, the CON operators and outside operators are required to log the events that occur during their shift into logbooks. Attachment -14 - Page 12 14.3.4 14.3.5 t4.3.s. 1 . 1 14.3.6 TOCDF Derni litari zation Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 The MPB is a Category A room, and it is expected that this area will be contaminated by agent (liquid or vapor) as part of normal operations. ACAMS are used to detect the presence of agent vapors in the MPB. Waste Identification As mentioned previously, bulk iterns are fully identified prior to entering the BDS. The quantity of bulk items processed by the BDS is recorded by the PDARS and maintained in a logbook by CON operators. Waste Throughput The waste entering the BDS is a bulk item. During treatment by the BDS, the liquid agent is separated from the item and handled through the ACS. The metal casing is then transported away from the BDS for thermal treatment later in the MPF. In each case, quantification of waste occurs: the agent is quantified as a result of weightings that occur before and after the agent drain process, with the weights and their difference recorded on the PDARS and in the manual record; and the metal casing is quantified through the PDARS record and by the manual record created by the CON operator who observes the BDS in operation. Inspection A TOCDF Inspection Plan is contained in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan) of this Permit and describes inspection requirements. The BDS, PMD, and MDM inspections prevent equipment deterioration and possible equipment malfunctions that would cause abnormal or upset conditions. The inspections are designed to reduce the potential impacts of operations on human health and the environment. In addition to daily inspections, the BDS, PMD, and MDM will be monitored remotely by CCTV throughout operations. Closure Partial Closure At the conclusion of each agent campaign or the beginning of a new munition campaign, the BDSs will be thoroughly decontaminated, as necessary; all decontamination films shall be removed using an appropriate rinse; all clouded observation windows that compromise the ability to view operations shall be cleaned or replaced; and maintenance and repair will be performed, as necessary, on the machines and other room components. The TOCDF will submit in writing to the Executive Secretary, a request for partial closure of the room, since either the agent or the munition type is being changed. Upon approval for partial closure from Executive Secretary, the next campaign will commence when authorized and when it is appropriate to do so. Final Closure Final closure is addressed in Attachment 10 (Closure Plan). Mitigative Design and Operating Standards Attachment - 14 - Page l3 14.3.7 14.3.7 .L 14.3.7 .2 14.3.7 .2.1 r4.3.7 .2.2 t4.3.7 .2.3 t4.3.7 .3 14.3.7 .3.1 DemilitarizationMiscellaneou.r.""*rTrorilnl June 2009 The BDS machines are designed for demilitarizationpurposes and do not contain inherent components to mitigate the potential for waste migration to the environment. However, the MPB was designed for this purpose. The MPB will be operated in a manner to reduce the risk of waste constituent migration to the environment. The floor of the MPB is impervious and sloped to drain any spills to sumps located in the floor. Protective clothing is mandatory during cleanup of spilled agent in the room, and care is taken to reduce the potential for spills. The MPB will not contain explosively configured munitions. Therefore, the room is not designed for, nor expected to incur, an explosion during munitions demilitarization. However, if an accident occurs, air from the MPB would be captured by the MDB ventilation filter system and not escape to the atmosphere. Environmental Performance Standards for Miscellaneous Units The BDS has been designed, installed, and will be operated in a manner to preclude the release of hazardous chemical constituents that may have adverse effects on human health or the environment. The following section describes the potential for waste constituent releases to the environment (air, soil, and water), the potential impact of such releases, and the location features of the TOCDF that will mitigate these releases. Miscellaneous Unit Wastes The volume and the physical and chemical characteristics of the wastes to be treated at the BDS are associated with bulk item storage containers (such as ton containers). These wastes have been fully identified, and information about their physical and chemical characteristics may be found in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The maximum number of bulk items in the MPB atarry time is equal to the number of munitions in eight cradles/trays (one cradle/tray per conveyor section). Therefore, up to eight ton containers could be in the MPB at one time. The maximum volume of agent processed in the MPB is equivalent to the number of munitions in each cradleltray at the BDS. For example, only one ton container may be processed at the BDS at a time. Therefore, during ton container processing, the maximum volume of waste at the BDS is equivalent to the agent in the ton container and the ton container itself. The maximum number of munitions and/or bulk items in the MPB that contain agent is equivalent to two cradle/trays (one per processing line). Therefore, up to two ton containers containing agent could be at the BDS at one time. Containment System The seven sumps located in the MPB are primary containment sumps. Some of the sumps have trenches that aid in collecting spills. The dimensions of three of the seven sumps are approximately 2.33 by 2.33 by 2.25 feet with a capacity of about 89 gallons each. Three of the remaining sumps are approximately 233 by 2.33 by 1.71 feet with a capacity of about 69 gallons and one is 2.33 by 2.33 by 1.46 feet with a capacity of 59 gallons (a total combined capacity of approximately 533 gallons not including the trench volume). The outer portion of each sump is constructed of cast-in-place, epoxy-coated reinforced Attachment -14 - Page 14 14.3.7 .3.2 14.3.7 .3.3 14.3 .7 .3.3.1 14.3.J .3.4 14.3.7 .3.5 14.3.7 .3.6 t4.3.7 .4 14.3.7 .4.1 14.3 .7 .5 14.3.7 .5.7 14. 3.J .6 14. 3 .7 .6.1 Demi litarizati on Mi scellaneour r."r*J:;3,: concrete. The sumps are constructed with a metal internal liner and an interstitia, $:::"' that is monitored for the presence of liquid. The concrete is designed to be free from cracks or gaps. Each sump metal internal liner is equipped with a level sensor probe to detect liquid. The level seirsor is screwed into a coupling that is welded into the mounting flange of the metal liner. The presence of material in the interstitial space will be an indication of leakage from the metal sump. The bottom of the liner is sloped to the level sensor. The liner will normally be empty. The level sensor will activate low, high, and high-high alarms, as appropriate, in the CON. This will provide for liquid detection within 24 hours of occtuTence. As mentioned previously, the maximum number of munitions filled with agent in the MPB at anytime is: Two ton containers. Additional quantities of the above munitions or bulk items can be in the MPB at any given time; however, the maximum number of agent-containing bulk items is limited to those being processed at the BDSs. The maximum quantity of agent in munitions being processed is associated with the ton containers (two ton containers hold up to approximately 380 gallons of agent). In the eve,nt both ton containers leak or both are ruptured and all the agent spills onto the floor of the MPB, the sumps will be able to hold all the spilled liquid. Material in the sumps will be removed within 24 hours of detection. The liner will then be decontaminated, as necessary, and rinsed. All rinsing materials will be collected and transferred to the SDS. In addition to the sumps, the MPB contains curbed walls so that liquid spills and decontamination solution will not leak under doors and gates. The floors and walls are painted with epoxy chemical-agent resistant paints to aid in decontamination. Site Air Conditions The following paragraphs describe the potential impacts of air emissions due to operation of the BDSs, PMDs, and the MDMs. A brief description of topographic and meteorologic characteristics of the Tooele area are presented as well as a sunmary of potential impacts on existing air quality in the Tooele region. Topography The DCD is located in Tooele County in the northwest portion of the State of Utah. The DCD spreads out over 19,364 acres in the middle of Rush Valley. Attachment 1 (Facility Description) provides detailed information regarding topography. Meteorologic and Atmospheric Conditions The climate around TOCDF is characteristic of semi-arid continental regions. Attachment 1 (Facility Description) provides additional information regarding meterologic and atmospheric conditions. Attachrnent -14 - Page 15 14.3.',l .7 14.3.7 .7 .l 14.3.7 .7 .2 14.3.7 .7 .3 14.3.7 .8 r4.3.7 .8.1 r4.3.7 .8.2 r4.3.7 .8.3 t4.3 .7 .8.4 14.3 .7 .9 14.3.7 .9.1 Demilitarization Miscellaneour r.**J:frT June 2009 Air Ouality The TOCDF is located south of the Great Salt Lake Air Basin in the area designated by the EPA as the Wasatch Front Intrastate Air Quality Control Region [Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 81.521. This region has been designated by the EPA as meeting all regulated pollutant National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Historically, ambient monitoring at DCD has been conducted for sulfur dioxide (SOz), nitrogen oxides (NO*), ozone (O3), total suspended particulates (TSP), and particulates less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter (PMro). No exceedance of existing state and Federal NAAQS has been observed at DCD. The DCD also has a network of agent monitors around the TOCDF. Any air emissions from the demilitarization machines located in the ECRs or MPB are captured by the MDB ventilation system and processed through the MDB carbon filter system before being exhausted to the HVAC stack. Prevention of Air Emissions The BDSs, PMDs, and MDMs/PPMs, are not sources of air emissions in and of themselves, but they are associated with treatment operations that could potentially emit air pollutants. For example, the BDS or MDM agent draining process could potentially release small quantities of agent due to evaporation. For the purposes of analyzing potential air emissions from these machines, it is assumed that the machines and ancillary equipment associated with the machines (e.g., piping and sumps), are the sources of pollutants. These air emissions will occur as part of normal TOCDF operations. When the munitions are brought to the ECRs or the MPB, the munitions have already been identified, so the tlpe of propellant, explosive, miscellaneous materials and agent being drained from the munitions and bulk items is known. Physical and chemical characteristics of each waste are summarized in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan), and are not reproduced here. Potential sources of air emissions from the BDSs, PMDs, and MDMs, include agent, decontamination solution, and possibly metal particulates (from the shearing and cutting processes). Emissions of agent are predicted to occur due to vaporization. Emissions of decontamination solution, which is a water-based cleaning solution, are predicted to result from evaporative processes. However, the vapor pressure of this solution (containing mostly water) at the conditions within the ECR or MPB is low; therefore, evaporative emissions are expected to be negligible. Emissions of metal particulates in the MPB are also expected to be negligible because the bulk munitions are poretrated with a metal punch and no fragmenting is anticipated. Operating Standards The MPB is a Category A area and is under engineering controls at all times, as previously discussed. Liquid wastes are captured and controlled in the containment system, air emissions are controlled by the HVAC system and cleaned through filters, and the BDS Attachment -14 - Page l6 14.3.7 .10 14.3.',7 .10.1 14.3.7 .ll 14.3.7 .ll.l 14.4 14.4.1 14.4.1 .l t4.4.r.2 14.4.1 .3 14.4.1 .3.1 DemilitarizationMiscellaneou.r.."*r1rO,9rT June 2009 operations are continuously monitored by the CON and PDARS. As a result, there is virtually no opporhrnity for the waste constituents to be released in such a way as to have adverse effects on human health or the environment due to migration into the outdoor environment. The liquids are placed in tanks or, if spilled, are contained in sumps and from there placed in tanks. Volatilized agent is captured by the HVAC system, primarily in carbon beds. The BDS itself is operated in a systematic and safe manner whether in automatic or manual mode, thereby reducing the potential for agent to be released and migrate into the air. Site Hydroloeic Conditions A summary of site hydrologic conditions is given in Attachment I (Facility Description). Migration of Waste Constituents Migration of munition or bulk item wastes into the environment from BDS, PMD, or MDM operations is not expected to occur. Therefore, no impacts on human health and the environment fromthe BDSs, PMDs, orMDMs are expected. PROJECTILE/}IORTAR DISASSEMBLY MACHINE Physical Characteristics The PMD is part of the Projectile/I\dortar Handling System (PHS). The PHS is designed to safely separate explosives and miscellaneous parts (fuze well cups, supplementary charges, and cardboard spacers) from 155mm projectiles and 4.2-inch mortars. The PHS includes conveyors that transport the projectiles/mortars from the MDB UPA, through the ECV, to the ECRs where the PMDs are used to remove the explosive components from the projectiles/mortars. Next, the explosive and miscellaneous components are fed into the DFS for thermal destruction, and the projectile/mortar bodies are transferred to the MDM for chemical agent removal. After the chemical agent is removed, the projectile/mortar bodies are thermally treated in the MPF. Finally, the drained chemical agent is incinerated in one of the two LICs. The process differs for the mustard 155mm projectiles, the projectiles will only have their burster wells crushed down into the projectile at the MDM and then will be thermallytreated in the MPF. The PHS consists of two identical process lines designed to operate simultaneously. Both projectile/mortar processing lines (A and B) are located on the second floor of the MDB. Each line consists of several conveyors and a PMD. The Projectile Feed Conveyors and Projectile Discharge Conveyors for process lines A and B will be included with the discussion of the PMD. These conveyors are not considered part of the PMD, but they are included because they represent the beginning and end of the PMD treatment process. Equipment Installation The equipment that constitutes the PMD-I01 and PMD-I02 has already been installed, and the installation of these machines and their support equipment has been Verified through the Facility Construction Certification documentation required by Permit Condition LS. This Certification attests that the PMD equipment has been installed in accordance with the equipment's design specifications and drawings, as stated in this Permit. Attachment - 14 - Page 17 14.4.1 .4 14.4.1 .4.1 14.4.1 .4.2 14.4.1 .5 14.4.1 .5.1 r4.4.t.s.2 t4.4.1 .6 14.4.1 .6.1 t4.4.t.7 14.4.1 .7 .l 14.4. 1.8 14.4. 1 .8. I DemilitanzationMiscellaneousTreatmJl;r',1 June 2009 Dimensions and Location The approximate size of the PMD is 13 feet long by 11 feet wide by seven feet high. Most of the machine components are nickel-plated, and others are coated with a corrosion resistant epoxy paint to protect against the corrosive action of the decontamination solutions used at the facility. The PMDs are located inside ECRs A and B. To provide effective containment in the event of any spills, leaks, or explosions, the ECRs have been equipped with blast doors and blast gates that remain closed while operations are taking place. Furthermore, each ECR is provided with a containment sump, and the air from the rooms is cycled through a closed ventilation system equipped with carbon filters in order to control emissions. With the blast gates and blast doors closed, each ECR is designed to contain a maximum explosion equivalent to 15 pounds of trinitrotoluene. To ensure that this design limit is not exceeded, the number of munitions in the ECR is limited. See Table I44-f for the maximum number of munitions allowed into the ECR. Conveyors The projectile feed conveyors are made of steel and have dimensions of approximately 4.75 feet long and 1.33 feet wide. The projectile discharge conveyors are also made of steel and have dimensions of approximately 1 1.13 feet long and 1.33 feet wide. For process line A, the projectile feed conveyor and the projectile discharge conveyor are located inside ECR A. For process line B, the projectile feed conveyor and the projectile discharge conveyor are located inside ECR B. Gates The projectiles/mortars are transferred automatically from the ECV into ECR A or B through munition access blast gates. After the projectiles/mortars are processed by the PMDs, they are transfeffed out of ECR A or B through a discharge blast gate. These gates will not close until a projectile/mortar is transferred completely into or out of the ECRs. Pumos and Transfer Lines PMDs do not drain the chemical agent out of the projectiles/mortars, thus there are no pumps or chemical agent transfer lines associated with the PMDs. Sump Pump Each of the two ECRs is provided with a containment sump. Each sump is serviced by a sump pump located in the Munitions Corridor. Sump pump operation is controlled by a local-off-remote switch and must be designated by the toxic area entrant for either local (local manual) or remote (level-controlled) operation. When a sump level alarm is sent to the CON, the liquids collected in the sump are pumped to a spent decontamination holding tank. All tables are located at the end of this Attachment. Attachment-14-Page I8 14.4.1 .9 14.4.1 .10 14.4.1 .10.1 14.4.1 .10.2 14.4.1 .10.3 Demi I i t anzation M i scel I aneous Treatm Jtot!3tl June 2009 Tanks and Containers There are no tanks or containers directly associated with the PMDs as they are being addressed in this Permit. Chemical agent is drained in the MDM and then pumped directly to the ACS, except for the mustard 155mm projectiles which will not be drained prior to thermal treatrnent in the MPF. Only minor amounts of froth will enter the ACS from the processing ofthese projectiles Feed System This section covers the feed system of one PHS; operation of the second system is identical. The feed rate of projectiles/mortars to the ECR varies according to the type and the amount of explosive fed to the DFS. One projectile/mortar system is coordinated with the other to ensure that the explosive limit of the DFS is not exceeded. After confirmation of correct lot number and quantrty of munitions, a signal is given to the UPA operator to load projectiles/mortars onto the UPA Projectile/IVlortar Feed Conveyor. When this operation is complete, the operator signals the CON system and CON operator that loading is complete. The CON operator then initiates the start of processing the projectile/mortar. The following conditions must be met before commencement of operation: 14.4.1 .10.3.1 Feed conveyors are continuously running 14.4.1 .1 0.3.2 Stops on the conveyors are retracted 14.4.1 .10.3.3 ECR munition access blast gate is open. 14.4.1 .1 0.4 14.4. 1.11 14.4. 1.11.1 14.4.1 .11.2 When these have been confirmed, the orientation of the projectile/mortar is checked. If it is found that the projectile/mortar was loaded backwards, the LIPA operator will reload the projectile/mortar in the correct orientation. The projectile/mortar is conveyed onto the feeder in the ECR. The feeder loads the projectile/mortar onto the Index Table, and the table is rotated. At this time a second projectile/mortar, if properly oriented, is loaded onto the conveyor system and is conveyed into the ECR to be loaded onto the Index Table. At this point, the munition access blast gate closes and the first operation of the explosive removal process coillmences. Instrumentation The PMD is operated by PLCs. The PLCs contain the controls and instruments for the PMD but are not a part of the machine. All the instrumentation installed on the machine is designed to relay information to the PLC. Also, the machine can be operated locally by setting the machines in the local mode from the PLC. There is a variety of sensors installed to support the operation of the PMDs. The sensors are used to track process flow through the machine and cqntinually update the PLC with new information. Those types of sensors include inductive proximity sensors (used to track munition movernent throughout the process and to indicate the switches) and fiber- optic switches. The sensors are used to track movement throughout the process and to indicate cylinder or actuator position. A list of those sensors, their t1pe, and a brief description of their function is provided in Table 14-4-2. Attachment -14 - Page 19 14.4.r.12 14.4.1 .12.1 14.4.1 .13 14.4.1 .13.1 14.4.1 .14 t4.4.t.14.1 t4.4.2 t4.4.2.1 t4. t4. DemilitarizationMiscellaneourrr""*"1:;:r,: June 2009 Electrical System See Section Heating. Ventilation. and Air Conditioning System (HVAC) See Section Fire Protection System The ECR High-Speed Deluge Systems are located in the ECRs and installed above the miscellaneous parts conveyors of the PMDs. Each system consists of three UV flame detectors, three Rapid-Response deluge valves, and a manual pull station located in each ECR. When a flame is detected on the miscellaneous parts conveyor, the UV sensor sends a signal to the Rapid-Response deluge control panel, which in tum actuates the High- Speed Deluge Solenoid Valve and sends an alarm to the control panel. The detection of a flam will operate the High-Speed Solenoid in approximately 49 miliseconds. The systern is activated and ready to respond during projectile campaigns that result in explosive debris on the miscellaneous parts conveyors (i.e. 105mm M604d360 projectile campaign when fuze booster-cups were punched above the miscellaneous parts conveyor). Alarm and Communication Systerns See Section Operations and Maintenance There are two systems that process non-leaking projectiles/mortars prior to the incineration. These systems operate in parallel, each in its own ECR. This description covers the operation of one processing system. Operation of the second system is identical. Both line is capable of meeting the maximum feed rate of the DFS, and the two lines are coordinated with each other. Pallets containing leaking projectiles/mortars are handled similarly to pallets without leakers, except that for sealed3 ONCs determined, via ACAMS monitoring, to have agent levels greater than 40 VSL, munition unpacking occurs in the TMA. The process description for leaking munitions can be found in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan). General System Operation The PMD is located in the ECR and is comprised of five major work stations: the Infeed/Transfer Station (IS), Nose Closure Removal Station (NCRS), Miscellaneous Parts Removal Station (MPRS), Burster Removal Station (BRS), and Discharge/Output Station (DS). The feed of projectiles/mortars to the PMD is described in Section, "Feed System." After a projectile/mortar is successfully transferred into the ECR, the projectile feed conveyor transfers the projectile/mortar to the PMD's infeed conveyor for disassembly. The PMD infeed conveyor then transfers the projectile/mortar to the IS on the PMD Index Table and the table is rotated to the NCRS. The NCRS removes the nose 3The requirements for overpacks that fail the seal test are described in Permit Condition III.G.4. Attachrnent - 14 - Page 20 1, t4.4.2.3 Derni I i tari zati on M i scel I an eour r.."*"]:firr: June 2009 closure or fuze and burster when processing mortars. Then, the lndex Table rotates the projectile/mortar to the MPRS where the supplementary charge and miscellaneous parts (if any) are removed and the burster is rotated. After the operation at the MPRS is completed, the Index Table rotates to the BRS where the burster of the projectile is rernoved by differential air pressure. If the burster is successfully removed using differential air pressure, the Index Table then rotates again to the DS where the projectile/mortar is removed from the PMD by the projectile discharge conveyor. If the burster cannot be successfully removed using differential air pressure, the Index Table rotates back to the PMD's infeed conveyor and the projectile is transported back into the ECV for storage. Only after the burster has been removed, the Index Table rotates to the DS where the projectile is removed from the PMD by the projectile discharge conveyor. The burster-less projectile/mortar is transported from the PMD to the discharge blast gate and stop. The munition discharge blast gate opens and the stops holding the munition are retracted, allowing the projectile without explosives to transfer out of the ECR and the next projectile/mortar to travel inside the ECR. The nose closure or fuze, miscellaneous parts, and the supplementary charge are deposited onto the miscellaneous parts conveyor which transfers them to the DFS feed gate for thermal destruction. The bursters are conveyed to the Burster Size Reduction machine (BSR). The BSR may be adapted to receive each of the various sizes of bursters from the mustard 155mm projectiles. When configured for burster shearing, water-cooled shear blades cut the burster into pieces that fall into the DFS feed gates. Since the bursters on the 155mm Ml044d110 and 4.2-nch mortars are relatively small in comparison to other munitions, and since it is open at one end, it does not require this reduction operation. Mustard I 55mm bursters may be sheared in order to reduce potential jamming of the DFS heated discharge conveyor. Mustard 155mm projectiles that have not been configured with energetics (i.e., non- explosive) may bypass the ECR and the PMD entirely. ln this case, in lieu of using the PMD to remove the nose closures, the nose closures may be removed manually by facility personnel before transferring the projectiles to the MDM. Setup Procedures Automatic operation is the preferred mode for the startup, shutdown, and emergency shutdown of the PMDs and is to be used when possible for all operations. When the system is in automatic and remote manual from the Control Room mode, all system interlocks are automatic, causing the system to fail safe should an abnormal or upset condition occur. Both A and B lines have the same startup, shutdown, and emergency shutdown procedures. Before the startup procedures can begin, the operator must ensure the following systems are operable and online: DFS, DFS PAS, Decontamination System, SDS, Process Water System, Cooling Water System,Instrument Air System, Unintemrptible Power Supply System, Plant Air System, Secondary Power System, Primary Power System, Emergency Generator System, MDB HVAC System, ACS, and CON Console Operations. Attachrnent - 14 - Page 2l t4. I t4.4.2.6.t DernilitarizationMiscellaneourr.""*J,O;lr,: June 2009 System Startup The procedures for PMDs startup are contained in the appropriate PMD system standard operating procedures document. In summary, the systems are started by selecting the type of agent and the type of munition to be processed and placing the PMD stations in automatic mode. This is done remotely by the CON operators. Before operations are commenced, a receiving tray is staged in the Upper Munitions Corridor on the Bypass Conveyor (this is where the munitions are sent after treatment at the PMD). Once these steps are perfomied, the PMDs are ready to begin treating munitions. Feed Prior to the projectiles/mortars arriving at the blast gate (located between the ECV and ECR and leading to the projectile input conveyor), the projectiles/mortars are identified in the storage igloo, placed in an Onsite Container (ONC) along with their pallet, transported to the Container Handling Building (CHB), and moved to the UPA where the ONC is monitored for chemical agent. If chemical agent is detected, via ACAMS monitoring, inside the ONC, at levels less than or equal to 40VSL, the ONC is opened; the pallet is moved out into the UPA and unpacked. For non-burstered projectiles, the nose plug is either: (1) removed manually in the Upper Munitions Corridor after the munitions are loaded onto trays and the trays are transferred to the blpass conveyor and moved to the Upper Munitions Corridor. Trays are delivered to the MPB for further processing through the MDM following nose plug removal; (2) removed at the PMD; (3) removed at the MDM. For burstered projectiles and mortars, the UPA operator loads the projectile/mortar onto the UPA Projectile/IMortar Feed Conveyor. If the projectile/mortar is correctly oriented, it is then transported to the blast gate leading to the PMD. During that process, appropriate inspections and paperwork are completed to satisff the various requirements associated with the Army Surety Program, the CWC, and hazardous waste identification and tracking requirements. Waste quantification requirements are met when the chemical agent is drained from the projectileimortar at the MDM and pumped to the AQS. These various activities are recorded either manually, or by the PDARS, and such records will be available for scrutiny in the facility operating record. Interlock Processes The PMDs are operated in either the manual or automatic mode using a system of interlocks. The goal of the various interlocks is to ensure that the procedures executed by the various components of the PMDs neither interfere with each other, nor operate in a manner that is unsafe to human life and health or harmful to the environment. The interlocks areZS-1391239,l-Pt,Z-Pl, ardzs-1471247. Interlocks 23-1391239 are described in this section, 1-P1 and 2-P7 are described in Sectionl4.4.2.7, andZS-1471247 are described in Section The interlocks remain in place during manual operation and also prevent operator error that could result in the machine being operated in an unsafe or unprotective manner. The demilitaizationmachine operators are required to observe the machines during automatic operations to ensure that any stops in the programmed process sequence are corrected as soon.as possible. When a projectile/mortar stops jusf befor'e it enters the ECR, the munition access blast gate will open and the projectile/mortar will be conveyed into the ECR. An infrared retro- reflector sensor (ZS-139 andZS-239, for lines A and B, respectively) detects the projectile/mortar while it is passing through the blast gate. The sensor is interlocked with t4. Attachment - 14 - Page 22 14.4.2.J TOCDF Demilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 the munition access blast gate so that the gate remains open until the entire projectile/mortar has successfully passed through the munition access blast gate and enters the ECR. Once the projectile/mortar enters the ECR, it is processed by the PMD. The projectile/mortar entering from the blast gate is transferred to the projectile feed conveyor. The projectile feed conveyor moves the projectile/mortar to the PMD Infeed/Transfer Station. Infeed/Transfer Station Asensorontheinfeedconveyor(1-Pl and2-Pl,for linesAandB,respectively)detects the presence of the projectile/mortar. This sensor is interlocked with the munition access blast gate. The munition access blast gate will close when the sensor detects the projectile/mortar on the infeed conveyor. The infeed conveyor moves the projectile/mortar near the saddle on the Index Table. From this position, the Transfer Conveyor Pusher contacts the projectile/mortar and pushes it onto the saddle. The Index Table then rotates clockwise to bring the projectile/mortar to the NCRS. Nose Closure Removal Station (NCRS) The NCRS is the number 2 processing station on the PMD. The NCRS is used to remove the nose closure or fuze from projectiles and fuzes and bursters from mortars. When a projectile/mortar is detected in the NCRS by sensor P2, the projectile is clamped. A hydraulic chuck engages and unscrews the components. The components are removed from each type of projectile/mortar as follows: All components from the NCRS are dropped onto the miscellaneous parts removal station conveyor. After the operation in the NCRS is completed, the station signals to the PLC that it is ready to index. The Index Table is then rotated clockwise to bring the projectile/mortar to the MPRS. Miscellaneous Parts Removal Station (MPRS) The MPRS removes the fuze well cup or supplemental charges from the projectiles. Not all projectiles have components that require removal at the MPRS station. Munitions that do not require any disassernbly at this station [such as some 155mm projectiles and all4.2- inch (M2A1) mortarsl will blpass it. When sensor P3 detects a projectile is present at the MPRS, the projectile hold-down cylinder and positioning cylinder extend. Then, the MPRS carriage moves forward to remove the components from the following types of projectiles: Proi ectile/lVlortar Removal Process 155mm The nose closure is unscrewed and removed. Mortars The fuze and burster are unscrewed and removed as one unit since they are screwed together; therefore, the hydraulic chuck is needed to separate the firze from the burster. Proiectile Removal Process The screw tlpe fitze well cups from Ml04 and Ml10 projectiles are removed. Attachment - 14 - Page 23 14.4.2. 10. 1 14.4.2.I0.2 Reserved .l DernilitarizationMiscellaneourr.""*r1rO,?XUl June 2009 Components that have been removed are deposited on the MPRS conveyor. The MPRS conveyor discharges all parts onto the DFS feed gate, from which they are sequenced into the DFS. Reserved When processing 155mm Ml044d110 projectiles, following fuze well cup removal, the Burster Rotating Adapter Device (BRAD) extends to contact the burster. The BRAD then rotates the burster, in preparation for burster removal at the Burster Removal Station (BRs). Burster Removal Station (BRS) The BRS is the next station to process the projectiles after the MPRS. The BRS is used to rsmove btrsters from projectiles with the use of high pressure air. The 4.2-nch mortars are not processed by the station. The operation begins when a projectile is sensed by the P4 sensor. The projectile positioning cylinder extends. Then the BRS carriage moves forward and a delta-P head assembly contacts the projectile. High pressure air (approximately 100 - 300 pounds per square inch) is applied to the head of the projectile. The differential pressure causes the burster to separate from the projectile, and the BRS carriage retracts with the burster. A gripper transfers the burster to a conveyor which in tum transfers the burster to the BSR. The BSR shears the burster into sections and feeds them to the DFS. Discharge/Output Station (D S) The projectile will be rotated to the DS after its burster is removed at the BRS. T\e 4.2- inch mortars blpass the MPRS and BRS enroute to the DS. The DS transfers the projectile/mortar to the projectile discharge conveyor. This is accomplished using the PMD transfer conveyor pusher. The projectile discharge conveyor transfers the projectile/mortar to the discharge blast gate. Sensor ZS-147 or ZS-247, for line A or line B, respectively, is interlocked with the discharge blast gate. The sensor allows the discharge blast gate to open and keeps it open until the projectile/mortar has successfully passed out of the ECR. After the projectile/mortar exits the ECR a burster detection system, located at the Projectile Output Conveyor discharge stop in the Upper Munition Corridor, checks the projectile to verifu that the burster has been removed. After verifying burster removal status, the mortar is tilted to the upright position. If a burster is detected in the projectile, the Multi-position Loader (MPL) will not transfer the projectile to the munitions tray. The projectile with the detected burster will be loaded onto the reject table by the MPL. The reject tables are located next to the Projectile Output Conveyor discharge stop. They can each hold a maximum of four projectiles or six 4.2 inch HT mortars. Any rejected projectiles will be removed manually by an operator in appropriate PPE. The projectiles are then loaded onto an empty munitions tray by the MPL. The loaded tray will be transported into the MPB, and the projectiles/mortars will be processed by the MDM. System Shutdown (Normal) Attachrnent - 14 - Page 24 14.4.3 14.4.3. I Demi I itari zati on M i scel I an eou. r.""*"]:;:r.: June 2009 Normal shutdown of the PMDs is done in accordance with standard operating procedures. The system must be first clear of all munitions. The CON operators then issue "stop" and 'opark" commands to the system. The equipment is placed in home position at this time. Emergency Shutdown In the event of an abnormal or upset condition, an emergency stop is initiated. This is initiated remotely by the CON operator and is done by activating an emergency stop. An abnormal or upset condition may include any condition that causes an emergency termination in processing, nonconfornance to a specified procedure, a safety hazard, equipment damage, or injury to personnel. The CON operator will record any abnormal or upset conditions in a logbook. Extended Shutdown The extended shutdown will be utilized to protect personnel and equipment during a shutdown period. This operation, or parts thereof, can be applied at the discretion of the Shift Manager or his/her designee. Extended shutdown procedures are initiated after the PMD systems have been parked. The extended shutdown procedures are implemented during agent campaign changeover. Maintenance To ensure that the PMDs are in operational condition at all times, and to discover and correct any defects before they result in serious damage or failure, the PMDs will be systematically subjected to preventive maintenance inspections. Monitoring Procedures Each PMD is equipped with several types of sensors to detect the presence and position of projectiles/mortars during operation. These sensors ensure that the projectiles/mortars will be processed safely by relaying information to the PLC. The functions of these sensors are described in Section t4.4.1.1l, "Instrumentation", and summarizedrnTable |4-4-2. The CON operators monitor the operations of the PMDs through the demilitaization operator consoles and CCTVs. The demilitaization operator consoles can display information from the PLCs and sensors. The PDARS provides operational data for analysis and historical records. Information obtained by the PDARS can be used to meet environmental monitoring and reporting requirements. In addition, the CON operators and outside operators are required to log the events that occur during their shift into their respective logbooks. Chemical agent released in the ECRs will be contained by the sumps or controlled by the HVAC system. ACAMS are used to monitor for the presence of agent in the ECRs and the ECV. Fire Protection14.4.3.5 Attachrnent -l4 - Page25 .The ECR High-Speed Deluge Systems are located in the ECRs and installed above the miscellaneous parts conveyors of the PMDs. Each system consists of three UV flame detectors, three Rapid-Response deluge valves, and a manual pull station located in each ECR. When a flame is detected on the miscellaneous parts conveyor, the UV sensor sends a signal to the Rapid-Response deluge control panel, which in tum actuates the High- Speed Deluge Solenoid Valve and sends an alarm to the control panel. The detection of a flam will operate the High-Speed Solenoid in approximately 49 miliseconds. The system is activated and ready to respond during projectile campaigns that result in explosive debris on the miscellaneous parts conveyors (i.e. 105mm M60A{360 projectile campaign when fuze booster-cups were punched above the miscellaneous parts conveyor). Waste Identification Demi I it anzation M i scel I aneous TreatmJ:;#I June 2009 By the time a projectile/mortar reaches the PMD, it will have been fully identified per Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). Waste Throughput When a projectile/mortar arrives at the PMD, its nose closure or fuze is removed. Then the supplementary charge or miscellaneous parts (if any) are removed. The next station removes the burster by differential air pressure or direct force for mortars. The projectiles/mortars are quantified by the PDARS and by the manual record created by the CON operator who observes the PMD in operation. Inspection See Section 14.3.4. Closure Partial Closure At the conclusion of each agent campaign or the beginning of a new munition campaign, the ECRs will be thoroughly decontaminated, as necessary; all decontamination films shall be removed using an appropriate rinse; and maintenance and repair will be performed on the machines and other room components as necessary. The TOCDF will submit in writing to the Executive Secretary, a request for partial closure of the room, since either the agent or the munition tlpe is being changed. Upon approval for partial closure from the Executive Secretary, the next campaign will commence when authorized and when it is appropriate to do so. Final Closure Closure of the site is addressed in Attachment 10 (Closure Plan). Mitisative Design and Operating Standards The ECR is a room where explosives or propellants could potentially be ignited. The design and operating plans for the ECR have been carefully prepared to anticipate this tlpe of mishap. For example, as a worst-case situation, the operating plan limits the total 14.4.3.J .l 14.4.4 t4.4.s t4.4.5. 1 14.4.5. 1 . 1 t4.4.6 Attachrnent - 14 - Page 26 t4.4.6.4 14.4.7 t4.4.7.1 DernilitarizationMiscellaneourr.""*J:;X,,: June 2009 amount of explosives or propellants that are present in the room at afiy one time so that in the event of an accidental ignition, the ECR could contain the reaction. Protective systems in the ECR include an industrial-type, automatically activated fire sprinkler system. Also, water and decontamination solution outlets are available within the room for final manual wash-down and area cleanup. The floor of the room is sloped to drain to a sump, and the sump de-watering system transfers the collected liquid to the SDS for disposal in one of the two LICs. Protective clothing is mandatory during cleanup of explosive and propellant residues in the room, and care is taken to reduce the potential for residues. If an explosion occurs in a containment room, it is expected that a portion of the agent will be combusted while the remainder will exist in a vapor or liquid form. In the ECR, the agent vapors will be contained in the room because both the blast valves and the leak-tight dampers will be closed. The blast valves will remain closed until the pressure decays to the point where the spring force is greater than the room pressure (0.5 pounds per square inch). At this pressure, the blast valve will open, but the leak-tight damper will continue to contain the gases. The leak-tight dampers will not be opened until the room gas pressure has decayed to approximately atmospheric pressure. The ECR is completely surrounded by rooms that are ventilated to the filter system. Therefore, any leakage out of the ECR as a result of a blast will be vented to the filter system. Liquid agent in the ECR resulting from an explosion or leaking munition will be collected in the ECR sump. Because of the limited number of munitions that will be in the ECR at any one time and the maximum agent capacity of individual muntions in the event of a leak, the amount of liquid agent released by an explosion is not expected to be greater than about two gallons. Once ventilation has been reestablished in the ECR (by reopening the gastight valves), DPE entries will be made, and the area will be hosed down with decontamination solutions. Sufficient decontamination solution will be used to ensure complete neutralization of the agent. The resulting solution will then be pumped to the SDS for later disposal in the LICs. If entry to the ECR is required after processing projectiles/mortars and explosives may be presant, the Entry Team shall thoroughly wet each other's PPE and the ECR floor (where they will be working) immediately prior to entering the ECR, to preclude the possibility of static discharge. A water hose is available at the decontamination station by the access door to each ECR. Environmental Performance Standards for Miscellaneous Units The PMDs have been designed, installed, and will be operated in a manner to preclude the release of hazardous chemical constituents that may have adverse effects on human health or the environment. Section describes the potential for waste constituent releases to the environment (air, soil, and water), the potential impact of such releases, and the location features of the TOCDF that will mitigate these releases. Miscellaneous Unit Wastes14.4.7.2 Attachrnent -14 - Page27 14.4.7 .3.1 14.4.7 .5.1 r4.4.7 .6.1 14.4.7 .J .l 14.4.7 .9.1 t4.4.7 .9.2 TOCDF Demilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 The volume and the physical and chemical characteristics of the wastes to be treated at the PMDs include 155mm projectiles and 4.2-inch mortars. These wastes have been fully identified and information about their physical and chemical characteristics may be found in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The maximum volumes of wastes that will be allowed into the ECR at one time are listed in Table 14-4-1. The energetics and chemical agent wastes will be incinerated. The nose closure or fuze and burster removed from the projectiles/mortars will be incinerated in the DFS. The chemical agent will be drained by the MDMs and then incinerated in the LICs. The projectile nose plugs and drained projectiles/mortars will be sent to the MPF. Containment System See Section Site Air Conditions See Section Topography See Section Meteorologic and Atmospheric Conditions See Section Air Oualit), See Section Prevention of Air Emissions See Section Qperating Standards Based on the above, chemical agent is assumed to be the pollutant of concem from the PMDs with respect to air emissions. Chemical agent emissions from the PMDs will be captured by the MDB HVAC systern and controlled by the MDB carbon filter system. Emissions from the MDB are discharged to the 120-foot HVAC stack. The PMDs are located in the ECRs within the MDB. The ECRs are maintained at approximately -2 inches of water column. These two rooms are maintained at the lowest pressures within the MDB so that all air emissions from the PMDs during normal operations will be captured by the ventilation system rather than migrating to another part of the building. 14.4.7 .9.3 Attachrnent - 14 - Page 28 14.4.7 .9.4 14.4.',|. 10 14.4.7 .10.1 14.4.7 .11 .l 14.5. 14.5.1 14.5. 1 . I TOCDF Demilitarization Mi scellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan) covers the MDB ventilation and carbon filter systems. In summary, the ventilation and carbon filter systems will be inspected daily by plant personnel to ensure proper operations of these systems. In addition, sensors have been installed in the carbon filter system to determine automatically if plugging occurs, to detect chemical agent, and to determine loss of blower performance. Site Hydrologic Conditions A summary of site hydrologic conditions is given in Attachment 1 (FacilityDescription). Migration of Waste Constituents See Section MULTIPTTRPOSE DEMILITARIZATION AI\D PICK AI\D PLACE MACIIINES 14.5.T.2 I4 .5. 1 .3 14.5.1 .4 Phvsical Characteristics The TOCDF MDMs are designed to either 1) remove burster wells and drain chemical agent from 4.2-nch mortar cartridges or 2) collapse mustard 155mm projectile burster wells down into the projectile body. The processed munitions and pdectile nose plugs are sent to the MPF for thermal treatment. Chemical agent is collected by the ACS, a separate system that includes the AQS, agent holding tanks, associated pumps, valves, piping, and other ancillary equipment. The agent is then sent to one of the LICs for processing. Since no agent is drained from the mustard 155mm projectiles, only minor amounts of froth will enter the ACS. There are three MDMs in the MPB. Associated with each MDM is a PPM. The PPMs are robotic systems designed to transfer one munition at a time from the munitions trays to the MDMs and then back to the munitions trays. The PPMs do not perform demilitarization operations but are an integral part of the MDM demilitarization process. Therefore, information about them is included in this Permit. For purposes of defining the MDMs, they are considered to begin and end at the pick and place robot loader. The loader is the part of the PPM that removes munitions from the munitions tray. The demilitarization process begins when the munitions tray arrives at the appropriate location in the MPB, as determined by an electronic sensor, and the pick and place loader selects and removes a munition from the tray. The demilitarization process ends, with respect to the MDM, when the pick and place loader retrieves the munition from the MDM and returns it to the tray. The MDMs process munitions that are not configured with explosives, propellants, or other energetics, so the processing system is only concemed with separating the chemical agent from the munition [the explosives, propellants, and energetics are removed in the ECR by the PMDI. The MDMs are similar to the PMDs in that the munitions are placed on an indexing tray that rotates the munitions from one processing station to the next. Each station is designed to perform a different operation. The munitions enter and leave the MDM from the same station (i.e., Load/Unload Station). The following munitions are processed on the MDMs: Reserved14.5.r.4.1 Attachment - 14 - Page 29 14.5.1 .4.2 14.5.1 .4.3 14.5.1 .4.4 14.5.1 ,4.5 14.5.1 .4.6 14.5.1 .4.7 14.5. 1 .4.8 r4.5. 1 .5. 1 14.5 .l .6 14.5. 1 .6.1 14.5 .l .6.2 14.5.1 .7 14.s .t .7 .l t4.s. 1.8 14.5. 1.8.1 14.5.1 .9 t4.5. 1 .9.1 Derni li tari zati on M i scel I an eou r rr""* J:JX,,: June 2009 Reserved M104, l55mm Projectiles (H) Ml10, 155mm Projectiles (H) Reserved Reserved M2, 4.Z-rnch Mortar Cartridges (HT) M2, 4.2-inch Mortar Cartridges (HD). Equipment Installation The equipment that constitutes the MDMs and PPMs has already been installed, and the installation of these machines and their support equipment has been verified through the Facility Construction Certification documentation required by Condition I.S. This Certification attests that the MDM/PPM processing system equipment has been installed in accordance with the equipment's design specification and drawings, as stated in the Permit. Information about the Certification documentation is referenced herein to avoid duplication in this Permit. Dimensions and Location The PPMs straddle the MDMs as well as each conveyor line (Line A and Line B) in the MPB. The width of the PPMs is approximately 35 feet. The height to the centerline of the mast, which supports the pick and place robot loader carriage, is approximately 12 feet. The height to the top of the carriage is approximately 15 feet. The MDMs and PPMs are located on the second floor of the MDB in the MPB. Conveyors Munitions are transported to the MDMs using Line A and Line B conveyor systems. Each line is composed of three conveyors. The conveyors automatically transport munitions trays to the correct location for pick and place operations. Various sensors located along the conveyor rails detect the presence of munitions trays, adjust the tray speed, and stop the trays as needed. Gates The munitions trays are transferred automatically from the Upper Munitions Corridor into the MPB through one of the two MPB gates. These gates are opened to receive munitions. The gates are not interlocked with the MDMs or PPMs, but they are interlocked with sensors that detect the presence of a munitions tray beneath the gate (see Section, "laterlock Processes"). Pump and Transfer Lines The MDMs are equipped with pumps to remove agent from the munitions. The agent is transferred by a pump from the munitions through lines connecting the pumps to the ACS. The ACS storage tanks are located in the MDB. Tanks and Containers14.5. 1.10 Attachrnent - 14 - Page 30 14.5.1 .10.1 14.5.1 .1I.2 14.5.1 .12 14.5.1 .12.1 14.5.1 .12.2 14.5.1 .13 t4.5.1 .1 3.1 14.5.r.14 14.5.r.14.1 14.s.1 .16.1 TOCDF Demilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 There are no tanks or containers directly associated with the MDMs for the processes addressed in this Permit. However, there is a tank on each MDM that is part of the AQS, which is part of the ACS. The tank associated with the MDMs is either a 1.5-inch or 3- inch diameter tank. The 3-inch diameter tanks are used during processing of 4.2 nch mortars. Agent is not drained from the mustard 155mm projectiles. Feed System The PPMs are the waste feed system for the MDMs. The PPMs are fully automated (or manually operated) robotic systems that move waste munitions to the MDMs for processing and then return them to the munitions trays. Agent removed from munitions at the MDM is collected by the AQS and sent to the LICs. In addition, the processed munitions are fed to the MPF for thermal treatment. As will be discussed in later sections, the PPM is connected to the PDARS that records the number of munitions processed by the MDMs. The rate at which waste munitions are fed to the MDM depends on the type of munition (only one type of munition is processed at a time). The MDMs can hold up to six munitions of the same caliber and fill-type at a time. Processing time varies depending primarily on the time it takes to drain the various size munitions and load/unload them. Instrumentation Instruments associated with the MDMs are remotely monitored in the TOCDF CON. The instruments are primarily associated with the hydraulic and pneumatic systems, electronic position sensors, drain verification system, and interlocks. The sensors provide input to the programmable logic controllers (PLC) for automatic processing of various munitions. The PLCs, in tum, control the automatic function of the various MDM instruments. Table 14-5-1 & Table l4-5-l{ summarizes the various sensors for the MDM and their functions. The instruments, and their tag numbers, are shown on drawings contained in Attachment 11 (General Facility Drawings). Electrical System See Section Heatine. Ventilation. and Air Conditioning System GryAC) See Section Fire Protection System See Section Alarm and Communication Systems See paragraph 14.3. 1. 1 5. All tables are located at the end of this Attachment. Attachment -14 - Page 3l 14.5.2 t4. t4.s.2.2.6 Dernil i tarizati on M i scel I an eou. r.""*J.of,3rl June 2009 Operations and Maintenance After the explosive components of the munitions have been removed in the ECR, trays of munitions are transported by the Charge Car, located in the Upper Munitions Corridor, to the MDMs in the MPB via the Line A or Line B MPB feed conveyors. The MDMs and PPMs are fully automated but can be operated manually (remotely or locally controlled), if required. A brief description of the MDMs and PPMs operation is contained in the following sections. General System Operation Each of the three MDMs can be operated separately, in conjunction with either of the othertwo MDMs, or simultaneouslywithboth of the othertwo MDMs. Prior to startup, the CON operators execute a series of computer commands to initiate the MDMs and PPMs. To begin MDM operations, the operators in the CON then issue a "start" command. The initiation and startup procedures, respectively, are described in the next sections. The trays come into the MPB through the MPB gates after being processed in the ECR (see Section 14.4 for ECR demilitarization machine operations). The CON operators use the CCTVs to verify that a munitions tray has arrived at the correct conveyor location for pick and place operations and also to veriff the number of munitions in each tray. The number of munitions is recorded in a logbook. The PPM selects a munition and lifts it from the munitions tray. The munition is carried to MDM Station 1 (LoadAJnload Station), which serves as the deliverypoint for munitions entering the MDM and as the pickup point for munitions exiting the MDM. Several electronic sensors are used to monitor the presence of munitions at each MDM station (see Section for a description of these sensors). Each munition is placed in the station vertically with the base down and the nose up. The first munition delivered to the MDM is rotated to Station 2, and another munition is retrieved by the PPM and delivered to the Load/Unload Station. Then both munitions are rotated so that the first munition goes to Station 3 and the second moves to Station 2. Another munition is placed in the Load/Unload Station and the table is rotated again. Eventually, the MDM is operated so that all six stations have a munition (except when the munitions tray does not have enough remaining unprocessed munitions to deliver to the MDM). Stations 2 and3 do not perform any operations. At MDM-101, Station 4 is normally used as the Bore Station. It is designed to bore out welded or stuck burster wells. This station is not expected to be used very frequently because most of the munition burster wells were assembled with the press fit method. If a munition requires boring, a clamp cylinder extends and holds the munition in place while the boring head (consisting of an appropriately sized spade drill bit) bores vertically down through the top of the munition. The bore head is raised and lowered by a feed cylinder that contains the bore head drill and motor and is mounted on four vertically-mounted bolster rods. As an altemative, this position can also be configured as a Nose Closure RemovallBurster Detection Station, which may be used to process projectiles received at the TOCDF without bursters. At this station, the nose plugs will be removed and the absence of a burster will be confirmed. At Station 4 of MDM-102 and MDM-103, aO Attachment -14 - Page32 t4. Demi I i tari zati on M i scel I an eou. r.".t. J:,tl, r: June 2009 Burster Well Punch Station is installed in place of the original bore station for the "punch" or collapsing of mustard 155mm projectile burster wells down into the projectile body. Station 4 of MDM-I02 and MDM-103 is not used during mortar processing. Station 5 is the Pull and Drain Station. It is designed to remove the burster well, thus providing access to the agent-filled cavity in the munition, and then to drain the agent from the munition. Upon entering Station 5, the munition is lifted slightly and held in place while the carriage assembly, which contains a collet assembly and pull cylinders, is lowered so that the collet assembly enters the munition. The collet expands to grip the burster well, and the pull cylinders extend to raise the collet assembly and the burster well from the munition. Station 5 is blpassed for mustard 155mm projectiles since the agent cavity is previously breached at Station 4, ard no agent is removed from the projectiles. After the burster well is removed from the munition, the munition is shifted horizontally into the Drain Station position. A drain tube, which consists of a straight, hollow, steel tube, is lowered into the munition, and the ACS removes the agent from the munition. Under normal operations, it is expected that some of the agent will not be removed by this process. After draining the munition, the drain tube is retracted, the munition retums to the Pull Station, and the burster well is placed back in the munition (or, for some munition t1pes, it is dropped into the burster well chute). Station 5 contains a drip pan to collect residual agent that may drip from the burster well and agent drain tube. During mortar processing, the bursters are not reinserted but dropped onto the reject chute where they fall to a small conveyor which transports them to a container where they are accumulated until the container holds approximately the same number of burster wells as there are drained mortars on a MPF Feed tray. When full the container is lifted onto the tray of drained mortars and fed with it to the MPF. Alternatively, if the equipment used to transfer the burster to the feed container then onto the feed tray is unavailable, thur up to 96 burster wells maybe collected and fed separately to the MPF. Station 6 is the Crimp Station. It is designed to remove the burster well from the munition and crimp it. Crimping the burster well deforms it so that it no longer seats completely in the munition when replaced. The resulting gap between the burster well and the agent cavity allows a more thorough thermal combustion of the agent heel in the MPF. The burster well is removed from the munition by the burster well gripper assembly. The burster well crimp jaw closes around the burster and deforms it. A strip cylinder is used to remove the burster well from the gripper assembly, where it may become stuck during compression. Station 6 is bypassed for the mustard l55mm projectiles since the burster well is not removed. Station 6 is also blpassed during mortar processing because the mortar burster wells are discarded at Station 5. The munition is rotated to Station I after it is drained and the crimped burster well is placed back into the munition (except for mortar processing during which where the burster wells are discarded at Station 5 or for mustard 155 mm projectiles which are not drained). A burster well detector sensor located at Station 1 checks for the presence of a burster well except during processing of the mustard projectiles. If a burster well is not detected, the PPM places the munition on the reject table. If a burster well is detected, the munition is removed by the PPM and placed back in the munitions tray. The PPM straddles both conveyor lines so that, if needed, the MDMs could be fed from either line. The MDMs are not currently designed to feed munitions from one munitions tray on Line A, for example, and place it in a different munitions tray on Line B. The system is only Attachrnent - 14 - Page 33 t4.s.2.4.1 t4.5.2.6 t4.s .2.6.t DemilitarizationMiscellaneourr.""*Jr0r:,1r,: designed to pick and place munitions from the same munitions tray on the ,.-" ";';;:r1:'line. Setup Procedures The MDMs are initialized before being placed in service. All major system components are remotely activated from the CON, and the PLCs veri$ the proper operation of the system. These systems include instrument air, plant air, hydraulics, ACS, and conveyors. The indicators in the CON are observed to veriff the status of the MDMs and auxiliary systems. The MDM system initialization icon is selected and, after the flashing green icon turns steady groffi, the MDMs are ready to receive a start comnund from the CON. System Startup The startup of the MDMs consists of preparing the MPB conveyors, preparing the MDMs, and preparing the pick and place loader. The MDM/PPM startup procedures are described in the standard operating procedures document. In summary, the CON operators start the system by placing the equipment in automatic mode (which is done remotely from the CON) and issuing a start command to the Line A and Line B conveyors and MDMsIPPMs. An initialization comrnand is issued before the machines are ready to receive munitions. Feed As discussed earlier, each munition is fed one at a time to the MDMs by the pick and place loader. The munitions arrive on a munitions tray with the head (top) of the munition pointing up toward the ceiling. The trays are referred to as "egg crates" because of the way the munitions are arranged in rows and columns on the tray. The munitions tray does not have to be completely filled for MDM operations. The munitions tray is automatically adjusted by the conveyors into a pre-established position under the pick and place loader. The munitions tray is indexed forward (or backward) so that each row and column of munitions is accessible by the pick and place loader. This is done automatically, but the CON operators can also input a rodcolumn designation so that the tray will be moved to a corresponding location on the conveyor. The CON operators record each munition that is loaded, unloaded, or rejected. In addition, the PDARS maintains a similar count for each munitions tray. lnterlock Processes Conveyor Systems The MDM conveyors are interlocked with the MDMs. That is, when the MDMs are processing munitions, the corresponding MDM conveyors will not automatically move the munitions tray to the next (or previous) conveyor. In addition, the individual conveyors are interlocked so that if two munitions trays are on the same line, the conveyors cannot be activated so that two munitions trays are sent to the same conveyor section. Tables 14-5-1 md 14-5-2 indicate the sensors on the MDMs and the conveyors. Attachrnent -14 - Page34 .2 14.5 .2.6.3. I 14.5 .2.6.5. 1 DernilitarizationMiscellaneorrr.""*J:;lr,: June 2009 The MPB Feed Conveyors are interlocked with the MPB gates so that when a munitions tray is entering the MPB, the gates cannot close. The sensors that interlock the gates are photoreflective se,nsors ZS-374 (Line A) andZS-474 (Line B). Station 1: Load Station The PPM delivers munitions one at a time to and from the Load/Unload Station. This station has two sensors. Sensor X-101C (where X is a value of 1,2, or 3 and refers to the specific MDM) checks for the presence of a munition at the Station, and sensor X-l01D checks for the presence of a burster well before the pick and place loader lowers for pickup to discharge a drained projectile body. The MDM and PPM are interlocked so the MDM does not operate independently from the pick and place loader during loading or unloading operations. Station2: Spare Station 1 This station is a spare and does not have any sensors or interlocks. No demilitaization operations are conducted at this station. Station 3: Spare Station2 This station is a spare and does not have any sensors or interlocks. No demili taization operations are conducted at this station. Station 4: Bore Station at MDM-101 (or Burster Well Punch Station at MDM-102 and MpM-103) The MDM-101 Bore Station is normally blpassed unless the munitions lot is determined to have burster wells that are seal-welded. However, if the lot does include seal-welded burster wells, the Bore Station is enabled and is the first stop for the munition at the MDM. Station 4 of MDM-I01 is available for use if required during the processing of mortars. The Bore Station has several sensors. S"rro., 4OZA/Bsense if the projectile ctamp is extended or retracted, and sensor 404C indicates whether the munition is clamped. These sensors interlock the MDM Indexing Table and bore head. The bore will not start until the munition is clamped. In addition, sensors 403N8, which sense the position of the bore head, also are interlocked with the MDM. The original Bore Stations at MDM-102 and MDM-103 have been removed and replaced with the Burster Well Punch Station. As an alternative, this position can also be configured as a Nose Closure Removal/Burster Detection Station which may be used to process projectiles received at the TOCDF without bursters. At this station, the nose plugs will be removed and the absence of a burster will be confirmed. Sensors 404N8 confirm the absence of a burster and activate an alarm ifa burster is detected. At Station 4 of MDM-I02 and MDM-103, a Burster Well Punch Station "punches" or collapses mustard 155mm projectile burster well downward into the projectile body. Sensor 504A2 confirms the punch cylinder is fully extended into the projectile body. Station 5: Pull and Drain Station Attachrnent -14 - Page 35 o | 4.s .2 .6 .7 .l t4. .3 t4.s. Derni I itarization M iscell aneour r.".*J:r:i,: June 2009 The Pull and Drain Station is a two-step process. Step one is the removal of the burster well from the munition. Sensor X-504C on the Pull and Drain Station indicates whether the burster is removed from the munition. Step two is the draining of agent. Sensors X-510A/B indicates whether the drain tube has been extended into the munition, and sensors X-506A/B indicate if the drip pan and burster well chute are in the correct place. Additional sensors indicate whether the various hydraulic cylinders are extended or retracted. The Station 5 sensors are important because they interlock the MDM Index Table so that it does not rotate during operations. In fact, each Station must have completed its operation before the MDM Index Table will rotate the munitions to the next station. Mustard 155mm projectiles blpass Station 5 entirely since the burster well is not removed and the agent is not drained. . During mortar processing, the burster wells are not reinserted but dropped onto the reject chute where they fall to a small conveyor which transports them to a container where they are accumulated until the container holds approximately the same number of burster wells as there are drained mortars on a MPF Feed tray. When full the container is lifted onto the tray of drained mortars and fed with it to the MPF. Alternatively, if the equipment used to transfer the burster to the feed container then onto the feed tray is unavailable, then up to 96 burster wells may be collected and fed separately to the MPF. Station 6: Crimp Station The Crimp Station has two operations that depend on whether the burster well is removed and discarded at Station 5. A collet cylinder gnpper (an expandable collet) enters the munition, and pressure sensor X-603C indicates the presence or absence of the burster well. An alarm will be sent to the CON if a burster well is present when it should have been discarded or if the burster well is absent when it should be present. If either condition exists, the munition is rejected and the pick and place loader will place the munition in the corresponding reject table, which can hold four 155 mm munitions or six 4.2 inch mortars. For each MDM, there is one reject table (see Section for more on waste throughput). The remaining sensors at Station 6 indicate the position status of the various hydraulic cylinders. Station 6 sensors are important because they interlock the MDM Index Table so that it does not rotate during operation. When operations are completed at Station 6 and all other stations on the MDM have finished, the munition in Station 6 is rotated to Station 1. Mustard 155mm projectiles blpass Station 6 entirely since the burster well is not removed and reinserted. Mortars blpass Station 6 since the burster wells are discarded at Station 5. Station 1: Unload Station Sensor X-101D checks for the presence of a burster well before the pick and place loader lowers for pickup except for the mustard 155mm projectiles. Attachment - 14 - Page 36 .l 14.5.2.'7 .2 .3 14.s.2.t0 14.5.2.t0.1 14.5.3 Dem i I i tari zati on M i scell aneou. r.""- J:t5rl,,: June 2009 System Shutdown (Automatic. Normal) Shutdown of the MDMs consists of stopping and "parking" the PPM loader, MDMs, and MPB conveyors. The pick and place loader is issued a command that places the carriage in its "home" position and lowers the loader (end effector) to its fail safe position. The MDMs are shut down only after the Index Tables are verified to be clear of munitions. The MDM conveyors are shut down one line at a time (if both were being used for operations). Both lines must be clear of munitions trays before stopping the conveyor systems. The conveyors are issued a "stop" command, and the Line A and/or Line B icon tums to magenta to indicate that the MDM conveyors are no longer started. After these commands are completed, the MDM, PPM, and conveyors are "parked" and system components are in their home positions. Mustard 155mm projectiles bypass Station 6 entirely since the burster well is not removed and reinserted. Emergency Shutdown In the event of an abnormal or upset condition associated with the MDMs, PPMs, or MDM conveyors, the processing operations are modified in order to mitigate the condition. Abnormal or upset conditions are any conditions that cause an emergency termination in processing, nonconfornance to a specified procedure, a safety hazard, equipment damage, or injury to personnel. These conditions are identified by plant personnel or indicated by the process sensors (which send signals to the CON through the PLCs). After conditions are identified, the CON issues an emergency stop command to the MDM. When this command is issued, the MDM components are stopped. Extended Shutdown Extended shutdown procedures are in addition to normal shutdown procedures. Extended shutdown involves installing a spectacle blind in the agent line going to the Toxic Cubicle. This prevents backflushing and leakage ofagent from the agent holding tanks. Maintenance Maintenance of the MDMs and PPMs includes preventive maintenance procedures and corrective maintenance procedures. Preventive maintenance procedures generally involve inspections, cleaning (as required), and lubricating (as required) of the MDMs and PPMs. Monitoring Procedures Each MDM is equipped with sensors to detect the presence, position, and configuration of each munition during operations. The sensors, which are connected through PLCs, ensure that the munitions are processed safely by relaying information to the CON. The locations and functions of these sensors are described in Tables 14-5-l and 14-5-2. The CON monitors the operations of the MDMs and PPMs through the demilitarization operator consoles and CCTV. The demilitaization operator consoles can display information from the PLCs and sensors. The PDARS acquires operational data for Attachrnent - 14 - Page 37 o r4.5.3.4 r4.5.3.4 14.5 .4 14.5.4,1 14.5.5 14.5.5. 1 14.5.5. 1 . I Dernilitarization Miscellaneou. r*"rrJ:fil June 2009 analysis and historical record keeping. Information obtained by the PDARS can be used to meet environrnental monitoring and reporting requirements. In addition, the CON operators and outside operators are required to log the events that occur during their shift into their respective logbooks. The MPB is a Category A room, and it is expected that this area will be contaminated by agent (liquid or vapor) as part of normal operations. ACAMSs are used to detect the presence of agent vapors in the MPB. Waste Identification As mentioned previously, waste munitions are identified prior to entering the MDMs. The quantrty of munitions processed by the MDMs is recorded by the PDARS and confirmed visually by CON operators. Waste Throughput The waste entering the MDMs is an agent-filled munition. During treatment by the MDMs, the agent is separated from the munition and handled through the ACS. The metal casing is then retumed to the munitions tray for thermal treatment in the MPF. In each case, quantification of waste occrus; the metal casing is quantified through the PDARS record and by the manual record created by the CON operator who observes the MDM operations. As mentioned previously, some munitions may be rejected by the MDMs. The MDM sensors are designed to detect "reject" munitions and notify the CON operators. These munitions are sent to the associated reject table which stands next to the MDM Index Table. These munitions are retrieved manually by plant personnel dressed in appropriate PPE. In every case, the quantity of munitions are recorded by the PDARS and the CON operators maintain a record in their logbooks. Inspection See Section 14.3.4. Closure Partial Closure At the conclusion of each agent campaign or the beginning of a new munition campaign, the MDMs will be thoroughly decontaminated, as necessary; all decontamination films shall be removed using an appropriate rinse; all clouded observation windows that compromise the ability to view operations shall be cleaned or replaced; and maintenance and repair will be performed, as necessary, on the machines and other room components. The TOCDF will submit in writing to the Executive Secretary, a request for partial closure of the room, since either the agent or the munition type is being changed. Upon approval for partial closure by the Executive Secretary the next campaign will commence, when authorized, and when it is appropriate to do so. Final ClosureI4.5.5.2 Attachment - 14 - Page 38 14.5.6 14.5.J 14.5.7 .l 14.5 .7 .2 14.5.7 .2.7 14.5.7 .2.2 14.5.7 .3 t4.s.7 .3.1 t4.5.7 .3.2 Demilitarization Miscellaneorr r.""t-J:t!3l June 2009 Final closure is addressed in Attachment 10 (Closure Plan). Mitigative Design and Operating Standards The MDMs are designed for demilitarizationpurposes and do not contain inherent components to mitigate the potential for waste migration to the environment. However, the MPB was designed for this purpose. The MPB will be operated in a manner to reduce the risk of waste constituent migration to the environment, as explained below. The floor of the MPB is impervious and sloped to drain any spills to sumps located in the floor. Protective clothing is mandatory during cleanup of spilled agent in the room, and care is taken to reduce the potential for spills. The MPB will not contain explosively configured mtrnitions. Therefore, the room is not designed for, nor expected to incur, an explosion during munitions demilitarization. However, if an accident occurs, air from the MPB would be captured by the MDB ventilation filter system and would not escape to the atmosphere. Environmental Performance Standards for Miscellaneous Units The MDMs have been designed, installed, and are operated in a manner to preclude the release of hazardous chemical constituents that may have adverse effects on human health or the environment. The following sections describe the potential for waste constituent releases to the environment (air, soil, and water), the potential impact of such releases, and the location feattres of the TOCDF that will mitigate these releases. Miscellaneoris Unit Wastes The volume and the physical and chemical characteristics of the wastes to be treated at the MDMs are associated with projectiles and mortar cartridges. These wastes have been fully identified, and information about their physical and chemical characteristics may be found in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis PlaQ. The maximum volume of agent being processed at the MDMs is equivalent to the number of munitions at each MDM station where agent has not been removed. This is equivalent to five munitions at each MDM time's three machines for a total of 15 munitions. This assumes each MDM is being utilized. The largest quantity of agent is associated with the M104 or Ml10 155mm projectiles (agent H), which were filled with 11.7 pounds of mustard. Thus, lhe total quantity of agent being processed on all three MDMs is 1 75.5 pounds. The MDMs do not generate additional hazardous waste except for waste decontamination solution. Containment System See Section As mentioned previously, the maximum number of munitions (containing agent) in the MPB at any time during MDM operations is associated with five munitions trays. However, under normal operations, less than five trays may be present in the MPB. This is because only three trays can be actively used for pick and place operations while any other tray would be idle on one of the BDS indexing conveyors. For analysis purposes, it Attachrnent - 14 - Page 39 14.5.7 .3.2.7 r4.5.7 .3.2.2 14.5.7 .3.3 14.5.7 .3.4 14.5.7 .4 14.5.7 .4.1 14.5 .7 .5 14.5.7 .5.1 14.5.7 .6 14.5.7 .6.1 14.5.7 .7 14.5.7 .7 .l 14.5.7 .8 14.5 .7 .8.r 14.5.7 .9 14.s.7 .9.1 DemilitarizationMiscellaneorrr."urrJ,Or!,lrrl June 2009 will be assumed that five munitions trays will be present and that each tray is completely filled with agent-filled munitions. This is equivalent to one of the following: 240 lllmmprojectiles (48 per tray) 480 mortar-cartridges (96 per tray). Assuming, for example, each munition is completely filled, the maximum inventory of agent in the MPB during MDM operations is 264 gallons (this corresponds to 240 munitionstimesamaximum of ll.7 poundsofHpermunition). Intheeventalltheagent spills onto the floor of the MPB, the sumps will be able to hold all the spilled liquid. In addition to the sumps, the MPB contains curbed walls so that liquid spills and decontamination solution will not leak under doors and gates. The floors and walls are painted with epoxy chemical-agent resistant paints to aid in decontamination. Site Air Conditions See Section 14.3.7 .4. ry See paragraphl4.3 .7 .5 . Meteorologic and Atmospheric Conditions See paragraph 14.3.7 .6. Air Ouality See Section 14.3.7 .7 . Prevention of Air Emissions See Section Operating Standards The MPB is a Category A area and is under engineering controls at all times, as previously discussed. Liquid wastes are captured and controlled in the containment slstem, air emissions are controlled by the HVAC system and cleaned through filters, and the MDM operations are continuously monitored by the CON and PDARS. As a result, there is virtually no opportunity for the waste constituents to be released in such a way as to have adverse effects on human health or the environment due to migration into the outdoor environment. The liquids are placed in tanks or, if spilled, are contained in sumps and from there placed in tanks. Volatilized agent is captured by the HVAC system, primarily in carbon beds. The MDMs themselves are operated in a systematic and safe marurer whether in automatic or manual mode, thereby reducing the potential for agent to be released and migrate into the air. Site Hydrologic Conditions14.5 .7 .r0 Attachment - 14 - Page 40 14.5.7 .10.1 14.5.7 .ll 14.5.7 .lr.l 14.6 t4.7 14.7.1 t4.7 .t.2. 14.7 .1 .2.L. 14.7.1 .3 t4. 14.7 .l .4. 14.7 .1 .4.1 . 14.7.1 .5 14.J. 1 .5.1 . TOCDF Dernilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 A summary of site hydrologic conditions is given in Attachment 1 (Facility Description). Migration of Waste Constituents See Section Reserved AIR OPERATED REMOTE ORDNAI\CE ACCESS SYSTEM (CUTTER MACHINE) Physical Characteristics The cutter machine is designed to remotely cut into cylindrical items. It may be used for nose closure removal, fuze removal, venting, and access to material or interior components. The machine is primarily made of aluminum and is a commercially available radial pipe cutting machine that has been modified for use in toxic areas. The major components of the system are a stabilizing base, split frame Wachs@ cutter, cutter base and stabilizing legs, air motor and speed controller, vent hose, air lubrication mister, mister tube and stand, pyrometer and stand, and an air isolation valve. The split frame major components are: a tool slide, cutter blade, trip assembly, and star wheel. The split frame portion of the cutter is a pre-fabricated stand which has four bolts on the cutter frame. These bolts determine the level of the cut on the item by adjusting the height of the item and positioning it for the cutter. Equipment Installation The equipment that constitutes the cutter machine is not a permanently installed item. The cutter machine is intended to be used for the duration of the specialized campaign and then managed in accordance with paragraph 14.7.4, Closure. A cutter machine may be set up in the ECR for explosive or non-explosive configured items or in the MPB for non- explosive configured items only. In the event of an equipment failure beyond repair, a new cutter machine will be set up as a replacement-in-kind. Dimensions and Location The approximate size of the cutter machine is 14 inches in diameter, and24 inches in height. Machine components are aluminum and steel. Some of the machine components are nickel plated. Dead weight of the cutter machine and split frame cutter is estimated at 60lbs. Conveyors The are no conveyors associated with the Cutter Machine. Items to be processed by the cutter machine are manually placed upon the pre-fabricated stand to position the item. Gates Items that are configured with energetics or non-energetics may be transferred either automatically or by rernote manual control from the ECV into the ECRs through one of two ECR blast gates. These gates open to receive an item and will not close until the item Attachrnent - 14 - Page 4l 14.7 .l .7 . 14.7 .1 .7 .t. 14.7.1 .9. 14.7.1 . 1 0. t4.7.1.11. t4.7.1 .1 1 .1 . 14.7 .1 .12. 14.1 .1 .12.1 t4. Demilitarization Miscellaneour r.""*"]:f,|,,: June 2009 is transferred completely into the ECR. For non-energetic items to be processed in the MPB, trays are transferred automatically from the Munitions Corridor into the MPB through one of two MPB gates. The gates are opened to receive items and they will not close until the items are transferred completely into the MPB. Pumps and Transfer Lines There are no pumps or transfer lines directly associated with the cutter machine. Sump Pump Both the ECRs and the MPB are equipped with containment sumps. Sump pump operation is controlled by a local-off-remote switch. When a sump level alarm is sent to the CON, the liquids collected in the sump are pumped to a spent decontamination holding tank. Tanks and Containers There are no tanks or containers directly associated with the cutter machine. Agent from the items processed by the cutter machine is either pumped to the ACS or SDS (after initial decontamination at the point of removal) or may be placed in the sumps for further processing. Feed System Items to be processed using the cutter machine will be manually placed on the cutter by person:rel clad in the appropriate level ofPPE based upon the hazards ofthe operation. All items will be manually processed in accordance with site approved operating procedures. Instrumentation There is no permanent PLC interface with the controls and instruments for the cutter machine. Any PLC interfaces that are added will be installed via the Temporary Change Process with all site required signatures and appropriate site reviews. The cutter machine operation is controlled remotely from the CON with careful monitoring via closed-circuit television. Electrical System See Section Heating. Ventilation. and Air Conditioning System (HVAC) See Section 14.3.i.13. Fire Protection System The ECR High-Speed Deluge Systems are located in the ECRs and installed above the miscellaneous parts conveyors of the PMDs. Each system consists of three W flame detectors, three Rapid-Response deluge valves, and a manual pull station located in each Attachrnent - 14 - Page 42 14.7 .l .L4. 14.7.1 .1 4.1 . 14.J.2. t4.7 .2.1 . r4.7 .2.2.1 . r4.7 .2.3. 14.7 .2.3.1 . t4.7 .2.4.t. DemilitarizationMiscellaneourr.""*rT.or!rlnl June 2009 ECR. When a flame is detected on the miscellaneous parts conveyor, the UV sensor sends a signal to the Rapid-Response deluge control panel, which in turn actuates the High- Speed Deluge Solenoid Valve and sends an alarm to the control panel. The detection of a flam will operate the High-Speed Solenoid in approximately 49 miliseconds. The system is activated and ready to respond during projectile campaigns that result in explosive debris on the miscellaneous parts conveyors (i.e. 105mm M604d360 projectile campaign when fuze booster-cups were punched above the miscellaneous parts conveyor). Alarm and Communications Systems See Section Operations and Maintenance The cutter machine will be utilized inside the Explosives Containment Rooms or in the Munitions Processing Bay to gain access to munitions or cylindrical items that require special handling. It may be used for nose closure removal, fuze removal, venting, and/or access to interior components. The cutter machine will be used in accordance with site approved operating procedures. General System Operation The cutter machine will be located in either ECR A, ECR B, or in the Munitions Processing Bay. The cutter is comprised of two components, the cutter and the split frame which correctly positions the item for the cutter. The cutter machine is a commercially available radial type pipe cutter designed to cut cylindrical items. The cutter is comprised primarily of aluminum components. It has been modified with an air isolation valve and mister tube. After the munition or cylindrical item is placed on the stabilizing base and appropriately prepared for cutting operations, the Control Room remotely activates supplied air to the cutter. The spray mister will begin to function and the cutting speed may be adjusted by the entrants. The mister nozzle tip will spray on the cut path in order to ensure that cutting temperatures remain near ambient. The cut is lubricated by an air mist of water based lubricant. The control room then monitors the cutter operation through the use of CCTV and process indicators in the Control Room. In the case of explosive configured items, while the cutting operations are in progress, entrants will exit the ECR. SyStem Startup The procedure for the cutter machine start-up is contained in the appropriate Unusual Munition Handling SOP and related documents. In summary, the machine will be set-up by site personnel who will veri$ that the equipment is configured properly prior to use. Feed The munitions or cylindrical items will be placed upon the cutter machine one at a time for handling. Careful coordination of the operation will occur between the entrants and the Control Room persormel in accordance with site approved standard operating procedures. Interlocksl4.J .2.5. Attachment - 14 - Page 43 Demi I i tari zati on M i scel I aneour r.""* Jtorti,,: June 2009 Emergency shutoff of the cutter machine is via an air isolation valve. All emefgency shutoff valves will be referenced in the appropriate SOPs of the operation. t4.7.2.6. SystemShutdown(Normal) 14.7 .2.6.1. The cutter machine operation is controlled remotely from the CON. To stop the cutter machine, the air solenoid is closed from the Control Room. EmergencyShutdown 14.7 .2.7.1. The Emergency Shutdown process is controlled remotely from the CON. The air solenoid will be shutdown from the CON, causing the cutter machine to stop. All activities are closely monitored by the CON via the CCTV. Maintenance The cutter machine is set up for a short-duration use to handle unusually configured munitions or cylindrical items. Since the duration of its operation is very short, no maintenance plan is required. MonitoringProcedures 14.7 .2.9 .l . The CON operators monitor the operations of the cutter machine through the use of the CCTVs. Ir addition, CON operators are required to log the events that occur during their shift into logbooks and the appropriate munitions waste tracking forms. Waste Identification By the time a munition or cylindrical item reaches the cutter machine, it will have been fully identified in accordance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). WasteThroughput 14.7 .2.ll.l The cutter machine is, by design, used to gain access to the interior portions of a munition or a cylindrical item, to facilitate the appropriate treatment of the waste by allowing munitions or other items to be managed through the other approved treatment processed for agent, overpack material, or metal munition bodies or cylinders. Munitions are manually placed in the cutter by site personnel dressed in the appropriate level of PPE. Any liquid agent that is present during the cutting process is decontaminated with decontamination solution. The spent decontamination solution is collected in the sump and pumped to the SDS tank for eventual thermal treatment in the LIC. Any liquid collected in the sumps is emptied at least daily. 14.7.3. Inspection 14.7 .3.1. The cutter machine will be inspected prior to first use after it has been assembled. Since the duration of the cutter machine operation is expected to be short, no permanent inspection plan is in place. The cutter machine is intended to be set-up, used for a short duration that is campaign specific, and dismantled when no longer needed. 14.7.4. Closure Attachrnent -14 - Page44 14.7 .4.1 . 14.7 .4.1 .l . 14.7 .4.2.1 . 14.7 .,5. 14.7 .5.2. r4.7.5.3. t4.7.5.3. 1 . 14.7 .5.4. 14.7 .5.4.1 . t4.7.5.5. I . Demi lit anzation M i scel laneous TreatmJ:;#I June 2009 Partial Closure At the conclusion of the agent campaign, the cutter machine will be thoroughly decontaminated. The equipment maybe re-used or scrapped and managed as waste. The TOCDF will submit in writing to the Executive Secretary, a request for partial closure of the cutter. Final Closure Final closure of this site is addressed in Attachment 10 (Closure Plan). Mitigative Design and Operating Standards For the Mitigative Design and Operating Standards for the ECRs, refer to paragraphs through For the Mitigative Design and Operating Standards in the MPB, refer to paragraphs and The cutter machine will be operated in a manner to preclude the release of hazardous chemical constituents that may have an adverse effect on human health and the environment. The following section describes the potential for waste constituent releases to the environment (air, soil, and water), the potential impacts of such releases, and the location features of the TOCDF that will mitigate these releases. Environmental Performance Standards for Miscellaneous Units The cutter machine can be installed in either of the ECRs, or in the Munitions Processing Bay for non-explosive configured items. The ECRs and the Munitions Processing Bay have been designed, installed, and operated in a manner to preclude the release of hazardous chemical constituents that may have adverse effects on human health and the environment. Section describes the potential for waste constituent's releases to the environment (air, soil, and water), the potential impact of such releases, and the location features of the TOCDF that will mitigate these releases. Miscellaneous Unit Wastes The volume and the physical and chemical characteristics of the wastes to be treated at the cutter machine include munitions or other cylindrical items. These wastes will be fully identified and information about their physical and chemical characteristics may be found in Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan) or characteized in accordance with Attachment 2 (Waste Analysis Plan). The maximum volume of these wastes that can be processed in the cutter machine at one time is equivalent to the number of munitions that can be processed by the cutter, which is one. All metal components will be incinerated in the DFS or MPF. Energetic components may be fed to the DFS unsheared in accordance with site approved operating procedures. Al1 drained chemical agent will be pumped to the ACS or the SDS (after initial decontamination at the point of removal) for incineration in the LICs. Containment System See Section Attachment - 14 - Page 45 14.J.5.6. . 14.J .5.7 . 14.7 .5 .7 .l . 14.7 .5. 10. . 14.7.5. 1 1 . 14.J.5.11.1. 14.7 .5.12. 2.1 . 14.7.5. 1 3. I4. 14.8 14.8. 1 TOCDF Demi I it atnzation M i s cel I aneou s Treatmen t Un its June 2009 Site Air Conditions See Sectio n 14.3 .l .4. Topography See Section 14.3 .7 .5 . Meteorological and Atmospheric Conditions See Section 14.3 .7 .6. Air Ouality See Section 14.3.7 .7 . Prevention of Air Emissions The cutter machine itself is not a source of air emission in and of itself, but it is associated with treatment operations that could potentially emit air pollutants. See Section 14.3.7 .8.1. through 14.3.7 .8.5. Operating Standards The cutter machine is a commercially available radial pipe cutter. It will be operated in accordance with manufacturer's guidelines and site approved operating procedures. Site Hydrologic Conditions A summary of site hydrologic conditions is given in Attachment 1 (Facility Description). Migration of Waste Constituents Migration of wastes into the environment from the cutter machine is not expected to occur. The cutter machine will be operated in the MDB, which is designed to prevent the migration of waste to the environment. Therefore, no impacts on human health and the environment from the cutter machine are expected. DVS-Drum Ventilation Svstem Enclosures and Sorting Room (Igloo 1632) Physical Characteristics The major components are the two drum ventilation enclosures (DVS), the sorting room (DVSSR) and the Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration System. Each DVS Enclosure is designed to completely enclose a maximum of six (6) 55-gallon drums of secondary waste for the purpose. The enclosures are closed-vented to an induced-air carbon adsorption filtration system designed for effective removal of particulates and chemical agents. The enclosures are made primarily of carbon steel and each possesses a total of six observation windows and glove-port pairs to enable manipulation of the drums while they are enclosed. An additional glove-port pair is Attachrnent - 14 - Page 46 14.8 .l.l .2 14.8. 1 .1 .3 14.8 .1.2. 14.9 .1.2.1. 14.8. 1 .3 14.8 .t .3.2 DemilitarizationMiscellaneou.r.""*"]:fi,,: June 2009 provided near the enclosure sump low-point. Each enclosure is equipped with non- powered conveyor rollers and a shuttle tray that enables the drums to be rolled into and out of it. The bottom plenum of each enclosure is designed to provide secondary containment of liquid. The DVSSR is designed to completely enclose two (2) personnel and four (4) 55-gallon drums of secondary waste for the purpose of opening up the drums to gain access to their contents, monitor the headspace for agent contamination, sort and characterizethe contents, and treat agent-contaminated contents by decontamination. The DVSSR is closed-vented to the shared (with the DVS enclosures) induced-air carbon adsorption filtration system, which is designed for effective removal of particulates and chemical agents. The DVSSR is made primarily of carbon steel and possesses two serial intgrmediate personnel airlocks. All three compartments (i.e., the two airlocks and the working compartment sorting room) are equipped with compressed air, water and decontaminant drops. Each compartment possesses an observation window and an elevated floor sloped to a sump. In addition to personnel doors, the working compartment sorting room is equipped with non-powered conveyor rollers and a sliding access door that enables the drums to be rolled into and out of it. The sorting room possesses an overhead trolleythat simplifies the movement of waste drums. The Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration System is designed to effectively remove and capture agent from airspace within the Igloo and each DVS and DVSSR by 1) maintaining a constant negative pressure within each DVS enclosure and DVSSR and the direct vent duct leading to the induced-draft faq2) directing each DVS enclosure and DVSSR headspace gas through an activated carbon adsorption bed, 3) providing activated carbon capacity in excess of the combined total volume of agent present in the Igloos, and 4) discharging the filtered air to the atmosphere. The activated carbon bed is monitored continuously for breakthrough per Attachment 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). Equipment Installation Prior to hazardous waste operations at each DVS and DVSSR, its design and installation will have been verified through the Facility Construction Certification (FCC) documentation required by Condition I.S. This Certification attests that each DVS and DVSSR equipment has been constructed and installed in compliance with this Permit per Condition I.S.1. Dimensions and Location Both DVS enclosures are permanently mounted to the floor of DCD Area 10 Igloo 1632. The size of each enclosure is approximat ely 8' -7" tall, 9' -2" long, and 5 '-8" wide. The non-powered feed conveyor and pass-through air lock extend the overall length of the entire unit to approximately 19'-0". The DVSSR is a fabricated enclosure with three separate compartments (i.e., two serial intermediate personnel airlocks and the main working compartment.) The DVSSR resides at the east end of Igloo 1632. The overall size of the DVSSR is approximately 19' long and 14' wide. The non-powered feed conveyor extends an additional four feet. Convevors14.8 .1 .4. Attachment - 14 - Page 47 DemilitarizationMiscellaneourr.""OrJ:;3r,: June 2009 TherearenopoweredconveyorsassociatedwiththeDVSandDVSSR. Secondarywaste drums to be process within the DVS and DVSSR are placed upon a shuttle tray that rests on feed conveyor rollers spaced approximately 12". Once the main sliding access door is opened, the shuttle tray and drums are rolled directly into the unit. Gates EachDVSenclosurehasanaccessdoor/gateoneachend. Ononeendisapass-through airlock for passage of various tools and materials. The pass-through airlock has door pairs (e.g., two inboard and two outboard) that measure approximately 20" x 20" square. On the opposite end is the full-width sliding main feed door that enables the feed and removal of the secondary waste drums. The main door is approximately 5' wide artd 4' high. All doors are manually-operated. The latches of the main feed door are electronically supervised to provide assurance ofdoor closure. In addition to the personnel doors, the DVSSR has a sliding door/gate that provides access directly into the working compartment (e.g., the sorting room). The sliding door is approximately 5' wide and4' high. A1l doors and gates are manually-operated. The latches ofthe sliding door/gate are electronically supervised to provide assurance ofdoor closure. Pumps and Transfer Lines The only pump/transfer lines associated with the DVS catch basin are the enclosure and DVSSR sump pumps and transfer lines leading to the nearby accumulation tank. Sump Pump The DVS catch basin and DVSSR sumps serve to collect liquid inside the compartments. Each enclosure sump and DVSSR sump has been equipped with a transfer pump for conveying liquid to a nearby tank for accumulation. The sumps will be emptied wit}ttn24 hours in order to ensure the secondary containment capacity of the sumps remains available. Tanks and Containers Spent decontamination solution is manually transferred to a nearby <90-day accumulation tank. Feed System Secondary waste drums to be opened, stored, or treated in the DVS Enclosures and DVSSR are placed upon the shuttle tray and manually rolled into the unit through the open main feed door. Secondary waste is removed from the enclosure through the same main feed door. Waste drums are moved into the DVSSR through the main door. Instrumentation With the exception of agent monitoring, all instrumentation is local only to the Igloo 1632 and the adjacent filtration system facility. Attachrnent - l4 - Page 48 14.8 .1 .12. 14.9 .l .12.1 14.9 .l .14. . 14.8 .2.1 . 14.9 .2.1 .l . 14.8 .2.2. 14.8 .2.2.1 . 14.8 .2,3 . 14.8 .2.3 .l Derni litari zati on M i scel l aneour t ".* J,ofr|,,: June 2009 Electrical System The only electrical system pertaining Igloo 1632 (DVS/DVSSR) is associated with instrumentation, monitoring, and lighting. Heating. Ventilation. and Air Conditioning System (HVAC) The DVS enclosures and DVSSR reside within DCD Area 10 Igloo 1632. General-area heating, ventilation and air conditioning of Igloo 1632 are provided separate of the Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration system. Fire Protection System Type ABC hand-held fire extinguishers are staged in Igloo 1632. See Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan.) Alarm and Communications Systems Igloo 1632 and the adjacent support building are equipped with a communication system that is similar to that of the TOCDF site to include local area network phone service and Public Announcement (PA) system, hand-held radios and cell phones. These systems are available to alert employees of emergencies or to sunmon assistance. Maintenance The DVS enclosures and DVSSR possess moving parts such as door latches, door seals, conveyor rollers, gloves, sump pumps, pressure gauges, etc. These moving parts will be maintained via Maintenance Work Order as necessary when identified by visual inspection. The Carbon Adsorption Filtration System frst and second carbon beds are monitored continuously for breakthrough and/or leakage that would indicate end-of-life or failure of the carbon beds. Carbon change out must begin within 15 days of break though. Upon replacement of carbon, a post-installation leak test of the bed seals verifies proper installation. lnduced-draft fan operations will be maintained as part of a preventive maintenance schedule. Induced-draft fan degradation or failure is detected by adverse flow rates and enclosure negative pressure, as monitored during the operation. The DVS instrumentation have a local alarm if enclosure of the units are not operated under negative pressure. Agent monitoring will be accomplished locally using ACAMS. The ACAMS can also be monitored via the Control Point located adjacent to, and west of, the Igloos. Waste Identification The DVSSR will be used to sort and treat secondary waste. Secondary waste will be received at the Igloo 1632 from storage with predetermined waste stream identification. No new previously-unspecified waste streams will result from operation of the DVS. Liquid residue resulting from the decontamination of the waste in the enclosure is managed as newly-generated hazardous waste. Monitorins Procedures Attachrnent -14 - Page 49 14.8 .2.3.2 14.8 .2.3.3 14.8.3. 14.9.3. 1 . 14.8.4. 14.8 .4.1. 14.8 .4.t .l . 14.8 .4.2. 14.8 .4.2.1 . 14.8.5 1 4.8.s. 1 14.8 .5.2. 14.8 .s .2.t . 1 4.8.s.3. 1 . DernilitarizationMiscellaneourr.."*"],of,l,,l June 2009 The application of decontamination solution in order to enable offsite shipment of the TOCDF-originated sample waste only as described in the WAP (e.g., ensure agent concentration of the residual spent decon is below 20 ppb GBA/X or 200ppb Mustard) (i.e., waste streams CAL Aqueous Wastes, CAL Solid Wastes and MSB Solid Waste). Waste streams that are allowed to be reclassified by headspace monitoring for agent contamination (i.e., P999 to F999 or P9991F999) are specified Condition VIII.E.16.d. Inspection The DVS enclosures,DvssR and its Carbon Adsorption Filtration System will be inspected as specified in Attachment 5. Closure Partial Closure Partial closure does not apply to the DVS and DVSSR. Following the final closure of the DVS and DVSSR, TOCDF will submit in writing to the Executive Secretary, a request for partial closure of Igloo 1632. The TOCDF will submit in writing to the Executive Secretary, a request for partial closure of Igloo 1632. After approval of partial closure, Igloo 1632 will be tumed back over to DCD Area 10 for final closure. Final Closure Final closure of the DVS and DVSSR will be performed in compliance with R315-8-7 and this permit. Final closure of Igloo 1632will be accomplished via the DCD Area 10 Closure Plan. Mitigative Design and Operating Standards Containment System The DVS enclosures have been designed with secondary containment capacity to store in excess of six (6) 55-gallon drums of liquid waste. The floor and sump of the DVSSR working compartment (sorting room) has been designed with secondary containment capacity to store in excess of four (4) 1lO-gallon drums. This enables the storage of any combination of liquid-bearing and non-liquid bearing containers in the enclosures and DVSSR. Site Air Conditions The following paragraphs describe the potential impacts of air emissions due to operation of the DVS Enclosures, DVSSR and Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration System. A brief description of topographic and meteorological characteristics of the Tooele area are presented as well as a sunmary of potential impacts on existing air quality in the Tooele region. Topoeraphy See Section Attachrnent - 14 - Page 50 14.8 .5.4. 14.8 .5.4.1 . 1 . 14.8 .5 .5.2 . 14.8 .5.7 . 14.8 .s .7 .t . 14.8.5 .8. 14.9 14.9.1 t4.9.1.1. TOCDF Demi li t anzation M i scel I an eou s Treatment Un i ts June 2009 Meteorological and Atmospheric Conditions See Section Air Ouality See Section I4.3.7.7. Any air emissions from the DVS Enclosures and DVSSR are captured and processed through the Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration system before being exhausted to the atmosphere. Prevention of Air Emissions The DVS Enclosures and DVSSR are served by a Level 3 40 CFR 264 Subpart CC air pollutant emissions control device. All emissions are routed through the carbon adsorption beds via an induced-draft fan. The carbon beds effectively remove air pollutant compounds and are monitored continuously for agent break+hrough. Operating Standards The DVS Enclosures, DVSSR and the Carbon Adsorption Filtration System will be operated in accordance with engineer's and manufacturer's specifications. Negative pressure, door closure and operation of the filtration system will be verified during treatment operations in the enclosures and DVSSR. Site Hydroloeic Conditions A summary of site hydrologic conditions is given in Attachment 1 (Facility Description). AUTOCLAVE Physical Characteristics The Autoclave is designed to destroy the chemical agent contamination occurring on Secondary Waste articles through hydrolysis of the chemical agents. The Autoclave is of direct steam design (i.e., the steam contacts the articles), and is a horizontal cylinder 20 feet in length and six feet in diameter. The sealing door is equipped with an O-ring. The entire Autoclave installation includes the Autoclave, a 5.2 million BTU/hr boiler, a boiler water conditioning system, a steam operated eductor used to evacuate the Autoclave, a chilled water condenser and a refrigerant based condenser used to condense and dry the air and water mixtures evacuated from the Autoclave prior to the dried and cooled gases being directed to the forced-air carbon adsorption filtration system. The installation also includes valves, process instrumentation; waste bins in which waste drums are placed for Autoclave treatment, and a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Note disposable thermocouples are used to monitor the temperature of the wastes being treated. Two 1,0O0-gallon condensate storage tanks and a 175-gallon transfer tank with associated pump and transfer lines are also included in the installation. The condensate tanks will be operated as less than 90-day accumulation tanks. Attachrnent - 14 - Page 5l l4.g.l .2. 14.9.1 .2.r. r4.9.1 .3 l4.g.r.4. r4.g.l .4.1 . 14.9.1 .5 14.9. 1 .5.1 . 14.9. 1.6. r4. 14.g.l .7 . t4.9.t.7 .r. 14.9. 1.8. TOCDF Demilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 Equipment Installation Prior to initiation of hazardous waste operation activities in the Autoclave, its HVAC filtration system and the condensate tanks, their design and installation has been constructed in compliance with I.S.1. This Certification attests that the Autoclave equipment has been constructed and installed in accordance with the equipment's design specification and drawings. Dimensions and Location The Autoclave is a horizontally placed steel cylinder measuring 20 feet long and six feet in diameter. Installation is in Igloo 1631 of Area 10. Conveyors There is an intemal chain conveyor that is used to move waste bins in and out of the Autoclave. The content of Secondary Waste drums to be processed in the Autoclave is transferred to 64.7 cubic foot waste bins. Drums containing specific Secondary Wastes are placed directly into the waste bins for treatment as allowed by permit conditions found in Module VIII. A liner is placed into each waste bin before it is loaded with drums. The Autoclave will hold up to four of these waste bins. The waste bins are then loaded on the conveyor in front of the Autoclave load/unload side-hinged door. Once each waste bin is loaded a hydraulic lift is used to lift the waste bin onto the chain conveyor. The waste bins are moved by the chain conveyor to their selected position in the Autoclave. Gates The Autoclave is equipped with a side-hinged, hydraulic operated load/unload door that is also six feet in diameter. The door is equipped with an O-ring so that a positive seal is made when it is shut. It is at this location that wastes are loaded into the 64.7 cubic foot waste bins. Pumps and Transfer Lines The autoclave uses a pump and transfer line to move condensate generated by the two condensers and steam traps located along the bottom of the Autoclave. As condensate is generated it is collected in a 175-gallon transfer tank. When full, the contents of this tank are pumped to one of two 1,000 gallon less than 90-day accumulation tanks which are used to store condensate. Sump Pump There are no sump pumps associated with the Autoclave operation. Tanks and Containers Condensate generated from the cooling and drying of gases evacuated from the Autoclave by use of the steam eductor are first accumulated in a t75-gallon transfer tank and intermittently transferred to one of two 1,00O-gallon tanks that are operated as < 90-day accumulation tanks. Once full, the contents of the tank are agitated for 30 minutes and a sample taken and screened for chemical agent; if the results are less than the Waste Attachrnent - l4 - Page 52 14.9.1 .9. t4. t4.9.1 .10. r4.9. 1 .1 0.2. 14.9.1 .1 1 .1 . TOCDF Demilitarization Miscellaneous Treatment Units June 2009 Control Limit (WCL) the condensate is transferred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. If the analytical results show agent concentrations greater than the WCL, the tank's contents are treated with decontamination solution andreanalyzed. Additional analyses are performed to identiff required Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) notifications. Feed Svstem Secondary Waste drums to be treated in the Autoclave are staged near the side-hinged ' load/unload door. The drum is then transferred into a lined waste bin. Once fulIthe waste bin is lifted onto a chain conveyorby a hydraulic lift and moved into the Autoclave. The weight specified on the drums (total weight) is the basis for batch process weight for each waste bin and will documented in the operating record. Altematively, instead of transferring wastes to the waste bins, select Secondary Wastes may be processed in the Autoclave in their storage container (i.e., drum) as specified in permit conditions found in ModuleVItr. Lrstrumentation The Autoclave is equipped with pressure and temperature sensors that allow operations to be managed by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), and an ACAMS and DAAMS station that is used to veriff the successful treatment of each batch of Secondary Waste treated. The PLC performs automatic decontamination control that includes pre-treatment vacuum, pressurization and heat soak, vent, post-treatment vacuum, and air purge. The operator selects the desired treatment temperature and temperature soak time. The PLC controls the steam pressure in the Autoclave which controls the temperature. The PLC also allows for process data recording so that process parameters associated with each batch of waste treated can be reviewed and archived. The control systern provides the following information to the operators: o Boiler status o Cooling tower fan status . Cooling tower pump status e Condenser crossover temperature . Condensate transfer pump stafus . Chiller unit status o Autoclave vessel temperature . Imbedded thermocouple temperatures o Autoclave pressure o Autoclave function status Electrical System The electrical system powers condensate pumps, igloo lighting, agent monitors, igloo air handlers, the carbon filter system induced draft fan, Autoclave instrumentation, and the PLC that controls Autoclave operations. Commercial power is provided. An unintemrptable power supply (UPS) is provided to supply power to the systems referenced in Condition for five seconds, after which power is restored by a natural gas fired emergency generator. Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan) provides detailed information regarding the backup power systems. 14.9. 1.1r.2. Attachrnent -14 - Page 53 14.g.l .r2. 14.9.1 .12.1 14.9.1 .14. . 14.9.2. . t4.9.2.4. Demilitarization Miscellaneou. r.""-J:,t3,: June 2009 Heating. Ventilation. and Air Conditioning System (IIVAC) The Autoclave resides within DCD Area 10, Igloo 1631. General-area heating, ventilation and air conditioning of Igloo 1631 is provided separate of the carbon adsorption filtration system. Fire Protection System Type ABC hand-held fire extinguishers are staged in Igloo 163l (See Attachment 9 Contingency Plan). Alarm and Communications Systems Igloo 1631 and the adjacent support building are equipped with a communication system that is similar to that of the TOCDF site to include local area network phone service and Public Announcement (PA) system, hand-held radios and cell phones. These systems are available to alert employees of emergencies or to summon assistance. General System Operation The Autoclave is a batch feed system. The process begins with the transfer of Secondary Waste drums to the 64.7 cubic foot Autoclave waste bins. The Secondary Waste drums are transferred to the waste bins using a crane. This transfer occurs near the side-hinged load/unload Autoclave door. Altematively, instead of transferring wastes to the waste bins, select secondary wastes may be processed in the Autoclave in their storage container (i.e. drum) as specified in permit conditions in Module VIIL A liner is placed into each waste bin prior to the Secondary Waste being placed into the bin. Once full, a thermocouple is inserted into the heaviest drum of each type of waste in each waste bin or other configuration based on results obtained during shakedown and approved by Executive Secretary. These thermocouples allow for the temperature of the bins or drum's content to be continuously monitored throughout the treatment process. The waste bins are placed onto a hydraulic lift prior to being filled. When frlled the lift raise the waste bin onto a chain conveyor that runs the interior length of the Autoclave and the chain conveyor moves the filled waste bin into the Autoclave. The Autoclave can hold up to four waste bins. Once the batch of waste is loaded into the Autoclave the door is closed and the PLC controlled treatment process begins. The treatment process consists of the following discrete steps; l) pre-treatment evacuation, 2) ramp-to-temperature, 3) temperature soak, 4) post-treatment evacuation, 5) post-treatment cooling and drying, 6) Autoclave headspace equilibration, and 7) Autoclave headspace monitoring. The pre-treatment vacuum is accomplished using the steam eductor that evacuates the Autoclave to a pressure of approximately ten inches of Mercury Gg). The purpose of the pre-treatment vacuum is to remove the air from the Autoclave which allows for a quick and efficient penetration of steam throughout the load to be processed. Upon completion of this process step steam is introduced into the Autoclave, beginning the ramp-to- temperature step. r4.9.2.s. Attachrnent -14 - Page 54 t4.9.2.7 . t4.9.2.r0. t4.9 .3 . 14.9.3. 1 . t4.9.4. 14.9 .4.1 . DernilitarizationMiscellaneourr.""*J,OI9r',,: June 2009 Multiple puge, evacuation, and re-heat cycles are used throughout the ramp-to- temperature step to minimize the time it takes the wastes within the Autoclave to reach the treatment ternperature. The number of purge, evacuation, and re-heat cycles used during the ramp-to-temperature process step varies with the type of waste being processed. The temperature soak does not begin until the temperature read by each of the thermocouples is equal to or greater than the treatment temperature set point. If a thermocouple fails in a waste bin and another waste bin has the same tlpe of waste with a functioning thermocouple, then the waste is not required to be retreated. If two thermocouples fail from the same waste type then all waste bins will be retreated. If the waste bins consist of different types of wastes streams, then the contents of all waste bins will be retreated. Failed thermocouples will be replaced with new thermocouples for all waste streams except DPE, plastic and butyl rubber prior to retreating. Upon completion of the temperature soak process step, the PLC activates a post-treatment vacuum process step. This process step removes excess moisture from the waste load. A cooling and drying step follows the post-treatment evacuation step. During this step, arnbient air is drawn from Igloo 1631, and moved through and out of Autoclave by an approximate 300 cubic foot per minute fan. The air exhausting the Autoclave is vented through the carbon filter system. The cooling and drying process step is stopped by closing the Autoclave air inlet and outlet valves. The air within the sealed Autoclave is then allowed to equilibrate. Agent monitoring of the interior of the Autoclave begins a minimum fifteen minutes after the flow of cooling and dryrng air is stopped per Module VIII, Table VIII A. Agent monitoring is performed using an ACAMS and associated DAAMS station. Agent monitoring results are used to confirm that the autoclave atmosphere is safe to open the door. Upon completion of successful treatment, the wastes bins are removed from the Autoclave and transferred via forklift out of Igloo 1631 to a pre-positioned roll-off. The waste bin liners (containing the treated Secondary Waste) are removed from the waste bins and placed into roll-offs. Full roll-offs are transferred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. Svstem Startup The Autoclave is PLC controlled. To begin operations requires; l) the steam pressure of the boiler to be sufficient to support Autoclave operations, 2) proper operation of the condensers used to dry gases vented to the carbon filter system, and 3) operation of the carbon filter system. Feed The Autoclave is a batch feed operation. Secondary wastes are fed to the Autoclave either by transferring the wastes from their original storage containers (i.e., I to 110 gallon drums) to lined 64.7 cr,tbic foot waste bins, or by placing full drums of waste directly in the waste bins. The weight specified on the drums (total weight) is the basis for batch process weight for each waste bin and will be documented in the operating record. The Attachment - 14 - Page 55 14.9.5. 14.9.5. 1 . 14.9.6. 14.9 .7 . t4.9.7 .r. 14.9.7 .2. 14.9 .8. t4.9.8.2. DernilitarizationMiscellaneorrr.."*"1:,ti,r: June 2009 tlpes of Secondary Wastes that may be treated directly in their storage containers are identified in permit conditions found in Module VtrI. Interlocks Autoclave operations include interlocks that; 1) prevent the load/unload door from being opened during operations; 2) prevent the start of Autoclave operations if the condensers which are used to cool and condense gases removed from the Autoclave during the pre- and post-treatment evacuation process steps are not functioning properly, and 3) prevent the start of Autoclave operations if any of the thermocouples which are placed in the waste loads and used to initiate the start of the treatment timer are not functioning properly. System Shutdown (Normal) The Autoclave is shutdown by the PLC after the treatment of each waste batch. The boiler may be shut down when the Autoclave is not in operation. Emergency Shutdown Autoclave operations are locally controlled which allows the system to be shutdown by the operator should abnormal conditions develop. The hydraulic load/unload door, carbon filter system and associated spare filter, and emergency generator allow for Autoclave operations to be intemrpted during any of the previously described process steps without a resulting release of hazardous waste to the environment. During emergency operations resulting from a loss of commercial power, operation of the carbon filter system induced draft fan and agent monitoring equipment is maintained by an UPS and emergency generator. Monitoring Procedures Autoclave operations are monitored by the PLC to ensure complete destruction of the agent contaminating the Secondary Waste articles. Instrumentation used to ensure destruction of the agent includes pressure monitors for Autoclave intemal pressure, temperature monitors, in the form of thermocouples, which are placed in the waste loads and an ACAMS used to confirm that the autoclave atmosphere is safe to release. ACAMS are used to monitor the interior of the Autoclave upon completion of the treatment process. ACAMS monitoring is performed prior to the treated waste being removed from the Autoclave. These results are used to determine the applicable waste handling practices. The Autoclave system uses two tlpes of control equipment to minimize emissions of organic compounds to the environment. Gases removed from the Autoclave during the pre- and post- treatment evacuation process steps first pass through a glycol cooled condenser, then through a refrigerant condenser, and finally through a fixed bed carbon filter. The fixed bed carbon filter is the primary method of controlling emissions to the environment. Attachrnent -14 - Page 56 14.9.9. . 14.9.10. . 14.9. 1 1 . 14.9.12. . t4.9.t2.1 .1 . . 14.9. 1 3. Demilitarization Miscellaneour r.".r.J:;"?,: June 2009 The carbon filter system consists of a primary and secondary filter system. Each system includes two carbon beds. Agent monitoring using ACAMS is conducted at the mid-bed location and at the exhaust stack. The carbon filter systems are additionally equipped with a pressure gauge that is located in a readily accessible location so that it can be verified that the carbon filters are being operated at a negative pressure when in use. Waste Identification The Secondary Wastes treated in the Autoclave includes DPE Suits contained in plastic bags, wood and LSS air hoses. Additional waste types may be allowed following function testing approved by the Executive Secretary. These waste matrices may include the following waste codes;P999, F999, D002, D003, D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D010, andD011. Waste Throughput The waste throughput rates and process parameters are established through results of a function test executed per a test plan approved by the Executive Secretary. Autoclave operating parameters, including waste feed are specified in Module VI[. Inspection The Autoclave system, including ancillary equipment will be inspected as specified in Attachment 5. Closure Partial Closure Partial closure does not apply to the autoclave. Following final closure of the autoclave the TODF will submit in writing to the Executive Secretary a request for partial closure of Igloo 1 63 1 . After approval of partial closure, Igloo 1 63 I will be turned back over to DCD Area 10 for final closure. Final Closure Final closure of the autoclave will be performed in compliance with R3 I 5-8-7 and this permit. Final closure of Igloo 1631 will be accomplished via DCD Area 10 Closure Plan. Mitigative Design and Operating Standards The following section describes waste constituent releases to the environment (air, soil, and water), the potential impacts of such releases, and the location features of the TOCDF that will mitigate these releases. Containment Svstem14.9.13.2 Attachrnent - 14 - Page 57 . ,-, DemilitarizationMiscellaneou.r.".*.]li"rf,,l June 2009 Containment systems associated with the igloo housing the Autoclave include; 1) the epoxy paint sealed floor of Igloo 1 63 I , and 2) the walls of the igloo which prevents liquid wastes from escaping the igloo. The secondary containment tray will be positioned at the lip of the junction between the Autoclave vessel and the load/unload door if necessary. This containment tray will be utilized if the cooling and drying autoclave process step does not perform as expected. Site Air Conditions See Section Topography See Section Meteorological and Atmospheric Conditions See Section Air Quality See Section Prevention of Air Emissions Emissions to air of organic compounds from the Autoclave are controlled using fixed-bed carbon filter system. The carbon filter system is shared with the DVS/DVSSR treatment units. See formore description. Operatins Standards The operating standards applicable for Autoclave operations are specified in Module VIII of this permit. Site Hydrologic Conditions A summary of site hydrologic conditions is given in Attachment 1 (Facility Description). Mieration of Waste Constituents 14.9. 1 3.3. r4.9.r3.4.1 . 14.9. 1 3.5. 14.9 .r3.6. r4. 14.9 .13 .7 . t4.9. 1 3.7 .t . t4. t4.9. I 3.9. r4.9. 13.9.1 . t4.9. 13.10. t4.9. 13.10.1.The migration of waste constituents is controlled by the use of the fixed bed carbon filter system that captures gases vented from Autoclave operations, the sealed floor oflgloo 1631 and the enclosed space created by placing the Autoclave inside the igloo that prevents waste constituents from migrating to ground water, or being released to the environment during Autoclave loading and unloading operations. Releases to the environment while loading treated wastes into the roll-off are controlled by ihE use of waste bin liners that prevent treated waste from being spilled during roll-off loading operations and by the ACAMS results associated with each batch of Autoclave- treated waste. Attachment - 14 - Page 58 TOCDF Demi I it anzation M i scel I an eou s Treatmen t Un i ts June 2009 14.10 ATLIC Ton Container Rinse and Drain Gloveboxes 14.10.1 Physical Characteristics Unlike the TOCDF which uses the Bulk Drain Stations to first ounch holes in ton container and then drain their chernical agent fill and then uses the Metals Parts Furnace to decontaminate the drained ton containers by the.rmal treahnent. the ATLIC will use slove boxes equipped with a series of val+e valves which are connected to supply and receiving tanks to drain the ton container ageirt fills and decontaminate the ton container by oartially filline. rotatine. and drainins thern with a series of dacontamination sglutions. acid solutioqs. and water. 14.IQ.1.2. Ton containers treated at the ATLIC are placed into one of two Gloveboxes which are used to control chemical agent emissions and to contain aeent and hazardous waste releases pnd drips that may occur durins the connectinq and disconnecting of fill and drain lines and the opening and closing of the ton contain€r valves. 14.10.2. Equipment Installation Prior to initiation of hazardous waste oneration activities at the ATLIC. the incinerator and Pollution Abatement System (PAS). the ATLIC HVAC filhation sLsten-r- hazardous waste storaee and treatrribnt tanks. and Subpart X treatm€nt units. to include the gloveboxgs. their desiqnand installation will have be€n verified throushthe Facilitv Construction Certification (FCC) documentation as required by Condition I.S. This C€rtification attests that the eouipment has been constructed and installed in accordance with the equipment's desien spocification and drawings. 14.10.3 Dimensigns an4 Lncation . The two gloveboxes are identical and identified as GloJebox 8501 and Glove-box 8502. The dimensions of each elovebox are 9.7 feet lone by 4.3 fect high by 4.5 feet wide. Installation is in the ATLIC -Processine Bay located in lgloo 1639 of Area 10. 14.10.4. Conveyors There are no convelrors associated with the ATLIC eloveboxes. Ton containers are moved into and out of the gloveboxes by beine olaced on a cart referred to as a "transfer table". The ton container is manually moved from the transfer table and olaced uBon multi-directional rollers that are used to move a ton container (alons its axis) in and out of ndthin the dovebox. The same rollers are used to rotate the ton container around its axis relles-arerxed during the rinse processing step to rotate the ton container to u',hieh allows for its entire interior surface to be contacted with the different rinse solutions. Gates There are no automated gates associated with the ATLIC slove-boxes. Each elove-box is eouiooed with an access door to allow ton containers to be placed in and removed from the glovebox. and small air-locks to allow tools and sampline equipm€nt be moved into and out of the slovebox. 14.10.5 Attachment - 14 - Page 59 : 14.10.6. Pumps and Transfer Lines TOCDF Demi I i t anzation M i scel I an eous Treatm en t Un i ts June 2009 There are numerous pumps and transfer lines associated with the elove-boxes. There are two Bumps available to drain Ag€,nt GA from the ton containers and transfer this agent directly to the ATLIC orimary combustion chamber. a pump to drain spent decontamination solution from GA ton containers and water from rinsed out GA. Lewisite . and "Transparerlcy''ton containers and transfer the solution to a storaee tank in the ATLIC Toxic fuea. a pump to drain Lewisite from ton containos and transfer it to a storaee tank in the ATLIC Toxic Area. and a pumo to drain Nitric Acid from rinsed Lewisite and "Transoarenct''ton containers and transfer it to a storaee tanks located in the ATLIC Toxic Area. Each of these Bumps services both gloveboxes. The drained asents and rinse solutions are directed to the primary combustion chamber or dedicated hazardous waste storaee and lreatment tanks by manually adjusted valn€ valve line-uos. Each glovebox has four se,parate transfer lines running from the exterior of the glovebox to the pumos refar€nced in the previous paragraph. The pumps are located in the ATLIC Toxic Area where secondary containment is orovided. The sections of transfer lines spanning the distance between the exterior of each glovebox to the wall of the Toxic Area are doubled walled. 14.10.7. Sump Pump There are no sump pumDs associated with the glove-box hazardous waste manaeernent units. Solutions accumulatinq within a elove-box. as a result of a soill and associated decontamination. can be transferred to a container bv openins a drain line located in the bottom of the slovebox. 14.10.8. Tanks and Containers The glove-boxes are used to eirclose Agent GA. Lewisite. and "Transparency''ton containers while there they are drained and rinsed. Each elove-box has valves and transfer lines to allow for the draining of chemical agent. and the filline and draining of decontamination and rinse solutions to include sodium hydroxide. and Nitric Acid solutions and water. The valves and transfer lines used to convey solutions into the ton containers and the tanks used to store these materials are not discussed in this section because these materials are Broducts. 14.10.8.]. -.. The tanks to which the spent decontamination and rinse solutions are transferred are located in the ATLIC Toxic Area. These permitted hazard waste storase and treatment tanks are identified in Module IV and Attachment 16 of this permit, 14.10.9. Feed System Toncontainersaremanuallyoositionedintoeachelove-boxbyuseoftheTransferTable and roller within the glove-box. 14.10.10. lnstrumentation Instrumentation associated with each glove-box includes pressure differential indicating a Attachrnent - 14 - Page 60 TOCDF Demi I i t arizati on M i scel I aneou s Treatmen t Units June 2009 transmitters which provide both a local and remote reading of the differerrtial pressure betwee,lr the interior of the slove-box and the ATLIC Processine fuea. Th€re are also mass flow meters whichprovide a local readins of the mass of decontamination. Nitric Acid solutio{rs. or water added to the ton cgntainers for decontamination and rinsing. For A&ent GA processins. there are also solenoid switches that can activate interlock feeds to the incinerator and hazardous waste storaee and treatment tanks to orev€nt both elove- boxes from transferrine the same age,nt decontamination or rins,e solution tg the incinerator or tanks at the same time. 14.1Q.10.3 For Ae€nt Lewisite processing. there are sole,noid switches that orev€,nt the rinse solutions from beins transf€rred betlveen the two slove-boxes but have no imoact on incherator feed since the ae€nt is transf€rred to a holding tank rathar than fed directly fromthe elove- bn& 14.10.11. ElectricalSystem The electrical systern oowers all the ATLIC systsms. ATLIC PAS. the scrubb€r brine chiller. idoo liehtine. aeent monitors. igloo air handlers. the carbon fllter slstem Induced Draft (ID) fans. incine, ator instrumerrtation. and the PLC that controls facility operations. The electrical system also Dower a motor within each elovebox which is used to rotate ton containers after thcn they have been filled at least half way with decontarqination and rinse solutions. 14. 10. I I .2. Commercial oower is provided. An unintemrotable gower supDly (JPS) is orovided to supply power to critical systeins for uD to 45 minutes. after which Dower is restored by one of two diesel stand-by s€nerators. Attachment 9 (Contins€,ncy'Plan) provides detailed information resardine the backup power systems. 14.10.12. Heatinq- V€ntilation. and Air Conditionine Systern ([IYAC) Emissions from thceach qlove-box are controlled by the ATLIC IryAC Carbon Filter System. Durinc draininq and rinsinc ogeration the qlove-boxes are oD€rated under a negative pressure relative to the ATLIC Processins Bay. The neeative oressure is created by adjusting dampers in the duct that connects each glove-box to ATLIC IIVAC system. which ultimateh,vents to two of three activatqd carbon filters. The ATLIC HVAC supports the ieloo and the enclosure connected to the igloo that comprises the ATLIC. Each carbon filter contains a bank of pre-filters. followed by a bank of High Efliciency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters. followed by three banks of activated carbon filters. followed finally by an additional bank of HEPA filters. Two of the three available filter units are onJine from the time agent operations beein until the facility is decontaminated. The exhaust gas flow ratq for a sinde filter unit is aporoximately 6.000 cubic feet per minute. 14.10.13. Fire Protection System See Attachment 9. parasaohs throush 14.10.14. Alarm and Cofnmunications Systems Attachrnent -14 - Page 61 TOCDF Dem i I i t anzation M i scel I aneou s Treatmen t Un i ts June 2009 Isloo 1639 and the attached ATLIC Environmelrtal Control System (encloses the PAS) are equipped with a communieation systsrn that is similar to that of the TOCDF site to include local area network phone service and Public Announcement (PA) system. hand-held' . radios and cell ohones. These systerns are available to al€rt ernployegs of emereencies or to summon assistance. 14.10.15. GeneralSystemOperation The draining and rinsine of TCs is nerformed in the glove-boxes. Glove-box operations are oerformed manually by an operator who can reach into the elove-box by inserting their hands into giloves that nenetrate thq two width-wide ends of each slove-box. Each process siep is initiated by a local ooqrator. Process steos are described below aud essentially involve the realienment of valves to either drain or fill the TC beingprocessed. 14.1,0.15.2. The processine of GA TCs differs slightly from that of L TCs. GA TCs are processed by . olacing the TC into the dove-bo?r ?nd rotafing it so.the two fill and drain valves are aligrrred vertically. Ouick connect couolers are used to attach the drain and fill lines within the glove-box to the ton container valves. The ton container valves are then opened. Valves.within each glove-box can be arrayed to transfer the contents of each TC to the ATLIC PCC. the Lewisite Agent Collection Tanlc the Soeirt Decontamination Tank. or to one of trro Nitric Acid Holding Tanks. Valves located outside each elove-box can be arrayed to fill ton containers which have been drained of their agent fill with 4: .. . decontamination solution. Nitric Acid Solution. or water. A process qir line is attached to the upper valve. and drain line is attached to the lower valve. The connections are made usins soecially desisned shutoffquick-connect couplers. The valves are then opened. the air added to the TC through the top valve both prevents a vacuum from forming in the TC as the agent is rernoved and provides additional pressure to assist in draining the asent. The GA is fed from the TC directly to the LIC PCC. tf plugged drain and fill valvq are encountered. the same air line can be used to unplug the valve(s). If the valve(s) qannot be unglugged using compressed air. a drain lance can be inserted into the TC by removing one of the "blow-out" olugs which are located end of the TC opposite the drain and fill valves. Once ernptied of the agent fill. the GA TC is back-flushed with a sodium hydroxide (NaOH) based decontamination solution. Suffrcient decontamination solution is added throush both drain and fills valves to fill the TC more than half wav with this solution. The TC is then rotated for a gredetermined period of time. The rotation of.the TC eirsures that the solution contacts all of the TCs' interior surfaces. The soent decon solution is tben drained from the TC to the SDS Tank located in the ATLIC Toxic Area. Once anotied of speht decon. the TC is rinsed by filling it more than halfivay with water. . - rotatingthe TC and draining the water. The water rinse process is repeated at least three I' TCs are transferred to off-site Subtitle C Treatment. Storaee. and Disposal Facilities (TSDF) when the results of the samoles collected from the third (or additional water rinses if required) show an aeent concentration of less than the Waste Control Limit (WCL) for the asent beins orocessed. The WCL for Agent GA is 20 parts oer billion (pob). The spent decon and water ge,lrerated from rinsins GA TCs is transferred to the SDS Tank and treated in the LIC SCC. Attachment - 14 - Page 62 TOCDF Demi I i t anzation M i scel I an eou s Treatment Units June 2009 Agent L TCs are preoared for draining in the same manner as the GA TCs: the difference in how GA and L TCs are orocessed involves where the drained ae€nt is transf€rred and how the interior of the emotied TCs are rinsed and decontaminated. Aeent L TCs are drained in the same manner as GA TCs. The drained L however is transferred from the TC to the Lewisite Aqent Holding Tank located in the ATLIC Toxic Area. The L accumulates in the tank where it is mixed and sampled orior to being fed to the LIC PCC. Once drained. L TCs are filled more than halfiray with a 3 Molar (M) nitric acid solution. The TC is then rotated for a oeriod of time. The resulting soent nitric acid is transferred to one of hryo Nitric Acid Holding Tanlc. also locatedjn the ATLIC ToXic Area. where it accumulntes until it is sampled and screened fot asexil gonc€,ntration. 3 M nitic acid or ereat€r is added to the tank's cont€nts to treat the L to a conccntration of less than the WCL for L. which is 200 ppb. When the concentration i+ the Spent Nitric Acid is less.than the WCL the tank's contents are transferred to a 90day accumulation tank located in the PAS Enclosure where it accumulates oendinq off-site transf€r to a deq) well injection facility. Once the L TC is drained of the spent nitric acid. the L TCs are filled more than halfivav with water. rotated. and then drained. This orocess is reneated at least three times. A samole is collected fromthe final water rinse and anallzed for aeent content. TCs are transferred to an off-site Subtitle C Treatment. TSDF) wheir the results of the samples collected from the third or final water rinse show an agent concentration of less than the Waste Control.Limit (WCL). The water generated from rinsine L TCs is transf€rred to the SDS Tankandtreated inthe LIC SCC. All Transparencv TCs undergo one Nitric Acid rinse followed bv three water rinses. Each rinse consists of lillins bv more than half wrv (anproximatelv 110 sallons) the emotied TC with the rinse solution and rotating the TC for a minimum of one hour. as{-+€* 1a.10.15.11. Reserred. After the series of water rinses is comoleted. TCs processed at the ATLIC are placed into a permitted container storage HWMU. At the completion of TC rinsins and drainine operations. the elove-boxes are rernoved from the ATLIC Processing Bay to make room for the TC cutting machine which will cut the decontaminated TCs in half after which the TCs are transfe'rred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. 14.10.16. System Startuo There are no automated features associated with dove-box operations. all operations are manual and performed by a local ooerator. Operations beein with a TC being placed into a elove-box. The qlove-box is sealed and a negative Bressure is established between the interior of the glove-box and the ATLIC Processine Bay. 14.10.17. Interlocks Attachment - 14 - Page 63 Demi I it anzation Mi scel I aneou s Treatm;Til June 2009 Interlocks associated with the slove-boxes are activated bv solenoid switches that sense valve positions. The interlocks are included to prevent both elove-boxes from transferrine asent. decontamination. or rinse solutions to the same tank at the same time. This prevents the accidental and unintended filling of a TC in one glove-box by the TC in the other slove-box. 14.10.18. SystemShutdown(Normal) l4.l0.l 8.1 . There are no automated features associated with gflove-box operations. all oLerations are manual and performed by a local operator. Decontaminated TCs are not removed from a glove-box until the interior of the glove-box has been monitored and aeent concentrations have been determined to be less than 0.5 Vapor Screening l,imit (VSL). Once the TCs are rernoved there is no need to maintain a negative oressure within the glove-box. 14.10.19. AsentMonitorineProcedures AsampleanalysisisusedtodeterminewhenaTCcissufficientlydecontaminatedto _: ... assisn the F999 waste code. First. the orocessing of TC in a elove-box is deterrnined complete based on analltical results obtained from rinsate sample anabrsis. Each TC undereoes rinses with decontamination solutions. and/or oxidizers (i.e.. Nitric Acid solution). After these are comoleted. each TC undergoes at least three water rinses. A sample of rinse water from the final water rinse is collected arid screexred for aeent concentration relative to the Waste Control Limit (WCL). The interior space of TCs is determined to be suffrcientii ' decontaminated if the results of aeent screen conducted on a sample of the third .or final. water rinse are below the WCL which is 20 parts per billion (ppb) for Aeent GA and 200 ppb for Lewisite. TCs havine third (or final) rinse water samole aeent screen results of less than the WCL are characterized as F999 wastel other waste codes may aBply. TCs are removed from the glove-box based on results obtained from the monitoring of the interior of the glove-box. For GA TCs. elove-box monitorinq results of < g? 0.5 VSL allow for the TC to be rerroved from the glove-box. For Lewisite TCs. glove-box monitorine results of < 4S 0.4 VSL allow for the TC to be rernoved from the elove-box. These monitorine criteria for remoyinq TCs from a slove-box are based on monitorins results obtained from two sample/analvsis cvcles of the Near Real Time Monitor or one comDlete cvcle preceded bv a nurse cvcle to ensure the sample line is 14.10.20. Waste Identification The wastqs that will be treated in the ATLIC glove-boxes (Jhe treatment being the draining and decontamination of chemical aeent filled ton containers and emptv ton container contaminated with Lewisite) are: o Four ton containers partially filled with Agent GA having an aporoximate total weieht of 4.000 pounds of chemical agent. The waste codes applicable to Agent GA are P999. D004. D007. D008. and D021. Attachrnent -14 - Page 64 Demilitarization Miscellaneous t ""*J:;rTJune 2009o Ten to.n containers filled with Lewisite havine an aooroximate total \f,eigfit of ZS.OOO pounOi of qn ,{ni"al us.nMo fe*isit" ar" P999. D004. D007. D008. D009 and D010. o Up to ten empty ton containers. which are referred to as,"Transparency Ton Containers". These TCs underso one Nitric Acid Solution rinse followed bv three water rinses. rarnpb' franryareney fgs tnat were A r ewisite besc en tlrc'm . 14.10.21. Waste Ttroughput,. Thewastethrouehputratevariesdep€'ndingonthpamountofaqeotrequiringdrainingand , ' 'thq number of rinses requir€d to decontaminate the interior (and exterior if ncaessary) of the ton container. Note ton containers are under engineering controls the entire time they are within a glove;box. Each elove-box v€nts to the ATLIC carbon filter absorber eouiBpedHVAC system. 14.10.22. lnspection Each ATLIC Glove-box system. includins ancillarlequipment will be inspected as spegif,ed in Attachment 5. 14. 10.23. Closure Partial Closure 1a. TeeDf witr^ubmit in writingt ffi. The qlove-boxes will be closed as individual Hazardous Waste Manasement Units fifWMU) bv disnosal as hazardous waste debris/waste. Final Closure Final closure of the ATLIC glove-boxes will be oerformed in compliance with R315-8-7 and this p€'mlit. Final closure of Iqloo 1639 will be acqomplished via DCD Area 10 Closure Plan. 14.10.24. Mitigative Design and Operating Standards The following section describes waste constituent releasbs to the eirvironment (air. soil. and water). the potential impacts of such releases. and the location features of the ATLIC . . CqntainmentSystem,.1. Theelove-boxorovidessecondarycontafumentforthetoncontainerbeingtreated. The sealed desiqn ofthe glove-box controls both air enrissions and contains any release that Attachrnent -14 - Page 65 DemilitarizationMiscellaneourr."u*"lrO,!nT June 2009 may occur wheir the transfer lines rvhieh:aredetaehe*{e are detached and rqmoved from the ton container valvesrre+emsried. Releases of agent caused from detaching the treated ton container from the hansfer lines are controlled by the use ofquick connect couplers which are desiened to seal the transfer lines when they are disconnected from the emptied ton container. Site Air Conditions See Section Toooeraphy SeeSection 14.3.7,5. MaeorologicalandAtmospheric Conditions See Section Air Ouality See Seption -' Prevention of Air Emissions Air emissions resulting from qlove-box ton cont4iner draining and rinsinq operations are controlled by the ATTIC HVAC filter system to which each glove-box is directly connected. A negative pressure is maintained within the gloye-box (relative to the ATLIC Processing Bay) from the time a ton container is placed in each elove-box until the time the ton container is decontaminated and removed from the glove-box. OoeratingStandards The oBeratins standards applicable for ATLIC glove-box operations are specified in Module VIII of this permit. A summary of site hydroloeic conditions is given in Attachment I (Facility Description). Migration of Waste Constituents The migration of waste constituents to ground and surface waters is controlled by the sealed desien of each glove-box which provides secondary containment for the ton containerbeing rinsed and drained. Additionally each slove-box is located within Igloo 1639. the base of which is coated with an epoxy coatine that provides an impermeable Attachnient : 14 , Page 66 DemilitarizationMiscellaneousTreatm;"Jr',1 June 2009 Table l4-3-l LIST OF BULK DRAIN STATION SENSORS AND CRITICAL INTERLOCKS Sensor Tag Sensor Type Functional Description 49-l-P I (Line A)u 49-2-P I (Line B)u Retroreflector Beam Sensor Indicates the tray is on the BDS Transfer Conveyor, shifts Transfer Conveyor to slow speed (Start of BDS). 49-l-P2 (Line A)* 49-2-PZ (Line B)*Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the cradle is at the punch position.b 49-l-P3 (Line A)* 49-2-P3 (Line B)*Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the TC cradle is at the agent drain position AND indicates the TC cradle is in the first vent punch position. 49-l-P4 (Line A)* 49-2-P4 (Line B)*Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the TC cradle is in the second vent punch position AND indicates the TC cradle is in the HTS spray position. 49-l-P5 (Line A) 49-2-P5 Gine B)Retrorefl ector Beam Sensor Indicates the tray is transferring to the next Hydraulic Conveyor. 49-l-P6 (Line A) 49-l-P6 (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the TC cradle is in the rinsate drain position. 49 -l -l 02 Al -l 02A4 (Line A)* 49-2-1 02A I - I 02A4 (Line B)*Inductive Proximity Sensors Indicate the Transfer Conveyor Lift Cylinders are extended. 49-l- l02B l - 10284 (Line A) 49-2-1028I - 10284 (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensors Indicate the Transfer Conveyor Lift Cylinders are retracted. 49-l- l03A (Line A) 49-2-103A (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Punch Cylinder is extended. 49-l- l03B (Line A) 49-2-1038 (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Punch Cylinder is retracted. 49-l-104A (Line A)* 49-2-104A (Line B)*Inductive Proximity Sensor lndicates the Agent Drain Tube is fully extended. 49-l-104B (Line A)* 49-2-1048 (Line B)*Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Agent Drain Tube is fully retracted. 49-l- 104C (Line A) 49-2-104C (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Agent Drain Tube cornes in contact with heel or top of ton container. 49-1- I 06A1-A2 (Line A) 49-2-1064'l-A2 (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Hold Down Cylinders are extended. 49-l-1068l-82 (Line A) 49-2-1068l-BZ (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Hold Down Cylinders are retracted. 49-ZT-9104 (Line A) 49-ZT-9204 (Line B)Rotational Count Encoders Indicates Agent Drain Tube linear position and distance traveled. 66-Z3-910lA (Line A) 66-Z3-9201A (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the HTS Spray Wand Cylinder is fully extended. 66-Z3-9101B (Line A)* 66-Z3-92018 (Line B)*Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the HTS Spray Wand Cylinder is fully retracted. 66-Z3-9101C (Line A) 66-ZS-9201C (Line B)lnductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the HTS Spray Wand Heel Detect. 66-ZT-9101 (Line A) 66-ZT-9201 (Line B)Rotational Count Encoder Indicates the HTS Spray Wand linear position and distance traveled. 66-Z3-9103A (Line A) 66-Z3-9203A (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicated the HTS Rinsate Drain Tube Cylinder is fully extended. 66-Z3-91038 (Line A)* 66-Z3-92038 (Line B)*Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicated the HTS Rinsate Drain Tube Cylinder is fully retracted. 66-Z3-9103C (Line A) 66-ZS-9203C (Line B)Inductive Proximity Sensor lndicates the HTS Rinsate Drain Tube Heel Detect. 66-ZT-9103 (Line A) 66-ZT-9203 (Line B)Rotational Count Encoder Indicates HTS Rinsate Drain Tube linear position and distance traveled. Notes: u Sensor can be used to monitor throughput of munitions/bulk iterns. b Interlocks MDM-GATE-I01 and -102* Critical Sensor or Interlock that must be functional when the associated miscellaneous unit is operating. BDS = Bulk Drain Station Attachment - 14 - Page 67 Demi lit anzation M i scel laneous TreatmJ:;3l June 2009 Table l4-4-l MAXIMUM EXPLOSIVE WEIGHT IN EXPLOSIVE CONTAINMENT ROOM Normal Process Mode Reject Process Mode Munitions (Explosive Type) No. of Rounds/Burster In ECR Explosive Weight In ECR (TNTE") No. of Rounds/Burster in ECR Explosive Weight In ECR (TNTn") l55mm/M 104 and M I l0 (Tetrvtol)4 1.99 4 1.99 4.2-in.lM2 and M2 (Tetryll)2 0.40 4 0.80 Note: ECR = Explosive Containment Room I . Based upon ECR design (ref: Section 14.4.1 .4.2), the maximum quantity of explosive material allowed in an ECR is l5 lbs (trinitrotoluene equivalent (TNTeq)). Therefore, in addition to the quantities identified above, the TOCDF may have additional in-process munitions, other explosive materials in the ECR provided that the total quantity in the ECR does not exceed 15 lbs (TNT equivalenQ. TNT Equivalence is based on the specific explosive type's brisance as compared to TNT as reported in Army Technical Manual TM 9- I 300-214. A mustard I 55mm projectile burster contains 0.414 of tetryl/TNT/tetrytol compound with a TNT equivalent of 1.2 lbs.nn/pound Attachrnent - 14 - Page 68 TOCDF Demi I i t anzation M i scel I an eou s Treatmen t Units June 2009 Table 14-4-2 PROJECTILE/MORTAR DISASSEMBLY MACHINE SENSORS Sensor Tag Sensor Type Functional Description P-l*Inductiv. P..ung. I Indicates the munition is in the Transfer Station. I 02B Inductive Proximity Sensor, lOmm range Indir.qfes fhe Trqnsfer Cnnrrerrnr Trnllcrr is in ifs hnrneJ position. I 03A Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm range Indicates the saddle is in the load position. I 038 Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm range Indicates the saddle is in the unload position. l 03c Inductive Proximity Sensor, 1Omm range Indicates the Index Table is indexed at proper position to line up with each other. I l0A/B*NAMCO Switch Senses when the burster probe is extended or retracted. P-2*Inductive Proximity Sensor, 35mm range Indicates the munition is in correct position to begin operation at the NCRS. P-21*Fiber Optic Sensor Indicates the fuzelnose closure is in the Chuck Jaws when the NCR carriage is fullv retracted. P-22 Fiber Optic Sensor Indicates the burster is in position for unscrewing fuzes from bursters (M2). 201 B*Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm range Indicates the Projectile Clamp Cylinder is extended and munition is clamped. 20tc Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm range Indicates the Projectile Clamp Cylinder is retracted and the munition is unclarnped. 2o2Al Induct ve Prox m ty Sensor Ind cates the NCR Carriage is fully extended. 202B'Induct ve Prox m ty Sensor Ind cates the NCR Carriage is fully retracted. 202C1 Inductive Proxirnity Sensor, 5mm range Indicates the NCR Carriage is in the mid-position. P5-203A Pressure Switch Indicates the Hydraulic Chuck Jaws are fully extended or clamped on a nose closure/fuze. P5-2038 Pressure Sw tch Ind cates the Hvdraulic Chuck Jaws are fully retracted. PS-204A*Pressure Sw tch Ind cates the Chuck Motor (spindle) has stalled. 206A Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Gripper Slide Cylinder is fully extended and the Gripper Slide Assemblv is in the "up" position. 2068 Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Gripper Slide Cylinder is fully retracted and the Gripper Slide Assemblv is in the down position. 207 A Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Booster/Burster Gripper Cylinder is fully extended, .iaws "open." P-3 *Inductive Proxirnity Sensor, l0rnrn range Indicates the projectile is in position at the MPRS. P-31 *Fiber Optic Sensor Indicates the fuze and burster are conveyed to the DFS feed gate to cause the feed gate to cycle 301 Al lnductive Proxirnity Sensor Indicates the Projectile Positioning Cylinder is fully extended and the V-plate is raised. 30lBl Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Projectile Positioning Cylinder is fully retracted and the V-plate is "down." 3024 Induct ve Proxim ty Sensor Indicates the Pro ectile Hold Down Cylinder is extended. 3028 Induct ve Proxim ty Sensor Indicates the Pro ectile Hold Down Cylinder is retracted. 303Ar Inductive Proxirnity Sensor Indicates the MPR Carriage Cylincler is extended and carriage is in "horne" position. 3038r Inductive Proxirnity Sensor Indicates the MPR Cariage Cylinder is retracted and carriage is in fullv "fbrward" position. 303C I Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm range lndicates the MPR Carriage is in mid-position. Attachrnent -14 - Page 69 Demi I it arization M i scellaneous TreatmJ:;#I June 2009 Table 14-4-2 PROJECTILE/MORTAR DISASSEMBLY MACHINE SENSORS Sensor Tag Sensor Type Functional Description 303Dr Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm rallge Indicates the MPR Carriage is in position to begin bakelite fuze well cup cutting sequence (for Ml l0 proiectiles only). 304A1 Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Fuze Well Cup Collet Release Cylinder is extended to release Collet. 3048'Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Fuze Well Cup Collet Release Cylinder is retracted to set the Collet. 304C'Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates BRAD is extended to rotate burster. 30gAl Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm range Indicates the Air-Probe Cylinder is extended (M I 2l Al only). 3O8B I Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm range Indicates the Air-Probe Cylinder is retracted (M l2l Al only). P-4*r Inductive Proximity Sensor, 35mm range Indicates a projectile is in correct position at the BRS. 401Al Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Projectile Positioning Cylinder is fully extended and the V-plate is "raised." 40lB'Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Projectile Positioning Cylinder is fully retracted and the V-plate is "down." 402A'Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm range Indicates the BRS Carriage is fully extended (forward). 40281 Inductive Proximity Sensor, 5mm range Indicates the BRS Carriage is in the retracted position. 402C1 Inductive Proximity Sensor, lOmm range Indicates the BRS Carriage has retracted to the rnid- position to allow the burster to be gripped by the Burster Gripper. 403A* I Inductive Proxirnity Sensor, I Ornrn range Indicates the Delta-P Cylinder is fully extended. 4038* I Inductive Proxirnity Sensor, I Ornrn range lndicates the Delta-P Cylinder has fully retracted to the "f'ailed to Extract Burster" position. 403Cr Inductive Proximity Sensor, lOmm range Indicates the Delta-P Cylinder head has retracted paft way to the "Air Offl' position and extended part way to the "Collet Released" position. 404A1 Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Burster Conveyor Lift Cylinder is f'ully extended and the Burster Conveyor is in the "lowered" position. 4048'Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Burster Conveyor Lift Cylinder is fully retracted and the Burster Conveyor is in the "raised" position. 405A I Inductive Proxirnity Sensor Indicates the Burster Gripper Cylinder is extendecl and jaws are '!closed. " 4058 I Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates the Burster Gripper Cylinder is retracted and jaws are ttopen.tt 406A1 Inductive Proxirnity Sensor, 1 Ornm range Indicates the Burster Gripper Assembly is in position over the burster. 4068 I Inductive Proxirnity Sensor, I Ornrn range Indicates the Burster Gripper Assernbly is in its "Home" position over the BSR chute. PMD-ENC-I *Transfer Conveyor Optical Encoder (20904\ 300v I 2-way solenoid valve, normally closed Used to provide 100 psi compressed air to the MPRS Air Blast Tube. 300v2 r 2-way solenoid valve, normally cl osed Used to provide 300 psi cornpressed air to the MPRS Air Blast Tube. 308VA l 4-way, two position, solenoid valve Used to provide 100 psi compressed air to extend and I retract the MPRS Air-Prohg{Ml !?1A1). I 400v I Z-way solenoid valve, normally closed Used to provide 100 psi compressed air to the BRS Delta-P I Head Assernbly (and 300 psi cornpresse{ qir jn when I o Attachrnent - l4 - Page 70 TOCDF Demi I i t anzation M i scel I an eou s Treatmen t Un i ts June 2409 Table 14-4-2 PROJECTILE/MORTAR DISASSEMBLY MACHINE SENSORS Sensor Tag Sensor Type Functional Description operated with 400V3). 40oY2l 2-way solenoid valve, normally closed Used to vent 100 psi or 300 psi compressed air from the Delta-P Head Assembly. 400v3 '2-way solenoid valve, normally closed Used to provide 300 psi compressed air to the BRS Delta-P Head Assembly. PLS-4XI (PMD-r0l) Inductive Proximity Sensor Indicates that the pusher is at the home position. This information is also used to reset the pusher position optical encoder. RSM.ENC-I*, (PMD-I0l) Optical Encoder BSR Pusher Optical Encoder 4l-2-ZTl (PMD-I02) Pusher Cylinder Linear Position Transducer Indicates position of burster pusher hydraulic cylinder. PLS-7* PLS-8* PLS.9* Inductive Proximity Sensor All three switches (PLS -7,8, and 9) are installed and used only during Burster Size Reduction operations. Each switch indicates that the burster is present in that particular zone of the burster chute. The system requires that the burster must make two of three switches before they are indexed forward to the shear station. Notes: BRAD = Burster Rotating Adapter Device BRS: Burster Rernoval Systern BSR: Burster Size Reducer MPR: Miscellaneous Parts Rernoval MPRS: Miscellaneous Parts Removal Station NCR: Nose Closure Removal NCRS: Nose Closure Rernoval Systern PLC : Programmable Logic Controller Psi = Pounds per Square Inch o : Critical Sensor or Interlock that must be functional when the associated miscellaneous unit is operating. .'Not used during 4.2inchHTmortarprocessing. Attachrnent - 14 - Page 7l TOCDF Demi I it anzation M i scel I aneou s Treatment Un i ts June 2009 Table 14-5-1 SUMMARY OF MULTIPURPOSE DEMILITARIZATION MACIIINE AND PICK AND PLACE MACIIINE SENSORS, 155 mm H Projectile MDM-101, MDM-102 & MDM-103! Sensor Type Sensor Tugo Location of Sensor Functional Description Proximity Detector 4s-l-100c 45-2-100c 45-3-100C Corresponding MDM Index Table Indicates the MDM's Index Table is properly aligned within the MDM. NAMCO Switch 45-l-l0rA/B 4s-2-l0t NB 4s-3-l0 t A/B Corresponding MDM Index Table Senses when projectile slide cylinder #l is extended/retracted. Proximity Detector 45-1-101C* 45-2-t0lc* 45-3-10l c* MDM-101 Sta. I MDM-102 Sta. 1 MDM-103 Sta. I Senses when a munition is at the LUS. Fiber Optic Sensor 45-t- l0l D*MDM-l0l Sta. I Senses the presence of a crimped burster well at the LUS during the reinsert mode. NAMCO Switch 45-t-401A/B MDM-lOl Sta. 4 Senses when projectile slide cylinder #4 is extended/retracted.45-2-401AlB MDM-102 Sta. 4 45-3-401AlB MDM-103 Sta. 4 NAMCO Switch 4s-t-402N8 MDM-l0l Sta. 4 Senses when the projectile clamp cylinder is extended/ retracted. 45-2-4028 MDM-102 Sta. 4 Senses when the proiectile clamp is retracted 45-3-4028 MDM-I03 Sta. 4 Senses when the proiectile clamp is retracted Fiber Optic Sensor 45-ZS-9203 MDM-102 Sta. 4 Senses proj ectile defbnnati on 45-ZS-9303 MDM-103 Sta. 4 Senses proi ectile defonnation Pressure Switch 4s-t-402c MDM- l0l Sta. 4 Senses when the projectile clarnps are clamped.45-2-402C MDM-I02 Sta. 4 45-3-402C MDM-103 Sta. 4 NAMCO Switch 4s-t-403AlB MDM-I01 Sta. 4 Senses when the boring head feed cylinder is fully extended/retracted. Hall Effect Switch 45-Z3-9201A/B MDM- 102 Sta. 4 Senses when the burster probe cylinder is fully extended/retracted45-ZS-9301AlB MDM-103 Sta. 4 NAMCO Switch 45-t-404N8*MDM-l0l Sta. 4 Senses when the burster probe is extended or retracted.ffi ffi1l $ u NAMCO Switch 4s-t-406N8 MDM-101 Sta. 4 Senses when the plus transition chute is extended/retracted. [l-t11i1+t1,11ffi ',t!,i |1ffifl .Etrt[ Vaccon Vacuum Switch 4s-1-407 MDM- l0l Sta. 4 Verifies that a plug is present in the socket assernbly. it ilji! i:,fr1ii ,: fl,l...H H NAMCO Switch 45-t-501A/B MDM-101 Sta. 5 Senses when the proiectile slide cylinder #5 is extended/retracted. +lffirB '"ffit*ilifr;ff,f$ iiffi$iffi 'll ffi NAMCO Switch 4s-t-s02NB MDM-l0l Sta. 5 Senses when the proiectile lift cvlinder is extended/retracted. ,il{iii#,iiii!;iiii j,;i!.;'#ffi *#ffi NAMCO Switch 45-1-5034/B 18{,2 MDM-I01 Sta. 5 Senses when the carriage cylinder is extended/retracted. Hall Effect Switch 45-ZS-9202,\MDM- 102 Sta. 4 Senses when the punch probe cylinder is extended4s-zs-9302,\MDM-103 Sta.4 4s-zs-92028 MDM-I02 Sta. 4 Senses when the punch probe cylinder is retracted45-ZS-93028 MDM-103 Sta.4 NAMCO 45-2-4038 MDM- 102 Sta. 4 Senses when the punch cylinder is retracted Attachrnent - 14 - Page 12 TOCDF Demil i t anzation M i scell aneous Treatment Uni ts June 2009 Table 14-5-1 SUMMARY OF MULTIPURPOSE DEMILITARIZATION MACHINE AND PICK AND PLACE MACHINE SENSORS, 155 mm H Projectite MDM-101, MDM-102 & MDM-103" Sensor Type Sensor Tugo Location of Sensor Functional Description Switch 45-3-4038 MDM- 103 Sta.4 NAMCO 45-r-504A/B t&2 MDM-lOl Sta. 5 Senses when the pull cylinder is extended/retracted. 45-2-403A*MDM-I02 Sta. 4 Senses when the punch cylinder is extended 45-3-403A*MDM-103 Sta. 4 Proximity Detector 45-t-504C*MDM-l0l Sta.5 Senses burster well when pulled. NAMCO Switch 45-t-s05A/B MDM-l0l Sta. 5 Senses when the collet set cylinder is extended/retracted. NAMCO Switch 45-t-s0sc MDM-l0l Sta. 5 Senses when the collet is set in the burster well. NAMCO Switch 4s-1-s064/B MDM-lOl Sta. 5 Senses when the drip pan cylinder (pull Station) is extended/retracted. NAMCO Switch 4s-1-s07 NB MDM-101 Sta. 5 Senses when the burster well chute cylinder is extended/retracted. ffi NAMCO Switch 4s-t-s09A/B MDM-101 Sta. 5 Senses when the drip pan cylinder (Drain Station) is extended/retracted. NAMCO Switch 45-t-510A/B*MDM-l0l Sta. 5 Senses when the drain tube cylinder is extended/retracted. ffi,.J Proxirnity Sensor 45-t-510c*MDM-l0l Sta. 5 Senses when the drain tube is at the bottom of the munition. NAMCO Switch 45-t-601A/B MDM-l0l Sta. 6 Senses when the proiectile sl de cylinder #6 s extended/retracted. NAMCO Switch 4s-t-602N8 MDM-101 Sta. 6 Senses when the burster well lift cvlinder is extended/retracted. ffi NAMCO Switch 4s-1-603A/B MDM-101 Sta. 6 Senses when the collet set cylinder is extended/retracted. Pressure Switch 4s-t-603c MDM-l0l Sta. 6 Senses when the collet is set in the burster well. NAMCO Switch 4s-t-604NB,MDM-101 Sta. 6 Senses when the burster well crimp cylinder s extended/retracted. iiiif,lilll++irli Attachment -14 - Page73 7 o TOCDF Demi I i t arization M i scel I an eou s Treatment Un i ts June 2009 Table 14-5-1 SUMMARY OF MULTIPURPOSE DEMILITARIZATION MACHINE AND PICK AND PLACE MACHINE SENSORS, 155 mm H Projectile MDM-101, MDM-102 & MDM-103" Sensor Tvpe Sensor Tug"Location of Sensor Functional Description Notes: u Currently, MDM-I01 is configured to process 4.2-inch mortars whereas MDM-I02 and MDM-103 are configured to process 155-mm projectiles. Because the MDM processing of I 55-mm projectiles is limited to the burster well punch step only, the majority of the instruments at MDM- I 02 and MDM- I 03 are not active, as indicated in the shaded cells of this table. b Sensor tags specifo which MDM the instrument serves (45- I -XXXA/B or C is at MDM- I 0l , 45-2-XXXNB or C is at MDM- 102, etc.) LUS : Load/Unload Station MDM = Multipurpose Dernilitarization Machine * = Critical Sensor or Interlock that must be functional when the associated miscellaneous unit is operating. Table l4-5-la SUMMARY OF MULTIPURPOSE DEMILITARIZATION MACHINE AND PICK AND PLACE MACHINE SENSORS, 4.2" HT Mortars MDM-101, MDM-102 & MDM-103! Sensor Type Sensor Tugo Location of Sensor Functional Description Proximity Detector 45-t- l00c Corresponding MDM Index Table lndicates the MDM's Index Table is properly aligned within the MDM.45-2-100C 45-3-100C NAMCO Switch 45-t- l01A/rl Corresponding MDM Index Table Senses when projectile slide cylinder #1 is extended/retracted.45-2-10l A/B 45-3-10 r A/B Proxirnity Detector 45-t- I 0l c*MDM-l0l Sta. I Senses when a munition is at the LUS.45-2- I 0l C*MDM-102 Sta. I 45-3- I 0l C*MDM-103 Sta. I NAMCO Switch 45-t-402Nt)MDM-l0l Sta. 4 Senses when the projectile clamp cylinder is extended/ retracted. NAMCO Switch 45-t-403tuu MDM-101 Sta. 4 Senses when the boring head feed cylinder is fully extended/retracted. NAMCO Switch 45-1-404NB-*MDM-101 Sta. 4 Senses when the burster probe is extended or retracted. NAMCO Switch 45-t -406Nt)MDM-l0l Sta. 4 Senses when the plug transition chute is extended/retracted. Vaccon Vacuum Switch 45-t -407 MDM- l0l Sta. 4 Verifies that a plug is present in the socket assembly. NAMCO Switch 45-t -50 r A/B 45-2-501 A/rl 45-3-50 r A/B MDM MDM MDM 0l Sta. 5 02 Sta. 5 03 Sta. 5 Senses when the projectile slide cylinder #5 is extended/retracted. NAMCO Switch 45-t-502NF- 45-2-s02NB 45-3-s02NB MDM MDM MDM 0l Sta. 5 02 Sta. 5 03 Sta. 5 Senses when the projectile lift cylinder is extended/retracted. NAMCO Switch 45-1-5034/8 t &2 MDM-0l Sta. 5 Senses when the carriage cylinder is extended/retracted.45-2-s03AlB t &2 MDM-02 Sta.5 4s-3-s03A/B I &2 MDM-03 Sta.5 NAMCO 45-l-504A/B t &2 MDM-0l Sta. 5 Senses when the pull cylinder is extendediretracted.45-2-s04NB t&2 MDM-02 Sta.5 45-3-504NB- | &2 MDM-03 Sta.5 Proxirnity Detector 45-t-504C*MDM-0l Sta. 5 Senses burster well when pulled. 45-t-504C*MDM.02 Sta.5 Attdchrnent -14 - Page74 \ o TOCDF Demi I i t anzation M i scel I an eous Treatmen t Uni ts June 2009 Table 14-5-1a SUMMARY OF MULTIPURPOSE DEMILITARIZATION MACHINE AND PICK AND PLACE MACHINE SENSORS, 4.2" H^f Mortars MDM-101, MDM-102 & MDM-103I Sensor Type Sensor Tugo Location of Sensor Functional Description 45-t-504C*MDM-10 Sta. 5 NAMCO Switch 45-t-50sA/B MDM-l0l Sta. 5 Senses when the collet set cylinder is extended/retracted.45-2-s0sAlB MDM-102 Sta. 5 45-3-505A/B MDM-103 Sta. 5 NAMCO Switch 4s-t-s0sc MDM-101 Sta. 5 Senses when the collet is set in the burster well.4s-2-505C MDM-I02 Sta. 5 4s-3-s05c MDM-103 Sta. 5 NAMCO Switch 45-r-5064/8 MDM-101 Sta.5 Senses when the drip pan cylinder (pull Station) is extended/retracted.45-2-506N8 MDM-102 Sta. 5 45-3-506N8 MDM-103 Sta. 5 NAMCO Switch 45-l-507 NB MDM-101 Sta. 5 Senses when the burster well chute cylinder is extended/retracted.45-2-507 NB MDM-102 Sta. 5 4s-3-s07 NB MDM-I03 Sta. 5 NAMCO Switch 4s-t-sOeA/B MDM-l0l Sta. 5 Senses when the drip pan cylinder (Drain Station) is extendediretracted.45-2-509N8 MDM- 102 Sta. 5 45-3-509N8 MDM-103 Sta. 5 NAMCO Switch 45-t-5 lOA/B*MDM-101 Sta. 5 Senses when the drain tube cylinder is extended/retracted.45-2-510AlB*MDM-I02 Sta. 5 45-3-510A/B*MDM-103 Sta. 5 Proximity Sensor 45-t-510c*MDM-l0l Sta. 5 Senses when the drain tube is at the bottom of the munition.45-2-51OCx MDM-I02 Sta. 5 45-2-510C*MDM-103 Sta. 5 Notes: " MDM configuration for 4.2" HT Mortar processing. Note MDM-l0l includes a functioning station 4 (bore station) to allow removal of burster wells that are welded in-place. Station 4 is not used on MDM-102 and -103. Station 6 is not used on any MDM since 4.2" HT burster well are not crimped or placed back into the drained mortar. Burster wells are removed and transferred to an accumulation container which is fed to the MPF with each tray of 4.2" Mortars. bSensortagsspecifiwhichMDMtheinstrumentserves(45-1-XXXA/BorCisatMDM-101,4i-}-XXXNBoTC isatMDM- 102, etc.) LUS = Load/Unload Station MDM = Multipulpose Dernilitarization Machine * = Critical Sensor or Interlock that must be functional when the associated miscellaneous unit is operating. Attachrnent - 14 - Page 75 Demilit anzation M i scel I aneous TreatmJ:;il June 2009 MULTIPURPOSE I Table 14-5-2 )EMILITARIZATION MACHINE AND PICK AND PLA CE MACHINE CRITICAL SENSORS AND INTERLOCKS Sensor Tag I I I Functional Description Senses munition tray at Line A, MDM-IOI Interlock Conveyor MDM-CNVP-l0l 45-10-25-170 Proximity Detector Senses munition tray at Line A, MDM-102 Conveyor MDM-CNVP-103 45-10-25- t 60 Proximity Detector Senses munition tray at Line A, MDM-I03 Conveyor MDM-CNVP- 1 05 45-10-25-254 Proximity Detector Senses munition tray at Line B, MDM-IOI Conveyor MDM-CNVP -102 45-t0-25-270 Proximity Detector Senses munition tray at Line B, MDM -IO2 Conveyor MDM-CNVP-104 45-t0-25-260 Proximity Detector Senses munition tray at Line B, MDM-103 Conveyor MDM-CNVP-106 Table 14-6-l Reserved Attachrnent - 14 - Page I6 o TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 Or ATTACHMENT 16 TANK SYSTEMS \,^ Attachment 16 - Page r TOCDF Tank Systans March 2007 Table of Contents Table of Contents List of Tables List of Acronyms 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Extemal Corrosion Protection 16.3 Description Of Feed Systems, Saf*y Cutofl Bypass Systems, and Pressure Control 16.3.2 Common Tank Components 16.3.3 TOCDF Agent Collection Tank System 16.3.4 TOCDF Spent Decontamination Tank System 16.3.5 TOCDF Brine Reduction Area Tank System 16.3.6 ATLIC Lewisite Collection Tank System 16.3.7 ATLIC Spsnt Decontamination Tank System 16.3.8 ATLIC Nitric Acid Holding Tenk Systern 16.4 Plans and Description Of The Design, Construction, and Operations Of The Secondary Containment System For Each Tank System 16.4.5 TOCDF Agent Collection Tank System 16.4.6 TOCDF Spent Decontamination Tank System 16.4.7 External Liner Common Elements 16.4.8 TOCDF Brine Reduction Area Tank System 16.4.9 ATLIC Tank System Secondary Containment 16.5 Tank Age Determination 16.6 Tank System Secondary Containment Requirements 16.7 Tank System Leak Detection Requirements 16.8 AncillaryEquipment Secondary Containment Requirements Attachment 16 - Page rr -/ TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 16.9 Ancillary Equipment Leak Detection Requirements 16.10 Tank System Managemeflt Practices ! 16.10.1 Management of.Incompatible Wastes in Tanls 16.10.2 Management of Ignitable or Reactive Wastes in Tanks 1 6.1 0.3 General Operating Requirements List of Tables 16-1 TOCDF Agent Collection System Storage Tanks 16-2 TOCDF Spent Decontamination Holding Tank System 16-3 TOCDF Brine Storage Tank System 16-4 ATLIC Lewisite Agent Collection System Storage Tanks 16-5 ATLIQ Spent Decontamination System Storage Tarrk 16-6 ATLIC Nitric Acid Holding System Storage Tanks \ Attachment 16 - Page ru List of Acronyms ACS Agent Collection System AQS Agent Quantification System ATLIQ Area l0 Li$lid lncinerator BDS Bulk Drain Station BRA Brine Reduction Area CRO Control Room Operator DFS Deactivation Furnace System ECR Explosive Containment Room ECV Explosive Containment Room Vestibule ICU Intermittent Containment Unit LIC Liquid Incinerator MDB Munitions Demilrtanzation Building MDM Multipurpose Demilrtanzation Machine MPB Munition Processing Bay MPF Metal Parts Furnace NFPA National Fire Protection Association PAS Pollution Abatement System PDARS Process Data Acquisition and Recording System PLC Programmable Logic Controller RCRA Resource Conservation Recovery Act SDS Spent Decontamination System TMA Toxic Maintenance Area TOCDF Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility TOX Toxic Cubicle TSDF Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 _a Attachment 16 - Page iv 16.1 16.1.1 16.1 .1 .1 TOCDF 'ilHiliffi; INTRODUCTION Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) nunages liquid hazardous wastes in three different tank systems: Agent Collection System (ACS): Consisting of ACS-TANK-IOI, ACS-TANK- 102 and ancillary equipment (See Table 16-1 for design specifications). These tanks receive and accumulate the chemical agent that is drained from the munitions and bulk containers processed at the TOCDF. The collected agent is sent from the ACS tanks to the primary chamber of the Liquid Incinerators. Spent Decontamination Systern (SDS): Consisting of SDS-TANK-I01, SDS- TANK-102, SDS-TANK-103, and ancillary equipment (See Table 16-2 for design specifications). These tanks receive and accumulate spent decontamination solution generated within the Munitions DemilitarizationBuilding (MDB) during maintenance activities. As solutions are sprayed over the area or equipment being decontaminated, spent solutions collect in double lined sumps (referred to as Intermittent Collection Units [ICU] because of the management constraints placed upon them through RCRA Permit conditions). From the ICU the spent decontamination solution is pumped to the SDS tanks. Spent decontamination solutions is sent from the SDS Tanks to the secondary chamber of the Liquid Incinerators. One SDS tank is left empty when chemical agent is being processed inside the MDB and is to be used as storage in case there is an agent spill. Brine Reduction Area (BRA) Tank Svstem: ConsiSting of BRA-TANK-101, BRA-TANK- 1 02, BRA-TANK-20 1, BRA-TANK -202, ard ancillary equipment (See Table 16-3 for design specifications). The BRA tanks receive and accumulate spent scrubber brines generated by the Pollution Abatement Systems associated with the Liquid Incinerators, Metal Parts Fumace, and Deactivation Fumace System. From the BRA tanks, spent scrubber brine is either treated onsite in the BRA or transferred to tankers for transport to an offsite Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF). 16.1 .1.2 16.1 .1 .3 16.1.2 ATLIC manaees liquid hazardous wastes in three different tank systems: 'l LewisiteCollectionSystem(LCS): Consistineofhilotanls.LCS-TAI.{K-8511and-8534. and ancillary egipment (See Table 16,4 for desien specifications). LCS-TANK-8511 receives and accumulates the chanical aeent that is drained from Lewisite ton containers processed through the ATLIC glove-boxes. The collected asent is sent from the LCS tanks to the primary chamber of the ATLIC LIC. LCS-TANK-8534 is maintained ernpt], and used for the collection of major spills that occur in the ATLIC. Spent Decontamination Syste.m (SDS): Consistine of one SDS tank. SDS-TANK-8523. and ancillary equipment (See Table 16-5 for desien specifications). This tank receives and accumulates soent decontamination solution rinse water eenerated from the processine of GA ton containers. rinse water generated from the processing of Lewisite ton containers. and spent decontamination solution eenerated from maintenance activities within the AILIC. Sumps are located in the ATLIC Toxic Area Room. the ATLIC LIC Room. the Level B. and Level A Airlocks. Each area's floor is sloped such that the spent decon solution is collected in below-srade sumBs constructed of co+crete with a steel Ban placed within the concrete sumo. The steel pan is lined \ Attachment l6 - Page I TOCDF Tank Systerns March 2007 with a protective liner compatible with the materials that are in the area. From these sumps (or ICUs) the spent decontamination solution is pumped to the SDS tanks. and from the tanks to the secondary chamber of the Liquid Incinerator. Nitric Acid Holdine Tank System (NSF): Consisting of two tanks. NSF-TANK-8514 and LCS-TANK-8516. and ancillary equipment (See Table 16:6 for design specifications). These tanks receive and accumulate the corrosive and hish metals content waste stream generated from the rinsine out of L TCs. Brine Holding Tank System: The three brine holding tanks. which receive spent scrubber brines generated by the ATLIC Pollution Abatement System. are rnanaged as less than 90- day accumulation tanks. The spent scrubber brine is transfeired to tankers for transport to an offsite Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF). Less Than (<) Waste Control Limit Spent Nitric Acid Tank: Consisting of one holding tank which receives Spent Nitric Acid. This tank (PAS-Tank-8569) is manaeed as a less than 90-day accumulation tank. Note onlv Spent Nitric Acid having a Lewisite concentration of less than the Waste Control Limit of 200 parts oer billion (ppb) is transferred to this tank. 16.2 With the exception of the TOCDF BRA tanks, which are located outside on concrete pads, all of the hazardous waste tanks at TOCDF are located inside and are not extemally exposed to soil or precipitation. The exterior of the BRA tanks is painted for protection against atmospheric conditions. Flat-bottomed tanks that are permitted to store hazardous waste are supported above their respective concrete pads to allow for leak detection. All tanks are painted for protection from rusting and atmospheric conditions. Painting specifications and other information on external corrosion protection are maintained at the site, and are available for inspection upon request. The integrity of the tank systems is ensured by the corrosion protection coatings and inspections. The tanks are located above ground and are set on concrete pads or are elevated to assist in visual inspection. Specifically, the TOCDF ACS tanks are constructed of carbon steel and coated with an epoxy paint system on the outside surface. The TOCDF SDS tanks are carbon steel tanks coated with an epoxy paint system on the outside surface. The TOCDF BRA tanks are carbon steel tanks lined with modified epoxy and coated with the manufacturer's standard coating. The TOCDF ACS-TANK-I02 andthe SDS tanks are supported above the floor on epoxy-coated steel legs. ACS-TANK-101 is supported above the floor by steel supports attached to the first floor platform. The legs are supported above the floor on concrete pads. Small spills are decontaminated and flushed with water as quickly as practical. Any spills and wash down liquids will drain away from the tanks and support legs to the sumps. Because the tanks and steel support legs are not normally exposed to liquids, exterior corrosion measures, such as cathodic protection, are not necessary. The BRA tanks are supported above ground on a concrete pad. Spills are handled in the manner previously described. 16.2.1 16.2.3. All hazardous waste storase and treatment tanks located at the ATLIC are within the Area 10 igloo which houses the ATLIC or within the Environmental Enclosure that is attached to the igloo. All ATLIC permitted hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks are 16.2.2 Attachment l6-Page2 TOCDF Tank Systerns elevated above theflgp{ by steel supports. LCS-Tar:k-8S11 is the onlyoermitted hazardous waste storiqb and trgatment tankthat is made of carbon steel. The exterior of this tank is oailrted with an epoxy coating. All other ATLIC storage and treatment tanks are made of stainless steel. 16.3 DESCRIPTIONS OF FEED SYSTEMS. SAFETY CUTOFF. BYPASS SYSTEMS. AND PRESSURE CONTROI. taO -CFR 264.19a6X2) and 270.16(c)J 16.3.1 The following paragraphs discuss feed systems, safety cutofl blpass systems and pressure control for the TOCDF and ATLIC tank systerns. General information that is applicable to more than one system is given, as well as specific information for the fOCDE ACS, SDS, and BRA tanks. and the ATLIC LCS. SDS. and NSF tanks. These controls are described further in the Piping and Instrumentation Diagram drawings that are included in Attachment 11 (General Facility Drawings) of this Permit. 16.3.2 Common Tank Components fhe following description applies to the two TOCDF tanks for agent collection, ACS- TANK-I01 and -I02; the three tanks for spent decontamination solution, SDS-TANK- 101, -102, and -103; and the four tanks for brine, BRA-TANK-101, -102, -201, and -202. All of the tanks have a level transmitter that provides both low- and high-level alarms to the Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS). A listing of the instruments for the tanks, piping, and valving follows: Tank level transmittersr indicating an alarm at low'level and highJevel. Tank-level switches indicating an alarm at low-low level and high-high level. Valvepositionswitches. Strainer differential pressure transmitters are part of the Agent and Spent Decontamination Tank Systems. Liquid flow control. Liquid flow pressure indicator and transmitter. Mass flow measurement and transmitter. All TOCDF tanks are at atmospheric pressure and pressure is not measured. Temperature of liquids is ambient and is not measured in the ACS and SDS tanks. Temperature is measured in the BRA tanks to provide input to the temperature compensating level indicators. Flows to the tanks are not measured. Liquid level monitoring and alarms in the Agent Collection and Spent Decontamination Tanks are provided by either an ultrasonic level transmitter or a radar level transmitter. I NOTE: Tank transmitters indicate low and high level alarms while tank switches indicate low-low and high-high levels. Attachrnent l6 - Page 3 16.3.3 16.3 .3.3 16.3.3.s TOCDF 'ffi:.:niffi; TOCDF Agent Collection Tank System Reserved Agent collected from bulk munitions at the TOCDF bulk drain stations is routed to ACS- TANKS-101 or 102 via an unpocketed line to agent pumps ACS-PUMP-I14 and 115. Accompanying the drain process is a bubbler t1,pe level measurement system that indicates the drain status of the munition when the maximum amount of agent is drained. The drain/bubbler probe is purged with air to remove any residual agent before retraction from the munition. The amount of agent removed from the munition is quantified by weighing the munition before and after the draining operation is completed. Three air-operated diaphragm agent pumps, ACS-PUMP-105, 106, and 107, pump agent drained from the munitions to either TOCpE ACS-TANK-I01 or 102. Operation of these agent pump(s) induces a vacuum in the AQS system that is controlled by opening and closing isolation valves. The vacuum enables the draining of agent from the munitions. Accompanying the drain process is a bubbler type level measurement system that indicates when the drain process is complete. The TOCDF ACS-TANK-IOI and ACS-TANK-102, the agent holding tanks, are the primary tanks for demilitarization operations. When a tank has been selected to fill and the system is placed in automatic, the inlet valve is opened and'draining is permitted to proceed. In order to allow draining of agent to be initiated, an inlet valve must be open and the corresponding tank cannot be at a high level (corresponding to the maximum allowable volume of 500 gallons for ACS-TANK-l0l and 1130 gallons for ACS-TANK- 102). If these conditions do not exist for one of the tanks, no additional munitions shall be drained. Should both TOCDF tanks reach their high-high levels, all draining activities shall automatically cease. An alarm shall sound in the control room if either tank reaches its high-high level. Once draining activities are discontinued because of lack of storage volume, demilitarization processing shall not begin until one of the tanks has sufficient capacity to collect the drained agent. When the tank is filled to a preset level, a highJevel alarm sounds in the control room to alert the operator. If the level in the tank continues to rise until a high-high level is reached, the control system automatically closes the inlet valve to the tank and stops draining operations. The venting of TOCDF agent tanks is controlled by pressure differentials without the need for manual switching of vents. Vapors from the agent tanks escape through a conservation breather vent on TOCDF ACS-TANK-I02, still within the TOX. The TOX is a level A area and is maintained at negative pressure. Vapors passing through the conservation breather vent will combine with TOX ventilation air and be drawn through the exhaust carbon filter units. In the event ofa rapid pressure buildup, such as during a fire, the vent is sized large enough to handle the expected agent vaporizationrate. A rupture disk, rated at 15 psig and vented to the TOX, is installed on TOCDF ACS-TANK-I01. The rupture disk is located inanozzle. Adjacent to the rupture disk, in a separate nozzle, is a vacuum relief valve set at 10 psia. If agent is pumped from the tank at a rate faster than it is supplied to the tank by the drain 16.3.3.J Attachrnent l6 - Page 4 16.3.4 t6.3.4.2 TOCDF 'ill:iliffi; station, a vacuum in the tank may develop. This vacuum relief valve allows air to pass into the tank from the TOX. It does not vent air out of the agent tanks. Downstream of the strainers, the discharge lines from the TOCDF ACS-TANK-l01 and ACS-TANK-I02 combine in a common line to the agent feed pump header. Two Liquid lncinerator (LIC) agent feed pumps and a spare are provided. Each of the operating agent feed pumps has a flow control loop that recirculates agent from the pump discharge line to the pump inlet header. During normal operation, agent will be continuously recirculated in the flow control loops since the design flow rate is lower than the rated capacity of the pumps. Pressure safety valves are provided with each pump to recirculate agent from the discharge to the pump inlet if the pressure at the pump discharge reaches a specified setpoint. These pressure safety valves protect the pumps in case a downstream control or manual valve is closed. When an Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off occurs, the agent feed pump providing feed to the effected LIC is shut down and a shutoff valve in the agent line is closed. A mass flow element, pressure-indicating transmitter, low pressure switch, and shutoff valve are located on each agent line prior to penetration into the TOCDF primary LIC room. Thgse instruments indicate low flow or low pressure in the agent line. If low flow is sensed in the agent line downstream of the hgent pump, an alarm will qound in the 'control room and the agent lihe shutoff valve is closed. When lo'w pressure occurs in the agent line an alarm will sound in the control room, the online pump is shut'down and the spare pump is started. If a lowJow pressure is sensed in this line, the corresponding agent feed pump is stopped. A low pressure switch and two tight shutoff valves are also located on the agent line inside the TOCDF primary LIC Room. If a low pressure is sensed in the agent line upstream of the primary LIC, an alarm will sound in the control room and a signal is sent to the corresponding LIC flame safety shutdown system. In addition, the shutoff valves are closed, thereby stopping flow to the incinerator. The length of agent piping from the last shutoff valve to the incinerator inlet (where the agent tank system terminates) is minimized. TOCDF Spent Decontamination Tank System Each SDS tank has one vent to the SDS Room in order to maintain the tank at atmospheric pressure. To allow for initiation of spent decontamination solution pumping, an inlet valve to a SDS tank must be open and the tank cannot be at high level. If these conditions do not exist, pumping is not initiated. When a tank has been selected to fill and the system is placed on automatic, the inlet valve is opened and pumping is permitted to progress. When the tank is filled to a preset level, the system switches automatically to the second tank unless that tank indicates a maximum capacity level or the contents of the second tank are being fed to the secondary chamber of one of the LICs. If the second tank indicates a high maximum capacity level, or the contents of the second tank are being fed to one of the LICs, the inlet valves to both filled tanks are closed and pumping operations are halted. In addition to an alarm sounding during this condition, the control system automatically closes the inlet valve to the tank and stops pumping operations. The third tank shall be held in reserve to provide emergency storage in case there is an agent spill. Attachrnent l6 - Page 5 16.3.5 16.3.5. 1 I t I TOCDF Tank Systons March 2007 TOCDF Brine Reduction Area Tank System The TOCDF BRA tank system is composed of four brine storage tanks. Each brine storage tank has one inlet for feed from the Pollution Abatement Systems (PASs). Startup of the TOCDF incinerators ftoth LICs, Deactivation Furnace System (DFS), and Metal Parts Furnace (MPF) and subsequent pumping of the brine from its PAS to the brine surge tanks require that an outlet valve be closed (draining from tank) and that the tank is not at high-high level. This will satisff the interlock and the inlet valve may be opened. When a tank has been selected to fill and the system is placed on automatic, the inlet valve is opened, and pumping is permitted to progress. When the tank is filled to the high level, the programrnable logic controller (PLC) closes the inlet valve as well as annunciates this condition to the Control Room Operator (CRO). This high level alarm prompts the CRO to prepare the next tank to be filled. This condition (closed inlet valve) can be blpassed by the CRO and filling can resume until the high-high level is reached. The high-high level is hard-wired and cannot be bypassed by the CRO. When an inlet valve closes, the PASs have approximately l0 minutes of surge capacrty within which the CRO must select another brine tank to fill. If this operation is not successful (e.g., the remaining three BRA tanks indicate high-high level, or two tanks indicate high-high level and one is draining), the level will continue to rise until it reaches the high-high level on the tank selected. At this point, an alarm sounds and an interlock stops feed to the TOCDF MPF, DFS, andboth LICs. If all of the BRA tanks are at high-high level, the LICs are immediately placed in an idle state. This procedure shuts off the agent and spent decontamination solution feeds to both LICs, reduces the production of brine, but keeps the LIC system in an idle condition for an easy restart. Idle conditions are continued until the levels in the BRA tanks are such that the LICs can resume operation. During LIC idle conditions, brine generation is minimized. The BRA tanks are protected from overfilling by level switches that close the brine inlet valves upon reaching high-high level. In the event of instrument failure, tank overflow outlets to the secondary containment system are provided. Reserved The TOCDF brine system also has a pump and associated piping used to load transport tankers. This piping ties into a plastic lined pipe that exits the Process Utilities Building (PUB) to the pipe rack west of the PUB. This pipe continues south in the overhead pipe rack. This pipe enters a pipe trench that goes under the double fence to a load/unload station. The brine is loaded into tankers which are transferred to an off-site TSDF for further treatment and ultimate disposal. The pipe trench is concrete lined with removable roof sections. The pipe trench floor and loading dock floor area and sump are coated with a chemical resistant coating. The plastic lined pipe is equipped with weep holes. These weep holes are connected to a common header. This header drains to a sump. If liquid is indicated in the sump an alarm is activated in the control room. TOCDF will transport the scrubber brine to a pre-approved off-site TSDF for disposal per the TOCDF Waste Analysis Plan. Attachrnent l6 - Page 6 TOCDF Tank Systems March 20A7 16.3.6. ATLIC Lewisite Collection Tank System (LCS) I 6.3.6. 1 . The only chemical aeent that will be rnanaged by the LCS-Tank-85 1 1 is asent drained from Lewisite ton containers. Note Agent GA is fed from the ton container directlyto the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber. The amount of l:ewisite drained from each ton container is not quantified. Lewisite ton containers are drained to the maximum extent possible ffi pumpable+Eien##llwhen the comoressed air used to pressurize the ton container during draining blows through the ton container drain valve and the cyclingof the diaohrasm LumLthat is used to drain the agent increases. which notes that there are no liquids LCS-Tank-851 I is equipped with both radar type level indication transmitters (LIT) and ultrasonic level switches. The LIT are used to determine the heieht of the liouid column of aeent stored in the tank while the level switches are used to activate level low-low &SLL) and level hieh-hish (LSHH) alarms. LSLL alarms stopJhe operation of the selected waste feed pump which is used to feed the tank's contents to the LIC Primary Combustion Chamber. LSHH alarms stop the operation of LDS-Pump-8503 which is used to transfer Lewisite from ton containers to the LCS-Tank-8511. Activation of the LSIIH alarm also automatically closes the inlet valve to the tank. The amount of Lewisite transferred to LCS-Tank-8S11 is controlled from the control room. The capacity of the tank is.such that the volume of a full tank is equival€nt to the volume of six ton containers. The Control Room Ooerator can determine if there is sufficient unused volume capacity in the tank to hold the contents of the next ton container to be processed. The LCS-Tank is opriltedat atmospheric pressure and the tank's vent is open to the ATLIC Toxic Area which is a Level A area. Emissions from the LCS-Tank are captured by the ATLIC Heating Veirtilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) filters which incorporate activated carbon as an adsorbine media. A diaphragm pump (LDS-Pump-8503) is used to transfer Lewisite from the ton coptainer to LCS-Tank-8511. The asent passes through a duplex strainer (LDS-FILT-8501 before it reaches the tank. There is a diaphraem pump available for mixine the contents of the tank LCS-Pump-8512. Lewisite is rernoved from the tank and fed to the Primary Combustion Chamber of the ATLIC using variable frequency drive equipped waste feed pumps WFS-Pump-8655 or 8656. The agent passes throush a basket strainer located prior to the pumps. Pressure Differential Indicatins Transmitters (PDITs) associated with. the strainers allows the ATLIC Control Room Operator to determine when a strainer needs to be cleaned. Major Spill Tank LCS-Tank-8534 is also included as part of the Lewisite Collection Tank System. This tank does not have any pumps associated with it. m ien LCS-Tank-8534 can be filled with liouid that accumulates in the Toxic Area Room Sump 107 usine SDS-Pump-8530. or bv connectins a flex hose between the outnut of LCS-Pump-8522 (which services the Attachment l6-Page7 ITOCDF Tank Systerns March 2007 bermed area that sunports the soent nitric acid tanks) and valve 1"-V-8636. Each tank's piping systern is equipped with a t-connection that a flexible hose can be attached. To transfer the contents of LCS-Tank-8534. a flexible hose is attached to the Major Spill Tank t-connection and to the t-connection that the soill tank's contents are to be transferred. The "destination" tank's circulation pump is then used to transfer the waste to the desired tank. t0,a,0,2, Uajer Sp i+ sutrffi{tffit 16.3.7. ATLIC Spent Decontamination Tank System (SDS) The ATLIC SDS System tank SDS-Tank-8523 is used to accumulate spent decontamination solution and rinse water generated from the processine of Aeent GA ton containers. rinse water eenerated from orocessing of Lewisite and Transparency ton containers. and soent decontamination solutions generated from ATLIC maintenance activities. SDS-Tank-8523 is equioped with both radar t),pe level indication transmitters (LIT) and ultrasonic level switches. The LIT are used to determine the height of the liquid column of agent stored in the tank while the level switches are used to activate level low-low (LSLL) and level hieh-high [SHH) alarms. LSLL alarms stop the operation of the selected waste feed pump which is used to feed the tank's contents to the LIC Secondary Combustion Chamber. LSHH alarms stop the operation of LDS-Pump-8506 which is used to transfer spent decontamination solutions and rinse waters to the SDS-Tank-8523. Activation of the LSHH alarm also automaticallv closes the inlet valve to the tank. The amount of spent decontamination solution transferred to SDS-Tank-8523 is controlled from the control room. The Control Room Operator can determine if there is sufficient unused volume caoacitv in the tank to hold the contents of the ton container that has been rinsed. The SDS-Tank is operated at atmosoheric pressure and the tank's vent is open to the ATLIC Toxic Area which is a Level A area. Emissions from the SDS-Tank are captured by the ATLIC HVAC filters which incomorate activated carbon as an adsorbine media. A diaphragm oump (LDS-Pump-8506) is used to transfer spent decontamination solution and rinse water from the ton containers to SDS-Tank-8523. The decontamination solution and rinse water passes throueh a duplex strainer (LDS-FILT-8510) before it reaches the tank. There is a diaphraem pump available for mixine the contents of the tank SDS- Pumo-8524. After beins sampled and analvzed ner Attachment 2 of this permit the The tank's contents are fed to the Secondary Combustion Chamber of the ATLIC usins variable frequency drive equipped spent decon feed pumos SDF-Pump-8330 or 8340. The waste feed oasses throush a basket strainer located prior to the pumps. Nitric Acid Holdins Tank Svstem NSF)16.3.8. Attachment l6 - Page 8 TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 The Nitric Acid Holdine Tanks (NSF-Tank-8514 and LCS-Tank-8516) are used to store- and treat the metal laden corrosive waste steam that is eenerated during the rinsing out of Lewisite TCs. This waste stream may contain Lewisite at concentration greater than the WCL of 200 ppb. The treatment that may occur in this tank is limited to the addition of 3 Molar (M) sreater strength nitric acid to lower the Lewisite concentration to below the WCL. NSF-Tank-8514 and LCS-Tank-8516 are located in the ATLIC Toxic Area and like all the tanks located in this area vent freelv to the air within the Toxic Area. The NSF-Tank-8514 and LCS-Tank-8516 are operated at atmospheric pressure and each tank's vent is open to the ATLIC Toxic Area which is a Level A area. Emissions from NSF-Tank-8514 and LCS-Tank-8516 are captured by the ATLIC HVAC filters which incorporate actiVated carbon as an adsorbing media. NSF-Tank-8514 and LCS-Tank-8516 each have a dedicated diaphrasm circulation pump (NSF-Pump-8515 and LCS-Pump-8519. respectively) that can be used to mix the contents ofeach tank. Spent Nitric Acid is transferred from NSF-Tank-8514 or LCS-Tank-8516 to a hazardous 16.4 waste storaee tank located in the ATLIC Environmental Enclosure which also houses the LIC Pollution Abatement System usine diaohrasrn pumo NSF-Pump-85658577. The tank in the Environmental Enclosure is manaeed as a less than 90 day accumulation tank. The Soant Nitric Acid waste stream is transferred from NSF-Tank-8514 or LCS-Tank-8516. which are located in the ATLIC Toxic Area. when analytical results confirm that the tank's contents have a Lewisite concentration that is less than the WCL of 200 ppb. PLANS AND DESCRIPTION OF THE DESIGN. CONSTRUCTION. AND OPERATION OF THE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM FOR EACH TANK 16.4.1 SYSTEM [40 CFR 264.193(a)-(fl and 270.16(e)] This section addresses the containment and detection of releases for the three TOCDF tank systems: ACS (Section16.4.5), SDS (Section 16.4.6), ar+BRA (Section 16.a.8),@d_jh9 three ATLIC tank systans: LCS. SDS. and NSF (Section 16.4.9). Eaehsubseetiea Secondary containment systems are designed, installed, and operated to prevent any migration of wastes out of the system at any time and are capable of detecting and collecting releases and accumulated liquids until the collected material is removed. Secondary containment systems are constructed of compatible materials, placed on an acceptable foundation or base, provided with a leak-detection system, and sloped or otherwise designed to remove spills or leaked wastes. Specific information on the design and construction of the secondary containment system for each tank system is maintained at the site and is available for inspection upon request. Attachment 11 contains the process flow diagrams, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and other information on the three tank systems. Secondary containment for all storage tanks in the tank systems is provided by sumps t6.4.2 16.4.3 Toxic Area is serviced by the ATLIC filtration system. 16.4.4 Attachrnent l6 - Page 9 I t 6.4.5 t6.4.s.4 I t 6.4.6 t6.4.6.1 . t6.4.6.2. TOCDF 'il|:il1ffi; under the tanks, or dikes or vaults around the tanks. Secondary containment for all of the primary containment sumps that are regulated through this Permit is provided by using the external liner concept. The secondary containment system is described for each tank in each system. TOCDF Agent Collection Tank System ACS-TANK-10l and ACS-TANK-L02 are located in the TOX on the first floor of the MDB. The MDB is designed to contain an accidental release of agent within the structure. The floor of the TOX is sloped to a depressed area and that to a 500-gallon sump. The secondary containment volume of the containment trench and sump is approximately 2,000 gallons. Because the TOX is located inside a building, there is no run-on or infiltration expected, and no increase in containment volume is required for these factors. The ventilation system is designed to act as a key element in the confinement of agent by operating and maintaining the MDB at a negative pressure. The interior faces of the exterior walls are sealed to protect the extemal environment. The same sealing procedure is applied to ventilation ducting and instrumentation lines that penetrate the walls. Agent monitors will detect any agent leaks from Category A areas through the walls or ventilation systems. The material used to provide sealing of the surfaces and joints of the floors, walls, ceilings, and wall penetrations are Plastite Protect Coating No. 7122 with PrimerNo. 7100, Epoloid No. 5-65 with PrimerNo. 7-W-20, and Epoloid Mastic No. 5- E-84. These materials are described in the specifications which are maintained at the site. Equivalent or superior materials may be used in accordance with Condition II.L. The TOX is located aboveground, inside a building, and is not subject to hydraulic pressure, so the requirement for the exterior moisture barrier to prevent migration of moisture into the vault is not applicable. TOCDF Spent Decontamination Tank System SDS-TANK-101, -102, and -103 are located in the SDS Room next to the TOX on the first floor of the MDB. The floor of the SDS Room is sloped to a containment area and a secondary containment sump. The containment volume is approximately 3,000 gallons. This volume is greater than the capacity of the largest tank. Because the SDS Room is located inside a building, there is no run-on or infiltration expected and no increase in containment volume is required for these factors. Spent decontamination solutions are collected from the MDB sumps. There are22 on the first floor, 3 on the first floor platform, 34 on the second floor, and 5 on the second floor platform. (See Table 4 in the Tables Section of the Permit for a listing of 24-Hour lntermittent Collection Units (ICUs).) Secondary containment for all of the 24-Hour ICUs in the spent decontamination holding tank system is addressed by applying the extemal liner concept. Generally, each 24-Hour ICU is of welded steel construction and is surrounded by an extemal concrete liner. Because all of the tanks and associated extemal liners are in the same building, the specific aspects of the external liner requirements are duplicated throughout this tank system. These aspects are addressed in the following paragraphs. Attachrnent l6 - Page l0 16.4.7 u.t0.4.7.1 1., ; 16.4.8 16.4.8. 1 t6.4.8.2 t6.4.8.3. t6.4.8.4. t6.4.8.s TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 External Liner Common Elements All of the sumps that are used for primary containment in the spent decontamination holding tank system are basically similar. Most sumps are constructed of epoxy-coated welded steel, measure 2.3 feetby 2.3 feet by 2.25 feet, and contain 89 gallons. The sump is surrounded by a cast-in-place, epoxy-coated (Epoloid E or equivalent) extemal concrete liner. The dimensions of the liner arc2.75 feet by 2.75 feetby 2.38 feet. The capacities of the regulated sumps and liners are shown in Tables 4 and 5. All oithe 24-Hour ICUs in the spent decontamination holding tank system are located inside the MDB. There is no nm-on or infiltration of precipitation expected inside the building. The extemal concrete liner is designed to be free from cracks or gaps. The liner has an Epoloid E (or equivalent) epoxy coating to ensure compatibility with the wastes being handled. The liner was monolithically poured as a part of the floor in the MDB and completely contains the sump contained within the liner. The liner is designed and installed to surround the sump completely. The liner will contain any waste material that may leak from the sump and will prevent both lateral and vertical migration of the waste. TOCDF Brine Reductipn Area Tank Systern BRA-TANK-I01, -i02, -201, and -202 are located outside, in a diked area immediately adjacent to the PUB. Secondary containment for all of the tanks in the brine reduction tank system is addressed by applying the vault concept. The diked area surrounding the brine storpge/treatment tanks is designed and constructed as a vault. The BRA Tank secondary containment system has a capacity of 47,000 gallons. The construction specifications for the installation required chemical-resistant water stops at all joints in the diked area. The foundation and interior walls of the diked area are sealed with an impermeable Epoloid E (or equivalent) epoxy paint coating. The BRA tank system is located outside aboveground and is not subject to hydraulic pressure because the foundation is located above the high water table, so the requirement for an exterior moisture barrier to prevent migration of moisture into the vault is not applicable. The brine storage tanks are located in a nonporous, epoxy-coated, reinforced- concrete, diked area outside of the Brine Reduction Building. The diked area contains one sump with a sloped bottom and level probe. A vapor barrier and a 4-inch capillary barrier are used below the vault bottom to resist surface water intrusion. There is a sump and sump pump located at the load/unload station. The sump provides secondary containment for any leakage from the equipment in the loading area and the pipe trench. The pipe trench drains into this sump. This sump is 36 inches wide by 36 inches long by 72 inches deep. The sump is made of 6-inch thick reinforced concrete and covered with steel grate. The sump and pipe trench are coated with a chemical resistant epoxy. The sump has a capacity of 400 gallons. Liquid collected in the pipe trench and the sump is transferred and managed in accordance with Module IV. Thd sump is pumped Attachrnent l6 - Page I I TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 to a transport tanker for subsequent disposal. The sump is equipped with a level indicating monitor. If liquid is indicated in the sump an alarm is activated in the control. 16.4.9. ATLIC Tank System Secondary Containment The ATLIC permitted hazardous waste storaee and treatment tanks are located in the Toxic Area. The secondary containment for these tank systems is provided by the impermeable base of the Toxic Area and the six inch curb that run the langth of the area's outer perimeter. The impermeable base is created by coatine the concrete floor and b€rrn with an epoxv coatine. There is second berm that runs the lensth of the Toxic Area. This "length wise" berm separates the secondarv containment area into two areas. The purpose of the berm is to isolate spill from the Spent Nitric Acid Storage Tanks which prevents the comingling of spill residues from the these tanks and the Soent Decon Tanlc In addition there are*re is one sumps located inrvi*frr the bermed Toxic Area. The flrmps.are This sumo (TOX Area Sumo 10n is of ide,ntical desien as the Intermitt€'nt Collection Units located at the TOCDF. LCS-Pumo-8522 is provided to transfer liouids that accumulate within the bermed area sunporting the Snent Nitric Acid Tanks to the Maior Snill Tank or to the intact Spent Nitric Acid Tank should one of the acid tanks reouire service. Further the Major Spill Tank that is located in the Toxic Area is maintained emoty as a contingency should one of the tanks within the Toxic Area fail. The requirenrent to hold this tank in reserve to address ootential major spill essentially creetes an additional 1.020 eallons of secondary containment capacity. This tank is constructed of stainless steal which is compatible with all the wastes and materials that are stored in the tanks located within the ATLIC Toxic Area. Liquids are transferred to the Maior Soill tank throush the use of SDS-Pumn-8530 bv first lettine the spilled liquids accumulate in the secondarv containment area. or bv flex hose connections and the use of LCS- Pumo-8522. There are five oermitted hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks. and one tank that is exempt from the hazardous waste reeulations because it hold Nitric Acid that will be used to rinse out Lewisite TCs (i.e.. product). within the Toxic Area bermed area. One of the five oermitted tanks is maintained empty to address major spills. Each tank is of identical desisn exce,pt for the materials of construction (Jhe Lewisite Collection Tank beine made of carbon steel. the others made of stainless steel). The permitted storage capacity of each tank is 1.020 eallons. The volume of the overall secondary containment created by the bermed Toxic Area is **86 2.555 sallons. The volume of the secondarv containment area that supnorts the Spent Nitric Acid Storaee Tanks is 958 sallons. A snill ereater than 958 sallons would overflow the berm and flow into the Toxic Area secondarv containment area. The total volume available to address spills in the Toxic Area. including that provided bythe Major Soill Tank is 2J06 3.575 gallons. TANK AGE pETERMTNATTON [40 CFR 264.191(bX4)]16.s Attachment l6-Page12 16.5.2. The fabrication date of the three ATLIC hazardous waste tank systems is after January 12. 1998 and each tank is required to undergo a Facility Construction Certification. The certification will be submitted for apnroval isrEErevC by the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. Therefore the requirements of 40 CFR 264.191 are not applicable. 16.6 TANK SYSTEM SECONDARY CONTAINMENT REOUIREMENTS I4O CFR 264. I 93(b)-(e) and 270. 1 6(g)l 16.6.1 TOCDF Secondary Containment Requirements 1 6.5. I 16.6.1 . L 16.6.L.2 16.6. 1 .3 16.6.1 .4 TOCDP Tank Systems Marcb2007 The three TOCDF hazardous waste tank systems were fabricated after January 12, 1988 and each underwent a Facility Construction Certification approved by the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. Therefore the requirements of 40 CFR 264.191 are not applicable. Earlier in this section, the extemal liner and vault concepts were used to describe secondary containment for each one of the hazardous waste storage tanks at the installation. Each system is described in terms of the specific requirements for extemal liner and vault systems given in 264.193(e). This section addresses the general requirements for secondary containment systems. It is intended to supplement the specific information presented in Section 16.4, titled Plans and Description of the Design, Construction, and Operation of the Secondary Containment System for Each Tank System. Each secondary containment system is designed, installed, and operated to prevent any migration of wastes outside of the systern. The external liner and vault concepts that have been described perform this function for the hazardous waste storage tanks at the facility. ln the event of a spill or leak, the waste material will be collected in a sump in the area. Pumpable quantities of agent will be transferred directly to the ACS tanks. Non-pumpable quantities of agent will be decontaminated according to the procedures in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan) and transported to the SDS tanks. The incinerator pollution abatement system brines will be transported to the BRA tanks. There are no underground hazardous waste storage tanks. The secondary containment systems are capable of detecting and collecting releases until the material can be removed. The specific discussion for each secondary containment system gives the containment volume. This volume is larger than the tank for which secondary containment is being provided. The method of detecting releases from the tanks is discussed in Section 16.7, titled Tank System Leak Detection Requirements. Secondary containment systems are lined with compatible materials and have the strength and thickness to prevent failure from pressure gradients, physical contact with the waste, climatic conditions, and the daily stresses of operation. The external liner and vault systems previously described meet these criteria. The extemal liners and floors, walls, sills, and other components of the vaults are covered with an impermeable epoxy coating as specified in the construction specifications which are maintained at the site. Specifically, the sump was constructed of mild steel. Both the sump and sump liner are coated with an epoxy paint systern, as described in the specifications which are maintained at the site. This paint system has been approved by the Army for protection of coated O Attachrnent l6 - Page l3 I t 6.6. r.5 I t 6.6. r.6 TOCDF 'ffi::iliffi; surfaces against corrosion by agents or spent decontamination solutions. Chemical- resistant water-stops of virgin poly-vinyl chloride or rubber with adequate tensile strength, elongation, resistance to applicable chemicals, and aging are used for all vault joints. The exterior moisture barrier used is'a l9-mil-thick polyethylene sheeting. The external liners for the sumps in the spent decontamination holding tank system are constructed of reinforced concrete and are designed for maximum inside head and outside active pressure. The bearing on the soil with the sump and liner is within the allowable soil-bearing capacity. The external liners are designed to withstand any settlement or uplift. The weight of the sump and liner is such that there is a factor of safety of 1.5 against uplift from hydraulic pressure. Other equipment and piping are designed to withstand intemal pressures. The equipment is designed for pressures that are at least 10 percent above the maximum operating pressures and is listed to 1.5 times the maximum pressure per the American National Standards Institute. Climatic conditions have been taken into account for the BRA tank secondary containment system that is located outdoors. Adequate protective coatings have been specified for the outdoor components in the specifications which are located at the site. Additional protection of piping and equipment from climatic conditions is provided by specifring minimum design temperatures, as well as insulation and/or heat tracing. The stresses of daily traffic, including nearby vehicular traffic, have been considered in the design of the secondary containment systems. The installation is not located near major traffic routes. The only nearby traffic is from installation vehicles. These vehicles will not adversely impact the integrity of the Secondary containment systems. All of the secondary containment vaults are located on sound foundations that are capable of providing support to the tank systems. Information on the structural aspects of the external liner and vault systems is located in the specifications which is located at the site. The secondary containment sump systems are provided with a leak-detection system that will detect (within 24 hours) the failure of the primary or secondary containment structure or releases of any waste. Further information on detection of releases is given in subsequent sections on leak detection for both the tank systems (Section 16.7) and ancillary equipment (Section 1 6.9). The secondary containment sump system extemal liners and vaults are sloped or otherwise designed to remove accumulated liquids. In most cases, the accumulated liquids flow to the bottom of the sloped area. Sump pumps then pump the accumulated liquid to the SDS tanks before incineration in the LICs. The design standards for construction of the secondary containment systems are located at the site. Certain features of the secondary containment systems have been specifically designed for the TOCDF. These features utilize applicable parts of commonly accepted industrial design standards as the best available standards, even though these standards have not been written specifically for the applications proposed in this Permit. The General Painting specification which is maintained at the site, and available for inspection upon request, is applicable to all features of the secondary containment system. The specification for Concrete Work for Building Construction is maintained at the site, and is I t 6.6. 1.8 I t I t 6.6. 1.ro I t 6.6.r.7 I t 6.6. 1.rr Attachrnent l6-Page14 16.6.2. TOCDF ,. Tank Systerns March 2007 applicable for construction of the secondary containment sumps, vaults, and the liner surrounding the sumps (24-Hour ICUs). The specification for Expansion Joints, Construction Joints, and Waterstops is maintained at the site, and is applicable to the ' waterstops required for vaults. The Specification for Miscellaneous Metal Work is maintained at the site, and is applicable to the construction of the 24-Hour ICUs. ATLIC Secondary Containment Requirements Secondary containment systems are capable of detecting and collecting releases and accumulated liquids until the collected material is removed. The containment system is provided with a leak dejection system that is designed and operated so that it will detect the failure of either the primary or secondary containment structure or the presence of any release of hazardous waste or accurnulated liquid in the secondary containment system within 24 hours. The extemal liner and vault systems used for secondary containment for the three tank systems and ICUs meet these requirements. The principles of the leak detection system are similar for the ACS tanks, SDS tanks, and sumps inside the MDB. There is an agent monitoring system installed throughout the facility. This system monitors the ambient air for the presence of agent and is a primary indicator of agent releases. This monitoring system is described in more detail in Attachment 22 (Agent Monitoring Plan). The sumps below the agent collection and spent decontamination holding tanks will contain any tank leakage. Tank leakage is detected by a decrease in the level of material in the tank, as well as by the level indicators and alarms in the sumps below the tanks. These level indicators are displayed in the Control Room. Regulated sumps at the facility are configured with a level indicator which is provided with an alarm and a sump pump. These level indicators and alarms provide another method of leak detection. Any rise in sump level is cause for operator attention. The sump levels and operating status of the sump pumps for the agent collection and spent decontamination holding tank systems are displayed in the Control Room. From here, the control room panel indicates which sump level is increased, and the operator determines whether there is an operational explanation for the rise in sump level, such as general housekeeping duties, equipment wash down, or other process activities that might impact the sump level. Leaks or releases would be detected by the sump alarms and level indicators and would appear as a rise in sump level without an accompanying operational explanation. The sump levels and sump pump operating status for the BRA are displayed Secondary containment for ATLIC storage and treatment tanks is provided by the Toxic Area floor which is made imoermeable by the e,poxy coatine and the six inch hish berm that circumscribes the secondary containment area. Additional secondary containment capacity is provided by the Major Spill Tank that is maintained emoty unless it is required to address major spills and the Toxic Area sumps whose design includes a concrete vault that is covered with a metal liner coated with epoxy coatine. TANK SYSTEM LEAK pETECTTON REOUTREMENTS [40 CFR 264.193(b)(2). (c)(3). and (eXl)(iii)l 16.7.1. TOCDF Leak Detection Requirements 16.7 16.7 .l .2 r6.1.1 .3 16.7 .l .4 o Attachment l6 - Page l5 16.7.1 .5 16.7.1 .6 16.7.2. ATLIC Leak Detection Requirements Releases to the ATLIC Toxic Area secondary containmant systern can be detected in multiple ways. Each,tank is equipped with a level indicator. An unexpected drop in tank liquid level as observed on a Control Room Advisor Screen could indicate a release from the associated tank. Each sump is equipped with a level indicator. sumo nump. and a leak detection system located between the concrete vault and the metal liner. A leakine metal liner would cause the leak detection systern for the associated sump to alarm as observed on a Control Room Advisor Screen. I A release of aeent from the tCS tank system can initially be detected b), the agent monitors dedicated to lhe Toxic Area. Releases of hazardous waste can also be detected durine daily visual inspections that are conducted rsmotely from the Control Room through the use of close circuit televisions. The equiBment in the Toxic Area also undereoes a ohysical insoected weeklyby entrants that enter the area (see Attachment 5). 16.8 ANCILLARY EOUIPMENT SECONDARY CONTAINMENT REOUIREMENTS I4O CFR 264.193(fl and 270.16(e)l 16.8.1. TOCDF Ancillary Eouioment Secondary Containment Requirements TOCDF 'il|:iliffi; on a control panel in the area. Secondary protection for 24-Hour ICUs and primary sumps is provided by the extemal concrete liner concept. Each liner is equipped with a probe to detect any leakage into the liner. The liners are normally empty and the presence of material in the concrete liner is an indication of leakage from the metal sump. Any leakage is detected by the level indication for the liner and by the inspection of process sumps. The bottom of the liner is sloped to the level sensor. The level sensor is screwed into a coupling that is welded into the mounting flange for the sump. Material collected in the external liner is removed by inserting a dip pipe into the liner through a coupling that is welded on the support flange for the metal sump. The material is then pumped to the SDS tanks for incineration in the secondary combustion chamber of the LICs. The liner is then decontaminated, as necessary, and triple-rinsed. All rinsing materials are collected and disposed of in the LICs. Each sump is visually inspected when waste is present, for the presence of liquids as described in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan). Secondary containment has been provided for all ancillary equipment, with only a few exceptions, such as equipment that is inspected for leaks on a daily basis. This equipment include aboveground piping (exclusive of flanges, joints, valves, and other connections); welded flanges, joints, and connections; sealless or magnetically coupled pumps; and pressurized aboveglound piping systems with automatic shutoff devices. Attachment 16 - Page l6 l6.g .t.2 TOCDF 'i;L:iliffi; The ancillary equipment associated with the three hazardous waste storage tank systems at the installation have the necessary secondary containment features. Secondary containment for each tank system is addressed in the following paragraphs. Secondary containment for ancillary equipment in the Agent Collection and the Spent Decontamination Holding Tank System relies on the extemal liner concept. These two tank systems are totally contained within the Munitions DemilitarizationBuilding where all ancillary equipment is provided with secondary containment in the same manner as the tank systems. This description is given in Section 16.4, Plans and Description of the Design, Construction, and Operation of the Secondary Containment System for Each Tank System. The series of sumps, trenches, and extemal liners provides secondary containment for the ancillary equipment in the same maruler as for the tanks themselves. 'Secondary containment within Category A areas is provided by Primary Containment Sumps which are located for containment of leaks from agent piping. Piping from the ACS tanks to the LICs stays within Category A areas. Secondary containment for ancillary equipment associated with the BRA tanks relies on the vault concept and the use of welded pipe with daily inspections for leaks. The ancillary equipment located in the diked area outside and the ancillary equipment located within the BRA are provided with secondary containment in the same mailrer as the BRA tanks. The diked area around the BRA tanks and the BRA are vaults. A more detailed description of these vault systems is given in Section 16.4, Plans and Description of the Design, Construction, and Operation of the Secondary Containment System for Each Tank System. The BRA tank system also includes the brine transfer line, which brings the brine solution from the PAS area to the BRA. The brine transfer line is constructed of welded pipe and inspected for leaks daily. When flanges are required, piping is routed in an epoxy-coated trench with a grate cover so that full view of the piping is available for inspection purposes. Inspection procedures are given in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan). The piping specifications are maintained at the site and are available for inspection upon request. Secondary containment for the ancillary equipment associated with the brine loading station partially relies on the vault concept. The portion of the pipe line that is above ground is visible and is inspected daily for leaks. The portion of the pipe line that is in the pipe trench is equipped with weep holes. These weep holes are connected to a common header. This header drains to a sump. The pipe trench concrete and sump are coated with a chemical-resistant epoxy coating. 1 6.8. I .3 16.8 .r.4 1 6.8.1 .6 l6;8.2. ATLICAncillaryEquipmentSecondaryContainmentRequir€rnents Secondary containment for permitted hazardous waste storaee and treatment tank ancillary equipment that is located in the ATLIC Toxic Area to include pumps and pipins systems is provided byjhe bermed and impermeable base of the Toxic Area (i.e.. the epoxy coated Toxic Area floor). Hazardous waste transfer lines that traverse the Processins Area. running from the glove-boxes to the Toxic Area are double-walled. ANCILLARY EOUIPMENT LEAK DETECTION REOUIREMENTS [40 CFR 26 4.1 9 3 fi and 27 0 .l 6(.s\1 16.9 Attachrnent l6-PagelT TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 16.9.1 TOCDF Ancillary Equipment Leak Detection 16.9.1 .l Leak detection is provided for all ancillary equipment in a similar firanner as described for secondary containment Section 16.7. The ancillary equipment associated with the four hazardous waste storage tank systems at the installation has the necessary leak detection features. Leak detection for all tank systems is addressed in the following paragraphs. Leak detection for ancillary equipmort in the ACS, SDS, and BRA tank systems relies on the agent monitoring system and the level indicator alarm and sump pump in each sump at the facility. This leak detection system is described in more detail in Section 16.7, titled Tank System Leak Detection Requirements. The principles remain the same. The agent monitoring system monitors the ambient air for the presence of agent and the level indicators and alarms sound when sump level changes. This level change is investigated, and the operators determine whether the level change is a result of a process operation or some other cause. The one exception to this leak detection system is the brine transfer line. This line, which brings brine from the PAS to the BRA, is constructed of welded pipe and is inspected for leaks at least once during each operating shift, as explained in Section 16.8 and given in Attachmeirt 5 (Inspection Plan). Piping specifications are maintained at the site and are available for inspection upon request. 1 6.1 0.1 I 6.1 0.1 .1 16.9.2 ATLIC Ancillary Eouipment Leak Detection ATLIC ancillary equiom€nt leak detection is provided by the aeent monitors located within the ATLIC Toxic Area and.level indicators located in the two Toxic Area sumps. In addition each Toxic Area sump is provided with leak detection sensors located in the interstitial soace between the concrete sump and the metal liner. 16.10 TANK SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PRACTICES [40 CFR 264.194(b) and 270.16(c) and (d)t Manaeement of Incompatible Wastes in Tanks The design of the fa€iliqfTOQDF allows for brines from the PAS to go to the TOCDF BRA tank system, spent decontamination solutions from the sumps to go to the SDS, and agent from the demilitarizationmachines to go to the ACS. In addition, agent contaminated fluids (hydraulic fluid, fuel oil, lubricating oil, etc.) from a spill or maintenance activities can be transferred to the SDS after the fluid has been decontaminated. These fluids will be transferred to the ACS tanks prior to treatment in the primary combustion chamber of the LICs. These miscellaneous liquid wastes, if, placed in the SDS and ACS tanks, must be compatible with any other fluids within these tank systems. All PAS brines from all of the incinerators are compatible because the pollution abatement systems are the same for each incinerator and they use the same scrubbing material (e.g., sodium hydroxide). When changing from one agent to anotheq the ACS tanks are rinsed with decontamination solution to remove any residual agent. The spent decontamination solution is then drained from the ACS tanks and pumped to an SDS tank for subsequent processing through one of the LIC secondary chambers. The desieur of the ATLIC Toxic Area Brovides separation between tanks storine incompatible wastes. The Soent Decontamination Solution and the nitric acid solutions Attachment 16 - Page I 8 16.1 0.2 TOCDF 'il:.:iliffi; that are used to rinse out Lewisite ton containers are incompatible. To prevent their mixing should there be a failure of two of the tanls in the Toxic Area. a berm.is provided which separates the area where SDS-Tank-8523 and the area where the tanks storine sp€nt and product nitric acid are located. Manasernent of Isnitable or Reactive Wastes in Tanks For the TOCDF: Aagent, brine and spent decontamination solutions have flash points that classiff them as Class IIIB liquids in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association. Additionally, agent contaminated fluids (hydraulic fluid, fuel oil, lubricating oil, etc.) from a spill or maintenance activities, can be stored in the SDS Tanks and the ACS tanks prior to treatment in the primary combustion chamber of the LICs. These are not unstable or reactive liquids as defined by the National Fire Protection Association. The BRA tanls are in fulI compliance with National Fire Protection Association ' requirements. The agent collection and spent decontamination holding tanks are located , in the TOX and SDS Roorr5 respectively, which are provided with a containment volume that is in excess of the largest tank capacity. The TOCDF brine holding tanks are located outdoors within a diked containment area capable of containing the full contents of one of these tanks. All tank systems are located at least 50 feet away from the property line of the facility. 16.1 0.2.1 For the ATLIC. all hazardous waste storaee and treatment tank systems are located within 16.10.3 the ATLIC Toxic Area which verrts to the ATLIC HVAC Filter System and provides secondary containrnent. Therefore releases from the tanks are prevented from escagins to the environment. Additionally the tank systems are located at least 50 feet away from the property line of the facilit]r. General Operatine Requirements TOCDF General Operating Requirements I 6. 10.3.1 .1 16.1 0.3.1,.2 The environmental effects of a release from the rupture disc and conservation breather vent on the agent collection system storage tanks are minimized by design, rather than procedures. The ventilation filter system contains any vapors that are released. Liquid releases are contained in the sump and drainage systems. Leak protection is addressed in Section 16.7, titled Tank System Leak Detection Requirements and Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan). Corrosion protection is addressed in Section 16.2, titled.External Corrosion Protection of the specifications which is maintained at the site and is available for inspection upon request. Should there be a release to the secondary containment system of agent, brine, or spent decontamination solution, the area would be cleaned up expeditiously and, in any case, within 24 hours. The spill is collected in an appropriate sump and pumped to a similarly classified tank. The floors in the area are sloped to encourage spill runoff into the sumps. Cleanup includes collecting the spilled material and, if necessary, rinsing the area with decontamination solution to minimize agent contamination. All sumps and equipment in the area of the release would then be rinsed with process water. All of the rinses, both spent decontamination holding and process water, are pumped to the spent decontamination holding tanks before disposal in the LICs. After the cleanup of the Attachrnent l6 - Page l9 I 6. 10.3. 1 .3 16.10.3.L4 I 6.10.3. 1 .5 TOCDF 'ffi::iliffi; release and the rinsing, there would be a small amount of residual process water remaining in the sumps. Wash downs are frequent occrurences, especially in the Toxic Maintenance Area where wash downs are routine in the decontamination of contaminated parts that are in need of repair. Specific procedures for an agent spill or leaked waste in the nontoxic areas (Categories C, D, and E) of the MDB are addressed in Attachment 9 (Contingency Plan). Specific procedures for spills, leaked wastes, and precipitation outside of the MDB are addressed in Attachment 9 (ContingencyPlan). Anytanksystemorsecondarycontainmentsystemfromwhichthereisaspillorleakis removed from service immediately. All material flows into the tank are stopped. The system is inspected to determine the cause of the release. If the release is from a tank system, sufficient waste is removed from the tank system to prevent any further release. If the release is to a secondary containment system, all released materials are removed within 24 hours, or in as timely a nnnner as is possible to prevent harm to human health and the environment. Attachrnent l6 - Page20 TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 ATLICGeneralOperatineRequir€rn€nts All ATLIC tank systems operate at ambient oressure. The filling of the tanks will result in vapors being released to the ATLIC Toxic Area which is under ensineering controls provided by the ATLIC TIVAC System. Similar to the TOCDF. leaks are addressed in as timely a manner as possible. Should a tank system fail. the content of the failed tank system will be transfened to the Major Spill Tank. Liquid wastes accumulatine in the sumps are transferred to the corresoondine tank system within 24-hours from the time the liquids begin to accumulate. Any tank system or secondary containmeirt system from which there is a spill or leak is removed from service immediately. All material flows into the tank are stoooed. The system is inspected to determine the cause of the release. If the release is from a tank system. suflicient waste is removed from the tank syst€m to prevent any further release. If the release is to a secondary containment systern. all released materials are removed within 24 hours. or in as timely a manner as is possible to prevent harm to human health and the environment Attachment 16 -Page2l TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 Table 16-l TOCDFAGENT COLLECTION SYSTEM STORAGE TANKS Tanks System Tank Identification Number Tank Identification Number ACS-TANK.lOI ACS-TANK-IO2 Design Standard ASME Section VIII Division I ASME Section VIII Division I Tank Capactty, gal.660 1,300 Working Volume, gal.500 agent, 582 other liquids -. 1,130 Corrosion Allowance, in.Y^% Calculated Shell Thickness, in.'0.0763 0.07 63 Specified Shell Thickness, in.o v,v, Lining Material None None Dimensions:Diameter, ft 3.5 I.D.4.5 I.D. Height, ft 9 .7 5 incl. domed heads ll.7 5 incl. domed heads Design Temperature, oF 150 150 Design Pressure, psig 15 15 Pressure Control None None Vapor Pressure HD 0.11mmHe @25o C 0.11 mm He @25" C GB 2.9 nlmHe @25o C 2.9 mmHe @25" C VX 0.00063 mm He @ ZSo C 0.00063 mm He @ 25o C Maximum Height of Liquid in Tank (LSHH nozzle) 80% of height from bottom of tank 7'-6" above tangentd 80% of height from bottom of tank 8'-9" above tangentd Projected Corrosion Rate Based on NACE Corrosion Survet' 0.2 mil/yr 0.2 mil/yr Tank Spacing, ft 3.5 3.5 Notes: a. Calculated shell thickness is the minimum thickness necessary to adequately support the liquid in the tanks. It is calculated by taking into account liquid, wind and earthquake loads, design code, and construction material. It does not include corrosion allowances. b. Specified shell thickness is the corrosion allowance plus calculated shell thickness and then specified at the next larger nominal plate size. c. Agent is not specifically listed in the National Association of Corrosion Engineer's Corrosion Survey. d. The tank tangent is the geometric transition where the cylindrical side meets the ellipsoidal bottom, approximately two inches below the head-to-shell weld. Attachment 16 - PageLl TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 Table 16-2 TOCDF SPENT DECONTAMINATION HOLDING TANK SYSTEM" Tank System Tank Identifi cation Nurnber SDS-TANK- 1 0 1, SDS-TANK -102, and SDS- TANK-I03 Desierl Standard ASME, Section VIII, Division I Tank CapacLty, gal.2,300 Working Volume, gal.2,200 Corrosion Allowance, in.U8 Calculated Shell Thickness, in.o 0.1 02 Specified Shell Thickness, in.'slt6 Dimensions:Diameter, ft 6.0 I.D. Height, ft I 1.5 incl. domed bottom Design Temperature, oF 150 Design Pressure, psig 15 Pressure Control None Vapor Pressure 0.6 psia (A 85" F Maximum Heisht of Liquid in Tank 9 ft-5 in. from bottom tangent of tank Projected Corrosion Rate Based on RISUN Technologies Design Assessment Report, October 1997 0.002 to 0.004 inch per year Tank Spacing, ft 3.5 Notes: a. The above data is for the unlined carbon steel tanks used during the GB campaign. Before sodium hypochlorite decontamination solution is used in the VX and mustard campaigns, these tanks will be equipped with a 3/16 inch polyvrnyl chloride liner that increases the corrosion allowance accordingly and the corrosion rate is therefore projected to be negligible. A skeletal system consisting of four Titanium rings has been placed inside the tank to ensure the stability of the liner. b. Calculated shell thickness is the minimum thickness necessary to adequately support the liquid in the tanks. It is calculated by taking into account liquid, wind and earthquake loads, design code. and construction material. It does not include corrosion allowances. c. Specified shell thickness is the corrosion allowance plus calculated shell thickness and then specified at the next larger nominal plate size. Attachment l6-Page23 TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 Table 16-3 TOCDF BRINE STORAGB TAI\K SYSTEM Tank System Tank Identification Number BRA-101 , 102,201 and 202 Design Standard API 650 Tank Capacity, gal.47,000 Working Volume, gal.42,900 Corrosion Allowance, in.u r/4 Calculated Shell Thickness, in.u'b 0.0507 Recommended Shell Thickness, in.318 Lining Material Epoxy Dimensions:Diameter, ft 20 Height, ft 20 Design Ternperature, oF 185 Design Pressure, psig 15 Pressure Control None Vapor Pressure 4.4 psia @ t60o F Maximum Height of Liquid in Tank 18 ft 3 in. from bottom of tank Projected Corrosion Rate Based on NACE Corrosion Survey None with liner Tank Spacing, ft 5 Notes: a. Calculated shell thickness is the minimum thickness necessary to adequately support the liquid in the tanks. It is calculated by taking into account liquid, wind and earthquake loads, design code. and construction material. It does not include corrosion allowances. b. Specified shell thickness is the corrosion allowance plus calculated shell thickness and then specified at the next larger nominal plate size. Attachment l6-Page24 TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 Table 1G4 ATLIC LEWISITE AGENT COLLECTION SYSTEM STORAGE TANKS Tank System Tank Identification Number LCS-Tank-85 1 1 (agent) and LCS-Tank-8534 (spillt Design Standard:ASME Boiler & Process Vessel Code Section VIII Material of Construction:LCS-Tank-851 I (.carbon steel) LCS-Tank-8534 (stainless steel Tank Capacitv. gal.1.065 Working Volume. gal.884 Corrosion Allowance. in.0.2500 Calculated Shell Thickness. in.u 0.325 Specified Shell Thickness. in.o 0.t25 Linine Material None Dimensions:Diameter. ft 5.333 Heieht. ft 6.833 Desisn Temperature. oF 100 Design Pressure. psig 5 Pressure Control None Vapor Pressure ( mm He)L 34.6 Maximum Height of Liquid in Tank (I-SHH nozzle)'. in.67 .5 Volume below working volume, eal.120.9s Tank Spacins. ft Greater than 8 ft. Notes: a. Calculated shell thickness is the minimum thickness necessaryto adequatelv supDort the liquid in the tanks. It is calculated by takine into account liquid. wind and earthquake loads. desisn code. and construction material. It does not include corrosion allowances. b. Specified shell thickness is the corrosion allowance olus calculated shell thickness and then specified at the next larger nominal plate size. c. The tank tansent is the seometric transition where the cylindrical side meets the ellipsoidal bottom. approximately two inches below the head-to-shell weld. Attachrnent l6-Page25 TOCDF Tank Systems March 2007 Table 1G5 ATLIC SPENT DECONTAMINATION SYSTEM STORAGE TAIIK Tank System Tank Identification Number SDS-Tank-8 523 Design Standard:ASME Boiler & Process Vessel Code Section VIII Material of Construction:Stainless Steel Tank Capacity. gal.1.065 Workins Volume. gal.884 Corrosion Allowance 111.0.2500 Calculated Shell Thickness in.u 0.325 Specified Shell Thickness. in.o 0.125 Linine Material None Dimensions:Diameter. ft 5.333 Heieht. ft 6.833 Design Temperature. oF 100 Desien Pressure. psig 5 Pressure Control None Vapor Pressure ( mm He)L 34.6 Maximum Height of Liguid in Tank (LSHH nozzle)'. in.67.5 Volume below workins volume. sal.r20.95 Tank Spacins. ft Greater than 8 ft. Notes: a. Calculated shell thickness is the minimum thickness necessary to adequately support the liquid in the tanks. [t is calculated bv takins into account liquid. wind and earthquake loads. desien code. and construction material. It does not include corrosion allowances. b. Specified shell thickness is the corrosion allowance plus calculated shell thickness and then specified at the next larger nominal plate size. c. The tank tansent is the qeometric transition where the cvlindrical side meets the ellipsoidal bottom. approximately two inches below the head-to-shell weld. Attachrnent l6-Page26 TOCDI. Tank Systems March 2007 Table 16-6 ATLIC NITRIC ACID HOLDING SYSTEM STORAGE TAI\KS Tank System Tank Identification Number NSF-Tank-8514 LCS-Tank-8516 Design Standard:ASME Boiler & Process Vessel Code Section VIII Material of Cohstruction:Stainless Steel Tank Capacity. gal.1.065 Working Volume. gal.884 Corrosion Allowance. in.0.2500 Calculated Shell Thickness in.'0.325 Specified Shell Thickness. in.o 0.125 Linins Material None Dimensions:Diameter. ft 5.333 Heieht. ft 6.833 Design Temperature. oF 100 Desierr Pressure, psig 5 Pressure Control None Vapor Pressurd( dm He)L 34.6 Maximum Height of Liquid in Tank (LSHH nozzle)'. in.67 .s Volume below workine volume, gal.120.95 Tank Spacins. ft Greater than 8 ft. Notes: a. Calculated shell thickness is the minimum thickness necessary to adequately support the liquid in the tanks. It is calculated by takine into account liquid. wind and earthquake loads. desisn code. and construction material. It does not include corrosion allowances. b.Soecified shell thickness is the corrosion allowance olus calculated shell thickne and then specified at the next larger nominal plate size. c. The tank tangent is the seometric transition where the cylindrical side meets the ellipsoidal bottom, approximately two inches below the head-to-shell weld. Attachrnent l6 - Page27 (+(+ FD()) H CD HP { ATTACHMENT 17 Equipment Lists a:)Eq)EoL.---(t q) ilmml)Lcngs--U) t+\oN .. t lE r f- 9 Er l ,- \ gV EO cn +r HE c) .l r l :E--U)+, trc)AF(EIo .F l t-I9F{aUr= l RIUIcl t' ( l 0) d-+. d-+r or lBq) I-Hc€ ol -l at)rEoUEE Fl li Xc t t =E i= E q) G I =+ , ). 0A o\ (aO€Cd oo \nO+\oc{&IJ . (- )$oo I oo t \ncOd. o\ rnOEcd oo (nO+\oN&lJ .UO$oo I oo ! \neod. o\ \aoEcd oo (nO+\oc!&IJ .UO$oo I oo I |. ncAd. o\ rnO'o GI oo rnO+\oN&EUO$oo I oo I rncad, o\ (aO'( , CB oo \nO+\oc{&tJ . ' .U$@I oo I \ncad o\ (nO'o Cd oo rnO+\oc{&lL ' .UO$oo I oo I \ncAd, o\ \nO:ocd oo taO+\oN&fJ . . rQO\f , oo I oo I \nead, o\ \nO.otrcl oo \n+\oNdtuQ.f@I oo I tncAd, o\ rnOEcg oo \nO+\oc!&tuUo$oo I oo ! \acad, o\ \noEcB oo l. nO+\oN/,T\UO.+oo I oo I \. ) cad, o\ \nO'o cd oo (nO+\oN&tJ . .Ua$oo I oo ! \ncad, o\ (no'o cd oo \n+\oNd, tJ . ,UO$oo I oo I \r ) cad, o\ \nO'o cB oo (nO+\oN&fJ . ,UO.+oo I oo I \ncad, o\ \nOEdoo (. )O+\oc\&fJ . ,U$oo I oo I tncad. o\ rnOEcd oo (r )O+\oc! /" tJ .UO$oo I@I rncad, o\ \nOEcB oo \no+\oe!&tJ . ,UO$oo I oo t \ncAd, o\ (nOEtrcd oo (nO+\oc{dtJ rUO$oo ! rc I rnead, o\ fnOEtrCd oo LO+\oc{ ilt\UO$oo ! oo I \acAd, o\ \nO'o cd oo \no+\oN&fJ "UO\too I oo I l. ncad, o\ rno.dCO oo [nO+\oc!&tJ <UO.f , oo I oo I r. ) ead o\ (aoGt oo \nO+\oe{&rLU.f , oo t oo I \r ) cad o\ \n.otrcd oo \nO+\oN&tJ .UO\f , oo I oo I rncad o\ \nO'o cd oo tnO+\oc! ilt!UO.t@I oo I \ncod o\ \na'o cd oo (nO+\oc\ l&ILU.tao I oo I rcad o\ \nO'd cd oo (aO+\o6t ilILUO.+oo I oo I (ncad ,<6€ c, ) 'd o>: d Ir Y -1 ,Ar U) 'o 'o )C' J E=C, J E)oJ E rc 'd =(, J 'o )gJ E(, J to)gJ "oc, J €)C, J 'o 'd rE ) rd E € E € E E )qJ )(, J aoJ )oJ J )C, tU q )C, )o )c, )g (, Jc, a(, aq J J J J J J J J J J J gs E sOn sOn sO sO rOo\ o\On son sOn sO sOn so sO sOn rO6|n sOn sn sA sOn sOA sOn sO sn sOn sOn sOn q)cF. t :)dH0)axtsc . tr ( I-t, EN abI tE OLd tJ . of- ff ) t- .ooC)ooXOLJ - o o oCd o()()ooOo( cB tr - ocd b( tIB-oO(naaF()ozocr 3 Ocd t-ooOo()Xo tL 9. tro- trooOo()xOtL C)b{ cOGEsB0) c! 3 6) 63 'l 4 ()0) tJ oCd oc' 3 0) 63 ab{ rEoL(B t!of-ar ) 0)Cd l- .o()0)o()x0) u- o OCB o()oo() -oob{ cBE- ()oo() 'o Ob( Cd IJ - O0)o() 'o obt cd lJ - Oooo 'o oOI Cd tJ - ()OooC)b{dtr - FI dxo .r (+, 6gCJoJ mA- ' , mor mFr mPr mor mo< mFr H2- Eo. . mOr trOr EF. mo. . mO. ' . mo< mOr mOr mO. t mFr EA mFr mo. . mOr mO. ( mo< mAr ozbI cgF{ *)dx0)axxo .l t-)E' fr l f-coc{o\IO. rr ) \ooco IX O. I t C- ( (1 , oo \n IFa. - \o\o IFoa- - co IX OIFJfJ . ' , Ia NOca IX C! ca IIN $IIN tI ta l O. \n IC.a $I O- ,DO.IaU O. \n Io-a eo$!!I t. . r $$II! La r UONOo\II$tf i ONI tL c!II f-cANo\Io.U1 \oo\ -t IX O, (n I o. .a O, ca IFO- f-\o IFoO- $IX olOIFJtr Ia q) {i, U) 6gBtD !=' = OA rd >) L+ , -dNH EE = aocoo ,t s aoao,i anmtro&cdIaU anmo<. h3<EIaU aocotro,icd t< !aU aomo,l -cOL-c IaU aom,t aocoFo ,. t s cnEIaU aomo,Ic0trtaU aomo,I .El- ! IaU aomo,ft- 'o IaU aomo ,t - cd t- ! IaU aoc0o ,l - .E l-EI0U anmtro,lCB l- IaU aomtro&cdt-IaU aomo.tcd t<IaU aomFo.t .E t<EIaU aomtro,i .ELEIaU aoc0Ho . l' rdt<EIaU aomtro,icd ! IaU anmtro't .E t-EIaU aomo,icdtiIa(J aomo.t rad t<EIaU aoetro ,t s edtrIaU aoEOtro ,t s l-EIV)U cd l- 'o IaU 03t-EIaU (n f- i IoU C)u0 (dPr 6 f-l- { (. ) tr()Cd {J . A oo ii 6 o . rr { 7\ \ V L. / FI GI Ot s s { t- { b R 1E !l 3B Ir ] A t- a+, dI€) tts l xc) li a-I-Uc) tEFE:)LcnIsI-V) .s\oN .. t 'i Fr * r{ U El-g 3 EoGI P 3E 0)EI-V)+)/Hq) d)rHc.--tIL) FI ]aUrr l nlUIol F' ( l q) d-+) d-+) .-Bq) cJ dxcg .--al- , 1FI xoUqt u) eE rd ! At \ .=E i5 E q) G I ts { +) o\ (nO'o doo (n+\oe{&fJ . ' .UO$oo I oo I l. ncad, o\ \nO'o Cd oo \nO+\oC. l&tJ rUO.f , oo ! oo I \ncad, o\ \nO'd 03 oo \nO+\oNil fJ rUOsoo I oo I \ncad. o\ (. )o€cB oo \r |+\oc!&tJ . .UO.too I oo I \nead. o\ rnOEcB oo \nO+\oN&tJ . , .U$@I@! \ncad, o\ lnOEcB oo \n+\oNc, , tJ . , , (Jwoo I oo I (ncad, o\ (nO€cd oo \oO+\oe{&t! ' ,UO$oo I oo I \ncod. 'o \ lnOE(d oo \n+\oN&tuU\too I@I \nead, o\ \nO'1 , CB oo (n+\oN&fJ - , (U.f , oo I oo I (ncad. o\ \nO'( , Cd@\. )+\oN&tJ - ' .UO.+oo I oo I \nead, o\ l' nO'o 63 oo rn+\oe!cf!U$oo I oo I \ncAd, o\ \r )O€cd oo \n+\oe{&E- , ,UO$oo I oo I r. ) ead, o\ \aOEcg oo (nO+\oN&tJ - . .UO\f , oo I oo I (ncod, o\ \nECd oo (n+\oN&tJ . ' .UO.+oo I oo I (ncad o\ \nO'o d@\nO+\oN&fr rUO$oo I oo I \nead, o\ (nO'o GI oo \a+\oN&tJ - ' .Us@I oo I \ncad, o\ (nO'o CU oo \n+\oN&tr r ()s@I@I [ncAd, o\ \. )OEcd oo \nO+\oNil tuUO$oo t oo t \ncad o\ \nO€Cd oo \. )+\oe{&IJ rU$@I oo I \ocOd, o\ \nO'o Cd oo \nO+\oNIJ *UO=f , oo I oo I \nead, o\ (nO'o doo \nO+\oN&lL ' .UO.+oo I oo I \ncad o\ (nOEcd@\. )+\oc{&tJ rUO$oo I@I \acAd o\ \nOEcB oo \nO+\oN&tuUO$oo ! oo I \ncad, o\ \nO11 ,doo (. )O+\oN&IL , ,UO\f , oo I oo I \ncad o\ \. )OCd oo \n+\oN&tJ . , .U\f , oo I@I (ncod, o\ (nO'o CO oo (r )+\oN&tJ <UO.too I oo I (ncad. -cl l CJ 'd c) i. H -+ a& (r 1 Ec, )g 'o )U )oJ 'o o 'o .o E .d T, 'o E EU '( , )o 'o )C, J 'o qJ 'd 'd E .o 'o 'o € E E c, J )gJ )UJ )qJ )o o =C' ac, J t(, J =c,J toJ )oJ )oJ )(, J )C, J )UJ )oJ J J J J J J J J J 9+ . .l A EE G SS E \oo\O 10o\O rO^\O 1. OO 1O6\ rOg\ 1Oo\O 10O 1. O 109\O sO qO9\ 1O 10o\O 1. Oo\O s rO6|O rOO 10o\ rOo\O qOg\O 10o\O 19O 1€ ) o\O 10O 1Oo\O q)cFr 5ldHe) (4x,Lro .r < /-Urn o(d bIo0daaC)6i ocd t- ro()Oo()XC) tJ - 0o- t- (oC)oo()xOLr - 0)dJZoo(J Ocd O C) cd O(d oCd ocO Ocd OdJoot) oc3 I)O- u)oC)C)o()ob{ cdE- t<o()()oUX0) tl - o(d 0) cd Od oc0 CJ c! 3 o03 6l axo.-:)60CJ A!,J mo< mor E0r mAl<). mo< mA- ( mRi mo< mor mF< mo< ts { mPr mOr mo. l mOr mOr mA- ' , mor mP- ' , mor mcr EA mA=.? , mAr EAOr ma< lF l dzbI c{ E- l It4xq) t1-Lio .r { t-(, fr l N.f , IX O$o\IIN C\tINII ta r o\ \n IO. (r ) !IA.Uz.DO. , . IaU Ot l' n tOra $NIII t. l ^ ) aNO' , II$a6 c!I tL O.I! 6o No\ a I 6o CAo6 I 6 $o6 I n \nOO, G I oo \oO. o I 6o cao\ ^ I o f-Oo\Ix o\IOraDC- , . IaF:E O.IF-] IJ r I \o oJt<aa(dl- {Fc\OIaem c!o\II Gn NNo\!I 66 CAc!o\II 6 -f ,NO,!I ao [nC!O.II 6al \oNO,I! G6 q) +)0cqBrr ) q -J-'- - li J fd l- ) L+ , )dbY )r si l aomtro,t s .Et< IaQ aomo ,t s 03l-IaU4 aotro,t .ELEIaU aomo,tdtrIaU aomo,t s .E t- -o IaU aomtro ,. t s .Et- ! IaU aomo,. i .Et<EIaU aomo,I .Et<EIaU aomo,i .E L 'o IaU !aoca !aF:l O!aomIaF:E OIaomIaF O O c!OO NO N e\ N c{ N IaomIaF Iacca IaF:E IaRmIaF:t IaRmIaF:E IaomIaF:E !anm!aF:t IaomIaFE IaomIaF:E IaomIaF:l IaoEIaF:E IaomIaF:E IaomIaF:E IaoEIaF:t r Iao!o IaF:E E Y= H r\ \ \ / L, / Fl 6l O! k t- U R IE ,r - ) 3B rr l a Noa0 63 F<F-OH()Cd r- ( a+rEottsEq) li .l I-g6) il trtr Ilicncs!l-al+\oN .. t 'i fr tr - U I ,- \ Y QJ * H\ .EOGI +J Er +r L( ) q)€-,-a+JE()/HEa.---C' FdaUtuRUcFr q) d-+f d-I.-Bq)c) dHct l .r <-aAxHoQq! rt ) o1 3 rF { L X€ t =E i= t (l ) c l li +. a. rr \ o\ \nO'( , cd oo (nO+\o6l&tJ .U.+oo I oo I rncad, o\ \no.ocd oo (nO+\oc\ t&IJ . , .UOsoo I oo I rneAd. o\ rnO€63 oo (n+\oc!&tJ - .QO$oo I oo I rncAd, O, r. nO'o cd oo \nO+\oC. ldfJ rU$@I oo I \ncad. o\ \nOECd oo \r )O+\oN&hUO.+@I oo I r. ) ead, o\ \nO'ocl oo tr )+\oN&fJ . ' .UO\t@I oo I \neAd. o\ (aO'o co oo (. )O+\oc{&fJ . ' .UO$oo I oo ! tr ) cad, o\ \nOt( , cd oo (nO+\oc\&tLUO\f , oo I oo I \ncod o\ \no.ocB oo \na+\oc{&tJ .UO.+oo t oo ! (r ) cod o\ \noEcd oo (r )O+\oe{&ILUO$oo I€I \ncad o\ \no"ocd oo \. )O+\oc!d, tJ rUO.+oo I oo ! (a ) cad. o\ \nOEcB oo \no+\oe{&IJ .UO$oo I oo I rncad, o\ (no.oCd oo (o+\oN&tJ . ,UOrtoo I oo I \ncad o\ \noGI oo \r )O+\oN&8, , ()O$@I oo I l. ncad, o\ \nO'o cU@rnO+\oc{&ILQO$oo I oo I \ncad, o\ \no'o trcd oo \r )O+\oN&tJ . , .UO.+oo I oo I \neod. o\ \nOcd oo [nO+\oc! ilhUO$oo I oo I \ncAd, o\ \nO03 oo rn+\oe{ fJ .UO$oo I oo I \ncAd. o\ \no1,cd@\nO+\oN&tJ . ,UO.+oo I oo I \ncad o\ \nOl- r 63 oo \nO+\oe{ il tJ .UO$oo I oo I \ncad o\ \noEcd oo (nO+\oc{ /, , tr . , ,UO$oo I oo I \r ) ead, o\ \ao'o d@tr )O+\oc!&fJ . ,UO-+oo I oo ! \r ) ead. o\ ll nOCU oo (nO+\oGI&IJ . . .UO$oo I oo I \ncad o\ \noEGI oo \nO+\oN&ILUo$oo ! oo ! (ncad o\ \nOEcd oo l. aO+\oc!&t\UO$oo I oo ! l. r ) cad, o\ \nOtdc€ oo \n+\oc!&tJ . ' .UO$oo ! oo I \ncad, -cl () 'd q) }E -5 }Ar U1 E E 'o 'o 'o 'o(, 'o 'o E )ct J 'o )C' 'o 'o rc 'o 'o =tr t '( , .C , 'd E .o 'd 'd 'o gJ )g C' J (, )U =c, U )g )U =g )gJ =C' J )U )ct =g )(, 3(, )qJ )gJ gJ qJ )q, J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J *E f ou e sOn sOn sOn .sOn sOn rOo\ rO6i :On s= r. O6|O 1O6\On sOn sOn sOn sOn sOn son 1O6\OA rO6\On sOn sOn sOn sO rOo\On sOn sOn sOn q)cH+, dHq) t4xxooi--E' Er ) OcO J4oo() ocC o.aO- aoC) 0)oU'oob( cd tJ - ocO t<ooOoUxO tJ - Ocd (t ) ()0)oUob( (o tL OcB ao()OoUEoo{ cO tr - 0) COoC€oa>o()OoUE()b{ cd lJ . - tro()ooUX0) tL Ocd C)b{G'1 , C)b( edG'o Od.VOoO ocn t-oOoUxO tJ - ga- t<o()ooUXotJ - od OCd ()0)oUrdOb{ cr t tL LoOOooxotL od ocda() O- , . troooooxo tL EBOcd 5>ocd N dlro .i+)cgCJoJ EAa< tra< mOr mo< mO. mc. . mcr mo. l mOr mOr mF< ap< mO. , . mo< ao. ' . m0< mF. r ma< m0" trOr EF- ' . mF. . mA caP. mA mc< ozAIGF+,Axq)AI>(g .l /-Urn eae{o\tt ao f-ONO.IX c\O.IC- ,aDO- , I0F:c oNoIFJIJ . ' . I \o \a ) \oc!I! o0xO tJ - O-oFe0trots rzo $f- IX oo IgzFIaU l. n f- IX (nOIFJlr . , I8 cA f- aa- oaoFxo tJ - \n IIe! \n !I .+\n II oo (. ) II eo \n II C)aoxC) tJ - roOI0.zO- , i taU oao>J .xotl - f-f-o\IX mca f- IX ca f- IFJ oao ;J < Xgt!() .o)F63 t- .oa $oo tX oaoXC) fJ . oooo(- )oL. Lt - q) +r , ra6€B3. E os L {. J id IT Y H si l ri = NOIaomIaFF c\ lOIoom!aF N!anmIaF:l NIaoco IaFU aRmo,l .EL 'o IaU oo,l -63L! IaU aoFo ,l.Elirc !aU oo ,l - .E'o IaU o<rzFo,l -cOt-IaU otro ,F cd t- . 'o IaU oo&.Et-€IaU oo,iCO l- IaU oztro,l03LIaU oo&.El-IaU otro,t otro,t tizoo,t otro ,F otro& aZ,tro ,l - <(aoo& -{zoo,tcd t< IaU az><oc, t s oo,t oo ,1 . ozo,t '= tr 'o IaU cdtr '( , t.aU Cd t- (taU c3IaU 03EIaU Cd t-IaU e3t- 'o IaU 63 LIaU Cd t-IaU COLIa(J Cd l-EIaU4 Ef i H UJ X Ot s - j FU P $E3B IJ ] A eo(. )a0 CB 0<pos 8' - Ef r H 7\ \ \ /L/ F. { cN OE k t- . . U R tr -t 4 AE !) =o . ct 0) ' IJ ] A .f ,oa0 63Or f- .ood t- ( a+rH€)Ax-o .L { .l -l.,t a\. ,q)ttrm{, ,L€ggsi- 'a$\oN .. & 'i tr tr - U tr ls3 So ct :) ?+ r LC J q)Et-a+) t4xq)-)rHq-t-ItJFI ]U)Urr l alUIcl Ei l q) d-{r )d I:) r- B 'q ) c. )ax6g or (-adHEoUq! aoE Ft L v-AL Y=E EEoc n ts ( s) Z, u) o\ r. )OEdoo rn+\oN&tJ . ' .U$oo t oo I rncad, o\ (nOrc(d oo rn+\oN&ILUO$oo I@I \ncr ) d, o\ (nO'o (€ oo rnO+\oe. l&ILUO\f , oo I@I |' ncad o\ tr )Oroed oo rn+\oN&fJ .U.f , oo I oo I \ocad o\ \nO'o Cd@\nO+\oN& 't J . ' . U.+oo I oo I \ncad o\ [aO€Cd oo rnO+\oN&tJ . ' ,UO$oo I oo I [nead o\ \nrd(doo \n+\oN&ftUO$oo I oo I \ncOd, o\ \nO\,doo \n+\oNcfJ .UO$oo t oo I \ncod. o\ Lr )Odoo \ao+\oe!&rI .UO$oo I oo I (ncad o\ (. |O'o cd@\n+\oNil tJ . , .UO\f , oo I oo I (nead, o\ \nO'o cB oo \nO+\oN&tJ rU.+oo I oo I \neod, o\ \nOEcd oo [nO+\oc{&fJ .UO$oo ! oo I (ncad, o\ \nOE(d oo (n+\oc\&tr . , ,UO\f , oo I oo I l. n .Ad, o\ l. n '1 3 c! 3 oo (n+\oe!dtJ . (_ )O.+oo I oo I \nC. l d o\ \n 'o cd@\n+\oN&tJ .UO$oo I oo I \nead o\ rnO.dCB oo rn+\oN&ILU$oo t oo I rnead o\ \nO.ocB oo tnO+\oc!&tuUO.+oo I oo I \ncad. o\ (nO'o Cg oo \n+\oN&lJ . .UO$oo I@I \ncAd, o\ \r )o.ocd oo |. nO+\oN&fJ . ,UO$oo I oo I rncad o\ \nO'o cd oo \n+\oN&tJ . , .UO.too t oo l. \ncad, o\ |' aOECg oo (n+\oN&tJ . . .U.f , oo ! oo ! \. ) cad o\ \nO1,Cd oo (nO+\oNilErUo.+@I oo I [nead o\ (nO'o cB ooV)O+\oN&f! , ,U$oo t oo I |. ncod o\ \. )OEcd oo (r )O+\oc!&ILU\f , oo I oo I (ncad, o\ \nOE(doo [n+\oN&tJ rUO$oo I@I (ncod, o\ \nOEcl oo (n+\oc\&tJ - , .UOsf , oo I oo ! (ncad t c{C' ) 'd q) >: d Ir Y -+ , Ar A r3)gJ .o)gJ rd=(, J .o)oJ 'o oJ E r3 rd 'o 'o 'o 'o .o '( , )g ao E 1, E 'o E E=U 'o )o 'o oJ 'o )(, J o )q aq o )C, aUJ =g )(, J )q = =o ao )c, )U )(, J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J $E f or J e 10 10O rO61 \ 10o qgo\ 10o\O 10o\O qOO 1Oo\O qO9\ 10o\ yO9\O 10o\O 10O 1Og\ 10o\O 105\ 10o\O 10O 10O 10o\ 1O6\O yO 10o\ \oo\O yg9\O q)aF. t :.dxq) (<-aLTc .r ( --(t EN aoo0)O0)b{ 0d tJ - O03 Od aoooooob(d tL oedodoaoL)OU'o oo{ cB tr - t- roOOo()XotL o63 ob( 03 -o ob{ cdE ood }l()ot) Ooi l- (oOoOXo lJ - o)O- t- toOoooxCJ tL Ocd C) cd o()o() '( , ob{ tL t- r ()0)oL)xO lJ - ocd ocda())p<dl-ooOo()xOtL aoo0)o()0)OI CB tL bI0CdaOoo Oed aooOo() -oob{d lJ - o63odoaBooooUEC)b(d lJ - $-o()OoOxotL -o>C) cO .c>ocd FI FIHo .r l+)ct (J^!/J mo< ma< ea0r mAr ma< mFr mc< mo< aOr mF< e0r \3.? . ca mCr g2. mFr mO- , . mCr mc< mAr mO. mo< \< { 2, mo<-2. mc< mA. { FI m0r mOr mo- , , ozbI 6n3'+ ; IL(0) t)<He .r < t-(, kl \oTvZF!aU oo f-OO,IX rnoo Ix \oOIFJtL , . IaU CAoo Io- Oaox6) tr - f- IIN t- - II -t f- It oo f- tI ca f- II OaoXo tJ - \o IAH IaU 0)aoJ.X0) tJ - f-ooo\IX cacaoo IX caoo !FJ 0)aoxgtL , o.o)F.ELeo \f ,oIx 0)0oX0) tJ - , . ()0)oUol- ( tJ - ooooOo\tx F. l CAO,II$ (nO,IX r- - IFJfL IaU cao\ '. . Io- o.t )oxo tL q)+,a. cg -B ut ' *) . -. - iJ FL {. J -dNT zoo,t zozo,t -z,c<<Z,o ,F oZo& oo,! .Et< -o !aU zotro&.E LEIaU4 r-z,e<(z,tro,i .Etr1,IaU oo&.El< 'o IaU <<zo\< r rzo,i03LIaU a)<o,! .El-EtaU zoao,l -03LIaU zozo ,t s oo,t oao ,l - r<z,oo,! =rzRo& zozo& oatro& zRo,i zo\= <ztro,idt- 'o Ia() \<aczo<. t s zoo,i oao.l cztro ,t s zozo<. Ed! IaU Znl= r2,o,l - ! IaU cd l-EIaQ cd t-IaU dL. t IaU 63t-IaU cdL ! Ia() dL!aU COt-o !aU edt- 'o I0U d! IaU IaU edEI (t ) (- ) l-IaU cd liIaU co t<EIaU dL '1 5 !aU trIa() F{ a+,Eq) rltrofr .l --Uq) ilmm*rLc{gs--a!f , \oN .. i l qf r tr - U ri-g 3 Eo cl :' 9a :) LC J o a-E--a+, dHq)axhrg.---E' FE IaUrr l .lUI clFl q)--+, d-{. r .l Bq)CJdxGI .l-a-HtsoUEE r= { L Y'AL YXE ir Ee) G I ts l +, >. (n o\ tnO'o cl oo \r )O+\oN&tuUO+oo I oo I (ncod o\ faO€cd@\nO+\oc\ /, tJ rUO$oo I oo I \oc. l d, o\ \nOcd oo \nO+\oN&Ir . , ,UO.+@I oo I rr ) c. t d, o\ l. nO.oct r oo (n+\oN&fJ . , .Ua.+oo ! oo I r, a ) c. )d o\ (aO'd Cd oo rn+\oN&tJ "Usoo I@I \ncad, o\ tnO'o cB@\n+\oN&tuU$oo ! oo I \ncad, o\ \nOC€ oo (nO+\oN&fr . , ,U$oo I oo I \ncad, o\ rnO'o trcd oo rnO+\oc! /, tJ - (U.+oo I oo I \ncad, o\ (nO'o cd oo \nO+\oN&FrU$oo I@I \ncad, o\ \nOdoo rnO+\oN&ILUO.f , oo I oo I rr ) cad, o\ rnO'o cd oo [r )+\oe\&lL ' ,UO$oo I oo t \ncad o\ \nOtr c! 3 oo \. )+\oc!&IJ . ' .U$oo t@I racad, o\ rnO'o cd oo \nO+\oN&tJ rUO$oo I oo I \ncad, o\ \nO1,cd oo (nO+\oc{&lJ . ' ,U$oo I oo I (r ) cad, o\ \nO'o cd@|. nO+\oN&t!UO.+oo I oo I \ncad, o\ r. )O'd Cd oo [nO+\oc!&IJ rU.+@I@I \ncad, o\ (no'o doo \nO+\oe!&tJ . ,UO$oo I oo I |' ncad o\ \r )O6d€(nO+\oN&lJ . ,UO$oo I oo ! (r ) cad, o\ \nO'( , Cd oo rnO+\oe. l&fJ rUO\f , oo I oo t l, r ) cad, o\ \nO'd Cd oo \nO+\oc!&tJ .UO.+oo I oo ! tacad. o\ tr )O'o G, oo \nO+\oN&tJ . .U.+oo I oo ! tncod, o\ \nOEcd oo \nO+\oc{dtuUO$oo I oo I (r ) cod, o\ \nO'o GI oo \nO+\oe{&tJ "Uatf , oo I oo ! \nead, o\ rnO'o doo \. )O+\oe\&tJ <U\f , oo I oo t (ncad, o\ \no'o cd oo LNO+\oNil tJ . . .UO$oo I oo I \ncad, o\ roO'o GI oo \aO+\oc{&tJ . ,U$oo I oo I rncad, t c€ (J 'd q) h. E -t +, Ar rn 'o 'd 'o 'o 'o E 'o 'o rc)gJ 'o 'o E )C' ao 'o €oJ E)C' J .U aoJ 'd )gJ )oJ 'o )oJ 1- l)oJ )oJ ag o )(, )g g )(, )C' J )UJ =g )(, )U =gJ )C' )g )g J J J J J J J J J J J J J J $E u Ou - 2 . sOn sO sOn 1. Oo\O \oo\On qg6\O s= s yO6\O yO6\o 1O6\O rOo\O s=A s=A sOA. \oO rO€) \O 1. O 1O6\On 106\O qOo\On 1Og\O r. g6|On sOn yOo\On 1OO q)oE- { +r dH6)AxHtr a r- ( t)Urn ocd obI 63E-oBocn obI qE .o6) cd C) CB 'l l o0) L) o t<oooo()XO lJ - 0)o_ tio()OooxC) LL C) c0 (Jcd o0)o()obI cd TJ . Oci oc! 3 JoO(- ) O(d C) cd J4()oO Od o03 oOo()Ob{ cB tL ado0odOO()Baoooo()ob( cB tr - odcd l- . 'd b{)oIooOoooo{ cB lJ - 0) 03 ocd C) cd o N dHo .i5)cgIoJ mor mFr mF< mOr mci mC. mO. mOi c0O. ' . m mo< mOi XoF- . XoF- r Xof- { XoF- r XoF- ' ( XoF- , ( Xot- { Xof- ( Xof- r XoF- { XoF- { Xo- Xo- Xor- < ozbr 6gFr+, dHq) dLTxq a rr ( t-t, rn o\IIc{ O,II \f ,O,II ooO,II caO.II ()Qox0) tL f-OI)taU oaox0) tL f-o\OO.IX ooO.OO.IX mcao\!x caoIFJ Noo I! ,\ l \of- II ,\ l @IIN f-f- IINI $oo IJ oo f- II d o\I rr . l J caO.tFJ l. nO,I I!J (noo II N I \ooo IINI oo tI t\ l $oo !I t\ t o\ f- II l\ l q) +. , (r ) cgB2. t s 3a !os rd - L+ ) -- l LY HNi l fi = nzo,t ctro ,t s .El-IaU otro,*6d t< -o IaU otro't zo\< , (Zo.t zoo ,F cdL 'o Ia() zozo.i oo,i rr (zor-Zo ,l - zo,,cdLEIaU aozo'i =ao\-zo,i a}4dFaU a}4dFaU aJ63FaU a-yFaU aJcOFaU a.ycdFaU aJ63FaU a!a3FaU a .VFaQ a '} 4 cOFaU aJdFaU a .\ 4 cdFa(J aCdFaU a.vcOFaU c3LEIaU 03t! !aU c3t-!aU Cg tr -o IaU c' 3 t-EIaU c0I (t )U a3t- -o IaU e3LIaU xv 8 .F { 7\ \ VL/ F] t: I OE L { FU R 1E !) 3B f! a \n(l )b0 (d p<poco FT ro+)Eq)Ax-otr .-I-Uq)ttrFA:)li6l ,cs-l-at+\oN .. t .i FE tr - U -is3 Eo Cg {. , FT E q) .F . l ra---a+)/Hot)rHP.--JI\JFdaUrr l clU]C] Fr l q) d -t+, d-{i,.t l B()Itr€n .--adIIoUEE E! AL Y=E i5 E oG t h. { .a r J >. (r \ o\ \r )OECd oo \nO+\oN&I!UO$oo I oo I \ncad o\ \nOECd oo \n+\oN&tJ . ,UO$oo I oo I rncad o\ \no'o doo \n+\oc!&tJ . ,U$oo I oo I \ncad o\ \nOEcd oo \nO+\oN&tJ - ' ,UO$oo I@I tncad o\ rnO'o Cd oo (n+\oN&E,U\f , oo I oo ! \neAd o\ \nO.ucd oo \nO+\oN&tJ . , .U$oo I oo ', 1 t. ) cAd, o\ \nOrdcd oo \r )O+\oc{ il tJ . ' ,UO-f ,@IaI \ncod, o\ rnO'o cd oo \n+\oe!&IJ . ' .UO\f , oo ! oo I [ncAd o\ \nO'o cd oo \nO+\oc{&E' .UO$oo ! oo I \neAd o\ \nO.ocd oo (oO+\oN&tJ .UO\f , oo I oo I r. ) cad, o\ (oo'o cB oo \n+\oN&fJ . .UO.f , oo I oo I \ncod, o\ \nO'o Cd oo (n+\oN&tL , ,U.+oo I oo I \ncad, o\ r. )Orotrdoo |. a+\oN&tJ . . .UO$oo I oo I \ncad, o\ rnO'( , 03 oo tn+\oN&tJ .UO$oo I oo ! (n et ^ ) d, o\ (nOCU oo rnO+\oc!&tJ . ' .UOxf , oo I@I rr | cad, o\ \no'o cd oo \nO+\oNdtJ . ' ,UO$oo I@I \. ) cad o\ (nO'o Cd oo rn+\oN&t!UO.+oo I oo I \. ) cad, o\ \nOEcB oo l. a+\oN/. tuUO.+oo I oo I rncnd, o\ \nrocd oo \n+\oN&1J . , ,UO$oo ! oo I (ncad o\ \nO1,oo oo (nO+\oN/, t! , .U$oo ! oo I \ncAd, o\ rnO'o (d oo \n+\oc!&fJ . ' ,U.f , oo I@I rncAd o\ \nOE(d oo \a t+\oNdtL(JO$oo I@I tncOd o\ |. nO.odoo tn+\oN&tL , .U$oo I oo I \ncad o\ \nOroC€ oo \n+\oc!&ILUO$oo I oo I \ncod o\ (nO13trcd oo \. )+\oc\ l&lJ <UO$oo I oo I \ocod o\ t. nOc! 3 oo \a+\oN&tJ . ,UO\f ,@I oo I \acAd, -lcgI'd q) >. : -L Y -+ )&u ) 'o aoJ E E E rc 'o 'o E 'o E)o 'o )o E)o t(, 'l 5 )(, J 'o )oJ 'o )(, J E)C' J .c)oJ -o)oJ I3)gJ 'o )J )(, J )q )q =o )UJ qJ )o )o )o )c, =C' J )UJ c, J J J J J J J J J J J J I '+ r $E I yO9\o 1g9\ 1go\ 10O yOo\ 10O 10 10O 1. OO rO6|O 1. o o\ rO^\O 1O6|O 106\ 19o\ s rO^\O 10o\ 10o\O rO6| 1Oo\O rOo\O rOo\O 1. Oo\O 1Oo\ rO q)cFr+,dL(q) ?1x)rc .F ( d)(, kl ocd o0ioacdOooBaOq)ooOb{dtL V)o E0)OIOI=po03 0) COb{ o- C) cd oC€ OcO ()cd 0) 63 .V()oIJ C) Cd oCd }Zoot- ) oc0 Ocd '5 4 ()o() Ocd 0) CO L)oooob{6tL acdoado0)Oa()Ooo6)b{ CB tr - odcd l< rcbIo>o()0)o()0)bIdtL oCB OCd O 0) O O adoa63o)rootsaO6) ()ObId lJ - oO()C)bI CO tL c0 (d cg 63 N dIo .H.t - )ct ()oJ Xot- < XoF- { Xot- r Xot- ' ( XcF- r Xot- . . Xot- r Xcf- r XcF- { Xof- i Xof- { XoF- ( XoF- t XoF- ( XoF- ( Xot- ' ( Xo- Xo- XoF- { XcF- r Xcl- 1 Xc- Xof- r Xct- ( Xct- ( Xot- r ozbI cgFr+) t4xq) taE)- (oar < t-Urn f-O.I J O.O,!Fca. - NI o< (r ) $NIIc! \nNIIN c\@II CAoo II oo II d O.II l\ l \oo\II l\ t oooo IINI f-O,IINI \ooo tJ ooO,II r\ l I =t ,\ l NO.IINI I IJ . ] J oOIFJ f- I rr . l J \n IINI \o IINI II ,\ l $II ,\ l O,II ,\ l rn IJ -f , IFoo- - q) :)acq ,.2. E ') srr - L+ r -dLv )r Ni l a-va3FaU a-vdFaU aJZdFaU a}4FaO aJrgaU a.VFaU (n -VFaU a-vdFaU a3dFaQ aJCdFaQ aJ63Fa() aJla3FaU a,&Fa(- ) a-VFaU a.Y63FaU ax63FaO4 a-Vc0FaU4 a j4 dFaU a&a3FaU a -5 4 a3FaQ4 a.vcdFaU a!FaU O}Z63FaU aJ03Fa()4 aJIc3FaU4 a-\ 4FaU H# 3 7\ \ \ /L/ )- l c\ OE I - { FU R (j =E. E !) 3B rr l a \oobo 63 p< G f- .C)>r F{oCB F( a+JEodEEc)L .l I-UoilEml)Lcngs,(-a!+\oN .. t 'i Fr tr - U -a.g Y &o 6l :) -r l Lq J o&-l-0+r tli() tFIEg---uF]aUfrAFIUcH q)-Hl,A-{. a .-Bq)CJaxcg .--aAL( IoUq! c) cE r- t !Xc t :E i= E €) Gl E{ r. z, a o\ tnO'o trd@rnO+\oc{dfJ rUO$oo I oo I (acad o\ \nO'o (d oo \nO+\oc! il tJ - , ,UO\f , oo I oo I \ncad, o\ tr )O.ocd oo rnO+\oe!&ErU$oo I oo I [r ) cad, o\ rnO.dcB oo rnO+\oN&I!U$oo I oo I \ncad, o\ tnO'o d@(n+\oe{&fJ . ' .U.+oo I oo ! \r ) cad o\ (. )OEcB oo rr )O+\o6t&rUO.+oo I€I \ncad o\ \aOECd oo \r )O+\oc\ il tJ . ' .U+oo ! oo I r. ) cAd o\ \aOcd oo \n+\oNil tJ .U$oo I oo I (ncad o\ (nOEdoo |. nO+\oN&tLUO$oo I oo I \nead o\ (nO'o cd oo rnO+\oN&TLUO$oo ! oo I \ncAd, o\ \. |O'o ed oo rn+\oN&IJ .U\f , oo I oo t \ncAd, o\ \nOcd oo r. )O+\oc! IJ . ' ,UO.+oo ! oo I \ncOd, o\ \. )OEtrcd oo \nO+\oN&tJ . . .UO.+oo I oo I rneod o\ \r )OECd oo l. nO+\oc!dtJ . ,UO$oo I oo I \nead, o\ \nO'1 3 cd@[nO+\oN&IJ .U.+oo I oo I (ncad, o\ \nO'o cd oo l. nO+\oe{ /, tJ .U$oo I oo I \ncad, o\ \nO'o63 oo \n+\oe{cfJ <UO$oo I oo I |.cad, o\ \nOEcd oo rnO+\oN&tJ . ' .UO.+oo I oo I \ncad. o\ (nOEcd oo \nO+\oNil tJ . ' .UO.+oo ! oo I \ncad, o\ t. nO€C€ oo \nO+\oc!&hUO.+oo ! oo I \ncad. o\ \nOECd oo r. )O+\oN&tJ . . .UO.+oo t@I \acad, o\ l. nO'o cd oo \nO+\oN&EUOsoo I oo I \ncad. o\ \. )O'd trdoo rnO+\oN/, tJ - , .UO$ooI@I rncad, o\ \nOcB oo raO+\oc\&tJ . ' , (- )O.+oo I@! (r ) ead, o\ rnO'o cC I oo rno+\oNil fJ .UO$oo I oo ! \ncad, o\ \nOad oo |. nO+\oN&fLUO.f , oo I oo I \ncad. -ctCJ 'd q) >: - tY -{ r ,&c n t)qJ' E 'o 'C , 'd E 'o E E 'o 'd € € 1' 'o rO 'o 'o U E)C' E=ct E)C, .o)c, tc, 1,(, J '( , aC, =gJ )oJ )gJ )gJ aC' J )(, q aC' )g )g ) C' J )C' =(, J UJ agJ )o J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J gs E sO sO sO sO sOn rO6|OA sO 1. O g\O 1g6\O qO6\O sO so 1. o o\O rOo\O sOn sOn rOo\On sOn sO sOn rOo\On yOo\On rO6\On qOo\ qOo\O 1O9\ Q)gFr+,d-odF(xo .l /)oEN aoL)C)oobI cd fJ - ocdb{ O- Oo0 Ocd Oc0 C)d o(n tr()ooUxOIr - Ocd o()OoUxC) LL 0tro- C) cO ooC ooooUob( cd tr - troo0)oUxotL ocd o()ooUob( cn tL ocn oC€ o(d Ocn C) cd ooooUoo{ Cd c- Od ocd LooOoUXotr - N /Ho .t (€c€CJoJ XoF- r Xo- Xot- { Xol- 1 Xol- l XoF< XoF- ( XoF- , ( Xot- < Xo- Xof- ( XoF. . < XoF- ( XoF- ( Xol- 1 Xot- { Xot- ( XoF- ( Xo- Xo- Xof- ( XoF- ( Xof- r Xot- r Xof- r Xot- { ozOI cgFr :)tHq)-Li>(o a rr l-)grn c{OI 4. . . rr ) \oc\IIc\ NII c. ) It tI d e\ c\ lOO' , It N V)O.IX c0O, rn ta OCOC.t!c{ O. \n IO- (r ) coO.!3O-IaU COcoO,II -t NcaO.II -f , \oooooo\!O- (r ) O. \n IO- (r ) Od' )O.IIN O,IFtr - \oo\Ix \o$F-O,ItN (n$f-O,I 3' o\$f-O.IIhl (nf-O.IIc! O.I (Jarq Ia(J caNOO.I! N ooO.IX UO, tn !O. rr ) q) {i, (acgB3. E oq rd - L+ ) -t 4SH a.ydFaU aJZFaU a j4 dFaU aj403FaU aJCTFaU o(o() t< o o odot- cda()L oc3Ot- ocd)ot-()OIaU oCdo! ocd3ot< odot< odotr odC) tr ocd()L oCO() t< ocd() t< oCOolr oCda() od)()L od() dC) tr cdJOl-L)o&IaU cdaoLooIaU CdOt- ()o&taU ()o&IoU oO&!aU ooc,IaU Oo&IaU oo&IaU oOIaU OoIaU OC)&IaU oo&IaU oOIaU oOdIaU oO&Ia(- ) oo&!aU oodIaU C)OcIaU OO&IaU Oo&taU tJ . , A oo A 6 O 7\ \ \ / \, / r- { cl 8H E 1E 5) 3B rr l a f- .0)b0 (o0rp() (s (t )+, tr€) dHtsq) t( .---oq)&trtr+)Lcggs--a!+\oN .. t ll r f- 9 -l-g 3 so ct +) -+ r L9 o .F lE-l ta+,AHe);Itra.--l t5FdaUrr l alUIclHI q) d-:)A-+r .l Bq) Iaxcl .--ad)r tsoUq! ( u) eE E! A {r Y =r d i5 E q) G t E{ {r , o\ [aO€CB oo l. . )O+\oN&tJ .Utoo t oo t rncad, o\ l. )OECd€tnO+\o6ldtJ . ' .U.+oo I oo I \ncod, o\ \naEcB oo (n+\oc{ ilE<UO$@IooI |. nB o\ rnO.odoo rnO+\oe!&tJ .UO-f , oo I oo I \ncad, o\ (. )adoo \a+\oe{&tJ - ,U-too I@I [ncad o\ (aO'o Cd oo l. nO+\oN&E, .UO.+oo ! oo I \ncod o\ (nOE(Boo \. )+\oc{&tJ . . .UO$oo t oo I (ncad, o\ (O\,Cd oo (nO+\oNil fJ .U-too I oo I (ncad o\ \aOEcd oo l. nO+\oN&1J . , ,UO\too I oo I \nB o\ tnOECB oo (nO+\oN&lJ - , .U.f , oo ! oo t (acad, o\ tr |O'o cr d oo (n+\oNctJ rUO.+oo I@I \nc. l d, o\ rnOCd oo \. )O+\oN&tL ' ,UO$oo I oo I rncOd, o\ (aO'o ed oo \n+\oNI!U$oo I oo I \ncad. o\ \. lOEcd oo rn+\oNil tJ rUO\f , oo I@I (ncad, o\ raOcd oo \nO+\oe! il IJ rUO.+oo I oo I \ncad, o\ r. )O€(3 oo rn+\oe\ l il tr rU$oo I oo ! (ncad, o\ rnOEC€ oo \n+\oN&t!U\f , oo ! oo I rncad o\ \aO'o cd oo \n+\oN&fJ . (UO\f , oo I oo ! rneod, o\ \. |O'o Cd oo (n+\oN&tJ . ' .Uo.f , oo I oo I \ncad, o\ \aO.ocB oo rn+\oe! r' . , tJ rU$oo t oo I \ncad, o\ rr )O.ood oo \n+\oc{ il IJ .UO$oo I oo ! (ncad, o\ \nOEcu oo rn+\oN&IJ .UO\too I oo I (ncad, o\ l' na'o Cd oo [nO+\oN&lL .UO$oo I oo I \ncAd, o\ (. )O'oc0@ln+\oN&IJ . ' ,UO\foo I oo I (ncad, o\ \. )OEcB oo \n+\oN&f&UO\f , oo I oo I \nB o\ rnO13(d oo \n+\oN/, tJ . ' .UO.too I oo I \neod -'c t I'd q) >. : - tt Y rl +l A. rr l 'o E)o E)o 'o(, 'o t(, 'd )o 1, 'o E '( , 'o E '1 , 1, 'd 'o )UJ E 'o E E E)(, 'o 'd .C , )o )(, )(, a(, )C' )o (, =C' )U )o oJ gJ )ct )o o )o )(, tq o J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 9+ l .l AgE E 1Oo\O .. . o 61 \O rOo\ rO6|O 1. O o\O 1Oo\O yOO 1. O g\ \oo\O rOq|O 10 1. O rO6|O rO^\ qO6\O qgo\O \o rOO qO6\O 10o\ 19O 10 g\ qOo\O \oo\ \oO 1Og\O q)cFr +i )-tsq)-Lrxgar r l t-Urn Ocd trooOoUxO lJ - oao- C) CB Ocd o0)oU0)bIdLt - t<oooUX0) tr - - oCB ocd t'o()OoUx0) tr - - ocd oCd Od OCd oO0)oUOb{ cd tL Oc€ 0to- oCd o03 ooOooob{ cd tL Ocd od}(L)0) () Ocd o()Oo()ob{ cd (t - oco Ocd 6l tfxo . tr (+)cgCJoJ XoF- ( XoF- r Xof- ( XoF- t XoF- r XCf- t Xct- r XcF- r Xof- ( Xol- l XoF- ( XcF- { XcF- r XoF- { XoF- ( XoF- ( Xo? Xc- XcF- ( Xc? Xo? XoF- r Xof- r Xof- r Xc- Xor- < ozbI cg E- { +Jt-q) tllrHe.-a)E, rn \f ,O,IIN O, \n I O- , (r ) $o\I 0- , . A- ' . IaU N-tO.II$ co$O,II \f , \ooo@O,I O- , . (r ) O. \n I O- . . (r ) -f ,O.IIc\ F-o\IX !oO, \n I o. , , (. / ) oo .f , f-o\IIN f-$f-o\II 6a rnf-O,tN \n f-o\IIe! OaI ()Dorr . l IaU $II d IO.DC.IaU \nO,!I \oOO.I =t oo Io- NIaO. NII CA tI CA$IO- oo II$,. n ca$IUo- q) :)06nBt) q a .- l 3;os L +r ) -dNH H< ! tr 2 ocd o o ocd oCO od o63 ocd o oCO d o03 ocd oCd oCd aUJooO lJ - IaU aUJo1,oo lJ . Ia(J aUJoOO tr - , , Ia(J aUJoott IaU a(- )JoEooLL IaU aUJoEoC) lJ . . IaU aUJoEC)orr IaU aUJoOOt! IaU aUJoOC) tL IV)U aUJooOLL IaU aUJoEoo IJ . Ia(- ) cd d () () l- O aOt< =C)L. O O =() t- () )() l- ot-OOd,I0(- ) =O$< ol- =() t- ()t-L)o&IaU (Jo&IaQ ()o&IaU oo!aU O0)dIaU ()odIa() ()C) d,!oU O0)IaU ()6)IaU C)OIaU oocIaU ()C) d. , IaQ4 ()OcIaU ()o&!aU tJ , A oo A 6 O .F { 7\ \ \ JL/ F{ c\ Ot s l < FU R EE .* E3B r! a @ob0 adAFH0) )- { t- {oCO (a+)Ec)EC) lr .---E, q) iltrEl,trcngs--0!+\oN .. i l 'i Fr tr - U -l - .g v EOGl '' ' J 2r ) LC J G) .t l is--a{. rA-0)-)<H3.--)grdaUtuaUotr q)--{r ,A-tf.-Fq)CJatsCB .i-aAEHoU!= a rJ rE Fl li v)AL Y=r o T3 E oc t ts { +. >, r, \ o\ (. )OtoCd oo \. tO+\oc!&fJ .UO\f , oo I oo I (. ) cnd, o\ rnO'd cd oo \nO+\oc!dt&U.+oo I oo I \r ) cad. o\ \aO'o Gt oo (r )O+\oc!&lJ . {UO.+oo I@I rncad, o\ [nO€Cd oo (nO+\oc!dtJ rUO.+oo I oo I \r ) cad o\ [. |O€doo (nO+\oe{&tJ . ' .UO$oo I oo I \ncad, o\ \aoEcd oo \nO+\oc!&fJ . , t)O$oo I oo ! \ncad, o\ rnOCg oo \nO+\oc{&fJ .UO\f , oo ! oo I \ncad o\ lno'o co oo \nO+\oN/, tJ . , .UO.+oo I oo t \r ) cad o\ \nO'( , ct r oo tnO+\oN&tJ . ' ,U$@I@I [acad. o\ \nO'o cd@\n+\oNdIJ - . .Q\f , oo I oo I \ncad, o\ rno'o cd oo \nO+\oc! il fJ . ' .UO.Soo I oo I \ncad o\ (aO'o Lr CU oo l. nO+\oe{&tJ .UO.+oo I oo ! \acad. o\ \noEcd oo [no+\oc{&tJ . ' .U$oo I@I t' acAd. o\ \no.ocd oo \nO+\oe! /. tJ - , , (- ) .f , oo I oo I I. ) cad, o\ \nO'd doo rnO+\oN&IJ . , ,UO.+@I oo I |. ncad, o\ \nO'd cd oo |. nO+\oc! d, , fJ . ' .UO.+or f I oo I \ncad, o\ (nOEed oo \nO+\oN&IJ rUO$@I@I facad, o\ \no'o cd oo \nO+\oc! il fJ . (- )Orf , oo I oo I (ncad. o\ \noEcd oo \nO+\oN&L\UO.f ,@I oo I r)cad. o\ \noro(s oo \nO+\oe{dtJ rUO.+oo I oo I |. r ) cOd, o\ (nOrdcd@\nO+\oN&tJ . ' .UO.f , oo ImI \ncad, o\ \no€Cd oo (aa+\oc! ilt\UO$oo I oo ! |. ncad o\ (nOrocd oo \aO+\oGI&tLUtf ,@I oo I rncad. o\ \r )Ordcg oo \nO+\oN&fJ <UO$oo ! oo I rncad o\ (no.ocd oo lr )O+\oe{&ILUO\f , oo I oo I rncod o\ r, / )O'ocd a\. |O+\oe!&tLUOr+oo t@I \ncad, -6\ l c) 'd q) >: -b Y rl l 5) or u ) 'o '1 , 'o 'o 'o o E)o r3 'd E E 'o 'd E '( , .o .o=g 'o =c, (, J EtoJ 'd gJ 'd =gJ 'o (, J E(, J E)gJ E=gJ )o )U =o =cr )g )q =(, g )o )q =o )o )o )g J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J gs E rO61 \On sOn rOo\ sOn 10o\On sOn sOn sO rO6|O rO a\O yO6\O 10o\OA 10o\ sO sO rO6|On sOn sO sn s sOn sOn sn rO6i :on sO rO6|n C)aFr+)Faxq) t)rxc ot { --(, EN ocd J() (. )O E()b( cBE"opO(d 0) cd otr=a- ocd Ocd o()ooO(. )b{ cd TL 0)d Oc0 }4()O() '( , C)b{ cdG'( , ()cd oCB ooOo()obI cd tL o63 ocd o63 }z()O(J 'd C)o0 cB 'o.oo63 od I=O- 0) cd od ocn od o()Oooob{ cB tL N dxo . tr (+,ct ()oJ XoF- r XoF- { Xof- { XoF- ( Xof- t XoF< XoF- ( Xof- { XoF- r Xol- l XoF- ( Xol- 4 Xo- Xof- 1 XoF- ( Xol- l XoF- { Xo- XoF- { XoF- r XoF. r XoF- ( Xct- { XoF- { XoF- r XoF- , ( dzbr 6gE' t +Jt4-q)-H)rc rl --Efr ) o\OtI$ II \f , oo tIN \nO.II A. l Oc!I o<<<zo< IaU NO.II o\II o\ eo f- Io- ooco f- Iao- , coO,II caO.II $OtI! .< rO.II N.f , f- Io- oooo II -f , \nca f- IUa- o\ oo II .+ Oo\It .+ o\IIN f- II A. l NOt o< !a(J4 f-Oo\II ooo\It OtOO,II It\ l o\I aGl\ l IO- o+)a6tB3. E os rd - L+ ) -, 4NH H< r ir 2 aUJooOtJ . !aU aUJooC) tJ . ' . IaU aUJoEOO tJ - , taU aUJoEOO tr - , , IaU aUJEoO tJ - . r IaU aUJo'o oo tJ - , IaU aUJooo tJ . IaU aUJoEoOtu IaU 0UJ1,C)o tJ - . . IaU aUJooO tL , IaO aUJoOO I, L IaU aUJo-oOOtu IaU a()JoOoIJ . taU aUJo 'd ooEIaU aUJoEoO IJ . IaU aUJoot! IaO aUJo€o0) IJ . ' , IaU aUJoEoO fJ . ' , IaU aUJo1,oo fJ . ' r taU aQJordoC) r!IaU aUJo 'o oO fJ . taU aUJoEOo tJ - . IaU aUJoEoo IJ . ' , IaU aUJoEOoIr " IaU aUJoEoo tJ . IaU aUJooo lJ - , IaU Hg 8 . tr { 7\ \ VL/ F{ GI O! l < t- { U R E. E g EB tr l a o\ob0 CBOr o ritr0) troCd a.{ - , trodx:oL '. - I-IIJq)ttrtr {- ) trcncE--al+\oN .. t iF E tr - U tr l-g 3 EO cg +) 2+ , L9 q) .F is--a:)Axq)axHg .F l -)I:vFE I0Urr l elUIcl Er l od I*, d I{i ).-B0) Iaxct a rr {-atL.xoUq! aaa 1 rd ! Ab Y=E i5 E oc l It { +, o\ \n<>doo (n+\oc! /. , fJ . , .Usoo I oo ! (nc. )d, o\ (nO'd Cd oo rn+\oc\&tJ . ' ,U\f , oo I oo ! rncad, o\ \nO.odoo \n+\oN&tJ . ' .U\f ,@! oo I \ncad, o\ \naod oo \nO+\oe{&tJ rUO-too I@I \nead o\ (nO'o (d oo (oO+\oN&tJ . ' .U-too I oo I \ncad, o\ \nOE(d oo \nO+\oc\&fJ . , .U.+oo ! oo I (ncAd o\ \nO'o Cd oo roO+\oc\&tJ . . .U$oo t oo I tr ) cad o\ (. )O'o cd oo \n+\oN&IJ . ' .U\f , oo I@I r. | cad o\ \nO'o doo rn+\oN&tJ . , .U$oo I oo I \ncad o\ (na'o cd oo [n+\oe{&IJ . ()O.+oo t oo I (neAd, o\ tnECU oo (n+\oc\dtJ - ,UO.+oo I oo thcr )d o\ \nOcd oo (nO+\oNr' , , IJ "U$@I oo I (ncad, o\ \na'o cd oo tn+\oN&tJ . ' ,U\f , oo I oo ! \ncad, o\ (. )a'o cd oo \n+\oN&tJ .UO.f , oo I oo I (. | cAd. o\ \nOEcd oo (r )+\oc\&tuU$oo I oo I rncAd. o\ \aO'oCd oo (. )O+\oc\ r' , , tJ . . .U$oo I oo I rnead, o\ (nO'o cd oo (nO+\oNil tJ . ,U.+oo I oo I \ncad, o\ (. )O'o cd oo \n+\oN&tJ . ' ,UO.Soo I oo I \ncAd, o\ \nO'd cd oo |. nO+\oc{dtJ . ' .U.+oo I@I |. ncod o\ \nOEcd oo t/ )O+\oN&TLU\f , oo I oo I (nead o\ (nO'o Cg oo \nO+\oN&tJ . ' .U.+oo I oo I (nead, o\ l. naCO oo \. )O+\oN&fL(JO.+oo I oo I (ncad, o\ (nOcB oo \n+\oNr' , tJ - ,UO.+oo I oo I \ncad o\ \nOcd oo \a )O+\oN&tJ . ' .U-f , oo I oo I \r ) ead o\ \aE(d oo rn+\oN&tJ . ' .U.+oo I oo I \ncAd, o\ \nOcB oo t. . )+\oN&IJ . , ,UO$@! oo I l. r ) cad -cgCJ 'd a) >, : -b Y -: ) a, (r 1 'o E 'o 'o )U 'o € 'og E .o 'o T' 'o 3c, (, J 'o )oJ )o Ec, J '1 , )UJ 'r d )C, J tgJ Ea(, J 'd )(, J =(, J =(, J =oJ )o =o )(, =g g )gJ aU =(, )(, U o J J J J J J J J J J J J J J oE f ou e 10O 10 rOo\O r. Oo\O 1( ) o\O sO 1OO 1. Oo\O 10o\ 10O yO6\ rOo\O 10o\ rO61 \ O rO6|O rO61 \O 109\O rg6| s 1O9\ r. Oo\ yO6\O s 1. Oo\ s rO3\ q) Atr3+, dHq) (1Elrc .l -Jgtr l 0) (o o}zoot) o03 Ocd Ocd oo()Ob{ ed (t 0)d o()oooC)b{ cd tl - o o 0) o O o 'C , oo{b{o0) cO Od €C)bIbI)I0) 63 Ocd ocd b(Ob( (€ol- (o0)ooo.oxO lJ - - ()oOOb{ c3 LL ()cd O(, )ooo{ cd tJ - od O CO (d c0 co Cd d 0d 6t dF(o .t <+)6gCJoJ Xc? Xot- { Xc- Xo- Xot- r XoF- ( XoF- ( XoF- r Xor- < Xcl- 1 Xot- r UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (JJ UJ UJ UJ Xot- r XoF- r XoF- r Xo? Xof- r ozbI cg F< .l i , d)rq) t4F(-o .t r ( --FI vrn CAOIaO- (n II \o II \oco f- Ix f-co f- IX f-Ntr! lJ - 0)dc0a,O.IFa- mf-C!I rr . I Lt - OBC\IJJJ)Jaa- f-NI tL ONII \f , NII .t OcdCOoatsc{! r\ 6)doaNIFO- $ca IX NNIIN no \f , ca IX CAc\IIN $NI! .f , lf i $OIX IzcDf! IUJ ca f- I IJ . ] Ir - oC\ CA f- !Fo- mco f- I rr . l LL >COca f- ! -l o l iE \O (< f- = r (l l ao ,. r a cn f- I tL q) +) (A6gBrr ) ! -Jt r '- - 9fd l- t fr +) _d {. Y I Ni l ': : 13 L! 2 (r )UJoO0) tr IaU aQJo-oOO fJ . I0(J<- aUJoEoo lJ - IaU aUJo0)O tJ - IaU aUJo 'o O0) tJ . IoO aUJoEOC) IJ . IaU4 a()Joo0) IJ - taUd U)UJo-doOt: - IaO4 U)UJoOO IJ - , , IaU4 aUJo0)oIL taU aUJo1,oo lJ - Ia(J aUJo0)O lJ - , , IoU aUJoEoo tJ - , . IaQ aUJooo tJ - , IaU aUJoT,oot! IaU aUJo 'o 0)o lJ - tat) aUJoC)o tJ . , . IaU aUJEOo fr . , , IaU aUJoO0) lJ - !aU aUJo-ooC) tJ . IaU aUJoOOlJ - IaU oUJ!oC) tL IaQ aUJEOOIL IaU aUJo-ooO tJ - IaO4 aUJo130)C) It IV)U4 aUJo 'o Oo tJ - IaU x# 3 7\ \ V l/ Fl c\ t Ot s k F- U R 1E .F LI 3B rJ l a Oob0 CS p< 6 f- . t- {0) )- ' a t- , {C) (o -C2+,E()E0)L .l I-uoiltrE+lL6geE--a\f , \oN .. t 'i fr r- U i-g g so cl +r E{ E 0) .r r ' l |E--0+, trq)aEIc.---E' F{aUtroUctr q)E{. ,--.4 . , .l Bq)CJAtsc! o--g-H)roQEE Y-Ab Y=E T= E o6 t ts { t, 2, u) o\ rnO'ocl oo (nO+\oc! /, fJ rUO$oo I oo I l. ncad, o\ \nOEcd oo \a+\oN&fJ .UO$oo I oo I (ncod o\ \nOEcB oo \nO+\oc!&IJ . ' .UO$oo I oo I t. r ) cad o\ \nOEcB oo \n+\oc{&fJ . ' ,Q$oo I@I rncad o\ rnO'o cd oo (nO+\oN&F- . .U=f , oo I oo I \ncAd o\ (aOtdG, rc!nO+\oc!&t! . .U.f ,mI oo I \ncad. o\ \ao.ocd oo r. )o+\oN&tJ . ' .UO$oo I@I \ncad, o\ (nO'o cd oo |. r )+\oN&fr . . rUO$oo I@t \nead. o\ (nO'o doo \nO+\oNil tJ - , .U.f , oo I oo I \ncad, o\ \no'o cB oo (aO+\oc!&tJ . ' .UO.+oo I@I tncad, o\ \r )O'1 , cd oo \no+\oNtJ .UO$oo I@I \ncad, o\ \nO'o cd@tnO+\oN&ILUO$@I oo I \ncnd. o\ (nocd oo (n+\oN&IJ . , (JO.+oo ! oo I \ncod, O gHH E. . B. g L.o Eu9H- 9 L r. , ac d Cg {1 €EPE .= -o EE atr a od (, '+ j O 'd rq tr F cd d l+ { r\ o- , !l 9E ti j '{ - EEEE a. c tv ,a |- a -aHt oq 9 ti o) tr € .-h\ f , )\ / 8c :Es| ; t} 4 C4 a= td l\ ) Fr !) .2 a cd tJ *o \J (-- r- +) .-cd co l- \- . / ,1 ,=G t- - , 11v 'b b < t- \- / .d \L3E =?A> r da := cr i +- r .j n a=+' = 9 tr !) ' -L r r- :i EE E .= o cY p : =. = g cv EH cO -C 0 ) H O ;. P V 9 O) a tr C J ( , ) i (- , 1 - * J EO A- v D N. ' 5 i- oo - 7 tr cs /i bo '= tJ A C E Ei e ; .= ) E p 'F E O .= F '! l e0 5E S 6 U \. J - I (i ) ' E .2 == a u L. =O. = , U .F i_ ) e- = E2 , E tr Qr ( ) 6 a. q, , : 'F { 9F E + J- . \. / d. 1) +- ) v {. ) (- u- O €$ = € -{ n E n 3 o 5. = z -j e Jr - ^i -cl a) 'd q) >: -b Y r- { g &u ) 'd 'd E E 'o 'o 'o T' 'o 'o E \, 'o )c, J (, J )g )o )g )q )g =g =o =(, )U =ct =c, J J J J J J J J J J J *E u s rOo\O sOn c) \O rO6|O sO sO sO rOo\On sO sO 1oo\On rOo\o €)cH.a r , dxq)/}. r tso .l t-grd C) c0 Od 0)C€ C) cr 3 6)CB 'd oOI b{E0od OC€ 'o 0)utb{ooao ()CO ocn b{ob{dot<()OoOo.oxo tJ - c)b{ IL 'o6 ouCd lJ - ,E6 6t -tio ol+a ) c€CJoJ Xol- 1 c\UJ NUJ NUJ NUJ NUJ NUJ c\UJ c\UJ c\ ()J c\UJ Xo- XoF- i ozbrclH.l r , t4tsq) tH)ro .r { -)UEd f- II$tf i f- II$rf | 0) cdoCBoa>\o f- Io- ()cdoa3\o f- IFa- \of- IX Nf- I!c{ m6f- Ix CA f- tIN $f- II \f , aa r $NIX c\IzIJ . ' , IUJ tJ - , !0N t!mN o{r ,06lF2. E iJ -bq r5 - lr {. ) _dNH aUJoE()O tJ - , IaU 0()Jo€C)OtJ . IaU a(- )Jo '( , OO IJ . ' , IaU U)UJ'o o() tL , . Ia(- ) aUJoOt: - IaU aUJoEOC) tL IaU aUJoC)O fJ - , taU OUJo.oC)C) tJ - IaU aUJooOtL IaU aUJoEoC) tL , , IaU aUJ-oOOlJ - IaU aaU=oFIaU aaUJoFIaU tJ , A oo A 6 O .F { 7\ \ \ /L/ F{ t: t Ot s k t- { b R tr - A H. E LI 3B rr l a lo ()b0 (€0{ t- - t- {oEocd (r ) I aD l 3lEIolEI (l ) l li l ot l,l t1(l ) l il ldmlEI cr lcEI=l at oo , El F( I NI sl tl Et ;l +. 1 :l9t (l ) l oiEI=l al :lEI (l ) lEI tr l ot l'lol Fr l {l<lelUI -lFI IHI<l ilil cJ I f,ol UIEIEIol €lEI O\ l nlol -l 'c , EIml nlOI -lrl \O l e{ l el fJ . lulol$l €l -l !l oo l rl \r ) l r- l co l &1 o\ l rr l ol -l 'o l tr l cu l €lnlOt1 \O l e{ 1el IJ . lUo$€I €l tnl cod at r, a l ol -l 'o l Lr l cd l oo l rr lol $l \O 1 Gr 1dl tLU]O$olI oo l I In l co l& o\ ino'O l trcO@rnOr+\o(\ l&lLUO$aI€t (nca& o\ iao'o L.cd oo \no+\o6l&g.UOsoo I@I rncA& O\ l rt lol ;ls. l cr l l rc l tr ) l ol '- l t+ l \O l NIel q- lUIol \t i€l "t l rl rr l ca l dt O\ l ta l ol -lEI tr l ct l l oo l ra l o1 -. ] .l .+ l \O i e{ ldl fJ . l U1O] r+ml I €l rl (r ) l co l dl O\ l la l ol :f lEIEI €l |. a l ol -l .+ l \O l 6t ldl tJ . l OIol$l oo l TIml ,A l ca l dt 6l r, n l ol -' iEI tr t cs l oo l rr ) l ol $1 \O l e{ l d\ tJ - 1 U1ol$oo I €1 ! (n i cf l l &1 o\ raoEL.cd€ir )o+\oc\&t&UO.+€I oo I (r } cad O\ l tr ) l ol -. 1 'o l tr l cg l rc l \r r IOIalsl c. t l dl IL I UIOI $I€trl 6l ,A l ea l &t O\ l tr l lOI -l 'o l tr l (B l €l t. n l ol.t !f , 1 \O l c. l lel q. l ulol \f , 1 oo l -. 1 rl TI t. ) l EI O\ l la l ol -lEI tr l Gl l oo l 1r } l ol -l$I \o lNl &t fJ - l UIol '+ l €lrlmlrl rr ) l c. r ] &t O\ l ra lOI -{ l 'o l tr lc! €l \a l ol -l$l \o l (\ r l elUi O1 t;-. 1 |l oo l rl \n l ca l &t o\ tr ) 1oFa 'o tcl l oo \aO+\o(\ ldtJ .UO$@I@I rl ^ i l co& o\ iaoEtrcl ooanO+\o(\ IdtJ .Uo*oo I oo ! !nca& o\ !nO't , trCd oo \r )o+\oc!dTLUO$6I€I lr ) ca& o\ lno'o trGI oo \nO+\o(\ t&tLQo$ooI rc I \nco N) -l o\ rao'o Lrcl oo \nO+\o(\ l&tJ .UO.f , oo I oo t \nca& o\ \aoEHcl oo \aO+\o(\ l&tJ .UO$oo I€! \r ) ca& O\ l ia iOI -lEIgI cd l oo l ra l ol -I .+ l \O l Nldl fJ . l UIOI $I oo l -. 1+l t. n l -. 1BI El s E]5lol .- JJ] EslJ EaC, J Ea(,J E \J I E] EI -o "t EI .o l EI .o l E E 'o '( , 'o E 'o l =l g' l . rr l JI o =lol aq] =lo ,l tr , o =lql alsl pl o1 ,l01 aol5 )(,J aoJ pC' J =oJ =trJ J JI J] JI J] J JI JI JI JI Hg I g sOA rOo\on rOo\On s=n :Oo\oA sl -. ]A :O6] :oA slol ;l 106i \OA s=n slol -lAl slol -' lAl slol -' lAi sloln 10o\on sIn stol^l s=n sIn s=n stol -' lnl e)EI t' t I-, ts€) t-aIc .l Jtr r{ ocl ot>t cl l >t C)ct itB4t#l e \J OF l! ol e. ) >l o :t ri cd l al l >l a ol>l Gt I >l 0)d ()Cd ol >1 cd l >1 A--aoar l I()q) t,oo,l lclq,JOcB () I>t Gl l >t ot>l fr l l >l ol>l cg l >t (l ) I>l (n l olcl otr)o. c)GI ot>tdl >t ot>t Gl l >l OI >t c€ l >l ot>t cd l >I Il L. lol r- l5) lol ot 9l El Et *l HH I tr l €l EIol .- l {r r l 6l lelol Fl l oO.oout mtQIolol b{ Ea t mlelol ot b4 HI xoFoobl xtol FI :l ototo{ HI EO.oobI -t EAO.ooOI maooat ts r l xoFoout Fa xtol FIblOI b{ HI x1o1 F1\olob{ -a l xlol F1 \t oo1b! H1 xoF\oobI H xoFoobI tl xoFoo0t H xlolHol otbI -l XIolHol oto{ xlolHolol b{ HI xl otFIblolo! rl xlol FIEIbI Hl xlol FI -l ololb{ ti dt z1bi ct l HI -lEI o)Ec.--)Efr f OI 6r l \a l "l?l olnl$l }I 6l-l ra t oo l rl ?l olol$lhl o, l ;tmlrl ?l 6l^l$l \tca l \O l \O l f- l oo l rl ?l alr{ l oraoo IX \O l \O l hl"l?l ^l^l{l eo l f- l \O l \r r l "? l ?l ^l^l{t ea t oo \o(aoo I t'{ca ot f- l f- lTI>ltt ol 6t$l \l c! l o1 (^ l oo IX] oc{ \ooo I .!+eA \o\o@ooII 6t+ca (\ l !f , (r } oo !I o!f ,eo rn\ooooo I 3l !+ca ca l olnl oo l d. l>l>l O. l ea l $l \r t l oo l rl >ltl ^{l ca l $l $1 ln l€rI oc{ \_ \n t rl \a r l oo t rl ?l GolGt i \* \O isl. aoo I?66$ca r- l $(r ) oo I .l+\\co f-\n@IF|r r loO. ol ;lct l BlEI E sl E JI il (, t -lOI rr lmlrl XIEI JI () l EOoI!Ji() 'o l otol fL l JI il (, t JIelol e{ l ol \r r l "lXI c0 l JI (, l E0)o) ILJi(, 'o oOfJ .Q 'o l ol ot Ir . l o) l +r l al=lOI JI Ef r H 7\ \ v \. / F { G t PH E 1E !) 3B I! 0 Nob0 CB F< 6 f: .HoHoCS r) t u) t +. 1EI (l ) l EIol L. l ol l5l tr 1ol tr l tr l tr lEIclasl rl l -lat rl o ol \O l F( I NI sl sl f; l ?i fi l :l ir ] T191 (l ) 1 o_ {€t ,t-at)a€)E9l .l =E'HF1i()UHFlH (l ) l sl .E l rlel EI 6t l =I tr l 5lEIEI€lEI O\ l nlol -r lEI tr l dt rc l nlol -lsl e{ ldIL(J ]ot@I oo I3eod O\ l rr lol -' l 'o l tr l cu l ml la l ol -l .t l \O l 6ldE(- )o$@I oo I ip o\ rr )o"oL.GI€rao+\o6l&IL(Jo$@! oo I rr ) cf l il o\ rao'o trGI oo \no+\oc\ tdTL (Jo$6!@I rr ) co I& o\ rr toEEcl oo rr |o+\oe\ ldrLUO\f ,@I oo I \nca& o\ rr }oEtrcl€rao+\o6l&tJ .Uo!CooI oo I racod o\ ir )o'o 1 tr l (t l l€ro$\o6l&fJ .Uo.t@I6I raB o\ iao\JtrGI oo rnO+\oGIdtJ .UO$@I oo I rr ) cAd O\ l in l ot -lEI tr l cl l ol rr l ol -l$l \O l tr t lel rL lUiolS] oo ] I€I ra l B] 6iaoEtrcB@l. r )a+\o(\ ldtJ .Uo.f , oo I oo I rncad o\ \aoEtrc,@rno+\o6ldtJ .UO.+oo I@t raca& O\ l la l ol -( l EI tr i cd l rc l tr l l o1 tf , l \oe{ ldtL lUo$€I oo I \a r ] cf ) l d) o\ ioovtrCO€rnO+\o6ldtLUO$oo !@I racad o\ (no1,L-G,€inO+\oc{dILUo$oo ! oo t \ca il o\ rno'o trc0€iao+\o6ldILUo$@I oo I rca& o\ 1r )oEtrcl@(r )o+\o(\ IdILUot+oo I oo I t. a ca& oir }oEEc, oo \no+\o(\ I&tJ .Uo$oo I@I ir } ea& o\ r. a lo1r l tr ldl €i \a lo-l \t l \O l c{ l&rL l U1o$1@I oo l t l^ l '- ] c. t l d o\ !4 1oFaE] tr l cr l l oo ir ) loFT$\o6l il IJ . ] U1otml I 6 I la l '- ] cQ l x) o\ ir |o'o trcl oo1r )o-t\o(\ l&tL lUo$oo ! oo l I \a 1 co l &1 o\ rr )o'otrCd oo \nO+\o6t&tLUo$€I@I rr | cr lx E| ; E)U .IlJ E E E 'o .o E E E E(,J E)oJ E=s] J E)qJ E)q 'o -Jo .oa(, 'o F,t €l,to1 EIal o1 'o o E=oJ tJoJ ugJ IgJ ao;i ao;5 )(,J )oJ ao1J J J J J Ji JI J Hg I I so; rOG) \on s=n s=n s=n s=n s=n s=n son sIn s=A soA s=n sIn s=n s=n sIn s=n sIn sOn s=n (uoH.J EIOELtr .---E' fr l *-oclL{- ,a+,0) JQcto 0) c0 ocl 0) cO c)cl ocl ocl 0) cr l o)cl 'o obt trc, tr 'o troo) ct aEI =, l O. l ,- lEoaoc(J\,0) cO tg6-+tol*il*0)cl c)ct l OGI c)c, ol ct l oGI olcl O] cl ilclol . -r l 5) l ol a gl E Ht { HH tr l € EIo .- lTcCJoFl xoFoobt H xoFooEH xoFEo{ H xoFoou!- xoFIbI ha xoFaohl F. i xoFoobt |< xotoobt H xoF8at xoFooat xloF] \ool b{ :- ( i xoFoobT xoFoobl l- ( xoFoobl H xoFo,oal )r ( xtol tiolol b{ Hl xoFoobl xoFoobl H xoF8bt XoFoout xoFoobl l- a dzETctr+.EIoEe .r l -l-gri ]. -o\n€IFJ)- a tJ . oo r+ \r )@I .ltca f-ca rr |€tX O, \o\aoo II aG$ca of-\n@II G6$ca fr . raoo II aa$ca ooco (oo !X (\ I f-\a€!I G{ca ca f-(n€I .ltca tfr . \noo I .ltcA (\ I-rr l oo IO-DO. f-f-\aoo t .lt \o fr . \r ) oo I ll{ \n f-|' noo II ao$ca oo f-\noo I! o$co !+ l r- l oo l oo I?l+l ca l rf-oo@I .ltca \of-aoo II 66r+e? t fr . f: .oooo I! 6ntca f-\orc II i6tca 6l f-\o@IFoO. (l ) I al Gt ! Bl3l E r, l F, Ll r cr l E f; l g oLoodoPaBoJ E0)Of&G)+,a>s 'o 0)C) tJ . (, 'o o0) ILJto He 8 7\ \ Y \. / F. { 6t 8H E 1E .l J 3B rr l a ca()bo (nP{?O >{o(o+) 5) fQ l al {J IEI (D l EI (l ) l LI .- l !lol (I ) I il l tr l tr lEIcl tr l et=t at .. , El nl Nl =l fl El :l:lc) t (l ) l ._ {EI=t at l) IEI (l ) l EIol .- l =l tr t rd l rl (, tUI r- l El l HI<t ililEI=lEIot UI tl ,g El { (l ) l ct E! A o\ \aoEL.c, oo \nO+\o(\ ldtLU$oo I oo ! l. acad o\ rnoEGI@rno+\oGIdIL(Jo$oo I€! rca& o\ \aoEL.cd@(r )O+\o(\ t&ILUO$oo I€I tr | ca& O\ l nioi .- l "o l tr l (d l oo l lr ) l ol -1ri \O i ot i dl tL I U1ol rlolrl €ltl tr l l eo l dt o\ rao-Etrcd oo rr )Ot\o6l&ILUo$oo I€I \nea& /+6la€D*t(l*CD**Etil F{ .s o\ rrorcl-cU@tr )o+\o6t&tLUO!+oo I€I ir } tt /. F6lf )+?Eto[ tf )+t*lJ .oI €D t\+ , il "1 , Fa (* o\ inoEFicr l l oo \nO!+\oe{&tJ .UO$€I 00 I ir l ea l& .F€l ta ) CD*tC*etdo*il$ O\ l nlol -lEI tr l cd l ml nlol ;l 6r l dl fJ . l UIol \f l rc l -l rl TInl t- lea l dt 6l ra t al -ldtr l co l ml nlol -l \f l \O l 6r l el fJ - l UIol rlml -. 1+lnl -lpl O\ l ln l ot -' l -O l tr l cl l oo l nlol -lsl tr t l dl t! lUIol$l oo l 4lnl t- lco l &t H; E=qJ EoJ aoJ EI=t C, 1 JI E=C' J gfi 'l C aE' J H Eol J] t'soo--I EoJ tolfi EI=l q1 .- lJI gfi EI :, l o' l JI Hg I u s=n s=A s=n slol -' lni sOn sl?l s=n >F? son s6Jr4 s=n * s=A slol ;l c) tr t' ( traE€) aIta .i tJgrd otb[ql Gl l EI 6) t .E lGt l C -b l o 3l E tl r tr l u Gl l () l .- l EIol 6l -- r lBtcl .9 1 !. 1olOIql tr lolololb{El - ct l l cr l tr l 9 oGI o) I>I Rl l >l aEO. EI E1dl 0) c0 ol>d.(l* Gt l () l EI -q l () I -- * l 3tel ot . -r lEIOIclclol () l oJo[cl - 6d l cl tr l B OI il cd l >t -v lol ot -q l UI +tI4(, ol>t G, I >t TC* ot>t Gl l >tol &. 1 !r ltr lol (J l or l LIJIalalol l. i l o. I Eo .l+.GI CJoFl xoFoobl xoFoobI Fl xoFoout l- x1o1 F1 \* 1 olob{ l- xoFoobI 'rt xoFoobt I( FTIs xoF\oobI F- i I(oI.* xoFooUI l- a {UHr xlolHol ot AT t- r l ,i l xtOI FI \- l ololbI F. . l ozOIGF:)Eq)-Lxo .- l --IFr 1 .f lnI \O l ml ,h l ca l €f-\o€*rH. l slOI JI o. I c{ l f- l \O l oo l ll?l ol$l ;l rr ) f-\ooo I! 66$\co \n\n\ooo IO.DO. ssd*;DEl . oo l r- l rO l oo l rlal o. l 6rl . \o6*6Fl . O00 \ooo I taO. I{T* ca l f- l \O l oo l *l 6l l \* l s\oT=ldr{ { sl f- l \O l oo l tl ?l 6l l \_ l rt ' FIs*-l({* e{ l oo \O l oo I (JO- (l ) l ;lGt l BIEI E sl E I Ef r E 7\ \ v \J F{ 6t 8H E $E3B tI ] A .f ,C)o0 cd0{ i f- .L{o>rL{o(o (' r l at i. l tr l l (l ) l EI (l ) l LI .l l 5lUIot il l tr l fl5lLlcloAI -l=t al .+ l o ol \O i F( l Nl F: l el ;t Hl Et :l+,Ul C' )oo_ lEI=a+r ]Eq)Ee .l =E' I fr tJ?()U-F]Er (u l sl tlc) l .E l EIUI :lol €lEI O\ l ta l ot -- l 'l r l tr l Gl l rc l rr l oi -1s1N1dl ILU]o$€!@I3cad O\ l nlol E1tr l cl l oo \r )o$\o6t iltL()a$@I oo I t, ncq& o\ iaoEtr(!€\o+\oGI&tJ -Uo\too !@I \nB O\ l nlol -l-d l tr l Gl l ml rr l ol -l \f l \O l tr t l dl tl IUIol :t l rc l 4l 1r ) l -. 1 cf l l dt O\ l r, a l ol -. 1EIEI rc l lr ) l ol -l .+ l \O l r\ lel lL lUIol$lml 5l "P l \r r l -leQ l &t O\ l ta l ol -. 1EI tr l cl lml lr } l ol -l '+ l \O l e{ l dl5lol$lml -lrl oo l rl l. a l t- lca l &t alr ) l ol EI tr l cr l @l (a l ol -l$l \O l NI il l fJ . l ulot$l€tl1 oo l rl \r r l -. 1 c? } l dl 6l ta l al 'o l tr l cl l €l 1r ) l OI -- l tl \O I e{ l dl rL l UIol \f , 1€l -ltl €lrl ta l ca l dt O\ l r, r } l OI -r lEI -tcl l@l \n l ol+t \o l NI e\ IJ . 1 U1o$oo I€lI \nca l& O\ l ra l ol -, ] 'o 1 tr l Gl l€r1oa3(\ l&ILUotf ,oo ! oo I rnca il o\ tr loEqGI oo rao+\o6l&ILUo$oo I@I ineo& o\ ilol 'o trGI€rr to+\o6l&tJ .Uo$oo I€I rr } ro& O\ l ta l olE] trcl l €l \o-$\o6ldIJ .UOr+@I€I !c. I d, o\ 1r }oEgCO€rno+\o6l&tJ .Uo.+@!€I raca& 61 la l ol -lEI tr l cB l ml tr ) l ol -. 1 tl \O l c{ l el lL l (J I ol .+ l oo l ll oo l rl \A I -. < l c. l l &t O\ l (n l olEI tr i co l €l ta l ol -l !+ \o 1 6t ldILU]o$t6lI€1I ln l co l &1 O\ l rr lol -1 't l sl cl l@l 1lol -lrl \o 1N1e] fJ - 1 u1oi .+ l oo l r1@i!lq-lca n &1 O, iao'otrc,€rao+\oN&ILUo$rc I€I r-c7 } }YEI E| ; 'o ao-l EoJ EI,l tr 1JI EIatsl JI EI=l s1 r- lJI EI ,lol 5l E]5lUI J ar l 31ol J1 '1 , atJ EaoJ 'o a(,J Eag '( , aC' J 'o )(,J 'o l =l s1 atr , 'o l =lE' J] 'o )oJ J JI -J Hg I s s=n slol -' lnl slon slolA slol^l slol -. 1nl soA son soA s=n slol -' lAl slol -l^l 106\on s=n slol -ln1 son son son €)aE( 1Jt-HoEa .r l --rtH EEI €l -_ l :t€lOI tr l5l () l oJboEI _, fi t sl o) cO ocU 0)GI Gt l OIHI !l'lEI 'E l (J ! G) l EI ot () lai b0El -, cd l cl il e l C)cl 0)cl 0. )GI 0) c0 OI>l (€ l >l OI>l cl l >l (l ) I>l ct t l >t OI>l G, I >l €€)cc6lUGI ot lilAIOI>l (d I >l 0)GI 0)cl Gl l () lEI -t r 1 ol -- * l 'l8 r- l{J l8t tr l tr lol () lolb[EI - cg l cd il 9 ol>ldl >t rto .r l36l IoF1 xoF]oobt HI aO.oobl l- ( aeoobI -a EI rlolol bd -l EO.oobl It EeooE- EIalolol b{ Ft l caO.oool l- a ml QIol otbI -l E0 l alolol b{ tt EQ]8o{ H EA I o. 1El0{ HI tr IQIololg tr l o1ol e)U)- . 1J] troo&(JEaJ EIolotelUI=l EIolotelUI=l EIolol elUi |- ( lJI oz0t6l tr IEO-lEc .r l -l-gH 6to\ \o@IJJaO. t+\n@II{ca rr } (noo II .+eA 6U \O l rc l TI?lsl co l O\o\ooo I lro. \o€oo !I .+ca ot \O l oo l ?t?l rl \- leo l ca l \O l ta l oo t rl >Irl rl-l e{ l \o l \n l mtrl ?l$l \* l cA l f-oooo rt$\\co (\ l \o\ooo IHA of-oooo II{co o\ \o00oo Ii$co 6t ca$oo II (\ l O\ l 6t l $l"l?l e{ l -t ea l ca l $l rc l rl ?lSI ol en l $lTIFI HlO. l tea$oo Itol (l ) l EIBI3l E EI H lr l r cr l E $l g alal cr ls:lot rr lgl s alal cd lsol 6i lOI rr l "lEl I 6l sl EIotot fJ . l a; l !. 1al ct l >l >tclol bT<t Ef r E 7\ \ vL/ F- { ct PE E 1E !) 3B rq a \nob0 cB p<?o Ho(g {J o (' ) ai'E€)E] q)L.-!a-gl €) iltrtr3IrccE,l-at+ oo l \O F{ l t\ sl s f, l ! 8t v \' l oi,+. I€) .r lE=a+.E€)Ec .l =E' FiFl -r(,U-t]E( :l:lelEIH:lol EIol€lEI O\ l niol tr lEI tr l c0 l oo l tr t l ol.l $t \O l ot iel tJ . 1ui$l oo l tt oo l rl nl -. 1 ca l &t o\ rr )o'- ]E] trcd l€nlo$\o6ldlJ .Ua$oo I oo rnl ca&) o\ (AoFTEtrcl oo rnO+\o6ldtJ .UO!+€I oo I rr ) ca& ,^o\ taetr (1'Ec€lnetr (+\oN&frUet\,€-t€I laFt (r ) il o\ \r )o'o cd oo l. iO+\oe!dt&(. )O.+€I@I \ncad o\ raoF.'o trcl oo l rao-rf , \o(\ ldILUo.+mI oo I (n l ro&) O\ l \a l ol -i 'o l tr l (€ l €l \r r l ol -i t+ l \O l 6t l el lL l U1ol S] oo 1 rl oo l tt (r ) i ;< l ca l dt o\ r. )oEtrcl€\o+\o6tdtJ -Ua$€I oo I rcA& o\ l. r )OEL.doo raO+\o6tdIJ .UO$oo I oo I rtB o\ taoFa1,trcd oo rr ) l o-t\oc!dILUo.+oo I oo l tl \n l ef ) l d1 fu r €l=l o1 JI 'o =trJ 'o oJ Eor l=g.-FI EagJ E=qJ] EI=ls] JI aqJ 'o =oJ E]=)qJI HE I g sloln 10o\On rOo\On set. {A 10o\on son ro l o\ i otAl s=A s=A rO l o\ l oln €)0lH+r -lx(l )-Etsol .-,l-sl rd ct lolEI -q l () I>lclOI EIol tr lclol Ll lol br OEl -, cd l cd l tr l B1 Ocd Lro.l r lootro()ObIGI tJ . ^€€) troGI I€)-GI C) cd oaaclUo6d ot>l Gl l >t Eol !,o1olel tr l o1 u1o1o{ cl l lL l AFIo .- l+)GI eJoFI Eol o1d] U1 p< l JI Eoo&()J tr8d,Ul- rJ -LLooilUlr iJ o&UJ troodUJ Eiotol dlUI slJI )-oodU-J Foor. /UJ tr lol o1elUI r- t 1 J1 ozoi 6l Fr€aIq)-LLo.-rt-tH Oca$oo IJJao. rr ) co$oo II6t ol eo l \f l oo l dl tr . l N(r )$€II G-(\ I F{ ea l $l oo l tt >tXI f-cosf , oo II6t c{ ca$€IX ooco$oo IIGI O, l co l $l oo l rl ?lSI \oeA tf ,oo IotJ - ! 66oo\\ca (l ) I +f l (a l ct l Bl3l E El -' Ll +r GI I E fi l g ao o EO F. I N HH t- i l- { AE3B rr l a tJ { o3 \oOo0 (c P. { t- - t. . ' a (. ) tr t- { () cC o o o TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-offTables March 2009 ATTACHMENT 19 INSTRUMENTATION AND WASTE FEED CUT-OF'F TABLES Consisting of: Table D-I, Trial Burn Plans and Reports Table D-5-1A, Liquid Incinerator #1 Process Data Table D-5-2A, Liquid Incinerator #1 Automatic Waste Feed Cut-offs Table D-5-lB, Liquid Incinerator #2 Process Data Table D-5-2B, Liquid Incinerator #2 Afiomatic Waste Feed Cut-offs Table D-6-1, Metal Parts Fumace Process Data Table D-6-2, Metal Parts Fumace Waste Feed Cut-offs Table D-7-1, Deactivation Furnace System Process Data TableD-7-2, Deactivation Fumace System Automatic Waste Feed Cut-offs Table D-8-1, Area 10 Liquid lncinerator (ATLIC) Process Data O Table D-8-2, Area 10 Liquid Incinerator (ATLIC) Automatic Waste Feed Cut-offs Index Attachment 19 Page I Instrumentation and Waste F""d Cru"#?"Cb:1.: March 2009 Table D-l TRIAL BURN PLANS A]\D REPORTS Surroeate Trial Burn for Liquid Incinerator Number 1 (LICI) o Surrogate Trial Burn Plan, submitted January 24,1995 and revised Api124,1995. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Numbers 95 .00325 and 95.01 95 1 . o Surrogate Trial Burn Report submitted August 23,1995, and revised December 1, 1995. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Numbers 95.03837 and 95.05298. Surrosate Trial Burn for the Deactivation Furnace Svstem (Dtr'S) o Surrogate Trial Burn Plan, submitted March 9,1995 and revised August 8, 1995. Supplemental DFS Trial Bum Test Special Conditions appended September 6,1995. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 95.03661. o Surrogate Trial Burn Report, submitted November 20,1995, and revised December 12, t995. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Numbers 95.05217 and 96.00196. Surrosate Trial Burn for Liquid Incinerator Number 2 (LIC2) o Surrogate Trial Bum Plan, submitted June 15, 1995, and revised December 18, 1995. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 95.05551. o Surrogate Trial Burn Report, dated April 19, 1996. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 96.0 I 98 8. Surrogate Trial Burn for Metal Parts Furnace MPF) o Surrogate Trial Burn Plan, submitted December 19,1995, and revised March 13,1996. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Numbers 95 .05572 and 96.01 1 81 . o Surrogate Trial Burn Report, dated August L2,1996. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 96.03460. RCRA GB Asent Trial Burn for the Deactivation Furnace Svstem fl)FS). GB Agent Trial Bum Plan, submitted November 29,1995, revised June 6, 1996 and August 13, 1998. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Numbers 96.02580 and98.03.264. . GB Agent Trial Bum Report, dated February 76, I 999, and revised }uly 7 , 1999. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Numbers 99.00735 and99.02812. RCRA GB Aeent Trial Burn for the Liquid Incinerators (LIC) . GB Agent Trial Burn Plan, submitted November 29,1995, and revised June 12, 1996. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 96.02670. . GB Agent Trial Bum Report Liquid Incinerator 1(LIC1), submitted Revision 2 datedJuly 15, 1998. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 97 .02654. Index Attachment l9Page2 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-offTables March 2009 GB Trial Burn Report for the Liquid Incinerator 2 (LIC 2), dated October 27,1997. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 97.04218. RCRA GB Aeent Trial Burn for the Metal Parts f,'urnace MPF). GB Agent Trial Bum Plan, submitted April 20,1996, and revised October 30, 1996. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 96.04738. Modified March 12,1997, Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 97.01013. GB Agent Trial Bum Report, dated July 29,7997. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 97.03 1 83. RCRA VX Aeent Trial Burn for the Deactivation Furnace Svstem (DFS) . VX Agent Trial Bum Plan, submitted July 20, 2001 , and revised February 27 , 2002, and April 23, 2002. UtahDivision of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Numbers 01.02406,02.00680, and 02.01364. Revised forpublic comment and approved July 5,2002. RCRA VX Asent Trial Burn for the Metal Parts Furnace MPF). VX Agent Trial Burn Plan, submitted July 20,2001, and revised February 27,2002, and April 23, 2002. UtahDivision of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Numbers 01.02408, 02.00680, and 02.01364. Revised forpublic comment and approved July 5,2002. . VX Agent Trial Burn Report submitted December 10, 2003, revised September 30, 2005. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 05.03489; approved JuJy 2007 . RCRA VX Aeent Trial Burn for the Liquid Incinerators (LIC) . VX Agent Trial Burn Plan, submitted July 20,2001, and revised February 27,2002, and April 23, 2002. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Nurnbers 01.02407 ,02.00680, and 02.01364. Revised forpublic comment and approved July 5,2002. RCRA Mustard Asent Trial Burn for the Liquid Incinerators (LIC) o Mustard Agent Trial Bum Plan, submitted December 21,2005. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Nurnber 05.04058, Revised June 2006. Mustard Agent Trial Burn Report for the Liquid Incinerators (LICs), submitted Apil17,2007, Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 07.01261. RCRA Secondarv Waste Demonstration Test PIan for the Metal Parts f,'urnace MPF) o Secondary Waste Demonstration Test Plan submitted May 26,2005, Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Tracking Number 05.03025. Secondary Waste Demonstration Test Report submitted July 20, 2006, Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Tracking Number 06.02485. RCRA Mustard Aeent Trial Burn for the Metal Parts Furnace MPF)o Mustard Agent Trial Bum Plan, submitted December 21,2005. Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Tracking Number 05.04058. Revised June 2006. Mustard Agent Trial Burn Report, submitted April 5, 2007,Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Tracking Number 07.0 1 1 30. Index Attachment l9 Page 3 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-offTables March 2009 RCRA Mustard Aeent Trial Burn for the Metal Parts Furnace (MPf,) (continued) o Mustard 155 mm Projectiles Trial Bum Plan, submitted May 7 , 2007 Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Tracking Number 07.01457. Mustard (H) 155 mm Projectiles Trial Burn Report, submitted April 3, 2008, Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Tracking Number 08.01235. Attachment 19 Page 4 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables April 2007 Table D-5-1A LIQUID INCINERATOR #1 PROCESS DATAI Item No.Control Parameter Measuring Device*[.ocation Instrument Range Expected Range | 4b'c Agent Feed Rate to Prirnary Charnberl 3-FIT- 127 At3-FrT-127B- Mass Flowmeter Vibrating U- Tube Twe hr-Line 0 - 1,500 lb/hr 0 - 1,209 lb/hr 2n'"Agent Feed Atornizing Air Pressurel3-PIT-128 Diaphragn Plant Air Line prior to Primary. Charnber Waste Feed Atornizing Nozzle 0 - 200 psig 60 -75 psig 3h,.Agent Gun Nozzle Pressurel3-PIT-l l2 Diaphragm Agent Line after Pump 0 - 25 psig 5 - 25 psig 4 Reserved 5t,'.,Prirnary Charnber Exhaust Gas Ternp. 13-TIT-610 Thennocouple In-Line 212 - 3,0000 F 2,550 - 2,8500 F 6b,t Secondary Charnber Spent Decon/Process Water Feed Rate 13-FIT-102 Mass Flowmeter Vibrating U- Tube Type In-Line 0 - 2,250lbs/hr 0 - 1,809 lbs/hr. 7'\"Secondary Charnber Spent Decon/Pl ocess Atornizing Air Press Waste Feed Interlockl 3-PSL-058 Diapluagrn Plant Air Line prior to Sec. Charnber Waste Feed Atornizing Nozzle 12 - 100 psig Setpoint 60 psig gqe Secondary Charnber Slag Gate Open Waste Feed lnterlock13-ZS-361F Lirnit Switch Outside Bottom Secondary Charnber Not Applicable Not Applicable gh'..Secondary Charnber Exhaust Gas Ternp. l3- TIT- I29 Thennocouple Incinerator Outlet 32 - 2,400" F 1,850-2,2000 F 9.atLt Secondary Charnber Exhaust Gas Ternp tnw Gas Tempemture Waste Feed Interlockl 3-TSLL- t29 Cument Switch In-Line 4 -20 nA Setpoint 1,822" F [ 0h'"Exhaust Gas Flow Rate24- FIT-943 I A,24-F IT-9431B V-Cone In-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS- SCRB- 103 outlet 14,760 cfm 10,200-14,000 cfin l0ah'"V-Cone Pressure (STP pressure Comection) 24- FIT-9431 Diaphrarn In-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS SCRB-103 outlet 8-13 psia l0-l I psia lObn,'V-Cone Temperature (STP Temperature Comection) 24-TtT-943t Thennocouple In-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS- SCRB- l 03 outlet 100-200' F 140-l 80" F I It""Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Ternp.24-TlT-397 Thennocouple Irr-Line 0-300'F 140 - 225" F I l.a'1"Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Ternpemture High Waste Feed Interlock24- TSHH-089 Filled Systern In-Line 175 - 360" F Setpoint 225" F l2b,'Quench Brine Delivery Pressure 24-PIT- 100 D/P Cell In-Line 0 - 150 psig 40 - 150 psig l3n,'Quench Brine to Venturi Scrubber24-FlT-088 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter ln-Line 0 - 150 gpm 100 - 120 gprn l4h,'Venturi Scrubber Exhaust Gas Diff. Pressure24- PDIT-OgO D/P Cell Verrturi Scrubber 0 -70in. w.c.20 - 50 in. w.c. l5b''Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower Sprays24-FIT- I I 2 Electr o-Magnetrc Flowrneter ln-Line 0 - 1,000 gpm 400 - 800 gprn 16n,'Clean Liquor Delivery Pressure 24-PlT-129 DiP Cell In-Line 0 - 100 psig 25 - 100 psig LIC Tables Attachment l9 Page 5 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables April 2007 Table D-5-1A LIQUID INCINERATOR #1 PROCESS DATAI Item No.Control Pammeter Measuring Device*[,ocation Instrurnent Range Expected Ranse l'lb,'Scrubber Brine pH24-AIT- ogtA24-Arr-0el B 'Electrodes Discharge From Pump llllll2 0 - 14 pH Units 7.0-l1.0pH l gn'"Scrubber Brine Specific GraviW24-DIT-083 Magnetically Vibrated Tube Purnp-PAS- llllll2 Disch 0.6 - 1.4 sGU 1.0 - 1.20 sGU lgb't'g'l Blower Exhaust Gas co24-Arr-078 Infiared Cell Analyzer Blower Exhaust Line (Extractive) 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm 0-100 ppm, one hour rolling avel?ge, corrected to 7o/o Oz dry volume. 20b,c,g'l Blower Exhaust Gas cot3-AIT-083 Infiared Cell Analyzer ln-Line (Extractive) 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm 0-100 ppm, one-hour rolling average, corrected to 7o/o Oz dry volume. 21.b,c,t Blower Exhaust Gas Oz24- AIT.2IO Zirconium Oxide Cell Analyzer In-Line (Extractive) 0 -25%3-15% 22b'c,t Blower Exhaust Gas Ozl3- Aff-229 Zirconiurn Oxide Cell Analvzer In-Line (Extractive) 0 -25%3-15% 23"Blower Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O4H'' ACAMSJ In-Line (Extractive) 0 - sl2 sEu 0 - 1.0 sELk 24"Comrnon Stack Exhaust Gas Asent PAS 70lGi ACA]VISJ In-Line (Extractive) 0 - 512 sEL-0 - 1.0 sEr 24a"Common Stack Exhaust Gas AgentPAS 706Vi ACAMSJ In-Line (Extractive) 0 - sl2 sEr 0 - 1.0 sEL- 24b'Comrnon Stack Exhaust Gas AeentPAS 7O7Hi ACA]VISJ In-Line (Extractive) 0 - 512 sEr 0 - 1.0 sELk 25"All BRA-TANKS Filled Waste Feed Interlocl03- LSHH.OO223-LSHH- 00623-LSHH-70223- LSHH-706 Sonic l-evel Switches BRA.TANK. IOIBRA.TANK IO2BRA-TANK 20IBRA-TANK 202 Not Applicable Not Applicable 26 Slag Removal Systern Shell I 3-TIT-3 74, I 3-TIT- 37 5, I 3-TIT-3 7 6, L3-TIT- 377 Thennocouple In-Lir"re 0-1000'F 70-500' F Footnotes: l. QA/QC procedures are found in Attachrnent 3 (Sampling, Analyical, and QA/QC Pnccedures).* Calibration information is shown in Attachment 6.o Reported value for agent feed rate is calculated by averaging the output of both mass flow fiansmittem.b Continuous monitoring with values being recorded electronically, appncxirnately every I 5 seconds. " Continuous recording every hour with the rninimum and maxirnum values printed during one hour segment ofoperation.o Maintenance, at a minimum, in accordance with equipment manufacturerrs recommendations. " Recorded upon activation or change in state of switch.r Only one analyzer active at any one tirne. The active analyzer provides the process variable to the controller. The Permittee shall attempt to balance the usage time of each analyzer.g One hour rolling avemge is composed ofthe 60 rnost recent one-minute avemges. Each one-minute avemge is cornposed ofthe 4 most recent instantaneous CO process variables occuring at I 5-second intervals.I' PAS 704AH and PAS 7048H are the TAG IDs for the sarnpling location. One ACAMS is online at this location. A backup monitol is available if the prirnary monitol is taken offline. Durir:g Agent Trial Bum performance luns, two ACAMS will be onJine at all times during agent feed. ' PAS 701, PAS 706 and PAS 707are the TAG lDs for the sampling location. Two ACAMS are online with collocated DAAMS tubes at all tirnes during agent opemtion for each agent.r ACAMS (Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring Systern) - ACAMS arr portable gas chlrmatogaphs configured to detect airbome concentrations of agents GB, VX, or Mustard (IVHD/HT).k SEL (Source Emission Umit)- Thleshold values for the concentration of chemical agents in incinerator exhaust gases which have been established by the Surgeon General of the United States to protect human health and the environment. The SEL (in mg/m3) for each agent is: GB =0.0003, VX =0.0003 and Mustad ([VHD/HT) = 0.03.I One monitor is required to be online at all tirnes during waste feed. lf more than one monitor is onJine both will report data to PDARS. All monitors onJine will be connected to a WFCO. LIC Tables Attachrnent l9 Page 6 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables April 2007 Table D-5-2A LIQUID INCINERATOR #1 AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUT-OFFS Item No.Tag Number Process Data Descriptionc Setpointk I t3-Ftc-127 Agent Feed Rate Greater Than or Equal to > 1208 lb/hr Agent, one-hour rolling avemge 2 l3-PAL-128 Agent Atornizine Air Pressure kss Than < 60 psig 3 I3.PALL-II2B Agent Feed Nozzle Pressure at High Feed Rate kss Than or Equal to < 5 psig active l0 sec after LIC agent feed pump is started and at feed mtes greater than 500 lbs/hr' 4 Reserved 5 13-TrT-610 Primarv Chamber Tempemfure kss Than < 2,544 F, one-hour rolling average 5.a 13-TAHH-610 Primarv Chamber temperature Greater Than or Equal to z 2,8500 F 6.13-FrC-102 Spent Decon Feed Rate Greater Than or Equal to > 1,809 lb/hr over one-hour rolling average 7 l3-PSLO58 Spent Decon Atomizine Air Pressure kss Than or Equal to S 60 psie 8 t3-zs-3678 Slae Removal System Discharse Gate Open Upper Cylinder Switch Closed 9 13-TIT-129 Secondary Charnber Temperature Irss Than < 1,822" F, one-hour rolling average 9.a 13-TAHH-129 Secondarv Chamber Temperature Greater Than or Equal to > 2,200" F l0 24-FYt-9431 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (Unit Production Rate) Greater Than or Equal to 8,400 scfm, one-hour rolling average ll 24-TSHH-o89 Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperafure Greater Than > 225" F t2 24-PALL-100 Ouench Brine Pressure kss Than or Equal to S 40 psie t3 24-Frr-088 Brine to Venturi Scrubber Flow l-ess Than or Equal to < 105 gpm one-hour rolling avelage l4 24-PD[T-090 Venturi Exhaust Gas Pressure Drop kss Than or Equal to 532 in. w.c., one-hour rolling average 15 24-Frr-tt2 Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower kss Than or Equal to = 425 gpln, one-hour rolline aver?ge L6 24-PYt-129 Clean Liquor Pressure l-ess Than or Equal to < 35 psig. one-hour rolline avelage l7 24-AIT-091 Scrubber Brine to Venturi Scrubber pH l-ess Than to Equal to = 7 .5 pH, one-hour rolling average 18 24-DrC-083 Brine Specific Gravity Greater Than or Equal to U l.l5 SGU, twelve-hour rolling average l9 24-AtT-078 Blower Exhaust CO Concentmtion Greater Than or Equal to > 100 ppm, one-hour rolling average, corrected to 7o/o Oz, dty volumen 20 t 3-AIT-083 Blower Exhaust CO Concentration Greater Than or Equal to Z 100 ppm, one-hour rolling avel?ge, comected to 7o/o Oz, dry volumen 2t 24-AAt--210 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz I-ess Than or Equal to < 3o/o Oz 2l.a 24-AAH-210 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz Greater Than or Equal to > l5o/o Oz 22 t3-AAL-229 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz I-ess Than or Equal to < 3o/o Oz 22.a t3-AAH-229 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz Greater Than or Equal to > l5o/o Oz 23 PAS 7O4H PAS Blower Exhaust Agent Detected Greater Than or Equal to >_ 0.2 sELb," 24 PAS 7O1G Comrnon Stack Exhaust Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to > 0.2 sEL"$,' 24a PAS 7O6V Common Stack Exhaust Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to >_0.2 sELuL' 24b PAS 7O7H Comrnon Stack Exhaust Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to > 0.2 sElb"l 25 BRA.TNKS Brine Surge Tanks l0l, 102,201,202, Four [rvels High-High (BRA- TNKS :23-LSHH-002 and23-LSHH-006 and 23-LSHH-702 and 23-LSHH -706\ I8'3" kvel 26 l3-TAHH-374 l3-TAHH -37 5 l3-TAHH -376 13-TAHH-377 SRS Shell Thennocouple Tempemture Greater Than or Equal to > 500" F Footnotes* Waste feed culoffs recorded upon switch actiyation. " One hour rollng average is composed of the 60 most recent one-minute auerages. Each one-minute average is composed of the 4 rnost recent instantaneous CO process variables occuring at I 5-second intervals. b The alann sefting (in rng/mr) for each agent is: GB:0.00006, VX =0.00006, and Mustard (IVHDIHT) = 0.006. " l.ogic code description used to set the control WFCO alarms. 'r An Automatic WFCO occurs if the two online ACAMS are not staggered so that at least one unit is sampling the stack. " In accordance with Condition of the Agent Monitoring Plan for past agent, AWFCOs associated with GB and VX may'be disabled if no wastes containing the agent are "inside the facility boundaries." This condition does not apply to the HVAC stack. ' Rolling avemge means the average of all one-minute averzge over the averaging period. A one-minute average means the average of detector responses calculated at least every 60 seconds from responses obtained at least every 15 seconds O LIC Tables Attachment l9PageT Instrumentation and Waste Feed Crt-oJ?:#r: April 2007 Table D-5-18 LIQUID INCINERATOR #2 PROCESS DATA1 Item No. Control Parameter Measuring Device*Location Instrument Ranse Expected Ranee l4b,c,d Agent Feed Rate to Prirnary Chamber l3-FIT-73 I A l3-FrT-7318 Mass Flowmeter Vibrating U-Tube Type In-Line 0 - 1,500 lb/ht'0 - 1208 lb/ht' 2b'c'tl Agent Feed Atomizing Air Pressure l3-PIT-736 Diaphragrn Plant Air Line prior to Primary. Chamber Waste Feed Atomizing Nozzle 0 - 200 psig 60 -75 psig 3b,",c Agent Gun Nozzle Pressure l3-PIT-760 Diaphragm Agent Line after Pump 0 - 25 psig 5 - 25 psig 4 Reserved 5b'c'tl Primary Charnber Exhaust Gas Temp. l3-Trr-710 Thermocouple In-Line 212 - 3,0000 F 2,550 -2,8500 F 6b'c'0 Secondary Chamber Spent Decon/Plocess Water Feed Rate 13-FrT-763 Mass Flowmeter Vibrating U-Tube Tlpe In-Line 0 - 2,250lbs/hr 0 - 1,809 lbs/ll'. 7rt1"Secondary Charnber Spent Decon/Process Atomizing Air Press. Waste Feed lnterlock l3-PSL-809 Diaphragrn Plant Air Line prior to Sec. Chamber Waste Feed Atornizing Nozzle 12 - 100 psig Setpoint 60 psig g,t"Secondary Chamber Slag Gate Open Waste Feed Interlock 13-zs-5678 Lirnit Switch Outside Bottom Secondary Charnber Not Applicable Not Applicable 9b'c'tl Secondary Charnber Exhaust Gas'Ternp. l3-TrT-782 Thennocouple lncinerator Outlet 32 - 2,4000 F 1,850-2,2000 F 9.a'\"Secondary Charnber Exhaust Gas Ternp. [.ow Gas Ternpemfure Waste Feed Interlock l3-TSLL-782 Cument Switch ln-Line 4-20mA Setpoint 1,822" F 1gh,c,rl Secondary Charnber Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (Unit Production Rate) 24-Ftr-99024,24-FtT- 99028 V-Cone ln-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS-SCRB- 203 outlet 14,760 cfm 10,200-14,000 cfm lOan'""'V-Cone Pressure (STP Pressure comection) 24- PIT-9902 Diaphrarn ln-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS-SCRB- 203 outlet 8-13 psia 10-1 1 psia lgbb,",rl V-Cone Tempemture (STP tempemture c on'ectio n\ 24 -TlT -9 9 02 Thennocouple ln-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS-SCRB- 203 outlet 100-200' F 140-180'F 1 t h,c'tl Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Ternp. 24-TrT-816 Thennocouple In-Line 0-300'F 140 - 225" F I l.atl'"Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Ternperature High Waste Feed Interlock 24-TSHH-800 Filled Systern In-Line t75 - 360' F Setpoint 225'F 12tt,c,<t Quench Brine Delivery Pressure 24-PIT-838 D/P Cell In-Line 0 - 150 psig 40 - 150 psig LIC Tables Attachment l9 Page 8 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables April 2007 Table D-5-18 LIQUID INCINERATOR#2 PROCESS DATA1 Item No. Control Parameter Measurine Device*Location Instrument Range Expected Ranse 13b,c,d Quench Brine to Venturi Scrubber 24-FrT-828 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter In-Line 0 - 150 gpm 100 - 120 gpm 14b,c,tl Venturi Scrubber Exhaust Gas Diff. Pressure 24-PD[T-814 D/P Cell Venturi Scrubber 0 -70in. w.c.20 - 50 in. w.c. l5b,c,d Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower Sprays 24-FYf -825 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter In-Line 0 - 1,000 gpm 400 - 800 gprn 16b,c,d Clean Liquor Delivery Pressure 24-PIT-839 D/P Cell In-Line 0 - 100 psig 25 - 100 psig l7h'c'.Scrubber Brine pH 24-An-g3lAf 24-AYt-83 I B Electrodes Discharge From Purnp tnln2 0 - 14 pH Units 7.0-l1.0pH 13b,c,rl Scrubber Brine Specif,rc Gravity 24-DrT-835 Magnetically Vibrated Tube Purnp-PAS-l I llll2 Disch. 0.6 - 1.40 sGU 1.0 - 1.20 sGU 1gh,c,g,l Blower Exhaust Gas CO 24-AtT-716 Infiared Cell Analyzer Blower Exhaust Line (Extractive) 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm 0-100 ppm, one-hour rolling avelage, corrected to 7o/o Oz drv volume. 2gh,c,8,l Blower Exhaust Gas CO l3-AIT-778 Infiared Cell Analyzer ln-Line (Extractive)0-200&0- 5,000 ppm 0-100 ppm, onefiour rolling avel?ge, comected to 7o/o Oz dry volume. 21n,",'Blower Exhaust Gas Oz 24-ArT-717 Zirroniurn Oxide Cell Analyzer In-Line (Extractive)0 -2s%3-ts% 22n,")Blower Exhaust Gas Oz t 3-AIT-798 Zirconiurn Oxide Cell fuialyzer ln-Line (Extractive)0 -25%3-ts% 23"Blower Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O5Hh ACAMSJ In-Line (Exhactive)0 - 512 sELk 0 - 1.0 sELk 24"Common Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O1G' ACAMSJ lrr-Line (Extractive)0 - 512 sELk 0 - 1.0 sELk 24a Comrnon Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O6V' ACAMSI In-Line (Extractive)0 - s12 sEu 0 - 1.0 sEL- 24a Common Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O7H' ACAMSJ Iu-Line (Extractive)0 - 512 sEL*0 - 1.0 sEL'* 25"All BRA-TANKS Filled Waste Feed Interlock 23-LSHH -002 23-LSHH-006 23-LSHH -702 23-LSHH-706 Sonic lrvel Switches BRA.TANK-I OI BRA-TANK-I02 BRA-TANK-2OI BRA.TANK-202 Not Applicable Not Applicable 26 Slag Removal Systern Shell I 3-TIT-57 4, L3-TIT-575, I 3 -TIT-5 7 6, 13 -TtT -57 7 Thennocouple In-Line 0-1000'F 70-500' F LIC Tables Attachment 19 Page 9 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables April 2007 Table D-5-1B LIQUID INCINERATOR#2 PROCESS DATA1 Item No. Control Parameter Measurins Device*Location Instrument Ranse Exnected Ranse Footnotes: l. QA/QC procedures are found in Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analyical, and QA/QC Procedures).* Calibration information is shown in Attachment 6. u Reported value for agent feed rate is calculated by averaging the output of both mass flow transmitters. h Continuous monitoring with values being recorded electnonically, approximately every I 5 seconds. " Continuous recording every hour with the minimum and maximum values printed during one hour segment ofoperation.tl Maintenance, at a minimum, in accordance with equipment manufacfurer's recomrnendations. " Recorded upon activation or change in state of switch.r Only one analyzer active at any one time. The active analyzer provides the process variable to the controller. The Permittee shall attempt to balance the usage time of each arnlyzer. s One hour rolling average is composed ofthe 60 most recent one-minute averages. Each one-minute average is composed ofthe 4 most recent instantaneous CO process variables occurring at I S-second intervals. h PAS 705AH and PAS 705BH are the TAG IDs for the sampling location. One ACAMS is online at this location. A backup ACAMS is available if the primary monitor is taken offline. During Agent Trial Bum performance runs only, two ACAMS will be on-line at all times during agort feed.i PAS 701, PAS 706, and PAS 707 are the TAG IDs for the samptng location. Two ACAMS are on-line and collocated DAAMS tubes at all times during agent operations for each agent.r ACAMS (Autornatic Continuous Air Monitoring Systern) - ACAMS are portable gas chromatographs configured to detect airtome concentrations of agents GB, VX, or Mustard (H/HD/ffi). SEL (Source Ernission Limit)- Threshold values for chernical agent emissions rates that have been established by the Surgeon General of the United States to protect human health and the environment. The SEL (in mg/m3) for each agent is: GB =0.0003, VX =0.0003, and IVHD/HT = 0.03.I One monitor is required to be on-line at all tirnes during waste feed. If more than one monitor is onJine both will report data to PDARS. All monitors onJine will be connected to a WFCO. LIC Tables Attachrnent l9 Page l0 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables April 2007 Table D-5-28 LIQUID INCINERATOR #2 AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUT-OFFS Item No.Tag Nurnber Process Data Description'Setpoint& I I3.FIC.73I Asent Feed Rate Greater Than or Equal to > I,208 lb/hr Agent, one--hour rrclline averase 2 t3-P AL-136 Agent Atornizine Air Pressure lrss Than < 60 osig 3 I3-PALL-7608 Agent Feed Nozzle Pressure at High Feed Rate lrss Than or Equal to < 5 psig active 10 sec. after LIC feed purnp is started and at feed rates greater than 500 lbs/hr 4 Reserued 5 13-TIT-710 Pdmary Charnber Tempemture Irss Than < 2,544o F, one-hour rolling average 5.a l3-TAHH-710 Prirnary Charnber temperafure Greater Than or Equal to > 2,950o F 6.t 3-FIC-763 Spent Decon Feed Rate Greater Than or Equal to > I,809 lbs/hr, one-hour rolline average 7 l3-PSL809 Spent Decon Atomizine Air Pressure I-ess Than or Equal to < 60 psie 8 t3-zs-5678 Slae Removal Systern Discharge Gate Open Upper Cylinder Switch Closed 9 13-TIT-782 Secondary Chamber Temperature kss Than < 1,822o F, one-hour rolling average 9.a 13-TAHH-782 Secondarv Charnber Ternpemture Greater Than or Equal to > 2.2000 F l0 l3-FrT-9902 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (Unit Production Rate) Greater Than or Equal to 8,400 scfm, one-hour rolling average ll 24-TSHH-800 Ouench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperature Greater Than > 2250 F l2 24-PALL-838 Quench Brine Pressure kss Than or Equal to S 40 psig 13 24-FrT-828 Brine to Venturi Scrubber Flow lrss Than or Equal to S 105 gpm, one-hour rolline avel?ge L4 24-PD[T-814 Venfuri Exhaust Gas Pressure Drop I-ess Than or Equal to :.32 in. w.c., one-hour rolline average l5 24-FtT-825 Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower Less Than or Equal to S 425 gpm, one-hour rolling avemge t6 24-PrT-839 Clean Liquor Pressure kss Than or Equal to S 35 psig t7 24-AIT-831 Scrubber Brine to Venturi Scrubber pH kss Than or Equal to = 7 .5 pH, one-hour r olling avemge l8 l3-Drc-835 Brine Specific Gravity Greater Than or Equal to Z l.l5 SGU. twelve-hour rollins averase l9 24-AtT-7 t6 Blower Exhaust CO Concentmtion Greater Than or Equal to Z 100 ppm, one-hour rolling avel?ge, comected to 7Yo Oz, dry volutnen 20 t 3-AIT-778 Blower Exhaust CO Concentmtion Greater Than or Equal to Z 100 ppm, one-hour rolling aver?ge, comected to 7o/o Oz, dry volutne" 2t 24-AAL-7 17 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz lrss Than or Equal to 53% Oz 2t.a 24-AAH-711 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz Greater Than or Equal to > l5o/o Oz 22 l3-AAL-798 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz lrss Than or Equal to < 3o/o Oz 22.a l3-AAH -798 Blower Exhaust Gas Oz Greater Than or Equal to > l1oh Oz 23 PAS 7O5H PAS Blower Exhaust Agent Detected Greater Than or Equal to > 0.2 sELb, 24 PAS 70IG Common Stack Exhaust Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to > 0.2 sElhrl'" 24a PAS 7O6V Common Stack Exhaust Aeent Detect Greater Than or Equal to > 0.2 SELI"'L" 24b PAS 7O7H Common Stack Exhaust Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to > 0.2 sEl-b"r 25 23-BRA.TNKS Brine Surge Tanks l0l , I 02,201 ,202, Four Levels High-High (BRA- TNKS : 23-LSHH-002 and23-LSHH-006 and 23-LSHH-702 and 23-LSHH-706) l8'3" lrvel 26 l3-TAHH -574 l3-TAHH -57 5 l3-TAHH -576 l3-TAHH -577 SRS Shell Thennocouple Temperature Greater Than or Equal To > 500' F Footnotes* Waste feed cut-offs recorded upon switch activation ' One hour lolling avemge is cornposed of the 60 most rccent one-minute averages. Each one-minute average is composed of the 4 most recent instantaneous CO process variables occuning at I S-second intervals. h The alann setting (in rng/rn3) for each agent is: GB =0.00006, VX =0.00006, and Mustard ([VHD/HT) = 0.006.c logic code description used to set the contncl WFCO alanns. 'r An Automatic WFCO occurs if the two online ACAMS are not staggered so that at least one unit is sampling the stack. " In accoldance with Condition 22.16.6.I of the Agent Monitoring Plan for past agents, AWFCOs associated with GB and VX may be suspended if no wastes containing the agent are "inside the facility boundaries. ' Rolling average means the average ofall one-minute avemge over the averaging period. A one-minute avemge means the average ofdetector responses calculated at least every 60 seconds fiom responses obtained at least every I 5 seconds LIC Tables Attachrnent l9 Page 1 I TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-6-1 METAL PARTS FURNACE PROCESS DATA1 Item No. Control Parameter Measuring Device Location Instrument Ranse Expected Ranse | 4b'c MPF Prirnary Charnber Tempemture Zone I l4-TtT-152 Thermocouple Fumace 0-2,0000 F 1,170-1800*o F* 2\r1,c MPF Temperafixe Tane 2 14-TIT-I4t Thermocouple Fumace 0-2,000' F 1,360-1,8000 F* ]4tt,c MPF Primary Chamber Ternperafure Tnne 3 l4-TIT-153 Thermocouple Furnace 0-2,000' F 1,260-1,800o F* 4 MPF Primary Chamber Diff. Pressure l4-PIT-070 D/P Cell Furnace -10.0 - 0.0 in. w.c. -6.0 to 4.0 in. w.c. 4.a.MPF Prirnary Charnber Diff. Pressure High Waste Feed Interlock 14-PSHH-034 Cument Switch Fumace 19.85 mA set point - 0.1 in. w.c. 5qh,c MPF Afterburner Tempemture 14-TIT-0652 l4-TIT-069 Thennocouple Afterburner 32- 2,7000 F 1,800 - 2,175' F (,Ltt'c MPF Afterburner Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (Unit Production Rate) 24-FlT-9667 A, 24-FtT-96678 V-Cone In-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS- SCRB-I0l outlet 0- 16,990 cfm 10,000- 14,000 cfin 6a&n'"V-Cone Pressure (STP Pressure Con'ec tio n) 24 -P lT -9 6 67 Diaphragrn In-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS- SCRB- l0l outlet 8-15 psia l0-1 I psia 6b'Ln'"V-Cone Tempemture (STP Tempemture Comection) 24-TtT-9667 Thennocouple ln-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS- SCRB-l0l outlet 100-200" F 140-180'F Jr\h'c Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Tempemture 24-TIT-509 Thennocouple In-Line 0-300"F 140 - 225'F '7.a.n'n''Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Ternp. High Waste Feed Interlock 24-TSHH-223 Filled Systern In-Line t75 - 360' F set point 225" F 8n'b'c Venturi Scrubber Exhaust Gas Diff. Pressure Z4-PD|T-222 D/P Cell Venturi Scrubber 0-50in. w.c. 20 - 50 in. w.c. 9ub,c Quench Brine to Venturi Scrubber 24-FrT-218 Electro- Magnetic Flowmeter ln-Line 0 - 150 gprn 50 - 150 gprn 16n,h,c Quench Brine Pressure 24-PtT-233 DiP Cell In-Line 0 - 150 psig 70 - 140 psig | 1tt h,c Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower Sprays 24-FtT-248 Electr o- Magnetic Flowmeter In-Lirre 0 - 1,000 gpm 400 - 900 gprn l/a,o,c Clean Liquor Delivery Pressure 24-PtT-258 DP Cell In-Line 0 - 100 psig 25 - 100 psig l3a,D,c Quench Brine Specific Gmvity 24-DtT-216 Magnetically Vibrated Tube Purnp PAS Purnp- l02ll03 Discharse 0.6 - 1.4 SGU r.0 - r.20 sGU l4n,b,"Quench Brine pH 24-Atr-224Ad 24-AtT-2248 Electrodes Purnp PAS-Pump- l02ll03 Discharge 0- 14 pH Urrits 7 -tl pH MPF Tables Attachment l9 Page 12 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-6-1 METAL PARTS FURI{ACE PROCESS DATA1t]*;llNo. I Control Parameter Measuring Device Location Exhaust Gas CO l4-AIT-384 Infiared Cell Analyzer Blower E*huurt Line (Extractive) @ i t ou, rolling II avemge. I I Sab'c Blower Exhaust Gas CO 24-ArT-669 lnfrared Cell Analyzer Blower Exhaust Line (Extractive) 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm 0 - 100 ppm, one- hour rolling average l7\n,"Blower Exhaust Gas Oz l4-Arr-082 Zirconiurn Oxide Cell Analyzer Blower Exhaust Line (In-Situ) 0-2s%3-ts% I g4b,c Blower Exhaust Gas Oz 24-An-670 Zirconium Oxide Cell Analyzer Blower Exhaust Line (In-Situ) 0-25%3-15% l9 Blower Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 703H, PAS 7O3GN" trQ{1y5e In-Line (Extractive) 0 - 512 sELh 0 - 1.0 sEL 20 Common Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O1Gf ACAMSg In-Line (Extractive) 0 - 512 sELh 0 - 1.0 sEL 20a PAS 7O6Y ACAN4SS [n-Line (Extractive) 0 - 512 sELr'0 - 1.0 sEL 20b PAS 7O7H ACAMSg In-Line (Extractive) 0 - 512 sEL"0 - 1.0 sEL 2t All BRA-TANKS Filled Waste Feed Interlock 23-LSHH-002 23-LSHH-006 23-LSHH -702 23-LSHH -106 Sonic Level Switches BRA-TANK-101 BRA.TANK-I02 BRA-TANK-2O1 BRA-TANK-202 Not Applicable Not Applicable 22 Prirnary to Secondary Duct Temperature l4-TrT-010 Thennocouple Duct 32- 2700" F 1,400 - 2500' F MPF Tables Attachrnent l9 Page l3 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-6-1 METAL PARTS FURNACE PROCESS DATA' Item No. Control Parameter Measuring Device Location Instrument Ranse Exnected Ranse Footnotes: l. QA/QC procedures are found in Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures). 2. Control loop tonperature TAG IDs appearing in bold font signifu two thermocouple./transmitter pairs are used to measure the temperature. Controllers receiving inputs from two thermocouple/transmitter pairs activate combustion chambo high and low temperature AWFCOs based on the most conservative temperature measured. The PLC is programmed to activate high and low temperature combustion chamber AWFCOS based on the thermocouple/transmitter pair measuring the highest temperature when the high temperafure limit is approached, and the pair measuring the lowest ternperature when the low temperature limit is approached. " Continuous monitoring with values being recorded electronically, approximately every 15 secondsb Continuous recording every hour with the minimum and maximum values printed during one hour segment of operation. " Maintenance, at a minimum, in accordance with equipment manufacturer's recommendations.o Only one analyzer active at any one time. The active analyzer provides the process variable to the controller. The Permittee shall attempt to balance the usage time of each analyzer. " PAS 703AH, PAS 703BH and PAS 703C, PAS 703D are the TAG IDs for the sampling location. One ACAMS is online for each agent being processed at this location. A backup ACAMS is available for each agent if the primary monitor is taken offline. During Agent Trial Burn performance runs only, two ACAMS will be online at all times during agent feed.r PAS 7Ol,706 and707 are the TAG IDs for the sampling location. Two ACAMS are online and collocated DAAMS tubes at all times during agent operations for each agent.s ACAMS (Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System) - ACAMS are portable gas chromatographs configured to detect airbome concentrations of agents GB, VX, or H/HD/HT. ' SEL (Source Emission Limit)- Threshold values for chemical agent emissions rates that have been established by the Surgeon General of the United States to protect human health and the environment. The SEL (in mglm3) for each agent is: GB =0.0003, VX:0.0003, and Mustard (H/HD/HT) = 0.03.* Calibration information is shown in Attachment 6. MPF Tables Attachrnent l9 Page 14 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-6-2 METAL PARTS FURI-.{ACE SYSTEM AUTOMATIC WASTB FEED CUTOFF Item Number Tae Number Process Data Description Setpointe' I l4-Trc452 Fumace Tempemture [,ow-[,ow (Zone I ) l. Mustard rnunitions and baseline ton container processing 2. Secondary Waste Processing l. 2. .1, lTloF* < l,4l5oF* l.a.14-TAHH-152 Fumace Temoemture High-Hish (hne I > 1.8000 F 2 14-TIT-141 Furnace Temperature [,ow-[,ow (Zone 2) l. Mustard rnunitions and baseline ton container prccessing 2. Secondary Waste Processing l. 2. < 1,3180F* < 1,4390F* 2.a.I4-TAHH-l4l Furnace Temperature Hieh-Hi eh (hne 2\> 1,8000 F 3 l4-TIr-153 Futnace Temperature [,ow-[,ow (7ane 3) 1. Mustard rnunitions and baseline ton container processing 2. Secondary Waste Processing 1. <1,321" F* 2., < 1,439 "F* 3.a.l4-TAHH-153 Furnace Temperature Hieh-H eh (Zone 3)> 1,900" F 4 l4-PSHH-034 Primary Chamber Pressure H sh Hieh > -0.1 in. w.c." 5 Second Delay 5 14-TIT-065 MPF Afterburner Temperature [,ow-[.ow l. Mustard munitions and baseline ton container processing 2. Secondarv Waste Processins l. 2. < 1,976" F, one-hour rolling avemge* < 2000 oF. one-hour rolline averaqe* 5.a.l4-TAHH-065 Afterburner Temperature Hieh-Hi gh > 2175' F 6 24-FtT-9667 Afterburner Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (Unit Production Rate) l. Mustard munitions and baseline ton container processing 2. Secondary Waste Prccessins 1. 2. >8,960 scftn, one-hour rolling average* >7 .710 scfin. one-hour rolline average* 7 24-TSHH- 223 Ouench Tower Exhaust Gas Tempemture Hieh-Hish > 225" F 8 z4-PDft-222 Venturi Exhaust Gas Pressure Drop [.ow-Inw S 30 in. w.c.. one-hour rolline average 9 24-Fn-218 Brine to Venturi Scrubber Flow I.ow < 105 gpln. one-hour rolline average* 10 24-PALL-233 Ouench Brine Pressure [nw-[nw < 70 psie ll 24-FtT-248 Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower [.ow-[.ow S 420 gpln, one-hour rolling average* t2 24-Ptr-2s8 Clean Liquor Pressure [.ow-[,ow S 35 psig. one-hour rolline averaqe 13 624-DtC-216 Ouench Brine Specific Gravity Hieh-Hieh > I . l5 SGU, twelve-hour rollins avemse* t4 24-AtT-224 Brine to Venturi Scrubber pH [.ow =7.6 pH. one-hour rolline average* 15 l4-AIT-384 Blower Exhaust CO Concentmtion Z 100 ppm, one-hour rolling average. Comecte d to 7o/o-Oz dry volumeb l6 24-AtT-669 Blower Exhaust CO Concentration > 100 ppm, one-hour rolling avemge Comecte d to 7o/o-Ozdry volumeb l7 l4-AAL-082 Blower Exhaust Oz lnw < 3o/o Oz 17.a l4-AAH-082 Blower Exhaust Oz Hieh > l5Yo Oz l8 24-AAL-670 Blower Exhaust Oz [.ow < 3'/o Oz 18.a 24-AAH-670 Blower Exhaust Oz High > l5o/o Oz l9 PAS 703GVand PAS 7O3Hf PAS Blower Exhaust Agent Detected > 0.2 SEL for GB''', > 0.5 SEL for VX''" >-0.2 SEL for Mustard' 20 PAS 701G Common Stack Exhaust Agent Detect >_ 0.2 sEu"r'" 20.a PAS 7O6V Common Stack Exhaust Asent Detect > 0.2 sEu,'L" 20.b PAS 7O7H Comrnon Stack Exhaust Asent Detect > 0.2 sErrr," 2t 23-BRA-TNKS Brine Surge Tanks l0l, 102,201,202,, Four Levels High-High (BRA-TNKS : 23-LSHH-02 and 23-LSHH-06 and 23-LSHH- 102 and 23-LSHH-706) l8'3" Level MPF Tables Attachment 19 Page 15 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Footnotes: " Waste feed cut-offs are activated and recorded by PDARS when the associated set point is equaled or exceeded. b One hour rolling average is composed ofthe 60 most recent one minute averages. Each one-minute average is composed of4 most recent instantaneous CO process variables, which occur at l5-second intervals. " The alarm settings (in mg/m3) foreachagent are: GB=0.00006, VX:0.00015 at 0.5 SELandYX{.00006 at0.2 SEI. andMustard([VHD/HTp.006. 'r An Automatic WFCO occurs if the two online ACAMS are not staggered so that at least one unit is sampling the stack " In accordance with Condition of the Agent Monitoring Plan for past agent AWFCOs associated with GB and VX may be suspended if no wastes containing the agent are "inside the facility boundaries.". r PAS 703AV, PAS 7038V and PAS ?03CG, PAS 703DG are the TAG IDs for this sampling location. One ACAMS is online for each agent being processed at this location. A backup ACAMS is available for each agent if the primary ACAMS is taken offline. s Rolling average means the average of all one-minute average over the averaging period. A one-minute average means the average of detector responses calculated at least every 60 seconds from responses obtained at least every 15 seconds MPF Tables Attachment l9 Page l6 TOCDF lnstrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-7-l DEACTIVATION FURI..{ACE SYSTEM PROCESS DATA' Item No Control Parameter Measuring Device Location Instrument Ranqe Expected Ranee I Jamrned Chute Line A Waste Feed Interlock l6-xs-207 Radioactive Proxirnity Switch Feed Chute DFS Kiln Room On-Off Not Applicable 2 Jammed Chute Line B Waste Feed Interlock 16-XS-209 Radioactive Proxirnity Switch Feed Chute DFS Kiln Room On-Off Not Applicable 3 Reseryed 4 Reserved 4.b Propellant, Explosive, and Pyrotechnic (PEP) Feed Rate DFS Process Control Software Not Applicable Not Applicable 0 - 743.4 lb/hr 5 Kiln Rotational Speed Calculated fi'orn t6-zx-602 Proximity Switch Kiln Exterior Not Applicable 0.33 to 2.0 rpm 6 Kiln Speed lnw Waste Feed lnterlock l6-SALL-602 Speed (proximity) Switch Kiln Exterior Not Applicable set point 0.33 rpm 7\b Kiln Pressure t 6-PIT-01 8 Diaphragrn Furnace -2.0 to 1.0 in. w.c. -0.1 to -2.0 in. w.c. 7.a Kiln Pressure High Waste Feed Interlock l6-PSHH-204 Diaphragrn Fumace -0.5 to 0.5 in. w.c. set point -0.1 in. w.c. gaI,h,c Kiln Exhaust Ternp. Prr Quench l6-TrT- I 82 t6-Ttr-244d Thennocouple Fumace 0 - 2,3000 F 950- 1 ,7500 F 9u,b,c Kiln Exhaust Ternp. Post Quench l6-TrT-008 16-TIT- l 69'l Thennocouple Kiln Exhaust Gas Duct 0 - 2,3000 F 850- 1,6500 F 1ga,b,c Discharge Conveyor Temperature (lower) l6-TtT-042 Thennocouple Conveyor 0 -1,6000 F 1,000-1,300" F 1 1ruh,c Discharge Conveyor Temperature (upper) 16-TIT- 184 Thennocouple Conveyor 0 -1,600'F I ,000- I ,300" F t2 Discharge Conveyor Tip Gate Jam Waste Feed Interlock l6-xs-058 Radioactive Lirnit Switch Upper Discharge Conveyor Gate Not Applicable Not Applicable t3 Discharge Conveyor Slide Gate Jarn Waste Feed Interlock l6-xs-821 Radioactive Lirnit Switch l.ower Discharge Conveyor Gate Not Applicable Not Applicable t4 Discharge Conveyor Speed [,ow Waste Feed Irrterlock 16-5SL-0s7 Speed ( Proxirnity) Switch Discharge Conveyor Tail Shaft On-Off set point zero speed l5'\b'"Exhaust Gas Aftertumer 16-TrT-092 l6-TIT-003" Thennocouple Irr-Line 0-2,400' F 2,150-2,350" F 16tuh,c Afterburner Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (Unit Production Rate) 24-FlT -943 0A, 24 -FlT - 9430B V-Corre In-Line at packed bed scrubber PAS-SCRB- 102 outlet 38,120 ctrn 25,000-30,000 cfm l6a'Lb'"V-Cone Pressure (STP pressure comection) 24-PIT- 9430 Diaphragm In-Lirre at packed bed scrubber PAS-SCRB- 102 outlet 8- l 3 psia l0-l I psia l6bu'h''V-Cone Ternperature ( STP Temperature con'ection) 24- TIT-9430 Thennocouple In-Lirre at packed bed scrubber PAS-SCRB- 102 outlet 100-200" F 140-l 80" F GA/LEWI Tables Attachrnent l9 Page 17 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2A09 Table D-7-l D E AC "UfT'Jl*# Yil+:P S Y S T E M Item No Control Parameter Measuring Device Location Instrument Ranse Exnected Ranse 17\b,c Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Ternp 24-TtT-374 Thermocouple In-Line 0-300'F 140-200' F 17.a Quench Tower Exhaust Gas High Ternp Waste Feed Interlock 24-TSHH-001 Filled System In-Line 175-360" F Set point 200' F | $&n,c Quench Brine Specific Gravity 24-Dm-033 Magnetically Vibrated Tube PAS Pump 1061107 Discharge 0.6 - 1.40 SGU 1.0- 1.20 sGU l gqb,"Quench Brine pH 24-Atr-007A* 24-AtT-0078 Electrode PAS Purnp 1061107 Discharge 0-14 pH Units 7 -ll pH Units )Q\n,c Quench Brine Pressure 24-PrT-01I Diaphragm In-Line 0-200 psig 7 5-200 psig 21ub,c Quench Brine to Venturi Scrubber 24-FIT-006 Electro-rnagnetrc Flowmeter In-Line 0-400 GPM 300400 GPM 22\n,'Venturi Scrubber Exhaust Gas Diff. Pressurc 24-PD[T-008 DIP Cell Venturi Scrubber 0-50 in. w.c.20-50 in. w.c. 23\n,"Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower Sprays 24-FIT-030 Electro-rnagnetic Flowmeter In-Line 0-3,000 GPM 750 - 2,400 GPM /{tt$'c Clean Liquor Pressure 24-PtT-036 Diaphragrn ln-Line 0-100 psi 30-100 psig 25n b'c Blower Exhaust Gas Oz 24-Arr-206 Zirrconiurn Oxide Cell Analyzer In-Lirre (Extractive)0-25%3-15% 26\n'',Blower Exhaust Gas Oz l6-ArT-175 Zirconiurn Oxide Cell Analyzer In-Line (Extractive)0-25%3-ts% 27a,t',,c Blower Exhaust Gas CO 24-ArT-207 Infiared Cell Analyzer In-Line (Extractive)0-200 & 0- 5,000 ppm 0 - 100 ppm /3on,c Blower Exhaust Gas CO l6-AIT-059 Infiared Cell Analyzer ln-Line (Extractive)0-200 & 0- 5,000 ppm 0 - 100 pprn 29n,b,',Blower Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 702H and7}2GNs ACAMS'In-Line (Extractive)0-s l2 s Eu 0- 1.0 sEL 30 Cornmon Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 701G" ACAMS'In-Liue (Extractive)0-s l2 s Eu 0- 1.0 sEL 30a Cornmon Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O6Vh ACAMS'Irr-Line (Extractive)0-sl2 sEu 0- 1.0 sEL 30b Corrunon Stack Exhaust Gas Agent PAS 7O7HI' ACAMS'In-Line (Extractive)0-s r 2 sEu 0- 1.0 sEL 3l All BRA-TANKS Filled Waste Feed Interlock 23-LSHH-002 23-LSHH-006 23-LSHH -702 23-LSHH -706 Sonic I*vel Switches BRA.TANK.IOI BRA-TANK-I 02 BRA-TANK.2OI BRA.TANK-202 Not Applicable Not Applicable GA/LEWI Tables Attachrnent l9 Page 18 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-7-l DEACTIVATION FURNACE SYSTEM PROCESS DATA1 Item No Control Parameter Measuring Device Location Instrument Ranse Expected Ranse Footnotes: L QA/QC pnccedures are found in Attachrnent 3 (Sarnpling, Analytical, and QA/QC Procedures). u Continuous Monitoring with values being recorded electronically, approximately every 30 seconds. h Continuous Recording every hour with the rninirnum and maximun values printe.d during one hour segrnent of operation. " Maintenance, at a minimun, in accordance with equipment manufacturer's recommendations. d Control loop temperature TAG IDs appearing in bold font signifu two thermocouple/transmitter pairs are used to measure the ternperature. Controllers receiving inputs from two thermocouple/transmitter pairs activate combustion chamber high and low ternperature AWFCOs based on the most conservative temperature measured. The PLC is programmed to activate high and low temperature combustion chamber AWFCOS based on the thermocouple/transmitter pair measuring the highest temperature when the high temperature limit is approached, and the pair measuring the lowest temperature when the low temperature limit is approached " Only one analyzer active at any one time. The active analyzer provides the process variable to the conholler. The Permittee shall aftempt to balance the usage time ofeach analyzer.r Reserved. c PAS 702AH, PAS 7028H and PAS 702C, PAS 702D are the TAG IDs for the sampling location. One ACAMS is online for each agent at this location. A backup ACAMS is available for each agent if the primary ACAMS is taken offline. During Agent Trial Bum perfomance runs only, two ACAMS will be online at all times during agent operations. h PAS 701 , PAS 706 and PAS 707are the TAG IDs for the sarnpling location. Two ACAMS are online and co-located DAAMS . tubes at all times during agent operations for each agent. ' ACAMS (Autornatic Continuous Air Monitoring System) - ACAMS are porlable gas chromatographs configured to detect airbome concentrations of agents GB, VX, or Mustard ([VHD/HT).j SEL lsouce Emission Limit) - Threshold values for chemical agent emissions rates that have beur established by the Surgeon General of the United States to protect human health and the environment. The SEL (in mg/m3) for each agent is: GB =0.0003, VX =0.0003, and Mustard = 0.03. kReserved * Calibration infonnation is shown in Attachment 6. GA/LEWI Tables Attachrnent l9 Page l9 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-7-2 DEACTIVATION FURNACE SYSTEM AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUT-OFFS' Item No.Tae Number Kiln sRotation Process Data Description r Set pointk I l6-xs-207 3 Jamrned Chute Line A Feed Chute Filled l0 second delay 2 l6-xs-209 3 Jarnrned Chute Line B Feed Chute Filled l0 second delay 3 Reseryed 4.a Reserued 4.b PEP-IHR-DFS 3 Propellant, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics (PEP) Feed Greater Than > 479Ib PEP/hr 5 16-SAHH-602 4 Kiln Speed (rpm) Greater Than or Equal to Z2RPM 6 I6-SALL6O2 2 Kiln Rotation kss Than or Equal to s 0.33 RPM 7 l6-PSHH-204 3 Kiln Combustion Chamber Pressure: Grcater Than > -0.1 in. w.c. 8 l6-TIT-182 4 Kiln Exhaust Gas Pre Quench Ternperaturc kss Than or Equal to < 954o F, one-hour rolling avel?ge 9 l6-TAHH-008 3 Kiln Exhaust Gas Post Quench Tempemture Greater Than > 1,6500 F l0 16-TALL-042 5 l,ower Heated Discharge Conveyor Tempemture Less Than or Equal to < 1,000o F ll l6-TALL-184 5 Upper Heated Discharge Conveyor Tempemture Less Than or Equal to < 1,000o F t2 l6-xs-0s8 5 Jarn in Discharge Conveyor Discharge Chute Filled l0 second delay l3 l6-xs-821 5 Jarn in Discharge Conveyor Discharge Chute Filled l0 second delay t4 16-5SL057 5 No I\Iotion on Heated Discharge Conveyor No Motion l5 l6-Trr-092 3 Afterburner Tempemture lrss Than or Equal to < 2150" F, one-hour r olling avemge l5.a l6-TAHH -092 3 Afterburner Temperature Greater Than or Equal to >23500 F l6 24-FtT-943A 3 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate ( Unit Production Rate) Greater Than or Equal to > 13,210 scfrn, one-hour rolling avemge t7 24-TSHH-001 3 Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Ternperature Greater Than > 200' F l8 24-DrC-033 3 Quench Brine Specific Gravity Greater Than or Equal to Z l.l0 SGU, twelve-hour rolline avemge l9 24-AtT-007 3 Brine to Venturi Scrubber pH lrss Than or Equal to < TBD pH, one-hour rolling average 20 24-P ALL-}Il 3 Quench Brine Pressure Less Than or Equal to <75osis 2l 24-FrT-006 3 Brine to Venturi Scrubber Flow Less Than or Equal to S 310 gpm, one-hour rolling avemge 22 24-PDIT-008 3 Venturi Exhaust Gas Pressure Drop Less Than or Equal to S 30 in. w.c., one-hour rolline avemge 23 24-FIT-030 3 Clean Liquor to Scrubber Tower Less Than or Equal to S 800 Bpm, one-hourrolling average 24 24-Ptr-036 3 Clean Liquor Pressure Less Than or Equal to S 35 psig, one-hourrolling avemge 25 24-AAH-206 3 PAS Blower Exhaust Oz Greater Than or Equal to > l1oh Oz 25.a 24-AAL-206 3 PAS Blower Exhaust Oz Less Tharr or Equal to < 3o/o Oz 26 l6-AAH -t7 5 3 PAS Blower Exhaust Oz Greater Than or Equal to > l5o/o Oz 26.a 16-AAL-l7s 3 PAS Blower Exhaust Oz [,ess Than or Equal to < 3o/o Oz 27 24-AtT-207 3 PAS Blower Exhaust CO Greater Than or Equal to Z 100 ppm, one-hour rolling average' 28 l6-ArT-059 3 PAS Blower Exhaust CO Greater Than or Equal to Z 100 ppm, one-hour rolling average' 29 PAS 702H and 7OTGN 3 PAS Blower Exhaust Agerrt Detected Greater Than or Equal to >0.2 SEU|'" for GB, >0.2 SEL fbr Mustard and >0.5 SEL VX.I," 30 PAS TOIG 3 Common Stack Exhaust Agent Detected Greater Than or Equal to > 0.2 s Eur,"'h 30a PAS 7O6V 3 Cotrunou Stack Exhaust Agent Detected Greater Than or Equal to > 0.2 sEL.l,.,'l' GA/LEWI Tables Attachment l9 Page 20 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-7-2 DEACTIVATION FURNACE SYSTEM AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUT-OFFS' Item No.Tae Number Kiln sRotation Process Data Description r Set pointk 30b PAS 7O7H 3 Common Stack Exhaust Agent Detected Greater Than or Equal to > 0.2 sEl-t'"t'n 3l 23-BRA.TNKS 3 Brine Surge Tanks l0l , I 02,201 ,202,Four I-evels High-High (BRA-TNKS :23-LSHH-02 and 23-LSHH-06 and 23 -LS HH -7 02 and 23 -LS HH-706) I8'3" lrvel Footnotes: I Line A and B feed gates may be manually cycled once after a waste feed cut-off alarm is activated pnoviding the primary and secondary combustion temperatures are above the minimum permit limits. This manual operation will be used to clear any partially treated (chopped) energetic components from the outer surfaces ofthe gates. u Reserved b The rocket feed rate waste feed cutoff is activated when the rolling hourly sum of rockets fed to the DFS exceeds 3 3 nrckets per hour. " One hour rolling average is composed ofthe 60 most recent one minute avemges. Each one-minute average is composed of4 instantaneous CO process variables, which occurred at l5-second intervals. d In accordance witl Condition of the Agent Monitoring Plan for past agents, AWFCOs associated with GB and VX may be suspended ifno wastes containing the agent are "inside the facility boundaries." " Thealarmsettings(inmg/m3)foreachagentare:GB=0.00006,VX=0.00006at0.2SELandVX:0.000l5at0.5SEL,andFI/HD/HT=0.006. r: [ogic code description used to set the control WFCO alanns. g. Kiln rctation and HDC motion during a waste cut-offwill be as follows: 2. HDC motion shall be maintained when waste feed cut-offis activated. 3. Kiln rotation and HDC motion are maintained when waste feed cuFoffis activated. 4. Kiln oscillates and HDC motion is maintained when waste feed cut-off is activated. 5. Kiln oscillates and HDC motion stops when waste feed cut-off is activated. h An Automatic WFCO occuls if the two on-line ACAMS are not staggered so that at least one unit is sampling the stack. i Reserved. i pRS Z0ZAH, PAS 702BH and PAS 702C, PAS 702D are the TAG IDs for this sampling location. One ACAMS is onlifle for each agent being pnocessed at this location. A backup ACAMS is available for each agent if the prirnary ACAMS is taken offline. * Rolling average means the avemge of all one-minute average over the avemging period. A one-minute avemge means the average of detector responses calculated at least evel 60 seconds from responses obtained at least every I 5 seconds GA/LEWI Tables Attachrnent l9 Page 2l TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-8-1 ATLIC LIQUID INCINERATOR PROCESS DATA"b Item No.Control Parameter Measuring Device L.ocation Instrument kngt Expected Range I Waste Feed Rate to Primary Charnber 807-FT- 8430 Mass Flowmeter Vibrating U- Tube Type In-Line 0- 1500 lbs/hr 0-210 lbs/hr GA 0-315 lbs.hr lrwisite 2 Waste Feed Atomizing Air Pressure 822-PSL-8410 Diaphragm Plant Air Line prior to Primary. Charnber Waste Feed Atomizing Nozzle 0-200psig 45-65 psig 3 Primary Chamber Exhaust Gas Temo. 815-TT-8471 Thermocouple Primary Chamber Outlet 2 12-3000 'F 2550-2800 0F 4 Secondary Chamber Spent Decon Feed Rate 829-FIT- 852 I Rheotherm Flow Meter (a sensor and transmitter unit) In-Line 100-1000 lbs/hr 100-525 lbs/hr 5 Secondary Chamber Spent Decon/Process Atomizing Air Press Waste Feed Interlock 822-PSL-85 I I Diaphragm Plant Air Line prior to Sec. Chamber Waste Feed Atomizing Nozzle l2- 100 psig 45-65 psig 6 Secondary Chamber Exhaust Gas Temp. 815- TIT-8571 Thermocouple lncinerator Outlet 32-2400 "F 1850-2200 0F 7 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate 8 l e-FT- S93i TBID/P Cell In-Line prior to ID Fan g++#6e-aotu 0-3.25 in. W.C. ffi 0-3.00 in. lV.C. 8 Pressure (STP pressure Correction) 8 I 9-PT-8932 Diaphram In-Line prior to ID Fan 8-13 psia l0- l I psia 9 Temperature (STP Temperature Correc tion ) 8 l e-TT-8932 Thermocouple In-Line prior to ID Fan 100-200" F 140-180'F l0'Scrubber Delivery Pressure 8 l9-PIT-8982 D/P Cell ln-Line 0- 100 psig 30-80 psig lla ScrubberTower#l 819- FIT-8921 Electro-Magnetrc Flowmeter In-Line 0- I 50 gpm 55-100 gpm llb Scrubber Tower #2 819- FtT-8922 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter In-[-ine 0- I 50 gpm 55-100 gpm llc Scrubber Tower #3 8 l9- FIT-8923 Electro-Magnetrc Flowmeter In-Line 0-l 50 gpm 55- 100 gprn l2a Scrubber #l Pressure Drop 8 l9-PT-8e l r D/P Cell Scrubber Tower #t 0-70 in. W.C.l-5 in. W.C. r2b Scrubber #2 Pressure Drop 8 l e-PT-8912 DiP Cell Scrubber Tower #2 0-70 in. W.C.l-5 in. W.C. l2c Scrubber #3 Pressure Drop 8 l9-PT-891 3 D/P Cell Scrubber Tower #3 0-70 in. W.C.l-5 in. W.C. l3 Brine to Venturi Scrubber 819-FIT-8924 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter In-Line 0-150 gpm 5-20 gpm l4 Venturi Delivery Pressure 819-PIT-8956 D/P Cell In-Line 0- 100 psig 30-80 psis l5 Venturi Scrubber Exhaust Gas Diff. Pressure 8 l9-PT- 8915 D/P Cell Venturi Scrubber 0-70 in. W.C.3545 in. W.C. t6 Venturi pH 8 I9-AIT-891 7 Electrodes Venturi Sump 0 - 14 pH Units 7-9.5 pH l7 Venturi Specific Cravity 8 l9-AI-8927 Magnetically Vibrated Tube PAS Pump 8910 Discharee 0.6 - 1.4 sGU 0.9-1.20 sGU t8 Scrubber Brine pH 8 19- AIT-8952 Electrodes Common Sump 0 - 14 pH Unis 7-9.5 pH l9 Brine Specific Gravity 819-AI-8983 Magnetically Vibrated Tube PAS Purnp 8908/8909 Discharge 0.6 - t.4 sGU 0.e-1.20 sGU 20 Baghouse Temperature 819-TIT-893 I Thermocouple Prior to Bag-house 0-300 'F 160-200 'F GA/LEWI Tables Attachrnent l9 Page 22 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-8-1 ATLIC LIQUID INCINERATOR PROCESS DATA"b Item No.Control Parameter Measuring Device [,ocation Instrument Ranse Expected Range 21"Baghouse Differentual Pressure 8 I 9-PDIT-8936 DiP Cell Baghouse 0-70 in. W.C.0.5-6 in. W.C. 22 Carbon Injection Feed Rate 819-FI-8933 TB.DLoed..Cs!!Prior to Baghouse +SD0-25!bs.TBD .25-2lbs./hr 23 Carton Injection Air Flow Rate 8 l9-FI-8940 TBD D/P Cell Prior to Baghouse TBDo-r00 scfm +BD 0-30 scfm 24 Carbon Filter Diff. Pressure 8l9-PDr-894 U8942 D/P Cell Carton Filter Bed 0-70 in W.C 0.3-5 in. W.C. 25"Carbon Filter Inlet Temp. 8 19-TT-8939 Thermocouple Carbon Filter Bed Exit 0-300 'F 160-200 'F 26"Blower Exhaust Gas CO 819-ArT-8302 A/B Infrared Cell Analyzer In-Line ( Extractive) 0-200&0- 5,000 ppm 0-100 ppm, one-hour rolling average, corrected to TYo Or drv volume. 27"Blower Exhaust Gas Oz 8 l9-ArT-8301 A/B Zirconium Oxide Cell Analyzer In-Line (Extractive) 0 -25%3-15% 2gcid,t',1 €emmen Exhaust Stack ExSaust Gas Agent TEN 708K ACAMS/ MINICAMS In-Line (Extractive) 0-5 l2 sEL 0 - 1.0 sEL 29a""\q'€emmen Exhaust Stack Exearct Cas AgentTEN 709L ACAMS/ MINICAMS ln-Line (Extractive) 0-5 12 s EL 0 - 1.0 sEL Footnotes: u Calibration information is shown in Aiachment 6.h Maintermnce, at a minimum, in accordance with equipment manufactureds recommendations. " Recorded upon activation or change in state of switch.d ACAMS/MINICAMS (Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System) - Agent monitors are portable gas chromatographs configured to detect airbome concentrations of agents GA and l.ewisite. ACAMS and MINICAMS are used to monitor for GA and lewisite, respectively " TEN 708 and TEN 709 are the TAG lDs for the sampling location. Two ACAMS are online with collocated DAAMS tubes at all times during GA operations. Four MINICAMS (two pairs) each pair consists of a primary and confirmation MINICAMS, each MINICAMS in a pair has a different analytical column.r SEL 1source Emission Limit)- Threshold values for the concentration of chernical agents in incinerator exhaust gases which have been established by the Surgeon General ofthe United States to protect human health and the eirvironment. The SEL (in mg/m3) for each agent is: GA =0.0003, and Lewisite=0.03. TBD- These valrr will beh GA/LEWI Tables Attachrnent l9 Page 23 TOCDF Instrumentation and Whste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-8-2 ATLIC LIQUID INCINERATOR AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUT-OFFS Itern No.Tag Number Process Data Descriptionu Setpointh I 807-Fr-8430 Waste Feed Rate Greater Than or Equal to > 325 lbihr Waste Feed, one-hour rolling average. 2 822-Pr-8410 Agent Atornizine Air Pressure lrss Than < 35 psig 3 8 I s-TIC -847 t Primary Charnber Temperature lrss Than < 2550" F. one-hour rolling average 4 82e-FtT-8521 Spent Decon Feed Rate Greater Than or Equal to > 4+7 550 lb/hr over one-hour rolline averase 5 822-PI-851 I Spent Decon Atomizine Air Pressure [.ess Than or Equal to < 35 psie 6 815-TrC-8571 Secondarv Chamber Temperature lrss Than < 1850" F. one-hour rolline averase 7 819-Fr-893D Exhaust Gas Flow Rate (Unit Production Rate) Greater Than or Equal to Z 960 scfm aSggtefrq one-hour nrlling average 8 8 9-PI-8982 Scrubber Brine Pump Pressure Less Than or Equal to 525 psig 9 8 9-FI-8e21 Flow to Scrubber Tower # I Less Than or Equal to < 40 sDm. one-hour rolline average 10 8 9-Ft-8922 Flow to Scrubber Tower #2 l,ess Than or Equal to < 40 gpm. one-hour rolline average ll 8 9-Fr-8923 Flow to Scrubber Tower #3 Less Than or Equal to < 40 gpm, one-hour rolling average t2 8 9-PDI-891I Scrubber # I Pressure Drop lrss Than or Equal to < 0.3 in. w.c., one-hour rolling average r3 8 9-PDI-89 l2 Scrubber #2 Pressure Dropfubs Than or Equal to S 0.3 in. w.c., one-hour roll ng average l4 8 9-PDI-8913 Scrubber #3 Pressure Drop lrss Than or Equdl to s 0.3 in. w.c.. one-hour roll ng average l5 8 9-Ft-8924 Brine to Venturi Scrubber Flow Lrss Than or Equal to < 8 gpm one-hour rolline average l6 8 9-PI-8956 Venturi Pressure [ess Than or Equal to < 25 psie t7 8 9-PDI-8e 15 Venturi Exhaust Gas Pressure Drop l-ess Than or Equal to S 12 in. w.c.. one-hour rolline average l8 8 9-AtC-8e 17 Venturi Sump pH Less Than to Equal to S 7 pH, one-hour rolling average l9 8 9-At-8927 Venturi Specific Cravity Greater Than or Equal to > 1.28 SGU, twelve-hour rolling average 20 8 9-AIC-8952 Scrubber Brine pH kss Than to Equal to < 7 pH, one-hour rolling average 2t 8 9-AI-8983 Brine Specific Gravitv Greater Than or Equal to > 1.28 SGU. twelve-hour rollinq averase 22 8 9-Tr-8931 Bae House Inlet Temnerature Greater Than or Equal to > 240" F, one-hour rolling average 23 8 9-PDI-8e36 Bas House Pressure Drop lrss Than or Equal to < .l in. w.c., one-hour rolling average 24 8 9-FI-8933 Carbon Iniection Feed Weieht lrss Than or Equal to < .5 lbs/hr., one-hour rolling average 25 8 9-FI-8e40 Carbon Iniection Air Flow lrss Than or Equal to S TBD 15 SCFM. one-hour rollinq averase 26 819-PDI-8941 t8942 Carbon Filter Pressure Drop lrss Than or Equal to S 0.3 in. w.c., one-hour rolling average 27 8 l9-TI-8939 Carbon Filter Inlet Temperature Greater Than or Equal to > 240" F, one-hour rolling average 28 8 t 9-AIT-8302 A/B Blower Exhaust CO Concentration Creater Than or Equal to Z 100 ppm., one-hour rolling average, corrected to 7Yo Oz, dry volume 29a 8 t9-AAL-8301 A/B Blower Exhaust Gas Oz less Than or Equal to < 3o/o Oz 2eb 819-AAH-8301 A/B Blower Exhatst Gas Oz Greater Than or Equal to Z l5oh Oz GA/LEWI Tables Attachrnent l9 Page 24 TOCDF Instrumentation and Waste Feed Cut-off Tables March 2009 Table D-8-2 ATLIC LIQUID INCINERATOR AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUT-OFFS Item No.Tae Number Process Data Descriptionu Setpoint** 30a TEN 7O8AK Stack Exhaust GA Aeent Detect Greater Than or Equal to > 0+ 0.2sELd' 30b TEN 7O8BK Stack Exhaust GA Aeent Detect Greater Than or Equal to z &+ 0-2sEu'* 30c TEN 7O8CK Stack Exhaust GA Aeent Detect Greater Than or Equal to :05 0.2s8L"" 3la TEN 7O9AL Stack Exhaust lrwisite Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to > &4 (L2SEUb 3lb TEN 7O9BL Stack Exhaust lrwisite Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to > e4 u2sEu'" 3lc TEN 7O9CL Stack Exhaust lrwisite Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to > O+ (L2SELO 3+d TEN 7g9Dt ffi +t€TEN 7g9Et ffi +rf TEN 7O9Ft Staek Efthaust r ewisite A-.ent heeFGffite'f TLar er Eetral to ffi 32 voLl2HR- ATLIC Volatile Metal (Hg) Greater Than or Equal to > 0.70 lbllz hr tryelve-hour rolling average 33 SV-I2HR- ATLIC Semi-Volatile Metal (Pb+Cd) Greater Than or Equl to > eeel 0.39 lbl12 hr trvelve-hour rolling aYerage 34 LV-I2HR- ATLIC [,ow-Volatile Metal (As+BcrCr) Greater Than or Equal to Z I I 56 lbllz hr trvelve-hour rolling average 35 ASH-I2HR- ATLIC Ash Greater Than or Equal to Z 1536 lbl12 hr twelve-hour rolling average 36 MC.I2HR- ATLIC Chlorine Greater Than or Equal to >- 2298 lbllz hr twelve-hour rolling average Footnotes " Logic code description used to set the contsol WFCO alarms. b Rolling average means the avemge of all one-minute averages over the averaging period. A one-minute average means the average of at least four detector respons€s ovcr a 60 secord interval " Waste feed cut-offs recorded upon switch activation. d The alarm setting (in mg/m3) for each agent is: GA =O000* Q,Q@Q[, and tewisite : eel2 Q{Q!. " An Automatic WFCO occurs if the two on-line ACAMSA4INICAMS are not staggered so that at least one unit is sampling the stack TBD- There vrlues will be ineorperoted prior the Iinid publle period, o GA/LEWI Tables Attachrnent 19 Page 25 r) -):)) G l\) CEMS Rev. GDRL 06 MONITORING PLAN I Date:19 Mar 08 Procedure Owner: r Karl Scottcz Mercu ry/CE MS, Ma naqerc2 Garv McCloskev General Manager (Original signatures on file) Approved by: 1 2 3 4 5 6 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE .............2 scoPE... ..,............2 REFERENCES......... .............3 ACRONYMS/DEFINITIONS.... ..............4 PROCEDURE .......... ...........11 6.1 Pollutants and Diluents to be Measured and Expected Concentrations...l l 6.2 Emissions Flow Diagrams and Flow Charts of Emissions and Emissions Monitoring Systems ..................11 6.3 Sampling Locations ..................11 6.4 Alternate Sampling Procedures.............. .............,....11 6.5 CEMS Site Description .............16 6.6 CEMS Equipment And Methods Description.............. ..............19 6.7 Certification, Audits, and Calibration .........28 6.8 Data Recording ....... .................29 6.9 Quality Assurance ................ ....................31 6.10 Data Validation and Reporting ..................35 6.11 CEMS Performance Specification Test Protocol ........... ...........36 6.12 State Electronic Data Report (SEDR) (CEMS Quarterly Report)..............36 RECORDS ..........37 LIST OF TABLES Table 6.4-1. CEMS Operating Data....... ......13 Table 6.5-1. CEMS Data........ .......17 CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx,09 Page 1 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN PURPOSE This Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) Monitoring Plan describes the monitoring system used to provide evidence of compliance with the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) RCRA and Title V permits. This plan does not include detailed Quality Assurance (OA) information about CEMS Certification or the annual Reference Method Audit (RMA). That information is included in the CEMS Certification Test Protocol Plan (EG 037) and the CEMS Quality Assurance Program Plan (EG 033). SCOPE 2.1 This document is the TOCDF plan for complying with Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 266, App IX, 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A and B, 40 CFR Part 63 subpart EEE, App. A and Utah Air Conservation Rules R307 in the categories of: o Calibration of CEMS 2.2 2.3 2.4 o Calibration Drift (CD) determination and adjustment of CEMS . Preventive Maintenance (PM) of CEMS (including spare parts inventory) . Data recording, calculations, and.rqporting . Corrective Action Program for malfunctioning CEMS lnformation relating to analyzers used for Permit Compliance is included in this plan. The RCRA and Air Quality programs are administered by the State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality. Process control analyzers are used throughout the furnace systems, as deemed necessary by TOCDF, to monitor the process exhaust streams and to evaluate the operating condition of the respective furnace/incinerator. There are spare analyzers located in the common stack spare racks which are certified for use in compliance locations. Only the analyzers will be relocated (not the sampling system or sample conditioning system). All compliance CEMS (RCRA, Air Quality, and certified spares) will be audited quarterly to ensure a sound audit trail for their accuracy from the time they are certified until they are used for compliance purposes. Only certified and audited analyzers will be used for compliance monitoring. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 2 2.5 GDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Certified analyzers have a certification tag attached to with the following information: the front panel Serial Number Quarterly Audit Due Date Quarterly Audit Completed Date Annual Audit Due Date ''CERTIFIED'' The TOCDF has four separate incinerator systems that exhaust into a common stack. These four furnaces are monitored at the duct that feeds the effluent from each furnace into the stack. This design allows monitoring of the exhaust from individual furnaces rather than the combination of the exhaust from more than one furnace. ATLIC has one incinerator exhaustinq into one stack.c2 --Each furnace does, however, have its own pollution abatement system. This plan includes detai! about the location of all RCRA and Title V monitors as well as their sample points. This information is provided to show compliance with 40 CFR Part 60, 63 Subpart EEE, Part 266, and R307. All CEMS and analyzers are connected electronically to a computer in the Control Room from which furnace operations are controlled. All analyzer auditing, calibration, repair, and preventive maintenance (PM) are performed by trained personnel. o- 3 2.6 2.7 2.8 REFERENCES 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 40 CFR Part 266 4A CFR Part 60 40 CFR Part 63 subpart EEE, App. A EG 033 - CEMS Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 037 - CEMS Certification Test Protocol PIan TOGDF RGRA Permit TOCDF Title V Permit Utah Air Gondervation RuleS R307 CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 3 :4 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN -, ACRONYMS/DEFINITIONS :.- . a4.1 ACA - Absolute Calibration Audit 4.2 AIT - Analyzer lndicating Transmitter ATLIC - Area 10 Liquid lncineratorc2 CD - Calibration Drift GDRL - Contract Deliverable Requirements List CDTF - Chemical Demilitarization Training Facility CEMS - Continuous Emission Monitoring System 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 CERMS - Continuous Emission Rate Monitoring System 4.g CFR - Code of Federal Regulations 4.10 CO - Carbon Monoxidec2 4.11 "- pAQ - Department of Air Quality 412 DC - Direct Current 4.13 DCG - Document Control Center 4.14 DFS - Deactivation Furnace System 4.15 DSHW - Division of Solid Hazardous Waste (State of Utah) 4.16 EPA- Environmental Protection Agency 4.17 GA - GA Nerve Aqentc2 4.18 GFC -Gas Filtration Corrpl.ationc2 4.19 IGS - lnertial Gas Sampling 4.20 lR - lnfrared 4.21 L - Lewisite@ 4.22 LIC - Liquid lncinerator 4.23 LOP - Laboratory Operating Procedure 4.24 M&TE - Measurement and Test Equipment 4.25 MPF - Metal Parts Furnace 4.26 MSB - Monitor Support Building 4.27. NDIR - Non-Dispersive lnfraredc2 4.23 'NIST - National lnstitute for Standards and Technology CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 4 4.29 4.30 4.31 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN NO, - Nitrogen Oxidese Oz- Oxygene PAS - Pollution Abatement System 5 4.32 PDARS - Process Data Acquisition and Recording System 4.33 PLC - Programmable Logic Controller 4.34 PM - Preventive Maintenance 4.35 PPM (ppm) - Parts per Million 4.36 tSlG (psig) - Pounds per Square Inch Gauge 4.37 QA - Quality Assurance 4.38 QG - Quality Controt 4.39 RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 4.40 RMA - Reference Method Audit 4.41 SEDR - State Electronic Data Report 4.42 SOW - Statement of Work 4.43 TOCDF - Tooele ChemicalAgent Disposal Facility 4.44 TSCA - Toxic Substance ControlAct RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 5.2 Monitoring Program Description 5.1.1 Organization The monitoring mission at TOCDF includes requirements to provide continuous monitoring for regulated environmental pollutants. The personnel listed in the organization charts are responsible for CEMS monitoring operations. Monitoring and QC personnelfurnish coverage 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Duties and Qualifications 5.2.1 Monitoring Manager Responsible for the successful operation of the CEMS program. Ensures that personnel operate instruments and ,. sar.npling systems provide reliable and accurate readings. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 5 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN 5.2. 1.3 Researches and understands permit requirements and supervises the monitoring staff to comply with those requirements. Communicates with the Environmental Manager and staff for assistance in regulatory and interpretational matters. Ensures that CEMS monitoring data is collected, documented, and reviewed. Ensures that the data reflect the fact that the CEMS instruments and sampling system are certified, audited, and 'tin control" during all furnace operations and the data systems provide the furnace operators with reliable readings from which to make operational decisions. Provides data to the Environmental Manager for inclusion in reports to the State of Utah. Reviews the data archiving process to ensure that a complete and accurate audit trail of CEMS data is maintained. . 5.2.1 .4 5.2. 1 .5 5.2. 1.6 5.2.1 .7 5.2. 1.8 5.2.2 Works with the Laboratory QC to develop and maintain a QC system that provides an independent overview of the operational status of the CEMS. Ensures that corrective actions are developed and implemented for CEMS malfunctions. Have the following qualifications: Successfully completed the course of study for CEMS conducted at the Chemical Demilitarization Training Facility (CDTF). CEMS Specialist: ls the on-site technical expert for the CEMS program. Provides technical input to the content of the CEMS Monitoring Plan, Laboratory Operating Procedure (LOP), and the Statement of Work (SOW) for the CEMS certification contract. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 6 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Testing of the Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS) for the CEMS instruments Provides oversight of an independent contractor for the annual certification and for CEMS program in general. Performs oversight of the CEMS operation during plant operations. This effort is augmented by other qualified Monitoring personnel. These efforts include: r Calibrations and calibration drift checks Preventive maintenance (PM) Ma lfunction co rrection Quarterly audits Oversight of the data collection requirements for above actions. lnventory maintenance of parts and consumables for the CEMS mission. . The CEMS Specialist is responsible for technical overview of the CEMS and for providing improvements and developing corrective actions as they are warranted. Have the following qualifications: . Successfully compl.eted the CEMS course at the CDTF . Certified in operation of the CEMS Monitoring Team Lead Coordinate with the CEMS Specialist and assign Monitoring personnel to assist, as needed, to ensure the CEMS mission is successful. The CEMS Specialist is a day shift person, while Team Leaders and lnstrument Technicians furnish coverage 24 hours a day, seven days a week. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 7 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 Quality Have the following qualifications: r Successfully completed the CEMS course taught at the CDTF Senior Monitoring Technicians Supports the majority of the aspects of the CEMS monitoring during off-shifts. Perform PM, repair, calibration and calibration drift checks. Respond to alarms and malfunctions. Ensures that the electronic data Iogging system is operating correctly. Have the following qualifications. r Successfully completed the CEMS course taught at the CDTF CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN lnform the CEMS Specialist of any corrective actions performed by Monitoring shift personnel to ensure proper recertification steps are taken in accordance with permit requirements. Ensure that during off-shifts, the CEMS calibration drift checks are performed by Monitoring technicians. Responds to CEMS alarms and malfunctions when notified by Contro! Room Operators. r Successfully completed the Laboratory Equipment Maintenance course taught at the CDTF (l nstrument Technician only) r Certified in CEMS operation. Control (OC) Manager Reports to the EG&G Quality Management Manager. ls responsible to provide an independent assessment of the CEMS monitoring mission. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 8 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN With QC personnel, inspects and audits all aspects of the CEMS program including but not limited to. r Certification, colibratioh, and audits r lnspection of the configuration of the CEMS instruments and the sampling systems. r lnspect the data collection system to verify accuracy. r Observe CEMS Audits; both "Quarter ly Audits" and "Annual Audits" Lab QC Manager along with QC Monitoring inspectors ensures oversight of a representative portion of these audits to validate the performance of the CEMS. Review CEMS documentation for accuracy with special attention to malfunction and corrective action documentations. Have the following qualifications: Successfully completed the CEMS course at the CDTF. 5.2.6 Quality Control Monitoring Inspectors Perform surveillances of all CEMS aspects. Randomly observe the actions of any CEMS operators Randomly observe CEMS calibrations or calibration drift checks to verify the recorded data. Randomly observe CEMS audits to verify that quarterly audits are performed correctly. Spot check all CEMS documentation. Have the following qualifications: Successfully completed the CEMS course at the CDTF. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 9 CDRL 06 GEMS MONITORING PLAN 5.3 Operator Certification CEMS operators will be certified by completing initial training at CDTF then completing a certification performance package that demonstrates the operator's skill and knowledge of the CEMS. 5.3.1 Qualified Operator Upon successful completion of the CEMS course taught at CDTF an operator is considered a 'Qualified' operator. A qualified operator may perform CEMS operations under the direct supervision of a certified operator. The certified operator is responsible to directly supervise the actions of the qualified operator and ensure that applicable procedures are followed. All work performed by the qualified operator must be signed for by the certified operator. Certified Operator When a sufficient amount of supervised training has been completed the qualified operator may become a 'Certified' operator by completing a CEMS Operator Certification Package. The package will consist of the successful completion of the following: Calibration and 4 days of operation Absolute Calibration Audit or Cylinder Gas Audit Response Time Test Demonstrate basic knowledge of applicable operating permits and procedures that govern the operation of the CEMS 5.4 Monitoring QC inspectors will audit and approve the certification package. Operators must calibrate at least one CEMS analyzer per calendar quarter to maintain certification. Operator Recertification Previously certified operators that allow their certification to lapse may recertify by performing a calibration and a 3-Day calibration drift test on any analyzer. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 1 0 5.3.2 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN 6 PROCEDURE 6.1 6.2 Pollutants and Diluents to be Measured and Expected Concentrations See Table 6.4-1, CEMS Operating Data Emissions Flow Diagrams and Flow Charts of Emissions and Emissions Monitoring Systems Drawings TE-6-F-501 and TE-6-FD-502 provide flow charts and CEMS sample locations for the incinerator and fumace systems. 6.3 Sampling Locations 6.3.1 Sampling point sites for the Title V and RCRA Compliance CEMS are in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60. 6.3.2 The following conditions shall be met: The sample point is at least two equivalent duct diameters downstream from the nearest control device, the point of pollutant generation, or other point at which a change in the pollutant concentration or emission rate may occur. The sample point is at least one half-equivalent duct diameter upstream from the effluent exhaust or control device. When the above criteria can not be met, a stratification test will be performed at the time of the initial CEMS certification to validate the sampling efficiency of the CEMS probe. 6.3.3 The sample probe is extended into the duct or stack to cause the measurement point to be no less than (1) 1.0 meter from the stack or duct wall, or (2) within the centroidal area of the stack or duct cross-section but, no greater than 1 percent of the stack duct cross-sectional area. 6.4 Alternate Sampling Procedures 6.4.1 There are no alternate sampling procedures because there are back-up systems and previously certified spare analyzers that may be moved to serve as replacement units. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 1 1 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN 6.4.2 All analyzers used to monitor at compliance locations are certified, including spares. This allows them to be moved and replace malfunctioning compliance instruments. When a malfunctioning compliance CEMS instrument is replaced with a spare unit, the replacement unit will: Measure the same parameter Have the same operating range Have been certified 6.4.3 o Be calibrated before waste feed is started o Have a Response Time Test completed before waste feed is started o Have an Absolute Calibration Audit (ACA) completed before waste feed is started At TOCDFC2 there is'a spare NOx analyzer operating at all times. However since both units share one probe and PDRRS link, only on6 analyzer can mohftor at a time. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 12 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Table 6.4-1. CEMS Operating Data The CO and Oz analyzers are specified by 40 CFR, part 266, 60, and 63. Set points are derived from the RCRA Permit and the Title V Operating Permit. Expected concentrations are determined from data seen at TOCDF. *HRA - Hourly Rolling Average. MPF Analyzers AIT-669 CO RCRA 0-200 ppm 0-5000 ppm 0-15 ppm 6 ppm 1 50 ppm 100 ppm 5RA* AIT-670 Oz RCRA 0-25o/o 7 -12o/o 0.5o/o Oz LO 3 HI 15 AIT-384 CO RCRA 0-200 ppm 0-5000 ppm 0-15 ppm 6 ppm 1 50 ppm 100 ppm HRA AIT-82 Oz RCRA 0-25%7-12%0.5o/o Oz LO 3 HI 15 CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 1 3 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Table 6.4-1 . CEMS Operating Data (cont.) DFS Analyzer The CO and Oz analyzers are specified by 40 CFR, part 266, 60, and 63. Set points are derived from the RCRA Permit and the Title V Operating Permit. Expected concentrations are determined from data seen at TOCDF. *HRA - Hourly Rolling Average. ,,,wd ffi,%ffiffiffi AtT-207 CO RCRA 0-200 ppm 0-5000 ppm 0-1 5 ppm 6 ppm 1 50 ppm 100 ppm 11RA* AIT'206 Oz RCRA 0-25%7-12%0.5o/o Oz LO 3 HI 15 AIT-59 CO RCRA 0-200 ppm 0-5000 ppm 0-15 ppm 6 ppm 1 50 ppm 100 ppm HRA AIT-175 Oz RCRA 0-25o/o 7-12%0.5o/o Oz LO 3 HI 15 Common Stack Analyzers CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 1 4 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Table 6.4-1 . CEMS Operating Data (cont.) LIC lAnalyzers The CO and Oz analyzers are specified by 40 CFR, part 266, 60, and 63. Set points are derived from the RCRA Permit and the Title V Operating Permit. Expected concentrations are determined from data seen at TOCDF. *HRA - Hourly Rolling Average. '.'''",r,i fhE,,N il'ilt$11,1";t,i ,,An alyte, P g,IPp$e,.,,,,,,, 1;,fli6.;iir;i:...1,,-', :!' : ;i.,;ii'.1t,t | .!,.: : ;...i .1 ., I :.i ,i; .:.ii,, u.fil:.i.!;iii;"=r;,:.h.+.1:ifitl1.1ci+iifl-{r,ffjti:wr. .}{ff,iif,$tiffiffi-tfr AIT.7B CO RCRA 0-200 ppm 0-5000 ppm 0-1 5 ppm 6 ppm 1 50 ppm 100 ppm 11RA* AIT-210 Oz RCRA 0-25%7-12%0.5o/o Oz LO 3 HI 15 AIT-83 CO RCRA 0-200 ppm 0-5000 ppm 0-1 5 ppm 6 ppm 1 50 ppm 100 ppm HRA AIT-229 Oz RCRA 0-25%7-12%0.5o/o Oz LO 3 HI 15 LIC 2 Analyzers ,,, Atilaf y. fig P* [ffi.$,p;'i:rl] :iit il;{:,i,.i AtT-716 CO RCRA 0-200 ppm 0-5000 ppm 0-1 5 ppm 6 ppm 1 50 ppm 100 ppm HRA AIT-7 17 Oz RCRA 0-25%7-12%0.5o/o Oz LO 3 H! 15 AIT-778 CO RCRA 0-200 ppm 0-5000 ppm 0-1 5 ppm 6 ppm 1 50 ppm 100 ppm HRA AIT-79B Oz RCRA 0-25%7-12%0.5 o/o Oz LO 3 HI 15 GA/L lncinerat orcz Tag Number , Analyte Purpose ,f nstrumen,t Range Expectbd Conc.Accuracy Set point AIT-830.L Oal RCRA 0-25o/o 7 -12o/o 0.5o/o Oz LO 3 HI 15 Arr-8302 CO / RCRA 0-200 ppm 0-5000 ppm 0-15 ppm 6 opm 1 50 opm 100 ppm HRA CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 1 5 o 6.5 CDRL 06 GEMS MONITORING PLAN CEMS Site Description 6.5.1 Type/Make of lnstrument Shelter 6.5.2 6.5.3 All CEMS instrument shelters are constructed to provide weather protection and insulation. Each shelter is heated and cooled to provide a temperature controlled environment for the CEMS. AII CEMS shelters are an integral part of the site structures. All the CEMS and process control analyzers are powered by commercial power and have Uninterruptible Power Supply backup. 1) Common Stack House (75-461) - located 60' above ground and surrounds the Common Stack. 2\ MPF/DFS Monitoring House (75-261) - located 18' above ground on the North East Side of the PAS building. 3) LIC Monitoring House (75-262) - located 18' above ground on the South East Side of the PAS building. Stacl</Duct Description, Dimensions and Sample Points Table 6.5-1 provides the sample point description information in a simplified format. When Oz or CO analyzers are co-located in a single rack, the sampling system is shared by both analyzers. Alternate Gas Sampling Ports For each CEMS sampling port, there is an equivalent spare port, which is adjacent to the CEMS port. There are also two unused environmental sampling ports for each set of CEMS ports. The common stack has spare CEMS ports and environmental ports to be used for manual stack sampling such as during RCRA test burns. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06, Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 1 6 co ) l (o 0 1 LX I o, tr l Ed 'E NSe (D o >@8p (oOJtoo N(oN! rf ) lt - N(oNI rO1' - N(oN! LO l' - N(oNI rO lt - N(oNI rO l\ ' r . N(oNt tOf' - N(oNI rO1' - N(oc\I rO1' - r(oNI rr ) 1' - r(oNI rr )N (oNI rOl' - r(oNI lf ) lt - LONN rf )D-N roNN LO lt -N rONN lf , )NN rr ) l-N rf )1-N (o\t (o\t (orf , (o$ oCA Oca NCA NCA (ocf ) r (0CAr 1' -Nr 1' -NT- (o$ (o\t (o$ (0\f , r rr rr. O)+ o? \t q$ q$ r \I - ir t t ' . i f f i l i i i , ' ' , i , ri + i i ; i ;i i Q' . , ' .r n i : i i , : ' ,E E' , , a f r , , , fr t r , E H H Ft r , 6 = 2 5H . . 6 8 - - z rr cf ) r COr r!.r .toco $oco (oNcf ) (oNcf ) @0r ) r @co @c) @cf ) r + + q$ q\t r oq oq cq co c) cf ) ,l I J ' = , 3, f i av fr : ; ' a aJ O:l OJ Ol NaJ NaJ NaJ NaJ U) TLo U) LLo U) LLo U) TLo '- " ' , ' . '[ l Ja E, , O lu ' () i | & ; q-, ' ,' E L E,Ot tot tc)t E.otr tot tOt tot- tOt- tC) t tOt- tOt tOt oo No oO No oO No oo No oC) No oo c{o o" iK , . ir p r "= ' .. 1 U , ru x co@oLco o)NNFcf ) @NOF\tN oNF.tN @N1t ' -Fco @O)NFcr ) (oNF.tN NNF$N o) roOF(o LONF(o l' -oNL$N (0ONF.tN zJo-(9 o z6 po EOu ) I ts 7u J 6o E ! aL O r'uJ o O- o (o .( u OF JE,oo c ol @ (U Ol r tL xl o PI I E E II L EN 9o , 2- c (D C) >@8p (oOtoO ff i z . ' t NY = u l JE P g SP i l , = i= z (oNI ro l' - (oNI lr )N (oNI lf )N (oNI lo1' - (o$! LO1' - (o.t I LON (9\t I |( )N (o$I lr )N OIml FI OI co l F! X u- . i rr r lr !0 . FO n u r tz = 2 3 0- o LONN qNN LO It -N lr )NN $@ $@ \t@ $@ olml -l olml rl -U J HU I O F , a ;r " * , ? t H 28 6 = 2 =H 6 = - E2 IJ qNN q1' -N caNr cf )N @@r o@r Oo) oO) OIml r- l olml FI q\r q\t qo o' lO N e. i lf )q rOq ol co l FI olml rl II J = 2- E ut r e H H v, - f t i = 2 3H 6 ; I Z I rr )oj$ lf )oi$ \tLO .tLO @(o @(o o)@ o)@ olml FI olml FI oq oq q q N N olml -l c) Iml rl LU - ?Fa9 ia LLo_ LLo_ LLo- LLo_ zQ= =3 OA z=* z=* zE; JIal C' I JIalol II J@ =o tu o- ou :)o- tOt tOt tOt t-Ot- o) tr Q) tr G) tr o)=F <t tl c- : l xl <tEI c; l xl IJ JFJz oO No oO No ON :E XoZ a)o)=olr t-o)o)3oLL olol NI ol (, l-=lUo o) (o(oF$N ol' - (oF-f ,N .t@coF.f , N@oF$ (o l' -OO)F\f ,N 8E<k NN cf )o)O)F$N .f ,o)o)F.tN NIOINIOI co l co l +l <I e\ J I () Irlol eo l "lFI<t ]CofCrt s ,Co()G+JGoal. UO-I ro(oc) -o$F zJo- (9ze,ol-aa=UJo(0oJuoo 6.6 CDRL 06 GEMS MONITORING PLAN CEMS Equipment And Methods Description 6.6.1 CO Analyzer Manufacturer: Teledyne, Advanced Pollution I nstrumentation (APl ) Division Model: 300EM 6.6.1 .3 6.6 .1 .4 6.6.1 .5 Measurement (NDrR) Principle: Non-dispersive lnfrared Operating range. All API analyzers are dual range, a uto-rang i ng ana lyzers 1) Range One: 0-200 ppm CO 2) Range Two: 0-5000 ppm CO Theory of Operation: 1) The 300EM uses a beam of broad-band IR light with a known intensity (measured during calibration) and directs it through a multi-pass filter with sample gas. The sample cell uses mirrors at each end to reflect the lR beam back and forth through the sample gas to generate a 14m absorption path giving the analyzer maximum sensitivity to fluctuations in CO density. 2) The beam then passes through a band-pass filter that only allows light at a wavelength of 4.7 pm to pass. The beam then strikes a photo-detector that converts it into a modulated voltage signal representing the attenuated intensity of the beam. 3) The 300EM uses a Gas Filter Correlation (GFC) Wheel in the light path to overcome the effects of interfering gases that also absorb light at 4.7pm, such as COz and HzO. 4) The GFC wheel contains two chambers; one that contains nitrogen (Measurement cell) and the other nitrogen and a high concentration of CO (Reference cell). CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev. 8 Chg. 2 xx xxx 08 Page 1 9 6.6.2 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN 5) As the wheel spins IR light passes alternately thorough the two cell cavities. When the beam is exposed to the Reference cell, the CO in the gas filter wheel strips the beam of most of the IR at 4.7pm. When the beam is exposed to the Measurement cell, the Nz in the wheel does not absorb lR light. The fluctuation in the intensity of the lR light striking the photo-detector that results in the output of the detector resembles a square wave. The 300EM determines the amount of CO in the sample chamber by computing the ratio between the peak of the Measurement pulse and the peak of the Reference pulse. Once the 300EM has computed the ratio, a lookup table is used, with interpolation, to linearize the instrument. This linearized concentration value is combined with calibration SLOPE and OFFSET values to produce a CO concentration which is then corrected for changes in sample pressure. lf interfering gases are introduced into the sample chamber the spectrum of the IR beam is changed in a way that is identical for both the Reference and the Measurement cells but without changing the ratio between the peak heights. ln this way, the GFC wheel eliminates the effects of interfering gases so that the analyzer responds only to the presence of CO. 02 Analyzer Manufacturer: Ametek, Thermox lnstrument Division Model: Thermox FCA Micro-Control Measurement Principle: electrochemical cell Zirconium oxide Operating Range: Adjustable from 0-1% to 0-1 00o/o. 0z analyzers will be operated in the 0-25% range. Theory of Operation The Oz analyzer uses a zirconium oxide (ZrOz) ceramic sensing element to determine the concentration of Oz in the' stack gas. The CEMS rack Oz system is made up of two major components; the Detector and the Control Unit. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 20 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN 1) The Detector contains the following: a. A furnace b. Thermocouple c. Cell housing d. Oxygen cell 2) The furnace and thermocouple maintain the environment for the oxygen cell. The oxygen cell is a closed tube made up of zirconium oxide and is coated with porous platinum on the inside and outside of the cell. The cell operates at a temperature of approximately 695'degrees C. 3) The cell measures the oxygen concentration by comparing the oxygen pressure of the sample side of the oxygen cell to the pressure on the reference side of the cell. 4) Sample gas is drawn from the sample probe and enters the Flowblock inlet. Most of the gas passes through the Flowblock and out the exhaust; however, by convection some gas flows up into the cet! housing over the oxygen cell, through the return loop into the Flowblock, and back out the exhaust.- 5) If the pressure of the gas on the sample side differs from that of the reference side, a signal is produced. 6) The internal circuitry in the CEMS quantifies the signal generated by the oxygen cell and displays it as percent oxygen on the front panel. 7) Control Unit The control unit operates all functions of the Oz analyzer components. The control unit also displays: The current oxygen concentration reading The current oxygen alarm status (only in the event of an alarm) CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 21 a. b. 6.6.3 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN c. The current celltemperature d. .The current eror status (only in the event of a system malfunction) GO/Oal nterorated Unitc2 1) Manufacturer: c2 2) CO: Teledvne Advanced Pollution lnstrumentation c2 3) Model: 300EMc2 4) Oa: Servomexc2 5) Model: 1158Pmc2 6\ Measurement Princiole: c2 7) CO: Non-Disoersive infrared (NDIR) c2 8) Oa Paramaoneticc2 9) Ooeratinq Ranoe: c2 10) CO: Ranoe One: 0-200oomc2 Ranqe Two: 0-5000o0m c2 11\ Qa Q-25o/oc2 12\ Theorv of Ooeration c2 This confiquration includes a Teledvne 3Q0EM CO analyzer already described in Section 6.6.1 . however the anal)zer latform also includes a Servomex Paramaqnetic Oxvoen analvzer ffeledvne Option 65). Reoular sample qas ooes into the CO chassis and is split between the CO and Oa detectors. Oa_,concentration is based on the chanoes in the detector's magnetic field due to the maqnetic properties of Oa. Chanoes are measurable and correlate to the concentration of Oa-,in the sample strgam.t'-.,,. Oxygen analvzer operation. calibration. and diaqnostics are all oerformed ?nd controlled via, the front panel of the CO analyzer chassis usinq the same, operatiho format at t CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev I Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 22 6.6.4 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN COIOz CEMS Sampling System Theory of Operation There are instances where Oz and CO analyzers share a common sampling system. The CEMS rack system draws stack emissions through the stack probe assembly and transports it to the CEMS rack system through a heat traced sample transport tube bundle. The gas sample is drawn through stage one of the sample cooler/condenser, the first head of the sample pump, under a vacuum, and exits the pump head under positive pressure into the second stage of the sample cooler; where: 6.6 .4.7 1) The sample stream temperature is lowered to ambient 2) Additional particulates are washed away The sample then passes through the coalescing filter to remove any fine liquid mist carryover from the sample cooler. The gas sample then passes through a sample pressure regulator that regulates line pressure at 4-11 pounds per square inch gauge (PSIG). Then through the inner tube of the reflux permeation dryer to further dry the sample stream. The sample stream then splits into two streams, if both Oz and CO are to be measured: 1) One stream flows through the Oz indicatorlcontroller and into the Oz analyzer. flow 2) The other stream flows through the CO flow indicatorlcontroller and into the CO analyzer. The analyzer exhaust is drawn from the analyzers under negative pressure by means of the second head of the sample pump; the line is maintained at slight negative to zero pressure by the reflux pressure regulator. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 23 6.6.5 CDRL 06 GEMS MONITORING PLAN The gas then passes through the outer tube of the reflux permeation dryer and into the second head of the pump. The gas sample is then exhausted under positive pressure back to the source. TOCDFC2 CERMS Sampling System The CERMS consist of three components; the NO, analyzer, the moisture analyzer, and the stack flow meter. NOxAnalyzerManufacturer: TeledyneAPlcl 1) Model: 2OO EHcl 2) Measurement Principle: Chemiluminescent Method. 3) Operating Range: 0-1000 ppm 4) Theory of Operation The M200EH/EM Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer is a microprocessor controlled instrument that determines the concentration of nitric oxide (NO), total nitrogen oxides (NO*, the sum of NO and NOz) and nitrogen dioxide (NOz) in a sample gas drawn through the instrument. lt requires that sample and calibration gases are supplied at ambient atmospheric pressure in order to establish a constant gas flow through the reaction cell where the sample gas is exposed to ozone (oe), initiating a chemical reaction that gives off light (chemiluminescence). The instrument measures the amount of chemiluminescence to determine the amount of NO in the sample gas. A catalytic reactive converter converts any NOz in the sample gas to NO, which is then including the NO in the sample gas is then reported as NOr. NOz is calculated as the difference between NO* and NO. Calibration of the instrument is performed in . . sofh,vare and usually does not require physical adjustments to the instrument.cl CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 24 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN During calibration, the microprocessor measures the sensor output signal when gases with known amounts of NO or NOz are supplied and stores these results in memory. The microprocessor uses these calibration values along with the signal from the sample gas and data of the current temperature and pressure of the gas to calculate a final NO, concentration. The concentration values and the original information from which is was calculated are stored in the unit's interna! data acquisition system and are reported to the user through a vacuum fluorescence display or several output ports.cl cl 5) The Control Room readings and the PDAR results for NO, must be in "pounds per hour". The pounds per hour are calculated automatically by using the input from a stack flow meter and moisture analyzer. All of the readings are sent electronically to the Control Room where software performs the calculations "real time." During certification, the complete system is compared to a reference method system provided by the Certification Contractor. Moisture analyzer 1) Manufacturer: MAC lnstruments 2) Model: MAC 120 3) Measurement Principle: Detector lR Source/Pyroelectric 4) Operating Range: 0 to 100% 5) Theory of Operation Stack gas is drawn through a probe, passed across the moisture sensors, and then exhausted back into the stack. Stack Flow Meter 1) Model: Digital Flow Model GMBOB 2) Measurement Principle: Ultrasonic 3) Operating Range: 0.03 - 46 mls (0.1 1 sOfusec) CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 25 6.6,6 CEMS Rack CDRL 06 GEMS MONITORING PLAN 4) Theory of operation The meter consists of two parts; a measurement section including ultrasonic transducers and holders, and the electronics section necessary to operate the transducers and process data. 5) The measurement section uses two ultrasonic transducers to send ultrasonic pulses back and forth across the diameter of the stack. 6) The electronic section measures the time ultrasonic pulses take to travel the diameter of the stack. Pulses travel faster in the direction of the flow because the flow helps the pulse travel. The upstream and downstream transit times are compared. The difference is proportional to the velocity of the flow in the stack. Corrections are made to the measurement to compensate for temperature and pressure that could affect the speed of the pulse. ATLIC NO, - The ATLIC NO, is the same -Teledyne Sampling Equipment Pre-lnsulated Sample Tube Bundte The sample tubing bundle is electrically heated and contains several Teflon or PFA lines used to transport sample, calibration, and instrument air between the CEMS rack and the source. The temperature of the sample tube bundle is regulated by a controller located in the rack for each CEMS system. The controller uses thermocouple feedback to regulate the temperature of the bundle. Stack Probe Assembly The stack probe assemblies used in the TOCDF program are made up of the following components: 1) Probe Ceramic or stainless probes are used for sampling. Probes of either material are 112" outside diameter (OD). The actual length of the probe depends upon the diameter of the stack or duct. The end of the probe is cut to a 45 degree angle and is faced downstream to help avoid collection of particulates. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 26 6.6.7 CDRL 06 GEMS MONITORING PLAN 2) Three-way Air MotorActuated Valve The three-way air motor actuated valve is a two- position valve used to configure the stack probe assembly into either "blowback" or "sample" mode. When in blowback mode, the sample line is isolated from the probe assembly. lnstrument air may becl used to back-flush the probe to clean it out. The valve motor actuator is operated by instrument air supplied via the sample transport tube bundle from the CEMS rack. Instrument air used for the back flush is supplied locally via the air regulator (not from the sample transport line). This configuration allows the sampling probe to be operated remotely from the CEMS rack so the operator does not have to go to the probe to change modes (sample or blowback). The three-way valve is normally aligned in the sample mode (no instrument air applied). The valve is switched to the blowback mode by applying instrument air to the valve actuator. With this configuration, a loss of instrument air will cause the sample probe to remain in or return to the sample position. 3) Calibration Gas lnlet - The calibration gas inlet features a check valve (one-way valve) to prevent sample gas from entering the calibration gas line during normal sampling operations. The inlet is attached to the sample line where it connects to the probe. This configuration allows calibration gases to flow through every part of the sampling system except the probe assembly. Cylinder Gas Calibration Equipment Each CEMS rack has its own calibration gascl system. With this system, each analyzer's accuracy can be verified at the zero and span response values against a known reference. Calibration gas is controlled at the CEMS rack and sent through the heated sample line bundle into the sampling system at the Calibration Gas lnlet. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 27 6.7 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Certification, Audits, and Calibration 6.7.1 Certification 6.7 .1 ,1 6.7.2 6.7.3 Audits 6.7 .2.1 CEMS analyzers and associated equipment used in compliance locations will be certified annually in accordance with EG 37 (Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Certification Test Protocol) using the applicable methods in CFR 40 Parts 60 App. B and/or 266 Appendix lX. An independent contractor will be used to perform reference method tests. Quarterly Absolute Calibration Audit (ACA) The Absolute Calibration Audit (ACA) will be performed quarterly for three of the four quarters in each calendar year. lt will be performed by Monitoring personnel identified Section 5.2. EPA Protocol 1 gases will be used. Reference Method Audit (RMA) A Reference Method Audit (RMA) will be performed annually by an independent contractor in accordance with EG 37 (Continuoug Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Certificatibn Test Protocol) Calibration and Calibration Drift Checks Analyzers will be checked for calibration drift daily by introducing zero and span Goncentrations of calibration gas to the analyzer. The drift will be calculated by comparing the analytical results from the analyzer to the target concentration value of the gas. Drift tolerances are defined in Section 6.9.8, Control Limits and Actions. At least once per week all analyzers will be calibrated regardless of drift. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 28 6.8 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Data Recording 6.8.1 Daily Calibration Check 6.8 .1 .1 6.8.2 Process 6.8,2.1 When each daily calibration or calibration drift check is performed, the readings are recorded in three Iocations: PDARS The PDARS computer in the Control Room records all CEMS readings. By changing a switch position at the CEMS instrument before the calibration, the computer will differentiate between calibration data and process data. The PDARS software allows compilation of calibration data in electronic and hard copy reports. Strip Chart Recorder CEMS readings are recorded as chart deflections on a paper chart recorder. After the daily calibration is performed, the operator marks the chart with at Ieast the following information: a. Date Time Operator name or identification number Readings generated by the calibration or drift check. e. Reading after calibration adjustment 3) CEMS Rack Logbook The above calibration information is also entered in the instrument logbook. Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS) The Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS) is an electronic data recording system which receives its data through Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). The data is stored on disc and/or hard copy. All of the operating CEMS are connected to the PDARS. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 29 1) 2) b. c. d. CDRL 06 GEMS MONITORING PLAN Each gas analyzer is equipped with a switch marked "Calibration" "ON", "OFF". The switch allows the PDARS computer to differentiate between process data and calibration data. 6.8.3 CEMS Certification Data Certification of the CEMS is performed contractor. The certification contractor will: Comply with EG 033, CEM Assurance Program Plan and Emission Monitoring System Protocol. by an independent Certification Quality EG 037, Continuous Certification Test Provide a report documenting all data generated from the performance specification tests required for certification. The report will also include an explanation of the test parameters, calculations, and results of all testing. 6.8.4 CEMS Data during Operations The analytical results from CEMS instruments are collected on duplicate systems. Each CEMS analyzer is connected to a chart recorder and a link to the PDARS for data recording. The PDARS records all CEMS readings. CEMS lnstrument Log A permanently bound log book with consecutively numbered pages will be located in the proximity of each CEMS instrument. The log will contain a running history of the instrument and actions taken on any equipment in the rack; including actions by Monitoring and QC personnel. Each entry will include the date, time , a description of actions taken or miscellaneous annotatiohs, and the signature or initials with lD number of the person making the entry. 6.8.5 CEMS Data Archiving CEMS data is stored in two formats, hard copy and computer software disc. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 30 Quality Assurance 6.9.1 lndependent Audits 6.9 .1 .1 6.9 .1 ,2 Each year, the annual Reference Method Technical Audit will be performed by an outside contractor. An outside contractor is used to lend validity to the accuracy and reliability of the CEMS. The requirements the contractor must comply with are specified in the contract Statement of Work (SOW). Non-scheduled audits maycl be performed by the Laboratory Quality Control lnspectors who have successfully completed the CEMS course of study at the CDTF. CDRL 06 GEMS MONITORING PLAN Hard Copy CEMS data hardcopy (logbooks, forms, chart recorder charts, etc.) are maintained by Monitoring personnel for a minimum of one month. The data are then turned over to the TOCDF Document Control Center (DCC) where they are stored until placed in permanent archives. Computer Software Copy CEMS data collected by PDARS are kept on disc. The data disc is maintained by the PDARS Engineer for 45 days. The discs are then sent to the DCC where they are stored until placed in permanent archives. 6.9 6.9.2 National lnstitute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Traceability The measurement accuracy for the standards used to calibrate the CEMS and the M&TE is traceable to the NIST. The accuracy certificate for'the CEMS calibration gases is maintained on file and made a part of certification and calibration records. Protocol 1 gases will be used for both calibration and audits. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 31 6.9.3 6.9.4 6.9.5 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Quality Control Calculations The calculations used to evaluate calibration drift are performed each day per the following equation: 1) TC-FC = CD 2) TC - Target Concentration 3) FC - Found Concentration 4) Calibration Drift must not exceed the control limits specified in Section 6.9.8. Operational Procedures Laboratory Operating Procedures (LOPs) can be found on the site network. At least once per year, the CEMS operators will read the LOPs and sign a statement that they understand the LOPs, including detailed procedures for operation, preventive maintenance, and calibration of the CEMS. All LOPs require approval by the TOCDF Project Manager. Quality Control TypeiFrequency of Quality Checks 1) Review Certificates of Compliance for cylinder gas standards used for CEMS certification, calibration, and audits to ensure they are NIST traceable and meet EPA protocol requirements. 2) Periodic procedure, instrument and logbook surveillances. 3) Random audits of CEMS instruments at the discretion of the Laboratory QC Manager to validate the accuracy of calibrations and calibration drift checks. 4) Periodic review documentation. of quarterly CEMS audit CEMS Opelalor Certification Packages and training records of the personnel who perform CEMS operations stated in Section 5.2, Duties and Qualifications. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 32 5) 6.9.6 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Preventive Maintenance Program 6.9.7 I nstrument Calibration 6.9 .7 .1 6.9 .7.3 6.9.8 Control The PM Program is administered by the CEMS Specialist. Qualified Monitoring personnel perform the PM. The major part of the Preventive Maintenance Program consists of documenting operational readings or measurements from gauges, meters etc. that indicate proper operation of the CEMS. Other PM may include the periodic replacement of consumable parts to prevent failure of a system. M&TE used in support of certification, technical audits, CEMS calibratiohs, and preventive maintenance is calibrated using standards that are traceable to the NIST. Any M&TE used to support annual certification by the sub-contractor shall be calibrated and the certificate included in the CEMS certification or audit data package. M&TE that is used by the Monitoring personnel may be calibrated either onsite or offsite. 1) Standards used to perform onsite calibrations shall be NIST traceable and a copy of the calibration certificate demonstrating NIST traceability shall be kept on file at TOCDF. 2) Equipment that is calibrated offsite shall have a certificate demonstrating NIST traceability that must also be kept on file at TOCDF. Limits and Actions The control limits and actions stated here relate to daily operations of the CEMS. These limits and actions do not apply to CEMS certification. Certification of CEMS is described in the TOCDF CEMS Quality Assurance Program (EG 033) and the CEMS Certification Test Protocol (EG 037). CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 33 GDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Calibration Drift (CD) is evaluated daily to determine if it is excessive. The following describes control Iimits and actions required to correct excessive drift: 1) oz The CD for the Oz analyzer is determined to be excessive if the Zero or Span reading differs from the reference value by more than 0.5o/o C2. lf the CD is excessive the analyzer must be calibrated. lf, on any given check the CD exceeds 1% Oz the analyzer is considered "out of control" and a successful ACA must be performed to verify the analyzer is "in control" before it can be used for compliance monitoring. 2) CO a.The CD for the CO analyzer is determined to be excessive if the Zero or Span reading differs from the reference value by more than six ppm for the low range (0-200 ppm). Or the Zero or Span reading differs more than 150 ppm from the reference value at the high range (0-5000). lf the CD is excessive the analyzer must be recalibrated. lf, on any given check the CD exceeds two times the limits the analyzer is considered "out of control" and a successful ACA must be performed to verify the analyzer is "in control" before it can be used for compliance monitoring. 3) NO* a. The CD for the NO* CEMS is determined to be excessive if the zero or span reading differs from the reference value by 25 ppm. lf the CD is excessive the analyzer must be calibrated. The CD is determined to be 'out of control' if th e zero or span reading differs from the reference value by more than 100 ppm "orle time" or 50 ppm for "five consecutive days". CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev B Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 34 a. b. b. CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN lf the daily drift check indicates that the NO, is 'out of control', the following steps will be taken: ldentify and correct the cause for the excessive drift Evaluate if any corrective action is necessary to prevent future occurrences of the same type of problem. The occurrence of the excessive drift shall be included in the quarterly technical audit report to the State Division of Air Quality. Data Validation and Reporting 6.10.1 Calibration Drift Data Calibration drift data is validated by the individual performing the calibration drift check. The CEMS Specialist shall screen data to observe for trouble spots. The QC Monitoring lnspector observes CD tests on a spot check basis. 6.1O.2 Data Validation Data entered on the Daily CEMS Calibration Sheets, PDARS and the CEMS logbooks are all reviewed by the CEMS Specialist on an on-going basis to determine accuracy and consistency. All errors or irregularities are corrected with an annotation indicating the circumstance. 6.10.3 Missing Data Because of redundant data collection methods for CEMS data, it is highly unlikely that there will be any missing data. Should there be missing data, the Environmental Manager shall be notified immediately. lf necessary the Control Room Operators will be notified immediately to allow them to take appropriate actions relative to plant operations. The cause for the missing data will be determined and the following accomplished : 1) Replication of the missing data if possible. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 35 b. ll. lll. 6.1 0 CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN 2) Documentation that data was lost to provide an accurate audit trail. 3) Corrective action taken to prevent a future reoccurrence of missing data. All of the above will be included in the CEMS quarterly report. The appropriate notifications will be made to the Environmental Manager. 6.11 CEMS Performance Specification Test Protocol 6.11.1 Certification Certification testing of the CEMS is performed by an independent subcontractor in accordance with EG-037, CEMS Certification Test Protocol, CFR 40 Part 266, 60, and 63. 6.11.2 EG&G Environmental Manager The Utah DSHW will be notified 45 days prior to certification or annual recertification of CEMS analyzers 6.1 1.2.2 The Utah DAQ certification or analyzers. 6.12 6.11.3 New CEMS analyzers used for monitoring in compliance locations shallbe certified prior to use. State Electronic Data Report (SEDR) (CEMS Quarterly Report) A quarterly SEDR is submitted to the State of Utah DSHW and the Division of Air Quality no later than 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter. The SEDR is compiled and submitted by the Environmental Manager. 6.12.1 The Quarterly SEDR includes: o Source owner/operator name and address. ldentification and location of monitor in the CEMS. Manufacturer and model number of each monitor. CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 36 will be notified 45 days prior to annual recertification of CEMS CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN Report of data from quarterly audits. Malfunctions and out-of-control conditions of CEMS, corrections and corrective actions taken to prevent future occurrences. Results of retest after corrections. Breakdown reports (plant failures causing excess emissions). Reports of any excessive emissions. 7-Day Calibration Drift Test Absolute Calibration Aud it Response Time Test Performance Specification 7 RECORDS 7.1 lnformation Assets 7.1.1 All information generated by this CDRL is considered to be an information asset. (Documents, forms, databases, etc.) 7.1.2 The following information assets were developed as a result of implementation of this CDRL. Documents with an asterisk (*) are considered Records. . None 7.2 Retention/storage of records . PRP-EV-041 identifies individual record retention requirements. CEMS Monitoring Plan' CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 Page 37 ".-_- CDRL 06 CEMS MONITORING PLAN.t LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES PAGE NO.REV/CHG NO. 1-2 RBCO 3-5 R8C2 6 - 11 RBCO 12 R8C2 13 - 14 RBCO 15 R8C2 16 - 17 RBCO 18 R8C2 19-21 RBCO 22-37 R8C2 CEMS Monitoring Plan CDRL 06 Rev 8 Chg. 2, xx xxx 09 EG 033 GEM CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN Rev.Date: 05-08-07 Procedure Owner:Randv W. Roten' Approved by: Monitoring Manager Gary McCloskev General Manager (Original signatures on file) REVIEW EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN TABLE OF GONTENTS 1 PROGRAM PLAN DESGRIPTION........... ........3 2 CERTIFICATION PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY ..........5 3 TOCDF GEMS DES!GN.... ..............6 4 SAMPLING METHODS REQUIREMENTS....... ..............10 5 SAMPLE HANDLING AND CUSTODY PROCEDURES.. ................17 6 QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS .......18 7 PTM INSTRUMENT/EQUIPMENT TESTING, INSPECTION, AND MAINTENANCEREQU!REMENTS........ .................21 8 PTM INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND FREQUENCY........... .....22 9 PTM DATA ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS ................23 10DATAQUALITYMANAGEMENT........................... LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 3-1. NON.DILUTING EXTRACTIVE TCEMS ............9 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 3-1. SUMMARY OF TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY CEMS........7 TABLE 3.2. TOCDF ANALYZER DESCRIPTIONS .................7 TABLE 4-1. ZERO AND CERTIFIED CALIBRATION GAS REQUIREMENTS FOR CALIBRATION, CALIBRATION DRIFT, AND RESPONSE TIME TESTS................................16 TABLE 4.2. ACGEPTABLE GONCENTRATIONS FOR CEMS QUARTERLY AUDITS (ACA/CYLTNDER GAS AUDTTS)........... ...............16 TABLE 4.3. ZERO AND PROTOCOL 1 GAS REQUIREMENTS FOR PERFORMANGE TEST METHOD (PTM) ANALYZER OPERAT!ON............... ............16 TABLE 4-4. INTERFERENCE TEST GAS CONCENTRATIONS FOR REFERENCED METHODTCEMS ........ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 1 o EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Source: SOP Plan Narrative ACRONYM DEFINITION ACA Absolute Calibration Audit ATLIC = Area 10 Liquid lncineratorc3 BIF CC CD CDRL CE CEM CEMS CFR DAS . EPA LIC DFS DUN MPF PAS PC PTM QAPP QA/OC RA RATA RM Confidence Coefficient Calibration Drift Contract Data Requirements List Calibration Error Continuous Emission Monitor Continuous Emission Monitoring System Code of Federal Regulations CO Carbon Monoxidec3 COa Carbon Dioxidec3 NO- trtitrooen OxiOess NSPS New Source Performance Standards o^ Qx]llggno GA GA Nerve Aoentc3 L Lewisitec3 Data Acquisition System Environmental Protection Agency Liquid lncinerator Deactivation Furnace System Dunnage lncinerator Metal Parts Furnace Pollution Abatement System Personal Computer Performance Test Method Quality Assurance Program Plan Quality Assurance/Quality Control Relative Accuracy Relative Accuracy Test Audit Reference Method PPMV (ppmv) Parts Per Million Volume RT Response Timec3 TSCA TCEMS TOCDF UDAQ M&TE Toxic Substance Control Act Transportable Continuous Emission Monitoring System Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Utah Department of Air Quality Measuring and Test Equipment CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 2 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN PROGRAM PLAN DESCRIPTION 1.1 This Quality Assurance Program Plan (OAPP) presents guidelines that the Subcontractor shall follow for all Transportable Continuous Emission Monitoring System (TCEMS) measurements performed for the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) certification so the user of the data generated by this project can be assured that data are collected with sufficient detail and documentation to meet the needs of the user. This QAPP applies to certification testing and Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) field sampling activities pertaining to the operation of TCEMS for measurement of gaseous air pollutant emissions from the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) exhaust vents. lt is specific to the requirements of 40 GFR Part 266, Appendix lX; 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B; and 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart EEE. The Monitoring Manager of the TOCDF has prepared two documents that discuss the TOCDF CEMS equipment and operation in detail. Those documents are the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System Plan (CDRL 06) and the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System Laboratory Operating Procedure (TE-LOP-540). This QAPP is not intended to supersede those documents in any way but incorporates them by reference. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has defined Quality Assurance (QA) as: an integrated system of activities involving planning, Quality Control (QC), quality assessment, reporting, and quality improvement to ensure that a product or service meets defined standards of quality with a stated level of confidence. 1.4.1 There shall be trainino performed and maintaineC documented evidence of training maintained for all personnel performing work-te @. As a minimum this training shall include: @ EG 037, Continuous Emission Monitor (CEM) Certification Test Protocol Plan EG 033, CEM Certification QA Plan CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 3 1.2 1.3 1.4 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFIGATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN #1.4.2 Personnel performing certification testing shall be qualified and certified in accordance with an established certification program. Certification records shall be submitted to EG&G prior to individuals performing testing. 1441.4.3 The certification sampling and testing shall be performed in strict accordance with the CEMS Certification Monitoring Plan, the CEMS Certification Quality Assurance Project Plan, and applicable EPA Methodologies. 1, l.EPreeeCures shall be established te assure that MeaecrhrgFanC Teet equipment (Uafe) I felleffii rThe lvl&TE shall be seteeted te previde the preper range and oPreeisien and aeeuraey requirements ehall he identified and rldentlfy and deeument all M&TE in a eentrelled inventery, oGalibrate M&TE at preseribed ir*ervale (preeedure must iCentify ing Where ne sueh standards exist; the basis fer ealibratien shall be deeumented, oDefine the preeess used fer the ealibratien ef M&TE; ineluding eq++ ealibra{ien+tatus rAssess and deeument the valiCity ef previeus teet+esult+-when M&TE is feund te be eut ef ealibratien by a preseribed and @ ealibratiens; measurements; and tests being perfermed, CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 4 2 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN rSafeguard M&TE frem adjuetments that eeuld invalidate the eat+Uratien+e*ings. 1#1.4.4 Procegdures shall be established for the review and approval of CEMS Certification reports. Included within shall be: o lnternal Review process for final repo(, i.e. who. (Note: Review is to be by an individual other than the report writer). o lnternal Approval requirements, including approval signature authority. (Note: Approval is to be by an individual other than the report writer). lndividual record legibility, completion, accuracy, correction, and approval requirements. All corrections shall be made by placing one line through the error, annotating the correct information next to the error, and placing an initial and date of the individual making the correction. WHITE OUT, ERASURES, OR SCRIBBLING WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. o All reports shall be legible and professional. CERTIFICATION PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY 2.1 The CEMS certification program organization includes a line of QA/QC management that is independent of technical management authority. The QA/QC team is under the direction of the company president who has the authority to direct and apply any company resources to ascertain the quality of certification program performance and, if necessary, to bring out-of-control activities back into control. The Quality Manager for all QA activities has authority over all personnel and facility resources and therefore has the authority to take corrective action in any QA matter, as required. The Quality Manager will become active in the technical direction of data collection only if it becomes necessary to bring out-of-control programs back under control, and is responsible to ensure that the commitment to QA is continuously active. The Quality Manager is responsible to see that QC activities are carried out. The Quality Manager's technical review team reviews all technical reports for accuracy. Technical audits for field measurement activities are under the Quality Manager's supervision. The Quality Manager reports directly to Project Management and is in no way subservient to the technical management. 2.2 2.3 CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 5 EG 033 - GEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN 2.4 2.5 The Technical Manager for all TCEMS related programs is responsible to ensure that the OA/OC activities adequately address the technical requirements and objectives and also to ensure that field measurement procedures described in the QAPP are follo.wed. The field activities include all aspects of the Performance Specifications certification testing as described in Paragraph 4, Sampling Methods Requirements. TOCDF CEMS DESIGN 3.1 CEMS Description 3.1.1 For more detail regarding the TOCDF CEMS refer to the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System Plan (CDRL 06) and the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System Laboratory Operating Proced ure (TE-LOP-540). 3.1.2 All compliance analyzers are to be included in the Performance Specification Test Program. The analyzers are used as compliance monitors and certified spares. Table 3-1 lists the specific analyzers assigned to each fuinace system. c3 CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 6 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN Table 3-1. Summary of Tooele Chemical Agent Disposat Facility CEMSE LOCATION ANALYZER DESCRIPTION ID NUMBER Pollution Abatement System Stack Pollution Abatement System Stack NO, Analyzer NO" Analvzer AIT-076 AIT-0768 Deact Deact Deact Deact vation Furnace !D Fan Outlet vation Furnace ID Fan Outlet vation Furnace lD Fan Outlet vation Furnace lD Fan Outlet Oz Analyzer CO Analyzer Oz Analyzer CO Analvzer AIT-175 AIT-059 AIT-206 AIT-207 Metal Parts Furnace lD Fan Outlet Metal Parts Furnace lD Fan Outlet Meta! Parts Furnace lD Fan Outlet Meta! Parts Furnace lD Fan Outlet Oz Analyzer CO Analyzer Oz Analyzer CO Analyzer AIT-082 AIT-384 AtT-670 AtT-669 Liqu Liqu Liqu Liqu d Incinerator 1 Furnace d lncinerator 1 Furnace d lncinerator 1 Furnace d lncinerator 1 Furnace D Fan Outlet D Fan Outlet D Fan Outlet D Fan Outlet Oz Analyzer CO Analyzer Oz An alyzer CO Analvzer AtT-229 AIT-083 AIT-210 AtT-078 Liqu Liqu Liqu Liqu d Incinerator 2 Furnace d lncinerator 2 Furnace d lncinerator 2 Furnace d lncinerator 2 Furnace D Fan Outlet D Fan Outlet D Fan Outlet D Fan Outlet Oz Analyzer CO Analyzer Oz Analyzer CO Analyzer AtT-798 AtT-778 AtT-717 AIT-716 Spares Oz An alyzer CO Analyzer Oz An alyzer CO Analyzer NO, Analvzer AIT-1001 AIT-1000 AtT-1003 AIT-1002 AIT-9077 GA/L Stack GA/L Stack Oa Analyzer CO Analvzer AIT-8301 AIT-8302 3.1.3 The TOCDF CEMS analyzer manufacturers, models, and ranges are shown in Table 3-2. All of the TOCDF CEMS or correct the gas concentrations on a dry gas basis. Tabte 3-2. TOCDF Analyzer Descriptions@ operating measure Parameter Manufacturer Model Range CO CO O2 Nox Oz Teledyne API Teledyne API Thermox Teledyne AP+ Servomex 3OOEM 300EM/OaOption FCA-micro ZOOEH 1158 om 0-200,5000 ppm 0-200,5000 ppm 0-25 % 0-1000 ppm 0-25 o/o TCEMS Description 3.2.1 The TCEMS used to perform the RATA include two distinct types of Reference Method (RM) measurement systems: direct non-diluting measurement using an extractive system and measurement of an CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 7 3.2 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN in-stack diluted gas sample. The non-diluting extractive system is suitable for direct measurement of O2,* CO, oxides of nitrogen(Nod,.@andothergaSeouSconstituentsusing source-level instrumental techniques. The in-stack dilution system is suitable for measuring all the above constituents except for Oz and COz, and it employs ambient-level analyzers. The primary system to be used for the TOCDF RATA will be the non-diluting extractive system. The dilution system will may be used for MTAs as a backup system should problems arise with use of the primary system. 3.2.2 The TCEMS includes the sample extraction, transport, conditioning, measurement analyzers, and Data Acquisition Systems (DAS). For test locations where high stack gas temperatures exist, appropriate probe materials (such as quartz or inconel) will be used. Brief descriptions of the two types of systems are provided below. Non-Diluting Extractive System - A sample is extracted from the test location through the stainless steel sample probe. The sample is drawn through a heated sample Iine. The Iine contains two separate channels; one for sample extraction, and one for delivery of calibration gases to the probe for determination of system bias. lf particulate matter interference is an issue at the source, the sample flows through a heated filter at the outlet of the sample line; if particulate matter is not an issue, the heated filter is bypassed. The sample then passes through a heated sample pump, and is forced by the pump into the condenser unit where moisture is removed. From the condenser unit, the sample passes through a silica gel trap to further remove moisture, and then is routed into a sample manifold, where pressure is regulated, and separate rotameters control flow to each of the analyzers in the measurement system. The analyzers output a signal to a scientific data logger, which processes and records the data from each of the analyzers. The data is then transferred to Person Computer (PC), via an Ethernet connection, or by removing the storage device (flash card) from the data logger, and transferring the data directly from the storage device onto the PC. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 8 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN SS Probe Sample Line Calibration Gas Sample Line lnside Vehicle Filter (if Necessary) Heated Sample Pr lmn Condenser Silica Gel Filter/Water Trap tr!E Figure 3-1 . Noh-Diluting Extractive TCEMS Vent CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 9 Sample Gas DISTRIBUTION PANEL EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN c2 3.2.3 Three test points will be used for sample extraction for RATA programs. The points will be on a single traverse at 17o/o, 50o/o, and 83% of the stack cross sectional diameter. 4 SAMPLING METHODS REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Genera! 4.1.1 Procedures described in this QAPP adhere to the requirements of 40 CFR 266, Appendix lX, Section 2 (Performance Specifications for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems) and 40 CFR 60, Appendix B. Specifically, this QAPP addresses Calibration Drift (CD), RA, or Absolute Calibration Audit (ACA), and Response Time testing of the compliance CEMS at the TOCDF. When required, a stratification test has been performed to evaluate the location of the applicable CEMS probes. 4.1.2 The EPA Reference Methods (RM) or Performance Test Methods (PTM) that apply to this QAPP include: . RM 3A for Oz RM 7E for NOx RM 10 for CO 4.1 .3 The instrumental PTMs (RM3A, 7E, and 10) apply to both the non- diluting and dilution probe TCEMS. 4.1.4 40 CFR 266, Appendix lX, specifies that PTMs be used to determine the RA of CEMS used to monitor emissions from Boilers and lndustrial Furnaces (BlFs). Those methods include RM 3A (for 02) and 10 for CO (40 CFR 60, Appendix A). Methods 3A and 10 describe TCEMS monitoring test methods. 4.1.5 Performance Specification 2 (40 CFR 60, Appendix B) applies to the NOx analyzer in the Pollution Abatement System (PAS) stack. lt specifies the use of RM 7 or equivalent. RM 7E is an instrumental method and is generally preferred over the more cumbersome wet techniques, which would not provide results for approximately 48 hours. 4.1.6 The EPA does not certify stack monitors. The RM QA procedures, instrument and system performance requirements, including CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 1 0 EG 033 - CEMS GERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN 4.2 Protocol 1 gas requirements, assure the accuracy of the data. Unlike the CEMS, the RM TCEMS will undergo zero and bias checks after every 21 minutes of RATA sampling. 4.1.7 The CFRs containing the above referenced PTMs change frequently and are not included in this document. 4.1.8 This TCEMS QA plan is intended to incorporate, at a minimum, the requirements of the PTMs and Performance Specifications included in the CFR Appendices as listed. Those requirements are incorporated into this document in their entirety. 4.1.9 The individual Performance Specifications for both the CEMS and the TCEMS are presented in Paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2, respectively, of this QAPP. Failure of either system to meet those criteria would equate to a failed test. lf the Subcontractor TCEMS do not meet the criteria listed in Paragraph 6.2, corrections to the system are made and the certification program can continue without repeating tests for which the TCEMS met the criteria. Failure of the TOCDF CEMS to meet the criteria in Paragraph 6.1 also requires correction; however, repairs to the CEMS require that all Performance Tests be repeated. 4.1.10 Operating configuration of the TOCDF CEMS, such as sample flow rate and sample pressure, were established during the instrument systemization and operational experience. As discussed in Paragraph 4.2, daily system audits are performed to assure that the analyzers are operating within configuration control. lf problems are observed, TOCDF Monitoring will be notified immediately. 4.1.11The specific timing of the tests are established by TOCDF Monitoring. The certification tests for each incinerator system will be conducted over an 8 to 9 consecutive day period. Daily System Audit 4.2.1 As part of the CEMS documentation for each aspect of the Performance Tests, Monitoring will conduct daily system audits for all TOCDF CEMS in the furnace system being tested during that visit. The daily system audit will verify that all equipment is in good working order during the performance tests. 4.2.2 TOCDF CEMS specific daily system audit forms have been developed for each furnace system CEMS. The forms include instrument specific information such as gas flows, converter and cell temperatures, instrument specific diagnostics, and other information. The daily system audit will include a review of CD CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 1 1 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANGE PROGRAM PLAN 4.3 data; an inspection of the analyzer warning lights, potentiometer settings, gas flows; an inspection of transport tubing, particulate filters, and other conditioning equipment. Response Time (RT) Test 4.3.1 Response time of each TOCDF CEMS will be determined within the CD test period for the furnace system being tested to ensure that the system performance meets the response time criteria. The RT is performed in accordance with the applicable Performance Specification (PS) in 40 CFR Parts 266, 60, and 63. 4.3.2 The TOCDF compliance CEMS are required by 40 CFR 266, Appendix lX, to record a measurement once every 15 seconds and the DAS must provide a report with averages every 60 seconds. This DAS requirement is sufficient for all tests described below except for Response Time tests. A DAS output of once every five seconds is required to satisfactorily evaluate response times, or a push button may be used to record time on the DAS. 4.3.3 The zero and high level gases used for the daily calibrations and CD tests (shown in Table 4-1) may be used for the Response Time tests. 4.4 Absolute Calibration Audit 4.4.1 The first quarter ACA test will be conducted by Monitoring during the CD test to ensure the analyzers are operating properly before the CD test is completed. The ACA test challenges the CEMS with zero gas and EPA Protocol 1 gases at three measurement points in each operating range of the analyzer. 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix EEE QA guidelines require that the ACA test be repeated quarterly. 4.4.2 Based upon the operating ranges for the TOCDF CEMS, gas concentrations shown in Table 4-2 will be needed for this aspect of the Performance Tests. Zero nitrogen is recommended because it will serve as a zero for all of the CEMS except the Oz analyzer. The Oz analyzer requires a low concentration of 02, ?s indicated in Table 4-2. 4.4.3 Test gases will be introduced to the CEMS as close to the sample probe as possible in the order shown in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 48, para 7.1, Calibration Error Test Procedure. A standard form (Ref. PRP-MO-001) shall be used to record ACA test data and report test results. As specified in the Performance Specifications and reflected on the form, three (3) CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 12 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN 4.5 nonconsecutive results are required for each gas for single range analyzers. Calibration Drift (CD) Tests 4.5.1 CD tests will be conducted by TOCDF Monitoring to determine compliance of each CEMS in accordance with 40 CFR 266 App. lX and Part 60. The CD tests will require a total of eight checks (a baseline check and seven drift checks) for each furnace system. 4.5.2 Each CD test on CEMS will be conducted concurrently so that the CD test is completed in eight consecutive days. lf the CD test is interrupted before it is completed, one additional day will be required for each interruption so the calibration baseline can be reestablished after the interruption. lnterruptions include plant upset conditions or downtime during which the CEMS are not monitoring stack gas. As mentioned in Paragraph 4.1.9, problems associated with the CEMS themselves void all portions of the certification tests preceding the CEMS failure. 4.5.3 The daily CD checks will be conducted prior to any zero and span adjustments and at approximately 24-hour intervals thereafter. Monitoring will introduce zero and a span gas to each range used to monitor the furnace system being tested. The CD gas concentrations are identified in Table 4-1. CD gases and calibration gases must be EPA Protocol 1. 4.5.4 The gases will be introduced as near to the sample probe outlet as possible so that the entire CEMS is represented by the CD test. .4.5.5 The data will be recorded and summarized on the CEMS Calibration Drift Test Record (Ref. PRP-MO-001). The results will be determined daily so that corrective action can be taken if required. 4.6 RA Tests 4.6.1 RA tests will be performed during the CD test on the furnace CEMS. PTM will be those RMs (40 CFR 60 Appendix A) listed below: Carbon Monoxide Reference Method 10 Oxygen Reference Method 3A Nitrogen Oxides Reference Method 7E 4.6.2 Each RA test will be conducted at a sampling location meeting the specifications of 40 CFR 266, Appendix lX. Tests will be conducted CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 1 3 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN for 21 minutes and will include sampling from three traverse points for seven minutes "'p", point. 4.6.3 The overall approach for the RATA is to operate a single TCEMS. Only one extraction point will be tested at a time. ur 4.6.4 A minimum of 9 and a maximum of 12 tests are required for the RA tests. Data will be recorded on a standard form. The TOCDF CEMS data are reported on a dry basis. Therefore, RA test measurements will be made on a dry basis. 4.6.5 All RA test calibration gases will be Protocol 1 gases. The measurement ranges for the Subcontractor's TCEMS used for the PTM will be matched to the CEMS being certified. The RM analyzer ranges and the required Protocol 1 gases are shown in Table 4-3. 4.6.6 lnterference checks will be performed according to the^^specific RM on all RM analyzers prior to their initial use at TOCDF. vg 4.6.7 RM catibrations (including a zero and two point span check) for the TCEMS will be performed prior to the first of each set of I to 12 CEMS RATA tests. Each calibration gas will be introduced as near to the probe inlet as possible so the entire TCEMS is calibrated. After each RA test, a system bias check will be performed to validate the data from the previous test, IAW 40 CFR, pt 60, App. A, Method 6C. 4.6.8 lf problems are identified by the bias check, the previous test will be voided and repeated after corrections to the system are made. Problems that require corrections to the system and result in a voided test automatically trigger the need for a complete system calibration before testing is resumed. 4.6.9 Reports of the CEMS data will be obtained from EG&G for each RATA. PTM and CEMS data for each test run will be entered into a spreadsheet so the preliminary results can be evaluated. The preliminary results, including the individual test differences and arithmetic mean of the differences, standard deviation, confidence coefficient, and the relative accuracy, are to be reported to EG&G at the end of each test day. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev B Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 14 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN 4.7 Stratification Test for the MPF Analyzers Stratification is defined in 40 CFR 266 as a difference of 10o/o or more between the average concentration in the duct and "the concentration at any point more than 1.0 meter from the duct or stack wall". For the purposes of this program stratification will be a difference of greater than 10% between the average concentration at the centroid (CEM measurement location) and the average of the RM test points. This test has been completed for the applicable Iocation. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 1 5 93 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN Table 4-1. Zero and Gertified Galibration Gas Requirements for Galibration, Galibration Drift, and Response Time Tests Table 4-2. Acceptable Concentrations for GEMS Quarterly Audits (AcA/Cylinder Gas Audits) Table 4-3. Zero and Protocol 1 Gas Requirements for Performance Test Method (PTM) Analyzer Operation CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 1 6 Analyzer Percent of Range co 0-200 ppmv co 0-5000 ppmv Oz 0'25 o/o NO* 0-1000 ppmv 0-20 60-90 Nitrogen 120-1 B0 Nitrogen 3000-4500 0-2.5 15-22.5 Nitrogen 600-900 ANALYZER TYPE LOW GAS RANGE MID GAS RANGE HIGH GAS RANGE CO Range 1 CO Range 2 0-40 ppm 0-600 ppm 60-80 ppm 500-2000 pprn 140-1 60 ppm 3500-4000 ppm Oz o-2.0c1 %8-1 0%14-16 o/o NO*200-300 ppm NA 500-600 ppm CALIBRATION SPAN GAS MUST BE 50-90 % FULL SCALE SPAN Analyzer Percent of Range co 0-200 ppmv co 0-5000 ppmv Oz 0-25 o/o COz 0-20 o/o NOr 0-1000 ppmv 0-0 .25 40-60 80-100 Nitrogen B0- 120 160-200 Nitrogen 2000-3000 4000-5000 0-2.5% 10-15 20-25 Nitrogen B-12 16-20 Nitrogen 400-600 800-1000 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN SAMPLE HANDLING AND CUSTODY PROCEDURES 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Most measurements made for this program will be done by on-site CEMs. All data collected for this program is recorded onto carbonless triplicate forms. Custody of the original is transferred to the Subcontractor's document control officer. The subcontractor will secure the original for up to five years. One copy of the completed form will be retained by the field team manager for data processing. Custody of the third copy will be transferred to the QA manager so that review can proceed immediately. The TCEMS DAS output for the RATA wil! be copied to three separate distinctly labeled disks. The custody of the disk copies will be transferred as described above for the data forms. The Field Team Manager's copy will be transferred to the data processing team for formatting according to the report requirements. All samples and data transfers will be documented on carbonless triplicate forms (or equivalent). Subcontractor to provide TOCDF with electronic data. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 1 7 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS 6.1 6.2 TOCDF CEMS Performance Specification QC Requirements for the TOCDF CEMS are summarized below for each measurement parameter. 6.1.1 CO CEMS Performance Specifications Calibration Drift (24 hours) < 3o/o of span in either high or low range"' Absolute Calibration Audit < 5o/o of span in either high or low range"' ResponseTime <2minutes Rerative Accuracv : #,i;{;?1XIf,, when M is calculated as the absolute average difference between the RM and CEMS +2.5o/oCC .c1 6.1.2 Oz CEMS Performance Specifications Calibration Drift (24 hours) < 0.5o/o oxygen Absolute Calibration Audit < 0.5% oxygen < 2 minutes <1 .O% Or"' 6.1 .3 NO* Performance Specifications Response Time Relative Accuracy Calibration Drift Calibration Gas Audit Relative Accuracy , < 2.5o/o of span + 15% or sppm, whichever is greater 20% of RM or 10% of the emission standard TCEMS Performance Specifications 6.2.1 The PTMs identified in Paragraph 4 include strict QC performance specifications for the measurement systems. Those QC requirements are summarized below: o Analyzer Calibration Error - Less than 2o/o of the span value for the zero, mid-range, and high-range calibration gases. Sampling System Bias - Less than 5% of the span for the zero and mid -range or high-range calibration gases. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 1 8 EG 033 . CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN Zero Drift - Less than 3% of the span over the period of each run. Calibration Drift - Less than 3o/o of the span over the period of each run. o lnterference Response - Less tharl 2o/o of the span value. 6.2.2 The procedures for ensuring that the PTM measurement system meets these QC requirements are discussed below. TCEMS Interference Tests ln order to establish that the TCEMS measurement system does not demonstrate interference from other gases, each analyzer will be challenged with the interference gases shown in Paragraph 4.3 and Table 4-1 . o Results will be documented and will be on-hand for all TCEMS test activities. lnterference checks are done on the non-diluting TCEMS by introducing the interference gas directly to the analyzers. lnterference checks are done on the dilution probe TCEMS by introducing the gas through the dilution system. Setup and Preliminary Checkout 1) Non-Diluting TCEMS a) The non-diluting extractive TCEMS is illustrated in Paragraph, Figure 3-1 . The sample probe is usually constructed of stainless steel but may also be constructed of either glass or teflon. The sample gas passes through a heated three-way valve before passing through the glass fiber filter, condenser, and samplepump. The clean, dry sample is then transported to the analyzer system for pollutant measurement. b) After the TCEMS is assembled it is leak-checked from the probe tip to the pump outlet. The system is equipped with a vacuum gage and toggle valve arranged to allow isolation of the portion of the TCEMS that will be under negative CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 1 9 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN pressure. The probe tip is plugged and a vacuum of at least 12 inches of mercury is applied to the system using the sampling pump. The toggle valve is then closed isolating the vacuum in the system. The pump is then turned off and the vacuum gage observed for one minute. lf no decrease in the vacuum is observed over a period of one minute, the system is considered leak free. lf a drop in the vacuum is observed, the problem is corrected and the leak check repeated. c) The three-way valve mentioned above, allows the test operators to introduce calibration, zero, and response tlme gases to the TCEMS at the back end of the sample probe at or ne ar ambient pressure so that TCEMS leaks, should they develop, are not masked by over-pressurization. 2) ln-stack Dilution Probe TCEMS a)The dilution probe TCEMS is illustrated in, Figure 3-2. The TCEMS includes a four line umbilical that allows (1) zero dilution air and (2) calibration gases to be transported to the probe and allows (3) diluted sample gas and (4) the jet eductor pressure to be transported to the analyzers.' No system leak check is performed because the system is operated under positive pressure.' r After the initial setup, the analyzers are calibrated directly, bypassing the dilution system. This is done using low-range zero and calibration gases that are not available with Protocol 1 designations. The direct analyzer calibrations are designed to bring the analyzers into their normal operating conditions. After the analyzers are adjusted with at least a zero and one high-range calibration gas, a calibration gas in the range of the expected stack gas concentrations is introduced through the dilution probe and the dilution air panel pressure is adjusted to achieve the desired dilution ratio. Once the dilution pressure is adjusted to the correct dilution ratio, ho further adjustments can be made without invalidating the system bias checks. b) CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 20 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN 6.2.3 TCEMS Response Time Determination The response time of the TCEMS is measured by an operator placing the sample probe in the stack. Zero gas is introduced to the TCEMS through the three-way valve and the response allowed to stabilize. After the response to the zero gas has stabilized, the three-way valve is switched so that stack gas is delivered to the TCEMS. The time required for the TCEMS to achieve 95% of the final stabilized stack measurement is the TCEMS response time. The process is repeated three times for each of the zero and high level calibration gases, alternating between the two. The average response time is determined from these six tests. The average response time for the TCEMS must be less than two minutes The response times shall be documented on a tracking form. 6.2.4 Systems Component Performance Checkc2 A system component performance check will be performed and documented after each three test runs to ensure proper performance of each component to verify that no malfunctions or inadequate performance will adversely affect data collection.c2. PTM INSTRUMENT/EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE REQUIREM E NTS TESTING,INSPEGTION, AND All components of the TCEMS are subject to scheduled tests, inspections, and periodic preventive maintenance in the course of mobilization, setup, and field testing. ln addition, extensive precautions are taken to prevent TCEMS component failure. As a final precaution, spare parts and backup equipment will be available to minimize equipment down-time due to unpreventable component failures. 7.1 Pre-mobilizationSystemCheckout Prior to mobilizing for field programs, the entire TCEMS is assembled, leak checked (if appropriate), warmed up, and subjected to a complete multipoint CE check. The response of each analyzer is checked for linearity (error) and system bias. The CE check is repeated between 8 and 24 hours later to evaluate the tendency for instrument drift. Records of these pre-mobilization checks are retained in the project files. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 21 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN 7.2 7.3 7.4 System Setup, Checkout, and Daily System Audits 7.2.1 After initial setup and checkout of the TCEMS at TOCDF, a systems component performance check will be made to evaluate pressures, vacuums, flows, and/or temperatures are at required or expected levels. The system check will be performed and documented as lease every three runs to alert the operator of an impending malfunction or failure and corrective action can be performed. c2 7.2.2 Changes in the status of the TCEMS operating conditions will be documented. Corrective action will be taken if: moisture develops in the sample lines, the sample vacuum buiHs, either of the filters become plugged, or other changes in the system threaten the reliability of the test results. Preventive Mai ntenance At the end of each test day, the TCEMS operator will evaluate the system and perform preventive maintenance as necessary. Equipment^will be secured in a configuration to prevent failure between test periods." Critical Spare Parts Critical spare parts necessary for the operation of the TCEMS will be on- hand to minimize down-time. When possible, backup analyzers will be transported to the test site so that complete replacement can be made within a few hours in the event of an analyzer failure. PTM INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND FREQUENCY TCEMS calibrations include direct calibration of the analyzers at least once each test day and a complete TCEMS zero and span check before and after each test run. 8.1 Preliminary Analyzer Calibration Error 8.1.1 Each PTM analyzer will undergo multipoint calibrations using zero and at least two Protocol 1 calibration gases prior to the first test on each test day. Calibration gases are specified in Paragraph 4. The cylinder and analyzer response data will be documented. 8.1.2 The CE will be calculated for each zero and calibration gas. lf any of the CE exceed 2o/o, corrective action must be taken and the multipoint analyzer calibration repeated. The CE checks for all analyzers used to make measurements at any one location will be recorded on a single form. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 22 EG 033 - CEMS CERTIFIGATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN 8.2 Sample System Bias, Zero and Galibration Drift Ghecks 8.2.1 Following successful completion of the multipoint analyzer CE checks prior to the first test, and after each test period, a zero and single point calibration check is performed for each measured parameter to determine the TCEMS bias, zero drift, and CD. Each gas is introduced as near to the sample probe inlet as possible so that the entire TCEMS is characterized by the system check. 8.2.2 The results of the TCEMS bias check will be documented. The system bias and the system drift will be calculated for each of the zero and upscale calibration gases. lf the system bias exceeds So/oi ot either the zero or the CD exceed 3o/o, the preceding test is considered unacceptable and corrections to the system must be made. lf corrections to the system are required, the Subcontractor will repeat the CE check and the System Bias check. 8.2.3 The results of all System Bias and CD checks conducted on a given day on a single analyzer will be documented. Separate documentation will be used for each analyzer. I PTM DATA ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS 9.1 General 9.1.1 Each analyzer outputs a signal to the DAS. The analyzer output signals are direct current (DC) volts and are linear and directly proportional (within the calibrated operating range of the instrument) to the concentration of the specific parameter being rneasured. 9.1.2 The DAS includes a scientific data logger that processes the output signal from the analyzer and downloads it to a PC. lnput to the scientific data logger is continuous. The scientific data logger averages the signal over periods of time that are variable by the operator. Typical averaging periods range from one second up to five minutes, depending on the intended use of the data. 9.1.3 The averaged data are downloaded by the scientific data logger into an ASCII file in the PC. The signal is simultaneously processed and displayed on a color monitor. A hard copy of the data is generated on a printer as it is downloaded from the scientific data logger to the PC. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 23 EG 033 . CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN 9.2 Data Quality Requirements 9.2.1 The analyzer performance requirements are listed in Paragraph 6.2. They are also repeated below: Analyzer Calibration Error - Less than 2% of the span value for the zero, mid-range, and high-range calibration gases. Sampling System Bias - Less than 5o/o of the span for the zero and mid-range or high-range calibration gases. Zero Drift - Less than 3o/o of the span over the period of each run. Calibration Drift - Less than 3% of the span over the period of each run. o lnterference Response - Less lharl 2% of the span value. 9.2.2 lf the above TCEMS performance requirements are not met, the test data are not acceptable for the purposes of this program. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 24 EG 033 - CEMS GERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN 1O DATA QUALITY MANAGEMENT 10.1 Data collected during a field sampling program wil! be considered preliminary. Copies of preliminary data may be relinquished to the contractor's representative, EG&G or Lab QC Personnel. No data will be relinquished without a qualification of the status of the data placed on the data. 10.2 Preliminary daily report in hard copy or electronic format shall be produced to monitor testing status. This preliminary report will include the sampling location, tests that were conducted, passing criteria, and a pass/fail status. 10.3 Preliminary status of data will apply until the data is included in a final test report. The fina! report will be approved by the following entities: o Sub-contractor Quality Manager . TOCDF Laboratory QC Manager EG&G Environmental Manager CMA Field Office o Deseret Chemical Depot Title V Responsible Official (for DAQ reports onlY) 10.4 Rounding numbers, any number less than or equal to 5 round down, and any number 6 or higher round up. CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev 8 Chg 3 xx xxx 09 Page 25 EG 033 . CEMS CERTIFICATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES N:\Environmental\FICM\RCFIA-Mod\1092 - atlicVesoonse to state comments\2nd comment oeriod oermit chanqe paqes word\ATCH-2O EG033 R8C3 atlic final Rev 1.do CEM Certification Quality Assurance Program Plan EG 033 Rev I Chg 3 xx xxx 09 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES PAGE NO.REV/CHG NO. 1 RBC2 2-8 R8C3 I - 13 R8C2 14 R8C3 15 RBC2 16 RBC3 17 -25 RBC2 (+ F|' tD())l-a* l-)o H)(+ N) N) TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 ATTACHMENT 22 AGENT MONITORING PLAN Attachm ent 22 - Page I TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF APPENDTCES .............. ..................3 LIST OF ACRONYMS and TERMINOLOGY. ...............4 TERMINOLOGY .......... ..........6 22.1POLICY/GOALS OF MONITORING OPERATIONS ................ .................9 22.12 Perimeter Monitoring. ......................9 22.1.3 TOCDF StationNumbering and Locations............... .............9 22.1.4 Summarized Requirements ................. ................9 22.2 RESPONSIBILITIES ..........9 22.3 COORDTNATTON ............10 22.3.2 Monitoring Manager ......................10 22.3.3 Monitoring Operations Supervisor.. ..................11 22.3.4 Monitoring Team Leader ...............10 22.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE MOMTORING PLAN .......................10 22.5 AGENT MONITORING ACTIVITIES................. ....................10 22.6 TOCDF PLANTACTITIVES ..............11 22.7 CATEGORIES OF PLANT AREAS ......................11 22.7.1Toxic and Process Areas......... .......11 22.72 Toxic Process Areas Air1ocks............. .............11 22.7.3 Outside of Toxic Process Areas......... ...............11 22.7.4 WorkAreas......... ........11 22.7.5 Lunch Rooms ..............11 22.7 .6 Positive Pressure Areas......... .........1 1 22.7 .7 Positive Pressure Areas......... .........12 z2.8FtlTER MONrTORING......... .............12 22.9 SAMPLING PARAMETERS........... ......................13 22.t0 DATA HANDLING................ ..........13 22.11 QUALITY CONTROL.............. ........13 22.11.1 QualityManagementProgram... ......12 22.11.2 FailuretoMonitor. ...............12 33:13 U3$H8i1fi)lilF8I?ff^?s: : ::: : :,::::::::: :::: ::: :::: :: : ::::::: ::: :11 22.14 MONITOR/MONITORING LOCATIONS ................ ............15 22.15 MONTTORING PLAN ......................15 22.15.1 List of Monitors............. .............15 22.15.3 Temporary Changes..... ...............15 22.15.4 Additional Support ,.................. .....................15 22.16 MONITORING STRATEGY .........:..s..................14 22.162 STEL......... ................14',tril:lJSl " : :i; 22.16.5 AELLevels.. .............:.i ... ...15 22.16.6 Monitoring Cessation..... ........... ....15 22.17 EQUTPMENT .................16 Attachrnent 22 - Page 2 TOCDF Agent Monito.ing Plan October 2009 22.18 STACK CONFIGURATION........... ....................18 22.t8.2 ACAMS..... ..............18 22.t8.3 DAAMS. .......19 22.18.4 Dilution Air Flow Controllers .......................19 22.19 FURNACE STACK AND DUCT MONTTORTNG ........... ........................19 22.l9.|Calibrating,Challenging,orServicing.........'......' 22.19.2 Suspended Monitoring (Furnace Ducts Only)......... .........19 22.19.3 Suspended Common Stack Monitoring .......... ..................20 22.20 MOMTORTNG FOR AGENT FROM PAST CAMPAIGNS................. ......................21 22.2t Ltr.E SUPPORT SYSTEM (LSS) ArR HOSE MONTTORTNG ................ ...................21 22.22 ACANLS DATA COLLECTION............. .............20 22,23 DAANIS SYSTEM .,.,.,...20 22.24 BACKT.TP EQUrPMENT....... ............2t 22.2s MATNTENANCE ................... ...........2t 22.26 STARTUP OF MONITORING................ ...........21 22.27 SPECTAL ON-SITE CONTAINER (ONC) MONrTORrNG............ .........2t 22.28 ACANTS ALARM HORN.. . ... . .. . . . 21 22.29 ACANTS ALARM LEVEL...... ......................21 22.30 PORTABLE ACAMS/DAAMS MONITORING TRAILERS ,,,.,,,,.,,,,,., .21 22.31 CARBONFILTERS ONACAMS......... ,.,.,.,.22 22.32 I0/IPF DISCHARGE AIRLOCK (DAL) ACAMS/DAAMS...... ......,22 22.33 ACANTS/DAAMS AT EQUIPMENT HYDRAULIC MODULE.. . . ......... ,22 22.34 FUGITIVE EMISSIONMONITORING... .,,........,. .,22 22.35 ALARMRESPONSEREQUTREMENTS... ......23 22.35.1 Common Stack Alarm for VX or GB. ..... ...23 22.35.2 Duct (MPF/DFS/LIC1/LIC2) Alarm for VX and GB.....:... .....24 22.35.3 HVAC StackAlarm for VX or GB... .........24 22.35.4WorkplaceMonitoringforVX(CategoriesCandDAreas). ......24 22.35.5 Workplace Monitoring for GB (Categories C and D Areas)...... ... ...'. 24 APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D APPENDIX E APPENDIX F APPENDIX G APPENDIX H APPENDIX I APPENDIX J List Of Appendices AGENT MONITORING PLAN ..:................ .......................27 DRAWINGS OF AIR MONITORING LOCATIONS .,.,.,,,,64 HEATED SAMPLE LINE ASSEMBLY DRAWING .........82 HEATED SAMPLE LrNE PARTS DRAWTNG................ .....................84 DAAMS DILUTION AIR FLOW CONTROLLERS ..........86 DAAMS STACK SAMPLING ASSEMBLY ......................88 ACAMS STACK SAMPLING ASSEMBLY .......................90 ACAMS/DAAMS VX SAMPLING PROBE CONFIGURATION...............,,....,,....92 SAMPLE PROBE FOR ArRLOCKS........... ........................94 ACAMS/DAAMS VX SAMPLING PROBE CONFIGURATION...........................96 Attachrnent 22 - Page 3 TOCDF Agent Monito.ing Plan October 2009 LIST OF ACROIYYMS and TERMINOLOGY ACRONYMS ACAMS AutomaticContinuousAirMonitoringSystem ADAFC ACAMS Dilution Air Flow Controller AEL Airbome Exposure Limit AL Alarm Level AMP Attachment 22, Agent Monitoring Plan ASR Agent Sampling Room AWFCO Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff BSA Buffer Storage Area CAL Chemical Assessment Laboratory CAMDS Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services CDRL Contract Data Requirements List CHB ContainerHandling Building CMA Chemical Materials Agency CON Control Room COR Corridor CPA Conversion Pad Assembly CWM Chemical Warfare material CYC CycloneDAAMS Depot Area Air Monitoring System DAL Discharge Airlock DCD Deseret Chemical Depot DFS Deactivation Furnace System DPE Demilitarization Protective Ensemble DSA DPE Support Area DUC Duct ECF Entry Control Facility ECL Engineering Control Level ECR Explosive Containment Room ECV Explosive Containment Vestibule EHM Equipment Hydraulic Modules FIL Filter GA Nerve Agent GA, Tabun GB Nerve Agent GB. Sarin GCTFPD Gas Chromatograph / Flame Photometric Detector GCA{SD Gas Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometer Detector GFP Government Furnished Property GPL General Population Limit H Levinstein Mustard, or bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide HD Blister Agent HD HDC Heated Discharge Conveyer HT Blister Agent HT (Thickened) IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health LCO Limiting Conditions of Operations Attachrn ent 22 - Page 4 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 LIC Liquid Incinerator LOP Laboratory Operating Procedure LOQ Limit of QuantificationLMQAP Laboratory and Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan LQCP Laboratory Quality Control Plan, TOCDF Site Plan LSS Life Support System LVS Low-Volume Sampler MCP Monitoring Concept Plan MDB Munitions Demilitarization Building MED Medical Facility MER Mechanical Equipment Room MON Monitoring MPB Munitions Processing Bay MPF Metal Parts Furnace MSB Monitor Support Building MLIN Munitions NRT Near Real-Time OBS Observation Corridor ONC On-Site Container ORR Operational Readiness Review P&A Precision and Accuracy PAS Pollution Abatement System PDARS Process Data Acquisition and Reporting System PMB Personnel Maintenance Building PPE Personnel Protective Equipment PUB Process Utilities Building QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control QP Field Quality Control Samples RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RDTE Research Development Test and Evaluation RL Reporting Limit RTAP Real Time Analytical Platform SDS Spent Decontamination System SEL Source Emission Limit SOP Standard Operating Procedure SPS Secondary Power (Distribution) System STEL Short-Term Exposure Limit TCB Treaty Compliance Building TMA Toxic Maintenance Area TOCDF Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility TOX Toxic Cubicle UPA Unpack Area UPS Unintemrptible Power Supply VSL Vapor Screening Limit VX Nerve Agent VX WAP Waste Analysis Plan WHS Warehouse WPL Worker Population Limit Z A generic designation of an applicable monitoring level such as STEL, WPL, VSL, GPL or SEL. Attachm ent 22 - Page 5 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 TERMINOLOGY Action Level - A pre-determined set point that triggers a specified action. AEL: Airborne exposure limit is the allowable concentration in the air for workplace and general population exposures. AELs include worker population limits (WPLs), short-term exposure limits (STELs), Vapor Screening Limit (VSL), immediately dangerous to life or health values (IDLHs), and general population limits (GPLs). Alarm Level (AL): Alarm Level at which the ACAMS (Near-Real Time) monitor will alarm to alert personnel of a potential upset conditions. All sampling and analytical monitors must, at a minimum, measure within +25% of the true concentration95o/o of the time. Alarm levels are defined in Attachment 22, Appendix A. Baseline (Initial): Before each individual agent campaign the monitoring system is operated in the configuration in which it will be used during the campaign. This is known as baseline operations. The purpose for the baseline is to provide evidence that the whole system will perform within required tolerances and requirements, and to document the configuration of the system at the time of the baseline. Once a system is baselined, the configuration of the system must not be changed (within limits) or the baseline has been violated and a new baseline must be performed. Category A Area: The toxic processing area supported by the cascade ventilation system designated for probable liquid and vapor agent contamination (for example, munitions processing bay, toxic cubicle). Category B Area: The toxic processing area supported by the cascade ventilation system designated for possible vapor agent contamination only. Category C Area: The nontoxic work area adjacent to Category A or B areas that is supported by the cascade ventilation system designated for possible lowJevel vapor agent contamination (for example, observation corridors). Category D Area: The nontoxic work area designation for areas considered uncontaminated. Category E Area: The area designated for a positive pressure, filtered air environment (for example, Control Room). Distal End: Location where the air sample enters into the sampling system except for the MPF Discharge Airlock and DAAMS duct monitors for VX. The distal end for VX at the MPF Discharge Airlock ACAMS and duct DAAMS is at the V/G conversion pad located five inches from where the sample enters the system. The MPF Discharge Airlock DAAMS V/G conversion pad is located 18 inches from where the sample enters the system when VX agent is monitored. ECL: Engineering Control Level (ECL) is uied to indicate that the sensitivity of the ACAMS at this location has been increased to provide representative readings in agent contaminated areas that are higher than the VSL and lower than IDLH monitoring. Engineering Control or Under Engineering Control: When the environment in a room or area is under negative atmospheric pressure and the evacuated- air is processed to remove contamination, the area or room is considered to be "under engineering control." An example is a munitions processing room that is expected to be contaminated with agent. The room is maintained under negative pressure to prevent agent leakage out of the room. The air that is evacuated from the room is filtered through carbon to remove the agent. G-Agents: Either nerve agent GA (Tabun) or GB (Sarin). Attachm ent 22 - Page 6 TOCDF \Bent Monitoring Plan GPL: General Population Limit: The allowable 72-hour time-weighted average concentration for the general population. The limit applies to the entire population, including all ages and medical conditions. For G-agents, the GPL is 1 x 10-6 mglrrf for 24 hours. For VX, the GPL is 6 x 10-7 mghrf for 24 hours. For HD, the GPL is 2 x 10-5 mg/ri for 12 hours. H - Levinstein Mustard, or bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide. Mustard produced by the Levinstein process contains about 30 percent sulfur impurities. H is monitored as HD. HD - Distilled Mustard, or bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide. HD is H that has been purified by washing and vacuum distillation to reduce sulfur impurities. HD may be contaminated with trace concentrations of the blister agent L. HT - Blister agent mustard composed of approximately 60 percent HD and 40 percent agent T {bislz-(z- chloroethylio)ethyllether). Both HD and T are alkylating agents. HT is monitored as HD. IDLH: Immediately Dangerous To Life and Health (IDLH): The maximum concentration from which, in the event of a respirator failure, one could escape within 30 minutes without a respirator and without experiencing any escape impairing (for example, severe eye irritation) or irreversible health effects. IDLH levels are 0.1mg/# for G-agents, 0.003 mdri for VX, and 0.7 mg/m3 for mustard. The mustard IDLH is based only on non-carcinogenic effects. No IDLH has been established for carcinogens. Interferent: An interferent is a chemical compound that will cause an Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System (ACAMS), Depot Area Air Monitoring System (DAAMS) to false alarm or malfunction in such a way that they could not detect agent. There are some interferents that mask agent so it is not detectable, including some paints, lubricants, and even some foods. The DAAMS analysis is better at discriminating between agent and an interferent than the ACAMS. For this reason, DAAMS are paired with ACAMS at many locations for the purpose of confirming or denying alarms. Neat Agent: Neat agent is agent that has not been diluted since manufacture or preparation. It may not be "pure" but it is as manufactured. Once it is diluted, it is no longer considered neat. QP: Quality Plant sample: The quantitative result obtained from challenging an ACAMS/DAAMS or sample line with a solution prepared at a known concentration. RDTE Dilute Solutions: RDTE Dilute Solutions are defined by the agent concentration and by the quantity in a single container. They are as follows: Agent G-agents VX Mustard Maximum Total Ouantity 20 mg 10 mg 100 mg Maximum Concentration 2.0 mg/ml 1.0 mglml 10.0 mg/ml SEL: Source Emission Limit, the SEL was previously known as the Allowable Stack Concentration (ASC). SEL is a ceiling value that serves as a source emission limit, and not as a health standard. It is used for monitoring the furnace ducts, and cornmon stacks. The SEL provides "an early. indication of upset conditions, and must be accurately measurable in a timely manner. Modeling of worst -case credible and conditions at each installation must confirm that the general population limit (GPL) monitoring level is not exceeded at the installation boundary as a consequence of releases at or below the SEL. It should be noted when monitoring at the common stack, because of the high temperature and moisture content of stack emissions, a dilution control device is used for the ACAMS and DAAMS. The SEL value for G-agents and VX is 0.0003 *dm3 and mustard is 0.03 mg/m3. STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit is the maximum concentration to which unprotected chemical workers may be exposed to for up to 15 minutes continuously. For G-agents, the STEL is 1 x 10-a mdm3 four times daily. For VX, the STEL is 1 x 10-5 mg/m3, one time daily. For IID, the STEL is 3 x 10-3 miltf ., one time per day. Attachm ent 22 - Page 7 STEL Concentration: A concentration equivalent to the one-cycle reading of a Near-Real Time monitor). TOCDF Agent Monito.ing Plan October 2009 STEL value but without time weighting (i.e., a VSL: Vapor Screening Limit. A vapor concentration term that is independent of time. It may be used to define the level to which an item is monitored to determine the agent contamination level, or alternately, the readout of an NRT monitor. For G-agents, the VSL is 1 x 104 ^glrrf . For VX, the VSL is I x 10-s -g/-'. For HD, the VSL is 3 x 10-3 n g/.'. WPL: Worker Population Limits. The average allowable concentration that an unmasked worker could be exposed to for an 8 to 12 hour workday 40 hours per week for 30 years without adverse effects. The WPL for TOCDF has been adjusted to reflect a 12-hour work shift. The 12-hour WPL for G-agents is 2 x 10-5 mg/m3, VX is 6 x 10-7 mg/rrf ,and HD is 2.7 X 104 mg/m3. Zt A geneic designation of an applicable monitoring level such as STEL, WPL, VSL, GPL or SEL. Attachrnent 22 - Page 8 22,1 22.1 .1 22.1. 1 .1 22.1 .1 .2 22.1.2 22.t.2.1 22.1.3 22.L.3.1 22.1.4 22.t.4.t 22.2 22.2.1 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 AGENT MONITORING PLAI\ POLICY/GOALS OF MONITORING OPERATIONS Purpose This Monitoring Plan contains monitoring requirements for Mustard (H, HT or HD) bulk and munitions processing, and processing of Mustard, VX and GB secondary waste., Secondary wastE is only allowed per Conditions V.C.1.a.ii through V.C.1.a.viii for the purpose of this plan, the term "Mustard" may mean agents H, HT, or HD). This plan reflects the monitoring for each processing area when it is being used for agent work. When agent work in a given area is suspended, the monitoring for that area may be suspended as stated in Paragraphs 22.16.6, 22.19 .2 or 22.19 .3. Before campaigns other than those listed above coillmence, a revised monitoring plan shall be developed. The primary purpose of Monitoring is to have near real-time analytical data to limit/prevent and document exposure of personnel to chemical warfare agents and protect the environment from the introduction of agents. Agent monitoring is also performed for process control putposes to identify upset conditions in the processes and to measure agent concentrations in toxic areas which allow management to make decisions on protective clothing requirements for entries into toxic areas. Perimeter Monitoring Monitoring of the perimeter of the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) is conducted by Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System (CAMDS) personnel. Perimeter monitoring provides evidence and documents whether there is any chemical agent migration outside of DCD. TOCDF Station Numbering and Locations This Monitoring Plan provides a table of locations and station numbers (Appendix A & K) for agent monitors associated with TOCDF. Summarized Requirements Monitoring Operations monitors for Mustard bulk containers and munition processing and Mustard, VX and GB secondary waste. There are three configurations employed at TOCDF: ACAMS only, ACAMS with co-located DAAMS, and DAAMS only. ACAMS-only stations primarily are used in toxic areas to provide information to management for protective clothing determination for entries into toxic areas. ACAMS with co-located DAAMS serve two purposes, 1) the ACAMS is the primary monitor, which quantifies the amount of agent present. Concurrently, ACAMS provide an early warning system to plant personnel ofa potential agent release at or above the alarm set points in Attachment22, Appendix A. The colocated DAAMS are used to confirm or deny the presence of agent. 2) DAAMS tubes are also analyzed from these stations on a monthly rotational basis to monitor areas at the WPL. DAAMS only station are used for historical purposes to monitor areas at the WPL. The DAAMS historical tubes are not connected to an alarm. Historical DAAMS are located in areas not expecting to have agent. Response to ACAMS alarms are in accordance with Section 22.35. RESPONSIBILITIES The Monitoring group supports TOCDF by operating and maintaining monitoring equipment and routinely collecting liquid and solid samples in and around the TOCDF Attachm ent 22 - Page 9 22,3 22.3.1 22.3.2 22.3.3 223.4 22.4 22.4.7 22.5 22.s.1 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan plant. Monitoring personnel may designate the sampling duties to a trained sample technician. The Monitoring Department utilizes a variety of monitoring equipment. Much of the equipment is Government Furnished Property (GFP), which is augmented by equipment, and supplies that are obtained from commercial vendors. Liquid and solid samples will be delivered to the Chemical Assessment Laboratory (CAL) for analysis. The analytical department personnel are responsible for performing the analysis or transferring the samples requiring analysis to a Utah certified subcontractor laboratory. Laboratory Quality Control personnel are responsible for inspecting and auditing all Laboratory (analytical and monitoring) operations. COORDINATION There are several levels of coordination performed by within the Monitoring Department. Other than normal working relationships within the plant and at the CAL, there are three supervisory levels. Monitoring Manager The Monitoring Manager coordinates additions or deletions of the workload such as new sampling or monitoring requirements. S/tre will be the control point for any changes in monitoring or sampling parameters such as changes of sampling times or sample flows. Monitoring Operations Supervisor The Monitoring Operations Supervisor works directly for the Monitoring Manager and coordinates the work load with the Team Leaders of all shifts. The supervisor will coordinate the timing of special monitoring and sampling operations with the Operations Supervisor and Plant Shift Manager. Monitoring Team Leader The Monitoring Team Leader for each shift will coordinate the timing of routine monitoring and sampling operations with the Control Room (CON) personnel. This coordination is specified in the applicable Laboratory Operating Procedures (LOPs). The Team Leader or designated certified monitoring technician and at least one team member will respond to aII ACAMS alarms in accordance with approved monitoring procedures and will be in direct contact with the Control Room. OBJECTIVES OF THE MONITORING PLAN The Monitoring Plan provides identification of monitoring devices and sampling locations. The monitors are used to provide agent detection and measurement to aid in providing worker and general population protection, and to indicate plant operations are in control. AGENT MONITORING ACTIVITIES Monitoring activities are structured to support toxic operations. Maintenance and QC activities for ACAMS are scheduled during times that do not interfere with plant operations. This is done by obtaining permission from the Control Room before any monitor or sampling device is taken out of service. The DAAMS is used for the collection of samples of agent for confirmation of ACAMS alarms and as primary monitoring in areas not monitored with ACAMS. The monitors listed in the Appendices must be operational when performing the operations they support except when oflline for challenging and corrective actions, as documented in approved procedures or monitoring has been suspended in accordance with this plan. Attachrn ent 22 - Page l0 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan 22.6 TOCDX'PLAIIT MONITORINGACTTVITIES 22.6.1 In the dernilitarization plant area, hazard category classifications and personnel occupancy are the factors used to determine monitoring activities. When monitoring is conducted for personnel protection or to assess potential personnel exposure it must be sufficient to identiff, veriff, and quantify the agent. VSL and WPL monitoring is performed in areas of the facility where workers may have a potential exposure to chemical warfare agent. Selected "C" hazard category areas of the plant have WPL monitoring conducted on a daily basis for all work areas where chemical agent is present without secondary vapor containment and workers are not required to wear respirator protection, while other "C" hazard category areas have WPL monitoring conducted on a monthly basis in accordance with this plan. 22.7 CATEGORMS OF'PLAIIT AREAS 22.7.1 Toxic and Process Areas 22.7.1.I These areas are potentially contaminated as a result of the presence of uncontained liquid agent or agent vapor. An example is the Munitions Processing Bay (MPB). This area is monitored using an ACAMS. The agent concentrations determine the Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) that is required for personnel entry. At times, the monitoring may be enhanced to allow the PPE for specific toxic areas to be reduced to enhance worker mobility. This requires Safety Manager approval. This could include changing the ACAMS to a more sensitive detection level or adding DAAMS in order to confirm or deny an ACAMS alarm. Toxic Area ACAMS are used to quantify potential exposure ofpersonnel. 22.7.2 Toxic Process Area Airlocks Airlocks serve as access/egress points between contaminated areas and clean work areas. To limit the transfer of agent from "toxic" areas to "work areas", under normal conditions, items and personnel are cleared through an airlock. Procedures govern egress through airlocks to prevent items or personnel from exiting toxic areas until they have been monitored by an ACAMS. Agent readings must be less than the level set by egress procedures to clear items and personnel from the airlock. 22.7.3 Outside of Toxic Process Areas The Unpack Area (UPA) is an area where agent vapor is not normally expected, but a potential exists for low-level vapor cgntaryungli-o_n. This area is considered as "under engineering control" and is monitored at the VSL and WPL level daily. Observation corridors are hallways that run adjacent to toxic areas. The corridors are considered to be "under engineering controls" and are monitored at the VSL daily and at the WPL level at least monthly. 22.7.4 Work Areas At the TOCDF site, there are many work areas where toxic operations are not conducted. These areas are not "under engineering control" and have little or no potential for vapor contamination. These areas are not monitored for agent. Inside the MDB, examples of work areas include the Chiller Room, Electrical Rooms, Battery Room, Switchgear Room, and UPS Rooms. Examples of work areas outside the MDB include the PUB and warehouses. 22.7.5 Lunch Rooms Lunch Rooms inside process areas require WPL monitoring. This is a safety requirement to verify that workers have not carried contamination into these areas. Attachrnent 22 - Page I I 22.7.6 22.8 22.8.1 22.8.1 .2 22.8.1 .4 22.8.2 22.8.3 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 Positive Pressure Areas These are areas in which there are no agent operations and no potential for vapor contamination. These areas are maintained at a positive pressure with carbon filtered air. This allows personnel in these'areas to perform without the need of a mask or protective clothing, if an upset agent conditions existed outside of engineering controls. Examples of these areas are the Control Room (COI.{), and DPE Support Area (DSA). Monitoring is not required in these areas. FILTER MONITORING Multiple Bank Carbon Filter units provide negative pressure ventilation for potentially contaminated areas throughout the plant. A description of the Munitions Demilitarization Building (MDB) ventilation carbon filters is located in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan), Paragraph 5.9. Filter monitoring is performed at the VSL level in order to detect evidence of filter degradation in order to allow changing of the filter media before there is a possibility of an agent leak to the atmosphere. The MDB IIVAC filter stack shall be monitored with ACAMS and DAAMS for any agents being processed in the furnaces. Additionally, on the MDB stack, only DAAMS tubes shall be required to monitor for agents from past campaigns, if the contaminated charcoal has been removed after the completion date of the campaign. If the first three filters are not changed out after an agent campaign, then the MDB IryAC stack shall be monitored with ACAMS and DAAMS for agents from these past campaigns. Filter stack DAAMS samples, shall be collected and analyzed every 12 hours. ln addition, HVAC DAAMS tubes shall be collected and analyzed if an associated ACAMS goes into an alarm. The MDB HVAC filter mid-bed locationi shall be monitored continuously with DAAMS for any agents being processed in the facility (filter online or offline). Sample stream switches shall be used to allow one or more ACAMS to monitor the mid-beds, alternately, for any agents being processed in the plpnt (filter online or offline). Locations of the midbed ACAMS and DAAMS tubes are specified in Attachment 22, Appendix A. DAAMS tubes monitoring the midbeds or vestibule shall be analyzed if the midbed ACAMS goes into alarm. The CAL filter stack shall be monitored with ACAMS and DAAMS for Mustard, GB and VX. The tubes shall be collected andanalyzed when an associated ACAMS goes into alarm. The CAL DAAMS tubes, located in the midbeds (Attachment22, Appendix A), shall monitor for GB, VX and Mustard and shall be analyzed daily. If a confirmed ACAMS agent reading on the mid-beds reaches 3 VSL or any agent being monitored, the change-out of the filters shall coflrmence as specified in Module X. The Area 10 Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration System (101 and 102, are located adjacent to Igloos 1631 and 1632, and supports secondary waste treatment (i.e., autoclave and DVS/DVSSR) operations in DCD Igloo 163 I and 1632. Carbon Adsorption Filtration Systems 101 or 102 shall continuously monitor for agent, in accordance with Appendix A, at the midbeds and exhaust stack for whichever filter is on- line. Monitoring consists of: 1) ACAMS/DAAMS (0.5VSL) between the first and second carbon bed, and 2) AcAMs/Confirmation DAAMS, at the common exhaust stack Attachrnent 22 - Page 12 22.9 229.1 22.10 22.10.1 22.11 22.11.1 22.11 .1 .1 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan for both Filters 101 and 102. Monitoring is performed at the 0.5 VSL level in order to detect evidence offilter degradation or agent breakthrough to allow change-out ofthe filter media before there is a possibility of an agent release to the atmosphere. The on-line Area 10 Filter midbed locations (i.e., primary filter and backup filter) shall have the DAAMS-sampled and analyzed daily. Agent monitoring is required for past agent campaigns in the stack and midbeds for the Area 10 Igloo Carbon Adsorption Filtration Systems until the carbon filters have been replaced. SAMPLING PARAMETERS The operational control limits for sampling parameters such as sample flow rate and duration of sample time are under configuration control and documented in precision and accuracy studies before "Base Line" monitoring is performed and can only be changed by the Monitoring Manager following approved procedures. DATA HANDLING Monitoring parameters, such as flow rates and sample collection start and end times are recorded and accompany the sample to the laboratory. Comments pertaining to equipment malfunction (such as failure to sequence) are currently recorded in logbooks at each station and the information transferred to and maintained in a database. Before eliminating ACAMS and DAAMS station logbooks, the TOCDF must demonstrate to the Executive Secretary that the electronic recording and data retrieval system performs such that all pertinent information is readily retrievable (written approval from Executive Secretary required). Sample problems are also armotated with pertinent information. This information is used to identify the need for corrective action to prevent recurring deficiencies. The corrective action may consist of such things as additional training or changing the types of preventive maintenance for particular types of equipment. All raw data from ACAMS, including calibrations and challenges, (except those at the CAL and some areas in the plant as noted in the Table in Appendix A) are gathered on the Process Data Acquisition and Reporting System (PDARS) in the Control Room and maintained in a database. The ACAMS strip-chart is used to evaluate agent concentration and alarm cycle time. QUALITY CONTROL TOCDF QM (Quality Management) Program Confidence in sampling methods that characterize actual ambient concentrations of agent in a given matrix is of utmost importance. An extensive QA Program is required to ensrue the quality of monitoring data is adequate for its intended use. The programmatic Laboratory and Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (LMQAP) and the Monitoring Concept Plan (MCP) are guidance documents for all laboratories supporting agent demilitarization operations. The TOCDF Laboratory Quality Control Plan (LQCP) and the TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan (AMP) were prepared in accordance with the requirements of the LMQAP and MCP. The TOCDF LQCP and TOCDF AMP (Attachment 22) must be at least as stringent as the programmatic guidance. f,'ailure To Monitor22.11.2 Attachm ent 22 - Page 13 22.11 .2.1 22.1r.2.2 22.11 .2.3 22.11 .2.4 22.11 .2.5 22.12 22.12.1 .1 22.12.2 22.12.3 22.12.4 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan All of the monitoring identified in this plan must be operating and in control during processing in a given area or it will be considered a'Missed Monitoring" and will be reported as such. The following are exceptions: During campaign changeover transition periods when monitors are being changed to a new agent campaign. When a Temporary Change has been approved (see Paragraph22.l5.3\. If the ACAMS is olfline for more than one and a half hours, the DAAMS becomes the primary monitor and therefore must be analyzed. This does not apply to the IIVAC stack, common stack or ducts. If mitigating measures have been taken to secure an area and processing has ceased, then monitoring at that station will not be considered a "missed monitoring." This does not apply to the IIVAC stack, common stack or ducts. NOTIFICATION PROCEDI]RES The PDARS in the Control Room collects data from each ACAMS and stores the readings in a temporary computer file. A computer in the Control Room uses this file to access agent readings from each ACAMS. These readings may be displayed on demand in the Control Room and at the MSB. The ACAMS shall alarm at each location when detected agent concentrations meets or exceed the alarm set points. ACAMS that monitor toxic areas under engineering control may not have a local alarm. (See Section 22.28) This is because the ACAMS would be constantly in alarm. In the event of an ACAMS alarming at or above the alarm level, outside of engineering controls, or in category "C" areas or at the CAL, the Control Room will notify the Monitoring Team Leader or designee. The Team Leader or designated certified monitoring technician along with one other Monitoring person will respond by going to the location of the ACAMS that is in alarm. Monitoring personnel evaluate alarms by observing the chromatogram and troubleshooting for malfunctions, verifying the alarm level set point, challenging an ACAMS with an agent standard to ensure that it is operating correctly, and collecting the associated DAAMS tubes for analysis. The Alarm Response Requirements are specified in Section22.35. If the alarm is confirmed by DAAMS, appropriate corrective measures are taken as specified in Attachment 3, (TOCDF LQCP). When it is believed that the area has been cleaned, the area monitor will determine if the corrective measure was adequate. If results are less than the alarm level set point, normal operations may commence. The Control Room (CON) shall monitor the CAL ACAMS alarms and shall notifu Monitoring per the requirements of Paragraph22.12.2. If the CAL has an alarm, neat agent operations at the CAL shall be suspended. If the alarm causes TOCDF to fail to meet LCO requirements, waste feed shall cease for all furnaces at TOCDF. All ACAMS alarms, which have co-located DAAMS, require analysis of the DAAMS tube(s). In addition, all alarms at the common stack will require that the DAAMS tubes be pulled and analyzed on all operating furnace ducts. The analytical results of the DAAMS tubes, pulled due to an ACAMS alarm, shall be reported to the CON. The CAL will maintain the official record of all DAAMS results. Attachrnent 22 - Page l4 O 22.13 22.13.1 22.14 22.t4.1 22.15 22.15.1 22.1 5.1 .1 22.15.2 22,15.3 22.t5.3.1 22.15.4 22.t5.4.1 22.16 22.16.1 22.1 6.1 .1 TOCDFo'*'H:"#x,,'.,;; CONTROL LIMITS FOR ACAMS AIl ACAMS that monitor the common stack and any VX ACAMS located in the ducts shall be challenged every 4 hours plus or minus 30 minutes in accordance with TE-LOP- 524. All other duct ACAMS shall be challenged daily. The ACAMS challenge results are collected electronically for all plant ACAMS connected to PDARS. The data for the CAL ACAMS and ACAMS not connected to PDARS are recorded manually and then archived. These data are used to assess the performance of individual units and the performance of the overall monitoring system. The TOCDF LQCP details the pass/fail criteria. The performance of th6 ACAMS is tracked daily and any ACAMS that falls into the fail category is corrected or replaced. MONITOR/IVIONITORING LOCATIONS The monitors within the TOCDF site were placed in locations to maintain minimum distances to the actual sampling point while keeping the equipment out of hazardous areas. For the actual monitoring locations at TOCDF, see Appendix A and the associated drawings. MONITORING PLAI\ List of Monitors Appendix A outlines the monitoring stations for operations of the TOCDF site except for the perimeter monitors. The perimeter monitoring is the responsibility of CAMDS. LIMITING CONDITIONS OF OPERATION (LCOs) The monitors identified for a given campaign must be operating at all times and are considered to be Limiting Conditions of Operations (LCOs). In the event that a monitor is not capable of operating, immediate corrective actions will be taken. (See Paragraph 22.1s.3). Temporary Changes Temporary changes may be made to the requirements of this plan by following the normal TOCDF procedures, which provide proper approvals and documentation. This will allow for adding to, reducing the number of, or changing the configuration of agent monitors on a temporary basis. The Permittee shall notiff the Executive Secretary orally of any reduced monitoring applicable to this Attachment prior to implementation. Additional Support Occasionally support from DCD or CAMDS is required for additional monitoring support. This may include the use of Real Time Analytical Platform (RTAPs) for increased area monitoring, or an upset condition, and the operation of DAiAlv{S station GPLOOI. MONITORING STRATEGY Worker Population Limit (WPL) Monitoring Worker Population Limit (WPL) monitoring will be performed with DAAMS. The WPL monitoring is conducted daily for all work areas where chemical agent is present without secondary vapor containment and workers are not required to wear respirator protebtion. Also, the Category C areas where agent is not present are monitored on a monthly basis. Attachrnent 22 - Page l5 22.16.2 22.16.4 22.16.5 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) and Vapor Screening Limit (VSL) Monitoring VSL monitoring will be performed at all workplace locations as specified in Appendix A. DAAMS will be used to confirm a VSL exceedance, except for bagged items incoming air will be minimized to prevent dilution of sample when clearing bagged items. The filter stacks use the VSL monitoring limit on the ACAMS itsell but any confirmed release will be reported in a concentration (mg/m3). STEL and VSL are equivalent in terms of concentration values, but are different in that STEL is based on a 15 minute time-weighted average and that VSL is independent of time. Source Emission Limit (SEL) SEL is a ceiling value that serves as a source emission limit, and not as a health standard. It is used for monitoring the furnace ducts, and common stacks. Staggered ACAMS which monitor continuously are required on the cofirmon stack for each agent being processed. DAAMS are used as confirmation for any ACAMS alarms above the alarm level. A Waste Feed Cutoff for all incinerators/furnaces is initiated when an alarm at or above the alarm level is exceeded at the common stack. The incinerator/furnace ducts shall be monitored with ACAMS and DAAMS for any agent being processed. When the primary ACAMS are undergoing calibration or maintenance a standby ACAMS shall be monitoring the ducts for the agent being processed. AEL LEVELS Attachrn ent 22 - Page I 6 22.16.6 22.17 22.19.1 22,17.1 22.17 .1 .1 TOCDF Agent Monito.ing Plan October 2009 G-agents mg/m'VX mg/m3 H-agents mdm3 STEL (15-Minutes) 0.0001 0.00001 0.003 WPL' (12-Hours) 0.00002 0.0000006 0.00027 WPL2 (B-Hours) 0.00003 0.000001 0.0004 WPL2 (4-Hours) 0.00006 0.000002 0.0008 SEL 0.0003 0.0003 0.03 IDLH (30-Minutes) 0.1 0.003 0.7 VSL 0.0001 0.00001 0.003 Notes: ' The l2-hour WPL monitoring level will be used for routine historical monitoring and for areas where munitions are stored outside of secondary containment (UPA). 'The S-hour monitoring level will be used for LSS air monitoring irregardless of actual sample time. The 4-hour monitoring level is used only for VX if the detection limit can not be achieve due to interferences Monitoring Cessation Confirmation monitoring may be suspended once agent has been confirmed to be present (NRT-only monitoring will be required to verify effectiveness of corrective actions). Once corrective actions have been resolved, confirmation monitoring shall be re- instituted. Any ACAMS alarm, without co-located DAAMS, is assumed to be agent. Agent specific monitoring may be halted if no corresponding waste is inside the facility boundaries. Once an agent waste enters the facility boundaries, monitoring must be reinstated for that agent in locations specified in Appendix A. This condition does not apply to the TIVAC [Area 10 (Igloos 1631 and 1632) (and Ci\L)] stack. MONITORING EQUIPMENT The following is a discourse of the types of equipment used for agent monitoring: ' ACAMS The ACAMS is a near-real-time monitor system with the ability to detect and report the concentration levels of chemical agent in the air at either low levels or high levels depending on its monitoring configuration. The ACAMS is configured for the appropriate detection level and the current agent(s) locations. The ACAMS is equipped with remote, audible, and visible alarm systems. The ACAMS samples air during a Attachm ent 22 - Page I 7 TOCDF dgent Monitoring Plan preset sample period. Agent present in the sample air stream is collected on a solid sorbent bed during the sample period for gas chromatographic (GC) analysis. The results of the GC analysis of the sampled air are displayed on the front panel of the instrument. A permanent record of the chromatogram and the agent concentration is recorded on a strip-chart. The ACAMS produces an audible and visible alarm when the agent concentration level is at or above the preset alarm level. The PDARS records the alarm time and agent concentration. In the case of the common stack and furnace duct ACAMS; the chromatogram is also recorded by the PDARS. The ACAMS are used to detect process upsets and are located in areas where concentrations ofagents are of concern or where rapid response is required to allow personnel to work in lower levels of protective dress. Process areas where high concentrations of agents are possible, a Low-Volume Sampler (LVS) may be utilized. The LVX operates in a toxic or process area by drawing air through the LVS, retaining a l-ml sample. It then sends that 1-ml sample to the ACAMS, which analyzes it and reports the actual agent concentration of the area being sampled. This process is necessary to prevent saturating the ACAMS. 22.17.2 DAAMS An additional monitoring system used is the DAAMS. DAAMS involve passing sampled air through a sorbent bed where any agent would be collected. The sample periods are determined by P&A study results and will be in the range of three minutes to twelve hours. DAAMS analysis is performed using a Class 1 quantitative method. However, when DAAMS are used in conjunction with an ACAMS, the results are used to confirm or refute the presence of agent. If an ACAMS is not monitoring correctly, the DAAMS tubes become the primary monitor and must be collected andanalyzed. DAAMS samples provide independent confirmation of positive ACAMS readings and a historical record of monitoring, in areas not monitored by ACAMS, at the WPL and GPL locations. 22.17.2.t.1 DAAMS tubes shall use a bar code system to track the specific station and agent of each tube. All confirmed DAAMS results, greater than the reporting limit (RL), shall be reported to the control room immediately. All confirmed sub-Rl levels shall be tracked and trended by the laboratory. NOxFilters In order to retain chemical agent Mustard on the DAAMS tube, NO; pre-filters shall be required for Mustard sample collection. The NOx pre-filters used on the inlet to the DAAMS tube and shall be used during the entire time of aspiration of the DAAMS sample. NOx pre-filters will be tested by visually inspecting the nitrogen oxides pre-filter for cracks, packing separation, and other physical defects. All Mustard sample line challenges shall be completed through the NO1 filter. Mustard pre-filters are not required for ACAMS due to the short duration of the sample time. NOx pre-filters shall be replaced on the common stack and duct monitoring instrumentation daily (24 hours + 4 hours). All other NO1 pre-filters shall be replaced at a frequency not to exceed 14 days. 22.17.3 Sample Lines. 22.17 .3 .l The agent sampling lines are heated to aid in the transmission of the sample. Appendices C&D show the configuration of the sampling assembly. They consist of Teflon sample line with self-regulating heat tape. Sample lines for stations MED 904V and MED 904G are not required to be heated. These ACAMS and DAAMS sample lines shall be challenged at the end of the sample line every 60 days * 3 days. All other ACAM Attachm ent 22 - Page l8 22.1'7.3.2 22.17 .3.3 22,17.4 22,17.4.1 22.IJ.4.3 22.17.5 22.17 .5.1 22.t7 .5.2 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan challenges for these stations (MED 904V and MED 904G) may be performed at the ACAMS. Other sample lines may not be heat traced as long as all challenges are performed at the end of the sample line. In these cases the line is challenged with agent to prove transmission of the agent down the sample line. All sample lines must be challenged and demonstrate transmission efficiency prior to the commencement of operations. After the completion of the initial sample line challenge, all non-toxic sample lines must be challenged at least every 60 days * 3 days. Samples lines in toxic areas are challenged during campaign changeover. Sample Lines (Suffixed with "S") Monitoring stations whose station number is suffixed by an "S" (spool) are to be used for special or short term monitoring only. The purpose of the "S" stations is to allow monitoring in specific locations that do not have a regularly assigned ACAMS. The station equipment consists of a sample line only. When the monitoring is performed, an adjacent ACAMS will be connected to the "S" sample line. In some cases the lines are arranged on a spool to allow it to be reeled out and moved to the point that needs sampling. The ACAMS that are used in conjunction with the "S" sample lines have switches (or PDARS software) that designates the station in use. The purpose of the switch is to identify the correct monitoring location to PDARS. This causes the ACAMS data to be cataloged to the correct sampling point and therefore provide accurate traceability of monitoring results. During the time the ACAMS is connected to the spool sample line, the DAAMS that was associated with the original ACAMS becomes the primary monitor for that location. This means that the DAAMS tubes must be analyzed, rather than serving the function of being confirmation DAAMS that only get analyzed in the event of an ACAMS alarm. Additionally, if the ACAMS alarms while corurected to the spool, there are no DAAMS tubes to serve the confirmation function. If there are readings on the ACAMS while it is in the spool mode, it must be assumed to be agent. For "S" designated stations at Area 10, the DAAMS will follow the ACAMS when spooled. Silver tr'luoride Pads There are six styles or types of /V/G conversion pad assemblies for use with VX ACAMS and DAAMS stations when TOCDF is processing VX waste. They are designed to place the conversion pads in the sample stream such that the pads are exposed to the sample stream and be capable of converting a quantifiable amount of VX to the G-analog of VX. Without the conversion, the monitoring equipment will not detect VX. All assemblies will contain at least two V/G Conversion pads held in place close to the sample input path. Additional pads do not aid or hinder the conversion efficiency. A detailed description of each type is located in TE-LOP-528,Y|G Conversion Pad Assembly. In order for VX to transfer down a monitoring sample line, the compound must be converted to a more volatile compound; G-analog which is a derivative of VX that closely resembles GB. To facilitate this conversion, two silver fluoride impregnated pads, or V /G pads are used. The stack and duct ACAMS/DAAMS conversion pads shall be replaced every 4 hours plus or minus 30 minutes. The pads shall be challenged before replacement, so that the conversion pads that have been in service are part ofthe challenge to ensure adequate 22,17 .5.3 Attachm ent 22 - Page I 9 22.17 .5.4 22.17 .5.5 22.t7 .5.6 22.17 .5.7 22.17 .5.9 22.18 22.1 8.1 22.1.8,2 22.19.3 22.1 8.3. I TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan transfer. If the pads challenge is outside 75-125% recovery, qualification of data is required. During VX secondary waste processing, the toxic area ACAMS conversion pads shall be changed each time a toxic entry team enters into an area monitored by the toxic area ACAMS. One exception to this requirement would be if the team re-enters an area and the conversion pads had been previously changed during their entry. During VX secondary waste processing, all non-toxic area VSL ACAMS and DAAMS conversion pads shall be changed daily. The ACAMS are challenged daily. The sample line is challenged at the distal end at a minimum of every 60 days + 3 days. The Filter midbed, and Filter Vestibule ACAMS may be challenged at the ACAMS instead of the distal end of the sample probe if the agent concentration was below 1.0 VSL for each agent reading. The conversion pads must be changed at a minimum of every 28 days for agent readings less than 1.0 VSL and weekly if each agent reading were at or above 1.0 VSL for VX. Test data must be submitted and approved by the Executive Secretary to reduce monitoring requirements presented above. All DAAMS conversion pad assemblies shall have the same corresponding change-out frequency at the monitoring levels specific in22.17.5.3 through For VX LSS DAAMS Stations, the conversion pads must be changed at a minimum of every 28 days for agent readings less than 1.0 WPL. The LSS stations are decertified for use when an agent reading reaches 1.0 WPL or above (22.16.5). If agent is detected at or above 1.0 WPL see Section 22.21 and22.16.5. Additional requirements for the Life Support System are defined in paragraph 22.21. STACK CONFIGT]RATION Agent monitoring of the furnace stack effluent consists of ACAMS and DAAMS. ACAMS There are three ACAMS assigned to monitor the common stack for each agent being processed.). Two of the ACAMS for each agent are on line constantly. Their operating cycles are staggered to allow one unit to be in the analysis mode while the other is sampling, this gives continuous monitoring of the common stack. DAAMS analysis is used for alarm confirmation. The third ACAMS serves as a standby unit when one of the other units is off-line for challenging or corrective action. The three ACAMS for each agent are linked to the PDARS individually. An alarm is sounded in the CON if the ACAMS cycling does not provide 100% monitoring of the common stack for each agent. If this occurs, an AWFCO is initiated and DAAMS analysis is required for the period the ACAMS was not staggered sampling the common Stack. DAAMS There are three DAAMS tubes aspirating at all times on each DAAMS manifold. They are the A tube, a B confirmation tube, and a C contingency tube. A fourth tube, which is a QP, is also aspirated in accordance with the TOCDF LQCP. The sampling equipment is designed such that a sample is being collected constantly, even when a set of tubes is Attachm ent 22 - Page 20 22.18.4 22.1 8.4. 1 22,19 22,19.1 22.t9.1 .1 22,19.2 22.r9.2.t 22,19.3 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 being replaced. The stack and furnace duct DAAMS will have a "no-flow" audible alarm to warn operators when the DAAMS is not operating. Dilution Air Flow Controllers Both the ACAMS and DAAMS use dilution airflow controllers. They are designated as the ACAMS Dilution Air Flow Controller (ADAFC), which is shown in Appendix G and the DAAMS Dilution Air Flow Controller (DDAFC), which is shown in Appendices E and F. The purpose of the dilution flow controllers is to inject dry air into the sample stream to prevent the liquid in the sample from condensing in the sampling equipment, keeping the sample above the dew point. The dilution flow controllers are designed such that the flow control device has a feedback signal to a flow meter. This feedback signal causes the ratio of the sample flow to stay constant once the two are locked together. Therefore, the unit compensates for any intemrptions in the sample flow and maintains the correct ratio. The agent concentration in the DAAMS tubes is calculated using the volume of sample air, not the dilution air. The same theory of operation holds true with the ACAMS. The ACAMS are calibrated disregarding the quantity of dilution air. The dilution air can be considered a carrier for the sample. The agent concentration is based on the volume of the sample. Additionally, the ACAMS has software that allows it to calculate agent concentrations even when there is a change in the sample flow rate. Since the flow ratio is controlled by the dilution flow controller and the ACAMS can compensate for flow changes, the two units in conjunction give accurate agent readings even when there are sample flow rate changes. FTJRNACE STACK AND DUCT MONITORING Calibrating, Challenging, or Servicing The ACAMS at monitoring duct locations PAS 702 (DFS), PAS 703 (MPF), PAS 704 (LICI), and PAS 705 (LICZ) may be taken off-line during waste feed to challenge, calibrate, or service for up to one hour each operating day, midnight to midnight, provided at least two staggered ACAMS monitoring for each agent being processed in the common stack are on-line. A standby ACAMS is located at each duct location to avoid exceeding the one-hour limit. Suspended Monitoring (Furnace Ducts Only) Monitoring of the furnace ducts leading to the common stack may be suspended, if all three of the following requirements are met. First, agent feed has been suspended with the furnace and afterburner continuing at operating temperature for a minimum of one hour following the end of agent feed. Second, a confirmed agent reading at or above the alarm set point is absent for a 24-hour period and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are in place identifying procedures for fumace operation and isolation of contaminated hardware within the furnace system. Third, the Chemical Materials Agency (CMA) Site Project Manager or designee approves procedures isolating contaminated materials (e.g. piping, etc.) from the respective furnace and its PAS. The third condition may not be applicable if there are no contaminated materials in the fumace system (including the input airlock to the MPF). Fumace duct monitoring will resume 24 hours before the agent gun is installed in a LIC, or before waste feed commences in the DFS or MPF. Suspended Common Stack Monitoring Common stack monitoring will not be suspended without CMA TOCDF Site Project Manager or designee and the Executive Secretary approval. Attachrn ent 22 - Page 2l 22.20 22.20.1 22.20.2 22.21 22.21.1 22.22 22.22.1 22.23. 22.23.1 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan MONITORING FOR AGENT FROM PAST CAMPAIGNS Monitoring in Category A and B areas, including LSS Air Monitoring, for past agent contamination may be discontinued when the airborne agent contamination for that area is less than 1.0 VSL over a24-hovr period, at a minimum temperature of 70o F, with the ventilation system operating at the approved flow rates. A confirmed agent reading at or above 1.0 VSL requires that the area must undergo additional decontamination. LSS hose monitoring for past agent may be discontinued if the hoses are less than 1.0 WPL. Monitoring in Category C areas for past agent campaign contamination may be discontinued when the Category C areahas been less than 0.5 WPl(t2-hour) 15, each agent being discontinued over a24-how period, , with the adjacent A& B area ventilation systems operating at the approved flow rates at a minimum temperature of 70oF. Monitoring data shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary for approval prior to discontinuation of any agent monitor in a C area. LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM (LSS) AIR HOSE MONITORING The Life Support System (LSS) air hoses are monitored using DAAMS samples. All of the hoses on a given air manifold are sampled with two DAAMS tubes. The TOCDF Safety Department evaluates all LSS air analytical data daily for determining the certification for each LSS air station. The LSS air stations will be decertified for use when agent is confirmed at or greater than 0.00003 mg/m3 for G agents, 0.000001 mg/m' for VX, and 0.0004 mg/m3 for H series agent. ACAMS DATA COLLECTION Plant ACAMS are integrated into the PDARS. The PDARS stores all readings taken by each ACAMS to a temporary computer file. From this file, a computer is able to compile trends from each ACAMS for up to 72 hours and, upon demand, display these trends to graphics screens in the Control Room and the MSB. Various automated reports are used to observe these trends to be used as a management tool to make improvements and determine the level of readiness of the overall ACAMS system. This temporary file is compressed to an archival file that becomes the permanent record of agent readings. From the archival file, the computer is able to trend each connected ACAMS for any desired time period. Results of all ACAMS challenges are electronically recorded and, additionally, they are manually recorded in the ACAMS logbook (see Section 22.10.1 for any potential exceptions to manually recorded logbooks) at each instrument. These results provide a basis for statistical analysis to assess performance and for reporting to regulatory agencies. The CAL and other areas in the plant as noted in Appendix A do not have PDARS, therefore, the ACAMS chart recorder and instrument log are used to record readings and QC data that are then archived. DAAMS SYSTEM The DAAMS sampling system is capable of collecting agent GB, GA and VX by use of Chromosorb and HD with Tenax sorbent beds. The sample is then analyzed using GC/pPD or with MSD analysis techniques. The total volume of air sampled is calculated from the sampling time and the sample flow rate. Desorption of the DAAMS tube into a GC/F'PD for analysis provides the total mass of agent collected. The average air concentration of agent is then calculated from this data. By increasing the sample time or Attachm ent 22 - Page 22 22.24 22.24.1 22,25 22.25.1 22.26 22.26.1 22.27 22.27.1 22.28 22.28.1 22.29 22.29.1 TMf,F' Agerf NftnitcingPlal October 2009 flow rate, the average concentration sensitivity can be increased. DAAMS stations shall report agent concentration at or above their calculated reporting limit for the agent of interest. The lowest calibration standard used for analysis must be at or below the reporting limit. BACKT]P EQTIIPMENT The function of the ACAMS is to rapidly detect agent. Should a needed instrument fail the first response is to troubleshoot and repair it in place. Should the estimated repair time be excessive (as determined by the CON) the ACAMS will be replaced with an ACAMS fromthe contingency stock. MAINTENANCE The Monitoring Technicians and Instrument Technicians have completed mandatory ACAMS training at the Chemical DemilitarizationTraining Facility (CDTF) and are qualified to maintain and operate ACAMS. The manufacturer's manuals and LOPs provide necessary guidance. START UP OF'MONITORING Agent monitoring in the TOCDF plant and the CAL will be initiated in each area as needed. A Monitoring Plan for each campaign must have approval from the CMA TOCDF Site Project Manager or Designee. The monitoring identified in the "campaign specific" plan will be started in sufficient time to allow baseline data collection. The operational readiness review (ORR) for the campaign shall include review of the plan and the baseline data. The information in this plan is the basis for all campaign specific plans. SPECTAL ON-SITE CONTAINER (ONC) MONTTORTNG Special monitoring shall be required whenever an On-Site Container (ONC) or over pack-containing agent has remained in the Container Handling Building (CHB) for more than seven days. The interior of the ONC or over pack will be monitored with a DAAMS or ACAMS. The determination of which to use is based on equipment availability and how fast the results are needed. ACAMS ALARM HORN There are cases where ACAMS have an alarm in the Control Room but there is no 1ocal alarm. This is a safety measure. There are areas that have frequent alarms but it does not mean that the workers in the area must mask. It is important that the workers do not become accustomed to ignoring ACAMS alarms. Some examples are: Toxic Area ACAMS and airlock ACAMS. In all of these cases an alarm does not indicate that the people in the location of the ACAMS need to mask. ACAMS that have the hom disconnected must have a sign at the ACAMS indicating such. ACAMS ALARM LEVEL The set point for the ACAMS agent alarms is specified in the monitoring station tables (Attachment A). Due to the design characteristics of the ACAMS and the software that operates the alarm, there may be slight variations in the actual alarm level for each ACAMS. Attachm ent 22 - Page 23 22,30 22.30.1 22.31 22.3 1 .1 22.32 22.32.1 22.32.2 22.32.3 22.32.4 22.32.5 22.32.6 22.32.7 22.32.8 22.33 22.33.7 22.34 -22.34.1 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 PORTABLE ACAMS and DAAMS MONITORING TRAILERS There are a minimum of two Portable Monitoring Trailers housing ACAMS and DAAMS at TOCDF. They are for special short-term monitoring to support short-term activities. CARBON FILTERS ON ACAMS In special circumstances, an ACAMS purpose is not to provide monitoring on a continuous basis (e.g. ACAMS for monitoring ONCs, and ACAMS for monitoring charcoal change-out at the Filter Farm.) When these types of ACAMS are operating but not sampling the area for which they are intended, a charcoal filter may be installed at the ACAMS. MPF DISCHARGE AIRLOCK (MPr DAL) ACAMS and DAAMS The ACAMS for the MPF Discharge Airlock samples filtered air except when monitoring the discharge airlock. Low-temperature monitoring protocol requires the DAL to be cooled to less than 600o F prior to agent monitoring for GB and VX wastes or 700o F for mustard wastes, munitions, and bulk containers. High-temperature monitoring is defined as greater than or equal to 700'F for mustard munitions and bulk containers. All secondary wastes that are processed are monitored via low-temperature monitoring. During monitoring, if the ACAMS alarms, the item is moved back into Zone 3 for additional processing time for a minimum of 15 minutes. The Permittee has the option to perform low-temperature monitoring instead of high temperature monitoring on any munitions or bulk container. If processing VX secondary waste the V/G conversion pad assernblies for both the ACAMS and DAAMS will be changed prior to monitoring each tray. Sample line challenges will be performed at 1.0 VSL at a minimum of once every l2-hour operating shift, within four hours from the start of the shift while processing for both ACAMS and DA]A]VIS. Reserved. Reserved. MPF DAL maintenance of the sampling systems shall follow the procedure in Attachment 3 (Sampling, Analytical and QA/QC Procedures) for the ACAMS and DAAMS systems. ACAMS and DAAMS AT EQUIPMENT IIYDRAULIC MODULE The ACAMS and DAAMS at the Equipment Hydraulic Module (EHM) Station #EHM 354, only monitors the EHM when personnel are inside the EHM. An alarm light is installed inside the EHM for personnel safety. If the ACAMS and DAAMS are offline or are online but not sampling air from the EHM, the alarm light shall be on. Personnel shall be denied entry into the EHM until the ACAMS and DAAMS are online sampling air from the EHM. FUGITTVE EMISSIONS MONITORING If a leak is discovered in any equipment in an agent processing area at TOCDF, that leak shall be monitored for agent using an ACAMS. The method used for this monitoring will be a modified Method 27 from4O CFR, Part 60 using an ACAMS for agent. Attachm ent 22 - Page 24 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 Method Requirements TOCDF Capabilities Mitigation/ Justification A portable or area instrument will be used to monitor leaks for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) The area ACAMS will be used or a portable monitor that is configured for the specific VOC (agent). N/A The VOC instrument detector shall respond to the compounds being processed, and both the linear response range and measurable range of the instrument shall encompass the leak concentration. The ACAMS meets this criterior, being calibrated with the compound of interest. N/A The scale of the instrument meter shall be readable to +l- 2.5oA of the specified leak definition concentration when performing a no detectable emission survey. The ACAMS meter readout is digital, so the concentration is displayed with easy to read nurnbers. N/A The instrument shall be equipped with an electrically driven pump to insure that a sample is provided to the detector at a constant flow rate. The rate will be 0.10 to 3.0 LPM, measured at the probe tip. The ACAMS complies with this requirement, with a norrnal flow rate of 0.40 to 1.OLPM. N/A The instruments shall be intrinsically safe, os defined by U.S.A. standards for use in any explosive atmospheres that may be encountered in its use. The ACAMS sample line meets this requirement since the ACAMS unit is not inside the explosive environment. N/A The instrument shall be equipped with a probe or probe extension for sampling not to exceed % tnch outside diameter, with a single opening for admission of a sample. The ACAMS meets this requirement % tnch outside diameter is the standard for ACAMS sample lines and probes. N/A The instrument response factors for the VOC to be measured shall be less than 10. The response factor is the ratio of the known concentration of a VOC compound to the observed meter reading when measured using an instrument calibrated with the specifi ed reference compound. The ACAMS meets this criterion.N/A The instrument response time shall be equal to or less than 30 seconds, with all sampling equipment connected and operating. The ACAMS does not meet this criterion. But, this is a special application, sampling for a specific compound. The ACAMS is the best available technology for agent sampling. Since the ACAMS must collect a sample before analysis, the 5- minute response time is as fast as TOCDF can get, while still Attachrnent 22 - Page 25 Method Requirements TOCDF Capabilities Mitigation/ Justification maintaining accurate results. The calibration precision must be equal to or less than 1 0 percent of the calibration gas value. The ACAMS meets this criterioo, except that the ACAMS uses a liquid calibration standard. By TOCDF procedure the calibration challenge must be +l- l0 % of the target value. N/A 22,35 22,35.1 22.35.1 .1 22.35.2 22.35.3 22.3s.3.2 22.35.4 TOCDF Agent Monito.ing Plan October 2009 NOTE The challenge, calibration and operation of the ACAMS will comply with TOCDF Laboratory Operating Procedure (LOP) 524 in Attachment 3 (Sampling and Analytical Procedures) and this Attachment. ALARM RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS Common StackAlarm for Mustard. VX or GB If the ACAMS alarms at or above 0.2 SEL for any agent a RCRA Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off (AWFCO) shall be initiated for all fumaces/incinerators. Monitoring personnel shall be deployed. DAAMS tubes shall be pulled andanalyzed on the stack and ducts of all operating fumaces/incinerators. Alarm levels for agents from past campaigns are listed in Appendix A. Duct (MPF/DFS/LICItLlcz) Alarms for Mustard, VX or GB If the ACAMS alarms at or above 0.2 SEL for GB or Mustard or 0.5 SEL for VX, a RCRrA,r{WFCO for that furnace/incinerator shall be initiated. Monitoring personnel shall be deployed to investigate the alarm. The duct DAAMS tubes shall be pulled and analyzed ifany alarm at or above the alarm set point for the agents being processed. IfVAC Stack Alarm for Mustard, VX or GB If the ACAMS, monitoring the TIVAC stack, alarms at or above the agent alarm set point the. Monitoring personnel shall be deployed. DAAMS tubes shall be pulled and analyzed. If agent is confirmed, no additional agent may be brought into the plant without Executive Secretary approval. Workplace Monitoring for Mustard, VX and GB (Categories C and D Areas) If the ACAMS indicates (in CON) that the agent level is at or above the action level of 0.2 VSL then the CON shall notify Monitoring and Monitoring shall respond and verify ACAMS operation and pull DAAMS tubes. If the ACAMS alarm level is at or above the alarm set point (Appendix A), then the DAAMS tubes shall be pulled andanalyzed. Attachm ent 22 - Page 26 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 APPENDIX A AGENT MONITORINGPLAI\ FORMUSTARD MUNITIONS AND BT]LK CONTAINERS AND GB, Mustard and VX SECONDARY WASTE Attachrn ent 22 - Page 27 TOCDF \Bent Monitoring Plan AGENT MONITORING PLAI\ Explanation of Column Titles Station Number The station number was assigned by Monitoring in accordance with the Monitoring Station Numbering Sheet. This is the number used by PDARS. The letters are used to identiSr the area monitored, i.e., AL for Airlock, OBS for Observation Corridor. The numbers are specific to the geographic location being monitored. This number cannot be reassigned to any other location due to the restraints caused by the 4}-year record-keeping requirement. When an S suffixes a station nurnber, it indicates that the sample line is movable to various sample points. The S indicates spool. A G suffix to a station number indicates that the station monitors for GB, when a station is suffixed with a V, it indicates the station monitors for VX, and station numbers suffixed with an H monitor for Mustard agents. ACAMS/DAAMS Tag Number This nurnber identifies the tag number for the ACAMS or DAAMS specific to that station number. If an ACAMS or DAAMS is removed for repair and a new ACAMS or DAAMS is installed at that station, the tag number will stay with the new ACAMS or DAAMS. This is to prevent the need to update the Monitoring Plan each time maintenance is required. Temporary DAAMS are installed with an assigned sample number instead of a tag number. Monitoring will track the ACAMS or DAAMS being repaired using the unit's serial number. Unit Location This designates the detector's physical location by room, floor plan number, and the drawing number (from the attached Monitoring Plan drawings). Area Monitored This designates the geographic location being monitored by room and floor plan number. Power Type UPS - Battery backup used on ACAMS. DAAMS using the same station number will be connected to UPS. SPS - Commercial power backed up by an emergency generator. DAAMS only (and possibly DAAMS located on a cart with an ACAMS and DAAMS, but with its own station number) will use the Secondary Power (Distribution) System (SPS), or UPS if available. The heat trace cable for all sample lines are on SPS power. Sample Point Hazard Category A through E, with "A" being a room where liquid agent is likely to be present to rrErr where no agent will be found. See Terminology Section for complete definition. Monitoring Level Indicates the purpose of the ACAMS or DAAMS stations and corresponding monitoring level or sensitivity of the monitor. If VSL is listed, the purpose of the ACAMS is to monitor equipment/waste/personnel contamination levels. When ECL is listed, the location is being monitored at a more sensitive level than required by CMA direction. In other words, if ECLA/SL is listed, the monitors are in the VSL mode but are more sensitive than required by the Programmatic Monitoring Concept Plan for that monitoring location. The agent concentrations for each monitoring level are specified in Attachment22, Appendix A. Attachrn ent 22 - Page 28 TOCDF A.gent Monitoring Plan October 2009 Alarm Level The alarm level at the ACAMS station is the same as it is in the Control Room. The alarm level shown is in terms of the monitoring level shown in the previous column. The alarm levels are set below threshold levels to allow action to be taken to avoid exceeding threshold levels. The alarm level starts a specific course of actions. The specific requirements are identified in Section22.35 (Alarm Response Requirements). An alarm located in toxic areas, filter mid-beds, inside ONCs or other closed containers do not require the contingency procedures to be implemented. Sample Line Length Lengths of the sample lines are listed with an accuracy of t20Yo. DAAMS Mode The mode is an indication of the purpose of the DAAMS. Examples are: ACAMS Confirmation: The DAAMS is used to confirm an ACAMS reading in the event of an alarm. Historical: The DAAMS is used in an area that is unlikely to have agent contamination and is to provide evidence at least monthly that there hasn't been any detectable concentration in that area. Primary DAAMS: In this case the DAAMS is the only agent monitor, in cases such as LSS air monitoring. Comments Additional information as needed. Attachrn ent 22 - Page 29 Fzrd l= . lZoU rnrI ]Foz \ntr lFoz c{C! r!Foz A ,- , < rJ r 4. t {O e . t ?? H EJ * O 3a = 2 r. 1 ea3s a1>g {E z z -Z>g 4Z -( J -t aA \< ( E -/ . 1- q {E l- l aZ>g {g l- l aA>g {E aA \< E z{E E( aZ>= {E z aA>g {E fr l E d 26 s t =A $ Or ] a\o tn\o \n\o o(nN 6[n.t bo\ b\o (o\n \f , c! O bca TE N v?O rn (n v?O \o v?O \ni \ni u?o V?O v?O IzI'F / J - ;i At = v \ 3- -r lE { ZJ o=2 Jo- .Ja Ja Ja I0r>]=a JOrJa -lO{>Ja J0- . ,} =a JO- ' .)a Jo<Ja Ja JOrJa rd \l tE Z ! = TR E U (- ) z z o o a o U U z U ri H ac. . aC- , .D aO. H aO- . .- aO" atu aO- . aO- , r) aO.) a0- ' ,D aO- . .D +L EZ $F d lE d .3 s r!?RV c. r UO 2c , D U= ZN \. / 61 )d , U= Zc ! V ol <t o q> )d aCo l- tZ' b -o \ -E?c , r! aAt nYO Zr o Do , f, Z [! * rt r (: l f. 6 FO \ A- . fi i Ps aa -Pa- ' gr > *e BH = t! Y c. l fr - , il "l fr , z = Eg , = ri z& =sI& =siz. r\ z: t h v I rr l A\ v :d Z F- d E =E E fr t! NcoV, - j UO Q <c ) Y gH K AY t DA8f ;I OU I! Nc, o v- l It a O Vv A<q Y 2s r y )c tr j IOU t! Nco v_ . j Uo P <C ] Y 3t K L v r H3 U fJ . ] F( () U (. A dn r O co ? FT o o (r \ O N Fo o A -: ( I! O rr . t X rF 1 \J Vl(TM* t n nA o \/ vF- Y r8 f r in O r! iB5 lJ . l t- r () U&lPs p cn T Y r \O O O to q6e Ur l rr . l o tr lon *F i t+ ( I 8s P a- a es r y 6e U" l ts o cAUIo\,l -1 5 ^* ol Q 5s r y II Fa coUo\I s- - {- X c- , . eJ Y =r K v tcO caUo\I ,\ -t - q Jdq ? )r K v IoO -E?< 4 q: E -A . == o t r l ! : <x ? c s 2 6 ^1 , oo f: - ) :E U n o z O U Or ! t< tl J=Z -D g+ r 33 @e{ Z z ca .t f-$ .f , .t \o$ \. )e\ NN z N 3+ r {3 ooe{ O.NN O.@N co f- oo f- $f- f-f- \nN N ON NN F+ t a .tOmU f-caU mf-mU N\. )mU ca \. )mU \n\nmU A\o[nmO caC\ C- , . $Oc\ O- , .D a-tND \nONO.D OeoObo cdOr?o ()g tu t r o \ os o ii a. o 5 :. t F. = o) E€ .r r !l 5, R E0)b0 caobo cr 3A.INN0)Ocd Frzrd=a=aoU 4t s?q R H g* i z sIJ . IFoz SHFoz Trr . lFoz Sr!Foz \oNtl lFoz 2r d eaT3 z aZ>= *z-U z z z z &EilO- &ilO. z z rd E d 26 s t =E $ aJ OO \n@ i^ ,N \nN -rn .f , i^ )e{ 6OO N 6 f- Of- Of- TE N (nO v. )O vr )Ovr ) O rnO z rni z z z vr )O \r | (Jz:il i Al = v\H- r. r lt zr orla Ja JF< tsJo JaJ=UIJ . ] JUr! Ja J0. , .> Ja JOr ts Jp. JAr Ja Ja rd -t -E Z ! ? ?R E U Z U cat ei m? z me z z z m ri H aC.D a aD aA.) aO- , nrr . l -i loq z= c E]& aC.D nI! -&OE z6 / r!c, orr . l -&CE z= o rr . lc oIJ . ] F& o= 1 z= o E]& aF- tD ap. .D E? <x l] ra Y nr e= & "3 9 >d I +T ^- N J= 4il Q& o LL I A -- r tr . l Y ol p: = Eg * CO .Fa+E:a& I >, i E= d, vJc,?UI! &t= R L) o- r N ZA 2 't v>) FJ mVJ&Utr . l sx + 5A n v )- ] ?*5E 3 F f! l a ,t l I J a l H r V aA eR s Vr o o t Jo c n He = hR =NV. 6 JO4, > <d k= =NVr o JO4> <c . +t r\ Z +t V 1f r ' t r- \ V Y' ] Z in = Fr d* z a s ;J Y = iE l tr c\ FU s 3+ l- l r -( /i -r '- - . 1 O l- . 1 O =q i l A Hn E t N U" 2 A HI -) -tO CAUIC.I -r ' i 5 ,t 6l Y 5s T oI -{ C{UIO.I -i 5 ^* cl ? 5s r y nlt- / NUIO.I .- f , = -l - ! , dq ? 38 r y olv N(J IO.I ,\ -4 - \ J ,' , r * Cl ? 5s T oI5 \f ,UIOlI j S 5 a, , * ol ? 5s r y ojv NUIO,I .< r ;- -f - l Jdq ? DI K \/ l cI F{ IJ caUIoI -i 5dq ' " >^ K v Iol -t IUI *O . l* r ! cx = f\ \ J \ / vo l o :' a A ^ t m5 & cd -l v $oIo\I +- < ;l o -\ rr Cr l Y 5s r y eI -fv \f ,UI cqax 5 UX ? r/ r A o o mS q r ci =v .f ,UI &qQX 5 UX ? r. z f A o o mS q t ci jv A ++ - I 1+ - =3 z f-N z z z rr . lJc0F&cO- z r!JtrF&oc" r!JmF&cO. r!JmF&oC- , , {z z 2+ h {i c!N f-N NCON ct ) oo$ \oC! eo z f-C. l CO z Z z f-(n f--t F+ r a a\nc\c-) f-c\O.D ooONUtr . l C!J Ic\J CONaaJ $NJ \oNaaJ f-NaU)J ooc!aaJ NNJ NNNJ GE 5€ {- , U .F ( !) tr ( ) Oa Eb0 3zri r-a13aoU =rI ]Foz =r!Foz O( n tr J 7 ) N UE r q ?P 5 d- z Sr!Foz Sr!Foz f- 6 f-E]Foz f-I!Fcz Srr . lFoz (nNrr . lFoz a 7\ -t =ao3s z z z -Z>g {E -Z>g {E aA>g {E aZ>r {g ilc,O. z -Z>g 4Z -( J r. I E d 26 s z 4, 2 q! aJ f- 6f- of- f-\o z cac! b\o o\ o\ N \nco =' l Ii N O$ O$ v?O (n z z \ni (/ ) i \n z (r ) i rni (JzI&i t AE H v\Fr - r- lE l ZJ otiz Ja Ja Ja JO.>Ja J0. ' . Je- ' r JO"J0 Ja Ja JO- . Ja Jo<)a rd t-E Z ! ? ?R E U mi o z z U m U z mi U ri H ac. . )- aO. iD aO- , . aF. . . cfr l FCOE z, - c E]& orr . l F&OE ze I! il aC. ' ,D aO- , .- ao- , , orI ] FCo= z- c Ir ld aCr ap. ' .D +t ,^ \E4 <x J rg Y 0r q= il o3 S < e' t =NV. o jo4, > <e hR=( \ Vr o JOg><e {o t =NV. o JOg><d eaeA il 1ER Z< . e& &fi f r : I: > X ?x > a- & aJ +t ,. OO et s B3 ) Mr = u l ?a ) Fa En l Or l t . r JC : IH E rr . lzcJQZ i- m \JV) E- , .o rI JAP YfUz z IE : \J UEf i 3o\ o rr . R nZ i :< O 4C? d4 O8I ZO=E SHUo \ sq o EE uU = 3i z F dU =E A 9 tUI &qax 5 UX ? l/ : A o o aS q t oi jA\J $UI &qax 5 ux ? l/ r A o o mS q l OO I t- , 1 v .tUI &qQX 5 ux ? r. z f A o o mS q t OA I Ff IJ No s+ or Y (Kgd I e\ loI co I il 8 E E] - Y r< A o o =x q c?F{ IJ c -r H O r- X C, R E E fr : ; P j x: 5 ;-\J o- C\oI CoI d3 E [T J - Y >R r y oTF{ \J oI cA I a2<Y nO O C{!oI oI cA I a? rr OO -c \ !aI 3n c. o T 2? 3 = >> q *C C la?5 -f , I cl x q ox = ui 5 A I Av aF> T qr d c I F{v $mI cl x q a\ / -(J N a Uo . - Al av QEE B I F(v A -+ { - <r ++ - 33 z z z .f ,O r!JmF&o r!JcoFcoO" caO \oC! cn \oNea L!JaFcco- , , z caooeA a ++ _ t+ L.< Y YF CAooca caooca Inca$ ooNco z Z O, caco c. r .A z CACO f- F+ r a NNNJ aNc!NJ coNNJ -f , \Ndr!z \n(nc!aV)J \o\nNaaJ F- \aNat: -o oo \nC\ (- )U \oNUU \n\oNaaJ NcAzt- cacoamo e! co0)bo cd p. . . tc!6l / *r l 0) ()cd tJ . ' . tr o\ RS S E l' ! x- o {: O .F a Ll Fb ;oEobo cacaooo Cd C. ' , INc!oOcd t' rzE{ t5aFtzoU Nc! .t s=tqFoz SIJ . ]Foz =dESrr lFoz SIJ . ]Foz Srr . lFcz 5{srI ]Foz SI!Foz =d8SIJ ]Foz Ea a ,- . , 1 I- n r! 3 8 =E ? SIJ . ]Foz =d8Sr!Foz 2a a JFL, ] ^< E d5 e 3H a 3r d za3s &=. 1z&o. , , &z& c,-zil &z&O- &zco. , , &!' ra&O. z Lr'&ilO- z Fd E d 28 s t 34 $ aJ \nea f-oo FI oo O 6O 6O \o \o OO 6O@ 6Ooo O dH JH Z z z z z z z z U?Ou? z z v?OV? ()zItl J - ;i At . r . v\Fr - -F tzt ctra JR- , , JF- , . J4. ' .B Jo. ' . ts J0. .> Ja. . Jo" Jp. . JaJUtr l JorB JorB JaJUrr . l ri'! Ii E v ! ? E R E U U z z z z z z ma z z ri H aD ot! F&o=z6 L!& otr . l -do=ze IJ . ]& otr . l F&c= z- c r!& crJ . l F&c= z, - c I!& nE- l F&c=ze r!& oIJ . ] *&CE z6 / rI ] c, , oI! ?c , z- q tr . lc aO- , arr . l -&o= z= c r!& otr . l F&OEze tr . l& aD FA <x J r. l Y 0r /, = d o3 t L: r i oe X ot ( u. ' UD O E= CnMJ < I Oq t . d (J n N t- , O Ur ) e \< . (, )z . J >8 , &, - &= 4 Oq t . o Ul n N ,- O A fr < a if r ' &n5" * Ut 6 c ' l ,- O A ?< a '> 4 . &OoUK 9 4 * H &Co9q t s er n c O z c^8{ B U\ n N >_ O Ur ) e\ < ( , )1 J C ,^ , ts e U \r l e' l ,- O A =e 3 Cou5 Z, A <- (z, &Co9{ ? fr n c o JO &Co96 3 fr n c. - l JO z. l- , q '' co /, oU- < Ha +t r\ Z +t \/ I ri ,- \ \ VYJ z rl 0. . F d, 5q X r- l ts tr $mI cx q ox = ui - I av @F> q ed o fv \f ,mI c, q QX 5 UX ? A: o o mX c . t - v Co l- rlv -f ,mI cqcs = UK + .n A o o mS q t ci I t-\J .f , c, 4 ca = UH + a A ob m6 q l Co j $I il , 7an 5 UN ? A A oo m5 r y ci f $ &+ ca = ux + a A ob 00 5 q | CO jAIJ CAcIO.I -i 5 ,a * N Q 5s r y cj\- / coo!O,I -r $ 5 dq ? 5s K v InjO coL)I ,o o fr r9\ 5 ux q :r l A o o 00 5 q r ci lv $I &T ca = ux q ca ; . @ mS q l ci f\- - l \f , &+ oa = UK + :" , e A o b mS q t ci ft/ wc0 I cqQX 5 QX ? A: o o mS q l Co =\- / A -. . - - -f r r3 $rn r!Jc0F&c I!JcaF&c E]JmF&cO. r!JmF&ce. , . r!JcaF&cO- , r tr . lJFAFdo tr . lJmFcoF- , , z r!JEF&cO- , r rr . lJmF&o z g+ r {3 Z z Z Z z z z z NNca z z O,Nca F+ r a co cAamc \nCOaaJ \ncaaaJ \ocoaaJ O, cAaaJ O, cAaaJ $COaaJ \f , caaaJ f-cazD Ioo cAaoJ @caaaJ Ncac, ()r! qE 8. R Ebo Fzf. l l-a-eoU Ea a EJ f- ( A r. . r i E dE e 3E a El2A . . i- < Ir l l- { JE l r r ,^ HI f ; i l >: z= *p 2 z r!3E a Eg E 4t n a cn c 4 < 3; N O. ' . Z co <U U ui < t ! =rr . lFoz :r!Foz ="U\nr!Foz a0I!&(,r!E] o<n a 7\ rr ti E i ao33 z z z z z z z z -Z>g {6 z aZ>= qE z ri Ed 2a s -= Z ( : . ! ar ] 6oo @ 6Ooo 6oo t- \o f-\o f-\o (n f- 6co 6oo At tn b\n TE N v, ' )Ou' l O.+OO$Oo.+ o O l. nO O{O$OO$ o{OO.+O.f , ur . loU? v?O v?O \r ) rn (,zI', J Ft ;i O1 3 F- -i lt Zt ] o!iz JaJUrr . l JaJUHJo JUI! JUr! JaJUH JaJUrr l '!Jn Ja-]Ut! J- {Jo JaJUr! JP- . . tsJo Ja Jo. .Ja Ja H-! ll E Z ! ? TR E U a U m m m rE H aO- , . t- acrD aor aO- , , ac. .3 aO- ' r aO- , , H aa< f, aOi ao. .D aO.- ac. . .D E? <x J ra Y 0< E= & "e g -t \ Er N l- .E ol ol" cr ) do ;i I LJ << ti 1 M c\ 3- . C0 o. t ;r " cf ) do ;i I L. / r< 1i l 4 M s{ "c o d, OHE N I '- r tr q "c o do ,i I LJ r= tJ ] a I!JUE- , 'r $ \J IU= XcF r!JU0- , -r $ Ul L) -, XoF rr . lJUQ- , -- . ) $ OT L) -, XoF 5r o Hc O9s (, =3 Af r , 3. o\ LJ eO U* Vr o .r OE><e zc t. F YQ Z HI , { E r* r )- {JoU H EE & mr - gIR. i ?& uu x 3i ? i- r d* =3 8 fr $mI &qax 5 ux ? /l A o o oS q r ci I F( \J .f ,mI &qQX 5 ux ? rg ] A o o aS q r OA TF{\- / $mI &qQX 5 UN ? r/ l A o o aS q t ci Y-l\J ilcx \J 61 1 aAm5 o $UI c, q ^c \ r <u= 8 a ) "5 mx q l o- a Tt<v \f ,UI c, qQS 5 U] O .r . A " 5 mS q l Oo TF< v .tUI &qQs 5 (J l o cn A " 5 mS q l ci Tt- l NoI cA I 04 3 E El - Y >o = 6t ')oJ -f ,UI cqQS 5 TI \ v- q J ., r . A o 5 mS q r oA 6loT o( 3 E [. t l - Y .< -l . oo z? V s 1 ' C- . 1 ' ,'o N? dqQS 5 Ul o a A. 5 mS q l Co CaUI &qQs 5 r\ \ A \. / - u .r , A " 5 a6 q r oi g+ r 33 z z z z z z z \. )Nco z z P+ r {3 \n c\ f-ca Noo .f , Noo \f , coN$ r\c$ -fN-f , \cN \oco O, cAca -f , O. .f , F+ r a c\ cO&()r! Fca&Qr! Nc\ cac,Ui! aFJ .NNendUt! O' . $caXcF O' $CAXcF cO. -tcoXcF \nca0tJ -o \ncoJ cOtnc. )Uo -t rncoz;!r! l. n \ncazrq .f , caObo (d o. .}o ()cd IL t r O \ 8f ; 8 P H- d x- o vP( J .- JJ 8A Eou0 Frzt{r-aEIeoU At +Zn{s tr J >t < 3? l' ne! tr . lFoz Nc' l€=r!Foz cCSIJ . ]Foz =€SIJ ]Foz Srr . lFoz Srr . lFoz SIJ . ]Foz str lFoz SIJ . ]Foz :I!Foz 2r d aaXQ l, r A - z z aZ>g *Z-( J &E&F- , &t<a&O- z rd E d 26 s - \z q! g. fF I O O 6$N $N Oc{ e! \o i^ ,N bN o\ Nco 6\nco 1F N JH \a rn \ni u" lO z z z z z z z \o ()Ztrr t l J - ;i At l v\ i- r ?- -r l. I l ZJ c=a Ja Ja JOrJa JAJ0 JF<B JA JFr JF- ' , ts Jp. ' . ts J0- ,B JF- , . ts Ja ri rl -E Z ! ? 1P E U U U z z z z z z z Z ri H aF- ' . aFr acr aOr) orr . l f- , d bEze tr . l& Rrr . l ?&CE z= q IJ . ]& cI! Fi lOE z, - q tr . l c, cr! ?&OEze r!c, or! 3d , cqz- o tr . l d, or! FCCE Z= C tr . l c, ar! F&CE z, - o r!d, ao.D +t E1 <x I tr ] Y 0r (= d o6 g N$Ii o x o: tJ t aQ ^ tJ - ,- l ue g cn € { mo O$ AraF 0( or C. t OTu3 A ,- t ma oi l o4 o. r c$OT u3 A- , c0 e oe Hr o E: r Er " X rc N Z2 a Dz J 2c / , <T s EI , n F> 3 & PE , E: A <d )* 1 co X= m Yr O r u! , n Za a D> J ;a R, . = -r Lr / E: A KJ V a: 3 fr ) +t r\ z +t \/ I ri A\ VYJ Z rl 0- = F du 5e X ri - lr CaUI &qas 5 Ul o a A "5 ca S q l cA TF( cAUI cqOq r = rr V = V_ I J a A i mS q l cA I t- { v coUI &q9s 5 T\ N ru - \ - ' Ja A "5 mS q t co I-\J caU! &q 9s 5 (J l o :. , n A i tr 5 q r Co Jv $a Z\ nP- = vN = lY - 9 l* r l tZR K Av t \- / A \= u 2, 7 =IJ $n =la( nP- = vs 5 Zd K vr \J4i 5 $UI d? A- - <Xc { " 9t - \- / .r , A . 5 mS q l oi T-f caUI il 99R 5 U_ O a A * mS q r ci = .f ,o =lzr n8n * lV t . \ ) H I I ZA K vt \, . / A. << lJ 2, 7 5 cAUI cY9R 5 L/ _ O rl A i aS q t oi f\J coUI d, q Oq r = rr V X v- \ Ja A i mS q r Co T-a\- / .f ,c \< tar aP- = \- / C\ l :i il - ( JZd K Av t \JlF r l- J ZT 5 A $+ - <r -i + - 33 z z co o\ f-co fr . l Jc0F&oA rI JJcoF&cO- , r!JmF&cO- , rI . ]JmF&oO- , . Ir lJa0Fr' ,oO- r!JmF&cO. IJ . ]JmF&cO- Z A .+ L - -+ + - i3 O. -t \oN oo {z z z Z z Z z z -t\t .o F+ r a al' nrncor! \o\ncoaoa o\ (nCAamc o\ tncaamc I\ocoaaJ =\ocAaaJ CA \ocaaaJ \o\oCOaaJ oo \ocoaaJ o\ \oeaaaJ t-coaaJ \cr- - CAZo \ncaOb0 Cd O. ' . I c. lNoocd qE 8x Ebo Frzri ts rztlzoU SHFoz =I!Foz =r!Foz 3t s lY q s H H* 8 2 ozr- o{ 'e { rI ]Foz A t- t \< >J < 4q{o o q U$ r r : JH 5 i4 = i3 F l 4axe - aZ <, t 8 {g aZ .< E Z t- < *Z-U cdO- , . z z z -Z>g {g z -Z .< . E Z) - {E a1 <, { E Z t- , {E z rd E d 2a s z -z qt aJ 6oo 6Oca iN 6o\ oOO, 6o\ \n f- O bO [^ ) tf , N oOO =jTE N ur )O (nO z (no O$oo\f ,OO.+ O.+\OO.+$ v' )O rni z rr ) i (n V' ' !O ()z:,N J AE i v\ Ll - i; r d ZJ o=a JF- ' .Ja JC- ' . Ja J0< JaJUIJ . ] J0JUr!FJo JaJ(Jr! >T {Jo Jo<Ja Ja JO- ' , JAJo J0. ' .EJa Ja H7-t -E Z ! ? ?R E U U U z U z Z () U z ri n V)A V) O- , l or! F&o= z= q r! il , ao- , , ao- , ' . a0. . aO. , ,D aO- , rD aO- ,3 0O-D aO. , ,D aD A\ +t Ei <x J et Y nr (= & "3 9 Lf r 2e o Oo t OT 0( 3 Z-ga ,A <i l 2F (Ad o \/ : - +nc n Y ES K E ci A rz : o Il-v r' "os a U] A cn A a m5 J o FnUi -) C\ ooe= O- , . Z >d , Fr n UO -c \oom: O- ' . Z >/ , 5s "- - r C\ o= Q= . tu z \< r , z, - 4 F( r- XR \. / r u3 A- , c0 z q; c, ct r ox Uo ' UD O EE 0( r- *O5q rt Or 4. ,mz gc , Cc o *. O5q rl Or VO a, - c0 z or ' . O( o, Eq u8 [/ ) -, , mz gc 67 ot O oq Ui ur ) o EE +t ,\ z +t \J i r i }t \ VYJ z ti O . - 7 P fr -t Y H il -& $c =lz, ra ) P- = vN > 1 ^/ - ( J2A K a\ v r vHI JzT =\J $U =r l2r n I ?c o - U C. l :i tl - l ) r* { . 1 lu zq K A: z l \Jz. T 5 coUI &qQs 5 I\ \ Iv, - u a A o5 aS q t co I -{ V cOUI .o o &lQ\ 5 ux ? r/ l A o o mS q t OO fv caUI &T 9\ 5 UX q :r l A o o mS q t oo lA\J caUI cT9\ 5 ex ? A: o o tr 5 q l CO J\- / NUI .o o Xl9\ 5 UX ? :. , r A i mS q t oi lO C!U! cTQ\ 5 ux ? :/ r A o o mS q t Oo Tt- c!U! d, T 9\ 5 ux ? A: o o mS q l co t, v ca I d, T ca = ux q ry ' ) A , o o mS q r Oo I -( v -f , I d, TQe 5 vq ? aA , @ ca S q l Oa ! F{v NI C, T Q9 5 us ? AA . o o mS q t Oo fv A ++ - t< 't + :3 \n f-co oo '\ oco I!JmF&c0- , z z z .f , z @eo o rn .f , z a* . I -t + - i3 \oco cO$ca z Nf- . \o\c.f , f-cAca \f , -t z ca rn rn F+ r a f-f-cozcz oo f-CAzo o\ f-COaaJ NO.tUo c\ l .tUDo IC! -f ,U)o \f ,O.f ,amo a.f ,$aao $-f ,aEo f-O-f ,amo ooO-f ,amo aooO-f ,acao \oca()bo CBo.I?o ()c0 tJ " tr o\ GI A ua = P H' d E€ . F( +_ ) 8. q Eob0 f-caooo 00 O- . . INN6) trL) CO t- lzria=aoU sr!Foz TI!Foz =€Sr!Foz Str lFoz =€SHFoz \nNslFoz =tr . lFoz f-€Nr!Foz O\ n EJ L A N UE r r t ?P 5 m- z 3r d aa I3 &cO- &=adO- -Z>g {E z z z z z z HE d 2a s i 5E $ OJ Nco rn tn Nco Nco O ra f- \af- tnf- @ 6OO 6\o TE N z z z z z \ni v? O$ O\f , \nO v?O [r ) IzI'F / . J - ;. i A tE ' vF \ ir - Fr l tE a ZJ or-a JO. r J0< J0r ts JO- . .B JA- , ,B J0<BJa Ja -] (r )JQIJ . ] Ja Ja Ja Ja rd \L rE A ! ? ?R E U z z z z z U ca z z ri H oIJ . ] -dOEze I!& Rrr . l -do= z= c rr . 1 il orr . l -&c=ze rr . l& oIJ . ] Fi l c= z= o E] il ctq 3CCE z= o E] il ao<) aC.D ac. .D aF- , aC- ' ,D aO- , aC- ' ,) E? <x J r- i Y nr &= d "3 S hi s Vr o o l Jo v r ia = =s r E .< , cn =4 , l= r Q .< , cn ga , mo o <K H Vr o " o Jo c a 4 > ul mo o <K t s Vr o c o Jo y r ia 3 F\ o '- - r c\ 7) O, Er o BE = r\ - <: - =NV. o JO4><e = l\ - <: =NV. o JO<c tu = =NV. o JO<& i: r = =NV. o JOg><e 1: r- YC \ V6 iC ov Zt ) <o rq 4- d< r av +t r\ z +t \J I ri .^ \ \ V YJ Z Ll p r = t. . dU 5q X )i - lL caoI &T 9s 5 \J o. r Q :. z r A o A mS q r CC i5 cAcI &TQs 5 l/ c. . r Q a A o5 mS q r CA t F{ \J cacI &TQs 5 uq r ? AA o o mS q r oi TFrv caoI &T 9s 5 uo r ? :. , a A o o mS q r CO f\J caoI &T9s 5 wq ? ./ l A o o mS q r CA j\J COUI cZ \ ? cx = ui - I Ae @EE A I Fa s NOJ" 5 Jtr! P 5 =x " ss f f i sc 1- t- in l \J .f , NO J" 5 Jrur P E }K E s3 K si l- a'a j \J -f , NO J" 5 Jr tl P E =N " cn K -1 r' , I So lH t< 'o l v .t Nn J" 5 JrEH B cn K =" c F-A- : v cAUI &Ta\ 5 ux ? a: , o o mS q r ci fv wU! c? A- - rXN e v- ! . J ., r A " 5 eS q l ci -: \J 0 -+ + - = .+ + - 33 tI . ]JmF&cO- , r tl lJmFdoA rr . lJEFdotu I!JmF&co- EJJmF&cO- oo \f , z z Z Z z z E+ r {3 z z z Z z $ ca .t CO \oco ca \oca -t \nC\ co (nco F+ h a raN$aaJ .f ,N.taV) -] $N$aaJ \nC{ \f ,aaJ (nN.taaJ f-N.f , I!O-o ooN-tJ @N$J aooC! -tJ O.C! .tJ ca .f ,J \n\tJ qE 8. R Ebo FrZf- lattzoU =r!Foz \nc\ rr . lFoz A ,- 1 < FJ < 4$ {n o l U $ rr , : il 8 8 >Y z s? . =HFoz TtI ]Foz i9 F 1 eax9 l' r A - z az =' . 8 a t- l *Z-( J z z a> <. Q ! 4A z z z z z r- l aA>g {6 {z ri Ed 2E s i =A $ aJ 6\o \n.+ a\ .+ i^ , t- - ?. 1c! O oo bO O bO c{ (/ ) ca TE N v?O (nO \niO U?O \nO \ni v?Our . l v" )O \ni \ni v?O \ni ()zIiJ - ;i AE I v\,- - 'i Fl Zt ] c=a Ja Jtu>Ja> FlaJUrr l Ja JO.BJa Ja JaJUtr . l Ja Ja Ja JO- , .BJa JOrJa t- l \HE Z ! ? 1R E U z U Q z mt ca m m U m ri H aCr- ap. . C' ) O- ' . aAD ac. . . aFr a- ao- , ,D aA- , f aO- r) ao< f, aF- ' .D EA <x l] ra Y or d= d o6 S ll NM za ) <o -E] E U T JJ cr l o- \ +- ( =s <a a- &r o c$CT u3 A- ,mz Ci l \o$ <l rdI 6 zd, c! <T r< N Z- <F. < ad, C, -, cc { OT u3 a-mz gd &t < cNOT () 3 A- ,mz 6d fr , v , C- U\ n 3= 2d oOo o O' - zS c- < af r , c oo INc oo INz,d, &q o1 $ CTu3 (, ,= - { QZ od , to € = !- { V+<c :t L r\ Z +t v I rr t A\ VYJ z !O . i i F d, B 5a X r{ - rL $UI c, ? 9x E V- va A "5 mS q r oA I F{ v NI &q9e 5 Ul o a A "5 mS q l OO I F< !J .o<I &qQ= 5 UJ O :. , n A i e6 q l Oo ?5 $UI &? 9x E \- , - \. / a A "5 mS q t oi YF(A\J -f ,o! c? Aal -Xo . t ? V- r \ J a A "5 co S q l Oo T-l!, -tcI &? A- . - Xo . t Q vr < l Ja A "5 mS q l Co T-( v $oI- d. !Q! 5 \J - o a A i mS q l Co I 1- { v -f ,mI &? 9! 5 L) _ O a A "5 mS q t oi T!_ r \- / .to! &? 9! 5 L. ] _ O a A "5 mS q t cA l\J \f ,mI d, ? 9! 5 (J _ O a A "5 mS q l cA T!- < v ca I d, q Co p = u= 5 a A "5 mS q l CO Tt- r v CO ZC \ 8s a rV - l ) )' l r I -A O O 4X o . r ^v t \J AaT FIA\J g+ r i3 z \oO z z \o z z z z z oo z P+ t {3 -too cO \o oo c. )N \o\o \o\o co O, (n f-\o$ \oCO N .f , ta ) F :t t a &cU\n\f ,J [n.f ,amo c! (nwam co \a\f ,F -f , \n-f ,ac0o a\f , (n$ac0o \n(n \f ,z3z \o \a ) .f ,UI!n \o\. ) .f ,Ur!c (, \o\n.tUr!o t- - \n-tzo oo l. n -f ,J @cO()ao (dor?o ()cd tJ . , tr O\ os a r) o- q, F r. t F. F o) x- o EO .r < !t 8. R Eob0 O. CAObo Cd O- ' , !NN0)Od t- tzri-zFTZoU c{ c\ I rr . lFoz =r!Foz =E]Fcz tJ - ' , 0. , , gz.c>FC t2FzI! t!Foz =r!Foz =r!Fcz lL!Fcz a 7\ : lE l eo1e /a a -t az>g ig tr { aZ {g H aZ>g {g aZ>g {E 3a ig aZ>g 4Z-U -( aA .< , r E Z r- t 4t \ ?5 aZ =, . 8 A t- l 4t u ?3 -( J z z z &-' rzc,C. rd E d 26 s I =A $ aJ 6(n \n \n \nca st 60$ [nco (nco o\ 6Oo\ 6OO. 6t * E N jF l \n v? I. ) [n [n v. lO (. ) -i [n r. ) rn to z ()zIiJ - ;i At t Y\-- ;r Id zt ot-a Ja Ja Ja JO. . rBJa JtuBJa J0- .BJa Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja JO- , .> H\-E A ! ? TR E U U U U m U m m o z ri H a aC- ,) ao- , , aC- , , aC.D aO.D aF- , ,3 ac< aA aF. . aA.D oI! F&ct r z, - o r!& +L F1 <x J et Y nr E= d o6 S El r- d) ?1 J* >d , F Ir l r- 4ToS >d , F tJ . l t- - d- '<T oS>e F 6\f , IJ - r Or "t >:4& zt n .- - O \ AOC- < << z 4n #u<+2z o r+ { o>r < t- r O\ UU = a) r A\ Al - ] ', r- i 5 Z. (,F f- r O\ UU = a) I A\ nl J - r r. - . ! E g< d z az. rr l O E o. t <, - T -r A Cr l 2n - , I- IJ J '( , > o& m arr l O tr S <- r EB S ,( r > o& m azrr l O E o. t =a s t () > c& m ). os9 < i, a ; => 3 t- ( F/ a- +t 7\ z +t l/ ) ri ^- r \ v YJ Z rl F . - F d, 5q X iJ -9 $Q! c? A- -Xo r ? Vr - \- / .r , A " 5 mS q t co f .f , (- ) I c, ? A- - ' Xo t ? \- / - \- / a A. 5 mS c J ci l- ( I -< $UI c, ? /, \ - - Yo r Q V- ( J lr , A " 5 mS q l ci f cao \- i Iz- I \J ^ ^ - /^ \J . , v$ = tV - ! ) L! . 1 Ao o ZX 6 l Av l \- / r= IJ 2T Fr \- - l caU =rZ, -r I \J - - l- r n )( t\ / - \J 2E r Av l \J N r=zT =\J CAU Z. Fr ,A . l (J - r. - r n ){ F/ - \ J li . l ,j . m ZX c . t A: y t \Jr< L. l zT 5 co =lz, c! Q* = v$ = l^ U : V r* r I Am zX c . r I VA \- < u zT =\J CA -rZN I L/ ^ ^ - cs e lV t 9 l* r t ZE K /\ v t \J A =r lJ Z, T 5 .f ,o zr n?- = vN x lY - V l+ { . 1ZE K Av t \J A =< IJ zT 5 .< ro -lZl nQ- i vN = l\ / - lJ ZA K 9- d zT 5 -tU t< IZt n I \J t- \J C! :< ^. / - qJ 2d K /\ \ J t \Jr- r t- l ZT =\- / coo Z\ NR- = vN > < fV - q, H . I Ao o Z. X 6 l I \J A \< LJ aT =!J A -l r - !l -r + - a rr jvjn \c ooN[n o\ -f , (n f-\o oo cA \oCO f-.f , z z z t!-lEFd"cO- , r A ++ - - -+ + - {3 \o\n rnF-$ (n\oca r- . oo -f , ooooN \o\oca .. f ,C! co oo \o-f , -tCAao z Fr +t U) O, [n\f ,J O, (n-tJ (,O, \n$,- l \o$tJ -z cO\o\f ,zcz \n\o$lJ - oo \o-f ,J moo \o.tJ O, \c$zF O. \o$F oO. \csf , \= r2,F Ot- - -taaJ qE EX Eoo Frztr l=aoU \nc\ r!Foz =IJ . ]Foz =€NHFoz rr . 1F< \n i- r C\ O rr . l I! F (, 0 0z m c\ l c!HFoZ =€Sr!Foz =€SrI ]Foz =€Sr!Foz a 7\ tr F{ 33 z z z z az {E -Z << E43 z aA \< , r E Z t- t {g &EilO- . tr ] E d 2a s ? =a $ al b.f , b.+ ic$ b.f , ca6l Os \o \f , ^\n$ c! Faca caco O dF l JR v?O o.+ $ v? (> tn \ni \ni z (ni z z z (JzIil i li E l v L' 3- -i l= ZJ o Ja Ja Ja Ja J0<)a Jo. , .Ja Ja JF. ( Jo<BJa Jor ts JOr J0r El 7 'l EE Z ! 3 ?R E U m U U o U z z z ri H ao< H aC. , .D aC-D (r )P. H aO- ' ,3 aO- , .D aO- ' .) ac. .D aO- , .D orr . l ?i l cqze r!c otr . l F&OEze fr . ld oI! ?&o=ze IJ . ]d +t EE <x t] ri Y Ri E= d o3 s ll 39 V. o JO 39 V. o .r O4><c FEV. o JO4> <r ' , =Amt r =F {V. o ). ] O*><d cp oLUo . c/ D o P> l) * d=c:U\ o UD O E= ke :: - Vr o iO d# c<?=>8 &r n A. / l -< OT r) O, v \J A- (mz o& tQ sr t! mY= ; E> = <e CQ w tS m ,t \ o XI c n e> 3 Ec o i9 n Y8 ; E> = <e u* I 3i ,- F d, =3 8 tu $UI dYQR 5 L' - O a A "5 mS q t oi I -rAIJ .+UI il 9QR 5 \, _ O a A "5 mS q t Oo lv $UI cYQp 5 U- o a A "5 m5 q ' Co iFfv -tUI c, 9 QR 5 L/ : O a A ": ca 6 q t oi iF{v \f ,UI il 9QR 5 tr - o a A "5 co S q r cd jv -f ,UI &9Qn E (J : O a A "5 mS q r Co T-r v \f ,UI &9 9R 5 (r - o a A "5 mS q l OO f co I &qQ5 5 ,INv- 1 , a A "5 c0 5 q l ci J\/ ComI &? /\ (a ) -{ Yr - O (J - , O cn i - C0 o c J Co jv $mI vTUo t X a\ O ) { V- \ ,dq K -l v t I Ff v -f , vqRs l Y- o l- 1 I -- ' a. z rO Y =O o o eI Ffv $q VT Uo t ! c: 5 EE * T+_ ( \- , E :$ t 33 z z z z N\o oo \o z rn\o(n f- E]JmFiloO. rr . lJaF&oCr t!JmF&oC. ' , A ++ - - -+ + - q3 \n\o f-\oco f-\oca -t \o C\ \o oo \o \oooca z z z z F< +t a f--f ,J F$J aF-f ,J Nt- - .tJ ca f--taEc -f , f-$amo |. n f--tJ \of-$tJ - n- . .z \. ) |. namo >l - , t\n\naaJ -f , [n |' naaJ (a\n l' naaJ (>wobo 63 F- ' . !6l:(OocO tJ . tr o\ RS 8 E l' ! xp +: O . t< +- ) 5, R Eobo .f ,()oo c0 o< INNotrL) ad FzHr= ral=aoU =€sI!Foz =€SIJ . ]Foz f-d8Str lFoz a F. r 7, 2 It B - 4Ucn = rr l 11 At ^<v a7?$ - u( . ) <U J \nNIJ . ]Foz =IJ . ]Foz a r\ rr l= 1A33 &HzdO. &dO- aZ <- E Z, i 4t u 26 -U €E4z -( J z a4 .< E /, t- t {g z z z z z f. l E E 26 5 al Oca 6Oea f-ca 6l tn\o O Orn OO \n\n \o\n O\o \o 19 N JH z z v?O z \ni (nO l' n (n (nOv? vlOV? \nO O.+ (JzI'F l J - ;i AE I V\-- i- t ld ZJ o=2 Jo- , , JO.B JO. ' , Ja JO.B JO"BJa JC' ) JorJa Ja JaJUt! JaJUH Ja Ja rd r-E e ! ? ?R E U z {z U z U z U z ae tra Ei H RIJ . ] Fi l o=ze rr . lc orr . l -&o= Z= o tr . lc ac. , . f ott l F&o= z= c IJ . ] d, aO- ,D aO.D aO. a) a) ao-) ao- , . ac. . +L ,- \Ei <x J ra Y t q= & .3 9 =ra- tr =Qv t! E r =l \ Ow" 1 c a 5- . v l * 2> ) =Q. t t! E l =l \ O v" 1 o a -i a fr = r f * 2, - l -d >\ o ZZC- , =, 2 A? / Er * Y! \ oZ2 n D> J 2c fr \ OE! Ar ca 9> J0 4 UJ HE Ar ". r ! 9> Jo Z c\UJ =r \n *r n t- -. O (- ) -, -z r- l @ *l nor ! (J .< -Z 3g Vr o JO FE V- 6 JO4><e +t r\ Z +t \J I rr l .q \ vYJ z il O . - F d B z 3 fr rY l \ L1 rr ( Er .f ,m VS 5 U: E o. A o o J- q l C, A E U .t -c a I \J -. =tv* 5 U: E O. A o o J- q l d^ -5 cA A t- i I \r ^ t - cE e lY - 9 |* t . l - ,. f . oO 4X o l /\ v l \- / A Z, T 5 .+oI ,- &lO. n E _V L/ - O cn A d c0 5 q t ci : C!U =rZ-CJ \J \n >< J \. ) ;A K /\ v t \JrF l lJ ZT 5 N(- ) Z, Fr ^l \- / H \- / \n >< ^, / - (- , 2q K Ar Y l \J<- r t- . , 1 aT Fa \J N z- I \J - a\ J -V\ c = -l J Zd K Av l \- / A \= " lJ zT 5 C\ t r= r I 2. -r I \J ^ - A\ J \/ \ o = tv - v;d K ^v l \J A -. IJ ZT Fr caU r< l At - Al (J - - v\ n x tJ - \- ) 2E n /\ v t \JZ, T 5 CA Z- r I \J -ct s a *- ( JZA K Av r \J A =I JZT 5 $oI- Cr ct n = H V U- O cn A " 5 m5 q ' a!UA I-\J soI C, T c( n = - v \J - O a A. 5 eS q t OA f\- J 3+ r r3 r!JmFcc IJ . ]JmF&cO- , oo [n Li lJcaFo f-Ne\ Z \oNN Z z Z z z V) ++ - H -+ + - {3 Z z @CO z f- .NN f-NN \cNN \cNN oo \n$ $N ooco F+ r a oo rnrnaaJ oo \n[naaJ \o |. nzc 'L\o\naaJ N\o(nUJ aN\o l- nUJ cO\o\nUJ aco \o[n(- )J \f , \o\nUJ \n\o(nUJ \c\o(nJ \o\o\nJ qE 8x Eoo o t' tzrd tzllzo(, =€e! IJ ]Foz |. nNr!Foz a!. Iz(E o . l ?H H gi 2 a SrI ]Foz SIJ . ]Foz =€Sr!Foz a 7\ Hl =aa3s z z z z z -Z \< E /, -t {g z ddo- , , &dC- rd E d 2E s t =A $ al O\o bf- \n Oc\ 6N 6O\o \o N Ooo 6Ooo arn f- lE N JH O\f , rn rnO v?Ov' ) v?Ov' ) v' )O vr ) z z z z (Jz:FI J Fr ;. i Al r l Y\,- !E l ZJ o=a ;Ja Ja Ja JaJUIJ . ] JaJUI! JFr>)a JUrr l JFr Jpr JOr Ja r{ 'r ts l E Z ! i 1R E U m mn mi et U z z z z ri I ao- H aO- . rD aR. , aO.D aO- ,3 aA ao. . . oIJ . ] F&CE z= o rr . l& or! -&OE z6 / rr . l& cI! F&oqze IJ . ]& ao. .) +t A\E1 <X . l ra Y or l= do3 S =\ ZH ui =+<d LC JO*><c FE v6 JO z@5* (J .< 8f r , Ew t=Vr iE uz i k = 5_ a U n g! . r ; t- . F: F( /1 F{ ^, / - ) l \ J lE. z I U S -' O < Z 3E a = A, c\ (J \o Y- tVr o .r OE> <& 3g Vr o JO4><i l \o d, a F/ A0c (J nz1 hr =<Z, > & &Co9q + A t6 ce r JO &Oo 9i l S At n c a JO l-z, XX Ir . l I FS -' l ; tt r\ z +t Yl z r- l 0. - F d B 5q X ra E lr $oI CTC. r , = 7\ - V \J _ O a A "5 mS q l Oo J $nI &!C\ n = - \J - O cn A " 5 ca S q l Ca T-{ v c\ l I ,t n ty tc. . n 5 U= ? :t r l A o o m5 N co T5 CA =rZ, r- I U^ F <oE e fV - \ J )- a . lzq K Av l v=4T Ff ca Z- r I \J ^ - . c6 ? tv - v l+ { I 4X o t ! \J AZT -f ca -lZ ,- r AIVa - l rA \J v\ o r r rl - q , 2A K Av t \- . / A. ZT F{\, $nI dTQ! 5 U- , o ., e A . 5 mS q l OA I F( v $cI ,_ il lo( n = F( v \, / -, o :y r A " 5 tr 5 q r OA I Fiv $I &T 9x 5 UN ? AA , o o mS q l oi TF{v -f , &+ Cc a = UH E V) j . o o mS q t oi i-fAIJ .f , Z?OT \< t ! - . t z. c/ D .o e &) o t Y H9 p r y '- l O Ht-lJ - t coN 2+ t e ri 3r z z z z z \oco z rr . lJmF&oO. rI ]JaF&oo- , , r!JmF&oo- , , \oN a+ L - -+ + - i3 oo cO caN ca \n CAca caco .tcO \ocO$ z z z z F+ r a a\o\ornJ f-\o\nJ oo \o[nUtr lo o\ \o\nJ ao\ \o(nJ f-\. )J f-\nJ Nf-\naaJ ;ICA f-\naaJ cO f-\naaJ \oJII N$C)oodO- ,p()63 IL tr O \ i- 1 E 5 E l' ?HP {: O .F r !l 8x Eobo ca$Obo cdAINc!0)L)Cd Fzri !ra=aoU uB o> Zi - Z X " - ., i l 2 9 ? C H - Od Z t t ) 1 1 A >P - F E &o- lJ - ? m= A\ Oz)<t r Fa &of: . , , IE >9mc , OYzt < fr . . . Fa &oIJ . . O >g tr oo: ZJ < rr . ' ( Fa tr . lFoz 3€r!Foz ElFoz HFoz Er d eo3s FaJ< -Z>g q6 -Z>g {E &z&O- , . \< r a4 <, t 8 ', t- < 4t u 26 -( J -Z<E z-{E HE H ^Z>g {6 tr ] E d 2E s ? =a $ al i\o \nf- bO O 6f- f- \o$ i^ , \a o\ co \oN TE N z z (nO v' )O \. ) \oi \n (r ) i (n v?O ozIil F l OF L/ - ir fr l ZJ c=a JA. rB Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja t{ 7 't -E Z ! ? ?P E U U z z z z z Z z z z ?1 . A 5E 1 0. Ei E aci ac. , .D V) aO- ' , aC-D ao.D aF- ' .D ao. . .- ac. . H aO.D +t =z <x J cl Y n tr = d o3 s li \ZH tl Hg s " - oa c - , (, 0 < T a? p S mY Z c , >2 , ? & XY tr . l u -$ ii l IL 'I .XX t! L/ 'r FAa IJ - , XV r! (J -SJ; fJ - , , XH t! L/ FS -l d tL xv I! U 'r FAa tL o' \Fr O O :t r z t J q rg E r- , Ir l E 'r a Z I! o\OIc B rH r g' .?=r - < > E O.=E l r- { & x5 a fi 8 i FZ Jr ! tJ . ' . ooF{ n o E Z rr . l il 8 8 e fr l = 't a Z lL . +t r\ z +t \/ I ri Y' . ] z tr o - k i F d, , z R s >r i c i Er $ l. < ? or n rc r .l - a-El 8 U- f " 5 cn B q t mA c= 5 $ Z?OT =. E l - $ z cl D .r " o d. D i- i ? HB p r y r. ' l C -- u. I caN ca z?OT .< [. ] .f , Z, U D c o Q c, > q r Y H8 p r y FI O r: . T CAN ca z?OT =t ! - . t z' v o c n P MJ q I Y Hg s r y JO tr T caN &ci- CO 3a 3HFDFO X: E rl Jz &ol- eO Z-C\ n yr - CH F: ) FC X: E r!z rr . t S al , )- I \J =+ tl - A +. aa \- / \, A zn : cp K <i ( lZ, O I l- ( I tr s r! >t aL l I )- r I \J + H- : .J J a- \ \J - \ , A zq : cp K =< ( lzo f l- t I tr R -' . $ vlo \. / F( jI= s rr . f N ? fr p r y FO JT tr R zq CT=H ; E ;L i f o . t Y 59 p n r4 f I JCtr i l g+ t i3 \oco \o CA f-.t -t \oco \oca l. n o\ oo l. n O" (n o\ \o -f , l. nc! \nca \o a -+ { _ t+ LZ ri ir z Z \nca cO o\ (. ) co z z O. O' . O. O, oo F+ r a \or- O |. ^ <r ^ z, ' r F m\oJtr - , U\oJt! n\oJtJ - Utr . l \oJfJ - ' , Ofr \oJLJ - c\ \oJlJ - ca \oJtJ - , O. \oJtL e{N\oJtJ < GE 8, q Eoo FzHts lztr lzoU IT IFoZ c\ ldrI ]Foz rI . ]Foz N€rqFoz I!Foz rJ . lFoz HFoz IJ . ]Foz tr . lFcz 3r d zo3s -Z>g *z- (- ) ea 4 *z a -u Q -Z>= *z -( J ri a1>g *z -( J -Z{g aZ{g -Z \< f t ! ,, >l {E 3a 4 4Z A -u t -Z>= {g -Z>g {E rd E d 26 s t =A $ aJ \nco O, co \n.+ \n+ a\ co \o io$ o\ ca \oN i^ , ca dr d l3 v?O v?O (ni (ni v?O v?O rni (n v?O rnO UzI,i J - ;i Al t v\ti a, tr tt zl ottz Ja JC' ) Ja Ja Ja Ja Jcr ' ) Ja Ja Ja ri 7 -t -E Z ! ? i R E U z z z z z z z z z z ri H aO- , ' rD ao.D aO- , , V) o< aC- ' , aO. , r ao. , .D aO- , . aA ao. .D +h ,- \ -> zBE <x -] cl Y or Et r d .3 s LE ( oo;o f i XH E H -a5- > E &O r: l o&OD ,- , A *3Er u t- , Z J IJ . ] fJ - , f--' . O O lZ t t ) t8 E r- , . tr l E lt a Z t f-OIo n XH E E | : -iHF r < r JaE f-= rr . l h< & *x A LT ] \J A fr 8 5 Fl z Fl I! tJ . . . \ol- ( o o E zt r ) il 8 8 t- 1 [r . l = 't a Z E \oFr n A :E H t X rH r E : -iFF \ < 1z tr \o=r ! & *x t s [r ] \J a AV fi x d FZ Jr ! tJ . [n'- c o ]I z L L ) il g E t_ t! = ;c n Z E rIc B rH 8 it r = E uZ x 3i z =g E \f , z? ^- Yr sr ! - + 7 a co ? ;r i f , q l Y il ? p K 't f r a JO It I r+ r cON I \f ,O oo ? Oo o F. NEA Y X+ U rr . l "a -! rNEp I \nr- - $ z?Oa Sf ! - . + =C , n = FJ - . . J (\ l Y tP p K J- o tr 3 c! z?OTEB F + il P p K : JOE* l\ .t bU t< jHE E tr . t Cl y fr p r y FC JT tr R zq CT HIf N Y t? p K E JOE; zq Ol =H s E ;r = ) o l Y I8 p r y tr 3 \O n O\ J Fr l Is x fr J qr Y ff i p r y FO 'l - I 7c o r* . N cr l Z? CT=B s i ;I f N Y tP p x 't f r r JO -atJ . , , "AN z? CT=H $ i I] O Y t? p K * JOE3 E+ r 33 f-|' nc! \oca \o (aN f-Oca N\o \ocoN ooca ca \o O, cOc! a .+ L = -+ + - q3 O, oo O. oo oo@ oooo oooo \o \o \o \ooo \ooo F+ r a CON\oJfJ < O, c! \oJlJ - c! ca \cJLJ - caca \o.] tJ . , . O, CO \oJlJ . , . c{ -t '\ oJfJ - ' , CO$\oJtL tl .O,$\oJIL c! (. ) \oJtJ - CALn \cJIJ . .f , .+ooo Cd O. r Ic\froo tr . tr O\ os a f) O- q, Ep I E€ . t< t- ) 5, R Eo)bo (n-f ,ouo 63 O. ' . IC\NO() Fztd=arl raoU rr . IFoz rr . lFoz r!Foz r!Foz ElFoz IJ . ]Foz rr 1Foz r!Foz HFoz ;Foz A rr r- ir ao33 5B 3 <6 4 U -Z>g {6 E a1>= 4Z-U ea 4 {E E -Z <{ E *3 aZ <E Z t- l {E HE E -Z \< E Z, - {g -Z>g 4Z -( J 3E H ri Ed 2a s i 3A $ aJ a. co \oco l. n -t o\ CA \o \n\. ) a. eA bN i^ , cA aca lE N JH V?O \n l. n \a \n \ni tn \nO (n vr lO ()zEdi l Al = V\ tr - lr l tl zr o=a Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja JC' ) Ja J0 r{ ? \EE A ! ? ?R E U z Z z z z z z z z z ri H aC- , .D a) aD a) ao- , ,) aC- ' , aC- a aA aO.- +t ,AE4 <x J eY er il = d, o3 S - lr r P rr . l il il H E fr E d FZ I tl r $-Q a EZ n il 8 8 r- Ir . l E lr r r 2 E -f ,;o R x# E -F = E \f ,=r ! rr < I xx d , [- r J \J n ,/ \ \ J r' . Y J g. ] L. l U FZ Jr ! E caO'- o o EZ r r l r8 E r- , . El = lr c z r 2 E co tr . l A :E IJ rr . l r# 8 H I l ,l 1- - !aIJ - . . =u l & x5 a fr 8 i F1 Z r. - l El N-' ' c o EZ I A il 8 8 =H = tr - , , c\ lIo B rH 8 it r = E c!=E l r+ r & *, x Z rr r x o HE i F1 Z FJ fr l tJ . , , +t r\ z +t \J I ri ,A ' \ V YJ z r- J a. - F d B 5e X rf El lr (n 91 OI J Fi jHs s Er N ? fr p r y FO "l - I i: co rr r N z?OT >H s S :E 5 i . i ? iE p r y ET ca Z? CT=H s E ;I D O ] Y il 9 p K t* a ! JO7T r+ ' coN \f , n o \- / -r JIs s rr l N Q fr p r y FO l- I ;: CN l+ r c! z?CT>H n S -ID N Y t? p K J) * r i tr 3 N z?CT=E a + 59 s K r+ r - t JOE3 cn n O L. ' r< l In s rr . r N ? fr p r y FO l- Ea Itr s z?CT=H n i J. . ; ) q I Y il 9 S K 't + l l JNE3 N Z? OT =B s E ;t D O I Y TP p K JOtr ; N c\ -O\ J Fr -: Is E lr . l o. t c? fi p r y FN Ji =c a l+ r 6l g+ r 33 O.Oco $\o \oN cA (n\o N.tN co \c\o \n.f , 6l Nca 2+ r Z rr r {r \ooo f-oo f-oo t- - oo N$ N$ N-f , NCO NCA Nco F+ r a o\ \n\oJtJ - , . C\ \o\oJrL cO\o\oJU- O. \o\oJtt Nf-\oJfr . ca f-\oJfJ r o\ f-\oJfJ - , . Noo \oJt! cooo \oJtJ . . o@\oJtJ . , . qE 8, R Ebo Frzri r-aoU ;Foz HFoz ;Foz os Z ?r ' Fr l- El F 2 C F. r $ H m 5 RY F 4 , 't - F r OC 7& > 3H ? E EE s s 'f ;. 7 F{ &m tr R " - qz - n R< b Q, 1z Fo 7) f- =r!Foz =€$r!Foz &O ,- , tL tr r HS 3H 2r d 1a3e -Z>= {g aZ>g {E AE H z z z aZ>g {E 5E e x{ 3 -Z>g {g aZ \< E ', t- l {g -Z>g {E rd E d 2u s t =A $ al icca i^ ) .+ o\ co Oc\ ON N oo 6oo i^ ) f- [n f- O\o TE N u?O rnO \n o' !O otO o!O z z qO e!O qO (,zI'" / J 5F -- lE dZ' . ] o=a Ja Ja J0 Jr!a JrI ]a Jr!a Jr!a JrI . ]a Jtaa Jrr la JrI . ]a H,HF H s z z z z z z z z z z z ri H ao< ao. oo. . ao. aC- , . aO- ' , :) aC. , rD aF. , .D aO" :) ao. ' . aorD B? <x t] r. l Y nr E= d o3 g 5'- , . o o EZ L t ) il 8 8 r- , , tr . l E 'r a Z E OIc t il H 8 it r = tr = rr . l r- r d *x B LT J \J N .A \ J fi x d FZ l. - l t! rL 6* S E? P Z. ll U& Z=ov Y E? P A1 4Ud 3v S E? * al -Ci r > UC 3u s E? S z, t- Ci r > U& 3u S E? P z, t- U& FU)oatJ .c FUoatJ -o FUDntJ . ' . Or lr {z r\ Z +t \/ 1 ri 3i 3 F d* =g x z? CT=H n i ;i i D o. t Y il 9 p x -r f a ' IJA iY l* r coN zq CT=A a g xH s * E JOE; r- l OU Fr l I .J - + il 4 3 fi p r y FC 'l :< I tr R cn rr . l ? ?T )- c n C' o = tT ' , . $ Y Zp K OA ts \o v ca r, l ? a- I ) - Cn Cl o ? T' . . .f , Y 2e n CA -\o v ca IJ . ] ? a- -l)- c . ) Or o ? ,r . \ f , Y ;p n OA \o v co r! ? a- I J- c o A. r a O \/ v'r $ Y ;p K CA . H\oO ca rr . l ? a- I J, . c o 9s B J) rzp K OA \o\- / H? 2T J .. r Cr ) ^i F { O vv+N Y 2s n CA \o \J r, . ? a- I J .. r Cr ) O\ o ? FN Y Zp K OA \o v IJ . ] ? A' : I J .a (f l Ai A O Vv AFN Y l* ( ! ^; \ zp i l CA -\o v E+ h 33 f-\o oo .f , c\ l caca z z z O,N \f , ca \ncA F- \n\n \oco 2+ r {3 O, O. O, O' , c! tnNC\ CONN z z CAoo \f , (nao It - \o F+ t a FLNo\ \oJtu cao\oJE o\o\ \oJt! . . (, f-aO- omr- -an- , (,Uf-aO. Qof-a (, I! f-a Nf-a mNOf-a ca f-a \o$obo cd O. , . I c!C\ / a- , I OO fr . , . tr o\ GI A 5E = I g' J F. F o x. o {: O .F ( !l E, R Eobo tt - .f ,obo cgR.INNOOd Fzrdr- rar-aoU &ofJ . . .>Em< n8 zt \ Fa F( ) =H /, 6 r, r l1 l O f: . > Fm t u & i l 2\ 3 8 " t< < l- zE 8x l\ - >H F{ Ee > H 3* z a- &o, - , It6s3r &O, - , tJ - Fr r ,t CQ o I l\ . o: ^ 22<d F gB r r EF 5 k >4 . - ^ Za . r F H3 E * FU r - i5 b () U7, - F s S3 ' b ; E8 $ E &A A\ OEt s r - \ t- { >nE? E v€ z TR =tr . lFoz 2 rr l eaxe l, r A E a1<, 8 z, >- < 4t u ?3 -U -Z>g *Z-( J aZ =< E z-{E a4{g 3a1Z -( J l- l aA>y 4 tr r ?g ^Z>g {g 2 z z ^Z =EZA{g i\ I Ei {d 2a s 35 8 $ -\o \o \o \n rn -orn 6O(n Oe! 6\o o.f , 6\o ttzi* E N JR qO c' l n il ll 9) eJ rn il l l 9) qO c! c. lO c\ oJO qO e{ z Uz!il : i Al = v\2a ir fr ] ZJ o=2 JLI ]a Jrr la JEla Jrr la Jr!a Jrr . la JE]a JIJ ]a Jr!a Jrr la Jrqa E]rl rE A ! ? TS E U z z z z z Z z z z z z ri H aO- aO. aF. ' , a0- ' ,) aOrD OA- aO- ' .D aO- , , aC- ' ,D aC- . .) aC.D E? <X J r- l Y 0. C= & "3 9 - lJ r FUDctuo. , .z FU)eIJ - , , a< t<z FU=atJ - , . 0. . FUDcUJ FU)cUJ F(- )ac!UJ FUDoNUJ 5v S =? * Zl -cu > U& 6" $ E? * -, la ot > UC 5v $ EY * Z t- t Or n > Ui l 5v $ E? T .2 , t- Ct r > U& +t r\ z +t \J I r\ ,A \ V YJ z iO . - z 3 f, .Y H i-fr r r! ? a- I J .f \ CO O€ ? >r t 6l Y 2p r CA,- \o \J I! ? a- I J ." - ' Cl ^ ) C\ o ? :E C I Y zp K 9A \o \J L, r ? a- I J .n Cr ) Ai A O vvFN Y 2p n OA \o v r! ? a- ! J .. 7 . r Ca l ^: A O \J v , < ts c { Y 2p r CA \o v El ? a- -lJ .n ci ) cu = C\ t Y 2p n CA \o v rr . l ? a- J ." r cO C\ o = Fn C { Y 2s K CA \o A!J tr . l ? ?T J* c o cu = :E C I Y zp K CA \o A!- J ca ,' I q a- I >J _, cO Ct o ? H- f , Y 2p n CA H \o v ca r! ? a- t J - cl ^ ) C. . o P +r $ Y Zp n CA rl \o v ca I! ? v) - I J- C . ) Ai a O v v s rr . l !J "L ) r ZP K OA - -ZT \o v co I! ? a- -tJ- c o Ct o ? tT ' t Y 2p n CA HH \o \J 9+ t 33 O. ln(n NF- CO oo (nrn O.NN ca t- - co ooNe! \f , f-cO z z z N\oca A+ L = '+ I - {3 |- n \nCA oo$cr ) O, .f , co co \o \o[. ) CO $co f-\nCA caco N.aco cocaca z F+ r a !0co f-aO- . . UUca[\ .- ct ' l ? 4& io UccoO;> f, 5 \tOf-aC- ' , m\f , f-0a. \n [* -aF" m\nOf-V) O- , . \o f-aCr c0 \o f-aO- , . U\of-aO- , . c\o f-aO- . qE 8. R Eb0 3Zt. I=2r=aoU =€.+rqFoz 2E?i e EH E i3 () U Zr - Fs a R SH b E8 $ iB - dao\ Et s >oB1 =s il R \o€\f ,arr . lFoZ o\HFoz O\ l EIolzl =€o\ rr . lFoz Id8o\ I!Foz a ,\ r- lt a ao1g l, r A Et -Z <' ( E A= t *Z- (- ) z z z aA .< E z, i iE a4 .< E z, -t {E {lzl *t 3a {g nt E l * H l -Z << E Z. J*Z-U aZ <. 8 Zt -qE rd E d 2E s Z -Z cJ A )- l \o a\nca i\nca ^\neA ocoN ^cr ^ ) 6l alolol -l blOI -l a bl ol -. 1 GO . =r Ii N z o!O 6lO c{O z z ol$I il ol .q lol \o ol u? l ol \n v?O UzI&: i AE t r l v\tr l - Fr r lE a Zl ] ol=a Jtr . la Jrr la Jr!a JE] rJ r ) JIJ . ] (r ) JEla JIal>l JIal>I Ja JI o. lldl>l Ja Ja ri ? \tE Z T ? tP E U z Z z z z Z UI (J I () () ! Q U ri H a a:) ao. a) aO.D aC- al3l al o- l )l a al3l aO.3 af, +t H> ,ee <x F] ra Y or e= d o3 g ll 5v S =? * z, t- l Oi r > UC z=cv v EY p z. l- Cm > UC 5" S =? * z. l- Oi r > (- ) & 5v $ =? p z, t- Ci r > U& 6v $ =? p z. l- Oc n E U& 5v s =? * Z. ld Om > Ud "i l ol EI E I = E| H I i I ,\ o =J 6q ,i I \J C\ E= LL l =- , .< 2 4^ / Hl :l rl Ol ?l 1 el 3l 8l dl >t =l $l3ol ;ltr l (B l -\ o t- l 6q l- l/ c\ lr l .- >a .\ o -. 1 cO 4- i ,t r \J C{ o= !! .= , >a :t t r\ z +t V I rr 1 A\ \ r /YJ z :- l O- Li F d, B 5e X i-Ir ea Er + a- I J- c . r C. . o ? -r . $ e- Ip r OA -\o \J ca I! ? a- I j- e q 6r a O vY - -+ l- J I- \ l ,^ CO ZF l q r OA H- z. I \c v ce EJ ? (t ) * t J- 6 a , Cs Q 'r - ! + Y 2p n CA H\o v ea t! ? a- I J- ( r ) Oo P .r $ Y Zp n CA EZT \o\- / ca IJ . ] ? a- I J, c , - ) 9s 8 .. I . lr zp K OA \o \J c. ) Er q a- I J- c . ) 9s 8 Jl lzp K CA \oO olul ., H l =t ?l ul Hl EI E I H I zl - l ot>I at ,' Hl =l Et E t H l Zl - l ol>l 4 r\ CYOT ,\ o o o -c o O l- ^?" i J (- ) o N H!- leo I! T \< $ Z. Fr cl rr l I IE I ,r A l ?l ol al z l il 8 1 >t itzlol>l oo l ol"lmIqlql $l '- l 6?9. ; -C Q O J -' O <c \ . 5 (- ) o c. l -F { lOO tr l T Z. -. r< r $ -? r\ cYOT ^, / \O oO -c r ) O 'l - a >- a \J <c \ " 5 UC C I -- . I oc I! T Z, -r P+ r 33 ca \oco Z z Z f-f-t. ) oc f-\n f- lol oo ! oo l ol rc l co \. ) \f , ;l f-f-cA \o f-ca 2+ r {3 z e! ca .f , caca$ $cO.f , z z 3a "l . lzl a >l >l II 3I O.O, ca 3a \oc! $co F+ r a r! \cOt- -a f-f-aO- mf-f-a Uf-f-aC- . r of-t- -aO. IT I f-r-a 3l JI c0 l .+ l -l .f ,o\aIJ . ]z VI $l -l \f ,o\orI ] O-f ,o\oL! o\ l ol r! l>l g\ lEI>l o\ l OI rr t l >l oo \f ,C)bo 63A-!C. l NC)oCd tt tr O \ UE = P H' d E€ .F ( IJ EX E0)oo o\$obo cooiINNo()cd 3zri-zr-eoU () > zi l ca xo rr . t z z (- v F- ) 2s 3 Hg (, > -A E = Hu 3 r , 23 S e HP - C{Nrr . IFoz NNI!Foz oh e> i; L f r E 3l > P t- . . 5 2f f s 96 s Ei 2 2F s 96 n ai 9 2f ; s 9t p ai e o< - \n d, Hf i 22 ^2Hf i 22 ^9E32; EE d aa33 -Z>g {E -Z>g {6 &cO. Fat J- l &=zilO- E{ aA>g {g ^Z>g *Z tJ t- ( aZ>= {6 Fl E d 26 s i =A $ al 6\n rn 6f- f- 6O N N c! \n\o i^ ) \o h\o TE N \ni v?O z z z z z z (ni \aO \r ) i ozI'F l . J - ;i t. E J \J iF- lr ( tl ZJ cts l z, JF- ' .BJa JO- ,BJV) Jo< JF. .B Jo< ts Jo< J0. , , JO- ' , ts Ja Ja Jo hl ? 'l -E Z ! ? ?8 E U o c o c o o o o z z z rE H ao. . aO. , ,D aC- , . aO- .D aF<a aa aA- ,a ac. , ,a a3 ao. l aD +h Hl zee <x '] ra Y er c= d o3 S - Fr a- lnr i oc o< () E l zco< ?i l58 C) a EScc c< or ! zc c< ?c58 C) a Fa<F : XX [! - 6la Fa<F : >J < - il E Na aCUcz 8E Zl -YZ f- r L. / b> U il?A. ' , ts p f i .< r n E U &O- , . Bp f i *< r n E U ?C- ' , ts H f i <' , cn E z> < U F &Q u 33 3 rr . Xa F &? u 33 3 f: - , , X 7) F&2 u Hi ? =' l . . . F f: - . X cn I! +t r\ Z +t \J 4 rt rq \ VYJ z rl O. 'i z 3 1 -t Y ;- i fr a- l *or i 4 Od - c< i U rr . : 3 5? * F C. A r- r A lJ bE f UC N . : E# 4 cc + c< i Uf r f S 5? t ?& A 5P = um . : ?E : bv o l .. A O I VZ a c4 i r r q =F n Aa a -s 3 ?i : I VZ o o gu r E- a ft n a Ei c' ) cD -+ .f , o; m cE - , . c< i Ur , r 8 6? * ?C , A Lr ,a , t- . 1 oE f u( , , ] coUml Ar 4c t gt ? Ao o i< 6l 9A C{ CAU m, , A!Z. g gl ? Am ;; c! ?AZ= C{ coU ,Y \ I aa z, qut ? /1 o o ;J C\ aA '7 lJc\ (? T ZOEH q \J '- r oO FX o t 2Y , A cT <r \f , a$ () T ZOEB q (J r o o iH l oT r= . .< f a$ () T ZOEH q \J -) oO FX o l zf l 4 oT \< < \r z$ 3+=3 CO \oN oo .f , f-ca ONca rr . 1JmF&co- , , CA$$ Noo (n \oco .f , .t$ f-F-N f-\oca A -. ' + - ll l '+ + - {3 cO\oN f-ca z z z Z Z Z caO. co F- f-N -fcA F+ r a \oOO, caO- , . \oO,mz NO, (r ) N5aB f-5g> io \no\mo (, tnO' .ma>, [nO.mar<z ;o\JO zl. nO,JU I(nO,JU Gf i H- o .. . Y 'o . tr .l - ) 8x Eooo FzHlr lzoU ao0. .oz NN€=r!Foz a&on.oz ozr- N 'e ! rr . lFoZ a&oo. .oz a r\ H lE l zo3e &dO. &zdO. . cC- &l- rzcO. &!. rz&C- az>g {E -Z>= {E &r-zdO- -Z>g 4Z tJ rd E d 26 s i =A s al 6[n brn \n tn [n O\n 6caN Fa c. l tac{ i^ ) eo (ncO tnc{ 6|. nN tne! 19 N l3 z z z z z z z z z \ni z v' )O z |. ni ()zI'r l . J 5F tr - l- l lJ { ZJ cr-a Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja -la Ja Ja JOrJa JO- , .> Jo. , ,Ja Ja. lB JOiBJa ri\l iE e ! ? E P E U z Z z z z z z z z o o o o e ri H aC-D a ac<D ac"3 aC" a aP- , , aor :) atu aA. ' , aD aO- , .) ao"3 ao.D E? <x -] ra Y 0r e= d .3 s tt !n = *L : J " EE + \ -( 1. . { l- l q< - i. z L !o - , . EE i r t- l )- a r- l q< rr i, e L In = *H -EE ( I l- r )- { \. r i zt u oo /1 c\ MH = El o _' f- r n F 'r H l |- l r- . l- { - l- r IJ - , Z lJ - , oo /1 c\ , - A MU . I Y lr l 6 -r t- , A F 'r H \ =r l- i { I! Zt u oo tl c! dr ! Y r! m f t- l n F 'r H l ! r- . =r tJ - zf u oo n e o 0( Ir . l = El m _. F- , , n ts 'r H l >J - t- ( !' ' a Ir - , A fu to A c o , - A F( r ! = lr l Q -, tn l )- J H H -t s ! H tJ - Z lJ - , \O n e o o( rr . l : El 6 -r qA i ! r- r )- . -r F H lJ - , Z lJ , a{-a- '<e c m3e a-<d , o N*t n a- Z= r :> zuc N*f naa \< 3A\ =Bt c\+f \n a= =rZ\ <Ba +t r\ Z +t v I r: 1 ,- \ \ vYJ z iO r - 7 3 fi tJ : d l- a El tr f> l - Yr ZOEH q \J '- r OO FX o t 2Y , A cT << \d : 2, \f , () T ZOEH q \J '- - \ oo =s j oT -S2$ ri -YrZOEB q \J -) OO FX o t zf l 4 cT =i .< f 2. f , ,tVr ZO f- ' ! r' r (\ *d = \- / '- r OO FX o t 2Y , A oT \- s Z, .f , () T ZOEH q \J -r oO FX o l zf l A cT <r .< f 2, .t UT ZOEB q (J -r oo FX o . l 2Y , A cT !- r .< f 2, .f , () T ZOEH q LJ - r m FX o t ZY , A cT \- s z$ () T ZO r' r (\ tV l+ { r- ! \a - i LJ r o o f- ' , X c. t zH d cT =r .< f Z. t () T ZO ts r, r (\ *f r = \- / - oo FX o . l zf l A oT r- r S z$ I f- O -r N 3t *aETQa LJ r $-t I f- O -. O' l 1l *@pqQa ur $$ I l- - 61 rO O C o. t (J n \J ; -t -f , I f- O -N gl *@Eq co LJ t .f , -f , I f- O -N 1l ,/ t OO Aq 9a L. / t$$ a ++ - - -+ + - =3 \n.t .+ \oco .t oo f-c{ \o.f ,$ f-cA \f , ooc\ f--f , .f , ooea .f , Ot f-c{ f-\o6l $(n$ (n \f , \n\n.t o\ \oco a+ L = rt r {3 z z z z z z z Z z f-\oN z tnO. an z rn \f , co t< +t a c\ \nO\JU (,Nr. )O.JU N\noJU ca \nO.JU ()CA (nO.JU CA \no\JU -f , (no' \JU (, -f , \no\JU -t tnO,JU -f , f-o\J(- ) -ff-o\J() ooo\JU (,ooo\JU ooo\JU [nobo cd O. ' , IC!C\C)C)d. fr . tr O\ os e r) o- q, Er ?E€ .t < !) 8, q EObo tnobo cg O- , . INNoOCO Frzfr ] tr lzts tzoU F- p H# 22 aon. .oz c! 9 il ^ < Fi22 r- p Hf i 22 a&cC- , .oz DF 22 nZa^f - n tf ) Fi a' l* r Eo bz z oep , 1r - 3 \r ) !- { A. Po5z z Oq4x EEOZ z 2Hao3e -Z>g *Z-( J !' r aA Zr i{a -Z>g {g F{ aeqa aZ{e *Z\U z z z r{ E d 2E s ? 3A $ al . ] _333 6Oc! N \nca \n \nco O TE N q (ni |. nO N to tno cl (n v?O ()zI'F / J - ;i At = v\,- i- r fd zt o=a JC.Ja Jo. tsJa JA.B)ct ) JC. ' .)a J!. , .BJa Jo. .Ja Ja Ja Ja H? -l HE Z ! ? TS E U U U U U Q U z z z rE e aCr ao. . aF- , ,D ao- , , aPrD a a:) aF- ' ,3 aC.3 A+ t E1 <x J rr ] Y Fr 4= d o6 S F{ -! AF tt co<= J- , pE ?= J !- { pE ?= l- ,pE ea \< rzilJU :cod,J(- ) :c,JU f-&c ^o -Ua f-co ^O - 5a r- l Fr C&c ga +t r\ z +t \J -4 rr r .^ VYl z iO r - r. . d B 5q X ti t{ tr I f- O ,- N -O gl ^. / t Q Hq co \J I s-f , F\ I&K5eu+ -+ I f- cr t rO O d o. t OA L/ 5 .t$ I l' - o, t rO O C ol OA u= $$ I c- cr t rO O C o' t CAUT .f , -f , ! r- c{ rO O CNOA I \f ,$ I t- - Noo d, C\I$$ I f- N oo C, c!I \f , -f , IN c? A@S? ol (J i I .t$ E+ h 33 F-N Nf-N \n$ -t f-c\ (n f-c! Nrn$ z z z 2+ t q3 f-N Nco \oo' \ cA $f-N O' . co f-O. co O. ca ooaa ooO' . co F+ r 0 I@o\JU NooO, JU caooo\JU () -f , ooO. -]U rnooO,JU \oooO,J(J a() f-ooO.JU V) ooooOt JU aO,@O' , JU GE 8. R Eoo azo-3Fla()z-toFr l- (zoa- \ YF{Fdt Fzrdr-aoU caNI!Foz 83 i l Z O H ag z CONElFoz caNI!Foz coc! rr . lFoz coNE]Foz cac! rr lFoz RX Fl rr . l H f- { obZZ a 7\ :I l4033 ae$Z \U ae {a J a =. 1 ?# i l ?a i IJ E J a= *?a i l \_ / E aa {a ae {a aZ{a a4{a ri Ed za s t =A $ aJ i^ , o\ i^ ,O, ON ca bN Oc\ \a\o O IE " (n v?O \ni \. ) i v?O \n U?O U?O ozIil : l A Ii E { v\3- Fr ( El Zt ] o=a Ja Ja JO- .Ja JcrBJa JC- ' , tsJa JO. . . tsJa JO- .BJ .a Jo<Ja E]rHE Z !? T R E9 z z U U c0 m U U ri H aO. aAD aOr) aP- , aO. aO- 0O- , aO- ,D It Fi <x J et Y e r d= d o3 s - tL FV i l FF r =a d io ' &tr l A- FV D t3 t ?' a il Fi 9a co fu H E3 = i o oH N 9a co A r= i E3 = { o cH cO EJ 3? (r , CA tl l ={ (, co W \O :E f: Fr l ' V F o &: co a iz ? t- { a tq BA 5 -r + ( A ?H q :* U o= z Ar ! uU I 3 iz =3 8 V?E H , LJ r h r fr a = = t- r/ i OO Jl + { t tr E " a A rt N V?7 il L, ( . r h r 'a e - Y - .o - A fr a = = )- J )+ r I E P "a e rd N x E? 2 ; e? 3 3 dE = 3 >) t N .tm N| . / j . T t r co \< \J : e7 , 5 R? 3 3 \J -. \ M JA : ] - i ot E = )r N6t '. f o *Ase Z E R? 3 3 V= \ M J| , ' - ) Y o* 6 = - I -t NN -f ,o -a e7 , 5 R? 3 3 V= \ M JA : I Y cR 6 3 >) ! Nc{ -a X s? 2 5 R? 3 3 V= \ M Jr / l ' l ? UR 6 9 >) l N -a X E= Z E P? 3 3 v -r \ t- r M Jl / l - ) : ii o - = o v i' - i lr l i- i >) IN a .+ + _ =+ L33 o\F- |' n oo \n caoo \n f-N\o O, co \o -f , \o -f , \o \f , \o a .+ L 5 .+ L {3 f-ca -f , ooca -f , \f , .f , C\ f-$ tnoo -f , \ooo-t t-oo \f , f-oo$ F+ r a ZIJ . ]F mOzrr . lF $zt!F [nNzrqF Ooozr!F ooZr!F Ioozrr . lF aOooOzr!F c! \oObo cdO.I c\6l / -r lC)o ./ IL tr O \ ct ! a i. i 8 5 5 r. t F. F o Fi A ,^ r! {: O .F a U 8x Eooo ca [. )0)bo INNO()CS OzoF{Fr t- (aUzl- ltoFr l- {zo=a/- \ YF, ' ( rd& EtzH=a-2oU coNtl lFcz caNt!Foz ca $ c{ N tI ] t! FFoc zz ca .f , NN tr . l t! FFcozz RX !q r! F f- r cbzz coNi \ Fr El F-obZZ co .. f , NN rr . l tr . l FFcozz ca $ c{ c\ lr . l fr . l FFoozz a 7\ tr ( lE ao33 a#Z \U a{a zi ;$Z \U aZ$z \U aZ ia a#Z :U a4 Zr i 4 fr - ' . ?6 -( J a{a F] E E 2U 5 I =A s AJ i, l \o O i^ r oo \n \noo \noo dt { 4 >N JH U?O (n ar ?O rnO \nO l. n \n \nO ()zIil i A IJ E I V\,- i- t ti Zt ] cEra JO- , .BJa JA- ' .BJV) JOiBJa -] A- ' ,BJa Jp. .>JV) JCrJa JABJa Jo. . -]a qe - e -H 3 U U U U U U U U ri H aC- , a a) o) aO.3 ao- H aC*D a) +t Fi sF d 4= & "3 9 li fzi tl €i 1 X _7 VoE q 32 i EF U op , q cc a iz ? - a t- r ] co t 1 & \o a f, -- Ac* o 3V d oY z z- t! aOE J a* |- t CE D ^F A Y r- , / A E9 i =Z 3 tr . l co V \o , r r x -: - r \ - / =c \. / J l ac a JA -r a tr - ] ca n E , ?a O rr - ' , O f- < I \- /d -a Z cn V \O FT r t: - \- / \J J .] ac & -l A - a IJ . l ca O & \o a 3 -acF c 35 d 9c Z aE l :f h 7\ z +t \J 1 ri ,- \ \ V Y Jz i 0r = F d, 7 3 fr ,J Y; A ri - tr r .f ,o Fr A is? 2 = i? = = V- \ MJ: / l - r Y cq E = -- ) t NN a$ r v R? N d V rr I J ci l/ Oo - Z = Dn 5 I ao r- . s5 a$ 4- R? N X Vr h lJ a v OO - Z = -lao r- i :5 m aS <l Y 8? N + Jo D S / OO - A = rf , ^ 5 -co Js5 m -f ,o a cn s U I R? 3 3 V- - \ - M J: , - ) ? cq 6 = I IC!N \f ,o -v )se = E R? 3 3 \/ =\ M J. r ' ] - ? CR E s -r ' I C\N "\ oo - a i E= * x Lr / E l iP * s \J = - EJ t - J 5m Noo Fi a d E= * x L/ r H l xP * = \- i = H -) l 5m 2+ r Z zr 3i N-f , \o Nf- NF- N-t \o CO$\o ca-t \o NNt- NNt- - E+ r i3 oooo$ \o\n \o(n oo@-f , c\@$ Ot oo$ C! \o(n N\o\n F+ r a oozrr . lF oozIJ . JF aooZIJ . ]F aoozr!F QNoozE]F acC\ ooztr . lF Noozr!F aNoozr!F qE 8. R Ebo \ 0zo-3FlaUzl- ltcFrHzcEIz.- . vt- {FCt Fztr l !lzt-aoU coe! IJ . ]Foz RN Fr rr . l F F- r obzz coc\€(naE]Foz od , 9R F P ,. . t 5 € d3 3 3 E I ii = 6 2 =IJ . ]Foz 9d 9R F I! ., = € 3 kY -' " ; \f , F3 3 3 8 $ at r a2 cac\€(nr!Fcz a7 \ iE E l Za XQaa l- { ae {a ae {a ts ( ae {a aZ$Z :U az {a lr t ae$Z :U ri Ed 26 s I =A $ AJ rnoo \n \n\o \n\o i^ , \o i^ ) \o (a\o =r el F l JH V?O \nO \n |. n \nO \r ) V?O oZd :- l At t v\Fr f : -r i= ZJ or-a JPr tsJa JOrJa Ja Ja Ja JU) Ja Fl-r hl E Z !? ? R EU U O z Z z z z ri H aC- , . a ao. aA- ' .D ac. , . aF. . ao<D +t AF1 <x J et Y o r E= d "3 s =\ ZF lJ r co V \o ' r . t : -< l- ( V io Ed d '- J A E F. A fq ca n C { . :z a c+ o t- 'l \Ju "a Z EJ OU oc JFo3 tr J OU co JF (, D IT J CU cc JF tr ] OU co JF I! OU co JFOD +t r\ Z +t V I rr l Y Jz i !r = Fr d, 7 31 J .< ;r \ it s r fr I ;q o '| :e z = P? 3 3 \J .- \ M J| / ] - ? UR E g >) t N o -AE? 2 5 R? 3 3 CE B E >) r N c! Ha u g e7 , 5 ^U C ? v- - \ H o o J. , D ] () = m = H) r C\ c! N -a u p? 2 5 ^U O ? \- / -- \ OO dE B + Nc\ _a u eo \ < ( ) I 9 e7 5 8! 3 3 UE B i -v ) U E? 2 5 8! 3 3 iE B = Jr N co -A ? g? 2 j ^U O ? 5{ j $ dE B * )t'c \ N P+ i3 $\f , \o \f ,$\o o\ f- O. f- f- f- coNf- a .+ r - rt + - {3 O, .f , C.$ C.$ O. -t Nc\ .f , NO. .+ ca \o(n F+ t V) Noozr!F aNooOztr . lF (, coooOztJ JF acCAoozE]F CAoozr!F ac. ) oozr!F caooOzI!F ilC)bo CUi?o ^/ tL . . tr O\ ns 8 F :. 1 F. = o) L{ A A; Y i3 0 .F i !) 53 Eob0 \n\nObo cd R<INNo()d Ozo-FrFr (nt)zl- {tAvt. { l- lzAv-ea- \vFlFdt Fzrdrie=aoU o c, 9 R F F :. / 5' U H3 7 : r i l x 4' Y7 AF *9 - rr J Z cAc! I!Fcz coc!HFoz eaNHFoz cac!E]Foz caNIr lFcz cAe! I!FoZ coc\ l tr . 1Foz A 7r Fr lI , . 10 is /. \ A - =M+Z \U J oo < Z FT U E= A zv o t- { )- l l- Ai H J 3E H zq oEi E J Z FT U u *a zq o Ei H 4 tr . . ?3 -U <{ & zi i{a H aa{a F( aa \< , ( & A r- ( 4 IJ . ' . ?6 -U F] E d ?a s - -Z qt al i^ , \o \o \o \o co ca ca dE { .l q rn (nO v?O \n rn \ni \n (n ()ZIil : i Er l v\2a ;r kl ZJ Cl= r2 Ja JABIa JFrBJa JABJa Jp- .Ja JF- ' ,Ja JP- , ,BJa JABJa H-t l< E = !? ? R EU z c o c U U U U ri n ao-) an- , .D a a a) aO- .D aD ao- , , +t Ei eY o - q= d "3 t l< \ZN LL r! OU cc JFo) -a )- . , 1 \= { 2r g r 2p A Z vUU E' l z \r' HF d FL ; A 68 ? e Nco tr J 3? () Nca I! u NCA I! 3* U NB: E X .VFA o &: oc A iz ? +t r\ Z +t V 1 fl . l ,^ \ \ VY Jz -l O- - 5 qX rJ E lJ - $ -A ? E? 2 5 ^U O ? 5{ - - r S iE E = -J l C\C! F$ZU M E 32 = H ;i \./ ia a ? (, F J N *, 2 5 i 49 0 = uc \ F. + z (, co E 32 = \- / i9 c ? I- J F J C \ 1, 2 5 i UN F\ n zo m 5Z - 9 | o- *' Z - iF E T \J t - J C \ d, = = o o UN F. + z o m p =2 = - \- / i9 a ? UT * J N l, z 5 i UN F\ f , Z U M p 32 i Hi - \ J i9 c ? (, F J C \ 12 5: 39 m = UN F. f , Z U ao p =2 = dE = = l, Z 5 i H UN F$Z U CO E =2 = t* i_ \J i9 o ? (J F J N lZ 5: UC ! A -+ + - Er -i { i i3 coNf- (n$\o \o.t \o -tNf- r- -$\o oo -f , \o Nf- o\ .t \o 2+ L q3 co \o ta ) z Z Z caO' -t -tc\$ C! f- .< f , (nO, -t F+ t a acoooZr!F ()$ooztr . lF .f , oozr!F .f ,@ZEIF (, (noozI!F \noozE]F rnNZr!F (, \ooozr!F GE 5. R Eb0 azc-El FraL)z-/,cFr l- lzoE{et- \Vt- {FI ] t FrzF{ l- reEraoU CO \+ N ci t IJ T E] F F- ( ob ZZ cOc! IJ . ]Foz Cf ) !+ Ni i I! rr l H?cbzz caNIJ . ]Foz RN F] E] F F- , obzz cANrr . lFoz eac\ IJ . ]Foz caNIJ . lFoz a 7\ - lr l ao1e l, r A - ae {a ae {a aZ4t r?6 :U aa{a =&a;+Z -U {a {a z.{a HEd za s - \z q! al ca ca co i^ , ca i^ ) co (nca 1E * 'r q rn \n [n \o (ni rr ) \n v?O r)zI,i J -; iAE T Y\ ,d - 'i ri ZJ orlz JC. ' ,BJa ']A- ,BJa JO- .Ja JO. rJa JO- ' .BJa JorJa Jo. .Ja J0rBJa H7 \HE Z !? ? P EU U U U U U U U U ri H aO- ,3 ac. lD ac. .D ac- , ,3 aAr aCr aC. , r aF- ' , +t Fi <x J ra Y o < 4= d o3 g c{ rq co E , \O i Y -r a a co o o /) J JU () Z - tJ . l :Elv C d, u ac a LJ ,7 EJ o& & B? c\ rJ ' ] co E , \O - Y Fr aa oo c o a J JU(, z IJ . ] c!co \l 9F U oE q cc a dz ? c. r a rr ' l BA 5 -aOr l O 3R d o= z ar ! N3' , ' . X -( - V |. . o Ed d F. l A - Nel r W9F U =o Ed d FI A - c\co V 9F U 8r 3 r- . 1 A >- 1 r\ 2+ r Y JZ =1 O. i, i 5 qX i- lh F$z (, m P ?Z E dP 3 3 12 5 = z9 m = UN utZ$ Pr -) d \ J JA - . 2= N i l F 4 o I Z (J Z = UF - z: J H^) vA l+ ' l F$Z o o E fr ? J i9 a ? UF J N rz = i uc \ F\ n zo m 51 9 | O- rl Z = dP = = Zg = i UN F\ oZe m O 7I I c- d, Z = d8 = = C= = o o UN F$Z c: m E fr 2 8 d8 3 R 4Z = i UN F. + Z () FA E 32 8 dP 3 3 ;Z = E UN Fr n ZO M 5 z e I - c' ' , d. Z = dP = = C, = = o o ,6 d 4 UN A -+ L t{ '+ t - I3 O. -f , \o \n\o \n\o InNF- tnNf- rn\o Nrn \o \oNf- A* . t -+ a - i3 \nO. -f , \oO.+ \oO, -f , .t \o\n $\orn f-O, -f , ooO, \f , \n\c\n F+ r a a() \ooozE]F \cooZIJ . ]F a\oooOzIJ . ]F \oooZI!F a\ooozt!F (, f-ooOzIJ . ]F f-oozrr . lF J. f-ooOztI . ]F \oV)C)bodO.!?o ()d lL qo \ R# 8 F :. i F. = () X- o EO .r i !) 5. R EObo f-\nobo cdOrtNc!O()03 azof- ( -Fr (t ) (,zlr l&AvFrHzAv=Vt- {Fit 3ztia=aoU caNIJ . ]Fcz caNr!FCZ cAc{r!Foz coc{ rr . lFoz cac! r!Foz caNr!Foz cAc! IJ . ]Foz caNrI ]Foz a7 \ !r l= do1g AZ . - z Z z z z z z z ri Ed zu s t =A $ al -f- b\o f- \o\o f- ic\o a.$ O. $ dr d e >N JH (n \nO v?O v?O l. n (nO (n .QO ()ZIil : i Al r v\F- -E lZJ ot-Z Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja H'r -E Z !? ? P EU m m m m m m m m rE H aCr a aO- , .D a) aO- , . aC- ' . aO. . . aP- ' , +t Ei <x l EI Y F r l= i l "3 9 tl l&=ac t- VOU -( o aJo? r!&;a _( v OU Fr c aJo? tr . l&;o FT V O( J Fr O aJo? IJ . ]&e{;o 8E F, f C aJa? +t r\ z lt \. / I ri ,- \ \ V Y Jz =l 0i - z 31 -r -H i-tL ca !I ' , r , - rr ' l tI J O aF n S \J F ^ o o lE \ \ - / t Ud U Q a. \ c\ ca !: i n r - rr t IJ J O eF n S \J F oo 'l ' - \ J r U -o u e a" \ c! ca - rY l LL , l o aF a = \J F oo '' l '- 1 V r U d U 3 a" \ c\ Ca g: ' a ! H rr l IJ I O PF A S \J l- oo I '- - - \ \- / r 6 -c u 3 -a "lC! ca !: ' a t - tr l LL , l O aF a S \J F oo t, _ _ \ v l U -o u 3 Ha "\C! ca U2 H j - rr l tL l O aF l = (J t- - A oo l- - \ \ J t 6 "c u AN co il i n , s* f r = PF A S \- / t- oO lr - \ J rU5 U 3 Ha "\N sa T s* f f i 8 eE a = \J l- oo iB U d a" \ A -+ + - = '+ I 3? ^t - l- i Z z z z Z z z z P+ h i3 O.O.$ o\O,$ rn \n \c\c\n \o\o r. a ) r. a ) l' n F+ r a OoooozE]F aUoo@OZtr . lF ooooztr . lF aoooozt!F oooozr!F aoooozI!F ()O, oozr!F a(,O. oozrI . ]F qE 5. R E azoHFrFr0oz-tcFr l- (zclla,a f \vF( rdt FzfE l=e=aoU caNr!Foz caNr!Foz cONrr . lFoz cONIJ . ]Foz caNrr . lFoz caNI!Foz cANr!Foz caNaIJ . ]Foz u) 7\ tr l =aa3e z z z z -l ae {a aZ Z{a z HEd 26 s aJ o\$ o\$ o\ .+ O,$ 6N O\ 'N a\N i^ )$ EJ IE " v. )O v?O v?O \n rn (n U?O [n oztdi Al E l v\2a i< tr l ZJ otz Ja Ja Ja Ia JorBJV) Jn' . ts l-a Jn. .Ja Ja rd '' l lr l E Z !3 ? 8 EU E e tr m ma mt mt cat ri n a0rD aO- . . ao<D aFrD ac< aC- .3 ao. ' .D aa- , , ,- \ +t Fi et Y t r t I & "3 s IJ . ]&e!;o st r- ( O aJ tr . l&N=ao 8E F{ O aJo? 28 ia u J M xu 4 2 &c 2B ia E J & xg *? &c 2n ! : v ia E J & AH 4? &e I! OUz 48 =a E l A & *E * ? n A +t r\ z +t V I ri .^ \ vY Jz i o" i i Fc z B =g * tL cO !: ' a r et f r E eF e S \J F OO .l \ . / !US U A a" \ N ca ll i , s* f f i 8 PE A S \. / r< oo dB U d .@ c \ e{ t- X g3 nJ qi a s 9 i, u : U? *j Fi tf J lr l O qE a S g i, u : il 2 c, j :r ' l t ! o 8E A 3 d6 u e Z. i N EH fr E eF a S \J t- oo 1^ / \ / r 05 u 3 Z. i N U2 * l H tI l tI J O - 3E s : ZI C! U? 4l -r Ir ' ! EJ O ^; Z ? Xr , - t N 16 / V t US U E z" \ C! A +. - - -r + j3 z z z z co (a \o $(n \o f-Nf- z a _l L - -+ + - {3 C! (n N\n F\o(n f-\o\n ca(n $(n oo \o\n \n(n F :t h U) O, ooOzIJ . ]F ao\ oozIT IF O. oozIJ . ]F ao\@zIJ . 1F (,o\zE]F O,ztr . lF O.zuF Uo. \zL!F oo [nobodo< Ic{c{ lOO63 tr . , tr O\ os a f ) O, (J E i' ! E€ .r < g 8x EC)oo O, \. )Obo cd F- . . INNOoc0 lalzlo l-lF < t< lF . l laI r. l lz IHItlo lF r lF r lzlot> lc I r- l l< I t" l Itt< Fzrd-e=aoU caNaIJ . ]Foz c. )Narr . lFoz CAc!€aHFoz h? i l /\ - 6l l- l O\ - Z o a *x H a E 2 caNdEaI!Foz cr tN:aHFoz €o. i NJc a AN E]Foz €NN\ f , o( \ ;€ fq ca FNoz 9F I eo1e lr A- z z {a $z :U aE At i{a ts ( aA*Z-U !l aa r< r & z, ii 4 tr . ' , ?6 :U a{a HEd 26 s Z \Z q! AJ rn .f , \n\f , [. )O, i^ ,O, i^ , oo i^ , oo (no\ \nO, dr d JH \nO (ai rnO r. ) i V?O v?O \. ) rn (,zI,i J -; iA LT I v\ l- - i; t{ zl o=a Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Jo. .Ja JArJa HQH i- B 3 mt ma z z z z z z Ei t aO- , .D aF- , ,) aA- ' ,- aF. . an. , .D aC- ,D aO- . .D acr +h Fi <x ' ] fr l Y Fr 1= i l "3 9 ru (, U z e, 9 ! -: . r ; . E l 9C . 7 Fr d, a a XU . 1 ,a d. = n tc / E] 9 ?, .. - ) z. x b i- i - - ,E i () C TF l d . a a XU ' i r a i -^ a, \- H\EV i l F r- r oa d ?c d,Ev B r3 5 ?m &rHv P , t- a oi n C ? o. ' . dEv B il 3 r ? i; il &i l !I . r H |1 J -J t- { Ff u O 1z 'i - { =3 cl e \ r! F . . o HD - TE f i =a 0 E +t r\ Z +f v I rt ,- \ V Y Jz ri 0. i- i F d, B z 31 -t \< ^ \ bJ H tl -? U? c , j eH Z = d6 u d z" i t- , t U? *l - IJ . l tq O >- , SB g x rz I Vr?7 E FY O t A= 7 t - t* c, ) x 5 !r . l a 5 "i t- * H 9 6 ll * { . E E -n = oJ "\ -7 , C \ t Vf?E D FY O t at z = c, 5 x 5 !r . r a = .i t- ^ / - o o TH B + O- 1 c{ ?t r N Vr?7 il FY ( , I A= 7 F r t- . ] - a1 &5 x 5 Fr . @ 5 " i t- * i o o il H B + o F. l c\ Fr f , , c ! YR il FY U t (r ) = 7 F { lJ r F< &5 X 5 Fr . a = " \ t- * ' ; o o IH E + O '- l c\ =t r N V(?E D FY O I a: - ' 7 - ll i &5 X 5 ir . r a 5 .\ IE B + O! C\ F' r i: c{ Ya il lr - \ . / f - ! i tZ = c( 5 x 5 Fr . @ 5 . \ =E B + O '- . 1 c\ -r } 7 6 1 A ++ - Ft -r { r 33 z z \n[n\o \o\n\o r- - (n\o oo \a\o o|' . ) \o o\ tn\o A -+ L = -+ + - 2 rt jV?J \orn O' . \o(n r- - (n oo \n O. rn rn t. ) rn F+ r a O.zE]F O.Ztr lF c{O.ZE]F mNO,Zr!F (, cAO.Ozr!F omcoO.zLi lF (, -f ,ozr!F ao$o\Ztr . lF qE 8x Eb0 azcl- lE( E- tar)zl- l&oFl- lzo!lea- \vF{F{t Fzri=ar-aoU €NNJ" . ) A C. l rJ ]Foz €ix t_ r "l g ER z €NN-i (r ) |, c { rr lFoz €C{C{ .t a( \ ;€ tr l ca FNoz coNE]Foz coe{ElFoz coNr!Foz cae! r!Foz eANI!Foz a 7\ rr li E i aa3s az <{ & ai i 4E?a aa {a Z*Z:U aE *Z-U JU&oFalL JUaoFa -]UcoF2 aU aU HEd zl s Z \Z q! al [^ ) f- \n[. - (n f- \n f- \n b|' n rn i^ t .+ i^ , $ tlz, iTE " \nO rnO \ni (n v?O v)O rn \ni rni ()zIil i LE { Y\ ti - lr l l= ZJ cr-a JorJa Jp.Ja Jo< tsJa JO. rJa Jo<B JOrB JO- .B Ja Ja EE I \EE A !? T R EU z z z z o o o m a ri H aO- ' ,D aO- . ac- , ,) ac. .) aC- ,) ac. . :) aA.- aC. ' , aO- . , a? <x J tr l Y er (= d o3 s nf r ta J J! -F tJ - , o 3z F { ?g cl c { r! A o FD F ( J\ , / & E U tl ?c a E il i l FF (J . I - FL L O 3z ! < ?g &i l F. I H F1 J -J e! :- lJ - , o 3z F { ?g ca fr l E* oad? c ca fr l ea . y ' :? (- ' ) A d? o ca ul E* -) A o ca M OU ;3 A*aHOm ca V OUa3 A^ / aHCm r\ Z +t v I rf l 3 iz Fi d = =3 8 fr V/SF o q l+ r &5 x 5 Fr . 4 5 " \ t. l ^/ ;- i oo TH E + O )- . 1 c\ ?t r N Vr?E E FY O I lJ i &D x 5 Fr . o 5 . \ t: ^ / I o o TH B + O )- 1 c{ F( t: cr l V(?E il FY ( ) I Af 7 - lf r d, 5 ii 5 Fr . @ S c i t- f J - 9 6 TH B + OF J C! t* ;: c\ Vr?E E l- Vf ' l r c, f x 5 Fr a 5 c\ t- f\ / ;. - OO il H B + O> J C\ -r i; ' C\ C!o 3, \O F( -?Xc { (J oo d+ Nc! cao 3r \O - ^?Xc { \J o o id NN $o CA r co l \O -. P3 Yo o (r o NN c' l in r gf i f r E 8E a 3 Jd , Y - i cc \ - / c zI F- , X U? *- fr l LL J ;- - v sH 8 + uo \ - / c zI E+ r 33 \o\o \o\o Noo \n Noo [n \o\o N\o\o ooNf- CAz Z E+ r {3 N\n c\ t \n \f , .f , $.f , Z Z Z ca [n -t rn F+ r a $o\zrr lF a-f ,o\OzLI JF cazHF acaOZLL ]F U(no\zHF (nC,ZE]F (nO.zrI JF (, \oO.ZrI ]F \oo\Zrr lF \oObo cdAIc\c{C)oCO O tr . , tr O\ os a Uo . = I 10 ' J F. F o x' o Y+, (J .r t !) 8x E()bo \oObo cd O. ( INNC) ()ed azc-33aUzl- (toFr l- lzo=aa- \ Vt- t Fdt FzE] t-zr-aoU cONrr . lFoz CONI!Foz cANrr . lFoz eaNIJ . ]Foz a 7\ -t Eao3e aU aU azU (nU ri Ed 2a 5 i =A s al l' n .t O.f , $ $ lE s JH \n |' . ) rn v?O ()zI'^ / J -; iAt = v\ l- a IE ] ZJ ctr lz Ja Ja Ja Ja H-' r H E Z !? ? R EU m mi ma mi *a15 El R . E iE aD aD aD aF. , ,D EE <x ' ] ra Y F < il = i l "3 9 tl co V OUJ3 A* aHOm ca V OU :cX; l a*ai : ca V OU :oXJ ana= ca V OU -, o XJ AF / aH :[ h r\ z +t \J I rl 1 AVY Jz rJ 0. = F d, , za s , Y= :i -i tr U 21 - - tJ . l [l O g EE + () o \ r n -( z I (n U? 4l -i tr l uJ O aF 3 = (r F ^ o o 1^ / V l 65 u a -' ' Z .iN \o U? H j - I' r ) [J O aF 3 = (J F ^ o o )t \ / V l OS U Q z" \ c\ t \o S 24 j F{ fJ . l l4 e AF f r X (J t - A o o d6 5 d z" \ A .+ L = -f r 33 Z z z z 2+ r Z rt EI r- - r{ o (n(n \o \a ) F- \n F+ r a \oo\zI!F Uf-o. \zrr . lF f-O.zrI ]F f-O.zrr . lF Gf i 5€ {- ) I .- !t 5. R Eoo TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 AGENT MONITORING PLAI\ NOTES 1 . See Paragraph2z.8 for filter monitoring protocol. 2. This station consists of a sample line that may temporarily be connected to a nearby ACAMS (as directed by the CON, to monitor any location within the range of the spool). 3. PMB 906 and PMB 911 use the same ACAMS. The ACAMS normally monitors the PMB 906 location but upon request, the ACAMS and DAAMS can be switched to monitor PMB 911. 4. Used as a backup to the primary PAS (701, 706,707) DAAMS when tubes are being pulled or maintenance is being performed on primary DAAMS. s. This ACAMS is not in use at all times. It is for special purposes only. When it is not in use it will have a carbon filter at the ACAMS, with the sample line disconnected. 6. Reserved 7. CYC 258H and CYC 260H use the same ACAMS/DAAMS equipment. They usually monitor station CYC 260H but on request the sample line can be switched to monitor CYC 258H. 8. Reserved 9. These ACAMS and DAAMS can be switched to monitor three different locations. 1o. The ACAMS and DAAMS (confirmation) at the MPF Discharge Airlock (AL 468) samples filtered air except when monitoring the discharge airlock. 1 1. Reserved 12. All LSS air DAAMS locations need to be sampled for agents inside the facility. The reporting level is 0.5 WPL. 13. Reserved t +. This ACAMS sample line has a valve allowing it to monitor in three different locations. The sample custody enclosure area, the airlock to the sample enclosure area, and to sniff gloves in the glove box. This is an ACAMS only station. 1s. This ACAMS is located outside the CAL in a monitoring building. A remote alarm and malfunction light is in the CAL to alert personnel if the ACAMS alarms or goes into malfunction. 'l 6. Reserved 17. These stations are required in process, downstream and adjacent areas when contaminated material is present from a past agent campaign. These stations are required when the agent waste enters the facility boundaries per condition22.16.6.l. 18. DAAMS shall be collected on this station immediately following any ACAMS alarm. 1e. The fourth mid-bed VX DAAMS or 3'd midbed GB DAAMS must be pulled and analyzed when FIL 601 ACAMS alarms. WPL samples must be collected on a daily basis for these stations. 20. Reserved 21. Access to these areas is limited and controlled. Due to this condition, V/G pads will be changed every 28 days or upon entry. 22. WPL samples must be collected and analyzed on a daily basis at this station. 23. ACAMS/DAAMS monitors the agent contaminating the secondary waste and past agent Attachm ent 22 - Page 62 TOCDF ^t*'til"#?tto'# campaigns until the Area 10 Igloo Carbon Filtration System carbon has been replaced. z+. When spooled, the DAAMS will follow the location monitored by the ACAMS for Area l0 monitors. 2s. These stations are monitoring to Extended Range VSL parameters. Hazard Level: STEL Short Term Exposure Limit SEL WPL ECL Source Emission Limit. Worker Population Limit Engineering Control Level IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health VSL Vapor Screening Limit See AR 385-61 for a complete definition of the Hazard Level designations Attachm ent 22 - Page 63 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 APPENDIX B DRAWINGS OF AIR MONITORING LOCATIONS Attachm ent 22 - Page 64 qE 8, R Eoo 5lol ;i er f liol :lol -t 9'Z zQ z i rr . t O ._ a .' = os ; U 3u ?b * r ?3 Ef i 3 1z bE AF < :r ? UH -s e f r >. < ', - = - r n g P- iu E = = q 4X d -- , 8 o# : -f , r. r ?* qo 2 iE s 3 n; 1e U ,- ^ 33 - E EH 3- * = li o c : d t = f r < S . = 5? g f ; i = H i E = Z; c' l p ; + tl ] brov ) Lr J f Ju t! f-OEC I ib R TC /\ lr hg F >o a o -< ) F( . o lr ) /\ F := o hr > i -E ? I-1 g1 , p (n n ) =$ 6 o. > \- J o- c E Xo 5= 0a ; yO3p Ot r ) or0. 6 zo9>2U 7- - l- Ll Li uJ c) I a -. t - <r l- uJ tJ lr J O- a d)JI .^ s 6 o- > \- - J >o < ro -- - t - {- F Il - J UJ Lr l a- a o@U)U C # o@ P' n - ". : z3 ;Q 5 - '= # (m ) El f O r- Y rt s > ( J +b€| . ) 1 P- il to t - : J oO oJ;> u I (r < I- - _ *- - [ Q rltl 1 .t i -<. (! -. t - l( -F l- r J IJ UJ OI n@ : UJE.F2otr J inoFal tr JG,oLr J tt!EUI t!TFt!oV1F-J l4 l I-ozotr J rnaoz_otr JuFztr . J (, IIl:t!atr jwft4 J tDoFulJtJgoJiJrF utdTFoIOlr loFFxt!ZoLr JF(Jo_- l LJu fo(l , loIJ c{ lr )oU) ()Lr ) IaaJ c{ !J ) Iavt) \n\oObo C€ c< I c{C\OOcd vl5LIZ- o52o aatJO \c(A J >rog \: !AL toQE azoOo-- JFzIJ==E.Foz 5UJ I, J rf l xE'tooI I-J m>9 tpE= iL t r $' < ; = r i5 & \ ,c o \ ,/ j >g t< -I 6\ il i I ;a -- . 1 i I :; \ 9 , , i \Y l l I ll i il l := t ci .*91 Y '_ Op3E1 il=O u ro E =E,O (, : C, () a =m oa ( ) \ r. *Il4 J lr J @re tJ . , , tr O\ os a r) o- (, F r. t F. F 0) xs {: O .- {- ) 5, q Eobo \o\oobo cd p. ' . IC! c! / -r lC) tr() cO O; - a u, ) >l J u] L ' L -J rr! dmo oE tr JrFr, ri O tr . l E. !a o FF>z=o IJI tr J Fc l oozt - o>a td uJ ct s il a*2E?, uJ f t u< :lJiaa EP 4 i2 N o- 9 nl . r + 3 -4 2 . ; a oT . = u Z Fi i - (n L l ) =E -P iE g fl t - t! X" Yr - t : o ^ + Bg B q E X u. Jl g .4 Y^ f1 L _ v Y '. / 1 t - uJ zt Fu I r E E FE ?r s i ss E HP ;^ ? t3 q 3g Y' , V. Vl , lr J OJ rl u J E t- lr UJ I - ) UJ Ju bu F S E i s Z; c . i r ; + c\ IN JF? i, - r F Lr l lr , I dt n |nnrvp8 ) =EE< N{rF or i, o () L J rs r n 55 c, [ - 6 0 6g \- J @pe= @ E ?* & P=[ i. J P "a h 14 >( L E>@p JF<L l F tr J l4 i = ou r -OH lr JkJa to==f i @ E. C} le l FUJ IJraLJ tJa rt : -\ = d) -- . J + (L i F[ 1UT C\ A (> l?, tr l tr l nag u ez ^ i' Q E o| - rr ZE , >l o ca > u >, c. l tl - ' JM IJ O - /: e o rJ . . Y n e8 @ *J:0 a E l.ri Jo O tr - l Cl r{ :Ftdl" Jr(nL. ) LJ t, z.IFo rf ) ()rl=rtL I art lt )nI :Elr J oEoFF=2 8" 9 :Y;i t r >F<a<tet r HE ? vtz;,IJ:lt- (- ,@C\eIO ,l l l ul -Bl t l p Yr ,oo' O o a >c D (Y O lj 9 rnd. (L ( i Ll r ll d] -- e il I ii ;l l * - l - i l oi t tL - ii l t= l - ! qE 8, q Ebo atJ l- . -oz_lv . tJ -z lr J(9uoFtdH6oF AE r, r td -t LFU J () o r . z- '@5 : f-\oobo cdO.tc!NOocd :C) Ib, _ ?' a ;L ! [l - 1l 6F tr _ nr o oz _ o oGoFIg" g UI E. !q tt E {h ^EV'=. D <ot= lr E3 -J u < lr l F hj lr J - o( n (! u r- r * ;* O ;q i /d ' Ii6r(Y l ll E.uiFk<nvt J fr " tr O\ os a r) o- (, E i' ! x- o j5 0 .r < !) 8, R Eobo oo \o(. )bo cdO.tc!c{tro()Cd IIIt- - I n cr r oo . CF .I EU - tU I &. ov t raorJ l ICLG- (A ) - (\ 5\ - / () r ? :(fIb- OA -l , l>= LJ - __ _ 1 J- 6F M. mO aZ P JL< i. r IH 6. J . t =Es nBg =o a.o EE (D r-N U. 1 o<=>E= uC *m t- - l d- Il = :: , TL f) \ )o(oIoil ,L - lf f i 1 l; 5 H oLr J FozIVlr J2la J Iv.oF- - tJli l ano AE Lr l uJ .L ! ta l oo ! Z; ;; 6 6A o\oOGI t<0)po{- )()o t- roo0)oo (,Ib+oa -[ J>= l' - ] rr - r -J lr! d pQO> ti ) tr lF()Z (\Fl4 JUJ Ial- r j Lda NFLr J Ld Ia (Do,C' I aaJouh o\ \oooo COINN0)oCd a FJ l- r J L! E F r, i I CU J tn ( r L O s- o g q Z? E dF * - [- ] * o(f{oo- (\ 1 3* Il r o# oox.zO-JrI@Lr J tr J ff i B o!n E =E,o o. t c ) o a >G ) EO ro __ _ . r - -t alr l ) u- r =( ( ) ) O \- J L) IJo )FUa oFaC! ;ooF z >c oa > 6lq)I I !Rq {t - ' . > > \- \ / tt - l' -NNtr oN ooVJotz . t-zoU ocu.c() /= \ \r t/ I o, -- . t - (rFI ! lr J f, l UI tn @ (o _l - :- l r j U r. r oi a 6l ) + -. 9AV r. )@ra t Ivlvt -l 0(o,f )IU)o_) 6tlr )*Ia(Do (o 'o3() lr J6 ql(ottIF L' tnFoZJEtJzr. J(,v.ot!t- lr JLJ ItioFELl LL tr jE.; +N6LI lr , O IL t r O \ R# 8 5 r. t F. F c) LT A AJ v+J (J . r< +- ) 8x Eob0 ,_ n H 2g # Qr H EI E' E 3 _ =o HE ; P{ n ac d E UJ l' l , ci 5 -* 1 3 c! o: fr >iao| ( J o vl E8 EE s r -Q 3f '( m ) o- z \- , =o - = oa f = Yo r Lr _ _ J C) F < ._ )p 7 nlI r >u Z l, , O L L l *i o( ) f __ - r ll I, [J - r ff i - U l c( / ) u Lr - Of-0)bo CdO.I}o ()CO @- o8 ll - tt+t ll al - i - ll rr .l ll ;t r @* q ;t tr f-l*J C) E[ T fi ;E 3i @ ', oOr ( J n o. " ( O ) >@ - (} a o s5T: f d@ot r o = lr l u> ru b ;bo) ( J () a >Gni o tz r3 3 H s ]V 1 1 0 f-()uo CB p< IC\Noocd bIb-OA -l , l>= lr l - r - lr 61 Flmo oa UJac)LEf&F> -- . r O fo>( r 5c,ar / 1 (o l \t ooE. tE6tL ooE.oo ooEzoJ- ntr JFozdTLUJzl4 JoEoFIl , lr J=ao ln vUJ lr J ,t ! Lr l oEZr fi f i E€ .F ( U 8x Eobo ooI()c. l IQIo Ftr J t!raLJ l!lt ' l tr . tr O\ os a (J A = I g' J F. F o x. o l: O .F a U 8x Eob0 tr Oou J E. (I ) o FF>z :l o = UJ IU J F( D f nF9m o z> F3{ r :- . tr - . I 2o z tr - l ll J ;; e l! Ok >( J E *= 9 H HH s ; u) ? 3E E u F "E r 5E i; 3 Z; c. i oozJ - o>c l TI J I! UJ <( (! t ( r is f , "Q i lr J E ut 0 a < )) - Vl -E I T9 ? E< cr UU C 3 S8 O /r \ LA Z - 6 O nU V 9Z r3 3 H S tH r l o c! f-C)oo coO"?o ()CO o$t=h : t 3tt.. ' a " t - l qJ NS< IJ ur { -JhJ I F m: f OO 2a =q p{[ h- fr J lr J . L d at ) Ii oNcO( r NO ;oooE8 A\\ / .l lnrPtr J lr J 6 r3 3 H S ES Z l Z O C - S S 1 F.ilI Y, ^ I d( < ) =t NH E ,1 , j, 5 -o . r , >F - r" I: oi ? JF<k F U. I l4 J I ou l o(Jtndlo a _ue8 -tBr t- d IIT @ aL6?tr lr J @p(\ l'Y (o J O( r =E ol!F> l<o=E, E ., S z' a 6lrF] lo(\Br a = \_ _ y is il o?2 sl -1 N aL_ - r- l u' l aE a "N Ji - ( ir J - Ia J JT f L/ l O* ol oi rO rr ' ) (Jz >f tr > Oe:E @ Go - eE = ** rU- = kg t s (J E3q ? - ut , fr e 2 =< c =o ( J E; UEi t UI6GI rtc () Fr )I .J loJ tr Ooi. I tt 7a o,o+U' an) t,Nta tovl J lr l l, ) IaoJ ti l nc - - - - r vg - s s r E:HI T " II t r > z ll (\ -. il ] s - fl = < : I Oa tr J lt Jt - <r l ] F Lr - . ] ll J T OA 3a /&*t ? ieg r< ra qE E. q Ebo ca f-obodc. . tc!c!oo5) LL JU. <lrt- -uoZ- @(nLIMaVoOZ:)n\- tLr) t- L lVt- ) [J :r- INN-LJ_J L_ _ lmO oEu. No g{ J fo dl ( !oO >o>bd8 ,Ii!Eia F l- - lr l o r o l t r . { , (. ) I .- . l rn r l r a r r r r B r ZJ I I r+ l - r r r o =5 >i l ". , " ' r ' # ' F - - - ( | % ;{ o 9Z rl l s lV l l 0 oN-e a- Lu t 36 13* EH a t? le r E- - - - l t lr J IT() F= lr J ^L - O i ,. Ot r l ^a o A PF F E . uZ ? ?r ." Y -T lr J l / ^i (E r l . ! il o ^F a l X- Io o ;< q9 ^ ou 61 1 r ; 2n <( D t E F F 1a ) ^ z- >( r ; !{ x <Z ' E YH mQ , . r . lr . l E <o ul ( E < 3E 1z E t( ) uJ t r j < aq I9 ? .:6l ,. ) aI alr . . iFoz)trUJz[Jo' 6tr JFoz @ Ol () tr i TJ or Q OF a >t ! t> Uo)FzLl:)Foz (f ,oI@NI13Io tJ . tr o\ cd ^ ii r s 5 :. i F. F c) x- o iJ 'o 'F {- ) t. R EObo .f , f-obo 63O.?o ocO td ry ' Fz f- r l O E Er = tl b !. { O a' a i *o = EE t z. = l* 23 e p g: U oH k 2A r 5i , + f g r ?x . e o[ H rr i l , r - 9a a 4e E 5 :s a: i3 [ s *e !, r H 52 ? & _, P l- t, >l 4 J t E I -J g OE <t D F [n <z Z- $! r/ ) + ao F -- : lr zi tl - O re u =5 A tr t - E i ,^ z (, =3 H E i- e i s g? r E E! = 3 d- ( / ) E H5 = 8 ga i z =F g E ,: f i r , : " ,- =u r -- i L a O r 4. < a ) - ,. r ; a\ ()L/ raooId)(\ I+T3-iH fDoIaC (JoIaI ooIa(L zotrFa oIaTL qE 5x Ebo |' n f- obodO- . . INN0)o N; NXN\ hN 5= ^ S? J= < t . (- ) - . , ei :E g f r z 4u tr 6* Q F g. t > d r i _ _ _ r z I z! *> d < t ' r- r r o ;: = 3i : + {E h6 , . , . >= F aG 1 =2 '! -5 , a 2 ?, , E= E zi r e =F 33 L "2 " 6 1 f , 2 d! t - *= : : s *E P t =! ^ :: 2 ; g ; [ H E == !I 5 I i l E : i ? ? i ? g; ; H = E i= 5 E iE -; g. a9 F ll r fr o o =e p gE E = .^ z (J =9 H E or r * =f r ? " g? > g -+ * E Y r- , ^ 0i tL :' ' tJ , , 3E = 8 ga f r z EH E S u r/ ) !! . 2L l -- l t , O I . << m F (o Lr - . 1u<a 01 r . . [i = t- - r) -- L- l ir ) *L J r- l rl ii FL JAQ -JAT IxX , ,L J lt l l _*6a) > u =4 +UJFoLUJ Lr JUI ;l Ol F i; {t tPU (J)o-O! o_F , H5 i7 -- r cn s= -^ l a Ir c ; " = ., t r 3 o != o I T, r } C J ] _J - O +. - o F er 3 6 t ! b, I t i l l _ -i A F 5 = EE : u : [ f ; :' - .q ) F = ta i = H b * 1c 2 H I i- = = c( f > ' i l o a o CO - - 0 ( O m > UIzI()oJFzUJ :) tFtJ lz .+oOI@C\ IoI rnC\ I EEE m(f , rO)L ()()(oIJL o(oIJl! ro(I ) I -J t- r. / ) (. oJL e{ r.(o.l l- zaFC ) <z Fa Nlr )@_l lr - 31 3 [ 3[ 3 O) (o (. o I) ii rL tr O \ os a uo < = P H' i x- o {Y ' o .- !) 8x EObo il4 III -i tr eo F ;L T - fr d o E9 E EE E , ,^ z (J E3 u ; 5* * ] F tz o 6 zt ! 1g? > g .. { - 5i = # il - t n E H> = * " (f l r, l v 9a l i =B 6 E ]u r u f l! o _ (J 1, H, , , -l t n o f (( n - d YoooooJz. :l TH). ' m? o ,, E z. mF? =_ ' = Hg o o: 3 <k e; H 22 .- - e =+ 3q ; ga E; =: +; E Ig =x d . , H o I Y. . 1 G a a f; s i ? e e -- . t C F LJ {, - 33 u EE 3F a. ao f, -f r <f i H: n a i E i E Z - cl r i t + f_ _ n UJ (J gE ILEi , aa UJ oc l- _ - - _ * i j \o f- obo CO o. . I?O oc0 uu o S AN o 3 60 r - 9 6 tl u i- i? -Pe5 'F at AC' I F 2a oa rJ. ^L- J IbOF- I }r - Lr J g lr r d> mrO j Y(JooeoJz:f o A= Y(J oo=aE?>3 e, z :f o\OONt<C) ,. o o{- )oo t- roo0)bo 3?e l E 2 53 $ z E l= fr t o H i= , ;i a E p - fr ; ; E , iF E: I * == :: e 21 E H : ; in f i : r I a g : E u is n E fi ; 1e Ua = e Z g; ; * g : H I E I I H I Z- Nr e $ d v)GoFHaut - il oI? (oooImNIoIN tt!IForotr Joxtr Jzolr lOo) vl={ooUJEo=ozUJtEFId f-f-obo 6d F< IolN0) tr() cO .-I ,- - . ' -Lt ] __ _ _ l L1 _ ]ma o;x F 3; E F =H E H u) F ozs? E F =6 6 \ E2 > t n f\ t r o \ os a U0 . . = g .H ' d E€ .- !) 5x Eobo CILr J_l LL Imo* g - 18 z fr d . - uP ie u ei , 38 H = 2e .^ Z - O =E E: t * Ei A 4 7 ; ff i r: i e 4. = Yl o 6 = fi E = H I 5 iE i? i l 8 +d t(rF I zF o = = Ho L !E = = =E E Hn ul E {E =; bJ =\ P; - d HE =x e -- , H aV uJ 1S lg n 3 ao 33 i ; EH a. 6o d P =f f rr r tz z i Jl r = =H B A dH I ; e' , , i 'i t1 2 CL =H>5 ) @f-obo Cd O. , . c{Notr() cB tn(fo3szf i yo I- r- Aa c, '- - l T- aa cn ul iEg? !' u . t 2- L ta l = >: 9t u Z. bJ 3A aE th au Fn=( r r lr J o> N (D == rr t I '-,: tnzotro=f==o() t- o0 a oo =( L6& _ AH CI ooa :<()FaFol=xil n- 1 1 1 0 1 TJoEoFU' (otrer d :J g o >u l o. = L! xe Yc t N=oE 2 >= tr J{t-zo li ;t ii]rl il ii i il!t ld l l I (n d I l2 * l lH ? i | 6l =+ ln I z. > I uJ ( r l . >o I I _l Ft rJ > I >o . t n 30 | 2 ?e :l | : le - gE i il Fr - .*r6 =t j ) >L J oa o o\ f-Obo cd o< INNOOc' 3 GE 8, q I o , ;d . 2 * .- 1 9 z fr o o pa Fg H i; *E s , e Zr ,^ Z C] qE =3 H E fr i O- r f , -z e zg z z ?? er i r o o# Er * = E ct ct - co l r t - ?= na Z = 3E =H E H iE ' n t s ; e -a -' i m o r <2 << ( , F *r ; 6tE/ Ikr Et- I z ]- - e ; = l' i o uJ 3 zz F =3 ;- = t =' * tr t O #) <. l m ;T *< ?a Z. < -F m6 tr J 4< = = d ,* , 9 z (D = =E e i H tJ o a L l^ J = m il e e ! I aa )! - F lr J 3" Q . , r EH m oo d P =f f lr J ^Z Z i Jt ! r- <L J l = Jt l ] 'n i_ 6 6 6 <( r lnzoFF H ai ? ^i l l" r l g Zr $o-- 9i =t -o o< o_ >t r J I rI -( J *O o< zr F lr J uJ = C- } F =c ) .< x YF uJ 2 . az . . F (r . - rx c] F. u t o Lr - r uz e\ <\ O (. ) -u J xo Ft >) -1 ( J JL ! rf ) JU - ct N UJ tu (! >f -AF- tn t' / l t ) OE B- (L E{t6T iE = l t fz , rr ' r u o l s _- ] f_ ." * r * -- - l I t It > NI I Qs lj i sa n <a / tJIro ,ooI(, r) Ee8 >I r,Ero !c'( , 7t Erd 50f? ti r) rO?8>r poooIr,6oo! ,. > I YG a r , oo . c ol o r d , cc i oo ( ) 3q 9Lx2Ot J F( , tJ . , tr O\ os a r) o. (J E l' ?5€ {- , (J .F ( Ll 8. R Eooo HE E fo = =5 : = HE q= s u e6 sE E , 3 qf r =E H x 6 .d , u* ; E 3 fr : = ; [ :3 = ; 3 oH I i FE ;; E i = ar = u . E EE E E EE j F 5 H U rH i E i[ ; = .4 , - N |O rrIo?{ ooG)b0 COo-!?o ()C€ IIl E2o,iTI uJJl l J !P c . : dE 6r , oo i r . _ IIIlt#u zIFFa / azIFooJFz. t!=:lEFa oOIN00IaINC\ t t Lr . l . 2 E rr - t n O F <2 # z ln ) ZT o o a . r N OL r J = @ Z- a\ =* g = * :; = "' n ) * - Yd : ?= p E S ae P ?- = = : 2e k - o or . . l 9 eU L, { Fr = * E i# 4 *s " = 8 z- B i: e ; = [+ 5 EP ; = q 3= = :i * E H or P H? 8 8 6 95 3 Fm J < ( J <r ! a ti + ,f i qE 8. R Eb0 9 -f * e | ,r Z^ Z Ll o n r. r O >, ^ [J ff - o- Y t << -= - s* - gF g = -t z 6 g 26 - 2 =i r ;E ( D a E; 2 2 > 3 OO .^ .A I( ' r - Y 29 -+ 5 t = iE t; * s 4. 7 \p = o = €; =E H E ?3 EH ; d iE i. 6 i <z << c o F '- : c. j aobo cd O- , . INN0) () l\ ) TOCDF Agent Monito.ing Plan October 2009 APPENDIX C HEATED SAMPLE LINE ASSEMBLY DRAWING Attachm ent 22 - Page 82 qE 8. R F, caooobo cdC.INNoOCd ZEFFV)Fu{O(. / ' )={rf (/ )z{O{ t, IElrl* l<l- IBla zu:)FLJe.UJJ(L={.A -=Et r I tr t E uuzzuuEE v) v, zz LJ l4 J (A IA V' 1A =- (J < {a l4 l 13 ar 7 V, z- z J( J < (J FF l! < A I (J ( J r rr * :; \ LJ dd \ NN -4 ? ) E: a e o 6 n- P *P 2- hE H t r I U U I F< o o e ff i ff i 2, * hH H t r ; gh ' $h \ ;: # =f r = = Z Il ll I >1 1 O FF sH @ O x ll ll rn H T t * * f t 9o s s , . J ll t[ ] = f t J i : EE E E a ll -] (r a a - s{ = { { = ll ll h\ o x o \ n o t\ ll r. X - o G l Hl l di T t i i ll l l ' u ta vt . A 1A t/ , JI l l -I Z = - - I I >( J | J ( J U ( J I I F< { < € < U zclF*.A.At' lJ.tLJzJIJJC-]A Fztr t :E.AUt)laEav1-L) ooI@NIaIo _Jmtr Jaa (n < E tr . t *= o -- J )' s >o - {=?;otJ - JFL! I Il=IEli l l* IHl<l- IEIEla lr J (U )o_ u =F<E t/ ) Z zulFtr JuIJ-J0-=U' I-FF f, l H pa ] t- z<t r t H lr J >F ( J {< <uu u FF E E I UJ |J l z | u - l rl L r J J =& ( f FZ t! < FE ] ua tr J f , t n (L I J C I (L r e J l- [ J at A = tl z t- z J o O tr l 4 * O lr J ( Y - C x j - r - -I J F U J < L J <t T J F U J E - >U . t / 1 13 ) A bOEI FbLN uzF Z l/ 1 EI H HX FI J {vuF 14 , tr J F z<UJ J (L L (] z t- z J c l (A El 4 * t A tr J ( Y - e F F -L J F L J < t r j <l 4 l F u J r ] I > uv ' t a )t A bOEFoCU d8z* t /H = \ ,* *\ \ / * -lef f i tt # @r o m '' t \ - . +9 u, = z= .A L (. / , H - tr J -) r. r F <g = EU J L I . =- . ^ EH J IJ V' LN d. UJ E eE 2 ?d ; Es lJ u- < i: i u, jA A E r- d. A' ' " ,^ o 6 gv t u ^t , . r! ,t E H= HE u l -E Fl r r r 4 - tr l Fc l f !{ ,, 4 t - a- r i .- - - d j- z 1, 3 . n A LV I Q - fi u . r * tr H == = T EH i l - a c4 L ' o E ] ,, - - r: l <u o "i . a Z; ni a; EF TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 APPENDIX D IIEATED SAMPLE LINE PARTS DRAWING Attachm ent 22 - Page 84 qE 8, q E .. n EE I ir i I i Es E I= i : . I ' L6 . eI I g! . . E= : il E li i g ii : i :; Er ! Et r == i l eh 3# d It ; r EF ei C EI aI * ; l l i H; r l Su l l i E r i H si E =l ,: ; ; aE l E= E ,, i i : I: I ,i i i (nooobo cOOrINNood TOCDF Agent Monito.ing Plan October 2009 APPENDIX E D AAMS DILUTION AIR FLOW CONTROLLERS Attachrn ent 22 - Page 86 qE 8, q Eb0 f-@C)oo cO tu INNC)ocd Er. l I EI l= l l* l l= l Ir J l l= l -oJl! t! , J J. <CL F =o<FL/ , l!oDI a Eo l- *( J (_ ) = <t o F 6S s- 2 -o j- <-- - uo r{ C cL - -r d x €, , r A -d -- l u -i l ^ =4#3 t n: l rI I i Ei i l "3 1 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 APPENDIX F DAAMS STACK SAMPLING ASSEMBLY Attachrn ent 22 - Page 88 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 SAMPLE IN (FROM STACK) DILUTION AIR TO STACK DILUTION AIR FROM SOURCE EXHAUST DAAMS SEQUENCER SYSTEM SAMPLE DILUTION DAAMS OUT DILUTION AI R FLOW CONTROLLER tN TO PUMP INLET SAMPLE PUMP OUTLET Attachm ent 22 - Page 89 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 APPBNDIX G ACAMS STACK SAMPLING ASSEMBLY Attachm ent 22 - Page 90 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 SAMPLE IN (FROM STACK) TO ACAMS ACAMS DILUTION AIR FLOW CONTROLLER TO PUMP IN LET SAMPLE PUMP OUTLET EXHAUST DILUTION AIR TO STACK DILUTION AIR FROM SOURCE ACAMS MONITOR Attachm ent 22 - Page 9l TOCDF Agent Monito.ing Plan October,20Q9 a- O APPENDIXH ACAMSIDAAMS VX SAMPLING PROBE CONFIGT]RATION Attachm ent 22 - Page 92 v,v,(,--E $l :1=l . . HI E (r 1 , . , <l - - Jfr i cf , l o( l o- l w aHq - 8* E 6- 2 J -9 8 <f ' - =o ( J Ee il / /Y \ A EI -l -dcr t l =l u' ) u- i l H €t ; JEt l ol cE l cL l J _. . - . 4 ,- t -. - J Y(JFzF ( J Oo = == 3 =6cl d (J U ( . , U. . ( tA <. = == i - <E = .< = l ! Ou)- 9 UU < << 6 G )< : l x ct >> > fr8l t rr IJ J oc i c D oI - IU U *a r l A .Jta r l! u Gr cr t rt l c f c, tr l tE E vt o- rL \5 . - , (J .a(. 3 '1 " 1 (_ - i '. i ao-=CtvtE, IJzoU -: a>D ^ J FG J J uJ ] 9* - .< F J?- 9 Vl tn t- = v , (J (= l, f- {6F <( , r! F z (r v : s =v ) r - cE t1 - =J t r 'a Z. 6- O =s - *2 f r (, tE f= * lA Z A -U =g! / ) < =642 2 ou c l UE F -( J < l- ./ , Far , =) OU r r J U- >- F F Jv ) -r(: , r/ t O vt lr l l4 J E ;' E tL t s < v1 - Oa r. J t! - E rr r F U) r^ l = g H v' l u F F{ , - 3 - t- l r o -I F < L LJ T zl - : d ; = I =d -e E=>=< ) -L J ED aEoCE&(. ,=Ga -Bd= f; >E$ 6c ) taUCE=z(5U) ct Fz!EVl .l r Z cl G Fl l J O (, U f r -2 - F( r < vt 2 a ) t- O EC ] F U2!3 r 4e < (, C l c Z( J . J t -oi tn EI L. J = o=r = Ai ) G , .t '< Q C: , tJ . l *1 t j E El ii o- G, 8, c L FU ( 9 rt , = oG- t 2 $_ r -= ; = 3= = [ I t5 , r , o -= t- o -V l a6 .o bb -t ug < lJ ' t PF = = r; = (J f, o - (, E 62+-CIoL5q)s<914 , ItI:0E, (O5ooIoEI]r!GHt5U3r!ar o!6DctoIoEI ILJEEL6tr J= zo;=EE(JUC:UF GIoooI BO 90EIE- . t- / l tIE3 oz zJ Er i = EE s g 5= : E =I E s Ef i ; E FE ! T tt r * z O 3r . r 6g G, lr , (D ro3 ,r : 6" 1 hHe6 = 3o .J ,1 , (\ ror* , I .i ! " ov ir= !UJ ftE, () al , u. l >r o 6- (J lzb8 qE 5, q Eoo cao\Obo (op. . tNN0)oCB TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 APPENDIX I GB SAMPLE PROBE FORAIRLOCKS Attachment 22 -Page 94 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan October 2009 iijr '-* lA" -,]' ",f - i I I rffii $t$. I r $"*,\iFf- l,\Ifi {E$.$F- fiRjij"L"lilG, iltJiiL N0 r'i 5 !.. ,rft'r1y[- {rrii,ltl rJtl']t'.tllr U [f;iiLl{ ,i0 lr.L&l t*l#L['$ FSEI ,lE rrii [rl'Lt txfitfitl tlt[Tll;ltid- I. ?$ A*fit;\f, *{hff # tr{ f p1,i,;g rt";:f,1fi.[ rlil,!f f{.nr{E0 !I LH;-,tlilC [:l ;'H to';- {lr1( l-{ ili{ rtcuttH{ rJ{tDr. t. :i,r[ t/{'. I prtff i,iflF.ti'ritul 5{ F{fr.}tEil r:ll r "4-s{l.i F{:lft.!.,; f rt t"1u:]- irtEF, $u-str.tG ;ul $trf fir{-Li,$f nrls i..r[ *c-'rti Fi.rn;lt rlLl !{ $firr.[] $l l lr.tl:f,-tr;.i il-:ix rE 4L$ id *TJLLE${[ IB rr$1 r..Ilslsl i$ Lvi[F{ rs!{r,{tf . {, ttr,i^i 0nlLLi0 111 :tri l,c.'!}$ilt t,qslt'1-1i u rFrS['r rt t] tti'rtrf L,t!13 tiBl ltrlftIl:{rri.r{ ;iE !rl.|ll.. lm llh:{. iil{ i.icliS {J5l N S-dL$ftt,I lil [Lsr [.( laEti lil s.li:l lhi{uF. i^{ lit't!,tl' wlts* frlllr rtii]*]lf qrl.]ilmc H{ il-;lllt( ii}t' S{rtt$la Ft+'ir lEt flrrlschl :.g36*tflir J tu ltrnt ,\lcnr(errnq P!6 ,e$ L II. Eturlrc* El rr,Ir j"I ,.Il.iir 1ffi 'ii-g-;i1i ',,',.i *I \/hv.l I tEE W.ft I t *:*tlf,L [ft[, Pfiffif ,']"Lumti, 'il [ il{ Lt}[.sHffilfrlf tlLtilff, ,,ilH, I i f- I, rJ4J.l' *e slrfi<tIlI Attachment 22 - Page 95 TOCDF Agent Monitoring Plan Decernb er 2006 2004 APPENDIX J \rX MPF Discharge Airlock Air Cooled Sampling Probe for ACAMS and DAAMS Attachment 22 - Page 96 ?7 7 J- # . J = tli . + (q\ ** ! H, ; ;r ! E i E! il gI ; ! e ti 3r #H i I! , ii , F$ i l i l i H I I I s+ m il i i i H i l i rr i l ir i i li -i ii i i l i Tooele CneurcAl Aceur DrsposAL Fecrlry (roGDF) ATTAGHMENT 22A ATLIC ACENT MONITORI NG Pmru 95% DESIGN FITIAL . ,201q99 a!.'. a - 1 Nov 2009 95% Desisn Final JR CTS B Sep 2009 Fina! submitted at 95% desisn JR CTS A 8118120 Release as Deliverable JR ".CTS REV.DATE REASON FOR REVISION BY CHECK EGS Area 10 Liquid Incinerator Project Specification No. Rev. 1 AttachmentZZA - Page I Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I This page blank Attachm ent 22A - Page 2 Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monito.ing Plan November 2009 Rev I APPROVALS: O b*A For Jim Rorie Originator Chris Scurlock Checker W Robert Comstock Approver David deLesdernier Manager November 2009 DATE November 2009 DATE November 2009 DATE November 2009 DATE Attachm ent 22A - Page 3 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monito.ing Plan November 2009 Rev I This page blank Attachment 22A - Page 4 Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS AND TERMINOLOGY........... ...,.,7+7 22A.1 rNTRODUCTrON........... L*t 22A.2 POLICY/GOALS OF MONITORING OPERATIONS............ ..................123{+ 22A.2.2 PerimeterMonitoring........ ....12+++ 22A.2.3 ATLIC StationNumLering and Locations..... . L3++ 22A.2.4 Summarized Requirements ...!l3}+ 22A.4.1 Monitoring Manager...... l33lS 22A.4.2 Monitoring Operations Supervisor.... .........143lts 22A.4.3 Monitoring Tiam Leader..................... --l4g+t 224,5 OBJECTTVES OF THE MONITORING PLAN...... ,.,.,,.,...,..14*T 22A.6 AGENT MoMTORTNG ACTTVTTTES ................ I4A+3224.7 ATLIC MONITORING ACTIVITIES................ ...................143{3 22A,8 ' CATEGORIES OF ATLIC AREAS........ -143+I22A.8.1 Toxic and Process Areas........... ...:;......;,........ .................1&l 22A.8.2 Toxic Process Area Airlocks ................ ................i..r: lE+4 22A.8.3 Outside of Toxic Process Areas.........,. ......153+4 224.85 ATLIC SupportAreas........... 1l_3{422A.9 FrLTERMONrTORING.................. U-3{4224.10 SAMPLTNG PARAMETERS................ ........Iffi 22A.11 DATA HANDLTNG .................15115 224.12 QUALTTY CONTROL.. ...........16_3{s 22A.13 NOTTFTCATIONPROCEDURES .-n3i6 22A.14 CONTROL LTMTTS FOR ACAMS .................. .................1E3++ 22A.15 MONTTOR/MONTTORING LOCATIONS ...............:.. 1E-31+224.16 MONITORTNG PLAN ........1E3+7 22A.162 Limiting Conditions of Operation (LCOs)......... 1L3+? 224.16.3 Temporary Changes....... ......1L3{+ 221.17 MONTTORTNG STRATEGY.................. ......M1+ 22A.17.1 Worker Population Limit (WPL) Monitoring.. .......1111{+ 22A.17.2 Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) and Vapor Screening Limit (VSL) Monitoring... ......199*7 22A.17.3 Source Emission Limit (SEL). ...................19:H* ,,?,r,t"^,$ii+L:Hi",ffi#J::::: :::: .'.::....:....:.:::.:,,,..''......'.'.....'........'.....'.....:':.:.:.:,::::':::.:..L4 224.18.2 MINICAMS .............:....... 22A.18.5 Sample Lines (Suffrxed with "S') ......:.............-............ Lgis 22A,l8.6SilverFluoridePads_VtoGPads............. 22A.18.7 EDT l,2-ethanedithiol rut224.19 STACK CONFIGURATION.............. ...........223+* 22A.I},I ACAMSA4INICAMS......... .,W+ Attachm ent 22A - Page 5 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan EG-zzA-I-1002 EG-ZZA-r-1003 EG-ZZA-r-1004 EG-22A-r-1005 EG-2ZA-r-1006 EG-2ZA-r-1007 EG-Z2A-r-1008 EG-ZZA-I-1009 EG-zzA-I-1010 EG-22A-r-1011 EG-22A-I-t012 EG-22A-I-1013 4 EG-Z2A-I-1014 EG-2zA-r-l0ls EG-2ZA-I-1016 EG-22A-I-1017 EG-2ZA-I-1018 Interior Sample Probe Assy, GA DAAMS only or ACAMS only Interior Sample Probe Assy, Lewisite DAAMS only Interior Sample Probe Assy, ACAMS d DAAMS Interior Sample Probe Assy, ACAMS WStream Selector (Glove Box) Interior Sample Probe Assy, MINICAMS WStream Selector (Glove Box) Interior Sample Probe Assy,IIIIINICAMS Only Interior Sample Probe Assy, MINICAMS (Exhaust Stack) Exterior Sample Probe Assy, MINICAMS (Filter Stack) Exterior Sample Probe Assy, ACAMS/DAAMS (Filter Stack) Exterior Sample Probe Assy, ACAMS/ dStream Selector, (Filter Bank) Exterior Sample Probe Assy, Dual DAAMS (Filter Bank) IGLOO Monitoring Room Sample Probe Assemblies Interior Sample Probe Assy, Dual MINICAMS Only Exterior Sample Probe Assy, MINICAMS/DAAMS/SIream Selector (Filter Bank) Exterior Sample Probe Assy, Dual MIMCAMS (Filter Stack) Interior Sample Probe Assy. ACAMS only Interirir Sample Probe Assy. MINICAMS only November 2009 Rev I 22A.20 EXHAUST STACKMONITORING .,.,.,.,.,.,23# 22A.20.1 Suspended Exhaust Stack Monitoring .............. LrZ? 22A.21 MONTTORTNG FORAGENT FROM PAST CAMPAIGNS .................ruD 22A.22 ACAMS and MINICAMS DATA COLLECTION ............23*2 22A.23 DAAMS SYSTEM , .W 22A.24 BACKUP EQUTPMENT ..........W1 22A.25 MAINTENANCE............... W22A,26 START UP OF MONITORING ,.,.,.....,.,.,.,.,.2#I 22A.27 ACAMS andMINICAMS ALARM HORN 42* 22A.28 ACAMS and MINICAMS ALARM LEVEL 25?PH. 22A.29 PORTABLE ACAMS, MINICAMS and DAAMS MONITORING TRAILERS................... .......L*4 22A30 CARBONFILTERS ONACAMS andMIMCAMS.................. ......UIr4 22A.31 FUGTTTVE EMISSIONS MONITORING................. ...ruA 22A.32 ALARM RESPONSE REQTTTREMENTS.......... ...............L*5 22A.32.1 Exhaust Stack Alarm for GA or L ............. L3# 22A.32.2 Filter Stack Alarm for GA or L....... ...........L+26 22A.32-3 Workplace Monitoring for GA and L (Category C and D Areas)...... ..L+26 REFERENCES Drawinss of Air Monitorine Locations: EG-22A-G-1000, Sheet I thru 6 Title: Instrument Locations Plans-General Arrangement- MINICAMS/ACAMS/DAAMS ACAMS/DAAMS Heated Sample Line Assembly Drawing Probe Assembly Drawinss: Exhaust Stack Penetration Drawines: EG-22A-S-1036, Sheet 1 thru 5, Exhaust Stack Penetrations APPENDICES A Agent Monitoring Plan Details Attachment22A - Page 6 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoting Plan LIST OF ACRONYMS AND TERMINOLOGY Acronyms ACAMS........... Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System AEL................. Airbome Exposure Limit AL ................... Alarm Level NL .................. Airlock AMP ................ Agent Monitoring Plan ATLIC Area 10 Liquid Incinerator AWFCO Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff CAL................. Chemical Assessment Laboratory CAMDS........... Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System CDC................. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dept of Health and Human Services CDRL .............. Contract Data Requirements List CFR' ................ Code of Federal Regulations CMA................ Chemical Materials Agency CON ................ Control Room COR................. Corridor CPA................. Conversion Pad Assembly CWM............... Chemical Warfare material DAAMS Depot Area Air Monitoring System DCD ................ Deseret Chemical Depot DPE ................. Demilit aization Protective Ensemble ECL ................. Engineering Control Level GA................... Nerve Agent GA, Tabun GC/FPD........... Gas Chromatograph / Flame Photometric Detector GC/MSD ......... Gas Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometer Detector GFP ................. Govemment Furnished Property GPL ................. General Population Limit HIST................ Historical HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health L ...................... Lewisite LCO................. Limiting Condition of Operation LOP ................. Laboratory Operating Procedure LMQAP........... Laboratory and Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan LQCP............... Laboratory Quality Control Plan, TOCDF Site Plan LVS ................. Low-Volume Sampler MCP ......:......... Monitoring Concept Plan MINICAMS* .. Miniature Continuous Air Monitoring System MSB ................ Monitor Support Building MSD' Mass Spectroscopy Detection NRT................. Near Real-Time OBS ................. Observation Corridor ORR................. Operational Readiness Review P&A................. Precision and Accuracy PAS ................. Pollution Abatement System PPE .................. Personnel Protective Equipment QA................... Quality Assurance QC ................... Quality Control November 2009 Rev I Attachm ent 22A - Page 7 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I QM .................. Quality Managernent QP.................... Field Quality Control Samples RCRA.............. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RDTE Research Development Test and Evaluation RL.................... Reporting Limit RTAP............... Real Time Anallical Platform SAF ................. Site Analytical Facility SEL.................. Source Emission Limit SOP ................. Standard Operating Procedure SPS .................. Secondary Power (Distribution) System STEL Short-Term Exposure Limit TOCDF............ Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility UPS ................. Unintemrptible Power Supply VOC ................ Volatile Organic Compound VSL ................. Vapor Screening Limit WAP................ Waste Analysis Plan WPL ................ Worker Population Limit Z ...................... A generic designation of an applicable monitoring level such as STEL, WPL, VSL, GPL or SEL. Attachmentz2{ - Page 8 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I Terminology Action Level - A pre-determined set point that triggers a specified action. AEL: Airborne exposure limit is the allowable concentration in the air for workplace and general population exposures. AELs include worker population limits (WPLs), short-term exposure limits (STELs), Vapor Screening Limit (VSL;, immediately dangerous to life or health values (IDLHs), and general population limits (GPLs). Alarm Level (AL): Alarm Level at which the ACAMS or MINICAMS (Near-Real Time) monitor will alarm to alert personnel of a potential upset conditions. All sampling and analytical monitors must, at a minimum, measure within +25% of the true concentration 95o/o of the time. Alarm levels are defined in Attachment 22A, Appendix A. Baseline (Initial): Before each individual agent campaign the monitoring system is operated in the configuration in which it will be us'ed during the campaign. This is known as baseline operations. The purpose for the baseline is to provide evidence that the whole system will perform within required tolerances and requirements, and to document the configuration of the system at the time of the baseline. Once a system is baselined, configu{.ation confrol based on thp precision and accuracy study. at the start of the initial baseline study. Category A Area: Ttre toxic processing area supported by the cascade ventilation system designated for probable liquid and vapor agent contamination (for example, TOX area, LIC room). Category B Area:. The toxic processing area supported by the cascade ventilation system designated for possible vapor agent contamination only. CategoryCArea:ThenontoxicworkareaadjacenttoCategoryAor@ supported by the cascade ventilation system designated for possible low-level vapor agent contamination (for example, observation corridors). Category D Area: The nontoxic work area designation for areas considered uncontaminated. Category E Area: The area designated for a positive pressure, filtered air environment (for example, Control Room). Distal End: Location where the air sample enters into the sampling system. ECL: Engineering Control Level (ECL) is used to indicate that the sensitivity of the ACAMS or MINICAMS at this location has been changed to provide representative readings in agent contaminated areas that are higher than the VSLand lower than IDLH monitoring. Engineerlng Control or Under Engineering Control: When the environment in a room or area is under negative atmospheric pressure and the evacuated air is processed to remove contamination, the area or room is considered to be "under engineering control." An example is a munitions processing room that is expected to be contaminated with agent. The room is maintained under negative pressure to prevent agent leakage out of the room. The air that is evacuated from the room is filtered through carbon to remove the agent. GA: Nerve agent GA (Tabun). GPL: General Population Limit: The allowable time-weighted average concentration for the general population that represents the maximum concentration to which the general population may be exposed 24 hours per day,7 days a week, for a 7}-year lifetime. The limit applies to the entire population, including all AttachrnentzzA - Page 9 Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I ages and medical conditions. For G-agents, the GPL is 1 x 10-6 -g/-' as a24 hour TWA. For L, the GPL is 3 x 10-3 ^glnf asaT2hourTWA. IDLH: Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH): The maximum concentration from which, in the event of a respirator failure, one could escape within 30 minutes without a respirator and without experiencing any escape impairing (for example, severe eye irritation) or irreversible health effects. DLH levels are 0.1mg/m3 for G-agents. For L,0.36 mg/m3. Interferent: An interferent is a chemical compound that will cause an Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System (ACAMS), Miniature Continuous Air Monitoring System (MINICAMS), DepotA4d Depot Area Air Monitoring System (DAAMS) to false alarm or malfunction in such a way that they could not detect agent. There are some interferents that mask agent so it is not detectable, including some paints, lubricants, and even some foods. The DAAMS analysis is better at discriminating between agent and an interferent than the ACAMS and/or MINICAMS. For this reason, DAAMS are paired with A€AA{S aIACAMS anilor MINrcAMS at many locations for the purpose of confirming or denying alarms. L: Lewisite, or (chlorovinyl dichloroarsine). Neat Agent: Neat agent is agent that has not been diluted since manufacture or preparation. It may not be "pure" but it is as manufactured. Once it is diluted, it is no longer considered neat. QP: Quality Plant sample: The quantitative result obtained from challenging an ACAMSA{IMCAMS/DAAMS or sample line with a solutionprepared ata known concentration. RDTE Dilute Solutions: RDTE Dilute Solutions are withhezardeu+industrial eherr:eals (aeidq ba^es; er selvente); and are defined by the agqrt eeneentretien +n@hey are as follows: Agent G-agents Lewisite Maximum Total Ouantity 20.0 mg 50.0 mg Maximum Concentration 2.0 mg/ml 5.0 mg/ml SEL: Source Emission Limit. SEL is a ceilingvalue that serves as a source emission limit, and not as a health standard. It is used for monitoring the exhaust stack. The SEL provides an early indication of upset conditions, and must be accurately measurable in a timely manner. Modeling of worst -case credible conditions at each installation must confirm that the general population limit (GPL) monitoring level is not exceeded at the installation boundary as a consequence ofreleases at or below the SEL. The SEL value for G-agents is 0.0003 mg/m3 and, for L is 0.03 mg/m3. It is not expected to use a dilution control device for analysis of the exhaust gas,gg as the gas will be cooled to 40"F after leaving the scrubber to remove moisture, and then reheated to -200'F. STF.L: Short Term Exposure Limit is the maximum concentration to which unprotected chemical workers may be exposed to for up to 15 minutes continuously. For G-agents, the STEL is 1 x 104 mdm' four times daily. For L, the STEL is 3 x l0-3 mglm3, one time daily. STEL Concentration: A concentration equivalent to the STEL value but without time weighting (i.e., a one- cycle reading of a Near-Real Time monitor). VSL: Vapor Screening Limit. A vapor concentration term that is independent of time. It may be used to define the level to which an item is monitored to determine the agent contamination level, or altemately, the readout of an NRT monitor. For G-agents, the VSL is 1 x 104 mg/m3. For L, the VSL is 3 x 10-3 mg/m3. Attachm ent 22A - Page l0 o Attachm ent 22 A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev 1 WPL: Worker Population Limits. The average allowable concentration that an unmasked worker could be exposed to for an 8 to 12 hour workday 40 hours per week for 30 years without adverse effects. The WPL foi C,q,lf has been adjusted to reflect a l2-hour work shift. The l2-hour WPL for G-agents is 2 x 10-5 mghrf , andLis3xl0-3mg/#. Zz A gerreri,Lc designation of an applicable monitoring level such as STEL, WPL, VSL, GPL or SEL. Attachmentzz{-PageII Attachm ent 22AATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I 22A.1 22A.1 .l AGENT MONITORING PLAII INTRODUCTION The ATLIC will use a Liquid lncinerator system (LIC) that disposes chemical agents GA, Lewisite and Spent Decontamination Solution (SDS) through high-temperature incineration. Unlike TOCDF, it is not expected to use a dilution control device for analysis of the exhaust gas, as the gas will be cooled to 40'F after leaving the scrubber to remove moisture, and then reheated to -200"F. Filter bank monitoring will be performed by sequencing Near Real Time Monitors (NRT) through the Mid-bed One position. DAAMS monitoring will be performed at the Mid-bed One and Two positions. For GA monitoring, ACAMS will be used with co- located DAAMS for confirmation and historical analyses where called for. Silver fluoride pads or V to G pads will be placed in the sample stream for GA ACAMS and DAAMS to cause a reactionthal+sults!fu! rgg$ in a species with a narower chromatographic peak. For Lewisite, MIMCAMS will be used located DAAMS for confirmation and historical analysis where called for. A supply of 1,2- ethanedithiol (EDT) will be used for Lewisite monitoring with a MINICAMS. The EDT will be introduced to the distal end of the sample line to react with the Lewisite to form a derivative that is more stable and transportable. POLICY/GOALS OF MONITORING OPERATIONS Purpose This Monitoring Plan contains monitoring requirements for GA and Lewisite, bulk processing, and provides identification of monitoring devices and sampling locations. The monitors are used to provide agent detection and measurement to aid in providing worker and general population protection, and to indicate ATLIC operations are in control. ACAMS will be used to monitor for GA agent and MINICAMS will be used to monitor for L. This plan reflects the monitoring for each processing area when it is being used for agent work. When agent work in a given area is suspended, the monitoring for that area may be suspended as stated in Paragraphs Wi\,9, 22A.++1U.3,22A11-5- e*22A.20 or 22A.21., R€fore eampaigns ottl€r t ing @. The primary purpose of Monitoring is to have near real-time and historical analytical data to limit/prevent and document exposure of personnel to chemical warfare agents and protect the environment from the introduction of agents. Agent monitoring is also performed for process control purposes to identify upset conditions in the processes and to measure agent concentrations in toxic areas which allow management to make decisions on protective clothing requirements for entries into toxic areas. Perimeter Monitoring Monitoring of the perimeter of the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) is conducted by Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) personnel. Perimeter monitoring provides evidence and documents whether there is any chemical agent migration outside of DCD. ATLIC Station Numbering and Locations This Monitoring Plan provides a table of locations and station numbers (Appendix A)+r) for agent monitors associated with ATLIC. 22/^.2 224.2.1 224.2.1 .1 224.2.1 .2 224.2.2 22A..2.3 Attachm ent 22A - Page 12 t. Attachm ent ZZAATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan 22A,2.4 22A.2.4.1 22A.2.4.2 22A.2.4.3 November 2009 Rev I Summarized Requirements Monitoring Operations monitors for GA and Lewisite bulk containers, processing and secondary waste. There are three configurations that monitor for GA employed at ATLIC: ACAMS only, ACAMS with coJocated DAAMS, and DAAMS only. ACAMS -only stations primarily are used in toxic areas to provide information to management for protective clothing determination for entries into toxic areas. ACAMS with co-located DAAMS serve two purposes: 1) the ACAMS is the primary monitor, which quantifies the amount of agent present. Concurrently, ACAMS provide an early warning system to facility personnel of a potential agent release at or above the alarm set points in Attachment 22d, Appendix A. The co-located DAAMS are used to confirm or deny the presence of agent. 2) DAAMS tubes are also analyzed from these stations on a monthly rotational basis to monitor areas at the WPL. Responses to ACAMS alarms are IAW Section 22A.31. There are fe*th1gq configurations that monitor for L employed at the ATLIC: MINICAMS only; MINICAMS with co-locatedDAAMS; ; and DAAMS only. MINICAMS -only stations primarily are used in toxic areas to provide information to management for protective clothing determination for entries into toxic areas. MINICAMS with co-located DAAMS serve two purlroses: l) the MINICAMS is the primary monitor. which quantifies the amount of aeent present. Concurrently. MINICAMS provide an early wamins system to facility personnel of a potential agent release at or above the alarm set noints in Attachment 22A. Apoendix A. The co-located DAAMS are used to confirm or deny the oresence of aeent. 2)- the DAAMS from these stations are analyzed on a monthly rotational basis to monitor areas at the WPL.ffi Responses to MINICAMS alarms are IAW Section22A.31. DAAMS-only stations for GA and L are used for historical purposes to monitor areas at the WPL. The DAAMS historical tubes are not connected to an alarm. Historical DAAMS are located in areas not expecting to have agent. RESPONSIBILITIES The Monitoring group supports the ATLIC by operating and maintaining monitoring equipment and routinely collecting liquid and solid samples in and aroundthe ATLIC. Monitoring personnel may designate the sampling duties to a trained sample technician. The Monitoring Department utilizes a variety of monitoring equipment. Much of the equipment is Government Furnished Property (GFP), which is augmented by equipment, and supplies that are obtained from commercial vendors. Liquid and solid samples will be delivered to the Chemical Assessment Laboratory (CAL) or Site Analytical Facility (SAF) for analysis. The analytical department personnel are responsible for performing the analysis or transferring the samples requiring analysis to a Utah certified subcontractor laboratory. Laboratory Quality Control personnel are responsible for inspecting and auditing all Laboratory (analytical and monitoring) operations. COORDINATION There are several levels of coordination performed by the Monitoring Department. Other than normal working relationships within the ATLIC and at the CAL or SAF, there are three - supervisory levels. Monitoring Manager The Monitoring Manager coordinates additions or deletions to the workload such as new sampling or monitoring requirements. S/he will be the control point for any changes in Attachm ent 22A - Page l3 o 22/^.3 22A.3.1 22A.4 , G.: l4 22A.4,1 224.4.1 .1 :' Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev 1 22A,4.2 22A.4.2.1 monitoring or sampling parameters such as changes of sampling times or sample flows. Monitoring Operations Supervisor The Monitoring Operations Supervisor works directly for the Monitoring Manager and coordinates the work load with the Team Leaders of all shifts. The supervisor will coordinate the timing of special monitoring and sampling operations with the Operations Supervisor and Facility Shift Manager. Monitoring Team Leader The Monitoring Team Leader for each shift will coordinate the timing of routine monitoring and sampling operations with the Control Center personnel. This coordination is specified in the applicable Laboratory Operating Procedutes (LOPls). The Team Leader or designated certified monitoring technician and at least one team member will respond to all ACAMS and/or MINICAMS alarms in accordance with approved monitoring procedures and will be in direct contact with the Control Center. OBJECTTVES OF THE MONITORING PLAN The Monitoring Plan provides identification of monitoring devices and sampling locations. The monitors are used to provide agent detection and measurements to aid in providing worker and general protection, and to indicate facility operations are in control. AGENT MONITORING ACTIVITIES Monitoring activities are structured to support toxic operations. Maintenance and QC activities for ACAMS and/or MINICAMS are scheduled during times that do not interfere with operations. This is done by obtaining permission from the Control Center before any monitor or sampling device is taken out of service. The DAAMS for GA an#gnd lv{S{ICAA4$ferL isafq used for the collection of samples of agent for confirmation of ACAMS for GA for L alarms. DAAMS are the primary monitoring in areas not monitored with ACAMS or MINICAMS. The monitors listed in the Appendices must be operational when performing the operations they support except when off-line for challenging and corrective actions, as documented in approved procedures or if monitoring has been suspended in accordance with this plan. ATLIC MONITORING ACTTYITIES ln the demilitarization area,hazard category classifications and personnel occupancy are the factors used to determine monitoring activities. When monitoring is conducted for personnel protection or to assess potential personnel exposure it must be sufficient to identiff, verify, and quantify the agent. VSL and WPL monitoring is performed in areas where workers may have a potential exposure to chemical warfare agent. Selected "C" hazard category areas of the facility have WPL monitoring conducted on a daily basis for all work areas where chemical agent is present without secondary vapor containment and workers are not required to wear respirator protection, while other "C" hazard category areas have WPL monitoring conducted on a monthly basis in accordance with this plan. CATEGORIES OF ATLIC AREAS Toxic and Process Areas These areas are potentially contaminated as a result of the presence of uncontained liquid agent or agent vapor. This area is monitored using an ACAMS and/or MINICAMS. The agent concentrations determine the Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) that is required for personnel entry. At times, the monitoring may be enhanced to allow the PPE for specific 224.4.3 22A..5 224.5.1 22A^.6 224.6.1 22/^.7 22A.7.1 22A..8 22A.8.1 224.8.1 .1 AttachmentzzA - Page 14 o Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I 22A,8.2 22A.8.2.1 toxic areas to be reduced to enhance worker mobility. This requires Safety Manager/Designee or Temporary Change approval. This could include changing the ACAMS and/or MINICAMS to a more sensitive detection level or adding DAAMS in order to confrm or deny an ACAMS fur MINICAMS @ Iv{S{I€AA4$alarm. Toxic Area ACAMS and/or MINICAMS are used to quantifu potential exposure ofpersonnel. Toxic Process Area Airlocks Airlocks serve as access/egress points between contaminated areas and clean work areas. To limit the transfer of agent from "toxic" areas to "work areas", under normal conditions, items and personnel are cleared through an airlock. Procedures govem egress through airlocks to prevent items or personnel from exiting toxic areas until they have been monitored by an ACAMS and/or MINICAMS. Agent readings must be less than the level set by egress procedures to clear items and personnel from the airlock. Outside of Toxic Process Areas The Processing Bay is an area where agent vapor is not normally expected, but a potential exists for lowJevel vapor contamination. This area is considered as "under engineering control" and is monitored at the VSL and WPL level daily. The Observation corridor is considered to be "under engineering controls" and is monitored at the VSL daily and at the WPL level at least monthly. Work Areas At the ATLIC, there are many work areas where toxic operations are not conducted. These area3 are not "under engineering control" and have little or no potential for vapor contamination. These areas are not monitored for agent. Examples of work areas include the Generator Room, Central Decon Room, and Acid Feed supply building. ATLIC Support Areas The Control Center, and Entry Support areas require WPL monitoring. This is a safety requirement to verify that workers have not carried contamination into these areas. FILTER MONITORING Multiple Bank Carbon Filter units provide negative pressure ventilation for potentially contaminated areas throughout the enclosure. A description of the ATLIC ventilation carbon .filters is located in Attachment 5 (Inspection Plan). Filter monitoring is performed at the VSL and WPL levels in order to detect evidence of filter degradation in order to allow changing of the filter media before there is a possilility of an agent leak to the atmosphere. The ATLIC filter stack shall be monitored with ACAMS and/or MINICAMS and DAAMS -for an1, agents being processed in the furnace. Additionally, on the Filter stack, only DAAMS tubes shall be required to monitor for agents from past campaigns, if the contaminated charcoal has been removed after the completion date of the campaign. If the first two filters are not changed out after an agent campaign, then the Filter stack shall be monitored with ACAMS and/or MINICAMS and DAAMS for agents from these past campaigns. Filter stack DAAMS samples, shall be collected and analyzed every 12 hours. ln addition, Filter Stack DAAMS tubes shall be collected andanalyzed if an associated ACAMS and/oT MINICAMS go€sgq into an alarm. ffi The ATLIC filter mid-bed locations shall be monitored continuously with DAAMS for any agents being processed (filter online or offline). Filter mid-bed locations will be monitored using single point sampling. Sample stream switches shall be used to oycle an ACAMS 22A,8.3 22A.8.4 22A.8.4,1 ?2A.8.5 224.8.5. 1 22A.9 224.9.1 224.9. 1.1 224.9.1 .2 Attachm ent 22A - Page l5 Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev 1 224.9.1 .3 224.9.1 .4 224.9.2 and/or MINICAMS around the three filters at the mid-bed 1 position (between the first and second beds), for any agents being processed (filter online or offline). Locations of the mid- bed ACAMS and/or MINICAMS and DAAMS tubes are specified in Attachment 22A, Appendix A. DAAMS tubes monitoring the mid-bed shall be arnlyzed daily and if the mid- bed ACAMS and/or MINICAMS goes into alarm. @ tubes shall be eelleeted and enalyzC every 12 hetm,Reserved eserved If a confirmed ACAMS and/or MIMCAMS agent reading on the mid-beds reaches {VSL for any agent being monitored, the change-out of the filters shall commence as specified in Module X. Exception to this is after the first mid-bed. If agent readings confirm the presence of agent between the first mid-bed and second mid-bed, monitoring will be discontinued in this location and the ACAMS and./or MINICAMS will be relocated between the second mid- bed and third mid-bed SAMPLING PARAMETERS The operational control limits for sampling parameters such as sample flow rate and duration of sample time are under configuration control and documented in precision and accuracy studies before "Base Line" monitoring is performed and can only be changed by the Monitoring Manager following approved procedures. DATA IIAIIDLING Monitoring parameters, such as flow rates and sample collection start and end times are recorded and accompany the sample to the laboratory. Comments pertaining to equipment malfunction (such as failure to sequence) are currently recorded in logbooks at each station. Sample problems are also annotated with pertinent information. This information is used to identiff the need for corrective action to prevent recurring deficiencies. The corrective action may consist of such things as additional training or changing the types of preventive maintenance for particular tlpes of equipment. All raw data from ACAMS and MINICAMS, including calibrations and challenges, (except as noted in the Table in Appendix A) are gathered on the Facility Control System in the Control Center and maintained in a database. The ACAMS and MINICAMS strip-chart is used to evaluate agent concentration and alarm cycle time. QUALITY CONTROL ATLIC QM (Quality Management) Program Confidence in sampling methods that characterize actual ambient concentrations of agent in a given matrix is of utmost importance. An extensive QA Program is required to ensure the quality of monitoring data is adequate for its intended use. The programmatic Laboratory and Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (LMQAP) and the Monitoring Concept Plan (MCP) are guidance documents for all laboratories supporting agent demilitarization operations. TOCDF Laboratory Quality Control Plan (LQCP) will be incorporated for the ATLIC. The TOCDF Laboratory Quality Control Plan (LQCP) and the ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan (AMP) were prepared in accordance with the requirements of the LMQAP and MCP. The 22/^.10 224.10.1 22A.ll 224.1 1.1 22A..12 22/'^.12.1 224.12.1 .l Attachm ent 22A - Page l6 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I 22A.12.2 22A.12.2.1 TOCDF LQCP and ATLIC AMP (Attachment22A) must be at least as stringent as the programmatic guidance. Failure To Monitor All of the monitoring identified in this plan must be operating and in control during processing in a given area or it will be considered a "Missed Monitoring" and will be reported as such. The following are exceptions: During campaign changeover transition periods when monitors are being changed to a new agent campaign. When a Temporary Change has been approved (see Paragraph22L.15l6.3). If the ACAMS or MINICAMS is offline for more than one and a half hours, the DAAMS becomes the primary monitor and therefore must be analyzed. This does not apply to the Filter stack or exhaust stack. If mitigating measures have been taken to secure an area and processing has ceased, then monitoring at that station will not be considered a "missed monitoring." This does not apply to the Filter stack or exhaust stack. ,NOTIFICATION PROCEDT]RES The Fagility Control System in the Control Center collects data from each ACAMS and MINICAMS and stores the readings in a temporary computer file. A computer in the Control Center uses this file to access agent readings from each ACAMS and MINICAMS. The ACAMS and MINICAMS shall alarm at each location when detected agent concentrations meet or exceed the alarm set points. ACAMS and MINICAMS that monitor toxic areas under engineering control may not have a local alarm. (See Section 22A.26) Thrs is because the ACAMS and MINICAMS would be constantly in alarm. In the event of an ACAMS or MINICAMS alarming at or above the alarm level, outside of engineering controls, or in category "C" areas or at the SAF Laboratory, the Control Center will notify the Monitoring Team Leader or designee. The Team Leader or designated certified monitoring technician along with one other Monitoring person will respond by going to the location of the ACAMS or MINICAMS that is in alarm. Monitoring personnel evaluate alarms by observing the chromatogram and troubleshooting for malfunctions, verifying the alarm level set point, challenging an ACAMS or MINICAMS with an agent standard to ensure that it is operating correctly, and collecting the associated GADAAMS tubes for analysis. The Alarm Response Requirements are specified in Section22A.W. If the alarm is confirmed by DAAMSffi, appropriate corrective measures are taken as specified in Attachment 3, (LQCP). When it is believed that the area has been - cleaned, the area monitor will determine if the corrective measure was adequate. If results are less than the alarm level set point, normal operations may commence. The Control Center shall be notified if the SAF Laboratory ACAMS or MINICAMS alarms and shall notify Monitoring per the requirements of Paragraph22A.ll!3.2. If the SAF Laboratory has an alarm, neat agent operations at the SAF Laboratory shall be suspended. If the alarm causes ATLIC to fail to meet LCO requirements, waste feed shall cease for all furnace at the ATLIC. All ACAMS and/or MINICAMS alarms for GA:lrf!.L, which have coJocated DAAMS, require analysis of the DAAMS tube(s). The analytical results of the DAAMS tubes, pulled due to an ACAMS and/or MINICAMS alarm, shall be reported to the Control Center. The 22A.12.2.3 22A.12.2.4 22A.13 22A.13.1 (.* 224.13.2 224.1 3.3 224.13.4 Attachm ent 22A - Page 17 Attachm ent 22 A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I 22A.14 22A.14.7 Laboratory will maintain the official record of all DAAMS results. lr{SII€AJv{S.(trith* CONTROL LIMITS FOR ACAMS All ACAMS and MINICAMS that monitorthe exhaust stack shall be challenged every 4 hours plus or minus 30 minutes in accordance with TE-LOP-524. The ACAMS and MIMCAMS challenge results are collected electronically for all ACAMS and MINICAMS connected to Facility Control System. The data for the ACAMS and MINICAMS not connected to the Facility Control System are recorded manually and then archived. These data are used to assess the performance of individual units and the performance of the overall monitoring system. The LQCP details the pass/fail criteria. The performance of the ACAMS or MIMCAMS is tracked daily and any ACAMS or MIMCAMS that falls into the fail category is corrected or replaced. MONITORiIVIONITORING LOCATIONS The monitors within the ATLIC site were placed in locations to maintain minimum distances to the actual sampling point while keeping the equipment out of hazardous areas. For the actual monitoring locations at the ATLIC, see Appendix A and the associated drawings. MONITORING PLAN List of Monitors Appendix A outlines the monitoring stations for operations of the ATLIC. Limiting Conditions of Operation (LCOs) The monitors identified for a given campaign must be operating at all times and are considered to be Limiting Condition of Operation (LCO). In the event that a monitor is not capable of operating, immediate corrective actions will be taken. (See Paragraph 22A.+5!3.3). Temporary Changes Temporary changes may be made to the requirements of this plan by following the normal procedures, which provide proper approvals and documentation. This will allow for adding to, reducing the number of or changing the configuration of agent monitors on a temporary basis. The Permittee shall notiff the Executive Secretary orally of any reduced monitoring applicable to this Attachment prior to implementation. Additional Support Occasionally support from DCD, or other TOCDF facilities is required for additional monitoring rrpp* This may include the use of a Real Time An-alytical Platform (RTAP) or monitoring trailer for increased monitoring of an area, or for an upset condition. MONITORING STRATEGY Worker Population Limit (WPL) Monitoring Worker Population Limit (WPL) monitoring will be performed with DAAMS. The WPL monitoring is conducted daily for all work areas where chemical agent is present without secondary vapor containment and workers are not required to wear respirator protection. 22I.15 22A.15.1 22A.16 22A.16.1 224.1 6.1 .1 22/^.16,2 22A.t6.2.1 224.16.3 22A16.4 22/^.17 22A.17.1 224.17 .l .r Attachm ent 221^ - Page I 8 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan 224.17.2 224.17 .2.3. 22/'^.17.3 224.I"/ .3.1 22A.17.4 November 2009 Rev I Also, the Category C areas where agent is not present are monitored on a monthly basis. WPL monitoring will be required for the first five days of agent processing. Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) and Vapor Screening Limit (VSL) Monitoring VSL monitoring will be performed at all workplace locations as specified in Appendix A DAAMS for GA aruLL ill be used to confirm or deny a VSL exceedance. lncoming air will be minimized to prevent dilution of sample when clearing bagged items. The filter stacks use the VSL monitoring limit on the ACAMS and/or MIMCAMS itself, but any confirmed release will be reported in a concentration (mg/m3). STEL and VSL are equivalent in terms of concentration values, but are different in that STEL is based on a 15 minute time-weighted average and that VSL is independent of time. Source Emission Limit (SEL) SEL is a ceiling value that serves as a source emission limit, and not as a health standard. It is used for monitoring the incinerator exhaust stack. Staggered ACAMS and/or MIMCAMS which monitor continuously are required on the exhaust stack for each agent being processed. DAAMS for GA aOtd.L are used as confirmation for any ACAMS (GA) or MINICAMS (L) alarm above the alarm level. A Waste Feed Cutoff for allthe incineratorffirrnaee is initiated when an alarm at or above the alarm level is exceeded at the exhaust stack. AEL Levels G-agents mg/m3 L mg/m3 STEL (15-Minutes) 0.0001 0.003 WPL' (12-Hours) 0.00002 0.003 WPL (8-Hours) 0.00003 0.003 WPL (4-Hours) 0.00006 0.003 SEL 0.0003 0.03 IDLH (30-Minutes) 0.1 0.36 VSL 0.0001 0.003 Notes: ' The 12-hour WPL monitoring level will be used for routine historical monitoring and for areas where munitions are stored outside of secondary contairunent. Attachm ent 22A - Page I 9 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev 1 224.17.5 224.17 .5.1 Monitoring Cessation Confirmation monitoring may be suspended once agent has been confirmed to be present (NRT-only monitoring will be required to veriff effectiveness of corrective actions). Once corrective actions have been resolved, confirmation monitoring shall be re-instituted. Any ACAMS or MINICAMS alarm, without co-located DAAMS for GA and LtrI4S{I€AA{$ fert, is assumed to be agent. Agent specific monitoring may be halted if no corresponding waste is inside the ATLIC boundaries. Once an agent waste enters the ATLIC boundaries, monitoring must be reinstated for that agent in locations specified in Appendix A. This condition does not apply to the Filter stack. MONITORING EQUIPMENT The following is a discourse of the tlpes of equipment used for agent monitoring: ACAMS The ACAMS is a near-real-time monitor system with the ability to detect and report the concentration levels of 'GA' chemical agent in the air at either low levels or high levels depending on its monitoring configuration. The ACAMS is configured for the appropriate detection level and the current agent(s) locations. The ACAMS is equipped with remote, audible, and visible alarm systems. The ACAMS samples air during a preset sample period. Agent present in the sample air stream is collected on a solid sorbent bed dwing the sample period for gas chromatographic (GC) analysis. The results of the GC analysis of the sampled air are displayed on the front panel of the instrument. A permanent record of the chromatogram and the agent concentration is recorded on a strip-chart. The ACAMS produces an audible and visible alarm when the agent concentration level is at or above the preset alarm level. The Facility Control System records the alarm time and agent concentration. The ACAMS are used to detect process upsets and are located in areas where concentrations ofagents are ofconcern or where rapid response is required to allow personnel to work in lower levels of protective dress. In process areas where high concentrations of agents are possible, a Low-Volume Sampler (LVS) may be utilized. The LVS operates in a process area by drawing air through the LVS, retaining a l-ml sample. It then sends that l-ml sample to the ACAMS, which analyzes it and reports the actual agent concentration of the area being sampled. This process is necessary to prevent saturating the ACAMS. MINICAMS The MINICAMS is a near-real time air monitor system with the ability to detect and report the concentration levels of 'L' chemical agent in the air at either low levels or high levels depending on its monitoring configuration. The MINICAMS is configured for the appropriate detection level at the specified agent(s) sample locations. The MINICAMS is equipped with remote, audible, and visible alarm systems. The MINICAMS samples air during a preset sample period. Agent present in the sample air stream is collected on a solid sorbent bed during the sample period for gas chromatographic (GC) analysis. The results of the GC analysis of the sampled air are displayed on the front panel of the instrument. A permanent record of the chromatogram and the agent concentration is recorded on a strip- chart. The MINICAMS produces an audible and visible alarm when the agent concentration level is at or above the preset alarm level. The MNICAMS records the alarm time and agent 22A.17 .5.2 22/^.18 22A.18.1. 224.1 8.1.1 22/'^.18.2 Attachm ent 22A - Page 20 Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev 1 224.18.3 22A.1 8.3.1 concentration. The MINICAMS are used to detect process upsets and are located in areas where concentrations of agents are of concem or where rapid response is required to allow personnel to work in lower levels of protective dress. In process areas where high concentrations of agents are possible, a Low-Volume Sampler (LVS) may be utilized. The LVS operates in a process area by drawing air through the LVS, retaining a l-ml sample. Itthen sends that l-ml sample to the MINICAMS, which analyzes it and reports the actual agent concentration of the area being sampled. This process is necessary to prevent saturating the MINICAMS. DAAMS An additional monitoring system used is the DAAMS. DAAMS involve passing sampled air through a sorbent bed where any agent is being collected. The sample periods are determined by P&A study results and are in the range of three minutes to twelve hours. DAAMS analysis is performed using a Class 1 quantitative method. However, when DAAMS are used in conjunction with an ACAMS for GA anilor MINICAMS for L, the results are used to confirm or refute the presence of agent. If an ACAMS or MINICAMS is not monitoring correctly and has associated DAAMS, the DAAMS tubes become the primary monitor and must be collected andanalyzed. DAAMS samples provide independent confirmation of positive ACAMS and/or MINICAMS readings and a historical record of monitoring, in areas not monitored by ACAMS or MNICAMS, at the WPL and GPL locations. DAAMS tubes shall use a labeling system to track the specific station and agent of each tube. All confirmed DAAMS results, greater than the reporting limit (RL), shall be reported to the Control Center immediately. All confirmed sub-Rl levels shall be tracked and trended by the laboratory. Sample Lines The agent sampling lines are heated to aid in the transmission of the sample. Appendices C&D show the configuration of the sampling assembly. They consist of Teflon sample lines with self-regulating heat tape. These ACAMS, MINICAMS and DAAMS sample lines shall be challenged at the distal end of the sample line every 60 days + 3 days. Other sample lines may not be heat traced as long as all challenges are performed at the end of the sample line. In these cases the line is challenged with agent to prove transmission of the agent down the sample line. All sample lines must be challenged and demonstrate transmission efficiency prior to the corirmencement of operations. After the completion of the initial sample line challenge, all non-toxic sample lines must be challenged at least every 60 days + 3 days. Sample lines in toxic areas are challenged during campaign changeover. Sample Lines (Suffixed with "S") Monitoring stations whose station number is suffixed by an "S" (spool) are to be used for special or short term monitoring only. The purpose of the "S" stations is to allow monitoring in specific locations that do not have a regularly assigned ACAMS or MIMCAMS. The station equipment consists of a sample line only. When the monitoring is performed, an adjacent ACAMS or MINICAMS will be connected to the "S" sample line. In some cases the lines are arranged on a spool to allow them to be reeled out and moved to the point that needs sampling. The ACAMS and MINICAMS that areusedinconjunctionwiththe..S,,samplelineshave@designate the station in use. The purpose of the switch is to identify the correct monitoring location to 224.18.4 224.1 8.4.1 224.18.4'.2 22A.1 8.4.3 22A.18.5 224.1 8.5.1 ol Attachm ent 22A - Page 2l Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I 224.1 8.5.3 the Facility Control System. This causes the ACAMS or MINICAMS data to be cataloged to the correct sampling point and therefore provide accurate traceability of monitoring results. During the time the ACAMS or MINICAMS is connected to the spool sample line, the DAAMS that was associated with the original ACAMS or MINICAMS becomes the primary monitor for that location. This means that the DAAMS tubes must be ar:r.lyzed, rather than serving the function of being confirmation DAAMS that only get analyzed in the event of an ACAMS alarm. Additionally, if the ACAMS and/or MINICAMS alarms while connected to the spool, there are no DAAJVIS tubes to serve the confirmation function. If there are readings on the ACAMS or MINICAMS while it is in the spool mode, it must be assumed to be agent. Silver Fluoride Pads - V to G Pads Silver fluoride pad assemblies, or V to G pads*re-qq used with GA ACAMS and DAAMS stations when ATLIC is processing GA waste. They are designed to place the silver fluoride pads in the sample stream such that the pads are exposed to the sample stream. Silver Fluoride pads for GA are used to cause a chemical reaction that result in a species with a narrower chromatographic peak. All assemblies will contain at least two silver fluoride pads held in place. Additional pads do not aid or hinder the efficiency. A detailed description of each type is located in TE-LOP-529,Y|G Conversion Pad Assembly. ACAMS silver fluoride pads shall be replaced as needed by indicating factors such as chromatography and/or challenge results. The pads shall be challenged before replacement, so that the silver fluoride pads that have been in service are part ofthe challenge to ensure adequate transfer. If the pads challenge is outside 75-125% recovery, qualification of data is required. EDT l,2-ethanedithiol EDT gas (a 200 ppm mix of EDT in N2) is used with L MINICAMS stations and will be introduced at the distal end of the L sample lines to react with the L to form an L- derivative that is more volatile and easily transported. STACK CONT'IGURATION Agent monitoring of the exhaust stack (PAS) effluent consists of ACAMS, MINICAMS and DAAMS. ACAMS/IVIINICAMS There are three ACAMS assigned to monitor the exhaust stack for GA agent being processed. Two of the ACAMS for GA agent are on line constantly. Their operating cycles are staggered to allow one unit to be in the analysis mode while the other is sampling. This results in continuous monitoring of the exhaust stack. DAAMS analysis is used for alarm confirmation. The third ACAMS serves as a standby unit when one of the other units is off- line for challenging or corrective action. The three ACAMS for GA agent are linked to the Facility Control System individually. There are sirlhree MINICAMS assigned to monitor the exhaust stack for L agent being processed. F€{x-Two MINICAMS for L agent are on line constantly. Their operating cycles are staggered to allow trvryunits to be in the analysis mode while the othertnre-erelg sampling. This results in continuous monitoring of the exhaust stack. DAAMS analysis is used for alarm confirmation. The third MINICAMS serves as a standby unit whan one of the 22A..18.6 224.1 8.6.1 22A.18.7 224.1 8.7.1 224.19 224.19.1 224.19.1 .2 Attachm ent 22A - Page 22 o Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I 224.19.1 .3 other units is off-line for challenging or corrective action. The three MINICAMS for L agent are linked to the Facility Control System individually. with Cifferent eelrrrms rer alarm een{kmetion. Twe MINI€^&{S ^orve es standby urdts when twe ef the etha tndtsare eff line fer ehallenging er eerreetive astie* The sfut . An alarm is sounded in the €€SFFacility Control Center if the ACAMS or MINICAMS cycling does not provide 100% monitoring of the exhaust stack for each agent. If this occurs, an AWFCO is initiated and DAAMS analysis is required for the period the ACAMS or MINICAMS was not staggered sampling the exhaust Stack. DAAMS There are three DAAMS tubes aspirating at all times on each DAAMS manifold for GA and two DAAMS tubes aspirating at all times for Lewisite. They are the A tube, a B confirmation tube, and a C contingency tube-.fqgG.A. The], are the A tube and B tube for Lewisite. A fourth tube for GA and third for Lewisite, which is a QP, is also aspirated in accordance with the LQCP. The sampling equipment is designed such that a sample is being collected constantly, even whbn a set of tubes is being replaced. The stack DAAMS will have a "no-flow" audible alarm to warn operators when the DAAMS is not operating. EXHAUST STACK MONITORING Suspended Exhaust Stack Monitoring Exhaust stack monitoring will not be suspended without CMA Site Project Manager or designee and the Executive Secretary approval. MONITORING FOR AGENT FROM PAST CAMPAIGNS Monitoring in Category A and B areas, for past agent contamination may be discontinued when the airborne agent contamination for that area is less than 1.0 VSL over a 24-how period, at a minimum temperature of 70o F, with the ventilation system operating at the approved flow rates. A confirmed agent reading at or above 1.0 VSL requires that the area must undergo additional decontamination. Monitoring in Category C areas for past agent campaign contamination may be discontinued when the Category C areahas been less than 0.5 WPL(t2-no*) for each agent being discontinued over a 24-hotr period, , with the adjacent A& B area ventilation systems operating at the approved flow rates at a minimum temperature of 70oF. Monitoring data shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary for approval prior to discontinuation of a4y agent monitor in a C area. ACAMS and MINICAMS DATA COLLECTION ATLIC ACAMS and MINICAMS are integrated into the Facility Control System. The Facility Control System stores all readings taken by each ACAMS or MIMCAMS to a temporary computer file. From this file, a computer is able to compile trends from each ACAMS or MINICAMS for up to 72 hours and, upon demand, display these trends to graphics screens in the Control Center. Various automated reports are used to observe these trends to be used as a management tool to make improvements and determine the level of readiness of the overall ACAMS or MINICAMS system. This temporary file is compressed to an archival file that becomes the permanent record of agent readings. From the archival file, the computer is able to trend each connected ACAMS or MINICAMS for any desired 22A.19.2 22A.20 22A.20.1 22A.20.1.1 22A.21 22A,21 .1 22A.21 .2 22I^.22 22A.22.1 Attachm ent 22A - Page 23 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I 22I.23 224.23.1 time period. Results of all ACAMS or MINICAMS challenges are electronically recorded and, ad4itionally, they are manually recorded in the ACAMS or MINICAMS logbook (see Section 22A.1{11.1for any potential exceptions to manually recorded logbooks) at each instrurnent. These results provide a basis for statistical analysis to assess performance and for reporting to regulatory agencies. Some areas in the ATLIC as noted in Appendix A do not have Facility Control System, therefore, the ACAMS or MINICAMS chart recorder and instrument log are used to record readings and QC data that are then archived. DAAMS SYSTEM The DAAMS sampling system is capable of collecting agent GA by use of Chromosorb and L with Tenax sorbent beds. The sample is then analyzed using GCIFPD, MSD, LCMS or with LCICPMS analysis techniques. The total volume of air sampled is calculated from the sampling time and the sample flow rate. Desorption of the DAAMS tube into a GCIFPD for analysis provides the total mass of agent collected. The average air concentration of agent is then calculated from this data. By increasing the sample time or flow rate, the average concentration sensitivity can be increased. DAAMS stations shall report agent concentration at or above their calculated reporting limit for the agent of interest. The lowest calibration standard used for analysis must be at or below the reporting limit. BACKT]P EQUIPMENT The function of the ACAMS or MINICAMS is to rapidly detect agent. Should a needed instrument fail, the first response is to troubleshoot and repair it in place. Should the estimated repair time be excessive (as determined by the Control Center) the ACAMS or MINICAMS will be replaced with an ACAMS or MINICAMS from the contingency stock. MAINTENAI\CE The Monitoring Technicians and lnstrument Technicians have completed mandatory ACAMS and MINICAMS training at the Chemical DemilitarizationTraining Facility (CDTF) or TOCDF and are qualified to maintain and operate ACAMS and MINICAMS. The manufacturers' manuals and LOPs provide necessary guidance. START UP OF MONTTORTNG .dgent monitoring in the ATLIC will be initiated in each area as needed. A Monitoring Plan for each campaign must have approval from the CMA Site Project Manager or Designee. The monitoring identified in the "campaign specific" plan will be started in sufficient time to allow baseline data collection. The operational readiness review (ORR) for the campaign shall include review of the plan and the baseline data. The information in this plan is the basis for all campaign specific plans. ACAMS and MINICAMS ALARM HORN There are cases where ACAMS or MINICAMS have an alarm in the Control Center but there is no local alarm. This is a safety measure. There are areas that have frequent alarms but it does not mean that the workers in the area must mask. It is important that the workers do not become accustomed to ignoring ACAMS and MINICAMS alarms. Some examples are: Toxic Area ACAMS and MINICAMS and airlock ACAMS and MINICAMS. ln all of these cases an alarm does not indicate that the people in the location of the ACAMS or 22A.24 224.24.1 224.25 224.25.1 224.26 224.26.1 224.27 224.27.1 Attachrn ent 22A - Page 24 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev 1 22A.28 224.28.t MINICAMS need to mask. ACAMS and MINICAMS that have the horn disconnected must have a sign at the ACAMS oTMINICAMS indicating such. ACAMS and MINICAMS ALARM LEVEL The set point for the ACAMS and MINICAMS agent alarms is specified in the monitoring station tables (Attachment A). Due to the design characteristics of the ACAMS or MINICAMS and the software that operates the alarm, there may be slight variations in the actual alarm level for each ACAMS and MINICAMS. PORTABLE ACAMS, MINICAMS and DAAMS MONITORING TRAILERS There are a minimum of two Portable Monitoring Trailers housing ACAMS and/or MINICAMS and DAAMS at TOCDF. They are for special short-term monitoring to support short-term activities. CARBON FILTERS ON ACAMS and MINICAMS In special circumstances, an ACAMS or MINICAMS purpose is not to provide monitoring on a continuous basis but for a specific need such as for monitoring charcoal change-out at the Filter Farm. When these types of ACAMS or MINICAMS are operating but not sampling the area for which they are intended, a charcoal filter may be installed at the ACAMS oT MINICAMS. 22A.29 224.29.1 22A^.30 22A.30.1 224.31, 224.3 1.1 F'UGITTVE EMISSIONS MONITORINC If a leak is discovered in any equipment in an agent processing area at the ATLIC, that leak shall be monitored for agent using an ACAMS or MINICAMS. The method used for this monitoring will be a modified Method 21 from 40 CFR, Part 60 using an ACAMS or MINICAMS for agent. Method Requirements ATLIC Facility Capabilities Mitigation/ Justification A portable or area instrument will be used to monitor leaks for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) The area ACAMS or MINICAMS will be used or a portable monitor that is configured for the specific VOC (agent). N/A The VOC instrument detector shall respond to the compounds being processed, and both the linear response range and measurable range of the instrument shall encompass the leak concentration. The f,Q414S and MINICAMS meet this criterion, their being calibrated with the compound of interest. N/A The scale of the instrument meter shall be readable to +l- 2.5% of the specified leak definition concentration when perfonning a no detectable emission survey. The ACAMS and MINICAMS meter readout is digital, so the concentration is displayed with easy to read numbers. N/A The instrument shall be equipped with an electrically driven pump to insure that a sample is provided to the detector at a The ACAMS and MINICAMS comply with this requirement, with a noffnal flow rate of 0.40 to N/A Attachm ent 22A - Page 25 Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I constant flow rate. The rate will be 0.10 to 3.0 LPM, measured at the probe tip. 1.OLPM. The instruments shall be intrinsically safe, os defined by U.S.A. standards for use in any explosive atmospheres that may be encountered in its use. TheACAMS andMINICAMS sample line meets this requirement since the ACAMS and MINICAMS unit is not inside the explosive environment. N/A The instrument shall be equipped with a probe or probe extension for sampling not to exceed t/o rnch outside diameter, with a single opening for admission of a sample. The ACAMS and MINICAMS meets this requirement % rnch outside diameter is the standard for ACAMS sample lines and probes. N/A The instrument response factors for the VOC to be measured shall be less than 10. The response factor is the ratio of the known concentration of a VOC compound to the observed meter reading when measured using an instrument calibrated with the specifi ed reference compound. The ACAMS and MINICAMS meet this criterioll.N/A The instrument response time shall be equal to or less than 30 seconds, with all sampling equipment connected and operatirrg. The ACAMS and MINICAMS do not meet this criterion. But, this is a special application and has been approved The ACAX{S and MINICAMS are the best avarlable technology for agent sampling. Since the ACAMS andMINICAMS must collect a sample before analysis, the 5-15 minute response time is as fast as the analysis can be iln, while still maintaining accurate results. The calibration precision must be equal to or less than 10 percent of the calibration gas value. The ACAMS and MINICAMS meet this criterior, except that the ACAMS and MINICAMS uses a liquid calibration standard. By TOCDF procedure the calibration challenge must be +l- 10 % of the target value. N/A NOTE The challenge, calibration and operation of the ACAMS or MINICAMS will comply Attachm ent 22A - Page 26 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I 22A.32 221^.32.1 with Laboratory Operating Procedure (LOP) S2{inAttachment 3 (Sampling and Analytical Procedures) and this Attachment. ALARM RESPONSE REQI]IREMENTS Exhaust Stack Alarm for GA or L If the ACAMS alarms at or above 0.+ZSEL for GA or 0.42for L agent a RCRA Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off (AWFCO) shall be initiated for the f,maee#incinerators. Monitoring personnel shall be deployed. DAAMS tubes that support GA ACAMS and/or L MINICAMS shall be pulled andanalyzed on the stack. Filter Stack Alarm for GA or L If the ACAMS or MINICAMS, moriitoring the Filter stack, alarms at or above the agent alarm set point then Monitoring personnel shall be deployed. DAAMS tubes that support GA ACAMS and/or L MINICAMS shall be pulled arrd analyzed. ffi If agent is confirmed, no additional agent may be brought into the ATLIC without Executive Secretary approval. Workplace Monitoring for GA and L (Category C and D Areas) If the ACAMS or MIMCAMS indicates (in Control Center) that the agent level is+tlg a! or above the action level of 0.2 VSL for GA and O.+ZVSL for L then the Control Center shall notiff Monitoring @i4g shall respond and verify ACAMS or MINICAMS operation and pull DAAMS tubes. If the ACAMS or MINICAMS is at or above the alarm level (Appendix A), then the DAAMS tubes that support GA ACAMS and/or L MINICAMS shall be pulled and analyzed. 224.32.2 22A.32.3 Attachm ent 22A - Page 27 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I APPENDIXA ATLIC AGENT MONITORING PLAII DETAIL Attachrn ent 22A - Page 28 Attachm ent 22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I AGENT MONITORING PLAII Explanation of Column Titles Station Number The station number was assigned by Monitoring in accordance with the Monitoring Station Numbering Sheet. This is the number used by the Facility Control System. The numbers are specific to the geographic location being monitored. This number cannot be reassigned to any other location due to the restraints caused by the 4O-year record-keeping requirement. When an S suffixes a station number, it indicates that the sample line is movable to various sample points. The S indicates spool. A K suffix to a station nurnber indicates that the station monitors for GA, when a station is suffixed with an L, it indicates the station monitors for Lewisite. ACAMSiLINICAMS/DAAMS Tag Number This nurnber identifies the tag number for the ACAMS, MINICAMS or DAAMS specific to that station number. If an ACAMS, MINICAMS or DAAMS is removed for repair and a new ACAMS, MINICAMS or DAAMS is installed at that station, the tag nurnber will stay with the new ACAMS, MINICAMS or DAAMS. This is to prevent the need to update the Monitoring Plan each time maintenance is required. Temporary DAAMS are installed with an assigned sample number instead of a tag number. Monitoring will track the ACAMS, MINICAMS or DAAMS being repaired using the unit's serial number. Unit Location This designates the detector's physical location by room, floor plan number, and the drawing number (from the attached Monitoring Plan drawings). Area Monitored This designates the geographic location being monitored by room and floor plan number. Power Type UPS - Battery backup used on ACAMS and MINICAMS. DAAMS using the same station number will be connected to UPS. . Essential Power - Commercial power backed up by an emergency generator. All heat trace will use the essential power. Secondary Power (Distribution) System (SPS) - The secondary power system refers to the standard power supply. Items such as cabinet and pump ventilation fans are connected to the SPS Sample Point Hazard Category A through E, with "A" being a room where liquid agent is likely to be present to ,Err where no agent will be found. See Terminology Section for complete definition. Monitoring Level lndicates the purpose of the ACAMS, MINICAMS or DAAMS stations and corresponding monitoring level or sensitivity of the monitor. If VSL is listed, the purpose of the ACAMS or MINICAMS is to monitor equipment/waste/personnel contamination levels. When ECL is listed, the location is being monitored at a more sensitive level than required by CMA direction. In other words, if ECLNSL is listed, the monitors are in the VSL mode but are more sensitive than Attachment22A - Page29 Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev 1 required by the Programmatic Monitoring Concept Plan for that monitoring location. The agent concentrations for each monitoring level are specified in Attachment 22A, Appendix A. Alarm Level The alarm level at the ACAMS or MINICAMS station is the same as it is in the Control Center. The alarm level shown is in terms of the monitoring level shown in the previous column. The alarm levels are set below threshold levels to allow action to be taken to avoid exceeding threshold levels. The alarm level starts a specific course of actions. The specific requirements are identified in Section 22A.31(Alarm Response Requirements). An alarm located in toxic areas, filter mid-beds, or other closed containers do not require the contingency procedures to be implemented. Sample Line Length Lengths of the sample lines are listed with an accuracy of r20%. DAAMS Mode The mode is an indication of the purpose of the DAAMS. Examples are: ACAMS Confirmation: The DAAMS is used to confirm an ACAMS reading in the event of an agent alarm. Additionally the station with a monitoring level of VSLAVPL will have the DAAMS tubes analyzed at the WPL at least monthly to provide evidence that there isn't an agent concentration in the area below the detectible range of the ACAMS. Historical: Historical monitoring is performed to measure very low concentrations of airbome analytes, where contamination is unlikely or workers are operating without personal protective equipment (PPE). Sampling is accomplished by the collection of an air sample over an extended period of time (usually the duration of a workday) and subsequent analysis is conducted offline at the laboratory. Historical monitoring is designed to trigger activities to investigate the source of contamination that may be found below the alarm level of the Near Real Time (NRT) monitor. Primary DAAMS: In this case the DAAMS is the only agent monitor. Comments Additional information as needed. The table that follows provides monitoring details sorted by Station Number (Table 1). Attachrnent22A - Page 30 eo0)oo cdO.INN0)ocd Fzt- t r-aaoU -Jsu O@ >O U t- - bo x '5 vFo tr o o .g R <E -J -9 u oo o >OUr - bo x .E VE< t< oo !l o =f -{ _} _ *l9moo o >OUr - oo X 5VF< La oo Qo =f -<> coE]Foz ra J o r) OO \ >OUr - bo X EM tr o \ OO +) l' \ - <> aJ -9 U OO \ hOUr - bo X E< Eo , OO +) l\ - <E a 7\ rr l= aa19 Aa z z z &EzoUazU gz&t! ' ,zcUa-z(J z z HE g H O\n \n Otn O\n o(o Ota Ol' r ) E, . t TE N or l tf )O c! l t, O.{ f' . l l tt ) i z z ot l $O or l$i (JzI'F / . J 5t s tr - ti rd zj o Jrr la Jtt 1a Jr!a JHa JIJ . ]a Jr!a Jrr . la H\HEA ! ! z z z z z z z ri H V) A- ' , aO. .D aD aF. . aR- , ,D aO- , , aR. r +h Rz <x l] rd Y Fr l= &o3 s ll -vocdA -l 3_ > -E c Xrr l &OcdA- , ar -H & X IJ . ] .5 4 oeda-a*=> \v F/ xr! -VOedAt r2+ . . )z -H & xI! }4()dA- .Q-=> \t Vxtr l () cr 3a-3_ > .E F 4 xr! }4()a-Q-=> i: c xE] r\ 2: $ h :d Z t- t d E =g E tr rn bo q .E o l- q) - I _O c { ^ ) .- F t - ! - F 6. 1 - :e I = :! , c \ o. U IJ . ] (n bo q .! v l- O I -C a ' 1 .; )- -r - E 5. 1 - (- r a V - >i , i = a N- o' O El (n bo q CA alFVO Oe o U- . ;- )< F( r- r c =- j . F . o x\ J - aO- , , Otr l \n bo q .E o l^ts vO Ot . o +J .r < ) < - - tr X- f F{ O X( J _ J aNc' ' . OI! [n oo q C- \ :v tOO Oc o U.- F F F ( g ii - t - o x( J - >E 4, t ac' , ()r! \n uo q -I- .J v LO I _O c . ) .; F -t -r I X or ' r - :e I = a N* o. U rr . l oo q .E o LO I _O c r ^ ) .- )- t- 1- ( I H Or n - lr a V - ae- . U E+ r 33 Z z Z t- - oo \o oooo \o z z aE X I co .f , [n -t$\n rn.f , [n z Z N.f , ca$ Fr Tt a voo f-zI!F Vmoo -E -zI!F vQooOf-ztr . lF vcooOf-ztr lF VrI ] oo f-zr!F Jof-zr!F Jmo\ -E -zrr lF ffz Lo-oEIJze-o !I{- ,o{- ,@-c lEo+, Loa\o II (t rPooE' ) ?b '=o.t sF-o=Fo I-c loF sC- , .bo L.=z.oo0QJFN6loo6d t-zrd lraEoU ca J gF a () o \ >O U) r- uo X 9< tr o , o< > <> dt Ll r+oz, e{ r dr+oZ caI!Foz et r*oZ, 2 rr l za igAa z $Z $z $Z z z z '$ ef i , * O\n ff tn ff o\n <D t, t ) o\ o\ OO or l r+i no z q(D z -to O$\a[r )O O.+\nnO \n ozIdF l OF l- a ii HZJ oFre Jt!a rIri l ch Jrr la d Jrr . la dUD JUEIJa JUI!Ja Ja fr t - '' r H. EE U ! a P E u l- ( a Z $Z z * z $Z m ri e aC.D (h$ aAD (h$ aAD (hd.$ aD aO- . a E? sF d Ht r d o6 gEI ] It j4 ()CdA- , a-=>=* xE] $* .yocCA- , Q. '=> -H od XI! $* .\ z ocdA- .Q-=z -E F( XtI J JT,$ * ** 'S rf - e. , E Ex tr . l {5EE m.t \ r ) { '- ' r' E -- - H rq 7\ z: f E l/ 4 ri 3d E t. dU =3 * fr bo q cA 't r 5 I _O c o .; F - r r ( tr =- ! - ( sp Y = r/ f N - r Ag ) I! gs t * $i l rn bo qE8 O Oc o gd .- )< -t -< tr E- l . - , se Y ; a (\ - AO H gs f i * $i l lf i bo q tr A Y LOO Oc o !) .F r F - - H or i - :P I E ac. . ( ) r! gs $ * $i l $ bo . 4 tr lH \- / t- V (J +J V V .t s l- F. t- { Ch t - (J ra ,: oY < , zd , < 3 5 $- FO E] .f , bo . @ -lL. .; \J t- ;^ v\. , , - ^ {- ) v v .F l- F. Fr t- . 5 RC : >; d a X N- L, / I FO rr . l .f , bo . 4 I E \J L;^ v (. / {- l Y Y .F a l- -r F{ Lr Hr - A (J TF l Y Vg > il , 4 , - x N- \J IFU IJ . ] E+ h 33 Z $Z o\ oo \o $Z Oo\ \o $z Z z z ;E X I \f , \f , t, f )$ z $ z H.s f-C\ \n O. C. l rnC. l (n tr :t h a JUo\ f-zrqF d<Dr* Jno\O -- - E - zrI ]F dR JIJ . ] o\ f- - Zrr lF dChor* Ye! f-zrJ ] t. l JFf-zr!F v{e{Nf-zrr lF tr tr *s c{ caouo cd 0. , . INNOoc0 O\ F{ \- , ,t ' l ri l c)€l. ioozcd o<boLooOJboUJFNe{oFoCd caca()bo CdAINNotrOCO F(zrq tlzlr lzoU (n \o Ir . l f! FFooZZ $$ooZZ l. r } \o lr . l fr . l FFoozz .t tr . IFoZ \f , r!Foz i3 r d zo3s z * az>g {g z z z z E= E H OO OO I+ OO Ot O.+ ooo\ ooo\ Oo\ =j* E or r3 no -qO -t6 v' lO v?O =q {\nrn O$tnnO O{\r ) \n Iztc4 F l OF L/ a ti kl Z r- l o> Ja Jo<Ja rIs JR- tsJa Ja Ja JcJUHJa Fr rJoJUIJ ]Ja rc l JI3rUrr lJa r- l - \-EF H i m U Lt ) U z z mt rE a ac- , , ao< ch$ aa<D aO- , .D aO. ac. . . aO.D c/ ) P. , ,D B? <x J rr j Y nr Ht r d o6 g tl caJY ?F; rr l moo E 'D -, , st , ot- . Fr $* odmoo B '6 -. . ga ot< o. ' . a(. )x. f , oo (D -, >> O^ ) (, oC)x$oo O t- r >2 O^ ) U \o X= () -, , FE il \o X=C- , FA & o\ o3 d r\ z: $ h :d 3 H d, zg a H t- { FE ( -f , bo . O e1 I !. .F v t-ii v (J {- ) v v .F I< F. !- f tr h ! - A (J T i zE , t = x N- \J rFO rr . l co bo | @ F1 t HA ./ \J Lia vu o\ f , .- l< - !- i tr t i t < S E9 = , z/ , < 3 o 6r H o c. l Eo .lvIJ . ] $s i l * s* ca uo . 4 I HA .H \J l-I -5 . t .F . l< - t- r Ct r S Eq = . z/ , < 3 O 6t H oNsd r! caa cd Om8 o OI ) -, O cl F < AV r rqs i Eo t a- o IJ . ] COa c3 O nn o -o < f bf ) - .i Et - a\ r / /s< i Y e. t c' u r! -f , Pq ts i .H \- / L;^ v l. , ' +) a v v .F )< F. Ff il i t - (, ri v^ V - >i l , t 1 x N- \J IF( , rI ] -f , bo . O I ts r .- v t-xv (J {- ) v v .- l< F{ !< Ct : r r A( J r a : oY = , z& < 3 5 $- FO r! -t bo . 4 t< I |' r .l v !o L, , i) v v . ri I< !- { t< C! r - A (J r h va V s5 $- F( , r! E{ r 3: 3 z O@\o O. f-\o z z z z z aE a = ooC\ CA $ o\Nrn ca rn Nco caco \. ) -f , cO f-ea \n F :t E a JC! e{F-zIL IF aJt. tNf-zrl . ]F (hd!A )c[ r{ . av\nc{ f-ztr . lF av\oNf-zII ]F aJ\oNf-zrr lF Vf-Nf-zrr lF Jf-Nf-zI!F vooc! f-ztqF $ O. F{ ffzsO- . .uo .EooC)oo ()JFC\C\oocd $ea0)bo cdAIoi C. l ()tr()d FrzHr=a=a0[J tr+* el r Lf i+* \nrI ]Foz E rr l ea3B z ilEzoUaU UI xlzl > l =l sl $I | *< r il $Z &EzoUaU JUiloFaF fr l E $' , . E *, H. < rr { tE l 't l l. r ' r F I Oo\ O $ Oo Oeo s co OcO O$\nn no n.o \nO =qO so v?O z ()zIdF l OF Lt ,) ii r{ Zl ] o\-aI' . i " ts l *( lJIol -l :lJUr!)a JF. .BJa d* J0.Ja J0. , . tsJa d* J0.BJa JF. . lr l : - \BEE U T ?R E U m U (, U o a o o rg a aD aD Ch$ aP- . aD (h$ a- aAD B3 tF d g tr d "6 9 Ir r o\ c- l 3 5; d 5=ge tl Xo o S? O fr z o- bo L\J+) v .F )H -( H.^ F ( vL< (i <{ zd 3 x r+ { oF tt oG't$, 1 bo l-o+- , v .F ld Fl H;^ . - H( J = r z& 3 oF sb 6? F -\J F { Fa U- , . EE < E 'F E x tr o tr . l U r\ z: $ h tr & B 3 3r \f , bo . 4 -lE .F v t- v iJ -o o .F l- Fr F{ l; . L: t t^ (J r h J OY = r z& < 3 X ot - oq FO I! tf , oo r 4 I H .H \J t- :^ v (J iJ a v v .F . L< F. Fl E! 1 t - A (, rF 1 .: OY . < t z& < f ; x N- \J IF( , rI . ] .f , uo . 4 I .H \/ t-AV tJ -! . .^ , !r - . v v .- ) - F ( - l- H: . - (J TF 1 vt - V ->i l 4 , 4 x N- \- / I FU fr l $ bo . 4 dlH .- \J !o IJ .{ r l ) v v .F l i F . - tr L: ! -se ? = xoq FO rI ] .f , bo . 4 Fl I ! .;r !J L^v(, {. J Y V .F a I< Fa t- E 6. 1 - vr a r V - > il , 4 , - 5 $- FU rr . l rn bo qE8 I _O c r ) .; F - . - . E 6. 1 - :E T ; ac" g ) r! P :r h 33 z c\ l oo \o $Z oo \o $oo \o caoo \o (noo \o EE = t f-ca (nca $ \nca \n ooca ch c' t )+ o\ co \n z Fi +t a J@Nf-zHF Jo\Nf-zHF dchcT$tr vo\Nf-zfr , lF -lcA -E - Zr!F dt vcO f-ZHF YcaC-zrJ ]F O\ t- { FP , o,otroozcdo.c0Lo6)boUJFNNO() cO (ncaooo 03Ortc!NOocd Frzr{=a=aoU (n rr . lFoz f- [/ ^ t fr l [r . l FFoozz t\ \n r! EJ FFoozz $r $ * * $r $ * * \nr!Foz 2r d 3A Aa JU&oFarr r JU&oFaF JU&cFaJ- . -p$o+Lh rJ .* *$o+hrJ r il JU&cFaF gs , a H Oca O.+ Otf , <D+ o+ oo r= \ a, ri 4 E * JH z z z * * z (JZdiOF Ll a il Hz; or-a Jp. J0. ts JCr rI* JI* JO- , iB rd !EE A T ? ?8 E U a o o o a o o ri H aA. o,D a (t t a l- ( *1 o- r a< o7a cd .r L- - . . r o, J c. , , (hcL* (h* ac. ' . B? JF d C= & "5 gI' I r :F*S DUr F( -' r J Ft EA U '- , , H= d > .t r Ij lY tr o r! . u Cdot- . L<EtdJtr . , ,aA. (0OL<h 'o dJILa $ $$ bt< i- l 0, ) o 6 h= f \ ?1 tr L) \- . / tr ? _, - (^ ) . (J a .5 r- r ts J tr ) 9, d E' S f i ( U uU x 3i z i. . d B =g A tr |' n oo q Lr 't r - O Oe n .l - ) .- F - F( E 5. 1 - (J A V - >E , i - a c{ r+ { p. ( ' rr . l cAa .9 o c d X OO E5 = \ 7h : . - v \J o, l - c bO Y =, , EE X A C, n n () rr l COa Ja c d 1, , ll t ) ,^ 85 E x /h i l v\. / o) ,A - c bO Y =i €E x a C, n n (,r! 9. n )a !A lHf = = Or r . l T = rh .U L t o tr Y \ < E HS A -q Q. c{ u' i d rr : t! (n +. l- -t * 33 \ooo \o c{ ea f- caca t- - $ $ t- - \o\o lE A I z z Z n-Z. Z Fr :t h a Jco f-zr!F MNcA f-zI!F J<tNeo -E -zI!F xcf i* $ M-f , c. ) t- -ZrI jF *,+ fr , r+ ffozqC- , .bo 't r o.=OooUJFNc!o()d t' rzH=aHeoQ \n rr . 1Fo'z \nrr lFo7 (nrI ]Foz F{ \n rI E] FFoozz ts++oo ZZ , -. \n f! fr . l FFoozz -< (O El fr . l FFoozz -r fO fr . l f! FFoozz -< tf ) EI fr l FFoozz 2F I zo33 JU&oFa>. l r JU&oFat J- . JUcoFaF fi ' E I 4< r il -Z <, t 8 /, t- t {E JU&cFa>J < JUc,oFO>J < JU&oFaFf < E= , E t Ooo \nca rnca OO E-+ oO OO aO oO z z z -qO qo .QO z z z ()zti. l J 5B u- ii nE l ZA oEra JA. JAB JR- , . ts Ja J]h* Ja Jo. JO. ts JFr ts B-HH B s o o o z * z z z z ri H ac- , ,- a ac< aD (h$ aF.D a4. ' .D aO- ,D aF. . .D n2 *F d tr t r d "5 gFr i gt s o , 6 6 != U E -" = 6. (. , ) 'r a .5 - F( EF E A U l-&H e A \I ' H. ) Ft H A6A o >' 5 9 E, S , n rr ] tsE. E E L' < J -t H A F; A 9r Q >' 5 !i E, S f i rI J F( Or- A0 O! =' o tJ - \< -< $$ OE F' ( O r- , O Ot= '( , rr . { > -. (\ ' l OE t- O pO0) t =E l! > -. Gl o. o F. 0J p0 Ol=' o tL > 1< o r- ( * gE ii > r\ z +t V -4 rl r A\ \ Vxd 7 F & B ? 3 fr Yi a tr 9. n 3A LA Io oo 9- ^ at v - v A ,\ - ! J - { vL - (J u . t T q r - [t ] o tr Y S E HS E -? p" N U. E . I i- r V rI rr r co bo . 4 .t Lr .- lJ t-i^ \ / jJ -o \ f , 'F ( Li F{ Fr Ct s ! r r- (, rF ' ' l : or / = , 2r ' , 4 3 a NH ec \ l -r OO rAvtl . l co bo | 4 stLr .- !. / l-;\ v \J A -. 7 5) : Y\ l .F l- F. Fa tr H t - S Eq = . zc 4 i o c\ t+ ( oc ! r- t bO r' rvIJ . ] \c co . @ I L. .F . \J L. v E Ot n '= E- - E sq = ii (- . 1 - j3 N =. r IJ . (J rI . ] $s i l * tr * \o bo . 4 (< l ts A .F . \J t-i\ v.I j Ot ) .; E - - . H= t r S Eg = . 2, r ' . < f r E N- Ed El \o bo . 4 (< l H .r r \J L< \/ .l J -C t r l .F L !- a F. tr F r - S Eq = . 2r ' , < f r E N- =ltL ( J r! \o bo . @ (1 ! HA . t< \. , L v Y O\ N .- E - - . tr L t 1 3 s Eq \ < < ae < 3 ii 6r +5 NEd I! \o oo . 4 (1 I x .F T \J L \/ jJ O( n .n F- ' * s, ?= h' e! .5 c{ Ed I! P+ h 33 @\o\o [. - \o c! f-\o c!o\ \o $Z o\ \o (n f- \o f- \nOf- aE . A I z Z z oo \f , $ O. .+Ln z z z Fr :S t V) J.f , ca f-zrr . lF M\oca f-zrI . ]F J\oCA f-zIr lF alJ+f-zrr lF $ alV+f-zE]F vc\ .t f-zI!F JN$F-zrr . lF vca$f-zlr lF fi \ocaC)bo cOO.I 6l / ot loF()cd O\ t- { T& , oE0)ozcd o<bo 3<oozG)boUJFC. l C. lo()cd f-caobo cdAINNo()c0 FzfE l !ral=aoU r- < l. f ) El r! FFoozz t- r \n tJ . ] !I ] f- Fbc ZZ $$oo Z, Z, -< \f ) fr l Ir . l FFoozz -. \n tr . l t! FFoozz td \n rr . l rr . l FFoozz Fr \. ) Ir l tr l FFoozz r- < (f ) E] E] FFoc zz -r tf ^ ) Ir t r! FFooZZ EH ao33 JUil ,oFa:J - { -- LZ a&IJ . ,zoUazU JUcoFarJ r JU&oFaF JUoFaFJ - ( JU&cFaJ- { t= l = l EE g H OO OO <Do+ OO OO OO O OO OO E( 't aF {TE N z nO qo \ni z z z z =tO ()zIdi l At = v\f- a i. i EI zr o\aa JO- . .B Ja JI Lh* Ja JOr JOr ts JR. r Ja. . . ts Ja rd \BEH i i Z z z z z Z z z ri H (r ) c. . .D aF. UDCLs ac- ,3 a- aO- . .- a) aD aO. . r EE <x J ra Y F. tr t r d oe g Lr r -. 6) v: JC) H =[ i ii > NF To- o F( O l< ps+ $$ N" r O6 F( 0) p!s+ ii > 61 1 N o. 6 Fr Or€s+ ii > Nc ! o. o F( O !- Os+ NO Y= F- oOH = "d i N0 ) -- o0) - ={ i Li > Og r- ( O r- , .o s+ ii > r\ z +t V I ri 3i z F d* ZE E f* \o bo . 4 t4 I HA .r < \J t-;^ \ / TJ Ot n .; - E - , - I- = br i - ; or / = , . EN -rt! U I! \o i' 3 u Ot n '' a tr F{ Fr =E s, r : ?a ( < a {: NEd H $s i l r ff * \o H3 L v iJ ot n ,= E -. -, , HX I - s tg = . , z/ , < f ; g N- =t lJ - (J tr . l \o oo . 4 t4 I F . F. \., / t-;\ \. / .Y O( N .- E - t - r tr h r - s; 9 > x- l & .5 c! Ed rI ] \o bo . 4 r1 t HA .F . \J LAV .l J O (n '- C F r F t = 5. l F ( FE I S EN ;- | I! ( J t! \o bo . 4 t- ! F .t s \J t- \/ }3 OT N .; < tr -. H ! 8o : a .( < f r E s- -lt: - t7EJ \o bo . d (1 I H .F \J t< v .Y O( n .r r tr - Fi I< l r ! - ^ (, rF r ; oY < , 2, r ' , < f r g N- -ltr - (Jt! \o bo . 4 (- l- . t< \. / t- \/ -l J O tn .; F- - H: t - ^ (, rF l : or / = , z, c . < f r E N- -lE( f r! a* . It .l + . l3 \o f- $o\ \o Y.z co6\o I* - t' - oo f- [- - f- oo f- .f , f- ;E x I z oo t ch* o\$l. n Z Z Z z oo-t F. :S t a Jc. ) $f-Ztl lF al J$$t* -zE1F rId$ alV$$f-zrr lF v\n.f , f-zrr . lF J\n.f , f-ztr . lF v\o-t f-zti lF J\o$f-zrr lF al -] f--f , f-ztL IF *, r. d l+ O. F{ ffzsO.bo tr .=ozoboUJFNNo()63 Fzrd=le!{aop $$ _{ (n fr . l tr . l FF , . oozz _{ tn IJ . ] tI . ] FFoozz F. (n Ir . l f! FFoozz -t tf i fr l fr l FFoozz r< 1. f ) t! tr l FFoozz 5v >, O qFEz cd TL I +r 7 l a l- ' 3Hea33 $Z &Ezo(JaU JU&OFaF JU&oFat J- r JU&cFaF JUdoFaJ- r dtrzoUaU r' .EzoUaU == = t o<D+ OO oO OO OO o Oo aO OO EJ IE " so v?O z z z z \. )O no \nO ()zdi l Er l \J L' ua ii Hzr oE d* Ja JAB JC.> JAB Ja<> Ja Ja Ja rd E dz ! r ?R E U * z z z z z z z z rE a (h$ ac. . F: \ ao.D ao. , ,D ac. .D ac. aO- ao.D ao. . A*Fi #F d gt r d "5 gIr r $$ ce - or c Fr Or- 0 Or =' o fr . > co N o. o F{ Or< O Ot .= E tL , > d) c\ o. o Fr OL< m Ot =E co O Fr Xga r< (. ) ii > C. ) O \J A -- o .g E ii > -\ z() c' 3atrC) tJ . }4()daLo fJ . )4ocB0LrC) tJ . z\ I +r g t, E zE 7 $, t r tr i l \o bo r / l ! l. a A . F. \- / t-jr \ \/ .Y Ot n 'i < E - r - r tr h r r se ? = .u N- Ed H \o E' 3 13 Ot n .- E - . - r 5 s. ? : 2r ' , < f r E N- Ed rI . ] \c i' 3 -! J Ot .- E - . - r E 5. 1 - E oY = ae < f r E N- Ed I! \o E, 3 .1 3 O ln .; C - . - r = 5. , r - ; oY = , zd , < f r E N- Ed H \o bo . 4 -! .F T \J l- v Y Ot n .- E r - - , tr ! r - L (J rF t =& I ; ii N- .5 6l Ed r! \c bo . O I HA .F lJ t- v .Y O( r l .F . E -r -r (r Li g 8c : 2, r ' , < f r E NH Ed rr . l \o H3 -l J O rn '; E - r F { FL -:t -s t9 = zd , < f r E N- Ed r! \o i' 3 u or n 'l tr r- { F4 sE t = g N- Ed IJ ] E+ r 33 ca f- o\ f- 6t f- f- Nf- (no\ \o f-o\ \o \oo\ \o aE X g ch$ o\ .t \n z z z Z ca [a(n -f , r $rr ) ta ) F< +t a J]$ alMf-\t -E -zrr . lF Voo .f , f-zrqF Joo .f , f-zrr . lF vo\ .+f-zrr lF JO, \f , f-zt!F VO\nf-zE]F Jrf-zIJ . ]F vmO\nt-ztl lF *, r+ ooca0)oo cdAINc\C)ocd aF lT& 6Eoozc0o.o0 l-oozC)boUJFNNoocO Frzrdr-aEoU Nrr . lFoz ff i [$ * 2 r. l zo19Oa $Z $Z == l ' ; oO I+ I+ |Q r \ aF { nO so so (,z:'^ / J FI ;i oE 3 g- a ii rd z; oa Ja J]d* ** H-EE T i i i = - a z * ri a aD C, hdl ch$ E? #F d gt r d ot g II J()cdat{o tJ - . . t+P (h$4 Js#$r+ r\ 2 +r :d 3 t- t dt vg E fr \o bo . 4 (1 I - .F v t< v Y Ot . n 'F C - ( - gH l - S Eq = . z, e l < f r E N- Ed tr . l $s i l * n$ 3+ h 33 ooo\ \o * *z lE a : \n\n \o t, r / ' h+ $t, r t )+ Fr :t h o JmO\n f- - zrr . lF r!U)*r. t ddtt t* *,+ $ o\ coobo COFrI6l c\oOcd sO-ooL.=oOb0UJFC{No() cO ffoz Attachment22A ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan November 2009 Rev I : , AGENT MONITORING PLAN NOTES 1. See Paragraph22A.S for filter monitoring protocol. 2. ine 3. Used as a backup to the primary TEN (708,709) DAAMS when tubes are being pulled or maintenance is being performed on primary DAAMS. 4. These ACAMSA{INICAMS andDA"qA'{$can be switched to monitor three different locations. O 5. WPL samples must be collected andanalyzed on a daily basis at this station. 6. The ACAMS, MINICAMS and DAAMS may be switched to monitor Vestibule 101. 7. Facility UPS not available will install individual UPS for each station. Hazard Level: STEL Short Term Exposure Limit SEL Source Emission Limit. WPL Worker Population Limit ECL Engineering Control Level IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Lite and Health VSL Vapor Screening Limit Attachm ent 22A - Page 40