HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007865TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY (rocDF) HAND DELIVERED DEC I 3 2010 UTAH DIVISION OF SOLII}& HAZARDOUS WASTE SURROGATE TRIAL BURN PLAN FOR THE AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATOR (Fulfilling Requirements of the RCM, Title V, and MACT Regulations) Revision 1 December 2, 2010 ffi EG&G Divi REPLY TO ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US ARMY CHEMICALS MATERIAL AGENCY TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY 11620 STARK ROAD STOCKTON, UT 84071 DEC 1 B 2OIO .IEHC $3ffffiIffi rJTAhl []tvhsl0N 0r: SOLID & hIAZARI}OU., WA$TE J0 I0. 0 Vw[ [ Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility PMO902-10 Mr. Scott Anderson Director, Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P.O. Box 144880 195 North 1950 West salt Lake city, utah 84114-4880 SUBJECT: Response to Division of Solid andHazardous Waste (DSHW) Comments Concerning Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) Class 3 Permit Modification Request Titled "Install and Operate Area 10 Liquid Incinerator", TOCDF-A10-03-1092 DSHW Tracking Number: 2010.00067, EPA ID: UT5210090002 Dear Mr. Anderson: Please find enclosed the response to comments received from DSHW boncerning Permit Modification Request TOCDF-A10-03-1092, which is titled "Install and Operate Area l0 Liquid Incinerator". Also enclosed is a compact disk containing electronic files of the affected TOCDF Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Permit change pages incorporating DSHW comments, where applicable, revised ATLIC performance test plans, revised drawings, and enclosures which provide supporting information. A hard copy of the files included on the compact disk is also provided. Note the following: o The ATLIC exhaust stack Near Real Time 0r{RT) agent monitor Automatic Waste Feed Cut-Off (AWFCO) limit is reviied from 0.5 and 0.4 Source Emission Limit (SEL) for Agent GA and Lewisite, respectively to 0.2 SEL for each agent. The SEL value for Lewisite remains at 0.03 miliigrams per cubic meter (0.03 mg/m3). . The ATLIC Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) Plan is revised to include the spiking of the Spent Decon Solutions (SDS) with an organic compound (monochlorobenzene), and add the collection of exhaust gas samples for semi-volatile organic compounds. o Module IV and Attachment 2 are revised to increase the agent concentration,limit for SDS to be processed in the Secondary Combustion Chamber of the ATLIC from 20 and 200 parts per billion for agent GA and I.ewisite, respectively to 500 parts per million (ppm) for each agent. The 500 ppm agent limit for spent decon feed to the ATLIC Secondary Combustion Chamber is conservative and is proposed based on the intended organic spiking rate to the Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) during the ATLIC STB. TOCDF will spike monochlorobenzene to the ATLIC SCC during Prinred "^ @ Recycred Paper the STB at a rate that will result in a Spent Decon organic content of approximately 8,000 ppm (0.8 weight percent). The selected organic spike is more difficult to incinerate than Agent GA or Lewisite. o The SDS feed rate specified in the test plans is increased to account for the need to spike the SDS with Phosphoric Acid to replicate during the STB the particulate loading that will be experienced during the process of Agent GA. o The ATLIC Agent Monitoring Plan is revised to use a Depot Area Air Monitoring System as the confirmation method for Lewisite NRT monitor alarms rather than second NRT monitor that is configured with a different analytical column. . . The ATLIC AWFCO system test frequency is revised from once every 30 days and proposed to as once every 14 days when the ATLIC is feeding hazardous waste for a period longer than 14 days. The basis for this proposal is provided in the response to DSHW comment # 4. o Module VI is revised to require TOCDF to conduct a Lewisite Mini-Burn which will allow for the continued processing of Lewisite upon completion of the Lewisite CPT. Data from this test will provide assurance that the ATLIC post-CPT Lewisite processing complies with the TOCDF RCRA hazardous waste incinerator performance standards TOCDF intends to submit a revised Laboratory Quality Control Plan (LQCP) and revised Laboratory Operating Procedures applicable to Agent GA and Lewisite analyses and rnonitoring under separate cover. TOCDF is aware ofthe desire of the DSHW to include the revised LQCP in the documents that will be evaluated during the second public comment period. A revised LQCP is being prepared and will be submitted to the DSHW shortly after January 1,2011. TOCDF respectfully requests a meeting to begin discussing any issues DSHW may have with the enclosed comment responses on or before December 22,2010, so that we may begin to work on those issues that appear to be the most conceming as soon as possible The points of coniact in this matter are Ms. Sheila *. ,*." at (435) 833-7577 or Mr. Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428. Sincerely, Inc. Thaddeus A. Ryba, Jr. TOCDF Site Project Manager *CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Enclosure . I CERTIFY UNDER PENALry OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION tN ACCORDANCE wlTII A SYSTEM DESTGNED TO ASSURE THAT qUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GAT}IER AND EVALUATE TI{E TNFORMATION SUBMITTED. BASED ON TVfY INQUIRY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MAI{AGE THE SYSTEM. OR THOSE PERSONS DIRECTLY NESPONSIBLE FOR CATHERING THE INFORMATION, THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED lS. TO TltE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELTEF; TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWAR"E tHAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FON SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLT'DING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING vloLATtoNs. HAND DELIVERED DEC f"3 2010 uTAH DlvlsloN-0t -- SOUO A HAZARDOUS WASTE a0ru,Drll TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY (TOCDF) SURROGATE TRIAL BURI\ PLAN FOR THE AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATOR Revision I December 212010 o EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) was designed and built for the United States (U.S.) Army to destroy the chemical munitions stockpile at the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD), located 20 miles south of Tooele, Utah. EG&G Defense Materials, Inc. (EG&G), operates the TOCDF under contract to the Army through the Chemical Materials Agency. The U.S. Envirorunental Protection Agency (EPA) identification number for the TOCDF is UT5210090002. The facility operates under a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part B permit, issued pursuant to the delegation of the State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW), under the Utah Administrative Code, Section 315. In addition, the TOCDF also operates under a Title V air permit administrated by the State of Utah DEQ, Division of Air Quality (DAQ). Under the requirements of these permits, the incinerator system must demonstrate the ability to effectively treat any hazardous wastes such that human health and the environment are protected. This plan addresses the testing.to be conducted for the Area 10 Liquid Incinerator (ATLIC) as a combined: 1) Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) to fulfill the trial burn requirements of the RCRA permit for Agent GA and Lewisite processing; and}) Comprehensive Performance Test to fulfill the air permit requirements of 40 CFR 63, Subpart EEE [i.e., Hazardous Waste Combustors (HWC) Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) regulations]. A surrogate mixture containing chlorobenzene (MCB) and tetrachloroethene (TCE) will be used to establish the Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE) for the ATLIC. The MCB is a Class 1 compound on the EPA ranking system for difliculty of incineration. Therefore, any other Class 1 compound, and any compound ranked less than a Class 1, may be processed subsequent to the STB. The TCE is a Class 2 compound and their use is a conservative demonstration since Agent GA and Lewisite are estimated to be Clasq 4 or 5 compounds. This test will also fulfiIIthe Title V air permit condition to test the particulate matter (PM) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. Test results will demonstrate compliance with the performance standards specified in the RCRA Permit and the HWC Final Replacement standards for new sources that were published in the Federal Register, October 12,2005 andfinalized in October 2008. The ATLIC STB will be conducted at one set of operating conditions using a surrogate mixture that will be spiked with arsenic, lead, and mercury, while being fed to the Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC). The spent decontamination solution will be simulated by feeding MCB and phosphoric acid to the Secondary Combustion Chambers (SCC). The STB wilt demonstrate minimum temperatures in the PCC and SCC, while demonstrdting maximum feed rates and maximum exhaust gas flow rates. The exhaust gas samples collected will be for oxygen, CO, carbon dioxide, PM, hydrogen chloride, chlorine, metals, volatile organic compounds, semi- volatile organic compounds, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans, nitrogen oxides, and total hydrocarbons. The results of this STB will establish the DRE, chlorine feed rate, metals feed rates for processing Agent GA, and total waste feed rate. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF ES.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.,....... .........,............... Vi LIST OF UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS........... ............ ix LIST OF CHEMICAL SYMBOLS AND FORMULAS ............. ,..............X LIST OF IDENTIFICATION CODES FOR LIQUID INCINERATOR INSTRUMENTS MONITORING REGULATED OPERATINGPARAMETERS............. ....,....,..,..,.......... Xi 1.1 ATLICSURROGATETRIALBURNPLANORGANIZATION........... ...............3 I.2 FACILITYINFORMATION........... ........3 I.3 WASTETREATMENTSYSTEMPROCESSANDFEEDDESCRIPTIONS................ ..,.,.,....,4 L3.I Waste Handling and Storage.. ......... 4 1.3.3 Pollution Abatement System......., .......................... 6 1.4 WASTESTOBETREATED............. ...........................6 1.4.1 l{orst Case Demonstration by the Sunogate Mixture ............... 6 1.5 SURROGATE TRIAL BURN O8JECTIVES................... ............... l0 I.6 SURROGATETRIALBURNAPPROACH ............... 11 1.7 PROPOSED SURROGATETRIALBURNPROGRAM .............,.. 11 1.8 SURROGATBTRIALBURNSAMPLINGANDANALYTICALPROTOCOLS........................................ 1I 1.10 ruSTIFICATrONFOREXEMPTION........... ........... 13 2.0 DETAILED ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION OF THE ATLIC .......................14 2.1 PRIMARY COMBUSTION CHAMBER............... ......................... 14 2.2 SECONDARYCOMBUSTIONCHAMBER. ............ 15 2.3 DESCRIPTIONOFTHEWASTEFEEDNOZZLESANDGASBURNERS... ...,.................... 16 2.4 DESCRIPTION OFTHEAUXILIARYFUEL SYSTEM.. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,,17 2.5 AGENTTCDRAINANDRINSESYSTEM..... ..,.,....17 2.5.1 Agent GA TC Drain and Rinse 5ystem.......... .......................... 18 2.5.2 Lewisite TC Drain and Rinse System .................. 19 2.5.3 Transparency TCs Decontamination 5ystem.......... .................. 20 2.6 DESCRIPTION OFTHEWASTEFEED SYSTEMS... ...............,... 20 2.7 HEATING, VENTILATION AND COOLING SYSTEM ,..,,.,,,...,.,21 2.8 DESCRIPTION OF THE AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUTOFF SYSTEM .........................22 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 2.9 EXHAUST GAS MONITORING EQUIPMENT .................. ..........26 2.9.1 Carbon Monoxide Monitors........... ,.................... 26 2.9.4 Agent Monitoring 5ystems..............,.. .................. 29 2.IO POLLUTIONABATEMENT SYSTEM..... ..............29 2.10.2 Packed Bed Scrubber System/Brine Chiller 9ystem............... ..................... 30 2.10.3 High-Energt Venturi Scrubber/Moisture 9eparator...,............ ..,................ 31 2.10.4 Exhaust Gas Electric Reheater....... ................... 31 2.10.5 Powdered Activated Carbon Injection System ....................... i2 2.10.7 Carbon Filter System 33 2.I1 CONSTRUCTIONMATERIALS.. ......33 2.12 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE, AND FLOW INDICATING AND 2.12.2 PCC Agent Feed Rate Control..... ..................... j7 2.12.3 PCC Pressure Contro1.,................ ..................... i7 2.12.4 PCC Exhaust Gas Temperature and Burner Controls ........... 37 2. 1 2.5 SCC Exhaust Gas Temperature and Burner Control ......... ......................... 38 2. 1 2.6 SCC Spent Decon l{aste Feed Control . .. .. ... .. .. ... . .. .. . . .... ... .. .. 38 2.12.8 Venturi Scrubber Water Flow ...... 38 2.12.12 Baghouse Pressure Drop......,...... .................... i9 2.12.13 CarbonFilterSystemDifferentialPressureControl......... ........................ j9 2.12.14 ATLIC Exhaust Gas Oxygen Concentration....,........... ........ 40 2.12.15 ATLIC Exhaust Gas Carbon Monoxide Concentration................... ..........40 2.12.16 ATLIC Exhaust Gas Flow Rate ............. .......... 40 2.12.17 Unintenuptable Power Supply 5ystem.......... .......................40 2.13 INCINERATIONSYSTEMSTARTUPPROCEDURES................ ...................40 2.13.1 Startup of the ATLIC Pollution Abatement 5ystem.......... ....... 41 2.1j.2 Startup of the PCC/5CC................ ....................41 2.13.3 Initiationof PrimaryllasteFeed............. .........42 2.13.4 Initiation of Spent Decon Feed..... ...........,......... 42 2.14 EMERGENCY/PLANNED SHUTDOWNS............ ...................... 43 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 3.0 SAMPLING AllD ANALYSIS PROC8DUR8S................... ...........44 3.1 SAMPLTNG LOCATIONS.................. ....................... 45 3.2 SAMPLING METHODS..,................ .......................... 45 3.3 ANALYSES M8THODS................... ......................... 48 4.0 ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BIIRN SCHEDULE .......................49 5.0 ATLIC SURROGATE TRrAL BURN PROTOCOLS................... ......................50 5.1 WASTE CHARACTERIZATION ......... 50 5.1.1 Surrogate Mixture Feed............. ........................ 50 5.1.2 Spent Decontamination Solution llaste Feed..................j.... ....................... 52 5.2 PRINCIPAL ORGANIC HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENT SELECTION RATIONALE .,.....,. 52 5.3 TESTPROTOCOLAND OPERATING CONDITrONS................... .................. 53 5.3.1 Development of Worst-Case Criteria.................. .................... 53 5.3.2 ATLIC Surrogate Trial Burn Operating Conditions ............... 54 5.4 COMBUSTIONTEMPERATURERANGES .,..,.,,,.,.54 5.5 WASTE FEED RATES AND QUANTTTTES OF WASTES TO BE BURNED.......... ............... 55 5.6 EXHAUST GAS VELOCITY INDICATOR .............. 56 5.8 WASTEFEEDASHCONTENT ...........56 5.9 ORGANIC CHLORINE CONTENT OF THE WASTE FEED.................. .,,...,,.,. 57 5.10 METALSFEEDRATES........ ..............57 s.l1 PoLLUTTON CONTROL EQUTPMENT OPERATrONS......... ......................... s7 5.I2 SHUTDOWNPROCEDURES...... ..,.,,57 5.13 INCINERATORPERTORMANCE. ......................... 59 6.0 ATLIC STB SHAKEDOWN PROCEDURES........................... . 6l 6.1 STARTUPPROCEDURES.............. ......61 6.3 POST ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BURN OPERATION .,....,.,,. 62 6.4 TNCTNERATORPERFORMANCE.... ........................ 63 7.0 ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BURN SUBSTITUTE SUBMISSIONS........... .......................64 8.0 ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BURN RESULTS... ........................65 9.0 FINAL OPERATING PARAMETER LIMITS................... ............ 66 9.1 ESTABLISHING LTQUTD TNCTNERATOROPERATINGPARAMETERS ................... 66 9.2 CONTINUOUSLY MONITORED PARAMETERS............. ..,.,...,.67 9.3 OPERATINGRECORD PARAMETERS ............... ........................ 68 9.4 INDEPENDENT OPERATINGPARAMETERS................ ............ 68 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 111 TOCDF APPENDIX A. APPENDIX B. APPENDIX C. APPENDIX D. LIST OF APPENDICES ATLIC STB QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN ATLIC STB SHAKEDOWN PLAN MASS AND ENERGY BALANCE FOR THE AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATOR SURROGATE TRIAL BURN AND EXHAUST GAS RESIDENCE TIME CALCULATIONS AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUTOFF TABLES AND OPERATING CONDITION TARGET VALUE TABLES FOR THE AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATOR ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF 1V 1-1 L-2 2-l 2-2 3-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 t,. LIST OF TABLES Agent GA Characterization Summary.. .......8 Lewisite Characteization Summaxy............. .,...............9 ATLIC Construction Materials ..................34 Instruments Calibration Frequency................ ..............36 ATLIC Exhaust Gas Sampling Summary................ ......................46 Surrogate Mixture Composition and Calculated Feed Rates .........51 Waste Feed Requirements.... ......................55 Estimated Metals Feed Rates and Emission Rates ......58 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACAMS Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System AHU Air Handling Unit ASTM ASTM International ATB Agent Trial Burn ATLIC Area 10 Liquid lncinerator AWFCO Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff BMS Burner Management System Brine Scrubber Liquor or Venturi Scrubber Liquor CAL Chemical Assessment Laboratory CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring System CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMA Chemical Materials Agency CON Control Room CPT Comprehensive Performance Test DAAMS Depot Area Air Monitoring System DAQ Department of Environmental Quality (State of Utah), Division of Air QualityDCD Deseret Chemical Depot DEQ State of Utah, Department of Environmental QualityDFS Deactivation Furnace System DI Deionized (as in deionized water) DRE Destruction and Removal Efficiency DSHW State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste EG&G Defense Materials, hc. IJ.S. Environmental Protection Agency Emergency Stop Extreme Temperature Limit Facility Control System Flame Safety Shutdown System Gas Chromatograph Gas Chrom ato graph/Mass Spectrometer Hazardous Air Pollutant High Efficiency Particulate Air Human Health Risk Assessment HRGC/HRMS High Resolution Gas Chromatograph/High Resolution Mass Spectrometer ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 EG&G EPA E-stop ETL FCS FSSS GC GC/MS HAP HEPA HHRA viTOCDF HVAC HWC HRA IC ICP/MS ID LIC LOQ MACT MEB MPF NDIR NOC NRT OPL PAC PAS PCC PICs P&ID PLC PM POHC PST QA QAPP QC RCRA SCC SDS SMVOC SOP Spent Decon STB SVOC sw-846 TC TE-LOP LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (continued) Heatitrg, Ventilation, and Cooling Hazardous Waste Combustor Hourly Rolling Average Ion Chromatography Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry Induced Draft Liquid Incinerator Limit of Quantitation Maximum Achievable Control Technology Mass and Energy Balances Metal Parts Furnace Non-Di sp ersive Infrared Notifications of Compliance Near Real Time Operating Parameter Limits Powdered Activated Carbon Pollution Abatement System Primary Combustion Chamber Products of Incomplete Combustion Piping and Instrument Diagram Programmable Logic Controller Particulate Matter Principal Organtc Hazardous Constituent Performance Specifi cation Test Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Proj ect Plan Quality Control Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Secondary Combustion Chamber Spent Decontamination System Sampling Method for Volatile Organic Compounds Standard Operating Procedure Spent Decontamination S olution Surro gate Trial Burn S emi-Volatile Organic Compound Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, 3rd Edition including Update IV, IISEPA, SW-8 46, February 2007 . Ton Container Tooele Laboratory Operating Procedure ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF vll TEQ THC TOCDF TOX TSCA TSDF UPS U.S. VFD VOC WCL XSD LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (continued) Toxic Equivalent Concentration Total Hydrocarbons Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Toxic Area Toxic Substances Control Act Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility Unintemrptible Power Supply United States Variable Frequency Drive Volatile Organic Compound Waste Control Limit Halogen Specific Detector vill ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF LIST OF UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS acfm actual cubic feet per minute Btu/hr British thermal units per hour Btu/lb British thermal units per pound cP centiPoise cfm cubic feet per minuteoC degree centigradeoF degree Fahrenheit dscf dry standard cubic foot dscfm dry standard cubic feet per minute dscm dry standard cubic meter ft foot ft3 cubic foot g gram g/sec grams per second gal gallon gpm gallons per minute grldscf grains per dry standard cubic foot (1 atmosphere, 68 oF) hp horsepower inHg inches of mercury inWC inches of water column L liter Llm liters per minute lb/ft3 pornds per cubic foot tlg microgram m' cubic meter mg milligram mL milliliter N Normal ng nanogram ppb parts per billion ppm parts per million ppmdv lb/hr parts per million on a dry volume basis pounds per hour psi pounds per square inch pslg scfm AP wt% pounds per square inch gauge standard cubic feet per minute pitot velocity pressure weight percent 1X ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF LIST OF CHEMICAL SYMBOLS AND FORMULAS Agent GA A1 Ag As B Ba Be Cd Clz COz CO Co Cr Cu EDT HNO: Hg HCl HzOz L KMnO+ MCB Mn NaOH HzSO+ Ni NO* Oz P Pb PCE PCDD PCDF Sb Se Sn TCDD TI V Zn Ethyl N,N-dimethyl phosphoroamidocyanidate aluminum silver arsenic boron barium beryllium cadmium chlorine carbon dioxide carbon monoxide cobalt chromium copper ethanedithiol nitric acid mercury hydrogen chloride hydrogen Peroxide Lewisite or (2-chlorovinyl) dichloro arsine potas sium pennanganate Chlorobenzene manganese sodium hydroxide sulfuric acid nickel nitrogen oxides oxygen phosphorus lead perchloroethylene or tetrachloroethene polychlorinated dib en zo -p - dioxin p o lychlorinated dib enzo furans antimony selenium tin tetrachloro dib enzo -p - di oxin thallium vanadium zlnc ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 December 2,2010 TOCDF LIST OF IDENTIFICATION CODES FOR LIQUID INCINERATOR INSTRUMENTS MONITORING REGULATED OPERATING PARAMETERS 815-TIC-8471 Primary Chamber Exhaust Gas Temperature, Hourly Rolling Average 807-FIT-8430 Primary Chamber Agent Feed Rate, Hourly Rolling Average 822-PI-8410 Agent Atomizing Air Pressure 815-TIT-8571 Secondary Chamber Exhaust Gas Temperature, Hourly Rolling Average 829-FIT-8521 Secondary Chamber SDS Feed Rate, Hourly Rolling Average 822-PI-8511 Spent Decon Atomizing Air Pressure 819-FIT-8924 Venturi Scrubber Liquor Feed, Hourly Rolling Average 819-FIT-8921 Scrubber Liquor Flow to Scrubber Tower #1, Hourly Rolling Average 819-FIT-8922 Scrubber Liquor Flow to Scrubber Tower #2, Hourly Rolling Average 819-FIT-8923 Scrubber Liquor Flow to Scrubber Tower #3, Hourly Rolling Average 819-PDI-8911 Scrubber #1 Pressure Drop, Hourly Rolling Average 819-PDI-8912 Scrubber #2 Pressure Drop, Hourly Rolling Average 819-PDI-8913 Scrubber #3 Pressure Drop, Hourly Rolling Average 819-PI-8982 Scrubber Liquor Pump Pressure 819-AIT-8983 Scrubber Liquor Density, 12-hr Rolling Average 819-AIT-8952 Scrubber Liquor pH, Hourly Rolling Average 819-PDI-8915 Venturi Exhaust Gas Pressure Drop, Hourly Rolling Average 819-PI-8956 Venturi Pump Pressure 819-TIT-8931 Baghouse Inlet Temperature, Hourly Rolling Average 819-PDIT-8936 BaghouseDifferentialPressure,HourlyRollingAverage 819-FIT-8940 Carbon Injection Air Flow, Hourly Rolling Average 819-FI-8933 Carbon Injection Feed Weight, Hourly Rolling Average 819-PDI-8941 18942 Carbon Filter Differential Pressure, Hourly Rolling Average 819-TI-8939 Carbon Filter Inlet Temperature, Hourly Rolling Average 819-FI-8932 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate, Hourly Rolling Average 819-TIT-8932 Exhaust Gas Temperature @ awnbar 819-PIT-8932 Exhaust Gas Pressure @ amrubar 819-AIT-8302 NB Blower Exhaust CO Concentration, Hourly Rolling Average 819-AAL-8301 A/B Blower Exhaust Gas Oz 819-AIT-8917 Venturi Sump pH, Hourly Rolling Average 819-AIT-8927 Venturi Sump Density, 12-hr Rolling Average ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF x1 1.0 INTRODT]CTION The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) is ahazardous waste disposal facility that was designed and built for the United States (U.S.) Army for the destruction of the chemical agent munitions stockpile at the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD), located 20 miles south of Tooele, Utah. EG&G Defense Materials, Inc., (EG&G) operates the TOCDF under contract to the Army through the Chemical Materials Agency (CMA). The TOCDF is designed to dispose of chemical Agents GB, VX, and mustard (H-series), drained munitions, contaminated refuse, bulk containers, liquid wastes, explosives, and propellant components. The planned eventual closure of the DCD necessitates the destruction of the final remains of two additional agents, Agent GA and the blister agent Lewisite, to complete the destruction of chemical agents in storage at DCD. The destruction of these additional chemical agents has been contracted to EG&G by the CMA, and the destruction activities will be conducted in DCD Area 10 in a newly- constructed incinerator. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identification number for the TOCDF is UT5210090002. The facility operates under a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part B Permit, issued pursuant to the delegation of the State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Solid &Hazardous Waste (DSHW), under the Utah Administrative Code, Section 3 15 (R315). The TOCDF also operates under a Title V air permit administrated by the State of Utah, DEQ, Division of Air Quality (DAQ). These permits are being modified to include processing Agent GA and Lewisite in the new incinerator. To fulfill the requirements of these permits, a demonstration of the newly-installed Area 10 Liquid Incinerator's (ATLIC) ability to effectively treat any hazardous waste such that human health and the environment are protected will be conducted. This testing will meet the requirements of a Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) to meet the Title V and Hazardous Waste Combustors (HWC) Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) requirements. The EPA promulgated Replacement HWC MACT Standards for HWCs on 12 October 2005, and they were finalizedin October 2008. This plan describes the fifth incinerator system that TOCDF operates to dispose of the chemical agents stored at DCD. The five incinerators include the two liquid incinerators (LIC1 andLlC?), the Metal Parts Furnace (MPF), the Deactivation Furnace System (DFS), and the new ATLIC. Agent Trial Burns (ATBs) have been conducted in the other incinerator systems at the beginning of each new campaign, and similar testing will be conducted in the ATLIC prior to processing Agent GA and Lewisite. This plan describes how TOCDF intends to use surrogate chemicals to demonstrate the combustion of hazardous chemicals in a combined Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) and CPT in the ATLIC, which will be referred to as the ATLIC STB. (The follow-on ATLIC Lewisite CPT will demonstrate the processing of increased concentrations of arsenic and mercury present in the Lewisite and will be addressed in a separate plan.) This plan also serves as the notification that TOCDF plans to conduct a CPT for the ATLIC. The feed rates, exhaust ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF gas flow rates, flows and temperatures demonstrated during the ATLIC STB will be used to set limits and operating parameters when the testing is completed. The ATLIC will consist of a small-scale liquid incinerator, approximately one-third the size of the existing TOCDF LICs. In order to remain compliant with all state and federal air rules and regulations while processing these remaining agents, a Pollution Abatement System (PAS) with enhanced capabilities from those of the existing PAS at TOCDF will be constructed to control air emissions. The new PAS will havE additional capabilities for mercury and arsenic removal since it is known that Lewisite TCs have a high amount of mercury and arsenic in the agents. Agent GA monitoring on the AILIC and PAS will be with Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring Systems (ACAMS) and Depot Area Air Monitoring Systems (DAAMS), while the Lewisite will be monitored with MINICAMS and DAAMS. The incinerator will undergo performance testing as required by the HWC MACT regulations to demonstrate compliance with the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants as seen in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 63, Subpart EEE (40 CFR 63.1219) for new sources. The ton containers (TCs) to be processed at the ATLIC include 4 TCs containing approximately 4,000 pounds (lb) of Agent GA (Ethyl N,N-dimethyl phosphoroamidocyanidate) and 10 TCs containing approximately 26,000 lb of Lewisite [(2-chlorovinyl) dichloroarsine] that are currently being stored at the DCD. In order to destroy these TCs without impacting the completion schedule in regards to the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty, a new facility will be constructed in Area 10 that will work in parallel with TOCDF. There are also ten TCs (known as "transparency tons") that were found to be empty with low concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the headspaces. The transparency tons do not contain any appreciable materials and the liquid levels were so low that samples could not be obtained. This STB plan will describe how TOCDF will: o Demonstrate with the use of surrogate chemicals that chemical agents can be destroyed in accordance with the RCRA requirements outlined in 40 CFR 264.343 and the Utah Administrative Code, R3 1 5-8-1 5 o Use sampling and analysis methods from Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste (SW- 846) (1), 40 CFR 60, Appendix A (2), and Tooele Laboratory Operating Procedures (TE-LOPs) that have been approved by the DSHW Executive Secretary to measure that the emissions from the ATLIC meet the required standards. A separate Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) performance evaluation is conducted annually for the ATLIC CEMS as directed by Attachment 20 to the TOCDF Permit (3). The ATLIC STB Plan was developed using the EPA guidance in the "Hazardous Waste Combustion Unit Permitting Manual" (a). In addition, this plan is submitted as a RCRA Permit modification for the treatment of Agent GA and Lewisite in the ATLIC. Regulatory reference citations are given, as appropriate, throughout this STB plan. ATLIC STB PIan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 1.1 ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BURN PLAN ORGANIZATION This ptan is a stand-alone document to allow a separate review from that of the modifications to the TOCDF Permits. The plan describes the operating conditions for the testing and the samples to be collected as part of the ATLIC STB. The Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (Appendix A) describes the sampling and analyses to be conducted. Appendix B contains the ATLIC Shakedown Plan for the period prior to the ATLIC STB. The Mass and Energy Balances (MEBs) are found in Appendix C. The Automatic Waste Feed Cutoffs (AWFCOs) are summarized in separate tables for the ATLIC in Appendix D. A suflrmary of the Agent GA and Lewisite characteization data are located in the Supporting Information to the Permit Modification in Attachment 3 and Attachment 4 contains the referenced drawings for the ATLIC. This introduction provides an overview of the plan, including: . Processdescriptions; o Waste feed descriptions; o STB objectives; o STB approach; . STB program; o STB protocol; and . Expected final permit conditions resulting from the STB. 1.2 FACILITY INFORMATION The TOCDF is located in EPA Region 8. The TOCDF EPA Identification Number is UT5210090002, which is also the DSHW permit number. The DCD Title V Operating Permit Number is 4500071001. The ATLIC STB points of contact are: Thaddeus A. Ryba, Jr., TOCDF Site Project Manager 11620 Stark Road Stockton, UT 84071 (43s) 833-7439 Mr. Gary McCloskey, Vice President and TOCDF General Manager EG&G Defense Materials, Inc. 11600 Stark Road Stockton, UT 84071 (43s) 882-s803 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF Mr. Larry Williams, ATLIC STB Test Director EG&G Defense Materials, lnc. 11600 Stark Road Stockton, UT 84071 (43s) 882-s803 1.3 WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM PROCESS AND FEED DESCRIPTIONS The ATLIC is located in DCD Area 10, and its operation is not affected by other operations taking place at TOCDF during the STB. An overview of the facility is provided in the Supporting Information to the Permit Modification in Attachment 4 the facility site plan, Drawing TE-16-C-2. The ATLIC has a Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC) for agent incineration followed by a Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC). The SCC primarily incinerates spent decontamination solution (spent decon), but also provides additional residence time for PCC exhaust gases. Exhaust gases from the SCC are then routed to the PAS for removal of air pollutants. Brief descriptions of the major discrete components follow, and a detailed system description is provided in Section 2 of this plan. 1.3.1 Waste Handling and Storage The demilitarizationprocess begins with the transport of the TCs from their storage site at DCD Area 10 to the ATLIC for processing. Ton containers are moved from Area 10 storage igloos and then placed in a glove box, The Agent GA drained from the TCs is pumped to the PCC directly, while the Lewisite will be pumped to the Lewisite Agent Holding Tank (LCS-TANK- 8511) before being fed to the ATLIC. Any residual Agent GA in the TCs is destroyed by rinsing with 18 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Lewisite remaining in the TCs is removed or destroyed by the addition of two rinses with 3 molar (M) nitric acid. After treatment by the primary decontamination chemical, the TCs are rinsed three times with water and a sample of the flnal rinse is analyzed for agent. If the agent is below the Waste Control Limit (WCL), then the TC is examined and sent to a Subtitle C Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF). If the agent is above the WCL, then the TC is retumed to storage for later decontamination treatment followed by additional rinses. The rinse water is drained and sent to the Spent Decontamination System (SDS) Holding Tank (SDS-TANK-8523). During the demilitaizationprocess, the facility generates spent decon, which is collected by the SDS and stored in SDS-TANK-8523 until processed in the SCC. Each tank is sampled after it has been filled and analyzed for agent and the Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) metals. If the agent concentration is less than 500 parts per million (ppm), the spent decon is pumped through two spray nozzles into the SCC. If the agent concentration is less than the WCL, the spent decon may be shipped offsite to a Subtitle C TSDF. Acid gases and particulate matter (PM) generated during combustion exhaust gases by the PAS. The scrubber liquor and venturi scrubber are removed from the liquor remove the acid ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF gases and PM. The scrubber liquor removed from the PAS is stored in PAS Blowdown Storage Tanks (PAS-TANK-8551, -8552, -8553) until it is shipped off-site for disposal. 1.3.2 Liquid Incinerator System The,A.TLIC was custom designed and hence has no model designation. The ATLIC will be comprised of a two chamber, refractory-lined furnace and associated subsystems. The ATLIC will destroy the surrogate chemicals, Agent GA, Lewisite, and spent decon through high- temperature incineration. The PCC was designed to treat the surrogate chemicals, Agent GA, and Lewisite, while the SCC was designed to process spent decon. The ATLIC will be controlled by the Facility Control System (FCS), which will be responsible to safely and efficiently monitor and control the process systems, process support systems, and control systems that are located within the ATLIC. The FCS will be composed of microprocessor-based electronic controllers with the primary function of assisting operations personnel in the safe startup, monitoring, control, data logging, alarming, and planned shutdown of the facility. The FCS will consist of hardware including operator and engineer workstations, and system software and development tools for system control, data collection, data storage, report generation, and programming. Operation of the FCS will be conducted from a central Control Center located near the ATLIC. The PCC hot face will be lined with SR-90 alumina brick. The PCC temperature will be maintained by a 3,000,000 British thermal units/hour (Btu/hr) natural gas fired burner allowing a maximum feed rate of approximately 325 pounds per hour (lb/h) for Agent GA and approximately 325Ib/hr Lewisite. A liquid waste nozzle will be mounted next to the burner and angled towards the burner so that material fed through the waste nozzle mix with the hot burner gases. The PCC temperature will be maintained above 2,500 oF for processing of all wastes. The ATLIC will operate with a minimum 3-seconds overall system gas residence time through the PCC and SCC (the exhaust duct leading to the PAS from the SCC is not included). There will be two adjustable-speed induced draft (ID) fans in series associated with the ATLIC. The ID fans, using negative pressure, will move the exhaust gases from the PCC directly into the SCC, and on through the PAS for scrubbing and filtration. The exhaust gases will then exit the PAS, enter the fans and exit the exhaust stack into the atmosphere. The SCC hot face will be lined with Ruby SR Brick and the temperature will be maintained by a 1,000,000 Btu/hr natural gas fired burner. The gases entering the secondary chamber from the primary chamber are cooled by injection of water or spent decon through two air-atomized nozzles located next to the burner. Thenozzles will be capable of flows up to 2 gallons per minute (gpm). The nominal flow rate throughthenozzles during normal operations will be 0.8 gpm. The SCC will be maintained above 1,800 oF for processing of all wastes. An enclosure will be added to Igloo 1639 in Area 10 to house the new incinerator and associated PAS. Utilities required by the ATLIC include fuel gas, electric power, plant air, process water, ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF and instrument air. See Attachment 4 to the permit modification for a detailed drawing that includes both chambers of the ATLIC and the PAS. 1.3.3 Pollution Abatement System The PAS is designed to cool the exhaust gas exiting the SCC at approximately 2,000 oF to approximately 70 oF at the exit of the condenser/absorber before it is heated to 180 oF before going through the baghouse and carbon filter. The PAS will remove pollutants such as PM, acid gases, and metals from the exhaust gas to below regulatory standards prior to being released to the atmosphere. Additional filtration for mercury removal is also part of the PAS design. The PAS will be in operation at all times that the ATLIC is operating, including startup and at idle withno waste in the fumace. The PAS equipment will consist of a quench tower, a series of packed bed scrubbers, a high- energy venturi scrubber with a manually adjusted throat, a moisture separator, a Brine chiller, an electric gas reheater, a powdered activated carbon (PAC) injection system, a baghouse, a sulfur- impregnated carbon filter system, an induced draft fan, and an exhaust stack. A description of each piece of equipment and its function in the PAS can be found in Section 2.10. 1.4 WASTES TO BE TREATED The ATLIC will destroy the surrogate chemicals, Agent GA, Lewisite, and spent decon through hightemperature incineration. The PCC is designed to treat the surrogate mixture, Agent GA, and Lewisite, while the SCC is designed to process spent decon. The State of Utah has defined chemical agents as acutely hazardous and identified them as P999 (i.e., chemical agent) waste along with any items contaminated by chemical agent. However, the ATLIC will not produce or handle any liquids containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that would be regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), or treat any waste materials with dioxin waste codes (i.e. F020, F021,F022,F023,F026, or F027). 1.4.1 Worst Case Demonstration by the Surrogate Mixture The ATLIC STB will demonstrate the worst case for organic compounds incineration by establishing a Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE) for Class I compounds by the EPA thermal stability ranking system guidance (5). The STB will use chlorobenzene in the surrogate mixture feed material and chlorobenzene will be fed by itself to the SCC. Chlorobenzene was chosen because it is a Class 1 compound in the EPA ranking system. The demonstration of a DRE for a Class 1 compound allows other Class 1 compounds and any compounds ranked lower to be incinerated without demonstrating a DRE for every compound; therefore, the demonstration of a DRE for chlorobenzene establishes the worst case for both Agent GA and Lewisite processing. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF Chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene were selected as the Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents (POHCs) for the ATLIC STB based on their thermal stability and high ranking in the EPA thermal stability ranking system guidance (5). As a part of this test, a DRE will be measured for the POHCs. The compounds in the surrogate mixture are classified as Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) by EPA. Agent GA and Lewisite will not have a DRE measured since they are estimated to rank as a Class 4 or 5 compounds (5). The surrogate mixture will be fed to the ATLIC during the shakedown period and the STB, and the details for the surrogate mixture are discussed in Sections 5.1.1 and 5.3.1. The ATLIC STB will also demonstrate a worst case for metals that will support the processing of Agent GA. The worst case for metals ernissions for Lewisite will be established by the LCPT. Metals will be spiked into the surrogate mixture in the feed line just before the waste feednozzle to provide a test for metals emissions; The three classes of metals will be spiked dwing the STB: volatile metals will be spiked with mercury, semi-volatile metals will be spiked by lead, and the low volatile metals will be spiked with arsenic. The lead spiked for the STB will also demonstrate the worst case for semi-volatile metals for the processing of Lewisite. A solution containing arsenic, lead, and mercury will be pumped from their storage container into the surrogate mixture in the waste feed line just before the waste feednozzle in the PCC. The metals will be in a form that is miscible'in the organic compounds to allow the metals spike to be carried into the PCC. The ATLIC STB will also demonstrate the worst case for PM loading to the ATLIC PAS that will support the processing of Agent GA. The worst case for PM loading for processing Lewisite will be demonstrated by the LCPT. The spent decon used for the STB will be a diluted phosphoric acid solution to demonstrate the removal of phosphorus and to increase the PM loading to the system to simulate the ash loading to the PAS that will be encountered during the processing of Agent GA. (See Section 5.8 for the discussion on ash loading.) Chlorobenzene will also be spiked into the feed line to the SCC to demonstrate the processing of organic compounds in the SCC as a part of the STB. 1.4.2 Normal Wastes Treated The DREs established for the surrogates will allow the ATLIC to process Agent GA and Lewisite wastes. Table 1-1 shows the composition of the four TCs with Agent GA as determined by a study conducted in 2009 (6) with a copy supplied in Attachment 3 to the permit modification. Chlorobenzene is listed in Table 1-1 as a constituent of the Agent GA wastes, but it will be treated at a lower feed rate than demonstrated in the ATLIC STB. Table 1-2 shows the composition of the Lewisite from the 2009 study (6). Both of these tables show that the DREs for the surrogates are a conservative demonstration for the actual compounds treated by the normal operations of the ATLIC. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF TABLE I-1. AGEI{T GA CHARACTERIZATION SUMIVIARY **Fsi*ffiffi $iffi ..ilH ::lJrl iai:: :ilii'; Ethyl N.N. -d i methylphosphoro- amidocyanidate (GA) (Wt%)3 8.8 2I .t 26"6 19.8 '26.6 Triethy lphosphate (Area 9'o)1.0 Ethyl methyl N.N- d imethy I pho sphoroam i d ate (Area %) 2.0 8"0 7"0 5"7 Dimethyl dimethyl- phosphoram idate (Area o/o)1.0 1.0 N,N -Dimethyl O.O'-diethyl phosphoramidate (Area %)10 r0 '20 20 1s"0 bi s 0.J,N-d imethyl) O-ethy I phosphorocliamidate (Area %) 0.5 6"0 8.0 9"0 5"9 Tetramethy I phosphorocyaniclic diamide lAre a oA:)8"0 7"0 10.0 I 1.Cr 9,0 Chlorobenzene (Wt%) Uniclentified TlCs lArea 0/o,) T"t"l 4.09 I 7.8 8r.19 1 t"6 tr5 -71 "7 l 3.l l:i"3 I00 I 0"'7 21"5 -r00 9" 8'7 l6"9tl 8S-t hletals A,rtt"r*U,' (r"g/kgi Arsenic (mg/kg) Bariurn (mg/k.-q) Beryllium (rn,*eikg) Boron (rng/kg) Cadmium (rng/kg) Ch**rr;* (*g/kg) C"brlt (rg/kg) :i4.9 0" 52w r "06 -. o05 I09 < 0.05 '2 "13 .0.05 40":1 OJLl 29J ute 0.05 1 t.2 0"05 2 "57 0.05 :10, i ffi .) i+ ,19 "6 0-]9 -U. U) l I3 0"05 L"25 CL 05 ) l.*t :lt 6 'jz.9 036 0"05 9s"6 0"0s LN 0"0s ,1,- .-r). / l{i:2Ji :i6.3 0"6 0,1 107 "4 0"1 1"8 0.05 Copper (mg/k-q)'21.6 r 0"3 0.82 1 ,'7'2 E"6 Lead (m-eikg)r8.4 18"7 0"27 a "'7'7 9.5 Manganese (mg/kg)1"25 1"32 0.1 3 0"2 1 4"7 Mercury (mg/kg)4.1 4"49 10"4 1"8 r rl 'Jq ".L Nickel (mg/ke)0.68 4.7 0.09 0.19 0"4 Selenium (mg/kg)< 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.09 0"1 Silver (rng/kg)< 0.05 0.05 0. 12 0.12 0.1 Thallium (mg/kg)< 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.0s 0.1 IiTin (melke) ___ l 304 |0.2s _ _l a.27 | 6.7 5 - 2.5 iVanadium (mg/kg) |9.5 8 1 1.5 13"9 11 I 1.5 Zinc(mg/ke) _ ___l 62.7 43.1 28.3 36"7 42.7 GAL Data Sum 2009.x1s Agent GA Data Summary (2) ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decernb er 2^ 201 0 TABLE I-2. LEWISITE, CHARACTE,RIZATIOI{ SUMMARY :i.;::.i:it:ili.j:;*i1.i.i !t-,n:i':r:::ii.;i.;:r:,::j,:,'1..i::',,,:ii,.: iii;jiiit;trifiiiiriti:*is'iiiiiii:, :'i :i:i' i ;i.i:iitri:t:l:i;:ii:i jiil\:,lt,iil.l li. iX'i*),i,j;iir :,;i:;i:;;; ;: li:'i. ii 1.:ii; :::,:;.:;i; ',:J..i:ii jji;1.ii::l,,,;:;. ..t::i,:i;':'ri:;'......:..,,;..::-,.. .. - ._ -:.; 1..,',_,,.'.. .:,,_:,:.,,'_,,,,.,, .: ::::.r:,:::-::i:.ri::j':'il:rr:r:::::.:. :i.lr:'...:-':.--::.' Compounds (Area %) (2-Chlorovinyl) dichloroarsine (Lewisite L 1) 7 6.9 2.1 80.4 7 4.3 bis (2-Chlorovinyl) chloroarsine (Lewisite LZ) 14.9 1.0 16.4 I 3.0 tr i s (2 - Chlorovinyl)arslne (Lewisite L3)0.73 AM 0.99 ND AsCh 1.3 0.34 r.9 NI) Metals Aluminum (mg/kg)34.3 4.25 44 29.8 Antimon,v (mg/kg)'!'tlJ1J 16.0 338 292 Arsenic (Wt%)32.1 1.1I 33.5 30.5 Baritrm (mg/kg)0.37 6 0"11 0.5e 0.16 Beryllium 1mg/k,_e)< 0.06 ND 0" 10 < 0.05 Boron (mg/kg)98. 1 11 0 113 788 CaCmium (mgikg;< 0"06 hID 0 10 <_0.05 Chromium (rnglk-q)1"34 0 ls 1.59 1 "17 Cobalt (mg/kg)< 0.05 NiD < 0.05 < 0.05 Copper (mg/ke)0.94 0" 8s 2.35 a.26 Lead (mgikg)0 "32 0.20 0.87 0.1 8 Manganese (rng/kg)0.18 0.07 0.3 s 0.1 1 Mercury (mg/kg)r92 136 s28 48.4 h{ickel (rngikg)a "22 0 "23 0.84 0.06 Selenium (mg/kg).- 0.68 2.04 6.36 0.05 Silver (mg/kg)0. 14 0.08 0.3 s 0.1 Thallium (mg/kg)< 0.05 NID < 0.05 < 0.05 Tin (mg/kg)<0"39 0.26 0.9s < 0.25 Vanadium (mg/kg)14.7 t.6 16.9 1 1.8 Zrnc (mg/kg)44.4 t3.2 72 3 0.8 ATLIC S'fB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2.2010 C^ L nataSum 2oo9.xls STB I-ewis Summary Spent decon resulting from the treatment of Agent GA will be composed of a mixture of sodium hydroxide, Agent GA hydrolysis products, and the water rinses from the TCs. It will be treated in the SCC and will contain about 0.25 % organic compound concentrations. Spent decon will have an agent concentration that is less than (<) 500 parts per million (ppm) before it can be treated in the SCC. During the shakedown and STB, the spent decon will not be analyzed for agent because no agent will have been introduced into the system until after the STB. 1.5 SURROGATE TRIAL BURN OBJECTIVES The objectives for the ATLIC STB are to demonstrate: A maximum surrogate mixture feed rate on an Hourly Rolling Average (HRA) basis, while maintaining a DRE >99.9999 %o for the designated POHCs, chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene. Control of carbon monoxide (CO) emissions to < 100 parts per million dry volume (ppmdv), corrected to 7 percent oxygen (@7 % O2), on an HRA basis. That PM emissions are < 0.0016 grains/dry standard cubic foot (grldscf) @ 7 % Oz (MACT limit). That the combined halogen emissions [hydrogen chloride (HCD and chlorine (Cl2) gas] are < 2l ppm (MACT) expressed as HCI equivalents, dry basis @ 7 % Oz. That the Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) and Polychlorinated Dibenzofuran (PCDF) emissions are < 0.20 nanograms/dscm (ng/dscm) 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin (TCDD) Toxic Equivalent Concentration (TEQ) @7 % C,2. The mercury emissions are < 8.1 pgidscm @7 % 02 (MACT limit). The semi-volatile metals emissions (lead and cadmium) are < 10 pgldscm @7 % 02 (MACT limiQ. The low-volatility metals emissions (arsenic, beryllium, and chromium) are < 23 pg/dscm @7 % 02 (MACT limit). The emission rate of nitrogen oxides (NO.). Limitations on waste feed characteristics and process operating conditions in order to ensure compliance with performance standards and risk-based emission limits. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF 10 That the Total Hydrocarbon (THC) emissions are < 10 ppmdv @7 % Oz over an HRA (monitored continuously with a CEMS), and reported as propane. 1.6 SURROGATE TRIAL BURN APPROACH It is anticipated that chemical agents and spent decon may be processed simultaneously during the Agent GA and Lewisite Campaign. Therefore, maximum waste feed rates for each stream will be demonstrated simultaneously during the ATLIC STB. The incinerator operator will thus have the flexibility to deal with combinations of both wastes while controlling the overall combustion process within specific limits (including temperature, exhaust gas velocity, and thermal duty). The operating parameter limits (OPL) will be set per 40 CFR 63.1209 with a single mode of operation during the STB. 1.7 PROPOSED SURROGATE TRIAL BURN PROGRAM The ATLIC is operated as a steady state incinerator. The ATLIC STB will be conducted at one test condition established as a worst case condition by feeding the maximum surrogate mixture feed rate with spiking metals into the PCC and chlorobenzene and phosphoric acid to the SCC. As a part of this test, a surrogate mixture containing chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene will be fed to the PCC and chlorobenzene will be added to the SCC. A DRE measured to cover processing HAPs in the ATLIC will include the chlorobenzene added in the PCC and also the chlorobenzene added to the SCC. The ATLIC temperatures will be maintained within the limits listed in Appendix D. The combustion airflows in the system vary ovff a small range, and system pressures are maintained negative relative to the ATLIC furnace room. The metals will be spiked into the surrogate mixture in the feed line to provide a "worst-case" test to support the processing of Agent GA, thereby setting a fixed metals feed rate for Agent GA processing. Spent decon fed to the SCC has the potential to contain HAPs by the EPA; therefore, chlorobenzene will be fed to the SCC to demonstrate the destruction of HAPs in the SCC. Operation of the PAS follows the furnace; hence, fluctuations in the PAS parameters will be limited. The pH of the scrubber liquor and the venturi scrubber liquor will be controlled at a pH > 7 to remove the acid gases from the exhaust gases, and scrubber liquor flows are controlled principally to maintain PAS component liquid levels and temperatures. 1.8 SURROGATE TRIAL BURN SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL PROTOCOLS Detailed discussions of the sampling and analysis procedures are provided in the QAPP (Appendix A). The structure of this STB is based on the previously-stated objectives in Section 1.4. The exhaust gas sampling and analytical methods to be used to quantify specific ATLIC STB parameters are taken from SW-846 (1), 40 CFR 60, Appendix A (2), and TOCDF Procedures. These methods are described below: ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 11TOCDF . The ATLIC CEMS will monitor for CO, Oz, and NO* on a continuous basis. The CO concentration will be used to demonstrate control of Products of Incomplete Combustion (PICs). o EPA Methods I andZ (2) will determine traverse sampling locations and flow rates. o EPA Method 3 (2) will determine the Oz and carbon dioxide (COz) concentrations using an Orsat analyzer supplied by the sampling subcontractor. o Each isokinetic sampling train will determine the moisture content of the exhaust gas. o EPA Method 5126A(2) will determine the PM emissions and halogen (HCl, and Cl2 ) emissions. o EPA Method 29 (2) will determine the HHRA metals emissions. o SW-846, Method 0031 (1), will determine VOC emissions. o SW-846, Method 0010 (1), will determine Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOC) emissions o SW-846, Method 0023A (1), will determine PCDD/PCDF emissions. O . Method 25A(z)will determine the THC using a sampling subcontractor CEMS. 1.9 FINAL PERMIT LIMITS The OPLs will be established following the guidance in 40 CFR 63.1209. Anticipated OPLs resulting from this STB are summarized in Appendix D and will be established on the basis of ATLIC STB results. The OPLs are established on the basis of regulatory guidance, process design/safety considerations, or vendor recommendations. The OPLs will be continuously- monitored process parameters, which will be tied to AWFCOs. Some operating parameters do not require continuous monitoring and will not be interlocked with the AWFCO system; however, detailed operating records will be maintained to demonstrate compliance with permitted operating conditions. During the shakedown period, the AWFCO settings listed in Appendix D will remain operational at the limits noted in Appendix D. Some OPLs will be established independent of the STB results. For the most part, their respective limits will be based on engineering considerations and good operating practices. For safety and system performance purposes, the quench tower exit temperature and the differential pressure between atomizinggas and waste feed will be monitored and recorded continuously, and interlocked with the AWFCO system. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF t2 1.10 JUSTIFICATION FOR EXEMPTION The TOCDF is not seeking an exemption from any of the because the regulatory requirements of 40 CFP.. 27 0. 19(a) incinerator or trial burn requirements do not apply to the ATLIC. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,zUA TOCDF 13 2.0 DETAILED ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION OF THE ATLIC This STB plan discusses the requirements of 40 CFR 270.19(b) to conduct a trial burn. This section discusses the current engineering configuration of the ATLIC as required by 40 CFR 270.62(b)(2xii). The operating parameters will be established by the STB and included in the final permits. Engineering changes that might be encountered during shakedown would necessitate revisions to this STB plan; any such changes would be coordinated with the DAQ and DSHW. The ATLIC engineering drawings and specifications were prepared by EG&G. Selected Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs) and equipment arrangements are provided in the Supplemental lnformation for the Permit Modification, Attachment 4. DrawingsBG-22-F-8201, Sheet 1, and EG-22-F-8202, Sheet I show a simplified process flow diagram (see Attachment 4). 2.1 PRIMARY COMBUSTION CHAMBER The ATLIC is a controlled-air, direct-fired, liquid-injection incinerator with a PCC and a SCC. The vessels are refractory-lined with the PCC designed to incinerate chemical agents drained from bulk containers, and the SCC designed to process spent decon and ensure destruction of agent. The ATLIC is designed so that the waste feed is pumped at a continuous, uniform rate to the PCC. The waste feed is mixed with combustion air and is dispersed into the chamber with an air-atomizingnozzle. Supplemental fuel (natural gas) is used for temperature control within the PCC. The PCC will be a horizontal, refractory-lined steel cylinder that is 12.5 feet (ft) in length and a diameter of 3.5 ft. It will be refractory lined with a high-alumina corrosive-resistant SR90 brick. One end of the chamber will be flanged and sealed with a flat steel plate, which can be removed for refractory repair. A single burner assembly and waste feed injectionnozzle will be mounted to the chamber end plate. Combustion air will be introduced to the bumer assembly through a wind box, which will enter into the primary chamber. As part of the burner assembly, a 3-million-Btu/hr natural gas fueled burner will be used to ensure a stable flame pattern within the PCC and to control chamber temperature, which is maintained betyeen 2,500 oF and 2,850 oF. Natural gas will be fed to the PCC burner at rates between 49 and 150 lb/hr (see the Mass/Energy Balances in Appendix C). Thermocouples at the exit of the PCC will measure the PCC exit gas temperature. The temperatures will be transmitted to the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for temperature control. The natural gas supplied to the PCC bumer assembly will be modulated to maintain the PCC exit gas temperature at the setpoint. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF L4 Surrogate compounds, Agent GA, or Lewisite will be supplied to the ATLIC PCC by a waste feed injectionnozzle. Agent will be dispersed into the burner flame through the air-atomizing feednozzle. Plant air is used to atomize the agent fed through the PCC liquid injection nozzles. The waste feednozzle will be capable of processing neat agent. Processing rates for the furnace will be established during the ATLIC STB. The combined physical dimensions, gas flows, temperatures, and waste feed rates result in a calculated residence time for the PCC of I.25 seconds (see calculations in Appendix C) and a combined residence time for the PCC and SCC of 3.36 seconds. Due to the fact that Agent GA contains chlorobenzene, which is difficult to incinerate, the increased residence time supplied by the SCC is necessary to safely ensure the organic compounds are destroyed in the PCC and SCC. This increase will help to oxidize the agent and improve the processing of chlorobenzene. The furnace pressure will be maintained below the pressure in the ATLIC room, at a nominal -3.0 to -7.0 inches water column (inWC). The furnace pressure will be varied by modulating the speed of the two ID fans to maintain the pressure control setpoint. Pressure instruments measure the furnace and room pressures and will be transmitted to a PLC pressure controller. 2.2 SECONDARY COMBUSTION CHAMBER Exhaust gases from the PCC enter directly into the SCC. The SCC will be ahorizontal, refractory-lined steel cylinder that is 12 ft in length and has a diameter of approximately 4 ft. The refractory will be a corrosive-resistant Ruby Brick with Ruby bond mortar. A flanged inlet in the side and toward one end of the chamber provides an inlet for the exhaust gasses from the primary chamber. The ends of the chamber are flanged and sealed with flat steel plates. The end plates are removable for refractory repair. A single burner assembly and two liquid injection nozzles will be mounted to the SCC inlet end plate. The two liquid injection nozzles utilize compressed air for atomization of either spent decon or process water fed to the chamber. The burner assembly consists of a wind box, fuel gas injector, and combustion zone. Combustion air is introduced to the burner assembly through the wind box. A 1-million-Btu/hr natural gas fueled burner will be used to ensure a stable flame pattern within the SCC and to control chamber temperature. Natural gas will be fed to the SCC burner at rates between 16 and 50 lbihr (see the Mass/Energy Balances in Appendix C). Thermocouples at the exit of the of the SCC measure the ATLIC exit gas temperature, and then the temperature readings are transmitted to the PLC for temperature control. Either the fuel supplied to the burner or the water/spent decon supplied to the liquid injection nozzles will be modulated to maintain the SCC chamber exit gas temperature at the setpoint. The SCC will operate at temperatures between 1,800 "F and2,200 oF. Either spent decon, generated from facility maintenance activities and the rinsing and decontamination of TCs, or ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 15 process water is introduced through two liquid atomizing nozzles (with nominal flow rates during normal operations of 0.8 gpm) to lower temperature of the gas as it enters the SCC. The spent dbcon or water evaporates and destroys any organic compounds present. Spent decon will be supplied only if all process conditions are met, while process water will be used at all other times. The process water flow rate is limited by the control code to a minimum of 2l5lblhr for cooling of the liquid injection nozzles. Plant air is used to atomize the spent decon or water fed to the SCC liquid injection nozzles. The combined physical dimensions, gas flows, temperatures, and waste feed rates result in a calculated residence time for the SCC of 2.11 seconds (see calculations in Appendix C) and a combined residence time for the PCC and SCC of 3.36 seconds. The furnace pressure is maintained below the pressure in the ATLIC room. The ATLIC pressure is maintained at a nominal -3.0 to -7.0 inWC. The furnace pressure is varied by modulating the speed of the ID fan to maintain the pressure control setpoint. Pressure instruments measure the furnace and room pressures, and will be transmitted to a PLC pressure control. 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE WASTE FEED NOZZLES AND GAS BURNERS A natural gas fueled burner is used to ensure a stable flame pattern within the PCC and to control chamber temperature. The PCC temperature is maintained by a 3-million-Btu/tr natural gas fired burner. An air-atomizing waste feednozzle is mounted next to the burner and angled towards the bumer such that material fed through the waste nozzle mix with the hot burner gases. The operating temperature of the PCC is maintained at a setpoint of approximately 2,500 oF. The ATLIC combustion air blower provides combustion air through a supply duct to both the PCC and SCC burner assemblies. The air flow volume will be measured to the PCC and SCC burners by an orifice plate in the combustion air duct. A flow-control valve in the combustion air supply duct to each furnace chamber burner maintains the desired flow to the bumers. The combustion air flow will be set proportional to the fuel flow during fumace ramp-up and ramp- down. During normal operations, the combustion air flow will be maintained at a constant rate to provide excess air in both chambers for combustion during agent and waste processing to ensure complete destruction of agent and organic compounds. A natural gas fueled burner is used to ensure a stable temperature within the ATLIC SCC. The SCC temperature is maintained by a 1-million-Btu/hr natural gas fired burner at a setpoint of 1,800 'F. Exhaust gases from the PCC enter directly into the ATLIC SCC. Spent decon or water is introduced into the SCC through air-atomized nozzles located next to the burner to lower the temperature of the gas as it enters the SCC. The nozzles are capable of flows lp to 2 gpm. The nominal flow rate through thenozzles during normal operations will be 0.8 gpm. The spent decon/water evaporates, and any organic residue burns. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF t6 2.4 DESCRIPTION OF THE AUXILIARY FUEL SYSTEM Natural gas is fired to heat both the PCC and the SCC to the proper operating temperatures prior to feeding the surrogate mixture or spent decon. It is supplied to the PCC through a line to the burner system and supplements the injected chemicals to maintain the desired combustion temperatures. Natural gas is supplied to the SCC through a line to the burner to provide supplemental heating during periods of high spent decon feed rates to offset the cooling provided by the spent decon. A pressure regulator reduces the fuel supply pressure to the burners. The fuel flow rate will be measured by an orifice plate, and regulated by a flow control valve and controller. Both burners are equipped with independent monitors, controls, interlocks, and fail safe devices required by the National Fire Protection Association. A flame safety shutdown system (FSSS) ensures safe operation of the burners. The FSSS is located in the burner management system (BMS) panel and connects to the furnace controls through a PLC. The BMS controls all fumace bumer operations through its connections to the PLC. 2.5 AGENT TC DRAIN AND RINSE SYSTEM Glove boxes have been used in the past to sample for types and amounts of agent in munitions. The ATLIC TC drain and rinse system will consist of two separate glove boxes that will allow the draining of Agent GA and Lewisite TCs of their liquid agent. There will also be the capability to decontaminate the TCs by draining them and rinsing the drained TCs. At the completion of the TC draining and rinsing operations, the glove boxes will be removed from the ATLIC Processing Bay to make room for the TC cutting machine, which will cut the decontaminated TCs to allow access to the valves and eductor tubes and to allow inspection prior to shipment to a Subtitle C TSDF. Agent GA and Lewisite TCs will be processed through this drain and rinse system individually depending on the current agent campaign. The glove boxes are sealed environmental enclosures that prevent the escape of agent vapors to the ambient air within the ATLIC Processing Bay. The pressure within the sealed glove box is maintained negative relative to the ATLIC Processing Bay pressure by ducting that connects the glove box to the ATLIC Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling (HVAC) system. The differential pressures in the gloveboxes are monitored by PDIT-831 1 and PDIT-8319 which are recorded by the control system. There are high and low pressure alarms associated with these monitors. Both glove boxes will contain agent drain systems with a roller and drive assembly to assist operators in getting the maximum amount of agent from the TCs. The valves within each glove box can be arrayed to transfer the contents of each TC to the ATLIC PCC, the Lewisite Agent Holding Tank, the SDS Holding Tank, or the Nitric Waste Collection tank. The valve located outside each glove box can be arrayed to fill TCs, drained of their agent fill, with decontamination solution or water. The outside valve can also add regulated air to enhance the draining process by "air padding" the TC and/or clearing the TC eductor tubes. The agent-filled ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF l7 TCs will be brought from storage in Area l0 to the processing area and placed on a transfer table. The TCs will then be placed individually into glove boxes. 2.5.1 Agent GA TC Drain and Rinse System The Agent GA will be drained and fed directly from the TC to the PCC. The Agent GA TCs are processed by placing the TC into the glove box and rotating it so that the two fill and drain valves are aligned vertically. A process air line is attached to the upper valve, and the drain line is attached to the lower valve. The connections are made using specially-designed shutoff quick- connect couplers, and the valves are then opened. The air added to the TC through the top valve both prevents a vacuum from forming in the TC as the agent is removed, and provides additional pressure to assist in agent draining. If plugged drain and fill valves are encountered, the same air line can be used to unplug the valve(s). If the valve(s) cannot be unplugged using compressed air, a drain lance can be inserted into the TC by removing one of the "blow-out" plugs that are located on the opposite end of the TC from the drain and fill valves. The Agent GA will be drained from the TC until less than 0.5 inch of agent remains in the TC, which corresponds to about 7 lb of agent. Once emptied of its agent fiIl, the Agent GA TC is filled with an 18 Yo NaOH solution. Approximately 110 gallons of 18 % NaOH will be added to fill the TC more than half way. The TC is then rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes. The rotation of the TC ensures that the solution contacts all the TCs' interior surfaces. The spent decon solution is drained from the TC to the SDS Holding Tank. The TC then has approximately 110 gallons of water added to filI the TC to more than half full and is rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes to allow the rinse to contact the TC interior. This water rinse is conducted atotal of three times with the rinse collected in the SDS Holding Tank. A sample is collected from the final water rinse and analyzed for Agent GA concentration. If the agent concentration is below the WCL, (20 ppb for Agent GA), then the TCs are stored until they can be opened and examined for solids and transferred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. If the Agent GA concentration is greater than the WCL but less than 1,000 ppm, the TCs are sent to storage until the Lewisite agent has been processed and the TCs will be returned to the gloveboxes and the NaOH and water rinses are continued until the Agent GA concentration is less than the WCL. If the Agent GA concentration is greater than 1,000 ppm, the TC will be rinsed with NaOH and water until the concentration is less than 1,000 ppm. The spent decon and water generated from rinsing the Agent GA TCs are transferred to the SDS Holding Tank and treated in the ATLIC SCC. The cleaned Agent GA TCs will be stored until the gloveboxes can be removed and replaced with the TC cutting device. This device will cut the TC open to allow access to the valves and eductor tubes, which will be removed. Any solids remaining will be removed and the TCs will be transferred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. The solids will be analyzed for Agent GA and then handled as a hazardous waste and transferred to a Subtitle C TSDF. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 18TOCDF 2.5.2 Lewisite TC Drain and Rinse System Lewisite TCs are prepared for draining in a similar manner to the Agent GA TCs; the difference is the agent drained is sent to the Lewisite Agent Holding Tank, and the solution used to decontaminate the TC interior is a 3.0 mole/liter fmolar (M)] nitric acid solution. The Lewisite is drained from the TCs and hansferred to the LCS-TANK-8Sl1, which is located in the ATLIC Toxic Area (TOX). The contents of LCS-TANK-8511 are mixed and sampled prior to being fed to the PCC. Once drained, the Lewisite TCs are filled with approximately 110 gallons of a 3 M nitric acid solution that will fill the TC more than half full and the TC is then rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes. The resulting nitric acid rinse is transferred to LCS- TANK-8516, also located in the TOX. A second nitric acid rinse is then performed using a new 110 gallons of 3 M nitric acid. The second rinse is transferred to LCS-TANK-8516. When the tank is filled, it is mixed, sampled, and analyzed for Lewisite. If the Lewisite concentration is greater than the WCL, 8 M nitric acid is added to the tank and the tank is mixed and resampled. The tank contents are treated with nitric acid until the Lewisite concentration is below the WCL. After the Lewisite concentration has been lowered to < WCL, the nitric acid solution is shipped off-site to a deep well injection facility. Once the nitric acid is drained from the TCs, the TCs are filled with approximately 110 gallons of water and the TC is rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes, and then drained. This rinse is conducted three times. A sample is collected from the final water rinse, which is analyzed for Lewisite concentration. If the Lewisite concentration is less than the WCL of 200 ppb, then the TCs are stored until they can be opened and examined for solids and transferred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. If the Lewisite concentration is greater than the WCL but less than 1,000 ppm, the TCs are sent to storage until the Lewisite agent has been processed and the TCs will be returned to the gloveboxes and the nitric acid and water rinses are continued until the Lewisite concentration in the last water rinse is less than the WCL. If the Lewisite concentration is greater than 1,000 ppm, the TC will be rinsed with 3 M nitric acid and water until the water rinse Lewisite concentration is less than 1,000 ppm. The water rinses are transferred to the SES- TANK-8523 and treated in the SCC. The Lewisite TCs will be rinsed with nitric acid and water until the third water rinse has a Lewisite concentration that is < WCL. The cleaned Lewisite TCs will be stored until the gloveboxes can be removed and replaced with the TC cutting device. This device will cut the TC open to allow access to the valves and eductor tubes, which will be removed. Any solids remaining will be removed and the TCs will be transferred to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. The solids will be analyzed for Lewisite and then handled as ahazardous waste and transferred to a Subtitle C TSDF. O TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 T9 2.5.3 Transparency TCs Decontamination System In a2009 study (6), the Transparency TCs were found to be empty, based on attempts to obtain samples followed by taking boroscope pictures that verified the TCs were empty. The Transparency TCs will be processed using one nitric acid rinse followed by three water rinses. The Transparency TCs will be filled with approximately 110 gallons of 3 M nitric acid and rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes. The acid will then be drained and transfened to LCS- TANK-8516, where it is analyzed for Lewisite and treated with nitric acid if necessary to lower the Lewisite concentration below the WCL. After the Lewisite concentration has been lowered to < WCL, the nitric acid solution is shipped off-site to a deep well injection facility. After the TCs are rinsed with nitric acid, they will then be filled with approximately 110 gallons of water and rotated for a minimum of 60 minutes. The rinse will be drained to the SDS-TANK- 8523. This rinse process will be conducted a total of three times, and a sample will be collected from the final water rinse which is analyzed for Lewisite concentration. If the Lewisite concentration is less than the WCL, the TC is stored until it can be opened and examined for solids before being shipped to an off-site Subtitle C TSDF. If the Lewisite concentration is greater than the WCL, the nitric acid and water rinses are continued until the Lewisite concentration in the last water rinse is < the WCL. The water rinses are transferred to the SDS- TANK-8523 and treated in the SCC. 2.6 DESCRIPTION OF THE WASTE FEED SYSTEMS Three types of waste materials are fed to the ATLIC: Agent GA or Lewisite are fed to the PCC, and spent decon is fed to the SCC. 2.6.1 PCC Feed System Pumps will be used to remove the surrogate mixture, Agent GA, or Lewisite from the TCs in the gloveboxes. The feed pump is a positive displacement rotary gear pump with variable speed controls. The pump is mounted to a single skid that can be started at any time by the operator. In the case of the surrogate mixture and Agent GA, the pump will direct the material to the PCC, while the Lewisite is sent to LCS-TANK-85l1. All waste feed pumps are located in the TOX. Waste feed from the pumps will be routed through a series of control valves and instruments to the waste injection nozzle on the PCC. The waste injection nozzle is purged with compressed air and water following completion of waste feed. The compressed air and water for purge of the waste feed nozzle is located on the control valve and instrument piping skid and are not connected to any outside supply. The control valve and instrument piping skid is located in.the ATLIC room. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF 20 Duplex basket strainers will be provided at the inlet of each set of feed pumps. The strainers will remove any debris from the supply fluid that may cause damage to the supply pumps. A differential pressure sensor monitored by the Control Center will indicate strainer plugging. The duplex design of the strainers allows online switching from one basket to a clean one, making the off-line basket available for cleaning or change-out without intemrption of processing. The filters will be handled as directed by the WAP. A control valve and instrumentation skid will be supplied for field installation between the discharge of the waste feed pumps and the inlet of the waste feednozzle. All waste feed piping with control valves and instrumentation required for safe operation of the system will be supplied on the control valve and instrumentation skid. A self-contained supply of compressed air to purge the waste feednozzle will be supplied on the control valve and instrumentation skid. 2.6.2 SCC Feed System Spent decon will be pumped via the SDS feed pumps to the two SCC spent decon/water supply nozzles. The SDS feed pump is a positive displacement rotary gear pump mounted to a single skid and sized to supply the required flow of spent decon to the spent deconlwater supply nozzles. The SDS feed pumps are located in the TOX. A control valve in the discharge line of the pumps regulates discharge pressure by circulating excess spent decon back to the supply. Duplex basket strainers will be provided at the inlet of the feed pump. The strainers will remove any debris from the supply fluid that may cause damage to the supply pump. A differential pressure sensor monitored by the Control Center will indicate plugging of the strainers. The duplex design of the strainers allows online switching from one basket to a clean one, making the off-line basket available for cleaning or change-out without interruption of processing. The filters will be handled as directed by the WAP. SDS feed piping with control valves and instrumentation required for safe operation of the system will be pre-assembled (control valve and instrumentation skid) and supplied for field installation between the discharge of the SDS feed pump and the inlet of the spent decon/water injection nozzles. The pre-assembled control valve and instrumentation skid will have a supply connection for process water. Process water will be supplied to the injection nozzles at all times when the furnace is above 1,500 oF and spent decon is not being supplied. 2.7 HEATING, VENTILATION AND COOLING SYSTEM The HVAC system has a vital role in the safe operation of the ATLIC. The purpose of the HVAC system is to provide safe operating environments for personnel and equipment by conditioning the air, capturing any volatilized agents and preventing their release by conveying them to a filter system that will remove the agents from the air. The HVAC system will provide two streams of conditioned air. One stream provides conditioned air to the igloo that houses the glove box area, the two airlocks, and the TOX. The second stream provides conditioned air to ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,2010 2tTOCDF o the ATLIC room. The HVAC system is configured in a cascading fashion so that any captured contamination flows from areas of less probability of contamination to areas of higher probability of contamination. The two streams will utilize 100 % outside air with no circulation air capability. There will be two air handling units (AHUs) that will provide the air to the ATLIC room and glove box area. The AHUs are both natural gas-fired and both rated at less than 5 million Btu/hr. Because these sources are considered insignificant sources due to their size, they are not required to be permitted individually [i.e. no Emission Point Numbers are associated with them]. From the glove boxes and the ATLIC room, the air will be routed from a common discharge duct directly to the HVAC filter system. The filter system consists of three filter unitswith a combined rating of 9,000 cfm. Two filters units will be online during normal operations, while the third filter unit will be used as a spare. The air is drawn through the filters by an ID fan downstream of the filters at the exhaust end of the filter assembly. Each filter unit will consist of a particulate filter, a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter, three carbon adsorption filters and a final HEPA filter. The exhaust air from the filters will be ducted to a 40-ft. filter stack, which will discharge to the atmosphere. Agent monitoring is conducted on the HVAC carbon filter exhaust stacks using ACAMS, and DAAMS for Agent GA; and MINICAMS@ and DAAMS for Lewisite. Each filter unit is equipped with differential pressure sensors to measure the pressure drop across the filter banks. A change in the pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of a particulate filter or HEPA filter bank is a good indicator of the condition of the filters, so the pressure differential readings are monitored during operation of the filter unit to ensure that the banks are not clogged and are functioning properly. Airflow through the filter system is controlled by dampers within the ducts or by motor speed controllers on the filter fan motors. An exhaust fan will be provided for each filtration unit and will be connected to a manifold downstream of the filters. ln the event of loss of flow through an online filter, the back-up filter unit will be started automatically, opening the inlet and discharge dampers simultaneously at the start. When a filter change is required, the back-up filter will be brought online manually. Instrumentation will be provided to monitor and control the airflow through the filter system. Differential pressure or airflow gauges or alarms will be used to verify proper ventilation conditions throughout the facility. 2.8 DESCRIPTION OF THE AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUTOFF SYSTEM The primary function of the AWFCO system interlocks is to prevent feeding hazardous waste if incineration conditions are outside the permit limits. The interlock system will automatically stop the surrogate mixture and spent decon feed, and prevent restart until the incinerator is at proper operating conditions and the interlock is manually reset. When an AWFCO is activated, the process controller immediately increases natural gas feed to the PCC and switches from spent ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF 22 decon feed to process water in the SCC. This maintains PCC and SCC temperatures until all wastes and waste residues exit the combustion chambers. Any residual agent in the ATLIC will be completely combusted by the residual heat in the PCC and the SCC. The AWFCO setpoints and the basis for their activation will be the same as required in the established RCRA Permit and/or the HWC MACT Notifications of Compliance (NOC). Tables specifying the process control instruments that will be interlocked with the AWFCO system and their setpoints can be found in Appendix D. The DAQ and DSHW will be notified seven days in advance of the first AWFCO test before the surrogate mixture is burned in the system. The AWFCO system will be tested at a frequency specified in Attachment 6 to the RCRA Permit. A discussion of the ATLIC AWFCO parameters follows. PCC Exhaust Gas Temperature - The PCC gas temperature is monitored continuously at the exit of the PCC by a thermocouple and temperature indicating transmitter 815-TIT- 8471. Surrogate and spent decon feeds are stopped if the exit gas temperature falls below the low temperature setpoint on a HRA basis, or rises above the high temperature setpoint on an instantaneous basis. SCC Exhaust Gas Temperature - The temperature of the SCC exhaust gas is monitored continuously in the crossover duct by a thermocouple and temperature indicating transmitter 815-TIT-8571. This location is selected because the volume created by the section of the crossover duct extending from the SCC is included in the overall incinerator internal volume used to calculate residence time. Surrogate and spent decon feeds are stopped if the exit gas temperature falls below the low temperature setpoint on a HRA basis, or rises above the high temperature setpoint on an instantaneous basis. Surrogate Feed Rate - The surrogate mixture is pumped from the storage TCs to the PCC. The agent flow rate is continuously measured by a mass flow meter and flow indicating transmitters that are in series, 807-FI-8430. The AWFCO setpoint used to stop agent and spent decon feed is based on the HRA waste feed rate. Spent Decon Feed Rate - Spent decon is pumped from an SDS-TANK-8523 to the SCC. The spent decon flow rate to the SCC is measured continuously by a flow meter and flow indicating transmitter 829-FIT-8521. The AWFCO setpoint used to stop spent decon and agent feed is based on the HRA spent decon feed rate. Agent Atomizing Air Pressure - A minimum air pressure is required to ensure complete atomization of the agent as it enters the combustion chamber. The PCC atomizingair pressure is measured continuouslyby 822-PSL-8410. Waste feeds to the ATLIC will be stopped if the atomizingair pressure falls below the setpoint. Spent Decon Atomizing Air Pressure - A minimum air pressure i." required to ensure complete atomization of spent decon as it enters the SCC. This parameter is controlled ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 23 by use of pressure regulators and pressure switch 822-PSL-851 1. Agent and spent decon feeds are stopped if the spent decon atomizing air pressure falls below the setpoint of the pressure switch. Water Flow to the Venturi Scrubber - The water flow to the venturi scrubber is continuously monitored by flow sensor and flow indicating transmitter 819-FIT-8924. Adequate water flow to the venturi scrubber is essential for proper scrubbing of the exhaust gases. Waste feeds to the ATLIC are stopped if the measured value falls below the setpoint on a HRA basis. Venturi Scrubber Differential Pressure - The differential pressure across the venturi scrubber is continuously monitored by pressure differential indicating transmitter 819-PDIT-8915. Waste feeds are stopped if the measured value falls below the setpoint on an HRA basis. Brine Flow Rate to Scrubber Towers - Brine is added to the top of the packed bed scrubber by pumping fluid through distribution trays over the top of the pall rings. There are three scrubber towers. The Brine flow rate to the packed bed scrubber sprays is continuously monitored by flow sensor and flow indicating transmitter 819-FIT-8921 (Tower #1), 819-FIT-8922 (Tower #2),819-FlT-8923 (Tower #3). Waste feed is stopped if the flow rate to the packed bed scrubber tower sprays falls below the setpoint on a HRA basis. Brine pH - The Brine pH is monitored continuously by pH probes and analyzer indicating transmitters 819-AIT-8952A, B, and C to ensure the Brine remains under control. One probe is active at a time and provides the input to the PLC. Waste feeds are stopped if the measured value falls below the setpoint on a HRA basis. Scrubber Tower Bed Differential Pressure - The pressure differential of the scrubber towers are monitored continuously by 819-PDIT-8911 (Tower #1), 819-PDIT-8912 (Tower #2), and 819-PDIT-8913 (Tower #3). Waste feeds are stopped if the measured value falls below the setpoint on an HRA basis. Carbon Injection Feed - The feed rate of carbon to the baghouse will be monitored continuously by 819-FIT-8933. Waste feeds are stopped if the measured value falls below the setpoint on an HRA basis. Baghouse Differential Pressure - The pressure differential across the baghouse is monitored continuously by 819-PDIT-8936. Waste feeds are stopped if the measured value falls below the setpoint on an HRA basis. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF Carbon Filter Differential Pressure - The pressure differential across the carbon filter is monitored continuously by 819-PDIT-8941/8942. Waste feeds are stopped if the measured value falls below the setpoint on an HRA basis. Exhaust Gas Flow Rate - The exhaust gas flow is monitored continuously at the exit of the PAS with an annubar flow meter and recorded by 819-FI-8932. Waste feeds are stopped if the measured value falls below the setpoint on an HRA basis. Blower Exhaust CO Concentration - The CO concentration is continuously measured at the ID fan discharge by the CO CEMS and recorded by the FCS as 819-AIT-8302A18. The CO AWFCO will stop waste feeds to the ATLIC if the HRA CO concentration exceeds the permitted value corrected to 7 Yo 02, dry basis. The Oz correction factor will be calculated using the following equation: CO.: CO* x l4 (21 - Oz*) the exhaust gas CO concentration corrected to 7 o/o Oz, dry basis the measured exhaust gas CO concentration, dry basis the measured exhaust gas Oz concentration, dry basis where: CO. CO* Oz^ Blower Exhaust Gas Oz Concentration - The Oz concentrations are monitored continuously at the ID fan discharge by Oz CEMS recorded by the FCS as 819-AIT-8301. If Oz concentrations fall below the minimum setpoint or rise above the maximum, waste feeds to the ATLIC are stopped ATLIC Stack Exhaust Gas Agent Concentration - Agent GA and Lewisite will not be monitored during the STB and these AWFCOs will be activated after the STB is completed. The agent concentrations in the exhaust gases at the stack are continuously monitored. The operation of the ACAMS for Agent GA monitoring and the MINICAMS in use during the LCPT will be controlled by Attachment22Ato the TOCDF RCRA Permit (7). To monitor for Agent GA, would require three ACAMS (TEN 708 series) with one in standby and the other two sequenced so one would be sampling while the other is in the desorb and analysis mode. Lewisite will be monitored with three MINICAMS (TEN 709 series) in a monitoring configuration similar to the Agent GA ACAMS. Waste feed to the ATLIC is stopped if either of the online instruments measures agent concentrations that exceed the setpoint. The ATLIC control system is designed to minimize AWFCOs and ensure that the system is in compliance. When an instrument fails, it usually will go out of range, which creates an alarm to the process control system to alert the operator of the problem. The FCS monitors critical functions and gives advanced warnings, using pre-alarms where possible, which indicates that an alarm condition is developing. Advanced wamings give operators time to take corrective actions before operations necessitate an AWFCO. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,Z0lA TOCDF 25 The measurement devices that initiate AWFCOs are calibrated and maintained on a regular basis as directed by TOCDF procedures. Most instruments are calibrated on a 180-day schedule. The pH meters, 819-AIT-8952 (819-AIT-8917), are calibrated on a weekly basis. The CEMS are checked on a daily basis and undergo an annual Performance Specification Test (PST). 2.9 EXHAUST GAS MONITORING EQUIPMENT Exhaust gases from the ATLIC are monitored with CEMS on a continuous basis for CO, Oz, and NO*. Agent monitoring systems located in the exhaust stack monitor for Agent GA or Lewisite, but no agent monitoring will be part of the STB. For these parameters, the AWFCO will be activated when the CEMS detect conditions beyond the setpoints. Outputs from these monitors are sent to PLCs, which display the results in the Control Center, calculate rolling averages, and archive the data for future reference. A separate CEMS is used to monitor the exhaust gas concentrations of CO, Oz, and NO*. The CEMS will meet all of the performance specifications detailed in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, "Performance Specifications" (8). Permanently installed CEMS probes will be located in the ATLIC stack. The probes supply exhaust gas to the analyzers dedicated to monitoring the ATLIC exhaust gas. The primary functions of the CEMS are to continuously measure, display, and record the gas concentrations in the ATLIC stack. Output from the CEMS will activate alarms and intemrpt waste feed when preset values are exceeded. The CEMS will remotely display gas compositions and CEMS operational status. The ATLIC CEMS instrumentation is located in a climate-controlled monitoring room, which is located next to the stack.' The PLC stores data to provide remote data recording of CEMS operations at the Control Center. All analog and digital input/output signals will be conditioned properly to reduce noise and isolate signals from voltage transients. The control system displays and records the uncorrected and rolling averages for the gas concentrations, which are updated at least every 15 seconds. The PLC activates alarms and initiates an AWFCO when high CO or low 02 concentrations are detected in the exhaust gas or when the control system experiences a loss of analyzer signal. The exhaust gas sample enters the CEMS through a probe assembly located in the stack. The sample is then drawn through a heated line to the sample conditioning system where it is prepared for analysis in the analyzers. 2.9.1 Carbon Monoxide Monitors Two CO analyzers will be used on the ATLIC and they are identified as 819-AIT-8302A/8. They will be non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzers as described in 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 10 (2). The analyzers are drift checked daily on two ranges according to the CEMS Monitoring Plan, Attachment 20 (3) within the expected concentration ranges for the incinerator. These drift checks include analyses of a zero gas and a span calibration gas. The CO monitor O rocDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 26 sends a reading to a PLC every 15 seconds. The readings are averaged over one minute by the PLC. The PLC calculates an HRA from the one-minute averages. The averages are sent to the FCS. The 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Perfornance Specification 48 (8), is used to evaluate the CO CEMS performance and determine if the CO CEMS meets the calibration drift requirements. The CO CEMS initiates an AWFCO when the analyzer detects CO concentrations higher than the setpoint. If the CO monitor fails, an AWFCO will be initiated. The NDIR analyzers' specifications are: Range: 0-200, 0-5000 ppm; Accuracy: + 1 o/o of full scale; Drift: ( 1 oh of full scale per week; Reproducibility: 0.5 o/o of readirg; and Response time: ( 60 seconds. The CO CEMS is drift checked daily. Gases of 0 to 2Yo and 60 to 90 % of instrument span are used to calibrate and drift check the CO analyzer. Calibration gases are injected into the sampling system at the stack. Gases will be injected by opening the valve on each certified gas standard cylinder to allow the reference gas to flow under pressure to the sample probe. The reference gas is drawn through the sample transport, sample conditioning, and sample delivery system and is analyzed in the same manner as an exhaust gas sample. Calibration results are stored and printed through the FCS. The concentrations of the reference gases span the expected concentrations of the exhaust gas. The span gas calibrations are considered a verification of the quality of the CEMS data. 2.9.2 Oxygen Monitors Two 02 analyzers will be used on the ATLIC and they are identified as 819-AIT-8301A/B. They will be paramagnetic 02 analyzers. The analyzer is calibrated according to the CEMS Monitoring Plan, Attachment 20 to the TOCDF RCRA Permit (3), using azero gas and span calibration gases. The 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 48 (8), is used to evaluate the Oz CEMS. The Oz analyzers' specifications are: o TOCDF Range: 0-25 Volvmeo ; Drift: Less than 0.5 oh ofspan; ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 27 Reproducibility: + 0.2% of measured value; and Response time: ( 2 mtnutes. The Oz CEMS are drift checked daily using a two-point method. Gases of 0 to 2 oh and 60 to 90 % of instrument span are used to drift check the Oz analyzers. Calibration gases a"re injected into the sampling system at the exhaust stack. Gases will be injected by opening the valve on each certified gas standard cylinder to allow the reference gas to flow under pressure to the sample probe. The reference gas is drawn through the sample transport, sample conditioning, and sample delivery system, and is analyzed in the same manner as an exhaust gas sample. Drift check results are stored and printed through the FCS. The concentrations of the reference gases span the expected exhaust gas concentrations. The span gas checks are considered a verification of the quality of the CEMS data. 2.9.3 NO* Monitors Two NO, analyzerswill be used on the ATLIC and they are identified as 819-AIT-8304A/B. They will have a span of 0 to 1,000 ppmv. The analyzer is calibrated according to the CEMS Monitoring Plan, Attachment 20 to the TOCDF RCRA Permit (3), using azero gas and span calibration gases. The 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 2 (8) is used to evaluate these CEMS. The NO* analyzers' specifications are: o Range: 0 to 1,000 ppmv; Accuracy: * 20 oh of Reference Material; Drift: Less than 2.5 oh of span; Reproducibility: + 0.2% of measured value; and Response time: < 2 mrnutes. The NO* CEMS are drift checked daily using a two-point method. Gases of 0 to 2 o/o and 60 to 90 % of instrument span are used to drift check the NO, analyzers. Calibration gases are injected into the sampling system at the exhaust stack. Gases will be injected by opening the valve on each certified gas standard cylinder to allow the reference gas to flow under pressure to the sample probe. The reference gas is drawn through the sample transport, sample conditioning, and sample delivery system, and is analyzed in the same manner as an exhaust gas sample. Drift check results are stored and printed through the FCS. The concentrations of the reference gases ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF 28 o span the expected exhaust gas concentrations. of the quality of the CEMS data. 2.9.4 Agent Monitoring Systems The span gas checks are considered a verification The use of the ACAMS, DAAMS, and/or MINICAMS to monitor exhaust gas for the chemical agents and the associated alarm setpoints will provide the ATLIC with the ability to demonstrate a continuous near-real time monitoring for the agent being treated. Agent monitoring will not be part of the shakedown and STB since the surrogate mixture will be used for this part of the project. These monitoring systems will be placed in use when the system begins to handle agent after the ATLIC STB. The Agent GA and Lewisite monitors will be operated in accordance with Attachment 22Ato the TOCDF Permit (7). Agent GA and Lewisite monitors will be equipped differently to provide the most effective detection of the respective agent. Agent GA will be monitored using ACAMS, a Near Real Time G\rRT) monitoring system, that provides a continuous record of agent emissions. Agent GA will use DAAMS to confirm or deny the presence of agent. The DAAMS is a time-integrated air sampler, also called a "composite air sampler." The Lewisite monitoring methods utilize a deivatization step at the sample collection inlet (distal end) to eliminate the problems associated with the instability of Lewisite during sampling and analysis. Ethanedithiol (EDT) is added to the gas stream at the distil end of the sample probe and allowed to react with Lewisite to form (2-chlorovinyl) arsonic acid which is volatile and can be easily transported to the pre-concentration tube. The MINICAMS@ uses a gas chromatograph (GC) with a halogen specific detector (XSOru; for the detection of Lewisite. The Lewisite concentrations are confirmed using DAAMS tubes. 2.10 POLLUTION ABATEMENT SYSTEM The PAS is designed to cool the exhaust gas exiting the ATLIC at approximately 2,000 oF to approximately 185 oF at the Quench Tower exi! the gas is then cooled further by the packed bed scrubbers. The PAS removes pollutants consisting of PM, acid gases, and metals from the exhaust gas to below regulatory standards prior to being released to the atmosphere. Additional filtration for mercury removal is also part of the PAS design. The PAS will be in operation at all times that the LIC is operating, including startup and at idle with no waste in the furnace. The PAS equipment consists of a quench tower, a packed bed scrubber, a Brine chiller, a high- energy venturi scrubber, a moisture separator, an electric gas reheater, a PAC injection system, a baghouse, a sulfur-impregnated carbon filter system, two induced draft fans in series, and an exhaust stack. A description of each piece of equipment and their function in the PAS follows. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 2.10.1 Quench Tower The quench tower is a vertical cylindrical vessel containing two water spray nozzles and equipped with a caustic wall wash system. The counter-flow quench tower is utilized to rapidly cool the exhaust gases as they exit the SCC. The exhaust gases enter the quench tower and flow down through the spray created by the upward-facing water spray nozzle. Evaporation of the water cools the exhaust gas to approximately 185 oF, (i.e. saturation temperature). A process water line supplies water to the quench spray nozzle. A flow control valve and flow controller varies water flow to the quench nozzle to maintain quench outlet gas temperature to a setpoint of approximately 185 oF. The quench walls are wetted for elimination of particulate buildup and partial cooling of the vessel by addition of caustic around the top perimeter of the vessel. Exhaust gas and excess liquid then exit the bottom of the quench tower, and the exhaust gas flows to the inlet of the packed bed scrubber. The quench tower has a second spray nozzlethat is connected to the emergency process water supply system, which is activated if there is a loss of power. The emergency process water supply system supplies water for cooling the exhaust gas entering the quench tower. If the quench tower exhaust temperature ever reached 250 "F, a high-high temperature switch would initiate a furnace shutdown in order to prevent downstream equipment damage due to high temperatures. 2.10.2 Packed Bed Scrubber System/Brine Chiller System Cooled and saturated exhaust gases exits the Quench Tower and enters the packed bed scrubber. The packed bed scrubber system consists of three packed bed towers, an integral liquid sump, a supply pump, a heat exchanger, and a scrubber liquor chiller system. The three packed towers are vertical cylindrical vessels with a bed of packing and a scrubber liquor distribution system that are connected in series so that the exhaust gas enters each vessel at the bottom and exits at the top. The exhaust gas temperature is reduced through contact with the cooled liquid, condensing moisture and absorbing acid gases. The packed towers utilize direct contact cooling with the scrubber liquor to remove PM and acid gases. The scrubber liquor in the packed bed scrubber train reacts with the acid gases present in the combustion exhaust gas stream. The pH is controlled to > 7.0 using 18 Wt% NaOH solution. A baffle in the sump prevents the gas from moving to other sections of the sump. The gas flows upward through the packed towers and is brought in contact with the scrubber liquor. The packed towers provide a large surface area and are structured to provide good contact between the exhaust gas and scrubber liquor. Acid gases present react with the caustic in the scrubber liquor to form salts that dissolve in the scrubber liquid. Other compounds that are water soluble are also removed from the exhaust gas. The scrubber liquor exits the bottom of the packed towers and drains to the common sump. Scrubber liquor is continuously drained from the common sump by the circulation pump. The circulation pump moves scrubber liquor from the sump through an air-cooled liquid cooler and chiller heat exchanger to the Brine injection nozzles located at the top of each packed tower. The air-cooled exchanger is a packaged unit that cools the liquid by forcing ambient air over heat ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 30 exchanger coils using a set of electrically-driven fans. The chiller heat exchanger is apackaged unit that cools the liquid by circulating chilled liquid over heat exchanger coils. The coolers operate continuously during operation of the LIC PAS. Cooling the scrubber liquor to the packed bed vessels allows for removal of heat that is transferred to the liquid by contact with the exhaust gas, thereby allowing for improved arsenic removal. The pH in the sump is continuously monitored by three pH monitors and maintained within normal operating values by the addition of 18 Yo NaOH solution. The pH meters send a signal to the controller that varies caustic flow to the sump to maintain pH at the setpoint. To prevent the uncontrolled addition of caustic to the scrubber sump if neither packed bed scrubber pump is running, the caustic control valve is driven closed. The liquid level within the scrubber sump is also continuously monitored and maintained within normal operating levels. Depending on the level alarm, different controls will be initiated (i.e., a furnace waste stop feed, a removal of scrubber liquid from the sump, or addition of water). Process water is supplied to the scrubber liquor sump to make up for the water that is lost through evaporation and blowdown. The blowdown will be taken off-site via tanker trucks. Flow meters, flow controllers, and control valves maintain the scrubber liquor flow to the packed towers at a constant rate. This rate is set by the operator to optimize the gas-to-liquid ratio for better removal of the pollutants. 2.10,3 High-Energy Venturi Scrubber/Moisture Separator The exhaust gas from the packed towers enters the venturi scrubber, where the scrubber uses a high-energy design with a fixed throat to help accelerate the exhaust gas as it enters the throat of the venturi. Water is atomized and injected into the accelerated exhaust gas through anozzle at high pressure. The high-pressure atomization and extreme turbulence in the venturi throat provides the conditions to remove small particulate at high efficiency rates. The exhaust gas exits the venturi scrubber and enters the moisture separator. The moisture separator is sized to slow the velocity of the gas, which allows the particulate-laden fluid to separate from the gas stream and fall into the venturi sump. The exhaust gas flows upward through a chevron-type entrainment separator located at the top of the separation chamber to ensure against the loss of liquid droplets from the separator. 2.10.4 Exhaust Gas Electric Reheater The combustion exhaust gas stream exits the venturi scrubber moisture separator saturated with water vapor (100 % relative humidity) and enters the electric reheater where it is heated to a temperature of at least 30 oF above the estimated dew point temperature of the exhaust gas stream. The reheater consists of electric heating elements that extend into a section of the exhaust duct between the exit moisture separator and the inlet of the baghouse. Thermocouples in the exhaust duct downstream of the heating unit monitor the exhaust gas temperature and ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 31TOCDF provide a signal to the heater control to maintain the outlet gas temperature at the setpoint. The operating setpoint for the reheater temperature controller is set in the PLC by the operator. The exhaust gas temperature is raised to ensure that the relative humidity of the exhaust gas is below 100 %. There is an alarm that will turn off and lock out the reheater while generating a stop waste feed for the furnace if the exhaust gas temperature downstream of the reheater exceeds a preset high temperature limit. 2.10.5 Powdered Activated Carbon Injection System The exhaust gas continues to flow downstream of the reheater where it is injected with PAC through anozzle for removal of mercury and trace organic compounds. The PAC injection system consists of a storage unit, rotary feeders, a variable speed volumetric feeder, and a high pressure transport blower/eductor. The feed system is located beneath the storage unit and is fed into a feed hopper. A volumetric feeder, mounted on a weigh scale, meters the PAC to an eductor while it is introduced into the transport air stream. The transport air is provided by a high pressure transport blower. The rate of PAC feed to the system is continuously calculated from the change in weight of the feeder. The feed rate calculation is reset when a fill cycle of the feeder is initiated. The flow sensor is located at the injection nozzle to verify that PAC is being fed to the system at all times. 2.10.6 PAS Baghouse The PAC-injected exhaust gas flows directly into a baghouse comprised of a number of vertically-mounted filter bags. The exhaust gas enters the baghouse and travels through the filter bags, and exits from the baghouse. Particulate matter contained in the exhaust gas is removed as it passes through the filters and remains on the outside of the filter bags. The filter bags are cleaned sequentially with compressed air. The entire cleaning cycle is automatically initiated based on the pressure differential or elapsed time. Particulate material dislodged from the filter bags falls into a hopper below the bags. The baghouse hopper is sloped to a center discharge equipped with a rotary airlock/feeder. The PM is periodically removed from the baghouse hopper based on a signal from a level sensor located in the hopper or a specified time interval. The baghouse discharge rotary airlock/feeder starts from a control signal and runs for a specified period of time, discharging the collected PM from the baghouse hopper. The PM discharged from the baghouse rotary feeder falls into a containment bin that is periodically removed for landfill disposal according to permit requirements. A flexible joint connects the baghouse discharge rotary feeder to the collection bin for containment of the discharged particulate. The base of the baghouse is enclosed for containment of any fugitive dust. The enclosure around the base of the baghouse is equipped with accessible doors that allow the positioning of empty containment bins beneath the baghouse discharge and removal of filled containment bins. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 32 2.10.7 Carbon Filter System The filtered combustion exhaust gas stream exits the baghouse and enters the carbon filter system where trace organic vapors, PM, and mercury are removed from the exhaust gas. The carbon system consists of two redundant filter beds where one bed is online during normal operations and the second filter bed is used during emergency or maintenance operations. The two filter units are six feet in diameter and are constructed from Type 316 stainless steel, Each carbon filter bed consists of a pre-filter followed by a HEPA filter, an activated carbon bed which is 12 inches thick,and a second HEPA filter. The differential pressure across the carbon bed will be continuously monitored to detect filter plugging. The carbon is impregnated with sulfur to remove mercury. The mercury removal efficiency of the carbon bed is approximately 99.99 %. 2.10.8 Induced Draft Fans Two ID fans are associated with the PAS system and are sized to provide the motive force required to move the exhaust gas stream through the complete PAS. The ID fans consist of two single-stage fans in series with variable frequency drive (VFD) that modulates the speed of the fan to control the speed and maintain furnace pressure at a slightly negative pressure. The ID fans are provided with a variable-position damper located downstream of the fans. The fans discharge to the exhaust stack. Agent GA and Lewisite will be monitored using ACAMS, MINICAMS@ and DAAMS in the duct between the ID fans and the exhaust stack. 2.10.9 Exhaust Stack The combustion exhaust gas stream exits the ID fan and enters the exhaust stack. The exhaust stack is 40 feet in height and includes flanged ports installed 90" from each other around the circumference of the exhaust stack for exhaust gas emission sampling and the CEMS equipment. The exhaust gas emissions will be continuously monitored in the stack using a CEMS for the presence of CO, Oz, and NOx. 2.11 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS The construction materials for the incinerator system components are listed in Table 2-1. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF 33 TABLE 2-I, ATLIC CONTRUCTION MATERIALS 2.12 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE, AND FLOW INDICATING AND CONTROL DEVICES This section provides a general description of the FCS, temperature, pressure, flow, and other instrumentation necessary to ensure compliance with all permit conditions. A discussion of the major controls of the ATLIC is also provided. The locations of the process control instruments are shown on the drawings provided in Attachment 4 to the Permit Modification, which also shows the instruments that are used to monitor plant operations and record data for the facility operating record and the preparation of the STB report. A list of the alarm settings for key process monitoring equipment is found in Appendix D. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 Primary Combustion Chamber SR90 Refractory-lined (aluminum silicate up to 52%; crystalline silica up to 52%) carbon steel Combustion Air Blower Carbon steel Secondary Combustion Chamber Ruby SR Refractory-lined (alumina up to 5 0oA, amorphous silica up to 40%) carbon steel Quench Tower [Jpper Section - AL6XN aluminum; Lower Section - Type 3 l6 Stainless Steel Packed Bed Scrubber Tower Type 316 Stainless Steel Venturi Scrubber Type 316 Stainless Steel Induced Draft Fan carbon steel housing Packed Bed Scrubber Pump Type 316 Stainless Steel Scrubber Blowdown Pump Type 316 Stainless Steel Moisture Separator Type 316 Stainless Steel Electric Re-Heater Type 316 Stainless Steel Baghouse Type 316 Stainless Steel Carbon Filter ljnit Type 316 Stainless Steel Discharge Stack Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic TOCDF 34 Control of equipment is provided through the FCS from the Control Center. All motors have a Hand-Off-Auto or Local Off-Remote Hand Station and emergency stop (E-stop) pushbutton located near the motor. Each hand station is connected to a motor controller that monitors motor current, controls starting and stopping of the motor it is connected to, and relays all hand station activity and motor status (including motor current) to the FCS. The ID fan has an E-stop as the only local form of control and manual control is from the front panel of the VFD or through the FCS. The proper operation of this monitoring and control equipment is necessary to ensure consistent compliance with all permit conditions and safe, efficient operation of the ATLIC. Although all process monitoring instrumentation receives periodic maintenance, the equipment critical to compliance with permit operating conditions receives additional attention. Key issues associated with these instruments include: Continuing and preventive maintenance; Verification of instrument calibration; and Verification of AWFCO integrity. The preventive maintenance program is supported by information received from daily and periodic inspections of the process equipment. Instrument calibration and preventive maintenance are performed following the procedures and frequencies shown in Table 2-2. A description of the most significant control loops follow. 2.12.L Facility Control System The primary function of the FCS is to safely and efficiently monitor and control the process systems, process support systems, and control systems that are located within the facility. The FCS is composed of microprocessor-based electronic controllers with the primary function of assisting operations personnel in the safe startup, monitoring; control, data logging, alarming, and planned shutdown of the facility. Operation of the FCS will be conducted from the Control Center located in proximity to the ATLIC. The FCS is composed of manufacturer's standard hardware, systems software, and firmware that will be configured to meet individual systems control requirements. The FCS system will consist of hardware including operator and engineering workstations that provide data collection, data storage, report generation, and programming capabilities. The FCS requires electric power and an Unintemrptible Power Supply capable of sustaining the system should a substantial primary power intemrption occur. A configurable, real-time and historical data collection package will provide the functions of trending, logging, and reporting. The system will back up historical data to removable media for long-term historical data storage. Data archiving will be provided for all data types. There will be a primary and backup domain servers for the FCS network in accordance with the specification(s) of the chosen equipment. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 35TOCDF TABLE 2-2. INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION FREQUENCY :;i,,irtffiffi', .i: i:: r: rs:-:i.]i:i::: r:: ,.:i::i.::;,: NIOII,' i: : : r.: i.: : i:.:.tili:! l:.'.: i,: :t:.ii:iiifl 'ilg iii N.Uffi 6't: ... :,,, lll, : iritr::::::::. . :.:::::l , ::,:::,: .:::::::.,:. ,,: ',,',,j.,'. : :::, ,,,,:,,,, ,.:::.:,, ,::::, .. .. .: .. ......1......... P,li0,CeSSi.i,iD-,etU'..,iD,i ,sI ::i::::::::i:: Irti pfii O,T r -:::::::: : :::: : ::: : : ::: : :: : :: :: 1 8 15-FIT-8430 Agent Feed Rate 180 2 822-PSL-8410 Agent Atomizing Air Pressure 180 3 815-TIT-847 |Primary Chamber Temperafure 180 4 8 15-FIT-8521 Spent Decon Feed Rate 180 5 822-PSL-85 r l Spent Decon Atomizing Air Pressure 180 6 815-TIT-8571 Secondary Chamber Temperature 180 7 819-FrT-8932 Exhaust Gas Flow Rate 180 7a 819-Trr-8932 Exhaust Gas Temperature @ anrrubar 180 7b 819-PrT-8932 Exhaust Gas Pressure @ annubar 180 8 8 19-Pr-8982 Scrubber Delivery Pressure 180 9 819-FIT-8921 Brine Flow to Scrubber Tower #1 180 10 819-Frr-8922 Brine Flow to Scrubber Tower #2 180 11 819-FIT-8923 Brine Flow to Scrubber Tower #3 180 t2 819-PDIT-891 I Scrubb er #1 Pressure Drop 360 13 8 19-PDIT-8912 Scrubb er #2 Pressure Drop 360 t4 8 19-PDIT-8913 Scrubb er #3 Pressure Drop 360 15 819-FIT-8924 Brine to Venturi Scrubber Flow 180 t6 8 19-PDIT-891s Venturi Exhaust Gas Pressure Drop 360 t7 819-AIT-8952A 819-ArT-89s28 819-ArT-8952C Scrubber Brine pH 7 18 819-Ar-8983 Brine Specific Gravity 180 r9 819-ArT-8917 A 819-AIT-89 T7B 8 19-ArT-89 t7 C Venturi Sump pH 7 20 819-ArT-8927 Venturi Sump Specific Gravity 360 21 819-TrT-893 1 Baghouse Inlet Temperature 180 22 81g-PDIT-8936 Baghouse Pressure Drop 360 23 819-WI-8933 Carbon Injection Feed Weight 90 24 819-Frr-8934 Carbon Iniection Air Flow 180 25 81g-PDIT-894U 8942 Carbon Filter Pressure Drop 360 26 819-TrT-8939 Carbon Filter Inlet Temperature 180 27 819-Arr-83 02AlB Blower Exhaust CO Concentration Daily 28 8 19-AIT-8301A/B Blower Exhaust Gas Oz Low Daily 29a 2% 2% 30t 30b 30t TEN 7O8AK TEN 7O8BK TEN 7O8CK TEN 7O9AL TEN 7O9BL TEN 7O9CL Stack Exhaust Agent GA St..k E.hr*t Ag*t GA S St"* Every 4 hr Every 4 hr Every 4 hr Every 4 hr Every 4 hr Everv 4l'fi ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 36 o The FCS has a centralized control console, including closed-circuit television monitors (for observing operations at various locations), and locally mounted PLCs. Most processing and sequencing operations are controlled automatically through the PLCs. Interlocks are provided to prevent improper facility operation. These interlocks are monitored and continuous checking is undertaken to determine any failure to complete a programmed step. The FCS logs abnormal conditions, operator entries into the system, and starting and stopping of equipment with the time of occurrence. The control system provides continuous automatic control of the incineration process. In monitoring critical functions, the process control system gives advanced wamings using pre-alarms where possible, indicating that an alarm condition is developing, which warns operators in time to take corrective action. The application software will control process functions, manipulate data, maintain configuration control, do graphic displays, conduct alarm management, data logging, trending, report generation, system diagnostics, and instrument maintenance management. 2.12.2 PCC Agent Feed Rate Control The agent flow to the PCC feednozzle will be monitored constantly by means of mass flow meter 807-FT-8430 on the agent feed lines. Their measurements are totaled by 807-FQI-8430 and the result compared to setpoint by 807-FIC 8430. The 807-FIC-8430 then drives a variable speed motor for the agent pump 807-HX-8693 to the appropriate speed for the desired flow. 2.12.3 PCC Pressure Control The differential pressure between the ATLIC furnace room and the PCC is monitored constantly by means of pressure transmitter 815-PIT-8470 mounted near the top of the PCC. Pressure controller 815-PIC-8470 sends a signal to 819-HS-8945 located on the motors of the ATLIC ID fans. The 815-PIC-8470 then modulates the ID fan motors to maintain the PCC at least 0.5 inWC negative relative to the ATLIC furnace room. High-High PCC pressure switch 815- PSHH-8470 actuates alarm switch 815-PAHH-8470. A continuous record of the PCC pressure is maintained by the FCS through 815-PIC-8470. 2.12.4 PCC Exhaust Gas Temperature and Burner Controls During normal operation, modulating the natural gas flow rate to the PCC burner provides control of the PCC exhaust gas temperature. Temperature controller 815-TIC-8471controls the PCC bumer gas rate by modulating control valve 818-FV-8443 to maintain PCC exhaust gas temperature. The burner has a 10-to-1 tumdown ratio. A low-low PCC exhaust gas temperature transmitter 815-TT-8471 actuates alarm 815-TALL-847I and an AWFCO if the PCC exhaust temperature falls below the low temperature setpoint. High temperature is sensed by 815-TT-8471, andwill actuate an alarm and an AWFCO if the temperature rises above the high temperature setpoint. A continuous record of the temperatures is maintained by the FCS. 37 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF 2.12.5 SCC Exhaust Gas Temperature and Burner Control The SCC temperature will be maintained by measuring the SCC exhaust gas temperature in the duct exiting the SCC. The SCC exhaust gas temperature controller 815-TIC-8571 modulates the process water valve and/or fuel gas valve depending on whether SDS or process water is being used as a quenching medium in the SCC. Low-low temperature alarm 815-TALL-8571 and high temperature alarm 815-TAH-8571 actuate alarms and AWFCOs if the SCC exhaust gas temperature falls below the minimum temperature setpoint or rises above the maximum temperature setpoint on an HRA basis. Temperature control in the ATLIC SCC is accomplished in two ways. When not processing spent decon, the chamber temperature is maintained by modulating the burner firing rate and the amount of water cooling in the chamber. The burner firing rate is modulated down to the low- fire limit, and the water spray is modulated open to quench the high-temperature exhaust gas from the primary chamber. When the SCC is processing spent decon, the bumer firing rate is modulated to maintain the temperature setpoint, and the spent decon feed rate is held constant. 2.12.6 SCC Spent Decon Waste Feed Control The flow of spent decon to the SCC is monitored constantly by means of flow meter 829-FE- 8521 on the common spent decon/water spray line. After signal processing by 829-FIC-8521, the spent decon feed rate is transmitted to the FCS to maintain a continuous record. Flow- indicating controller 829-FIC-8521 also controls flow valve 829-FV-8521 to the SCC spray nozzle. A high flow rate alarm 829-FAH-8521 will actuate an AWFCO if the feed rate exceeds the setpoint on a HRA basis. 2.12.7 Quench Brine Flow The Brine flow to the quench tower sprays is measnred by means of ma.gnetic flow mete.r 819-FE-8980. A flow controller valve varies water flow to the quench nozzle to maintain quench outlet gas temperature at the setpoint. 2.12.8 Venturi Scrubber Water Flow Water is sprayed radially and tangentially into the venturi scrubber. The water flow rate is measured by the magnetic flow meter 819-FE-8924. Water flow data are provided to the FCS for continuous process monitoring. Low-flow alarm 819-FAL-8924 acfiates an AWFCO if flow falls below the setpoint on a HRA basis. 2.12.9 Brine pH The Brine pH is monitored by means of three pH analyzers 819-AIT-8952A,89528, and8952C. Indicating controller 819-AIC-8952 activates 819-HS-8907 to adjust the addition of caustic to ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2, 2010 38TOCDF maintain the desired pH and provides input to the FCS for continuous process monitoring. Low pH alarm 819-PHL-8952 actuates an AWFCO if the pH falls below the setpoint on a HRA basis. 2.12.10 Venturi Scrubber Differential Pressure Pressure indicator 819-PT-8915 measures the differential pressure across the venturi scrubber. Indicating controller 819-PDI-8915 provides input to the FCS for process monitoring. The same PDI provides high and low differential pressure alarms 819-PDAH-8915 and 819-PDAL-8915. An AWFCO is initiated if the differential pressure falls below the setpoint on a HRA basis. 2.l2.ll Scrubber Tower Sump Level Control The brine sump level is measured by level indicating transmitter 819-LIT-8951 . Indicating controller 819-LIC-8951 provides input to the FCS for continuous level monitoring. The same indicating controller provides high- and low-level alarms 819-LAH-8951 and 819-LAL-8951, respectively. It also controls the level in the brine sump by opening solenoid valve 819-HV-8951 to adjust the quantity of process water added to the sump. If a low-low level is detected, low-low level alarm 819-LALL-8951 will be activated. If a high-high level is detected, alarm 819-LAHH-8951 will be activated. If either the low and low-low level alarms, or the high and high-high level alarms are simultaneously activated, waste feed is stopped, and the PCC and SCC bumers will automatically shutdown. Additionally, if 819-LAHH-8951 is activated, all liquid inputs to the scrubber sump are isolated. 2.12.1,2 Baghouse Pressure Drop Prior to entering the baghouse the exhaust stream is injected with carbon to remove Hg and trace organic compounds. The exhaust gas enters the baghouse before the filter bags and travels upward, passing through the filters and exits from the top of the baghouse. Differential pressure indicating transmitter 819-PDIT-8936 senses the pressure drop, while providing continuous pressure drop input to the FCS, and provides alarms when the pressure drop increases or decreases to unacceptable values. An AWFCO is initiated if the differential pressure falls below the setpoint on a HRA basis. The filter bags are cleaned sequentially with compressed air. The entire cleaning cycle is automatically initiated based on pressure differential or elapsed time. To control fugitive dust, the PM that dislodges from the filter bags falls into a slopped hopper below the bags, which leads to a center disbharge to an enclosed containment bin. 2,12.13 Carbon Filter System Differential Pressure Control The differential pressure across the carbon filter willbe continuously monitored using 819-PDT-8941 and 819-PDT-8942 to detect filter plugging. An AWFCO is initiated if the differential pressure falls below the setpoint on a HRA basis. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 39 2.12.14 ATLIC Exhaust Gas Oxygen Concentration The ATLIC exhaust gas 02 concentrations are measured continuously by 02 analyzers 819-AIT-8301A/B. If the Oz concentration is below the preset low-low level setpoint, alarms 819-AAL-8301A/B are activated and a RCRA AWFCO is initiated. If the Oz concentrations axe above the high-high level setpoint, alarms 819-AAH-8301A/B are activated and an AWFCO is initiated. 2.12.15 ATLIC Exhaust Gas Carbon Monoxide Concentration The ATLIC exhaust gas CO concentrations are measured continuously by CO analyzers 819-AIT-8302N8. These analyzers display results locally and provide continuous CO data to PLCs. The PLCs calculate a one-minute average. The PLC also calculates a HRA corrected to 7 o/o Oz dry volume, which is compared to the emission standard of 100 ppmdv. If the CO concentrations are above the limit, the alarms 819-AAH-8302N8 are activated and an AWFCO is initiated. The averages are stored by the FCS. 2.12.16 ATLIC Exhaust Gas Flow Rate Exhaust gas flow rates for the ATLIC are measured with annubar flow meter 819-FIT-8932. The flow meter is installed in the exhaust duct located prior to the ID fan to measure the volumetric flow rate. The annubar measures a differential pressure. The pressure difference is measured and converted to a flow rate. The FCS records the value and generates an HRA. If the HRA setpoint is exceeded, an AWFCO is initiated and audio and visual alarms are activated. 2.12.17 Uninterruptable Power Supply System The Unintemrptible Power Supply (UPS) System, along with the generators, will provide back up power and allow for automatic transfer to critical process equipment as well as health and life safety systems (i.e. HVAC system). The generator backup distribution system will supply power to the UPS system as well as essential power in the case of temporary loss of utility power. 2.13 INCINERATION SYSTEM STARTUP PROCEDURES This section discusses the startup procedures as required by 40 CFR 270.62(b)(2)(vii). The ATLIC is brought to full operating condition while firing natural gas before any hazardous wastes are introduced into the PCC or SCC. Full operating condition means that combustion temperatures are above the minimum for feeding waste, the ATLIC PAS is operational, the ATLIC is under vacuum, and the unit is in compliance with all regulatory limits. The start-up sequence is performed in reverse order of the direction that waste feed and combustion products pass through the system; i.e., the PAS is started first, and the waste feed systems started last. Before any of the ATLIC processing equipment can be started, all utilities and control systems ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 40 must be operational. The typical time required for startup from a cold system is about 36 hours. The DAQ and DSHW will be notified 7 days in advance of the AWFCO system test. A summary of the ATLIC startup procedures is presented below. 2.13.1 Startup of the ATLIC Pollution Abatement System The sequential steps for successful startup o(the ATLIC PAS are outlined below: Perform the following steps, as applicable: 1. Check that the caustic valves are lined up to provide pH control. 2. Confirm that the scrubber tower sump levels are within acceptable limits. 3. Verify that the ACAMS or MINICAMS and DAAMS are on line. 4. Verify that agent concentration in the furnace room is less than the setpoint. 5. Verify that there are no fuel gas leaks in the LIC Room. 6. Start the Brine pump. Adjust flow rates, as necessary, and confirm the availability of the spare pumps. 7. Start the venturi scrubber pump. 8. Start the exhaust blower. 2.13.2 Startup of the PCC/SCC O The sequential steps for successful startup of the SCC are outlined below: 1. Verify that all valve lineups have been completed. 2. Yerify that the secondary chamber spent decon/process water feed flow controller, secondary chamber feed isolation valve, and secondary chamber atomizing air valve, are in their correct positions per the furnace Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). 3. Start the combustion air blower. 4. lnitiate a fumace system purge a. Primary and secondary combustion air valves go to high-fire position. b. The system purge timer starts. c. Primary and secondary combustion air valves go to low-fire position following completion of purge. 5. The operator initiates the bumer light-off sequence. NOTE: Both the primary and secondary burners will light at the same time. Both burners will lock out and the system purge must be re-initiated if either burner fails to light. A system purge is not required for a burner re-light if the primary chamber temperature is above 11400 oF. a. A11 fuel-gas valve and running interlocks are verified. b. The primary and secondary burner igniters are energrzed. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 4LTOCDF c. The main gas control valves open. d. The igniters are turned off ten seconds after the main gas control valves open. e. The primary and secondary burner flame scanners sense flame presence and continue to monitor the flame strength. The burners will be locked out if the flame strength signal is not maintained and the primary chamber temperature is below 1400 "F. f. The operator verifies primary and secondary burner light-off on the control screen from the BMS. 6. lnitiate water flow to the secondary chamber when the temperature in the secondary chamber exhaust duct reaches 1500"F. 2.13.3 Initiation of Primary Waste Feed Waste feed to the primary chamber may be initiated by the operator if the furnace is at operating temperature and all feed permissives have been met. The operator proceeds as follows to initiate primary waste feed. l. Verify that all waste feed permissives are met: a. Primary chamber temperature is between 2,500 oF and 2,850 "F. b. Secondary chamber temperature is between 1,800 "F and 2,200 "F. c. TOX is normal. d. ATLIC PAS is normal. e. The primary waste holding tank is above low level. f. Control system is operating within normal conditions. g.No process alarms are active. h. No stop feed conditions are active. 2. lnsert a setpoint into the primary combustion air flow controller for processing GA or Lewisite. Verify that the combustion air flow increases to setpoint. 3. Allow primary chamber temperature to stabilize to the setpoint. 4. Set the primary waste feed flow rate for waste being processed (see section 1.2). 5. Open the primary waste holding tank discharge valve from the control screen. 6. Place feed mode in AUTO (primary waste feed pump starts). 7. lnitiate PRIMARY WASTE FEED from the control screen. 2.13.4 Initiation of Spent Decon Feed Spent decon feed to the SCC may be initiated by the operator if the furnace is at operating temperature and all feed permissives have been met. The operator initiates SDS feed by: 1. Verifing that all spent decon feed permissives are met: a. Secondary chamber temperature is between 1,800 oF and 2,200 oF . b. ATLIC PAS is normal. c. Open interlocks for SDS tank drain valve are satisfied. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 201 0 TOCDF 42 d. Control system is operating within normal conditions. e. There are no process alarms active. f. No stop feed conditions are active. 2. Opening the SDS tank outlet valve. 3. Enabling the DECON FEED mode. 4. Placingthe DECON FEED mode to AUTO. 5. Verifing that the spent decon feed pump starts. 6. Verifing that the spent decon feed valve opens and the process water feed valve closes. 7. Setting the spent decon flow rate setpoint. 2.I4 F,MERGENCY/PLANNED SHUTDOWNS The operator will be able to initiate an emergency shutdown of the ATLIC system by actuating the E-stop button in the Control Center. The Control Center E-stop shuts down the PCC and SCC burners, stops the combustion air blower, drives all valves to their safe position, stops primary waste feed, and stops spent decon feed. The quench sprays and the ID fan will continue operation. There will also be an E-stop on the BMS panel in the case that an outside operator needs to initiate an emergency shutdown. The BMS E-stop shuts down the PCC and SCC burners, stops primary waste feed, stops SDS feed, and shuts down the fuel gas supply to the furnace. In case of a planned shutdown, a Dowanol/air purge system will be used to clear all waste types from the segment of the PCC waste feed piping and waste feednozzle. It is designed to protect personnel in protective gear from exposure to waste feed materials when working on the feed piping. Water, followed by compressed air, will be introduced downstream of the last waste feed block valve to flow through the feed piping to the primary waste feednozzle into the PCC. The system will have a minimum capacity to purge three volumes of water and compressed air through the feed piping andnozzle. The purge forces feed material remaining in the piping into the PCC following a stop feed. The purge will be actuated prior to a planned furnace shutdown and while the PCC is still at operating temperatures. Plant air will be supplied to the waste feed line downstream of the second feed block valve. The air purge will be used whenever primary waste feed is stopped. The flush will be independent of the purge air line except for the common connection to the waste feed line. 43 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 3.0 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROCEDURES The sampling and analysis objectives for the ATLIC STB are to demonstrate: Maximum hazardous waste feed rate while maintaining a DRE >99.9999 Yo for chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene. Control of CO emissions by maintaining the CO concentration at < 100 ppm, @7 Yo 02, on a HRA basis. Control of PM emissions by showing that the concentration is < 0.0016 grldscf @7 o/o Oz (MACT Limits). That the metals emissions are in compliance with the MACT limits. That the PCDD/PCDF emissions are < 0.20 ng2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQ/dscm @ 7 o/o Oz. Control of NO, emissions on a HRA basis. That the emissions of THC are < 10 ppmdv @7 % Oz on a HRA basis (monitored continuously with a CEMS) and reported as propane. That the halogen emissions (HCl and Cl2) are < 21 ppmdv @7 o/oC.2expressed as HCI equivalents. The VOCs emission rates. The SVOCs emission rates. The sampling and analysis procedures included in this section were selected to accomplish the objectives discussed above. Detailed information on the sampling and analysis methods are provided in the QAPP (Appendix A), and reference to the QAPP will be made to prevent duplication of text. The rationale for the selection of the POHC is presented in Section 5.2. The PCDDs/PCDFs data are being collected to demonstrate compliance with the MACT limits. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF 44 3.1 SAMPLING LOCATIONS Samples collected for the ATLIC STB will be divided into exhaust gas samples, process sheam samples, metal spiking samples, and surrogate mixture samples. The exhaust gas samples will be collected after the ATLIC ID fan as detailed in Table 3-1. The parameters to be measured at this location include CO, Oz, NO*, COz, THC, metals emissions, SVOCs, PCDDs/PCDFs, PM, Clz, and HCl. The VOCs will be collected at a sampling port on the duct between the ID fan and the exhaust stack. The exhaust gas sampling ports used for the sampling methods for the ATLIC are shown in Drawing EG-22-D-8211inAttachment 4 to the Permit Modification. The metals spiking solution will be sampled from a valve between the sample pump and the mass flow meters used to measure the mass fed to the PCC. The surrogate mixture will be sampled from a valve in the feed lines located between the glove boxes and the mass flow meters. The other process streams sampled as part of the ATLIC STB include phosphoric acid solution and the scrubber liquor samples. A grab sample of phosphoric acid solution will be taken from a valve on the holding container the acid will be fed from. The scrubber liquor and venturi scrubber liquor samples will be taken via taps on the side of their PAS sumps. 3.2 SAMPLING METHODS The samples for each run will be collected between the time the test starts and the time the test is declared complete. The DAQ and DSHW representatives will be notified of times when process samples will be collected,. when leak checks of sampling trains and pitot tubes will be conducted, and when sample recovery begins. Liquid process samples will be collected according to ASTM Method D3370 (9) bV attaching a sample line to the tap and flushing the sample line. The resulting flush will be managed in accordance with applicable EPA and DSHW regulations. According to this method, the sample line is inserted into the sample container, and the tap is opened so that the sample fill time exceeds one minute for VOCs. This sampling flow reduces the loss of VOCs from the sampling container prior to closure of the container. The selected method ensures that the actual material collected is representative of the stream. Separate sub-sample bottles are used for each sample. Scrubber liquor samples will be collected during the final 60 minutes of each run. Sample of the baghouse residue will be collected according to ASTM Method D5633 (10) from the collection drum removed from the residue collection system after the run has ended. The residue in the drum will have a representative sample collected and placed in separate sub- sample bottles for each sample. One sample will be collected for each run with a field duplicate sample collected during one run. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF 45 . TABLE 3.1. ATLIC EXHAUST GAS SAMPLING SUMMARYU .::: ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 Method 1 Traverse Points Each Port Report lnformation Method2 Exhaust Gas Velocity Isokinetic Trains Report Information Each Isokinetic Train Exhaust Gas Moisture Isokinetic Trains Report Information Method 0010 SVOCs Environmental Monitoring Ports in ATLIC Exhaust Stack Report Information Metho d 00234 PCDDs and PCDFs Environmental Monitoring Ports in ATLIC Exhaust Stack Report Information Method 003 1 VOCs Sampling Port in the Duct between the ID fan and Exhaust Stack Report lnformation Metho d 51264'PM, HCl, and Clz Environmental Monitoring Porls in ATLIC Exhaust Stack Report Information Metho d 29 HHRA Metals Environmental Monitoring Ports in ATLIC Exhaust Stack Report Information CEMS C,2, CO, NO* ATLIC Exhaust Duct CEMS Port AWFCOs & Report Information Orsat Orsat analysis for exhaust gas molecular weight Environmental Monitoring Ports in ATLIC Exhaust Stack Report lnformation TOCDF 46 Samples of the surrogate mixture will be collected from taps in the liquid delivery system. A sampling tap will be placed in the line between the pump and the mass flow meter to allow collection of a sample using ASTM Method D3370 (9). One sample will be collected at the beginning of a run and another at the end of the run. Each sample will be analyzed separately. The exhaust gas will be monitored as outlined in Table 3-1 using CEMS and selected EPA methods sampling trains. Five EPA sampling trains will be used to collect the exhaust gas samples: a Method 0031 sampling train will sample for VOCs, a Method 0010 sampling train will sample for SVOCs, a Method 0023A sampling train will sample for PCDDs/PCDFs, a Method 5126A sampling train will sample for PM and halogen emissions, and a Method29 sampling train will sample for metals. The four isokinetic sampling trains will all sample for 4 hours in the four sampling ports. Each train will spend 25 o/o of the time in each sampling port and each train will change ports after sampling 60 minutes. (See Appendix A for more details.) The ATLIC CEMS will collect data on the CO, 02, and NO* exhaust gas concentrations. (The ATLIC CEMS are discussed in Section2.9.l through 2.9.3.) The Oz corrections will be made with the ATLIC CEMS data. The THC concentrations will be monitored using a certified CEMS supplied by the sampling subcontractor. Certification and calibration data for the sampling subcontractor's CEMS will be available after the sampling subcontractor arrives onsite and set up the instrumentation. The exhaust gas molecular weight will be determined using 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 3 using an Orsat system. The Method 3 samples will be collected using a sample line in one of the sampling probes and fill an integrated bag over the sampling time. The EPA methods for sampling the exhaust gas will be taken from SW-846 (1) and 40 CFR 60 (2). These methods are: o A combination of Method 5 and Method 26A (2), which will collect samples for PM, Cl2, and HCI emissions. . Method 0031 (1), which will be used to collect VOC samples. . Method 0010 (1), which will be used to collect SVOC samples. e Method 0023A (1), which will be used to collect samples for PCDDs/ PCDFs. o Method 29 sampling train (2), which will collect samples for metals emissions. o The ATLIC CEMS (3) will sample for Oz, CO, and NO*. . Method 3 (2), which will be used to determine the exhaust gas molecular weight using an Orsat analysis by the sampling subcontractor. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 47 o Method 25 (2), which will be used to determine the THC concentration using a CEMS supplied by the sampling subcontractor. 3.3 ANALYSES METHODS Summaries of these analysis methods are included in this section for completeness; detailed descriptions of the analyses methods are located in the QAPP (Appendix A, Section 9). The organic compormds in the surrogate mixture will be diluted in accordance with SW-846, Method 3585, and analyzed using a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/lvIS) as directed by SW-846, Method 82608. Metals present in the metals spiking solution are analyzed by acid digesting the sample by SW-846, Method 3051A, and then analyzingthe digested sample by SW-846, Method 6020 andl470A. Appendix A lists the specific organic compounds and metals tobe analyzed as well as the methods of analysis. The process stream samples will be analyzed by the following methods: o Method 82608 (1), which will be used to analyze samples for VOCs. o Method 8270C (1), which will be used to analyze samples for SVOCs. o Method 8290 (1), which will be used to determine PCDD/PCDF concentrations. . Methods 6020 and7470A (1), which will determine metal concentrations. Samples of the exhaust gas will be collected using five sampling trains and the TOCDF CEMS and the sampling subcontractor CEMS. The collected samples will be analyzed using the following methods: o Method 5 (2) will be used to analyze PM. o Method 9057 (1) will be used to measure halogen concentrations. o Method 5041A (1) will be used to measure concentrations of VOCs. o Method 8270C (1) will be used to measure concentrations of SVOCs. o Method 0023N82g0 (1) will be used to determine concentrations of PCDDs/PCDFs. . Methods 6020 and7470A (1) will be used to analyze metals emission samples. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF 48 4.0 ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BURN SCHEDULE The ATLIC STB is scheduled for the second quarter of 2011. The submittal of this plan will serve as the official 60-day MACT notice required for CPT plans. The DAQ and DSHW will be notified at least 30 days in advance of the actual STB date. The STB will begin after TOCDF has: received approval of the ATLIC STB Plan; successfully completed construction of the planU and successfully completed shakedown of the incinerator. The ATLIC STB should span about 5 days: 1 day for setup, 3 days of testing, and I day for cleanup. However, the ATLIC must achieve steady-state conditions by 2:00 p.m. on any test day or the run will be cancelled for that day. The exhaust gas samples will be collected in four isokinetic sampling trains and the Method 0031 sampling train. The isokinetic sampling trains will sample for four hours, while the Method 0031 will collect four samples over the same time period. The isokinetic samples will be collected in four sampling ports and each train will sample for 60 minutes in each port. The ATLIC STB will consist of one test condition with three replicate sampling runs. One run per day is planned. Actual sampling time during each sampling run will last about 6 hours. The ATLIC will be fed the surrogate solution at least 15 minutes before each sampling run to establish steady operation at process test conditions. This, combined with the sampling trains port changes, will cause total test time each day to be approximately 6 hours. Assuming minimal intemrption of ATLIC operation during this STB, the incinerator is expected to operate for 6 or more hours per day for 3 days. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF 49 5.0 ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BURN PROTOCOLS The ATLIC STB will consist of three replicate runs performed at one set of operating conditions. The surrogate mixture used for this STB will be spiked with metals to account for the maximum metals concentrations in the Agent GA. The following subsections will discuss the waste to be burned, the selection of the POHCs, the test operating conditions, waste feed rates, and total waste to be processed. 5.1 WASTE CHARACTERIZATION Two waste streams will be treated during the ATLIC STB: a surrogate niixture and a simulated spent decon. The TOCDF does not produce or handle any liquids containing PCBs that would be regulated under TSCA and does not treat any waste materials with dioxin waste codes (i.e., F020, F02 1, F022, F023, F026, or F027). 5.1.1 Surrogate Mixture Feed The STB liquid waste stream fed to the PCC will be a mixture of chlorobenzene (POHC) and tetrachloroethene (POHC) to establish a DRE for the POHCs. Chlorobenzene is present in the Agent GA in storage, which makes it the candidate for the POHC. The surrogate mixture will be prepared by the spiking contractor and will involve mixing chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene. The mixture will be shipped to the ATLIC where it will be pumped into TCs. The TC will be mixed, and then the mixture will be pumped directly to the PCC to simulate the feeding of Agent GA. Arsenic, lead, and mercury will be spiked into the waste feed line to account for the metals in the Agent GA. Table 5-1 summarizes the composition of the surrogate mixture. The surrogate mixture will establish a worst case for the establishment of a DRE for chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene. The DRE calculations will be based on the analyses of the surrogate mixture processed during the ATLIC STB. The metals spiked into the PCC will demonstrate the worst case for the processing of metals in the Agent GA, while the worst case of metals feed for Lewisite will be demonstrated in the LCPT. A sample of the surrogate mixture used during this STB will be collected during the first hour of the run and during the last hour of each run. The samples will be analyzed for chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene, The metals spiking solution will be sampled at the same frequency as a separate stream and analyzed for HHRA metals. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 50 qc { &rc !HR o. t r -C ) I. H (J l- t 0. ) in c UJF rn L{ -q -O\r . ) C\ I c. le) j. Gtl-rcoq) trc) lr )aCgB Oc. t $^ c. t \ncf l OOO^ .f ,Oq Oea=t : f: . rnoIN E-bB r il . E EE (9 fE r C\ tC. l o\ f\ FF I UAxrltoot-tsoU ()da)Nt<C) '- O o$. . {o "J - {U --LY {t a.- \r ,F iafE I . F- r<IYF(At- i FE I rdtrA\ lr l rcF(JJ)UjUA-lzZAvilF- r tl rJ DAvAt{tr la'-JUITd;)E- (X-Eetr l Fr ,- hVA\ ,i ,#lr . t l rl F- { l--)a .a .- l I rnFE IJRAFr IX.oCdUu(!&c a 'o 0) nH rT U O 5.1.2 Spent Decontamination Solution Waste Feed The spent decon fed during the STB will be 4.5 lb/h of chlorobenzene and a solution of phosphoric acid to match the phosphorus feed rate for the processing of Agent GA at half of demonstrated surrogate mixture feed rate. The concentration of the phosphoric acid solution will be developed using the following calculations. The STB surrogate mixture will be fed at a rate of 325Ib/hr, so the Agent GA feed rate would be limited to 50 oh of that rate or 162.5lb|fu. Assuming that the Agent GA feed is all ethyl N,N-dimethyl phosphoroamidocyanidate, which is 19.l Wt% phosphorus, that would give a phosphorus feed rate of 31 .0 lb/tr. Phosphoric acid is 3l.6Wt% phosphorus; therefore, the phosphoric acid feed rate would be98.2lblhr. The ATLIC will require 450 lb of water per hour to provide cooling to the SCC; therefore, the 450 lb of water plus the 98.2 lb of phosphoric acid would give a spent decon feed rate of 548.2|blhr of a 17.9 % phosphoric acid in water solution. The final feed rate to the SCC will be 550 lbihr (rounded up) of the 18 % phosphoric acid plus the 4.5 lb of chlorobenzene to represent an organic load to the SCC of 0.81 Yo orgamcs for a total feed to the SCC of 554.5 lb/hr. 5.2 PRINCIPAL ORGANIC HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENT SELECTION RATIONALE The liquid surrogate mixture consists of a collection of organic compounds selected to represent the processing of chemical agents in the ATLIC. Chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene were selected as the POHCs for the ATLIC STB based on their thermal stability and high ranking in the EPA thermal stability ranking system guidance (5). Chlorobenzene is representative of the Agent GA because it is present in the waste stream (see Table 1-1). The RCRA regulations require the demonstration of a DRE that is >99.99oA, but the DRE requirement for the ATLIC STB will be> 99.9999 %. The DRE will be calculated by summing the chlorobenzene added to the PCC and the SCC as the "waste in", while the waste out will be determined by the Method 0031 sample analyses. The chlorobenzene concentration will average about 49 oh (see Table 5- 1) and the tetrachloroethene will averag e 5l Yo. The metals spiked into the surrogate mixture will represent ppm concentrations. The feed to the SCC will be a dilute solution of phosphoric acid to act as a surogate for the phosphorus in the Agent GA and as a PM loading to the PAS. Chlorobenzene will be added to the phosphoric acid being fed to the SCC and the chlorobenzene added will be included as a POHC in the determination of a DRE for the ATLIC. The feeding of chlorobenzene to the SCC will be a surrogate for the feeding of 4.5 lb/hr of organic compounds to the SCC. The use of chlorobenzene as the POHC covers the HAPs fed to the SCC, because chlorobenzene is a Class 1 compound in EPA's thermal stability ranking system (5). The EPA guidance allows a Class 1 compound to act as a surrogate for the other Class 1 compounds and the other compounds with a lower thermal stability. The use of chlorobenzene as the surrogate allows processing of HAPs with lower thermal stability such as carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethane, and the other possible compounds that could be present in the spent decon. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 52 5.3 TEST PROTOCOL AND OPERATING CONDITIONS The ATLIC STB will be conducted to demonstrate compliance with permit conditions and regulatory limits. 5.3.1 Development of Worst-Case Criteria The ATLIC STB will demonstrate the worst case for organic compounds incineration by establishing a DRE for Class 1 compounds by the EPA thermal stability ranking system guidance (5). The ATLIC STB will be conducted at one operating condition, which will demonstrate the minimum temperatures in the PCC and SCC. The STB will use chlorobenzene in the surrogate mixture feed material and chlorobenzene will be fed by itself to the SCC. Chlorobenzene was chosen because it is a Class 1 compound in the EPA ranking system. The demonstration of a DRE for a Class 1 compound allows other Class 1 compounds and any compounds ranked lower to be incinerated without demonstrating a DRE for every compound; therefore, the demonstration of a DRE for chlorobenzene establishes the worst case for both Agent GA and Lewisite processing. Chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene were selected as the POHCs for the ATLIC STB based on their thermal stability and high ranking in the EPA thermal stability ranking system guidance (5). As a part of this test, a DRE will be measured for the POHCs, which will be fed at 325lbl}u- to the PCC and chlorobenzene will be fed at 4.5lblhr to the SCC. The compounds in the surrogate mixture are classified as HAPs by EPA and Table 5-1 summarizes the composition of the surrogate mixture. Agent GA and Lewisite will not have a DRE measured since they are estimated to rank as a Class 4 or 5 compounds (5). The surrogate mixture will be fed to the ATLIC during the shakedown period and the STB, and the details for the surrogate mixture are discussed in Sections 5.1.1. The ATLIC STB will also demonstrate a worst case for metals that will support the processing of Agent GA. The worst case for metals emissions for Lewisite will be established by the LCPT. Metals will be spiked into the surrogate mixture in the feed line just before the waste feed nozzle to provide the worst case for metals emissions. A solution containing arsenic, lead, and mercury will be pumped from their storage container into the surrogate mixture in the waste feed line just before the waste feednozzle in the PCC to cover the highest anticipated metals concentrations in the Agent GA. The metals will be in a form that is miscible in the organic compounds to allow the metals spike to be carried into the PCC. The ATLIC STB will also demonstrate the worst case for PM loading to the ATLIC PAS that will support the processing of Agent GA. The worst case for PM loading for processing Lewisite will be demonstrated by the LCPT. The simulated spent decon will be an 18 o/o phosphoric acid solution fed at 550 lb/hr. Chlorobenzene will also be spiked into the feed line to the SCC at 4.5 lbtfu to demonstrate the processing of organic compounds in the SCC as a part of the STB. Therefore, the total feed to the SCC will be 554.5Lb/fu. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 53 5.3.2 ATLIC Surrogate Trial Burn Operating Conditions Tables in Appendix D shows the target Group A operating parameters for the STB conditions. Samples collected will support the data needs required for the RCRA Permit, the Title V air permit, and the HWC MACT emission limits. Final STB values for these parameters may change slightly based on operational experience gained during the shakedown period. The ATLIC STB will be performed under the following operating conditions: Maximum surrogate feed rate to the PCC of 325 lb/hr. Arsenic and lead spiked into the surrogate mixture fed to the PCC to correspond to a concentration of about 100 mglkg, while mercury will be spiked to correspond to a concentration of about 50 mglkg. Maximum spent decon feed rate to the SCC of 554.5 lb/hr. Minimum PCC temperatures in the range of 2,500 oF to 2,850 oF. Minimum SCC temperatures in the range of 1,800 oF to 2,200 "F. Residence time through the PCC, SCC, and duct work to the quench tower > 3 sec as described in Sections 2.1 and2.2. Oz concentration will be maintained above 3 o/o. CO concentration will be below 100 ppm @7 % Oz. Pressure drop across the venturi will be > 30 inWC. Normal quench tower and venturi scrubber process water flows. Minimum Brine pH. 5.4 COMBUSTION TEMPERATURE RANGES The anticipated PCC temperatures for this STB will be between 2,500 oF and 2,850 oF. These temperatures are from the AWFCO tables located in Appendix D. Experience with the LICs indicates that the temperatures vary within this temperature range. The SCC temperature will be between 1,800 oF and2,200 "F, which are the AWFCO limits from the tables located in Appendix D. Minimum temperature limits will be established by the ATLIC STB and maximum temperatures are set by the manufacturer's Extreme Temperature Limit (ETL). ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 54 5.5 WASTE FEED RATES AND QUANTITIES OF WASTES TO BE BURNED The surrogate mixture feed rates for the ATLIC STB will be up to 325lb/hr, and the simulated spent decon feed will be up to 554.5 lb/hr. The feed materials will be surrogate mixture and a simulated spent decon made up of 550 lb/hr of 18 % phosphoric acid and 4.5 lb/hr of chlorobenzene. This STB will require the surrogate mixture and spent decon to be fed to the ATLIC for a minimum of 18 hours. The quantity of surrogate mixture burned during the STB will be about 6,417lb based on a feed rate of 3251,blfu. The quantity of phosphoric acid solution processed during the STB will be about 10,861.5 lb based on a feed rate of 550 lb/hr. The quantity of chlorobenzerLe processed during the STB will be about 89.1 lb based on a feed rate of 4.5lblhr. Allowing a25 percent safety factor, the consumption of test feed materials is expected to be about 8,000 pounds of surrogate mixture, 13,600 pounds of phosphoric acid solution, and 120 lb of chlorobenzene. The anticipated usage rates are summarized in Table 5-2. Metals feed rates will be determined by analyses of the metals spiking mixture samples. The ATLIC will reach equilibrium at test conditions with surrogate and spent decon supplemented by natural gas about 15 minutes before the start of each sampling run. A surplus of surrogate mixture and spent decon will be on hand in case operational problems require a longer testing period. The feed materials remaining after the STB may be processed through the ATLIC. TABLE 5-2. WASTE, FE,E,D REQUIREME,NTS ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 Activity Surrogate Mixture Required (tb) Phosphoric Acid Solution Required (lb) Chlorobenzene Required (lb) Ramp-up, 20 mrn 108 183 1.5 Steady-State Operations, 15 min 81 t37 .5 1.2 Exhaust Gas Sampling, 6 hr 1,950 3,3 00 27 Total per Performance Run 2,139 3,620.5 29.7 Total for Three Performance Runs 6,417 10,861 .5 89.1 TOCDF 55 5.6 EXHAUST GAS VELOCITY INDICATOR Exhaust gas flow rates for the ATLIC are measured with an annubar flow meter, installed in the exhaust duct before the ID fan. The annubar is positioned in the center of the pipe to increase the velocity of the exhaust flow, which creates a differential pressure. The pressure difference is measured and converted to a scfm flow rate. The ATLIC control system records the value and generates an HRA. If the HRA setpoint is exceeded, the PLC causes a stop feed and an alarm. A maximum exhaust gas velocity will be established by the ATLIC STB. 5.7 AUXILIARY FUEL Natural gas will be used as required to maintain temperatures in both the PCC and SCC. Natural gas is also used as pilot burner fuel for both the PCC and the SCC. The average composition of ihe natural gas from August 2OlO, showed that the Higher Heating Value averaged I,047 Bfiilft3, and the methane concentration averaged94.1 %. 5.8 WASTE FEED ASH CONTENT Ash particles exiting the SCC will be collected by the wet scrubbers, baghouse, carbon filter beds, or measured in the ATLIC stack. Ash generated during the ATLIC STB will potentially come from the metals spiked into the surrogate mixture and the simulated spent decon. Ash generated by the combustion of Agent GA will come from the combustion of organophosphorus compounds to produce phosphorus pentoxide (PzOs), which will be PM and will be removed by the ATLIC PAS. Based on the metals spiking concentrations, the metals spiked into the surrogate mixture will contribute less than 0.1 lb/hr to the estimated ash feed rate. Based on the phosphorus content in Agent GA, it was calculated that a feed rate of 162.5 lblhr of Agent GA would produce an ash load of 71.03 lb/hr. To match this ash load to the PAS, the phosphoric acid solution processed in the SCC during the STB would need to have 31.0 lb/h phosphorus. The spent decon fed during the STB will be 4.5 lblhr of chlorobenzene and a solution of phosphoric acid to match the phosphorus feed rate for the processing of Agent GA at half of demonstrated surrogate mixture feed rate. The STB surrogate mixture will be fed at arate of 325 lb/hr, so the Agent GA feed rate would be limited to 50 % of that rate or 162.5lblfu. Assuming that the Agent GA feed is all ethyl N,N-dimethyl phosphoroamidocyanidate, which is 19.1 Wt% phosphorus, that would give a phosphorus feed rate of 31.0 lb/hr. Phosphoric acid is 31.6 Wto/o phosphorus; therefore, the phosphoric acid feed rate would be 98.2lblhr. The ATLIC will require 450 lb of water per hour to provide cooling to the SCC; therefore, the 450 lb of water plus the 98.2lb of phosphoric acid would give a spent decon feed rate of 548.2Iblhr of a 17 .9 % phosphoric acid in water solution. The final feed rate to the SCC will be 550 lblhr (rounded up) of the 18 % phosphoric acid plus the 4.5 lb of chlorobenzene to represent an organic load to the SCC of 0.81 o/o orgarics for a total feed to the SCC of 554.5 lb/hr. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF s6 5.9 ORGANIC CHLORINE CONTENT OF THE WASTE FEED The surrogate compounds contain organic chlorine and the organic chlorine feed rates for the ATLIC STB are summarized in Table 5-1. The chlorine feed rate for an average composition of the surrogate mixture is 191.5 lb/hr, which is higher than the chlorine feed rate when feeding Lewisite at325lblhr (153.7 lb/hr). Any chlorine measured in the ATLIC exhaust stack will probably be attributed to the combustion of the organic chlorine present in the feed. Concentrations of HCI and Cl2 in the ATLIC emissions will be sampled using Method 26A(2) andanalyzed by Method9057 (1). Details are given in the QAPP (Appendix A). 5.10 METALS FEED RATES The metals fed to the ATLIC will be from the arsenic, lead, and mercury added to the surrogate mixture. The arsenic and lead will be fed at rates equivalent to concentrations of 100 ppm, and mercury will be fed at a rate equivalent to a concentration of 50 ppm in the surrogate mixture. Table 5-3 shows the estimated metals feed rates and the estimated metals emission rates associated with the STB. Arsenic and mercury feed rates will be established for the Lewisite in a separate LCPT using Lewisite agent as the source of arsenic and mercury. The arsenic, lead, and mercury concentrations for the surrogate mixture were set to exceed the concentrations in the Agent GA TCs. Metals emissions will be sampled using Method29 (2). The sampling and analysis details for metals emissions are given in the QAPP (Appendix A). s.11 POLLUTTON CONTROL EQUIPMENT OPERATTONS Operation of the pollution control equipment is provided in this section as required by 40 CFR 270.62(b)(2)(vi). The anticipated operating conditions of the ATLIC PAS for the ATLIC STB are the same as standard operating conditions and are summarized in Appendix D. Fluctuations in PAS temperatures, flow rates, pressures, pH, and density will occur during this STB. These normal variations will be reported in the final ATLIC STB Report. Standard operating conditions for the pollution control equipment are described in Section 2.10. 5.12 SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES The shutdown procedures to be observed during the ATLIC STB are discussed in this section as required by 40 CFR 270.62(b)(2)(vii). The AWFCOs for Group A are continuously monitored and interlocked. Group C parameters, which are also monitored and interlocked, will be in operation during this STB. In addition, the system's operation will be monitored closely by the operators. If the operation of the system should deviate significantly from the desired range of operation or become unsafe, the operators will manually shut off waste feeds to the system. The AWFCO system and parameters for shutting down the waste feeds are described in Section 2.8. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF 57 TABLE 5.3. ESTIMATED METALS FEED RATES AND EMISSION RATES Notes: The MACT Lirnit for Semi-Volatile Metals is the summation of Pb + Cd : l0 pg/dscm. The MACT Limit for Low Volatility Metals is the summation of As + Be + Cr :23 pgldscm. o The MREs were taken from the LIC HD ATB Data. o Th" MRE was taken from Pilot Plant testing. TLIC STB Metals Feed Rate.xls ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 Total Metal Feed Rate Agent Feed Rate: 325 lb/hr Exhaust Gas Flow Rate | 934 dscfm Exhaust Gas O2 Conc.: 8.8 % Arsenic Conc.: 100 ppm 0.033 lb/hr Lead Conc.: 100 ppm 0.033 lb/hr Nlercurr Conc.:0.0163 lb/hr EXHAUST GAS CONCENTRATIONS MACT Conc. @7%02 (pg/dscm) Conc. @7"/" Oz LIC HD ATB MRE, o/ a/o 4.50E-0999.99989Arsenic u 99.9960 1.648-07 2.0sF-07 Semi-Volatile Metals Low-Volatility Metals B Metals Feed Emissions 58 Sampling will be stopped if an AWFCO is activated during the ATLIC STB. Should the AWFCO condition persist for 2 hours, the run will be aborted. A run will also be aborted if more than three AWFCOs occur during one traverse of the four-hour sampling trains. If the DAQ and DSHW representatives approve continuing a run after either of the abort conditions is reached, the approval will be documented and included in the deviations discussions in the final report. It may be necessary to shut down the ATLIC and PAS completely in the event of a major equipment or system failure. A shutdown of this type will be performed in strict accordance with the facility's standard operating procedures. Shutdown will be the reverse of the startup process and are discussed in Section 2.14. Subsystems will be shut down in the following order: 1. ATLIC PCC and SCC 2. PAS 3. lJtilities Sampling will be stopped if a power failure occurs during a run. Waste feeds to the system will be stopped, but other operating parameters will be maintained to minimize emissions. Combustion air will continue to be supplied as the ID fan spins down. 5.13 INCINERATOR PERFORMANCE Incinerator performance is discussed in this section as required by 40 CFR 270.62(a). The TOCDF believes that the conditions specified in Section 5.3 for the STB will be adequate to meet the performance standards of 40 CFR 264.343 while firing the surrogate mixture and spent decon because: TOCDF experience with both LICs buming Agents GB, VX, and mustard under similar operating conditions shows that the expected DRE will exceed 99.9999 %. TOCDF experience with the LICs burning mustard under similar operating conditions suggests that the HCI and PM emissions will be less than the respective performance standards. The ranges of operating conditions planned for this STB are within the design envelope of the ATLIC and PAS. The ATLIC and PAS are tightly controlled by PLCs and AWFCO systems whenever hazardous waste is being fed to the ATLIC. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 59 One test condition will be used to establish the operating envelope for the ATLIC. The ATLIC is operated as steady-state, base-loaded incinerator, and the test condition will demonstrate the minimum temperatures and the ETL will set the upper temperature . limits. Combustion air flow and velocity fluctuates as necessary to maintain the proper negative pressure in the furnace. The fluctuations in metals and chlorine feed rates should be minor. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF 60 6.0 ATLIC STB SHAKEDOWN PROCEDURTS Once the approval of this STB plan is received from the appropriate regulatory agencies, shakedown will commence as described in Section 6.2. During the shakedown period, the entire system will be thoroughly tested to verify that it performs in a safe, consistent, and predictable manner when processing the surrogate mixture. Shakedown testing will proceed in accordance with the ATLIC STB Shakedown Plan (see Appendix B). This shakedown plan defines all activities, methodologies, shakedown criteria, and compliance actions associated with the testing of the system. As stated in the shakedown plan, operating conditions will be maintained within the envelope of anticipated final operating limits (defined in Appendix D) throughout the shakedown period. These limits on operating conditions are based on good engineering practice, over 13 years ofexperience processing Agents GB, VX, and mustard in the TOCDF LICs. Operating limits will comply with the requirements of 40 CFR 270.62(a)(1). Proposed operating conditions are preliminary, and final values will be confirmed or modified as shakedown progresses. Hazardous wastes will not be fed to the system at any time unless the conditions discussed above are satisfied. The flow of hazardous waste to the incinerator will be stopped if operating conditions deviate from the established limits. The AWFCO system, described in Section 2.8, will be in operation at all times during the incineration of hazardous wastes, and the settings during shakedown will be those specified in Appendix D. Individual AWFCOs for those parameters that may cause total incinerator shutdown (such as auxiliary fuel, burners, or ID fan) may be bypassed momentarily during routine calibrations. Those calibrations that require the AWFCOs to be bypassed will not be conducted when waste is in the fumace. 6.1 STARTUP PROCEDURES The startup periods for the ATLIC will be heated until operating conditions have been reached. Temperatures will be held at operating conditions to verify that all systems are operating correctly. During this period, operation of the PAS and CEMS will be verified, and the AWFCO system will be tested to verify that all AWFCOs are operational. The systems will then be declared ready for operation, and the shakedown period will begin. The DAQ and DSHW will be notified of the AWFCO test 7 days in advance. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 61 6.2 ATLIC SHAKEDOWN O rhe objectives of the shakedown are to: Demonstrate that the ATLIC can safely destroy the surrogate mixture at325lb/hr. Familiarize the operators with the operation of the ATLIC. Verify that all systems function properly. Verify that the agent feed ramp-up rate is suitable for the surrogate mixture. Verify that the spent decon feed ramp-up rate is suitable for phosphoric acid solutions. Evaluate the ATLIC operating conditions required for permit compliance. Evaluate the impact on the SCC of simultaneously processing the surrogate mixture and phosphoric acid. The TOCDF will provide the DAQ and DSHW with notice before introducing the surrogate mixture into the system. The surrogate mixture will be introduced into the ATLIC in accordance with 40 CFR 264.3aa(c)(1) to bring the unit to a point of operational readiness for the STB. This phase may take four to six weeks and consist of up to 720 hours of surrogate processing. If TOCDF determines that more time is necessary to ensure operational readiness before the STB, an extension of up to 720 additional hours of operating time will be requested and must be approved by the DSHW Executive Secretary. The shakedown period will involve a series of tests as described in the shakedown plan (see Appendix B). The TOCDF may request final modifications to the ATLIC STB Plan based on data obtained during the shakedown period. If such changes are necessary, they will be coordinated with the DAQ and the DSHW. 6.3 POST ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BURN OPERATION The interim period between completion of the ATLIC STB and receipt of final approval from DSHW for full operating authority could be several months. During this time, TOCDF intends to continue operating the ATLIC on a full-time basis, under all federal requirements per 40 CFR 264,266, and270. The ATLIC will not be operated until the preliminary data have been approved by DSHW, then the ATLIC operation will be restarted using Agent GA. The TOCDF expects the ATLIC to operate during this period within the operating envelope defined and demonstrated by the STB, with the exceptions of the waste feed rates. The waste feed rates to the PCC shall be limited to 50 oh of the average rates demonstrated during the STB until the ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF 62 Agent GA has been destroyed. The waste feed rates to the SCC will be limited to a total organic compound feed rate of 50 % of the demonstrated chlorobenzene feed rate. The ash feed rate to the PCC and SCC will be limited to the demonstrated ash feed rate. The metals feed rates to the PCC and SCC will be limited to 50 Yo of the STB demonstrated metals feed rate until the Agent GA and spent decon are destroyed. After the Agent GA has been destroyed, the ATLIC will begin operation using Lewisite in preparation for the Lewisite CPT. The inspection plan will be followed of the ATLIC for fugitive emissions, leaks, and associated equipment spills and for signs of tampering, per 40 CFR 264.347(b). All appropriate operating records will be maintained for documentation of operations. The AWFCO system and associated alarms, as described in Section 2.8, will function any time hazardous waste is in the combustion zone of the incinerator. The AWFCOs will be tested according to the established schedule. Test methods for the AWFCOs will be demonstrated before the STB shakedown begins. 6.4 INCINERATOR PERFORMANCE The TOCDF believes that the conditions specified in Section 6.3 for the startup, shakedown, STB, and post-STB operation will be adequate to meet the performance standards of 40 CFR 264.343 while processing the surrogate mixture, Agent GA, and spent decon because: TOCDF experience with the LICs burning Agents GB, VX, mustard, and spent decon under similar operating conditions shows that the expected DRE will exceed 99.9999 %. Experience at the TOCDF with the LICs burning mustard and spent decon under similar operating conditions suggests that the HCI and Clz emissions will be <21ppm, and the PM emissions concentrations will be less than 0.0016 grldscf. These estimated emissions are within the performance standards. TOCDF experience with incineration of Agents GB, VX, and mustard spiked with metals resulted in metals emissions that did not threaten to human health or the environment. The range of operating conditions planned for the shakedown and post-STB periods are within the design envelope of the ATLIC and PAS (refer to the Appendix C MEBs). The ATLIC and PAS will be tightly controlled by the PLCs, and the AWFCO systems will be operational at all times during the shakedown and post-STB periods when hazardous materials are being fed to the ATLIC. In addition, meeting the performance standards of 40 CFR 264.3 43 and 63.1219 ensures protection of human health and the environment. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 63 7.0 ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BURN SUBSTITUTE SUBMISSIONS This section is not applicable since an STB will be conducted. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 64 8.0 ATLIC SURROGATE TRIAL BURI{ RESULTS The results of the ATLIC STB will be submitted to DAQ and DSHW in the report format used in prior ATB reports. The operating data will be summarized; the VOCs emissions, SVOCs emissions, PM emissions, PCDD/PCDF emissions, and metals emissions will be reported; and the supporting laboratory data and data verification will be submitted. The TOCDF will submit the ATLIC STB Report within 90 days after completion of the test. The report will be certified in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 270.62OX7-9). It should be noted that all data will be submitted for all analyses conducted, including the data from any failed runs. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF 6s 9.0 FINAL OPERATTNG PARAMETER LIMITS 9.1 ESTABLISHING LIQUID INCINERATOR OPERATING PARAMETERS The ATLIC STB demonstration of DRE, waste feed rates, spent decon feed rates, metal emissions, PM emissions, and halogen emissions will be used to establish the permit limits for the ATLIC. The successful completion of this STB will establish the operating permit at the levels discussed in this section. The destruction of organic compounds is a function of time, temperature, and turbulence. The combustion temperatures and gas velocities in the system demonstrate operating conditions that ensure the destruction of organic compounds. The waste feed rates demonstrated during this STB will present the maximum challenge for the PM loading to the ATLIC PAS while processing Agent GA. The maximum challenge for PM loading for processing Lewisite will be demonstrated during a separate LCPT. The pH of the scrubber liquor in the PAS will control the emission of acid gases present in the exhaust gas. The anticipated final operating conditions resulting from the ATLIC STB are summarized in Appendix D. These tables were prepared following the hierarchy of process-control-related performance parameters, as established by EPA guidance (5). Each anticipated ATLIC final operating limitation is listed by process parameter, target value during the STB, and anticipated manner by which the limit will be established. The process parameters presented in Appendix D are broken down as follows: Those parameters that will be monitored continuously and will be connected to an AWFCO system. When these parameters are exceeded, contaminated waste feed must be discontinued immediately. These parameters will be established based on demonstrated operating conditions during the STB. Those parameters that will not be monitored continuously. Compliance with these parameters will be based on operating records to ensure that routine operation is within the operational limits established by the STB. Those parameters that will be set independent of trial-bum-demonstrated parameters. Instead, these limits will be based on EPA guidance, equipment manufacturer's design and operating specifications, operational safety considerations, and good engineering practices. These parameters include parameters monitored both continuously and periodically. Depending upon the particular parameter, it may or may not be an AWFCO parameter. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 66 9.2 CONTINUOUSLY MONITORED PARAMETERS Establishment of permit limits for these parameters is discussed in the following paragraphs: Maximum Hazardous Waste Feed Rates - Maximum waste feed rates and spent decon feed rates will be continuously monitored. The ATLIC STB will be performed as close to the maximum waste and spent decon feed rates as possible. The final, approved permit limit for each waste feed stream will be the demonstrated feed rates that achieve a minimum DRE of 99 .9999 %. Minimum PCC Temperature - Minimum PCC temperature will be related to meeting the DRE. The minimum PCC temperature will be demonstrated during the ATLIC STB, provided that a DRE of at least 99.9999 o/o is demonstrated. Minimum SCC Temperature - Minimum SCC temperature will be related to DRE and metals emissions. The minimum SCC temperature will be demonstrated by the ATLIC STB, provided that a DRE of at least 99.9999 o/o is demonstrated. Maximum Exhaust Gas Velocity - Exhaust gas velocity (measured before the ID fan with an annubar flow meter) will be related to DRE and gas treatment. Gas velocity in the ATLIC Duct is an indicator of exhaust gas residence time in the ATLIC. The final approved operating conditions will be determined from the ATLIC STB results. Minimum Flow to the Venturi Scrubber - Minimum water flow rate to the venturi scrubber will be related to metals emissions and PM emissions. The final approved permit limit for minimum water flow to the venturi scrubber will be based on the ATLIC STB results, provided the STB demonstrates acceptable metals emissions and PM concentrations < 0.0016 grldscf. Minimum Venturi Scrubber Differential Pressure - The minimum differential pressure across the venturi scrubber will be related to metals and PM emissions. The final approved permit limit for minimum venturi scrubber differential pressure to the venturi scrubber will be determined during the ATLIC STB provided acceptable metals and PM emissions are demonstrated. Minimum Scrubber Liquor pH - The minimum scrubber liquor pH'will be related to acid gas emissions. The minimum scrubber liquor pH will be determined based on the ATLIC STB results, provided adequate acid gas control is demonstrated. Minimum Scrubber Liquor Flow Rate - The minimum scrubber liquor flow rate to the packed bed scrubbers will be related to acid gas and PM emissions. The minimum clean liquor flow rate will be determined based on the ATLIC STB results, provided control of acid gases and PM emissions are demonstrated. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,2010 .a TOCDF 67 9.3 OPERATING RECORD PARAMETERS Establishment of these parameter limits based on the ATLIC STB is discussed below: POHC DRE - A DRE of 99.9999 Yo or greater for chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene will be demonstrated by the STB. This DRE demonstration will allow TOCDF to process the Agent GA and Lewisite contained in the TCs stored at DCD. Maximum Metals Feed Limits - Metals feed limits will be set by the metals feed rates demonstrated during the ATLIC STB for the processing of Agent GA. The metals feed rates for Lewisite will be established during the Lewisite CPT. The TOCDF expects to meet the permit limits while processing the surrogate mixture at325lblhr and spent decon at 554.5lbllv. Maximum PM Emissions - The PM emissions will be measured during the ATLIC STB. The STB will be considered an acceptable PM test for Agent GA and spent decon, because the surrogate spent decon will provide the ash loading to the PAS and provided that the PM concentration is < 0.0016 grldscf corrected to 7 oh Oz. Maximum Emissions of Chlorine and Hydrogen Chloride - The expected permit condition for this parameter is 21 ppm, as required under the MACT limits. Maximum PCDD/PCDF Emissions - The expected permit condition for these parameters will be 0.2 ng/dscm of 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQ corrected to 7 %o Oz. 9.4 INDEPENDENT OPERATING PARAMETERS Establishment of these parameters are discussed in the following paragraphs: CEMS Operation - CEMS operation will be a Group C parameter to comply with EPA guidance that CEMS must be operational when the ATLIC is processirig wastes. A loss of instrument signal from the CO monitor or Oz monitor will result in an AWFCO. Maximum PCC Temperature - Maximum PCC temperature will be based on the manufacturer's recommendations of an ETL. Maximum SCC Temperature - Maximum SCC temperature will be based on the manufacturer's recommendations of an ETL. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF 68 Maximum Quench Tower Exhaust Gas Temperature - Quench tower exhaust gas temperature will be based on the manufacturer's recommendations. The maximum temperature limit proposed will be 250 "F to protect temperature-sensitive construction materials in the remainder of the PAS. When the quench tower duct exit temperature exceeds the maximum limit, all waste feeds are stopped. Minimum Brine Pressure - The -iri*u* Brine pump pressure will be related to acid gas and PM emissions. The final approved permit limit for minimum Brine pump pressure will be 25 psig, provided the ATLIC STB demonstrates control of acid gases and PM emissions. Maximum CO Concentration at the Blower Exhaust - Maximum CO concentration at the blower exhaust will be related to PIC control. The performance standard for CO is an HRA of 100 ppmdv corrected to 7 Yo 02, provided the THC average concentration for the STB is below 10 ppm and the POHC DRE are satisfactory. Waste feeds will not be resumed until the HRA concentration falls below the 100-ppmdv corrected to 7 Yo Oz HRA limit. Minimum and Maximum Oxygen Concentration at the Blower Exhaust - Oxygen concentration in the blower exhaust will be related to oxidative operating conditions to treat the waste feeds. The oxygen levels in the combustion system will be controlled to a concentration between 3 and 15 oh Oz at the lower exhaust. The final approved permit limit for minimum and maximum oxygen at the stack will remain 3 oh and 15 o/o, respectively, provided the POHC DRE are satisfactory. Minimum Agent Feed Nozzle Pressure at High Feed Rate - Sound operating practice dictates that the environment be protected against massive agent leaks. Were a major leak to occur in agent feed piping, an AWFCO immediately stops all feed. Minimum Agent Atomizing Air Pressure - The lower limit on air pressure to the agent spray nozzle is 35 psig. Minimum Spent Decon Atomizing Air Pressure - The lower limit on the air pressure to the SCC spray nozzle is 35 psig. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I December 2,2010 TOCDF 69 1O.O REFERENCES (1) Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Vl/aste, Physicat/Chemical Methods,3rd Edition, including Update IV, USEPA, SW-846, February 2007. (2) Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Appendix A, "Test Methods." (3) Attachment 20 to the TOCDF RCRA Permit, CEMS Monitoring Plan, EG&G Defense Materials, Inc., CDRL-06. (4) Hazardous Waste Combustion Unit Permitting Manual, Componenl l, "How to Review A Trial Burn Plan," U.S. EPA Region 6, Center for Combustion Science and Engineering, 1998. (5) Guidance on Setting Permit Conditions and Reporting Trial Barn Results,EPN625l6- 891019, January 1989. (6) Final Reportfor Ton Container Sample Analysis, T.A. Malloy, K. Whittington, B. Fahey, B. Goodwin,Hazardous Materials Research Center, Battelle, Columbus, Ohio, October 2,2009. (7) Attachment22A to the TOCDF RCRA Permit, Agent Monitoring Plan, EG&G Defense Materials, Inc., TOCDF CDRL 23. (8) Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Appendix B, "Performance Specifications." (9) ASTM D 3370,1995 (Reapproved 1999), "Standard Practices for Sampling Water from Closed Conduits," ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. (10) ASTM D 5633 ,2004, (Reapproved 2008), "Standard Practices for Sampling with a Scoop," ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 December 2,2010 TOCDF 70 rcrc CD F. * X TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY (TOCDF) SURROGATE TRTAL BURI{ PLAN FORTHE AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATOR APPENDIXA QUALITY ASSURANCE, PROJE,CT PLAN Revision I December 21 2010 i APPENDIXA QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY Facility EPA ID Number:urs210090002 Prepared for: Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility 11600 Stark Road Tooele, UT 84074 Revision No.: Date:December 2r 2010 IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: I .0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2,2010 Page No.: I 1.0 TITLE PAGE 1.1 Project Title: SURROGATE TRI,AL BURN FOR THE AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATOR QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN 1.2 Expected Surrogate Trial Burn Date: July 2011 1.3 Project Approvals: Thaddeus Ryba, CMA Project Manager Date Gary McCloskey, EG&G DMI General Manager Craig M. Young, Ph.f)., EG&G DMI, Project Specialist Subcontractor, Quality Assurance Director Date Date Date TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 2.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: I 2.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 TITLE PAGE ..........1-1 2.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS............... ............2-l LIST OF ACRONYMNS AND ABBREVIATIONS.. ...,..2-6 LIST OFUNITS AND MEASUREMENTS........... ..........2-8 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .....3.1 4.0 PROJECT ORGANIZATION............... ....4-l 4.2 CONTRACTADMINISTRATIVEREPRESENTATIVE.............. .....................4-1 4.3 TOCDF LABORATORY MANAGER................ ......4-3 4.4 SUBCONTRACTORPROGRAMMANAGER. .......4-3 4.5 SAMPLTNG SUBCONTRACTOR QUALTTY ASSURANCE OFFICER..... ......4-3 4.6 SAMPLINGTEAM COORDINATOR............. ..,......4-4 4.7 SUBCONTRACTOR SAMPLING TEAM MEMBERS. ,..,..,.........4-4 4.8 SUBCONTRACT LABORATORrES............ ............4-5 s.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL OBJECTTVES ................."... s-l 5.I EVALUATIONOFPRECISION ..........5-2 5.2 EVALUATIONOFACCURACY .........5-2 5.3 EVALUATION OF COMPLETENESS.............. .......5-3 5.4 DETECTION AND REPORTING LIMITS........ .......5-4 5.5 REPRESENTATIVENESSAND COMPARABILITY ..................5-4 6.0 SAMPLING AND MONITORING PROCEDURES ......... .........6.1 6.I PRE-SAMPLINGACTIVITIES ...........6-1 6.1.2 Sampling Equipment Calibration.. ................... 6-1 6.1.4 Sample Media Preparation ..........6-2 6.1,5 Additional Pre-Sampling Activities ..................6-3 6,2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROLACTIVITIES.. ..........6-3 TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 2.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 2 TABLE OF .CONTENTS (continued) 6.3 EXHAUSTGASSAMPLING. ..............6-5 6.3.1 Methotl003l for Volatile Organic Compounds ....................6-7 6.i.2 Method I to Determine Duct Traverse Sampling Points .....6-8 6.3.3 Method 2 to Determine Exhaust Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate.... ................ 6-8 6,3.4 Exhaust Gas Moisture Content.... .....................6-8 6.3.5 Combined Method 5/26Afor Particulate Matter and Hahogens.................... .....,...........6-8 6.3.6 Method 0010 for Semi-Yolatile Organic Compounds.. ......... 6-9 6.3.7 Methotl 0023Afor PCDDs/PCDFs...... ...........6-10 6.3.8 Methotl29 for Metds .................6-10 6,i,9 Continuous Emissions Monitoring .................6-1 I 6.4.1 Process Stream Sampling Locations.......... ..... 6-12 6.4.2 Tap Sampling Method.............. .......................6-14 6.4.3 Residue Sampling Method................ ..............6-14 6.5 PROCESS MONITORING EQUIPMENT.................. .................6-15 6.6 POST-SAMPLINGACTIVITIES.... ...6-15 7.0 SAMPLE HANDLING, TRACEABILITY, AND HOLDING TIMES .......7-l 7.I SAMPLEPRESERVATIONANDHOLDINGTIMES............ ......7-I 7.2.3 Chain-of-Custody Forms .............7-3 7.3 SAMPLE TRANSPORT TO THE LA8ORATORY................ ......,7-4 8.0 SPECIFIC CALTBRATTON PROCEDURES AND FREQUENCY..............................8-1 8.1 PROCESS MONITORING EQUIPMENT CALrBRATrON........... .,..,...............8-1 8.2 EXHAUST GAS SAMPLTNG EQUIPMENT.................. ,......,.......8-1 8.3 CALIBRATION OF CONTINUOUS EMISSIONMONiTORING SYSTEMS .......................8-2 9.0 ANALYTICAL OBJECTIVES AND PROCEDURES .......... .....9-1 9.I ANALYSIS METHODS FORPROCESS STREAM SAMPLES ........................9-4 9.1.3 Metals Analyses Methods....... ......9-4 9.1.4 Organic Compound Analysis Methods............... ...................9-5 9.1.5 Saruogate Mixture Chsracterization Methods .,..................... 9-8 9.2 ANALYSIS METHODS FOR EXHAUST GAS SAMPLES .......... 9-8 9.2.1 Analysis of SMVOC Tubes........... .....................9-8 9.2.4 Analysis of Methotl 0010 Samples for SVOCs ....................9-1 I 9.2.2 Analysis of Method 0023A Samples for PCDDs/PCDFs ...... ...................9-15 9.2,3 Analysis of Metals Emissrans.......... ................9-17 9.2.4 Analysis of Halogen Emissions.... ...................9-17 9.2.5 Particulate Matter Analysis.......... ...................9-17 IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 2.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2, 2010 Page No.: 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 10.0 spEcrFrc LABORATORY QUALTTY CONTROL CHECKS ...............................10-1 IO.2 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLES... ........... 1O-I 10.3 DUPLICATEANALYSES .............. ...................... l0-1 10.4 MATRIXSPIKESAMPLES... ,,,,,,..,,10-2 10.5 SURROGATE SPIKES....... .............. 10-2 11.0 DATA REPORTING, DATA REVIEW, AND DATA RIDUCTION.......................11-1 11.1.1 Analytical Datu Packages ....... I l-1 11.1.2 Analytical Data Format......... ...,.....,.............. l1-2 11.1.3 ATLIC STB Report.. .............. 11-2 11.2.2 ldentiJication und Treutment of Outliers.... ....................... l1-5 11.3.1 Field Data Reduction .................. ................. I 1-6 11.3.2 Laboratory Analysis Data Reduction................... ............. l1-6 11.3.3 Blank Cotected Dqta...........,...... ................ 11-6 1I.4 EXHAUSTGASSAMPLETRAINTOTALCALCULATIONS........... ,........11-7 11.4.1 Calculation of Chlorobenzene Emissions and DRE ........ I 1-7 12.0 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND SCHEDULES.........................12-I 13.0 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES FOR ACCURACY, PRECISION, AND COMPLETENESS.. .....13-1 14.0 AUDIT PROCEDURES, CORRECTIVE ACTION AND QA REPORTING......... 14-1 14.1 PERFORMANCEAUDITS ..............14-l 14.3 CORRECTIVEACTTON ..................14-2 IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 2.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2, 2010 Page No.: 4 ANNEXA. ANNEX B. ANNEX C. LIST OF ANNEXES QA/QC OBJECTTVES FOR ANALYTICAL METHODS EXAMPLE DATAFORMS RESIJMES OF KEY INDTVIDUALS TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 2.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 5 LIST OF TABLES A-6.1 EXHAUST GAS SAMPLING SUMMARY....,.......... .............6-6 A-6-2 PROCESS SAMPLES TO BE COLLECTED............ ............6-13 A-7.T SAMPLE PRESERVATION AND HOLDING TIMES ............... ...,,...,....7-2 A-9-1 ANALYTICAL METHODS....... ,,........9-2 A-9-2 NUMBER OF SAMPLES ............... .....9-3 A-9-3 TOTAL VOC TARGET ANALYTE LIST FOR PROCESS SAMPLES....................9-6 A-9-4 TOTAL SVOC TARGET ANALYTE LIST FOR PROCESS SAMPLES .......,.....,..,.9-7 A-9-5 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND TARGET ANALYTE LIST FOR METHOD 5041A .............9-10 A-9-6 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOI.IND TARGET ANALYTE LIST ..........,.9-12 A-9-7 PCDD/PCDF TARGET ANALYTE LIST ........ ..9-16 A-9-8 METHOD 29 TARGET ANALYTE LIST ..........9-18 4-10.1 CALIBRATION PROCEDURES FOR ANALYTICAL METHODS .,... 1O-3 .A-11-1 CHLOROBENZENEEMISSIONSCALCULATIONDATA...... ...........11-7 LIST OF FIGURES A-4-1 ATLrC STB ORGANZATTON CHART...................... ...........4-2 ACA ASTM ATB ATLIC AWFCO CAL CAR CC CCV CEMS CFR CLP COC CPT CVAAS DAQ DEQ DCD DFS DI DQO DRE DSHW EG&G EPA ER FCS GC/MS HHRA HRGC/HRMS HWC IC ICP/MS ICV TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 2.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 6 LIST OF ACRONYMNS AND ABBREVIATIONS Absolute Calibration Audit ASTM International Agent Trial Burn Area 10 Liquid Incinerator Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff Chemical Assessment Laboratory Contr act Admini strative Representative Correlation Co effi cient Continuing Calibration Verifi cation Continuous Emission Monitoring System Code of Federal Regulations Contr act Laboratory Pro gram Chain-of-Custody Comprehensive P erforunance Test Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy State of utah, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality Deseret Chemical Depot Deactivation Furnace System Deionrzed (as in deionized water) Data Quality Objective Destruction and Removal Efficiency State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste EG&G Defense Materials, Inc. IJ.S. Environmental Protection Agency Emission Rate Facility Control System Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer Human Health Risk Assessment High Resolution Gas Chrornatograph/High Resolution Mass Spectrometer Hazardous Waste Combustor Ion Chromatograph Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometer Initial Calibration Verification TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 2.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 7 LIST OF ACRO|IYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (continued) LIC Liquid lncinerator LCS Laboratory Control Sample LOQ Limit of QuantitationMACT Maximum Achievable Conhol Technology MDL Method Detection Limit MPF Metal Parts Furnace MS Matrix Spike MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate PCC Primary Combustion Chamber PM Particulate Matter POHC Principal Organic Hazardous Constituent QA Quality Assurance QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QC Quality Control %R Percent Recovery RATA Relative Accuracy Test Audit RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RPD Relative Percent Difference RRF Relative Response F-actor RSD Relative Standard Deviation SCC Secondary Combustion Chamber SMVOC Sampling Method for Volatile Organic Compounds SOP Standard Operating Procedure Spent decon Spent Decontamination Solution STB Surrogate Trial Burn STC Sampling Team Coordinator SVOC Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds SW-846 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, 3rd Edition including Update III, USEPA, SW-846, December 1996. TEF Toxic Equivalency Factor TE-LOP Tooele Laboratory Operating Procedure TEQ Toxic Equivalent Concentration THC Total Hydrocarbons TIC Tentatively Identified Compound TOCDF Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility VOA Volatile Organic Analysis VOC Volatile Organic Compound acfm amu cfm OC OF dscf dscfm dscm dsL ft ot) g/sec gal gpm grldscf AH inHg inWC kg L Llmrn M pg 3m mg mglL mg/kg min mL mLlmin N ng ppb ppm ppmdv lb/hr psig AP wt% Y. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 2.0 Revision Date: H:'##): io, I Page No.: 8 LIST OF UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS actual cubic feet per minute atomic mass unit cubic feet per minute degree centigrade degree Fahrenheit dry standard cubic foot dry standard cubic feet per minute dry standard cubic meter dry standard liter foot gram grams per second gallon gallons per minute grains per dry standard cubic foot (1 atmosphere, 68 "F) ayerage pressure differential across orifice meter inches of mercury inches of water column kilogram liter liters per minute molar microgram cubic meter milligram milligrams per liter milligrams per kilogram minute milliliter milliliters per minute Normal nanogram parts per billion parts per million parts per million on a dry volume basis pounds per hour pounds per square inch gauge pitot velocity pressure weight percent dry gas meter calibration factor Agent GA A1 Ag As B Ba BFB Be Cd Clz Coz CO Co Cr Cu DFTPP HNO3 Hg HCI Hzoz KMnOa Mn NaOH NazSzOl HzSO+ Ni NO* O2 Pb PCDD PCDF Sb Se Sn TCDD TI V Zn TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 2.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 9 LIST OF'CHEMICAL SYMBOLS AI\D FORMULAS Ethyl N,N-dimethyl phosphoroamidocyanidate aluminum silver arsenic boron barium 4-bromofluorobenzene beryllium cadmium chlorine carbon dioxide carbon monoxide cobalt chromium copper dec afl uo ro triphenylpho sphine nitric acid mercury hydrogen chloride hydrogen peroxide p otas sium p ennanganate manganese sodium hydroxide sodium thiosulfate sulfuric acid nickel nitrogen oxides oxygen lead p olychlorinated dib en zo -p - dioxin p o lychlorinated dib en zofur an antimony selenium tin t etrachl oro d tb enzo -p - di o x in thallium vanadium zinc TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 3.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: Decemb er 2,2010 Page No.: 1 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) was designed and built for the U.S. Army as ahazardous waste incinerator facility to destroy the chemical munitions stockpile at the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD), which is 20 miles south of Tooele, Utah. The incinerator system is designed to dispose of chemical agents (GB, VX, H-series mustard), drained munitions, contaminated refuse, bulk containers, liquid wastes, explosives, and propellant components. As the DCD is scheduled for closure, the destruction of the remaining nerve Agent GA and the blister agent Lewisite is necessary to complete the destruction of all the chemical agents in storage at DCD. The destruction of these additional chemical agents has been contracted to EG&G Defense Materials, Inc. (EG&G), by the United States Army Chemical Materials Agency, and these activities will be conducted in DCD Area 10 in a newly constructed facility. The TOCDF operates under a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permit issued pursuant to delegation by the State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Solid andHazardous Waste (DSHW) under the Utah Administrative Code, Section 315. The TOCDF also operates under a Title V Permit from the State of Utah, DEQ, Division of Air Quality (DAQ. Emissions from the TOCDF incinerators are regulated under the joint authority of the Clean Air Act and RCRA. The TOCDF Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identification number is UT5210090002. Under the requirements of the TOCDF RCRA Permit, the incinerator system must demonstrate an ability to effectively treat any hazardous waste such that human health and the environment are protected, and the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) rule has set the performance standards that incinerators must meet. This plan describes the new Area 10 Liquid lncinerator (ATLIC), the fifth incinerator system that TOCDF operates to dispose of the chemical agents stored at DCD. The TOCDF incinerator systems include two Liquid lncinerators (LICl andLICZ), the Metal Parts Furnace (MPF), and the Deactivation Furnace System (DFS). The systems are designed to meet theHazardous Waste Combustor (HWC) MACT regulation performance requirements, which are found in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 63, Subpart EEE (40 CFR 63, EEE). Combined Agent Trial Bums (ATBs) and Comprehensive Performance Tests (CPTs) have been conducted in the other incinerator systems at the beginning of each new campaign, and similar testing will be conducted in the ATLIC for processing Agent GA and Lewisite. This plan describes how TOCDF intends to use surrogate chemicals to demonstrate the combustion of hazardous chemicals in a combined Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) and CPT in the ATLIC, which will be referred to as the ATLIC STB. (The ATLIC Lewisite CPT will demonstrate the processing of increased concentrations of arsenic and mercury present in the Lewisite and will be addressed in a separate plan.) This plan also serves as notification that TOCDF plans to conduct a CPT for the ATLIC. The feed rates, flows and temperatures demonstrated during the ATLIC STB will be used to set limits and operating parameters when the testing is completed. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 3.0 Revision r",., l![Iio1,1i,, I Page No.: 2 This Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) describes the sampling and analytical activities that will be performed by the sampling subcontractor and laboratory during the ATLIC STB. The QAPP was developed using methods from SW-846 (l) and guidance from EPA Region 6 (2). EG&G is responsible for operating TOCDF and conducting the ATBs. In addition, EG&G is the principal data user and decision maker for the ATLIC STB, but will subcontract out the sampling and analysis portions of this STB. This subcontracted support will include gas sampling performance, spiking activities, samples transportation to the laboratory, sample analyses, the Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) associated with these tasks, and results reporting. The subcontractor will provide in-process approvals with final acceptance and approval by EG&G. EG&G will be responsible for the collection of certain fnonitoring information, the collection and analysis of feed samples, the collection of system operating data, and preparation of the final report. The exhaust gas will be tested for the following analytes during the ATLIC STB: . Oxygen (O2), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (COz); . Particulate matter (PM); O . Hydrogen chloride (HCl) and chlorine (Cl2), also referred to as the halogens; . Nitrogen oxides (NOJ, . Metals emissions; . Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs); . Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs); . Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs); and . Total Hydrocarbons (THCs). The Principle Organic Hazardous Constituents (POHCs) will be chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene, which will be sampled as VOCs. The chlorobenzene data will be used to verify that the ATLIC can demonstrate 99.9999 percent Destruction and RemovalBffrciency (Yo DRE) or greater for chlorobenzene. The VOC analyses will be performed using SW-846, Methods 5041N8260B (1), for all performance runs. The PCDDs/PCDFs will be sampled using Method 0023A (l) and analyzedusing Method 8290 (1). The exhaust gas will (HHRA), which are: boron (B), cadmium mercury (Hg), nickel zinc (Zn). IOCDF ATLIC STB 'fil',ll"Ift; '? Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 3 be analyzed for the elements used in the Human Health fusk Assessment aluminum (Al), antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), beryllium (Be), (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), (Ni), selenium (Se), silver (Ag), thallium (Tl), tin (Sn), vanadium (V), and Samples of the surrogate mixture feed will be analyzed for chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene. The metals spiking solution will be aralyzed for the HHRA metals. Samples of the scrubber liquor and venturi scrubber liquor will be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, PCDDs/?CDFs, and HHRA metals. The process water sample will be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and HHRA metals. The ATLIC STB Plan is designed to demonstrate the DRE that, under normal operating conditions, will apply during the actual Agent GA and Lewisite destruction. Project scheduling is found in the STB Plan and will be updated as necessary. Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) for each method are found in Annex A to this QAPP. Individual project and quality records are identified herein. Examples of the Calibration Data Sheets, Isokinetic Run Sheets, and Chain-of- Custody (COC) Records are found in Annex B. Annex C contains resumes of the key individuals for this project, and the DAQ and DSHW will be updated when any changes occur. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 4.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2,201 0 Page No.: I 4.0 PROJECT ORGANIZATION The ATLIC STB organizationis summarizedinFigure A-4-1. This organizationhas five groups that work together for the successful completion of this STB. One group is the EG&G organization, the second is the Battelle Chemical Assessment Laboratory (CAL), the third is the sampling subcontractor, the fourth is the spiking contractor, and the fifth is the laboratory subcontractors. This project management structure anticipates the direct, personal responsibility for each task and provides the mechanism for review and corrective action. The direct supervisory line of responsibility also provides for flexibility and timely action to correct problems. The EG&G Contract Administrative Representative (CAR) will interface with the subcontractor organizations. The EG&G Test Director has the overall responsibility for this STB, and as such, is the point of contact between EG&G Operations and the STB organization. Annex C contains copies of the resumes of the key individuals involved in the ATLIC STB. If any subcontractors for the ATLIC STB change, resumes for the new subcontractor's key individuals will be provided to DAQ and DSHW. 4.1 TEST DIRECTOR The Test Director is an employee of EG&G and has the overall responsibility for the conduct of the ATLIC STB. The Test Director coordinates the activities of EG&G, Monitoring personnel, CAL personnel, and the sampling subcontractor. ln addition, the Test Director will coordinate the information to be provided in the final ATLIC STB Report. The duties of the Test Director include: Ensuring that the feed is prepared for the STB. Establishing the system operating parameters as described in the ATLIC STB plan. Determining when Operations is ready to begin the performance run. Notiffing the sampling subcontractor to begin sampling. Determining whether the performance run is acceptable from an EG&G perspective. 4.2 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATIVE REPRESENTATIVE The CAR and has the responsibility of oversight of the subcontractors to ensure that theyperform as directed by the QAPP and their contract. a A EG&G Test Director TOCDF QC Inspectors FIGURE A-4-I, ATLIC STB ORGANTZATION CHART TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan Section No.: 4.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page: 2 -lalataaa Administrative Line Communication Line TOCDF Laboratory Manager CAL Analyses Team Subcontractor QA Officer Sampling Subcontractor Manager Su bcontractor Program ManagerSubcontractor Laboratories Spiking Subcontractor Sampling Team Coordinator Data Analysis & Report Coordinator Sampling Trai Operators Document Preparation Recovery Technicians TLIC STB Project ORGN.xls TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 4.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 3 4.3 TOCDF LABORATORY MANAGER The TOCDF Laboratory Manager is a Battelle employee who manages both the Monitoring group and the CAL. The Monitoring group has the responsibility for agent monitoring and the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Monitoring Team. ln addition, the CAL has the responsibility for selected analyses and the Battelle QC Inspectors. The Laboratory Manager is specifically responsible for: . Tracking samples through the CAL. . Archiving the analytical data generated by the CAL. . Providing the QC performed in support of the analyses. 4.4 SUBCONTRACTOR PROGRAM MANAGER The Subcontractor Program Manager is an employee of the subcontracted sampling firm. The Subcontractor Program Manager is responsible for: O . Committing the subcontractor resources to the project. . Resolving problems if they occur. . Ensuring that the subcontracting firm complies with the QAPP and the contract with EG&G. . Providing the detailed planning of the sample collection efforts in coordination with the CAR. 4.5 SAMPLING SUBCONTRACTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE OFFICER The Sampling Subcontractor QA Officer manages the QAiQC for the project. He reports to the Sampling Subcontractor Management and is responsible for: . Overseeing the overall QA/QC for the sampling subcontractor portion of the STB. . Assisting in the development of the data evaluation report for the STB. . Enforcing the protocols of the QAPP. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 4.0 Revision ru'., $j.Y."iif lr)l;r, i Page No.: 4 Observing all on-site activities to ensure that the QAPP is followed. Coordinating with the Sampling Team Coordinator (STC) on observation of field sample collecting. 4.6 SAMPLING TEAM COORDINATOR The STC is a sampling subcontractor employee who is responsible for: Managing on-site work by subcontractor employees. Completing the data collection for lab analyses, gas samplingdata, emission calculations, and results reporting. Delivering samples to the laboratory. Overseeing the required sampling. Directly supervisirig the gas sampling teams, providing: . Equipment;. Transportation;. Set up;. Calibration;. Sample train operations;. Pre- and post-test leak checks;. Isokinetic checks; and ' Gas sample recovery. The CAR will be available to coordinate with the STC, including discussing changes in any sampling or analytical procedures. 4.7 SUBCONTRACTOR SAMPLING TEAM MEMBERS These team members are sampling contractor employees. Each team will include a team leader and technician. The leader will be responsible for operation of the test equipment, QA/QC, and record keeping for the assigned train. The team leader reports any irregularities to the STC, and the STC will report any sampling problems to the EG&G CAR and the Subcontractor Program Manager. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 4.0 Revision ru,., #ffi:,)l;, I Page No.: 5 4.8 SUBCONTRACT LABORATORIES The subcontracted laboratories will verify and document that the incoming field samples match the COC and analysis request forms. They will be responsible for tracking the samples through the laboratory and performing the appropriate tasks to meet the QC requirements outlined in the QAPP. In addition, the laboratories will be responsible for archiving the laboratory data that they generate. 'i:3lll:l:'ffi Reviiion r",., llll,]lollrl ;0, I Page No.: I 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the measurement data for the ATLIC STB is to demonstrate compliance with the RCRA Permit, Title V Permit, and MACT emission limits while demonstrating at least a99.9999 % DRE for chloroberrzerle. To assess the quality of the data, a series of DQOs have been set for each method used for the analysis of samples collected during this STB. The DQOs, summarized in Annex A, will be used to evaluate the data generated during the STB. The data quality indicators produced to meet the DQOs will be evaluated against the data acceptance criteria identified in Annex A. These criteria identiff the target precision and accuracy limits that are used to assess the data quality. Annex A was developed using the criteria from the Region 6 guidance (2), EPA QA/G-5 (3), the QA/QC Handbook (4), and SW-846 (1). The Sampling Subcontractor QA Officer will review the STB field data. A complete assessment of the DQOs will be included in the STB report. The data quality will be discussed with regard to the planned DQOs and the overall project objectives. Data that are outside the QC limits will be evaluated relative to the overall project objectives to determine their impact on defining system performance. A discussion of this evaluation will be included in the STB report. Several procedures will be used for monitoring the precision and accuracy objectives of the analytical program. These procedures include: Sampling and analytical activities that will follow standard, referenced procedures whenever possible. Calibration standards, internal standards, laboratory control standards, and surrogate compounds that will be high-purity, commercially-available materials. Analytical instruments that will be calibrated per the reference method requirements prior to sample analysis to demonstrate that accurate performance levels are being met. Data precision and accuracy assessed by evaluating the results from the analysis of internal standards, laboratory blanks, calibration check standards, reagent blanks, method blanks, field and trip blanks, duplicate samples, and matrix or surrogate spiked samples. Sections 6.0 and 10.0 describe the project-specific QC sample types that will be analyzed, and list the sampling and analytical methods to which they will be applied. When analytical QC procedures reveal that a measurement error has exceeded the DQOs, the source of the deviation will be identified, and corrective action will be taken as described in Annex A. If data fall outside the DQOs for precision and accuracy, even after corrective action has been taken, those data points will be flagged and discussed specifically in the data validation report. Alternative procedures (either sampling or analytical) will be considered and recommended to the CAR when necessary. Any changes or additions will be submitted to the DAQ and DSHW for approval as soon as the need is identified. o IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 5.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2,2010 Page No.: 2 5.1 EVALUATION OF PRECISION Estimates of precision are different for each method, and method-specific precision DQOs are listed by method in Annex A. Estimates of variability levels for replicate measurements of the same parameters are expressed in terms of Relative Percent Difference (RPD) for duplicate samples and as Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) when three or more data points are being compared. Section 13.1 discusses how the estimates of method precision will be calculated. Some analyses require the evaluation of a larger data set, in which case, precision will be reported as RSD. Examples of large data sets that will be used to evaluate precision include surrogate spikes for VOC determinations. When the analytical results approach the detection limit, precision often is affected adversely because of the enhanced uncertainty of determinations at the lower end of the method applicability. For those determinations near the method detection limit, the precision estimates that are outside the target DQOs will be flagged as estimated measurements. ln cases where duplicates are performed, and one result is less than the Limit of Quantitation (LOQ), the average will be calculated using the LOQ; the result reported will be flagged to explain that the precision was not calculated. Precision data will be calculated and presented in the data validation report. Calculation of the precision for each analysis will be based on different criteria outlined in the QA/QC Handbook (4) and the analytical methods. The.precision for the halogen samples will be determined by the RPD calculated from the analysis of the Matrix Spikes and Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSD). The MS/MSD will be used because the field samples have a history of very low concentrations. The precision of the Sampling Method for Volatile Organic Compound (SMVOC) samples will be based on the RSD calculated from the Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) analysis. The results of the analysis of spiked samples will be used because of the historically-low concentrations of field samples. Precision for the metals emission samples will be based on the RPD of the LCS and duplicate analyses of one emission sample. Precision data for metals in the process samples will be based on MS/MSD and duplicate samples. The estimate for precision for the CEMS data will be as required by the CEMS Monitoring Plan in Attachment 20 to the TOCDF permit (5) for the ATLIC CEMS and 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, methods for the sampling subcontractor CEMS. 5.2 EVALUATION OF ACCURACY Accuracy will be expressed as a percent recovery (%R) for each method. The standard used to measure the %R is method dependent (see tables in Annex A). Additional audit samples may be submitted by DSHW and will act as an independent measure of accuracy. Analysis of an LCS will be assessed as a measure of accuracy; matrix effects on accuracy will be assessed using MS/MSD. A combination of LCS and MS/MSD analyses will be used to evaluate the accuracy of most analysis methods. An evaluation of the accuracy of organic compound analyses that use a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) will include the recovery of surrogate '?:3lll:l:'ffi Revision r",., l!ffiIrl zorl Page No.: 3 compounds spiked into each sample. Section 13.0 provides the accuracy calculations. Accuracy data will be presented in the data validation report. An assessment of accuracy on the SMVOC will include an evaluation of the analysis of the Tenax@ traps and the Anasorb@-747 traps analyzed separately to determine possible compound breakthrough to the Anasorb@-747 portion of the sampling hain. The analysis of an Anasorb@- 747 trap should indicate less than 30 percent of the compound concentration that is collected by the front two Tenax@ traps. Breakthrough of the compound to the Anasorb@-747 above this level may indicate a loss of the collection efficiency and result in a negative bias in the analytical result. This criterion does not apply when less than 75 nanograms (ng) are detected on the Anasorb@-747 fiibe. Calculation of the accuracy for each analysis will be based on different criteria taken from the QA/QC Handbook (a) and the analytical methods. Determinations of accuracy calculations will be as follows: For halogen samples, by the %R calculated from the analysis of the MSA{SD. For SMVOC samples, based on the %R calculated from the analysis of the LCS. For metals emission samples, based on the analysis of the LCS. For PCDD/PCDF analyses, taken from the LCS data. For the CEMS, as directed by Attachment20 (5). (The TOCDF CEMS are certified on an annual basis. This certification involves the measurement of calibration drift, response time, calibration error, and accuracy as measured against a known standard gas.) 5.3 EVALUATION OF COMPLETENESS Data completeness represents the percentage of valid data collected from a measurement system as compared to the total amount expected to be obtained under optimal or normal conditions. The completeness DQO for the ATLIC STB will be to obtain representative results for all analytical parameters while operating the unit at the desired test specifications for a total of three test runs. The completeness DQO (100 percent completeness) will be met if valid test runs are obtained. Samples resulting from runs that are judged to be invalid based on field indicators of incinerator performance (or aborted runs) will not be submitted to the laboratory for analysis and are not considered to be a part of the sample completeness objective. Sampling runs will be repeated until three runs are successfully completed. The impact of any occrurence of sample loss will be assessed against the objective of obtaining valid runs and will be discussed in the ATLIC STB Report.o TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 5.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2,2010 Page No.: 4 5.4 DETECTION AND REPORTING LIMITS The laboratories will prepare Method Detection Limit (MDL) and LOQs for parameters to be analyzed for the STB using the laboratory's standard operating procedures and the analytical methods referenced in this document. These limits will be compared to the actual analytical results in the final report. Analyes not detected in the analyses will be reported as less than (<) the LOQ. Analyes detected with a concentration between the MDL and the LOQ will be qualified as an estimate and reported. The laboratory conducting the analysis will determine the MDLs and LOQs. The LOQs for the STB parameters are included in Annex A. 5.5 REPRESENTATIYENESS AND COMPARABILITY Representativeness is defined as "the degree to which data accurately and precisely represent a characteristic of a population, parameter variations at a sampling point, process condition, or an environmental condition." Comparability is defined as "expressing the confidence with which one data set can be compared to another" as discussed in EPA QA/G-5 (3). The usefulness of the data is contingent upon meeting the criteria for representativeness and comparability. Wherever possible, reference methods and standard sampling procedures will be used. The representativeness DQO is that all measurements be representative of the media and operation being evaluated. The detailed requirements for each parameter given in their respective methods will be followed to ensure representative sampling. The comparability DQO is that all data resulting from sampling and analysis be comparable with other representative measurements made by the sampling subcontractor or another organization on this or similar processes operating under similar conditions. The use of published sampling and analyical methods, and standard reporting units will aid in ensuring the comparability of the data. TOCDF ATLIC STB TJliIl,Iil; ',? Revision ""' o"iT;.k.:o t ? 6.0 SAMPLING AND MONITORING PROCEDURES The ATLIC must demonstrate an ability to effectively incinerate the surrogate mixture such that human health and the environment are protected. The HWC MACT Limits establish the criteria against which applications for permits must be measured. The ATLIC STB will demonstrate that the operating parameters meet the required performance standards, and comply with the regulations. The STB will be considered successful when identified analysis and DRE fall within parameters stated in this QAPP. This section describes the process and exhaust gas sampling procedures to be performed and the equipment to be used during the ATLIC STB. The sample t1pes, sampling locations, and sample collection procedures will also be discussed. The sampling subcontractor will utilize EPA- approved sampling methods, if available, for the selected analyes. Any proposed modifications to approved methods or procedures will be presented to the DAQ and DSHW for approval prior to implementation and will be documented in the final report. Standard sampling equipment that meets EPA guidance will be used to collect the exhaust gas and process samples. An independent peer review is not included as part of this scope of work. A final readiness review will be performed by the subcontractor to ensure that the subcontractor has the appropriate manpower, equipment, and training in place before the start of this STB. 6.1 PRE-SAMPLING ACTIVITIES Many pre-sampling activities need to be completed before sampling can begin. These tasks include equipment calibration, glassware preparation, sample media preparation, team meetings, equipment packing and shipment, equipment setup, and finalization of all the miscellaneous details leading up to the coordinated initiation of the sampling program. 6.1.1 Calibration of Process Monitoring Equipment Calibration of the process control instruments is required on a regular basis. The calibration status of the ATLIC process control instruments at the time of the STB will be included in the ATLIC STB Report. The calibration frequency for the process control instruments is summarized in Table 2-2 of the ATLIC STB plan. 6.1.2 Sampling Equipment Calibration Section 8.0 discusses the calibration procedures for the sampling equipment. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 6.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2,201 0 Page No.: 2 6.1.3 Glassware Preparation The only consumables used in the ATLIC STB sampling will be the sample bottles, and the reagents used in the impingerg and for recovery of the samples. The sample containers will be purchased pre-cleaned to meet EPA criteria for clean containers, per specific container tlpe and purpose; a certificate will be provided with the containers to document compliance with these specifications. Sample train glassware and sample containers require specialized cleaning to avoid sample contamination from the collection containers or sampling equipment. Cleaning procedures for the sample train glassware are summarized below: . Method 5126A and Method 0010 glassware and containers: hot water rinse; hot, soapy water wash; water rinse; deionized (DI) water rinse; acetone rinse; and air dry. . Method 0023A glassware and containers: hot, soapy water wash; water rinse; DI water rinse; 400 "C heating for two hours; methylene chloride rinse; toluene rinse; and rinse with acetone and methylene chloride. . Method 29 glassware and containers: hot water rinse; hot, soapy water wash; water rinse; 10 percent nitric acid soak; DI water rinse; acetone rinse; and air dry. . Method 0031 glassware and containers: soap and water wash; DI water rinse; and oven dry at 150 'C for two hours. (SMVOC tubes prepared by Method 0031.) 6.1.4 Sample Media Preparation Reagents used in the laboratory are normally of analytical reagent grade, or higher, purity. Reagents will be labeled with the date received and the date opened. Reagent purity will be checked by collection of the appropriate blanks. All filters will be desiccated and properly tare- weighed prior to use. The SMVOC tubes will be supplied to the sampling subcontractor by the laboratory just prior to the field effort. Sorbents used for Method 0031 sampling will be prepared using two different methods. The Tenax@ tubes will be conditioned at 225 "C (t 10" C) with a > 100-ml/min flow of ultra-high-purity helium or nitrogen. The Anasorb@-747 itbes will be conditioned at 300 oC (t l0 "C) with a > 10O-ml/min flow of ultra-high-purity helium or nitrogen. Tubes will then be placed into 25- by 150-mm, clean culture tubes while still hot. Each batch of SMVOC tubes will be verified clean by a GC/MS analysis. A blank Tenax@ cartridge will be thermally desorbed into the GC/MS. The Tenax@ will not be considered acceptable if more than 50 ng of any target analytes are found. An Anasorb@-747 cartridge will be analyzedby GC/MS and evaluated using the same criteria. TOCDF ATLIC STB til',li,Ii;; '? Revision Date: Dec;T;;..?.1r, 3 The XAD-2@ traps and filters will be supplied to the sampling subcontractor by the laboratory just prior to the field effort. The XAD-2@ resin traps will be cleaned and conditioned as directed in the methods. An analysis of each batch of XAD-2@ resin will be provided before use as a QA/QC step. The resin used for the PCDD/PCDF sampling will be analyzed using a High Resolution Gas Chromatograph/High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRGC/HRMS) to ensure that the resin is contaminant free. 6.1.5 Additional Pre-Sampling Activities Prior to mobilization of the field program, a sample team meeting will be held to designate responsibilities to each team member for the ATLIC STB. Assignments will be made based on individual experience and the relative importance of the assigned task. Site setup will be the final pre-sampling activity. This task involves positioning the sampling equipment in the sampling area. During setup, preliminary measurements will be taken to determine exhaust gas moisture and flow rate. Preliminary exhaust gas moisture will be determined in accordance with EPA Method,4 (6), and preliminary flow rate measurements will be conducted using Methods 1 and 2 (6). These data will be used to calculate the appropriatenozzle size and sample flow rate to be used to accomplish isokinetic sampling. o 6.2 FIELD QUALTTY CONTROL ACTTVTTTES The QC checks for the process data collection and sampling aspects of this program will include, but are not limited to: . Using standardized forms and field notebooks to ensure completeness, traceability, and comparability of the process information and samples collected. . Field checking standardized forms to ensure accuracy and completeness. . Strictly adhering to the sample traceability procedures (i.e., COC) outlined in Section 7.2. . Submitting field-biased blanks, . Leak checking sample trains before and during port change and after sample collection. 6.2.1 Reagent Blanks Reagent blanks will be prepared by collecting reagents used in the sampling and recovery of the exhaust gas samples. Reagent blanks are defined as samples of the reagent source water, solvents, solutions, and other media used for sample collection. Reagent blank samples of 0.1 Normal (\) sulfuric acid (H2SO4), 0.1 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH), acetone probe rinse TOCDF ATLIC STB '-'il',lll)il; '? Revision Date: DeciT;;rr?.3r,1 solvent, and the particulate filter will be collected for the Method 5l26Atrains. The following reagent blank samples will be collected for the Method 29 train: 0.1 N nitric acid (HNOr) probe rinse solution, particulate filter, 5 percent HNOI and 10 percent hydrogen peroxide (HzOz) lmpinger solution, 4 percent potassium permanganate (KMnOo) *d 10 percent HzSOa, and 8 N HC1. Reagent blanks will be collected for the Method 0010 sampling train and the Method 00234 sampling train. The following reagent blanks will be collected for the Method 0010 trains: methylene chloride solvent rinses, particulate filter, XAD@-2 resin, and DI impinger water. The following reagent blanks will be collected for the Method 0023A trains: acetone, methylene chloride, and toluene solvent rinses, particulate filter, and XAD@-2 resin. Each reagent blank will be analyzed for the same analytical parameters as the actual ATLIC STB samples. The results from the analyses of these blanks will be used to demonstrate that these solvents, solutions, and filters are not potential sources of background contamination for sample collection and recovery. 6.2.2 Field Blanks Field blank samples will be collected during the ATLIC STB to provide a QC check on sample handling. Field blanks contain all the reagents used during the sample collection process. The field blank will be a sampling train assembled in the field, leak checked, let stand for the sample time, and then recovered as other trains. Field blank samples will be placed in appropriately- cleaned and sized sample containers in the field and handled in the same way as actual field samples, and analyzed by the same methods as the field samples. The DAQ and DSHW will be notified when the field blanks will be collected to allow them the opportunity to observe. 6.2.3 Trip Blanks Trip blanks will be used to check for contamination resulting from the shipping and transport of the samples to the laboratory. Trip blanks will consist of a set of clean, sealed SMVOC resin tubes and a pair of Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials filled with ASTM Type II DI water. These tubes and vials are transported from the analytical laboratory to the field site and returned to the laboratory for storage and analysis along with the field test samples. The trip blank data will demonstrate that the samples are not exposed to fugitive contamination during storage and transport. Trip blanks are analyzed for the same analytical parameters as the actual test samples, and will demonstrate good quality of background if the compound concentrations detected are < LOQ, as specified in the QA/QC Handbook (4). 6.2.4 Field Duplicates Duplicate samples of the surrogate mixture, metals spiking solution, baghouse residue, scrubber liquor, venturi scrubber liquor, and phosphoric acid solution will be collected during one t performance run as a QC step. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 6.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2,201 0 Page No.: 5 6.3 EXHAUST GAS SAMPLING The exhaust gas sampling will take place in the ATLIC exhaust stack. Monitoring with the ATLIC CEMS will be conducted by EG&G for CO, Oz, and NO*. The sampling subcontractor will sample for PM, HCl, Cl2, metals, VOCs, SVOCs, and PCDDs/PCDFs. Monitoring for THC will be done with CEMS operated by the sampling subcontractor. An exhaust gas molecular weight will be determined using Method 3 and an Orsat analyzer. Sampling will begin when the incinerator has reached steady-state operations on waste feed, and a run will not be started after 2:00 p.m. The Test Director or a designated representative will authorize the STC to begin sampling. Sampling will be stopped if the waste feed is stopped. To restart sampling, the surrogate mixture feed will be burned for 15 minutes, and if operating parameters are steady, sampling will be restarted. Sampling train problems will be analyzed on-site by the STC and the Test Director. If it can be shown that the samples collected are not significantly biased and the results are valid, the run will continue. If the decision is made to abort a performance run, the entire set of samples collected for that run will not be analyzed. If any corrective action is required during the field-sampling portion of a program, these actions will be reported to the STC prior to the sampling crew demobilizing from the field. If the STC determines that a run should be repeated, he makes the determination at that point and communicates this requirement to the Test Director. These problems and their resolution will be discussed with the DAQ and DSHW representatives. Exhaust gas sampling procedures and frequencies to be used during this STB are summarizedin Table ,4.-6-1. Sampling port locations for each train are shown in Drawing EG-22-D-8211in Attachment 4 to the Permit Modification. Five sampling trains will be used in five different ports in the stack and the exhaust gas samples will be collected over a four hour period. Other parameters will be determined using CEMS as shown in Table 4-6-1. The isokinetic trains will determine the gas flow rate and the moisture concentration. Leak checks of the sample trains will be conducted in accordance with the protocol in each method prior to sampling, during port change, and at the conclusion of sample collection. The DAQ and DSHW will have the option of observing these leak checks. The five trains and constituents to be sampled are: Metho d 5126A (6) for PM, HCl, and Clz) Metho dzg (6) for HHRA metals; Method 0010 (1) for SVOCs; Method 0023A (1) for PCDDs/PCDFs; and Method 003 1 (1) for VOCs. A0 O r - r O \ O H\ c , = ax U o^ i o - dz 'J z ,4 ES B, l< .- )< Gl tL . 9 . 9 ' 6 o r Fc i +- JCdca1Ho 'F t a's0)& t\-e\-el-)U) (,zHFl Fr=eOaUFaJl+ { t* (XFd a F{ I \o I FdJFEFr ,, . , . : , : ' . .' , . , . , i. ' ,: , : , : .. r H ,, ,, . . . t . , .. . '' , lJ . , ,. : : 1 Q r :i . , l ,. * | :: , ,: : : : : "; ( , ) '. , a A , ' ' F' l . LI .. : .. 8 L. : : i: 'Q 'i f i ' ; .( J . r: , , r, ,, ' , , , V : , , ,A : E , ,: !) i: : ' i i6 -t { ' a&F r . . E .d : t, ' - , i ' , , 1 i , ,E {, , , ' n 7 , , ,, $ l . ar ' , . 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A' . , d\o&fJ rUO=f , X '1 5 trOa. A- , . i\o&tJ r ()O.t X 'o F. { (. )P. . , P.d\o&tr {UO$ X€H0)P. , . A. O\o&tr <UO-t caOO€oo6 \o$oo IBa OOO€oOi.f , oo !Ba c{ ^ )NOOrOo() \o.too IBa \nONl- {o)- i l- { .eO(d X 'd l- <OA. P- . , O\o&tJ <UO.t rE aF r }. i . .- l hl rE, : € 4 ,6 ) :, ,, A : . F+ ( ol. - {o0<Oal- {0) CO l- {F >)Oo(, )OR c{oQEl- { (dc\o ol- { .J - , aoadca03XH NU'( , t- , . cdUFr . t acdO&*{ rJ { aUc aUca afJ {oUEaacUo< xoz'r c tr(doUc!o U)l {F r Q. [ , : , l, , ;L l .. t l . r l . .. .: :. 1 :- 1 . : : : : ,A ' , I :l r - l : : L{ .' | ! ! l . .; l t ,. H , 1' - ,, L , bY ,C i . , . , - L v) ' , ? 'o oO2. , C{ '- o o5'O caEo+- ,o atr6J trFo()tr J4oa \n€oo \oN.c , o+)() o\N'. o o-q+- ) () caOO€oo OOO.do{- )o caC{OO'. o oO arI ]U aHU TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 6.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: Decemb er 2,201 0 Page No.: 7 6.3.1 Method 0031 for Volatile Organic Compounds The VOCs will be sampled using SW-846, Method 0031, "sampling Method for Volatile Organic Compounds (SMVOC)" (l). The SMVOC draws exhaust gas through a series of three sorbent traps. Four sets of traps will be collected per run. Sampled gas will be passed through each set of traps for about 40 minutes. The sorbent traps will be conditioned as described in Method 003 1 . The collection of the four sets of traps will result in 1 60 minutes of sampling, which exceeds the 120 min the method specifies as a minimum. The SMVOC probe removes exhaust gas from the duct at a probe temperature of 130 oC + 5 oC (266 "F + 9 'F) during sampling. The exhaust gas passes through a condenser and two traps containing about 1.6 grams of Tenax@ resin each. The exhaust gas then passes through a knockout flask that collects condensed water. Following that, the gas passes through a second condenser and through the third trap containing about 5 grams of Anasorb@-747. Each water- cooled condenser is arranged so that condensate will drain vertically through the traps. The traps are arrarLged in series, so the majority of the compounds will be trapped on the Tenax@ resin.. The Anasorb@-747 in the third trap will retain the gaseous compounds. New Teflon@ sample transfer lines will be used for the ATLIC STB, and the sampling train will use greaseless fittings and connectors. The exhaust gas will be sampled at approximately 0.5 Llmin (20 L/sample). Analyses of the SMVOC tubes will follow SW-846, Method 50414 (1). The condensate collected in the SMVOC flask will be transferred to a 28-mL or 40-mL VOA vial with Teflon@-lined septa, The flask will be rinsed three times and the rinse transferred to the VOA vial. The vial will then be filled to the top rvith organic-free water. The condensate will be analyzed using Method 82608. The laboratory performing the analyses will supply the SMVOC tubes. The tubes contain gas- chromatography-quality Tenax@ and Anasorb@-747. These tubes will be used without further cleanup. The tubes will meet the "blank" criteria and will be consistent with the requirements of the method. The supplier will provide an analysis for each batch of SMVOC tubes used. Extra sorbent tubes will be taken to the sampling site to serve as field blanks and trip blanks. One pair of SMVOC tubes, designated as a field blank, will be removed from their containers, attached to the sampling train, and leak checked. The field blank tubes will be recovered and stored for transport in the same manner as the sample-exposed tubes. A field blank will be collected for each run. One set of tubes will act as a trip blank and will not be opened at the site. All of the blanks will be analyzed by the same method as the actual samples. The SMVOC tubes will be stored at < 10 oC and away from other samples, both before and after sampling, to minimize potential contamination. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 6.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: Decemb er 2,2010 Page No.: 8 6.3.2 Method 1 to Determine Duct Traverse Sampling Points The number and location of the exhaust gas sampling points will be determined according to the procedures outlined in Method l, "sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources" (6). The sampling locations and the number of sampling traverse points must meet the criteria specified in EPA Method 1. 6.3.3 Method2 to Determine Exhaust Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate The exhaust gas velocity and volumetric flow rate will be determined using Method 2, "Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow (Type S Pitot tube)" (6). Velocity measurements will be made using Tlpe S pitot tubes, which will be calibrated by conforming to the geometric specifications outlined in Method 2 or in a wind tunnel against a standard pitot. The differential pressures will be measured with fluid manometers, and the gas temperatures will be measured with chromel-alumel thermocouples equipped with digital readouts. 6.3.4 Exhaust Gas Moisture Content The exhaust gas moisture content will be determined in conjunction with each isokinetic sampling train as directed in Method 5 (6). The impingers will be connected in series and will contain reagents as described in the following sections. The impingers will be placed in an ice bath to condense the moisture in the exhaust gas sample. Any moisture that is not condensed in the impingers is captured in the silica gel. Moisture will be determined from impingers' weights. 6.3.5 Combined Method 5126A for Particulate Matter and Halogens A combined train will be used to determine concentrations of PM, HCl, and Cl2. Sample collection will be conducted as directed by Method 5 (6). A quartz-fiber or Teflon@ mat filter will be used. The filter will be weighed before sampling and after desiccating as directed in Method 5. Nozzles, probe liners, and filter holders will be rinsed thoroughly prior to testing. Samples will be collected for a minimum of four hours. The impinger configurations used in the train are: Impinger 1: Condensate impinger containing 50 mL of 0.1 N H2SO4. Impingers 2 and 3: Greenburg-Smith impingers containing 100 mL of 0.1 N HzSO+. Impingers 4 and 5: Modified Greenburg-Smith impingers containing 100 mL of 0.1 N NaOH. Impinger 6: Modified Greenburg-Smith impinger containing silica gel. TOCDF ATLIC STB 'f:iff"Iii:, '? Revision Date: Decembet^*.1r, 3 The sample is withdrawn isokinetically from the exhaust gas, while the temperature of the sample probe and the filter housing are maintained at248 "F (+ 25 "F). The sampling runs will be performed within t l0% of isokinetic conditions. The probe rinse and the material collected in the filter housing will be used to determine the PM emissions. Reagent blanks will be analyzed. The field blank will be collected as directed by the method, and the recovered field blank samples will be analyzed the same as the other trains. This method does not require the sample fractions to be cooled. An ion chromatograph (IC) will be used to analyze the impinger solutions. The HCI emissions will be determined from the analysis of the HzSO+ impinger solutions, and the C12 emissions are determined from the analysis of the NaOH impingers. Chlorine is absorbed by the basic solution and disassociates to form sodium chloride and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). The sample recovery of the NaOH impingers will include the addition of sodium thiosulfate (NazSzOr) to reduce anyNaOCl to chloride ion. This will result in 2 moles of chloride ion for each mole of Cl2 present in the exhaust gas sample. 6.3.6 Method 0010 for Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds The SW-846, Method 0010 (1), will be used to collect a minimum sample volume of 120 dscf of exhaust gas for SVOCs. The exhaust gas is extracted isokinetically from ports in the horizontal duct through a glass nozzle and a borosilicate glass-lined probe. Sampling train connections will be Teflon@ and glass. The PM is removed from the gas sample by a glass fiber filter housed in a glass filter holder maintained at248 oF (+ 25 'F). The sample gas passes through a water-cooled condenser and into the XAD@-2 sorbent trap that collects the SVOCs; the condenser and XAD@-2 sorbent trap are arranged to allow the condensate to drain vertically through the trap. The gas temperature at the entrance to the resin trap will be maintained below 68 'F. The chilled impinger train removes water from the exhaust gas, and a dry gas meter then measures the sample volume. Mobile laboratory trailers will be used for sample train assembly and recovery. Recovery of the Method 0010 samples and assembly of the sample trains will be conducted in an environment that is free from uncontrolled dust. Containers used for the recovered samples will be labeled during recovery procedures. After sample recovery, the sample fractions will be cooled at< 4 "C until they are shipped. The sample fractions will be recorded on COC forms, packed in ice, and shipped to the laboratory for analysis. The samples will be processed for analysis within the holding-time requirements described in Section 7.0. Blanks of each solvent lot used will be saved for potential analysis. A field blank will be prepared and recovered as directed by the method. The field blank will be leak checked and then allowed to sit for the sampling time of the train. The recovered samples will be shipped to the laboratory and analyzed in the same manner as the other trains. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 6.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 10 6.3.7 Method 0023A for PCDDs/PCDFS Method 00234 (1) will be used to sample the exhaust gas for PCDDs/PCDFs during each performance run. The Method 0023A sample train will collect exhaust gas for four hours. The minimum sample volume collected will be 120 dry standard cubic feet (dscf). The exhaust gds is extracted isokinetically through ports in the horizontal duct using a heated borosilicate glass- lined probe. Sampling train connections are made with Teflon@ and glass. The PM is removed by a glass fiber filter housed in a glass filter holder maintained at248 'F (+ 25 oF). For removal of the organic compounds, the sample gas passes through a water-cooled condenser and XAD- 2@ sorbent trap, which are arranged in a manner that allows the condensate to drain vertically through the XAD-2@ trap. The gas temperature at the entrance to the resin trap will be maintained below 68 oF. A chilled impinger train is used to remove water from the exhaust gas, and a dry gas meter will be used to measure the sample gas volume. Recovery of the Method 0023A samples and assembly of the sample trains will be conducted in a dust-controlled environment of mobile laboratories. The samples will be processed for analysis within the holding time requirements described in Section 7.0. After sample collection, the recovered sample fractions will be cooled at < 4 oC until they are shipped to the laboratory for analysis. Samples received at the laboratory will be combined into two sample fractions for analysis. One fraction will contain the probe rinse and the filter extract with surrogates added to the filter. The second fraction will contain the XAD-2@ extract and the back half rinse with field surrogates added to the XAD-2@ resin before sampling. Blanks of each solvent lot used will be saved for potential analysis. A field blank will be prepared and recovered as directed by the method. The field blank will be leak checked and then allowed to sit for the sampling time of the train. The recovered samples will be shipped to the laboratory and analyzed in the same manner as the recovered samples from the other trains. 6.3.8 Method29 for Metals Metal emissions will be sampled using Method 29 (6). The setup, pretest preparations, and leak- check procedures are the same as outlined in Method 5 (6). Nozzles, probe liners, and filter holders will be rinsed thoroughly prior to testing. Samples will be collected for a minimum of four hours. Impinger configurations are: . Impinger 1: Empty, modified Greenburg-Smith, to serve as a knockout. . Impinger 2: Modified Greenburg-Smith containing 100 mL of 5 o/o HNO: and l0 % HzOz. . Impinger 3: Greenburg-Smith containing 100 mL of 5 YoHNO3/10 %oHzOz. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 6.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: l1 Impinger 4: Empty, modified Greenburg-Smith. Impingers 5 and 6: Modified Greenburg-Smith containing 100 mL each of 4 % KMnO+ and 10 o/oHzSOa,. . Impinger 7: Modified Greenburg-Smith containing silica gel. The sample train will be recovered as directed by Method29 (6). The front half of the train is rinsed with 0.1 N HNO3 including the probe nozzle, probe liner, and front half of the filter holder into a tared sample bottle. When the rinse is complete, the bottle is capped and the weight of rinse is recorded on the field sample recovery sheet. Then 100 mL of acid is placed in a second wash bottle and used to rinse the back half of the filter housing, the transfer line, and the first three impingers. These rinses are added to the impinger contents, the bottles capped, and the weight of acid used in the rinse recorded on the field sample recovery sheet. The fourth impinger will be recovered separately with a 0.1 N nitric acid rinse. Impingers 5 and 6 will be rinsed with KMnO+ impinger solution, and DI water. These rinses will be combined with the collected impinger catch from these two impingers, which are then rinsed with 8 N HCI; this rinse is kept separate. Six sample fractions will be analyzed from the Method 29 train. The front-half fraction consists of the acid digestion of the filter and the rinse of the probe, nozzle, and filter holder front half. The back-half fraction consists of the contents of the first three impingers and their rinses along with the rinse of the back half of the filter holder. These two fractions will be analyzed for the HHRA metals. Impinger 4 and its rinse will be analyzed for mercury only. lmpingers 5 and 6 and their rinses will be analyzed for mercury only, and the acid rinse of impingers 5 and 6 will also be analyzed separately for mercury only as well. The sample fractions are acid solutions, and the acid will preserve the samples. Method 29 (6) does not require cooling the samples, so they will be shipped without cooling. The reagent blanks will be prepared as directed by Method 29. The reagent blanks are analyzed to determine if significant amounts of metals are added through the reagents. The reagent blank will be used to make the corrections called for in Sections 12.6 and 12.7 of Method 29. A field blank will be prepared with the same components as a regular train and recovered using the same reagent amounts. The field blank willbe leak checked and then allowed to sit for the sampling time. Recovered samples will be aralyzed using the same methods as field samples. 6.3.9 Continuous Emissions Monitoring The ATLIC CEMS operated by EG&G will be used to monitor the CO, Oz, and NO* concentrations. The operation, calibration procedures, and preventive maintenance procedures for the CEMS are described in Attachment}} of the TOCDF RCRA Permit (5), which also describes specific locations, sampling frequencies, and the speoific tlpes of instrumentation for each monitoring station. Attachment2) of the TOCDF RCRA Permit (5) describes the TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 6.0 Revision r",r, $ll'##)rl ;0, I Page No.: 12 monitoring system that is used to provide continuous operational control of the ATLIC and to meet the requirements listed in the RCRA Permit and Title V Permit. A Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) will be conducted prior to the STB ai directed by the HWC MACT regulations. The CO, 02, and NO* CEMS data will be recorded continuously during each test. The sampling ports for the monitors are located in the ATLIC stack. The CO concentration will be determined using two monitors identified as 819-AIT-8302A/8. The Oz concentration will be determined using two monitors identified as 819-AIT-8301A/B. The NO* concentration will be determined using two monitors identified as 819-AIT-8304A/B. These monitors will be checked against zero and span checks to veriff the CEMS data quality. If the zero and span checks indicate unacceptable CEMS results for accuracy and precision, then the monitor will be recalibrated according to the manufacturer's specifications. The Facility Control System (FCS) will record the CEMS data, which will be used for Oz corrections. Each year, the CEMS are certified by on-site testing and calibrations. Guidelines are delineated in a quality control plan and laboratory operating procedure for each CEMS. In addition to the annual certification, an Absolute Calibration Audit (ACA) will be conducted quarterly as directed by the HWC MACT regulations. The QC plans, including bounds, calibration frequency, and procedures, are discussed in Attachment}} of the TOCDF RCRA Permit (5). The THC concentrations will also be monitored using CEMS operated by the sampling subcontractor. The THC CEMS will be calibrated as directed in Methodzs (6). An exhaust gas molecular weight will be calculated using Method 3 and an Orsat analyzer. The Method 3 sample will use a sample line from one of the isokinetic sample probes and an integrated sample will be collected over each run. 6.4 PROCESS SAMPLING Table A-6-2lists the process streams, analyses to be performed, sampling method, sampling frequencies, and sample volumes. The process samples will be collected using ASTM lnternational (ASTM) methods. Liquid samples will be collected from taps provided for sample collection and residue samples will be taken using scoops. Field duplicates of the scrubber liquor, baghouse residue, and surrogate mixture samples will be collected during one run. 6.4.1 Process Stream Sampling Locations Process streams sampled as part of the ATLIC STB include the surrogate mixture feed, metals spiking solution, phosphoric acid solution, process water, scrubber liquor, and venturi scrubber liquor. Surrogate mixture samples will be collected from a valve in the feed lines. The phosphoric acid solution in the SDS tank will be mixed before collection of the sample. A grab sample of the phosphoric acid solution will be taken from the SDS tank during the run. If additional phosphoric acid or other material is added to the SDS tank, then new samples will be collected. IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 6.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: Decemb er 2, 2010 Page No.: l3 TABLF, A-6-2. PROCESS SAMPLES TO BE COLLECTED l:. :.'.. . ... .'.:.'.. :' Sampling ,N[ethro,d i Vo:lume Scrubber Liquor * PH, HHRA Metals, VOCs, SVOCs, PCDDs/PCDFs, Tup, ASTM Method D3370 One Sample per Run Three 40-mL VOA vials, one 250-mL, one 500-mL, and two 1-L bottles Venturi Scrubber Liquor * pH, HHRA Metals, VOCs, SVOCs, PCDDs/PCDFs, Tup, ASTM Method D3370 One Sample per Run Three 40-mL VOA vials, one 250-mL, one 500-mL, and two I -L bottles Phosphoric acid solution* HHRA Metals, VOCs, SVOCs, PCDDs/PCDFs Tup, ASTM Method D3370 One Sample per Run Three 40-mL VOA vials, one 500-mL and two 1-L bottles Process Water TDS, HHRA Metals, VOCs, SVOCs, PCDDs/PCDFs Tup, ASTM Method D3370 One Sample per STB Three 40-mL VOA vials, one 500-mL and two 1-L bottles Baghouse Residue* HHRA Metals, VOCs, SVOCs, PCDDs/PCDFs Grab, ASTM D5633 One Sample per Run Two VOA vials and two 500-mL bottles Metals Spiking Solution* HHRA Metals Tup, ASTM Method D3370 Two Samples per Run Two 250-mL bottles Surrogate Mixfure* HHRA Metals, chlorobenzene, and tetrachloroethene Tup, ASTM Method D3370 Two Samples per Run Two 250-mL bottles * One run will have a duplicate set of samples collected. TOCDF ATLIC STB T;"j',11")i;;, '? Revision Date: Decemtiij: rrll The scrubber liquor samples will be taken via taps on the side of the sump. Samples of the surrogate mixture will be collected from taps on the liquid delivery system at a location that will prevent fluctuations in the delivery pressure or flow of the solution. The process water sample will be taken from a tap on the water line. 6.4.2 Tap Sampling Method Liquid process samples will be collected using the method described by the ASTM Method D3370 (7). These samples will be collected by attaching a sample line to the tap and flushing the sample line. The flush will be managed in accordance with applicable EPA and DSHW regulations. Separate sub-sample bottles are used for each sample. To collect a liquid process sample, the sample line is inserted into the sample container, and the tap is opened to allow the sample bottles to be filled without splashing the sample. The VOA vials will be filled in a l-min time to reduce the loss of VOCs from the sampling container. This method ensures that the actual material collected is representative of the stream. The surrogate mixture will be sampled each run during the first 30 minutes of the run and a second collected during the final 60 minutes of the run. The metals spiking solution samples will be collected at the same times. Scrubber liquor samples will be collected during the final 60 minutes of the run. The process water sample will be collected during one run. 6.4.3 Residue Sampling Method After the run has been completed, the drum on the baghouse residue collection system will be removed and a new drum placed on the collection system. A representative sample of the residues will be removed from the drum with a laboratory scoop or sample thief using ASTM Method 5633 (8) and placed in amber glass bottles with Teflon@-lined lids. The remaining residue will be consolidated with other residues and properly managed. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 6.0 Revision r.,., ll['##)rl ro,I Page No.: 15 6.5 PROCESS MONITORTNG EQUIPMENT Process electronic data output will be monitored carefully by incinerator operators to maintain steady-state operating conditions during the ATLIC STB. Process monitoring equipment will be inspected and calibrated periodically. EG&G will be responsible for collecting operations data, the permit-required monitoring information, and system operating data in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The process data to be collected includes: . Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC) exhaust gas temperature and PCC pressure; . Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) exhaust gas temperature and SCC exhaust gas delta pressure; . Surrogate Mixture feed rate and phosphoric acid feed rate; . Scrubber liquor pH; . Quench exhaust gas temperature; . Venturi delta pressure and venturi scrubber liquor flow; . Scrubber liquor flow and pressure to the packed bed scrubbers; and . CO concentration, 02 concentration, and NO* concentration. 6.6 POST-SAMPLING ACTIVITIES Any wastes generated during sample collection will be handled in a safe manner. Liquid wastes will be placed in appropriately-sized containers at a satellite collection point. TOCDF ATLIC STB 'i:T;J"*",'? Revision Date: Decembeir?.rrl 7.0 SAMPLE HANDLING, TRACEABILITY, AND HOLDING TIMES This section describes the sample preservation methods, holding times, field documentation and shipping requirements. Process stream samples will be collected by the TOCDF Monitoring personnel with the exception of the surrogate mixture samples and the metals spiking samples which will be collected by the spiking subcontractor. Exhaust gas samples will be collected by the sampling subcontractor. 7.1 SAMPLE PRESERVATION AND HOLDING TIMES Requirements for preserving samples and holding times were taken from Table 3-1 in SW-846 (1) and the QC Handbook (4), and are shown in Table A-7-1. The sampling and packaging technicians will preserve the samples as directed by Table A-7-1. Samples requiring cooling will be maintained at < 4 "C until shipped in a cooler packed with ice, and sample temperatures will be monitored upon receipt at the laboratory. The Method29 train samples will be in acid solutions from the sample recovery, and additional acid will not be added for preservation. Holding times will be monitored by keeping track of the time following sample collection. Samples will be delivered or shipped to the laboratory as necessary to meet the holding times for the sample analyses. 7.2 DOCUMENTATION The following subsections present the requirements for labeling, maintaining the COC, and handling environmental samples. Recording information necessary for reconstruction of the sampling event will be discussed. Entries made on the following documents will use the error correction protocol of drawing one line through the error, then initialing and dating the change. Documentation will be made available to the DAQ and DSHW upon request. 7.2.1 Sample Labels Sample labels are necessary to prevent misidentification of samples. Therefore, the samples collected by the sampling subcontractor will be labeled following a designated code system developed by the STC for this project. Samples will be sealed and the volume of the sample marked. The data from each sample run will be recorded on a run sheet during each performance run, and after each run, the data will be checked for completeness. The sampling subcontractor will then complete the appropriate COC forms to be sent to the laboratory. rOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 7 ,0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 2 TABLE A-7.1. SAMPLE PRESERVATION AND HOLDING TIMES Process Streams (Resid ue) Metals I p:H<z I | (Unpreserved) | 6 months (28 days Hg) I 28 days (14 days Hg) I VOCs Cool (< 4 "C)14 days SVOCs Cool (< 4 'C)Extract 14 days, Analyze 45 days PCDDs/PCDFs Cool (< 4 "C)Extract 30 days, Analyze 45 days Exhaust Gas Method 5 - PM None Required 28 days Method26A- Sulfuric Acid Solutions No Additional Required 28 days Method26A- Sodium Hydroxide Solutions 2mL of 0.5 M NazSzO:28 days Metho d 29 No Additional Required 28 days SMVOC Tubes and Condensate Cool (< 4 "C)14 days Method 0010 Cool (< 4 "C)Extract 14 days, Analyze 45 days Method 0023A Cool (< 4 "C)Extract 30 days, Analyze 45 days Gummed-paper labels or tags wiil be used to identify the samples. The labels will include at least the following information: A sample number, including a sample code that distinguishes field samples, duplicates, or blanks where appropriate. A signature or the initials of the sample collector. The date and time of collection. IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 7 .0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: Decemb er 2,20 I 0 Page No.: 3 . The incinerator designator and trial run number. . The type of preservative used, or "None," as applicable. Labels will be affixed to sample containers prior to, or at the time of, sampling. However, the labels will be filled out at the time of sample collection. 7.2.2 Sample Seals Sample seals are used to detect improper handling of samples from the time of sample collection through the time of analysis. Items such as gummed paper seals and custody tape will be used for this purpose. Signed and dated seals will be attached so that they must be broken to open either the individual sample containers or shipping containers. Seals will be affixed to containers before the samples leave the custody of the sampling personnel. 7 .2.3 Chain-of-Custody Forms The purpose of COC procedures is to document the identity of the sample and its handling, from collection through all transfers of custody. To establish the documentation necessary to trace sample possession from the time of collection, a COC record must be filled out and accompany every sample or group of individually identified samples A designated field technician will take custody, sign the COC forms, and deliver the samples to the laboratory. The field technician will sign the appropriate forms relinquishing custody, and the laboratory representative will sign the form indicating that they have taken custody of the samples. Examples of the sampling subcontractor's COC forms and other sampling documentation can be found in Annex B. When a sample arrives at the laboratory, an individual with the COC authority who is trained in the laboratory sample receiving and control methods will take custody of the samples. The sample coolers will be opened by the sample custodian or designee and logged into the master sample log. A laboratory internal COC form will be completed, and the sample will be placed in locked storage. Laboratory analysts will sign out samples prior to analysis. The sample custodian will use a standard form to record the location of the sample and any transfers of the sample to analytical personnel. The laboratory sample custodian will keep the form until the project is complete. The forms will then be transferred to the Document Control Center with the project file. The COC for the sampling trains will be established when the sampling crew take possession of the sample train components. Either the entire sampling crew handling the train or just one person may be listed on the train COC. The person recording the data will sign the COC for the sample when it reaches the sampling location. The person or persons transporting the sampling train to the sample recovery laboratory will sign the COC. When the sample train reaches the TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 7.0 Revision ru,.' J.t"'.',ilf l)l;, i Page No.: 4 recovery laboratory, the laboratory chemist will check in the sample. Each person who has custody of the samples fractions signs the COC when the fractions are all received. In addition, the chemist will then begin a new COC when the fractions have been correctly recovered, labeled, and sealed. The COC for the process samples will be filled out at the end of each performance run. Before that point, the samples will remain in the possession of the person collecting the samples. The samples may be secured in a cooler with the COC taped to the cooler until the performance run is completed. The samples will be secure because sample collection takes place in a high-security area. Personnel in the area must have a security clearance or be escorted by a security-cleared person before they are allowed within the double-fenced area. Only authorized personnel are allowed into the areas where the samples are held until shipment to the laboratory. Each person who has custody of the samples must sign the COC form, which must contain the fo llowing information : . The sample identification number; . The date and time of sample collection; . The signature or initials of the sample collector; . The matrix type; . The number of containers; . The signatures of persons in the COC; and . The date and time of each change in custody. 7.3 SAMPLE TRANSPORT TO THE LABORATORY Samples will be packaged and shipped according to U.S. Department of Transportation and EPA regulations, and delivered to the laboratory so that the requested analyses can be performed within the specified allowable holding time. The samples will be accompanied by the COC record and a sample analyses request form. The request form will list the variables to be analyzed by the laboratory, and the total number and types of samples shipped for analysis. Authorized laboratory personnel will acknowledge receipt of shipment by signing and dating the COC form, and returning a copy to the Sampling Subcontractor QA Officer. TOCDF ATLIC STB 'fjillil)ft; '? Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 1 8.0 SPECIFIC CALIBRATION PROCEDURES AND F'REQUENCY This section contains information and details pertaining to the calibration of both the process monitoring systems and the exhaust gas sampling equipment. 8.1 PROCESS MONITORING EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION Process control inskuments are calibrated on a regular basis as directed in the Instrument Calibration Plan (9). The calibration status of the ATLIC process control instruments at the time of the ATLIC STB will be summarizedinthe final report. The calibrations will be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The monitoring equipment calibrated will be specified in the Appendix D tables IATLIC Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff (AWFCO) tables]. These instruments include: The PCC temperature transmitters; The SCC temperature transmitters; The venturi differential pressure; The scrubber liquor flow meter; and The pH meters. Most of these instruments are on a regular schedule of calibration of every 180 to 360 days. The pH meters are on a weekly schedule for calibration. The monitoring equipment calibrated is specified in the above mentioned tables in Appendix D. 8.2 EXHAUST GAS SAMPLING EQUIPMENT The sampling subcontractor will calibrate the field sampling equipment before the ATLIC STB and verify the calibration afterwards. When the STC personnel arrive on site, they will provide copies of the calibration data to EG&G. The subcontractor will maintain an up-to-date list of sampling equipment, including serial numbers and pertinent calibration data. Posttest calibrations and equipment checks will be provided to EG&G before the subcontractor removes the equipment from the site. Calibration procedures will follow guidelines provided by EPA (10). TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 8.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: Decemb er 2,2010 Page No.: 2 The calibrations and checks will be performed as directed below: Probe Nozzles - Using a micrometer, measure the inside diameter of the nozzle to the nearest 0.001 inch (0.025 mm). Make measurements at three separate places across the diameter, and obtain the average of the measurements. The maximum difference should not exceed 0.004 inch (0.1 mm). Inspect for damage after sampling. Pitot Tubes - Measure for appropriate spacing and dimensions or calibrate in a wind tunnel. The rejection criteria are provided on the calibration sheet. Inspect for damage after sampling. Thermocouples - Verify against a mercury-in-glass thermometer at three points; including the anticipated measurement range. Acceptance limits are: impingers, + 2 'F; dry gas meter, + 5.4 "F; and duct, * 1.5 percent of the duct temperature. Dry Gas Meters - Calibrate in accordance with EPA Method 5 (6). Acceptance criteria: pre-test Yc, + 5 percent of the calculated average Y. Balance - Service and certify annually by the manufacturer. Prior to obtaining first weights, confirm accuracy by placing a known S{ype weight on the balance. Balances will be used for weighing the impingers and samples before sending them to the laboratory. 8.3 CALIBRATION OF CONTINUOUS EMISSION MONITORING SYSTEMS System checks will be performed on each of the CEMS analyzers(CO, Oz and NO*) on a daily basis. Detailed information on the calibration of the CEMS is available in Attachment20 of the TOCDF RCRA Permit (5). The CO CEMS are zero span checked daily as directed by Attachment 20 (5). The Oz CEMS are zero span checked on a daily basis as directed by Attachment 20 (5). The NO* CEMS are zero span checked daily as directed by Attachment20 (s). The THC CEMS operated by the sampling subcontractor will be calibrated before the ATLIC STB and checked on a daily basis. The calibration drift will be limited to less than 3 o/o of the span and the calibration error will be limited to less than 5 oh of the value. The THC CEMS response time will be less than or equal to 2.0 minutes. TOCDF ATLIC STB ti'.T;"X""".,'? Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 1 9.0 ANALYTICAL OBJECTIVES AND PROCEDURTS This section describes the analytical procedures to be used to analyze the samples collected during the ATLIC STB. The analyical methods to be used include GC/MS, HRGC/IIRMS, IC, Inductively Coupled Plasma/IVlass Spectrometer (ICP/I\4S), and Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (CVAAS). The QA procedures for this will follow the basic guidelines given in the methods or the QA/QC Handbook (4). Should a failure in the analytical system occur, the laboratory will notiff EG&G immediately. Any corrective actions will be as directed by Annex A and EG&G. Table A-9-1 presents a summary of the analytical methods to be used. The laboratories will prepare the sorbents (Tenax@, Anasorb@-747, and XAD-2@) for gas sampling, prepare the QC samples, and analyze the samples. Laboratory QC samples will include method blanks, blank spikes (as calibration checks and LCS), matrix spikes, and replicates. These will be performed as required by the methods or at least one round of samples per batch and one round every twenty samples. The field blank will be a sampling train assembled in the field, leak checked, let stand for the sample time, and then recovered as other trains. Table A-9-2lists the expected number of field samples, field blanks,.and trip blanks to be analyzed. Table A-9-2 assumes the following for: . Method 0031 (SMVOC) samples - Four sets of three tubes collected for 40 minutes, for a total of 160 minutes, plus a field blank set per run and a trip blank pair for each shipment of samples. Analyses will be for VOCs. . Method 0023A samples - One set of samples per run, plus one field blank per STB. Analyses will be for PCDDs/PCDFs. . Method 29 samples - One set of samples per run, plus one field blank per STB. Analyses will be for the HHRA metals. . Method 5126A samples - One set of samples per run, plus one field blank per STB. Analyses will be for PM, HCl, and Cl2. . Liquid Samples - The scrubber liquor samples will be collected during the final 60 minutes of the run. A phosphoric acid sample will be collected for each run. One duplicate set of scrubber liquor will be collected during one run. The scrubber liquor samples will be analyzed for total HHRA metals, VOCs, SVOCs, and PCDDs/PCDFs. . Baghouse Residue Samples - The residue sample will be collected after the run. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2,201 0 Page No.: 2 TABLE A-9-1. ANALYTICAL ME,THODS VOCs Tenax@, Anasorb@-7 47 SMVOC Condensate Method 5041A Method 5041A182608 SVOCs XAD-2@/filter/ rinse/impinger contents Method 3542 Method 8270C PCDDs/PCDFs XAD-2@/filter/rinse Method 0023A Method 0023 A18290 Particulate Matter (PM)Filter/rinse Method 5 Method 5 HCI and C12 Impinger solutions Method 26A Method 9057 HHRA Metals Filter, rinse, impinger solution Method 29 Methods 6020 and 7 470A Chloroberuene and Tetrachloroethene Surrogate mixture Method 3585 Method 82608 HHRA Metals Metals spiking solution and phosphoric acid solution Method 30508 Method 602011470A Phosphate Phosphoric acid solution Method 9056,4.Method 90564 TDS Process water Method 2540 (11)Method 2540 (11) VOCs Baghouse residue Methods 5035A/5030B Method 82608 SVOCs Baghouse residue Method 3540C Method 8270C VOCs Process water and scrubber liquors Method 50308 Method 82608 SVOCs Process water and scrubber liquors Method 3 5 10C Metho d 8210C PCDDs/PCDFs Scrubber liquors and baghouse residue Method 8290 Method 8290 HHRA Metals Process water, scrubber liquors, and baghouse residue Methods 3010A/3050B, 7 470A Methods 60201 7470A IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2,2010 Page No.: 3 TABLE A-9-2. NUMBER OF SAMPLES* : :,i S:ampIe iATtil.c niela Method 003 1 t2 0 3 3 Method 0010 3 0 1 0 Method 00234 3 0 I 0 Method 5126A 3 0 I 0 Method 29 3 0 1 0 Process Water I 0 0 0 Scrubber Liquor 3 I 0 0 Venturi Scrubber Liquor 3 I 0 0 Baghouse Residue 3 1 0 0 Phosphoric Acid Solution 3 1 0 0 Metals Spiking Solution 6 1 0 0 Surrogate Mixture 6 1 0 0 *Method blanks, blank spikes, matrix spikes, and replicates will be performed according to the methods. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revi sion r.r.' *".".',llilr)l;r, I Page No.: 4 9.1 ANALYSIS METHODS FOR PROCESS STREAM SAMPLES Process samples collected include surrogate mixture, metals spiking solution, process water, scrubber liquor, venturi scrubber liquor, and phosphoric acid solution. The process streams will be sampled each run except for the process water. 9.1.1 pH Analysis The pH of scrubber liquor samples will be determined with a pH probe and pH meter using Tooele Laboratory Operating Procedure 574 (TE-LOP-574). The pH probe and meter are calibrated using certified standards; then the pH probe is rinsed, dried, and placed in the solution tobe analyzed. The pH reading is recorded, and the probe is removed from the solution, rinsed with distilled or DI water, and dried. The probe is then ready for the next measurement. 9.1.2 Total Dissolved Solids The TDS will be measured on the process water sample using Method 2540 from Standard Methods (11). A sample aliquot is filtered and the filtrate is then dried to a constant weight. The dried weight is divided by the sample volume to determine the concentration. 9.1.3 Metals Analyses Methods The process samples inorganic analyses are limited to the metals present in the samples. Mercury will be analyzedby SW-846, Methods 7470A (1), which uses CVAAS. The remaining HHRA metals are analyzed by ICP/IvIS. The methods are described below. SW-846 Method 74704 (liquids) - Manual Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption Technique. A representative portion of the sample is digested with acids, potassium permanganate, and potassium persulfate. Mercury ions are reduced to metallic mercury and stripped from the aqueous solution with a gas stream. The mercury vapors are then directed into the path of an atomic absorption spectrometer. Quantitation is achieved by comparison of sample component responses to the responses of external standards. SW-846 Method 6020 - ICP/MS. The metals concentrations in the process samples will be determined by ICP/MS (the most recent version of the method). A representative portion of the sample is digested with nitric acid and the sample digest is aspirated into the nebulizer of the ICPA{S. The sample mist enters the plasma, the plasma converts the sample to an atomic vapor, and the mass spectrometer separates the elements by mass. The masses detected are used to quantitate the elements present by comparing sample responses to the responses ofinternal standards. IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: Decemb er 2,2010 Page No.: 5 9.1.4 Organic Compound Analysis Methods Scrubber liquor samples will be analyzed for VOCs (82608), SVOCs (8270C), and PCDDs/PCDFs (8290) using the most recent versions of the methods. These methods are described below, and their performance will be evaluated using the criteria listed in the QA/QC tables found in Annex A. SW-846 Method 82608 - Volatile Oreanic Compounds by GC/MS. A representative portion of the liquid samples is introduced into a purge device using SW-846, Method 5030B (1). The liquid is purged with an inert gas, and the volatile compounds are collected on a sorbent trap. The trap is then heated and backflushed to desorb the compounds into the GCA4S. The sample is then analyzed for the Target Analyte List shown in Table A-9-3 using SW-846, Method 8260B (1). Quantitation is achieved by comparison of sample component responses to the responses of internal standards. The 20largest additional peaks, with an area at least 10 percent of the internal standards, will be tentatively identified from each analyses conducted and will be classified as Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs). SW-846 Method 8270C - Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS. Aqueous samples have a representative aliquot of the sample extracted by SW-846, Method 3510B (1), using methylene chloride and then concentrated to a known volume. Aliquots of the extracts are analyzed by SW-846, Method 8270C (1), using GC/MS. Quantitation is achieved by comparison of sample component responses to the responses of intemal standards. Table A-9-4lists the target analyes for the total SVOC analyses. The 20 largest additional peaks, with an arcaat least 10 percent of the intemal standards, will be tentatively identified from each analyses conducted and will be classified as TICs. SW-846 Method 8290 - PCDDs/PCDFs bv HRGC/HRMS. A representative sample is extracted with toluene; the extract is then concentrated to a known volume, and the extract is subjected to a series of cleanup steps. The sample is evaporated to a small volume and diluted to a known volume. An aliquot of the cleaned extract is then injected into an HRGC/HRMS and the compounds quantitated against internal standards as directed by SW-846, Method 8290. TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 6 TABLE A.9.3. TOTAL VOC TARGET ANALYTE LIST FOR PROCESS SAMPLES 1,z-DichloropropaneAcetone Benzene I ,3-Dichloropropane Bromobenzene 2,z-Dichloropropane Bromochloromethane 1 ,1 -Dichloropropene Bromodichloromethane cis -1,3 -Dichloropropylene Bromomethane tr ans - 1,3 -Dichloropropylene 2-Butanone 1,4-Dioxane Carbon Disulfide Ethylbenzene n-HexaneCarbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 2-Hexanone Iodomethanez-Chloro - 1, 3 -butadiene Chlorodibromomethane Methylene chloride Chloroethane Methyl isobutyl ketone Chloroform n-Propylbenzene Z-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Styrene Chloromethane 7,1,1,2-T etrachloroethane z-Chlorotoluene 7,l,2,2 -T etrachl oro ethane 4-Chlorotoluene Tetrachloroethylene Cumene (i sopropylben zene)Toluene 1,z-Dibromoethane Tribromomethane (Bromoform) 1 , 1 , 1 -TrichloroethaneDibromomethane tr ans -1,4 -Dichloro-2-butene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane D i chl oro difl uoromethane Trichloroethylene 1 , 1 -Dichloroethane Tri chloro fl uoromethane | ,2-Dichloroethane 1,2,3 - Tri chl oroprop ane 1 ,1-Dichloroethylene 1,I,Z-Trichloro - 1,Z,z-trifl uoro ethane c i s - 1,Z-Dichloroethylene Vinyl chloride tr ans -7,z-Di chloro ethylene Xylenes(o-, m-, p-) G;H:,:]B rocDF Anarvte Listxrs TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 7 TABLE A.9-4. TOTAL SVOC TARGET ANALYTE LIST FOR PROCESS SAMPLES 1,4-Dinitrob enzeneAcenaphthylene Acenaphthene 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 2,4-DinitrophenolAcetoohenone 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Anthracene 2,6- Dinitrotoluene Di-n-octyl phthalateBenz(a)anthracene DiphenvlamlneBenzo(bXluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Fluoranthene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Fluorene Benzo(a)pyrene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Butyl benzyl phthalate Hexachl oro cycl op entadi ene p-Chloroaniline Chlorobenzilate Indeno( 1,2,3-c,d) pyrene NanhthaleneB i s (2 -Chl oro ethoxy)methane B i s (2 - Chl oro ethyl) ether 2-Naphthylamine 2-NitroanilineB i s (2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 4 - Chl oro - 3 -methylpheno I 4-Nitroaniline Nitrobenzene2-Chloronaphthalene 2-Chlorophenol 2-Nitrophenol 4-Nitroohenol o-Cresol Pentachlorobenzene m-Cresol Pentachloroethane -Cresol P entachl oronitrobenzene PentachlorophenolD i b e n z(a,h)anthr ac e n e m-Dichlorobenzene Phenanthrene o-Dichlorobenzene Phenol Pyrenep-Dichlorobenzene 2,4-Dichlorophenol I ,2,4,5 -Tetrachloroben zerne 2,1-Dichlorophenol 2,3,4,6 -Tetrachloropheno I Diethyl phthalate 1,2,4 -Tri chl orobe nzene Z, -Dimethyl phenol 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol Dimethyl phthalate 2,4,6 -Trichl oropheno I Di-n-butyl phthalate ATLIC STB TOCDF Analyte List.xls SVOC List IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2, 2010 Page No.: 8 9.1.5 Surrogate Mixture Characterization Methods Surrogate mixture samples collected are evaluated for chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene. The samples are prepared for chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene analyses using SW-846, Method 3585. Sample aliquots are weighed and then diluted with n-hexadecane or other appropriate solvent to a known volume. The diluted samples are analyzed by direct injection of an appropriate aliquot into a GC/IUS setup for analyses in accordance with SW-846, Method 82608. The compounds present are quantitated against internal standards. 9.2 ANALYSIS METHODS FOR EXHAUST GAS SAMPLES 9.2.1 Analysis of SMVOC Tubes The samples collected from each SMVOC set will consist of two Tenax@ tubes and an Anasorb@-747 tube. The two Tenax@ tubes will be desorbed as one sample, and each Anasorb@.747 tube will be analyzed as a separate sample. The tubes will be analyzed for VOCs by thermal desorption and subsequent analysis by GC/MS, using Method 504.1A (1). The organic compounds in the sample will be thermally desorbed into water using a carrier gas. The desorbed compounds will then be purged from the water and collected on an analytical trap containing Tenax@ and other GC-column packing materials. The compounds will be desorbed off the trap into the GC/MS. Selected compounds are spiked into various parts of the Method 5041A analysis apparatus, and spiking locations are specified by Method 0031 (1). For Method 5041A, the following compounds are specified: Application Surrogates Internal Standards LCS MS/MSD for Condensate Samples Compounds Dibromofluoromethane, Bromofluorobenzene, 1,2-Dichloroethane-d+, and Toluene-dg Bromochloromethane, Chlorob enzene- d5, and 1,4-Difluorobenzene 1, 1 -Dichloroetheno, B enzene, Chlorobenzene, Tetrachloroethene Toluere, and Trichloroethene 1, 1 -Dichloroethene, B eruzene, Chlor ob enzene, Tetrachloro ethene Tolueno, and Trichloroethene Spiking Location Tenax@ tube Purge Vessel Tenax@ tube Purge Vessel TOCDF ATLIC STB ti','i:1il"*"., '? Revision Date: December 2,2010 . Page No.: 9 Sample breakthrough will be checked by analyzing the two Tenax@ tubes separately from the Anasorb@-747 tube. Breakthrough will be defined as 30 percent or greatei on the Anasorb@-747 tube relative to the two Tenax@ tubes. This criterion will not apply if 75 ng or less is detected on the Anasorb@-747 tube. The analysis results of the two Tenax@ tubes and the Anasorb@-747 tube will be summed for subsequent emission calculations. The VOCs determined by Method 5041A (1) will be identified as Products of Incomplete Combustion with the exception of chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene.' Table A-9-5 is the Target Analyte List for the VOCs. The method for analysis of the Tenax@ tubes is calibrated with standards for the 56 compounds listed in Table A-9-5. The method of analysis for the Anasorb@-747 ttbes is calibrated for the 31 compounds marked in Table A-9-5. The compounds not analyzedon the Anasorb@- 747 ttbesare not quantitatively desorbed from the Anasorb@-747 tubes. These compounds will be collected on the Tenax@ tubes. The final VOC concentrations will be a summation of the analyses from the Tenax@ tube pairs, the Anasorb@-747 itbes, and the condensate sample. The20largest additional peaks, with an area at least 10 percent of the intemal standards, will be tentatively identified from each analyses conducted and will be classified as TICs. Performance of this method will be evaluated using the criteria listed in the QA/QC tables found in Annex A. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: l0 TABLE A-9-5. VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND TARGET ANALYTE LIST FOR METHOD 5041A Acetone tr ans -1,z-Dichloroethene * Benzene *\,z-Dichloropropane * Bromobenzene 1 ,3-Dichloropropane Bromochloromethane *2,z-Dichloropropane Bromodichloromethane *1,1-Dichloropropene * Bromoform cis -1,3 -Dichloropropene * Bromomethane *trans -1,3 -Dichloropropene * 2-Butanone Ethylbenzene Carbon disulfide *n-Hexane Carbon tetrachloride *2-Hexanone Chlorobenzene *Iodomethane Chloroethane {<Methylene chloride * Chloroform *4-Methyl-2-pentanone Chloromethane *n-Propylbenzefie z-Chloropropane *Styrene Z-Chlorotoluene 1 , 1 , 1 ,2-T etrachloroethane 4-Chlorotoluene |,l,2,2 -T etrachloro ethane Cumene Tetrachloroethene * Dibromochloromethane Toluene * 1,z-Dibromoethane 1 , 1 , 1 -Trichloroethane* Dibromomethane *1,I,}-Trichloroethane * ci s - I,4 -Di chloro - 2 -butene Trichloroethene {< tr an s - 1,4 -Di chloro -2 -butene Trichloro fluoromethane * Dichlorodifluoromethane *I,2,3 -Trichloroprop ane 1,1-Dichloroethane {<1,I,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trtf\uoroethane * 1,z-Dichloroethane *Vinyl chloride * 1,1-Dichloroethene {<m,p-Xylene cis -L,z-Dichloroethene *o-Xylene * These compounds will be analyzed on the Anasorb@-747 tubes. TOCDF ATLIC STB 'i:'i:;J";" , ',? Revision oate: Deffiii"1l "l? 9.2.4 Anrlysis of Method 0010 Samples for SVOCs The filter, XAD-2@ resin, impinger contents, and rinses will be extracted with methylene chloride and evaporated to a known volume. The extracts will then be analyzedby Method 8270C (l). An aliquot of the extract is injected into a GCA4S. The column separates the compounds, and the mass spectrometer detects the compounds as they elute from the column. A mass spectrometer allows the sample compound's mass spectra to be compared to the spectra of a standard compound for identification. Surrogate and intemal standards are used to measure the performance of the sample preparation and analyses. Spiking locations are specified by Method3542 (1). Surrogate standards for the front-half sample are spiked onto the filter before the filter is placed in the extraction device. The back-half surrogate standards are spiked onto the XAD-2 resin after the resin is placed in the extraction device. The condensate samples surrogate standards are spiked into the samples after they have been transferred to separatory funnels. lnternal standards are spiked into the sample vial just before the samples are analyzed. For Method 8270C, the following standards are specified: Standards Surrog ate Standards Internal Standards Compounds 2,4,6 - Tribromopheno l, 2-Fluorobiphenyl, 2 -Fluoropheno 1, Nitrob enzene-ds, Phenol-ds, and Terphenyl-d1 a 1,4 -Dichlor ob enzene- d+, Naphthalene-ds, Perylene-d1 2, Acenaphthene-dr o, Phenanthrene-dr o, and Chrysene-d1 2 Method 8270C reports analyses for the 133 compounds listed in Table A-9-6. These compounds are a tentative list of PICs. The 20 largest additional peaks, with an arca at least 10 percent of the internal standards, will be tentatively identified and classified as TICs. Performance of the method will be evaluated using the criteria listed in the QA/QC tables in Annex A. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 12 TABLE A.9-6. SEMI.VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND TARGET ANALYTE LIST Acenaphthene 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Acenaphthylene Butyl benzyl phthalate Acetophenone 2 - sec -B utyl - 4,6 - dinitropheno I 2-Acetylaminofluorene 4-Chloroaniline 4-tuninobiphenyl Chlorobenzilate 3 -Amino-9-ethylc arbazole'4- Chloro - 3 -methylpheno I Aniline 1-Chloronaphthalene Anthracene 2-Chloronaphthalene Aramite 2-Chlorophenol Benzidine 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Benzoic acid Chrysene Benz(a)anthracene 4-4'-DDE, Benzo(bXluoranthene Diallate (cis or trans) Benzofi)fluoranthene Dibenz(q)acridine Benzo(k)fluoranthene D i b en z(a,h)anthr ac en e Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Dibenzofuran Benzo(a)pyrene 1,2 -Dibromo - 3 - chl oroprop ane Benzo(e)pyrene Di-n-butyl phthalate Benzyl alcohol | ,2-Dichlorobenzene Benzaldehyde 1 ,3 -Dichlor obenzene Benzenethiol u 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene Biphenyl 3,3' -D i chlorob enzi dine B i s (2 - chloro ethoxy)m ethane 2,4-Dichlorophenol B i s(2 - chloro ethyl)ether 2,6-Dichlorophenol B i s (2 -chloroi sopropyl) ether Diethyl phthalate B i s (2 - ethylhexyl)phthal ate Dihydrosafrole u TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision D.,., S."."#il:r):;r r i Page No.: 13 TABLE A-9.6. SEMI.VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND TARGET ANALYTE LIST (continued) p - (D imethyl amino) azob enzene Isophorone 7,1 2 -D tmethylb enz(a)anthrac ene Isosafrole 3,3' -D imethylb enzrdrn e Methoxychlor u 0,, CI,, -D im ethylphenethyl amine Methyl cyclohexane' z,4-Dimethyl phenol 3-Methylcholanthrene Dimethyl phthalate M ethyl methane sul fonate 1;3-Dinitrob enzene 2-Methylnaphthalene 4,6 -Dinitro - 2 -methylpheno I 2 -Methyl - 5 - nitro ani I in e 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2-Methylphenol 2,A-Dinitrotoluene 3-Methylphenol 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 4-Methylphenol Dioxathion u Naphthalene Diphenylamrne 1,4-Naphthoquinone L,2 -D iphenylhydra ztne b 1-Naphthylamine Di-n-octyl phthalate 2-Naphthylamine Ethyl methanesul fonate 5-Nitroacenaphthene u Ethyl parathion 2-Nitroaniline Fluoranthene 3-Nitroaniline Fluorene 4-Nitroaniline Heptachlor u Nitrob enzene Hexachlorob enzene 2-Nitrophenol Hexachlorobutadiene 4-Nitrophenol H ex achloro cyc I op entadi ene 4-Nitroquinoline- 1 -oxide Hexachloroethane N-Nitro so dibutyl amrne Hexachloropropene N-Nitro so di ethyl amine Indeno( 1,2,3-cd)pyrene N-Nitro s o dimethyl amrne r",:3[lftI:'ffi Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 14 TABLE A.9.6. SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND TARGET ANALYTE LIST (continued) Response factor is based on the closest eluting internal standard with the compound identity confirmed by library searches. Laboratory quantifies as diphenylamine. 1,2-diphenylhydrazine will be analyzed as azobenzene. N-N itrosodiphenylamine decomposes to diphenylamine, a b c N-Nitro s omethyl ethyl amine Pronamide N-Nitro sodiphenylamine'Pyrene N-Nitro s o - di -n-propyl amine Pyridine N-Nitrosomorpholine Quinoline' N-Nitrosopiperidine Safrole N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 1,2,4,S-Tetrachlorob enzene I Pentachlorobenzene 2,3,4,6 -Tetrachloropheno I I Pentachloroethane o-Toluidine P ent achl o ro ni tro b eruzene p-Toluidine u Pentachlorophenol Tributylamine u Phenacetin 1,,2,4 -Tri chlorob e nzene Phenanthrene 2,4,S-Tri chloropheno I Phenol 2,4,6 - Tri chloropheno I 1 ,4-Phenylenediamine L,3,5 - Trinitrob e ruzene 2 -Picoline ( z-Methylpyridine) TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision Du,., S.t'r',:l;L)l;r, I Page No.: l5 9.2.2 Analysis of Method 0023A Samples for PCDDs/PCDFs The filter, XAD-2@ resin, and the impinger rinses will be extracted with toluene and evaporated to a known volume. Then, the extract will be subjected to a series of cleanup procedures to remove interferences. The final extract will be analyzed for PCDDs/PCDFs using Methods 0023N8290 (1). An aliquot of the cleaned extract is injected into an HRGC/HRMS, and quantitation is achieved by comparison to internal standards. The Method 0023A train is recovered into four containers that are subsequently combined into two fractions. Surrogates are spiked onto the XAD-2@ resin before the samples are collectod for the back-half fraction, Surrogates for the front-half fraction are spiked onto the filter just before the filter is placed in the extraction thimble. The front-half fraction internal standards are spiked onto the filter after it has been placed in the extraction thimble. The back-half fraction internal standards are spiked onto the XAD-2@ resin after the resin has been transferred to the extraction device. Method 0023N8290 (1) specifies the following standards: STANDARI)COMPOUNDS Surrogate Standards t'c\o-2,3,7 ,8-TCDD, "c n-\,2,3,4,7,8-HxcDD, ''C tz-Z,3,4,7, 8-PeCDF, "c n-\,2,3,4,7, 8-HxcDF,''c n-\,2,3,4,J, 8,g-HpcDF Internal Standards ''c n-2,3,7,8-TCDD, "c n-| ,2,3,7,}-PecDD, ''c n-\,2,3,6,7, S-HxcDD, "c n-\,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpcDD,''c r z-ocDD, "c n-2,3,7,8-TCDF, "c n-\,2,3,7,8-PecDF, "c n-\,2,3,6,7,8-HxcDF, "c n-\,2,3,4,6,7, 8-HpcDF Table A-9-7 shows the target analyte list for this method. Performance of the method will be evaluated using the criteria listed in the QA/QC tables found in Annex A. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Retvision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2, 2010 Page No.: I 6 TABLE A-9-7, PCDD/PCDF TARGET ANALYTE LIST H#tr,$.ffffiiilr 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2,3,7,8-TCDF Total TCDDs Total TCDFs L,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF Total PeCDDs 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF L 1213 14,7,8-HxCDD Total PeCDFs l,2r3 1617 ,8-HxCDD I,2r3,4,7 ,8-HxCDF 1r2r3 r7 ,8,9-HXCDD 1,2r3,617 ,8-HXCDF Total HxCDDs 2,3,4,6,7,8-HXCDF L,2,3,4,6,7 ,8-HpCDD I,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF Total HpCDDs Total HxCDFs Octachloro dib enzo -p - dio xin 1,2,3,4,6,7 ,8-HpCDF I,2,3,4,7 ,8,9-HpCDF Total HpCDFs Octachloro dib enzo furan TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2, 2010 Page No.: 17 9.2.3 Analysis of Metals Emissions The Method 29 samples will be analyzed for the HHRA metals and are listed in Table A-9-8. The samples will be prepared as described in Method29 (6). Mercury will be analyzedby CVAAS using Method7470A. The remaining elements will be analyzed by ICP/I\{S using SW- 846, Method6020 (1), which was modified by adding tin and vanadium to the analyte list. o SW-846 Method 7470A (liquids) - Manual Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption Technique. A representative portion of the sample is digested with acids, potassium permanganate, and potassium persulfate. Mercury ions are reduced to metallic mercury and stripped from the aqueous solution with a gas stream. The mercury vapors are then directed into the path of an atomic absorption spectrometer. Quantitation is achieved by comparison of sample component responses to the responses of extemal standards. o SW-846 Method 6020 - ICP/I4S. Metals concentrations in the Method 29 samples will be determined by ICPA4S (the most recent version of the method). A representative portion of the sample is digested with nitric acid and the sample digest is aspirated into the nebulizer of the ICP/MS. The sample mist enters the plasma, the plasma converts the sample to an atomic vapor, and the mass spectrometer separates the elements by mass. The masses detected are used to quantitate the elements present. Quantitation is achieved by comparison of sample responses to the responses of internal standards. Performance of the method will be evaluated using the criteria listed in the QA/QC tables found in Annex A. 9.2.4 Analysis of Halogen Emissions The analysis of HCl, and Clz in the exhaust gas impinger samples will be performed by IC using Method 9057 (1). This method separates the anions by ion chromatography and the eluting anions are detected. The HCI emissions are determined from the analysis of the sulfuric acid impingers, and Clz emissions are determined from the analysis of the NaOH impingers using IC. Concentrations are calculated based on external calibration standards. Performance of the method will be evaluated using the criteria listed in the QA/QC tables found in Annex A. 9.2.5 Particulate Matter Analysis The probe rinse and the filter of the combined Method 5126A (6) train will be used to determine the PM concentrations. The probe rinse and filter will be dried and desiccated to a constant weight as directed in Method 5 (6). TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 9.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: l8 TABLE A-9-8. METHOD 29 TARGET ANALYTE LIST Aluminum Lead Antimony Manganese Arsenic Mercury Barium Nickel Beryllium Selenium Boron Silver Cadmium Thallium Chromium .Tin Cobalt Vanadium Copper Zinc TOCDF ATLIC STBt'fl;l,Y*" ,'o ? Revision Date: Decembeil.lrr? 10.0 SPECIFIC LABORATORY QUALITY CONTROL CHECKS The QC checks are performed to ensure the collection of representative samples and the generation of valid analytical results on these samples. The project participants will perform QC checks throughout the program. The laboratories will utilize EPA-approved analytical methods for those analyes that have methods available. The QC samples analyzedwill include method blanks, duplicate samples, LCS, and MS/I\4SD. Table A-9-2lists the field blanks to be collected. Reagents used in the laboratory are normally of analytical reagent grade, or higher, purity; each lot of acid or solvent used is checked for acceptability prior to laboratory use. All reagents are labeled with the date received and the date opened. The quality of the laboratory DI water is routinely checked. The glassware used in the sampling and analysis procedures are pre-cleaned according to the method requirements. Standard laboratory practices for laboratory cleanliness, personnel training, and other general requirements will be used, and the results of these QC procedures will be included in the final report. 10.1 METHOD BLANKS Method blanks contain all the reagents used in the preparation and analysis of samples and are processed through the entire analytical scheme to assess any spurious contamination that might arise from reagents, glassware, and other sources. The QC criteria for method blanks are shown in Annex A by individual method. 10.2 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLES The LCSs are samples generated from analyte spikes into a neutral matrix prepared independently from the calibration concentrates. The LCS is used to establish that an instrument or procedure is in control. An LCS is normally carried through the entire sample preparation and analysis procedure. The QC criteria for the LCSs are listed in Annex A by analysis method. IO.3 DUPLICATE ANALYSES Duplicate sample analysis will be used to evaluate the variance in a particular applied analytical method. Field duplicate samples will be collected for the surrogate mixture, scrubber liquor, and phosphoric acid solutions samples during one performance run. Samples analyzedby CVAAS will be analyzed in duplicate as specified in the methdil. Duplicate analyses will be performed on the halogen samples analyzedby IC. One of the metals emission samples will also be analyzed in duplicate as a measure of the precision of the analysis method. IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 10.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 2 10.4 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLES Matrix spikes are samples spiked with the analyte of interest and then aralyzed to determine a %R. It is anticipated that these analyses would assess the behavior of actual analyses in individual program samples during the entire preparative and analysis scheme. Matrix spike analysis will be conducted to evaluate accuracy and general matrix recovery. An MSA{SD will be prepared from the process water, scrubber liquor, and baghouse residue samples. The QC criteria for %R and RPD are shown in Annex A for each method. 10.5 SURROGATE SPIKES Surrogate spikes will be used for GC/MS analysis methods as an indicator of the general accuracy of sample preparation and analysis. The QC criteria for surrogate spike recoveries are listed in Annex A by analysis method. The following surrogate compounds will be used for VOC analyses: toluene-ds, bromofluorobenzene; and 1,2-dichloroethane-d+. The following surrogate compounds will be used for analysis of SVOCs: nitrobenzene-d5, fluorobiphenyl; terphenyl-dr+;phenol-d6; 2-fluorophenol; and2,4,6-tibromophenol. Surrogate spikes will also be used for Method 8290 for PCDDiPCDF analyses. 10.6 ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION The analytical instrumentation used in the laboratory for analysis of ATLIC STB samples will undergo several performance checks. An initial calibration curve will be analyzed before performing any samples analyses to compare linearity of response to concentration of known amounts of the analytes of interest. The initial calibration for some methods will use a calculated Correlation Coefficient (CC) to demonstrate acceptability of the calibration. On a daily basis, a continuing calibration check will be analyzedbefore any samples are mn for that day. If acceptance criteria (as specified in the appropriate analytical methods for initial or continuing calibrations) are not met, sample analysis will not proceed until the analytical problem has been rectified and the criteria have been met. Linearity checks will be used to verify that response has not shifted significantly from the most recent calibration. Some methods will use an Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) to demonstrate that the calibration was accurate, and Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) will be used to ensure that the calibration is still representative. A summary of the calibration procedures and frequency for the laboratory instruments to be used for this project is provided in Table A-10-1. The instrument initial calibration procedures and acceptance criteria will be those established in the analytical method and listed in Annex A. lnternal standards will be analyzedto evaluate instrument and method performance. The QC criteria for the internal standards are listed in Annex A by analysis method. rn O E < O c . l tr o = a F{ X U ci ^ i d 5 ': Z 'J Z 3 2 E3 * $ t! F. 2 64 . , -j . j c ) q ) ? I & o 9a Fo ) +)Cdot4o .t < a '5 o& booE(r-4-oC)F-o(4(d(n 'o E cc , =E .^(J H i- r t- (g Et 6 5' I E ts s 00 ) t r r J .c o. = u* v tr 02 , 5 o d ' E 9E A '! - ! \J *) #r .- ES H d Pz TJ u p, i u &z aaol+ , ( *( t- ( r{=aJUl- {F<F]z/,ctrard&)eF1UctRrzof. - , ( F{ ilFE l- ( jUa r- { IOFl Iri F1 FAF. ( (+ io{: 9G I+l tr hE u- u (r . toSe OE +l H i. E \/ e !u- q sONVI t- {e C)u0 cdbo 2a fl & Ol oh3 - .- c. l poHp o)boEa r 9a (d MEs ho .i { CO poHn o0 F{L{ cd ,. 1 0)a +{ox3 \J cB +l tr iBu- q : i. i : : : , i : : ::t :,: : , : . r ; :'i . : : i :. i : : :: : : , i : . : : : 1 t , r j : : . : : : : : :, . .: i : : , : : : : . : :: : .:l r: i : : ; : : i : . ': : : : i : i j : : : : : ! i : : i : i i : . : : : i : : . : : : :: : i : i : , j' : . : , l I A i : : : : ; : i i. ] i : ii : i : : 1 5 . : i i: i : i :: : : j j : : l E t : I ; : i i .: : : : : : i : . : : : : : r ' . : i l : : j: , : : : '! !: i !: i : i r i l r , j ! 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' i i i i l : , :, :. ! i: a a r : .: : ,, . , . r . b U , , . i : . : .. : : : ' r i : : : : \ 1: . : : :1 : : : I :: i : : : t : i : : : ,: : Y Z I : . : : , : : 0) rL { {- )cg .dH(B () [i e qc ) tr = )- { rn 3g O( 1be oq r \o^' oUb 0) +, ) CC I€F{Cd,- r - 9 ? oYg. q tr =HC ' ug O? < 2- I <be o q- { \o^' d t0 ) .ool- {oe.oIt- {oINI<C)O tT*UUU Eol<C)gol- { {r ,l<oINl- ' . 0) (, )€0)Lra) 'o ot<oa0) t- {A+. l- roIN|- . ()C) .dot* i l<() hcd .d(r {o 'l d . tr (. )EL{do0 F{ )- {oo (. )m 0) +rc0 .dtrcdaC)+o HOSUo+ F{ ( t )be () q r \o /, ' d \J G) aL. r c! 3 'd trcda\. ) 'd cd \n \. / o\ r= o\ H6d F{ v.o AXU v.E UN o- ) = 'E o 5e l- < cO 'd )icOaC)o 'oed J4Cd pocd l- {pcOU o63 l- { p63ooaI() tr { odli -ocdooE) . Io tJ < ocj l<scr 3ooP" Io tr < aoo ()B(, )pcd0)ocd t- rFV)z UUcdo0a0ocd l- { -ocO()oo. to 'l ' O \ Ho \ OO t! n aU V) F. , {U (/ )Uo (r )EU() V)Uz&*{Uo&+r ()O)- { (gcd FA63ocC gC€ l<oooc0oHU)- {o Ott - .f ,F- ONO\o FAO\oNoo \f ,O\n UOt- -N@ Oo\Noo \n rOo(. )a f: . rr |Oo\ TOCDF ATLIC STB "ilTLY*"," ? Revision r"., o*ff;;.*1.10, ? 11.0 DATA REPORTING, DATA REVIEW, AND DATA REDUCTION Reporting the data generated during an STB is an important part of the overall project. This section describes and discusses the components of reporting, reviewing, and reducing the collected STB data. 11.I DATA REPORTING The data reporting process will discuss the analytical datapackages, the data generated for this STB, and the final ATLIC STB Report. 11.1.1 Analytical Data Packages Data reported from commercial laboratories is required to be similar to the format used by the EPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP). This format includes a case narrative section, Analytical Data Summary Sheets, QC Sample Results, the COC forms, and raw data organized by analytical method. Complete data packages are included so that an independent verification of the final analyical results can be conducted. These data packages are stand-alone deliverables that include the instrument raw data, parameter-specific QC documentation, calibration and calibration check performance, and instrumentation performance information. The case narrative will: . Describe the data package and identify project-specific information. . Discuss any pertinent information concerning data quality and any difficulties or analytical anomalies encountered in the analyses. . Provide a cross-reference listing of the field sample and laboratory sample identities. . Discuss information on achieving DQOs or project-specific objectives. The Anallical Data Summary Sheets will contain a summary of the analyical results and the key QC data. A separate sheet will be provided with the results for each sample. These data will include the results, recovery of any surrogate materials, date sampled, and analysis date, which will allow confirmation of meeting the QC and holding time requirements. Summary sheets for the analysis of the QC samples will follow the sample results sheets. Copies of the COC forms are also apart of the data package. These copies are submitted with the samples and copies of any intemal COC forms used to track the samples through the different analyses in the laboratory. TOCDF ATLIC STB '",illl,Y*"," ? Revision Date: Decemberri.r, ! Raw data will be included in the Analytical Data Packages. This raw data will include chromatograms for those methods generating them, blank data, sample preparation sheets, copies of sequence files, and calibration data. The raw data will be organized by analysis method, and enough data will be supplied to allow recreation of the sample analysis event. ll.l.2 Analytical Data Format The data that will be reported as "not detected" will use the LOQ for the lower reporting limit. Analytes detected with a concentration between the MDL and the LOQ will be qualified as an estimate and reported. The LOQ is the same as the reporting limit used by some laboratories. The LOQ will be defined as the quantitation level that corresponds to the lowest level at which the entire analytical system gives reliable signals and an acceptable calibration point or low-level matrix spike. Each compound or element is assigned an LOQ that is contingent upon the behavior of the compound or element during analysis. Changes to extraction protocol, amount of sample prepared, or dilution applied to the sample can raise or lower the LOQ. The analytical results for PCDDs/PCDFs are quantitated differently. They are quantitated using an isotope dilution method. Each sample is spiked with an isotopically-labeled surrogate for each target compound. On a sample-by-sample basis, the recovery of each surrogate is determined; then, the analytical result is normalized to the recovqry of the corresponding surrogate compound. In this manner, the LOQ for each sample and each compound can vary as the surrogate recovery varies. This isotope dilution method is considered to be the most accurate quantitation method available for these analyses. Sample analysis results will be reported by the laboratory in matrix-specific units. Results will be reported for all samples and parameters required for this STB, as listed in Table A-9-1. The laboratory will assign qualifiers to the results, when necessary, based on guidelines found in the analytical method, CLP, or in this QAPP. Qualifiers appearing on the anallical summary sheets are defined on that specific sheet. Data presented in tables in the ATLIC STB Report will note arry data qualifiers. 11.1.3 ATLIC STB Report An ATLIC STB Report will be prepared and submitted to the DAQ and DSHW. EG&G will complete the STB report as outlined in Section 8.0 of the STB plan. The report will compare the STB results to the RCRA Permit, Title V Permit, and MACT limits. The ATLIC STB Report will also contain: Daily run summaries. A summary of incinerator operating parameter data and associated limits. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 1 1.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 3 A summary of sampling and analytical methods used and any deviations from.referenced methods. Analysis results, protocols, and quantitative gas analyses. CEMS data emission averages and calculations. A compilation and evaluation of analytical calibration data and QA/QC data, and identification of problems encountered and the solutions implemented. Copies of calibration data, chromatograms, and other raw data. Audit cylinder results calculated in parts per billion (ppb). Examples of all calculations, sampling train data, concentrations, and emission rates for all gases and particulate samples collected. A QA/QC Report will be submitted to the EG&G CAR and included in the ATLIC STB Report as an appendix. Additionally, each formal data deliverable will contain a summary of QAiQC activities. This summary will include: Estimates of precision, accuracy, and completeness of reported data. Reports of performance and system audits. Any quality problems found. Any corrective actions taken. 11.2 DATA REVIEW The STC will review the field sampling data to determine the representativeness of the samples; maintenance and cleanliness of sampling equipment; and the adherence to the approved, written sample collection procedure. All field data will be recorded on prepared forms, and the data sheets will be reviewed at the end of each run by the STC and the Sampling Subcontractor QA Officer to ensure that each sheet is properly completed. The gas sampling data will be reduced on-site to verify isokinetic sampling rates. Furthernore, the sampling subcontractor's software for determining sample volumes and isokinetic sampling rates will be checked for accuracy against an independent program, and any differences resolved before inclusion in the final report. The analyst generating the data will review the laboratory data; then, the analyst's supervisor will review the data. The laboratory QC personnel will further review the data per the laboratory TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: I 1.0 Revision r",., fill'#ollri ro, I Page No.: 4 procedure before the project report is prepared by the Subcontractor Laboratory Project Manager. When the analytical data are submitted to the sampling subcontractor, the data will again be reviewed before it is used to prepare the ATLIC STB Report. This review process will confirm that the data are usable for an assessment of incinerator performance. ll.2.l Data Validation Data validation is the process of accepting or rejecting data on the basis of established criteria. Analytical and sampling data will be validated by the STB subcontractor QC personnel using criteria outlined in this QAPP. The subcontractor QC personnel will use validation methods and criteria appropriate to the type of data, even data judged to be "outlying" or of spurious value. The persons validating the data will have sufficient knowledge (i.e., at least one year of experience in data validation) of the sampling and analytical methods to identiff questionable values and deviations from criteria specified in the methods and the QAPP. The results from the field and laboratory method blanks, replicate samples, and internal QC samples will be used to further validate analytical results. Anallical results on the field blanks and replicate samples also are valuable for validation of sample collection. The QA/QC personnel will review all laboratory and sampling raw data to verify: calculated results presented, consistency, duplicate sample analysis, spike recoveries, tests for outliers, and transmittal errors. The criteria that will be used to evaluate the field sampling data include: . LJse ofapproved test procedures. . Proper operation of the process being tested. . IJse of properly operating and calibrated equipment. . IJse of proper forms for recordingdata, including identification numbers for each nozzle, probe, and dry gas meter. . Leak checks conducted before tests, during port changes, and after tests. . Use of reagents that conform to QC-specified criteria. . Maintenance of proper traceability. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: I 1.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2,201 0 Page No.: 5 The criteria used to evaluate analytical data include: Use of approved analytical procedures. Use of properly operating and calibrated instrumentation. Precision and accuracy comparable to that achieved in previous analytical programs and consistent with the DQOs listed in Annex A. See Section 10.0 for the anticipated minimum number of QC samples. The %R of each matrix will be calculated as shown in Section 13.0. lnorganic data will be evaluated using the general methods outlined in the EPA CLP guidelines for inorganic data (12) using the criteria from Annex A. The organic data will be evaluated using the general methods outline in the EPA CLP guidelines for low level organic data (13). The PCDD/PCDF data will be evaluated using the general methods outlined in the EPA guidelines for dioxin data (14). These evaluations will be included in the QA report, which will be an appendix to the final report. 11.2.2 Identification and Treatment of Outliers Any point that deviates from others in its set of measurements will be investigated; however, the suspected outlier will be recorded and retained in the data while it is under investigation. One or both of the following tests will be used to identify outliers: Dixon's test for extreme observations, which is a computed procedure for determining whether a single, very large or very small value is consistent with the data set. The one-tailed t-test for difference. If more than one outlier is suspected in the same data set, other statistical sources will be consulted, and the most appropriate test of the hypothesis will be used and documented. Those persons involved in the analysis and data reduction will be consulted if a data outlier is suspected, as they may be able to add some insight to the evaluation of the suspect data. This evaluation may provide an experimental basis for the outlier to determine its affect on the conclusions. Two data sets may be reported - one including and one excluding the outlier. 11.3 DATA REDUCTION Specific QC measures will be used to ensure the generation of reliable data from sampling and analysis activities. Proper collection and organization of accurate information, followed by clear and concise reporting of the data, is a primary goal in all projects. l?:ffiffi:','?ffi Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2, 2010 Page No.: 6 11.3.1 Field Data Reduction Annex B contains the standardized data sheets that are representative of those used to record gas sampling data. Raw sampling data will be reduced on a daily basis and will be reviewed in the field by the STC and the sampling team leader. Isokinetic sampling rates and sample volumes will be reported daily. Any errors or discrepancies will be noted in a field notebook. The sampling team leader has the authority to institute corrective actions in the field, and the STC will also be consulted for resolution if the situation warrants. At a minimum, the Sampling Subcontractor QA Officer and the EG&G CAR will be apprised of all deviations from the standard protocol. 11,3,2 Laboratory Analysis Data Reduction Analytical results will be reduced to concentration units specified by the analytical procedure and using the equations given in the analytical procedures. Results will be reported on an as received basis. If the units are not specified, then units for data will be used as follows: Liquid samples will be reported in milligrams per liter (mg/L). Surrogate mixture sample results will be reported in weight percent (Wt%) for the organic compounds and milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for the metals results. Gas samples will be reported on a mass per dry standard cubic unit of measure except for the halogen emissions and results from the CEMS, which are reported in parts per million (ppm). Oxygen and carbon dioxide data will be reported in volume percent. Audit cylinder analysis results will be reported in parts per billion (ppb). 11.3.3 Blank Corrected Data Results from the metals emissions train will be blank corrected as instructed in Method 29 (6). A separate blank correction will be made for the front half and the back half. The raw data will also be reported. The other data developed for this STB will not be blank corrected. TOCDF ATLIC STB "fl;,:,Y,*"," ? Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 7 11.4 EXHAUST GAS SAMPLE TRAIN TOTAL CALCULATIONS The calculation of the train total of an analyte is the sum of two or more fractions of train components. Analyes not detected in the analysis will be reported as < LOQ. Analytes with concentrations between the MDL and the LOQ will be qualified as estimated and reported. The summation for the total will use the T.OQ value for those analytes not detected and the reported' values for those analytes detected, including values between the MDL and LOQ. Totals including LOQ and qualified data will have a "4" flBB added to the reported total. When the analye is not detected in any of the fractions, the LOQ value for each fraction will be summed for the total, and the results flagged with an 'ND" to indicate the analyte was not detected. Calculations will be carried out to at least one decimal place beyond that of the acquired data and should be rounded, after final calculations, to three significant figures for each analye for a train total. Rounding of numbers should conform to procedures found in ASTM SI-10 (15). ll.4.l Calculation of Chlorobenzene Emissions and DRE Chlorobenzene is a HAP that was chosen to be the surrogate for organic compounds fed to the PCC because it is a Class 1 compound in the EPA's thermal stability ranking system. Chlorobenzene is also a VOC that is identified in the emissions of incinerators. The calculations of the chlorobenzene emissions are shown here as an example calculation for VOC emissions. The chlorobenzene emissions are calculated from the example data shown in Table A-1 1-1. TABLE A-11-1. CHLOROBENZENE EMISSIONS CALCULATION DATA *dsl- - dry standard liter TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: l l.0 Revision r.,., }ilI'##Irl ru I Page No.: 8 The chlorobenzene concentration is calculated from the Train Total of chlorobenzene collected and the Sample Volume using the equation: Conc., pgldscm : (< 234 ng/79.1 dsl,) X (1 pgll000 ng) X (1000 dsl/dscm) : < 2.96 pgldscm The chlorobenzene ER is calculated from the chlorobenzene concentration and the exhaust gas flow rate using the equation: ER : Conc., pgldscm X Exhaust Gas Flow Rate ER, g/sec : (<2.96 pgldscm )(934 dscflmin) X (1 mir/60 sec) X (1 dscm/3s.3147 dscf) X (1 g/10 6 pg): < 1.305 X 10{ g/sec ER, lb/hr: (<1.305X10-6g/sec)X(3600sec/hr)X0b/453.59g): <1.03X10-5lbihr Where:Exhaust Gas Flow Rate - 934 dscf/min Determine DRE: x r00% ->99.9999936% 160 lb/hr TOCDF ATLIC STB t'JlT;,Y.."," ? Revision Date: Decembell.r, ? 12.0 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND SCHEDULES The sampling subcontractor will follow an orderly program of positive action to prevent the failure of equipment or instruments during use. This preventative maintenance and careful calibration helps to ensure accurate measurements from field and laboratory instruments. All equipment that is scheduled for field use will be cleaned and checked prior to calibration. Once the equipment has been calibrated, sample trains are assembled and leak checked to reduce problems in the field. An adequate supply of spare parts will be available in the field to minimize any downtime caused by equipment failure. The TOCDF CEMS are operated and maintained in accordance with Attachment 20 to the TOCDF RCRA Permit (5). Maintenance is performed on a regularly scheduled basis prior to use in the field and includes, but is not limited to, purging of sample lines, checking pump oil and belts, cleaning rotometers or other sample flow monitoring devices, and checking sample capillaries and mirrors. Routine maintenance procedures are critical for ensuring the continuous, trouble-free operation of the CEMS in adverse environments. The sampling subcontractor will maintain their CEMS in accordance with the specific methods and manufacturer specifications. Sample lines will be inspected daily to ensure no leaks or other problems occur. The subcontractor laboratories will maintain their instrumentation in accordance with the instrument manufacturer specifications and appropriate methods. In addition, the laboratories will maintain a stock of replacement parts to minimize downtime resulting from foreseeable breakage or typical consumption. TOCDF ATLIC STB t?il',"1,Y*".," ? Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: I 13.0 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES F'OR ACCURACY, PRECISION, AND COMPLETENESS The QA/QC criteria for the analyses of samples for this project are presented in Annex A. Annex A contains criteria for method calibrations, data accuracy, and precision of data. Each method has a set of criteria to meet, and the methods of calculating the evaluation criteria are discussed in this section. 13.1 PRECISION Precision is defined as the degree of mutual agreement among individual measurements made under prescribed conditions. Precision will use two different measurements depending on the number of data points being considered. Two data points will have the RPD calculated; three or more data points will use the RSD as a measure of the precision. Criteria for precision for each method have been included in Arurex A. Precision will be calculated for laboratory duplicate analysis using the following two equations: 1) RPD - [(Xr -xz)l((xt *Xz)tz))x 100 Where: RPD - Relative Percent Difference Xr - Highest Analytical Result Xz - Lowest Analytical Result 2) RSD: (standard deviation/average value) x 100 Calculation of the precision for each analysis will be based on different criteria taken from the QA/QC Handbook ( ) and the analytical methods. The precision for the halogen samples will be determined by the RPD calculated from the analysis of the MS/MSD. The MS/MSD will be used because the field samples have a history of very low concentrations. The precision of the SMVOC samples will be based on the RSD calculated from the analysis of the LCS, and the results of the LCS analyses will be used because of the historically low concentrations found in field samples. Precision for the metals emission samples will be based on the RPD of the LCS and duplicate analyses of one emission sample. Precision data for metals in the process samples will be based on analyses of MS/IVISD and duplicate samples. 1T,',"1ffi:''?l: Revision No.: I Revision Date: December 2,2010 Page No.: 2 13.2 ACCURACY Accuracy is the degree of agreement between a measurement and an accepted reference or true value. The accuracy of the ATLIC STB data will be determined from analysis of samples spiked with a known concentration. The number of spiked samples and the spiking levels willbe designated by the respective methods. Accuracy DQOs for each method are in Arurex A. The formula used to assess the accuracy of the LCS is: %R - (Q,-cs /Qrc) X 100 Qrc - Known Concentration of the LCS The formula used to assess the accvracy of the MS/MSD samples is: %R : [(Q,, - Q,,)/Q,] x 100 Where: %R : Percent Recovery Q,, : Quantity of Analyte Found in the Spike Sample Q,, : Quantity of Analle Found in the Unspiked Sample Q, = Quantity of Added Spike Calculation of the accuracy for each analysis will be based on different criteria taken from the QA/QC Handbook (a) and the anallical methods. Determination of accuracy for samples will be determined by the: . o/oR calculated from the analysis of the MS/MSD for the halogen samples. . oZR calculated from the analysis of the LCS for the SMVOC samples. . Analysis of the LCS for the accuracy of the metals emission samples. . Analysis of the LCS for the PCDD/PCDF samples. . o/oR from the analysis of the LCS and MSA4SD for the SVOC analyses in the process samples (scrubber liquor, process water, and baghouse residue). I rOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 13.0 Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: Decemb er 2,20 I 0 Page No.: 3 13.3 COMPLETENESS Completeness is defined as the amount of valid data for an STB compared to the amount that was expected to be obtained under optimal conditions. The completeness objective here is to have 100 percent of the data valid for three performance nrns for each STB (i.e., acceptable results must be obtained for three performance runs). The completeness objective for the entire monitoring project is to obtain a certain amount of data needed to complete the statistical design [see QA/QC Handbook (4)]. Completeness will be reported as the percentage of all measurements judged to be valid, and every attempt will be made to ensure that the data to be generated is valid. If data appear questionable based on circumstances observed during the field sampling, additional runs will be completed as soon as the system can be reset to ensure three successful performance runs are completed. Furthermore, in reality, some samples may be lost in laboratory accidents, and some results may be qualified based on laboratory QC procedures. The following formula will be used to calculate a percent completeness: Where: C- PercentCompleteness V - Number of Measurements Judged Valid T - Total Number of Planned Measurements TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 14.0 Revision o",., l!l'##)] ro, I Page No.: I 14.0 AUDIT PROCEDURES, CORRECTM ACTION, AND QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORTING The ATLIC STB QA program will comply with EPA and state requirements for audits, which include performance and system audits as independent checks on the quality of data obtained from sampling, analysis, and data gathering activities. The procedures and techniques in place will ensure that the audit is representative of the measurement processes during normal operations. Either tlpe of these two audits may show the need for corrective action. 14.1 PERFORMANCE AUDITS A performance audit checks the performance or accluracy of the measurements being made. The sampling and analysis segments of the project are checked in a performance audit. Sampling performance audits will be accomplished through observation of the sampling operations by the regulatory agency representative and the Sampling Subcontractor QA Officer. For this purpose, an audit cylinder or spiked audit samples may be supplied by the DAQ or DSHW during the ATLIC STB. In the event an audit cylinder is supplied, it will be sampled and analyzed in the same manner as the field samples. If a spiked sample is supplied, it will be extracted and analyzed according to the same methods used for the field samples. 14.2 SYSTEM AUDITS A system audit involves observations by a subcontractor or regulatory agency to ascertain that the work is being performed in accordance with the methods specified in this QAPP. 14.2.1 Field Audit The Sampling Subcontractor QA Officer will observe all activities to ensure that the QAPP is being followed and that sample COCs are accurate before sample shipment. The Sampling Subcontractor QA Officer will report any discrepancies to the STC, complete an STB QA checklist, maintain a log of discrepancies for the STC and the QA Director, and attend performance run meetings. Representatives from the DAQ and DSHW are expected to be on-site to observe all sampling activities. The point of contact for federal and state environmental regulatory agencies staff during the ATLIC STB will be the Test Director or his designee. ';i:l,"lffiY'i;.t Revision r.,., flll'##Irl ro, I Page No.: 2 During each performance run, the sampling subcontractor performs a system audit, which consists of an inspection and review of the total sampling system, including: Setting up a pretest leak check of the sampling trains. Isokinetic sampling check (if required). Final leak checks of the sampling train. Sample recovery. Results of the leak checks are noted on the field data sheets while the remaining item checks are documented on the audit checklist. When necessary, audit samples are analyzed along with the test samples. 14.2.2 Laboratory Audit The Test Director will direct that an audit of each laboratory be conducted to ascertain that work is performed in accordance with the methods specified in the QAPP. Auditors will be selected from the EG&G Environmental organization, TOCDF QC Inspectors, or the sampling subcontractor's QC team. 14.3 CORRECTIVE ACTION The need for corrective action will occur when a circumstance arises that adversely affects the quality of the data output. In most instances, the personnel conducting the field work and the laboratory analysis are in the best position to recognize problems that will affect data quality. Awareness on their part can detect minor instrument changes, drifts, or malfunctions that can then be corrected, thus preventing a major breakdown of the system. They will be in the best position to decide upon the proper corrective action and to initiate it immediately, thus minimizing data loss. Therefore, the field sampling and laboratory analysis persorurel will have the prime responsibility for recognizing the need for a nonconformance report. The personnel identifying or originating a nonconformance report will document each nonconformance. For this purpose, a variance log, a testing procedure record, a notice of equipment calibration failure, results of laboratory analysis QC tests, an audit report, an internal memorandum, or a letter will be used, as appropriate. (3) (4) (1) (2) (s) (8) (e) IOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: I 5.0 Revision No.: I Revision Date: Decemb er 2, 2010 Page No.: I 15.0 REF'ERENCES Test Methodsfor Evaluating Solid lYaste, Physical/Chemical Methods,3'd Edition including Update IV, USEPA, SW-846, February 2007. Hazardous Waste Combustion Unit Permitting Manual, Component 2,"How to Review A Quality Assurance Project Plan," U.S. EPA Region 6, Center for Combustion Science and Engineering, January 1998. EPA Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans, EPA QA/G-5, December 2002. Handbook: Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Procedures for Hazardous Waste In cin eratio n, EP N 625 I 6-89 / 023, January 1 990. Attachment2D to the TOCDF RCRA Permit, CEMS Monitoring Plan, EG&G Defense Materials, Inc., TOCDF, CDRL-06. Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, Appendix A, "Test Methods." ASTM D 3370,1995 (Reapproved 1999), "Standard Practices for Sampling Water from Closed Conduits," ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. ASTM D 5633 ,2004, (Reapproved 2008), "Standard Practices for Sampling with a Scoop," ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Attachment 6 to the TOCDF RCRA Permit, Instrument Calibration Plan, EG&G Defense Materials, lnc., TOCDF. (6) (7) (10) Qualtty Assurance Handbookfor Air Pollution Measurement Systems; Volume III - S tatio nary S o ur ce S p e cift c M etho ds, EPA-600/4 -7 7 -027b. (11) Method 2540 Solid s, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Edition 20,2005, American Public Health Association. (12) aSEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Review, EPA-540-R-04-004, October 2004. (13) USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelinesfor Low C oncentration Organic D ata Review, EP A-5 40-R-00-006, June 2001. TOCDF ATLIC STB Section No.: 15.0 Revision r",,, Iill'-ilIrl ;0, i Page No.: 2 (14) USEPA Analytical Operations/Data Quality Center National Functional Guidelines for Chlorinated Dioxin/Furan Data Review, EPA-540-R-02-003, August 2002. (15) ASTM SI-10, 2010, "American National Standard for Use of the Intemational System of Units (SI): The Modem Metric System," ASTM Intemational, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. )p rD X STIRROGATE TRIAL BTIRI{ PLAN FORTHE ARE,A 10 LIQUII} INCINERATOR APPENDIX A ANI\EX A QA/QC OBJECTIVES FOR ANALYTICAL METHODS REVISION 1 December 21 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2.0 VOLATILE ORGAIIIC COMPOUNDS IN EXHAUST GAS......... ...... Annex A-2 2.1 Suuvanv QA/QC CpurBRre FoR SMVOC/CoNoeNsnre (5041A)..... . AIINEX A-2 2.2 Lwruor QUANTTTATToNFoRSMVOCTUBES/CoNDENSATE AIINEXA-3 3.0 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN EXIIAUST GAS............ Annex A-5 3.1 SUMMARYoTQA/QCCrurBrueFoRSVOCSByMErHoDS3542eNo8270C.......... .ANNEXA-5 3.2 HISTORICAL COurnoI LIMITS FoR SVOCs BY METHoDS 3542 AND 8270C ANNEX A-6 4.0 PCDDS/PCDFS SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS METHODS............. ... Annex A-7 4.1 SUMMARv QA/QC Crurerue FoRDroxrNs sy MErHoo 0023A18290 .. ANNEX A-7 4.2 SUMMARv QA/QC Crursrue FoRDroxrNS By METHoD 8290 ............. . ANNEX A-8 4.3 LnramorQuaNIrenoNFoRPCDDs/PCDFS ANNEXA-g 5.0 HALIDE EMISSIONS Annex A-L0 6.0 METHOD 6020 ICP/MS...... .... Annex A-11 6.1 SUMMARyQA/QCCrurnzue ANNEXA-II 6.2 METHoD 6020 LOQs ANNEX A-12 7.0 MERCURY ANALYSIS METHODS (7470A). Annex A-13 8.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN PROCESS SAMPLES (82608) ......... Annex A-14 8.1 Suuuenv oF QC AND Cer-rsRArroN CzurenroN roRMersoo 82608 (Aqunous)...................... ANNEX A-14 8.2 CoNrnolLrMrrsFoRPRocESsSeupm,ssyMBrHoo82608.......... ..ANNEXA-15 9.0 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN PROCESS SAMPLES Annex A-16 9.1 Sutuuenv oF SVOC QC eNn CeusRArroN CzurszuoN ronMerHoo 8270C ........ ANNEX A-16 9.2 HrsrorucelCoNrnoLl-rrrlrrs ronMeruoo 8270C. ...... ANNEX A-17 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A December 2,2010 TOCDF Annex A - r 1.0 INTRODUCTION QA/QC OBJECTIVES FOR ANALYTICAL METHODS These Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) objectives are prepared based on the input from the laboratories performing the analyses for the Area 10 Liquid lncinerator (ATLIC) Surrogate Trial Burn (STB). The objectives were developed frorn the guidance provided in the EPA reference methods (1,2,3), EPA Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans (4), each laboratory QA program, and guidance in the EPA QA/QC Handbook (5). The DSHW will be notified of any changes to these tables when they occur. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A December 2,2010 TOCDF Annex A - 1 2.0 VOLATILE ORGAI\IC COMPOUNDS IN EXHAUST GAS * Criteria for 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethene, 1,2,3-trichloropropane, 1,2-dichloropropane, 1,3-butadiene, 2-hexanone, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, bromoform, chloroform, ethylbenzene, toluene, and vinyl chloride. ** Criteria for remaining Compounds TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A December 2,2010 Annex A - 2 2.1 Summary QA/QC Criteria for SMVOC/Condensate (5041A) *jrjll,ffi Field/Trip Blanks 1 per run < Lowest standard Report and narrate. Lab Blanks 1 per analytical batch < Lowest standard Correct probleffi, reanalyze. Tuning Criterra Prior to calibration and every l2-hour period. Method 5041A tuning criteria Correct problem and repeat tune Initial Calibration Minimum of five levels Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) of Relative Response Factor (RRF) < 30o/o*; RSD < l5o ** Correct probleffi, rcanalyze. System Performance Check Compounds (SPCC) RRF >0.30 for chlorobenzene and 1,1,2,z-tetrachloroethane ; >0. 10 for Bromoform, chloromethane, and I , 1 -dichloroethane Correct probleffi, r eanalyze. Continuing Calibration Compounds (CCC) RRF <30% RSDX RRF < 15% RSD** Correct probleffi, rcanalyze. Continuing Calibration, SPCC RRFi 12 hours Same as initial Corect probleffi, rcanalyze. CCC||2 hours t 25 oh Difference (%D)Correct probleffi, rcanalyze . Consistency in Chromatography Internal standard RRT t 30 Seconds Conect probleffi, narrate. Internal standards 60% to 140%Correct probleffi, narrate. Laboratory Control Samples (LCSs) Accuracy 70 % to 130 %Recovery (%R)* 50% to 150 %R** Correct probleffi, reanalyze. Precision RPD < 25o/o >k < 50% RPD{<{'< Correct probleffi, reanalyze. Continuing Accuracy Check, Surrogates Dibromofluorornethane Toluene-ds 4-Bromofluorobenzene 1,2 -D tchl oro ethane - da SMVOC Tube %R limits are: 50 to 150 % Condensate %R limits are: 70 to 130 % Correct probloffi, narrate. Audit Samples As supplied 50 to 150 % Condensate Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD) 50 to 150 %R RPD <35 Yo Reanalyze. Holding Time 14 Days Contact client. 2.2 Limit of Quantitation for SMVOC Tubes/Condensate ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 ii:Iffi ],illffiffii::|iiiiffiiiiifi* ffi riX,:iiiiri,:iiiiilii'iiir.iiiiiirXiliiii*liriiiiiiii;:i':i:'rnii.iiiiiiiriii:i;:::iiiiili Acetone 50 400 58 Benzene t0 80 78 Bromobenzene 10 80 77 Bromochloromethane 10 80 t28 Bromodichloromethane 10 80 83 Bromoform 10 80 t73 Bromomethane 10 80 94 2-Butanone 50 400 9T Carbon Disulfide 10 80 76 Carbon Tetrachloride 10 80 t11 Chlorobenzene 5 40 112 Chloroethane 10 80 64 Chloroform 10 80 83 Chloromethane 10 80 50 2-Chloropropane 10 80 9t 2-Chlorotoluene t0 80 126 4-Chlorotoluene 10 80 9l Cumene (rso-propylbenzene)10 80 10s Dibromochloromethane 10 80 t29 1,z-Dibromoethane 10 80 t07 Dibromomethane 10 80 93 c is - 1,4 -D ichl oro -2 -butene 10 80 53 trans -1, 4 -D ichloro -2 -butene 10 80 53 D i chlorodi fl uoromethane 10 80 85 I . 1-Dichloroethane 10 80 63 1,z-Dishloroethane 10 80 62 1 , 1-Dichloroethene 10 80 96 c i s - 1,2 -D ichl oro ethene 10 80 96 tr ans - 1,2 -Dichl oroethen e 10 80 96 1,z-Dichloropropane 10 80 63 TOCDF Annex A - 3 2.2 Limit of Quantitation for SMVOC Tubes/Condensate (continued) Note: The term Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) refers to the laboratory's standard Reporting Limit.* SW-g+6 Method LOQ - ng reported are based on a 5 mL water equivalent. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,201 0 *.ul ,C 1 ,3 -Dichloropropane 10 80 76 2,z-Dichloropropane 10 80 77 1 , 1-Dichloropropene 10 80 75 cis -1, 3 -Dichloropropene 10 80 75 trans -1, 3 -Dichloropropene 10 80 75 Ethylbenzene 10 80 106 n-Hexane 10 80 5l 2-Hexanone 50 400 58 Iodomethane (Methyl Iodide)10 80 r42 Methylene chloride 10 80 84 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 50 400 43 Propylbenzene 10 80 r20 Styrene 10 80 104 1 , 1 , 1 ,2-Tefrachloroehtane 10 80 131 1,1,2,2-Tetrachl oroehtane 10 80 83 Tetrachloroethene 5 40 r64 Toluene 10 80 92 I , I , 1 -Trichloroethane l0 80 97 1,1,2 -Tri chl oroethane l0 80 97 Trichloroethene 10 80 130 Tri chl oro fl uoromethane 10 80 101 1,2,3 -Trichloroprop ane 10 80 110 | ,l ,Z-Trichlor o-l ,2,Z-trifluoroethane 10 80 151 Vinyl Chloride 10 80 62 rn,p- Xylene 10 80 106 o-Xylene 10 80 106 TOCDF Annex A - 4 3.0 SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN EXHAUST GAS 3.1 Summary of QA/QC Criteria for SVOCs by Methods 3542 and 8270C Note: The term LOQ refers to the laboratory's standard Reporting Limit.x Phthalate esters may be reported with qualifiers if the concentration of the analye is less than five times the LOQ; any such action must be addressed in the case narrative. TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A December 2,2010 Annex A - 5 ,;i.ii.,,,,,,.,.,.,,i.ii.,C:G) iG:,ffn,l[4ffiiii,O***o,,ry..:,iit,:.;'.:r''i Method Blank I per analytical batch <LOQ*Reanalyze. Assess impact on data. Narrate. Field Blank I per ATB < LOQ Reanalyze and/or narrate. Instrument f'une Every 12 hours, initially and as required As per 8270C Retune instrument. Repeat DFTPP analysis. Initial Calibration, Five Point SPCC RRF > 0.050 Evaluate system. CCC RSD <30%Recalibrute. Other compounds < 15% RSD Average RF if 80% of the compounds meet the criteria Continuing Calibration SPCC RRF Same as initial Evaluate system. Repeat calibration check. CCC RSD <20%Recalibrate. Reanal yze affected samples. Internal Standards RRT t 30 seconds Check sensitivity of system. Reanalyze standard. Accuracy 50 - 200% Precision/ Accuracy LCS per batch Ifistorical lab data ( See Table 3.2) Check calculations. Reanalyze. Assess impact on data. Narrate. Sunogates Historical lab data (See Table 3.2) Check calculations. Reanalyze. Assess impact on data. Narrate. LOQ Standard Compounds 10 pglfraction Audit Sample As Supplied 50-1 s0% Holding Time 14 days to extraction 40 days to analysis Contact client. 3.2 Historical Control Limits for SVOCs by Methods 3542 and 8270C Notes: Historical limits for the method are reported here. Current established limits will be used for the evaluation of the data as required by SW-8a6 (1). RPD : Relative Percent Difference DCS = Duplicate Conhol Samples NA : Not Applicable ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,20 I 0 DCS Acenaphthene 57 to 113 20 4- Chloro - 3 -methylpheno I 42 to 126 29 2-Chlorophenol 52to110 23 L, -Dichlorobenzene 50 to 108 22 2, -Dinitrotoluene 62to113 20 4-Nitrophenol 10 to 145 73 N.nitro s o - di -n-prop ylamine 46 to 123 30 Pentachlorophenol 11 to 135 t25 Phenol 20 to 119 24 Pyrene 47 to 155 27 7,2,4 -T rtchlorob enz ene 49 to ll2 20 Surrogates 7,2 -Di chl or ob enzene - d+10 to 136 NA 2-Fluorobiphenyl 35 to 122 NA 2-Fluorophenol 10 to 108 NA Nitrob enzene-ds 15 to 118 NA Phenol-ds 10 to l2l NA i Terphenyl-dr+35 to 120 NA 2,4,6-Tribromophenol t0 to 154 NA TOCDF Annex A - 6 4.0 PCDDs/PCDFS SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS METHODS 4.1 Summary QA/QC Criteria for Dioxins by Method 0023A/8290 Notes: The term LOQ refers to the laboratory's standard Reporting Limit. RSD : Relative Standard Deviation, OCDF : Octachlorodibenzofuran, RRF = Relative Response Factor, o/oD : Percent Difference, TCDD : Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, OCDD : Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A December 2,2010 Annex A - 7 ICAL Five point calibration Initially and as required. Int Std RSD < 30 % Natives RSD <20 % Evaluate system. Recalibrate. CCAL Midpoint Standard at Start of Each 12 hour sequence %D of IS < 30% fromavg RRF (rCAL); %D of natives <20'/o from aYsRRF (ICAL). Evaluate system. Reanalyze CCAL. Recalibrate as necessary. WDM CPSM Once per 12 hours prior to sample analysis. Used to set retention times CPSM must have < 25 % valley resolution for 2,3,7,8-TCDD Readjust windows. Evaluate system. Perform maintenance. Reanalyze WDM/CPSM. Method Blanks 1 per analytical batch < LOQ, except for ocDD @< s xLoQ Reanalyze. Assess impact on data. LCS 1 per analyical batch 60 to 140 oh for target analytes Review internal standards. Assess impact on data. Reextract and lor reanalyze as necessary. MSA4SD I per ATB 60 to 140 oh recovery for target analytes; RPD <20% Review LCS. Assess impact on data. Narrate. Internal Standards Every sample 40 to 1 3 5 o/o for tetra through hexa isomers 25 to 1 5 0 o/o for hepta and octa isomers Check chromatogram for interference. Check instrument and reanalyze. Check signal-to-noise, if < 10:1, reextract. Assess impact on data and narrate. Holding Time 30 Days Extraction 45 Days Analysis Note: The term LOQ refers to the laboratory's standard Reporting Limit. 4,2 Summary QA/QC Criteria for Dioxins by Method 8290 Annex A - 8 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,20 I 0 TOCDF 4.3 Limit of Quantitation for PCDDs/PCDFs Annex A - 9 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix A Decemb er 2,20 I 0 DlilDiiii8ilS.$;.i..,i.,,..,,,.'::.:. ,., ,,,.:,.: i::r::I:j.:j.::!:1..:..:::.':..rr.:.'iri:i.::r. :.r:::..i':1rlJ. t.::r..:I::r::i;if.:.:-::.::::.r:.1:.'.:.i:.r._..:.r.::....j:.i....:i: 'i[ ii'li.l1i.:...r',l l.tii.liliirl.i iit00ifi i riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilit'lili-ii.iiuiiiii Efi fl firu'tii6il$l:..:.il::l.t.lll.l:.,;rll 2,3,7,8-TCDF 5 0.005 L,2,3,7,$-PeCDF 25 0.025 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 25 0.025 r,2,3,4,7 ,8-HxCDF 25 0.02s 1,2,3,6,7 ,9-HxCDF 25 0.025 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 25 0.025 2,3,4,6,7 ,9-HxCDF 25 0.025 1,2,3,4,6,7, 8 -Hp CDI-,'25 0.025 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 25 0.025 OCDF'50 0.0s0 2,3,7,8-TCDD 5 0.00s L,2,3,7,S-PeCDD 25 0.02s I,2,3,4,7 ,8-HxCDD 25 0.025 1,2,3,6,7 ,8-HxCDD 25 0.025 L,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 25 0.025 1,2,3,416,7,8-HpCDD 25 0.02s OCDD s0 0.050 TOCDF 5.0 HALIDE EMISSIONS Summary QA/QC Criteria for Hydrogen Chloride and Chlorine (9057) Method Blank 1 per analytical batch < LOQ Reanalyze. Assess impact on data. Narrate. Field Blank 1 per SWDT < Low standard Narrate Initial Calibration 4-point calibration and a blank. Initial las required Correlation coefficient > 0.995 Evaluate system. Recalibrate. Continuing Calibration Midpoint standard every 10 samples and at end of sequence 90 to Il0 %Evalu ate system. Repeat calibration check. Recalibrate. Reanalyze affected samples. Precision/ Accuracy LCS per batch 90 to ll0 %Check calculations. Reanalyze. Assess imp act on data. Narrate. MS/MSD per batch 85 to 1 15 o%R, RPD <25 % Check calculations. If RPD is in control, accept data and narrate. If RPD is out of control, reanalyze. Audit Sample As provided 90 to Ll} %Check calculations. Reanalyze and Narrate. LOQ Hydrogen Chloride Chlorine 1.0 mgltran 1.0 mgltrain Holding Time 28 days Note: The term LOQ refers to the laboratory's standard Reporting Limit. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF Annex A - 10 6.0 METHOD 6020 ICP/MS 6.1 Summary QA/QC Criteria Note: amu - atomic mass unit ICV - Initial Calibration Verification CCV - Continuing Calibration Verification* For air matrices, the QC samples per batch include a DCS only (no MS/MSD). ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix A Decemb er 2, 2010 :1:L\iai:::SZ: j*::::*++l.i+::*:iil'**::.::i.:.::.:li.. j .::::i-i: i: i: r:ri:iiii: l: i:.::: I i: l::: i: i,1..i:1.i: iliii:i.. ii:..' :::::_r..::::.:.:.:::::.:.::::::::i:::.:':::::::j::..:i.:.::i:.:.:.:i;:.:::::i:1::j:::i:1::::j::::.*ffi I t*trur*rrt Tune Mass resolution < 1.0 Refune instrument. calibration and sample analysis amu @ l0% peak height. Mass calib. + 0.1 amu Repeat tune solution and analysis. Initial Calibration Blank and at least one standard. ICV t l0 % of expected value Evaluate and reanalyze ICV Recalibrate. Calibration Blank After ICV and CCV < LOQ Clean system. Rerun. Reanalyze affected samples. CCV Every 10 samples and end of run sequence + l0 % of expected value Reanalyze CCV. Recalibrate. Reanalyze samples. Method Blank 1 per analytical batch < LOQ Reanalyze. Recalibrate as necessary. Internal Standard Each sample 30 to 130 %R Reanalyze and/or narrate. Duplicate Control Sample (DCS) * 1 per analTrtical batch 75 to 125 o R, RPD <25 % Check calculations. Assess impact on data. Reextract and reanalyze as necess ary. Narrate. MS/MSD *1 per analytical batch 7 5 to 125 ohR, RPD <25 % Check calculations. Reanalyze. Assess impact on data Duplicate Analyses 1 per analytical batch RPD <20 %Check calculations. Reanalyze. Assess impact on data Holding Time 180 Days to analysis TOCDF Annex A - 11 6.2 Method 6020LOQs ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,201 0 :.:;:.::: ilr ': t:..i::: :ri:!a:: :ii:ij,j,ti ':':i i:ii iS.)ll Aluminum 7.5 1.0 Antimony 0.30 0.050 Arsenic 0.30 0.050 Barium 0.15 0.025 Beryllium 0.15 0.025 Boron 7.5 1.0 Cadmium 0.15 0.025 Chromium 0.30 0.050 Cobalt 0.15 0.025 Copper 0.30 0.050 Lead 0.15 0.025 Manganese 0.1s 0.025 Nickel 0.3 0 0.050 Selenium 0.4s 0.050 Silver 0.15 0.025 Thallium 0.1s 0.02s Tin 1.5 0.25 Vanadium 1.5 0.2s Ztnc 0.7 5 0.12 TOCDF Annex A - 12 ':::*C m Initial Calibration Blank and five standards. Daily before analysis Corr. Coefficient > 0.99s Evaluate system. Recalibrate. Calibration Blank After ICV and each CCV < LOQ Rerun. Clean system. Reanalyze affected samples . ICV After calibration 80 to 120 %Reanalyze ICV. Recalibrate. CCV Every 10 samples and end of run sequence 80 to 120 %Reanalyze. Recalibrate. Reanalyze affected samples. Method Blank 1 per analyical batch < LOQ Reanalyze. Recalibrate as necessary. Reanalyze. LCS 1 per analyical batch 80 to 120 %Check calculations. Reextract and reanalyze as necessary. Assess impact on data. Narrate. MS/MSD 1 per analyical batch (20 samples). 75 to 125 %Check calculations. Evaluate LCS. Assess impact on data. Stack samples. MS on one FH fraction 1 per analyical batch 75 to 125 %Check calculations. Reanalyze. Assess impact on data, LOQ Multiple Metals Train Aqueous Samples 0.2 p,glfraction 0,0002 mglL Holding Time 14 days See Table A-7 -1 Note: The term LOQ refers to the laboratory's standard Reporting Limit. 7.0 MERCURY ANALYSIS METHODS (7470A) Summary QA/QC Criteria SW 846 Methods 7470A, Mercury by Cold Vapor AAS ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,20 I 0 TOCDF Annex A - 13 8.0 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN PROCESS SAMPLES (82608) O 8.1 Summary of QC and Calibration Criterion for Method 8260B (Aqueous) Note: The term LOQ refers to the laboratory's standard Reporting Limit.I Except for common lab contaminants: methylene chloride, acetone, and 2-butanone may be reported with qualifiers if the concentration of the analyte is less than five times the LOQ. Such action must be addressed in the case narrative. 2 Allowance for up to 6 tatget analytes > 50%. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 :@Niiiit.i.,ii,tl.;,.1,.1,.'1 Method Blank 1 per analytical batch < LOQ,Reanalyze. Assess impact on data Narrate. Instnrment Tune Every 12 hours Refer to method.Refune instnrment. Repeat BFB analysis. Initial Calibration, Five point SPCC RRF > 0.10 Chloromethane > 0.10 1,1-DCA > 0.10 Bromoform > 0.30 Chlorobenzene > 0.30 1,1,2,2-TCA Evaluate system. Recalibrate. CCC RSD < 3O% Compounds < 15% RSD Average RF if 80 '/o of the compounds meet the criteria Continuing Calibration SPCC RRF Same as initial Evaluate system. Repeat calibration check. CCC < 20 o/o drift Recalibrate. Reanalyze affected samples. Every 12 hours RSD<50'/ofor non-CCCs 2 Evaluate system. Repeat calibration check. lnternal Standards RRT < 0.50 or 30 seconds Check sensitivity of system. Reanalyze standard.Recovery 50 to 200 %R Precisioni Accuracy LCS, MS/MSD per batch Surrogates Historical lab data (See Table 7 .2) Check calculations. Reanalyze. Assess impact on data. Narrate. Holding Time 14 days TOCDF Annex A - 14 8.2 Control Limits for Process Samples by Method 82608 i:lii .r. :::!..:.r-:nir.ri,ir1!i.,1ii_ u.*tfutr .a:::::*:::: j.i::ii:.::::ai::::r:: :: j!::::.;:::::::::i:I: ft'#iiiiffil LCS 1,1 -Dichloroethene 66 to 130 NA Benzene 77 to I2l NA Trichloroethene 75 to 116 NA Toluene 78 to 120 NA Tetrachloroethene 72 to 120 NA Chlorobenzene 80 to 120 NA MS/MSD 1 , 1 -Dichloroethene 66 to 130 32 Benzene 77 to 121 21 Trichloroethene 75 to 116 24 Toluene 78 to 120 25 Tetrachloroethene 72 to 120 25 Chlorobenzene 80 to 120 20 Surrogates 1,z-Dichoroethane -d4 64 to 139 NA Toluene-d8 72 to 128 NA 4-Bromofluorobenzene 66 to 121 NA Notes: Historical limits for the method are reported here. Current established limits will be used for the evaluation of the data as required by SW-8a6 (1). NA: Not Applicable ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF Annex A - 15 9.0 SEMI.VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN PROCESS SAMPLES 9.1 Summary of SVOC QC and Calibration Criterion for Method 8270C Note: The term LOQ refers to the laboratory's standard Reporting Limit.* Except for common lab contaminants: Phthalate esters may be reported with qualifiers if the concentration of the analye is less than five times the LOQ. Such action must be addressed in the case narrative. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 Method Blank 1 per analytical batch <LOQ*Reanalyze. Assess data,Narrate. Instrument Tune Every 12 hours, initially and as required As per 8270C Refune instrument. Repeat DFTPP analysis. Initial Calibration Five point SPCC RRF > 0.050 Evaluate system. Recalibrate.CCC RSD<30% Compounds < 15% RSD Average RF if 80 o/o of the compounds meet the criteria Continuing Calibration SPCC RRF Same as initial Evaluate system. Repeat calibration check. CCC RSD <200 Recalibrate. Reanalyze affected samples. lnternal Standards RRT t 30 seconds Check sensitivity of system. Reanalyze standard.Accuracy 50 to 200 %R Precision/ Accuracy LCS, MS/MSD per batch Surrogates Historical lab data (See Table 8.2) Check calculations. Reanalyze. Assess data, Narrate. LOQ 0.050 mg/L to 0.25 mglL Holding Time Extraction - 14 days Analysis - 40 days TOCDF Annex A - 16 LCS Acenaphthene 62 to 103 4 -Chloro-3 -methylphenol 60 to 100 2-Chlorophenol 48 to 102 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene 51 to 91 2, -Dinitrotoluene 60 to 113 4-Nitrophenol 18 to 63 N-nitro s o -di -n -propyl amine 61 to 105 Pentachlorophenol 35 to 118 Phenol l6 to 56 Pyrene 47 to 126 1,2,4 -Tri chlorob enzen e 57 to 97 9.2 Historical Control Limits for Method 8270C for Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in Aqueous Samples :,.....:.C,O]N[p.Ouil$D',,:.,'.',..,...,',..,.,i,',.,.:.,,,,'.,.,,,r..,,,i, MS/MST)Acenaphthene 59 to 103 15 4 -Chl oro- 3 -methylphenol 60 to 100 26 2-Chlorophenol 48 to 102 34 | ,4-Dichlorobenzene 51 to 91 29 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 60 to 113 26 4-Nitrophenol 18 to 63 67 N -n i tro s o -di -n -propyl amine 61 to 105 26 Pentachlorophenol 35 to 118 39 Phenol 16 to 56 7l Pyrene 47 to 126 36 1,2,4 -Trichl orob enzene 57 to 97 27 Surrogates 2-Chlorophenol-d+25 to 101 NA I,2 -D ichl orob enzene- d+49 to 99 NA 2-Fluorobiphenyl 47 to 106 NA 2-Fluorophenol 10 to 70 NA Nitrobenzene-d5 50 to 102 NA Phenol-dt l0 to 47 NA Terphenyl-d1a 40 to 125 NA 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2l to 127 NA Note: Historical limits for the method are reported here. Current established limits will be used for the evaluation of the data as required by SW-846 (1). TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A December 2,2010 Annex A - 17 1O.() REFERENCES (1) Test Methodsfor Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,3'd Edition including Update IV, USEPA, SW-846, February 20A7. (2) Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations,Part 60, Appendix A, "Test Methods". (3) Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations,Part 136, Appendix A, "Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater". (4) EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans, EPA QA/R-5, November t999. (5) Handhook: Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Procedures for Hazardous lY a s t e I n cin e r atio n, EP N 62 5 I 6 -89 I 023, January 1 9 90. TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,20 I 0 Annex A - 18 O o o SURROGATE TRIAL BT]RI{ PLAN FOR THE AREA 10 LIAUID INCII\ERATOR APPE,NDIX A ANNEX B EXAMPLE DATA FORMS REVISION 1 December 2r 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chain of Custody Record...... .Annex B-1 Method 5l26AField Data Sheets....... ......Annex B-2 Method 29 Field Data Sheets................ ...Annex B-4 Method 0023A Field Data Sheets ............Annex B-6 Method 0031 Field Data Sheets................ .................Annex B-8 URS Source Sampling Temperature Readout Calibration Form......... ........Annex B-10 Five-Point Dry Gas Meter Calibration Form......... ..Annex B-11 Three-Point Dry Gas Meter Calibration Form......... Annex B-12 VOST Console DGM & Thermocouple Calibration Form......... .................Annex B-13 S-Type Pitot Tube Inspection Sheet ......Annex B-14 Pitot Tube Calibration Data Sheet .........Annex B-15 Potable Barometer Calibration Data Sheet ..............Annex 8-16 Balance Calibration ..............Annex B-17 Field Balance Calibration............ ..........Annex B-18 IIRS CEMS Operation Log........... ........An:rex B-19 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix A December 2,2010 TOCDF Annex B-i Chain of Gustody Record Samples from Multi-Metals Sa[plinq Trains Page of ProJect (ot@ I =cr) t U) +o\J CN =@eE(tr -C,(l)G) == (O!+6* ct) I 3s E.F bo =oo -c,(l)(l) == -o o I o U) =U) = o) -c)E z. (l) C,'6 co C) g, .Ecf-.g a Comments site TocDF Project Number Prepared by Sarnple ID Code Sample Matrix Dateffime Rernarks: Provide results in total micrograms per sample. Raw data pac the following metals: Al, Sb, As, Ba, Be, B, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, Hg, N kage required. Samples will be analyzed fro i, P, Se, Ag, Tl, S[, V, and Zn. Relinquished by:Date Time Relinquished by:Date Time Relinquished by:Date Time Received by:Date Time Received by:Date Time Received by:Date Time Relinquished by:Date Time Relinquished by:Date Time Relinquished by:Date Time Received by:Date Tirne Received by:Date Time Received by:Date Time ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. l, Appendix A sample Type - PM/HCI/CIz (Methods 5/0050) Plant Narne - TOCDF Sarnpling Train Leak Rate (ft3 @ in, Hg) Duration (min) Location (Source) - MPF Nozzle Dia (in)Pitot Tube lD Duct Dimendon(s)Pitot Tube Leak Check Elevation (relative to Barometer) (ft)lnitial Bar. Press. (in. Hg) Nozzle Calib.Stat. Press. (in. HzO) Dry Gas Vol. (ft3)Vacuum (in, Hg) r E g r EE f =E * E E ; 'E fi F Y 'E q p . g r 6 = H* Ef - 3 EE t it r E E E ge gt ; :. ; g s o X ;' = RE 59 r . q E E. E : E E P. ' = 5 + E= t Ef i $E . E a: s i .F E= IE E fi E E. $ B F{ E g gE * # i lE {g ; }g E ! -q , = !I Hf i EE al s# Ei ii It 'E E t E* u E E HE II t$ EI EP E E tE E g E s5 at Eg E& , rE = E E E* E g 5 g+,S> r g8 l 38 ml <t zt ^{ 5J {- Jo€*bAa 0 o' ( .E oo . {- J A tr t r 0? E Lr '- oqH9 - d+ J tla.t s 4B. E aH. E EE I, E a- ! .' d €B 0( ) c n i( 9NE r- Y +- l Ho ) 'o ( l )HE -8 9 'o .= L-O. H -t r e o( a at r k( B I) L{ t) Eo L-(! i J oo aa A- l- . L. 'a 'E (. . ) +,do zlol )r ( lHI3lol il<t {r )a.--5oq)--ULq)oCJq) tc) -l a<HHclaaxo.- *J6-H .' r l a)r tLq) +J0)eq)L--+.U) .-C) Lr {e IIoIlolcIt r 2€EE &u E ,S t !n S AE : -E * q= i % cA(gcLo{- . 1Cdk(, )ro q b0oF]c) -,Ar dxH6la tro.- {r la .l LCJ (aq)a o)U) .=E. (l )NNoz. -c ,c(U(t ) -ooo- 0)=LL (J(t , (J(uo, .Co-EE'6 C) (t loo) tr DC'aE(l ) .=E-- ? ts fl . . H d ES z# E U LoEEr(-zaF{o-aEc!a E. z. o_ I r( )=I,l t5U)I IJ . o_=I IIoOoF tJ L , tr ) I,l -YU)I tt -o-EI LL (f()oF o-EEotOtr )O(D=,l gc/ ) I ll -o_=I LLoOoF o.Elc !otr )oo=,lEU)I TLo_ I Il -o()oF. -L.ErXvh t q)z ilEg P. .E ( .L i EB I =' b r =\ , .= P rr ,r !I I il ll il il il tfg)C'6(9(l ) z.Eot- e€fr rt6o e rE .9 tr + . oU o\< U) (9 U) (9 .E ,o= Eo E'o= (l )Ea iF { -- 1 -H-o € a arr ) oo oO oo- oo (r ) o(: >caI v, {r ,dL€)+.->aoU -lou)GI -z.o aoU)6a :t rz.o -l toU)C\ I :t rz.o -Lo(Uz.z.a :t ro(oz.z.C; (1 ) (9(t roch Q- : Fl L, EZ C! ef ) $ rr 2 (o An n e x B - 3 AT L I C ST B Pl a n - Re v . l, Ap p e n d i x A Sampte Type - Multi Metals (Method 29)Start Time Condition Page of Plant Name - TOCDF End Time Run Sampling Train Leak Rate (ft3 @ in, Hg) ProJect Number -Duration (min)0perator lnitial @ PTCF Nozzle lD Final @ Location (Source) - MPF DGMCF Nozzle Dia (in)Pitot Tube lD Duct Dimension(s)Console No,Kf Pitot Tube Leak Check Elevation (relative to Barometer) (ft)AH@ lnitial (-)(, Nozzle Calib. Bar. Press. (in. Hg)Flnal (*)(-) Stat. Press. (in. HzO)Filter No. Point Clock Tirne Dry Gas Vol, (ft3)AP (in. HzO) AH (in. HzO) Temperature ('F)Vacuum (in. Hs)Stack Probe Filter lmp Erit DGM ln DGM Out -J -.tents: Annex B - 4 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. l, Appendix A di =E u ?l Er E ;- a= E :* t .E C = oc s 'A # Et {* HE t # t ;i :r 5 8 EE * : EA gE gg E E l Ig gE s Eg t E E= E EE g' g s' = E { i 5! E: l 5g l e E EE fi f i EE I E f i EB Eg { fr i f E i! f i - g g ; a E g a f t ; E f g $ -9 €t H FE EE gg ; g : la } E E lE o (, ) u' l H €- a Eg i- I E g g g g E I g a * } * I u H i 6 tr l< - cd gs b E, E ts f r T , EX 5' E E E H :E E ;- E I+ o E = t Hc ' tE :E t f g Eg E E * Ig :F g gB i E Fg ss ; gE ut e i 8 = 3E ;g a e EE E s BI l- ( I JIol3lzl |- { ! (D+- , !o5E&- . 8 ZFAZoo rF . !l tr t r .- .- 'o E .x .- ao (q c l .9 .g .b Ij .F a .;a tr t r zz F{ F{ oo€€ aH .- 'BoU , E9Nt s Fr .l =r , L' a) 'o o) E? . E o? o) tE .= t< -o E< O. - L *- E g EE E EE ; t< ) FcS , :i 5 g. ! g t1 +J - a- ( l- { .H l\ J .l r' , Z & .0 . , O.--r/-CJoa IULoo()0) t,q) -l aaIr-tGa ztOI F{ l t- { I <lUIol ll r- . . I <l olitr .9!rEE ,- r ft l cf o dzE& g\e\ \Ss\l .q ) \Ntr l 3Gf0) \- {aQI-a l. ] AHo.-+)CqdE .l Ax>i trq) {. 40)oc)L-)+,a .l o f- te chcdc )r ( lroCd l<(r )O.o { Avi6) ItrEd go .H*rg .E l t{ou)q)e (l )NNoz. c) EQ -L -(o & (1 )ooo- CI TI Iq)U) c '6 _ Eol-.=z. co I0)o) 'aEo?-z. o) (r , '6 - o Et ) .. > i z o-ELU (l ) (t rE9 l or !l ' (o o . EE (l ) o_ 'q ) g)C .- ' 6 - oE o-u, q) t- c (E () 9 J- ( t r Ec) o- (a li E T. . H -: t r c { rJ x + . zg E U t(o&Ett'zRl- { 6) -aEcla d.z.o-I (r ) c\I I I r5CJ ) aFoFU)I LLo()oF =LL Io)c!I I t -: zCN IFoFU)I LLCfOoF t- z.Io)c{,l lzcn IFoFCN I Lr -oOoF co -! -z.Io,C!=I,l r5aIFoFaI tLo()oF u. 'J J !o)c\I I I rEU)IFoFct ) I lr - ()ooF Ec) o-Io,c\=I,l -vU)Ih-oF(/ ) I lJ -o()ot- acd.oTIo)c!=I,l taaIFoFCN I 1l -oOoF -L. .-c, tA ^ vb I +a \' c)Z 1l +JB?G .I V .t s I>r l- { I +)B ,s g' 5 1c€ x .I lFr ( il il lt il tl il !! !to) '6(,o) z.EoF -)bo t r rE .9 tr { r o9 q U- O\z 'T O o c/ ) (9 -( ,o= Eo= -( ,o= 't fo ()Ea 1| {-- F. I H AL;- C) (: ) (fO Oo Oo cr ) ooCf )I o+. tL.q) *r a ar l LoU (l )Exe(1 ) o_o.E.=z, (1 ) -oxe(l ) o_C) .=z, cEc/ ) -foE=>< EEa!CoE=\c o) (9(UsU) Q. : al JEZ c\ CA s rr ) (o AT L I C ST B Pl a n - Re v . l, Ap p e n d i x A An n e x B - 5 Sample Type - PCDD/PCDF (Method 0023A)Start Time Condition Page of Plant Name - TOCDF End Tirne Run Sampling Train Leak Rate (ft3 @ in. Hg) Project Number -Duration (min)0perator lnitial @ )PTCF Nozzle lD Final @ -Location (Source) - MPF DGMCF Nozzle Dia (in)Pitot Tube ID Duct Dimension(s)Console No.Kf Pitot Tube Leak Check Stack Elevation (relative to Barometer)AH@ lnitial (*)(-) Nozzle Calib. Bar. Press. (in. Hg)Final (-)(-) Stat. Press, (in, HzO)Filter No Point Clock Time Dry Gas Vol. (fts)AP (in, HzO) AH (in. HeO) Temperature ('F)Vacuum (in, Hg)Stack Probe Filter Ht Trc Exit MD lnlet lmp Exit DGM ln DGM Out -,a Gents: Annex B - 6 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. l, Appendix A 6 A E E9 E € i€ ii EE $ 3 E IE XS E E .O EE E. H es B T E Bs ao *o ' i s b '! - -. : = -q E g) [ $ TE E; Eg q E s g: q il E s = : E E t tr a; e 7, t #i i *; g E t* g tt = , Eg * uE E g gg : Ea a gt l EE E i EE E EE E 65 B gg t g sB s E{ 4 €d a *E E g tq 3 f$ a Eg , ; E= r * "q E E Eg . 5 Eg E Eg E s ilcHilcIaJz ().9 9 gE *. , I= 'O .E ' Ot r t = 5G 9 & ct E Zp € n- 't €E I .F { €H E .= o t or > , 9c > EE EE H c, ^, / , rd E -. = E- FB , Eg il E ;E " .E B EE EE T H EE = -= .E B E E ;. 9 E Z g u = .O ( ) < L ) t r { - J EE E Eo t iu . j J O +r ' I J E uE E- E 'e , E' i '& € zoIr ( t- {UcF]F{ +)0 .l-.!Ic)-HULooCJo&oHa-lix6{a otr L.o+J 't , ii C+ ; 8A ozr' , , \{ 2* i HS t( S -- hr l tE { ts Ii *G+ .= \o 5+ 5X b0oJo -l aaxH6Ua tFto.-{- , cgdH.-?lxlrtrc) +Joaq)L--{. ,0.-ot{a (t ) cg {- , L{ l<o!tGI f- .C'O.o dA Eo{- ,o. l-(Jo(I ,o 0)aEE.( l )NNoz. l: ,c(t , (l ) -ooo- (t )=LL o)a.st(l )U'C(1 ) :( >Eo(J * = g. E EE E C' l-o&lE.Jz,e(1 l CLE(I tU' E. z.o-t (f JC!oo=I,l ttCD ILLo-I lr -o()oF ::LL4(r ) (\ Ioo=I,l lzCN t lr -o-! LLo(JoF x. (J I (f ,C\ c)C)=,t .Ycr ) I lr -o-=I Ll -oooF cfx! (Y ) c\oo=,t *ELt ) I tt -CL=I tr - (fooF o,E(E (9oz. ilED {- ,=E{J=Itr ) g=T6ciE lt I il ll il il I lt I ilcnc.U (o+, (l ) z. IU*,oF E' . E 6E (J 5 oP a(9 Eo -E 'o q,k- i o€ (=o oo (f ) oacf )I vl r} . , Eoco(J o(\ I :t r oct :t r C) (9(I , .s 2a t-(1 ,g,co 'a = E (\ I cD -+ tr , (o AT L I C ST B Pl a n - Re v . l, Ap p e n d i x A An n e x B - 7 Sample Type - Volatile Organics - Method 0031 Start Time Condition Page of )t rurr. - TocDF End Time Run Bar, Press. (in. Hg) I?(r., Numoer -Date DGMCF Elev. (Rel. to Bar.) (ft) Location (Source) - MPF 0perator Console No,Amb. Temp (oF) Pair No. of Tube ldentification No.Temperatures (oF)Vacuum ("Hg) Clock Time Gas Volume (L)Meter Pressure (',H20)Probe Meter ln Meter Out 1st Cond.2nd Cond. Leak Checks ('Hg) Pre-Test Comments Post Test Pair No. of Tube ldentification No.Temperatures (oF)Vacuum ('Hg) Clock Time Gas Volume (L)Meter Pressure (-H2O)Probe Meter ln Meter Out 1st Cond.2nd Cond. IJ Checks ("Hg) Pre-Test Commenb Post Test Pair No. of Tube ldentification No,Temperatures ('F)Vacuum ('Hg) Clock Time Gas Volume (L)Meter Pressure ('H20)Probe Meter ln Meter Out 1st Cond.2nd Cond. Leak Checks ("Hg) Pre-Test Commenb Post Test Pair No. of Tube ldentification No.Temperatures (oF)Vacuum ('Hg) Clock Time Gas Volume (L)Meter Pressure ('H20)Probe Meter ln Meter Out 1st Cond.2nd Cond. -. ;*, ("Hg) Pre-Test Comments Post Test Blank Tube lD Number Annerr l1 - R ATI IC STFI Plan - Rerr I Annendiv A 's bo g' :s .H 'e lI a o & q (E t s - - r O . ' = .. Li A .- j- . a .= ( d E - , q a SV ) tr ' a O iL ; 8 a { J +' v ' - ' t r Ef ) o rl il it r E E E €E tr 6 g U ,E 5 ,H ; E o- - O E c d ;4 t - ; v e d r a a * \E d q o E -: E <u CI . cU -- ' E EE H S' ; .$ o .E 6 is B E s $ I Eg E H Er i - , i E B tE E E 5! g + f , { 3 Er i E# il E ' { E ' .= E X EE . , ET €F ] = 6; a A d x- 9 0. 9 E - E #E E i€ .E T Er E E a 6g . q E. q =E :E E a .- t i l + i L O d d L : - d O " .H B . € E€ :E :B E E c dE ;E 3E E' f i + cn d c: . 6 Fr - 6 6 E il E E oo Fi S ES e, s &, s B S odo+- ,EE .i Gt c) n 0rt-= rr =r n OS A. SEi ^- \ a - _= UE o= = $h s 53 _. ,\ \ .= % .-{- )so c,ztr& u0oFI0) tr l attHcl0 tn(do(B l<oO.o ciC c.9*,CL !- L- (Jo(l ,o (l ) cr ) lI (1 ) -c t Fx(uEo) t- (l ) CD ImIo. ) -o=Fx(Uco)F -o)aI€oq) (t ,c c!o)U)II(l ) -oF-x(UC(l ) t- c\(l ) ct ) I co I(l ) -c lFx(UEo)F ct(l ) cJ ) t -oov, (UC a. ) (l )aIIo) -( )FxG'E(t ) F cf )0)aI co Iq) -oFx(oCq) F ca(l ) CN I -oo(n$g .q | (l )U)II(t ) -c )=FxG' (t )F s(1 ) U)t co I(l ) -o=Fxc,T. (1 ) F .< rc)U)I -ooU, (t tC, -) < co(l )aII(t ) -o=FxCI ,CG) F .Ymo)0I co Io) -o5Fx(oCo)F .Yco(t )oI -ooa(UC, (t , trovIo) (t ,aEo)EcoC) trtro.< f I -YC(o6(l ) (o.nC, (l ) -( ,CoO l-(l , -c lE5z,e(1 , E CL-tsG,U' xCFIo)U)I caoO=I I I -YcD I IIo_=I LLo(JoF mxEFIc)U)I caoo,l I lzcr ) I LLo_=I LLoOoF -oU'CIo) <n I s-cf )oo,t .YU)I tr -o-t LLc)OoF xEFtC\ (1 ) CN I r.Cf )oo='l I -: <aI LLo_ I LLoOoF mxCtc\ (l ) CN I CAoO=,t -5 2 ct ) I LLo-=I LLo()oF -oU'cIc! (1 )aI Cf ) O(3 ,l vU)I LLo-=I LLo()o1- *Ct;s3(l ' ) CN ! cao(>=,t -5 UaI LLo-I LLoC)oF mxEFI CA(l )at cf )oo,t -Vcr ) t LLo_ I LLoOOF [n n e ) -olD l- I co(1 ) CD I cf )OO=,t .Yc/ ) I LLo-I LLoOo]-B. xFI .+c)aI caoot,l -l <aI LLo-t LLo()oF coxCFI .+(I )U)ICf ) c)O'l I .5 . U)I LLo-I LL (f(JoF -c I (r ,CI$o) U)I caoo='l Iv, cr ) I tJ - o-I LLo(JoF xC1-I co LJ . - I cf ,oo=,t .YU)I LLo-=I LLoOoFAT mxgFI coLL I cf )OO,l -vcn I lJ -o-t LLoOoF t. I C S -oaIEI II tmC)C)=,t -g(/ ) tLLo-=! lrrf()oFIB P (l ) (u@E(t ) 'r ( ) coC)! coOo=I I I -vc/ ) I LLo-=I LLoOoFan - -Y00 Io+,(t rU'c(1 ) 1f ,co(J I (f )(fC)=,t lzU)! lJ - o_ I LLoOoF .e v . I Ap r di x A URS Source Sampling Temperature Readout Galibration Form Per Reference - Readout lD Nurnber Thermometer lD Number Voltage Generator lD Number Tern perature Readout Cal ibration Thermometer ("F)Temperature Readout ("F) (after adjustment) edifferenceis+5.Ffortemperaturesbelow1o00"Fandt10oFfortemperatures above 1000'F. Annex B - l0 ATLIC STB plan - Rev. l, Appendix A Operator Date Temperature Readout Calibration Check Ghannel Voltage (rnV) Temperature ("F)Channel Voltage (mv) Temperature ("F) Theoretical 0bserved Ditferencet Theoretical 0bserved Difference 1 0,0 32 5 -1 .0 -10 1.0 77 0,0 32 3.0 165 1.0 77 7.0 341 2,0 121 15.0 692 3,0 165 2 0.0 32 6 -1.0 -10 3,0 165 0.0 32 4.0 208 1.0 77 5.0 251 2.0 121 7.0 341 3.0 165 3 0.0 32 7 -1 .0 -10 3,0 165 0,0 32 4.0 208 1.0 77 5.0 251 2.0 121 7,0 341 3.0 165 4 '1,0 -10 0.0 32 1.0 77 2.0 121 3.0 165 \SSN,n\Fr iSaaq) ttBat\S .h a fa l .t i Fq)q !0 !Dtr IJd!otr IJdE$tr IJd$a-IJdom?-I-d(Y l tr3dtoN1--IJdNshIJdrorl?-IJdr{sLr-d Co,l F ) (C I (J l - (E 0) 'j = -o CE (u = -, LJ - l- { €- l-oU(t , LL \Z ECD .EE(ood, (o L' .E t- {E(9o kOl ,EE(t rod.ECiI=(9o (o lF ) .EH+- , IEH EJ- ) .EH+)o+)=o (oCIL+,o)EH E-it roJJ , :lo vt0) +J)C,Ec)Etr(/ )oF oN I'rl-o, +)oEot-o=o(J qr - .Eo O) I0) f-=V,qol-o-Ul-+)oEol-oco LLool-3|l - ) (I , l-o. )o-E0)F)- )c.0 ) -oE C' I I-< -Ef,=Uroo-E=o- (f o ) ar n l e r a d u a l a3 ! J ! r o le f , n l r f , D. I 9 O pa r q n s (u l-=*- , roC(r )6 El-oILtroTI{; i - r !E o L ?I .O != !r lk EEbE yviu ij dE^t ' g f, = s '6o.d, .=IL qi *- t toootr l(uotncoL) ino,, u )oz AT L I C ST B Pl a n - Re v . l, Ap p e n d i x A An n e x B - l l \SSS\\SaaE\tBaQI\S .h t lr t .l I -AJA( Efr ) tr-Jd A-a)-o-roF-at tsGs-t)otrovblt r LIEoF-,- I*t-JoE'Gol-o?-il JJUos r-(J oz.EEE(I ,E(J tLoo(JEOJ l-otl - tt - i5 (Y l tr I-d ]LoT] (I ,zoo-oo coNtr--d oHo-o-=aocr ) GI llo lJ - o(oUJ- 'of-oo)eF Nrn r\r\ LN r€ ) F{ 'F l\r rf ) NOl (o NF-EJd E0) (r ) ro {F ) o O rl ra N tr ) F{ EI F. l tr=d FrnHzG+Jol-hr tr r rE g HE IJ t r=o ot r E' t r lu o O. t r LFoF-*tJUo?E(J oHl-oPoEoEl-o-CFhl- {z LLocn .=E(ood. l-o1- )oEoEl-q) |-F LLoC' I .EE(t , (, ) d. 1, )=oErUOJ d. FItr=d ?l -x( ) .Y -o .+ J F 8= - (, E z .- tE - +,coEH l-otrtELLV rn.l - ) $-O) .EE(ood.E'EH=(,o T- rJ -Ol .sE(god. fgcLLE(,o -( \ J JJc+t (ucH (uL) .EH(u .P3o rocit r(utr r- l oCit r .b )off:fo gS P g P e; ' < - E ' < - .E : E E E \. / -r - { tO f Et ' T J + H 'B P . 9 P P PE E E ^ 5 E tr , 9 o - = 6€ UE E a- l-o (r " ) eJ n l P J a d u a l af , ! J ! r o le f , ! t ! r f , ht g o pa f q n s uo l l E r q ! l e f , rn o p , ? H ? i 3r B + ? . * w* , , A uo l l t r r q l l e f , H9 o An n e x B _ 12 ot-),t tG'E.9v) ?tr l-oILtro II*, lt rE8 TI !I rt LFl rL ru ' 't rl -:ogE o. Y rF * , -, . r =OH - 6SEg l- r otrdrEs-l- ci +) fi looHooaCoL) \tssNLstr ,qNF{ \_oEs +. (Uo.EJ+,)ororuotrEfgoo-EoF LL 0CLEot-Eoaoo-ootLoo.EoF(Eo.; ,ol-ooF N(f ) l' -F- tr ) (or r$(f ) C!o, (o tro .I{. , (Ul- -c l II-IUooCL-JoooEl-oF-F- e->a.o-=ao)o) (o=ooooEoEo.cF- oo) (!=o o cf , f- lf ) oz6CCG.C ,O o(U l-)oo:JoEoc)E,o) +, (Ur-oCLEoF =otoox.o=ol-oo.EoF. tLo0) :looo.EoFozEcc(oo c, ) .E]Cootbn oL , EoEt-o-cF -Lo .I{. f(Ef- -c t .I-Go=oo 0)=(EE.PU) l-oGoo-o o(Uo o0)oa,coo ooE,=ol' LoorEl-o6.cEoz dxtsLotE-lxo.-*,6gL€.- l -l €gUo-aI)ooodh(xLq) d tr lH€URor-oa?1 IloUE' tac c{ ) tr-Jtr$tcI.JM, Ftr -lJu l-0) -oEfzo r-oo(! TL !z o(\ I I=o)=,ott0) l-o- t-0)q) o) :EE=o(oo-E:,o- o $c o o G' (Uc o) T'I.(! -o o- tLo co5EoF .Ec.9(oott0) l- TL q-gc qof,o tto)C LLoo JE LL o t-ooE l- co o: ; 3 o( U IF C6E s ED -. .= o 3E=€g8 ac *t Oa' F .o E FC oo AT L I C ST B Pl a n - Re v . l, Ap p e n d i x A An n e x B - 13 S-Type Pitot Tube Inspection Sheet Inspector: Date: - Pitot ID: General Pitot Tube Alignment End View B-Side Side View Planc Transverse Tube Axis \ lpnsitudinal v Tube Axis A t- nu., --JOpening Plane il A-Side Plane A_ Dt= 0.188" s D, < 0.37 5"? (y/n) L05q A s1.50? (y/n) 2D, ) Misalignment o1 l-r-' tl 'o1 a2HHll' '\i 0l: Uz: ([r S 10"? az S l0o? (y/n) (y/n) \.--s\--- - tbz__{ ./ Loneitudinal\ tuFnfs -'14, P,: Fz: B' ( 5o?lt- B, < 5o?a -- (v/n) (y/n) y:_ 0- Z-Atan(y):_ W-Atan(0):- z < 0,125"? (y/n) W < 0.03 1"? (yln) Acceptability for Use (Circle Selection) lf all answers ars "!", this pitot tube is available for use, and could be assigned a correction factor of 0.84 lf all answers except the first (Dt) are "y', this pitot tube is available for use, but needs to be calibrated using a wind tunnel. Any other situation, the pitot tube must be removed from service. Annex B - 14 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. l, Appendix A Pitot Tube Calibration Data Pitot Tube Identification Number: Calibrated by: Sheet Date: Run No. 66A" Side Calibration Deviation Cot'l - Avg CoAPrs6 (in. water) AP' (in. water) Cp(t) I 2 3 Average Cp(s) (Side A) Run No. 668" Side Calibration Deviation Cp(r) - Avg CoAPrto (in,water) AP' (in. water) Cp(r) 1 2 3 Average Cp(sl (Side B) c p(,) - cp(std).,m cp(std): o.ee Average Deviation: o(uorb): t[Ae l C p(s), r j=l I Difference : I Average Cp1,y" - Average Cp(s)b I Must be <0.01 Must be <0.01 Annex B - 15 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. l, Appendix A Portable Barometer Calibration Data Sheet Portable Barometer ldentification Date Operator Laboratory barometer reading (reference) (in Hg) Portable barometer reading after correction (in Hg) Difference between reference and portable after correction (in Hg) ls the difference stO.1 in Hg (yes/no) Annex B - 16 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. l, Appendix A Balance lD BaTANCE CAUBRATION Date lnitial Galibration Calibration Weight Operator tD#Mass Linearity Check Calibration Weight Balance Reading Acceptable RangeID#Mass 100 99.9 - 100.1 200 199.9 - 200,2 500 499.5 - 500.5 1 000 999 - 1 001 Calibration of Student Weights Student Weight Set lD Calibration Weight Balance Reading Annex B - 17 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. l, Appendix A O FmLD B,trANcE Ca,IIBRATIoN Balance lD Date Operator " Use only calibration weights greater than 20 g. b The acceptance criteria for percent difference is t0.5%. This is calculated using this equation: percent Difference - balance reading - actual mass , , oo actual mass Sensitivity Check " " ln order to complete the sensitivity check of the field balance a weight greater than or equal to 1000 g is placed on the balance and the balance reading is recorded. Then a second weight less than or equalto 1 g is also placed on the balance. This second balance reading is recorded. d The acceptance criteria for the sensitivity check is 85-'115% of the secondary weight. This is calculated using this equation: % of secondary weight - Balance reading B -Balance.Reading A *roo Secondary Weight Galibration Check of Balance Using Student Weights Student Weight Set lD Student Galibration Weight' Actua! Mass (from Annual Calibration) Balance Reading Difference Percent Difference b Primary Weight (1000 g Class 1 Calibration Weight) Balance Reading A Secondary Weight (1 g Class 1 Calibration Weight) Balance Reading B Balance Reading of Secondary Weight (Balance Reading B - Balance Readinq A) %of Secondary Weightd Annex B - 18 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. l, Appendix A Project 'Page of Project Number Operator Source Date URS GEMS Operation Log Analyzer Response Annex B - 19 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. l, Appendix A oG, .a - a .Ec, -yo (o=o-rr ) :foI$5oCf ) JoE(\ t=o=o- s(r )+l -C O, -c c=6 (, , E .c , t? t E= E' = U' E (E o - g) '. EO (l ) C tc o*E <D b oE(oa- q)o -C '6i : co+l s, .E .g -c o =( U=EE9 CD 5 o' = b9No - >. Ja (t , N , -Y '{ ' o: = \/ tro lr Lo.=t-o cG'o-U'oESocon=EC,oa.9 ,EtU c(I ,o.ao>eoo=_gG) -oa(!E(UEo)Co '6.i tELU .=EE.oa.9E(l ) (l )C, ) o)E|. r ) c. i I u?E(UCL c/ ) (l )o-o(I ) ()oo-xo)v,c)EtI ?C\I u?cc,o-U'Ec.9U' .aEC)oc!. - (oo- C/ 'obsOoIo@-oc(ubsog?o\r(nNo)ooooo- C,o)g)o.=cq) -o(u(no(l )N C(oo- ato}soCDo@EC(r I bs lf ) tr ) ,r 5sbs lr ) co I r( ) 6l lD(I ,o)6()ooo- o) -ofi , l-o)ooN C(t rCL (nobs (\ I+l .E'=a(I ,cnc(Uo- ct ) c(go- v,o;ec{+t .E '=cn(!CDoo)C(EIp= c(oCLao;sGI+t .E'=@Ntf )e(l )N (l )EI](1 )E(I ) (Jo;sr,C, '=a(E(r ) (Dg,c(uI=oJ (l ) i6-( , (1 )E(l )ooas l. r ) .EE=3n(u(r ) o,o)cG' Ip= c)=(U -oo) '- = (D()obs lr , .E'=aNo)c(t ro- U) tco(!tr -o(! (Jg,Et- -Ec, .=rc , (E(l ) ;sLr )+t .=-c , '=aCt 'o) ao)o(1 ) 6 (I ) t u) ( l ) (t , -c t (I , .( Jo-o-oz. ct )=.oo)o.oCN,o- at ,oESCf )+tC'=o, .EE(uEvt (l ,o) '( )(l ) o , o. = (! ) E EU g, .E-r ,G' o)a=.9(1 )o-oEN'o- U)osCE+tc.E'=U' (!q)ot-(l )N aD=oEo-ocoo-aoEs (f ) +l .c .C , '=g)EE(o(DU, (I , (: r , -o(l ) c D () . = (l ) . l C 7i Ct r 6E o) .c , ro(Eoo=.9(l )o-oC, (oCL lnobsCA#c'=a(o(r )e(t )N !,o?{- ,o= ui f: . 4 dc o (o ro (\ I LUr- < a5 ' c o (o Ir )C\ l LUr- < a5 " c o (o rr )c! tl J - 1- - .q d' c o (o lr ,GI 'JNq d' o D (o rr ) c\ .t i .z+Jo Co() (t )o) c/ )C(go- U) aCx , (9cOcE€ =( J =( l ) (E o ) a) u) oLJ . IC.9E€Eo cn .gcol-(t ) ? i 66>- c (n L) oC -c n .9 PE * J- o c) UD 2: q) o (E - c O- ( ) C ) rA latrou?NEYs(Jo? -lC' +, h.EaI LIJoE oJootoo0troELototr!o;r-rl ,oE l-o.c IE5z]i .E f-oo6E 15 = OE =2l-ot-={r ,oo tf - Jtr(!Eo+J .>fi , ?- Et r .F O =r r x* fEGBO II #. r h ts t r (d + , Et r so :E6rE* , o- F - Eo !E +r -E= tr L o* a .E g -C , I tr E oLoE' ,s-ooF-o .E{i , IUl-*rtrooF-oC)o+aEotroo.Eoo oooG(I , tro lr*, IELgI t! (, AT L I C ST B Pl a n - Re v . l, Ap p e n d i x A An n e x B - 20 5 |-)oXo ST]RROGATE TRIAL BURN PLAN FOR THE AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATOR APPENDIX A ANNEX C RESUMES OF KEY INDIVIDT]ALS REVISION 1 December 2r 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS URS CORPORATION KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES. ......C-1 TESTAMERTCA KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES ....................................... ...................C-8 AIR TOXICS, LTD., KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES ........C-11 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev I Appendix A December 2,2010 TOCDF Annex C-i URS CORPORATION KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES Michael Fuchs Eugene Youngerman) PhD D. Chris Weber Margaret L. Jephson Adam Blank Kevin McGinn George Lipinski, PE Carl Galloway Steven Hall Robert V. Woytek David P. Maxwell Derek Ballek Nathan Reichardt Andrew Hodgson Meggen Delollis Alex Bellon Crawford Daniel Currin Austen Joseph Sofhauser ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF Annex C-l URS CORPORATION KEY PERSONNEL RBSUMES MICHAEL FUCHS Project Manager Mr. Michael Fuchs is a Project Manager in the Measurements group in the URS Austin, Texas, office. Mr. Fuchs began his career performing source testing and now manages projects while continuing to supervise tests in the field. Mr. Fuchs primarily manages projects related to the treatment of hazardous waste (primarily combustion); emissions measurements, including source testing; and regulatory compliance (RCRA, TSCA, and HWC MACT) for hazardous waste combustion facilities. He actively participates in those projects by preparing test plans and QAPPs; supervising trial burns, CPTs, and related projects; and preparing reports and regulatory filings. Mr. Fuchs manages the trial burns and related projects at TOCDF and PBCDF, and supervises on-site testing at TOCDF. He manages (and was instrumental in) the development and implementation of the ongoing mercury monitoring at TOCDF. He also manages similar projects for a number of industrial clients. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from Southwest Texas State University at San Marcos. EUGENE YOUNGERMAN, Ph.D. Senior Project Chemist, Unit Quality Officer Dr. Eugene Youngerman currently serves as the Senior Project Chemist and Unit Quality Officer for the Measurements group of the Austin General Engineering Office. He directs and participates in permitting and testing activities of hazardous waste incinerators as well as other source testing for process characterization or regulatory compliance. He has 24 years of experience in this area including document preparation; test protocol design and preparation; laboratory coordination; method development; plan implementation; and interpretation and reporting of sampling, analysis, and QA/QC results. He has served as Project Director on major sampling and analysis programs for RCRA and TSCA pre-trial and trial burns. Dr. Youngennan has several publications relating to his experience on various projects. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge, and a Master's and Doctorate in Chemistry, both from the University of California at San Diego. D. CHRISTOPHER WEBER Chemist Mr. D. Christopher Weber is a Chemist in the Measurements Group in the URS Austin, Texas, office. His primary focus is on projects dealing with emissions measurement in the chemical demilitarization, power, petrochemical, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, cement, and various manufacturing industries. He has gained experience with combustion, petrochemical, and other industrial processes through participation in numerous efforts designed to permit and charucterize processes or pollution control devices. Mr. Weber has a Bachelor's degree in Biology, from Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tennessee. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF Annex C-2 MARGARET L. JEPHSON Scientist Ms. Margaret L. Jephson is a Scientist in the Measurements group for the URS Austin, Texas, office. Her areas of expertise include air regulatory compliance support, and trial bum testing and reporting. She has been a field Team Lead,leading the field aspects for emissions testing projects and working with clients to help them fulfill their compliance needs. In addition, Ms. Jephson has been responsible for compiling test results and preparing formal reports for submittal to the regulatory agencies. Ms. Jephson holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from Southwestern University at Georgetown, Texas. ADAM BLANK Project Scientist Mr. Adam Blank is a Project Scientist prirnarily focusing on technical and measurement support of projects characteizing emissions from combustion sources. During his career at URS, Mr. Blank has participated in a number of projects supporting HWC MACT and RCRA trial burns. He has worked with multiple hazardous waste combustion units and clients, including commercial and process units, and a chemical weapons demilitarization facility. He has experience with test design, project planning and execution, and reporting in numerous efforts designed to permit and characteize emissions from processes or pollution control devices. Mr. Blank holds a Bachelor's degree in Bio-Psychology from Tufts University at Boston, Massachusetts. KEVIN McGINN Project Manager Mr. Kevin McGinn has 16 years of experience in emissions measurement. As a Project Manager, he has supervised field teams, written test reports, and performed quality assurance duties for projects in the waste incineration and petrochemical industries. As a Program Manager, he managed projects in the chemical demilitarization, waste incineration, cement production, and chemical industries. His specialty is the field of air quality. Mr. McGinn holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from McGill University at Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF Annex C-3 GEORGE LIPINSKI, Professional Engineer (PE) Senior Project Manager Mr. George Lipinski is a chemical engineer with26 years of experience in environmental engineering. As a consultant, he managed projects in the waste management, chemical, pharmaceutical, electric utility, and independent power-production industries. His experience includes a variety of environmental programs in air quality, hazardous waste, solid waste, and water quality. Mr. Lipinski has specialized experience in the fields of air quality, combustion, incineration, and waste management. In addition, he has authored a number of papers and presentations related to hazardous waste and wood fuel combustion. Mr. Lipinski is a registered PE and holds a Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. CARL GALLOWAY Senior Sampling Technician Mr. Carl Galloway has participated in trial bum sampling activities since 1989, performing isokinetic sampling, VOST (0030 and 0031) CEMS operation, train preparation, process sampling, gas chromatography (Ml8 and 0040), and sample shipping. He has experience with sampling and analysis of FGD and SCR systems, including nitrogen oxides (M7D), sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid (M6 and NCASI 8A), ammonia (CTM 027 and other variants), plus other related process measurements, including reduced sulfur species (Ml1, M15, M16). Mr. Galloway holds a Bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Texas at Austin. STEVEN HALL Senior Scientist Mr. Steven Hall has conducted emission measurements at a myriad of sources over his 17 -year career. As a Senior Scientist, he has managed projects, supervised field teams, analyzedl interpreted data, written test reports and plans, and performed quality assurance duties for projects in the power, oil and gas, gas transmission, semiconductor, cement, and petrochemical industries. Mr. Hall specializes in the field of air quality measurements by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). He holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF Annex C-4 o ROBERT V. WOYTEK Technician/Laboratory Man ager/Equipment Manager Mr. Robert Woytek has been involved in numerous trial burn efforts throughout his 20-plus years with URS. His experience ranges from isokinetic train preparation and recovery to isokinetic train sample collection. Mr. Wolek is also responsible for maintenance, calibration, and inspection of the URS sampling equipment and NIST Traceable calibration equipment, and the management of two laboratories. He studied Biology at Austin Community College at Austin, Texas. DAVID P. MAXWELL Senior Project Chemist Mr. David Maxwell is an analytical chemist with 27 years of experience in the characterization of chemical and industrial processes as a manager and task leader of emissions and process testing, ambient air monitoring, and environmental sampling and analytical programs. Mr. Maxwell uses his analytical chemistry and quality control background for the development and proper application of chemical measurement methods to the sampling and analysis of multi- media process streams and emissions from hazardous waste incineration, power generation, and other combustion and gasification processes. He conducts and leads project tasks with an attention to detail and provides the following professional leadership skills:. Management and technical direction of industrial and environmental sampling and analytical projects;. Development of sampling and analytical solutions for complex industrial process and environmental characterizations ;. Preparation of written project and quality assurance plans, project reports, technical papers, and presentations; and. Evaluation and interpretation of analytical results and quality control data. Mr. Maxwell holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Southern California at Los Angeles. DEREK BALLEK Chemist Mr. Derek Ballek is currently a Chemist for the Measurements group of the URS Austin, Texas, office. He has extensive experience in hazardous waste sampling; isokinetic sampling; Appendix K monitoring; continuous emissions monitors; 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, methods for sampling and recovery; and 40 CFR 63, Subpart EEE, at sources such as incinerators, boiler industrial furnaces, and turbines. Mr Ballek has worked as a field lead many times and is familiar with all facets of CPTs. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Texas at Austin. ATLIC STB PIan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF Annex C-5 NATHAN REICHARDT Environmental Scientist Mr. Nathan Reichardt is an Environmental Scientist for the Measurements section of the URS Austin, Texas, office. He has extensive experience in isokinetic sampling and continuous emissions monitoring. He has held task lead, sampling, and sample recovery roles in projects ranging from investigative emissions charactertzation to comprehensive performance tests and trial burns. Mr. Reichardt holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science from West Texas A&M University at Canyon. ANDREW HODGSON Scientist III Mr. Andrew Hodgson has over 12 years of experience in environmental measurements, including gas chromatography, ambient and indoor air monitoring, and vapor intrusion studies. He has worked with a *id. rrrg" of equipment manufacturers including Perkin Elmer, Agilent, SRI, and Photovac. He has conducted systems and performance audits of ambient air quality and meteorological monitoring systems for URS. Mr. Hodgson holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science from Lehigh University at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. MEGGEN DeLOLLIS Chemist Ms. Meggen Delollis is a Chemist for the Measurements section of the URS Austin, Texas, office and has extensive experience in isokinetic sampling, Method 30B mercury monitoring and thermal desorption analysis, continuous emissions monitoring, and sample analysis by gas chromatography. She has held lead, sampling, sample recovery, and sample analysis roles in projects ranging from investigative emissions characteization to comprehensive performance tests and trial burns. Ms. Delollis holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Texas at Austin. ALEX BELLON Scientist Mr. Alex Bellon has recently joined the Measurements section of the URS Austin, Texas, office as an entry-level scientist. He has experience in isokinetic and sorbent tube sampling at sources such as incinerators, furnaces, and turbines. Mr. Bellon has aided in mobilization for several projects and has a working knowledge of isokinetic sampling based on EPA Test Method 5, and sorbent tube sampling and analysis based on EPA 40 CFR 75, Appendix K. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Texas at Austin. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF Annex C-6 CRAWFORD DANIEL CURRIN Chemist Mr. Crawford Daniel Currin has more than? years in emissions sampling and analytical methods. As a chemist, he has performed laboratory analysis of various emissions, including drinking water, waste water, and air emissions. Mr. Currin has analyzed these samples for Method 29 metals analysis via ICP-MS, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Ammonia, Phosphorus, Cyanide, Fluoride, and Hexavalent Chromium, With URS, he has been involved in the preparation, operation, and recovery of isokinetic sampling trains. He has also been responsible for the operation of CEMS instruments to complete Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATAs). Mr. Cunin holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from University of North Carolina at Wilmington. AUSTEN JOSEPH SOFHAUSER Chemist Mr. Sofhauser has more than 9 months experience in emissions sampling. V/ith URS, he has been involved in the preparation, operation, recovery, and analysis of isokinetic sampling trains.' He hold s Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Texas at Austin. Annex C-7 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF TESTAMERICA KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES Robert Hrabak Karla S. Buechler Douglas Weir Steven D. Rogers David Allameh Robert Weidenfeld Kirby Garret Michael Flournoy ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF Annex C-8 TESTAMERICA KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES ROBERT HRABAK Operations Manager Mr. Robert Hrabak has over 20 years experience in the environmental industry with over 16 years in various managerial positions. He is responsible for monitoring workflow, increasing efficiency and productivity of all operational groups in the laboratory. He assures completion and follow-through on day-to-day operations in all departments. These dayto-day operational responsibilities include client satisfaction, financial management, human resources, health and safety program compliance, and quality assurance plan compliance. Mr. Hrabak has specialized in the area of the Advanced Technology Group, focusing on dioxins and specialty chemicals. His extensive technical knowledge in these areas and excellent organizational skills made him the ideal choice to manage these projects in the laboratory. Mr. Hrabak holds a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of California at Davis. KARLA S. BUECHLER Laboratory Manager Ms. Karla Buechler has over 20 years experience in the environmental industry with over 13 years in various managerial positions. In addition, she has eight years of hands-on experience with pesticide extraction and GC. In her current role she oversees the overall operation of the West Sacramento Laboratory. Ms. Buechler holds a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry from the University of California at Davis. DOUGLAS WEIR Quality Assurance Manager Dr. Douglas Weir directs and monitors quality assurance activities at the West Sacramento facility. He is responsible for reports to management, client concerns, project plan review, lab performance review, and review of procedures that will ensure the production of data of a defined quality. He is responsible for performing the systems and method audits of the laboratory. He has over 19 years experience in the environmental laboratory industry, which includes experience in high and low resolution GC/IvIS, GC/ECD, HPLC, UV/visible spectroscopy, and magnetic resonance. He has authored method standard operating procedures, Quality Assurance Plans, project/cost proposals, and 30 scientific papers. He is conversant with a wide variety of U.S. EPA methodologies including SW846 organic and inorganic methods; series 500 and 600 methods for drinking water and wastewater; methods 1613B, 1614,1668A, 1625,1656,8290, and 82804. Dr. Weir has a Bachelor's degree_in Chemistry and a Doctorate in Physical Chemistry, both from Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix A Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF Annex C-9 STEVEN D. ROGERS Volatile Organics Analysis Department Manager Mr. Steven Rogers has over 22 years of management and bench level experience. He is currently managing the Volatile Organics Analysis department. He provides technical expertise in all organics areas of the lab. Mr. Rogers holds a Bachelor's in Biochemistry/Biophysics from Oregon State University at Corvallis. DAVID ALLAMEH GC/HPLC/LCMS Department Manager Mr. David Allameh has over 19 years of experience in environmental analyses. He is responsible for the groups performing petroleum hydrocarbon methods and HPLC methods 8310 and 8330. He coordinates instrument maintenance, data review, analyst training, updating of SOPs as well as scheduling sample analysis. He held technical and supervisory positions at environmental testing laboratories prior to joining TestAmerica. He applies his experience to both govemment and commercial customers, providing them with high quality datameeting the specified data quality objectives. Mr. Allameh holds a Bachelor's in Engineering from United States International University at San Diego. ROBERT WEIDENFELD Project Manager, Trial Burn Coordinator Mr. Robert Weidenfeld brings over 20 years experience to the project manager position, specializing in both source and ambient air monitoring programs. In this role, he functions as the interface between the client and the laboratory ensuring that QAPP and sampling programs plans are properly implemented. In addition, Mr. Weidenfeld is the primary laboratory project manager for the Army Chemical Demilitarization program, managing and coordinating work from Tooele, Umatilla, Pine Bluff, and Anniston. Mr. Weidenfeld holds a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Management from the University of California at Berkeley. KIRBY GARRETT Department Manager, Organic Preparations Mr. Kirby Garrett has over 20 years of bench level and supervisory experience. He is responsible for the quality assurance and efficiency of the Organic Extraction group. He oversees the extractions for a wide variety of analyses and matrices including water, soil, solids, wastes, and tissue. He is conversant with a wide variety of U.S. EPA methodologies including SW846 organic and inorganic methods. As the Department Manager of Organic Preparations, Mr. Kirby manages daily operations of the department in the extraction of environmental samples for analysis by a wide variety of methods and instruments. He participates in daily production meetings to determine the most efficient manner to complete work by communicating ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF Annex C-10 with other areas on capacity. In addition, he identifies priorities for new work as it is received, and develops and implements new technology and upgrades to increase efficiency. Mr. Garrett holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the California State University, San Bernardino. MICHAEL FLOURNOY Technical Director, Air Toxics Mr. Flournoy has over 19 years of experience in the environmental industry with over 8 years in various managerial positions and 15 years of hands-on experience with high resolution extraction and gas chromatographyimass spectrometry. As Technical Director of Air Toxics, he works closely with the corporate and local management team, as well as the sales staff, to identify and support new opportunities and client management. He is also a member of the laboratory's Senior Management Team and, as such, participates in the development and implementation of strategic business plans. Additional responsibilities include proposal preparation, pricing, contract review, and market development. Mr. Floumoy is also active in application development for client and laboratory automation. Supported methods include pharmaceuticals and personal care products by EPA Method 1694; steroids and hormones by EPA Method 1698, modified; organochlorine pesticides by EPA Method 1699, modified; explosives by EPA Method 8330 and 8330B; nitrophenols by EPA Method 8330, modified; as well as other proprietary TestAmerica methods. He holds a Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering from University of California at Davis. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2,2010 TOCDF Annex C-11 AIR TOXICS, ITD., KEY PERSONI\EL RESUMES Linda L. Freeman Robert Mitzel Heidi Hayes Phua Penney Sepideh Saeed James Parker Melanie Levesque Ausha Scott Kyle Vagadori Bing Wang ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix A Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF Annex C-12 AIR TOXICS, LTD., KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES LINDA L. FREEIVIAN Chief Executive Officer and Laboratory (Technical) Director (1) Ms. Linda L. Freeman is the Technical Director and the Chief Executive Officer of Air Toxics, Ltd., providing leadership that ensures that the founding mission and core values of the company are put into practice. Ms. Freeman leads programs relating to the development of long-range strategy, quality systems, and financial infrastructure. As Technical Director (1), her responsibilities include: the adminishative review of laboratory operations and qualifications for the technical positions, ensuring and documenting initial and ongoing proficiency, and overseeing the Quality systems. Ms. Freeman has over 24 years of combined environmental experience and20 years of laboratory business management experience. She holds a Bachelor's degree from Boston College and a Master's Degree in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. ROBERT M'ITZF-L President Mr. Robert (Bob) Mitzel is the President of Air Toxics, Ltd., and represents the partnership in all matters. Mr. Mitzel provides day-to-day leadership and management of programs to oversee the processes and resources necessary for establishing long-range service objectives, plans, and policies, in cooperation with the CEO and Board of Directors. He is responsible for the measurement and effectiveness of both internal and external processes by providing accurate and timely feedback on the operating condition of the company. Mr. Mitzel also directs the definition and operation of the laboratory production by fostering a suecess-oriented and accountable environment within the company. A critical component of this is his ability to motivate and lead a high-perfornance management team capable of meeting both customer service and bottom-line financial objectives. Mr. Mitzel has over 28 years of combined environmental laboratory experience. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry and Biology from Califomia State University at Chico. HEIDI C. HAYES Vice President of Research & Development, and Technical Director (2) Ms. Heidi C. Hayes is the Vice President of Research & Development and Technical Director (2) of Air Toxics, Ltd. Ms. Hayes is responsible for developing products and solutiong to meet client and industry needs. She oversees the validation process to ensure that quality objectives are met as defined. Her focus is on testing new media, protocols, and technology related to air phase analysis. She serves as a resource for the regulatory community in evaluating soil gas, and indoor air sampling and analytical protocols. As Technical Director (2), Ms. Hayes provides additional oversight for the quality systems and technical performance of the laboratory. Ms. Hayes has over 17 years of environmental laboratory experience. She holds a Bachelor's degree TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Annex C-13 ,...,ril5:1il$ in Chemistry and Mathematics from Luther College and a Master's degree in Chemistry from the Colorado School of Mines. PHUA PENNEY Laboratory Director Ms. Phua Penney is the Laboratory Director at Air Toxics, Ltd., and is responsible for the overall management of laboratory operations and direction in project management. Ms. Penney is responsible for implementing structures and measurement matrices to facilitate management communication, prioritization, and feedback as needed to achieve corporate goals. In addition, she applies experience and judgment in the interpretation and application of customer service policies and procedures to exceed client expectations, and provides training and technical support to the project management team. Ms. Penney has over 10 years of laboratory experience and 5 years of supervisory experience. She has a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry from the University of California at Davis. SEPIDEH SAEED Laboratory Manager Ms. Sepideh Saeed is the Laboratory Manager. She is responsible for managing and overseeing all processes and resources involved in the daily operations of the VOC and SVOC departments. In addition, she provides technical support to client services, sales, and the laboratory. Ms. Saeed has 16 years of laboratory experience as a GC, HPLC, GC/MS, and extraction chemist, and 3 years of supervisory experience; she has been employed at Air Toxics since 1998. Ms. Saeed has a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry from the University of California at Davis. JAMES PARKER Assistant Laboratory Man ager Mr. James Parker is the Assistant Laboratory Manager of Air Toxic, Ltd. He is responsible for data review, SOP creation/updates, development of intemal training programs for laboratory and sales staff, planning and implementation of special projects, analyzing cause/effect to correct systemic quality and technical challenges, responses to client inquiries, and content preparation and performance of intemal audits for the Quality Assurance department. Mr. Parker holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Arizona. MELANIE LEVESQUE Quality Assurance Manager Ms. Levesque is the Quality Assurance Manager at Air Toxics, Ltd., and develops and supervises programs intended to ensure that the laboratory is producingdata of known and acceptable quality. Ms. Levesque oversees QC activities including various independent checks of laboratory systems, SOP generation, and corrective action procedures, as well as monitoring laboratory certification programs. Ms. Levesque has documented training in the approved Annex C-14 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A December 2,2010 TOCDF .O methods and can verify that the laboratory is following SOPs. She maintains independence from the operations by not engaging in production activities, and she reports directly to the President. The QA department conducts a yearly independent.audit of the quality systems and methods criteria, and notifies laboratory directors of deficiencies via a written quarterly status report. Ms. Levesque has 8 years of environmental laboratory experience and has worked in a variety of positions that include analytical and supervisory experience. Ms. Levesque holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry and a Master's degree in Analytical Chemistry, both from the Rochester Institute of Technology. AUSHA SCOTT Project lVlanager Ms. Ausha Scott is a Project Manager at Air Toxics, Ltd., and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of project management functions and liaison for goal achievement between clients and Air Toxics' sales, frnance, and laboratory teams. Ms. Scott has been with Air Toxics for 10 years: 6 years as project manager and 4 years gaining environmental laboratory experience in a variety of positions, including GC/MS chemistry. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology from the University of California at Santa Cruz. KYLE VAGADORI Project Manager Mr. Kyle Vagadori is a Project Manager at Air Toxics, Ltd., and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of project management functions and liaison for goal achievement between clients and Air Toxics' sales, finance, and laboratory teams. Prior to joining Air Toxics in 2005, Mr. Vagadori spent 4 years as a technical service representative in chemical grouping, waste profiling, disposal options, RCRA, DOT, CallEPA TrtleZ},regulation, and compliance. He also performed environmental specialist duties including manifesting, lab packing, labeling, loading, and coordinating transportation; and sampling/profiling bulked and drummed waste streams. Mr. Vagadori holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental and Resource Sciences from the University of California at Davis. BING WANG Information Technology Man ger Mr. Bing Wang joined Air Toxics in 2009 as the Information Technology Manager. Mr. Wang oversees all aspects of software engineering and development, database administration, and network administration. He brings more than 12 years information technology experience to our organization, including 10 years of commercial software development experience. His expertise spans all aspects of direction, design, development, and implementation of customized Laboratory Information Management Systems in an FDA Good-Laboratory-Practices-regulated environment. Mr. Wang has been instrumental in designing and implementing model work flow processes, defining user requirements, and proposing software design and implementation to satisfy long-term company business goals. He has established policies and procedures to ensure continuous database and server environment integrity and reliability. Mr. Wang holds a Master's ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF Annex C-15 degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Califomia at Berkeley, and Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Engineering from Central South University of Technology, China. JEFFREY TECSON Support Services Team Leader Mr. Jeffrey Tecson is the Team Leader for the Support Services Team. This team is responsible for cleaning and coordinating the certification of Summa, Silco, and Silonite Canisters. Other responsibilities include preparation of flow controllers, TO-17 tubes, and VOST/SMVOC tubes for Methods 0030 and 0031. Mr. Tecson has 11 years of management experience and five years experience in bench work for Support Services; currently Mr. Tecson is spending 25 o/o of his time on the bench. Mr. Tecson has an A.S. in Computer Technology from Heald College at Rancho Cordova, California. JEET GREWAL Lead Scientist, VOST Analysis Mr. Grewal has beep the Lead Scientist in VOST and TO-17 analysis for the last 10 years at Air Toxics, Ltd., and he has extensive experience with VOST trial burn projects. His duties include routine VOST analysis and data write up, work scheduling, and implementation of project specific QA/QC requirements. Mr. Grewal is actively involved with staff training and teaching VOST training classes. He is very experienced with instrument maintenance, troubleshooting, solving analyical and technical problems, and method development involving VOST and TO-17 analysis. Prior to Air Toxics, Ltd., Mr. Grewal gained eight years of experience as a GC and GC/MS chemist, including four years as a group leader in an environmental laboratory. He holds a Master's degree in Organic Chemistry. TIMOTHY SANFELICE MS Interpretation Specialist Timothy Sanfelice is a Scientist on the GC/MS Volatiles team. He is responsible for the operation, calibration, and maintenance of the GC/MS quadrupole systems. In addition to analyzing environmental air samples and standards for VOCs, he reduces the data acquired from these analytical mainframes. Mr. Sanfelice takes a lead role in trouble-shooting and solving any hardware/instrument problems that arise. In addition, he participates in method development projects and evaluations. Mr. Sanfelice has worked in several Senior Chemist positions, where his responsibilities included method development, equipment maintenance and repair, data review, and report generation. He has over 18 years experience in the environmental laboratory field. Mr. Sanfelice holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry with a minor in Biology from California State University at Sacramento. TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix A December 2,2010Annex C-16 o o o O TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY (TOCDF) ST.IRROGATE TRIAL BTIRI{ PLAN FORTHE AREA 10 LIAUD INCINERATOR APPEI\DIX B ATLIC SHAKEDOWN PLAN REVISION 1 Decemb er 21 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...,.,..,.1 2.0 PREPARATORY ACTIVITIES............. .................. ............3 3.0 GENERAL SHAKEDOWN ACTTVITIES .......,4 4.0 ATLIC SHAKEDOWNACTIVITIES ...............5 5.0 POST-ATLIC STB ACTIVITIES............. ..........7 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix B Decemb er 2, 2Al0 TOCDF B-i INTRODUCTION The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) was designed and built as a hazardous waste disposal facility for the U.S. Army. The TOCDF is designed to dispose of chemical Agents GB, VX, and Mustard (H-series), drained munitions, contaminated refuse, bulk containers, liquid wastes, explosive, and propellant components, which are all apart of the chemical agent stockpile at the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD). The DCD is located 20 miles south of Tooele, Utah. EG&G Defense Materials, Inc. (EG&G), operates the TOCDF under contract to the U.S. Army through the Chemical Materials Agency (cMA). The TOCDF consists of five different Hazardous Waste Incinerators that are currently processing the DCD mustard stockpile. The TOCDF incinerator will complete processing the DCD mustard stockpile in mid to late 20L1. EG&G also will operate the Area 10 Liquid Incinerator (ATLIC), which is located within the DCD chemical munition storage area that is adjacent to the TOCDF. The ATLIC is being designed and constructed to process the 4 ton containers (TCs) of Agent GA, the l0 TCs of Lewisite, and up to 10 TCs referred to as "Transparency" TCs, some of which previously contained Lewisite. The ATLIC Shakedown will begin after approvals for the Surrogate Trial Bum (STB) and Lewisite Comprehensive Performance Test are received from the Executive Secretary of the State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW) and approval by the Division of Air Quality (DAQ). The wastes that will be processed during the shakedown period are a surogate mixture of chlorobenzene and tetrachloroethene (with metals spikes) and simulated spent decontamination solution (spent decon) comprised of 2 Yo percent sodium hydroxide and 10 % sodium chloride to simulate the ash loading from buming Agent GA. The ATLIC includes a primary combustion chamber (PCC) followed by a secondary combustion chamber (SCC). Exhaust gas from the SCC is routed to the Pollution Abatement System (PAS), which consists of a quench tower, followed by a series of low- energy packed bed scrubbers. The scrubbers are followed by a high-energy venturi scrubber, moisture separator, exhaust gas re-heater, baghouse, fixed-bed carbon filter, and finally, an induced draft (ID) fan. The initial ATLIC Shakedown operations will be processing the surrogate mixture. The objectives of the ATLIC Surrogate Trial Burn (STB) Shakedown are to: . Demonstrate that the ATLIC can successfully and efficiently destroy the surrogate mixture at the proposed permitted feed rates. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix B Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF B-1 . Familiari ze the operators with the actions and process steps necessary to process Agent GA through handling and processing a less toxic substance (i.e., the surrogate mixture). . Evaluate the ATLIC operating conditions relative to regulated ATLIC Operating Parameter Limits (OPLs) and waste feed rates. . Evaluate the impact on the SCC of simultaneously processing a highly-chlorinated surrogate mixture and spent decon. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix B Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF B-2 PREPARATORY ACTIVITIES The ATLIC will only process Agent GA, Lewisite, and Transparency TCs. There are 4 GA TCs, 10 Lewisite TCs, and 10 Transparency TCs. In a2009 study, the Transparency TCs were found to be empty, based on attempts to obtain samples followed by taking boroscope pictures that verified the TCs were empty. The Transparency TCs were sampled and no liquid or solid samples could be collected from the TCs, indicating that they do not contain any liquids or solids; however, they may have once contained Lewisite. In addition, the duration of the ATLIC agent campaigns will be much shorter than the TOCDF agent campaigns. The CMA requires that agent and munition-specific Operational Readiness Reviews (ORRs) be conducted prior to the start of actual operations. During an ORR, all related procedures are reviewed and tested; the operators execute the processing activities according to procedures as ORR team members observe their actions. Agent draining and transfer operations are simulated using ethylene glycol or water. The procedures are further reviewed to ensure that environmental regulatory requirements are incorporated into the procedures. Issues arising during the ORR are required to be closed according to a timetable and prior to the start of hazardous waste operations. Because Agent GA will be fed shortly after the completion of the STB (i.e., upon approval by the Executive Secretary of ATLIC STB preliminary data), and because the GA Campaign is so brief (about 5 days), the function and operation of the Agent GA and Lewisite agent monitoring system and associated procedures will be included in the same ORR. The ORR findings associated with the agent monitoring systems may not necessarily o-e closed prior to the start of hazardous waste operations with surrogate mixture feed. Any findings associated with a specific chemical agent will be closed prior to processing that agent. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix B Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF B-3 GENERAL SHAKEDOWN ACTIVITIES The DSHW will be provided with two weeks notice before feeding the surrogate mixture. The surrogate mixture is intended to be processed in the same manner as planned for Agent GA. This will include adding the components of the mixture to a TC, and then mixing the contents by rotating the TC. The surrogate mixture will be fed from TCs placed in the ATLIC gloveboxes. This will familiarize operators with the Agent GA processing steps using less toxic chemicals than Agent GA. The ATLIC STB Shakedown Period is estimated to last less than 720 hours; however, TOCDF requests 720 hours of shakedown in case additional time will be necessary to ensure operational readiness before the STB. An extension of 720 additional hours of operating time may be requested, if necessary, as allowed by the governing regulations and TOCDF RCRA Permit, but the additional 720 hours will need to be approved by the DSHW Executive Secretary before any operation beyond the original 720 hours of shakedown. Additionally, TOCDF may request final modifications to the ATLIC the shakedown operational experience. Changes to the test plan will DSHW. Collection and analysis of samples during the shakedown period will in the Waste Analysis Plan. STB Plan based on be coordinated with follow the directions ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix B Decemb er 2, 2010 TOCDF ATLIC SHAKEDOWN ACTIVITIES Surrogate feed to the ATLIC Primary Combustion Chamber (PCC) will be incrementally ramped-up. At each feed increment, with each increment being a greater percentage of the approved STB Plan feed rate limit, the feed rate will be held for a sufficient period of time to evaluate the stability of each of the regulated operating parameter values. For each regulated operating parameter, if the process value does not exceed the associated OPL, the feed increment will be increased. If OPLs are being approached relative to the magnitude of the waste feed rate, adjustments to the incineration process will be made and an evaluation of the affects of the adjustments made will be performed before the feed increment is increased again. The surrogate feed rate to the ATLIC will be increased in this manner until the maximum feed rate of 325 pounds/hour (lbftr) is attained. Although all the regulated operating parameters must be within the operational envelope created by the OPLs (i.e., Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff setpoints), for surrogate mixture feed, the pertinent regulated Operating Parameters are: PCC Exhaust Gas Temperature; Secondary Combustion Chamber (SCC) Exhaust Gas Temperature, Packed Bed Scrubber Solution pH; Venturi Scrubber Differential Pressure; Exhaust Gas Flow Rate; Exhaust Gas CO Concentration; Exhaust Gas Oz Concentration. In addition to those listed above, during times when metals spikes or spiking solutions are fed with the surrogate mixture, the pertinent regulated OPLs are: Pre-Baghouse Exhaust Gas Temperature; Powdered Activated Carbon feed rate; Baghouse Differential Pressure; and o Fixed Bed Carbon Filter Differential Pressure. TOCDF ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix B Decemb er 2,2010B-5 Once the maximum sustainable surrogate feed rate has been determined and demonstrated, the same procedure will be used to determine the maximum sustainable spent decon feed rate. Note that it is intended to simultaneously feed wastes (i.e., surrogate mixture or agents, and spent decon) to the PCC and SCC, respectively. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix B Decemb er 2,201 0 TOCDF B-6 POST.ATLIC STB ACTIVITIES Following completion of the ATLIC STB, any unused surrogate mixture remaining in TCs and any unused spent decon will be fed to the ATLIC PCC and SCC, respectively, at half the rate demonstrated during the STB. After the unused surrogate mixture and spent decon have been treated, waste feed to the ATLIC will be stopped. Feed to the ATLIC will resume upon approval of the ATLIC STB preliminary data package by the DSHW and DAQ. The waste feeds shall be Agent GA and GA-derived spent decon. The feed rates of each of the waste feeds shall be limited to half of the rate demonstrated during the ATLIC STB. The restricted feed limits will ensure that the emissions are below the Hazardous Waste Combustor Maximum Achievable Control Technology emission limits during Agent GA processing. ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. I Appendix B December 2,2010 TOCDF B-7 ,IJ tlo E)o. Xo TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY (TOCDF) SURROGATE TRIAL BURN PLAN FORTHE AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATOR APPENDIX C MASS AND ENERGY BALANCES FOR ATLIC STB AND EXHAUST GAS RESIDENCE TIME CALCULATIONS REVISION 1 December 21 2010 Figure C- I Figure C-2 LIST OF FIGURES ATLIC Incinerator Process Flow Diagram................ .......... C-l ATLIC Pollution Abatement System p.or"r, Flow Diagram............. ...C-2 Table C-l Table C-2 LIST OF TABLES. ATLIC STB Maximum Feed Mass and Energy Ba1ances..................... C-3 ATLIC Exhaust Gas Residence Time Calculation for Surrogate Trial Burn Maximum Feed.......... .................... C-5 c-i ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix C Decembe( 2,2010 o E]O\o rr * aItr .: : : : : : ::: : :i1 . . :: : : : : i q) :: : i :: : , : : 9. , :i : , ,, tr ., e l ., . . - . :: : : : : . r .E , ' . H. i' , : U ) tl S/ "' € ) u i1 : '" " ' t ; f ,' ; , , . , "' ,. ' . . , . \ncJ C\ \A . l ro ,, , . (n , , , fr l ., ; : , . , i i i i i : i : . , , . . . . .o ,, " *, . , , ^( Ut a ,: , ' 1 . :: : : : : :: : : A j: H .? a ) ; ) - = Gl - t r i; i (. , ,i , 1 .* t: : : : : j . :. : : : : fF i ,y :i : : ii : : -: : ii . , ., ,, , : , : . : : ti E r , :: : : ] i: : : ' , :t : : . . .i : : : : ,', ONoI l. n cn rf ,n" \n U*ila :: :i l "' ,: : i : " F :: 6 ) i: : E -. . o E" /^ { ,, ? F .- f. 1 , . . :- ') ^+ r Ll - EF r @' o: " ' . ll ,: | .- t. 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E I F3 -t C6 - { - r l 6! t s t s EE H H .a _^ - - ' .l ) t- l- r ,; \ *l ( (' ) o) 3' H E E Es 3 3 g E€ € - C6 3 E t r €3 . 8 8 E HE E 'a = = = .E q H H r. ' € H H ot r ' - ( t s 6 d. 2 . 2 €E 8 u L iJ - r O. O 93 u u '{ + . -l Jl tr E a l c t \. / d 9( t s t t : Eb t s * F E, E ; '" E E H - c€ q - ( L L av ) O O r- C t r d = ao : = E .= +- . ao b0 2. A c t r H= ( L ) ( l ) qr 6 q | - - 8f i 8 # ardrdEr LIzJElr (Xlreat' (V)L€zcF(FFt tJUF]UHlr (FT{UzHaF{aHilV) () t- (o)l+ l I* lXF]U-IFa t\ I (. ) F1Fl trF E15 (D P Q.. X \-/ o TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY (rocDF) SURROGATE TRIAL BURN PLAN FOR THE AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATORS APPENDIX I) AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUTOFF TABLES AND OPERATING CONDITION TARGET VALUE TABLES FOR AREA 10 LIQUID INCINERATOR REVISION 1 December 21 2010 LIST OF TABLES Table D-l ATLIC Liquid Incinerator Automatic Waste Feed Cutoff ..................... D-l ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix D December 2,2010 Table D-l ATLIC LIQUID INCINERATOR AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUTOFF tGmri::Nuimbref:trag:.NifiimbEf I 307-FI-8430 Waste Feed Rate Greater Than or Equal to 325lblfu (Surrogate) one-hour rolling average 22-Pr-8410 A.gent Atomizing Air Pressure Less Than 35 psig t5-TIC-8471 ?rimary Chamber Temperature Less Than 2550'F, one-hour rolling average 29-FtT-852r pent Decon Feed Rate Greater Than or Equal to 550 lb/hr over one-hour rolling average 22-Pr-85tr pent Decon Atomizing Air Pressure Le;s Than or Equal to 35 psig 15-TIC-8571 econdary Chamber Temperature Less Than 1850' F, one-hour rolling average t9-FI-8932 lxhaust Gas Flow Rate (Unit Production Rate) Greater Than or Squal to >960 scfin, one-hour rolling average t9-PI-8982 crubber Brine Pump Pressure Less Than or Equal to 25 psig l9-FI-8921 ilow to Scrubber Tower #1 Less Than or Equal to 40 gpm, one-hour rolling average l0 t9-Ft-8922 ilow to Scrubber Tower #2 Less Than or Equal to 40 gpm, one-hour rolling average u l9-FI-8923 llow to Scrubber Tower #3 Less Than or Equal to 40 gpm, one-how rolling average 12 l9-PDI-891I crubber # I Pressure Drop Less Than or Equal to 0.3 in. w.c., one-hour rolling average l3 t9-PDI-8912 crubber #2 Pressure Drop Less Than or Equal to 0.3 in. w.c., one-how rolling average l4 l9-PDI-8913 crubber #3 Pressure Drop Less Than or Equal to 0.3 in. w.c., one-hour rolling average l5 t9-Fr-8924 Brine to Venturi Scrubber Flow Less Than or Equal to 8 gpm one-hour rolling average t6 l9-PDI-8915 Venturi Exhaust Gas Pressure Drop Less Than or Equal to 12 in. w.c., one-hour rolling average t7 9-AIC-8917 Venturi Brine pH Less Than to Equal to 7 pH, one-hour rolling average l8 9-AIC-8927 Venturi Specific Gravity Greater Than or Equal to 1.28 SGU, twelve-hour rolling average 19 t9-PI-8956 Venturi Pump Pressure Less Than or Equal to < 25 psig z0 rg-AIC-8952 Scrubber Brine pH Less Than to Equal to 7 pH, one-hour rolling average I l9-AI-8983 Brine Specific Gravity Greater Than or Equal to 1.28 SGU, twelve-hour rolling average 2 r9-TI-8931 Bag House Inlet Temperature Greater Than or Equal to 240o F, one-hour rolling average J l9-PDI-8936 Bag House Pressure Drop Less Than or Equal to 1 in. w.c., one-hour rolling average 4 l9-FI-8933 Sarbon lnjection Feed Weight Less Than or Equal to <.5 lbsihr., one-hour rolling average 5 l9-FI-8940 Carbon Injection Air Flow Less Than or Equal to l5 SCFM, one-hour rolling average 6 19-PDI-8941 18942 larbon Filter Pressure Drop Less Than or Equal to 0.3 in. w.c., one-hour rolling average [te-rr-8e3e I lCarbon Filter Inlet Temperature Greater Than or Equal to I >.240" F, one-hour rolling average I : 100 ppm., one-hour rolling average, corrected to7%oo,2, lry volumed I I 3o/o Oz I I ls%o 02 D-1 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix D December 2,2010 Table D-l ATLIC LIQUID INCINERATOR AUTOMATIC WASTE FEED CUTOFF 0a TEN 7O8AK tack Exhaust GA Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to :0.2 SEL'f 0b TEN 7O8BK tack Exhaust GA Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to z 0.2 SEL 0c TEN 7O8CK tack Exhaust GA Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to :0.2 SEL"f 1a TEN 7O9AL tack Exhaust Lewisite Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to :0.2 SEL"f lb TEN 7O9BL tack Exhaust Lewisite Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to t 0.2 sEL'l lc TEN 7O9CL Stack Exhaust Lewisite Agent Detect Greater Than or Equal to :0.2 SEL"' 2 VOL.I2HR-ATLIC Volatile Metal (Hg) Greater Than or Equal to z 0.70 lb/12 hr trvelve-hour rolling average 3 V-I2HR.ATLIC Semi-Matile (Pb+Cd) Greater Than or Equal to 0.39lbl12 hr twelve-hour rolling average 4 LV.I2HR.ATLIC Low-Volatile (As+Be+Cr) Greater Than or Equal to 1156lbl12 hr turelve-hour rolling average 5 A.SH.l2HR.ATLIC A,sh Greater Than or Equal to 1536lbl12 hr twelve-hour rolling average )6 VIC.I2HR.ATLIC lhlorine Greater Than or Equal to 2298lb/12 hr twelve-hour rolling average Footnots: ' Logic code description used to set thc control WFCO alms. ' Rolling average mems the average of all one-minute averages over the averaging period. A one-minutE average mems the averages of detector resporoes calculated at leNt ever i0 seconds from responses obtained at le6t every 15 seconds. Waste feed cut-olTs recordcd upon switch activation. L One hou rolling average is oomposed ofthe 60 most recent one-minute averages. Each one-minute average is composed ofthe 4 most recent instmtaneous CO process vriable )ccming at ls-second intervsls. An Automatic WFCO occus if the two onJine ACAMS/IT4INICAMS ue not staggered so that at leffit one uit is mpling the stack. The alm setting (in mg/m3) for GA is 0.00006 md L is 0.006 ATLIC STB Plan - Rev. 1 Appendix D December 2,2010 D-2