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We$lnghouse RECEIV ,ffhhw SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COMPANY Western Zirconium Plant Quarterly Monitoring Report Third Quarter: September 2005 Volume II of II Appendix I) Prepared by November 2005 HHfi IVED soL,#ffiffiA* WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COMPANY Western Zirconium Plant Quarterly Monitoring Report Third Quarter: September 2005 Volume II of II Appendix D Prepared by URS Corporation November 2005 This report is for Westinghouse use only, and is not to be distributed to third parties outside the Westinghouse organization. This report is based on data, site conditions and other information that is generally applicable as of November 2005, and the conclusions and recommendations herein are therefore applicable only to that time frame. o !! rTIzU =U a o .o o xoz UJ o- o- Quarterly Monitoring Report - Third Quarter 2005 Ongoing Monitoring Program November 2005 APPENDIXD ANALYTICAL LABORATORY REPORTS URS o a STI-Denver Data Packages Note: Data Packages re in order as discussed in the Data Validation Report (see Appendix C): Data Pacloge D5I020230 Data Package D5Il00l53 Data Packagc D51070270 Data Pacloge D5I030139 Dab Package D5I130198 Data Package D5I090176 Data Package D5I080243 STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 www.stl-inc.com STL 303 431 7t7t ANALYTICAL REPORT Western Zirconiurn Proj ect I-ot #: D5I020230 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 8181 East Tufts Avenue, Denveq CO 80237 STLDENVER Linda L. Benkers Project Manager September 28,20As Severn Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Sta ndard Del ive rabl es with S u pporti ng D ocu mentati on Report Contents $tandard Dellverables (fne Cover Letter and the Report Cover page are conslderecl integral parts af this Standard Deliverable pacleage. Ihis report is lncomplete unless all pages indicated in thts Table of Contents are included.) . Table of Contentso Case Narrutive I Executlve Summary - Detection rrlghlights o Methods Surnmery o Method/Analyst Sumrnnry . Lot Sample Summary . Analyticnl Resultso QC l)ata Association Surnmary . QC Sample Results o Chain-of-Custody Su pporti ng Docu mentatl on Note: A one-page "Description of Supporting Docwnentation" rs provided at the heginning of this section.). r Volatile GC/MS o Semivoletile GC/IUS r Voletile GC r Semlvolatile GC . LCI1VIS or HPLC r Metals I GenerrlChemlstry r Radiochemistry r Subcontracted Data Number of Pages aqs Check below when supporttng docuurentation is present. mFnEmmn STL Denver Case Narrative DsI020230 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical proiocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were eircormtered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality control samples araly.d in corfunction with the samples in this project were within established oontrol limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this report meef all requirerne,nts of NELAC, and any excqrtions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced, excqlt in fulI, without written permission fiom the Iaboratory. Sample Recelvlng Seven samples were received under chain of custody on September 2,2A05. The samples were received in good condition at teurperatures of 2.3"C, 2.4oC, 2-6"C, 2.3"C, 2.7"C,2.8"C, and 5.8"C Sample aliquots for all radiological analyses are logged in under a separate lot and were seot to STL St. Louis; 13715 Rider Trail North; Earth City; MO 63045, phone 314-298-8566. GC/MS Volatiles SWE46 82608 Sample D5I020230-@3 dernonstratod a recovery below the control limit for the surrogate toluenc-d8. The sample mahix was foarny; therefore the sample was heatd with an antifoauring age,nt and te-analyzed at a dilution The re-analyzed sarnple also demonstrated a low recovery for the surrogate toluene-d8, confirming the matrix interference. The initial undiluted data is rEported. The MS/]vISD perfomed on sample D5I020230-004 was in control. No other anomalies were observed. GC/IUS Semivolatlles, SW846 8270C Sample D5I020230-003 dernonshated recoveries below the control limi* for sunogates 2- fluorophenol and phenol-d5. Sample D51020230-005 demonstrated recoveries below the control limits for surrogates phenol{S,2, 4, 6-tribromophenol, and 2-fluorophe,nol. These samples were reextracted past holding time in batch 52575M- The re-extractd samples demonstrated recoveries below the contol limits for phenold5, 2, 4,6-hibromophenol, and 2-fluorophenol, confirming mafrix inte,rfsrmm Target ggmpound$ lysrg not dctigtgd in eifrgr run nild bofit uEto of data for samples 003 and 005 are included in this report. The MS/I\IISD associated with batch 5249rc3 was performed on sample D5I020230-004 and was in conhol. A MSA{SD associatd with re-extaction batch 52575M could not be insufficient sample volume. An LCS/LCSD was anallzed and was in control. STL Denver performed due to The average Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) for all in the Initial Calibration (ICAL) was less than l5%; therefore the ICAL met all criteria for the method. However, the ICAL associated with samples D5I020230-002 through 004, the MSA{SD, 005 and 006 in batch 5249103 deuronstrated RSD greater than 15% for benzidine at32.9Yo. The avoage Relative Standarid Deviation (RSD) for all eomporxrds in the Initial Calibration [CAL) was less than I5%; therefore the ICAL met all criteria for the method. However, the ICAL associated with the re-exftaction of saurples D5I020230-003 and 005 in batch 52575U demonstrated RSD greater than 15Yo for benzidine at l6.0Yo, 1,4-naphthoquinone at 27.TYa, and rnethapyrilsne at 35.8%. The ICV second source verification of the initial calibration associated with the re-extraction of samples D5I020230-003 and 005 in batch 5257544 demronshatd recoveries above the control limits for benzidine at 228Yo, and aniline at l37Yo. The continuing calibration verification was acceptable for these compounds and these compounds wse not detected in the associated samples. No other anomalies were observed. GC/IUS SemlvolaflIes Best Pracdce - Pentachlorophenol SW846 8270C Sample D5I020230-003 demonstrated recoveries below the contrrol limit for surrogates phenol- d5, 2, 4, 6-tribrornophenol, terphenyl-d5, and 2-fluorophenol. Sample D5I020230-005 derronstrated rrcoveries below the control limit for surrogates 2-fluorophenol, Z, 4, 6- hibromophenol, and phenol-dS. The sarrples were not reextracted sincc matrix interfe,rence was confirmed by the full scan re*-extraction associated with batch 525754 (see above). The MS/MSD associated with batch 5250435 was ffiormed on sarnple D5I020230-004 and demonstrated percent recoveries below the control limits for pyrene. This samplo was analyzed for pentachlorophenol only. Due to a data system constraint, the associated Best Practice LCS and MSiMSD QC data are rcported with all standard spiking compounds. No other anomalies were observed. Total Metals, SW846 60108, 6020 & 7470A Sarnples D5I020230-002 through 006 were analped at dilutions for several metals by methods 60108 and 6020 due to matrix interference and/or high target compound concenfrations. The re,porting limits are adjusted accordingly. Sample D5I020230-006 demonstated makix interfqence with no dilution required for lead. The sample displayed a negative reading greater than the reporting limit for lead. The reporting limit is adjusted accordingly and associated data are flagged *G'. Sample D5I020230-003 demonshated matrix interference during the mercury digestion procedure. This sample was re-digested at a lOX dilution with acceptable results. The reporting limit is adjusted accordingly. STL Denver Magnesiunr was detected in the method 60108 blank at a concenhation below thereporting limit but above the method detection limit. Associated positive sample results are flagged 'T'. The method 6020 MSAdSD performed on sample D5I020230-004 deinonshated recoveries below the control limits forcadmium and abovethe contol limits for selenium. The method 60108 MSA{SD performed on sample D5I020230-004 dernonstratd recoveries above the conhol limits for arse,nic. The MS demonstrated a recoverybelow the confrol limit for lead. Also, the relative percent difference (RPD) for iron was ebove the conhol limit. The recoveries of calcium" magnesiunr, potassium, and sodium were not calculated because the sample concentrations were greater than four times the sprking amounts. The method 7470A MSA{SD performed on sample D5I02023G'004 dernonstated recoveries below the oontrol limit formercrnry. The method 7470AMSA{SD associated with batch 5262486 was performed on a sanple fiom another client and/or lot and was not in control. No other anomalies were observed. General Chemistry, Verious Methods Samples D5I020230-002 thrrough 006 were analyzdl at dilutions for several compounds due to hig! analyte concenfrations. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly and the associated data is flagged "Q". Fluoride and sulfate were detected in the method blanks at ooncenkations below the reporting limits, but above the method detection limits. Associated positive sarnple results are flagged "J". The MS/}vISD perforrred on samples D5I020230-002 and D5I020230404 were in control for ammoniaasN. The MS/IvISD performed on sample D5I020230-004 was in contol fornitrat+nitrite and sulfate. The method 325.2MSA{SD was performed on sample D5I020230-004 however; the recoveries fo,r chloride could not be calculated due to the required dilution and/or interfering analytes. The MS/IvISD perfomred on sample D5I020230-004 demonstrated percent recoveries below the control limit for fluoride and above the control limit for total cyanide. AII other MSA{SD samples were perforrred on samples from other clients and/or lots and were in control. ThepH duplicateperformod on sampleD5l020230-0M was in conkol. No other anomalies were observed. STL Denver EXEffi W - Iletection Highlights D5IO2A23-fJ RESUIJT REPORTTNG LIMfT IINfTS AI{IA[.,YTICAIT METHODPARiAMETER sflB-9I-O-OgO1Os OeloLlus O7:OO OO2 Barlum Nicke1 ZLnc CalcLum Potassirrrn Mag:reeium Sodium Acetone Chloride Fluoride Total C[ranJ.de pH Sulfate Ammonia as N SHB-9-O9O1"O5 Oe/AL/ OS 1O:55 OO3 Selenium Areenic Barfuun NlckeI Calcium Potaseiurn Magrneelrrrn Sodtum Carbon dLsulfid.e ChI orod i bromome E tran e B romod i chl o rometstran e Bromof orm Bromomethane Chloroform Chloromethane Chlorlde Fluorlde Nit,rate Nitrat,e-Nl-trite Total Cyanlde pH Sulfate Ammonia as N 0 ,43 0,032 B o.a24 B 1.60 0 1800 r-2 00 ,r 35000 15 ss000 0 0.14 ir 0.0028 B 8.7 13 O0O J, Q o.38 o.094 B 0 .23 1.5 o. 029 B 2100 6800 9200.J 770 00 1,3 5.4 3-0 34 0.42 J o .77 Lr 5.3 200O0O 0 a.26 ir 3200 3200 0 0 .037 7,0 5500 J, Q 864 (Contlnued on nexu 0.050 0 .20 0.10 2.0 30 2.4 50 10 1,000 0. 10 0.010 0.10 2500 o-10 a .20 o. 15 0.10 0.40 2-A 60 2 -O 100 1.0 f--o 1.0 1-0 2-O 1.0 2.O 4000 0. 10 0.10 100 0-0L0 0. 10 1200 2.5 page) $Jg /T' mg/r. ms/r, nrg /l' mg/r' mg/1. mg lT, lug/t mg/r, rng / T' mg/T, No Units rng/r, mg/t lrrrglr, mglT" mg/t mglt' mglT, mg lT' mg /I, nrg/r' ug/T, ug /r' ug/r, ug/t, ug/t-, :ug/r' vg /T' mg/L rtug/L ms/L nts/L mg /r, No UniUs nslL ng/r, SIrl845 50L0B sw846 60108 sw846 50108 sw84 5 50108 sw84 5 60108 gw84 6 6 0108 sw846 50108 sw846 82608 McAI{w 325.2 MCAI{I{ 34O.2 sw845 9Or. AB/ 901-2A sw846 90408 DIICAI{I{ 375 .4 MCAWTil 350 . l- sw846 6020 o sr{846 60108 9w846 60108 sw8 46 50108 sw846 50108 sw8,06 50108 gw8{6 50108 sw846 60108 sril846 82508 SI1f845 82608 sur845 82508 sul845 82608 sw846 82608 sI{846 82608 sw846 82608 MeAWw 325.2 MCATtI[il 344 -2 MeAvit!il 353.2 MCAWW 353 .2 srrr845 eOIOB/90L2A sw846 90408 MCAWW 3'.15.4 McAvf,W 350 . l- STL Denver E W-MIfigLIigLts D5r020230 RESUITT REPORTING IJIMIT TINITSPARAMETER gwB-1o-o9o1o5 oglol,los 12:1O O04 gelenl,um Arsenic Barium Nickel Vanadium Zi.n.c Calcium Iron Potassirrro Magrreslurn Sodiurn ChI orodibrornomethane Bromodlch1oromethane Bromoform Clrlorof orm ChlorLde Fluorlde Total Cyanlde pH Sulfate Ammonia acr N 8HB-3-O9O1O5 09/0L lOS 13:37 OO5 0.040 B o,025 B o.41 0.015 B 0.014 B o.024 B Ls00 o.38 B 170 0 1,200 ,I 33 000 0.55 ,I a.62 J 1.6 0.23 J ss000 0 o.15 ;I o.0058 B 8.8 1-4000 .f,Q o .45 0. oo13 B 0.0081 B 0.17 B 0.o58 o .24 0.012 0,036 B o - 015 o.0L9 B 850 o.26 B 27A 540 J 62 00 0.058 B 0.7L J 9.7,J 0.48 J 2 .'.l Cadmium Selenium A].urninum Areenic Barium Copper NickeI Vanadium ZLnc Calcium fron Potaesirrrn Magnesium Sodium Zirconlum Chlorodibromomethane Acetone Bromodichloromethane Brornoform 0.080 0.o75 0.050 o .20 0-050 o. 10 2.0 1.,0 30 2.0 50 l-.0 1.0 1.0 1-O l-0 00 0-l"o 0 . 01,0 o-10 2500 0 .10 o. o10 0.020 o_50 0.015 0. 010 0,01"0 0 - 040 o.010 o. 020 1,0 0.50 1_5 1.0 25 0. 075 J-.0 l-0 1.0 1.0 page) mg /T' mg/r, mg/l' rns /r, mg /t' w/t, mg/T. mg/r, nlg/L mg/r' mg/r, :ug/T' ug/r, lug/t ug /r-' $tg /r' ms/L lrltg/t" No Unlts firg/T' lrrq/t, mg/t mg/L mg/r-, mg/r. mg/r, mg/r, mg /r, mg/r' mg/r, mg/r, rfig /T' tug/T., rnglL mg/r. wlL ug/L ug/t us/r, ug/L sw846 6024 sw846 50108 sw846 60108 sw845 50108 sw846 60108 sw845 60L08 sw846 50108 sw845 5010B sw845 50108 sw845 50108 sw846 501-OB sw846 82608 slr846 82508 sw846 82508 sw845 82508 MCAI{W 325.2 lrIcAWI{ 340 -2 sw846 9O1OB/ 901,2A sw845 9 04 0B MCAT{I!r 375 -4 Meastw 350.1 8W846 6020 swB46 6020 sw846 60108 sw845 5010ts gw84 6 60108 9w845 50I-08 sw846 60108 sw845 50108 sw846 60108 9w845 60108 sw845 50108 9w846 50108 sYr845 60108 sw846 50108 sws46 60108 sw846 82508 st[845 82508 sw846 82508 sw846 82508 STL Denver (Continued on next -I}ef,wtionHighlights D5rO20230 RESUIJT R-BPORTING LMfT UNfTS A}IAIJYTTCAL METTIODPARJAI{ETER gHB-3-O9Or.Os O9IOLIOS 13:37 OO5 Chloroform Chloride Fluorlde Nltrate NLtraEe-r.ritrlte Tota1 Qyanide pH Sulf at,e AmmonLa aa N gwB-7-o9o1o5 oglol,los 14:2o 006 Selenium Arsenic Barium Nicke1 Caleirrm Iron PoEassium Magneeiufii Sodium Carbon disulfide ChI orodl-bromome t hane Bromodteh1oromethane Bromoform Chloroform Chloride Fluorlde Total Clranide pH Sulfatre Arnmonla as N rB-o91OO5 Oel Ouos 1{:3O OO7 Acet,one Chloroform 11 1300O O 2.2 J 160 L?A O 0-015 8.0 lgoo J, Q 130 0 0,0027 B 0.083 o .13 0.0019 B r.3 0 o.050 B 300 57O LT 2900 0.99 J o.29 J 0,25 J o,95 J o - 32 ir ssoo 0 l- .1- .I 0,0048 B 8-2. l-L00 ir,Q 0. o58 B 2.1_ J o _L7 LI 1.0 200 0.10 0.10 5.0 o.010 o_10 500 5,0 0. o10 0.0L5 o.010 0.040 0 .20 0 ,10 3-0 o.20 5.0 1,0 1.0 1,0 1.O J,.0 100 0,10 0. o10 0.l-0 500 0,10 1-0 1.0 ug /r' mg /t-, mg/r, mg/t' mg/r, mg/t' No Units ng /r' ms/L mg/t' mg/L mg/t mg/r, mg/r, mg/r., mg/L rrl,g/r-, mg/T-, ug /t' ug/r-, ug/t' ug/r, :ug/r' mg/t' mg/t' mg/t' No Units mg/T' mg /1, ug /t' ug lt sw846 82608 MCAWW 325.2 IvICAlrnV 34A .2 l,tcAr{r{ 353.2 MCAy{W 353 .2 sw846 9Ol OB/ eO12A sr'I845 90408 II{CAWW 375 ,4 MeAWW 350.1 9w846 8250B sw845 82 508 sw845 5020 srir846 60L08 sril84 6 6 0108 :ffil::31:: osw84 6 6 01"08 slf84 5 6 0108 sv[84 6 5 0108 sw845 60108 sw845 82608 sw846 82608 sw84 6 82508 sw846 82608 9w845 82508 MCAI{I{ 325 .2 MCAWW 340.2 sw846 9O1OB/ 901-2A 9w845 90408 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 350. 1 STL Denver MEIHODSW Dsro20230 PARAMEIrER A}IALYTICAIJ METIIOD PREPAR'A:rION METHOD pH Aqueous Chloride (Colorirnetrlc, Autornat ed Ferricya-nide) Fluorlde (Potentiometrlc, ron Selective Electrode) InductJ,vely Coupled Plaema ( fCp) MeEals rCP-I*Ig (602o) Mercury in tiquid Waste (Manual Co1d-Vapor) Nitrate NLtrate-Nitrlte Nitrogen, Arunonla SernivolaEL1e Organic Compounde by Ge/rq9 Sulfate Tota1 Clranlde Trace Inductlvely Coupled Plasrna (fCp) Metals Vo1atile Organics by GC/MS RefereuGcr: su[845 90408 MCAWW 325 -2 MeJtWW 34,4.2 sw8,06 50108 sw846 5A20 sw846 7 47AA MCA['im 353-2 MCAWW 353.2 MCABWiI 350.1 sr{846 8270C MCAWW 375.4 9w846 e01aBl e01 sw846 60108 sw845 82608 sw845 90{08 MCASIW 325 -2 MCA!{V0 340,2 sw846 3 0104 9w845 3 0204 sr{845 7470A- MCAWII 353-2 MeArfiir 353 - 2 IICATYW 350.1 sw845 3520e MCAI{W 375 .4 9w845 90108 9w846 3 010A sw8{5 so3 oF/ 825 MCAT{T{ sw846 ,Methode for Chemieal ilnalyeLe of Water and wastesr, EPA-600/4-79-o2o, March 1983 and subsequent revisionE. trTest Methods for Erraluating Solid ifaste, Physical/Chemlcal MeEhodai, rhl.rd Bdition, November 1986 and lta updatea. STL Denver AI{TALYTICAI, METTIOD METHOI}/ANALYSTW Dsroz0230 ANATYST AI{AITYST ID MCABW{ 325 .2 MCAWW 340.2 MeAIrnt 35O.1 MCA[{I{ 353.2 MCAWIiI 375.4 swB45 50108 sw846 60108 sw846 60108 sw846 6020 sw846 747AA sw846 82508 9w845 8270C sw845 827 AC sw845 eo1 aB/ 9O12A sw846 9040B Refereuceg: MCAVIW gw8{ 5 Evra Kud1a Fougere M. Danl-e1le Claire L,Lkar C1aire r,ikar DuetJ. o. Criqui .fane1 MotLchha .7ane1 Motichlca Irynn-Anne Trudell Thomas lrill ,fanice S. Collins Heather Despres pavid Kidd iloamn Petergon DustL o. criqtri Andrit,a Scofleld 001 L67 o0648L o 04 382 o04 382 o05s8 9 o02 862 2862 00654s 005 929 011558 o0925 0 00753 5 011 67 4 005589 004409 BMethods for Chemlcal Anal-ysie of Water and Wastes", gpa-ooo/a-79-o2o, March 1983 altd subsequent revlsions. rTeat Methode for EvaluatJ-ng solid waste, Physlcal/Chemical Methodatr, rhlrd Editl.on, rilovernber 1986 and its updatea. STL Denver SAIT{PIT D5rO20230 SAI"IPITED SAI.{P DATE TIMEwo#SAMPI,8#CLfEMf SAII{PIrE ID II,IfP2 OOl HJVQA 002 H.r\/Qs OO3 HinrQg 0 04 H.ITRM OO5 H.lvRv 006 HJVru( OO7 TB- 09 0105 swB-9L0-090105 swB- 9 - 090L0s swB-10-0e0105 swB-3-090105 swB-7-0g0L0s FB- 09L00s oe/oL/as a9 / o1los o7 : oo oe/aa/as 1o:55 09 /o1/ as 12: 1o oe / 01/0s L3 :37 ae/oL/as 1{:20 a9 /oL/ os 14 :30 rvclfB (s) : - Thc amlyticll rcsrlB of tho rrrnpla llgod atrovo ero prcecucd on rhc folowing ps3a. - AU otqrlations ar€pcfomrirt bcforc rourrdinj to rvoi, mrd{tT6r0rs ln crlcubtod rqtlts- - Rcnrlrs nolcd es 'ND'were rm dctcclld er or ebovc thc tM IfuniL - Thir rcport mu$ not be rcpro&rcut, eroel,t iE firll. wirhou tte wrlucn epproval of thc labonory, - Rdills for drE followin! par8mcters erc mvcr rportod on 8 dry wdgbt basis: color, corrosivity, denslty, ,trshpoinr, lgnlrabillty. tsyers, odor, priat filrcr rcsr, pH, poroslty prcsotro, r€adiviry, rcdox porddd. +cciflc gr:vrty. spot rcsB. sollds, sofubillty, tf(Wererufc. viscosity, ard weight. STL Denver 10 IIRS Oorlnratio Clieut Saqfie ID: rB-0901O5 GC/IE vol"atl.I.ee Ipt-Saqfle *. - -: D5I020230-001 Xork Order *- - -: HWP21AA Date Saq[ed.-.-. Og/oL/oS Date Received- -r og/Ozlos Prep Datse -r og/L2/os analyeis rrate- -z o9/L2/05 kep Bat(t *- - - : 5256224 Ina-lye,.a Tine- - : O9:15 Diarrtim Factor: 1 llethod- - - -: SW845 82508 Irlatrixo--------! wQ REgt IrT REPORTTNG IJIMIT TINIT9PARAMETER Acet,onltrile Acrolein Acrylonl-trile Ally1 ehlorLde Carbon disulfide 1-Chlorohexane 2 -Chloroethy1 vinyl ettrer Cyclohexane D 1 ch1 oro f luoromethane trane-L,a-Dlchloro- 2-butene t ,l-Diox€ule Ethano]. Ethyl methaerylate Iodomethane Igobutyl alcohol Methacrylonltrile I'IethyI methacryIate Propionltrile Tet.rahydrofuran Vinyl acetate n-Butar1o]. tert-Butyl alcohol Chl- o rod ibromome thane Cyclotrexanone Ethy1 acetat,e Ethyl ether Hexane Ieopropyl ether 2-Nltropropane rri ehlorot ri f 1 uoroethane 2-Pentanone cis- 1, 4 -Dichloro-2-butene Acetone Benzene BromodichloromeEhane Bromoform Bromomethane ND t[D t[D t[D TID IID tlD IUD ND ND IUD ND ND t[D ND TID ND }TD ND }TD ND T{D ND ND ND IUD ND IUD ND ND }UD t[D ND IID ND IUD ND (Cont,inued 200 200 l-,0 L,0 50 10 1-O 2A 5-O 2_O 50 50 1.0 20 5.0 2.0 1.O 10 2.0 1.0 2.0 L-0 10 1.0 L.0 1.0 2.A on next page) 20 vg/I' zo ug/t' 20 ug/L 2.o ug/1" 1 . o LLg/r, 1. O Ltg/T' 2 . a ug/r, 2.0 ug/L 2 . a ug/T, 1- . 0 ug/l' :u,g/T, :ug/r. ug /r, lug/L :ug/T-, trg/L :ug/r-, ug/r, ug/r, ug/r, ug/r, ug /r" ug /r' ug /r, ug/r, ug/L vglL ug/t .ug/r, ug/t ug/L ug/T, ug/r, uslL us/1, ug/t" ug/t' STL Denver IIRS CorporErtion C1ieut Saryfie II): 1B-o9O1Os sf.lt{6 vol,atsileo D5I02O23O-001 Work Orrder f;- - - : HJ\IP21AA llatrlJ(. - - O - - - . , : I{Qfot-Saryl1e PARAIVIEfER RESI ITT REPORTING I,IMIT I'NTTS 2 -Butanone (MEK) Carbon tet.rachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane Dibrornomethane A, Z-Dibromoettrane ( EDB ) L ,z-Dichlorobenzene t, 3 -Dich]-orobenzene L , 4-Dictrlorobenzerre Dl chlorodi f luoromethane L , L-Dichloroettrarre L ,Z-Dichloroethane 1, l-Dtchloroethene a ,Z-DichloroeEhene ( total ) cl-s - L, 2 -Diehloroethene trans - L, 2 -Dl,ehloroethone L ,2-DichJ"oropropane cis - 1, 3 -Dlctrloroproperae Lrans -L ,3 -Dichloropropene EthyI-benzene 2 -IlexaJrone Methylene chloride 4 -Methyl -2-pentanone Styrene 1, 1, L 12- Tetrachloroethane 1, 1 ,2 ,2 -Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroettrene Toluene L ,2 ,4-Trl-chloro- benzene 1, 1, f. -Trlchloroethane 1 , 1 ,z-Trichloroethane Trlchloroethene Tri chl orof luorome thane L ,2, 3 -frichloropropane VJ-nyI chloride xyrenes (tqtal) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Isopropylbenzene ND IUD ND ![D TUD ND ND IUD ND ND ND ND I$D IUD ND ND llD ND ND r[D IUD IUD ND ND ND IUD ND IID ND IUD tuD 5.O 1.0 1-0 2.0 1,,0 2.O 1.O 1.0 f-.0 1.O 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 L,o 1--0 1.0 1-O 1.0 1.0 1.0 l_.0 5.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,.0 1.0 1,0 1.0 1-O 1.0 2.4 L.0 1,0 2,0 1.0 1,0 1.0 next page) uglt :ug/I' rug/L ug/t-' ug/r' ug /t ug/t' :ug/T. ug/r, lug/t ug/t" ug /t' ug/r, ug/l' lug/r' :ug/r, :ug/T' ug /t' ug/r, ug/r' ug/L :ug/r-, ug/t' ug/t' ug/r, ug/L :ug/r, ug/r, ug/t ug/T' ug/r, ll'g /L ug/L :ug/T' ug /r' uglr, lug/t-, us/L ug/1, ug/r, ug/t, ND ND ND IUD ND ND IID I{ID IID ND (Continued on 1,2 STL Denver : Dsr020230-001 URS Corpor:atLon Cl.ient, Sanpl.e ID: Tts-OgOLOs K/Hg vol.atl-I.es Ilork Order f,- - -: Hin/P21AA tlatrlx,.--.-----: wQIot,-Sanpl.e *. PARAT'IETER REST,IJT L, 2, 4 -TrLmethylbenzene 1, 3, 5 -Trimethylbenzene n-Propylbenzene tert -Butylbenzene 2 -Chlorotoluene 4 -Chlorot,oluene L ,2-Dlbromo-3 - chloropropcure (DBCP) 1 , 3 -Dichloroprop€rne 2 ,Z-Dlchloropropane 1, 1-Dichloropropene Hexachlorobutadiene 4 - faopropyltoluene Methyl tert-butyl ether L ,2, 3 -trichlorobenzene Brornobenzene Bromochlorornethane Naphtha3-ene ST}RROGATE ND tlD IID IUD IUD ND IID ND t[D TID }UD luD ND IID IUD IID t[D PERCENT RECO\IERY REPORTTNG LfMfT UNITS 1- O ug/t' 1 - O ug/r, 1. o ug/L 1.0 ug/L 1. O ug/I' 1. o ug/T, 2.A LL1/T' 1.O 5.0 L.O 1,0 1-0 5.O 1-o 1.0 1.0 1.0 RECO\IERY tIMITg (zE L18) $z 128 ) (za 118) (77 1L7) vg /T' Ltg/L :ug/t tJg/T' ug /r. trg /T' ug /r, ug/r, ug/r' ug/r,O D ib romo f 1 uorome th€rne A , 2 -Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB 91" 83 94 10s O STL Denver 13 IIRII Corlrcnatl.on aB-o9010s GCAfs vol-atLlee D5IA2O23A-001 lIork Order *: HiruP2lAA ratri-x: wQIot-8aryfle r'rAss sPEeTRoMErEn/nata SYSTEM PARAIVTETER Unknown rurB ($) : (MSos ) fEIUTATIVEIJY IDEIITIFIED ESTTI,IATED COMPOT]NDS RETENTTON TTMEcAq # BESITLT ._T]NITS 2 .9 ,f M 11 . O15 :ug/L M: Rcsult was mcasurod ugainst neare$ intcrnnl eandard assunrlng s rcsponse factor of l. L4 Iot-Saqll.e #- - -: Ilate Saryl1ed..--I Prep Da.tgoo----3 Prep Batch *- - -: Dll.ution h.ctor: Dsro20230-002 09 / ollos o7: oo oe / Lzl os s256224 1 IIRS CorporatLon Cl-i"ent, 8aryfle ID : SrsB-91O-o9O1O5 etcll+6 vol.atil.es Uork Ordor *- - -: H.J1IQA1A3 rlate Received. - r a9 / a2 / as Anatysl-e llat'e- - i 09 / L2 / os enaAyais Tlme--: 09:34 Ilethod- . ., - - - - - : 9W845 82608 llatri:r,!!-,----i GW REST'LT REPORTTNG IJfMIT UNITSPARAMETER Acetonitrrile Acrolein Aerylonltrile AIIyI chloride Carbon dl-sulflde 1*Chlorohexcrne z-Chloroethy1 vinyl eLher Cyc1.ohexarre Di ch1 oro f 1 uorornetharre trang -L,4-Dichloro- 2-butene L r [-Dioxane Ethano]. Ethyl methacrTlate IodomeLtrane, rsobutyl alcohol Ivlethacryl0nitriIe Methy1 methacrylat.e PropLonitrile Tetrahydrofuran Vinyl acetate n-But,anol tert-Butry1 alcohol Chlorodibromomethane Qyclohexanone Ethyl acetate Ethyl ether Hexane Isopropyl ether 2 -Nitropropane Tr I chl oroL r L f luoroethane 2 - Pentanone cl-s- 1, 4 -Dlchlora-z-but,ene Acetone Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ![D I(D IUD ND IID ND ND ND IID ND ND ND IID }UD ND ND }TD ND t[D ND 16 I'ID DID IID IilD 20 vg /r,2a ug/L 20 vg /I' 2 . O ug/r, 1.0 ug/I' 1.0 Ltg/I' 2.O ug/t 2. o ug/l' 2 . O :ug/T' 1.0 :ug/I' 2AA 200 1.O 1.0 50 10 1-,0 2A 5-O 2.O 50 s0 1.0 20 5.0 2.0 1.0 r.0 2.4 1,0 2.o 1.0 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.4 ug/t, vg/r' ug/t ug /T, ]ug/L rtg /t' ug/T' :ug/t 'ug/r-, ug/t' :ug/r' ug/r, ug /r' rtg /r' vg/L :ug/t' rtg /r, ug/r, ug/r, ug /t, vg /I' ug/r, u.glr, ug/t ug/T, trg/L ug/r, STL Denver (Continued on next page) IIRSI Corponation Cl.l.eut Aarytle ID: SrB-91O-O9O1O5 rcll,.l8 vol-ati1ee DsI02A230-002 rork Order f - - -: HfVQAIA3 Itratrix-: GTVIot-Saup1e PARAMETER 2 -But€ul,one (lrIEK) Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Ch]-oroettrane Chloroform Chloromettrane DibromomeEhane L, z-Dibrornoetlrane ( gDg) t ,Z-Dichlorobenzene L ,3-Dichlorobenzene L , A-Dl-chl-orobenzene D i chlorodi f luorornethane 1, l--Dlchloroethane L ,Z-Dlch].oroethane 1 , 1 -Dichloroethene L ,Z-Pl-chloroethene(rotaI) cis - 1, 2 -DLehloroeLhene tran s - 1, 2 -Dichloroethene a ,Z-DiehJ-oropropane cis - L, 3 -Dl,chloropropene trans- 1, 3 -Dlchloropropene Ethylbenzene 2-Hexanone Methylene chlorlde 4 -Methy1 -2 -pent;rnone SEyrene 1, 1, L,2 -Tetrachloroethane 1, 1 ,2 ,2 *Tetrachloroethane feErachloroeEhene Toluene L ;2 t 4-Trichloro- benzene 1, 1, 1 -TrLchl-oroettr^ane 1, 1, z-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Tr I chloro f luorome thane L, 2, 3 -TrLchloropropErne vinyl chloride [ylene$ [[otal) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene fsopropylbenzene REPORTTNG I,IMIT UNTTSRESTIIJT ND TID TUD ND IUD IUD }ID IID ITD IID (Continued on ND t[D ND IID ND tlD ND ND ND ND r[D ND t{D ND rvD t[D IUD t{D ND ND l[D ND t[D ND DID ND ND luD ND ND IID 1-0 1.0 f_.0 L,0 1.0 f-.0 5.0 1-0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,O 1.O 1.0 1-0 1.0 l_.0 2.4 1.0 1.0 ,.0 1.0 1.0 L.0 next, page) 5.0 :ug/r, l- . 0 lJg/I' 1.0 ug/T, 2.a ug/L 1.0 ug/1" 2 . o :ug/t, 1. O ug/t 1. O uS/T' 1- O ug/t' 1. O ug/I' 1 . o llg/r, 2.a ug/t L . 0 lJg/T' 1. O ug/t' 1. O tJg/I' 1 .0 ug/I, ug/t ug /T' ug/r, ug/t ug/r, ug/1, us /T, ug/t, ug/T' ug/r' ug/r, ug/n ug/r' vg/r, :ug/r.' ug/t' ug/r, ug/t ug/t-, uglT. :ug/L us/t ug/r, ug/r, ug/L STL Denver 1,6 Cl.ient Saryrle UnS Corporatim cf,.firs II}: SHB-91O-O9O105 Vo1atl-Ies Iot-Sanp1e # - PARAIT,IETER : D5I OZA23 o- 0 02 f,ork Order *. R-ESIILT ND t[D ND ND TID ND ![D ND ND ND IID ND ND ND ND ND lUD PEREET{TT RECOTfERY : HWQA1A3 Dlatrir---o.o..o: GW REPORTINC} frfMIT UNfTS - L, 2, 4 -Trlrnethylbenzene 1 , 3 , 5 -Trimethylbenzene n-Propylbenzene tert -Butylbenzene 2-ehloroLoluene 4-Chlorotoluene L ,Z-Dlbromo-3 - chloropropEure (DBCP) 1, 3 -Dlchloropropane 2 ,2-DichloropropErne 1 , 1-Dichloropropene Hexachlorobut,adLene 4 -fsopropylEoluene Methy1 tert -butyl ether L, 2, 3 -frichlorobenzene Bromobenzene Brornochloromethane Naphthalene SITRROGATE 1. O rug/L 1. o :ug/L l- , O ug/I' 1.0 ug/I' 1 .0 ug/r, L.0 ug/l' 2 -a ug/L 1,0 5.0 1.O 1.0 l-.0 5.0 1,O 1-0 1.0 1-0 RECO\IERY IJIMITg (tt 118 ) (62 L28l (78 118) fit 1"17) ug/t' ug/r' ug /r' ug/L ug lt ug /r' vg/r, ug/r' ug /r. ug/t, D ibromo f I uo rorne t trane L, 2- Dichloroetlrane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB 103 LL2 1,0d 95 STL Denver 1,7 Iot-Saryr1e *: Dsf 02023 O- OA2 IUIASS SPECTROMETER/DATA SYSTEM PARAMETER None URA Corporatlon sf,B-910-090105 (Jcfi{6 vo1a,til.es Ilork Order *: HLfVQAIA3 (USNS) TENTETTVEIJY IDEIITIFIED ESTIMATBD e3,s #RESUITT llatrlx: GW EOMPOT'NDS RETENTTON TIME UNTTS :ug/t' STL Denver 1B CII-mt Saryrle TIRII Corporation eclus ID: SHB-9-O9O105 VoIatri].ee o f-ot-Baryile fi- - -: Date SanE 1ed- - - l Prep Datg-.,---i Prep Batch fi- - -: DL].utlon Faetor: DsI020230-003 09 IaL/05 Lo:55 oe/Lz/os 52s6224 L Ilork Order *--.: H.n/QsLAE rlate Receiwd.. - ! 09 / 02 / as Anaaysis Date- - 3 ag/Lzl os Jmalyeio TLme--r O9:53 Itgtlod, -, - . . . . - 3 Sw846 82608 tiatrfur-?-!-r-oo: GW RESIIIJT RBPORTING I,IMIT t}NITgPARAMETER Acetonttrile Acrolel-n AcrylonitrtIe Allyl chlorlde Carbon, dl-su]-fl-de 1-Chlorolrexane 2-Chloroethyl vJ-ny1 ether Clrclohexane D I chl oro f luoromethane trans-7-r4-Dichloro- 2-but.ene L,[-Dioxane Bthanol Ethy1 mettracrlrlate Iodomethane fsobutyl alcohol Methacrylonitrile MeE,hyI methacrylate Propionitrlle Tet.rahydrofuran Vinyl acetate n-Butano1 tert-Buty1 alcohol Ctrlor thane Cyclohexanone Ethyl acetate Ethyl ether Hexane Isopropyl ether 2 -Nitropropane fr i chl orot ri f luoroethane 2-Pentanone cls - L, 4 -Dichloro- 2 -buEene Acetone E0nEene Brmilichlormethane Bmfonn Bromethane ND ![D tlD IID r,.3 ND ND ND }TD ND IUD }(D ND ND ND IUD ND I(D ND ND ND ND 5-4 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND llD }UD ND IID 3-O 34 o.42 J (Contlnued 2a ug/T' 2A :ug/T' 20 ug/L 2.a ug/L 1- O urglr' 1- 0 :ug/I' 2 . A ug/l' 2.a ug/t, 2.O ug/l' 1.0 ug/t' 200 200 1.0 1-O 50 10 .f-.0 20 5.O 2 _A 50 50 1-o 2A 5.0 2.O L.O 10 2.O 1.O 2-A 1,0 1_0 1.0 1-O 1.0 2-A on next page) ug/r, ug /t, ug /t ug/t, ug/t' ug /t' ug /T' ug /T' ug/r, ug/t' vg /r' :ug/t, 1u.glI,; vg /t' ug/r' wg/T-, ug/r-, ug/t' trg /r, ug/r, ug/t' ug/t' ug/t uslL ug/r, ug/n ug/r, STL Denver IIRIT Corporation Cl.ient Sa4lle ID: SI|B-9-O9O1O5 sclI,a vo]-atL]'es DsIA2A23O-003 Hork Order *- - - i HiIyQSlAE l.Iatri;r- ! o - ! - - . - 3 GWIot-$aqll.e PARJNIETER 2_Butanone (I.GK) Carbon tetrachlorlde Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chf-orpform Chlorrethane Dibromomethane L, Z-Dl-bromoethane ( EDB) L ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1, 3 -Dichlorobenzene L , -Dlchlorobenzene Di chlorodi f luororne thane 1 , 1 -DLchloroeEhane t ,?-Diehloroethane 1 , 1-Dtchloroettrene t ,Z-Dichloroet.hene ( total ) cLs -L ,2 -Dlchloroetlrene trane - L, 2 -Dichloroethene L,Z-Dichloropropane cis - L, 3 -Dichloropropene t rans - L, 3 -Di chloropropene Ethylbenzene 2-Hexanone Methylene chlorLde 4 -l*lethy} - 2 -pentanone Styrene 1, 1, L,2 -Tetraehloroettmne 1, 1 ,2 ,2-Tet,rachloroethane TetrachloroeLhene Toluene L, z ,4-rrichloro- benzene 1, 1, 1- -Trichloroethane 1, 1, z-Triehloroethane Trichloroethene Tri ch1 orof 1 uorome thane L ,2, 3 -Trlchloropropane vinyl chlorlde Xylenes (tota1) n-Butylbenzene Eee-Butylbenzene Isopropylbenzene RESIIL,T REPORTING LTMIT T'NTTS ITD ND luD ND o .T-l ir 5-3 IID IID }TD ND IUD TID IUD IID ND }UD t[D IID ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND ITD luD IID ND IUD IUD ND tlD t[D ND ND ND IUD IID IID ![D 5-O 1-0 1.O 2.O 1-O 2-o 1,O 1.0 1,0 1.0 1.0 2.O ],.o 1-0 1.0 1.O 1.0 1-.0 1.0 1-0 1,0 1.O 5.O 1-0 5-0 1.O 1.O l-.0 1-0 1-.0 1,0 1.O 1-0 1.0 2.O 1.O 1.0 2.4 1.0 1,0 1.0 on next page) ug/t' rtg /r, ug/t ug/t ug,lt u,g,ll' ug /t' ug lt ug /T' ug/r, ug/t' ug/t' ug/r, ug /T' ug /r' rtg /r' ug/r, :ug/T' ta.g /T, vg/r' t;..g /T' vg /r' rug/t' ug/L, ug lr' ug/r, :ug/t' ug/r' ug/r, rtg /T' vg /T' uglt' ug/t, ug /r' vg/r' ug/L ug/T, ug/t' ug/r' ug/1, ug/L STL Denver (eontinued 2A Iots-sary)Ie #. PARAMETER URA Corporation Clieut, saqfie ID: SIIB-9-O9O1O5 gf.fiqg VolatiJ.es 3 D5f O2O23O-003 Hork Order *- - -: HII\/Q51AE ttlatri-r- r - ? r . . . . r GW RESUITT REPORTTNG IJIMIT I'NTTS L ,2 | 4-rrimethylbenzene t, 3 , s-TrLmethylbenzene n-Propylbenzene tert -Butylbenzene 2-Chlorotoluene 4 -Chlorotoluene L,z-Dibromo-3 - chloropropane (DBCP) 1 , 3 -nichloroproparre 2 ,Z-Dichloropropane 1 , 1-Dlchloropropene Hexachlorobutadlene 4 - Isopropyltoluene Methyl tert-butyl ether L ,2, 3 -Trlchlorobenzene Brornobenzene Brornochloromethane Naphthalene STIRROGATE ND }TD ND r[D I{D l[D IVD DID ND ND ND IVD llD ND ND ND ND PERCEI{IT RECOT[,ERY L. o ug/T, 1. o ug/t' f- . o ug/T, 1. o :ug/t 1.0 vg/L, 1 . o ug/f, 2 . O ug/t' 1.0 5.0 L.0 1.0 L.0 5,0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,O RECO\IERY I,IMITS ug/t us/t :ug/L ug/r, ug/r, ug/t, ]ug/L ug/L lug/1. :ug/r, DLbromof luoromethane L, Z-Di chloroethane - d4 4 -B romo f luoroben,z ene Toluene-dB rwrB(B): 102 LzL LA2 23* (tt r"1"8 ) $z L28 )(78 118) (tz 117 ) i Surro3ulo ruooycry Ia outside starcd @ntrol ltmlts. J Estlmatod rcallt. Rosrh ts less than RL. STL Denver 2L Iot-8aryt1e *: D5IO2 O23O-OO3 IIRSI Corporatton silB-9-090105 ccnls vol.atLleo ISork Order *: IIJ\IQSIAE rfiSS SPECTROI,'ETER/DATA SYSTE}.T (MSDS) TENTATIVEIJY IDENTIFIED PAXAIIETER eAs # EgTTMATED RESULT I{atri:x: GW COMPOUNDS RETEMTION TIME I]NIT8 0.0 Ir[ 8.98 ug/t' 4.9 ,f M 9.9594 ug/L 5.3 *T M 10.073 ug/f' Clrclotetraalloxane, octamethyl Unknown Unknown I EE(8) = s55 -67 -2 M: Rcsutt ryts mcosured egaimt m:f,rcst internal standerd assuming 0 raponso factor of L STL Denver IIRS CorporatLon Cl.lent Saryfle E): SHB-10-O9O1O5 Ge/us vo]-atsl-Ies PARJAIT{ETER Acetonit,rile Acrolein AcrylonLtrlIe AIIyI chloride Carbon disul-fide 1-Chlorohexarre 2 -Chloroethyl vlnyl ettrer Cyclohexane D 1 chloro f luoromethane trane -L,4 -Dl-chloro- 2-buEene L ,4-Dloxane Ettranol Ethy1 methacrylate Iodometlrane Isobutyl alcohol MethacrTlonitrile Methyl methacrlrlate Proplonitrlle Tetrahydrofuran Vinyl aeetate n-Butanol Lert-Buty1 alcohol Chf.or tlane Cyclohexanone Ethyl acetate Ethyl ether Hexane rsopropyl ether 2 -Nitropropane Tri chl oroLr L f I uoroe thane 2 -Pentanone cis -7- ,4 -Dlchloro- 2 -buLene Acet,one Benzene Brmdlchlormethane Brmfonn Bromomethane I.ot-Saryll"e #, - -: Datg 8arylled.---r Prgp Datg- - - - - - I Prep Bat& #-, - 3 Dl-Iution Factor: D5r02 0230 - 004 09/at/as 12:Lo ae/L2/os s2s6224 1- flork Order *- - -: Date Receirred- - 3 Analyele llate-. 3 Anaayels time - .3 I{gt}od,--- --- ---3 RESUITT ND ND ND ND ![D ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IUD ND ND ND ![D IUD 0-65 .f ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IUD ND }UD }ID 0.62 J 1.6 I{D (Continued on HLTVQ9].AB oe/oz/as oe/L2/os 1,0 : 13 9w845 82608 REPORTTNG TIMIT UNITS rratrl-x,-, -, - - - -, r GIiI 20 vg /I' 20 ttg / T, 2a us/L 2.a :ug/L 1 . o ug/l' 1- 0 ug/T' 2.O ug/t, 2.O uglt, 2 . o ug/l' 1.0 :ug/L 200 200 1.0 L.o 50 10 1.0 2A 5.0 2,A s0 50 1-O 20 5.0 2 -O 1.O 10 2,O 1,0 2.4 1-0 10 1.0 1-o 1.0 2.0 next page) :ug/t ug/r, ug/t ug/r, .ug/r' :u.g/L ug/t LLg / r' ug/r' ug/r, ug/t' :ug/r' u.gll' vs/L ,ng / T, ug /T' uglr, ug/t' rtg /r.' ug/L ug/t' ug/r, ug/t' uslL ug/L vglr' ug/t O STL Denver ND ND ND ND O -23 .f luD IUD l[D IID TID ND IID ND IUD IID ND IrRg Corgnration el-ient Saqll.e Gclll.s srrB-10-09010s Iot-Saq)Ie PARA}IETER 2 -Butanone (I,IEK) Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chf.orofom Chloromethane Dibromomettrane L, 2-Dibromoettrane (EDB) L ,2 -Diehlorobenzene 1, 3 -Dichlorobenzene L , 4-Dichlorobenzene Di chl orod I f luorome t hane 1, l-Dichloroethane L ,2-Dichloroethane 1, l-Dichloroethene L ,2-Diehloroethene (toua].) cte - L, 2 -Dl-chloroethene trans - 1., 2 -Dichloroethene t ,Z-Dtchloroproparre cis -L ,3 -Dlchloropropene trarrs- 1, 3 -Dl-chloropropene Ethylbenzene 2-Hexanone Methylene chlorlde 4 - !,Iethyl - 2 -pentanone Styrene L, L, L,2 -Tetrachforoethane 1, 1 ,2 ,2 -Tetrachloroethane Tet,ractrloroethene Toluene L,2 ,4-Trichloro- benzene 1, 1, 1--Trl-chloroethane 1, 1, 2 -Ttichloroethane Trichloroethene Tr L chlorof luoromethane L, 2, 3 -frichloropropane Vinyl chloride l{ylenos [total) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene fsopropylbenzene Volatl"les DSIO2O23O-OO4 lSork Orden *---: II.r\/Q91AE llatrix- ..-: GIII RESUIJT REPORTINCI I,TMIT UNTTS ND ND ND ND ND ND IID I{D ND ND l[D IID lsD ND ND 5,O 1-0 1.0 2 -O 1--O 2.O 1,0 1.0 l-.0 1.0 1.O 2.4 1.O 1.0 1-0 1.O 1.O L.0 f_.0 L.0 1.0 1.O 5.0 1.0 5-0 1,O 1.0 1.0 l-,0 1,0 l,.o 1,0 1.0 J-.0 2.0 1.0 1.O 2.0 L.o l_-0 1.0 next page) ug/r-, ug/t' ug /r' ug/r, ruglT' uglT' :ug/t' :ug/L :ug/r' ug/L ug/r. ug/t :ug/t, vg /T" ug/r, ug/t-, v-g/L trg/L ug/T' :ug/T' rug/t" ug/T' tu.g /I' wg/L :u.g/r' ug/r, ug/r, ug/t' :ug/r, ug/T, :ug/t' u9/r, ug/r, :ug/l' ug /r' ug/t, ug/t' vslL ug/L ug /t, ug/t, IID ND lUD ND ND ND I{D IID IID IID (Continued on STL Denver 24 C1lent gaq)I-e IIRA Corlrcration ec/us ID: gIrB-1o-O9O1O5 Vol.atLIes I.ot-garyr1e *- - -: PARAMETER Dsf AZA230-004 llork Order S- - , : HJITQgXAE lltriiltrl-x- ---3 GliI REgt IJT REPORTING LTMIT t'NITg L, 2, 4 -Trimethylb€rrzene 1 , 3 , 5 -Trimethylbenzene n-Propylbenzene tert -Butylbenzene 2 -Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene L ,2-DLbromo-3 - chloropropane (DBCP) 1, 3 -Dichloropropane 2 ,Z-Dichloropropane L , L-Dichloropropene Hexachlorobutadiene 4 -Ieopropyltoluene Methy1 tert-buty} ether L ,2, 3 -Trichlorobenzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Naphthalene SURROGATE I(D ND ND ND ND ND IUD }TD IUD ND ND ITD ND ND luD ND luD PERCEDIT RECOVERY 1. O vg/L l-.0 ug/L 1, O ug/l' 1-,0 ug/l' l- , 0 ug/r, 1 .0 ug/n 2. O :ug/Y' L-0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.O 1-O 1-O 1.0 1,0 RECO\IERY LrMrrs ug /t' ug/r, ug /t' ug/t' Lrg/r. ug/r, LLg /L ug/L ug /t' ,ng /r. Dibromof].uoromethane L, Z-Diehloroet trane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 L02 1 l-o 104 9s (tt 118 )(52 128 ) ( ze 118 )(tt 117 ) nCIrE(8): J Estimrtod renrlt- Remlt ls Ims &an RL. STL Denver 25 Iot-saryfle *: D5f020230-004 !,IA.9S SPECTROMETER/pATA SYSTEM PARAITIETER UnA &rgnration 8t|B-10-090105 cr'ft{g Volatil.ee work order *: HJ1/Q91AE (MSDS) Uatrl:r: GVI EOMPOUDUDS RETEtrITION TIME TINITS 1. 5286 ug/t' 8 . 9803 ug/t' 11, OL7 :ug/t' DLmethyl sulfide qfclotetrasiloxane, octamethyl AceLic acid, z-ethylhexyl este twrB (s) : TEMTATIIIEIrY IDENTf FIm ESTIMATED CAS #-. RBSUI,T. ,- 75-18-3 0,0 M 556-67-2 0-0 M L03-09-3 3-5 J M M: Resrh was mcsgurcd agalnst noorost intcrnat gtsrdard assumlng a rosponso froor of 1. STL Denver 26 UR-s brfioration Cl-Leut Aaqll.e ID: 8HB-3-O9O1O5 ec,lug vo]-atiles o PARAMETER Acetonl-t.ri1e Acrolel-n acrylonitrlle Allyl ehloride Carbon disulflde I -Chlorohexane 2-Chloroethyl vinyl etsher C\rclohexane D L chl oro f luoromethane trans -L ,4 -Dichloro- 2 -butrene L r il-Dioxane Ethano]- Ethyl rnethacrylate Iodomethane fsobutyl alcohol Methacrylonit,rile Methy} methacrylat,e Propionltrile Tetrahydrofuran Vinyl acetatre n-Butano1 t.ert*Butyl alcohol Ch]-or e Cyclohexanone Ethyl acetaLe Ethy} ether Hexane fsopropyl ether 2 -Nitropropane rr I chl oro t, ri f luoroethane 2 -Pent anone cie - 1, 4 -Dl-chloro- 2 -butene Acetone Benzene Bronodichlorsrcthane Brmofonr Bromomethane Iot-sarqrl.e *- - -: Date Sarylled- --Z Prg1) Date-?o-.-3 IteB Batdr #-. - ! DL].ution Factor: DsrA2A230-005 ae / oL/ os L3 ;37 oe/Lz/as 52s6224 L Ilork Order #- -. : Ilate neceived- - ! Ana-Iysis Date- - i nna-Iysie Tlme. . l .}lgthod-!..o...-3 RESTILT ND ND ND ND NI) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND lTD ND ND ND ND O.TL J ![D ND ND ND IUD ND ND l{D ND g-7 ir }ID O-48 .f 2-7 ![D (Continued on H{NMIUIAE ae / o2/ os oe /Lz/ os L1 : l-0 sw845 82508 REPORTING TIMIT UNITS UatrirE-----.---3 GW 2A ug/t' zo ug/r, 2A ug/l' 2-o ug/L L.0 ug/T' 1. O :ug/I' 2.o ug/t 2. o :ug/r, 2 -o :ug/I-, 1,. O ug/L 200 2AO 1.0 1.0 50 10 1.0 20 5.0 2.O s0 50 1.O 2A s-0 2.0 1.0 10 2.4 1_0 2.4 1,0 10 1,0 1.O 1.0 2.0 next page) ug/r, trg/I' LLg /T' ug/t' ug/r, ug/t-, ug/t ug/L :ug/t' ug/r, ug /t' ug /r' urglr' ug/L ]ug/t ]ug/L ug/r, lug/L ug/t' ug/l' :ug/r" ug/L u,gln uslL rugln ug/n ug/t STL Denver IIRA @rporatlon ClLeut Sa4ile ltD: 8f,B-3-O9O1-Os oelH8 volat,.leo Iot-Saryrle *- - -: D5I020230-005 Iork order X- - -: ILTVRMLAE REgUL,T REPORTINC LNIIT UNTTSPARAIyIETER Z-Butanone (lGK) Carbon totrachloride Chlorobenzene ChloroeEhane Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromomethane L, z-Dibromoettrane (EDB ) L ,2-Diehlorobenzene 1, 3 -Dichlorobenzene L , L-Dl-chlorobenzene D i chlorodi f luorornethane 1, I-Dichloroethane L , z-Dichloroethane L, L-Dichloroethene L,2-Dichloroethene (total ) ci s - L, 2 -Dl-chJ-oroethene trans - 1, 2 -DLclrloroethene L ,Z-Dichloropropane cis- 1, 3 -Dlchloropropene Lrane - L, 3 -Dichloropropene Ethylbenzene 2-Hexanone Methylene chloride 4 -Methyl -2 -pentanone Styre,ne 1, 1 ,l ,2-Tetrachloroethane 1, 1 ,2 ,2 -TeE,ractrloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene, L ,2 , 4-Trichloro- benzene 1 , 1, l-Trlctrloroethane 1, 1, z-Trlchloroethane rrlchloroethene Tr i ch1 oro f luoromet hane L ,2, 3 -Trichloropropane vlnyl chloride Xylenes (total) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Isopropylbenzene luD TID IID ND 11 ![D ND ND ND ND ND I{D ND ND ND ND ND ND r{D }UD IqD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IUD }UD I'ID IUD r{D }ID 5. o :uig/r, 1. O :ug/t 1-O ug/t' 2 - A :ug/I' f-- O urglr, 2.a ug/t 1.0 :ug/I" 1. 0 lug/L 1- 0 ug/r" 1 . 0 :ug/I' 1. O luglT' 2.a :ug/L 1.0 tug/I' 1.0 lug/L J, , 0 :ug/T' 1- - 0 ug/r, l_ - o lJg/T, 1 . 0 rJg/r, l- , 0 trg/T, 1. O ug/T, 1,0 ,rg/L 1- 0 ugll' 5 - O :ug/l' 1 .0 ug/t' 5.0 ug/T' l-. O vg/I, 1. O :ug/T, 1, O vg/T, 1.0 :ug/I' f- . O ug/I' 1.O ug/t l- . O :ug/T' 1 . o ag/I' f-. O ug/T' 2 . A ug/Tt r . o ug/t l-, O ug/L 2.0 uqll 1.0 ug/L f. .0 ug/r, L .0 ug/L STL Denver (Continued on nexL page) URS Corporatim. C3.ir=nt, Saqlle ID: AIIB-3-O9O1O5 gcltqs vol-atI.leo D5I02O23O-OO5 l{ork Order *- -. 3 H.I\IRMIAE REST}LT REPORTTNG IJTMIT r+aLrix----,----3 Gw t NrTs , .,,_ ug/r-' vg/r' rug/r. rrg/L ug /T, ug/r, ug/t, us/L ug lr' ug/L ug/u ug/r' ug/T, vg/r, ug /r' lug/t ug/r, O I"ot-8a1ry[e ft- - -: PARAMETER L ,2 , 4-Trimethylbenzene 1 , 3 , 5 -Trimethylbenzene n-Propylbenzene tert -Butylbenzene 2 -Chlorotoluene 4 -Chlorotoluene L,Z-Dibromo-3 - chloropropane (DBCP) 1 , 3 -Dichloropropane 2 ,2 -Dichloropropeure 1, l-Dtchloropropene Hexaehlorobutadlene 4 -Isopropyltoluene MeEhyI tert-buEy1 ether L ,2, 3 -frichlorobenzene Bromobenzene BromochloromettrEure Naphthalene SURROGATE ND IID IUD ND TID ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TID ND ND ND ND PERCET(f RECOVERY 1.0 1.0 1,0 1.0 1-0 1.0 2-0 1.0 5,0 1,0 f--0 1.0 5.0 1.O 1.0 1.O 1.O RECO\'IERY ITfMITS (tt 118) (62 L28)(zs 118 ) 0t LLTI Dibromof luoromethane L, Z-Dlchloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB ilOrts (8) : 9B 94 98 100 I Esdmatotl rcsrlt. Rmult ls Ioss than RL. STL Denver Iot-Sary>I-e * : D5I02O23 O- O05 IIRIT Cor;nratlon SIIB-3-090105 fffiilB vo1attlee fork Omdtrr *: HifVnM].AE MASS sPEcTnoaeTEn/DATA SYSTEM (!'sDs) TENTATwEI,Y IDEIITIFIBD PARAMETER CAS # ESTIIVIATED RESULT None I{atrl:r: GW COMPOTINDS RETEIiITION TIME IINITS :os/T, STL Denver 30 Iot-gaq,I.e *---: Date 8aryrl.ed.---3 Prqp Datter-----! Prep Batch fi- -,: DI.f.utiou. Factor: IIRS Corpor:atlon Cl-ient' 8a4l1e ID: SflB-7-O9O1O5 ce^ig vo1atl-I.eo I5ork Order #-,-3 H.rVRV1AQ Datre Recelwed- - 3 oY / a2/ os Analyals Date- - 3 a9 / L2/ a5 Aualysis Tfure.-i I.L:30 fiatrix---,--.--r GWDsra20230-006 09/at/os 14:2o oe/tz/os 525 6224 I. Hetftod- - - o - - - - . : SW846 82508 RESULT REPORTTNG LIMTT ITNTTSPAR.AMETER AcetonLtrile acrolein acrylontt,rile Ally1 chloride @rbon di-su1fide L -Chlorohexalle z-Chloroethy1 vLnyl ether Cfrelotrexane oi chl oro f luoromethane trane-1 , 4 -Dlchloro- 2-buEene L,4-Dioxane Ethano]. Ethyl methacrylaEe Iodomethane Ieobutyl alcohol MethacrlrlonLtrile Methyl methaerylate Propionitrlle Tetratrydrofurarr Vinyl acetate n-Butano1 tert-Butyl alcohol Chf. orodibrupmr=ttrane Cfrelohexanone Ethyl aceLate Ethyl eLher Hexane fsopropyl ether 2 -Nttropropane Tr1 chl orot ri f luoroet hane 2 -Pentanone cls - 1, 4 -Diehloro- 2 -butene Acetone Benzene Bromodl- ctr-I oromethane Brmform Bromomethane ND }TD ND IID o-99 ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND ND tuD ND ND IID ND ND ND ND IID a -29 tlD TID ND ND IUD ND ND }UD IID IUD I'lD a -25 o-96 ND 200 200 f_.0 1.0 50 10 1.0 20 5.0 2.O 50 50 1.O 2A 5.0 2.0 1.0 10 2.0 1.0 2.0 l_,0 10 1.0 LO 1-O 2.0 ug/t' ug/r, lug/r' ug/r, ug /T' ug/T' ug/t' ug/L' ug/t ug /r' ug /T' Lrg /T' u.glr' ug lt ug /t' :ug/r' ug/r, ug/t" :ug/r, rrg /T, ug/r, ug/r, trg /T' uslt uglt' uglr, ugll, 2A ug/t" 2a wg/t' 2a :ug/L 2 . O ug/f' 1- o ug/f 1.o :ug/t 2.0 ttg/I' 2 . A ug/I, 2 . O rtg/I' 1. o ug/T, ir J ir STL Denver (ConElnued on next page) Lot-Saryl1e PARAMETER IIRS Corporatslou Cl-lent Slaryfie ID: grB-7-O9O1O5 cc,lttg vol.atil.es D5f02A210-006 Work Order *- - -: HJ\IRVIAQ RESIILT REPORTTNG IJIMIT Uatri-x-O--.)---3 GTI ITUITS rug/L lug/L lug/t, ug/r' rnglr, lurg/L ug/L :ug/L lu.g/u ug /T' vg /r, ug/t' ug /t' lug/L ug/t ug/L :.g/T' ug /r' ug/r, ug/t' ug/t" tg /T, u.g/n :uglr' ug/T, :ug/t" ug/t' ug /r, ug/T' ]urg/t :ug/t' ug/r' ug/t" :ug/T' ug /t' ug/r, LLg /r, uslL ug/L :ug/r' trg / r' 2-Butanone (MEK) Carbon tetraehloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chlorornethane Dibromomethane L, Z-Dibrornoethane ( EDB) L ,Z-Dichlorobenzene L ,3-Dichlorobenzene L ,4-Dichlorobenzene D i chl orodi f luoromethane 1, l-Dichloroethane L ,Z-Dichloroethane 1, l-Dichloroethene L ,Z-Dtchloroethene ( total ) cLs - 1, 2 -Diehloroethene trans- L, 2 -DLchloroethene L ,Z-Dichloropropane cis - 1, 3 -Diehloropropene trans- 1, 3 -Dlchloropropene Etrhylbenzene 2 -Hexanone Methylene chloride {-Methyl-2-pentanone Styrene 1, 1, L, 2 -Tetrachloroethane 1 , 1 ,2 ,2 -Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene I ,2 , 4-Trichloro- benzene 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane 1, 1, z-Trichloroethane frichloroethene Tr L chloro f luoromethane L ,2 ,3 -trichloropropane Vinyl chloride rrylenes (total) n-Butylbenzene sec -BuLylbenzene Ieopropylbenzene TID lilD ND }UD o -32 ir ND IUD ND ND ND ND }UD ND ND l$D t[D 5.O 1.0 1-0 2-0 1-O 2.4 1-0 l_.0 1-0 1.O 1.O 2.4 t.o 1.0 1.O 1.O 1-0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1. O 5,0 1.0 5.0 1.O 1.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 f_.o 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.O 1.0 1.0 2.4 1.0 1.0 1,0 next page) IID ND ND ND IID ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TSD ND ND ND ND I{D TID ND ND STL Denver (Continued on 32 Lot*Saryl1e *- PARAMETER IIRA Corgnration Cl.ient Saryfie ID: SHB-7-O9O1O5 GC|US VolatI-Ies : D5I02A230-006' Ilork Order *- - -: HTIIRVLAQ liiatsrix--------+: GW RESUIJT REPORTTNG ITTMIT UNITS L, 2, 4 -Trimethylbenzene L ,3, 5 -Trimethylbenzene n-Propylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene 2 -ehlorotoluene 4 -Chlorotoluene L ,2-Dibromo-3 - chloropropane (DBCP) L ,3 -Dichloropropane 2 ,Z-Dlchloroproparle 1, l-Dichloropropene HexactrlorobutadLene 4 -f eopropylt,oluene Ivrethyl tert -butyl eEher L ,2 ,3 -Trj"chlorobenzene Brornobenzene Bromochloromethane Naphthalene STTRROGATE ND ND ND ND }UD ITD ND ND ND ND ND ND tlD }UD ND IID ND PERCMIT RECO\TERY 1- - O :ug/L 1. o lug/\' 1.0 ug/l' 1- o ug/t' 1- 0 ug/l' 1- 0 ug/t' z -a wg/T' 1. O ug/l' 5. O ug/T' 1. o ug/L 1 . O LL9/T' 1. o ug/L 5.0 ug/t' 1 - 0 ug/t' 1. o ug/t 1- 0 ug/T' l- . o ug/L RECOVERY L'fMITg (zs 1L8) (62 A2g') (zs 118) (72 117 ) Dibromofluoromethane t, 2-Dtchloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 NCIrB (8) : 93 85 9s 10s J Esdrnated remrll Resutt Ie less Oran RL. STL Denver 33 Iot-saq>Ie *: D5I020230-006 IVIASS SPECTROMETER/DATA SYSTE}I PARA}IETER Cyclotetraslloxane, octameEhyl Acetic acid, Z-ethy1herryl este Unknown Dro['B (s] : IIR.S Corpor:atlon srB-7-09010s Gtr,lw voIats1Ieg rcrk Order *: HiIVRV1AQ Uatri-x: GW (MSDS) rnNrerrvELy rDErflrrFrED eoMPouI[DS CAS # EgTIIYIATED RESUITT RETENTION TIME t]NITS 8.9796 ug/L 11.015 ug/L 11 . 697 ug/It 556 -67 -2 103 - 09 -3 o,0 7.2 'J4.A ,J M M M M: Rsult was memured against rtoart:* intcrnal stsndard assuming s req)ooso fauor of l. STL Denver URS Corgnration C1ieut Saqrle ID= EB-091OO5 GcA{s vol-atiles PARATI{ETER AcetonitrLle Acrolein Acrylonitrl-1e AIly} chloride Carbon disulfide 1-Chlorotrexane 2 -Chloroethyf vinyl ether Clrclohexane Di ehloro f luorornet hane trans -L,4 -Dichloro- 2 -butene L r 4-Diox€rne Ethanol Ethyl methacrylate Iodomethane Isobutyl alcohol MethaerlrlonLtrile Iurethyl mettracr^}rlat e Propionit,rile Tetratrydrof uran Vinyl acetate n-Butrano1 tert-Buty1 aleohol ChIorodlbromomethane Cfrclohexanone Ethyl acetate Ethy1 ether Hexane Isopropyl ether 2-Nitropropane ?ri ch1 orot ri f luoroethane 2 -Pentanone cis - L, 4 -Dlchloro- 2 -butene Acetone Benu ene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane fot-Saqll-e #---: Date Sarylled-. - i Prep Datg------: Prep Batdr S. - . : Dil.ution Factor: Dsr020230-007 oe / orlos 14 :30 ae /L2 / os 52s 6224 1 I[ork Order fr- - - 3 Date Recelved. .3 AnatysLs llate- - 3 Ana-lyeis Time. - 3 Hgthod,---------3 RESUITT .-_ ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IID ND ND ND ND ND t{D ND ND IgD IUD ND IID ND TID 2.L J ND IID luD ND (Contlnued on next Htmru(1AA oe/az/as oe/L2/os 1L:49 sw84 6 82608 REPORTING TIMIT UNTTS l[atri-x. , ! o , - - - ,: .E['[ 20 ug/r, 2a Dg/I' 20 ug/I' 2 . a ug/T, l-.0 ug/L f- . 0 vg/r, 2 . A ug/I' 2 . O lug/f' 2 . A vg/T' l-.0 ug/L 200 200 1.0 1.0 50 10 1,0 2A 5.0 2.o 50 50 1.0 20 5.0 2 -O 1.0 10 2.0 L.0 2.0 1,0 10 1,0 l_.0 L,0 2.0 page) ug /r, vg /I' ug/n ug/r, vg [I' ug/t-, ug/r. ug/t' wg /r' ug/t' ug/r, ug/r, :ug/t' ug/t' luglL rtg / I' lg /T' ug/t ug/t lrg /r, trg /T' \glL Iutgll,l us/L ug/I' Lrg / r, ug /T' STL Denver IIRS Corporation Cl.ient Ilarylle ID: EB-O91OO5 Gf,firB volatiles D5I020230-007 Work Order f;- - - ! HinIru(LAAIot-Saryrl-e PARAII{ETER REPORTING IJIMIT UNIT9RESUIJT ND }UD r[D ND o.L7 ir ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ITD ND ND ND ND IID IUD ND }TD ND ND t[D IID ND ND ND IUD ND IID I$D ITD ND ND TID ND ND (Continued on 2-But,anone (MEK) Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroettrane Chl-orofom Chloromethane Dlbromomethane L, Z-Dibromoethane ( mB) L ,Z-Dich]-orobenzene L,3 -Dlclrlorobenzene L , 4-Dichlorobenzene DL chL o rodl, f luoromettrane L , L-Dlchloroethane L , Z-Dichloroethane 1, l-Dich1oroethene L ,2-Dichloroethene(roral) cJ.s- 1 , 2-Diehloroethene trans - L, 2 -Dichloroethene L ,Z-Dichloropropane cis - 1, 3 -Dichloropropene trarrs -L ,3 -DLehloropropene Ethylbenzene 2 -Hexa-rrone Methylene chloride 4 -Methyl-2-pentanone Styrene 1, 1, a, 2 -TetrachloroeLhane 1, 1 ,2 ,2 -TetsractrloroeEhane Tet,rachloroetrhene Toluene L ,2 , [-Trichloro- benzene 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane L, L, 2 -Trl-chloroethane Trlchloroethene Trl" chlorof luoromethane L ,2, 3 -TrLchloropropane Vinyl chloride Iylenee {total} n-Butylbenzene sec*Butylbenzene Isopropylbenzene l,.o 1.0 1.0 1,0 l-.0 1.O 5.0 1-0 5.0 1--0 1.0 1.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 1"-0 L.0 1.0 2.4 L.0 1.0 2.4 L.0 1.0 1.0 next page) 5 . 0 uglt" 1- 0 ug/t 1- o ug/t' 2.0 Lrg/L 1- O ug/L 2 . A ug/I' 1. O ug/t' f,. o tJg/T, 1, O ug/L 1. o ug/T, J-. 0 vg/l' 2 . a ug/r, L.0 ug/t 1 . o uglr, 1. 0 ug/T' 1. o ug/L ug/r, ug/t' ug/t, ug/r, ug/L rtg /r' lug/r. ug /T, ug/T, us/r, :ug/T' ug /r' ug/r, ug/t us/L ug /t, ug /T' ag/T, ug/t' :ug/t' :ug/r' wh, ug/r, u9/t ug/T' STL Denver 36 IIRA CorSrcratlon Cl.ient' Saryr1e ID: EB-O9LOOS GenrB vol-ati].es I,ot-Saryrl.e * - - . 3 D5I02023 0- 007 PARAII{ETER L ,2 , 4-Trimethylbenzene 1 , 3 , 5 -Trlmethylbenzene n- Propylbenzerae tert -BuLylbenzene 2 -Chlorotoluene 4 -Chlorotoluene L ,Z-Dl-bromo- 3 - chloropropane (oncp) L ,3 -Dtctrloropropane 2 ,Z-Dtctrloropropane 1, I-Diehloropropene Hexachlorobutadiene 4 - Isopropyltoluene Methy1 tert-butyl ether L ,2, 3 -Trl,chlorobenzene Bromobenzene Bromochlorometharle Naphthalene SURROGATE Dlbromofluoromethane L, 2- Dichloroethane -d{ 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB nC)|fB (8) : IIork Order *- REgULT ND ND IID ND }UD ND DID ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND PERCF;TUT RECO\TERY 91 84 9'l 107 Hatrfur.-------.3 EW UNITS vg /T) tug /r" ug /t, ug/r, ug/L ug/t' ug/t ru.g/t ug/r, ug/1, ug /T' lu.g/L ug ll' :ug/T' lug/t lug/r'' ug/r, HiI\Iru(1AA REPORTING I,IMTT l-.0 1.0 1,0 1.0 1-O l-. 0 2.O J-.0 5.0 L.0 l_.0 1-O 5.0 1.O 1.0 1,0 1.0 RECO\IERY IJIMITS (7t 11I )(ez 128) ( zs l-r.s ) (77 117) O I Fstimated rcsult. Rogult is less than RL. STL Denver I,ot-Sary>I-e * : D5rO2 0230 - 007 },IASS SPECTROIIETEN/OATE SYSTET{ PARAITIETER IIRA Corporatl-on EB-O91005 Gf,.ltr6 vo1atLl-ea I$ork Omder *: H;nIru(1AA (MsDs) ilatrlx: EW COMPOT]NDS RETENTTON TTME T'NITS 11 .015 ug/L TENTATWELY IDEIITIFIED ESTTIVIATEDc+-q-$_ REsuLr 103-09-3 7.6 'J Ivlecetic acLd, ?-ethylhoryl eete rwfB(8): M: Rc.sttlt wag nreasurod againgt naarst internal standand asnrming a respoue factor of l. STL Denver 38 URg Corlrcration Cl.ieut Saqrle il): SIIB-gI.o-OgO1os Gf,.lr+tc SemLrrol.atil.ee o Iot-Sary)Ie *- . - l Date Saryr1ed---l Prep Datg------I Prep Batch #- - -: Dl.lution Factor: Dsr020230-002 09 / oL/ os o7: oo ae/05/os 5249103 1 Ilork Order S-. -: Date ReceLrred- - 3 Anal.ysis Date- - 3 ^trnal.ygis Tl-re. - 3 Dlgthl)d.-lr-----! RESUITt HJTTQALAS ae/02/os aeh o/os O0 :44 sw846 8270C REPORTINGI I,TMTIr UNITS lfatrl-x -= CIW PARAMETER Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene .B.cet,ophenone 2 - Acetyl amino f lrrorene 4 -AminobLphenyl Aniline Anthracene eramite Benzidlne Benzo (a) anthracene Benzo (b) f luoranthene Benzo (k) f luoranthene Benzoic acid Benzo (ghi) perylene Benzo (a) pyrene Benzyl alcohol bl- e (Z -Chloroetho>ry ) met,hane bis (Z- Chloroethyl ) - eLher bis Q -chloroisopropyl ) ether bis (2-Ethylhercyl ) phtha"Iate 4 -Brornoptrenyl phenyl ether Butyl benzyl phthalate Carbazole 4-ehloroanlline Chlorobenzilate 4 -Chloro - 3 - methylphenol 2 - Chloronaphthalene 2 -Chlorophenol 4 -Chloroptrenyl phenyl eIher Chrysene DlaIlate Dl-benz (a, h) anthracene ND ND ND ND ND IID ND ND ND IUD IID ND ND luD ND ND ND DID ND TID (Continued on 10 10 10 100 s0 10 10 20 100 10 10 1-0 50 10 10 L0 L0 10 1-0 L0 10 10 10 1_0 10 10 10 10 10 L0 20 10 next page) ug /t' rug/L ug /r' ug /t' ug /T" ug/r, :us/L ug /t ]uglL ug /t' ug /t' ug /T' :ug/T' ug/t' ug /t' ug/r' ug/r' ug/r, uglt' ug/L ug/r, lug/L ug/l' ug/t ug/t' lug/L ug/T' ug/t' ug/t ug/L ug/L lulg/L ND ND ND IID ND ND ITD TUD STL Denver IIRS Oorgnratio C1Lent saqrle ID: SB-91o-o9o1O5 e{/w Semftrol-atiJ-es Iot-Saqr1e *. -.: D5I020230-002 IorIC order t- - -: II\T[/OA1A8 PARAMETER RESTII,T REPORTTNG LTMTT Dibenzofuran Di-n-buryl phthalate 3, 3' -Dlchlorob ertzidLne 2 , A-Dichlorophenol 2 ,6-Dichlorophenol Dlethyl. phthalate Dl-methoate 7 ,L?-Dimethylbenz (a) - anttrracene 3, 3 I -Dimethylbenzidine 2 , 4-Dimethyl-phenol Dimethyl phthalate 1, 3 -Dinitrobenzene 4 ,6*Dinitro- 2 -rnethylphenol 2 ,4-Dinit,rophenol 2 ,4-Dinitrotoluene 2 , 6-Dinitrotoluene Di-n-octy1 phthalate ol"phenylamine 1, Z-Diphenylhydraz ine Disulfot on Ethyl methanesulfonate Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachl o rocyc I openta - dlene Hexachloroethane Hexachloropropene rndeno ( 1 ,2 ,3 -cd) pyrene Ieod,rin fsophorone Isosafrole Methapyrilene 3 - Me t, hyl chol ant hrene Methyl rnethanesulfonate 2 -Methylnaphthalene 1, -Methylnaphthalene MeLhyl parathion 2 -Ptethylphenol 3 -Methylphenol & 4-tlethylphenol ND ND ND IID IID ND ND ND IID }UD ND ND ND ND ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IUD ND 10 l_0 s0 L0 10 1o 20 20 20 1_O 10 10 50 50 1-0 10 10 10 1-0 50 10 10 10 10 50 10 L00 10 10 10 2A 50 20 l-0 10 10 s0 10 L0 on next page) uatri-x-?--.----: GsI TTNITS vg /T' :ug/t' ug/t' ug/t' rrg/L ug/L :ug/r, us/L ug/t Dg /r' ug/r, lug/t' rJg/r, :ug/T' ug /r' rulg/t ug/t ug/n ug/r, ug/r, ug/L ug/T' us/r, luglT, uglT, uslL lug/L lug/t' vg /l' vg/r' :ug/t :ug/T' ug/t ug/n lug/r' ug/t uslL ug/r, ug/t IUD ND }TD ND ND ND ND IUD }UD ND ND IID tlD ND (eontinued STL Denver Iot-Saqll-e fi---3 PARAMETER L , 4-Naphthoquinone 1-Naphthylamine 2 -Naphthylamine 2 -Nitroaniline 3 -Nitroaniline 4-NitroanilLne Nit.robenzene 2-Nitrophenol 4 -Nlt,rophenol 4 -Nitroquinoline- L-oxide N-Nl t,rosodL - n -buEylamine N - Ni t, ro sodl ethyl aml-ne N - Ni t roeodime thy 1 amine N - Ni t ro s odipherry I amine N- Ni trosodi - n - propyl - amine N -Nl t rosomethyl ethyl amine N-Nitroeomorpholine N -NL t, roErop iperi dine N-Nltroaopyrrolidine 5 -Nitro-o- toluldine Parathion Pentachlorobenzene Pentachloroethane Pentachloronl t, robenz ene Pentachloroplrenol Phenacetln Phenanttrrene PhenoI Phorate 2 -Picoline Pronamide Pyrene ryridine L ,2 , 4 ,5 -Tetraetrloro- benzene 2, 3, 4, 6-Tetrachlorophenol ThLonazLn 0-T0luidlne L,2 ,4-Trichloro- benzene 2 ,4, 5 -Trichloro- phenol IIRS CorporaEl.on CII-ent Sa4fle ID: SHB-91O-O9O1O5 gclug BenLvol.ati]-es D5IO20230-002 Hork Order *---! H.ItQAIAB REgTIIJT REPORTING TTMIT Uatri-x.--.-----: GII uNrrq. ._-__ lug/r' ug/r, lug/L ug /r' ug/t' ug/r, ug/t, :ug/T-, trg/L ug /t' Ltg/T' lcg/t' ug/r, tl.g / T" rug/L ug/L lus/L ug /t' ug/t ug/r, ug/r, us/L ]ug/L lu,g/L ug /r' ug /t ]ug/L ug lt tJg /T" ug /r, ug/r, ug/r-, vg /r' ug /T' ug/L LLg /T, uslt ug/T, ug/L ND ND IUD IUD ND tlD ND rlD t[D ND t[D ND ND IID ND TgD ND ND IID ND ND r[D ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND t[D DID }(D ND IUD (continued s0 10 10 s0 50 50 10 10 s0 1-00 1_0 10 t_0 10 10 L0 10 L0 10 20 50 10 s0 50 50 20 1-0 10 50 20 20 10 2A 10 50 1-0 10 1.0 10 on next page) tlD ND I{D l[D STL Denver IIRS Corporation Cl.ient Saryfie srrB-910-o9010s eC/us Senirrol-atl.I-eg D5IA2O23O-002 llork Order *- - - 3 H,r\IQA1AS Itlatrfur.-------?: GWIot-Saqr1e PARAMETER RESIJLT REPORTING LIMIT IINTTS 2 , 4 , 6 -Triehloro- phenoJ- O, O, O- Triethylphosphoro - thioate 1, 3, 5 -Trinitrobenzene SIIRROGATE ND ND PERCETVT RECOT'ERY 10 ug /T' 50 ug/I' so ug/L RECO\IERY IrfMf TS 2-Fluorophenol Phenol-d5 Uitrobenzene-d5 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2 ,4 ,C-Tribromophenol Terphenyl-d1-4 77 79 76 70 83 2A STL Denver 42 IIRA CorlnraLLon snB-910-o9010s cc/ldS Benirrol.atsi1ee Ipf,-ltarErls *: D5I02023A-002 work Order *: HiI\/QA1AB O IYTASS SPECTRoMETER/paTa SYSTEM PARAMETER (MSDS) rmUraTrVErrY TDENTIFTED ESTIMATED CAS #RESULf tratrl:r: GsI COMPOI]NDS RETEITTION qII,qF ..UNITS 2 . a84 ug /T, 2.229 ug/L 2 .3095 trg /f' 5 ,5 623 :ug/t, 5 - 8 828 vg /I-' 8 .2999 ug /t, Unknown Qyclohexane Unknown Unknown Unknown DiethyltoluamLde rwE(s): 110 -82-7 1_34 - 62-3 7.3 J 33J s9J 4.9 J 5.7 LT 6.2 J FI M M M M M M: Resutt wag fleasurcd against nearest intornal gndand asrmlng I responsc factor of l. STL Denver URg Corpor:atLon Cl'Leut Baqrl.e ID: SfnB-91O-O9O1o5 Gf.lu9 semirrolati]'es fot,-garugll.e #- - -: flate 8aryrl.ed.--3 fep Date-,r---l Prep BatcJt *- - . 3 Df.I.ution Faetor: Dsr02 a23 0- 002 0e/oL/ as oz: oo oe/or/as 525043 s L sork Order f-, -: Date Recel.rred- -: nnalysis Date. - ! llnalyefs Time- - ! Dlethod!--o.----3 EEsrryT .- ND PERSEI{T RECO\IERY 53 68 70 72 67 24 H,J\IQA1A9 oe / 02/ os oe/tt/os 2A -.47 gw8{5 827AC REPORrrING TIMTT UNITS triatri;r--3 GW PARAMETER Pentachlorophenol SURROC,ATE 4.o lug/L RECOTdERY LIMffS(ag 116)(zz 109 )(ze L25l (38 114 ) (37 105) 0z L42l 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2 -Fluorophenol 2,4 ,F-Tribromophenol Nitrobenzene-d5 Phenot-d5 Terphenyl-d14 STL Denver 44 IIRA Corporation ClLent 8aryfie ID: gHB-9-O9O1os Gr.lrr8 Senlvol.atil.ee Iot-San4lle $- - -: Date Saryfled.---l Prep [late- - - - - - 3 PreB Ba.tcfr *- - -: Dl-I.ution Factor: Dsr020230-003 oe / oLlos 1o:55 ae/06/os 5249103 1 tork Order *- - -: Date Receird.- - 3 Anaaygis Date- - l Ana-IyaLe tfurc- - ! [rgtrhod----o----! REptlLT ,. HinIQsILK oe/a2/0s oe/Lo/os O1-:05 sw845 8270C REPORTING IrfIt{If UNITS lrlatrix]Oro-.---r CW PARAMETER Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Acetophenone 2 -Ac et yl aml,no f luorene 4 -Amlnobiphenyl AniIl-ne Anthraeene Aramite Benzidlne Benzo (a) anthracene Benzo (b) f luoranthene Benzo (k) fluoranthene Benzoic acid Benzo (ght) perylene Benzo (a) pyrene Benzyl aJ.cohol bis Q-chloroethoxy) rneEhane bis (z-Chloroethyl) - ether bis ( 2 - Ctrloroi sopropyl ) ettrer ble (z-Erhylhexyl) phthalate {-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Butyl benzyl phthalate Carbazole 4 -Chloroarliline Chlorobenzilate 4 - Chloro - 3 -methylphenol 2 -Chloronaphthalene 2 -Chloroptrenol 4 -Chloroptrenyl phenyl etner Chrysene DiaIlate Dlbenz (a, h) anthracene ND ND ND ND ND IUD ND ND ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND }ID TID IUD (Contlnued on 10 L0 10 100 50 10 10 20 1.0 0 1-0 10 1-0 s0 10 10 10 10 L0 10 10 10 10 L0 10 10 10 10 1.0 L0 10 2A l-0 next page) ug/t Lrg /r' :ug/t' ug /t' ug /T' ug/t-' vg/r' Ltg/L rug/t uglt' ug/L rtg /r' ug/r-, rug/L ug/r, ug/t' ug lt ug/T' ug/r" rtg /T' ug /T, :ug/t ug/r, ug/r, ug/T' ug/L lug/t ug/r ug /r' ug/L ug/1, ug/L IUD ITD IUD ND IUD r[D ND ND STL Denver URg Corporation Cl.ient 8aryrl.e ID: 8HB-9-O9O1-O5 or,lW 8emfircIatil.es D5ro2023o-o03 Hork order *- - . 3 HJI'Q51AK llatriJr. - - ' - - , ! . : GWIot-Saryfle PARA},IETER REPORTING IJfMIT UNITSREST'I,T ND t[D ND ND ND ND TUD ND ND IUD TID IID ND ND (Continued on DLbenzofuran Dl-n-buty1 phthalaLe 3, 3 ' -DLctrlorobenzidlne 2 ,4-Dlchlorophenol 2 , 6 -Dichlorophenol Dietrhy1 phthal.ate Dimethoate 7 ,L2-Dimethylbenz (a) - anthraeene 3, 3' -Dl-meLhyJ-benzldlne 2 ,4-DJ-methylphenol Dimethyl phthalate 1, 3 -Dinltrobenzene 4 ,6-Pinitro- 2 -rnethylphenol 2 ,4-Dinitrophenol 2 ,4-Dinl-Erotoluene 2 , i-Plnitrotoluene Dl-n-octyl phthalate Dl,pheny)-amine L, Z-Diphenylhyd T azlne Dioulfoton Ethyl methanesulfonate E'luoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachl orocycl openta - diene Hexachloroethane Hexactrloropropene Indeno ( 1, 2 ,3 -cd) p)rrene feodrLn Isophorone rsosafrole Ptethapyrllene 3 -Methylcholanthrene Methy} methanesulfonat,e 2 -Methylnaphthalene 1-Methylnaphthalene [Iemyl parathion 2-Methylphenol 3 -Methylphenol & 4 -l'lethylphenol ND IUD ND TID ND ND ND ND t[D Itu IID }UD ND 10 10 50 10 r0 10 20 20 2A r.0 10 t-0 50 50 10 L0 Lo ro 10 50 10 l,o 10 1-O 50 10 100 10 10 1-0 20 50 2A L0 10 L0 50 10 1-0 next page) ug/t' ug /t' ug/u ug/t' :ug/T' Ltg /r, ug/t' ug/r, ug/r, ug /t' ug/T' us/L ug/t Vg /T, ug/t ]J,g/L ug /r' lug/t ug/T' :ug/T' ltg /T' uglu .u,g/r' ug /T. uglr, ug /r' ug/r, ug/T' trg /T' ug/T' lug/r' ug /T' ug lr, ug/L trg /T' ug/t uslL ug/1, ug/I, IgD ND I{D ND DID IID ND t[D ND ND DID ND STL Denver 46 Ung CorporatLon Cl-imt 8aryrl.e ID: $I[B-9-O9O1O5 gcArs Benlrro].atil.es IIork Order #---: HiI\IQSIAK lIat.rL:ro - - . - - - - - 3 Gwfot-Saqll-e * - - - : DsI 020230- 003 PARAMETER A ,4-Naptrthoquinone 1-Naphthylarnine 2-Naphthylamine 2 -NttroanilLne 3 -Nl-troanlll-ne 4 -Nitroanlline NLtrobenzen'e 2 -Nitrophenol 4 -Nttrophenol 4 -NiLroquinoline- 1,-oxlde N-Nl t rosodi - n- butryl amine N - Ni t ro sodi et hyl amLne N - Ni t rosodl-me Ehyl aml-ne N - Ni t ro god iphenyl amine N- Nit,rosodi - n-propyl - amine N - NL t ro a ome t hyJ. ethyl aml-ne N-Nitrosomorpholine N-Nitrosopiperl-dLne N-Nitrosopyrrolidlne 5 -NLtro-o-toluidine ParaEhion Pentachlorobenzene Pentach].oroethane Pentaclrl oron t t robenz ene Pentachlorophenol Phenacetin Phenanthrene PhenoI Phorate 2 -Pieollne Pronamide Pyrene Spridine L,2,4,S-Tetrachloro- benzene 2, 3, 4, 6 -Tetrachlorophenol rhionazin 0-Toluidine L ,2 ,4-Trichloro- benzene 2, A, 5-TrLchloro- phenol REST'LT M) (Continued. on next REPORTING IJIMIT T,NITS ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IUD IID IID ND ND ND ND tlD ND ND r{D ND IID t{D ND ND ND IUD ND }TD ND lsD ND ND ND 50 ug/t 10 ug/L 10 ug /I' so :ug/T, 50 :ug/T' s0 ug/r 10 ulg/L 10 ug /T, so ug/L 1-oO ug/r' 10 1_0 10 10 10 1-O 1_0 10 1,0 20 50 10 50 50 50 2A 10 10 50 20 20 L0 20 10 s0 10 10 L0 :ug/r. ug/t' ug/T' ug/r-, trg/L ug/r, LLgIL ug/r, ug /t" ug/t ug/r, Vg/L ug /t, wg /T' lug/T' ug/r, ug/T, ug/t ug /t lu.g/L ug/r, lrg /T, lug/L :ug/L Ltg /T, ug /t, uslt ug/t-, 10 uglt page) IUD ND I{D ND STL Denver Iot.-Sa4l1e *-, -: PARAI,IETER IrRg Corporatlon C1ient, Saryll.e ID: AilB-9-O9O1O5 W,lbtg. semivo].atil-es D5I02O230-003 Work order *---3 H.r1IQSIAI( REPORTTNG LIMIT ItatrLx-rO...---: GI{ UNITS ug/t' lug/L ug/t RESULT - 2,4 ,6-Trichloro- phenol O, O, O-Triethylphosphoro- thl-oate 1, 3 , S-Trinltrobenzene ST}RROGATE t[D PERCBTT RECO\IERY 10 50 50 RECO\TERY LIMITS 2 -Fluorophenol Phenol-d5 Nitrobenzene-d5 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2,4 | 6-Tribromophenol Terpheny}--d14 r5C)|fB (8) : 4L* 23* 74 55 52 7L (as e2 )'(49 e8 )(so ee )(+E eI )(48 1-13 ) ( 10 1so) I Surrogatc rcrovery ic outside statod control limitr. STL Denver Iot,-Saryfle *: DsI02023 0 -003 I4Ag8 SPECTROMETER/DATA SYSTEM PARAMETER Unknown Clrclohexane Unknown Unknovrn 2 - But€utone, 3 - hydrotry- Unknorrn Urrknown Dimethyl sulfoxide Unknowrr DLmethyl sulfone Unlcnown Unknown Unknonrn Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2 -E'luoro- 6 -nltrophenol Ethano} , 2- (2-buEoxyet,hory) - Unknown Unlrrrown Unknown 1, 3 -Butadlene, ?-methyl- Phenol, 2 - fluoro-4 -nitro- Unknorsn Unknown 2 (4H) -benzofuranone, 5 ,6,'l ,7a- Unknown IUTts(S} : IIRS Corgloration sHB-9-090105 GCAIs Senirzol-atil-ee I5ork Onder #: H,JIIQSIAK Irratrl-x: GTt (uSns} rMUrerr\IEIJY IDEMTIFIED COMPOTINDS ESTIMATED CAS # REST'LT 19 .I 43J 87 ir 20 .f 6.9 LT 9.9 'J5.5 .T 28J 7 .O .J 10J 5.8 J 6.0 ir 7 .8 iI 6-0 J 19 ir 5.1 J L4 ir 6,7 ,f 5.4 ,J 8.5 ,J 7 .A ,f 7 -O J 23 rI 15 .f 15 ir 8.4 ,f 5,8 ,f 6.8 .I 7-B ,] RETEMTTON TIME 1* 9813 wg/L 2,2282 :uLg/T, 2 -3087 ug/T. 2 -3946 :uig/L, 2 .5449 ug/t' 2.92A6 ug/n 3 -4252 luig/L 3 .5?55 ug/I, 3 . 9995 ug/r, 4 . 1928 ug/T' 4.284 :ug/T, 4 .3 8 06 lug/I' 5 . 13 21 ug/L 5 -27L7 ug/T' 5 .41L3 ug/t' 5.'187 ug/L 5.845 ug/t' 5.8 997 ugll 5 .9534 ug/l' 6.093 ug/t' 6.3 A71 :ug/T' 6.409? :ug/I" 6 -7478 ug/T" 6 .8444 :ug/L 7 , AL62 ug /T, 7.3383 ug/I' 8.0736 ug/r, 8.20?8 vg/I' 8 .4916 rug/T' 1,10 -82-7 5l_3-85-O 67-68-5 67 -7L- O 1525- 17 -6 t]z-34 -s 78-79-5 o-oo-o 170 9?--92-L M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Ir{ M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M: Result was mcasurod against nearest inrcrnal ganderd assuming a response factor of I. STL Denver Iot-Saryfle *. , -: Date Saryrl-ed-.-3 kgp flatg. ! - - - - 3 Prep Bat,ch #,. -:Dilution Factor: IIRS @rtrrcratloa C1ient Saqr1e ID: 8IIB-9-O9O1O5 olcfif6 aenirrol-atLl.ee tlork Order f;.-.: H.J[IQS1AI, Date Receiwed- . 3 09 / A2 / 05 ana-lyeie Date. - 3 09h3/05 Anal'yeie fime--: 2L:O7 frcthod- - ., - - - - - 3 SW846 B27Oe Dsra20230-003 oe/aL/os 10:55 oe/07/os s25043 5 L PAIUIMETER RESUIJT REPORTTNG LIJI{IT UNfTS PenLachlorophenol ST]RROGATE }UD PERCENT REEOT/ERY 4 . O ug/r, RECO\IERY IJIMITS (sg 116)(zz 10e) Qa L26l (te 114) (37 r.06 )(tt L4zI 2 -F).uorobiphenyJ. 2 - Fluorophenol 2,4 ,i-Trlbromophenol ttltrobenzene - d5 Phenol -d5 Terphenyl-d14 NCrrB (B) : 51_ L3* L2* 76 5.J. * 15* a Surrogate r@very is outside statcd control limits. STL Denver 50 IIRII CorporatLon Cl'imt IIanpI-e ID: SIIB-9-O9O1O5 CCAf,s Semlrro].atil.es f.ot-Sampl-e f;---3 Irate Saqll.ed--.3 Prep Date------l Prrep Batch *. . - : DlJ.ution Faetor: Dsr02023 0 - 003 a9/oL/as 1o:55 ae/14/as s257544 1" Ilork Ordr=r *- - -: Ilate Recelwd- - 3 lna-lyria llate- - 3 Anal-ygls TiEe- - ! lletlrcd- - - - - - - - - l RESULT HirVQS2AI( oe/02/os ae/2L/os 22 zL6 sw846 8274C REPORTING IJIMIT T]NITS lfiafli--, - . , - - - -: GW PARAMETER Aconaphthene Acenaphthylene Acetophenone 2 -Acetyl amino f luorene 4 -Aminobl-phenyl Anlline Anthracene aramLt,e Benzidine Benzo (a) artthracene Benzo (b) f luoranthene Benzo (k ) f luorantlrene Benzolc acl-d Benzo (ghi) peryIene Benzo (a) pyrene nenzyl alcohol bl s ( Z -Ctrloroetholry ) methane bis Q-Ctrloroethy}) - ether bis (Z -Chloroi sopropyl ) etlrer bts (2-nthylhelryl ) phthaJ.ate 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Butyl benzyl phthalate Carbazole { -Chloroanlline Chlorobenzilate { - Chloro - 3 -methy}phenol 2 -Chloronaphthalene 2 -Chlorophenol 4-Chloropheny1 phenyl ether Chrysene Dl-aIlate Dibenz (a, h) anLhracene TID ND ND (Continued. on ND ND t[D ND I{D ND ND r[D ND ND ND IUD IqD ND ND IID !{D 10 10 10 100 50 1_0 10 2A 100 10 10 10 50 10 10 l_o L0 10 l-o 10 r.o 10 10 1_0 1-0 10 10 10 10 10 2A 10 next page) lug/u ru.g/t :og/r' :ug/T" ug/r' ug/r' ug/T' ug/r' :ug/L ug/r, ug /t' ug/T' :ug/r, ug/r, ug/t, :ug/r' :ug/t' ug /t' Vg /T, ug/r, lu,g/t trg /I' ug/t, tuig /T' ugll' ug /r. vg /T' ug/L ug /t' ug/t' ug/T' ug/L r[D IUD IUD t[D IUD ND I{D IUD STL Denver IIRS Corporation Client llaryfle ID: 8HB-9-O9O1O5 Gf,h{8 Semfiro].ati].es Iot-Saqrl.e PAIUNYIETER DsI 42023 0 -003 lrork Order RESUITT t- . - : HJVQ52AK Hatri-x-, - - - - - -- i GW REPORTING IJIMTT UNITS Plbenzofuran Dl--n-buty1 phthalate 3, 3 t -Dl-ctrlorobenzl,dine 2 , 4-Dichlorophenol 2 , i-Dichlorophenol Diethyl phthalate Dl-methoate 7 , L2 -Dlrnethylbenz (a) - ant,trracene 3, 3 t -DLmethylbenzldlne 2 ,4-Dimethylphenol Dimethyl phthalate 1, 3 -Dinltrobenzene 4 ,6-Dinitro- 2-methylphenol 2 ,l-Pinit,rophenol 2 , 4-Dinltrotoluene 2 ,F-Dinitrrotoluene Di-n-octy1 phtshalate Dlphenylamine A, Z-Diphenylhydraz ine Dieu]-foton Ethy1 methanesulfonaE,e Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexa ctrl orocyc I opent a - diene Hexachloroet,hane Hexachloropropene Indeno ( L, 2,E -cd) pyrene rsodrin fsophorone Isosafro]-e Methapyrilene 3 -Methylcholanthrene I*Iet hy} methanesul fonate 2 -Methylnaphthalene 1 -Methylnaphthalene Methyl parathion 2 -Methylphenol 3 -Methylphenol & 4 -Methylphenol }UD ND ND ND IID ND IUD l{D tlD ND l[D ND I{ID IID (Continued on next ND TID IID IID IgD ND IUD ND IUD ND IID IID ND 1_0 r-0 50 L0 10 10 20 20 2A 10 10 10 50 s0 1-0 10 10 10 L0 50 10 L0 10 10 50 10 1.0 0 10 10 10 20 50 2A 10 10 10 50 10 10 page) ug/r, ug/r, lug/L ug/T' :ug/r-, lug/T' :ug/t' ug/L :ug/T' rug/L ug/t' ug/L ug/L ug/r, :ug/T' ug /T' uglr, :ug/t ug/r, ug/r, :ug/T' ug /T' ug /T' ug/r- ug /T' rug/r' ug/t' :ug/L rtg/L ug /r' ug /r, :ug/t' ug/r, ug/r' ug/t, ug /t' uslL us/L ug/t, ND t[D ND r[D ND }TD ND ND ND ND IUD ND STL Denver 52 URI! Cortrrcratl-on Client, Baqfle ID: SIIB-9-O901O5 Gf.lt*s senlrrolatl.les Iot-Staryile f; - - - 3 DsI O2O23 0- OO3 PARAMETER L , A-NaphthoquLnone 1-Naphthylamine 2 -Naphthylamine 2-Nitroaniline 3 -NlEroantline 4 -Nitroaniline Nitrobenzene 2-Nitrophenol 4 -Nltrophenol 4 -Nlt,rogulnoline- L -oxide N- Ni t ros odl - n -butyl arnLne N - Ni t ro e odi ethyl aml-ne N- Ni t ro e odime thyl amine N - NL t ro sodiphenyl amine N - Nltrosodi -n - propyl - amlne N- Nl- t ro s ome thy I ethyl amine N - Nl t, ros ornorphol l-ne N-NitroaopiperJ-dine N-NitrosoByrrol idine 5 -Nitro-o-toluidine Parathion Pent.ach].orobenzene Pentach]-oroetrhane Pent achl oroni t roben z ene PenEachJ-orophenol Phenacetin Phenanttrrene Phenol Phorat,e 2 -Picoline Pronamide Pyrene PyrJ-dine L ,2 , 4 ,5 -Tetrachloro- benzene 2 ,3 , 4 ,5 -Tetrachlorophenol ThionazLn 0-Toluidine L ,2 , 4-Trlchloro- benzene 2 ,4, 5 -Trlchloro- phenol Ilork order #---: H.I/QS2AK Hatri-x---------: GIII RESUIJT REPORTTNG TIMTT UNTTS ND ltD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IID ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IUD tlD ND ND ND ND ND IID 50 ug/T' 10 ug/L 10 ug /T' so :ug/L sO wg/r 50 ug/t l- 0 ug/t, 1- O vg /f' so ug/r, 10O vg/I' ND ND ND ND ND 10 1_O 10 10 10 10 1_0 10 1.0 2A 50 10 50 50 s0 2A 10 10 50 2A 2A 1-0 20 L0 s0 L0 10 10 L0 ug/t' lug/L ug/r, :ug/r' ug/r, ug/r, :ug/r' wg/T' ug/L ug/T, ug/r, ug /T' Iug/t ug/T. :ug/T-' vg /r' ug/L :ug/t, ug/r, ug/L ug/t ug/L :ug/t, ug /t' vg/r, ug/r, us/L tl'g /r' ug/r, ND }UD I\ID ND STL Denver (ContLnued on next page) Iot-Saryl1e PARAIVIETER URg corlloratl"on C1ient 8a4fle ID: SHB-9-O9O105 oefi{,8 Seml-rrol.atlJ-eg D5f 02023 O- OO3 Hork Order * - - . : HWQ52AK tiatri:r.--.ro.-.! GW RESUL'T REPORTING LIMIT UNITS 2,4,6-Trichloro- phenol O, O, A-friet,hylphosphoro- thioate 1, 3, 5 -TrLnitrobenzene SURROGATE ND PERCE:MT RECOVERY 10 ug/t 50 ug/r, :ug/r'50 R.ECO1IERY LIMTTS(+s e2 (+g 98 (so ee (ag e1 (ea 113 (ro 1s0 2 - Fluorophenol Phenol-d5 Nl-trobenzene-d5 2 - Fluoroblphenyl 2,4 ,F-Tribromophenol Terphenyl-d14 IWTE (S} : L7* 4.7 * 58 45 30 * 37 . Surrogate rocoycry is outside sotod control limlts. STL Denver 54 I,ot-Saryr1e *: D5I020230-003 MASS SPECTROMETERIDaTA PARAMETER rrRsl corporation gttB-9-oeo1os Gf,,filug Semlrrolatiles Ilork order *: HiruQs2AK ffatri:r: GIII SYSTEM (T.ISOS) TENTETIVELY IDENTTFIED COMPOT'IIDS CAS # EgTTMATED RESTILT RETEMTION TIME T}NITS Unknourn Unlcnown Unknown But,ane , 2 -met,horry- 2 -methyl - Unlcnown 3 -Methyl - 3 - ctrloro- 1 -butene Unknown Unknown Methane, dlbromochloro- Unknown Unknown Unknor^rn Unlnown Unknown Unknown Un]cnown Methane, tribromo- UnJcnown Urrknown Unknor*rr Unlrrrown Unknown Urrknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unkrrown Unknown Urrknown Unknown ITC'IIE (S} : 994-05.8 2190-48-9 1,24-49-L 75-2s-2 L5 ir 8.9 J 39 ,J 14O Lf 20J 27 .T 14 ar 130 J 11 ar 9.L iI 11 ir LLJ 18 ,,7 L7 ir 30 ,f 11O .I 44J 240 .f 26 .T 23 .T 8-5 .f 78;r 13 .T 1-3 ,f 15 .T 1sJ L4J L2 ir I .4 ,.7 8.1 ,f M 2.A22L lug/T, M 2.2574 ug/L M 2.2788 ug/t, M 2 -3697 ug/T' M 2.4285 ug/L, M 2.5033 :ug/L M 3.0005 ug/L M 3.17LG :ug/L M 3,4282 ug/1, M 3.4764 ug/I, M 3-s191 ug/L M 3 ,5 673 lrg/L M 3,61.54 ug/r, M 3-6955 rlg/I' M 3 .7918 ug/L l-I 4.1L26 ug/t' M 4.2088 ug/I' M 4.2tE9 ug/L M 4.3959 ug/t' P[ 4 ,551 ug/t' M 4.87L8 ug/t" M 4.95?3 ug/L M 5,1l-zq ug/t M 5.8288 ug/l' M 5.9GzB lug/t' M 6.4329 ug/I, M 5 , 8506 ug /T' M 7 .L226 lug/L M 7.7749 ug/t, M 8.7265 ug/I' M: Result was nrcasure<l rtgainat nearc,st httgrnrl candard asruming & rosponse factor of l. STL Denver fot,-Sarylle #-. -: Ilate Salqtled,-..I Prgp llate-.,.-.3 Prep Batc:h *. - - 3 DJ-I'utl-on Faetor: IrRg Corporation Clieut Saqrl-e ID: sHB-1o-o9O1O5 Gtr.lD{8 seni\rolatiles Ilork Ordgr #- - -: H.IIQ9IAI( Date Receirred- - 3 Ag / az / os Ana-Iysie rlate--3 09 lli/Os ena-lyele Tt.ue- . 3 OL :26 Hgthod-, i o o o . -, : SVil846 827aC Xat,ri:r--,,,-or-: GWDsr A2023 0- 004 ae/oL/os 12:10 oe/06/os s2491 03 1 PARAI{ET.ER RESUIJT ITD ![D IVD (Continued on REPORTING T,IMIT TINITS Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Acetoplrenone 2 -Acetyl aminof luorene 4 -Aminobiphenyl Anillne Anthracene Aramite Benzldine Benzo (a) anthracene Benzo (b) f }uoranthene Benzo (k) f luoranthene Benzoic aeLd Benzo (ghi) perylene Benzo (a) pyrene Benzyl al.cohol bis (2-Chloroetho)cy) methane bis (Z-Chloroethyl ) - ether bl- e (Z -Ctrlorot eopropyl ) ether bie (z-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 4-Bromophenyl phenyl eLher Butyl benzyl phthalate Carbazole 4 - Chloroanl-l ine Chlorobenzilate 4 - ehloro- 3 -methylphenol 2 -ehloronaphthalene 2-ehlorophenol 4-Chloropheny1 phenyl eIher Chryeene Diallate Dibenz (a, h) anEhracene ND IUD IUD r[D IID ND IID ND ND ND ND ND t[D ND ND ND I$D 1_O L0 1"0 100 50 10 10 20 100 1-0 10 10 s0 t"o 1-0 l-o 10 10 10 1,0 10 10 10 1-O 10 10 10 L0 1_0 10 20 10 next page) lg/L ug/L ug /I' uglt' rug/r' ug/r' :ug/t' :ug/r' ug /r, ug/r, wg /t vg /T, ug/l' ug /t' vg/r, ug/r, ug/r, uglL ug /t' us/L rlg/ r, ug/r-, ug /r-, lug/r, ug/l' lug/L ug/r' ug/r" ug /t' ug/n ug/1, ug/1, ND r[D ND rlD TID ND lvD llD s5STL Denver IIRA Corporatl.on C1ieut, Sanp1e ID: SHB-1O-O90I-O5 ef,'hilS semlrrol.atil.ee D5f 02A230-004 llork Order #- - -: HiItIQ91AI(Uatri-xf o----...3 GTIIot-Eangll.e f . - -: PARAT.{ETER REPORTING LTMTT UNITSRESUITT llD ND ND ND IUD }UD IUD !ilD luD ND }UD I'ID IlrD ND (Contlnued on Dilrenzofuran Dl--n-butyl phthalate 3, 3' -Dichlorobenzidine 2 , 4-Dichlorophenol 2 ,5-Dichlorophenol DJ.ethyl phthalate Dlmethoate z ,)2-Dimethylbenz (a) - anthracene 3 ,3 r -Dlmethylbenzldine 2 , 4-Dimethylphenol- DJ.methyl phthalat,e t, 3 -Dinltrobenzene 4 ,6-Dinltro- 2 -meLhylphenol 2 ,4-Dinitrophenol 2 ,A-oinitrotoluene 2 , 6 -DLnitrotoJ-uene Dl-n-octyl phthalate Dlphenylamine L, 2- D iphenylhydraz l-ne Disulf oton Ethyl methanesulfonat,e F].uoranthene E.luorene Hexactrlorobenzene Hexachlo ro cyc 1 opent a - diene Hexachloroethane Hexachloropropene Indeno ( 1 ,2 ,3 -cd) pyrene Isodrin fsophorone Isosafrole Methapyrllene 3 -Methylcholanthrene Methyl methanesulfonate 2 -Methylnapht,halene L -Mettrylnaphthalene I'Iethyl para[hlon 2 -Methylphenol 3-Methylphenol & 4 -Methylpheno1 DID ND IUD ND ND IID N:D ND ND ND ND ND ND 10 10 50 10 10 10 20 2A 20 10 10 1.0 50 s0 10 10 10 1,O 10 s0 10 10 10 10 50 10 ug/t 10O ug/t 10 vg/I' 10 ug /I' 10 rtg/L 20 ug/L 50 ug/t" 20 trg /T' 10 ug /r' 10 uglt 10 ug /T'50 usll 1-0 ug/L 1.0 ug/1, next page) :ug/r, rtg /r' ug/1, ug/r, wg/1, Dg /1, vs/L ug/r, ug/T, lug/L :ug/t' ug/t :ug/r' lu,g/L LLg /T, lug/L uglT' ttg /T' ug /r, lrgh, ug/r, trg /T' ug /r, Ltg /r' ug/r, I$D IID TID ND ND ND ND IUD tlD ND }ID ND STL Denver Iot,-Saryl1e *. PARAIT{ETER URg CorporatLon Clieut Sary>Ie ID: SIIB-1O-O9O1O5 @fi* Sernivolatiles : D5Ia2o230-004 Hork order *' ' ' : H'11/Q9L'N(Hatri:r------.--3 GI{ RESUITT REPORTING LTMIT UNTTS L , 4-Naphthoquinone 1-Naphthylaml-ne 2-Naphthylamlne 2 -Nltrroanlline 3 -Nitroaniline 4 -Nitroanillne NlErobenzene 2 -Nitrophenol 4 -Nttrropheno1 4 -Nitroqulnoline- l--oxide N- Ni troeodL - n - butyl arnine N - Ni Ero eodi e thyl amine N - Nitroeodime thylamine N - Ni t ro s odiphenylamine N-Nitrosodi - n-propyl - amine N - Ni U ros ornethyl eEhy1 amlne N-Nlt,roBomorpholine II-NLtrosopiperldine N-NLtrosopyrrolidine 5 -Nitro-o- tolul-dine ParathLon Pentachlorobenzene Pentachloroethane Pentachloron 1 t robenz ene PenLachlorophenol Phenacetl-n Ptrenanttrrene Phenol Phorate 2 - Picol ine Pronamide Pyrene Pyridine L ,2 ,4 ,5 -TeLrachloro- benzene 2, 3, 4, 6 -Tetrachlorophenol ThionazLn 0-Toluidine L,2 ,4-frichloro- benzene 2 ,4, 5 -Trichloro- pheuol ND ND }TD ND ND IID }UD rlD IID ND ND DID IUD ND IID IID ND ND IUD ND ND IUD luD ![D ND }TD ![D tlD IID IID ND }UD }UD ND 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 t0 20 s0 10 50 50 50 20 10 10 50 2A 20 L0 20 10 50 1-0 10 10 10 next page) sO ug/I' 10 ug/t' 10 ug/r' s0 ug/L s0 ug/L s0 ug/T' Lo ug/I' 10 u.g/L so vg/r, 100 ug/t ug/r, ug /T' rrg /T' ug/t' rug/t ug /r' ug/T' rug/r, :ug/T' ug /r, uglr- lus/t, ug/r, rug/t us/L LLg /r, ug/T, ug /r' ug/r, ug /t, :ug/r" ug /r, ug/t'' ug /r' ug/r, ug/t' uslL trg /T' us/L t[D }UD ND l[D IitD (Contl.nued on STL Denver URg Corgrcration CJ-ient Saryrl.e il): SI|B-I-O-O9O1O5 ccArg sent\ro}atl.I-ee Dsf 020230-004 lIork Oalder *- - - I H,WQ91AK Uatri:c--- ---: GIIIot-Saryl1e *-.-3 PARAMETER REST'I,T 2 , 4 , 6 -Trichloro- phenol O, O, O-Trlethylphosphoro- t,hioate L ,3, 5 -Trinitrobenzene SI'RROGATE llD PERCENT REEO\IERY REPORTTNG I,IMIT IINITS 10 ug/n 50 ug /t 50 vg/I' REEOV(ERY LTMTTS(4s e2 )(ag e8 )(so ee )(43 91 )(es 113) ( 10 1s0) 2 -Fluorophenol Phenol-d5 NiErobenzene-d5 2 -Fluorobiptrenyl 2 , 4 , C-Tribromophenol Terphenyl-d14 80 81_ 79 76 85 28 STL Denver fotr-Saryfie *: Dsf A2A230-004 TT{ASS SPECTROMETER/PETA SYSTEM PAIU\MEjtBR Unknown Qgclohexane Urrhnown 2 ,S-Furandlone, 3 -ethyl-4 -meth Unknown Unknourrr Diethyltoluamlde Unknown UnJcnown rrcfts (s) : IIRS Corporation $DIB- r-O-O90r.O5 c*lrrS senivolatLl.ee Ilork Order *: HuT\IQ91AI( (tlsos ) rnxrerr\rEr,Y TDEMTTFTED llatrl:r: GW COMPOUNDS RETET{TION TTME TINITS M 2.O87L rtg/L M 2.2256 ug/L M 2.3071 vg/I' M 5.5554 ug/l' M 5.8858 ug/I' M 7.2{55 ug/I' M 8.3 o29 ug/T, M 8-8826 ug/t M g .6663 :ug/T' ESTITvIATED CAS # RESUIJT 9.9 J 34J 52 ,.7 6.2 LT 14 LT 4-5 .T 2L .I 26J 7L ,J 110 -82-7 3552-33-8 L34 -62-3 M: Reult was rncasured against ncerost lnternal suDdud eemrming 0 roqporrso Paetor of I. STL Denver Iot'-ganple #. - -: Ilate Baqlled.---3 kep lla-tg.-----3 Prep Betch *. - - 3 Dll.utrLon Factor: URA Corlrcratlon Clieut Saqrl-e E): 8[B-1O-O9O1O5 GC/I,6 Seulvol-atil-es ISork Order *-..r HWQSIAIT Date ReceLrn=d, - 3 09 / oz / 05 Anaf.yoio llate- - i A9 / L3 / as .Dnatyeis Tlme-. r 2L:27 ligtJrod- - - - - - - r . : SW845 827Ae Hatrin------,,-= GW o Dsr o2a230- 004 A9/oL/os L2zLo oe/a7/a5 s25043 s L PARAI,IETER R.ESUI,T REPORTTNG LIMTT UNTTS Pentactr1-orophenol STIRROGATE ND PERCENT RECOTIIERY 4,A :ug/T, RECO\IERY IrfMIfg (a g 116) (zz 10e )(zs L25) (sa 114 )(rz 105) (rz L4z) 2 -FJ.uorobiphenyl- 2-F1uorophenol 2, 4, 6 -Tribrornophenol NLtrobenzene-d5 Phenol-d5 ferphenyl -d14 55 76 76 79 75 25 STL Denver tIRg Corporation C1ient Saryll'e ID: SIIB-3-09O1O5 er^llre SenirrcI-atiles PARAMETER Iot,-Sary>le *. - - ! Date Saqll-ed,---! Prgp Ilateo -, - - - l Prep Batch *.. . 3 Dil.ution Factor: Dsro2a230-005 ae/01/os 13:37 ae/06/os s249103 1- Ilork Order f - - -: Ilate Receirred- - : ana-Iyele Date- - 3 analysig Ti-ne- - 3 Dlgthod-.o.----.1 REgULT ND ND IID IUD ND ND IUD ND IID ND ND ND }UD ND IID ND IID HrI/RIt{1AI( oe/02/0s oe/La/a5 O2:28 sw845 8270e REPORTING I,IMTT UNITS llatri-rr- - - - - - . - - : GII Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Acetophenone 2 -Acetyl amlno f luorene 4 -Aminoblphenyl AniLine Anthraeene AramLte Benzidl-ne Benzo (a) anEhrace,ne Benzo (b) f luoranthene Benzo (k) f luoranthene Benzolc acid Benzo (grhl) perylene Benzo (a) pyrene Benzyl alcoho1. bie (Z-Chloroetholry) metharre bie Q-Chloroethy1) - eLher bis Q -Chloroisopropyl ) ether bts (z -Ethy1hexyl ) phthalate 4 -Brornophenyl phenyl ether Butyl benzyl phthalate Carbazole 4 -Chloroaniline Chlorobenzilate 4 - Chloro - 3 -methylphenol 2 -Chloronaphthalene 2 -Chloropheno1 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl other Chrysene Diallate Dibenz (a, h) anthracene r0 10 10 10 t-0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 ug/L 10 ug/t 10 ug/t, 1OO ug/t' s0 trg/L 10 ug/L L0 ug /f' 20 lug/t 100 ug/t' 10 lg /T' 10 vg /T' 10 ug/t-' s0 ug/t 10 ug /I' 10 ug/t' 10 vg/r, L 0 ug/T' :ug/r. us/T' ug/r, us/r' Lrg/T-' LLg /r, ug/r, ug/r' :u,g/t' ug /r, :ug/r, ug/t ug/t' ug /r' ug /r, ND ND IUD ND ND luD ND IUD }UD }ID r[D 62STL Denver (Continued on ne,(u page) Iot,-Saryll-e #- - -: PARA}IETER URg Corporation Cl.ieut Saqr1e ID: SD|B-3-O9OI-O5 GC/HS Semlrrol.ati]-es Dsf A2O23 0- 005 llork Order #- - -: H{IVRMIAI( REPORTING I,IMTTRESUIJT llatrLx---------i GTI UN4TF ug/T' r;..g /T' rtg /T' ug/t' ug/t' ug/t' lu,g/t ug/t rtg /T.' ug/t ug/r-' vglT, ug/u LLg /T' wg /t 1rg /r, lug/L ug/r' ug/t ug/r, LLg /T' ug/L :u'g/t' ug lT' ug/t' ug/r, ug /t, lug/T' ug/r, ug/t' ug/T' us/L ug/L ug/r, ug /r, ug/r, us/t ug/t" ug lI' Dibenzofuran Di-n-butyl phthalat.e 3, 3' -Dichlorobenzidlne 2 ,4-Dtclrlorophenol 2 ,6-Dichloroptrenol Dlethyl phthalate Dl.methoate 7 ,Lz-DimeLhylbenz (a) - anthracene 3, 3' -Dirnethylbenzidlne 2 ,4-Dl-methylphenol DLmethyl phthalate 1, 3 -DLnitrobenzene 4,6-Dinitro- 2-methylphenol 2 , 4-Dinitrophenol 2 ,(-Dinl,trotoluene 2 ,F-DLnitrotoluene oi-n-octry1 phthalate Dl-phenylamLne L, Z-Dtpheny1 hydraz l-ne Dleulfoton Ethyl methanesul fonate F].uoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzerre Hexa chl- o ro cye I opent a - dlene Hexachloroethane Hexachloropropene Indeno ( 1, 2,E -cd) pyrene Isodrin fsophorons Isosafrole Methapyrilene 3 - l,Iethyl ehol ant hrene MeEhyI met.hamesul f onate 2-Methylnaphthalene 1 -MeLhylnaphthalene I,lethyl para[hion 2-Methylpheno1 3-MeLhylphenol & 4 -llethy1phenol tlD ND tlD ND rvD ND ND ND ND ND IilD ND ND 1_0 10 50 1-0 1o t_0 2A 20 20 10 1_0 10 50 s0 10 10 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 10 50 1-O 100 10 L0 10 20 s0 2A 10 10 10 50 10 L0 on next page) ND ND ND ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND }UD rlD ND rlD ND IID IID ND ND ND ND IID IUD IUD (Continued STL Denver IIRS Corporation cl.ient saqfie rD: stB-3-o9or"o5 Gclr{s sentrrcIatl-Iee *, - -: D5I020230-005 llork Order f - - .: HiIIIRM1AK triat,ri-x- - .,, -,,, : G"[t[Iot-Saryfie PAIUIMETER L ,4-Naphthoquinone 1-Naphthylamine 2-Naphthylamine 2-Nitroanilino 3 -Nitroanlline 4-Nitroaniline Nltrobenzene 2-Nitrophenol 4 -Nl-trophenol 4 -Nit,roqul-noline- 1-oxlde N - Nit ros odl - n -butylamine N -Ni t, ro eodiethyl amine N - Nl t rosodimethylamlne N -Ni t roeodiphenyl amine N -Nitrosodi -n -propyl - annine N - N I t ros omethy 1 e t hyl annine N-Nltrosonorpholine N-Nitrgsoplperl-dine N-Nltrosopyrrolldine 5-Nttro-o- toluidine Pa.rathion Pentachlorobenzene Pentachloroethane Pent aehl oronL t roben z ene Pentachlorophenol Phenacetin PhenanLhrene Phenol Phorate 2 -Picoltne PronarnLde srrene Fyridine L,2,4,5-Tetrachloro- benzene 2 ,3 ,4 ,6-Tetrachlorophenol Thlonazin 0-Toluidtno L,2 ,4-Trichloro- benzene 2 ,4, 5rTrlchloro- BhenoI RESUIJT TID (Continued on ne>(t REPORTING LIMIT UNITS }TD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND I$D TID ND TUD ND ND ND ND ND luD !{D ND l[D ND lUD ISD IID TID llD t[D ND 50 ug/t' L0 ug/T, 10 ug lr,, 50 uglt' 5 0 uglt' 50 vg/T, 10 ug/r, L0 us/L 50 vg/T' 100 :ug/t" 10 10 1_0 10 L0 L0 10 10 10 2A 50 1-0 50 50 50 20 10 10 s0 2A 2A 10 20 10 50 10 10 10 10 page) :ug/T' vg/T" ug/t' ug/T, ug IT' ug/t' ug/t lug/T, ug/r. ug /T' ug/t ug/t ug/L ug/r, ug/t, :ug/t ug/r, :ug/T' ug/T' ug lT' ug /Y' rush, .ug/T' ug/l' ug/T" ug/r, uqlL ug/r' ug/1, IUD ![D I\ID TUD 64STL Denver Iot-Saryl1e *. - -: PARAMETER Gf,lt;,s Semlvol-atll-ee D5I02A230-005 Hork order *- - -: R"EgTIIT IIRS Corporation Client Saryll-e ID: SIIB-3-O9O1O5 ND PERCEMT RECO\IERY 26* 3.4 * 80 75 30 * 47 HinmMlAI( ffatrL:c- - . . - r . - . ! GI{ REPORTING LIMIT UNITS 10 uglL 50 rtg/T' s o vg/T, RECOVERY LIMITS 2,4 ,6-Triehloro- phenol O, O, O-Trlethytphosphoro- thioate L ,3, 5 -Trinltrobenzene SURROGATB 2-Fluoropheno1 Phenol-d5 Nltrobenzene-d5 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2 , 4 , 6-Trlbromophenol rerphenyl -d14 NOTB (S} : I Surrogoto recovery ls outsi<lg etated control llnrlts. l t I I I I I I I I t STL Denver f.oE-Saqfle * : D5I 02023 O - 0O5 IIRA Corlrcration gHB-3-O9010s Gf.fitg Senl-rro]atil-en Iforlr order *: H{I\mM1AK l{atrix: G}I{ MASS SPBCTROI,TSTtsR/DAII SYSTEM (MS!DS) TENTATI\/EIJY IDBITIFIED COMPOT'IIDS PARAI"IETER CAS # ESTIIyIATED RESUIJT RETENTTON TIME -..., Urrknown Qpclohexane Unknown 3 -Methyl - 3 - chloro- 1 -butene Urrknown Unknourn Unknorrm Unknown Unhnown Unknown Unknorvn 2 - Fluoro- 5 -nl Erophenol Unknourr Urrknown Unlcnown Phenol, 2-fluoro-+-nitro- Unknown Unlcnown Urrknown Unknown Unknowrr UnJ<nown Unknown Unknor.rn Unknown Phenol, 2, 6-dibromo- 4 -nl-tro- Unknown twrB (8) : 1l_0 - 82-7 2L90-48-9 1,526-L7 -6 0-00-0 99-28-s 24 .J 34 .T 50 .I 13J 15 ,J s3J B .3 .,f 11 J 19 'J4.3 J 2L 'J5-1 iI 20 ir 26 iI 6.3 ir 7.7.f 4.6 J 37J 9.0 J 4.8 J 7.5 ., 8.8 ir 19 ir L4 iI 9.2 \r I_3 ir 5-5 ,] M 1,9813 ug/l' M 2.2335 ug/L M 2.308? :ug/L M 2.4375 ug/L tvl 3.4198 ruLg/L M 3 .9995 :ug/r, NI 4.279G ug/f' M tL .4343 ug/L M 5,4 LLz rug/L M s.BLgz ug/t M 5.8 4O7 rug/L M 5.9534 ug/T' M 6,6727 ug/T, M 5.7424 ug/T' M 6.8605 ug/T' M 7.0055 ug/T. M 7.0805 :ug/L M 7.2148 ug/T' M 7 .33 83 :ug/I' M 7.6't64 :ug/t M 8.L434 ug/t, Ir{ 8 -2078 :ug/T, M 8-6e0e ug/L M 8 .7553 ug/l' M 9.0023 vg/I' M 9.3L89 ug/T. M 10.059 ug/T, M: Roeult !v:ls rncasured agalnst nearoot internal stsrderd esmrning a rc$ponsc fe<tor of 1. STL Denver 65 Iot,-Baup1e *., - 3 Date Saq)Ied---3 Prep Datg------3 Prep Batch #- - - : Dll"ution Fact'or: IIRA Corgrcration C1teu,t Saryrl.e ID: gHB-3-O9o1O5 Gellns Samivolatf"lee Ilork Order #- - -: HlruRIvIlAL Date ReceLved- - i A9 / 02/ Os Ana-lysis Date- - I 09/ 13/05 .ena-Iygig Tirne-. ! 22227 liletbod- - - - - - - - - r g[1I845 827Oe l.iatri-x- -,, ! ? . - - r GWD5r020230-005 os / oUos 13 :37 ae/07/os s2s0435 1 PARAMETER RESIIIJT REPORTING T,IMIT T]NITS Pentachlorophenol SURROGATE ND PERCEMT RECOT/ERY 4. O tugl[" RECO\IERY tJIMIT9 (39 116)(zz L0e)(zs L26)(aa 114)(37 1,0 6 ) ( rz L42l 2 - Fluoroblphenyl 2 - Fluorophenol 2 ,4 ,6-Tribromophenol Nitrobenzene-d5 Phenol-d5 Terl>henyl-d14 rUIts(S}: 66 L9 * 22* 74 4.2 * 28 + Surrogete recovcry is outside st td control lin:its. STL Denver IIRS CorTloration C1ient Saqfle ID: 8HB-3-O9O1O5 ccfiis Senirrol-atil.es Iot-Saryll-e *- - -: Date Barylled.---3 hep llatgo.----3 Prep Batch *- - - l DL].ution Factot: 0-005 llork Order *- . -: 13:37 Date Receirred- - i Analygis Date- - 3 enal.yalo Time. . 3 lfetlod--o,-...-3 Hinmlvl2AI( oe/02/os ae / 2L/ os 22 t36 srr846 827 AC REPORTING IrI}'IIT UNITS uatrix-------,-3 Gv[D5I 02023 oe l o1los ae/L4/os s2s7544 l- PARAMETER RESUI,T I{D I$D IrD (Cont,inued on Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Acet,ophenone 2 - Ace tyl amLnof luorene 4 -Aminobiphenyl Aniline Arrthracene Ararnite Benzidine Benzo (a) anthraeerae Benzo (b) fluoranthene Benzo (k) f luoranthene Benzolc acid Benzo (ghi) perylene Benzo (a) pyrene eenzyl alcohol bis (z-Chloroethoxy) mettrane bie (z -cfrtoroethyl ) - ether bi g (z -Chloroieopropyl ) ether b1s (z-Ethylhercyl) phthalate 4 -Brornophenyl phenyl ether Buty1 benzyl phthalate Carbazole 4 -Chloroanill-ne Chlorobenzilate 4 - Chloro - 3 - methylphenol 2 -Chloronaphthalene 2 -Chlorophenol 4-ehlorophenyl phenyl ether Chrysene Diallate nibenz (a, h) anthracene IUD ND ND }UD ND ND ND ND ND l[D ND ND ND I{D DTD ND }TD L0 t0 10 100 50 10 L0 20 100 10 10 10 50 10 L0 1-O 10 10 1-O 10 10 10 LO Lo 1_0 1-0 10 10 1-0 10 20 1,0 next page) vg/L ug/n ug/t' ug/r' lug/L :ug/T' vg /r' ug/t us/r, Lrg/L ug/L :ug/v' ug/r, :ug/I' ug/t' :ug/T' ug/r, ug/r, :ug/t' ug /r' ug /T) :us/r, :ug/r' ug/t ug/t ug /r' ug/r, ug/t' ug/L us/L uglt us/L ND IID ND IUD ITD ND ND ND STL Denver 58 Iot-Saryl1e f,- - - 3 PARAMETER IIRE Corgnration CII-ent 8aryll.e [): SHB-3-O9O1O5 @clus aemirrolatLles D5IO2O23O-OO5 llork Order fi- - - ! H{IVRIvI2AK REST,IJT REPORTTNG IJIMIT Irratsri;r- - - - , . - - - ! GW TTNITS -.....ug /r' ug/t ug/t ug/r, ug/r' ug/r' ug/t rtg / T' :ug/r, vg/\' ug/r, us/L ug/T' lu'g/L ug/r, rtg /T, vg /r' ug/T. ug /T' ug/T' :ug/t, :ug/t' lug/T' :og/T' ug/t ug/1, ug/T' lug/T' us /T, trg /T' lug/r' :ug/r, ug/t' ug/T' ug/t, :ug/r' uglt ug/1, ug/r, Dibenzofura-n Di-n-buty} phthalate 3, 3 ' -DLchlorobenzidine 2 ,A-Dichlorophenol 2 , 6 -Dichlorophenol nl,ethyl phthalate DJ.methoate 7 ,a2-Dimethylbenz (a) - anthraeene 3, 3 ' -Dimethylbenzidine 2 , 4-Dimethylphenol oimeE,hyl pht,halate 1, 3 -Dinitrobenzene 4,6-Dinltro- 2 -metrhylphenol 2 , 4-Dlnl-trophenol 2 , 4.-Dlnitrotoluene 2 , 6-Dinitrotoluene Di-n-octyl phthalate Dl-phenylamine L, 2 - Diphenylhydraz ine Disulfoton Ethy1 methaneeulfonate Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachl orocyc lopenta - diene Hexachloroethane HexaehJ.oropropene fndeno ( 1 ,2 ,3 -cd) pyrene Ieodrin Ieoptrorone Isosafrole Methapyrllene 3 -MeEhylcholanthrene Methyl metha'lesul fonate 2 -Methylnaphthalene I -Methylnaphthalene Me*yl parathion 2 -Methylphenol 3 -l,lethy1phenol & 4 -Methylphenol' ND ND tlD tlD rlD ND ND ND ND ND IID ND ![D 10 10 50 10 10 10 20 2A 2A 10 10 10 50 s0 10 L0 1-0 LO t0 50 10 10 10 L0 s0 10 L00 10 10 1-O 2A 50 20 10 10 10 50 10 r0 on next page) ND ND t[D ND ND IUD ND ND DUD r{D ND t[D ND ND ND I{D ND TID }TD TID TID ND ND [rD }ID T{TD (Continued o STL Denver IIRSI CorporatI-on Clieut Baryr1e ID: 8IIB-3-O90105 &lW Seulrrclatil-es DSIOZA230-OO5 Hork Order f---: H,J\RI{2AK liatr*E,--------: GWIpt*Sampl-e *- - -: PARAMETER RESULT REPORTTNO LIMIT UNITS L , 4-Naplrtrhoguj-none L -Naphthylamlne 2 -Naphthylamine 2 -Nit,roaniline 3-Nitroaniline 4 -Nitroaniline Nltrobenzene 2 -Nitrophenol 4 -NlLrophenol 4 -Nitroqul-no11ne- 1--oxl-de N- Nlt rosodi -n - butylamine N- Nit ro s odl et hyl arnine N - Ni t, ro sodlmet hylamine N - Nit, ro e odiphenylanine N - Nit,rosodl - n - propyl - amine N - N i t roeornethyl ethyl amine N-Ntt.rosomorpholine N-Nitrosoplperidine N-Nitrosopyrrolldine 5 -Nttro-o- toluidine ParaLhl-on Pentachlorobenzene Pentachloroethane P entachl oroni t robenz ene Pentachlorophenol Phenacetin Ptrenanthrene PhenoI Phorate 2 - Picol l-ne Pronamide Pyrene !yridlne L ,2 , 4 ,5 -Tetrachloro- benzene 2 ,3 , 4 ,6 -Tetrachloropheno] ThionazLtt o-ToLuidine L ,2 , 4-Trichloro- benzene 2 , 4 ,S-Trichloro- phenol ND ND IID ND ND }UD ND }UD }UD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND }UD ND ND ND ND ND ND so vg/L 10 vg /I' 10 ug/I' so uglt 50 ugll' so ug/L r- o ug/r, 10 :ug/L so vg/T, 1OO :ugll' !{D ND ND ND l{D 10 10 1_0 10 1,0 10 1,0 10 10 20 50 10 50 50 50 20 L0 L0 50 20 20 10 20 1-0 50 10 10 L0 LLg lr, ug/T" :ug/T' rus/L ug/l' :ug/r' rug/r, uglt ug/r' ug/l' ug/r, vg/L vg /r' ug/t ug/r, :ug/T' uglr, ug/T-, ug/L ug/r, ug/t' :ug/t' ug/T' Lrg /r-' LLg /r, ug/t ug/L ug/L luD ND ND btD 10 ug/1, STL Denver (Continued on nexL page) 70 IIRS (-oqroration C1Lent Saryr1e ID: gttB-3-O9O1o5 trltlffJ aenuirrol.atil-es o Iot-Saqll'e fr- - -: PARAIVIETER DsIO2A230-005 Ilork oder *- RESI]IJT ND ND PERCEMT RECOVERY L4* 2.L * 69 66 26r 56 : I{,.7\IRtr{2AI(INatri:r- - - - - - - - - 3 GTI REPORTTNG ITIMfT IINITS 2 , 4 , 6 -Trichloro- phenol O, O, O- friethylphosphoro - thl-oate 1, 3, 5 -Trinl-trobenzene STIRROGATE ND 10 ug/r' 5 O ug/t' 5 O vg/T' RECO\/ERY IrII{ITS (4s e2 ) (eg 98(so ee(as e1 (+e 113) ( ro lso) 2-Fluorophenol Phenol-dF Nl-trobenzene-d5 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2 , 4 , F-Tribromophenol Terphenyl-d14 rcIB(S) =t Surrogate req)vcry Ls ousltle statml conrol lirnits, STL Denver Iot-Saryrl.e * = Dsr 020230 - 005 TYIA.SS SPECTROMETENIONTA SYSTEM PAXAMETER Unknown Unknown Cyclohexane Butane , 2 -methoxy - 2 -methyl - Unlrrrown Unknown UnJcrrown Unknown Urrknown Unkrrown Unlcrrown Unkrrown Urrknown Unknown Unknown Phenol , 2-fluoro-c -nl-tro- Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknowrr Urrknown Unknorrrn Unknown Phenol, 2, 6-dLbromo-4.nitro- rsrE (s) : URg Cor1pr:atim, sf,B-3-()90r_O5 GC/HS seutrrol.atLl-ee Ilork Order *: H'J\I'RM2AK (t'lsos ) tmrtaurfElrY IDEMTTFTED EgTII,IATED eAS # RESULT 0-00-0 20 ir 5.5 iI 26J 140 J 13 ir 5.3 LT 40 .I 5.5 \f LZ .T 5.4 .J 7.7.f 2L ,J 20J 1-3 \T 5-2 J 5.4 tJ 46 ,.f 7-L tl 3.8 J 4.8 ir L2J 27 'J9.1 ir 5.O .T 14J99 -28 -s llatri-x: GW COMPOIINDS RETEMTION TTME UNITS M 2 -A}LB ug/L M 2.1341- ug/t, M 2.2891 ug/I' M 2.3593 ug/f' t{ 3.5135 ug/T' M 3 .5 952 tuig/L M 4.LL23 ug/n M 4.3949 vg/T' M 4 .5453 rtg/L M 5.1709 ug/T' M 5,529L ug/I' M s-gs68 vg/L, IvI 6.7952 vg/I' M 6-855 Lrg/I' rvt 6 -9779 ug/t M 7 . LL69 ug /r, M 7 .33 61 trg /I' M ? -44 84 vg /I" M 7 .7 592 ug /I' M 8.213 wg/T' M 8 .2 77L rug/|, M 8 .72A9 vg/T, M 8 -7743 :ug/L M 8.9935 vg/L M 9.2876 :ug/T, 110 -82-7 994-05-8 M: Rcsttlt was moosured against nearest intcrorl gedrrd assuming a rc.sponse factor of l. Denver 72 URE Corporation Cl.ient Saqrl-e ID: gIlB-7-o9O1O5 cc/Idg Bemlvol.atil-es Iot-8aryll-e *- - -: Da.te Saryll.ed---! Prep Date.--.--! Prep Batc.h *- - -: Dl-lution Firctor: D5rA20230-006 a9 / 0]'/os L4 -.2O oe/a6/os 5249103 1 Hork Order S. - - ! Date neceirred. . l nnalyale llate- - r ana.Iysis Time. - 3 Itlgthod-,,,.,.,.I RESUI-,T HiIvRVlAW oe/a2/as oe / 1olos 02 :49 sI{84 6 827 0C REPORTTNG IJIMIT UNTTS Itatrlx-oD,!!.-!: GhI PARAMETER Acenaptrthene Acenaphthylene AceEophenone 2 -Acet yl amlnof luorene 4 -Amtnoblphenyl Anlll-ne Anthracene Aramite Benzldlne Benzo (a) anthracene Benzo (b) f luoranthene Benzo (k) f luoranthene Benzoic aci-d Benzo (ghi ) peqflene Benzo (a) pyrene Benzy1 aJ-cohol bis (Z-Ctrloroethoxy) methane bis Q-Chloroethyl) - ether bi e (z -Chlorolaopropy1 ) ether bis (e-uthylhexyl) phthalate 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ettrer Buty1 benzyl phthalate Carbazole 4 -Chloroanlline Chlorobenztlate 4 - Chl oro - 3 -methylphenol 2 -Chloronaphthalene 2 -Chlorophenol 4-Chloropheny1 phenyl eLher Chrysene Dlallat,e Dibenz (a, h) anthracene ND ND ND ND ND ND trD ND ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND }TD ![D I{D (Contlnued 10 10 1_O 100 50 L0 L0 2A 100 I-0 10 10 so 10 L0 10 1_0 10 L0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1,0 20 10 on next page) ug/L ug /r, lug/T' trg /T' rug/I' uglT' ug/r, ug /r' :ug/T' trg /r, us lT, ug/t LLg /T, ug/T' vg/r' ug/r, ug/L ug/T' ug /T' vg /r' ug/t ug lt ug/r, ug/t, ug/L ug/r, ug/T' ug/r-, ug/L ug/r, ug/L us/L ND ND ND IUD IUD t[D ITD !ilD STL Denver Iot-Saryl1e #- - - l PARAMETER URS CorporatLon C1ient Saryr1e ID: gllB-7-O9O1O5 gtr,lns Semivol.ati].es D5f O2O23O-006 llork Order *- - - i H.IIIRVIAW RESUITT REPORTTNG LII,ITT Iiatrir ----..: GW T'NITS us/r, ug /t, lug/r' rdg /I' vs/T-, us/T, ttg /T' ug/t ug/r, ug /r, :ug/r, ug/t ug/r, ]ug/L ]uglL vg /r' ug/n ug /t, rtg /r, lug/r, ug/r. ug/I' lug/r' ug/t' us/t :ug/T' ug/r, ug/t' ruglt, rug/r. :ug/t, ug /t' ug/T' ug/L ug/T' vg/T. uslL ug/t :ug/T, Dibenzof urarr Di-n-buty} phthalate 3, 3 ' -Dl-chlorobenzidine 2 , 4-Dichlorophenol 2 , 6 -Dichlorophenol Diet,hy1 phthalate Dimettroate 7 ,L2*Dl-methylbenz (a) - anthraeene 3, 3 t -Dimethylbenzidine 2 , 4-DimeLhylptrenol DimeEhyl phthalate 1, 3 -Dinl-trobenzene 4,5 -DiniLro- 2 -met,hylphenol 2 ,4-Dini-trophenol 2 , 4-Dlnitrotoluene 2 , 6 -Dlnttrotoluene Di-n-ocry} phthalate Diphenylamine L, Z-Diphenylhydraz ine Dleulf oton Ethyl mettraneeul fonate Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexacb,lorobenzene Hexachlorocyc 1 opent a - diene Hexaehloroethane Hexachloropropene Indeno (1 ,2 ,3 -cd) pyrene fsodrLn fsophorone fsosafrole Methapyrilene 3 -Methylcholanthrene Methyl methanesulfonate 2 -Methylnaphthalene 1- -Methylnaphthalene Methvl parathion 2-Methy1pheno1 3 -MeEhylphenol & 4-Methylphenol IID IID ISD l[D IUD IUD }TD IID ND ND ND ND ![D ND (Contlnued on next ND ND ND I{D ND ND ND ND ND ISD IID t[D ND 10 1_O 50 1-0 10 10 20 20 2A 10 L0 1,0 50 50 r.0 10 10 10 10 50 10 10 1"0 1-0 50 L0 L00 10 1-0 10 20 50 20 10 1_0 10 s0 10 L0 page) ND TID ND ND ND ND IID IUD ND ND ND ND STL Denver IIRS Corporation Client Sary>Ie rD: grtB-7-o9or-o5 Gf,,lu9 Seutivol.atl-leo Dsf 02A230-006 trork Order f - - -: H,J\IRVI-AW liatri:r----.!,--3 GWIot-$arylle *- -. : PARAI'IETER RESTIIJT ND (Continued on REPORTING LIMIT ITNITS L , A-Naphthoguinone 1-Naphthylaml-ne 2-NaphthytamLne 2-Nit,roaniline 3 -Nitroaniline 4 -Nitroanlline Nitrobenzene 2 -Nitrophenol 4 -Nltrophenol 4 -NLtroquinoline- 1-oxLde N - Ni t roeodi - n- buEy1 amine N- NL t ro sodt et hyl amine N- N I t rosod ime thyl arnine N - Nl t rosodlphenyl amine N-Ntt rosodi -n-propyl - aml-ne N- Ni t, ro s omethyJ. ethyl amine N-Nitrosomorpholine N - NL t rosopipe rJ- dl-ne N - Nl- t ros opyrrol ldine 5 -Nitro-o-toluidine Parathion Pentachloroberrzene Pentaclrloroethane Pentachl oroni t, robenz ene Pent,actrlorophenol Phenacetin Phenanthrene PhenoI Phorat,e 2-PLcoline Pronamide Pyrene qgrtdine L,2,4 ,5-Tetrachloro- benzene 2, 3, 4, 6 -Tetrachlorophenol Thionazin o-To1uidlne L ,2 t 4-Trichloro- benzene 2 ,4, 5-Trichloro- phenol ND ![D IID ![D ND tlD ND TUD ND t[D ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND llD ND ND ND l{D DID }ID IID ND ruD 50 ug/t' r,o ug/t 1-0 rtg/I' 50 ug/I' 5 O uglr. s 0 vg /T-, 10 ug/L 10 ug /t' so :ug/T, 100 vg/r, IUD ND ND }UD ND 10 1-0 1-0 10 1-0 10 10 10 10 2A 50 10 50 50 50 20 10 10 50 20 2A 10 2A L0 50 10 10 10 1.0 next page) ug/t' :ug/r, :ug/T' rrg /r, :ug/T' ug/r, ug/r, ug /t' ug/T, vg /r' ug/r, us/t :ug/t, ug/L ug/r, ug/T' ug /r, ug /T' ]u,g/L us /T, ug /T' ug /r, :ug/r. ]ug/L ug /r, r:.g /r., us/L vg /r' ug/t DID ND ND IID STL Denver Iot-Saqlk= *- - -: PARAI{ETER IIRS Corlrcration Cllent Sary)I.e ID: SHB-7-o9O1o5 Gf,.l$g Safiro1atlleg Dsf O2O23A - 006 llork Order *- - -: HinfRVlAIt[ REPORTING LfMfTREgt,LT Hatri:r- - - - - - - - - : GSI TTNITg ug/t ug/u us/T, 2,4,6-Trl-chloro- phenol o, O, O- Triethylphosphoro- thioat,e 1, 3, s-Trinitrobenzene SIIRROGATE IrD PERCEI{TT RECOVERY 10 s0 s0 RECO\IERY IJIMITS (+s e2 (eg eB (so ee (aE eL (ee 113 (ro 1so 2-Fluoropheno1 Phenol -d5 Nltrobenzene-d5 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2, 4, 6 -Tribromoplrenol rerphenyl-d14 79 BL 79 77 92 81 ) ) ) ) ) ) STL Denver Iot-sary)Ie *: D5I020230-006 I.TASS SpECTROMETER/DATA SYSTEM PARAMBTER UR.s @rporation gtIB-7-O90105 tr'lHg Eenrhrolatl.I.ee Ilork Order #: HiIVRV1AW (t{sps) rrureuvEr,Y TDENTTFTED l{atri:r: C}W CAS # EgTII,IATED RESUIIT EOMPOT,NDS RETENTTON TTI.{E UnJ<rrown C)rclohexane Butane, 2 -methoxy- 2 -methyJ.- Unknown rwfE(s): 110 -82-7 994-0s-8 UNTTS 8 .2 ,J M 2 . A867 ug/t" 23 .T M 2.23L7 ug/f, 54 ,J M 2.9058 ug/t, 29 ,J M 2.3981 ug/t' M: Reult weo measured agalnst nelre.$ intcrnal standard assrrmiry s rospofise factor of l. STL Denver Iot-Saryfie #-.. ! Ilate Saryr1ed---3 kgp Date,,,---l Prep Batch #, - - 3 DLlutf"on Factor: IrRg Corgnration Cl.ieut Saryfle ID: gIsB-7-O9O1os oe/HS Senirro1ati]-es Ifork Order *---: HfifRVlA)( Date Recefured - - : 09 / OZ / AS Aual.ysis Date- - 3 09 / L3 / Os Ana.I.ysis Time- - : 22 247 liatrir- - - - - o . - . E GTIDsr 02023 0- O05 09 / o1los t4 zza ae/07/os 52s043 5 1 lletlodr - . -, ., - - 3 SW846 827Oe PARAMETER RESI ITT ND PERCBWT RECO\IERY REPORTTNGI I,IIVIIT UNITS 4 . 0 ug/r, RECO\IERY I,IMITS (gg 116)(zz lo9 )(28 L26l (gs 11-4)(tz r.06 )(tt L42l (*l 1,421 Pentaehlorophenol SITRROGATE 2 - Fluoroblphenyl 2 - Fluorophenol 2,4r5-Tribromophenol Nitrobenzene-d5 Phenol -d5 Terphenyl -d14 L,[-Dioxane-dB 58 74 74 78 69 60 STL Denver 78 Lot-Sary)I-e *- - -: Ilate Ssry)I-ed---3 PARAMETER IIRE CorgnratLon Cl-ieut Saryfle ID: SIIB-91O-O9O1O5 I'ICIEAI, Uetal-e D5IO2A230-002 09 / 0r/os 07 : 00 rlate Becelrred- . i 0g / ozl os RESUI,T REPORTING TIMIT T]NITS METHOD PREPARATION. WORK ANATTYSIS DATE ORDER # Prgp Bat,eh *- - -: Cadmlum SelenLum 52495L6 ND IilD 0.020 DllutLon 0.040 Dilut,ion mg/L Factor:20 ms/r.r Factor:20 0. o50 nrg/L Dl-lutLon Fastror; 5 1- O mg/r, Dilutlon Faetor: 1O 0.075 mg/L Di].ution Factor: 5 o - osO rytfi, Dllution factor: 5 2 -O rg,IT' Pllutl"on Fastorr 10 0,050 rW/T' Dilutioa Faetor: 5 0. 050 ng/t' DLlut,Lon Factor: 5 1.0 rflg/L Dllutlon Factror: 1O 30 ry,lt DLluElon Eactor: 10 2 -o rylt, Dl,IutLon FacBor: 1O 50 wlI"l Dilutlon Faetorl 10 9w846 enalyeie swB4 5 Analysl-e 6020 Tim6, -: A7:25 5020 Ttme. . : O7;25 sw845 60L08 Jlna1.ysie Tirna- - : 2O : 4O sw845 50108 Analyeis Time..: L7:42 sw846 50108 itnalyaie Time - - : 2A : 4A 9H846 50tOB Arralyeis Tlme. - : 20 :4O srr846 60108 nnalyeie Time.. c a7:42 sv[846 60108 Ana1ysI-r Tlme. . : 2O :{O gr{846 60108 Analysls Tlme..: 2O:4O 9w846 50108 Analysis Tl.me. . : L7'.42 sr845 60r-08 Analysie Time. . : L7 t42 sH846 60108 Analyel-s TLme., : L7 : 12 sH846 50r.OB Analyrla fLme.-: L7:$2 next page) oe / 15 - 09 / 23 / os H.TVQA]-A4 ae lr.s- oe /zt / os HiruQAlAs Prep Batch. Silver Alumlnum ArsenLc Bariun Calcirm Chromium Copper Iron Pota^aeirm l,Iagmeeitul Sodlirm *. -.: 52496L7 IID ND ND o -{3 15(}0 ND ND ND r_800 1200 ir 3soo0 ae/15-ae/L6/05 aehs-aelLe/as ae/1s-oe/L6 los ae f]-s-ae 116los oell.s-aelLgf ss aells-ae/LG/os oe/r.s-oe/L6/as aelrs-aelre/os oe/1s-oe ltglos oelr.s -oell:elas H'WQALAII HJVQALATT H.JVOAlAKo II.rVQAIAL TIJIIOA]-L\r HJVQAl-AM H.I/QAl-AIT Hlr\IQAlAW E,:rIIOAAAX EII\IOAI-,AO STL Denver (Continued on 09 I Ls-ae I Ls I as ETvOALAL Iot-Saqll.e fi- - -: URII Corporation Cl.ient Saryr1e fI): SHB-91O-O9O1O5 lt0EAL lhta-I.s D5I020230-002 triatri-x- - - - - - - - , : GIil PREPARJATION- WORK AI\TALYSIS DAIE ORDER # REPORTING PARAIT{ETER RESI}LT LIMIT UNITS MEIIIOD Nidcel. Iread Vanadium Zi^nc Zirconium Prep BatcII *- -.l Mercury o-o32 B ND ND o-o2{ B ND 525834 I tsD O-2O ug,II,; PlluElon Factor: 5 0.0L5 mg/t' ntlution Factor: 5 0 . 050 ng/T' Dilution Factor: 5 O - 10 rylt, nLluEJ.on f,'actor: 5 0.15 ng/t Dilution FaeLor: I"O 0.00020 mg/1, Dilutlon Fact,or: 1 oe l Ls-ae lr.a I as oe/ L5- ae/L6/os ae/1s-oe/LG/os oel 1s- oe lt6l os oe/r.s-oe/Le/os E'il7OA]lllP HWQAlAQ HiTQATAR ETVOAIAT HJTTQALA2 srr846 60108 Aualyeie TLme, -: 20:{0 sril845 6010B Arralysl-s Time. . : 2O :4O sw845 60108 AnalyaLe Tfune-.: 20:40 srl845 501(}8 Analysie Timc..: 20:40 sw846 6010B Analysie TLme. . : 7,7 :42 sw846 74't OA A9 / Le / Os Analyeie Time,.: 16;38 HJ\/QAl-AU o rplrts (8) : I Metbul blank contamination. Thc associated mcrhod btant contains the targct anatytc at e rc?ortable lcvel. B Estirnatcd result. Resrlt is less than RL. STL Denver Iot-ga4p1e *- - - 3 Ilate Sary[ed,---3 PARAMETER UnS Corporation Clieut saryfie ID: 8HB-9-O9OI"O5 AUEAIJ }EtA.[B D5I420230-O03 a9 / 01,/05 1o :55 Date Receirred- - i 09 / azl os RESIITT REPORTING LTMIT UNITS METHOD PREPARATTON- WORK AI{IAt'YSTS DATE ORDER # hrep B&tch Sl-Iver Aluminurn Arsenic Barirm Calcium Chroml-um Copper Iron Fotassirm Ilagn'esium Eod.lum *- - -: 52496L7 luD ND o-23 f--6 2100 ND tilD ![D 6800 92OO rT ?7000 0.L0 0. 10 Dl-lution 1_.0 pLlutLon o-15 Dl"Iution o-10 Dilutlon 2-O ul,lutlon 0.l-0 olluElon o.1"0 Dllubion 1.0 Dllutiou 60 DLlutl-ou 2-O nL1utlon kep Batch *-. -: Cadmium Seleafum 52495L6 ND o- 09{ B DiluEion Factor: 10O O-2o ry,IL Dilution Factor: 100 ntg /T' mglL Factror: 10 mg/t Factor: LO ryln Factor: 1O rglr. Factor: 10 rog,lT' Factor: LO mg /r' Faetor:1,O mg/t' Factor: 10 rflg/L E'actor:10 Wln Factor: 20 ng,lr' Factor: 10 sw8{ 5 Analye.ls 9II845 Analysj-e 5020 Timc. . : 12;01 5020 Tima--: 12:01 sur845 50L08 nnalyeLe TLme..: 17:53 sw845 50108 Analyele Tl,rae. , ; L? 247 str845 50108 eual.yslg Tlme--: 17:53 srr845 50108 Analysis Ti$e.,: 17;53 sr58{5 50108 Arral.ysLa TLme- . : L7 t47 sw846 50108 Arralyelo Tl-me. . : 17 r 53 sw846 60108 Analyala Time..: 17:53 sw846 60108 Arralye1e Tlme. . : L7 :47 sD5846 60108 nnalysls TLme- . : 12: o5 sH846 50108 Analygis Tl.me" . : L'l 247 9w846 60108 Analyols TLmG..: t2:06 next page) oe / ls- ae /23 / os HuveslAF oe lls- 09 I 23 I as E'rrQsxLG ae/ls-ae/Le/os oe/r.s-ae/Le/os H.nIQs1AU H;ruQs1AV 100 wlr, Dllution Factor r 2O oelr-s-oellglas tr.l ,*rL 09 I ts - 09 I tg I os HrrrQs r-,Lx og /ts-oelr:g I os oe/1s-oe/Le/os ae / 1s- oe /Le / as oe/1s-oe/Le/os oel I.s- aelzol os oe l r-s- oe lr.e l os HilIAsilA7 HinIQs1AO HiruQs1A1 1rwQ51A8 H.rvQsLAg EnrQsilAA STL Denver (Continued on oel ls- oe lzolos E^TIrQsrLe fot-garple t., - i D5f02A23O-003 PARAMETER RESTIIJT Nr.clce1 o-o2g B ND ND ND ND Fnep Batcfi Ivlercury N€rrts (8) : f,- - -: 5262486 ND t RS Corporatl-on Cl.l-ent 8aryfle ID: S'f,8-9-O9o1o5 TUEAL HetAI.S REPORTING LIMTT I]NITS }i[ETIIOD fhtri-x--.-----.: GXI PREPARATION- T{ORK AI{AIJYSIS DATE ORDER # vanadium Zinc Zirconium o - 40 trylt" Dllut,lon Eactor; 10 0.030 fi:q,/T' DllutLou Factor: 10 o.1O mg/L Dllutlou Factor: 10 0.2O mg/L Dl}utLon Factor: 1O O . 15 mg/t' Dilution Factor: I"0 0.0020 r*g/I' Dl-lutlon. Factor: 10 sw8{6 60108 AnalyeJ.e Time. . : 17 : 53 sw846 50108 Analyala Timc--: 17:53 sw846 60108 Analyeia Time..: 17:53 sw846 50108 Analysle time..: 17:53 sw845 60108 Anal.yel-e Tl.me. . ; L7 :47 ae/Ls-oelLg/os oells-oe/ae/os oel 1s- ae / Le / as oells-ae/Lelas oeh s- oe /Le / as EfVOs7A2 Hin/QslA3 HirfQslA4 HirvQs1A5 HirtIQslAD sw845 747OA A9/22/OS anal.yeie Ti:ne. . I 19 :25 HiruQs1A6 B Estirnated resrlt. Res,trh ls less rtran RL. I Mctltod blank contaminntion. The as.cociatcd metrod blunk contains the uarget anatyrc at a reportablc levol, STL Denver 82 f..ot-Sauple *- - - Date Sarylled- - - PARAMETER URg Corporation el-ient Sary)le tn: sHB-1o-O9O1O5 ltO|fAIr Ueta-I.s Dsr020230-004 a9 / aL/ as 12 : 10 rlate Receiwed- , 3 09 / oz / aS RESUIJIr REPORTTNG IJIMTT UNTTS METIIOD Dtatrj:r,ao----i GW PREPARATION- UIORK ANAITYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Bat& {[- - - Cadmtum slel.enlum Prep Bateh {f - - - Silwer AlumLnum Areerric Barl-um Ca-I-cium ChromLum Copper fron Potassirtrr l{agneeirm Sodium 0.040 mg/t nilution Factor: 40 O - O8O Wlt, Dilutrion Factor: 40 sw84 6 6020 Analyeig Time.-: 12:05 grr845 5020 haalyeie Tim6-.: 12:05 sw846 60L08 Alralyeie TLme..: 20r50 sw845 60L08 Arralysio Tl-me. . : L7 :23 sr845 60108 AnalysLs TLme..; 2O:50 sn845 5(}108 Analyeie TLme..: 20:50 81846 50108 Analyeie Tlme..: L7t23 sw8{5 50108 Analysle TJ,me. . : 20: 5O 9w846 60108 Analysle Time..: 20:5O 9w846 50108 Analyaie Time..: 17:23 BII845 60I-08 Analyele Tlme..; L7:23 91846 5',0108 Analyeie Tlme..: 17:23 sH846 60108 Analysie Time. . : 17 t23 next page) oe / J.s - a9 / 23 / os Hirveg LAtr' oeAs- a9 |zt I os EilreerAc 52496L6 ND o-o40 B 52495L7 ND t[D o-o25 B o-41 1500 ND ND o-38 B 1700 1200 J 33000 o-050 Dilution 1.0 Pl,lutJ.on o_o75 Dl-Iutlon o-o50 Dilution 2-A Dilutlon o.o50 DLluELon o.050 DlluE l.on 1-O Dilution 30 DLlutl-on 2.O DLlutlon 50 mg /T' Faetor: 5 mg/r., Eactor: 1O nglr, E'actor: 5 rytlr' Pactor: 5 rglt' FacEor:10 mg/L' tr'actor t 5 mg/T' Factor: 5 nglt Fact,or: 1O rglt Factsor: l-0 ng,lt, Factor: 1O wlr' oe/1s-oelL6/os oehs-ae/Le/os H.nrQg1AU HWQ9I-Av Pllutlon Factor: 10 ae I Ls-oe I L6 / as rr,rvee5 09 lr.s-ae I L6 I os tr-rveer-ax oe I Ls- oe I Le I os hrvee twt oe/i,s-ae/L6/as oells-oe/L6/os oel I-s- aelLelos oe I Ls-ae I Lel as oel1s -oelLelos H.r\/Qgl.AO HflrQ9LA1_ ETIVQ9IAS EirvQgLA9 B,ilIQ9IAA STL Denver (Continued on oe / Ls- ae I Lg I as H,ilregr"ac Iot-8aql1e *- - -: URA Corporation Cl-ient Saryfle ID: SWB-I-O-O9O1O5 I\UEAL ltetal8 D5I020230-004 llatrix---------E GW PREPARATION_ WORI( AI{AITYSTS DATE ORDER # REPORTTNG PARA}{ETER RESUI,T IJTMfT UNITS METHOD Iricke]- Iread. Vanadirn ZLnc Zlrconium o-o15 B TUD o-o14 B o. o24 B ND O-20 ry,Il,; Dilution Factor: 5 0.0L5 mg/L DLlut,lon Fector: 5 O - O5O ryl[' Dl-Iutlou Factor: 5 O - 10 ry,ll' Dilution FacEor: 5 0 . l-5 mg /T, Dl-lutlon Factor: 10 0.00020 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 sH845 60108 AnalyeLs TimB..: 20:50 sv[84 5 5 0108 Analysle Tlme..: 20:50 srr846 50108 Aualyal.e Tine, . : 2O : 50 sn8{6 50108 Analysle Time..: 2O:5O sr[845 50108 Analyeia Time..: L7:23 ae ll-s-oelL6l os oe/Ls-oe/L6/os oel :ts- oef L6los oelLs-oel1:slos ae/1s-oe/Le/os E fVQgLArl H.x/Qg1A3 E\TIIQ91jA{ EirvQgr-jas HJTIQgl.AD Prep Batclr S---3 5258348 Mercury ND rsufB (s) : sw846 7470a. 09 /L9 / 0s Analyoia rime-.: 16:41 H.IIQg1A6 B Eetfunrtod resrlt. Rcstlt is Iess than RL. J Method blank couamination. The assoclaod merhod blmk connins ilre mrga analyrc at a reporrrble level. STL Denver Irot-Baql1e *- -. i Date Saryll.ed.--3 PARJAI{ETER IIRS CorarcraEion Cl-t-eut Ilaryrle ID: 8HB-3-O9O105 llyTAIr lhta]-s D5rA2A230-005 09 / 01/05 13 :37 Date Received- - 3 a9 /Az/ 05 RESULT REPORTING IJIMTT UNITS METHOD PREPARJATION- WORK ANALYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch #-. -: Cadmftn Se].enl.um 52495 15 o -oo13 B o-oo81 B O - O1O rglf' Dl,Iutlon Factor: 1O o - O2o Wln Dllution Faetor: 10 0.010 tng/I' Dllutlon FacEor: L O - 50 ry,ll, Dilution Factor: 5 o - O15 rylt, nj-Iutlon Paet,or: 1 O - O1O rylt Dl1utlon Factor: 1 1-o ryln DLlutLon Factor: 5 O.0LO mg/T' Dilutioa Factor: 1 o - O1o ry/1, DL1utl.on Factor; 1 O-5O rylt Dilution Faetor: 5 15 rglT' Dilution Faetor: 5 1.0 ryln Dilution Faetor: 5 25 rylL Dllutlon Faetor: 5 (Contlnued sH8{16 5O2O Analyale Time..: A7:57 s'II8d5 5020 Analyeie Time. . : A7 257 sw84 5 501_ 0B Analyals TLme..: L4:?9 sH8{6 60108 Arralyeie Time- -: L'l 252 sr846 60108 Analyele Tlme..: 14:39 srr846 60108 Rnalyeig Time..: 14;39 grr845 50108 Rnalyeia Time--: L7;52 sw846 6010B Analyaia Time..: 14:39 9H845 50108 Analyeie Tlme. . : 1{ :3 9 stn845 60108 Analyels Tlme. . : l? t52 srI845 50108 Analyele TLme..: 77:52 srr846 60108 Analysie Tirna. - : L? :52 9w845 60108 Analyels Time..: L7:52 next page) 09 I Ls- oe |z3 I os E{rvRuilar oe f ls- oe I 23 f os HttrRuLaG hep Bateh Silwer Ahminrun Arsenic Barium CalcLum Chrornl-um Copper Iron Potassirm Hagnesiru Bodirm *---3 52496L7 ![D o-r-7 B o-o58 o -24 850 ND o. o12 0-26 B 270 5{O J 5200 ae/ 15- oe/L6 las oelLs-ae/Lglos oelLs-oelLg.l as oe lls-oelL6l os oe /Ls-aelLg I os oelIs- oe/L6/os oef Ls-aelL6las oelLs*oellel os oe lLs-oel Lg los oelLs-aelLgl as H{I\JIRI'IIAU H'ilTRllIA\/ HiNIRMI.AO EilIrmtljar- E,I\IRTTLLS E.rvRrrua9 II,ilIfRI&AA rc IIJTIRITLAX ae / Ls- oe I Lg I os ErvRrrlAe o STL Denver Iot-Sampl.e S- - -: IIRA @rporatl-on Cl.ient Saqrl.e II): SHB-3-O9O1O5 T€If,AL tr{etal s Dsr020230-005 REPORTING PREPAR,ATTON- AI{ALYSIS DATE hIORK ORDER #PARAIITETER RESUL,T ITIMIT UNfTS METHOD NLcke]. Lead Vanaillum ZInc Zlrc<rnium Prep Batch *- - -: Mercurlr IUTB (8} : O - O4O W/1, DL1utlon FacEor: 1 O. O03O mg/L Dilution Factor: l- O-O1O rylr Dllutlon FacEor: 1 o -O20 ryln Dilut.Lon Faetor: 1 o. oz5 ry,lt, Dilutioa Fact,or: 5 o - 00020 mg/L Dilution Faetor: L 9w845 60108 Analyeie Tl-me. . : 14 : 39 sw846 50108 Analyala TimB..: 1{:39 sIn845 60108 Analygis Timc-.: 14:39 sH845 501(}8 Anal.yeie Time--: 14:39 sH845 50108 Anal-yala Tirne. - : L7 :52 ae lLs- oe l Ls I os ae/ls-ae/L6/os oe ll-s-oe lL6l os oe lLs-oelL6l os oelLs-ae llg I os o- o35 B ND o-o15 o. or_g B 0-06g B s2583 4 8 ND E,rITRIIUA2 HJVBI{].A3 EiTIIRIIIA4 ILfVRHIA5 IIrI.I.iLAD sw846 747oA O,/Le(OS Arralyele Tlme. . : t 6 ; rl5 HJVRIU].AS B Estinrated recnlt. Rwuh is lcss rhan RL. I Method blenk eonntninadon. The assoclated rrrethod blenk conhins the target analyte et a reponablc tevel. STL Denver 85 IrRS Corporation C1ient 8aq>1e ID: 8HB-7-O9O1O5 TOltrAL ltleta1s Dsr02a230-006 a9 / 01/05 L4 rza Date Received- . 3 og I 02/ oS REPORTING LIMTT UNITS T\4ETHOD !Iatri:r.. - . - - - - r G"II PREPARJATION. }TORK AIitAfJYSfS DATB ORDER * O Iot-Sary>Ie *. -. ! Datse Saryrled,. - -: PARAMETER RESULT Prep Bat,ch {lL- -. Cadmlurn Se]-enium : 52496'16 ND o-oo27 B 0.0050 nq/t' Dilut,lon FacEor: 5 O - O1O ryln Dllution Factor: 5 0. ol-o mgll Dllutlon FacE,or: 1 . 0.10 mg/I' Dl.lutiou Factor: 1 o. o15 ryln Pi]"utlon Factor: l- 0.010 ry,IT' Dllutl-ou Factor: 1 o - 20 ryll, Dilrrtion Fact,or: L O - O1O mg/I, Di]-ut'lon Factor; 1 o - o1o mg/L Dilut,ion Factor: L O - 10 ryll' Dl-Iution Factror: 1 3-O ry,II,, PllutLon Factor: 1 O - 20 rytlT, Dilution Factor: L 5-O ryl[" Dilution FacEor: 1 (Continued Prep Batch Sl-lver AlumLnum Argenic garirm Ca].cirm Chromium Copper fron Potassiurn l.Iaguesirm Sodium #- -. i 52496L7 ND ND o-o83 o-r.3 1_30 ND ND o-o50 B 300 57(} J 2900 oe/ls-ae/L6/as oe/1s-oe/L6/os os ll.s-oe/Lel os oe lyrs-ae lL6l os oel:.s -oe lLsl os ae/1s-ae/L6/as aelrs-oe/L6/os oe lLs*oelL6, I os oe lls-ae lL6/as oel 1s- oelL6las HiruRV1A5 H.T\IRVLAT HiNIR\rIAJ H{NIRVIAA H,JVRVlAC ILN'R\rTAK EJIIR\TITAII H,JVRII"I-BH sw846 6020 Aaalyelo Tlme..; 08;01 srr846 6A20 Irralyeia Time. . : 08 : O1 sw84 5 6 0108 Analysie Time- -: L4:43 sw845 50108 Analysie Tl-me. - : 17 : 19 arr845 6(}1_08 enalygls Tlme--: 14:43 9H845 50108 Aoalyeie Tirne. . : 1{ :43 g11846 60108 Analyela Tlme- - : 17: I"9 9w846 50108 Analysls Tlloo. . ; 1{ ;43 ghr84 5 5 01-OB AnalysLs Tl-me. . : 14 :43 5'H945 50108 nualysls Tlme,.: L7zL9 gDI846 50108 Analyaie Time..: 17;19 8H846 50r_OB Analysls Tlme. .: L7:19 9H846 60108 Analyeie Time..: L7;L9 next page) a9 / 1s - as / zt / os HJlrRvlAR oe I Ls-og | zslos g,ilIR\rurr rc ILTI'R\NA9 STL Denver o9l 1s - ag | rc I os ErnlRvr-arr IIR^S Corgrcration C1Lent Sarylle ID: 8IIB-7-O9O1O5 IOlf,AL lletar g fot,-8aryll.e f; - - - : D5I02 O23O- 006 R"EPORTING PARNIIETER RESUTJT IJIMIT UNTTS METHOD Hatri-x ) - ) - - - - - -: ClIt[ PREPARATION. WORK AITATJYSIS DATE ORDER #fcl-cfEel o-oo19 B o.o4o ry,ll, sEEr[6 60108 oglas-ogl,Lelos EryErrlLar] DLlutlou Factor: 1 AltalysJ-s Ttun6..: t,t:43 Iread IUD G o. O07O tw/t sw846 60108 Og/tS-Og/tS/OS H\rVRVleE Dilution PBctor: X Aaalyaia Tinre..: 1t:{3 0. o1o nq/t 9w846 5o1oB og/ts-og/ta/os H.Jr/RV1AF Dllutl@ Factor: 1 ABalyolo *fine..r 1{:113 o. o2o mg/t sw84d 60108 og/ts-og/te /os Hir\rRvr.Ac Dilutio Faetor: 1 Anelysis Ti$e..: 1{:rl3 0,01s ,rq/r, 9w846 6010B og/ts-og/rc/os rrJ\rRvlAp Dilutlon Factor: 1 lBalyeLe Time..: 1?:19 Prep Batch *- - -: 5258348 Mercury ND 0.00020 rq/t, sw846 7470A og/ts/os g,nrRvI-AH DLlution Faetor! 1 .Inalyala ?ine..: 15:rl8 rctB_(8) : _ -..B Egtimtcd rsult" R@tr is lcsEthmRl. J Mceod blant oltminaioo, Iho essocirbd mc6od blrnk contains thE tarSa anrlyre rl ! roporrrbb level. G Elmrcd reporting limlr Thc rcporting limh Is clerratort duc to I,trtlir intcrfcrerrce, Vanadlum ND Zinc ND Ztrconium ND STL Denver BB Iot-Saryll-e il. - - ! Date gaqiled.--3 PARAMETER IIRSi Corporation C1ient Aaryrl.e ID: SIIB-91O-O9O1O5 General. Clrcnistry Ilork Order *- - -: H.r1IQA Date Received- - r 09 / 02 / A5 tfatri-x- , - - - - - - - : GsI PREPARATION_ PREP ANATYSTS DATE BATCH # Dsr020230-002 09 / ollos or : oo RESUIJT RIr IINfTS IvIETHOD 8-7 o - 10 IIo [Inite 511846pH emnia a^s 15 Ch-I-orlde F1 roride Nitrat,e NitraEe-NitrLte SuIfatse Tota1 Qranide I5CTTE (S) : ot lutton Factor: 1 O-38 0-L0 ryll,r Dilution Factor: L ssooo 0 l"ooo ry/L ollutLon FacLor: 40o o-1-4 .T O-1O ryll, Dilution Faetor; L DUD 0.10 nrg/L DiluEion Factor: 1 ND O.1O wrg/L Dilution Factor: 1 t3ooo J, e zsoo wlT, Dllution Factor; 5OO O - OO28 B O. O1O ry,lT, Dilution Factor: 1 Anal-yeLa TiCAITTS Analyel-e HcIilH Analysis UMHtr analysLe },ICAT{W Analyeis MCAIIM Analysia tilc[str erralyels s'tr846 Analyele 904()8 Tl-ma. . : 350-1 Tlme. , : 325 -2 Timg, . : 3{O-2 TLme-. : 353.2 Time-.: 353.2 Timc. . : 375-4 oe l ozl os 13:35 oe lza / as 17: OO oeloslos 1O: 0O oe / oel os I"1:3O ae/a2/05 12: OO oe/za/os 15: OO 5245546 5265424 s252250. 525254(t 5265577 s26srl 5249585oe/06las Tlme- . : 1{:30 9O1OB I gO12A 09 lL[-oe lLs I os s2s7{,27 TLme..: 12:3O RL Reponing Umlt a Eovatod roporting limit. The roporting lirnit is elevated duo to high analyre levets- J Mcthod blsnk contamlnatlon. Tho associatod merhod blank mntainc the targct anallnc ar a rcponable lcvel. B Estlmated resuh. Re$lr is teoe thrn RL. STL Denver Iot-Saql1e *- - -: Ilate Saryll.ed,-.-I PARAMETER t Rg Corlrcration C1ieut 8aryt1e ID: SI|B-9-O9O1O5 cenera} Chenistry Ilork Order *.-.: HiI\IQs rlate Receirred- . 3 09 / 02 / 05 T]NITS IvIETHOD llatri:r--..--.--: GW PREPARATION- PREP AIVAI,YSIS DATE BATCH # Dsr020230-003 09 / 01,/ os r.o:55 RESULT pE AmnLa aB II Ch].oride Fl.uorlde ttitratre 7.O 850 2-5 Ug,ltl oilutrlon Factor z 25 20oooo Ct {ooo ryll, Pllutlon Factor: 1500 A -26 .f O - 10 try,lt' Di1utlon Factor: L 32OO O-1o ryll- DLlutLon Factor: 1 3200 0 100 ryrlt, oLluEl.on Factor: 10OO 55oO J,Q 12OO ry/t' Pllutj.ou E'actor: 25O O-O37 O-O1O r{f/f-. niluEl.on Factor: 1 sH845 eo4oB 09/ o2l os s24ss{5 Analyel-s TLme. . : 13 : 38 INCLrfir 3sO - 1 O9l?0l OS s26s424 AnalyeLa T{rne. . : 17: O0 rrcNilr 325 -2 OglOslOS 52522sO anal-yeis Time - . : 1O: 0O ucArwr 31ro -2 oglaglos s2s2s40 Analyel-a Tl-me - - : 11 : 3O ucAHr 3s3 - 2 OglA2lOS s265577 Analyeig Time..: 12:0O l.rcAffir 353 - 2 OglzOlOS 5265542 Analyeie Tl-me. - : 16 : 0O IrciAHrr 37s -4 09106l 05 52{9585 Analyeia Time..: 14:30 B11846 9O1OB I gOI.Ztr, 09 lL1-AglLSl aS s2s-t+27 Anal-yaia Time - . : 12 r 3O O - 10 I5o unl.te PllutLon Factor: l- O r{itrate-ruirrte SrrI-fate total Cfranide lurE (s) : RL Reporting Limit a Hevatod rqorting limit. The roponiug limit ir clevatcd duo ro high analym lovels. , Metbod blank coninminrtion. The assoclahit method blsnk contrins the nr3a anrlyre il e r€pornble lovel. STL Denver 90 Iot-Saqll.e *- - -: Date Saryll.ed---3 PARA},IETER IIRS Corgrcration C1ient Saryll.e III: SHB-1O-O9O1O5 Genera-I- Chcnistrlr tortc Order *---: HflrQg Date Received- . 3 A9 / A2/ Os TINITS llatri:c---------3 GW PREPARATION- PREP A}IA}YSIS DATE BATCH # Dsra20230-004 09 / oLlos L2:LO RESULT METHOD PTI Annpnia €r^g II ChlorLde Fl.uoride Nitrat,e NLtrate-Nitrlte Suffate Total Cyanide norrB (s) : 8-a o-1o rilo rrrita sw8a6 9o4oB aglozlos Diluti@ factor, 1 Analyeie Tlme.,: 13:40 o-45 o-1o rylt, llcArfir 3so-1 ogltUos Dllutlm Bactor: 1 Alralyele flme..: O5:O0 ssooo e r.ooo wlt ucart 325-2 ogloglos Dilutlq Factor: 400 Inalyal.e fime..: 10:0o 0.16 ir o-1o ry,lt uceilf, t4o-2 ogloglos pllutLon Factor: 1 Artalyale Tlme..: 11:30 ND o.1o rry/t' McAww 3s3.2 og/oz/os Dr.IutLoEl Factor: 1 Analysie ftmc..: 12:OO IID 0.10 rg/t Mcayrw 3s3 .2 Og/Za/os Dilut,loB Factor: 1 Acalyala Tlme..: 15;00 14OOO .r,O 2sOO wln ilCe[f, 375-4 OglOelOS Dilutio Factor: 500 .DlrallraiB fima..: 14:30 o-oos8 B o-o1o rylt sr8{6 goros/gotaL ogl,.4-otl]-slos DL1ut,loq Factor: 1 Inalyals TLme..: 12:30 s245546 52573-74 szs22sO 52525{O 5,265577 526sro 5249586 525742-l RL Rryorting Limit a Elevarcd reporting limit. The reporting limlt is slevated duo ro high analyn hvels. I Method btank conurmination. Thc associatcd mcrhod blsnk mntrlns tho mrget enalyte rt r reportable level, B Estimatcd result. Reoult ie ltxs thun RL. STL Denver Iot,-garyfle S- . .3 Date Sa4t1ed,-.-3 PARJNyTETER URg Corporatsion Clieut Saryrle ID: 8I|B-3-O9O1O5 General. Chenistrlr D5fO2O230-005 llork Order *- - - ! Hin/RM og / oL/ as t-3 : 37 Date Receiwed- . r og / 02/ 05 RESUI,T RIJ IJNTTS MEITIOD IrlaLri:r, - - - - . . . . 3 GW PR.EPARATION- PREP AIVALYSTS DATE BATCH # pH Armnl-a aB lt Ch].oride Fl-uorl.de Ilitrate Itltrat,e-Nitrite Su].fate Tot,al" C)ranide IW:[B(S): 8-O O,1O IIo Units oilutLou FacEorr 1 13OO 5-O rylL Oilutlon Fact,or: 5O 1-3000 O 2OO nq,lr' Pllutiou Factor: 80 2-2 J O.1o ry,Il,t Dilution Faetor: 1 1-60 O-1O rrylL Dilutlon FacEor: 1 1zo 0 s.o ry/t, Pllutlou FacEor: 5O LSoo J, Q 5OO rry,ll nllutlon FacEor: 100 O-O15 O-O1O ryll' Dilutl-on FacEor: 1 5'Ir846 Analysis IIICAf,III Analyaia HGATT aualysie UC;AHII AnalysLs I'TCATII{ AnalyeLa UCAHT Anal-yele ITSHXIH enalysls sr846 nnalyeia 90408 Tl-me. , : L3:4tl 350-1 Timg-,: 17:0o 325 -2 Timo. , 3 10:0O 340 -2 TLme..: 1L:3O 3s3 -2 Tlme. . : 12:00 353.2 Tima-.: 16:0O 375 -C ael ozl as aelzol os ae l oslas aeloelos ael o2l os oe lza / os aelo,6los 5245546 s265421 525225o, s252s40 52655"1-l s265542 5249585 Time. . : 14:30 eor-oB I go],,zJ,, 09 f1l-o9 lLs I os s257127 Time-,: 12:30 RL Rcporting Lirnit a Elevated rcponing limit. The reportiry limit is clcvarcd duc to hi3h analpe lcvcls. J Mcthod blaok contarnination. The asrcctatod metrod blank conalm fire nrycr analyrc u s roponsble levcl. STL Denver 92 Iot-8aryll"e #. - -: Date Saqll.ed,---l PARAMETER URS (-orporation Cliertt I3aqfle ID: SHB-7-O9O1O5 Genera-l Chemist'ry I[ork order *--,: H.ilIRV Ilate Received- - 3 09 / OZI 05 RIJ UNITS TYIETHOD ttatrLf,------.--3 GSI PREPARATION- PREP AIiTAIJYSIS DATE BATCH # Dsr020230-005 ae / aL/ os L4:2a RESIILT pE .Bmnl-a a,a !t ChI-orlde Fluoride Nitrate NitraEe-Nltrite Brr]'fate Total ClanLde Irc|fE(S} : 1oo ug,lr, Di}.ut,Lon FacEor: 4O O.1O rg,IT' Dllution Factor: L O. J"0 rg/1, Di]-ution Factor: 1 O,1O fftg/L Dilution Factor; 1 s6oo 0 1-1 J luD ND A -2 O - LO IUo llai-ts Dllution Factor: I 0-068 B O-1O Wln Dilution Factsor: 1 srr846 9O4oB ael0zlaS Analyels Time--: 13:{5 ucBHr 35o - 1 a?lzol as Analyeia Time. . ; 17; 00 uoNrrr 325 -2 Agf O8IAS Analyela Tlme..: LOrOO Analyeie Tirna. . : 11 :30 MeArilw 353.2 A9/021A5 Anal-yeie Time-.: L2:O0 MCAWII 353.2 O9/2O/O5 Arral.yeie TLtrle. . : 1-6 : OO HchrrH 37s-4 A9fA6lAS nnalysis Tlme.-: 14:3O sw846 9O1OB lgDI,J,, Ael7-4-sg/I.SIAS Analysr.e TLrne. . : 12 : 30 5245546 5265424 52s22sA s252540 5265577 11oO il,Q sOO ryln Dilutl,on Factor: 1OO O - oo48 B O. O1O rylt ol-lutLon Factor: 1 s25ss4o s249586 s257*27 RL Rcportlng Linrit B Esirnatod rcsult. Rcsrlt is less fran RL a Ehvated roporting limt:. Tho rqorting limit is elevrtcd due to high analytc lcvols, J Method blstlk oontaminatlon. Tho associatod rnofrod blanlc mntains tlrc taryct malyto $ r r@ortable level. STL Denver 0crlATaAssffioN D5r020230 Sarnple PreparaLion and Analyeis Control SAI.{PLE#I,IATRIX 00L oa2 003 004 wQ GW GW GW GVT GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW G}T clw GI{ GVT GW G$I GW GW GW GTI GTI{I GT{I GTI G'rs GW GW AI{AIrYTf eAIr IT{ETHOD sw846 82608 MCA?IW 325 .2 MCAWW 34A.2 MCAITIW 353.2 MCAWW 353 -2 9w846 9010B/ 9012A sw846 6020 sw8{5 747ofi* 9w845 90408 sw845 82608 swg45 82',70c sw846 50108 MCAV|III 375 .4 MCAWW 350.1 sw846 8270e MCAWW 325.2 MCAVTW 344 .2 MCAUII{ 353.2 MCAWW 353 .2 sw846 901-OB /gar-2A sw846 6A20 991846 7474A srilB46 9040B s[1r845 82508 9w846 8270C 9w845 8270C 9w846 50108 I{CAVI}il 375 .4 MCAWW 350.1 9w846 9270c MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAWW 353.2 sw846 sahaslgoL2A sw845 5020 9w845 7 47 0A sw846 90408 slr846 82608 sw846 8270e (Cont lnued on IJEACH BATCH * Numbers PREP BATCH * szs6224 52522sO 5252s40 s26s542 5265577 5257 427 5249515 5258348 5245 54 6 s256224 5249103 s2496L7 5249586 5265424 s2504 3 5 52s2250 s252s40 5265542 s255577 5257 42-l s2496L6 s262486 524554 6 5256224 s249 1 03 525 7544 52496L7 5249s85 5265424 s2s043 5 52522s0 5252s40 s265542 5265577 s2s7427 5249 616 5258348 524554 5 525 6224 5249103 FISI RI'N# 525 6L44 525523l- 52s5 099 52653 3 9 s2s7289 s2493 57 s2s8228 52513 83 s2 s 6t44 s249055 s2493 58 s249328 s26s3 3 0 5250258 s25523 1 5255099 s2653 3 9 5257289 5249357 5252328 szs 13 83 5255a44 52i19 056 5249358 s249328 s25s3 3 0 52s0258 52s523L s255099 5265339 s2s 7299 s2+93 57 s2sB22B s25L3 83 s256144 s249055 GW GW G['I GW GW G![ GW GW GI'I GTT STL Denver next page) acrlaTaassmw D5rO20230 9ampIe Preparatlon and Analysl-s Control Numbere SAII{PIrE#MATRIX o04 GW GUI GW GW GI{ GW GW GW GVI GW GW GW GTU GW GW Gtw GViI GI{ GI'T GW GW GW GUI GW GW Gtw G}T GTI GW GW GW GTII GW EW 00s AIIALYTICAT METHOD sw845 501-0B MCA9{W 375 - 4 MCAfrnil 350 - 1 sv[845 827 AC MCAWW 325.2 I"ICAUffi 34O .2 MCA$II{ 353.2 MCAWW 353 .2 sw846 9010E/ 9012A gw84 5 6A20 sw845 7 47 0A sru845 90408 slr846 82508 sw845 827AC sw846 8270C gul84 5 5 0108 MCATiIIII 375 ,4 MCAWW 350. L sw846 827AC MCAITW 325 .2 DICAhIW 344.2 MCAI^IW 353 .2 MCAUm 353 .2 sw846 90108 /gO12A sw846 6020 9w845 74704 sw845 90408 sw846 826 0B sRI84 6 827 0C sw846 60L08 MCAWW 375.4 !,ICAW$I 350.1 sw845 827AC sw845 82608 oo5 007 fTEACI{ BATCH # PREP BATCH # 52496L7 524 9s86 5257378 525 043 5 525 2250 5252540 5265542 s265577 s257427 5249616 5258348 524554 6 5256224 5249103 5257544 52495L7 s249s86 5255424 s2s043s 525 2254 52 5 2540 5265542 5265577 525742"1 524967.5 525 8348 5245545 5256224 5249 L03 52496L7 s249s85 s265424 5250435 szs6224 MS RTTN# s24 93 s8 s249328 s257262 s250268 525523 1 s255 099 s2653 3 9 525 7289 52493 57 525 8228 52 51_3 I3 s256L44 5249056 s2493 58 5249328 526s3 3 0 5250268 s2s 523L s2s5 099 52653 3 9 525 7 289 52493 57 525 8228 52513 B3 szs6L44 5249 0 55 52493 58 5249328 52653 3 0 s25 A268 52 5 6L44 STL Denver IIEIEOD BIIaIIK REFORT etr.Irrg vol-atil-ee tlork ffier t. - -:C1ieut tot *- -. : D5IO2O23O llB lot-Aary)Ie #: D5I130000-224 Analyele llate- - : 09 /1,2/ As Dj.lutlon Factor: 1 PARAMETER Acetonitrile Acro]-eln Acrylonitrile Carbon dlsulftde ChIorodibromomethane 2 -Chloroethyl vinyl eEher 1 -Chlorohexane AIIyI chlorl"de Cyclohexane Cyclohexanone cie- 1, 4 -DLchloro-2-buEene trane - 7., 4 -DJ- chloro - 2 -butene D i ch]- o rof I uo rornetr trane L,4-Dloxane Ethanol Ethyl acetate Ethyl ether Ethyl methacrylate Iodomet,hane Isobutyl alcohol Isopropyl ether Mettracrylonitrl-1e t,ert-Buty1 alcohol Methyl rneEhacryIate 2 -Nitropropane 2 -Pentanone eropionitrile Tetrahydrofuran Viny1 aeet.ate n-Butanol Tr i ch 1 oro t, ri f luoroettrane Hexane AceEone Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2 -Butanone (IEK) Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene liatri:r- - -.,, - - - 3 I{ASER Analysie Tl-me- . 3 08 :55 I,/TETHOD kep flate- Prep Batch HKE\TLlAA oelLz/os 5256224 RESUI,T REPORTTNG I-,IMIT T'NTTg ND IID t[D ND IID IID ND ND ND ND llD ND t[D ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TVD ND ND IID ND ND IUD ND ND ND ND tlD ND ND }UD IUD t[D IID tlD 2A 20 2A 1.0 1-0 2-A 1.0 2.O 2-0 2A 1--0 L.0 2.O 200 200 5.0 2.4 1.0 1.0 50 10 10 50 t.o 2.0 2.O 20 5.0 2.0 50 1-0 1.0 10 1-O 1.0 1.0 2.4 5.0 1.0 L.0 uglr, ug/L Vg/L ug/r' :ug/t rug/T, uslT, rtg /L ug/r. ug/t, ]u,g/t ug/t ru.g/t ug/t ug/t wg/r, us/r-, :ug/r. us /T' ug /T' luglL :ug/r' ug/r, wg /l' ug /t, ug /t-, ug/L ug/r, us/L ug/r, lug/r, ug lt, :u9/t' ug/r, uglr ug/t :ug/r, ug/t ug/r' trg / r' sw845 8260B sw845 82508 9w845 82508 sw84 5 82508 sw846 82508 sw846 82608 sr{845 82 608 sw846 82508 sw846 82508 sw846 82508 9w845 82608 sw846 82508 sw845 82508 sw845 82608 svr846 82508 sw846 82508 sw846 82608 sw845 82608 sw845 82608 sw846 82608 sI{845 82508 sr{845 82508 sw846 82508 srr846 8250B sw84 5 82 608 sw84 5 82 508 9w846 82508 sw846 82608 sw845 82508 sw846 82508 sw846 82508 9w846 82608 sYr846 82608 sw846 82608 sw84 5 82508 sw84 6 826 0B sw846 82608 sw845 82608 sw845 82508 sr{845 8250B STL Denver (Continued on next page) HEIEOD BIAIIK REPORT C1ieut Lot fi- - -: PARAMETER D5rO2 0 234 ChloroeLhane Chloroform Chloromethane Dibromomethane L . z-Dlbromoethane (EDB ) L ,Z-Dichlorobenzene 1, 3 -Dichlorobenzene L , 4-Dichlorobenzene D i ch1 orod.i f luoromethane 1, l-DLchloroethane L ,2-Diehloroethane L, L-Diehloroethene L ,2-DLchloroet,hene ( total ) cis - 1, 2 -DJ-chloroethene trarrs - 1, 2 -DLchloroethene L , 2-Dichloropropane cLs- 1, 3 -Dichloropropene trans- 1, 3 -Dichloropropene Ethylbenzene 2-Hexanone Met.hylene chlorlde 4 -Methyl -z-pentanone Styrene 1, 1 , L,2-Tet,rachloroethane 1, 1 ,2 ,2 -Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene L , 2 , 4-Trichloro- benzene 1, 1 , L-Trlchloroethane 1, 1, z-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene rr i chl oro f luoromeLhane L, 2, 3 -Trichloropropane VJ.nyI chloride Xylenes (tota1) n-Buty1.benzene Bec -Butylbenzene reopropvlbenzene L ,2 , 4-Trimethylbenzene 1, 3, S-Trimethylbenzene n-Propylbenzene tert -Butylbenzene 2-Chlorotoluene cC/I.ls Ilork Order RESUT,T ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND }ID llD tlD ND ND ND tvD ND IUD ND ND ND l[D lTD ND ND }ID t[D }UD IUD ND IUD (cont.lnued on Vol'atI.I.es *- - -: HICEI,IIJIAA 2.4 1.0 2-O 1_.0 1--0 1.0 1.0 1-0 2_A 1--0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1-0 1.0 1-O 1-0 1.0 s_0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 L.0 1-0 r.0 1_.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 l-,0 1.0 2.4 1.O 1.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 L,0 next page) REPORTING IJfI'IIT UNITS tr|ag1i:r--.. - -.. -3 WATER METHOD rJg / T' ug /r, ug/r, trg/L ug/T' ug/t ug/t ug /r, :ug/r' :ug/t' rug/L ug/L wg/L rag / r' :ug/r, ug/T' ug/L :ug/r' Lrg /r" ug /T' ug/r-, :ug/t ug/r, :ug/t" :ug/l' :ug/L ug /t' rtg/L sw845 82608 sr{846 82608 sw845 82608 sw846 82608 sw845 82608 sw845 82508 sw845 8260B sw845 82608 sw845 82608 sv[846 82608 sw845 82508 9w846 82608 sw846 82608 sw8(l5 82608 sw846 82608 sw84 6 82508 sw845 82608 sw845 82508 sw845 82608 sts845 82608 sw84 5 82508 sw84 6 82 508 sw84 6 82 608 sw846 82508 9w845 82508 sw846 82508 sw846 82608 gw84 6 826 0B sw845 82608 sw846 82508 SI'I845 82608 sw845 82508 sw845 82508 swB4 6 826 0B sw846 82508 sw84 6 826 0B 9w846 82508 sw846 A26AB sw846 826 0B sw846 82608 sw846 82 6 0B sw846 82508 sw846 82608 rtg / T' ug/L ug/r., ug/t' ug/ T' trg /r, ]u.g/L ug/r, ug/t ugh' ug/L ug/r, ug/L us/r, ug /r, STL Denver IIIEIEOD BLAIIK RBPORT Gc/us vo].at'ilee Client f.ot PARAMETER D5r 02A23A 4 -Chlorotoluene L ,Z-Dibromo-3 - chloropropalle (DBCP) t, 3 -Dichloropropane 2 ,2-Dichloropropane 1, 1-Dictrloropropene Hexa ctrl orobut ad, i ene 4 -fsopropyltoluene Methyl terE-butyl ether L, 2, 3 -Trj chlorobenzene Bromobenzene Bromoctrloromethane Naphthalene SIIRROGATE Dibromof 1uoromethane L, Z-Dichloroethane - d4 { -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB r0rr(8) : rlork order RES{ILT *- - -: HKE\ILIAA REPORTING I,IMIT TTNITS r.ratrix- - - - - - - . - : IIIATER tvIETHOD ND ND 1,0 2.4 1,0 5.0 1.0 J_.O 1.0 5.O 1.0 1.0 1-0 1.0 RECO\IERY LIMITS (z: 118) (62 L28l (78 118) 0t LL7 ) ]ug/L :ug/t' ]uig/L ug/r, ug/t ug/r. lus/L ug/r-, ug/r' ]u.g/L ug/r' uglr' sw84 5 82 608 sw845 8260B slir846 82608 sw845 82608 grs846 82508 s!ir845 82608 sw845 826 0B 9w846 82508 sw846 82608 sw845 82508 grf845 82508 sw845 82508 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND PERCENT RECO\IERY 100 96 LA2 106 Cnlculations are pcrfornnd beforc rounding to rvoid rourd-off orrore ln calculatod results. STL Denver 98 IIRA Corporatl.on l{ethod Bl-anls Report ge/t$ vo].atil-es Ilot-Saryll.e *: D5f13000O-224 B llork Onder *: HKEIIIT1AA IitAgg spEctnoraersn/DATA sysrEx{ (MstDs) TENTATrvEr,y rDENrrBrm PARA}TETER CAS # ESTTMATED RESTIIJT O 5477 4- 91- 3 trtratri-x: WATER COMPOT}NDS RETENTTON TIYE t]NITS 1.3 M 1-1- - OL7 ug/T' 1.3 M 11".94 ruig/L 2-Propenoic acid, i-methylhept Unknown mrE($): M: Rc'sult, wos measrred agalns noores imernal sandard assumin3 e reoponso faaor of l. STL Denver W COTFIROIT S,BUPITE BIfAIlmrfOU REtrORT ec/rr.s vol.atil-ee Cl-ieut Iot *. - - 3 If,S Iot-Sarylle*: Prep Da.tg..----3 Prep BaEeJr *- - - : DLl.ution Factor: PARAIVIETER D5r02A23A D5rl_3 0000 - 224 ae/Lz/as s256224 L Ilork Order t- - Analysis Date- Ana1ysl"e Time. HKmffrlAC-IrCS tlatrl-x!, -, ! - r + r 3 HKE[It1AD-LCSD oe/L2/os 08 : l-7 RPD RPD I,IMTTS METHOD UTATER Bp,nzelle Ch]-orobenzene 1, I.-DLchl oroetshene Tohrene I?ich1orroetlx=ne SURROGATE D ib romo f 1 uorome ttran e L, 2- Dichloroeth^ane - da 4 - Brorno f }uorobenzene Toluene-d8 ITCTIE (S} : PBREEI T RECO\TERY 92 96 106 105 89 96 LO7 110 99 101 RECO\IERY IJTMITS(rs 12o)(7s 120)(zs 118)(zs 1r-8)(so 132)(es r"3z) (78 118) (za r-18) ltg L22|. t79 L22l PERCENT RECpvERY 97 104 94 9B 105 ao7 L08 LL2 4 ,6 (O-21) o -4e (o-2al 7 -L (O-26) 2 -3 (0-221 2 -L (O-23) RECO\IERY LTMITS (73 11-8 ) (73 1.18 ) (62 L28) (62 1-28 ) (ze 118 ) ( zs 118) (tt 117) (zt 117) sH846 82608 9H846 82608 9w845 82508 sn846 82508 s'tr845 82608 su8{5 a25o.,,_ 9158.{15 826(18 9II845 82608 g11846 82608 9tr846 82508 Calanlationo aro perforrncd before rounding to avoid round-off orrorB in calcutarcd resullq. Bold print denotes control ptramercrs STL Denver 100 ffi CONIROL SEHPIIB DATA REPORT eclw Vol.at,il.ee cl.l-ent tot f;- - . : ICS tot-gaq)I.e*: Prep llate- D - - - - 3 Prep Ba'tch *-. -: Dil-utl-on Factor: PARAMETER D5I020230 Uork Order *- D5r13 00 00 - 224 ae/L2/as s25 6224 1- Ana.lyaia llate- - ! analyste Ttme. - 3 HKEt(trlAe-IrCS HKE\IIJIAD - IrCSD oe/L2/os O8;17 lflafa'lvc-. -e -.. o: WATER SPIKE AIvIOU]ff 10-o 10-o to_o 10. o to-o 1(}-o 10-o 10-o 10_o 10_o MEASIURED A!{OI]NIP g-19 9 -62 10.6 t-o-6 8-93 9-59 10-7 11 .O 9.93 10-1 T]NITS METHOD PERCENT RECO\IERY RPD Benzene Ch]-orobenzene 1, 1-Dichf-oroethene Toluene trichl.oroethene STIRROGATE Dlbromof luoromethane L, 2-Dlchloroethane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 IWTE (8} : u.glr' UlglT' luglt, ]utg/L rnglr, vSlr, ug/r, us/L utglI- ruglt, PERCENT RBCO\IERY 92 96 106 1(}6 B9 96 LO7 110 99 10r- RECO\IERY ITIMfTS 1-6 o-49 T.L 2-3 2-L str846 82508 g118{6 82608 91846 82608 sr8{5 82508 sr8{6 82508 9H845 82608 9H846 82608 5:Xr845 82508 9H845 82508 gtr846 82508 o97 104 9{ 98 10s LO7 108 1,L2 (tl 118) (tt 118 )(az 128) (sz 128) (zg 118) (78 1-18) (zt 1L7 ) (7 Z It?)1 Calculatiors are perfomre<l bcfore roundin3 to avoid round-off crrorS in calorlated results. Bold print donotes control psremolorn STL Denver 101 CIienL Lot S- - - l ri$ fot-Saryr1e *: Date Sary)I-ed---! Prgp Datg--.---i Prep BatcII *- - - : Dl.}utLon Eaetor: PARAMETER D5r020230 D5I02 023 0- 004 oe / oL/ as L2:Lo oe/az/as s2s6224 1 Date Received.-. 3 Analygig Date- - i Anal.ysie Tlrne- - l H.ryQ9LET -MSD ae/02/as ae/L2/os 10:32 RPD RPD LTMITS IATnIT gPIf,G SETTPLB BITAITILTION REFORT GC/rf,S Vo]-atl.]-ee Ilork Order *- - -: HifVQ91C6-MS rratrix--!-..-.-! GTI METHOD Beu.zene Ch^I'orobenzene 1, 1-DJ-chf-oroethene Toluene 1?ichl-oroethene gI,RROGATE D I b romo f luoromettrane L, 2- Di chloroettrane - d4 4 - B rornof luorobenz ene Toluene-dB IWTB (S) t 87 88 9s 94 84 85 92 93 90 92 PERCENT RECO\IERY RECOVERY I,IIyIITS (ts 120) (7s 12O) (zs 118) (78 118) (ee 132) (oo L32) (zs 11.8)(zs 118) ('19 L22l (tg L22l PERCENT BHggEB]{ L03 L00 115 114 103 10.{ 96 9z o - 91 (O-za) o - 02 (o-zo) o - 71 (0-26) a -71 (o-22) 1-5 (O-23) srr846 82508 sw846 82508 sH846 82608 9w845 82508 sH8{6 82608 sr8{5 82608 sr846 82608 g11846 82508 gH846 82508 5'H845 82508 RECO\IERY LIMITS (zs 118) (?3 11"8) (sz L28 )(az 128 )(za 118) (78 118 )(zt 117 )(77 LLTI Calculations are porforned before rounding to avoid rourd-off errors in cslculatod rearls. Bold prlnt denotcs control par&rnoters STL Denver aa2 ClLent Ipt f;-.-: I.GI Iot-Baryfle *: Ilate Barpl.ed---: PreSl Ilate? - o - - - 3 kep Bat,ch *, -.: Di].utLon Factor: PARAMETER Dsr 020230 D5I020230- 004 0e / otl os L2 =L0oe/L2/os 52s6224 1 Date Receiwrsd- -: Ana-lysLs Date- . 3 Bnalysis Ttre- - ! T{AIRIX SPIffi S,E}IPI,E DAIA REFOIIT ecir+s voIatiles Ilork order * -HiruQ91C6 -Mg HWQ9LCT -MSID ae/a2/os oe /L2 I as 1O:32 Irlatrl-x-,----r-?: GW SAIt{PLE SPIKE AIvIOt NT Af'fT MEASRD AIVIOUNT UNITg PERCTflT RECI'IRY RPD METHOD Benzene Chlorobenzene 1, I--DichJ-oroethene ToI.uene trichr oroethene SIIRROGATE ITD 1O-O TTD 10. O uD 10-o IID 1O-O IID LO. O ND I-O. O ItD 1(l-O ITD 1O-O IID 10. O ITD 10. O 8-73 g .81 9 -45 9.45 8.'+,2 8 -48 9-19 9 -26 9-(,5 9-r-8 PERCEITT RECO\TERY 103 100 11s 114 103 10{ 95 97 wlt u,slIt u.glr, ruglr, ruglT, wl,' u.glr, luglt' wg/T, ruglT' a7 88 95 94 84 85 92 93 90 92 RECO\TERY LIMITS srr845 82608 o - 91 gtr846 82508 sH845 82508 o - 02 srr846 82608 B11846 82508 a -lL SItr8{5' 825(t8 srr846 82508 a -74 9w845 82608 sr846 82508 1-5 sr846 82608 Dibromofluoroffi€t}.ane L, 2- Diehloroethane-d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB rsoifB (s) : (tt 11s )(zr 118) (62 128 )(ez 128 ) 0a 118 ) ( zs 118 ) fiz 117)(zt 117 ) Calctlarlong arc performod boforc roundln3 to svoid round-of,f crrors ln calculatod resrlrg- Bold print dcnotes control perameters STL Denver 103 Cl-ient Iot fi- - -: D5I020230 ItlB lot-Saup].e #: D5I060000-L03 Ana1lrsie rlate. - 3 09 / 09 / 05 Dil.ution Factor: L PARAMETER Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Acetophenone 2 - Ace ty1 atninof luo rene 4-Aminoblphenyl Aniline Anthracene eramite Benzl-dine Benzo (a) anthracene Benzo (b) f luorarrtrhene Benzo (k) f luoranthene Benzolc acid Benzo (ghi ) perylene Benzo (a) pyrene Benzyl alcohol bl-s (z-Chloroethoxy) methane bl-s (z-ChloroeEhyl) - ether bls (2 -Chloro i sopropyl ) ether bis (z-Ethylhocyl ) phthalate 4 -Bromophenyl ether Buty} benzyl Carbazole phenyl phthalate 4 - Chloroanl-l ine Chlorobenzilate 4 - ehloro - 3 -meEhylphenol 2 -Chloronaphthalene 2 -Chlorophenol 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Chrysene DiallaLe Dibenz (a, h) anthracene Dlbenzofuran Di-n-butyl phthalate 3, 3 ' -Dichlorobenzidlne }IETTIOD BIAITK REFORT Gf.llrt$ Semlrrol.atlJ-es Ilork Order f---: H.]0Q01AA Prep llate- - - - - - : o9/o6/as Prep Betdr #.. . i 5249103 REPORTING REST'I,T I,IMTT UNITS }TaIrTr. DOD O }. - - 3 WATER Ana.IyaLs Tfure--3 L9:49 IVIETHOD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ITD ITD ND ND ND ND ND IUD ND }UD l\ID rlD ND ND I{TD ND (Continued on 10 10 10 100 50 10 1-0 20 1_00 1_0 10 10 50 10 10 10 1_0 10 10 10 L0 L0 10 10 Lo 10 1.0 L0 L0 10 20 10 10 L0 50 next, page) ug/t uglr, ug/L ug /r. lrg /r., ug/t ug/r, 1u'g/L uglt ug /T. :uglt, Lrg /T' ug/r ug/r, ug/l' ug/r' uslT, Ltg/r' ug/l' ug/T' ug/r, vg/T, ug/t' .ug/r' ug /r' ug/t ug /t' ug/r, ug/t ugh' uglr' ug/t ug/L us/L ug/r-, sw846 8270C sw845 8274C srir84 6 927 0c sw846 8270C sw846 827Ae sw845 9270C sw846 8270C sw846 8270e sw845 827AC su[845 8-27 0c sw845 8270C sw845 8274c 911846 8270C 9w846 8270C sw846 8270e sw845 g27AC sw846 8270c sv{846 8210e sTr84 5 827 AC sw845 8270C sw846 8274C sw846 82',7 AC sw845 8274e 9w846 8270C sr{845 827 0C sw846 8274C svr846 82-lOC sw845 8270C 9w846 827Ac sw846 bZtic sw846 8270C sw846 827 0C sY{846 8270C sw846 8270e sw845 8270C ND ND ND ND ND ND luD ND STL Denver 104 elieut Ipt #---: PARAIIIETER D5I02023 0 2 ,4-Dichloropherrol 2 , 6 -DLchlorophenol Diethyl phthalate Dirnetlroat,e 7 , L2 -Dlmethylbenz (a) - arrthraeerle 3, 3' -DLmethylbenzl-dine 2 , 4-Dimethylphenol DLmethyl phthalate 1, 3 -Dinitrobenzene 4,6-Dinl^tro- 2-methylphenol 2 ,4-Dinitrophenol 2 ,4-Dinltrotoluene 2 , 6-Dinitrotoluene Dl-n-octyl phthalate Diphenylamine L, 2- Diphenylhydraz ine DLsu].foton Ethyl methanesulfonate Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachl orocyc I opent a - diene Hexachloroetlrane Hexachloropropene rndeno ( 1 ,2 ,9 -ed) pyrene f sodrl-n Isophorone fsosafrole Methapyrilene 3 -Methylcholanthrene Methyl methanesulfonat,e 2 -MeEhylnaphthalene 1 -Methylnaphthalene Methyl parathl-on 2 -MeLhy1pheno1 3 -Methytphenol tc 4 -Methy1pheno} L , 4-Naphthoguinone 1-Naphthylamine 2 -Naphthylamlne 2 -Nitroaniline 3 -Nlt,roanLline IIHTEOD BIJAISK RtsPORT Gf-I}/[8 Serulvolatil.es Hork Order *---: H.I0Q01AA REPORTING RESUI,T LITT{IT T]NITS llatrl-x! - -, - - - - -3 WATER }4ETHOD ND IUD ND ND DID ND ND ND ND ND }UD }UD Ii[D }TD ND (Cont.Lnued on 1_0 10 1_0 20 20 20 10 1.0 10 50 50 10 10 10 10 L0 50 10 IO 10 10 50 10 100 10 10 10 2A 50 20 L0 10 10 50 10 10 50 10 10 50 50 next page) rJg / T' rrg/L ug/r, ug/L ug/r, ug/t" :uig/t' ug/n us/L :ug/L ug/L ug /T, wg /r' rtg /L' ug/L :ug/r' ug/r, wg/r, ug/r, lug/r, :ug/T' lu.g/t lug/r, :ug/T., :ug/r, ttg / f' ug/r, rrg /r' ug/t, ug/t ug/L ug /T, ug/t ug /r, ug /r, wg/r, ug/L ug/I' ug/t' :ug/L ug/1, sw846 827 0e sw845 827 0c sw845 8270C sw845 8270C sw846 927 0C sw8{6 8270C sw846 8270e sw845 8270C sw846 82'l0C sw846 8270C sw845 8270C sw845 8270e sw845 8270C sv[846 8270C sw846 827 0C sw845 e27AC sw846 8270C sw846 8270C slr845 8270C sw845 827 0C sr{846 8270C sw846 827AC sw846 8270C sw846 8270C sw84 5 827 0e srt846 827 AC sw845 8270C sw845 8270C 9w846 8270e sv{845 8270C sw845 8270C sr{84 6 827 AC sw845 8270C sw845 B27AC sr{84 5 827 AC sw845 8270C sw845 8270C sw845 827AC 9w845 8270e sw846 8270C svr846 827AC ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IID ND ND DID ND ND IUD ND ND luD ND IUD ND ND IUD ND STL Denver 105 }IEIIIOD BIJEITK RtsPlORT ec/nS Benirro1atslles C1ient. Lot f---: D5I02O23O PAR;AI[ETER.-. - 4 -Nitroanill-ne Nit,robenzene 2 -Nitrophenol 4 -NJ-trophenol 4 -Nitroquinoline- l,-oxide N - Ni t rosodl- - n - butyl amine N - Nl- t ros odlethyl amine N - Nt t ros odimethylamine N - Ni t, ros odiphenyl aml-ne N -Ni t rosodi - n - propyl - amine N - Ni t ros omethy I ethyl amine N-Nitrosomorphol ine N-Nl-trosoplperidine N - Ni t, ro s opyrro I idl-ne 5 -Nltro-o- toluidl-ne Parathion Psntactrlorobenzene Pentactrloroethane Pent achl oron i t robenzene Pentachlorophenol Phenacetin Phenanthrene Phenol Phorat,e 2 -Picoline Pronaml-de Pyrene Pyridl-ne L,2,4 ,5-Tetrachloro- benzene 2 ,3 ,4 ,6-Tetrachlorophenol Thlonazin o-Toluidine L ,2 , [-Trichloro- benzene 2,4, 5-Trichloro- phenol 2 ,l ,6-frichloro- phenol O, O, O - rriethylphoephoro - thioate 1, 3, 5 -Trinltrobenzene Ilork Order #. RESULT IUD ND IilD wD : HJOQO1AA REPORTINGr,.J!gg. uNrrs llatrix--.--,.-.3 METHOD VTATER ![D ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND s0 Lo 10 s0 1_00 10 t0 10 1.0 L0 10 10 10 to 2A 50 10 50 s0 s0 20 10 10 s0 20 2A L0 2A 10 s0 10 1,0 1,0 L0 10 50 s0 ug/t' :ug/r' rlg / r. us/L rug/t, lug/t' ug/t ug/t' ug/L ug/r, rus/T, ug /r-, ug/r' ]ug/L ug/L ug/r, ug/t ttg /I' ug/r, ug/r, us/L ug/L ug/t LLg /T' ug /t' ug/t ug/t, trg/L ug/r, :ug/T' us /\, ug/r, ug/r, ug/r' uslL ug/t' ug/L sw846 827 0C sw845 B27Ae sw846 8270C sw845 8270C gI{84 6 827 0C sw845 8270C sw845 U^270C sw846 g27AC 9w846 8270C sw846 8270C 9w846 8274C sur84 5 8270C swB46 8270e 9w846 8274e sw846 8274C sw846 8270C sw846 8270C swB46 B27AC sw846 8270C 9w846 8274C 9w846 8270C sw846 827AC sw845 8270e sw84 6 827 0C sw84 6 827 Ae sw84 5 8274C sw845 8270C sr{84 5 827 0C sw846 8270e sw84 6 827 AC sw84 5 827 0C SIII84 6 827 AC sw845 8270C sw84 5 827 0C gr{046 g2l Ae sw845 927 0C sr{845 8270C ND ND IUD ND ND ND ND I{D ND ND ND ND IID t[D ND ND ND I{ID ND ND ND IUD ND STL Denver (Contfnued on next page) 105 IIETEOD BIAISK REBORT Gf.hrB 8enlvolatiles C1ieut Iot #- PARA}IETER : D5I02O23O nork Order *- RESIIITT : HI,T0Q01AA REPORTING IJfMf T UI{ITS l[atrfu(---.or,..i METHOD V{ATER STIRROGATE PERCEIiIT RECO\IERY BL 83 BO 74 B5 107 REEO\TERY ITfMITS (es g2'l (49 e8)(so ee)(+a el) (as 113 ) ( ro 1so) 2 -Fluorophenol Phenol-d5 Nitrobenzene-d5 2 - Fluoroblphenyl 2, 4, 6 -Trl-bromophenol Terphenyl -d14 twfB(8): Celcu}ationg rro performcd beforo rounding to avoil round-offcrrors In calculatcd rcsults. STL Denver L07 IIRB CorSnratLm I'Iethod Bl-ank Refiort ecArs Eeuivolatileo Iot-Ea4l1e *: D5fO60000-103 B llork Order *: H,f0Q01AA llatri-: VIATER MASS SPECTROIYIETER/DATA SYSTEM (MSDS) TENTATIVEIJY IDENTIFIM COMPOUIIDS ESTI}ATED RETENTION PARAMETER CAS # RESTIIJT TI}48 TTNITS Urrknown Cfrclohexane Unknown rwfB (s) : 26 J M2-A876 rtg/L 11O -82-7 26 ,.7 M 2.2325 ug/1, 34 J IvI 2.3A77 LLIj./L M: Rcsttlt was meacurcd agalnr oesro$ inprnal $andard arsrming 8 rcspotrsc factor of t, STL Denver 108 HETUOD BT,EITK REPORT ec/UB sernirrotatik=s C1ieut Iot *- llB lot-garyfie Ana1ysie Date- - 3 Dllution Factor: D5r020 23A D5rO70000-435 oe/L3/os 1 I5ork Order *- Prgp Date-,-- Prep Batch *- RESTILT ND PERCEDflT RECO\IERY 74 68 51- 66 70 70 H,J4RKIAA oe/a7/as 5250435 REPORTING IrfMfT UNITS ffatri-x- - - - - - ---3 WATER Analygl,g Ti^re- - i 18 :3 0 METHOD -O- {J-It- PARAMETER Pentactrloroptrenol STJRROGATE 4 , O ug/I' RECOVERY LIMITS (gg 1,15) Q2 10e) (ze L26l (se 114) (sz 105) (tt L42) sw845 8270C 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2-Fluorophenol 2 r 4 ,6-Tribromophenol Nltrobenzene-d5 Phenol -d5 rerphenyl-d14 ruotfB (s) : Calcrrladono &rc performed bnfore rourding to rvoid rourd-off errorg in talculated rcsulte. O STL Denver 109 Cl-lent Iot *---: D5I02O23A IIB Iot-l3ary>I.cr *: DSI14000O-544 .Bnal-ysis f,|ate- - r ag /2L/ os Dl.I"ution Factsor: 1 PARAMETER Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Acetophenone 2 - Aeet yI aminof luorene 4-AminobLphenyl Ani]-ine Anthraeene Arannl,te Benzidine Benzo (a) anthracene Benzo (b) f luoranthene Benzo (k) f luoranttrene Benzoic aeld Benzo (ghi) perylene Benzo (a) pyrene, BenzyJ. alcohoJ. bLs (Z-Chloroethoxy) rnettrane bls (z-Chloroethyl ) - ether bis lZ -Chloroisopropyl ) ether bis (z-Ethylheryl) phthalate 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Buty1 benzyl phthalate Carbazole { - Ch}oroanilLne Chlorobenzilate { - Chloro- 3 -methylphenol 2 -Chloronaphthalene 2 -Chloropheno1 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Chrysene Diallate Dibenz (a, h) anthracene Dibenzofuran Di-n-buLyl phthalate 3, 3 t -DLchlorobenzidine HTISOD BIATK REPIORT Gl9ll{6 SenirrcIat,il-ee Hork Order f---: HK.T551AA Prep rlater rb . . . . : 0 g / tE/ Os Prep Batch *- - -: 5257544 REPORTING RESU['T LIMIT IINITS It[atri^r- --- - ?. - -: WATER enalysig Tirre..3 17:53 IvIETHOD ND ND ND ND }UD ND ND ND tlD ND rlD ND ND ND ND ND ND 1-0 10 10 100 50 10 10 20 100 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 10 10 1,0 10 10 LO 10 L0 10 10 10 10 L0 10 20 10 10 10 s0 next page) ug/t :ug/t, ug/L ug/r' ug/t' vg /T" ug/r, ug/r, ug/t ugl]. ug/t, ug lt' ug/r, uglr, ug /t' vg /r' u9/r-, rrg /r, ug/L vg lI' ug/t ug /T' vg /r' ug/L ug/r, ug /t' lug/L ug/t vg/T, uslL ug/L ug/L ug/r, ug/L ug/L sw846 827AC sw846 8270e sw845 827AC sw845 8270c sw845 8274C sur84 6 927 0e sur846 827 AC sw846 827AC sI{846 827AC sw845 8270C 9w845 827 AC sw84 6 827 0C sw846 827 0e sw846 8270C sw845 827AC sw846 8274C sw846 8270C sw845 8270C sw845 821AC sw846 827AC 9w846 8270C sw8{5 827AC sv{846 827 0C sw845 8270C sw845 8270e s[I845 82-lOC sw846 827 0C swg45 g27ac sw845 9270C s[r046 g2lae sw846 82-l0C gr{845 827 AC sw845 8270C sw845 8270C sw846 8270C ND ITD ND ND ND ND IUD }UD ND ![D ITD ND ND }TD (Cont,inued. on STL Denver 110 Cl.ient Iot PARJAMETER *---: D5I020230 2 , 4-Dichlorophenol 2 , 6-Dichlorophenol Diethyl phthalate Dimethoat,e 7 , L2 -Dimethylbenz (a) - anthraeene 3, 3 r -Dimethylbenzldine 2 , A-Dimethylphenol Dimethyl phthalate 1, 3 -Dinitrobenzene 4 ,6-Dinitro- 2 -methylphenol 2 ,4-Dlnitrophenol 2 ,4-Dinitrotoluene 2 ,6-Dinttrotoluene oL-n-oetyl phLhalate Diphenylamine L, 2- Dtphenylhydraz ine Dteu1f ot,on Ethyl methanegulfonate Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexach].orobenzene Hexachl orocyc I opent a - dLene Hexaetrloroethane Hexachloropropene Ind.eno ( 1. ,2 ,3 -cd) pyrene rsodrln Isophorone Isosafrole Methapyrilene 3 -Methyl chol antlrrene Methyl metharresul fonate 2 -Methylnaphthalene 1-Methylnaphthalene Methy1 parathion 2 -Methy1phenol 3 -Methylpheno1 & t-t{e[hy]phenol a , 4-Naphthoquinone L-Naphthylamlne 2 -Naphthylamine 2 -Nitroaniline 3 -Nitroaniline }TBTEOD BI,ENK RBPORT e/uS Bmlrrol-atiles ISork Order #- - -: HK\T66LiAA REPORTING RESULT LTMIT UNITS l[atri-x- -.-. --- -3 WATER METHOD ND ND ND IID ND ND tlD ND ND ND IID ND ND Ii[D I{ID (ConLlnued on 10 10 L0 20 20 2A 10 10 10 50 50 10 10 1-O 10 L0 50 L0 10 10 l-0 50 10 100 10 r0 t_o 20 50 20 10 10 1-0 50 10 L0 s0 10 10 50 50 nexL page) ug/L vg/T' ug/r, LLg /l' ug/r. ug/r.. ug/r, ug/t-, luig/r' ug/t' lug/t :ug/r, ug/t ug/t' lug/r-' ug/r-' ug/t ug/t, ug /t' :u.g/t, :ug/L lu,g/L ug/u ug /r, ug/t u9/t' ug/r, ug/t ug/r, wg/T, ug/t ug/t ug/t ug /T, ]ug/L ug /t, ug/r, vg/L ug/r, ug/L ug/L sw846 827AC sw845 827 0e sw845 827 AC sw846 827 0C sw846 8270C sw846 827Ae sw846 827 0C sw845 8270e 9w846 fJ270e s[rl845 8270C sw8{6 827AC sv[846 8270C 9w845 827AC svr84 5 827 0e sw846 8270C sw846 8270C sw845 8270C sw845 9270C sw846 827AC sw846 8270C 9w845 8270C 9w846 827 AC s[r[84 6 82 70C sw846 8-270C sw84 6 827 AC gw845 8270e swg45 827AC 9w845 8270C sw845 8270e slir846 8270C sw845 8270C sw846 827 0C gIrIS{ 5 827 0C gr{845 8270C sw845 g27Ae sw84 5 827 0C sw84 6 827 Ae sw845 827Ae sw846 827 Ae sw845 827 0C sw845 827AC ND ND IID ND ND ND ND r[D ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND o STL Denver 111 C1ient Iot PARNYIETER 4 -Nitroaniline Nitrobenzene 2 -Nitrophenol 4 -Nltrophenol 4 -Nltroquinoll-ne- 1-oxide N- Nit rosodi - n- butyl amlne N- Ntt ros odl ethylamine N - Ni t ro s odlme thyl amirie N - Ni t ro sodl-phenyl amLne N- Nltrosodl - n- propyl - arnine N - Ni t ro g ome thyl ethyl amlne N-NLtrosomorpholine N-NiLroaopiperldlne N-Nitrosopyrrolldine 5 -Nit,ro - o - toluid i-ne Parathion PenEachlorobenzene Pentachloroethane Pent, achl oron i t robenz ene PenEachloroptrenol PhenacetLn Phenanttrrene PhenoI Phorate 2 - Picoline PronarnLde flrrene Pyrldlne L,2 , 4 ,S-Tetrrachloro- benzene 2, 3, 4, 6 -Tetrachlorophenol Thionazin o-ToluidLne L,2 ,4-Trichloro- benzene 2,4, 5 -Trichloro- phenol 2,1,6*friehloro- phenol O, O, O- Triethylphosphoro - thioate 1, 3, 5 -TriniLrobenzene IflETHOD BLBIIK RBPORT (Jrcllfr$ Serrlrro1atl.I.eo Dsr02 023 0 hrk Order *-. - 3 HKif551AA REPORTING REgtILT IJIMIT TINITS so wg/T, 10 ug/I' 10 uglL 50 ug/t' 10 o ug/r, tr;af,1i x -WATER METHOD ND ND l[D IID ND ND ND ND ND ND sw84 5 9w846 sw845 sw84 5 sw845 sw846 sw846 9w845 sw845 sw846 sw845 sw846 sw84 5 sw845 sw84 6 9w846 sw845 sw846 sri[84 5 sw846 sw8{5 sw845 gw84 6 gw84 6 sw84 5 sw84 6 svr84 6 9w846 sw84 5 sw84 6 sw846 sw845 sv{84 6 sw84 5 B27AC 827 0C 827 AC 827 0C I 270C 827 0C 827 Ae 827 AC 827 AC B27AC 8270e 8270C 8270C 827 AC 827 0C 8270C 8270C 827 0C 827 0C 8270C 827 0C 827 0C 827 0C 827 Ae 827 AC 827 0e 827 0C 827 AC 827 AC 827 0C 827 AC 827 0C 827 0C 827 0e IID ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND DilD ND ND ND IUD ND ND ND ND ND 1-0 L0 10 10 10 L0 L0 10 10 20 50 r_0 50 50 50 20 10 l_0 50 2A 2A 10 20 10 50 10 10 t0 r.0 70 50 s0 next page) sw046 a27Ae st{846 8270e slt846 8270C ug/r. trg /I' vg/r, us/T, rug/T' :u,g/T, ]ug/L ug/r, trg /r. ug/r, ug /T' :ug/r, ug/r, ug /t, ug/T, ug/t :ug/r. us/L :us/T, Ltg I T, ug/t' ug/t, ug /r, ug/L vg/r' ug/L ug/T, ug/r, ug/r' uslL ug/t ug/t ND ND }ID ND IID t[D (Continued on STL Denver a72 I.IEIIIOD BIf,IIK nEgORT GCAt-g Semlrrol.atil-es C]-lent lpt *- PARAMETER : D5T02023o Hork Order *- RESULT : HKJ551-AA REPORTING I,IMIT TINITS llatrL:r - - , - o. -,,3 METHOD IiIATER SURROGATE PEREEMT RECOVERY 73 78 7L 69 79 59 RECO\IERY IJIMITS(4s e2l(+g e8 )(so eel(as el)(ae r-13 ) ( ro lso) 2-Fluorophenol Phenol-d5 Nitrobenzene-d5 2 - Fluorobiphenyl 2,4 ,6-Trlbromophenol Terphenyl -dra rufB (sl : Calculations arc performed before rounding to avoid rourdoff errors in calculatcd results. STL Denver 113 Iot-Saqfle IIRS Corporatlon Ilethod BIanIE Relrcrt Ge/us senivrrl.atilee D5fL40000-544 B lilork Order #: HIGJ661AA II,IA.SS SPECTRO}4BTER/DATA SYSTEM PARAMETER Unknown C|rclotrexane Unknown rwrE (s) : (MSDS ) rmsTATr\rErrY TDEIflTTFIED ESTT}hTED CAS # RESULT llatri-x: WATER COMPOT}NDS RETENTION TIME UNTTS 2 - L3 51 rLg/I' 2.29A2 ug/!' 2 -3704 ug/t' _G L4 LT 1r.o -82-7 28 ir 140 ,, M M M M: Resull wsg moesrro'd againrt ncrrest intcrnal standard asruming I rqsponcc fecor of l. STL Denver aL4 IrIBORAaQRY CQilI?Ofr 8ADTPIrB ffi REFORT ee/us Seni\rol-atiles ClLeut Iot *- - - l LCII Iot-Saryl1e#: Prep Datg,-----! Prep Batch, fi-. -: Di1ution Factor: PARAMETER D5 r 02023 0 D5r050000-103 ae / o6los 5249 1 03 L HorI( Order #-. analyeLe flate- aral.yel.e Tr-re- PERCEDIT RECO\IERY H..TOQOIAC oe/ae/os 20:1O llatrix- !, ! !,---: I{ATER RECOV,ERY IJIMITS METHOD Acpnatrthtlrene L, 4 - Die-hl-oroben-zerre 4 - ChI oro - 3 -metblrlphenol- 2-frIoropheno1 2 r4-Pr{ni trotolreue 4-I5Ltropheno1 N-Iritroeodl- -n-prqryI. - am{ne Pentachl.orogrhenol. Phenol. Plrrene Lr2,4-friehl.oro- benzene STIRROGATE 2-Fluorophenol Phenol-d5 Nitrobenzene-d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-TrLbromophenol Terphenyl *d14 IIOI"B (s) = 85 81 88 86 100 95 77 99 83 92 8{ (sr (tt (ss (sr (se (45 (sr (cs (so (sn(lr es) 87, 101_) ee) 105) 10e) ea) 1091 101) 111) eol PERCEE{T RECO\IERY 82 85 82 79 90 97 slr845 8270C sn845 8274e sw845 8.27Ac sw846 8270C sH845 8.27AC sH845 827o,C sH845 827AC srr846 8.27o,c sr846 827$C sr58{5 8270e g118{6 8270e RECO\IERY LIMITg (s+ e4 ) ( ss 101) (s0 e?l(ea es)(s+ r.10 ) $t L2a'l Calculations are perforrned before rounding to avoid round-off crror3 In cahulatcd rcsults- Bold prirrt <Imotes conrol par&me[crs STL Denver 115 Cllent Iot *- - - i rcB Iot-Sary>Ie*: Prgp Datg-?,-,-i Prep Batch *., - 3 OLl.ution Pactor: PARAT4ETER D5 I02 023 0 D5r060000-103 ae/a6/os 5249L 03 L Anal-yaie Analyeia SPIKE A]lgt Nr 100 100 150 150 100 150 100 150 150 100 100 Da.te- - r a9/09/os TiEe- - ! 20:10 MEAS{TRED AI"IOUNT 85-2 80-7 L32 L29 1(}0 L42 '17 -3 L49 L21 91- 6 84-4 PERCEI\IT RECO\IERY B2 85 B2 79 90 97 ffi mIltROL S.,AHPIrE DATA REORT trllrrs Senlvolatil.es Ilork Order f---: H,JOQOIAC ItlatrLx..-o ! - -..3 WATER PERCEIIT RECOVERY METHODUNTTg Acenafilrtheue L,4-Dichlorobmzerne { - Cft I oro- 3 -retIylpheno]- 2-Chf-orogrlrenol 2,4-Dirrl.trotoluene 4-Ifitrophenol rr- Ni trosoftl - n -progryrl - aud-ue Pentachl.orophenoI. Pheno]. Plmene L,2,4-Itichf.oro- banzene SURROGATE 2-Fluorophenol Phenol-d,5 Nitrobenzene-d5 2 - FluorobLphenyl 2 ,4, 6 -Tribrornophenol Terphenyf -d14 rugln u.glt' utslI. luglr, ug/r, utglr' urglr' rury,lr, u.glT' ]rsfi, aglt' RECO\IERY LTMTTS 85 81 88 86 100 9s 77 99 83 92 84 sH846 8270e sH846 8270eg[846 8,27o,C aw8c5 8.270c sH8{6 8270e 8F845 8270'c 91845 827o,c 811846 8270C g11846 827oC sw8{6 8.270e srrE{6 8.270e (s+ e4 )(s5 101) ( se e7l(+s es) (se 110 )(sz L2L) rufB(s) : Calculations trc pcrformd beforo rounding to avoid round-off errors in crlculrtod roults. Bold print donores conrol par&motors STL Denver 115 W C0IIIROIT AIUPITB ffi REPIORT GC/IIS Semivol.atil-ee C1ient Ltlt *. - - r f,e$ Iot-Saryfle*: Prgp Date------l Prep Batch *- - - 3 Dil.utLon Factor: PAIU{METER Ds r 02023 0 Dsr070000-43s oe/a7/os 525043s 1 Ilork Order *---3 HJ4RK1AC Ana-Iysie llate. . 3 09 / B / A5 ena-lyal.e Tl-me. - r 18 :50 t{atri:r--. --. r- o: WATER Perrta.chlorophenol. L 12,4-Trichl.oro- benzene 2,4-D{nl trotolueue 2-Chl-orophenol- 4 - Chloro- 3 -rethylphenol- 4-Iritrophenol nsannFhthen.e II -I5l- t rosodi -n - prropyl - amlne PhenoI Pyrene L,4-Di&I.orobenzelne Lr4-Dioxane ST'RROGATE 2 - Fluorobiphenyl 2-F1uorophenol 2 , 4 , F-Tribromophenol Nl-trobenzene-d5 Phenol--d5 Terphenyl -d14 rya!ry(s): PERCTMT RECO\IERY 74 75 81 a2 78 69 78 76 82 74 7A 73 RECO\MRY LTMITS (r+ 111) (se 101) METHOD (ss (58 (sg (rs (66 (sz lot (69 (ss (sg 10s) 108) 1071 LLZI 1061 102) 107) 1oe, es) 1I-e) PERCEMT RECO\IERY 74 70 7L 73 73 74 sH846 827Ae sil845 8270C 8W846 8.270C sr845 8270e 9u845 8.27oC gn846 8270e 9w845 8.270e sE8{5 427o,C sH846 827oC srr846 8.270C sH8{6 8270C sH846 A27o'C RECO\TERY LIMITS (6+ 104) (sz 103) (sz 111) $z 102 )(61 101) (os Log ) o Crlculetions are pcrformed before rounding to woid round-off errors in catculated rcsutts. Bold print denotes slntrol paran)ders STL Denver 7L7 ITABORATORY COI$TROL gAHgtB DATB, RBORT glclus Smlwo]-ati].es C1ient f.ot #, - -: ICS I.ot-Sa1ple#: Pref, Date- . G - - - 3 Prep Batd' f,- -.: Ot-lution Factor: PARAMETER D5I02 023 0 Dsr070000-435 0e/07las 525043s 1 Hork Order #- - .eual.ysis Date- Ana.lyele Tl,.De- HJ4RKl.AC oe/L3/as 18 :5O tfaf,3i'r--- ---3 WATER PEREHVT RECO\IERY METHOD frentachl"orophmol- L,2, {-Trictrloro- benzeue 2,il-11ini trotolrrene 2-Chl.orophenol. { - Chloro- 3 -nethylpheno} 4-Isitropherol- Acenephtheue It- ili trogodl. -n-pro1ryrl. - nmin(= Phenol- Pyrene L, 4- Di ch-I-orobenzene 1, d-Dioxane STTRROGATE 2 - Fluorobl-phenyl 2 - Fluorophenol 2 , 4 , i-Tribromophenol witrobenzene-d5 Phenol-d5 Terphenyl -d14 rwrB(s) : SPIKE AIYIOITTIT 10. o 10-o 10-o 1(}-O 10-o 10-o 10_o 10-o 10. o 10-o 10_o 10-o MEAST}RED AII{OUNT 7 -40 7 -49 8-13 8.2+ 7 -76 6 -92 7 -76 7-59 8.15 7 -!7 7 .03 7 -32 PERCEMT RECO\IERY 74 70 7L 73 73 74 I'NITS utglr, u.glr, u.gfr, wlt, rqg,lr, Iug,lt rugfr, ruglr, v-glr, ruglT, utg/t urglT' RECOVERY I,TMITS 74 75 81 a2 7A 69 7A -16 82 7lL 70 73 sH846 827o,e sr8f,6 g.270e 9H845 8.27o,c sw845 8.21o,e sr845 8,27Ac sr846 A270e glt846 8270c sH8{6 8210e srrs{6 8270e sw845 A270c sr845 A270e 4rr845 8.27fJC (0+ 1.04 ) lsz 103 )(st 111) (ez 102) (0r 101) (es 108) Calculetion$ arc pcrformed before roundin3 to avoid round-off errors hr celculatcd rcnrlts. Bold print dcnotcs control peramotsrs Denver 118 ffi C0illROL SIAUPI,B ETTALItrtrTIOIT RBPORI GCAig Semirro]-ati]-es Cf.ie.nt Iot #-. -: LeS lot-Baryr1e*: Prrcp Date,',---3 Prep Bat& #. - - 3 PLlution Finctor: PARAMETER D5r02023A IIorIr Order *- - - 3 D5I1-40000 -544 HKJ6SLAC-IrCS llatrj-x-, -, - - . - . : $IATER HIGJ6 5lAD- IJC9D oe/2t/as 18 :13 ae/Le/os 5257544 1 AnallraJ.a Ana-lysis PERCENT RECO\IERY 79 73 72 6-l 83 81 82 80 85 82 ,I9 '19 57 61 80 76 79 75 1A 68 77 73 RECO\IERY LrI{ITS(sr es)(se es)(+z s-tl (+t 8-ll(ss 101)(ss 101)(sr eel(s3 ee)(s+ 106)(5+ 105)(45 r.Og)(46 1oe)(sr e1) (s1 eu (+s 1oe)(+s r.oe)(so 101)(so 101)(s+ 111)(sa 111)(+e eo) PERCENT RECO\IERY RPD RPD IJIMITS METHOD ;lgenaFhthene L, 4-DJ-ctrI Orobeuzene { - ehl.oro - 3 -methylpheno} 2-ChJ.orophenol. 2,4-Din.itrotol-uene {-ilitrophenol- II- Ni trosodi -n - propyl - amane Peutachl.orophenol. Pherrrl Prrene L 12, 4-Trl.chl.oro- benzene SURROGATE 2 -Fluoropheno1 Phenol-d5 Nit,robenzene-d5 2 -E'luorobiphenyL 2,4 ,6-fribromophenol Terphenyl -d14 7 -8 (O-28) 7 -4 (o-so) 2.6 (O-Ze) 2 -9 (O-38) 4 -7 (O-30) a -L7 (O-53 ) 3 -5 5-6 4-4 2-7 5.5 RECO\jlERY IJIMITS(s+ e4 )(s+ e{ }(ss L01) ( ss 101 )(se e7l(s6 e7l (as es )(+r es )(s+ 1-10) ( s+ 1-l-0 )(sz 121) srrs{6 8.274e sH8{6 8.270e srr8{6 8270e sfl846 827o,c B11846 A27o,C sr8{5 827o,e s:rr845 8270e grx845 8.27o,c 911846 827o,C 911846 827(}C g11846 a27o,c 911846 827o,C srr845 8270c (o- zrl slr845 e.27oe srr846 8270c (o-so) grx845 a27oe; sr846 A270e (o-35) sr8{6 8.270e sw8{6 8270e (o-33 ) g11846 a.27oe. s'rr8{6 8.270c (o-44) Srr845 8270c 73 -70 78 74 75 72 71 69 BL 80 73 (Continued on nexL STL Denver page) 119 ffi COIITBOL SAIITPT,B E\TELTI TIOIT REPORT etr.ltqB Benirrol.atiles Clieut Iot *- - -: ICS Iot-gaq)Ie#: SURROGATE D5I02023 0 D5I140000 -544 Ilork Order *. - -: HKJ56LAC-IJCS tIatsri-xo, ?, r,, - -.: $IATER HK,J5'6lJ\D-LCSD PERCEMT RECOVERY RECO\IERY IJIMTTS 7L (sz LzLl IIOEE (TI) : Calculatiorls arc perforrned bcfore rounding to avoid roundoff crrors in calculated results. Botd prlltt donotes control p&renretero STL Denver 1,20 ITABONAT'IORY @ITA?OL ST}IPIIB DAEA NBSORT @firg Senivolati].es D5I02O23O ltrork Order l-.-: IIKiI661AC-LCS lNatrlx- ---: WATER D5r140000-544 HrGJ651-AD-r,CSD Cl.ient Iot *- . -: ICS lot-gaq)Ie*: Prep DateD,o-.-i kep B&tch *,. - 3 Di]-utsion Faetor: PARAT'IETER oe/L4/05 5257544 l" Ana-lyel.e AnaJ.ysig oe / 2L/ os 18:13 gPTKE AIT'IOUMP MEASI,IRED AIqOUMT T]NITS 100 78 _5 100 -f2 -7 100 72 -5 100 67 .3 150 L25 150 L22 150 1-23 150 119 100 85-5 100 8r- - 7 150 119 150 r-19 100 66 -6 100 54 -3 150 120 150 11{ 150 118 1-50 113 1(}0 69 -g 100 68.1 100 77 -5 100 73 -3 1g.g/t u.glt, u.gfT' ug/r u.glT' u.gfr' tuglT, urglr' utglI, u.glt u.glr' u.glr, urg,lT, u.glr, u.glr. wlt ugf t' u.slr, u.glT' ruglr, ug,lT, ruglr, PERCENT RECO\TERY PERCEMT RECOVERY RPD 79 73 72 6z 83 BI. 82 80 86 82 79 79 67 64 3-5 9w845 A270C s"w845 8270e 9H845 A27o,c. s'r846 8.27o,e 91846 8270e 5Tr845 8.270c grr845 a270,c 9n846 8.27o,c. sr845 8.270e 9r{846 A270c Brf845 8.27o,e' 8rr845 8.27o,c' sH846 8270e sr846 A27Ac. srr846 a270C sH8{6 8.210e sH8d5 8.270e srr846 8.210e art8{5 A270e 9n846 8.27o,c. Brf845 A27AC METHOD Acenafhthene L,4-Di&Iorobenzene 4 - Chloro - 3 -retJryl.phenol- 2-Chloropheuol. 2r4-Dinitrotol-uene {-ilitrophenol. N-Ilitrosodl- - n- propyl - nmine Penta&IorophenoI. PhenoI Amene L,2, {-Trichl-orrr- beuzene STIRROGATE 2 -Fluoropheno1 Pheno1 -d5 Nitrob ertzene- d5 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2,4r5-Tribromophenol Terphenyl -d14 73 7A 78 74 75 72 73 69 8L 80 73 (Contl-nued on next 'l -8 7.4 2.6 2-9 4,.7 o. r-7 5-6 4.4 2_7 o 80 76 79 75 70 68 77 73 5-5 RECO\TERY LIMTTS(s+ 94)(s+ e4)(ss 10r )(ss 101)(se e7l(se e7l(al es )(+s es)(s+ 110)(s+ L1.0)(sz 12r") STL Denver page) 3_24 ffi CONTROI, SAHPIJE IIATA REPORT (Jf,,lrr9 S€d\rolatl-lea Client Iot *- - -: D5IO2023O rork Order *- - -: HKJ651AC-IJCS liatrix,- -..: WATER ICg Lot,-Saryrl.e#: Dsf 140000-544 SURROGATE rrcfr (s) : HK.f6 6IAD-ITCSD PERCENT RECO\IERY RECOVERY LfMfTg 7L (sz L21) Calculatlors f,re performed bcforc rounding rc lvoid rourd+ff €rrrors in calculated results. BoH print denotcs control parErnorcrs STL Denver 1,22 TATRIT SPIre SAI{PIIE EIIILTIITTION RPIORT CC.firB Seluivo1ati]-es Cl-ient Iot, $. - . : Us tot'-Balp1e *: Date Saryll.ed---i Prep llatg? ,. - - - ! Prep Batch #- - -: Dil.utl.on Factor: PARAMETER D5r02A23A D5r020230-004 ae / aL/ as 12: 1o aela6/os s249103 1 Work Order #- - -: Date Recelrred- - l ena-lysl-a llatre- - 3 .Bna-Iysis Ti-re, - 3 H.IVQ9lDF-I{S H,.n7Q9IDG-MSD oe/02/os ae/La/05 OL:47 llafii-:- - - . . - - - - l GI{ MEfiIOD PERCENT RECO\'IERY RECO\TERY TIMITS RPD RPD TJTMITS lgennfrhthene L,4-Dl-ch-I-orobeu.zene 4 - ehl-oro - 3 -metlryl-pheuol. 2-Chlorophenol- 2 rl-Dinitrotol-uene 4-Nitrophenol. II-Nit roeod.l - n-propy1 - amine PeutachIorophenol- PIrenoI Ptrrene LrT,4-tri&J-oro- benzene SURROOATE 2 - Fluorophenol Phenol-d5 Nitrobenzene-d5 2 - Fluorobiphenyl 2,4 ,i-Tribronophenol (lE 1o3 )(ls 1o3 )(t2 el) Gz eI.) (ea L22l (ta Lzzl (*z 10s) (+t 10s) (so Lr-3 )(so 113 )(35 123 )(36 1-23 )(4s 1OO) (+s 1oo) (2e 130) lzg 130) (+z LaTl(.*z r_o7) (rg 13o) (rg 13o) (+r e7l (41 e7) PERCEI{:T RECO\IERY 77 84 78 86 79 81 73 77 77 92 (Continued on next 74 80 v6 79 7A 91 80 86 8s lo5 85 111 75 77 85 110 75 a2 46 62 77 81 6 -1 (O-42li 2 -4 (O-{?) I-s (o-70) 6 -2 (O-58) 2t (o-44) 27 (O-73 ) sw8c5 a270ci sn845 A27(}C sH8{6 8270e sr846 8210e 8H845 A27o,e. sH8r6 A270c srr846 8270e sr846 8.270e srr846 az-7o,C s"tr845 a27AC gtr845 827o.e 9w845 8.27fJc 9w846 8.270C sw8{5 a27o.c g11846 a27oc s'tr845 8270C srr845 aaTilg, sw8{5 a270e sH846 8,270e srr845 a2l0e 9w845 8274e 2-{ 23 7_7 2A 4-3 (o-sr) (o-ss) (o-71) (o-s3) ( 0-46) RECOVERY TTMITS(es ezl(as e2)(4e e8 )(eg e8)(so ee) (s o sel (43 el) (43 el) (es 113)(ae 113) STL Denver page) 1-23 TATRET SPIre SJET.iPLB M REPiORT Cl1errt Iot *. . - : HS tot-garyfle *: gT]RROGATE D5r020230 D5r020230- 004 ec/Ms Seuhrol-atl-]-es Ilork Ordelr *- - - : H'X/Q91DF-MS, }htri:r. - - - - - - . . 3 HWQ9lDG-tr{SD PERCEIUT RECO\TERY RECO\TERY LIMITS ( ro 1s0) ( ro 1s0) Terphenyl -d14 IW[B (s) = L4 33 Calorlations arc perforured beforo rounding to avoid round<rff errors in calculatod results. Boftl print denotcs control perrmolgr8 724STL Denver I,BI?IX SPIXCB SIUilf)r.E IIAf,L RBPORT er.file Seniwol.atil.es Client Ipt #---3 UA l.ot-garyll.e *: Ilate Baryrl.ed---3 Prep Datgoe ,-.-3 Prep Batch *- - -: Ill-Iutl-on Factor: PARAMETER DsI 020230 Dsr020230-00{ oe / oa/ as 12 :1o ae/oG/os s249 r.03 L Ilork Order *. - - : Ilate Recefired- - ! ena-Iyel,a Date. . ! Anal.lmLs Tl-re- - i HWQ9IDF-MS HJVQ9lDG-MgD oe/azlas oe/La/os AL:47 I{atrix----,--..3 GW I{ETHOD SAII{PIJE SPIKE AMOUMT AM:r ND 1I.O IID 109 IID 11O ItD 109 rrD 155 ITD I-54 ITD 165 ITD L64 ITD 11.O IID I-O9 ITD 165 ITD L6,4 ITD 11O ME..A.SRD AIUOT]NT I]NTTS 81- 3 agll' 85.8 rugll' 83 - 8 ruglt' 85 - 9 utglt L29 t:tg/I' LLe \gfr, 132 lugll' 14I- ury,lr, 93 - o luglr, 115 ruglf, 139 lurglr, Laz luglt 8? - 5 ug/n PERCaIT RECVRY RPD acenephthene t, 4 -Dl.chl.orobenl=ne 4 - ehl-oro- 3 -retlr1rlphenol- 2-Ch1orophenol. 2 r 4-DiniLrotolueue 4-Irl.troplreuol. It - Ni trosoCl -n-propryrl. - amine Pentachl.orophenol Pheuo]. Pyrene L,2,4-Trieil.oro- benzene 74 go 6-4 76 79 2 -tL 78 91 1_5 80 g5 6-2 85 106 2L 85 111 27 75 g11846 a27o,c sr846 8.270e glr845 A270C 91845 827o,C Brr845 A21o,C sw8{5 8.270e slrg,{6 o.270c sn846 A270e 811846 8.270e sI58{5 8.270e sr846 A270e sH8{6 8.270e sr8{6 a270c 77 2 -4 SH8{6 AZ70e 86 SIr845 8.270e 110 23 SH845 8.27o,e 7s sIrS{5 A270e 82 7 -7 SH846 8.21Ae 46 Str845 8270C 62 28 9n846 8270C 77 srtI846 8270C 81 4-3 SrrB{5 8270e RECO\IERY IrIMffS(+s ezl (4S g2'l (4e e8 )(+g e8)(so ee)(so ee) (43 e 1) (at el)(ae 113 )(48 1,L3) r-o9 155 154 155 15{ 110 109 110 r_o9 8{. { L42 L7g L25 r-35 50-g 6T.L g5_o gg-g PERCEMT RECOVERY 77 84 7B 85 79 81 73 77 77 92 (ContJ-nued on nexE page) l{D IID ND ND IID ND ND ru.glr' rugll' :ug/r' urglr, lu.glt 1u.glt rng,fl' ug/L ]u.glL, SURROGATE 2 - Fluorophenol Phenol -d5 Nitrobenzene-dS 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2, 4, G*Tribromophenol- STL Denver 1,25 }trTRIT SPTffi SAriPIlB DATJB. RBPORT Gf.ltqB Benivol.ati].es D5I02O23O lIork Order *- . .: H,J\IQ91DF-II{S D5r020230-004 HinrQglDG-MSD frlatri-x- - - - - - - - - : GIi[Cf.ient lot *---: li$ Iot-8al5tle *: SI]RROCATE PERCETTT RECO\IERY L4 33 RECO\IERY IJTMITS ( ro 1so)(ro 1so) Terphenyl-d14 rwfB (s) : Calculations are pcrformed bofore rounding to avoid round-off errors in catrcttated results. Bold print denotes control paramcters 726STL Denver IATRIT SPIIG SJEHPIiB ffi REPORT Gf.l>B Semftrolati1eo Cl-l.ant Iot #- - -: ItrI Iot-Saryll.e #: Ilate Saq)Ied,---3 Flaep Dateo---.-! kep Batch *.. -: Dil.ut,ion Factor: PARAMETER Dsr02023 0 D5r020230-004 ae / 0Llos 12: Lo oe/07/os 5250435 I Work Order *- - -: Date Recelved- - r Analyeie Ilate- - ! aual-ysLg Tl-Ee- - 3 HirvQ9lDH-MS HWQ91D'J-tISD oe/02/os oe/::los 2L=47 Itlatrl-x--- --- ---: GFil METHOD Pentachl'oropheno1- Lr2r4-frichrsao- benzene 2,6-Dlni trotol.ueue 2-Chlorophenol 4 - ehloro - 3 -ilEthyl-pheno1 4[-I5l-trophenol. Acenaplrthene I5-H1tr<rsodl- -n - propyl- - amine Pheuo1 Plmeue a,4-Dichl-orobenzene SI'RROGATE 2 -Fluorobiphenyl 2 -Fluoropheno1 2,4 ,5-fribromophenol lgltrobenzene-d5 Phenol-d5 62 5s 74 7L 73 16 74 73 72 70 (continued on next LO2 LO7 7L 68 -12 75 79 75 83 83 110 r_o4 66 69 77 73 79 78 40a 44a 6s 62 PERCE![T RECO\IERY RECO\IERY P..IY-IJS(43 1s9l(ts lse)(ss ee) (se ee) (oz r"oe) (62 l.oe) lez 108) 162 r.o8) (er 121) (or 121)(ar r.zs)(er lzs)(az 1o4l(62 r-o{}(sa 11o) (sa a1o) (ez 11o)(sz 11o)(sz 110)(sz 110 )(ss es)(ss es) PERCEMT REgg\rERY RPD RPD LIMITS o - 25 (o-5o) 'l -l (o-44) f--1 (o-ez) 7 -2 (O-38 ) 2 -6 (O-28) gw846 8270C sw8{5 a27o,c sn846 8.270C 8rr845 8270e sr8{5 8270c gr{846 827o,e; sH845 827Ae; srrE{5 8.274e; sn846 A27o,C 8r{845 Az7fJe 8H845 827oe sH845 827(}C sw806 a27o,c sH846 827o,C g11846 A270e 9n846 8-270e srr846 827o.e g18+6 8270e srr846 8270e 9H845 8.27o.e 801846 827o,e 9-2 1--O 8-8 5-4 5-1 'l -2 ( o-s3 ) (o-28) (o-271 ( o-s5 ) (o-rs ) (o-so) RECO\IERY TTMITS (gg L15) (sg 116) (22 10e) (zz loe )(zs 726) lts t26t (3s 114 )(38 r14) (gz 106) ( sz r"06 ) STL Denver page) 127 laLIB:tI, SPIXB seItISIlE BI'EI{IATIOIT REFORT @fi$ EemLvol.atil.eo D5I02023o llork Orrder *. - -: HlrvQglDH-MS! llatru- ., -: GliI D5r02O230-O04 Ir.JVQ91D,I-MSD C1ient Ipt *- - - 3 uA lot-Baryll.e #: ST'RROGATE PERCEIIT RECO\IE:RY L7 2L RECO\IERY IJIMf Tg (tt L42) (tt t42l Terphenyl -d14 rrcrrB (s) : Calculations tre pcrforrnecl before rouding to avoid round-off erron in otlarlatod results. Bold prlnt deooms oontrol paranrgers a Spiked anelyte recovcry is outride eteted control lirnits. STL Denver t2B O}trIRIT SPIffi AAUPI,B DATtr RBPORT GCAi.s semirrcI-atil.es elient, Lot #- - - : lt8 lpt-Saryl1e *: Date Eaqll.ed---3 Prop llatg-D----! Prep Batch *- - -: DLlutiou Factor: PARAMBTER D5r020230 Dsr020230-O04 09/o:-/os 12:to oe/a7/os 525043s 1 Uork Order *. -, ! Ilate Reeeived- - 3 Anal-ysie Date- - : Analyeis firne.-3 HJ\IQ9IDH-MS HWQ9IDT-MgD ae/02/as ae/L3/0s 2L:4'7 r.Iatri:ro , , , - - - - - : GUI METHOD SAIUPLE SPIIG AI',IOT'}TT AIVIT IID 9-8O ITD 9.49 ND g-go ITD 9.49 MEASRD AI,TOUMT UNTTS PERCNT REC\IRY RPD Elentaehl oropheno]. Lr2r4-Ik:.tchl.oro- benzene 2,F-Diuitrcrblueue 2-Chloropheuo1 -{ - ChJ-oro - 3 -methylphenol. 4-lfitropheuol" Aeeuapht,heue n-ilt trosodi -n-proglyl- - amlne Pheno1 Plmene 1r 4-Dlchl-orobenzene SURROGATE 2 -Fluoroblphenyl 2 - Fluorophenol 2,4, 6-Trlbromophenol Nitrobenzene-d5 Phenol-d5 10-o 10-1 6.92 6 -{5 9.80 7 -O4 9 -49 7 -L2 9-go 7-78 9 -49 7 -?i'. 9-80 8-10 9 -49 7 -89 9-80 Lo-g 9 -49 9,83 g -go 5-46 g -49 6 -52g_8(} 7-55 9,49 6 -92 9-80 7 -77 9 -49 7 -37 9.80 3 - 93 9-49 +-18 g-go 5-36 9 -{9 5. ga PERCENT RECo-vrE-BJ 62 65 74 7L 73 76 74 73 72 70 (Continued on next rng/r' rcglr' wg/t u.glT' u.glt u.glr' utgll' ug/r, Iuiglt Itr.gfIJ qglr, Wlt luglT, ug/r, ug/r, utgfr, IugfL. u.glr' ro.glr, utgfL ruglT, Iuslr 102 LO7 7L 72 75 79 -16 83 83 11() 10t 66 59 77 -13 '19 7g 4(} a. 4*a 6s 62 RECO\ZERY LIT{TTg 58 7 -L SrrE{5 A270e sH8{5 A27o,c; o -75 9H846 8270e g11846 827o,e gn8{6 a270e 1-1 SW8{6 8.270e g11846 8270C 7 -Z SH84[6 A27AC; sr845 A270C 2 -6 sr1846 8.27o,c sn845 A270C 9 -2 sr845 A270C 911846 8.274e 1- O 6'11846 A270C sH845 8270e 8-8 sr8{5 A270C g11846 827Ae, 5 -4 915845 8270,e sH845 827o,C 6 - r- sr846 A27AC slr846 8.270e 7 -2 glr845 8.2-lOC ITD ITD rID ND ND ITD IID ITD }ID IID ITD IID ITD ITD ND ITD ItD ITD (ag 115) (gg 11G)(zz 109)(zz 1-0e ) Qa 1'26) (a s 126l (rs 114) (sa 114) Bz 106) (rz 106) STL Denver page) a29 elieut tot #- - - 3 ug lot-sanple *: gURROCIATE T'tAIXIf, 8PIKE SADTPTiB DA'f,B. RBPtORjf Gf,.ftt9 BemfurcI-atil.es D5I020230 Hork Order *- - -: HIT\/Q91DH-II{S D5rA2A23O-OO4 H.I1IQ91D,-MSD PERCENT RECOVIERY liatri:r- - . - - - - - . 3 GW L7 2L RECO\TERY LfIvIITS (tt L42l Itz 1,42) Terphenyl -dI-4 rufB(s) : Calanladono aro pcrformod bcfore roundlng to avoid round-ofF crrors in cclcrrlatod rosulm. Bold print derrotcs oontrol peramctens z Spikod annlyte r@very rs outside slf,t€d control limits. STL Denver 13 0 IIIETHOD BTAITK NBPORT TOtrAIr tleta.lg Cl.ient lot PARAIyIETER D5r02023 0 RESIIITT REPORTING ITIMIT UNITS S- -, 3 l,Iatri:rr , - - - - - - - 3 TTATER PR]EPARATION- WORIC A}IALYSIS DATE ORDER #D,IETHOD lm lot-garyr1e Cadmium Bariurn Calcium Chrornium Copper Iron Lead #: D5I050000-515 Pnefi Betch *-. ND 0. 0010 $rg/L DiluEion Factor: 1 Analyele Time. . : 07 ;1-'l ND O.0A2O nry./n PL1utlon Fact,or: 1 analysis Tima. . : 07 tL-l SeIenj.um uB lot,-Sarylle *: DsI050000-6L7 Prep Batch *. -Alumlnum ND O - 10 rng/L Dilution Eactor: 1 Analysla TLmo. . : 15 ; 1.9 ArsenLc sw846 5 0108 09 / 15 - 09 / L6 / 05 H,r2,r.r0.015 mg/L, Dilution Factor: 1 enalyoig Time..; 14;13 0.010 mg/I' Dilution Factor: 1 AnalyaLo T!.trte. . : 14 : 13 0.20 mg/T. Dl-lutton Factor: 1 Analyola Time--: 15:19 0.010 mg/L Dj.Iutl-on Factor: L Analyoie Time. . ; Lrl : L3 0.010 mg/L Dilutlou Factor: 1 Analyale Tj"me-, : 14 : 13 O.l-0 ng/I' Dllutl,on Factor: L AnalysLs TLmo. . : 15: L9 0.0030 ms/L Dilution Factor: 1 Analygia Time..: 14:13 (Continued on next s249516 sw845 5020 sr{845 6020 52496L7 sw845 5 0I-08 svr846 50L0B sw846 50108 sr{846 60L08 ae / 1s - ae / 23 / os H'J2{IG1AA 09 / 1s - 09 / 23 / Os H,J2JG1AC a9 / 1s - 09 / LG / os HJ2.],J1AC oe / r.s - oe / rG / os HJ2J.T1AB oe / 1s - oe / L6 / as HirzJirlAM a9 / 15 - A9 / L6 / 05 H,J2,JJ]-AF 1AD o ND I.UD oshs-oslrclos sw84 5 50108 09 / 15 - 09 /LG / os H.l2rfrfl-Acl sw846 60108 oe / r-s - oe / L5 / os HJzJJIAN 9![846 60108 HJ2JJlAJ STL Denver I{D page) 131 ITIETTIOD BLEilK RMORT ItUtrAIr lrieta,Le C]-ient' Iot PARAMETER : DSIA2O23O RESTIIJT REPORTING IJIMIT UNITS METHOD lrlatri:c- . - . - - - - - 3 WATER PREPARATION- TIIORK AI{IAtYSTS DATE ORDER # llagnesLum NlckeI Pot,assiurn gLlver Sodium Vanadium Zirconium l,IB lot-saryl1e Mercurlr HB lot-Saqrle Mercury o-o51 B ND ND o-20 Dilution Analyel-a o.040 DlluEl.ou Analysis 3.0 nllutlon Analyele 0.01_0 Dilution Analyaie 5-0 DLlutl-on Analysls o.010 Dllut,ion Analyaia 0,020 DLlution Analyaie 0.015 DLlution Analyeie wlt' Fact,or: 1 Tl-me-. : 15:19 trtg /T-, Factor: I Tl-me-.: 14:13 mg/t Factor: 1 TLme. -: 16:19 mg/t, Factor: 1 Tl-me..: 1{;13 mg/t Fact,or: 1 Tl-me-,: 17:14 mg /r' Factor; 1 Time. - ; 1{:13 mg /t, Fa,etor: 1 Timg..: 1{:13 nlg/L Fector: 1 Time- -: 15:l-9 IqD g11846 60r_08 oe I Ls - oe I Ls / os rr^rzirfi:to sw846 50108 oe / Is - 09 / LG / os H,J2irJlArI sw845 50108 a9 / 1s - 09 / LG l os HJzJ,ylAP sw846 601-08 oe / r.s - a9 / 16 / os HJ2ir.TlAA ND rqD ND D5II"50000-348 Prep Batch fi- - . i O.0OO2O mg/1, Dllutlon Factor: 1 Analyaie TLme, . : LG: ZB D5f190000 -496 prep Batch f,-, ,: sw846 60108 ae / 1s- 09 / L6/ os HJ2ir.TlAT sr{846 60108 sll84 5 50108 sw846 60108 52 5834 I sw846 7470A 5262496 slr846 747AA 09 / l.s - a9 / Le / os H,J2JJ1AR oe / Is- oe / L6l os Hir2iriruAK 09 / 15- ae / L6 / os H,Jzirrl.ut ae/Le/os HKMDIJ].AA HICWl91AA0.00020 rrry,ll, Dilutiou Factor: 1 Analyeie Time..: 19:20 STL Denver ND (Continued on next page) oe / 221 as ]-32 UETTIOD BIJEITK REBORT TCrTAL Hetal-s Cl.ient, tot *-,,: D5I020230 ncrB(S): Calolations ate performod bcfore rounding to evoid rouud-off errorc In calculattxl rwults. B Estlmatod resuh. Rcsrlt Is tess than RL. STL Denver W COIIIROL S,BUPLB BIIAI{IATIOIU RBBOR,T I!oTAL lrteta.lg Iot-Saryll.e PAR;AMETER Mercrrrlr Mercury D5r 020230 PEREMUT REEOVERY R_ECO\rERY r,IyrTS RPp Hatri:x- -- -- - - - -: WATER RPD IJIMITS METHOD PREPARATION_ A}IAIJYSTS DATE PREP- BATEH # 525 83 48 52583,{ I s252486 s262486 98 101 (8s 1.14) (8s 114) s.g (O-L0) DLlutLon Pactor: 1 (es 114) (8s 114) L.2 (o-10) Dilut,l-on Factor: 1 9w846 7470A sw846 7474A. Analyele TLme,. r sw845',l470A_ sw846 74704 Ana1yaie Time. . : oe/Le/os oe/Le/os 15:33 oe/22/os oe/22las L9:2L rwfB (81 : Calctlatlotrs tre performod bsforo rounding ro rvold rormd<rff etrors In crlcularcd resulo. STL Denver L34 W CoIraBOL gAHPf,E DATA REFORT IU.IAL Ueta.I.o Iot-Saqrl.e *- - - 3 D5I0zO23o SPIKE MEASTIRED P.ARAI{ETER ATUOIINT }MOmm Mercury Dlatri:r- - - . - - . - - i Wl\fER I]NTTS PERCNT RECVRY RPD METHOD PREPARATION- AMITYSIS DATE PREP BATCH # s25834 I 52583 4 B 52624A6 s262486 0.00500 0.00499 0.00500 0. 00505 0.00500 0. 00518 o . 00500 0. 0 a512 mg/L mg/T' DLlut,ion mg/I' mg/T' DL]-ution 9B L01 Factor: 1 104 102 Factor: 1 9w845 7470A 3 ,3 gWB45 7470A Analyaie TLme..: 16:33 sw845 747AA L.2 SW845 7470A Analysie Ti[re. . : L9:2L oe/Le/as oelle/os oe/22/os oe/22/os Mercury ITCITE (S} : C-alcurlations are performed before rounding to rvoid roundrff orron in calculrted resulu. STL Denver 13 5 W C:OWIOIr S.AITIPLB EIJ7ILIBTION RBtrORT TqfAL ;66er s C]-iett Iot PARAMETER D5r02023 0 PERCETT RECO\IERY RECOI,ERY ITfMITS 100 100 liatrL:r- - - - - - - - . : WATER PREPARATION- A}IAIJYSTS DATE WORI( ORDER # I,CS lot-Saqll-e*: D5I06000O-516 Prep Batdr #. - -: 5249615 cadmlum 99 (89 110) Sw845 6020 Dilutlon Factor: l.Analyal-e Selenium (82 LL2) sw846 6A2A Dilution Factor: 1 ICS lot-Baryrle*: D5fO60000-617 PTep Batch *- - -: 52496L7 silver 99 (ss - r.14) sws45 60108 og/ts-og/L6/os gJ2J.rlAu Dllutl"on Faetor: L Analyeie Tl,me. -: 14:18 METHOD oe / 1s - ae / 23 / os HJ2JG1A[ Tlme..: O7=2L oe / ls - 09 / zt / os HJ2JcIAE (eo 108) sw846 50108 ae / 1s - 09 / L6 / os H'JziIJt AV DilutLou Faetor: 1 (sg L0e) sw846 60108 09 / ts- oe / LG / as HJ2iru1Aw Dilutiou Factor: 1 (gr 113 ) SW845 60108 ae / 1s - 0e / L6 / a5 HJ2.r,r1A)r DLlution Factor: 1 (sg LL2) SW845 50108 09 / 1s - 09 / i-6 / as H\r2,JJlAo Dl-Iut,lon Faetor: 1 (eo 110) sw846 50108 oe / Is - oe / L6 / as HJzJJIAr. Dilutlon Factor: L (go 110) sw846 60108 a9 / 1s - a9 /15 / os H.t2,J'JlAz Dllutiou Factor: 1 (gr 111) SW846 60108 oe / ls - 09 / L6 / a5 HJ2,J,]LA3 DLlut,l,on FaeEor: 1 (ee LLz) SW8{5 60108 oe / r-s - ae / 16 / os HJ2JJ1A4 Dllutl-on Factor: 1 (es 110) sw846 50108 09 /t-5 - 09 / rc / as H.r2.r.f1A,5 Dilutlon Factor: L analyeia Tl,me. . : 14 : 18 (0q - 110) swgd6 60100 Dllution Factor: 1 AlurnLnum Arsenie Barium ChromLurn Copper Nieke1 Vanadium zinc CATC1UM STL Denver (Continued on next page) oshs- oe l Le l aB IIJ2JJ L\6 135 Cl.lent Iot PAR.AMETER Iron. PotassLum Flagnesiunr Sodium ZLrconium Ncrrts(s): Dsr02023a PERCENT RECgyERY 96 1.02 98 95 108 RECOVERY I,TMTTS METHOD (aa 110) sw8{5 Dllut,ion Factor: 1 (ee 1Lt-) swg{6 Dil-ution Factor: 1 (gr 111) swg45 Dllution Factor: 1 (gr rr,z} swa45 Dl-1utlon Factor: 1 (zs 725) SW846 Dl-Iution Factor: 1 60108 nnal-yeLs 60L0B Analyelo 501-OB erralysJ.e 6 0108 Analyeie 50108 Ana1ysl,s *- - -: ffi @IIIROL SAIIPITE EIf,ALIATIOII aUtrAL ltretal-s RBPORT llat.rix--- - - -- -. i WATER PREPARATTON- A}IALYSTS DATE WORK ORDER # 09 / 15- a9 / L6 / as HJ2.I,rtA"? TLme. . : 15:2{ ogh s- oe / L6 / os HJ2,r,r1AB Time. -: 16:24 ae / 1s- 09 / L6 / as HJ2J.JLA9 Time. . : 16:2{ 09 /1s - a9 llo/os H,Jzir.rleA TLne. . : L6:24 09 / ls- 09 / LG / os H,r2,f,f:.ce Timc. . : 16:2{ Celculations iro performocl bctbre rounding to avoid round-off orror$ in calcutarod re^sults, STL Denver a37 W COIIIROIi SIUPI'B DATjA REFORT Il0trLL l.ietals Cl-ient I.ot *- - -: D5I02O23O SPIKE MEASI]RED PARAMETER AI{OUNT AIUOUI.IT IrNfTg PERCITT REC\mY METIIOD liatri:r- -, - - -. --: WATER PREPARATTON- WORK AIVAIJYSTS DATE ORDER * SLlver Aluminum Arsenic BarLum Chroml-um Copper NLcke1 Vanadium Zinc Caleiuln 2 - 00 1.95 2.00 1 - 93 2.00 2 .oL o.200 0 .250 0 ,500 0,500 o.500 o - s00 rcS Iot-Saqfle*: D5r050000-615 Pr,ep Batdh. *- - -: 52496LG cadmium 0 .0400 0. 0394 rg/r, 99 sw845 5020 Dilutioa FBctor: 1 tnalyc{e Tine..: selenium 0-0400 0.0362 rg/t 90 sw846 6020 DLlutlon Eactor: 1 AnaLyeie fime..: rcS Iot-Saqrl-e*: D5IO60000-6L7 Prep Bateh f,---: 52496]..7 sw845 50108O - 0500 O . 04 94 tttg/t 99 DLlutLon Factor: L Analysis Time..: sw846 6010B Ar.a1yols TLme. , : sw846 50L08 Analyeie Tl,Be. , : 9w846 6010B Analyala Tl,me. - : sw846 60108 Analyels Tlmc..: sw8{6 60108 enalyeie Tirne. . : 9w846 60108 enalygis Tlrne. . : sw845 50108 Analyeie Time. .: sw846 60108 enalyels Tlme-. : ser845 50108 Analyeia Tlme. -: 8tll046 60108 Analyols Tlme. . : ffig /I'97 Dl.Iution FacEor; 1 mg/r,97 Pllutlon Faetor; t mg /t,100 DLlutLon Fastror: L o. l_97 0 .235 0 .491- 0,483 o-4gg 4.474 wlg/T'99 Dl-Iution Eactor: 1 rng / r,94 DilutLon Factor: 1 rns/L 98 Dilution Factor: 1 ng/n 97 Dilut,l,on Factor: 1 ms/L t 00 DLlution Fact,or r 1 mg/L 95 Dilutl-on Pactor: 1 ae / ls - a9 / 23 / 05 H.I2IIGLAD O7:2L oehs- ae I 23 / os HJz'JGIAE o7 -.2L 09 / Ls- 09 / ts / os H.I2J-IIAU 14:L8 09 lls - ae / LG / os HJzJ,JIAv L6:24 09 / 15 - 09 / LG / os H,r2\T.rlAw 14:18 a9 / r-s - 09 / LG / as HirzJ.rrAx 14 :18 ae / 1s - a9 / L6 / os Hir2JirlAo 14: 18 ae / 1s - 09 / LG / os HJ2JJ1A1 L4:LB a9 / 15 - a9 / L6 / as HJz,J.llAz 14 :18 oe / i.s - oe / LG / os HJ2JJLA3 L{ : l-8 09 / 1s - a9 / LG / as HLf2.]J1A4 14 :18 09 / 1s- ae /aG/ os HJ2JJIAs 14 :18 50.0 d0. g mq/L 90 oehs- r,slrclor 17:18Dilution Factor: 1 STL Denver ( Contl-nued on next page) IIJ2JJ1A6 13I Cl.Lent rot PARJAI{ETER *- - -: D5f020230 SPf KE I-IEAfIURED AMOUTM AIvIOT]NT ffi CUITTROIT SAIIPLB DATzI' RBFORT TC[f,Af, Hetale PERENT TINTTS REC\IRY METHOD Hatrj:r- - - - - - - - - ! PREPARATION- AIIAIJYSI9 DATE WATER T{ORK ORDER # fron Potasslum Magneeirrrn Sodium Zirconl-um NcrfB (s) : 1.00 50.0 50.0 50.0 0.500 o -964 s0_9 49.1 47 .g 0.538 mg/L eG Dllution FacEor: 1 mg/L Laz Dilut,ion Factor: 1 mg/r, 98 Dilutsion Factor: L nq /t, 95 Di]-utton Factor: 1 ms/L 1oB DilutLon Factor: L sw846 60108 enalysig Tlme. . : sI{84 5 5 01_08 Analyeie TLme. ,: sw846 60108 Analysle TLme. .: sw845 50108 Analyels TLme. .: sur846 50L08 Aualyala TLme. .: oe / 1s - a9 / L6 / os HJziruL'"T L6 224 oehs- 09 / aG / os H,r2irirlAg L6 :24 a9 / Is - 09 / L6 / as HJ2LTLTIAS 16 :24 09 l1s - a9 / L6 / as HJ2,J,J1cA L6 t2tl a9h5 - 09 / LG / os HLT2iI'J1cc L6:2tL Calculatlons tro pcrformed bcfore rourrding to avoid rourld<ff error$ in colcuktrd rc$lo. STL Denver 139 TililITIf, SPIXE SBIIIPLts BTAIJNLITOIT RMORT Itc):felr Uetal-o Clierrt Iot *---: D5IO2A23O Ilate gary)Ied- - - ! 09 / oL/ oS 12 : 10 Ilate PARAMETER PERCET\IT RECOVERY RECOVERY LIMTTS RPD IIIII rot-Saryfie *: RPD IJIMfTS L3s) 1,35) 1.5 (O-251 Pl-lutlon Factor: 5 AnalyslB TLmc..: 21:00 L29l - 129) 3.0 (0- 25lI Dilut,lon Factor: 5 Analyaie Tl-mo. . : 2L : 00 : og/az/as I\mTHOD llat,giv, - -. ! , ! . O : G[l[ PREPARATTON- WORK AIIAITYSfS DATE ORDER # CadmLum Selenlurn Barium Calcium Chromium Copper NC, Iv[gB NC, MSB Idg I.ot-8aryll-e *: Aluml-num 90 92 Areenic DSI02023A-004 rtep Batch #- (sg 110) (gg 1-1,0) 13 (O-20) Pllut,lon Factor: 4o Analysie Time, . : L2 :L6 LL2) LLz) 8 ,9 (O-20) Dilutlou Factor: {0 Analyele Time.-: L2zLG (a+ (a+ (ss (ss 50N 69N L72 N L49 N L26 N L2s N 103 1-03 L24 120 (82 (az (tz (zz (az (82 D5I02023A-004 Prep Batch #. - - : 52496L7 (gs 1i.9) swg46 60108 (as 1191 Z-Z (O-zsl Sw846 60108 Dl-lutlon FacEor: 1O arralysl-e Tlme. . : A7 =32 a24l L24) 1.2 (O-251 DlluEion Factor; 5 Ana1ysJ.e TirtrG., : 21:OO L20) 12A) O.3o (O-zs) Dilutl-ou Fector: 5 Analyele Tlme..: 21:O0 oe / 1s - a9 / 2z / as HirvQet-eg a9 / 1s - ae / 23 / as HinrQg 1e9 ae /1s- a9 / zt / os HwQelDA ae/ Is- ae/n/as HJlrQglDC oe / 1s- oe / Le / as HiruQelDo ae / ls- 09 / L9 / os H.rtreet Dl 09/ r.s - oe / L6 / os Hin/Qg LDz ae / 1s- ae / L6 / a5 Hd\rQ91.D3 ae / Ls- oe /LG / as HWQeLD4 oe / r.s - ae l L6 / os HJVQeIDS oe / ls- ae / Le / as H.JvQelcR oe / l-s - 09 / L9 / as HirvQelCT oe / 1s - oe / L6 / as Hiryee lcA oe /1s- oe / L6 / os H.l\Ieelee oe / t-s- 09 /L6 / os H.rvQelcD ogh 5 - ae lrl I as Hfloelcn -: 5249516 sw845 6A20 sw846 602A svr845 5020 sw846 5020 slr846 60108 sw846 60L08 sw846 60108 sw846 50108 sur845 50108 sw846 5 0108 sw845 50108 sI{045 60108 ( +g 153 ) SVir84 6 5 O l- oB (ce 153) (0-2s't sri845 5o10B DilutLon Factor: 1O AnalyeLo Time. , : L7 t32 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 140 Cl.Lent Iot, #--.r D5f02O23A Date saryrled.- - -: 09/OL/05 LZzi.O Date PARAMETER PERCEhIT RECOTfERY R.ECOVERY I.,IMITS ...- RPD Iron HAIRIT SPIre SAHPI,B EIT:ALUATTGI NEPiORT TO|IAL Meta]-e Receirred..3 og/o2/As uatrfuco.-----..! Gw PREPARAIION- [{ORK AI.IAr.,YSIq_-DATE ORDER # oe / ].s - ae / L9 / 0s H-nrQ91CU oe / t-s - 09 / L9 / a5 H.n/Q9LCV oe / 1s- oe / L6l 05 H.nIQglcH oe / r.s- ae /L6/ os H.]l/Qg]-CJ ae / 1s - 09 / Le / as HJt/Qe leo oe / L5- 09 / L9 / as HiruQet.er. oe / J"s- oe /L6/ os HJryQglcF 09/ :.s- oe/LG/os HiruQelec oe / 1s - a9 / Lg / os HiruQs 1cril oe / 1s - 09 / rs / os HinrQeLcx 0e / l"s - ae / L6 / as H.nIQelDw 09 / 1s - oe / L5 / os HiruQeLDx ae / ]"s - oe lLg / os H(nIQe LCz oe/ ls- oe/Le/os HJvQeLC3 ae /1s- oe /L5 / os HirVQeICK oe / i.s - oe / LG / 05 HwQg lclr a9 lLs-oglte los r{JvQelct{ ae / 1s - ae / L6 / os HflrQgleN RPD LIMITS METHOD 138 g7* 87N LL2 1L0 r- o8 L25 L24 1L0 1-0 9 (sz lss )(se 1ss) s+ (o- zsll Dilutioa Factor: LO Analyele TLmo. . : L7 ;32 L21) 1211 zS (o-zsl Pllut,Loa Pactor: 5 Inalyel-e Time. . : 21: OO (8e (sg ( es Lzo)(as L20) o DJ.lution Analyela (50 137) (00 L37 ) E ollution Analyeis srf,84 5 sw845 6 0108 50108 Iread Magnesirun Nl-cke1 Pot,assirrrn Silver Sodlum Vanadiurn Zinc NC, MSB (ZO 203 ) NC,MSB (ZO 203 ) Dilutlon .Bnalyeis sw84 5 5 0l-oB sw845 50108 sw846 501OB sw846 50108 NC, Ir,tSB $Z L4G ) SWB4 6 50108 NC,MSB $Z 145) (0-2sl SW846 50108 DlLution Factor: 1O Analygle Tlme. - : L7 :32 NC,MSB 0e L32) SWB46 60108 NC,MSB fie l-32) (0-2s) SW846 60108 Di]-utLon Factor: t 0 Aaalyeto Timc. - ; L7 232 (8+ LzA) SW845 60108 (e+ LzA) r - S (0- 2s) SW846 5o1OB DilutLon Factor: 5 Analyels Tlme-.: 21:00 (7s L41,) SW846 5O1OB(zs 141) 1.4 (o-25) srrl846 60r.08 Dilutl-on Factor: 5 enalyeie Tl-me, -: 21:00 (o-40) Factor: L0 Tlme.. i I-'l:32 ,55 (O-251 Factor: 5 Time-.: 21:00 .7 (O-251 Fact,or: 5 Tlme. . : 21:00 sw84 6 sw846 6010B 60L08 L2A L24 sI^I84 5 sw84 6 601 0B 6 0108 STL Denver (eontinued on next page) t4L ClI.errt Lot #. . -: D5IOZAZ3O Date Saryll-ed- - - ! 09 / OL/ 0S 12 : 10 fielruf SPIKB SlUpIrB EIi:AI'IIATIOII RBPORI I\OtAL liletaf-g Ilate Recoirred. . ! a9 / az / OS RPD l{atrlx.- - - - - - r ? ? : G}t PERCE} T PARATIETER. RECO\rERI{ Zirconium L 0l- 104 Mercury 28N 28 N RECO\TERY LTMTTg RPD IJIMITS MBTIIOD (eo Lzo) sw845 5o1oB (80 LzA) 3.2 (O-251 SW846 50108 Dilutlon Factor: 10 Analyaie Tlme. . : L7 :32 (ss 1r_4) sw845 7470A (85 11-4) 0.]-s (0-10) 9w846 7470}' Dl-Iutlon Factror: 1 Analyals Tima-.: 15:43 oe/ 1-s- ae/Le/ os Hir\/Qelc4 09 / Ls - oe / Le I as HJ\rQe les oe / Le / as HirvQelcP a9 / 1e / 05 H'J1rQeleQ PREPARATTON- AT.IALYSIS DATE WORK ORDER # lllg tot-Saryt1e *: D5f02023O-004 Prep Batrdr #- - -: 5258348 ncfE (s) : Celculetionr rrc psrformcd beforc rouodkrg ro avold rouul+ff cnorg in cakuhod roeils, N Spilrcd uulyrc recovery Is ouBidc slaed coDtrol lindis" NC ltc rccovcry enrl/or11pp gsro rt cdorllttd. IvISB The rccovery and RPD wcre not cEtctht€d bccare the samph snrmt was grcser dran four tlmeg thc spike enrount, . Reletivc percant differurcc (RPD) is ourslro sstcd coilrot limir^ STL Denver L42 Clieut Iot f;---: Date San[rl.ed---3 SAI{PLE IA:[SIT gPIre S,B}IPLB DLT[, REPORT aUtrAL Dieta]-s Ilate Recelved- . ! 09 / a2/ 05 llatrl:r- - r - - . - - - : G$I PREPARATION- WORK AI{AITYSIS DATE ORDER #PARAMETER AII,IOUMT AI' T AMOUMT UNTTS D5r020230 a9 / aL/ os L2:ta SPIICE MEASRD PERCIIT REC\IRY RPD METHOD lI8 Iot-Sanpl-e *: Cadmiurn ND Selenium 0.040 o.040 IUD ND Arsenic 0.o25 0-025 Bariurn 0.41 0 - 41- Calcium 1.500 1500 D5I020230-004 Prep Batch o . 0400 A . 0242 Eg /L Qualifiers: N 0.0400 0.0277 fftg/I' 5249 5 15 sw84 5 6020 13 SW845 5020 sw846 5020 8-9 SW845 6420 52495L7 sw846 50L08 2 -2 gWB45 50108 sw84 5 60108 L .2 SW84 5 50108 sw84 6 50108 0.30 sw845 60108 sw84 5 60108 s$l0{6 60108 oe / Ls - oe / 23 / os H;nlQeles oe/ Ls- ae/23/os HJtIQelee ae / 1s- oe /2t / as HWQeIDA osh s- oe /23 / os HWQeI-DC oe / r.s - ae / Le / as HJvQel-Do as/ 1s- ae/L9/os HWQ91D1 oe lls - oe / LG / os HJVQe r.Dz oe/ r-s- oe /Ls / os H.r\rQel-D3 oe / 1s - ae / 16 / os H.n/Qe 1D4 09 / ls - oe / t6los H.nrQelDs HiruQ9LCR H.TV091CT Qualifiers: N Dilution Eactor: 4 0 Analygis Time..: L2:L6 0 .0400 0,109 N mg/L L72 0,04OO O.0998 mg/L 149 Qua1l,f iero: N Dllutloa Factor:40 Analyeie TJ-me. . : 12 : 16 *- - -: 60 59 f,. - -: 90 92 I{g Iot-Elarqrl.e *: D5f A2A23 0- OOC Prep Batch Alumlnum 2.00 2.00 2.AO 2 .00 2. oo 2 - OO 50.0 50. 0 L .84 ng/1, l-.88 mgll' Dilution Factor: .[ualyelo Tim6. . : 2.55 N mglT, 2.52 N mg/I' DilutLon Faetor: Analyeie rlme. . : 2.47 nq,/L 2 . tlg mg/L Dilution Factror: Analyela TLme- -: 10 L7t32 L26 L25 5 21: 0O 103 103 5 21;00 L47 A ng lL Qualif iers: NC, litSB 1510 mq/L Qualifiers: NC,MSB Pllution Factor: 10 Analyais TLme. . ; L7 -.32 oe/ ls- oe/Le/05 ashs- osl:slos STL Denver (Continued on next page) L43 fATRIf SPIf,B SJBIIPLE IIATA. REPORT TCIEAI, Ueta.I.e Cl"ieut Ipt *-..: D5I02O23O Date saqfled---z o9/ot/as L2z1o Date Received. -. og/oz/os SAMPIJE 9PIKE AIYIOT]IVT AIUT IvIEASIRD AIIIOUMT UNITS PERCNT RECTTRY RPD PIETHOD ttratri-xr - - - ? - - -, 3 Gt[ PREPARATION- WORK ATiIATJYSIS DATE ORDER #@ Chromium Copper fron Magrresiurn Nickel Potaesirrrn ND O .200 IUD 0.200 o - 2L9 mg/r, O . 21.6 mg /I' ollutlon Factor: AnalyeLg Timo.,; o . 3I-1 nrg/t 0.301- mg/t Dllution FacEor: Analygig Time.. : L .7 6 nrg /I' L -24 * mg /T' Dl-Iution Factor: Analyels TLme.. : O.435 N mg/f' O , 558 fiig /T' DilutLon Factor: AnalysLe Tlme-.: 110 108 1.5 5 21: 0O L24 L2A 5 21: 00 138 87 10 L-l t32 87 LL2 sw84 6 50108 sw846 50108 sw845 60108 3.0 sw845 60108 34 2s sw845 50108 sw846 5 0108 sw845 6 01-08 1.3 SW845 50108 oe/ ls- ae / L5 / as H'J\/Qe].eA oe / ls - oe / L6 / os HirvQelce oe lt s- oe / LG / os Hin/Qel,cD 09 / ls - 09 / 16 / as Hirueelcg a9 / ls - ae / LG / os H.JVQSIcH a9 / 1s - a9 / L6 / as Hinreelc.I 09 lls- oe/L6/as HinrQglcF oe/ i.s- oe/LG/os H.nreelce ND ND o - 38 0.39 ND ND 12 00 1200 o.016 0-015 L70 0 1700 0_250 o_250 1-.00 J_. 00 o.500 o - 500 50. 0 so-0 o.500 o.500 50. o 50.0 9w846 5o1OB oe/1,s-oe/L9/Os H.r\/Qgl-CU sw845 5o1oB Oells-O}/L9/A5 H.nlQglgv 5 21,: OO 118 0 mg/r, Quall-f iers : NC, ItIsB LZOA mg /I' Quall-f iers : NC, MSB Pllutl-on Factor: l-O Aaalyelp TLme..: 17:32 o - 564 mg/L 110 0.557 mg/t L09 DilutLon Factor: 5 AnalysLa Time. - r 21: O0 L74A $ry/L Oua1if iers ' Nd,l'{EB L790 ng/I' Qualif iers: NC, MSB Dllution Pactror: 10 Analysle Tl,me., : L7 :32 sw846 601oB 09/1s-09/t9/as H.J\IQ91C0 swglt5 50L0B a9/15- 09/Lg/as rr.J\rQg1cL sw845 6010B 09 / r.s - Oe / L9 / Os H.nrQelCI{ sw846 60108 A9 / 1s - 09 / 19 / As HWQglcx STL Denver (Continued on next page) a44 TtrtB.ET SPIKR 8AUPT,B I}AT[.' RBPIORT IOlf,BIr lttetale Cl-Lent lot *- - . ! Date Sarylled---l SAIVTPLE PARAMETER AMOIINT Sllver ND ND Sodium 33000 33000 Vanadium 0,014 o.oL4 Zinc o .024 0.024 Zj,re.anium ND ND I.IB lpt'-garyll-e Mercury DID N(I[B(S} : D5 I02 023 0 oe / oL/ as 12 : Lo DaEe SPIIG TVIEJASRD AMT AIUOT}I{ T UNTTS Reeeirred-.3 09/02/05 uatrix-----.-..3 GW PREPARATTON- AIVAI,YSIS DATE PERCMT REfiTRY RPD METHOD WORK ORDER # O,0500 0.0 626 mg/r, O, OSOO O.0518 mg/I' 9w846 50108 1.4 SW845 60L08 sur846 60108 sw84 5 60r-08 9w845 60108 sw845 50108 sw846 50108 3.7 SWB46 60L0B gw84 6 601-08 3 .2 SW84 5 601_08 szs8348 9w845 747AA 0.15 SW846 7470A oells-oe/L5/a5 ae/1s-oe/L6/os L25 124 L20 L24 5 21: OO 101 104 l.o L7:32 ffruQgLDW H'.TIIQ9]-DX Dllution f,'actsor: 5 Analyete Time..: 21:OO 50.0 31700 rftg/I' Quatl"f iers : NC, MgB 5o.0 33600 lriry,/t, Qualifiers: NC,M$B Dilutl"on Factor: 1O Analysl-e Tim€. . : L7 :32 0.500 0.565 mg/r, 110 0.500 0.551 mg/T, 109 0.55 Dilution Factor: 5 Analysia TLme..: 21:0O aells-oe/Le/05 ae/ r-s- oe/Le/as HJVQ9 LC2 H,.ryQg1C3 oe/i-s-ae/L6/os ae/1s-oe/L5/os H,X/QglCK H,f\/Qg].Ct 0-500 o.500 o.500 0.500 O .622 mg/t' 0.545 mg/L Dllutl.on Factor: Ana1ygia rl-me. . : o.505 mg/r, o .522 lrrrg/L Dilutrlon Pactor: Analysl-e Time. . : oe / 1s- a9 / L6 / as HwQelcM oe / 1s- ae /L6 / as HiruQeLcN ae / Is- oe / Le / os HWQ91C4 09 / r.s- oe / Le / as HiruQer-cs 09 / 1,9 / os H.rvQglcP oe / re / 05 HinIQelcQ *: D5f020230-00{ Prep Bat'ch 0.00500 0.0 oL42 mg/t Qtralif l-ers: N O,00500 O.OOL42 mg/t" Qualiflers: N Dilutl-ou Factor: Analysis Time. . : #- -.3 28 28 1 16:43 calolations ue pcrforned bcfore rouding to rvoid romd-off enors in calculrtcd resulo. N Spiked enalyre recovcry ie outsiSe $atrd coilrol limits. NC The rccovery &d/or RPD werc not cElcilleldl. MSB The rccovery and R?D wcrc not celcrilred bgulc ttrc crnrplc atrlout war grcatcr than four timcs thc ryitc rmount. r Rclrdve pcrcurt diffcrcncc (RPD) b ou$lde sutcd coilrot limiB. STL Denver 1,45 HLI?IX SPIXCB SBHPI.B EITALTIATIOII RBPORT lOlEBIr lfist.nl sr C1ient Iot *---: D5I02O230 Date sary)Ied- - - : 09/ 15/os 14:30 Ilate Merctrry Recelvrsd--3 09/17 los RPD llatri-x,,,, ? o- - - E WATER PREPARATION- WORK AI{AI,YSTS DATE ORDER *PARJAI{ETER PERCENT RECO\TERY RECO\IERY I,IMTTS RPD ITIMIT9 IUBTHOD US lot-Saryrl.e *: D5I1701-95-001 kep Batrch *- 84N 78 N ( 8s 11,4 ) ( ss LL[l 7 .2 (O-10) Dilut,Lou Faetor: L Analyeie TLme, . : 19: 33 : 5262486 sw845 7470A 9w845 7470e ae/22/ os HKTIEL34 ae/22/os HKTIE1C5 IUIB (S) : Calculations arc psrtbrmcd bcfore rounding to avoid roundoff errors in calculrted results. N Spikul analye rGcovery ts outsidc $arcd oootrol limits, STL Denver L46 Clieut lot, *, - - : Date gary,Ied,---l g;54pr.E PARAI{ETER AI{OUNT D5 r02 023 0 a9 / 1sl05 L4 :3 o SPIKE ME,ASRD A}TT AIvIOT]NT T]NTTS UAITn SPIKE SAHPT,B DHIh REPIORT TCIItrAIr lteta]-s Ilate Beceirrcd- - r 09/L7 /OS : I{ATER PREPARJATION- WORK ANALYSIS DATE ORDER # l.Iatrfur. PERCNT RECVRY RPD METHOD H.S Lots-Ealqfie *: tlercury ND ND NcrfB (8) : Dsr170L96-001 Prop Batch O. 00500 O. O0418 firg/T' Quall-f iers: N 0.O05oo O.00389 W/1, 5262486 sw846 7474}l 7.2 9W846 7470A ae / 22 / 05 HKTLE1C4 09 / 22 / os HKTl-El-cs s- _ - : 84 78 Qualifiers: N Dl-]-utton Fact,or: I Rnalysia Tl-me. . : 19 : 33 Calarlations aro performed beforc roundlng !o rvoid round-off erronr in calculated results- N Spikcd andyte rccovery Is outsidc strtod control lirnito, STL Denver ]-47 STL DENVER o LaI) traeb: Codc: Total Metals Analvsis COVER PAGE - INORCANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE tRg Corlroration gDG No.: D5f020230 STLDEN Caec No. t SLS $k). : SOW No. r Sarnfrlr ID - swB-10-090105 I.rb SanEl]'e No, Dsr0202 3 0- 00{ o Irlc sr{tB-10-090105 us Dsr0202 30- 00{s sr{B-10-090105 tlgD Dsr020230-OO{gD g$rB-3 - 09 0105 D5r02 02 3 0 -00 5 gwB-7 -o9010s Dsro20230-oo5 swB-e -090105 D5r020230-003 gr'rB- 910 - 090105 D5r020230-O02 rs ICP intcrelcment, corrcstl.ona aDDIicA?Ycg./No YEg Ware ICP brckgrorrnd correctsl,ont eppl.l,cdZ ff yca-wor. rrw d,ntl lfanoratred before appJ.icr,tiorrr of background corroctlona? Coruocrrtg 3 ycs/No YES Yeg/No r o6rtify thrt, uh18 daca Dackrgc ir Ln ooqlllancc rrr.th thc torn8 arrd condlElons of thc cosltrret, botlr tcchuical\. and for comlrlet.ncrl, for othcr thru thc conditioos detai].ed above. RGl.caac of thc drtr cougaLned Ln thic bEdcoDy drta prckege end in tb.e cory)utar-raadrlrlc drta lubml.ttcdl on flofltnr dlakette has been autborlzcd by thGl Lsborator-lz l}Ir^Brgrlr or Ehc ![tatgerr3 dogLgttcc, ac werLfied by chc lo1lowing aigaaturc. O"rurs , .. li) {t-....,((fi ,,i.{r"-,)r,Dcc Kattule Dauo' .,-- 'il.4{r,:t Nemc; titla I PAGE INSTL Denver COVER Data f,na}y;t 1,48 STL DENYER Total lVletals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Corrtsract! IIRS Corporatlon Lab Code s STITDEN Caga No.:SAg No. r aDGI No. r D5I020230 rnLtial Crllbratlon Eorrrcc r Continul.ngr CalibratsLon gorrrcs : nLgb Purity, Spcx Inorgru,ie Vcnturcrl .illuminurn :l AlrlrninuIn :l Calclurn L l Ca].oium Hl Concentrats:lon UnLt,a r urgl/I1 39.39 I 98.5 39.93 I 99. g 51.301 102.6 52.511 105.2 Ilna].yt,c InitLal. Ca]'Lbration Tnrc Forrnd %R (1) ContsLnuing Calibrat ion Tnre Found, e6R ( 1) Found ,6R ( 1)M fron Lo I 0.5081 101.5 I P I rron Hi I lo.ol {o.zolroo-sl so.ol sz.rsl10r.3l I lpl Potarnium I 50-391 100-8 I P Magrnesium I 20.051 100.3 I P lsodiumr,ol I I I s.ol I I s. oal 101.6 | P I Sodl.um Hf I {0 . 02 1100 ,0 52.241 104 - 5 ZLrcoairrm I (1) Control r.initg:Mcrcury 80-120t Other Mctalg 90-110r CYanida 85-115 o, {gg l 99.8 I P STL Denver Forsr II (Part 1) IN a49 STL DEIVVER Contract: IIRS Cor;poratl-on Totel Metals Analvsis -2A_ INITIAL AT.{D CONTINUING CALIBITATION VERIFTCATION Cage No.:gAg Ntr. t Eigrh Purity, Spcx Inorgranio Vcnturo; LEL codc r STLDEIhI -rrLtl-a]- Callbrat,iou Elouroc r Contsl.nuing Cnl.Lbratrl,oa Sourcc r sDc DIo, : D5I020230 ConcentreEion UuiEr I ng/t, Anallt,c rnLtLal Calibratioa Trrra Found, e6R ( 1) Contiuulng Crlibrrtion trrnrc Found reR (1) Found tR ( 1)u .LLrrnirrurn :l I n1uninum :l I 0 .50 50.O I d9. sol 99,0 I 0-493 98.5 Calciun L I CnlcLrrm II I Iron fro I Iron HL l Potassium I I uagrnaetuln I I I 5-o 50. o 0 .50 50. 0 50.o 20 - O I 49-1 98;3 48-87 97 .7 5.03 100 .5 0 .497 99 .4 50.32 100-5 1e-s7l 99.8 I p I lsoaiun r,o I I 5.0 I s- oel rot.z l p l Sodlum Ei I I zi=c=alq4l I 50. o o.5o I 50 .7 101.5 o,sool 1oo-o I p I ( 1) ConLroI lrl.mtus :!,Icrctrry 80-120t othcr Mrtalg 90-110, watrLde 85-115 STL Denver Form fr (Part, 1) IN 1s0 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -24_ INITIAL AND CONTINI]ING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION CoErtrrctr t RS CorDorrtlon Ld) Coda 3 S1FLDEIV Caetl No. r SISI No. r laitial CaltbratLon Sourcc: Continuingr Cali.bration Sourcr t Higrh PurLty, Spax InorgenLc Venturet sDc NO-: D5TA2023O Conocntration UniEe z $glt ll'rumtnu,*J I 1,,._,L-,-...s,9,,,0 1-,,-, lz.lrl gr.gl ls.oll go.rlel lcarcrun nl I [. .-. I so.o I rs.z.?l . go.l I ls.gsl gr.g I e-l I -ron lri I I I I so.ol n5-3sl 90.?l 46.13 I gz.sf rl .lna1yEc rnitial Callbratlon 1[rrra Found BR ( 1] Contlnulng Calibrrtsion lfrrro Fotrnd tR ( 1) Found' esR ( 1)![ Sod.f,rrst Hi I (1)Control LLnLts: Mcrcury 80-120; Other MetrLr 90-110, C:/inLde 85-115 48.1-31 95.3 dg.70l 97-tLl P STL Denver FOIM II (ParL 1)-I}[151 STL DENVER contract: IIRS Corporatioa Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION \MRIF'ICATION Cage f[o. r Sl,fI No. : Higrh PurLty, Spax Iaorganio VcuturGs Lab Cod,c r STLDEII rnl.tLal CalibntLou Sourca : Cont,lnuingr CrllbratLon Sourco r sDG No.: D5I020230 Concsntsrrtsl-orr trnLts; r mglr, .}nrI.yBc fnitirl. CrI.l.brltl-on Tnrc Found tR ( 1) Continulng Ca1lbratj.on trnre Found e6R (1) Fou:rd e6R ( 1)M AlumLnum rl o .50 0-{7 95 .8 A]-uurt rrlun :l 50. o 47 .8L 95.6 Cal-ciun Ll 5.0 l.7gl 95.8 lsarci'rnrl - | ..,.,- I I so.ol I I ns.erl gr.zlil Iron Lo I 0 .50 0.4881 97.6 I rron IIt- I I I I so.ol I I cs.ggJ gz.olp IrotarrLumI I I I so.ol so.zglloo.Gl I Jrl Irlagrncal"um I 20. o 19.701 98.5 LEoai"+ Hr I I IIlzi1conrunl I .-l I o.sol o.sorl roo-el I lel (1) ConEroI r,initsg:Mercurar 80-120r OEhcr Mctall 90-1101 Cfranlde 85-115 so.ol I I ce,6sl gs.lfel STL Denver fom II (Part 1) rN 1,52 STLDETWER Total Metals Analvsis -2A.- INITIAL AIID CONTINUING CALIBRATION VBRII'ICATION corEracts I,RS CorDoretioa r,ib Codc 3 STITDEN Cage No. r SASI No. r InLtial Crlibration Sourccr Continuing Crl'ibraELon Sourec r Htgrh Purity, Spcx InorgrnLc Ventureg sDo No. r D5f020230 Coneentrabion UnLt,r t rrgfL Ana.Lyt'a rnl.tl-a1 Calibration Trnre Found ,6R ( 1) ContLnuingr Call,bration rnrc f,ound 96,R ( 1) Found %R ( 1)M AlurnLnuro :l AlurnLnutrr :l Calcium L l Calclum H I I trorr Lo I 0.50 0 .48 95.0 50.0 5.0 {.8 9T .2 50 .0 o.5o I o.{881 97.51 {8 .31 96-5 {7 .28 94.6 Irronni I I I so.ol I I 17 -Lr.l sc-s I n I Lrtrursgiunl I 5o.o I 50.8il 101.5 I lpl Magaosiun I 20 .0 19.{51 97.3 fsooinmnrl I I I so.ol I I tg.ttl 99.51 ZLrconiuur I (1) Control Limitar Dlercur:r 80-1201 Othar 0 .50 o. {ggl 99. 6 MrEaIg 90-110r Cyanldr 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN 1s3 STL DENVER Contre'ct, t [rIiU; Corg,orat1on Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL A}[D CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION Caac No. t 8.[.S No. t Ht gh PurLty, Spsx InorganLc Venturcs Ilab Code : STITDEN Initirl Callbration Bourccr Cont,tnuLng Calibrat,lon Source: gDc NO.: D5I02023O Concentration Unitr t mg/L .Lrralfrer rnLtLa1 cr1l-bratlon Trnrc Sound e6R ( 1) Contsiaulng callbratlon Tnrr tround e6R( 1) Eourrd, e5R ( 1)ItT l.'I.uilinrun :l I c.lcium r, I I 0 .50 5.0 I 0.4951 99.2 {.961 99,2 I fron f,o I Potrrssirun I lm.Feaiuml I 0 .50 o.4g9l 99. B 50-o 50-g8l 102-0 I I 2o.oJ re.G3l eg.2l I IPI ZirconLunr I 0 .50 0. {9{l 9g . g (1) Control tLmLt,gr lllcrsurf, 80-12Oi Other ueBa].a 90-110; crraaLdc 85-115 STL Denver rorn II (Part 1) n[1,_5 4 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2^.- INITIAL AND CONTINT]ING CAI,IBRATION VERIFICATION contractss IIRS Corporation Lab Codrrr SlILDEN Ca'rr tr[o. r fIAg No. r rniticI Calibration Source : Continuing Ca1Lbretion Souree: Higrh PtrrLty, Spcx Inorganic Vonturoa sDo No. s DSI02023O Conecntratsion m,lEa r ng lT' f rr."ninum :l o.zsl 0.2461 gs.l I I I I I ena}f't,e rnl"tial CrlLbntlon T:nrc Found ,6R ( 1) Conts lnul-ngr Calibration Tnrc Found ,6R ( 1) f,ound' 95R ( 1)Ir! Calciun L l 2.2 .01 1100 .5 Iron Lo I o.2 o .259 1103.5 Potaeciurn I 20.0 20.33 1101,6 eium I 10.g-57 I 95.7 Sodium Lo I 2.2.05 1102.5 lzircoarunl o.zsl ,, o.zlsl gz.zl I -...L I I lpl ( 1) Control t,imlts r Mcrcurfr 80-120r Other Mctals 90-110r Cyanldc 85-115 STL Denver Form If (Prrt 1) fN 155 STL DENVER ContracE r IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analvsis -7A- INITIAL AI'[D CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIF TCATI ON Cage No.:g.trg trIo. t Higrh hrrLty, Spcx rnorgenio Vrrntures Lrb Code: STITDEN rnl-tLa1 CaLLbratsion Souroc r Continuingr calLbrabion Bourcc: sDe No. : D5I020230 ConcentrrtsLon tnel-tg: mg lL Ilnal.trcc fnitj.al Callbration Trrrc Found AR ( 1) Contirruing Calt bratsl,on Trrrc Forrnd, e6R ( 1) Found t,R ( 1)M lnunrnum:l I | | o.sol ,,-. I I o.szrlron.zlpl lrrunrnun:l .to.ol :g.gsl gs.l,l,,_ so.ol le.gef. gz-gl I lpl Calcium L l 5-0 5-O0l 100.o I P lca+ci"- rl lo,.ol rg.ezl gg.o | ,,so-o I lg.ssl gg..21..., ,,_. I I e Ilr5onpo I I I I o-sol I I o.s:r7l rol,elrl [.ron Ht I 40. ol 39.831 99-61 so.ol le.3?l 9B,zl I lpl Pota,ssium I anl-um I I soqiu+ r,o I I 50.0 20.0 I :.0 I 50.011 100.0 I B 19-821 99.1 I P 5-oel ro1.z J p I Sodiurn IIf I {0,0 {o.02 100 .0 50. o 49 .7 99.5 ZLrconium I ( 1) ConEroI lrimlts:Mercrrry. 80-1?0; Other MctrIB 90-110; Cyanidc 85-115 o. {93 98. 6 STL Denver Fom rr (ParE 1) IN 1s5 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL A}ID CONTINTM{G CALIBRATION VERIFrcATION CoEltrrcts IIRS Co:ilrorat,lon Lab Codc r STLDTI{Crrr No. t 8f,S No. t rnLti.al Cf,libratLon Source : ContrLDuLngr Calibrrtion Sourec : Irierh Purity, SI>cx Irrorganie VenturGa SDc trrO- : D5IO2O23O Couccntration Unltrs t mg llt .Lrra1rru,o taieirl Cal-lbraElon Trnrc Found tR( l) Contlnulng Crllbntioa lf r:rn Pound tR ( 1) f,or:nd, tR ( 1)}I Al.umirrurn :l 0.50 0.{g5l 97.0 I p J.ltunrauu:l I I I so.ol le.grl sz.al I lBl lc.r"i'r- r,l | | l. s.,o I I I c.ggl sg.e,l g.l lcarcl.r-nl ,., I I ,l,,.,sg.ol tP.ezl gg.al I JLI Iron LO I 0.50 0.{g4l 98.8 I p lrronrr I | | I so.ol lg.rrl ga.zl - I lBl PotaseLun I 50 .0 50.101 100.2 I p luasnarLunl I I I zo.oJ I I rs.azl rs.llrl I soatt - r,o I I I I s,ol I I s-otltol.d I p I I soaturn Hi I I I I so.ol as.s3l ee-1l I lrl I zlrconiuml I I I o.sol I I o.rg4l gs.alpl ( 1) Control Li.ln{.t,s r Mcrourtr 80-120; Other Motalg 90-110r CYanidc 85-115 STL Denver Dorm II (Part 1) IN L57 STL DENVER Contract,: IIRS Corporat,Lon Total Metals Analysis -2A- ]NI'TIAI, AND CON'IIN UTNG CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Cagc No,:AIS No. t Hlgrh PurJ-ty, Spcx InorganLc VenturcrB Lab Code: STLDEN fnitial Calibratl-on Souroc: Continuing CaLlbratLon Source: sDG No.r D5f020230 Conccntration Unl,t,s t mglt Analyte Inieirl. Cr1lbratl-on Trrre tr'orrnd tR ( 1) Continuing Cal.lbratlon Tnrc Found e6R ( 1) f,orr-nd ,6R ( 1)M Llurntnrrm :l Ieru*inurn:l I I I so.ol {8.851 97.7 |I lP Calcirm t I Cal-cirrnr H I Iron Lo t lrronai ! I I I so.ol ra.esl gz.sl I PotaseLum J 50,o{1100-1 lr'lrp"siuml I I I r9.Bol ee,olpl lsoattrnqgl I .1, ....L , _s.o-L - I I s.oglroo._sle. l Sod,irurr Hf I llg.{xl gg.g I ztrconirrn I I I I o.sol I I o.lgzl ga.llpl 20.o l (r)Control LlmLtg:Mercrrrar 80-1201 Othor Metalc 90-110; CfranLd.e 85-115 STL Denver Fonn II (Part 1) IN 158 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERM'ICATION contraot: IIRS CorIoretiou Lab Codc r STLDEN Caar SIo - I SAS No. r fnlEial Cf,libratl-on Source : Contlnuingr Callbratton Sourcc: HLgrh f,\rrity, Spcx fnorgrrrlc Vcntures sDo NO-: D5TO20230 Concentrrt,ion UuiEu t m:f,[L AEalfrt,c -nltlal CalLbratsion Trrrc Found. ,sn ( 1) Contl-nulngr Ca1l-bratsLon :rrnrc Forrnd. t,R ( 1) Found 9sR ( 1)![ l.a,runiurm:l I I I o.sol I I o.czel sEql2j Alumimlrn :l 48.711 97 .4 P Ca].cirrrn L l 4.931 98.61 P lc.rcru+xl | ,.,, I I so.ol re.ssl gz-..2-,1 I lel Iron Irtr I 0. {gg I 97.8 I P rron Hi I 48.551 97.3 I eotaarELun I I I I so.ol I I so-oslroo.rlpl Magrncsiusr I 19-631 98.2 I r lsoar-ynrol I I I s..g1,,,-.,,-,.-., l-..,,, I s.oelroe.zlpl Sodiun IIf I 49.501 99. O P J ziroonlunJ I I l o-sol I I o.4e3l s8.6 I P I (1)Control Linits r Mcrcrrry 80-1201 Othar Motale 90-110, Wanido 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN 159 STL DE]V}/ER Contrlot r IIRS CorponEton Total Metals Analysis 2L_ INMAL AI\D CONTINUING CALTBRATION VERTFICATION Caga No- :StS No- : Higrh Purity, Stlrrx fnorgrnte Vcnturca LAI} COdA t STIJDEN rnl.tlal Crlibratlon Source I ConEtnuiag CrllbratLoa Sourcr: SDc [Io- r D5IO2O230 Aluml,nun :l 4.2 CalcLum Ii I 2.A CorrcrntratLon Utcita s str,ll;l 0.263 1105.2 1, gg I gg.0 I_Pote sgirurr I zo. ol 20. 18 lloo .9 I I Itnal.ytc InLtl.a1 CallbratsLon Trnrc Found, tR (1) Conti,nulngr CalibraELon Tnrc Found, rgR ( 1) Found tsR ( 1 )M flroato I o.zsl o.zs7lr.oz.el I I I I lpl lpl I urgocslum I ro . ol e.s2 I 9s.2 I I I tl Ipl I s<>atu* ro I 2. ol z. os lro1. s I lpl ZLrconiun I 0.2 o -240 I 96. o ( 1) Control IrimLte r Mcrcrrry 80-1201 Othrr Uctr1g 90-1101 Clzanide 85-115 STL Denver Forn II (Part 1) IlI 150 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -2^,- IN I'I'IAL AND CONTIN UING CALIBRATION VERTFICAfiON Contract: IIRS Corpont,Lon Lab Coda t STITDEN Ceae No. t Hightnitial Ce,lt bration Sourcc: Continuing Ca].Lbrat,l.on Sourcc : Purity, Spax InorganLe Vonturos SAS No. t sDc No.: D5I020230 I rot*aoLrml Concrrntrltion UnJ"ts r rBfr/IJ I I so-ol I I so.ezlrol.elpl Ana1lt,e Initial CalLbntLon Tnrc Found AR ( 1) ContLuulng Calilrration Tnre Forrod tR ( 1) Found tBR ( 1)M Sod.Lrrrn f,o J 5-Ogl 101.8 I P I soaio* Hl I ao.ol 3e.rel ge-zl so-ol so.esl1o1.3l I lpl (1)Control lul.nita:Morcury 80-1201 OEhor Uctals 90-1101 Cf'anido 85-115 STL Denver Fonr I.f (Part, 1) I![151 STL DENVER Contract: LIRS CorporatLon Total Metals Analysis -2A- rNI'TIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERTFICATION Casc No. t S.trS No.: Higrh Purity, Sllcx faorganlo VarrturGa r,ab Coda: STLDEN Inj.tial Calibretl.oa Sourcc: Contrirruingr Crll"bration Sourcc r SDs No. r D5I020230 ConcrntntLon urrl,ee t lmrglt' Analrt,c fnitial Call-brntlon Trrrc Found e6R ( 1) Contlnutng Cal{braElon Tlrra Found %R ( 1) Eound '6R ( 1)u Poteseium I 51.091LOz.2 I p lFoarunr,ol . I .,-. I I s.ol I I s.osfror-slel Sod,lrun Hi I 51.2L1 102.4 P (1) Control L{ ra{ ts : Marcury 8O-120;Other Mctah 90-1101 Crranidc 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Partr X) IN L62 STLDENVER Totel Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINT]ING CALIBRATION VERTFICATION Coatsrtct: IrRS Corporation r-,ab Code 3 STLDTN Craa Nt). I Alg No.: rnl,tl,a] Calibrrt:ton Source; Contlnuingr CalLbrat,Lon Sourec r High PurLBy, Spcx fnorganic Vontrurol gDc lilo. : DSf 02023A Conscntration Unitr : mg ll, lnalytro InltsLn1 Calibratsion Tnrc Found tR( 1) CorrtLnuLngr Cr1LbntLon Tnrc Found, tR ( 1) Forrnd, %R ( 1)u PotaseLun I Sodirrm Iro I (1) Control LinLtr:Mercury 80-120; Othcr Mctalg 90-110r C:ranidc 85-115 STL Denver Fonrr II (Pert 1) G IN 153 STL DENVER Total Metels Analvsis -7A- INI'IIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION IIRS CorDorrtLosContracE: f,eb Code 3 STITDEN Cage No. t g.il,S No. t SDG No-: D5f020230 Initl"a1 CalibraElon Sourcc r Cont.inul-ng Ca1ibraE l-on Sorrrcc r Inorganlc VonEuroa Htgh Purity, Spex Conscntration UnLtt t mff/r, ArsrrnLc I Bariurn I Chromirrm I copDsr I Lcnd I tilLeke]. I I sttver I o. zsl o-zr3 I 97.zI o.sol 0.9971 99 .7 100 ,5 0.5051 101.2 o.5051 101.0 0 - {941 98.8 99.4 I P o.5001 100,0 0.5091 101-, g 0.4921 98.{l o.{esl 99.ofrl Anal6c rnitirL CnlLbratLon Tnre Pound ,6n( 1) Contiauingr call'bntLon Trrrc Found e6R ( 1) Found %R ( 1)M vanadLum I o,5051 101.0 Z,Lnc 0 .4971 99 .4 (1) eontrol ri.niEar Iltercur1r 80-120; othor ldatala 90-11Or CyanLtte 85-115 STL Denver For^ra II (Part 1) fN 1,5 4 STL DENVER Contrrrct E Irab Codc r Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITTAL AND CONI'INUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION UBS Corporatl-on STLDEN eagc No. I SAS No- t SDCI No. r D5f 020230 Initial" Callbratlon Bource: Cont,l.nu:lag Call,bration Sourcc r Inorganic Venturct Hf.grh ptrrlty, sDex ConcrnEre,tLon lh1tt t mrgll AD,al.yto rnl,t{aI call-bration Tnrc Found t,R ( 1) Continuirrg Crl.Lbnt,ion I'rnr. Found 96,R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)M ArganLc I Be.rJ.um l Chroml,urn I coDDer I Iraad, I I uterer I I 1. 0031 100 . 3 1.002 I 100. 2 0. 5051 101.3 0.500 I 100. 0 0. 507J 101. {0.5111 102.2 0,4951 99.0 0.4ggl 97 .6 0 . 5021 100. {0,505 1 101. 0 0.501 0.s121102,{l o.514lLaz.8lpl J sir.rcr I I I o.sol o.{eil sr.zl o.4s7 l gl.tl pl I veurdium I I o, so I 0.5091 101.8 I 0.5tz I 102 .4 I p I o. {961 gg .2 o.d96l 99.2 ( 1) Control r,lnits : Mercury 80-120; other Motale 90-110; Wanlde 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN 155 STL DENVER Cont,rrct r f.eb Code: Total Metals Analvsis INITIAL AND CON TIN UIN G CAL IBRATION VERITTICATION URS CorDoratiou gTLDEN Carr No. t S.e,S No. t InorgranLo VtrnErrrGg SDs No. r D5TO2O230 raLtlal CalibntLon Souroc s Cont,inuing Ca].ibration Bource:Iltgh Prrrl.ty, Sperr Conoantration Units ? mglt' Analfrtc Init,l-a1 Ca1Lbratrl-on Trnrc Found t6R ( 1) Continuing Crlibration Tnro Forrnd %R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)M I nrrenio I I I I r.ool r.ozol1o2.0l r.otslror.elpl lsafrum I I l, I o.sol o.sorl roo.zl o-lgzl gg._llFJ Chronui.um t 0.5231 10{ .6 0.53{l 106.8 I P I eopper I I I I o.sol o,{eel ee.Bl o.{eel es.Blpl I rcad. I I I o.so I o.s12l Laz.4l o.saslros.z I p I I uickrll- I I II o.so I o. s2sl 1os. o l o, s36l Lo7 .z l p I lsrl.wcr I I I o-50 I o.sool 1oo.ol o.50611o1-zl p I I vqaqqlaq I I o.50 I o.s23J 10{.61 o.53zJro6.4 I r I Izrnc I I o. so l o, s1ol Laz.o l 0,5211 10{. a l p l (1) Control l,lnltsr Moreury 80-120t other Metala 90-1101 CYanido 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part, 1) IN L65 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- IN IT IAI, AND CONTIN UTNG CALI BRA TION VERIFICATION IIRS CorloratLoa S'lrLDTN Caac No.:SI.SI No. l rnLtial Celibratl,on Sourcc: Inorganic VantrrrGa Contsinuing CalibratLon Source r Ht"grh Ptrrity, spax Contract: LaI) Codo:sDO IIo. : D5I020230 BarLum I 4.2 Conccutsntlon UnLte r nglft a .25{ 1101 . 5 0.5071 101.4 0.5041 100.8 I P fnalyte rnl,tlal. Calibret ion Tnrc found t6R ( 1) Continuing Celibretion Trnre Found e5R ( 1) f,ound t6R ( 1 )M lrreanlc I o.zsl o.zl3lgo.sl r.ool r.ooglroo.gl. o.ggel gg-gIpl Gtrroml-unt I 0.25 o.248I gg.2 0 .50 0.5021 100.4 0.5001 100,0 I P I copp.= I o.zsl o.zizl ge.a I o-so I o.lgzl gg.l I o.agsl rr.o I r I taad o.25 a.242 I 96.8 0 .50 0. {991 99.8 0-5011100.2 I p lNrcrer,, I o.?sl- o.zlgl gg.el o-sol o,so?lror-ol o-soglror.elel Isuvor I o.zsl o.zllf sz.z J o.so I o.cgzl se.l I o.lgzl ga.l.,l | | l vaaaoiun I o.zsl ,.-. o.zso lroo.o l o.so l 0...s_o?1.1.90.{ l o. soslroo.e l e l I 4c" I o. zsl 0.243 I 97.?l O.5OI o.{s7l se.{ | o.49Bl 99-5 [ P I ( 1) Control Llnits: Mercural,80-120t Othu Met,els 90-110r CYenidc 85-115 STL Denver Por^n II (Part 1) fll 1-67 STL DENVER Contract r Total Metals Analvsis -rA- INITIAI, AND CONTIN UING CALIBRATION VEMFICATION URS Corl)orrtl,on gTLDEtit Crac [Io. t glSI No.:sDGl trrc). s D5lO2023O rnJ.tla]- Calibrltl-on Source: Coat,l-nuj-ngr Ca].ibrlts:Lon Source : Inorganie Vtrntrrrele Hlglr PrrLty, Spcrc Coneentration Un:lEr : Bg /r' ]rnaLyte -nitial CalibrntLou, 1rnrG Fouod %R ( 1) Contlnulng CalLbratLon Trrrc found e5R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)M llraanrc I ,., I I I r.ool r.ozrl 1oz.gl r.ozglroz.glpl lalfi,r- 1,,- I I I o.sol o.lgal ge.ll o.lgll gs.elpl Chrom,ium I 0.5311 104 - 2 0.5241 104.8 I P I copprrr I I I o.sol o.{s{l eB.Bl o-{ssl ee-olpl Lr,eea I I I o.so I o.sldl 1oa.BI o.5161103.2 I r I I uicr.r I I I I o.sol o. szrl rol . B I a.szol ro s.z I p I I srt-wer I o.so I o,{9gl 9e,61 o.so1l1oo.2[pl [_vrnadl,urn I I tl o,5o I o.51Bl 1o3.GJ o.52rlrot.2 In IEip" -l I I 0.50 1 o.s1iltaz.zl o.sld] Loz.Bf pl ( 1) Control Limitg: Mcreury 80-120,' Othcr Mcta1s 90-110r CtranLde 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part t) rN 168 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis eA- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALTBRATION VERITICATION ContrBct,: IrRS Corlroratlon r,rb Codcs STLDTN Crac No, r SAS No. t InitiaL Crlibrttl.on Source : Coneinul"ng Callbration Sourcc r NIST Ultra ScientifLc gDc NO.: D5TA20230 Cou,crntrrtsLon UaiC; t mglL Analyte fnitia.l, Crllbnt.Lou Tnrtr Found %R ( 1) Cont,l-nrrlng Crl ibntion tDrnrrr E'ouad }sR ( 1) f,'ound ,611 ( 1 )lrt o . o o2L'17 0 . o a2L47 0 . 00500 0 0 .00511 (1) ControL rLmlEs:Mcreury 80-120; Other Hetr1g 90-110,. C3ranida 85-115 0 .0 04472 STL Denver D'orrn II (Part, 1) IN a69 STL DENVER Contraotr: URS Corporation Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONI"INUING CALIBRA'T'ION VERIF'ICATION Cace No.:gAS No. r DITST Ultra Sclentific Lab Codc r S1ILDEN rni-tlal Ca1ibrat,Lon Souree: ConEiuul,ng Calibrat,ion Slourcc : SDC NO. : D5f 020230 Couccnt,rat,ion UnlUg t mgll .lErl-yt,c .nl-tia]- Calibration Trnre Found t6R ( 1) ConELnulng CaL j.brati-on T:crrs Forrnd '6R ( 1) found %R ( 1)M 0.005000 0.00{98 (1) Control L1lnlts:Morcury 80-120, Other Uetals 90-110, Wan!-de 85-115 0 .0049{8 STL Denver Form II (ParE 1) IN 170 STL DENVER Total Metals Annlvsis _24- INITIAL AI\D CONTINIITNG CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION Cortractr URS Corpontion frab Codc i 8TI{DEN Cur llo. t NTST SA"g No. t Initlal- calLbntion Source: Cont,inuing Call-bration Sourcc r U1tra SoicntLfio sDo No.: D5Iou 0230 Coa,ccatratl-on UnLtsg : tugllt enaI-yts fnitirl CrllbratLou Tnrc Found e6R ( 1) Contlnulng Calibration l[rnrt Found, tr,R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)It[ 0.005000 0.00500 (1) Control nfunlts:lllercury 80-1201 Othrr Mcte}e 90-1101 Cfranidc 85-115 STL Denver Fo:m If (Part 1) IN 1,7 7 STL DENVER Contract: URS Corporrtion Total Metals Analvsis -24- INITIAL A}.ID CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIF.ICATION Case gl.g No. I NIST Ultra ScLentific Lab Code: STITDEN rnLt,{a1 Crlibration Sorrree : ContLnuing Callbration Source r SDc sIO. t D5TO2023O (1) Concentration Unit,s z mglr. Control f.lnits: Uorarry 80-120; Other litetele 90-1101 C!'aniitc 85-115 AnalyLe Init,Lal Calibration Errre Found ,6R ( 1) Cont:Lnulng Call-bration Tnra Found, e6R ( 1) Found ebR ( 1)M luercurv I o-oozrzzl o.oozrzz lroo.o I o.,oo?ooo I o.oosrozl roz.o I o.oosrzz.llgg.s.lcvl STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) IN 1,7 2 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A.- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERII'ICATION Coutraotr URS CorporatLon Lab Codcs STLDEN gAS No. I gDC N0, rCage rnitLa1 CalLbraEion Sourcc r ContLnulngr CalLbration Sourcl :Ultrr ScienELfle No. : IfIST Concentration UnLts 3 mg ltt Mcrorrrryr 0. 005000 o.oa527 10s-s 0.005348 ( 1) Control Linrits:Mcrcury 80-1201 Other Motala 90-110; Clranlda B5-L15 D5r020230 L73 .Lrra1ytc lnitia]. CalLbratsLorr Trcuc Pound tR (1) Contsirruing Cal ibrat lon Trrrc Forrnd. 96R ( 1) r'ound %R ( 1)M STL Denver Form II (Part X) IN STL DEIVVER Contrract: IIRS Corgoration Total Metals Analvsis -2lt- INITIAL AI\D CONI'INUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATTON Cagc No. 3 lrlST gLg No. : U1tra Soiantifio Lab Codc 3 9TITDEN IniEirL CalLbratrLon Source: Contlnulng Calibrntion Sorrrec r sDO NO. : D5I020230 Conccntrat,Lon Unlte t wgll' "B,nal.yte rnl"tLa]. Calibration Tnro Eourrd tR ( 1) ContsLnuinft Calibratlon Trrrc round BR ( 1) Found es3 ( 1)M 0.005000 0.00542 ( 1) cont,rol t initgr Marcury 80-L2O;Othor Mcta1r 90-11.0r CYanLde 85-115 STL Denver Fonu II (Part t) IN L74 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AI{D CONTINUING CALTBRATION VERIF'ICATION Coatracts IIRE Corporation f,rb Code : STI.DEN Crrc No. t Sng No.: InitLaI- Ca1ibrrE,Lon Source: Contirrrrirrgr Cr]-l-bration gorrrec r Higrh Prrrlty InorganLc VenturGt sDc No.: D5f020230 Concentsrrrtslon tlnLt a r mg lL' .nnaIl&o rnit,ia]. CaltbratLon Tnrs Found %R ( 1) Contluu:lag Callbratlon rruc 1loqnd e6R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)!d Cadhnirrur o. 04 0.0{01 1100.2 0-050 o .05011 100 .2 I 0.05011 10 0 .2 I sotenium o.orol o.orroo lroo.o I o.oso I o.osozl to1.4l o.osulroz.a I u I ( t ) Control LLrn{ ts t Mrrcury 80-L2Ot Othor Meta1c 90-110r C!,anI.de 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part,1) rN a75 STL DENVER Contract,: URS Cor1>oratlon Total Metals Analvsls -2A- INITIAL AN I} CONTINT]ING CA LIBT{ATION VERIII TCATION gl'g No. t Hisrh Purity Inorg.nLc Venturclg Lrb Codo: STIJIEN Crnc InLtial Ca1ibrrtJ-on Sourcc r Contlnuing Cal.ibratlon Sourca: SDo DIo-: D5I020230 Cortcontratlon Unl.ta r W lL .f,naly'Ca taitLel" Calibrrt:lon Tnrc found eGR ( 1) ContinuLag Calibrabion Trtre Forrnd tR ( 1) Pound e6R ( 1)Irl CadmLum 0.050 o .051 103-O o. o{99 99.8 Sel-euLum I 0.050 0.oeg (1) CoDtroI Ll.rl.t,lt uerculf,, 80-120r Othcr Dlctalr 9O-110r CYrnidc 85-115 98.4 0.0489 97 .6 STL Denver Fom II (Pcrt 1) r IN 1,7 5 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis _2A_ INITIAL AT{D CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Contrrctt IIRS Coearoratioa tab Cod.c s STITDEN Caee No. I S.}.S No. : Init,ia1 Calibration Sourco : Contlnulngr CalLbraEion Eource: Higrh Puriuy Inorgunic Vantursr SDg NO,: D5T020230 Coacsntratlon tlnl,ta t mglL lnalytc fnitia]- Calibration Tme Found %R(1) Cont, inrrlng CalibntLon Tnrrr Found tR ( 1) Forrnd ,6R ( 1)u Lglqailr. I I I I o.osol o.osrol1o2.ol o.osozlroo.llul I sctcniurr I I I I 0.050 I o.o{941 9g.Bl 0.os11l Loz.zlul (1)Coatrol Llmlts:Mercurlr 80-120;Othcr Mctals 90-110; Ctranida 85-115 STL Denver E'orur II ( Part 1) f![1,7 7 STL DENVER Contnctr tRg Corporatlon Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INI:I'IAL ATID CONTINUING CALIBRATION \TERIFICATION Crsc Htgrh Prrrity InorgrnLo VanturGs Lab Cod,c 3 STITDEN rnl-t,l-a1 Call,bratrion Sotroe : Contlnuing Calibrrtlon Sourccr sDG No.: D5I020230 Concentratlon tlnit,r z u{/IIg, .f,ntlyte InLtlal CrlLbratlon Tr:ue Found tR ( 1) Co,o,t:lnulng Calibrat ion Trnrc Found rtR ( 1) Found tR ( 1)M lcaamlu- I I I I o.osol o.ososl101.6f o.osoolror.zlul I srtcnlun I I I I o.osol o.oaggl gg.sl o.osoelror.zlul {1) Control rial.tc: l{.rsury 80-12O; Othcr u.trlt 90-110; CYanido 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part, 1) IN L78 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAI, AND CONTINTM{G CALIBRATION VERIFICATION co[tracts: tlRB Corporatioa Ltrb Codc s STITDEDI Cagc No.:SASI No. r Initia]. Cal'ibratLon Souroar ContLnuingr Calibratsiorr Sourcc r Hlgh PurLty Inorgenl.c Venturaa sDo NO.: D5I020230 Concentration UnLts r ng lT' .LnaIyte InLtia]. Calibration Errrc Eound ,6R (1) ConBinulng CalibratLon rru,, Found e6R ( 1) Found %R ( 1)M CadknLrrn Sel.errirur I ( 1) Control Irimiue r Mcrcur-y 8O-12 0,. 0.050 0.0{9 99 .5 o-o50 0.050 100 ,2 Other Mctalt 90-110; Clrnlfl. 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part t) IN 1,7 9 STL DETWER Total Metals Anrlvsis -2B.- C'RI}L STANDARD F'OR AA AND ICP Contract: IIRS Corlnntion Lab Codct STIJDEN A.f, CRDIT Stsanda,rd Sourcc: ICP CRDIJ Stsandard, Sourcc t Cage No. :8.1,9 Dtro. :SDG No-: D5I020230 Inorgtnlc VenturCl CRDL Standard for ICP Initirl Final Trrre Pound. 96R Found' %R CRDL Strndard for .[.l' Truc Dound tR nluminum I Conocntration Unitr : mg /I' 0. 10 0.0991 9g,0 Ca1cLun, Ir l o. 20 0.205 I 102. 5 Iron IrO I 0 .030 0 - 0357 I 119. O leotaeaiuIll | | ll +.0-J r-oel roe.ol I IMlgrarlslum I o .207 I 103.5 Sodlum Lo I I ziroonLrrmJ 1-O 1.04 I 104.0 I I ll o,oosl o.ooselrra.ol STL Denver Forra II (Part 2) IN 180 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -2B^- CRDL STANDARD FOR AA AI.{I) ICP Contract: IIRB Cor5>oratLon Lab Codcr STITDEN .tr.[' CRDL Standard, Boursa: ICP CRDL Stmdard Eourccr Inorgranio VanturaE Cage No. r SAA !fo. :D5r020 234 ConcentntLon ttnLtt r mglt'l, Alumlnum I CRDL Standard for ICP ruitial Final l[nrc Found e6R Found 9eR CRDL Strndard for ne, Trrtre Found o. 10 0.0961 95-0 Cal.cLutm Ir l 0.20 0.190 I 95.0 Iron Lo I 0.030 0.0311 I 103.7 Potrsgium.l I u"frocaLum I 1.O 1,.051 105.0 I I ll o.zol 0.126l BB,ol $odl,r:m Iro I 1.0 1.021 102-0 Zl,rconiumf o. 005 0.00{8 I 95.0 STL Denver Form II (Part 2) IN 181 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -28- CRD[, STANDARD TOR AA AI\D ICP cont,raot r IIRS Corryorat,i-on rrab Code : SELDEN nn CRDL Standard Sourcc: ICP CRDL gtandnrd gourccr Casc l\[o. r SASI No. r SDCI No. r D5I020230 Inorganicr Vantsuraa CRDII Strarrdard lor rcP rnLtiul FlnrL 1lound t6R FOrrIId CRDL Standard for .[.l, Tnre Found tR Potlrriuml Sod,J.run to I ConocntraE,:lon tmlta t ngfl, STL Denver For:n rI (Part 2) I![1,82 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -28- CRDL STANT}ARD FOR AA AT{D ICP Coatract r IrRS Corporation fral) Code r SIITDEN Af, CRDL AEarrdard Eorrrgc r XCP CRDL Strndard Sorrrcrr Cagc No,:gAg No, r gDO No. t D5I020230 Higrh PurLty, Spex, Inorganio VcnturoB Conccutrut,l.oa Unitg 3 mg/f, 0 .010 0.0103 I 103.0 lsarrun l, I I ll o,.ogs-o,l o.oososl ror.ol I - IChroml.rrm I o.o10 0.0101 I x01.0 CRDL St,andard for ICP rnl-tia1 FLna1 ?[rrrc Found tR forrnd tR CRDII Standard for AA 1frue Found %R I[rsonic I Coppar I 0.010 o. oog5 I 85.0 Lead I xiclcel. I 0.0030 0.00316 I 105.3 I I ll o.o1ol o.orozl1o2.ol I ISL1vcr I 0 .010 0.0095 1 95,0 Vanad,ium I 0 .010 o - 0101 I 101. O [zinc I ] I ll o.ozol o.olBBI gd.o] I STL Denver Fomr II (Part 2l IN 183 STL DET{VER Total Metals Analvsis -7b CRI}L STANDAITD FORAA AND ICP Contrrct r Lrb Codcs IIRS Corporation Caea No.3 g.f,'g No.:9DO llo. : D5I020230STLDEN AA CRDL Standrrd Gtorrroc r ICP CRDL Btandard Eorrrce :High Purity, Spax, Inorganic Vcnturoa Clrromiurn I Concentratl.on llnit,s r W lL o .010 0.010 o. 0067 l 67 .0 0.0Lo?l 102.o CRDII Etendnrd, for ICP rnltLr]. Pinal Tnre Found t,R Found tR CRDL Standard for t.}' Tnrc f,ound .l,rsoaic I lsariun I I I ll o.oosol o.ooslzlroa.ll I I copDer I 0 .010 0.0093 I 93.0 Lead,0,0030 0,0030{ l 101,3 Nicktll I 0-010 0.0095I 95-0 Silvcr I I v1nad,J.um I I 0-010 0.0100 1 100,0 ll o. o1o I o. o1o3 I ro2, o I Zinc 0.020 0.0L97 I 98.5 STL Denver Form II (Pert 2l - IN 184 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -28- CRDL STA}IDARD FOR AA AND ICP Contract: IIRS Cor;porat,ion r,ab Code r StrLDEN AA CRDL Standlrd Eourcs: ICP CRDL Standard Eouroa: Cagg No- : U1tra Scienttfic geS No. r SDO No. r D5I02O230 Concentrat:Lon UnLt; r mg,lL CRDL Standard for AA lfnrrr Found, CRDL Standard for ICP rnLtLe.L tLnel. tfrnn torrnd e6R Found %R o.000200 0 . 00016 STL Denver Form II (Part 2l IN 185 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis _28_ CRDI, STANI)ARD FOR AA AT'{D ICP Cont,*ct r IIRS CoEp==*t. Leb Code3 STLDEN Cage No-:8J[A I{o. r AI. CRDIJ Standard Souroe; ICP CBDIJ Stand,nrd Sourca: U1tra SclcntLflc sDo No-: D5IO2O230 Concentration urrl-t,r t mg fl' CRDL Etandard for .L.f, Trmo Found 96n CRDr, Standard for IeP InLth]. Fl.na1 Found ,t,n Fotrnd o. ooo200 0 - 00020 STL Denver f,onrt II (Pert 2 ) IN 185 STLDENWR Total Metals Analvsis -2:R- CRDL STAI{DAITD FOR AA AI{D ICP Contracts: IIRS Coqporatrlon rrb Codc I gtrLDmI .8.[, CRDI. Standard Sourcg r ICP CRDfr Strandard Sorrrcr r Cage No-:Sl'S !ilo-:sDc No-: D5TO2O230 fnorgranLc Vcnturog Concentratsion UnLtsr ; uig|t CnDr. gBaad^a,rd for ICP Initial FInaI. Trrrc Forrnd tR Fsund eGR CRDIr Strandard for .f,.L trmc Found, Cadlmirlm I 0 .0010 0.001021 102.o lscretrium I I I ll o.oorol o.ooossl ss.ol I STL Denver Font fI (Part 2) IN L87 @c'T'u @TII.L URS Corporatlon Total Metals Anelysis Data Shcet l,ab Nnme:S,t.I., r\FNYER Lot/SDC Number: D-51020230 Matrlx: WATEB o/o Nloisture: Brsis: YgI Arralysis Method: 60lQII Unlt: rng/L QC Batch ID: s2495LZ Sample Aliquot: 50 rnL f)llution Factor: I Client Sample ID; Lnb Srmple ID: D5l060tlt)0-6174 Lab \Vorkortler: HJ2.IJ Dste/Tlme Collcctcd: Date/Tlme Recelved: tlrte/Tlnre Leached: Date/Tkne Extracted: 09/15/05 15:30 Dtte/Tlme Analyzed: 09/16/05 16: 19 Instrument ID: 021 CAS No.Analytc Conc.MDL RL a 742e-90-5 Alurninunr 0.0t z 0,0r7 0.t0 U 7439-(39-6 Iron 0.02 r 0-021 0,l0 tl 7439-95-4 Magnosium 0.051 0-043 0.20 B 7440-09-7 Potassium 0.24 0.24 3.0 I,J 744$-(t'l -7 Zirconium 0.0016 0.00 t 6 0.0r 5 [, 7440-70-?Calciurn 0.034 0.034 0.20 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Eqaivalent 188 ffisrt IIRS Corportdon Total Metds Anrlysis Dttu Sheet Lrb Name:srL pENVER I,oUSDG Number: D51020230 Matrlx: \ilA'l'ER Yo Molsture: Basls: Wet Analysis Method: 60I0F Unlt: mg/L QC Brtch ID: 52496!1 Sample Allquot: 50 nrl Dllutlon Frctor: I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sernple ID: pJI060000-6178 Lrb WorkOrder: IIJ2JJ Drte/Tirne Collected: DatelTime Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: 09/15/05 I5:30 Date/Tlme Analped: (,9119/05 17:14 trnstrument lD: 021 CAS No.,Analyte Conc.MDL RL 0 7440-23-5 Sodiunr l.l l.l 5.0 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Eguivolent 189 ffi$rL URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lsb Name: LoUSDC Number: Mntrix: 7o Motsture: Basls: Analysis lVlethod: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllution Factor: STL DENVER p51020230 \il.TER Wct 60r08 ms/L s2496t7 50 mL I Cllent Sample lD: Lab Srmplc ID: Lrb Workorder: Date/Time Collected: Date/fime Received: Dttd'I'ime Lerched: Dtte/Time Extrncted: Date/Tlme Analyz-ed: Instrument ID: P51060000-6178 HTZJJ 0?l!.5/0s l5:30 09i t 6i05 l4: I3 021t CAS No.Annlyte Conc,MDL RL a 7MA48-2 Arscnic 0.00aa 0,0044 0.0r s U 7419-92-l kad 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 7440-39-3 Bariurn 0.00070 0.00070 0.0r 0 U 7440-02-0 Nickcl 0.00r 2 0.()012 0.040 U 7440-224 Silvcr 0.0028 0.0028 0.0r0 U 744A-62-2 Varradium 0.002s 0.0025 0.0t 0 tJ 744A-66-6 Zinc 0.0045 0.0045 0.020 U x+40-47-3 Chrrrmium 0.0026 0,0026 0.0t0 U |+qo-so-s (loppcr 0.0045 0.0045 0.0I0 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equlvalent 190 ffisrt tlRS Corporatlon Total Metds Anilysis Data Sheet Lab Name; LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: o/o lVloisture: Basis: Anrlysis Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: Sample Allquot: Dilution Factor: SIL DENVER ps1020230 wA'l'r'R Wct 7!70A rng/L 52s31$ I Cllent Snmple ID: Lab Semple ID: Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Time Received: Date/Time Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Date/Tlme Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: CAS No.Analyte Conc,MDL RL a 7439-L)7-6 Mercury 0.000027 0.000027 0.00020 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent 191 ffisrt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Nurrrber: Matrlx; 7o Molsture: Busis; Analysis Method: Unit: QC Brtch lD: Sample Aliquot: Dilutlon Foctor: STL DENYER D51020230 WATER us 7470A $gJL 5262486 l_ Client Sample ID: Lsb Srmple ID: Lab WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: Dote/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme l,eached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: Dsn 900m-4868 I IKW I9 09/22/05 1434 $9/2N05 t9:20 0r9 CAS No.Analyte Conc,MDL RL a 7439-97-6 Mercury 0.000027 0.000027 0.00020 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blanh Equivalent 1,92 ffiSTt URS Corporation 'fotal Metals Analysls Data Lrb Name: LoUSDG Nurnber: Matrix: o/" Nloisture: Bssls: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Surnple Aliquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL NF'NVER D5t020230 WATF'R Ys 6020 mg/[' s2496t6 50 mL I Sheet Client Snmple tD: l,rb Sample ID: Lnb Workorder: Date/Time Collected; Dttel-I'ime Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Dntc/Tlme Extracted: Date/Time Anulyzed: Instrument fD: D5t060000-6168 HJ?IS oe/ts/0s u;]0 A9D3l05 07:17 0a4 CAS No.Analyte Conc,MDL RL a 77824e-2 Sclenium 0.00033 0.00033 0.0020 U 744Q-43-g Cadrnium 0.un040 0.000040 0.00 r 0 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent 193 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contraetr r Irab Code: Praparatl-on PreDaratsiou. IIRS Corlroratrion S:PLDEN Ce;a No. t glg No-:sDG No. g D5f02O23O B1arrk Mnt,rLx (rol,I/watcr) r WITIIR B}rrnk Conocntratsion Units (rwll' or ryrlkg) r T!G/L Contl.nulng Ca1LbrrrE,:Lon Blank (mglf,) InitLel Cal.Lb. BIardE (mslL) nl.un'inun t o I o.017 Cal-clum Lo 0.034 Iron Lo o.021 PotaraLum 0.24 I'Iagneegium o. 0d3 Sodiurn Lo 0.031 Ziroonlurn o .00150 o.017 0. 034 0,021 o.043 o.031 0 .00160 0 .017 0-o3l o, o21 o.ztl 0.043 0 .031 0.00160 0.017 0.03{ o. o21 0 .043 o.77A 0.00160 0 .017 0-03{ 0-021 o.24 0. 051 0.0016 STL Denver FoTo III IN a94 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contract: IraI, Codc: IIRS Corporation Cage No. B SAS ![o - :SDG NO. :STTJDEN ProIlaration Bl"ank Prcparation glarrk Matrix ( rol-1/water) :[{LTER ConccntrrtLon Unl"ts (mglL or rlrglkgl t MG/L Dsr A202 3 0 fnitl,nI' Ca1lb, Blank (ryr/r) Prc5>erltsIon BI-arrk Continuing Calibratsion Bl,adE (mg/r,) AIum{RruB fro I Celeirrn Lo Iron Lo Potaesium MegmaoLum Sodiun Iro ZLrconiurn 0 .017 0.0{1 0. 021 0 .24 0. 0{3 0. {83 o.00150 STL Denver Fom III - IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Contnct r IIRS CorporatLon r,ab Codc: SILDEN Cage No. i Prcparation Blrnk l{atsrl,x (soil./watsrr} : gAg No. t 8DGI NO. : D5I020234 UINTER Conocntration Prcpar.a*olr 81ank Continulng Calibration Blank (utglIr) 1czc3c rnitl.aL Crlib. Blanlr (ng/r-,) l,l-umi.nrun IJo Calclum Lo Iron lro PotaasLrrm. !flagnesium SodLum to Zlrconirrm 0 .00160 o.00160 0.00160 0. o0150 STL Denver Porrn III IN ]-95 STL DETVVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Contraet g Lrb Codc: PrcparatLon PreparatLon URS Corlroration STT,DEN Cagc No. r B]-ank uatrix (golI/water) : Blanlr ConcentratrLon UnLts S.D.S No. t sDO sIO,: D5I020230 (mgll, or mg/kg) :I{LG I I. AnaIyt.e rnl,El,r1 Calj.b, B1ardE lmgl;1 c Contiuuiag Celibration Bkrrk (mglL) 1 c 2 c 3 c PrsparatLon BLanJr c u Potsaesl.rrm I 0 .241U 0.2{lu -o,032lB P I P STL Denver folm III IN L97 STL DEIVVER Tota! Metals Analysis -3- }II,AN KS Contrects r LaL Codr: IIRS CorporatLon gAg No. r sDs No. r D5I020230STLDEN Ca,sc No. i PrcDaration Blanh MaErl,x (ooLl/wat,cr) :WI'TER Praparation B1ank Concentration Uaitg (nglL or ngr/hg) :YIG /Ir Contl,nulngr Callbratloa Blank (nglt ) Inltl-a1 Cr1Lb. glrr:ilE (mglt'l ArganLe Barium C romiurn CopSrtrr Lrrld, NLckeL SiLvar Vanadiurn Zinc 0 - 00{{0,0044 0.00070 0.00070 o-oo260 o - 00260 o. oo45 o - oo{5 0.0026 0.0026 o. 0 0L2 0.00L2 o - 00290 o. 00280 o,0025 o. 0025 0.0045 o .0045 0.00,04 0.00070 o-oo26a 0.0045 0.0025 0.0aLZ 0.00280 0.0025 0.0045 0 .00{4 0.00070 o. o0260 0.0045 o.oo25 0 .0012 o. 00280 0.0025 0 .0045 0,00{{ 0.00070 o - oo25 o. oo{5 0.0025 0.0aLa o - 0028 0.0025 0.00{5 STL Denver Dom III rt{ 198 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BI.,ANKS Contrract: Lab Codcr IrRS Corporation SlfI No.:8DG No. r DSI02O230gTtDEN Cagc No. I PreparatLon B1a,n,k Mat,rl,x (eoi]./uetcr) r PreDarnt,Lon BIanIs Coacantration Units ( Wf,TER .B.rg('nic tsariun " Chronrirrm CoDper Nl-ckeI. Silwar VarradLrrn 0.00{{ 0.00070 0 - 00260 0 - 00{5 0 - 0025 0.0012 0.00280 0.0025 o.00{5 /t' or mf,/kg) r 0.00{{ 0.00070 0.00250 0.0045 0.0026 0 - oo12 o.00290 0. oo25 0 , oo45 ContLnulng CrlLbraEion BIarrIc (nglL) lczc3c rnitl.el CaILIr. B].a.nlc (uglr,) STL Denver rorur III IN 199 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BI,ANKS contract r IIRS CorSrcratlon I-lab Cod,a r STLDEN etrBc No, :gAg No. r sDo trro. r D5r020230 PrcparatLon Blan"h ruatrLx ( so{I./watcr} :I^IATER Prtrparation Blarrk Correcnt,rat.{on Unltg (trrrtl' or nglkg) :DIG/I, Prcparatlon B].errh fnitLa]' CaIl.b, 818dE, (ng/L) ContLnulng CrllbratLon BladE (urglnl Areenic BarLum Chrom1um Coppar Nl,ckc]. Si].rrrrr Vrrrtrdium ZLnc 0.00{{ 0.00070 o.00250 0.00{5 o. 0025 0.oal,z o . o02go 0.0025 0 .0045 0.0044 o, 00070 o.oo260 0.0045 o. 0026 o. 0012 o. oo280 0.0025 0. o0{5 0 .00{{ 0,00070 0.00260 0.00{5 o.oo26 0.0012 o. oo280 0,0025 0 .00{5 0.00{{ 0.00070 0.00260 0 - oo{5 0,oo26 0.0012 o - oo280 0. 0025 0.0045 STL Denver fom III. IN 200 STL DENVER Total Mctals Analysis -3- BLANKS ConErrct r Irab Cod,e r Prsprratl,oa Prcplration IIRS CorporatLon STLDEN Caae No.: B].ank Matrix (aoIl/wrtor) r Bl'ank Concrrrt,ration UnLt,; S.}S No.:sIrc No. : D5IA2023O (mfr/L or mg| Anal-ytG rDltl,al Ca1tb- Blrnk (ns lLl c Contl,nuing CaI l-bnt,l-orr Blartc (mg/L) 1c2c3c Pre5rrntLon BLrDlc c l[ llercury -0.0000311 B 0.o00o27lvl -0.000029 lB I 0.00oa27 I u o-oo0027 I U c"v STL Denver Form IIf nil 207 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Contracts: Lrb Codc: PraparatLon PraDaratioa IIRS Corlroration STLDTN Crac No. t B1antr, l{rtrLx ( eoL}/watcr) r slrnk Conoentrration UnlEg glg No.3 sDo IsO. : D5I020230 UIATEn- (mglf, or mg/kg) :VIGIr,, .Lnrl1t,c ruLtLal Ca1lb - BIadr (mglL) e Cont,Lnuing CalibraL ion Bl,rak (tugltl lczc3c Preparat,Lon BIank C lr Mcrorrry I o.000030 IB I 0.000027 lv Ctr STL Denver E.oM III IN 202 STL DENVER Total Mctals Analysis J. BLANKS ContraoE r ' Let, Codc r Prerlaratsion Preparetrl.on IIRS Corporn'tion STITDEII Cage No - : B1a:rk Matri.x (aol,I/water) : B1ank Concorrt,mtLon tDeite glg No. r SDGI NO-: D5f020230 (mglL or mgr/kg) :MO/I, AnaIytse rnitstal CalLb. BIanL (w lt"\ C Continuingr Ca1ibration Blarrk (nglt) 1 c 2 3c c Preparrtro' BLrnk C u lrcrcury I 0.0000271u I o.ooooezlul 0,0000271u I o.oo0o27 lu 0.000027 I U gtr STL Denver forur III IN 203 STL DEIYVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Cont,rrct r LrI, Codc r Preparatrl.on PrGparation IIRS Corlprrrtl.on STf,,DEN Case No. t Blank Matrrl-x ( soLl/watcr) : B1ank Conccntsration Unit,a Sl'g No.3 gDO NO. r D5I020230 (ng/L or ng/kgr) :VIGIr", Dna.].yt,c InltLal- Cal'l-b, Blanlr (mg 1r.y e Contiauing Crl-l,brrtlon Blrnk (rogr/L,) 1 c ?C 3 c Prerrar.Lroo Blank c M Mcroury I O. OOO027 l U l O, OOoo27 lU gu STL Denver Forrr rII IN 244 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Cont,raot r LaL Codrrr PreprratLon Prcparatl,on IIRS CorDoration STITDEN Caae No.: Blank Matrrix (goil/wrter) r Blrnlc Co,nocntratLoa uaLt a (mgln or mg/kg) : 8f,SI No. r WATER VIOII' D5r02 023 0 245 Anr1yta Ial.tial Crllb. BLE-uk (ruI/L,)c Conts,LnuLng Caltbrat ion Blank (ug/L) 1czc3c Preparaaton BIeD.k e M Cedmiun S"1".f.-, o. 0000{ol uI 0 . 0003301 u 0.0000{0lul 0.ooo.otolu I 0.0000{0 I u 0,0003301u1 0.0003301u I 0.000330 I u u u 0.0000{ 0,00033 u E M STL Denver Forur III IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis J- BLANKS Contract r f,lb Code : Prcparatsl,on PrcDaration IIRS CorporatLon STfTDEhI Cerc !fo. r Blank Matrlx (rotl/watrer) : Blank Concentrrtion UnLtg SAS No. 3 sINt ilIo.r D5f020230 (agll' or ngllcg) :YlGlT. enaLytc fnitl-aI Ca].I.b. slank(ry/L) c Corrts inulng CeI l-bratsion Blank (ng/L) 1czc3c Preparat,ios B]-ank c u Cadniun Is"1"q o.oooo,4olul o.0000,40 1uI o,ooo040 Iu o.0o033olul 0.0003s01u I 0.000330 I u M }T STL Denver FoTUT III IN 205 STL DENVER Total Metals Arralvsis -3- BLANKS Contract: Irab Codc t Pra1laration PnDult,l-on URS Corporatlon STLDTN Cagc No- t Bl.lnk Matrl,x (eol.llwater) r glank ConeentrrrtsLon Unl,t e 8Ag No.:SDCI rr0. t D5TA20230 (mgll or mglkg) r I[,,lGIL Arralyt,c rnLttal Ca1lb. Blanlr (nglr")c ContrInulng Call,bratsion BlanIE (W lll 1 c 7 e 3 c Pr.,rlar.tto,, BIrnlr c M CadmLum S.1..i.r- o.o0o04ol u.f . 0.0000{0 lu I 0,00,00{0-fI, 0.O0O33OlUl 0-0003301U I 0.000330 I u M-M STL Denver Forrr III F IN 247 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHBCK SAIVIPLE Contractr: IIRB Corlpration r,ab Codc s STITDEN Crsc No. t rCP rD ![umbrrrr TJI' InErepid ICP SAS No.:SDO NO. r D5I020230 ICg Sorrrcc r Hlgh Prrri"ty, 8pex, Conccntratsioa ual.ta) r tug /r. enalytc T:nr so1 .A fI01 .^Lri rnltLal Found gol,A 8oI..AB ,6R a rinal Found EoI .A So1 ..AB r5R lel*Lnum Hl I 500.0 500, 0 505.30 s18.30 | r03.7 I alcirrm Hl 500.0 500 .0 17 L. 19 {7 6.1e I S5.2 I Jrron Hl I 200.0 200.0 196.73 189.291 94.51 PotaasLrrm o-o 50-o -0.042 56,33 I L1,?.71 IM.g*"aLum 500.0 500 .0 516 .23 524 , {t J r04 .91 iun Iro 0.0 0.008 um HL 50 .0 53. 22ll 105. { I Zirconium 0-0 1.0 -0 - 007 1.1951 119.51 STL Denver Fom IV IN 208 STL DET,{VER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHECK SA]VIPLE Coutrect r IIRS Corporctl,on r,ab codc r STLDEIU Casc llo. t ICP ID Nunbar: fJA fntrrr1lid ICP slg I\[o. 3 sDo DIo. : D5IO20230 ICg Eorrrcr:Hlgh Purl-ty, Spex, Coneentration unl,tr) r rra.slL fn{tJ-a1 Found Sol .A SoI-..r8 Flua]' Found EIo]..l SoI .lB Trrre Glol .A gol .lB Jefuninun Hi I 5O0. O 500.0 526 .7 A szs.30 I r05.1 I alcium Hl. I SO0. o 500.0 5 03 , tLlL 499 .27 I S9. 9 I Iron Hi I ZO0. O 200.0 200.09 198.31 ] S9.21 Potaggl-um I 0 .0 50 .0 -o - o11 55.6t I 111.3 IgEresirrm I SOO-O 500.0 515 .82 51{.98 | rOr.0 I Sod.Lurr Iro I 0-O 0 .031 Sodtun Hi 50.0 5{. 32|! 108.6 IZiroonLrun I O-O 1.0 -0.002 1.1{2 I 114.2 I STL Denver f,om IV - IN 2A9 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis 4- ICP INTERT'ERENCE CHECK SAIVIPLE Contract r IIRS Corporatrlon LAb COdC: STLDEN CArr NO. T ICP rD Nugrbcr: TiIl' Intrcpid ICP SlSt No. r gDO No. r D5I020230 ICg Souroer Higrh PurJ.ty, Spex, ConcentratLon Unitt) r mglt nne.I.fto trrmc 8o1 -A 8o1 .AB rnit.ial round, So1.t SoI ..[B tR Fin,al l!'or:nd 8o1 -t sol,JLB 96R lrotaaoLrrrn I 0. O 50.0 -0.055 55.9{111.9 Sodium Lo 0-o -0. o22 Sodiun IIL 50 .0 5d ,07 108 .1 STL Denver Folm IV - IN 2L0 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis ri- ICP INTERFERENCE C}IECK SA]VIPLE eonEraet r IIRS Cora>oratl-on f,ab Codr r STITDIIN Catt No. i 8l.g No. r sDo No. r D5To20230 fCg ElouroGr HI-gh Ptrrit,y, Spex,ICP ID lrtrrnbcr: SUPIRTRACE rI Tnra SoI ..L SoL..}B ConccntrltLon UnLts);ntglE, rnitial D'ound So1 .A 8o1 .^AB rlnal rouad 8o1 .^lL So1 .AB lnreeuio I O. O0 2.00 o.003 2. 09 I 104.5 | JBariun I O.OO o. 50 o. oo1 o.5{9 | ro9 .8 Irrm I O.O0 0,50 0.004 0.51{ I 102.81 oppor I 0. O0 0.50 o,003 0. s6o l LLz. O l JLead --f- 0. O0 1.00 -o,002 1-03l 1o3,OI Iurctrer- o. oo 1. OO o.004 1.01 I 101.0 I Sil-vrrr I O. OO 1- 00 0.001 1.101 rro.ol anad,Lurn I O. O0 0. 50 0,005 o. 521 I 104 -2llnc I o.o 1,O 0.005 1.031 103-Ol STL Denver Form IV - IN 2LA STL DENYER I'otal Metals Analvsis 4- ICP INTIiRFERENCB CIIBCK SAMPLE eontracts: IIRS Cor2orat:ton r,ab Codc: STLDEN Carc No. t 8 S ![o,r SDo NO. r D5T.A20230 ICS Sourec:Ei.gh f\rrlty, Spcx,ICP ID Mrrnbcrt BT,PERTR.},EE II Trrn Bo1 -A EloL..}I] Concentration uaLta) I lllg IL rnitial found 80I .A f,0L.LIt Fl.na1 Found EoL.l, SoL -lII lrrecnic lBarLrun um ppcr INlckeI SL lrrcr [Vanad.lurr Zinc o.00 0.00 0. oo 0. oo o .00 o,00 o-oo o-00 0.0 -0.005 2.11 I ros.5 I 0.50 0. 001 0,5501 110.01, llrronl.urn I O.OO 0.50 o.003 o .516 I 1O3 .2 I 0 .50 0.003 o. 558 I 111. 6 I 1.00 -0.003 1,031 1o3.Ol 1,00 0 - 002 1. 01 1 101.0 1 1. 00 o. 001 1.101 11O,Ol 0.50 o. oo4 o . s z,.l 104 .21 1.0 0.00{1.03 I 103 .0 I STL Denver Form, IV IN 212 STLDENVER Total Metals Analvsis 4- ICP INTERSER"ENCE CIIECK SAIUPLE Contraot: IIRS Corporation Lrb Codc s STLIIEN ICP rD Nunbrrt PE ICPM9 Caeg No.3 g.trg No.:sDg Ho. r D5IO20230 ICA Eorrrcr:fnorgrnic Vent,urGB ConccntraEton Unl,ts) r tuslL - Tnrc I rnitlal Found, J rinrl Eound .larlttc I sor.r Bor.rB lsot.e sol.rB tR lsor..n 9o1 .lB *R 0 .0974 0.1089 I 109.9 o.1095 STL Denver Form MN 21,_3 ffiSTL URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysis Dnta Sheet Lsb Name: LoUSDC Number: Mrtrlx: o/o Malsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: MS Srrnple Aliquot: MS Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER Dsl02023o WATER N'& IysT 60r 0B rng/L s242LlJ 50 mL IO Cllent Snntple ID: MS Lsb Sample ID: MS Lab Workorder: Date./f lme Collectetl : Dtte/Tlme Recelved: Date/Time Leached: Date/Time Ertrtcted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument lD: swB-I0-0e0l0s psr020230-004s HJYQ9 09/01/05 12: I 0 09/02/05 09:00 09115i05 I5:30 09119/$5 17:32 02t Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MS Result C a/o Rcc a QC Llmlt Aluminum 2.00 0. l7 U r.84 90 83 - r 19 Calciurn 50.0 I 500 t47A MSB NC 48 - r53 Iron I.00 0.38 B 1.76 138 s2 - 155 Magncsium s0.0 r 200 J I 180 MSB NC 62 - 146 Potassiunr 50.0 r 700 174(t MSB N(:76 - t37 Sodium 50,0 33000 31700 MSB NC 7a - 203 Zirconiurn 0.s00 0.0t6 U 0.50s t0l 80 - 120 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Data Sheet Eqaivalent 21,4 ffisrr URS Corporation Totrl Metrls Analysls Datt Sheet Latr Name: Lot/SD(i Number: Matrix: o/o Molgture: Brrsis: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: MSD Stmple Aliquot: MSD Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER pst02_0230 WATER N/A Wst 60I OB IF9/L s?496t7 50 mL r! Client Srmple ID: MSI) Lab Sample lD: MSt) Lab Workorder: D*e/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: DatelTime Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: swB-r 0-090105 p5r0z0z30-00+o HJVQ9 09i01105 I2: I0 09/02/05 09:00 09/15/05 I5:30 A9/19105 17:12 @L Analyte Splke Amount Semple Result C MSD Result C % Itec a RPD a QC Llmlts 7o Rec RPD Aluminum 2.00 0-I7 LJ I .88 92 2.2 83 - I 19 25 Calcium s0.0 r s00 r 510 MSB NC NC 48 - 153 25 Iron 1.00 0.38 B 1.24 87 34 *s2 - lss 25 Magnesium 50.0 I 200 J r 200 MSB NC NC 62 - t46 25 Potassium s0.0 l 700 r 790 MSB NC NC 76 - 137 25 Socliurn s0.0 33f,00 33600 MSB NC NC 7A - 203 aol Zirconium 0.s00 0.0r 6 U 0.522 IM 3.2 80 - 120 2il STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 275 ffisrt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet l,ab Nrme: Lot/SDG Number: M.atrlx: 7" Molsture: Basls: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: MS Sample Aliquot: MS Dilution Factor: STL DENY-HB psr02o23q WATEB NA -& 60I OB nrg/L sz498t7 50 ml. 5 L Cllent Sample ID: MS Lab Sample ID: MS Lnb WorkOrder; Datc/Time Collected: Dste/Time Received: Drte/l'ime Lenched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Dtte/Time .A,ntlyzed: Instrument lD: swB-l0-090105 ps1020230-004s FIJVQg 0.9J01/0s 12: I 0 0e/$?/.Q5 0e:00 09115/05 l5:30 0PJIS/O[ 21.:00 Q20 Analyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MS Result C % Rec a QC Limit Arsenic 2.00 0_02s B 2.55 r26 N 84 - t24 Barium 2.00 0.41 2.47 r03 85 - I20 Clrrornium 0.200 0.0 r3 U 4.2t9 il0 73 - 135 Coppcr 0.2s0 0.u22 U 0.3I I t24 82 - t29 [,cad 0.500 0,0r3 U 0.43s 87 N 89 - r2t Nickcl 0.500 0.016 B 0.s64 r r0 84 - 120 Silvcr 0.0s0r)0.014 U 0.0626 t25 75 - r4l )anadium 0.500 0.0t4 B 0.56s lt0 85 - r20 7 Zinc 0.s00 a.024 B 0.622 I20 60- I37 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 276 ffisrr URS Corporttion Totel Metals Analysis Datn Ltb Name: Lot/SDG Number: Mttrlx: 7o Moisture: Basls: Antlysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch lD: MSD Sample Allquot: MSD Dllutlon Factor: STI qENVER D5102()230 WATER N/A Yt! (i0l 0B rnc/L s2496t7 50 nrl. I Shcet Cllent Sample ID: MSD Lnb Srmple ID: MSD Lnb Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Ttme Received: Date/Time Lerrched: Date/Tlme Extrrcted: Date/Tlnre Anrlyzetl: Instrument ID: swB-10-.090.1 0I D5JQ?0;230-oo4rl H.rvQe 09/01/05 t2: I0 0gl0r/05 09:fi) 09/l5/05 I -5:30 0e/16/0s 2l;.0! t)20 Analyte Spike Arnount Snmple Result C MSD Result C o/o Rec a RPt}a QC l-,lmlts 7u Rec RPD Arsenic 2.00 0.025 B 2.52 r25 N l.z 8l -124 25 Bariurn 2.00 0.4 r 2.48 103 0,30 85 - 120 25 (hromium 0.2()0 0.0t3 TI 0.2r6 r08 I.5 73 r35 25 Copper 0.250 0.022 TJ 0.30 t 120 3.0 82 - t29 25 Lead 0.s00 0.0r 3 U 0.558 I 12 25 .rtg - tzl 25 Nickel 0.500 0.0t6 B 0.s57 t08 I-3 84 - 120 2A Silvcr 0.0500 0.0 t4 U 0.0618 124 1.4 75 - l4l 2I Vanadium 0.500 0.0r4 B 0.56r 109 0.66 ri5 - 120 25 Zinc 0.500 0.024 B 0.646 124 3.7 60 - r37 25 STL Denver f'orm 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Equlvulent 21,7 ffiSTt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Ltb Name: LoUSDG Number: Mntrlx: 7o Molsture: Busis: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Brtch ID: MS Sample Aliquot: MS Dllution Factor: $IL DENVER Ds1020230 WATFR N'A -UUst 747$A mg/1. 525834rt I Client Sample ID: MS Lab Samplc ID: MS Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collccted: Drte/Time Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Drte/Time lfxtracted: Drte/Ttme Annlyzed: Instrument ID: swB-r 0-0901 0s D5r020230-004s HJvqe 0e101105 I2;lQ 09/02/05 09:00 09/19/05 l2:30 09/19/05 I6:43 019 Anelyte Splke Amount Snmple Result C MS Result C oh Rec a QC Llmtt Mercury 0.00500 0_000027 U 0.00142 28 N 8s - I 14 STL Denver Form 5A I][S Analysls Data Sheet Equivalent ffiSTt URS Corporation Tottl Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: Lot/SDG Number: Mntrix: Vo Molsture: llrsis: Annlysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: MSD Sample Allquot: MSD Dilution Factor: STL I}ENVER DJI020^10 WATER NlA UIeI 7470/. rng/L s2s83*,[ T Cllent Sample ID: MSD Lnb Snmple ID: wISD Lab Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected; Date/Tlme Recolvedr DatelTime Lerched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Dnte/Time Analyz-ed; Instrument ID: swB-l0-090105 nsl020?g):00SD HIVqe 09/01/05 l2:10 0,9102105 09:00 09/19/05 I2:30 03t19/0s I.6:+3 ot_g Analyte Spike Amount Srmple Result C MSt} Result C 7" Rec a RPD a QC l,lmlts 7o Rec RPD Mcrcury 0.00500 0.000027 U 0,00 r42 28 N 0.15 85 - r 14 t0 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysls Data Sheet Equivalent 2l.9 ffiSTL URS Corporation Totel Metals Aurlysis Data Sheet l,ab Name: l,oUSDG Number: Mrtrlx: %o Molsture: Basis: Anelysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: MS Stmple Aliquot: MS Dllution Factor: s'l'l nENVER p5l0'0230 wArnn N/n Us 7*7QA mg/L 526248$ l- Client Sample ID: MS Lab Sample [D: MS Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Dnte/Tlme Recelvcd: Date/'l'ime l.,eached: Date/Time Extracted: Dute/Tlme Annlyzxl: Instrument ID: LAB MS/MSD psr r 70 r e&0Q [s HKTI ti 09/l 5/0-5 I a:30 09/17105 09: l5 ae/2T45. .w3a 09/22105 L9:33 0r_9 Annlyte Splke Amount Snmple Result C MS Result C o/o Rec a QC Llmlt Mcrcury 0.00s00 0.000027 U 0.0041.3 84 N 85 - r 14 STL Denver fr orm 5A MS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 224 STL URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data $heet Lab Name: LoUSDG Number: Matrix: 7o Moisture: Basls: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Botch ID: MSD Sample Aliquot: MSD tlilutlon B'rctor: STI, DENVER Dst020230 WATER N/A Wet 7470A nils.ll 52(t2!86 l_ Client Sample ID: MSD Lab Sample ID: MSD Lnb Workorder: DateJTlmc Collected: Date/Time Recelved: Date/Tlnc Leached: tlatc/Tinre Extracted : Date/Tlrnc Anrlyzed: lnstrument ID: L\R MS/MSD p5ll70r e6-o0l D HKTI E 09i l5105 la:3Q 091I 7/05_09: l5 }e.{LHAS V:10 Qet2z/05 -.19:33 0r-2 Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C 7" Rec a RPD a aC Llmits 7o Rec RI,I) Mucury 0.00s00 0.000027 TJ 0.00389 78 N 7.2 85 - I 14 l0 STL Denver f orm 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Equivolent 224 ffisTr URS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Datn Lab Name: Lot/SI)(I Number: Mntrix: 7o Molsture: Basls: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: MS Snrnple Allquot: MS Dllution Fac.tor: STI, DENVER p51020230 WATER N/A we( 6020 tng/L 52{e6 I 6 50 mL 40 Sheet Client Sample ID: MS Ltb Sample ID: MS Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Dste/Tlme Recelved: Datelfime Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Datel'fime Analyz*d: lnstrument ID: swB-10.:99010s Dsr020230-004s HJVOg 09/01/05 I2:10 Qe/Q2l05 0e:00 09/15/0I -I5:30 0c)123105 l2:tb 004 Antlyte Splke Amount Sample Re*lult C MS Result C Yo Rcc a QC l,lmlt Cadrniurn 0.0400 0.0016 L'0.0242 60 N 89 - il() Sclcniunr 0.0400 0,040 B 0.10e 172 N 82 - I t2 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysls Data Sheet Equivalent 222 ffiSTL URS Corporation 'l'otal Metals Analysls Data Lnb Name: LotlSDG Number: Mntrix: t/o Molsturc: Busis: Analysis Method: Llnlt: QC llarch ID: MSD Stmple Allquot: MSD Dilutlon Factor: sTr, pf,NvER p5roan23o WATER NiA Wct 6020 n0gt s24901-0 50 rnl. 40 Sheet Cllent Srmple ID; MSD Lab Sample ID: MSD Lth trVork0rder: Ilate/Tlme Collected; Date/Tlme Recelved: DttdTime Leached: DrtteIl'ime E,x trtcted : Date/Tlme Annlyzed: lnstrument ID: swB-10-09010s ps1020230-004D HJVclg 09/01i05 I 2: l0 09/02i05 09:00 09/15/05 l5:30 09/.21{05-.I2rt0 O(ts Anolyte Splke Amount Sample Resutt C MSD Rcsult C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Llmits 7" Rcc RPI} Cadrniunr 0.0400 0.00 r 6 U 4.0277 69 N I3 89 - I l0 20 Seleniurn 0.0400 0.040 B 0.0998 149 N 8.9 82- lr2 20 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 223 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -58- POST DIGES'I SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY Contraet: URS Coqporation Lab Code: STLIIEN Cagc No. r SlS, No. r sDO No.: D5I020230 !ilrtrix ( goll /watorl r I{l'TtR Lcvc1 ( Iow/rrcd) t SAIUPITE NO. s$tB-10-090105 PDs ConccntrltLon UnLter mg lI' .}nalyEe Control r,imLt, tR Spl,kcd Sangrle Regults (SgR) C Samplc Rcault ( Onl c Spl,ke .Ldded,(8}')BR a M Cadmiuur ) 75 125 0 . 183 937 o,oooo4olu I o.2o 92.4 M Sel-enLrrm I 75 L25 0 .195409 0.001007 I B 0.20 97 .2 M o Cormtcn STL Denver Forrr V (PART 2l r IN 224 ffi$Tr" URS Corporadon Total Mettls Anrlysis Data Lab Nsme: LoUSDG Nurnber: Mrtrix: 7o Moisture: Brsis: Antlysls Method: Unlt; QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon l-rctor: STL DENVER D5r020230 VTATER NIA Wet 60LoB mslL sz4e[]7 50 mL I Sheet Cllent Sample II): Lab Sample ID; Lab Workorder: Date/Tkne Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/I'ime Ertracted: Dnte/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: D5t060000417c I IJ2JJ 09/15/05 l5:30 09/16/QS 16;24 aet A.nrlyte 'f rue Found ToRec a Limits Aluminurn 2.00 1.95 9't 86 - t08 Irrrn t.00 (),964 96 88 - I r0 Magnesiurn s0.0 49.1 98 9t-1il Potassiurn 50.0 50.9 t02 86- rll Sodium s0.0 47.9 96 9l - lt2 Zirconiurn 0.s00 0.s38 r0g 75 - 125 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 225 ffisrt URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysls Date Sheet l,nb Nnrne: I,oUSD(I Number: Mutrtx: ol, Moisturc: Bmis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon Frctor: s'I'r .pFNVER psL020?30 WATF.R. wA wcl 6010F rnq/L s7496t1 50 rnl I Cllent Sample ID: Lsb Sample ID: Lab r#orkOrder: tlate/Tlme Collected: tlatelTlrne Received: Date/f ime Lenched: Date/Tlmc Ertrrcted: Date/Tlme Annlyz.ed: Instrumcnt ID: f,)5r060000-6r 7c I{J2JJ Oei l5/QL .t5:30 09/ I 919..1- l7: l8 92L Antlyte True Found ToRcc a Limits Calciurn s0.0 48.tr 98 89 - r r0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Equivulent 226 ffisTt URS Corporation 'I'otal Mettls Analysls Drrtu Sheet Lab Namc: LoUSDG Nurnber: Mrtrlx: o/o Molsture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch lD: Sample Aliquot: Dilutlon F'ac{or: STL DENVER p5r020230 wATER N/A lYsI s0r0B StL 52!9617 50 mL t Client Snmple ID: Lab Sarnple ID: Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Received: tlete/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Date/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: Dl06oo0o-617c HJ2JJ 09ll s/05 ,.t5:30 Oell8/05 la;18 020 Anulyte True Found ToRec a Lirnits Arucnic 2.00 r.93 97 89 - r09 Lcad 0-500 0.483 9l 9I-III Barium 2.()0 2.01 r00 93 - r 13 Nickcl 0.500 0.49r 98 90 - I l0 Silver 0.0500 0.0494 99 85 - l 14 Vanadiunr 0.500 0.499 r00 88 - r 12 Zinc 0.s00 0.474 9s 85 - l l0 Chrt>rniunt 0.200 0.1 97 e1)8e- r12 I Oopper 0.2s0 0-235 94 86- ilO STL Denver Form 7I.CS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 227 ffisrt URS Corporation Total Metals Antlysis Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Nurnber: Matrlx: % Moisturc: Besis: Analysls Method: Llnlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dilutton Frctor: STL DENVIiR Ds102023! WATtrB N/A Wct 7470b nrg/L 52s834,1 .L Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample lt): Lnb WorkOrder: Detefl'ime Collectcd: Date/Tlme Recclved; Dateffime Lenched: Date/Tirne Extractcd: Date/Tlme Analyeed: Instrurnent I D: D5l I50000-348C HKMDL 09/19/05 I2:30 09/19/0s I6:33. 0I9 Analyte True Found TsRec a Llmlts Mercury 0,00500 0.0048tr e8 85 - t 14 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 228 ffiSTt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data I..ab Nnme: Lot/SDG Number: Matrir: o/" Moisture: Basis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC tlatch trD: Srmple Aliquot: Dllutlon ]-sctor: STL DENVER psr02021Q WATER br/A Wet 74704 msll 5?"5tr348 I Sheet Cllent Sample II): Lab Strnple lD: Lab Workorder: Datc/Tlme Collected: Drte/Tlme Recelved: Dnte/Tlmc Lerched: Datc/Time Extracted: Datefl'ime Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: p5r r so000-34$L HKMDL 09/19i05 I2:30 09/19/05 l6:3a tug Analyte True Found C 7" Rec a RPt}a QC Lirnits 7" Rec RPD Mcrcury 0.00500 ().00505 t0r J.J 85-n4 t0 STL Denver Form 7 LCSD Analysis Dato Sheet Equivalent 229 ffisrr URS Corporatlon 'l'otal Metals Anelysis Data Sheet Lab Nnme: I-oUSDG Nurnber: Matrix: 7o Moisture: Brsis: Analysis lVlethod: Urrlt: QC Batch lD: Srmplc Aliquot: Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER D.II020230 WA'.TER N/A wst 7470A ms/I-, s262*86 1 Cllent Sample lD: Lab Sarnple ID: Lab WorkOrder: Date/Time Collectcd: Date/Tirne RecelYed: Date/Tlme Lcached: Dntc/Time Extrnctcd: Date/Tlme Analyzcd: Instrument ID: ps"tl-eo00o486c HKWI9 09t22/05 ta30 091ZTA5 l9:?t 0t9 Analyte True Found ToRec a Llmits Mcrcury 0.00500 0.00s 18 r04 85 - I t4 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Duta Sheet Equivalent 230 ffiSTt IIRS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Nsme: l-oUSDC Nunrber: Matrlx: o/, Moisture: Basis: Analysir Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliqurx: Dllution Frctor: STL DENVER D51020230 WATER N/A lYiI 7470A. mgll.. 5"62486 I Client Sample ID: Lab Srmple ID: l,,ab WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drte/f ime Received: Detcflfinre Lerched: Date/Time llxtructed: Date/Time Antlyzed: Instrument ID: pst r 90000+861. I IKW 19 a9D2t05 14.30 09/22/Q5 19:23 Ql_t Analyte True Found C 7o Rec 0 RPD a QC Limits o/o Rec RPI) Mcrcury 0.00500 0.005 t 2 r02 1.2 85 - 114 t0 STL Denver f-orm 7 LCSD Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 23L ffisrt URS Corporetion Total Metals Analysls Data Shect Ltb Name: Lot/SDG Number: Matrix: 7o Molsture: Basls: Antlysis Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: Sample Aliquot: Dilution Fsctor: STL DENVER pslg20230 WATI]R }UA Wct 6020 mg/L s2426t6 50 m[, I Client Stnrple ID: Lab Sample lD: [,ab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Datc/Time Recelved: Dtte/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: DntelTime Analyzed: Instrument ID: p5r060000-616Q HJ2JG 09/15/05 l5:30 09123t0s 07:21 Q04 I orm 7 LCS Analysis Du:tu Sheet Equivalent Analyte True Found ToRec 0 Limits Selcniurn 0.0400 0.0362 90 82-fiZ Cadmiurn 0.0,400 0.0394 99 89 - r r0 STL Denver 232 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS Contract r IIRS Corporat,l.on SAMPITE DIO. srirB-10-090105 sER SDGI EIO. r D5I020230 Lrwr1. (lovrr/rnrd): ITOIII r,ab Code : S1DLDEN Cur No. r Matrix (aofl/water) : [![LTER SAS No. t ConoanrtratsIon unltg 3 mglL AnrLyte rniEial SamIrIe RcruLt (r) c Seriel Dilution RceuIE (s) e 9G DLffcr- (Dncc a M J a,luninrrm I 0.017 U 0.085 P Calelum II 150.6{156 -46 3.9 P Iron lro 0.038 B 0.105 U 100. o P Potaggirrrn L7 0. 63 159.83 5-3 P Magnrasiun 115.15 LL7 .7 4 2-2 P Sod1r:m Hr 3292.40 31{4.80 {.5 P Zirconiurn o. 00160 U 0 - 00800 TI F STL Denver Forn IX III 233 STL DETWER 'fotal Metals Analvsis -9- ICP SERIAL DTLUTIONS Contsraot r IJRS Cora>oraBLon a.ruPrJE SU{IB-10-090105 SER gDO NO. r Dsr 020230 Lsnr1 ( low/ncd) t Lrb Code : STITDEN Matrlx (goil/watcr): WITTER Cagc No. I grg No. r ConocnEration Uuit;r mfrlL Anal.ytc -nLtial Banpl-c Rrlu].t ( r ) C Srrlrl PLl-ution Rosults (g) c 96 DLffrr- ence a M I ereenio I o. o0{9 B o. o22o Ju 100. o P Barl,un o.093 o.085 I 3.6 P um 0.00260 u 0. 01300 lu P Copper 0.0045 U o, 0225 [U P 0,0025 u o. o13o lu P NiokeI-o , 0033 B o . oo5o Ju 100. o P SLl-ver o. 00?80 U o. o14oo [u P Vaned,Lum 0.0027 B O. o12s Ju 100.0 P Zinc o-oo5 B o. 025 [u 100. o P STL Denver ForN IX IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS Contract r IIRB Corporat,Loa SADTPLE NO, sgirB-10-090105 gtR sDc No,: D5T020230 Lcvc1 (Low/med) : LEb codc: STLDEN Cagc No. t S.e,S No - : Matrix (;ol-I/watcr) r WATEB' Concentre,tLon tDrits : tw lL lna,lytc -nitirl Earuple Regult ( r ) c Sarial Pil.ut:lon Rcgu1t (s) c 96 Diffor- cnoc 0 M I cadlnLum o . 00 00{0 u O. OOO2oo lu M Srrlenium 0.001 007 B 0. oo16so Ju 1OO. ol ITI STL Denver Form IX M 235 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis - t0- M ETHOD DETE,CTION LII\{ITS Contsract: URS CorporatLon Lrl, Codc r STLDTN Ce,tc No. t ICP fD Numbrrr fJtr Intreptd ICP T1anc ^[l, ID Dhunbcrr I\rrrrrcc JfA fD Dlurrbcr: Sf,g No. : Datc r 5tLAl2005 ADCI NO-: D5I020230 Analytc ltlavc- lcngth (m) Back- ground PQI, (ng/L) MDIr (nglL)M Llr:rninurn t 167.O 0,10 0.017 I p AlumLnunr Il 309 .2 1.0 P lC-I-Eutrr t 317.933 0.20 I o. o34 I p Calcl.urn H 318.1 10 P lrron Lo 259.9 0.10 0-021 lP fron IIi 2,7 L . illll 1.0t lP lPotasilun 766.{91 3,0 0.24 lP Magncgiuln I Scrd { rrm Tn I i27s.078 I - i58q-E I 0.20 I 0.043t 1_ol n o?l P F F F Sodium Hl, ffi 10 I otrunGnte: STL Denver Foru X IN 236 STL DENYER Total Metals Analysis -I0- M E'THOD DETECTION LITUITS ConEract: IIRS CorporatLon Lrab Codc: STITDEN Cage ![c> - : ICP ID Nunbcr: SITPI9RTRACE ff rlamc Le, fD Mrrnberr E\rrrracc .hl, fD Numbrr: S.LS t{o, t Date:s/La12005 sDCl No. r DSf 020230 ArraJ-ytr Wava- langth (nm) Brck- ground,PQL (mglL) IYIDIJ (rrylr,)!{ ArarrnLe 1gg.o42 0.010 o. 004{P Brrium 493.409 0.010 0..00070 P Chromlum 267. ?16 0.010 o.0026 P CopDer 324,753 0 .010 0 . o0{5 P Laad 220.353 0.0050 0.0026 P NickG]-23I..60{0 .0{0 0.00L2 P Sl,Lvcr 328 - 059 0-010 o.oo28 P pa;m-fuut 292 .442 0-010 o.0025 P Zinc 2L3 - 955 0 .020 0.0045 P Cornmonte: STL Denver Fom X IN 237 STL DENVER Totrl Metals Analysis -10- M ETHOD I}ETECTION LIIVIITS Contract: - IIRS CorDOratl,On Lab Coder SttDEN ICP ID lifirrnber: Case No. t SAS No. l Drr,r: 9lLSlzAA5, SDC No.: D5I020230 f,lamc AA ID t{hr.ubar: hrrnacc fA ID lhrmbcr r PE C\III' }rraltrtr Wwo- Icngth ( run) Baok- ground PQL lms lnl !@Ir (mg/L)M llercu51,253. 7 0 0.00020 0.000027 gtr Coruuontg I STL Denver For:t X - IN 238 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -I0- METHOD DETECTION LIMITS Contract t tlRS Cor:p6lration Lab Codc: STLDTN ICP fD Ntrmbcr: PE f CPMS Flanr AA ID ![\rnber r hrrnace .[I, ID ]lrrmber: Clac No,:SJLS No, r Dat,or 5lLAlz00s sDcl No. r D5I020230 Inr1.yEc IrotoDc Brck- ground PQI, (ng/r.) MDL (ng/L)![ Cadurf.urn 111 o - oo10 0 . 000 0{o ![ SalcnLum 82 .0050 o. 00033 Dt Comnrants: STL Denver Forrr X IN 239 STL DENYER 'I'otal Metals Analysis -11A- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR.S (ANNUALLY) Contraet r URS CorrooratLon Lab Code r gTtrDEN rCP fD ![rfiber: l[JA Cage No.: tntrepid IcP gl,g tilo - 3 Dater 8 llg/2AO5 Dsr02023 0 .rnal1t,c Wavc- lcngrttr (nm)A1 Interelemeat Correctl,on Factorg for r Ca Fe Mg Ag /, rrw;-r,' r<-r-r-.r I gg9 ' 198 o. oooooo0 I 0,0000000 o. oo0ooool o. ooo0oo0 I o. ooooooo rtum!.mrm lfez.0B1 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 0.00192001 0.0oooooo I o. ooo0000 rlnmlnum lgOg.zTL 0.0000000 | o. oooooo0 o.oooooool o-ooo7?tlol o.00ooo00 Anrimony I ,05.838 0. 00ooooo | 0.0000000 o.00000001 0.0000000| o-ooooooo .f,rsenic I ttg.0{a o. o0oo0o0 | o. oo000oo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo BarLuru I 005.003 0. 0000000 J o. o0o0o00 o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o - ooooooo Beryllirrm ISff .Otz 0.0000000 | o. oooooo0 o. oooooooJ o. ooo000o I o. ooooooo Boron lzag. GTB o. o0000oo I o.00o0ooo o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo cadnLurn 1116.502 o. ooo0000 I 0.0000000 o,ooooczol o.oooooool o.ooooooo calclum Isrz-933 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 o-00000001 0,0000320f o.ooooooo lcarciust Iare-12I 0.o00oo0o I o-ooooo0o o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo chronLum I ,O't .77-6 0. ooooooo I o.00ooooo o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo ] o. ooooooo cobalt I zzg. E15 0. o0ooo0o I o.0oo0oo0 0, oooooool o . ooooooo f o. oooo0oo copper llZtL.zS3 0.0000000 | o.0ooo0oo -0.ooooeool 0.0000000J o-0000000 rron I,s9-9{0 o.00ooooo J o. ooo0000 o-oooooool o-oooooool o,ooooooo rron lzz1.6d1 o.0ooooo0 I o. o0000oo o. oooooool o. oo2o1oo I o. ooooooo r,ead lrro.3 s3 0.0000000 I o-ooooo00 o. oooooool o, ooooooo I o. ooooooo r,Lthtrrm I Sr0.78{o. ooo0000 I 0. oooo55o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Malrnasirrm lzr9. oT9 o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo o. oooeozol o . ooooooo I o. ooooooo Mangarr€ra lzsz.610 o. ooo0000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. 0000160 ! o. ooooooo lrolybd.cnrrm lzOZ,030 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo 0.0000000[ -0.0000000 f 0,0000000 wickel I zs 1. 50 4 tz o.0000000 | o-ooooo00 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Phosptrorus Jfr8.287 o-0000000 I 0.000oooo o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo Potassium I ,e5. {91 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Selcnlum J tgo.090 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo o.oo00o00l 0.00ooo0ol o.ooooooo stllcon lzsl-.6l.z o.0ooo000 I o.00oo0o0 o-oooooool o.ooooooo I o-ooooooo gtrl,con I au1. 615 0.0oooo00 I o-0oo0ooo o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Sl }wer I irs. oeo 0.0ooooo0 I o.0oooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo Bodlrrrn I rg9.59z 0.00ooooo I o.0oooo00 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo {rodrllln I ar8.326 0. oooo000 I o.0oo0o00 o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo ptroatlum lloz .T7L 0.0000000 | 0.0001670 o.oooooooJ o-oooooooJ o.ooooooo Thallium I fgO. BG{0.0000000 I O. 0000000 o. oooo00ol o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo E'orm XI (PART 1)IN Cormrentg: STL Denve STL DENYER Total Metals Analysis -t1A- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR$ (AI$NUALLY) Contract: ttRS CorcOOratLoa Lab Codes SU,DEN Case No.: Intrepid fePICP ID tftrmberl TJA Dat,e: 81L912005 gl8 No.:SDe NO. r D5I020230 trhorlura | 283 .730 0. 000ooo0 J 0.0000000 0,00085001 o-oooooooI o.ooooooo Tin I 189.989 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo 0.00000001 o. 0000000 | o. ooooooo rl.ranlum I ra{ .9{1 0.0000000 I -0-0000320 0.00000001 o. ooooa{o I o. ooooooo uranl.rrm I raS.95B 0.0000000 I -0.0001020 -0-00085{01 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 vanadlum lzlz -4a2 o - oo0o000 l o, ooooooo 0.00010101 -0-0000130 I o.0000000 zl-ne Iarr.gs6 o-oooo130 I o-0o0oo0o o. o0oo59ol 0.0oo0oo0 I 0. oo0oo0o Commeuts: STL Denve Form XI (PART 1)-IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -ttB- tcP INTERELEMENT (IORRECTTON TACTORS (ANNUA I,LY) Cont,ract r IIRS Corrcoration rab codes SIItDEN ICP ID llrrrnber: TJA Cagc No.3 IntreDid, reP gAg No.: Dato: I llg lz00s gDc DIO. : D5T.O2023 0 r.ualtta Wave- length (nm)Ag rnteral,emcnt Correct,ion Factorg BBa for: Be Cd F-r l'-CC;:? r Lr_fi-r I o.00oo00o I o.0000000 o, oo00oo0l 0. oo000oo I o. ooo00oo Alumlnrun Ifez.081 o. ooo0oo0 I o. oo00oo0 0. ooo0oo0l o. o0ooo00 l 0,0000000 rlumtnum lEo9.27L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0ooo0ool 0.00000001 o.o00ooo0 Anr,imony lzo6. B38 0.0000000 I o.0ooo00o o.0oo0oool o. oooo00o I o.00oo00o rrscnic | 1s9 .a42 o.00oo00o I o. oooo00o 0.0ooo0ool o. o00oooo I o. o00ooo0 Barl-urn I OrS. {03 0 - o00oo00 | o. 0o0oo00 o,00oo0o0f o.oo00oool 0.oo00oo0 BerTLLium laff .O$2 0.0000000 | o. o00o0o0 o. o-0o0o0ol o. 0ooo00o | 0.0000000 Boron lzt9.6z8 o .0000000 | o. ooo00oo 0. ooo0oool o.00ooo00 I o.00ooo00 CadurLr:m 1225. 502 o,0000000 I o. 00o00oo 0. ooo0oool o.0oooo0o I o. ooooo00 Calcl,rrm Ift7-933 0.0000000 I o-oo00oo0 o. ooooooof o. o0ooo00 I o. o00oooo f:alctun 1318.138 0-0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. oooo00o I o. oooooo0 Ehrontum lz0l-,716 o,0000000 | 0.0000000 0. oo00oool 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 Cobalt, |,128.615 0.0000000 I 0.0oo00oo 0. oo000ool o. oo000oo | 0. ooo00oo coppar I sza.z53 0.0000000 | o.00ooo00 o - 00oooool o. oooo00o I o. ooo0ooo rron | 259.9{0 o-0000000 | o-o0ooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rron lzr 1.4d1 0.00000001 o_0oooo0o o.oo-o0o0o-l 0.0000000| o-0000000 r,ead 1rr0.353 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooo0ol o. oooo0oo I o.0ooo0oo r,ithLum leZo.T8{o.00o00oo I 0.0000000 o. ooo0oool o. oooooo0 I 0. oo00ooo Irlagmcslum 127 9.079 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o.00ooo0ol o, ooooo00 l o. oo00oo0 lrraBganGso lzst.610 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool o-oooooool o,ooooooo MolYbdenufi IZOZ.030 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo l o. ooooooo f o, ooooooo uichcl la3r..GoL/2 0. oo0ooo0 [ o. ooo00oo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo nhosptronrr IfZ8.Zg7 0.0000000 I o. oo00ooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Potasstum 1766. {91 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. o0o0ooo selcni.um Ifr6.090 0.0000000 | 0,0000000 o.0ooo0ool o. ooooooo I o. o0ooooo sllLcon I,tL.6Lz o.0oo00o0 | 0. o00ooo0 0.0000000f o. ooo000o I 0.0oo00oo silLcon I ru1.61s o. o0o000o I 0. oo000o0 o.o0o00o0l o.00oooo0f o.oo0oo00 $llver I 329.060 0.0000000 | o, ooooooo 0. 00000001 - 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 Sodium I sB9. 592 o.ooo0ooo f - oSoooooo o. oo0ooo0l o. oo00ooo I o. o00oo0o jltT I"8'326 0.00000001 0.o0oo00o o. oooooool o. o0oo00o I o. ooooo00 lrontium I aor.7n 0 .0000000 | o.0ooo00o 0. oo00oo0l o.00ooo0o I o. oooo0oo Thallium I fgo.8G{0 .0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0oo00ool 0. ooooooo I o. oo0o0oo lorrunents: 242 STL Denver Fom XI (PIRT 2l -IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -1I8. ICP INTEREI,EMENT CORRECTION FACTOR$ (ANNUALLY) ColLractr IrRS eomoratLoil Lab Codo s srrrDEI{Cage No.: Intrepid fCPICP rD Nuruber: IPJA 8tL9t200s cormerts: s.f,g Date: gDO NO.: D5TO2O230 lrtroriun | 283 .730 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.0ooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rt-n I 189 .989 o.0000ooo I o. oooo000 o - o0000ool 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 rLraniurn leg4.9{1 0.0000000 I 0,00oooo0 0.0000000[ o. ooooo00 I o. ooooooo uranium I ses.958 o.00ooo00 I 0.0000000 o - 00000001 o. ooooooo I o. 0oooooo vanadiurn lzlz - 402 0.0000000 | o-oooo0o0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo zinc I ztl.8so 0,0000000 I 0-0o0oo0o o. o0o0oool o - 0oooo0o l o, ooooooo STL Denver Eomt XI (PIRT 2l IIN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis .I IB. I C P INTERELEMENT C O RRECTION F'A CTOR$ (ANNI.IA LLY ) Contract: IIRE Corrcoration rab Codc: S.1II,11EI! ICP ID Number: TiIA Care No. t Intrapid ICP S.Lg [ilo. t Dator 8 lLglz00s Dsr02 023 0 l'na].yte Wave- langrtb (uu)Co rnterelamant CorreetLon ractors for: CreuK MA '{r'r-*rr'r r'r+--f1 I 339 ' 198 0.0000000 I -0.0012800 o.ooooo0ol o.oooooo0l o.oooo000 rlrrutlmrm I te?.081 0.0000000 | o. o00o00o o.0o0ooool 0.00000001 0.0000000 AlumLnurn I f Og.zTL 0.0000000 I o. ooo0000 o.00000001 0.ooooo00l 0.0000000 Anr!.mony I ,06.838 0,0000000 1 0.0000000 0. o0oooool 0.0o0oooo I 0.00ooooo trrsenic | 189 .a42 0.0000000 | o. o000o0o o. oooooool o. oo000oo I o. o0000oo sarl,um lass.{03 0. 0000000 I 0. o000ooo 0. oooo0ool o.0000ooo I o. o0o0ooo Ber:rrll-irrm If ra.A42 0 .0000000 | o. 0000000 0. o00ooool 0. ooooooo I 0. ooooo0o Boron 1ro9.578 0.0oooo00 I o. oo00ooo 0. oooooool 0.000oooo | 0.0oooooo Cadruiurn 1225.5oz 0.0000000 | o. o000ooo o. oooooo0l o. ooooooo J o, ooooooo calclum l S fz.933 o-0000000| 0.0000000 0.00ooooof o.ooooo00f o-0000000 carcium l Sf8,12B 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooo0l o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Ctrromir,:rn |-26?.zLG 0.0000000 I 0.0oo0o0o o.0o000ool o-0000000I 0.0000720 cobalr lzza.616 0,0000000 | o. ooooo0o o - o0o0oo0l o.00o0ooo I o. ooooooo Copper I azt. z53 o.00oo0o0 J o.o0oo000 o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo rron I 2s9.940 0.0000000 | o.0ooo0o0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rron lrr 1. {{1 0,1300000 I o. o00oo00 0.000ooool 0. ooooo00 I 0. ooo0o00 read 1220.353 0.0000000 I o.00oooo0 o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo r.Lttrlr:nr I t, A .7 g{0.0000000 J o.00oo00o o. ooooo0ol o. ooooooo l 0,0000000 Magnesiusr lrr9. Oz9 o. o000ooo I o. oooo00o 0.00000001 o.o0o0o00l -0.0035590 r'raagraao,. I asz.610 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0,00oooool o-0000000| o.0000000 Motybdenrrm jzoz.03o o.000oooo I o. oo00o00 o.ooo0oo0l o.ooooooof o.ooooooo ulckel lrl1,5 o4t2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Phogpborur |.rr8.287 o.00ooo00 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.ooooooof o.ooooooo PotasrLum I ,t5. {91 o. o00oooo | 0.0000000 o,oooooooI o-oooooooI o.ooooooo solenl.rur I 196. 090 o-0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo gtlLeon lzsl.6Lz 0.00ooooo I o-ooo00oo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo stlLcon I zSr- 51s 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o.oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo gi lver | 3rB. o6B o - 0000000 | o. oo0oo00 o.00oooool o.oooooool o.ooooo0o Sodiun I ,r9 . 5ez 0.0000000 I o .0000000 o.0ooooool o. o00oooo I o.0000ooo €odluru I ata .326 o.000oooo J 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 o.ooo00o0 pt,ronth:rn loOT .77L 0. 0000000 | 0.0000000 o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Thallirrm I f S0.864 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Comrentg: STL DENVC Fom XI tPmt 2)AIN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -ttB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTTON FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Contract r IIRS Corroor:atlon r,ab Codc: STITDEII ICP ID !firmlrorr TilA Cage !uo. : Intrepid fCP 6lAS tilo. r Datet 8l1g lz00s gDC NO.: D5T020230 trhorlum I 283.730 o-0000000 I 0.0000000 00 I o. o00oooo rln lrae .989 o. o0o0o00 I 0. oooooo0 o.ooooooof 0.0000000| o-ooooooo rltanirrm I gg{.941 o.0000000 ! 0.0003150 o.oooooool o.oo0oo0ol 0.0000000 uraniurn I 38i.958 0.0oo0ooo I o. oooo000 0.0000000 ,oo0oo0oJ o-ooooooo varradlum lzlz.4O2 0.0000000 I o-0002290 0.00000001 o.0o0ooooI o-ooooooo zLnc I 2t3.8sG o. oooooo0 I o.0o00o0o 0-0009{l(l0l 0.0000000 1 0.0000000 Comments I STL Denver Form XI (PART 2l -IN 245 STL DENVER SDc No.: D5I020230 Total Metals Analvsis -lLB- ICP INTER ELEMENT CORRECTION FA CTORS (ANNTIALLY) Cage No.:SAS No.3 OI Contract : URS CgrrporatLoft Lab Code: gTLfrEN Dator I /L9l?OOsrCP rD Numberr TifA Iutrepid Iep .f,rral.frtc Wave- fength (nm)Mo rntorelenent Corrcction Eactorg lUE Ni for: Pb sb Z)'rvwt Lc-<^^ | "9 ' 198 0.0009000 J 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o.0000000 | o. ooooooo ALrrminu$r Ifez-OB1 0.0ooo0o0 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo .f,1rrmLnrrm I30g.z7L o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool 0.0000000 ffxtimony I eO6. B3B 0.0000000 I 0. o0oooo0 0.00000001 o-oo0oooo I o.oo00o0o Arsanic J 189, o{2 0.0000000 | o.0oooooo 0.o00o0ool 0.0000000J o.ooooooo Earl.rrm I 1S5.403 0.0000000 I o. oooo0o0 o. ooooooo[ o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo Berrlllum I afs .Atz 0.0000000 | o,0o0oooo o. oooooool o. oooooo0 I o. o00o0o0 Boron I ,l9.62g o - 00ooooo I o. 0000006 o.oooooool o,oooooool o.ooooooo cadmLum lr=6 - 502 o-0000000 I o.00ooooo -0. o00rrzo I o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 calcl,um IrrZ.933 0.0ooo0oo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo calcium IffB.12B o.0oo0o00 J o. 0000000 o.00oooool o. o0ooooo I o. ooo00oo chronrium lZU. ?16 0.0000000 I 0-0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 o.oo0oooo cobalr l=rg,616 o-0000000 J 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo coppcr J rza.753 o. ooo3400 I 0.0000000 o. o00oo00 I o. oooo0o0 | o. 0oooooo rron 1 259,9{0 o.0000000 I 0.00ooooo o. ooooooo J 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 rron lrrl-{{1 o. Golsooo I o. ooooooo o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo r,ead lzzo.353 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo r.lthiurn lero.?Bd o. ooooo00 | o,0oo0ooo o.oo0o0o0l o.oooooool o.oo00o0o ltagrnosium lzl9. o?9 -0.0359000 I o.0oooooo o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Manganorc lzst,6i0 0.0000000 | o-0000000 0, oooooool o. oooooo0 | o. ooo0ooo Molybdonum I 202.030 0.0000000 [ o-ooooooo o.ooo3{ooI o-o0o0o0oI 0.0o0o0oo nLckcl I ,g t- .6at 12 0.0000000 | o. ooo0o00 0.0000000f o.0ooooo0 I o. ooooooo phosphorus I,rg.287 0.00ooooo I o. oo0000o o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Porassium l 16o, {9L o - oo0o000 I 0. o0oo00o o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o - ooooooo Selenium I tt6.090 0.0oooooo I o.0oo0ooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo stlLeon lrr1-.6Lz 0.0093000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo gtlLcon I zSr.61i 0.0092000 I o. ooo0o0o o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo silver | 3r8. oG8 0.0000000 I o. o00o00o o. oooooool o. ooooooo f o . ooooooo sodium I ug9.59a 0-0000000 I o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Sodlum Irrs.3rG 0.0000000 J o. oooooo0 0. oooooo0l 0. o0ooooo | 0.0000000 ftroutlrrm I oO7 ,z'tl:o.000ooo0 [ o.0ooo0oo o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Thallium I 190.85{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Fozm Xf (PART 2l Comnrentg r STL DeNVC STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -ltB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR^S (ANNUALL9 Contract: I,RS Comorat:Lon Lab Code: STITDEN Casg DIo. 3 fntrepld fCP Date: 8 l1.glz00s Cournent,g: gf,g No.:SDO NO. r D5IO20230 ICP rD ![tunber: TifA Ttrorium I 283.730 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rLn I 189.989 o - oooooo0 | o. ooooo00 0 , oooooool 0.0o00ooo I o. ooooooo ritanLum I 33{ .9{1 0. oo000oo I o. oo0ooo0 0, o0ooo00l -- o. ooo0ooo I 0.0000000 uranlrrm l 385.958 0.00oooo0 I 0.0000000 o.o0o000ol o.oo0ooool o-0000000 vanadlrrm lZS2. LAz -0. orz5o00 f - o. oo00oo0 o. oooo000f o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 zinc I zrs.855 o.0000000 I o-ooooooo o. oo{38001 o.0000000 I o, ooooooo STL Denver Form XI (Penf 2l IIN 47 STL DETVYER rcP rD Numb€r: T.IA Intrepid ICp Total Metals Analysis -118- ICP TNTEREIJ MEI{T CO RRECTIO N FACTORS (A NNUALLY) Dat6: 8lI9 |'2OOS contractr IIRS ForDo{Ftion,,, _ , _ ,, rab Code s ST1TDEN Cara No.:SAg No. i gDc !iro.: D5IO2O230 wavc- I-cngttr (nml rnterelement, Correctl"on ractorr for l 9r.nnalrte 8e si Sn rl. T.1r.r.c.z-r. rrirn 1 "9 ' 198 0.0000000 | o. ooo00o0 o.000oooof o-oooo0o0! o-o0o0oo0 Alullltnum J r02.081 o.0oooo00 | o. ooo000o 0.00000001- 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 rlnmLnurn 1309 -ZTL 0.0000000 | o.00ooo00 o, 0000oooJ o.0000ooo I 0. o0oooo0 .rnrlmony l 20C, B3B o. oo00o0o J o. oo00ooo o-ooooo00[ o.000ooooI o-oooooo0 Arrenl,c I 189 .Oll2 o. 00ooooo [ 0,0000000 0. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo J o. oo00ooo Bariuru 1455. {O3 0.0000000 ! o. o0000oo 0.00000001 o-0000000] -0.0001930 Berarllium ]f fS .Atz 0-0000000 I 0,0000000 o-0o00oool o-oooo000I o-0000000 Boron 1249.628 0.0000000 | o.000ooo0 o. o00ooool o. 0o00ooo I 0. oooo000 cadmLurn l22O. SO2 0.00o0ooo I o. ooo000o 0.oooo00ol o-ooo0o00l o.000oooo calclrrm laf?.933 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo CalcLuur 1318.L28\0.0000000 I o.00o00oo o.0000000J 0.0000000 | 0.00ooooo ptrronLum lzn. 216 0.0000000 I 0. oooo000 0. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. oo12ooo cobalr 1228.6I.6 0. oo0000o I o. o000ooo 0-0000000[- 0,00000001 o'0018000 copper l3z{.753 0.0000000 | o. oo0oo00 o. ooooo00l 0. o0ooooo I o. oo0oooo rron lrr9.9{0 o-o000ooo I 0.0000000 0-oooo0o0l o.oooo00ol o.000oooo rroB 127 1. {{1 o.00oooo0 I o.0oooo00 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Load lzza. 3 s3 o. ooooooo I o.00oooo0 o.o00ooool o.000ooool o.ooooooo r,ithlum I 5?0.28{o. o0000oo I o. ooo00o0 o.0ooooo0[ 0.0ooooo0| o-0000000 Irragnerium lz7 9.0?9 o. o0000oo I o.0o00ooo o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo I'tanganaso J ZSZ.51O 0. ooo0000 | o.00oooo0 o.oooooool o.oooooool o-ooooooo [lolybdsfirm 12a2. 03 0 0. o000ooo I o. oo000o0 0. ooooo00[ o. ooooo00 | o. o00oooo Nicket I ,s1.0 ot lz o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo 0.00000001 --0-0000000I 0-0000000 Ptrosphonrr Ifrg.287 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.oooooool o*o00oooo Poraaslum 1 765. d9L 0 .0000000 | o.00oo00o 0.00000001- 0.0000000f 0.0000000 selenlun 1 fg5,090 o, oo00ooo I o.0oooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo stlicon I 251.612 0.0000000 | o.0oo00o0 0.00000001 - 0.ooo0000| o-0000000 siLLcon I zsl. G15 o, ooooooo I o. ooooooo o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Sllver Jaze. oe a 0,00000001 -o.ooooo0o o.ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o. ooo35{o sodlum I 589.592 0.0000000 | o. o0ooo00 o. oooooool - 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 sodlurn J tr8.325 0.0000000 | o. oo0o00o o. oooo0o0l o. ooooo0o I o. ooo0000 [.rontlun I oo7 -77L 0 .0000000 I o.000ooo0 o.0ooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo rhalllum I rg0.86a 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0, o0oooo0l o.0ooooo0 | o. oooo0oo Comments: STL Denve Eonn XI (PART 2 )IN 248 STL DENVER Totel Metals Analvsis -1lB- rcP TNTERELEMENT CORRECTTON FACTOR^S (ANNUALLY) contract: IIRS CorooratLon Lab Code 3 STITDEN Cage No.: Intrepid ICPrCP ID lhrmber: TifA Dat6: I lAg lzAOs Corunentg: gl'g Dlo. 3 sDc NO. r D5TA20230 lrhorium J 283 -730 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo tr.Ln I ra9.9o9 o.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.000ooool o.oo0o0ool o.0o000oo rl-tanLrun I 33c.9{1 o. ooo0000 | o. 000oo0o o.0o00o0ol 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo uraniurn IfA5.9sB 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 0.oooooool o.oooooool o.oo00o0o vanad,l.um lZlz. taz 0.0000000 I o.00o00oo o.00o0oool o.ooooooo I 0.000{100 zinc I are. g55 0.0oooo00 I o.0000ooo o.00oooool o, ooooooo l o. oo00o0o STL Denver Form XI (P.ilRT 2l rN STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -il8- tc p FTTERELEMENT CO RRECTION FA CTORS (ANN UALTY) Contraet r IIRS Coroorat,ion rab Codc: S1ry,DEN ICP rD Nurnber: TifA Case No.: Intrepid ICP Sfg fiIO. 3 Dato: I llg lzAAs SDc lIO. r D5I024230 Wawe- lengttr ( run) rtlterelement correctlon Factorg for r Zttlnalrt,e T1 U v Th Li*o-r-) ,u-r?1 I rag ' 198 0.0000000 | o. oo000o0 0. ooo000ol o,000oooo l 0.0319000 .rlurnLnum I rez.0B1 o. 0000ooo | 0.0000000 o-00000001 o-oooooooI 0.0000000 Aluminum I 3O9 .27L o-0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooo000of o - ooooooo J o. ooooooo rnrinony I 206.938 0.0000000 | o.0o0oo0o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. o00oooo ArrcnLc I tgg .Od,z 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o-ooo00ool o.oooooooI o-000oooo Barlum I lrs. {03 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0.0ooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo3o3o Bery11lum ]f ff .A$z 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00035901 0.0000000 I -0.0000100 Boron 1249.6?8 0.0000000 I o. ooo0000 o.0000000I 0-00oooooI 0.000oooo ca&rrLr:ru 1116. S0Z 0.0ooooo0 I -0. 0oo3o70 0.oooo0o0l 0.0000000 1 0.0000000 calcLum I 33-7.933 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o. ooooCIoo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo aCalclum IgtB.128 o-0000000 I o.0000000 o.0000000 I o. ooooooo I o.0559ooo ptrrontrrrn lzsl .7 LG o.o000ooo I o-0007060 0.o000ooof o.0o0oo0ol -0.000597a cobalr 1228 - 516 0.0000000 I 0. oo0oooo o.ooooo0ol o-oooooooI o.ooooooo copper I r, | .7 s3 0.0000000 ! 0.0008{20 0. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o. oo232o0 rron I ,s9.9co o. oo0000o I o. o0ooo0o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rron lzll. {{1 o.00ooooo I o. ooo00o0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo Lead 1220 -353 0.0oooo00 ! o. oooo0o0 o.ooo0o00l o.0ooooool o.0000ooo rlthtnm I e,o. zB{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooooo00f o.ooo00oof o.o0o0o0o lrlagrnesJ.um |,27 9.0?9 0,0oooo00 | o.oo7560o 0.0000000! 0.0000000 I -o ' 0{18000 Mangraness lzsl.610 0.0000000 | o. oo01220 -0.00016801 0,0000000 1 0.0000000 Molybd,cnum IZOZ. 03 0 0.0000000 I -0.000?050 o. o0oooo0l o. ooooooo I o. oo175oo NLcket l rf l. G ot t z 0.0000000 I o.00o0ooo o.ooooooo| o-oooooooI o.ooooooo phoephorua I 1z g.ZB7 0.0000000 I 0.0oooo00 o - 0000ooo[- 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 PotassLrrn 17 66 . 491 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Selenl.um I tg5. oio 0.0oooo00 I o.0000ooo o. ooooooo[ o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo slllcon I 251.612 0. 000oooo I o.0o0oooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo stlicon I ,t1.5t5 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sirver I SzA.oGB o.0ooooo0 I -oloo22oo -0 .01{90001 0 .0000000 [ 0.0005880 sodtum I urg.5g2 o,o000o0o I o.00ooooo o. oooooool o. oo000oo I o - oooo000 sodlum I ara.326\0. o000ooo ! 0.0000000 o . oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo )u,rontlum I ao7 .77L 0.00ooooo I o. ooooo00 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Thallt-um l rg0, g5{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Corunentg: STL Denvef Form XI (PART 2)-IN STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORR.ECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) coBtract: lrRS eorooratloa Lab Codc: STLDEN Care No. t Intrepid ICP Datc: 8 lL9l2AO5 Couunonts: grg No. l sDc No.: D5I02O23O fCP ID Number r Tifl' Thorlum I 283. ?30 0.0000000 I 0.0155000 0.00000001 0, 0000000 1 o. ooooooo TLn I 189.989 o. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o - oooooool 0,000oooo l o. ooooooo Tl.tanLum I aS{.9t1 0.0000000 I 0.0002850 o.oooooool o-oooooooI 0.0o0oooo uranl,uru I ggs " 988 0. ooo0o00 | o.0o0o0oo 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0287 000 vanad,iurn lZlz .4Az 0-0000000 I -0.00021120 0.00oooool 0.0000000 I o. ools6oo zt nc I erf. 856 o.0000ooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 o.oo00ooo STL Denver Porm xI (PIRT 2l .IN 257 STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Comoration Total Metals Analvsis -ltA- ICP INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Cage No.: rI gfS No. l Date : 8 1112005 Lab Code: SI1,I,1)EN rcP ID ll\rrnbcr: SUPERI:R"trCE Dsr0202 3 0 Wawc- Langth (nn) Interelenent CorrectLon f,actorg for: Itlgr Analfrte IgA1Caf'e llurntnutrl I 308.215 0.000oooo I o.0o0oo00 o.oooooooJ o-oooo59oI o.o0ooooo Antl.mony I 206. 83L lL 0. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 0.0000140 J o. o0ooo00 I o. ooooooo rnul,mony I 206 . 83 Llz 0.0o0000o I o. o00oo00 o. oo0024o I 0. 0000ooo I o. ooooooo rrsenLc lfgg.a42 0.0000000 | o. o0oo00o 0. oooooool o. 0000000 I o. ooooooo Barirrm I{93.{09 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0o00o0ol o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 sarlrllLurn I af a.0{2 0. ooooo00 J o.000oooo 0. 0000000 I 0. 000oooo I o. 0000000 Boron ,219.6?8 0.0000000 | o.000oooo 0. 0000ooo I 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo Cadmlum |,225. s02 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. 0001210 I 0. 0000ooo I 0.0000000 calcium I arz.933 0.0000000 I o. o00oo0o -o,00020001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 chromium lZeZ .77-6 o.ooo0000 | o-0000000 -0-0oo01o0l 0.00000,i0J 0,0000000 \cobalr 1228 - 616 0. oo0o00o | -0.0011320 o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Tcopper Isza .7sl 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - ooo0o50l o.0o0ooo0 I 0.00ooooo rron 127 1. {{1 o - 0000000 I o. ooooooo o.o0oooool 0,00000001 o.ooooooo rcad lzzo.3 sLlL 0.0003820 I o.0oooooo o.00011601 o. ooooogo I 0.0000000 r.ead 1220 - 3 5L/ 2 -0.0002590 I o. oo0o000 o. oooo6l0f 0.0000100 1 0,0oooooo ttagrnegl,um lZr g.078 o-00000001 0.0000000 -0.00010801 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 Manganera lzsl.510 0.0000000 [ o.0o0ooo0 0.0000020 1 o. oooot? o l o. ooo0o0o Molybdemrm I 202. O3o o.0000000 I o.0oooooo -0.oo0o20ol 0.0000000 1 0.0000000 Nicker I ,r 1. 6 or t,0.0000000 | o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo selenlum Iffe.02L/t 0-o0ooo00| o.0oo0ooo -0.00002501 0-00000001 0,0000000 Selenium I fg6.0zLlz 0.00ooooo J o.0oo000o -0.00020301 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 stll.con I ,tB. 1s8 0,0000000 | o. 0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo silvsr 1328.058 o-0000000 I o.0000000 o.oooooool o-0000000I 0.000oooo gtrontium I or1. s52 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. oooo0oo I o. ooooooo rhrilllum I tgo.86{o:0000000 I 0. o0o0ooo -0. ooooraol 0 - 0000000 I 0. 0000000 rfhorLum lOO1.91O 0.0000000 | 0.0000500 o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo rtn I ts9.9a9 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. o0ooo0ol o.0oooooo I o. ooo0000 ritanium I 33{.9{1 o. 0000000 I o. 0000000 0. oooooool o. ooooo0o J o. o000ooo uranLusr I 009.01{0.0000000 I o.0002200 o. ooolaool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo vanadlum 1292.tLOz o.0000ooo I o. oo0oo00 -0.00029101 -0.0000060 I 0.0000000 flnc I zrs. 856 0.000oooo I 0,0000000 o. ooolosol 0.0000070 | 0.0000000 Form xI (PART 1)-IN CoumenLs: STL Denve STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION TACTORS (ANNUALLY) coatract: g3s-sq1pgXtrtion _ Iab code: STLDEN Cage No. r II gAS hIO. r ICP rD Numbort SITPERI|RACE Deto: 81L12005 6DCt !rO.: D5fO20230 Anallt e Wave- tangth (nm) Interelarnent Correctlon Factorg for: BBaBe CdAg rlumlnum I308-21s o.0000ooo I 0.00o0ooo o. o000oool o. ooooo00 | o - o00oooo lrrt{.monrr I ,06.8lLlL 0. oooo00o I o. o0000oo o. o000ooof o.0000ooo I 0. oooooo0 Anrimony I zo6. g3 Lt2 0.0000000 [ o.00o00oo 0.0o0ooo0l o. o0ooo00 I o.0000000 Argenlc I 1Bg -o4z o. o000oo0 I 0.0000000 o.000oooof o-0000000I 0.0oooooo Bariun I{93.{09 0. ooo000o I o.00ooo00 o.00oooo0[ o.ooooo00| o-0000000 Ber^yl1ium I aff .A42 o - 0000000 J o. ooo00oo 0 - ooo0000l o. o0o000o I 0. ooooooo Boron 1249 - Gzg 0.0000000 I o. o00o00o 0.00000001 0.oooooo0l o.0000ooo cadmtum 1116.50z o.o000oooI o-0000000 o. ooo000ol o.0000ooo I o. oooo000 Cal.cl,rrsr ! Sfz.933 o . o0ooooo !, . -- .--,o, oenoooo o - o0o000ol o. o0000oo I o. oooooo0 Ctrronl,um lZ67 -7LG o. ooooo00 I 0. oooo0oo 0, oooo00ol 0. oooooo0 I o.000oooo Cobalt, lrr8 - 616 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - 0o00oool 0.00ooooo I -0, ooo5oq cop1>er I tr4 .7 5-o.oo00oo0 [ o-0000000 0.ooooo00l o.ooo00ool 0.ooooooo rron lrr1. c{l o. o000ooo I o,00oooo0 o.000ooool o.0000000 | 0.0oooooo r,ead lrro.3sitt 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o.00oo0o0l 0-o0o0oool o.ooooooo r,oad lr^0.3 5Ll2 0.oo000oo I o-0000000 0.0ooo0oo[ o-oooo0ooI o.00ooooo MagrrrGsLrun ler g. o?B 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.ooooooof o-ooooooo Mangranos6 IZSZ. 510 o. o00oooo I o. oooooo0 0.0ooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo00oo Molybd,onrlrn IZOZ.03O 0. ooo000o I o.000ooo0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo ulclrel I ,r L.6Ot lz o.0ooooo0 [ o. o0oooo0 o-o0ooooof o.ooooo00I o-oo00ooo solenLum Itt6.OZL|I:o. oo0000o I o,00036?0 o.0000oool o.000ooooI 0-0ooooo0 sclenLun I 196.02 Lt2 0.0000000 I -0,0002{90 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo slllcon ! et8. lse 0.0000000 | o. o000ooo 0.oooooool o.0ooo0ool o-ooooooo silver I gz8.068 0.0000000 [ o. o000ooo o. oooooool o - ooooooo l o. ooooooo StrontLuur I Or1- 552 o.000ooo0 | o-0000000 0. oooo0o0l 0. oooo000 I 0.0000000 ThallLum I tro. g64 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0. ooooooof o.00o0ooo I 0.0oooooo Thorl,um IoO1.91o 0.0000000 J o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rl.n I rag.989 o, ooooooo I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo Tltanlum J 33{. r{1 0.0000000 | o.oooo000 0.0000000[ o. o000ooo I 0. oooo000 Uranium I oo9 .01{o.o0ooo00 I 0.0000000 o.000oooo[ 0.0000000 I o.00ooo0o vanadlum l29Z.{O2 0.0000000 | o. oooo00o 0 .00000001 0 .0000000 | o. 00000001 zinc |zrs.gs6 0.0000000 | o,0oooo00 0.00oooo0l o.oooo000l o,000oooo Corunentg: STL Denve Form XI (PART 2l IN 253 STL DENVER Contraet; IIRS Corrcoration 'fotal Metals Analvsis -IIB- T CP INTERELE M ENT C ORRECT I O N FACTORS (ANN TIA LLY) Cage No. : IT grS No. : Datss: 81L12005 f,ab Code: STITDEN ICP ID Nurnber: St PERIIR.I,CE sDC No.: D5TA20230 Lnalyt,O $Iave- lengrth (mt)Co rntrerelament CorrectLon Factorg Cr Cu for r lIn Mo rh:mLnum 1308.?15 0.0000000 I o. ooooo00 0.0ooooool 0.0000000 | o. oo{0830 tntimony I ,o6.83LtL 0.0000000 ! o. oo83og0 0.00000001 o. o0ooooo I -o,0006500 Antimony 1206.83L12 0.0000000 I o.ood377o 0. o000o0ol 0.0000000 I -o - 0033500 rrsenie ll8g-o{2 0 . 0000000 J -o . oo{173 00 o. o00oo00l o. ooo0o00 I -0 - 0 o?42oo Barium I lSa.409 0.0000000 I o. oooo0o0 o.oooooool o,o0000ool o.ooooooo Berlrllturn Iars .ol!2 0-0000000 | o-0oooooo o. oooooool o.0o0oooo I o. oooooo0 Boron lztg.678 0.0013sso I o. ooo0000 o.o0oo0oo! o.oooooool o.ooo000o cadmLum 1116 - s02 -0.0002200 I o. oo000o0 o. o00o00ol o.0oooooo I o.00ooooo calcLum I rrz.933 o. o0000oo I 0.0000000 0. o00ooool o. oooo0o0 | o . ooooooo Chromlurn lzil. z16 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 o. ooooooo ] o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Cobalt 1228.616 0.0000000 | o. oo00o00 o. 0000000 I 0. 0oooooo | 0 .000oooo co1>por I ree-?53 0.00oooo0 I 0.00oooo0 o. oooooo0 ! 0.0000000 J o.0004910 rron lzr1. {{1 0.08027 80 I 0.0038290 o.ooooooof o-oooooool 0.0oooooo r,ead 1210.3 sl.l L -0.0028{00 J o-0000000 o,0000000| o-0000000I -0.0008s80 r,ead lzzo .3 st.lz 0. ooo0000 | o. ooo0000 0.00000001 o. 0000000 I -o.0002710 r*ragrnasiurn lz7g-0zB 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. 0oooooo I o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Icancranese lZSl. 510 0. oooo000 I o. ooooo00 o. ooooo00 l 0.0000000 1 o. oo0o000 Molybdenum 1 r02.030 0.0000000 | o.00o00oo 0 , 0ooooo0 | o. 0000000 | o. ooooo0o xLckel I re1.50 4/2 -0. o00ezso J 0. oo00oo0 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I 0.0o0oooo selenLurn l1.g6.ozI-tL 0. 0005500 I 0.0000000 o. oooo000l 0.0003610 | o. 0005620 selenlum I 196. OZLIz 0. oo00oo0 | o.000o0oo 0.0000000 | o. 0003o20 I -0. 0002370 silLcon I ,48.158 0.0000000 I 0.0o0oooo 0 . 0000000 I o. 0000000 I -0. 0056 zao sllver I arg.068 0.0000000 | o. 00oo0oo 0 - 00000001 o.0000000 I -0.0003 190 strontlurn 1421. s52 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o. oo0ooool o. ooooooo I o. o0ooooo Thalllum I tgo. 864 0-oa2g6g0 | o.oo032oo 0.00000001 -0.0024130 I 0.0000000 rhorlum I oo1.91o 0.0000{t9o I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooo0ooo I o. ooooo0o rln I rre. gSg 0. o0000oo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. 0ooo0oo riranium I ,r{.9{1 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooo000[ o. ooo0ooo I 0. o0ooooo uranLum l aOg. old 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.0000ooo I o. ooooooo varradlum I ,g 2.402\0. o00o0oo l -0,0010200 o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo /rnc Izra,856 0.0000?50 I 0.0000000 o. ooozSooJ o .000o0oo l o. ooooooo Comnents: STL DCNVC Form XI (PART 2l -IN 254 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -il8- ICP INTERELEM ENT CORR.ECTION FACTOR^S (ANNUALLY) coEtsract: UBILSCfgECEion _ Lab Code: STLDEN Cage No.:SAS fitro. t ICP rD ltunber: SUPERTH.LCE II Dato: I l4l2005 D5r02 023 0 Analtte Wave- lcngrth (rm)Hi Intorelement Correetlon traetorg forr Pb Sb Se st Alumlrrrrn I 308 .215 o.0oo000o I o.oooooo0 o. oooooo0l o - oo00ooo I 0. ooo000o Anrl"mony I 206.83 Lt]:-0-0006200 | o.00oooo0 o.0oooo00l o. oooo0oo I o.0ooo00o ^trntimony I 206 - 83 L12 0.0000000 | o. o0oo00o o. oooo0ool o. oo0oooo I o. ooo0ooo Arsenic I tAg -O{z 0,0000000 1 0.0000000 0-0000000| 0.0000000I o-oo00ooo BarLurr Ilg3-{09 0.oo000o0 I o-o000oo0 o. ooooo00l 0. ooo00oo I o.0oooooo Beryl1l"um f f fs.o{,2 o.0oo000o I o. oo000oo 0.0oo0oool o. ooooooo I o. o00oooo Boron |,249.6?8 o.0oo00oo I o. o00oo00 0.00000001 o.000ooooI o-0001290 Cadmirrur lzZe.502 o.00oo00o I o.00ooo0o o.0ooo0oo I o. oo0ooo0 I 0. ooo0ooo Calcl"um I afz.933 o.0oo000o I o.00oo00o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo0ooo chromlrrm lZSl .lLG 0. 0000000 | 0.0000000 o.o0oo0ool o-oooooooI o-o0oooor. cobalr 1228.516 o.0oo19oo I O. oo000o0 o - oooo0ool o. ooooooo I o. oo0ooo! copper I fal -7s3 0. o00oo00 | o.00ooo00 0.0000000f o. oo000oo I 0. 0oo00oo rron lzt 1. {{1 o.0o000oo I o. o00oo0o o-oooooool o.oooooooI o-ooooooo Lead 1220 . 3 sr.t L 0.0005000 | 0.0000000 -0.0001{5ol 0,0000000 1 -0.0001300 r.ead lrro,3sLlz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -a.00015001 0-0000000 I 0.0000000 lragnesLu$r l.27 9.078 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o.00ooo00I o-o00oooo| 0.ooo0ooo !'rangra,,cse l,2s7.610 0. oo000o0 I 0.0000000 o.oooooooI o.oooooooI o-ooooooo Molybd,enum IZAZ. O30 o. o0ooo0o I o. o00oo00 o. o000oo0[ o. o0oo000 | 0.0000000 ulckel I 23L.50 4t2 0.0000000 | o.0o0o0oo o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo selenLum I rg6.02LtL 0 .0000000 I 0. 0000200 o .00o0oool o. oooo00o I o. oooo52o sclenlum I rt 6.ozt-lz 0.0000000 I -0.0000100 o - oo0oo0ol 0. oooo000 | 0.0000650 silLcon I ,eB.158 0. oo00oo0 | o. oooo00o o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo silwcr I 32B. oGB o.0o000oo I 0.0000000 0.0000000r -o,oooo0oo I o'0000000 strontium laz1. s52 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o-0000000I 0.0ooo00oI o-o00oooo t.hallLrrm I tgO. 86{o.0000000 | 0.0000000 o - ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo TtrorLum IoO1.91o o. oo00oo0 | o,0o000oo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rin I ree.9g9 0.0000000 | o.0ooooo0 0. o0o0oool o. ooooooo J 0.0000000 rlrantun I lg 4.gll 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. oooo0oo uranLum I 009.010 0.0000000 | o.0oooo00 o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo vanadlum lzsz.toz o. oo00o00 [ o. oo00o00 o,0000000f 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo zinc I zrs.856 0.0034900 [ o.000ooo0 o,ooooooo[ o.oooooool o.ooooooo ConunenLs: STL Denver Forrn xI (PABT 2l -rN 255 STL DENVER Contraet r IIRS Corooration Total lVletals Analvsis -llB- ICP INTERELE M ENT C ORRECTTON FACTORS (A IYNTIA LLY) Carc No.3 rI . gAA No.: Dat6: 8l Ll20O5 LEb Coder S1LDEN rCP ID lhrmber: SITPER'I]R-},CE gDc NO-: D5f020230 WEv6- lengrth (utt) fntarelcurent Corectlon ractorg for: U e,naltrte vSnSrr1 rlurnLnum J f OB,215 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o-oooooo0| o.0239{oo Antl.mony I 206. 931/ 1 -0.0029000 J o.00oo00o 0.00000001 *o - 0005200 I -0.0089100 }'nrinoay I 205.83 Lt2 0. o0o0o0o I 0.0000000 0.00000001 -0.0003(100 I 0.0000000 Arranic I 189 .OtLz 0.oo0oooo I o-0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo0ooo Barium I {93. {09 0. oo0oooo I 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. ooooo0o I o. ooooooo BeryIlturn ISf3.0{2 0.0000000 [ o.0000ooo o.oo0o0ool o.ooooS6ol o.ooo129o Boron 1|219.678 0.0000000 J o.0oooooo 0.00000001 o.oooooool o.ooooooo cadnI.um lrr5.502 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o.000ooool 0.00000001 0.ooooooo calclrrm I arz.933 0. oooo000 I 0. o00oo00 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o . ooooooo Chromlum lZm.TL6 0.0oooooo I o.00ooooo o. o0oo000l o - ooo32oo I o. ooooooo coba1r. 11228.615 o. ooooo00 [ 0.0000000 o. oooo000! o. ooo11oo I 0.0000000 coDDer Ilzl-?53 o. 0000000 | o.00o0oo0 0.00000001 -0.0008900 | 0.0000000 rron ll27 1. {41 o. o000ooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 -0-05756001 0-0119000 Laad lr220.3 51/1 0.0000000 [ o.00008so o, oooooool o. ooogooo I o. ooooooo r,ead lrzo.3 SL|Z 0.0000000 J o-0000000 0 - 00000001 o.0015000 I -0.0004{s0 Ma€rneel.um lZ7 9.0T8 0.0000000 t- 0.0oo0oo0 0,00000001 -0.0133900! o'0000000 lilangunera |zsl. 610 o.0000oooI o-ooo0oo0 o. o0ooooo J 0.0001700 | o. ooooooo nolybd,enrrn lzOZ.03o 0.ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0000l -o - ooo3?oo I o. oo0000o ulckel 1231-6oifz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.00098001 0.0000000 1 0,0000000 Ecleaiurn I 19 6.O?L|L 0.0000000 [ 0.0008130 o. oooooool o, ooooooo l o. oo0322o sclenLr:m Itg6.0ZLl2 o. 0000000 I -0 - 0005130 0.00000001 -0.00008001 0.0000000 stlLcon I ,gB.1sB o.0190000 I o. oooo0oo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo s1lver l32B. 068 o-0000000I o-ooooo00 0.0000000[ o.0012900 I o. ooooooo Stronrlum lor1.5S2 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 o. ooo0o00l o. ooooooo J 0.0000000 Thalllum I tgo. g64 0-0000000 ] o.0000ooo o. oo0ooool o. ooooooo I o - oo188oo Ttrorlum Id01.gl0 0.0000000 I o. o0o0ooo 0.000ooool -0.0069600 I 0.0000000 rin I tg9.9e9 o. ooooo0o I o.0o00oo0 o. oooooool -0.0006700 | 0.0000000 ritanlum I 33{.9{1 o. oooo000 | o. o0oooo0 o. oooooo0l 0, o00oooo f o. ooooooo uranium I AO9.01d o.0000ooo I -0.0260000 o,ooooooof o.oooooool o,ooo0000 vanadLusr lZlz.l}z 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.oooo000l -0.0002800 I 0,0000000 linc lrii.8s6 0.0o00ooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o.000oooo I o. ooooooo Form, XI (PART 2l -IN Cornmenta: STL DENVC STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -rm- ICP NITERELEMET{T CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUAITY) coatract! Irng Coroiorat:fon Lab Codc: S1lLDtrN Cage No. : II gAg No. : Datc: I lll 2005 Cormnentg: SDGI NO. : D5TO20230 ICP ID t{urnber: $UPERERACE Wava- leagrth' ( nrn) Interelsnant Corectrlon tractort Ttr tort e,.nalyte Ztt llunrtnrrm I 3o8.21I o.o000ooo I o.o5o2L7O ArrrLmony I eO6 . 83 Lt L 0-0000000 I -0.000oltoo AnrLmony I eo6. g3 Llz 0.0000000 | o. ooo0000 ArgenLe I reS-042 o.00oooo0 | o. ooo0ooo BarLurn l{93.{09 0.0000000 | o. oo01g0o Berry'llLum I 313 .a{,z o. oo0000o I o.0oooo00 Boron lrog -G7B o.000oooo I o.000oooo cadrntr:rn 1226. 5oz 0.0000000 I o-oo005oo T calcl-urn lf rz. 933 0.0000000I -o-oo5550o Clrrornlum lZW. T16 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 cobalr lrr8 - 616 0.00ooooo I o. ooooooo Co12por llza. zs3 0.0000000f o-0026{00 rron lrr 1.8{1 o - 0000000 I -0. 1145000 r.ead 1220 . 3 5L lL 0.0000000 I -0.0030000 t Lead lt220.3 5Lt2 0.0000000 | o. o0o0ooo MagncsLum lzr9. oz8 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 llaaganoso |zsl - 610 o-0000000 I -0.000{100 Mor.ybdenutrl Iro2-03o o. o0000oo I o. oooooo0 ul,ckeL l 231. 5 04 t2 o, oo0000o I o. oo00oo0 selenLum Itg6.ozt.lL 0.0000000 I -0.0290s00 selenLrrn l196.0.ALtz 0.0000000 I -0.0002{00 stllcon I 299.158 0.0000000 I o_0000000 silver I f28.068 0.0000000 I o.0002800 Stroatiurn l{21. 552 0. oo0000o I 0.0000000 rhrrlll.rrm I tr0. SOd 0.0oooo00 J o. oooo000 rhorl,rrm I oO1.91o o.0000ooo J o_0000000 rln I re9.9g9 0. ooooo00 J o. o000ooo -I titanium J33ffd1 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 uranium I aog. o14 0.0000000 | o .oazgsoo vanadium l agz.t}z 0. oo00ooo | 0.0011500 I Zinc Izm.BE6 0.00000001 o.o0ooooo \ STL Denver Form xI (PART 2l IN STL DEAIVER o Con Lib tnct: IIRS Cor+>ontLon Total Metals Analvsis ICP LINU,AR RANGES (QUNRTERLY) SAS No.: Drrtc: I lLS lz00s SfI.DESI sDo No. : D5I020230 rCP TD T.Il, Intrcptd fCP Anal.yte Intcg. rLme ( Sec. ; Concentration mgr lL M ln'I-*Lnum ro I 50.00 lr lrluninurn Et I 20. o0 1000 lp lCalciurn r,o 20.00 50 lr lCafcLum Irt 20 .00 2000 tP I fron Lo 20.00 Ip I rroa Ht lrt-2000 I noteggLum 20. 00 Ma.gmerium 500 lr l SodLun Lcl 20.00 10 ln f sodium Ht 20.00 ZLrooniunt 10000 50 Jr !,,o,.nta, STL Denver Fora XII IN 258 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -12- ICP LINEAR RANGES (QUARTERTY} Contract: Lrb Codet Caae No.: ICP ID ![Umbsr r SUPERTRACE II IIRS CorDoretion SAg lilo Date:8l3l?AAs sDc No.; D5I020230 Arralyto Itlteg. Tlne (Scc - ) Concontration (ng/L) M l eracnLo 15.O0 lsarJ.um J Lcad. I N{ckrll l st lwer Jr Ivanadl,um 15.00 fztnc 15.00 Jn Cornruent a r STL Denver Foru XfI IN 259 STL DENVER o Con Irab IEP Eraet: IIRS Corporrtiou Total Metals Analvsis -12' ICP LINEAR RANGES (QUARTERLIO gAS No. : Datc:8lL9 12005 Codct STLDEN ID Nunbcr: pE fCm[S Case No. t gDs NO.: D5f020230 f,nalyte Irrtcgr. Tirrrr (8ec. ) Conccnt,ration (mg /r'l M O ruUUSffE, f : STL Denver Form XII IIt[ 260 STL DETVYER Totrl Mctals Analvsis I.3- PREPARATIONLOG Contracts: Lrb Code: Methodr P URg Corporetion gTLDEN Cagc No. t S.trS No. t Prorr Mcthod: D5r020230 g+?,rIEDlc fD PrGparation Dr,t,c InLulal Vol.rrnrc I rlnrl. I vol,unc (mr,) surB-910 - 09010 5 9 tlsl200s 50.0 I 50.0 gr{B- 9 - 09 010 5 91L512005 50.0 I s0. o suIB-10 - 09 0105 9 tL5l2AA5 50.0 I 50.0 s$rB-10-090105 MS e lL5l200s 50.0 I 50.0 shrB- 10 - 09010 5 MsD 9/15 12005 50.0 I 50.0 swB-3-09010s 9 tts t20a5 50. o I so.o shrB-7 -09 0105 9 lls/2005 50. o I 50.0 MBs2496L7 etLSlzaos 50.0 I 50.0 CIIECK S.BI{PI,E 9 / L5 t200b 50-o I 50.o Couuantg: STL Denver FonI XIII STL DEATVER Total Metals Analvsls 13- PREPARATION LOG Contrrct: Lrb Code: Method: URg Corporetion STLDEN Cuc No.:gIS, DIo. t sDo NO. r D5f02O23O cv PrcD Mcthodr Sampk fD Prcparation DrEa InLtj.a1 voluma I FLne'r I Voltrns (nlr) slilB- 10- 090105 9lL9 12005 10.0 I 10.0 $IWEI-10-O90105 ![g 9lLe t20a5 10. o I r0.0 s9iIB-10 - 09010 5 tYrstD 9lL9l20as 10. o I 10.0 sgrB-3 - 0g 010 5 9lLe 1200s 10.0 I 10.0 s!{B-7-090105 9llg t20A5 10.0 I 10.0 M852s8348 9 tL9l200s 10.0 I 10.0 CHTCK S^trIIPIrE 9 t]-e /20a5 10.0 I 10-o DUPTJTEITE CIIECK 9lL9 l2Aa5 10.0 I 10.0 Comuents: STL Denver tront, XIII IN 262 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis .13- PREPARATION LOG Contract r Lab Cod.e : Mottrod r IIRS CorporatLon STLDE}I Cage ![o - t g"Lg No.:sDo No. t D5I020230 PreD ![ct]rod: Arruplc fD PrcDarats:Lon Datr Inl-tiel Volume J rl'nel. I Volumt (Er,) swB-9-ogo105 912212005 1,0 I 10.0 Ilif,rB.n -tAB QC 9122120A5 10.0 I 10.0 LIB MS I 1221200s 10, 0 I 10.0 I*eB MSD 9122t2005 10. o I 10.0 rrB52 52{ 86 9 /22 12005 10.0 I 10.o CHECK S.nTIPLE 9 l22l2AO5 10.o -l 10.0 DUPLICTTE CHEEK 9 122 t200s 10.0 I 10,0 Corursuts: STL Denver FoTn I(III IN 263 STL DENVER Total Metals Anslvsis ,I3- PREPARATION LOG ContncE r fral Codc: lfethodr IrRS CoriI>oratLon STI,DEDI Cage No. l g g tb.:sDc No.: D5f020?30 PraD Mcthodr grrnDf 6 ID PrcDaratlon Date fnLtial- Vol.umc I rinrl. I volune (nlr) surB-910-090105 9tL5t?005 50,0 I 50.0 S['IB- 9 - 09 010 5 etLSlzaos 50.0 I 50 .0 sI$rB-10-090105 9 tL5l20As 50,0 I 50.0 gurB-10-o90105 us 9 t LS l?Aos 50.0 I 50. O s$rB-10-090105 }rsD e tL5l20a5 50,0 I 50. 0 swB-3-090105 9/Is l"oa5 50.0 I 50.0 swB-7 -o9 0105 9 / L5l200s 50.o I 50-0 M8s249615 9/15 t2A0s 50.0 I 50.0 gTITCK S.[I{PI,E 9 I L5 /2005 50. o I 50.0 CormenEg: STL Denver FOrur XIII IN 264 STL DENVER 'fotal M-lils Analvsis ANALYSE RUN I,OG Contract r L,ab Code r rnatrrrment, St,art Date r URS Corpomtion STLDEII ID ![unberr 9lL6 1200s Cage No. r riIJt fntrcptd ICP SAg No.: Mrthod r SDG No.: D5I020230 End, Datc: 9 / LG l2OA5 r - IlBDotas ailtlltionl rloratc (oth.r thBE tb.atqrdlrd gtP olucat3) arr rGDroioBtcd[ oa alothcr for[ 1l STL Denver seqple ID. Dlr Tino esR .f,nalytcg il51 l trftl:lil :FI;]II ffil -l ;lrlIlIl"lil; gtdl--BIank 1.00 11:49 x x x x x x rc.ll,l 1. OO 11:53 x x x x x x re.u2 1. oo 11t57 x x x x ICAfr].1- O0 12rOO x x x x x x IC}I,2 1. 00 12r05 x x x x x x rglllt 1. oo 12r09 x x x x zrcl,l[r 1.00 12:1{ esuH 1, OO 12r18 x x x x cc\r&1- Oo LZ =22 x x x x x x rCB 1.00 12r26 x x x x x x RLSTD2 1- O0 12r31 x x x x x x I ICTL 1. OO L2:35 x x x x x x T ICgA 1. O0 12r{1 x x x x x x ICSAB 1.00 LZt46 x x x x x x cevH 1- oo 12r50 x x x x cgvt,I .00 12;54 x x x x x x CCB 1. Oo 12r58 x x x x x x Cgtrll 1. oo 15:50 x x x x CC1rII 1. OO 15:53 x x x x CC'\III 1. O0 15:57 x x x x x ccB 1.. OO 16:O1 x x x x x x 27,?'27,2 5-OO t5: O5 zzzzzT,1. OO 16:10 f-l F n 27.7,2717.1. OO 16:15 MB524 96L7 1- O0 16'r 19 x x x x x CHTCK S.LDilPLE 1. OO 16r21 x x x x x zD5r 02023 0- 000 1. 00 16:28 rD5I0A0ZJ0'00llr 5.00 10: 13 zD5I 020230-004s 1- 00 15r38 2D5r020230-000sD 1.00 16: {0 2D5r02023 0- 002 1. oo 16r{9 CCUT{1- 00 t5:55 x lx x x CC1JrL 1,00 16:59 x x x x x Fom XrV - IN 265 STL DEN}/ER Total M-:if Analvsis ANALYSIS RIIN LOG Contract: rab Codcr InsEnrment, €ltart Drtcr IIRS Corporation STLDEN ID ll\uubcr r e/L61200s Caec No. t TJL fntrtrpid ICP SnS lilo. : Method r und Datc: 9 lL6l?AOs sDO No. r D5I0'20230 P Sarglle ID. DIE TImc 96R tnll-ytcs l' L I B l s B t :l;l:l ;:l ;lr I ;lxl$l :lrl "l: l:1il rl"lil ; ccB 1.00 17tO{x x x x x xl zDsr 02 02 3 0- 0 03 1. oo 17 :09 zDsr 02023 0-OO5 1. OO L7 t1l snrB-7 -o90105 1. 00 17 :19 x x x lx x l*l zzz7,7,z 1.00 Ll t?tl zzzzzT,1. 00 17r29 7.717,ZZ,7,1. OO 17 r3{ 7.Z7,ZZZ 1. OO 17r39 z,zzzzz 1- 00 L7 t44 ZZZZT.Z 1- OO L7 :49 7'ZZ7,ZZ 1- OO 17 :54 cctrH 1. O0 17r59 x x x lx CCTL 1. 00 18rO3 x x x lx x CCB 1. OO 18: O7 x x x Ix x xl t STL DcDoLaa rililitloael olomrtg (otber thaE tLe stildard CtP .lu.nt.) rrf, r.Dr...ated or rDoth.r ror. 1a Denver loran IIII - IN 256 STL DEIWER Total Metals Analvsis -14- ANALYSH RTIN LOG Contsract: rab Codcr Inetrnrncnt Etrrt Dater IIRSI Cozaroration STLDEN ID l[Urnbor: e /L61200s Caec No. t TiIt' rnErepid fCP SAg No-: Mcthod: P Eud Dat<rr 9 /LGl2OO5 SIlc No. : D5f 020230 8ampl.o rD.DIr rLnc tR lnalytcr B I' U L I Dr o o a P D P P T g I "l*l :F ftl"lt T H r" Btd,1-Blank 1 .00 11:{9 x feAI{1 1.00 L1:53 x ICr,I,2 1.OC 11:57 rc[L1 1. O0 12:0O x IC.trL2 1. o0 12;05 x Ig\TH 1. O0 12r09 zrcuL 1. Ool 12r1{ CCIIH 1- O0 12r18 cgvL 1. O0 L2:22 x ICB 1- O0 LZ 226 x RLgTD2 1- 0q 12:31 x rc\rl,1- od 12:35 x a ICSe.1. 00 L2: tLL x T ICSAB 1- od L2tl6 x CSTIH 1.00 12:5O CC\IL 1-o0 12r54 x ccB 1.O0 12t58 x CC,\IH 1- O0 15r50 CSTIH 1.00 15 :53 cg\rL 1. Ool 15:57 x ccB 1. O0 16: O1 x zz7,zz7.5. O0 15: O6 T,ZZZZZ 1- O0 16:1O zzzzzr.1.00 16r15 MBs2{9617 1. O0 16r19 x CHECK SII'IPLE 1. ool LG 224 x zDsr02 023 0- o04 1- O0 16r28 zDsr02 0330- o0{r,5.00 16r33 zDsr 024?30-0049 1.00 15r38 uD5ror 0rI 0-00{su 1.00 16r{{ 2D5r02023 0 - 002 1. 00 16:09 CC\fiI 1.00 16r55 I cguL 1. 00 15: 59 x I ccB 1. 00 17r0{x STL Denver Form I(IV IN 267 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -14- ANALYSNRTIN LOG ContneE: LrI) Code : Irlst,rumcnt Etart Datcr IIRS Cor+roration STI,DEN fD Dhrmberr 9/L6t200s Casa No. I fill fntrepid rcP g.Lg No. r Mcthodt P gDg No. r D5T420230 End Datcr 9 lLGl20A5 258Fom XIV f![ Sesplt ID.Dlr Timc ,6R .ilnrl.yEcr B t' u L I r{ loo ls P D P Pr g I I PI g R i- F Ul ttt I N T H I ER I i I 2D5rO20230-OO3 1-00 1?:09 2D5ro20230-O05 1. OC 17r1{ swB-7-090105 1. OC 17 :19 x 7,ZZ7,ZZ 1- 0d L7;?4 Z,Z,7.7,7,2 1.0c L7 :?9 zzzzT.z 1 .00 L7 z3t 7r27,7'7rz 1.oc 17r39 TrZT'7r7rZ 1.00 17r{{ Tr7.f.7'27,1.00 L7 t49 zzzz7,7,1- O0 L7:SrL cgwr 1. OO 17r59 cgt,tr,1. 00 18: O3 x !cr 1.00 18:O7 x STL Denver STL DENVER Total M"]ils Anslvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG Contract r Lab Codel Inrt:nrmcnt, gtart Datc: IIRS Corpontloa gTI,DEN ID Nrrrtrlccr r 9/L9l2OA5 Cage No.: Tittr fntrcptd ICP S.I'g No. r Msthod: End Dare: 9 lL9IZOO5 SDo No-: D5I020230 P Samtrllrr ID. Dlr Tirrc t6R Jtnrlyte r .l' L s B e, g B A B F I c D c A c R e o c U r F H P B xlil H o Nr K s E I GI N L T fr "tx c N 8t,d1-B1arrk 1. oo 1{ :1O x x x x x x IC}IJ1 1.OO 14t1&x x x x x x IEAI,2 1.00 14:19 x x x x ICI'L1 1.00 Lt t22 x x x x x x ICnIrz 1. OO L{r25 x x x x x x IC\III 1. 00 14 :3L x x x x ZIg\It,1. OO 1{ :35 IgvT,1.00 I'tt : 39 x x x x x x cc'\rH 1. OO 1{r4{x x x x CC\TTJ r-. o0 14r{9 x x x x x x ICB 1.00 1{ :53 x x x x x x IRLATD21. O0 14r58 x x x x x x rcs.[,1. O0 15r02 x x x x x x rcslB 1. O0 15r05 x x x x x x Cg\rII 1.00 15 :13 x x x x CCVT.r 1- 00 15r18 x x x x x x CCB 1. OO Li t22 x x x x x x CC1IH 1. OO 15r56 x x x x cg\,rL 1.00 17r00 x x x x x x ccB 1. OO 17rOl x x x x x x ZZT,ZZZ 1. 00 17: O9 MBs2{ 96L7 1. OO 17r14 x CHECK S}DfiPIIE 1. OO L7r18 x swB-10-090r.05 10. o0 17r23 x x x x x x gr{B-10-090105 sER 5.OO L7 :27 x x x x x x swB-10-090105 Ms 10. o0 L7 232 x x x x x x 8WB-10*090LO5 IIISD 10.00 L'l z 37 x x x x x x ssrB-9Lo- 09 010 5 10, 00 L7 t17 Ir It x x x x ssrB-9 -09010s 10. 00 L7 t47 x x x x 61{8-3 - 090105 5.00 L7 252 x x x x x x I CC:VII 1 .00 L'l t57 x x x x T CCYIJ 1,00 18r01 x x x x x x ccB 1.00 18:05 x x x x x x I ' - ILrtotos arldltioaal olGD.Etr (othor thtr tlm rtardrrd CLP aloo[ta) lro r.pr.E6ntcd on anotshor fol! 1{ STL Denver tro:.r Xn, - IN 269 STL DETVVER I'otal Metals Analvsis '14- ANALYSIS RUN LOG Cortractt tRS Corporat,.ou Lab Codc: STLDEN Cagc No. :gt.8 No. r Iostrunoot ID lftrubcr: Tirl lBtrcptd ICP Methodt P SDc No. t D5I020230 Start Datc: 9 lL9 lzOAs End, Date : 9 llg lzOOs Sarfr].c ID.DlF Tlrc BR Arralytcr B A u L I ![ o o s P D P EI l.l s I s SN iF l"l"!;T H UR lI StdI.-Bl.anh 1. ool 1{:10 x rCtrL1 1. O0 Ll:7,4 x ICII,2 x. od 14r19 IeAIrI'1. o0 Ll =22 x rclIJ2 1.00 1Or?6 x rgvH 1. O0 14:31 ZIgUL.1 .00 1{r35 IC'\TL 1.O0 14:39 x cgwr I1- 0q 1{r14 cg\rr.1.O0 1{r{9 x ICB 1-o0 1{:53 x RI,STD2 1.OO 14:58 x Icsr 1- 00 15rO2 x ICgAB 1.0d I 15c06 x CC-\TH 1.OC 15 :13 cglrt 1 .00 15t18 x ccB 1. 00 15r22 x CC'IIH 1. 00 16:56 cg\II,1 .00 17r00 x CCB 1. 0d L7:A{x zzzzzz,1.00 17r09 MB52{9617 1. O0 17 :1{ CHEeK SAMPLE 1. O0 17 :18 srrB-10- 090105 l10. OO i L7 t23 x ssrB-10-o90105 sER 5.O0 L7 tZT x swB-10-o9010s Ms 10. 0c L-I t32 x s-vrB-lo- 090105 usD 10. OC L7 :37 x swB*910-o9 01 05 10.oc L7 t42 x swB-g - 090 105 10. 00 L7 z4l x sl[B-3 - 090105 5. 00 lt $2 T cc'\rH 1 .00 17 :57 Cg\TL 1- 00 18:01 x hr 1.00 18r05 x STL Denver Pont XI\f IN 274 STL DENVER Total M-lils Analvsis ANALY$S RUNLOG Contract r tab eodcr Instrrrrmcnt Start Datrr IIRS Corporation STI,DEN ID ll\unbcr r 9/2A12005 Caee No.: TJI' Int,rcptd ICP 8AS No. t Mctrhod: und Drtcr 9 l?O/ZAAs P sDG IVo. t D5I020230 I ! Dcnotra addltional rlenouEr STL Denver (other than thc rtondard eLP cltmntss) ar. roDresentrd Form XIV IN Bamplc ID. D/t trlma TR gtdI.-Bhnk 1. oo 10r55 x x rgr&1 1.00 11tO1 x x ICf,Lz 1. O0 11r05 x ICALI-1- OO 11: O9 x x fCAIra 1- o0 11:14 x x rc'vH 1.00 11r28 x IC1rr,1- 00 11r33 x x CCIIH 1- oo 11:37 x ccur,1- OO LL:42 x x ICB 1. OO 11:47 x x Rf,gEDz 1.OO 11:52 x x ICgI.1- 00 11:55 x x - ICSTB 1. OO 12rO1 x x swrl- 9 - og010s 20. oo 12: O5 x x zzzzzz 10. oo 12:12 CCTH 1. O0 12r16 x cg\rL 1- OO LZ zZL x x eeB 1. OO 12 :26 x x on rnobher Forru 1ll 27 I STL DENVER Tota[ M-lils Analvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG Coatract: trb Codrrg Ingtnrmcnt, start Dat('r IrRg Corporation STI,DEN ID ll\rmbar; 9lL6l200s Crac No. r SUPERTR.LCE II SfA No.: Methodr SDg No.: D5I020230 End Darc: 9 lL6l 2005 (other tlren thr ate-ndard eLP ollneutr) ar. roprrt.ntcd on anothcr Form 1lI Donoter addiUloaal clmeatg STL Denver 272 Earqple ID. DID TLme ?6R fanlytcg JT L s B t s B L B E c D c J\ c R c o c U r E P B M o Ir! N H G !T I K s t A G N I. T L v Z N c N STD1-BIJIIIK 1. 00 11 :48 x x x lx x x x x x HTSTD 1. 00 11:53 x x x x x x x x x HIGH 1.00 11:58 x x x x x x x x x ICt,lr 1. 00 12: O3 x x x x x x x x x cg\rT 1. O0 12rO8 x x x x x xl x x x ICB 1. 00 L2:.LZ x x x x x x x x x NLATD 1. OO 1-2:L7 x x x x x x x x x rcs 1. 00 L2 t22 x x x x x xl x x x ICS.hS 1.00 L2:27 x x x x x x x x x I,R 1,OO L2232 x x x x x x x x LR E3 1. OO L2 237 x cc\rr | 1 1. oo t2 z tL2 x x x x x x x x x ccBl].1. OO L2 t L'l x x x Ix x xl x x x cclrr | 3 1,OO 14r03 x x x x x x x x x ccBl3 l-. oo 1{: O8 x x x Ix x x x x x MB52{9517 1.00 1{r13 x x x x x x x x x CHECK S}IIPIJE 1. OO 14:18 x x x x x x x x x z,D5702023 0- OO2 1. OO 14:23 2D5r020230-003 1. OO Ll227 2D5r020230-oo{1. 00 1{ :32 swB-3 -090105 1. OO 1{r39 x x x x x x x x x sr{B-7 -090105 1. OO 14 :43 x x x x x x x x x cs\,lr I4 1.00 1{r48 x x x x x xl x x x ccBl{1. oo 14 :53 x x x x x x x x x cc,\nr Irr 1.00 ?O:31 x x x x x x x x x ccB I rr 1.00 20:35 x x x x x x x x x swB- 910- 09 010s 5.00 20:{0 x x x x x x x x x 2D5r02023 0 - 003 5r00 30 il0 gwB- 10- 09 01 05 5 .00 20t50 x x x x x x x x { swB-10-090105 8ER 5 .00 20:55 x x x x x .l x x x S:$IB-10-090105 usl 5.00 21r00 x x x x x xl x x x lsrua-10-o9o1o5 usD 5,OO 21tO5 x x x x x x x x x z7,z7,zz 2.00 21r10 Porm Xr\I fN STL DETWER Total Int-:lls Analvsis ANALYSNRI'NLOG Contract: Lrb Codcr fartrnrncnE, Stsrrt, Datsa r IrRS Cort>oratLon gTI,DEN ID lihunbcr r 9 /L6t200s Carc No.: ST'PERTN.LCE II AIA No. t Mrttrodl IEnd Datc: 9 l LG l?OOs SIXI No. : D8I020230 Samgr1e rD- Dlv Tinc tR .Brralytcr .L fr g B L g B A B E c D c A c R c o ral "l EI ;M o M N H G} Nr K s E A o rlr "1""l;C N cs\m |tz 1. oo 21r15 x x x x I I*l xl x x x ccB ltz 1. O0 21:2o x x lx x I f x l*l I l*[ I l*x r - IlDtotos aatdtt.losrl .l.neata (other tha,r tho rtard.rd CLP cloD.Dt.) rre roDr.lGnted 6 !,Bother Fo6 1l! STL Denver ,orr XIV - fN 273 STL DEIVVER Total M.llls Analvsis ANAI,YSIS RUN LOG Contnet: f,lb Codc I Ingtnrltent Etart Datcr IrRg Corlrorat,r.on STI,DEN ID llluuber r 9 / L9 t20A5 Cacc No.: SUPERTRACE II gAS No. t Methodr IEnd Datrr 9lLg l?OAs SDO No.: D5I020230 gantrrlc ID. DIr Timc 96R lnalyber ^f, L s B L I B l, s Je "1, c .f, c R c o Clr "1" P B uluol*H G II"s E .lL, G N l' ,:Il L v z N e N STD1 -BI"}IUK 1. O0 11rOB x x x x xi x x x HISTD 1- O0 11:13 x x x x xl x x x HTOH 1. 00 11r18 x x x x x x x x x Igur 1.00 11r23 x x x x x x x x x cg\rlt 1. 00 11:28 x x x x x x x x x IcB t. oo 11 :33 x IC x x x x x x x RLgTD 1. OO 11t38 x x x x x x x x x ICg.L 1. OO 11r63 x x x x x x x x x ICSAB 1.00 11:48 x x x x x x x x x I,R 1. OO 11r53 x x x x x x x x LR G3 1.00 11:58 x CC,\IT J 1 1.OO 12;O{x x x x x x x x x ccBll 1. oo 12: O9 x x x x x xi x x x ccrm la 1. OO 17:{3 x x x Jx x xl x x x ccsla 1. OO L7 :48 x x x x x xl x x x swB-9 -090105 10. o0 17r53 x x x x x x x x x z%zzzz 5. OO l7 257 ZT,ZT,Z,Z 1. OO 18: O2 ?,T'ZTZZZ 5. O0 18: O8 Z,Z,Z,7,7,7,10.00 18r13 T,Zzzzz 2. O0 18r17 cc\mls 1. oo LB 222 x x x x x x x x x CCBIg 1. O0 LB t27 x x x x x x x x x . - D.[otG. adldLtiolal eleoonta (oth€r thr! the Blardrrd eLp'Glcatta) are r.gr.rsrtedl oo uotbor For! 1a STL Denver Foril )CtV - IN 274 STL DEIVVER Total *-jff Analvsls AI{ALYSIS RUN LOG Contract r Lab Coder Ingtnrncnt Start Drta: IIRS Cora>oration STI,DEN ID Nurubsr s 9tL912005 Cagc No.: PE CTIAI, Sng No.: Mctrhod: End Drtc: 9 ll9 l2aa5 gug No. r D5T420230 w Sarqple ID. D/P Timr IR .fnalytrra .L TJ g B l' g B n, B t clc "lo c n';l;l F E P B M o uln*lo DI I K s E .l' o N A lttl L v 7t N c N Ca1lb Blan'k 1- oo 15:12 x 0.2 Dpb 1- oo 15:14 x 0.5 ppb 1- O0 15r16 x 1. O ppb 1- OO 15:18 x 2.4 Drrb 1, OO 1,5 r 19 x 5. O ppb 1. OO 15 :21 x 10.O D;>b 1. OO 15r23 x ICB 1. OO 15r25 x rc\r 1- oo L5 z2'l x ceyl.1- OO 15 :28 x CCBI,1. o0 15r30 x I RI,1- 00 15r32 x I zz7,7,zz 1.00 15r33 zzzzz,z 1.00 15 :35 ZZZZZZ 1- O0 15r37 T,ZZZZZ 1. OO 15 :38 zz7,zz7.1. oo 15:4O Z7,7,ZZT.1, OO LSt42 zzzzzz 1. OO 15r{3 zzz7.zz.1. OO 15:{5 7,ZT.ZZZ 1. OO L5=47 ccv?1. OO 15r49 x CCB2 1. O0 15 :5O x cgu3 1. O0 15r09 x ccB3 1.00 16:1O x 7.227,27,1.00 16r12 zzzzzz 1- 00 L6r1{ Zlr7r7,Z7r 1. 00 16:15 7,Z,Z,7,7,2 1. 00 16: 17 zzzzzz,1.00 16r19 7.7r7rZZZ L. 00 16:2I. 7,ZZZ7,7,1. 00 LG g22 7,ZZ7,ZZ 1.00 15r21 I I I I r - D.rctar rdditioDal ol,eD3rrt, (other thlu thr atasdard clr! el[aotB) ara rGDr..e8tc{l m rnothar rom 1{ STL Denver loru )(Iv - IN 275 STL DENVER Total M-lils Analvsis AIIAI,YSN RUN LOG Contraets: Lab Coder Inatnutcnt Start, Datrr IIRS CorI>oratlon SltrLDEN ID l{lrrubcr r 9llg 1200s CctG No. t PE C\,1LN, 8.B.EI No,: Mcthod: SDc No. r D5I02023A t Denotra additlonal eLrnentss STL Denver CV End Dltrrr 9l1,glz00s (othor than thr;tandard Cr,p rleuentr) aro r.pr.r.nEcd on aootsher For^n 1l SamIrlo rD- D/r Tirrc IR .tnal-ytes I' IJ s B l' g B t, B E c D c Jt c R c o c U r E P B u g M N H -tt N r K g !-, I' G N l' T L v 7. N c N zzzzzz,1.00 16r25 MBs258348 1. 00 16r28 x cg\ru 1. oo L6:29 x ccB{1.00 16:31 x CHECTI g"N'PLE 1. O0 15:33 x DUPLIef,l[E eIIECK 1.00 15r3{x --l I HK'IFI'1- Oo 15r36 x Z7,ZZ7.Z 1.00 16:38 zDsro2A230-oO3 1- OO 15r39 arrB-10-090105 1. oo 15r{1 x gwB-10-o90105 MSr 1- O0 16: {3 x swB-10-o90105 MAD 1. OO 16r44 x gwB-3-og0105 1- OO 15r46 x sr[B-7-090105 1. oo 15r{8 x ceu5 1. OO 15r49 x ceBS 1. OO 15r51 x FoM XIV IN 276 STL DENVER I'otal lnt-lif Antlvsis AI\ALYSIS RUN [,OG Conbnct r LiI, Code: InsErnrnent Start Drtc: IrRg Corpore,tion gTLDEhI ID Numbcrr 91221200s Caee No. t PE CXr}B. gAg No. r Mcthodr gv End. Datrrs 9l22lzA0s gDo l\Io. r D5I020230 sarylIo ID. DIF Timc IR Alealytes A Ir s B I' g B A : l;l:c R Ill tl"[;l ; Ca1ib BLanIG 1. O0 17r11 x O. 2 pplr 1- O0 17r13 x O-5 pptt 1.O0 17 :15 x 1.O ppb 1. OO L7 tLT x 2. O ppb 1. OO 17 ;18 x 5.O ppb 1. O0 L7 tZA x 10. O ppb 1. OO L'l t22 x ICB 1. OO L7:{5 x rcv 1-OO Ll t tLT x cc\r[1.00 17:{8 x ccB].1. OO 17 :5O x I RL 1- OO L7 r52 x t 7rZZZ7,7,1- OO 17r53 ?,7,7,ZZ7,1.00 17r55 T,ZZZZZ 1. OO 17:57 zzzz7,7,1. O0 L7'-58, zzzzzT.1- OO 18:OO Z'7,2Z.7.7.1- OO 18rO? zzzzz,z 1. OO 18: O3 I zzzz,zz L. oo 18: O5 7.2r.27r7,1. O0 18rO7 cg\r2 1. 00 18: O9 x ecB2 1.00 18:1O x ccvs 1- 00 19:O9 x CCB5 1. 00 19r11 x Z7.7.7rZZ 1- O0 19r13 zzzzzz,1. OO 19:15 \TIATZTI 1' 00 11i10 7.27.7.Tr2 1.00 19:18 M85262t186 1.00 19r20 x CHECK STUPLE 1.00 19:21 x DUPIJTCATE CHECK 1.00 19:23 x I I gurB- 9 -090105 1.00 19:25 x r - DeDDtar addltlo!,rl oIGbatB (othar thar tb. rtildrrat Crrp 61u.ata) aro r.Dr.r.ntad o[ rmtbor Fon 1l STL Denver fom XIV IN 277 STL DENVER Total *-:lls Analvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG Contract: Lrb Codc: InetnrrnGnt Start Datcr IrRg Corporation gTLDtN fD liltrmber r 9/221200s Caec No.: PE C:VT.}. gJlfl No- r Hctbodr gDs No. ! D5f02O230 t Deuotes adcllt,lonal clencutt STL Denver cl, End, Drte: 9 122 lz00s (otbcr than thr rtrndard CLD ahn+ats) aro r.DroBontrd on anothor Form 1l enalytsot Sa4rl-e lD/P lrLne ltR Foru, XMN 278 STL DENVER Total M.jils Analvsis ANALYSH RIIN LOG Contracts r LaI) Codc r Instrutnant Start Drtc: IIRS Corporatl,oa STLDEN ID ![umber I 9122/200s Crec No. t PE ICPT{g S.l,g No. t Methodr sDc No. r D5IO20230 M r - DG,otoE addlitlonal olurnbe (oth.r tbatr thc EtaEdard cLp .1.L6trt,.) ara r6Dre..atrd oa arrothcr poa 1rt STL Denver fortl XIV - IN Samgrlc rD. Dlg Timc TR Arralyt,cr I L g B t s sls "l=;l:c R c o c u r E D B M GI M N H o ![ I K s E L G N .t' T IJ v T. N c N BIanlc 1. O0 2A:4L x x Standrrd 1 1- OO 2O: {4 x x ac std 1.1. O0 20:48 x x QC Sr,d 2 1- O0 2O: 51 x x RLStrD 1. O0 2O: 55 x x zzz7,7,z 1- OO 2Or59 ICAA 1. OO 21r02 x x rESAB 1- o0 21:06 x x RI}ISE 1. O0 21:10 x x HICII CHECI(1. 00 21r1{x x RINgE 1.00 2LzL7 x x I ac srd 3 1.00 21r21 x x oc srd 4 1. O0 2Lt?5 x x BIenk 1. oo 23r15 x x Btandard 1 1.00 73:2L,x x ac srd 3 1. O0 23 t25 x x oc srd. 4 1. oo 23 :38 x x ac srd' 3 1.00 O7r1O x x ac std IL 1- OO A7 :Lt x x MBs 249 616 1. oo O7 tLT x x CHECK ATDIPI,T 1. 00 O7 t21 x x svilB-910- 090105 20-00 A7 :25 x x zDsr020230-003 c0.00 O7r28 zDsrO2073 0-O04 20. oo 07'.32 2D5r020230-OO{L 5, OO O7:35 zD5r 02423 0- 00{r 1. O0 07r39 2D5r020230-00118 20. oo O7 r43 n [l zDsr02az30- 00{gD 30r00 07r10 QC Std,3 1. 00 07r50 x x ac sEd 4 1. 00 07 :5{x x swB-3 - 09 010 5 10.00 O7 257 x x t srrB-7 - 09 0105 5.00 08r01 x x Z7r7r7.ZZ 1, O0 08r05 279 STL DENVER Total M"]il: Ao"Ivsis AI\ALYSIS RUN LOG ContracE: Lrb Code: fnetsnrrtcnt Start Dater t RS Corporat,Lon STI,DEN ID lhtnbcr r 9122 1200s Caac lilo. : PE :ICPMS SAS No-: Mstbod: Erd Daurl3 9 12312005 gDc No.: D5TO2023O M 8amplo ID. Dlr Tlme 96R i zzT,ZZZ 1. 00 OErOB ZZT.7'Z,Z 1- oo OBr12 z%7,zzz 1. O0 OBr16 T,ZZZZZ 20-oo O8:19 T,ZZZZZ 100. oo 08r23 oc srd. 3 1 .00 A8:27 x x I_ ac sBd {1. OO O8:30 x x BI.auk 1- O0 10:16 Jx x Strndard, 1 1. OO 1O:21 x x Qe std, 3 1. oo 1Or2{x x ac srd 4 1. OO 1O:28 Jx x rCSA 1. O0 10r32 x x ICA}B 1. 00 10r36 x x RTNgE 1. oo 10r39 x x ac sEd 3 1. OO 1O r 113 x x ac srd I 1. O0 1Or{7 x x ac sEd 3 1- O0 11r52 x x ac srd 4 1. OO 11r56 x x swB-9 -0901 05 100. o0 12: O1 x x gr1rB-10-090105 {o. o0 12: O5 x x swB-10-090105 sER 5. O0 12: O9 x x swB-10-090105 PDs 1. O0 LZ tL?x x s9[B-10-090105 USr {0. 00 L2 tLG x x swB-10-090105 DrsID {o. 00 L2'-L9 x x oc sr,d 3 1.00 12123 Ix x Qc srd 4 1- o0 L2 t27 x x t ' D.Eotca oddltioqrl .lori.Dt. (otbrr the.o th. ltaillit:it CLt' c1ffi6ntt) a!. !6lrro8.Dt.d ola laotlr€r ,'or[ 1a STL Denver Form )tIV IN 280 C1ient, Iot PARA}ITETER #---: D5f02023O IiETECID BIJATTK REFORT General- Chentatrlr IT{ETHOD lratri:r-,-, -- -- -: WATER PREPARATION- PREP AI{TAIJYSIS DATE BATCH # REPORTTNG RESULT LIMfT UIIfTS Ammonia as N Ammonia as N Clrloride Fl-uorLde Nitrate Nitrate-Nitrite Su]-fate Total Qyanide rurE (s) : o_o17 B ND 2-g B Irlork Order #: HKH94I-AA 0 , 10 mg/I' Dl.lution E'actor: 1 AnaIyBiE Time..: 05:00 Work Order #: HKGNLTIAA 0.L0 mg/T, Dllutlon Factor:. 1 enalysie Tlmrl,.: L?:OO Work Order #: HKDP11AA 2 .5 mg /r, Dl-Iutl-on Factor: 1 Analyeie Tl:ne. . : LO : 00 Work Order #: HKCX41AA O - 10 rytll DLlution Factor: I Analycle Tirna- , : 1tr :30 Work Order #: HKTI,CI-AA 0. 10 rng/L Dilution Factor; L Analyelg Time..: 12:OO Work order #: HKTFII:.AA o. 10 mg/L Dilutiou Paetror: 1 Analyels Tlme.,: 16:0O lilork Order #: ll\tZGIrlAA 5-O ryll, DLlutlon Factor: 1 -analyeJ.s Time- . : 14 : 30 Work order #: HIGIHW1AA 0,010 mg/t Dtlutlon F'actor: I Analysi.o TLrne. . : t2:3O MB lrot*Sample MCAI{W 350.1 MB lrot-Samp1e IvICAWW 350.1 D{B Lot-Samp}e MCAI{IS 325 .2 IUB Irot-sarnple ueaml 340 - 2 !,IB lrot-Sample MCAUIIII 353 - 2 D{B Lot-Samp}e MCAWW 353 .2 MB Lot-Sample Itchffi 375 -4 MB tot-Sarqr1e *: sll845 901O8/g012^A, Dsr140000 -378 oe /Lq/ as s2s7378 D5r220000- 424 oe/za/ as s26s424 Dsr090000-250 a9 / oglos szszzsa D5r090000 - s4 0oslos/os s2s2s4o D5T220000-577 ae / 02/ as s26ss D5T22000 A-542 09 /20/ os s26ss42 D5IO50000-s86 oe/a6los s249s86' Dsrl_40000 -427 oe / L4- oe / ts / os s2s7 427 o 77 r[D Crl*lrtions ars performd hfore rounding to avoid roundoffenors in calculatd results. B Ectinutul rcsult. Reurtt is less rhan RL. STL Denver 2Ba ffi COIIaSOI.r SiltlPlfi EIZBLIIATTOH RBFORT Geueral. Clrcnistry I,ot-Baryl1e *. . . 3 D5IA2O23O PERCEMT RECO\IERY RECOVERY ITfMITS RPD RPD IJIMITS METHOD trlatri:r. - - - - , - - - : WATER PREPARATION- PREP AIIAITYSTS DATB BATCH # Lot-Samp1e# : D5r020000-545 oe / oz/ os 524ss45 09 / 02/ as s24ss45 Lot- Samp1e# : D5I14 0000-3 78 a9 / L4 / A5 52s73't I o? /L4/as s2s7378 Lot-Samp1e# : D5I060000-s85 09 / a6 / as 5249s86 ae / a6 / as s24es85 PAIUNvIETER pH 100 100 Ammonia aa N 108 l- 10 Arnmonl-a aB N L01 99 Fluoride Ititrate 97 97 NLtrate-Nitrite 105 101 Sulfate LO2 LA7 Tota1 Cyanlde 1-0 7 106 wo# : H.I7T51AA- r,CS /HJ7T5IAC-ITCSD LCS (gt 102 ) swgc o e 04 oB (97 102) 0.0 (O-5.0) SW8A6 90408 Dl-}utrlon Factor; L wo# : HKIIS4LAe-teS/HKIIg4LAD-r,eSD LCS (go 110) MeAww 350.1 (go 110) 1.5 (O-10) MCAWW 350.1 wo# : HiI2Gr,lAC- ICS/H.]2GL1AD - LCSD LCS (gr LLz) ucAwl{ 375.q (9r LLz) 4.2 (O-15) FICAWW 375.4 Dilution Factor: 1 wo# :HK6N,J1AC-r,CS/HK6NJ!AD-LCSD LCS r,ot- Sary>le* : D5r220000 -424 (9o - 110) McArlw 3s0.1 oglzo/os 5265424 (90 - 110) 2.0 (0-10) McAww 3s0.1 }g/zo/os s265424 Dilut,ion Factor: I Anal-yeis TLme, - : 17 : O0 IrD# : HKCX41AC-LCS/HKCX41AD-LCSD LeS IJot- Sample* : D5I09OOO0 - 54 0 93 (82 - 114) McAww 340-2 og/aglos s2s2540 e6 (87 - 114) 3.3 (0-16) MeAww 340.2 og/oglos s2s254o ol-].utlon Pactor: L Wo# :HKTLCIAC-rc8/HKTIJCLAD-IJCSD r,CS r,ot-sample# : D5r22o0o0-577 (86 - 110) Mcar{rf, 3s3.2 ogloz/os s265577 (86 - 1r-0) 0.61 (o-10) McAyrw 3s3.2 og/ozlos s265577 DLlut,lon Factor: 1 AnaIyBlB TLme..; L2:O0 l$o# : HKTENIAC-LCS/HKTFNLAD-L,CSD IJCS Lot-sample* : D5I22 0O0O-542 192 - LLz, MeAww 3ss.2 oelzo/os sz6ss42 (gz - 112) {.5 (o-10) MeAww 3s3.2 og/zo/os s26ss42 DiluEion Factor; 1 Dllutlon Faetor: 1 [IO# : HIGIIIWTaC- I,CS/HK.THWIAD-LCSD tCS Lot - gample# : D5I14 0 O0 0 - 4 2 7 (89 10e)sw846 9o1AB/ 90L2A A9 /L4-A9 / 1sl0s 5257427 (s9 - 1o9) o.e3 (o-20) sws1r6 goton/gotze, oglta-og/:.s/os 5257427 Dil.ution Factor: 1 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 282 ffi mIITROL SAHPI,B ffi Geueral. Chenistry RBFORT Lot-Sarqll-e *-, . r D5IA2O23 0 PERCENT RECOVERY RPD PARAMETER RECO\TERY IJIMITS RPD IJTMITS D/TETHOD IKrfE (S) : liat.ri-x- - - - - . . - - i WATER PREPARATTON- PREP AIIAITYSTS DATE BATCH * Calcrrladolls Bre performed before rounding to avoirl rourd+ff crrors in cslculatcd rcsrrls, STL Denver 283 m COI5:IROIT SAUPITB DAm. REgORf General Cheniatry Irot-Saryl1e *- - -: D5IO2O23A SPIKE MEJASTIRED PERCNT PARAMETER A}{OI,NT AMOI]NT I]NITS RECIB.Y RPD METHOD pH WO# : Hr,7?T5 LAA- I-,eS / UJ7fs IAC - IrCSD 7. OO 7 ,02 7.00 7 _o2 No Units 100 sw84 5 No Units L00 0-0 sw845 Dilution Factor: 1 Analysl-a Arnmonia as N WO# : HK}I94 LAC- L,CS/HKH9 4 1AD - LCSD tlatri:r- - - - - - o - . : WATER PREPARATION- PREP AI{ATJYSIS DATE BATCH # IICS Lot-$am5lle# : D5IA2O000-545 eo4oB 09 / a2/ as 5245545 eo4oB 09 / 02/ os s245s46 Tlme-.: 1,2;10 LCS Lot-Sample# : D5I140000-378 350.1- oe/a4/os s2s7378 3so . L ae / L4/ 0s 5257378 Tirne..l 05:OO te9 lrot-Sarylle#: D5I22O000 -424 3s0. L 09 /zo/ os 5265424 350.r- Ae/2A/05 s26s424 Time..: 17:OO IrCS Lot-Sarylle# : D5I090000-540 34A.2 AelAg/os s252s40 34O .2 09 / A9 / 05 s25254O ?ime, . : 11:30 IreS Lot-Sample# : D5T22000O-577 353 .2 Oe / 02/ Os s26ss77 353.2 O9/A2/A5 526ss77 TJ.me..: 12:00 tCg Lot-Sample#: D5I220000-542 353 .2 Oe/zOlOS s26ss42 3 s3 . 2 09 / 2O / OS s26ss42 Tl.me..; L6rOO 4.00 4.00 4 - 00 4-OO 4.33 4 .40 4.03 3.95 PllutLon Factor: 1 Arralysle wo# : HKSNJLAC- LCS / HK6NJ1AD - LCSD 101 MCAhm 99 2.O MCAWW .a,nalyelenl-lutl-on Factor: 1 wo# : HKCX4lAC -LCS /HKCX4IAD-ITCSD mg/t mg/r, mg/t, mg/t nrg /I' ms/r, mg /I' mg/r, Pi].utlon FacEor: 1 108 MCAhIW 110 L .6 MCAWW 93 MCAWW 96 3-3 MCAIJW 105 MCAWW 101_ 4_6 MeAlrW Anmonia aa N Fluoride NiLrate Nitrate-Nitrite 4 .00 4 .00 Sulfat e 25. O 25-0 Total Clfanide 0"100 0, 100 5. OO 4.53 5. O0 4.79 4.2L 4-02 0.0500 O-0483 mg/L 0.05oO 0.0485 mg/L Dl1utlon Factor: 1 Analyeie wo# : HK?I_,eil\e - LCS/HK7I,C LAD- LCSD 97 MCAWW 9-l 0.51 MCAWW Dl-lutlon FacEor: L Analyala WO* : HK? FIiIIAC - I,CS /HK7 ET{ ].AD - I,CSD nnalyels WO* : Hif2GLUC-ICS/UiI2GIr1AD-ITCSD LCS Lot - Sample* : DsIO 6 OOO0 - 5 I 5 2s -6 rg/r, Lo2 McAr'r!{ 37s.4 o9/o6/a5 sz4gsa626.6 w/t, to7 4.2 McAww 37s.4 og/oe /os 5249s86 ollutlon Pactor: 1 Ana,lyale Tlme..: t{r3o wo# : HIG[rrrrlAC -LCS /HKJI{WLAD - LCSD 0.107 mg/L o . 106 mg/T, LO',l sw84 6 L06 0.93 SW846 DiluEl,on Factor: 1 AnalysLe (Continued on next page) IJCS Lot -Samp1e# : D5I14000 0 -427 e01 0B/ e012A 09 / 14 - Oe / L5 / Os s2s7427 901 AB/ eALaA ae l14 - 09 / rs / Os s2s7 427 Tlme. -: 1"2;30 STL Denver 284 O W COtrISO .. 8,EUPIiE I}AEA RBEORT General Chemlstry Iot,-Saqtl.e *- . - : D5f020230 SPIKE MEASIIRED PARAMETER AIvIOI,I\flT AII{OUNT T,NITS PERCITT REC\'IRY RPD METHOD llatri:r- - O + - - - - - : WATER PREPARArION- PREP AI{ALYSfS DATE BATCH # rwfB (s) : Cslculations are pcrformed bofore rourr<tlng to avoid roud+ff orrors in calqrlatod rsults. STL Denver 285 ffi OOIT.IROL SEDIHEE TIILIilIATTOT RBBOR:r General- Chemistsry Cl.ient Iot il - B}BAI{BTERChloride s,Its(s): : D5I02O23A PERCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY IJIMITS IUIETHOD 100 llatri:r-- - - -- - --3 WATER PREPARATION- PREP AI{AI,YSIS DATE.. BATCH flfork Order #: HI(DP11AC IJCS Lot-Sample#: D5I090O0O-25O (9O - 11O) MCAVTW 32s.2 Og/OA/OS 52522sO Dllutrion Pactor; 1 Calcuhtions arc pcrforrned before roundfu to avold roundofforrors in calculated resuhs. STL Denver 286 W EONTIROIJ SAUPI'B DATA RBtrORT GeneraJ. CIrcnLatry PERCMT TINITS RECVR,Y I{ETHOD l[atsri:r- - - - - - - - - i IiIATER PREPARJhTTON- PREP AIIBI.,YSTS DATE BATCH # CII-ent fot PARJAII{ETER Chloride rrolfB (s) : *- - -: D5f020230 SPIKE MEASURED AII{OI}NT AI'{OI]NT 50. o Tlork Order *: HKDPI1AC LCS Lot-garylle#: DSIo9OOOO-250 50.0 nsh, 100 MeAr{w 32s.2 og/oglos 5252250 OLJ'utlo Factor: 1 laElyei.e Tine..: 1O:00 CslmlafioDs are pcrformed bsfore rourdlng to avoid rourxl<rff erron$ in calculatcd rcsults. STL Denver 287 PAR:AII{ETER RECOTTTERI -III$ITF RPD IJIMITS MEIIIOD C1ieut, t.ot S---! D5IO2O230 Date gar5)I"ed- - - ! a9 / A6 / As PERCEIM RECOVERY Ammonia as N 100 101 AnunonLa as N l[LtRIf, SPIIG SAUPITB ffi RBBORI Geueral Chenistry Date Recelved- - i A9 / 09 / 05 RPD llatrLx-: I{ATER PREPARATION- PREP Ar{Ar,Ysrs DAT_E BATCH # MS Lot-Sample #: D5IO90L52-001 ae /L4/ os s257378 oe /L4/as s2s7378 I,ot * Sample * : D5rO9O3 77 -A32 09/L4/os 52s7378 oe / L4 / os s2s 7378 Lot-Sample # : D5f02O229-001 ae/ o8los s2s22sO 09 / o8los s2s22sa wo# : HLI8E01AJ-MS/H.I8E01AK-MSD (++ 13o) ucAww 350. L Qq 130) o-82 (O-30) MCAr{r{ 350.1 Dllut,Lon Factor: L erralyeie Time. . : 05 : OO 10L 98 105 L04 (++ (** (go (e0 wo#: 130) 13O) 1. 5 ( o-3 o) DLluElon Factor: 1 Analyaie Tima. . : 05: O0 wo#: 110 ) 11_O) 0.39 ( O-1-0) Dilution Factor: 1 Analygie ?ime,. . : 10: OO Hr(AA1 lAD - MS /HrGA1 lAE-t/tSD MS MCAWW 350.1 MCAWW 350.1- Htr\IPo IAR-MS /Xinrpo IAT-MSD MSI MCAI{V{ 325.2 MCAT{I{ 325.2 Chloride rufB(s) : Calcthtions ere pcrformerl before roulrdlng to rvoirt roulrd-off orrorc in calculeted reguls. STL Denver 288 Cl.ieut lot f,---; D5I020230 Date Saqlled- . . 3 A9 / 06 / AS PARAITETER Anunonia aa SAIyIPITE SPIKE A}IOUNT AIVIT N 0.58 4 . O0 0.58 4,00 }BTRIT APIffi S,IUPIiB DATA RBBORT General' Chemlstrlr Date Recelved- - 3 09 / 09 / Os llatrlx- - - - - - - - - : PREPARATION- PREP AT{IAIJYSTS DATE BATCH # oe/L4/os s2s7378 ae /L4l as s2s7378 #: DsI090377 - 032 09/L4/ os s2s7378 oe/L4/ as s2s7378 #: D5I020229 -00L ae / os / 05 s2s22so os / og/os s2s 22so O UIATBR MEASRD AIUOTTNT UNTTS PERCNT REC\IRY RPD METHOD 1_00 MCAWW 350.1 101 0.92 MCAWII 350.]. wo*: HirSEore.r-us/nr8E01AK-MgD Mg Iot-sary)le #: D5r09o152-0O1 4 - 58 mg/t' 4.6!. mg/L Ammonia as N t7 a7 Chlorlde 24 24 20.o 20-o 50.o 50 .0 DLlution Factor: 1 Analyalg Time..: O5:00 wo# : HI(AA11AD-MS/HKaa1I-AE-MSD MS r,ot-Sample 37 - 6 rng/L 1-01- MeAliIIiI 350 . 1 37-A mg/T, 98 1.6 IvIeAww 350.1 Dtlutlon Faetor: 1 Analygie Tirne. . : O5 : oo wO# : H,T1IP0LAR-MS/H,nIP0LRT-MSD MS Lot-Saq>Ie 76.4 mg/t i.05 MCAww 3zs -z 76 .L mg/r, 104 0.39 t4CAlIW 325.2 Pl.lutlon Factor: 1 Analyeis Time. . : 1O: 00 IWTE (S) : Calculatlons Bro porforrned before roundlrry rc avoid round-off erors in celcutrttd results. STL Denver 289 HLMIT BPIre SEUPIfi BITAI,TNTIOIY REPORT G€nera1 Ctlenletry Clieut rot *---: D5r020230 Date saqDl-cd--- = 09/oLlos 12:10 Date Received--= o9lo2/os PERCENT RECO\IBRY RECO1IERY LNI{ITS RPD PARAI"IETER RPD LTMITS IT{ETHOD wo#: 130) HirvQAICC-MS/H.nrQalCD-MSD It{S 130) O-31- (O-30) DLlution Factor: 1 Aualyele Ttme. , : 1?: OO MCAT{IiI 350.1 MCAI'III 35O.1 lrro#: - 130) HWQeIDP-MS/H.nrQ9IDQ-MSD MS 13O) 1.2 (O-30) Dllution Factor: 1 Analyais Tima-. : 05:00 MCAWW 350.1 MCAI{W 350,1 wO# : HirtIQg 1-DK-lrts/x.nrQ91DL-MsD 11O) t'tCAt{I[ 325.2 110) ( 0- 10) MCATIW 325 .2 DLlution Fact,or: 1 Aualysla TIme-.: LO;OO wo#: 107 ) HJ\IQ9 1DI,r-MS/HJUQ9 IDN-MSD MS L07 ) 0,40 (O-10) Dilution Fact,or: 1 Analyria Time-.: 11:3O MCAWW 344.2 MCAWW 340 -2 WO# I 11e ) HJtIQe 1"DD-MS/HinrQg lDE-MSD MS 119) 1 ,7 (0-30) Dilrrtion Factor: 1 Analyela Time-.: 16:OO MCAI{!{ 353-2 MCAWW 353 - 2 wo*: 1s3 ) H.f\rQg 1DR- MSI /HWQ9 1DT - MSD MeA[lm 375.4 MCATvW 375 _4 Dlatrfuc- . . o - - - - - : GIi[ PREPARATTON- PREP AI{[A]-,YSIS DATE BATSH # Lot-Sample # : DsI O2A23 0- OO2 a9 /2a/os 526s424 ae /zal os 525s424 Lot-sample # : D5IA2O230-004 ae /L4/ a5 s2s7378 ae /L4/ as s2s7378 Lot-Sample # : D5f02 A23O-004 0e / o8/os s2s22so ae / 08 / a5 s2s 22sa Armonia as N Armonia aB N Chloride Fluoride NC, DIIJ NC, DIIJ 95 94 99 98 55N 55 N LL? N 116 N (++ QA (+* (++ (go (go (sz (sz (62 162 (*s (ts I-,ot-Samp1e #: ae / oelos oe/os/as Dsro20230-004 5252s40 s25 2540 Nitrate-Nltrtte 99 98 Sulfate 98 98 Total Clanlde Irot-Sample *: oe /20 / as oe/20/os D5r020230-004 5265542 s26s542 MS I-,ot-Samp1e #: D5IA2O23O-004 09 / a6/a5 s249s86 a9 / a6 I as sz49s861-s3) o-02 (o-z]-t oi].ut,Lon FacEor I I- eaalyaie ?ime..: I.a:30 wo*: HwQgrou-Ms/$wQ91Dv-MsD M9 r,or-saq>le #: D5IO2O23O-004 (89 - 10e) sw845 goros/goreL 09/14-og/ts/os s257427 (eg - r-oe) 3.3 (0-20) swB4G 90108/eo12e, og/tq-09/Ls/os szs't422 Dilution Frctor: 1 Analysio Tl,me. , : L2 t30 rum(Q): _. _ Calculations are porformed bcforo rounding D avoid round+ff crrors in cslollf,red re$llq. N Spiked snafnc recovery is outsidc statod control limirs. NC The recovery and/or RPD wero nor calculatod, DIL The conccntration is cmimated or not rryorted duo to dilution or lho pre$ence of interferiry rnalytcs. STL Denver 290 Client rot #- - , Ilate Saq>I-ed- - - IBTRTE SPIXG SAI,IPI,E DAIL REFORT eenera-I Chemistry D5r02 0230 A9 / 01/05 Lz t La Date Recelrred- - 3 09 / a2 / oS Ilatrix- ? . - -. - - - 3 GIr PREPARATION- PREP ANAITYSIS DATq. , BATCTI # oe/2a/os s25s424 ae /zo / os s26s424 PARAMETER SA}IIPLE SPIKE AMOUNT AIyfT AnrnonLa as N o.38 4.OO o.38 4.OO ME.ASRD A}IOUMT {INITS PERCNT REC\IRY RPD METHOD lvo#: HWQATCC-MS/IUVOAICD-MSD MS r.or-Saq)Ie *: Dsr020230-002 Ammonia aB N 0.45 0.45 Chlorlde 4 -L7 mg/T' 4 . L5 mg/T' 4.42 fftg/T' 4 .37 rfig /T' 2.95 N nrg/T, 2 .96 N mg/I' 25900 mg /T, 26000 ttq./T, 95 MCAWW 350.1 94 0.31 MeAlIr{ 350.1 99 MCAW9I 350.1 98 L.2 MCAIlnil 350.1 4.OO 4 .00 ss000 100 55000 100 0.15 5. O0 o.16 5.oo 4.OO 4_00 D{lution tractor: ]' .laalyaie Tine. .: 17:00 wo#: HWQgrpp-Ms/HwQ91DQ-rvlIiD !i!S r,ot-Saml)]e #: Dsro2o23O-OO4 oe/L4/05 oe /L4 / os 5257378 5257378 Fluoride PilutLon Factsor: 1 nnalyeLs Tlme..; 05:00 wo# : HiIVQg1-DK-MSlHirVQg1-DIr-Ir{SD MS Lot-Sample NC,DIIr nq/L IICAWW 325-2 NC, DIIr tftg/T, MCAI{W 325 .2 Dl-lution Factor: 1 Analyeie Tl.me. . : L0 : 00 wo# : HWQ9LDM-MS/HWQ91.DN-MSID MS r,ot-Sanple 55 0 - 40 MCAWW 340.2 MCA?|W 34A .2 MCAWW 375.tL 0 . 02 MCAUII^I 315 - 4 #: Dsro2O230-004 ae / oglos s2s 22sa oe / o8/0s s2s 22s0 o;,ii?,Zi'3'-Hil 09 / oe / as s2s2s4o #: D5I020230-004 ae /za / as sz6ss42 ae /za/as s25ss42 #: DsIo2O230-004 oe / 06 / os s24es85 ae los / os s24e586 s6 Nitrate-Nitrl.te ND ND Di}utrion Faetor: 1 Analysls Tl,mo. . : 11:3 O vilo# : HJ1/Q91DD-MS/HWQ91DE-MSD MS Lor -Sarnple 3 .97 mg/T, 99 MCAww 353 . z 3 . 90 mg/r, 9g L.7 MCAww 353 - 2 Dllution Faetor: I AnalysLe TLme..: 16:0O wo# : IIJ\IQ91DR-MSIHJ\IQ91DT-MSD MS Lot-SampleSulfate 14 000 12500 111o00 1_2500 Total Qyanide 0, 0059 0. 100 o.o05g 0,L00 NCnts(S): 98 98 ullutLoa FasEor: 1 .analyaie Time., : 1{:30 wo#: HdrI/Qg1DU-MS/HWQ91DV-!,fi'D MS Lot-Saq)le #: D5I020230-004 0.118 ru mg/r, LLz sws46 ga:-or/g og/t+-og/rslos s2s7427 0.L22 N mglr, 116 3.3 swg46 gotos/g o9/L4-o9/rslos s2s7427 DilutloE tractor: 1 Analysis Time.. : 72230 Crlcul*iolB arc pcrformod bofore rounding to avoid round+ff error3 in calcutatcxl rcsul6. N Spikod analyre recovory is outside starcd comrol IImiB. NC The re@vcry and/or RPD woro not calcrrlatcd. DIL The cooccrltrrtion is estlmated or not reporlcd due to dilution or thc prcscnce of inrerfering analyrcs. STL Denver 297 Ctrl.ent I6t *- - -: Ilate Saqll.ed---! PAIU\M RESUIIT STAUPI,E DT'PLTCAIE ffi RMORT General. Chenistry D5I02 023 0 Hork Order *- - -: HJ1IQ9-SMP HII{IQ9-DUP as / oL/ os 12: 10 Date Receirred- - : 09 / a2/ as DUPLICATE RPD RESTILT UNITS RPD IJfMfT l,IErTIg-q PRBPARJtrTTON_ ANAI-'YSIS DATE PREP BATCH # pH 8.8 8,8 gD Lot-sample # t No unit,s o.o (o-5,0) swg+o 9o4oB DllutLon Factor: 1 Analyele Tlme. .: 13:40 Dsra20230-004 oe/a2/os 524ss45 STL Denver 292 r^ot r, ?5:W)Q0J,.?0- CompanyName & Sampling Site:-U STL Denver Sarnple Receiving Checklist Datc/Time Received: PM to Complete This Section: Ies Rcsidrnl chlorirre chcck requircd:tr No -B Quaranlined : 7'es NoDB Quotc #: Special Inrrmctions: q'7o qg Time Zonc: . EDT/EST . CDT/CST . MDl'/l\4ST' PL)T/PST . OTIIEB Unpacking Checks: Coolcr#(s): -V s_ ?-3 -z L-LT <-L > , ('.tr_ t, Z-s .s T;urpcratres("C): ? .i o8. tr 9. u t0, {,, tr 12. 0tl u 14. tr {rt. .{ rt 16. D{n STL Denver N/A Yes No tr f D t. ,w D 2. u {t D {4. rD-i-DFr6. FD7 :$ tr t;tr.tr Cool=r seals intaa? [N/A jfhand de]ivered) If no, doctrmsDt on CIfR- Chain oi'custody presgnt? If no, doaun=nt on C'IJR. Bottlcs brokeu and/or are leaking? If yes, d,ocurneDt on C[-IR Multiphasic sarryies obvior.rs? U Yes, docunrcut on CLIR. Prop=i containsr & prcservatives used? (r"f. Atrachment D of SOH DEN-QA-0003) plI of all sarryles cbcclled and mee'|. requiroments? Hno, doeumcxrt on CLIR- If no, docr:m;ut on C[IR. Suficieut voluure provided for all analysis rrqucsted? (ref- Auachnem D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) if no, docrprent on CIJR, aud contacl-P-M before proce*diag. Did chaiu of custodl,agree with labcls iD and samples rcceived? Uno, docrrcat on CUR- Wcrc VOA saryles without bcarispace? Ifno, doament on CLIR- Were VOA vials preserved? ?rcservariv7ddL} -.14*2"C Dsodium Thiosulfate S.Ascorbic Acjd Did sarplcs requir prcscrvation wi& sodirm thiosulfate? If yes to #11, riid the saryles contain rrsidual cilorine? If yes, docrmsDt on CUR. Sdtm,,utptessttiu disolvedlil'ctnd bottlesl Hyls, docuuenl or CIJR- Is suffrcicnl voiunre provided for cljcni. regucstcd MS, MSD or matrix duplicates? If no, docrrment on CUX, and coDtacl PIvl bcfore proc*ding. Rcceipt datelsl > 48 horus pas the collection date(s)? If yes, uotifl PAIPM. Arc analyses with short holding times reguested? Was a quich Tun Arormd [IAT) requested? 293 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist fI E il D O Lab Jnitials .]'I\--4,r1- _-4uLl 0 dr ,'{Sr :fiLr ;5II Login Checks; NlA )'es No t{ rt ,t o rt n P D tr ,6 D 18. Suflicient volume provid ed {or all analysis rcgucsted? (ref. Anaclunent D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) doormcnl on CUR, arrd conlacl PI4 bcforc procecdirrg. tr 19- Is nrfficicnl volume provided for client reguested h4S, MSD or matrix duplicatcs? lf no, documcnt on CUR, aud contrct PM bcfore proceeding O 20- Did the chain of custofi,includcs "received blr'arrd "relirrguished" by sig'naturcs, dates, and timas? tr ? l . Were special log in instructions rcad and followcd? fl 22. Were AI'CEE mctals loggcd for rcfiigcraled storage? I tr 23. Wcrc tc.srs Iogged checked agains the COC? Which samplcs u'crc confimrd? | tl 24. \Vas a Ru*r frrrn complclcd for quict TAT? tl 25. \\rara ShortHoldform complcled foranyehortholds? ,{ zs- Is "Sria ICoc-required? A 27- Wcrc special archiving instructions indicated in tlrc Genaral Comments? lf so, uibal were the;4 eliog and Storage Checks: I 28. Was the subcontracl COC sigrred and rcnt wid: sanples to bottle prcp? ! 29. Were sanplelabels doublc-checlr^-d by a sccond parson? :l 30. Were sryIe bottl--s aod COC doublc cbckrd firr dissolrrd/fillr:red motals by a second person? D 3I. Did thc sarrple ID, Date, aud lime fioro lahel match utral uas loged? X 32. Were sticliers for special archiving instructions affixed to each box arri to the ICOC? Sce #2? D 33. Were AFCEErmtals stored refrigerated'i tr 34. Were "Striu ICOC" copies givca to sat^Jlite storage areas'/ Documenl anyproblems or discrcpancies and thr aclions taken to resoh,e them on a Condition llpon Receipl "F,nomal1' Reporl (CIJR). STL Denver 294 TIr lTil fNXr Uf r \ *H sr sf f i :r ]Ig|-rzo oE 'm .2 . rr l (f @ (]H J-,5r rr l{m< .! Go @rn r+c)oz(,=oz tE G ' 4 \ F H \ $ 9 6 - 3 0 3 3 7 c o c . F HB IE E I r r g r[ F 5 E 3 dE E B U ts a €E aEd5oo I tl. \F C) T =E!9 - ( 3 '\ - r*\ ( r \ O r- \- ' 6- cr - } Il \ (D \ r (D } . o-a= . : x a.(\.t \ \,l\ \. Is \. t ?' . !f E L I L \a$ oo "l EE lo 1, =f , Fno z.C \ 6L NO . OF CO N T A I N T E R S fE -r n 29 5 ST L De n v e r STL D,enver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 www.stl-inc.com STL 303 431 7L7t AIYALYTICAL REPORT Western Zirconium Project Lot#: D5Il00l53 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 8181 East Tufts Avenuo, Denver, CO 80237 STLDENVER Linda L. Benkers Project Manager October 5, 2005 Severn Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Standard Dellverables wtth Supporting Documentation Report Contents Sf,andard Deliverables (fnt Cover Lener and the Report Cover page are considered integral parts of this Standard Deliverable pacfuge. This report is incomplete unless all pages indleated in this Table of Contents are included.) o Table of Contents. Case Naruative . Executive Summary - Detection llightights r Methods Summary . Method/Analyst Surnmary o Lot Sample Summary r Analytical Results . QC Data Assoctntlon Surnmaryo QC Sarnple Results . Chatn-of-Custody Number of Pages S upporti ng Docu mentatl on Check below when supportlng documentaflon ls present. (Note: A anc-page "Descrlptlon of Supportlng Documentation" is provided at the beginning af thls section.). r Volrtlle GC/IVIS I Semivolatile GC/MS . Volatlle GC . Semivolntlle GC ' LCIIVIS or IIPLC o Metnls r General Chemistry r Radiochemistry r Subcontracted Dnta Enn O SfL Denver Case Narrative Dsr100153 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protoools were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were encounte,red or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality conhol samples arulyzed in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this report meet all roquirerrents of NELAC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without writte,n permission from the laboratory. Sample Receiving Eight samples were received under chain of orstody on Septemrber 10, 2005. The samples were received in good condition at temperatures of2.3oC, 4.0oC, 4-9"C,4.9oC, 2.2oC, and 4.7"C. Please note that the samples subrnitted for 82608 analyses require reporting of Chloroform only as per client request. Sample aliquots for all radiological anallnes are logged in under a separate lot and were se, t to STL St. Inuis; 13715 RiderTrail North; Earth City; MO 63045, phone 314-298-8566. GC/lvIS Volrtiles, SW846 82608 Samples D5Il00l53-001 through 008 requesting chloroform only were batched with samples from another client and/or lot requesting fuIl list compounds for 82608. Therefore the method blank associated with batch 5265406 contains full list compounds. The MS/Ir{SD associated with batch 52654A6 was performed on sample D5I100153-003 and was in conhol- No anomalies were observed. Total Metals, SWM6 60108,6020 & 7470A Samples D5I100153-002 through 006 were analyzed at dilutions for several metals by methods 60108 and/or 6020 due to matrix interference and/or higfr target compound concentrations. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly. Sample DsIl00l53-005 demonstrated matix interference with no dilution requird for lead. The sarnple disptayea a ne6ative readin6 yeater than the.Torti"6limit for lead. The reporting limit is adjusted accordingly and associated data is flagged "G". The method 60108 MS/I{SD associated with batch 5265222 was performed on sample D5I100153-003 and was in conhol. The recoveries for sodium are not calculated because the sample amount was greater than four times the spike amount. STL Denver The method 747AA MS/}vISD associated with batch 5266336 was performed on sample D5I100153-003 and was in conffol for mercury. The method 6020 MS/tr{SD associated rvith batch 5265180 was performed on sample D5II00l53-003 and was in control. Serial dilution of a digestate in analytical batch 5265222 performed on sample D5I100153-003 indicates that physical and chefirical interferences are present for calcium. The associated data are flagged "L". No other anomalies were observed. General Chemistry, Various Methods Saurple.s D5II00I53-002 through 006 and 008 were amlyzd at dilutions for several compounds due to higfo analyte concentrations. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly and the associated data is flagged "Q". Chloride, fluoridq and sulfate were detected in the method blanks at concentrations below the reporting limits, but above the method detection limits. Associated positive sample results are flagged "J". The MS/]vISD performed on sample D5Il00l53-003 was in control for ammonia and nitrate nirate. The MSIvISD performed on sample D5I100153-003 demonstrated recoveries above the control limit for ctrloride- The MSD dernonstrated a recovery above the oontnol limit for fluoride. Also, the MS/IvISD demonstrated recoveries bclow the control limits for sulfate and cyanide and the relative percent difference (RPD) was above the control limit for cyanide. All other MS/}VISD samples were performed on samples from other clients and/or lots and some were not in control. The pH duplicate performed on a sample from another client and/or lot was in oonhol. No other anomalies were observed- STL Denver W-Iletection@ Dsr100153 RESUL:r REPORTING ITIMIT UNITS ATiIALYTTCAI., METTIODPARAMETER Glr-rrgl.- ogo9os og I og I os o8 : oo oo2 Arsenic Barium NickeI Zinc Calcium Iron Pot.assitrrn Maganeelum Sodlum Zlrcontum Chlorlde Fluoride NLtrratre Niurate-Nitrite pH Sulfate amrnonia as N Grr-il1-o90905 09l09los o9:25 003 Areenlc Barium Copper NickeI ZLn.c Calcium Iron Potaeeiurrr l'lagrneeiunt Sodium Zirconium Ch].oride Fluoride NLt.rate Nitrate -NitrLte Tota1 CyanJ-de pH Sulfate Ammonia aa N 0.012 B 0.20 o.0027 B 0.018 B 1L0 tr 0. r_9 7L a2 170 0 0.0051 B 22AA J, Q L.2 ir 0,11 o.11 7 .4 120 J, Q o.76 o. o15 o - 21 0.020 o. oazl B 0.015 B 110 L 0.20 72 84 1700 0. 0058 B 2240 J, Q L.2 ir o. L7 0.18 0.056 7.4 350 J,Q 0.75 0.015 0.0L0 0.040 0. 020 o.20 0.L0 3.O 0.20 5.0 0,015 250 0. Lo o. r0 0.10 0.10 25 0,10 0.015 0-010 o. o10 0,040 0. 020 0.20 0.10 3-0 o .24 5,0 0 .015 25A 0.10 0.10 0.Lo 0,010 0.10 50 0.10 mg/T, mg/r, mg/r-' mg/T' ng /l' nrg/T-, ng lr, m9/L mg/T" ng,/L rf,rtg/L mg /t' mg/I' mg/T' No Units rftg /T, mg /r, ntg /r, nrg/r, $g/r, mg/r" mg/r, mg/t, mg/L m9/t ng/r' mg/r' mg/r, ntg /r, mg/r, mg/r, rftg / T' mg/L No UniUs mg/t' ms/t sw84 5 9w845 sw846 sw845 sw846 sw845 sw846 9w845 9w845 sw846 I.[CAI{W- MCAWW MCAWW MCAT{W sw846 MCAWW D4eAWlt 60 108 5 0r.08 60108 5 010B 60L08 6 0108 50108 60108 60108 50108 325.2 340 -2 353 .2 353 .2 904 0B 375 .4 350.1 sw846 601-oB sw845 50108 sw845 60108 9w846 60108 svr845 50L08 sw845 50108 sw846 50108 sw846 50108 sw846 50L08 sw846 60108 s9il84 5 5 0L08 MCAWW' 325.2 MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 353.2 MCAWW 353.2 sw846 90L AB/ 9012A sw846 904 0B MeAIrl!{ 375 .4 MCAI{W 350.1 STL Denver (Continued on next page) EXECIITIIIE -I}etectionlfighlig[ts D5I100153 RESIIIJT REPOR?TNG IJIMIT UNITS AIilAfrnICAL MHTHODPARAMETER Gn-sB-oeoeos ogloglos oe:35 oo{ Selenium Areenic Barium Nl,elceI CalcLum Potaeelum Magrresium Sodium Zirconl-um Chlorl-de Fluorlde Nitrate Nitrate-Nitrite pH Sulfate Ammonl-a aE N Cadrnium gelenLum Alumlnum Areenlc BarLum Nl-ckeI Vanadium zLnc Calcium Iron Potassiunr Magrreslum 9od.lum Chloroform Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nltrate*Nitrl-te pH Sulfate Anrnonia as N GIf-sD-OeOgOs O9l A9l OS r-O:45 OO5 0.00076 B 0.0078 B 0. oL8 B 0,0088 B 0 .25 o-0058 B o. oo29 B 0.0062 B 540 L 0.048 B 390 340 s 100 A .47 .f 11000 J, Q o.73 J 80 800 7 -5 33O0 JrQ 670 0,0092 B 0.010 B o.L7 o. oozL B 25O IJ 810 400 I 900 o. o1g B 19O0O J, Q 0.80 'J 33 340 7.9 1700 J,0 2200 0 tr.g/L mg /T' rng /T' rng /r, wg/t n.g,/t' mg/r' mg /T' mg/T' mg/T, rrE/L, rng /r, rrq,/L vg /T' mg /I' nq /l' nrg /T, nlq./T, No UnLts firg /T' nrg /T' mg/r, ry/r, Ifl'frg/L mg/r, mg/r' mg/t' mg/r, mg/r, mg/1, mg /r, mg/t' mg/t nq /r' No Units ngh' mg/L sw846 6020 sw845 6020 sw8{6 50L08 sw846 601-08 svrr845 50108 9ril846 5 0108 sw846 50108 svtS{5 60108 9w846 50108 sw846 50108 sw845 50108 sw845 60108 sw846 50108 5111846 826 0B MCAWI{ 325.2 MCAIi[f 340 .2 MCAV|IW 353 .2 MCAWW 353 -2 sri[845 90408 I'ICAWI{ 375 ,4 MCAT{TW 35O.1 sw845 5A2A svt845 501.08 sri[845 60108 sw845 60108 sw846 60108 sw845 50108 9w84 5 6 0108 sw845 60108 sr{846 60108 lrIeAI{w 325.2 MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAIrnil 353.2 sw846 9040B MeAlt!*I 375 .4 MCAWW 350,L 0.010 0-020 o. 10 0,015 0.010 o. 040 0.010 0. 020 0 ,20 0.10 3.0 0.20 5.0 1.0 250 0.Lo 2,5 2-5 o-10 s00 2.5 o-040 0. 01,5 0-010 o.040 2.A 30 2.0 s0 o.15 1200 0.10 o.10 1_-0 o. l-o s00 L00 STL Denver (Continued on next page) EXIUWW-I}etectionW D5r1001-53 RESU[,T REPORTING LIMIT TINITS AIIAITYTf CAIT METHODPAR..AMETER w-s6- o9090s o9l 09 I os 1L :55 006 SelenLum Areenic Bartum ZLn.c Calcium fron PotaesLurn Magnesiurn Eodium Zlrconium Chloride Fluoride Nitrate ttitrate -r.Tl-trlte pH Sulfate Amrnonia as N Gr-7e-oeo9os oelaelas L2z2o oo8 0,015 B 0 .015 0,097 0.0045 B 86 IJ 0-50 B 240 294 1-0 000 a.027 B 150O0 J, Q O -76 ,J a .L2 o -L2 8.2 2700 J, Q 5.0 o.0001,2 B 0.00039 B 0. 12 o.24 o-011 0.0023 B 0,017 B L"l IJ 0.32 48 t_L 280 0.0029 B 4+O .J, Q 0-77 J 0.35 0.35 8.1 3.1 BrJ 4.3 0.040 0.015 0,010 0.020 2.O 1.0 30 2-O s0 0 .15 250 0-l-o 0 .10 0.Lo 0.10 12 00 0. J.0 0.0010 0 . 0020 0. L0 0.010 o-010 0,040 0.020 0.20 0 - 10 3.0 o -24 5.0 0.015 L2 0.10 0.10 o.10 o. 10 5,0 0.10 vrg/t rc.g,/T, nrg/r, mg/t' rftg /r' W/T, mg/t' fftg /T" r*g /r, ng,/t mg/t' rng lT, ntg /T' ng/t No Units nrg /t' mg/T' mg/T' mg/T' mg/T' mg/r, rry/t nrg/r, rrg, /T, nq./T' nrg/T, mg/l' mg/T' rJtg /r' mg/T.' mg/t' ms/r, mg /T' mg/n No Unlts nrg/r rw/t 9w845 6020 sw846 50108 sw846 50108 sw845 50108 sw845 50108 sw846 60108 sw846 50108 su[845 50L08 svr846 5010B sw845 50L08 MCAVIW 325.2 MeAUnrI 344.2 MCAT{W 353 ,2 MCATVW 353 .2 sw846 90408 MCAlrnV 375 .4 MCA!{W 350.1 sw845 6024 sr{846 6020 sw845 60L08 sw845 50108 sw845 5010B sw846 60L0B sw846 50108 sw846 6 0108 sw84 6 6 0108 SIrI84 5 5 0108 svr845 50108 sw845 5 0108 sw845 60108 MCAI{Iil 325 .2 MCAWW 340.2 MCAhIII 353 .2 IvICAY{W 353,2 sw845 90408 MCAVII{ 375,4 MCAVII{ 350.1 Cadmlum geIenl-um Alumlnum garLum Copper Nickel Zinc Calcium Iron Potassium Ivlagnesium Sodium Zirconlum Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nit,rate-Nitrite pH Sulfate Ammonia as N STL Denver METIIODSW D51100r,53 PARiAIvIETER AI{IALYTTEAL ITIETHOD PREPARATION METHOD pH Aqueoue Chlorlde (colorimetrlc, AuEomated Ferricyanide) Fluoride (potentiometric, fon SelectLve Electrode) Inductively Coupled Plasma (Iep) Meta1s ICP-MS (6020} Mercury in l-,1-quid Waste (Manua1 Co1d-vapor) Nitrate Nitrate-luitrite Nit,rogen, Arrunonia Sulfate ToEal cyanide Trace InducE,ively Coupled P1.asnla ( feP) Meta1s Vo1atlle Organics by GC/MS References: MCA![I{ sw845 sw845 90408 MCAWW 32s -2 MCAWW 340.2 sTrI845 50108 sw846 5020 sw846 7474A- MCAWW 353,2 MeAlrw 353.2 MCAWW 350.1 MCAI{W 3 75 .4 sw845 e01aB/ 90L sw846 50108 sw846 82608 9w845 90408 MCAI{I{ 325 .2 N[CAT{I{ 34O ,2 9w846 3010A 9w846 30204 sw846 7470A MCATilW 353.2 MeArilw 353.2 MCA9[I{ 350.1 MCAWW 375.4 sw84 5 90L08 gw84 5 3 010A sw846 503 OB/ 826 "Methoda for Chemical Analyeis of WaEer and l{aeEee", spa-eoO/+-'t9-o2o, March 1983 ard subsequeot revislons. 'Test Methode for Evaluatlng So1l.d WaBte, Pbyeicat/chemlcal Methodsr, Itrlrd Edition, November 1985 and lt6 updates. STL Denver AI{IALNICAL METHOD METHOI}/ANALYS:TW D5I100153 AI{AIJYST MCAWI{ 325.2 MCJLT{W 34O .2 MCAWW 350.1 MCAI{W 353,2 MCAWW 375.4 sr{846 60108 sw845 60108 gw8{5 5020 sw846 5020 9w846 7470A 9w846 82608 slr845 9010P/ 90L2A sw84 5 904 0B Refererlceg: MCAWW sw84 5 Claire Likar Fougere M. Danielle Clalre Likar Clalre Llkar Dusti o. crtqut lTanel Motlchka Llmn*Anne Tr:udell Thomas Irill Thomas I-,i11 ,Ianice s. CollLne Heather Deepree Dusti o. Criqui Fougere M. Danielle A}IAIJYgT ID 004382 006481- 0 04 382 004382 005589 0 02 862 0055{5 o06 929 6929 011668 0 092so 0 0658 9 006481 trMethods for Chemical ArralysLe of $Iater and Wastes", EPA-500/4-79-020, t&arch 1983 and subeequenL revislone. lTeEt Methods for EvaluatLug Solld Waste, Physical/Chemical Methoden, Tlrird Edition, November 1986 and its utrrdatee. STL Denver sffiw D5rr-oo153 wo#SAIVIPLE# CIIEIIT SAII{PLE ID SAMPIJED SAII{P DA?E TTME HKAR4 HKART HKAR9 HKATC HKAID HKATE HKATG HKATJ lwfB (s) : 001 TB-O90905 AOZ GW-N91-O9O90s\ -003 cr{-N1-0e0905 )r0 004 cw-58- 0909 05 o05 Gw-5D-09090s o06 GTr-s6-09090s oa7 EB-090905 o08 Gw-7e- o90905 ae/oe/os a9/oe/os o8:oo 09/09/os 09:.25 oe/ae/as 0e:35 09/oe/as 1o:45 09/oe/as 11:55 oe / 09/ as L2:25 oe / oe / os L2:20 - fho enalytiel rcsults cf rhc ompl6 ll$€d rboyc arc prrembd on O16 folbwing prgca. -.All calculatlong are pcrformsd bcforc rounding ro evoid round-ofi crrors in calorlarcd rcarlB. - R€otlrs mrcd at 'ND' wcfe mt dct ct€d rt or ebova rhe saed linit. - Thfu rtpon mu$ not be roproducad, cxcopt in fuil. wilhort thc wriuen rppmval of thc hboratory. - Rcsults for tho foltowing prremctcrs uc nerrer rc?ortcd on a dry weight besrs: color. conosivity, darsity, n$hpoir, lgnlnbility, laycs, odor, pal,tr frlter t.st. pH. potosity prcssrc. rEactiyity, rcdo[ potcntlal, splcltie Brsvaty. rpot tc.sa, olids, sohrbility, tcopa'ature, visoosity, .rd wolSDG STL Denver URA Corporation C1ient Sanp1e ID: AB-O9O9O5 se/Es vol.atil.ee Iot-gaqll.e S- - -: Ilate Saqtl-ed---i Prep fiateo---.,3 kep Batch #- - -: Dil.utiou, Faetor: Dsrl00153-00L oe/ae/os ae /2L/ os 526s4 06 1 Hork Order f..-: Date Receirred. - E anal.yele llate. , 3 nnalyeis Tlme- -: ltethod RESTII,T ND PERCENT RECO\TERY 92 80 93 1-O9 HI(AR41AC ae/Lo/os ae / 2L/ 0s 09:14 sw846 82508 REPORTING IJIJ-IIT IlIil-ITS tfaf,a'i"r- o o o - - - . .3 WQ PARAMETER Chloroform ST}RROGATE 1. o ug/n RECO\IERY TIMTTS (tz 118 ) (62 - 128 ) fia 118 )(zz LLTI D1bromofluoromethane L, 2- DLchloroethane- d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB STL Denver 10 IrRS Corporation client sanprF rD: gr-I591-o9o9o5 @lW vol-atilee PARAMETER Iot*Saryfie ft- -.: Ilate Sary)I-ed---! kep Datg- r,, - - 3 PreB Batell *- . - E ni]-utim Factor: D51100L53 - O02 oe/oe/as o8:oo oe/2t/os 5265{tO6 L I5ork. Order *- - - 3 Date Reeelrred- - : Analyeie Date. - 3 Ana-lygl-s Tlme. - ! Itethod RESI,IJT ND PERCENT RECO\IERY 94 90 93 104 HI(AR?1A9 ae/Lo/as ae l2L/ as O9:33 sw845 82508 REPOR?TNCI LIMTT I'NITS 1.0 ug/L RECO\IERY LTMTTg (7s L18 )(sz 128)(ta 118 )(tz LLz't Iriatri:r- ] - - o . - - - i GT{ Chloroform gTIRROGATE D Lb rornof 1uc>rome t hane L, 2- Dl-chloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene ?oluene-d8 STL Denver 11 Lot-Saryll-e *. - -:Ilate Sary)}ed---! Prep Date.,----3 Prqp BatcIr *- - - : DLl.utlon Factor: tlRS Corporation C1ient Saryl1e ID: GII-I[1-O9O9O5 Gc.lt{'8 vol.atil-es Hork Order *- -.3 HI(AR91D0 Ilate Received--3 a9 lL0/A5 lnalyris Date- . r a9 / 2L/ Os Analyeie Ti-ue- . 3 09 : 53 l{atri:r. - - - D - - } ! : Gh[DsrL001.53 -003 ae/oe/os oe:25 ae / 2L/ os 5265406 1 I[gthod- - - ., - . . . ! SW846 82508 PARAMETER RESI ITT REPORTING LfMfT UNfTS Chloroform SIIRROG}ATE ND PERCEMT RECOVERY 1. O rug/L RECO\IERY IJIMITS (73 L18 )(sz 128) (zs 118) (zt 1r- 7 ) Dibromof luoromethane L, 2- Dlch1 oroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 94 87 94 10s STL Denver 1-2 IIRS Corporatioa Cl.iemt Saryile D: GT-58-09O9O5 etcfii$ vol-atiles o Iot-Saq)Ie *- -.3 Dat,e Saq)I.ed-.-3 Pr:ep Ilate- - - - - -: kep Bateh *- - - 3 Dil.ution Factor: Dsr100153 - 004 09/ae/as o9:35 oe/2t/as 526s406 ]. Hork Order #- -. ! Ilate Recelrred,- - i Ana-lyaLe llate- - l anallrel-e TLre- - 3 Ugthod.---.----l REgUIJT o -47 ;r PERCEI\IT RECO\IERY 96 89 94 103 HKATCIAS ae/Lo/os ae/2L/as 10:50 sw845 82508 REPORTING I,IMIT IINITS Hatri:x---.-.--.3 GW PARAMHTER Chf.oroform STIRROGATE t - O urgl[, REEOVIERY I,IMITS (tt 118 ) $z 128 ) ( za 1r.8 )(zz t-17 ) D ib romo f I uo romettrane L, Z-Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 rsctB (s) : t Esdntsrcd resrlt. Resrh is lcss tran RL. STL Denver 13 IIRS Corporation Cl.lent garylle ID: GII-5D-O9O9O5 Gc/t{s vol.atl-Iee Iot-Saryr1e *---: Date Saryiled.--3 Prep llate, , , - - - l Prep Bateh *. - -: Dil.utsLon Factor: Dsr1001s3 - 00s ae l09 / os I-o :45 oe / 2L/ os s26s4 0 5 1 work Order *-. .: Ilate Received. - ! aualysis Date- - : euallrais Ti-Ee. - 3 llgthod---------3 RESTJIJT ND PERCEIIT RECOVERY 95 91 91 99 HKATDlAs oe/Lo/os 09 / 21,/ Os 11.: t0 sw846 82508 REPORTING IrfMIf UNfTS rratrix--!!,-.-.: GW PARAMHTER Chloroform SIIRROGATE 1.0 lrg/L RECO\IERY IJIITIITS(zs 1-18) (62 128 )(ze 118) (zt LL7 | D ibrorno f I uo rome L hane L, Z-Dich1-oroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB STL Denver 1,4 URg @rporation Clleut Saryfle ID: GII-S5-O9o9os @clu'6 vol.ati1eg I.ot-Bary>Ie *- - -: Date Saryl1ed.---3 Prep llate------3 fep Batch *. - - l DihrtLon Factor: D5r100153-OO5 aelae/as 1L:55 oelza/os 52654 06 1 Work Order *- - -: Date Recelved- - ! analysis llate- - 3 nna-lyel-e Ttme-. 3 HethOdtr-a?---..! RESTII,T ND PERCEMT RECO\IERY 100 95 95 1_0 0 HKATElAS ae / 1olos ae/2L/os LL:29 sw846 82508 R^BPORTTNCI I,IMTT UNITS Dratri:r,,, -.----i Gw PARAMETER Chloroforrn STTRROGATE 1 . O rJg/T. REEO\TERY LIMITg (tt r.18 ) Gz 128 ) (78 118 )(zt LrTl D ibrorno f I uorome t trane L, 2- Dichloroethane - d{ 4 -Bromofluorobenzene toluene-dB STL Denver IIRS Corporatl-on Clieut Saryr1e ID: EB-O9O9O5 rc,lug vol-atLres Iot-BarryIe *. - - 3 Date Sary)I.ed-. - r Prep Datg,,----3 Prep Batr& *-. - i Dil-ution Factor: Ds1100153 -007 09 / oe / os t2:25 oe / zll as s26s4 05 1 Ilork Oder *- - -: Date Receirred.- - l Analyeie llate- - 3 Anal-yel-e flme- - 3 Ugthod---------l RESULT ND PERCENT RECO\IERY 98 93 93 L03 HI(ATC}1AA ae / 1olos oe /2t/ as 11:48 sw845 82608 REPORTING LTMTT UNITS Itatrl-x,: Elt PARJAIT{EIIER Ch]-oroform SIIRROGATE 1- 0 :ug/T" RECO\IERY I,IMITS (zs t i.B) (sz 128 ) 0e 118) (tt 1L7) D i-Ic romo f I uo romethane L, Z-Dichloroethane- d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB STL Denver 76 IIRA Corporation C1imt Saq)Ie E): Gf-7e-O9O9O5 rc/frg Volatiles Iot-8aryl1e f -. -: Date Saqfled---3 Prrcp Datg------! fep Batch f---: Dl'lution. Eactor: Ds11001s3 - 008 09 / a9 / os 12:2o ae/2L/05 52554 06 1 Ilork Order *. - -: Date Receirred- - l Anal-ygig Date- - r enrlysis Tlme- - 3 Hcthod-----.---! RESIII-,7 ND PERCENT RECOVERY 94 90 93 103 I{KAT,JlAB ae/La/as oe / zL/ os t2:07 sw845 82508 REPORTING LfMIf UNfTS llatrix----,,..-: GW PARAMETER Chloroform gURROGATE 1 , 0 wg/I' RECO\IERY LItIITS (tt 118) (sz 128 )(zs 118) (tt 117 ) D ibromo f I uorome tha.ne L, 2- DLchloroetlrane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB STL Denver 1-7 Iot-garyll-e #. . -: Ilate Bary)Ied.---! PARAMETER URg Cortoration e1ient saqfle ID: Gn-r59L-O9O9O5 ITCIDAI, lletar s Dsr1001s3 -ao2 09/09/05 08:00 llate Received--3 09/Lo/as RESI]IJT REPORTING LIMIT ITNITS METHOD I.latri:c--..-3 GW PREPARATION- WORK AI{AIJYSIS DATE ORDER # frrep Batch Cadmium Selenium Prep Batch Silwer Alumlnum Arsenie Barium Cla-}.cirm Chromium Copper *---: 5255180 ND S-. - 3 5265222 ND }UD o-or-2 B o-20 110 L ND tlD o_19 7L 82 1700 O . OO50 mg/I' Dilutlm Factor: 5 0 - 010 mg/t' Dilution Factor: 5 sw845 5020 Analysle TLme.-: O4:18 sw846 5020 Analyais Tlme. . : 04 :18 9w846 50108 Analyeie ?ins- . : 12: O3 sw845 50108 Analygls TIme..: 20:19 slw8t6 50108 Analygla Time..: 12:03 s'1I845 60108 nualygla Tlme..: 12:03 grr845 50108 Analyeie Ti.ure. . : 20: 19 9w846 60108 Analysle TLme.-: 12:03 sw84 6 6 0108 analysls Tl-me. . ; 12: O3 s'H8{6 50LOB Analyals Tl-me. - : 20: 19 srrS{6 50108 Analyale Tlme..: 20:19 9H845 50LOB Inalyaie Tino..: 20:19 sr845 50L08 Analyals Tl-me. . : 20: 19 next page) a9 /23 -o e / 27 / os HI(AR71A4 oe / 23 -o 9 / 27 / os HI(AR71As oe /23 -o e / 27 / os HKARTIArI 09 / 23 - o 9 / zs / os HKARTle*r 0-010 Dilution 0-10 Dllutlon o-o15 tlilutlon o-o10 Dil-ution a -20 Dllution 0.010 DlluLl.on 0.010 oilutlon o-10 Dilut,lou 3-O Dllutiou o. ?0 DLlutLon ng/t Eactror: 1 nlg /T' Factor: L rylr" Factor: 1 ug,lt' FacEor: 1 uglt Faetor: 1 mg /r' Factor: 1 mg/r' Factor: L rylt' Factor: 1 ryIlt, FacLor: 1 rylr, Factor: 1 aelzs-oelzt los oe l23 -oe 127 | as oelzJ-oe lzol os ae/zt-oe/zt/os ae/23-oe/27/as oe /23-oe lZa I os aelz3-oe[20./os oel23-oe lze / os HKARTIAf, HMRTLAL EITARTUA\I HKART1.AI{ HKARTLAIV HKARITljAJf IIKARTLAX EKARTILO Potagel-rn I{agneeirm Sodirm 5-o ryll, Dll-utlon F'actor: 1 (Continued ae I n - oe I 26 I os HKARztal STL Denver 18 Iot-garyfle f;. -.: tIRg Corporatslon Cl.ient Saryrl-e ID: GIIrIrgI.-O9O9Os IlCIf,AIT lletal.e D5r100153 -OA2 I{atrl-x- - - - - - . o . : GsI PREPARAITTON- WORK AIVAITYSIS DATE ORDER # REPORTTNO PARAMETER RESUIJT IlfMIT IINITS METHOD IilieleI Lread Vanadium Zi-nc Zirconfum o -oo27 B ND ND o-ol-g B o.oo51 B o - o{o [rg,ll-J, Dllutiou E'acEor: 1 0.0O3O mg/T. Dilut.l-on Factor: 1 0 , 010 mg /T, Dilution Faetor: 1 o - o2o rylL Dl-lutl-on Factor: 1 O - 015 WIL DLlut.ion Factorr 1 oe lz3-aelzt I os oe/23-Oel27/as ae/23-oe/27/as oel23-oel27 I os oe lzT-oe 126l as EKARTUAP HI(AR71AQ HKARTlAR EMRTIA:r HXnR77-A2 9II845 50108 .Analyeie Tima. . : 12 r 03 9w845 50108 Analyels Tl,me. . : 12 : O3 sw846 60108 Analyele Tlme..r 12:03 silr8t6 60108 Analyslg TLme-.: 12;O3 sH845 60108 Analyale TLme.,: 2O:19 Prep Bateh *---: 5265335 Mercury ND O.0O02O mg/f, Dilrrtion Factor: 1 IUIE(S): sw846 747AA Oe/25/ aS Analysls TLme. . : 19; O1 HKAR?O B Elim.tcd rarlt- Rsult ir lu thm RL, L S€rlal dltuttoo of r du$ot. h tbc aoatyticar barctr iuficarca &4 physicrl lId drcrnical intcrfcrcrrcs src prcscr[ STL Denver Iot*Saqr1e #---! Date 8arylIed---3 PARAIT{ETER IIRS Corporatlon Cl"ieut Sarqrl-e ID: gr-il1-O9O9O5 IlCItrAL tletaJ.o Ds11001s3 -003 09 / 09/ os 09 : 25 Date Receirred. - i 09 / L0 / as RESULT R.EPORTING IJIMIT UIII.TS METHOD Uat.rk+------i GW PREPARATION- WORK AIIAIJYSIS DATE ORDER * Prep Batch #- - -: Cadmium Selenium 526518 0 ND ND 0 , 0050 rfig /T' Dilution Factor: 5 0,010 $rg/L Dilution Factor: 5 9w846 6020 enalyeie Time.. . : O4 ;22 sw846 6020 nu.elysie ?ime. . : O4'.22 swg46 60108 Ana1ysJ.e Tltne. . : 12 :08 sT{846 50L0B Analyela Tlme-.: 19:45 gII845 60r.(}8 AnalyeLs TLme..: 12:OB 5II845 60r-(}8 AoalysLs Tl.me. . ; 12: o8 91846 501(,8 Ana}yele Timc--: 19:{6 sw846 6 01_OB Aualyale TLme. - : 12: oB s'r846 601(,8 Anal.yais Time-.: 12:08 sr846 50108 Analyate Tilne..; 19:46 sw8{5 50108 Analyaia Tine-.: 19:46 5'H846 50108 AnalyeJ.e TLme. . : 19 :46 sw846 50108 AnalysLa Time- -: 19:{6 next page) ae / 23- oe /27 / as HKARe1AF oe / 23 - ae / 27 / as HI(ARe lAG Prep BateJr Silver Aluminurn ArgenLc narium CaI'cirm Chromium Copper fron Potaselum Itiagnesl-rn Sodl-un *. - -: 5265222 ND ND o-o15 o -2L 110 L ND o-o20 a -24 72 84 1700 $tg /T, Factor: 1 wg /t' Feetor: 1 ryln Faetor: 1 ug,lI,. Factor: L nglt Factor: 1 mg/L Factor: 1 rylt Dactor: 1 rylT' Factor: 1 rylt Faetor: t wlt Factor: 1 ae/23-oe/27/os ae/23-oe/26/as aelz3-oel2r I as oelzt-ael27 los aelzs-oelze los oe/zt-oe/27/os aelz3-oel2zlos oelzs-aelzslos aelzs-oel26/as ae lz3-oe lzol as HKAR9ULR HKAR9lAT EMRgLAT' EMR,9IAV trMR9LLs HI(ARg1ATT IIMIRg1JIX EKARg1..A6 EKAR9LAT IIKERgI,EA 0.o10 Pilutlon 0.10 DL1ut,l-on . o-o15 Dilution o-o10 Dl-].utLon o .20 Dilution o. o10 DllutLon o-o10 Dl-Iution o.10 Dllutl-on 3-O ul-lutLon o-20 Dilution 5-o rrylt Dllutlon !'aetor: 1 (continued ae I 23 -oe | 26 I 05 EmRgr.,Ae STL Denver 20 uRs Go4roratlm CLieut Saqrl.e II): GDI-il1-O9O9os S(}l'ifL Iqetale Iot-Saqrl-e *.. -: D5T100153-003 PARAMETER RESUIJT REPORTING IJIT{TT UNTTS METHOD Uatri:r-r-.-,---3 OW PREPARATION- WORK AI{AITYSfS DATE ORDER * N1elel. Iread. Vanadium Zf-uc Zirconirm Prep Batch *- - - 3 Mercury IICIfB (B) : o- oo21 B ND ND o-o15 B o-oo5g B s2653 3 5 ND o-o{o ryln DLluELon Factror: 1 0.0030 mg/L, Dilution Factor: L o - o1-o mg/t, Dilution Factor: L o - O2O vy,ll Dilutlon Factor: 1 O - O15 rylt, Dl-Iution Factor: 1 0.00020 nry/L Dilution Factor: I- oef 23-oel27 los ae/23-ae/zt/os oe/zt-oe/27/os asl23-osl27 los ael23-oelz6los EKtrR9IAO HKARg1A1 HI(ARgLA2 EKARgilL3 EKARgIAI) 811846 601(}8 Analyola Tlme..: 12:08 sw845 60108 Analyeis Time..: 12:08 9w846 50108 nnafyeie Tima-.: 12:OB sr845 501(}8 Analyaie T{me..: 12:OB 9H846 60108 Analyeie Tlme..: 19:46 sw846 747OI. Oe/26/Os Analysle Tl-rne. - : 19 : O3 L Sctial dlludon of I dige$rb tr tttc snrtydcrl brt fi iilticila thrt pnysicsl strat ctrmicrl lilcrfcrences arc pr.scril. B Esiotatod rc6lrlt' R6uh ls leas thltr RL STL Denver Irot-Saqll.e *., .3 Date Saq)Ied. . ,3 PARA},IETER IrRg @rporatLon C1ieut 8aq>1e ID: Gf,-sB-OgOgOs lOlf,AL Hetals D5I100r.53 -004 09 / a9 / os 09 : 35 Date Received, . 3 09 /Lo / 05 RESUIJT REPORTTNG I,IMTT UNITS METIIOD PREPARATTON- AI{[AITYSIS DATE Gtw WORK oRDER # kep Betch *- -.1 Cadmium BeI-enirm 526s18 0 0-00076 B o-o078 B o-o10 Dllutlon o_o20 DLlutlon ng,ln Factor: 10 rylt, Factor; 1O o. o1o nrg/L Dllution Factor: 1 O - 10 ryl[' Dtlut,ton Factror: 1 O - O15 rylL DLluE,Lon Factor: 1 O - O10 ryll' DLlut,l"on Factor: L O -20 rylt' DllutLon Factor: 1 O. O10 mg/L Dllutston Factor: 1 o. o1o firy,/L Dilution Pactor: 1 O -1O rylt Dllutl.ou Factror: 1 3, O W/t' DlluElon Feetor: 1 o - 20 ngln Dilut,ion Faetor: 1 5-O rylL Dl1ut,lon F'actor: L (Continued on sH845 6020 Analyala Tlme..: 0{:{7 8H846 502r, Arralysie rime. - : O4 :47 srir846 5010B Analysig Time..: L2223 6'H845 60108 AnalyeLe TJ.me. . : 2A224 srr846 60108 Anelysis Tlme..: L2:23 9H846 50108 Analyaia Tlme..; L2t23 gII845 60108 Analyeis TLme. . : 2A'.24 sw846 50108 AnalygLs Tlme..: L2:23 slrr845 5 0108 nnalyeis TLme..; L2223 srH845 60108 AnalysLe Time.,: 20224 snr845 6()I-(,8 AnalysLs TlmB..: 2O:24 srrS{5 50L08 Analyel-s Time. . : 2A:24 9w846 60108 Analyeie Tine.,: 2o=24 next page) oe I 23-og I zz I as lrf,arlcrilr oe | 23-og I z7 | os EmrertrG kep Batch Sllver Alumtnrm Arsenic Bariuu Ca-I.cirm ChromLum Copper fron Potagsirm liagnesirm f. - -: 5265222 ND o*o18 B o-oogg B o-25 640 Ir ND ND o-o48 B 39(, 340 5100 oe/23-ae/27/as aeln-oe126los oe l23-ae l27l os oef z3-oelzr las oe l23-ae lzel as oe/23-oelzt/os oe/23-ae/2t/os ael"t-oe126los ae /zt-ae l2e los ael23-oelzalos oe lzs*oe lzsl os HKATClAR ENTELilT EMa1EIAU HmattAv HI TEAA5 HKATCTAW HKATC]-AX EMa!CIAS EKNrc7-L7 HKATCLAA Hmrcl,acSodirm STL Denver IIRS Corporation C1l.ent Baryfle ID: cffi-5B-O9O9O5 aUTAIT l.letsal s D5r100153-004 l{atri:r- - - } } o - - - Z GIlr PREPARATION- WORI( AIIAITYSfS DATE ORDER * O Iot-Saryl1e *- - -: PARAIvTETER REgT}LT REPORTTNG ITIMIT UNITS I{ETHOD r5l.cke1 Iread vanadirm ZLuc Zirconium kep Batch #- - -: Mercurll IwrB (s) = 0-(}(}68 B ![D o. oo29 B o-oo52 B ND 52663 3 5 ND o - o4o rylr, Dilutioa Paetor: 1 O-0030 mg/I' Dl1utlon Factror: 1 O - 0L0 ry/t Dl-Iut,l-oa Factor: 1 O - o2o rg/t, Dllutlon Factsor: 1 0.015 nq/L Dilutlon Factor: r- O - OOO2O rng/L Dl-Irrt,loa Factor: 1 oglzt-oelzr los oe/23-oelzt /as oel23-oel27 los aelzt-oelz7 f os oe/23-oe/ze/as IIKHrcIAO HI(ATC1A1 HNIIEIA2 EMTCI.L? HI(ATClAD Btr845 60r.(}8 Analyais Timc..: L2:23 sw84 6 6 0108 Analyeis Time. . ; L2..23 srr845 60108 Aualysle Tl-me. . : L2'.2t arr846 60LOB Analysle TJ'.me. .: t2'.23 sw845 50108 Arralysle Timo. . ; 2Q 224 slrg4 6 747OA. Oe / 2e / OS AnaLysj.s TLrre- . : 19 : OB Hr(Areo B Btiorff.d rc$lt. Re$rt is loss thm RL L Serlrl dllution of a ttigc*ra in thc anlytical betdr ildicatcr &at physicsl rDd c,heDicel intEfc[€nc6 Er! prcscrlt. STL Denver Iot-Seryr1e *---: Date Sarylled.--3 PARAMETER IIRIi Corporation client saryile rD: qt-sD-ogogos TCTf,AL HeIaIg D5r1 001s3 - 00s og / a9 / 05 10 : 45 Date Received. - r ae / 10/ 0s RESULT REPORTING LTMIT TINITS METHOD GW PREPARJATION- WORK AI\IATJYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch S- - - : Cadmium Selenfum s26s180 ND o-oo92 B Pregl Batch Sllver Aluminum Areeul-c O Bartun Calcirm ChromLum Copper Iron Potassirm liagnesirm Sodirm f---: 5265222 ND tuD o. o1o B o-17 26f, L ND ND ND 81(} 400 8900 0. o20 Dllution o-o40 DilutLon ng,/L Factorz 20 ry,lT, Factor: 20 0 . 0l-0 nq/l' Dilution Faetor: 1 L.0 nrq,/t' PL1utlon E'actsor: l.O o - o15 Wln DtluEl"on Factor: 1 O - O1O uglt Dilution Factor: 1 2-O rglt PLluElou Factor; 10 0.010 mg/I-' Dilution Factor: 1 0 , 010 mg/T' Dilutioa Paetor: 1 1. O fftg/I' Dilutlon Factor: 1O 30 ryllr, Di1ution Factor: 1O 2-A ry,II,, Dilution Factor: 10 s0 wlr, Dilutioa Factor: 10 (Continued SDII846 6020 Aaalyaio Time.. r 04:51 sw8{6 6020 nualyele Tlme..: O4:5L sur845 50108 Aualyeig Tlme. . : L2 :27 Slrl84 6 6 010B AEalyBiB Time..: 0O:51 sH845 5010B Analyele TJ-me., : L2 :27 9II845 50108 Analyeie TLme. - : L2 t2'7 sH846 50108 Analyeig Time- -: 00151, sw845 5010B Analyele TJ"me. , : L2 t27 sw846 50108 Analyel-e Tl,me. . : L2 :27 sw8{6 60108 Analyel.e Tlme. . : O0 : 51 sr8{5 60108 enalyele Tirne..; 00;51 6'H846 60108 Analyeis TLme. - : 00 :51 sw845 60108 Aualyeie Time..; 00;51 next page) ae l 23 - 09 / 27 / as HKATDLLF ae lz3-oe I 2r I os rrmrDlac ae I 23 -oe I zB I os Hmrr)lae oe 123 -oe /27 / os ae/23-oe/2s/os oel23-oe lzz /as ae lz3-oe lz7 I as ae lz3-oe lzB l os oe/23-oe/27/os ae/23-oe/27/os oe/23-ae/28/as oe l23-aelzel as oel23^oe l28l os HKATDIAR HKATD1-AT HIEAIT)LLU EELTI)Lil\r EKLIDTA5 HKAfDIAW HKATDlAX HKATDlAs EM[I)IAT EMII}LAA STL Denver 24 Iot-8aqll.e *- . - 3 t Rg 6rporation Cl.ieut Saqr1e ID: (III-5D-O909O5 aUXAL Uetral-a DsI100153-005 rfatri-x.-.-.--.-r GW PREPARATION- WORK AI{A[,YSIS DATE ORDER #PARAMETER IIickel. Iread Vanadlum Zi:nc ZLreon.lum Prrep Batch *- - -: Mercury IUCTE (S} : REPORTTNG RESULT LIMIT UNITS o - o4o rg/t, Dllutlon Eaetor: L o. 0 07A mg/L Dilutioa Factor: 1 o - 010 mg/L Dl-lution Factor: L o. 020 mg/r, ol-Iutl-on Factor: 1 o-15 wlT' OLlutLon Factor: 1O 52663 3 6 IID 0.00020 mg/L Dl}utrlon Factor; 1 9Is846 501OB itnalyais Time - . : 1.'2'.27 sw845 60108 Analyele TLme..: I,2:27 sF[846 60108 - Analysie Time. - : L2 :2'l svr845 50108 Analyaie Tl,me. . : 12 227 srtr846 60108 AnaIyBiB Time . -: O0:51 METHOD o-oo21 B NDG ND ND o-or.g B og 123-oe lzt / as ae/23-oe/zt/as ae/23-oe/27/as oel23-ae/27/as ael23-aelzelos HKATDI-..e.O HKATD]-JAl HKATDTAz HKATDl.A:} IIKATI}LAD svr846 7 47 OA Og / z5 / As Analyaia TLme..: t9:10 Hr(ArDo B Eglrnrd rcautt. Rcsultisls thm RL L Serhl dilutlon of a discshtc in &c anatyticsl brtch irdicatc drst physical and dcmical intcrfcrcnccr irc prcscot. G Elcvrtod reponiry limit. Thc rcponlDg limlt Is elwercd duc to mrulr lnrcrfcltnc. STL Denver f.ot-Saqlle f;- . -: Date SaEfrl-ed---! PARAMETER URA Corporation C}ient Saqfte ID: GH-96-O9O9O5 TOXAIT iletale Dsr100153 - 006 09 / a9 / a5 11 : 55 Date Rec-eived- - : a9 / La / as RESUI-,T REPORTING IJIMTT UNITS METHOD PREPARATTON- AIILAITY9IS DATE WORK oRpER # Prep Bateh CadrnJ-um SeI-enium kep Batch Silver Aluminum Arseni c 52651,8 0 ND 0-016 B o-o15 o-o97 86t o-50 B 240 29A 10000 oe/zt-oe/27/as oe/23-oe/zs/os ae/zt-oelz7 los ae lzt-oe l2z I os oelzs-oelzvlos ae/23-oe/27/os oe/23-ae/zz/as ae l23-ae l28los oe/21-oel2s/os oe 123-oe lzsf os oelz:-oel28los HKATEI-AR HI(ATELAT Ef,AlBItrU EKATBIA\/ HtrATBilL5 HKATElAW HKATEIAT( Ef,AIlB1A6 HKAIBILT Hffitts1AA HmltsIAe 0.020 Dl.lution o-o+o Dl-IutLon mg /t' Faetor: 2A rylt Factor: 20 0.010 mg/L DLlutLon Factor: 1 L. O mg/L DilutLon l.actor: 1O O - O1s ry/t Dllutl"on Factor: L O - O1O ryll,r Dilution Factor: 1 2-O ry/L Dilution Factor: 10 0 . 0L0 mg/t' Di LuE,l-on Factor: 1 O. O10 mg/L DL1ut,Lon Factor: 1 f--o ng,Ir- Dilution Factor: 10 30 lrrg,ll Dilution Factor: 10 2.O rgll, DLlutlon Factor: 10 50 ngll Dllutlon Factor: 10 sw84 5 6A20 AnalysJ.e Tlme. . : 0{ : 55 811846 6020 Analyeia Timc--: O4:55 sw845 60108 Analyels Tl-me. . : L2..33 sw845 50108 Analyste TLme..: 0O:56 9t846 601(}8 AnaIyEiB Tima..: 12:33 91846 601(}8 Analyoj-e flme. . : !2 t33 glr845 60108 Arralysie TLme. . : O0 :55 sL{846 50L08 Analysle TLme..: 12:33 9w846 60L08 .nrralyola Time. . : 12 : 33 sIr846 60108 Arralysls Tlme. . : 00 : 55 8U846 60r_08 Analyel"o Time. . : 00 : 56 811846 60108 enalysls Time..: 00:56 9w845 60108 Analysls Ttme..; 00:56 next page) 09 lz3-oe/27 /os HI(ATEIaF ae I zg^-oe I 27 I os EKATBTae o Barirm Ca-Lcirm ChromLum Copper Potaegirm l.iagnesira Sod.lum STL Denver (Continued on Iot-Saryl1e *- - -: IIRA @rporation cl.Lenc garyile rf): GTr-46-o9o9o5 lUf,Afr Heta-I-o DsI1001-53-006 llatri:r- D - --. -, o: GTII PREPARATTON- WORK AhIALYSIS DATE ORDER #PAXAIUIETER RESTIIJT REPORTING I,TMIT UNTTS METHOD Nickel Lead vanadium Zinc Zirconirm, kep Batch *- - -: Ivlercury ITCIB (S) : T{D o-00{6 B o -o27 B 5266336 ND O. O4O mg/r, Dilution Factor: 1 0,0030 mg/t' DlluEl,on Factor: 1 0 . 010 ng /I, Dj,Iurl.on Factor: 1 O - O2O rg/T' Di]-ution Factor: 1 o-15 wglt- DlluE,Lon Faetor: l-O O. Ooo20 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 ae/23-oe/27/os ae/23*oe/22/os os/23-as/27/os ae /23-oe lzz I os oe/zt*aelzslos HKATElAO HKATElAl HKATELAz HKAIBILJ HMTBTAD IUD sw845 50108 Analyele Time..: L2:33 sw846 60108 Analysls Tlme. . : 1.2 : 33 sw845 50108 Analyele Tlme. . ; r-2 : 33 str8{6 60108 Analysls Tlme. -: 12:33 sr846 601()8 Aualysie Time..: 00:56 sw846 747OA oe/26/As Analysla TLme-.: 19:12 B EsiD:arcd reriltll Re$rlt b less lDm RL L Serial dlludoa of a diBeriatc in thc amtyticaf bat*r indicacs [ur physical l,d drcrnic&l interfereoces rrc prtscnt. STL Denver .Ia^uac TIS 'I*'sild or8 $iltaraJxlol rcFtorp Fr8 FcF,(qd rs$ scrqpq qarq m{rul ilp q e|urrrElp r Jo [osqlp F-u.s .I 'Tf ueQ tEl E lrmu .tlnsar pe|8trgsJ g o __:-___1_ €T :57 so/92,/60 : " eurT& e1a.[1rutg ].{OLVL 9?8tds I :roxc8d uoTxnTTc ry./Ew OZ0O0 '0 T :ro?cEd uoTlnIT(I utu glo-0 T :rolaBd uoTxnTTG T,ltru OZO'O I :-rolcBdt uoTlnrT(I l/6ttt 0TO'0 I ;roacEd uoT?nrTG 't /Ew 0800'0 I :rolcEs uoTlnTTc ilfu oto-o : (B) ETOff qI{ rlznc:alrl 9€g9gCS :'- -* qDAEE dara GrT.CT\DIH Etrt.rililH e\ilI..f,\DIH IVTf.I\DIH oIrr-e;f,rflH so l9z,l60-EZl60 sol Lc,l6,o-Ezl60 so/LZ/60-tz/60 so/Lz/50-EZ,/60 sol tzleo-Ezl60 €5: OZ : ' 'eulTtr, elArtleUU solog 9r8rs LE: ZT :'' "utTtr a5ar{1uu1g aoro9 9?8ris L€.i zT :' . ?ur[,f, elsrllutrq s0T09 9?8ms LE: ZT : ' 'euT.L agez(1etrg 90I09 9?8tds L€. ZT 3'' eurfJ eTgr{,TIiuV EOTOg 9?8[S g Suoo'o E I.TO'O G}I (IN g €zoo -o unTuoDrTz ilr.rz umTpErrEA PBAT Te{cTlt # ug(Iuo g,f,vc slsr.Tul[v )IUOI,I -Nor.ruftrdgEd .trTOsgu 8OO- EETOOTISCI sIElt Iluilolt' SO6OGO-AL-8, :fi atfueg, atre113 rroTaBrodroa suo GOH,f,EilSTINN .tIhIIT eNI,ruodfrlr lItr.f,E[trtfttd I{O :""""'nJtaEIt: " '* atfues-aor1 8Z.ra^uac TJ,s 082unTpqs €g:oz :..e0!Tf 8Ta,(IBEU' r :rolaBd EoTlnrTc \lEr.pll,ldE s0lgzl6o-Ezl6o sorog 9?8tr4 altu oz'o rr urrailr6cn E9:08 :"eurr& ETE^rPuu I :rolc?J uoT3nITO Zv[Ir&\flg 9Al9Zl6O-EZl6O aorog 9;g|rg T.ltu O'€ Br rmTasBl(rd €S:OZ :..aurTf sfsrlEutt T ::oqoEd rroT?RITC g\[Ife\uE golgel6o-Ez,l6o solog 9t8xs Tlfiu oT-o zr-'o rx]rl LS.CT ; "euTJ, 6T8](,TEtrV I :rolJBd uoTlnTTc xnTF.f,ruE sol,.zl6o-f.zl6,o aolog 9"8t8 'iltu oTo'o ITo'o .roddoo Le.zT r '-orrrT& aT6/('IEEV' I ::o1Csd uoTltrITG lit\tTffivxu so/Lz/6o-tz/6o aorog 9?81,16 'r/6w oro'0 cril urnTuortD €s:oz :'.euTJ, eler(1ru11 x :rolored uoT?nTTq slllf;f,v)IE s0l97,l60-r.z,f6o Aolog 9r8IA altu oz'O I LT unTaIq) Lq-:.z,T : "?ruT.tr ezer(1ruq' I :jrol3td uoT?nTTG AYTI}EEXE 9OlLZ,l6O-€Zl6O AOIO9 9t8rl8 vtn OIO'O tZ'O rErTres . LE27T i"aurTJ, ETTiIEET{ I :rolcea uoTlnTTc o\iT.eJvJrr so/LT,/6o-ez,/6o s0To9 9?8lit6 'I/Fxt SIO'O GN cTuaarv €E:02 :"euTf e1e.(1atq{ I :ro JBd EoT?nfTq L1-rz1- 2..enrTi elsl(pug, T :rolced uoTlnTTq utsIae\DII{ so/Lz/6o-ezl6o Eolog grSlils llhn OrO'O sN raJ\TTS ZZZS9ZS :---* qcaEg darA gg:to :"euT& s;e,(1eug I :roloEd uoTlnTTq 8S:r0 :"eury.tr eler(1rug I :IolctJ rcTltrITG dgIf,;f\uE 9tol,"zl6o-f-z,l6o ozog 9r8rs vrfr oloo'0 s zlooo'o urTu[rPt) 0SIS9ZS :-.-* rIafEA ard * USGEO SJV(I 8I6.I'Tmfir OOHJ.S!iI S.I.il.IO .II!,[IT .ITOSSU US,ESI^ftnftfd )ruoil -Nol.l\nrvdtud oNr&uoilEu so/ot/60 :"IxlaTo<rq! eaBg ozzzr 90/60/60 :"'IleT&eg aaac uo:' 'rFr?Era 80O-E9IOOTI9(I:--'*aI6rcA-?sI BItlan 1rEI(};f, 5O6O6O-3r.-ffi1 :OI a16ue5 luaTTJ (a6ed Sxeu uo panuTluoc) €g:oz r "errTg, eler(1tuv r :rolced uoT?nIlc Jtsr.eruxH solgzl6a-Eulao a0r0e er8ils I|tu o's f,torlsroaroi) silun O B,,.rate Total Qyanide NUIE (s) = IIRS Corryloration Cl-ient Saqfle ID: GII-II9L-O9O9O5 ce!rcraf- Chemistry D5IL00153 -AA2 fork Order *- - - 3 HKART a9 / a9 / as 08 : 0o rlate Receirred-, 3 0g /La / os RESTIIJT RIJ IINITS METHOD liatriJ(---o-.o,-: GWIot-8aryfle *- - -: Datre Sanpled---3 PANAMETER PREPARATION- PREP ANAIJYSIS DATF BATCTI # PII AurnOnta aa II Chlorlde F].uoride ISltrate Ifitrate-ilitrite 7 -4 O - tO No Unl.te Dilut,lon Factor: I A -76 O.1O W/t Dl-].utLon Factor: l. 22oo J,Q 25o ry,lr, DiJ-utlou Faetror: LOO L-2 if O-1O ryll' OilutLon Faetor: 1 O-11 O-1O frg,lL tlLlutlou Faetor: 1 o-11 O-1O ry,lL Dl-IutLon Faetor: 1 12O .f,Q 25 rylT, ol-lutiou E.actor: 5 IUD 0 . 010 rrq, /I' Dilutlon Factor: 1 04:OO oe ltal as s26l262 17: 00 oell+los 52s7s7a 13 :15 oell.olas sznssaz 15:00 09 l2o-o9 I zLl os sz65ss2 02:00 SIIS{5 90{OB AnalyaLe TLme. .: Hcliln 350.1 analysl.s Etme. . : DTCAIIH 325 -2 Ana,lysls Time. -: He;Bnr 34A -2 Analyeie Tima-.: ucilHr 353 -2 Analyeie Tirnc. . : ucAnfl 353 -2 Rnalyeie time..: ucBHr 375 -4 oe lla/ as 15:33 ael2llos 5253L01 5265478, oelz,Slas 5272L73 Analyslg Time-.: 15:40 sw845 9O1OB/e012A Oe/21-0el2z/os s264s39 Analyals Tlme. - : L2: OO RL Reporting Limit J Method blank comtminrtion. Thc assoclrtod mshod bltnk comins tre targa analyre at a reportable levet. a Etevatod reponiry llnrit. llre rcporting llmfi is olovaed due :o higlr analytc levels. STL Denver Iot-$arylle *- - -: Ilate Sary,I.ed---I PARAIT{ETER IIRS Corporation cl-ient saq)Is ID: ffi-tu-o9o9o5 Geuera^L Chemistry D5f100153-003 rcrk Order #. . - r HI(AR9 oe / og / 05 09:25 Date Received- - i 09 /La/ as llatrix-].--D---: CIW PREPARATTON- PREP AI{AtYSIS DATE BATCH #RESIILT RTJ TINITS METHOD -t -1 o-1o tro ueits swa46 gorloB ol/tolos 52531rt1 DLlutlotr Factor: 1 Analycl-e T1me..: 15:35 o-?5 o-1o wlt Hceffi 3so-1 o9l2llo5 526st78 Dilutiorr FBcUori 1 anal.yeLs Tlrne.,: 0l:00 22oo d,e 2so wlt uorr !zs-2 oglr.elos 526a.262 DLIutloD Factor: 1o0 Aoa1yoJ.o Tlme..: 17;00 L-2 J O-lO rylt HCDrf, 3110-2 O9lL4lO5, 5.2s7578 Dllutlsr Fector: 1 Arrr1yaia Tima..: 13:15 o-1? o-ro rylt riclrf, 3s3-2 ogltolos 5265s87 Dilution tractor: 1 lEBlyais Ti.me..: 15:00 o-18 o-r-o u,lt HsAnr 3s3.2 osl2o-oslztlos szesssf D,'lutloa Pactor3 1 Analysis Timc--: 02:00 V 3so J,o 50 wlt uGxlr 375-+ oglzalos s272L't3 Dilutlon Pactor: 10 ADaIyEIB TLme.,; 15:40 o-os5 o-o1o wlt sf,8r5 goroa/gorztt ag/zt-oglzzlos s26.1s39 Dj.IutLotr Factor: 1 }Ealyeie tinc.-: 12:OO pE AmnLa as II Chf.oride Fl.uortde Ititr:ate ISitratse-NLtrite Buf"fate Toraf- clnniae rscfB (8) : RL Rcportlng Limit I Metnod blank contamloatlon- The rsoociatcd method blank contains rhc nrgct analytc at e rcponable level- a Elevatod reporting limit. Thc rcponlng limit is elevatcd due to high analytc lcvcls. STL Denver Lot-8ary>I.e *. - - 3 Ilate Saupl-ed..--i PARAMETER IIRS Corporation C1.l-ent San[IIe ID: cil-58-O9O9O5 Genera-I Chemiotry D5I100153-004 llork order *- -. 3 HKATC 09 / 09/as 09 : 35 Dat,e Receirred- . i 09 /L0/os RESIII,T RIJ T]NITS METIIOD I{atrix-...-----! GTv PREPARJATTON- PREP A}IALYSTS DATE BATCH # pE Amonia aa II CtrIorLde Pluoride ItLtrate 7-5 O-10 No Unlts Dilut,ioa Faetor: 1 6T O 2-S ryl[' Dl-}utlon F'actor: 25 11OOO J, Q zs0 tugll,r Dllution Pactor: 1OO A .73 .f O - 10 Wll' Dilutlon Factor; 1 80 2 -S wgtll' olluElon Factor: 25 8o a 2-s nlglr' Dilutiou Factor: 25 33OO .f , Q 500 WlI,. ni].utlou Factor: LOO O.010 r*g/l-' Dilution Factor: 1 sH846 90{OB Aoalyaia Time..: 15:39 Hearml 350 - 1 Analyste Time-.; 22zaa HctrlfiI 325 -2 Analysle Tl-me. . : 1,7: OO HeAnH 340 - 2 Ana1yaig Timq. . : 13 :15 Hei[nr 353 -2 Analysis Tlme. . : 15: OO HCBHH 353 -2 AualyeLe Time..: 18:00 HCAmr 375 - 4 Analysls Tlme..; 15:{0 sw846 901- AB/ 9ol-2A Rnal.yeJ.e ?ime. - : 12: OO ae / zl-oe / 22 / as s264s3e oe lLol os oe l2r las oelr,slas oell''las oe / r.al os oel2T los ae/2t8f as 5253101 5:]-7L454 5263262 52575'18. s27L7a7 s27L679 5272L73- O lvitratse-nLtrl_te Suf-fate Total Cyanide ryorB (s) : ND RL Reportlry Lirrrit a Elevatod roporting lirnit- The reporting limit is elovat€d due m high anatyre levelr I Mcthod blank contamination. Thc associatd method btenk contains the target analyte at a reportable level. STL Denver 32 Iot-Sa4fle *.. -: Date Barqfled---! PARAIUETER RESTILT RIJ IIRSI Corporatlon. Client 8aryr1e ID: GtI-sD-O9O9os General- Chemiotry D5I1O0153-005 f,ork Order *.. - i HKATD 09 / og / as r.0 :45 Date Received. - i a9 / La / as METIIOD Ilatri-x, - - . - - . - - : GtI PREPARATION- PREP AIVAIJYSIS DATE BATCH #TINITS pH Amonia as I[ Ch1oride Fluorl.de lfLtr:ate IfLtrate-Irit,rite SuI.fate Total ClranLde rcr'E (s) : 7-g o-10 to units 8t1846 9o4oB oglnlas s2s31o1 DilutL@ Fastor: 1 AtralyBis Tinc..: 15:42 22Oo Q 1-OO wlt HCArr 3sO-1 O9121-lOs 52654'ra Dilutioa factors 1000 eoalyaiE Tiro..: 04:o0 tgooo .r,Q 12oo rylt' l&Anr 325-2 O9lL8lO5 s261262 ollutLon Pactor: 500 ,Arra1ysl.a rLae..: 17:00 o-80 J o.1o rylt lEhflr 310.2 osl,trlos 5j2s75't8 Dl.IutLoD Factor: 1 AnalyoLe T1ne..: 13:15 33 O-1O rylt HCAnf, 353-2 OgltOlos s2655A7 oLlut.lon tractor: I arralyela rl.me..: 15:OO 34 Q 1-O rylt r'rcNilr 3s3-2 aglzo-oglztlos s2ssssl DiIuEioR Pactor: 10 itrralyeis ?ine..: 02:o0 U 17OO J,Q sOO rylt, UcBffi 3?s-+ OglZslOS s2'r2a73 pilutioa Factor! 100 loalyaie Time.-: 15s4O ND O.O1O nq,/t SW845 gOtOS/gOtZe Og/ztaglZz/oS 526453e Dllutton Factor: 1 laalyaJ.a BLne..: 12:OO RL Rcportlng Umit a Elevated reporting llrnit. The reporting limit is elevated due ro hllr rnrtyte levels. I Method blank conunrimtion. The assoclated rnettrod blank connins the tcrgot rnalyte &t I reporrable level. STL Denver Iot-Saqll.e *- - - ! Ilatg Saq)Ied---i PARAMETER URA Corporation e1ient Saryl1e ID: Gfl-S6-O9o9O5 General Chemiatrlr Dsf 100l-53-006 f,ork Order *- - -: HKATE 09 / og / as 11 : 55 Date Received- - ! og /Lo I a5 RESULT RL T'NITg METHOD ![atrftr,.,--.--..! GW PREPARATTON- PREP AIVALYSIS DATE BATCH # pE Jlmnla aa II CtrI.oride F]-uoride IUitrate 8 -2 O - 10 IIo Unite Dllutlon Factor: L 5-O O.1O rytl[' Dl,IutsLon E'actor: 1 15ooo J,Q 250 rylL Dl}utl-on Faetor: 10O A -76 .f O - 10 rylll' Di].utLoa Faetor: 1 O-12 O-1O Wln ni]-utLore Factror I 1 O - 12 O .1O ury,I[' Di]-utioa Faetor: 1 27OA J, Q r-2OO rylt Dilution f'aetor z 25O ND 0-0Lo mg/L Dil.ut'ion F:rctor: 1 sw8{5 90408 OglI0loS s2s3101 Analysle Time..: 15:51 DrcArrw 3so . 1 oglLLl os 526s17fi Analysia Tl-me. . : 04: 00 HCAnu t2s -2 o gltslos s26326? AnalyoLe Tlme. . : 17: 00 HCAHH 3{O -2 OglL4lOS 5"57578. Analyaie Time. . : 13: L5 ricrHf, 3s3 -2 ugl1:olos 527L7A7 Aaalyeie Time, - : 15: OO r'reLHrs 3s3 -2 O9l27lOS 52tL679 Aaal-ysig Tlme. . : 1.8 :0O ucBnw 37s -4 a}lzBl0.S 5272L71 Analyeie Tl-me - - : 15 r 4O sw846 e0108/9012A 09 /2L-a9 /22/ A5 s264s3e Analyaie Time. . : 12: OO o rrLrrare-r5itsr,.re SuIfate Tota1 Cyanide rcfB(S): RL Reporting Limit I Mc$tod blsnk crrntemination. Tlrc assoclated meilrod btank con:alns the urrgot anrlyto at 8 reponable level, a Ekvated rcporting limit. The reporting llmlt ts olovated due to hhh analyt€ leyols. STL Denver I.ot-Ann{ll-e *- - - 3 Ilate fiary)Ied,---i PARAMETER RESULT RIr I]NITS METHOD IIR8 @4loratiorr C1ient Saryfie ID: GII-7C-O9O9O5 general. ChemLotrlr D5I10O153-008 Work Order #- * - : HKATif 09 / 09 / as L2 z2a rlate Receirred.- . i ag / tO / as liatri-r. - - o o - ! - - : GIi[ PREPARATTON- PREP AI{AIJYSIS DATE BATCH # PH Amnia aa N Chloride Fl,uorl.de Nl.trate rul-trate-xitrl-te SrrI.fate Total qranide IUTts(S}: 8-1 {-3 44O it, Q O - 10 fdo Unito Dilut.lon Factor: 1 O -1O rylt, DilutLon Faetor: 1 sr846 AnalyeLe HEJLITT Analyels }TCltITtr nnalyeie }TgAIilI Analyaie ITGIITT AnalysLe rnc[Hfl Analyaia ricnffi AnaIyBlB sw8{6 Aualysla 90408 rime. . : 350.1 Tlme. . ; 325 -2 Timc-.: 340-2 Time. . : 353 -2 Ti.me. , : 353 -2 TLme. . : ,-75 -4 ae llol os 16: 02 oel2Llos Ott : 00 oehslos 17:OO oellllos 13r15 oelLal os 1,5: 00 oelT7 las 18: OO 52531O1- s265478. s263262 5257578. s27L707 L2 rytlr' Dilutlon Eactor: 5 A -77 ,t O - 10 urglt' Dl-lutLon Factor; 1 O - 35 O .1O ryll' Dilutioa Factor: 1 O-35 O-1O rglt' DiLutLon Factor; 1 3-1 BrJ 5-O rylI Dllution F'actsor; 1 ND 0.01-0 mg/L Dllutlon Factor: 1 s27L6o ae l28l as 52'l2L73, Time.. : 15:4O e01 oE/ eo12A oe /21- - o e /22 / os 5254s3 e TJ-me..; 12:OO RL Rcponlng Limit J trtdroO bl&nl( coataminetion. Thc a$sociatcd mstrod bhnk conulns the target analyte at r rcportablc lcvel. a Elevated reporting limit. The reportlng limir Is olsvated dus o hfh rnalyto lovots. B Estlmated resnrll Reeutt ig less than RL. STL Denver acDATA oNw DsrI_OO153 sample Preparation and Analysis Control Ntrmbere I'{ATRIXSaI"IPLE# 001 o02 o03 o04 wQ AI{AIJYTTCAI, METHOD 9n845 82608 MCAWW 325.2 MCAITffi 344 .2 MCAWW 353 -2 MCJL}|m 353 .2 sw846 9o1AB/ 9012A sw845 6020 sw846 74704 sw846 90408 sw846 82508 sw846 5 01,0B MCAUM 3T5.4 MCAVE9I 350.1 MCJIWW 325.2 I,ICJ\WW 34O .2 MCAITIII 353.2 MCaI{W 353.2 sw845 9o1AB/ 9012A gw845 5020 sw846 747AA sw846 90408 sw845 82608 gwB46 50108 IrlcAww 375 .4 MCJ$IrS 350. L MCAWW 325.2 MCAWVI 340 .2 MCAWW 353.2 MCAWW 353 _ 2 sw846 90L ABl9Or.2A sw845 5020 gwB46 7 470A sT{846 90408 sw845 82608 sw845 60108 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 350,1 (Contl"nued on next I,EACH BATCH # PREP BATCH # 52654 0 6 5253262 5257578, 5265552 5255587 s264s3 9 s26518 0 s2653 3 6 5 253 10 r- 5255405 5265222 5272L73 526547 8 5253 252 5257 578 5265552 52555 I 7 526453 9 s26s1B 0 s25633 6 5253 10 1 5255406 5265222 s272L73 s25s478 s263 262 52s7 57 8 s27L67 9 527L7 07 526453 9 5255L80 525533 6 5253 L01 52654 05 s26s222 5272L73 s27 14 54 l,1g R[IN# 5265258 5263 170 s25 815 7 5255344 5264340 s26sr.16 526627 0 525612l- s265258 s255746 5272L49 s265290 s26317 A s25 81,5 7 s25s344 526434 0 52651_ 1- 5 526627 0 525 6L2L 5255258 s26s14 6 5272L49 526529 0 5263 17 0 525 81_5 7 527L432 5264344 s26 s1_l- 5 s26627 A 52s 61,2L s26 s258 52651,46 52721,49 527 13 06 GI'T G[{ G9r GW GW GUI GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GTT G[iI GW GTT G['I GW GW or{ GIII GI{ GTT GW GI{ GW GW GW GIIT GTT GW GW GI{ GTY STL Denver page) .35 OCDATA D5r100153 Sample PreparatLon and Analysis Control Ntlnbers SAII'IPITE*. oo5 oo5 oo7 009 I,IATRfX I,EACH BATCH # PREP BA:rCH # 5263?52 5257s7 8 5265552 526s58 7 s26453 9 526518 0 s26633 5 s2s3 101 s2654 0 5 s265222 5272L73 5255478 s263262 525757 I s27 L67 9 527L7 07 s26453 9 525518 0 s2653 3 5 52 531- O 1 52654 0 5 s265222 5272L73 52654'.18 s25s406 s2 53 262 525757t3 s27 L67 9 527 7-7 4"7 526453 9 s26sL8 0 s26633 5 5253101 s2654 0 6 s265222 5272L73 526s47 8 MS RT'N# 5263L7 0 52581_57 5265344 526434 0 526s116 526627 0 szs6L2L 52652s8 s265 14 6 s2721-4 9 5265294 5253t7 0 5258L57 527L432 52643i[0 526sLL6 526 627 A s2s 6L2L 526s25fj s26s1{6 5272L49 526s294 5265258 s26377 A 52581s7 527L432 526434 0 526s115 526627 A s2 5 6L2L s26s2s8 s26514 6 527214 9 s26s2 90 GT1I GW GW GW GW GW GTI GW GVI GTI GW GW GW GW Gmr GW G}I{ cffi GI,!f GUI GW GVit G}r{f GW GW Gtw GI{ Gvr GW GI{ GUr GW GW G}T GVI G}T A}IATYTIEAL METHOD MCAT{I{ 325.2 MCAITISI 340 ,2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAIm 353 .2 sw845 eol oB/ 9012A sw845 6020 gw845 7470A- sw846 90408 sw845 82508 9w845 6 0108 MCAWW 375.4 MCAlrnil 350 .1 MCAWW 325 -2 MCAI,{I{ 344 .2 MCAViil{ 353 _ 2 MCAnm 353 - 2 sw846 9O1OB/ 9O12A sw846 6020 9w846 741A,'." sw845 904 0B sw846 82608 svit84 6 6 0108 MCAWW 375 -4 MCAWW 350.1 sw846 82608 MCAI'IW 325.2 PrCA$IW 340 -2 MCAWW 353 - 2 MCAWW 353 .2 sr{845 eol aB/ eo12A sw846 6420 sw846 ',7470A- sw846 90408 sw8{6 82508 sr{84 6 5 0108 MCAyIW 375 .4 TICAWW 350. L STL Denver C1l-eut, I.ot #---3 D5I100153 IIB Lots-garyr1e *: D5T220000-406 Analyele Datre.. r a9/2l/o5 Dilution Factor: 1 PARA}IETER Acrylonltrlle Carbon disulfide Ctr 1 o rodib r ornome t han e trane -L,4 -Dichloro- 2-butene Iodomet,hane VJ-nyI acetate L,4-Dl-oxane Acetonitrile Acrolein 2-Ch}oroethyl vinyl ether 1 -Chlorohexane AIIyI ch1.orl-de Clrclohexane Cyc).ohexanone cl-s - 1, 4 -Dichloro- 2 -buLene D i ch1 oro f luoromethane Ethanol Ethyl acetate Ethy1 ether Ethyl metrhacrTlate Ieobutyl alcohol Iaopropyl ether ulethacqflonitrile tert-Butyl alcohol Methy1 methacrylate 2-NiLropropane 2 -Pentanone Proplonitrile Tetrahydrofuran n-Butanol Tr i chlorot ri f luoroettrane Hexane Acetone 1, 1-Dichloroethene Benzene B rornodl chl o rome t hane Bromoform Chlorobenzene Bromomethane Toluene I{HIUOD BLtrItK RmORr gtr.lus vo].atilee Ilork Order t.--: IIK6ITCIAA Prep Date- - - - - - : 0 9 /2a/ 05 I{atrlx,, o- -...-3 }IATER Anal.yeLa ri-ne. . r 08 : 55 I'[ETI{ODRESTIIJT REPORTING LTMTT UNITS ND ND ND ND ND ND ND rlD IID }UD IUD ND IUD }UD ND IID IID ND IUD ND }ID ND ITD ND ND ND IID ND luD ND luD ND IUD IID IVD ND IID DID }UD IUD 20 L.0 1.0 1,0 1,0 2.O 200 2A 2A 2.0 1.0 2.O 2.4 20 1.0 2.O 200 5.0 2.O 1.0 50 10 10 50 1,0 2.0 2.4 2A 5-0 50 1.0 l_.0 1_0 1.0 1.0 1,0 1.0 1.0 2.4 1.0 ug/r, :ug/T, ru.g/t' ]utg/L vg/r, ug/r, ug/n :ug/r. ug/r, ug/r, ug/r' Lrg /T' ug/t ug/I' ug/t' ug/t ug/r, LLg /r' us/T, vg /r' ug/t' ug/r, ug/T' vg /r, ug/r' ug/r, ug/T, lu.r/t ug/r. lug/t, :ug/r, ug /t ug /r' ug/r, us/t ug/t' ug /r' tJg /r' rtg /r.' ug/L 9w845 82608 9w845 82608 srir845 825',OB 9w846 825 0B 9w846 82608 sw845 8260B sIiI845 82508 svi[846 82608 sw84 6 82608 sw845 82608 sr{846 8260B sw846 82608 sw845 82608 sw845 82608 9w846 82608 9w845 82608 sw846 82508 sI{84 6 82608 sw846 82508 gw845 82508 sw845 82608 sw845 82508 sw845 82608 8W845 82508 gw84 6 82648 gw84 5 82508 BW84 5 82508 gY[846 82508 sw84 6 825 0B gw84 6 82508 sw84 6 82508 sw8{16 82608 sw84 5 826 0B sw845 82608 9w845 92608 sw84 6 82508 sw845 82608 sw846 82508 sll84 5 82508 sw846 82608 STL Denver (ConUinued. on next page) -38 Cl.l-eut Iot f;- - -: PAITAIVIETER D5r 10 01-s3 2-Butanone (I@K) Carbon tetrachlorlde Trichloroethene Chloroethane Chlorof orrn Chloromethane Dl"bromomet'hane L, Z-DLbromoethane (rPg) L ,Z-Dl-chlorobenzene 1, 3 -Dlchlorobenzene L , 4-Dichlorobenzene D I chl orodi f luoromet hane L, t-Dl-chloroetlrane L ,2-Dichloroethane L ,z-Dlchloroethene (tota]. ) cl-s - L, 2 -DLchloroethene trans - L, 2 -Dlchloroethene L ,Z-Dichloropropane cLe - 1, 3 -Dichloropropene Erans- 1, 3 -Dlctrloropropene Ethylbenzene 2 -Hexanone Methyl-ene chloride 4-MeLhyl-2-pentanone Styrene 1, 1, l, 2 -Tetrrachloroethane 1, 1 ! 2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene L ,2, 4 -Trichloro- benzene 1, 1 , L-frlclrloroettrane 1 , 1 ,z-Trichloroettrane Tr i shl o ro f I uorometlrane L, 2, 3 - Trichloropropane Vinyl chlorlde Xylenes (total ) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene fsopropylbenzene t, 2, 4 -Trimethylbenzene 1, 3, 5 -Trimethylbenzene n-Propylbenzene tert, -Butylbenzene 2 -Chlorotoluene HETTIOD BIJNNK REPORT etr.lW vol-atl-Ies Hork Order #---3 HK6IrelAA REPORTTNG RESTILT LIII,ITT U}rI-Tq Itatri-r---.-.---3 METHOD ITATER IID IID IID IID r{D ND ND ND TUD ND ND ND ND IID ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND lsD ND ND TID ND IID ND 5.0 l_.0 1.0 2.4 1,0 2.0 J.,0 J..0 1_0 1.0 1,0 2.0 1_-0 l_.0 1-0 J-.0 J_.0 J-,0 1.0 1.0 1.,0 5.0 l_.0 5.0 1--0 1.0 l_,0 1.0 1,0 1".0 l-.0 2.0 L.0 1.0 2.O J-.0 l-.0 1.0 L.0 1.0 L.0 1.0 L,0 next page) ug/t lug/T' ug/T' ug/T, ug/t ug/t ug/t' ug/T" uglt, ug /t' :ug/r' ug/r, LLg /L :ug/t' ug/t, rtg / I' ug/r, ug/t' ug /l' ug/r' :ug/t, ug/r. ug/r, ug/t ug/t ug/L vg /r' ug/L lug/r, tJ.g /r' vg lr' :ug/t' ug/r, vg/r' vg /r' ug /r' ug/r, ug/1, ug/t ug/r-, ug /I' ug/L ug/L sw84 5 826 0B sw845 82608 sr{845 82608 s$r846 82608 sw846 82608 9w845 82608 sw845 82608 9w846 82608 5111846 82608 sw846 82508 sw84 6 826 0B gw84 6 82608 9w846 82508 sw84 5 82608 9w846 82608 9w845 82608 9w845 82508 9w845 82608 sw845 82608 sw846 82608 9w845 82608 sw8116 82608 sw84 5 82608 9w846 82608 sw845 82508 sw81r6 82608 9w846 82608 sw84 5 826 0B 9w845 82608 sw845 82608 sw84 6 82608 s[r846 82508 sw845 82608 sw84 5 826 0B sw84 5 826 0B sw84 6 825 0B 9w845 82608 sw845 82508 sw846 82608 sw845 82508 gw84 5 82608 sw846 82508 sw845 82608 ND ND ND IUD ND IID ND t[D t[D }UD ND DID ND }UD (Continued on STL Denver 39 HEIEOD BIttrITf, RBFORT rclilB vol.atil.es Cl-ient Iot PARJAIT{ETER f . - -: D5I1-001-53 4 - ehlorotoluene L,Z-Dibromo-3- chloropropane (DBCP) 1, 3 -Dichloropropane 2 , Z-Dlchloropropane 1, 1-Dl"chloropropene Hexactr]'orobutadiene 4 - Isopropyltoluene Methyl tert*butyl ether L, 2, 3 - Trichlorobenzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Naphthalene ST}RROGATE Dibromofluorometrhane L, 2-Dichloroethane- d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB NqrB (s) t Order S---: HKSITC1AA REPORTTNG VTATER REgUIJT IrfI{IT UNITS ME:rIIOD ND ND ND ND ND ND IID ND ND ND ND IUD PERCEI{T RECO\IERY ug /t' lug/L ug/r, uglt ug/T, uglr, ug /t' ]u.g/L ug/r, ug/r-, rug/r, ug/r, ]'O 2-A 1.0 5.O 1,0 1--O 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 RECO\IERY I,IMITS (zt L18 ) (oz L28) ( zg 118 )(zz 11r ) sw845 82608 sw846 82508 sw845 82508 svr845 82508 sw845 82608 gTI845 82508 sw846 82608 sw84 6 826 0B sw846 82508 gw84 6 82608 9w845 82608 sw845 82608 94 91_ 96 105 Calmlations Bro porforned before rounding to avoid round-off crroro In calculatod rcsulls. STL Denver ffi COH:rROL SAT@I,E ffi REPiORT er,lrus volatl-J.es Cl.l-ent Iot #- -.3 LCS Iot-ga4fle#: Prep llate------l kep Batd. *- -.: Dihrtion Factor: PARAMETER D5r1001s3 DsI2 2AO00 -4 05 oe / 21,/ 05 526s4 06 1- rork Orrder *-. ^Bnnlyels Date- An,alyeLe TLme. HK6LClAC oe/2t/os 08: L5 !,ltratr,.x-- -- - r,- r 3 I,{ATER Benzeue Chf-oroberrzene L, L-Dl-crrIorcetJrene To].uene I?t(frIoroethme gI]RROGATE ol-b rorno f 1 uorome t hane L, 2- Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene to]-uene-dB rror'E (s) : PERCENT RECOIfERY 9a 99 94 103 100 RECO\TERY I-,fMfTS METHOD (zs (za (ee (zs (7e r_20, 118 ) L32l 118, L22l PERCEMT RECOVERY 90 B7 92 LA2 sH8{6 82508 9H845 82508 sDr845 826(}8 ar845 82508 sn8{6 82508 RECO\IERY ITfMITS (zg 118 )(oz 128 )(ta 118) (zt LLT l Crlcularions are pcrformed bcfore roundiry to avold rourd-off erroffi h calculand rqrltr. BoId print denotcs control psrurretoro STL Denver ffi CI)IMROL SATIPLE TTATA NPOR:r K,ltlg vo].ati]-ee Cf.l-ent, Lot #---: ICS tot-Aaqfle*: Prep llaga------I Prep Batctr ff- -.: Dilution Factor: PARAMETER D5Ir- 0 0 L53 D5r2 2AO00 -4 06 oe / 2L/ os 52654 06 1 [orlc Order *-. Anal.yeLe Date- AnafygLe Tr-me- SPIKE AI40UNT HKSIrClAe oe/2L/as O8 :16 llatrl-x-,,-- -.. -! WATER PERCE}IT RECO\IERY IyIETTIOD Benzene Chf-orobenzene 1, 1-Dichl-oroethene ToI-uene fl-ch].oroethene STTRROGATE Dibromof luoromethane l, Z-Dichloroethane- d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene To1uene-dB rrCIrB (s) : 10-o 10. o 10-o 10. o 10-o MEAST]RED AIqOT]NT 9-r_e 9.89 9-36 10-3 10-o PERCENUT RECOVERY 90 87 92 102 UNITS u.glr, wlt, rury,lT, wlr- wg/t' RECOIJIERY IJIMITS (tz 1L8 )(ez 128 )(za 118) (zz 117 ) sH8r5 82608 9H845 82508 s'H846 82508 91845 82608 sIrS{G 82608 91 99 94 103 1(}0 Crl$latlonc are perfornrctl beforc rounding to avoid round+ff errorB in calculated roruIts. Bold print dmotos conrol prrerncteE STL Denver 42 tEIRn gPIre geHPIrE BIrArtIATIotr REPORT ccft,g vol.aril.es CILLent tot *, - - : ft8 L,ot-8aryfle *: Date Saryt1ed---! Prep Datg--.---i Prep Batch #- - -: Di].utlon Factor: PARA}4ETER D5I10 0153 D5I100153-O03 a9 / oel os o9 :25 oe / 2L/ os 52654 05 l- Ilork Order #- - -: Ilate Received- - l enal.yoLe Ilate- - 3 nnal-ysis Time- - 3 HI(ARg1D1-M{I HKARgLD?_MSD oe/Lo/os oe / 2t/ as 10: L2 l[atrbr----ro-.-3 Gv[ RPD RPD ITIMfTS IIIETHOD PE:RCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY LIMITg(zs 12o)(zs 120)(zs 118)(78 r,r-8)(so 132)(oe L32l(za 1r-8)(za 118) (79 L22} (tg Lzz) PERCEMT BE_-g_o\rERY 92 94 86 8B 90 92 103 LO2 Benzme Chlorobenzene 1, 1-Dicahl-onoethe,e Tolrrene trichLoroet,hene STIRROGATE DLbromo f luo rome ttrane L, Z-Dichloroetrhane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 rurts (8) : 9(} 9r. 99 97 9s 96 101 101 95 99 811846 82508 1.3 (O-21) S18{6 82508 sH846 82608 1- I (o-2O) Ar8{5 82608 sH8{5 82508 o -92 (O-25) S1846 82508 gr8{5 82608 a -7L lO-22) St846 82508 sH8.C5 826'08 2 -2 (O-23) St846 82508 RECO\TERY IJIMITS-- ,(zg L18 ) (zs 118 )(ez 128 )(az L28) (te 118 )(78 118 )(tz 117 )(77 117) Calculationg are porformed before roundi;ng to evoid roud-off erors io crlculrtod resuls- Bold print denotes conrrol parametcrs STL Denver }trt x SPIXE !I}INP1g DATA RBDORT gtr.ltg vol.atiles Client Iot fi- - - ! I,E Lot-Saryfle *: Ilate Sary>Ied-.-3 Prep Datg----.-3 Prep Batch *. - - 3 Dil.rrtion Faetor: PARAMETER Dsr1001.53 Dsrr_00r.53-003 oe/ae/os aez2s 0e / 2L/ 0s s2654 0 5 1 Ilork Order *. - - 3 Date Receirred,- - 3 anaaygis Date-.3 Bnalysis Timc- - l HI(AR9lD1-ti{S HIGR9LD?_MSD ae/Lo/as ae/2L/os 1O:L2 Ilatri:r- . . ) ) ). - - I GTf SAII{PLE SPTI(E ME,ASRD AlYlOI}NT AItr AIIIOI'MT UNTTS PERCNT REC\IRY RPD METHOD Beuzene Ctrlorobenzene I-, L-DieJrl-oroetlene Iloluene Trichloroethene SURROGATE D ib r omo f 1 uorome ttran e L, 2- Pl-chloroethane - da 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB NCrIts (S} : IID 10. O ITD 10. O ITD 10. O rD 10_o ITD I.O. O IID 1O-O IID I.O - O ITD 1O-O IID 10. O ITD 10. O 8 -97 uigll' 9 - 09 uglt, 9 - 89 rugll' 9 -zL urglL 9 - 5(} utglt 9 - 58 utgll' 10 - 1 vglt' 10 - 1 rug/t' 9 - 54 ruglL 9 - 85 ug/r, PERCE}.IT RECO\TERY 92 94 85 88 90 92 103 LA2 9w846 82508 1- 3 SW845 826(}8 sw846 82508 1-8 91846 825(}8 sw846 82608 a -92 grr845 825(}8 gtI845 82508 o - 71 gtl846 825(}8 gH8{6 82508 2 -2 9W846 826(,8 90 91 99 97 9s 96 101 101 96 99 RECO\IERY IJTMTTg (73 118) (73 118 ) Gz 1zB )(52 L28l 0e 118 )(za 11s)(zz 1r.z) (tz 117 ) Crlctrtrtiong aro perfornrcd bcforc rotrndlng to rvoid round+ff errorB in calculatcd rcsulrg. Bold pdnt denorcs control perrmerens STL Denver 44 TiETEOD BITIT REPORT Tt'gtrL lrtrotal-a Cl-Lent Itot I- - -: D5I100153 REPORTING PAR.EI{ETM RESI'IJT IJIMIT UNITS MEfiIOD liatrtx- - - - o . o . - : $IATER PREPARLTION- WORK AI{ALYSIS DATE ORDER * ItlB Iot-Aaq[e *: D5I220000-190 Prqr BatcD. *---: 5265180 cadmium ND O.0o1o ng/t, sw845 5020 Og/Zl-Og/27/OS HK5DA1AA DLlutim Factor: I ADaIyalB Tl.me.. : 03 :56 selenium ND 0.0ozo trq/T, swsc6 G020 og/zt-aglzz/os HK5DAIAC DLlutsIon Factor; 1 .e,aalyais Tino, - : 03:56 UB Iot-saryile *: D5I22O0AO-222 kep Batsc:h *-,,: 5265222aLuminum ND o-10 tns/r, swg{G G0108 o9/23-o9/26/os HK5KoIAN Dllutlor Eactor: 1 .Boalysia Timc.. : 19:05 Arsentc ND o.o1s wlL sw846 GoloB og/zz-og/27/a5 HKsKclAp DLlution Factor: 1 Ilralyc,.s Tlme..: 11:03 Barirun DID 0 - O1o filg'/t svrg46 60108 Dilutioa PaCtOr: 1 Analyeia TimG..: 11:03 os /23 - o s / 27 / asHKsKctt calcium I{D 0.20 tfts/L swg45 60108 o9/23-09/26/as IIKsKG1Ao DllutloB Pactor: 1 Analyels Tlme-.: 19:05 chromium ND 0.010 tg'/L gwg46 60108 og/zt-og/zz/os HKsKGtr-aR Dilutloa tractor: 1 ADEIyEiE Tlme..: 11:03 eopper ND 0.0r.0 nq./r, swgrc 5o1oB og/zz-og/22/as HK5KGIAT Dilutlon Factor: 1 Analy8la Timc..: 11:03 rron ND o.1o trrs/L slr84c Go10B 09/23-09/26/05 HKSKGaAI DllutloD FacCoE: 1 Aaalyale tims.-: 19:06 Iead ND 0.0030 ngh, sr,ls46 60108 oglx-aglztlos ffisr{cllv Dllution Factor: 1 .lnalyel-a Tine. . : 11: 03 STL Denver (ContJ-nued on next page) 45 I{HTEU) BIfrITK REgORT TCIIhL Hetsa1s Cl.ient Iot PARAMETER liatrix-: SIATER REPORTING PREPARATION- AI.IAIJYSfS DATE WORI( ORDER. #I,IMTT UNIT9 METHOD Magrnesirrrn Nlckel Potaeslum Sl1ver Sodium O.2O rW/I' Pllutlon Fector: 1 Analyaia Time. . : 19: 05 0. O4O nry,/L Dl"Iution f,'actor: I Analyale Tima. -: 11:03 3 . O r*S/L' nl-lutlon Factor: 1 .Dna1-ysie Time - - : 19:O6 0. O1O rng/r, Dilutiorr Factor: 1 Analyels Tl-me- - : 11 : 03 5 . 0 tttg/I' PLlutlon Factor: l- nnalyele Tltne. . : 19 : 06 0 - 010 mg/T' Dl-IuE,lon Fact'or: 1 Analysia Time.,: 11:03 0.020 mg/L Dilution Faetor: 1 Analysls Tlme. - : 11: O3 0,0L5 mg/T, DLlutl,on Factor: 1 Aoalyeie Time.-: 19:O5 9w845 50108 sv[84 5 50108 sw846 60L08 sw845 50108 sw845 60108 sw846 60108 52663 3 5 sw846 7474A sw846 60L0B oe / 23 -oe / zG / os HKSKG1A3 sv[845 6010B oe / 23 -o e / 27 / os HKSKcIAUND }UD }UD llD ND 09 / 23 -o e / zs / os HKsKGIA.z og / 23 -o e /zt / os HK5KGLjaDl ae /23-oe /26 / as HKSKGIA{ a9 / 23 - o s / zz / as HKsKGtuLw oe / zl-oe /27 / os HKsKclet( oe / 23 -o e lze I os HKSKGIAs ae/26/os HK94T1AA *: D5I230000-335' Prep Batcft *-, . ! ND 0.00020 wtg/L Dllutl-on Factor: 1 Analysia Time..: L8:55 O vanadlum ZLnc zl-rconium llB lot-8ary>Ie Mercury rurE (8) : f;---: D5f100153 RESULT Calculatlons ere pcrforrned beforo roundlng rc avoll rourd-off errors in calctrlatcd roults. STL Denver 46 ffi eCI[IlROfr BAIIPLB EIIALIIATIOII R]BBORT aUTAL !&taIe Cf.ieut f.ot #- - -: PARAMETER Dsr10 01_53 PERCEUT RECO\IERY RECOVERY ITIMITS METI{OD D5I22OO0O-L80 fep Batch *- - - ! 52651,80 Hatrix - - -, - - - - - : WATER PREPARATION- A}IAIJYSIS DATE WORK ORDER * I'CS Iot-garyl1e*: Cadrnium Selenium If,g lot-garyr1e#: 9l-lver Aluminum Arsenic Barium Ctrromium Copper NLcke1 I-read Vanadium Zinc Caleium (eg r.1o) sw845 6020 Pi]-uEion Factor: 1 (82 LLz) SW845 602A DLlution Factor: 1 oe / 23 - oe / 27 / as HKSDAI-AD Time.-: Od:OO oe / 23 - oe / 27 / os HKSDAIAE Timg,.: O4:00 97 94 100 98 99 106 98 L0L 99 100 l,00 93 92 Analyeie nnalyole D5I220000-222 tteB Batclt f;. - -: 5265222 (85 LL4) SW845 60108 09 /23-oe / zt /as HKsKcllA6 Dllution Factor t 1 Analyal.o Tl-me..: 11 :08 (86 108) SW846 60108 oe / 23 -ae / ze / as HKSKGLAT Dllutlon Factror: I nnalyeie rl-me- - : 19 : 10 (89 109) Sw845 501-08 ae / zJ - ae / 27 I as HKSKGIAB Diluf,ion Faetor: t AnaLysie Tl-me- - : l"L : 08 ( gg L 1-3 ) SW845 60r.08 09 / zt - ae / 27 / os HI<sKGIAe DilutLon Factor: 1-Aoalysls Tlme..: 11;08 (ag LL2) SW846 50108 oe /23-09 /zt /os HKSKGIcA Dilut,l-on Factor; 1 Aaalysis Time. - : 11: OB (8S 110) Sw845 60108 09 / 23 -oe / 27 / os HKsKGlce Dllutlon Factor; 1 Rnalyele Tlme. - : 11: OB (go 110) sw846 60108 oe / 23- oe / zt / os IrKsKGlcD Dl,Iutl,on Factor; L Analysia T1.me--: 11:oB (gr 111) swg46 GoloB 09 /23-a9 127 fas HKsKclcE Dilution Factor: 1 Analyo!.e Tlme. . : 1L : 08 (88 LLz) SW845 5o1oB oe /23-09 /27 / as HKsKGlcF Dilution Faetor: 1 Analysis Tl,me. . : 11 : 08 (Bs 1L0) SW846 60L08 ae /23-ae/27 /as HKSKGICG Dilution Factor: 1 (sg 110) sw846 ollutlou FaeEorl 1 (Continued on Analyel-a Time. . : 11, r 08 5o1oB as 123 -o s 126 los HIGKGIcH .hnalysie Time. . : 19: 10 next page) STL Denver 47 ffi COIFIROIT geHPLB EIIAITUhTIOX RBPORT IlCtrAIr }tretaf e Client, Lot *- - -: D5I100153 t{atri:r- - - . o r . - - ! [![ATER PREPARJI,TION- ANATJYSIS DATE }TORK ORDER # PERCENT RECO\IERY PARAIUETER R.ECOVERY IJTMTTS MEIIIOD Iron ro2 (BB - 110) sw846 GoloB og/zs-og/ze/os HKsKGlc.T Dilutio[ Fector: 1 Ina]yele Tlne.-: 19:10 Potaseium 101 (S5 - 11l) grf846 5O10B OS/ZZ-OS|ZO/OS srSrCrCX ollucion Pactor: 1 Analyale Tlme..; 19:10 Magmealum 99 (91 - 1r-1) svrg46 d0108 og/zl-og/ze /os nxsKolcrr Sodlum pllutlon Factori 1 Inalyele Tlne..: 19:10 106 (91 - 112) sw845 60108 oglzs-og/ze/os IIK5KG,].CI{ pilution Factor: 1 enalyeLe Tlme.. r 00;42 zlrconl-um 101 (7s - 125) swB4G 60108 og/zl-og/ze/os HK5KGIcN Dilution fector! 1 Analysle flrne..: 19:10 I,cS Iot-Aaqrle*: D5I230000-336 Prep Batclr *.--: 5266336 Mercury 100 (85 - 114) SW846 747OA OS/ZS/OS rrK94T1AC Dilutl-on Fector: 1 laalyel.e Tlme..; 18:56 rurB(a): Calculttions ore perforrnod before rourding to avoid rourd-off crrors in celculatsd reBultt. STL Denver 48 ffi Cl-ient Iot *- -.: D5f100153 SPTI(E MEASTIRED PARiAMETER A}IOI}NIT AMOU!(T I}NITS COIITROL A,BUPLE DAItr 1r0TAIT ltetaLe PERCNT REer\,fRY MEISIOD REPORT liatrtr---r-----3 PREPARATTON- AI{AIJYSTS DATE ICS lot-Saryfl-e*: D5I22OO0O-180 PTeI, Bat(t *- - -: 5265180 CadmLum o.04oo o.o38g rns/r, 97 sw846 6020 Dilution Factor: 1 Aoalysie Tlme..: 8W845 6020Selenium0,0400 0. O3?5 W/L 94 Dilution Factor: 1 lDalyaJ.a Timc..: I,Cg l,ot-Saqrte*: D5I22OOOO-222 Pre5r Bateh *- - -: 5265222 Sl-lver 0.0500 0.0502 ,tg/f' 1OO SWBrt6 60108 o:llut,Lon PacEor: 1 lEa1yels tJ.me- - : Al-uminum 2.00 1.95 rrrs/L 98 SWS46 60108 Dilution Eactor: 1 tlalyaia Tlnc..: ArBenLc 2.00 1.98 l,/q/t 99 sw846 60108 Dilutsion tractorr 1 Aaa].yeie rime,-: Barlum 2.00 2 -L2 lllg/t 106 Syr846 60108 Dilut,ion Pactor: 1 Arre1yrl.a Time.,: chromlum o-20o 0.196 l[|ls/t 9g sTI846 50108 Dllutlon Fectar; 1 Aralyele ffure..: copper o.a50 0.253 rrrSh, 1o1 swa46 GoloB Dilution Pactor: 1 .lnalyeie Timc..: Nickel 0 .500 o . t194 l[lq,/t 99 sw846 60108 olluEiom Factor: 1 lnalysJ.a Tlme..: r,ead 0,500 0.498 r|q,/r, 1oo sy{846 50108 Dl.IuELon Factor: 1 .lnalyeie Time..; vanadium 0.500 0.498 r{lg/L loo sw846 60108 Dllut.l,on Factor: 1 lnalyal,a Tlrae..: zinc o.soo 0.4d5 \g/T. 93 sws46 60108 Dl1utsj.or Factor: 1 Anatyste TLme..: Ca1ej.um, s0.0 46. o rqh 92 swg46 60108 DllutloD Pactor: 1 Analyaia Time,.: (Continued on next page) ae/23-oe/27/as OaI : OO oe/zt-ae/27/as 04:00 ae/23-oe/27/as 11: 08 oe/23roe/zslos L9: 10 oe/23-oe/27/os 1,1 : O8 11,o0; /zz-oe /zz/os 11, 0089 / zl'o9 / 2z / as ,,, oo,g / zl- 09 / zz / os oe/23-oe/27 /os 11: OB oe/23-oe lzz/os 11; 08 oe/23-ae/zz/os 1-1: 08 ae/23-oe/27/os L1: 08 HKsKel-Ae o HKsKG].CA HK5KG].CC TTKsKG1CD HKsKG1CE I{KsKG1CF HK5KG1CG} Hn6ltctc[ WATER WORK oRpF.R. # }IK5DAlAD HK5DAIAE HKsKGT1A5 HK5KG1A7 HK5KG1A8 aglx-oe lxlos 19: 1O STL Denver Clieut Irot PARAMETER *-.-: D5I100153 SPIIG MEAST'RED AMOUNT AIqOUMT W IINITS CUYIROL SAIIPLB IICIIAL Hetnl g PERCI.IT RECXIRY METHOD DA:[A RBPORT Irlatrfuro - - - , ! - . . ! PREPARATTON- AI{ALYSIS DATE WATER WORK ORDER # Iron Potasstun Magnesiunr Sodium ZLrconlum lrlercury IrcITE (S} : L.oo L.02 50-0 50. 0 50. o 0.500 50 .7 49.3 53.L 0 .507 mg /T, Loz Dllutslon Factor: 1 mg/r, 101 Dl-lutlon Factor: l" mg/L ee Oilutlon Factor: 1 mg/1, 106 Dl-Iut,l-on Factor: 1 mg /T. 101 ghr845 60108 Analysla TJ;ne. . ; sw845 60108 Analyeia Timc-.: sw84 6 6 0108 Analyais Time. . : sr{845 50108 Ana)-yeie Tl,me. . : sw84 6 50108 Analyeie Tl-me- -: 52663s 5 sv[846 74704 Analyeie TLme-.: 09 /23 - o 9 /26 / os HKSKOIC,J 19:1O oe /23-oe / zs / os HKSKolcK 19 :1O ae / zt- oe / ze / os uKsKolcr, L9: 10 a9 / 23 -o 9 / 28 / as HKsKclcrvl 00:{2 oe / 23 - o e / 26 / os nrsKcll-cll L9:L0 oe/26/os 18r56 HK94T1AC DllutLon Factor: 1 IfS t,ot-8aqr1e*: D5I23OO0O-335 ftep Batch *- - -: 0.00500 0.00501 mg/L 100 DllutLou EacEor: 1 Calcuhtlons Bre porforrred Moro rounding to avoid round-off crrorr in calculatcd rcmlts. STL Denver 50 C]-ient Iot *- - -: D5IL001-53 Date llaryrled- - . i A9 / 09 / OS 09 :25 PANAMETER PERCEI{ T RECOVERY RECO\IERY I,IMTTS IIILIRIT SPTffi SATTPI.B ffi RBPORT Tgf,AL l{eta-I-s Ilate Recel-ved- - 3 A9 / LO / Os RPD RPD IJTMITS METHOD Irlatrix- PREPARATTON- WORK AIiTAIJYSIS DATE ORDER # Itg lot-Saryr1e #: Cadmiurn 97 99 Selenium LA2 109 Hg Ipt-Sary>Ie #: Aluminum 109 108 Arsenlc LO7 109 BarJ-um 101 L03 Calcium 85 9L Chronriurn 97 98 Copper 108 110 D5I100153-003 Prep Bateh (8g 1L0) *---t 5265180 (gg 1.1,0) 1.4 (O-2Ol oilution Factor: 5 Anal-ysls TLme. . : 0{ :{0 (82 LLz) (sz tIz) 5. B (O-zal Diluuj.orr Factor: 5 Analyal.e TimE, , : 04 :4 0 D5I100153-003 IEep Batch *- -(er 11e)(ss 1Le) 0.26 (o-Zsl Dllut lon D'actsor: 1 enalyeis Timc.-: 19:5I (sc Lzl) (g+ L24) 1.9 (O- zsl Dl,Iutrl,on Factor: 1 analyeis Tl-me. - ; 12 : l-3 (ss 12o)(ss 1-20) L.7 (o-2s) Pll-utLon Factor: 1 AnalyaLa Tl-me. . : 12 r 1.3 (es 1s3 )(+a 153) 1,9 (O-zsl. Dilutlon Factsor; I- Analyels fLme.-: 19:51 (zs 1,3 s )(tt 13s) 1.3 (O-2s) DI-IuE,Lon F'aetor: 1 Analyel-e Tlme. . : 12 : 1-3 (ez L29) $z a l.2gl z.o (o- zsl ollut,l.on Faetor: 1 AnalygJ.B TLme. . : L2 : 13 oe /23 -o e /27 / as HKAReLcz ae/23-ae /27 / as HKARelc3 oe /23 -o 9 / 27 / os HKAR91C4 oe / 23 - o 9 / 27 / as HKARglcs oe / 23 -o e /za / os HKAReIDM 09 /23 - o e /26/ os HKAReIDN os /23 -o s /27 / as HKAReIDP Ooe/23-oe /zz /os HKAReIDQ 09 / 23-ae /zt / os HKARSIDR oe / 23 -oe / 27 / os HInReIDT oe /23 -o e I zs / os HKAReIcK oe / 23 -o 9 / 26 / as HI(AReLCrr oe /23 -o e I 27 / os HKAReIDU oe /23*o 9 / 27 / os HI(ARSIDv HKARgl-DW Ilffif,gIDII sw845 6020 st{845 5020 sw846 5020 sur8115 6 02 0 : 5265222 sw845 50108 sw84 5 50108 gw84 6 slrE{ 5 6 01_ 0B 50L0B gw84 6 sw84 6 6 01_ 08 50L0B sT{84 6 sw845 601_ 0B 50108 sw84 6 sw845 5 0108 5 01.08 sw846 SI'184 6 60108 50108 oe/23-ae/27 los oglzt-oe ln lf,s STL Denver (Continued on next, page) ItHtRIf gPfXB BaI{PLB EIru}InTIOI RBPORT Cl.lent Iot #-, Date garyrled,. - PAR;AI"IETER Iron D5I1_0 0 L53 09 / 09 / os o9 :25 Date IIOIDAII llbtaf.s Reeeirrcd-,3 og/La/As tltatri:x, - r, - - - . -. i gr[ PREPARATTON- WORK AIIIAI,YSTF- DATE ORDER # oe /23 - o e / 2e / as HKAReIcM a9 / 23 - o e / 26 / as HI(ARelcr.r oe / 23- oe / 2? / os HKAReIcA oe / 23- oe / zt / os HKAReI-cc oe / 23 -oe / 26 / os HI(ARe lcR oe / 23 -09 / ze / os HICARglcr oe /z3-oe /27 /os HKAReIAB ae / 23 - o9 / 27 / Os Hr(ARe lAe oe / 23 - o e / 26 / os HI(ARelcP ae /23 -o 9 / 26 / Os Hr(AR9lCQ ae /23 -oe / 27 / as HKAReIDK ae / 23 -o9 / 27 / os HKARgtDrr oe / 23 - 09 / 26 / as HKARS lctr ae / 23 -oe / 26 / as HKARels\r ae / 23 - oe / zt / os HKARei.cD oe /23-oe /27 / os HKAReICE ba l rl - 0 9 h1 l 0E III{m010r' PERCEI{T RECOVERY RECOV-ERY IJIMITS 89 93 (eg (sg RPD IJIMITS MHITIOD $z 1ss ) sw846 601-08 (sz L55) 3.5 (O-251 SlI845 60L08 DllutLon Factor: 1 Analysl-s Tl-me - - : I-9 : 51 RPD Magnesirrrr Niclcel LO2 L03 91 95 96 98 r-14 1L6 98 99 (62 (sz ( 8e 72A') (aa fie (ts 121) LzL) 1.3 (O-2s) Di].utlon Factor: 1 Inalyaia TimG..: 12:13 1_45) L45) 1.4 (O-2s) Dl-lutlon Fact,or: 1 Analyeie Tim€,.: 19:51 sw846 60108 sw845 60108 sw845 50108 sw845 50108 sT[845 60108 sw845 60108 slr845 50108 sw846 50108 sw846 50108 sw845 501-08 Er,r0td d0100 sI{845 5 010B O Potaseium Silver Sodium vanadium LzA) 1.9 (O-2s) Dilutlon Factor: 1 Analyeie Time--: 12:13 132) L32 l L.7 ( O- zsl Dl-lutl-on Factor: 1 analyeie Time,.I 19:51 NC, MSB NC, MSB ( 75 141) Sri[84 5 5O1OB fis 141) 2.0 (O-25',' SW846 60108 Dilution Factor: 1 Analysle TLme.. : t2:13 (to 2a3) sw845 60108(to 203) (o-40) sT{845 50108 Dllutl-on Factor: L Analyele Tl-me. . ; 19: 51 0d 98 (8s 120) (8s L2O) 1. s (O-2s) Dilutlon tr'actor: 1 Analyels Tlme..: 12r13 11 7) L37 ) 2. 0 (O- 251 Dilutlon Factor: L Analyeis Time..: 12:13 {eo (oo STL Denver (Contlnued on next page) ae / 23 -oe /27 / as HKAReICG 52 C1Lent Lot *- Date 8aryll-ed- PARAIVIETER ZLrconlum Ug lot-Sanp1e #: Mereury 92 92 PERCEMT RECO\IERY EU-COT\IERY r,rldITg RPD 1-01 102 RPD LTMITS METHOD T&IR,IX SPIXG 6A}TPIJB BIIBLINTIOII REPORT IICIDAIT lletal.e : DsI100153 : og/ag/os o9:25 rlate Received--3 og/Io/o5 uatri:roO-----.-3 GVI PREPAR'LTTON- WORK ANAr,Ys Tg . DATE ORDER-..# 09 / 23 - a9 / 25 / as HKARe Lct!I ae / 23 -ae / 26 / as HKARelcx 09 /2e / os HKAR9ICH oe lzs / os HKARe l.cir (ao Lzo) sw845 60108 (eo L20) 0,45 (o-25) SW846 60108 Dllutl.on Factor: l- ^Rna1yslg Tlme. . : 19 ; 51 Dsf 100153-003 kep Batclr *- -(8s 114) (es 114) 0.49 (O-10) Dilution Factor: 1 Analysie TimG..: 19:05 : 5 2663 36 sw845 7470A 9w845 74-70A rcrS(s): CalqrtrdotB lle performod Dcfore rourding to avoid round-otf crrors in calcndaiEd rcsrb. NC Thc rgoovert 8od/or nPD wtrc not calcrila&d. ! MSB Thc reoovcty and RPD ucre not cahlhtod bcc8use the sanplc amout wae jrcater than four timcs the ryiko unouat. STL Denver IATREf,' SPIE geUPIrB IIXIA RBBOIUI IICIEAT Uetals ClLent Iot t-. -: D5I100153 tlatrir. -. -: OW Date 8aqfled---= O9/O9/AS 09:25 Date R€ceived- -r og/Lo/os SAITTPI,E SPIKE MEA^SRD PERCI{T PREPARATTON- TIORK PARAMETER A!@UIIIT A!,tT AIr{OIINT IINITS RECVRY RPD METHOD A}IALY8IS DATE ORDER # INS lot-Saqr]-e. *: D5I1OO153-003 ltep Batd, *-.,: 5255180 Cadmium ND O.O4OO O.O391 wts/t s7 9W846 5O2O Ogln-Ogl?lli, HKAR91C2 ND O.O4OO 0.0396 fig,/r, ss 1.4 9W846 6020 O9/23-O9/27/O5 HKAR91C3 Dilutioo Factor: 5 Aualyeia Timc. . : Otl:{0 Selenium llD o.o4o0 o.o4o9 ilq,/t 102 sw846 6020 o9l8-09/27/o5 HKAR91q4 ND 0.0400 0.0437 IIIls/t, 1o9 6.8 SW846 6020 O9/23-O9/27/O5 HKAR91C5 Di]-ution Factor: 5 Aoalysle Tlme..: Ol;{0 ldS llot-Saq)I.e *: D5I100153-oO3 Prep Batch *-..: 5255222 Ahuninum llD 2.oo 2.Lg rg,h, 109 sn845 60108 09/23-09/26/A5 HKAR91DM ND z.o0 z.Lg n:g,/T, 108 o-28 9w846 60108 o9/zg-09/26/os HtraR91DN DllutLotr Eactor: 1 Ao8lysl6 Tlme..: a9:51 Arsenlc o.01s 2-oo 2.16 mg/r, 107 SW845 5O1oB A9/23-09/27105 HKAR91DP o.01s z.oa 2.2o nE,/r. 109 L.s sw846 60108 O9/23-O9/27/OS HKAR91DQ Dilutslon Psctor: 1 Aoalyeia T!re,.: 12:13 Barlum o.21 2.oo 2.22 rrg/t 101 swB4G 60108 a9/n-a9/27/as HKAR91DR o.21 2.OO 2.26 ,0rls/r, ,103 1-7 SW846 60108 O9/23-O9/27l05 HKAR91DT Dllut.lon FacEor: t Aaalyaia Tima.-: 12:13 Calcium I.to so-o L49 lftrS/r, Bs 9w846 60108 o9/23*os/26/os HKAReICK 110 so.o 1sl \q/L 91 1.9 Sr{846 60108 A9/23-09/26/Os HKAR91Cr, Dilutsion Factor: 1 AnalyBis Tima..: 19:51 Chromium llD 0.200 0.194 rrg/L 97 SW846 50108 O9/23-09/27lOs HKAR91DU luD 0.200 0.195 ng,/r, 98 1.3 SW845 50108 Oeln-A9/27l05 HT(AR91DV Dllutloa Pactor: 1 Ioalyois Time..: 12:13 STL Denver (Conti-nued on next page) 54 rfiLASIT SPIE SAUELB DBM,. REBORT TOf,AIJ tletals Client Iot *- - -: D5r100153 SAIIIPLE 9PIKE PARAMETM AITIOUNT AIvIT MEASRD A!{OUMT UNTTS PERCMT REC\TRY RPD IVIETHOD l{atri-:x- - - - - - - - - 3 GW PREPARATTON- WORK AI{AIJYSIS DATE ORDER # Copper Iron Iread Magrresr,urn Nickel PotassLum 9l-Iver 0.020 0 _ 250 0.020 0.250 0.290 tftg/T, A .296 ng/l' DL1utl-on Factor: Analyols Tl.me. . : 1. 09 ng,lT, L . L3 ng/t Dllutlon Factor: Arra1yEie Ti[t€. . ; L3 0 wry./L L32 W/r, Dilutl,on Factor: Analysl.s Tlme. . ; O.484 rng/L 0 - 494 mg/L Dilution Faetorr Analysis Time. - : L23 nq /1, Lzs mg/t, Dilution FacLor: Arralyeie TJ.m€. . : 108 LL0 2.A 1 12: 13 89 93 1 19: 51 LO2 103 1 r.? : 13 9I, 95 1 19;51 96 98 1 a2:L3 LA2 L07 1 19:5L 1 1,4 115 1 12: 13 sw845 60108 gw84 6 6 0108 sw84 6 50108 3.5 9I{846 50108 sTtg46 50r.08 1.3 SW846 60108 oe / 23 -o9 / 27 / os HKAR9IDL ae/23-oe 127 /as HKAReIDx ae/23-oe /ze /os HI(ARercTut oe / 23 -og / 26 / as HKARSIcN oe / 23- Oe / 27 / Os HKAReICA oe / 23 -oe / 27 / as HlcaRelec o - 20 0.20 ND IID 84 84 -72 72 ND IUD t.oo 1. OO 50.0 s0-o 50. o 50. o 0,500 0.5J.0 n:q./t' 0.500 0.517 mg/1, Dilution Factor: ^RualyeJ.e Tl.trre, . : svr846 50108 Osl23*Os/26 OS "r.O"aL-4 sW8{560108 O9/23-oe/25/as HKARflIET 0 - 0a2t 0.500 o. 0021 0.500 sw845 60L08 1.9 SWg46 50LOB sw846 6010B L.7 grIB45 60L08 9w845 50108 2.4 SWB46 60L08 ae / 23 -o9 / 27 / os HKAR91A8 a9 / 23 - o e /27 / as HI(AReIAe 09 / zs - oe / za / as HI(ARSIcP oe / 23 -o9 /2e / as HKAReI-CQ a9 / 23 - 09 / 27 / os HKARe I-DK 09 / 2i - oe / 27 / os HKARe IDIJ 0.0500 0.0572 mg/t, 0. 0500 0 . 0584 mg/r, Dl-Iutlon Faetor: Analyeie TLme. .: (Continued on next page) o STL Denver 55 IAASIX SPIIE sIHPtlE I}ATA REPffiT lUf,lL }letaf.s Cll-ent Iot *. - -: D5I100153 fhtri-x- -. -: GW Date Saqrled.--: O9/o9 lo5 o9:25 Date, Recelved.--. O,/LO/O5 SAMPIJE SPIKE MEA.SRD PERCNT PREPARATION- WORK PA.RAIIETER AMOITI{T AII{T AITiOI]NT t IIrTs REC\rRY RPD MBTHOD _ ANAITY8E? DATE ORDER # Sodlum 1700 so.o 1710 $gh, sw845 5O1OB O9/23-Oe/26/05 TIKAR91CU Quatifiers: IiIC,MSB t7oo so-o 7-760 tts/r, sw845 5o1oB a9/n-a9/26/05 IIKAReICI/ QuallfLerB: NC,M8B Dilution tra.ctor: 1 Analyela Tl.me.. : 19151 Vanadium rlD o.soo 0.489 trls/r, e8 sw8.{6 60108 o9/23-o9/27/Os HKAR9ICD ND 0-500 0.496 r.g,/t 99 1.s swg46 Gor.oB o9/23-o9/27/as HKARSIcE D11ut.lon Bactor: 1 AtraIyElB TLne..: 12:13 ZLnc 0,01s o.soo o.4es rytlr, 96 swg46 60108 09/23-09/22/05 HKARSIcF 0.01s o.soo o.sos rs/r, eB 2-o sws4c Gor.oB 09/23-09/27/os HI0[R91cc Dl]'utl.@ PBctor: 1 Analyeis flme..: L2:13 Zlrconirun o-00s8 o.5oo o.s12 r:g/r, 101 sw846 60108 o9/n*a9/25105 HKAR9T.C'L 0.00s8 0,500 0.514 rq/n ]-az o.4s sw8{5 60108 oe/23-09/26/os EirAR9ICX Dilutiorr Factor: 1 Ualyeie Time.. t 19:51 Il8 I'ot-Saqr1e *: D5I100153-003 I*ep Batch I---: 5266336 Mercur.y ND O.OO5OO O.OOaSr mglr, 92 SW846 747OA 09/26105 rrKARgleH ND O.OO5OO 0-00461 mg/rr 92 0.(19 SW845 747OA 09126/05 HKARglCir Dl.lutLo! raecorr I )loalyaie Ti-n6.. : 19:Oi lElts(S): _ Celculations arc pcrfonncd before roundlol to rvoid rotmd-off crore In olcutltcd rc6ults. NC The recovery rdlor RPD wtrc not crloilrtcd. MSB Thc rccovery srld XPD x,d€ not csf6lhted bccau$c tbe slrqlc amouil we3 gt t€r &rn four rtne &c ryikc .mour$, STL Denver 55 STL DENVER Contraets: LaL Codcr EIOW No.: Total Metals AnalYsis COVER PAGE . INORCAI\IC ATIALYSIS DATA PACKAGE frRg CorlroratsLon STLDE}I Cagc trIo. : SDG No. r S.Lg No. r Dsr1001s3 saryrLs rT!: GgiI-58-090905 LaIr Sarq>Ie No. Dsr 10 01s3 -0 0{ GV[-5D-090905 Dsr10 01s3 - O0 5 GRir-7C-090905 DsrX.0 0153 - 008 Ger-Nl- 0909 05 Dsr 10 0153 - 003 G[,iI-N1-090905 ]IS D5r100153-0039 G$[-N1-090905 MgD Dsr100153-0039D GW-Ng1-090905 Dsr 100153- OO2 G3{I-S5-OgOg 05 D51100153-006 Wcre IeP Lntcrclcncnt oorrectiorra rppl.l-cd? Wertr IeP baclcgrorrnd correctiona appl.Lcd? If yGa-lrorc rrw data grcnontcd bcforc ap5l1.Lcation of blokground corrcet,ion;? rca/lilo YES Iaa/No t,ES YaelNo Comrcutg: r corulfy that thia drta Daclcage it iu oo@Ilance rtth the tenoa endl conoitionc of tsheoontract, both tcchnicrlly and lor conDlet.r.rr, for othcr thtD eh6 condltLou dlGtrllodabovc. R(rlea3. of tha d,atr cortrlucd Ln thlr hardcoDy data gechgr rnd iu thr coogrtcr-r.adablc data Bubmittcd on llolrDy d,l.ahcttsc has been ruttrorlzcd by thG Liborator-lf lllragror or th6 ltrnagGr.a dcallrncc, aavrrLficd b5ir th. lollorrlng cigDrturc. Eligmatura; Date: Narue: De6 KeUfuLa rltle3 Data Analyat STL Denver lo lt lcE CO\IER PAGE - III STL DENYER o . Con LrL Total Metals Anslvsis -2A- INI'I'IAL A}ID CONTINT]ING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION trnct3 tlRS Corporrtsion Codc: STLDmiI Cagc rlo - r A.[8 ![o. 3 sDo No.: D5I100153 tnitir1 Callbratsion gourocr Cont,inu:Lng Ca]-lbratlou Bouree: Higrh hrrity, SIlcx InorganLo Vanturor Concerrtsrat,l-on Unier r ngr/L lna].frtcl -lrit{a} CelibratLon Tnre rorrnd esR ( 1) Contl-nulug CalibratLon Tnre g'ound ,6R ( 1 ) Found, tR ( 1)![ L].uminum :l A].umLnrrm :l 40. I cal-,oLum r. I I 50.0 I I s.ol 0,4951 99.0 {8.9 97 .9 I I s.o{lroo.Blpl 0 ,50 38.75 96.9 Calci.rrm II I {0.39.90 97 .2 Iron lro I rron III- I 40.39 .01 97 -5 PotaseLun I luasnesi.*l I I 50. o 50. o I zo,ol I 50. 0 0 .50 {9-5 gg,2 {9.0 98.1 0 .511 LA? -2 50 .12 100 ,2 19.6{l 98.2 | r [_S_oAium r,o I 5.O I s.ocl101.2lPl Sod,lum ni I {0.0 I ztrconiunl I 38.93 97 .3 50 .0 I o.so I 50, 19 100 .4 o.dg{l 9B.B I r ( 1) Control rrLnLt, s r McrcurT 80-1201 Otber Motalr 90-1101 Clranide 85-115 STL Denver Porm II (Part 1} IN 58 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINTJING CALIBRATION V}:RTF'ICATION Contsract: IIRS Corporatlon frab Codc 3 gTt DEII Cage No.:g.Lg No.: raLtLal. Cal-ibra,tsion Boursc r Contlnuingr Ca].t-bratl,on Sourcc : H:lgrb Purity, Elpcx Inorgranl-c Vcnturgs sDGl No. s D5I100153 ConocntratLon Unl,tg 3 ng lL lnaJ.yt,e .nLtl,al Calibration Trnrc f,ound kR (1) Continuing Calibration Trrrc Found, r6R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)![ Al-rrmiuum :l It].umtnrrm :l J eatct.rrm r, I I 0 .50 0.518 103. 5 50. 0 {g - 271 95.5 I s.ol I I s.o{lroo.slpl Calcium Ir I 50.0 49.191 98. I Iron to I I rroqlti I I 0 .50 0.5101 102.0 I p I I so-ol 18.6{l e7.31 I lPl Potaeel.usr I Lr"gorrairur I I 50 .0 50.051 100.1 I P I zo.ol I I re.srl sz.BlPl I_-soatur, r,o I I 5,O I s-oe lroL.z l p I I soaio* Irr I I so.ol 49.851 gg.7 I I lpl I rtrconl-um I I o.sol I I o.{eol ee-zfel ( 1) Control Llnritr :Merourl 80-1201 Othrr McEeLs 90-110, CYanido 85-115 STL Denver Fotm II (Part 1} IN STL DENI/ER Contract: IIRS Cortroratl,oa Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Crrr No- t StE No. r Higrh Purj-ty, Srnx fnorgrnl,c Venturoa LaI) Code: STLDEII fnltl,al CelibratLon Sourcc: ContsLnulng Ca].ibretion Bourea: BDo rro. r D5I100153 ConcrnErrtlon Unltr r mrglt lnalyts,o .nLtial Cal'ibration Trnrc Found r6R( 1) Cont,i-uul-ng Crlt bntsion Trnrc Fonnd %R( 1) Found *R(1)}T lnrurniaun.:l I - | I o.sol I I o.lrol gl..,ole-l llrunrn'rn:l ,,_ | .. 1 | so.o l ls.rsl ge .rl l - le l I c*tol-um t I I I I s,ol I I c.eel gr.zlel CaloLrun Ir I rron Lo I rron lrt I I potagsr.um I I 50. 0 0.50 50 .0 50,O I 45. 821 91.6 45.99 92-0 o.478 95.6 {e. 561 9e,3 | n I MagzeooLum I Sodium rol I soafrun Hr I I 20.0 5.O ll 50.o I 68.ool 96.01 19.53 98 .2 5. 03 100.6 I zlrconiuml I o.5o I o.aztl 9d.8lPl ( 1) Control Iris,{ ts r Mercurlz 80-120f OtJter UoEeIl 90-110; Crranldc 85-115 STL Denver Ponn If (Part 1) IN 50 STLDENWR Total Metals Analvsis -2.A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VT]RItrICATION Contrrotsr URE CorlrorrtiOa LaL Codc r STITDEN Carc Slo, t S.LS No. t Initia1 Ca]-Lbration Eouroc r contLnuLngr ca].ibnrlon souree : Htgrh PurLty, Epex InorgrrnLc Venturcg SDO NO. r D5f100153 ConconErat,Loa Unitt r mgl[. A],umLrrum :l o .50 o .480 95-0 Alurninum :l 50.0 48.3 96.7 Calciunr L l 5,O I -72 94.4 Calcium II I 50 .0 45.31 92 ,6 Iron Lo I o .50 o-{g5l 9-l .2 lrroam I ..- | I I so.ol le.srl gr.rl I lrl Pot,as;irun I 50.0 t g.g1l 99.8 P I M.goosium I I I ; zo.ol I I rg,ozl sa.rlp Ana].rte rnl-t{a1 CalLbration trutr Fouad esR( 1) ConEiuuing Crlibrrtion 1lrnre Forrnd e6R ( 1) Pound tR ( 1)!0 I goqf.r- Lo I I I I s.ol I s,osl1o1.o I p I SodLugr Hf I I zi,rconturn I 50 .0 I I o.sol I o.c76l es.zlrl 49.6 97.3 ( 1) Contro]. Li"nite:Mereurar 80-120r Othcr Uttals 90-110t CYanidc 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN STL DEIVVER Contraot s IIRS CorTprrELon Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AN T} CONTIN I.]I NG CALI BIIATION VERIFICATION Caec No. r SILS DIo. r Htgh hrrLty, SIlerG InorganLc Vanturas r.ab Cod,as STLDEN rnltlal Calibrat,ion Sourca s ContLnuLng Crl.ibratlon Souree : gDc I\IO. r D5I100153 Concsntratioa Units z ttgll, Lrral-lrta rnj.tial calibration Trrre Fouad tR ( 1) Continuing Call,bratlon 1''rc 1t'oqgd ,6R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)!{ Iaf*;num :l I o,50 I 0.lt991 ee.8 I P I Alrrninutrt :l Cal.cirrm L l Caloiun II I 50. o 5.0 50.0 49. 5 97 .L 47 .L?l 94.3 {.81 96.2 rron Lo I tr=onnl I I 0 .50 0-{911 98.2 I P 5o.ol t7.1il s{.2 I I lPl Pot,assitrn I Magmcel-urr I Lgq4iq, r,o I I 50. 0 20. o 5.0 I 50 .251 100.5 I p 19-63 I 98-2 lP s.r.alroz.i I p I Sodium Iil I 50,0 {9.1 98.2 zJ.rooniurt I 0 .50 (1) control rrLIn1us:Dlcrcuty 80-L2Ot Othcr Metels 90-110, CyanLdc 85-115 0.485 97 .o STL Denver Porcn If (Part 1) - fN 62 STL DENVER Totsl Metals Analvsis -24- INITHL AIID CONTINUTNG CALTBRATION VERTF'ICATION CoDt,rrct: URS Corporatlon Lrb codc: STLDEN Crgr No. t A.B.SI [[o. : rnltia], Crlibratl.on gorrrcrt Continu:Lngr cr].Lbratsion Sorrroc r Htgrh Purlty, SI>cx Inorganl-c Vcnt,urer sDs IirO. r D5I100153 I nruminum :l I Concentsrrt{on Unlte r mg/Ir I I so.ol lB-B5l s7.7 I I IPI Jtna]'ytc fuitLal Crlibrntion Tnrc Forrad tR ( 1) ConBLnuing Calibration Tme rorrnd tR(1) round tR(1)}I ll'runinum:l I I I o.sol | | o.lgsl gg.elel I carciun r, ]I s.o l t-ztl gd.g l p I lcrrstum Hl I I I so.ol lr.6sl es.{l I lpl Iron t,o I fron Hi I o.50 50. o 0.4891 97.8 I P 47-5 95 .2 Potaerirur I 50 .0 {9. {O l 98,8 I P [-ursrragLrrn I I I I zo.oI I I re.l{l gs,7 lpl I socttrm ro I I I s.ol I I s.a7 lrot.tlrl I soatum Er I I 5o.o I {g .{21 98 .8 I Jpl Zlrcoaiun I 0.50 (1) Control Llml.ta r Mercrrrlr 80-1201 Othrr Met,als 90-110; Ctranlde 85-115 a .177 95. O STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) IN STL DEIYI/ER Contract: (IRg CorporatlOn Total Metals Analvsis -2A.- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Cage ![o. r SAg No. g HLgh Prrity, Spex fnorganLc VcaturGs Lrrb Codc: STLDEII Initial. Ccltbration Eoursct ContlnuLng CrlLbratLon Sourcc r sDo r\ro. r D5r100153 Coneent,retion Unitsa t urgllt rnallt,e In{tLa1 Callbration Tnrc Found tR(t) Continul.ng Crl-ibrrELon Trnrr Fouad, t,R ( 1) Forrnd tR ( 1)H .}],uminum rl o .257 1102.9 Caleium Ll 1. gg I 99,0 fron f-,o I a .250 1100 .0 lpotaieiunl zo.ol ao.rglror.ol I I I I lpl Magmortun I g.cg I 94,9 lsoarurnr,ol .,- z.ol -z.orlror.sl J_._-_-l | ...1. lpl lziroourr:nl, o.zsl o.zrzlgo-eJ I I I | [p-l (f) eontrol tirriEg: tiersury 80-1201 OtLff llctela 90-110r CYanido 85-115 STL Denver foru II (Parts U IN 64 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUTNG CALIBRATION VERIFICATION coatraeli f:In9 Corgoration LtD Codc s STITDEN Claa No. t Htsrhlnitia]. Calibratlon Source: contLnur-ng Calibnt,{on Sourctr : PurLty, Spcx fnorg.trLc V1rntrrrGa SASI No. r gDC NO.: D5I100153 Coneentration Uaitg t trrglL .trnaJ.ytrtr rnLtl,al CalLbration Trnrc Found e6R ( 1) Continul,Eg CallbratLon Tr:ua Forrnd tR ( 1) Found 9sR ( 1)DT Ll.rrninum .J 0 .50 0. 500 Ca].ciun tI Ca].ciren H I [o. o I rron Lo I 5.0 5.03 {0.15 1100. {50-o 50.351 100.7 I I I o.5ol I I o.s:-zl Iron IIL l {o- J rot.rriun| {0.53 1101.3 50 .0trl50,o I 50.031 L00. I I so.4al luasraeriunl I I I zo.ol I I re.gel Sodirrn lro I 5.0 5.07 J soatum Hi I lo.ol {0.08hoo.eI so.oI ls-gsl sc.gI I 100. o l etumtaun :l ro.ol 39.6t I gg.r I so.o I ls.sol ga.e I I 101.0 99 .9 101.4 99.8ZLreoniumlo.50 (1) CoBtroI lui.uitg: lbrcuraz 80-120; OEher I.IotalE 90-110r CTanlde S5-115 0 .499 STL Denver For:n If (Part, 1) - IN STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analysis -2A- IMTTAL A}[D CONTINUTNG CALIBITATION VERTFICATION Cagc No.:g.l,S No. : High hrrity, Spex fnorgtnie Vantrrr.g tf,L Coda r STITDEN f,nLtla]. CalibrrtJ.on Sourcc : ContlnuLng CelibraBion Ssurce : sDe No, r D5f100153 ConccntsratLon tlbltr r mg / T', }rrelyta lnl,tLal Calibration :rr:trtr Found tR ( 1) Contiauing Calibratl,on Tnrc Found tR ( 1) Forrnd e6R ( 1)u AlurnLnum :l Jnf,mfrrum :l o.50 0.5181 103.6 I p I I I so.o; rs.eol gg.gl I lpl Calcirrm L !5.O {.951 99.2 I p Cal.cirrur II I 50,0 {9, {91 99 . 0 I.Ir.,''r,o 1... I [,.-._l o.sol I I o.sozlror.rlel l.ronxi I I I I so,ol rr.r{ ge.sl I lpllpoccraiurl ..1- I I so.ol I I so.lglror.olpl Ittaglrerrur!1,_ I | | zo.ol I I rg.gll gg.zlrl lsoarunnol [ .._ I I s.ol I I s.ollroo.alel Sodl-um Hi I 49,811 99. 6 zLreonLum I 0 .50 0.{99 99 .8 (1) Control LlmLts: Meroury 80-120r- Other Mctala 90-110; Cyanidc 85-115 STL Denver fom II (Part, 1) IN 65 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis _2A, INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFTCATION contEctsr IIRS CorporatLon Leb Coda r STITDEN Caac No. t Highfnitia]. Crlibratlon Souree: CoutLnul-ngr Ca].ibratLon Source : hrrity, Spcx InorganLc VonEuroE S.IS No. :sDg Dlo- r D5I100153 Concentratsion UnLt,r r urfrll' Analyte rniUl.a1 CaLl,brati-on lfma Found tR(1) Contl-nuLng CalLbratLon Tnra Found, e$R ( X ) Found r6R ( 1)![ I efur,t-nrun :l I I o.50 I o.srl{l roa.8 I r I Lluml.nurn ;l I cnroium r, I 50. o 49. g{l gg, g I I I s.ol I I s.erlroe.elpl [q-r.rqrnHl I I 50.O I 53.541 LA7 -1 I Irl Iron Lo I Iron IIL l l_rotasrtum I I tt 0.50 50.0 50.O I 52.53 105.1 0.539 107.8 50.711101.{ I p I Magrrrcaium I 20. o 19.971 99.8 I P Sodium fro J 5-o 5.111 142.2 I P I sodi*,, sr I I I I so-ol sr.rzl r.az.ll I lpl I ziroqnlrnI I I I o.sol I I o.s:.tl roe.lJrl (1)Control tl.ntt,g:Marctrtlr 80-120; Othcr trtatala 90-1101 ClranLdc 85-115 STL Denver For:rn II (Part 1) - IN STL DENYER Contracts r IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL AIYD CONTINUING CALIBITATION VERIFICATION Crae No.:gAg No. r Ht grh PrrrLty, gpex Inorgrnl"c Venturct LtI, Code : STI..DEII rnl-tl.al Cal.ibrat,lon Sourcc ; Cont,inuLngr Ca1Lbratsioa Souree : sDs IiIo. r D5f100153 CouccntratrLon Unl.Us 3 mg/L lrral.ytc InitLal Ca].ibratiorr Trrrc found, t6R ( 1) Conts,lsuLng CalLbrrtLon Trnee Found ,6R ( 1) pound %R ( 1)Dt lmunragn:l | | ..1 o.sol I I o.srzlroz.llel Lluninum :l 50. o 50.361 100 .7 CaLcirun L l 5.0 5,35 LA7 .Z lcql"!.-, HI I ll 50.O I 58.zz)108.dI I lel Iron rro I I rron lrL l 0-50 50. o I s3.131 1o8.3 J 0. 530 106.O lpl Potagoi-un I 50. o Llalg*c;Luml I I I 2o.ol 51.351 LOZ.'l I p I I zo,ozlr.oo.tIPI Sod.Lrrnt Iro I I soarum Ei I I 5,O 5 ,L7l 103. { I Pllso. o l s1, z5l 103.5 l I lpl J ziroonLu:n I t I o.sol I I o.szzl:-ort.{lPI (r)ControL r.Lnita r Mercury 80-120; Othar Mctals 90-1101 Clranido 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) I![ 5B STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis _2A_ INITIAL A}ID CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Co!.trBctr IIRS Corporatl-on Lab Codc s STLDEII Crac trb. r g^[S No- :sDs ![o. t D5f100153 InltLal Calibration Bourocr Cont,l,nur,ng Calibnt.l.on Sourcc : Ht grh PurJ.ty, Spcrc Inorg.nLc Vcnturcr ConcentratLon Unit,r r ngr/L ena1yt c rnLtlal Call-bratioa Tnrc Found tR (1) Continuingr CrlibratLon T,.e Fouad tR(l) Found tR(1)M I erumrnum :l o.zsl o.zsThoz.el I I I I lpllcarcrunr.l a.ol z.oolroo.ol I | _ I I lellrronro I . o.zsl o.a.srlroo-ll I I I I lel Potaesirrm I 20.20.15 1100-g Mrgncat-um I 10.g .52 I 95.2 I Soair-, rro I a.ol z.orlroo.sl I I I I Jzirconl-uml o.2sl o.ztol go.ol I I I I lpl ( 1) Control L5.nit,p r l{orcury 80-1201 OEhtr Meta1s 90-110r Crranldc 85-115 STL Denver form II (Part 1) r IN STL DET\TVER Coatraot r IIRS Cor;poratLon Total Metnls Analysis _2L- INITIAL AI.[D CONTNUNG CALTBRATION VERIFIC ATION Cur llo - t gfg No. r Inorganl.e Ventureg Eigh hrrity, Spcx Lab Codc t STtrDtN rn{Clal. Ca].ibnt,Lou Eourorlr ContinuLng Cal-ibratiorr Eorrroa r ADG, I[O. r D5I1OO153 Conccntsntlore tlnLt,n r \gll, Arganl.c I 0 .25 0.2{9 I gg.5 1. O0 1.0071 100.7 1 - 0141 101. { I sarrun I o-asl o.zsz lroo.e I ,,, o.sg I q.poel ror.z I o.soslror.o I .il Ctrrornlrrn I 0 .25 0.2{8 I 99.2 0.50 0.5031 100.5 0.5041 100, I rl o .25 a .242 I 96. I 0 .50 0.4981 99 - 5 0.5001 100.o I read I o.zrl 0.2{5 I 98.0 I 0.50 I o.so{l 1oo.B J o.sozl 101.{ I AnaIfrtsc rnl-tLal Callbration Trnrr Found gtR ( 1) ConEl,nutng CalibraElon llnrc 1'.otrad tR ( 1) Found BR ( 1)It! I utclret I o.zsl a -252 l1OO.8 I 0.50 I o. so?l 101. d I o. sogl 101.6 J P I[ry.t.*.r I o.asl o.z41l 96.{ I o.5o I o.{9il 98.2 I o. c94l 98.8 J p I Ltqq*dt.r+ I o .251 o.2{8 I gg .2 I o.5o I o.so{J x.oo.B l o.sodl1oo.8l P I Zino o .25 o.2{{ I 97 .6 0 .50 o.5121 102.4 0.504 I 100.8 (1)Control Lfuutts r Mcrotrry 80-LzO; Other Mote1g 90-110r Crranlde 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part,1) rN STLDENVER Contsraot: Irab Codc t Inicl-al Calibration Source: ContinuLng Ca1ibrrE,ion Source : Total Metals Analvsis _2A_ INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION IIRS Corlnrrtlon STTJDEN Ca;a No. r g.[S No. : Inorgarrlc Venturog gDc No.: D5I100153 Irtgh E\rrity, Spax Conccntsration urrLet t mgll Arra1.ytc rn:[ti.a]. Calibratioa Trrra Found tR ( 1) Contl-rrul-ng Crli.bntj.on Tme Found e6R (1) Forrnd tR( 1)![ lrscnic I 1. O0 1. O00l 100.0 1.0111 101.1 I p Berl,un I 0 ,50 o,5241 10{,8 o.5211 10{.2 I p lorrorruu I I I I o.sol o.ragl sz.al o.lgll gg.slpl lcop4r I .. | | I o-sol o.srsl ros-ol o.sralroe.llpl Lcad 0 .50 0 .5031 100.6 I 0.507 I 101.{ I p I luickol I I I I 0.50 I o.{991 99.9 I o,soll 100.2 | r I SLlver I 0 ,50 0.4921 98. {o.4921 98.{ I p l.v-ruaaiunl 1,, I I o.sol o.lgel gg.zl o.soolroo.olel zLn:c o .50 o.o58l 93.5 0.{g1l 96.2 ( 1) Control Limit,e r Mercury 80-1201 Other Mctals 90-110r CYanidc 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part X} b IN STLDETWER Contract r IIRS Corporttion Total Metals Analvsls -2A- INITIAL AI.ID CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Cago No.:g.f,g ltro. r fnorganio VentrrraB Irigh Purity, Spox LtL Codcr STLDEN tnitial crl.Lbratsl.oa Sorrcr r ContlnuLng Ca1ibrrtl,on Source : sDGl lso. : D5I100153 Conccntrrt,Lon UnLts t rrrglt, .lnal"y't,c Initial. Crl.lbntj.on Trtr. Found tR(l) Continuingr Calibration Trnra Forrnd t6R(1) Found e6R(1)t{ leracnio I I I I i.ool r,oozl1oo.2l I Lryl srrium I Chromiun I Coppar I Ircad, I till-cka} l Sil.wrrr I Vaurd,iurn I I zinc o .50 o.5171 103.4 o-50 o.5011 100,2 o .50 o.5051 101.2 o.50 0.5071 101.{ 0 .50 0 - 5081 101.6 0 .50 o.{941 98.8 0 .50 0.5021 100.4 I I I o.sol o.{eol eg.ol I P (1) Control LinLtc:Uergury 80-1201 Other lIetalt 9O-110; C}ranide 85-115 STL Denver Fom, fI (Part 1) IN 72 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -24- INITIAL AI\D CONTINUING CAI,IBRATION VERIF'ICATION eotrbract! IrRS CorDontl-on I,ab Code: STTDEN Caga lilo. :gAg No. g sDO t{o. : D5I100153 InitLaL Calibre.rlon Source: ContinuLugr Cal!-bretion Sourec r Ultra SoLcntific NIST Ana,I.1ft.a rnLtLal Cal.Lbration Tme Found tR(l) ContLnuLngr Cr1l.bnt,Lon Tnrc Tound e6R( 1) Found e6R ( 1)M luo'.,'=v I .g.oozrzzl o.oozrzz I gg.s I ,o.oosooo I o.ooqgzzl gs.s I o.oolsscl gg.l lg'vl Concr.r,trrtlon Unltr t mg llt ( 1) Control r.lnlts:Msrcurfr 80-12O; Other Metr1e 90-110; CYrnide 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) - IN STL DENYER Contract: IIRS Corpontion Total Metals Analvsis -2lv INITIAL A}.ID CONTIN UING CALIBIIATION \iERITICATION Cage No- :S.B,g No. : NIS,:t' U1tra ScianttfLc Irab Codo: STLTDEN rnJ.tial CalLbrltlon flource : Continuiag CaLl,bratsLon Sourcc r sDs No. r D5I100153 ConeantratLon UnLtg : rg lL Ana1yt,c Initial Callbratlon Trnrc fcytrnd gtR(l) Continuingr Calibratl,on tnuc round tR ( 1) Found egR ( 1)M Marcrrry 0.005000 0.00511 102 .3 ( 1) Control lrinitg;!.Icrcury 80-1201 Other Mctalg 90-110, Cyenida 85-115 0.005150 t-a3.2 cv STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) ) fN 74 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2L- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION coatracts IIRS CorporrUion I.aJD Code : 8TITDEN Cacc No- t gf,S, No. I Iaitl,a1 Calf,bration gourcc r Cont,Lnuingr Crlibratrlon Sourcs : NIST Ultre Soiantific gDo No-: D5I100153 ConoentratLon Unite z frfllL fnrJ.frt,a rnLtLal. Call-trration Tnrc Found t,R ( 1, ContLuuingr CalLbration Tnre Forrad tR ( 1) Found ,6R ( 1)!l 0.005000 0 .00517 (1)Control Linite:Mercury 80-120r OEhcr t{eteLs 90-110, CYanide B5-11S STL Denver for^m II (Partr 1) IN 75 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis _2A_ INITIAI, AND CONTIN TIING CATIBRATION VERII'ICATI ON Contract: IIRS Corporlltl,on rab Code 3 S,8LDtl{ Cage No. 3 gAg No. : rnLtLal- Callbrat'ion Glourec r Htgh ttrrl"ty Continuiag Call.bratrion gourcc r Inorgfanio Vcnturos SIXI NO. r D5I100153 Cou,scntrrtl.on Unlts I r{JII) Analf'te InitLrl Cal.l"brrtl.on Trnra Fouad %R ( 1) CoutLnuing Cal{bration 1.rrrc pogad rbR (1) Found tR ( 1)u lcaauum ,1, o.olol o.gl.r,p.lr,or.z I o.oso I o.osorl roo.z I o.o?.oolroo-o I u I I s.r.,"i.rn.. I o.olol o:olor Jroo.z I o.oso I o.osogl roo.e I o.olgsl gg,.o I q I O (1) coutrol r,inLugr H.rqrrar 80-120; Othcr Motals 90-110t cyauldr 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) G M 76 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION eoltract s IIRS Corfrorrtio[ Lrl, codc I STLDEII Cage No.:SAS No. t rnLCl.al Calibnt,Lon Sourcc : Cont,iauing Ca].lbrat,ioa Bourec : Hl-gh Purlty Inorganl-e Venturer SDO sl0. r D5f 1OO153 Concantrat,Lon gnt cr t ngft .lnrl.yt,c rnl,tial- CalLbrrtl-on Ttrrc Found tR(I.) ContLaulnrr Call.bration Tnrc Found tR ( 1) Forrnd tR ( 1)M l.c_rani.un I I .. I I o.osol o.osorl roo.rl o.osrzlroz.llul I setenium I I o,osool 1oo.ol o.otszl ge.cf ulI I o.osol (1)ControL Limitg:Mcrcury 80-120; Otsher Mrtelg 90-110r eranide 85-115 STL Denver Form rI (Part 1) IN STL DENVER ConBraet,: $RS Corporation Total Metals Analvsls _2A_ INITIAI, AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION Clac No. I Sr.[l No. r Eigrh Purlty Inorgrrnic Vanturog Lnb Coda: STITDEII InItieI Callbration Sotrrcc: Continul.ng Ca1.ibnt,Lon Souree : sDg No. r D5I100t 53 Conocntsratiou uaLte t tr{Illt enalytsc rnl.tl,al Calibrat,Lon Truc tround ,6R(1) Continuiag Crlibrrtion 'lDnrl fourrd tR ( 1) 8or:a'd e6R ( 1 )Ir! I crami,m I I 0.o5ol o.os06l 101 .zl o.0s01lroa,-zInl Scleniun I ( 1) ConE,roI l,initg:Mcrcury 80-120p Othcr Motalt 0 ,050 0. 050 100.2 0.0505 I 101. O 90-110; C:rrnldo 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Pert 1) IN 7B STL DENVER Total Metnls Analvsis -2A,- INIIIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Coatraot: tRS Corporrtsion Lab Codr: EELDEN Carr No- t Atg Nrr. r rnl.tial Callbrrt loa Eouroc; Coutinul.ng Cal'ibrrELon Sourec : Hlgb Purlty Inorgrnl-c V11nturetg sDG llo. r D5I100153 ConccntraElon Unlts t mg/T' ArraLytc rnJ-tial- Ca].ibratLou Tr:uc Found tR ( t ) Cont:LnuLng Crl.LbrrtLon 13rnrc round tR ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)M Cadniusr 0,050 0.049 99-0 0. 0500 100 .0 SclenLum ( 1) Control t,imitg :IdoreurT 80-1201 othcr Metals 90-1101 CYanidt 85-115 STL Denver Eorm II (Part 1} IN STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -7B,- CRDL STANDARD FOR AA ANI} ICP Coatraotr r IIRS CorporatLon LsIr Codc r STLDEN A.L CRDL Starrdard Sotrrce r ICP CRDI Standa.rd Eourcc r Cage No- 3 g.f,g N<r- t sDGt No. : D5I100153 rnorgenis Vcuturaa ConocntratsLoa uultr :, mg f l, A1umlrrum I 0 .10 0.113 I 113 .0 lcelciuull I I ll o.zol or.?zgl-ru.sl I Ilr'o. b I I , I ll o.orgl_, .- o.osnol rr.gl .-,.. ,. I IPotaaaiuml1.0 1. 1{ I 114 .0 eRDIr EBrndrrd for ICP rnltLal FJ.naI Tnrc Forrnd, ,6R FOUnd. CRDL Etrndllrd for .el. lErgrncat uml o,20 0.192 J 96, O SodLum toI 1.0 1. 12 I 112 .0 Zirconiumf 0.005 o. o05g I 116.0 STL Denver (Part STLDENYER Total Metals Analysis -7B.- CRDL STANDARI} FORAAA}ID ICP Contsrrct r IIRB CorporatLon Lrb Codc: STITDEN .Le, CRDIr Stendard Sourcc: fCP CRDf. Atanda,rd Slorrrcr r Casc No.:gl,g No. :SDs No. r D5I100153 Irrorganic VcnturG! Concsntrat,iou Unit g : ng lL CRDIJ St,asdnrd for .LI. Trtrc f,ound CRDIJ Stand^ard for fCP rnitial FJ.nal ttrnre lroruod, t,R Found, %R }'lrrlnl-nun I 0 .10 0-1001 100.0 Cal.cius Irl 0-20 0-1971 98.5 fron Lo I o-030 0.03221 107 .3 Pot,asriumt 1.O 1.011 101. O I{a,grnrrslumf 0.20 0 .209 I 10{. 5lsoaruar,ol -l I ll r.ol e.ozl roz.ol I IZl.rconfuml 0.005 0.0057 I 114.0 STL Denver ( Part, STL DENYER o Con frab trrot r Code : t RS Corporatl,on STLDEN Case No.: Total Metals Analysis -28- CRDL STA}.IDARD FORAA AhID ICP SIS No. r ELgrh Ptrrlty, Spcx, Inorg:anl,c vent,urog SDO No. r D5I100153 AA CRDfr Standard flourcc r ICP CRD[, Standard Sorrrcc r Concentration Unitg : mg/f, CRDL Standard for IeP rnttial' Flna]. Fotrnd e6R Found CRDL Btrnfllrd for Al' Tnre f,ound Argcaic Be,riurn 0 .010 0.01411 141, O 0.0050 0.005161 103.2 Ch,romLrrm J eoppcr o. o10 0. o111 I 111. 0 I I Il o.o1ol o.oroel1o6.ol I I Lcrd I luiokrrl 0. oo30 0.001951 65.3 I I Il o-o1ol o-or.aolLzo.ol I I Silvcr o. o10 o. 0093 l 93, o vena.d.j,urn I o. o10 o . 0108 I ro8. o Zl-nc 0.020 0.0233 1 115,5 STL Denver Forn fI (Part, 2l IN B2 STLDENVER Total Metals Analysis -28- CRDL STA|.,IDARD FORAAAND ICP Contsract: IIRS Corlroratl,on r,ab Code : STLDEN AA CRDL 9tandllrrd Sorrrcc: ICP CRDI, Standlrd Sorrca r Cenc I{[o. t Ult,ra ScLent,Lfic gAg lilo - :sDo No.: D5I100153 ConccntratLon Unl,ts z mg/L 0 .00021 107. O CRDL Stsandrrd for AA Tnrrl E orrnd, t,R CRDL gtrndrrd for fCP rniuial Pinal ,frurr Found ,6R Forrnd, 9bR Mercury I O.0OO?00 STL Denver Fono II (Part 2) D IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2B.- CRDL STANDARD FOR AA AIYD ICP Contsraet: IIRB CorporatLou Lab Codct STLDEN l.L CRDL Standrrd Eource: ICP CnDIr Standard gouroc: Cagc No.:AAS N<>. I sDGl No. r D5I1O0153 Inorgrrnto Vcnturoa Co,ocontsratsion rfni.ta t ryll' CRDL Strandard for l.l, Tnrr Found, CRDf, Btandrrd for ICP rnLt!.a]- FLnl1 Trnrc Forrnd tR Found Ca&nlum 0.0010 0.00100 100. o 0,0010 0.0009L STL Denver f,om fI (Part 2) IN 84 ffiSTt tiRS Corporation fotal Metals Analysis Drtr Sheet Lnb Name: LoUSDG Numbcr: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Basis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch It): Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon Frrctor: STL, DENVER psn 00t53 WATER Wet 60108 me/L 17652'2 50 mL I CIIent Srrnple lD: Lab Srmple ID: Lrb Workorrler: DstcIl]me Collected: Drte/Time Recelved: Dete/Time Leached: Dnte/Time Extracted: Drte/Tlme Andyzedr Instrument ID: D5t220000-2228 HK5KG 09/23105 I5:30 09126105 19:06 9?J CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL 0 7429-90-5 Alurninunr 0.0t 7 0.017 0.10 U 7439-8e-6 lron 0.021 0.021 0.t0 U 7439-9s-4 Magncsiurn 0.043 0.043 0.20 U 7444-A9-7 Potiusium 0.74 0.24 3.0 U 744A-?3-5 Sodium l.t r_l 5.0 U 7M0-67-7 Zirconiunr 0.00r6 0.00r6 0.0r 5 U 740-74-2 Calcium 0.034 0.034 0.20 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blonk Equivalent ffiSTL URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Nnme: I,oUSIIG Number: Mntrlx: 7o Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sarnple Aliquot: Dilution Factor: STL DEN\/ER nsr 100t 53 IYATER Ws! 60108 mpll, 526s222 50.rnL I Client Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Work0rder: Date/Tlrne Collected: Dste/Thnc Recclved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Drte/I'ime Analyzed: Instrument ID: D51220000-2^^n HKsKq 0ei23l0s..J15#.0 09/27 lltl I l:43 0t6 C-AS No,Annlyte Conc.MDL RL 0 7MA-38-2 Arsenic 0.0044 0.0044 0.015 U 7439-92-l Lead 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 7440-39-3 Barium 0.00070 0.00070 0.0r 0 U 744042-0 Nickel 0.00 t 2 0.0012 0.040 U 7444-224 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.0t 0 U 7440-62-2 Vanadium 0.002s 0.0025 0.010 LJ 7440-66-6 Zinc 0.0045 0.0045 0.020 U 744047-3 Chromium 0.0026 0.0026 0.0r0 U [ao-so-s Copper 0-0045 0.0045 0.010 U STL Denver Form 3 Prett Blank Equivalent B5 ffisrr URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Leb Nume: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: 7o Molsture: Basis: Analysls Method: U nit: QC Bttch ID: Sample Aliquot; Dllution Factor: STI., DENVER psll00l s3 WATER wet 7470A mglL 5266336 I CIIcnt Snmple ID: Lnb Semple ID: [,ab Workorder: Date/Tlrne Collected: Dtrte/Time Received: Dste/Tlme Lenched: Drte/Tlme Extrrcted: Drte/Tirne Analyzed: Instrument ID: p5r230000-3368 HK94I: Q9t26105 tZ:as 09/26105 I8:55 0r9 CAS No-Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7439-97-6 Mercury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 U STL Denver f'orm 3 Prep Blank Equlvalent mffi sTt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nune: LoUSD(J Number: Matrlx: 7o Molsture: Brsis: A,nnlysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllution Factor: STI DENvTR psr lCIQJ s3 WATER Ust 6020 mdl. s26s l 80 50 rnl L Cllont Sample ID: Lab Sample [D: Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drte/Tlme Received: Datc/Time Leached: Drte/Tlme Extraetcd: Datc/Time Analyzrd: Instrumcnt ID: D5I220000-1808 HKsNA 09/23105 08:00 Wt}JNs a3:s6 004 CAS No.Analyte Conc-MDL RL a 778249-2 Selenium 0.00033 0,00033 0.0020 U 74d.0-43-9 Cadmium 0,000040 0.000040 0,0010 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent 88 STL DENI/ER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLAI{KS Contract: L,ab Codc r IIRS CoralonELon STI,DEN Cage No.:S.LS lfo - :gDc NO.: D5I100153 PreperatLon Blarrk MatrrLx (soil/watcr) t I{ATER Prcparatlon Blank CcrnccntrraEl.on UaLt,s (tWlI' or rrff/kg):[TGlI, rn{tlal CaIlb. BIrDI( (lnrr/L) Concinulng Crli-brrt,lon B1cnIE (uglIr) 1czc3c Preparation g].ank ItJ.uninun Lo I o .017 Calcium f,ro 0.052 Iron fro o-021 Potaseirrn o .2{ tr[agncel.un o.o{3 Soditun Lo o .032 ZiroonLun o.00160 0 .017 0.03{ o, o21 4.24 0 .043 0 .031 0.00160 0 .017 0,03{ 0.021 0, 0{3 0. o31 o.00150 0.017 0.03{ 0.021 a.2l 0-0{3 0. o31 0.00160 0.017 o,03{ o.021 a.2L o.o{3 1.100 0 . oo15 STL Denver trorrm IrI IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BI,ANKS Contract r rlb Codc: t RS Corpontion STLDEN Crrr N<r. t gl,S No.:sDo No. r D5I100153 PrrpnratJ.on BJ.rnk PrcDaratLon BLan'l( Matrrlx ( goil,/vnt,rr) t W}TTR ConcrntratLon Units (ngll or mg/kg) r YIGIT, fnitiaL errll-b- BIaDIB (rng/Ir) Contl,nul,ngr Calibratioa Blsgr B (mg/L) AlumLfiun lro I Cal.cLrrrr Iro Irou to PoEEgnirur Magnesl,run Sod{tm lro ZiroouLum 0 .017 0.o34 0.o21 o .2{ 0.043 0,082 o.00160 o.017 0-03{ o. 021 4.2{ 0.043 0.197 0.00160 STL Denver Font IfI - IN 90 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysls -3- BLANKS Contrrct r frab Codc r PrcDaraELon Prspantlon t RS Corrylorrtion gTLDEN Cacc No. r Matrix ( rot-]-/watsclr) :[!TTTER 8.[.9 No. :sgo !ro- r D5I100153 Blrnk BIanlc Conoantsration Unl.ta (mgll, or figl MG/L AlunLnum Lo I o.017 Ca]"ciurr Lo 0,034 Iron Lo 0. 021 PotageLrrrn lUrgno;iusr o. 043 SodLrun fro o-o31 Z,Lrc,onirrm 0. 00160 0. o17 0.034 o.o21 o .0{3 o. o31 0 - 00150 o.017 0.03{ 0 .021 4.24 0,o{3 0 .031 0 .00160 0. 017 0.03{ 0-021 0 .043 0.039 0.00160 Initial C!.ll.b- Blaaft (nglL) PreDa"rraon BLrDk Contsinuiog CrlLbratlon slarrlE (ng/fr) lczc3c STL Denver f,'Onn III IEI STL DENVER Total Mettls Anrlysis -3- BLANKS Contsnct r Irab Codc t IIRS Cor:>oratl,on STI,DEN Cagc No- r s[.9 No. r aDCl NO. r D5I100L53 PrrprratsLon B}lnk Matrix (ro{]-/watcr) :UILTTR PraDantLon BLank Conccntration UnLtt $sglf, or nglkg) r YlG/t Preparatioa Blarrk fuitl,al Cllib. BIrDk (mgr/L) Contlnulng Calibration BhDIc (mglf'l 0,0025 I U .a.rgcnio Brrium Ctrrorrium Collper Laad NLckc]' SL].vor Vanadl.urn Zl,nc 0 . oo4{ 0 - oo070 0.00250 0. oo{5 0.0a26 0.00L2 0.00280 0. 0025 0 - 00{5 0 .00{{ o.00070 0.00260 0,00{5 0.0026 0.00L2 0. 00280 0.0025 o.0045 0.ooa( 0.00070 0 .002 60 0 .0045 0.0026 o . oo12 o.00280 0.0025 0 - o0d5 o - oo{4 0,00070 0-00250 0,00{5 o.0025 o ,0012 o.00280 0.0025 0.0045 0. oo{4 0 - 0007 o. 0026 0.00{5 u U u u o.0025 0.04L2 0.0028 o.00{5 STL Denver FoTm III - IN 92 STL DEIVVER Total Mctals Analvsis -3- BLAI\KS Contnct r Lrb Codcr Prrprrrti.on PrcparatLon IrRg CorporatLon gTT',DEN Cage ![o. : Ma.trLx ( aol.l /water) :W}TER g.LA No. t 8DCI No. r D5I100153 B]-ank B]-rnlE Conoontsrabioa UnLtt (Eg/r,or nfr/kg) r VlOl I' ContLnulng Cal{bratLon Bl.rnlr (tWlt'\ lczc3c ra.LtLrL Ca1lb. BLanTIE (nf,r/r,) A,reonLc Barfu:rn C'hromfum Copper Lerad NickrlL Silwer VanadLrrnr ziao 0.00{{ 0 - 00070 0.00250 o. 00{5 o. 0026 0.0012 o,00290 0.0025 0.0045 STL Denver FoTm III I![ 93 STL DEN}/ER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Cont,raot r rab Codc: Ilrcparatl-oa. Preparation IIR$ Corporatsl-on gTTJDEN Cage No - : B].anrk, Matrix ( soil/watsrr) : Bl-ank CoacenErat,ion Un.Lt; S^tr^S t{o. :aDO srO- r D5f 100153 (rWlT, or mgl rnalyte Initirl. Calib. BlanIE (mglL) C Continuing CalLbrrtl-on B].rn.h (rlglf,,) 1 c 2 c 3 C PrgDaration 81ank c M r{crourlr I o.o00044lU O.oO0044l ul 0.00004{ lU I 0.000044 I U 0.0000{{ I U gv STL Denver I!.om IIT IN 94 STL DETVVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contract: Lib Code: FrcDarat,ion PrcprratLon IIRS Coq>oratLon STIJDEN Caee No. t BIanlE tdatrLx (goiI/watcr) : Bl-anlr Conecu,tration Units gt8 No. t sDC NO- : D5I1OO153 WITTER (ng/r, or mglkq) :MG/fr Analytc rnltl,a]' Ca1Lb. Bhnk (rnglIr) a| fe conBlnuing Calt bntLoa. BItnlE (ng/L) lczc3c Preparatsion BIcrrk c u MrrrcurT I 0.0000{{lUI 0.000044 lU w STL Denver Fonn III IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contract: IIRB CorSnratLon Irrb Codc: $TLDEN Crrc No. r gf.S No - t Fraparat,ion B1ank MrtrLx (aoLl/waBer) : IIIJITER. PrcDrratsl.@. Bl.rnl3 Coaceatrrts:loa Urrlts (ngll or Erylkgl t $Alrg SDCI No. r D5I100153 Anal.ytc rDltLaI. Cel:Lb. BlADK (lug/r,)c ContLnulng Callbration Blank (mgll) Ic2c3c Prcpat.aton Blank c M Cadnium S.1.nf,r* 0 . oooo. ol u o - 0003301 u o.og0o4olul 0.00.00{0lu I 0.000040 I u o.ooo33oIuI 0.000330Ju I o-ooo330 I u o. oooo{ I U o. ooo33 I u u M STL Denver E'orur III ff 96 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BI,ANKS Coutraot r LaI) Codc r Prcperatl,on PrcDaraEion UnS CorporatLon STI,DE}I Crrc No. t Bl'rnk MatrLx (goil/watcr) r Blenk Concentration tlnLt,g gl,S No. r SDGI No. s D5I100153 Wf,TER (ng/r or mglkg) t lrcl r, lnalytc rnltLal Calilr, Blanlr (wlt'l c Contl.nulng CalilrreEion Blrnk (mg/rr) 1czc3c Prcpar.tioo' BI.arrlr c M Cafulrrm S"t-rf,r- 0. ooo0r0,l L[ 0 . 0000{0 lu J o .000o40'l u 0.0o033olul 0.ooo330lu I o.000330 J u ![-u STL Denver Fom III IN STL DE]YVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contsracts, r IIRS Corporation Lab Codc: STITDEN Caea No - :g.trS No.3 Prcl>aration BIanJr MrtrLx (eoi1/wetrr) r WATER PrcDaratiou Blrdr Coac.Dtntl.on Uaitc (ng/L oiliBlkgl: !G./L sDg trIo. t D5r100L53 .nnalft,e Inl-tLa1 ClILb. BI.r.nIE (mcfr)c Corrtrl,nulng Crltbratiou Blruk (rnrrtr,) lczc3c Prrpr=.t*.,,' ghak c u CadmLun S.ltrf.r* o.oooo4ol u I _ o.oooo4o tuo.0oo33olul 0.000330Ju }I I M STL Denver FoTn III IN 9B STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP I]\TERF'ERENCE CHECK SAMPLE Contraets: URS CorporatsLon r.ab Codc: STI.DEN Cage No.: fCP rD Nunbcr r TiFL lntrepid fCP 8AII No- r sDG No.: D5I1OO153 ICS Sourcc:Hlgrh hrrLty, Spax, Concrntrrtlon Uai-Us) :8g ll, Trrre I rnJ-t{a1 Found I final Found llerlyte I sot.r gol.t3 | sot.r ool.ls tR I sot.r 9o1.AB *11 F1*Lnum Ef I 5O0.0 500. o 507 .58 507,58 101. 5 I aloLum Ht I S00.0 500.0 487.55 {80.83 96.21 fron Hi I aOO,O 200-o 193 .27 190.37 95.21 Pot,asrium J O_O 50 .0 -o .0{9 53.13 1o5.3 J gneeeirun I SOO-O 500 .0 {93 , 93 {99.18 9?.81 SodLrrm Lo I O. O o,012 Sod.t-um H 50-o 51,99 10{.ot Zl-rconium I 0, o 1.0 0.000 1-168 116.8 I STL Denver STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsls -4- ICP INTER}-I.],RENCE CH'ECK SAMPLE Contrraet: IIRS Corporetioa LaI, Codo r STITDEN Clac No. I ICP ID !$rmbcr: T\rl. Iutrepid ICP g.l,S No. :sDc No. r D5I100153 ICg Sorrrcc r EJ.grh Purity, Spcx, trnrc gol .t' Sol -lB Concentrntion unt-te) r rltg llt lnitia]. Foturd So1..l,6o1 .t'B Flnal Forrnd sol .l 80L --LI] lel*inum IIf I SOO. O 500.0 525.06 529.76l rO5.ol Jdalchrm Hi 500. O 500 .0 {98.0{497 .57 [ S9 .51 Iron HL l Z0O _O 200.0 198 -76 198.43f S9.21 PotaaeLunr I 0.0 50 .0 -0.09{54.49I 109.oI cgLr:.m I SOO. O soo-o 51{ .32 515.10J rOS.ot Sodiun Lo I 0. O o. o07 um Hi 50.0 53.90I 107.gI lzirconlun I 0. o 1.0 -0. oo1 1.098 I 109.8 I STL Denver tr'om, f\r IN 100 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERTER.ENCE CIIECK SANIPLE ContraeE: IIRS CorporatLon Ls.b eodo r SlftDtll ICP ID !firnbcr: SUPERTR.trCE Cagc DIo - :S}SI No. I SDo No. r D5I100153 fCS Source:Higrh Prrrlttt', Spex, concentsration, unl-tr) r mglr-, rnit,iel Forrnd gOI..A SOl .AB Fl,nal Found So1 .A Sol .AB Trrre slol .A So1 ..l.B precnio I O.0O 2.OO 0.005 2. 00 1OO.Ol JBarI.un I O.0O 0 .50 0-000 o,516 to3.2l IbromLum I O,0O o.50 0.004 0.{80 95.01 o .00 o-50 o.000 0 .534 105.81d I o-oo 1.00 -0 - oo1 o. 98 98.ol lNlckcl- O. OO x.. 00 o-oo3 o.9{94 .01 Jsilvcr f o.O0 1 .00 0.001 x.. 04 loc. o I [VanadLurn I O.OO 0 .50 0,002 0.{79 95.81 zj.a,a I O.0 1.0 o.o12 0.91 91.01 STL Denver FOTzt IY IN 101 STLDETYWR Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERI..E,RENCE CHECK SAMPI,E Contrract: IIRS Corporat,Lon Irrb Code : $TLIIEN rcP rD r\hrnbcr: PE IePUg Carc No.:818 No. t gDO NO.: D5I100153 ICg Sourccr Inorganlc VaatrrrGa Cou.scntratsion tILitr ) r mg lI' P{na1 Forrnd 8o1.1 8o1-.[IlLnrl.ytq lcadnium a1onitrm o. 0988 f S8. B I Trnre 801 .A 801 ..[B rnl.tl-al Found 8o1 .A SoI ..[B tR 0 ,10310.10531 106,31 0.001 STL Denver Form IV rtl 1,02 ffisrr URS Corporadon Total Metals Anrlysis Data Sheet Lab Name: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: o/o Moisture: Baeis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: MS Sanrple Allquot: MS Dilution Factor: ST[, DENVER Dsrt00|53 WATER NA Wet 601QE WL sz0s?22 50 mL 1 Cllent Sample ID: MS Lab Sample ID: MS l,ab WorkOrder: Date/Time Collected: Date/Time Received: Date/Tlme Lerched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Ilate/Tirne Analyzed: Instrument ID: GW-NI-090q05 psr r 00 153-003s HKAR9 09/09/05 09:25 09/10/05 08: l5 09/23/0s 1.5:10 09126105 19:51 oet Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MS Result C o//o Rec a QC Limit Alurninum 2.00 0.017 U 2. t8 t09 83 - 119 Calcium 50,0 r r0 L 149 85 48 - 153 Iron I.00 0.20 I.09 89 52 - 155 Magnesium 50.0 84 130 9I 62 - t46 Potussium 50.0 72 123 ta2 76 - t32; Sodiunr 50.0 I 700 1710 MSB NC 70 - 203 Zirconiunr 0.500 0.00s8 B 0.512 r0r 80 - r20 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysk Data Sheet Equivalent 103 ffisrt UR.,S Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nrme: LoUSDG Number: Matrir: o/o Malsture: Bagis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: MSD Sarnple Aliquot: l\lSD Dilution Factor: sII, pENVER Dsl r 00153 WATER N/A UET 60108 mgiL s265222 so mL I Cllent Semple ID: MSD Lnb Srmple ID: MSD Ltb Workorder: Date/Tlnre Collected: Dtteffime Received: Drte/Tlme Letched: Dateffime Extrscted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrumont ID: cw-Nr-0e0905 p5ltlq0H3.403p HKAR9 09109/05 09:25 09110/05 08:15 09/23/05 l5:30 09/26105 19:51 QAI. Analyte Spike Amount Semple Result C MSD Result C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Limits Yo Rec RPD Aluminum 2,00 0.0r 7 U 2.18 r08 0.26 83 - I 19 25 Calciurn 50.0 I t0 L I5I 9I 1.9 48 - r53 25 Iron I.00 0.20 r. t3 93 3.5 52 - 155 25 Magncsium 50.0 84 132 95 1.4 62 - t46 25 Potassium s0.0 72 t2.5 107 1.7 76 - 132 25 Sodium 50.0 I 700 I 760 MSB NC NC 70 - 243 4A ]rconium 0.500 0.00s8 B 0.5 I4 102 0.4s 80 - r20 2s STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Data Shaet Equivalent 104 ffi$Tr URS Corporetion Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Nrrne: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: %" Moisture: Basls: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Brrch ID: MS Sample Aliquot: MS tlllutlon Frrctor: STL DENVEK Dsll00t 53 WAIER hIIA Wet 601 0B rng/L s2652?? 50.url- l- CIIent Sample lD: MS Lrb Stmple ID: MS Lab WorkOrder: Date/Tirne Collected: Date/Time Received: Date/Time [,eached: Drte/Tlme lixtracted: Drte/Tlme Analyzed: Instrumcnt ID: GW-NI -090905 D5U.09t53.-AA3$. HKAR9 0ei09l05 0e;25 09/10/05 08:15 09/23i05 l s:30 09/?7/Q5. t ?;l3. 016 Anrrlyte Spiko Amount Sample Result C MS Result c oh Rec a QC Limlt Arscnic 2.00 0.01s 2.16 107 84 - t24 Barium 2,00 0.2t 2.22 r0r 8s-120 C)rrorniunr 0.200 0.0026 U 0.194 97 73 - r35 Coppcr 0.250 0.020 0.290 108 82 - 129 Lead 0.500 0.0026 LI 0,510 102 89 - l2l Nickel 0,500 0.002 r B 0.484 96 8+-r20 Silvcr 0.()500 0.0028 TJ 0,0572 tt4 7s - l4l Vanadium 0.500 0.0025 tj 0.489 98 8s - t20a Zinc 0.500 0.0r s B 0.495 96 60- 13il STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 105 ffiSTL URS Corporation Total Metnls Analysis Data Sheet Lab Narne: LoUSDC Number: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Butch ID: MSD Surnple Allquot: MSD Dllution liactor: STL DENVER pstI00153 F/NTER N/^ wcI 60I OB Elr,lL s26s222 50 rnl- T Cllent Samplc ID: MSD Lab Sample ID: MSD Lab Work0rder: Drte/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recolved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Dtte/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: GW-Nl-0e0e0t p5t I00l s3-003p HI(AR9 09/09/05 09:25 09/10/05 08: l5 09/23105 l5:30 A9D7l05 12:13 0r-6 Analyte Splke Amount Sample ResuIt C MSD Result C 7o Rec 0 RPD a QC Llmlts 7n Rec RPI) Arsenic 2.00 0,015 2.20 109 t.9 84 - 124 25 Barium 2.00 0.2t 2.26 t03 1.7 85 - r20 25 Clhnrmium 0.200 0.0026 U 0.r96 e8 1.3 73 - 135 ?s Copper 0.250 0.020 Q.296 I IO 2.0 82 - 129 25 I-ead 0.s00 0.0026 U 0.51 7 103 t.3 89 - l2r 25 Nickcl 0.s00 0.0021 B 0.494 98 1.9 84 - r20 25 filver 0.0s00 0.0028 Li 0.0584 lt6 2.0 75 - 141 2s &anadium 0.500 0.002s U 0.496 99 1.5 8s - r20 25 Zinc 0.500 0.015 B 0.50s 98 2.0 60 - 137 25 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Equivulent 105 ffisrL IIRS Corporrtion Total Metals Anilysis Drtr Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Nurnber: Mttrlx: 7o Molsture: Brsls: Antlysfs Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: MS Sample Allquot: MS Dllution Frctor: $TL DENVER p5r r 00r 53 WATER N4A Wst 747QA- mg/L s266336 I Cllent Sanrple ID: MS Ltb Srmple ID: MS Lab Work0rder: Date/Time Collected: Drte/Tlme Recelved: Date/'firne Lenched: Date/Tlme Ertractctl: Date/Time Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: GW-N r -090905 p5r I ()0r 53-003s HI(ARO 0910e/0l0e:25 09/10i05 08;! 5 09126105 l?:45 09126/05 19:05 sr9 Analyte Splke Amount Samplc Result C MS Result C , Rec a QC Llmlt Mcrcury 0.00s00 0.000044 U 0.00459 92 tr5-114 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent aa7 ffisrr URS Corporation Totsl Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lsb Name: LoUSDG Number: Mntrlx: % Molsture: Brsis: Analysls Method; Unit: QC Batch ID: MSD Srmple Allquot: MSI) Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER psl t00r s3 VTA.TER NlA Wct 747.9A mglL s266336 l_ Cllent Srmple ID; MSD Lab Sample ID: MSD Lab Workorder: Dnte/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Rcceivcd: Datc/T[me Leached: Drte/Tlme Extracted: Ilate/Tlrne Analyzed: lnstrument ID: GW-NI -090905 Fst 100153-003D HKAR9 09/09/05 09:25 09/10/05 08: l5 99.1?fi/fr5- !2;+5, 09/26l0s l9:0s 0r9 Annlyte Splke Amount Sarnple Result C IVISD Result C 7o Rec a RPD a QC l,imits 7o Rec RPD Mcrcury 0.00500 0.0()0044 U 0-0046 t 92 0.49 85 - I 14 l0 Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Eqaivslent 108 ffisrr LIRS Corporetion Total llletals Analysis Date Sheet Lrb Name: LoUSI)G Number: Matrix: % Molsture: Basls: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: MS Srmple Allguot: MS Dilution Factor: STI DnNvtO Dsl r 00l s3 WATER IilA Wct 6Q?Q rfigll , 5265 1 n0 so. mL t Cllent Sample ID: MS Lrb Srmple ID: MS Lrb WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: DstelTlme Recelved: DatelTlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extmcted: Date/Time Analyzcd: Instrunrent I D: o\{:br I -09090s psr t0QI.5J$03S HKAR9 0e/0o/q5_O9j2s. 09/l0l0s 08: I5 09/23l(I5 08:00 a9D7/05 04:40 0a4 Andyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MS Result C % Rec a QC l,imit Cadrnium 0.0400 0.00020 U 0.039 r 97 89 - 110 Selenium 0.0400 0.0016 U 0.0409 I02 82-fiz STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysls Data Sheet Equivalent 109 ffisrt IIRS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lrb Name: Lot/SDC Number: Mttrix: 7o Moisture: Basls: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: MSD Stmple Allquot: MSD Dllution Frctor: STL T,ENVER Dsl 100I 53 WATER N/A lUs 60'0 mg/L 5265 r 80 sQ mL 5 Client Semple ID: MSI) Lnb Sample ID: MSD Lab Workorder: Date/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Datc/Tlme Lcached: Datefl'irne Extrtcted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument [D: Gw-Nr-090905 psr t 00l s3-003D HKARg 09/09/05 f)9:2s 09110/05 08: 15 0e/23l05 0il00 09/27/05 M:40 004 Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C 7u Rec a RPD a QC Llmlts o/" Rec RPD Cadrni.um 0.0400 0,0(ru20 U 0.0396 99 1.4 89 - I t0 20 Selcnium 0.0400 0.00r 6 U 0.0437 r09 6.8 82-il}2$ STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analvsis Data Sheet Eqaivalent 110 STL DEN}/ER Total Metals Analvsis -sB- POSTDIGEST SPIKE SAMPLE RIiCOVERY ContnetI tRS CorlpratLon SAMPITE NO. Gvr-N1-090905 PDg gDO No- t D5I10O153 Ireve1 ( Loqr/med) :LoW Lab Codc r STITDEN Caee No.:S}SI No. : I{atrix (sol,I.lwatcr) r $ItrTER Conocntratsion Unltar mg /1, .trna]-yte Control rl,nit tR gpiked Clrro5r1c Rrrult ( BsR) c grqrh Rcau].t ( SR) C Spilcr lddod (sA)96R a u Cadml.rrm 175 125 0.188804 0.0000{0 I u o-20 9{-lL M Sclenium I 75 125 0 - 19182{o.o0o330lu 0.20 95 .9 M Com,cnte: For:ur V (PrnT 7l INSTL Denver 111 @CTTffi r.-Itr-, URS Corporatlon Totel Metols Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: STL DENVER Client Srmple ID: LoUSDG Number: D5ll00l53 Lab Samplc ID: D5I22OA0$222C Matrix: WATER Lab lVorkOrder: HK5KG o/o Moirture: N/A Date/Time Collectcd: Baslg: ]{S Date/Timo Received: Analysis Method: 60108 Drte/Time Leached: Unit: nglL DrtdTlme Extracted: 09123145 $:30 QC Batch lD: 5265222 DatdTlmc Analyzed: 09/26105 I9:I0 Srmple Allquot: 50 mL Instrument ID: VL Dilutlon Fsctor: I Analyte True Found ToRec 0 Limlts Aluminum 2.00 r.95 98 86 - 108 lron 1.00 t.02 r02 88 - r r0 Magnesium s0.0 49.3 99 9l ilt Potassiunr s0.0 50.7 l0r 86- ril Zirconium 0.500 0,507 r0r 75 - 125 Calcium s0.0 46.0 y2 89 - I t0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Anolysis Dutu Sheet Equivalent 772 ffisrr URS Corpomtion Total Metals Analysis Datt Sheet I,tb Name: LoUSDC Number: Mntrlx: oh ltlolsture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch lD: Srnrple Allquot: Dllution Factor: STL DT:NYEB I)-ItI00rs3 WATER N/A wet OQIOB mg/I. s26s2n 50 rnL I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab trVork0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: Ilate/Tlme Recelvetl: tlate/Tlme Leached: Datc/fime Extracted: Date/Time Antlyzed: Instrument ID: pst22W00-?2Zg HKsKG 09/23105 15:30 09128/05 00:4^ 92L Analyte True Found TrRec a Llmlts Sodiunr s0.0 53. I r06 9t-il2 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Equivolent 113 ffisrt URS Corporatlon fotal Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lnb Name: LotlSDC Number: Matrlx: 7" Moi$ture: Brsis: Anrlysls Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sarnple Allquot: t)ilution Factor: STL DENVER DIII 00r s3 VVATFR N/A Wet 6010B rng/ln s26s2z2 s0 tql I Clleut Sample ID: [,ab Sample ID: Lnb Workorder: DatelTlme Collected: Dete/Tlmc Recelved: Dote/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Ertracted: Dnte/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: D51220000-222C HKsKG 09/23105 t5:30 A9lZ7/05 11:08 0r6 Analytc True Found o/oRcc a Llmlts Arscnic 2.00 r.98 99 89 - I09 Lead 0.500 0.498 r00 9I III Barium 2.00 2,12 r06 93 - n3 Nickel 0.500 0.494 99 90 - I I0 Silver 0.0500 0.0s02 100 8s - I 14 Vanadium 0.500 0.498 to0 88 - 112 Zinc 0.500 0.465 93 8s - 110 Chrrrmium 0.200 0.1 96 98 89 - I 12 )ppo 0.2s0 0-253 r0l 86 - I r0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysk Data Sheet Equivalent 114 ffisTL URS Corporutlon Total Metals Anrlysis Data Sheet Lab Nnme: Lot/SDG Number: Mntrix: 7o Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllution Factor: sTl, nFNvER pil r 00l s3 WATER NIA Wct 747$A TnS/L s266336 I Cllent Sample ID: Lsb Semple ID: Leb Workorder: Datc/Tlmc Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: tltte/fime Extracted: Ilate/Time Analyzed: Instrurnent ID: D5t230000-336C HK94'r Oetz0ll0L t?:aS 09/26105 l8:58 0t9 Analyte True Found ToRec a Llmlts Mercury 0.00s00 0.00501 r00 85-t14 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysk Dota Sheet Equtvalent 115 ffisrt IJRS Corooration Total Metats Analysls Ihta Sheet Lab Name: STL DENVER Clleut Sample ID: LoUSDG Number: p5ll00l53 Lab Sample ID: D5122000G180C Matrlx: WATER LrbWorkorder: HK5DA 7r Moisturc: N/A Drte/Tlmc Collected: Basls: W€t Dltc/Tlme Recclved: Analysls Method: 6020 Drte/Timeleached: Unit: mp/L Date./Tlme Extracted: 09/23105 08:00 QC Brtch tD: 5265t80 Date/TimeAnelyzcd: 09127fi5 04:.40 Sample Aliquot: 50 mL lnstrument lD: $gt Dllution Frctor: 1 Antlyte True Found 7"Rec a Llmlts Selcnium 0.0400 0.0375 94 82 - tt2 Cadrnium 0.0400 0.0389 97 89 - r l0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 115 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysls -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS ContrasE r IIRS Cort>orrtLon SAI|IPLE NO. Gril-N1- 0909 05 gER sDGMo. r D5f 100153 Leve1 (I-ow/ned) :Low fral) Code : STITDEI{ Matrix (noil/water): WATER Crse No. r SJtg No. : rnitirl Saqrlc Rcault (r) slcrl.al Dllutt on Rarult (8) 105 - 19 L26.54 16g9 .20 L7stl. g0 0.00581 0 . 00800 I n rurnfuum Ca1ciurn H Iron Lo Potaeriurn MrgmcsLrrm Sodium IIL ZiroonLum Concmtsrrts:loa Ulrita r mg /T, 0. o17 ul o. o8s Ju STL Denver Fom IX a IN tL7 STL DENYER Total Metals Analysis -9- ICP SERIAL DILU"TIONS Contract: IIRS Cort>oratLon g}}TPLE NO- f!WIR^[,-frJIB QC SER grlo I\IO. : D5f 100153 Lsvel (Iow/ned) :LO$T Ltb Codc: SELDEN Crrc No. t S.Lg No. : MaBrLx (roLl/watar): WJ\TER InncnLo BarS-rrrn Chromium CoDI>er tcad. Niokc Si].rrar Couccu.tsratLou UnLts:tst'I lL o.0973 o. 0987 I InLtl-al gamDlc Rcgu1t (r) ScrLaL DLluE,lon Ruult' (g) 0.00260 0.01300 0 .0045 0. o225 0-o026 0 .0130 0 . oo1{0. oo50 0. 00280 0, 01{00 0.0025 0.0125 STL Denver Forn IX M 118 STL DENYER Total Metals Analysis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS Contract: URSI CorporatLon S}}lPLt rUlO. o$I-N1-090905 grR sDc No. : D5f 100153 Leve1 (Iow/ned) r LO!.I r.ab Coda I STLDtrDI Cagc No. r SAS No. I Matrix (roil/water) : WTTER rnLtl,al. Sanpl,c Rc;rrlt, ( f ) SrrLr1 Dll'uBlon Rrnrlt, (g) o - 000330 o. 001650 J cndmium Selenl-rrm Coneantsratlou Unlte t mgll' 0.000040 0.000200 STL Denver Foru IX IN 119 STL DEIYYER Total Metals Analysis -10- ME'I HOD DETECTION LhIIITS contracr r uRs cgqlroration LTb COdC T BTIJDEN Caar ![o. I ICP ID ![umber: TifA IntrepJ.d fCP Flrnc .trt fD Nurnbrr r Furarco II' ID tiltrrnber: SAS, Dfo. r Dutrr 5 ILO l2OO5 sDc NO.: D5f100153 lrralytc Wava- lcngth lnm) Beck- grround,PQT, (ng/L) MDIJ (rwtt)l M Al-rrninun f 157.O 0.101 o-017 lp AlumLuum Il 309 .2 1.O P ci.um t 3L7 .933 0.20 0.034 I p Calci-um H 318.1 10 P fron lro ffi;i.ET 259.9 b27L.4lA 0.10-il3 0.021 lp P Potateium 7 66 .49L 3,0 o.24 I p Mcgmcal.un 279.079 0.20 o.0{3 I P urn Lo 589.5 1.O I O.O31 IP Sodiun Ei 818 .3 10 P Zirconirur 339. 1 0,00501 0.00161P STL Denver Form X - IN L20 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis - I0 - METHOI} DETECTION LIMITS Contsract 3 lrRS CorTroration Ld, Codc: BTTDEN Crrc !ilo. :Sl,g Ne. r Drt,et 5lLAl20A5ICP ID Nunbcr r $UPERTR.I,CE F1amn .I.}, ID lilunbcr I Frrr-rroc A.tr, ID l[rrmbcr r tnrllt'r UIIBvG- Icngtb (nsr) Brck- ground PQL (mgll) !ilDL (ng/L)M f,rrtrnic 189.A42 0.0101 0.00{a P BarLrrra {93.{09 0-010 0.00 P Chr um 267,.7 L6 0.010 0.0o25 F Coppcr 324.7 53 0. 010 0.0045 P fre Ad 224. 3 53 o. oo50 0 .0 426 P Nl.ckcl 231.60e 0.0{0 I 0.0012 P SLlvar 328 .0 68 0 .010 0 - 0028 P Ivan-dlurn 292 . {O2 0.010 0.0025 P ziJ,c 206,200 0.020 I 0,00,c5 P D5r100153 12a Commcntr r STL Denver Fom X - III STL DENI/ER Il{etals Analysis -r0- METIIOD DETECTION LIMITS Coatract r IIBS Corlroratlon LTb Co{lI: STI,DEN ICP ID TiITrNbCr: Cage No- l SIS ![o. l Drtcr 11 lL2l2OA{r SDc AIO. : D5f 1O0153 flanr .r.L ID ![umbcr; Ilrrrnrec A.}, ID Nrntrror r PE CVr^[, .Baallft,r $Ilv6 - lcngrth (nn! Baok- grouad PQI, (mg/r,) llDtr (mglL)M rcurJf 253 .7 0 0,00020 0.00004{glt eL-"Es: STL Denver Eomr X IN L22 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Annlysis -I0- METHOI) DETI'CTION LIII{ITS Contrrct r IIRS Cor?orat,ion LaI) Code: STITDEN ICP ID Ntrnbcr g PE ICP!,IS Flarno .f,rL ID tihrmbcr: furn'aea AA ID Numbcrr Cata No.:SrS No. r Date : 5lLOl"AAs sDc No.: D5f100153 Arralfrte Irotopr Blok- ground,PQI, (mgllr) UDI, (mg lr,)M Cadml.urn 111 0.0010 o.0000{0 M Scl,cnLurn 82 0.0050 0 .0003 DT Commcntg: STL Denver FomXbIN 1,23 STL DENVER o co Total Metals Analvsis -114- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) ntracEs IrRS gorDoration , .. Lab Code 3 Sr1.1TDEN Carc No. :SIS lib - 3 rcP rD Nlllnber r TiIA Intrepid rcP Dater 8 /L9l200s gDC llo. : DSI100153 enalyte Wavc- lencrtsh (nm)A1 fntcrcltrnent CorreetLon Factors Ca FE for: Mg Ag 1^ . I 339.198ktf(*L1r Cr-rn I 0.0000000I o-ooooooo o.oooo0ool o.oo0oo0ol o.ooooooo rluminrrm IfeZ.081 o. ooo0000 I o. oo0o000 0.00182001 o.oooooool o.0oooooo elrrrnLnum I309.27!0.000oooo I o. o0ooooo o.oooooo0l o-00077401 0.0000000 Anrl,mony I ,oE. B38 0.0000000 I o-000oooo o.0oooo0ol 0-o0ooo0oI o.ooooooo trsenlc I 189.0t2 0.0000000 | o-0000000 0,00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Barl,rrn I {t55. {03 0.0000000 I o. 00oo0oo o-oooooool 0.0000000I 0.0000000 serfrllfu:m 1313-0{2 o. ooo0o0o I o.0oooooo o.oooooo0l 0.00000001 o.ooooooo Boron 1249 - 5?8 0-0000000J o-0000000 0.00000001 0. ooooooo I o. ooooooo cadntLum l=25.503 0,0000000 | 0.0000000 0.0000d201 0.00ooo0oJ o-ooooooo CalcLusr I 317.933 0.0000000 | o,0o0oo00 o. oooooool o. oooo32o I o. ooooooo Calclum I a18.128\o-0000000| 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Itr"*iunr lzil.7!G 0.000oooo I o-0o0oo0o 0 . obooooo[ -4. ooooooo I o . 000000 0 cobalr 1228.516 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0000oool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo corrper I fr{.?53 0.0000000 ! 0.0000000 -0.00002001 0.00000001 0.0000000 rron I 259.9{0 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooooo J o. ooo0000 l 0.0000000 rron 1271-{d1 o.0000000 I o. 0000000 o.oooooool o-oo2o1ooI o-ooooooo Lead lzz0 -3s3 0.0ooo0o0 I o.0ooo000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo rithtr:m I 670. ?8{0.ooo00o0 I 0.0000550 o.oo00o0ol o,oooooool o.000o0oo I{agDcsium lrl9.0?9 0.0000000 I o. ooo0000 0.00050201 0.00000001 0.oooo00o Manganese |25t.510 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oo0o150 I 0. oo00o0o Molybdenum lzaz,030 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo 0. 0000000 | o. ooooooo I o. 0oooooo rslckcl lrgl,5o4lz 0.0000000 | o-0oo0o00 0. oo000oo I o. ooo0o00 I o. oooo0oo phogphonr.r I tr8 .28?0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. ooooooo I o. ooooo0o Potassiunr I 755. {91 o - 0000000 I o. 000o0oo o.oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.ooo0ooo sclcnium I tg6. O9O 0.0000000 I o. o0000oo o.0ooooool o-oooooool o.ooooooo gtllcon I 251.612 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. 0000000 | o.0o0o0oo I o. ooooooo silLcon l ro1. G15 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00ooo00| o-oooooooI 0.0000000 Sllver I ,r8. 068 o. oo00o0o I 0. 0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Bod,lum I sag. 592 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. oooooo0l o. ooooooo f o, ooooooo sodlum I are.326 0.0000000 | o.0o00oo0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo [routirrm IAOz .,'tTL 0.000oooo I o. 00015?0 0. ooooo00[ o. o000oo0 I 0. oo0o00o -Thalttum I rg0. gG{0 .0000000 I o. 0o0oo00 o. o0oooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Corurrentg: STL DCNVCE Forcm xf (PAnf 1) - fN 124 STL DE|VYER Total Metals Anatvsis -ltA- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Contract: IIRS Comorat{on Lab Cod,e r S1,ITDEN Caac No - : Intrepid IePICD rD Dnrrnbsr: TifA Datn: 8 ll,glz00s Commentg: glg llo. r SDg No. i D5f100153 Trrortum I 283 .23 0 o-ooooooo I 0.0000000 il0o0-dE06l- 0.0000000 I 0-0000000 Tln lre9-989 0,0000000 I 0. o0o00oo o. o0oooool o. ooooooo I o.0o000oo rLtanlum I fS{.941 o - oo0o0oo I -0. ooo0320 o.oooooool o.ooooz4o I 0.0000000 uranlum I gts- 958 0.0000000 I -0-0oo1o2o -0.00085{ol o.0o00o0of 0.0000000 vanadj.urn la9z.tA2 0.0000000I o-0000000 0.00010101 -0.0000130 I 0.0000000 zLnc I ,a3 .856 0.0000130 I 0.0000000 0.o0oo59ol o,0ooo000l o-ooooooo STL Denvef 1,25 Form XI (PART 1) IN STL DETYVER Contraet r IIRS Comomtion Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- ICP INTEREIJMENT C ORRECTION FACTOR,S (AN N UA tLY) Carc No - :S^S No.:gDG No, r D5I1OO153rab Code t Sr1.frDEN ICP ID Nrxnber r TJA Intrepid ICp Daeer 8 ll9l2005 Wave- length (nrn) Intcreleurent CorrcctLon Factom for: Be Anallt,a Ae B Ba cd Z;..*...1 r^-.,r: I 339 - 198 0. o00oooo I o. oo00o00 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I o. oooo0oo Alumlnun [ 162.081 0.0000000 I o.0o00ooo o. oooo00ol 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo ntumlilun IgOg.ZTL 0. 0000000 | 0.0000000 o.0o0oo00l 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo AnrLmonfr 1206.838 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o.oooooool o-ooo0o00I 0.0000000 Arranic lfAg-o4z o.00o00oo | 0.0000000 0. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. o00oo00 Barium I lss.403 0.0oo0ooo I o-000oooo o.oooooool 0.0000000| o-ooooooo serylllum IerS.AtZ 0.0000000 | o-ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooo0000 l 0,00o0ooo Boron lzi9.67g o .0000000 | o. o0o0o00 0,00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 cadnrLrrm l^16.502 o-000oooo I o-0oo0oo0 o.oooo0ool 0.0000000I o-ooooooo calcLum I Sfz. g33 0.0000000 I o. o0oo0o0 o. ooo0o0ol o. oooooo0 I o.00oooo0 acalctum ISrB.12g 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oo00oo0l o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 lEhromi,un 126l .7L6 0.0000000 [ o. o0oo000 o. oooooool o.00ooo0o I o. ooo0ooo cobalr 1229.615 0.0000000 I 0. 0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo coDper llzt- 753 o.0000000 I o. 00oo00o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo rron I 259.9d0 0.0000000 | o. oooo0oo o - oooooool 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo rron ler l.cdl-0.0000000| o-0000000 o. oooooool o - ooooooo l o. ooooooo r,aad !220.3 53 0.0000000| o-0000000 o. ooooooof o. oooo0oo I o.0ooooo0 rltbtr:sr I ozo. ?Ba 0.00oooo0 I o-0000000 0-o0oooool o-ooooo00l 0,0000000 Magr:aerLum lZZg - o7g 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo MangaDaro lzsl.6L0 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 | o. oooooo0 Mol]rbdaillm lZaZ.030 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo uieker l ra 1. 6 at t2 0.0000000 | o. o00oo00 o - oooooool o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo Phosptrorua I178-287 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo PotasrLum 17 65. {91 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0-ooo0000l o.oooo00o SelenLum I tg6.0gO o - oo0o0o0 I o. o0ooo00 o. oooo0ool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo stlLeon l ZuL.6Lz 0.0000000 | o.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 o-ooooooo Stll.eon I ,St. G15 o.00ooooo I o. oo000oo 0.00000001 o.00oo0ooI o-ooooooo Eilvcr I ,rB.06g 0. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.ooooooof o.ooooooo Sodium I ut9.592 0. 0000000 | o. o00oooo o. oooooo0l 0.0000000 | o. oooooo0 sod{um I gr 9.326 0.0000000 I o. oooooo0 o.ooooooof 0.o0ooooof 0.0000000 ftrontium f aOZ .7't!0 . oo0oooo I 0. 0000000 o. oooo0o0l o, ooooooo I o. ooooooo rhal1lum l 190, BG{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I o. oooo0oo Coumant,s: STL Denve I'onn XI (PART 2l - I,N ]-26 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -1I8. ICP INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FACTORS (ANNT}ALLY) Contract: IIRS Corncoration rab Cod,ai STLDEN IcP ID Mrmbef : TirA Cara No. : Intrepld ICP gtrg No-: Dater 8 /L9 l?AAs gDc NO-: D5I100153 ThorLurn I 283.73O 0. oooo00o I 0.00o000o 0-00000001 0-00000001 o-ooooooo TLa I 139.989 o.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0ooooool o-0000000I 0.0000000 rl"taninn I eg{.9{1 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 o , oooooool o, o00oooo I o. ooooooo uraniun I 38s.958 0.0000000 I o.0oooo0o o. ooo0o0ol o. ooo0o00 | 0. o0o00oo vanrd,ium IZSZ.4O2 o. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. oo000o0 I 0. ooo00oo zine I zrr.856 0.0000000 I o-0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooooJ o,o0ooo00 Connents: STL Denver Porm XI (PART e)IN 127 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FA CTOR,S (ANNUA LLY) ConEraet: IIRS Corporatlon Lab Cod.e: Sa,ITDEN Cage No, ! Intrepid IePICP ID lllrrnber r TJA g.Lg No. : DaEo: I |L9/2OO5 gDc NO. g D5I10O153 Analrt,e Wave- langttr (nm)Co Interelocnt CorroetLoa Fastorg Cr C\r forr K ![n 'z-.. I agg. 198A- I r(C''r'lr oL\h I 0.0000000 I -0,0012800 o.0oo0o00l o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 AlrrrLtnrrn I 157 . 08 t o. ooooooo I 0,0000000 o. ooo0oool o. ooo0o00 I 0.00ooooo .e,Iuninum lgO9.27L 0, ooooooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o, ooo00o0 l o - ooooooo Antimony I ZOe.838 o. ooo0ooo I o.0000000 0.00000001 o-oooooooI 0.0000000 Arsonic I 189,042 0-0oooooo I o.0000000 o. o0o0o00l o. ooooooo l 0 - 0oo00oo Barturn I aSS. OO3 0.000oooo [ 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oooo0o0 I 0. ooo0ooo Berylltr:m 1313 .A{2 o. oooooo0 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o,00oooool o.oooooo0 Boron lza9.6?B o - 0000000 | o. ooo0oo0 o.oooooo0l 0.00000001 0.ooo0ooo Cadurlun 1116. 502 0.0000000 I o.0ooo00o o. o0oooool 0.0000000 I 0.0oo00oo calcium I arz.933 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0. ooooo0o ! o. ooooooo calclum I arA.128 0-0000000 | o-0oooooo o.oooo0ooI 0.0000000I 0.ooooooo Tclrrord.um 126z.7L6 o-0000000 I 0.0000000 o.00000001 o. ooooo00 I 0.0000720 Cobalt lrr8.6t6 0.0000000 I o. o0ooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo copper I 324.283 0.0000000 | o. oo0o000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o,ooooooo rron I 259.9{0 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o - ooooooo l o, oooo0o0 rron lzll-d{tt 0.1300000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo000ol o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 r,ead 1220.353 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 o.ooooooo rithir:n I 6?0.78d 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - oooooool 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 MagncrLum |.rr9.079 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0oooooof 0.0000000 I -0 ' 0035690 Manganortr lzsl.6t0 0.0000000 | o. o0o00oo o. oo0ooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 uolybderurm 1202. 03 o 0.0000000 | o. oo00o00 0.0oo0oo0l o-ooo0o00 I 0.ooo0ooo Nlcke1- I 231.6 A4/Z 0.0000000 I o-ooooooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo phosphorrrg Jfrg.zB7 o-0000000 I 0.0000000 o. 0o0oo0o I o. ooo0000 I o. ooooooo PotasrLum l, e5 - {191 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0o0ol o. oooo000 | o. o0o0ooo selenLum I 196.090 0.0000000 | o. ooooo0o o.oooooool o-oooooool o.ooooooo stlicon ll25j..6L2 0.0000000| o-ooo0o00 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 sllicon I 251.515 o.0000000 J o. oo00o0o o.oooooool o.oooooool 0.0000000 sllver I ,rB. oGB o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.o0oooool o.ooooooo Bodium I sg9.59z 0, 00ooooo I 0,0000000 o, o000oo0l o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 sodium I Atg.326\o.0o00o0o I o. o00o0o0 o.oooooool 0.00000001 0.0000000 fstrontlurn I aoz .77L o. oo00ooo I o. oooo000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo ! o. o00oo0o Tha.lllrrrrr I rg0.86{0.0000000 I o.0000000 0. o0ooooo l o. o00o00o l o. oo0000o Comnentg: STL Denve 2l-rNForm XI (PART T2B STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -t18- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Coatract: IIRS Corooratlon Lab Codtr 3 STIJIEII Cage No.: fntrepid ICP g.f,g lilo. r gDg NO.; D5f1O0153 ICP rD lnrnbcr: T.IA Dat,er S lLgl?OOs Conurretrts: STL Denve rhorl,um I 283 - 73 0 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. oooo00ol 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo Ttn I rr9-989 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooo0000 I 0.0oooooo ritanl-um l33A.g{1 0.0000000 I o. ooo315o o. oooooool 0.0000000 | o, oooooo0 uranLum l gg5.95B 0.0000000 I o. o0ooooo o-oooooool 0.00000001 o.oooooo0 vanadlun I ZgZ.i}z 0-0000000 I o.ooozzga o.oooooool o-oooooooI o-0000000 zlnc Izrr-BsG o - 0000000 I 0. o0ooo0o o. ooo9{4ol o, o0ooo0o l o - ooooooo Form XI (PART 2l -IN L29 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUA LLY) Contract r IIRS Corrooration Lab Code r 6ayTDEN rcP rD lllrrnber: TJA Care No. : Intrepid ICP g.f,g No. r Pate: I /L9l?AOs gDG I{O. r D5f100153 Wavc- lengttr (nm) fnterelancnt Correetloa Fastorg for r PbAnaltrteNi Sf)Mo Na 'z;r@ti ^.....-, I ,39 - 198 0.0009000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooo00 l 0 ' 0000000 Aluminurm IfeZ-081 0.0000000 I o-ooo0o0o o - 0ooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo x,lrrrrtnum lfO9.27L o. oo0o000 I o. oooooo0 o.ooo0oool 0,oooooool 0.0000000 Anrimony I ,o6. B3B 0,0000000 | o. ooooooo o. ooooooof 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 .Lrronie Ittg-a42 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool 0.0000000 Barlum I ous-{03 0. 0000000 I o.0000000 o. ooooooo I o, ooooooo I o .00oo0oo BeaTrlll,nr lf fs .A42 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0000000I 0.0000000| 0.ooo00oo noron lZog - 6?8 0.0000000 I 0. oo00oo0 0.00000001 o, ooooo0o l 0.0000000 cadmirrnr IZZA.502 o. 0000000 | o.00o0ooo -0.00o19?ol 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo calclun If f2.933 0.0000000 | o.00ooooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo aCalcluur I318-128 0.00o0ooo J o.00oo00o o. oooooool o.000oooo I 0.0000000 pbrontuur 1257 .7L6 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0o0ooo0[ o.oooooool 0.ooooooo cotralt 1228 . 616 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.000oooo I o. ooooooo copper I 32 t.zs3 o.0003{00 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o-ooooooo rron I zss.g{o 0.ooooo0ol 0-00ooooo 0. o0oooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 rron lz7 1. {{1 0.60r.sooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo r,ead |220.353 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0o0ol 0 .0000000 I o. ooooooo r,lthiun, l6T0.TBd 0,ooo0o00 J o-0000000 0. oooooo0l o. ooooooo I o. ooo0oo0 MagnesLum lZrg-079 -o,0358000I o-o0ooo00 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Manganaae 1257.6L0 0.0000000 ] o.0o0oo00 0. oooooool o. oo00ooo I o. ooooo0o Molybdonum 1202.030 0.0o0o0oo I 0.0000000 0.0003{00J o.oo0000ol o.ooooooo Hickel I 231.5 Ar 12 o. oo000o0 I 0.0000000 o.00000001 0. o0ooooo I 0.0000000 Phogphonrs I f r8.28?0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.o0ooooo Potasgiuxr I 755. {191 0.0000000 ! o,0oooooo o-oooooooI o.oooooooI o.ooooooo selenLum I 195.090 o.ooooooo I o.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool 0.0o00ooo gtllcon I 25L.6L2 0.0092000 I o.0ooo0oo o.0000000J o. oooooo0 I 0.00o0ooo sLl l,eon lrur..Gls 0.0 092000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o.00ooooo l 0,0000000 sllver I 3zB.06g 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000! o.ooooooo I o.o0oo0oo sodlum I st9.5g2 0,0000000 | o. oooooo0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. o000ooo Sodlum I gr8.326 0.0000000 | o-o0ooo00 0.oooooooJ o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 )trontium looT -l"tL 0.0000000 I o. oooo000 0.000oooo[ o. ooooooo I o. oo0oooo Tbnllium I rg0. g6{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooooJ o-ooooooo Cornrnents: STL Denvc Fom xI (PART 2 )IN 130 STL DENYER Total Metnls Analvsis -llB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) contracts IBSIgAO[elion Lab Code: SI1,LDH{Cags No. t rntrepLd fCPfCP ID ttumber: TifA Datc: 8lt,glzOOs SAS No. :sDC !rO. : D5I100153 Tlrorlum 1283 -730 o.ooo0o0oI 0-0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.000oooo .fin ltgg.ggg o. ooo0ooo I o.0000000 o. o0o0oool o. ooooo00 I o. o000ooo Titanl-urn 133{.9{1 o. ooo0o00 I 0.0000000 o. ooooo00l o. ooooooo I 0.00o0ooo uranlum I re5. gs8 0.0oo0oo0 I 0.0oo00oo 0.00000001 o-0000000I o.ooooooo vanadl,un 129? - 4oz -0.0175000 I o.0oo0o00 o.oooooool 0.00000001 0.0000000 zLnc J zra. gs6 0.0oooooo I 0.0000000 0.00{3800f o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 COrmrents: STL Denve For:m XI (PIRT 2l IN 131 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -I IB- ICP INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FA CTORS (ANNUALLY) Contraet r IIRS Comoration rab Code r ETIJ)EI ICP ID !fiunberr |P.T}. Carc No - : Intrepid IcP gAg IIg. : Datc: I lL9l2OO5 sDc No.: D5I1OO153 Wave- ].ength (nm) rntcrelerreat, Corsctlon ractors for: SrAnal.lte si Sn rlSe Z; n(c.r,-r i r-*-r^. I 339 ' 198 0-o00oo00 I 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.0000000] o-oooooo0 lluminuun I 16? - 08 t 0.0000000 | 0,0000000 0.oooooool o.oooo0ooJ o-o0ooooo rluml-num I 30 9.27L o - 0000000 I o. 0oo00oo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 rntLmony 1 205.838 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0. ooo0000 | o. ooooooo J 0. 0000000 AnenLc I t8g. 0{2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooo0o0o [ 0. oo000oo Barium I uus- 003 0-0000000 | 0.0000000 0.0000000f o.0000000 I *0.0001930 Ber:rllium Iaff .042 o-ooooooo I 0.0000000 o.0oooooof o.oooooool o.ooooooo Boron lzrg - G7B o.00o00oo | 0.0000000 o. oo00o00l o. ooooo00 I o. ooooooo Cadmi.nm 1226. S0z 0.0000000 I o. ooooo0o o - ooo00ool o. ooo0o00 I o. ooooooo calciun I afz. g33 o-oooo0oo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 o-ooooooo calcLum 1 318.1 28\o - oooo0oo I o. oo0o0oo 0.ooo0o00l o-oooooooI 0.0000000 Fhromium Iro7 .zLG o - 0000000 I o. o0o0ooo o.00ooo0o ! o. 0000000 I o. ool2ooo cobalt |1228.615 o. oo0oo00 I 0.0000000 o.ooo00ool 0.0000000 I o.oo18ooo co1>3lar I gz{. ?s3 o.0oooooo J 0,0000000 0. oo0ooo0 I o. ooooooo ] 0.0000000 rron [ ?59.9{0 0-0000000 I 0-0000000 o.oooooool o.ooooooof o.ooooooo rron lz7 1. d41 o. oooooo0 | 0.0000000 0.0000000J o.oooooooJ 0.0000000 Lcad lzz0 - 3i3 o. oo00oo0 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o - ooooooo rltuiun I Gzo. TB{0. 0000000 [ o. o0o000o o. ooooooof o. ooooooo ! o. ooooooo r{agnerLrrm lZ7 9. or9 0.0000000 I 0. o0o00oo o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Mangranese lzsl.610 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. 0oo0ooo I o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 lcolybd€num I 202 . 03 0 0.0000000 I o. ooo0o00 o.oooooool 0.0000000I o-ooooooo Nickel lrl1. 6 a4 l2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo DhosDhortrr Itr8.297 0.0000000 [ o. ooo0ooo 0.00000001 0.00000001 o.ooooooo Potasglum l, s5. {91 0 .0000000 I o. o0o00oo 0.ooo0oooI o.oooooooI o-ooooooo selonlum I tr6.090 0.00oo0oo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o, ooooooo l 0.0000000 silicon I zs1.61a 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 silicon I zrr.6t5 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooooI o.oooooooI o-ooooooo sitver lrr8.oGB 0.0000000 I o.00oo0o0 o. ooooooof o.00o0ooo | 0.00035{0 sodium I 589.592 0.0000000 I o. oo0o0oo o.0ooo000l o.oooooo0J 0.ooooooo sodtum I gt8.3z5 0.00o0ooo | 0,0000000 o. ooooooof o. oo0o000 I 0.0000000 )tronttum I40T .T7L 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 rhallturn IfSO.86{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo l o. oooooo0 l 0.0000000 Corurrentg: STL Denve Forrm xI ( PI.RT 2 )bIN 1,_32 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -IIB- ICP INTERET.EMENT CORRE TTON FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Coatract: uRg Corooration Lab Codc: S1.I,1)EN Cage No. r g.LS No. :sDG I{!O. s D5f1OO153 ICP fD lllunbcr: Tin, Intrepid, ICp Date: 8 1L9 lz00s Corurreot,S: Thorlum I 283.730 o-oo0oooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 o-ooooooo Tl,n I 199.989 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooo0l 0.0oooooo rltanlum I 334.941 0.0000000 J o. o00ooo0 0.00000001 o. oooo000 I 0. o0o0ooo uranlrrsr l3B5-9S8 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000I o-oooooo0 vanadiunr I 29? -l}z 0.0000000 I 0, o00ooo0 0. oo0o000l 0. o0000oo J o. oo0{100 zt ne I zrf. gso 0.0000000 I 0. oooooo0 o. oooooool 0.000oooo I 0.0000000 STL Denvef Form XI (PART 2I IN 133 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -1IB- ICP INTERELEMENT C ORRBCTION T'ACTORS (ANNUALLY) Contraet r IIRS Corrnoration r,ab Code, SIIITDEf,{I ICD rD lltrmbar: TJA Carc No. : IntropLd ICP gAS No.; Dato: 8 lLg/2OOS sDe No.: D5I10O153 wavo- length (nn) Intcrclcmanrt Corcctioa raetors for: ?,ltArurlntcT1 ThUv a. lagg-lggl-'t f:Lcr?a ' fA Y7\ I 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. o00o0oo I o. ooooooo I 0. o319ooo rlrrmLrrum lfez,O81 0-oooooool 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oooo0oo ! o - 0000000 Alnrrl,num 130 g.Z7L 0 .0000000 | o. ooooooo o.o0oooooJ o.oooooool 0.0000000 AnrLmony I 205.838 o .0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o-oooooool o.0000ooo rrgenlc I 189 .A$z o . oo0oooo I o. o0o00o0 0 - 0000000 I o. ooooooo I 0. oo0oooo sarir:sr ld5S.{03 o. ooo0o0o I 0.0000000 o.oooooo0l o-ooooooo| 0.0003030 nerylllum Jf rf .042 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00035901 0,0000000 1 -0.0000100 Boron I z{g.6z8 0-0oooooo I 0.0000000 0 - 00000001 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 cadmirrm lZ"G. s02 o-ooooooo I -0.0002070 0.00oooool o-ooooooo[ 0.0000000 calcl.um I af Z.933 0.0000000 [ o-o00oo0o o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo I 0. 0000000 {alcirrm Ifre.lz8 0.0000000 J o, o00ooo0 0.00000001 o. oooo000 I 0. o559ooo lhronl"um l2G7 .lLG 0.0000000 [ 0.000?060 0.00000001 o.oo0oo00 I -o,ooo597o cobalt |228.615 o. ooooooo I o. o0oo000 0.00000001 0.0oooooo I o. oooooo0 copper I szt.753 0.0000000 I 0.0009 tzo 0.00000001 o.o00o00ol o-oo232oo rron I ,r9.9do o.0000000 I 0-oooo0oo o.ooooooof 0.0000000I o-ooooo00 rron ln 1.4c1 o-0000000 I o.0o0oo00 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo r,ead lrr0 .3 53 0.0000000 J o.0oooo0o o - oooooool 0.0000000 I o. oo0oooo r,ithtr:m |.670.zBc 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I 0. 00o00oo Magrnesiun l^r9-029 o. oo0oooo I 0.00?5500 o,00000001 o. 0oo000o I -0.0{118000 Manganoso lzst.610 0.0000000 I o. ooo122o -o.00016801 0.0000000 I 0. 0000000 Drolybdcnum lzoz. 03 o 0.0000000 I -0.0002050 0,0000000f o. ooooooo I 0.0017500 xickel I ,s r.6 0L tz o-0000000 | o-0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo nhotptrorus I trg. aB?0 ,00o0ooo J 0.0000000 0,00000001 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 Dotassiunr l, e6 . d91 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.o0ooooo SclonLum I 196.090 o-0000000 I o.0o00ooo o. oooooool o. oooooo0 J o. ooooooo sllLeon I 451.612 0.0000000 I o. oo00ooo 0.o0oo0o0l 0.0o0ooool 0.0000000 stll.con IZo1.G1s o.0o000oo | 0-ooo0ooo o.oooooool o.oo0oooof o.ooooooo Sllver I ,ra. o6g 0.0000000 I -0. 0002200 -0.01490001 0.0000000 I 0.0005880 Sodlum I rge. se2 0.0000000 | o.0oooooo o. ooo0oool o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 sodium I efa.3zEL.0.0000000 I 0. o00oooo o - ooooo00l o. ooooooo I 0. 0o0oo00 [ronrlum I loz .77L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00o0oool o. ooooooo I o.0o0oooo Thatllum I 190.85{0.00000001 0.0000000 0.0000000[ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Comnents: STL Denve Form XI (PlRr 2l IN L34 STL DENYER Total Metals Analysis -llB- ICP INTEREIJMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) coEtracti IIRS Cefporation Lab Code 3 STIJ;IEI{Cara No.: Intrepid. IePICP ID lrrrmbgr: TifA Datra: I /L9l?OAs gAg No. r gDGl NO. ; D5r100153 Tlrorium 1283 - 730 0.0000000 I 0.0155000 0-o0000ool o.ooooooo I o-ooooooo Tln I re9.989 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oooooool 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 TltanLum I ,r{.9{l 0.0000000 I 0.0002850 o. oo0ooool o. oooo0oo | 0.00ooooo uraulum I ras.95B 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.ooo0oo0l 0,0000000 I -0.028?ooo vanadirrm I,rz-e.A2 0 - 0000000 I -0.0 aaztao o. o0ooo0ol o - ooooo00 I 0. 00 15600 zLnc lzrr-856 0. 0000ooo | 0.0000000 0, oooooo0l o. ooooooo I o. 0000000 cottngnts: STL Denve E'orrn Xr ( pnnt 2l -IN 135 STL DENYER Contract r IIRS Cor:ooration Total Metals Analvsis -1lA- IC P INTERELEMENT C ORRE CT ION FA CTOR^S (ANNUA LLY) Cage No. t g.f,g IIo. t Pate t 7 l23l?AOs r,ab Codes STLDEN ICP ID Number: SUPERTR.LCE SDc No.: D5I1O0153 Wavc- lenCrth (nn) raterelement CorrcctsLon Factors for r Mg rnal1ru,e Fe .B'gA1Ca ehml.nuln 1308.21s 0.0000000f o-0ooooo0 o - ooo11oor o. o00o29o I o. oo0ooo0 Antimony I 205.838 0.0000000 I o-00o0oo0 0.0ooo22ol 0.0000000 I o. ooooo00 rrgenlc I18g-ot2 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo -0.0000160f o. ooooooo I o.0000000 Barl-un Jlef.{09 o, o0o0oo0 l o. ooo0ooo o.oooooooI o.oo000ooI o-ooooooo Barryrlllum I 313 .0{2 o.oooooool 0.0000000 o. o0oooo0l o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Boron lztg. G?B o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 -0.00007001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 cadmirrm, 1225. 502 0,0000000 I o. o0ooooo o.ooo141ol 0.00000001 o.oo0ooo0 calcium IfrS-933 0.0000650 I o. ooooooo o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. 0o0oo00 chronLun lZe 7.7LG o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 -0.00001001 o.o0oooo0 I 0.0000000 cobalt 1228.616 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo[ o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo lcornar Jsza.zs3 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.00002501 0.00000110 I 0.0000000 Eron lz71- {{1 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0003{00 I o. ooooooo Laad 1220.3 51/1 0.0002970 I O.00o00oo o. oool3ool 0.0000060 I o. ooooooo Load lrro.3 sttz -0.0001800 J o. oo00o00 0. ooooSool o. ooooloo I o. ooooooo l4sgrnogLus l2?9.078 0-00oooo0 I 0.0000000 0.00002701 o-0000000I 0.0oooooo I,Iangranese lZSl. 610 0,0000000 1 o.00ooooo -0.0000060[ 0.00002oo I o.0000000 l,lohzbdenun I 202 - 03 0 0.00oo0oo I o. ooo0oo0 -0.oooolaol o.0000oool 0.0000000 lulclccl l 23 1- 6 0l 12 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. o0ooooo I 0.0000000 Selenl-um I 196.02 Ll L -o - 0000030 I o. o0o0o00 o, ooooozol o. ooooo{o I o - ooooooo Selenlunr 1 196,0 21 /2 o-o0oooool 0.0000000 -0.00017801 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 stllcon I 288.158 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oooo000 ] o. ooooooo gilver I gra.05B 0,0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Strontluur 1421,552 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oo00o00l o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 |rhalltufll I tgo. g64 o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 o . oooog6o I o. oo0oooo I 0.0000000 Thoriurn I{01.910 0.0000000 I -0.0000250 0.0000000! o,oooooool 0.0oooooo rin I 189.989 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oooooo0 I o. ooo0ooo tltanlum I ,r{.9{1 o. oo0o000 | o.0000000 o. o000oo0J o. oooo2oo I o. ooooooo Uranirrn I sgE.958 0.0000000 I -o. oooo3oo o. ooo86o0f o. ooo0140 | o. ooo0ooo vanadlum I afe .$oz o.0o0o0oo I 0.0000000 -0.0003{o0l 0. 0000000 I 0. 0000000 zlnc l rt3. 956 0.0000000 | o.0o0oooo o. ooooooo I 0.0000020 I o. 00o00oo Comneats: STL Denve Form. XI (Prnr 1)-rN 136 STL DENYER Contract r IIRS Comoration Total Metals Anatvsis -I IB- ICP INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FACTOR^S (A N NUALTY) Cage No. r gAS No. t DatG: 7 l23l2A$s Lab Code r BT1TIIEI{ rCP ID lnrmbgf : 8UPERTRACE gDG No.: D5I100153 Wawc- lengrth (nn) Intarclament Correctlon ractors for: Be.Lnaltte cdArBBa l,lutrrinrrm I 308.2L5 0.0000000 I o. o00oo00 o. oooooool o.0oooooo I 0.0000000 Antimony lrO6-838 o, ooo0oo0 | 0.0000000 0. oooooool o, oo0oooo I o - 0000000 rrsenLe I tt9.042 0.0000000 | o. ooo0ooo @ -o-ooooooo I o.ooooooo EarLum lag3.{09 0,0000000 | o-0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 | o. oooooo0 Barylll-um 1313.0{a 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 Boron lrag. OZB 0,0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o . ooooooo Cadmfu:sr 1226. 502 0-o0ooo00 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo! o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo calclum I srr.933 o-0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000t o. ooooooo I o. oo0000o Chromlum lz6: -215 0.0000000 J o. o0oo000 o-ooooooof o.oooooool o.ooooooo CoIraLt, 1228.616 0.0000000 I 0. o00ooo0 -0. ao1[2000l 0.0000000 ] o. 0000000 coppcr I ar4 -7s3 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.oooooooI o-ooooool rron 1271-{{1 0.0000000 [ o.0oooooo o.oooooool o.ooooooof o.ooooool r,ead lzz0.3 stll 0.0000000I o-oooooo0 o. oooooool o - ooooooo l o. ooooooo Lead 1220.3 5Ll2 0.00ooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o-ooooo0oI o.oooooo0 llagnesl"urn lrr 9. 078 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 0.0000000r- 0.00000001 o'0000000 Manganese 1257 . 610 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o-ooooooo Irrolybdorum I 202. 03 0 0.00oo0ool o-0oooooo o - ooooooo J o, ooooooo I o. ooooooo rsickel lrg1.6aLt2 0.0000000 | o.0ooo000 o. opoooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo gelenium 1196-02tlL o. ooooooo I o. o0oo00o o,0o0oo0ol o. ooooooo I o.0o0o0oo salcnium I 195.02Lt2 o-oo0oooo I 0.0000000 0. 00000001 o, ooo000o l o. ooooooo siricon I zBB. l5g 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o.0oooooo gllver I gza. 068 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooooooof o'oooooool o.ooooooo Strontlrrrn I 4?1- 552 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oo0000o[ o-oooo0o0] o.0oooooo tr,hal-lt um I 190. 96{0,0000000 I 0.0000000 0. 000oooof o. oo0oooo I o.00ooooo Ttrorlum I 001. 910 0.0000000 I o.0ooo0oo o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo rLn I te9.9a9 o. ooooooo I o.00ooo00 o.oo0ooool o.oooooool o-ooooooo ritantum I ara.9cl o ,0oooooo | 0. o0ooo00 o. ooooooof o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo uranlum I 3Bs.95g 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo varradlum lrg2.lO2 o.0oooooo [ 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooo0o I o. ooooooo zlnc I213-B5G 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo Fot:r XI (PAR[ 2)-IN Coumentg: STL Denve STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Corooration Total Metals Analvsis -llB- ICP TNTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FA CTORS (ANNUALLY) Cage No. r sAg lib. : oate t 7 /23l2OAs Lab Codos STITDEN rcP rD Nt[ubcr: SUPERTRACE SDO NO. r D5r1001s3 Anallt,e Wave- lencrth (nm) Intarclament CorrectLon factorg Cr Cu for r Mn MoCo eluntnum Ifo8.Z15 0.0000000 | o.00ts00o 0.0000000f o. ooooooo I 0.0058500 AarLmony I 206.838 0.0000o0o I 0.0038900 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 I -o. 005sso0 ArrenLc I 189.O42 0-0000000 I 0.0001?00 0.00000001 0.00000001 o.ooo31oo aarlum I {93. cog 0. ooo0ooo I 0,0000000 o.oooooo0l 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 ner1rllJ.tlsl Ieff .A$2 o. ooooooo I o. o0o0o00 0.00000001 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo Boron 1249.6?8 0.0009800I 0-oo0oo00 o.0ooooool 0,0000000 1 o. ooooo00 CadnLuur lrZ6 - s0,-0.0002200 I 0,0000000 o. o0000ool o. ooo0oo0 I o. ooooooo calct rrn 1 319 . 933 o - 0000000 1 o. ooooooo o. ooooooof 0.0000000 | o. o00o0o0 clrromLurn lre 7 -'lL6 0.0000000 | o.0000000 o.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0001700 cobalr Iza8-615 0-00000001 0.o000ooo o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo ,conncr Iaal-zs3 0.0o0oooo J 0.0000000 0.0oo0oo0l o. ooooooo I 0. 000ooo0 Trron lz71 - o{1 0.0885900 | 0.0030800 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo r,ead lzzo-3sl t]i -0.0020470 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -o.0009600 r,ead 1220.3 sL/z 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0002600 Magrnoslrrn lZrg - ozB 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. oooooo0 f o , 0o000oo Manganoae I asz.610 o-oo0ooo0 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0ooooooJ o-oooooo0 uolr'bdonurB I ZOe . 03 0 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo uLckcr Irgl-6ottz -0.0005200 | 0-0000000 0. ooo0oool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo gelenl.trm I ,g6 . 02 1, t L o.ooosoool 0.0000000 0.0000000J o. ooo3soo I 0.0000000 soloniun I tr6.02 Ltz -0. 0001s00 I 0.0000000 o.000ooo0l 0.0002200 | o. ooooooo silLeon l rre.15B o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo o. oo0000o[ 0.0000000 I -0. 00{3{00 sLlver I 3ag.OGg 0.0000000I o-0000000 o. oooooool o, ooooooo I o. ooooooo stronttun I {21- 552 0.00ooo0o I o.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000[ o-ooooooo rhallLum I 190-B6t 0,0017{70 I 0. oo02g0o o. oooooool -o. oo{?zoo I o - ooooooo rhorLrrsr I d01.910 o-0000000 I o.0000000 o. ooo0o00l 0. oosoz8o I o. o0ooo00 rLn I rse. gBe 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. o00ooool o. ooooooo I o. 0ooooo0 tLt,anLum lrra.edl o. oo00o00 I o. o0oo000 o - ooooooof o.0000000 | o. ooo0ooo Uranium | ,r5 - esB 0.0000000 J o. ooo75oo o. oooooool 0.0000000 f o, ooooooo vanadLum lzgz . taz 0.0000000 I -0.0009700 0, o00o00ol o. ooo0ooo I 0.0000000 .zinc larr.gsc o. ooo0oo0 I -0.0032900 0,0000000f 0,0000000f o.ooooooo Comnent,s: STL Denve Form XI (PIRT 2l IIN 13 B STL DENVER Cont,ract: IIR$ Coroorrution Total Metals Analvsis -I18. ICP INTERELEMENT CO RRECTION FACTORS (ANN UA LLY) Cage Date t 7 l23lz$As Lab Code s g1,frDp{ rcP rD lr\rmbor: SUPERTRACE sDo No. r D5I100153 rnalyt,e Wavc- Lannrth (nn)Ni fntcrtrlameat Correctlon ractoru PI) Sb for: 8e si Alnnrlnum 1308.2Lr.0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0.0ooo0o0l 0.00000001 0.o0o0ooo Antimony I 206.838 0. oo0o000 I o. oo0o00o o-ooooo0ol o-0000000| o-ooooo00 Aruanl-e I t99.0{2 0.0000000 | o-ooooooo o.0000oool o.oooooool o.o0ooooo BarLum I {93 .409 o.00o0ooo I o. 0000000 0.00000001 o.ooo0000I o.oooo000 Baryrllum ISrr.otz 0.0000000 I o. oo0oooo o. oooooool 0 .0000000 1 0.0000000 Boron I rog. GzB o - 0000000 I o. o0ooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Cadmtunr 1225. sO2 0.0000000 I o. ooo0ooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo calclum I 319.933 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o-oooo00ol 0.00000001 o,ooooo00 ctrromLr:m lz6: .TL6 o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. o0oooool 0,0oo0ooo l 0.0000000 cobalt 1229.615 0.0aa2770 I 0.0000000 o. o0oooool 0.0000000 I o. ooooo00 copper 132 {-zsg o - 0000000 J 0. 0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000J 0.00000001 rron 1rr1.441 0-ooooooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. oooooo( Lead lezo.3 sLtL -o - 0001{oo I o. o0ooooo o.00000001 -0. oooo2o0 I -0 - 0001020 Lcad 1220.3 5Ll2 0. 0000540 1 o, ooooo0o 0.00000001 -0.0001400 I -0.0000370 Magncrlum lZrg- 078 0.0000000 I o. oooo000 o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Mansanose lzsz.510 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oo0000oJ 0.0o0oooo ruolybd.onum I zoe,03o 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo ulckel 1231.6At12 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo selenirrm [ 19 6.ALL|L 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. ooooo0ol o. ooooooo I o. 0oo1o0o SelenLun Irg6-0?,Ltz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.oooooooI o-0oooooo stticon I ze8. lr8 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o-ooooooo 6i1wer I 32B.oGB 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooooo[ o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo Strontlum 1421. s52 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0,0ooooool o-ooo00ooI 0.o0o0ooo Thallturn I tgo. g6{0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Thorlus I401.9I.0 0.0000000 I -0.000{200 0.000ooool o. o000ooo I o.00o0ooo rin |tr9-989 0, oo0o0oo I 0.0000000 o, ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo tl,tanl,um l rrd. eEl 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Uranlum lla5.rtB o. oo0o00o I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo vanadium I rgz.t1z 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. o0oooool 0 - oooo0o0 I 0. o00ooo0 zLnc Izu.85E 0.0000000 | o.0oo0oo0 0.00000001 0.0000000 1 0.0000000/ Fomr XI (Pfnt 2l -IN Corunents: STL Denve STL DENVER Contract r tIRg Conooration Total Metals Analvsis -IIB- TCP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR^S (ANN TIALLY) Care No-:gfg llo. t Dat,o: 7 123 12005 r,ab Code: SUTDEN ICP ID Nrlnbar: 8UPERTRACE sDG llO- : D5I100153 .Lnallt,e Wov6* Iengrttr (nm) rrrtorelenrent Corect Lon ractoru Sr 1FL for: T1Sn U elumluum I308.215 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0 . 0oo0o00 I o. ooooooo I -o , 0014000 Antl,mony I ,05.838 0.0oooo0o I 0.0000000 o. o0oo0ool o. ooooooo I o. oooooo0 lrgonl"c Irtg-OE2 o. o00oo0o I o. o00ooo0 o. oooooool 0. ooooooo I 0.0000000 BarLum 1693.{09 o.0000000 I o. o00oo00 o. oooooo0l 0.00ooooo I o. oooooo0 nor^ylllum ISff.Od2 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.oooooool o,oooooool 0.0000000 Boron lro9.6z8 0. ooooooo I o.00o0oo0 0.00000001 o.0o000ool o.ooooooo CadrnLurn lz26. s02 0. o0000oo I o. oo0oo00 o. o00ooo0l o.0oo00oo I o. oooooo0 caleLrur Iers.933 0,0000000 I 0. oooo0oo o. oooooool o. ooooooo l 0,0031000 Clrrontum lzit .7 L6 0. o0ooooo I 0. o00oo00 o.0ooo000l 0.00000001 0.oool1oo cobalt 1228.516 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oo2{{ool o. oooo0o0 I 0. oooog6o . coDrrcr I rzc . r5t\o. ooo0000 I o.00ooo0o o.0000000J o.oooooool 0.0005300 fron lrr 1. {{1 0 . ooo0000 I o. o00oooo 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0,002{000 Lead lr^0 .351/ 1 0.0000000 | o. o0ooooo o. oooooool o. ooooo0o J o - o010o5o nead lzzo.3 sttz 0. o0ooo0o I 0,0000000 0.00000001 o. oooo000 | o. 0011600 MagnarLun lz7 9.078 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.011{000 Manganese lzsl.610 o. ooo0o0o I 0.0000000 o. o00oo00l o, ooooooo l o. oool3oo Molybdenum I,02. 030 0.0000000 [ o.00o0oo0 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0002100 lul,ckal l231.6ottz 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo 0.00000001 -0.00094001 0.0000000 SelenLum I tg6. ozLtL 0 .0000000 I o. o0oo0o0 o-oooooool o.oooooooI o.ooooEoo Solenirrn 1196-OZLtz 0.0000000 | o.000ooo0 o-oooooool o.oooooool o.o000ooo stlLcon lZeB. rss 0.03125001 o-ooooo0o o - oo88ooof o. 0000000 I o. ooo8{00 silver I 328. 06g 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oooooo0 I 0. ooo93oo strontLrrn lCel. S52 0,0000000 I o, ooooooo 0. o0oo000l o - 0000000 I o. ooooooo rhalllum l 190.86d o-ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0. o0o0ooo I 0. 0000000 Tlroriun I401.910 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. oo233oo rtn I ra9.9a9 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo rltanlusr lrr{.9{1 0. 00oo0oo I 0. 0000000 o. ooooooof 0.0000000 I 0.0003000 uranl,uur lsas.sse 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo var:adl"um I,rZ.l}z 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00062001 0.0000000 I -0.0000600 zLnc 12L3.956 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooo0000 I 0.0000000 Conrments: STL Denve Folmr XI (PART 2l .IN 140 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR,S (ANNUALLY) Contracts IrRS eorDoration Lab Coder SI1rLDEN Case [Io. t g^Ig No-: rcP ID tftrrnber I SUPERI:RACE Datet 7 l23lzA$s sDG No.: D5I100153 wavo- langrEh (nm) Irrterolannsnt Correotlon ractorg 7.n TIr for: Analytc v AlunLnun 1r08.215 0. 0316700 I o. oo0o000 o . 05061oo I Ant,l-norey I 205.838 0.0000000 I 0-ooo0ooo o . ooooooo I nrgenl,c l18g-04a 0.0000000 I o-0000000 o . ooooooo I Bariun J{93.1109 o.0ooooo0 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I Barrrlligm Iaff.0{2 o. oo01g00 I o, oooo000 o . ooooooo I Boron lrog.578 0 - 0000000 ! o. ooo0ooo o . 0000200 I cadmlum 1226. soa 0.0000000 I o-0000000 o. ooooooo I calclun I 319.933 o.0000000 | o-o0ooooo -o - oal77 00 I ChromLum 1267 .7L6 0.0ooo00o I o.0o00oo0 o. ooooooo I Cobalt, 1228.515 o. oo00o00 I 0,0000000 o . ooooooo I cogDer I 32 4.'ts3 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oo?15ool I 1rron lrr1. d41 -0. 5347500 f 0,0000000 o. oo{57501 I I Lcad 1220 .3 'tl t 0.0000000 I 0.000oooo -o. oo3 5600l Lcad Jzzo.3sLla -0. 0003200 | o.0000000 o . ooooooo I Magnarl,run l=r9-0Zg o. o0000oo I o. oooo0oo o. ooooooof Mangranese lzsz - Glo o.0oo0oo0 I o.0000000 o . ooooooo I Molybdcnlra I ,02 - 03 O o. oo0o0oo I o.00ooooo o . oooo00o I nLcket I ,r 1. 5 at t2 o.0ooo000 J o. o0ooo00 o . ooooooo I Selenlum I 196,0ZLlL 0.0002100 J o-o0ooooo -0. o2'I930ol Beleattzn 119G.02Lt2 0.0000000 I o-oo0oo00 -0. oo024o0 I gtlLcon I 289.158 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o . o0o070o I gLlver l gZE,058 0 - 0000000 I o. o000o0o o, o0o349ol st,rontLrrm I {21. 552 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oooo0ool Thall-ium I fgO-86{0.0011700 I 0-0000000 -o . ooorzoo I rlhorium I oO1.9lO 0.0002000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I Tin I rr9.989 0.0000000 I 0. oo0oooo -o . ooo33oo I rLtaniurn I ,r{.901 0.0000000 | o.0oo0ooo o. ooooooo I uranJ.um I ge5.95B -o. o0g0?00 I o. ooooooo 0 . 001?000 I vanadlun lzlz.tli 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooEgoo Iztnc Izrr.BsG 0.0000000 I o. oooo0o0 o,oooog3ol Form XI (PART 2l rN Coruuentg: STL Denve STL DENVER O Con Lab ICP g1rLDETI Cage No,: ID Ntunbcr t Tr:n Intrcpid rcP Total Metals Analvsis -12- tcP LINEAR RANGES (QUAR'I]ERtY) gl,A No.3 Datcr 8 1L512005 gDo tr[o- : D5I100153 traoE r Codc: IIRS Cor:porat,l,on .Inalytc Irrtsrg - Tlnc (Scc, ) Conccntrrtl,on (ug/r,) M [.Llumtnun Lo I 60 .00 IrI lAluninum Hi I 20.00 1000 fn ICal.cirrn I,o 20.00 50 Ir IealcLun IIi 20.00 2000 lp [Iron Io 20.00 Ip f lron Ht 20.00 2000 fp f Potassr.um 20.00 500 fr Ilhgr"egl-um 20.00 2000 In J Sodtum Lo 20.00 10 Ir lSodium IIi 20.00 10000 50 Ir ,ruuent a : STL Denver f,onu XII IN a42 STL DENVER Contracts: LaL Codct IIRS CorporatJ.on STI,DEDI Cuc fVo. t Total Metals Analvsis -12- ICP LINEAR RANGES (QUARTERI,Y} gf,g Ho. r Date= 7 l22l2i0s sDs No. r D5I100153 ICP ID l[umbcr r gUPERTRACE Analytc Integ- rine (8cc. ) Conoentratlon (ms llrl M I nraanio 15-00 20 Ir I aerium 15.00 25 In f Chromlun 15. O0 50 Ir I Copper 15 .00 50 lr f Laad.15.00 100 Ir l Nickal 15.00 50 fr l sflver 15.00 lr lVanadLrrur 15.00 50 Ie Iztnc 15.00 50 Ir Copment,B I STL Denver Forra XII IN 1_43 STL DENVER o Con IJaI, ICP tract: IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analvsis -tL ICP LINEAR RANGES (OUARTERLY) DaEcr 8 l1.glz005l Code: STLDEN ID Nuubrrt pE fq5lgg SDO NO. : D5I100153 tnrlyEe fnEcg. rLnc (Sao. ) Concsntratlon (u.slLl M leadm!-un 0.001 Iu f salenlrrm 0.001 Jml STL Denver Fom XIf - IN 744 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis ,13- PREPARATION LOG Contsract s r,lrb Code: Mcthods P t Rg CorDoratlon STITDEIT Cltc No- I gl^8 No.:gDO NO. : D5f1O0153 Prcp Motshod: SamD].o ID Prcprrlt:Lon Date rnLtLa.l. volume I rinal I volugtc (nL) e$r-N91- o 9 0go5 9 l zs lz00s 50-o I 50.0 cI[lI-IitI.-Og0g05 9 t33t2005 50. o I 50.0 Gilr-N1-090905 Ms 9 t23t?005 50. o I s0.0 GU[-N1-090905 MgD e 12312005 50.0 I 50.0 GTr-58-090905 9/231200s 50. o I s0.0 G.W-5D-090905 91231200s 50.0 I 50.0 G-g[- s5- 09 0905 9t23t200s 50. o I 50.0 GIIir-7C-0g0go5 9123/?005 50.0 I so.o IIIB5Z65222 91231?00s 50. o I so.o CIIECK SAtrIPT,E 9 lzs /200 5 50. o I 50.0 Commentg r STL Denver Form XIIT IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis t3- PREPARATIONLOG Contsract: f,a,b Codc r Mothod r t RS Corporet{on STIJDEN Case ![o. :SIS ![o. :sDc No.: D5f100153 Prop Mrthodr Sauplo ID Preparatiorr Datc rnitLal Voluna I rinal I vohmc (nf,,) cru-Ng1- 090905 9 t261200s 10. o I 10.0 Gr$r-NI-Og0g05 9 1261200s 10.0 I 10.0 G[il-N1-OgOg05 Ug 912612005 10.0 I 10.0 cyr-N1-090905 usD 9t261200s 10.0 I r0,0 @I-58:090905 9126/2005 10.0 I 10,0 GUr-5D- O90905 9 126 /200s 10.0 I 10 ,0 Gvr-g6- 0909 0s 9 /26t2005 10.0 I r0,0 GAf-7 C-.0 9 0905 9 126120 0 s 10.0 I 10.0 uB52 5633 6 91261200s 10. o I 10.0 CHECK SAMPLE 9 /26/2005 10. o I 10.0 Coruracnts: STL Denver Dom XIII T IN 745 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis ,13- PREPARATION LOG Cont,rer:t' r Lab Coder Mcthod: t RS Corryrorati-on STLDEN caac No- r SAg ![o. r lfs Prep Mcthod.r Earqp]-a ID Preparatsion Dat,e Inl,tl,rl Volrrmo J rinrl I voLurno (nL) Gr[-Ng1- O90905 91231200s 50.o I 50.0 cw-NI-- 090905 9t23/2AO5 50.0 I s0.0 gw-N1-090905 us 91231200s 50.0 I 50.0 GII,II-N1-0909O5 MSD 91231200s 50. o I 50.0 gw-58-090905 9 t23 t 2005 50. o I 50.0 cef- 5D- 09 0905 9 t23t200s 50.0 I 50.0 G[,[-S5-O90905 9t23t2005 50. o I s0.0 GTr-7C- O9 090s 9 t23t2005 50.0 I 50, 0 M85255180 912312005 50.0 I 50-0 CHECK SETIPLE 9la3 /200s 50. o I s0.0 Dsr100153 1-47 Comncntt r STL Denver Fom XfIf IN STL DEIYVER Total M-llls Analvsis ANAI,YSIS RTIN LOGO Coutractr r Lab Codc r Ingbnrnmt, Start Drtcr URS Corporatl,on STI,DEN fD !fipobcr r 9 12612005 Caae No. t T,.IL Intraptd ICP 8fg ![o. r Method: sIrc No. r D5I100153 End Date: 9 126 lzOOs r - Danotat BaLlltioDrl aloaDt, lother thar Eh rt.-drr:dl CLD .latorDtr) arG r.EE r.atrtl oo anotbrr For! la STL Denver sanplr ID. DIT Ti-ure e6R enalftes' t lr g B .L s B t' B B c D c t c R c o ;lr I :lxlrl : lrl "l; lrlrl rl"[;l! gtdl-B].ank 1. OO 09t{1 x x x x x x ICTI,I.1.00 O9:{5 x x x x x x ICrr2 1. O0 O9:5O x x x x IC.f,!1 1. Oo O9:53 x x x x x x ICTjL2 1, o0 O9:57 x x x x x x IC,TH 1. O0 1OsO2 x x x x IEIII,1- OO 1OtO6 x x x x x x CCITH 1.00 1O;11 x x x x cg\rI,1. oo 1Or15 x x x x x x reB 1. OO 1Or2O x x x x x x RLSTD2 1.00 LO 224'x x x x x x ICSA 1. OO 1O929 x x x x x x ICS.f,B 1. OO 1Or3{x x x x x x CC\TH 1.00 1Or39 x x x x cgur,1- 00 1O: {3 x x x x x x CCB 1.OO lOr{8 x x x x x x CCVH 1- OO 18r33 x x x x CCTL 1. 00 18r37 x Ix x x x x ecB 1. OO 18r42 x x x x x x zzzzzz 1. OO 18r46 Z7.ZZZ7.1- oo 18r51 zzzz7.7.1- OO 18r55 T.ZZZ7.Z 1, OO 19rO1 t't852 65227 1, OO L9rO6 x x x x x x CIIECK s.LMPTfi 1.00 19r10 x x x x x zz7,7,ZZ 1. OO 19r15 5. O0 19:19 I ll'lrl'7r7,1.00 19n[ zz,zzzz I .00 X.9 r 28 CC'\III 1.00 19r33 x x x x lceut 1.00 19:37 x x x x x x CCB 1 .00 19r42 x x x x x x m-N].-og0go5 1. OO 19 : tt6 x x x x x x Forn XIV * IN a48 STL DENVER Total *"11f Analvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG Contnct r Irab Codc: Inatntrmont Strart Detcr IIRS Corryloration gTLDEN ID lllunbor r 91261200s Crac N<l. t TifA lutreptd ICP gAS No. t Mcthod: e,Dg No- : D5f 100153 P I I * STL Draotca add.Ltloual elenentr Denver End Datar 9 126l20As (othcr thla the rEand.arC Cf.P rlruratr) ar. trpruoutcd oa onotbor Eor'n 1{, SaryrLr ID. Dlv Timc TR tnelyteg I :l;l ;lr I il:Fl:lrl "l; Illrl rl"l 3l ; Grw-N1-090905 Drsr 1. 00 19r51 x x x x x x Gr^r-NI.- 090905 MSD 1- OO 19r56 x ;X x x x x 7,Z,ZZZZ 1. OO 2O: O1 ZT.ZZZZ 1. O8 2OrO5 ZZZ,ZLZ,1- OO 2Or1O 7,ZZ7,ZZ 1. O0 2AzL5, Gmr*Ng1- 090905 1. OO 2O:19 x x x x x x @tr-58-090905 1. O0 ?O t?d.x x x x x x zDsr 100153-OO5 1.00 2O:29 ec\rH 1. O0 2O:35 x x x x cglrL 1 .00 2O:39 x x x x x x ecB 1. OO 2A:44 x x x x x x 7zD5r100153-005 1. O0 20 r{8 sur-7c- 0909 05 1. O0 2O:53 x x x x x x zzz7.7.z 1. 00 20:58 227,7,7.2 1. O0 21rO2 zzzzz.z 1. 00 2L:A7 T,ZZZZZ 5. OO 2LtL?tl zzzzzz 1. OO 21r15 zzz7,zz 1- 00 2LzZL t 7,7r7r7r7tz 1. OO 7L226 ?rTrZrZZZ 1. OO 21r31 I CCVH 1- OO 21r36 x x x x CC'\TL 1-OO 21r{1 x x x x x x CCB 1. OO 21r 116 x x x x x x Forxr X]]lr - IN 1-49 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -14- ANALYSISRUNLOG outsnctt IIRS Corporat:Lon Lab Code3 STITDEN Caae Dlo. t Sng No. : rDrerrrnont ID tlumbcrr 8t[ fntreptd ICF Mothodr P sDG No. s D5I10O153 Startr Drt'e I 9 /26 l?OAs Brrd Datcr 9l26l2OA5 ganple ID.DIV Timc tR .Lnalltcs B }' u r,r M o o S P D P P T g r I Hi t" F U UI I ![ !I| H r" Std1-Blarrk 1. O0 09:41 x IC.n'L]-1,OC O9r45 x IeAL2 1. O0 09r50 ICAIT1 1. ool 09 :53 x ICAI,2 1- od 09r57 x revH 1. 00 1O: O2 IgUL 1,00 1O: O5 x CCVH 1.00 1O:11 CC\rL 1. od 10915 x IgB 1. 0q 1Og2O x RLgTD2 1- OC 1Or24 x IESA 1.00 1Or?9 x \csnn 1-00 10r3{x tcvn 1- OC LOr39 CC\IL 1. OC 10r43 x ccB 1- oc 10r88 x CCVH 1. O0 18 :33 cc'\rl,1- O0 18 :37 x ecB 1.00 18r42 x 7'ZZ,7.7'Z 1. ool 18:{6 7r7r7rzz7,1- 00 18r51 7,7,ZZZZ 1. O0 18:55 7,7,227.2 1-O0 19rO1 MBs2 65 7^22 l. ool 19rO6 x CHECK g}IVIPLE 1. OOI 19 :1o x zT,zzzz 1. O0 19r15 Z,Z7,Z7,Z s-ool 19:19 z7,zzz7.1.00 L9 tZ{, z7,zzz7.1, O0 19r28 EOfII 1.0d 19r33 CCIIIJ 1. O0 19:37 x CCB 1. O0 19:{2 x I[{-Nl-0e0e05 1.00 19r45 x f,w-nt-ogogos Disr 1. O0 19:51 x STL Denver Form XIV IN 150 STL DEIYVER Total Metals Analvsis -14- ANALYSE RUN LOG Contsraet: Lrb Codcr Ingtnrrncnt Start Datsc: URg Corporatsion STLDE}I ID lfl\rmbcr r el25l200s Caac No. t T;IA Intrcpid IcP SAS No. t Matrhodr P End Datrlr 9 l26lZOAB sDc No.: D5I100153 8uryrlc rD.DI?TLmc %R Ana1.ytar B A u Ltt[rlo o s P D P P T g r s 1 F] I F F u w I N T H r- GH-N1-O90905 MSD 1. 00 t9:56 x Z7rZZ7.7r 1.00 ?0r01 T.LZZZZ 1. O0 2O: O5 zzz.zzz 1. 00 2OrI-O z7.z%7.2 1. 00 20r15 Gfl-Ng1-090e05 1. O0 2O919 x cEr-58-090905 1- 00 20:2tL x 2D5r100153 -OO5 1. OO 20:29 CCTIH 1.0c 2O:35 cclrL 1. oo 2O:39 x ccB 1. OC 2Or4{x zDsr1001s3- oo6 1. 00 20:{8 @il-?c-090905 1.O[2O:53 x I zzzzzz 1. OO 20g58 \ zzzzzz 1. O0 21r02 zzzzzz 1. OC 2LzO7 7ZZZZ7,5.0c 2L 21,2 TrT,ZZZZ 1. OC 21:15 7,7t7t7rzz 1- OC ZLzZL Tr7,ZZ7rZ 1- od 2L226 zzzzzz,1. O0 21r31 cc'\m 1- od 21r36 CC'\TT,1.Ool 21: {1 x CCB 1- od 21: {6 x STL Denver Form XMN 151 STL DENVER Total Metal: Aoolvsis ANALYS$ RTIN I,OG Contrect r frab Code : InaErrunant strart Drtor gTLDE![ fD !firnbcrr 9 127 12005 Caac No, t Tit}' Intra1ltd IeP SLS No. t Mothod,: SDGI No. : D5I100153 t STL Drrrotct add,ltlonal olrnrnt; Denver End Drtor 9 12812005 (other thnn the strrdard CLP tlorntr) ar. rcDraceuted, on anoEber fora 1( Sanrrh rD. D/r ELmr 16R ^trna1It,cE A L g B t g B A B E c D c t c n c o c u r t P B ulunl"H G N I K a E .R' iR1! N tr Il"7, !r c N SUd,1-Bl.arrk 1. O0 15: OO x x x x x x ICTI,1.1- OO 15rO4 x x x x x x ICAI,2 1. 00 15rO8 x x x x IC.n,L1 1- O0 15:12 x x x x x x ICAL2 1.00 15r15 x x x x x x ISIIH 1- OO 15r21 x x x x ICUfr 1- 00 15 :25 x x x x x x cg\m 1. OO 15r3O x x x x cgur,1. 00 15 :35 x x x x x x ICB 1.00 15:39 x x x x x x RITSTD2 1- OO 15r{3 x x x x x x TCSJT,1. OO 15r{8 x x x x x x reg.nB 1- O0 15r53 x x x x x x cgvH 1. OO 15r58 x x x x CCIIL 1- 00 16: O3 x x x x x x CCB 1- 00 15r08 x x x x x x CC.[IH 1. O0 OOrO5 x x x x cgvl,1. OO OOr].O x x x x x x ccB 1. OO OOr14 x x x x x x ZZZZZZ 5 .00 OO:18 t n zzzzzz.1- OO OOr23 zzz,7,zz 1. 00 O0:28 ZZ7-,7,ZZ 1.00 OO:32 zr,zr.7,z 1. O0 00t37 CHECK S}ICPLT 1. OO OOr{2 x Grn-N1-090905 gER 5. O0 OOrlT x x x x x x cffi-5D-090905 10. 00 O0:51 x x x x x x Gffi,S6-090905 10. 00 OOIff I I I T T I 7,27r?,27,10.00 01:00 ccur 1. 00 01r05 x x x x CC-VL 1. O0 01:09 x x x x x x ccB 1. 00 O1s1{x x x x x x Fom XIV IN 152 STL DENYER Total Metals Arrtlvsis nnnriToRrrNLoc Contraot r Lab Codcs Inrt,rnrnont Sltart Datso: URS CorporatLon STI,DEN ID N\:nbrr r e /27 t2005 Cr;c No. I Tifn rntrcpid ICP SIS SIo. t Mcttrod r P rnd Datar 9 l28l?AOs SDc lilo. : D5f100153 Barur].e ID.D/F TLnc ,6R lna1y'tas B .e' U L I l,l o o I P D P P T g r "f"lr F l" $r I }I T H r- StdI--BLank 1.00 15rOO x ICAI.I.1- 0d 15:01 x ICAL2 1.00 15: 08 ICI.I,I.1. O0 15r12 x ICTI,2 1. O0 15:15 x IC"\TH 1- 00 15 :21 ICTL 1. 00 15 :25 x CgWI 1. 0c 15:3O CC\rL 1.00 15:35 x rcB 1.00 15:39 x RI,gTD2 1. O0 15 :43 x ICAI'1.O0 15:{8 x ICSAB 1 . O0 15r53 x I cc\nr 1-O0 15r58 T eg\rrr 1.O0 16: O3 x CCB 1 .00 16908 x CgI'H 1. O0 00:05 cslrr 1. o0 O0rI'O x ccB 1. 00 0O :14 x l'7.2Z7,7.5.O0 OOt18 Z,7,7,7,22 1.00 00:23 Z'7,Z,Z, O0:28 2L7.7.27.1- O0 OO:32 zzzzzz.1. Od 0Or3? CHECK BAMPIJE 1. 00 O0 :12 cff-N1-O90905 SER 5.OC 00: {7 x crl{-5D-090905 10. o0 0O:51 x GT-s5-09090s 10. o0 O0 :56 x 7,ZZ7,ZZ 10. 00 01: 00 cevH 1.00 01: 05 eg\rl,1, 00 01r09 x CClB 1. 0c 01r1{x STL Denver Fom XfV IN 153 STL DENVER Total M"1ils Analvsis AI.{ALYSN RUN LOGo Corrtsrrct r Lrb Codcr Inatrnrnont gt,art O.a", IIRS CorporatI.on STI,DEN ID l{hrubcr r 9/26 1200s Caga No.: ST'PERTn.LCE gAS No. I Mrthod: gDC No,: D5I100153 i STL Dcnotcs ac1d,Itlsr,a1 eleuenta (other Denver End Darer 9 127 /2005 f,tsndrrd CLP elensnBr) Brc roDrcgcutcd on anothcr Forrn 1{ $amSrle rD. DIF TLrna %R AnaIyEca [;l"lfil; gTDl-Blank 1. O0 11 :55 x x x x x x x x x HISTD 1. O0 L2:AL x x x x x xl x x x TIIOH 1. OO 12rO5 x x x Jx x x x x x rc'\rlr 1. OO 12r12 x x x x x xl x x x CC\'17 1.00 7.2 rL7 x x x x x xl x x x ICB 1. OO L2:23 x x x x x x x x x RfrgTD 1. OO L2:?8 x x x x x x x x x ICSA 1- OO 12:33 x x x x x x x x x rCSIB 1. O0 12 :39 x x x x x x x x x frR 1. O0 tZ=Ll x x x x x x x x x cglml1 1. OO 12 :5O x J(x x x x x x x ccBll 1. O0 12 :55 x x x x x x x x x cc\rr I zg 1. OO 1Or52 x x x x x x x x x ccB I ze 1.00 10r57 x x x x x x x x x MB52 652??,1. OO 11: O3 x x x x x xl x x x ETMCK SIITTPLE 1. 00 11: O8 x x x x x x x x x zzzz.zz 1- OO 11r13 ZZZ,TTZZ 1. Oo LI.:18 zT,zzzz 1. O0 11 :23 zz7"7,zz 1. OO 11r28 z7.zzz7,1. O0 11r33 INIrRI'-rrItB AC gER 5-OO 11r38 x x x x x x x x x ZZrTrTrTrZ 1. O0 11: {3 227.7,7,2 1- OO 11r{8 cc\rr I zg 1- oo 11r53 x x x x x x x x x ccB I ag 1. O0 11 :58 x x x x x x x x x o[ir-Ng1-090905 1. o0 12r03 x x x x x xl x x x Gl{-ill-090905 1. 00 12r08 I I I I I I I I I gw-N1-090905 MSr 1. 00 12r13 x x x x x x x x x gH-N1-090905 MfrD 1 .00 12r18 x x x x x x x x x Gr[-58- 090905 1. 00 12r23 x x x x x xl x x x cHil- 5D- 09 09 05 1.00 LZ 277 x x x x x x x x x gil-s5- 0909 05 1.00 12:33 x x x x x x x x x ttran thc Fonu, XMN 154 STL DENVER Total M-:ils Analvsis AI\ALYSIS RT]N LOG Contraots r Lr-b Cod,a; Intt,rumant, Starts Drtscr t Rg Cor2oratLon gTLDE![ ID Mrnbcrr 91?61200s Ca;c No. t STIPERIPRACE SASI No. I Mcthod.r End Datcr 9 127 lz00s EDGI DIo . r D5I10 0153 p S ,t Denot,rr addltlonal tlcnsntg TL Denver (othrr tlua the etandard Ct,P rltqonta) rre xnr ff 9arqSrla rD- DID TLnc IR f,nal'1rts,cr .L L g B t' g B A B I8 c D c ^L c R c o e TI r Eru P B u o Ir! N nlu "l- xls Iu A, o N A ml t v 7, N c N Gnf -7c- 090905 1.00 12937 x x x Ixl l*l I t Ix x x x cclr:r J ro 1- OO 12r{3 x x x xl lxl I I lxl xl x x ceB I ro 1- OO 12 t48 x x x lxl l*l I I lx xl x x Eom roDroaoated on anothu Form 1{ 155 STL DBIVVER o Contracts: IraI, Codc: Inatrrrment Start Data: Total M.:if Analvsis ANALYSIS RTIN LOG IIR$ Coranratl-on gTLDTN fD hhrnberr 9 /261200s Crrr No. t PE gll}.f,' g.}A No.l Metlrod t rnd Drtscr 9 /"6/lAOs sD(l No. r D5f100153 crI Saruplrr ID. Dlv Tine e6R .f,nal1t,rr I' Tt g B t s B }': l:l :l ::I;III rl"lfil; Cal'ilr B].anls 1. O0 15t21 x O -2 1r3lb 1. O0 L5;22 x O-5 ppb 1. OO 15:2{x 1.0 ppb 1, O0 L5r26 x 2.A 5r1lb 1. OO L5 t 2-l x 5.O r>pb 1. oo 15 :29 x 1O-O ppb 1. O0 15931 x IeB 1. OO 15 :33 x t Ig\I 1. OO 15r35 x cgrl 1.00 15:37 x CCB].1.00 15r38 x RI,1.00 15:{0 x 7.Z7,7,ZZ 1. OO L5:42 zzzzzz 1. OO 15r{3 ZTLT'TrZZ 1. OO 15 :.C5 fl zzz.zzz 1. OO 15r{7 zzz.zzz 1- OO 15r48 ZZZT,ZZ 1.00 15:5O Z7,ZZZ7.1. O0 15r52 zzT,zzz 1. O0 15 r 5.{ 7r7rZ7.ZZ 1- OO 15r55 ecuz 1. O0 15 :57 x CCB2 1- O0 15r59 x cev10 1. O0 18:38 x ccBl0 1. O0 18:{0 x zzzzzT,1. O0 18r{2 zzzzzz 1.00 18 t43 T,L\LLT,,1. 00 18r15 7,7rZZZZ 1 ,00 LBz47 7,Z7,ZZZ 1,00 18:48 7,7r7rt7t7t 1.00 18:50 7t7.7.7,7,7t 1. 00 18r51 ZZ7"Z7,Z 1.00 18:53 r - Dolrotaa addltlo[al .l-ttntr (ottnr thu th. .t6.od,aral gLP elelDa,tB) rro r.Drarmted o uothor Fom la STL Denver Form XIV - LN 155 STL DEIVVER Total M.:ils Analvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG Contsraet r Lab Cod.e: Inetrnrmcnt St,art, Datrr : t RS Cor:poratLon STLDE}I ID Dltuubcr: 91261200s Cagc No. t PE STI}.[, glg No. l ucthodt sDc No.: D5I100153 C-tt . Druoteg acldltlonal rleueata STL Denver hd Drtc r 9 126 l2AO5 (othrr than bha str.aderd CLp eleurntr) arG r.Dr.rantrd on rnother Doro 1a SrnpLc ID. DIY fl-na tbR .f,nrlyt,rr A L s B .B g B t. B vtIL c D ct C n c o ;lrl:l xlrl ffil II'I;I; M85466336 1. 00 18:55 x CHESK SNIIPLT 1- 00 18:56 x cc\r11 1.00 18:58 x ccB11 1. 00 19: OO x qr-Ng1-090905 1. 00 19:O1 x crril-N1-- 090905 1. O0 19: O3 x G1[-Nr--090905 lIs 1. O0 19r05 x GTr-N1-O90905 MgD 1- O0 L9: O5 x Grw- 5s- 0909 05 1. 00 19: OB x cw-5D-o9090s 1. O0 19r1O x qil-86-0909O5 1- O0 19:12 x our-7c- 09 09 05 1- OO 19r13 x 7,7,Z7,ZZ 1. OO 19r15 z?.27.27,1- O0 19:16 cgtr12 1. o0 19r18 x CCB12 1- 00 19 :2O x Forn XrlI - IN 1,57 STL DENVER O conBract s Lab Co6or In;t:rrmcnt, Start Datcr Total M-:ils A,nalvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG IIRS Corporatlon gTLDEN fD Nurubrr r 9126/200s Crrc No. I PE IEPMS S.LS No. r Mcthodr End Darcr 9 lzt /2045 sDc No.: D5I100153 M Analytca sagp]-c I atv lrinc I e6 R 0c sEd 3 QC srd 4 9tradrrd. 1 ac ard 3 QC gtd ,l Qc strd 3 QC stsd I QC sbd 3 ac std 4 Stendard 1 Qc strd 3 I'I852 5518O t - Dalota. rtldltlonal .l@Ets (othar tUlE Eho stEderal Cl,P aloaata) lro rsDr.aesEoil oB rrctlcE fo!! 1a STL Denver E'om XfV IN 158 STL DENYER Total *.11f Analvsis ATIALYSIS RUN LOG Contract: Lrb Code: Instnr.merrt, 9tart, Dater IIRS CorT>oratLon STr,f)EN ID lltrmber: 912612005 Carc No. t PT ICPMS EAS IiIo. t Mtrthod.: SDG No.: D5I100153 u * Dauotes addltlonal elcmcntt STL Denver Eud Darcr 9 127 12005 (other thaa thc EtEndard CLP elcreuts) are rcprcocnBcd on aaothcr Form 1{ saqrrle rD- Dlt lfine erR .f,naI'ytcr t L g B t' g B L B E c D c .t' c R ;I;II plu "l .M N II o N I K g E Jt G N ,\ T TJ v z N c N 7r7rT.ZZ7,5. O0 0{:07 oo O{r11 T'TrZZZZ 1. OO Olr15 @r-Ng1-0gog05 5-oO O{r18 Jx l l l n I x cw-N1-oeog05 5-OO O&t72 x x QC Stsd 3 1- OO O4:25 xl x QC Std {1.00 O4 ;29 xl x GV[-t{1-090905 sER 5. 00 Olr33 l*l x ew-N1-090905 PDs 1- OO Olt36 x x cDy-N1-O90905 Us 5. O0 04r4O x x Grr-N1-090905 tdsrD 5-OO O{r44 x x cr[-58- o90905 10-oo Alt&7 xl x crg-5D-090905 20. o0 O{:51 x x cw-s6- 090905 20. oo O{r55 x x GTr-?e- 090905 1. OO O{r58 x x ac srd. 3 1, O0 05rO2 x x ac sEdL d 1.00 05;06 x x Forn XIV - rN 159 HITIIOD BfilITK REPORT General. Chemt-stry Cl-ient Ipt PARAT{ETER D5I1-O O 1-5 3 RESUITT #- - - :Itatrtr, . - - - - - - . ! WATER Arrunonia aEl N Ammonla as N Ch].oridl= F1uoride Nit,rate NI-trate Nl-trate-Nitrl-te Nl-trare-NiErite Sulfat'e Itlork Order #: HLJ851AA O. LO mg/T, Dilution Faet,or: 1 Analyeie Timc - - : 22..AA Work Order #: Hrc(s8LAA 2-5 ryll, Dl"lut.Lon Factor: L Arralygie Time, . : 17 : 00 Work Order #: HICITKT1AA O - aO rglt' Dllution Factor: 1 lnalyals Tl-me. - ; 1-3 :15 Work Order #: HK7Ir71AA O. LO mg/f-, DLlution Factor: 1 Analyels Tl,me. . : 1,5 : 0O Work Order #: HIIIrMP1A.,H, 0 ,10 mg/L Dllutlon Factor: L AnalysLe TLme. -: 15:O0 $Iork Order *: HKTIIE1AA 0. l-o mg/t Dllutlon E'aetor: 1 A:talysle Tlme. . ; 22; O0 Work Order #, HIrIrDglAjA 0.10 mg/T* Dilutiou Factor; 1 Analyel-s Tlme. . : 18 : 0O Itlork Order #: HLIYIHK1AA 5,0 rylt, Dilutlon Faetor: 1 Analysls Tlme..: 15:40 (Continued on next MB Lot-$ample MCAWW 350 .1 MB lpt-Samp1e I'ICAIItr 325 -2 IvIB Lot-Sample I'iCAilI5 3{O - 2 MB Lot-Samp1e MCAnm 353.2 MB Lot, - Sarnple MCA9gW 353 .2 MB Lot-Samp1e MCAITffi 353 .2 MB Lot-Sample MCAhrlr 353 .2 MB Lot,-Sample uetmf 375 -1 REPORTING IrfMfT UNfTS }IlETHOD Work Order #: HK6XALAA MB LoE-SampIe ND 0.10 lI,figlt MCAWI{ 350. L Dilution Faetor: 1 enalysl-g Tj-me. , : O4 :0O PREPARATTON- PREP ArvALYg_rS pATE BATCII # DsI22A000 -47fJ oe /Ztl as 526s478 DsT280000- 454 oe /2t / as s2714s4 D51200000- 262 os lLBl as s263262 Dsrl.{0 000 - 578 oel1llos s2s1s7B D5I220000-s87 oe /ta/os 526ss87 Ds1280000-7a7 a9 / 1A / A5 52'tL7 07 Ds1220000-552 ae / 2a / os s26sss2 Dsr280000 -679 oe /27 / os s2?]-67e D5r290000-L73 as lzslos szrzl:ls I..8 B o-or_9 B ND STL Denver 2.5 B page) 150 IIIEIEOD BI,aIIK REFiORT Gerrera.I, Clrcmlstry Cl-ientr tot *- - -: PARAMETER Dsr1001s3 RESUI,T R^EPORTING I,fldIT UNfTS METTIOD Ilatrl-x-- D-.. --.: WATER PREPAR;ATTON- PREP AI{ATYSIS DATE BATCII * Total CYanide Irlork Order * ; HK3 6E'LAA o - o10 mg/T, Dilution Factor: 1 AnalyaJ-e Time. . : 12 : 00 MB Lot-Sample #: sw845 901O8/ eO12A D5T210000 - s3 9 oe / zt-09 I 22/ os sz54s39 IUTB(S): Cslculadono aro performcd before rouodirg to avoid roundotf ernors In calcutued rcsults, B Etimatod resu[ Re,$lt lc les than RL. STL Denver 151 ffi COITIROL SIATIPT,E EIIALTIATION General Chemietry RBPORT Iot-Baqrl.e *- PARAMEqER pH Anunonia aB N ArnmonLa aB N Chloride Fluorlde : D5f10O1-53 PERCENT RECOVERY RECO\IERY LIMITS RPD RPD LTMITS },IETHOD wo# : HICEQJIAA-LCS/HIGQJIAC-LCSD LCS (gt Laz) sw84 5 904 oB (9t L02) 0.0 (o-5.0) swg+e 90408 (go 1-L0) t'lcArilv{ 350,1(90 L10) 0.34 (O-1,0) MCAI{W 350,1- WO# : }IK7HB 1AC - T'Cg / HK?HE ].AD - I,CSD (gz LLz) t'lcAww 3 53 . 2 l9Z L1.2) 0.10 (o-10) MCAIIW 353 .2 Dllutlon PacEor: 1 llatrix- - -- - -- - -3 WATER PREP,ARATION- PREP ANALYq.r..S pArE BATCH .f. LoE- Sample# : D5I1OOO00 - 1-O1- oe / Lo / os s2s3 101 ae / lolos s2s3 L01 ae/zt /os sz7L4s4 ae /27 / as s27L4s4 LCS Lot, - Sample# : D5I,220 0o0 - 5 52 oe/za / as s25sss2 oe /za / as szasss2 100 L00 1_OO 100 101 101 L06 1_0 5 DLlutl-on Factor: 1 vlo# : HKSXATnC-I,CS/HX5XA1AD-ITCSD IJCS l.ot - Samtrlle* : D5I22 OOOO - 4 78 (9o - 1Lo) Meeww 3so.1 og/zt/os s26s47g (9o - r1o) o.77 (0-10) Mcaww 3s0.1 og/zt/os s26s47s Dilution Factor: 1 nnalyeie ?imc, . : O4: OO WO* :HhT85faC-f,CS/ULifS5IAD-LeSD LCS IJot- Sanqrle# : D5I2IoOOO -454 Dlluti-on Factor: 1 I{O# : HKX58 faC-f,cs /HKx58 IAD-IICSD I,CS r,ot, - Samtrlle* : D5 f2 0OoOo - 2 52 99 (90 - 110) rrrcAww 32s-2 ag/te/as 5263262 9e (90 - 110) O-3{ (O-1O} MCAWW 32s.2 OgltslOS 5263262 Dilutloa Factor: L Analyal.e Tlme. . ; 17 ; 00 WO* : HKJKT1IC-ICS/XKLK?LAD-ITCSD IJCS Lot - Sampte* : D5f 14 oOOO - 578 (82 - 114) McAnw 3{0.2 ag/t+/os s2s757g (ez - 114) 0.0 (0-1G) MeAww 3{0.2 ogltalos szs?s7g Nitrate Nitrate 94 97 Nit,rate-Nitrite 96 96 DllutLoa Factor: 1 Analyel-e Tl-me- . r L3 : 15 910# : HK7L7rAc-I,cS/HKTIrTLAD-LCSD LCS Lot -Sarqrl-ef : D5I22000O - 5879+ (s6 - 110) McAr{w 3s3.2 og/to/os s26sss7 91 (s6 - 11o) 2.e (o-10) McAww 3s3.2 og/tolas s26ssgz Dilution Factor: 1 Analyeie Time..: 15:00 wo# :IILLilPTaC-I,CS/XLLMPLAD-IJCSD LeS Lot-Sample* : D5I2I00OO-7 07 (BG - 1r.o) MeAww tss.z ogltolos sz7l7o7 (86 - 110) 2.e (o-10) Mcalrw tst.z og/to/os sz7l7o7 Dilution Factor; t STL Denver (Cont,inued on next page) a62 Iot-Sarylle *- - - : D5I100153 PERCENT PIIUUVIETER RECO\IERY Nitrate-NlErlte 99 99 Sulfate 110 109 Total Cyanide 1_07 108 ffi COITTROI, AAIIPTJB EIruTIATION RBBORT General. Cheutstf,y RECO\IERY RPD IrfMI?S RPD IJII.,IITS METHOD lfatri-x.' . - . - - - - . 3 WATER PREPARATTON- PREP ATiIAIJYSIS DATE BATCH # Lot-Sample# : D5T28OO0 A-679 oe/22 /as s27l67e oe/27 / as s27L579 wo# 3 HrJJrgilA,c-LCs/urr,nglAD-LCSD LCS (gz tL?) lqcarYw 353.2 (92 L1,2) 0.15 (0-10) MCAWW 353 - 2 Pl.lutLon Factror: 1 Wo# : HII|HK1AC-LCS/HIMITLAD- rrcsD Ircs r,ot - sanple* : D5I290o 0 0 - 173 (91 - 112) MCAI{!{ 37s.4 og/ze/as sz72l73 (el - 112) 0.63 {o-ls) McAww i7s.4 og/ze/as 5272L73 nl-IuLLon Faetor: 1 Analyele TLme..: 15:10 vIo* : HK36PreC-r,CS/rXl6F1AD-rJCgD LCS Lot, -Sa4>La* ; D5I21O00o - 539 (s9 - 109) sn846 goros/gorzz. oglzr-oel22/os 5264s3e (Be - 109) 0.93 (o-20) gws46 9o1oB/eo12 09/2t-og/zz/as sz6ts39 DllutloB Faceor. 1 .llalyela Tlne--: 12:oo IICITB (S) : Calculadons are performod bcforo rourdlng to evoid rourd-off erron in celculatcd resrdts. STL Denver 1_53 W @IIIROIT gAltIPIrE Dilf,B' RffiORT Geueral. CheoiBtry Iot-'Bary>Ie *- - - : D5f1OO1-53 PARAII{ETER SPTI(E MEASIURED PERCMT AI.{OI]MT AIvTOIINT UNITS REC'\IRY RPD MEfiIOD Hatrl,:r--- ---! WATER PREPARATION- PREP A}UALYSIS DATE. BATCH # pH wo# : HlcEQirree- rrcs/gxEQirlAc-rrcsD r,cg Irot-sarple* : D5I1 oo0 o 0 - 1o1 7,00 7. 01 7.00 7.01 sw846 90408 Pl,IucLon E'actor: 1 wo# 3 HK6XATAC-I,CS/HK5XA1AD-r,CSD LCS r,ot- gaqrle# : D5I22000 O - 478 No UnLte 1o0 No Units 1-00 0 . 0 sw845 90408 ae/Lo/05 oel 1.0/ os oe / 2t/ as ae / 2t/ as oe/27/as ag /27 I as oe/L8/os oe / 18l os oe/L4/os oe / ].4/ as oe/aolos ae / 1olos oe/20/as oe/zo/os 5253 101 5253 101 5265478 5265478 s27L454 527L454 5253252 s263262 5257578 s257578 527L7 A7 527l.7 07 5265552 525s5s2 Ammonia ag N Ammonia as N Ctrloride Fluorl-de Nitrate Nltrate 4.OO 4.00 4.00 4.00 50. o 50.0 3 .98 4.O1, 4.03 4 .44 49 .7 49 .6 mg/r' mg/r, mg/r, mg/L mg/T' mg/L uq /t' nrg/r, Dllutlon Factor: L AunlyeLe wo# : IIrJS 5 1AC-r.CS/Hr^TS5LAD- LCSD LCS Lot - Sample# : Dsr28 OO 0 0 -4 54 100 MCAWW 100 0.77 MCAWW 101 MCAWW L01 0.34 MCAWW 99 MCAVWiI 99 O .34 I'ICAfiniI AnalyeLe 350.1 350-1 Elme. . : 0*:00 350.1 350.1 Tlme..: 22:OODl}utlon Factor: 1 Analyels Wo* : HBx(58 fec-rfs/gxxsI1AD-r,csD IJCS Lot- Saq>le* : D5I2 00000 -262 325 -2 325.2 TLme. . : L7:00DiluELon F'actor: 1 wo# : Hl(tfi? LAC-ICS/HKIJKTLAD-LCSD IrCS Irot - Sample# : D5I 14 0O0O - 578 5.00 5,2g 5. OO 5.29 0.0500 0.0 469 mg/f, 0.0500 0.0483 mg/T' 0.0500 0.0 469 nrg/f O. O50O O - 0483 mg/f. mg/r, mg/T, MCAWW 340 .2 o. o McAww 340 .2 Analyele fLme..: 13:L5 94 MCAWW 97 2,9 MCAWW Analyel.a 94 IT{CAT{Ifl 353 .2 353 .2 Tl-rne..: 15:00 97 2 .9 MCAhIIil 353.2 353,2 Time..; 15:oo MCAWW 353 -2 0. 10 MCAWW 353 .2 Aaalyeie Tinc..: 22:OO ae/tolos s26ss87 oe/Lo/as 5265587 L05 r,06 Pl,lutl-on Factor: 1 wo# : HKTL?1AC-LCS/HKTIJTLAD-ITCSD IJCS IoE-Sample* : D5I2200O O - 587 DilutLon Factor: L wo# :Hlr,MPrac-rcs/uLum1aD-LcsD IJcs Lot-sample* : D5r2g0o00-707 Dllution Factor; 1 nnalysls wo* :HKTHEraC-IrCS/BKTIIELAD-ITCSD IlcS Ilot-Saryrle# : D5I220OO0-552Nlurate-NLtrlte 4 .00 3 .95 4 ,00 3 .95 DL1utl-on Factor: 1 95 96 STL Denver (Continued on next page) L64 ffi COIIIROIT geHPIrB DATA REPIORT Geur:ral Chemistr1r Iot-Saupl-e *-. - : Dsf 1001-53 I.iatri:c-. - - - ]-. - ! TiIATER PREPARJATTON- PREP ANAI,YSTS DATE BATCH # SPTKE MEAST,RED PERCNT PARAMETER AI{OUMT A}TOT}NT T]NITS RESVRY RPD },IETHOD wo# : HI-rI-rDg1AC-LCS/HLLDg1AD-LCSD IJeg Lot-Sarytle# : D5T28oOo A-679Nitrate-NLtrite 4. OO 4.00 25. O 25-0 0.100 0.100 3.96 3.95 o.107 0.L0B oe /27 / as ae /2t / os 527L679 s27 L67 9 s272L73 s272L73 rng lT, vtr,/t Dilution Faetor: 1 nq /t' mg/T' 99 99 LA7 1-O B MCAVSW 353.2 0.15 MCAWW 353 .2 Analysle Tlme..: 18:OO Sulfate Total Cyanide wo# : Irr-rMHKlAc- Lcs/HL[vrHKlAD- LCSD LeS 27 -4 trg,/T-, 11-0 MCAI{If 3 75 .4 2'l .2 $q/T, 1-09 o-53 MCAI{I{ 325.4 DllutLon Factorr L nrralyeie Time- - Lot- Samp1e* : D5I29O000-1-73 oe /2e / os ae /28 / os : 15:4O sw845 e01 oB/eoL2A oe / zL-ae / 22/ as 5264s3e o . 93 SW846 e01AB/ e01-2A Ae / 2L-09 /221Os s26453 9 Dilution Fector: 1 Analyela flme. . : 12:OO wo# : HK3 6FrAC-I,CS/HXS 6F1AD-IJCSD LCS Lot- Sample* : D5I21OO0O- 539 IWIts(S): C-alcrrlations arc perforrned before rourding to avoid round-off orrorB in cehulrted reeirlts. STL Denver 155 TATRIT SPIffi SAUPIfi ffi RB}ORT Genera-L Chcni8try Cl,.eut tot I---: D5r10o153 rlate sary'ted.-- ? 09107/O5 09:55 rlate Recetved. -. og/og/os PERCENT RECO\IERY RECO\IERY IJTMTTS RPD PARJAIVTETER RPD IJIMITS METHOD llatrLx- - - -, -, - - : WATER PREPARATION- AIVALYSIS DATE PREP BATerI. # Amrnonia aa N Chlorlde Fluorlde rucfE (s) : Nitrate-Nitrite 92 90 Nitrate-Nltrlte 92 88 Total Cyanide wo#: 13 0) 130) 0.2L (0-30) Dllutlon E'actor: 1 ArralyeLa Time - . : 22:OO wo*: 110 ) 1r.o) 0.33 (o-10) nLlut,lon Factor: 1 Aaalyaie Time. . : 17: O0 wo#: LO7 ) LO7) O.4L (O-10) Pl.Iutlon Factor: L Analyel-e Tlme- - : 13 : 15 $ro#: 119 ) Llel 2.L (O-30) D1lutlon Factor: 1 analyele TLme..: 22:OO wo#: 11e ) 1_1gl 2.L (0-30) DLlutlon Factor; L Ana1-yele Tl-rne, . : l-8 : O0 wo#: 10e ) 1-09) 1.9 (O-2Al DLlution Facbor: 1 Analysl-e Time. - : 12 : 00 94 95 114 N lls N 1-0 6 105 57N 55N (44 (4+ (go (go (82 (8t (ez (ez HKE3 01e8 -MS/rUCn:01C9 -MSD MS MCAWW 325.2 MCAT{W 325 .2 HKT\ID7,C7 -MS/HKr\rDLC8 -MSD Mg MCAWW 350, L MCAWW 350.1 I,oE,-Sarry>Ie # : D5I170L91--OO1 09/z7 Ias s27r-4s4 09/ 27 / Os s271454 Lot-Sample # : D5I130198-004 os /LB / as s263z5z a9/ LBlos 5263 z;z Lot-Sample # : D5f09O153-0O1 oe/L4/os s2s7s78 a9/L4/ as szsTsTs I,ot-Sample # : D5IO7 027 O*0O2 oe /2o / os 526sss2 oe/za / os s26sss2 Iot-Sample #: Dsf 080243 - 0O4 oe/27 / 0s s27l67e ae/27 / os s27l6rg HJ8GV1m-MS/HJSGrrlDR-MSD MS MCAWW 340.2 MeAWTg 340 .2 Hir3 5N1CE -MS /Htt6N1CF-Ir{SlD }rfl McAWw 353.2 MCAIrnt 353 .2 (62 $z HJsJMLCT -MS/HJ5JlrLe8 -MsD MS MeArgrI 353 .2 MCAefW 353 -2 (sg (sg HKE3 OIDH-MS/HKE3 01DJ-I{SD },rS Lot- garnp}e # : D5I13 0198 - 004 sw846 eo]- oB/eo12A 09 /21-O e / 22/ AS s26453e sw846 90108 /gO12A a9/2L-oe/22/aS 5264s3e Calculatlons ero pcrforrncd beforc rounding to svoid round-off crrors in caloilated regults- N Spil(ed mntytc rccovcry is ourside stated control limits. STL Denver 1,6 5 INMIf, SPIX(B IIAUPIA uATE REPORI Gcneral- Chcmiatry Client Iot #- - -: D5I100153 Date 8aryrl.ed--. z o9/o7/os o9:55 Date ttecetrred- -. a9/08/05 SAMPIJE SPTKE AMOT]NT A}IT llatrl,x- -- -. - ---! IIIATER PAB+LrFrER Anurronia aa MEASRD PERCITT AD,IOtnlT UNITS REC\m'Y RPD METHOD WO#: HKTVDTCZ-t'lS/UrrVnlCg-MftD MS Lc't-Sample #: D5I1ZO191-001 3.79 mg/l' 3 . B0 rfig/L 11200 N mg/t 1-1300 N mg/L 5,83 mg/t 5 - Bo n:q/T, MCAT{II 350.1 o .2L MCAWTf, 350. L PREPARATION- PREP AI\TAIJYSIS DATE BATCH # oe/27 / 0s s27]-cs4 oe / 27 / as s27:.cs4 N 0.020 4.00 0.o20 4.oo s000 5000 5-00 5. O0 4.00 4 .00 400 400 94 95 DilutioE FacEor: 1 AnaLyri8 Ttme..: 22zOO wo*: HKE301C8-MS/HKE3O1C9-MgD MSt lrot-Ssmple #: D5I1301s8-0o4Chloride 5 500 ss00 Fluoride 0-54 0.54 Nitrate-Nitrite 0 .24 o .24 NJ-trate-Nitrite 320 320 Tota1 Clranlde ND ItrItts (S} : Dilutlsn tractsor: 1 .eaalyeie Ti-trrc.. : 1?:o0 wo#: ILTBGVfoQ-t'1s/H,f8GV1DR-l,IslD Ms r,ot-sample *: D5r09o163-001 114 MCAWW 325.2 115 0.33 MCAWI{ 325.2 106 MCAWW 3{0.2 105 0.41 I4CAWW 344 .2 oe/L8/os aeh 8/os oe/L4/as ae/:.4/os 5263262 5263262 525757 8 s2s 757 I o - 100 0.100 oL1utLo Pactor: 1 .BnaIyBLB Timc.. : 13:15 !{o*: IIJ36NTCS-MS/H.Ta6N1CP-MSD MS rot-Sample #: D'TA7O27O-OO} /)3.e4 r",/t s2 r.,reAr{w 3s3.2 ,rTiitiu-'-;;;O 3.Bs ug/t eo 2.L McAww 3s3.2 og/zolos s265552 Dilution Fector! 1 loalyaia Tinc,,: 22tOQ wO*: H.r6JMfCZ-tUS/ff.f5.IM1C8-IrtgD MS Lot-salllple *: Dslo8o243-oo4 690 rq/t, 92 McAwer 353.2 og/zt/os 527L579 676 mg/r, 88 2.L I,!CAI{W 353.2 Og/Zt/OS 527L679 Dllutl,oq Factor: 1 Alr8.Ly6ia Tin6-. : 18:00 wo*: HKB3OTOU-IAS/SKE301DJ-MS,D !ffr r"ot-Sarple *: D5I130198-OO4 o.os?2 ng/t s7 swa{6 gotoe/g oglzt-og/zz/as sz64s3e Qualifiers: N 0. 0551 mg/L Qualifiers: N DLlutLon Faetor: analyele Tl.me. . : s5 L. e sr{846 eol oE/9 09/21 -Oe/22/A5 5264s3e 1 L?: OO Calcularlons &re porformod before roundlnj to avoirl rountt-off erroil] in celculated rooults. N Spiked analyte rooovery is ounide $arcd control limis. STL Denver 1,57 lAaBIf gPIffi SAHPI'B ffi REFORI ceDeral Cheulatry Clieut Lot *---: D5I100153 Date 8aryfled--- z Og/Og/o5 09:25 uate nec.elved--. O!/LO/OS PERCENT PARAMETER REC9\rEXX Ammonia aa N 97 97 Chloride LLz N 113 N Fluoride 98 108 N Nitrate-Nl-trl-te 100 97 Sulfate 29N 32N Total Cyanide 32N 56 N, * IWTB (9} : RECO1IERY LIMITS RPD RPD LI}4ITS MBTTIOD llatri:r----o----3 GW PREPARATTON- PREP AI{IAI,YSIS DATE BATCH # Lot,-Sample * : D5IL0O153-003 09 /2L/ Os 526s4't8 oe / zll 05 s26s478 Lot-Saqrle #: D5I100153 -0O3 o 9 / Lglos s263 262 oe /LB/os s263262 Lot-Saq>Ie # : D5I1001-53-003 09 /L4/ as 5257s7a- oe/L4/os szszs78 l,ot-Sample #: D5f 1001-53 - 003 ae /20-o e /2t/ os s26sss2 ae /2o-o g lztl os s26sss2 LoE-SampIe * : D5f1OO1s3 -OO3 09 /2a / os s272L73 09/2s/ os s272L73 (++ (a+ wo*: 130) 13O) O.1o (O-30) Dllutlou Factor: l- Analyel-a fime. - : 04 r 00 wo#: 110 ) 11-O) O.35 (O-10) DiluE,ioa Factor: 1 analyels Tirne. - : 17 : 00 Tfo*: 107 ) r_071 t_+ (o-10) Dilut,ion Faetor: 1 .nnalyeJ,e Time, . : 1.3 :15 r{o#: 11e ) 1-1-s) S-g (o-30) Dllutlon Factor: 1 AnalyeLe Tlme,.: O2:00 wo#: 1s3 ) Hr(AR9lDD-MS/Urang IDE-MSD Mg McAwvI 350.1 MCAWI{ 350,1 (go (go (87 (sz $z (62 (4s (es Hr(ARe1e8 -MS/HKARg1C9 -MSD MS MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 325.2 HKAR9 r.DA-r{S/HrGR9 1De-MSD MS MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 344.2 rrKARg1C6 -MS/HrGR9LC7 -MSD MS MCAWI{ 353 .2 MCaWW 353,2 HKAR9 ]-DF-MS/sXene IDG-MSD MS MCAVIW 3-15 .4 MCATilW 375 .41s3 ) 1,2 (O- 2L) PLlution Factror; l- enalysle Time. . : L5: {0 wo#: HKARSTDH-DrS/HKAR91D,I-MSD MS I,ot-Saq)le #: D5r100153-OO3 (89 - 109) swg46 goros/sorza. og/zt-o9/zz/os s264s39 (se - 109) 2r (o-2o) sws46 goros/gorzu oe/zl-og/zz/os sz6tl539 DilutiOn Factors 1 AnalysL8 Tlme..: 12:00 Cdculationt are perforrned befom rounding to avold round-off onorl in calorlarcd results. N Splkcd anatyte reooyory is outgide strted control limits. t Relrtlve porcrrt diffcrcncc (RPD) is ouuide marcd conrrol llmiu. 158STL Denver rf,xtRIT SPIXB SBI{PLE I}Nf,A REONT General- Chqrni6!1y cli€nt. rot *---: D5r100153 SAD'IPITE SPfKE A},IOUNT AIqT ME..ASRD PERCMf O RESIRY RPD ME:rHOD llatrix-------i-: GW PR-EPARATION- PREP ANAI,YSIS DATE BATCH #PARAMETER Arnmonia ag Chlorlde Fluorlde AIT{OT]NT T'NTTS I{0*: I$GRgrnn-us/uxen9lDE-MsD Msl r,ot-samlrle #: D5r10o153-003N 0.75 4 .00 0.75 4 .00 2200 5000 2200 5000 4 ,62 wrg /l' 97 4 .62 mg /t 97 Dilution Factor: 1 Analysl-e Tl-me. - : O4 : O0 McAww 350.1 0.10 MCAWW 350,1 MCAWW 325.2 0.35 MCAIIW 325.2 MCA$II{ 34O .2 7 .4 MCAV{W 34A.2 wo# : HI(AR91C8-MS/UKnR91C9-MSD MS r,ot-Sample #: DsIL00153-003 oe/za/os oe / 2L/ as oe/LB/os ae/L8/os oe/28/os ae/2slos 5265d 7 8 5265478 5263252 s263262 5257578 5257578 5272L73 s27 2L73 7850 N mg/I' ?880 N mg/t Dilutioa Factor: 1 6.LZ mg/T" 5.59 N mg/t' Dl1ution Faetor: 1 nrraJ.ysis Tlme. - : 17: OO WO# : HI(AR91DA-MS/HKAR9I.DC-MSD MS LOT-SAq>IE 1"L2 113 98 108 L.2 L-2 3so 350 5.00 5.00 2so 250 #: D5r100153 - 003 ae/L4/os 09/1,4/os Analysie fl-me. - : 13 :15 Nltrate-Nitrite o _ 1g 4 . 00 o - 19 4.00 SUI fate wo# : Hr(AR91C6 -MS/HXaR91C?-IUSD MSI 4.L'l mg/l' 4 . 04 rng/L PilutLon Factor: L Analysl"e Tl.me. . : 02 : 0O WO* : HI(ARg IDF-MS/HI(AR9 I"DG-I,ISD MS I,OI-SAMP}C 4L9 N mg/T, 29 MCAWIiI 37s-4 424 N rg,/t, 32 L.2 MCAWI{ 375 ,4 DiluLion Fact,or: 1 Aualyeie Tiule. . : 15: t0 100 MCAWW 97 3 .3 MCASII{ T;:f";J;,:;:)ilffi :::O 3 s3 - 2 ae / 2O- A9 / 2t/ AS s26ss52 *: D5I10o1"s3-003 Tota} Cyanide 0.056 0. L00 o - 056 0 . L00 Na!s_(s): TIO*: IIKARSTOH-MS/HKAR91DJ-MSD MS Lot-Sample *: D5I1OO153-003 0.0883 W/t 32 sw846 gotos/g og/zt-og/zz/os s264s3e Quallflers: N Qualifierg: N,* DilrrEiorr Factor: 1 AnalyaLe Tl,me. -: 12:00 Calculation3 arc performed bcfore roundlng to avoid rourrd-off crrors in calodatod resulte. N Spiked analyte reoovery is ouside statcd control limis. * Relrrive percent diffcrcncc (RPD) is outsido surted control limlts. STL Denver ].69 gBUPf.B DTIPLICLTB BIrAI,ITATIO{ REPORT Geueral. ehelnistrlr Client Iot *---3 D5I100L53 Date Eaqll.ed--.! PAIUUvI RESUITT trork Order *-. - 3 HKC8P-SMP HKCS P-DTIP a9 / a9 / os o7 : 00 rlate Recei\red-, 3 09 / A9 / os DUPIJICATE RPD PREPARATION- PREP AI{AIJYSTS DATE BATCH # 5253 100 REgtrLT IINITS RPp r,rrgl] MEfirOp 7.7 SD LoE-Samp1e #: DSIO9O7-37-OO3 No unirs o.13 (o-s,o) sweae 9o4oB og/Lo/as DllutLon FacEor: L Analyeie Time. - : 13 : O9 pH 7.7 STL Denver 1-7 0 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist Lot#: )<?/c,or.;J DatelTime x"cavea: 't|rafi"f nf.l\- ... ) C- .4,kr^ ' .f I.. -CompanyName & Sampling Site: PM to Complete This Section: Ies Resid,,al chlorine check required:O Quote #: Speuial Ins:uuctions: Time Zone: . EDT/EST . CDT/CST ' MDTI]VIST ' PDTIPST ' OTFIER q Quarantined : Yes tr No G Unpacking Checks: Cooler#(s): f . E- 3 cr r' ( Terryrcratures("c)r...]'3 -.?.d U-7 V.7 2'L V.+ N/A Yes No InitialsInrt;zk -.t/Aifhard delivered) Hno- docnmeot on CUR. 6 !tr F tr 1. Coolcr seals intact? (N/A if hand delivered) Hno, docnmeot on CUR Ip tr 2. Chain of cusodypreseut? If no, documcnt on CUR.Chain of cusodypreseut? If no, documcnt on CUR. tr fi 3. Bottles brokeu and/or arc leaking? If yes, document on C[-IR ItJ S 4. Multiphasic sarnples obvious? If ycs, document on CllR. + tl 5. Proper contaiuer & preservatives used? (ref- Attacbment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If nq docurrrnt on CUR. Itr p tr 6. pH ofall sarrples checked audmectrequircrncots? Ifno, documeaton CIIR I P O 7. Sufficient volume provided for all analpis requested? (ref. Atachment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) Ifno, I a"cument on CUR, and contact P.M before proceeding.l'& Et 8. Did chain of custody agree with labels ID and sarnples received?-$no, document on CUR.A trl 8- Did chain of custody agree with labels ID and sarnples receirypn\r tr U fi 9. Were VOA saryles witbout headspacc? Ifoo, ao",r-"ot46UR -)O p tl 10. Wcre VOA vialspreserrred? Prcservative QHCf ftfoi2"C fsodiurnThiosr.rlfate E Ascorbic Acid fi d 1 I. Did samples require preservation with sodirrm thiozulfate? h D tr 12.Ifyesto#lI,didthcsarnplescontainresidualchlorine?Ifyes,dooraeutouCLIR.l'd tr g 13. Sediment present in dissolved/filtered bottles? If yes, docurent on CIJR E B E 14. IssuffrcientvolumeprovidedforclientrequestedMS,MSDormatrixduplicates?lfno,documentonCUR,and ' coutactPMbeforeproceeding. 0 A 15. Receipt date(s) > 48 hours past the collection date(s)? lf yes, notify PA/PM. dt g 16. Are aaalyses with short holding times requested? O q 17. Was a quick Trru Aromd (TAT) requested?o STL Denver fQA\Fonns\Sampie Receiving\Sampie Rcceiving Checklist 12 13 04 revision }2tllj,la4 L7 I STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist Lor#brncbtf3 L-ogin Chccks: NlA )'cs No { U I8. Suflicicnt volumeprovidcd for all analysis regucsted? $ef. documcnl on Cll& and conlacl Phl beforc procecding. fiptl Qr Dfl D fio Lr BD 6rE tr$D Dd Lr {, Attaclrmcnl D of SOP# DEN-QA-(ttr03) lf rro, 19- Is slfllcionl volumc providcd for clicnl rcguested MS, [{.SD or matrix duplicatcslt lf no, documerrt on CUR, and contac, PM beforc proceeding Z0- p;d ttrc clrain of cusody includcs'receired b;/' and "relinguislrcd* by signalurcs, dalcs, arrd rimcs? 2I. \\rcre spccial log in inslnrcliom read and followed? ??. Wcre AFCEE maals togcd for rcfrigeralcd storage? 23- Were tcstt loggcrt checked agains the COCI llhich mmples were confirnred? 24. Was a Rldr fmur conpletcd for guic,k TAT? 25. Was a Shorl Hold form corr{ laed for an;, sfu111 1p16s2 26. Is'Sticl ICOC'rcAuired? 27, Wcrc special areiving instructions indicarsd in the Goreral Comncnts? lfso, u,ha{ u,erc the)4 and Storage Checks: 28. l\ras thc subcouhf,ct COC signcd and scDl witb samples to bottl e prqpT 29. Wcre sauryplc Isbcls dorrble-checked by a Fccond pcrson? O Labeling {t! ,{o ;,{^A- = 30. WsrcsarylebotlcsandCOCdoubJecirecLedfordissolr,edlfiltcredrnelalsb)'asecondperson?nA 6'J 3I. Didthe sarryleID,Datc, aud lime fiomlab;l urard u,hat uas log:d? 32. Yirse stickcrs for special achiving instruaiux afi;.ed to cacb bo>; aod to thc ICOG.} See #27 33. Wcre AFffiE mdals storcd re, igeratcd? 34. Wcre "Sda ICOS'copix givcn to sarcllite storage areas? Documenl any problerus or discrepancies and the actions talcn to resol'r,e them on a Condition Upon Receipl Anomaly {=; Repor{ (fin) STL Denver 772 5* =f ; ,L Tr s,E C s$f f H r- ? t x> ,f Jr U) vy\ - :f )$rf i D o s" . I )F -e $, (> . \r t icN, (> s -. a 6,"l -s \, r r \. ^ t NO . OF CO N T A I N T E R S amr 3x CD Ima rn m(f 'T tof,F TDoTh-{oT E rS gh{rf |J =m uxgrrzo o '1 ' 'm LmI uts E Trn J -DS. rn -. 1m12 .L -o 6 u,gr'*'o ozc,=oz IE G - 4 \ F H \ $ 9 6 - 3 0 3 3 7 co c . F H B tr E f l r r 5 FF s s E s' E E f i s ri {E a G a-5 8 o:yg.=o.+(?ca<. ()CL f, (D()o-tCL *\;F:) \ d L oL^ I L7 3 ST L De n v e r STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 Fax: www.stl-inc.corn STL 303 431 7t7t AhIALYTICAL REPORT Weste rn Zirconium Proj ect Lot #: D5I070274 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 8181 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 STL DENVER @hnk Linda L. Benkers Project Manager September 30, 2005 Severn Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Sfan dard Del iverables with Sup porti ng Report Contents Sfandard Deliverables (fne Cover Letter and the Report Cover page are considered integral parts of this Stundard Deliverable paclcnge, This report is incomplete unle.ss all pages indicated in this Table of Contents are included.) . Table of Contents r Case Narrative o Executive Sumrnary - Detection Highlights o Methods Summary r MethodlAnalyst Sumrnary o I,ot Sample Summary o Analytical Results o QC Data Association Summary . QC Evaluation and/or Data Reports . Chain-of-Custody , Supp orti ng Doc u me ntati on (Nctte: A one-poge "Description of Supporting Docurtentation" ,s providetl at the beginning of this section.). r Volatile GC/I}IS . Semivolatile GC/MS r Volatile GC . Semivolatile GC .LCIMS oTHPLC o Metals o General Chemistry r Radiochemistry I Subcontracted Data Documentation Nurnber of Pages Check below when supporting documentttion Is pre$ent.nnnnnnEnn STL Denver Case Narrative D5tO70270 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problans were encountered br anomalies observed- All laboratory quality control samples analyzed in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results prcsented in this report meet all requirements of NELAC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be rcproduccd, except in full, without written permission from the laboratory. Sample Receiving Four samples were received under chain of custody on Septembcr 7,20A5- The sarnples were received in good condition at tcmperatures of 3.8oC and 3.3oC. Please note that for sample ID GW-7A-090605 3 of 3 VOA vials were received containing 4mm bubbles. The sample waS logged for the requested analysis. Also note that thc samples submitted for 8260B analyses only require reporting of Chlorofonn only as per client request. GC/I\{S Volatiles, SW846 82608 The MS[r4SD performed on a sample &om another client and/or lot was in control. No anomalies were obsenred. Total Metals, SW846 60108,6020 & 7470A Samples D51070270-003 and 004 were analped at dilutions for several metals by methods 60108 and/or 6020 due to matrix interference andlor intemal standard failures. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly. The method 60108 MS/I\4SD associated with batch 5265261was performed on a sample ftom another client and/or lot and was not in control. The method 7470AMS/MSD associated with batch 5259425 was perfbrmed on sarnple D5\O7A270-002 and was in control for mercury. The method 6020 MS/MSD associated with batch 5265180 was performed on a sample from another client and/or lot.and was in control. No other anomalies were observed. General Chemistry, Various Methods Samples D51A70270-002 through 004 were analyzed at dilutions for several compounds due to high analyte concentrations. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly and the associated data is flagged "Q". STL Denver Chloride and fluoride were detected in the method blanks at concentrations below the reporting limits, but above tle method detection limits. Associated positive sample results are flagged'i1". The method 353.2 MS/MSD was performed on sample D5I070270-OOZ and was in control for nitrate-nitrite. AII other MSA4SD samples were performed on samples from other clients and/or lots and were in control except for fluoride. The pH duplicate was performed on sample D5I070270-002 and was in control. No other anomalies were observed. STL Denver Eruffi W - Iletection Highlights D5IO7027 A RESULT REPORTING LTMTT UNITS AIVALNICAL METHODPARAMETER cw-BA-oeocos a9/ 06/os 1o:3s aoz Cadmium Seleniurn Arsenic Barium Ni ckel Zinc Calcium PotasBium Ivlagnesium Sodiurn Zirconium Chloride Fluoride Ni traLe Nlt.rat,e -Nitrite pH Sul- f ate Amrnonia as N Gn-8B-O9O5O5 Ae/06/A5 12:O5 OO3 0.000090 Qualifiers: B 0.00072 B 0 .0094 B 0 .17 0.0029 B 0.0045 B 52 45 45 s00 0.0a23 B 710 J, Q 1.1 J o .24 o .24 7 .g 1_90 0 0,35 0 .00068 0 .0017 B 0,041 B 0 .0055 B 0 - 18 0.0050 B 170 0 _ 10 140 1-7 0 990 0_0029 B 2600 J, Q 0.69 J 24 24a 7,5 2500 0 260 0 mg/L mg/L mg/T, mg/1. mg/L mg/T' mg /r, mg/r, mg/L mg/L IJJ,g,/L mg/L mg/L mg/r, mglr-, No Units mg/t" mg/L mglL mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/I' mglL mg/t mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg /r, mg/L mslL mg/L No Units mg/1, rr.g/t sw845 5020 sw84 5 6A2A sw846 60108 shr845 501-08 sw845 501-08 SWB45 5OlOB sw845 50108 sw846 60L0B sw846 60I_08 sw845 50108 shr845 50L08 MCAWI{ 325 .2 MCAWW 34A .2 MCAWW 353 -2 MCAWW 353 .2 sw846 90408 MCAWW 375 -4 MCAWW 350. L shr845 6020 sw845 5020 sw84 5 6 0108 sw845 60108 sw84 5 6 0108 sw846 50108 sw845 60108 sw846 60L08 slAI84 5 5 0108 sw84 5 5 0108 svl846 50108 sw84 6 5 01_08 MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 344.2 MeAlm 353.2 MCAI^IW 353.2 sv[845 90408 [4CAI^n^l 375 -4 MCAITil^l 350.1 0.0010 0 - 0020 0 - 015 0 ,010 0 - 040 0 - 020 0 _ 20 3.0 0.20 5.0 0.015 2s 0 - 10 0 .l-0 0.10 0 . L0 50 0 .10 0 .0050 0 .0L0 0 .10 0,01"5 0.0L0 0.040 o.zo 0.10 3-0 0 ,20 5-O o - 015 254 0 . L0 0.1-0 1_.0 0.10 500 10 Cadmium Selenium Aluminum Arseni c Barium Nickel Calcium Iron Potassium Irlagnesium Sodium ZLrconium Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nltrate-Nitrlte pH SuI fat e Ammonia as N STL Denver (Continued on next page) EI(BCIITwE W - Iletecfion Highlights D5rO7 4270 RESUIJT REPORTING LINITT UNITS ANATYTICAL METTIODPAIU\}IETER Gw-'tA-o9ooo5 oglos/as 13:1o oo4 Cadmium Selenium Arsenic Barium Nickel Z:,rr:c Calcium Potassium I,Iagnesium Sodium Zirc,onium Chl-orof orm Chloride F luoride Nitrate Nitrate-Nitrite pH SuI fate Ammonia a.a N 0 .0089 B 0 .045 B 0.035 B 0 .059 O.L2 B 0. 045 B 6s0 2500 2500 220AO a -a74 B o -24 J 91000 J, Q 0.95 J 510 sr.0 0 7 -A r_1000 0 14000 0 0 .10 0 .20 0 .075 0.050 a.20 0.10 2.A 30 2 -O s0 0 .15 1,0 12 00 0 .10 0.10 l_o 0 .l"o 2500 500 mg/I' mg/ t' mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L wrylL mg/L mg/r, mg/L ug/L mglL mg/L mglt' rng/L No Units mg/L mg/T' sur84 6 6024 sv[845 6020 sw84 5 5 0108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw84 6 6 0108 sw845 6010B sw84 5 6 0108 sw846 5010B sw846 60108 sw845 50108 sw845 50L 08 sw845 82508 MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCASil^I 353 .2 sw845 90408 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 350 ,1 STL Denver METTIODSW Dsr07027tJ PAIUU4ETER AI{ALYTICAL METHOD PREPARATION METHOD pH Aqueous Chloride (Colorimetric, Automated Ferricyanide) Fluoride (Potentiometric, Ion Selective Electrode) fnductively Coupled P1asma ( f Cp) t.tetals ICP_MS (5 O2 O ) Mercury ln Liquid Vlaste (Manual Cold-Vapor) Nitrate Ni trate -Ni t ri te Nitrogen, Ammonia SuI f ate Tota1 Cyanide Trace fnductively Coupled Plasma (fCP) Metals Volatile Organics by GC/MS Referenceg: MCAWV'I sw845 sw845 90408 MCAWW 325.2 MCAWI^I 344 -2 sw845 50108 sw846 5020 sw84 5 7 47AA MCAVII{ 353 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAWW 350 - t_ MCAWW 375.4 sw845 9or.oB/901- sw846 50L08 sw846 8250B sw845 90408 MCAWW 325.2 I,ICAWW 344.2 sw84 5 3 0L0A sl,il845 3020A sw845 747AA MCAWW 353.2 MCAWW 353.2 MCAWW 350 - 1 MCAWW 375.4 sw846 90108 SWB45 3O],OA sw845 s03 0B/ 826 "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastee " , EPA-60O/4-79-o2O, March 1983 and subsequent revieions I'Test Methods for Bvaluat,ing Solid Waste, Phyeical/Chemical. Methodsr, Third Edit,ion, November 1985 and its updates. STL Denver A}IALYTICAI, METHOD METHOD/ANALYST D5IO7A21A A}TAIJYST AI\TAI,YST ID MCASM MCAI{W MCAI^TW MCAWW MCAWW sw84 5 SWB4 5 sw84 5 s![846 sw84 5 sw84 5 sw84 5 sw84 5 sw84 5 stil845 325 .2 340.2 350 .l" 353 .2 375 -4 5 0108 6 01- 08 50L0B 50108 6020 5020 7470p. B25OB eol- oBl e012A 90408 Claire Likar Fougere Iq. Danielle Claire Likar Claire Likar DusEi O - Criqui Janel Motichka Janel Motichka Lynn-Anne Trudell Lyrrn-Anne Trudell Thomas ti11 Thomas ti1I Janice S. Collins Heat,her Despres DusEi O - Crigui Fougere M. Dahielle 004 382 005481 0 04 382 004 382 005589 aa28 52 2862 00554s 664s 006929 692e 0r.L668 o09250 005589 005481 Refererrceg: MCAWI,il SWB4 5 t'Methods f or Chemical Rnalysis of Water and Waetes " , EPA-500 /+-79-020, March l-983 and subsequent revlsions. 'tTest ttethods for Evaluating Solid hlaste, Physical/Chemical- MeE,hods", Third Edition, November 1986 and its updatses. STL Denver SAIVIPLEW Dsr 01 027 0 wo#SAMPLE# CIJIENT SAI,IPLE TD SAIVIPIJED SAMP DATE TIME HJ35IJ OO]- HJ35N 002 HiI3 55 0 03 HJ3 55 004 NO:[B (S) : TB-090505 GW-8.4,-090505 GW-BB-090605 GW-7A-09060s ae/06/os agloslos Lo:35 a9/a6/as 12:05 as/a6/os 13:10 - 'llrc analydcal raslls of &c samplcs list.(l ebove arc prcsernal m Ihc torlowlng pa8cs. - All calculations arc pertoilncd bcforc r<ruudil4 to avold round-off crrots ln calcuhtcd rcsults. - Rc$rls notcd 6 'ND'wcrc nor detEclcd at or abovc &c sraul llnUt. - This rs?on must not hc rcprrxluud, cxccpt ln full, yithwt lhc \/dtlcn approvd of lhc lahorarory. - Rcgulb for tuc Fotlo\vlng parametcrB rrc rEvcr rcponcd m r dry wclSht basis: color, corroslylty. ddsity, fhshpolnt, l8nitability, laycB, odor. paint 6lEr Dsr, pH, porosity pressure. rcacdvity. r"dox porcndal, spccific gravily, spot rcsts, silids, solub,llry, Empcraturo, vlscosity, anrt wclght. STL Denver IIRS Corporation Cl.ient Sar4rl-e fD: I3-O905O5 cc/HS volatil.es I"ot-Sanqrle #...; Date S.amp1ed...3 Prep Date- .'- - - - : Prep Batch #- - -: Di].ution Factor: DsI07027A-001 ae/06/os oe/].4/as s2581 3 0 1_ Ilork Order #- - -: Date Received- - : Analysis Date. .3 Analysie Time.. ! Metlrod. . , o - - - - - : RESUI,T . .. I.[D PERCENT RECOVERY 95 83 94 103 HJ35L]-AC oe/07/as oe/L4/a5 15:00 sw846 82508 REPORTING LIMIT UNITS tlatriX..- OC+.---: WQ PAITJ{METER Chl-oroform SURROGATE 1-.0 ug/t-, RECOVERY LIMTTS (73 118) (ez 128) (ze 118 )(7t 117) Dibromof luoromethane I ,2 -DichloroeEhane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB STL Denver URS Corporation C1ient Sarqrle lft: Gt{-8A-O9O5O5 cc/us volatiles Iot-Sample #-.-: Date Saryr1ed---: Prep Datg.-..,.3 Prep Batch #. - . : Dilution Factor: D5r070270-002 a9 / A6/ A5 10 :35 oe/J.4/0s szsB130 1 I[ork Order *- - -: Date Receiwed- -: anal-ysis Date- -: An^alysis Time. - ! Flgthod. . . . -. . . . RESULT I'UD PERCEMT RECOVERY 95 87 97 103 HJ35N1A9 ae/07/os 0e/L4/os 15:20 sw84 5 82 608 REPORTING IJIT,IIT UNITS tlatrix-- ----r GW PATU\}TETER Chloroform SURROGATE 1.0 ug/L RECOVERY I,IMITS (z: 118) (sz L28l (za 118) (tt 117 ) Dibromofluoromethane L ,2 -Dichloroet,hane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB STL Denver 10 URS Corporation CI.ient Sanp).e ID: GT{-88-O9O5O5 ccll{S volati}es Iot-SarryIe #- - -: Date SarryIed- - - : Prep Date.-o---: Prep Batch #, . . 1 Di].ution Factor: D5I07027A-003 09laG/os 12:05 ae/L4/os s2s813 0 l_ Work Order *- -.: Date Received. . 3 An^alyeig Date-.3 Anal.yeis Tirne- -: Method,.r,..,--: RESULT.. ND PERCE}TT RECOVERY 95 83 93 100 HJ3 5slAe ae/a7/os ae/L4/os 15:39 sw846 82 5 0B REPORTING LTMIT UNITS Dlatrix- - - - - - ; PAIUqMETER - Chloroform SURROGATE 1-.0 ug/L RECOVERY LIMITS (tt 118) (az 128) (78 118) (tt LL7 ) Dibromofluoromethane L ,2 -Dichloroet,hane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB STL Denver IIRS Corporation C1ient Saryle fD: cfl-7A-O9O6O5 cclMs volatiles Lot-Sanple *. - -: Date SarryIed---: trrep Date ---: Prep Batch *- - -: Dilutiorr Factor: Dsr070270-004 A9/06/As 13:l-o 09/74/as s25Br30 1 IYork Order *- - -: Date Received. . ! Arral-ysis Date. . ! Arral-ysie Time. . 3 Mgthod--.ro?...! RESIILT -o-24 J PERCENT RECO\IERY 108 7_1-2 1A2 95 HJ3 5 51A8 oe/a7/os oe / L4/ as l-5 ; 58 sw846 82508 REPORTING LTMIT I]NITS 1- o lugl[, RECO\IERY LTMTTS (73 118) (62 128 ) (78 118) (tt LL7 | Dlatrix-GW PNU\METER Chloroform SURROGATE Dibromof Iuoromethane L, 2 - Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene - dB NolE (s) : J Estirnatal re.sult- Rasult ls lcss than RL. STL Denver L2 Lot-Sanrqrle *...: Da.te, Sanpl.ed- - -: PARAMETER URS Corporation Cl-ient Sauqrle fD; G!tl-8A-09O5O5 TO{IAL Meta].s Date Received- - :ae/07/os METHOD Matrix.:GW PREPARATTON- WORK A}IALYSTS DATE ORDER # D5r070270-002 09106/a5 10:35 RESULT REPORTING LIMIT UNITS Prep Batch #, Mercury frep Batch #. Cadmium Selenium Prep Batch. *- Si l-ver Aluminum Areenic Ba.rium Ca].cium Chromium Copper I ron Potassium : 5259425 ND :5265180 o - oooo90 0 - ooa72 B : 525526L ND ND o. oo94 B o-L7 52 l[D }ID }UD 46 0.00020 mg/L oilut.ion Factor: 1 0 . OO1O rrg,/L DiLut ion Fact,or : 1 o-oazo ng,/r, Dilution Factor: 1 B sy{846 602A 09 / 23 - Oe / 27 / As Hir3 5NLA4 Analyeis Time..: 04:04 sw846 5O2O Oe /23-A9 /27 I 05 ll'f3srrljAs Analysie Tlme..: 04:04 sw845 7470A ae / 2t / Os Analyole Tlme-. : 18:37 sw846 6o1oB 09/23-O9/27 /As Analysis Time..: 09:33 sw846 501-oB 09/23-09124/05 Analysls TJ.me. -: 00:10 sw846 50108 analysis Tirne. . : 09 :33 sr{845 601-08 Analyols Time..: o9:33 sll845 5(}108 Analysle Time..: 00:10 oe/23-oe/27 /os ae/23-oe/27 /os oe l73-09l24l os sw846 60L08 09 /23-ae /27 / os Analyeie Tirne. . : 09 : 33 sw846 60108 oe /23-Oe /27 / as Analyaia Time..: 09:33 sw845 50108 a9 /23-ae 124/ os Analyeie Time..: o0:10 IIJ3 5N1AU HJ3 5N].AII0 ,010 Di lut ion o .10 Pilution o .015 DlluE Lon o. o10 Di ]-ut ion o-20 Di Iut ion 0. 010 Di lut ion 0 .010 Di lut ion 0 .10 Di lut ion mg/t Factor: L tng/L !'actor: 1 UoglL Factor r 1 rng/L Factor: 1 rylt Pactor: 1 mg/L Factor: 1 ms/r' Factor: 1 rfiIlg/L Factor: L r{J35N1a EJ36NUAK IIJ35N1AL EJ3sNLA\T HJ3 5N]-AIq HJ3 6N]-AI{ H,J3 5N1AW 3-0 wry,/L Dilution Factor: 1 sw846 50108 Ael?3-Ag l24l05 H^]36rrrM Analysis Time. . : 00 : 1.0 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 13 Lot-sanrpl-e * - PAITJ\METER RESULT IIRS Corporati'on C1ient Samgr1.e ID: GW-8A-O9O605 IIO|IAL Uetal.e : D5I07OZ70-002 REPORTING LIMTT UNTTS METHOD [tatrix. . o o . . . , , ] GW PREPARATION- WORK ANALYSTS DATE ORDER # Magneeium Sodiunt IUickel Lead Vanadium Zinc 45 500 o - oo29 B o_0046 B o,0923 B o .20 t0g,/L Dllutlon Factor: 1 5-O rrlg,lT, Di 1ut ion Fact,or : 1 0 .040 trrg,/L Dllutlon FacEor: 1 0 . 0030 mg/L Di luE,lon Factor: L 0 _ 010 mg/L Pilut.ion Factor: 1 o. o20 uglt, Dl}utlon Factor: L o .015 rlg,/L Ollutlon Factor: 1 sn845 50108 Analyeio Tlme. . : 00 ;10 sw846 50108 Analyeis Time..: 00:10 sH846 601(}8 Analysisr Time. . : 09 :33 sw845 60108 Arralysis Time . . ; 09 : 33 sw845 50l,oB Analysls Tlme..: 09:33 srr845 5'0108 Analysie Time.,: 09:33 sr{845 60ros Analyeie Time. . : 00 :10 09 /23-oe/24/ os EircchnjAo ae / 23 -oe / 24 / 05 H.I36rSt L1 09 123 -o g / zt / as EJ3GNLAP ae / 23 - oe / 27 / 05 HJ3 6N1AQ oe / 23 - oe / 27 / os HJ3 5N1AR oe I 23-09 / 27 / 05 EJ35NI3T ae /23-o 9/2+/Os rlr36trrjA2O zirconium NOtrE (S} : B Estirrrated result. Rcsult is less than RL. STL Denver L4 Iot-Sarqlle #- . -: Datre Saqlled.. - j PARAI{ETER URS Cortrroratrion Client Saryle fD: GTY-88-09O605 TO{FAL !tet,a,}s D5r07027A-003 a9/05/aS 7.2=05 Date Receirred..! a9/A7/os RESULT REPORTTNG LIMTT UNITS METHOD :5259425 ND sw845 't470A Ae/2L/O5 Arralysla Tlme. . : L8 z 42 tlatrix.:GW PREPARATTON- WORK AI{ALYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Bateh #. Mercury Prep Batch #- Cadrnitm Selenium hrep Batch * - Si lver Aluminum Areenic Barium Calcium Chromium Copper fron Potaesium : 5265180 0 - 00068 B o-oo17 B ; 526525:. IilD o-o41 B o. oo55 B o-18 1_70 ND IilD o-10 140 oe/23-oe/27los oe l23-oe/241os oe/23-oel27 /as a9 / 23- oe /z-t I os oel23-09/24lAs oe/23-oe/27/05 ae/23-09/27 l05 os /23*ae /24/ as HJ3". H.r365IAV EJ355ILI{ H..B55IA5 HJ3 5s1ru( H,J3 5 51A0 II^f355IA7 nfi65m0 0.00020 mg/L Dllution Factor; 1 o - ooso ryll Dllution Factor: 5 o - o10 WlL OiluEion Factor: 5 0.01-0 mg/L Dilution Factor: I 0 - 10 mg/L Dllution Factor: 1 O - o15 ttg,/L Dilutlon Factor: 1 o - o1O rg/T, Pi IuEion Factor: 1 O -2o vq,lLl Di]utlon Factor: L 0 - 0L0 nrg/L Dilut iorr FacEor : 1 0 . 010 mg/L Dilution F&ctor: L O.1O mg/Y, Di l-ut ion F actor : L sw846 AnalysJ. e ST{845 Analyeie 602 0 fime..: 04r07 5020 Time..= 04:07 sw84 5 50108 Analysie Time..: 09:38 srr846 60108 Analyaie Time..: 00:14 sw845 50108 aDalyeis Tlme..: 09:38 sru846 50108 enalyeis Time..: 09:38 srl845 501OB Analysis Time, . : 00: L4 sw845 50108 Analysie ?ime . , : 09 :3 8 sw846 60108 Analysis Time . . : 09 :3 B sw845 60108 Analysia Tlme, . : 00 :14 g[846 60108 Analysis Time. . : 00 :1-4 next page) HJ3 5 51As ae / 23-09/ 27 / OS EJ3ssrAP a9 / 23 - ae I 27 / os H.r36sl.ac HJ3 6 51AT 3.0 Dilution Factor: 1 wlL 09 123-A9 l24lA5 STL Denver (Continued on Iot,*Samp1e # - PARA},IETER RESUI.,T IIRS Corporation Client SanpJ.e ID: GII-88-O9O6O5 TOTAL ileta]-s : D5I07 027 0 - 003 REPORTTNG METHOD Matrix-..-.- : GW PREPAITJ\TION- WORK ANALYSIS DATE ORDER #LIMIT UNITS t{agnesiun Sodium Ilicke]. Lead, Vanadium Zinc ]_7A 990 o-oo50 B O - 20 vg,/T, Dilution Factor: I 5-O rrylL DilutLon Factor: 1 O - O4O vtg/L DiLution Factor r L 0.0030 mg/L nilutlon Factor: 1 0 - o1o mg/L Dilutlon Factor: 1 0.020 mg/L Dilution Factor: l o - o1s rylr, Dilution Factor: I sll845 50108 Anal)reie ?ime. . : 0O:14 sw846 60108 Analygls Time..: 00:14 sH845 50L08 Analysig Time,.r 09:38 sw8d5 50108 Analyalo Time..: 09;38 sw845 501-08 Analysis Tl,me. - r 09 : 3g sw845 50108 Arralysig Time, . : 09 ; 38 slr846 60108 Arralysie Time. . : 00 : 14 09 I 23 -O e / 24 / OS EI3651AA 09 /23- A9 I 24 / Os Ef365rAC oe / 23 -a9 I 27 / OS HiB6srAr. 09 / z3-oe / 27 / os HJ3 6sLA2 09 /23 -09 / 27 / as HJ3651A3 ae / 23 - ae / 27 / 0s HJ3 6s1-A4 oe / 23-oe / 24 I os EJ365LADO zirconirm o-oa29 B NOTE (S} : B Esrhnated rcsult. Rasult Ls less rhan RL. STL Denver 15 Lot-Saryle *.,,: Date Saqlled. - -: PARAMETER URS Coryoration Client Sanqrle ID; GTI- 7P.- 09O5O5 IIOIAL lletalg Date Receiwed- . :ae/07/os METHOD D5r070270-004 a9/06/as l-3:l-o t{atrix- - PREPARATTON- A}TALYSIS D.ITTE :GW RESULT REPORTTNG LTMIT UNITS WORK ORDER # HJ3 6 5lAG Prep Batch # - Ivlercury Prep Batch *. Ca&niurn Selenium Prrep Batch # - Si lver Aluminum Arsenic Barium CaIcium Chromium Copper Iron Potassium :5259425 ND :5265180 o-oo89 B 0-045 B :526525L ND ND 0-035 B o.o5g 550 IUD buD DUD 2604 0.00020 rrrg/L Dilution Factor r L o-10 Di 1ut ion 0-20 oi 1ut ion vry,/L Factor, 1.OO n'g,/L Factor: 100 0 .050 mg/L Pilutlon Factor: 5 L. 0 rrtg/L DIlut,ion Fact.or: LO o - o7s rrg,/L Dilution Fact,or: 5 O . O5O trg,/I' Dllution Factor; 5 2 . O trg,/t, nilutlon Factor: 10 0.050 mg/L Dilution Factor: 5 0.050 mg/L Di 1ut ion Fact,or t 5 1 ,0 mg/L Di l-ut ion Factor : 1 0 30 ng/L Dilu:ion Fact.or: 10 (Continued on sw845 747AA o9/2L/ 0s Rnalyolo Bime..; 18:44 sTrB46 5020 Analyslo Time. sw846 6020 Arralyei s Time. sw846 5oI.oB O9123-oe l27 / Os Analysie Time. . : l-? : 53 sr{846 5or-oB oe/23-oel27 los Analyols Tirne. . : 12 :53 slr845 60r.08 o9123-oe/27/O5 Analysis Tlme..: 00:0{ sw846 50108 A9/23-09/27/os Arralysls Tirne. . : 12 : 53 sw846 60108 A9 / 23 -09 127 / os nl,alyeis TLma. . : 12 r53 sw845 501-08 Ae/23-09/27 /OS Analyeie Time. . r 00 :0{ sTr845 60108 Analysis Tlme,. : 00:0{ next page) sw845 50108 0e/23-A9/27/os HJ3561A3 Analysis Time..: L2:53 sw84 5 6 01OB Oe / 23 - Oe / 21 / OS HJ3 657_ AnalysJ-e Time. . : 00 : 04 oelz3-o9127 f Os Er366r-AQ 04 :11 oe/23 -o el27 / os rLr356rAR 04:L1 H^r365I45 Hir365LL5 H*I355lAE HJ3 66\A7 H,f3 651AA H.T3 5 51AJ STL Denver 09 / 23 - 09 / 27 / os B,tr366rAK L7 Iot-SarryIe # - PARAMETER RESULT IIR.'S Corlrcration Cl.ient Sanqrle ID: GW-7A-O9O6O5 TOIIAL Hetals : D5I074270-004 REPORTING Uatrri]G. . . ? t . - . - : GIAI LTPIIT UNTTS TVIETHOD PREPARATTON- ANALYSIS DATE WORK ORDER # Magnesium Sodium NickeI Lead Vanadium Zi'nc Zirconirrm NOTB (S} : 2soo 2204O O.Lz B ND }UD o.o45 B o-o74 B 2, O ulglr' Pi lut,ion Fact,or: 10 50 ng,lL Dilution Pact,or: 10 A.2A rgg,/t, Pl lutlon FacE,or: 5 0 .015 ms/L Pilution Factor: 5 0.050 urg/1. Dilution Factor: 5 O .1O vlg/I' nilution Factor: 5 0 - 15 vlg/L Di lut ion Fact,or: 10 sn845 5O1OB 09 /23-Oe /27 I Os E;B65rAL Analyaie Time.. : 00:04 sw845 6Ql-08 09/23-Ae/27/A5 HJ3661AD Irnalysig Time., : L2 : 53 sr^r845 60108 A9/23-A9/27 /05 HJ3651AE Analyeio Time. . : 12 :53 sw845 5O1OB Oelz3-oe /27 | os Analyeie Time,,; 00:04 sn845 5O1OB Oe/23-Ae/27 / Os Analysla Time..: 12r53 sr{846 5O1OB Oe 123-09127 | As enalysie ?ime. . : 12 :53 sr{846 5O1OB Oe/z3-Ae/Zt / OS Analysis Tl,me- . : 00 r 04 HJ3551;AIrl H'B55IAC EiBSSIAF E^I355IAN B Esimarcd renrlt- Rcsult Is lcss rhan RL. STL Denver 1B Iot,-Sanrqrl.e #- - -: Date Sampled- --: PARAMETER IIRS Corporation Client Saqrle If): GT[-8A-O90505 General. Chemistrlr D5f07027A-0AZ Dlork O:ider *--,; H,J35N a9 / aG / a5 10:35 Date Received- - : a9 / a7 / as RESULT RIJ I]NITS METHOD o - 10 No Unit,s SIt845 90408pE Aurnonia aa IV Ch-I-oride Pluoride lUitrate Nitrate-I$itrite Su].fate Total Cyanide J,Q 25 oe / o8/ os oel2a/os oe/Ltr/ os aeloe/as ael 08/os oel2ol os oe /L3l os s25L527 5265473 s263252 52s2s4L 5255581 s2sssrb 5255526 7-fJ o_3s 7LA 1.1 J o.24 o.24 Ieo 0 }TD w/L Diluclon Factor: 1 O - 10 wrg/L ollutlon Pactor: 1 Analyeis TLme..: 13:11 ucAwlr 350 - 1 erralyeie TJ,me. . : 22 :aa !{cArrw 325 -2 Analysis Tirne., : L7 : 00 ucArilw 344 -2 Analysis Time..: II:30 ucLrilr 353 _2 Analyeie Time..: 0B:20 UCAITT{ 353 - 2 Arralyels TLme. . : 22 t OA IrtcAwrr 375 -4 enalyeLe Time. . : 12 :00 sw845 90108/ e0r.2A furalyeis Time-.: 15:40 Dilution Factor: t0 0 - 10 tug,lL Di lution Factor : l- o.1o rry/L Dilution Factor: 1 O .10 rug,ll, oilutlon Faetor: 1 50 vrylt Dl }ut. ion Fact or r 1 0 0.010 mg/L Dilution Pactor: 1 09/1s-oelB/a5 52s9]-76 O Ftatrix, . ,. . - - - - : PREPARATION- PREP AI{AIYSTS DATE BATCH # RL Rcponlng ljmir J Method blank contamlnatlolr. The arsociatcd rncthul blank contalns rhc target anulyte at a rcporrabk level. a Ehvatsd reponlng llrnit. 'lhe reporting lhnlt is clevutetl due ro hfh anatye levels. STL Denver Iot-Sarylle *,..: Date Sanp1ed....l PARAMETER IIRS Corlroration Client Sanryle fDr GW-8B-O9O6O5 General ChemiBtry Ilork Order *. . -: HJ355 Dat,e Received. - 3 09 / A7 / As RL UNTTS METHOD FIatrrix-- ---.! GW PREPARATION- PREP AI$AIJYSIS DATE BATCH * Dsr070270-003 oe / AG / os 1-2 :05 RESUI,T PII Anunonia aB Il Ch.].oride Fluoride tititrate 7.5 260_ 0 240 260o_ ND L0 vg,/r, Dtlution Factor: 1 00 2600 J, Q zsO wlg,/T' nllution Factor r L00 o-59 J o-1O vtg/L Dl lut,ion Factor : 1 24 o-10 nrg/L Dilution Factor r 1 srs845 eo4oB oe l08l0s s25L527 Analysia Time. . : 13 :l-8 I.IeArflW 350.1 O9/2O(O5 5265473 Analyeie Time..: 22zAA rieAr{H 32s -2 oelI-.slos 52632s2 Analyoie Time.., L7:00 rrfcAww 340.2 a9/o9/a5 525254L Lnalysis Time..: 1L:30 rrtcAhrsr 353 - 2 agl o8/o5 527L542 Analyele Time. -: 0B:20 ucArrrrir 353 .2 09127 / 05 527L579 Analyeie Tlme. . : 1.8 :00 MeAHn 375 -4 O9/L3/O5 5256526 Ar:alyais Time- . r 12 : 00 sw845 901 a8/e012A Oe /l-5- 09 /L9 / 05 5259L76 Arralyeis Time, . : 15 :40 O.1O No Unite Dilut.lon Factor: 1 O Nitrate-Nitrrite SnI.fate Total Cyanide r[o:fE (s] : 1 . o vq,/T' Dl lut ion Fact,or : 1 0 a soo rrrg,/L Dilution Factor: 100 0 , 010 mg/1, Dilution Pactor: I R[. Rcporting Limlt a Elevated reportlng lirnit- Thc rcporting limlt Is clcvated due ro hlgh analyte levels. J Mothod blank corrtirmination. Thc asurciatcd urcdrod bkurk contalns ilrc urget analyte at a rcportablc level. STL Denver 20 I^ot-Samp1e #...: Date Sarytled.. . l PAIU\METER IIRS CorSrcratrion Cl-ient Sanr4r1e II): GW-7A-O9O5O5 General. Cheuristrlr D5I07027A-004 Work Order #...: H,J355 09 / 06/ a5 13 : L0 Date Received. - ! A9 / 07 / 05 RESULT RI.,I]NITS METHOD l{atrix-- ----: GW PREPARATION- PREP A\TA,LYSIS DATE BATCH # r Anurmnia aa t{ Chloride F].uoride Nitrate lilitra.te-Nitrite SuI-fate Total Cyanide DrotrB (s) : O - 10 lrrry,/L Oilution Factor: 1 0-10 ng,IL; Dilution Factor: 1 10 vtg/L Dilution Factor: I00 25Oo vE lL Dllutlon Factor: 500 0 .01o mg/L Dllutlon Factor: I 7-O 14000 0 500 nq,lL; Pilution Factor; 5000 91000 iF, Q L200 W/1, Dilution Factor: 500 Arralyale Time - .' 13 : 23 I.iCAIfIf 35O - 1 Analysis Time..: 18:00 MCAITW 325 -2 Analysis Tlne..: 17:00 MCAYTTT 34O .2 Arralysis Time. . : 11 : 30 HEATTTY 353 .2 Analysis Tlme..: 0B:20 MCAI{TU 353 .2 nnal,ysis Time. . : 18 :O0 DrcAI{t{ 375 -4 enalysie Time. . : 12 :00 o .10 No urrits sw846 90408 Dllutlon Factor: 1 oe / o8l 05 oelzt / as oe lLs/ as oe / oelos oe / o8los ae/27 /05 ae/L3 / os 5271,6ro 5256526 525L527 527L429 5263252 525254L 527l-542 o_95 J 510 s1o 0 11000 0 ND sw845 e0r0B/ 90r.2A 09/ l-5- 09lLe/a5 szseL76 Analysie Time..: 16:{0 RL Rcportlng Llnlt a Hlrvated reporting lirrrit. Ilre reportirtg lirnit is elevated due to hlgh analytc levels. J Method blank conmmlnadon. Thc associaad nrcrhod blank conrains ilre nrger anatyrc ar a reponahle levet. STL Denver ac DATA A"SSoCIATION W DsI A7U.27o. Sample Preparation and Analysis Control Numbers SAYTPTE# 0 01- 002 003 004 IVIATRIX wQ GW GW GW GW GW GI^I GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GI^I GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GV[ GW GW LEACH BATCH # PREP BATCH # szs8130 s253252 525254 1 s26ss s 2 52655 8 1 s2s9L7 6 52651_ I0 5259425 525L527 s2s81 3 0 526526t 5256526 5265473 5263252 525254 r_ 527L542 s27L67 9 5259L7 6 s26518 0 s2s9425 s2sls27 s258130 52652 51 szs6s26 526547 3 5253252 525254L 527L642 527L57 9 5259176 5265 r.8 0 525942s 525L527 525813 0 s26s 2 51 szs5525 527L429 MS RUN# 5258057 s26316 6 52s5LA2 s265344 5259497 s265 r_ 1- 5 52621A2 5255129 s258057 5265L7 9 52553 7 0 52652 B B 5263 16 5 5255r_ 0 2 527 L432 5259497 526511_ 5 s252142 5255L29 s25 80 57 52651_7 9 525637 0 52652 I I s26315 5 525sL02 5277,432 52s9A97 525511 5 5262102 52551,29 5258057 525517 9 525637 0 s27].294 AhIAIJYTTCAI, METHOD sw845 82508 MCAWW 325 .2 MCAWW 340 -2 MCAtyW 353 .2 MCAWW 353.2 sw84 5 90 r- aB/ 90r-2A sw845 6020 sw846 74704 sw845 90408 SI^I846 82508 sw84 6 5 0108 MCAWW 375.q MCAV'IW 350 . L MCAWW 325 .2 MC.AWW 344.2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAWW 353 - 2 sw846 eoL oB/ 90r2A swB45 6020 sw846 7470A sw846 90408 sw84 6 82 508 sw84 5 50108 MCAhII{ 37 5 .4 MCAWW 350.1 IVICAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340 .2 IYICAIW{ 353.2 MCA}ilW 353 _ 2 sw845 9010B/ 90L2A 5I/1846 6020 sw846 74704 sw845 9040B sw845 82608 sI{845 50108 IVICAI^II^I 37 5 .4 MCAWW 350 .1 STL Denver 22 METEOD BI,AT{K REPORT GCluS Vol.atsileo Client Ipt #---: D5r07027O It{B lotr-Sampl-e *: D5Il-50000-130 Arralyois Date - - : A9 / L4 / 05 Dilution Factor: 1 PAHqMETER Chloroform SURROGATE Dibromofluoromethane L, z-Di chloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB rr0rE (s) : Itork Order #- - -: Prep DaEe-. ... , l Prep Batrch #. -.: TIMIT UNITS Mat,rix-- ----: WI\TER ;qnal-ysis Time - - : 09 : 52 METHOD HKKOP].AA oe/L4/os 525813 0 RESULT REPORTING (z: 118) (ez 128) (za 1t-8) (tt 117) ND PERCENT RECO\rERY 99 89 97 LA2 L .0 ug/L RECOVERY LIMTTS sw845 82508 (hlculations arc pcrfonmtl beforc rouncling to avold rouud-off erront in calculatcd re.qrlLs. STL Denver W CO}UTROI, SAUPI,E ETIALUATTON REFORT GC/Dl^s Volati1.ee Work Order #.--: HKK0P1AC lllatri.x. . - - - - - - - : WATERClient Lot, #---; f,CS lot-Saqrlef : Prep Date-.----: Prep Batch #...: Dilution Factor: PA]U\IVTETER D5r070274 Dsr150000 -130 oe/74/os s258130 l_ Anal-ysie Date.. ! a9/14/o5 Analysis Time- -: 09:14 PERCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY LIIIITS METHOD 1, I-Dich].oroetfrene Benzene Chloroberrzene Toluene Trichl oroethene SI]RROC,ATE Dibromofluoromethane a, 2- Di chloroethane - d+ 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB BICIE (S) = 107 99 1_O6 107 108 (oo L32l(zs 1zo) fia t-r-8) (78 LL8) (79 L22') PERCEMT RECOvERI 95 88 97 1-0 I sw845 82508 sr{845 82608 s'Ir845 82508 srr845 82508 sw845 82508 RECOVERY LIMTTS (z: 118 )(62 128 )(ze 118) (7t LL7) Calculatlons arc pcrforrned before roundlng to avoiJ rourxl-off errors in calculated rcsults. Bold print denorqs control perarncters STL Denver 24 Client Iot fi. - . : LCS Irot-Saryrk=#: Prep Datg.,. -.. ! Prep Batch #- - -: Dihrtion Factor: PAIU\METER D5 1070 27 0 D5I150000-L30 oe/14/as 525 8L3 0 1 I-.ABORANORY CONIROL SAUPI,B DATA RBPORT cCl!{S Vo}atiles Tlork Order #- - -: HI(K0PLAC Analysis Date. . ! A9 /L4lA5 Analyeie Time. . ! 09: L4 Itlatri:r : WATER PERCENT RECOVERY METHOD 1, l-Dichl-oroethene Benzene Ch]-orobenzene Toltrene Trichl oroethene SURROGATE SPIKE AFIOUNT 10-o 10-o 10.o 10_o f-o.o MEASURED AMOUNT 10-7 9. 95 10 .6 10-7 10-8 PERCENT RECOVERY 9s 88 97 10L UNTTS ug/L ug/L rug/I' IJ,g/L wg/L RECOVERY LIIvIITS 107 99 106 LO7 108 sw846 82508 sw846 82508 sw845 82508 sr{846 82608 stl846 82508 Dibromofluoromethane L, 2- Di chloroethane - da 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -d8 NOTE (S) : ( zs LL8) (az L28l (za 118) (77 1L7) Calculations are perfornrcd bcforc roundlog to avold round-off crrors in calculatal regults. Bold print denorcs conrrol paranrccrs STL Denver ITIATRIX SPIKE SA}TPI,E EIIALIIATION RBtrORT Gc/I.r.S voJ.atsiles C1ient l^ot' fi. - . : MS Lot-Sanrp1e #: Date Saqlled- - - =Prep Date ---: Prep Batch *- - -: Dilution Factor: PAIU\ME:rER DSI070270 DsI090287-002 a9/07/05 15:05 oe/L4/a5 525813 0 1 I[ork Order #- - - = Date Received--= enalysis Date- -: Ana}.yeis Time- -: HiI9MEIAC-TvlS HJgME].AD-MSD oe/oe/os oe/14/os 10:50 RPD RPD LIMTTS Matrix- . D . - . . - . ! WA?ER [vIETHOD 1, l-Dichloroetrhene Benzeue ChI-orobenzene Tol.uene Trichloroethene SURROGATE Dibromofluoromethane L, 2- Di chloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -d.8 NOirE (S) : 107 1_O3 99 98 105 106 109 107 LO9 105 PERCENT RECO\TERY RECOTTI.ERY LTMITS (e 5 L32l (e e 132) (7s 12o) (zs 120) 0e 118) (za 1r-8) ( za r-18)(za 1r"B) (tg Lzzl (79 L22l PERCENT RECOVERY 9s 95 B7 84 93 93 L02 1.0 3 3 -7 (o- 26) r. - 9 (o-zLl o .28 (O- 2Al 1.8 (O-221 2 -5 (O-231 slr845 82508 srr846 82608 sIY845 82608 sw845 82508 sw846 82608 srr846 82508 sw846 82608 sw845 82608 sw846 82508 sw846 82608 RECOVERY IJIMITS (z: Ll8)(73 118) (ez 128) (ez 128) (ze 118) (ze 118) (tt r"17)(tz rrr) Calsulatlons arc pcrlbrmerl before roulrdlng to avoitl round-off errors in calculated resrlls. Bold prtnt denotcs conrrol paramcrcrs STL Denver 26 HATRTX SPIIG SA}dPI.B DATA REPORT cc/tds Vo1atil.es Cl.ient lrot #. . - = HS lot-Sample *: Date SaryI-ed- - -: frep Date ... ! Prep Batch #.. -: Dilution Factor: PAIU\METER D5I070 27 0 D5r090287-002 09/o7/as l-5:05 oe/]-4/as 52s813 0 l_ Work Ord,er #- -.3 Dat,e Receiwed. - l arral-ygie Dat.e. . 3 Analysis Time. - l HJgMElAC-MS HJ9MB1AD-MSD ae/ae/as oe/14/os 10 :50 Matrix.- ,---r WATER SPTKE MEASRD A}4T AMOTINT PERCNT REC\MY RPD METIJOD SAII{PIJE 'AI,lOUlm ND IiID ND }ID ITD ND ND ND tlD ND TINITS 1, a-Dichl-oroethene Benzeu.e Ch]-orobenzene Tol-uene TrichI-oroetlrere SURROGATE 10 - o L0.7 10.o 10-3 1-O-O 9.g5 Lo-o 9.76 10-o 10.5 10 - 0 10.5 f_o. o 10 .9 10-o Lo.7 10-o 10-9 10 - 0 10.6 PERCENT RECOYERY 95 e5 87 B4 93 93 LO2 103 luglL \s/L u.s/L Iu.g/L Iug/L ]u.g/t U.g/L U.g/L wg/I' lug/L 107 103 99 98 105 106 109 107 l-o9 1_O6 RECO\TERY LIMTTS (73 118 )(zr 118) (ez 128) (e z L28l (za 118) ( 78 l_18) (tt r_17 )(7t 117) sw845 82508 3 -7 SI{846 82508 s'w845 82508 1 .9 SI{845 82608 sn845 82508 o -28 Sr845 82508 s"w846 82608 1 -B SH846 82608 sw845 82608 2.5 SI{B45 82508 D l- b romo f 1 uorome E hane L ,2 -Dichloroethane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 DrorE (s) : Calculations are pcrforntcd beforc rouuding to avoitl round-off crrors in calculacd rc.sulB. BoId print denotes conrol peramctcrs STL Denver Tf,HfHOD BI,ANK RBPORT TULAL Uetals Client lot' * - PARAI*IETER : D5IO7 A27 0 RESULT REPORTING LTMIT UNITS METHOD Hat,rix- - O . . . . . - r WATER PREPAIUITION- WORK A}IA.LYSTS DATE ORDER # UB Iot-Sanp1e #: D5f160000 -425 Prep Batc.h #- - Mercury ND 0.00020 rftg/t olluLlon Factor: L nnalysle Tlme,,: 18:05 uB lrot-Sanup1e #: D5I22A 000 -180 kep Batc.tr # - Cadmium ND 0 - 001-0 mq/L Selenlum Dllution Factor r I Analysis Time. . : 03: 55 ND 0-0020 mg/L Dilution Factor: I Analysia time,.: 03:56 IIIB I.ot-Saryl1e #: D5I22A000 -26]- Prep Ba.tch #- A,luminum IVD 0 ,10 mg/L Arsenic Dllutlon Factor: 1 Analysig Time..: 23:4L 0 .015 ntg/L Dl lut, Lon Factor r 1 Analyoio Time..: o9223 0.010 mg/1, Dllut,ion Factror r 1 Analyeis Tlme..; 09:23 0.20 mg/L Dilution Factor: I Analyels Tlme..: 2324L 0.010 mg/L DiluLion Factor: 1 Analyeis Time..: 09:23 0.010 mg/L DiLutlon Factor: 1 Analysis Time, . : 09 :23 0.l-0 $g/L Dilution Factor: I Analysis Time. , : 23 z4a Barium ND Calcium Chromium Copper Iron sw845 50108 oe / 23 - ae / 27 / os HKsQwl-AD sw845 50108 09 /23- o e /27 / os HKSQW1AE sw846 50108 0e/*/as HK5QWIAIyI sw84 5 5 0108 oe / 23 - a9 / 27 / os HKSQWI-AF sw845 50r_08 09 / 23 - A9 / 27 / As HKsQWIAG swB46 50108 525942s sw845 74704 52651 I O sw846 6020 sw845 5020 526525L sI,I845 60108 oe/2r/os HK\IT{314A 09 / 23 -09 / 27 I os HKSDAIA.A,' a9 /23 - 0 9 /27 / As HKSDAI-AC ae/23/os HKSQWlAC ND IUD ND ND STL Denver T{ID (Continued on next page) ae/23/05 HKsQVI1A]I 28 I{ETEOD BI,ATTK RBtrORT ItO(fAL lteta].s Client Ipt * - PARAMETER : D5I0 7 427 a RESULT REPORTING LTI{TT UNITS uatrix.. ---.3 WATER METHOD PREPARATION_ WORK ANAI,YSIS DATE ORDER # Lead Magnesium Nicke] Potrassium Si lver Sodium Vanadium Z inc Zirconium NOTB (S) : ND ND ND ND 0. 0030 rlrg/t ollution Factor: 1 Arralysls Time, . : 09 :23 0.20 mg/L Dllution Factor: 1 Analysle Time..: 23:4t 0 .040 mg/L ollution Factor: 1 Analyeie TLme.,: 09:23 3.0 l;rrg/L Dilutlon Faqtor: 1 Analysle Time, . : 23 :a} 0 - 010 ng/I' Di lut ion Fact.or ; 1- Analyelo Time. -: 09:23 s-o mg/L nilution Factor: 1 Analyels Time. . : 23 -.41 0.0L0 mg/L Pllufion Factor: 1 Analyele Time,. : 09:23 0.020 mg/L Dllution Factor: 1 Aralysie Time..: 09:23 0 - ols r,;tg/L Dllution Factor: 1 .lnalysis Time-. : 23:{I sw845 50L0B oe / 23 - 09 / 27 / os HKsQwlA,r sw845 501-08 oe/n/as HKSQW1AQ swB45 60108 ae / 23 - 09 / 27 / a5 HKsQwlAlr sw846 50108 ae/23/0s HK5QWlAP sw84 6 50108 09 /23-a9 /27 I os HKSQWLAAND ND ND oel23/os HK5QW'J ND ND sw845 50108 SI^I845 50108 oe / 23-ae / 27 / AS HKSQWIAK sI,\I845 60108 0e /23-09 /27 / OS HKSQW1AL swB45 60108 oe/23/05 HKsQW1AT Calculatlons ere perfornrd before rourding to avold rourxl-off error$ in calculatcd results. STL Denver I,ABOR;ATORY @IUTROL SATTPIJB ETZILTIATION REPORT T0TAL Meta]-s Iot-Sanple *. - - : D5f07027A PERCENT PARAI,IET.ER RECO\TERY Dlatrix.- --,.r WATER RECO\IERY LIMITS RPD RPD LIMITS PREPARATION- A\IALYSTS DATE PREP- BATCH # Mercury NOTB (S) : 98 99 METHOD ( 8S 114 ) SV{84 5 7 47 AA (as 1l-4'l t.t (o-10) swa4d 7470A ollurion Fact.or: 1 Analyele Tirno..: 18:07 0e / 2L/ as s2se42s ae/ 2a/ os 525942s Calcularlons are yrcrfornrcd before roundlng to avoid round-of'f errors in calculuetl raslts. STL Denver I.ABORATORY CCINTROL SAUPIJE DATA REPORT IlOTAL Metals Lot-Sample #. . - : D5I A7 027A SPIKE MEASTIRED PAIU\METER AIYIOUITT AMOUNT UNITS PERCNT RECVRY RPD METHOD Irlatrix- . . - - - . - - r [vArER PREPARATION- AIVALYSTS DATE PREP BATCH # Mercury NOTB (S) : o-00500 0-00488 mg/L 0.00500 0.0A497 mg/L Dllution sw845 7470A L.7 SW845 747AA Analysis rlme.,: 18:0? 0e /2L/ os s2se425 a9 /2L/ aS s2s942s 98 99 Factor: 1 (.lalculatlons are pcrfornrcd before roundlng to avoid round-off error$ in calcularcd results. STL Denver OBarium Chromiurn Copper Nickel Lead Vanadium Zin.c Crlci.um I,ABORATORY COII:IROL SA}TPI,B ETIALTIATION REFORT T(}TAL ltteta].s Cl.ient Iot, #. PAIU{METER LCS L'ot-Sanple#: Cadmium Selenium Aluminum Arsenic DSr07027A PERCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY LIMITS I'{ETHOD I{atrix-- ....3 WATER PREPARATION- ANAIJYSIS DATE I^IORK ORDER # LeS lot-Saup1e#: D5T220000-261- Prep Batch * - Silver 98 ( Bs 114) Sw846 1_00 DiluEion Factor: 1 (ae 108) sw845 Dllution Factor: 1 ( ag 109) sw846 nilutlon Factor: J. (gg l_13) sw846 Dilution Pactor: 1 (eg Ltz) sw846 nilution Factor: I (85 l-r0) sw846 nllucion Factor: 1 ( 9o 1l-0 ) sw845 Pilutlon F'actor: L ( gr 111) sw84 5 Dllution Factor: 1 (BB 1,]-2) SWB45 Di lution Fact,or : 1 (es 110) sw845 ollucion Factor: 1 (sg t-Lo) swl46 Di Iut. ion Pactor : 1 oe / 23 - a9 / 27 I 0s HKSDAI-AE TLme.. : o4:oo 0e / 23 -oe /27 / as HKSQWIAU Tlme..: 09;28 ae /23 / as HKsQwLAv Tlme..: 23246 09 / 23 - Ae / 27 / 0s HK5QI'I1AW Time.. = 09:28 oe / 23 - 09 / 27 / os r{KsQw]-N( Tlms..: 09:28 0e I 23 - a9 / 27 / 05 HKsQWr.Ao Time. - ' 09:28 09 / 23-oe / 27 / OS HK5QW1A1 Tlme..: 09:28 D5I220000-180 hep BaEch *- 97 (ag 110) Sw846 Di lut ion FacE,or : 1 (az ttz) sw946 Dilution Factor: 1 lo2 - : 52651,8 0 5020 09 / 23 - oe / 27 / As HKSDA1AD Analysis Tirne., : 04 : 00 5a2A Arralys i s - -: 5255251 5 01_ 0B AnaLysi a 5 0108 Analys i s 6 0108 Analyoiu 5 010B Analyeis 5 0108 Analyei s 5 0108 Analyeie 60108 09/23-Ae/27 /as HKsQw]-Az Analysis Time..: 09:28 501-oB oe/23-09/27/As HK5QW1A3 Analyeia Time..: 09;28 5010B 09/23-A9/27/0s HKSQW1A4 Analyele Time..: 09:28 50108 Oe/23-oe/27 los HKSQWTAS Analysis Tlme..: 09t28 5o1oB Ae / 23 / a5 Analysis Tlme.. r 23246 next page) STL Denver (Cont inued on HKSQW1A6 32 I,ABORATORY Dsr070270 PERCENT RECO\TERY RECOVERY ]_,_LMrrS COIUTROL SATTTPIJE EITAITIATION REPORT TOTAL Metra}g Client Iot * - PARAMETER ,...Iron PotaBEium Magnesium Sodium Zirconium trufE (s) : 96 103 oo 100 104 METIIOD ( gs 110 ) sw845 ollut.lon Factor: 1 (ae 111) swg46 Dilution FacE,or: L ( gr 11r- ) sw846 Dilution Factor: 1 (gr LLz) swB4G nl-lut ion Factor : 1 (7 s L25) Sw84 5 oilutlon Factor: 1 5 0108 trra lysl s 5 010B enalysis 6 0108 Analysi s 6 01_ 08 Analyei s 50108 Analye i o lllatrix-- ----: WATER PREPARATION- AhrAr,YSrs pATE qrg-RJ( ORDER # 09 /23 / os HKsewlAT Time..: 23246 a9 / 23 / 05 rIKsQwlAB Time..: 23246 oe /23 / os HKsQvAIlAe Time. .: 23t45 a9 /23 / as HKSQW1CA Time..: 23246 oe /n / as HKsQwrcc Time. . : 23:46 Calculatlors are performed bcforc rourullng to avoid round-off crrors in calculoted results. STL Denver 33 Cl-ient l,ot *-..3 D5f07027O SPTKE IVIEASIIRED PNU\IvIETER A}4OUNT AMOUNT T]NITS I,ABOR.NTORY COI{IROL SAI{PI.B DATA IIOTAL MeTa}s PERCNT REC\TRY METHOD Matrix-- ----: WATER PREPAILATTON- WORK A}IALYSIS DATE ORDER # RBPC}RT LCS Iot-Sanrp1e#: D5T220000-180 Prep Batch *- Cadmium 0 . 0400 0 . 03 BB ffig/L 97 Pilutlon Factor: 1 Sel-enium 0.0400 0.0375 mg/L 94 Pilutrion Pactor: 1 I,CS Iot-Sanqrle* : D5l22O0 0 O -26L Prep Batch * - Silver 0-0500 0.0489 mg/L 98 Pilutlon Factor; 1 Aluminum 2.00 2.00 mg/L L00 Dilutlon Pactor: I Arsenic 2 - 00 1.89 mg/L 95 Dilution Factor: 1 Barium 2-00 2.O4 mg/L LAz oifuElon Factor: 1 Chromlurn 0-200 0.195 ng/t, 98 Dllution Factor: 1 Copper 0 . 250 0 .245 rftg/L 98 Pllutlon F&ctor: I Nickel 0 .500 o - 487 mg/L 97 PiluEion Factor: L Lead 0.500 o .485 mg/L 97 Pilution FacE,or: 1 Vanadium 0.500 0-492 mg/t 98 Dllut ion Factor r l. Zinc 0.500 0.464 mg/L 93 Pllutlon Factor: L Calcium rtg/L 9s Dilutlon FacEor: 1 (Continued on : 5255180 sw846 5020 Analysis Time-. : sw845 6A20 Analyeia Time- - ' : 526526L s[1I846 6010B Arralyaie Time-.: sw84 5 5 0108 furalysis Time. . : sw845 50108 Analyelo Time. - : sw846 50r-08 Arralyaia Time. . : sw846 60108 Analysle TLme. . : sw846 50108 Analyeis Time. . = sw845 50108 Analyeie Time..: sw84 5 5 0108 Analyels Time. , : swB46 50108 Analyelo Tlme. , : SWB4 6 5O 1OB Arralyeie Time,,: ae / 23 -09127 I As HKSDA1AD 04 :00 oe / 23 - a9 / 27 / 05 HKSDA1AE 04 :00 09/23-ae/27 / As HKSQWTAU 09:28 0e /23 / 0s HKSQW1AV 23 :46 ae / 23 - oe /27 / as HKsQwlAw O9 :28 a9 / 23 - oe / 27 / os HKsewlar( 09:28 ae /23-0 e / 27 / 0s HKsQw].Ao 09:28 09 / z3-ae / 27 / os HKsewlAl 09:28 oe / 23 - oe / 27 / os HKsQwlA2 09:28 0e / 23 -09 / 27 / 05 HK5O.W1.A3 09:28 oe /23 -09 / 27 / os HKsQwlA4 09 -.28 09 / 23 - oe / 27 / Os HKSQWIA5 09 :28 sw845 60L08 09/23/os Arralyeie Time. . : 23 245 next page) STL Denver 50.0 47 -7 HK5QWlA5 34 Clierrt Lot *. PARAMETER Iron Potaslsiurn Magnesium Sodium Zireonium NGTE (S) : . - z D5I07027O SPTKE MEASURED A},IOUI{T AMOUNT 1.00 A-964 mg/L ' pilutrlon 50 - 0 5L .4 mg/t' oi lutl on 50 - 0 49 .5 mg/l' Di lut ion 50.0 50.0 mg/L - Dilution 0.500 0.51-9 mglf, oi lut lon ITABORAI1f,RY COIITROL SA}TPIJE DATA TOTAL ITIetaIs LINITS PERCNT REC\MY METHOD REPORT sw845 50108 Analyale Time. - : sw846 601-08 nnalyols Time..: sw84 5 50I_08 Analysie ?ime. . : sw845 501_08 Analysis rime.. : sw845 50108 Analyeis Tlme. . : Itlatrix.-.------: PREPARATION- ANALYSIS DATE WATER WORK ORDER # HKsQW1A7 HKsQWlA8 HKSQW1.A9 HK5QWT-CA HKSQWlCC 96 F acE,or r 1 103 Factor r 1 99 FacEor: 1 100 Fact,or: 1 104 Factor: 1 ael2slos 23 :46 oe/23/os 23:{5 ae/n/as 23 :46 ae l23 / os 23 zS6 0e/23/os 23 246 Calculations are pcrlbrnrcd before rouncllng to avoitl round-ofl'crrors in calculated rcsults. STL Denver ULTR.rX SPIKE SAI{PI,B SIrAIJIrArION I1OTAL Metale Client Iot #...: D5I070270 Date Sarqrl-ed-... 09/06/05 1O:35 Date Received-.= 09/07/Os REPORT PERCEMT RECOVERY PARAMETER RECO\TERY I,IMTTS RPD RPD LIMTTS METHOD Matrix.o..-, : GW PREPARATION- AI{ALYSTS DATE WORK ORDER # ldS L,ot-Sanpl.e *: D5I07O27O-002 Frep Batch #-..: 5259425 Mercury 88 (85 - L14) SW845 747OA 87 (85 - r_r_4) 0.33 (0-10) SW846 747AA Dilution Pactor: 1 Analyola ?lme..:18:39 IICIIE (S} : 09 /2L/ as HJ35N1CC oe / 2L / os HJ3 5N1"CD Calculatlol$ are perforuled before roundit4 to avold rouud-off errors [n calculatcd results. STL Denver 36 C].ierrt Lot fi-..: Date Sam;r}-ed- - -: SAI{PIJE PAIU\METER AMOUMT D5r070270 09/oG/ os.l-o:35 SPTKE MEASRD AIvIT AMOTIMT IIIATRIX SPITG SEUPI,E DATA REPORT TOTAL }Ietrale DaEe Received. - ! 09 / a7 / a5 Itlatrix. : GW PREPARATION- WORK A}IAI,YSTS DATE ORDER #I]NITS PERCNT RECTMY RPD METHOD MS Iotr-Sarqr1e *: D5I07027A-002 Prep Bat,ch Mercury 0 - 00500 0.00438 mg/L 0.00500 0.00437 mg/L . nllutlon Factor: Arralysis Time. . : 5259425 sw845 7470A- 0 - 33 SW846 7 47 AA oe/2L/ as HJ35N1CC a9 lzL/ as HJ35NLCD #.,.: 88 B7 }UD tlD 1 18:39 NqfE (s) = (hlculatlons arc perl'orrrrctl before rounding to avold rouM-otT errors in calculated results. STL Denver UT(IS.IX SPIG S,AIiTPI,E E\IAT TATTOII IIOTAL Uetala C].ient IpE #-..: D5f070270 Date Sanryled-- -r o9/09/o5 09:25 Date Received..r og/Lo/os RBPORT PERCETIT RECOVERY RECOVERY I,IMITS RPD RPD LIMITS METHOD Matrrix. . . . - - - - - : WATER PREPARATION- WORK ANA],YSIS DATE ORDER #PARAIVIETER lts lot-Sarp1e Cadmium *: D51100153-003 Prep Bat'ch *. 97 99 (ag 110) (eg 1r.o) 1.4 (o-20) Dilution Factor: 5 Analysia Tlme-.: 04:40 (az 112 )(az 1L2) 5.8 (o-Zo) Dilution Factor: 5 Analysie Time. . : 04 :40 ;5265180 sw845 5020 sw845 6020 sw84 6 6020 sw845 5020 09 / 23 -09 / 27 / 0s HKAReIC2 a9 / 23 -ae / 27 / as HKAR9I-C3 a9 / 23 -ae /27 / os HKAReIC4 os / 23 - 0e / 27 / 05 HKARelcs Seleniurn }IOI'B (S) : LA2 109 Calculutions are performcd bclbtt rounding to avold round-off crrors ln calculatetl resuks. STL Denver 38 C1ient l,ot *. . . : Date Saupled, - -: SAIvIPLE PAIU\METER ATIOUNT IIIATRIX SPIffi SAII{PI,E DATA REPORT I:OTAL Meta}s D5r070270 09 / 09 / aS 09 :25 Date Received- . r a9 / 10/05 SPTI(E MEASRD PERCNT AMT AMOU}iT I,]NITS RECVRY RPD METTIOD Matrix-- ----: WATER PREPARATION- WORK A}IALYSIS DATE ORDER # trl.S l,ot-Sample #: D5I100L53-003 Prep Batch Cadrnium 0.0400 0.0391 mg/L 0.0400 0.0396 rfig/L oilut.lon Factor: Analysla TLme..; 0.0400 0.04O9 mg/L 0.0400 0-0437 $rg/L Di lution F'actor: Analyeis Time..: 5?6518 0 sw845 5020 a -4 sw846 6A2A sw846 5020 5.8 SW845 5020 ae /23-oe/27 / as HKAR9LCa ae /23-a9/27 / 05 HKAReIC3 a9 / 23 *oe / 27 / os HKARslc4 oe / 23 - ae / 27 / as Hr(ARelcs #- luD }ID 97 99 5 04:40 LA2 109 5 04:{0 Selenium NOTE (S} : ND ND (;rlculatior$ are lrcrformcrJ bcfore rouutling tn avold round-off crrors In calculatcrl rcsults. STL Denver }IATRIX SPIKE SAUPI'E EIrALTIATION RBPORT TOTAL Metal s Client lpt #...: D5I070270 Date Sary>Ied- - - = a9 / a7 105 09:55 Date Received- - : a9 /08/05 RPD RPD LIIVIITS METHOD Hatrix. . . - . . . . . ! WATER PREPAR^A,TION* WORK Ar{ALYSTS DATE ORDER # PERCENI RECO\TERY RECOVERY IJTMITSPAIU\METER It{S tot-Sary>Ie #: Aluminum 98 101 Arsenic 1-07 l-L2 Barium 95 99 CalcLum Chromium 85 89 Copper LL7 L22 fron 93 93 Lead 93 97 D5I080243-004 Prep Batrch *-(83 11e) (es 119) 2.s (O-zsl Pi 1ut. ion Factor : 5 Rnalyeis Time..: 23:54 L24) L24) +.r (o-Zsl Di lut,ion Pactor : 1 Analysis Time..: lA:22 120) L20) :,9 (o-2s) Dilution Factor: 1 Analyslo Tirne. . : LO :22 1s3 )1s3) (0-2s) Di1ut.lon FacLor: 5 AnalysLs Time,.: 23:54 (tt (7t L3s) 13s) q.z (o-?sl DiLution Factor: 1 Analyolo TLme. . :'l,a :22 = 5255261,- sw845 50108 sw845 60108 sw845 50108 sw846 50108 sw846 60108 sw84 5 5 010E} SWB45 5O1OB sw846 501"08 SWB45 5O1OB sw845 50108 sw845 601-08 sw845 5 010E} sw845 5010E} sw845 601-08 sw846 60108 sw845 50108 oe/23-o9/27/Os ael23-ae/27 /as HJ6JM1DV HJ6JM1DW a9 / 23 - 09 / 25 I 05 HJ5JMLDQ 09 /23 -A9 / 26 / a5 HJsJM1DR ae / 23-0e / 27 / 0s HJsJM1DT ae / 23 - a9 127 / Os HJ5JMLDU (a+ (aa (gs (ss Nc, MSB (aA NC,MSB (48 oe/23-oe/26/os ae/23-oe/26/os HJSJIVIICN HJSJM1CP ae/23-ae/27/os ae/23-ae/27/os HJSJM1DX HJSJMIDO (az (az (sz (sz L2g', L29) 4 .6 ( O- 2s) Dilution Factor: 1 JLrralyeie Tlme. . : LO -.22 1ss ) 1ss) 0.70 (o-2s) Dilut ion Factor r 5 Analyels Tlme..: 23:54 121 ) L21) 3.s (O-2s) Pilut,ion Factor: 1 Analysis Time..: lo 22 ae/23-oe/27/os ae/23-oe/27/as HJ6JM]-A9 HJSJM1CA oe/23-ae/26/as ae/23-oe/25/as HJSJM1CQ H,J5in{l_cR (eg (89 ae / 23 - oe / 27 / os HJ5JMICE a9 / 23 - 09 / 27 / os HJ5JMLcF STL Denver (Continued on. next page) 4A C].ient I,ot #. Date SaryIed- PARAMETER I*lagnesium Nickel Potassium Silver Sodium Vanadium Zinc Zirconium NOrlE (S) : (ez l-45) GZ L46) ( a-zsl Dilution Fact.or: 5 Analysis Time..r 23;54 (ee 120) (e+ ]-zol 3.2 (0-2s). Dilution Factor: I Analyele Tlme. - : 7O t22 (t e l-32 ) (76 ]32) (o-2s) Dllutlon Factor: 5 lysis Time-.: 23:54 (7S 14L) (7s 1_41) 4-o (O-2s) ollutlon Factror: I Analyeie Time. . t LO 222 (7a 203 )(70 203) (0-40) Dilution Factorr 5 Analysis TLme, , : 23 t54 ( es 120) (8s ].'za) 3.4 (O-2s) Dilution FacEor: L Analyeie Tirne. . : l0 :ZZ (50 137) (60 1,3-l) 3.3 (O-251 ' Dilution Factor: 1 Analyair Time. . : l0 t22 (80 120) (80 1_20) 2.1 (o-25)- ni lut, ion Fact,or : 5 Analysis Tirne. . : 23 :54 II'AI?TX SPIIG SAIIPIIE EITALIIATIOIU REPORT TOifAL lletal s : D5 TA7 027 0 : 09/07/oS 09:55 Da.te Receiwed--: a9/08/05 PERCENT RECO\IERY RPD RECOVERY LIMITS RPD LTMITS METHOD Matrix-- ----: WATER PREPARATTON- WORK ANATYSJq. pArE ORDER # a9 / 23 -09 / zG / os Hir6'JuLcv 09 / 23 - 09 / 26 / 0s H.rsJrvrlcw a9 123 - a9 / 27 / as HJ6,Jl,Il-cc 09 / 23-09 /27 / Os HJ6JIYII-CD 09 / 23 - Oe / 26 / Os HJ6JI,n-CT 09 / 23 - 09 / zG / os H,J5,JI'{lcu 09 / 23 - 09 / 27 / Os H.f 6JM1DN a9 / 23 - a9 / 27 / os HJ6.rI{1Dp oe / 23 -o9 / 26 / A5 HJSirrYllCX a9 / 23 - 09 / 26 / os HJ5JM1C0 oe /23*ae /27 / os HJ6JM1CG 09 / 23 - A9 / 27 / 05 HJ5,JM1CH oe /23-ae /27 / os HJ6JMIcJ 09 / 23 - 09 / 27 / Os H.r6JIvIlCK 09 / 23 -09 / 26 / as HJGJMIcI 09 / 23 - 09 / 26 / A5 H'J6JM1C2 NC, MSB NC, MSB SW84 6 sv{84 5 5 0108 50t 0B Ne, IvISB NC, MSB NC, MSB NC, MSB 83N 87 130 135 90 93 85 8B t_03 105 sw84 5 5 0108 sw846 50L08 sw845 60108 sw845 60108 sw846 601_08 sw845 60108 sw846 601-08 sw845 50108 sw845 601.08 sw845 50108 sw845 60108 sw846 60108 sw84 6 50108 swB45 60108 Calculetlons are pcrfonncd bcfore roundhg to avoid romd-off crrors ir celculated rxulrs, N Spiked aoalyrc recovery is outsiJc statcd coltrol limits. NC The recovery ardlor RPD were nor calculated. MSB'llc recovery aul l{PD were not calcutatcd }recauqe the sample amount vas gircatcr than four tlmes thc spftc amount. STL Denver 47 IATRIX SPIKB SAI.IPIJE DATA REFORT I'IOTAI, Meta1s Date Received.. r A9/ 08/05 Matrix-- ---.r WATERClient' L'ot *- - -: Date Saqlled-. . ! SAIUPLE PARAMETER A}4OIJNT Dsra7027a 09 / 07 / os 0e:55 SPTI(E MEASRD AMT AI-IOUlqf PERCMT RECVRY RPD METHOD PREPARATION_ WORK A}JALYSIS DATE ORDER #I]NITS ItLS Iot-Saup1e *: D5I080243-004 Prep Batcl. *---: 526526L Alumirrum ND 2 .O0 2 -04 wrg/t 98 SW846 60108 ND 2 -OO z.LO *g/t 101- 2 .5 SW845 50108 oilutlon Pactor: 5 Analysis Time.. t 23:54 Arsenic oe / 23 -os / 25 / as HJ6JM1DQ 09 / 23 - A9 / 26 / A5 H,J6,.IMr-DR sw846 60108 09 /23 -A9 /2t / oS HJsJM1DT sw84 5 5 01" 0B 09 123 - 09 / 27 / OS HJS,JIr{1DU sw84 5 6 0108 Ae / 23 - 09 / 21 / aS HJ6irMlDV sw84 5 5 01- 08 ae / 23 - a9 / 27 / 05 HJ5JI41DW swB4 5 6 0108 09 / 23 -Ae / 26 / As rrJsJMlCN sw84 5 5 0108 09 / 23 - Ae I 26 / A5 HJ5,JI'I1CP 2 2 .l-5 mg/L .24 mg/L Dilution Factor: Analysie Time. - r 2 -a4 mg/L 2 -L2 mg/L Di lut ion Fact,or : Analysle Tlme. . : O .1,7 2 mg/ f, 0 . l,80 mg/t' oilutlon Factor: enalysie Time. . : 0.295 rrrglL o .3oe mg/L Dllution FacEor: Rnalysls Tlme. . : .0s mg/L .05 ng/L DiluElon Pactor: nnalysie Time. . : 4.2 sw845 50108 sw845 5010E} 4.5 sw84 5 6 0108 sw846 50r.08 sw84 6 60L0B 0.70 sw845 50108 107 LL2 1_ lO t22 95 99 1 70 t22 85 89 1 7A 222 Lt7 L22 1 70 t22 93 93 5 23 254 4_l_ 3-9 Barium Calcium Chromium Copper fron 0 _0078 0.0078 0 -13 0 _ t_3 1400 1400 ND ND IUD ND 0 .13 0. L3 2 .04 2.00 2 ,00 2.00 s0 - 0 50 _ 0 0.200 0.200 0.250 0 .250 1.00 1_ 00 1390 mglt Qualifiers: NC, MSB 143 0 mg/t-, Qualifiers ; NC, MSB Dilution Faetor: 5 Analyeig Time..: 23:54 1 1 09 I 23 -ae / 27 / os HJ5ilvl:.Dx 09 / 23 - Ae / 27 / Os HJ5,TM1D0 09 / 23 -A9 /27 / Os HJSJM1Ae ae /23- 09 / 27 / AS HJSJM1CA os / 23-a9 / 26 / os HJsJM1CQ ae / 23 - a9 126 / As HJ6JTU1CR STL Denver (Continued on next page) 42 ClienE Iot ff. . . : Date Sary)Ied.. . l SAMPI,E PARAMETER AI,TOI+.IT Iread IITiATRIX SPII(B SAUPI,E DATA REtrORT I1OTAL Flet,a]-s Date Received, - ! A9 /08/05 lllatrix-- -.-.r WATERD5r A7 A27 A 09/a7/os oe:55 SPTKE ME.A,SRD AI.IIT AIvTOUNT UNITS PERCNT RECV:RY RPD METHOD PREPAXATION- WORK AIVALYSIS DATE ORDER # Magnes ium NickeI Potas s ium ND ND 530 530 0 .080 o - 080 44A 440 5500 5500 50 - 0 50 ,0 0.500 0.500 50 .0 50 .0 50,0 50.0 IUD ND o . 500 0 .455 mg/L 93 0-500 0.483 mg/I' 97 Dllution Factor: 1 Analysls Time. - : L0 -.22 SWB46 6OlOB 3 .5 SWB45 50108 sw84 6 5 0108 sw845 50108 3.2 sw845 50r-08 sw845 60108 4.0 sw845 50108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 50108 sw84 6 5 010B oe / 23 - ae / 27 I as HJ6JMT.CE 09 / 23 - oe / 27 / as HJGJI,IIcF 09 / 23 - 09 / 26 / As HJ6JMICV oe / 23 - 09 / 26 / As HJSJrvl]-CW oe / 23 - oe /26 / 05 HJ5fivrLCT a9 / 23 - 09 / 26 / As HJsJM].cu oe / 23 -a9 127 / 05 HJ5,JM1DN ae / 23 - 09 / 27 / 05 HJ6,JM1DP a9 / 23 - a9 / zG / as HJG.lIvIlcx oe / 23 - oe / 25 / os HJ6JM1C0 0.0500 0.05s3 mg/L 1-30 0.0500 0. 0580 mg/L L35 nilution Factor: 1 Analysie Time..: 70:22 677 mg/L Qualifiers: NC, MSB 5 ee mg/L Qualifiers: NC, MSB Pilution Factor: 5 analyels Time. .: 23254 a.4e7 N mg/L 83 0 .513 mg/L 87 Dilution Factor: L Arralysls Time. . : lA 222 Aez mg/L Qualifiers : NC, MSB s09 mg/L Qualifiers : NC, MSB Dilution Factor: 5 Analyoio Time. . ; 23 :54 5490 mg/L Qualifiers: NC, MSB s6s0 mg/L Qualifierg ; NC, MSB Ollution Factor: 5 Analyeie Time,.; 23:54 sw84 6 5 0108 09 / 23 -A9 / 27 / A5 HJ6.TrvlLCC sw84 5 5 0108 Oe / 23 - A9 / 27 / Os HJSJIYI.CD Silver Sodium STL Denver (Continued on next page) 43 Client L'otr *. Datre Sarpled - Ii{ATRIX SPIKE g2gqpr.E DATA REFORT I1OTAL Dleta]-s : D5I0 7 027 O : 09/07/a5 09:55 Date Received..r 09/08/05 llatrri)c-- ----: WATER SAMPLE SPIIG MEASRD AMOI,]NT ATVIT AI{OUNT UNITS PERCNT REC\MY RPD METHOD PREPARATION- WORK AI{ALYSIS DATE ORDER #PARAMETER Vanadium Zinc Zirconium No1rts (s) : }TD I.ID 0.015 0.015 0.021 0 .021- 0 - 500 0 .500 0 - 500 0 _ 500 0 ,500 o ,500 0 .4s1 mg/L A .466 mg/L Dilution Factor r ^Analyaie Time. . : O.443 mg/t-' a .4s7 mg/T, Dilution Factor: nnalysie Time. . : 0 . s34 mg/L 0.546 rll.g/L Dilution E'act.or: Analyole TLme.. : sw845 50108 sw84 5 501.08 sw845 50108 sw845 50108 SWB45 5O1OB sw846 60r-08 90 93 1 10 -.22 8s 88 1 t0 t22 103 105 5 23 :54 3.4 3.3 2-a oe / 23 - as / 27 / as HJsJM1CG a9 / 23 - Os / 27 / As HJEJM1CH oe / 23 - oe / 27 / as HJSJM1CJ as l23- oe / 27 / os HJ5,]M1CK a9 / 23 - 09 / 26 / As HJ6JIvllCl os / 23 - os iz6 / as HJGJMI:2 Calculatlons arc pcrforrr{ bcforc roundln3 to avold rourd-offcnors in elcu[rtql reslts. N Spikcd malyrc rcovcry is outsiric statcd srnrol limitc. NC Thc recovery md/or RPD werc ret calculaed, MSD'llrc rccovery 0trd Rl'D werc not calcuiaEd bccausc r,lc sample amount ms grealcr dtan fur timx Ulc s?ikc &Dount. STL Denver 44 STL DENYER Contsract r Total Metals Analvsis COVER PAGE -INORGANIC ANAI,YSrc DATA PACKAGE IIRS Corgorrtion srro ![o. r D5IO7O27O tab Codcs STTDEN gOW No.: Caee No-:SI.IS No. t Samp]r-a. ID- GT[- 7A- 09 0 505 Glrrr-8n'-090505 GTi[- 81.- 090 5O5 MS oe[- 8n -090505 MsD Gt,{I- 88- 090 605 IeP l-nt,erclcmcnts corroctrlone appli.ed? Irab Samplc No. Dsr 07 027 0 - 00{ Dsr0702-t o - 002 Dsr07027A-002S D5r07027A-002SD Dsr070270-003 Wcrc wcro Ye g/No rs ICP background, eorrcctions afplLed? ff yaa-urrrc raw data gerrcratrrd bcfors application of baclrgrround. corrGetiong? Ycg./No YES Yea/No NO Coruncnta r I cartLly that Ehig drta lrrekago ir in oom[rlLa-ca wlth the tor,rrr rad condit:Ioaa of tbo contsract, both tachnlcally and for couDletcDc'!, for otsher than the conditiong detsai1ed abwe. RGIcase of t'hc data contrrlnrrd Ln thlg hardcoSry' drta paokagc and La thc eomDutar-rcadrblc drur aubEittcd oa lloppy dl.akctte hcg brcn authorlzed bry. tlrc IJrboratory lialrlrgcr or thc t![.nag6r'! dccignce, ar verifLrd bg' the follovlag eignrturc. stgnaturr , ,.. /(, o, '( t f7-:, [,,,\ .,- Datr , g/zr lo$__ Nanc: tlt1e r Dee Kettule STL Denver CO1IER PAGE - IN Data Analyrt 45 ffiSTt t RS Corporetion Total Metals Analysis Data Shcet Lab Nnme: Lot/SDG Number: Mntrix: 7o Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Bttch ID: Sample Allquot: Dilution Foctor: STL DE.NVEB D51070270 WATER N/4 Wet 00t08 mg,lL s265261 58. uol l_ Client Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Date/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Dete/Tlme Leached: Datelfime Extracted: Date/Iime Anrlyzed: Ingtrument l D: cw-,$A-090605 p51070270-002 I.IJ36N 09/06/05 I0;35 09/07/05 09:3Q 09/23105 08:00 09/24105 00: l0 EL CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL ITL a 742q-90-s Alunrinun'r 0.017 0.0r 7 0. 10 U 7440-70-2 Calcium 52 0.034 0.20 7439-89-6 lron 0.021 0.021 0.10 U 7439-9s-4 Magncsium 45 0^043 0.20 7440-49-7 Potassium 46 4.24 3.0 7440-21-s Sodiurn s00 l.l 5.0 7440-67-7 Zirconium 0.0023 0.00r 6 0.0r5 B STL Denver Frr-... I A-t.l..i.. h-r- IFL^-J Dn..L.-l^-1 45 ffisrt I.IRS Corporntion Total Metals Analysls llata Sheet Lab Nrme: Lot/SDG Nrrmber: M atrix: Yo Molsture: Brsis: Annlysis Methotl: Unit: QC Barch lD: Sample Allquot: Dllution Factor: STL DENVER n51070270 WATER N/A WsI 60108 mg/[., s26s?61 sQ.xrL I CIIent Samplc ID: Lab Sample ID: Lnb Workorder: DatelTime Collected: DntelTlme Re*eived: Date/Tlme Leachcd: Drte/I'ime Extmcted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: lnstrument ID: QW-8A-09060s, p5r070270-002 r il.3orY. 09/06/0L-10:35 0e/07/05 ()9:30 09/23105 08:00 09127105 09:33 Ql$ CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7440-38-2 Arsenic 0.0094 0.0044 0.015 B 7M0-39-3 Bariurn 0.I7 ().00070 0.0t 0 7M(W7-3 Chrorniurn 0.0026 0.0026 0.0r 0 IJ 7440-50-8 Copper 0.004s 0.0045 0.010 U 7439-e2-l I.,cad 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 74/,0-02-0 Nickcl 0.0029 0.0012 0.M0 B 7444-224 Silver 0.0028 0.0029 0.010 TJ 74l'0-62-2 Vanadium 0.002s 0.0025 0.01 0 U 7MA-66-6 Zinc 0.0046 0.0045 0.020 B STL Denver ffisrt URS Corporntion Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet l,ab Namc: Lot/SDG Number: Matrix: 7o Molsture: Basls: Anelysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sarnple Allquot: Dilrrtion Factor: STI DENVER D51070270 WATER ].{/A Wet 7479A ruslL 5?5942s I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample lD: Lrb Workorder: DatdTlme Collected: Date/Tlme Received: Date/Tlme Lenched: Dato/Tlme Extractcd: DatelTirne Analyred: In$trument lD: GW-8A-09061L1 D5t070270-002 HJ3(rN 09/06/05 10:35 Q9/.Qll05 0e:30 09t21105 12:50 tJe/?l/()j I8:37 0r9 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MI}L RL a 7439-c)7-6 Mercury 0,000044 0.000044 0.00020 I.J STL Denver D^-- , l--l..nln h..1^ (frl.--t D.---3---l^--t 4B ffisrt tlRS Corporation Total Metals Antlysis Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Number: Matrix: oh Moisture: Btsis: Annlysis Method: Unlt: QC Batclt ID: Snmple Allquot: Ililutlon Factor: [iTL I-rtrNvER psr07!270 WATER N/A $&r 6020 *ty'l* s265.lffQ 50 rnL I Client Sample lD: Lab Sunple ID: Lab Work0rder: Drte/Tlme Collected: DatelTime Received: Date/Tlmc Leached: Date/Time Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: cw-8A-oe0@5" D51070270-002 H.r36N 09/06/05 l0:35 09i07/0s 09:30 09/23105 08:(D Q9r27105 Q4:Q4 0Q4 CAS No.Analytc Conc.MDL RL a 1440-43-L)Cadmium 0.000090 0.000040 0.00 t 0 B 778249-?Selenium 0.00072 0.00033 0.0020 B STL Denver I.n..- I l-r.f-.ni.:71 -tn (oL^^t D.---:---l^-t ffiSTt URS Corporation 'I'otel Mctals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Neme: LoUSDC Number: Metrh: o/o Nloisture: Btsis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Butch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon F'actor: STL DENVER Dsr070270 WATNR N/A et 60t 08 ms& 520$26 I 50 rnl I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Date/I'ime Collected: Date/Time Recelved: Dntc/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Ertracted: Dnte/Tlme Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: GW-8B-09060s ps1070270-003 HJ365 09/06/05 l2:05 0e/0JlQ5. 0e:30 09i23/05 08;00 09/24105 00: Ll azr CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7429-9$-5 Aluminum 0.041 0.01 7 0. l0 B 7M0-74-2 Calcium 170 0.034 0.20 7439-8e-6 lron 0-10 0.021 0.10 7439-9s-4 Magnesium r70 0.M3 0.20 7440-49-1 Potassium I40 0.24 3.0 7M0-23-5 Sodiurn 990 l.l .5.0 7440-67-7 Zirconium 0.0029 0.001 6 0.015 B STL Denver F-..r... I A-nl..il.Jr. h^Jr. 9Lant Drr.,3.'^ln-l 50 ffi$Tr UR.S Corporttion 'fotnl Mctnls Analysis Data Sheet Lub Name: LoUSDG Number: Mstrix: 7o Molsture: Bnsis: Analysls Metbod; Unit: QC Betch ID: Snmple Allquot: Dllution l.'rctor: STT. DEI\TVER p5t070?10 ,YYATER NIA Wct 60108 FlqiI s2$5261 50 rnL I Cllent Sarnple ID: Lab Sarnple ID: Lab Workorder: Date/'f irne Collected : Datc/Time Received: Date/Tlme Lenched: Dntel'finre Extmcted; Date/Time Anrlyzrd: lnstrument lD: Gw-88-09060s p5t070270-003 HJ365 Q.?0610.5 12:05 09/07/05 09:30 0e/23/05 0tl:01) 09/27105 09:38 016 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RI,a 7440-38-2 Arsenic 0-00s6 0,0044 0.015 B 7440-39-3 Bariurn 0.lE 0.00070 0.010 7MO-47-3 Chromium 0.0026 0.0026 0.010 U 7440-50-8 Coppcr 0.004s 0.004s 0.0t 0 U 7439-97-l Lerd 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 74l,A-A2-0 Nickcl 0.0050 0.0012 0,040 B 7440-224 Silvcr 0.fi)28 0,0028 0_010 U 7440-62-2 Vanadiurn 0.0025 0.002s 0.0r 0 U 74li0-66-6 Zinc 0.0045 0.0045 0.020 U STL Denver D^-.-- , ,J--l--^i^ h-l- FL.--t IJ---9---l---z- ffisrt URS Corporution 'fottl Metals Analysls Data Sheet t,rb Narne: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Brtch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllution F-ac-tor: STL DE',NYIJR p51070270 wATER N/A Wet 7479A rnglL s2s94?7 I Cllent Srmple ID: Lub Snmple ID: Lnb Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: DaterlTlme Recelved: Date/Tirne Lerched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Drrte/Time Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: GW-EB-090605 ps1070270-003 tuSfs 0P/00/05 12:05 09107/05 09:30 09121105 12:50 A9/21105 18:42 0t9 CAS No.Anulyte Conc.MDL RL a 7439-97-6 Mercury 0.000044 0.00fi)44 0.00020 U STL Denver Drr-* I l-rrl...*r'o DrrJn QLn.>l En.rS.ralattt 52 ffi$Tr URS Corporatlon Tottl Metals Annlysis Data Sheet Lnb lt{rme: LoUSDG Nurnbcr: Matrlx: Yo Molsture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Brtch lll: Sample Allquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL DENVER D51070270 WATER N/A Wet 6020 ru/L 526s I 80 50 mL 5 Cllent Sample ID: Lub Stmple ID: Lab WorkOrder: DatelTlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Datefl'ime Leached: Dste/Time Extmcted: Date/Time Analyzed: Instmment ID: GW-8B-090605 nsr070?20-9Q3. HJ365 09i06/05 I ?:05 0e.&7/05-09;30 09123rc5 qsJ(l 09/27105 M:()7 044 CAS No.Analyte Conc,MDL RL a 744043-9 Cadmium 0.00068 0.00020 0,0050 B 7782^49-2 Selcniurrr 0.0017 0.00 r6 0.0 t0 B STL Denver f]n-rr,r I tllrnl*oi* fl,.trt Ql.rr..t Fr'rri.rrrla-l ffi$rt URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysls l)ata Sheet Lrb Name: LoUSDC Number: Matrix: 7o Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unltl QC Brtch [D; Sample Aliquot: Dllution Factor: STL DENVER p,5r070270 W ^TER N/A -er 60IOB mgll . 5265261 50 rnl- lg CIIent Sample ID: Lnb Srrnple [D: Ltb rvYorkorder: Drte/Ttme Collectcd: Date/Time Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Datc/Tlme Analyzed: Instmment ID; GW-7A-090605 psr070270--004 HJ366 09/06/05 l3: l0 09/07/05 09:30 09i23/05 08:00 0ei2z0,l...QI[$,4 0zr CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7429-90-5 Aluminum 0.17 0. t7 1.0 IJ 7440-70-2 Calcium 650 0.34 ?.4 7439-89-6 Iron 0.2 t 0.2t t.0 U 7439-9s4 Magntxium 2540 0.43 2.0 74/,0-Aq-7 Potassium 2600 2.4 30 7M0-23-5 Sodiunt 22000 ll 50 7440-67 -7 Zirconiurn 0.074 0.0r6 0.rs B STL Denver 54 ffi$Tt URS Corporatiou Total Metals Analysis Datr Sheet Lab Namo: LoUSDG Numher: Matrlx: Yo Motsture: Bnsis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllution Factor: S]'L DENVER D51070170 WAl'ER NiA Wst 60I OB mg/L 5265261 50 mL 5 Client Snmple II): Lab Srmple ID: Lalr WorkOrder: Drtc/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: DrtelTime Leached: Date/Tlme Bxtrrcted: Date/Time Antlyzed: lnstrument ID: GW-7A-09060s Ds1070270-004 I lJ3(r6 09/06/05 I 3: I0 09/07/05 09:30 0e/23i05--QE;QO (t912795. L7:53 016 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7440-38-2 Arrcnic 0-035 0.022 0.075 B 74p,0-39-3 Barium 0.069 0.0035 0.050 7440-47-3 Chromium 0.0r3 0.0r 3 0.0s0 U 7440-50-8 Coppcr 4.022 4.422 0.050 IJ 7439-92-l Lcsd 0.0r3 0.013 0.0I5 U 7444-02-A Nickel 0.12 0.0058 0.20 B 7440-22-4 Silvet 0.014 0.014 0.0s0 U 7MA-62-2 Vanadium 0.01 2 0.0r 2 0.050 Li 7444-66-6 Zinc 0.045 0.023 0.r0 B STL Denver I,,n-* , l-nl.ro3o llnln Qhoril Dnrtirrnlr>nt 55 ffi$TL URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Leb Name: LoUSDG Number: Illatrix: 7o Moisture: Basls: Anrlysis Method: Unlt: QC Brrtch lD: Snrnple Aliquot; Dilution Factor: f,II, DENVER D51070270 W4!TFR N/A Wet 7470A mg/L s25g42s I Client Sample ID: Lrb Sample [D: Lab rrtirorkorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme L,erched: Drte/Time Extrscted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument lD: cw-7A-090.60s D51070270-004 HJ366 0?/06/!s 13: l0 09/Q7l05 09:30 09121105 l2:5lt 09/?1t05 18:44 019 CAS No,Annlyte (lonc.MDI,RL a t43L)-97 -6 Mercury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 TJ STL Denver h'orltln I /na.hrcic Dn)n .Qhool Fnuittnlonl 55 ffisrr URS Corporation Total Metds Antlysis Detn Sheet Lab Nemc: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Bnsis: Analysls Method: Unlt; QC Bntch ID: Sample Allquot: Dilution Factor: STI..DENVER D5t070270 WATER N/A Y,st 6020 mg/I, 5265 I 80 I0 mL l!0 Client Snmple ID: Lrb Sample ID: [,ab WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drte/Time Received: Date/Tlme Lenched: Dnte/Time Extrrrcted: Dete/'fime Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: cw-7A-oe060s ns107020.;0S4 HJ366 09/06/05 13: l0 09/07/05 09:30 091"3/05 08:0-Q Q9127/05 M:tl ggJ CAS No.Analyte Conc-MDL RI,a 744043-e Cadrniurn 0.0089 0.0040 0.10 B 778249-2 Seleniunr 0,045 0.033 0.20 B STL Denver STL I)ET{VER Contract: IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAI. AT.[D CON TIN UIN G CAL IBITATION VERII-.ICA.I.I ON Carr !ilo. r Etgrh Purlty, Spcn Inorgeuic VcnturGt IiaI) Codc: STLDEN InLtsi.a1 Calibratioa Oouroc r Continuingr Cn1l.bratrLon Sorrrcr r SIXI ilIO. r D5LA7O27O I aluninum :l ConcrntsntLon Ua!.t; r mg/T. I I I o.sol o.so2l 100.4 | P I rnalytse rni.tlal Calibration Tnre Fourd rsn( 1) Coat,inuing CrlLbrrtsLon Tnrc Found e6R ( 1) For:rrd ,6R ( 1)![ A].umLnurn :l 39.99 I 97'-2 49 .x.U 99.2 Calcirrm t I Ca].cirrm H I 39.{51 gg.6 {9.811 gg - 6 fron Lo I I r=on Ht I lo.ol 3e.51 I gs.e I so.o I lg,szl ga.z I I Potasel-rrm J 50.201100.4 esiulr J 19 ,78 1 98 .9 SodLrrm fro I 5.06110L.2 I soatt m Irf I ao.ol 3s.27lse.zl so.ol so.osl1o0.1l I lrl Zl:c,onium I ( 1) ConBroI Liltl.t,g :Mcrcurlr 80-LZAt Othcr ltlotalr o.dg6l gg.2 90-110r Cfranl,drr 85-115 STL Denver Forn II (Part 1) IN 58 STL DENI1ER Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTIN UING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION conErast! URS CorDoratlorr I,ab Code : gtLDEN Caec No.:gl'g ![o. t rnLtLa]. Calibratl.on Sourcr t Coutl,nuiag Ce,ll,bratsion ScmroG r Ill.gh PrrriDy, SDex InorganLc Vontureg SDe No. r D5f070274 Concrnt,ratl-on UnLUg 3 mg lL Analyte Ial,trLal Calibratlon T:nr Found BR(I.) Contrl,nuingr Calibration Tnre tround ,6R ( 1) Found, tR ( 1)!t Itl.uninum :l A1uml-ttum, fl Calciurn t I Cal.cium H I [_;-ronr,o I I I o.5o I I o-s1{lroz-s I p I rron Hl I I potasstulnl I I s8:7 I so,o I I so.z{lroo.s I p I I urgrrcrLum I I I zo.o I I re-Bgl ee.dlpl Sodlurn to I I soAtrrr, rrf I 5.021 100.{ I p so.oJ e9.631 99.31 I lpl ZLrcont-um I Control Limit,s: MrrcurT,80-L2A; Othar MrEals 90-110t Cfranlde 85-115(1) STL Denver Fonn II (Part 1) IN STL DENYER Corrt,nct r IIRS CorT>oratLon Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL AIID CONTINUING CALTBRATION VERIFICATION CtrBc No. I glg No.3 Higrh Ptrr1ty, SDax InorganLc Ventures Lab Codo r STITDEI{ Initial crll,brltlon Sourco: Contl-nuing Ca1l,bre.t l,on Sourcc : sDc NO. r D5I07O27A Conccntrrt,Loa UnLg; t n9f T. frtrmtuun:l I I I o.sol I I o.lzsl cs-olp A]'umtnum :l 50 .0 50.541 101,1 Crl.cLum L l 5.0 4. 80 95. O Lcercium EI I 5O.O I tg .1Bl 98. { I .Lna}tr!e rnitial CrlLbrrt,lon lfrrrc Found, tR ( 1] Contlnulng Call.brrtlon Trnrc Found ,bR ( 1) rourrd, %R ( 1)u I_1poo r.o I I o.5o I I I o.{e{l eB.BlPI rron Hi I I notaselun I I 50 .0tl50,o I 48 .9 97 .8 I I so.{111oo.sIp I Eega'g_ium I I 20.O I I I 1e.5el eg.llpl SodLurn lro I I soatrrr. Hf I I 5.0 5.101 102.0 I P I I 5o.ol so-zol1o1-s[ I lPl ZlrconLusr I 0 .50 (1) contro} Linitg:Mcrourlr 80-1201 Othor McEaIs 90-110r Cl,anidc BS-11S 0.{g5l 97.2 I p STL Denver lom II (Part 1) IN 50 STLDENVER Total Metals Analysis -2A.' INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION coatrrctsl IIRS Cor:poratl.oa [d] Codc: STLDEN Cage No.:g^Lg No. r Initia]" Calt brat,ion €lotrrcc r Contl-nrrlngr CalLbrrtion Source : Higrh PurLty, BDex Inorganl-c Ventsurea gIlG $[o- : D5I07 027 O ConccntraElon UnLts z mg/L lnaI.yte rnl.tial Cal.ibrrtsLoa Tr:tre Sorrnd t6R ( 1) Cont,LnuLng Crll.brrtlon Trrrc Fotrnd tR ( 1) Found tR ( 1)M Ietr:nlaun:l I I I o.sol I I o.asll sz.elp-l A1urninutrl :l J c.t.l-um t I 50.o 51.231 LOz.5 I P I I I ' s.ol I I c.zel rs.zlrl Calcirrrrr II I 50 ,0 49.221 98. { rron t,o I 0.50 0,495 99-O rron IIt I 50.0 {9.031 98.1 lpotraarrrnl I I I so.ol I I so.eolrgr.olel MagaeeLrrrn I 20 .0 19.741 98.-7 I P Sod.irun Hi I 50 .0 51. 681 103. { zirconium I o .50 o.487 9'l .4 ( 1) Control LLnit,r :Mercury 80-120r Othor !ilrt,aIs 90*110, Cyanidc 85-115 Isoaiunr,ol I I I s.ol I I s.lelrog.zlpl STL Denver Form II (Part T} IN STL DENVER contsract, : IIRS Corlrorat,l,on Total Metals Analysis -7A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION \rcRTFICATIO}.I Craa gl,g No-: Eigrh Purlty, SI>ax InorgranLc V(lntrrrGs r,ab Code : SITLDEDI rnl-tLaI Calibrr.tlon Sourcc: Continuing CalLbration Ecnrrco r gDc $lO. : D5LATA27O ConccnEratrLon Urribg : mg ft, .Lrrrlyt,a -nitial Caltbrat,l-on Tnre Found e6R( 1) ContLnulng CrlibrrtLon T:nro pound esR ( 1) Eorurd r6R ( 1)Dt I].rrniBus :l 0.252W00.9 CalcLu$r L l 1-99 I gg,5 Iron I,o I 0 ,25e 1101. 6 lpotagqrunl zo.ol zo.azhor.ll I I I I lpllqfgocrrurpl ro.ol gr.sol gs.ol I | | | lpl Isoat.un r.ol 2.ol z-ozlro1.o I I lpllzirconru+l o.zsl ,_. o.alal ge.el [,..--.-_l ,l_,,..-. I lel (1) Coutrol L:luitsr ]lersurfz 80-120; Othcr UGErlr 90-110r C!.anldtc 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) - IN 62 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL ATID CONTINUING CALIBRATTON VERIF'ICATION Contraee: URS CorporrtLoa LaI) Cod,e 3 STITDEN Crac No. t S.B"SI No. : fnl,tial CrlLbratrLon Eourcr r Contiuuing Cal-Lbratiou Source: HLgrh hrrlty, SI>ex Inorgtttic Venture' SDC [IO- : D5I07O27O Corecrnt,rrt,lon Unl,t,s t tnrf,llt Analyto rnl-tial Cal.ibntLon Trrre fourrd t,R ( 1l ContinutnEr Calibrauion Ernrc Forrnd %R ( 1) Found, t,R ( 1)M Il,Lrrninrun :l Ltum'inrm :l Celcium L I 5.0{l 100.8 lcarcrunxl - lo.ol sa...e_ol gz.zl so.ol- cg.sal gg.zJ I lpl[zroap I I I I o.sol I I o.511lroz.z lp I I rron rrl-_ I ao . ol 39.o1I 9?-sI so.oI tg.ool 98.1I fpl I pot."riurn I I 50.o I I so.Lzl roa.z lp I I n goeaiun! I I I 2o,ol I rs.64l gB.zlpl I soaiq{n r,o I I I 5,0 I 5.oolrol-.z l p I Sodl,um ni I lziroont-rry, 1 I I o.5o I o.{941 98.B I P I (1) control Liruits: l.tcr6rrx' 80-1201 oth6r lrotal8 90-110r cyanl.dc 85-115 L STL Denver For:n ff (Part 1) r f![ STL DENVER Contrractr: t RS CorporaEl.on Total Metals Analvsis -2A- IN ITIAL AI{D CONTINUING CALIBRATION \TERIF'ICATION Cagg No. l SrS No. r nigrh Purity, spax InorgrnJ.c Venturoa Lib Coder STLDEN rnitial Cr1i.bratrton Sourcr r Contlnuing Cal.lbratl,on Sourcar SDs DIo. r D5TO7 O27 A Cou.crntra,tLon Unl,E g : mg lL InaI-yte InLtLal CalLbratioa Trrua fouDd e6R ( 1) Continulng Celt brrt,ion Tnre Fouad t6R ( 1) Forrnd %R ( 1)u Alum{num :J AlumLnusr :l I careium r, I 0 .50 L8.2 96. 5 0 .518 103.6 s-oll roo.B I P I 50.oI I I s.ol I [e.rci.rrrr_xl I I I so. o l ce,19l eB.{ l lpl Irronr.o I I I I o.sol I o.slol 102.0 I p I I r=qq Hl- | I 5o.ol cB.6dl 92.31 Irl Potarrirrm I Magrneeiu$ I Sodl-uur ro I Iqodr.utrr Hi I I 50 .0 20,0 5.0 50.o I {g.g5l gg.? I 50.05 100 .1 19.5?97 .8 5.06 101.2 lpl J zi=oonlum| I o.5o I I I o.deol ss.zlpl ( 1) Control LLruLta r Mcrcrrry 80-120t Othcr Urta1s 90-110r Cl.anLdr 85-115 STL Denver Forra If (Part 1) IN 54 STLDENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A.- INITIAL AI{D CONI'INUING CALIBRATION VERIT'ICATION cootrBctr [IRS, Cor?oratl-on Lab Codet STTDEN Cagc No.:gAA No. r rnitial Callbrrtion Source : ContiDul-ng Calibretion Sourcc: Higrh hrrLty, EDex fnorganie Vanturaa sDo No. r D5f 070270 ConocntraElon Units : ng/f, .Lrralfrte lnit,irl CrltbratLon Trrrc Forrnd t,R ( t.) Cont,Lnuingr Calibration Tnrc Found, xR ( 1) Sound tR (1)M I efuninunr :l tll o,so I I o.5o9l 101.8 | e I lluminum :l Calcl.um I, I Calciurn H I Iron t,o I Iron IIL l J rot.rsiunl 50.0 {9.{9g .8 5.0 {.85 97 .O 50. 0 {8-57 97 .1 o. 50 0 .502 100.{ 50.0 49.171 96-3 I I I so.ol I I so-sslror.alrl luasneriuTl I | | .-_-qo.ol I I rg.erl ge-olel Sodf-um to I 5,191 103,6 SodLum IIi I 50.0 49,511 99 .2 Ziroonl-un I 0.50 a -492 98.{ ( 1) Control LLnit,g r Mrrcury 80-120; Other Uctalt 90-110; Ctrenlde 85-115 STL Denver Fom fI (Part 1) - IN STL DENYER ConEract: IIRS Corlrontion Total Metels Analvsis -2A- TNITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERTTICATION Care No. r g.LS No. r Htgrh Ptrrity, spax Inorganic Vanturcs Lab Codc r $TI,DEN rnl.tl-a]. Calibratlon Source : Continrriug CallbnEion Sourcs : SDO NO.: D5IO7O27O ConccnEntsLon tlnLtg t \g lL AlumLrrun :l 0 .50 Al-umLlrr[r ;J 50. 0 Calol,urn t I 5.0 Calciusr H I 50. o L-=rorLo I I I I o.sol 0,502 100,{ 49.{9g .8 l-74 94 .8 &7.4 9l,g I I o.4egl ee.6lPl Arrrl.ytc InitLal Ca1l,brat,ion Truc Found e6R ( 1) ContLnulng CalibratLon Trrrc Found" e6R ( 1) Found tGR ( 1)![ Lrror. Hl- I I I I so.ol a7,zel ed,6l I lPl I notarriurnl I I I so.oI I I sa.?zlrol.sf Pl I uagne;Luml I rl 20.o I I I le-Gol ea-olPl I soaru+ rol I ll 5.O I s.1af rol.s I n I Sod.Lrrrn IIf I I ztrconium! I 50. o I o.so I {g.o 98.2 o.cBal 9?.51 P I (1) ConErol Limltsr MercurY 80-1201 othar Metalg 90-110; Crranidc gs-115 STL Denver Form fI (Prrts 1) - IN 65 STL DETVVER Total Metals Analvsls -2L- IMTIAL AND CONTINUTN G CALTBRATION VERI}ICATION qontractsB IIRS Corporaeioa Lrb Codc s STLDEN Carr No. t rnitia]. CalLbratsl.on Sorrrcc r ContLnulngr CllLbratlon Sourcer High Purity, S1lcx Inorgrnic Vcnturcl gDc NO- : D5I07AZ7A Concentrrtion Unitsr t nrgl[) llurnl.nurn :l lJ-u:aLrlutrr :l 49, 601 99 .2 lcatctunr,l I I I s.ol I I l.osl st.alrl Iron Lo I rron Hi I Magrrrcrium I d6.7gl 93.6 0.49{l 98.81 P 19.501 98.0 I p enalyLc lnLtt-rt Callbratioa Trrr Found tn (1) Contl,nul,ng CelJ.bratslorr Tnrc f,ound }sR ( 1) Forrnd ,GR ( 1)M lcetciumnl I I I so.ol rz.orl cl.rl I lpl lroreaaturl I I I so.ol I I so.sslror.zlrl lsoaiumurl I I I so.ol tg.:-zl ge.zl I lpllsoaruu r.ol ,, I .l I s.o l ._ I I s.gglros.e ln llsoaiunsrl I I I so.ol.,.. lg.rzl ge.zl I lpl ZLrconium I a.4g3l 96.6lP (t) Control Linltg:Marctrtlr 80-120t Othcr l{atalg 90-110r CYanLdr 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Prrt 1) - rN STL DENVER Contracu: IIRS Cou?oratLon Total Metals Analysis _2A_ INITIAL Ah[D CONTINUING CALIBRATION \MRIFICATION Ce;c No.:ALA No. r HLgh Prrrity, Sprrx InorganLc Venturea r.ab Code : STLDEN fnLtLal Call,bration Sourea r Contl.nuln0r Celj.bratl-on [Icvurce r SDc No,: DSI07O27A Conccntrratrlon UaLtr ; mg lt lnalyBc rnLtLa]. CallbntLon Tnre Forrnd ,6R( 1) Conb inuingr CalLbrrELou trnrc Found esR ( 1) Pound e6R ( 1)M Alrrml.aum I o,25 0,257 1102.8 I carciun r,l z.ol r.sal gg.o I I I I I lrl Iron Lo I a.2 0.250 1100.0 PotaseLun I 20. o 2A .19 1101.0 IMagnaelrun| ro.ol g.tg! 9c.9 I trtl Sodtirrm Iro I 2.0 2 .03 1101.5 I gi=.oorqql o .251 o-2raI e6.8 I rll (X) control Linite:Mcrcury 80-120r Othor McEaIg 90-1101 CYanl,dc 85-115 STL Denver Forn II (Eart 1) III 58 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -24- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION cootracr! IlRs corporat:Lon Lab Codas STLDEN Cagc No. t S.LS No. r InLtLr]. Ca}ibratLon Source; Continulng Ca]-ibntl-on Source r Inorganl,c Vantrurer Hlgrb hrrity, Spcx sDo No. r D5I070270 Conccntratl.on Uaits z rrg/L lnsLfrt,c fnLti-al Crl.l-lrre.t,lon Trmc Foured %R( 1) Coatinuing Crl'Lbrnt,ion Tnre D'ound e6R ( 1) Found 96R ( 1)M Arsonio I a .2{9 I 99. 5 1.0071 100.7 1. Olrl I 101.4 I P Beriurn I 0.252 1100.8 0.5061 101.2 0.5051 101,0 I p CbromLum I 0 .248 1 99 ,2 0.5031 100.5 0-50{l 100.8 I p I copp.r I o.zsl o. a t2l 96.8 I o. so I o,4981 99.61 o.5oollOO.olBl a.2{5 I 98-0 0.50{l 100.8 0.5071 101.{ I p I Nrctcr - I o.zsl o.zsz lroo.e I o.so I. o.sozl ror-e I o.sosl ror.o I e I SLlvcr I 0.2{1 I 96. {0 .4911 98 .2 o-{9{I 98-8 I P Ivan.d,l-um I o,z5l o.2{8 I gg .2 I 0, so l o.50cl 10o.8 J o, soc l loo. g l p l 0.244 I 97 .6 ( 1) Control Liurit,g r Mcrcury 80-1?01 Othrr ldotala 90-1101 Cyanldr 85-115 0.5121 102,4 0.50{l 100,8 I P STL Denver Forar II (Part 1) fN STL DENVER Contsnct, t Lab codr r Total Metals Analysis aA- INITIAL AIYD CONTINUING CAI,IBRATION VERIFTCATION IIRS Corlrorrtslon STI,DEN Caec No.:SJLII No. i Inorgrenl.c Vcaturoa SDc NO, : D5lO702'lO Initia]" Calibntion Sourcc r Contl,nul"ng Calibrat,Lon Bource :HiErh PurLty, Spax Coneeutratioa Uaits r ng /t' Ana1ytr rnLtial CalLbntsi.ou Tnr Forrnd ,6R ( 1) Conti.nul-ng CalLbratlon Tnre Found tn (1) Found rg,R ( f )u Argenic I 1.00 1.0071 100,7 1.0L21101.2 lgarrurt I ,1.. I I q.r,:gl o.sozl ror.rl o.srolroz.g.l,pJ [cnrqqt.r- [ I I I o.sol o.rgsl 99-01 0.s0ol10o-olpl lcopp.= [ I I o,5oI o.{991 99.81 0.5ozl1o1.tlel lr.era I ,, | | I o.sol o.sorl roo.zl o.soslror.olBl lrvtokc]. I I I I o.5o I 0. soil 1oo. a I 0. sog I 101.0 I p I I stt.r.= I I I o.so I o.{B?l 9z-{l o.{931 98.6lPl va.nrdlum I Lslo. I I II o .50 o.5001 100.0 0.503 I 100. 6 o.5o I o.{B2f 96.{ I o.{BTl 9?.{ I P I ( 1) Control r.initg r Morcurfz BO-LZAt Othrr Mete1a 90-110t eyanlde 85-115 STL Denver fom II (Part 1) - IN 70 STL DENYER Contrect r Lrb Coder Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL AI{D CON'I'INUING CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION URS CorporaElon SrLDEN Care Dilo, t sJtS No, : Inorgrnio Vanturaa gDO slO. s DsI0?0270 fnLtiaL Cr].l"bratrLon Sourca t Contl,nu:Lng CalibntLon Source :III-gh Purl,ty, Sprrx Couccnt'rlt,lon Ualtrg z mg lL lnrlytc fnLtial Ca]-l-bntlon Tme Found e6R(1) ContinuLag Crlt bnt,lon Trrrc Found esg ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)M lelsenic I | ,. I I ,r.oo-l r.oozlroo.zl r.ooolroo.olpl BarLun I 0.51{l 102.8 o.52{l 104.8 I P J ctrroml-run I I I I o-so I o.rgsl gs.ol o.ragl gz.el p I lcopper I | ,- I I o.sol o.srol roz.ol o.srslrot.olpl 0 .50{l 100 .8 o-5031 100.5 I P lulctcr I ,, | | | --o.sol o.sosl ror.ol o.lggl gg.slpl Sl- I-rrcr I 0.4951 gg. o o.{921 98.{ I p Vanadirrm I o.5001 100 - 0 o-4961 99-2 I P 0. {851 97 .A 0.4581 93.5 [ P ( 1) Cont,ro1 Ll,mitg:Merctrrlr 80-1201 Othrr MeEelg 90-110; CYanl"de 85-115 STL Denver Forsr If (Prrt 1) - IN 7L STL DENYER Contract r [IRS CorDoration Total Metals Analvsis _24_ INITIAI, AND CONTINUING CAI,IRRATION Vtr,IUT'ICATION Crea No.:AAg No. r T{IIgT Ultra Scicntific Lab Codc: STLDEN fnltial. Crll"bration Eouroc r Coat,l,nuing Ca]-LbratLon gorrroc r gDO NO.: D5IO7O27O Conccntration Unl,tr t m{,l[t nnr1fftc Initill Calj,bration Trnrl Found t,R ( 1) ContinuLngr CeI ibrrtion Trrre f,ound ?6,R ( 1 ) Iroulld, e5n ( 1)M lq"r.''-y I o.oozrzzl,, o-oozzrz lror.q I o.oosooo I o.oongool gs.+ I o.oolgTll gs.: ls.vl (1) eotrtrol r,lnlt,ar Mercurar 8O-120r Other UeEeIa 9O-110; C!'rnidc g5-115 STL Denver For:n II ( Part 1) IN 72 STL DETIVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAI. AM) CON TIN UING CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION Coatracts: IIRB Corlpratj.on r-'ab Codc: STLDEN Case No.: NIST gAS No. r fnitl-al" Crl-i"bratl-on s€/urec I ContLnuLng CaLj-bratLon Sorrrcc r Ultra Sclenttfio SDG NO. : D5f 070270 Conocntratsioa Unl.tr t ngft' .Lrrrlyt,c rnl.ttal Calibratlou Tnrr Found t,R ( 1) Continuiog Crlt brrt,Lon Trrrc Fou.nd t,R ( 1) Found tn ( 1)M Mcrcury o.005000 0 . 0 44924 ( 1) Control r,imlte:MereutY 80-L20t Othor uet,rl8 90-110; CYanide 85-115 0.004936 STL Denver Forzr II (Parts 1) fN STL DEIWER Contract 3 IIRS Cor:>oretion Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CAI,IBRATION VERIFTCATTON Carr Ng, t gl.g trlo. t IIIgT Ultra Scl-antLfLc IJab Codc r STfTDEDI InLti.ll. Ca1ibnt,i.on Source r Contl,nuingr Ca1ibrat,ion Eouree : sl)o No. r D5f 07 A?7 O Conecnt,ration UnLtra t mglt' lnalytc InitirL call-bration Tnr Found, ,GR ( 1) Continuing CrLLbre.tLon Trnrc f,ound. e6R ( 1 ) I|ound ft,R ( 1)M Mcrorrry 0.005000 o.oo{95 Control Linj-te r Morcurar 80-1201 Othrr Meta1u 90-110, CIratrldt 85-115 0 , 0049 59 (1) STL Denver For:n II (Part 1) IN 74 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -24- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION YERIT'ICATION Contract: (IRS Co::pont:lon Lab Codc3 STLDEN Ca;c No. t Slg No. l rnit.iaL ca].l.brariorl Bource : ConcinuLng Calibratlon Eource: HLgh Purlty rnorganLo Venturcs SDs NO.: DSI07O?74 ConcrntntsLon UnLtss : mg lL I caarri,r*o.oaol o.ot13 lros.z I o.oso I o.osorl 1o0.2 I o.osool roo.o I u I Analyt,c rni.tJ.a} CalibratLou Truc Found tR ( 1) Cont,lnuLng CrI LbratLou Tnre For:nd ,6R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)M I sercnium I o. olol o. o4o1 lroo.2 I o. o5o I o.oso3l t.oo-51 o.o495l g9.olt'll ( 1) Control Lirrlt,s :Merqrry 80-L20t Obher trretals 90-1101 eranldc 85-115 STL Denver Fo:mr II (Part 1) IN STL DENVER Contract t IIRS Corporetion Totnl Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBITATION YERIFICATION Cage No.:SA8 No. l ELgrh hrrl,ty Inorgrnic Venturea Lab Coda t STITDEDI InitLa]. Ca]'ibrntLon $ource: ContLnuing CallbratLon Eouroe r sDG No, g D5 T07 027 A Conc;ntraEion tfnl,ts 3 ng/f, Analyt,c rnLtla1 CalibrrELon Tme Found es3 ( 1) Continuiug Crl.Lbrrt,lon Trrrc Found %R ( 1) Found %R( 1)M Crdmlum 0.050 0.0501 100 .2 0.05L2 102 -4 Strlanrl-rrrn (1) Contro1 Llnitgr Mlrcury 80-120; Othcr Mot,alr 90-110r Cyanidr 85-115 STL Denver Forcur ff (Part 1) IN 75 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis '2A.- INITIAI, AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION coDtractsr IIRS Corporatioa LrI, Cod,o 3 BTITDEN Crae No. r gf,S lb- l frritial Crll,bratrLon Sourcc r Continuing CaU.bration gourec r Ht gh ttrrluy InorganLe Vcntureg sDo No. r D5r070270 I Cr.Ornium I Couccnt.retLon tlaLt.e z roglL I I o.osol o. osool 101.4 I o. o5o1l ro o.z l u I .Lrrelytc rnl-t,l-a]- CalibratsLon Tnrc f,ound e6R (1) Contl.nuing Calibration fnrc Found, tsR (1) Found tR (1)u I serrnium I I o, o5o I o. osoil 100.2 I o. oso5l 101.0 I M I ( 1) ConEroI Limit,s r Mucury 80-120,. Other Metalt 90-110; Cfranido 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part U IN STL DENYER Contrrct s [IIlSl CoqporatLon Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAI, AND CONTIN T}ING CALIBRATION \TERIFICATION Cace No. r SI^S Ho.: Hlgh Purity InorganLe Venturea Lab Codrrr STLDEN rnl.tLa]' Calibrrt Lon Sourcc : ContrLnuing CrU-bration Slorrrcc r ADO NO. : D5IO7 O27A Concentratl.on UnLtg 3 mglL Cadnl.rrm I 0.050 0,04951 99,01 0.05001100.0 1 t1 Iseroarum [ | I | ,o.g,s.gl o.osodroo-al o.osoalror.olMl (1) coatror r,inLtg: llcrcury 80-120; oEhcr ttGtal3 90-110r ctranldc 85-115 lnalytc rnitia]. crli.bratrion Truc [ound BR(1) Continul-ng CelLbratton Tnre Found t,R ( 1) Found tn ( 1)M STL Denver lom II (Part, 1) IN 7B STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -78- CRDL STANDARD FORAAAT.ID ICP Coatre.otr tR,S CorporltLon reb Coda: STLDEN .[lL CRIrIr Standlrrd Eource : ICP CRDfr St,andard Source : Cr;c No.:9f,8 No. t sDc No,: D5IO7OZ7O Inorganic Vonturoa Conccatntion Unltg t rrlll;l l,lurninrrm I C:BDL Bt,andard for fCP rrrl,tLrl. rLnal, Trnre Found tR Found e6R CRDL Btarrdard for AA Tnra Pound. ftR 0.100 I 100.0 lcarerunr.l .. I - I ll o.zol o.rgzl se.sl I IIron lro I 0,0330 I 110. O Potasaluml Mrgmc;Lurn I SodLum LoI 1.06 I 105. O 0. 18X. I 90 .5 1,02 1 102.0 lztrcoa.tuml I I ll o.oosl o.oos{l ros.ol I I STL Denver So:m II (Part 2) IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -28- CIIDL STAI\DARI} FOR AA AND ICPo Con Lrb tract: IIRS Corarorat,Lon eoder STLDEN r.L CRDL Standrrdl Source I ICP CRDIJ gtandard Soursc r Caaa ilIo - :SAg No. r sDG No. : D5lO7A27A Inorganl-c Vont,urer CRDL Et,rndlrd tor .lJt Tnre XFound tER CRDIr Standard for fCP rnLtial Final Tnre found t$R Fotrnd BR J nrumrnun I I Couccntratlon UrrLt g'- ng l L o-10 I 0.1131 rrs.ol Calciun' Ir l I rron r,9 I I I ll o.o3ol o.22gl 114.5 o - 03{ol rr3 .3 I Potsaaat rrnl MrgrnGalunl Sodlun tol J ziroontuml I 1.1{ I 11{.0 0.192 I 95.0 1.12 I r.12.0 o, oos I o, o058 l rr5. o l STL Denver Form, If (Pert 2l ts IN 80 STL DENVER Total Metals Antlysis -2R,- CRDL STANDARD FOR AAAI{D ICP CoatrecE r IIRS Coriporetion IraI) Codr r STLDEN .tt CRDIr Standrrd Source : fCP CRD[, Standerd Sqtrrce: Caac No-:EIAA No. t Higrh PurLty, 8pcx, Inorganic VantrrrGa SDGI No. r D5f 07 427 O ConoanEration Unitg t mglt CRDL Standard for fCP rnLtl,al Fina]. Found ttrt Forrnd, CRDfr Standrrd for .Le Tnre xlound, Arronl,c I 0-010 o.01{11 1{1. O BarLrrn I o - 0050 0 .005161 Lo3 .2 leurorniuml | ,. I ll o..o+ol o.orul rrr.ol I I I coppar I I I I o. o1o I o. 01061 106. o I I r,ead I I ll o.oo3ol o-oorgel ss.sl I I Nickal I LE$'r= I I I 0.010 0.0120 I 120. O ll o.o1ol o.ooe3l g3.ol Va.ned.iurn I 0,010 0 - 0108 I 109. o lzro" I I I ll o.ozol -.9:ozsslrrs-sl I I STL Denver Fom rI (ParE 2) M STL DETVVER Total Metals Anslvsis -28- CRDL S'TANDARD FOR A 4. A}ID ICPO Cont ract r IIRS Cor:poratf,on I,ab Codc: STTDEN A.n CRDL 9Eandard Sourca r IeIl CRDL EErndtrd Eourec: Cage No-: Ultra ScLcntLfl.c SIS I[o. 3 sDe No-: D5I07O27O Conocntration Unitr : eg /L lr,rcrcurlr. I o.oooaoo! o.ooorgd gz-oll I I I I CRDL Standard for .f,Jl CRDfr Standard lor fCP rnl,ti-a1 Flnal Tnrt Eouad tR Fouad STL Denver Form rI (Part 2) IN B2 STL DENVER Total Mctals Analvsis -2B.- CRDL STANDARD F'OR AAAND ICP Contract: IIRS CorporatLon IraL Codc r SBITDEII .f,.n CRDL Btandard Souroc r ICP CRDL Stsandard, Sourcer Clnc No.:glg fllo - t gDO No.: D5I07O27A Inorgani-c Venturoa Conccntration Unitsr z mglL I I o.oor.of o-oolool 10o-oI CRDL Standard, for .nf, Trnrc Found CRDIr Standard for ICP rni.tLrl FLnr,I' Tnrc Found tR Found Scl.rrnLr:n I 0.0010 o.00091 91. O STL Denver Form II (Pnrt 2 ) IN ffisrr URS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Date Sheet I-,ab Name: Lot/SDG Nurnber: Matrix: o/o Moisture: Bnsis: Annlysis Method: Unlt: QC Butch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dilution Frctor: sTI nENVER Dst070270 WATEIT ]IEI 60108 mCtr 526s?6t so nL l_ Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample lD: Lrb Work0rdcr: Dste/Tlme Collectedi Date/Tlrne Rccelved: Date/Tlmo Lenched: Dtte/Tlme Extrrcted: Date/I'Irne Analyzed: lnstrurnent ID: Dst220000-261B r rKsQw 09/23105 08:00 091?3/.05 T:at E!. CAS No.Anrlyte (-'0uc,MDL RL a 1429-90-s Aluminum 0.0t7 0.017 0.r0 U 7439-89-6 Ircm 0.021 0.021 0. l0 LJ 7439-95-4 Magne$um 0.043 0.043 0.20 L] 7440-09-7 Putassiurn 4.24 a-24 3-0 U 7M0-23-5 Sodiunr I.l t.t 5-0 U 7440-67-7 Zirconium 0.0016 0.0016 0.01s TJ 7440-70-2 Calcium 0.034 0.034 0.20 U STL Denver 84 ffisrt URS Corporation I'otel Mctnls Analysls Data Sheet Lub Name: Lot/SDG Number: M atrix: "h Molsture: Basis: Analysls Method: lJnlt: QC Batch ID: Sarnple Aliquot: llilutlon Fsctor: srl r)F'NyER psr070?70 WATER Wct 6Qton mgll" 5265^61 50 mL I Client Sample lD: [.,ub Sample ID: Lrb Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drte/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tfune Lenched: Date/Tlmc Ertrocted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: lnstrument ID: D5I220000-26t B lrKsQw Q9/23/05..08;Q0 09/27105 Q9:23 016 CAS No-Anrlyte Conc.MDL RL a 7440-38-2 Arscnic 0.0044 0.0044 0.0ts U 7439-92-l l*ad 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 IJ 7440-39-3 Bariurn 0.00070 0.00070 0.010 U 1440-a2-a Nickel 0,00t 2 0.0012 0.M0 U 744U2?4 Silver 0"0028 0,0028 0.0r0 LJ 7440-62-2 Vanadium 0.0025 0.0025 0.010 U 7M0-66-6 Zinc 0.0045 0.0045 0.020 U 744047-3 Chromiurn 0.0026 0.0026 0.010 L' 7440-50-8 Coppcr 0.0045 0.0045 0.010 Li STL Denver ffisrt URS Corporadon Totnl Metals Analysis Drta Sheet [,ab Name: Lot/SDG Nurnber: Matrlx: % Moisture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllution Ftctor: srL pF.Nv-EB p.51070270 WATER -WiI 74754 p8/L 52s9425 1 Client Sarnple ID: Lab Sample ID: l,ab r#ork0rder: Date/Tirne Collerted: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tkne Lerched: Date/Tlmc Extracted: Date/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: pst r 60000-42s8 HKVN3 0e/?l/05, .le.sj) 0q/21l05 I 8:05 019 CAS No,Anrlyte Conc.Illt]L RL 0 7439-974 Mcrcury 0.000M4 0.000()44 0.00020 U STL Denver D^-- 2 D-",- Dl--r- D^-..:-.nln--! 85 ffi$Tt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Drta Lab Neme: LoUSllG Number: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Basis: Analysis Metlrod: Unit: QC Brtch ID: Sanrple Aliquot: Dllutlon F'tctor: STL DENVER D5t070270 WATER wst 602{l^ mg/L 526s I 80 50 mL t Sheet Cllent Semple ID: Lnb Sample It): Lab Work0rder: Drte/Tlme Collected: Dnte/Ttme Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Ertracted: Date/Tirne Antlyzed: Instrument ID: Dst220000-1808 HKSDA 09/23105 08;00 09127/05 03:56 004 CAS No-Analyte Conc-MDL RL 0 7782-49-?Selcnium 0.00033 0.00033 0.0020 U 744443-q Cadrnium 0,000040 0.000040 0.00t 0 tJ STL Denver D^----- 2 ')--- t>r---r- STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BI,ANKS Corrt.ract I IIRS Corporation STLDEN Caac No.3 SAg No- :SDO NO. r D5I07 O270 PreDarrtsiou Blank MrtrLx ( eoil'/wetscr) r Preparation Bhnk Concent,re,tJ,on Unitc lmg It or nglkg) :tltcr lt CoauLuulng Calibretlon Bl'ank (rylt l 1czc3c PreDaration Blank Inl-tsi-aI Cllib - BlLnk (mslr) .l,lrrrrinrrm I-ro I Celcirrm Lo fron Lo PotaEsl-um MagmecLun Sod,Lum to ZLrconLum 0.00150 0 .00160 o.00150 0.00160 0 .0015 STL Denver Fom III IN BB STL DENYER Total Mettls Analysis -3- BLANKS Contsract: rab code: URS Corporatl-on STLDEN Crac No. r S.tg t{o. t gDO HO. r D5IA1O27O PraDaratsion B1ank Matr1x (aoLl/watcr) :WATER Prcparatsion Blrnk CoocrntrrtsLon Unitse (mglt or mglkll t IUG/I. ruLttrl Celtb- rlenlc (mg/L) CoaEj.nulng CalLbrat,ion Blank (nglL)PrcperrtLon BIank Alulrlinum Lo I CnlcLrrm Lo Iron Iro PotrsaLurn Magneesium Sodium Lo Ziroonl-rrrn 0.00150 o.00150 o.105 o.00160 o.00160 STL Denver Eorm TII IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis a- BLiI,NKS Contraet: Irab Codc r PrcDaraEion Prrrparatsion t RS CorlroratLon Cuc No. r SAS Ro.:aDo No. r D5f 07 O27 A B1ank uatrlx (soil/wrtcr) I Blarrlt ConccntraEion Uaitn (tu9IL,or ng/kg) r MG.fi, PrcDaratlon BIrnk rul,El,r1 CalLb, BI.arh ftr$1t 7 Coatinulng CalLbratLon BIatrk (nglL) 1czc3c lJ-umiaum to I CeloLum Lo Ircin I.o Potasslum Magrncsl-urr Sod,Lum Iro Ziroonlrrm o. o0160 STL Denver EorM TII IN STL DENVER Total Mctals Analysis -3- BLANKS Contract:t Rg Corporat,lon LaI, Coda t STITDEN Caro No. t PreparatLon Blank t'tatrLx (soiI/water) :W.LTER gnS No. t sDG No. : D5IA7 O27 A Praparatsion BIanIr, ConcantratLon Unitr (mrll, or nglkg):uc/r, Cont,inuing Cellbratl,on Blank lmrl[') rul.t,la,I Call.b. Blank (mg /t'l Argenio BarLtrn Chroruirun Coppcr Lcrd Nl,ckal- SL1ver Vanadius Zi.nc 0 - 00{rl 0.00070 0.00260 0 - 00{5 o. oo25 o. oo12 0 - 00290 0.oo25 0.00{5 0.0044 0.00070 0. oo250 0 - 00{5 0.0026 0.00L2 0.00290 0. oo25 0 .0045 0. 0044 0.00070 0.00260 0 - 0045 o. 0026 0.00L2 0.00280 0 . 0025 0 ,00{5 0,00{{ 0.00070 o. 00250 o.0045 0.0025 0.00L2 0.00280 o .0025 0.00{5 0. oo{o 0.00070 0.0o26 u U 0 - OO1t5 o.0026 0 .0012 0. oo28 0. oo25 0. oo{5 STL Denver EOm III IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contract: Lab Codc: IIRS Corporation STITDEN Casa No - :glg N(r. t sDc No.: D5I07O27O PrcparatsI.on BI.anIE, Preparatlon Blsnk MrE,rLx ( eoi1/wrtar) r Concentrratl"on Uniue (msr/t or mg/kg) :I,{G /T, Cont,inu:lug CalLbratlon Bl.rnk (ng/L)PreDaration Blarrk Inl-tslnI Cellb. B].r.n.IE ('rrsll-l Areeaio BrrLrrm ChromLun Coppcr till-ckeL Sil.vtrr VanadlLum o .0044 o. ooo70 o. 00260 o.00{5 0.0025 0. 0012 0.00290 0. oo25 o. oo{5 STL Denver EoT:Tt III IN 92 STL DETVVER Total Metals Analvsls -3- BLANKS Cout,nct r IIRS Cor-poration rab Code: STLDEN Caec No. i Praparat,ion Blank uatrix ( coil/watlrr) : preparatl_on sLank ConclcntrratLon Unita (mgll or nglkg) r D5r07 0 27 0 Ana1ytt InitirI. Crlib. BIanlc(nglLl c ConuinrrLng cr1l.bration BI-rrrIE (ngll) 1czc3c Praprntlon B].rnk C !{ Mercurlr I 0.0000{4lU 0.0000{{lul 0.00004{lU I 0.0000{4 I U o.0000 tt I U CV STL Denver Forzr III I![ STL DEN}/ER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contrrct r Lrb Cod.s: Prelrarrtlon Prrparatrion IIRS Corporation 8T[-,DEN Cuc No.: BITnIE Matrirr ( aoil./wrtcr) r B]-ank CoaocnErat,:Lon Unit,s Stg ![o. r SDO NO, : D5I07O2-lO UII,EEn' (W/t' or nglhg) t ![c/L lnelytc rn{tl-al- CaIlb. 11a:rls (ms/ry e Cont,inulng CalibnEion Blantc (ng/L) 1 c 7 c 3 c Prepa"*tro,, BIaDIE C Irl Mercury I 0.0000{{lUl o.0000{{lU I o,00004{ I U Clr STL Denver FoTM III IN 94 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contract: Lab Coder Prctrrrltrion Prcparatl,on t RS Cora>oratLon STLDEN Cagc No.: B1rnk MatrLx (aoil-/watrr) r glank Couccntration uolta (ng/L S}II No. r sDG No- : D5TA7 027 0 wl![ER or sg lB;gl t MG/L enaltt,c InLtstrl Crlib. BhnIE (nglL)c Cont,inuLng CalLbration Blank (mslLl 1c2c3c PreDaratsion B].rnk c M Cedmium g"Lrf*r, 0.0000{0 0. ooo33o u U 0.0ooo{ol.ul 0.0000{0 l,u.l 0.0000{o I u 0.00o33olul o.0003301u I 0.000330 I u 0 -.qqgg"!gl-u o.00033 I u u-![ STL Denver FoTm III IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANI(s Contrrct r f..eb Codc: Prcparatsion Pre5>aratLon t RS Corporatton STI,DEN Cagc No. t BLardE Mrt,rlx ( eoil/wrtcr) : Blank Couccntratiou Unltg 8lg No.:sDg No. r D5ro'10270 T.iILTER (mg/L or mglkg) r MG/L enalytc raLt,Ln]. CelLb. BIT.aIT (ncr/L)c Cont.:Lnrrlng Calibrrtlon Blank (mglLl 1 c 2 c 3 c Preparation BIank c M Crdrnl-un S"1""i.-, o..oooo4ol u J,,,9.0000{0 lu I 0.0.00040 I u 0.0003301u1 0.0003301u I 0.000330 J u I{ M STL Denver f,.ornn III IN 96 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contrrot r Lcb Codcr Prcprrrtrlon PrcprrrtLon IIRS Corl>orrtl-on SIILDEDI Caga No.: Blanl( tlaUrix ( cot l/wat.cr) r Bl"ank Concsntntion unLta Al'g lilo. :SDO NO- : D5f 07A27O hIATTR (urglr,_ or mglkg) r VIClf. ena].yEe Inltlal Crll.b, Bl"a.uk (mg/L)c ContlnuJ.ng Crlt bntLon Blank (ulrrlr,.l 1 c 2 3c C Prrparation Blank c M Crdmium g.I.tlr*, o-oooo{ol u l,,0,-q9,9,9j_q.lq O-O0o33olUl O.OOO33Ofu ![ M STL Denver Fom III IN 97 STL DETVVER I'otal Metals Analvsis -4- ICP IN'TERFE,RENCE CHECK SAMPI,E Contnct r IIRS CorporrtsLon f,ab Codc: STLDEN Cr;c DiIo. l ICP fD ll\unbcr r T,JA Intraptd fCP glg No.3 gDc tr[O. : D5I07 02'10 ICg Sourcs:Hi-grh hrrity, Spcx, Trrrc fI01 -.D. So1.[El Consentratioa, uul'tr) r rnl.tLal Fouad SoI ,l 8o1,.lB fLnrl Found 8o1 ..L SoL.AB lrfuurfnun IIi [ 500. O 500.0 5X7.91 s2s.18l ros.ol eJ'oLurn El- I SOO. 0 500. 0 505.90 502.55 | roo.5 IIron Hi I ZO0. O 200.0 202. O{199.9{l rOo.Ol PotstnaLurn I O, O 50 .0 -0.o55 56.59 I 113 .21 gEIGBLrrm I 5OO. 0 500.o 519.8?518.58 I rO3 .7 I Sodiurn lro I O, O -0,01{ SodLurn Hi 50 .0 54.S11 109.51 irconlurn I 0 .0 1.0 -0 - 003 1,171 1 LL7.1l STL Denver Ronr MN 98 STL DENVER Total Metals Annlvsis -4- ICP INTTiRT'ER.ENCE CTIECK SAMPLE, Cont,rnct r URS CorT>oration IraL Codc t STITDEN Crac No. r ICP ID Numbrr r T{FA Intrcptd feP SlSl No. :sDo No. r D5I070270 fCS Sorrrcc r Higrh Purity, S5rx, Analytc trnrc SoL.A Clo1 .A.B rnltial Found I "isrl Found soI ,r gol.tEt e6H | "o, .^ 8oL.AB r.R le,Iumfnurn Hi I SOO. o 500-0 507.58 so2.7ol roo.5l alcitrm tlL l SOO. O 500.0 487. 55 480.831 e 6.21 ron IIi I ZOO. O 200-o 193 .27 19O .37 ! S5 .2 J JnotaeoLrrrn o-0 50.0 -o.oE9 s3.13 I 106.3 Igroagl-unr I S00-O 500 .0 {93.93 {89.18 | S?.9 I Sod.ium Lo o.0 0 .012 Sodium Hi 50-O s]..991 1O4.Ol ZLrconium I o.0 1.0 0-000 1.158 [ 116.8 I Concontratrlou Unit;) r roifllL STL Denver Forrr MliI STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERF'ERENCE CIIECK SAMPLE Contract r LIRS Corlrorrtion f,ab Code: STLDEN ICP ID !ftrrnbor: SITPERTR.LCE Cagc No.:SAA No. :sDO No. : D5I07A27A ICS Source:HLgrh PurLty, Spox, Conecntrrt,Lon UnlEs) :yslr, An'rLyte Tnre 8o1 .L Etol .IlB rnitl.al rorrnd I tinal rouna ISoI .t, go1 .LB e6B J so1 .l. SoL.^lB BR pracnio I O.O0 2, 00 0. 005 2.ooI 1oo.oI af,.um 0.00 0.50 0 .000 0.5151 103 .21 Chroml,rrn 0.00 0 .50 0.004 o.{80l 95.01 lCopprrr 0.00 o .50 0. o00 0.53{ I 105.81 ILeedt 0.00 1.00 -0,001 0.98 1 98.0 1 prichcl o .00 1- O0 0-003 0.9{l s{.ol Sllvcr 0-o0 1. 00 0 .001 1.0{l rod.ol anadLun 0. oo 0 .50 0.002 o.{79 I 95.81 Zino I O. O 1-0 0.012 0 .91 1 91.0 f STL Denver Fota IV IN 100 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis 4- ICP INTER}-ER"ENCE CHECK SA}IPLE Contraets: IIRS Corporatlon r,rl, Code r STLDEN rCP fD Number: pE ICI)Ms Craa No.:Sl,g DIo. t sDs No. r D5I07 427 O ICg 9or.rrcrr:Inorganie Vantsurrre .hrrrlyte Tnrs EIo]. .A 8oI .AB rnl,ul,al Found 8oI .A 9oL.AB t5R FLnaI Fouad, 8ol .A 8o1 .ILB t611 lCadniun o. 00 o .10 0.001 o. oggg I 98.8 0.0031 0.0973 97 .3 Selsnium I O,0O 0.x.o 0.002 0.1063 I 105.3 o.o01l 0.1031 103-1 Conccnt,rrt:lon Unit,r ] r ,lflfI lr' STL Denver Form fV IN 101 ffisrr URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lnb Neme: Lot/SDG Number: Matrix: 7o Moisture: Brsis: Annlysis Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: MS Sample Aliquot: MS Dilution Fsctor; STL DIINVEB F51070270 wA'l'tiR NiA Wet 601 0B mg/L 5a65261 s0 rnL T Client Sample ID: MS Lab Sumple lD: MS l,ab Work0rder; DrttelTime Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Drte/Tlme Leached: Dete/Time Extroctetl: I)ate/'ilme Analyzed: Instrument ID: LAB MS/MSD D5t080243-0045 HJ6JM 09/07/05 09:55 09/0tt/05 09:30 09/23105 0tl:00 ae/2610s 23'-s4 azr Analyte Splke Amount Srmple Result C N{S Rcsult C oh Rec a QC l.,lmlt Alurninunr 2.00 0.084 U 2.04 98 83 - r 19 Calciurn s0.0 I 400 I 390 MSB NC 48 - I53 Iron r.00 0. I3 B I.05 93 52 - t55 Magnesiurn 50.0 630 677 MSB NC 62 - 146 Potassium s0.0 444 492 MSB NC 76 - t32 Sodiunt s0.0 s500 5490 MSB NC 70 - 203 Zircottium 0.s00 0.021 B 0.534 I03 80- r20 STL Denver E^-- C a lr(o l-.nl-.nia D^4- Crl--*t D---:-.-l---t L02 ffisTL LIRS Corporrtion 'I'otal Metals Annlysis Data Sheet Leb Nrme: I,oUSDG Nurnber: Matrlx: 7o Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Bntch lD: MSD Stmple Allquot: MSD Dilutlon Factor: STL DENVIiR. psr07q27-q wArER NA Wct 0010B rng/1, s?05261 50 mL 5 Cllent Sarnple ID: MSD Lab Sample ID: MSD Lab WorkOrdcr: Date/I'inre Col lected ; Drte/Tlme Recelved; tlate/Tinre l,eich etl: Drtc/Tlme Extracted: Dute/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: LAB MS/MSD D51080243-fi)4p I t.t6JM 0e/07/05 09:55 09i08i05 09:30 0e/23i05 9-$;0q Q9/26t05 23:54 oel Annlyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C 7" Rec a RPD a QC Limits 7e Rec RPD Alunrinunl 2.00 0.084 U 2. r0 t01 2.5 83 - I 19 25 Calciurn s0.0 I 400 r 430 MSB NC NC 48 - 153 25 Iron r.00 0.r3 B l -06 e3 0.70 52- t55 25 Magncsiunr 50.0 630 699 MSB NC NC 62 - 146 2s Potassium s0.0 MA 509 MSB NC NC 76 - t32 25 Sodium 50.0 s500 5650 MSB NC NC 7a - 203 40 Zirconium 0.500 0.021 B 0.546 I0s 2.t 80 - 120 2sl D^-.-- STL Denver tr I I lf0ft I - -l-.-:^ h-J- (oL - ^t D -..3-.nl ^-{ 103 ffisrr LIR.S Corporation Total Metels Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: LotlSD(i Number: Mrtrlx: o/o Moisture; Basis: Analysis Method: LInit: QC Bstrh ID: MS Samplc Aliquot: MS Dilutlon Factor: STI, I}ENVER D51070270 WATER N/A wet 6010I nsL 526s26L so mL I Client Sample lD; MS Lsb Sample ID: MS Lnb Workorder: DatelTlme Collected: Datc/'l'ime Recelved: Date/time Leached: Date/Tlme Extrrcted: Datefl'ime Analyzed: Instrument ID: LAB MS/MSt) triIgLQ?43-004s HJ6JM 09/07/05 09:5s 0e/08/0s 0gf(} 09123/05 08:00 09127/05J0:'^ al-6 Analyte Splkc Amount Sample Result C MS Result C Yo Rec a QC Limlt Arsenic 2.00 0.0078 B 2.t s 107 84 - t24 Barium 2.00 0.r3 2.M 95 85 - 120 Chrottriunr 0.200 0_0026 U 0.t72 85 73 - r35 Copper 0.250 0.0045 LI 4.29s t17 82 - t29 L,ead 0.500 0.0026 U 0,466 93 89 - r2l Nickcl 0.500 0.080 0.4c)7 83 N 84 - 120 Silvcr 0.0s00 0.0028 U 0.06s3 130 75 l4l fpadium 0.500 0.0025 U 0.45 r 90 85 120 J,,.0.s00 0.015 B 0.443 85 60 - I37 STL Denver 104 ffisrt URS Corporstion Total Metels Analysis Dsta Sheet Lrb Name:STL DENVER Lot/SDG Number: D-5107027A Matrix: WATER 7o Moisture: N/A Basls: Wct .Analysls Method: 60108 Unlu mg/L QC Bntch rD: 5265261 MSD Sumple Allquot: 50 mL MSI) Dilutlon Factor: I Client Sample ID: I.AB MS/MSD MSD Lnb Snmplc ID: D51080243-004D MSD Lab Workorder: I{J6JM DatelTtme Collected: (la/07/05 0955 tlate/Tlme Recelved: 09/08/05 -Q.9;30 Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: 09/23105 08:00 Date/Tlme Analyzed: A9/27/05 lA:22 Instrument ID: 016 Analyte Spike Arnount Sample Result C Msn Result C 7" Rec 0 RPD a QC Limits 7o Rec RPD Arsenic 2.00 0.0078 B 2,24 tt2 4.1 84 - 124 25 Bariurn 2.00 0. t3 2.r2 99 3.9 85 - r20 25 Cltromiurn 0.200 0.0026 LJ 0.t80 89 4.2 73 - r35 25 Copper 0.250 0.oMs U 0.309 122 4.6 82 129 25 Lead 0,500 0.0026 U 0.483 97 3.s 89 - l2l 25 Nickel 0.s00 0.080 0.513 87 1.2 84-nA 25 Silver 0.0500 0.0028 U 0,0680 135 4.0 75 I4I 2rl Vanadiunr 0.500 0.0025 U 0.466 93 3.4 85 l2(l 25 Zinc 0.500 0.0t s B 0.457 88 3.3 60 - r37 25 STL Denver 7cn..u. E I lr(on / -. ^L.^-'^ h -r- (lL ^ -t t --.i-. *l -,--l 105 ffiSTL URS Corpomtion Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Nrrne: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: 7o Molsture: Basis; Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: MS Sample AIIquot: MS Dilutlon Fnctor: S.TI., DENVER D5W7A27f.' WATER N/A Wct T47AA mg/1. 525942s t Cllent Sample ID: MS l,ab Sample ID: MS Lab r#ork0rder: Drte/Time Collected: Date/Time Received: Date/Tlme Leached: DatdTlme Ertracted: DttelTlrne Analyz.ed: Instrument ID: GW-8A-09060s p5r070270-002s. HJ36N 09/06105 10;3.5 09/07/05 09:30 0e/ZVOlJ2:50 09/21105 I Il:39 019 Analyte Spike Amount Srmple Result C MS Result C Yo Rec a QC Llmlt Mercury 0.00500 0.000044 U 0.00438 88 85 - l14 STL Denver 105 ffisrt, URS Corporatlon Total Metals Antlysis Dntn Sheet Lab Nrme: LoUSDC Nurnber: Matrlx: 7o Molstrtre: Basls: Annlysls Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: MSD Sample Aliquot: MSD Dllutlon Fac-tor: STL DENVER p5rq7J)270 WATER N/A Wct 7470A rnglL szse4,.?5. I Cllent Sample ID: MSI) Lab Sample ID: MSD Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: DetelTlme Received: Dato/Time Leached: Dete/Tlme Extrrcted: DatclTlrne Analyzed: Instrument lD: Gw-8A-09060s psr070?70.-p02D I IJ36N 0P/Q0/Q5 I t):35 O,e/0ZQL 09;.30 09/2l105 I2:50 09/21105 I 8:39 019 Annlyte Sptke Amount Sample Result C MSt) Result C 7" Rec a RPD a QC Limits 7o Rec RPt) Mcrcury 0.00500 0.000044 tJ 0.00437 87 0.33 tr5 - I 14 r0 STL Denver E^-.- C I aa7 ffiSTt URS Corporation Total Metnls Analysis l)ata Sheet Lnb Name: LoUSDCi Number: Matrix: Yo Molsture: Basls: Anrlysls Mctlrod: Unit: QC tlrtch ID: MS Srmple Allquot: MS Dilutlon Factor: STL DENVER Dsl07a270 WATER NA Wct 6020 mg/L 526s r 80 50 mL 5 Cllent Sample ID: MS Lrb Srmple ID: MS Lab WorkOrder: Ilate/Tlme Collected: tlate/Time Recelved: Date/Time Leached: Dete/Tlmo Extractod: Dnte/Time Analyzed: Instrumcnt ID: LAR MS/MSI) psr 100153-003s HKAR9 09/091A5 09:25 09/10/05 08: I 5 09/?3/05 .0tt:00 09[?Z0LQ4;40 J}(ts Analyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MS Result C o/fo Rcc a QC LImlt (ladmiunr 0.04ff)0.00020 U 0.039r 97 89 - I r0 Sclcniunr 0.0400 0.00r 6 U 0.0409 r02 82 - tt2 STL Denver D---- e t t,fl 'l\ -z-- afr- - -,e Fj ----:.- -.1 - .-t 108 ffisrr uR^S Corporation Tottl Metals Analysis I)rta Sheet Lnb Name: I,oUSDG Number: Mntrix: o/o Molsture: Basls: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: MSD Sample Allquot: MSI) Dilutlon Fsctor: STI., DENVER D5t07A77A. WATER N/A lu$ 602Q rng/L 526s r 80 5[rnL 5 Cllent Snmple ID: MSD l,ab Sample ID: MSD [,ab Workorder: Date/Time Collccted: tlate/Time Received: Date/Tirne Leached: Date/I'ime Extrncted: Dste/Time Antlyzed: Instrument I D: LAB MS/MSD D5.IlJ)p.153-oo3D IIK{R9 09/09/05 09:2s 09/10/0s 08; Il 09/23105 08:00 991il/45 M:aa 004 Annlyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C %o Rec a RPD a QC Llrnits 7o Rec RPD Cadnriunr t).0400 0.00020 U 0.0396 99 1.4 89 - I t0 2A Selenium 0,0400 0.0016 U 0.0437 r09 6.8 82 - lta 20 STL Denver E',"r... ( rl IrCn lonl..n2n Il-r- (tL- -t'lD---t-.-l---t 109 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -58- POST DIGEST SPIKE SAIVIPLE RECOVERY Contract, r URS Corplo4tsion Irab codc t STLDEDiI Cagc IIlo. r gfg DIo. r sDg No. r D5I070270 ua.trLx (coil/watcr): VIATER Lcwc]. (Isw/med) l SAIEPI.IE NO. ConcentntrLon tlnlte:rlglL Analf'tr ControL Linit e6R EpLkcd 8aryrle Rcrult (SSR) c saqrlc Raau1t (sR) c Epihe .Lddcd (Sl'}t6n o M CadmLrrrn 175 b L25 0 .188804 o.oooo4oIu o.20 9{.4 ![ Seloniuur I 75 125 o.1glg24 0 .000330 I u o.2a 95.9 ITT O Couren STL Denver Form, V (PIRT 2) IN 110 ffisrl URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysis Detu Sheet Lsb Nsme: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: o/o Moisture; Basls: Annlysls Method: Unit: QC Batch [D: Sarnple Aliquot: Dilution Factor: STI DENVER p51070270 WATER N/A Wct 0Qr oB milL s26,j261 50 rnl, I Cllent Sample ID: Lnb Sample II): Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Dste/Tlme Received: Dnte/Tlme Lenched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Date/Time Anrlyzed: Instrument I D: p5r220000-261(l r rKsQw 09/23105 08:00 09123105 23:46 azl Analyte True Found 7"Rec a LimIts Aluminum 7.00 2.00 r00 86 - I08 Iron r.00 0.964 96 88- ilO Magnesium 50.0 49.5 99 9t - lll Potassiurn s0.0 5 1.4 r03 86- 1il Srxlium 50,0 50.0 t00 9l-il2 Zirconium 0.s00 0.51 e r04 75 - t?5 Calcium s0.0 47.7 95 8q - r r0 STL Denver F,n-n 7 f fg rtr.rrlrrn3n llnlrr (Lnnt En'.3..n1 .,nt 111 ffisrt IJRS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Deta Sheet Lsb Nnme: Lot/SDG Number: Matrix: %o Moisture: Basis: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch tD: Snmple Allquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL DENVER D51070270 WATER N/A WET 60rQB me/L s26s26l 50 rnl, I Client Srrrnple ID: Leb Sample ID: Lrb Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drte/l'lme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Dtte/Tlme Extrtcted: Dete/Time Analyzed: Instrurnent ID: D5t220000-261c HK'QW 09/r3l05 08:00 A9D7fi5 A9:7.8 016 Inr _ .. .. t- I faj, Annlyte True Found ToRec a Limits Arscnic 2.00 r.89 95 89 - r09 Lead 0.500 0.48fi 97 9I - IlI Bariunr 2.AO 2.O4 r02 93 - I 13 Nickcl 0.s00 0.487 97 e0- ilo Silvcr 0.0s00 0.0489 98 tr5- I14 Vanadiunr 0.500 0.492 98 88 - I 12 Zinc 0.500 4.464 93 8s - r l0 f\rorniunr 0.200 0.1 95 e8 89 - I 12 ho.,0.250 4.246 98 rJ6 - I It) STL Denver 7l-2 ffisTL URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nnme: Lot/SDC Number: M&trix: 7o Molsture: Basis: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: Sample Aliquot: Dilutlon Factor: STI- DENVER Dsr07o270 WATER IUA Wet 74.7QA Itr8& 57s942s I Cllcnt Sample ID: Ltb Srmple [D: Lab Workorder: Dete/Time Collected: Dst€/TIme Reccived: Date/Tlme Leachcd: Date/Time Extructed: Date/fime Analyzed: Instrument ID: p5r 160000-425c FIKVN3 99?lt05 t2:50 09/21l05 I 8:07 Qrg Annlyte True Found 7"Rcc 0 Llmlts Mercury fi.00s00 0.00488 98 n5-l14 STL Denver D^----- '| t f(r Il -r^ CrL - ^.e D ---:-- -l ---z, 113 ffiSTL URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analycis Data Sheet Lab Nnme: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: 7o Motsture'. Basls: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: Sample Aliquot: llilutlon Factor: STL DENVER pst01{)27Q WATER N/A Ws! 7470A wg/L 5^{9425 I Cllent Sample ID: [,ab Sample ID: Lsb Workorder: Date/Tlme Collccted; Date/Time Received: IlatelTlme Lcached: Date/Tlrne Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: psr r60000-425L I.LKYN} 09121/05 I 2:50 09/21lOs. I,$:Qt lltg Aualyte True Found C o/" Rec a RPT)a QC Limits Yo Rec RPD Mercury 0-00500 0.00497 99 t.7 85 - I 14 l0 STL Denver F..--. 7 f ncfr / - *r----i- l\ -r- oL - -t l? .---2-- *l ---.t LL4 ffisrt URS Corporstlon '.fotal Metals Analysis l)ata Sheet I-,ab lrlame: Lot/SDC Nunrlrer: Matrix: ol, Nloisture: Basls: Analysls Method: lJnlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL DENVER pst070270 WATER N/A Wet (t02Q rng/L 526s I 80 50 mL T Client Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Dnte/Tlme Collected: Dnte/Tlme Recelved: Dute/T[me Lerchcd: Datc/Tlme Extracted: Drte/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: p512?0000-180c r{r$lEA 09/23105 08:00 09f27/05 M:LO 0a{ Aualyte True Found o/oRec 0 Limits Seleniurn 0,0400 0.0375 94 8?-n2 Cadntiurn 0.04fi)0.0388 97 89 - I I0 STL Denver 115 STL DETVVER Total Metals Analysis -9- ICP SERTAL DILUTIONS Contrlot r IIRS Corporation SIltPfrE NO. IttrRA-LlB QC gER gD(l NO. t D5IO7027O Lowr1 ( Low/rlrd) t IrOf{ Lrb Codc r STITDEII erEo lrlo. r g.Lg ![o. : Mr.trLx (eol,I/watc) t ffiTER I lrrrminrrm Calclrrm E Iron Lo Potasgirrrn Magnegiun Sodium Ht Zirsorrlrrsr Conctnt,ntl-on trrl,tt r mgfl-, o-o17 o.o85 Ju Scrlr1 Dilutlon Re sults (S)fnitia1. Errqrl.o RasulE (I) 27 4.29 27f3-88 L26 .67 128.18 10gg,00 1091 .50 0.00150 0.0093{ STL Denver For:n IX IN 116 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -9- ICP SEITIAL DILUTIONS ConEract: IIRS CorpontLon S}}{PLE NO. INTRT-I-,[I] AC gER gDc No, : D5I07O27O Lovcl ( low/ncd) :LOI{ Lrb Codc r STITDEN Mat,rix (roil/watcr) : WATER Crac No. t SAS No. t InitirL srqrla RcsuIE (I) Erri-rl DLlutLorr RcsuIE (s) 0.00250 0,01300 o.0045 0.0225 o-0026 o. 0130 0.0802 0.og?l 0. 00280 0 .01400 0.0025 0.0L25 | ^Lrreaic Bariurn Chromitua Coppar I-cad, Ni.ckaI Sil.vcr Vaaadium Concontnt:Lon tErLt,r t lorglL 0.0079 0 - 0220 STL Denver Form fX f![ L1,7 STLDENVER Total Metals Analvsis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS Contrrct r IIRS Cor-Irontlon S I{PIrE }IO ' IlERe,-tlB AC SER sDc No- : D5I07O27O Lcvc1 ( low/med) :LOUI L'ab Code: SfLDEN I{atrix (roll/water) : I{trfER Cagc No-:8l.El Elo. t .}naI-ytse IleitLa1 sarqllc Rrrult (r ) ScrLal DllutLon Rcault (s ) 0.000330 0 - 001550 I Crdmirrm ElclanLum. Conocntsratslon llnLtg: mg/L 0.0000{ro o. ooo2oo Ju STL Denver Form fX IN 118 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analysls -r0- METHOD DETECTION LIMITS I,Trb Code : STLDEN Crac No. r ICP ID Nunrber: TJl, fntrcpid ICP Flanr AA fD Nunber: Ftrrnacc ll, ID ll\unbar r SLS No. t Date: 5 ILO lz00s sDs No. r D5I07027O .Bnrl.ytr lrlawe - lcagth (nn) Blck- grorrnd PQL (urglL) MDL (mg /l'l t[ Aluminum L 157.0 0.101 0.017 IP Aluminum B 309-2 1.0 P Cr].cLrr.m L 317 .933 0 .20 0.034 I P Crlcium H 318-1 t0 P Iron lro 259.9 0 .10 0-021 lP Iron II 2-lL -44L 1.O P Potrrgium 7 66 -{91 3.0 o-2c I P Magrncgl-um 279.078 o-20 o-o{3 lP Sodlum Lo 589 .5 1-O 0, 031 P um Hi 818 .3 10 1.11P Zil.rcelnLrrn 339 -0.00501 o.0016 lP Comcnts: STL Denver Forea X IN 119 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -r0- METIIOD DETECTION LIMITS Contract: IIRS Corrroration rrb Codrr STLDEN rCP rD Numbcr: SUPERTR.trCE F]'aIIte AA fD Nunber: hrm,acc AJt ID l!\rmbor r gAg No. I Datr3 5 lLOlzAAs sDo No. : D5IA7 A27 O Jlnalyte WavG- lcngth f nn) rack- grround PQI, (mg/L) }IDT, (nglL)DT rsenLc 189.A4?0 - 010 0. o0{l P Barl-un 493 .409 o. 010 0. ooo70 P Chronl,um 267.?15 0-010 o.0026 P Copper IrGid 321 ,7 53 zm'E 0.010 0.60ffi 0.00{5 I P AffiTF NLckel 23L.50{0 .000 0.0012 P SlIwcr 328.068 o, 010 o .0029 P Vanadlum 292 .4A2 0.010 0.0025 P ZLr.c 206.200 0.020 o - oo{5 p STL Denver Forrr X - IN a2a STL DENVER Total Dletals Analvsis -10- METHOD DETE,CTION LIMITS Cont,raet: IIRS Corlrorrtion Lab Code r STIJIEN fCP ID lihrmbrrr: Cagc Slo. l S.B,S !ilo, t Drtc r Dsr A7 027 A LL 1L21200t F1ana Ar rD [hrmlrcr: hrrnacc JLr fD Nrrmbcr: PE CI'IAA Anallte Wave- lcngth (nm) Brck- grrorrnd,PQL (rrg/I, ) UDIr (mg/L)u Marcurlr 253 .7 A 0 . 00020 o .000044 c-tr Cornnents: STL Denver Form X IN 127 STLDENVER Total Metals Analysls -I0- METIIOD DETECTION LIMITS Contraet: IIRS Corporatl.on Lab Coda: STTDEN ICP ID lllrnrlrrr r PE ICP}TS P1anc ^LL ID Numbcrr ftrrnecc .l.n fD Numbcr r Carn sDc li[O. r D5TA7A27A Datct 5lLAl?AOs lrrrlytrr Ieotopc Baok- ground.PQL (uryllLl MDIJ (ng/L)M Cadmlrrnr 1111 o.0010 o-0000{0 lId 8elcaium 82 0.0050 0.000330 DT STL Denver fonn x IN L22 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -1lA- ICP INTER"ELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALL)O CoDtract,: IIRS CorDorratioa Lab Coda: STLDEN Calle No.: Intrepid rCPrCP ID lfi:rubar: TiIA Dates 8lI9 l200s gAg No. r gDC }IO. r D5TA7O27O Analyta wave- length (nn) rntorolamont Corroetlon Fastoru Ca Fe for: MgA1 Ag I 339.198 o. ooooo0o I 0.0000000 0.0000000| o.0000oooJ o-ooooooo eluml-num I 162.081 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00192001 o.oooooool o.0oo00o0 rluntnum 1309.27a 0.0000000 I o-oooooo0 o - ooo0oool 0,0007?40 1 o. o0o000o Antinony I 206 - 83 8 o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0. ooooooo I o. ooooooo lrgenlc I 18g.al,z o.o0oo000 J o-0000000 o-o0ooo0ol o.ooo0000l o.ooooooo BarLum l ass, {03 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oo00oool o.0ooooooI o-oooo000 Bery,llium Iffa-O{2 0.0ooo00o I o_0000000 o.ooo0oo0J o.0o0o00ol o.ooooooo Boron lztg.G7$0.0000000 [ o. 0000000 0. 0000000 I o. 000oooo I o. ooooooo cadrutum |_226 - 5oz 0.0oooo00 | o,0oo00oo o. oooo{2ol 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 calcLur Iffz.g33 0.0000000 | o. o0o00oo o - ooooooo I o. oooo32o I o. ooooooo Calcium I,f8-148 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o-oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.000000I Chromium lzw -TLG 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oo000o0f o-oooooooI 0.000000{ cobalr l^18.616 0-ooooooo I o*0000000 o. oooo0ool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo copper I SZt. ?53 0-0000000 I o-0000000 -0.00002001 0.0000000| o-0000000 rron Iass-g{o 0.0000000 I o-00o0ooo o-oooooooJ 0.0000000 I 0.ooo0ooo rron lz7 1.{41 0.0000000 | o.0o0oo0o o.ooooooof o.oo2o1ooI o.ooooooo Lcad |rz0 -353 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo r.,itrrlnm I6?0.zB{0.0000000 I 0.0000550 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo MagncrLrrm lrl9. O7g o.00o0ooo I 0.0000000 0.00050201 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo t{angranoge lZSt. 610 o - 0000000 I o. ooo0o0o 0.00000001 o. oooo15o I o. ooooooo Molybdornrn |ZOZ. 03 0 o-0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool 0.0000000 nl.ckal leg1.5a412 o.00ooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.000ooool o'ooooooo Phospfronr,s I 178 .282 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool o. oo0000o I 0.0000000 Potasglum I z6e. d91 0,0000000 1 0.0000000 o. ooooooo[ o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 Selenl.urn I 196. o9o 0.00ooooo | 0.0000000 0. ooooooof o.000oooo I o. oo0ooo0 stll.cou I 251.61.2 o. oo0oo00 I 0. 0000000 o. o000oool o. ooooooo I o. ooo0ooo silieon I 251. G15 0.0000000 I o.0000ooo 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Sllver I frs.068 o. ooo0o00 | 0.0000000 0 .0000000 I o. ooo0ooo I o .0000000 sodium I tag.592 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o,0oo0ooo sodium I tte.326 0.0000000 J o.ooo00o0 o.oooooooJ o,ooo0000l 0,ooo0ooo. St,rontium IaOz -77L 0,0000000 J 0.00016?0 o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. oooooo( Thalliun I rg0 .964 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o,oooooool o.oo00oool 0,ooooooo 723 Cgmncrrts: STL Denve STL DEIVVER Total Metals Anatvsis .IIA. O rcp TNTERELEMENT coRRECTToN FACT,R* (AI\.NUALL,) coDtrrct: gB$-C9fpefggion _ Lab Codos SrLDEN Case No.: _ glg Bo.r _ rcP rD t|llmber: ,I,arA IatreDtd rcp Darc: 8ll9l2a05 gDc No. 3 D5IO7A27A Thorl-rrm I 283 . 73 0 o-ooooooo I 0.0000000 o.ooossool 0-0000000I 0.0000000 rl.n I lgg. ggg 0.0000000 I o. oo000oo o. oooo00ol o. 0000000 I o. ooooooo TLtaniun 1330.941 0.00ooooo I -0.0000320 0.00000001 0.00o02,t10 I 0.0000000 uranium I g95.958 o.0000000 I -0-o0o1o20 -0.00085{01 o.0oo0o0o I 0.0000000 vanadium l rr2.4Oz o. o0ooooo I o.00oo0o0 0.00010101 -0.0000130 | o. 0000000 zLnc I 213 -BsE 0.00001.30 | 0.0000000 0.00005901 o, o0ooo0o l o, oo0oo00 Cormentg: STL Denve Etaq tiT , ttlDltr 1 \ ST'L DENVER Total Metals Anatvsis -llB- r c P I NT ERELEMEI{T C O RRE CTION rA C TO R^S (A NNUALLY} Corrtract r (IRS Cor:troration I"ab Codo s Sl1l1DEN ICP ID ltrrnlrer: l[iFA Cage No.3 IntrepJ-d, ICP glg No.3 DBto: I lLgl?OOs sDc No. : D5TO7A27O rna1trc.c Wavo- Iengttr (nm) rntcralomont Correctlon Factorr BBa for: Be CdAg I 339.198 0.0000000 J o-0000000 0.00000001 o-0ooooooI o-ooooooo Jrlumlnum I f 0z .08 t 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o - 00000001 o.0oo0ooo I o. ooooooo rlrrsrlnum I go9 -271 0. 00ooooo I o. 0000000 o - ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. oooo0oo rntl.mony l_2o6.838 o.00ooooo I o. 0o0oooo 0.0000000[ o-oooooooJ o-ooooooo rraanle I 189.042 o. oo000o0 J 0.0000000 o. ooo0oool o. ooo000o I o - ooooooo Barlurn lot5.o03 0.0000000 I 0.000oooo 0.0000000T-0.0000000 I 0.0000000 ser:rlliurn Ifff.0{2 0.oooo000J o-0000000 o . ooooooof o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo Boron lrog - 578 o-0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 ---0.0000000 I 0.0000000 cadmium 11226.502 o.00ooo00 I 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. oooooo0 | o - ooooooo Carcl-uur Iffz.g33 o. oo000o0 I o. oo0000o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo CalcLum l 3tB.1zB 0.0000000 [ o. ooo0o00 o.00oo00ol - 0.oooo000 I o.0000ool chromtum I a0z.715 0-ooo0000 I 0.0000000 0.o00ooool o.o0o0oooI o.ooooool cobal-t 1228.616 o. 0000000 [ o. 0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.00ooooo coppar I aza.z53 0.0000000 I 0. 0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rron I 259.9{0 0.0oooooo I o. o00o0o0 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rrorr lzT 1. {41 o. ooooooo I o. oo0000o o. oooo0ool o. ooooooo I o - ooooo0o Lead 1220.353 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 o.oooooooJ o.oooooool o-ooooooo rlrhium I 570 .7gr 0 .0000000 I o. 0oo00o0 0.oooo0o0l o.oooooool o.ooooooo litragnogturn I ?.79 .a79 0.0ooooo0 I 0.0000000 0.00000001-- 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 !flangranoge Izsr.6to 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o . ooooooo Molybdenum I 202.030 0.0000000 [ 0-0000000 o. oooooool o - ooooooo J o. ooooooo utckel l23t.6otlz 0.0000000 I o.0000ooo 0.0000000| o-0000000I 0.0000ooo Phosptrorur 1128.287 0.00oooo0 I o.0000ooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Potaagium I ,e5. {91 0.0oooo00 | o.0000ooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sslenl.um lr9e.O90 o. ooo0000 | o.0000ooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo stlicon f esr .6L2 0.0000000 [ o.0000000 o, oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo stlLcon 1 2u1.615 o-oo000oo I o.0o0o0o0 o. oooo00o[ o - oo0o0oo I o. ooo0ooo gllver I ,2B. 068 0.0000000 f o. oo00o0o o . ooooooo I o. oooooo0 I 0,0000000 sodiurn I Sag. Sg2 0.0000000 | o. ooo0000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Sodium lrr8.3zG 0, oooo00o I o.000ooo0 0.00000001 0,0000000[ 0.0000000a StronLlum I oO7 .77L 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o .00000001 0.0000000 | o. oooooo( rhallium I rg0. g6{0.0000000 1 0,0000000 o. oooooool o.00o00oo I o. ooooooo L25 Cosmentg: STL Denve STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- I CP INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FACTORS (A NN UALLY) Contract: t RS ComoratLon Lab Codes S1.LDEN ICP ID lUlunber: TifA Care No. r fntrepl-d fCP S.Lg [Io. t Dats: I ll9l2005 gDc No. : D5TA7A27O Tlrorl'rrrn 1 283,730 o. oo0o0oo I 0.0000000 o. ooo0o00r 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo Tln I rag. e8g 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooo000ol o. ooo000o | 0.0000000 rl,taaLtlnr flac.9{1 0.000oooo I 0.0000000 o. oooo00ol o. oooo0o0 I o.00ooooo uranj.urn I ge5.958 0.0000000 I o. oo00o0o o . ooooooo I o. oo0000o | 0. ooooo0o vanadir.rm 1292 -1102 0.0000000 | o-0000000 0. ooo00o0 I o.0oo00o0 I o.000oooo zLnc I 213.856 0.000oooo I 0.0000000 o-oooo000l o.ooo0000 I o.oo0oooo Corunents: STL Denver Fnvrn IT , DLPrn , \TN 1,26 STL DENVER TotalMetah Analvsis _l1B- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (AI{NUALLY} Cortractr IIRS Comoration tab Coda 3 S'11TDEN Cage No. : Intrepid fCPfCP ID lWrmbar: 1[,IA Date: I lL9l2005 glg I[o. r Arrellfta WAvo- I"ongth (nm) Intcrclanrcnt Corrcction Factorr Cr Cu for: K MnCo 1339-198 0. 0000000 I -0 - 0012900 o-00ooo00l o-oooooool o.ooooooo Alumlnum I foZ.0B1 0.0000000 I o-00ooooo o.oooooo0l 0.0000000f o.ooooooo tlumlrrurn I aOS .27L 0.0000000 I 0.0o00ooo o.ooo0oool 0.00000001 0.oo000oo Antl,mony I,06-83I 0,0000000 I o. oooo000 o.o0o00o0l 0,0oooo0ol o-ooooooo Arrcnic I ttg.o4z o - 0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oo0000ol o-ooooooo| 0.0000000 narl,um l oss, {03 0. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.0ooo0oo I o. ooooooo Berrrllium I 313 .0{2 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo l 0 - 0000000 Boron I eo9.6zg o-0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0o0ol o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo cadurl.rrm 1225. 502 o-0000000 J 0,0000000 0.00000001 0-oooooool o-ooooooo calclum I rrz.933 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oo0oooo J o. ooooooo Calclum I Sre.12B 0-0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooo000J o. ooooooo I 0.000000I clrromLum lZSt. 216 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0o00o0ol 0.0000000 1 0.000072(N cobalr l22g - 516 o - 0000000 | o. o0ooooo o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo copper I Sza.753 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 0. oo00oool 0. ooooooo I o - ooooooo rron |259-9oo 0.0000000 I 0-oo0oooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rron lrr1. {41 0.13o0ooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooo0ooo I o. ooooooo Lcad 1rr0.353 0-0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo r.ittrtun I S, a.784 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo o. ooooooof 0.0000000 J o. oo0oooo MagmesLum 1279 - 079 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. 00000001 0,0000000 1 -0.0035690 Marganase lzsz - 610 0-0000000 I o-0000000 o. oo0ooo0l o - 0000000 I o. ooooooo Molybd€nun I ZOz.030 0.0000000| o-0o0o0oo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I o. oooo0oo Nt ckel I 231.6 o4 tz 0.0000000 J o. ooooo0o 0.00000001 0.00ooo0o I o. ooooooo phorpbonrs I tr 8,287 o-0000000 J 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo PotassLum l, e6.491 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o. oo00oool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Salenfu:m I tg6.090 0.0000000 I o. oooo000 o.00ooo0ol 0,00000001 o.0oooooo gtll,eon I zsr -6Lz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. o0o0o00l o. o0ooooo I o - ooooooo stlicon lro1.G1s o. ooo0ooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I 0. ooooooo sLlver l szg.06g 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o, oooooool o, o0000oo l o. oooooo0 sodlum I og9. s92 0, ooo0o00 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.o00ooool 0.0000000 Sodlum I gt8,3zo 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.00000001 EtrontLum Ioo7 .-IzL 0. oooo0o0 I o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo\ rhalltum I fgO. g6{0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.000oooo Dsr07 0 27 A a27 Cornncntg: STL Denve STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP TNTERELEMENT CORRECTTON FACTORS (ANN UALLY) Contract : UBII Cormoraf.,ion Lab Cod.e: STLDEN IeP ID lhrmberr TJA Care No.: IntrepLd ICP SAg No. r Dat,er 8llg l2AO5 Tborlrrn 1283 -730 o. 0000000 | o. o0o00oo 0. 00000001 o. o0oo00o I o. o0ooooo Tl.n I 189.989 o. oo0oo00 I o. o000ooo o. oooooool o - 0000000 I 0. 0000000 Tlranlun I rgt. g{1 o.0000000I 0-ooo3150 o,oo0ooo0l o-oooo000l 0.0000000 Uranium 1 385.958 0.0000000 | 0. o00oooo o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. o0ooo00 VanadLrrnr lZlZ.4O2 0.0000000 | o.0oo229o o.oooooool o-oooo0ooI o-o00ooo0 zinc I err.856 0.0000000I 0-0000000 0.0009{{ol o. o0oo000 I 0.0000000 Couunentg: STL Denve Etrrr,.r* Vll I nr Pm a) l -rrt 1,28 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Alralvsis -llB- ICp TNTERELEMENT CORRECTTON FACTORS (AI{I{UALT ,Y) Contracts r IIRS Corrrcoratlon Lab Cod,c: gTfrDEN rCP ID lnrmberl 1[JA Care No.: IntrepLd, ICP g.tg No. t Dater 8 /L9l?OAs gDO NO. : D5I07 O27 O Analfrte Wawg- I.cngGh (rn) Intcralemant Corrcet,Loa Faetom Na Nt for: Pb SI)Mo | ,ae.19B 0. 0009000 I o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o - oo0ooo0 elumlnrlm I 152.081 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 o,0oooo0ol o. o0ooooo I o. o0ooooo Aluminrun la09- 27L 0-0ooo0o0| 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0 .0000000 1 o,0ooooo0 Antlnprry I ,06, B3I 0.0000000[ o-ooooooo o - oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 .lrgenre I1Bg-Oa2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I 0. 0000000 I o. ooooooo sarlum I ots- {03 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o-oooooooJ 0.0000000 nerTllium !aff.O42 0.0000000 I o-o0ooooo o-oooooool o-ooooooo! o.ooooooo Boron lztg - 628 0.0000000 | o,00oo0oo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo CadrnLum I,r5-502 o-0000000 I o.0000000 -0.00019701 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 calciurr I erz.933 o-0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o - ooooooo l o. ooooooo CalcLrln I ,rB. 12I 0 - 0000000 | o. 0000000 o.oooooool 0.0000000I o-oooooor chronLum I257.7LG 0.0000000| o-0ooooo0 o.ooo0oo0l o-oooo0ooI 0.00o0oo(Jl cobalt l|229.516 o. ooo0000 I 0.0o0o0oo o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo copper 132L.7s3 o, oo03{00 1 o, oo0o00o 0.0000000J o. oooooo0 | 0.00oo0oo rron I zsg.gco 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o, ooooooo rron 127 1. d{L 0.5015000 I o-ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo Lead |1220.353 o.0000000 I o. oooooo0 o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo r.ithlum l67o -784 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. o0oooool o. o00oooo I 0.0000000 Ir,Egrnosium 1279.029 -o - 03 s8000 I 0. 0000000 0.0000000J o.oo0o00ol o-ooooooo Dranganoa€ lzst. G 10 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o - oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Molybdanrrm I 202 - 03 0 0 .0000000 | o.0000000 0.00034001 o. oo0o0o0 I 0.00o0ooo xLskel l zg1.6 a{t2 0.0000000 | o.0oooooo o. ooooooof o. ooooooo l o - ooooooo Plrosptrorug ItrB.287 0. 0oooooo I o.00o0o0o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Potarrlum I ,s6. {91 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000[ o.o00ooo0l o.ooooooo selenium I 196.090 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o, ooooooo st licon 1 rul.612 o. oogzooo I o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo gLll,con Izsr.615 o.0092000 | o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo siLver I ,rB.0G8 o.0o00ooo J 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oo0oooo I o.0o000oo sodium I sgg.5g2 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0,oooo0oof o.oooooool o.ooooooo sod,lum I ar8.325 o. ooooo00 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. 0000000 I 0.0000000/ Stroutlurn I OO7 .77L 0.0oooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 0.0000000I rhalllun I 190.864 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000J o. ooooooo l 0 .0000000 L29 Comnentg: STL Denve STL DENVER o Co TotalMetals Analvsis -t18- I.CP INTf,RELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR.S (ANNUALLY) atracts IIRS Corrcoration Lab Coda 3 STLSIEN Cage No.3 Intrepid ICPICP ID t\Iurnllar: TiIA Dates 811912005 gAg NO.:SDG NO. : D5T.07O274 [Iroriurn I 283 . 73 0 o-00000001 0,0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rln I 1B9.9gg 0.0000000 I o. oooo00o 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. oooooo0 rLtaniurrr I 33c.9{1 o. oo0o000 I 0. o0o000o o. oooooool 0 .0000000 1 0.0000000 uranlum I ta5- g5B o-oooooo0 ! o.0000000 o, oooooool o. o00o0o0 I 0.0000000 vanadLum I,gz.tlz -0.0125000 I 0.0000000 o - 0o00oool o. ooooo0o I o. oo0oooo zl.ne Iarr - B5G 0.0000000 [ o, ooo00oo o.oo4380ol o-oooooooI o-ooooooo Corunentg: STL DCNVC tra-ra .lrf , raf ]rrn a I 13 0 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -llB- rcP TNTERELEMf,T{T CORRECTTON TACTORS (ANI{UALLY) Contractr IIRB Cor:rorati_on Lab Code s STITDEN Case No. r Intrepid ICPICP rD Number: TiIA gAS No. r Datsc: I llg tZAAs SDG No. : D5I07 A27 O Wave- longrth (nn) Intcralomont CorrcctLon ractora for: SrArrBllt,c riSesiSn I 33e.1eB 0-oooooo0I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oooooo0 I o. o00oooo rlr:rntnum I reZ. OB1 0.0000000 [ o. o0oooo0 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Alumlmrm 1309.271.0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo AntLmony [ 205.939 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.oooooool o-00000001 0.0000000 Argeot c I 1s9.0E2 0-o000ooo I o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooo0o I o - ooooooo narlum I css. {03 0. o0ooooo I o. ooo0ooo 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0001930 Berylllum I rrr .a{2 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Boron lzl,S.6zg 0.000oooo J o.000oooo o - oooooool o. o000oo0 I 0.0000000 cadmlum 1116. sOz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0. ooo0oo0 I 0.0000000 Calciurn lefz.933 0.0000000 I o, oooooo0 0,0000000J 0.0000000 I o. ooo0ooo CaLeLum JfrA.L2g 0.0000000 I o. oo00oo0 0 - oooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooo0o orl ctrromLun lZeZ .TLG o, o0oooo0 I o. o0ooooo o.00000001 0. ooo0000 I 0.00L200q cobalt |1229.616 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo 0.00000001 0.0000000I o-oo18ooo coppcr I sec-753 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o.ooooooo rron Izss-g{o 0,0000000 1 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 rron lrr7.. AIL 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo 0.00000001 o-00oooooJ o.ooooooo L(rad lzzo -353 o.oo00o00 | o-0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 r,lthlrrm lerO.TB{.0. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.oo00oo0l 0.ooo0oool o.ooooooo lrragncrium 1rr9.079 0.0000000 | o. 0000000 0. o00o0oof 0.0000000 I o. oooo0oo Manganes€ lzSz.610 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0. oooooool o. oooooo0 | 0.000oooo r'rolybdorrutrr 1202.030 0.0000000 I o.000oooo o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rrlLctel lzg1.5o{t2 o.0oooo00I 0-000oooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Ptrogphorur I rr8.287 0.0000000 | o. oo0oo00 0-o0oooooJ 0.00000001 o.ooooooo Dotasrl-uur I 755. d91 0.0000000 I 0. 00o0ooo o. ooooooo ! o. oooo000 l 0.0000000 salenlum I 196. 090 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo stlicon I rs]-.6L2 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.oo000ooI o.oo0oo00 stllcon I zsr.61s 0.0000000 I o. oooo000 o . ooooooo I 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo silvcr I ae8.05g 0.0000000 I o. oooo000 o. oooooool o.0oo0oo0 | 0.00035{0 sodh:m l Sg9 .5 gz o, 0o00oo0 I 0,0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Bodluur I are. fae o.0oooooo I o.0000ooo 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000/ Strontl,urn IOO?.77L 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 | o. oooooo( rhalllum I fgO.96{0 .0000000 I 0.0000000 o . 0oo0ooo I o. 0000000 I o. ooooooo 131 Conq\ents: STL Denve STL DENYER o Con frab rcP Totrl Metals Analvsis -118- rcp TNTERELEMENT CORRECTTON FACTORS (ANNUALLY) traet: IIRS Corooration Code ! ST1,DEN Care No.: tntrepS-d rCPID ltumber: TifA Dato: 8 l!9l?OOs g.Lg No. ;SDG HlO. : DSf 07A27A Elrorlun I 283 . 73 0 o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Tl"n I 18g. ggg o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oo0ooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 rLtanfnn I ff{.9{1 0,00o0o00 I o. oo00oo0 o. oooooo0l 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 uranLum I ,t5.958 0,0000000 I o.0000000 0.00000001 0.00o0ooo I o. ooooooo vanadLum I 292.t}z 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0001100 zine J zrS. BsE 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo 0.00000001 o-0o0oo0oI 0.0000000 Conunentt; STL Denve Eam \'T ,lllDnr Dl Tf,T L32 STL DENVER Total Metals Anatvsis -llB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR^S (ANNUALLY) eontract: IIRS Corrooration Lab Code3 S,3.LDEN Case [Io - : IntrepLd ICPICP rD !fiInber: TiIA DaEo: 8 llg l2OA5 gAg No. :SDe No-: D5I07O27A Ana.lytc Wava- Langth (nn)T1 Intarelcmcnt Correetion Faetorg tv f orr Ztr Th I 33e.1eB 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.00ooo0ol 0.0000000 | o. o319ooo Alurnl-nun Irez.081 o.0000000 J o.0000000 o.oooooool 0.o0oooool 0.0000000 rlr:ml-num I309.27L 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I o. oooooo0 Autl;nony I 205.838 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooo0o0o I 0.0000000 r.rsenLc I ttg.042 o.0000000 I o.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0. ooo0ooo sarl,um I ots. {03 0.0000000 [ o-0000000 0.00000001 o-oooooooI o,ooo3o3o Bery'Lllun I af3 ,ALz 0,00ooo00 | o. 0000000 0.0003590J 0.0000000 I -0.0000100 Boron I 2{9.628 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000J o, ooooooo l o. 0ooo00o cadnium ll225. 502 0. 0000000 I -0,0002070 0.0000000] o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Calcl"urn ISfz.933 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00oooo0l 0. ooo0o00 [ o. ooooooo Calclunr J 318.128 0.0oooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. 000o0oo I o . 0ss9o oo/ Chromi.rrm 1267 -7 7.6 o.0000000 [ o-000?050 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.000592{ Coba1t, l|118.616 0.0000000 I o-0000000 o-oooooool o.oooooooI o-o0ooooo copper I faC,?s3 0.0000000 I o-0008{20 0. ooooo0of o. ooooooo I 0. oo232oo rron !zug-g{0 0-0000000 | o_0000000 o. oo0ooo0l o. oooooo0 J o - 0000000 rron lzz 1. d{1 o. oooo0o0 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo r,ead .220.353 0.00ooooo J o.0000000 o. o0oo000l o. ooooooo I o - 0000000 rithtum I 670 .7gtl 0.0000000 J o. 0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo l 0,0000000 MagrrrGrLurn Iz7g-o?9 0.0000000 I 0.0075600 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0418000 Mangarrora l2s7 - 610 0.0000000 I 0.00 aL22a *0.00016801 0.0o0o0oo I 0.0000000 Molybd,eaum lzaz.030 0.0000000 I -0.0007050 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.0017500 Nr,ckeL l ,r 1. G Aa /2 o. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo phorpbotrus J fza .zg?0-0000000 J 0.0000000 o . oooo0o0 I 0. 0000000 I 0. ooo00oo PotasgLun l?55,491 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o . ooooo0o I o. 0000000 I o. o00oo00 selenLum I 196. o90 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o,o00oo0oI o-ooooo00 stlLcon I 25L.612 0.00ooooo I o-o00oo00 o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo stll,con I ,tl. G15 0.0000000 J o. oooo0oo o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo silver I ,r8. 0OB 0.0000000 I -0.0002200 -0.01{90001 0. 0000000 | 0.0005880 sodlum I ssS. i9z o.oooo0o0 I 0.0000000 o-00000001 0.00000001 0.ooooooo sodtum I arg,320 0 .0000000 I o. o00oooo o.o00oo0ol o.oooooool o.ooo0orr. Btrontlum f aOz .iTL o.00o0o0o I 0.0000000 o. oo00o0ol o. ooooooo I o. ooo000( Tlralllurn Ifgo.BG{0. oooo000 I 0.0000000 0.00oo0ool 0.0000000 I 0.00o0ooo 133 Comrrentg r STL Denve STT. DET{YER Contract: URS Comoration Total Metals Analvsis -l18- ICp TNTERELEMEM' C ORRE CTION l-A CTORS (A NNUALLY) Cage No. t rcP gAg No.: Datc: 8 lI9 lzAOs Lab Codei SU,DEN ICP ID lttrrnber: TifA Int.repl_d gDc No.: D5f07A270 tnhorlum I 283,730 o. oooo00o I 0.0155000 0.00000001 0.00o0ooo I o. ooooooo Tt n I ta9.9a9 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. o00o0o0 rl,tanium I rro.9{1 0.0000000 I o-0002850 o. oooooool 0.0oooooo I o. ooooo0o uranium 1 385.958 o. ooooooo I o.00ooo00 0.0000000J o. ooooooo I -0.028?000 vanadLum lzlz.d02 o.0000000 I -0.0002{20 o.oooooo0l 0.00000001 o.0015600 zLnc Izrs-8s6 0.0000000 I o. o0oo000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Co$mentg: STL Denve 734 STL DENYER Total Metals Analysis -11A- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Corrtfact 3 IIRS Cor,ooratioa LaI) Code: gTfrDEN Cara No. r S.Lg Dlo - r ICP ID lllrrnber: gUpERTR.[,eE DatG = 7 l23l20As COrmorrto: gDc NO- 3 D5f07 O27O fnalft,e Wave- lengrth (nm)AI. Intcrelement Corrcetl,on ractorg Ca Fe for: Mg Ag Altrnrinun I 308.21S 0.0000000 I o. 0oooooo 0 .0001100 J o. 0000290 I o. ooooooo rlrtlmow 12}6. 83g o. 0000000 J o. o0o00o0 0, oooo zeol o, ooooooo | 0. o00oooo Arueaic I tug. o{2 o.000oooo I o-0000000 -o.00001501 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Barium JCsf.{09 0,0ooooo0 | o. oo000o0 o-oo0000ol 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 BeryllLum I eff .Od,z 0 - ooo0000 J o. oooooo0 0. 00ooooo I o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Boron lrog - 628 0. 00ooooo J 0.0000000 -0.0000?001 0.0000000I o-ooo0000 Cadmirrm |,216. 504 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0001{10l o-00000001 o-ooooooo CalcLurn IfrS.g33 0.0000650 ! 0.0000000 0. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo ctrromirrn lzSZ -TLG 0.00oo0oo I o.0000ooo -0,00001001 0. o0ooooo I o. ooo0000 cobalr 1228.515 o.0000000 | o.00ooo0o o.00oooool o-oooo000 I o. ooooooo copner lsel .7s3 0. 00oooo0 I o.0o0oooo -0.00002501 0. o0000to I 0. 00000 laa rron lr27 1. {{1 0.0000000 | o.0000ooo o. o0oooool o. ooo3{oo I o. o0ooo0! road lzro.3 iLtL o. oo02g70 | 0.0000000 o-00013001 o-ooooo50| o.000oooo r-,ead I zzo.3sLtz -0.0001800 I o. ooo0000 o.ooo050ol 0.0000100I o-ooooooo Magneglurn ,1279.078 0 - 0000000 | o. 0000000 0.00002?01 0.oooooo0l 0.0000000 Maaganoso lzst.610 0.0000000 I o. oooo000 -0, 0000060l o. oo0o200 I o. ooooooo Molybdorlum J ZOZ.030 0. oooo000 I o.00ooooo -0.00001801 0.0000000I 0-0000000 rrrLckel lzE1.5Dtltz 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00oooooI 0-oooooooI o-ooo0000 seleniurn Itg 6.AZL|L -0.0000030 I o .0000000 o. ooooo2ol o. o00oo40 I o. o0oo00o seloniurn l196.o"Ltz 0.0000000 J o. 0o00ooo -0.00017801 0.0000000 1 0.0000000 gtlLcon I zae.158 0.0000000 [ o-oooo0o0 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 sl.rvor lf rB.068 0.0000000 | o.0oooooo o. ooooooo I o. o0o0o0o I o. 0oooooo srrontl,uur lt21 . 552 0. 00ooooo I o.0000000 o.00o00ool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rhalllum I ag0. BE{0.0000000 | o. oooo0oo 0 - oooo950 l o. ooo0ooo l 0,0000000 TlrorLum 1401.910 0.0000000 I -0.00002s0 o. oooooo0l o. ooooo0o I 0.0000000 rin I re9-989 0 . 0000000 | o. 0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooo0ooo ritanlum I 33{.9{1 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oo00o00f o. oooo200 I 0.0000000 uranium I rt5.gsg o. oo0oo0o I -0.0000300 0.00086001 o. ooool{o I 0.000oooo vanadium fztz.4oa o. oo000oo I 0.0000000 -0.0003{001 0.00000001 0.0000000 zinc I at3.8ic o. oo0000o I o.00ooooo 0.0000000[ 0.0000020 I o. 00000 00. STL Denve Dlas ltrf I t.tr rrrrr rl L 135 STL DEIVVER Contractr: URS Conreoration Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRE(:TION FACTORS (ANNTIALLY) Cara No. :SAg No.: Datez 7 /23l2AOs Lab Codc i STLDEI{ rCP ID [Iumbar: STIPERIIR.LCE SDc NO. : DSTO'I 027 O wave- leaOrttr (mn) rnt,erelement correctLon ractorg forr BeAnal:tr.e cd,Ag B Ba AlunLlnum 1308.215 0.0000000 | o.0ooo000 0.00000001 0.oooooool 0'0000000 rntinony I 205.838 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o ' ooooooo rrrcnic I 189 -042 0 .0000000 I o. o0o0o0o o. oooooool 0.0000000 1 0,0oo0ooo BarLurn I lsa. {09 o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 0.0o00oool o.0ooo000 I 0.0000000 nertrlLl.ust I 313.0{2 0. o0o00oo I 0.0000000 0, o000oool o. 0o00o0o J o. ooooooo Boron l2tg.678 0.0oooooo I 0.0o0oooo o. oooooool o.0000000 I o. ooooooo Cadnrlrrur 1116. 502 o. oo000o0 | o.00o0ooo o,ooo00ool o-ooooooo| 0.0000000 caleium 1 319-933 0. oo000o0 I o.0000000 0,00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Chrorntnnr lzil. 716 0.00ooooo ] o-0ooo0o0 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0. o0o0oo0 cobalr 1229.616 0.0000000 I 0.0oooooo -0-00120001 0.0000000 1 0.0000000 aCogner I g, 4 .7 33 0,0000000 I o. ooo0ooo 0.00000001 o. ooooooo J o, ooooooo pron lrr 1. {{1 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo r.ead lzzo. 3 5 Lt L o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 o.oooooool o-oooooooI o,ooooooo read lzzo-3s:-t2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o-oooooooJ o.ooooooo Magncrlusr 127 9.0?8 o. ooo0000 [ o. ooo0000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Manganero lzst -61 0 0.0000000 I o.00o00oo 0. ooo00ool o. oooo0o0 I o. ooooooo trolybdeBrrm I 202.030 0.00ooooo I o-ooooo00 o, ooooo0o[ o. ooooooo l o - 00ooooo Nlckcr. lrgl.6aalz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo Sel.enLuur I 196.0?LlL 0.000oooo I 0.0000000 o.0ooooool o. oooo0oo I 0.0000000 selenLum l 196.0zl tZ 0.0000000 I o. ooo0000 o. oooooool o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo stlieon lrt8.ls8 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Si.lvcr I ga8 - 068 0.0000000 | o. 0000000 o-oooooool o-oooooool o.ooooooo strontium ,1011.552 0.0000000 | o. 0000000 o.0o0ooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Thalltusr I 190.861 o. oooo000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0,00000001 o.ooo0ooo lrhorlum I lo L. g10 o.0000000 I o. oo0o000 0. o0ooooo! o. ooooo0o I o. o00o0oo rl,n I 189.989 0.0000000 | o, oo0o0oo o - oooooool 0. oooooo0 I o. 0000000 ritanlum I ,r{.9{1 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I o. o0ooo0o [ 0, ooo0ooo uranium I rg5.95B 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.ooooooof o.o00oo00l o.00o0oo0 vanadlusr l rrT-$02 0.0ooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooo0o0o zine\l rit. es6 o. oo000o0 I o,0000000 o.ooooooof o.oooooooI o.ooo0000 135 Comuento: STL Denve STL DENVER Contraet: TIRS Conroration Total Metals Analvsis -l tB- rcP IIVTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUA LLY) Cage slo. t gAg No. i DaUct 'l /23 lzOOs Lab Codes STLDEN ICP ID Mrnber: SITPERTR.LCE SDGI NO. : D5f 07 O27 A ArrA,lfrt11 wa\ro- lengrth (nm)Co fnterelement Corroetlon Factorr Cr eu for: I,In Mo rlumt"nurn 1308.21I 0,0000000 I o. o015oo0 o - oooooool 0.0000000 ! o. oos8soo enrJ.mony I 206. 83I 0.0000000| o-0038900 0.00000001 o-0o0o0o0l -0.0055500 Argenic I,t9-0{2 0.0000000 | o,0oo1?oo o-oooooool o.000o0ooJ o.ooo31o0 earLum I493-aog 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. o0oooool 0. o0ooooo I o. oooooo0 Ber.1'IlLusr 1313-0{2 0.0oooooo I o.0000000 0. oo000o0l o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Boron l^o9.6?8 0.0009800 I 0.0000000 0.0000000I o-oooooo0I 0.0000000 CadrrLrrsr 1226. 502 -o-ooa22o0I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.000o0oo I o. ooooooo Calcl,um lfrs-933 o.0000ooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o.0ooo0oo Chromiurr lzit .7 LG o. oo000o0 | 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. o0ooooo I -o. o0o1?00 cobalr 1228.615 0. o0o0000 J o. o0o000o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo coDper I e, &.7s3 0.0000000 I 0. oo0o0oo o. oo0000ol 0.0000000 J o. 00000 ool rron l27I- - 4{11 0.088eSoO I O.0030goo 0.00000001 o-oooooooI o.oooooo( r,ead l2zo.3sL/L -0.0020{70 I o. ooo0ooo o. oo00oool 0.0000000 I -0. 0009600 Lead lzzo.3 5Lt2 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00oo0oo I -0.0002500 Magnesium lrr9.0Z8 0,0000000 I o.0oooo0o o. oo00o0o l 0. o00ooo0 l o, oooo0oo Dlansanase lZSl. 610 o .0oooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooo0ooo uolybdsDum IZOZ.030 0.o0oooooI o-o00oooo o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rtckel I 231.6 A4/2 -0.0006200 I 0.0000000 0.0000000f 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo selenl,rrn 1195.02t1L 0.0005000 | o. ooooo0o o.oooooool o.ooo35oo I 0.0000000 sclenium Ift6.o2ltz -0.0001s00 I 0.0000000 o. oo00oool o. ooo22oo I o. ooooooo silicon I 2gg.15g o. o0oo00o J 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 -0.00{3{00 sLrver l gz8.OGB 0 -0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooo0oo0l o.oooooool o-ooooooo strontlusr |.421 - 552 0-0000000 | 0.0000000 o.ooooooof o.oooooool o.ooooooo rhalltum l1g0-85lt 0.0012 a,7a [ 0.0002900 0.00000001 -0.00{7700 J 0.0000000 TtrorLum lAoL.910 0.0000000 I o.0o00o0o o. oooo0ool o. ooso28o I o. oo0oooo rin I aa9.989 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo00ool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo titanLr:m Irr{.9d1 o.oo000ooI o-ooooooo o.ooooooof o. oooooo0 | 0.0000000 uranium I gg5.95g 0.0000000 | 0.0007600 o.oooooo0l o.oooooool o.ooooooo vanadLum l r9z.iLz o. ooo0000 I -0,0009?00 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooo0o0o zLnc I rr3.855 0.0000000 I -0.0032900 0.0000000! o. ooooooo | 0.0000000, Coumeutg: STL Denve STL DET\TVER Contract: IIRS Cormoratlon Total Metals Analvsis -llB- ICP INTE RE LEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (A NNTIALLY) Care No-:gAS No.3 Datot 7l23lzOAs I.aI) Codtr 3 STITDEN ICP ID Numbsr: SUPERTRACE SDc No. : D5T07 027 O Analrt,e WAvo- langrth (nn)Ni Iutorelement Correctlon Factorr pb sb for: Se sl .rlum,Lnum lgo8.zls o-0000000 J o-0000000 0.00000001 o.ooo000oI o.ooooo00 rntl"rnony I 205.938 0.0000000 I o. oo0oooo 0 .0ooooo0l 0.00ooooo I o. ooo0ooo rrsenic 1189.A42 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o.ooooooof 0.00000001 0.ooooo00 sarlum Ilsr.d09 0.0000000 I o.0000000 0,00o0oool 0.0000000 I o.0oo0oo0 Ber1rl1l-rrrn ISfa .OA2 o,0000000 I o, oooo000 o. ooo0000l o.0oo00oo I o. ooooo00 Boron l2ag.6z8 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o-o0oo0o0l 0.0000000I o-oooooo0 cadml,um lZZ5. 502 o-ooo00ooI o-ooo0o00 0 .0o0oooo I o. o0o0ooo I 0. oo00o0o cal-eLum I 3 19.933 o-o0ooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o-ooooooo Chromirrm I 267 .TL6 0.0000000 ! o.0000000 0. oooooool 0.0000000 I o. oooooo0 cobalr 1229.615 0.000277a I o. o0o000o 0.00000001 0. ooooooo I 0.0oooooo .coDDer If za.zs3 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.000ooool o. o00oooo I o. ooooooo /rron lzr r. i{l o. o0ooooo I 0.0000000 0. o0ooooo I o. ooooooo I 0. o0ooooo r,ead lzz0.3 sLlL -0.0001400 | 0.0000000 0. 00000001 -0.0000200 I -0.0001020 Lead |1220.3 5Lt2 0,00006{0 l 0.0000000 0.00000001 -0,0001{00 I -0.000037a Magmegiunr lzr g. ozg 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.0000000J 0.0000000 1 0,0oooo00 ldangan€se lzsl. 610 0.0000000 | o. oooo0oo o-00000001 0.00ooooo I 0.0oooooo Uolr'bdenum ]ZOZ. 03 0 0.0000000 [ o. o0ooo0o o-oooooool o.oooooo0I o-ooooooo Nt"ckel 1231,6O1t2 0.0000000 | o. o0ooooo 0.00000001 0,0000000f o-oooooo0 Seleniurn I 195.02LtL o. oo00oo0 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. o0000oo I o. o0o1ooo sclenium I 196.02 Lt2 0.0000000 I o. ooo0000 o.00000001 0.0000000 | 0.0oooooo gtllcon I aa8,15g 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.0oooooo I o. ooooooo sllvar I 329.069 0.0000000 I o.0000ooo o. ooo00ool o. ooooo00 l o - oooo000 Strontl"un I Or1- 552 o.oo0oooo ! 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rhalllum l tto. BG{0-o00oo0oI 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo Thorluur I401.910 0.0000000 I -0.000{200 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rln I rr9-999 0.0000000 I o. o000oo0 0.0ooooool o.oooooooJ 0.0000000 TitanLum I,r{.9{1 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oooooo0 I o. oo00o0o uranl,um I le5.95g 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooooof 0.0000000 | o. oooooo0 varradium lrgZ.l}z 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.0o00oo0[ o.ooo0ooo zlnc\fzir. ase 0.0oooo00 I o, oooo0o0 o. oooooool o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 Comnents: STL Denve STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Cormoratlon Total Metals Analvsis -llB- I C P INTERELEMENT C ORREC TION F A C TOR^S (A NNUALLY) Care No. t SIS No. t Date: 7 123/2OAs Lab Codct STLDEN ICP ID Numberr SUPERTRACE SDc NO- r D5I07 O27 O wavo- lcngrth (nn) fnterelemont Correctlon Factorg for: AnaIyEe Ti T1 u8nSr Alumlnum I 3 08.215 0. 00ooo00 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0 - 001d00o tnt,imony I?05.83I 0.000oooo J o-oooo0oo 0, ooooooof o. 000o0oo I 0 - oooooo0 Arrcnie I 189.O12 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo 0.ooooooof o. oooo00o I 0.00ooooo sarir:n [ 493. {09 o - 0000000 I 0. 0o000oo 0.00000001 0.0ooooooI o-oooo000 Bcl:vLlLr:m f afa .O$2 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o - oooooool o. oooo0oo I o. ooo0ooo Boron lro9.6z8 0.0000000 J o. o0ooooo 0 ,0000000[ o. ooooo00 I o. 0000000 Cadmlum 1?,25. 5oz 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.00o0oool 0.0ooooooJ o-ooooo00 carclurn lfrS.933 0, o0ooo00 ] 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oooooo0 | o. o0310oo chrornlum lzdZ .7L5 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o-0000000] o.oooo000 l 0.0004100 cobalr l1228.516 o, o0000oo I 0.0000000 o-oo2&400l o.0oooo00J o-0000960 coppar I fza.?53 0.0000000 J o-o0oo00o 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o.00053 oo/ rron lrrt. {{1 o.ooo0000 I 0-0000000 o - 0000000 ! o.0000000 I -0. oo2{00! r,ead. lzzo . 3 sll L 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - oolooSo r,ead ll220.3 5Ll2 0. o000oo0 I 0.0oooooo 0.ooooooot * ooo0o00 l o. 0014600 Magrnesium l,27 9.078 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.01{11000 t'Iangranaro lZSl.510 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo o. oo0oooor o. ooooooo l o ' 0001300 Molybdarrum I aOa.03O o.ooo0o00 I o-0000000 o - ooo000o[ o.0000000 I -0.0002100 nlckcl 1 23L.6A412 0. oooo000 I 0. o0ooooo 0.00oo0oo[- -o - 00091100 [ o.000o0oo flelenl-urn Its6.ozllL 0.0000000 I o. oooooo0 o.oooooool o.ooooooo I o.ooooSoo solonlum lrg6.02Lt2 0.0000000 I o.00oo0o0 o . ooooo0o I o. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 st-ILeon I 288.158 0-0312600 I o.0000000 o. ooaBooo[ o. ooooooo I o. ooo8{oo sLlvcr I ,r8.068 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o-ooooooo] o-oooo00oI o.0ooe3oo stront,lum I Ar1. 552 o, ooooooo J o. ooooooo o. ooooooof o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo lrhalltum I 190,864 0.0000000 ] 0.0000000 o-00000001 o.oooooooI o-oooo000 thorLum I oo1- 910 0. oooo000 J o.0o00ooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. oo233oo rLn I ,a9.989 0. o0o0ooo I o.00o00oo 0.0000000[-0.0000000 J 0.0000000 rLtanLum 1 rr4.961 o. oooo000 | o. oo0ooo0 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooo3ooo uranLum l ggs. gs8 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo vanad,ium IZSZ - {Az 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo 0.0 oo6z00f 0.0000000 I -0.0000500 zlnc I zrr. Bs6 0.0000000I o-oooo000 o. ooo00oo l o. ooooooo l 0. 00ooooo Efa- lt.r , r1r Drtt a \'rrI Comnentg: STL Denve STL DENYER Cont.raet r IIRS Corloorat'l-on Total Metals Analvsis -l1B- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANI\ruALLY) Casg No. :srg t\b. r Date: 7 l23l20Os Lab Coda: STITDEN ICP ID hhrmber: EUPERI]R.LCE gDG NO. r D5TO7O27O Irlave- lengrth (nm) rnterelement Correctl.on ractorg for r RnaLlt,a v Zn Ttr rlumLnuun I 308.21S 0.02L6700 I 0.0000000 0.05051001 Antimony | ,06.838 o. oo0ooo0 I 0. 0000000 o - oooooo0l rreenic I 189.042 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o - ooooooo I sarlum I lsf.409 o. ooooo00 | o.0oo00o0 o . ooooooo I Bcr:rrl.lium I era.0{2 0. o0o18oo | 0.0000000 o , ooooooo I Boron lzag.6?B 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o . oooo2oo I Cadmiun I 326.502 0. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I CalcLrrru I 319.933 0 - 0000000 | o. 0oooooo -0 . 00177 0o I chromium IZeZ .7!6 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooo0o0 I cobalt 1?,28.615 o. ooo0000 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I aCoDDer I err - zs3 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0 . oo215o0 I [ron lzl1. {{1 -o - 53{ZSOO | 0. o000o0o o.oa4576ol Lead lzz0.3 sttL o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 -0. oo3s6oo I read lzzo.3 sl tz -0,0003200 J o- 0000000 o - oooooool I,Iagncrium lZlg-0?8 0,00ooooo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I Mangarr6rc lzsz.610 0.0000000 | o-ooooo00 o, ooooooo l MolybdGnuln I,Oz. o30 0.0o0oooo I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I nlckel I 2s1.5 04t2 o-000oooo | 0.0000000 o. oooooool Sclanirrm ltr6.02LtL 0.0002100 I o. 0000000 -0. 02793ool gelenLrrn 1195.02Lt2 0.0000000 I o.0000000 -o . ooo2{oo I sillcon I 2gg.15g 0.0000000 | o.0000000 0 . 0oo0? 00 I silver I ,rB.oGB o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o.ooo3{90l Strontt urn l $21 . I52 o.0000000 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I Thallturt I f 90.864 0.0011?00 I o.0000000 -0. ooo17o0 I rhorlurn I{01.9L0 0,0002000 I o.ooooooo o . ooooooo I rr.n I 199.989 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo -o. ooo3aoo I ritanl,ust lrrd.e41 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I uraniurn l3B5-958 -0.0090700 I 0.0000000 o . ool2ooo I vanadium lzlz.4Oz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooSgoo I zinc I a13.856 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0oo093ol tltas arq? , ttr tt}lt O I 14 0 Comentsl STL Denve STL DENYER ConEraet: fral, Codrr r SrLDEN Crrc No. I ICP ID N\unbcr r Tim. fntropid ICP Total Metals Analvsis -12- ICP LINEAR ITANGES (QUARTERLY) gtr'S No. I Dater I lLGlzAAs sDo No. : D5f07 A27O IIRS Corpontion Ln,r].ytc IDfcgf . rl-mr (EIcs. ) Concentsrati.on (ms /L)M Jlfuminum t o I 50. 00 Jr I Inluninum Hi I 20.00 1000 Ir I l Celciunr Lo 20.00 50 ln I f erloiusr HL 20.00 2000 lr I I rron Lo 20-00 lr I I rron Ht 20,00 2000 fr I J Potacriua,20.00 500 In I llr.grrrlslum 20. oo 2000 Sodium lro 20.00 10 EodLum 20. O0 10000 Zireonl-rrrn CormerttB: STL Denver fom xIr I}I 1_47 STL DETWER O Con frab ICP trract,: Code:STI,DEN Crtc tilo. r t RS Cor.1>orrtLon Total Metals Analvsis -12- ICP LINEAR R,A.NGES (QUARI'ERLY) gAg No- r Drttl t 7 l22l2t$s SDGI No. r D5IO7 O27 O ID liftr.rrbcr:SUPERTN.}.CE rrrallt,c fntcg - Tl.mc (Sco. ) Conocntsratrl,on (nglL) !,I lnraanJ.c 15.00 I 20 Jr laeriurn 15.00 I 25 Ir IChronium 1s. oo I 50 Jr J Coppcr 15-oo I 50 Ir I Laad 1s.0o I 100 Ir I Ntckel 1s. oo I s0 Ie I Silvar x.s.oo I IVanadLrrm rs. o0 I Jztuo 15.00 I ,mnfOnte r STL Denver Fom xrr IN 1,42 STLDENYER Total Metals Analvsis -12- ICP LINEAR RANGES (QUARTERLY) Contract,: IIRS CorSroratLon frab Codc: STLDEN ICP rD ![trnbert pE ICpI*IS Crrr lk,. r S.f,S \Io. t Detc r Dsr07 0 27 0 8trg t2005 .LrraLytc Intrg. rLmc (Sec - ) ConcratsntLoa (nglL,)![ lcadmfu:m 0,001 Ju Isclanl-un o. o01 lul Couurantrg: STL Denver Foru IIII - XN STLDENWR Total Metals Analvsis 13- PREPARATION LOG Cootrrct, r Lab Codcr Mrthodr P t RS Corpontion STITDtN Cagc No,:g.Ag N(r - r SDo NO. : D5 TO7 O27 O Prcp McthodI Eampla fD Prrrpr.ratlon Date Ini-tial Volurnc I rinal I volurnc (ruL) GW-81,- 09050 5 9t23/200s 50.0 I 50.0 Grr-88-090605 9/23/200s 50.0 I 50.0 cnu-7A- 09 0 60 5 9 lz3 I 200s 50.0 I 50.0 fhITRA-LAB QC 9 1"312005 50.0 I 50.0 IrAB ItlS 9123 1200s 50.0 I s0.0 I,}B MSD 9/231200s 50.0 I s0-0 M8526s251 9 l23lz00s 50. o t 50.0 CIIECK S.LIVIPT.E 9/?3/200s 50.0 I s0.0 Conuucatg: STL Denver ?orm XffI fll L44 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis r3- PREPARATION LOG Contracb: Lrab Code : Matlrod.: URg Cora>oratlon gTfrDEN Caes No. :gAg No. r Prop Method: D5r07 0 27 A Saqp].e ID Prcparatlon Date Inibial Vo1uma I E'l'nnl I vo1ume (nI') GW- 81,- Og 0 60 5 s t2L/2005 10.0 I r0.o g{-8.},-090505 MS 9lzl/ZOO5 10,o I ro-o G"$[-8A-090605 MgD 9 t2L/2005 10.0 I r0. o GTU-88-09 0 605 elzll2005 10.0 I 10,0 G[iI-7A- 09 0 605 9 t2Lt2005 10.0 I 10.0 M85259{2s elzll200s 10.o I 10-O CHECK S}!,IPLE 9l2L/200s 10.0 I t0, o DUPLIEtrTE CIIECK 9 lzll200s 10.0 I 10.0 Comncnts: STL Denver Ponn XIII IN STL DEIVYER Total Metals Analvsis ,t3- PREPARATION I,OG Cont,nct r LrL Coda: Mcthod: IIRS CorDorrtl,on STLDEN Caga No-:8fg No. r gDC ![O. : D5LA7 0270 ProD Method: Sarqple rD PrcparaBLon Date fnitiel Voluma J rLnrl' I volumc (mr,) Glr-8.n-ogo505 9 123 / 200s 50.0 I 50.0 GliI-88-090605 9 t231200s 50.0 I 50.0 GW-7A-090605 912312005 50.0 I 50.0 fllTnn'-IrAB Qe 9 t23 /2005 50,0 I so,o LAB Ug s/23t2005 sCI.O I 50.O T,AB IilSD 91231200s 50.0 I so.o MBs265180 912312005 50,0 I 50.0 CIIICK SAMPLE e /231200s 50.0 I 50.0 ComtanLs: STL Denver forrr XrII IN L46 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -14- AI\ALYSHRTINLOG Contract r f,ab Code: fnatrrrmant Btrrt, Datc: XrRg Corporation gTLDTBI ID Nurubcr r e /23 t2005 Cn;c No. t f.71, fntroptd gJ[g No.: End Datse:912{/200s EDGI No. r D5I07 O27 O ICP ga'rDlc ID.DIr T:[mc e6R Analrtes B tlr M o o I P D P Pr ar 'Pl :F l"l'l;ih"rl Std].-Bhnk 1. O0 11r{2 x IC.nI,1-1. ool LLt 47 x IC}I,2 1. ooi 11:51 ICAI,I'1. O0 11: 55 x IETL2 1. OO 11:59 x Ig\III 1. O0 12: O{ ICtltr 1. O0 12: OB x Cg\ruI 1. od 12r13 ccvr,1. 00 LZ tL7 x ICB 1. O0 LZt22 x RLgTD2 1. O0 12r26 x ICSA 1. O0 12:30 x ICSAB 1. O0 12:35 x CCUH 1. O0 12: {O ! CCML 1. OO L2:44 x CCB 1. O0 Lz^t49 x CgtIH 1. O0 23r23 cg\rrl 1. O0 23:28 x ccB 1- OO 23 =32 x ZZZZZZ 1.00 23 236 MBs265261 1- O0 23r{1 x CHECK SA}IPLE 1.00 ?3t{6 x zDsI0802{3- O0,l 1. O0 23:50 zDsr 08 0243 - OO{L 5. o0 23:55 2D5r0802{3-OOds 1.00 O0:00 T.Dsr08 0243-OO4SD 1.O0 00r05 G:rfl-8A-090605 1. O0 OOr].0 x cer- 88- 09 0605 1. o0 O0t1{x 7,D5r07 027 0-00{1. 00 00r19 CeIfII 1- 00 00:2[ CC'\[J 1.00 00r?9 x ccB 1- 0d 00:33 x STL Denver form XfV IN 148 ST'L DE|VVER Total M.:ils Analvsls AI.IALYS$ RUN LOGO Contract: f,ab Code: In;t::urncnt Strart Date: IIRS CorSroratLon STLDEN ID l[\rnber: e /23 12005 Cagc No.: TJA INtrCDid ICP sl.ng No. : Mctbodr rnd DaEcr 9/2ll2AO5 SDO No. r D5IO7O27O SarpIe ID. DIY Tl"rua %R en^alrtes A L s B A g E .R. B Itv ;fil c R c o c u F r .J p B MIM "1" H GT N I K s E :F T L v 7. ilT c bI Std1--shnk 1. O0 11:42 x x x x x x IeALI 1. OO 11r47 x x x x x x IClI,2 1. oo 11: 51 x x x x IEe'L]"1. OO 11r55 x x x x x x IGB.Ir2 1. O0 11r59 x x x x x x IC1NI 1, OO 12rO4 x x x x IEUL 1. OO 12r08 x x x x x x CC-TTH 1. 00 12 :13 x x x x Cg\,lL 1. OO L2 =L7 x x x x x x ICB 1. OO LZ t27 x x x x x x RLgTD2 1. OO L2:26 x x x x x x res.f,1- OO 12:3O x x x x x x ICgAB 1. O0 12:35 x x x x x x CC'\III 1. OO 12:{0 x x x x CC\TL 1. OO LZzl4 x x x x x x CCB 1. 00 12: {9 x x x x x x cguH 1. OO 23 223 x x x x CC\II.1. 00 23:28 x x x x x x CCB 1. O0 23:32 x x x x x x Z,ZZZTTZ 1. OO 23 r 36 M8526526L 1. 00 23:41 x x x x x x C}IECK s.f,MPLE 1. 00 23:{6'x x x x x x zD5ro802{3-OO{1.00 23 :50 2D5ro8(}243 - Oo{L 5. O0 23:55 2D5r080243 - OOlrs 1. 00 00r00 zD5rO802{3-004SD 1.00 0O: 05 GII{-8n -09 0 605 1. 00 00r10 x x x x x x m-gB-090505 1.00 00:11 x ]t It rt I T zDsr070270-00{1. 00 00:19 cc-lnt 1. O0 00:2{x x x x Cg\rl,1. 00 00 r 29 x x x x x x CCB 1. 00 00:33 x x x x x x | - Da[otas edllitioaal al.ra&t. (otber tLru the stmal,aril CIiP elm6uto) rre r6Dre6eat.dl olr a.r'oth.t FoEr la STL Denver Eranrt YTlt - Tlt 1_47 ST'L DENVER Total *-lils Analvsis ANALYSN RI]NLOG Contract: Lab Codrrr InetrarrB.nt 8trart Datc: t RS Corporatlou STLDEN ID Nunber: 912612005 Cagc No,: Tirr, rntrcPid IcP SJtg No. : Mcttrod; End Datser 9 127 l20As gDct No. r D5I07 A27 A Sary>l-c ID. Dlt timc trR Analtr[6a l"lil: SEdl-Blenk 1.00 09:{1 x x x x x x IEEL1 1 .00 09: O5 x x x x x x rcr,L2 1- OO 09r50 x x x x ICII,I.1- 00 O9t53 x x x x x,x ICTI,z 1. O0 O9:57 x x x x x x ICVH 1. O0 1O: O2 x x x I t x rc\I[,1- OO 1OrO5 x x x x x x Cg\IH 1- O0 10: L1 x x x x CC\If,1- O0 1O:15 x x x x x x ICB 1- OO 1Or2O x x x x x x RI,gTD2 1. OO 1Or24 x x x x x x rCAA 1- OO l-O r 29 x x x x x x ICSJI]B 1. O0 1O:3{x x x x x x cgwr 1. OO 10:39 x x x x cgur.'1. O0 1O:43 x x x x x x ceB 1. O0 1O: l8 x x x x x x CE\IH 1. O0 22 t&O x x x x eeul,1, OO 27 t 114 x x x x x x cgB 1. OO ?2t19 x x x x x x zzzzzz 1- OO 22 253 zzzzzz,1.00 22:58 -l zz7.z7.z 1. O0 23 :03 zz7,zz7,1. O0 23r07 7'Zz7r7r7r 1. OO ?3t12 zT.zzzz 1- OO 23 tL7 7,Z7,ZZZ 1. O0 23 tZL T.Z7.Z7'Z 1, 00 23 =26 -l l IMNA-LIB OC 5. 00 l}10 I T I I I I INTRA-I.AB OC SER 5. 00 23:35 x x x x x x CC,\TH 1. 00 23r39 x x x x CgvIL 1. 00 ?3t44 x x x x x x I CCB 1. 00 23:{9 x x x x x x t Lf,B MS 5. O0 23r5{x x x x x x I - DoDot.. additlqal .I@eDts (otbor thrn tho ttaldard. cLP clc!6at8) a.r6 roDreBotrtsd ou anothor roru 1l TL Denver L49 STL DEIVVER Total M-llls Analvsis ANALYSIS RUN LO(; Cont,rrct, r IrrL Codc r Ingtnrnont St,art Datc r IIRS Corporation STIJDEN ID Number: el26/200s Caga No.: Tiftr Introptd ICP g.LS No, ; urtlrod, r Erd Drte; 9/27 l?OOs SDG} No. r D5IO7 O27 O P Saql].c rD. DlY tino e6R .}nrl.ytrcg .L IJ g B A g B Jt B E c D e I' c R e o c tI r t P B M o M N H G N I K g E ^n' G N n T L v ;l; IJAB !,TSID 5 .00 23r59 x x x x x xl GI[r-7r.-090505 10.00 O0:0{x x x x x lil Z?.,Z.7,22 s-o0 O0: O9 7r7r7rL7rz 10. o0 OOr14 z,zzzzz 10, 00 00 :18 I z7,ZZ7,Z 10-oo OOr23 z7,z7,zz 10-o0 OOr28 CCl/H 1.00 00 :33 x x x x CgVL 1. 00 OOr38 x x x x x x CCB 1.00 OAzL2 x x x x x x t llcDotct addl.tlonal elementg (otb,or tbau the otardard CLP STL Denver Font rlrurntr) aro rrDrurntod XI\I It{ ou anothrr Pon 1{ 150 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis - I4- A}IALYSIS RTJN LOG Contract: L6b Coder fnstnrtrlent Sltart Dato r URS Corlrcratton Sff,DEBI fD Numbarr e l26/2005 Clac No. t TJA Intrcpid SAS No. t Mathod: P End Drtcr 9 lZ7 l?AOs sDo No. r D5TO7O27A ICP Bamp]-e ID.Dlr TLne tsR .hnrl.ytcr B A u L I M o o g P D P P T s I 'F"FF['I 'l :lj fl lllll Stdl-Bl-ank 1. ool O9r41 x ICAIJl 1, Ool O9 :45 x ICAIJ2 1, O0 O9r5O IC3I,1 1. O0 O9r53 x IC}I,2 1. O0 O9:57 x Igtrll 1. o0 1OrO2 IC\ITJ 1.00 10: 06 x CC1NT 1. Ool 10r11 cglrr,1. O0 1OrL5 x ICB 1. O0 1O:2O x RL-gTD2 1. O0 LA t2/A x ICEA 1. O0 1Or29 x rcg.tr3 1. O0 1O:34 x CSIIH x.o0 1O:39 I CCTL 1- O0 10r43 x ccB 1- O0 1Or48 x cg\nr 1. 00 22r4O CCUL 1. O0 22r{l x CCB 1. O0 27ti49 x zzzT.zz 1, OO 22 t53 zzzzT,z 1- Oq 22:58 Z,?r7.ZZZ 1- 0d 23r03 ZZZZ7.7,1. O0 73t47 zzz.7.z7.1. 00 23r12 zzzzr.z 1.0d 23 =L7 7,ZZZZ7,1. O0 23 tZL Z7,7,Z7,Z 1.00 23 :26 ITiITRA-LAB QC 5. O0 23 r 3O x rrilfRA-r*B oc gER s-0d 23r35 x ecur 1. 00 23:39 cclrl 1. Ool 23 244 x CCB 1. ool ?3:{9 x LAB MS 5. 00 23:51 x I f,AB !,ISD 5.00 23r59 x t STL Denver Fom XIV IN 151 STL DENVER O"D.traotr Irab Codr r gTtrDEDil Inrtrrrmcnt, fD llirnbcr : 8tsnrt Drttrr 9126lzAOs t Rg Cor:poratioa Totsl Metals Analvsis -14- AI{ALYSH RTINLOG Cagc No. r TJJL Intrc1ltd grg DIo. : McEtrod t P Erd Drt,rt glZl/?AOs SrXl No- r D5f O7O27 O IEP 8a4pIe ID.DIF Tina e6R Anal.ytar B L U fr I u o o g P D P P T g I ffi:ffl 'lrhf"l I o$it*7r-o90505 10-Od OOrO{Ix ZW,ZZZ 5 .00 OO: 09 ZZZT.ZZ 10-o0 OOt1.{ "*7rZ7rZZ 10. oc 0O:18 z7.7,ZZZ 10. o0 OOr23 zzzzz,z 10.0c 0Or28 cc'\m 1.0(OO:33 cs\rrr 1.00 0O: 38 x ecB 1-00 OO: {2 x STL Denver For:n XMN L52 STL DENVER Total *-]if Analvsis AI{ALYS$ RUN LOG Contract: Lrb Codc: fnetrnrrrent Strrt Datc: IrRg CorporatLon * Donottr tddltloaal 6fanron!,1 (other than the STL Denver Slg No- : McEhodt End, Drt,rr 9 127 lz00s sErrdrrd qLP oltuentc) are rrgr.r.nErd on aaotber troro 1l STLDEN ID $hunber: el26l200s Carc No.: SUPERTNTCE sDe No-: D5I070270 grynff g ID. D/F 'fi-mc e5R fnrl.ytrcr T IJ g B I. s B .er B F c D c L c R e o c U r t plu "l o u N E o I["g t ^[. o N .[,Il"z N c N STDL-Bhnk 1. OO 11r55 x x x x x xl x x x HISflTD 1. OO 12rO1 x x x x x x x x x HTGH 1-o0 12r06 x x x x x xl x x x IC\'lf 1. OO L2 21,2 x x x x x xl x x x ecur 1. OO LZ zL7 x x x x x x x x x ICB 1- oo LZ t23 x x x x x x x x x RfJS|[D 1. O0 L2:28 x x x x x xl x x x ICA.L 1. OO 12r33 x x x x x x x x x rCEIAB 1.O0 12 :39 x x x x x x x x x tR 1. O0 LZz4{;x x x x x x x x x ccvtr J1 1. OO 12r50 x x x x x x x x x ccBl1.1- OO 12r55 x x x x x xl x x x CC'\,? [ZC 1. OO O9r05 x x x x x x x x x ccur lze 1- O0 O9r10 x x x x x xl x x x ccB I ze 1. OO O9a15 x x x x x xl x x x !lrB52 652 6L 1. OO O9t23 x x x x x x x x x CITTCK A.LIIPLE 1. Oo O9r28 x x x x x x x x x @r-8A-090505 t-oo O9r33 x x x x x x x x x G',II-88-090605 1- O0 O9r38 x x x x x x x x x Gw-71- 090605 1. OO 09rC3 x x x x x x x x x zzT.7.zz 1. o0 09 r48 Z7,7rT.ZrZ 1. O0 O9:53 z,27,7,7,n 1. OO 09r58 ccv\r lzt 1.O0 1O: O3 x x x x x x x x x qcts lzt 1..00 1O: 08 x x x x x x x x x ITiITRA-IrnB QC 1. oo 10r12 x x x x x x x x x rr\ITRn'-LLB AC SER 5. 00 10:17 x x x x x x x x x IrtB MS 1. 00 7Afi}I I I I I rl rl I I I LAB MSD 1. 00 L0 t27 x x x x x xl x x x zz7.z7.T,1. 00 1O:32 7,ZZZZ7.1.00 10:37 I I 7,27,,2717,1. 00 10r{2 T 7.27.f,27.1. 00 10r{7 Erarrr tl?lt "fN 153 STL DENVER Total M.]1}s Analvsis ANALYSIS RT]N LOGo Contsract: Irab Cod.c r Ilrgtrannont, Etart Drtcr t RS Cor5>oratLon STLDT![ fD lllrrnbcr r 9 126 1200s Caee No.: SUPIIRTR.N,CE gJtS f,lo. l Motbodr SDO No. r D5TO7A27A P I Drnotce addit,lonal olrucntr STL Denver Ead, Date : 9127 lz00s (obhrr tbarr th. rtaadrrd CLD elshonts) rre rGDresentod on euotber Sort Ia gample ID. Dlr TLma e6R .Lnal1te g .L L g B A g B L ;I;I;I ;C o c u ;l;l xJr H G} N r K s E t' G N A T IT v Z N C N csur I za 1- OO 1Or52 x x lx x l*l x x xlx crB Izg 1.00 10:57 x x Ix x lxl x x l*l* Forror XMN L54 STL DEIYVER Total M-lils Analvsls ANAI,YSIS RI.IN I,OG Contract: Leb Codcr Ingt,nrracat Slt,rrt Datre r t Rg Corporatlon STI,DEN ID }Iumber: 9 1a]-t2005 Crge No. r PE SVA.A gAB No. t MeElrod I EDd Darcr 9 /2Ll2OO5 gDc No- : D5IO1A27O cv Sarp1tr ID. DIT Tlmlr %R fnll.ytrc; rl ilrl Calib BLrnk 1. OO 15:56 x 0.2 Irpb 1.00 15r5E x O-5 I>Ilb 1. OO 15tOO x 1.O 1rpb 1. OO 15rO1 x 2.O DDb 1.00 15rO3 x 5. O llllb 1- OO 16rO5 x 1O-O rlpb 1. OO 15r07 x I IEB 1. OO 16: O9 x IC"V 1.00 15:11 x cg\,:t 1. OO 15r12 x CCB1.1. O0 16s1{x l- RL 1- OO 16r16 x ll 7,7,ZZZZ 1. Oo 15r17 zzzzzT,1. O0 16:19 T,ZZZZZ 1- OO LG tZL zz7,zz7,1. OO 15:22 ZZZZZZ 1. O0 16r24 zzzT,zz 1. O0 16926 7.7i7.7.7r7,1- OO LG r27 I I T.7,7.ZZZ 1. O0 16r29 7127127.7.1, O0 16:31 ec'\12 1- OO 15r33 x CCB2 1- O0 16r34 x -l CC.Y5 1- 00 L7 254 x c-eB6 1 .00 17 :55 x T.7.fr7r7.7t 1. O0 17 r57 I zzzzT.z 1. o0 17r59 7r7'T,Z\7,1. 00 18r00 7r27,7.7,,2,1- 00 18:02 Z,ZZ"Y.Z,Zt 1. 00 18r0{I -l DrBs259{25 1.00 18:05 x V CHECK TUPLE 1.00 18: 07 x ! DIIPITICLTI CIIECK 1. 00 18:09 x r - D.alotoB additiod olmtr (othcr tbB th. ,Ualdrral gLD eI6.Dt!) ar. r.Draa.trtao oil anothar pon ,.a STL Denver Fa*rr .tfTlt Tlt 155 STL DENVER Total M"lils Anslvsis ANALYSERTIN LOG Contract r Lab Codcr Inttnrment Starts Detet t Rg Corporatl,on STLDEN ID Nurubcr r 9 /2Lt200s Caee No. r PE gIITI' S.[A No,: Method.: Eud Datc: 9 l2L/2005 gDO No.: D5f07O27O Cv t Dcaotes addltion"al elements STL Denver ehnoate) rro vrrr Ytt 8en1r1c rD- DIT Tinc ,6R A.naIIrte g .L L a B A g B A B E c D c .L c R C o e u r E P B !, G M N :lr "l:.lr c N A T L v z N C N 1- O0 18r11 zzzzzz 1- oo LBt12 cc\r,1. 00 18 :14 x CCBT 1. O0 18r16 x 7.L7.7'7t7t 1. 00 18:17 71742,7.1,7.1- OO 18r19 Z7,7r7rZZ 1. OO 18r21 T,ZZZzz 1. OO LB t2?, 7rZZ7'7'Z 1. O0 18:2{ zzzzzz,1- O0 18:25 zzzT,zz 1. 00 LB z2'I l- I zzzzzz 1- O0 18:29 7,ZZZ7.T,1- O0 18:30 Z7,ZZZ7.1. OO 18r32 Cg\IB 1" 00 18 :34 x CCBE 1. O0 18:35 x GM-8r.-O90605 1. oo 18r37 x gw-8r-o90605 Ms 1. OO 18r39 x GTU-8e-O90605 lrsrD 1. O0 18 :41 x crw-88-090505 1. OO 18r42 x cmr-7A-090605 1. O0 18:4{x ZZ7'7'ZZ 1- oo 18rd6 7rZ7r7.ZZ 1. oo 18r47 zzzzzz 1- OO LBr49 zzzzz,z 1. OO 18:51 zzzzzz 1. OO 18:52 CC\Tg 1. 00 18r5{x CCD'1, 00 lE!50 T (otber than tho rtendrrd eLP roprca.Dtrd oa anotbor Fo:n 1l 1s5 STL DENVER Total M-j*s Analvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG ContrecE r Irab Code r InstrunrenE, St,art Drt,c r URS Corporation gTLDTN rD Nunbar: e /26t200s Cage No.: PT ICPDTS' gfg Ncr. r Method: Ead Drte r 9 127 l?OOs SDc f$o.: D5fO7027O }I Srmple ID. Dlp Tl.ms IR .trnaIfrtse s .n L g B t g E t' B E c D c A c R c o F] Y E P B M o uln "1" N I K s E :IIII v Z N c N BLank 1. O0 17:{6 x x Standard. 1 1. O0 17r19 x x ac srd 1 1. OO 17r53 x t ]x T ac srd 2 1. O0 L7 t57 x x RIJEITD 1. O0 18r00 x x 7r7r7rZZZ 1. OO 18rO{ ICg.A 1.O0 18: OB x x ICSAB 1- OO 18r11 x t x RINST 1, O0 18 :15 x x HISH CHECK 1. OO 18r19 x x RINgE 1.00 18r2?x x .1 QC Sr,d, 3 1. oo 18r26 x x OC BE,d 4 1. O0 18 :30 x x BIank 1. OO 19 :17 x x standard 1 1.00 19r21 x x oc srd 3 1. oo 19 :25 x x oc srd, {1- O0 19 :32 x x oc 8r,d 3 1. OO 22r08 x x QC Strd {1.00 22: L2 lx x rCgA 1. O0 ?2 :15 x x IESNB 1. 00 22r19 x x RINSE 1. O0 22t23 x x ac aEd 3 1- O0 22 t?7 x x QC gEd tL 1. OO 22 t3O x x BIank 1, 00 22234 x x Standard 1 1. 00 22:38 x x ac srd, 3 1. 00 22:.41 x x 0c sld I 1. 00 llt15 I I oc srd 3 1.00 03:{9 x -l I x -l 0c srd I 1 .00 03r53 x x rB52 55180 1.00 03r56 x x {CHICK S.AMPLE 1. O0 04r00 x x q[-8"n-og0605 1. 00 0l:04 x x t - DeEotoE adlllltloaal eloerrtc (otLrr tlran th. tttDdard CLD .lu.ata) ara raDr...at.A oltl cnothcr Fon 1l STL Denver 1-5'7 STL DENVER Total *-:lf Analvsls ANALYSISRT]N LOG Contractr: r,rb Codc t Inatnrnarrt, Strrt DaEcr t RS Corporatlon STI,DEN ID ![rrmbcr r I t2612005 Cage lilo - t PE ICPMS gfg ilb. t Mcthodr nrrd Drtc r 9 127 l?OAs SDO No.: DSTA7A27O !,I I - f)rnotra add.ltlonal clsnsntr STL Denver rlouonta) ar. vTtt Tll Sarp1c rD. Dlt rl"mc ebR AnaIyEes tl : lr I :l: l:l :l ilrl"Inl; Gtrr-88- 09 0605 5. O0 O{:07 x x qr-?.n'-0906'05 100. o0 O{r11 x x ZZZZZT'l-,oo Od :15 7.7.z,z,7.2 5. OO O{r18 rlwfRA-LAB QC 1. O0 A{ 2?,2 x x ac ard 3 1. OO O{:25 x x Qe srd a 1. OO 04 :29 x x rtif,rrRA-LAB AC gtR 5.00 0{:33 x x r![TR.e.-LeB ac PDs 1. OO 0{1 r 35 x x I,AB Mg 5.OO 0{ :40 x x IIAB II{SD 5-OO O{t{4 Ix x ZZZZZZ 10. oo O8: i7 Z7rZ7rZ7,20-oo O{r51 ZZZZZI,20. o0 O{:55 7.7.ZZZZ 1.00 0{:58 Qe srd 3 1. 00 05rO2 x x 0c std, 6 1 .00 05rO6 x x (othrr tban the gt,ardard CLP r.Drai.ated os another Poru ltl 158 MEITTOD BI,A}IK REPORT General- Chernistry Client I-ot # - PARAMETER : D5LA7027A RESUI,T REPORTING LTMTT UNITS [Iatrix-- ---.! WATER IVIB l:ot - Sarnple # t MCAUil^I 350 -1- PREPARATION- PREP AI\TALYSI_q ,pATE. BATCH # D5r220000 -473 oe / 20 / os s255473 D51280000 -429 09 /27 / 05 527L42e Work Order #: HLJ6K1AA 0 .l-0 mg/L DiLution E'actor: L Analys{s Tlme. . : l-8 :00 Work Order #: HIQ(SEIAA 2 -S nq/L Ollutlon Factor: 1 Analyole Tlme..: 17:00 Work Order #: HKCOR]-AA O - 10 rrtg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Analysis Time..: 11:30 Work Order *: HKTLR1AA 0 . l-0 rlirg/L Dilut ion Factor : 1 Analysis Time..: 08:20 Work Order #: HLLC01AA 0.l-0 mg/r, DilutLon Factor: 1 Analygle Tlme.-: 0B:20 Work Order #; HKTHE1AA 0 - 10 mglL' Pllutlon Fact,or: I Analyole Tlme..: 22:oa Work Order #, HLLD91AA 0 .10 mg/L Dllutlon Factor: 1 Analysis Time.,: 18r00 Work Order #: HKGAX1AA 5 . 0 mg/t, Dilut,ion Factor: 1 Analyeia Tirne. . r 12 : 00 METHOD Ammonia as N Ammonia as N Ch].oride Fl-uoride Nitrate Nitrate Ni trat e - Ni trite Ni trate-Ni Eri te Sul fate Work Order #: HKSVP1AA IVIB Lot-Sample ND 0.10 mg/L MCAWW 350.1 oilution Factor r 1 Analyelo Time. . ' 22 z0o }UD MB Lot-Sample #: MCAI{W 325 -2 D5r200000 -252 ogllgl as sz63zsz1-B B o-021 B IUD IVIB LoE -Sample #: MCAWH 340.2 D5r090000-541aelaelas szszs4l- MB Lot-Sample IVICAWW 353 -2 #: DsI?2A000-581 as/oB/osND ND TTD IVIB Lot -Sample #: MCAWW 353 .2 D5r280000 -642 a9/08/os s271"642 MB Lot-Sample #, MCAWW 353 .2 Dsr22A000-552 a9 I 20 / os s25sss2 MB Lot*Sample #: MCAI^IW 353.2 D51280000 -679 a9 / 27 / 05 s27]-67 e MB Lot-Sample #: MCAWW 375.4 D5rr_30000 -526 ae / L3 / os s2s 6s26 o 526s5BL STL Denver ND (Continued on next page) 1s9 HHIIIOD BI,ANK RBtrORT @neral Cheuristrlr C1ient Iot PARAMETER D5r070270 RESULT REPORTTNG LIMIT UNTTS METHOD I[at,rix.- ----: WATER PREPARATION- PREP ANALYSIS DATE BATCH # Total Cyanide r{orE (s) : Work Order #: HKN551AA 0 - 010 mg/L oilution Factor: 1 Analysis Time..: 16:4O IvIB Lot -Sample # : sw846 9010B/ 9012A Dsr1"60000 -L76 09/ 1s- ae/as/os s2se776 ftlculation.s are lrcrfcrrmed bcfore rounding to avold round-off crrors ln cafculatcd rcsults. B Esdn:atcd rcsult. Rcsult Is lcss than RL. STL Denver 150 Iot-Sanqrl-e * - PARAMETER pH ffi CONTROL SAITTPI,E EVALUATION RBFORT @neral. Chemistry - -: D5I070270 PERCE}flT RECOVERY RPD RECOVERY LIMTTS RPD LIMITS IVIETHOD WO# : HKCSM1AA- LCS/HKC5I\,T1AC- LCSD LCS Lot -Sample# : D5I08000 O -527 (gt Lazl sw845 90408 (gt ]_aZ) o.o (0-5,0) sw845 9o4oB Dilution Factor: I Analysls Tlme, I^IO# : HK6VP1AC- LCS/UTOVPIAD-LCSD I.,CS 110) UCAWW 350.1 110) O-15 (O-10) MCAWI^I 350.1 Dilution Factor: L Ana lyal e Tlrne . wo# : HLJ5I(1AC -LCS /HrrJsKlAD- LCSD LCS (go 1-1-0) mcAww 350.1- (go 110) o-52 (o-10) McAww 3s0.1- oilutLon Factor: 1 Analysis Time.. wo# : HIC(SEIAC -LCS/ HrO(5EIAD-LCSD LCS (go 1l-0) ttCAWW 32s.2 (go r1o) o -4G (o-10) McAww 3zs.z oilucion Factor: 1 Anal.ysis Tirne. wo# r HKCOR1AC-LCS/HKC0RLAD-LCSD LCS ( ez 114 ) MCAWW 34O .2 (Bz LL4) O. Bo (O-16) MCAWW 340.2 nilution Factor: 1 Analyai o Tirne . WO# : HKTLRIAC -ICS/HK7LRIAD- LCSD LCS ( se 110) MCAWW 3s3 - 2 (85 110) 0.59 (O-10) MCAWW 353-2 Dilution Factor: 1 Analyele Time. wo# : HLLG0 IAC - LCS/HLLCO 1AD - LCSD LCS (Ae 110) ttCAWW 353.2(as 1r_o) o.s9 (o-10) McAww 3s3.2 Di lut ion Factor : 1.Analysls Time. H,atri:r. . . r . . . . . : WATER PREPAITJ\TION- PREP AIVALYSIS DATE BATCH # oe / oBlos ae/08/os : 11:59 Lot-Sample# : D5L22000A -473 oe/20/as ae /20 / as z 22 zAO LoE,-Sample# : D5I2 8000 A -429 l_00 100 Arnmonia as N 97 97 Ammonia as N 101 100 Chloride 99 99 Fluoride 92 9l_ Nit.rate L01_ r01 Nitrate 101 101 Nitrate -Nitrite 96 96 (go (go (gz (gz ae/27/as oe/27 los : 18r00 LoE -Sample# : D5I2A000 A -252; ae / 18/os oe/LB/05 : 17:0O Lot-Sample# : D5I090000 -541 ae/20/05 ae/20/05 5251-527 525L527 526547 3 525547 3 527 L429 527L429 5253252 s263252 s25254L 525254L 5265 5 81 5265 s 81 527 L642 52'7L642 52655s2 5265 s s2 oe/ae/os oe/oelos : 1L;30 Lot -Sample# : D5T220000 -581 ae / oBlos oe l oBlos : 08:20 Lot-Samp1e# : D5128000O- 642 oe/o8/os oe/08/os : 08 :20 Lot-Sample# : D51220000-552WO# : HKTHE1AC - LCS/HTZHEIAD_ LCSD LCS LLz) ttCAWW 353 .2 LLz) O.r_O (O-10) FTCAWW 353.2 pi lut,ion Fact.or : L Ana1ysi s Time .l 22240 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 161 I,ot-Sample #- - - = D5I0702]A I,ABORATORY COTTTROL SAIT{PI,B BTIATITATTOI{I General- Chenistrlr RECOVERY RPD LIMITS RPD LIMITS IV1ETHOD Flatrix : WATER PREPARATION- PREP A\TALYSIS DATE BATCH # LCS Lot-Sarnpte# : D5I28000 A -579 09/27 /0S 527L679 oe/27 /os s27L57e REPORT PERCENT PARAIVIETER RECOVERY Ni t rate -Ni trite 99 99 Sul fate LO7 LA7 Tota] Cyanide B9 90 NurB (s) : wo# : HLLDgl-AC -LCS / HLLD91AD- LCSD (gz LLz) (gz LLz) 0.ts (o-10) nilution Factor: L (gr LLzl(el r-12) O-11_ (O-ls) nilution Pactor: L MCAWW 353.2 IvICAWW 353 .2 Analyele Tlme..: 18:00 WO# : HKGAX1AC _LCS/ HKGAXIAD_ LCSD LCS Lot-SarnpIe# ; D5Il-3000 A-525 MCAr^rW 37s.4 09/13/A5 5256s25 MCAWW 37s.4 O9/L310s s2s5s25 Analyoio Time. , : 12 ;00 wo# : HKNS61AC-LCS/HKN551AD- LCSD LCS IJot -Sample# : D5 I 1"60 0 0 O -L7 6 (sg 109) (89 10e) 0.44 (o-zaj Pilution Factor: 1 sw845 90LA]8_/e012A Oe /rs- oe /te / os sTseL75 sw845 901 0B/9012A 09 /rs- Oe /Le / 0s s2seL76 Analyols Tlme, . : 15 :40 Calculatlons arc pcrfonned before rounding to avoid round-off errors In calculatcd rczults. STL Denver a52 urBoRAllORY mIITROIT SAIIIPLB DATjA REIIORT General. Chemietay Iot-Sarrpl.e #. PARA}IETER pH : DSI0 7 027 O SPIKE MEAST]RED A}IOTINT AMOUNT I]NITS Matrix- - ., - - - - - : WATER PERCNT No Units 100 No Unit s l-0 0 Dllutlon Factor: L PREPARATTON- PREP AIVAIJYSTS DATE BATCH #RECVRY RPD ME:rHOD wo# : HKcSMr-AA- LCS/XrcCSMl-AC-LCSD LCS Lot -Sample# : D5f08000 A -527 7 .00 7.00 Ammonia a6 N 4.00 4 .00 Ammonia as N 4. 00 4.00 Chloride 50.0 50.0 Fluoride 5.00 s - 00 Ni trate 0.0500 0.0500 Nitrate 0 - 0500 o .0500 Ni traEe -Ni t rite 4 - 00 4 - 00 7 .00 7.00 3 . BB 3 .89 4 -44 4 -A2 49.5 49 _3 4 - 50 4 .55 wo# 0 _ 0504 0 - 0507 3 . 85 3 .85 mglL mg/L ollutlon Factor: 1 MCAWW 0.15 MCAWW Analysi s LCS 350 .l- 350 .1- Time..: 22t0O oe l oB/os oe/o8/0s oe/za/as oe/za/os ae/27/os oe/27/0s oe / 1Blos ae / 1Blos 525L527 525L527 s25547 3 s25547 3 527 L429 527L429 52632s2s25rro sw845 90408 o . 0 sw845 904 0B Analysis Time. . : 11 :59 wo# : HK6Vp]-AC - LCS /HXSVPIAD - LCSD Lot-Sample# : D5T22000 O-473 [{o# : HLJ6KTaC-I.CS/HIJ5K1AD- r,eSD LCS Lot - Sample# : D5I28000 O - 429 97 97 1_O r 100 99 99 mg/L mg/L oi lut Lon Factor : L MCAWW 350.1 O.62 MCAI^II^I 350.1- Arralysio Time. .18:00 wo# : HKXSE1AC -LCS / HI0(5E1AD - LCSD Lot -Sample# : D5T20000 O -252 MCAWW a -46 MCAWW AnaLysi s LCS 325 -2 325.2 Time. . : 17:00 mg/L mg/L niIution FacEor: L WO# : HKCOR1AC -LCS / HKCORI-AD _ LCSD LCS Lot-sample# : D5I090000-541 34O .2 09 / 09 / A5 525254L 340.2 09/ o9/os 52s2s4l Time.,: LL:30 mg/L ms/L Dllution Factor: 1 MCAWW O.8O MCAWW Analyai s wc# : HKTLR1AC-LeS /IfrXt LRLAD-LCSD Lot -Sample# : D5I22000O -581- 92 9l- L01 101 LCS 353 .2 353.2 oe / o8/os ae/08/os s265 5 81 s2555 B 1 0 .0504 mg/I-, 0.0507 mglL 101 101 Dilution FacEor: 1 MCAI^M 0 .59 I'lCAhn^I Analyoi e mg/L mg/t' Dilution Factor: I MCAWW O .59 IvICAWW Analyel e : HLLC0 1AC - LCS / HLL30 1AD - LCSD Time. . : 08:20 IrCS Lot-Samp1e# : D5T2B000A-642 3s3.2 A9/08/0s s27L642 353 .2 A9 / 08/05 527L642 TLme. . : 08:20 wo# : HKTHE1AC - r,CS /nrct HEIAD - LCSD LoL-Sample# ; D5I220000 - 552 rir..g/L ms/L Dilution Factor: L MC.AI,fi^I 0 .10 MCAWI^I Analysis next page) LCS 353 .2 353 .2 Time.. : 22:A0 95 95 ae/20/os oe/20/os 525 5552 s25s552 STL Denver (Continued on 163 I,ABORATORY CO}UTROI, SAUPT,B DATA REPORT General Chemietry Lot-sampl.e #- - - : D5f 07 027 A SPIKE Nitrat,e -Nitri te 4.00 4 .00 SuI fat e 25.O 25 .0 Tota1 Cyanide o .100 0.100 NOTE (s) = Dilution Factor: 1 Analysi e wo# : HI(NS 5 1Ae - LCS /nrOlS 5 r-AD -LCSD IrIatriJ(- . . . . - . . . r WATER PREPARATTON- PREP AI{ALYSIS DATE BATCH # LCS Lot -Sample# r D5f l-3000 0-525 375.4 09/L3/As 52s5526 375 .4 09 /B / As s2s6s26 TLme. . : L2:00 LCS Lot-Sarnp1e# : D5f160000-176 e01oB/9012A 09/15- 09 /1-9/05 s2s9L76 e01aB/ e012A ae/ 1s- a9/a9/as s259t76 Tlme..: 15:40 PAIU\METER AMOI]NT RECVRY RPD METHOD wo# : IILLDSI-AC- IrCS/HLLD9T,AD-LCSD tCS LoE -Samplef : D5 12 80 00 O - 57 9 3 .95 I[q,/t 99 MCAWW 353 .2 09/2'7 /05 527A679 3.95 r,lq/r. 99 0.1s MCAWW 3s3.2 09/27 /O5 52't1679 oilution Factsor: I Analyelo TLrne..: 18:00 wo# : HKGAX1AC - LCS /HKGA)(LAD - tCSD MEASURED AIUOUNT I,]NTTS PERCNT 107 lrrcAww ta7 0 ,11 MCATf,W 26 .8 26 .7 mg/L mg/L 0.0 894 mg/t" 0 . 08?8 mg/r. B9 90 Dilution Faqtor: I sw84 6 o .44 SW845 Ana lys i s Calculntions arc performed lrcforc rourdlng to avoid rourul-off errors in calculated results- STL Denver L54 Clieut I,otr # - Datre SarryIed. PARAIVIETER Amrnonia as N Ammonia as N Chloride Fluoride Sulfat e PERCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY I,IMITS IITATRIX SPIKE SATIPIiE EIIAIJTIATION REPORT General- Chemistry : D5 T07 027 A : 09/07/oS 13:58 Dat'e Receiwed--= 09/08/05 Matri:r ---: WATER PREPAIU+TION- PREP AIVATYSTS DATE BATCH # MS Lot-Sample #: D5I080243-004 09 / 20 -09 /21/ a5 s26s473 09 / 20 - 09 / 2L/ os s26s47 3 tIS Lot-Sarnple #: D5I150297 - 00L a9 / 27 / as sz7l42e ae/27 /05 527L429 MS Lot, -Sample # : D5 f 150 z1.,l- 001 a9 /L8/ As s2632s2 ae / 18los s2632s2 Lot-Sample # t D5I080243-OO4 ae / ae / as s2s2s4l" oe / oelos s2s2s4]- Lot-Sample #: D5r080243- 004 09 /27 / Os s27]-679 09/27 /As s27L67e Lot -Sarnple # : D5f100153-003 oe / 20 -ae / 2L / as 525sss2 ae / 2a-oe /2L/ a5 52655s2 MS Lot-Samp1e #, D5f090340-002 oe / L3/os s2s6s26 ae/n / 0s s2s6526 RPD RPD LIMTTS METHOD wo# : HJ5.IMIDG-MS / Wl 'ltutlDH-MSDt-30) MCAWW 350.1 t_30) r-r (o-30) MCAww 350.1 nilution Factor: 1 Analyeis Time. . : 03 :00 wo# : HIovrQ]. ]-DA- MS/HrA{Q1r"DC -MSD 130) l,rCAwW 350.1 l-30) 2.5 (O-30) MCAWW 3s0.1- Oilution Factor r 1 Analyeig Tirne- . : 18 : 00 wo# : HKr,WAICE-MS/HKLWAI-CF-MSD 110) MCAWW 325 -2 1-L0) 0.1-0 (O-r.0) MCAWW 325.2 Dilution Factor: 1 Analysis Tirne- - : 17:00 HJ6JM1DE-MS/HJ6JM]-DF_MSD MS Nitrate -Nitrite 92 88 Ni t.rate -Nitri te 99 9B 87 90 109 108 76 N 79 N r_00 97 r05 t0s (go (go (az (az (62 (az wo#: 107) L07't z.+ (o-10) Pllutlon Factor: 1 Analyeis Tlme- . : l.L :30 WO# : H.]6JIVI1C7 -MS /ruI CJI,IICB -T"ISD MS (ez - 119) MCAWW 3s3 -2 (ez 119) 2.L (O-30) MCAWW 353.2 olluc ion Factor : l- Arralyole Time. . : 18 :00 wo# : rle) HI(AR9l_C5 -MS/HXang1C? -MSD MS MCAWW 340 .2 MCAWW 34A.2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAWW 353 .211e) 3.3 (0-30) Dllution Factor: 1 Analysis Tirne. . : 02 : 00 wo# : HJ9IE]-AR-IIS /HISIE1AT-MSD (es 153) vtcAww 375.4 (45 153) 0,48 (O-2L) MCAWW 37s.4 Dllution Factor: 1 Analysie Time. . : 12 :00 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 155 }IATRIX SPTKE SAT{PI,E E\NLTIATTON REPORT Genera.I Chemietry C].ient Lot *. Date Sanpl.ed- D5IO7027A 09/ a7 / a5 L3 :58 Date ttlat'rix-- ----r WATER PREPARATTON- PREP AI{ALYSTS DATE BATCH # PERCENT PIBA+IETER RECOVERY Tot,a1 Cyanide 86 91 r{orE (s} : RECOVERY LTI{TTS Receiwed.. r 09/ 08/05 RPD RPD IJIMITS METHOD wo*: H,J57,JLCU-MS,/H,J57,J1CV-MSD MS Irot-Sample #: D5r080199-005 (78 - 120) swg4g gotoB/go].zA 09/1s-09/L9/o5 szs9L74 08 - AzAl 6-r- (0-20) SW845 eO]-AB/9012a OglrS-09/19/Os s2s9]-74 oilution Factor: 1 AnalyEiB titBe,.: 16:40 (lalctlatir)ri are performed bcfore roundlng m avold rountl-otf crrors In calcula&d rt'sults. N Sptkcd analytc rccovery is outside statctl control limits. STL Denver L66 TIIATR X SPTKE SAT,TPI,E DATJA, RBPORT Generaf Chemist.ry : D5 T.07 427 A : 09/07 /a5 13:58 Date Received. . ! a9/ 08/05 Matrix-- ----: WATERC].ient tot #. Date Saqlled. PARAMETER Amrnonia as SAMPLE SPIKE AIvIOUNT AMT MEASRD PERgNT AIVIOI.]NT UNTTS RECVRY RPD METHOD WO# : HJ 5JMlDG - MS/HJ5J}VI1DH - MSD PREPAIU\TION- PREP A}UALYSIS DATE BATCH # N 540 540 Ammonia a6 N a .24 a .24 Chloride 1400 1400 Fluoride 2.2 2.2 Nitrrate -Nitri te 320 320 NitraEe-Nitrite 0,18 0 .18 Sul- f ate 6 .7 6.7 Dllution Factor: 1 Analysig Tirne. . : 03 : 00 wo# : HKrvIQ1]_DA-MS/UKUO11DC-MSD MS Lot-sample #: D5I0B02 43-004 MCAsn^r 3s0.L o9/20-09/zt/os s265473 MCAWW 3 s0 . L 09 / 2A - 09 / 2L/ As s25s47 3 MS Lot-Sample MCAWW 350 .1 MCAhn^I 350 .l- #: D51150297 -001 oe/27/os s271-429 oe / 27 I as 527L429 MS LoE-Samp1e * : D5f 1502Lt- 001- MCAWW 325 .2 09 / 18l0s s2532s2 rYlcAWW 32s .2 0e / 78 / 05 s263252 2000 2000 4 .00 4 .00 500 500 s _ 00 5.00 400 400 4 .00 4 - 00 25 -A 2s _ 0 wo# : 33 .1_ 32 .9 mg/t llr'g/t ael27/os oel27/os 09/L3/05 0e/13/os 527 L67 9 5271,67 9 5256s26 52s6s26 Tsza mg/I, 24eo mg/L 3 .7 4 r;rg/L 3 .83 mg/L l- e7 0 rrrg/L 1e7 0 mglL 6.00 N mg/I' 5-1s N mg/L, 5 90 mg/t 67 6 mg/T, Dilubion Factor: 1 Analyeio Time. . : 18 :00 WO# : HKLWALCE - MS/HKLWA]-CF - I\,[SD 99 98 75 79 B7 90 109 108 1.1 2.5 0 .10 2 _4 Dllution Factor: 1 enalysis Tlme,.: 17;00 WO# : HJSJM1DE -MS /HIAJI.,[1DF-T"1SD MS Lot-Sample MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 340 .2 o;,i; ;i;.'n' ::;,) 0elae/as 52sZ54L Dilution Factor: 1 Analyeis Time..: l-1 :30 wo#; H,J6JMTCZ-MS/HU6JM1C8-MSD MS LoE-Sample #: D5I080243-OO4 Dilution Factor: 1 analysis Time. - : l-8 :00 wo#: HKAR91C6-MS/HKAR9IC7-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D51100153-003 4.17 mg/t 100 MCAWW 3s3-2 O9l2O-09/2L/Os s26sss2 4.04 *g/t e7 3.3 MCAWW 353.2 09/20-09/2L/Os 5265s52 Dilutio! Factorr 1 Analyais fime..; o2:00 92 88 105 r_ o5 2-L MCAWW 353.2 MCAWI{ 353 .2 MCAWW 375 -4 0 .4 8 IvICAWW 37 5 - 4 HJ9 1E1AR - MS / Ht g1 E IAT-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D5I090340-OOz Dilution Factor; 1 Analysis Time. . : 12 :00 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 767 Client l,ot #. Date Sarqrl-ed.- SAIVIPI,E SPTI(E PARAMETER AIITOUNT AMT T,IATRIX SPIKE SAI{PI,B DATA REFORT General Cheudetry : D5f07O27A : 09/a7/as 13:58 Date Received--: a9108/05 Matri:c, - . - - - - - r : WATER MEASRD A}TOUMT I]NTTS PERCNT PREPARATION- PREP ANAIJYSIS DATE BATCH #RECITRY RPD METHOD wo#: HJ57J1CU-MS/HJ57J1CV-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D5I080199-006 0.0857 mg/t 85 SW846 eor-OB/9 O9/L5-09/L9/05 5259L74 0.0911" utg/t s]- 6.1 SW846 9010819 O9/L5-09/L9/05 52s9L74 Dllution FacEor: 1 Analysis Tine..: 16:40 Total Cyanide ND ND NOIIB (S) ; 0 .100 0.100 Calculadorls arc pertbnrretl befilre rounding to avoid round-off errors ln calcularcd rcsults. N Spltced analyte rocovery is rlutside statcd conuol llmlts. STL Denver 158 C1ient Lot. # - Date Saqrl-ed- PARAI,IETER REC.OVERY Ni Erat e -Nit.ri te o?JL 90 MATRIX SPTKE SAIITPI,B EITALTIATTON REPORT Genera]- Cherni gtrlr - -: D5I07027O --: A9/A6/05 10;35 Date Receiwed--: a9/a7/aS PBRCENT RECO\IERY RPD f{atrix......,..r GW PREPARATTON- PREP AhrA:LYSTS-DATE BATCH # MS Lot-Sample #: D5r070270-002 oe / 20 / os 5265ss2 oe /20 / 05 s26sss2 LIMITS RPD IJTMITS METHOD (52 (ez wo# : HJ36N1CE-MS /H,tI6N1-CF-MSD 119) t"lCAWW 353.2 11gl 2.L (O-30) MCAWW 353.2 Dilution Factor; 1 Analysis Time-.r 22:AO NOTB (S) : Calculatlons arc pcrlbrrtted beftrre rounding to avoid rourd-off crrors ln calculatcd results. STL Denver 169 Client Lot *. Date Saqr1ed. SAMPLE PARAIVTETBR A},IOUNT Nitrate -Nitri te HAIRTX SPIKE SAMPT,E DATA RBPORT General- Chernistry D5I070274 09/06/05 l-0:35 Date Received--: 09/07/os SPIKE AMT MEASRD PERC}{IT Dlat,rix-- ----: GW PREPAIU\TTON- PREP AlrALYSrs pArE BlTqq..t ae /2a / os s255552 oe / zo / os sz;sssz AMOUNT UNTTS RECVRY RPD IV1ETHOD wo# : HJ35N1-CE-MS/H,J36N]-CF-MSD MS Lot-Sample # : D5IO7O270-002 a-24 4.00 o,24 4.00 3 .94 rl;rg/L 3 . 85 nrg/L MCAWW 353 .2 2.1 IvICAWW 353.2 92 90 nllution Factor: 1 Arralysie Time. . : 22zoo NCIfE (S} : Calculatlor)s ere performetl before rounding to avoid round-off crror$ ln calculatcd rcsutts. STL Denver 170 Client, Lot #- - - = Da.te Saryr1ed- - -: PARAM RESULT pH '7 ,8 g;rytrPT.If DTIPLICATE E\TALTIATION REPORT General. Chemietrlr D5I070270 oe/06/05 10:35 DUPLICATE RESULT T}NITS RPD LIMTT METHOD I{ork Order *---: HJ35N-SI{P HJ3 5N-DUP Datre Received. . i 09 / 07 / A5 RPD Matrix- No Units 0.13 Dilution Factor: 1 SD Lot-Sample (o-s.0) sw845 90408 PREPARATTON- PREP AI{ALYSTS DATE BATCH # D5r070270-002 a9 / 08/0s s2sLs277.8 STL Denver 1,7 7 Lot#: WW?D??o Company Narne & Samplins Site: STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist Date/Time Received: l^.{L>l eZ ql+t"r O17o PM to Complete This Section: Ies R.esidual chlorine chcck required:tr Quote #: Special Insrnrctions: Time Zone: . EDT/EST. CDT/CST 'MDTA{ST . PDT/}ST . OT}IER Yes D No []Qmrantined : ]io U Unpacking Checks: zCooler #(s): Terrperames ("C), N/A Yes No Datrr. EAz_ DF3. D& 4. ED5. EFD6. hD 7. D8. ,E g. tr 10. 6 11. tr 12. 0 13. 3.5" Cooler seals intact? (N/A if hand delivered) If no, document ou CUR- Chain of custody presc,Bt? If no, documcnt oa CIIR Bottles brokeu and/or are leaking? Ifycs, document on CUR Multiphasic samples obvious? If yes, documeut ou CllR. Proper container & prescrvatives used? (ref. Attaclrment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) pH of a1l sarnples checkcd and meet reguirements? If uo, documcnt on CUR. Initialsrv)V If no, docurnent on CIIR. Sqfficient volurre provided for all aaalysis requested? (ref. Attacbment D of SOF# DEN-QA-0003) If no, documcnt on CUR, and contact-P.M beforc pmcecding- Did chain of custody agree with labels ID and samples received? If no, document oo CUR. Were VoA samples witho't heaGpacc? ,rr@*, *&=' Wcrc VOA vials prcscrved? Preservative pHCr O4+?"C Dsodium Thiosulfate 3 Ascorbic Acid Did samples require presewatiou with sodium thiosulfate? If yes to #11, did the saryles contain residual chlorine? If yes, docnment on CUR. Sediment present in dissolved/frltered bottles? Ifyes, docurreut ou CUR A 15. tr 16. P 17- p trtr aF tr &Dtotlt' {r o p tr D 14. Is zuficieni rolum, prorid"d lor cli.ot r.qu"sieJ MS, MSD or matrix duficafes? If no, documeat oo CII& ,od coDtact PM before proceeding. Receipt date(s) > 48 hours past the colJectiou date(s)? If yes, notify PA/PM. Are analyses with short holding times requested? Was a quick Tum Around GAT) requested? STL Denver \QA\Forms\Sample Receiving\Sample Rccciving Checklist 12 13 04 revision LA13tA4 ]-72 hD STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist Lor # .u6.]; Ep-t ?D- I-ogin Checkr: Nln )'es Na g D 18. Sufficicnt volwncprovided for all arral;,sis rcqueslcd'l (rcf. Anachnrent D of SOIY DEN-QA-0003) documcnl on CUR, and contact PI4 beforc proccedinq. tl 19. Is sufficicnt volume providcd for client rcguestcd MS, l{SD or matrix duplicates'l If no, documcnt on CUII, and cofiad PM bcfore procecding 20. Did the drain ofcustody includcs "rcceivcd b)r'and "rclinquished" b1'signaturcs, dates, and rimes? 21 - Wcrc qpecial log in insfnrclions rcad aild followed? 22. S'ere AFCEE mctal$ Ioggicd for refrigeraled .storage? 23. Were tcsts logged chuclled against the (.OC? Urhich sarnples u,cre confirnrcd? 24. \\ras a Rurh forrn completcd for quick T/+T'! 25. \\/as a Shorl Hold fomr cornpletcd for an),Ehofl holds? 26. Ir ".Strict ICO0'reguired? 27. Were spccial archii,iag instructiors irdicalcd in the General Commcnts? lf so, v.,hat wcre they? I nitiaJs 0"*) If no, D E D I BD EI IJtr *tr uu }ED trfi Lul Labeliug and Storage Checlrs: 3 ! 28. \\)as thc subcontact COC signcd and scnl u,itb samples to botJc prep? { tr 29. lircrc sauplc ]abels dor:blc-checkcd b1, a scconc! psrson? 30. Were sar4plcbottl^-s aud COC doublc chsckcd for dissolvcd/Eltered mrla]s by a second person? 3I - Did &e sample ID, Date, and Timc frorp )abel malch rrbal uns logged? 32. Were rtickcrs for special archiving iustruaions affxed to eacb box aud to the ICOC: See #27 fl D 33. Wcrc AFCEE mclals storcd refrigeratcd? I tr 34. 'Werc "stricl ICOC'copics gircn to satellite storage areas? Documsnl anl,problems or discrepancies and the actions talien to resoh,e thgm on a Condition lJpon Receip Anomaly Reporl (CLIR). rt'-' I f {.t IT F* STL Denver 173 8H J ' c o c 1 6 t 0 E - 8 6 - n H j \ t s o 3 1 z.oEoz.o() \fiYqIlr JE +Jf;a()bo--*, tuFTU=trBrk(1>cloII ,=tuTLooz-))0rfgh . +i l F( \H* {j .a\((r=u, rE aTL ,a5L rJ I-4 . . fr 5-w({ If -. i i 7I -- j ru A EF l- -- tu=F E- t i e* * UJk(f -\1} . \ { \sN^- \ hf \ -l ' * . - tn l \ 5 -\ J*q $H. $ il ' l s cE t\ )I))>E) iQu,r9,az. ,=utErureItr tUko)cooTJ tU5luE "s , ': . . . J i' /-' [ - Hff iH{( * - } * hl * l"- J -. " - '4 (J '\ r- I r t' Itw-* . -l .. 1 . r { , + aYE.=t!tr i- 2 * ? T S \' \ .X x ,x lr ,=tr x SH 3 I N I V . L N O C JO ' O N t. J V ,T - '\ . ; r N I, Uko os y t / s F f IDcI TUaaz. JTUt $tHht{ -- - " "a -. 1 .. - : i D HE xLrr l $U _[ _ ,1 1$\ ;<- ) [l Jta ,\,\ \ \ \- \ \\\\ i\ ' ,N N^* -o r- - \ ) .E N ts * @\ \ :- IHIftr tu(r )E ,t I J lkIr ] \\Is = iH $ ,d : \e (L2U)oJUJ lL \ fn I f, r I ,j tf l :l If e \T ,F rnHt; ': l?- t' ' \ I ft i=ff . ,- . - - tS I .i : I fr * bL. r r- ' 1 (-edi rl - - . .- U 1 ,, * \ J', t'l .i r\ :l "Ti' l -l ut rFztruJE tur+(:Cr I 6A IH rJ - i*," - \ +- ) ) {T ' )i ' . ' a. * - Ir*r ' r' t n f r/ ! :J ,t d l- n \) frl l - l t) - ' .J tcf , .y ' )3tt .a\ \l \qHt* * f*- ] I D- - - I I -) .: s ;J -] 4tl - ' (. * ,4-i '!I -J il>motr l UJC)ulE .- - l *- ljr0L o EC) (, (l ) cE , =D r EC) -ln=(J ft - oE ll - (g -C(J g(D '3aEEEs .f i E R B E 86 : U + B Hf 6a s F bt ; E Y J V t: f i - 5 h B 3 Sp r p r f 77 4 ST L De n v e r STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Te!: 303 736 0100 www.stl-inc.com STL 303 431 7t7L ANALYTICAL REPORT Weste rn Zirconium Proj ect Lot #: D5I030I39 Sheri O'Cormor URS Corporation 8181 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 STLDENVER fur Linda L. Benkers Project Manager September 28,2005 Sevem Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Standa rd Del iverables with S u ppo rti n g Documentatio n Report Contents Sfandard Deliverables (fn* Cover Letter and the Report Cover page ere considered integral parts of this Standard Deltverable paclcage. Thts report is lncomplete unless all pages indicated in this Table of Contents are included.) o Table of Contentso Case Narratlve . Executive Summary - Detection Hfghnghts o Methods Summary . Method/Analyst Summsry . Lot Sample Surnmary o Analyticel Results . QC Data Association Surnmery . QC Sample Results . Chaln-of-Custody Su pportt ng Docu me ntation Note: A one-page "Descrtptlon of Supporting Doqtmentation" is provided at the beginning of this sectton.). r Yolatlle GC/MS r Semivolatlle GC/}IS o Volatile GC r Semivolatlle GC r LC/IIS or IIPLC o Metals o General Chemtstry r Radiochemtstry o Subcontracted Data Number of Pages Check below when supporting documentetion is precent. nnnnmEnn STL Denver Case Narrative Dsr030139 With exceptions notod as flags or footnotes, standad analytical protocols were followed in the amlpis of the samples and no problems were encormtered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality conhol samples analped in oonjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this repdrt meet all requirerrents ofNELAC, and any exceptions are noted. This repon shall not be ryproducod, excqlt in full, without writte,n prmission from the Iaboratory. Sample Receiving Seven samples were rgceived under chain of custody on September 3, 2005. The sarnples were received in good condition at tqnpe,ratur€s of 4.3oC, 43oC,4.2"C,3.6oc,and 3-2"C. Please note that for sample ID GW-68-0902A5 3 of 3 VOA vials were received containing 7mm bubbles. The sample was logged for the reguested analpis. Also note that for sanrple ID's GW-6B-090205 and GW-6A-090205 the pH for cyanide was approximately 10. The sarnples were logged and the lab adjusted the pH to the method recomme,ndd12. Sanrple aliquots for all radiological analyses ae logged in under a sqmrate lot and were sent to STL St. tnuis; 13715 Rider Trail North; Earth Cit),; MO 63045, phone 314-298-856. GCfll{S Voladles, SWt46 82608 The MS/LISD performed on a sample from another client and/or lot was in conhol. No anomalies were obssvd. Total Mctals, SW846 60108,6020 & 747OA Samples D5I030139-004, 006 and 007 were analyzed at dilutions for several metals by methods 60108, 7470A and/or 6020 due to ma&ix interference and/or high target compound concenkations. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly. Sample D5I030139-006 derronshated mahix interference with no dilution required for lead. The sarnple displayed a negative reading greater than the reporting limit for lead. The reporting limit is adjusted accordingly and associated data is flagged "G". Sample D5I030139-007 demonstrated mafiix interference during the mercury digestion procodure. This sanrple was re-digested at a lOX dihrion with acceptable results. The reporting limit is adjusted accordingly. Magnesiurn was detected in the method 60108 blank at a conce,ntation below the reporting limit but above the method detection limit Associated positive sanrple results are flagged "J". STL Denver The method 60108 and 6020 MSINTISD were performed on saurples from another client and/or lot and were not in contnol. Themethod 7470A MS/I\,ISD associated withbatch 5258350 was perforrred on sample D5I030139-002 and was in control for mercury. The method !47OAMSA{SD associated with batch 5262486was performed on a sample from another client and/or lot and was not in control for mercury. No other anomalies were observed. General Chemlstry, Various Methods Samples D5I030l 3g-O}zthrough 007 were analped at dilutions for several comporxrds due to high analyte concenfrations. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly and the associatod data is flagged "Q". Fluoride aud sulfate were detected in the method blanks at concenfations below the reporting limits, but above the method detection limits. Associated positive sample results are flagged'T". All MSA{SD samples were performed on samples from other clients and/or lots and some were not in control. The pH dtrplicate was perfomred on a sample from another client and./or lot and was in control. No other anomalies were observed. STL Denver E"[EW -I)'etectionHighlights D5IO3(}139 RESUITT REPORTTNG LIIVIIT T]NITS AI{AIJYTICAIJ METHODPARATI{ETER Grr-R1-OeOzOs OelAzlOS O9:35 OO2 Eelenium eluminum Arsenic BarLum Nickel Caleium Iron PoEaesium Magneeirxn SodLum Zirconium Chlor1de Fluorlde pH Sulfate AmrnonLa aB N Gr-ge-ogozos oelazlas 1o:1o oo3 A].urninum Barium Chromlum Nl-ckel Ca]-cium Iron Potassirrrn Magrneslum Sodium Chloride Fluoride pH Su]-fate Ammonia as N Gfi-98-O9O2Os OglOzlOS 11 : OO OO4 0.002L a.26 0,0L4 B 0.082 0.0016 B 110 3.2 27 49 .f 460 0.0017 B 824 0 0 ,70 ,J 1.7 520 ir, Q 2.7 0.15 0. L9 0 - 0r-8 0-0070 B 14 o.28 38 10J r.90 240 0 0.72 J 8,2 2.5 BrJ 3-6 o.0a20 0.10 0.015 0.0Lo o-o40 0.20 0 ,10 3-0 a .24 5,0 0.015 1,2 0.10 0. L0 100 0_L0 0.10 o.010 0.010 0.040 o .20 o.l-0 3.0 0,20 5.0 5-0 0,1-0 0.10 s_0 0.l-0 mg/r, trq,/t mg/t' mg/t' rry/r, mg /T' nrg/r, nry,/t ng,/r' nq./1" nrg/1, fitg /T' ng /t' No units mg/r, mg/r, rfig / r' mg/r, rlrg/T' IIKI/I, rrq/t mg/r, rw/t, mg/1. mg /I' rrg /r' mg/r, No Untts mg /r' mg lr-, mg /r' Ktg /T' n,g/T' nlg /T, mg/L mg/L mg/t, sw846 6020 sw845 50108 sw845 601-0B sw845 50108 svrE{5 5 0108 9w846 50108 sw846 50L08 sw846 601-08 sur846 60108 sw846 50L08 sw845 50L08 MCAWW 325.2 MCAI{W 340 .2 sw846 90408 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 350.l, sw846 60108 sw846 60108 sr{845 60108 sw846 6 0108 sw845 60108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw846 60108 sr{845 501_08 surS{5 50108 MCAWW 325.2 McAIilw 340 .2 9w845 90408 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWIII 35O - 1 sw8,05 502a 9w845 5020 slrS{ 5 6 0108 sw845 50108 sw84 5 6 0108 sw845 60108 sw84 5 5 0108 Cadmium Selenium Areenic Bariurn Nicke1 Zinc Calclum o.00032 B 0,0010 0 - 0020 0.0020 o.Lz 0.0L5 o.1t 0 - 0L0 o.0027 B 0.040 0. 0093 B 0.020 1L0 0.20 STL Denver (Continued on next page) EXEWSM-IletctionW D5IO30139 RESUIJT REPORTING LIMTT UNTTS o A}IAIYTICAIJ METHODPARAMETER Gn-sg-ogo2os ag|ozlos 11:oo oo4 Iron Potasslunr Magrresium Sodium Zlrconium Chlorlde FluorLde Nlt,rat,e Nltrate-Nitrite Total Clranide pH Sulfate Ammonia aE N Grr-s7-o9o2o5 ogloz/as r-1:46 oos o.4g 96 280 ir 1300 o-0038 B 2300 0 0.86 .I 5.4 5.4 0.0a44 B 7.9 850 J, Q 2.7 o.0aa22 B 0.00050 B 3 .1- 0.0055 B 0 .30 0.0051 B 0.0062 B 0,0444 0.0095 B 0.014 B L7 {.5 54 11 J 444 0.0047 B 674 0 0 .86 'J0.050 B 0,060 B 8.4 4-6 B,J 3.8 (ConLinued on next Cadrnirrm Selenium Aluminum Arsenic Barium Chrornium NickeI Iread. Vanadiurn Zi-ne CaIcJ-um Iron Potasslutn Magneslurn Sodium Zireonlum Chlorlde Fluoride Nltrate t''litrate-Nit,rite pH Sulfate Ammonia aB N o.l_o 3.0 0.20 2s 0, 0L5 100 o-10 0.L0 0-10 0.010 0. 10 250 0.10 o. 00L0 o.oo?a 0-19 o. oLs o.010 o.010 0.040 o.0030 o.010 0 .020 0.20 0.10 3.0 0,20 5,0 0.015 2A 0.10 o. L0 o. t0 o. L0 5,0 0. J_0 page) ms/r, mg/T, rng /I' nq/t-, $rS /T' mg /I' rng /T-, mg/L mg/r, ntg /T, No Unl,ts mg /r' mg/t' mg/r, ng /T' mg/r, n,g/r' ng,/r, nlg/L mg /r' mg/t mg/r, mg/t" mg/t mg/t, mg/L mg/r, ng/t mg/t' ng /r' mg/T, mg /r, mg /r' No Unite mg /r' mglr, sw845 60108 sw8{5 50108 srilS{6 50108 sw846 50108 9w846 601-08 MCAWW 325.2 MCA!{W 340.2 MCAT{I{ 353.2 MCA![I{ 3 53 ,2 9w846 9o1OE/ eo12A 9w846 9 04 0B MCAWW 375.4 MCAVilW 3 50 . 1 sw845 5 020 sw845 5020 sw84 5 6 0108 sw81l5 6 0108 svt846 5 0108 sw846 60108 sr{845 50108 swB45 50108 sw8{6 50108 9w845 60108 sw846 60108 sw846 60108 sw846 50108 sw845 60108 sI{84 5 5 0108 sw845 50108 MCAWVI 325.2 MeAriIuI 340.2 MCAWW 353.2 MCAltnfl 353.2 sw845 90408 MCAT{I{ 375 .4 MCAI'WI 350.1 STL Denver EXECIITMW-I)etectiontHighlig[b DsrO30139 RESI ITT REPORTING LTMIT UNITS AI{IATJYTICAI.' METHODPARJAIT{ETER GII-5A-OeO2O5 OglaZloS L2:45 OO5 Cadmium Selenium Arsenie Barium Nicke1 Vanadium CalcJ.um Potassirrrn Magrnesirrrn Sodlum Chloroform Chloride Fluoride Nl-trate NiLrate-Nitrlte pH Sulfate Ammonia aa N GTI-5B-O9O2O5 A9lO2l OS 13 :3O 007 Cadrnium Arsenic Barl-um NickeI Iread Vanadium Zinc Calciurn Pot,aeeir:rn MagResium SodLum Zirconl-um Ctr]-oroforrn ChIorLde Fluorlde Nltrate Nl-trate-Nltrite pH Sulfate Armonia as N o.0024 B 0.0087 B 0.01-2 B o -24 0.021 B 0.0028 B l-900 1400 1400 ir 8500 0 .55 LT 42OAA 0 1.0 rJ 110 0 1100 0 7.O 3300 J, Q 7800 0 0.052 B 0. 050 0.17 0.1{ 0 - 035 0-01L B o - 1_1- 1?00 110 0 1900 J 14 000 0-032 B 4-2 t_3 0000 0 o.29 J 1300 1300 O 7.O 8800 ,J, Q 3s000 o 0, o20 0.040 0.0L5 0. 010 0.040 o-010 2.0 30 2.4 50 1.0 1-000 0,10 0-1"0 50 0. J.0 1000 254 0, l_0 0.030 0, 020 0.080 o - 0060 o. 020 0.040 2.4 30 2.O 50 o ,l-5 1.0 4 000 o.10 0, 10 50 0. L0 2s00 10 00 mg /r, mg/r-, mg/r, ng/t, mg/t rng /T, mg /r, mg/T' mg/T. rw/r' ug/L rrrrg/r' r*g / t, rrrg/r, rlr.g/T, No Units nq/r' mg/t' nlg/T' ntg/T' mg/T, mg /r' nlg./t mg/t mg/L ms/L mglr, mg/t' rftS /T" rng /T" ugh' rq/t rlg,/t' mg /t, ng/t, No Unit,s Irlrg/t mg/L sw846 6A2A sw846 5020 sw845 60L08 sw845 50108 sw81r 5 6 0108 grr84 6 6 0108 sw845 60108 sw845 60108 sw8(15 50108 sw845 50108 sw845 8260B IYICAIII?{ 325 .2 MCAITffi 34O.2 MCABIII 353.2 MCAWW 353 -2 sw845 90408 MCA}TI{ 37 5 .4 MCAWW 350. L sw845 6020 sw845 60108 sw846 60108 sw84 5 6 0108 sw846 50108 gw8{5 50108 sw846 60L0B swB46 50108 swB45 60LOB sYr846 50108 9w845 60108 9w846 60108 sw845 82608 MCAWW 325.2 I{CAWW 340,2 McAWriI 353 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 9w845 90408 II{CAV{W 37 5 .4 MCAWW 350.1 STL Denver MEIHODS D5rO30139 PARAMETER A}IAIJYTICAIJ I'IETIIOD PREPARATION METHOD pH Agueous ChlorLde (eolorimeEric, Automated Ferricyanide) Fluortde (PotentiometrLc, Ion Selectlve Electrode) fnducE,Lve1y Coupled Plaema (fCp) pretals rcP-Ms (6o2al Mercury in Ltquid $[aet,e (tlarrual Co]d-Vapor] Nitrate Nl-t,raLe-t{itrite Nitrogen, Arnmonia Sulfate Tot,al eyanlde Trace fnductJ-vely Coupled Plasna (ICP) Meta1a Vo1atile Organies by GCIMS Referenceg: MCAWTiI sw84 6 sw845 90408 MCAWW 325 -2 MCAVIW 34A.2 sr{846 50108 sw845 6020 sw84 5 747 0A MCAWW 353.2 MCATVW 353 .2 MCAWW 350.1 IT|CAWW 375 .4 gr{845 9O1OB/901 gvit84 5 50108 sw845 82608 gw8{5 90408 MCAWW 325.2 I.{CAIlm 34O .2 sw845 3 0104 9w846 3 0204 sril845 7470A MCAI{W 353 .2 MCA9IW 353 .2 MCAWW 350.1 ![eAItIIil 3 75 .4 9w846 90108 sw845 3 010A sw845 503 AB/ 826 tMethoda for Chemical Analysie of water and wastea,, epa-eoO/+-79-020, Marctr 1983 and aubeequent revieions. 'rTest Methode for EvaluaElng Solld waste, PhysLcal/Chenical Methoden, T'hlrd Edition, Noveniber 1985 and lte updatee- o STL Denver o MEIHOD/AI{ALYSTW D5IO30L39 AI{IATJYST AI{AIJYTIEAI.I METHOD AI{AIJYST ID oo1 L57 o051181 oo4 382 o04 382 o0558 9 oa2s62 2852 o055115 664s oo5 929 6929 0t-1658 0o925 0 oo6s8 9 0044 0 9 MgAum 32.5.2 MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 350.L MCAI{II 353 .2 MCAhI$I 375.4 sw846 50108 9w846 60L0B sw845 50108 sw846 6010B gw8{15 6a20 sw846 6A20 9w846 7470n- sw846 82508 sw846 eol oB/ 9012A 9w846 90408 Referenceg: MCA}flT{ sw846 Ewa Kudla Fougrere M. Danielle C1al-re L,ikar Claire Likar Dusti O. Crlqut Jane1 Motichka 'Janel Motichka Lynn-Arure Trude1l I-,ynn-Arrne Tnrdell Thornas I-,i11 Thomas lrll} *Tanice g - Co11!ne Heather Degprea Dueti O- Criqui andrita Scofield iMethode for chenical Analyeis of lvater a[d lvaBtes!. epe,-eoo/+-79-o2o, March 1983 and subsequent revlelone. ,Teet Methods for Evaluating 9o11d waBEe, Physical/Chernical MeEhodE", Tlrird EdLEion, Novedber 1985 and its updates, STL Denver SAIVIPLE D5rO30139 SAI{PLED SAI'{P DATE :rIMEwo#SAMPLE#CIrIEIiff SAII{PLE ID HJIo(rJ 00L HJXlr2 0 02 HJJQ(g OO3 H,IJ(OA 0 04 H.IXOD OO5 HiD(OF OO5 H,JXOH OA7 rurts(s) : TB- O90205 Gr{-R]_- 09020s cvr- s9 - 09 02 0s chr- s8 - 09 02 0s cw-s7- o9020s GW-5A-090205 Grs-58-090205 oe/oz/os oe/02/os oe:35 a9 / 02/ os 1o:10 09 / oz/ os L1-: oo a9/02/os l-1:45 09/ 02l os L2:45 oe/az/as t-3:30 - Tho rulyticd rsqrlo of tbc samplG $stcd rbovo rrc presarcd on thc loltowi4 prgcs. - All cstculilions trc porfomc.f bcforc roundlag o rvoitt ioud<ff crrors in crlorhtcd rurdts - Radts Dot d rs 'ND' wcrc not dercded 8t or rbovc thc garcd llmlr - TDis rpon muc noa bo rc?rodrcGd, qcq}t io fu[. witDut he wrluan rpprovat of thc laboraory. - Rcsillts for lhe foltowlng putmeterr .rc ncvcr rq,orted on r dry n cight basis: oolor. corroslvfu, deDcity, It sbpoirt isnitability. laycrs odor, poi$ frlEr tEst. pH, porodty pressrc, rcrctivlry, rcdox potcotial. ryccific anvlty, spot test8, solits. sotubitity, tcrnperaurre. vlsoosity, rnd wefhr. STL Denver Iotr-Saq)I-e *- - -: Ilat.e Saryll-ed.--! Erep Dateo!,..-l Prep Batsch *-. - I Di]-ution Factor: IIR8 Corarcration c1Lent saryfle rD: ats-ogo20s *hG vol-atileo nork Order *.--! HifXlffrlAC Ilate Received- - : 09 / 03 / 05 Anaaysie Date. - r 09 113/05 Ana-lyeie Ti-ne- - 3 12 : 13 Itgthod- . . . . - - - - : SlI845 82608 Dsr030139-001 oe / 02/ os aeh 3 /os 5257247 1 Irlatri:r -WQ PARAMETgR R.ESULT REPORTING IrfMfT UNITS Chloroform SURROGATE TID PERCENT RECO\IERY 1. O ug/l' RECO\ERY I,IMITS ( zE J.r.8 )(az 128) fie 118 )(tt 117 ) D L b romo f luo r ome t trane L, z-Dlehloroethane- d+ 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB 102 96 99 100 STL Denver IIRB Corporation Cl.ient San4rL= ID: gr-R1-O9O2O5 Gtr.l''6 vo].ati]"es Irot-garyile #.--3 Date sam[rl.ed-.,! Pre5l Ilate. - - - - - i kep Batdt *- - -: Dilutlon Factor: Dsr03 013 9- 002 ae/oz/as o9:35 oe/L3/os 52 57247 1 Inork Order *- . - ! Ilate Becefired- - ! lnaJ-ysl-a Date- - ! Analysls Ttre- - I tlethod.--,---.-E REgUL'T ND PERCEI{IT R.EC-Olt',ERY 97 90 98 96 H[JO(2LA-7 oe/a3/as ae/L3/os 12:31 sw84 5 8264}j- REPORTING LTMIT UNITS llErtrfu(.--.-..--: GW PARJAIT{ETER Chloroforrn SURROGATE 1.0 vg/T' RECO\IERY LIMfTS (7i 1LB ) Gz 128 ) ( ze 118) (ll LL-t) DLbromofIuoromethane L, z-DichloroeEhane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB STL Denver Corporati.on Client 8aryfle ID: G$-99-09O205 gtr.ll,rg VoIatl.IeB IIRS t6t-garyl1e *- - -: Ilate 8alryIed,-.-3 Prep Datg--.-..1 fep Batch *-. - ! Dl-I.ution Faetror: D5r030139-O03 09/02/as t o:10 0e/13/os s257207 1 Ilork Order *-..: Date Receirred- - i Analysis llate- . 3 Analyaie Ti.me- - 3 Uethod-.o.o--.-I RESUITI__.-_. ND PERCETUT RECOVERY 96 89 10s 102 I{fi0(91A,J oe/ot/os oe/u/as L2..50 sw84 6 826 0B REPORTING LIIT{IT TINITS 1.0 :ug/l' RECO\IERY LIMTTS (tt 118 ) (52 128 ) ( ze 11,8 ) (77 117 ) I.latrfur- o - . ., . - - r Gt{ PARAMETER Chloroform SURROGATE Dibromof luoromethane L, Z-Pichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB STL Denver L2 IIRA Cor;nration C1ient 8aryrl-e ID: GDI-S8-O9O2O5 GC/INS Vo]-atl-Ies o Iot-8aryfle f;. -. : Date garytl.ed.---! firep Datg--O-.-! Prep Batch #- - - 3 Dilution Factor: D5r0301.39-004 ae/a2/os 1-l-:oo oe/L3/os 5257 207 1 Itork Order *-. - ! Date Recelrred.- - i l[na1yg1s Date- - 3 ana-lysie Tt"re. - l lilettrod,--o-.----l RESUITT ND PEREENT RECOVERY 93 90 100 104 HJX0A1A.I ae / o3los oeln/0s L3 :08 sw845 82608 REPORTING I,IMTT I]NITS t{atrix---! GTI PARAMETER Chloroform gT]RROGATE 1. o :ulg/t RECOVERY I-IIMITS (tt 118 ) (ez 128 ) Qa 118 ) (zt 117 ) Dlbromof luoromethane L, 2- Dt ctrloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB STL Denver 13 IrBg Corporation cl'ient saryl}e ID: Gfl-97-O9O2O5 w,fis volatiles Lot-ganpl.e f;- - -: Date Saryfied- -.3 Prep Dateo.--.-i kep Batch *- - - i Dil.ution Factor: D5r03 013 9- 005 09/a2/os 11:45 oe /L3 / os 5257207 1 ilork Order *...3 Ilate necelved-. ! Analysio Date- - 3 Ana1ysie fime- - 3 Dlgthod-..-o----: RESUITT .,._ ND PERCENT RECO\IERY 97 98 92 97 HiTXODI-AJ oe / 03 /0s ae/L3/os L3 =27 sw84 5 825 0B REPORTTNCI IJIMTT UNITS Itatrlrr- - - - - - - ,,: c[9I PARAIT{ETER Chloroform STIRROGATE 1 . 0 ug/I' RECO\IERY IJIMITS (73 118 ) loz L28l ( zs 118) (zz Lt7) Dibromofluoromethane L, 2-Di chloroeEhEule - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 STL Denver 74 IIRA Corporat'ion Cl.ient Saqrle ID: Gf-54-0902O5 gf,lug volatll'ee Lot,-Saqll.e *- - - 3 Ilate Saqll.ed---3 kep Datg----..3 Prep Batclh *- - -: Di1utLon Factor: Dsr030139-005 ae/ oz/ os L2:45 oe/L3/os 5257207 I Hork On:dsr *- - - 3 Date Recelved- - 3 Ana.Iygis Date- - ! .Enal-yeig Ti-rne- - 3 Irlothod- RESIII,T o-55 ir PERCENT RECOVERY 104 104 97 9L H,II(0F14*T oe I 03/0s oe / rrlos 1.3 :45 sw8{6 82508 REPORTING LIMIT I]NTTS Uatsrtx--rO-o.--3 GW PARAMETER Chloroform SURROG}ATE 1- O rug,l[, RECO\TERY ITIIvIf TS (7t L18 ) (62 128 ) (78 118) (77 117 ) Dibromofluoromethane 1 , 2 -Dtchloroethane - d4 4 - Bromo f luoroberrz ene Toluene-dB rufE (s) : J Estimetcd result. Resutt is less than RL. STL Denver Lot-Sarqlle #- - - : Ilate Seq)Ied,--i Prep Ilate----.-3 fep Batdr f---: Di]-utLm Factor: IrRg Corporatlon Cl-ient Saqrle ID: Gtt-58-O9O2O5 eclr,le Vol.atil.es flork Order *...3 H{IXOHIA,J Datse Recelved. - 3 09/ o:/os lna1ysis Date- - i A9 / B / A5 Anal-ysis TiEe- - 3 14 : 04 lnetlrcd- . - - - . - - - 3 SI{845 82608 Itlatrlx- o - . e , , , , : GTIDsr030r-39-007 oe/oz/as 13:30 oe/n/as 5257207 1 PARJAII{ETER REPORTING RESqf_- ..- - LIMIT ITNITg 1. O ugll' RECO\IERY IJIMITS (73 1L8 )(az L28) ( ze 11.8 )(77 La7) Ch].oroform STIRROGATE 4-2 PERCE}UT RECO\IERY Dibromof luoromethane L, 2- Dichloroethane- d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB 105 115 103 90 STL Denver 15 Iot-Saqlle *- - - 3 Date Sar4lled---I PARAMETER IIRS Corporation CJ.ient Saryr1e ID: ffi-R1-O9O2O5 IUILL Irletal.e D5r0301_3s-002 09 / 02/ os 09 :35 rlate Received- - : 09 /03/05 RESUITT REPORrING LIMIT T]NITS METHOD PREPARATTON- WORI( AI{ALYSIS DATE ORDER # GW Prep Batch *. - -: Cadmlum Se]-enium 5249515 ND o - oo21 #.. - 3 52496L7 ND 0.00L0 $tg/T' Dllutiou Factor: I O - OO2O Wln Dilution Factor: 1 O. O1O mg/f, Dilution Factor; I- O - 10 frg,ll' Dilution Faetor: I o - O15 ury,lt Dl}ution Fact,or: L O - O1O rglt Dllution FacEor: 1 O -2o rylr, Dl.IutLon Factor: 1 O. O10 fitg/L Dllutton Factor: 1 O . 010 ng /t' Dllutlon Faetor: 1 O - 10 wglr' Dilutl"on Factor: 1 3. o Wll, DLluE,ion Factor r L o - 20 trg,lT, Dilutsion Factor: 1 5-o Wll, ul-lutlon F'actor; 1 (Contlnued on sw846 5020 Anelysio TiBe..: 08:05 sH845 6020 Aoalyeie Time-.r 08:05 sw845 60108 Analyaia Tirre. . : 1{ : 58 6'H946 50108 Analyaie Tirne. , ; L7 t2{; sfl845 60108 Analyele Tima..: 1{:58 sr846 50108 Analyeie Tirnc. . : 14 : 58 sIrS{6 60108 Analyeie Time- . : L7 : 2,* sw845 60108 Analysie Time, . : 1{ :58 sw845 5 0108 Analygls Time.-: 14:58 grf846 60108 Analyels Time,.: L7:24 sr845 60108 Analyeie Tine. . ; t7 t21 6'rrg45 60108 ena).yele Tlme, . ; l7 t24 sr845 50108 Analysie Time. . : L7 r24 next page) 09 / 15 - a9 / 23 / os HrrI0(21A3 09 I Ls- a9 I 23 I os g'ncrzuL4 a9 / 1s- a9 /L6 I as HiDO(zLAIr a9 I Ls-og ILG I os g,nBzxArr Preryl Batch SLlver Alrmtnun Arseol,c Barirrm ea-I.cirun Ctrromlum Copper Iron PotaBsiutrl Itagnesium 8odftm a -26 o_o1-4 B o, o82 110 IID ITD 3-2 27 49J 46',O aells-oe/L6/os ae/1s-oe/L6/os oe lLs-oe llsl as oe lLs-oel L6l os aelLs-aelL6los oe /Ls-oe lLGl os H,IT()(2LAII{ H.Dfiz1Al{ II^TE2LAXT EIIICTzLLX II,IE2LAO IITE2I.eI- oel,Ls-oell.Bl os Hi,*l 09 I 1s- 09 I ae I as H,.DrxzLLrr oe I Ls- a9 I Ls I os n'nrf,zr-jav STL Denver URS Corporatl-on C1ient Saqfle ID: GII-R1-O9O2O5 IOtrIL Hetal-s Iot-Saryrl-e *- - - : D5IO3O139- 002 REPORTING PARAMETER RESIII,T I,IMTT UNITS MHTHOD Hatri-x ------! GVI PREPARATTON- TilORK A}IAIJYSIS DATE ORDBR # !rid(el. 0.00r.6 B o.o.ro rylt, sf,846 5o1oB oclts-ogltelos EirEr21jaP fread Dilution Factor: 1 Aralyela T1!le..: 1l:58 0.0030 nslr, sw846 5o1oB og/ts-og/rc/os Hirxx2LAQ Dllutlon Factor: 1 Analyaie Tirne..: 1{:58 0.010 ry/r, sr{846 6oloB og/ts-ag/to/o5 H.rrcl(2LAR Dllutlotr Factor: 1 ADalyele Tlue.,: 1l:58 Vanadj-um ND ZLnc,ND 0.020 rqg/t SW846 5O1OB O9/L5-O9/L6/OS Hirx)t2lAT DLlutlon Factor! 1 lEalyeie Tine..: 1l:58 Zirc@-trn o.oo1z B o-o1s rylt s[s46 60108 oglts-agltelos rfrErrB2 Dilutlon tractor: 1 Analyaie rlne..z L7z2l luD Etep Batch *- - -: 5258350 Mercury IUD rurE(s) : 0.00020 nl./n sw846 747oA agltg/os HirpplAu Dilutio. Factori 1 Analysls tlme..: 18:55 B Estimatod result. Rourlt is less than RL. I Method blanl( contamination. Thc assoclatod rnethod blarrk couins thc target analyte at a rcponsblc lel,cl, STL Denver 1-8 Ipt-garyll.e $---: Date Sarylled,--3 PARiAIUIETER IIR8 Corlrcration Clleut 8aryflr= ID: G[-99-O9O2O5 $SDAL lletal.s D5I030139-003 a9 / 02/ os 10 r 10 rlate Received- - r a9 / 03/05 RESTILT REPORTING IrfI[IT UNITS TIETHOD GW PREPARJR,TTON- WORK AI{ALYSTS DATE ORDER # Prq) Batch *- - -: Cadml-um Selenium 5249 61- 5 ND ND 0.0010 mg/I' Dil-utioa FacEor I 1 0.0020 ng/I' PL].ut,l.on Eactor: r, O. O1O nrg/L DLlutLon Factor: 1 0.10 ry/I' Dilutlon Factor: 1 0.015 mg/L Dilution Fastror; I O - O1O ryl[' PilutLor. E'aetor: 1 o -2o rylt Pl"lutlm FacBor: L o. O1O rylt, Dllutrton Factor: 1 0.010 mg/t Dllution Factor: 1 O,10 rry/t Dilutiou Factor: L 3.O rgl[' Dl,lutLon Factor: 1 o. zo rog,ll, Dilution Factor: l. 5- o Wll, DLlutlon Factor: 1 (Conttnued on sw846 6020 Inalyeie Tlme..; 08:08 sw846 602A Analysr.s Ttme. . : 08: 08 gltl84 6 6 0108 .Rnalyeie Time. . ; 15 : 03 5'W845 50108 Analyeia Tirne. . : L7 :29 sv{845 60108 Analyeig TLme. . : 15: 03 sH846 60108 Analyela Tlme..: 15:03 swB45 601(}8 Analyeie Timc. . : L7 :29 sw845 50LOB nnalyele TLmB. . : 15: O3 sw846 6 01_08 Anal.ysis Tl-me- . : I-5 : O3 sw8{6 60108 Analysl-g TLme. - : L7 :29 sr58{6 60108 Analyel-a TLmer. . : L-I 229 gn8{6 60108 Analyele Tlme- . : L7 t29 gDrE{6 50r-oB AIaaIyElE Tl.me, . : L7 ;29 next page) oe / r-s- oe /23 / as Hfi(x91AE oe / 1s - ag lzt / os Hilo(elA^r Prep Bat,clr Sl-lver A.f.uri-urn Areenlc Barium Ca-I-eirrm Chromi:rm Copper fron btassLum uaglrresirrm aodLum #---: 5249617 ND o-15 IUD o-19 14 o.019 t[D o-28 38 10J 190 oe/1s-ae/Le/os oel1s -oelrr los oshs- os/16 los oe las-oe lL6los oelrs -oelL0 los oells -oelr.alas ae /Ls- oe / ts / os oe lts-oe lLe /os oells-oelL6las ae l,ts-ae /L5l os oe lLs-ae lL6l as H'J'Q(g ].AR H.Trcf,gLAT H,Do(eo EIXTXgULV E DEr9ID'5 Erg,gLAr Hirx)rglAX H,If?gUL5 IIiDET9ILT H,IlrvgLAA II^nCfgaAe o STL Denver IIRa @rporation client 8qile ID: 6f-89-O9O2O5 IEELIr l{etaf.g Iot-SaEp]-e *. - -: D5IO30139-003 REPORTING PARAIYIETER RESTILT T.IMS uNrrs MEfiIOD l{atri:r- , , ? ? - . - - : GRI PREPAR^B,TION- WORK AI{ALYSIS DATE ORDER # Irt-ele]. Iread Vanadium ZLnc ZLrconium Prep Batch *- - -: Mercur1r tscrE (s) : o-oo70 B ND ND ND ND s2583 5 0 ND o. o40 sry,lr, oi1ution Faetor: I 0.0030 mg/t Dilutsion Factor: t 0. 010 mg/r, Dllutlon Factor:1 0. 020 mg/T, Dilution Factor: 1 0.015 rtug/r' Dt"lutlon Pactor: 1 O. O002O mg/I' Dllutlou I'actor: 1 selLs-oe llsl os ae/r.s-ae/L6/as oells-0e/L6/05 oe/ 1s- aeh 5/os oe/ 1s- oe/16/ os EinrrgrLo Hfl(J(g141 HJXXg7A2 H;rJffig1A3 H,JXI(914D g118{6 50108 Analyele Tl-me. - : 15 : O3 sw845 5-O108 Analyale TLme.-: 15:03 sw846 50108 Aualyala TJ.me. . : t5: 03 sw845 50108 Aualyslc Time..: 15:03 sw84 5 60108 Analysle Tlme. . : L7 :29 9w846 747AA O?/L,/O5 .[nalysle Tl.me. . : 19 :OO HJ)O(gLA'4 , lvlcEod blrr* contremlnatiort- The associated mc$od blrnk oontrino tbo trrga rnalyte et s rcponable lorel. B Eg,imated resrrlt. Regtlt ig loss thsn RL- STL Denver 2A Iot-Saryl1e *- - -: Date Saqlled,---! PARAMETER uBg CorSrcration Client Saryr}-e ID: Gfl-S8-O9O2O5 TUEAIT lteta-Ls D5IO30r.39-O04 09 / oz/ os 11" : 00 rlate Recelved,. . r 09 / a3 / os RESUIJT REPORTING ITIIvIIT [INITS TT{ETHOD ilatrlx---,,--l PREPARATION- AIIAIJYSIS DATE O GW WORK ORDER # Prep Batdr #. Silver Aluminum Areeni g Barirm Ca^LcLru Chroml-um Copper Iron Potsa.eslum tiagnesl-um Sodirua : 52495L7 ND ND o -L2 o-11 110 ND ND o ,49 95 28a ir 13 00 ae/1s-ae/L6/os oe/1s-oe/L6/a5 oe /Ls-aelL6 | os oe lLs-aef Ls / as oe lls-oe llsl os oe / 1s - oeh 6/os oe/ls-oe/L6/as oe lls-ae lL6/ as oel r.s- oe/L6los oel15 -oe /LGlos oe lLs-aelLelos HirJ(OA1AR HJJ(OA1AT HirxoAltruo E'nXOAIA\I E.IXOAIJAs IIJ]TOAI.AW Hirr(oA1Ax ILIXOA1AS H.IXOAIB,T IIiDCOAI.JAA H,txoaliac Prep Batscb #- - eaenl,rm SeIenl-um : 5249616 o- ooo32 B o - oo20 0 - OO1O wglT' DlluUlon Faetor; 1 O - 0O2O Wlt, Dilution Factror: 1 0,010 mg/t Dl-Iutl-on Factor: 1 O,1O rW/t Dl}utLon, Factor: I O- 015 rylL Dilutioa Pactor: 1 O - O1O ry,IL Dl.lutlon Factor: 1 O - 20 rry/l' Dl.luElon Factor: 1 0.010 mg/L Dilution Faetor: - 1 0.010 mS/L Dl-lutlon Factor: 1 O.1O rylt Dl-lutLon Fact,or: 1 3-O rg,IL Di}ut,ion Factor: 1 O-20 ry,II- ffilution Factor: L 25 rglt, DtluEton Factor: 5 (Continued sr846 6020 Aaalyeia Time..: 08:12 sr846 5020 Analyaia Time..: O8:12 srf,846 50108 Analygle Tlme..: L5:08 swB4 6 60 L08 Aualysle TLme..: L7:3{ 9H845 60108 Analyeia Timc.,r 15:08 g11846 60108 Analyais Time-.: 15:08 sr8{6 60108 AualyeLe Time-.: 17:34 sw846 60108 .nnalyele rime. -: 15:OB swB45 60108 Analygle TLme-.: 15:O8 sw845 60108 Arralyele Tl-me. . : L7 :34 srr845 501OB enalyoLs fime. . ; L7 234 sw8{6 60108 Arralysle Time. . : 17 :3{ 9II845 50108 Analyeia Timc..: 18:10 nexE page) 09 / L5-o9l23l os E'rxoAljag ae /Ls-ag /z3l os rrrrxoAl-iap STL Denver Lot-Saq,Ie PARAITIETER TIRII CorporatLm. Client 8aryr1e ID: ffi-S8-O9O2o5 TCIEAIT lle,ta-Lg Dsr030139-004 RESUITT REPORTING LIMIT UNITS METHOD llatri:r----o----: GW PREPARJATTON- WORK AI\IAIJYSIS DATE ORDER # oe I Ls- oe f Lo I os E^TxoAl.Bo 09 / i-s - 09 / 1,G / as HiD(oA1Al oe / i.s - as / L6 / as HiD(oAtA2 oe hs-oe I LG I os Erxoiarl3 oe I L5- a9 f Lo I os ErxoArLD HJXOA1A4 Ifi-cIEeI. Vanadl-um Zl.rconinm Prep Bat& Mercury o. oo27 B o-oo93 B o-oo38 B o-040 wlt DL]ution Factor; 1 O.0O3O mg/t' Dilutioa Factor: 1 0.010 ng /l' Dilution Factor: 1 O - O2O ry,lr, olIut,lon Factor: 1 o-o15 ry,ll"l Dilution Factor: L 0.0O02O mg/t DLlutlou Factor: 1 s"r845 60108 Analyeis Timc-.: 15:08 sw845 5010B Analyels T{me..: 15:08 sw84 6 5010B Analyele Time. . : 15: 08 srr845 60108 Aaalyeie TLme-.: 15:08 sw846 60108 Analysie Tima. , : L7 234 gsr845 747aA Ae/Le/os Analyels TLme. . : 19: 01 B Esdmrted re$rlr. Rcsulr Is less thtn RL. J Method blank contaminarioa. The assoclatod metbod blenk contrins thc arget analyte st a reporuble larel. STL Denver 22 URA Corporatl.ou Cl-ient Saryr1e ID: GDI-97-O9O2O5 ltOlf,Alr tletal.s Dsr030139-005 a9 / az / os L1 : 45 Date neceirred- . 3 09 103 /05 RESULT REPORTING IJIMTT T'NTTS METHOD PREPARATION_ TTORK AI{AI'YSIS DATE ORDER # o Iot-Sary)Ie *,.-i Date $aqtled- -.3 PARAMETER G}T Prep Ba.teh *- -. : Cadnium AeI.eu.iuur 52496L6 o.ooo22 B o. ooo50 B o - oo1o ryln Dilution Factor: r. O. OO2O rylT' Dilutj.ou Factor: 1 0. O1O mg/I' DllutLon Faetor: 1 o-10 ry/t Dilution FacEor: 1 O - O15 mglf' Dl,lutlotr Factor: 1 O - OI.O ryln rrLlutrl.ou Factor: 1 O -2O Wlt' PLluuion Factor: 1 O. OI.o rylt, Pj.IutLon Factor: 1 0 , O1O mg/I' Dilution Faetor: 1 O - tO frg/I' Dilutioa Factor: 1 3 - O mg/T, DLlutlon F'actor; I O - 20 rglT' Dilution Fact-or: 1 5-O rglr" Dllution Factor: 1 (Cont.lnued on slr846 5020 Analyeie Timo..: 08:16 BIf845 5020 Rnalysls Tlme..t 08:15 sw845 60108 Analyels Tirna. . : 15: 13 sH845 60108 Analyaie fime..; L7:39 sH846 50108 Arralyele Time. . : 15 : L3 sn845 50108 Analyer"e Tf-me - . : 15 : 13 9II845 60108 Analyels Tlme..: 17:39 sw845 50108 Analyeig Time..: 15:13 sw845 50108 lnalysls Tl"me. . : 15 : 13 911846 50108 lDaIyBlB TLme,,: 17:39 sr846 60108 Analygie Time..: 17;39 8[845 60108 .nualyele Tl"me. . : L? : 39 sr846 60108 Analysla Tlme.-: 17:39 next page) 09 l1s- a9 123 I os H'DroDxLB ae f Ls- ae I zt I os g'rxoDrar PrgI) Batrch *. - - 3 Silver Ahnt:num Arsenie Barirn CaI-cirm Chrmirm Copper Iron Potaseitnn l[agnesirun Sodirm 52{96L7 luD 3-1 o- 0056 B o .30 L7 o. oo51 B ND 4-5 64 11 J d40 ae/1s-oe/L6/os og lts-oelLe I os aelLs-oelr.e I os oel:-s-oe ll.e /os aef L5-oe llol os oe lLs-oelr.e I os oells-oe/L6/os aefLs-aelaelos oehs-aelL6los oe/ rs- oelL6las oel ls- oelL6/os HJXODlAR E.TNOD1JLT :-"4 E'IXODLAV EtrfoDUtrs H'IXOD1JAIS Hirr(0D1Ax EirxoDl-,8.5 H,if:fODID'7 H'IXODIAA E..TXODIAE STL Denver Iot-Sary)I-e IIRA Corporation Cl.Lent Sary)Ie ID: ffi-S7-O9O2O5 Il(If,ilL l.let,al-s *-..: D5IO30139-005 REPORTING fratrl-x-r-r-!-o-: GW PREPARATTON- WORK ANAI,YSIS DATE ORDER #PARAMETER REST'I,T IIickeI TTMTT UNITS I,IETHOD Vanadhm Zireonfirm Prep Batcll Mercury nc):rE (s) : o-oo52 B o - oo44 0.0096 B o-o14 B o-oo{7 B *- - - i 5258350 l[D O - O4O ry,Ill Di1ution Factor; 1 O - OO3O Wlt' Dilution Factror: 1 O - O1O rytl[' Dllutl-on Factor: 1 O - O2o rylr, DLlutlon Factor: 1 O - 0L5 vglt' Dilution Factor; 1 O.0002O ,rllr9/T, Dilut,ioa Faetor; 1 9n846 5O1OB AglLs-OglLFlOs ETXODaAO Aualyele ?lme-.: 15:13 slrr81t6 5O1OB Og/Ls-OglLelAS H,ilJ(oDIAl enalysl,s TLme, . : L5 : L3 sr845 60108 O9lL5-A9lL6lAs HirxoDI.Aa AnalyeLe Tlme..: 15:13 5'1846 60108 A9lL5-O9lL6lOs E,TXODTL3 naelygig TLrre. , : 15: L3 sr846 60108 O9lL5-A9lL6lAs H,rXODrAn Analyele Time. . : L7 t39 gTf846 747oh Ae/Le/os AnalyeLa Tlme- . : 19: O3 HiD(OD1A4 B Esdmatetl re$lt. Rcsuh Is lcss than RL, J Method blaok contrmination. Thc associued rrothod blank onhinc the targcr analyte &t a r€portabte hvel. STL Denver 24 Ipt-8aryl1e *- - -: Itate Sarqt1ed,--.1 PAIUAMETER t Rs corporatsion Cl.l-ent 9aryr1e ID: ffi-64-090205 IICTDAL HCt,AlS D5I030139-006 a9 / 02 / os L2 :45 rlat'e necelrred- . 3 og / 03 / as RESULT REPORTTNG IJIMIT TINTTS Tt{ETHOD IlatrL:r-,?----! GVI PREPARATION- [{ORK ANAIJYSIS DATE ORDER * Prep Batch f;- -.3 Cadnium SeI.enirm s2496L6 o-oo24 B o, oo87 B o-o20 DLlutrlon o, o40 Dllution rglt" Factor r 2O Ery,lI- Faetor: 20 0.010 nq /L Dilutlon Factor: L I. O rlg,/L DlLutlon Factor: 1O O. O15 nry,It' DLlution Factor: 1 O. O1O ry,II' Dl]utLon FactorI L 2-A rylr"' Dl1utj"on Factor: 1O 0 . 010 rng /I' Dl-Iutl-on E'a.ct'or: 1 0.01-0 mg/L Di]-ut,ion Faetor: 1 1- 0 mg/L Dilution Factor: 10 30 frglT' Dilution Factor: 10 2.o wlT, DlluE l.on Factor ; 10 50 rylr, Dilution Factor: 10 (ContLnued on sH845 6020 Analyoie Tfune..; 0B;19 9II845 6020 Analyslo Time-.: OB:19 sw846 60108 enalyeis Time. . : 15: l,B sw846 50108 AnalyeJ.e Tlme. . ; L8 : a5 srrE{6 60108 Analycla TLmc..: 15:18 srIE{6 501(}8 Analysie TLme..: 15;18 sH845 50108 Aaalysla Tlme. . ; tB rL5 sw8{5 501_08 Analyele Time. -: 15:18 sw845 60108 AnalyeJ.e TLme. . : 15: 18 sw84 5 60108 Analyeie Time.. r 18:L5 9w845 60108 Arlalygie Time., : LB ; 15 5rr845 60108 Analysie TLme..: LB:15 srr846 60108 Arralyale TLma..: 18:15 next page) oe I Ls-ag I z3 I os lrrrxorraE 09 I Ls *ae I zr I os Hirf,oxtl;ar Prep BateJr Sl-Iver eluminum Arsenic Barirm Catclum Chromiurn Copper Iron Potassirilt Diagnesirm Eodl.trn #. - - 3 52496L7 ND ND o-olz B o -24 19(}0 ND ND ND 1400 1{OO J 8600 oe/ls-oe/L6/os oells-ae/Le/as oel1s -aelL6los oely-s-oe1relos oe ly-s-oelLe l os oells-oe/L6/os ae/r.s-ae/L6/os ae/1s-oelLe/os oelLs-oe l,''glos oell.s-oe ltg/os ae lls-ae ll.e /os HJD(OF1AR IILIr(0F1AT =-.-o HlTxOFLB\I Hirxotrrjas HJXOFIAW HJXOFI^LK H;D(oF.145 H,:I[OFlAT H,ffiOTLAA EirIOFilAC STL Denver Una Corlrontl@ cueut 8a4rle ID: @l-6j1.-o9o2os SCf,AL Hetarg Irot-Saqr1e *- - -: D5I03o139-oO5 llatrbr- -. . : GW REPORTING PREPARATION- WORK PARAMBTER RESUIJT IJIMIT UNITS MBT}IOD AIIAITYSTS DATE ORDER # nLclrel 0.021 B o-o4o ryllt sr846 60108 o9lt5-O9ll:6l0s EJITOF,,AO Lead Diluttotr Factor: 1 ADalyela rimc..: 15:l'8 ND G 0-016 tQs/L SW845 60108 O9/15-O9/L6/05 H.rXoFtAl Di}ullon factor: 1 Arra)'yels Tima..: 15:18 vanadlnn o-oo2s B o,olo ry,lr, sig46 60108 o9lu5-o9lrr6los EiIIorrIt2 Zinc Dllution tractor: 1 Analysia Time..: 15:18 ND o.o2o ng,/r, sw846 60108 oe/Ls-o9ll6/os H,rr(oFrag ZLrconlum ND DLlutl.on Fector: 1 laalyala Airnc.-: 15:18 0.15 nq/r' 9w846 50108 os/ts-ol/t9los H,rxoFlAD Dllution Factor: 10 AEalyEia !ime--: 18115 0. ooo2o rq,/r, sr845 74"toL ogltg/os HirxoFrA4 Dr.Iutl.oE rtactor! 1 Analyaie rine-.: 19:95 Prep Bat&, *- - -: 5258350 Mercury ND rrufB(s): B Eetirnrmd result. Rcsult is loss firrn RL. I Metbod bl8ilt( contaruiortloo. Tho assoctated method blank contrins the targot analytc st a reportable level, G Elo,atetl reponlng limh. The reporting limit is clevetcd drrc to matrix interferencc. STL Denver 26 Iot-Saq>}e #. - -: Date Salryt1ed---! PARAI"IETER URg Corgroration, Cl-ierrt Salql1e ID: GII-68-O9O2O5 lIOtrAIr lteta-I-s Dsr030139-007 ag / a2/ os 13 : 30 fiate Received- . 3 ag' /03105 RESUIJT REPORTING I,IMIT T,NITS METHOD fiatrl-x.------i GW PREPARATION- WORK AI{AITYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch Cafuirm Selenlum #- - -: 524961-5 o. o52 B : 52496L7 ND ND o-o5(} o_17 1700 ND ND ND 1100 1900 ir 14000 o-10 Dilution 0,20 DLlution ry,lr' Faetor;100 ms/L Factor: 10O 0.020 mg/L, ol].ution Factor: 2 l- . 0 rrrg/L Dilution F'actor: 10 O - o3o W/f, Dilution Eactor: 2 O. O2O rytlT' oLlutLoa Factror; 2 2 -O rylT' DLlution Factor: 10 0.020 mg/T' Dilutio,n PacEor: 2 0.020 wg./I' DiluElon Factor: 2 L . 0 rng/t Dllutlon Pactor: 1O 30 rglt Dilution Factor: LO 2 -O ry/1, Dilution FacEor: 10 50 rylr, Dllutl.on Factor: 1O (Continued sn846 6020 Rnalyele Tlm6..; 08;23 9w845 6020 AnalysLe TLme--: 08:23 sw846 50108 Analyets Tl,me. . : 21: 10 sw846 50108 Analysls Tl,me., : L8 ; 2O sllrS{6 60108 Analysle Tlme. . : 21,: LO srr845 50108 Analyoie Tl-me. . : 21: 1O 9H846 60108 Rn^alyele Time. . : 18 : 20 sw845 60108 .nnalysr.s TL.me. . : 21 : 1O slr846 60108 Aaalyeie Tlme.. r 21:10 sw84 5 60108 Analysio Time. . : 19 :2O slr845 60L0B Analyele TLme..: 18:20 sr845 60108 Arralysle TLme. . : 18 :20 91846 50108 Rnalyale TJfie.,; 18:20 next, page) oel ls- oelz3|os Eilxourag og / 15 - 09 / 2g / as H.TxoHlAF Prep Batch #. - -Silver Aluminum Arseu.l.c Barirrrr Ca1cfum Ctrrornium Copper Iron Potassirrn Ualpresium Sodirm oe/1s-ae/L6/os aelrs-oe/Le/os H\TXOH]-AR H.D(0HLAT O oelt-s-oefrefos "*rU 09 I Ls-og I LG I os H.rxoHLLv agf Ls-oglts/ os Ernrogrns 09/15-09/1,6/os oe/ts-ae/16/os oe/1,s-oe/Le/os agll-s-oelLelas oel r.s- oel:.:elas aells-oe lLgl os H.]X0H1AW Hirr(0HLAx HJXOH1A6 EilXOHUhT ILfXOELAA ETXOHLAC STL Denver Iot-saryr1e PARAMETER rIRs corlrcratlon C1ient 8aqrle ID: ffi-5B-O9O2O5 I1O([AI, Itleta-Le Dsr030139-007 RESUI,T REPORTING LfMIT UNITS METHOD Itartrljr- - - . . - r - - : CIW PREPARATION- TilORK AI{AIrYsrS DATE ORDER # IUidre1 Vanadirut Z'ilic Zl-reoaium PreI) Batch Mercury rrotrE (s) : o-f,4 o-o35 o-o11 B o-11 o. o32 B o-o80 rylr, Dilution Factor: 2 O - OOSo rylt PLlutlon Faetor: 2 o-o20 rytlr' Dllutlon FaeEor: 2 o-040 urslr DLluUlon Factor: 2 0-t5 nglr, Dj"lut.l.on Faetor; LO O,OAZA rrg,/T' Dilutioa Factor: 1O 811846 60108 .nnalysLs TLrne, . : 21: 10 srr846 60108 Anal-yeie Tlrne. . : 21: 1O grrE/[5 50108 ^Analysla Tl-me. - : 21 : 10 sf,845 60108 Analygis Tl-me. . ; 2L: 10 sH846 50108 Analyala Tl"me. . : 18 : 2O slr84 5 Analygie 747A4 TLme..: L9:26 oe I Ls-og I Le I os n'tf,onrao oel15- 09 I LG I os IrJxoELat. og/rs -oe I LG I os g,nronran oe I Ls-og I Le I os E^rxoEril3 oe I Ls-oe I Lg I os EtxoHLeD oel22/os HiD[OH1A4 B E*imated result, Rcsult Is lese thur RL- , Motlrcd blank comemination. Tho ausociatcd nrcdrod blenk contains fre targu analyte ar a reporubte level. STL Denver Iot-8aryrle *- - -: Date Sary>}ed---I PARA}IETER IIRA eorporation Client Saryrl-e ID: ffi-81-O902o5 Geueral. Cheuirtry Dsf 030139 -OOZ Hork Order #.,. i HifX)(2 og / oz/ os 09 : 35 rlate Receiwed- . ! a9 / a3 / as RESUTT 7-7 2-7 82O A TTNITS METHOD o-10 No uaits sw846 90408 oelorlos llatrijr-----!-,-: GW PREPARATTON- PREP ANAIJYSIS DATE BJATCH # 52461(}(t s2s7378 s2s2250 5252540 5265579 5265s42 5249586 5257 427 pE ArrmOnia aa If ChI-orl.de Fl.uoride Nltrate Nltrate-Nltrlte Su]-fate Total Cyanide rrorfE (8) : Dilution Factor: 1 o.1O rylt, Dl].utioa Factor: L L2 ry,ln Pilution E'actor; 5 0 - 70 if O.10 rry,Il' DLlutLon Factor: 1 ND 0. L0 mg/t Dj.lution Factor: 1 ND o.1o mg/t DilutLon FacEor: 1 52O ir,Q 1OO ryrlT, tll-].ution Factor: 20 ND 0.010 nq/1, nilutioa Pactor: 1 Ana1ysLs Tlme, . : 14: L{ HsAxlr 350 - 1- OglL1l aS Analygle Tlme..: 05:0O ucAflr 325 -2 09lA8lAS Arralysle TLme. . : 10 : OO ucAIlIf 34O .2 Ael O9I OS Analyslo Time..: 11t30 MCAr^rr{ 3s3.2 A9/A3/OS naalyais Tlme..; 12:00 rr{cA$rn 353.2 09/20/Os Asalyele Tima..: 15:oo HCAHr 37s-+ OelAFlOS Raalysie Time..; 14:3O sw845 e0L oB/ 9012A 09 / 14 - Oe /L5 / 0s ilnalyeie Tlme., : 12 : 3O RL Reportlng Llnrlt a dcvated rcporting limit. Tlre reporting limit ic etevercd due to hlth nnalyte levels. , Mcthod blank contaminrtion. The associatcd mettrotl blank connins ttre target analyte xt e roportable levcl. STL Denver Iot-garylle f;. -. : Date Saryl1ed.---3 PARAMETER URg Corporation Cl.ieut 8aryrIe ID: cf-S9-O9O2O5 Gleneral. ChentetrT Dsf 030139-003 llork Order fi- - - : H'J)()(g 09 / 02 / 05 1-0 : L0 Date nec.eived. . E a9 / og/os RESULT RL UNITS METHOD : G"lg PREPARATION- PREP AlrArJYsrs DATE BATCH # llatllr - PII AmronLa aE II ChLoride Fl-uoride Nitrate 8-2 3.5 244 0 ollutl-on Factror: 2 O -72 if O,1O qtlT' Dilution Faetor: 1 IID 0,10 wtg/I, DLlution Factor: 1 ND 0.10 nrg/L Dllutslon Factor; I 2-5 B,J 5-O Wll, Dllutlon Factor: L l[D 0. O10 fi]g/I' Dilution Pactor: 1 8||845 9o4oB OelOrlOS s2151OO Raalyeie Time..: L4222 ucBHr 3so - 1 oelL4las 525737lt analyele TLme..: 05:0O IICAHH 325 -2 O9/OS IAS s25225O Anal-yglg Tirre- . : 1O : 0O rrtcAHw 3do -2 ogloglas 5.25254lJ AualysLs TLme,- . : L1 : 30 MeAWlr 3s3 .2 09 / 03/05 s26s579 Analyais Time-.: 12:0O McAww 353.2 Ae/zA/os 5265s42 Rnalysls Tlme. . ; 16: OO lrelxlfr 375 -4 OglO6lAS 5249585 Analyeie Tlme..: 1{:30 sw84 5 eol aB/ 9012A 09 / 1.4 - 09/1 s/os s2s 7 427 Analysig Time..: 12r30 O - 10 No lDlite Dilutl.ou Eactor: I O - 10 ryrlf, DilutLon Factor; 1 5-O Wl\' O Nirrare-Nir,riLe Suf-fate Tota1 Ctranide IwrB (s) = RL Reponing LIrnIt a Elsvnted repeirting hmit. Thc rcportlng lknlt is slevared duo to hlgh analyn levels. I Motltod blank contarnination. The associlted mothod blank contairn tlrc targo analyte ar s roporteble lovel. B Estimatod result. Re,$It ie less than RL. 30STL Denver Lot-Sarytl.e S- - -: Date Saryrl.ed.---3 PARAMETER URS Corgrcration Client Sauqlle ID: Gil-88-O9O2O5 Genera-l eherniatra/ Hork CIr&r #.-.3 HifX0A Ilate Receiwed. - 3 Og / Ag / OS RL IINITS METHOD HatrlJr,o-,?----: GW PREPARATTON- PREP ATIIAITYSIS DATE BATCH # O D5r030139-004 oe/02/os 11:oo RESUITT pE Amnia aa lI Ch].oridn Fluoride l{[itraLe Nl.rrate-ttitrite SrrLfate TotaJ. eyasi6* IUUTB (S} : 7 -g O - 10 I[o [InLto Pilution Faetor: 1 2 -7 O.1O ug,ll' Dilution Factor: L 23oo 0 1oo ryll- ol-Iut,ion Faetor: 4 O O-85 if O-1O ryll' Dilution Factor: 1 5-4 O-1O ng,II' Dllut,{on Factor: 1 5-{O - 10 rylt' Dl-lut lon Factor; I .r,Cl 25o rglt"850 oi]-utioa Faetor: 50 O - OO44 B O. O1O rrry,lT, Dilution Factor: 1 gr8{6 AnalyaLs HEIIH Analyois rieAlrlr Aaalyeie ITCBHTT Analysl.g }igAIIH .hnalyeie HCBITT Rna,lyele ricrtllH Analyois sH846 Analyaie 1,{ :28 05: O0 1O: O0 11:30 12:00 16: OO oelaslos ae lL4l os oelaBlos oeloelos ae la3 I as oe lzol os oe I 06l as s25sso 52{9586 5245100 s257378, s2s225A 5252s40 s255579 oe / t+-ae llsf os s2sr 4zT RL Regortiug Limit a Ehvatcd reponing llrnit. T[o reporting limit is elevatcd duc to high analyte lcvels. I Mcthod blenk conuamination. The associatcd matrod blank contains rhe targct analyrc at a rcportable level. B Ertinrarcd rczulr. Resuh is loss then RL. 31STL Denver fot-Saqll.e #- . - i Date Saryll.ed---! PARAMETER IIRA Co.lnration Clientr 8arylIe ID: Gt-S7-ogozos General- Chml-etr1r D5IO30139-005 f,ork Order *. - - 3 HiD(OD 09 / 02/ as t 1 :45 Date Recelved.- . 3 A9 / 03 / 05 RESUTT RIr UNTTS },IETHOD lftrtrlJr.-.....,-3 GW PREPARATION- PRBP AIIAITYSIS DATE BATCH # PII AmpnI.a as If ChlorLde Fl-uorlde ISitrate 8.4 3-g 670 0 20 ry,lL ffilution Factor: 8 0 - 86 J O.1O rylt' Pllution Pactror; L 0-060 B O-1O ry,II' DL1utsLon Factor: 1 O - 060 B O.1O ryll" DiluE,ion Eaetor: 1 4.6 BrJ 5-o ry,ll, Dilution Factor: 1 ND 0, OLO mg/I, tlilutLon Factor; 1 8H846 9O4OB OglA3laS s2tL6LOO Analyeie Time,, r 1al : 57 lrcJtntr 35o - 1 oellel os s2s7378 Analyeie Tirna. . : 05 : O0 rrcAxtr 32s.2 OglOAlaS s2s2250 Analyeis Time..: IOlOO ueJ[Ilr 340-2 aeloglos 52s2s{o Analyela Tirne. . : 11 : 30 licBHrr 3s3 - 2 o9l o3los s265sr9 Analyeis Tl-me- . : 12 : 00 HCFXr 353 -2 Ogl2OlOS s265542 Analyeis Time- . : 15: OO HGAHH 37s-{ 09106lOS s2.9s86 Analyeie ?ima--: 14:3O sw845 90108/e012A 09/ 14- oehslos s2s7427 Analyeie Tlme. . : L2; 30 O - 10 IIo t}tl.its oLlutl-on Factor: 1 O.1O ry,lt' nilutlon Factor: 1 O Nitrate-xirrire $rrf-fate Total Clanlde norE (s) : RL Reportirrg Limit a Ebvated repordng lisrit. The rcporting limir is elcvated due to h[h enelyte levels. J Mctbod bhnk eonurnlnetion. The asrociarcd me&od btank corlalns Oe target analyte a[ 8 roporuble level. B Estirnatod result. Resltt is less than RL. STL Denver 32 Iot-garylJ,e *---: Date Saryfled,-. - ! PARJN,IETER IIRS Corporatl.on Cl-Lent Saqrl.o ID: GDI-5A-O9O2O5 ceneral. Chffiisiry D5f030139-005 Work Order *-.. i HJX0F 09/02/os L2:4s Date Received- - 3 og/03105 RE9UT,T RIJ T]NITS METHOD I.Iatri:r - - - - - - . - - : GTt PREPARATTON- PREP ANATYSIS DATE BATCH # PII Amnia aE It ChI.orLde F]-uoride ltl.trate I5l-trate-Ititrite $uAfate Total CyanJ-de rufB(8): 7-O zgoo 0 zso rytlr, Dl.lution Factor: 2500 42OOO O 1OOO ry,lt Dilution Factor: {OO 1-O ir o.l-o ry,lr, Dilution Factor: 1 11OO O-1O Wlt Pt1uti"on Factor: 1 1100 a so rylr, PLlutl.on Factsor: 500 33OO.J,O l.ooo try/l' Pllutlon Eactor: 2OO r$D o . o1o mg /t Dilution Faetorr 1 O - 10 lto Unl.t'e Di.lutloa Factor: I sH8{5 eo{oB Ogl0sl0,s Analyeie Time,.: 15:04 rrcBHH 3sO - 1 Ogf 2O/OS Analyeie Time. . : 17: O0 rrrcArrr 32s -2 09/OS I OS Rnalysle Tl,me. . : LO : 00 lrcAHrr 34A -Z O9l A9 / OS Analyals Tlme..: 1L:30 ueArrr 3s3-2 ogloBIos hraLyaie Timc..: 12:0o HoIHH 353 -2 A9I?OIOS Analyeie Time..: 16:00 rrcBrr 375 - 4 09106l os Analysls Tlme..: 1{:3O sw845 eol oB/ eol2A 09 /L[-Oe /t-S/ os Arralyel.n fl,me. . ; 1.2 : 3O 52451_Oo 526s4?.1 s252250 s2s254L 526ss7e s25so s249586, s2s7i[27 RL Rcporting Limit a Elevated reportlng limir The reponing limit is elevated due to high rnelyte levels. I Method blnnk contamination. Tho associeted metrod blank conains he rarger analyte Dt e reporhblo level. STL Denver Iot-Saryfie *---: Ilate Saryll.ed,.--I PARAMETER IIR8 Corgnration Cl.l.eut $aqrle ID: GH-58-O9O2O5 Genera-l Chemistry D5I030139-007 Hork Order *.. .: Hfl(0H 09 / 02/ as 13 :3 0 Date Recelrred- - ! 09 / 03/05 RESTIIJT RIJ T'NITS ME:rHOD r.ratrlJc--.!.,..-i Gw PREPARATION- AI{AIJYSTS DATE PREP BATCTI.. # pE Amonia aa If Chloride F].uoride Illtrate Nitrate-HitrLte Srrf.fate Tota1 Cyanide !ror3 (B) : 7 -O O - 10 rro UnLte Diluclon Factor: 1 3sooo 0 l-ooo rylt DllutLon Fsctor: 100OO 13oooo 0 {ooo wlt DllutLon FacEor: 1600 O - 29 if O.1O rgll* DllutLon Factor: 1 L3OO O -1O rrg,ll- Dilution Faetor: L 1300 0 so ryIlr' DLlutlon Factor: 500 88OO *I, Q 25OO nrgtlr, Pilution Factor: 5O0 ND O . 010 mg /T' Dilution Factor: 1 BrI845 9o4OB A9l $lOS 5245r-OO Analysie Tlme-.: 15:09 DrelrrH 35o - t- oglL4los 52s7378 AnalysLe Tlrue. - : 05 : 0O ucBrfl 32s -2 ae/oBlOs s2s225A AnalygLg TLrtte, . : 10: OO r nr 340.2 og/aglos s2s2s{: Analyel-s Tirtre. . : 11 : 30 IICBWH 353 - 2 O9l O3l OS 5265s79 nnalyaie Time. . : 1"2 : OO r|Gnr 3s3.2 oe/zAlOS s26s542 .Analyeis Tirne. - : 15: O0 lrcAHH 3 75 - 4 Oe I A6l 05 s2{9s8 5 AnalysLs TLme..: 14:30 shr846 e01os/e0r.2A oe/ 1{- oe/Ls/os s2s7427 Analyeia ?irne. - : 12 :30 RL ReponinB Lirnit a Ehvated reporting limit. Thc reponing limit is elevatod duc to high uralytc levels. I Msthod blank contarnination. The associarcd metrod blank contrins tbc targot rnalyte nt a reponablc level- STL Denver 34 acrlATAAsSffiw D5rO30139 Sample Preparatlon and analysis Control Numbers SAIvIPL,E#I'IATRIX O o01 o02 o03 004 wQ GW GW GW GW GW GW GW Gv[ G[{ ctw GW GW GTI{ Gti[ GW GW GW GW GW GT{ GW GTg GW GUI GW clvg GTg GW GW GW GW GW GW Gtw GIW Glltf AIVAIJYTICAIJ I,TETHOD I,EACH BATCH # sw845 82608 MCAItn{ 325 .2 MCAWW 340.2 pleAww 353 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 sw846 901O8/9O12A sw845 602A swg(15 7470A- sw846 90408 sw845 82608 sw845 60108 MCAI{W 375.4 D{CA}m 350 - L MCAWW 325.2 MCAItm 340 .2 MCJLIIIVT 353 .2 MCJIhII^I 353 .2 gw8{5 eo]' oB/ e012A sw8{16 5A2A 9w845 7470A- 9w846 90408 gvr846 82608 sw846 60108 MCAWW 375.4 I'ICAIIil{ 350 ,l- IyICAI{I{ 325 .2 MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAIiIyS 353 - 2 sw845 eolaB/9012A sw845 6020 sw845 7 47 0\ sw845 90408 sw845 82608 sw845 50L0B MCAWW 37s -4 MCAWW 350.1 (Contl-nued on next page) PREP BATCH # 5257207 52s2250 s252540 s265542 5255579 5257 427 s249616 s2583 50 52461- 0 0 52572A7 52496L7 5249585 52s737 g 52527^50 525254 0 5265s42 5265s7 9 5257 427 5249 5 16 52583 s0 52451 00 5257207 52495L7 s249s I 5 s257378 5252250 s25 2544 5265542 526ss79 5257427 52496L5 5258350 s24610 0 s2s72A7 52496L7 s2L95 I 5 s257378 MS Rt'N# s257L35 52ss23 1 s255099 526533 9 5257289 5249357 52s823 0 52513 84 525713 5 52493 s8 5249328 5257262 525523 1 5255099 525s3 3 9 5257 289 52493s7 525823 0 52513 I 4 5257 13 5 52493 58 52493 28 5257262 5255 237, 5255099 526s33 9 5257289 52493 5 7 525823 0 52s13 84 5257135 s2493 58 5249328 525'1262 o STL Denver QCI}ATA ONSUffi D5IO30139 Sample Preparation and analysie Control SAI.{PtE*IvIATRIX 005 006 oo7 GW GliI GW GW GT{ GW GW GYI Glil GW GW GW GW GW Gl'r GW GW GW GW GW GhI GVT GW G}Ti[ GW GI,{ GW Glw GIi[ GW GW GW G[tr GW GW GW AI'{IAIrYTIeAL MEflIOD MCASII{ 325.2 I{CAWW 340.2 illeAllm 353-2 MCAI{T{ 353 .2 sw846 901OE/ eo12A sw845 602A sw845 747AA sw846 9 04 0B su[846 82508 sw845 60108 MCAI{ril 375 .4 MCJLWSI 350,1 MeAItm 325 -z MCAITIW 34O -2 MCAWnT 353.2 MCAWUT 353 .2 sw846 901 AB/ 9012A sw84 5 5020 sw8{5 7470,''^ grrl8{6 90408 sr{845 82508 sw845 50108 MCAYTW 3 75 .4 MCAWW 350.1 MCAWW 325.2 ITICAWW 34O .2 MCAWW 353.2 MCAWW 353.2 sw846 9o1AB/ 9012A sw846 5A2|o^ SIlf846 7 47 AA sril846 90408 sr{845 82608 sw846 6 0 r.08 II{CAWW 375 .4 MCAUTW 350.1 LEACH BATCH * Nr:mbers PREP BATCH # 52522 5 0 52s2s4A 526s542 s26557 9 5257 427 5249 6 r-6 s2s83 5 0 52451 00 5257247 52496L7 524958 6 s25737 I 52s22sO 525254 1 5255 542 526ss79 5257 42? 52496 1 6 5258350 5245100 52 5 7207 52495l.7 s249s I 6 526s424 52s22sO 52s2s4L s26ss42 526s s79 52s7 427 5249616 5262486 5245100 5257207 52496L7 s249s I 5 s2s7 37 8 MS RT]N* 52ss23L 5255099 52 5533 9 s257289 52493s7 525823 0 52513 84 5257L35 5249358 5249328 5257262 s25523 1 s255102 526533 9 5257289 52493 s7 5258230 52513 84 5257 L3 5 s24 93 58 s249328 s265330 s25523L 5255102 52553 3 9 5257289 s2493 57 s252328 52513 8{ 525713 5 52493 5 I 5249328 5257262 STL Denver }IETEOD BTf,NK RBFOET sclrf,B vol.atLl.ee Hork Order *.Cl.ient lot *- - -: llB lot-Saryil-e *: Ana1ygLg Date- - l ol-Iutl.on Factor: PARAMETER D5r03 01-3 9 Dsr140000 -207 ae/L3/os 1 uatrLx- - e -, - - - - ! WATER Ana-lysis Tl-re- - 3 09 : 05 METHOD Prep flate. Prep Bateh RESI ITT HKHAE1AA oe/L3/os s2 s 7207;: REPORTING ITIMIT IINITS Ch]-oroform SURROG}ATE DID PERCENT RECO\IERY LOZ 9s 97 100 l-.0 ug/I' RECO\TERY LIMITS (tz 118) (52 128 ) (za 118) (77 L17 ) gw84 5 825 0B Dlbromof Iuoromethane L, Z-Dichloroethane - de { - Brornof luorobenz ene Toluene-d8 IWIE(S}: Calcularions ere performed bcfore rourdlng to avoid roundoff errors In calcutued rcsrrltg, STL Denver W GOIYI?OLr gBilPIrB EIfAIIIATION REPORT ecltrg vo].atil-es Client lpt #---3 IflS Lot,-Sary)Ie*: Prgp Datg--,.--! Pre,p Batsc.lr *- - . ! Dl.lution Factor: PARAIITETBR Dsr03 0 13 9 D5r14 0 000 -2a7 oe/L3/os 5257207 1 llork Grder *..-: HKHACI-AC lfnal.ysls Date - - i A9 / L3 / 05 Ana1yeir Tt-me- . 3 08 : 48 I.latrl-x- - - --- -- -: WATER I-, I.-Didloroethene Benzene C'h1.or&elrzene alolueue ltLch].orroetlrene SI}RROGATE PERCENT RECOVERY 85 90 100 94 86 RECO\TERY L,IMffS (ee 132) (7s 12(}) (zs 118) (78 118) ('19 L22) PEREENT RECO\IERY 100 88 96 101 IUETHOD 9H846 82608 g11846 82508 8H8{5 82508 g18{6 82508 srr8{6 82508 R.ECO\rERY LNIETS 03 118 )(ez 128 )(ze 118) (77 117 ) D ibrorno f luorome thane l, 2-Dlchloroethane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB NurE (s) : Calculations arc porfonDcd beforo rourdin3 to svoid round-off eron in calculetod re$Is- Bold prlnt denotes conrol paruno06rl STL Denver 38 ffi CUlEtsOt An}iPLB ITATA REBORT GC/Hs Volatil-es C]-l.ent IoL #. - - l rcg tot-Saq)Ie*: Pree Da.te------! Pxep Bat,ch. *. . - 3 Dl-].ution Factor: PARAMETER D5IO30139 Hork Order *- D5I140000 *2A7 ae/r,3/os s257207 1 Analyeis aual.yele SPTICE AIYIOUNIT 10-o 10-o 10. o 10. o 10-o I)aEe - Tlme. HKHAClAC oe/L3/os 08:48 llatrir-!, r O..-.: T{ATER PERCENT RECOVERY METHOD a, a-Dlchf.oroethene Beuzzeue ChlOrOlrerrzerte Tol.uene TrJ-&Ioroethene SITRROGATE Dibromofluoromethane L, 2-DichloroeLhane- d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d.8 IWTE (S} ; ME.A,ST}RED AI{OI}NT 8-58 9-Os 9-99 9-35 8-5{ PERCENT RECO\JIERY 100 88 95 101 T]NITg ug/r, qglT, u,glr' u.glr' wglr, RECOI/ERY I,IMITg (tt 1rB )(sz 128 )(za 118 )(tt LL7II 91845 825o,d- 911846 82508 g11846 82508 sf,845 82508 sw845 82508 86 90 1(}0 94 85', Calqrlations are performd before rounding to rvoid rcund-off orron in calcrftted results. Bold print derrotes control parirmctcrs STL Denver Client lot ]---: llS Iots-8ary>I.e *: Ilate Eaqlled-.-3 Prep llate- - - - - - 3 kep Bateh *... i Dl,Iution Faetor: PARAMETER 1, I.-Dishloroetlrenr= Benzeue Ch1orobeuzene Tol.uene firichf-or:oethene SURROGATE D ibrorno f I uoromethane L, Z-Dlchloroet hane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB IUTB(S): PERCENT REEOTfBRY RECO\IERY TJIMITS RPD RPD IrfMfTg Iulatrlxo -.. o. - -- 3 I{ATER METHOD ItrIRIr SPIffi EAIIPLB ffi REPORT ercltls Vo1atiles D5I03O139 llork Order S- - - : HJ7.I8LAC-M8 D5f 080384- 01-B Hir7,T81Af)-MgD 09 / oB /05 16 : 1o Date Recelrred- - : 09 / oe / os Og / L3 I oS anal.yele Date, . 3 09 / L3 / os 52572A7 mal-ysia TtJre. . ! 10:40 1 111 96 r.03 101 LO7 107 I-O8 109 101 90 (6e (ee (7s (7s (78 (7s (78 (78 (tg ltg 132) 132) 120) 120) 118) 118) 118) 118) I.22l L22l 1{ (0-26} 2-O (O-21) o - 05 (o-2o) o - 96 (A-ZZI srw846 82508 gtr846 82508 81846 82608 9n846 82608 8f,846 82508 915846 82608 9H846 82608 811846 82608 sr845 82608 srr846 8260811 PERCBIT RECO\TERY 99 92 96 88 96 LO2 89 93 (o-23) RECO\IERY I,IMITS ( za 118) (tz 118 ) (62 128 ) (62 L28 ) (78 1L8 ) (78 118) (tz L17) (tt 117 ) C.alculstions arc porformed bcfore rourrding to avoid round+ff srroro in calcutated resul$. Bold print denotes control pararncrere STL Denver 40 O Cf-ient Iot *- -. E HS Ipt-Saryr1e *: Date Slaqpled--.i kep Date--o---! Prep Batch *...: Dl,hrtion Factor: PARAMETER tmTRIf SPIffi SAIIPI'B DAT[, RBPORI trfn$ vol.atiles Hork Order *.. .3 Date Received- . r ^Bna1yal-e Date, . i .Bna1yele fi-E- - 3 D5I03 013 9 D5rO80384-018 09 / oBlos 16 : i.o ae/L3/as 5257207 1 HLITirE1AC-MSI lratrfur. - . - . - - . - : WATER H'J7'J8IAD-lvlgD oe l 08/os oe /L3 / os L0 :40 SAI.{PIrE SPfKE MEASRD AIUOUNT ry_ AI.{OUNT UNITS PERCMT REC\/RY RPD MEITIOD L,L-Dichf,ortrethene Beu.zene Chf.orobenzene ToI.uene trichlonoetlrene ST'RROGATE D I bromo f I uo r ornetharr e L, z-Pichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 NO'IE (S) : ND ITD IID ND IID ITD ND IID o-19 o-r-8 u{glI" 1uglI. Iu(glL u,gl\' lu.glt' Iu.glt U.glL ug/r, u.glr, ug/r, 111 96 103 101 LA7 LO7 108 r.o9 to1 90 RECO\TERY IJIMITS 10-o 11-1 10-o 9-64 10. o 10 -3 10- o 10,1 10-O 10- 7 10. o Lo -7 10-o 10-g 10 - o 1(}-9 10. o 10 -3 10-o g-22 PERCETIT R.ECO\IERY 99 92 96 88 96 LO2 89 93 srr846 82608 14 S1846 82608 sr846 82608 2 -A 5:1846 82608 8II8+5 82608 o - 05 9tr845 825(}8 9H845 82508 o.96 811846 825(,8 sw845 82508 11 8rt846 82608 (73 118 ) (tt 11- 8 ) (ez 128 ) (62 L28 ) ( 78 1t-8 ) (ze 1L8) (tt i.1r ) (tz 117) Cdlctrlations are pcrformod bcforo rounding to avoid round+ffcrrorc In cetarlatcd rcsults. Bold prlnt dcnotcs sontrol parametors STL Denver UETXOD BI,ATSK REFORT ItCf,Lf, Hetale Client Lot #. PARAMETER : D5r030139 RESUITf R.EPORTING I-,IMIT T]NITS llatri:r, ! o,,-- -.: WATER METHOD PREPARATTON- WORI( AIIAL,YSIS DATE ORDER # HB Lot-Aalqll.e CadmLurn Selenium llB Iot-Sary>Ie Alurnlnum Areenic Barlum Caleium ChrornLum Copper fron I-,ead, 0 - 01-0 rng /T' Dilution Factror: 1 Aaalyels Tlrne- . : 1{ ; 13 O.2O mg/1, Dllut,lon Faetor: L AnalyeLe TimB..; L6:19 0.0I-0 mg/t' Dl}ut.ton FacEor: 1 Analyglg Time. . : 14 :13 O . 010 rftg /I' Dllutl-on F'actor: 1 Analysie Tl-me. . : 14 :13 o.10 mg/L PLluEl.on Factor: L AnaJ-ysls Tlrna. . : 16 :19 0.0030 rnS/L, DiluElon Faetor: I. Analyels Tlme..: 1r:13 (Continued on next 52496L6 sw846 5020 svl846 6020 52t196a7 sw846 60108 9w845 50108 slIE{l5 5 0L08 a9 / Ls - 09 / 2t / os HJ2.]cLAA a9 / 1s - 09 /23 / os H.r2rTclAC oe / 1s - 09 / L6 / as HJzirirr'Ac a9As- as / LG / os HJ2J,y1AD ae / ls- as / L6 / 05 H.f2.ru1AF #: D5I050000-616 PreI, Batch *- . . : IUD 0.001-0 firg/T' DlluE,lon Factor: L Ana1ysle ?ime. . : O7 :L7 ND 0. 0020 $q/L ollutlon Factor: t nnalysle Tima. . : 01 :L'7 *: D5I060000 -6L7 Prep Batch *- - - : ND 0-l-0 rW/L Dilutlon FacLorr 1 Analysie Tlme..: 15:19 ND 0. 0L5 *g/t oilutLon Fector: 1 Analyel,c Tlme. . : 1{ ; 13 sw846 50108 a9 / 15 - 09 / L6 / os H,Jz.TJ1AE sw845 5',0108 oe / 1s - a9 / L6 / os H,J2J'JLAIU ND ND ND ND sw846 60108 oe/ 1s- oe/L6/as HJ2JJLAG sw84 5 60108 ae / 1s - oe / L6 / 05 H,r2,rJlAr{ gI{84 6 a9 / ls - 09 / LG / os HJ2.fLT1A.y STL Denver IUD page) 5 010B 42 IIETEOD BIAITK RBFORI llUEHIr lleta-Ls C].ient lot PARAMETER D5r03013e RESULT REPORTING *- - - :uatrir - - - -, - - - + : WATER PREPARATION- WORK AI{AIJYSIS DATE ORDER #IJIMIT..,-- UNITS METHOD I[agEesiun o-o51 B Nickel Potassl-um Sl-lver SodLum IUD Vanadium Zinc ND Zirconium ND o.20 nLlutLon Analyele 0.040 DLIuElon ArralyslE 3.0 ol-lutlon Analyal.e 0. 010 Di].ution Arra}yels 5-0 DilutrLon Anal.yala 0.010 PLlutt'on Analyeis 0.020 DiI'utl-on Analyoie 0.oLs Dllut,ioa Analyeie rglt' Factor: 1 Time, . : 16;19 mg/I' Factor: L Tl-me..: 1{:I.3 mg/L Faetor: 1 TI-mc-.: 16;1.9 rng /T, Factsor: 1 Tl"me..: 14:13 rlg/L Factor: 1 Tlme..: 1?:I-t mg/t' Factor: 1 TLme-.; 14:13 mg /t' Factor: 1 Tlme..: 1lt:13 mg/r-' Factor: 1 TJ.me..: 16's19 SW84[5 6010B 9w845 50108 oe I Ls-o} | L6 I 05 Hirzirin-Bo 09 / ls- a9 /rG / os H,lz.rulAll sw846 60108 ae/1s- oe/L6/os HJ2'JJIAP sw84 5 5 0108 oe/1s-oe/L6/os HJ2JJ1AA HJ2JJlARsw84 6 60108 oe / r,s- ae /Lg / os IUD sw845 60108 asli.s - os / LG / osH.rzrri ND llB Iot-Saqrle *: D5I150000-35O prep BatcJr *-. -: 525B3SOMercury ND 0.0oo2o rw/r. sw845 ?470}. Dllutlon Factor: 1 ilnElyaia Time.. : 18:33 xB lot-Sa4[e *: D5I190000-486 prep Batdr #---: 52624g6uercury ND 0.00020 mg/r. gll845 74?oA Dllutios Factor: 1 .hnalyeie flrne.. : 19:20 sw846 50r.oB oe/r.s-oe/LGlas HJ2JJIAIr sr{846 601_08 oe/1s-09/L6/as H.T2J.IIAT oe/Le/as HKMDTlAA HK}SL 9 LAA O STL Denver (continued on nexr page) oe/zz/os DIEIffiD BITNIK RE,BORI fiIf,AL l,treta.le Cf-ient lot, f---: D5f030139 llat,rir- - - . . . - - - 3 WATER Culorlations arc performcd before nounding to avoid round-off errors in calcrrletcd rcsults. B Estimated rcsull Roult is tils Ulan RL STL Denver 44 ffi COIWROL $tr[1p19 BIfAHrATIOIS REFORT TOTAIT Uetal-e Lot-Saqile *. - - ! D5I030139 llatri-x- -,,,, - - - r WATER PARAMETER PERCE}{IT RECO\TERY RECO\TERY I,IMITS RPD RPD LIMTTS METHOD PREPARATION- AI{AI,YSIS DATE PREP- BATC'H # Mercury rrc,:rB (s) : 10{ 1_ 02 ( 8s 11"4 )(85 L14, L.2 (O-10) nl-Iutl.on Factor: 1 SIII845 74704 sw845 747AA Analyele TLme.. : L9:27 09 /22/ OS s262485 ae /22/ os 5252486 Caloltuioils are performed beforo roundlng to rvold round<rff errons ln catculued resulB. STL Denver ffi COISIROIr SA}IPfjB DAIA RmORf I!gEAL Heta]s Iot-Saryll-e #- PARAMETER Mercury no:r-E(s): : D5I030139 SPIKE MEASIIIRED AII{OT}NT A}!OT'NT I]NTTS llatri-ro,, r ! -,, ? : WATER PERCTiIT REC\TRY PREPARATTON- AI{IALYSTS DATE PREP BATCH #RPD METHOD 0. oo500 0,00518 mg/L 104 9w845 747AA o.0o500 0,00512 ,f|'g/t L02 L.2 sw846 747OA- Dl-Iut,lon Faetor: 1 Analyele Tlme, . : L9:21 oe / 22 / As s262486 ae /22/ os s262486 Calculatloos ere performcd bcforc rourding to evoid rourdoff errors in celculetcd rcsrlts- STL Denver 46 ffi MNTROI, SEMPI,B ffi RBFONHI ItCtrAf' l{eta].e C1ient Iot *- - -: P]\RAI{ETER D5rO3 0 13 9 PERCB}TT RECOVERY RECO\IERY LIII{ITS IVIETHOD D5I060000-616 Prep Bateh *. - . i 5249616 99 (eg 110) 9w845 5020 Dilution E.aetor: 1 Analyaia 90 (82 LLz) SW845 6020 Dllutlon Faetor: 1 Analysig DIatri:r. -,.-- o --. i WATER PREPARATION- ANALYSIS DATE WORK ORDER # IrCS lot,-Sary)Ie#: Cadmlum 9elenlum I.rCS lrot-Saryrlef: Silver Alurninum Arsenic Barium Clrromium Copper Nlckel Iread Vanadium ZLnc Calclum 09 / ts- 09 / 23 / os H,r2JolaD Time-.; O7t2L oe / rs - oe / zt / os HJ2JcIAE Tinre-.: A7:2L D5I050000- 6L7 Prep Bateh *. - - : 52496L7 (as LL4) SW8{5 601"08 oe / 1s- oe / L6 / as HJ2JirlAU99 97 97 100 99 94 98 97 100 95 98 Dj.lutiou Factsor: L AoalyeLe Tl.me. . : L{ : L8 (86 108) SW846 60108 09 / ls - 09 / LG / os H,r2.Tir1Av Dilutlon FacEor: 1 AnalysLs TLme..: LG224 (eg 1oe) sw846 60108 09 / 15 - 09 / LG / os H,]zrTirl.Aw Dilutl-on Factor: 1 Aaalyeie Tima-.: 14:18 (gs 113 ) swg46 GoloB a9 / 1s - 09 / LG / os H.T2JJLiNK Dllution Factor: 1 enalyeie Time. . ; 1tl : 18 (89 L],z) SW845 50108 oe / ls - oe / L6 / os HJ2JJ1A0 ol.lut,lon Factror: L Analysie TLme. , : 14 :18 (se 110) swr46 50108 09 / l5 - 09 / L6 / os HLTzirJl-Al- Dilution Faetror: 1 Arralyals Tl"me. . : 1.4 :18 (go 1i-o) swg46 60108 09 / 15 - 09 / L6 / os H.r2ir.TaAz Dilution Fact,or: 1 enalysle Tlne..: 1{:18 (g:. r-i-1) swg46 GoLoB 09 / 1,5 - 09 / LG / as H.t2J,rI-A3 Dilutioa E'actor: l.Analyal.e TLme. . : 1.4 ;1.8 ( 88 LLz) SW846 50108 a9 / 1s - 09 / L6 / as HLr2irJlA4 ollutLon Factor: L Analysls Tlme..: L4:18 (es 110) sw846 601,08 09 / i.s- 09 / LG / os H.T2JJ1As Dilution tr'actor: l,Analyele Tlme..: L4:LB (gg 110) sw845 60108 a9 / 15- a9 / Le / os IIJ2JJ1Ao nllutton Factor: 1 Analyeie TLme..: 17:18 STL Denver (continued on nect page) C]-ient Ipt PARAMETER Iron Potaseium Magneeiurn Sodium zirconLum #.--3 D5I030139 PERCEIiTT RECO\MRY 96 LO2 98 95 109 W COIFIROL S,BUPIfi ffi TUEAL lleta-ls RECO\IERY I,TMITS METIIOD (ea 110) sw846 50L08 Dilution Factor: 1 AnalysLs (s0 111) SW846 60108 DllutLon Factror: I AnalyeLs (91 1-1-1) SW846 5o1oB Dilution Faetor: 1 Asalysle (9r LLz) SW845 5o1oB Dilution Factor: 1 Analysl.e REFORT llatrLr. - o ! . . - . . 3 WATER PREPARATION- AT{AI,YSTS DATE WORK ORDER # a9 / Is - og / LG / 05 H,r2rr\T1A7 Time. . : LGt24 09/ ls- a9/L6/os H,J2JJ1A8 Time. . : t6:24 09 115- A9 /L5 I A5 H,J2,J,J1A9 Tl.tne.. : L5;21 ae / ls - oe / L5 / os HJzir.flcA TLme..: LGz24 oe / 1s- ae / L6 / as H,J2JJi-cc Tim6.. : L6t24 09 / L9 / 05 HKMDTI.I\C TLme- . : 18:35 0s Lzs) swB4G GoloB frllutlon FacBor: 1 Analyeis Ifrg lot-Saqile*: D5I150000-350 Prep Batch *- - -: 5258350 Me,reury 97 ( 85 114 ) SWB4G 7 47 AA Dilution FacEor: l.Analysle rwfE (s) : Calculetions arc porforncd bofore roundiry to rvoid rourd-off orrorc in calculated resulB- STL Denver O ffi COilI?OIr AlUPfiB DATA RBFORT IICItrAIr lfigfal s C1Lent Iot #- - - i Dsf 030139 SPIKE MEASURED PARAMETER AI,IOUNT AII,IOUMT UNITS PERCMT RECIIRY METHOD tlatrrJc---,,r---3 PREPARATTON- AI{AIJYSTS DATE If,S llot-Saqrle*: D5IO60OOO-615 Prep Batclh *---: 52495L6 cadmium 0.0400 0.0394 nl]/t 99 9w846 6020 Dllutlon Pactor: 1 Aaalyoia Tima. . : sw846 5020Selenium0.0400 0.0362 mgl[.90 Dilutioa FBqEor: 1 ArBlyela Tlne..: IICS Iot-Baqr1e*: D5I06O00O-617 Prep Batch *---: 5249617 silver 0.0500 0.0494 xq/t 99 sw845 60108 D1lutlon Factor: 1 nnalyaia Tirna..: Aluminum z.oo t-95 fiS/r, 97 sw846 60108 Dilution Factor: 1 Analyele tlme..: Arsenic 2 .oa 1.93 rq/t 97 syr846 60108 DllutL@ Faceor: 1 Analyala Ti.ne,.: Barl-um 2 . OO 2.OL $rs/r, 100 sW846 50108 DlluElon Factor: 1 Aoalyaia Tirne.,: Chroml"um 0 .200 0.197 mg/t 99 sw846 60toB Dilution Factor: 1 tnalyels fl.me..: copper 0 .zso o .2ts w/t 94 sw845 60108 Dl-}ucl@ FacEor: 1 Analyaie Aima..: Nickel 0.500 0-491 nrg/t 98 sllg46 60108 Dilutslon Eactor: 1 Arlalyelg Tina- -: r,ead 0.500 0.483 ms/L 97 SW846 5O1OB Dllutio Factor: 1 Aa.alyela Tlme..: vanadlum 0.500 0.499 trg'/L 100 Sw846 60108 Dilutio Factorr 1 AEalyale Tlme-.: ziI;rc 0 .5o0 0.474 trts/T, 95 sw846 60108 Dil.utlo Bactor: 1 A[alyais Tima..: calclum 50.0 48. 8 rfis/t, 98 swB46 60108 Dllutie Factor! 1 AnaLyaie Tinc,.: (ConElnued on next page) oe/ 1s- oe/zs/as A7:2L ae / 1s- oe /23 / os A'7 z 2t ae/ 1s- oe/L6/os 14: 18 oe/rs-ae/L6/os L6 :24 oe/1s-oe/L6/os 1{: 18 oe/Ls-oe/Le/os 14:18 oe/1s-ae/L6/os l,{ : L8 oe/1s-oe/L6/as 14 :18 oehs-ae/L6/as 14 :18 oeh 5- ae/16/a5 14 :18 oelrs-oe/L6/as 14: 18 aehs-ae/L6/as 14 :18 aells-oe/tg/os 17: 18 WATER WORK oRpER t-,. H'J2JG1AD HJ2TGIAE HJ2JJlAU HL72JJ1AV HJ2JJIAW Hr2rrlJ HJziI'JLAO H.72,IJIAI HJ2J{T1A2 HJ2LTrflA3 HJz.IrflA4 H.Iz,f,f]..As HJ2JJ1A6 O STL Denver Cl-ient Iot PAIU\METER #---: D5I030139 SPIKE MEAST]RED AIUOTTNT AIT{OUNT ffi CUIJr.TBOJ SEUPIiB IEEA REBORT tlCTEAt, ttetals TTNITS PERCNT RECYRY METHOD lfatri-x ------3 PREPARATION- A}IATYSTS DATE TATER WORK ORDER # fron Potassiunr Magnesirrrrr Sodium Zirconium IrIercury rufB (s) : L, 00 50. o 50.0 50. o 0,500 DilutLon Faetor: 1 rcS rot-Batqrle*: D5I150000-3so Prep Batclr *- - -: 0.00500 0.00{185 nrg/r,97 Dilutiss Factor: 1 0 ,954 nrg/L 95 Dllutlon Factor: 1 50,9 mg/r.' Laz DLlution Factor: 1 49.L mg/r, 98 Dllutlon Pactor: 1 47.9 fitg/L 96 DLlution Factror: 1 0.538 ng/t, 1o8 9w846 601_08 Arra1yeJ-a Tlme. . : sw846 50L08 lnalyrle Tl.me. . : 9w845 50108 AualyslB Tlme..: s[1t846 50108 enalyets Tlme. .: sw846 50108 Analyele Time. -: 52583 5 0 sw846 7470A. Analysia Timc., : 09 / ls- 09 / LG / os H,Iz.I.TLA7 LG t?t aghs - 09 / L6 / a5 H,r2,r.rLAB L5 224 ae l]-s-o 9 / Le / os HJ2JJIAe L5 -,24 a9 / L5 - o 9 / L6 / os HJ2.f,J1ea L6:.24 oeh s- 09 / L6 / os HJ2,r,Jlcc L6:21 oe llg / os 18 :35 HKMDT1JAC Calculetioos Ero porformed bcforc munding to avoid round-off crrors ln calculatod rosults. STL Denver 50 C1ierrtr Iot *--.: D5I030139 Date Saryll-ed- - - 3 09/ 0I/05 LZzLO PARAMETER PERCEMT RECO\TERY RECO\IERY I,IMITS US lot-Saryl1e *: Cadmium 50 69 Selenium L72 N L49 N IIS lot-Sanpl.e #: Aluminum 90 92 Arsenic IIIAMIX SPTKE SIAI,IPIIE ffi NBPORT IIO1EAfT Ueta1s rlate Received- - 3 A9 / 02 / 05 lIatrlx, -',,,, - - i WATER RPD IJIMITS METHOD PREPARATTON- AIiIAIJYSIS DATE }IORK ORDER # D5IO2023A-0O4 Prep Batc:h *- - -: 52496LG N (ag 110) sw846 602A N (89 r.10) rs (o-20) srir846 6020 DLlutLou Factor: 40 Ana}ysle TiEe..I 12:15 (az LLz) sws46 Gozo(82 LLz) 8.9 (o-2Al Sw846 6020 DLlut,ion Factor: {0 Analyala Tima..: 12;16 oe / 1s- 09 /23 I as HWQ91C8 09 /1s- ae / n I os H,nrQ91ee oe / i.s- oe /23 / as HWeelDA oe / ls- oe / 23 / os HwQelDC oe / Ls - oe / Le / as HwQglDo oe / Ls - oe / Le / as HweglDl oe / 1s - oe / te / os HinrQg LDz oe / ls - ae / L6 / os Hiruee 1D3 D5I020230-004 Prep Batch #- - - ! 52496L7(sg 1-l-9) sw845 601-08 (ag 1191 2.2 (O-zs) SW846 60108 oLlutlon Factsor: 1O J[nalysls Tl-me. . : 17 :32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barium Calcium Chromium Copper L26 N L25 N 103 103 1- 10 r_08 1,24 L20 NC, MSB NC, I{SB (e+ L24l(aa Lz4l L.z (o-2s) Dilutioa FacEor; 5 Analyeis Time. - : 21: 0O (es 120) (ss Lza) o.3o (o-2s) Dilution Factor: 5 Analyaie Tlme. . : 21: OO (ea 1s3 )(+e 1s3) (0-2s) PiluElon Factor: 1O analysle TLme. . : a7 *2 (73 13s) (tz 13s) 1.5 (0-25) DLlution Factor:5 Analyaie Tl,me, . : 21 : 0O ( 8e Lze)(az t29) 3.0 (O-25). Pllutlon Fact,or; 5 Analyols Tlme-.: 21;00 sw845 60108 sw846 50108 svr845 60L08 swB46 60108 sw845 60108 9w846 60108 sw845 60108 sw845 50108 sw8 4 5' 5 01- 08 sw846 501_08 ae/Ls-oe /rc/os oe/t.s-oelL6/os H,J\IQ91D4 H.rfQg1D5 ae/1s-ae/Ls/os oells-oe/Ls/as HiruQe1CR HiruQ91CT as/1s-oe/L6/as oe/l.s-ae/LG/as H.ryQ91eA HirVQeICC oe/ls-oe/L6/as oe/1s-oe/L6/os H,JlIQ91CD HiryQg1CE STL Denver (ContLnued on next page) Client lot, #- Irate Saryt1ed- PARAMETM ..fron Iread Magnesiurn Nicke1 Potassl-urn Silver Sodium vanadium Zine TATRLf, SPTffi S,BIIPI,B EI',LTTBITOIT REFORT TCfDAI} lletaf-s Dsr03 013 9 a9 f ot/ as 12 : 10 rlate Recelved- - ! 09 / oz / as PERCEMT RECO\IERY RPD RECO\TERY IJIMITS RPD IJIMITS METHOD --- t-- $z 1s5 ) sw845 5O1OB $z Lss) s+ (o-2s) sw845 5o1oB Dilution Factor: 1O Analyslg TimG..: L7:32 lletriJr- - - - . . - -, i WATER PREPARATTON- WORK $.r++rYsrs pArE oRpER # ae / 1s- oe / Le I os HwQglcu ae/ r.s - 09 / re / os H.rvQg Lcv ae / 1s- oe / t5 / os H,rIQgleH 09/ 15- ae/1,6/Os HirvQglCJ oe / ls- oe / Le / as H.nlQelco 09 / ls - 09 / L9 / os HinrQelcl as I Ls- oe / L6 / as H,nreg1cF oe / 1s- oe / L5 / os Hin/QgtcG 09 / 1s- oe / Le / 05 HLn/Qe]-Cr{ oe / 1s- ae / Le / as HWQelcx oe / 1s - ae / L6 / os Hfireer.Dl{ oe / 1s- ae /La / as HinreelDx oe / 1s- oglLe / a5 H\T\IQeLez ae / 1s - oe I Le / os HWQerc3 as/ ls- oe/L6/os H.ryQgleK oe/ Ls- oe/LG/os Hinreelcr, ae /Ls-09 / rcl os HwQglcrr{ oe / 1s- oe /L6 / as H,J\reelcr{ NC, MgB NC, MgB 1"3 I g7* 87N 1-L2 1 r-0 1_08 l_2s L24 1 1-0 109 120 L2IL NC, MSB NC, MSB ( Be 121)(sg rz1l zs (o_2s) Dlluul-on Factor: 5 Analysle Time..: 21:00 $z 145) (ez 145) (0-2s) Pl-IutLou Factor: 1O ArralyBle TJ.me, . : L7 232 ( s+ r.2o)(aa Lzo) 1 .3 (o*2s) PLlutLos Factor: 5 Analyols Tlme..: 21:00 (7 6 L32l(76 L32) ( 0-2s) DLlution Factor: 1o analyele Tl.me. . ; L7 :32 (zs 1-4r. )(ts 11r1) r-a (o-zsl. PJ.lutLon Factor: 5 Analyele Tlme..; 21:00 (za 203) (zo 203) (o-40) Dilutiou Factor: L0 Analyeia TLme. , : L7 232 (8s LzA)(Bs LzA) o -66 (0-2s) DlluElon Factor; 5 .Arralyels Timo. . : 21: 00 ( 5o 137) (50 t-37) 3.7 (O-zs) Dilution Factor: 5 AnalyeJ-e Tlrne - . : 21 : OO sw845 501OB sw846 60108 9w846 60108 9w845 60108 sw846 50108 sw845 50108 sv[845 501_08 sw84 6 6 0108 sw84 5 6 0108 sw845 50108 s$[845-60108 sw846 50108 sw845 60108 sw845 50108 sw846 60108 sw846 60108 NC, MgB NC, MSB STL Denver (Continued on next page) 52 Cl.Lent Iot #. Dat,e 8aqrl.ed.- PARJAIT{ETER Zlrconium r{qrE (sl : (ao 120)(ao L20) s -z (o-zsl DLlutl"on Factor: 1O nnalyals Tlme..: L7:32 }ffiTB,TX SPIre SBIiPLB ffi REPORT IQfrAIr lleta-ls D5r030r.39 a9/lL/as L2:Lo rlate Recelrred--3 09/az/as PERCENT RECO\IERY RPD RECOTI/ERY ITIMfTS RPD ITIMITS METIIOD !ta,t,f i-- - . . - O. - - 3 I{ATER PREPARATION- WORK 4[4I,Ysrs pATE ORpER # ae / ls- oe / Le I os Hirveg Lcg 09 / 1s - oe / Le / os HirvQg lcs 101 104 9w846 601.08 sw846 50108 &lorlations arc pcrformed boforo roruding to avokl round+ff crrors in crLullled ,csulB. N Syftcd amlya rccovry ig ousidc S{rd control ltmt6. NC Thc rccovcry rnd/o, RPD w6rc not crlodetcd. MSBTbo rccorrcry ud RPD rrcno nol calolM bcceuEe thc srnrylc auroum wrs treet€r t[ra four dmes the rplte emorat. t Robrirr pcrccm dilfcrcace (RPD) h ortridG $ri.d coilrot ttEirs- o STL Denver 53 IffIRf,T SPIXB SEUPI,B DATA REFORT EXAIr lletara Client lpt *. . -; D5IO30139 ltatrJ.x- - ..: WATER Date saryiled- - - = ag/at/os 12:10 Date Receiv6d- -z a9/o2/os SAMPI,E SPII(E MEASRD PERCXWT PREPARATION. WORK PA&AMETER AMOT]NT A}"fT AI'OUMT ENITS REC'TIRY RPD MEMIOD ANAIJYSIS DATE ORDER # lfII l,ot-seqrle *= D5I020230-004 Prep Batch *- - -: 524961-6 CadmLum ND O-O4OO O -0242 $q/t 60 SW846 6020 O9/L5-O9/23/O5 rrWQ91C8 Qualifiere: N ND o. o4o0 a.oz77 rns/r, G9 13 swB4G Go2o o9/Ls-o9/23/os H,rtrQglcg Qualiflers: N Dtlutlm Eactor: to AnalyeJ.e Tfirc..: 12:16 Selenium 0.0{o 0.o40o 0.109 N ms/r. \72 swg46 6020 o9/Ls-09/23/os HweglDA o.04o o.o4oo 0.0998 rrg/t L49 8.9 sw845 6020 O9/Ls-O9/23/As HirvQ9lDC Qualifiers: N Dilution Pector: 40 Analyslc TLme.. : L2:7-6 I.lS Iot-Sary)Ie *: D5I020230-004 kel, B.rtch *-. -: 5249617 AIunlil-m ND 2.OO 1.84 rrtg/r, 90 SW846 5O1OB O9/Ls-091L9/As HWQ91D0 ND 2.Oo 1.88 nqh, 92 2.2 5!{846 60108 O9/L5-O9/L9/O5 HWQ91D1 Dilution Pactor: 10 AnalyeLe TLme. -: L?:32 Arsenic 0.025 2.OO 2.55 N rrrs/r. L26 SW846 5O1OB O9/L5-09/L6/O5 H.rVQ9l.D2 o.02s 2.oo 2.52 N tw/r. Lzs L.2 SVrs{6'60108 Og/L5-Ag/16/O5 HirVO91D3 Dilutlon Factor: 5 Analysla Tlna..: 21:00 Barium o.41 2.oo 2.47 rw/r, 103 sr{B4G oo:.oB o9/Ls-o9/L6/os HuveglDr o.41 2.00 2.4a rrg,/r, 103 0.30 sw846 60108 o9/L5-09/L6/os HirvQglDt DLlutioa Pactotr 5 Analyaia TinG,.: 21:00 Calcium L500 50.0 1{7O nrg/T' Quallflere: NCTMSB 1500 50. O 1510 mg/L Qrralif iere: NC, MSB Dllutl.on Factor: 10 Analyela TLme-.: L7:32 sw846 60108 ae / 1s- a9 /L9 / Os H.I/QeICR sw845 50108 09/1,5- A9/L9/os H.rvQgLCT STL Denver (Continued on next page) 54 lilTTRET BPIE SN{PTJE I}IITA REFORT ItCIf,AII ltota1s Clieut Lt #- - -: D5I030139 Date saqfled---z O9/oL/05 12:10 Date Receiwed. -: 09/02/0s Itratri:r,,, ? r, - r) . - : WA,TER PARAMETER Ctrromium Copper Iron Iread Magnesl-un Nicke1 Potaesiurn SAMPLE SPTKE AI.{OT,NT AMT MEJASRD .AIyIOUNI t NITS PERCNT RECI/RY RPD I,IETHOD PREPARATION- WORK AI{ALYSIS DATE ORDER # ND 0.200 ND 0.200 A.219 mg/L O.216 mg/L Dilutioa FacEorr AnaLyels Tima. .: O.311 mg/f' O.301 nlg/I' nllutlon Factor: Ana1-yele Tlne..: L .7 6 mg/r, L .24 * mg /t, DLlutLon Faetor: Analysie Tine- -: 0.435 N rrq,/l' O.558 mg/L ol"luUl.on f,'actor: Analysls TLme..: 1 1_0 108 L-5 5 21;00 sw845 50108 sw84 6 60108 ae / rs- 09 I LG / as H;nrQelcA oe / ls- oe / L6 / os IIWQelcc ND ND 0.38 o.38 IUD ND 12 o0 L200 o , 0J,6 o . 01.5 1700 1700 0.250 0.250 1,00 l-.00 0.500 o - 500 50. o 50. o 0.500 o.500 50, o 50.0 7,24 120 5 2L;0O r.3 I 87 10 L7232 87 142 5 21:OO 3-0 sw845 60108 09/ts-09/L6/os HwQeLcD sw846 60108 Ae/1s- oe/L|/Os HinrQelcE 34 25 sw84 5 5o1oB Oe / ls - Ae / Le / Os sw845 sOLOB Ae/1s- A9lLel}s sw846 60108 Oe/ls-0e/L6/05 sw845 50LoB ae/ ls- ae/L6/Os H.rvQg1CU HinrQgl-C"tr ,,*n HWQ9I-C,f 118 0 mg/t, Quall-f Lers : NC, MsB 1?oo ntS/L Oralif iers : Ne, MSB DLlutlon Faetor: L0 Analyele Timo-.: L7:32 0.554 nrg/T, 110 0.557 mg/L 108 Dllutlon Factor: 5 Rnalysle Time..: 21:0O L7 40 mg /1" Qualif lers : NC, MsB 179 0 mg /t' Qualifiers: NC,MSB Dilutl.on Factor: 10 Rualysls Time - . : 7,7 :32 gw84 5 50L 0B sw845 50108 sw845 50L08 L.3 sw8{6'50108 oe / i.s - oe lLe / os H;nrQelco a9 / ls - a9 / Le / os Hweelcl oe / Ls - 09 / L6 / os HirvQelci 09 /L5- a9 /LG / os HLn/Qelc( sw845 50L08 oe/1s- A9/L9/As H;n/Q91CTV sw84 5 6 0108 09 / ls - 0e / L9 / 0s H.IIIIQe lcx STL Denver (Contlnued on next Page) !trITIf,' SPIG SAITPIJB DATA RBBORT IIC):EAL l6gal g Date Received- - 3 ag l 02 / 05 llatri-x- - . ) - - - - . : I{ATERCf.ient Iot *---: Date led.,-3 SAI{PIrE P+RAMETER AIr{OU}im Silver ND ND D5I030139 a9/orlas 12:1o SPTKE MEASRD AMT AMOT]MT PERCMT RECURY RPD METHOD PREPARJATION. WORK AI{AtYSIS DATE ORDER #T]NITS O. 0500 0.0 626 mg/L 125 o - 0500 o , 0618 mg/L L24 1 .4 ni]-utloa Factor; 5 AnEI'yBlB Tlme..; 21:00 50.0 31700 fiq,/T' Qualifiers: NCTMSB 50 . 0 33500 mg /T' Qualif iere : NC, ![SB Dilution Factor: 10 AnalysLs Tl-me. . : A7 :tZ 0 . 500 O . 565 fiig/T, 110 0.500 0.551 rrlg./T, 109 0-55 Pl-Iut.ton Factor: 5 Analygie Tirne- . : 21: 00 ae /Ls- o 9 /L6 / a5 HJVQslDvr aeh s- ae/rc/as HJtreei.Dx ae/15-aelwlas Hin/Q91-c2 ae l1s- ae / Le/ as HirvQelc3 ae/ ls- ae/L6/os H;nrQglcK aehs- ae / L6 / os HwQglerr oe lls - ae l L6 / as Hirveelcl,I oe / 1s- o9/L6/ os H.r\IQelcN oel ls - oe / L9 / as H,rrQe lc{t ae / rs- oe lte / os Hweelcs sr{84 6 sw846 50108 6010B Sodium Vanadium Zl-nc 33000 33000 0. o14 o.014 0. 024 0. 024 gw84 6 sw845 50108 5010B Zirconium I.ID ND rucrB (s) : A.622 $q/L 0.645 rrq.lt DllutLon Factor: Analyeia Time. , r 0 - 505 rlrg/r. a -522 rng/I, Dilution FacEor; Arralyelo TLme. . : sw84 6 60108 gw84 5 601_ 0B sw84 5 6 0108 3.7 SW846 50108 sI{845 50108 3.2 SI{845 60108 0.500 0-500 o. 500 0.500 120 L24 5 21; 00 L01 L04 10 LT 232 Celoilrfiorn arc pcrfomEd bcfore rounrling o avoil round-off craors ir crtcril.tod rcsulB. N Splked anelytc rccovcry is oursi<te sla!.d ontrot limiLr- NC Thc nrovcry md/or RPD wcl! not crlqthEd, li[SB Thc rccovcry std RPD vGrc Dot cr]o{eud bccause ttre srmplo 8nlomt u/ss gre$or ttun four tifiEs tho qpile emounr.I Rclitlvc pofcd dificrcncc (RPD) b outii(te nstad oodrol r;-iB. STL Denver ITtrIT.f,E SPIXB AAIIPTJE BVBI'TNT'IN SOTIL iletal-s Cl.r.ent Lot *- - -: D5IO3O139 PERCBIIT RECO\IERY RPD PARAMETER RECO\TERY IJIiIITS RPD I,IMTTS METIIOD REPiOR:r lratrix---,,,--o: GTr PREPARiLTION- WORK AIiTALYSIS DATE ORDER # IfS lot-Sarryll.e *: Mercury 95 101 rwrts (s) : D5fO30139-002 Prep Batch f,- - -: 5258350 (es 114)9w846 7474A (as 114) 6.0 (O-10) SW845 747OA DiLution Pactor; 1 Analygie TLme,.: L8:56 ae / Le / os Hil0(21cc ae /Le / os HilorzlcD Cal$htions arc perfirrrmcd beforo rounding to avoid roud-off error$ in calculatod reslts. STL Denver Cl.ient Ipt f--,: flate 8a4l1gd- - - 3 gAIvIPIJE PARAMETER A},IOUNT Dsr03 01_3 9 ae/02/a5 09:35 rlate SPIKE MEASRD AMT AMOT]NT T]NITS I.ATRIE SPIffi S,BUPLE DATB. REPORT TUEtrL Hetals Recelrred- - 3 09/ 03/05 ItlatrLx-- - - - - - - o: G"!il PREPARJA.TTON- WORK AIVAIJYSTS DATE ORDER # PERCTVT RECX/RY RPD I,IETHOD HA lot-Saryr1e #: D5IO3O139-002 Prep Batch Mereurlr O.00500 O.00475 mg/f, O.00500 0. 00505 mg/L DlluElon Factor: Analyalo Time- -: s2s83 s 0 sw846 7474A 6.0 sw846 7470A 09 / L9 / Os HiDor2lCC oe / Le / os HiDorzlcD *. - - 3 9s 101 ND ND 1 18:56 r(ufB (s) : Calculatlons arc perforrrcd bcfore rounding to avoid round-offerTore in calanlatod rcsutts. STL Denver 58 fATRXf SPIKB SAilPfrE EIALITATIOII RBPTORT IUXAI, lletals elient l.ot *---: D5Io30139 Date Sary[eal--.. O9/L9/oS 14:30 Date ReceLrred.-z o9/L7/O5 PERCEhIT RECO\IERY PARAMETER RECOVERY TIMITS RPD RPD I,IMITS METHOD HaLri-x : WATER PREPARATION- WORI( A}IALYSIS DATE ORDER # US Lot-8aryile *: Ivlercurry 84 7B rrc|IE (8) : Dsf L7 0196- Oo1 Prep Batch N (es 114) *. - -: 5262486 sw8{5 7470A gw84 5 747 AA oe / 22/ a5 HKT1E1C4 oe /22/ as HKrlELcs(85 114]. 7.2 (O-10) DiluE,ion Factor: L Raalysis Time- -: 19:33 Calculatlons ore performod bofore rourding to avoid rourtd-offorrors in calculucd results. N Spiked analyte rccovery lr outside stated control limits. O STL Denver C1ieut f.ot *. . . 3 Ilate Sary)I-ed---I SAIIPITE IATRLE SPIre SAUHLB DJI:rA RBFOI T IIUELL lieta].s Date Receirred- - 3 09 / L7 / 05 llatri:r, - - - - - - - . 3 WATERD5IO3 013 9 ae/Ls/as 14:30 SPIKE MEASRD PERCNT REC\IRY RPD MEfiIOD PREPARATTON- WORK AIVAIJYSIS DATE ORDER *PARAT{ETER AMOUMT AI,TT A},IOT'NT I]NITS IrGl l^ot-Saryl1e *: Mercury TID IID n(}rE (s) ; D5IL7A196-001 kep Batch #. - .3 5262486 o. oo5oo 0.00418 Ing/L 84 sw846 747OA Quall,f Lers: N 0.00500 0,00389 mg/L 78 7.2 sW846 747OA Qualifiers: N Dilution FacEor: 1 Analygig Tirne. . : 19: 33 ae / 22 / os Hr(T1E1e4 ae /22/ os HKTIE1C5 Cdculations aro perfonned bcfore roundiag to evoid round<rff crrors in calanlated resrlr- N Spikcd anatyte roooyory is ouBidc stared control llmiu. 50STL Denver STL DENVER Contrect r Lab Code: SOW No. ! Total Metals Analvsis COVER PAGE . INORGANIC ATIALYS$ DATA PACKAGE URS Corporation STITDEN Cage No,: gDO No. t gl,g No. : Dsxo3 0139 SanD].c ID. GW- 5n -090205 GTil- 6B-090205 cw-R1-o90205 q'[-S7-0902o5 cw-s8-090205 GW-S9-090205 Wcrc ICP l-nterc].rrurntr correctloal appl.l-cd? Were rCP baokgrotrnd, corrcetioar r1lDllcd? If ycr-wero ratr d,rta gGncratrd. bcforc al>plication of background corrGetlons? Conulrcnts: Lab Sary>lc !ilo. D5r030139-006 Dsr030139-007 Dsr030139 -002 Dsr030139 -OO5 Dsr030139-00{ Dsro30139 - 003 rg NO I eertlfy that tbir drEa DaclGrgc Ls ln coutrrliracr wLth thc tcrmr atld conditioni of thr cosrtract, botb tnch[ically aad for cq)I.tanGgBr for oth.r tshEn th.c conoLtLona dcballcdabove. R.lcaEG of ttrc data co[ta1ucd la Bhl.a hardco5ry drer prchrgc and ln EhG cors)utar-raadablo drt,ta Euboittcd oa f1o34ryr digkett.l har bacn auttrorl.zcd blr thc Laborato4, tdenegor or thc ![nnrgiGr'a doa:Llracc, ea werlfLcd ttr tbc lollorrring rl.graature . Ycr/No Ye glNo Yc;/No Y:ES aigraaEure : Datse:,i/drr, /o s Nanr I TLt1e : Data Anrlygt Kattulr STL Denver CO\TER PI'SIE IN 51 STL DENVER ContrraeE: IIRS Corporat,Lon Totel Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CON"TINUTNG CALIBRATION VERITTCATION Cage lilo. t gAS tilo - : Higrh Ptrrity, Sprrx InorgtnLc Venture' r,rb Codc r STIJIEIiI fnitia^L Ca].l"bratrLon Eourcc r ContrLnul,ng Calibratrl.on Sourcc r gDc No.: D5I030139 ConcenEnELon uni.tr r W llll tnrLyte rnLtial Calibnt'iou Tnrc Found ,6R( 1) Coatinuingr Calibration Tnrc Found tR ( 1 ) Found, e6R ( 1)M Ll.un,inrrrn :l o. 500 I 100.0 I P I carcium r, I I I I s.ol I I s-oglror.elpl l rruminum :l lo.oJ 3e.3e l se.s I so.o I sr.rol roz.e I I ll-J Calciurn H I J.ron Lo I 39.93 I gg.8 52,611 105.2 I I I o.sol I o.soslror.6lpl I rron lri I 40 . ol d0 .20 l1o0 .5 I s0 .0 I sz . tsl 10{ .3 I lrl I rotrsriuml I I I so.oI I 50.sgl1oo.Blpl Megncrium I Sodiura fro I IFoq41un_4il co.of {o. 02 [100. o I so.o I 52.2{J 104.5 I 2A -061 100 . 3 5.081 101-6 I zirconiryl l o.5o I o-deel 99,8 I P I (1)ControL Linits:Meretrry 80-120; Othcr Mctalg 90-110r Ctrrnidc 85-115 STL Denver Fom II ( Pert 1) Ittr 52 STL DEIVYER Total Metals Anahsis _2A_ INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERMICATION eotrtracc! IIRB Corlnration Irab Code3 STITDEN Crlo ![o, t S.LSI lilo - : fnl-tl,aI CalibrutLon Sourco : ContlnuLng Cnll.brrtLon Sourcc : Htgrh PurLty, Spox Inorgfanic VcnturcB sDo No. r D5I030139 I nfuminum .l I Concrntsntloa tlnLta r mgl[, ll o,sol I I o.4e3l eB.ElPl Ana1-yte raitsial calLbrrt,Lon Tnr. Found tR(x) Continuing Calibratslon Trrrr f,ound, tn ( 1) Fotrnd e6R ( 1)M l4l.qqinum :l I 50.o I {9.501 99.01 lpl Lq.r.ium rl I 5-o I I I s-oslroo.GJPl Lsa,1slum Hl I so,o I {9,r-t] 98,3 I Ipl I rron Lo I o,50 I I o.tszl ge,{lpl Llrsn Hl, I I so.o I {g, g7J 97 .7 1 lpl I potaggLuml I 50.O I I so.3zlroo.dl P I MngncsLum I I soaium r,o I I I1 20.0 s.o I 19.g7l gg.8 I P s.oe lroL.z l p I I soarum ni I I I 50.O I so.Tsl 1o1.sl I lpl ZLrconiun I 0.50 Control LimLEe:Mercuryr 80-120; Othcr Mrtelt 90-110r Cfrrnidc 85-115 o-500 100-o (1) STL Denver Form II (Part, 1) IN STL DENVER Contract: IIRS CorporatLon Total Metals Analvsis -7,A- INI'ITIAL AI{D CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Cere No. t gAS !ilo. : Higrh Purity, Spax Inorganio Vcuturoa Lab Code : STLDEII IaLtl-aL CalLbratiolr Eorrroc r Contl,nuing Calibratl.on Sourcc : sDGl NO. r D5f030139 CorrccntratLon Unltsa r mgllt .[nalft,c rnltial Calibrrtion Trrre Found tn ( 1) Conul,nuingr Call-bratl.on Trnn Found tR ( 1) Found %R ( 1)M Alumtnum :l 50.0 i7 ,431 9{,9 {8. O{l 96.1 I P Ca].cirrm Ir I Ilronni | | 50,o I I so.ol {5. 221 g0 .4 {5.951 91.9 I P {5.351 90. z I {6.131 e2.3 I p I I sodiru!_Ei I I so.o I {8.131 96.3 I 48.7ol s7.4lp I (1) Coatrol Lr.nLt,lr llcrcury 80-120r Ottcr tict.als 9O-110; Cyrnide 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Prrt 1) IN 54 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION CoEtract: IIBII Coqroratlos tab Codrls STLDTN Caee lilo. i AAS llo. r InLtLa]. Call-bratiore Eourctr: Cont,lnuingr CalLbraE,Lon Sourcc : Higrh PurLty, Spax Inorgranlo Vcnturcg sDs NO. r D5f030139 Conccntrats:lou urrLtr t mg lt rnallte rnl,uial Call,bntion Enrc Found e6R ( 1) Continuiag calibration l[rer(' Found e5R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)I{ Aluminun :l 0.50 0.{7gl 95.8 lrruninrrlr:l I l_ | so.ol I I lz.srl gs.e lpl Cs].ciun Ll 5.0 4.791 95.8 P Cal-cium H 50.0 {5-83 9L.7 rron Lo I 0 .50 0 ,49 97 -6 Iron Hi I 50 .0 45*ggl 92.01 p leoraesiunl - I I I so.ol so.zel rg-o..gl I lelltltg,"eriurnl L ,- I I zo.gl rg.zol ge.sl I ,.1-?,1lsodi.r-r,ol, I I I s.ol s.odroo.el I lp,l Sodiurn IIf I 50.o 49 .65 I 99.3 I p Zirconl-rrn I 0 .50 0 .50 100. 6 (1) control timJ.ts:Mercrrrlr 80-120; Othrr Mctal;9O-11Or c)ranLdc 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) fN STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Cor-porat,lon Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AIYD CONTINUING CAI,IBRATION VERIFICATION Cagc l\lo. r S^ilS No. : Htgrh Purity, Spax Inorganio VcnturcB Lrb Codcr StrLDtDI Initirl Cal-lbration Sourea r ContLnuJ.ng Ca1ibru,tsLon Sourcc : sDo No. r D5I030139 Concontrat,ion Unl,tt r rrgll, Analtte rnl,tial Calt bntLon Tnrc Fouad eGR (1) Contl,nuing Calibration Trrrc Found %R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)T{ I rlunrLnun :J I o.so I o.tBol 96.o I nJ.ulrinum :l CaLciurn L l CalcLum II I I rron lio I I o.5o I lL7.28l 9{.6 o,tsgl ez-61 I lPl lrronttt I _ I I so.o I I lr.13l g{.3 J r I Potnssl,un I Lttryoaslun I I 50 . g1l x.ox,. 6 2O.O I 19.461 g?.31 Sodiurn El I zLrconiurn I ( 1) Control r,irntEe:Mcrcury 80-1201 OBher Metals 90-110; Cfrraide 85-115 STL Denver Form rI (Part 1) fN 56 STL DENIIER Total Metals Analvsis -2A.- INITHL AND CONTINTIING CAI,IBRATION VERIflCATION Coatrrct r t RS. eorDorat,ion - Lrb Codcr STLDEN Cage No.:gf,g No. t fnitirL Call"bration Soursc r ConELnuingr CllLbratl.on gourcr r nl.gh hrity, 85rox faorga.u,io Vcnturas sDo rvo. r D5r030139 Concrntrrtion Unl.ts; t mgll Ana,lfftc InitLr1 crl.Lbratlon T:trrc Found tR ( 1) Contirrul.ngr CrlLbratLorr Tnrc Fotrnd tR ( 1) Fouad e6R ( 1)!{ lrrumuun.j.l | _ | I o.sol o,.,rgql ..pg.zl I lel Calciurn L' I 5.0 4. 951 99 .2 P fron Iro I 0.50 0.{991 99.8 Pote.raiugt I 50,0 5O;981 102 .0 I u.goesiuml I I ao.ol r.9,631 9B,zl I zircoaLurn I I I o-so I o,{g{l gg. g I frl (1) ConEroL t Lnit; r MrreutY 80-1201 Othu Mctela 90-11.01 CrranLdc 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part t) rN STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analvsis -2L- INITIAI, AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Caac No.3 Sl.g DIcr - r Ht-gh Pur!.Ey, Spcx Inorgranio VcnturGB Lab Codc r STITDEN lnit,ial Calt"bratLon Sourcc r Contlnulngr Calibratslon Bource: sDCs llo. : DSf 030139 Concentratioa Unl,tr r mgll, Ana].ftc fni.tial CrlLbratlon rIrua Fsrrnd e6R ( 1) Continuing Calibrat,ion Tnrc Found tR( 1) Found %R ( 1)M lnuniuunr:l o.zsl o.2lol ga.ll I I I I lpl I gatciunr r-, I z.ol e.orlroo.sl I I I I lpl I rrp;n rro I o. esl o,259 1103.5 I I -l-EJI rotaanl.um I ao.ol 2o.tllror.el I I I I lpl Magrnerium I 10.0 9,57 I 95 .7 Sodiunr lro I 2.0 2 .05 1102 . 5 I zt rcouium l o . zgl a .z{3 I g"t .z I I ( 1) Control LirnlEe:Mercurar 80-LZA; OEhcr llctalg 90-110; Cfrrnidc 85-115 STL Denver Forrr If (Part 1) rN 58 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analysis -24- INITIAL AND CON'I'IN T] ING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION cont.ract: UBS CorporrtLon Lab Codes STLDEN Castl No. r gl'8 No. r rnJ.tLa1 Ca]'ibrBt,Lon Source r ContLnuLng Cal.ibratioa Sourcc : Higrh Purlty, SDex Inorgrrnic VenturGt gDc No. : D5f030139 Conccnt,rrt,l-on IrnLtr r sg lT. anaLyte rnLtial Calibntl,on Tnrc Found r6R(1) Continulngr CalibratLon Truc fotrnd ,6R ( 1) Forrnd e6R ( 1)lrl lmr:rnLnurn:1, [ -_ I I o.sol ,., ,f, ,l o.szrlrot.zlpl A1umt nu,m :l 39-38 I 99.4 48.961 97 .9 P I catclum r" I I I I 's.ol I I s.ool roo.o J P I Calcirlrr H I 39.52 I gg.0 49 - 5gl 99 .2 lrroar.o I | 1... I o.sol I I o-srzlror,nlpl lrroanr I ao-ol sg..grl gg-el so.of ,-,1-g,-1il gg.zl | --l_plleoqreErulrl I I I qo.o.[ I I so-orlroo.olel Magmeetum I 19.82 1 99 -1 I P SodLurn Lo I 5. O5l 101.2 I P Sodiurn Hi I I ztrcouiuml I o.5o I I 0.{931 eB.Gl P I (1) Control LLmlegr Mcroury 80-L2Ot Othcr Matalg 90-110; Cfranide 85-115 STL Denver Forn rI (Part 1) fDI STL DENVER Contract 3 IIRS Corporatl,on Total Metals Analvsls _2A_ INITTAL A}ID COI$TINUING CALIBRATTON VERIFICATION Cage No. r nlgh furity, Spcx InorganLo VenturGs Lab Code: STI{DEN fnitiaL Crllbration Sourcrr Cont,Lnu:l,ngf Calibrat,ion Sourec : sDs No. r D5I030139 Coneentration Unit,s z nrglt' Ana]-trt,e fnitia1 Crllbretlon Tnrc Found, ,6R ( 1) Contiauing Calibration Tnre Fogod e6R ( t ) Found 9tR ( 1)M I rrqainqm :l I I o.so| I o.4asl gz,olrl I nro*inunr :l I I so-ol {8.gil 9z. B I lpl I eatciurr r, I 5.0 I 4.99J 99.8 I p I J c.rcium HI 50. o I 19. 621 99.2 I lpl fron lro I Iron III I 0 .50 50.0 0.{9{98,8 4g .1 98.2 Potaerium I I 50.0 20.o I 50-10I 100.2 I p I re.B7l ge.tJrl lsoarum rcl rl s.ol I I s-ozl ro1.{lpl Sodium Hf I zirconLum l 50.0 0 ,50 {9.531 99.1 0 .494 99.8 ( 1) ControL f,iniet r Morcrrry 8O- LZA t OtSer Metel.s 90-110r C3ranLdc g5-115 STL Denver For:n ff ( Part 1) IN 7A STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AI{D CONTINUTNG CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION coDtract: IIRS Coqroratlon Lab Codos STLDTN Cagc No.:gra No, r Inl"tLal CalibrrtLon Sourcc: Coutinrring Ca1{bratiorr Eorrrcc r Htgh ftrrity, Spcx InorganLc Vcnturct 8Ds No. r D5I030139 Concontration Uu,itr r rrgft AnaIlt,c fnitial' Crllbratton Trnrc Found tR ( 1) CoatinuLngr CalLbration Tnrc Fognd r6R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)!n lluminrun fl Lhrfirirrurt :l J catcirrrn L l 0.50 50. o 5.0 I 48. 85 97 -7 o .117 9 95.8 c.931 98.6 I P I Ca].cl um II I Iron r.o I I rron Hi I 50 .0 {8. g3 9? .7 0. 50 I I I so.o] lg.6sl e7.Bl 0. {88 97 .6 lpl J rotassiuml rl I so.ol I ] so.o{lroo.tJrl I urgocriurn I rl I zo.ol I I re.Bol ee.olPI J soaiun r,o I I I I s,ol I I s.o3lroo,elrl Sod,lurn ni J I zirconl,um I I 50.0 o.5o I {9.{1 98-8 I o-{ezl eB.clPl ( 1) Cont,ro1 r"LruLtg :Mtrcury 80-L2O; Othrr Matala 9O-11O1 C)'anLde 85-115 STL Denver Fom ff (Part 1} IN STL DEIVVER Contraet: IIRS Corpontiou Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INIT'IAL AI{D CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION Cagc ![o. r SIS No. ; Higrh PurLty, Spex Inorganl,c Venturct Lrb Codct StrLDEN fnitie]. CalLbratsion Souroas Contl,nuing CnLLbratlon Sorrrcc r SDe IrE). I D5f 030139 ConccnE,rrtsIon Urrj.ta s ng lL lnr]'lrt,e Initial crlLbratsLon Tnr Found e6R(1) Continui,ngr Crl.lbntLon Tnre Found *,R ( 1) Found %R ( 1)!i Lluminum :l 0 .50 0.4791 95.5 l P I nrurninllln :l I | | so.ol ra.zrl ez.rl I lpl lcercrun.r,l ,l | | s.ol | | l.ggl ga.elel CalcLun HI 50 .0 48.851 97 .7 P Iron l.,o I 0 .50 o,{89 97 .8 Iron Hi I 50 .0 49. 5 97 .3 lrotarsiuml I so.o I I I so. osl roo.1 I P I I e.gq el,um I I I I 2o.ol I I re.G3J so-zlrl I soafum rol I I 5.ol I I s.oslro:-.zlpl Sodiurn Hf I 50.0 {9.501 99.0 Ziroont-um I 0 .50 ControL lrl,nits r Mercurlr 80-120r Otrhcr Mcta].s 90-110; Cyanide 85-115 0 .493 98.5 (1) STL Denver Foz:rr Ir ( Fartr 1) IDI 72 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -2A.- INITIAL AND CONTIITIIING CALTBRATION VERTF'ICATION coatnctt ttRS Corporat:l-oa Lab Codet STLDEN Carc No. t SLg No. : tnitia]. CalLbratrLon Sourcc r Cont,inulngr Calibratlon Bouroe I HLgrh PurJ.t,y, S1>ex Inorgenic VcnturcB sDs No. r D5I030139 Concentratsion Uni.tsr r mglr. r.nr,Lyte rnitLal Calibntl,on Trnrc found t6R ( 1) Cont,Laulng Crlibrrtion Tmr found e6R ( 1) tround e6R ( 1)M Ieru+iaun :l ,.. | | I o.so I _. -.. 1... I o.rsol gs.o le I I a.furruinum :l I I I so.ol c8.6ol sl.zl I lpl Calciurn t I I catciurn rr J I 5.0 { .95 99.O I I so.ol ae.13l ea.3l I Iron Lo I o,50 0.{g7l 97.{ t p lrroarl -l l, I I so.01.,,...-.1-grPsl_Jl.sl I lel Irotreeirrml I I I so.ol I I rg.ttl gg.slpl I u.groesiu'nl I I I 2o.ol I I rs.64l gs.zlrl lsoqrunrcl I I I s.ol I I s.ozlroo.rlel I sodtiurn Hf I I I I so.ol {9.s31 99-1 J I lPl z{roonl,un I 0.50 ( 1) Cont,rol LimiEE I Mereurl' 80-L2O; Othrr Mat,aLa 90-1101 CtranLdo 85-115 0 ,493 98,5 STL Denver Fom If (Part 1) rN STL DENYER Contracts: IIRS Cory>oratloa Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL AI\[D CONTINUING CALIBTTATION VERIFICATION Cagc No. t grA No. t HLgh Purl-ty, Epex InorgrnJ.c Venturoa L,ab Code : STIJ)EN fnitl.a]. CallbraEion gorrrec : Contl,nuingr Clll"bratlon Eourco r sDo No.: D5I030139 ConoantratLon Unitg z \g lL LAU*,rnum :l o-zsl o .253 I1o5 .2 I Arra].ytc InitLrl Ca]'Lbratlon trnre Found tR ( 1) ContLnuingr Ca1lbratsLon Tnro Forrnd e6R (1) Pound BR ( 1)M Ca].cLum LI 1.gg I gg.0 Iron lro I 0 .257 I102 . I I potresirun I zo . ol 20 .18 lt.oo .9 I rrl lpl LMcgresiun I ro. ol 9.s2 I gs.z I I I I I lpl I soai.-, Lo I 2.01 z.o3 1101.5 I lpl zirconiurn I 4.2{0 I 95.0 ( 1) Control Ll.nLtg :Morcury 80-1?0; Other Mcta1r 90-1101 Clranl,dc 85-115 STL Denver Form fI (Part 1) IN 74 STL DENVER Contsractr 3 Lab Codc: Total Mctals Analvsis,L- INITIAL A}ID CON'I'INUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION I[tS Cor1roratl.oIe STLDEII Caac No,:8r,g No, t Inorganl-c Vanturea sDo Ho. r D5I030139 rnl-tl-al- Calibrrt,ion Sourcc: Continuing Cr1l-bratsLoa Slourcc r High Purl.ty, SDcx Concentrrtion Un:|.trr t $gf t tnalyta Inl-tLal. CalibratioIr Tnre Found tR (1) Contlnulngr CalLbratLon Trrr€t Found e6R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)M Arsonie I o.2 o.217 I gg.g 1.00 0 .9971 gg .7 1.005 100, 5 I saritn I o.zsl o.zss lror.a I o-so I o.soel ror.z ! o.sogl ror.a I e I [ ,cEqomiun I o.2sJ o.2s2 l1oo.8 I 0.i0 I o.sosl 1o1-ol o,5o9llot.B_lLl I eoppe= I 0.251 o .2{o I 95.0 I o.50 I o.{9{l 98.g I o.{9zl 99.{ I p I Vanrdirrrn I o.25 a.252 I100.8 0 .5051 101. 0 0.5101 102.0 Iztrr. I o.2sl o.zrtl gt.e; o.so I o.lgzl gg.l I o.sorl roo.z I p ll,caa I o.esl o.zlsl ge.ol o.sol o.soolroo.ol o.soslror.olel INrchr I 0..2fl o.zsg lrorra,l o.so I o.sogl ror.s I o.srslror.o I e I I strver I o.asl o,.zr1l gz-a I o.so I o.,l?.2[ _gs.rl-- o.lgsl gg.ql-?-l ( 1) Control r.imLt; s McrcurT 80-120;Other McEals 90-110t Ctranide 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN STL DETVVER Contraot: Total Metals Analysis _2A_ IMTIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIBICATION IIRS CorDoratioa gTLDEN Cut No. t Stl,S No. 3 Inorganic Vanturat Lab rnLtl"al Callbrat,ion Source : ContirruLng Cal.l.brabion gouroe r SDc No.: D5f030139 HLgrh Purl.ty, SDex Conccutratlon Unitg = nrg/L .Lnalrcc rnIUj.aI Calibration Trfllo r.ou.nd, tR ( 1) Con t,l-anrlng CrI lbrrt:Lon Trrrc rround t,R ( 1) Found 96R ( 1)![ Jur,"nic t I I 1.001 r-o03l1oo.3l 1.o0alloo.alBl Barl.un I 0 .50 0.5061 101.2 0.5001 100.0 I p Chrorniun I [,c"pp.= I I 0 .50 0.5071 101.{0.5111 LAz.2 I p I I o,sol o.tgsl e9.01 o.aBBI gz.Glpl IrCad. I xt.t.r I I 0.50 I I o.sol 0 .5021 100 . {0-5051 101.0 I p o.s1zl Loz.{ | o.sr.rl1oz.8 I p I I sirr.= I l o.5o I 0.c9il 98.21 o.cBTl gT.tlpl I v.ordtuq, I I tl o.so I o.5o9l 101.8I o.steI Laz.t l r I Zinc (1) Contrrol LinLta:MerctrT 80-LZA, Othrr Motels 9O-110t Clrraidr 85-115 o .50 0 .4961 99 .2 0.d961 99..2 lP STL Denver For:nr II (Pare 1) IN 75 STL DENWR ContracE: Total Metals AnalYsis -2A- INIIIAL AND CONTINTIING CALIBRATION VERIHCATION IIRS Corporat:Lon Lab Coda 3 STITDEN Caac No. t gAS No. t sDs No. s D5f030139 fnicLe.L Callbration Sourcr r ContLaulng Calibnt,l,on Sotrrcc r Iaorganio Vcnturct Iligh Puri ty, Sgcrr ConcontratLon Unltg 3 mrglI! Arralfrt,er rnl-tLa1 Calibrat,ion Tnrc torrnd tR ( 1) ContLnulng Calt bratLon Tr:ge Forrnd t6R ( 1 ) Found tR ( 1)!{ AreenLc I 1. 00 1.0211 102,1 1.0201 102.0 I p lsarr'rn I I I I o.sol o.sosl ror.ol o.sorlroo.zlBl lsruonruro I | | I 0..?.9 I o.srrl roz.zl o.szrlrol.e.Lel lcoee.' I I I I g-sol o.lgel gg.el o.aggl sg.elpf I r,aaa I I I I o.sol o.sozl1o1..l o.srzlroz.llpl Nl-ctrel- I 0 .50 0.5151 103.2 o.5251 105.O I P SL1vrrr I 0 .50 0.{921 gg. {0.5001 100.0 I B lvlpaatun I | | | o.sol o.srslror.ol o.szrlrol.slpl J zino I I I I o.sol o.sorl100.6l o.sroltoz.olpl ( 1) Control IrLnitr I Mcroury 80-1?0;Other Metalg 90-110,' CrranLde 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Prrt 1) IN 71 STL DENVER Contraet r IIRS Corporatl,on Total Metals AnalYsis _2A- INITIAL AND CONTNUING CALIBRATION \{ERIFICATION Caac ![o. r S.ng No. : fnorgl-lc Vonturog HLgrh zurLty, $pex frab Codct STLDEI{ lnitia]' Crlt bratLon Sourcc r Contlnuingr CrlLbratrLon Eource : sDs No. r D5I030139 Concrnt,ntLon UrrLt,a r mg/L arralyte rnLtial CalibntLon T.'ur Found ,6R( 1) ConELnuLng CrJ' lbntioa lrrnrc porrnd r6R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)M Aracnl,c I 1.00 1.0361 103,5 BarLum I o.50 o .lg7l 99 . { lo"'on+rsl I- J I o.sol o.srdroe.el .l lplIcoep"' I l- I I g.:ol o.rggl gg.sl L| ellr,eea I l,- I I g=sol o.saol ros.zl I ...1 .ellurcter- I _ I I ..,[- o-sol o.sgcl roz.zl I lel freed -,!Nlckel I 9,-?"9 o-50 o.5261 1O5.2 o. 5351 LO7 .2 fsit"cr I I I I o-sol o.soellal-zl I lpl lvanaaiun,l. I i { -._o.sol o.sgal roe.ll I lplzrnc I I I I o.sol o.szrl Lor.zl t lp ControL lrLml.tg t Mcrsurfr 80-120I Other Mctal;90-110r CrranLdc 85-115(11 STL Denver x'orn II (Part, 1) fN 78 STL DE|VVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AIID CONTINUING CALIBRATION YERIFICATION Coatilct! URS Corporatlon Ltrb Code: STLDEN Cage [Io, :gl.g No. t Initirl Call.bration Sourcc r Contl-nul.ng CalibratLon Sourca: Nrgr Ultrr Sclentifio gDc NO.: D5I030139 Concrntntl-ou. tlaLta r rr{Jll, fnrlytc rnl.tLal Ca].ibntion Tnrc Found esR( 1) Conuinulng Call.braBlon Erme Found' tR ( 1) Found e5R ( 1)M Marcury 0 . 0 a2L77 0 . 0 02L47 98.5 o.005000 o,00511 102,3 0-0a[g72 97 .4 (1) Control Llnits r Mcrcury 80-1201 Otrhcr Matalg 90-110; elranLde 85-115 STL Denver Forur fI (Part 1) ilr STL DENYER Contrlot r IIRS CorporrtLon Total Metals Analvsis -2A,- INITIAI, AhID CON TINUING CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION Cagc trlo. 3 S.[,g No- : }IIST Ultra SoLcntlflo Llrb Codc: STITDEIU fnLtial. CalibraE,l-on Source : ContLanr:lng Cal'ibration gorrrsc r sDo DIO. r D5r030139 Conoentration Units r tug lL Analyte rnLuLal Calibration Tnrc Found t6R ( 1) Coutinuing Crlibration Tnrc Foured, 9sR ( 1) trorrnd tR ( 1)u Mercury 0 .005000 0 .00489 ( X ) Cont,rol LLnLt,g r Mcrcurar 80-120; Othor Mctalo 90-1101 CYanLda 85-115 0.00(t928 STL Denver Forru If (Part 1) il 80 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A._ INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERINCATION Coutract: UltS Cottrortrtloa LBb Codcr STITDEN Caec trlo. t SAg No.: rnLtial Calibnt,Lon Bourcc : ConeirruLng Call-bration Eourcc r NTST U1tra ScLaatslfLc SDGMO. r D5fO3O139 Conccntrrtion tlnlta r ng/Ir nnal-ytse rnLUia1 Calibration Trnrl Found tn'( 1) CorrtLnul,ng Callbrrtl-oa Tnn llsuad, tR ( 1) Found e5R ( 1)!{ 0.005000 0 .00{93 ( 1) Control. IrLmlt,s r D[crsurfr 80-LZA t Othcr Mctsals 90-110; Crranide 85-115 STL Denver Forn II (Part 1} I}I B1 STL DENVER Contraet: URS CorporatLon Total Metals Analvsis _2L_ INITIAL AI.[D CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICA'I'ION Caac No,:SI^[.SI No, : NIgE Ultra Scicntific r,ab Codcr STITDEN Iaitirrl CaU.braELon Sourcc r Continuing CalLbratsl,on Sourcc r sDs No. r D5I030139 Concentrat,ioa Units : ng lt, Anallrte Init,ial crLl.bratLon Trnrc round, tR ( 1) Contj-nulng CalLbraElon Tnrc Fouad tR ( 1) Found tR ( 1)!{ Mercury 0.0a2L7 0 . 0 a2L77 100.0 0.005000 (1) Control rinit,c r Mercury 80-120; Othcr McEals 0.005102 102 .0 0 - 005177 103.5 cv 90-1101 C)ranLdc 85-1X5 STL Denver Formr fI (Part 1) rN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND COIIITINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION contraotI IIRS CorDoretion Lab Codc r STITDBII Crrr No- t NIST S.f,.fl No. t InitiaL CelLbratl.on Source : Cont,l"nulngr CalibratLon Glorrcc r Ultra Sol-entifio sDo fvo. r D5I030139 Conoentratl.on UnLtg : mj lb I ruercury_ | I I I o.oosooo ! o.oosuzd ros.s I o.oosuelroz.o lcvl Analrrte fnitial Caltbratl-on Trnrc Found, ?6lt ( 1) CoutLnu:lng Crl Lbrrtion Tme Porrnd e6n ( 1) Found t6R ( 1)M ( 1) Control r,Lnl,ta:Mercurar 80-7.20 t Otrhor Mctalt 90-110y Cfrrrrido 85-115 STL Denver f,'or:n ff (Prrt 1} IN 83 STL DENVER Contrracts: IIRS Corporat,ion Total Metals Analvsis -2A- IN ITIAL AIT{D CONTINI ]ING CALIBRATION VERIEICATION Cese No. t SnA ilIo. : NIgtr Ultra SsicntifLc Lab Code: STLDEN rnl,bial- CalLbratLon Sourcc r Contlnul-ngr CaLibnt.Lon Bource : sDo NO. r D5I030139 Concantratlon Unl,ts s rng/f, .[neLfrt31 InLtia]. Call,bration Tr:rrs llorrnd tR ( 1) Cont,inrrLa.g CrlLbntl.oo Tnre Found tR ( 1) Found' e6n(l)!,I 0 ,005000 0 . oo5{,2 ( 1) Cont,rol lrLml.tg r Mcreunr 8o-120; othcr Mctale 9O-110t C:rantdc 85-115 STL Denver Forn rI (Pnrt 1) fN 84 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -24- INITIAL Ai\D CONTINTITNG CALIBRATION VERIFICATION eotrtraet3 t RS eoryoratiou f-,ab Codc 3 9TITDEN Crac No.:8f,EI No.: Init,Ln]" Ca]"ibratsLon Bourcc: Contl.nuingr Ce]-LbratLon Bsurcc r Htgh PurJ.ty fnorganl,c VenturoE gDc No.: D5I030139 Corrcentration tlal"ta t \g llt lsqqa!ry-- I o-ocol o. o{01 l10o.2 I o. o5o I o. osoil 1oo. z I o.05o1lroo.2 f r't I nnalyte rnl-t,Lal CalibrrtLon lrrnrc [ouad tR ( 1] Continuing Crlibretion Truo Found t6R ( 1) Found ft,R (1)M Leclgrrl,rrm I o. otrol o.04ool10o.o I o. o5o I o. o5o7l 1o1 . { |0.os1{[toz,g I u I ( 1) ConEroI rirnita :Mercury' 80-120; Other Mctalg 90-110; ClzanJ.de 85-115 STL Denver Fornn II (Prrt 1) - IN STL DENVER contract: IJRS CorporatLon Total Metals ^A,nalvsis-2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUTNG CALIBRATION VERIF'ICATION Cagc No. :gng lle. t HLgrh PurLty Inorganic Vcaturaa Ltb Codc r STL,DEN rnl-tia1 CrlLbraElon Sourer r Coatinulng CaJ.ibnt:lon Sorrrce : gDO tr[o. ; D5I030139 ConctutntLon trnl,ts s rugltJ Arraltrtr rnl-tLal Calibration TruG Found tR(I.) Contlnulng Call.bratj.on Tnrc Found e6R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)D[ Cadnium 0.050 0.051 103 ,0 0 .0{99 99.8 Srrl-enium I 0.050 0.0{9 98. { ( 1) Control Ll.nttg :Mcreury 80-120,' Other DIctaIg 90-110r Cyanl,de 85-115 0. 0488 97 .6 STL Denver Poru II (ParE 1) IN 85 STL DEIYVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- IMTIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION \TERINCATION Contr.,cU: IIRII Corporatlon Lab Codc r STITDEN Cagc No, 3 g.Lg No. l Initl,a]. Calibration Source : Continuiug Callbratiorr Bouroe r Higrh PurLty Inorgrnl-c Venturor sDO NO.: D5I03O139 Conscntratlon Utrits : fig lL .f,na].lte rnitia} Crltbratlon Enrc Fouad e6R ( 1) Contiauing Celibrrtion Tnra Found tR ( t ) Feund e5R ( 1)u lcaanrun I I I I o.osol o.gsrol+oz.ql o.osozlroo.llul ls'rcaruml I ._ | I o.osol .g.olgll gs.sl_o.qsr-llroz.zlill (x) coDtrol tLultse: ucroutaz 80-120r othcr !(ctalB 9O-110; cyanLdc 85-115 STL Denver Form ff (Part, 1) Ill STL DET{VER Coatraot I IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINI]ING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Clac No. t SfS No. r Htgh Pur{ty rnorgrenj.c Venturog trb Codcr STLDEN InLtl-al Call.bration Sourec r Continuiag CnLt bratLon Sourcc : SDc No.: D5I030139 ConcentntsLon llaLta r ng lL .LnaIft,c Inirial cr].ibntion Trua Found e6R ( 1) Contl"nulnlr Calt bratLon Tnrc Found tR(l) Forrnd e6R ( 1)M Cedrrirun Sclcniuur I 0.o50 0.050 101, 6 0.0505 r,01.2 0.o49 99 .8 o.0506 101.20. o50 ( 1) Control lrl,nl.Es:Dilorsurtr 80-120; Otshtr Mctala 90-110, Cfranl.dc 85-115 STL Denver Fonr II (Part 1) IN 88 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INMIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERTTICATION Contracb: IrRg Corlroratlon IraI, Codc: STLDEDI Cage trIo. :gl,g [Io. : rnLUl.al Calibratiorr Elorrrce r Cont,Lnuing Calibration Souroa r Ht-grh PurLty Inorgrnio Vanturar BDo !so- r D5I030139 ConecnEratsLon Unita r ng ll' AnaLyEc laitial Ca].ibrrELon Tnre Found tR (1) Continuingr Calibration lfrnrc lround, tR ( 1) Found. tR ( 1 )M Cadml-urr I satenLum o.049gl 99.5 ] I I o. oso I o.oso{ 1oo,z I I (1) Control rinitg:Marcurar 80-120r Other Mct,els 90-1101 C:ranide 85-115 STL Denver Form If (ParE 1) IN 89 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -zB- CRD[, STANI}ATID FOR AA AI{D ICP Contrrct r IIRS Corlrorrt,ion Lab Codc r STITDEN An CRDI, gtr.nd.ard Sourco t IeP CRDI, Standard Eoursc r Caea llo - :glg Slo. r SDO No. r D5f030139 InorgaaLc Vcnturog I arumrmun I I conocntratsLon Unitg : frg lt' o.10 I o.o9el 98.ol CRDL St,andard for .trf, TruG Fouad tR CRDIr Etandard for fCP rnitLal FLnar Tnrc E'ound 9sR Found ,6R Iil CalcLrrm tr l Il=o,r!g I I I a .2051 102 . 5 ll o.o3ol o,o3srlrre.ol I I PotagsJ.unl 1.08I 108-0 MegrnarLurn I o .2a7 I 103 .5 SodLum LoI lriroonfu:ml I I lJ o.oosl 1.O{l 10d.o o. oo59 I rr8. o I STL Denver rorm fI (Part, 2) fN 90 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysls -zB- CRDL STANDARD FOR AA AI{D ICP Contract: URS CorporatLon r,ab Code : STLDITN AA CRDIJ Atandard Ecnrree r ICP CRDL Stsrndard Sourecr Cagc No- 3 SAg No.3 gDo No. r D5IO3O139 Inorgani.e Venturet Concanrtratioa UnLtn t mglL CRDIr Et,rndrrd, for fCP InLeLr]. Flna1 Trrr FOrrnd ,6R f,orrnd, CRDL Btend.ard for .[l. A1umLnun, I 0 .10 0.0961 96.0 lcaro+usrr,J ," l .., I ll -o-aol o.rgol gs.ol - ,1. Ilzronr,o I I ,. I ll o..osol o.orrel rog.zl I I Pot'asaiumJ 1.0 1.05 I 105. O Magneatuml 0.20 0.1761 88.0 SodJ-un ro J 1.0 L.O2l 102 ,O lzircontunl I I ll o.oosl o.oolal so.ol I STL Denver For:n rI (Dart ?l IN STL DEIVYER Total Mctals Analvsis -28- CRDLSTANDARD F'OR AAAI{D ICP Cont'rect r Leb Codcr t RS Corporatlon gDc IIo. : D5I030139STLDTNCaccS.[A No.: lt CRDfr Standard ICP CRDL gtandrrd Sourcc:Hlgrh hrrity, Spex, rnorge,nl.c ventutrea Concentration [Ial-tt t mg/L I rariuru I I I ll o.oosol o.oososlror..ol CRDL Bt,andrrd for ICP InitLaI Fl"na1 Tnre found *,R Found tR CRDL Strredl,rd for ^A Truo Found tR lrracrri-c I I I ll o.orol o.ororl 1o3.ol I I Chromiurn I 0 .010 0 . 0101 I 101. 0 lcoppcr I I I ll o.oroJ o.ooasl as.ol I frcad,0.0030 0.003161 105.3 NickaL l 0,010 o,0102 I 102 ,0 Silvcr I o .010 0.0095 1 95, o Vnnad,l-uur I 0 .010 0,0101 1 101.0 Zino 0.020 0.0188 I 9{.0 STL Denver Form II (Part 2) IN 92 STL DETVYER Total Metals Analvsis -?B- CRDL STAI.{DARD FOR AA AI'[D ICP Contnct r IIRS Corporati.on LaI) Code r STITDEN f.l. CRDL SEandard Sourccr ICP CRDL Strnde,rd Source: Crrc No. t Ultra Scf,entifio S.f,S ![o. :sDs No. r D5fO30139 ConcmtrltLon Urel-te t prgflt CRDIr Standard lor ICP rnlt,lal ri-na]. Tnre Found, tR Found CRDL Standard for t^}. Tnrc Xourd. STL Denver Eorzr rI (ParC 2l f![93 STL DEIVYER Total Metals Analvsis -28- CRDI, ST'AtrIDARD ['OR AA AND ICP Lab Codc r STITDEII AJl, CRDL Standrrd Ssurcc: fCP CRDIr Standard Sorrrcrr r Cl;c [Io, r U]'tra SoicntLft-c gA,S No. l 8DO lilo.: D5I030139 ConcrntrrtrLon UrrLt,a r rnrgll 0 - 00020 101. o CRDL Standard for An Trnre X'orrnd. CRDL Atandard for rCP rnl.tLal. Fina]. Trrrs Forrnd tR Found tn Mercury I O.000AOO STL Denver Fonr ff (Prrt 2 ) IN 94 STLDENVER Total Metals Analvsls -28- CRDL STAI''{DARD FORAAA}ID ICP Contract: URB Corporatlon I.aL Cod,a: SIILDTN fn CRD[, (ttasdard Sotrrcc: fCP CRDI, $trandard Sourcc r Caea No,:S.ng No. :8DO lilo. r D5I030139 InOrg-t io VenturG! Conccntration Unl,Eg : mg lL CRDL Bttndrrd. for ICP fnJ.tlal FLnrl I,rrr f,ound, tn found tR CRDL 9ta.nd,rrd, for tlt Trnr Forrrrd ,sR Cadlrrium I 0.0010 o.00102 I 102.0 lsereuiulnl ,..I I ll o.oorol o.ooogsl gs.ol I ,l STL Denver Forn II (Prrt 2) r IN 95 ffisrt URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Name: l,oUSDC Nurnber: Matrlx: 7o Molsture: Besis: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Brtch ID: Srmple Allquot: Dilutlon Fnctor: STL,DENVER p5r03qt3"2 WATF.R Wst 60I OB rng/L 524q6t7 50 m[, I Client Sample ID: Lsb Sample ID: Lab WorkOrder: Dntc/Time Collected: Date/T[me Recclved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlmc Extracted: Dete/Time Anslyzed: lnstrunrent ID: D5lp0.o0oG6l78 HJ?JJ 0 /.151(15,. l5:30 09/ 16105 t6: I9 02r CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7429-q0-5 Aluminum 0.0t 7 0.017 0.10 U 7439-89-6 Iron 0.02 t 0.021 0. r0 U 7439-95-4 Magnesium 0,051 0.043 0.20 B 7440-A9-7 Potassium 0.24 a.24 3.0 U 7M0-67-7 Zirconiurn 0.00r 6 0.001 6 0.01s U 7440-74-2 Calciurn 0.034 0.034 0.20 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blonk Equivalent 96 ffisrt URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Nrme: LoUSDG Number: Mstrlx: 7o Molsture: Basls: Andysis Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: Sample Allquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL DENVER Ds1030r 3e WATER Wet 60lpB ms/!, s2496t7 50 mL I Cllent Semple [D: Leb Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Date/'Iime Collected: Date/Time Rocelvcd: Dnte/Time Lerched: Datd'l'inre Extracted: Drtefl'ime Antlyzed: Instrument ID: Dsr060000-6r 78 HIZTT 09/15i05 l5:30 A9/t9/(r5 17:14 (t2t CAS No.Annlyte Conc.MDL RL a 7440-23-s Sodiurn t.t I _t 5.0 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equlvalent 97 ffisTL URS Corporution Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Ltb Name: I.oUSDG Numher: Mltrlx: oh Molsture: Bssisl Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch lD: Sample Allquot: Dilution Factor: STL DENVEIT Ds1030l39 WATEIT IUgJ 60tJ)E mg/I,. s249617 50 mL 1 Cllent Snmple ID: Lrb Sample I I): Lab Workorder: Dateffime Collected: Date/flme Rccelved: Date/Ttme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Drte/Tlme Antlyzed: lnstrument lD: psr060000-:617B HJ2trt oefi s/os r 5t0 09/16/05 14: I 3 024 CAS No.Analyte Conc.Mt}L RL a 744438-2 Arsenic 0.0044 0.0044 0.015 U 7439-92-l Lead 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 LJ 740-39-3 Bariurn 0.00070 0.00070 0.0r 0 U 7444-02-A Nickel 0.00 t 2 0.00r 2 0.M0 tJ 7440-22-4 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.0r 0 U 744(L62-2 Vanadiurn 0.0025 0.0025 o.010 U 7440-66-6 Zinc 0.004s 0.0045 0.020 IJ j44447-3 Chrtmium 0.0026 0.0026 0.0r0 U 7++o-so-a Coppcr 0.004s 0.004s 0.0I0 l.J STL Denver Form 3 Pre.p Blank Equlvalent 98 ffisrr URS Corporttion 'fotal Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lrb Name: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: '% Molsture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Bntch ID: Srmple Allquot: Dilution Factor: STL DENVER D5t030r 39 WATER Wct 74.:70b mg,ll, s259350 I Cllent Sample ID: Leb Semple ID: Lab WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collccted: Date/Tlme Received: Date/Tlme Leached: DateJTlme Extrtcted: Dete/Time Arrrlyzed: Inetrument ID: psl150000-3508 HKMDT 09/19105 I 2:30 09/19105 l8:33 019 CAS No.Analyte Conc-MDL RL a 7439-97 -6 Mcrcury 0.000027 0.00fi)27 0,00r)20 tl STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent ffisTL IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet LBb Name: Lot/SDC Nurnber: Matrlx: "/o Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Bttch ID: Srmple Allquot: Ililutlon Factor: sT[..rJENyFR psl030 r 3e WATER Yst 7474A mg/L s262486 l_ Cllent Srmple lD: Lab Sample Il): I,rb Workorder: Dntc/Tlme Collected: Dete/I'ime Recelved: Date/'fime Leached: Drte/Tirne Bxtrscted: Date/l'irne Anulyzed: lnstrument lD: DJIIe0000-4868 HKWl9 aef7,?1r05 t!:30 oe/Z?lQl,te:?O 0u CAS No.r\nnlyte Conc.MDL RL a 7439-97 -6 Mcrcury 0.000027 0.000027 0.00020 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent ffiSTt URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysls Dnta Sheet [,tb Name: LoUSDG Numbcr: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Basis: Analysis Metlrod: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER Dst030l39 WA]'EB. WsI 6Q?,Q mEl/I, s24e6t6 50 mL I Cllent Stmple Il): Lsb Sernple lD: Lab Workorder: Dnteflime Collectedl Date/Time Received: Date/Tlme Letched: Date/Time Extracted: DtteIl'ime Anrlyr,ed: lnstrument ID: ps1060000-0r$t] HJ2JG 09r l5/05 I .5:30 09173105 A7:tl a04 CAS No.Analyte Conc-MDL RL a 7782-49-2 Seleniurn 0.00033 0.00033 0.0020 U 7MA43-9 Cadmiurn 0.000040 0.0000..+0 0.00r 0 tl STL Denver I?orm i Prep Blank Equivalent l-01 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsls -3- BI,ANKS Contract: f,ab Code : URg Corporat,ion gTf.DEN Carc No. t Sl.A No.:8D(I No. r D5I030139 PrcDaratlon Blenk Matrlx (soil/untcr) r WATER Preparat,ion B].lnlr Concentrttiou trnl.ts (ngll or rB/kg) :MG/L fnitiel Ct1ib. BIanIB $ctg lnl Coat,LuuLng CallbratJ.on Blanh (nolL)Prg;>arrtioo Bhnk Alurrinum to I 0.o17 Ca].eium Lo 0.03{ fron Lo 0 .021 Potasglrrm o ,2{ Magmeeirrgt 0. o{3 SodLun lro 0. o31 ZLrcorriuur 0.00160 0-017 0.03{ 0 .021 0.043 0.031 0.00150 0.017 o .034 o .021 a.2l 0.o{3 0.031 0.00150 0.017 o.03{ 0.021 0.0{3 o.770 0.00160 0.017 0-034 0.o21 0. 051 0 .0016 STL Denver Forul III Itrl aa2 STL DENVER 'fotal Metals Analvsis -3- BI,ANKS Contsract: Irab Cod,e: IIRS Corporat,ion gTfrDEN Ce,rl No. t S.[.S No, :SDCI No. r D5I030139 PrcDaratioa glauk Preparat,ion Blank MatrLx (roil/mtcr) r Conccutrrtion UnLea (wll or n9lkg): VTE.EER MG/I, rnLtLrL ci].Lb, BIE.nTE (ng/L) Cqntlnulngr Cal lbration B]-ank (mg/t ) lczc3c Lluminurn lro I CalcLrrnr t,o Irori Iro Potaesirrrn Magmegirr.ur Sodlum r,o Ziroonl.unr 0.017 o.o41 0.021 4.24 0. 0{3 o-{83 0 - oo150 STL Denver Form rff IN L03 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLAI\KS Contrrctr URS Corporation LaI, Codc r STLDEN Crac Ncl. t 8.l,SI No, :D5r030139 Prcparation s].aak Matrix (soil/wrtrcr) r PrcprratLon Blank ConccntratLon Unitr (ng[t or nglkg) l vlB lt,, Inltsiel. Crlib. rLenk (mglL) Continrrl.ng Cr1Lbrrti.on Bl.trrr]r (tug/L) .tr1uminum lro I Calcium Lo Iron Lo Potaggiun Magneelum Sod.ium tro Zirconirrm 0.00150 0 .00160 0. 00160 0.00150 STL Denver FOTn III - IN STL DE]VVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Cont,ruot r Lrb Coda: IIRS Corporatlon STLDEN Calc r[o. t gl.El Ng, r sDc !Io. r D5I030139 PrGparaELon Blanlr Prcparation Blarrk MrtrLr (soll/water): WATER ConccatratLon Unit,e (mglt or nglkg) :Yrclf' Cont,l-uul-ng CrI Lbntl-orr BLank (ng/L) rllLttal Call,b. BIanlr (nrr/r,) AlumLnum Lo I Cal-cLrrm Lo fron Lo PoEaaeLurn MagracsLrrn Sod,ium Lo Ziroonl-unr 0.00150 STL Denver 8om rII IN 105 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contract: LaIs Codrr r IrRg Coraroratlon STLDEDI Ca;c trIo. :glg No. I 8Dg lip. r D5r030139 Preparrt,ion Blanh Matrix (tol.l/water) :WTTER Prcparat{on Blautc Coneentration Unita (mglll or mglkg} :utolr, Prepa="tioo 81ank Ial,tiel CelLb. BlarlE (ns /I'l Cont LnuLng Calt-bratJ-on B1ank (ng/L) Aracnlc Barl-rrru ChrmLum Copper freed NLckeI. SlLver Vanadiurn ZLnc, 0,004t 0.00{{ 0,00070 0 .00070 0.00260 0 .00260 0 , o0t5 0,0045 o-0026 0. 002 5 0.0012 0. 0012 0. 00380 o.002go 0 .0025 0.0025 0 . oo{5 0. 0045 0.00{4 0,00070 0. oo250 0.00{5 o. 0026 0.00L2 0,00290 o, oo25 0.00{5 0 .00,c{ 0.00070 0.00260 0.0065 o. oo2 5 o.0012 0.00280 0.0025 0.0045 0.0044 0.00070 U 0.0026 0.0045 0.0026 0.00L2 o-0028 0.0025 0.0045 STL Denver FoTm III IN 105 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Cotrt,raets I Irab Codc: [IR'S CorporatLon Sng No. :sDc No. r D5f030139$TLDEN Crrr No. t Prcparation B1ank Matrix (rolI/wetcr) r Prerrarat,Lon Blarrk CoaccntretLon UnLt g WATER (mslL or ngr/lEq) :YIGIL rlritLal Cr1l.b, Blrnlr (ms lt'l Cont:lnuLng Cal.l,bratlon B].arrlg (ng/L) I.czc3e 0.000?0lUI 0,000701UI 0.000701U l.r;cnlc Barium Chromiurr Copper NickcI Si].war Vanadl.um Zi-nc 0.00{{ o,00260 o.00{5 o - 0025 0-00L2 0.00290 0.0025 0.0045 0 .0 014 0.0o260 0.0045 0.0026 o,0alz 0.00280 0.0025 0.0045 0 ,001{ 0.00260 0 .00{5 o-0025 o.0aL2 0 - 00280 0.0025 0.0045 STL Denver forn III fN 107 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- I'LAI{KS Contract: Irab Code: Prcplrrtj.on Prcparatsion IIRS Cor:>oration g?fLDTN Cuc No. r B1ank MrtrLx (goil/watcr) r B1rnk Concentration unitg gl,$l No - 3 gDc NO. : D5I030139 (mgfl or nglkg) :ue/L Anal.ytc rnltlrl Crlib. alanlc (lrrgtL) c Cont,Luulugr Calibration B].ank' (ng/L) 1 c 7 c 3 C Prcparation BI"arrk c ![ Mercury I 0-0OO027!V O.0OO027lUI 0.000A271U I 0.00A027 I u o.000027 I U ClI STL Denver form IfI IN 108 STL DEIYI.ER Total Metals Analvsls -3- BLANKS Contract: rab Coda: Prepuatl-on Preparetlon IIRS Corryorat':Lon 9TLDEN Cagc Ntr.: Blank l{atrix (oot l/watar} : Blank ConccatrrtLon llrrl,tg gAS No. I SDO rIC). r D5I030139 WJtrTEII $glT, or ng/kg) :D!G/L rD.aIftc rrrl-tl,aI Callb- 81BDI( (mg/r.) c ContLnul-ng CalLbrat{on Blank (ng/Ir) Lc?c3c Prrrlraratl.on BLtnlE c M Mcrcury I 0.0000A71 UI 0.000027 IU ev STL Denver Forml ITI IN 109 STL DE]VYER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Contract r Lab Codcr Preparation ProprrratJ.on t RS Corporat,ion gTf.DElI Canc No. I B].ank Matrix (noil/watcr) r Bl'artlc Conccntratlon UnLCE S}'S tr[o.:sDg Ho- r D5I030139 (ng/L or nglhg) :Drc/L Arralyt,e rnLElal Ca1lb. BIArlIE $tglr'l c ContlnuLngr Ccl J.bratLon Blank (nglIr) 1 c 2 c 3 c Prcpa=ranorr BIanlc c M Mcreuryr I -O, 0000311 B 0.oOOO2ZIul -0.00002918 I 0.000027 I U o.00002? I U g\r STL Denver Fo:m IIf E rN 110 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contract, r LaL Cod,c r Pregrretion PrGDaratsion IIRS Corlrontl-oa STfrDtN Crac No, t Blanlr Matrix (aol,l/watcr) r slrrrk Conecntration Unitr ( SAS No. I gDO No.: D5f030139 It or ng/kg) t aEal"]t,c Iuttlal Cr1ib. BIaDIC (mslL) c Contlnuingr Calibration BlrnlE (mglr.) lczc3c Prcpar"tro,, BLrnk c u Mcrcury I O.OOOO3O IBI 0-OOO027 lV gtr Denver 111 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contraot: r,ab Code: PrcperatrLon Preprration t R,9 Corporatlon STLDEII Crso No. r Bl.ank untrl-x (soil/watcr) r B1ank Conocntsrat,ion Units Sl.8 ![o. 3 sDc No.: D5I030139 WJTTER (mglr, or mglkgr) r uglr, Analytc Iuitl-aI Ca1l.b, BIarrfr' (nglt,) e Contl-nuing Calibration slaDlc (mg lll lczc3c PrcArrrrtLon B]-anlE e u CadmLr:rn S"I.rlt "r' o , 0oo040J u o .0003301 u o-0000{0luf 0.00,0,0{0lu I 0.000040 J u o.000330lul 0,0003301u I 0.000330 I u o. o00o{ I U 0.00033 I u u E ll STL Denver f,onr IIr fN ]-42 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Anrlvsis -3- BLANKS Contracts: L,ab Codc: PreDarabion Prcpa,re'tLon LIRS Cor5rorat,Lon gTLDEN Cage [Io - : Blelok uatrix (eoll/water) : B1ank Conccntntion UnLt r gl8 lUo - :aDg NO. r D5IO30139 (mg/L or ng/lcg) r I'fG/L enalyE,e InLtLal Call.b. BIcJrlt (mglL)c Cont,LnuLng CrlLbratLon BI-tDk (ng/L) lczc3c Prel>ar.tioo Blrrek c ![ Cedmium g"1"rf.i-o. oooolo lu.l ,, 9..99,,0j.f,9J.y.1,..9,:.g9,go{.0 I y o.oo0330lul 0,0oo33oJu I o,ooo330 I u M-M STL Denver Fom TII IN 113 STL DENWR Total Metals Analvsis -3- BL.A,NKS Contract: IIRS Coryoratl,on I,ab Codc s STLDEN Caga Llo - :g.trg No. r Prcperlt,Lon B1ank MatrLx ( aoJ.l/watcr) : ItltTER RrcDaratl.on Blrak CoaoGatratlon Uaitr (nOlL or nelkg) r lrlG/L SDGI NO. r D5I030X.39 AnaLyte rnitlaI. Ca1lb. Blank (uglr.) C CoaELuul'ng CalLbrntLon Bl.ank (mfr/r,) 1czc3c Prcparatlon BIadc c llI Cadrnl-um I o.oooo4olul 0.0000{0lu I .0,ooo0{o I u 0.o0o33olul 0.0oo33olu I 0.000330 I u M-M STL Denver FoM TIT IN 774 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis - t0- METIIOD DETECT}.ON I.IMITS Coatraet r IIRB CorporatLon Lab Codc l STITDEDI Case No. r ICP rD rtrmbcrs Titl. Intreptd ICP Pl-anc }I. fD NunbtrI hlrnlec A^tr ID lltrmbcr r SAS No, : Datse: 5 lLO 12005 SDGI llo. r D5I030139 lrralytr WlvG- lengttr (nm) Back- ground PQI, (ms/L) DIDfJ (mg lL)t{ Alurnl,nrJflr L 157 - 0 0 .10 0.017 I p AlumLnurn Il 309.2 1.0 P CalcLum L 3L7. 933 0,20 0,036 l p CaLcLurn H 318. 1 10 P fron Lo 259.9 0 ,10 0.021 I P fron 27L, {{1 1-0 P PotrassLu$r 7 56.491 3.0 0.24 lP Magrncelum 279.078 0.20 0.0{3 I r Sodium Lo 599.5 1.0 0.031 I P Sodiun H 818 .3 10 P ZLrconiuru 339.1 0.0050 0.0015 P o cornrncnt,s 3 STL Denver Fon:r X fN 140 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -10- M T:THOD DETECTION LTMITS Coutract; IIRS Cor:porrtion Leb Code: STLDTN Crrec No- r ICP ID lil\unbcr: SUPERTR.LCT II Flanno A.L fD Number: nrrnace }.f,' ID Nunbrrr Sl'S N<r. r Datr: 5 lt0 l2OO5 gDo No. r D5I030139 lnr].ytc Itlave- Iangth (nrn) Ea,ch- grouad PQI, $tglnl MDL (mg/L)M J[rsanl.c Baffi- 189.0t12 ffi:,iTT o .010om 0.004{ 6TET0 P F Clrromiurn 267 .7 t-6 0.010 0.0026 P Co5rSrcr t2{.7 53 0.010 I 0.00{5 P Lcrd 220 - 353 0.0050 0-0026 P Lcke 23L.50d 0.040 I 0.0012 P Silvtrr 329.058 0.010 0.0028 P anadinrn 292 - lLO2 0.010 I 0-0025 P Zinc 213.956 0 - o20 0 - 00{5 P O"*"nts: STL Denver Form X IN 7_4L STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -10- METHOD DETECTION I,IMITS Coat,ract r IIRS Cor-poratLon Irab Codrr STLDEN ICP ID lltrmber r Cage No. r SfS No. : Datcr 9 lLSl?AOs sDG No, r D5I030139 Flamo fA ID Num,bcrr firrrraee t"l, fD Ehrrnber: PE C'\IN,A Arralytc WAtrG- 3.cngth ( nm) Back- ground PQI, (mg/L) MDL (ng /L,Dt rcurar 12 53 .7 0 0.00020 0.00002? I ev Commants: STL Denver Porm X IN ]-42 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis 4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHECK SAIVTPLE Contracts: IIRS CorlroratJ,on rrab Code I STITDEN Crac No.: rCP fD Dhrmtrrrr r lt',JI[ fntrapid ICP gt.g lfo - r sDo NO. r D5I030139 ICg Sourccr Ht-gh hrrity, Sllax, Concentration unLt,;) r r.s/\ Analyta Brnrc Slol ..L 8o1 -rrl Initl-rl Fotrnd I "iual Found, , So1 ,l 8o1 .AB tR I SoI .^n 8oL.AB t6R Flumfnrrm Hf I 5OO. O 500 .0 505.30 518.30 I r03.7 I oiunr HL l S00.0 500-o r,7 L. 19 47 6.19 | Ss.2 I Iron IIi I ZOO.O 200.o 185.',13.189 .291 ge . 61 taaB:,um I O.0 50. o -0. o{2 56. 33 I LLz .7 | grncsiun I EOO, O 500 .0 516 ,23 524.t1{ I rO4.9l iurn Iro I O. O 0 .008 rrm H 50. o 53. 221 106.4 |Zlrconium I O, O 1-0 -0.007 1.19sI 11e.sI STL Denver Forn' MN 115 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHECK SA]VIPLE Contract: IIRS Corl>oretion f.ab Codc r STLTDEN Caac No.: IeP ID lfirnber: fill' Intraptd ICP gl,g No. 3 slxl No. r D5I03 0139 ICg Eourccr High h.rrl-ty, SDcx, Conccntratl-on Units) :WILfr lrralytrr T:rrc SoI ..1. 8o1.lB tnitLa]. Forrnd go1 .f, 8o1 .LB tR Final Found Glol .r, 9o1 ..LIl tR ]efuninu.ut lri I 500.0 500.0 525 - 70 525 - 30 1Os. 1 I alcLr.rsr Hi I SOO. O 500.0 503 - tLA {99 -27 99.gl Iron Hi 200.0 200-0 200 - 09 1gg;31 99.21 trasgl-um I O. O 50. 0 -0.011 55.6{111.3 I Ftrm.eiuffi 5oo.o 500.0 516 .82 514.98 103. O I iurn Iro I 0.0 o.031 urn 50. 0 5{-32 108-5I JzfiContum 0.0 1.0 -0.002 1-1{2 11S .2 I STL Denver Form fV IN 115 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis 4- ICP INTERFEREI\CE CHECK SAM'PI,E Contsract: URS Corporrtl-on rrb Co{Ia; STI,DEDI Caee }ilo - :8.LA No. r ICS Source: gDC No.: D5I030139 Htgh PtrrLty, Sptrx,rCP rD lWrmbar: SUptRTnLCE II ConecntraElon UnJ.tg) : InLuLa]. Found. 8ol ,A 8o1 .J\B a FJ.naI Found 8o1 .[ 8oLAB Tnre gol.t EoI .AEl pracnLc I O .00 2.00 0. 003 2.A91 10{.5 I lBarlum I O.0O 0-50 0. oo1 0.5{9 I 109.8 Ium I 0.00 0.50 0.004 o,51{ I 102,9 I ollpor I 0.00 0 .50 0.003 o. 550 I 1,L2.0 | Ircad I O.0O 1.00 -0.002 1.03I 103-oI fNickcl I o. 0o 1 .00 0 .00{1.011 1O1,Ol Si1ver I 0.00 1.00 0.o01 1.10 I 110.0 I lVanadl,urn I 0.00 0-50 0. 005 0.521 I 104.2 IZinc I 0.0 1.0 0, o05 1,03 J rO3 ,0 l STL Denver Fonn MN 1,77 STL DETYVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPI,,E Contract: IIRS Cor;poratlon I,aI, Code 3 STLDE}I rcP ID DNmber: PE ICPMS Cage No.:gn8l N<>. r sDc Ho. : DSf 030139 fCS Eource:Inorgenic Vanturca Conccntretion ffnlUa ) r Eg lr) raitia]. Found 8oI .^L 8o1 -lB FLnr1 Forrnd go1.^L SoI ..nBAnalytc Tnrc oo1 .A [IoI ..LIl o.1095o.1088 109.gI o.002 0.001 I 0.0974 STL Denver lorn rlr N 118 Lrb Name: S'il" DENVER LoUSDG lt[urntrer: D5l030l39 Matrlx:WAI'ER ffisrt tlRS Corporaflon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Cllent Sample tDr LAB-MYMSD MS Ltb Sarnple lD: D51020230-$10*$ MS [,ab Workorder: HJVC]9 7o Moisture: N/A Date./Tlme Collectcd: 09/01/05 12:10 Besis: gel Dete/Time Recetved: 09/02105 09:00 Analysls Method; 60108 Drte/l'ime Lerched: Unlt: mS/|. DatdTlme Ertracted: 09/15/05 15:30 QC Batch ID: 5249617 Drte/Time Analyzcd; 09/19/OS 17..31 MS Sample Allquot: 50 mL lmtrument lD: gll MS Dilutlon Factor: Xl Anelyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MS Result C c/o Rec a QC I,imit Alutninum 2.00 0.t7 U 1.84 90 83 - l19 Calcium s0.0 r 500 t47A MSB NC 48 - ls3 Iron I -00 0.38 B 1.76 138 52 - rs5 Magne-sium 50,0 I 200 J I t80 MSB NC 62 - t46 Potassiurn 50.0 I 700 1740 MSB NC 76 - 132 Sodium s0.0 33000 31 700 MSB NC 70 - 203 Zirurniurn 0.500 0.016 U 0.50s r0r 80 - r20 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Dato Sheet Equivalent 119 ffiSTL IIRS Corporation Total Metsls Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: Lot/SDG Number: Matrix: a/o Molsture; Basls: Analysts Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: MSD Sample Aliquot: MSD Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER psr03p1.3?. WATER N/A We 60t08 mgil- s2496t7 50 rnL l0 Cllent Sample ID: MSD Lab Sample ID: MSD Lab Workorder: Date/Time Collected: Datef ime Received; Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Time Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument lD: LAB MS/MSD Dsro2o230-004D HJVCIg 99-Q1/05 l2: I () g?/Q?/05 0e;00 09/15i05-f5;3.0 09/19/05 17:32 02t Analyte Splke Amount Strnple Result C MST) Result c 7o Rec a RPT)a QC Llmits 7o Rec RPD Aluminurn 2.00 0.r7 U 1.88 92 2.2 83 - r 19 25 Calcium 50.0 I s00 I5r0 MSB NC NC 48 I53 25 lron r.00 0.38 B 1,24 87 34 *52 - r55 2s Magncsium s0.0 I 200 J r 200 MSB NC NC 62 - 146 25 PoLassium 50.0 I 700 I 790 MSB NC NC 76 - t32 25 Sodi urn 50.0 33000 33600 MSB NC NC 70 - 203 aoa Zirconium 0.s00 0.016 II 0,s22 104 J..L 80 - 120 2il STL Denver Form 5A IUISD Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent ]-20 ffi$rt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nrme: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Basls: Analysis Method: [Inlt: QC Batch ID: MS Sample Aliquot: MS Dllutlon b-rctor: STI" DENVER p5 1030I39 WATER N/A Ysl .fol0B mg/[ s242617, -5() rn[, 5 Client Sample ID: MS Lab Sample ID: MS Lab WorkOrder: DatelTlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: DatelTlme Leached: Date/Tkne Extracted: Date/Tlme Anelyzed: Instmmcnt ID: I",AB MS/MSD psr020230-004s HJVQ9 0.9./.01/05 , I2: l0 09/02i05 0o:00 09/15/05 l5;30 09/16/05 2l:00 020 Anelyte Splke Amount Sampte Result C MS Result C % Rec a QC Limit Arscnic 2.00 0.025 B 2.55 t26 N 84 - 124 Barium 2.00 0.41 2.47 103 85 - 120 Chrornium 0.200 0,01 3 U 0.2r 9 I r0 73 - 135 Clopptr 0.250 4.a22 U 0.3r r t24 82 - 129 Lead 0.s00 0.013 U 0.435 87 N 89 - l2l Nickel 0.500 0.016 B 0.564 I l0 84- 120 SiJvu-r 0.0500 0.0r4 U 0.0626 r25 75 - t4t lVatradium 0.500 0-0r4 B 0.565 I l0 85 - I20 7- -.Ltnc 0.500 4.424 B 0.62?120 60 - t37 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Dato Sheet Equivalent 1,27 ffiSTL URS Corporadon Total Metals Anelysis l)ats Sheet Lab Nrrne; Lot/SDG Nurnber: Matrh: ol, Moisture: Bnsis: Anrlysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: MSD Sarnple AIIquot: MSD Dilution Factor: STL DEI\IVER t 5t030t 39 WATER N/A Wet 60r08 mg/L 5249617 50 nrl 5 Client Srmple tD: IVISI) [,tb Sample ID: MSD l,ab Workorder; Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: DateJTlme Leached: Date/Tlme Ertrrcted: Date/Tlme Analyzod: Instrument ID: LAF MS/MS[) D5r020230-004Q HJV09 09/01/05 I2: l0 09i02/05 09:00 09115/05 l5:30 09/ | 6/05 2l :00 020 Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C 7o Rec a RPt)a QC l,irnits '% Rec RI}D Arscnic 2.00 0.025 B 2-57 125 N t.2 84 - t24 25 Bariurn 2.{t0 0.41 2.48 103 0.30 85 - 120 25 Chromium 0.200 0.0r 3 U 0.216 r08 I.5 73 - 115 25 Copptr 0.250 0,a22 U 0.30r t20 3.0 82 - t29 2,5 Letnl 0.s00 0.01 3 U 0.558 ttz ?5 89 - t2r ?5 Nickel 0.500 0.0r6 B 0.s57 108 I.3 84 - 120 25 Silvcr 0.0s00 0.014 U 0.061 I t24 1.4 75 - l4l 2{ Vanadium 0.s0u 0.014 B 0.56r r09 0.66 85 - I20 25 Linc 0.s00 0.a24 B 0.646 124 3.7 60 - 137 25 STL Denver Form 5A MSD AnalysLs Data Sheet Equivalent L22 ffisrt URS Corporation Total Metnls Analysls Drta Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: Yo Moisture: Basis: Anulysis Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: MS Sample Allquot: MS Dllution Ftctor: STL DENVER ps10.30l3q wA'l'l-lR N/A YET 7474A ms/la 52s83s0 I Client Stmple ID: MS Lab Sample ID: MS Lnb WorkOrder: DntelTlmc Collected: Date/Time Recelved: Drte/Time Leached: Dato/Tlme Extrected: Date/Tlme Anrlyzed: Instrumont ID: cw-Rr-090205 Dsr030l3e-002s HJXXz 09/02i05 09:35 09/03i05 08:30 09/19/05 I2:30 09/19/05 I 8:56 0t9 Analyte Spike Amount Somple Result C MS Rssult C o/o Rec a QC Limit Mercury 0,00500 0.000027 U 0.00475 9s 85 - I 14 STL Denver I orm 5A MS Analysis Dato Sheet Equivalent 1,23 ffisrt [IR.S Corporation Total Metals Analyeis Dsta Sheet Lab Nrme: l,oUSDG Number: Matrlx: 7o Molsture: Basis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: MSD Somple ,A,liquot: MSD Dllutlon Factor: S-tL nr"NVfR Dsl030l3e WATER N/A Wet 7470A mB/L 525835q I Cllent Sample ID; GW-RI-t190?$5 MSD Lsb Semple ID: D5I030139-002D MSD Ltb r#orkOrder: HJXX2 ()9/02/05 09:35 09103i05 08:30 Q9/l P/0s I 2:30 09/I9/0.5 ,lX:56 0u DatelTime Collected: Drte/Tlme Recelved: DateI[ime Leached: Drtefl'ime Extracted: Ilate/Tlme Anrlyzed: lnstrument ID: Andyte Spike ,drnount Stmple Result C MSD Rcsult C 7o Ree a RPI)a QC l,imits 7o Rec RPD Mercury 0_00500 0.000027 U 0.()0s0s IOI 6,0 85 - I 14 10 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysk Data Sheet Equivalent 1_24 ffisrt URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysls Datn Sheet Lab Name: LoilSl)G Number: Mrtrix: %" Moisture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch [D: MS Sample Alltluot: MS Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER pJI030l3q tyArER N/A Wct 7470A uts& 5262486 I Cllent Semple ID: MS Lab Semple ID: MS Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collecterl: Ilate/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Lenched: Date/Time Extracted: Date/Tlme Antlyzed: Instrument ID: LAB MS/h{SD DsII TOI A6.00I S HKTI E 09/15/05 I4:30 09/I7l05 09: t 5 0Pl22l0{ t.4:3Q 0q122/05 19;13- ug Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MS Result C ,A Rec a QC l,imit Mcrcury 0.00500 0.000027 U 0.004 t I 84 N 8s - t 14 STL Denver Form 5A MS Anolysis Data Sheet Equivalent 1,25 ffiSTt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysig Drtt Sheet Lab Nrme: LoUSDG Number: Matrix: o/o Moisture: Brsls: Analysis Methtd; I-lnltl QC Batch lD: MSD Snmple Allquot: MSD Dllution h"rctor: STL DEM/ER pst03o l3e WATER N'A Wct 747Ah rng/I 5262486 -L Client Sunple ID: MSD Lab Sarnple ID: MSD Ltb Work0rder: Date/I'ime Collected: Date/I'ime Received: Date/Time l.,erched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Drte/Tlme Analyzed: lnstr:ument ID: LAB MS/MST Dsr170196-001p HKTIE 09/15/05 14:30 09/ | 7/05 09: 15 a9t22r05 t43A 09t22105 19:33 0I9 Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C 7o Rec a RPT)a QC Llmlts 7o Rec R I'I} Mcreury 0,00500 0.000027 LJ 0.00389 78 N 7.2 85 - r 14 t0 STL Denver I'orm 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 726 STL DETVVER Contract r IIRS Corporatlon 'fotal Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAI, AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Carc 8fS ![o. rLd, Codo r STITDEN rnltirl CalLbrabion Souroc: contrLnulng cd.Lbntl,on Sourcr r Htgh Purj.ty, SDcx SDG NO. r D5r0Bm,3t3 ,t1'; i Inorgrnl.o Vanturcr Concantrael.on UnLta r mr'IlL I er.rorinrun :l I o.{esl eg,o I P I lilunrnun:l lo-ol - ss.zsl go.sl so.ol -.ls.grl gz.gl I lpl Calcium t I 5.0d1 100.9 I P Calclum H I fron Iro I rron HL l 39.01 I 9'1 .5 I rotasgiuml I I I so.ol I so.1zlroo,-z Ip I I I I o.sol I Analyte rnl- t,in1 Ca}j.brabion Trua Found e6R ( 1) Continulng Call,bretion Trrre Found %R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)u Llrrgqg"run f I I I 2o.ol I I re.Edl gs-2lpl Sod.iunr fro I 5,05110L.2 I p I soarum rrr I d0.01 39.93 I 92 .3 I s0. o I so,19l x.oo.{ I I Ipl zLrconium I Control Llmtt.r: Mcrcul:y 80-120;othcr Metals 90-1101 Qycrrida 85-115 0.{9al gg.8 I p (1) STL Denver Ponn II ( Part 1) IN 95 STL Total Metals Analvsis -2A- NITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION coBtrrot: t RS CorI oratLonr Lab Codr s STLDEDI Cree No. I AAS No. r rnLt,ie]- Call-brrtl-on Bourcc r Contl,nuing Ca]-lbratl-on Sourec : Hisrh RrrLty, Spax fnorgrnic Venturog sDg NO. : D5I0802{3 ConcrnEratLon Units: \gII' Aluninun I 0 .50 0,5191 103.6 I p lmulnrnun:l l. | | so.gl ,le.zzl ge.sl I lpl Calcium t I 5.0 5.041 100.8 I P IcarcLrrmnl I I 50.o I {9.191 98 .4 I I lPl rnaLyte InLtln1 Calibration Trnra Found e6R ( 1) Corrtlnulng Crll,bratLon Tnrc 1roqnd, e6R ( 1) tound t6R ( 1)M Irou fro I [rronrrl I I 0.5101 LoZ.0 I P I I so.ol aa.6dl s7.3I I Ir lrotacgirunl I I 50,o I I so. osl roo,1 I P I l-u:s I I 2o,ol I I re.s7l s7.sIrI Sodl-um ro I Sodi-um IIf I 50.0 ZLrcontum I ( 1) ConEroI Llnits :Mcrcutr' 80-1201 othcr lleta1c 90-1101 c]rnido 85-115 5 - 05l 101.2 I p 0-496 STL Denver rorn II (Part 1) b IN 97 STL DENVER ContracE r IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analvsis -2A- NI'TIAL AND CONTINUTNG C.ALIBRATION VERIFICATION Carc No. r g^l,g No. : Htgh Purf.ty, Spcx InorgranLc Vantutrct f.alr Code: STITDEN fnitLal, Calibration Source : Continulng Calibration Sourcer SDc No. r D5f084243 Conccntntion unLts 3 sg /r. ArlaLytG Initl.al Calibrat,ton Tnrc tround eGR ( 1l Continulng Crt ibration Trnro Found e6R ( 1) round %R ( 1)M flumLnlrm :l Aluml'mun :l Caleium f, I leerclrrm Hl I 0 ,50 50. o 5.0 50,o I {9.{98.8 {9. 571 g'l .L I o. 509 101.8 4 .85 91 .a fron lro I rron Hi I lpotaasi:uml I I I 0.50 0.502 100 .4 50. o {9.171 95.3 5o.ol I I so.6elro1.3lPl Irlagrn('ciurn I Isoalpu r.,o I I 20.0 I I E.oI I 19.51 98.0 5.181 103.6 I P I Soafurn rli I I I I so. o I t9.6{ 99.2 I lpl Zircontum I 0.50 ( 1) Control lrteits r Mcrcury 80-1201 Other Mot,alr 90-110, CYenide 85-115 0.{93 98 .4 STL Denver For^rr II (Part 1) - rN 9B STL DETWER Totsl itletals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATTON coDtErou3 tlRB Corporat,:loa LAb COdE r STIJDEN Caee Ho. t g}'S No. : rnl.tial Calilrrabion SourcG r Continulng Calibratiolr Sourccr rligh Purity, Bpax fnorganLc Vcnturog sDO No. : D5I080243 Conccntratlon Unita s mg/1, faalyt,c rnl,eial Caltbration True Found e6R ( 1) Contl.nulng Cal.ibration T:nrr ltound tR ( 1) Found t6R ( 1)u llruoraun:l . I I I o.sql I I o,.soelroo.llpl llrtprnu,'r :l | | I so.o.l tg.lrl gg.s I I l.p I Ca].cium L l 4.711 94.81 p CaloLrrn H I [rronr,o I I I I o.5o|I I o.{9BI es.6 I P Iron Ht I Potaseium I MagrnarLum I Sodium fro I god.Lun Hl. I lzirooniunl I I I o.sol I I o.desl s?.6lPl ( 1) Cont,rol l,i nits :llerstrry 80-t20t Othor BloEaIs 90-110; CYanide 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Dartr 1} IN STL DENVER Conureet: t Rg Corporetion Total Metals Analvsis -2A- I NTTIA L AI'[D CON TINUIN G CALIBRATION }'ERIFICATIOIT Canc No. r 8}fl No. t Eigrh Purlty, Spex fnorgranic VeaturaE Lab Codr r STLDEDI Inltiel Call.bntl,on Sourcar Contl.nulng Cr].lbraEl,on Sourcc: slxl NO. a D5fO80243 I nrql,l.num :l I ConctnEratLon UnLta s nrgll' I I o.sol I o.{e3l ga.slrl lrraLyte rnieir], Call,bratioa Tnrc Found 3GR ( 1) Contlnuing Calibntj-on Trnrr rorrnd e6R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)M l+l*oinum ,f I 50.o I {9.601 99.2 |frl I catcium rl I 5,01 {,691 ss.Bl P I [catciunrnl I I I so,o I {z. o3l e{.1 I I lpl rron Lo I Iron Ht I 46 .-l91 93 . 5 leotaael.unl | [ .l so-ol I I so-sglror-zlel fi'ragrncEium I I 20. O I I re.6ol ea.olpl I soarum r,o I I I I t.ol I I s.rlroe.slnl I soarum Hi I so-o I 49.12f 98.2 I Ipl ZLrconfurn I ( 1) cont,rol timl,ta:Mcreury 80-1201 othcr Mctals 90-110t CYanido 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN 100 STL DETVYER Total Metals Analvsis -24_ INITIAL AND CONTIN UING CALIBRATION VERIFICA'I'ION coDtr.ct: URS eorloratLon I.ab Code 3 STLDEII Carc No.3 SIS No. l Initl-al Calibration sourca I ConEinulng Calibratiou Souree: Htgh PurLty, Spax rnorgranl-e VenturGB D5r0 802{3 Coneentsration llnitsr r tug/L I etqninurr ;l 0.251 o .?5? J1O2 . g I rl fnalfrta Initl,al CalLbratLon Trrrc FounC tR ( 1) ConELnuing Calibratl,on Trlre Forrnd tR ( 1) Found tR ( t )D[ Calcl-urn L I 1.98 I 99.0 fron lro I a.250 I100.0 Potaegium I 2A .19 1101- O LUrye"Blq!! I ro. ol 9. {9 I e{.9 I I I I I lpl Sod{um f,o I 2,03 I101.5 Lryggqfun l_ o,2sl o.z4zl 96.8 I I I I lel (1) Control LLnttg r Msrcury 80-120; Othcr Metals 90 -110, Clranide 85-115 STL Denver Eorm If (Purt 1) - IN 101 STL DENVER Cont.raet: IIRS Corpont,ion Total lVletals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL ANt} CONTIN UING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Caac No, I SIg No,: Inorganl-c Venturas Hlgrh Purlty, Spcx LrIr Code r STLDEN Inl-tLal Calibratl.on $ourca r Contsinulng CeJ.Lbratlon Souroa: sDc NO. r D5I080243 Conccntration Unitg z trg lL Arsanl-e I o.2,09 I gg.5 1. O07l 100.7 1.01{l 101.1 Beriurn I 0.252|100.8 0 .5061 101 - 2 0.5051 101.0 ChromLurrr I a .?{8 I 99.3 0.5031 100.5 o.504 I 100.9 Coppor I o,2L2 I 95. g 0.{981 gg.5 o.500 I 100.0 J r,ead.0.251 o-z{5 I ge,o ; o.so I o,soll 100.8 | o.sozl ror.r I p I lrvicrsr I . o.zsl o.zsz lrqo.s I o.so I o.sozl ror-l I g:-5oslror.e I e. Ilsu.vsr | ,o.zsl o.zcrl ge..ll .o.sol o.lgrl ,se.z[ o.rell ge.eJpJ lvaoaaiun I o.zsl o.zlal gs-.zl o.sol o.soll roo.sl o.sollroo.slpJ Lrfqq_ I o. zsl 0.2{d I ez.6 I 0.50I 0.5121L02.rl 0,5041100,BIpl Analytc Inl.tl-al Cr}lbratiou Tnre pound tR ( 1) Coat tnuing Crllbration Tnrc Found e6R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)u ( 1) Cont,roL l,inltt r llarcury 80-120; Other Mrtels 90-1101 Cyanido B5-115 STL Denver forin II (ParE 1) IN LA2 STL DEIIVER Contrtct; Lrb Codrr Total Metals Annlvsis -2A- NMIAL AND CONTINUING CAI,IBRATION VERTFICATION IIRS Corgoration STIJDBN Cagc No. r gfg No.:sDo No- r D5I080243 Initl,a1 CalLbratrion Source r Continulng Call,bntlon Source : Inorganic Venturcg Htgh Purl.ty, Spcx I lraanio I Conccntrat,J.on Unitss: mg llt I I I r.ool r.oozlroo.zl r.orzlror.alrl .BnaltrE,c Inl.tl"a1 Cr].lbratioa Truc round, 8R(1) Contrlnuing CllLbratioo Tnrc Porrnd er1 ( 1) forrnd tR ( 1)[! BarLrun I 0.5071 101. {0.5101102.0 I P Chrornium I 0.{g51 99.0 0.5001100.0 I P lgopp'r I I | 0,501 o,0991 ee,BI o.soz[101.{lpl lr,rlaa I I I I o.sol o.sorl roo.zl o.soslror.olpl Lur"ral. t I I I o.so I 0,s0il100-zl 0.5081101.6lpl 9il-var I 0.{g7l 9'I .4 o.4931 98.6 I P vanadium I 0.5001 100. o 0.5031100.6 I P 0.{821 96.{o.{871 97 -4 I p ( 1) Control tlnits r Mereury 80-1201 Othar Uot,als 90-110; CYurlde 85-115 STL Denver folror II (Part 1) fN 103 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- IN ITIAI, AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VE,RIFICATION IIRS Cor5ronlion STITDt![Crrr gAg No. t InLtLel- Call,brrtlon Souroc r fnorganl.c VanturoB Contsinulng Ca].Lbrat,ion Htgrh Purity, Spox Contnct r frd, Code:8DO NO.: D5fO8O2a3 ConccntraELon Unit,; t mg /l' Barirrm I 0.5141 102 - 8 0.5201 104.8 I P Ctrrornium I 0.4951 99.0 0.{891 97.8 I p rl 0.5101 102,0 0.5151 103.0 I P lr,aaa I I I l. o.sol o.sonl roo.el o.sos.[.roo.olel Jurgror I l-. - | ,l o.sol o.soglror.ol o.rggl gg.slpl lsuvcr I I I I o.sol o.ngsl gg.ol o,lgzl ge.lf el Venad,Lun I 0.500J 100.0 0.4951 99.2 I P f,rra].1fte Inl.u{a1 CalibratLon Tnrc Found %R(1) Coutrl,nulng Call,braBLon Trnr. found e6R (1) found tR ( 1]M lr'acnrc .l | ,. I I r.ool .r.oozl roo.zl - r.ooolroo.olel o. {g5l 97 -a 0. c58 I 93.6 I P (1)Control r.'imits:I{orctrry 80-120; Other trIatals 90-110, CYarrlde 85-115 STL Denver Fonr II (Part, 1) IN 104 STL DENVER Contraets: LBb Codc: Total Metals Analvsls -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUINC CALIBRA,TION !'ERITICATION IIBS CorporrEion STLDEDI Cage No. r gAS No,:EDGI No,r D5I08AZe3 InLt,lal CalLbrrtlon gourcc ; Contlnuing calibration Sourccr fnorgranlc VenturGr Htgh Purlty, Spax Concsntrrat,Lon UnLts : ng/L I,nrI.yEe Initlal Ca,ltbration Tnrc Found, e6R ( 1) ContrLnuing Calibratrion 'I.r:trt Pound e6R ( 1) tround e6R ( 1)M Areonic I 1.00 1.0021 100,2 1.0071100.7 faarium I I I I o.sol 0.5121103,{l 0.s181103-6fnt Lqt qo,',*ortr I I I o.so I o.soil10o.2 l 0.4951 99.0[rl co1>psr I fr,aad. I I I 0 .50 0 .5061 101.2 0.5061 101.2 I o,ioI o.s07l 101.{l 0.5031100.61p1 NLche1 I 0.5081 101.6 0 .507 I 101.4 Si].vcr I o. {g{l gg.8 o.{g0l 98.0 I vanedlum I I t I o.so I o.sozl 1oo.{ | o.sool roo.o l o.{901 9g-o 0.483 I 95-5 ( 1) Cont,rol Ltnitg r Mercurar 80-120,. Othcr MoEala 90-110; Crranl.do 85-115 STL Denver Fom If (Part 1) IN 105 STL DENVER ContrreE 3 IIRS Corporatlon Total lMetals Analvsis -2A- IN ITIAL AI\[D C ON'f INUING CAI,IBfTATION VERIF ICATIOI{ Cage SfS No. t NIS:T U1trr geicntl,f Lo Irab Coda: STITDEN fnitial Calibratsion Sourcrr Contlnulng Ca lLbret,lon Souree: gDG 1rO. r D5I080243 Concrntratsion lrnLEs r mrglt AnaLytre Inl.El.aI CalLbration Tr:rra Found ,GR ( 1) Contl.nul,ng Ce}Lbratlon tlrrrc E.ound eBR ( 1 ) Found e6R ( 1)l,I lraefourrr' I o.gozrzzl. o.oozlzs lroo,o I o-oosooo I o.oolgogl ga.z I o.oosolglror.o lcvl ( 1) Coatrol Li-m,itr r DlercurY 80-120; OLhcr Metalg 90-110, CYaridt 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part, 1) - IN 106 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAI, AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION contsract.. I,RS Cort)orttioa IJab cod,o t STLDEN Caac No. B NTST gAg No. t rnLtlal CalLbratsion gouree3 Contl"nuLng Cell-bration Bource :Ultra gcl.entific sDo No. r D5I080243 Conccntration UnJ.t,s t mglt' AnaIytse luieLal Calibrat,ion Tnrc Found ,6R (1) Cont l,nul,ng Ca1l,braLion Trnre Found tR (1) rotmd tn ( 1)u 0,005000 0.00497 ( 1) Control L,tmiEs :Mereury 80- 1201 OLhcr Metals g0-110 r Cf'anide 85-115 0.005025 STL Denver Fonr II (Part 1) III L07 STL DENVER Contracr r IIn'S Corfrorat,ion Total Metals Analvsis _2A_ INTTIAL AI{D CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERITICATION Caaa No. I 8Ag No- t NTgT Ultre SoLcntifio Lrb Codr r g?fLDtN Initl.al Call"brat,Lon Soursc r Contl,nuingr CrlLbratLon Souroc : sDs No. r D5I080 2{3 Consentrr,tl.on UnLtr t nglt (1) ConLrol linltsr Meroury 80-L?0t Other Metal; g0-110, Cyanide 85-115 Analyta InLtLal, Callbrntlon Truo Found ,5R ( 1) Continulng Calibrltl"on '?Dnra found e6R ( 1) round tR ( 1)M lucrcury | | | lo.ogsoool o.oosrzol ros.ll I lcvl STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) fN 108 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INMAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION eontractr URS Coq)orat.loa Lab Code: STLDEN Cagc Nrl. r rnitLal Crlt brat,Lon Eource r Continuj.ng calibratl,on gourcc r Hieh Purlty Inorganie VenturaE Conccntration Unitr r mg/L Cadml.um 0 .0{11 ( 1) Control I'tnlEr :Mereury 80-L2Ot Othcr Mctalg 90-1101 D5r0 80 2L3 Selrrnirrm .f,naIyt,a InLtLal Calibrltlon Tnrr Found e6R ( 1) Contrinuing CalLbretion Tnro Fognd e6R ( 1 ) round tR ( 1)M STL Denver Forn II ( Part,1) +rN STL DEIYVER Contracts: [IRS Corporatl.on Total Metals Analvsis -24- INITIAL AI{ D CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERI}'ICATTON Cagr No. t SIS No.: Hls,h ttrity Inorgranic Vanuurca Lab Codc: STITDEII Initia]. CalibratrLon Elourca: Coutlnulng CallbratLon Sourcc r gDo No. r D5I0802{3 Concentrrti.on Unitr : ng l l' .Frnaltrtc fnitial CalibrrElon Tme Forrnd 95R ( 1) Continuing Calibration Trnro Forrnd t6R ( 1) Found, ?6R ( 1)M Jcaaniu-, I I .._ | | o.osol o,osofl roo.el o.osollroo.e,l.Ll Sclanl-urn I 0.050{1 100.8 0, o4ggl gg.5 I M (t) control LLmIEg:Mareury 80-L2O;Othr Mctalg 90-110r Cf'anlde 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part, 1) IN 110 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTIN UING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION eoutriot: URS Corl,orr,tios Lab Codes STLDEN Crrc I$o, :g.L8 No.: InitLaI Crl.l-bntl-on Souree ; Continrrl,ng Calibntion €lourcr r Higrh Purity InorganLe Vrrnturcc sDc No. r D5I08A2A3 Conceu,tration tln'LEs z mg-lrt .ilrralyte InLtlal CalibracLon fnro Found '6R ( 1) Continulng CalibruELon Trruc Found %R ( 1) Eound '6R ( 1)M Cadrnium 0-0176 $e].cnlum (1)Cont,ro1 lrinLEr r Mcrcury 80-120r.Othcr Metalg 90-110; Cyanlde 85-115 STL Denver Dom II (Part, 1) IN 111 STL DEIVVER Contract r (IRS CorporatLon Total Metals Analvsls -2A- II\ITIAL Ar{D CONTINUTNG CAI.,IBRATION VERIFICATION Crea llo. r A.}.8 No. r Higrh Purity Inorganic Venturar r,ab Codc: STLDEI{ Inl.t1el cal-ibration Souree : ContLnulng Cr].LbrrBLon Sourc; r sDO No. r D5I080243 ConcrntraBl-on Unitst I fig lL .LnaLtft.c InitLal CrlLbratl-on Tnrc round tR ( 1) ContlnuLng Cr].lbration Trn[ Iround ,5R ( 1 ) FOund tR ( 1]}T lcaarrrsr I I [ | o.osol .o.olzal.gs,ol I Julls?r.nrurl | | I o.osol o.olgzl gz.ll I lul (1) Control f,lcitsr: Morcrrry 80-120,- Oth.r Mctrla 90-110r Clranldc 85-115 STL Denver Eorm II (Part 1) IN L1,2 STL DEIVVER Total Mettls Analysis -28- CRDL STANDARD FOR AA A}{D ICP Contract: IIRS Corporetiou Irab Coda t STLDEN .trn CRDIJ Standard Sourcc r fCP CRDL Standard. Sourcrr Cagc No, r glB No. !Sm, No. : D5I080243 fnorgranLg Vcnturos ConcentrrElon Unj-ts : Dg lL CRD[, fltrndrrd for ICP rnLti,aL Flnal Trnrc Forrnd, 96R Pound 96R CRDL Standrrd lor lL 'rnrc Found t,R Juumrn,rnl I I ll o-rol o..rool roo.ol .1, I Calciuru L I 0.197 I gg.5 lrronr,? I I I ll ,o.osol o..otgol rro.ol ..1 I PotrsaLurnI 1,06 1 105.0 Magrnosiuml I soaturn LoI I o.191 I 90.5 I ll r.o[ 1.o2lLoz.ol t_J larr"ontuml I I ll o.oos!o.oo54l ro8.ol I STL Denver Form, II (Part, 2, IN 113 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -28- CRDL STANI}ARD FOR AA AI'{D ICP Contsract, r URS CorporatLon r,ab Codr t STITDEN Af, CRDL Etandard Bource: ICP CRDL gtind,ard Eotrrcc: Cage No. r SASI No.:gDo No. I D5I08O2{3 f,norganic Vcnturol ConoantratLon Uolte z mglL CRDL St,rndard for Ar Tnrc Found tR CRDf, Etandard for fCP rnl,tLal Final, tround t6n Found AJ'umtnum I 0 .10 0.113 I 113 .0 Crloium tl [rronLo I I 0.20 0 .229 I 11{ .5 I ll o.o3ol o,o3{olrrs.3l PotaaaiumJ 1.0 1.14 1 lIC,0 L4ql.rt*l I I ll o.aol o.rgal go.ol I llgodf rr.m Lo I I I II r.ol L,Lzl rrz.ol I I Lllrcon-l-umJ I I ll o-oosl o.ooselrrc.ol I STL Denver Torn II (Part, 2l IN LL4 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -ZB- CRDL STATYDARD F'OR AA AND ICP Coreract: IIRS Cot?o::ntlorr Lab Codcr STLDEN Cage No, t SDo No. r D5f0802{3 .f,n, CRDL St,rndard Soursc r ICP CRDL Standrrd Sourccr Eigrh Furlty, Spcx, Inorgrnlc VcnturGg CRDL St,andard for tf, Tnrc round %R CRDL Standrrd for ICP Initial Final Trnra Forrnd %R found Arcenic I Concent,rrtlon Unitc z mgll, o. o10 O.01rt1l 141.0 Barlun I 0.0050 0.00516 I 103.2 Ctrromiurn I o-010 0-0111I rr1.0 Copper I 0.010 0.0105 1 105,0 I rictar I I 0.0030 0 .00196 I 55 .3 o.o1ol o.or2oltzo-ol ILsirr!._ | I lt o.o1oI o.oo93I g3,ot venadLrun I [_1inc I I 0.010 0.01081 108,0 o.ozol o.oz33l116.sl I I STL Denver f,om fI (Part, ?) IN 115 STL I)ENYER Total Metals Analvsis -2B.- CRDL STANDARD F'OR fuI AI\ID ICP Contsract: URS Cor?oration Irab Coda: STITDEN Cagc No, r gA,fl No. : .trl' CRDtr Standard Sourea: fCP CRDL Standrrd Soursrrr Ultra Scl-cntf.fie 8Dg No,: D5I08A2L3 CRDL Standard f,or fCP rnl,tla]. f inel Trnr Found e6R Foulrd tn CRDL Etandard for Ar. Trrrc Porrnd ,6R MercurT I O.000400 0.00017 ConoantratLon UnLtss r mg/t, STL Denver Fom II (Put 2) IN 115 STL DENVER Total Metnls Analvsis _28_ CRDL ST'ANDARD TOR AA AI{D ICP Contnct r IIRS CorporaEl,on ,O f,eb Code : STITDEN rA CRDL sltmdard Souroa r ICP eRDIr Standrrd Sourcc r Carc No. r 8l.SI No. I sDs No. r DSf0802{3 InorgranLc Vcnturas ConcentsraELon llnltg r mg/L CRDL SEandard tor fCP rnLtial Fl"na1 triuG Found tR Pound 96R CRDI.r Strndard for .Lf, Tnrr Found ,6R Cadmiust 0.0010 0.00100 100.0 Selanium I 0.0010 0.00088 88 .0 STL Denver Form II (Part 2) fN 7!7 ffisrl URS Corporation 'l'otal lltctals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Nune: LoUSDG Number: Matrix: 7o Molsture: Basis: Anrlysls lVlcthod: Unit: QC Batch It): Sarnple Aliquot: Dilutlon Factor: s]-r, DENVER D5 r()80243 WATEJB -!YEI 60108 [,gi L 5-$526 I 50 m[. I Client Srmple ID: Lrb Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Date/Tlmc Collected: Date/Tlme Received: Date/Tlme Losched: Date/Time fl,xtracted: Date/Tlme Andyzed: Instrunrent ID: nst220000-26 r8 HKs0lu (19/23105 08:00 a9nllcts 23"41 azr CAS No.Anall'te Conc.MDL RL a 742e-90-5 Aluminum 0.0r 7 0.01 7 0.10 U 7439-89-6 Iron 0.021 0.021 0. t0 LJ 7439-954 Magnesiurn 0.043 0.043 0.20 TJ 7440-09-7 Potussiunr 0.24 4.24 3.0 U 7444-n-5 Sodium r.l r.l 5.0 LJ 7444-67 -7 Zirconium 0_0()r 6 0.00 r 6 0.0r5 U 7444-70-?Calciurn 0.034 0.034 0.20 U STL Denver Form 3 Pretr Blank Equivalent 118 ffisTL URS Corporatlon Total Metals fuialysls Datn Sheet Lab Nume: I,oUSDG Number: Mutrlx: 7rr Moisture: Basis: Annlysis Method: Unitr QC Batch ID: Srmple Aliquot: Dllution Fnctor: STI. DENVER ps10$[}2{3 $l,A'rcn Wct 601()R IEP/L s26sbl 50 nrl- 1 Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Dnte/Tlrne Collected: Date/Tlme Rcccived: Date/Tlme Lerched: Date/'l'ime Extracted : Date/time Analyzed: lnstrument ID: I)sr220000-261 B r{K"19}y_ 09i23i05 08:00 A9t?7 /05 09:21 0r_6 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7440-38-2 Arscnic 0.0044 0.0044 0.() r5 U 7439-92-l Leud 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 7 441)-39-3 Buriun:0.00070 0.00070 0.010 U 7440-02-A Nickel 0.(x) l2 0.0012 0.040 U 7440-22-4 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.00s0 Lj 7440-62-2 Vanadium 0.0025 0.0025 0.0 t0 U ?440-66-6 Zinc 0.0045 0.0045 0.020 LJ 744{t-47-3 Chromium 0.0026 0.0026 0-010 IJ 744(l-50-8 Coppcr 0.0045 0.0045 0.010 U STL Denver Form 3 Pren Blank Esuivalent 119 ffiSTt URS Corporetion Total Metals Analysls Dtta Shcct Lab Nrme: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: o/o l\{olsture: Basis: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Brtch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllution Factor: STL DENVJR D5r080243 WATEB wel 7470.^ mglL 5259437 I Cllent Sample ID: Leb Sample ID: Lab Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: Dnte/Tlme Received: DatelTlme Lcnched: Date/Ttme Extrrcted: Date/Tlmc Annlyzed: Instnrment ID: D5 r l 60000-4378 r{KVPA 09/23105 .I2:50 0e/23/05 18;Qf 0l_9 CIAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7 439-97 -6 Mcrcury 0.0()0041 0.0()0()44 0.00020 I.J STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blanh Eouivalent ]-20 ffi$Tt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Ilatr Sheet Lab Nnme; LotlSDG Number: Matrix: oh Musture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Bttch ID: Stnrple Allquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL DL;NVER p5t080243 wAren Wct 602Q rng/L 5.2.6st72 59 ntL I Cllent Snmple lD: Lrb Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: DutelTlme Recelvedt Dste/I'ime Leached: Drte/Tlme Extrtcted: Dst€/Time Analyzed: Instrument lD: pst22o0o0- I72B HK49N 09/23/05 I5:30 09/28/05 (.i I :50 004 CAS No,Annlyte Conc.MDL RL o '1782-49-2 Sclcnium 0.00033 0.00033 0.0020 L] 7440-43-c)Cadmium 0.0u)040 0.000040 0.001 0 U STL Denver Form 3 Preo Blonk Eluivalent ]-27 STL DEIVVER Totsl Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Contrrctr URS CorDoratlon LTb Codc: STLDEN Cagc IlIo. r Prcparation Blank Mrt,rLx (goil/watcr) :STATER EIDO NO. r D5f 080243 Praparatl.on Blrnh Concent,ratrLon Units .lnalrt,c Inl-trl.aI CaILb. Blrnk Grg.lI-l e contrl-nuing CalibretLon Blenk (mg/Ir) c3c2e1 Pra3raratLon BIank e DI Aluxtinrrm Lo ffi - Iron lro Prt."rlrr*ffiffi 0 , 0.l7lu o ,034l u o.021lu o .24[u- 0 .,0{3lu 0.0311 u o,,,p,17lul o..o17ful 0.017 o.o3tlul .L034 lul o.03{ q:o21luI o..o2tlul 0.021 0.24J,,:rl o.24 l.ul 0.2{ 0.043Ju1.,.,.- o,o{3 lul g,:o{3 0.031[ul 0.031!u1 0.335 g u-u U u B 0.017 [ u o,ogl I u 0,021 J u o.?tli o.o{3 I u 1,100 I u P F P P-P ; ZLrcorrLun 0.00160 U o,00r.60luf o.oo15oIul o,00160Iu 0.0016 I U P STL Denver 8oM II.I IN 122 STL DEI{YER Total Metals Analvsls -3- BLANKS Contract: Lab Codct Preprratl,on Prcparrtrlon IrRg Corporatl-on STLDTN Cagc !Io. t B1ank Maerix ( aoil/watar) ; B1ank. Coneantrrtl"on UnLt; gf,g No. :sDc No. r D5f080283 (mg/L or m9lkg) t r{GlT. Prrsrr"Lto,, BIank Initlal Callb. BkDIc (nog/rr) Contsinuing Callbrttion BIanIs (tuglt'l ^l.luminrJrr Lo I CelcLurn Lo Iron Lo PotassLum Mrgraasirrrn Bod,lum Lro T,Lre'elnLum o.00150 STL Denver Fonn III D IN 1-23 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS ConEraet: IIRB Corlpretlon Lrb codc:gTLDEN Caee N(r. t Praparation Blanh lartrlx (goil/watar) :W}IrER 8Ag No. r 8Do No. r D5f080243 Prcpartrtloa BlanJB Coaoentret,:lon Unitg (mglL or rr[l/ Aluninum Lo I o .017 0.017 CaloLum Lo 0.052 0.034 Iron Lo 0.o21 0.021 Potarral-um trf,agiacel-ul[o-043 o .043 Sod.irun Lo 0.032 0,031 Ziroonl-urn 0 . 00160 0.00160 ![G/L 0.017 0.03{ 0.021 0.043 0.105 0.00150 0.017 0.03{ 0.021 o.0{3 0.099 0.00160 Prcprrltlon BIank ContLnu:Lng CaI lbration BIarxI( (rW /t'l Inl"t,l-al Calib. BIeDIE (mgll) STL Denver FoTm III . IN L24 STL DEI\{VER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS ConEract r Leb Code: Prer>erats{on Preperatl,on IIRS CoraroratLon STLDEN Clac No,: Blank l{atrix (aoil/wrtcr) r BLaak Conccntratioa Unl.Eg fI.1,8 No, t gDs No.: DSf 08021? (mg/L or ng/kg) r I'lGr lL Cont,Lnuing CclLbratlon Blank tuslLl lczc3c Preparatioa Blank A1umj.nurn lro I Calc1um Iro fron Lo Potassirrn Magme sium SodLum Lo Zirconirrm 0.00160 STL Denver Fom' III TN L25 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contraet r IIRS Corporat,f.on [,ab Coda ! STLDEN Caac No. t SIS trlo. I gDO NO.: D5I0802{3 Preparation Blnnk Matrix (roJ,I/water) I WATER PraperatLou BLanIc ConcgnEratiou trnl.tg (mg/b or rlglkg) z ![o/L rn{tLa1 Ca1lb. BIt:rk (mglr) Contl,nulng Call.bration Blank (mgltl Prcparation 81ank Arscnl.e Barium Chroanlrrm CoDper Nickel Silver Vanadiun 0.0044 0.00{{ 0 - 00070 0.00070 0.00260 0, o0260 0.00{5 0.0045 0.0026 0.0026 0.0012 0 . 00x,2 0 .00290 0.00280 0. oo25 0.0425 0.00{5 0.0045 0. 00{{ 0.00070 0.00250 o,00{5 0.0026 0.00L2 0.00280 0.0025 0,0045 0.00{{ 0.00070 0.00260 o.00{5 0.0025 0 .0 a,..z 0,00290 0.0025 0.00{5 0.001{ 0.0007 0 , oo25 0.0045 0.0026 0,ooL3 0.0028 0.047,5 0.0005 STL Denver FoTm III IN L26 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BI.ANKS Cout,nct I IIRS CorT>oratj.on LBb eodo: STITDEN Cagc No.:SJilfI No. :Dsro 8 02 43 Prapare,tlon Blrnlc Dlatsrl,x (soil/wrtcr) I PrcDaration Blanlr Coneentratl,on Unitg (ng/L or uglkg) r MO/I, Initlal Cal-l-b. BI.LnK (tng/Ir) Contlnul.og CaLLbratLon Blanh (mglL) le2c3e PrrprratLon BLrnk Arsonle Burium Clrromium Copper NLckeI Sl-Iver VanadLurn o. 0 041 0.00070 0.00260 0.00{t5 0.0426 0.04L2 0.00280 0.0025 0,00{5 0.00tl{. o . 00070 0.00250 0,00{5 0,0026 0. oo12 0,00290 0.0025 0.0045 0.0044 0.00070 0.00250 0.0045 0.0026 0.00L2 0.00280 0.0025 0.00t5 STL Denver POnI, III IN L27 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Cont,raet: .l I-rab Codc r PraDaretLon Proparation IIRS Cor;pontion gTLDEII Caec No.: B1ank MrtrLx (roL]./water) I B].an^k Conccntrabion rmLta gAg No. t gDO NO. r D5I0802,C3 (mSlI' or tryl}.;gl t frdilL ^Lrral.ytc InLtl-a1 Crllb. BLrnls (ms /L)c Conti"nuing Cal lbntlon B]'aak (nglL) 1 C 32C c P*pr=.ttoo, 81o.nft e M Meroury I -0.0000511 B 0.0000G2 I B I -0.000051 lB I -0.000050 I E 0.000044 I U c\r STL Denver Fonr IIf fN 1,28 STL DENVER Totnl llfetals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Coatrnet: Irab Codtr r Prapantl-on PrGDaration t RS Cor?oretion STLDEN Caoe No. t Blrrrk Matrix ( aol.l/watcr) r B].ank ConoantreEl.on Unitc SAA No. :SDc No. r D5I080243 W}TER (mg/L or mr/kg) t MG/L .[nalyta rnLtLal Ca1Lb. Blealc @glt \c ContLnulng Ca1LbraE,ion Blank (nglr) 1 c 2 c 3 c Pro1lrrlBlou BIank c M Mercury I O.OOOO49 lBl -0.000052 lB crr STL Denver Fom fII, - IN L29 STL DEIVVER Total IWetaIs Analvsis -3- BL,,TNKS Contract: Lab Codc: Praparation t Rg Cor-pontion gTL,DEN Cage No. I B1anlr Matrix (toiI/watcr) : B1ank ConccnEraEion llnitr SLg No. t grlo NO. r D5I080243 Preparation $sglL or nglkg) r DIG/L lna1-ytsr rnltlel Cr1Lb. Bla.ulc (mg /L)c ConElnuing Ca1tbratsion BIarrlB (ng/L) 1 c 2 c 3 c Prepar.a*on BIauh c u Cadmium S"1"tf*r, 0 . 0o00{01 u 0.0003301 u 0. o0o0*9 I u I .-0-.0000o0 [u,I 0- 0000{o I u 0.0003301u1 0.0003301u I 0.000330 I u o. o000{ 0.00033 u u M-M STL Denver Porm IIT I}I 13 0 STL DENI/ER Totnl llletals Analvsrs -3- BLANKS Contnet: Ld, Codc: Pregaration Preparatl,on URS Corlroratlon SBIJDEDI Cagc No. r Blnnk Matrix (goil/watar) ; Blank ConocntreBlon Unitc gAfl No.:sDtg NO.: D5I08O243 $rrlL or ng/kg) t ![G/L Analytc taLtial CalLb. Bhnh (uglt';. C ConE J.nuing Call.brat,ion B1ank (rng/\.| 1 e z c 3 c Preparrtl.on BLenk C u CadmLrrm I o.9000,60l I' I 0 .00:0{0 Iu J .o.000040 I u 0.00o33olul 0.0003301u I 0.000330 I u M M STL Denver forn III fN 131 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contract: LaL codcr Prc1rrratLon ProparrEl.on URS CoryoratLon STLDEN Cage Nt>. t Blank MrtrLx (soil/wrtcr) I Blank Coneontrat,l,on Unlts gf,S No. :SDG NO. : DSf 08 O2[3 (mg/L or nglkg) :I{G/I, Anallrtc rnLtLrl Callb. BIaDk $s1a7 c Cont{nulng CalibratLon Bhnk (mg/L) 1 c 2 C 3 c Prrpant,l-on B].ank C M CadmLurn S"1o*f*n o, o000tg 0.000330 U u IlI I M STL Denver forn III IN 732 STL DEATVER Total llletals Aualvsis -4- ICP INTERFEREI\CE CHECK SA]TTPLE Coat,raet r IIRS Cot-lloration tab Coda r STIJDEN Caee No. r rCP rD NUrubrrr TJA IntroDtd IeP SLS No. t sDo No. r D5I080213 Ics Souroc: Hlgh Purlty, Spex, Concentratlon UnLt,g) :ug/.1 Tnro Sol ..L SoI .AE In!.t,La1 Fou.ud, I "inal t*.od gol,.A 9ol .lB tR J sol .1, 8oI .lB tR Jafunfnum Hf I SO0. O 500.0 527 , 91 52s,18| rO5.oI CalcLtrm Ht I SO0 - 0 500.0 505.80 502 .55 1oo .5 I Iron IIi I 200-0 200,0 2A2.0{199.9{1Oo. o l Potaesium I O. O 50 .0 -0.055 55.59 113.21 gncaLrrm I S0O. O 500 ,0 519.92 518. 6g 103 .7 | SodLrem Iro I 0. O -0.01{ um IT 50 .0 54 .81 1og-61 Zireoniurn I 0. O 1.0 -0.003 1.1?11 11?.11 STL Denver Fom, IV IN 133 STLDENWR 'fotal Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTT]RFERENCE CHECK $AIVIPLE Contract,: IIRS Corporat,ion L8,b Codc: STIJDEN Crac No,3 rCP fD Nunrberr T,I}, fntraptd fCP s.L8 No. ;gDC !rO. r D5I080243 fCg Sorrrea I Hlgrh Purity, Spcx, Concrntration unLts):?stL Errrs I rnitl,al Found I rj-nar Found, ranlytc I sot.e gol.lB l gof.r sol.lB tn l eor.r gol.tB tR Jefunrfnum Irn I 507 . 5g 502.70 I roo ,5 I fdalciun tti. ron Ht taseium gnaal,um Um Iro llm Hr. l-rconiurn {90.93 I 96.2lg7. 55 1g 3 .2',1 19 o .3'l -0.0{g I 53 .13 d93 .93 489.18 I 97 .8 51.99 I 108.0 STL Denver foM IIT IN L34 STL DEI{VER Tottl Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPLT] CoutreeE r IIRS Corporat,l,on LTb CodE: STI,DEN ICP ID Nunbcr: SUPERIIBACE Caac No. :grS Ho. :SDc NO. : D5I080213 ICg Souree:Higrh Purlty, Slpex, Conccntratioo UnlEe):ng lt' Trnrc I raLtl,al Fouod I rinal Fotrnd Analf'Ec I sol .r Bol.tB Jgot.r. go1 .rB tn lsof."a. So1.rB *R fnrsenic 0.00 2,00 0.005 2.ool roo.ol Barl-urn 0.00 0.00 o.00 ad,0.00 okrlL 0.00 JSJ,lvar 0. o0 paaJilfrun-0 .00 0.0 0.516 I 103. 2 0,00{ I 0.{80 0.53{ I 106.9 0.98 I gg.0 0.9{ I g{.0 1.04 t 10{.0 0.{7gl 95.8 0.91 1 91,0 STL Denver form fV - IN 135 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHE,CK SAIVIPLE Contract r IJRS CorporatLon LrL Codc: STLDEN ICP ID lfirrrbcr: PE ICPUS Cage No.:A.[g No-:sDg No. r D5I0802113 ICS Souree:fnorganic VcnturGa ConccntraEion Units) r mglL lfma raLtlal Found Fina]. Found Sol .A SoLAB tr,RAnrlyt,s I go1 ..L Sol ..eu l SoI.l gol .lB r6n lcaamlum Srrlenlum 0.0995 | S9.6 I 0.0998 0 " 10e{ l 10 {.1 0,1051 STL Denver Fom IV . IN 136 ffiSTL URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysls Datt Lab Nrrue: LoUSD(i Number: ll{atrix: o/s Molsture: Basis: Analysis Metbod: Unlt: QC Brtch [D: lltS Sample Allquot: MS Dllution Factor: STI,TENVER psr0B0243 WATER NlA Wct 6Qt0B rng/L 52.bs761 50 nrl 5 Sheet Cllent Sample If): MS Lab Sample lD: IllS Lab Work0rder: Drte/Time Collected: Dlte/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: IlatelTlme Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzcd: lnstrunrent lD: Gw-s r -090705 Dsr0802j3-004s HL6JM 09i07105 09:55 09i08/05 09:30 0ei23i0_5 08J10 09/26f05 "t:54 021 Analyc Spike Amount Sample Result C MS Result C o/o Rcc a QC Lirnit Alurninurn 2.00 0,084 U 2.01 98 83 - I t9 Calciurn 50.0 I 400 I 390 MSB I',,fC 48 - 153 Iron r.00 0.r3 B I .0s 93 s2 - 155 Magncsium 50.0 630 617 MSB NC 62 - 146 Potassiunr s0.0 440 492 MSB NC 76 - t32 Sodium 50.0 s500 5490 MSB NC 70 - 203 Zirconiurn 0.s00 0,021 B 0.534 103 80 - 120 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analvsis Data Sheet Eouivulent ]-37 ffiSTL URS Corporatlon Total llletals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Ntme: I-,oUSDC Number: M atrlx: o/o Ulolsture: Basis: Anrlysis Method: Unlt: QC Bttch ID: MSD Sample Aliquot: NISD llllutlon h'actor: STL T]T:NVEB ,0JI080243 w{TER NiA wcf 60rOts mg/L 526s26t 5(t rL 5 Client Srmple ID: MSD Lab Srrnple ID: MSD Lab rilorkorder: Drts/Time Collected: DstclTlme Received: Dtte/Time Leached: Date/Time Extracted: tlate/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument I D; GW-Sr -09070s D5t080243-004D HJ6JM 09i07u05 09:55 09/08/05 0q:30 09/r3l05 08:00 Q9i26/05 23:5a 02r Andyte Spike Arnount Sample Result C MSD Rcsult C % Rec a RPD a QC Limits 7o Rec RPD Aluminurn 2.00 0.084 U 2. I0 l0l 2.5 83 - I le 25 Calciurn s0.0 I 400 I 430 MSB NC NC 48 - 153 25 Iron 1.00 0.1 3 B 1.06 93 0.70 s2 - lss 25 Magncsiurrr 50.0 630 699 MSB NC NC 62 116 25 Potassium s0-0 M(j s09 MSB NC NC 16 - t32 25 Socliurl 50.0 55()0 5650 MSB NC NC 70 - 703 40 )irconiurn 0.50r)0 02r B 0.s46 r0s 2.1 80 - r20 ?5 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Anulysis Data Sheet Esuivslent 138 ffiSTL URS Corporatlon Total I\fetrls Analysis Data Lab Name: Lot/SDG Nurnber: Matrix: 7o llloisture: Brsls: Anrrlysls Method: Unit: QC Butch ID: MS Sample Aliquot: llt S Dllution Frctor: EIL DENVER D$jI08()241 wAI FB MA UsI 60108 firg/I. 526s2$L 50 mL I Sheet CIIent Sample ID: MS l.ab Sample lD: UIS Lnb Workorder: Drte/Tlme Collected: Drte/Tlme Received: Dtte/I'ime Lenched: Dnte/Time Extrncted; Drte/f ime Analyzcd: Instrument I D: cw-s r-090705 psl0s0?{3:004s HJ(}JM 091a7/A5 09:55 09/08105 09:30 09/23105 .08:00 ()91271(t5 l9:22 arc Analyte Spike Amount Sarnple Rcsult C MS Result C of/o Rec a QC Limit Amerric 2.00 0.0078 B 2. l5 r07 84 t24 Brriurn 2.00 0.r3 2.44 95 8s - 120 Chnnniurn 0,200 0.0026 U 0.t72 8s 73 - r35 Copper 0-250 0.004s U 0.295 t17 82 - tZ() Leatl 0.s00 0.0026 U 0.466 93 89 - r2l Nickel 0,500 0.080 a.497 83 N 84 - r20 Silver ()_0500 0.0028 Li 0.06s3 r30 75 - t4l Vutradium 0.500 t).002s L;0.451 90 8s QA I Zinc 0.s00 0.01 5 B i.M3 85 (,0 - I37 STL Denver Form 5A hIS Analvsis Dato Sheet Eouivalcnt 139 ffisrr tlRS Corporatlon Total Metals Antlysis Datu Sheet Lab Nrme: LoUSDG Number: Mstrlx: o/o Moisture: Basis: Anulysls lVlethod: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: IUSD Sample Aliquot: MSD Dllution Ftctor: SI'L DFNVER ps r080241 wATER NiA Ust 601 0B mgll. s26s26t 50 nr[- I Cllent Snmple It): MSD Lsb Sample ID: IUSD Lab WorkOrder: DttelTime Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlrne Leached: DatelTime Extracted: Drte/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: GW-S1-09070s p51080241-004p HJfiJM 0e/07/05 09:55 09/08i05 09:30 0ei23l05 08:00 (t9/27/()5 t0:,22 016 Anrlyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C %o Rec a RPD a QC Llmits oh R.ec RPt} Arscnic 2.00 0.0078 B 2.24 ltz 4t 84 - r24 2s Barium 2.00 0.1 3 2.t2 99 3.9 85 - 120 2s Chromiurn 0.200 0.0026 U 0.t80 89 4.2 73 - I35 25 Coppcr 0.2s0 0.004s TJ 0.30e r22 4.6 82 - t29 Z5 Leacl 0.500 ().0026 U 0.483 97 3.5 89 - r2I 2s Nickel\0.500 0.080 0.513 87 3.2 84 - 120 2s )tu",0.0s00 0.0028 U 0.0680 135 4.0 75 - t4l 25 \/anadiunr 0.500 0.002s L;0.466 93 3.1 85 - 120 25 /,inc 0.s00 0.0r5 B t).457 88 3.3 60 - 137 25 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Anolvsis Duta Sheet Eauivalent 740 ffisrr IIRS Corpomtion Totsl Metals Analysis Duta Sheet Lab Name: Lot/SDG Number: Mntrix: o/o Molstur€t Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Brtch ID: MS Salnple Allquot: MS Dtlutlon Factor: s'rL pElivER p5108024-3 WAl ER NIA Uet 7470A mg/l. 52s2437 I Client Srmple ID: MS Lsb Sample ID: MS Lsb WorkOrder: Date/Time Collected: Date/Tlmc Received: Date/Tlme Leached: flate/Tlme Extracted: Date/'l'ime Analyzed: Instrument lD: Gw-sr -Q1)07CI5 D5r080243-004s HJ6JM 09/08i05 09:30 o9n3ta5 tuia Q983r05 I8:t8 019 Analyte Spike Amourtt Stmple Result C MS Result C "h Rec a QC Llmlt Mercurv 0.00s00 0.000044 U 0.00377 75 N 85 - I 14 STL Denver Farm 5l M,S lnah'sis Dr.ta Shect F,ouivnl.p.nt 747 ffiSTL URS Corporation Total Metals Annlysis Data Sheet Lab Nanre: I,otlSDG Number: IUatrix: oh Molsture; Bnsis: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Butch If): MSD Sarnple Allquot: MSD Dllution Fnctor: STI, PFNVER Ds1080243 WATEB N/A -Wc! 747LtPr m&{, s259437 1 Client Semple ID: lvtsD l.ab Sarnplc ID: MSD Lab WorkOrder: Date/Tlnre Collected; tlate/Time Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Dnte/Time Extracted: Date/Time Analyzed: lnstrument ID: GW-Sl -090705 DJI080243-004D HJ6JM 9e/07/0-s, 09;55 09/08105 09:30 09t23{05 12:50 09/23105 18: I8 0r9 Analytc Spike Amount Sanrple Result C II{SD Result C o/o Rec a RPt}0 QC Llmtts o/o Rec RPD Mercury (),00500 0.000044 Li 0.00365 71 N 3.3 85 - I 14 r0 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent a42 ffisrr URS Corporatlon I otnl Metals Analysls Datt Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDC Number: Matrlx: % tlloisture: Basls: Analysls Method: [Jnlt: QC Batch If): MSD Surnple Allquot: MSD Dilutlon Factor: S.I'L DENYEB t)5 r08(1243 \[IAFER NiA ]&$I 60?Q mgr'I. 5265172 50 mL r_a Cllent Snrnple ID: MSD Lrb Semple ID: MSD Lrb Work0rder: Dnte/Tlme Collccted: Dttef ime Received: Drte/Tlme Leached: Dnte/Time Extmcted: Dnte/Tlme Anallzed: Instrument ID: GW-S t-01)070s D51080243-004D HJ6JM 09107i(t5 09:55 09/08i05 09:30 0et23l05_t t3.0, a9n8/0s .(w;2 404 Antlyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MSt} Result C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Llmits 7o Rec RPD Cudrnium r).0400 0.0039 B 0.0,+30 98 2.0 89 - I r0 20 Seleniurn 0.0400 0.0tI B 0.05 r 4 100 7.5 82 - lr2 2A STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analvsis Duta Sheet Equivulent 743 ffisrl URS Corporation Total Metals Analvsis Data Sheet I.,tb Name:STL.DENVER Lot/SDC Number: D51p80243 Illatrlx: WATER oh Molsturc: N/A Brsis: Wst Anulysls Method: 6020 Unit: mgll Q(l Batch lD: 5265172 MS Sample Allquot: 50 mL J\IS Dilutlon Factor: .lO Cllent Semple ID: (ilM,:S I.-09U05 MS Lab Semple lD: D5108024I-004f, IUS Lab tilork0rder: HJ6JM Date/Tlmc Collectod: 09/07105 09:55 Drte/Tlme Recelved: 09108/05 09:30 DatelTlme Lenched: Date/Tlme Extracted: 09/?3t(15 15;30 Date/Tlme Analyzed: 0qir8i05 02:29 Instrument ID: 404 Analyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MS Rcsult C % Rec 0 QC Limit Cadnriurn 0.04()0 0.0039 B 0.0421 96 89- lr0 Seleniurn 0.04.00 0.01 I B 0.0477 9I 82-lt2 STI Denver Form 5A hIS Analvsis Data Sheet Eauivulent 744 STL DEIVYER 'fotal Metals Analvsis -58- POST DIGEST SPIKE SAI\IPLE RECOVERY Contracts: IIRS Corryrorrtion Lab Coda: ETI"DEN Caaa No.:Sa,S No. :sDo No. : D5I08A2L3 Matrix (;o1"1/water) t WATTR Leval (Iow/mod): gntr[PLE NO. Glr-sl- 09 07 0 5 PDS Conecntntion Unltr r mg/L .trnalytsc Contro]" Li.mit ,ER EpLkcd Saryrlc RceuLtr (SSn1 C Sarqp1c Result (SR) C spLkc .lddad (8}')tR a M Ca&ntura 175 E 125 o.L79732 0.000399 I B 0.20 89 .7 M sal_entum I 75 L25 0 .190 515 o. oo112s I g 0.20 94.7 M Conmcntg I STL Denver Eorm v (PAntr 2) IN 745 msrt IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Number; Marix: 7" tltoisture: Btsls: Antlysig Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon h'actor: ST[, FFNVER p5 rq80243 WATtrR N1A Wst 60t08 ms/I 526s761 50 m[., I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sarnple ID: Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/'l'inre Received: Date/Tlme Lerched: Dste/Time Extractetl: Drte/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: D51220000-"61c HK5OW 09/23l()5 08:00 $?/?3t05 T:a6 021 Analyte 'f rue Found ToRec a LImits Alun'rinunr 2.00 200 100 86 - r08 Iron 1.00 0.9(A 96 88- lr0 Magnesiunr 50.0 49.s 99 9l III Pottrssiurn 50.0 51.4 t03 86- ilr Sodium s0.0 50.0 r00 9t - 112 Zirconium 0.500 0.5r9 r04 7s - 125 Calciurn s0.0 47 .l 95 fi9- II0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Dota Sheet Equivalent 1,1 6 ffisrt UR,S Corporation Total Mctds Analysis Data Sheet Brsis: Lab Namc:S'I'I, DENVER LoUSDC Number: D.510802^13 Mstrlx: WAT,ER 7o Molsture: N/A Yst Annlysis Metlrod: qqL0R Unit: r11g/t QC Butch ID: 5265261 Sarnple Aliquot: 50 mt-,. tlilutlon Factor: I Cllent Snmple lD: Lsb Samplc ID: D5 t220000-261C Lrb Workorder: I{KSQW Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Time Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: 09i23i05 08:00 Date/Tlme Analyzed: A9127105 W:L$ In$trurnent I D: 0I-0 Analyte True Found ToRec a I,lmlts Arserric 2.00 r.89 95 89 - r09 L,eacl 0.500 0.486 97 9I Ilr Bariurn 2.00 2,M t0z 93- I13 Nickel 0.500 0.487 97 90 - r r0 Silver 0.0s00 0.048e 98 85 - r 14 Vanadiurn 0.500 a.492 e8 88 - I 12 Zinc 0,500 0.464 93 8s - I l0 Chromiurn 0.200 0.r9s 9t{ri9 - I 12 Copptr 0.2s0 o.246 98 8(: - I l0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Anolysis Data Sheet Equivalent 747 ffi$TL IIRS Corporatlon Total Metds Andysis Data Sheet Lnb Name: I,otlSDG Number: Matrix: 7o Moisture: Bnsis: Anrlysls Method: Unit: QC Bstch lD: Snrnple Aliquot: Dilutlon F--actor: STL DF.NV.EB ps[080243 WATER IUA Wct 7470A mcl 5259437 I Client Sarnple ID: Lab Sample lD: Lab \lbrkorder: Drte/Time Collected: Dute/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Dnte/Ttme Extructed: Dnte/-I' i nre A n rlyzed : lnstrument [D: p5r 160000437c HKVPA 09i23105 l2:50 09i23/05 l8:08 (}l-g Analyte True Found YoRcc a Limits Mercur.y 0.0t)500 0.00s02 t00 85 - I 14 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analvsis Data Sheet Eouivalent 748 ffiSTL URS Corporetion Totnl Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Nnme: I,oUSDG Number: Matrlxl oh Molsture: Basls: Annlysis Method: tlnlt: QC Batch lD: Sarnple Allquot: Dilution Factor: STL IXiNVER p51080243 WATER N/A Yn ()o"o u0slL 5265172 50 mL I Clieot Sample ID: Lab Snmple ID: l,ab WorkOrder: Drte/'t'ime Collscted : Date/Tlme Recelved: Dete/Tlme Leached: Dntc/Tlmc Extrsctcd: Date/Timc Annlyzed: Instrument ID: {)$.r?20000- I 72c HK49N 09121105 t53A 09i28/()5 02:00 gts Anrlyte True Found o/oRec a Llmlts Seleniurn 0.fi400 0.0352 88 rjz - I 12 Ctdrniurn 0.0400 0.0378 95 89 - 1 I0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysls Data Sheet Equlvalent 749 STL DETVYER Total Metals Analysis '9' ICP SERIAL DILT]TIONS Contrrct, r IIRB Corporatl-on G[II-S1-090705 Srn sDGt No. r D5I080243 L,evel (Iovr/ncd) r Lab Cod.c r STLDEN Matrix (rol1,/water) : UI^TER Caac No, r I nlurnl.num Calcium H Iron Lo PotaBgl.rrm Mrgracaium ZirconLum Conoantratlon Unitg:sg ll' lniuiaL Beroplr Rcrults (r) 8orl,r1 D:Llut,i.on RrruIE (8 ) 27 4.29 27 8.88 L26 .6-l 128. tg 1099.00 1091.50 0 .0 0426 0.00934 STL Denver Forn IX IN 150 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -9- TCP SERIAL DTLUTIONS Conbrect r IIRS CorTpratlon SIMPITE NO. GTr-91-090705 SER sDc NO.: D5I080243 L,cwo]. ( low/mad.) ;Lo$[ Lab Codc: STITDEN Caec No.:g^l,g No. t Matrl,x (sol.1/water) r WATER Iemenie BarJ.um Chromium Coppar Lead NLqlce]. Silver Vanad,l.um Ziuo Concrntratrl"on Unitg: ng lL 0,0079 o - o22o Ju rnl,t,ial- Errnpl.c Regu1t (r) Brr:[al. Dilutioa ResuLt (g) k Dtffcr- ence 0.00260 0 .01300 0 .0045 0.0225 0.o025 0,0130 o,0802 o.0927 0.00290 0 . 01110 0 0. 0 025 0 .0L25 STL Denver Iorrr IX IN 151 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -9- TCP SERIAL DTLUTIONS CoutraeE: tIRS Cor^poration g}IiTPIfi NO. GTr-91-09070s sER SDc NO,: D5I08AZ[3 Lrvrl (],ow/uted) : tOIrI relc Coda I STLDEN Cage No, : Mntrtx ,ro*ffi wlr*R SIf,g No. r Concentrntlon Unltt t tagll- .Lrralytc rnitia]- Sarnple RcauLt ( f ) c ScrLrl DilutLon Rcou1t (8) c t Differ- cncG 0 M I Cadmlurn o,0003981 B 0.000{1{5.?ll !{ Sclanl-urn o. oo1125l B o. oox,550 Ju 1Oo, o l M STL Denver Porm fX r IN L52 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analysis _10- [I[]'I'H OD DIr'f ECTION LII'I ITS Coutraet: URS Corporat j-on Lab Codci SfLDtlI Cage No,: fCP fD Nrrnrber 3 TJl, Int repl-d f CP flama Al ID Ntrmbcr I Frrrrrrce IA fD l[\rmbcr r 8Ag No. r Date: 5 ILAlz00s gDc NO, : D5I08 0243 .[na1f't'c WavG- lcngth (nn) Brck- ground PQL (nn/L) MDL ( utgl r. ) !{ ALunl.num t 167 .0 0.10 I o.017 P A1 Dum Il 349 .2 1.0 P Caloiuro L 3L7,933 o.20 0.03{P CaLclum H 319. 1 10 P Iron lro 259.9 0.10 I o. o21 P Iron Hi 27 L .[tLL 1.0 p Potarriun 766.491 3,0 4.24 P Itq"grr""iurn 27 9. 078 0.20 0-0{3 P Sodium Lo 589.5 1,0 0.031 P Sodiurn Hi 818 .3 x0 1.1 P ZLre,onium 339.1 0.0050 o,0015 P Commcntg I STL Denver Form X IN 153 STL DENVER 'I'otal Metals Analysis -10- IVIETHOD DETECTION LIMITS CoatraoEs tRg eorr)oratlon L,sb Code 3 STLDEN BLS l{o, : IcP ID lfirmber: SUPEBTRACE Dater 5 lI0 l200s flaroc AA ID Nurbrr r Ftrrnacs AA fD Bhrrnbcr r SDc Dlo.; D5f080243 rnal.yta WavG- Icngtb (nm) Back- ground PQI, (mg/L) IITDI, (mglt ) M .trraenic 189.O42 o.010 I 0. o0{{P Barium {93.409 0.010 0.00070 P Ctrrornlrrm 267 .7 L6 10 I 0.0 026 P Coppcr 321 .7 53 0,010 o,00{5 P Iread 220-353 0.0050 I 0.0026 P NiokaI 23L.60d 0,040 o - 0012 P Eilvrrr 329. 0 6g 0-o.oazg P Vanrdlrrrn 292 .442 o. 010 0.0025 P ZInc 06.200 0.020 I o-o0{5 P olulatrts: STL Denver Foz:nr X IN 154 STL DEIVVER Total lVletals Analysis -10- NI EI'HOD DETECTION LIIVIITS Contractr URS Corfroretion Lrb Codcr SfLDEN Caac No. r ICP ID lfirnbe r: flamt A.tt ID Nunbor: pE ClIL1 nrrnaca .LL ID Nurubcr I gl,8 No. l Drrrr 1LlLT/2004 SDO NO. r D5I0802{3 AnaI.ytc $Ilve- Iongtlr (nm) Brck- grouad PQL (ms /I'l MDL (mg/L)Itt fC1rry 253 .7 A 0 - o00?o 0.0000811 cv Comme[Ea: STL Denver fora X - IN 155 STL DENVER I'otal Metals Analysis -r0- ME'I'HOD DETECTTON LIMITS ConEraot r IIRS Corporation Lsb Codt: STT DEN ICP ID Nusrbcr I PE ICPMS F]-arnc AI, ID lftrmbcr r hrrnace A.f, ID tilumbcr r Cagc No. t g.[s No,: Datcr 5lL0 12005 sDG No. r D5I080213 Analyt,o frotope Back- ground PQT, (ng/r.) I,IDTJ (mg/r.)DT Cadraiuru 111 0,0010 0.0000{10 Ir{ Sclcniuro 82 0,0050 0.00033 M Conunentr r STL Denver Fom X fN 156 STL DE]VYER Total Metals Anehsis .IIA. I CP I NTERELEMENT CORRf, CTION TACTORS (ANN UA LLY) CoBtract: IIRS Co:rooratLon Leb Coda3 STITDEN Caaa No.3 rntrapl-d rgPICP ID ![urnbar: ll'in, SAg No.: Dator 8 /Lgl?OAs SDg NO. r D5I08A24? Analtt,c Ulava- length (nm)A1 rnterelsnent CorectLon tractort Ca Fe for: Mgr Ag I 339. r98 0. 0000000 J 0,0000000 0.0000000f o.oooooooI 0.00ooooo tlrrminum lL67, 081 o. ooooooo [ 0. oo00o00 o. o0182ool o.0o0oooo I 0.0000000 Alumlnum 1309.27L o.ooooooo J 0.0000000 o.oooooool 0.0oo77to I 0.0000000 .f,ntimoay IaOe.838 0. 0000000 J 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.oooooool 0.000oooo Araanie ll8g.Alz 0.00000001 0r0000000 o,o00o0o0J 0,00000001 o.ooooooo BarLum | 455.403 0.0000000 I o. o0o000o 0.ooo0o00l 0.00000001 0.ooo0ooo Berry,llium If rf .A4Z o. ooo0o00 | 0.0000000 0. oooooool o, ooooooo l 0. o0o0ooo Boron 1249.6z8 0.0000000 I o-ooooo0o o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I 0 .0000000 cadml-urn |.225 . s02 o-oooooooI 0.0000000 0.00004201 0,0000000 I o.oooooo0 CalcLum I Srz.933 0.0000000 I o.000o0oo o. oooooool 0.0000320 I o. oooooo0 calcirrm I 31B.1AB 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 0.oo0o0o0l 0.0000000 I 0.00000001 clrroml,um lzf: .TLG 0,0000000 I o. oooo0oo o. oooooo0l o. ooooooo I 0 .0000000\ cobalr lzza.615 0.0000000 I o_0000000 0 .00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 copper I fzl. T53 o. ooo0ooo l 0,0000000 -0.00002001 0.0000000J 0.0000000 rron I zs9.g{o o-0000000| 0.0000000 o.ooo0oool o.oooooool 0.0oo00oo rron 127L.44L 0.0000000 | o.0ooo000 o.0oo0oo0l o-0020100I 0.0oo00oo Lcad lt220.353 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo 0 - 0000000f 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rlthlurn I 520.28{o,0ooo000 l 0.0000550 0.oooooool 0,000ooool 0,0000000 Magneglum lz79.0?g 0.0000000| o-0000000 0.00060201 o. ooooooo I 0.00o0ooo Manganoso lzsl.610 0.0000000 | o. ooo0ooo o.oooooo0J o.ooool50f o,ooooooo Molybdcnum lzaz.030 o. oooo00o | 0.0000000 o.0oooooof o.0oooooo I 0.0000000 rrrLckel I ,r L.6ot t 2 0.0000000 I o.0ooo0oo o-oooooool o,ooooooo! o,ooooooo phosphorus I fze .297 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooooI o.oooooool o,o00oooo PotassLrur lz as. d91 o. ooooooo I o.0000000 0.00000001 0.0ooooool 0.000oooo Selenirrrn I tr6.09o 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 0.0000000J 0.00000001 o.oooooo0 strLcon I esf. Gla 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo 0.00000001 0.00000001 o-0oooooo gt l Lcon fro1.G15 o.ooo0o00I o-0000000 o. oooooool o.0o00ooo I o. ooooooo silvar I 328,069 0.0000000 [ o.0o0oooo o. ooooooof o. o00oo00 I 0.0000000 sodlum I rgg.592 0. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 0.o0o00oo sodtrrn I At8.32G 0.0000000 | o. o0o00o0 o.oooooool o-oooooool 0,0000000 stront,ium I aOz .T'IL 0. 0000000 | 0.0001670 0.00000001 0.0000000 f 0,00000001 Thalll.um I rg0. g6l 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooo00o[ o.oo00o00f o.ooooooo Porm XI (PARB 1)IN Conunents: STL Denve STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -LlA- r c p rNTER ELEM ENT C O RREC T r ON FAC TORS (ANI{UALLY) Contract: IIRS Conooratl-on Lab Codc 3 STITDEN ICP rD lftrnbar: T,IA cage No., rntrepLd rCP SAS No- ! Dator 8 lLgllAAs SDO NO, r D5f08A243 Tlrorlum I 283.730 o.ooooooo I 0-0000000 0.0008500J 0,00000001 o.ooooooo Tln I 189.989 0 .0000000 I 0.0000000 o,00000001 0. ooooooo I 0. ooo0ooo rltanLr.rm lael-gd1 0 .0000000 I -o. oooo320 o.ooooooof o.ooo02{0 I 0.0000000 uranLum J 385. gs8 o-oo0o0o0 I -0.0001020 -0.00085a01 0.00000001 0.0000000 vanadlurn lrg2 . Lo2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00010101 -0.0000130 I 0.0000000 zlne I zre. g56 0.0000130 | o.0o0oooo o - oooo5gol o. oooooo0 [ 0.0000000 Commsutg: STL Denve Fom, Xr (PI,RT 1)EIN 158 STL DENVER Contraet,: IIRS Cor:ooratLon Total Metnls Analvsis -llB- I(: P INTEREI.,EMEI{T C ORREC TI ON FA CT ORS (ANN UA LLY) Cage No. t SAg No.3 gDg NO. : D5I08A243Lab Code 3 S"31TDEN rCE rD number: TJA Intrepid Iep Datc: I l1,9l2OA5 Jtnalft,e Wavc- langrth (nm)As Interolemeret Corractlon Factorr BBa for r Be cd 1339.198 0.0000000 | o-00o00oo o-oooooool 0,0000000I o-ooooooo rluminum I 167,081 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.0000oool 0,0000000 llnsrinrun laOg.z71:0 .0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o.000oooo f 0,0000000 entLmony I 205.838 0.0000000 J o.0000000 0.00000001- 0.00000001 0.0000000 rrgenlc I 189.042 0.0000000 ! o-0000000 o - oooo0oof o. ooooooo J 0. 0000000 BarLum I ur5. {03 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o.0o0oooo I o. ooo0ooo Ber:,lltum I gt3.0{2 o. ooo0o0o | 0.0000000 o.00o0oool o.ooo0o0ol o-oo0oooo Boron 1249.6?8 0.0000000 | 0,0000000 0.00000001 o.ooooooof 0.0000000 Cadnium ]226.502 o.0o0oooo J 0.0000000 o . ooooooo J o. ooooooo J o. o00ooo0 calcium I arz. 933 o-oooooool 0.0000000 0.0000000[ o, ooooooo l 0.0000000 calclutrl f ara -L2g 0.0000000 | o.0o0o0o0 o. o000o0ol 0.0000000 ] 0.00000oo1 chroruLum 1 267 .7t6 0. 0000000 | o. o0o0o0o o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooN cobalr |1228.516 o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o-ooooooo coDper I 32{. Ts3 0.00ooooo I o.000oo0o o - 0oooooo | 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 rron | 259.9t0 0,0000000 J 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 rroD lr, t .1t{1 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.o0oooool o,oooo0oo r,ead lzzo.353 0.0000000 I o. oo0o000 0. oo000ool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 r,Lrbium lG7 o. zB{0.00oo0oo | 0.0000000 o-o00o0o0l o-oooooooI 0.0000000 Magnesiurn 127 9.029 0.0000000 I o. ooo0o00 o . ooooooo l o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo Mangrancrc lzsz. 610 0.0000000 I o. ooo00oo o. oooooooJ o. ooo0000 I o. ooooooo rtlolybdcnum 1202.030 0.0000000 | o-0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 0,0000000 xl.ckcl ln 1. 6 as t2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o-oooooool o.ooooooo phorphorus l7-z 8 .287 0.0000000 f o, o0oo000 0.0000000J o, ooooooo l 0.0000000 Potasgiurn lrS5.{91 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooo0oo ! o. ooooooo I o. ooo0oo0 sotanLur I 195.090 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooo0ooo I o. 0000000 silicoa I ,u L.6L2 0.0000000 I o .0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo stlicon I ,U1.61s o-0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sllver 1329.069 0.0000000 | o.0oooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sodtun I se9.592 0 .0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Sodlum I ArB.32E 0 . 0000000 1 o. oo00o00 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Strontium I oO7 .77L o. ooooooo I o.0ooo0o0 0.00000001 o.oooooool o'0ooooo! Thallium I rg0. g5{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0,00000001 0.00000001 o.ooo0ooo Conunentr: STL Denve Form XI (PLRT 2l - IN 159 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -l lB- tcP TNTERf, LEMENT C O RREC TION FA CTORS (ANN LIA LLY) Contraet t r,ab Code s SSLDEN Case No. :gAg No.3 rCP rD NUmber: TifA fntrepid ICp Data: I lLg 12A05 gDc NO.: D5I08AZL3 Thorlum I 283.730 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooooOoo[roooo I o.ooooooo rin I rg9.9a9 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.0oo00ool 0.0000000 rLranium I 33d.9{1 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooo00 | o.0oooooo uranlu:n I 3S5. g5g 0 .0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooooooo! o.oooooool o.ooooooo vanadiun l rg?-{Az 0.0o0ooo0 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo zLnc I zra. Bs6 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o, oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Conunentg i STL Denve Fom XI (PIRT 2l .IN 50 STL DENYER Tot&l Metals Analvsis -1lB- ICP INTERELf,MENT CORRECTION FACTOR.S (AI\I\ruALLY) CoBtsracts [rRS eorooration Lab Codc I STITDEN Cage No. t gAS No,: ICP ID ltunber: TifA latreDLd ICp Dater 8lL9 l?005 SDc NO. r D5fO8OZl3 Anallt c Wave- lencrth (nm) fntorolornant Corrcctl,on Factorg Cr eu for t KCo Mn I 339 - 198 0,0000000 I -0.0012800 o. o0o0o00l 0.0000000 I 0. o0o0oo0 llrrntnurn IfOZ.081.0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0ooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo l.luminutrl IgO9.27L 0.0000000 ! o.0o00ooo o. oooooool 0,0000000 1 o, ooooooo AntLrpnl. I ro6. B3B o, o00oo00 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0. ooooooo I o, o0oo000 lrsenLc I 1Bg.0{2 0. ooooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.ooooo00l 0.0000000 Barium I os5.403 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. oooo0oo J 0.0000000 Bartrllium Iafe .o42 0.0000000 | o. 00ooo0o o. oooooool o. ooo0000 I 0.0000000 Boron lzt9.678 0.0000000f o.00o0o0o o. oooooool o.0ooo0oo f 0,0000000 Cadmlum |,226. 502 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool 0.oo00ooof o,o0ooooo calcium J arz.933 0. ooooooo I 0. 0oooo00 0. ooo0oool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 CaleLum I rra.12B 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0. ooooool Chrondum lzil. 216 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool 0.0000720\ cobalt 1228.515 o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo copper I ael. z53 0. ooooooo I 0. o0o0o00 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rroa J zrr. g{o o. oo0oo0o | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oooooo0 I 0. ooooooo rron lr, f. llr 0.1300000 I o.0o0o0o0 0.0000000J o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Lead lzzO.353 o-0000000I 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. oo0oooo I 0. o0o00oo r,tthtum I 610.7Bc 0.0000000 I o. ooooo0o 0.00000001 0. ooooooo I 0. 0000000 Magnesium |,27 9.0?9 0. 0000000 I o. ooooo0o 0.00000001 0-0000000I -0.003s590 Manganese lZSl.610 0. 0oooo0o I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 o-ooooo0o Molybd,onurn l ZOS - 03 0 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o - ooooooof o.000oo0o | 0.0000000 Nickcl I rrl.6 attz 0.0000000 I o. o0ooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo rtronphorur IfrB.zg7 0.0000000 I o.0oo0ooo o.oooooooJ o.oooooool 0.o0o0ooo Potarslum l, e6. {91 0,00000001 o.ooo0o0o o.000o0oof o, o00o0o0 l o. ooooooo selonlum I fr6.090 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0, oooooooJ 0,0000000 f o. o0oo0oo stricon I ,sl.61 2 0.0000000 | 0,0000000 0.00000001 o.ooooo00l 0.oooooo0 stlicon I zsr.61s 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o. 00o00oo I o. 0000000 | o.0oooo0o Silver I arB. o6a 0.0000000 | o.00ooooo o. ooooooof o. o00o0o0 | o.00oo0oo sodiun I ut9. s9a o. ooooo0o I o.000oo0o 0.ooooooof o. ooo0ooo I o. ooooooo sodtrJln I ara.325 o. oooo000 I 0. 0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.00000001 Strontlum f aOi .z'tl 0,0000000 I o. ooo0oo0 0.00000001 0.0000000 | 0.0000000I Thalllurn I tgO-96{0. ooo0o00 | 0,0000000 o.0ooooool 0. o0ooooo I o. ooooooo Fonn XI ( PIRT 2l I I}I Cortunorltg: STL Denve STZ DENVER contrract: Mi.on--.* l,ab code 3 STTJDEIU Cage No. :gfg No. t IeP ID !flrrnbcr: 1I,iIA Intrepid ICp Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- IC P INTERELEMENT C ORREC TION FA CTORS (A NNUA LLY) Dato: 8/L9/zAAs sDc NO.: D5f08A2l3 Thorium I 283.730 0-0000000 J 0-0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rln [189.989 o. o0ooooo | 0.0000000 o.o000oool 0.00000001 0.ooooooo rltanLum I 33{.9{1 0. 0000000 I o. 0003 150 0.oo0ooool o.ooooooof o.o0ooooo uranlum I 385.9s8 0-0000000 ! o.o0ooooo o.oooooool 0.0000000f 0.0oo0o0o varradium lZSz . $02 o. oooooo0 I 0,0002290 o. oooooool o. oooo0oo I 0.0000000 zlnc I arr.B56 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.000911{01 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Comments: STL Denve Fomt XI (Pent 2)_rN L62 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -ltB- rcp TNTERELEMENT CORRECTTON TACTORS (ANNUALLY) eoatract! IIRS Cor:ooration Lab Coder S1LDEN Cage No. 3 Intrepl-d ICPICP ID NUIIlbgr 3 T.IA 8lg No, ! Data: I ll,glz00s SDc NO-: D5I08AZt3 trnalltte Wave- laugth (ntrt) Interclcmant Corcctlon factore Na Nt for g Pb gbMo I gs9 - 198 0 - 0009000 I o. o0o0o00 o - oooooool 0. ooooooo I 0. ooooooo Alumtnum Ife2.081 0.0000000 | o .0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo Aluminrrn 1309.27L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0. 00o00oo I o, ooooooo rnt l.rnony | ,06 . 83I 0.0000000 | o-0o0o0oo o.ooooooo[ o.oo0ooo0l o.0o0oooo rrsonle I l8g .OA2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 BarLrrn I 4SE. {03 0.0000000 J o. o0o0oo0 o. oooooooJ o. oooo00o I o. o0oo00o Bery11Lum I313 .A4Z 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oo0ooool o . oooo0oo l o. o0 ooo0o Boron lzt9.67a 0.0000000 | o .0000000 0.0000000J o-oooooooI o.o00oo00 Cadnlum Jrr6 .502 o. o00oo0o I 0.0000000 -0.00019701 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 calcium Jffz.933 o.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooo000o! o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Calclum I sre.128 o.0oo0ooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.00000001 Chromtum lz6l-.tLG o.0000000| o-0000000 0. oo0o000l o . oooooo0 I o. oo00ooo\ cobalr l|228.616 0.0oooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.ooooooo I o-ooooooo copper | 324 .Ts3 0.0003{00 | 0,0000000 o. oooooool 0. 00ooooo I o - ooooooo rron I ,rg.9ro 0. 0000000 I o. o0ooooo o. o0ooo0ol 0 ,0000000 1 o. ooooooo rron 127 1. {{L 0.60L5000 I 0.0000000 0.0ooo0ool o.oo0o0oof o,ooooooo read, |.220.353 0. 0000000 ! 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo rirhium I uro. TBc 0.00ooooo I o. 0000000 o. o0oo0o0f o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Magnesium 1279.029 -o-0358000 I o.0000000 o. o00o00ol o. ooooooo I o, ooooooo Mangarl€66 lzst, Gto 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Molybdcnum 1202- 030 o.00ooooo I 0.0000000 o.0o03aool o.oooooool 0.0000000 rsiekal lra1.60tt2 0.00o0ooo I o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Pbosphorur ll1rg.287 0.0000000 [ o .0oo0ooo 0.00000001 o.oooooool 0.0000000 Potsagrium I ?56. {91 0.0000000 I o. ooo000o o. oooooool o . ooooooo l o. ooooooo Selenlum I 196.090 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o,o0oo00ol o.oooo0ool 0.0000000 stlicon I zSr.612 0.0092000 I o .0000000 0.00000001 o,0o0o0ooJ o.ooooooo stlicon I zsr. 51s 0.0 a9?,000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. o0ooo0o I o, o0o000o silver I le8.05B 0.0000000 | o.000oooo o. oooooool o. oooo0o0 I 0. ooooooo sodium Iuti.5gz 0.oooooooI o-0000000 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 | o. 0oo0ooo sodtum 1 818.326 0.0000000 I o. ooo0ooo o. oo0ooool o. oooo00o I o. ooooooo stronttum I aoz .lii 0.0000000 I o.0o000oo o.o0oo0o0l o.oooo00ol 0.o00ooo0 Thal-ll.um I f g0.g6{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooo0 | o.ooooooo Cormrent,g: STL Denve Forrn XI ( Panf 2l IN 153 STL DENVER Total Metnls Analvsis -[lB- ICP INTEREI,EMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUA LLY) Contraet: IIRS Corroorat'Lon Lab Code3 S1.LDEN IcP ID [Itrmber: TJA Cage No. r Intrepid ICP gAg No. : Deto: I lLg l?AAs gDc Ho. : D5I080243 Tlrorlurn J 283.730 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000I o-ooooooo rl-n l1B9-989 0.0000000 I o. ooo0000 o-oooooooI o.ooooooo| 0.0000000 rl,Eanirrm I 33{.9{1 0 .0000000 I o. 0000000 o. oooooool o. oo0ooo0 | o. ooo0ooo uranLum l fe5.95B 0. o0ooooo | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo vanadLuxr lZlZ.4Az -0. aL7 5ooo I 0. oo000oo 0.00000001 0.oo0ooooI o-oooooo0 zr.nc I zrr. g56 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0063800l o,oooooooI 0.0000000 corrunonts: STL Denve Fomt XI (PART ?,1 IIN L54 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -I IB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Contraet : IIRS Corrooration rab Codc: gTfrUEN ICP rD lltrmbcr: TJA Case No. t Intrepid ICP gAg No. t Date: I llgl2OO5 sDtr NO.: D5I08A243 Wavc- length (nn) Intarcl0rnant correction ractorS for r SrAnahttast 1rl,Se Sn I 339.19a o.0000000 I o. ooooo0o o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo llrrntnurn I f ez.081 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo elumlnuur l309.zTL o. oo0oooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooooI o-ooo0ooo Antlnnony I 20E. B3B 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo Arseal.c I 189.0{a o-oooo000 | 0.0000000 0. ooooooof o. oo0ooo0 l o, ooooooo BarLun l Ou5.{03 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0,0001930 Bartrlltum I 313 .Otz 0. ooooo00 I 0.00ooooo o. oooooool 0 -0000000 1 0. o00oooo Boron I aog.628 0,0000000 I o.00o0ooo 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. oo00ooo ca&rrium 1116.5O2 0. ooooo00 | o. 0000000 o.oooooooI o.0oo0oo0J o.00ooooo calcirrrn I f f2.933 0.0o0o0oo I o. o000ooo o.oooooo0l o.oo000o0l o.oo0oooo calcilxn Jrra.128 0.000oooo I o. 0000000 o.ooooooof o.ooooooo] o.oooooral Clrrourlum lZ67 -7L6 o. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooooI o.ooLzaoo\ cobalt l!228.616 0.0000000| o-0oooooo o.oo0o000l 0.0000000 1 o-ool8ooo copper I gr tL.753 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0ooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rron l%9.9{0 0.0000000 I o. ooo0o0o 0.00000001 o.oooooooI o-ooooooo rron 127 L. d{l 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 o.ooooooot -- -o.ooooooof o-0000000 read lrr0,353 o.0o0o0o0 | o-0000000 o,oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Ltthtum I ero.784 0.0000000 ] 0.0000000 o.oooo0ool o.ooooooo I o.ooooooo Magnneslum lrrg.o-tg o. ooooo00 | o. 0000000 o. oooooool o, oooo00o l o. ooooooo Mansanege |en.610 0.0000000 I 0.0ooo00o 0,00000001 o.ooooooof o-ooooooo rqolybdenum lzo2.030 o.0000000 [ o.0000ooo o . ooooooo J o. ooooooo I o, ooooooo ulckol 123l.60{lz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.ooooooof o.ooooooo phorptror:ua )rr8.zE7 0.0oooooo I 0.0000000 o. oo0ooool 0.0000000 I 0.0o0oooo PotasrLum I 766.{91 0.0000000 | o.000oooo o.oooooooI o.oooooooI o.ooooooo selenLum I rg6.090 o-o00ooo0 | 0.0000000 o.ooooooo| o.oooooooI o.ooooooo si ll-con IZSL . 6Lz 0.0000000 I o.00ooooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo slricon I zu1.61s o . ooo00o0 I o. 0000000 0.0000000f o.oooo0ool o-ooooooo Bllver I fr8. oGB o.0o0oooo I o,00ooo0o 0.00000001 - 0.o00ooooI o-00035{0 sodlum I ut9.59z 0.0000000 ] o. ooooo00 0.0ooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 sodium I gr8.3aG o,00o0oo0 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooooI o-ooooooo stronttum I coZ ,?7!0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0 . 0000000 1 0,0000000 1 0. 00000001 rhalllum I fgO.gG{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00oooool o.00ooo0oI o.ooooooo Comnentr: STL Denve For:ur XI (PART 2).IN 155 STL DEIVVER Totrl Metals Anrlysis -rtB- ICP INTERf,LEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUAITT) Contraetr ERS Corooration LaI) Code r STLDEN ICP ID !$rmlrar r |lilA Cago No.: fntrepid IeP glS !UO. r D&tc: I l1.gl2A05 sDc No.: D5I0802{3 Tlrorlum I 283.730 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0-00000001 o.ooooooo rt n I tr9.999 0. 0ooooo0 I 0.0000000 o - 00000001 o.0o0o0oo I 0.0000000 rttanitrm Irr{.9{1 0.0000000 [ o.00oooo0 o.oooooool 0.0000000 I o.ooooooo uranLurn [385.958 o .0000000 [ o. ooo0oo0 0. 0000000f o. ooooooo l o, oo0oooo vanadl,rrn I ,tZ. {02 o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooooI o.ooo{1oo zine I zrr. g55 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. o00oooo Conmontg r STL Denve Fonn XI (PART 2l IN L55 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRE(]TION FACTORS (ANN UAI.,LY) Coutraet: IIRS Corrooratlon Lab Coder S1.LDEN rCP rD Ntrmbar: fifA Cage No. : Intrepid rCP S.trS No. , Dater 8llg/2005 sDc NO.: D5I08OZL3 Wavo- lcngrth(rul rntorelement Corrcetlon Factoru for: Zn InaLrte ThT1Uv I 339 ,1eg 0,0oooooo I 0.0000000 0-0000000-l o-oo0000oI 0.03L9000 .Lluml,nlm lfOZ.081 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0. oo0ooo0 ^l,luminum. I 3Og ,27L 0.00ooooo I o. o0000oo 0,0000000[ o-oooooooI o.ooooooo entl.stony I206.838 0.0000000 I o. ooooo00 0.0000000f o-oooooooI o.ooooooo Arsenle I 189.0{2 o-oooooo0 | 0,0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Barlrrrn I 4S5. {03 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. o0oooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo3o3o Ber71lium Ifff .0Az 0.00oooo0 | 0.0000000 0.00035901 0.0000000 I -0.0000100 Boron I 2t9.5zB 0. 0000000 | 0,0000000 o. oooooool o. oo0o0oo I o.0oooooo Cadmlum |,116.502 0.0000000 I -0.00020?0 o. oooooool o. oo000oo I o. ooooooo calcLum I ffz.933 0, ooooooo I o.00oo0oo o. ooo0oool 0.0000000 1 o, ooooooo CaleLum J srA .7,28 0. 0000000 | o. oooo000 o. o00oo0ol 0.0000000 I 0. o5590ool chromium lZez .'tLG 0.0000000 | 0.0007060 0.00000001 o-00000001 -0.0005970\ cobalr |118.616 o. 00o0o00 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo copger Jfzt-?53 0.0000000 | o .0009d20 o. ooo0000J o. ooooooo I o. oo232o0 rron I ,S9.900 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o . ooooooo l o. oo00ooo f 0. ooooooo rron lz7 1. {{1 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 0.oooooo0l o.oo0o00oI o.0oo0oo0 r,ead 1220.353 0.0000000 I 0.0oooooo o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Ltthtum 1670. ?8{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oo00o0o I o. o00ooo0 I'tagnoslwn |'2r 9.079 0.0ooooo0 I 0.0075600 0,00000001 0,0000000 I -0.041-8000 uanganara lzsl.610 0.0000000 | 0.00 oL22o -0.00016801 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 rlrolybdcnum 1202. 03 0 0.0000000 I -0.0007050 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. oot75oo nlckel Jrs1.6o4t2 0.0oo0ooo I o .0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo plrosphoruE Itr8.287 0.0000000 | o.00oooo0 0, 0000000 I o. ooooooo I o. o0ooooo Potarsium 1"66.491 0.000oooo | 0,0000000 0.0000000[ o. oo0oooo I o. ooooooo gcleniurn lrg6.09o 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.0ooooo0I o-ooooooo silicon lrSL.6Lz 0.0000000f 0,0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sttl,con 12S1.515 0.0000000 | o. 0oooooo 0.00000001 o. oooooo0 | o. o0ooo0o sLlver lrrg-068 0.0000000 I -0.0002200 -0.01{9oool o, ooooooo I o. ooo588o sodiurn I ugg. sgz 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o. ooo00o0[ 0.0000000 1 0,0000000 sodlum I 4t8.325 o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. oooo000l- 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 Btrontium I AO7 .'t7t 0.0000000 | 0,0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 I rhalltum I r90.85{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooooI o.ooooooo Coilunents: STL Denve -INFom. XI (PAR:F 2l 1,57 STL DENVER 'fotal Metals Analr"sis -LlB- ICP INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Contract: IIRS Comoration r.ab Codc 3 STITDEII rCP rD tftrmber r TiIA Care No. t IntrepLd ICP gAg No. r Datc: 8 llg lz00s gDo No. t D5I08OAL3 Tlrorl.urn I 283 .734 0.o00000o1 0.0155000 0.0oooo0ol 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo Tin I tt9.9a9 o. 0000000 I 0. oooo0o0 0.oooooool o.oooooo0l o.ooooooo ,fitanlum [ 330.9{1 0,00000001 o-0002850 o. o0oooool 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo uranLum l3Bs-gE8 o, ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0oool o, o0o0ooo I -0.038?oo0 vanad,tr:rn |,292 . $Az 0.0000000 I -o. oo02 r2o 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. 0015600 zLnc [ 213,856 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0-00000001 o.o0oo00of o.00ooo0o Comnonts: STL Denve Fornr XI (PART e)IN 158 STL DENVER Contract: IIRS CorncoratLon Total Metals Analvsis -llA- T CP I NT ERELEIIIENT C ORREC TION FA C TORS (AhINUALLY ) Cage ![o. :g^S !Eo. 3 Date: 7 /2312005 r,ab code: sIltDEN ICP rD !ftunbcr r SUPTRIERACE gDO No. : D5I08OZ[3 J[nal:rte Wave- lengrLh (nm)A1 Ioterelement, Corraetlon ractorg Ca FE for: Drg Ag tlrrminum I 308.215 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo 0.0001100f o.ooo0290l o.oo0o000 .n,nttmony I205.83I o.000ooooJ 0.0000000 o. oooo220l 0.0000000 1 0,0000000 rrgenLc I 189.042 0-0000000 I o.0000000 -0.0000160[ 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Barium lug3,{o9 o.ooooooo I o.0000000 o.oooooool 0.000ooool 0.0000000 Bcryl1Lum I 313 .0t12 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Boron I a{9.628 o-ooooooo I o.0000000 -0. oooo?ool o. ooooo0o I o. ooooooo cadmiun 1225.502 0.0000000 I o.oooooo0 0,0001{1ol o,ooooo00l o-oooooo0 Calcium 1 319 -933 0. 0000550 | 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Chrornlum I z6"t .7L6 0,0000000 | o. oooooo0 -0.00001001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 cobalr 11228.615 0.0000000 I 0. 0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo copper I 32 tL .7 53 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 -0-0o0ozs0f o-00000110 I o.0o00oo0l rron lZrl-4{1 0. 0000000 | 0.0000000 o-oooooool 0.0003{001 o.ooooooo\ Laad 1220.3 lLl L o.0oo297o | 0.0000000 o. ooot3ool o. oooooSo J o. ooooooo Lead |11220.3 5L/2 -0-000r.800 I o.0000000 o . o0o05oo l 0.0000100 1 o, oo0oooo lracmagl,um lz7 g. ozB 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00002?01 0.0ooooool 0.0oo0ooo Mangraneso lZSt.610 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 -0 - 00000601 o. 0000200 I 0.0000000 uolybdenunr I zOz. 030 o.0000000 I 0.0000000 -0 - ooooreol 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 lrlckal I 231. 5 0L 12 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo salanLurn I 196.02L1L -0.0000030 J 0.0000000 o.oooo020l 0.ooooo{oJ o'oooooo0 Selcnl.r:ur I196-02L/2 0. oo0o0o0 | o.0000ooo -o,ooo1?Bol o,oooooool o-ooooooo stlieon lrtE-1sB 0. o0oo0oo I o.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o-ooooooo silver l az8, 068 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00oooool o.ooo0000 I o.ooo0o0o strontltut I OrL.552 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo 0-00000001 o.00o0ooo] o'0oooooo Thallium I 190,96{o. 0ooo0o0 | o.0000ooo o. 0000960l o. ooooooo I o.0oooooo rhorlum loo1.91o 0.0000000 I -0.0ooo2so o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rin I 189.989 0.0000000 | o .0000000 o .000oooo I o. ooo0000 I o. 0000000 rLtanLun I ,r{.9{L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oo0o2o0 I 0.0000000 uraniunr lf as.gSB o. ooooooo I -0 .00003 oo o. ooog6oo I o. ooootco I o. ooooooo vanadiuar l292.a}z 0.0000000 I o-0000000 -0.0003{001 0.00000001 0.0000000 zinc I ,t3. BsG 0. 0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0"0000020] o.ooooo00 Fonn XI (PART 1)AIN 69 Cornnentg a STL Denve STL DENVER Contraet r IIRS Corroorat,lon Total Metals Analvsis -IIB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Cage No.:g.Lg No.: Dato t 7 l23l2AO5 Lab Coder Sff,DEN rce ID Number: SUPERTRACE SDO NO.: D5I080243 Wava- lengtlr (nm) Intcrelamcnt Comecttoa Factors for: Be .f,nalll.te CdAeBBa rluntnrrn 1308.215 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooooooof 0.0000000J o.ooo0o00 tnrlmony I 206.839 o. oooooo0 J o. 0000000 0. o0o0oool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo .rrgenle I 189.042 0.0000000 J o. o0000oo 0.0oooo0ol 0. ooooooo I o.0o000oo BarLum l Og3. {0g 0.0000000 | o. 0000000 o. oooooool 0. ooooooo I o. ooooo00 BeryJ.lLum | 313 .012 o, ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.00oooo0l 0.0000000f o.oooooo0 Boron 12A9.678 0.0000000 | o. o00oooo o. oooo00ol o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 cadmi.um 1116. S02 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo calelum 1319,933 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o.0oooooo I 0.0000000 Chrornlum lz6;.7L6 0.0000000 I o. oo0oooo o. oooooool 0. o0o0ooo I 0.0000000 cobalr. I zzs. ere 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo -0.00120001 0. 0000000 I 0. 0000000 fonnar f rza ,zsrr 0.0000000 | o-ooooooo o.oooooool o-oooooool o.ooooooo Trron 1271 , {{1 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo r,ead lzzo.3sl l]:0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. ooo0o00l 0, ooo0o0o l 0.0000000 rread |t220.35L/2 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.ooooooof o.ooooooof o.ooooo00 MagrncrLum lZrg.0zB 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0ooo0ool 0,0000000 1 o. ooooooo MangranGae lzsl. 6r.o 0.0000000 | o.000oooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo r'rolybdcnum I 202 , 03 0 0.0000000 I o. oooo00o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Nlcke1 I 23 L.604 t2 0 .0000000 [ 0.0000000 0,00000001 o-oooooool o.ooooooo salenl.rrrn Itg6.0zLlL 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 selsnlrrm lrg5.02Lt2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. o000oo0l o. ooo0000 I o. ooooooo gtlLcon I egg. 159 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sllver lrrS-068 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o - ooooooo] o. ooooooo l o. ooooooo Strontlum lOr1. 5Sz 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooo0oool 0,0000000 1 o. ooooooo Tha1liun I tiO. ASa o. oo0ooo0 | 0.0000000 o. oooooooJ o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo ThorLtm I OOl. gto o. ooooo0o I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o,ooooooo rln I ta9.9a9 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo titaniun I rr{. e{1 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o.ooooooo uranl,um I,t5.t-g 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo vanadiunr 1292 , tLOz 0.0000000 | o. oo0oooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo ..zlnc Jzrr. g56 0.0000000 | 0 .0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool 0.0000000 Fonn XI ( PARIP 2l rN Cornrnents: STL Denve STI, DENVER Contraet: IlRg Corcporat,ion Total Metals Anatvsis -1lB- ICP I NT ER ELE,IVIENT C ORREC TION FA CTORS (ANNUA L LY) Cage No, r SIS lilo. : Datet 7l23lz$As Lab Code: S1.1TDEN ICP ID Dfirmlrar: $UPERTRACE Dsr080243 lnalftc Slave- length (nn)Co Int,araluncnt Correctlon Factorg Cr eu for r DIrr uo rlrrminurr leOA .zl.f.0-0000000 I 0.0015000 0.00oooo0l o.ooooooo[ 0.0058500 Arrtimony I205.83I 0.0o0o0oo | 0.0038900 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0. 00s5s00 Arsenlc I 189.002 0.0000000 | o.0oor.7oo o.0o00oool o.00oooo0l o'ooo31oo Barlurn I {93. {09 0. 0000000 I o. ooooooo 0.0o00oool o, oo000oo l o.000o0oo Berylllum | 313 .A42 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooo0ool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Boron 1249.578 0. 0009800 | o. ooooo00 0.00000001 o.0ooooo0 | o. ooooooo Cadmium 1225.502 -o. oooz2oo l 0,0000000 o. oooooool o.0000ooo [ 0.00o0ooo caleLum l ftg,933 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o. oooooo0l o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 cbromlum lrez .7L6 0,0000000 I o.0oooooo o. o0oooool o. ooo0o0o I -0.0001?00 cobalt, 1228.516 o. o0o0o00 I 0.0000000 o. oo00oo0l 0.000oooo I 0.0000000 copper I aze. zs3 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o - 00000001 0.0000000 | o. 00000 aal rron 127 1. {{1 0,0885900 | 0.0030800 o - 00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooN Laad |1220.3 StlL -0.0020{?0 I 0. ooooooo 0,00000001 0.0000000 I -0 - 0009500 r,ead lzz0.35ll2 0. 0000000 | o.0oooo00 0. 00000001 0. 0000000 I - 0. 0002600 MasmesLurr ,27 9.078 o.0000000 | o.0ooo00o o, oooooo0l 0, 0000000 J o. o0000oo Mangranoso |ZSI.610 o.00o00oo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooo0ooo I o. o0ooooo Mohrbdenun I202.030 0.0000000 I o. oooo0o0 o. 000oo0of o. ooooooo I o. oooooo0 nri ckel l23r , 5 A{ l2 -0.0005200 I o, oooo000 0.000oooof o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 gelenium I 19 6 .AzL lL 0.0005000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooofi o. ooo35oo I o. oo0oooo gelsnium I 19E. ozLlZ -o. 000rsoo I 0.0000000 0. 00ooooo I o. 0002200 | o. oo0o00o silieon I 288,158 0.0000000 | o. ooo0000 0.00000001 0,0000000 I -0.00{31100 silvcr I ,r8.068 0.0ooo0oo I o-0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Btrontlum 11421.552 o. 0000000 [ 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oo00oo0 | o. ooooooo Thallium I 190.864 0.00L?1t?0 I 0.0002900 o-00000001 -o.0ot770al 0.0000000 Thorl.um l{01.910 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0, o00o0o0f o. oo5o28o I o.0oo0ooo rln I ra9.9a9 0. oo0oooo I 0.0000000 o. ooo00ool 0. o00oooo I o. ooooo0o rl.tanlum I ,r{. e{1 o. ooo0000 I 0. 0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo uranium I gg5.95g o.0oooooo I o. o0o?500 o.ooloooof o.oooooooI o.ooooooo vanadium l2gz.{Oz 0. 0000000 I -0.0008700 o. oooo00ol 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo ziae f zrr, Bs6 0 .0000000 I -0.0032900 0 .00000001 0,0000000 1 0.0000000/ Form xI (PART 2l TIN Comnents: STL Denve STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analvsis -llB- IC P INTER.ELEMENT C ORRECTIO N FA C TO RS (A I{NUA LLY} Cara No-:glg No. r Dato: 7 l23l20As Lab Code s STLDEN ICP ID lhmber: SUPERTRACE gDO NO. I D5I08O2l3 .nnalfrtg Wave- langth (nm)![i rntarolernerrt Corectlon ractors Pb sb for: 9e si Alurrluurtr 1308.2L5 0 - 0000000 I o. o0ooooo o.oooooool 0.00000001 o.ooooooo Antimony I 206.838 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. ooooooo I o. 00ooooo I 0.0000000 Arrenlc I 189 .A42 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooooooof o-oooooooI 0.000oooo BarLum I 493.409 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.oooooool 0.0000000 Bcrrrllium I rra.0{3 0 - 0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo Boron I 2{9.628 o. o0ooooo I 0.0000000 0.0000000f o.oooooool 0.0000000 cadgdum |.225. 502 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 Calcium 1 319. 933 0.0000000 I o.ooooo00 0.ooooo0ol o.oo00o00l 0.ooooooo chrorulum lzil .7L6 0.00ooooo | 0,0000000 o. ooooo0ol o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 cobalr 11228.616 0.00 a2770 I 0.0000000 o. o0o0oo0J o. oo0oo00 I 0.0000000 lcoppsr Isza,753 0,0000000 I o. oooooo0 o. oooooool 0,0000000 1 o. ooooooo Trron lrr 1. dt1 0.0000000 I 0-0000000 o.oooooool 0.000ooool o-ooooooo read lrzo.3 JL/l -o. oo01{00 I 0. 0000000 0.00000001 -0.000020a1 -0.000L020 read ll220,3stl2 0.00006{0 I 0.0000000 0. 00000001 -0.0001{00 I -0.0000370 Magrncgiutrr | 279.078 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo r{angranoEG Jzsz. 610 o . ooo0000 I 0. 00oo0oo 0.00000001 0.00000001 o.ooooooo Mot.ybdcnurn lzoz.03o o.0000000 I 0. oo0o0o0 o-oooooooI 0.0000000| o-ooooooo wtckel 1 231,6 04/2 0.0000000 I o. o0ooooo o. oooooool o, o0ooooo l 0 .0000000 SelenLum I 1gO. Oz LlL o. ooo0000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0-oooooooI o-0001000 sclanlum I 196 - 0z Llz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooooooof 0.0000000| o-ooooooo stll,con I288-tsa 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. ooooo0ol 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo gilver I 329.059 o.ooooo0ol 0.0000000 0.0000000f o.oooooool 0.0000000 Strontirlm ll21 .552 0.0oooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 rhalllun I 190.864 0.0000000 | 0,0000000 0,.00ooooo[ 0.0000000 I o.0000000 Thorium I 001.910 0,0000000 I -0. ooo{2oo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo rLn I rr9.9a9 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.o0o0o0ol 0.0000000f o,oooooo0 TLtaniurn lrr{.9{1 0. oooooo0 I o.0oc0oo0 o. ooooooof 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo uranium I rAs. gSB 0. oooo0o0 | o.0000ooo o.oooooool o.000o0oof o.oooo000 vanadlurn lZlZ .4Oz o.00o0ooo I o. ooooooo o.oooooool 0.0000000 I o.ooooooo zlnc I zrs. g56 0 - 0000000 | o. 0o0ooo0 o. oooo0o0l o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Couunentr: STL Denve Form Xf (PART 2l -IN a72 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -1lB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Contraet: URg CoImoration I,ab Code: STLDEN Caae No. t grg No,: fCP fD Number: ST PERIIRAC:E Datot 7 123/zAOs 8De No.: D5I08OZA3 Analfttrc Wava- length (nm)Sn Intarelement correctlon ractors Sr Tt for: T1 U r}umLnum 1 908.215 0.0o0o0oo I o. oo0oo00 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.001{000 Antl-urony I 206. B3B 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.oooooool o,oooooool 0.ooooooo rrsen{e Il8g.OLz 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooooI 0.0000000 Barlum I {93.409 o. oooooo0 | 0,0000000 0.ooooooof o.o000oool o.0000ooo Beryllium f f ff .Atz -0.0000000 I o. oo00o0o 0.00000001 o.ooo000o[ 0.0000000 Boron 12{9.628 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 0.oo0oooo[ o.ooooo00J 0.0000000 Cadmtum lrZo.50z o. ooo0o00 | 0.0000000 o, oooooool 0.0000000 [ o .0000ooo Calch.rm 13X9.933 o, ooo000o I o.00ooooo o.oooooool 0.oo00o0ol o.oo31ooo ctrromium lzil.7L6 0.0000000 ] o-0000000 o. ooo000ol 0.0000000 1 0,0004100 cobalr 1228.616 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 0-0o2tl{00] 0.0000000 I 0.0000960 coppcr I 32{. ?53 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo 0.0000000J 0.0000000 I 0.00063o01 rron 12? 1.441 0.0000000 I o .0000000 0.0000000J 0.0000000 I -0.0a2{000\ Lead ,220 .3 }Ll L 0.0000000 | o.0000000 o.ooooo00l 0.0000000J 0-0010060 Lead lrro.3 sLl2 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo 0.0000000J 0. ooooooo I o. 00l{600 Magmaclum lrr g. oz8 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0L40000 Mangan6r6 lzsl.610 0.0000000 I 0.00oo0oo 0.00000001 o. ooo0oo0 I 0.0001300 I'rol]rbdenum lzoz- 030 0.00000001 0.0000000 0.ooooooof 0.0000000 I -0.0002100 NLckal 1 23 1.5 0L12 0.0000000 | o. ooo00o0 o. ooo0000 I -0 . 00oe{00 [ 0.0000000 selenium I 196.02LtL 0. oooo0o0 | o. 0000000 0,0000000J o.oooooooJ 0.oooo8oo srrlcnlum I 196 .02 Ltz 0. oo00o0o I o.0000000 o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo fttllcon I agB.158 0.0312600 I 0.0000000 o. ooeaoool o.000oooo I o. ooo8{oo st1v8r I 328,058 0,0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o . oo00o00 J o. 00093 oo sErontiusr I o, L.i52 0. 0000000 | o. ooooooo 0.00000001 0.oooooo0l o.ooocooo rhalllum I190.86{0.0000000 I o .0000000 0.0o0ooool o. oo0oo00 I o. ooooo00 Thorlum I 001.910 o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o .oa233oo Ttn I 199.989 0.0000000 [ o-0000000 o.oo0o000l o.0o0oo00l o.ooooooo rl,tanlrrm Irr{.9{1 0,0000000 | 0. ooo0000 0.00000001 o.oooooool 0.0003000 uranium I gt5.95B o. ooooooo I o.00o00oo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo vaned{um lzsz.4O2 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.0ooez00] 0.0000000 I -0.0000500 ztnc I zrs, gs6 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o,ooooooof o. o00oooo I o.0000ooo Form xI (PART 2l -IN Comrrentg: STL Denve STL DEIYVER Contract: IIRS Comoration Total Metals Analvsis ,LlB- ICP INTERELEI\TTNT CORRECTION FACTORS (A N NUATLY) Caac No.:SAS No.: Pate t 7 l23l2AAs Lab Code s SIITDEN rCP rD sumberr SgpERTnB.eE gDG NO.: D5f08AZl3 glavo- length (nm) Int,crclement CorrcctLon ractorg for : .trnalttc nhvZn Alumlnurtr 1308.215 o.02L6700 I 0.0000000 o . 0505 1oo I AntI-mony 1U06.838 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o . ooooo0o I rrsenie I l8g,Atz 0.0oooooo J 0.0000000 o . oo0oooo I Barlurn I Or3. {09 o-0000000 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I Bcrl'lltum I 313 .OtLz 0.0001800 | 0.0000000 o.o000oool Boron l2t9. oz8 0.0000000 | o.0000000 0 - oooo2o0 I ca&rir-rm 1226. 502 0. 0000000 | o. 0o0o00o 0.00ooooo I calel-u:n IfrS.g33 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.001?7001 chromlum lrgl.7LG 0.0000000 I o_0000000 o. o0ooooo I coba]"t 11228.615 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I fonoer I rzn .rsl 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00215001 'rron lrr 1. ddl -0. s3{7500 I 0.0000000 0. 00{5?601 Lcad 1220.3 'L/L 0. 0000000 | o. oo00oo0 -o . o03 5600 Ir.ead lrro.3 s:.tz -0.0003200 I 0.0000000 0.o0oooool Masncrl.um lrr9.0TB 0.0000000 J 0,0000000 o. ooooooo I Mangranora lzsl. 610 o.000oooo I 0.0000000 0 . 000oooo I uoly,bdenun lzoz.030 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo o. ooooooo I ulckol I ,r 1. 6 a4 t2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I SelenLrrm 1195.02LtL 0.0002100 | o. oo000o0 -0. a2793oo I selenlurn I rse .ozl t?r o.0ooo000 I 0.0000000 -0 . 0002{oo I stlleon I e88.158 o .0000000 I o. oo00oo0 o.oooorool silver I sa8.OEB 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooo349ol Strontlurn l{.21 .552 o.000oo0o J 0,0000000 0.ooooo0ol Thallium I 190.96{0.0011700 I 0.0000000 -0. ooorzoo I rhorlum I 801.910 0.0002000 | o. oo0o000 o.oooooool rin I 189.989 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 -0. ooorroo I TLtanium l rrd. e{1 0. oo0oooo f o,0o000oo o. ooooooo I uranium I ,ts.95B -0.0090700 I o.0000o0o o.oa:,.Loool vanadlum lzlz, {0a 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o .ooo8eo0l frr. lztt.8s5 0 .0000000 | o. oo0oooo 0. oooog3o I Form XI (PART 2l 'IN Coment,g: STL Denve STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -12- ICP L.II.{EAR RANGES (QUARTERLY) ContracE: LEb Codcr $TLDEN Caso No. s fCP fD !ftunbrr r T{fA Intreptd rCP IrRS CorSrcretioa S.[.S No. r Datc:a/L6/200s D5ro802113 A.oelytc Intcg. rlmr (Sce. ) ConccnErat:[on (nglL) DI Jaf urnirrun Iro I 60 .00 lAlumlnum Hl I 20.00 J ealclum Lo 20.00 lCalcLum El,20,0o J lron f,o 20.00 I Iron HL 20.00 lPotesrJ-um 20 .00 ItLcroCs{um 20.00 J Bodiun Lo 20.00 ]sodfum Hl 24,00 lT,Lrconiun 20.00 ColunanE8; STL Denver Forn XIf IN STL DEIYVER Contncts r Lab Codc: t R'S Corporation gTLDEN Cagc Ng, t Total Metals Analvsls -12- ICP LINEAR RANGES (QUARTERL\O g}fl No. : Datc t 7 l22l20As sDO NO. : D5I084243 ICP ID lf\xobar:SUPERTR.LCE .Lrralfrte Intseg. lf:[mo (Sre. ) ConocntratLon (Etg /f.\M Jnrranl,c 15. 00 2A Ir JBart-nm 15.00 25 Jr I Coppar 15 .00 50 ln Ir,cad 15.00 100 le l Nlckal 15 - 00 50 Jr I SLlvar 15.00 Jr JVa,nadl.um 15.00 fr Izlnc 15.00 50 In O coumcntg: STL Denver Fom XII TN ]-76 STL DENVER Coatrrct r IIRS Corporatl,on r,rl, COdA r STIJDIEN Caaa No. t rCP ID liltrmber: pE XepMS Total Metals Analvsis -12' ICP I,INEAR RANGES (QUARTERLY) SAB Ilo, r Datcr 811,9 l20As sDc No. s D5I08O243 l,ncl.ytc fntGer. Ifi.mc (floc. ) Concrntntlon (mg lLl u Cadmlun 0,001 4 r{ lsalcnLum I 0-001 I I ful Conm,onts: STL Denver fom XII IN a77 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis l3- PREPARATION LOG Contraet; r,ab code g tlnEhod t P URS CorporatLon StrLDESI Cage No. :gl.S llo, r gDO ![O.r D5I0802{3 Prrp ![ottrod r 8erry>Ic fD PregantLou Dato Initj.al Voluna I rinal I volune (nr,) Gw-s91-090705 9 /2I/200s 50.0 I 50.0 crv-s10-090705 9t231200s 50.0 I 50.0 ow-sl-09070s 9t23/2005 50-0 I 50-0 Gw-s1-09 07 05 Ms e t2312005 50. 0 I 50.0 GT[-S1-090705 MSD e/2312005 50.0 I 50.0 GTr- 911- 0 9 07 05 9123/200s 50.0 I 50.0 GTI-S2-09070s e /23 t2005 50.0 I 50.0 GTI-93-0907A5 9123t2005 50.0 I 50.0 GW-t[2-090705 9/23t200s 50.0 I 50.0 M8526526L 9123/2005 50.0 I 50.0 CHECK S}I}IPLE 9/23/2005 50.0 I 50-0 ConnorrLs r STL Denver FoTn XIII IN 1,7 B STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis I3- PREPARATION LOG Contraet: Lrb Cod,c r tlsthod r IrRg Corporatl.on S1I1TDEII Cur !ilo. r grg No. t sDs No. r D5I0 802d3 cv Prap Mcthodr Sarple rD PrcDrrrtLon Drtc raitir1 Volume I ri-na1 I volune (mr,] sw-991-090705 e/23t2005 10.0 I 10.0 GW-S10 - 09 07 05 9t23t2005 10.0 I ro.0 6ir-s1-090705 9123/2005 10.0 I 10. o GTr-S1-090705 US 9 t23 t ?OA5 10.0 I r0.0 GT[-S1-090705 DISD 912312005 10.0 I r0.0 @{-s11-090705 9t23t2005 10.0 I 10.0 @r-sz-09070s 9t2312005 10.0 I 10.0 GTil-S3-09 07 0s 9t23/2005 10 .0 I 10.0 GTr[-N2 - 09 07 0s 9/23/200s 10.0 I 10.0 MB52 59437 9t23/2005 10.0 I 10. o CIIECK SATilPLT 9/23/200s 10,0 I r0.0 Commcntg; STL Denver FONT XIII - IN L79 STL DENVER rotal *-:ljs Analvsis PREPARATION LOG Contraet r r.ab Code: Meulrod: IIRS CorT>ora,tion STLDEN Caac No. I Sl,g [Io - 3 8DO NO, r D5I080243 Prc1r ![cthod: Saryl1e ID Initial Vo1umc 50 .0 50 .0 50 .0 50.0 50. 0 50. 0 50. 0 50.0 50. 0 50.0 50.0 FinaL Vo1umc (nL) 50 ,0 50-0 50,0 50 .0 50.o 50.0 50.0 50,o 50.0 50.0 50.0 Prcprratlorr Datc GT{-S91-09 07 05 et23t2005 GI,v-S10-090705 912312005 GTy-S1-09 0705 9 123t2005 Gnv-s1-090705 turs 9t23/2003 chl-s].-og0705 MsD 9/23t2005 G!r-811-090705 912312005 Gltl-sz-0907a5 9/23/2005 GTI-S3 - 09 07 0 s 9/23t200s s[!r-N2-09070s 9 t2312005 MBsz 65L7 2 e/23/2005 9 /23 t200s Comuantg: STL Denver b form XIII r IN 180 STL DENVER Totrtl Nl-llls Analvsis ANALYSIS RUT.{ LOG Contsract: Lab Codc; fnetnrnoat, Sta,rE Datc: IIRS Corporatl,on gTI,DEN ID lllrmber: 9123t2005 Case No.: |FJA rntrcDtd IeP gAg No. t Mrthodr End DaEc:e t2$/?aos gDGl No. r D5I0802{3 r - Dctrotaa rdlilltloaal .lsaDta (othar tbat tbo str.niLrd CLP al6aata) lr. r.Drct.Etcil o rctbrr STL Denver rrom xIV - fN garqple ID. DlE Tl-mc %R [nalyt6B ll :A g B l': I:lrl ::l; Stdl-B1ank 1. o0 LL=42 x x x x x x ICrI,l 1. O0 LL= 4'7 x x x x x x ICf,I,2 1. OO 11r51 x x x x rcAtl 1. OO 11r55 x x x x x x ICIL2 1.00 11: 59 x x x x x x rcul 1. 00 12r0{x x x x fgVf.1.00 !2=OB x x x x x x CCl/H 1 .00 12 :13 x x x x cgw,1.00 L2=L7 x x x x x x IEB 1, 00 L2:22 x x x x x x RL€ITD2 1. OO L2 t26 x x x x x x ICSA 1. OO 12 r 30 x x x x x x ICSAB 1. 00 12 r 35 x x x x x x CCIIH L.00 12: {0 x x x x CgUL 1. 00 L2 -.41 x x x x x x ccB 1- O0 12r{9 x x x x i t x x cclnt 1- OO 23 tZ3 x x x x csw,1.00 23 228 x x x x x x ccB 1. OO 23 t32 x x x x x x ZZZ7,T,Z 1. 00 23r35 l,IB52 652 51 1. 00 23:{L x x x x x x CHECK SAIIPLE 1 .00 23t46 x x x x x x 2ZD5r0802{3-O04 L-oo 23r5O l I t I 2D5r0802{3 -O0{L 5. OO 23r55 zD5r080243-00{S 1.00 OO: OO zD5T.08 02{3- 004sD 1. O0 00r05 Z7r7r7rZZ 1. 00 00:10 7'T'7'I'7,7'1. 00 00rItr ZZZ7,7.Z 1.00 00r19 CC.\IH 1. 00 00 :2{x x x x eclrf,1. 00 00:29 x lx x x x x / ecB 1. 00 00:33 x Ix x x x x T ZZ7'7,2,7.1 .00 00:38 n Porn 10 181 STLDEIWER rotal M":il: *"lvsis *.*dNi.LYSrS RUN LOC ContracE t f/ab Codc r Ingtnrncnt Etart Detc; URg Coraloration STLDE}I ID !$rnber; 9 /23 1200s Cage No. r T{II rntrcptd rCP SLg No. t Mcthod: SDO No. r D5I08A2{3 P t Donotce addltional STL Denver End Datcr 9 /24/2005 (other Eban tbe standard eLP tlrurntg) arc rrDr.reated on nnothlr Forn I{ SarqPlc ID. Dlr Tlme t[R .f,nal.yBcs A L s B A s B L B E c D c .L c R c o e U F Fv P B M o M I[ xluol-IC g Eu A G N n T L v 7, ilt c N 2D5r0802{3 -OO2 1. O0 0O: {2 Gtrir- sl0- 09 07 05 1. O0 OO: {7 x x xl x x zDsro8 02{3 - O0 s 1. O0 O0:52 zD5r08 0243 -OO6 1. O0 O0:56 o{-s3 -0907 05 1, O0 01:01 x x x x x x 2D5r080243-O0g 1. oo 01r06 Z7r7r7'7.2 1. oo O1r11 ZT.ZZZZ 1. OO 01: 1.5 7,717127,7.1- O0 01r20 .l Cg\IH 1.00 OLz2l x x xl x CC\'IL 1.00 01r29 x x xl x x x C'CB 1 .00 O1 r 33 x x xl x x x rlurgnBs Pom XIV IN 782 STL DENVER Totsl Metals Analvsis -14- A}IALYSIS RT]N LOG Contrict r L,ab Code : fnstnrncnt St,ert Dat,c r IIRS Corporation gTIJDEN ID ![f,rnber r 9t23t2005 Caae ![o. r T.Tl Intrcptd fCP S.Lg No,3 Mothodr P End Dator 912{12005 sanp-Lc ID.D/r trJ.ne etR J tnrlyt,cg B A u L I }T o o s P D P P T s I 3 ""1 s R I lu "[;l;f. StdI.-Blank 1. O0 LLz 42 x ICALl.1-O0 11: {7 x rclL2 1 .0d 11r51 ICAIJI,1. OC 11 :55 x rct,r2 1.0c 11:59 x Ig\TH 1.0c 12rO{ IgVL 1. ool 12rOB x CC"UTI 1.00 12r13 cgut 1- 00 LZ zL7 x ICB 1. ool LZ 222 x Rt STD2 1.0c LZ r26 x rc8r,1- O0 12:30 x rcs.trB 1- O0 13:35 x CC"WI l 1 .0d L2=10 ecuL 1. O0 LZt4{,x ccB 1. O0 12r{9 x cc-\[t 1 .00 23 t23 cguL 1- 00 2t 228 x ecB 1.00 23 t3A x zz,zzza 1,00 23 r 36 MB52 652 61 1. O0 23 t{1 x CHECK SAIIPLE 1. O0 23:{5 x 2D5ro80243 -00{1. 00 23:50 zDsro802{3 -00{L 5-00 23:55 2o5T0802e3 -008s 1. 00 0O: O0 2D5ro802,43 -Oo{sD 1.00 OOr05 zzz,zzz 1. O0 OOrlO 27.7,7t27,1. O0 OOtl{ 7.7,Z7.ZZ 1.00 00 :19 CIUI 1. 00 00,21 CC\IIJ 1.00 00 :29 x ccB 1. ool 00:33 x LZ,T,ZZZ 1. 00 00r38 zDsr08 02{3 - 002 l. 00 00r{? D5r0 802 4 3 183STL Denver Forrr XIV IN STL DETVVER Total Metals Analvsis -14- AI{ALYSIS RT]N LOG Contraet: Lab Codc: Ingtrcurarnts Btrart Dntc r URS Corporation gTTJDEN fD Ntrmbcr: et73t2005 Carr I{Io. I TifA IntreDid fCP AfA No. r Mcttrod.t P End DaEar 9 /21t200s SDg No, : D5IO8O2l3 Sarqp1c ID.Dlv Tine 98R enalytsr B f, tI TJ I M o o s P D P Pr s r s l*l g R. U w r N r H Ea I ser-s]-0 - 09 07 05 1. 0c OOr47 xl z,D5T080243 - O05 1. O0 00r52 zDsr,o8 02{[3 - OO 5 1.00 OO:56 gw-s3-0907 05 1. O0 01r01 xl zDsr0802{3-O08 1.O0 01r06 T,ZT,ZZL 1, 00 OLr11 ZZZZT.Z 1.00 01:15 zzzzz,z 1. ool Ol :2O EC'\'H 1. ool OI.r2e cc"\E,1. O0 O1r29 xl ccB 1.00 01r33 xl STL Denver Forn XIV IN 1-84 STL DE!{VER Total M"1*s Analvsis AI.IALYSTS RUI\ LOG Contrrst: Irab Codc: Ingt,runcnt Stsart Datso: t RS Cor^goratLon gTI,DEN fD ilhrrnbrr r 9126 /2005 Ca;c No.: TJA Introptd rCP gl8 No, 3 Mrthodt End Drtcr SDC liro. r D5I0802{3 9127 /2005 ' - Denota, r'aldl.tiourl al,uoata (oth.r tbr th. rtd0dlar(t CLD GlaDaato, erc ragr.loDtod qo anothor forn la STL Denver SamflI-e ID. DlE Tiruo IR [nalytor r[ :I g B l il-,FI ;;Fl Stsd1*B1ank 1. OO O9r{1 x x x x x x IC.Nr1 1. O0 09:45 x x x x x x f CLII2 1.00 09 :5O x x x x ICAL1 1. OO O9r53 x x x x x x IEAL2 1. OO O9r57 x x x x x x rg\EI 1. OO 1O: O2 x x x x ICITL 1. O0 10: O6 x x x x x x cclIH 1.00 1O:11 x x x x CC\EJ 1-OO 10r15 x x x x x x rcB L.00 1O:2O x x x x x x RLgTD2 1 .00 10r2{x x x x x x rCgA 1. OO 10r29 x x x x x x ICEl}E 1. 00 10r34 x x x x x x cc\IH 1. O0 10:39 x x x x CC'\TL 1. o0 10: O3 x x x x x x ccB 1, O0 10: dB x x x x x x egwl 1.00 22tLO x x x x Cg\,ItJ 1- OO 2224L x x x x x x CCB 1. OO 22tt9 x x x x x x 7,ZZZ7.Z 1. OO ?2 :53 z7tzzzz 1- OO 22:58 Z,Z,?,7,,7,7.1- 00 23r03 zzT,zzz 1. 00 23 zO7 zzzzzz 1. O0 23r12 zzz7,z7,1 .00 23 tL? zzzzzz 1 .00 2t tZL 7,ZZ7.ZZ 1. O0 23:26 Grr-sl-090705 trr00 3lil0 It T I T I x gt{-sx.-0907 05 gER 5 .00 23:35 x x x x x x CC1'II 1.00 23:39 x x x x eg\,ltr 1.00 23244 x x x x x x ccB 1. 00 23t{9 x x x x x x I Grit-s1-0907 05 Ms 5.00 23: 5{x x x x x x Form XMN 185 STL DENVER Total M-lils Analvsis ANAIJSIS RUN LOG Contsrrct r f.ab Codc r Inafnlnent, Strart DrEa: URS CorporatLon STLIIEN ID l$umbcr I 9t261200s Crac No, : TJA Intrepl.d fCP gfg tr[o. t MoLhodr Eud Datcr 9127 1?00s gDo No. r D5I08A2[3 P sa$I)Ic ID. DIP fl.me tsR .hu1ytce A lr s B L g B A B E slc,lo c R e o c U r I' I E- B M G M }I H c TI O g E A g N .n T T) v Z N c ![ @r-s1-090705 tLtgD 5. O0 23r59 x fx x x x x z,z7,zzz 10-oo O0: 0{ cm-se1-090705 5. 00 0OrO9 x x x x x x G:ru-sl'0-o907 05 10.00 OO:1{xl crr-811- 0907 05 10. oo 0Or18 x fx x x x xl cilr-92-090705 10. 00 OOr23 x Ix x x x Ix Gru-lwl - 09 07 05 10. oo 00:28 x Ix x x x xl Cg1III 1- O0 OOr33 x x x x Cg\TL 1.00 OOr38 x x x x x l*l CClB 1. OO OOr42 x x x x x x r - D6notar e(Lutlonrl .IeilaEt, (oth.r thr! Eb. rtrDdard eLD alq.at.) lre rrDr.r.nted oE rBotbar fortn 1t STL Denver rora ,(rY - IU 185 STL DENVER Total Nletals Analvsis -14- ANALYSIS RUIY [,OG Cont.ract: Lab Codcr InrtnrnenE Start Dater IrRg Corpontioa STLDEN ID ![unbar: 9126t2005 Crtc No.: Tirr Intrepid ICP gAg No. I Methodr P End Datsrr 9 127 12005 SDc No.: D5I080243 Srrqp1e ID.DI?Tinc 96R tnrlytce B A U It I l.f o o g P D 9 Pr g I '1"'l :l r I u "l;h ER l I I gtd1. -B]'lnk 1. 0d O9r{1 x ICAL1.1- od O9t{5 x ICI.L2 1.00 09r5O ICnI.I.1.00 09r53 x ICAL2 1 .00 09r57 x ICUTI 1-00 1O: 02 rglrL 1. O0 10: O6 x Cg\rII 1, o0 1Or11 cc.\rr.1. OC 1O :15 x ICB 1.00 10r20 x RLgTD2 1.00 1O:24 x ICgI'1.00 1Or29 x rcg.tr.B 1.00 1Or3{x cclllr 1.00 I,0 r 39 cc'\r&1. 0C 1.Ort3 x ccB 1, O0 1Or{B x cgvH 1.O0 22t40 CCTL 1. O0 22:ll x ccB 1. Oe 22t19 x ZZZT,7,Z 1. 0(22t53 T,ZZZZZ 1- od 22:58 7.7.7,7t22 1. Of,23: O3 z7,zz7,z 1- od 23:O7 7,zzz,7.7,1.00 23:12 7.Z7rT'27,1 .00 23 tL7 ZT,ZZZZ 1.00 I 23 ..27- 27,Z.Z,7.,7,1. ool 23 =26 cw-sl-0907 05 5.0c 23:30 x crv-91- 0907 05 8ER 5 .00 23 :35 x CSIIH 1.00 2l ,30 cc1,n 1.00 23t44 x CCB 1. Ool 23 : tt9 x ct{-81-090705 !{st 5 .00 23 :50 x G-}I-S1-090705 ITISD 5 .00 23r59 x STL Denver FOm XIV IN 187 STL DETWER Total Metals Analvsis -t4- ANALYSIS RUN LOG Contrrnct r Lcb Codrr InsLnl.rlcnt Etart Datrr {rRS Cor1loretion STT,DEN ID !ftrmbar: 9/26/2005 Cagc Ng, t TiIf, Intsrc5ltd SfS No.: lCcthod: P End Dat,rr 9 /27 lZOOs Sllcl No.: D5I080243 ICP 9arpIc ID.olE Tiurc e6R Ane,Llrteo B .L U tr M o o g P D 9 Pr s I g l"o I R h I t w r N T H r' 27,7.7.?7,10. od 00:04 GW-S91-Og0705 5. O0 00:09 x cw-s10 - og 07 05 t-o. o01 Oor].{ Gil-s11-0907 05 10. o0 O0:18 x crr{-s2-o90705 10. oc O0r23 x @r-Nz -090? 05 10-o0 00:28 x CC1IH 1, O0 00:33 cg\rr,1 .00 OOr38 x ccB 1' 0q 00r{2 x STL Denver Fonr XIV IN 18B STLDETVVER Total M-]ils Analvsis AN,,\LYSIS RUN LOG Contrract, r LrL Code: Instrumant Start Datc: IrRg CorT>oratlon gTLDEll ID lilurnber: 912612005 Cage No. t SUPERTN.LCE S.Lg No. i Mcthod: SDe No.: D5f08A2{3 * Dcnotcr addltionrl chueutg STL Denver End Datscr 9 /27 lz0As (oEhrr thaa Ehe rtandarA eLD e),eneuta) ar. roDrelenEed ou asother Fo:cn 1l SauUlI.c ID. DIT TLms %R Jtrrrlytcs llTTll III"lili EltDI.-81ank 1.00 11: 55 x x x x x x x x x HTSTD 1, O0 12rO1 x x x x x xl x x x HIG}TI 1,00 12r06 x x x x x x x x x TC"\IT 1. O0 LZ tx..?x x x x x xl x x x CC'\IT 1. 00 LZ tL7 x x x It x xl x x x ICB 1.00 L2 t23 x x x x x x x x x RIJSTD 1.00 L2:28 x x x x x x x x x ICS't 1. OO 12r33 x x x x x x x x x rca^LB 1. OO 12r39 x x x x x x x x x LR 1. OO L2tlL x x x x x x x x x cg\rr l1 1. 00 12 :50 x x x x x x x x x cc8l1 1. 00 12 :55 x x x x x x x x x cc,\ru lzs 1. O0 09 :05 x x x x x x x x x ccxn[ lze 1. O0 O9:1O x x x x x x x x x ccBlae 1. O0 O9r15 x x x x x x x x x M852652 51 1. 00 O9t23 x x x x x xl x x x CIITCK S^}ITIPLT 1.00 O9:28 x x x x x x x x x zzzz.zz 1. O0 O9r33 zzzzzT,1. OO 09r38 zzzT.zz 1, 00 O9r43 zzzzzz 1. O0 09:{8 sw-s91- 0907 05 1. OO O9r53 x x x x x x x x x GTr-s10- 09 07 05 1, O0 09 :58 x x x x x x x x x csvr lzl 1. 00 10: O3 x x x x x x x x x ccB lzl 1. O0 10:08 x x x x x x x x x Gr{-sl- 09 07 05 1.00 1O:12 x x x x x x x x x cw-91-090705 sER 5, 00 10:17 x x x x x x x x x sl-s1-090705 us 1.00 10r22 x T )t It T T rl T x G"H-8L-090705 MSD 1. 00 X.0 t 27 x x x x x x x x x Gtu-s11- 09 07 05 1.00 10r32 x x x x x x x x x GW-S2 - 0907 05 1,00 10r37 x x x x x x x x x qr-83 -090705 1,00 10r{2 x x x x x xl x x x m-N2-0907 05 1 .00 10 s{7 x x x x x x x x x Forn XfV IN 189 STL DETVYER o ContrBotr: f,ab Codc t Inetrrun nt Stert Dater Total M"1ils Analvsis ANALYSIS RT]N LOG IIRS Corporation grfrDBtiI ID Mrmber r 9126 t2005 Craa No.: ST'PERTNACE Sng No. t Mrrthod,r Elrd Datcr sDGt No.: D5I08A243 e t 27 /2005 i - Deootao ailAltiond e].uratr (ot-hrr ttra th. atllatatil CtD .Io.Dtr) rr3 !.Dr..Dnted oE tDoth.r !o!!l 1l STL Denver for:n XIV - IN SaruflIc ID. DIP Tl.me BR rnallter A TJ s B A s B l' B E c D C t. c R C o c U r E P B ![ o M N H G N I K s E A GI N A 1[ L v 7, N c N csvr I zg 1. O0 10r52 x x x Ix x x l*l x x ccB I ze 1.00 1Or57 x x x Jx xl x l*l x x csvrlso 1. O0 12: O3 x x x fx xl x Ixl I l*x ccB I so 1. oo 12:{8 x x x x x x xl x x zr,7.zzz 5. OO 12r53 GTr-82 -090705 5.00 12r58 x x x x x lx xl I lx x cc-vr i 31 1. 00 13r03 x x x x xl l"l xl I lx x CCB I gr 1. 00 13 :08 x x x x xI Ix xl x x 190 STL DETVVER Total nt-lils Analvsis ANAI,YS$ RUN tOG Contraets: f,ab Codt r In;Enrment Start Datc: URS Corgoratiou STLDEN ID lfirmber r sl23/200s Cagc No.: PE gULB, gl8 No. : Dlrthodt End DaEc: 9 /23 l2OO5 gDO No. r D5f08OZe3 cv aampLa ID. Dlv Timc %R fna].ytscs tl ffit I'lxl$ Ca1ib B].ank 1.00 1,5 r 52 x O.2 ppb 1.00 15r5{x 0.5 g1>b 1. oo 15r55 x 1. O p1lb 1. OO 15r57 x 2.0 plrb 1.00 15r59 x 5. O p1>b t-00 15r01 x 10.0 pDb 1- OO 16r02 x ICB 1, O0 16r05 x IC'V 1.00 L6rO6 x cg\rl 1- OO 15: 08 x ccBl 1. OO 16r10 x / NI,1 .00 15:11 x T zzzzzT,1.00 16: 13 ?.TrzrTtZZ 1. O0 16: 15 zzzzT,z 1. 00 15r15 rr l-l i-t n 7,7rZ7rZZ 1 ,00 15:18 Z7'7,2717'1. 00 t6:2O 7rZZZ7.Z 1. OO 16 r 21 T,ZZZZZ 1. 00 15r23 ZZZT,ZZ 1- OO 15r25 7.7rLL7r7r 1. 00 L6 t27 CCTIz 1. o0 16r28 x CCB2 1.00 16r3O x esvS 1.00 17 r{9 x CCB6 1. O0 17 :51 x Z7,ZZ7.Z 1.00 17r53 7,27.7rT'Tr 1.00 17 :5{t--- I LLLUL 1.00 17r55 I 7,27,7,27,,1.00 17 :58 ZZ7r7rZ,7'1. O0 17r59 27,7,7'7rZ 1.00 18r01 t-l n L_l 7r7r27r7,7'1.00 18r03 ZT,ZZZZ l-.00 18:0{-l * - DaDotaa atldltlcraal elaLalta (other thlra tb. itrnilrrd CLP .IaDa&t,a) ara raDrar.atod os aaothar ,oED 1l STL Denver For^n XMN 191 STL DENVER Total M.lils Analvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG Contnet r IIRB Corpontion r.ab Codc r STLDEN Cr.ac No. :gtg No-:SDe No. : DSf 08OziI fnatnutsnt ID lihrrbcr r PE gIIAf,Mcthodr C\f Sbart Datc z 9 123 l2OA5 End Datrcr 9 123/?OAs | - DaDotoE addltloDal olq.ntt (otbrr thaa tha rt&rdrral cLP etoDeDtr) !r. reDreroDt.d oE aBotbor DoB 1l STL Denver L92 Eorn XIv - Il[ 8rq>1e ID. D/E TLme 96R hnalytca rl;l' g B .e,;l ;l:l ;cIcol, M85259{37 1. OO 18r05 x CIIECK S^TPLE fi,1- OO 18r08 x ec,\n 1. O0 18r10 x --l ccBT 1. 00 18:11 x @r- EI91-o907 05 1.00 18r13 x crr-s]-0- 0907 05 1. O0 18r15 x Gw-sl-0907 05 1. O0 18g15 x Gcw-91-09 0'l 05 Ms,1. O0 18 :18 x Gff-sl.*090705 MSD 1. O0 18r20 x cr9r-sll.-090705 1.00 18 :21 x c#r-s2 - 09 07 05 1.00 18 :23 x @[-s3 - 09 07 05 1, O0 18:2{x crw-N3-0907 05 1.00 18:25 x zt7,7rZZ 1. O0 18 :28 CC.IIB 1.00 18 :29 x ccBS 1. OO 18r31 x STL DENVER T'otal M-lils Analvsis AT'IALYSffiRUN [.,OG Contract,: Lab Code: fnrtnrmant, Start Date: UBS Corgoration STI,DEN ID Nurobcr: 9/27 /200s Cage No.: PE ICPMS gAS No.: Method r End Drtcs 9 /2e/zAAs SDg No.: D5f080243 M . - I)arcEot aoaltldal cle.nta (oth.r tbE thi at.dhrdt Cr,P .IEeDtr) ara laDr.EelrtGd oE raothar STL Denver Iorrl XnI - il Saqrlc rD. Dlt tlLna tR .LnaI1rc,c; tr IJ g B f, g B A B E c D c A e n c o c u r E P B ![ o M N H o N I K g E L G DI .4, T t v 7, N c ilT Bl-ank 1.00 15:58 ix I x 8t,and,ard, 1 1. 00 15rO2 x x oc srd I 1. O0 16: O5 x x QE grd 2 1. OO 16:09 x x RLgTD 1. OO 15:13 x x zzzzzz I .00 16r17 rcs.r'1. 00 16:20 x x IESIB 1. O0 L6:24 x x RTNSE 1. O0 16: 28 Ix x HIGIH EHEEK 1, o0 16r31 x x RINgT 1. O0 15r35 x x QC srd 3 1.00 15r39 x x QC srd 4 1.00 L6t{,?x x BIank 1.O0 17r16 x x Standerd 1 1,00 17 :19 Ix x QC srd 3 1.00 L7 :23 x x 0c sEd I 1. O0 t7 z2'l x x ac 8rd 3 1. 00 21r58 x x QC SEd *1.00 22 zO2 lx x ICSr.1. O0 22r05 x x rcSrB 1.00 22tO9 x x RINSE 1.00 22 tL3 x x ac srd 3 1. O0 22 zL7 x x 0c 8r,d 4 1.00 22 tZL x x 0c std 3 1. O0 01:{9 x x ac sEd 4 1.00 01: 53 x x MB52 65L? 2 1 .00 01r56 x x sIEgK SSIIBIJE 1,00 02100 I I olr-s91-09 07 05 10.00 02r03 x x GW-S10- 0907 05 5.00 02:0?x x gJ-sl-090705 10. 00 02 :11 x x q[-s].- 090705 ssR 5.00 02:L4 x x G![-S]"-090705 PDg 1. O0 02r18 x x Eoxlr 1a 193 STL DE|VVER Total *"11[ Analvsis AIYALYSIS RT]N LOG Contract' r Lab Code: Inrtrnrmcnt Strrt Dater t Rg Cor5roration gTLDEBI ID Mrnbrrr 9 127 t2005 Carc No. r PT TCPMS SfS No,: McEhod: Etrd Drtcl 9/2812005 gDO No. r D5I08A243 M Saryllc ID. Dlr,TLne t6R .Bna1yteg A L g B l, g B t B E C D c .[. c R c o c u r E P B E] M N H c N I K s E rJ I T L v 7, N C N ac srd 3 1.00 AZ tZZ x x 9C std 4 1.00 O2r25 x x oril-s1-o907 05 us 10. 00 O2 r29 x x Gtr{-SI'- 09 A7 A5 MgD 10. o0 02:33 x x n ctr{-sll-o90705 20.00 02:36 x x GW-Sz-090705 50. 00 O2 r 40 x x Grw-s3-09070s 5-00 O2rl4 x x Glr-N2-0907 05 10-00 A2t17 x x ac std 3 1.00 02r51 x x QC Srd 4 1. O0 O3 :55 x x r - DaDoteg rtlilitlooel chnpnbr (oth.r tb.a th. .trrdllal CLP aluati) rr. r.Dr.ietrtcdl ou another Fo:ra tl STL Denver form Xrv - nt 1,9 4 T,IBTIIOD BI,ANK REPORT GeneraJ. Chemistrlr Client Iot # - PAITJ\METER : D5f080243 RESULT t{atrix-. -.. ----: WATER PREPAITJ\TION- PREP AI\TAI,YSIS DATE BATCH # D5r2ZA000-413 ae / 20 / as 526s473 Work Order #: HKSVP1AA 0 - 10 nrg/t Dl lut ion Factor : L Ana),yeis rlme., : 22 :00 tfork Order #: HIQ(ST1AA 2-5 &glL oi }ut ion Factor : 1 enalygis Time. . : 17 :00 Work Order #: HKC0RIAA O.1O rrng/L oilution Factor: 1 Analyole Time..: 11:30 Work Order #: I{KTLWIAA 0 .10 mg/L Pilution Factor: 1 Analyoia Time..: 12:00 Work Order #: HIJITMF1AA 0 .I0 mg/L Pilution Factor: 1 Rnalygis Time..: 17:00 Work Order #: HK?HELAA 0 .l-0 mg/L Diiutlon Faetor: 1 Analysis Time-,: 22:00 Work Order #: HLLD91AA 0.10 mg/L niluLion Factor: 1 Analyeis Tinre. . : l-8 : 00 Work Order #; HLL531-AA s-O mg/L nilutlon Factor: 1 A:ralysls Time. . r L5 :40 Work Order #: HK1GT1AA 0.010 ms/L Dilution FacLor: 1 Analysio Time. . : 12 :00 MB Lot - Sample MCAWW 350.1 MB Lot-Samp1e #: ITICAWW 325 -2 REPORETNG LTMIT UNTTS METHOD Amrnonia as N Chloride Fluoride Ni trate Ni trat e Ni trate -Nitri te Ni trate -Nit ri te Sulfate Tota] Cyanide ND 1.8 B 0-021 B 2.2 B Ds1200000 -255 o9/L8/ os s2632ss MB Lot -Sample Ir{CAr{W 340 -2 #, D5r090000-54L aglael os s252s41 }JD ND ND IrD MB Lot-Sample IvlCAliT'I 353 .2 MB Lot-Sample MCAWW 353.2 MB Lot -sample MCAWW 353 .2 MB Lot -Sample # : tvlCAWW 353 -2 Dsr220000 -584 ae / 08/ as s26ss84 D5r280000-705 09/08/05 527r-7os D5r22A000 -552 09 / 20 / a5 s26sss2 Dsr2B0000 -679 a9 / 27 / 05 s27L67e ND MB Lot-Sample ucAww 375 _4 MB Lot-Sample #r gWB46 901r,lleo12A D5r29A000 -].72 aglzalos s272L72 D5r200000-510 09 I zo-os I 2rl as s2l351o NOTE (S) : Clalculations are perfornted beforc rountling to aroid round-off crrors in calculared rcsults. B Fstimared result. Result is lcss rhan RL. STL Denver 195 I,ABORATORY COIuIROI, SA}'PIIE E\IALIIHTION REPC}RT General- Chemistry I.ot-Sanp1e # - PARAMETER pH : D5I0B0243 PERCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY LTMTTS (eo (so (87 1r-4 )(w 114 ) (as (85 Dl l-ut i orr RPD RPD LIMTTS METHOD I'latrix-- ...-i WATER PREPARATION- PREP Ar{ALYsTs pArE E}IgL_t Lot-Sample# : D5r08000 A -527 a9 / o8los s25L527 ae / 08 / os s25ls27 : l-1 :59 Lot -Sample# : D5T22000 0 -473 oe /2o / as 5265473 ae/2a/os s25547 3 : 22 :0A Lot-Sarnple# : D5I2A000 A-255 a9/18/os 52532ss ae / 1B/05 s7-53255 : 17:00 Lot-Sample# : D5I090000-541 100 100 Amrnoni a as N 97 97 Chloride 100 100 Fluoride 92 91 Ni t rate 101 10l_ Ni t rate 101 10r Ni trate -Nitri te 96 95 Nitrate-Nitrite 99 99 IVICAWW 34O .2 114 ) O . B0 ( O-16) MCAWW 340 .2 Dl lution Fact,or : 1 Analyoie Tirne. wo# ; HKTLW1AC -T,CS/ HKTLW1AD-LCSD 110)MCAWW 3 53 110) o.se (0-1"0) MCAww 3s3 cilution Factor: L Ana 1ya i o wo# : HrrI-rMF1AC- LCS/HLtIqF] AD-LCSD oe/ae/as oe/oe/os : 11:30 Lot-Sample# : D51220000 -584 I/{Io# : HKCSI,TIAA- LCS/HKCSMIAC-LCSD LCS (gt taz ) sw84 5 904 0B (gt Loz) 0.0 (o-5.0) sw846 9o4oB Dilutlon Fact.or: 1 Analyslo Time. L{o# : HKsVP1AC- LCS /HKiVP1AD-LCSD LCS l-10)MCAWW 350.1 110) O-1s (O-10) MCAVnil 350.1 Dllution Factor: 1 Analysis Tlme. wo# : HIC{STIAC- LCS /EVASTIAD- LCSD I-,CS (go 110)MCAWW 325 .2 (go 110) o-62 (o-10) MCAWW 32s.2 Di.lution Factor: 1 Analygis Tlme. wo# :HKCOR1AC-LCS/nXCORI^AD-LCSD LCS (at (aa 110) (eo 110) 0.59 (o-10) Dilution Factor: 1 (92 L12)(e2 t]_z ) O LCS .2 .2 Time. LCS .2 .2 Time. LCS ,2 -2 rime. tCS MCAWW 353 - 2 MCAWW 353.2 Analyois Time. next. page) ae/oB/0s os / o8l0s : J.2:00 LoE-Sample# : D5T.280000 - 705 MCAI^IW 353 MCAWW 353 Ana Iys is oe/as/as ae /08/os 525254A 52s254L 5265s 84 5265s84 5271705 5271705 5265ssz s265552 wo# : IIKTHEI-AC-LCS /UrctHElAD- LCSD (gz 112 )MCAWW 353 (gz LLZ) 0.10 (O-10) MCAWW 3s3 Dilut. ion Factor r J.Analysi s WO# : HL,LD91AC- LCS /HLLD9LAD-LCSD : 1.7:00 LoL-Sample# : D5 T220000 -552 ae/20/os 0e/20/os z 22:OO Lot -Samp1e#: D5T280000 - 579 oe / 27 / aS 527t57 e ae/27/os s27 L57 9 : l-B:00 .1s (o-10) Factor: r STL Denver (Continued on 1,9 6 LABORATORY COTqIROL SAITPItr ETIAIII}XTION REPORT General- Chemistry Lot-Samp1.e * - PARAMETER Sulfate Total Cyanide NCtfE (S) : : D5I0I A243 PERCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY LIMITS RPD RPD I,TMTTS IVIETHOD Matri:r- - . . - - - . . : WATER PREPARATION- PREP ANALYSTS DATE BATCH #. Lot-Samp1e# : D5T.29000 0 -L72 ae/28/ os 5272L72 ae /28/ os s272]-72 : 15;40 103 105 LO4 10s wo# : HLL53IAC - LCS /HLT,531AD - LCSD LCS ( gr LLz) tvtcAl{w 3'7 s .4 (91 1121 2.5 (o-1s) McA-v{v^I 375.4 plluEion Factor: l. Irnalyeie Tlme. wo# : I{K1GTLAC-LCS/HK1GT1AD-IJCSD tCS Lot - Samp}eS : D512 0000 0 - 5L0 (8e 10e) (89 109) O.9s (o-20) Dilution Factor: 1 sw845 90r aE/9012A As / 20 -Ae / 2L / 05 s253510 s[{B46 901- AB/e012A 09 / 2A -A9 / 2Ll As 5263s10 Analyeie Time. . : L2 ;00 Calculations are perfonned bcf'ore rounrJrng to avoid rourrd<rff errors in calculued rcsults. STL Denver a97 Lot-Sanple * - PARAMETER pH I,ABORATORY CO}ITROL SAUPf.E DATA REFORT General ChemiBtry : D5r0B A243 SPTKE MEASURED PERCTIT AMOUNT AMOUNT UNITS RECVRY RPD IVIETHOD Flatrix- - ., r - - - . : WA,TER PREPAIT'\TION. PREP ANALYSIS DATE BATCH # LCS Lot-Samp1e#: D5T20000 0-255 32s .2 A9 / LB / 05 s2532ss 325 .2 A9 / 1Bl 05 s26325s Tirne..: 1-7r00 LCS Lot-Sample# : D5I090000-541 340 -2 09 / A9 / Os s2s2s41 340 .2 A9 / 09 / 05 525 254L Time.., 11.:30 LCS Lot-Sample# : D51220000-584 353 .2 A9 / 08 / 0S 52655 84 353 .2 A9 / AB / 0S 526s584 Time. . : 12:00 LCS Lot-Sarnple#: D5 1280000-705 3s3 -2 Oe I A8 / As 527170s 3s3 . 2 A9 / 0 8/Os s27 17 Os Time, , ; 17:00 IJCS LoE-Sample#: D5 1220000-552 3s3.2 oglTA/os s2555s2 3s3.2 OslzA/os s25s5s2 Tlme.. r 22tOO LCS Lot-Sample# : D5TZB000O-679 353 . 2 Ca /27 / as 527167 9 353 .2 A9 /27 / 05 s27t67 9 Tlme..; 18:00 7.AO 7 7.00 7 wo# ;HKC5M1AA-ICS/HKC5MIAC-LCSD LCS tot-Samplefi : D51080000-527 -00 No uniE8 100 sw845 90408 O9/08/Os 52sL527 .00 No unirs 100 0.0 sw846 90408 09/08/05 5?5L527 Dllution Factorr 1 Analveig time,, r 11159 wo# :HK6VPLAC-LCS/HK5VP1AD-LCSD LCS Lot-Sample# : D51220000-473 .88 mg/L 97 MCAWW 350.L 09/20/Os a26s473 .8e rflg/L 97 O.1s MCAWW 3s0.1 O9/2O/O5 s26s473 Dilution Factori 1 Analysie Time..: 22:00 wo# ; HrO(STIAC - tCS /UKXSTI-AD - LCSD Arnmonia aB N 4 .00 4 .00 Chloride 50 .0 50.0 Fluoride 5.00 5.00 Ni trate 0.0500 0 - 0500 Nitrate 0.0500 0 .0500 Ni t rate -Ni tri te 4.00 4 .00 Nitrat e -Nitrite 4 .0c 4 .00 mg/r, ng/t' Dilut,lon Factor: I 3 3 49 - B s0 .1 4 .64 4 _s6 3 .85 3 . Bs 3 .95 3 - 95 mg/1" mg/L DiluE.{on Factor: 1 MCAWW 0 ,52 ITICAI{W Analysl o MCAWW O. BO MCAWW AnaLyei s MCAWW O.10 MCAWW Ana1ys i e MCAI,W{ O .15 MCAWW Ana1yeis 100 l-00 I.{o# : HKCOR1AC - rrCS / IHXCOR]"AD - LCSD 92 91 wo# : HKTLWIAC-LCS /lF,XlrWlAD-LCSD 0 .0s04 mg/l-, 0 - 0s07 mg/L 101 I,ICAWW 101 0.59 MCAWI^I Dllut.ion Factor: l-Analysi s wo# : HLLMF1AC - LCS/HLLMFIAD - LCSD 0.0504 mg/T, 101 MCAWW 0 - 0 5a7 mg/t 101- 0.59 MCAWW Dilutlon Factor: I Arralys I s t{o# : HKTHE1AC -LCS / HKTHE1AD- LCSD mg/I' mg/t, 95 96 Dilut.ion Factor: 1 wo# : HLr,D91AC-LCS /Ut t OgLAD-LCSD mg/L 99 mg/ t 99 Di lut ion Factor : 1 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 198 I{ABORATORY CONTROL SAUPLB DATA RBPORT General CIremiBLrlf : DSI08 0243 SPTIG IVIEASURED PERCMT AIVIOI.JNT AIUOUNT I]NITS RECVRY RPD METHOD Matrix- . ., - ., - - I WATER PREPARATION- PREP AIIATYSIS pATE . BAryF t L<lt-Saqlle # - PAXAMEIER _Sulfate Total Cyanide NOIE (S) = 0.104 mg/T, 0.105 mg/L 25.0 25.O 0.100 0. i00 wo# : HIrL53 1AC- LCS/I{IrL5 3 1AD- LCSD LCS Lor -Sample# : D5 12 90 000 - 172 2s.8 mg/L 103 MCAWW 37s.4 09/28/05 s272L72 26 .s trlg/r, 105 2 .6 MCAWW 375 -4 09/2e/ 05 5272a72 Dilueion pactor3 1 Analyois Tlme..: 15:40 wo# : HKlGTrac-r,cs/grtG?1AD-IJcsD LCS Lot-Sample* : D51200000 - 510 104 SWB45 901-AB/9012A Ael20-09/2L/AS 525351-0 10s 0-9s sw845 e01oB/9012A Ae/2A-A9/2L/As 5263510 Dllut,lon Factor: 1 Analyels Tirne..; tz-,ao Calculations arc perfonned hcfore rourrrling to uvoid round-ol'l'crrors ln calcularcd rewlts. STL Denver 199 Clierrt Lot *. Date Sarpled- PERCENT PARLryIFTER RE.COVERY Amrnonia as N 99 9B Chloride 95 95 Fluoride 76 N 79 N Nitrate-Nitrite 92 BB Sul fate 93 7 .2 N, * ToEaI Cyanide 0.0 N 0.0 N NOIE (S) : I,IAIR.IX SPIKE SA]IPLE ELIAITUATION REpORT General Chemistry Dsr080243 ag l a7 /0s 09 : 55 Date Received- - : 09 / 0B/05 RECO\ERY LTMTTS RPD RPD LTMITS METHOD DtaLrix-- --.-i WG PREPAXATION- PREP AI\TALYSIS D^ATE BATCH # MS Lot-Sample #: D5I080243-004 oe /20 -09 /2L/ os s25s473 09 / 20 - oe / 21 / os s26s473 Lot-Sample # : D5I080243-004 ae/a8/as s2632ss 0e /L8 / 05 s2632ss MS Lot-Sample #r D5f080243-004 09 / 0e / os 52s2s4l a9 / a9 / a5 5252s4L MS Lot-Sample #: D5I080243-004 a9 / 27 / As s27767 e a9 / 27 / 05 szlt67 e IvIS Lot-Samp1e #r D5I080243-004 a9 / 28 / As s272L72 09/28/ 05 5272L72 wo# : HJsJMIDG-MS /ntAJMlDH-r,1SD (++ 130) rqcAww 350.1 (qe 130) 1.1 (O-30) MCA!{W 350.1 oiluElon Factor: L Analyels Time, . : 03 :00 WO#: HJ6JIVI1DC -MS/ HJ6.]M1DD_MSD MS (go 11 0) MCAWW 32s.2 (go lro) o.18 (0-ro) MCAWW 325.2 oiLutlon Factor: I Arralyels Time. . : 17 ; 00 wo# : HJ5'JMLDE-MS /HJ6JM1DF-MSD (BZ L07) MCAWI^I 340-2 (az to7) 2.4 (o-1-0) MCAWW 340.2 Dilution Factor: i Analyeie Time..: 11:30 wO# : HJ6JMLCT -MS/HJ5,]M1-CB -MSD (sz 119) tqcAwlril 353.2 (SZ 119, 2.L (0-30) MCAFII^I 353.2 ollut.ion Factor: 1 analyols Time..: 18:00 wo# : H,f5,JMlDJ-MS/H;s.nt1DK-MSD (45 153) mCAI^lW 375.4 (+s - L53) 57 (O-2r) MCAWW 3"t5.4 nilution Factor: L Analysle Tirne, . : 15 ;40 wO#; HJ5.TMI-DL*MS/HJ5,fM1DM-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D5I080243-004 (89 - r.oe) sw846 e0108/90r-2e, og/zo-og/zllos s263sto (89 - l"0e) 0.0 (0-20) sw846 90108/9012A Oe/20-09/2a/os 5263sLO Dilution Eactsorr 1 Aralyaie Tlme.,: 12,00 Calculatiolts arc performed betbrc rouoding to avoitl rouM-off errors in calculated resulls. N Spikul analyte recovery ls outsitJe staral control llntits. i Rclath,e percent difl'crence (RPD) is ourslde smtetl control linrirs, STL Denver 2AA Cl.ient L'ot, # - Date Sanrpled. }iAIB,IX SPIKE $$1t4ry,6 DATA REFORT General Chemietry ; D5 f 08 A243 : 09/07/05 09:55 Date Recei\red..! 09/08/05 I{atrix.- ---.: WG PREPARATION- PREP AI{AI,YSIS DATE BATCH #PARAMETqF Ammonia a6 N 540 540 Chloride 11000 1r_000 Fluoride 2.2 2.2 Nitrate -Ni tri te 320 320 Sulfate 2500 2500 Tota] Cyanide o.013 0.013 NOITE (S) : SAMPLE SPIKE AMOUNT AIVIT 2000 2000 MEASRD AIVIOUNT UNITS PERCNT RECVRY RPD METHOD 2520 mg/L 2490 mg/L 3 510 0 mg/ I" 3s000 mg/L 5.00 N mg/t' 5 .15 N mg/L 590 mg/L 676 mg/L Pi IuE i. on Facto r i Analysle Time. . : 4 850 mg/L 269a mg/L wo# : HJ6JMT-DG -MS /UIAJMIDH-MSD MS LoE-Sample #: DSI080243-004 MCAr/'il^r 350. 1 A9/20-A9/2L/ A5 5255473 MCAWW 350 .1 A9/20-09 /2L/ Os s265473 99 98 95 95 76 79 92 BB 93 7.2 L.1 2.7 57 DiluE.ion facLorr 1 ,\nalysls Time. . ; 03 :00 wo# : H,I6'JMI-DC-MS/H,J6JM1-DD-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D51080243-00rI 2s000 2s000 5 .00 s .00 400 400 2s00 2500 0.l_00 0 .100 Dilution Factor: 1 Irr:.a1ysls Time. . : 17 r 00 wo# : HJ5JlllDE -MS /HJSJIvIIDF -IvlSD MCAWW 325 -2 0.18 MCAWW 325.2 2.4 ae/]-8/05 0e/\B/os 526325s 525325s MS Lot-Sample #; D5I080243-004 MCAWW 340 .2 09 / Oe /Os 5252s4L MCAWW 340 .2 09 / A9 / A5 s2s254L nilutlon Factor: 1 Analyels Time..: 11:30 wo# : HJSJIVI]- C7 -MS/HJ5.rM1C8 -MSD FIS Lot - Sarnple MCAWW 353.2 MCAVfl^I 353.2 o;,",7:1ZZ'n3-o i:,) wo# : HJ5.IMLDJ-MS/HJ6.IMLDK-MSD ae/27/os 527 L67 9 MS Lot-Sample #: D5I080243*004 MCAWT,{ 375.4 A9/28/O5 5272L72 MCAITW 3'7 5 , 4 A9 / 2B / 05 527 2L7 2 1 L8:00 Qualifiers r N, * Dilution Factor: 1 Analysis Time..: 15:40 wo# : HJ5JM]-DL -MS /Ul e.TM]-DIvl-I"ISD 0.00760 mg/L 0-0 Qualifiers: N 0.00898 mg/L 0.0 Qualifiers: N Di lut ion Factor : 1 Analysie TIme.,: 12:00 MS Lot-Sample #: Dsf0B0243-004 sw846 901A8/e oe/20-A9/2L/os s263510 0,0 sw845 e0LoB/e 0e/20-oe/2L/0s s263s10 Calculations arc perfornret{ belbrc roundirrg to avoid round-off err()rs in calcularctl results. N Spiked analltc tccover) is oursidc starcd control limits. t Relative percent differerrcc (RPt)) is outside statcd control limits. STL Denver 207 I.AIR X SPIKB $$tP1rB B\NTLTIATTON REBORT Geueral Chemietry Client l,ot # - Date Saupled- Ds r 0I024 3 09 / 06 / as 1o :35 Date RECO\reRY LIMITS Recr=ived.-3 a9/A7/oS RPD RPD LIMITS TIETHOD PERCBNT PAIU\I\4ETER RECOVERY Ni t rat,e - Ni tri te 92 90 Nitrate-Nitrite 100 97 NOtE (s) : wo#: 119) 119) Z.t (o-30) oilution Factor: 1 Analysle Time..: 22:A0 [,Io# ; 11e ) Ll-e) 3.3 (O-30) Dilutlon Factor: 1 Analyaie Tirne. . r 02 : 00 HJ35N1CE-MS /UltSNl-CF-MSD MS I,ICAWW 353 .2 MCASII^I 353 .2 Hatrix- - - - . . . . - 3 WATER PREPARATION- PREP ArvALYqrs pATE . BATCH # Lot-Sample # : D5I07027A-002 oe /2a / os 526sss2 09 / 20 / as s26sss2 Lot-Sample #: D5r100153 -003 oe /20 -0e /2r/ 0s s26sss2 09 /zA-oe / 2t/ 0s s255ss2 a- (62 (az (az (az HKAR91C5 -MS/HKARg1C7 -MSD rqs MCAWW 353 .2 MCAI'IW 353 -2 Calculadons are pcrlbnnal before roulrding m avold round-off crrors ilr calculacd rcsults. STL Denver 202 Client Iot * - Date Sanp1-ed- SAMPLE PARAryIETER AIvIOTINT Nitrat.e -Nitrite a ,24 0 ,24 Nit.rate-Nitrite 0 .18 0 _1-8 NOTE (S) : 3.94 mg/!" 92 3 . Bs gJlg/L 90 Pllution Factor; 1 Anaiysis Time..: 22:00 MCAWW 353 - 2 2 .7 I,ICAWV{ 353 .2 3,3 IIILIRIX SPTKE SAUPI,B DATA RBPORT General CherniBtry Dsr0B0243 a9/06/oS l-0:35 Date Received.-3 a9lA7 105 SPIKE AMT MEASRD PERCNT AMOUNT UNITS RECVRY RPD METHOD l.Iatrix- - - . ? . . . . r hIATER PREPARATTON- PREP AT{ALYSIS DATE BATCH # 0e / 2a / as 526ss s2 ae / 20 / 0s s26sss2 wo# : HJ3 5N]"CE-MS /HJ35N1CF-MSD NIS Lot-Samp1e #: D5f 070270-A02 4 .00 4 .00 4.00 4 - O0 4.L7 mg/l' 4 - 04 mg/l' wo# : HKAR91C6 -MS/Hran e1C7 -MSD MS Lot-Sanrple #: D5I100l-53 -003 MCAWW 353 .2 A9 / 2A-09 / 2L/ Os 526sss2 MCAI^n^I 3s3 .2 A9/2A-09/2L/ aS s26ss52 100 97 Pilucion Factor: 1 furar yais Time. . : 02:00 Calculatlor\ are pcrfomted hefore roundirtg to avoid rouM-off errors in calculatecl rcsults STL Denver 243 Client lot #-.. = Date Sauqlled- , . l SAITTPLE DTIPLTCATE Ds r 0I0 243 General I{ork Order A9/a5/A5 10;35 Dat.e Received..3 09/a7/a5 WATER PREPARATION- PREP A}IALYSTS DATE BATCH # D5I07027A-002 oe/08/0s s25ts27 EUALTIATTO}I REFORT Cheuietry *- -.: HJ36N-SMP HJ3 5N-DUP PARiqM RESULT DUPLTCAIE RESULT UNITS RPD RPD LIMTT METHOD pH No Units 0 .13 Di lucion Factor : L SD Lot - Sampl-e (o-5.0) sw845 90408 Analyslo Time.,: L3:11 7.8 7.8 STL Denver 204 STL Denver Sarnple Receiving Checklist Lot #: Company Name & Sampling Site: DatelTtlrne Recei u"A, ?rt/A:;- 0?60 PM to Complete This Section: Yes Residual chiorine check requireci:f X Quote#:{+ots Special Instructions: CttgUtvEth c.c t-y Ii,*- Uoft' S Timc Zone: .'EDT lEST . CDT/CST . N/[!T,MST . PDT/PST . OTfIER Quarantiaed :1:'' x, Llnpacking Checks: Cooler #(s): -l - 7 - _s'Y3 Temperatures("c): .S, | .3. , l,tl -7.,V f, t - S, B. lio f, 1. Cooler seals intact? (NiA ifhand delivered) If no, clocument on CUR- e 2. Chain of custodyprcsent? lfno, docurnent ou CLIR- Bottles broken and/or are leaking? If yes, docurtent or CLIR. Multiphasic sumples obvious? If yes, documeut on CUR. Proper coatainor & presen'atives used? (ref Attacbmem D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, documeEt ou. CJR. pH of aU samples chccked aud meet requireincnts? If no, document on CUR. Sufficient voiumc provided for all auaiysis requested? (ref- Attach-ent D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, documcnt on CLIR, aud contact P.M before proceeding. Did chrrin of cusody agree with labeis ID and sarrples rccEivcd? If no, document on Ct,B- Wcre VOA samples u.ithout headspace? If no, rlocurnent on CUR. Were VOA vials presewcd? Preservariv, Dl{Ct E4t2"C Dsodium Thiosulfate ! Ascorbic Acid Did samples require presenation with sodium thiosu[ate? If yes to #1 I, did the sampies contail residual chlorinc? If yes, document on CLIR. Sedimeot present in dissolved/flhercd bottles? If ycs, document on CLB' { a 14. Is sufiisient volumo proridsd for clgnt rcquestcd MS, MSD or metnx duplicates? If ro, document o, CU}, *d coffact PM before proceediCIg. Receipt date(s) > 48 hours past the collection date(s)? lf yes, notif,v P^v?M. Are aualyses with shoil holcing times requested? Was a quick Tur.n Around [AT) requested? tr { tr N/A Yes tr.{ { tr u dAJ J {3. {t D5. f6. c 7- tr8. D 9. tr 10. {n E 12. C 13. tr G D D f, t fr / 15- tr 16, /, Initials STXqWRGilSXT$f Rcceiving Samplc Receiving Checkiist i2 13 04 revsion i?tt304 I.ogin Clreckr: NIA l'er Na FDrB STL l)enver Sample Receiving Checklist Lot # Sufficicil r,olunr providcd for all ana);,sis rcqucstcd? (rcf Aruchment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) lf no, documont on CUR, and conlacl PM hcfore;uocecding ,F D l9- Is sufficicnt volume provided for clicnt rcguestcd MS, h4SD or nutrix duplioares'.r If no, documcnl on CUR, and wntact Ph4 bcforc procccding- .{) D 20. Did the chain ofcustody includes "receivcd b)r'arrd "rrlinquished" by sigrraturcs, dalcs, and timer? A tr 2l . Werc special log in inshlclions read and followcd'/ D t D. Wrrre AFCEE motals loggcd for rcfrigerated storagc'/ t.{ tr 23. Werc tess loged c}recksd agains thc COC? Ilhich samples were cortfirmed? I A g 24. \[,as a Rush forsr corrp]etcd for guick TA1? n tr 25. \lrasa ShortHoldformcorrplcted foranl,ehortholds? D ,{ zs. Is "suia lCoc-rcquircd? tr ,l ,1. Tierc special a'chiving insmrctions indicalcd il the General Commcnts? If so, u&al were the1,? beliug aDd Storage Che&s: t-l d ,d I O La Initials ,_tr ,{'-7 ! yrr 28. Was tbe srbcontact COC signcd and sent with saryles to trottle prcp? 29. \tr,cre sanple lab:Js double-dreclrcd by a second persoa? 30. WerE narylc botics and COC doublc checked for dissolved/fhsrcd mehls by a secoud porson? 31. Did tbc sarnplc ID, Date, and Time fiom label matcb u'hat uas logged? 32. Werc stick.crr for rpecial archir,fug jastruclions affixed to each bol and to thc ICOC? See #27 33. Were AFCEEmehls storcd refiigerrtcd? .14, \l,erc "Stna ICOC'copies given to xatellite slora-gc areas'l .,{* E f {a trrrtr tr SD tr Documenl anyproblems or discrepancies and the actions tal<en to re.solve them on a Condition Upon Rrceip Anomaly Rcport (Ct R). STL Denver 206 Iln F :G ] x' !r !\(t :Dmam m(] (D5 r n* bTa, ,{ \/D. 'c ' h- ' ,: . 1 - - r tr l ,i , >{-f lt r , + F if i , |, J h - - - '. 1 ,) N (a7- : : ,- l :r l F*- -i 7)t)r -K ;\E: t Z. 1. , {r>-$c?H t) \"C- i ,T UJ rr , -. s (}N.' I ) r\:. ,i i ,i \ J' l, J lrl . .e L>Nl. f r D>- tr ' t *t (: jJ =$ !K .J t .i +-C- I,t I i1 {cI t. , ul D!- r -. - i l i t" i \e I Cr .+ , t\Fr \ r L; ' L. u1 r) I r, . 4 i,/ \5T C. r ' ' t -4D \IF', 4 I I :! i ; , 1 A; f ,J) t- l>I ,> I !t ' u1 -T l mroa =P\ rn-( I t\q qt ( =f i i E] -lrnf?-m #H rno io $$ *g \=\i1t N \\\ g. -fm FA- $d, * ) ,: 'P \. J It )8. , +r ,r - \ lr - "r, r E. t-F\ 0Im C- \.:-r, $ T. r- : /4 \1\ -' .a r: - . ,r D 5. ' l. - -L \,l r \irC, nt- ! r--\_ _ J (' {m nmrzIa :E l rnI TDt I- . , F --J 7. 't 'i A>rp -. * ^ -i ) ]J$J} -\^ J Jt -$ lJ *, '! r l s *{IIr.J \ t\ !H -. $ il ui fi -f - i It' \,J" r -c , fr $+f- l_ I lss -s {I -- . f , i. ' . UT N-, vl I IJ :T AA. U1 -l-' " J \) l EX IIg l-.r,Lp Y MS / h , l S D o-u mz,m C, (D f (f 4m rt- , .. s (\ .D A E n n -- L F NO . OF CO N T A I N T E B S J rn-f, ,mam mo @ X X Y x x, x X r. Lt :) a - >- *. , r . *{ ; T g L (r r v ff i tnl fIm )txp z fam U) {=rn{m:=-t to . C} o*m arn r*r J =rr l ooz(ffoz ,rn =zo fra:dnl Ax @J ((( N R. H N \\ 'i h - .J *u\s. rA ) - E,J t)d Xi F+d). . oI rn ff i J3 rn ]J { ry f f i I EG - 4 \ F H \ S - 9 6 - 3 0 3 3 7 c o c . F HB L; : - , V{ q "s \ ? . tt * o ? \'i ' I *$ 8i l i l I l FH $ 5 8 s sE E I s ra ep @c*.-3.E -F . -- l .I .+F ' C) qr-g.=o+()Ea -a r ()o-T(Dooa x A) (O o I+_ Ito l- '1- t 20 7 ST L De n v e r Northern Analytical Data Package Hafnium and Thiocyanate Analyses Notq Data Packages are in order as discussed in the Data Validation Report (see Appendix C): Data Package 2005090102 NOBTHEBNi REPORT TO: 602 South 25th Street P O Box 3A315 Billings, MT 59107 Telephone: (406) 25+7226 Fax: (406) 254-1389 DATE: October 19, 2005ATTN: JEFF PORTER URS CORPORATION 756 EAST WINCHESTER STREET, SUITE 4OO SALT IAKE CITY, UT 84107 Water Analysis - WestemZrooniurn, 3rd Quarter 2005 JOB NUMBER: PAGE: INVOICE NO-: 96-904-35 1 of 173 50901 02 REPORT OF: CASE NARRATIVE: On September 13, 2005, these water samples (laboratory numbers 2005090102-1 through -37) were received in our laboratory for analysis. The samples were received cooled, at 0.6" C, and properly preserved. The samples were anallzed for total hafnium and thiocyanate- The hahium analysis was conducted in accordance with EPAI600/R-9+111 'Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples" Supplement l, method 200.8. The thiocyanate analysis was conduc{ed in accordance with "Standard Methds for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" 18* Edition, method 4500-CN-M. Thiocyanate - The samples were analyzed using the colorimetric procedure identified above on September 28,2005, within the 284ay holding time. The samples, method blank, lab control sample and matrix spikes were treated with ferrous sulfate to remove hexavalent chromium interferences, filtered, treated using a macroreticrrlar resin column to remove organic and color interferences, then the thiocyanate was measured colorimetrically. The spectrophotometer was calibrated using a blank and three to four standards. The calibrations were linear and verified by the analysis of an initial calibration verilication standard prepared from a separate source (identified as QCS in raw data). A method blank, lab control sample (LCS), matrix spike (MS) and matrix spike duplicate (MSD) samples were analyzed with the batch. The results of analysis of the quality control samples met acceptance criteria. The sample concentrations are reported without qualification. Hafnium - Total hafnium was determined from an unfiltered, acid preserved aliquot of each sample. The total hafnium samples were acid digested using EPA method 30204 then analyzed using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICPMS) method 200-8. The samples were digested in two batches on September 22,2005 (digest batches 1666 and 1667). A method blank, LCS, and two MS/MSD pairs were digested and analyzed with each batch. Both batches of samples were analyzed on September 23, 2005. Because of our experience with samples from this project, the analyst made dilutions of I part sample to 9 parts reagent grade water (10X dilution) of all natural and quality control samples before analysis. The recovery of the LCS for Batch 1666 was outside the quality control criteria. The LCS was analyzed again from a fresh aliquot prepared for the instrument from the LCS digestate prepared when the batch was digested. Upon this analysis, the quality control indicators for Batch 1666 met the quality control criteria. However, the analyst was conoerned that sample concentration measured for "SWB-910-090105" was the result of analytical system contamination from the LCS. For "SWB-9- 090105", the intemal standard recovery was below the method acceptance criteria. For these reasons, the data for these two samples was rejected and the samples were to be analyzed again at a later date. The analysis of all samples in Batch 1667 was rejected due to low recovery of the LCS of Batch 1667. The samples "SWB-910-090105" and "SWB-9-090105", the quality control samples ftom Batch 1666 and all of Batch 1667 were analyzed again on September 26,2OOS using a dilution factor of 50. The data was rejected as the method blank contained hafnium at 0.7u9/l which resulted in false positive concentrations when the 50 dilution factor was applied. ln addition to the method blank concentration, the recovery of hafnium in the LCS for Batch 1667 did not meet the quality control limits. All the natural samples and the quality control samples from Batch 1666 and Batch 1667 were analyzed on September 28,2005 using a dilution factor of 10. The quality control samples for Batch 1666 met the quality control criteria. However, the analyst was concemed that sample concentration measured for "SWB-910- 090105" was the result of analytical system contamination from the LCS and again (as on September23) for, the internal standard recovery was below the method acceptance criteria. Sample concentrations from this analysis for all samples in Batch 1666 except for "SWB-910-090105" and "SWB-9-090105" are reported herein. Page la ot 172 October 19,2005 For Batch 1667, the LCS recovery was below the acceptance criteria. As a conective action, as a result of the low LCS recovery of Batch 1667 on three separate oocasions, the natural samples and quality conhol samples from Batch 1667 were digested again in Batch 1698. Batch 1698 was analyzed on October 11 using dilution factors for all samples of 10. The LCS recovery did not meet the control limits and the data was rejected. On October 18, 2005 the samples "SWB-910-090105" and "SWB-9-090105", the quality control samples from Batch 1666 and all of Batch 1698 were analyzed again using dilution factors of 20 for all natural and qc samples with the exception of "SWB-9{9010$. The results of the analysis of the quality control samples met our quality control criteria. The sample concentrations trom this analysis are reported herein without qualification. Our method detection limit (mdl) for total hafnium by Method 200.8 is 0.0002 mgfl. Using a quantitation or reporting limit of two times the mdl, a reporting limit for samples analyzed with no diluition would be 0-0004. Therefore, for samples with a dilution factor of 20, the resultant reporting limit for Batc*r 1698 samples of 0.01 mg/l is defendable. For samples diluted by a factor of 50, the reporting limit is 0.02 mg/|. Our method detection limit study summary is induded on page 173. The sample results, QC sample results, QC forms and raw data are presented in the order as listed below. Table of Contents Case Narrative Sarnple Results, Quality Control Sample Results Quality Control Forms Chain of custody, Sample Receipt Checklist Raw Data Total Hafnium analysis, 9l2AA5 Total Hafnium analysis, 10118/05 Metals Digest Logs Thiocyanate analysis, 9128105 Method Detection Limit Study Page No. 1 2-13 14-20 21-25 26-144 105-166 167-169 170-172 Page 173 Reviewed by As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Test results apply specifically to the samples tested only. The entire report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approva! of the laboratory. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing Kathleen A. Srnit - Laboratory Manager Northern Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Client Name: URS CORPORATION Proiect No.: 24584461-A2 Oroi."t Name: WESTERN zlRCoNlUM Collected by: SAGE EVANS Date Received: 09/1 AZAAS Matrix:WATER Order No.: 2005090102 Page 2 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Hafnium as Hf (Total) 1 swB-910-090105 09/01 i2405 0.02 mg/l 200.8 0.01 fit1812005 2 swB-9-090105 owau2005 0.03 mg/l 200.8 0.01 14n812045 3 swB-10-090105 09/01 t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 09128t2005 swB-3-090105 5 swB-7-090105 09/01 12AAS <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 49n8i2005 6 GW-R1-090205 49nu2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0-01 09t28t2005 7 GW-S9-090205 09t42t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 wt2812005 I GW-S8-09020s a9rczD005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 09D812005 GW-S7-090205 Northern Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Glient Name: URS CORPORATION Proiect No.: 24584461-02 Project Name: WESTERN ZIRCONIUM Gollected by: SAGE EVANS Date Received: 09/1 312005 Matrix: WATER Order No.: 20050901A2 Page 3 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Hafnium as Hf (Total) 10 GW-64-0902A5 0910212005 <0,01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 a912812005 11 GW-68-0902A5 0910212005 <0.01 mgll 200,8 0.01 a9n8/2005 12 GW-BA-090605 09/06t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 09t28t200s 13 GW-7A-090605 09106t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0_01 ost28tZI 14 GW-BB-090605 awa6l2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 0912812005 15 GW-Sg1-090705 091a7t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200,8 0.01 09t28t2005 16 GW-S10-090705 09t07t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0,01 4912812005 17 GW-SI-090705 49n7D005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0_01 0912812005 GW-S1 1-090705 a9t28t2005 Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc. Glient Name: Proiect No.: Ot.,rec-r Nairre; Collected by: Date Received: Matrix: Order No.: Page 4 URS CORPORATION 24584461-42 WESTERN ZIRCONIUM SAGE EVANS 09/13/2005 WATER 20050901 02 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Hafnium as Hf (Total) 19 GW-S2-0907A5 4910712005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 a9n812005 20 GW-S3-090705 o9to7t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 09n812005 21 GW-N2-090705 09t07 t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.ol 10t18t2005 GW-sC-090805 23 GW-R2-090805 09t08t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 10t18/2445 24 GW-S5-090805 09t08t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 10t18t2005 25 GW4A-090805 09n8t2005 <0.01 mgll 200.8 0.01 10118t2005 26 GW-S4-090805 09to8t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.o1 fit18i2405 GW-R4-090805 10118t2005 Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc. Client Narne: Proiect No.: Proiect Name: Gollected by: Date Received: Matrix: Order No,: Page 5 URS CORPORATION 24584461-02 WESTERN ZIRCONIUM SAGE EVANS 09/13/2005 WATER 20050901 02 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Hafnium as Hf (Total) 28 GW-R3-090805 a9rc$12005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 10t18na05 29 GW-N91-090905 49rcgD005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 1An8l2005 30 GW-N1-090905 09t09t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 10t18/2005 31 GW-58-090905 49n9n005 <0.01 mgll 200.8 o.01 rotLe 32 GW-5D-090905 aw09t2005 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 14t18t2405 33 GW-S6-090905 a9rcgn005 <0.01 mgfl 200.8 o.o1 10t18/2005 34 GW-7C-090905 09rcgn005 <0.01 mg/l 200_8 0.01 10t18/2005 35 GW-8W92-091205 09/12t2005 <0.01 mgn 200.8 0.01 10t18t2045 GW-BWI-091205 1At18/2005 Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc. Glient Name: Proiect No,: q::i:::Jr:' Date Received: Matrix: Order No,: Page 6 URS CORPORATION 24584461-A2 WESTERN ZIRCONIUM SAGE EVANS 09/1 312005 WATER 20050901 02 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Hafnium as Hf (Total) 37 GW-BW2-091205 09/1 A2AO5 <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 10t1812005 38 MATRIX SP]KE OF 2OO5O9O1 A2-3 09/01 t2w5 95 Yo 175-1251 200.8 0.01 a9D8t200s 39 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE OF 20050901 a2-3 09/01 t2005 3 RPD [0-201 200.8 0.01 49i28t2005 MATRIX SPIKE OF 2OO5O9O1 02-17 o/o 175-1251 41 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE OF 2005090102-17 09n7n005 4 RPD [0-20]200.8 0.01 09t28t2005 42 METHOD BLANK <0.01 mgfl 200.8 0.01 a9n812005 43 ISBORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 75 % 175-1251 200.8 0.01 09n8n005 44 MATRIX SP]KE OF 2OO5O9O1O2-30 09109t2005 90 o/o 175-1251 200.8 0,01 10t18/2005 MATRIX SP]KE DUPLICATE OF 2005090102-30 RPD [0-20]10t1812005 Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc. Client Name: Proiect No.: Proiect Name: Collected by: Date Received: Matrix: Order No.: Page 7 URS CORPORATION 24584461-02 WESTERN Z]RCON]UM SAGE EVANS aw1a2a05 WATER 20050901 02 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Hafnium as Hf (Total) 46 MATRIX SPIKE OF 2005090102-37 09/12t2005 I % 175-1251 200.8 0.01 10t18/2005 47 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE OF 2005090102-37 09/12nOO5 5 RPD [0-201 200.8 0.01 14n8i2005 48 METHOD BLANK <0.01 mg/l 200.8 0.01 10t18t2005 49 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 108 % 175-1251 200.8 0.01 .r,tlanl Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc, Glient Name: Proiect No.: Ororecr Name. Gollected by: Date Received: Matrix: Order No.: URS CORPORATION 24584461-02 WESTERN ZIRCONIUM SAGE EVANS 09/1 312005 WATER 20050901 02 Page 8 sw8-3-090105 0912812005 GW-57-090205 45OOCNM a912812005 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Thiocyanate as SCN 1 swB-910-090105 09/01 12005 3.28 mg/l 45OOCNM 0.05 a9n8/2005 2 sw8-9-090105 09101 12005 13.8 mg/l 45OOCNM 0.05 a912812005 3 swB-10-090105 09/01 /2AO5 3.34 mg/l 45OOCNM 0.05 0912812005 5 swB-7-090105 09/01 12005 0.33 mg/l 45OOCNM 0.05 0912812005 b GW-R1-090205 091aat2005 <0.05 mgll 45OOCNM 0.05 a9n8l200s 7 GW-S9-090205 09n2t200s <0.05 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0.05 09128t2005 B GW-58-090205 09n2/2005 0.07 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0.05 0912812005 Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc. Glient Name: URS CORPORATION Project No.: 24584461-02 Project Name: WESTERN ZIRCONIUM Collected by: SAGE EVANS Date Received: 09/1 3l2AA5 Matrix: WATER Order No.: 200509A1A2 Page 9 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Thiocyanate as SCN 10 GW-6A-090245 awa2l2005 2.34 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0.05 0912812005 11 GW-68-090205 a910212005 7.68 mgll 4sOOCNM 0.05 49t28t2005 12 GW-8A-090605 09/06/2005 <0.05 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0,05 a912812005 13 GW-7A-090605 09/06/2005 5.03 mgll 4sOOCNM 0.05 ost28t2e 14 GW-BB-090605 owa6n005 0.10 mg/l 45OOCNM 0.05 0912812005 15 GW-Sg1-0907A5 a91071200s 0.83 mg/l 45OOCNM 0.05 09t28t2005 16 GW-S10-090705 091a712005 4.17 rngll 4sOOCNM 0.05 091281200s 17 GW-S1-090705 49rc71200s 0.88 mg/l 4SOOCNM 0.05 0912812005 GW-SI 1-090705 45OOCNM 0912812005 Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc, Glient Name: d;::: xl;", Gollected by: Date Received: Matrix: Order No.: Page 10 URS CORPORAT]ON 24584461-A2 WESTERN ZIRCONIUM SAGE EVANS 09/1 3nA05 WATER 20050901 02 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test Method PQL Date of Value Analysis Thiocyanate as SGN 19 GW-52-090705 aw0712005 2.53 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0.05 09t2812005 2A GW-53-090705 awa712005 4.22 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0,0s 09t2812005 GW-N2-090705 09147/2005 au2812005 GW-5C-090805 owa&12005 45OOCNM 23 GW-R2-090805 a9tau2005 0.82 mg/t 4sOOCNM 0.05 09t28t2005 24 GW-55-090805 0910812005 4.29 rng/l 4sOOCNM 0.05 a9t2812005 25 GW-4A-090805 awa8l200s 0.62 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0.05 09t2812005 26 GW-S4-090805 0910812005 4.47 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0.05 09t28t2005 GW-R4-090805 09t2812005 Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc.Page 11 Glient Name: Project No.: Project Name: Gollected by: Date Received: Matrix: Order No.: URS CORPORATION 24584461-42 WESTERN ZIRCONIUM SAGE EVANS 09113/20a5 WATER 20050901 02 Sample Number Description Date Measured Gollected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Thiocyanate as SCN 28 GW-R3-090805 09/08/2005 0.25 mg/l 45OOCNM 0.05 a912812005 29 GW-N91-090905 09/09/2005 0.17 mgll 4sOOCNM 0.05 0912812005 30 GW-N1-090905 09/09/2005 0.12 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0.05 0912812005 31 GW-58-090905 09/09/2005 4.71 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0.05 ost28t2e 32 GW-5D-090905 09/09/2005 1.34 mgn 4sOOCNM 0.05 09t28t2005 33 GW-56-090905 09/09/2005 0.92 mg/l 45OOCNM 0.05 0912812005 34 GW-7C-090905 09t0912005 0.10 mg/l 4sOOCNM 0.0s 091281200s 35 GW-8W92-091205 09/1 2t20A5 0.43 mgll 4sOOCNM 0.05 09t28t2005 GW-BW1-091205 09/1 212005 4sOOCNM a912812005 Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc. Glient Name: Proiect No.: Q::i:::Jr:' Date Received: Matrix: Order No,: Page 12 URS CORPORAT]ON 24584461-O2 WESTERN ZIRCONIUM SAGE EVANS 09/1 3t2005 WATER 20050901 02 Sample Number Description Date Measured Gollected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Thiocyanate as SCN 37 GW-BW2-091205 09/1A2AA5 0.40 mg/l 4SOOCNM 0.05 09t28t2005 38 MATRIX SPIKE OF 2OO5O9O1A2-3 o9n1i2005 NA 0.05 39 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE OF 20050901 02-3 09/01 naas NA 0.05 MATRIX SPIKE OF 2OO5O9O102-17 o/o 175-1251 41 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE OF 20050901 02-17 auo7t2005 2 RPD [0-20]4500cNM 0.05 49n812005 42 METHOD BLANK <0.05 mg/l 4500cNM 0.05 a9n8/2005 43 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 90 o/o 175-1251 4SOOCNM 0.05 49n8i2005 44 MATRIX SPIKE OF 2005090102-30 09t0912005 94 o/o 17.5--1251 4SOOCNM 0.05 09t28t2005 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE OF 2005090102-30 Northern Analytical Laboratories, lnc. Client Name: Proiect No.: Proiect Name: Gollected by: Date Received: Matrix: Order No.: Page 13 URS CORPORATION 24584461-02 WESTERN ZIRCONIUM SAGE EVANS 09/13/2005 WATER 20050901 02 Sample Number Description Date Measured Collected Value Test Units Test PQL Date of Method Value Analysis Thiocyanate as SCN 46 MATRTX SPrKE OF 2005090102-37 09/12t2005 100 o/a 175-1251 4sOOCNM 0.05 09t2812005 47 MATRIX SP]KE DUPLICATE OF 20050901 02-37 09/12t24O5 2 RPD [0-20]4500cNM 0.05 49i28t2005 48 METHOD BLANK <0.05 mgfl 45OOCNM 0.05 a9i2812005 49 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 96 % 175-1251 45OOCNM 0.05 ostzutze Lab Name: Northern Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Initial Calibration Standard Source: INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION SDG No.: 2005090102 Calibration Verifi cation Source : Page 14 Spex Lot# 9-l32HF Baker Potassium Thiocyanate Lof# 31038 Inorganic Ventures Lot# W-HF01028 Acros Potassium Thiocyanat e Lot# 42$0450 - Hafnium - Thiocyanate - Hafnium - Thiocyanate Units: mgl Analvte Initial Calibration Verification Continuing Calibration Verifi cation Method Date True Found %R True Found I %R Found 2 %R Hafnium - Total (Batch 1666)0.0400 0.041 I 103 0.0500 0.0551 I I0 0.0536 t()7 200.8 9t28t0s (200509UA2-l through 20)Found 3 %R Found 4 %R 0.0500 0.0536 It)7 0.054 r r08 200.8 9/28t0s Found 5 %R Found 6 %R 0.0s00 0.0s43 109 0.0537 ta7 200.8 9t28t05 Found 7 %R Found 8 %R 0.0s00 0.0539 l0.g 200.8 9t28t05 True Found %R True Found I %R Found 2 %R Hafnium - Total (Batch 1698)0.0400 0.0406 102 0.0500 0.05 r 2 I t)2 0.0492 9ti 200.8 r 0/ I 8/05 f0050901 02-21 throueh 37)Found 3 %R Found 4 %R I050901A2-l and 2 reruns)0.0500 0.0500 l0t)0.0501 r00 200"8 I0/18/05 t-Found 5 %R Found 6 %R 0.0500 0.0499 I t)0 0.0s 10 ta2 200.8 ta/18/05 Found 7 %R Found 8 %R 0.0500 0.0509 102 200.8 taltS/05 True Found %R True Found I %R Found 2 %R Thiocyanate 0.40 0.38 95 0.50 0.51 ta2 0.50 r00 4500-cN-M 9/28/05 (20050901 02-l through 37)Found 3 %R Found 4 %R 0.50 0.48 96 0.52 I04 4500-cN-M 9t28/05 Found 5 %R Found 6 %R 0.50 0,5 t 102 0.s2 104 4500-cN-M 9/28/0s Found 7 %R Found 8 %R 0.50 0.52 104 0.52 I04 4500-cN-M 9/2810s Comments:NA - Not Analyzed Page 15 BLANKS Lab Name: Northern Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Units: mgll SDG No.: 2A050901A2 Matrix: Water Analyte Initial Calibration Blank Continuing Calibration Blank Prep. Blank Method Date a t 2 3 Hafnium - Total (Batch 1666)<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 200.8 9l28l0s 4 5 6 <0.001 <0.001 -il <o.oot 200.8 9l28l0s cc64 fl i,r-i U\ Vtr,tcltgl0 ) I 2\J aJ Hafrrium - Total (Batch 1698)<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 200.8 tOlt8/05 4 5 6 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 200.8 t0/18/05 I 2 3 Thiocyanate <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0_05 <0.05 4500-cN-M 9l28l0s (20050901 02-1 throueh 20)4 5 6 -<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 4500-cN-M 9l28l0s 7 8 9 (20050901 02-21 throueh 37)<0.05 <0,05 4500-cN-M 9n8las Comments: Page t6 AQUEOUS LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE Lab Narne: Northern Analytical Laboratories, Inc. LCS Source: - Hafnium - Thiocyanate Comments: SDG No.: 2A05090102 Units: mgll Inorganic Ventures Lot# W-HF01028 Acros Potassium Thiocyanate Lot# 4243005A Analyte Expected Found %R Control Limits Method a Hafrrium - Total (Batch 1666)0.500 4374 75 75 - 125 200.8 Hafrrium - Total (Batch 1698)0.500 0.s38 r08 75 - 125 200.8 Thiocyanate 0.50 4.45 90 75 - 125 4500-cN-M (20050901 02-l through 20) Thiocyanate 0.50 0.48 96 75 125 4500-cN-M (20050901 A2-21 tluoush 37) Page t7 Lab Name: Northern Analytical Laboratories, Inc. MATRIX SPIKE /MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY SDG No 2005090102 Parent Sample ID:2005090 I 02-3, SWB-I 0-0901 05 20050901 02- I 7, GW-S I -090705 2005090 I 02-30, GW-N I -090905 2005090 I 02-37, GW-BW2-09 I 205 I 2 3 4 Units:rngll Analyte Parent Sample Result Spike Added MS Spike Added MSD MS Result %R MSD Result %R RPD Limits 0-20 Control Limits %R Method a Haftrium - Total (Batch 1666) t 0.000 0.500 0.500 a.477 95 a.46t 92 3.4 75 125 200.8 Hafrrium - Total (Batch 1666)2 0.000 0.500 0.s00 0.491 98 0.474 95 3.5 75 125 200.8 Hafnium - Total (Batch 1698) 3 0.000 0.500 0.500 0.491 98 0.538 108 9,1 75 125 200.8 Hafirium - Total (Batch 1698) 4 0.000 0.s00 0.500 0.449 90 0.473 95 5.2 75 t2s 200.8 Thiocy anatez 0.84 0.50 0.50 1.28 88 1.30 92 1.6 75 125 4500-cN-M Thiocyanate 3 0.1 1 0.50 0.s0 0.s8 94 0.55 88 5.3 75 t2s 4s00-cN-M aThiocyanate a 0,38 0.50 0.50 0-88 r00 0.90 104 2.2 7s - 125 4500-cN-M Comments:Note - The thiocyanate sample results have been adjusted for the dilution caused by the amount of spike added. 190 rnls of sample was used, plus l0 mls of spike, for a total volume of 200 mls in the spiked sample. [0.88 * (190/200)J:0.84 Page 18INTERNAL STANDARD SUMMARY Lab Name: Northern Analytical Laboratories, Inc. SDG Number.: 2005090102 Comments: * - The intemal standard is below the QC limit. The sample was reanalyzed. Samples 9t29105 Internal Standard %R a Samples taltS/05 Internal Standard %R a Initial Calibration Verification 104.4 Initial Calibration Verifi cation 98.3 Cont. Calibration Verification 97.6 Cont. Calibration Verifi cation 99.2 Initial Calibration Blank 97.6 Initial Calibration Blank 99.3 1666 Method Blank 99.9 1666 Method Blank 98.5 1666 Lab Control Sample r0r.6 1666 Lab Control Sample l0r.r 20050901 02- I 7A.t 2005090 l 02- r 8r.3 200s090t02-2 47.1 *2005090 r 02- I 8l .5 2005090102-3 68.5 2005090 r 02- r 8t.2 Cont. Calibration Verifi cation 92.6 200s09}ta2-2 (x I 0dil)47.8 * Cont. Calibration Blank 95. I 1666 Lab Control Sample 100.5 MS on 2005090102-3 69.7 2005090102-2 (x20dil)s9.2 * MSD of 2005090102-3 70.0 200509at02-2 (x5Odil)74.9 2005090142-4 88.8 2005090102-2 (x5Odil)74"0 2005090 l 02-s 91.4 2005090ta2-2 (x5Odil)t3.a 2005090102-6 9s.2 Cont. Calibration Verifi cation 92.8 Cont. Cal ibration Verifi cation 92.1 Cont. Calibration Blank 92.0 Cont. Calibration Blank 94.4 1698 Method Blank 93.6 2005090t02-7 98.8 1698 Lab Control Sample 92.3 200s090 r 02-8 96.7 2005090t02-21 85. I 2005090t02-9 98.8 2005090142-22 86.0 2005090r02-10 87.3 2005094102-23 86. I 200s090102-r I 78.9 Cont. Calibration Verification 92.0 Cont. Calibrat on Verification 93.2 Cont. Calibration Blank 90. r Cont. Calibrat on Blank 95.5 2A05090102-24 89.0 2005090102-12 97 .1 2005090102-25 87.3 2005090102-13 7t.4 2005090102-26 89.5 200509a102-14 96.s 2005094102-27 90.4 200s090102-15 90.8 2AA'090rA2-28 89.7 2005090r 02- r 6 94.3 Cont. Calibration Verifi cation 91.2 Cont. Calibration Verification 93.2 Cont. Calibration Blank 90. r Cont. Calibration Blank 96.2 2005090ta2-29 90.5 2005090t02-t7 109.9 200s090r 02-30 90. I MS on 2005094102-17 79.4 MS on 2005090102-30 90.8 MSD of 2005090102-17 92.7 MSD of 2005090102-30 89.0 2005090102-18 82.9 2005090 I 02-3 r 87.9 2005090102-19 72.8 Cont. Calibration Verifi cation 9r.0 Cont. Calibration Verifi cation 91.4 Cont. Calibration Blank 90.0 Cont. Calibration Blank 93.6 2005090102-32 89.0 200s094t42-20 93.7 2005090 r 02-33 88.9 Cont. Calibration Verification 96.8 200509al02-34 89.7 Cont. Calibration Blank 99.9 2005090102-3s 90.7 2005090 r 02-36 0 * Control Limits 60 - t25 Control Limits 60 - 125 PageINTERNAL STANDARD SUMMARY Lab Name: Northern Analytical Laboratories, Inc. SDG Number.:200s0901 02 Samples Internal Standard %R a Samples rclt8/05 Internal Standard %R a MS on 2005094142-37 90.8 MSD of 2005090102-37 lll.0 Cont. Calibration Verification I14.4 Cont. Calibration Blank I r8.r 2005090102-2t 107.0 2005090 r 02-3 r I13.6 2005090t02-36 1 08.1 2005090102-37 I I5.8 Cont. Cal bration Verification r 18.7 Cont. Cal bration Blank I I9.I Control Limits 60 - t25 Comments: Page 20 HOLDING TIME SUMMARY Lab Name: Northern Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Comments: SDG No.: 2005090102 * - The earliest date sampled is listed to demonstrate holding time compliance. NA - Not applicable Analyte Date Collected Date Digested or Prepared Date Analyzed Max. Holding Time (days) Time Held (days)Method a Hafnium - Total (Batch 1666)9/U05*9l22l0s 9l28l0s r80 28 200.8 Hafnium - Total (Batch 1698)glu05*9129105 ta/18/05 r80 47 200,8 Thiocyanate 91U05*9l2t l0s 9l28l0s 28 28 4500-cN-M Pa g e 'j l Ntr 't . . ) <)L aNQ SH 3 I N I V I N O S JO ' O N ) -, J F() l' r , -)o(ro- \) !, o . IJ : .- " . - . 1 I tuE]Uko5x o- G =E 92 z. zoEozo() ltJlUct @YE=ulE oOr (L=tuFTU=tr lUko;g)o' tUztu(LoozJJ6CEaTUtr r, ukoo(rok(roo)(roTLc] r. u IU()UJ (r -- \ - l JIb "- l I@O) (u (L E' LooC'E>} E'oa-a=() ra -oc'6e-(J oosg=U)EF?3 (D g .E * s 8 E Q- C . - ) )( r O E E 5Y : 3 E. = O E 8 F 5a E e: ?, SH : E x = 5P 3 P , [ = Pa g e 22 IH J' c o c r 0 0 0 e - 9 6 - € \ H j \ ? - 9 3 I zoEozo() aY.E=UIE :C E JI, UCDo€t a(L=LUFu,=tru,ko;(Dou,z. tu(Looz. JJd) (f tUtr lUko;(D(fokCEo(D(roTLoTUg()UJ (r $* 0E H aTUaIz \ \ e' O \ \\ \n \\ \ N\er4sinE \\\ $. . \, Qi rr r f b E- - tr tu=tr H* [Uko J-AI={ il J ;(Do[r J-I:)oz.ECE I\, \.aiLSO : q\^ F )at ,G J\- - - $- \TJ .> \t - ,F x UJ=trUJko;tr )o[r J IUotUTE -. D k w il >r x >< / Y x x Y x Y: T lU=tr x X X X X X x X X x SU 3 I N I V I N O S JO ' O N N d r' t t- J p. l il \- -. l c- l 1. - l sJ luko os l , T / s t f )1 bt \Na) z. , ^ HN r( ( -- - - - - -* l ) F() r. u-)oEo- \Ex /, _ =,i - l, ; NINFIiU .- - l - lr ,v-g-< . [UFa /;,J ^ tt } F- l \ 5t tE V a,ol. r , rd- Lt ' (r (L r. uEu,ko 14 >< o- t r ;= 3tr ' Jo-=ct )oJut tr fi f\ n ; tNte lt -Ft<;sIG- /=$V(. I l. \: Ir \n t\NGf/1 - Ic- (J(] f-kr r\ l\ r . r tr(r ff i q5 - IT .r c ) I t- - I (' rl. { . )sln<JI l. \ 'ls ItJ ' \=lf i?F- . Is lJNtr ,< j *f E$lnfI' i tr (- .. ,1 jl i1 I {t 'r 7 (t\ n ,l -) .J /l ,\ i 4,Jri \, \< \ Q, ltt! .j{i \ ) UJ \ =tr \ r UJ :\ EN \j \+^Sql -{ 'i l - ) Vt -- : r (r ul /: ., - €ag i/ . tn (* :; F ! ,' : - - ,. -x rt - ln -- l ' t* ' -G- jrl - ,A '. J i t tnv lnsrj . ) dl^ - , \ .r nVI -. - q : (r lnvs,aU}C 't frI :).. ) ,{ uf\ \ . <) Ci - - C- , - t I .A {r t "- - 7 . : cI \t€(; \,If{ tr Avr ' ') 1I t- tntrOy?f' ^ \n ! -l j ;i . t v{*.N\n' '- N CD \ 6 a- . \ UJ \\ \ at N O. \ H - -1 7 i -t i\ o oo) (o (L E' L-ooc,E,E'o+.U'=() rl -oE a- (E -c() Oo!qG)-U)EF?3 (D E .E € e 8 E OC - ) = ? O E E 5Y : 3 E. = O E B F 5r f i ; E 5 Ep s e r i Pa g e 23 Utr \ I ,u l (r ) (u (L E' L-ooc, E, '' l c t ofa-.Jola - oE a- (u?-o oo!C.g=U)EF r3 tD g 5E 5 E E E '= o =- : < s o t! c. C -. + .L i= O E B F *$ I H H : 5F E e , F 3 ZoEozo() @YE=ulE :! t s JIUU>oO.L=u,FTU=tr lukod)ou,zTU (LoozJJco (fa[r J trTUkotr ) (fok(ro(DJEotLC) TUuOu,E $t H s\JP"cqNHz SH 3 I N I V I N O C JO ' O N rJtu .J UJ=ETUko t4 x (L ( E >b6= Pa g e 24 \) a $. \bq\ 1 \x !' ( to \ +> n et {) \* ta \ sa 1 4 s l RR { qs ea q r _ \ \R R avE=IUE, zoEozo()C) ol(L=]UF;(norUz]U(Looz. JJcotf lx . kt t o- \ c) (fok(rom(rotLo[Utr()UJ (r CDYEUJ (r aUJa-z. \N) c{ tq \$q :ato 1^I it \\eE\n: Et UJ=tr H er t EE I, Uko JUJ5{EA EJ t(D() [r J-Ifoz, \JUJE, - 2_.S\J \^s \ \)3RJ TAF:. )Ge\JtN -. '\ - LIB2s'\ ) e_ 9 =F H\ lUtrUJkot(DoTU [I J()UJ (E -> x x x x x .Y TU=tr '{ x x v x )* X SH : l l N t V l N O C JO ' O N tr l F. l N c{ N \I > ft " f UJko OS W l S r u X E)or, u-CD faz.=LU(r E(}t\r^r{ "3 F() TI J-oEo_ 5):\) 'v (. - J t!?\r l r: - lJ r IHF= - '* . A It I : L!FU) g! :l \6N c Ir -e I wtxt oV [r J trtru, (r (L tu=EUJko t4 x (L ( r == 3UJ&aoJu, t! l- 4 \n(}t.< )s0 u>o-LL"?qG u;(O I 'F t t. . ord:ru,t t f Bt'- A r< ) ) )s\F L^=L<) \l ts rJtJ:l ta?NF q. 1' f ' c\GstgD ?\) \D -? -. . )U 3e 3iU 3,\ 9 3{ 3,( fv j [U=trLUko tOtrCFY(5tf3\c [- ne)Ct -or,c ) )CI" n ;.JU L^<. ) t-(L ) $-{) "j t" , n -: > j \9 l-()rc) rF4t t\F(3U tr r<) c. . )Fo(- - , fT - ,2 , _) lr s t?'r - )\T 4<. ) IJ (><J .j - -' ))q-2 -\ 'r . 5 L1 ./ JC\ ) tr '{ ) I (\/a.Je'' ) J t; - ) }{?-- lc* ' \>Gt\ t(Dc) Lr l [U()ut (r \ I \ 3, (o tL o E' I-o()o)E:\Eo f U'=ofa - o.=(E .CC) oo!CI'5U)EE {E (l ) E .E * s 8 E OE - ) X- O E E 5Y : 3- 1= O E B F 5a -9 = = E :f i 5 3 H 3 SF E e . I I TOETHEIIil SAMPLE RECEIPT CHECKLIST Page 25 Client Name Project Dear Valued Clienr This checklist documents the condition of your sample(s) as it (they) arrived at our lab. Please review it and familiarize yourf *r its contents. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact us. Thank you for your use of our services. V Date/Time Received 7// or't ! ': ( Date I Time Received by Carrier Name Sarnple Type Laboratory Number(s) C "nChecklist Completed by ./2'/)5., 7 /rrtInitials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Shipping container in good condition? Custody seals present gn shipping container? Condition: Intact ;{ Broken Chain of custody present? NO tZ 14. pH check performed uy, il U 15. Metals bottle(s) pH <2?: . - : 16. Nutrient bottle(s) pH <2? 17. Cyanide bottle(s) pH >12? 18. Sulfide bottle(s) pH >9? 19. TOC bottle(s) pH <2? 24. Phenolics bottle(s) pH <2? 2l . Oil & grease bottle(s) pH <2? (checked by analyst) 22. EPH/DRO bottle(s) pH <2? (checked by analyst) 23. Volatiles (VOA) pH <2? (checked by analyst) 24. Semivolatiles (525) pH <2? (checked by analyst) ?5. Other test types 28. Date contacted YES NO Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received? Chain of custody agrees with sample labels? Custody seals on sample bottles? container? (circle one) container temperature ,r{-{a 2. * (if <0 opl0) I 1. All samples rec'd within holding time?* I2. VOA vials have zera headspace? * (if contains >5mm headspace) I3. Trip Blank received? NOTES: I 26. Client contacted? ! 27. Person contacted {< Critical item - if marked (6NO" contact lab manager. COMMENTS: Condition: Intact Broken 7. Samples in proper container/bottle?* ,Z 8. Sample containers intact?* JZI g- Sufficient sample volume for indicated test?x ,Z @rozen Blue Ice present in shipping 4-t9r 3/* Samples may be affected when not transported at the temperature recommended by the EPA for the test you've selected. Please contact the lab if you have concerns about the temperature of -v*our samples. .ry.p*{ct* Aco" y Sample/Batch Report User Name: Owner Computer Name: ICPMS02 Sample File. C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Report Date/Time. Wednesday, September 28,2005 17:00:39 A/S Loc. Batch lD Sample lD Description 9 092805-3 3020A BLK X 10 BATCH 1666 DIG 9122 1030 10 092805-3 3020A STD 2.5 0F 10 )BATCH 1666 DIG 91221030 11 092805-3 090102-1 X 10 12 092805-3 0901A2-2 X 10 13 092805-3 090102-3 X 10 14 092805-3 090102-38 X 10 MS-3 zBATCH 1666 URS ffi ggOlO}3gX IOMSD-3BATGH 1666URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 uRS ''; a'-^ I BATCH 1666 URS 30 092805-3 0901 A2-4A X 10 MS-17 BATCH 1666 URS 31 092805-3 0901A241 X 10 MSD-IBATCH 1666 URS 16 09280s-3 0901024 X 10 17 092805-3 090102-5 X 10 18 092805-3 090102-6 X 10 19 092805-3 0901A2-7 X 10 20 092805-3 0901 A2-B X 10 21 09280s-3 090102-9 X 10 22 092805-3 090102-10 X 10 23 092805-3 0901 02-11 X 10 24 092805-3 090102-12 X 1A 25 092805-3 0901 A2-13 X 10 26 092805-3 0901 A2-14 X 10 27 092805-3 0901 02-15 X 10 28 092805-3 0901A2-16 X 10 29 092805-3 0901A2-17 X 10 32 092805-3 090142-18 X 10 33 092805-3 090102-19 X 10 37 092805-3 0901 A2-21 X 10 38 092805-3 0901A2-22 X 10 39 09280s-3 090102-23 X 10 40 092805-3 0901A2-24 X 10 41 092805-3 0901 02-25 X 10 42 092805-3 0901 A2-26 X 10 43 092805-3 0901A2-27 X 10 44 09280s-3 090102-28 X 10 45 092805-3 0901 A2-29 X 10 46 092805-3 090102-30 X 10 49 092805-3 0901 A2-31 X 10 50 092805-3 0901 A2-32 X 10 51 09280s-3 090 rc243 X 10 52 092805-3 090102-34 X 10 53 092805-3 090102-35 X 10 54 092805-3 090102-36 X 10 55 092805-3 090102-37 X 10 BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS BATCH 1667 URS 34-092B*05-3Q9_0J'Lz:?9x1q--_-jA@l221040 35 092805-3 3020A BLK X 10 BATCH 1667 DIG 9122 1040 36 092805-3 30204 STD X 10 2.5 oIBATCH 1667 URS ' r-tj .{. Ct n-/\'t"-ivryt h, 1 L{'\ to'"'l l' ,-.)>. r ,h0 irt t''( L'i '/' \. .: { (1 /^ 'r' 1'}' -' , ,l{.0r'(cic\ 47 092805-3 0901A244 X 10 MS-31 BATCH 1667 URS 48 092805-3 090fi245 X 10 MSD-3BATCH 1667 URS 56 09280s-3 090102-46 X 10 MS-37BATCH 1667 URS 57 092805-3 0901 02-47 X 10 MSD-3BATCH 1667 URS &ilrlly- ef.Filo{26 Vo{rtts l+{S{t s?bc Ertrcrto uv rurf qK $7r; i ry )?rr /o-b lf -J- (a0 5'7oz lnit. Quant. Prep. Vol. REYIE_WED-- BY Mr DATE:t0. iQ L) rq6ql#1,; Aliquot Vot. 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Diluted Vol 10.00r 10-oof 10.00r 10.00r 10.00r 10.00r 10.00, 10.00' 10.00' 10.00' 10.00 10.00 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1.000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1.000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1 .000 10.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 .000 1.000 1 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10 00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10 00 10.0c 10.0c 10 0c 10 0c 10 0c 10 0c 10 0c 10 0c Page 1 NC No. ANALYTICAL NON-CONFORMAI\ CE Page 27 Test: AD\,? # I DateAnalyzed: -N %3 Analy rr' &i4 O Samples Affected: 040 'nA Clients Affected /,t fls Non-Conformance: (Check all that apply) (Describe non-conformance at right) Initial calibration not acceptable - - --CgY o. CCC/SPCC's out of control X LFBrr@rutofcontrol B l(r(r+ 'rd- Blank out of control Dupticate out of control X Spike out of control B ttr 6+ ,,-^*- Surrogates out of control Compounds outside calibration range Other (describe at right) -T S oortX / ogo i0e *,4 a Non-Conform a nce Respons e : (Analyst, indicate your response to the non-conformance) Reanatyze@ilatch O'?o to?-a X to/Kro ;Dbatch B ir;? To QA officer for response guidance Other (describe at right) Accept data with report flags Accept d ata without report flags \- XZclta r/olo I o)(^t r r) Comments: AnaIysUDate: QA OfficerlDfie:d; ,ilU lt4 '/ rL l- lilrn : typi n g\forrn s\n oirton fo nn an ce Page 28 o ICP-MS QADATAREVIE,W MET moo fu ,4 uATC ru* I te,bbO lvALrrsr fril,rUDATE, fkeU iblot 6 Comments:ilr {lt',,'OC -lc'L-U Date Revierve.d Revierver's Initials PEER REVIEW (Calc. )I l'Z;//c*j 'J f; QA DATA REVIEW -) REPORTED IN VLP VLP REVIEW 200.8 6020 QCS STD 1 (ICV)e0-110% oL-90-na% QCS STD 3 (ccv) Every l0 Sarnples 90- ttB% 6L-90-trO% QCS STD 4 (rcB oRCCB) CCB Every l0 Samples CCB<IDL ICSA NA No Specific Limits ICSAB NA No Specific Limits Suggested: 80-}2A% LRB Every 20 Saurples 4.2 X MDL OR<l07oAnalyte Conc- <2-2 X MDL OR <l07oAnalyte Conc. QCS STD 5 (LFB) Every 20 samples 6 dL- @'4-L-Y g;Ytyo 7542€85-Lts% Duplicates Every l0 samples .\- <20RPD <2ORPD Matrix Spikes (LFM) (MS orMSD) Every lO samples ( cl( 1512; t/ Actuaa-r*, '?7 5-1250. Internal Standards / t , -6fci cz-z g'1;ru/ ^/\'- 60-125%30- 1200. Dilution Test If analyte conc. >100 x BIk I + 4 Dilution 90-rt0% I + 4 Dilution 90-r10% One for every 2A samples /-,, Nonconformance attact e/ Yesl No\*.'/ Page 29 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: Blank Sample Dateff ime: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 17 :45:40 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\Blank.448 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Analyte Mass Meas. lntens- Mean Concentration Results Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD [,Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 549715.643 267.773 1227.719 1772.777 918.363 2346.M5 QC Calculated Values tnt Std 7o Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditt Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Dup- Rel. % Datt [, Analyte Mass QC Std 7o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page [, METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: Standard 1 Sample Dateffime: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 7:49:05 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: clelandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\Standard 1.449 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Conc. Mean 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens. Mean s89812.562 14585.235 52379.862 77439.6U 39228.8A7 141248.126 Net lntens- Mean s89812.56 0.02 0.09 0.13 0.06 a17 Conc. SD 0.2275 0.0757 0.0738 0-0694 0.0646 Conc, RSD 2.27y 4.7574 a.7377 0.6938 o.6l}62 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurernent Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QG Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution o/o Ditt Dup. Rel. "/o Ditf QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 31 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: Standard2 Sa mple Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 17 :52:29 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\Stand ard 2.45A Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 587163.688 28396.500 101038.411 149587.195 75108.987 194915.248 Net lntens. Mean 587163.69 0.05 0.17 o.25 0.13 0.33 Conc. Mean 19.9495 19_9225 19.9270 19.8921 19.9134 Conc. SD Conc. RSD 0.1774 0.1590 0.0718 4.2274 0.0688 0.8891 0.7979 0.3602 1.1431 0.3456 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L [, [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Dltt Dup. Rel. % Ditf QC Out Of Lirnits Out of Limits Message Page 32 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: Standard 3 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 7:55:56 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: clelandata\Dataset\default\Standard 3.451 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 584306.137 139483.285 491414.370 72138/-107 365143.552 931856.244 58-4306.1T- 4.24 0.84 1.23 0.62 1.59 99.9651 99.9215 99.8802 99.9123 99.8353 Conc. S! 0.2694 0.5334 4.7705 1.2935 0.7662 Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L 0.2695 ug/L 0.5338 ug/L 4.7715 ug/L 1.2946 ug/L 0.7675 ug/L [, QC Galculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QG Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QG Std I Sample Dateff ime : Wednesday, September 28, 2AO5 1 7 :59:24 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method!200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\DataseMefault\QC Std 1.452 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Analyte Mass Meas. Intens. Mean 57364.2.828 56174.5s7 198277.722 293235.8il 147545.380 378833.990 Net lntens. Mean t 573642.83 0.10 0.34 0.51 o.26 0.66 Conc. RSD 0.8393 0.4836 0.4567 1.5612 1.8032 Sample Unit ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [,Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf r59 176 177 178 179 180 43432 0.1978 0.18B2 0.6396 0.7426 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 102.230 Hf 177 102.271 Hf 178 103.007 Hf 179 1A2.42A Hf 180 102.960 Dup. Rel. % Dift [, QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement TypeAnatyte Mass QG Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected concentration Resutts gL Conc. Mean Conc. SD 40.8919 40.9083 41.2427 40.9682 41.1839 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf 104.353 Page 34 METHOD 2A0.8 SUMMARY REPORT O Sample ID: Qc Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2005 18:02:52 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\Qc Std 3.453 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac rL Concentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens- Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc- RSD Sample Unit ug/L 0.13 U.6297 0.5079 0.9297 ug/L 0.46 54.8208 0.22A3 0.4019 ug/L 0.68 55.0679 05749 1.044A ug/L a[> Tb 159 53661 1.A44 53661 1.04 Hf 176 7011s.392 Hf 177 248129.896 Hf 178 366041 .4y Hf 179 18/.121760 0.34 54.7442 01477 0.2698 ug/L Hf 180 47U44.976 0.88 55.1202 0.6984 1.2670 ug/L QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff [, Tb 159 97.616 I Hf 176 109.259e ff H ;:;I3 I Hf 179 109.488 L Hf 180 110.240 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 3s [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 536649.016 351.926 1534.416 2216.172 1159.714 2855.887 Net lntens. Mean 536649.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QG Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 8:09: 1 9 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 4.454 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac rf" Concentration Results Conc. Mean Conc. SD 0.0708 0.0745 0.0734 0.0786 0.0661 < i ,.lt,l QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Tb 159 97.623 Hf 176 Hf 't77 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Anatyte Mass QC Out Of Lirnits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Conc. RSD Sample Unit uglL 11.4065 ugll 13.9763 ug/L 6.9232 ug/L 16.2223 ug/L 6.1377 ug/L 0.0081 0.0104 0.0051 0.0128 0.0041 [, Page 36 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 3020A BLK X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2OOS 18:12:43 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 DIG 91221030 Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3-sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\2OO.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\3020A BLK X 1 0.455 Tuning File : c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb - - -l5e Meas. lntens. Mean 5491 48.U2 249.456 1116.377 1648.428 862.026 2202.671 Net lntens. Mean 5491 48.U -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ugll ug/L usL<0- o I Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD [, Hf Hf Hf Hf LHf 176 177 178 179 180 -0.1380 0.2265 4.2387 0.0419 -0.1809 0.0618 -0. 1617 0.1 365 -0.1 614 0.081 7 I'it. 164.117 1 17.5443 34.1740 84.4275 50.6087 [, Io I L QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Tb 159 99.897 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 37 METHOD 2A0.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 3A20A STD 2.5 OF 10 X10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2005 18:16:06 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 DIG 9122 1030 Number of Repticates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File : c :\ela n data\Method\2OO -B\hafn iu ma I l. rnth Dataset File: c:\elandata\DataseMefault\3020A STD 2.5 OF 10 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac [, Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean to 159 s58637.fir5 Hf 176 493U.746 Hf 177 1749il.591 Hf 178 257124.149 Hf 179 130305.796 Hf 180 334808.439 Net Intens. Mean 558637.1 3 0.09 0.31 0.46 0.23 0.60 368.9659 370.4714 370.7577 371.2811 373.5329 4.1 983 2.9049 2.9731 0.9233 0.2549 1.1 379 0.7841 0.8019 0.2487 0.0682 (' ,+iL [, Analyte Mass QC Std 7o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Goncentration Results Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit *oo';***,'* '@D fi;-p{1 ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L .t "stL:t!3- 5tfl) QG Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Dift 101.623 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message O Sample ID: 0901 O2-1X t0 Sample Date/Timq Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 8:22:31 Sample Type: Sarnple Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandatra\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\090 1 0 2-1 X 1 0.457 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens- Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit 5481.385 385481.39 ug/L ' Hf 176 1834.942 Hf 177 6618.880 Hf 178 9880.106 Hf 179 4975.538 Hf 180 12621 .212 QC Out Of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QG Galculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution 7o Dff Dup. Rel. 7o Diff [> Tb 159 70.124 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Page 38 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT 0.00 17 .9377 1.9785 1 1.0299 ug/L 0.01 17.8034 2.47A3 13.8756 ug/L O.02 18.1826 2.2604 12.4317 ug/L 0.01 18.0230 2.1321 11.8297 ug/L 0.03 17.8807 2.1245 11.8816 uglt- O . DL tf- r'ern Jd ,/ fr- r"s r.u t ('ufi, O\,/(/ Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: 090102-2 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2OOS 18:25:56 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File : c :\ela ndata\M ethod\200. B\h afn i u ma I l. mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\0901 A2-2 X 1 0.458 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac 5v Analyte Mass-E rt Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 LHf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 258807.691 591.526 2334.192 3431 .082 1664.431 4332.s51 Net lntens. Mean 258807.69 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.0 Conc. Mea 17 8.0882 8.1429 7-6369 7.8334 Conc. SD t 1.4179 1.2063 1.3060 1.2193 1.1 680 Dilution % Ditt Conc- RSD 18.7757 14.9144 16.0387 15.9657 14.9109 Sample Unit ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass Tb 159 lnt Std for siTb 159 QC Action Lin'e: Continue ,AC Calculated Vatues lnt Std '/o $6covery Spike % Recovery .,/ 47-o8o QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message lnternal Std Out of Limits QC Action Dup. Rel. o/o Ditf [, Page 4A METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:0901O2-3 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2OOS 18:29:22 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\090 1 02-3 X 1 0.459 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results Analyle Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD ' 376587.71 Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L 26.5490 ugll fi.5704 ugll 22.8185 ug/L 15.8930 ug/L 12.3647 ,gl,- <O, D I Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 [, Tb 344.518 1513.414 2206.505 1146.379 2840.360 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.7979 2.1296 21440 2.2444 2.0567 4.4773 0.4168 0.4883 0.3503 0.2543 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery QC Calculated Vatues lnt Std 7o Recovery Spike 7o Recovery Dilution Yo Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt 68.506 Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 4t METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QG Std 3 Sample Dateffime: Wednesday, September 2S, 2005 18:32:49 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandatra\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 3.460 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Analyte Mass .+a I> Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 L Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 509052.167 64630.035 228097.992 336712.370 169260.660 437154329 Conc. SD 0.4602 0.5535 0.6618 0.5892 0.6388 Conc. RSD 0.8671 1.A422 1.2395 1.1109 1.1910 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 0.13 0.45 0.66 0.33 0.85 Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Dift [, concentration Results ft' Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean s09052.17 53.0713 53.1117 53.3911 53.0400 53.6355 QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 159 92.603 Hf 176 106.143 Hf 177 146.223 Hf 178 146.782 Hf 179 106.080 Hf 180 147 .271 Measurement Type Anatyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 42 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1 8:39:1 6 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 4.461 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac i)V1 Concentration Results YO/ Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit*----F-76-8ir2714.373 522714.37 ug/L O Sarnple lD: Qc Std 4 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Hf 176 212.8A8 Hf 177 996.035 Hf 178 1488.411 Hf 179 728.352 L Hf 180 1885.662 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. 7o Diff -0.00 -0.0336 0.0011 3.3351 ug/L -0.00 -0.0390 0.0055 14.1045 ug/L -0.00 -0.0306 0.0110 35-8183 ug/L -0.00 -0.0445 0.0153 34.3292 ug/L -0.00 -0.0415 0.0097 23.3550 ug/L QC Calculated Values 95.088 QC Out Of Limits Measurernent Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of lirnits detected Page 43 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-38 X 10 MS-3 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2AO5 18:42:41 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\090102-38 X 10 MS-3 2.5 OF 10.462 Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\defaulldac Analyte Mass Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 [, Meas. lntens, Mean 383280.789 43644.816 154714.244 228947.587 113649.782 292666.147 Net Intens. Mean 383280.79 0.11 0.40 0.59 o.29 0.76 5{r' '9\i t ,,oa'-{Do6 '(+t esJ Goncentration Results Conc. Mean 475.7598 478.1780 481.8179 472.6797 476.6A72 Conc. SD 7.4175 7.7733 2.6482 7.7930 5.4295 Conc. RSD 1.47s4 1.6256 0.s496 1.6487 1.1392 ple UnitSam uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 4P-qiL 567) Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 69.723 Dilution Y, Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 44 METHOD 2A0.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-39 X 10 MSD-3 2.5 OF 10 Sa mple DatelTime: Wednesday, September 28, 200 5 1 8:46;07 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c\elandata\Dataset\default\090102-39 X 10 MSD-3 2.5 OF 10.463 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results 5k--*fo U f +{'P5} 3ND Anatyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 384il9-697 42872.778 151029.016 222183.1 13 110821.924 283814.440 Net lntens. Mean 384549.70 0.11 0.39 0.57 0.29 0.73 0.8910 1 .1661 0.9053 0.6150 o.9842 Dup. Rel. Yo Diff Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L uo/L ,ir- +blg -fite Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD [, 465.7762 46s.1905 466.0327 459.3484 460.580s 4.1500 5.4247 4.2188 2.8251 4.s332 -q72" [lgro- [, OI I L Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditt 69.954 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 45 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901024 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2OOS 18:52:34 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\ela ndata\Dataset\default\090 1 O24 X 1 O.464 Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens- Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 487883.922 243.714 1187.049 17A4.435 85s.692 2211.724 Net lntens. Mean 487883.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 219.6138 37.4543 47.2843 45.9815 47.A484 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L uglL uglL UO/L uJn- <0- 0 ( 0_0525 0.2372 a.u78 0.1337 0.1658 4.1$2 0.0889 0.1 030 0.0615 0.0780 Analyte Mass QC Std 7" Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike 7o Recovery Dilution % Ditt 88.752 Dup. Rel. % Ditt [, QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 46 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT O Sample lD: 0901 O2-5 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1 8:56:02 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\090102-5 X 10.465 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lnlens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc- RSD Sample Unit l> Tb 159 502483.876 '502483.88 ' ug/L Hf 176 49.859 Hf 177 486.008 Hf 178 781.355 Hf 179 337.337 L Hf 180 895.562 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff -0.00 -1.6277 0.0949 5.8287 ug/L -0.00 -1.5083 0,061 1 4.0526 ug/L -0.00 -1.3550 0.2247 16.5849 ug/L -0.00 -1.6020 0.0454 2.8346 ug/L -0.00 -1.s607 0.0151 0.96s7 ugtL<O -O I QC Galculated Values 91.408 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 47 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-6 X 10 Sample Dateffime: Wednesday, September 28,20OS 18:59:30 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\0901 02-6 X 1 0.466 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 523429.847 -13.23s 250.002 346.004 172.3U 476.312 Net lntens. Mean 523429.85 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0,00 -0.00 Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unitre -2.1500 -2-0918 -2.0799 -2.1514 -2.1083 4.0221 0.0230 0.0348 0.1 130 0.0139 1.A2ffi ugll 1.0999 ug/L 1.6732 ugll 5.2537 us/L o.65eo u],,- <O'o I [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 95.218 Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 48 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QG Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 9:02:58 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\09280$3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 3.467 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\defa ult.dac PV Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean ffi6527.146 64ss5.765 228568.143 338694.792 1681 53.275 434764.572 Net lntens. Mean 506527.1 5 0.1 3 0.45 o.67 0.33 0.Bs Conc- Mean Conc. SD 53.2743 53.4902 53.9754 52.9550 53.6100 Conc. RSD Sample Unitr'.' ug/L 0.3369 0.6324 ugll 0.2599 0.4860 ug/L 0.3663 0.6786 ugll 0.2482 0.4687 ug/L 0.2062 0.3846 ug/L QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Tb 159 92.143 Hf 176 106.549 Hf 177 106-980 Hf 178 107.951 Hf 179 105.910 Hf 180 107.220 Measurement Type Anatyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 49 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QG Std 4 Sample Date/Time : Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 9:09:25 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 4.468 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results "vConc. SD Conc. RSDAnalyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean 518691.861 2A4.829 1402.702 1428AO5 723.68s 1888.937 518691.86 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -0.0419 -0-0356 -0.0382 -0.0440 -0.0393 0.0074 0.a172 0.0085 0.0178 0.0041 17.7088 48.1422 22.2335 4A.4452 14.4717 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 176 177 178 179 180 [, Anatyte Mass QC Std 7o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 94.3s6 Dilution Yo Dift Dup. Rel- % Dift QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Anatyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of timits detected Page 50 METHOD 200,8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-T X 10 Sa mple Dateff ime: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 9:1 2:52 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\DataseMefa ult\090 1 0 2-7 X 1 0.469 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [, Tb 1se s43068.550 -----54m68.ss ' ug/L Hf 176 149.175 -0.00 -0.8918 0.3679 4'1.2496 ug/L Hf 177 817.023 -0.00 -0.8685 0.0761 8.7617 ug/L Hf 't78 1186.716 -0.00 -0.8434 0.0382 4.5345 ug/L Hf 179 600.013 {.00 -0.9068 0.0861 9.4982 udl , Hf 180 1552.766 -0.00 -0.8846 0.0314 3.5458 udL zo.o I QC Calculated Values Analle Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std o/o Recovery Spike % Recovery Dllution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO 98.791 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Lirnits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 51 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-8 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 19:16:21 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\ela ndata\DataseMefa ult\090 1 0 2-8 X 1 0.47 O Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit I-, ro rss - s31643.405 ' 5a1643.40 ug/L Hf 176 104.957 Hf 177 698.350 Hf 178 981.700 Hf 179 466.008 Hf 180 1272.440 -0.00 -1.2156 0.0210 1.7313 ug/L -0.00 -1.0961 0.0983 8.9696 ug/L -0.00 -1.1182 0.0401 3,5845 ug/L -0.00 -1.2733 0.0587 4.61 16 ug/L r -0.00 -1.177a 0.016s 1.4054 uil IO ' O I QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff [> Tb 159 96.712 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 52 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-g X 10 Sample Dateffime: Wednesday, September 28,2OOS 19:19:50 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\elandata\Dataset\defa ult\090 1 0 2-9 X 1 0.47 1 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results _ _Analyte [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf LHf Mass Meas. lntens. Mean 15e SiZU2.444 176 44.721 177 405.339 178 578.345 179 313.670 180 763.554 Net lntens. Mean il2842.44 -0.00 -0-00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -1.6978 -1 .7713 -1.7524 -1.7525 -1.7966 Conc. SD 0.0836 0.0507 0.0504 0.0932 0.0449 Conc. RSD 4.9265 2.8646 2.879s 5.3180 2.4974 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L uglt- zo. o I [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values Int Std % Recovery Spike o/o Recovery Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. To Ditf 98.750 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 53 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901A24A X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 19:23:20 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\elandata\Datraset\default\090 1 02-1 O X 1 0.47 2 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens- Mean 479MA.A72 163.805 916.696 1310.393 643.014 1711.311 Net lntens. Mean 479640.O7 -0-00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -o-00 Conc. Mean -0.6111 -0.3840 -0.3998 -a.s292 -0.4396 Conc. SD 0.0961 0.1 089 0.0180 0.0391 0.0604 Conc. RSD 15.7305 28.3M8 4.4941 7.3978 13.7349 Sample Unit uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ;;;. zo. o / [, Analyte Mass QC Std o/o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QG Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 87.2s2 Dilution ok Ditf Dup. Ret. % Ditt QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of timits detected Page 54 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-11 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2OOS 19:26:50 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\ela ndata\Dataset\defa ult\090 1 02-1 1 X 1 O.47 3 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 433776.863 113.948 6s4.348 953.032 477.675 1210.474 Net lntens- Mean 433776.86 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc- Mean Conc. SD -0.9412 0.3738 -0.8633 0.0476 -0-8330 0-1208 -0.9129 0.0135 -0.9277 0.1070 Conc. RSD 39.71 13 5.5090 14.5044 1.4842 1 1.5363 Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L <O. o I [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QG Calculated Values Int Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 78.909 d QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2005 19:30:20 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sarn Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 3.47 4 Tu ning File : c:\ela nd ata\Tu n in g\defa u lt.tu n Optirnization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 512325.731 65479.901 230365.s04 34A252.482 171841.397 443976.032 Net lntens. Mean 512325.73 0.13 0.45 0.66 0.33 0.86 53.4248 53.2984 53.6076 53.5044 54.1264 0.8676 0.5589 4.64/,4 0.9886 0-8637 1.6239 1.0486 1.2421 1.8477 1.5957 ---rrg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike 7o Recovery Tb 159 93.198 Hf 176 106.850 Hf 177 106.597 Hf 178 107.215 Hf 179 107.009 Hf 180 108.2s3 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff f, $\4 Concentration Resutts Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit O Sample lD: Qc Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2A05 19:36:47 Sampte Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample Fi[e: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method Fite: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\Qc Std 4 -47 5 Tun in g File : c:\ela ndata\Tuning\defa u lt.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt 95.050 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L Page )-)o METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT [, Meas. lntens. Mean 522541307 216.147 1080.374 1543.417 734.019 1959.690 Net lntens. Mean 522505-31 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -0.0308 -0.0198 -4.0224 -0.4427 -0.0325 N4 VW Conc. SD 0.0074 0.0148 0.0070 0.0103 0.0049 Conc. RSD 24.0680 74.6864- 31.8560 24.0927 15.0680 [, Io I L Page 57 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 O2-12X 10 Sa mple Dateff ime : Wednesday, Septem ber 28, 2OO5 1 9:4O :1 1 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\defa ult\090 1 0 2-1 2 X 1 0.47 6 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens- Mean s33629.925 185.387 9s4.699 1355.731 701.684 1803.418 Net lntens. Mean 533629.93 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean Conc- SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [g/L t -0.5854 -0.5286 -0.5547 -0.5700 -0.s577 o.1279 0.1 1 36 0_1023 0.0895 0.0549 21.8441 21.4864 18.4445 15.7008 9.8414 ug/L ug/L ug/L uo/L uiru U -O [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Vatues lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 97.074 Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 58 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:0901A2-13 X 10 Sample Date/Time : Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 9:43:34 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\090 1 A2- 1 3 X 1 0.47 7 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results AnafVte Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf Mass 159 176 177 178 179 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 392627.158 223.868 1105.710 1534.082 769.687 1969.917 Net lntens. Mean 392627.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3500 0.3351 0.6954 0.2908 0.5539 0.1308 4.4652 0.1649 4.4747 0.2A75 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L uglL ug/L 4,A I Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD [, [, QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 71.424 95.7435 41.8225 23.6172 35.4507 44.4770 Dilution o/o Dift Dup. Rel. % DittAnalyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-14 X {0 Sample DatelTime: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 19:46:57 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: clelandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\ela ndata\Dataset\default\090 1 02-1 4 X 1 O.47 I Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\defaulltun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Concentration Results Net Intens- Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD [,Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf - rss 176 177 178 179 180 s3454zBB9 3.545 343.004 489.675 263.002 627.817 530542.89 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -2.0171 -1.8909 -1.8671 -1.8839 -1.9364 9.6103 3.3063 0.6443 2.2166 1.3017 Sample Unit dg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 20. o 0.1939 0.0625 0.0120 0.0418 4.4252 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 96.s12 Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Dift QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 60 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT O Sampte lD: 090 102-1 5 X t0 Hf 176 84.832 Hf 177 589.345 Hf 178 878.694 Sample Dateffime: Wednesday, September 28, 2AO5 1 9:50:22 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\defa ult\090 1 0 2-1 5 X 1 0.47 I Tuning File c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results Analyte Mass Meas- lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [ --49i99Ttr{ - 'ug/L -0.00 -1.3302 0.1666 12.5275 uglL -0.00 -1.2il3 0.0460 3.6635 ug/L -0.00 -1.1883 0.0298 2.5074 ug/L Hf '179 436.340 4.00 -12772 0-0389 3.0489 us/L Hf 180 1109.666 -0.00 -1.2847 0.0771 5.9996 usLZ)-O I QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 90.834 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 6r METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-16 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 9:53:47 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Datraset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\defaulM90l 02-16 X 1 0.480 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default-tun Optimization File: c\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc- SD 518613.540 -3.796 288.336 393.339 200.001 539.918 Net lntens. Mean s18613.54 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L 4.6575 ug/L 3.2416 ug/L 1.3999 ug/L 0.0889 uolL t 2.30e4 uin- 4'O I [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 -2-4751 -1.9986 -2.OOA7 -2.0601 -2-0260 0.0966 0.0648 0.0280 0.0018 0.0468 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf Hf QC Calculated Values Int Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 94.U2 Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt 179 180 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 62 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 3 Sa mple Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 1 9:57 :1 4 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandatra\DataseMefault\QC Std 3.481 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac [, Analyte Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf Analyte Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf Mass 159 176 177 178 179 180 54.1188 53.9396 54.3338 s3.7263 54.3291 0.5528 0.5195 0.5393 0.5849 0.5295 1.0214 0.9631 0.9926 1.0886 0.9746 Meas- lntens. Mean 512245.793 66317.051 233084.395 344785.518 172521.712 445553.251 108.238 107.879 108.668 107.453 108.658 Net lntens. Mean 512245.79 0.1 3 0.45 0-67 0.34 0.87 QC Calculated Values Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery [,159 176 177 178 179 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected rk- Concentration Results Conc. Mean Conc- SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Dilution Yo Ditf Dup. Rel. % Dltf 93.184 Page 63 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QG Std 4 Sample DatelTime: Wednesday, September 28,2005 20:03:40 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 4.482 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac n concentration Resutts 0+' Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 528908.473 219.808 1059.039 15s5.418 774.688 2030.735 Net lntens- Mean 52890S.47 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0_00 -0.00 Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sampte Unit It -ng7r_- ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L -0.0301 -4.4275 -0.0230 -0.0331 -0_0269 0.0185 0.0066 0.0146 0.0064 0.o142 61.4266 23.8624 63.45B3 19.3245 52.6659 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Calculated Values tnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 96.215 Dilution o/o Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action L[ne: No QC out of limits detected Page 64 Sa mple Date/Time : Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 2O:O7 :45 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\090102-17 X 1 0.483 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit -a [> Tb 159 604264'.233 6A4264.23 ug/L O Sample ID: 0901 02-17 Xl 0 Hf 176 96.509 Hf 177 717.685 Hf 178 1017.036 Hf 179 490.675 Hf 180 1348.M8 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT -0.00 -1.3739 0.051 1 3.7193 ug/L -0.00 -1-2456 0.0668 5.3630 ug/L -0.00 -1.2505 0.0310 2.4808 ug/L -0.00 -1.3766 0.0450 3.2662 ug/L -0.00 -1.278s 0.M19 3.2762 ug/L ZO ' O I QC Calculated Values 109.923 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution o/o Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 65 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090{0240 X 10 MS-17 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2OO5 20:10:31 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\09280$.3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\09010240 X 10 MS-17 2.5 OF 10.484 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default-tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 4363M.418 51506.559 180626.369 266237.669 133425.979 343535.931 Analyte Mass Meas. [ntens. Mean Concentration Results Net lntens. Mean Conc- Mean Conc. SD 4 ai2 493.2185 6.2969 0.41 490.4337 3.2972 0.61 492.2937 2.9159 0.30 487.5339 2.0133 159 176 177 178 179 180 Sample Unit ugtr- ug/L ug/L ugll ug/L 0.78 491.4871 QC Calculated Values 1.8471 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery [,Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf Hf 179 180 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected lk=T, p{) Conc. RSD 1.2767 4.6723 0.5923 0.4130 0.3758 lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution "/, Dift Dup. Rel. o/o Ditt 79.380 Page 66 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 0241 X 10 MSD-17 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 2O:13:57 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\09010241X 10 MSD-17 2.5 OF 10.485 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results Analle Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc- SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [, Tb 159 509360.878 509360.88 ugiL Hf 176 58316.026 Hf 177 2A3722.580 Hf 178 299658.822 Hf 179 149U4.621 :Ziilyl ,qSL,Uffdffo Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO 92.659 QC Out Of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected *,--ry:tr;Ln lo. 0.1 1 478.3396 5.2556 1 .0987 ug/L 0.40 473.7971 6 .2372 1.3164 ug/L 0.59 474.5943 5.0092 1.05s5 ug/L t Hf 180 387162.159 0.29 468_U4A 5.6363 1.2035 0.76 474.4434 5.6761 1 .1964 QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Page 67 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:0901A248 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2OAS 2O:20:24 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\0901 02-18 X 1 0-486 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 455861 .547 242.889 1178.049 1688.433 834.O24 2260.383 Net Intens. Mean 45s861.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 Conc- Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [, 0.1921 0.4183 0.3892 0.2556 0.4340 4.4428 a.fi24 0.1557 0.1433 0.1032 22.2754 31.6443 40.0098 56.0825 23.7846 -to. o I [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Galculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 82.927 Ditution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 68 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-19 X 10 Sample Dateffime: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 20:23:51 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200-8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\elandata\Dataset\defau 1t\090 1 02-1 I X 1 O.487 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc- SD Conc. RSD Sample Unil [, Tb 159 400369 .382 400369.38 ug/L Hf 176 168.088 Hf 177 809.023 Hf 178 1223.A52 Hf 179 610.013 Hf 180 1548.567 -0.00 -0.2818 0.1008 35.7698 ug/L -0.00 -0.2s31 0.0634 25.0295 ug/L -0.00 -0.1379 0.0438 31.7491 ugll -0.00 -0.23l.8 0.1577 67.14A4 ugll -0-00 -0.2514 0.0216 8.5757 ug/L 4. O t QC Calculated Values 72.832 Analle Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Ret. % Diff Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QG Out Of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2A05 20:27:2A Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam M ethod Fi le : c:\ela ndata\Method\2 00. 8\h afn i uma Il. mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\Qc Std 3.488 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimiza tio n Fi le : c:\ela ndata\Opti m ize\defa u It. da c [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens. Mean 542226.461 64095.723 225549.406 332463.576 167721.737 431769.192 Net lntens. Mean sa2226.46 0.13 0.45 0.66 0.33 0.86 53.3488 53.2327 53.4341 53.2723 53.6979 [, Concentration Results Conc. Mgan Co_1": SD , d.- 0.1412 0.7271 0.9266 0.7305 0.6202 fr{L QG Calculated Values Analle Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike o/o Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel- o/o Diff Tb 159 91.361 Hf 176 106.698 Hf 177 106.465 Hf 178 106.B68 Hf 179 106,il5 Hf 180 107.396 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L 0.1897 ugll 1.3659 ug/L 1.7340 ug/L 1.3712 ug/L 1.1549 ug/L Page 70 METHOD 2A0.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2A05 20:33:46 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 4.489 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optim ization File : c:\ela ndata\O ptimize\d efa u lt. dac il s$l-' Goncentration Results Analle Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [, Tb 159 514644.493 514644.49 ug/L Hf 176 213.080 Hf 177 1104.376 Hf 178 1662.097 Hf 179 841.425 Hf 180 2148-071 tLr)(c -0-00 -0.0307 0.0135 44.A328 ug/L -0.00 -0.0104 0.0138 132.8471 ugll 0.00 0.0005 0.0160 3s04.8447 uglL -0.00 -0.0058 0.0009 15.0679 uglL -0.00 -0.0059 0.0153 260.8620 ug/L QC Galcutated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff [, Tb 159 93.620 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 H' 179 Hf 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901A2-2O X 10 Sample Date/Time : Wednesday, September 28, 2005 2A 37 :1 2 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 DIG 91221040 Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\defau lt\090 1 02-20 X 1 0.490 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 515139.525 198.719 1004.035 1527.415 736.686 1995.286 Net lntens. Mean 5151 39.52 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -0.4219 -0,3392 -o.2097 -0.3859 -4.2482 Conc. SD 0.3043 0.4724 0.0982 o.0247 0.03s6 Dilution % Ditt Conc. RSD 72.1194 21.2316 46.8176 6.3941 14.3482 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L , ug/L ZO -o/ Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike o/o Recovery 93.710 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Dup. Rel. % Dttt [, Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 3020A BLK X 10 Sample Date/Tirne: Wednesday, September 28, 2405 20: 40:41 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 DIG 9122 1040 Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\3020A BLK X 1 0.491 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optim ization F ile : c :\e la ndata\Optim ize\d efa u lt.da c Concentration Results Analyte Mass [,Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Conc- Mean -1.8551 -1.5819 -1.s86 -1.6424 -1_7bO7 QC Calculat Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike ecovery 95.627 Out Of Limits Meas. lntens. Mean 525674.173 23.667 476.008 667.349 339.671 819.814 Net lntens. Mean 525674.17 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 . SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L,il /o-o { 0.0384 0.0168 0.0579 0.0s84 0.4777 Dilution % Diff 2.4714 1.0619 3.6503 3.5s52 4.5661 Dup. Rel. % Ditt [, d Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Lin QC Action Line. No QC out of limits detected I/i ///II IIt L Page METHOD 2A0.8 SUMMARY Sample ID: 3A20A STD X t0 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2A05 20:44:Ag Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniurnall. mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\3020A STD X 10 2.5 OF 10-492 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Opti mization F il e : c :\e la ndata\Optim ize\defa u It. da c Concentration Results REPORT [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. [ntens. Mean 524278.841 44414.808 155874.935 232345.178 1 16082.038 298838 .332 Net lntens. Mean 524278.84 0.08 0.30 0.44 0-22 0.57 Conc, Mean Conc. SD 353.4016 351 .5192 356.8031 352.2454 3s5.0859 5-1753 1.1010 6.9329 6.6244 4.1776 Colc- RSD 1.4644 0.3132 1.9431 1.8806 1.1765 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calcutated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 95.373 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of timits detected Sample Unit u97L. ug/L ug/L uglL uglL us/L n55@ Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. Yo Dift Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-21X 10 Sample Dateffime: Wednesday, September 28,2005 20:50:39 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset Fi le : c:\elandata\Dataset\defa ult\090 1 0 2-21 X 1 0.493 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optim2ation File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean rb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 4&929-819 343.780 1571.4n 2284.516 1144.379 2975.451 Conc. RSD 25.3734 22.8746 22.1495 13.6352 22.5870 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Net lntens- Mean 4649n.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Conc. Mean Conc. SD 1.0607 1.3683 1.3652 1.2692 1.3403 0.2691 0.3129 0.3024 0.1 73 1 43427 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditt 84.576 Dup. Ret. o/o Diff QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-22 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2005 20:54:08 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\elandata\DataseMefa u1t\090 1 0 2-22 X 1 0.494 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 47A722.772 217.237 1061.373 1546.084 781.355 1969.861 Net lntens. Mean ' 47orz2.T2 -0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -0.1080 0.0256 0.0483 -0.0174 4.A527 Conc. SD 0.2124 0.4442 0.0862 0.1681 0.0343 Conc. RSD 196.7095 173.4452 178.5535 96s.3976 65.0914 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Galculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 85.630 Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Dift Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line. No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QG Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2A05 20:57:38 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.rnth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 3.495 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results tL{ 1 0.3s76 0.6823 1.1779 1.4057 1.0033 Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean s32339.932 68961 .324 241055.973 3577 1 1.159 179160.043 459822926 Net lntens. Mean 532339.93 0.13 0.45 0.67 0.33 0.86 Conc. Mean 54.1522 s3.6732 s4.2354 53.6828 53.9487 Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [, 0.6604 ug/L 1 .2713 ug/L 2.1718 ug/L 2.6185 ug/L 1.8597 ug/L f, QC Catculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. 7o Diff Tb 159 96.839 Hf 176 108.304 Hf 177 107.346 Hf 't7B ',to8.471 Hf 179 107.366 Hf 180 107.B97 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 77 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2AA5 21 :04:04 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\E!andata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 4.496 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\defauJt.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac rl<- [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens. Mean 549139-152 259-121 1278.391 1846.786 935.031 237A.462 Net lntens. Mean 549139.15 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc. Mean -0.0063 0.0r 13 0.01 13 0.0051 0.0031 Conc. RSD 489.9908 89.4826 109.3231 125-8462 434.2010 [, QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 159 99.895 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QG Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected o c,b1 Goncentration Results Conc. SD 0.0308 0.0101 o.a124 0.0064 0.0134 Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Page 78 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-23 X 10 Sa mple Date/Time : Wed nesday, September 28, 2AO5 21 :O7 :32 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\i200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Datiaset\defaulM90 1 02-23 X 1 O.497 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 482649.926 230.488 1A74.04A 1580.087 772.688 2024.4A8 Net lntens- Mean 482649,93 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -0.0404 -0.0096 0.0399 -0.1 1 16 -0.0464 Conc. RSD 788.8697 234.8639 211.3757 126.7124 99.1721 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Conc. SD 0.3186 4.4225 0.0843 0.1 41 5 0.0461 [, Analyte Mass QC Std 7o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Dttt 87.800 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 79 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-24 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2OAS 21:10:58 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\0901 02-24 X 1 0.498 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 498219.327 Q2.436 764.687 1078.707 547.010 1371.403 Net lntens. Mean 498219.33 -0.00 -0.00 -0,00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -1.0156 -0.8322 -0.8598 -0.9182 -0.9515 Conc. SD 0.2277 0.0930 0.0896 0.0196 0.0153 Conc. RSD 22.4182 11.1732 10.4274 2.1352 1.6096 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Dift 90.632 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 80 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:0901A2-25 X 10 Sample Date/Time : Wed nesday, September 28, 2005 21 :1 4:21 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: clelandata\Method\20O.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\0901 02-25 X 1 0.499 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf Mass Meas- lntens. Mean 159 482069.081 176 83.433 177 591.346 178 851.025 179 428344 180 1056.380 Net lntens. Mean 482069.08 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -1.3178 -1.1993 -1.1840 -1.2*A -1.3040 Conc. SD 0.27 41 0.08s3 0.0650 0.0703 0.1 007 20.8018 7.1134 5.4866 5.6052 7.7244 Conc. RSD Sample Unit [,r- ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass OC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Dift Dup. Rel. % Datf 87.694 QG Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 81 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-26 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 21 :17 :45 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\defaulM90102-26 X 1 0.500 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default-tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens. Mean s47195.967 28.853 511.676 738.352 369.671 961.586 Net lntens. Mean 507195.97 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -1.8068 -1.4595 -1.4353 -1.5096 -1.4895 Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [, 14.7 579 ug/L 6.6854 ug/L 2.7082 ug/L 2.2413 ug/L 2.2583 ug/L 0.2667 0.0976 0.0389 0.0338 0.0336 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Datt Dup. Rel. % Ditt 92.265 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 82 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-27 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 21:21:Og Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C :\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\ela ndata\Dataset\default\090 1 02-27 X 1 0. 50 1 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 506397.215 37.248 408.673 562.678 304.337 745.757 Net lntens. Mean 506397.2 f -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -1.73/9 -1.6995 -1.7148 -1.7152 -1.7549 0.1 685 0.0607 0.0304 0.0576 a.0229 ug/L 9.7129 ug/L 3.5739 ug/L 1.7745 ug/L 3.3579 ug/L 1.3055 ug/L QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 159 92j20 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt [, Io I L Page 83 METHOD 200,8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QG Std 3 Sa mple Dateff ime: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 21 :24:36 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\20O.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 3.502 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac [, Analyte Mass Tb 1s9 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens. Mean 559614.295 74625.278 2486123A2 366898.231 184793.473 478199.665 Net lntens. Meant 559614.30 0.13 o.44 0.65 0.33 0.8s Concentration Results Conc. Mean 52.7495 s2.6524 52.9158 s2.6660 53.3674 Conc. RSD 1.4491 1.99s0 1.8881 2.2709 0.9619 Sample Unit uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 105.499 Hf 177 105.305 Hf 178 105.832 Hf 179 105.332 Hf 180 106.735 Dup. Rel. % Ditt [, QG Out Of Limits Out of Lirnits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected "{ttConc. SD 0.7644 1.0504 0.9991 1.1960 0.5133 QG Galculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution o/o Diff 101.801 Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QG Std 4 Sa mple Date/Time : Wednesday, September 28, 2OA5 21 31 :43 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniurnall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 4.503 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default-dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. Intens. Mean 567281.526 247.618 1274.724 1884.124 996.701 2481.802 Net Intens. Mean 567281.53 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc. Mean -a.4212 0.0017 0.0078 0.0139 0.0067 0.0284 134.1 315 0.0125 753.9837 0.0138 175.6385 0.0048 34.5A44 0.0188 280.3139 Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [, to I L Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QG Calculated Vatues lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 103.195 Dilution o/o Dift Dup. Rel. o/" Diff QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 8s METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-28 X 10 Sa mple Dateff ime: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 21 :34;27 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\EIandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\ela ndata\Dataset\default\0901 02-28 X 1 0.504 Tuning File : c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optirnization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean, Analyte Mass [, Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO [, Meas. lntens. Mean 522494.044 215.673 1142.749 1609.091 822.690 2086.791 522494.O4 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. RSD 14.9514 1.8831 99.7124 104.8906 51.7503 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L -0.31 16 -0.1464 -o.1172 -0.1532 -0.1719 Conc. SD 0.0466 0.0028 0.1169 0.1607 0-0890 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QG Calculated Values lnt Std o/o Recovery Spike % Recovery 95-048 Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 86 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-29 X 10 Sa mple Date/Time : Wednesday, Se ptember 28, 2AA5 21 :37 :53 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sa m Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\090102-29 X 1 0.505 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 529902.981 116.267 764.354 11U.712 577.678 1404.741 Net lntens. Mean 529902.98 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -1.1234 -0.9422 -0.8790 -0.9306 -1.0154 Conc. RSD 16.3896 0.8s63 10.3019 5.4670 4.4346 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Conc. SD 0.1 841 0.0081 0.0906 0.0509 0.0450 QC Calculated Vatues Anatyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Int Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 1s9 96.396 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditf [, METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-30 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OOS 21 :41 :1 I Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sa mple File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\defaulM90102-30 X 1 0.506 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default-tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac [, Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Tb 159 532461 .401 Hf 176 50.2A2 Hf 177 550,344 Hf 178 806.689 Hf 179 417.006 Hf 180 1018.020 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Concentration Results Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean 532461.40- ---"' t -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -1.6476 -1.4291 -1.3870 -1.4224 -1.4796 Conc. SD 0.1358 0.0408 a.oa77 0.0735 0.0370 Conc. RSD 8.24s1 2.8534 0.5561 5.1678 2.5033 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [, QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution a/o Diff Dup. Rel. % Ditt 96,861 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 88 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:09010244 X 10 MS-31 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2005 21:44:44 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\defaulM9010244 X 10 MS-31 2.5 OF 10-507 Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens. Mean 541871.088 47621.606 1681 42.521 248754.046 124894.433 321505 .341 Net Intens. Mean 541871 .09 0.09 0.31 0.46 4.23 0-59 Conc. Mean 366.7092 366.9721 369.7286 366-8300 369.7359 Conc. RSD 2.1716 2.1521 2.1392 1.7928 2.0501 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ugll ug/L uglL Conc. SD 7.9635 7.8976 7.9092 6.5766 7.5798 [, QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 98.573 I Dilution % Drtt Dup. Rel. % DiftAnalyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 tslx 570- | > Y/| 7- f. *x<ry 5oo Is tL57 Gc li I',rr,'+) QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 89 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 09010245 X 10 MSD-30 2.5 OF 10 Sample Dateffime: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 21 :48:1 1 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\09010245X 10 MSD-30 2.5OF 10.508 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 110595.519 162698.073 81522.358 212167.A26 Meas- lntens.-Mean---,Slet lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [,162.67 198.14 831443.9142 699.92 833819.6127 1029.A2 ffi4695.5450 515.17 825949.8379 1342.16 842499.931 1 163954.8277 164476.3170 161515.8299 155367 .7342 164259.4428 r 19.71 93 ug/L 19.7256 ug/L 19.3503 ug/L 18.8108 ug/L 19.4967 ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement Type Analyte Mass Tb 159 lnt Std for siTb 159 QC Action Line: Continue QC Galculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. o/o Ditf QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message lnternat Std Out of Limits QC Action Page 90 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QC Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2AA5 21:54:39 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafnlurnall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 3,509 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens, Mean ss4689.573 71677.574 249957.341 371542.000 187234.085 481377.205 Net lntens. Mean 554689.57 0.13 0.45 0.67 0.34 0.86 Conc. Mean 54.0178 53.4145 54.0648 53.8488 54.2062 Conc. RSD 1.2688 1.4988 0.2815 0.s666 o.9474 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 108.036 Hf 177 106.829 Hf 178 108.130 Hf 179 107.698 Hf 180 108.412 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QG Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Ja- Conc. SD 0.6854 0.8006 4.1522 0.3051 0.5135 QG Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Ditf 100.905 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 91 METHOD 2A0.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QC Std 4 Sample Date/Tirne: Wednesday, September 28, 2AAS 22:01 :06 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\e[andata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\Qc Std 4.51 0 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\ela n data\Opti mize\d efa u lt.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. [ntens. Mean s71735.004 407 -581 1725.438 2546.894 1248.388 3229.959 Net lntens. Mean 571735.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 Conc. Mean 0.0949 0.0935 0.0998 0.0823 0.0867 47.3145 ug/L 22.2048 ug/L 26.0482 ug/L 21.2772 ug/L 5.5539 ug/L Conc- SD Conc. RSD Sample Unitre_- 0.0449 0.0208 0.0260 0.0175 0.0048 QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 159 104.006 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditf [, Page 92 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-31X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2405 22:04:31 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\EIandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\2O0.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\defaulM90102-31 X 1 0.51 1 Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Nel lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit >Tblss.--513260.694513260.69_-_ Hf 176 371.526 0.00 0.9931 0.0997 10.0364 us/L Hf 177 1629.760 0.00 1.1223 0.0260 2.3145 uglL Hf flA 2418.871 0.00 '1.2066 0.0526 4.3591 ug/L Hf 179 1190.050 0-00 1.0391 0.0737 7.0974 ug/L Hf 180 3093.788 0.00 11040 0.0794 7.1948 ug/L QG Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std 7o Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution 7o Diff Dup. Rel- % Diff Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 93.368 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 93 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-32 X 10 Sample Dateffime: Wednesday, September 28,2005 22:07:59 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\defau 1t\090 1 02-32 X 1 0.512 Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Net lntens. Mean 482696.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc. Mean 0.1146 0.2722 0.3s47 0.3205 0.3184 Conc. SD 0.1 503 0.1 988 0.1480 0.0936 0.0864 Conc. RSD 131 .1776 73.0359 41.7378 29.2019 27.1226 Sampte Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Meas. lntens. Mean 482696.411 248.233 1188.716 1768.110 903.029 2305.479 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf r80 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 87.808 Dilution o/o Diff Dup- Rel. o/o Diff QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QG Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 94 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-33 X 10 Sa mple Date/Time: Wed nesday, September 28, 2005 22:1 1 :27 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method900.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : c:\elandata\Dataset\default\090 1 0 2-33 X 1 0.5 1 3 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf Mass 159 176 177 178 179 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 480691 .778 136.894 831.691 1179.049 624.680 1612.878 Net lntens. Mean 480691.78 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean Conc- SD -0.8499 0.1258 -0.s995 0.0368 -0.6266 0.0971 -0.5953 0.1335 -0.5732 0.0167 Conc. RSD 14.8007 6.1334 15.4932 22.4231 2.9156 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L ugll ug/L [, C I L Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 87.444 Dilution "lo Ditf Dup. Rel. o/o Diff QC Out Of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-34 X 10 Sample Dateff ime: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 22:1 4:54 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\0901 02-34 X 1 0.514 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, I Anatyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 551459.961 30.531 510.342 698.350 364.338 900.580 Net lntens- Mean 551459.96 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 Conc. Mean -1.8123 -1.5587 -1.5889 -1 .6190 -1.6541 Conc. SD 0.0956 4.a776 0.0386 0.0300 0.0368 Dilution % Ditt Conc. RSD s.2769 4.9816 2.4262 1.8558 2.2263 Sample Unit ugTL uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL Analyte Mass QC Std 7o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 100.317 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Dup. Rel. % Datt [, Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 96 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT O Sampte ID: 090 102-35 X 10 Sa mple Date/Time: Wed nesday, September 28, 2005 22:1 8:23 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\090102-35 X 10.51 5 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit > Tb 159 497962.578 497962.ffi rr0lt- Hf 176 39.369 -0.00 -1.7124 0.1121 6.5454 ug/L Hf 177 511.676 -0.00 -1.4368 0.0995 6.9284 ug/L Hf 'l'78 733-686 -0.00 -1.4211 0.1413 9.9455 uglL Hf 179 383.005 -0.00 -1-4454 0.0698 4.8267 udl Hf 180 944.747 -0.00 -1.4886 0.0779 5-2310 ug/L QG Galculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. 7o Diff [, Tb 159 90.585 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 97 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,20A5 22:21:52 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\eJandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 3.51 6 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 544A41.990 68268.055 239391 .982 353419.9s2 177754.084 462332.791 Net lntens- Mean 544441.99 o.12 4.44 0.65 0.33 0.85 Conc. lutgan 52.4489 52.1510 52.4319 52.1111 53.4717 Conc. SD 0.4384 0.6013 0.1101 9.7427 0.81 13 Conc. RSD 0.8358 1 .1530 o.2101 1.4252 1.5287 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L QC Galculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 159 98.968 Hf 176 104.898 Hf 177 104.302 Hf 178 104.864 Hf 179 104.222 Hf 180 106.143 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Dilution % Dift Dup. Rel. o/o Ditt [, Page 98 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2A05 22:28:19 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam M ethod File : c :\e la n data\M ethod\200.8\hafn iu ma I l. mth Dataset Fite: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\Qc Std 4.517 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 563281.090 312.722 1551 .084 2213.172 1118.711 2854.541 Net lntens. Mean 563281.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc. Mean 4.4287 0.0621 0.0571 0.0507 0.0502 Conc. SD 4.0251 0.020s 0.0125 0.0154 0.0161 Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L 87.3184 ug/L 32.9887 ug/L 21.8114 ug/L 30.3789 ugll 32.1376 ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Diff 102.468 Page METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-36 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2005 22:31:46 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\0901 02-36 X 1 0.51 I Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens. Mean 498929.400 282.402 1183.716 1703.768 831.358 2243.559 Net lntens. Mean 498929.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 0.00 Conc. Mean 0.3311 0.1 656 0.1543 -0.0068 0.1436 Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [, 81.4706 ug/L 27.6686 ug/L 31.1466 ug/L 1282.2754 ug/L 34.9449 ug/L 0.2698 0.0458 0.0481 0.0873 0.0s02 QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 159 90.761 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Dilution % Ditf Dup. Ret. % Ditf [, Page 100 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-37 X 10 Sa mple Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 22:35: 1 2 Sample Type: Sample Sample Descriptlon: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Datraset\default\090 1 02-37 X 1 0. 5 1 I Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c\elandata\Optimize\defa ult.dac Concentration Results , Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO lntgps. Mean s19655.538 148.691 951.032 1348.064 662.349 1737.362 Mass QC Std % Recovery 159 176 177 178 179 180 Net lntens. Mean 519655.54 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 94.532 Cong,_!L _ Conc. RSD Sample Unitugtr- - - 0.1 789 0.0446 0.0793 0.0545 0.0110 Dilution "/o Diff Dup. Rel. % Ditt Conc. Mean -0.8446 -0.4800 -0.5123 -0.634s -0.5807 21.1853 ugll 9.2931 ug/L 15.4841 ug/L 8.5862 ug/L 1.8990 ug/L Analyte [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 10I METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901A246 X 10 MS-37 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 22:38:34 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\0901 0246 X 1 0 MS-37 2.5 OF 1 0.520 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 523996.6s3 47016.687 166807.824 244895.s95 123442.090 319044.516 Net lntens. Mean 523996.65 0-09 0.32 0.46 4.23 0.60 Conc. Mean 374.4868 376.5719 376.4879 373.8048 37e.s036 lrk 1.5222 ug/L 1.6954 ug/L 1.2748 ug/L 2.0881 ug/L 1.5274 ug/L conc. s_? _ 99ry. ns? _ _9rIple unit ug/L 5.7006 6.3844 4.7844 7.8053 5.7966 [, Analyte Mass QC Std o/o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of timits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. olo Dffi 95.321 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 102 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 09010247 X 10 MSD-37 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 22:41 :57 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1667 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\09010247 X 10 MSD-37 2.5 OF 10.521 Tuning File: c:\elandatia\ tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 1s9 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 528303.347 48146.956 169497.01 3 252433.349 126445.632 327742.111 Net lntens. Mean 528303.35 0.09 o.32 4.47 4.24 o.62 Conc- Mean Conc. SD 380.3239 7.6152 379.5127 5.3627 384.9520 4.0548 381.0323 l, 4.5480 386.715e e-t/ 4.1453 Conc. RSD 2.0423 1.4131 1.0533 1 .1936 1 .0719 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurernent Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Galculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % D,tt Dup. Rel. % Ditf 96.1 05 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message ol Page 103 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QG Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Wednesday, September 28,2OA5 22:48:23 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sarn M eth od F i Ie : c :\ela ndata\Method\200.8\hafn iu ma ll. mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\Qc Std 3.522 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 570219.081 72351.255 254786.655 378l-78.903 189155.890 488278.420 Net tntens. Mean 57A219.08 0.13 4.44 0.66 0.33 0.85 Conc. Mean 53.0359 52.9587 53.5729 52.9094 53.4771 Conc. SD 0.6799 a.9425 0.9381 1.2396 1.1716 Conc. RSD 1.2824 1.7797 1.7510 2.3430 2.1909 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std 7o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 146.472 Hf 177 105.917 Hf 178 fi7146 Hf 179 105.819 Hf 180 106.954 QC Galculated Vatues lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 103.730 Dilution % Dttf Dup. Rel. % Ditf QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Anatyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 104 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 4 Sample Dateff ime : Wednesday, September 28, 2OO5 22:54:50 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\092805-3.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: c:\elandata\Dataset\default\QC Std 4.523 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c\elandata\Optimize\default.dac t_ R/rc/ Concentration Results " / Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit > Tb 159 580818.079 ' 580818.08 ug/L Hf 176 391.272 Hf 177 1821.783 0.00 0.0783 0.0166 21.1889 ug/L 0.00 0.1076 0.006s 6.0350 ug/L Hf 178 2642.578 0.00 0.1075 0.0090 8.3339 ug/L Hf 179 1310.060 0-00 0.0938 0.0153 16.3479 ug/L Hf 180 3430.328 0.00 0.1028 0.0116 11.2776 ug/L QG Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std 7" Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff [, Tb 159 I Hf 176qil fi L Hf 180 105.658 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected SamplelBatch Report User Name: Owner Computer Name: ICPMS02 Sample Fite: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Report Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 14:46:28 wl WMS^{,os fflotlqcd Affi'B'ffsffibe _nrt*e1r4 -eei'Sq 7c t qb tof tsldg A/S Loc. Batch lD 9 101805-1 10 101805-1 11 1 01 805-1 1 0 101805-1 12 101805-1 12 101805-1 12 10180s-1 13 101 805-1 14 f 01805-1 15 101805-1 16 101805-1 17 101805-1 1B 101805-1 19 101805-1 20 101805-1 21 101805-1 22 10180s-1 23 101805-1 24 10180s-1 25 101805-1 26 101805-1 2A 101805-1 21 101 805-1 22 101805-1 23 101805-1 24 101805-1 26 101805-1 27 101 805-1 28 101805-1 29 101805-1 Sample lD 3020A X 10 090102-2 X 50 0901 02-2 X 50 0901 02-2 X s0 3020A BLK X20 0901 a2-21 XzA 0901 a2-22X2A 0901 02-23 X 20 090102-24 X 2A 0901 02-25 X 2A 0901 a2-26 X 20 0901 02-27 X 2A 090102-28 X 20 090r 02-29 x2a 090102-30 x 20 090102-31 X 20 0901 02-32 X20 090102-33 X 2A 0901a244 X 20 090102-35 X 20 090102-36 X 20 090102-37 X 20 Description BATCH 1666 DIG 9122 KW BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1666 URS BATCH 1698 DIG 9129 KW 1414 BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS ::iY tnit. Quant"Prep. Vol. 3O2OA STD X 10 2.5 OIBATCH 1666 DIG 9122 KW 090102-1 X 2A BATCH 1666 URS 3O2OA STD X 10 2.5 OIBATCH 1666 DIG 9122 KW Aliquot Vot. 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1-000 1.000 1.000 Diluted Vc 10.0c 10.0c 20.0c 10.0c 50.0c 50.0c -s-Q'oc 20.0c 20.0c 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.o0 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 CBB 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 3020A STD X2A 2,5 oIBATCH 1698 DIG 9129 KW 1414 BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS BATCH 1698 URS 0901 0244 MS-30 X20BATCH 1698 URS OgO1A2-45 MSD-30 X 2BATCH 1698 URS 0901 02-46X2A MS-37BATCH 1698 URS O9O1 0247 X 2A MSD- :BATCH 1698 URS .Ml Page 1 Page 106 ICP-MS QADATAREVIEW /METHoD BATCm* /bbbOmALYST t9# DATE,'idt/6 /bq66 o Yes i, 19) 200.8 6020 QCS STD 1 (IC\r)eo-na% 0L 90-rla% QCS STD 3 (ccv) Every l0 Samples e0- rL}% 0{t 90-ttoo6 QCS STD 4 (rcB 0RCCB) CCB Every l0 Samples CCB<IDL L CCB<IDL ICSA NA No Specific Limits ICSAB NA No Specific Limits Suggested: 80-120% LRB Every 20 Sarrrples a,o%or,S^n"*,xMDr conc. 42X MDL OR <l0oz6Analyte Crcnc. QCS STD 5 (LFB) Every 20 samples 0/a '7q<z€ 8sp8%85-tt5o.A Duplicates Every lO samples <2ORPD <2ORPD Matrix Spikes (LFM) (MS orMSD) Every l0 samples @ 9)e'/ TilZ1 75-n5a Internal Standards 60-rzs% e,L-- 30-t20o. Dilution Test lf analyte conc. >100 x BIk 1 + 4 Dilution 90-rtO% I + 4 Dilution 90-lrcyo One for every 20 samples comments: ik"; i'\ Date Reyierved Revierver's Initials PEER REVIEW (Calc- ),uitrllrj 1y*,, OA DATA REVIEW REPORTED IN VLP VLP REVIEW Noncon formanc e attached Page 107 Daily Performance Report Sample lD: Daily Performance Check Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:06:16 Sample Description: Method File: c:\elandata\Method\Daily.mth Dataset F ile: c:\elandata\Dataset\Optimize\Daily Performance Check.394 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default-tun O ptim ization Fil e : c:\e Ia ndata\Optim ize\Defa u It. da c Dual Detector Mode: Pulse Acq. Dead Time(ns): 35 Current Dead Time (ns): 35 Analyte Mg Summary Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean 24.O 38291.0 38290.984 Net lntens. SD 310.6s1 1275V99 172A308 611 .982 560.818 1003.210 0.000 786.396 0.000 0.333 Net lntens. RSD 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.4 a.7 1.4 0_5 1.4 8.3 259691 .4 271041.5 90766.0 129579.2 139858.7 1386.5 16981 1.5 5171.5 4.0 259691.370 271AU.541 90766.A44 129579.233 139858 .712 0.010 169811.512 0.030 4.000 Rh ln Pb U f, Ba L Ba++ [, Ce L Ceo Bkgd 102.9 114.9 208.0 238.1 137.9 69.0 139.9 155.9 220.4 Current Optimization File Data Current Value Description 0.80 Nebutizer Gas Flow 6.80 Lens Voltage 1250.00 ICP RF Power -1950.00 Analog Stage Voltage 1550.00 Pulse Stage Voltage 70.00 Discriminator Threshold -8.50 AC Rod Offset 60.00 Service DAC 1 0.00 Quadrupole Rod Offset -1 5.00 Differential Aperture Current Autolens Data Analyte Mass Num of Pts 8e936 Co 59 36 ln 115 36 DAC Value 6.3 6.5 6.8 Maximum lntensity 1 900.1 116313.9 276164.8 Sample tD. Daily Performance Check Report Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11 .10.05 Page 1 Page 108 SrnartTune Wizard - Summary fization Summary Wizard file: C:\Elandata\Wizard\SmartTune\Default Basic Opt.swz Start Time: 10:35:02, Tuesday, October 18, 2005 End Time: 1 1 :10:05, Tuesday, October 1 B, 2005 Lens Voltage - [Passed] Optimum value(s): 6.8 Obtained lntensity (Rh 102.905): 266705 Nebulizer Gas - [Passed] Optimum value(s): 0.8 Obtained lntensity (Rh 102.905): 253558 Obtained Formula (CeO 155.9 / Ce 139.905): 0.029 (=4917 / 167396) Auto Lens Calibration - [Passed] Optimum value(s): y = 0.005 x + 6.245 Mass Calibration and Resolution - [Passed] Optimum value(s): N/A TargeUObtained mass (3.01 6/3.027), TargeUObtained resolution (0.7i0.696) TargeUObtained mass (23.985123.979), TargeUobtained resolution (0.7/0.694) TargeUObtained mass (102.9051102.929), TargeUObtained resolution (0.7/0.706) TargeUObtained mass (139.905/139.928), TargeUObtained resolution (0.710.704) TargeUObtained mass (207.9771207.978), TargeUObtained resolution (0.7/0.703) TargeUObtained mass (238.05/238.075), TargeUObtained resolution (0.71O.712) Djrily Performance Check - [Failed] IOOI ined lntensity (Bkgd220):4 U OUtrined lntensity (ln 1 14.904) : 27 1O42 Obtained lntensity (Mg 23.985): 38291 Obtained lntensity (Pb 207 .977): 90766 - <Target not achieved> Obtained lntensity (Rh 102.905): 259691 Obtained Formula (CeO 155.9 / Ce 139.905): 0.030 (=5171 I 169812) Obtained Formula (Ba++ 68.9525 lBa+ 137.905): 0.010 (='1167 / 140339) Report Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:10.05 Page 1 Page 109 SmartTune Wizard - Details Optimization Details Wizard file: C:\Elandata\Wizard\SmartTune\Default Basic Opt.swz Optimization Status Start Time: 10:35:02, Tuesday, October 18, 2005 Lens Voltage Optimization Settings: Method: Optimize.mth. First pass - StarUEnd/Step: 3/8/0.1. lntensity Criterion: Rh 102.905 Maximum Optimization Results: First pass Obtained lntensity [Passed] Optimum value(s): (Rh 102.905): 266705 6.8 Nebulizer Gas Optimization Settings: Method: Optimize.mth. First pass - StarUEnd/Step: 0.710.95/0.01 . lntensity Criterion: Rh 102.905 Maximum Formula Criterion: CeO 155.9 / Ce 139.90$ <= 0.03 Optimization Results: First pass Obtained lntensity (Rh 102.905): 253558 Obtained lntensity (Rh 102.905): 253558 Obtained Formula (CeO 155.9 / Ce 139.905): 0.029 (=49171 167396) [Passed] Optimum value(s): 0.8 Auto Lens Calibration Optimization Settings: Method: Autolens Calibration-mth. First pass - StarUEndlStep: 5/8.5/0.1. Optimization Results: First pass [Passed] Optimum value(s): y = 0.005 x + 6.245 Mass Calibration and Resolution Optimization Settings: Method: tuning.mth. Tuning File: default.tun Iterations: 6 Target accuracy (+/- amu): 0.03 for Mass Cal. and 0.1 for Resolution Peak height (%) for Res. Opt.: 10 Optimization Results: First pass TargeUObtained mass (3.0 1 61 3.O27 ), TargeUObtained resolution (0.7/0.695) TargeUObtained mass (23.985124.029), TargeUObtained resolution (0.7/0.713) - <Target not achieved> TargeUObtained mass (1O2.9051102.879), TargeUObtained resolution (0.7/0.705) TargeUObtained mass (139.905/139.879), TargeUObtained resolution (0.710.716) TargeUObtained mass (2O7.9771207.979), TargeVObtained resolution (0.71O.726) TargeUObtained mass (238.05/238.028), TargeUObtained resolution (O.71O.731) IFailed] Report Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1 1:10:05 Page 2 Page 110 Retry 1 IPassedJ Daily Performance Check Optimization Settings: Method: Daily.mth. lntensity Criterion: Bkgd 22A <= 30 lntensity Criterion: ln 114.904 > 100000 lntensity Criterion: Mg 23.985 > 20000 l11!e n$y_CrLleLpL_l ? ry7 .st 7 > 1 00000 lntensity Criterion: Rh 102.905 > 100000 Formula Criterion: CeO 155.9 / Ce 139.90$ <= 0.04 Formula Criterion: Ba++ 68.9525 I Ba+ 137.90$ <= 0.03 Optimization Results: First pass [FailedJ End Time: 11:10:05, Tuesday, October 18, 2005 Report Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11'.10:05 Page 3 TargeUObtained mass (3.4 1 6 I 3.027 ), TargeUObtained resolution (0.7/0.696) TargeUObtained mass (23.985/23.979), TargeUObtained resolution (0.7/0.6%) TargeUObtained mass (102-9051102.929), TargeVObtained resolution (0.7/0.706) TargeUObtained mass (139.905/139.928), TargeUObtained resolution (0.710.704\ TargeUObtained mass (207.5771207-978), TargeUObtained resolution (0-710.703) TargeUObtained mass (238.051238.075), TargeUObtained resolution (0.71O.712) Optimum value(s): N/A a Obtained lntensity (Bkgd 220):4 Obtained lntensity (ln 1 14.904\: 27 1042 Obtained lntensity (Mg 23.985): 38291 Obtained lntensity (Pb 2A7.977):90766 - <Target not achieved> Obtained lntensity (Rh 102.905): 259691 Obtained Formula (CeO 155.9 I Ce 139.905): 0.030 q=51711 169812). Obtained Forrnula (Ba++ 68.9525 I Ba+ 137.905): 0.010 1=1387 I 140339) IFailed] Page 111 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: Blank Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 11:23:05 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 0 1 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\8lank.001 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [,Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf Conca SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Dup. Rel. % Ditf LHf -62.476 17.333 8.000 6.667 8.253 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 112 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: Standard 1 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:26:29 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\l01805-1.sam Method File: q\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 0 1 8O5\Standard 1 .002 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandatra\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results --Asa@'.Netlntens.Mean.C91c.Mearr.Cpnc.SDConc.RSDSampleUnit> Tb 159 375794.959 375794.96 ug/L Hf 176 9930.834 0.03 10.0000 0.2440 2.4401 ug/L Hf 177 35153.203 0.09 10.0000 0.1044 1.0444 ug/L Hf 178 52189.840 0.14 10.0000 0.1222 1.2216 ug/L Hf 179 26062.755 0.07 10.0000 0-0945 0.9454 ug/L Hf 180 67537.7U 0.18 10.0000 0.1257 1.2573 ug/L QC Calculated Values Ana$e Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff > Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 113 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: Standard 2 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 11:29:55 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C :\Elandata\Sample\1 0'1 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 8O5\Strandard 2.003 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte MaS_S_ Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO _[eas=_ l1rtg-ns_. Mean 375361 .223 18594.394 66925.422 99564.835 49817.048 129349.250 Net lntens. Mean 375361.22 0.05 0.18 a.27 0.13 0.34 Co.nc.-![e_an 19.7240 19.8057 19.8135 19.8216 19.8294 Conc. SD Conc. 0.2243 0.2358 0.3306 0.0962 4.2971 Ditution o/o Ditf Sample Unit ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L 1.1373 1.1904 1.6688 0-4856 1.4982 QC Galculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std 7o Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Dup. Rel. % Dttf [, Page ll4 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: Standard 3 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 11:33:22 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DatraSet\101 805\1 01805\Standard 3.004 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Resutts AnElr4e Mass Meas. lntens--lr4ean [,Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 378718.994 95424.465 338846.731 5A220'9.541 251487.671 650494_108 Net lntens. Mean 378718.99 0.25 0.89 1.33 0.66 1.72 Conc. Mean 100.0028 99.9717 99.9549 99.9610 99.9444 9pr9: pD 1.1605 0.9186 1.6523 1.6011 1.7241 Conc. RSD 1.1604 0.9189 1.6531 1 .6017 1.7251 , Sample Unit ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L QC Galcutated Values Analyte Mass QC Std 7o Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike o/o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass Out of Limits Message QG Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Dilution "/o Ditf Dup. Rel. % Dift [, d I L Page 115 @ [> Tb 159 374780.180 1 October 18, 2005 1 1:36:49 Net lntens ,Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QC Std Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Nurnber of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\QC Std 1.005 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Opti mizatio n F ile : c:\e la ndata\Optim ize\d efa ult. da c L -$ K- Concentration Results Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 176 177 178 179 180 38359.029 135687.714 201083.357 100810.1 16 261381.127 374784.18 0.10 0.36 0.54 0.27 0.70 40,6597 43429 40.4500 0.2431 40-4415 4.2513 40.4895 0.1383 40-5806 0.2900 0.8434 0.6010 0.6214 0.3415 0.7147 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 101.649 Hf 177 $1.125 Hf 178 101-104 Hf 179 1A1.224 Hf 180 141.451 Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike 7" Recovery Dilution o/o Diff Dup. Rel. o/o Ditl 98.261 QC Out Of Lirnits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page I 16 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY Sample lD: QC Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1 1 :4A:17 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\QC Std 3.006 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Opti m izatio n File: c:\ela ndata\Optim ize\defa u lt.dac REPORT tan [, Tb [, Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 1s9 176 177 178 179 180 159 176 177 178 179 180 378205.350 48s25.070 173358.557 2s6790.897 129296.175 333109.535 101.910 102.429 102.357 102.924 102.500 378205.35 0.13 0.46 0.68 0.34 0.88 50.9548 51.2143 51 .1 785 51.4618 51.2499 0.s278 0.4134 0.6153 0.5597 4.4442 99.1 59 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of lirnits detected 0c (, Goncentration Resurts rV QG Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. o/o Diff Conc,_RSD Sample Unit ug/L 1.0358 ug/L 0.8073 ug/L 1.2422 uglL 1.0876 ug/L 0.8667 ug/L Page ll7 METHOD 2AO.B SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QC Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2AA5 11:46:44 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 0 1 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\QC Std 4.OAT Tu n in g File : c:\elandata\Tu n in g\defa u lt.tu n Opti mizatio n Fi le : c:\e la ndata\Opti mize\d efa u lt. dac CC"b t 0.00 A .7 473 0.0836 1 1 .1831 ug/L 0.01 4.7237 0.0828 11.4345 ug/L 0.01 A.72AT 0.0686 9.5201 ug/L 0.00 0.7304 0.0644 8.8230 ug/L 0.01 4.7263 0.0838 11.5380 ug/L Concentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. fiean .Conc. SD Conc. RSD. Sample Unil [, Tb 159 378929.264 378929.26 ug/L Hf 176 651.596 Hf 177 247A.549 Hf 178 3629.797 Hf 179 1844.453 L Hf 180 4735.996 QG Galculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff [> Tb 1s9 99.349 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page I 18 M Sample lD: 3020A X Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, ( Sample Type: Sample ETHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT 1; Ib.-F- M\olwlo October 18, 2005 1 1 :50:08 Sample Description: BATCH 1666 DIG 9122 KW Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101 805\1 01 805\3020A X 10.008 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun O pti m ization Fi le : c :\ela ndata\Optim ize\d efa u lt. da c Concentration Results Analyte [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 375808.967 167.669 821.024 1 186.716 626.347 1620.642 375808.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc, Mean 2.4196 2.3905 2.3646 2.4827 2.4969 a.2917 0.1671 41276 4.1124 4.1627 12.0571 6.990s 5.3967 4.s258 6.5166 159 176 177 178 179 180 Mass Mgas_._l{gns- Meg!___ ltg! lntens. Mean . Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sampte Unit. ..::, , ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L lO.Ol Dilution Yo Diff Dup. Rel- % Datt [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Calculated Values lnt Std 7o Recovery Spike % Recovery 98.531 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line. No QC out of limits detected METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 3020A STD X 10 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 11:53:.02 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 DIG 9122KW Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101805\101805\3020A STD X 10 2.5 OF 10-009 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun O pti mization Fi I e: c :\e la ndata\Opti mize\d efa u lt. d a c Concentration Results Page I 19 Sample Unit uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L Hi WloCTrr as) . - -:. Anat$e Mass Meas. lntens. Mean [, Tb Net lntens, M_e-?l 385729.24 0.08 0.28 0.41 0.21 0.53 Conc. Mean .SD Hf Hf Hf Hf LHf 159 176 177 178 179 180 38s729.243 29896.306 106768.834 157607.978 79717.134 204972.883 3.4919 0.8s89 1.3085 1.1452 1.5008 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Calcula d Vatues lnt Std % Recovery Spik 101j32 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected s(P 5oo Conc. RSD 1 .1 335 o.2777 a.4249 0.3681 0.4854 Recovery Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt 308.0659 309.2483 307.978 311.0849 Page 120 [, METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090f 02-1 X20 Sample Dateffime: Tuesday, October 1 8, 2005 1 1 :57 :27 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\ela ndata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth DatasetFile:C:\Elandata\DataSet\101805\101805\090102-1 X20.010 \ t n ,) :'J*i:H"".fj::f':"rry*=*:: ;:;",n" ""^.,f:W:;,[t, elrlot . Anaryre Mass Meas. rnte8s. Mean Neilntens:;:cne"txt::: ;;"'n conc. SD conc. RS Tb 159 310251.458 310251.46 ug/L Hf 176 1569.517 0.01 41,4308 0.7985 1.9272 ug/L Hf 177 5828.856 0.02 41.8837 0.7540 1.8003 ug/L Hf 178 8529.213 0.03 41-4110 0.9440 2.2795 ug/L Hf 179 4344.994 0.01 42.1100 1.0873 25820 ug/L Hf 180 11200.974 0.04 41.9885 0.7907 1.8830 ug/L QC Calculated Values Analle Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Tb 159 81.343 Hf 176 Hf 't77 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected [, Page l2l METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 O2-1 X 20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 12:OO:51 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\10180S1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 01 805\090 1 02- 1 X 20.O 1 1 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\defa ult.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results .;L - - . -,,=$nalvtq,$agp-,,,=[l!=e€q,-_lltle=nq-Mean[, Tb 1 59 310887.795 847.729 3134.355 4708.461 2349. r 98 6131 .711 Hf 176 Hf '177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Net lntelr_g. !{ea!_ 310887.79 0.00 0.01 o.o2 0.01 0.02 22.9154 22.4147 22.7865 22.6837 22_9161 Conc. SD 4.36s1 4.8263 4.2616 4.4386 4.1 351 Conc. RSD 19.0486 21.5317 18.7022 19.5674 18.0446 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL l3ii 0.o* QC Galculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 159 81.509 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Dilution o/o Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt [, Page 122 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT O Sample ID: 0901 A2-1 XzA --.,.--,' ===AE ) €,lila,ss-Megs. lnten-s. MeA-n [, Tb 159 309677 .522 Sample DatelTime: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:A432 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\t 01 805-1 .sam Method F i le : c:\ela ndata\Method\200. B\hafn iu ma I I.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 O2-1 X 20 .01 2 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optim izatio n File: c:\ela ndata\Optimize\defa u lt. dac Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 176 177 178 179 180 782-465 30s2.685 4458.081 2279.195 5794.486 Concentration Results Net lntens-.1\4_eAn__ _ Co!g,_ Mean 309677.52 0.00 21.3357 0.01 21.9206 0.01 21.663s 0.01 22.0986 0.o2 21.7432 Conc. SD 7.2426 7.5484 7.26/.5 7.3731 7.0481 Conc. RSD 33.9461 34.2527 33.5334 33.3648 32,4151 ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L us/L O, OA [, d I L Anatyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Datf Dup. Rel. Yo Ditt 81.192 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 123 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 O2-2 X 10 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2AA5 12:A7:27 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall -rnth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 O2-2 X 1 0.01 3 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun O p ti m i zation Fi I e : c:\e I a n da ta\O pti m ize\d efa u lt. d a c Concentration Results id*1,0 [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 182312.296 706.885 2667.253 3927.214 1952.469 5045.124 Net lntens. Mean 182312.30 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 Conc. Mean 16.0328 16.3022 16-2?53 16.0994 16.0931 Conc. SD 2.s170 2.4167 Conc. RSD 1B.s00B 1 5.1 675 15.1 448 15.6340 15.0170 Sarnple Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Anatyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement Type Analyte Mass Tb 159 lnt Std for s;Tb 159 QC Action Line: Continue Ditution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt [, QC Out f Limits Out of Limits Messag lnternal Std Out of Li METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 3020A STD X 10 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 12:10:48 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 DIG 9122KW Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall. mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101805\101805\30204 STD X 10 2.5 OF 10.014 Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ugllxl= a9o Page 124 G.=n8/o €Kps& \ (1*f.}S2 m u\L,rAoA\r)Lr Conc. RSD Sample Unit [, A1alyte nngt Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 383475 .454 18780-683 66327.643 98789.777 49589,940 fl8744.830 Concentration Results Net lntens- Mean Conc- Mean 383475.45 0.05 194.8976 a.17 193.2155 0.26 194.1642 0.13 194.6367 0.34 195.2824 Conc. SD 1.4163 1.9232 1-6788 2.7810 o.8227 4.7267 0.9954 0.8M6 1.4288 o.4213 [, d I L Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % D,tf Dup. Rel. % Datf 100.541 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 125 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-2X20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:-17:13 Sample Type: Sample ) Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS / ft tNumberofReplicates:3 / ry . , \q5SampleFile:C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam / \ *-' ,if \r0T Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth / \. \ ' -?'N" ,0 \, - ' DatasetFile:C:\Elandata\DataSet\101805\101805\090102-2X20.O15 i n\ {" .\\ Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun / U' & ' eY Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac I \J II Concentration Results II Analvte [4ass Meas. lnlejs. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean C{nc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unitffira.oso '-ilsF[ii6-=:=-==- I ug/1'= "" I Hf 176 s47.67O 0.00 34.6093 f e.SOOe 9.7281 ug/L I Hf 177 Ug5-764 0.02 34.5164 / S.SSOZ 9-8233 ug/L I Hf 178 5281-647 O.O2 3s.252s I Z.AZSA 7.45s2 us/L I Hf 179 2623-576 0.01 34.9480 | 3.2307 9.^4'14 ug/L L Hf 180 6809.749 0.03 35.0921 l/ 3.O1SO 8.5933 ug/L ,I.(lG€alcutated Vatuds """t'' \ i Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std ?oF€-covery Sp\e % Recover/ Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff [, Tb 159 .,;." 59.153 | !lHf 176 / : i Hf 177 Hf 178 j' Hf 179 ,'iHf 180 j : QC Out Of Lirnits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message Tb 159 Int Std for s:Tb 159 lnternal Std Out of Limits '... j QC Action QC Action Line: Continue t, !t:IIt', i Page 126 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:090102-2X50 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 12:24:O1 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\2OO.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 02-2 X 50.0 1 6 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac - __Jt4eas- lntens. Mean [, Tb Concentration Results Net lntens. Me€n _9!ng. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD 28583 1 .1 9 .lo fetffui{g, Sarnple Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L o.o3 Hf Hf Hf Hf LHf [, 159 176 177 178 179 180 285831 .1 94 382.695 1541.088 2255.522 1131.381 2988.381 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 29.7822 29.8463 29.6392 29.6380 30.3318 8.5246 9.0526 8.8967 9.3947 9.0146 28.6232 30.3306 30.0167 31.6980 29.7200 QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Ditution % Dift Dup. Rel. % Ditf QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action METHOD 2OO.B SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-2 X 50 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 12;26:56 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01805\1 01805\090102-2 X 50 -017 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results =.:__:_3qglyEJagg,. .Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit ir-ru - -rss - -28232s.ss1 -'-- --*-/6r{r'6.55- -- usll Page 127 0.00 23.9823 8.5248 35.5461 ug/L 0.00 25.2149 8.1302 32.2437 ug/L 0.01 25.3253 7.9114 31.2392 ug/L 331 ll33l3 iiili" 311333 i{,i o,oz d-pltca*s tt is, Hf 176 295.190 Hf 177 1287.062 Hf 178 1903.135 Hf 179 940.366 L Hf 180 2528.937 QC Calcutated Values Anage Mass QC Std 7o Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff [> Tb 159 74.022 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 128 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-Z X 50 Sample Dateffime: Tuesday, October 18,2005 12:29:52 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1666 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 01 805\090 1 02-2 X 50.0 1 8 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tu ning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results --- Analyte Mass Me_ag.. conc- sP_ - --_ 9.2031 8.8528 7.8622 B-4165 8.0253 [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf LHf 159 176 177 178 179 180 l_q!e_ns._!!gan __Net lntens,_Mean 278392.429 278392.43 37B.B4s 0.00 1570.091 0.01 2286.524 0.01 1108.379 0.00 2989.185 0.01 Co1c, tttg-?I 34.2174 31.2377 30.8589 29.8182 31.1598 9ol..RSD 30.4566 28.3402 25.4780 28.2259 25.7s53 Sample Unit ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L O, Oz 6bu [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurernent TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Dift Dup. Rel. % Ditt 72.990 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 129 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QG Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:32:49 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Etandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1A1805\1 0 1 805\QC Std 3.01 I Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization Fite: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results 0t\/ L dd Analyte Mass f;Tb- _' --1seHf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 LHf 180 Meas. Intens. Mean 3s3984.693 43679.407 154665.558 229904.070 115612.311 299121.669 Net lntens. Mean 3s3984.69 4.12 0.44 0.65 0.33 0.8s Conc. Mean 49.0038 48.8159 48.9521 49.1627 4e.16e5 qr6 L Conc. RSD 0.8947 0.6280 0.5411 0.1 541 0.2310 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Conc. SD 0.4385 0.3066 0.2649 0.0758 0.1 1 36 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf lBO Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Reccvery Dilution "/o Diff Dup. Rel. % Ditf 92.809 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 130 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2OOS 12:39:16 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01805\QC Std 4.020 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Opti mization F i le : c:\e la nd ata\Opti mize\defa ult. da c e) CLbL Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas. lntens. Mean 350730.203 553.1 59 2297.186 3349-727 1631 .427 4315.015 Net lntens. Mean 350730.20 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 Conc. Mean 0.6905 0.7267 0.7183 0.6976 4.7146 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 91.955 Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit uglL A.A244 3.5338 ug/L 0.0589 8.0982 ug/L 0.0416 5.7852 ug/L 0.0258 3.6977 ug/L 4.4423 5.9181 ug/L Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Drtt [, I Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO o Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 131 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 3020A BLK X20 Sample Dateffime: Tuesday, October 18,2005 12:42:41 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 DIG 9/29 KW 1410 Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\3020A BLK X 20.021 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens. Mean 356864.499 183.163 B 16-357 1238.721 624.4M 1626.430 Net tntens_. fiIean 356864.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc. Meal 5.3717 5.0135 5.2041 5.2137 5.2806 Conc. RSD 4.0730 11.1275 11.0979 7.2111 7.3807 Sample Unit- ug/L: "'-----" uglL ug/L ug/L Conc. SD 0.2188 0.5579 4.5775 0.3760 0.3897 ug/L;r <o.ol [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 93.564 Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. o/o Ditt QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 132 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 3020A STD X20 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:45:37 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 DIG 9129 KW 14f0 Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101 805-1.sam Method File: cielandata\Method\2O0.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101805\101805\3020A STD X 20 2.5 OF 10.022 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac e.{P5rr)05-las?) Concentration Results Ana_Me M_as_s Meas. lntens- Mean _ Net lntens. Mean Conc. Me_an Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit > Tb 159 352137.638 352137.64 ug/L Flf 176 23609.393 0.07 533.1683 4.6656 0.8751 uS/L Hf 177 83830.246 0.24 531.9366 3.8436 0.7226 ug/L Hf 178 124924.507 0.35 534.8060 4.4779 0-8373 uslL Hf 179 62943.701 0.18 538.1247 5.8307 1.0835 ug/L _o1 Hf 180 162668.917 0.46 537.s882 6.638e 1.2us ustt lQ$ to J QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution 7o Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff r> Tb 159 92.324 I Hf 176oxI :1i I Hf 179 L Hf 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 133 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sarnple ID: 090 1A2-21 X 2A Sample Date/Tirne: Tuesday, October 18, 200512:52:A3 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniurnall.mth Dataset File : C :\E la ndata\Data Set\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 A2-21 X 2A .A23 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Opti m ization File : c :\ela n data\O pti mize\defa u lt.da c bfr,'fir\. W ,D Concentration Results _U ns. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [, Analyte Mqss_ Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 324472.987 554.306 2314.188 u20.414 1769.443 4520.581 324472.99 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.6312 0.628l, 0.8937 0.8065 0.8766 4.2495 3.9671 5.6339 4.9269 5.4150 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of timits detected culated Values lnt Std 7o Recove Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt QC Out Of Limits 1698 URS Page 134 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 02-22 X 20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:55:00 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01805\090102-22 X 20.024 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Net Intens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SDMass Meas. lntens. Mean [, I Analyte Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 328200.61 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 8.6s39 8.8807 8.9886 9.1069 9.2304 1 .2195 1.5066 1.4571 1.3l,67 1.2859 14.0919 16.9650 16.2103 14.7878 13.9314 32820A.607 304.1 88 1319.062 1963.471 998.369 2609.701 Conc- RSD Sample Unit ug/L : ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L us/L lOrO I [, Ie I L Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of timits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditf 86.049 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 135 [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 328229.912 146.149 71 1 .018 1095.043 544.411 1386.003 Net lntens. Mean 328229.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 02-23 X 20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:57:58 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Methodl200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\0901 02-23 X 20.025 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Cong ,Mean 4.8324 4.7397 4.9980 4.9376 4-8892 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Galculated Values Int Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 86.056 Dilution o/" D'ttf Dup. Rel. olo Ditf Measurement Type Analyte Mass OC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line. No QC out of limits detected Conc. SD 0.8674 0.7481 0-7506 0.8328 0.9466 Conl RSD 17.9515 15.7829 15.0180 16.8654 19.3603 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L lO,Ol [, Page 136 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:00:56 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\l 01 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01805\1 01 805\QC Std 3,026 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun O pti miza tio n F i le : c :\ela ndata\Opti mize\defa ult.da c [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas- lntens- Mean 350992.255 43732.435 156065.580 231612.906 116932.650 3013M.388 Net lntens. Mean 350992.25 a.12 4.44 0.66 0.33 0.86 Concentration Results Conc. Mean 49.4859 49.6810 49.7400 50.1495 49.9639 Conc. SD 0.5652 0.6718 0.6053 0.6187 0.7730 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Lirnits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected c cv,) Conc. RSD-:' :::j _-:::.1::---:.-..- I 1.1421 1.3523 1.2170 1.2337 1.5471 QC Calculated Values lnt Std o/o Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. o/o Dtft 92.024 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY Sample ID: QC Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:07:23 Sampte Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\ela ndata\Method\2}0. B\h afn i u ma I l. mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\QC Std 4.027 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Opti mization File : c:\ela ndata\Opti mize\defa ult.dac Concentration Results REPORT [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf lBO Meas. lntens- Mean 343561.870 s75.526 2U3.527 3434.415 1751147 4544.431 Net lntens. Mean 343561_87 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 4.7293 0.7571 4.7s20 0.7&7 0.7685 0. 1 037 4.4723 0.0700 0.0388 0.0662 f, Analyte Mass QC Std o/o Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected c crSe Conc. Mean Conc. SD Dilution o/o Dift Dup. Rel. % Ditt Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L 14.2163 ugll 9.5523 ug/L 9.3071 ug/L 5.0685 ugll 8.6152 ug/L p QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 90.076 Page 138 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 02-24 X 20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:10:49 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\090102-24 X 20.028 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 339385.78s 267.306 114A379 1709.102 864.026 2176.779 Net lntens- Mean 339385.79 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 Conc. Mean 7.5477 7 -4470 7.5598 7.61 16 7.4389 Conc. SD 0.1859 0.2930 4.2611 0.2638 0.3687 Conc. RSD 2.4634 3.9559 3.4538 3.4653 4.9557 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L us/L lo, o I [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QG Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution o/o Ditf Dup. Rel. % Datf 88.981 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 A2-25 X 20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 13:13:48 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\2O0.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : C:\Ela ndata\DataSeil1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 02-25 X 20.O29 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Page I39 O Ana!yt_e_ Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf MAgg__ lggl lntens. Mean 1se 93303 i.sit 219.083 901.362 1283.391 661.015 1709.973 Net lntens. Mean 3330 34.g2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 Conc. Mean _Conc. 6.52A2 5.9456 5.7777 5.9228 5.9496 16.9933 ug/L 10.7695 ug/L 9.1265 ug/L 1 1 .1301 ug/L 10.52sG ugtL/lo,O t SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [, I 176 177 178 179 180 1 .1 080 0.6403 o.5273 0.6592 a.6262 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Galculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution o/o Diff Dup. Rel. o/" Dift 87.316 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page UA METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 A2-26 X 2A Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:16:48 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\2OO.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101805\101805\090102-26 X 20.030 Tuning File: q\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Conc- Mean Conc- SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit [,Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf r59 176 177 178 179 180LHf 341377.448 174.716 780.O22 11&-.715 598.346 1502.581 341377.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.8912 14.1725 15.7168 11.1312 14.3725 Dup. Rel. % Dfit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/-<O,o1 5.2661 5.0055 5.1126 5-2255 5.0984 4.6262 0.7094 0.8035 0.5817 0.7328 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values Int Std % Recovery Spike 7o Recovery Dilution % Ditt 89.503 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Lirnits Message QC Action Page l4l METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-27 X20 Sample Dateffime: Tuesday, October 18,2005 13:19:47 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandatia\Sample\101 805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101 805\101805\0901 02-27 X 2A.031 Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 344860.570 121.265 600.013 840.358 448.341 1107.030 344860.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc. lvlean 4.A942 3-7876 3.6425 3-8621 3.71 13 Con9. SO 0.7a73 0.7069 0.5817 4.7451 0.6923 Conc. RSD 17.2921 r8.6623 15.9701 19.2921 18.6548 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L uo/L ;;;' <o,ol Anatyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QG Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Datt 94.417 Dup. Rel. % Ditt [, QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 142 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 02-28 X 2A Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:22:47 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C :\Elandata\DataSetl 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\0901 02-2 I X 20.032 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 342146.781 92.108 469.008 703.684 364.671 942.638 342146.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .99nc- Mean 3.4350 2.9619 3.0687 3.1563 3.1809 Conc. SD 0.3523 0.2597 0.3584 0.3043 0.3668 Q_o1c._RSD _ 14.2572 8.7690 11.6789 9.6404 11.5308 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L uir- <O,Ol QC Calculated Values Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt [, Anatyte Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected 89.705 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action 159 176 177 178 179 1BO METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY Sample lD: QC Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:25:46 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 -sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01805\1 01 805\QC Std 3.033 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun O pti mization Fi I e : c:\e la nd ata\Optimize\defa u lt. dac Concentration Results REPORT [,159 176 177 178 179 180tHf [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf 347686.1 61 43A04.431 154441.082 229273.278 1 151 11.276 29919A.425 347686.1 6 ai2 o.44 0.66 0.33 0.86 Qg1c._M_ean 49.1 238 49.6295 49.7042 49.8363 50.0705 _Co1c. S_D 0.4845 4.5220 0.4160 4.4126 0.2954 Co!.c, RSD Sample gryl_ , ug/L 0.9862 ug/L 1 .0519 ug/L 0.8369 ug/L 0.8280 ug/L 0.5899 ug/L Dup. Rel. o/o DiftAnalyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action C C/4 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Dift 91 .157 Page 144 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QG Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:32:14 Sampte Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01805-1 .sam Method File : c :\ela ndata\M ethod\200.8\frafn i u ma ll. mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\QC Std 4.A34 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default,tun O ptimization File : c :\ela nda ta\Optimize\defau lt.dac Goncentration Results Analyte Mass Meas. lnlens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit ffi' ' 343s37-213' 34:xis721'='-' ug/t--"., Hf 176 618.370 Hf 177 2328.857 Hf 178 3524.770 cc #'t 0.00 0.7798 0.1164 14.9242 ugll O.01 0.7529 0.0678 8.9984 ug/L 0.01 0.7723 0.0724 9.3692 ug/L Hf 179 1751.108 0.01 0.7652 0.0621 8.1146 ug/L Hf 180 4496.744 0.01 0.7607 0.0474 6.2298 ug/L QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO 90.070 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected 145 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 02-29 X 20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:35:41 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\0901 02-29 X 20.035 Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb t59 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Meas- lntens. Mean - ' ':'-: ="'345159.390 291.209 1231.053 1781.778 876.027 2334.427 Net Intens. Mean . . : 345159.38 0-00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0-01 Conc. Mean 7.9899 7.8687 7.7496 7.s882 7.8296 Conc. RSD 9.0199 3.9249 6.7446 8.0909 7.6811 Sample Unit ugl[" "". '' uglL ug/L uglL ug/L us/L 1o, o I Conc. SD 0.7247 0.3088 0.5227 0.6140 0.6014 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected. QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. '/" Dift 90.49s QC Out Of Lirnits Out of Limits Message Page 146 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-30 X20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:38:39 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandatia\DataSet\101805\1 01805\0901 02-30 X 20.036 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Anatyte [, Tb lHf Hf Hf Hf Hf 343518.803 200.893 852.359 1264.056 660.015 1652.679 343518.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc. Mean 5.9389 5.4433 5.5160 5.7322 5.5738 Conc. SD 0.6894 0.6504 a.s342 0.7388 0.7860 Conc. RSD 1 1.6089 1 1.9483 9.6850 12.8890 14.1023 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L .t us/L <o, o I -Mas-s 159 176 177 178 179 180 _MeaS_._U!eLs-. [4qe!_ Net lntsns. Mean [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Une: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std o/" Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Dift 90.06s Page 147 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 0244 MS-30 X 20 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:41:33 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\0901 0244 MS-30 X 20 2.5 OF Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac 10.037 Concentration Results _. Analyte [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf LHf Mass Meas. lntens- Mean 159 346231-524 176 21070.565 177 75478.216 178 112421.962 179 56334.189 180 146192.869 Net lntens. Mean 346231.52 0.06 4.22 0.32 0.16 0.42 484.4758 487.0797 489.4783 489.8231 491.3536 5.1386 2.2361 2.4527 2.7757 2.7677 Dilution a/o Diff t-[r, Conc. RSD 1 -0615 0.4591 0.501 1 0.5667 0.5633 Conc. Mean Conc- SD [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QG Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 90,776 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected sksffi(ry*Dfl) Sappl_e.Un(_ ug/L ug/L ug/L ugll ug/L ug/L Dup- Rel. Yo Ditf qW =Tdo S{D Page 148 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD:09010245 MSD-30 X20 2.5 OF 10 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 13:45:57 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description:BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\20O.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 A245 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Opti mizatio n Fi Ie : c :\e la ndata\Opti m ize\d efa u lt. da c MSD-30 X 2A 2.5 0F 10.038 Concentration Results Analyte Mass -*[4eas- lntens-Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc- SD Conc. RSD s fr=sco(1 r--l&s1) c\,ffRpd [f-- W= {vfr1'(qru'J) [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf [, 159 176 177 178 179 180 339520.362 22732.920 81012.772 119974.1 15 60157.071 157008.528 339520.36 0.07 0.24 0.35 0.18 0.46 532.4341 533.1216 s32.6546 s33.3904 538.1252 1.5561 5.4284 5.4797 23A64 5.5771 0.2923 1.0182 1.0288 0.4324 1.03&r SarnpJg Ulit uglL uglL ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Oi Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std o/o Recovery Spike % Recovery 89.016 Dilution o/o Diff Dup. Rel. % Ditf Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Lirnits Out of Limits Message QC Action II *"*' I METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT I tample lD: 0901 02-31 xzl ( I i;illi:ix#fr,d::.]ff,:.'2005 13:5223 I -ilH'or Repricates:3 :.;,;;;;, , ,,. ., r,olo9 , ^ / I 1ffiffifiu'mffim,*ffi:::: /"VW | ^nalyle Mass- .Meas.lnleos-Ilean------Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean. drr"."o . co!s-8$p , Sample Unit I l> Tb 15s 335299'767 335299'77 ,r.uurr/ 0.5682 4.183s HiiI I ff lii ,?iilil lll ,ii& ;,i;. 7s7s2 us,L I i Hr 178 3098.670 0.ol tt.g&t 0.9437 6.78s3 us/L I i Hr 17s 1s88.755 o.0o t/au 0.s26s 6.5163 us/L I L Hf 180 4100.058 0.01 ,/ta.xn 1.o0se 7.077s us/L | " ccatfiatedvatues I nnage Mass OC Std 7o Recovery lnt Std % Recovery g$iX"o/"Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % DiffI i'il F -'/ lil 1li / ( ixl lI; / i ec out of Limits Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass 9/ot f-irnit. Message ec Action Line: No ec out of rimirs detecred QG Action ( Page 150 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 13:55.22 Sampte Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\QC Std 3.040 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optirnization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO 347191.316 43365.617 154003.789 2284rc.066 114285.734 298023.009 347191.32 0.13 4.44 0.66 0.33 0.86 Meas-lntens,--lll9a1_._ __ Net lntens. Meq!* [, [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QG Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 91.028 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected CCV= Conc. RSD 1.8287 1.4925 1.2503 1.5329 1.3291 Dilution % Dttt Dup. Rel. % Ditt Sample Unit ugl[- ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L P Conc. Mean Conc- SD 49.6056 0.9071 49.5595 0.7397 49.5143 0.6191 49.5495 0.7596 4e.e46i toBbo.oosa Page 151 METHOD 2A0.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QG Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 14:01:49 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample Fite: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Meth od Fi le : c:\ela ndata\M ethod\200. B\hafn i u ma Il. mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\QC Std 4.A41 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optim ization F i I e: c :\ela n data\Optimize\defa u lt.dac Concentration Results Mea tens. Mean Conc. Mean [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO 343108.094 643.517 2444.542 3701 .481 1874.457 4821.565 343108.09 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.8089 0.7898 0.81 17 0.8198 0.816s [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Galculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 89.957 Dilution % Ditf Dup. Rel. % Ditt QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected CLry Conc. SD 0.0s33 0.0485 0.0643 0.0489 0.0533 Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L 6.5840 ug/L 6.1382 ug/L 7.9235 ug/L 5.9625 uglL 6.5317 ug/L Page 152 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 02-32 X 20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 14:05:16 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\2O0.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01805\0901 02-32 X 20.042 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO 339s10.694 270.896 1079.041 1625_426 836.3s8 2125.667 339510.69 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 Conc. Mean 7.6274 7.0008 7.1864 7.3645 7.2616 Conc. SD [,ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L ug/L usfl- <o,ol 0-6696 0.2743 0.2726 0.3464 4.22s2 8.7788 3.9186 3.7931 4.7039 3.1013 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Diff 89.014 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 153 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-33 X2A Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 14:08:16 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\2O0.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 02-33 X 20.043 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte -1y3ss . .Me?s -t&tenc - tileJeg- --- -=-+leUoter6. Mean [,Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 339090.575 175.285 870,693 133s.729 649.015 1694.O12 339090.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc. Mean 5.4427 5.6331 5.9069 5.70M s.7891 .*. _Conc- SD 4.5204 0.4564 0.2090 0.4515 0.1 653 Conc. RSD 9.6322 8.1421 3.s383 7.9128 2.8549 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L UC'/L ffi,- 46,,ol [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 88.904 Dilution o/o Ditf Dup. Rel. a/o Dift Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of timits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 154 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 02-34 X 20 Sample Dateffime: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 14:11:16 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101805\101805\090102-34 X 2A.044 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results Analyte-IUass Meas- lntensrMean____Ilet_l_Dleos, Mean Conc. SD [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf 159 176 177 178 179 180 34222A.884 156.342 820.357 1 152.380 576.012 1s39"282 342220.88 0.00 0.00 0"00 0.00 0.00 Conc. Mean 4.9239 5.2570 5.0459 5.0163 5.2103 0.7937 0.8139 0.6464 1.1124 0.7888 cs!_q, RqP__ 9efpl9 llnit uglL 16.1 1 95 ug/L 15.4828 ug/L 12.8111 ug/L 22.1758 uo/L 15.1388 uin- AO'O I [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Dttf Dup. Rel. % Datf 89.724 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message Page 155 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-35 X20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 14:14:13 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\'t 01 805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101805\101805\0901 02-35 X 20.045 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass - JVleas-Jntens-Mear----Nel lntens. Mean Tb 159 345799 .207 34s799.21 Hf 176 95.788 0.00 Hf 177 626.U7 0.00 Hf 178 886-361 0.00 Hf 179 477 -AO8 0.00 Hf 180 1 162.060 0.00 Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of timits detected Conc. Mean 3.4961 3.9450 3.8312 4.0983 3.8842 Conc. $D 0.2245 4.7296 0.5918 0.7697 0.6907 6.3077 18.4942 15-4/.55 18.782A 17.7819 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L usll <o,ol [, QC Calculated Values lnt Std 7o Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % D;ltt Dup. Rel. Yo Dift 90.663 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 156 METHOD 2A0.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 02-36 X 20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 14:17:07 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\I01805-1 .sam M ethod F ile : c:\ela ndata\Method\200. B\hafniu ma I I. mth Dataset Fite: C:\Elandata\DataSet\f 01 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 02-36 X 20.046 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass _ Conc. Mean [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf LHf 159 176 177 178 179 180 2.000 2.287 3.000 3.667 2.333 1.987 2.00 1.14 1.50 1.83 1.17 0.99 lnt Std o/o Recovery Spike 0.001 QC Out Of Limits Out of Li ts Message lnternal td Out of Limits QC Action 9072.4995 3352.1333 2763.8142 3512.47 1155. .9667 935.4138 1151 .4122 1738.2482 1168.1510 59.8949 57.7368 4r.6603 49.4879 101.0591 Sample:Ulit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L QG Galculate Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement Type Analyte Mass Tb 159 tnt Std for s:Tb 159 QC Action Line: Continue ecovery Ditution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt [, Page 157 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 0246 X 2A MS-37 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 14:23:40 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101 805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandataWethod\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\0901 02-46 X 20 MS-37.048 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default-tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results - - Analyte Masp Meas. lntens. Mean [, Tb Hf Hf Hf Hf LHf 159 176 177 178 179 180 346374.103 19338_235 69170.841 102795.165 51799.142 133657.510 Net lntens. Mean 346374.1A 0.06 o.20 0.30 0.15 0.39 Conc. Mean Conc. SD 444.1934 446.1232 447.2826 454.1221 448.9965 9.4011 4.8343 6.6785 5.4327 3.3276 Conc. RSD 2.1165 1.0836 1.4931 1.2069 4.7411 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Galculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 90.813 44 --+2q01 ''<@ j ilT-- Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action s+=s&(t*psD Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditf Page 158 o METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: 0901 0247 X 20 MSD- 37 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 14:28:05 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\EJandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\2OO.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101805\101805\090102-47 X20 MSD- 37.049 Tuning File : c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf t7g Hf 180 423237.074 24716.018 88094.165 131 143 .302 66049.020 171966.035 423237.07 0.06 4.21 0.31 0.16 0.41 464.5433 465.0530 467.0892 469.7854 472.8238 5.6717 6.2800 6.7330 5.3598 2.4947 Conc. RSD 1.2209 1.3504 1.4415 1_1409 0.4430 Sample Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L uglL ug/L Concentration Results Mpas-l=o[gns-idean--- --Nlet Intqns. [Iean Conc. Mean Conc. SD [, [, Anatyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Hf, J/ ^w--Ys1,GRPdso }ksre(15-l&s7) Lo-rr_pPfJ. QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution o/o Diff Dup. Rel. % Ditt 110.965 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QC Std 3 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 14:34:32 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sarnpte File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method Fite: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01805\1 01 805\QC Std 3.050 Tuning Fite: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac CCVd Concentration Results [, I A-nalyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 436260.1 49 55112.7A9 196950 .164 2y8n 136 147356.126 3820s9.657 Net lntens- Mean 436260.1 5 0.13 0.45 0.67 0.34 O.BB Conc. Mean Conc. SD Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L 1 .1908 ug/L 1.4814 ug/L 1.0744 ug/L 1.1201 uglL 1 .7015 ug/L 50.1723 54.4413 54.4214 50.8452 50_9s89 0.5975 4.7473 0.5415 0.5695 0.8671 [, QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std o/o Recovery lnt Std 7o Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Tb 159 114.380 Hf 176 100.345 Hf 177 100.883 f-rf 178 100.843 Hf 179 101.690 Hf 180 f 01.918 Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 160 METHOD 2A0.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 4 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 14:40:58 Sample Type: Sample Sampte Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sarnple File: C:\Elandata\Sarnple\1 0 1 805-1 .sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\QC Std 4.051 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default,tun Optim ization File : c:\e la ndata\Opti mize\d efa u lt.dac Cc6v Concentration Results Analyte Mass .Meas. lntens. Mean Net lntens. Mean Conc. Mean Conc. SD - ,- Con-c,. RSD Sample Unit [, Tb 159 45A29A.340 450290.34 ug/L Hf 176 734.626 Hf 177 3050.660 Hf 178 4578.401 Hf 179 2279.515 0.00 A.7123 0.0667 9.3673 ug/L 0.01 0.7521 0.0431 5.7374 ug/L 0.01 0.7649 0t.0262 3.4254 ug/L 0.01 0.7595 0.0306 4.0324 ug/L 0.01 0.7689 A.0243 3.1575 ug/L QC Calculated Values 1 18.058 Hf 180 5959.250 Analle Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 161 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-21 X20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 14:48:55 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Methodl200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File : C :\Ela ndata\Data Set\1 0 1 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 02-2 1 X 2A.O 52 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas- lntens. Mean 407930.460 37B.AZs 1695.768 2s7B.2U 1283.392 3355.701 f, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 162 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 0901 02-31 X20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 14:51:53 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\l01 805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 0 1 805\090 1 02-31 X 20.053 Tuning File: c\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results Analyte Mass - Meas" In!en_s. Mcan,, _Net ldens. Mean Conc- Mean Qonc. SD Conc. RSP ,== Sqllgle Un!!_ , > Tb 159 433199.351 433199.35 ug/L Hf 176 226.663 0.00 5.4461 0.7561 13.8834 ug/L Hf 177 1202.385 0.00 6.0977 1.0164 16.6683 ug/L Hf 178 1769.444 0.00 6.1228 0.7867 12.8486 ug/L Hf 179 945.032 0.00 6.5131 1.0375 15.9294 uslL Hf 180 2351.288 0.0'r 6.2883 1.A226 16.2617 ugtt (o.o I QG Galculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std o/o Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Diff Dup. Rel. % Diff re Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180. 113.577 QC Out Of Limits Measurement Type Analyte Mass Out of Limits Message QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 163 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-36 X20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 14:54:50 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\101 805\101805\0901 02-36 X 20.054 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Goncentration Results [, Analyte Mass htens. Mean Tb rsg 412394.064 412394-06 Hf 176 178.813 0.00 Hf 177 995.035 0.00 Hf 178 1446-A75 0.00 Hf r79 729.352 0-00 Hf 180 1888.534 0.00 Conc. Meaqr __ ._9ong. 9q 4-7332 0.9077 5.2865 A.7294 5.2488 0.9511 5.2662 0.9310 5.2990 0.8730 Cglc, ESD 19.1779 13.7978 r8.1203 17.6791 16.4749 Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditf Samplet Unit ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L us/L <0,O ( [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Calculated Values lnt Std o/o Recovery Spike % Recovery 1A8.123 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits MessageMeasurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 164 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: 090102-37 X20 Sample Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18,2005 14:57:44 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: BATCH 1698 URS Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\101805-1.sam Method File: c:\elandata\Method\2O0.8\hafniumall.mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\0901 02-37 X 20.055 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 4417 41 .1 8 1 147.325 926.031 1352.066 688.684 1700.96s 4417 41 .18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conc. Mean 3.9431 4.5808 4.5798 4.6389 4.4534 _Conc. SD_ 0.7313 0.8230 0.9085 4.7625 0.8362 18.5474 17.9666 19.8371 16.4364 18.7764 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L <o, O [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery 115.817 Dilution % Dift Dup. Rel. % Ditt Measurement Type Analyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Page 165 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample ID: QG Std 3 Sampte Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 15:00:41 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sampte File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method File : c :\ela ndata\Method\200 .B\hafn i u mal l. mth Dataset File: C:\Elandata\DataSet\1 01 805\1 01 805\QC Std 3.056 Tu ning File : c:\elandata\Tu nin g\default.tu n Opti mization Fi le : c:\e la ndata\O pti m ize\defa u lt.d a c \ V Conc. SD Dilution % Ditt Dup. Rel. % Ditt Cc Ua 0.7466 4.4426 0.4657 0.5391 0.5038 Conc. RSD Sample Unit ug/L 1.5016 ug/L 0.8839 ug/L 0.9256 ug/L 1.4677 ug/L 0.9895 ug/L Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 452610.802 56662.230 242838.287 302128.6s5 151813.763 396052.577 Net Intens. Mean 452610.80 0.13 0.45 0.67 0.34 0.88 Conc. Mean 49.7224 50.0728 50.3155 50.4920 50.9171 [, QC Calculated Values Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Tb 159 1 18-667 Hf 176 99.445 Hf 177 100.146 Hf 178 100.631 Hf 179 100.984 Hf 180 101 .834 Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message OC Action QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Page 166 METHOD 200.8 SUMMARY REPORT Sample lD: QC Std 4 Sampte Date/Time: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 15:07:08 Sample Type: Sample Sample Description: Number of Replicates: 3 Sample File: C:\Elandata\Sample\1 01 805-1 .sam Method Fite: c:\elandata\Method\200.8\hafniurnall.mth Dataset File: C:\E[andata\DataSet\1 01 805\101 805\QC Std 4.057 Tuning File: c:\elandata\Tuning\default.tun Optimization File: c:\elandata\Optimize\default.dac Concentration Results [, Analyte Mass Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 1BO Meas. lntens. Mean 454235.417 653.561 2735.263 4093.921 2055.148 5327.451 Net lntens- Mean 454235.42 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 Conc. Mean 0.63s8 0.6680 0.6779 0,6786 0.6813 . - I::"_- 0.0333 0.0478 0.0391 0.0531 0.0355 5.2328 7.1509 5.7654 7.8310 5.2119 [, Analyte Mass QC Std % Recovery Tb 159 Hf 176 Hf 177 Hf 178 Hf 179 Hf 180 Measurement TypeAnalyte Mass QC Action Line: No QC out of limits detected Cc by Conc. SD Conc. RSD QC Calculated Values lnt Std % Recovery Spike % Recovery Dilution % Dttt Dup. Rel. % Dift 1 19.093 QC Out Of Limits Out of Limits Message QC Action Sample Unit ug/L t ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ge 16 7 fr . \c Oi t ,g o+tEoo or { .l JraE€)E {Ja-GIH o3E{Hga3E{Ha \ e 16 8 c\It(c bo r- a ar aEao .F l 'd OFt<l{€b0 tr : .d A>r .J?uc lfI t F {{ { <+ <, e J.G\nc(J-o r ,J O .? i .J"o;l \ .' r \ e .J J ,- , -4 .j ,- { l ,{ \4J6h 'r J t' |t5 i .- 1 -r a l : . : - : . al r f r Ot - - J il o\Drt [ J* ?r1 1 rt tnq^1 , :J l 4 i3:, (- 54l l -t 11 .. / I* i l i = l l f f i -D r t : - i - r - - . : - : . : a t - : : . #f , - E : l , , ' . F -] . 1 . i . 1 . 1 { * - } l - i : : . ? l - l - : i: i : i : , , : ! i : i : i i : 3 : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : g ).trr 1 4tl( \.("( Ir tstt ', n 1 .n rr JJ 1 \ \ \ v)-t{ (, l-^- /h V ri ' 4IaU 44( r{ If- I I Tft \n4I .- - , 7tt ,- l fl ,. { : 'r:-irn a \,,rI.' . 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C\ $ $ \f , r. l OO ., { . 6l oq o q q o g o g o g o g q o g o g OO * - T O O O O O O O l: : : l s €= R B AE E E XH E $ oo o o oo o d tf - )af: . oF r o r r c a O)ao }s * i s ! H 3 = \O OO ln @ O\ Fr \O ef ) O\ \O e{ ,r ; o F- oi o ,{ e. i "d e- i F{ i A C \ O O O \ C \ C { F - . O O N rn s r n . t e o . f $ - f . < r $ ,, , , r . c a O \ O A YF { X 1 i f i \ O € € -o t \ - ) : ] ] $\ o \ O O 9o \ q A oo , q \ A lJ ^ t ff 1 !( r : F. \1 ' 1 F. 6 s$ + 3S S = .e Z (a ot ) E (- , a EE - g == - o ct t s c Z} ' E or oEs * T s E H = = o6 a EG I \q \ . q q - 9 a q v ? $C \ o O \ O O f - C ! f - \ O - t '- { c\ e\ c{ ca c\ c\ c! c\ 6l F- r Fa F{ r- f F{ ?- l r- { Ft O\ f \ - C Q e \ $ f - :E ! a = SN R S Hn = H -" ? q \ c\ - -' ; $c a c a 6 l Fi \. r- a "- t r- { F{ tr }a oc " ) ca O O f r = Fr O t n r l C . . i F{ o ). . ao .t o t\E 4 ve $ 3 As s i E I H E 3 c, q3 (v , ia o q o \ e { o o - c a \ F - r . r oi = o d o d o d = o i = o d o i .. - . . oO C{ t r ) . t $ {S y o G Eg E E $, { ( r \ O O C . . i r ) $ ! r AV I .o a \J \ o c{ c{ c\ Gl inaet VA c\ 8 = I lX "_ . O)_ )o $ , -, E e =E B i R : H T = o= o qi n ' - { l n \ O @ i Cn \ d l C > !! oi J od -i ,- i oi e. i A .r ; )' f - O\ O\ @ O\ € € \/ OO r. - r - . c { o o € YF r $ O O \ f , \ O N -r t . f ) C t . c r 1 C { r \ O S1 w ; o i 9 q< ? 9 u ) X' O\ eO C! F- f O\ € \J \ r- . $ $ Cf ) 1v 1 inacA o\ 5 = r r g cr t g l = I I Cn Fr o )-o Is $ r E' cn O 66 Ad a e (- ) ( . r o o ao o o +t :t t +h +h +L :t b II It e E Fe e 6 a : E gg g > { E. 5 r- r C \ e a $ i n \ O f - O O g l \ = h .- i ,- - ' l. a a) A ,4 , A ra r EF A 6 - L $ e E s A Jt JL JL JL x- ? l s g aFI .l F{ A r- 1 -A Fl hI 3 F\ FEO aF r !R a F{U)E { STL-SI Louis Data Packages Radiological Analyses Data Packages are in order as discussed in the Data Validation Report (see Appendix C): Data Package D5I070222 Data Package D5I080237 Data Package D5J070214 Data Package D5I090189 Data Package D5I03OL44 Data Package D5Il0015l Data Package D5I130187 Data Package D5I02O2O9 a o o STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 Fax: www.stl-irrc.com STL 303 431 7t7t AI\ALYTICAL REPORT Western Zirconium Proj ect Lot #: D5I07A222 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 8t 81 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 8An7 STL DENVER fu-Y Linda L. Benkers Project Manager September 30, 2005 Severn Trent Laboratories, Inc. Table Of Contents Standard Deliverables wtth Supporting Documentatlon Report Contents Standard Deliverables (fU, Cover Letter and the Report Cover page ore considered integral parts of thts Standard Dellverable package. This report is inc:omplete unless all pages indicated in th* Table of Contents are included.) o Table of Contents o Case Narratlve o Executive Summary - Iletecdon Hightights . Methods Summary r Method/Analyst Summsry o Lot Sample Sumnary o Analytical Results . QC Dsta Association Summsry . QC Sample Results . Chain-of-Custody Su pporti ng Documentatlon Note: A one-page "Descriptlon of Supporting Documentation" is provided at the beginning af thls section.). r VoIaflIe GC/IUS o Semivolatile GC/MS o Volatile GC r Semlvolatile GC I LCIIVIS or HPLC o Metals . &neral Cfiumlshy o Radiochemlstry r Subcontracted Data Number of Pages Check below rryhen supportlng documentaflon ls present. nnnnnInH STL Denver Case Narrative D5r070222 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were encountered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality control samples anal5zed in oonjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this report meet all requirements ofNEL,AC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written pennission from the laboratory. Sample Receiving Three samples were received under chain of custody on Se,ptember 7,2005. The samples were received in good condition at temperatures of 3.8"C and 3.3"C. The results for all radiological analyses are included in this report and were performed by STL St. Iouis; 13715 Rider Trail Norttr; Earth Citlt MO 63A45,phone 314-298-8566. Radiochemistry, Various Methods The method 900.0 MOD gross beta MDA for samples D5IA70222-001 through 003 was not met due to reduction of sample size caused byhigh residual mass. The analytical results are reported with the MDA achieved. A lowlevel and a high-level LCS standard were anallzed with total uranium batch 5255169 and they are spiked at different concentrations. Therefore, the RPD value reported for these two standards does not apply. Both LCS recoveries were in eontrol. All MSA4SD were performed on samples from other clients and/or lots and were in control. AIl duplicates were performed on samples from other clients and/or lots and were in control. STL Denver METHODSffi D5I070222 o PARAMETER ANAIJYTICAI, METHOD PREPARATION METHOD Gross Alpha (COPRECIP) by Groes Alpha/seta by GFPC Isotoplc Thorium by Alpha Radium-zz6 by cFPe RadJ,um-zz9 by GFPC Total Uranlum By Laser Ph RefereDC€B: GFPC SpectroBcopy osphorlmetry SM['nil 71L0 MOD EPA 9OO, O MOD EPA 900. O EML EPA EPA ASm,I A.- O1-R I{OD 903 . O MOD 904 IIOD 5L74-91 ASTT{ EML EPA gMUII,II Annua1 Book Of ASflvI Standards. trENVIRONMBITAL MEASIIREME}iITS LABORATORY PROCEDURES MANUAIJi HASfr-300 28TH EDITION, VOLUME I and rI DEPARIIT{EIEI OF E}IERGY " EASTERN ETWIRONMB{TAL RADIATION FACrI.,TTY RADfOCHEMISTRY PROCEDURES IYIJLNUJ\IJ'I US EPA EPA 52A/S_84-006 AUGUST T"984 N STA}IDARD METHODS FOR WASTE WA:rERT o STL Denver ANALYTTCAL METHOD METTIOD/ANALYSTW D5r070222 AI{IAITYST ASTrvl 5L74-91 EML A-01.R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD EPA 9OO.O }TOD EPA 903 .0 MOD EPA 904 MOD sMI^t![ 7110 MOD Rr=ferences: AgI}{ EMI, EPA SMT{I{ Mlke Andergon .Iody Watson RLronda Ridenhower Rlronda RLdenhower fvan Vania Ivan Vania Bob Nicholas AIIALYST ID 4A23 s 0 63 903 06 004 0 50040 400697 4006e7 05200 5 Annual Book Of Asfi'l Standards. ,ENVIRONMEMTAIT I4EASITREME}IIS LABORATORY PROCEDIIRES I{ANUALr HASI,-3OO 28TH EDITION, VOLI]ME I ANd II DEPARTIT,IENT OF ENBRGY "EASTERN EITIRONMENTAIr RADTATION FAeII,Inr RADfOCHEMfSTRY pRocEDURES MifNUArr'r US EpA EPA 520/5-84-006 AUCIUST L984 I'STANDARD METHODS FOR WASTE WATERII STL Denver SAIVIPLEW D5rO70222 wo#SAIVTPLE# CLIEI{IT SAIVIPIE TD o SAIvIPLED SAIUP DATE TIME HLT3 P6 H.J3QA H.I3QE NC):[B (8) : 001 GW- 8A- 09060s 002 GW- 8B- 09050s 003 Gw- 7A- 0905 0s a9/oG/as 1o:35 ag/05/a5 t2-,a5 oe/06los 13:10 - Tho onr.lyticrl rGqdts of the sampl$ lisrcd rbovo rro presciled o, $e fotlowlnj pages - All cslcul.tiors arc pcrformrd beforc roundhg ro evold rouDd{rf cror$ tn calc[hrcd rcsrls. - Rcults norcd e6 'ND' wore mt dorocrEd il or rboyo thG $etod limit. - This repon mus not bc rcproducod, oxc€pt in fult, wilDout th6 writtdl rpproval of ftc laborsiory. - Re$ths for dte folloving puuDctcr$ ue Dcvcr rcportcd on a dry weight brsis: cotor, corosivky, dcnrity, Ilerhpoint, i3Diobility. lryers, odor, palnt fifter n6[. pH. porosity pressrc, rc.ctlvlty, rodox poicn$al, Scciflc Sravlty, spot lcsts, solids, sofubility. ternpcrdture, viecocity, rd welsrrr. STL Denver O URS Corporatlon ClLent Sarnrcle fD: G$[-8A-090505 Scvcrn Trant rraboratorLes - Rrdtochmistra, Lab Sarnple ID: Work order: I,latrix: Parartar D5r070222-001_ HJ3 P6 GW lrrult Date Collected: Date Recelved: a9/06/a5 1035 a9/07 /45 0930 Totrl Unctrt. 17 o+l-l Prop lnrlrrrlt Dct. Detr Drtob I Yld t GIROgg .L/B BY OTPC Glrorr Brtr EP 900. o ![oD 35.9 ecLlL 7.0 7.9 900. o !!oD 09 l09l05 0elLll05 5252107 ToErl Uraal,un bV Iotrl Urr.nlurrr KPt' }AEDT 5L7I-91 3 -94 o. {1 uf,lL 0 .31 3L7 t -91 oellSlos 09l,'lo' 52s5169 ffi,oas }' By co-PRIcIP 8!otw 7110 iloD Orolr ll'phr 3.17 0. 9l tCLIL o.70 7110 DilOD 09to8/05 a9tL6l03 5.25Ll7t Rl-226 BY EPl,-903 - O llOD Radl,rrn (e26) 0.19 o.13 p,ct/L o.19 903. O MOD a9 lo8lo5 ae 127 /05 5251058 98 Rt-228 BY OrPC EPr, g0{ !fiOD gctlT)I00 DIOD uu 228. rrO THORII'U o. gg (SHOR|r gT) DOE 0.39 4.a27 o ,53 0.20 0-o71 oCIIL A-O1-R 09 tLrloS a9/14/05 uoD a9 tLgl05 091L9/05 oet08/05 09127 lo5,5251039 72 llhorLun 23O Tlrorir:rn 232 .tr-ol-R ltoD J U 0.13 0.L2 5257300 92 52573 00 92 tr. lasq>lotr rlthout tbe o,o pr'.rrtlvr. roC lo dotorrtaed by lE.truDalrt gorfotztaoo ooly. lold rorultr rr. grolg.E thra tba lOC i, Rcrult ir grrcrtor thrD, lr[Dlc CotcctloD ltatt but I.!! thrl ttrts.d rclprBlng ll.stt. 6TL Baffv€lr lor thrrr th. rruDt. dct.otlo! llDtt. URS Cor;poratl.on ClLent Sarnrplc IDs G$[-88-090505 Scvcrn Brant lraboratorleg - Radiochdntrtry Lab Sample ID: Work Order: MaErix: Drnrtrr D5 r 07 4222-0A2 HJ3OA GW trorrrlt Date Col}ected; 0 9 / 05 / 05 1"2 05 Date Recelved: A9 I 07 / A5 093 0 TotaI. Uoor*. (2 o+l -l Prrp fsrlyrlr Datc Drtr narch I cRogg t/t Br orDc Orors Bota EPl, 900. o DtoD 112 plCIl[t 900. o MoD a9l09lo|, 09/13 lo3 5.2321,0723 trotrl Uranl,um b8r rotal Uranlusr KPL nsrH 5171-91 {,06 0. a6 uslI,_ o.31 5L7 r-91 09/13 lO5 0elr.rlos s35516e oRo88 A By CO-pRtCIp gDiWW 7110 tiOD Orort Llphe 5.5 pc,-lt 0,9 7110 DIOD a9 IO8lA5 09IL6|A3'215L17I Bt-776 Br EP},-9O3. O l'!oD RrdLurn (226) 0.{8 0.20 nCLIl' o.2{ 903.0 t[oD 09 I O8l AS 09 127 l05 5251058 u-229 BY CIrPC Rrdl,ua 22A EPt 901 rdoD 1 .13 0 .63 pCLII, o-98 9 0{ ![OD 09 lo0los oelz7 la5 535105e 73 Iro ,IIIORTITDI ( SHORI Thorlum 230 Thorium 232 cr) DoE }'-ol-R r[oD 0.15 0-025 .e,-01-R !@D 09/74/05 09/L9/As a9/74/Os A9/L9/05 5257 300 86 5257 300 86 pCt /r, U U 0.1d a -a79 o. 16 o. 14 NorE (8) Drta raa lloqrl'otr rttLout tb. ou. llrrfrtlva. fOC lr d.t.ml,D.A byr tnrtrunrrnt gorformror ou1y. BoId rcrultr tr. grrGrtcr th.[ tb. UDC J Ruult tt gr.rt.r tt [ lc4rla o.tcatl,oD ltDlt brt lorr tLu .tat.A roDortlag ltrdt. BTt DOfnrdtr 1o.. tb.D tL. rrqrle d.t.sti@ U.nlE. tIRg Corgoratl.on Client $ample ID: GIIiI-7A-090605 Sevrrrn Trent Laboratorics - Radfochsd.Btry Lab Sanple Work Order: Matrix; Pr,rrnrtcr D5 r 07 0222- 0 03 HJ3OE GW Rrrult Date Collected: Date Received: 09 / 06/0s 1310 a9/07/05 0e30 TotrI unoert, (7 o+l -l PrrD htr fnrlfrl,r Datr rEob I YId t OROEE AIE BY OTPC Ororr Brtr lPt 900. o riloD 7{0 160 eCLIL 200 900.0 t[oD 09 loetas 0e lL3 lo3 5252Lo7 lfotel Urralun by Totrl Ureal,un xPr .trgru 5171-91 173 uglt 5L7 l-91 a9llllo, o9l1.3l05 525516e0.3 oRo88 r Br co-pREcrp suDrr 7110 rroD Orosr llphr Z7 ,5 l.? eCLlr, 1,5 7110 lrOD 09laelaS 09ll6la, ,.21147|, nl.-226 BY rPA-903.0 DIOD Rrdlrrn (?26) 1.28 0.30 gctlL 0 .23 903.0 l[OD 09/08/05 aelz7 la5 5251058 BJl'-228 BY OrPC EPl' 901 t[OD pCt/r,9 0{ ![oD un 228 Iro TEORrInil l.?3 (gHoRE C!!) DOt t-01-R MOD 1.a1 0-02 u 0 .78 o. c0 0 - 10 E,c,L IT' 0 .86 0,17 0.19 oeloSloS 49 t27 I 05 5251059 Thorirrn 23O Thorlurn 232 r-o1-n a9lL{l o8 09/L4/As !@D oslleloJ 09/19/05 5257300 7t 52573 00 7 4 (8) tr i,r. Iloqllrtr rtthout bh. orr. narratlvo. t|Dg 1r dctanrrtnod by tnrtnunrnt Dcrfoxanraoo only- BoId rctultr lr. lrrretcr thtD th. ilDC u Rrrult lr lcrr thra the aaqllc dctaction r.lmLt,. STL Denver acrlATA oNW Dsro70222 Samp1e Preparation and Analyels Cont.rol Nr:mbers SAI\4PIrE#MATRIX 001- 002 003 GW GW G[t[ GW GW GW gw GW GW GW GW GUr GW GW GW GW GW GW AIVAIJYTICAIJ }/ETHOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5174-91- sM9[I{ 71"10 MOD EPA 903.O MOD EPA 904 MOD E}[L A-01-R MOD EPA 900-0 !/[OD AST!,I 5L74-91- SMWW 71_1-0 MOD EPA 903.0 I"10D EPA 904 MOD EML, A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD AST!{ 5L7 4-9L SMWI^I 7110 MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 9O4 MOD EMIJ A-0L-R MOD I,EACH BATCH * PREP BATCH # 5252L47 5255169 525 L47 4 52 51- 0s I 525L05 9 52573 0 0 52521A7 s2551,6 9 525 L47 4 s2510s8 s2s10s9 s257300 s2s2LA7 52551,5 9 525L47 4 5251.0 5I 52sL059 s2s73 00 MS RTIN# s2s2 055 525s 1-4 s 52s 1_ 3 21 5257L99 5252055 s2s5L45 s25L32L 5257L99 5252055 525s145 525L 3 2L 52s7L99 O Denver IIETEOD B[T}}IK Trcat lraboratorleE REPORT nrdiochutl'rtry Client Lot Matrix: Paramtu Scvcra D5r070222 WATER ISrrrrIt lPotaL Uactrt. (7 o+l-l Prcfl Drto LaIe 8c4llo fD Aaalyrl.! Dott Drtoh I rt6 t R.f,'.228 BY (IEDC Radlum 228 EPt 90{ uoD *0. 06 rlcL lt, 0. 47 900 DioD 0. 81 r5r080000-0598 09 / a8l 05 a9 /27 / As 5251 059 84 nr-226 By EPt-903.0 t@D Radlum '226) 0 .02 T,CLIL 0-13 903.0 tloD 0.24 r5r080000-0588 09 / a8 / 05 09 / 27 / 05 525L058 LO3 onosg r/D Gross Beta By orPc EP* 900.0 !@D 0.20 u ecllt, 0,93 900. 0 tioD i.6 r5r090000-107B os / og / as 09 / 12 / 05 s252Lo7 oRo88 }' BY CO-PRECIP SUWW Gross A1pha -0. 04 7 LLo rrOD U gc,-lL 0.l5 7110 DIOD a .67 psr080000 -17 la 09 / 08 / 05 09 / 1.6 / 05 525L47 4 ?otrl Unnj.rn blr tal Uranlum xPt tsllr 517{-91 -0.0743 U ug /l' 0 . 0089 ecl-lt 0. 15 0.062 5L7 l-91 0.31 l-ol-R !@D 0 .12 0.059 r5r120000-1598 a9 /13 / 05 a9 /15/05 52551-69 r5r1CO000-3008 a9l,.tlos oelt9lo3 5257300 87 09/L4/05 09/L9/A55257300 8t fso THORfm[ (8HORT Cf) DOE ],-01-R I{t}D 'lfborl.rrn 230 O.23 if Thorium 232 A.022 U rre lacqllrto rLthont tho carr arrrrtl.vt. lDc Lt dctrrmtnrd urtng lnrtrerucat porforrnraor only Bofd rcrultr tr. glrcrttr thu thr t(DC i, R$u1t l; g:rcrtor thrn rrqrlc cctcctlon ltrnl.t but 6TL flnflyaf Icrr rhrn rhr raqrlc dctcctl.on l:[^ntr, hrr thrD rtrtod rrporElng lLmLt. 10 t- CIient Lot Matrix: Puemrtrr LaboratoRf Control Severn Trent Laboratorieg D5 r 07 0222 T^IATER ogtta r0ount, Rolult l[otaI' Ilaoort. (2 o+l'l Sarple Raport - Radl.och@tLatraz rab 3uO1e II) 0C Coatrol tr Yld t lro r,lnl.tr C'RO88 }, BT CO-PruCIP cross Alpha gDrHW 7110 UOD 20.6 Lg.4 Batch tr 525L474 7110 !rcD 0.s laalyrlr Drtrr r5r080000 -17 {c (71, - 1d3 ) S*Llf' 89 09 /L6l05 OROgg ^fB BY Gross Beta gFPe EPt 900. o D|OD 105 lrtoh, I r 900. o !{oD 1 larlyrl.r Drtrr r5ro90000-107c ( 70 72Ll r,Bt llt 105 5252]-47 11 101 09/1,2/05 Iro TIIO&tgl{ (SIIORI Thoriun 228 Thcrlum 234 Thorlum 232 cT) DOE r-01-R I-81 9 -46 8.82 Eatolr * r !,!oD 9.3 8.3 9.2 52573 00 gcllL 1.1 1,0 1-1 r-01-R t80D r5r1tO000-300c 0. 1 e2 105 0.09 92 87 0.r. 92 104 tnrlyrlr Drtrr 09 / Lg / 05 ( 91 1321 (65 l-2e) (88 L33) NOmls) Stl%dfr{E?"f".4 br b.larllmt portotrucr ooly colgtrlaEl6a tre pcrtonrd bolorr rouad,lag to arolA rqrld-ot! rrtor ln orloulrt.ll r.rult. Laboratorfz Control Saqrl,c ll,;C,8 Urplicata ReDofr Severa Trot Laboretorlcr - nrdiochol.rtry D51470222 I^IATER C1ient Lot Matrix: Paranttrr QgtLr frcur.t, Rrarlt Irab 8agllc ID Ae Control. t 1,ld t Rrc "r-rar - Preclrio trotel Uaolrt. (2 o +l-l Rr-228 Br orPe EPl' 901 t{oD Radiurn 228 5.26 spk 2 5.26 EatoL lr DCL/r.90{ troD 0.98 0. 87 76 L24 85 L72 llerlyrir Drtrr 15r080000- 059c ( 56 1,47 | (56 ]-4,71 10 tRPD 09 /27 /0s 5 -54 5. 89 s2s10s9 R.A,.-226 AY IBPI-903 .0 WD Radium Q26) ft-Z spk 2 LL.z 8.9 8.3 trtoh tr 525L058 903. O rtoD 1.1 99 80 1.0 100 74 frrl'yelr Drtol r5r080000-058c (54 135) (54 135) e tRPD a9/27/05 D,ELII, ToEaI UranLuur b1l, XPt tgEli 517{-91 Total Uranlum 40_0 42_3Spk2 8-00 -?.59 Batoh lr 5255169 5L7 {-91 5.0 106 0.78 95 lna.lyrl.r Drtr r r5r12 0000-169C (90 112) ( 90 LLa) 139 tRPD a9/L5/45 vg lI) STLgiEO*IlUbnf ar. Dcrfoild boton roudlng to rtold rord-off rrror b colculrtod r.rult. Cllent Lot l'tat,rix; Prrernrtlr Saverra D5 r0 30L44 GW eptho lrount OC 8rry>}r fD IYLD trnrc QC Control f,lnttr IIATRIX SPIKE Trent Laboratorl,eg REPORT - Rlrdioehmirtzy Date Sampled; 09 / A2 / 05 Date Received: 09 / 03 / 05 Spthc Rorult TotrL Irnortr,. gptho 8rqllo (2s+l-l Ild' llclult, Totrl Uaccrt. (Z o +l -l GIROEA I BY EO-PREEIP Gross ALpha minvr TLLa 4L -2 BaEch xoD 31.8 #: 5251474 peLlL 4.2 7110 tfiOD 1.85 Analysis Date; 09 /76/05 D5r0301{E-OO1 a.77 73 (tt L33) oRoSg }.IE Grosg Betra BY GrPC ItP[ 900,0 DIOD 804 136 Batch #: 5252L07 900. 0 troD 30.4 6.7 DsI03O1{lt-O01 88 (s0 r"so ) Arra1ysls Date : 09 / L2 / AS DCL/f. 79 NOrrE (s) Data are incomplete without Calculations a.re perforrned STL Denver the cass narraE.lve. before ror,urdlng to avoid round-of f arrors in ealculated results. 13 C1ient Lot fD: Matrix: DenDtar }TAIIRTX SPIKE/ITNTRIX SPTKE flewera [rcnt teboretorl,cr D5r100L51 GW DUPLICTTE REPORT F Rrdioehutlrtry Date Sampled: Dat,e Received: 09 I 09 / 05 Ae25 aella/45 0Bl-s OC 8r-rh ID r Y1d rf,,oc Sril'rt="tApl.tr .lrcunt sDTTI trurr}t Tstrl tllrcrrt. 8pl,hc glXPLt (? o+l-) Ild lrruIts lotrI Uaecrt. 12o +l-l roo THORfIIM (gHORlf Thorium 230 Spk2 Thorlun 232 ,Srpk2 cr) DoE 9 _46 9 .46 8.82 8.82 8.2 7 .37 9-8 8-0 5257 L 99 Dcl/L t-oI.*R 1.L 81 0.15 0.99 103 0-i5 1-.3 81 0.011 r-.0 103 0-011 lnrlyrlr datr r DIOD u 0.15 71" u 0.15 7l Froelrior u 0.055 7'J. u 0.065 71prtoLrlor 09/1,9/05 Dsr100151-002 85 (74 130) 76 04 t3o) 1]. TRPD 111 (81. 3.241 90 (91 - t24,1 2L TRPD Brtoh lr IloE(s) Crlculatl,ol ara DaafoEDC brtore rsuldtlg to ercId rornd.-ot! rrror Ll oalqqlat.d rrlultr STL Denver U Rrrult lr Imr thrn tho trngllo dctcotLon }l-rdt.1,4 Client Lot fD: MaErlx: Parurtt MATRIX SPIKE/UHTRIX SPTKE Sevarn Trant Leboratorl,es F5r050203 ws DI,PIJICTTE REPORT - Radtoch@istrA, DaEe Sarrpled: Datre Received: 08/29/Os 1035 09 / 0L / 05 0900 0e 8rql].r ID t Yrd rrnoc :ii::'="'Spthe fmrat SPIXT Rrnr1t TotrI Ihoorts, 8lrl,t SlllPIrE (? o+ I -l rld f,uu1t TotaI- Uaeort. 17s + I -\ Totel UranLun btl, XPL fgru 5 toral Uranium 40,0 .9pk2 40. O ug lr, 4.7 4 --l laalytLr JLT a-91 - 0 , 0511 -0-0511 drtr r u 0.0050 r5r060203-001 99 (83 123) ( 83 L23) 39 .4 39-s 5255145 u 0-0050 99 PrrgLrLoor 0-3 tRPD Bateh lr a9 / L5/ 05 NoIl(S) Celonhtlor err Drrfortri brlore rouAlng to woltt roroit-off oror ia oalsrlatoil r.rq1t. STL DenverU Xorult ir lorr tsbru tbc .antrrlc dctcctlon llBlt, Cl-ient LoE f D: Mat.rix: PartrlErr Savcrn D5r070222 WATER ETtrPLE nrrult DUPITICATE EVAITUITION RTPORT Trcnt Laboratorl,es - RndiochmiBtry Date SamSrled: Dat.e Received: 09/a2/as a9/03/05 Totrl Unorr:t. (2o +l-) DUPLICftE lorult tqotal Baoort. (2 o+l-,t r].d 0C 8r4rh ID Prrcl,rl,o, oRoga t' By eo-PRlcIP Gross Alpha g!ilmr 7110 1.85 J Eatsh I r lIoD piC!, /\., o ,71 525Ln7 A ( SamPle) 7110 DIOD 1-O1 ,I Dsr03014{-001 59 IRPD0.65 5251,47 4 ( Dr:p1i ca te ) GROgg ^lB Br grPC Gross Beta EPA 900,0 D'OD 30.d lrtob, tr prcLlL 6-t 5252LA7 (Sampta) 900. o !iloD 30. B DsrO301{{-001 1" tRPD7.1 5252L07 (Duplleate) GE(s) htr tr. hoqrl.ta ,ttlout tL. cr.a arrratlvr, Calsutlttst arr glrforrrd brfom roudtlq to rvotal ronoll-off o::or b oelaulate0 a.mlt. Stf, B.Stai;lrr erorter tbra aaqrlc dctcotloB ltutt tut lorr thps .trtcd rrrqtsralr ltrlt. 76 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist PivI to Complete This Section: Yes Residual ctrlorine check requireci:f euotc#: tl1 Dtl 5 i\bs Quarantined ; Yes NoDT t_p bl'a},tb 1a S*-- /cL'/s Time Zone. . EW/EST . CDT/CST . MDT/I\4ST . PDTPST . OTHER Linpacking Checks: Cooler #(s): t Tcuperarures ('C), 3. F N/A les No D { o r. { n 2. tr { 3. r{o rD5trfiu6. IFrr7. 3.3 Cooler seals intact? (N/A if hand delivered) If no, docr:ment on CIJR- Chain of custody present? If no, documeut on CLR. Bottles broken irnd/or are ]eaking? If ycs, docurrent on CLiR.. Multiphasic samples obvious? If yBS, document on C'tlR. Proper container & prescrvatives used? (ref. Attachment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, document on CLR. pH of all saryles checked and meet requirements? If no, document on CLIR. Sufficient voiuure provided for all amlysis requested? (ref. Attachment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, document on CLr& and contact-P.M before proceedi:rg. Did chain of custody agree r*ith labels iD and samples received? If no, document on CLIR. Were VOA saruples witbout headspace? @^ ___=: Wcre VOA vials preserved? Prescrvanv " ydCl i4-t}C lsodium Thiosulfatc r-.t Ascorbic Acid Did samples require preservation with sodiurn thiozulfate? If yes to #l 1, did the samples contain residuai chlorine? If yes, documert on CUR. Sediment present in dissolverVfiitered bottles? If yes, document on CLrR. ls suflicient volume provided for clieni requesied MS, MSD or mairix duplicates? [f no, documeni on CUR, and contact PM before proceedirg. tr e {n8 tr rfg. q-A 10. c {n. D tr 12. f tri3. u n14 { 15. Receipt date(s) > 48 hours past the collection date(s)? If yes, noti8/ PAiPM. 16. Are aualyses with short holding times requested? 17 . Was a quick Tum Around (TAT) requested? tr d o D ,W S"{eoPee$fiffile Receivrng'sunple Recciving Checklisl I z 1304 revision t7 STI- -Denver Sample Receiving Checklist I-ot*-alZ: t /(^^l I.ogin Checks: N/A )'es No ,f D 18. Sufficicnt volumc ltrovidcd for all anall,sis rcquested? (ref. Attachmcnr D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) docurncnl on CUII and contaol PM before procecdirrg. l/ g D 19. Is sufl-rcient'r,olume provided for clier:t rcgucstcd hrs, IUSD or nratrix duplicatcs? If no, documenr crn L'I.JR, and conlact PIU bcforc proceeding. ,F tl 20 Did thc clrain <rf cusrody includcs "reccivcd by" arrd "rclinquished" by silyraturcs, dates, arrd timcs? n ,f E 21. Wcre special log iri instructions read and followedit ,{ tr D 22- Were A-FCEII nuuls logged for refrigerated storagc? E D 23. Were tests loggcd checkcd against the COC? \\Trich samplcn wcrc confirmerl? t .g D I 24- Was a Rush finm corryrlcted for guick TAT? ,f n tr ?5. Was a Short Hold form corr4rletcd for anl,short holds? g .fr 26. Is "Stricr |C0C'required? C) 2 27. Were spccial archiving inrtructions irdicatcd in the Gcneral Cormrcrtsi) If so, nbat werc they? eling and Storage Checks:Inirials D 28. Was t}c subcorrtract COC si-qned and scul wi$ saryJcn to bottlc prep? I J9- Were rarryle Iabcls doubic-checilcd b1'a secoud person? I 30. lVere sarryle bottl* and COC double chec,ked for dissolved/filered metals by a second prson? D 3I. Did tbr cample ID, Date- and Time fiom label marcb u,hat uas loggcd? tr 32. Wsc stickerr foi special arcbiving instructious a6xcd to esch box and to the ICOC? Sce f.27 tr 33. \terc,/-FCEE mcals stored refrigerated? I 34. Were "Strict ICOC'copies g'ivcn to satcllite storagc areasl/ Documsnl an-yproblems or discrepancies and thc actions talon to resolve them on a Conciition Upon Receipt Anomall' Repofl (CUR). o Lab :, ,{ r, Etr F birtE ,lFT STL Denver f,mam m(f u,*( ],m l)xa ry3 tf \C)Frr y L \_ {F- €rt Ffi T: - taN\ : *- - { rc i e EI f rJ , l - , c_ . t #tf2 *I ; - l B .F \ U' I { t rd )w t (I r .- . ( )Rft iL J >.t al .* JT"ti -" t l -f i _- r * t F fr t *1 If a I '' a ,* q )>5t :!mr(f CD =-o T\ pt ft iH : =n i \\ o( I{m =( H *rnc, t:Wvtr \' ' $\\ U'=m :: { - \ \) 'f t fu - *i 5 }*J,d):r \\ 1'xo(- rno{ ,i : - , - ir l iN a ,t r =b { 6*m ,r I) L- 7E T\ i. i ./> JI C f J =m TmrzI6Em(f (D{, rls - Rtl)D a lD ir ft il7 =0 s- tan H -ct(\t if l 6 rf l fl -T .t r . t C74 MS / M S D E'Irn N $ -o $ NO . OF CO N T A I N T E R S =rr l X X X Tmam rn(] TD*( '{ z E CI ' rn CD -& ; f,m f,xU' *;s* c,=rn J =m flm7zogarmo IDs !(( N\E ': +N\.\\ r Pr "r JaA D ,$ rq ,A >j , - . (f Bm Hg FT H J3m bl IJ 7t m 7m =h,'*I a 2D :Drnc) fr Lf ; t- s , . . (, s_ i \ g i- ' : : ' f vt F @o \t 7 \- : - 1 , a l5 'n O ;" .* l. ( D \ -. "' t .. " '' \ RE,m i' ) { w= =I TDrr z.I o1' rn2mg (D :s E'T tT l J =m{rn T ro C,a rn r*oozo{6z IE G { U H\ } 9 & 30 3 3 7 c o c . F HB ;I E i r r S FF g s E s; B E g ' ts a lr lgE b o a F. o=g.=ora r c)EU' r+ocL :t r (Dc)oa E, It t- - g l_ _ I I 19 ST L De n v e r STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 www.stl-inc.com STL 303 431 7171 AI\ALYTICAL REPORT Western Zirconium Proj ect Lot#: D5I080237 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 818l East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 STLDENVER t& Linda L. Benkers Project Manager Octob er 7 ,2005 Severn Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Standard Deliverables with Supporting Documentation Report Contents Sfandard Deliverables (fn" Cover Letter and the Report Cover page Are considered integral parts of this Standard Deliverable pockage. ThLs report is incomplete unless all pages lndlcated in this Table of Contents are inctuded.) o Tnble of Contentso Case Narratlve o Executive Surnmary - Iletection Htshlights . Methods Sumrnary . Method/Analyst Sumrnary ' Lot Snmple Summary o Analytical Results o QC Data Association Summary o QC Sample Results o Chaln-of-Custody Supporti ng Doeumentation Note: A one-page "Description of Supportlng Documentation" provided at the beginning of this sectilan). r Volatile GC/MS o Semlvolatlle GC/MS r Volatile GC r Semivolatile GC r LC/IVIS or IIPLC r Metals r Cbnersl Chemisfry o Rndiochernistry . Subcontracted Dsta Number of Pages Check below when supporting documentaflon ls presenLnnnnnn STL Denver n Case Narrative D5I080237 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were encountered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality conhol samples anallzed in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established conftol limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this report meet all requirements of NE[,AC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without wdtten permission from the laboratory. Sample Receiving Seven samples were received under chain of custody on Sepleurber 8, 2005. The samples were received in good condition at ternperatures of 3.1"C, 3.1"C, 1.4"C,2.7"C,3.1"C and 5.7oC. Due to a shipping error, the zubcontracting laboratory did not receive samples D5I080237-001 and 002 and only received partial sample volume fbr sample 003. Additional volume was collected for these samples at a later date and they are logged in under a separate lot. The results that are available for saurple 003 are reported since this sample was used as the batch MSA4SD QC_ The results for all radiological analyses are included in this report and were pe'rforrned by STL St. Iouis; 1,3715 Rider Trail North; Earth CiU; MO 63045,phone 314-298-8566. Radiochemistry, Yarious Methods The method 900.0 MOD gross beta MDA for sanrples D5I080237-003 through 007 was not met due to reduction of sarnple size caused byhigh residual mass. The analytical rezults are rqrorted with the MDA achiwed. A low-level and a high-level LCS standard were anal;zed with total uranium batch 5262217 nd they are spiked at different concentrations. Thereforg the RPD value reported for these two standards does not apply. Both LCS rccoveries were in conhol. The radium 226 andradium 228 MSA{SD were perfonned on sample D5I080237-003 and were in conhol. The gross beta MS/Ir{SD performed on sample D5I080237-003 dernonstrated recoveries below tho control lrmit. The total uranium MS performed on sample D5I080237-003 demonshated a recov€ry above the control limit. The MSD was in contol. The gross alpha MSA{SD performed on a sample from another client andlor lot was in confiol. STL Denver The isotopic thorium duplicates performed on sample D5I080237-006 wse in conhol. Note that the RPD value reported for thorium 232 is calculated based on values below the reporting limit and those valuqs do not apply. STL Denver o o METTIODSW D5IO8A237 A}IAIYTTCAIJ PREPARATION PARAIvIEIfER METIIOD METHOD ' Groes Alpha (COPRECIP) by GFPC sMlvw 7110 MOD croaa Alpha/Beta by GFpe EpA 900.0 MoD EpA 9oo.o Isot,oplc Thorlum by Alpha gpectroscopy EMIJ A-01-R ltoD Radium-226 by GFPC EPA 903.0 MOD Radiun-2z8 by GFPC EPA 904 MOD Total UranLum By Laser Ph osphorlmeLry ASTII 5174-91 nef€re|oeea: . ASIT.{ Arnual Book Of ASIIII Standarde. EMfr'mwtnONpgUrAr,MEA8UREMEIiIT8 LABORATORY PROC$URES MANIIAIJi HASL-3OO 28TH EDITTON, VOLT,ME I and II DEPARTIIENT OF ENERGY ' EPA TEASTERN ENVTRONMENTAL RADIATfON PACILIrY RADTOCHEMISTRY PROCEDTRES IITANTUAIJi Ug EpA EpA s2Ols-84-OO5 AUGUST 1984 SMW}I TSTAI{DARD MET}IODS FOR WASTE qIATERN STL Denver MEIHOI} / AhIALYST D5r080237 AI,IAIJYST o AIITAtYTTCAI, IUETHOD AI$AJrYST ID 4423 50 060040 4 01- 527 40 0 697 400 697 40 1 527 ASIU 5L74-9L EII/IL A-OI_R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 }IOD SMhIW 7L 10 rrIOD ReferenccB: ASTI{ EMIJ EPA SMI|fiiI Mike Anderson Rlronda Ridenhower Jirruny Wllson Ivan Vania Ivan Vania illmmy Wilson Armual Book Of ASff'f Standards. NEM/IRONME} TAIJ MEAST'REMENTS I'ABOR,AfORY PROCEDI}RES ITIIA}iIIIAI'" IIASII-300 28lII EDITTOI{, VOIrtl{E I and II DEPARII.{ENI OP ENERGY "E.ASTERN EI{wIRONMEI{ITAIT RADIATION FACIIrffg RADIOCHEI,IISTRY PROCEDURES MAIi[]Ar-,r' US EpA EPA 52O / S-84 - 0 06 AUC}UST L9B4 ''STAIiIDARD METHODS FOR WASTE $[ATER"o STL Denver SAIVIPI,EW D5IO8s237 SAMPIJED SAMP DATE TIMEwo#sAr{PLE#CI,IENT SAIVIPLE ID H.T5GB 0 03 HJ6G9 00{ HJ6IIA O O 5 HJ6HC 006 Hir6HD AO7 NOITE (S) : Gr9I-S1_-090705 GI{-S11-09070s GIir-s2-0907as GI{-53-O90705 c. w-N2-090705 a9/07los oe:55 as/ar/as 11:15 oe / o7 / os L2:20 ae/a7/os 1-3:00 oe/07/as L3:30 - Tho rrelyticrl rwrlo of tho ssrplo liged rbovc arc prcscDrcd on tho followim pa8cs. - All calcDrslions rrc pcrformod bcfore rorrding ro ercid rorm<loff srrors ln cahalated rcirlts. - Rfiil6 noted as 'ND'wefo not d€rc.tod st or rbovc rhe dat d lirDir, - Thls rcpon mrei Doa bc rcDroduccd. cxccpr in full. withoul tbe wrlttr., approval of tbe hborerory- - Rsults for the followinS psramcrcrs src ncvcr rcponc.l on e dry welght ba6ls: color, corosivlty, doslty, flaCrpoiu, iSDitrbtfity, llycrs. o<lor, pdit filt r Ert, pH, porooity prssno, ro0ctivlry, r€dox potcnrial, specifrc gnvi:y, spor lc6ts, colirle. solubitity, tempersnlrc. viscosity, rnd wcighl STL Denver t RS Coqporatsi,on Client Samle ID: G9[-S1-090705 Scvcrn Tr6nt Lrboratoriee - nr.diochmirtry Lab Sarple ID: Work Order: Matrrj.x: Prranrttr D5r080237-003 HJ5G8 GW Itrnrl't 0tral |[otal- Ilrrcrrrt - (2 a+ I -l uDC PrsD fnalyrlr Drto IlEt. Urtoh t Datre Collected: 09/07/05 0955 Date Received: A9 / 08/05 0930 rl.d t GTROSS AID IY Orotr B.tr orPc EPt 900. o !,toD LI,7 OcLlt 900. o uoD a9 123 I 05 09 lzelo5 326606't Totrl Urani.um TotsrI Urr-Lun bnr IcPt lEIt[ 517{-91 56-7 ug /1,317t-91 a9lzalo5 0912Ll05 52622L70.3 Rr-226 Br EP[-903. O [rOD RrdLun (216) Z -3L 0.44 DCt/L 0 .31 903 .0 !iloD 09/09 la5 09/28/05 5252085 98 nr-228 BY orPc Rrdl.rrrr 278 EPt 90{ ttroD 5 .13 o-87 nCLlr, 0 -91 90{ !iloD 09/09/05 09l28los 5252086 7l Drta atr Luoqll,rtr vLtlouE tho clra nanrrt.Lvo. ldc Ia dctrrrrlacd by rsttrnrrant Drrtormanco oD,ly. Eold ruulte tre grGat.r thrn thc t{DC STL Denver IIRS CorporatLon Cl,Lent SampLe ID: GII{-SlI.-090705 gewarn Trent Laboratorl.eg - RadLochguiatry Lab Sample lrlork Order: Matrix: ?rrrnrtrr D5r080237 -004 HJ6G9 GW Rcnrl.t Date CollecEed: Date Received: a9 / a7 / 05 111s a9 / 08/0s 0930 furlyrl.r Drtr Strl Uncctt. (? o+l-l Prrp ILt.Bateh I oRoSa I,,lB Br Ororr llrtr orPc EPn 900. o t{oD 390 1ao *,Llrt 200 900. o DtoD oel23lo5 ae l79lo5 5266067 troEel Unnl.un bL, To:,r1 UrraLum NPr .trssr al70-gL 1-20 0.11 u;slL 0.31 517t-91 a9120lo5 0elzt lo' 57622L7 ono88 A BY CO-PRECTP g!fl$I Groos A1pha 0.4 7110 lrOD U 1-1 sfi,L/t' 1.9 7110 ltOD 09 /23 / A5 09 /2s / Os s25608s Rt-226 BY tPf-gO3.O ti[OD Rrd,Lun (726) 1, 1?o.28 pcLlt o.77 903, O INOD o9lo9 lo5 09l"Blos 5252085 Rr-228 tY orPc Rudl,ruu 7?8 rPr 90{ ![oD L.77 pC.Lll. o. g0 90{ ![oD aglaglo, a9l28lo5 5252086 flrorl-un 23O Thorlum 232 o -22 0-08 0.53 0.17 0 - L1 o.x7 0-16 09t76la3 09177 l05 a9 /26 / As A9 /27 / Os 5269393 79 s259393 79 ta I,DC Bold J gTL (s) aro Luoqllrtr rithotrt tbo cat. narratl"ve. lr dctcrulncd br Lnrtnucat pcrfomanoo on1y- rcrultr rrl grratrr thrn thc ttDC Rcru1t k grcrtcr thin ranglla dctcst,los ltett but mnBfefu lmg thu thr gtqllc dctootLoa thlt,.:... B Icra tbra ttrtcd reDortlag llrtE. URg Coqporation C1Lent, Samtrle fD: Gg[-S2-090705 Srvern trrerrt Laboratorieg - nadLoch@d-Btrlz o tab Sanple ID: Work Order: Matrl-x: Paranrtu D5r080237-005 H.J6HA GW Rrtul'ts Date collected: 09 / A7 / A5 L22A Date Received: A9 / 08/05 0930 TotrI UEocrt. Ouil (2 o+ 14 uDC Drell lnrlyrlt Drto Ibt. rrtoh t Yld a onoEs ^lB BY Gross Beta orPc EPt 900.0 iloD r.90 u DCLIT. 200 900. o !@D a9/23/A5 09/29/45 5265057 Total UranLun fotr1 UrrrnLrrsr lry XPl, Lgltrt 517{-91 25.2 ug llr 5174-91 o9t7aIo5 09lzt lo5 57622L7 oRogg l, BY co-PRtcIP gDrgw Groeg Alpha O -97 7110 liOD U pcLlt 7110 lroD a9 /23/05 09/25/As s25608s0,91 L.4 lll-7?6 Br EPA-903. O !ilOD nadlun (226) 1.18 0.28 *LIL 0.21 903.0 MOD aelaglos a9i28105 '.2,2085 93 Rl,-238 BI GFPC Rrd,Luro ?,78 EPr 90{ ![OD 3,6C o-80 pcLlt, o.95 90{ tiloD o9lo9lo5 09 l78lo3 5?,32086 68 IoO TIIORITTU (8HORT Thoriuru 230 Thorlum 212 C!r) DOE r-01-n ![OD 0 .21 iI -0.031_ u t,c,LIr, o-15 0.15 A-01-R lloD 09126' tos 09127 I A5 09 /261Os 09 /27 / 05 5269393 90 s259393 90 oo.16 0-071 NO|E (s) Dcta rro Lnoqllrto rl,thout thr cata n.'trrtlwc. !@c 1g drtrnuLncd by LnrtnrnrnE Dcrfomrno. oa.ly- Eold rtrulta LrG grtrtu tban tho tsC rf Rcrult tt grcltor thrn tarE>Ic dctscstl.on ltmtt but GTL OanUeLf lrrr then thc raryrlc dctcctLoa l!.el,r. Icr; thtr rtrt,rd rrDortlng lf,nlt. URS Corporation C1lent Samole ID: GI[-S3-090705 Severn Trent, Laboratorlcr - nadiochanl,stry Lab Sample fD; Work order: Matrix: Prrrnlter Dsr 0802 37 - 006 HJSHC G'W lrrul.t QurI DaEe Collected: Date Reeeived; lfotrI Unrrarf,. (2 o+ I -l ilDC a9/07 /0s 1-300 0e / 08/0s 0930 grrrp l.urlyrl.r Drt. Ilrtr Batch I YId tr G}ROAS AIB- BY Grorr Bcta oFPe EPl' 900 - o DIOD l8 pcL/L 7L 31 900. 0 DtoD o9t23to5 o9t79loa 3265067 Tot,al UrrnLum Totrl Urr.ul,rgn br KPA trAlIU 3174-9L {. go o.50 ug lT' 0.31 5174-91 091701a5 09 lzlla5 52622.L7 GIROss T E:r CO-PRECTP glilHW TLLA }IOD Glrorr llpbr 3 .82 o. g9g *Ltr. o.67 7110 lcOD os tztto' og t25 /05 5266085 Rl,-226 lI trPA-903.0 HoD RrdLum (226) 0.57 o.21 gc.LlL o.23 903. O !@D o9lo9 los a9l?Blas 52s2085 82 R.lr'-778 Br grPc nadl,un 278 EPtr 90{ IIOD 2 .13 D,CL/L 901 !!oD o9lo9lo5 a9t28lo3 5252085 ro .:[HORIU![ (AHORT ef) DOE .1,-01-R !ilOD 0. 81 o .20 0-088 p,cllT.l-01-R HOD 09t26lo5 ael27 l05 09/26/05 09 /21 /45 50 526939! 59 52693 93 69 ThorLtur 23O Thorir:rn 232 a.z7 -0 - 014 J u o.20 0 .20 ire loooqDleto rl.tbout tLo oarr srrrrtl.vr. l.DC lr dttrmlacd by Lngtruraot Dcrtormaaco ouly. Bold ratultr trc gEcator thu tbo UDC J Rcru1t Lr grrutor thfr tarqllc dctc*lon tl"ntt, but GTL il)Afltf€lf lom theu bhc rargllc dctcotlou llnLt-10 lcrr thtn ;trtrd reportlng llnlt. IIR$ CorDoratLon C1Lent Samrpl-e fD: GIfiiI-S3-090705 DUP flrvor:rr Trcnt Laboratorieg RrdLochml,tt,ry r,ab .sanple rD: D5f080237-005X Work Order: HJSHC Matrix: GTil Dararttor Rorrel.t gurl Date Collected: Date Recelved: a9/07 /45 1300 09 / 0Bl0s 0930 TotrI Ilnocrt - l7 a+l-l PraD Deto lulyrlr Drtr Brtoh I rlo Tlro&rm[ (sHoRT lttorl.rm, 230 ffrorir:m 232 (Ir) DoE A-01-R rioD a-27 il 0-01-4 u .L-01-B lroD a9 n6l0s 09177 I a3 09126/A5 Ae/27/45 s269393 68 5269t93 68 pci/L o.20 o.079 o-17 0-17 NOTE (8) Dtta tra. lDoqrlat. rlthot tha caa. urrrtiu. llDre ti dotrtaLaod byr l.artnaoat prrlonlaol ouly. Eoldl rrrultr u. grr.rt.r thrn Eh. EC J f,.rlflt f,r gr.rtor tht! rqrlc datactloD ltLlt bEt ler. thea .trt.d rq>ortlug lr-Dlt. gTL IDeIlV€l!'I... !b.o tbo rnplo d.r.oEloE thlr.11 IrR.g CorryroraEion Client, Samtrle ID: GW-N2-09O705 Savcrnr Trant Iraboratorieg - RrdLochmLBtrlr Lab Saruple ID: Work Order: Matrix: Parenrtrr D5r080237-007 HJ6HD Gt'I Rrnrtt rotal fholrt. Sral (2 o+/-) HDC DateCollected: 09/07/A5 1330 Date Received: A9 / AB/ 05 0930 PnP htr rnrlyrlr Drtr fatafr *rlA t ORO88 ,,,IB BY Oross tctt grPc EPl, 900. o tiloD 102 Dc.LlL 900. o uoD as /23lo5 a9 ng la' s26505765 ToLal Uran:lun by Totrl Urraturn KPf, }gm{ 5L7 {-9L 2.86 o.30 ugl\' 0 .31 JLTl-91 oe lzo I 03 a9 nt I as ,.762.2L7 gRogg n BY co-PRtcIP EtffiW 7110 toD Orotg ^l,I.pba 4.6 Dct/L ?110 t@D oelztlos 09lzslo5 52660851.3 nL-226 BX EPL-903, O D@D fadl.um (226) 0-62 o -20 DcLlr' 0-18 o9/o9/o5 a9l78l03 525e085 9a Rf,-228 Br SFPC Rrd'iun 728 EPL 90a DIOD 2.39 o.61 $Llr, o.7g 90{ lmD 09t09l05 09l?ela5 5252086 77 Io TIIORIT,U (gEoRT CT, DOr .l.-Ol-R HOD DCUL r-01-R lroD 09176l05 oe177 lot 09 /26 /Os A9 /27 /05 5t69393 8{ 5?69393 g4 tborlun 230 Thorir:m 232 o.15 0 .001 il U o.13 0. 064 o. x.e 0. 14 (s) frG l,uc-Dl.t. ultbouE tLr caro narrctrvr. ilDc lr dttrrnlnod by lrrtnrrtruB Dcrlormanoc ouly. BoId rrault,; Bre grlftcr tbf,,tr th6 I'IDC if Rlrnrlt lg Trlrtrr tbrn .;'pElr drtrotlon t{r'rlt, trut 6TL DCrnVelI lur bhrE thr rrrsrb drtcctLon Linlt.t2 Ictr tbrn rtrtrd rrportlng }l.ml-t, 0cDATAASSmW D5rO8A2t7 Sample PreparaEion and Analysis Control Numbere SAI.{PIrE#II,IATRIX 003 oo{ oo5 oo6 GI{ GW Gt{ gri GW GIII GW GTII GT{ GW GW GW GW GW GW GW AI{ATJYTICAIJ METHOD EPA 9OO. O FIOD ASTITT 5L74-91 EPA 903 ,0 I.,IOD EPA 904 MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASIT,I 5L7 4 -91 sMhrw 7110 MOD EPA 903 .0 IrIOD EPA 904 MOD EMt A-01-R !,!OD EPA 900. 0 It0D ASTM 5L74-91 SM[,W0 7110 l,tOD EPA 903 .0 lvt0D EPA 904 I.,IOD EML A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO-O MOD ASTM 5L7 4.9I. gMrm 7110 t.toD BPA 903.O MOD EPA 904 MOD EML A-01-R }[OD EPA 9OO. O MOD A.STM 5L74-91 gllrr{w 7110 MOD EPA 903. O MOD EPA 904 T,IOD EI{L A-01-R MOD IJEACH BATCH # PREP BATCH # 5266057 52622L7 5252085 s2s2 085 s266067 s2622L7 5265 085 5252 08 5 5252085 525 93 93 5266067 52622L7 s265085 5252085 5252086 52693 93 5266467 52622L7 s265 08 5 s25208s 52s2A86 526 93 93 s266A67 s2622L7 5255085 szs2085 s252085 52593 93 MS RT'N# 5266L04 5262ts6 52s2034 s252 03 3 s266 1 04 s262L56 52561-03 525 2A34 5252033 s269296 s25 dLO4 52621s6 s256L03 52s2034 s2s2a33 5269296 5265 r. O4 52521s6 5266 r.03 s252434 s2s2 033 52692e6 s266 1 04 s262L56 s265 103 s2s2034 5252 03 3 5269296 o 007 GW GW GT{ GW GUI GUr GW GW GW clw GW GW O STL Denver 13 o ClienE Lotr rD: Matrix: !ilETHOD BIJTDIK gevera Trent LrboratorJ.cr D5r080237 IAIATER REPORT - Radlochml;try ncrrrrl.t Qurl lPotal, Irno.lt'. (2 o+/-) IraL Bary>lo II) Prap lorlyrl.r Drtso hto Batch I YId tDrnnrtrr nn-228 By Glf,Pc Radirrm 228 IEPI, 9 O{ IOOD 0_1 *Llrr 0 .42 90{ troD 0_70 r5r090000-0858 09 / 09 /os a9 /28105 5252086 80 Rt-226 BY EPI.-9O3. O llOD Radlum t226) 0. 0 0.0 Dci/r,903. O UOD 0.3 r5rO90000-08slr 09/09ta5 a9/28t05 5252085 104 OBOSE A BT CO-PRI'CTP Groee Alpha 0.0 s!fiflw 7110 [fi)D u Dc!-lL 0_16 7110 lroD 0.49 r5r230000-o85n 0e /23 / 0s a9 / 25 /a5 5266085 oRogg f,/B Br orBc IrPt Gross Bota -0.l-11 900 - 0 t|on U NE,LII, 0. s3 900,0 ![oD 4.97 ,5r230000-06-78 as /23 / os a9 /29 /o5 5266067 Totsal UranLurn bg, 1 Uranium IsPr, rflrxr 5174-91 -0_021L u rto !I'HO&[UX (SIIORT C"r) IIOE .L-01-R DIOD Thorlum 230 O, 0-9 U Thorfuur 232 0 - 08 U ug lr' 0 . 0023 Ef.LIL 0-14 0.10 3L7 {-91 0.31 ^n-o1-R uoD 0-20 0.13 15r190000-2178 09 / 2A / 05 09 / 21. I 05 5262277 15r360000-3938 a9 /26/ A5 09 /27 t 05 5269393 9L 09/26/Os Aet27/05 526e393 9L (8) rra taoqllcto rlthotrt thr our n+*.-atlva. l[}C Lr dotrrulucd url-ngr lntBnrmrut D.rf,ormtBor BoId rorultl LrG grroa,tc thu tbc DlDc U Rrtult 1r hrr thrn tbc tar$rlc dctcetLonSTL Denver only lfurdt.l4 : Lalroratoaaz Cootrol, Sanple Report S6\roro, trcrlt Labratoricr - Badiochc,,,l ,try cLienr Lor rD: D5I080237 ll[atiixs WATER rotal lhoert. Ldc 8rql1r fD QC Coutrol' Perrmctrr SDl.L r@t B..rrlt (Za+l-l MDC t tltd i B.a r,jhlt. Rn-?26 DY EPJI,-903.0 tfioD Radlum 1226 ) 1l -2 Ll .2 Drtsoh lr 5252085 pci/r, 9o3. o uoD r5r090000-085c 1.3 A.2 100 100 (54 136) .lnrIyrl.r Drert 09 /28f A5 RA-228 BY CIFPC EPr' 90{ DDD Radlum 228 5 -25 5.66 Batch lr 5252086 pet/L 90{ ![oD Psr090000-086C 0-84 0.72 79 108 (55 L47l lanl'yr.l: Dit.t 09 / 2g I 05 GrROgg ^lD BY OrPC fPl, goo. O MOD pCf /f 9OO. O trlOD 4.4 LGroes Beta r5r230000-o67c 7e t70 L27l52.3 41-1 Drteb lr 5266067 la.rlyrtr Dat.r 09 /29 / A5 OnoaS I BY eO-PRtcrP SillW 7110 lrOD D,€LIL 7110 t6D !5I23OOOO-085C cros$ ALpha 20-6 20.0 2.5 0.5 97 (71 - 143) , Ertol lr 5256085 ..lanJ.y.l. Drtor O9/ZS|O5 rro THoRTUI (ABORT CT] DOE f,-Ol.-R lr)D rcllt l-Ol.-R ilOD !5I26OOOO-393C Thorlum 228 8.81 9.5 1.2 0.1 92 108 (91 - 132) Thorlum 230 Thorium 232 9.46 7.7 8-82 9.6 Batoh lr 5269393 l-.0 0.06 92 82 (55 t29l L-2 0.09 92 108 (88 133) r;nal.y.cll Drcor 09 /27 / Os r[c]lrE (s) STljt8ehfvgqrrrfnra tdl llrEntDEt pcrfcrrnoo m\r 15Crlotrltld.a ero Dorlorr{l brtorr rorpAlag to rvold rsuld-off aEror h crlsulrtra r.atllta LraboratorT Com,trol Sa4llc/LCS lluplieate Rcport Srvcru Trrat LaboratorLeo - Badl-ochoigt4, CLient Lot ID: IvIatrl"x; Prrurtcr D5IOBO23-I WATER Cpth. .Dnount Rcnrj.t Total Ulo.rt. 12o*l-) trl'd BRes I.rb Arqrh ID QC Coatrol Lr-utt; Drcol'rl'o trotrl Uranl,un, Uf KPt Total UranLr:m Spk 2 t.g1lH 5L7 4-9L 40-0 38-28.00 B.Z7 Brtoh tr 5?-62277 ulf,lL 317r-91 r5r190000-2L7e (90 7L2) (90 I'LZI L?9 SRPD 09 /2L / 05 4.5 0. 85 96 103 ror.lyrlr Di,tc r o HC4tr ( g) _ 1bSffrCSgh#Ef rrr Dorlornd belorr rondl.ngr to arrold rmnd-olf rrror Is oeJ.ouhtrd a..ult. Client Lot fD: Mat,rix: Prnntsr MATR:EX flewcrtr Ds r 080 237 GW SptJgr tosrat AC 8rryrlr rD t Ytd tB.o OC Coatrol LLnltr SPTKE/ML]rRIX SPTKE Trcnt l,aboratorict DT'PLIEILTE REPORT - nadLoch.mirtry Datre Saurpled: A9 / 07 / 05 Date Received; 09/08/05 0955 0930 BDIIG trorrrlt TotrI UDgtft,. lZ o+l-l SIltDIlE Ilolrlt :[otal flbocrt. (2o +l-l 8ptL. Yld oRoSg r/B Gross Beta BY orPc EPl' 900.0 3480 Spk2 3480 D,,cL/r, 200 200 rnalyrLr 900. o ![oD DSrOE 0237 -003 1770 a - L770 a tr 5265104 1,52 L52 drte r 45 45 09 /29 / 05 a (50 a (50 1s0 ) 1s0 ) 4,6 46 Prclr.lonr 0.06 tRPD Batolr Totrl Urrnirrm W IIPI' Total Uranlum SPk2 .t,8lEil 5 40. 0 {0. 0 Batch 110 & 98 lr 5262156 ug/r, 13 l2 lralfraLt 5L7 l-91 56 -7 56.7 drtc r 5.8 6.8 09 /2L / A5 D5rO8A237 -O03 1.32 a (90 103 (90 11-2) L\21 Preo:lrLom.r 11 IRPD Rl,-226 DI EPI-9O3 - O ttOD Radium (2261 10 - I Spk2 t 0. 8 rct/r, 903.0 troD L.7 90 2 .5L L .5 93 2.57 Dsr08 A"37 -OO3 L4 -9 13.8 Batoh lr 525203{ o -44 0 .4{ 98 L15 98 LO4 Prcoigl.or I IRPD (66 166 1s0 ),'L tnalyrLr datcr 09 /28/A5 Rt-228 BY Radium 228 otrPe tPI' 90{ uoD 5 .06 spkz 5. 0g rrC,L/t' L.4 6g 1-5 57 tra,lyaLr 90{ DloD 5. L3 5. L3 drtc r D5XO8 o.?37 - OO3 10. g 11 .9 5252A33 0. 87 0-87 74 11d 74 133 (62 (62 150 ) 150 ) Dreol.rLoar 9 tRPD lrtoh, 3r 09 /28/05 oRo8g f, BI Gross Alpha eo-PnEcrP guww 4L -2 Spkz aL.z Dcl/r, 5,8 4.7 .f,arlfrll'r 7110 DIOD 3-2 3-2 1-1 1-1 D5r130187 -O03 101 83 (s0 (s0 1so ) 1s0 ) 44.7 37 .7 s2661.03 Prcotrloar 1-8 tRPD Ertol lr drtor 09 /25/A5 NOTE(8} tt ulthorrt thr car. Calcrrlatl.onr ar. rrorforud bofore roundlag STL Denver l SptIrrA en^al1t,c outrlda of rtatcd, Eo rvold rsuad-off uror lo oalculatrd rrlultsa AC LLnItr. C1ient LoE fD: MatrrLx: Prrurtrr Severu D5r080237 WATER DT,PLICATE EIr}LUTTION REPORT Trcnt lraboratories - Redtochsllrtry Date Sampled: 09/07/45 Date Received: 09 / 08/05 STUPIiE Rrcrr,lt Totrl Uloort. (2o +l-l DUDIJCATE t rld Rtnrlt IotaI' lfboc*. (2 o+l-|r rla AC Oaryrlc ID P-roLrLm Igo TIIORIT,U Thorlum 23O Thorium 232 (sEoRT Cr) DOE t-01-R !!OD l;il,- J l:ll, ratoh lr 5269393 *Llt 69 69 ( Sample ) .1,-01-R D[oD a.77 J 0.20 0-01,4 u 0.079 5269393 (Dr:pl.icaue) 68 58 D5rOE0237 -006 0.3 IRPD 3030 $RPD o 'otrE (g) Data, am lnoqrhEt rl.tbout thr oioe mrratlva. Calcrulrtlona onl Darforcrrd brforr rorrndl,ng to ovold rotrad-off Stl Stsfil. la srrcatcr thu mryr1c dotcctlon llntt, Inrt-f - -nfuYtefr lrrr tbru tho rrnph dotoctlou ll,al,t. rrror Ln calsulatrd rrrultr lca; tshrn ttsltsrd r:IPrtlng ]{rn{3. 1B STL Denver Sarnple Receiving Checklist ,rrr, ..05j,r0tra,$+ Date/rime *"***, ilfry'u orr, (D Company Narne & Sampling Site: PM to Coruplete This Section: Yes Rcsidual chlorine check required:tr Quote#: 4+ct$, Specinl Instructions: No X Quarantined : Yes tr V" Tirnc Zone: . EDT/EST . CDT/CST 'MDTA4ST. PDTIPST . OTFIER Unpacking Checks: Cooler #(s): fFTemperatures("C): -,1 3,I 3V--Tr rt f, I -s'. > {Z -_s' Cool6r seals intact? (N/A if hand delivered) If no. document on CLIR. Chaiu of cusbdypreseut? Ifno, document on CIJR. Bottles brokea and/or arc lcaling? Ifyes, docu:ncnt on CLIR Multiphasic sarylcs obvious? If yes, docr"ureut on CIJR. Proper container & preservatives used? (ref. Attachrnent D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, docrxneut on CLIR pH of all sarryles checked and meet requiremcnB? If no, document ou CLIR. Sufficicnt volume provided for all a.allsis requested? (ref- Anacbment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, document on CUR, and cbutactP.M bcfore proceeding. Did chain of custody agree with labels lD and samples received? If no, document ou CUR. Were VOA saryles without headspacc? If no, document on CUR- Were VOA vials preserved? Prcservative QHCI D4t2"C trSodium Thiosulfate O Ascorbic Acid Did sryles reguire preservation with sodjum thiosulfate? If yes to #11, did the samples contain rcsidual chlorine? If yes, document on CUR. Sediment present in dissolved/filtered bottles? If yes, document on CUR. is sufiicient volume provided for client reque$ed MS, MSD or mahix duplicates? If m, document on CII& and contact PM before procecding. Receipt date(s1> 48 hours past the collection date(s)? if yes, notify PA/Ptvl" Are analyses with short holding times requested? Was a quick Turn fuound.(TAT) requested? N/A Yes No D ,{ tr L {tr ?. il {.3- o {4. +tr5-D4D6. dr 7. w tr 8. ttroeq r tr10. e {rr. rDtrn.fitrc13. D t r t4 15. 16. 17. --.o :Irt O STL Denver- - -\Qnlforrns\Sample Rccciving\Sample Rcceiving Checklist 12 13 04 revision wt3ta4 O Ln STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist u,*e{f,l\AJ.it- Login Chccks: NlA )'cs Ntt { U 18, Sufficicnt rtlurneprovided for all anatl,sis regucfled? (ref. Auacluncnt D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) documenl on Clllt and contacl PM beforc procceding- D ,g D 19- ls suflicicnt volumr provided for clicnt regucstcd NrS, I,ISD or matrix duplicares't lf no, documcnr on C[JR, and contacl Plv! bafore proceeding. tr 20 Did the chain ofcusrody indudes "rcccived b)r' and 'reliuquished" by signalures, dateq and rimcs? D 2I. Wcrc spccial log in instructions rcad and followed? O 22. Werc AF-CEE mculs Iogged {or rcftigerde.dstoragc? fl 23. Wcre rests loged chccked against tbc OC? tfl,hich samplcs werc conlirrned.? I - ! 24. Was a Rush form corrplcred for guick TAT? tr 25. \l,as a ShonHoldform corrp)etcd foranyshrrt holds? / zo. Is "suic,ICoC'required? 6 ,r - Wc,re spccial archiving instructions indicated il trc Geoeral Conrrnmts? lf so, u,har werc the5,? beling and Stomge Checks: ! 28. Was the nrbcontact COC si$ed and sent witb smples ro bottje prcp? D 29- Wcre sanplclabels douhle-checkcd by a second person? 5 30- Were sarrylebottlcs aud COC double cbccked for dissolved/filtered mculs by a second person? ! 31. Did tbe suryle ID, Date, and Time frorn label Datcb utat wts logcd? tr 32. Wcre sticlicrs for spccial archiving insruaions aA"ucd to each box and to tbe ICOC? Sce #27 tr 33. R ere AFCEErnctals sorcd refrigcrated? 3 34. Were "Stid ICOC- copies given to salellite storagc areas? Documenl anyproblems or discrepancies and the actions talien to resolve them on a Condition Upon Receipl Anomaly Reporl (CL[R). "rD{ iltr Ftrr,ar tr D 5/ $ +D & qr i+tr iTr lf no, STL Denver }3 F \xf D -/ )' Ir L r\Fp t(&D; E,s. /fFb N- - tl - - I ai J Tr ' >i Fh -t gI ( )lh - rZp t s H j)f, ' t U\W t Cr -$ . D # T t tJ r P st r IA t -0 :t Yt rl : '* . Itt t -o-a :: J)n P I J\ l* lL. , I 31il 11 r 3 LA -D;-.)*o v4 {1" I3$3 ,l n m tf ct ,=Pr rn p rf\q\\rI\ - Ul \ I= F IT A x in \ \(\( oI' , m =m xm B H(f ' tt nN*i l ' {= \, : \\ , U,=m E- . - t L1 155\F N ry l )l L- eJ.s -I -ttsEr \ :o f,o(- rno{ >- - -F '" h l aF Q c,Irn .- " /)= g I J t, Dv J) !. - {* - . . , D L- J m f, rT I rzog U,tg TD* a -/ \r t\\5 L -t ] i T fi "^ ,s ,\ E\ ,#tN * -DI fr I- l t\ ,D _. $ . il .. f i ut . .i sIt .. o fr $I n fi -$*fr J7 s t rl lvI'h J ) X MS / M S D ohrn r, -0 -s _s -a )0 & *$ I= t NO , OF CO N T A I N T E R S {=rn z -' Q CN rn -. r ( / ) 9s ff Dm l,x ct , K K x, ( X K K Irn a'm rng tD X oIm J m atmrzoG ct , a,g ds (I ( w N \\ la >. >r - t- At $,t re f E - I ( ,r rr b(d ta c,Im H J rn dr ry f i 3m =III lq \( :Drnarn .t . m yi ; \1 r (J ': ' , 1 , r ' r Tl :' - t ' 'o IT y - .J : f g, .. . r .o -. . \ , a, '. 1 \5 .. . . '' o .. f, .] ' . , '' ' @ ' "' i " . l S .\ t s- H \i { rs f i >f,(prG.t IZo o-t ,mzmC'@<(f =m J =rn{m,= -t r E C)C" rn r lG c}ozoaoz EI E ; f i B s FF s s s t) si - - c) =. 3 dE E g = ts a €F a F5oo o (?=g! ,=otr { a c) c, 3n -+o CL f, (D(?C) rr l CL \ 1' Ol (c lo F ST L De n v e r STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 www.stl-inc.com STL 303 431 7t7l ANALYTICAL REPORT Western Zirconium Proj ect Lot #: D5J074274 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 8l 8l East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 8An7 STL DENVER fu2 Linda L. Benkers Project Manager Octob er 27 ,2005 Severn Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Standard Del ive rabl es with S u pportt ng Doc umentati on Report Contents Standard Dellverables (fnn Cover Letter und the Report Cover page are considered integral parts of this Standard Deltverable package. This re.port is incomplete unless all pages indicated in this Table of Contents are included.) . Table of Contentso Case Narrative o Executive Summary - Detectlon Highlights o Methods Summary o Method/Analyst Surnrnary . Lot Sample Sunrmary o Analytical Results e QC Data Association Summary o QC Sarnple Results o Chain-of-Custody Su pporti ng Docu me nttatt on (Note: A one-pag,e "Description oJ Supporting Documentotion" fs provided at the beglnning of this section.). . Volatile GClt\{S o Semivolatile GC/MS r Volatile GC r Semivolatile GC r LCIUIS or HPLC r Metrls r 0enoral Chemi$try o Radiochemistry r Subcontracted Data Number of Pages Check below when supportlng documentation is presenL nnnnn nm STL Denver Case Narrative DsJ070274 With exceptions noted as flagp or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the sarnples and no proble,ms were encountered or anomalies obsenred. All laboratory qualrty oontol samples au^lyzed in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established confiol limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this repo,rt meet all requirements of NEI-AC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission ftom the laboratory. Sample Recclving Three samples were received under chain of anstody on October 7,2005- The samples were received in good condition at tenrperatures of 3.1"C and 4.1"C. Please note that this lot represents a resampling event for samples that were not received at the subcontracting laboratory due to shipping error on September 8, 2005. Please refer to the narrative for report D5I080237 for additional informatiou- The results for all radiological anallaes are included in this report and were performed by STL St. Louis; 13715 Rider Trail NortL Earth City; MO 63M5, phone 314-298-8566. Radiochemistry, Varlous Methods The metlrod 900.0 MOD gross beta MDA for samples D5JA70Z74-001 through @3 was not met due to reduction of sample size caused byhigh residual mass. The analytical results are reported with the MDA achieved. Samples D51070274-001 through 003 were analped at dilutions for total uranium due to matix interference. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly. A low-level and a high-lcvel LCS standard were anallzed with total uranium batch 5297707 nd they are spiked at differe,nt concentrations. Therefore, the RPD value reported for these two standards does not apply- Both LCS reooveries we,re in conkol. The gross alpha MS/IIISD performed on sample D5JA7027+001 demonsfiated a relative p€rcant difference (RPD) above the control limit. The MS/I{SD recoveries were in control. TXe Soss betq radium 220, mdiun 22E, thorium 230 and thorium 212 MS/lvlSD Wrformd on sample Dil07A27+002 were in conhol. The total nranium MS/}VISD performed on sarrple D5107027+002 demonstrated roooveries below the conhol limit. STL Denver METHODSSM DsJO"0274 PARAMETER AI{IALYTTCAL METHOD PREPARATION MEIHOD Grose Alpha (COPRECTP) by Grose A1pha /r,eta by GFPC Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Radl-um -226 by GFPC Radium-z2B by GFPC Total Uranlum By Lraser Ph Referenc€B: GFPC Spectroscopy osphorimetry sM}fi{ 7110 MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD EMIr A- Ol-R MOD EPA 903 .0 MOD EPA 904 MOD AST1,1 5L74-9L EPA 900. o ASTT,I EML EPA SM9UW Annual Book Of ASII'I Standarde. TENVIRONMEITTAL MEASURB{ET{TS I.ABOR,ATORY PROCE"DI'RES MANUAIJT IIASL-300 28TtI EDITION, VOLUME I and II DEPARIIIEIirT OF ENERGY '] EAS:rERN EIWTRONMEI{ TAIJ RADIATION FACIT'TTY RADTOCHEMISTRY PROCEDT}RES IVIANUAITM t'S EPA EPA 52O/5-84-OO5 AUGUST L984 NSTAIVDARD METHODS FOR I{A.STE WATERI' Denver AI{AIJYTICA]J IV1ETHOD METHOD/ANALYSTW D5JO7o274 ANAIJYST ASTII{ 5L74-91 EI{IJ A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD sMww 7LL0 IroD Refereneeg; ASTM EMIJ EPA sMww Mike Anderson 'Jimmy wilson Ivan VanLa Iva-rr Vania fvan Vanla fval Vania AI{AITYST ID 4023 5 0 401527 400697 400697 400697 400597 Arurual Book of ASTI{ Standards. ,ENVIRONMENTAL MEASIIREMENTS ITILBORATORY PROCEDITRES MAIIIUALT HASL-300 28TII EDfTfON, VOIJUME I and II DEPARTT{EMr OF ENERGY t' EASTERN EMIRONTIENrAL RADIArION FAC f LTTY RADIOCHEMISTRY pRocEDURES NIANUAI,tr US EpA EpA 52O / S-84 - 006 AUGUST 1984 'ISTANDARD METHODS FOR WASTE WATER" STL Denver sffiw D5JO70274 wo#SA},IPLE# CIJIEIVT $}tr1P1,g ID SAITIPITED SAI{P DATE TIME HLgKG OO1 HLgICK O 02 HLgKL OO3 riurE (8) : GW-S9L - 100505 cw-sL-100605 GW- S1-0 - r005 0s Lo/06/as o8:oo tola6/os 11:oo Lo/06/os L2z4o - Tbo rnatJrticsl rc$lts of Ol3 sErl[lteg ligtsl abovc arc Jrrcscntcd on thc fotlowirg pagc6- - All cahulariorrs are performcd bcforc roundin6 o :void round-ofr errors i, catcuLt€{ resul6, - Retr lt! notcd as 'ND" wcre nol d*arr{ $ or abovc drc srar€d limil - Thh rcpon nrust not bc rcproducod, excopt in full, without rhe wdtta epproul of dre laboraory. - Reeults fo, dlc folloviag poraruers arc rrvcr rcporod on a dry wcigh basis: color, conosiviry. densiry, flrshpolru, ignitabilily, hycrs, odor, paim fil&r tcsl, pH, porosity prcssurc, reacdvlty. rcttor potratirl, ryccifrc gnvity, gor tcss, solids. vrtubitity, tcxnpcratuE, viscosity, aftf wethL STL Denver t RS Cor:poration Client SarcIe ID: G[il-S91-100505 $evera Trent lraboratorLes r RadLoch@l,stry Lab Sanqll-e rD; work Order: t"tat,rLx: ParD+?tsor D5J07 027 4- 001 HL9KG GW Rotult Date Collected: Date Received: Total Uaclrt. (Z o+ I -) UDe LA / A6 / A5 0800 1A/07 /05 0930 Pr.D .lr,a1yri; rltr Dete Drtoh *Y].A ej Gno88 e.lB By Glroer Bctr (}FPC tPrr 900.0 DilOD 340 PCt/r, 59 .9 900. 0 ltloD 10/08/05 10/11 la' 5281039 lfotal Uraniun Totr1 Uruelum by KPt A8IU ilT i-91 96 ag ll)5L7 {-91 L9 l25l05 LO126 I 05 52977A70-6 RL-326 BY tPl-g 03 - O !@D RrCl.un 1?76) 3.30 0.54 pCLll' 0.33 903 - O DIOD 10/10/05 LOlz5l05 5283108 98 Rr-228 BY OtrPC nad.Lun 2,28 EPT 9OT DIOD 6.6 Pci/L 90e uoD LOILO|AS LAlTslOs s2831090.9 TO Iso THORIIIU (SHORT ef) DOE l-01-R l@D Uc::iH lli ?;'1, u 0-33 a .22 Dcl/L 0-46 0.49 r-01-R uoD 1-0/1.9/A5 L0/20/05 L0/'t9/a5 7A/20i05 52923 88 3l_ 52923 BB 3l- GrRoag t, BI co-DREcrp sldlH 7110 DtoD Oroeg .[.I'phr 1{.{ rlcl-/L 7110 DIOD aolaBlos laltelas s291293 te ara Lnoqllotr wl,tbout tbr cara arrratslve. DIDC ig dotorminrd by l,utnmont Derformrnor oaly. EoId rorulto ar. gx.rt,cr tban Eho UDC u Rerult tt ltts thrn thr trmplc dcttotl,on llnl.t. STL Denver t RS Corporation Client, Samnle ID: GI{-91-100505 Severrr Trcnt LaboratorLcg - nadLochmJ.stry Lab Saq>Ie fD: Work Order: Mat,rix: Paranrter D5J07 027 4-0A2 HLgKK GW Itrrrr].t Date Colleeted.: Datre Received: L0/06/0s 1100 L0/a7 /os 0930 Prep lna1yrLt Drtc Drtr Drtoh * rotal I}bclrt. (Z o+/-l sRogg r,IB. Gror; Ertr BY GlrPC EP} 9OO. O DIOD 356 DCLIT,900. o l[oD 10108/05 tolLLlos s281039 rotrl Uranlum by KP}' .tr81!f 5171-91 Totel UranLum 91 !o;glI",517{-91 LOt"5l03 tOl26105 5297707o-6 R.l,-225 BY EP -903. O IIIOD Brdlun (2251 2 -79 0.50 scLlL 0.31 903 - O UOD 10/10/05 LAlzSlAs 5283108 NA-E28 BY OFPC Rrdlrun ?,28 EPr 90{ !{OD 6.09 o.90 i,c,LI!. o -76 90{ lroD LOtLAtAs LAlz'lO' 5283109 Ito trrroRrlrM (gHoRr cT) rloE .tr-01-R D[oD tCL lt L-O1-R !ilClD ftorluJr 23O 0-69 3 o.27 o.1a talr,gtos tol?o|o' 519238a e9 --. "horir.m 232 0.077 u 0.096 0.72 LO/LI/A5 7O/20/o5 s2s2388 89 I clRoas l BY CO-PRECIP g!0m 7110 tfioD Dci /Ir 7110 MOD 10/t0l05 LOla9lOS 52e12e3Oroes Ll'phr 97 NOrE (s) DaEa rro lncqptetc rLthOut the cara nartrtLve. uDc Lr drltorainod by l.nrtrrnrcnt, prrformeaoc onry.Bold rtrulto ar. grcltor thrn thc pC ir r.crulE lr grrcrt,.r tlrrq ;rry>ro dotoctlon lt-ntB but U___ Ruult ir lcra thrn thc srtrtrrh dctoctsLon lLnl_t-STL Denver- lorr therr atetod rolrortlng ll.rrlt. URS Cort>oration Cl.ient Samolc ID: GIfil-S1O-100505 Scvgrn, Tren,t Laboratorl,es Rld,LochsliBtrlr Lab Sample ID: Work order: Matrix: Parunrter D5J0707.74-003 HL9KL GW Rrrult Date Col-IecEed: Date Received: r0 / 06 / a5 124A 1A/07 /Os 0930 PrcA lnrlyrit DaEc Drte Brtoh I Total lhcort. (7 a+l-l YI'a i eno88 I.lB Grorr Brtr BY GITDC EPl' 9OO. O MOD 85 D,cL lr,900.0 !iloD LOtOstAs LO/LLIA' 528103911 rotal Urarirur Total Urralun b1t KPl, l8lm{ 517O-91 o. 353 ir o. o37 ug lt' 0.31 517r-91 LOllslaS LO176lA3 3297707 Rr-226 lY EPt-go3-o t{oD Raditm (226) 1. 07 o -27 pct/r, o.2? 903 - O IIIOD LAILAIOS LOl25lO5 5283ro8 98 Rt-228 BY Grgc Radir:m 228 EP} gOC !ilOD 0.45 0.51 gCLlt 0. 84 904 lnOD 1.0/L0/45 La/25/05 5283109 87 Igo lrEoR]rtru (sHoRT C?) DOE l-01-R tlOD JC:iil;ti t:ii, u 0 .16 0-059 I,,cLlt 0.13 0.10 l,-01-R ![oD LOtL9lAs AAtzolOs 70 t1,9 / 05 LO /2A / 05 5292388 89 5292388 89 oRo8s t. BY CO-PnE|CIP S!ilwtf GEort rl.gha Z.7O 7110 MOD J 0 ,87 ecilL 0.76 7110 MOD L0118/05 LAlI.elOs 5291293 Drta .ac lacqrl,.te rtthoot tbc or.. anrrrtl,vr. pe lr dotetrluod by Lartrrurrat pcrfOr::oaaco oal,y. Bo1d, rc.uIt. ..rG gr.tt.E tha tb. XDC I R.tult {r lrrootcr tbra rarElc dotootlon lt rlt but ]'.ra thr.D rtatcd roDortLlg lLult. "Sfl n,DEiVir I'crr rbrn tbc 'rqrl. dorcottou lt-rtr. 0crlaTAAssmsM Dsiro70274 Sample Preparatl-on and Analysis Control Numbers SAMPI,E#D{ATRIX oo1 GhI GUI GW G!{ GTV GW GW GYT GW GW GW GItl GW GW GW GW GW G}T o02 oo3 AMITYTfCAIT METHOD EPA 9OO, O MOD 4S11,1 5L74-9L slvrww 71_10 MoD EPA 903 ,0 MOD EPA 9A4 MOD EMIr A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD AST}4 5L74-91 sMww 71r-0 MoD EPA 903 .0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EMIJ A-O].-R MOD EPA 900.0 D10D ASTM sL74- 9I_ SMlrlIfl 7110 MOD EPA 903 .0 IVIOD EPA 904 llloD EML A-OI-R MOD IJEACH BATCH # PREP BATCH # 528L03 9 s2977 A7 5291-293 5283l-08 5283l_O9 529 23 88 s281039 52977 A7 5291293 5283 108 s283109 52923 8 I s281039 52977 07 529L293 5283 108 5283 r. O 9 s2923 88 MS Rt]N# s28LA27 52982L2 529 12 18 5283055 5283 054 s2922s3 528LO27 s2982L2 5291218 s28306s 5283064 52922s3 5281027 s2982L2 5291218 5283 055 s283 054 5292253 STL Denver IIETHOD BI"A}IK Severn Trent LaboratorLeg D5J07 427 4 WATER REPORT - Radl,ocbmistry Client Irot ID: Matrix: Prrurtrr Rorrl-t Oull Totrl UDoort. (2 6+l-1 Lab 8aqr1c ID Prqr lrrly!:L, Dttsc f,b,tr Brtoh, t IIA T gRog8 t' BY co-PnrcrP gDrww Gross Alpha A.24 7110 DIOD U pct/L 0.25 TLLO DilOD 0. 38 f,5ir180000-2938 ta/L8l05 L0/79 /05 529L293 Igo TEORIU!! (gHORr CT) IloE r-01-R uoD lflrorLun Z3O 0 .21 iI Thoriurn 232 -0 - 0L 8 U pcLlL 0,16 0.052 r,-01-R lnoD 0.15 0. 14 r5.r190000-3888 LAlLglOS LAlzOl 0s s2e2388 83 LAIL, /A5 \A/20/05 5292388 83 oRoss r/a Gross Beta BY erPC EPl, 900.0 MOD 0.22 u eCLIL 0-49 900.0 DIOD 0-82 r5dro80000- o398 L0 /08/05 1-0 /LL / A5 s28l-039 R.n.-2Z-8 BY GITPC dlum 228 EPI. 9OI HOD 0 .02 r,C.LIL pcL/L 904 MOD 4.72 903.0 uoD a.21 r5tI100000-1098 10/L0l0s Lo/25l05 5293109 90 r5dr100000-1088 10/10/05 LA/25/05 5283108 1-07 RA-226 BY fP.}'-903.0 Radlum 1226t 0-09 4.42 0.12 TotsaI Urrnj.u.m br1r Total Urani.um KP"B, .e,STtt 5171-91 -0-133 U u.s/L 0-01"7 5L7 {-91 0-31- vsJztOOOo -7 A7E 7A/25l05 LA/25/A5 s29774'l Drtr m lnooq)Ict. rithout tb. ornc nnrrativr- !@C k dcta:ad.D.d, uriag {artsnrurat 9cfonnaaoc only Eold rcrult,a aro gr.rtar than thr IIIE i, n rult I'l grroctrr thrE ,.qrlc dotoctloa llnlt t,trt 1... tb.r it.t.d roDortl.ag lta{t. BTL tDgflf6!2'lrrr thr.o tto rrqrlo d.t.otl.or 1t$1r.10 LaboraUorTlt' Control Sangrl.e Report gever:a Trent taboratorl,es - BadiochoniBtrTr D5,J07 427 4 I^IATER Cl-ient Lot fD: Matrix: Paramrtrr SpLkt fmrot Borult rOGAI Unorrt - (2 o+l-) mlc Lrb 8nryflo ID QC Control- t Ild t Rtc [,in{ tl oRogg r/B Gross Beta BT GIFPC TPI, 9OO. O DIOD 52.3 Ertob *r sC;ilt'900.0 ldoD s.5 4.7 fna.I'yrJ,i Datcr r5J080000-039c (70 121)51.-8 52 81,03 9 99 latLL/05 nr.-225 BY tPt-9o3. o Radlum (2261 HOD L1_ .2 lrtoh lr oci/t 903. O uoD 0.2 lnrlyrLr Datcr r5rrlO0OOO-1O8C (54 135)8-7 s283108 10L 77 tQ/25/05 u-e28 BY OrPC Radlum 228 EPA 904 UOD 5 - 21 Batoh, *r r,c,LlL 0. 81. 90{ uoD 0.71 rnalyrlr fiat,r: 91 LA2 L0/25/05 rsirl.oo000-109c ( 56 147',t5.34 52831 09 GO88 I' BY CO-PNECIP Gross elpha Dci/t r5ir180000-293c Iso TrrORrrrM (8HoRT er) DoE r-o1-R !@D suww 7110 20.5 Batoh *t 8. 81 9-46 I-82 Eltcb Ir DIOD 1B.s 5291293 9.1 8.6 9.3 5292388 'E,LfL 7110 !,toD 0.3 fnr1frir Datr: r-01-R llDD 0.5 0-4 0-3 lnrlyrl.r Drtrr 90 \0 /L9 / A5 85 103 85 eL 85 105 lo /20/ 05 {7t 143 } r5J190000-388c ( 91 1.32',t ( 5s t29) (88 133) Thoriun 228 Thorlum 23A Thorium 232 L.3 L.2 t-2 ![CIrE f I ] roc lr dctonlard by lutrurut D.rfore. a.Ifr STLFrRghVCgt !.t. t.tlono(l Dotora rou8lag to avotd rorud-off rrror la orlouletotl rcrultr 11 Laboratory Control Sary>le IIf'S DuplLcatse Report Sevgrn Trent Laboratorles - Radlocbeilafgtr:y D5,J07 A27 4 ITIATER Client Lot Matrix: Pr.nrtrr totaI' Unoe-t. Apilr rroor.rrt Rcgult 12 o + I -) rs Yld t Rcc LaI, 8alOlo fD QC Cmtrol' llrl ts Prlcl'rLm Total Unalum br1r Total Uranlun spk KPl, LsTu 517{-91 40 - 0 38.17 8.00 8-55 Batsob Ir 52977A7 vg lr,5174-91 r5ir2{0000-7 07C ( e0 r.r.2 )(e0 7\21 L27 LA /26 / 05 tRPD {.5 0.87 9s LA7 fanlyrl,r DrEo r Norr (sl ---Crloslrtlo[a ln prrfotrrd boforo rouldl.Dg eo avold rould-o!! rror Iu orlouhtcd rrrulttSTL Denver 72 IYIATRIX Eevern D5,J07 027 4 GW gpthr frouut SPTKE/}ITTRIX SPIKE Trent f.aboratorl,e; DITPITfCITE REPOR:I - RadLochsdgtty Dat,e Sampled: 1A / 05 / 05 Date Received: LA / 07 / 05 0800 093 0 Client Lot ID: Mat.rlx: PuuoEcr SPIXE Reoult trote1 Iluorrt. ElrLkt g.lltpLE l2 o+l -l Y16 nlrult AC 8r4>1e ID tr Yld ernre Total Unoert. (2o +l-l Oe Cogtrol Ltnl"tr GROgg .I, BY Gross Alpha CO-PRECIP g![rIW 4L -2 spk2 4L -z htseL I r 68 40-5 52912L8 pci/r 7110 DIOD D5.r07 O27 4 -O01 10 14.{ 3.3 131 (47 1-33} 6_6 Llr.4 3.3 54 (47 133) Drcolrloar 51 tRPD lnrlyrl.r datrr 1Oll9/As C}ROAS AIB- BY Gross Beta GIrPc EP.l, 900. o 3480 Spk2 3480 3560 3760 *r 5287027 D,c.LIL 380 400 lnalyrLr 900.0 MOD 356 355 datr r 62 62 Dsiro7 077 4*002 92 9B proclrl.on: 5 tRPD (s0 1_s0) (50 1s0) Brtsoh 1A/LT/0s lDotrl Urrniun bryr IrPl ^gXU 5 TotaL Uralium 40.0 spk2 40- 0 htoh Ir l-05 a 111 a 529821 2 u'glt 13 1_3 .lnrlyrt r 5L7 4-91 9r_ 11 91 11 drtor 1A/26/A5 ,5ir070771- OO2 35 I (90 ,rD Prootrion r :t *"*rl'o t 'l Rr,-225 Br EPI-903. O t{oD Radlum (2?61 L1 . 5 Spk2 11.6 1-3. s 1d. 5 Batob *r 5283055 pcilt 9o3. o troD 1.5 89 2 -'.78 1.7 92 2.79 0. 50 0. 50 B9 89 D5.rO7 A27 {-002 93 102 (30 Lt 5) (30 116) PrccLrl.oa:7 IRPD lr,a).yrlr tr+tr t t0 /2s / 05 nl-228 BY Radlun 228 c!'Pc rPA 90{ !{OD 5.3s Spk2 5.38 pCi/r, 1.s 80 1 - 5 79 rnalytlr 904 MOD 6.08 6 .08 duto r D5iro7 027l-O02 1,2 .4 12 .4 Ir 5283 064 0. 90 0-90 Drco:[e:[ou r 4 (62 lso ) t62 1.s0) tRPD 8L 81- 119 1- 10 Batob LO /25 / 05 Iro TIIORTmT (8HORT Thorl-urn 23A Spk2 Thorlum 232 Spk2 er) DoE .. 9 .46 I .46 8.82 8, 82 7-9 7.8 9.0 9 -4 5292253 E cL / t, t - 01 -R MoD D5.r07 O27 l- 0 02 1-1 89 0-69 ,J 0-27 89 77 (74 L30) 1 .1 91 0.69 J O .27 89 75 04 130 ) PrrsLrl-on r L tRPD L.2 89 0-077 U 0.096 89 1.02, (81 124). L.2 91 A-O77 u 0.096 8e l-06 (81 124\ Prccialonr 4 tRPD lnrlyrLr drte r 1A 120 / A5BatoL *r CrlcnLtl'o8rr ere DrrfotDd brloro rurdlirll to awoL(l r(,rrsd-olt crror ln calolrtad r.rultst r apthod.D.Iytc sutrLdc of rtrt.d eC lrrlltr. a, Rotu1t La lrortor than ilqr1. dctootLoD llLtt brt lrrr tsbra rtrtOd rcportlag STLT$6?rverI, ncaulB I'r 1or. th.E tbo trqt1o dctoctr.oa tlDLt. 13 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist O ^r.0, .D.rf,\f\ al4 Daterrime Received: Cornpany Nlame & Sampling Site: PM to Complete This Section: I'es Residrnl chlorine cbeck require&D Qr-rarautined :XIes tr euore#: t{4Cqb Special Instnrctious: A: t1 tc Unpacking Checks: -/4 ,a I D ,a ,a A Coolcr #(s): I c- O;r*'ffi: ("c): 'Itl 'J'l'- D tr F. / I IJ tr I tr tr p D fI D F. E F F. I .p' I D fI tr tr 1. Cooler seals intact'? (N/A ifhand delivcrsd) If no, docr:ment on C'[IR ?. Chaiu of custoriy prcscnt? lfno, document on C'[fR 3. Bottles broken and/or arc leal.ing? If Ycs, document on CIJR 4. Multiphasic sanples obvious? If ICs, document on CIJR. 5. Proper contaimr & prescrvaives usd? (r:f- Anacbme,nt D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003} If ao, docr.ment oa CATR 5- pH of aII sauplcs checked aad ureet rcguirerneds? Ifao, documod on CtlR 7. Suffcient voiume provided 1e1 2ll anall*is rcquesed? (ref. -dtta.bmed D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, tiocturcnt oo CU& and coutad.PM before proc*riing- 8. Did cbain of custody agree with labels ID and sarnples received? Ifno, docrrnsut on CUR 9^ Were VOA saryles witbout headspace? Hno, documeat on CIIR- 10. WereVOA vialsprcserved?Preservadve DHO 3'r"C DSodiuroThiosulfateDAscorbicAcid I l. Did saqles require preservation wittr sodi,'ur thiosulfate? 12. if ycs to #I l, did the samples conlain rcsidual chlorine? If ycs, documsnt on CLIR. 13. Scdiment prEsent in dissolvcd/filtsr:d botties? Ifyes, docr.mcut on CIJR. Id. Is suflicient volume provided for cfient requested M$ MSD or mahix duplicaies? If oo, document on CU& and coutact PM before pro63ding. A p 15. Recciptdate(s)>48hor.uspastthccollectiondate(s)? lfyes,notifrPAPlvl. D 4 15. Are analyses with short holding timcs reouested? tr .6 17. Was a quick Tum Arourd (TAT) requesred? STL Denver \QA\Fornrs\Sample Rccciving\lsamplc Reeeiving Ch:CCist i2 13 (X revision tutStu a4 STL Dcnver Sample Receiving Checklist Lot#,25*T0id;7+ Login Checks: N/'l l'es No / O 18. Suflicient volume providcd for all anall,sis requested? (rcf. Auachmenr D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) O If no, R,, doo:rrment on CUII, and conlactr PM bcfore proceeding. N H| Ct 19. Is suflicient rolume providcd for client rcguestcd N,lS, IUSD or matrix duplicates? lf no, document on CUR, and\ \-/ conlact PM b,cfore proceeding. D 20. Did thc chain of custody includcs "received b)r'and'tclinquished" by signaturcs, dates, and timcs? O ?l- Were qpccial log in insrruaionn rcad and followcd? tr 22- Were AFCEEmctals Iogged for rcfrigerated storage? tr ?3. Were tests logged chccked against the COC? Vr'hich samplcs were conJirnpd? I D 24. Wasa Rushform completedfor guick TAT? D 25. Was a Shofl Hold form completed for an1, short holds? 6 N- Is "sria ICoc" required? F Zl. Werc special archiving instrucrions inrlicared ir the Gcneral Comments? If so, u'hal were they? Labeling and Storage Checks: 5 28. Was the subcontraa COC signed and senl witb sanples to bottle pre,p? D 29. Were sarrplc labels double-chccked by a second person? EJ 30. Were sauple bottles and COC tlouble checkcd for dissolvetVfiltercd maals by a second persou? A 3I. Did thc sauple ID, Datc, and Time from label matdr uihat was logged? tr 32- Were stickers for special archiving instnraions affrxed to each box and to rhe ICOC? See #27 tr 33. Were AFCEE metals stored refrigerated? tr 34. Werc *Stict ICOC'copics given to satellilc storage areas? Documeil any probJems or discrepansies and the actions taken to resolve them on a Condirion Upon Receipt Anomaly Report (CLIR). STL Denver \(tA\Frlrms\Sanrnle Rm.e.ivinr,\Sarnnlc llere.ivinp Chrcklist l? l-i 04 revision d tr ,z) ,d tj rt" frB Atr D 3 fr w SD 3JrJr {u r2n3tv Ef l E H r r s EI s 3 € : i *E A S 3 sH g $ = rD eE @C 6' 5I J b, _ .. - L C) 5g.=o+C)Eaj1 .o CL fl (D6oa ts 6 * >. 't t t\ , \( r d [*r* Iu 1- . - . I rna m rno (I ]* HTxdFo \r )L'r )s F R tf,Fr< , nsN a) 4 ilI D 9 F /r , [pz. Is C] t -a Ez _ l} - ,I , D: I ,4 i =c H Q L- - tu\ l) FA . I Ec C' F. ;,J\ (h \ EF ml -1\ Ut $ I a I -fm N i'hf,pl t-<> To q U J*n{ )e ,- / \ +_ t -4 , - . r )\ gIAt-s{=m ]D rnrzoC U) Im0 tD*-UIm 7- F( -(--- I ,i l \r '= r\ [. 'r F K B N E, } - z >fi E-? u_ iI -$ - t 3 C3 l\fi $-T X MS / M S D N I- ) t t\ i NO . OF CO N T A I N T E B S I =m F' ,#f; > rqa- ' - - ia K X x al mam rncl TD* x z f U, rna, llm?.L)f,xa o Tm J rn nmr z,oC U' I mi E*I i { N NE N\\ Fl. . .Ff, oIm F5 {!.,Sm \r l -{ F- =Hf t \ \ 'D . $; J ir + * = fi f ; : ' : fn > ,5 ' ,E'r ." . r 2p oT :. l T l '. ' a 2 ' m .: [ J (D .<,t f .' : > .: { li l t *l ;: 3 I r. l ,. ; t :. 3 :: T '' ( ,C} .t h :: ' l T l '' t - . i: . : + l ' ; ': ' : ' - :f ) "C ) .2 ,g =oZ, ". : . . .. : t t ,, . :. 4 . :. : ' . . lE G 4 \ f rl \ 3 - 9 G 3 0 i } 3 7 c o c . FH B ST L De n v e r STL 303 431 7t7I AI\ALYTICAL REPORT Western Zirconium Project Lot #: D5I090t 89 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 8181 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 8An7 STL DENVER Linda L. Benkers Project Man ager STL Denver 4955 Yanow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 www.stl-inc.com Septanber 30, 2A05 Severn Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Standard Dellverables with Supporting Documentation Report Contents Stan dard Detlverabtes (Thr Cover Letter and the Rqort Cover page ore considered integral parts of this Standard Deliverable package. Thls report ls incomplete unless all pages indicated in this Tcble of Contents are included.) o Table of Contentso Case Narratlve o Executlve Surnmsry - Detectlon Highttghts o Methods Surnmary o Method/Analyst SurnmarT o Lot Sample Sumrnary . Analytical Results o QC Data Assocladon Summary o QC Sample Results . Chain-of-Custody Supportl ng Documentation (Note: A one-page "Description of Suppctrting Documentotion" is provided at the beginning af this sectlon.). o Volatile GC/I\{S o Semlvolatile GC/MS o Volatile GC o Semlvolatile GC r LCIIVIS or HPLC r Metals r General Chemistry o Radlochemistry r Subcontracted Data Nunrrber of Pages Check below when cupporting documentafion is present. o nnnnnnmE STL Denver Case Narrative D5r090189 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis ofthe samples and no problems were encountered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality control samples analped in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this report meet all requirements ofNELAC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be re,produced except in full, without written pemrission from the Iaboratory Sample Recelvlng Seven samples were received under chain of custody on Septernber 9, 2005. The samples were received in good condition at temperatures of 3.3oC, 3.8"C, 3.6oC, 4.4"C andZ.7"C. The results for all radiological analyses are included in this report and were performed by STL St. Louis; 13715 Rider Trail North; Earth City; MO 63045, phone 3l+298-8566. Radiochernlstry, Verious Methods The method 900.0 MOD gross beta MDA for samples D5I090189-001 through 007 was not met due to reduction of sample size caused byhigh residual mass. The analytical results are reported with the MDA achieved. The method 7ll0 MOD gross alpha MDA for samples D5I090189-00I ttrough 007 was not met due to reduction of sample size caused by high residual mass. The analytical results are reported with theMDA achieved. A low-level and a high-level LCS standanl were analyzed with total uranium batches 5262217 and 5269090 and they are spiked at different concentrations. Therefore, the RPD value reported for these two standards does not apply. Both LCS recoveries were in control. AII MSA,ISD were performed on samples from other clients and/or lots and some were not in control. Denver METIIODSW D5rO90r_89 PAIUTMETER AIVAIJYTICAIJ METHOD PREPAR.,.ATTON MEfiIOD Gross Alpha (COPRECIP) by Grose Alpha /seva by cFPC Isotopic Thorium by Alpha RadLurn-226 by GFPC Radium-zzB by GFPC Total Uranium By Lager Ph Referr:nc€B: GFPC SpectrosCopy oephorlmetry sM9rlil 711_ 0 MOD EPA 900.0 tvtOD EI{Ir A- 0L -R MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 9O4 MOD AST!,I 5L7 4- 91 EPA 900.0 ASTM EMI, EPA sMr|w Anrrual Book Of ASTM 9tandards. IEIN'IRONMENTAI, MEASUREMENTS ITABORATORY PROCEDUREg I{ANUA]'T HASL-300 28fH EDITION, VOLIIME I and II DEPARI'!,IENT OF ENERGY N EASTERN E}WTRONMENTAI, RADIATTON F'ACTLITY RADIOCHEMISTRY PROCEDURES Mi\NUJ\rrr US EpA EpA 52A / S-84 - 006 AUGUST 1-984 IISTATVDARD METHODS FOR I.IASTE WATERN STL Denver METHOD /ANALYSTW Dsrog0189 A}IALYST A}IAIJYTICAIJ METIIOD AI{AI,YST rD 4023 5 0 40L627 4 01_ 627 4 00 597 400697 400597 ASTM 5L74-91 EMIJ A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 NIOD sMr{!il 71L0 MOD AgI1}I EMI, EPA I"Il-ke Anderson Jtmnry Wl}son ,7immy Wilson fvan Vania fwan Vania Ivan Vania Anrrual Book Of ASTIVI Standards. trENVIRONMENTAI, ME,ASI'REMEICIS I,ABORATORY PROCEDI'RES I'II,ANUAI,N HASIr-300 28TH EDITION, VOLITME I and Ir DEPARTD{ENf OF ENERGY ,I EASTER}I EMTTRONMEMTAI, RADIATION FACTLTTY RADTOCHEMTSTRY PROCEDT}RES TVIANUAIJ'' US EPA EPA 52A/S-84-OO5 AUGUSIr 1984 'ISTANDARD METHODS FOR }TASTE WATER'I STL Denver sffiw Dsro9(}r.8g O WO # SILIviPLE# CLIENT SAI{PIrE fD SAMPIJED SAMP DATE TIME H.tBeM oot Gw-5c-o9o805 HJ8QX OO2 cW-R2 - 09080s H,J8QO OO3 GW-35- 0go8os Hir8QI 004 GVir-4A- 0g0B 0s H,J8Q2 00s cw-s4-09080s H,J8Q5 005 Glr-R4-0g0g0s H.I8Q7 007 gvil-R3 -090805 IKIrts (S} : oe/a8/os o9:1-5 09 / os/ as oe:25 09/08/os 1o:38 a9/08/os r,1:oo og / oBlos 11 :50 a9l o8los L2:4a 09/a8/as l-4:15 - Thc amlytical results of thc ssnphs liged rbovc rro proscntcd oo rhc foltowing pagcs. - AII cllculations are pertorEdl bcforc rouldinl ro rvoid rousd+ff crrors in calculrtcd r6uhs. - Results noicd as "ND' were not dcrcctcd !t or aDote tha statod limir. - Thi6 r€pon mu$ not bc rcproduoad, accpt in ftrll, wirtrout thc wrfiteir rpproval of rhc laborlory. - RcsrlB for the followinS psrrnrotor3 arc ncvcr rcponcd oD r dry peighl besis: color, (prrosiviDr, d.rEity, flashpoim. igniEbilty, Iaycrs. odor, paior flltsr test, pH. poroslty pr66ure, rcaetivity, rcdox porentJrl, specifr grsyiry. spoi t sts, sohds, solubility. tcmpcrrurc. vircosry, a]d wciSht. STL Denver o t Rg Corlpration C].lent Sarmle fDr G9[-5C-090805 Sevcrn Trcnt lraboratoriee - Radiochmigtrfr Lab Sample ID: lrlork Order: Matrix: Parclrtor D5r090189-001 HJEOM GW Xorult Dat,e Collected: Date Received: Tota]' Ilsorrt , gull 12 a+ I -l DIDC a9 / 08/05 0915 a9/09/a5 0e30 Prop htt enrlyrlrDetr Batob I rla t sRosa ^lsGlro;: Eotr BY OrPC EPt 900. 0 !@D 3E3 W,LIL 900-0 HOD a9 t21l05 09t74tA5 526{1?9 Totrl. Urenlum bf ToEal Urulu,rn KPr ^LgrM 517{-91 18. { u;fllL 5L7 4-91 09l70la5 aelztl07 r26z2t7 cRogg t BY co-pREclp allr|w 7110 uoD Grort ^Llpbr 3.1 DEL IIJ 7110 lfOD o9ll7 lo5 a9l7alo5 5260068t.7 RIr- 226 BY EPI'-903 . O l.lOD Rrrdl.um 1226) 2 .53 0 .06 t L lT. 0.33 903.0 DloD 09/101a, 0e/2elo, 52t3061 93 Rt-228 By OrPe Rrdtrrn 228 fPt 901 tiloD 3.{2 Dct/L 901 t[oD 09lto I 05 0e l28l o5 3253062 Igo THOnrgD! Thorir:m 2 3 0 thorium 232 (8IIORT CTT} DOE T-01-R 0. 092 u0.008 u 0-67 0. 091 0-044 Dct/L 4.75 0.L0 0.094 r-01-R 09/16/45 a9/16/45 uoD a9/20i05 09/20/O€) 5259114 l-1-0 525971.4 11 0 NOEE (g} tr rn Lnoqllotst yl.thout tho oit uratlvo, loc l.r drErralnod br Lnrtnrnrcnt Dufororao. ouly. Bold rcrult,r rr. grcatrr tbtr tbc llDC U trrrulE Lr lcrr thrn th. ralqlh dotootl.ou lLnlt, STL Denver IIR$ Corporatsion ClLent Sannole IDr GIrI-R2-090805 Sevcna Trcat taboratsorleE - fudl.ochutgtry Lab Sample ID: Work order: &Iatrix: Prnmtrr Dsr0901_89-002 HJBOX Gt^I Rcrult Date Collected: 09 / 08/05 09/0el0s 092 5 0930 Prrp fnalyrl; htr Datr Batcb I Date Received; Totrl utroort. $lrl (2 o+ I -l ilrrc YlA t OROSS f,/B BT Ororr Ertr oFPC EPt, 900.0 ltOD 250 rrcl.lt 900.0 r@D agl7ll os oglztloa 126{12,5{ Total Uraulun b1t, Totai Uranlum trPr r,gtu 5L7{-91 o. 117 u 0.013 Lrg lI) 0.31 3L7 t-91 09/27 /A5 09/28/45 s269090 gRosg .n By co-pnEcIp BlrIyTI 7110 t00D Orotr .l],phr 5. t ecl.l!-7110 DIOD a9tl7 las 09120105 5260068L.7 nr,-226 BY rEDl-903. 0 ![oD f,rdtnm (2261 2,O7 o.ao *Lltr 0. a9 903. 0 lioD 09/10/05 a9tz8l05 5253061 9t R.f,,-?78 BY OrPC Rrd,tun 27A rP 904 rioD 3 ,29 0. 67 PCt/L o.79 90{ ltoD oello lo5 091218103 5253062 91 Igo THORIINT &orlum 2lO Thorium 232 (sHORT er) DOE n'-Ol-R rrOD 0,26 c 0.0 u Dct/t l-01-R ae ltc I a3 09/76/s5 loD ae lza I 03 a9 /zo/ 05 0.16 0-0 o-12 0-06 525911{ 85 525911"4 85 lrorr ( I ) DiEr an LDc(]rlat. rl,tlout tha otra lrrraEM. llDC Lr ilotorutao(t blr lartnlErqt tr6rfotrr.,Do. a1y. lolA rcirltr rr. gEG.t.a thr[ tha I@C J R..rrlt 1,. lE.ttar thrE ..qrlc dot.otloq tlIrl,.t bqt 1.rr tLrr rtrt.A rqprtl,ag llEtt.g R..Elt, lr htr tlia th. rqrlt datcctlor 1hlt. STL Denver IIRS Corporatl,on Clicnt Sannrle fD: GTi[-S5-090805 Sevem Treut, Laboratorias - RrdiochstiBtrT' Lab Sample f D: hlork order: tlatrix: Prrurtrr D5r0901-89-003 H,JBOO GW Rcnrl.t QurI Date Collected: Date Received: TotsrI Ilnoafr. 12 o+l-) toc a9/08105 1038 09/09/0s 0930 PrlP r'rtlylll Detr Datc ratch I GROgg t./B BT Glrorr Brtr orPc EPt 900. o DloD 113 E,C,LII) 77 900,0 tioD ae t2Lla5- oe lTll a5 3261129 Total Uranl-un b1t Tofrl Ur-":[u.m KPr tgm[ 5L7t-91 0.591 ir 0. 063 tulglL 0.31 ,L7 {-91 a9 tla lo5 a9lzlla5 57622L7 gnosg r' BT CO-PRECIP 8!IS'?Y 7 LLO Ororr llpba 1,29 TTIOD J o.77 r,C.Llf' o.9a 7110 uoD oeltT loi a9l20l03 5260068 nl-236 BY fPA-903.0 UOD Radlum (226) O.80 0 .25 EeLnt 0.25 903. O teOD 09l1.ol os a9 n8la5 5253051 nl.-228 BY CrPC Radlua ?28 EDr, 90{ DIOD 1 ,15 I>CiII,904 uoD 09/10/05 091281 as 52530630.51 0.77 87 IIo THORITIII Thorlun 230 Thorlum 232 (8HORT C[] DOE ]-01-R o,tg J 0-021. U r,cLlt n - 01-R 09 /16 / 05 09/L6/05 DCOD 09 tlat05 09/2A/05 o.2l 0,078 o.la 0.16 5259111 5J 5259114 55 ![(lTt (8) a lro t-noq>lrtr rl.thout thr o6r urrrtl,vo. l.t drtrrnl,uod by fuutnrnrnt, pcrlormraor ou1y, Eold r.rulta ara g8.rtar th-i tbo EC ., : narrlt lr grortes tbra rqrlo Cotoctlon lLutt but lcrr tbu rtrt.d rq)ortlltg ltdt. U f,orult Lr lcrr tL.! tb. rqllr d.taotloB tlrrlt- STL Denver IIRS Cort>oratLon C1ient Samolc ID: GII[-{A-090805 Scvcm, trcr,t Lrboratorler - RrdlocholBtry Irab Sarnple ID: Work Order: Matrix: Parauttrr Dsr090189-004 HJBOl GW Rtrult ht. h.t.natoh t Yld rr Date Collected: 0 9 / 08/ 05 1L00 DateReceived; 09/A9/AS 0930 ![otrI Ilb,sl*. Sral (2o+/-) UDe lnrlyrir ONOSS }.IE BY Ororr Bote GTPC BPA 9OO. O DTOD 253 *Llt 900. 0 r{oD 09 I "L I 05 09 l zl I O' ,2647.2969 lDoua1 Uranitrn b1t lfoEa1 Uranl.un KPl' I.grH 5L7l-91 0.5{9 ir 0.061 lclsl/-J' o,31 5174 -91 09 I Z0 / 05 09 121,I 05 57627L7 G,RO8g Ir BI CO-pnECrP 8ur5r[ 7110 DiOD Glror ^trAphr 5.9 ecllL 7110 t{OD 09lL7 l05 09lzalo5 52600687.4 m-226 BY EPA-903.0 UOD Rrdiurn (726) O. 95 0,30 plCLlt o.30 903 . O ttOD oellatos 0el28lo3 5253061 63 R[-228 BY CTPC RrdLun 278 IBPA 90{ !f,OD 3 .34 pcLlL 901 t[oD 09110/05 091281os 5253052 Iro IPHOIiIEIA Iltorl.urn 23 O Thorium 232 (gHoRT C:r) DOE t-01-R o.2g J 0.043 u 0.gg 0.16 o-075 9CL lf' 0. 09 0.0s9 r-01-R 09tL6l05 a9/L6l05 ![oD a9 tzat 05 09/2AtAs 55 5a5911{ 86 525911d 86 NOtrE (s) hta lr'r Lncqllotr vLtborrt thr ouo Drrratlvl. l{DC Lt dotcratnrd blr Lnrtnrno,st prrfo-rrnnoc ouly. Bold rotulur rr. grrcatr thrD thc lnDe ir Rrrrult La grcrtrr thm n4llr dotcctloa 1latt hrE loac U Rorult Lt lor than tbr arqllc drtrotl.on lLErLt. STL Denver tba-u rtsrtrd rolprtslug 1LnLts. URS Corpora.tLon CIIent Sarp1e ID: Gsr-gl-090805 Scvcra Trrat Ireboretorieg - RadiochffitirtrT Lab Sample ID: Work Order: Matrix; Paramter D5r090189-00s HJ8O2 GW Rorult Date Collected: Date Received: TotrI Uuoorts. 17 o+l -l rDc 09 l0Bl 0s 1_1_50 ae I oe / a5 0930 lnalytlt llat. BaBch I Drrp Dat. OROSS t.Il BY TPC Orote Dcta EPI, 9OO. O IDD 742 *,Llr, 51 900.0 t[oD ae tzltas 09l2ll0s 526ltz9 Totr1 UrrnLun blf Totrl Urrnlua xPt, rglIfl JL7{-91 0.877 J 0.095 uslL 0.31 3L? t-91 09170/05 a9 nll 05 52672L7 sRosg t' BY .co-PREcIP gliFr 7110 Groes Alpha 1,05 pet /L 0.83 L.2 ?LLA UOD 09 /L7 / 05 09 /20/05 5260068 DtoD U m-226 BY trP.f,-903. O ![OD nr6iun (226) 0.59 o ,20 *Llt o.21 903 .0 DAOD 09/10 tol 09t28ta5 s353061 96 Rl'-?,28 BY OrPC Radtrrm 228 EPT 90{ HOD t-33 ifr,LlI-90{ lroD 09 t 1,o I o5 09 l28 t 05 5e53062 IIo THORTTNi Thorlurn 2 3 0 Thorium 23? (Bnonr cr) Dor t-oI,-R t[oD 0_07 u0.010 u 0.51 0. 11 0.078 S,CLIL o-73 0.15 0_15 r.-01-R Ag/-L6/Os a9/L6/As uoD 09t20105 09 /20/05 5259114 90 52s9114 90 -![otrt (g] tc rr. Laeqllrtr rLtbout tJrt olro nrlratl,rra. l@c Lr dot,cralard blr lartnrmaB porforrunot only. Bold ruultl uG grtrtor tbra tbr t[DC it Rrrult Lr grrtrtrr tbta ruttrr1r dtteott oa l{plt but U Rotult Le lorr thra tbc rcmllo drtootLoo lfunlt. STL Denver lur tshrn rtrtrd rqprtlag lLrd,t. 10 IIRS CorporatLon C1l,ent, Sanml,e IDr GIil-R{-090805 Scvarn TrenB Laboratsorles - nadtochmlBtr:tz Lab Samp1e ID; Work Order: Matr{x: Pcranrtrr D5r090L89-005 HJBO5 GW Rmult Date Colleeted: Date Recelved: lDotal llaorrt. (2 o+l -) lDC 09 / 08/05 1,240 a9/a9/05 0930 DreIl tsllyrlr Drtc Drtl Ertsob fl oRoss ,.lB BY orPe Orort Brte EPt 900.0 uoD L37 pct/r, 25 75 900. 0 DtoD a9 nuoS 091"5/os r764L29 Total Unol,un W Total Urarrir:sr xPl, tsrllt 517{-91 -0.0147 u ug lr' 0-0018 0-31 517{ -91 a9 /20/05 09 /2L / A5 52622L7 oRo88 .L By CO-PnrCrp StltfDt 7110 DIOD Ororr .Elpba 3,1 DcLIT)7110 lnOD 09 tL7 t05 0ef 70I o5 52600681.3 RL-226 BT EPf,-903.0 MOD nadl.um (226) 1.5a 0 -31 *Llr, o .20 903. O uoD 09lr.0/o5 091781oi 5253051 10e TB-228 B:r CFPC RrdLtrt 228 EPl' 90{ I.IOD 3 .39 scL lr,90{ uoD 09lt0l05 a9l"lBlo5 5251062 Ieo TRORII,II TborLuur 23O Thorium 232 (aIIORT Cr) DaE r-Ol-R o-13 ir -0-004 u o.62 0.11 0.047 pcLlt o. 66 0. 06 o-o91 r-01-R a9 tL6 ta5 a9/76/05 !0D 091z.0la5. a9/24/05 525911{ 86 5259114 86 NorE (8) DaEr tr. l.ncoqphtse rl.thout thr oerc alnatirrr. uDc Lt dotcrrnl.ad by lnrBnunrat pcrtormraor oa1y. BoId rctultr rr. grrcattr tbrn tbc UDg J Rcrult Lr grrcatcr tbr.a ;alq>h drtrotion I.ln{! but lotr U Rcsult lr lrte Ehru tshr trrry>lrr drttoElon llmlt. STL Denver thrn rtrtrd rrportlag lLs{e- 11 t Rg Corporation Client SarrcLe IDt G$I-R3-090805 gewern Trcut LeboratorleE - RadLochodrtrtr Lab Sample ID: Work order: Matrj.x: Prrenrtrr Dsr090189-007 H.]BQ7 GW traru1t DaEe CollecEed: DaEe Received: a9/08/0s L415 a9/09/0s 0930 Drrg .lanlyll.c Drtr Ilrto Htsb * TotrI UrrOa*. (2 o+l-l GIROAS t.IE Ororr BoEr Br grPc EPr 900.0 ![oD 88 *Llt'900 - o DoD a9l?L1o5 a9l25lo5 5261129L7 trotr], UrrnLuro Totrl Uraniun blr XPl' ^I.SIlIril 5Ll{-91 L.22 0.13 Lrf,lI. 0.31 5L7 r-91 a9l3al03 09l2llo3 5762?L7 oRog8 t BY co-PRtcrP s!finw Orotr tl.pbr 1.58 7110 ![OD J o .90 sc'.ll,- 0 .99 7110 t0D a9tL7 las a9l20lo3 326005t Rr,-226 BY tPt'-903 . O lfioD Rrdl,trn (225) 0.83 o.77 DCLII' o,L7 903.0 tcoD 09tLatos 09l2gta,5253061 105 nif,,-238 By orPc Rrd,l.uro 77e EPr 90{ lroD 1 .81 *ilL 90{ !iloD oe/Lolo5 ae l78l03 5253062 IgO THONIU}T ItorLrrn 230 Thorlurn 232 (glroRT er) DoE 0. {g 0.01.4 A-ol-R DIOD ir U lpD a9 t"o I oi a9/20/05 525911{ E1 s2591 14 81 0.22 0_052 r,C.t ll' o-66 o.12 0.11 .1,- O1-R 09 tL6l as 09/L6/05 NOIE (s] tsr, lr. laoqfrlctr rlthorrt tht ort. nrrratLvo. Le dcteraLuod by Laatnrsrrat prrformnaoo only. BoId rrrultt u. grrcrtrr thru thr HDC ., Xolults la erruttr thtr nrErlr dctcctLon !{nl3 bnrt U tcsulE lr lcrr thrn thc rrrgrlo dotcotlou 1fuD.lt. STL Denver lcrr thra rt:tod rqlortlng IfutLt. 72 acrlaTAAssffioNw D5rO9(}189 Sample PreparatLon and Analyeie Control Numbere gAMPLE#I{ArRrX o01 o02 003 004 00s 006 AT.IALYTTCAL METHOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5L74-91 sMww 7r.10 MoD EPA 903.O MOD EPA 90{ MOD EML A- 01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5L74- 91- gMww 711-0 MOD EPA 903.O MOD EPA 904 MOD EIVIL A-01--R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5174-9L sMulw 77-to MoD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EMII A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD AST1\{ 5L74-91 sMm{ 7110 MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA. 9A4 MOD EMIr A-01,-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTTU 5L7 4-9L sMww 7LL0 MoD EPA 903.0 TvIOD EPA 90{ }110D EMIr A-OI-R MOD EPA 9OO, O MOD A*ST[,! 5L74-g]. sM$[!{ 7110 MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EMIJ A-01-R MOD (conEinued on no(t. GW GW GW GW GTT GW clw GW GW GTI GW GW GIII GW ctw GVT GW GW GW GW GW GT{ GW GW GW GW GW cyr GW GW GW GUI GTI GVt GI{ GW TEACH BATCH # PREP BATCH # 52641,29 52622L7 s250058 s2s3051 52 53 052 s259 1 14 5264]-29 5269090 5260068 s253061 5253052 5259LL4 52641-29 5262217 5260068 5253 05r, s2s3 052 s25911{ 5264L29 s2622L7 5260 05 I 5253 06 1 5253 062 5259LL4 525 4L29 s2622L7 s26006 I s253 061_ 5253 062 525 9 L1{ 5264129 5252277 5260068 s25305L s253 052 5259L1-4 I'IS RIJN# 52640 9 0 526215 5 s260033 s253 0{ I s253 447 5259A47 5264 090 526 9 051 5250033 s253048 5253 A47 5259047 s264 090 s262Ls6 s26003 3 s253048 5253047 5259047 5264 090 526215 5 s26 003 3 s253 04 I 5253047 s2590+7 526409 0 s262L55 s260033 5253 048 5253 047 52s9A47 5264090 5262L56 5260033 s253 0{18 s2s 3047 s2s 9447 STL Denver page) o acDATA ONW DsrO90189 Sample PreparaEion and anal.yel-e Control SAIvtPITEf T-IATRIX o07 GVT GY GW GW GW GW ATiIAI,YTICAIJ METHOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5L74-9I. sMrvr{ 7110 MoD EPA 9O3 .0 MOD EPA 904 TVTOD El'{L A-01-R MOD T,EACII BATEH # Numbers PREP BATCH # s264L29 s2622L7 s260058 s2s3 051 s2s3 052 5259 1 14 t'{g Rt N# s2640 9 0 s262Ls6 s26003 3 s253 04 I s2s 3447 52s9047 STL Denver 74, Client Lot fD: Matrix: Drrrnltrr Eewern Errnt D5r090189 WATER IlmuLt gurl DIETIIOD BI.}DIK Lrboretorice REPORT - Radiochm.iatrrr Totrl Unoort. (2 o+l-l PrrD Dltc L.b 8rxllr ID eralyrlrDr.t. Batcb I rld t GIROSS ^lDGrogs Beta BY OrPe EPl' 900. 0 troD 0.68 U o -67 pct/r 900. 0 DIOD i_-1- r5r2to000-1298 09 /21 /0s 09 /25 / 05 5264L29 NA.228 BY OFPC EPI 90{ UOD Radium 228 0.03 o -27 DCi/L 901 lroD o .47 15r100000-0628 09 /1,A / 05 09 /28105 5253A62 90 nr,-226 BY lP -903.0 EIOD Rad.itrrn (226) 0,04 0 - 12 gcLlL 903. 0 t[oD o - 2L "5r100000- 0618 09/1,0105 09/28/05 5253061 93 IEO THORIUDT (SHORT CT} DOE T-01-R I{OD Tboriur 23O O .21 iI Thorium 232 -0.004 U E,€,LIL o.1{ 0.045 l-01-R uoD 0 ,06 o_087 15r150000-11{B o9/16la5 09l2al0t 525911{ e5 Q9 /16/ A5 09 /2A/ 05 5259114 95 CROSS T BT CO-PRECTP Grose Alpha -0.09 srf,wDl 7110 DloD U 0.34 gCLIL 7110 UOD 0. 55 r5r17 0000- o68B 09 /L1 /05 09 /2L/A5 5260068 Totrl Uranlun btr llotal Uranlurn xPr, lgxu 3L7l-91 -0 - 02r,1 u vg llt 0.0023 517{ -91 0,3L 13r190000-2178 09 / 20/05 09 tztl 05 s2622L7 Tota} Ur-''Lun by trotrl Ur.nLun KPr, n'gr![ 5174-91 0. {65 ir ug/I{ 0 .0{9 5174-91 o.31 P5r260000- 0908 a9t27 fal 09tZ.Bt05 5269090 NOEE (B} Drtr ar. t-nOoryllotc yLthouE thr ceta "ttt.atlvc. DlDc 1r dottrr:nlnrd uilag l,nrtrnrncnt gcrlonnraor only BoId rcsultr trc grort.r thrg tbo t{DC ir Botu1t lt gr:rcatcr Ehrn ceqllc drtrotLoa ltrLLt but U Rcrult lr hu tban tho 3rnD,!6 dctootloa li.ml-t. STL Denver lcm tbrn ,uttd roDortlag llnlt, 15 Client Lot Matrix: Prnmrtrr Iraboratory Control Sovern Tront Laboratorl.u Dsr090L89 WATER qpfl. lnstmts trenrIt Iotal Ilaccrt. (2 o +l-l Saryrle ReDort, - ttrdiochaList,r:xr Irb 8r411o fD 0C Coatrol t Yld t Itoo LllLt'r Iso TlroRIIm (gEORlr er) DOt A-01-R ltOD Thorium 2?8 8.81 9 -z Thorium 23O 9 -{6 7 -7 Ttrorium 232 L 82 9.1 Ertclr I r 5ZS9]-]-4 eC!-lt 1.1 1-0 L-l_ l-01-R uoD 0,1 0.09 0. 09 fnrf,.yrlr Ilrtor F5r160000-I.1tc 96 96 96 L04 82 103 ( 91 L32l ( 65 1,29) ( 88 r.33 ) 09/20/05 CIROSB l' BT CO-PRESrD Gross A1pha g!fitw 7110 DroD 20.6 1 6.1 Drteb lr 5260068 7110 lrOD 0.5 lnrlrrrtr Drt. r sJr.L1 0000 - o68c 78 l1L 1{3) 09/2\/45 pcLlL, 2-7 OROSS .a'/B BY GlrPC Gross Beta EPt 900. o t[oD 52 .3 4,2 .2 Ertob tr 526n729 900. o !rcD 1.0 tr.grlyrLr Drtrr r5r210000-129c (7 A 121" I pCLIL 81 09/25/Os NCIIE t 8) r l. dat.rahGd by lrlrtEust D.rforr.[o. @ly C.lo!ilrrttoor rrc arrf,otrdl lrfo:rr rouadtag to rvold rourd-oll l:zoz l[ calgutrtrd r.mlta STL Denver 15 Laboratorfr Coatrol 8aryrlc llCg DuplLcatG Rclrort Scvcra rront Laboratortec - RadLocbmLrtry D5r0901 89 WATER Ctient Lot fD: Matrix: Drrrnottr Splhr twunt DuuLt t Yld t Beo Irb 8rglle ID 9C Contsrol r,Lnrtr ProoLrl'oa fotrl Ilncarrt. (2 o +l-) Rl,-228 Br CrPC tPt Radium 228 Spk 2 90{ !iloD 5 .26 5.26 Drtob tr gCLl[r 6 .42 6 -72 s253062 904 lroD 0.89 0_94 91 L22 89 1_28 lnalyrLr Drtrr ( 56 L47l (s5 L47) 5 09 / 28/ 0s r5r100000-062c tRPD Rr-226 BY EPL-9O3. O Radirrn (72-6) Spk 2 lroD 71_ -2 77.2 Bl'tob lr t*!-lt' 10. 9 1,2 .4 5253061 903. O 1-3 L_{ DIOD 91_ 98 90 110 lnrlyrlr Drter 151100000-061c (s{ 135}(54 136) L2 a9 /28/ 05 tRPD Tota1 UrrnLrrn b1r Totai Uranl-um spk KPr A8|[![ 517a-91 40 _ 0 38.22 9.00 g.zt Batch {l I 52G221_7 u;fllL 'LT{-91 15r190000-2L7c 96 ( 90 LLzl 1_03 (90 L72) 729 laa}.yrLr Decrr 09 /2L/05 IRPD 4.5 0. 85 Totrl. Uranl-urn Total Uraniurn by ICPI ^trSTll 5L74-91 40.0 spk 2 8-0O Drtob, tr ufIlL 3L7t-91 97 ( 90 ltzt98 (90 112) tnr1trrlr Drtrr 09 / 28 / 05 15r260000- 090c 133 TRPD 39.0 7 -84 5269 09 0 4.6 0-80 Ctlculatl.onr STL Denver rr. p.rforud boforo roundl.ag to rvol,C rouail-off .rnor hl orlcruhtrd rrtultr l7 Client Lot fD: Matrix: Prnntcr ![trTnIX Egrrern D5 r OBA237 GIII\I SpIkr frcunt SPIKE/}TTtrRTX SPIKE Tront teboratorior DI'PLTEIIET REPON]IP r Radj,och@1rtrf, Date Sampled: Date Received: gPIXI lmult totrl II[orIrE. 85likr AN(PII (7 o+ I -J r1d Rorult 09 / a7 / as 0955 09 / 08/0s 0930 0C 844>1r rD tYIO tnc ![otal Ihclrt. (2o +l', 9C Coatrol I.,lr{ tr Total UraaLun Tota1 Urarrium blr KPl, t,glmfi 5 40-0 Spk2 40.0 urglL 13 L2 tnrlyrLr 5L7 l-91 56 .7 56 -7 drtsc r 6.8 6-8 09 /2]-/ A5 110 a 98 Ir 5262156 Dsr08 0717 -003 132 a (90 LLzl 1"03 (90 11.21 Prrsl;lonr L1 $RPD Drtoh GIROAA \ID BI TPC EPl' 9OO. O Gross Beta B0{ spk2 I04 641 723 *r 526409A eCLlt 59 7-l r.arlyrlr 900. 0 39 39 drtrr !iloD L2 1,2 09/25/0s D51100151-002 75 85 PrrcLrloar L2 tRPD ( 50 1s0) ( 50 1s0) Batsolr oRo8g l, Br Groes Alpha O CO.PRECTP glmlw 4L .2 qpk2 4L -2 Drtob tr 49 .2 65 -9 & s260033 ecL lt, 7 .6 9.97 larl3rnlr 7110 rilOD 2.7 2-7 drto r U 2.L U 2.L 09/20/05 D5r1 00151- 002 113 (50 1s0) 156 a (s0 150) Prrcl,rLoo r 31 $RPD nr-226 BY EPr-903 . O !!OD Radium 12251 LL-7 spk2 11 _ I 10.0 9.4 Ertoh lr 5253048 pC;L llt L -2 1_01 1, .2 L02 lnalyrlt DIOD J 0.17 ir 0 .L7 a9/28/05 D51100151 - 002903.0 0.39 0,39 drtr r 101 82 10i 77 (65 150) (66 rsoi TRPDPrcel.;lmr 5 Rr-228 rr RadLum 228 G}TPC EPI, 90{ DIOD 5.52 spk2 5.53 7 _3L 6. 90 lr 5253 047 Dci/L 0. 99 89 0-94 96 .lnrlyglc 904 E00D 0.70 0 .70 drtor Dsr100151-O03 6 IRPD 162 1. so ) (62 1s0) J 0-37 93 720 J 0.37 93 rtrsl.rion r 09/28/05 L12 oRogg ^lB BT Gross Beta grPc tPA 900.0 77 4A Spk2 L-t 40 1690 1,6 80 lr 5264090 Dci/L 1_80 180 900. o uoD 95 9s ?,6 26 D5r13 0187 - 003 92 91 prrolrl.or 0 .5 tRPD (s0 1s0) ( 50 l-so ) Brtch lorlyrLr drto r 09/25/05 TotsaL UnnLun by K"t lgDI 5 Total Uranlum {0.0 Spk2 d0 _ 0 36.3 a 35.9 a *r 5269051 \g ll, 4.3 4.2 larlyrlr 517a-91 0.415 J 0. {15 J D5r1301t7 -003 0. 067 90 a ( 90 LL2l 0. 04? 89 a ( 90 Ltzl Drlcirl,onr 1 tRPD STL Denver Ertoh detr r 09/28l05 18 !{f,TRIX SPIKE/IILTRTX SPIKE Sevem lfrent taboratorlcs D5113 0187 GW DUPLICATE REPORT - RadtochuLtBtrryz Date Sampled: A9 /L2 / A5 DaLe Received: 09 /L3 / 05 L222 0 915 Client Lot ID; Matrix: Prnrter eptlo trnorrat SDITE Rrru1t trotalIllrcrrt. BpLho 8I!IPL! 12 o+l-) Yld Rcrult 0C 8aq>h ID t YLd, tR.o lDotrl UDcort. (7o +l-l Igo TIIONTT,DI ( EIIORT Thorium 23A Spk2 Thoriunt 232 Spk2 cr) DoE 9 -46 e .46 8-82 8 -82 7 -93 7.6 8.1 9-1 lr 5259047 pCi. /Ir 0.99 1-0 l-01-R DroD 93 0,18 ,J 91 0-18 ,J 0, 1.3 0.13 8d 84 D5r130187 -003 82 7g (74 1.30) (74 L30) (81 L24l 124t 1.0 93 -0 - 008 1.1, 91 *0.008 rnrl.ytlr drttr 0. 053 84 u 0.053 84 DrcoLrionr a9 /20 / 0s Drcoirl.oar 4 IRPD 92 104 IZ tRPD Drtob NOTDE(g) ta lrc cara aanrtlvr, Cdoulrtl'oDt era ,I.8to3!.d, b.lora rol&AIlO to rrcl6 rgEd-ott rr=or ls c.16r1.t.d n.Irltr r aDr.I.d .D.lr&. outrl.dr o! rtrtod 0e llnttr. it Raault tr grretor tba! riqrlc Cct.otlor llldt hrt 1.rr tb.E .t.t.d rcfprtlog ]'r-gltt. SEL DAnUel3 lot tb.! tbc rerrrlo drtootlo lttrtr. STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist O r**, Df?a7o-!-8 1-- pate,ryime*-.- ul zl,{f or oql= - companyName & sampling r,r"' -t]ilZS- LtlZ , PM to Complete This Section: Ies Rcsidual chlorine chcck required:3 Nofr Quarantined : Yes Noau Quote #: Special Insrructions. Time Zone: . EDT/EST . CDT/CST . MDTA4ST . PDT,PST . OTIIER L-1 -] otis IJnpacking Checks: Cooler #(s): I '.' :3- L{ -- -( Tenperarures ("C): T.5 --:-.f- t'{, t{ V ?.,.-> ^fob - U I. Cooler seals intact? (NiA ifhand deiivered) If oo, document on CIIR- 3 2. Chain of custodv prescntT lf no, document ou CIIR. .E' 3 - Bottles broken aod/or are leaking? If yeS, docurnent on CLB.. -J.d 4. Multiphasic samples obvious? If YCS, docr,rurent on ClrR. tr 5- Proper container & presuvatives used? (ref. Attachment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, document on CUR O 6. pH of all sanples checked and meet requirements? If no, document on CtlR- D 7. Sufficient volume provided for all analysis requested? (ref. Anachrnent D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, document on CU& and contact PM before proceeding. A 8. Did chain of custody agree with Iabels ID and samples received? If no, doctmem on CUR- tr 9. Wcre VOA smples without headspace? If no, docurrent on CUR. tr 10. Were VOA vials prescwed? Preservative OHCI O4+?"C DSodium Thiosulfate E Ascorbic Acid {tl. Did samplcs iequirc preservation with sodium thiosulfate? tr I2. If yes to #11, did the samples contain residual chloriae? If yes, document on CUR. tr 13. Sediment present in dissolvedi/fiitered bottles? lf yes, document on CUR tr 14. Is sufficient lolume prolided for cl.ient requested MS, MSD or matrix duplicates? If no, docurrrent on CUR, and contact PM before proceeding. 15. Reccipt date(s) > 48 hours past the collection date(s)? If yes, notify PA/PI'/[. 16. Are aDalyses with short holdiug tinres requested? 17. Was a quick Turn Arounc (TAT) requested? N/A Yes Dd d" I D rJI dfiuttr Ttr [trto n tr tr \QtrForms\Sample Receiving\Sarepie Recciving Chccklist l2 ll 04 revisionSTL Denver'12!13/04 20 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist C[JR, and U I] fr D ! D f + 20. Did thc chain ofcusrody irrludes "reccit cd b)r' and "rclirrquirhcd" b;, signaturcs, datcs, and rirnes? 21. Werc special log in instructions rcad and followed? 22. \[,cre A]CEE maals logged for rcfrigeraled Erorage? 23. Vi,ere tests loggcd checkcd againnl the COC? \frtrich samplcs u'erc ccmfirmed? 24- \\/as a Rush forrn comprlctcd for guick TAT? 25. \\/an a Shofl Hold form completcd for ffrl), shor holds? 26. In'Suict ICOC' reguircd? 27. Wcrc special ar&iving instructions iudicalcd ia the General Commcnts? lf so, u,bal werc thc14 L*tu }{-r??o_/F'i I.ogin Checks: )liA )'es Na +D18 qfi t' frd EID rg Fut,r D tr u tg" Suflicicnt volrrrncprovidcd for all arrall,sir rcquc$ed? (rcf- Anachment D ol'SOP# DEN-QA-0003) documcnt on CU\ and conlacl PJvl bcforc procccdirrg. Is sufficient volunr providcd for dicnt rcguc.stcd l\,rs, h4SD or matrix duplicares? If no, docunrcil orr coilact PM bcfrxc proceeding- rfr ,gt A -P flnD ,wl Labeliry and Stol:age Ctreeks: !l 28. Iizas the subcoutract COC signed and ssnl witb ""qFles to botle prc4r? ! 29- ll,ae saryle labCs doublc-checked by a sacond persou? 3 30- '\lrcre raryle botlcr aud COC double clrec&ed for riissolred/fltcred metals by a second person? U 31. Did the sarryle II), Datc, aod Time Aom hbd match u,bal u'as loggtd? tr i2. Werc stici.ers for ryecial archiviug insruaions afrxcd to each bo>; aud to thc ILOC? Scc #27 D 33. Wcre AFCEEmads stored refrigcrated? ! 34. Itr/erc "Stict ICOC'copies givcn to Eatellite storagc areas? Documeni anl,problens or discrepancies and the actions taken to resoive tbem on a Condition Upon Receip Anomaly Reporl (CLIR) STL Denver f,m .9'- m rn(f TD* .- '. ' ; t- - . '- , '' r il i - cf ) re !* -I b t'x s* 'y l i (R += - -' { ) tr Rq *r l {- . =\ - A hYlf - - \ 1 It -* { {Bt)Ef \i. -If irE t K} i| t Ib, -l \B ,i l ;)>. - t,v !. - -l ' - - t =, -s . 3fi fr ,i ) ' I-a t tA -L , t BI: , *fr J) ,I - I"fb I 3 T3 )Aa LN iu l t I. . t '\. j- ' ' LA.I I l) -8 , il a r- l b.-j -N F* I t -^ $x fr ': ]i =, , i_ nd\t C, "ab)a H "{p I il ), ( )o fi Imro @ F\ mE: ll (\ i[ ; f, T\ xf i ( I (7 tt( H H *m 'n , 0 l@ , s$SE \. t\1 'N \\\ a{m ), t . . - Ef,oC-mo{ :i O dm rF - - > i1 t \. ( \. \rj J = I, \L i) !- - l\* - 1) ta r '>h D l\ . >- - J m Tmnz CIg U} , -1rr t0 (D :( b}-t bI =D . I *I fiE rh p *I T g f)+bq -r b s f.+r, t/ t -rrI I lC'D p +fi c,$ sh fi -$H s +r fi A u fi MS / M S D o 3m t, t t $ -s -$ $ $ $ -o P NO . OF CO N T A I N T E H S J =m X X X X X X x X :pmoil m0 (D* >< s f,m 7x U) ) z f U,m ct , gIm {3 rn l,mrzoc, CNIm'o (D "t I I r w N\\\ f-bs- U a F il3 (fI m Fx J rn I -{{l m 1m3 !7I !rnam mo'novr @o :D -- tou TD rS oIm J =rn ng frzI oTrnzm(f @*o T EI J m{m !roo C"m r r3 c)ozg{oz ta E [ i l r € FI € 3 E 3 ds E r = ts a QB @c 6' 5I c)=g,=o-oEr - U' 1po CL 7(D c)o-CL IE G { \ F l l \ } 9 6 . 3 0 3 3 7 c o c . FH E o De n v e r ST L 22 STL 303 431 7t7t ANALYTICAL REPORT Western Zkconium Project Lot #: D5I03OI44 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 818I East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 STL DENVER Linda L. Benkers Project Manager STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 www.stl-inc.com Septanber 30, 20A5 Severn Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Standard Deliverables wtth Supporting Documentation Report Contents Standard Deliverables (fne Cover Letter and the Report Cover psge are consldered integral parts of this Stcndard Deliverable paclmge, Thts report is incomplete unless all pages lndlcated in th{s Table of Contents are included.) o Table of Contentso Case Narrative o Executive Summary - Detection tlighlights , Methods Summary . IVlethodlAnalyst Summery o Lot Sample Sumurary . Analyfical Results o QC Data Association Summary o QC Sample Results . Chaln-of-Custody Number of Pages Supporti ng Doc umentation Check below when cupporting documentaflon is present (Note: A one-poge "Descriptlon of Supporting Documentation" i.s provided at the beginnlng of thls section.). r Volatile GC/]S r Semivolatile GC/IVIS . Volatile GC r Semlvolatile GC r LClll{S or HPLC r Metals o General Chemistry o Radlochemlstry r Subcontracted Deta nmnnnnnE o STL Denver Case Narrative D5I030144 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were en@lmtered or anomalies obseryed. All laboratory quality control samples analyzeA in conjunction with the sarnples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this report meet all requirements ofNELAC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from ttre laboratory. Sample Recelvlng Six samples were received under chain of custody on Septerrber 3,2A05. The samples were received in good condition at tefirperatures of 4.3"C, 4.3oC, 4.2oC,3.6oC Lrrd3.2"C. The results for all radiological analyses are included in this report and were performed by STL St.lpuis; 13715 RiderTrail North; Earth Cify; MO 63045,phone 314-298-8566. Radiochemistry, Various Methods The rnethod 900.0 MOD gross beta MDA for samples D5I03014+001 through 006 was not met due to reduction of sample size caused by high residual mass. The analytical results are reported withtheMDA achieved. Samples D5I030144-002, 005 and 006 were analyzed at a dilution for total rnanium due to matrix interference. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly- A lowJevel and a high-level LCS standard were analyzd wiflr total uranium batch 5255166 and they are spiked at different concentrations. Thereforg the RPD value reported for these two standards does not apply. Both LCS recoveries were in conml. The gross alpha MS perfomred on sample D5I03014+001 was in control. The gross beta MS perforrned on sample D5I030144-001 was in con&ol. All other MS/IVISD were performed on samples from other clients and/or lots and some were not in control- The duplicates performed on sarnple D5I030144-001 were in control for gross alpha and gross beta. STL Denver METHOIN Dsro30144 ANATYTTCAJ, METHOD PREPARJATION METHODPARAMETER Gross Alpha (COPRECIP) by GFPC Groee Alpha /aet a by GIFPC fsotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Radlurn -225 by CIFPC Radl,um-zzB by ctFPC Tota1 Uranlum By Ilaser Ph osphorLmetry References: sMww 7110 MoD EPA 9OO. O MOD EML A-01--R MOD EPA 903-0 MOD EPA 904 TUOD A.gItvI 5L7 4- 91 EPA 900. O ASTD{ EMT, EPA sMww Annual Book Of ASTM Standarde. trEI{\,IIRONMENIAIJ MEASITREMENTS LABORATORY PROCmURES It{lAliIlIeIn EASL-300 28TII mIrfON, VOLTME I and rI DEPARTI{ENT OF ENBGY NEAgTERN E}NTIRONMENTAL RADTATION PACII,TTY RADIOCHEMISTRY PROCEDURES I'IANUAIn US EPA EPA 52O/S-84-OO5 AUGUST 1984 '' STA}IDARD METTIODS FOR WASTE WATERN STL Denver METHOI}/ANALYST D5IO3(}144 A}i[ATYgT ASI1'I 5L7 4-9L EMIJ A- 01-R plOD EMTJ A-OI-R MOD EML A-01.-R MOD EPA 9OO, O MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EPA 904 MOD SMMil 7 LLO MOD Referenceg: ASTU EML EPA gMww Mike Andergorr .Tody Wateon Rtronda Rldenhower Rtronda Rlder*rower Rhonda Ridenhovrer Rtronda Ridenhower ,fimmy wilson Bob Nicholae Bob Nicholas Bob Nicholas AMITYST rD 4023 s0 63903 060040 6004 0 050040 600{0 401627 a62006 52005 o62005 Anrrual sook Of ASI}I gtandards. 'BMRONMENTAIJ MEASUREMENTS LABORATORY PROCEDURES l'IAlilUAIrtr I{ASL-3OO 28TII EDITION, VOLITME I and fI DEPARIT,IENT OF ENERGY " I1ASTERN EN\IIRONMEI{IIAL RADIATION FACfLf TY RADIOCHEIITISTRY PROCEDURES DAIItrA[-rt' US EpA EpA 520 /S-84-006 AUGUST 1984 IISTA}IDARD METIIODS FOR Y{ASTE WATERI' AI{ALYTICAI METHOD STL Denver SAIVIPIJW D5IO301{11 SAITtPLED SAIVIP DATE TII'IEwo*SAI{PI,E# CIJIENT SAMPI'E TD Hirxo7 001 Hirxlc oo2 Harx].H oo3 H,JXIJ 004 HirJ(IK OO5 HirJ(IIYI 006 NOTE(S): GW-R1- 090205 GTr-S9-090205 GT[- S8 - 0902 05 GTs- S7 - 09 02 05 clir-54-090205 GT[- 5B-090205 aela2/os oe:35 ae / a2/ 05 1o: l-o ae / a2/ os 11: oo 09/02/as 1l- r45 oe/02/as r,2:45 oe/02/as 13:30 - Tho rDlytiql Icsrl$ of &c ramplcS Usled abovc lrG prGcntcd on thc following pagct. - AII calorlatioru arc pcrforrncd bcforo rurndln3 o rvor roundofi errors In crlculatcd rcsrls. - Rcsuh ootod cs 'ND" wcf,e noa d(leci€d el or abovo tho sr.rad limlt. * Thlr repof nruet oot bo r€produccd. xccpf in firlt. without ll:o wido epproval of tho liboratory, - RGoulIc for iba folbwing panrncrcrc arc ncvcr rcportcd on a dry wcight basis: color, conorivity, d€miry, tlrsbpolnt, l8nlbblllty. hycrs. odor, p&inr fiItcr !E$, pH, pororiry prcsglr. rcicdvlty, rcdox porcndal. gocifr gravity. pot tcatr. slids, eolubility, Emporrture, vlscoslty. ed waigbf STL Denver Lab Saq>le ID: Work Order: Matrix; Paralrttr D5 r 03 01 44- 0 0l- Hirx07 GW B.rlrlt QurI ToGrI Unorrts, (Z o+l-! uoC Pr p rarlyrLr f,bto Ilrtr Drtob I IIRS Corporation C1{ent Sanp1e fD: GIU-R1-090205 Scvern Trcat LaboratorJ.eg E nldiochcrl.rtry Date Collected: 0 9 I 02 / 05 093 5 Date Received: A9 / 03 /05 0830 YI.d tr oRog8 I'/r Gross elpha Orocr Bctsr Er grPc EPI' 900. o tiloD 4.2 u 30. { 9_0 6.7 Dct/& L6 8.1 900. o D[oD ae / a9 / 05 09/13 /05 5252LO7 aelog lo|, 09/13 los szszLaT lfotal. Ur+nl.rrm lfotr]. Urerj.un br KPt r'arDl 517{-91 0.899 ir o.093 u;gllt o-!1 517{-91 09/13 lA5 Aellsl0s 3255166 OROSS t' BY EO.PruCIP gDtrITY Ororr l'lphr 1.85 7110 ![oD J o.77 DCLII' 0.78 7110 !0D 09108/05 a9la6los ,.25L17., Rl,-226 BY EPI-9O3.0 MOD f,adl,unr l?.26) O.l9 4.72 pctlt 0.29 903, O ![oD 09106105 a91771or 52t9099 90 Rn-228 BY GIIIPC DCLIIg,EPt 90{ r[oD 1. gg 90[ ![oD a9106105 09 lzalas 52{9100 BO 5256085 95 5255085 95 Iso THORfInil (SrrOnr ThorLum 23O Thorium 232 Gr) DOE r-01-R !ilOD o.15 ir o-o12 u o.7 6 w,Ltt, 0 ,08 0.094 l-01-R lroD 09lL}to' 0el16/05 09/73/05 09/76/05 o.55 o.11 0. 04s NorE (s) lrc LnocEllrtr yltbrnr,t thr caa. ninatLvo, Lr dotcrutaod by Lnrtn:arcnE, gorformraco only. Bolal rcrult. rrc gra..t.r th.D tbc ttDC tr *orult lr lrort.r ttao ruqrlo drtootlon ].lr{t but l..r Eb.rl rtrtrd rrlprtl.gg Ifuilt. U lcr;ult lt l.or thr! thc rurgrlo dtleotlon lldt. STL Denver URS CoEporatLon Clicnt Samole IDr GIil-R1-090205 DUP flevern Trent LaboratorLaB - Radtochemri Btry Lab Sampl-e ID : D5 I0 3 01 44- 0 01X Work Order: HJX07 Idat,rix; GW Date Collected: Date Received; a9 / 02/ os 0935 ae / 03/0s 0830 tarlyrlr Dut.Parrnrtrr Rorrrlt Totrl Uuo.*- (2 o+l-l PraD Drtr natch t oRosg A Br CO-PRECIP slilWW 7110 Grorr l1phr 1-01 IDD a, *Llt 7110 !!OD 09 lo8l05 0911,6 las 57sla7.,0.65 o-86 onog8 r'fs Br Glrorr Botr GPC EPI. 9OO. O ITOD 30, E DC.Lltt 900-0 uoD 09/09 lag 09/13 las 52521077.L 8.7 !rcrlt (g )-l Drtr rrc lacqllotr rr.thortt th. oaaa nlrrtlwa- tog fr drtrrnLmd ttr LEatauD.Et porf,or:trnoo ooly- V Eold rrrultr rra gEattGr thrrt th. EC ir '. n .ult ,.4 elrcalc thra .rB[. d.t.ctr.oE 1lnrt but l.aaa tb& rt.t.d roportlag ll"Btt. STL Denver IIRS Corporatl,on \ Cliant Sample fDr GTil-S9-090205 Scvern Trcnt taboratorLeg - Radiochdatgtry Lab Sample ID: V[ork Order: Ivlatrix: Prrurtcr D5r030744-042 H.I(1G GhI Rrnrlt qrral Date CollecEed: DaEe Received: a9 I 02 / A5 L010 oe / 03 /05 0830 Pr.D fulyrlr f,ntr Drto Drtoh $otrI Ir4oarit - (2 o+l-l I Ytd r GIROAA AIE_ BT GFPC Ororr lctsr EPI 900. O t[OD 27 .l Dtci-lL 900 - o l[oD ogloeloS 09/13 lo5 52521071-u trotrl UrenLun b[r lPotal Uraniurn KPn .nsru 517t-91 -o-35 u ug lr' 0. 1,0 0.62 5174-91 a9tL3/A5 09/L5/05 5255165 gRosg A BI co-PRrcrP gloil 7110 (iross Alpha 0.30 PCLIL 0-51 0-85 7110 !@D 09 /08/05 a9 /L6/A5 525L474 !@D U nf,-226 BY fPr-903 - 0 troD Radium Q26) 0-15 plCLlt,903 . O !@D a9 / 06 / 0s 09 /22 / as 5249099 1000. 18 a.29 RL-228 BY OrPC Radium 228 EPr 90{ uoD -0. 01 eeLly-l 901 lroD a9 /a6/05 0e /22/a5 52491000 - a9 0. t5 0-05L oCLlt 0. 84 o. 09 0.11 77 I;o THORTIffi (sHoRtr er) DOE l-01-R DIOD .L-01-R ![OD aglLSlas 09116105 5256085 a9tL3/A5 09 /:-6/As s25608s lfborl-un 23O Thorium 232 o-2{ 0- 014 87 87 i, U rro{Pf, (g} tr rre l.aooqrlrtr rl.thorrt tho oeto nrnatl.va. 1r dotrr:aLnod bff Lurtrumrot pufoaoanco on1y. Bold taau]'tr rrc !E at.t thr! tb. I@C a, R.ruIt Lr Err.rt.r thll rqrlc drtooul.oa l.ttdt hrt 1..r tbltr rtrt.a roDortl.ag llEtt- U R.rult Lr lccc thr! tD. .uEI. datcotr.oo ltDtt. STL Denver IrRg CorporatLon Client Sarple ID: GIS[-S8-090205 Srvern l[rcat LaboratorLer - RadLochmigt,rt, Lab Sarrple ID: Work Order: MatrLx: Paranrtrr D5 r 03 01,44- 0 03 HJXlH GTf Brnllt Qrrel Date Collected: Date Received: 09 / 02 / os LL00 ae / 03 /05 0830 a.totrl Unoort - (2 o+l-l Prrp latlyrl'r Date Drtc Drtoh I I1A t cRogg ,.IB BY Ororr Betr ffi9c EPt 900-0 ![OD 91 gc;LIIg,900. o ![oD 09109 lo5 09113 los 5252107 Tot,a1 UnnLuu b1l' Tota1 Urrnl,un KPl' .Agn[ 517{-91 1{. g u9lrl,5L7 l-91 aglLrla5 09/15 lar 5235166 gRoaa ^l' By eo-pnf,erp 8!0IIT 7110 ![OD Oror Llpbr, 12.8 Dct/r,7110 ttr)D oslastos 0glr.6ta5 525117{ Rl,-226 tr EPt-go3.o tloD Rrdiuu (226) 0.{3 o.72 pCl-/r o.29 903. O lrOD o9la6lo5 g-el72lo5 5249099 96 Rn-228 BY GIrPC RrdLtru 728 EPt 901 uoD 1 .1a o. 51 Df;LIL 0.76 90{ ![oD 09l06ta3 0912214|, 52{9100 76 Iro EIIORIIffi (SHORE Cr) DOE I-OI'-R ![OD piCt llt l'-ol.-R ![oD a9lltlos 09l!6145 09/L3/A5 09t]-6/05 5255085 A7 5256085 87 Thoriun 23O Ttrorlum 232 0.15 0-009 ir U o. 12 0. 054 0.09 a _L2 No|rf, (s) DaCa aro l.noqrlctt rLthout thr ouo Dlrrrtlvr. uIrc ir drtoral,ncd by Lurtnrnrnt plrfornaacc oaly. BoId rcrultg lr. grrrrttr thrn thc tdDC .r Rorult Lr grortrr thl- raq>lc dctcotLon ltmlt trut u Ruurt, Ls lcrr tbrn thr mugrh drtootl,on Il,nLt. STL Denver lorr tbrn rtrtGd rcDortlng Il.mlt. IIRS CorporatLon elicnt Sampla IDg Gfil-57-090205 Scrrarn Trant lra,boratorlce - Badtochmigtry Lab Sample Work Order: Matrix; Pr,faLltt.r ID: D5I03 0I44- 004 HJX1J GW IrmrIt Date Collected: Date Received: 09 / 02/ a5 1145 og/03/0s 0830 PrrD tnalytLr Datt Drtr Brtob I Totrl Irlloart, (? o+l-l crnosg ,.IB Br orPc Ororr Bett EPt 900-0 !00D 17 .6 pcllt'900 - o D[oD oelo9los 09/13 l05 5z57LO75.1 Totrl Urrul.um b!t, Total Uranium KPl, ngmrI l74-gL 0.144 U 0.015 ug llt 0.31 5L7 l-91 a9 /L3 /A5 A9 l]s/Os 5255165 oBogs t BY Groes Alpha co-PREcrP 8ttrn{ 7110 t@D 0.54 U Pcr.lt 7110 ![OD 09/a8/a5 09/t6/Os 525L4740.70 1-1 Rl,-z?6 BX EPr,-903-O t@D f,adltun (a25) O -29 0.18 gc!.1r. o.26 go3 - O uoD 09106105 a9t72l05 5219099 R.l,-228 Br orPc Rad.Lum 228 EPl. 90t r@D 0-34 DCl/t 0 _ 73 90{ lroD 09/06 /a5 ae /22/ 0s s2{e100 IBo TIIORIIII (gIIoRT g[) DOI' .L-ol-R ltOD o .57 ir o.la i, o -44 o-26 o.11 *LtL l-01-R 09 tL3 los a9 tll I O5 DOD 09lt6los 09/16 IOJ !ftorl.un 2tO 'l[horl.uu 232 o. 07 0.11 52360C5 7L 5235005 71 NC}.:[E (s) ta ara luoq>Lat. wLthout tha oare trarratlvt. HDC Is dotorziaod by lIrrtrrmrnt porlorrnrnoe ouly. BoId rolulEr lrc Efrcatrlr tL"' thr IIDC if Rrtult Lr grratcr f,hrn rergrlr drtootLoa l{ml q but U RoruIE Lr lur thrn tbc larErla drtootLoa lfuliE - STL Denver lcrr thaa ;tetod rrlrortlng Ij.mLt. 10 URS Corlpration, Client Samle IDr GIIU-6JL-090205 Srvorn 8rontr IralroratorLu - Radl,octreml BtE-IZ O t ab Sample ID: Work order: Matrix: Drrruatcr D5r0303,44-005 H.TXI-K GW XrruIt DaEe Collected: 09 / 02 I Ab Date Recelved: A9 / 03/05 L245 083 0 llotaI' Ilacrtt. g4lr1 (2 o+ I -) fOC Prrp larlyrl,r Dato Dttc Ertoh f I1d, i oRosa ^lBOrorr Brtr BY OIIPC tPf, 900. O It OD 1180 ecllI, 130 900. o ![oD agtogtos oel13 las 5251107 Tot,al UranLun bUr Totrl Urrulrrm K"e rsmr 5L7l-91 73.g ttgII.r 3L7 l-91 o9/1t tol 09/15/05 5e55166 CROgg .[' ET CO-PRTCIP gUgTW TLLO lMD Gror tlpbr 12.3 ECLIL 7110 lmD ogloa/a5 a9 I 15/05 5251{7.1.1 Rn-226 BY rPt-9o3. O !{oD xld,Lrm (226) {.29 o. 6l r>Ci/r, 0.19 903.0 t@D oelaFlos 09l2alo5 52.909e 83 Nr..228 BY GrPC Rrd{urt 7z_lB EPl, 90{ r[OD 4.85 pctlt, o.85 904 ltoD a9l06l05 091721a5 52{e100 Ioo THoRrtm (8HORI C]r) DOI! .['-OI.-R lllb,orLrrm 23O 0.20 iI Thorium ?32 -0.004 U o.83 o. 13 0. 043 Dct/t o. 0g 0.084 l-01-R ![oD 09/13 lO5 A9lL6lA5 09 / L3 / A5 0e / 16/0s 5256085 9l s2s608s 94 NCxEf, ( g) Irttr ra. ,,Bqrl.it. yltbolC thr eur arrrrtl,vr. UDc l.r dctotrLB.d by laalnumt gorforuraoo only. BoId r.rulta .r. g':r.rt.r thra lbc t{DC i, ncrult ,.r g:..rtcr thau rrqrlr drEootlos llDl-t bnt 1..r tlrD rtsrt.d rqprtlag Unlt. U R6alrlt, Lr 1ot. thrs thG rcry>lo dotrstl.oa ltlrlt. STL Denver URS CorDoration Cl,l,ent Saspl.e ID: GT{I-68-090 zOs flsrrcm, TrGnt raboretorLag - RadLochgor-Bt,taz Lab Sample Work order: Matrl.x: Drraantrr D5r030144-006 Hirxl"M GW trrrult DaEe Collected: Date Received: a9 / 02 / a5 1330 09 / 03 /05 0830 lsrlyrll Drtc ibtal [IEorrt. (7 o+l-l Prrp Datr lrtsb I gnosa l,lB BY Gror Betr orPc EPr 900.0 lioD 1150 ?LA ocLlt' 230 900. o !iloD o9lo9 lo5 09 113/05 5.757LO7 Total UranLun Totr1 llrrnl,un bry I(Pn .f,gfil 5L71-91 ?L -7 2.3 ulslr"- o,6 5L7 4-91 09/13 lA5 09l1'5l0s 5255166 onosa I. By eo-DRtcIp gDlrfvr 7110 ![oD Grorr f,Ipbr 3.2 2.0 *Llt' 7.7 7110 noD 09/o8/o5 091L6l05 533117{ nf,-226 lY EPI-gO3 . O lrOD Rrdl.un 17,26) 5.37 0,90 rrC;Llf' o-3{ 903. O MOD o9to5lo5 oel?,zlal, 52{9099 Rn-228 BY grPC Rrdluu 228 EPt 90t t[oD 15.1 Dctlt 90{ t{oD 09to6to5 aelz2lal, 3249100 fro trHORIIrli ?ftorLun 2!0 fhorium 232 (grroRT cr) Dor o. 15 -0-0L r,-01-R ![oD l-01-n 09/13 I Os a9/L3/05 t@D 09 n6l aJ a9 /t6 / 05 2.0 o.11 0-062 Dci/L 1.O o.1 0. 14 52560t5 93 5256085 93 NC[.E (S) tr ara Lnoqlhtso r:ltbout tho oar. urrrts:lwr. 7 IilDC lr dotrermlnod by Inatnrmrut lnrlormrrnor oaly- BoId r.ml.tr rac gEcrt.r ttr! fb. EC U n ruIt L. grrartGr tbrD rqrl. dLt.ottor ttdt tnrt 1.r' th.Jr rtrt.d rqrcrtl.ug ll^'dt, U R.ru1t lr lora tln'tF tb. rrqrlo drtrotlo IIEIE. STL Denver \2 ACDATA W D5ro30144 gamp1e Pretrnratlon and enalyeis ConErol Numbers SAI{PIrE*I,IATRIX 001 002 oo3 o04 GV{I GTII GW GII GTg GTI GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW G9T GTI GTI ANAIJYTICAI., MEflIOD EPA 9OO, O MOD ASTI{ 51-74 - 91 sMww 711"0 MoD EPA 903 .0 IIIOD EPA 944 MOD EMt A-01-R ltoD EPA 900 .0 l@D A.gTTU 5L7 4- 91 SMhIW TLLO T'TOD EPA 903.0 IYIOD EPA 904 MOD Eltfltr A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASITvI 5L7 4- 9L sMB{r0 7110 MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 9O4 MOD EMII A-0L-R MOD EPA 900.0 DlloD ASTI'I 5a',7 4- 91_ sM?{w 7110 tvroD EPA 903.0 F'IOD EPA 904 MOD EMII A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O F{OD ASTM s174-91 sM[!m 7110 MOD EPA 903. O MOD EPA 904 MOD EML A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5a74-91_ gMstw 7110 MoD EPA 9O3.O IyIOD EPA 9O4 MOD EML A-OI-R !,IOD IJEACH BATCH # PREP BATCH # 5252LO7 5255 L65 525L474 s249099 s249100 52560 85 5252LO7 5255 166 s2sl47 4 s249 0 99 s249 100 5256085 52s 2LO7 5255166 525L474 s249099 s249100 s2550 Bs 5252r_07 5255 15 6 525 L47 4 5249099 5249L00 5255085 s2s2L07 szss 16 5 525L47 4 s249099 5249L00 5256085 5252147 525s 1- 6 5 525L47 4 5249099 5249100 5255085 MS RT}N* s252A55 5255L42 525L32L 5249 05 5 s249 053 s?s6L42 s2s2055 s2ssL42 s25L32L 5249 0s 5 5249 0s 3 s256L42 52520s5 s255L42 52513 2 1 52490s5 5249 0s3 525 6L42 52s2055 s2s5L42 s25r-321 5249055 s249053 s25 6L42 5252055 5255L42 s2s132 1 5249 05 s s249053 52s6L42 525 2 055 525 5L42 5251"32L 5249055 5249053 525 5L42 00s 005 GTI GI![ GTil GTU GT'I GI{ ctw GII{ GW GW G[lI GW gw GW GW GT.iI GW G}T STL Denver ClLent tot fD: Matrix: Prrurter UETTIOD BI,A}IK REPORT Lalrorator:Lcs - Radl,ochtunf. rtrryr Irrb B.q>b ID r[eI.y.Lr Datr Biteh I Yld t Sever:a Trcat D5r03 0L44 WATER RrarlB $rrr ltotrI Ilncrrt - 12 o+l-l Prrl} ILtr n -2X8 BY O'PC Radium 228 EDA 90{ IIOD -0_06 0.38 Dct/L 901 !rcD 0 - 66 15r060000-1001 09/a6/os a9/22/A5 s249100 83 Rt.-?76 BY EPI-903-O ttoD Radium (226) 0. 02 0 - 1L gC,Lll'903. O ltoD o -2L r5r060000-0991 09 I A6 / 05 09 I 22 / A5 5249099 L02 qRoss .il'/s Gross Beta BY OFPC IEPI' 900 - O ![OD 0.20 u 0, 93 pCLlt'900. o ttoD 1.5 r5r090000-1078 09 I 09 / 05 09 / L2 / A5 52s2107 GIROSS A BT CO-PRECTP gDiMlV Gross Alpha -0 - 04 7110 UOD U ecl.lI,J,7110 t[()D a -670.35 r5r080000 -17 lB 09/08 /05 09 /\6/ a5 525L474 Tstl]. Uranir:n lrlf l$I. tSfU 517{-91 otal- Uranium -0 - 100 U ug lr' 0.013 5174-91 0.31 15r120000-1668 09 /L3 /05 09 / 15/0s s2ssL66 Igo TIIORIIIU (8HORT ef) DOII .8.-01-8 DIOD Thorl.rrlr e3O O.21 iI T{rorium 232 0.0 U o.1l 0.0 Dc!"1\,A-OI-R IIOD o. 09 0.06 15r130000-0858 oel13 IOJ 09 lt 6IA5 5256085 87 09/L3/A5 0e/76/05 52s608s 8? (s) lr. l"oq>lrto wLtbouts thr catr nanatlvr. XDc Lr dctcrrluod urLag lartnrat porloanuoo ooly BolA aaruIt,. rr. g?.rtcr thr.a tsh. f,Dc .r Rc3ult lr grroetor tbra ar4rl. d.t.oEL@ ]'ttt1t brrt lorc tban rtrtcd r.flortlag 1t6tt. U n rult l. lo'r thrr tbc srrlE,'lo d.t.dtl.oa lLlltt.STL Denver L4 ClienL LoE Matrix: Prrrnrtor Iraborattlr1r Control" Severrn, Trent t aboratorl,er D5r030L44 WATER Apthr .Brcrrat Duult TotrI' Uaotrt. 12 o+l-l Saryl1c ReDort r Rldj.och@Lgtry O I,rI, Eaqplr ID 0C Control t YIA t trrs f.tul'tr R^-226 BY llPf,-903. O Radlum (2261 DIOD LL.2 aatotr tr pCL/tr 10.7 L,2 524 9099 903. o DIOD 0-2 ^Itrl.yrr.i DiEct 15r06000()-099c (54 136)109 95 09/22/05 nr-228 BY orPc Radiusr 228 EPf, 90{ UOD 5 -27 Bctoh lr D,f,LIL 5.01 0. 85 s24 e1 00 90{ tloD 0. 69 lnalyrLr Drtrr 15ro50000-100c 90 r_14 09 /22 /As (s5 L47) ORO88 l, BY CO-PRTCID Groes Alpha glotw 7110 lroD pcLlt, 2A.6 19.4 2-3 Barorr lr 5ZSL474 7110 !frOD 0.5 laal.yr:Lr Dator r5r080000 -17 lc ( 71" L43 )89 a9/16t05 CIROgg AID BY Grogs Bet-a cIrPC EPt' 900.0 UOD frC,LlI. 105 1 06 11 rrtolr I r 5252107 900. o DloD L larl,yrlr 101 Drtrr 09 /12/05 r5r090000-107c (70 ]-zLl Iro ![EOnfUll Thorlum 228 Ilroriun 23O Thorluur 232 (gIIoRr cT) Dot f,-o]'-R I .81 9 .46 8. 82 lrtelr il r A-OI-R MOD 0.1 0-05 0. 05 lnrlyrl.r 93 104 93 BB 93 LOz DrEor 09 /16/05 r5r130000-o85c (e1 (6s (88 DTOD 9-2 8-3 9.0 5256085 DC,LIr' 1.5 1-3 t.4 132 ) 729t .. r.33 ) O ![o|rl (sl XDC Lr dttoralard, try, :lnatrrrrrnt DrrforDrao. Caloulrtlo-t arc Dorformd brlorr roundiugDenver oaly to avoid round-off, orror J.a oelou]'etod rotultrSTL Laboratorlr Control Saryrle ll.,C,g oupLicato RcDorU Scvrra trrnt, Iraboratorlcg - Rnd,l.ochgttrtra, D5r030L44 WATER Cl-ient Lot ID: Matrix: Perartrr Totsrl IInoart. g5>ttrr tlonat, Rmu1t (2 o + | -) t Y1d t lro LtI, 8aryrlr II) QC Coatrol. Llnr.tr Prcclrion Total Uraniun brl, Tot,aL Uranium spk Kpr r8r!I 5L7{-91 40.0 4a.72 9.00 7-30 Drtsh Ir 5255156 uiglL 517{-91 4.8 0. 75 1.02 91 lsrlyrlr Dttrr r5r120000-156e ( 9 0 L1'21 (90 L1,2 ) 139 09 /L5/ 05 tRPD l[0rl! (8) . erlculatlor rn p.rforlrd D.for. B|,Eldllg to .vor.d roud-off arror I[ oaloul.t.d r..uIta STL Denver L6 Client Lot Id: MaErix: Prrmctor D!f,TRTX SPTKE Severrn Trent LaboratorLeE D5r03014{ GW REPORT nadt ochmLetrlz Date Sampled: Date Recej"ved: Iot,rL Uaecrt. (2 o +l-) Eplho l,lurnt 8piko Rtrrrlt ToEal Unorrt. &i.kr 8rryllo (7a +l-) nd' Rrrnlt' ae/a2/05 a9 / 03 /0s AC 8rryrlo ID IYTJ) IREC AC Coatrol LLttl.tr gRogg t' IY CO-PRECIP Groes Alpha DIOD 31--8 f: 525L474 stww 7110 4,L.2 Batch ncr-71 4.? 7110 UOD 1.95 sis Dat,e I 0.77 09/16/05 D5r0301{{-O01 73 $7 133 ) Anal G'ROS8 ,-IE BY SFPC EPA Gross Beta 900. o !0D 804 Batch #: 900. o !!oD 30.{6-7 D5r0301{{-oo1 88 ( s0 1s0)736 5252147 Analvsl,s De Ee:09/L2t05 -// NCXIE (8) Data are incomplete wlEhout. Calculations are performed the case narrat l-ve - before rounding to avoid round-off Glrrors STL Denver ln calculaEed resulEs. Client Lot Matrix: Danllter !,IATRIX SPIKE/!.TATRTT SPIKE geverm, l[rerrt IraboratorLcg D5r 020209 G'til DITPrTICITE REPOntr r Rrdiochcmtstry DaEe Sarnpled; Date Received: oe / 0110s L2r0 09 / a2 / 05 0900 AC Earyllo rD t grdr tnoo lijft="tqplt lnouat 8PIf,T Rrrul't lotr1 Ilusrrt. gllllc SfXPLll (7 o+ t -) Ild Run'lt IcotaI' llnclrt. lAo +l-l Rl,-226 Br fPA-903.0 Radiurn (2261 SPk2 ItoD 11 -5 LL.7 Batclr pcLl,. 903-0 uoD 0.20 74 0.01 u D5r030209-010 0.30 J A.2L U Ir 5249055 a a 0,13 7L 2 0.13 7L 2 a ( 55 L50) a ( 66 L50)0 - 18 75 0.01 .larlyaLr drtc r u a9 /22 / 05 PrroLrl-oor 3d tRPD Iao TIIORII,U Thorlum 230 spk2 Thorirrm 232 sk2 (gnonr cr) DoE 9 .46 9 .46 8.82 8. 82 Drtob 8.0 7-8 8-5 9-0 I r 52561-42 Dct/L r-Ol-R uoD D5rO2O3O9-O1O 1.0 9L 0.23 J 0-16 72 82 fig 130) 1-0 86 0-23 ,J 0-15 72 80 09 130) Prrnl,rl.oar 2 tRPD 1.1 91 0.026 U 0.072 72 g'I (?0 L28) 1_1 BG 0.026 u O-A72 72 toz (70 LZS! DrcqLrior 5 IRPD .f,srIyrl.r drtcr 09/16/05 Rt'-228 Br OrPC tEI' gO{ UOD Radirrn 228 5.43 spk2 5.49 lrtoL ilr L-42 a 1.27 a 5249 0s3 Dc;LII,,90{ }roD 0.57 66 1-04 0 - 55 66 r..04 .}anlycir d.e,tar 0- 60 61 0-60 6L DnoLrLoar 09/22/45 D5r020209-010 -0.4 a 162 150) 4 e $2 150) 22 IRPD lsorE (8) ara tsbrr car ntl5it{yi- lcu,latlG,. rr. tartor.D.dl bclora rorailaor to e?ol,(l rqud-o!! onc ta crlahtrd r.fnltt r Eptkcd rhrlyta oNrtrl.d. o! rtrlcd QC lLnltr. i, noault ,.r grr.oitcr tb.[ .alD].a dctoctloa ll8lt but l..r tbr! .trt.ll rc5rortlag I'tDl,r. SltL Bll,nft€b lc'. tbra th. ,.ryrl. d.t.otLoB thtt.1B Client Lot Ivlatrix: Darantlr ![rTRrx Severn D5r 420249 WltI ApLko lootrnt IotrI Irro.rt, E5rLlsr Eftplfi (2 a+ t -l Yld' n"rult SPIKE/UITRIX SPIKE Trent Laboratorles DIIPLIEATE RIPORT RrdLochmistry Date sampled: 09 / 01/ A5 l-515 DaEe Reeeived: 09/02/OS 0900 SPIIE Rrrul.t Totll flbcrrt. (2o +l-l AC 8ary>h fD 9C Coatrol.t YI,d trr.o L{ q{ tr Tota]. Uranirrm lytr IEPI, TotaL Uranium spk2 r8r![ 5 d,000 4 000 Batsh 3590 a 3850 a I r 5255i-42 r:lglr' JL7l-91 230 50{0 460 5040 rnrlyrlr {lato r D5r020209-002 -35 a (90 11"21 -30 a (90 L12) Prerohloar 7 IRPD 500 500 a9 /15/ 05 Rl,-226 Br tP.l.-903. O Dloo Radlum (226) 11 ' 4 spk2 tL - 4 30.2 32-2 E rrtoh tr 5249055 p,cllL 903. o !@D 3 .3 77 15.1 3-5 69 1,5.1, Dsr020209 - OO2 73 133 (66 Ls0) ?3 151 a ( 6G i.50 ) PnoLriou,r 7 tRPD 1-8 1.g lnrlyrl; drtrr 09/22/05 nr,-279 BY Radirmr 228 : oFPC tPt 904 ![oD 5. 3d Spk2 s.3s p,CLIJ./. 2-L 64 2 -A 59 .trnrlrrrfu 90{ !iloD 10 - 2 LA.2 dlte r D5rO2 0209 - 002 Datgb *r 77 -9 17. 0 524 9 053 1.3 1.3 64 14s 6i L26 Prooj.rloar 5 $RPD (62 (62 L 09/22/05 rao TIIORII,II ( SIIORT Thorlum 23A spk2 Thorirrm 232 Spk2 er) DoE 9.46 9.46 8_82 8-82 Datch gELll, I-OI'-R L.7 55 3-57 1.6 58 3-67 1-5 ss 0-66 1_{ 68 0_65 rnrJ.yrlr drtrr Proolrlo,r \T 0 -29 65 J A.29 55 Prrohl,oar a9 /16 / as D5r020209 -O02 79 a (79 130) 11 IRPD L0? (70 128) 102 fiO 128') 5 TRPD 11 ,1 a 12 _5 L0.1 9-5 lr 5256]^42 a -74 0 -74 65 65 NorE (g) Drtr ara Crloulationr r splh.d J Roru]-t cro plrfomrd boforo rouadlag to evold round-off arlror La orlsrrhtrd rerultr ar,alpo outrLdr of rtatod eC llrnLtr - Lr grrcatGr tbea rrqllr drtcctl,on Ifurit brut lotr thrn rtrtcd roDortf,ag AH_ -l.lnLt.SU'l., H$ny€Fl rc;a rhan tshe reqerr drrrorLon rbrtt. IX'P',ICTTE E\TTIJ'LTION RIPORT Serrem l[reat Laboratsorirg - ir6i6strantrtrlr DSI030144 Dale Sarnsrled: O9/A2/05WATER Date Reeeived: 09/03/05 Client Lot, rD: Matrix: Pr,rurtor SfXPLI3 Itorult ToErl Unctrt. (2o+l-l DSDLIef,I! t I1d lenrlt TotsrI Ihclrt. (2 o +l-, Qe 3rryrlo rD PrurirLoat Yld GTROEg I. BT EO-PtrUTCIP Gross Alpha stsrw 7110 1 .85 ,I Brtob lr !@D sCLl\, 4.77 5257474 (sarple) 7110 D|OD 1 .01 .] 0 .65 525L47 4 (DrplicaEe) D5r0301{{-001 59 IRPD GOAS ,.IE- BY Gross Beta orPc tPt 900,0 trcD 30-4 SetcL lr Dcl /L 6-7 52521"07 ( SarnPle ) 900. o lDD 30.8 7.L 52527A-f (Dttpltcate) D5r03014{-001 1 IRPD rrr Lncq>I.at. vltborrt tlrr oara urrrt:l.vt. Caleulat,lou aro Dorfomd Drtom roundLug to tnot0 rorad,-ott J' Rr;ult lg grrertrr thra trogh drtootl,ou ltantt brrt STL Denver crrotr tu calculatrd rerult; lcm tbtrn 3titcd rGDorttng ltmlt. 20 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist Lot#: DsTo 3"1 v V'Darerl-imeRecei ""a, 1 /.5/-Z{ - O ffiA -) Company Narne & Sarnpling Site: (*<_gJ*t4 ?;rc.. PM to Cornplete This Section: Ies Residrnl ctrlorine check required:E Quote #: Special Instructions: Time Zone: . EDT/EST. CDT/CST . MDT/I{ST . PDTIPST . OT}IER Quarantined : Yes u No D Unpacking Checks: Tenperatures (oC): % 3 N/A Yes No "( ,< - Lk--3.C ie 5- fiio*'Ol. Cooler seals intact? tNlA if hand delivered) If no, document on CIIR 2. Ctain of custody prcseut? If uo, document on CLIR. 3. Botfles brokeu andlor are leakiug? If yes, docuureut on CUR 4. Multiphasic saryles obvious? If yes, docr.nnent on CUR. 5. Proper coutainer & prescrvatives used? (ref. Attachmeut D of SOP#DENQA-0003) Ifno, docrunent oo CLIR. 6. pH of all sarryles checked and meet requiremenB? If uo, docunent on C[JR- 7. Srf6cient volume provided for all *nalysis rcqucsted? (ref. Attacbment D of SOF# DEN-QA-0003) If uo, docurnent ou CU& and coutact P.M before procceding. 8. Did chain of custody agrcc witl labels ID and saraples received? If no, docurocut on CUR- 9. Wcre VOA sarrples witbout beadspace? If no, documeut on C[IR. 10. Were VOA vials presewed? Prescrvative OHCI CJ4-|-2"C DSodiumThiosulfate D Ascorbic Acid 11. Did samples require preservation with sodium thiosulfate? 12. If yes to #1 1, did the samples contain residual chloriac? If yes, documcDt oD CUIL 1-1. Sedirnent present in dissolved/{iitered bottles? If yes, document on C[iR. 14. ls sufficient volume provided for client rcquested MS, MSD or matrix duplicates? Ifno, document on CUR, and contact PM before proceeding- 15. Reccipt dat($ > 48 hours past the collection date(s)? lf yes, notif PA/PM. I6. Are analyscs with short holding hnes requested? 17. Was a quick Turn Aromd (TAT) requcsted? OPil brf,T cc cfI I)tr+D CD Jf qr r Crr o Dq E! fD OE rlq loq iICU \Q!\FontrsSample Receiving\Samplc Rcceiving Chccklist I7 13 04 revisionSTL Denver t2n3t04 o STL l)envcr Sample Receiving Checklist Lotu -Iffo3:tv< Lngro Checks: lnitials N/rl l'rs Nct -4-b D 18. Suffioicnt volunnprovirled for all anal1,sls rcgue$cd? (ref. Af,achmcnt D of SOPf/ DEhl-QA-0t)03) lf no, documcnl on CllR, and conlad PIr/ before proceeding. 4 tr tr 19. Is suffrcicnr rolume provided for client rcguested MS, MSD or malrix duplicatcs? lf no, document on CU\ and contacl PM before proceeding. O r0. Did thc cbain of custody irrcludes "reccived by'' and 'telinquished" by eig'naturct, datcq and times? D 21. Wcre special login instructions read and followed? D ?2. Werc A.FCEErEtalr logged for refrigcrated Eloragc? O 23. Were tcsts Ioged chocked ,goinst thc COC? \*\'hich sampler wcre confirrnc ilD&- 24. litas a Rush forrn completed for guicl TAT? 25. Was a SlroflHold form completed foranl,short holds? 26. Is'Srid IC0f rcquired? 27. lilcrc special arcbiviqg instructions indicared in the General Corrrrcnts? If so, thal werc thc1,? Latreling and Storage Checks: I L !l 28. tr'as the srbcontrao COC sigrred and s:nt witb saryles to boltle prep? dn 29- t,cre sarylclabels doublc-chccked b1,a sccond person? -tt I 30. Wcre sarryle botles and COC double checked for dissoh,ed/filtcred metals b1, a second person? {l 31. Did thc sarrylc ID, Date, aud Time fiom label match ufiat rrms logged? tr L 32- Wcre stickers for special archiving insuuaiorr-s afrv.ed to eacb box and to the ICOC? See *D7 ! D 33- Were AFCEEmoals stored rcfrigerated? tr ! 34. Wcrc "Suicr ICOC' copcs given to satellite storagc areas? Documcnl any problems or discrepancies and the actions talien Lo resolve them on a Condition Upon Receip Alomaly Report (CUf). tI r fr h tr fJ ! ! D tr g tr I I o Initialsdb :I STL Denver a ET =!xU' TmI m m(f 'noa 7 @o :DIov @ is o =m J =m :E IDrrz0 oTrnz rf l (, (D*c, r>,F J rn{m =T |ec,a, rn>f :l ! '8 ,z(,=oz co a I[ 8 f i r 3 s FF s = E s aE E f ' rD -- "i l sE '-E_3,I o=P. 3o<L C,EU' r{ ro CL 7(D c)oa l, a - CI I i= :o ! xi n L -F , F) r\a Z q,3 f,m3 a,x U, r -3 i 'd IczOt> -, \ j ' J m j E r o I ST L De n v e r STL STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Aruada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 Fax: 303 431 717l www.stl-inc.com ANALYTICAL REPORT Western Zircnnium Proj ect Lot#: D5I100151 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 8181 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 STLDENVER Linda L. Benkers Project Manager Septanber 30, 2005 Severn Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Standard Dellverables with Supportlng Documentation O Report Contents Sf,andard Dellverables (fnu Cover Letur and the Report Cover page are consldered integral parts of this Standard Dellverable package- Ihis report is incomplete unless all pages indicated in this Table of Contents are included.) . Table of Contents . Case Nnrrative . Executive Surnmary - Detecflon Highlights . Methods Summa{F . Method/Analyst SurnmarT o Lot Sarnple Summary t Analytlcal Results o QC Data Associatlon Summsry o QC Sanrple Results o Chsln-of-Custody Supporti ng Docu mentation (I{ote: A one-page "Description of Supporting Documentatlon" rs provlded a the begtnning of this section.). o Volatile GCI1VIS o Semivolntile GCA{S r Volatlle GC r Sernlvolntile GC e LCI1WS or HPLC o Metals . Cen*rul C[.-lshy r RadiochemlstrT r Subcontracted Data Numher of Pages Check below when supportlng documentation ls precent.nnnnnnnnF o STL Denver Case Narrative D5t100151 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were encountered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality contol saurples analped in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted- The test results presented in this report meet all requirements of NEt AC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from the laboratory. Sample ReceMng Six sarnples were received under chain ofcustody on September 10, 2005. The samples were received in good condition at temperatures of 2.3"C,4-A"C,4.9"C,4.9"C,2.2"C and 4-7"C. The results for all radiological analpes are included in this re,port and wereperformed by STL St. touis; 13715 Rider Trail North; Earth Citlt MO 63045, phone 314-298-8566. Rndiochemistry, Various Methods The method 900.0 MOD gross beta MDA for samples D5Il00I5l-00I through 006 was not met due to reduction of sample size caused byhigh residual mass. The analytical results are reported withthe MDA achieved. The method 7110 MOD gross alpha MDA for samples D5Il00l51-001,002, 004 and 005 was not met due to reduction of sample size caused by high residual mass. The analytical results are reported with the MDA achieved. The thoriuur 229 fracerrecoveries for samples D5I100151-004 and 005 were below the control limit. The samples were re-prepared and analped with acceptable tracer recovery. A low-level and a high-level LCS standard were anallzed with total uraniurn batch 5269088 and they are spiked at different concenhations. Therefore, the RPD value reported for these two standmds does not apply. Both LCS recoveries were in control. The gross beta, radium 226, radium 228, thorium 230 and thorium 23?MS|MSD performed on sample D5Il00l5l-002 were in contnol. fte totfl ureilum MS performd on smple DJIl00lJl.002 dernonstratd a rffiotisry below the conhol limit. The MSD was in control. The gross alpha MSD performed on sample D5ll00l5l-002 deuronsfiated a rerov€ry above the control limit. TheMS was in control. The gross beta MS/]vISD performed on a sample from another client and/or lot was in control. STL Denver The isotopic thoriurn duplicate was performed on a sample from another client and/or lot and was in control. Denver METH(NISW D51100151 PARAMETER AIIALYTfeAL },lETHOD PREPARATION METTIOD Gross A1pha (COPRECIP) by Gross Alpha/geta by GFPC rsotopic Thorlum by Alpha GFPC Spectroscopy sMww 7L10 MoD EPA 9OO. O MOD ET/TL A-01-R MOD EPA 9O3.0 MOD EPA 9O4 MOD ASITY! 5L74-9L EPA 900. O Radlurn -226 by GFPC Radium-zz& by GFPC Total Uranium By taeer Ph oeplrorimetry Refererrcee: ASTITI ET,IL EPA Annual Book Of ASll,I Standards. IENTIIRONMEIIfAIJ MEAST REMENTS I,ABORATORY PROCEDIIRES MANUAIJi HASL-300 28TII EDfffON, VOIJn{E I and fr DEPARTMEIWI oF ENERGY II EAS]ERN EhI\IIRONIYIEMTAIJ RADIATION FACITITY RADIOCHET,TT9TRY pRocEDURES r{ANUAr.,n US BpA EPA 52A/S-84-006 AUGUST 1984 I'STA}IDARD METHODS FOR WASTE WATERII o STL Denver AIIAIJYTfCAIJ METHOD METIIOD/AIYALYST W DsrI.001s1 AI{IAITYST ASTM 5L74-91 EMIJ A- Ol-R MOD EML A- 01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD gMwlr 711_0 MOD Referenceg: ASTM EMI, EPA SMWW Mlke Anderson .Tody Watson Rhonda Rldenhower ,Iimmy Wilson fvan Vanla Ivan VanLa Iwan Varria AI{AI,YST rD 402350 53903 06 004 0 4 0162'-1 4 00 697 4 00 697 4 00 697 Annual Book Of A91]'1 SLandards, TENVIRONMENTAIT IIEASUREMBITS LABORATORY PROCEDURES MANIIAITn HASIJ-300 28?H EDITION, VOITUME I and II DEpARTIIENT OF BIERGy nEASITERN EIWIRONMEIilTAI, RADIATfON FACILfTY RADIOCHEMfSTRY PROCEDURES II,IANUJ{IJI' US EPA EPA 520 IS-84-OO5 AUOUST 1984 NSTA}IDARD METHODS FOR WASTE WATER]I STL Denver o SAIVIPTE,W D51100151 wo#SAI'{PLE# CLfETUf SAII{PLE ID SAIvIPIJED SAIvIP DATE TIME HI(ARA O01 cW-N91-090905 HKARF O02 cW-Nl-O9090s IIKARG OO3 GW-58-090905 HI(ARH 004 G'y{-sD-090905 HKARLT 005 GT[- g5 - 09 0 9 05 Hr(ARK 0 05 GW- 7C- 090905 : rutB(s): ae/oe/os o8;00 oe/os/os oe:25 ae / oe/ a5 0e;35 09/ae/os 10:45 oe / oe/ os 11 :55 09 / ae / as L2:2o - Thc anrtydul rc$lt3 of the samplB llscd abovc are prcsc{tod oo l,)c followinS pagcs. - All cekulstio[s 8ra paforrrcd bcforc rcudinE b avoid roud-offcrrors in ca]orldtcd rcsrlB. - Itcsdtl norcd as 'ND" wor6 rlof dotdcd rt or above thc rtatcd liEit. - Ihis rtport nuc mt bc reproduced, excepr in tt U, *ithout lho wrfu.o epptovlt oftho hborrbry. - RrsrlB for tho followlng p&nmotors ere ncvcr rcportcd on a dry wcight basis: urtor. corrosivity. dcrBity, IlrshpolD[, l$it&bility, laycrs. odor. priil fllEr test, pII. pororfuy presrrc, rcacrivity, rcdor potcnrial, spccific anviry, spot tcss, solids. slubility, tGiupcrelura, yiscosity, ard wcijltt. STL Denver IIRS Corporation Client Sarmle ID: GIIi[-N91-090905 gsvsrn Trent Laboratorl.cn r Radl.oehsrlstrryr o Lab Sample fD: Work Order: I,traE,rix: Pan:rr+Etr D5r100151-001_ HKARA Gtw Borul.t Ourl Total Uncart. Q a+l-) noc Prcp lnaly;L; ILtr Datr Betseh t Y1d t DaEeCollect,ed: 09/09/OS 0800 Date Received: 09 /LOl05 0815 (nO88 r,IE_ BY GTPC Ororr Botr lPr 900. o troD 30.3 9.7 Dct/L 11 900,0 DfioD oe lzLl o3 09125105 5764L29 Totel Ureal.um hJ Eotr1 UnnLun KPr rsmr 517l-91 o.{18 ir 0. 0{3 uglL 0 .31 5L7 l-91 09127 lo5 aglzala' 5269088 @Og8 I BY CO-PRECIP SHHW Gross Alpha 2.4 7110 UOD U DcLIL 7110 !fiOD 09 /17 / A5 09 /20/05 52600683-2 nr-226 BY IZPI,-903, O tiOD Rrdliun 17261 O. 52 a -77 Dcl/t. o -26 903. O t[OD 09 l1.o I a5 0e laa I oJ 5253 0 61 98 RA-228 BY OFPC Rrdlum 2ZB EPT, 90{ DIOD 1. Og 0.4{ D,C,Llr, 0.5{ 901 lroD 09 llolos aet78lo5 5253062 95 Iro |IIHORIITil (SHORIT C!!r) DOI A-O1-B iflrorLun 230 O .60 iI ThorLum 232 -0.014 U r,ctlt .1,-o1-R lfoD a9lLttos 09119/05 os/74/05 oslLs/as 5257300 70 5257300 7A o .23 0. 086 o.19 0.19 Datr lr. Lneqlrrtr rlthout tbr oloc ncrratLvr. loc 1r drtcrarln.d by lu;tnunrnt prrforenanco only- BoId ruultr ar. gr.rtea tbrn thr l[DC .f Rcrult lr grrcttor tbrD trqllc dctcctiou lfuntt, but STL iDoxrvetlf lorr thra tho gatrtrlo drrrerr,l.on rLrl.t. lcrc thrr rtetod rcportlng Lfnlts. URS Corfloration Cll,ent Sarcle fD: G[{-Nl-090905 Severn Trcnt LaboretorLes - Radiochorigtry Lab San\ple ID: Work Order: Matrix: Pannrtsrr D5r1.001_51-002 HKARF GW Rc;ul.t Ourrl Date Colleeted: Date Received: Totrl hoort. (2 o+l-) m a9 / 0e / 0s 0925 09 / 10/05 081s grrrp Asrlyrl: Drt. Detc gatoh I Yad t gRoss r./l BY Grorl Betr G}TPC EPf, 9OO. O MOD 39 ecLlL 900. o !iloD 09 12L105 09 l?51a5 57,61L29 Totr1 UrrnLurn b8l. totrl Urrnl.un KPr .LgrH 5L7a-91 0.399 J ug/L 5L7 l-91 09 t27 tar 09l2gl 05 52690880-ot1 0 .31 GIROgg .l' BY CO-PRECIP gEilT 7110 Gross Alpha 2 -7 uoD U Dfr,LIL 7110 ![oD og/17 /05 0s /20/0s s260058 nr-226 BY rPl-903.0 lioD Brdlun (226) O-39 ecLlL 903 .0 !!oD o9/10/0s a9lllslo' 5253061 1010.17 0.18 nA-228 BY GlrPC Rrdlurn Z?lE EDI 90{ DTOD o-7(} (gtroRt cr) DoE .t-01-R rcD 0 - 15 u 0.011 U 0.37 DC;LII' N,c.LIL 0.56 90{ }roD ogtlalas 0sl28lo5 5253052 .1,-01-R lroD 09/1 4 / 05 09 /L9 / As 5257300 ogtL4/05 0s /Lgta5 52s7300 9t ;IO TIIORTUDI riurn 230 7L 7LThorium 232 (s) rra lnooplctr wtthout tho cara rra,rrrtl.ve. loC Ir dctornlaod bf Lartrrurots D.rtozlrDoo o'aly. Bold rrrulta ar. gEaatcr tbrE tho ilDC 3 namlt 1r gnutor tben rrryIr dt t.otle lt-att but lcr than .tatGd rcDortlng ltrdt. 6IL il)CffV€If l.rr tLrn tbc mnDlr drrrorLon 11&1.t. IIRS Corilloration Client Samls ID: Gg[-58-090905 Savern Traat Laboratoricg r Radlochsnl"Btrfr Lab Saurple fD: Work Order: MatrLx: Perartt'rr D5r100151-003 HI(ARG GW ResrrI.t Date collecEed: 0 9 / 09 / 05 093 5 DateReceived: 09/LA/A5 08L5 rotal Usoltt- QurI 12 o+l*l fOC Prap Aulyrl,r Datr ILtc Ertoh I Y.Ld r cmog8 ^lB Br Ororr Brtr SFPC EPt 900.0 ilOD 301 Etrt lL 900.o HoD 09lltl as ae l75l 05 J260,1:9s6 TOt1l Ufrvrirra, bryr Totr1 urrnLrra KPr rsrr[ 317{-91 9-54 o-98 !trglI, o-31 517{-91 oelzT las 09l?8105 526e088 GROSS I. BY EO-PRECIP TDO{W Gross Alpha 2.O 7110 ![OD U DCLIr,.7110 !rcD 09 /17 /05 09/21,/05 s2600582 _1, n-225 BI EPl,-903. O DIOD Rrdlun 1226) 1- 13 0 .28 DCI/L o.2t 903 -O MOD oellolos 09lz8lo5 5253061 9l n -228 BI OrPe Rrdtun 77A TPI, 90{ DTOD l-46 t)cL/L o.49 900 !@D ae 110 / 05o .51 a -27 0. t_5 pcL/L a9l78l 05 5253062 rro TIIORIIT!il (SIIORT Cr) DOE r-Ol-R UOD Thorium 230 0.2L U Thoriurn 232 -0.02 U 0.35 0 - 25 t-oI.-R DtoD 09/L4/As A9/79/As oe/t4/05 09/L9l05 52573 00 101 5257 300 101 l[cxrE(s] Data ar. Lnoqrrrtr rlthort thr clre urratLvr. loC lg dottrrntncd b1r Lnrtnrrucnts prrfomruo6 only.lold rorulto Lro gr.atcr than thr rcC U Rrsult, Lt Lur tht'l trbc rurDlt drtratlon t{rn{t. STL Denver URS Corporation Client Samlc fD: G9[-5D-090905 Severa Treat, Laboratoricg - RadLochsalgtrll Lab SarrpJ.e Work Order: Matrix: Deramtrr D5r1_00151_-004 HKARH GV0 Beoult Ou.ef DaEe Collected: Date Received: TOTAI Ihoort- 12 o+ I -l t@c a9 / 09/0s 1-04s 09 /LO / Os 0B1s Pr.p ltarlyrt e Drtc Dat. Batolr t SROSS .e'/B DY Glror Brtr or"c rPt 900. o ltoD 660 ecLlL 110 110 900. o !iloD a9 lzll a8 09 l25l03 5264129 ToBal UrrnLrrn b8t' roual Unal.um IcPr r8Tl[ 517{-91 7 .79 a.7J u;glL 0-31 3L7 *-91 09lz7 l05 a9l78l05 526eo88 oRoaa l' BY co-PREcrP sloilf 7110 Ororr f,lpbr 5.4 z -'l D,cLlL ,.7 7 t 1,o lton oglLl lo5 agtzlta' 5260068 8A-226 BY EPt-903. O UOD RrdLun (e357 7.32 0-82 D,€;Llr. o.20 903 - o !ilOD 09/10 /a5 a9l78lat 5253061 RA-228 lv orPc Rrd.lum 22A EPr. 90{ r[oD 3 -Tg (guoRT cT) DoE .t-01-R uoD 0 - 30 u -0-10 u 0.62 DcL/L 0.{7 petlL 90{ I'IOD 09/10/05 091781a3 52f3062 rO THORITIII orir:n 230 Thorium 232 r-01-R moD 09/26 /Os 09 /27 /05 09/26/05 09/27/Os 5259393 84 s269393 84 (s) lr. lnoq>htr rl.tbout tho olr. nrratlvo. HDc l.r dctcrutnrd, by :lurtnucnt prrforre.acc oDry- DoLd rlcultr rr. grrcrt.r tban thr t[DC u Bcgurt ll rrlr thru Ebc uqrlc drtactlon Ifurdt. STL Denver 10 IIRS Corporatl,on C].Lent, Samp1e fD: g![-S5-090905 $cvern Trcats Laboratorler - Radtocherni gtry Lab Sary>Ie ID: Ialork Order: Matrix: Prruetcr D5r100L51-005 HI(ARJ G'W Roult (hral DaEe Collected: 09/A9/A5 ae/La/05 1L55 081 5 Pr.p lo^e1yrlr Drrtr. Dctc Htnb * Dat,e Received: TotrI. Ilncrrt. (z o+l -l DDe ltd t GIROSS t'/I BY Ororr Brtr orPc fPt 900. 0 ![oD 185 D}c.LIL 100 900 - 0 lIoD 09 lzLl o5 09 l25l 03 5264129 Total. Urral,um, Totr1 Ur+alum brtr KPI .LAX![ 5L7l-91 0.855 ar o .096 ug lr, o-31 5L7 4-91 09 t27 I 05 09 t78l OS 5269088 oRog8 r BY co-PRtCrP slmlw Gross A1pha 1.7 7110 DIOD U pieLlL 7110 lrOD 09 /L7 / A5 09 /2L / 05 s2600683.5 HL-226 Br EPn -9O3 . O UOD RadLum (?.261 1.O5 0.26 p,cl-lL 0.16 903. O DilOD oeltato5 09 lzgla, s2s3051 Rt-228 Br orPc Ard,lum ?,ZA EPr 90{ r[oD 1 .39 o.{5 D,cLlt o .5E 90{ ![oD ogttotos aelztlos 5253062 75 Iso 'THORIUU (8xOnr Cr) lfhorlun l3O 0.58 Ttrorium 232 0. l-4 DOE .[.-01-R ltOD ir u DCt/L [-01-n uoD 09i26las oet?T ta5 5269393 09 /26 / 05 09 /27 / 05 5269393 o .31 0-18 0-32 o -?,4 83 85 lroEE (s) Dota rr. Lacqlloto tLtLout tb. 6ara arrrrtl.ye. DC ir drtcralardl bU, lartnnrut porlormrBcc oaly. Bolil rcrult. la. grrGator thrn thG lDC it Roault l.t grrGtt.a than ..nplo d.t.ctlol 1{irt buts lo.3 tbea .tat.d r.Irortr,Bg ltrdt. gTL lDcFltr6lp loar tbtB tbc cr4rlc dotGctloL lttutt. IIRS Cor;poratLon Client Sa-m1a ID: GI$[-7C-090905 Srvera Trcn't, Laborator{eg D Radiocham{ gtEy Lab Sarple fD: Work Order: l'Iatrix: Prrrntser D5rl-001-51-006 HKARK GW X,oru1.t Date Collected: 09 /09 /A5 L220 Date Received: 09 /LA / 05 0BL5 TotrI Ilholrt- Ourl lZ o+ I -l ilDC Prap lrrrlyd.r Datc Drtr Eatch I YLd t oRogg t.Il- Br Ororr Botr GlrPC EPr, 9OO. O }TOD 30.5 gc,f I'900.0 MOD oglztlo5 a9l2.5la' s25{1391.7 1.3 Tota1 Urrnlrun bryr Total Uranium KPr' r^glil 517{-91 -0 - 0L50 u vf,f r' 0.00L6 0-31 3L7 {-91 09/27 /A5 09 /28/05 5269088 gRoag n BY co-PRtCrP gtoflt 7110 Gross Alpha 0.06 moD U 0_48 D,c.Llt 0.90 7110 r{oD 09/17 /A5 09/27/O5 5260068 m-226 BI EPL-903. O t OD Brdiun (2,261 0-37 0.15 Dct/L 0.15 903,0 r@D og llo I o3 agl?al a5 5253061 106 RT-228 BY OEPC Radium 228 rPl 90{ ![oD 0_49 0.33 pct /L 0-51 90{ MOD a9 /1A / Os 09 /28/ 05 5253062 99 e::#::r (Erro*r fl,* r-o1 Thorlun 232 -0. O13 U 0.17 0.058 pcllI-, 0.13 0.12 .L-OI.-R DIOD 09 tltt 05 09lL9l os a9/L4/05 09/L9/A5 52s7300 83 s2s7300 83 lr. lnoqrlcEe vlthout Ehe eaf. urratl.vt. Lr drtorntn d ry lattnrncnt DrrformrnoG only. Bold rc.ultr rrr groattr tLr! tb. Ee it R.9ult lt grratcr thrD rq)I. d.t.ctlo llnl,t hrt I.e. thaE .trtsrd rrDort{ng ll,nit. gTL BElil+eltr lmr thrs tbc reryrle dcrccrloo ltntt. ACDATAASSffiONW D5II.OO151 Sample Preparat.lon and Analyels Control Numbers I"IATRIXSAI'IPITE* 001 o02 o03 o04 oo5 006 GW GIlf G}T G}I GT{ GW GW ctw GW GT{ GW GI{ GW GW GW clul GW GTV GW GW G"rt GI{ GT{I GW GW GW GW GW GUI GUI GTI GW Gt[ GW GW GTT AI{IAIJYTICAI, METHOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASfrvI 5L74- 91 sMuulil 711 0 MOD EPA 903.0 IVIOD EPA 904 MOD EML A-01.-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5L74-91 sMulw 7L10 MoD EPA 903.O MOD EPA 904 I'IOD EI,IL A-01-R MOD EPA 900.O D10D ASTM 5L74-91 gMnm 71r.0 MoD EPA 903. O MOD EPA 904 MOD EI{L A-01.-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5L74-91- SMWTil 7I.1O }MD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 9O4 MOD EITIIJ A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD AST!'I 5L7 4- 91 sMeul{ 71.1- 0 MoD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EI'IIJ A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5L74-91 sMr|w 7110 MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD E['{t, A-01-R MOD I.,EACH BATCH # PREP BATCH * s264L29 5269 08 I 52600 5 8 s253061 5253 0 62 52s73 0 0 5264L29 s259088 5260058 5253051 525 3062 s2573 00 5264L29 5259 08 I 5260058 5253 05 1 s2s3062 52s73 0 0 52651,29 s269088 s260058 s253061 s2s3a62 s2693 93 5254L29 5259088 s260058 5253 061 s2s 1462 s2693 93 5264L29 s269088 s260 068 s2s3 061 5253 052 s257300 MS RI]N# 5264 090 s269052 s260 03 3 5253 048 52s 3047 5257L99 s264 090 s269 0 s2 s260033 5253 048 525 3A47 s2s7L99 s2640 90 s269052 526003 3 5253 048 s253 047 525 7 L99 5264090 52690s2 525003 3 s2s3 048 5253047 s259296 52640 9 0 5269052 526003 3 s2s3 048 5253 047 5269296 52640e0 s26go52 5260 03 3 5253 04 I 5253 047 s257L99 :.' STL Denver o 13 O Client Lot Matrix: Pa,rrnrtrr Eewern D5rl-001_51 WATER Rrnll.t UETIIOD BI.NIK Trent Laboratorieg REPORITI - Radl,ooh@l,Btry Total Uaoort. Q o+l-l r,rb 8arylb ID Pr.D eulyrl.t Dat. Datsc lrtob I rld t oRoss ^l; BY Gross Beta orPc EPI 900.0 uoD 0.68 u OCLlft 0.67 900,0 utoD 1.1 r5r210000-1298 09 /27/05 09 /25105 s254129 Rr-228 BY Rad"ir:n 228 otPc EPl' 904 I.!OD 0. 03 DcL/L 4.27 90{ troD 0 .47 r5rr-o0000-0628 09 /L0l0s 09 /28/05 s253062 90 u-226 Br ltPt-9o3.0 !@D RadLr:m (226) 0. 04 D,cLlL o -72 903.0 DIOD 0-21 r5r100000-o618 09 /1,0/05 09 /28/05 5253051 93 rao TIIoRrtm (gltORlf Cr] Dot r-Ol-R l{oD Thorlrn 23O 0.23 if Thorlum 232 O -O22 U pelll.l, 0 .15 0. 062 l-01-R uoD o. 12 0-059 r5r140000-3009 09ltllo' 091L91o3 3257300 8T 09/L4/0s 09/r,9/0ss257300 87 O":T:;"'CO-PRITCTP gUTTfl -0.09 7110 rroD U plct.lr, 0 - 34 7110 r00D 0-65 r5r170000-0688 09 /t7 t05 a9 /2L/ 05 5260068 rro TIIORIUU (SIIORT cr] Thorlurn 23O 0.09 Thorium 232 0.08 DOt l-01'R ![OD U U DCLIL 0. 14 0-10 l-01-R UOD 4.20 0. 13 r5r260000-3938 09 /26/A5 A9/27 /Os s269393 91 09/26/05 09/27 /05 s269393 9r Total Urrnirru, bry Total Uranium KPJI rsxu 5171-91 -0 - 05d0 u vg llr 0 - 006s 5L7 4-91 o-31 tr5r260000-0888 09 /27 /Os Oe/28/0s 5269088 (8) lrl Lncq>latr rLt,h'outs tbr our nrnatLvo. DC tr dctronlucd u.LEg lastrur.Dt Dorformanoc only DoId rorulta arc gr.rt.a th.Ir tb. lDC q - !.rult Ir grGrt.E thra uqrlc dctoctloo lLelt brt 1o:r thrs rtrt.dl roportlng lLett. $fl RneV% I"u thon tb. rqrlc drtrsrloB lIDIr. t. a4 I taboratory Control Sarylle ReDort, govera Trent Laboratoriee - RrrdLochanl,rtry Splhe lrcuat Brcult Totrl (IEoafr. (3 s+l-l o Client lrot Matrix: Prrrmotrr D5 r 10 015 r. !{ATER LaI, Ae4r1c ID gC Coatrol t Yld t Roo lrLultl Ico ltfHORIIIlt (gHOI{f ef) DOE L-01-R ltOD Thorium 228 B. 81 9 - 3 Ttrorium 23A 9 . 46 8. 3 Thorium 2.3?- 8-82 9-2 Batoh lr 5257300 p;cilL 1.1 1-0 1-1 .1,-01-n lDD 0.1 o. 09 0-L tnrlyrLt Drtstr r5r1{oOo0-300e 92 105 92 87 92 10{ 09/]-9/05 ( 91 1_32 ) ( 6s 729t. (88 133) OROEg .I. BT CO-PnECIP Grogg Alpha g!flrw 7110 lroD 24.6 15.1 ErtoL *r 5260068 7110 troD 0.5 loal.yrlr DaEcr r5r170000-068c 07 - 143) DCLII. 2.t 7g a9 /21/ 05 OROgg i'/B BT GIFPC Gross Beta tPl' 900.0 HoD 52.3 B.tch tr 900. o ![oD 1.0 lnrlyrLr Drtor r5r210000-129e (74 121) piCLl[r 42 -2 5264].29 81 09 /25 /45 IAO TIIORTIIII (EIIORT Thorl-r:rt 228 Ttrorj,un 23O Thorl-urn 232 cT) DOI A-Ol.-n 8.8L 9-46 8 _82 natob tr uoD 9_5 7-7 9 -6 52693 93 ircllL 1" -2 L.o 1-2 l-O1-R HOD r5r2 60000-393c 0.1 0. 06 0-09 fnrlXzrLr D1tc r 09 /27 t Os 9? 92 92 108 82 108 t:l -:::,1 o(88 133) rfc)?DE ( s) c.nr-4tjl.93tgnhdl rlr brtmt prrtorucs olv Y<frr Er prrlozod Irrloro roundllag to rvoLd rqrad-off rrror Ln cilclrhE.d nmltr Iraboratorf, Control Saryllal['Ca utrp1lcato ReDort llevern Trent Laboratorleg Rrd,Lochmigtsrlr D5rLo015L WATER Client Lot MaErix: Par!r.ter Spltr rrcust TOETI Unoart. (2 o +l-,t ELd, t ltlo Ldr 8rryth ID QC Coqtrol LLnLtr Prrol'rlo RI.-228 BY Rad,ir,rn 228 orPe EPr 90{ tiloD 5.26 spk 2 5.26 DrtcL ilr pcL/L 6.42 6.72 5253 452 904 ![OD 0. 89 0.94 r5r100000-062c 91 122 ( 5689 L28 (s6 r'arlyrk Drtrt 09 /28/A5 L47 | L47! 5 tRPD Rl,-226 Bf EPrr-903.0 DIOD Rad.iun (226) 1L.Z Spk 2 LL _2 pCt/r. 10-9 L2 -4 Drtch *r 5253061 903. O t@D 1.3 91 98 L.4 90 110 Lorl.yrlr Drtsrr I|5r100000-061c (s4 136)(54 136 ) L2 tRPD 09 /28/ 05 Totr1 Urantun Tota1 Uranium lry KPt. tA'EDtr 5LT l-97. d,0.0 Spk 2 8.0O Eetob lr lg lr,5L7 l-91 151260000-o88c 112 ) 112) 1-35 tRPD 39 - 5 7 .59 5269088 4-7 0.78 lnrlrrrl r (90 (90 ae/28/0s 99 9s Drtrr tlorFE ( s I STIf.BghSeqIl riE lr.rlotr.al b.fot rourdln0 to rvoLll round-ott .rror Ln o.loulrt.d BcBIt.1,5 o![aTnrx Sewern D5r100L51 GW Apiho .f,nout SPIKE/TLIf,ERIX SPIKE Trent, Laboratorl,er DITPLICI\TE REPORT - Badl-och@rLotry Date Sampled: Og / Ag / A5 DaLe Received: 09/1"0/05 0925 081 s C1ient Lotr rD: ttatrix: Parauttr gPIXE Rrrult rotal llDclrt. 17 a+l-l arlLlco YlA SITPI.E Rctult TotlI- IXooort. (2o +l-} OC 8rryrlr fD t Xtd tRrc 0g Coutrol r.:lrd.tr (IRogg AIB- BY Gross Beta GlrPc lPf, goo. o 804 spk2 Boa pc{/L 69 77 900-0 uoD Dfr100151-002 75 85 PrcolaLonr 12 tRPD (s0 1s0) (s0 150) EcEch 641 723 ilr 5264090 fnrlfrol.e 39 39 drte r 12 L2 09 /25 / A5 IEotlL UranLun lrlf KPI lSIItI 5 Total Uralium 40-0 spk2 q0 _ 0 33.2 a 37 .2, 5259052 ulflllt 3-9 4.4 517{-91 0-399 ,J 0-041 0,399 J 0-041 Prrcl.rLoar drurr 09/2glA5 Dsr100151-O02 82 a (90 L12l 92 ( 90 Ltzt 1-1_ tRPD Drtolr lr lralyflr GIROSA N, BY Groee Alpha co-PntclP gustt, 4L.2 Spk2 4L.2 49 -2 66.9 a s2 60033 DCL/Ir 7.6 9 .97 7110 r@D 2.'l 2.7 drto r u 2-1, U 2.L DrooLdoar 09 /20/05 D5r100151-OO2 113 ( 50 150 )li' J*nl'o "O Drtoh t:.lnrlyT lr m-226 BI EPI.-9O3. O Radium (2261 SPk2 10.0 9-4 Drtob lr 5253048 903. O !ilOD 101 0-39 ,J 102 0.39 J lnrlyrl.r drtc r 09 /28/0s D5r100151-O02 82 17 6 lCOD L7 .7 1-1_8 pcl/r, 1.2 t-2 0.17 0. 17 101 101 (55 150) (66 - r-50) prolrloar H\-22E BT Radlum 228 orPc EPr 904 MoD 5-52 qpkz s - 53 DcL/L 0.9e 89 0.94 95 lorlyrlr 901 I'toD 0.70 ,J 0-70 J drtr r ktol-rLonr D5r100151-OO2 93 72A rcz 1sO ) 93 L1-2 (62 150 ) Datoh tr 7 -31 6-90 5253047 a9/28/05 r;o TIIORTUD( Thorlum 230 Thoriurn 232 (8HORI Crr) DOX . 9-46 Spkz 9 . {6 8. 82 Spk2 g. Bz D,CL lr. 1-1 81 0.99 L03 1 .3 81 1.0 103 .trnrIYcla ![oD u 0.15 D5r100151-O02 8s 174 r-30) 76 34 130) 11 TRPD 1.r1 (81 724l/ 2L IRPD Brteb 8.2 7 .37 9-8 8.0 *r 5257L99 A-01-A 0.15 0 .15 0,011 0_011 drtc r 71 u 0.1"5 7t Prrclrl,onr u 0.065 7l u 0.055 7L Drocirl.our 09tL9/05 OROSS T/B BY Gross Beta orPe EPr, 900.0 t7 40 Spk2 L7 40 900,0 lnoD 9s 26 9s 25 dlter 09/25/05 D5r130187-003 92 91 (s0 1s0) ( s0 1_s0 ) trEoh L 690 16 B0 Ir 5264090 pCL lt' 180 180 tnalyrh brfon roundlug to avold round-ott rrror Ln aalEu1atrd, ruultr 0.5 *RPD rrcnE (8) ere Caloulrtlonr ar. f>.rformd STL Denver gai. nrrrat va. qDtkoC enrly'tr outtLdo of Btatcd AC linlts. tcsult tr gmtrr tbrn m4rl.c dctcct{on ltmtB hrt lLnl.t. X,orult Lr lur thrn tbr aa4rl.c dctoctlon Il.ult. lorr tban rtsrBcd rQportlag Denver 18 DI'PLTCTITE E\I}LUATION REPORT gevern Trent LaboratorLer - Radl.ochmtrtry Cllent Lot ID: MatrLx: Paranatar D5r1-00151 WATER 8tf,DLl Rrarlt Date Sarrpled: 09 / 07 / 05 Date Received: 09 / 08/05 Total TIUorrt. I,UPLICilTIE (2o +l-) t rld, Rrlult TotrI llactrt. 12 o+l-l r Y1d AC Srqrlc ID Prrcirios fro EHORIIff (gHORlr Thorium 230 lflrorir:n 232 c.r) DoE r,-01-R uoD a.77 J 0.20 '0.014 U 0.088 Batoh Ir 5269393 l*Llt 69 69 (Sa*ple I A-oI.-R UoD o .27 J O.20 0-0L4 u 0.079 5269393 (Drplicate) 58 68 Dsro80237 -006 0.3 IRPD 3430 tRPD NOTE(g) O o Eta arr Lncqrlctr rl.tlout tho oar. ,rrErotl.vr. Crlsulatlonr ar. girtormrd bcton rould,lng to avold round-ott ^J__ &cgult_Lr gnrcrter thru srlph drtrotlon ltntt bute rPT - T'\ a rr'+1 L H"E[tYefl rcrr rh.o rbc rruErrr dorcorrou lr.a{.r. .rror Iu crlculaEed rrrultr Ic;r tsban rtrtcd rcportlng llnLt-19 STL Denver Sarnple Receiving Checklist r_,ot#: bff/oc, (S-l Date/Tirne Recei ura, ..? f t>( ,{ C 8ls- Company Name & Sampling Site:tJ e-J+ .ru\ Zl ,. PM to Complete This Section: Yes Residual chlorine check requirceD Quote #: Special InstructioDs: Time Zone: . EDT/EST ' CDT/CST ' )\,DTMST . PDT/PST . OTIIER No-x Quarantined, H y Initials DT (;2 Clrecks: #(s): ( ("C): Z- ' ) :kin Cool ature izs ,N I eDrycra N/A Ye DO pac ( Pcft Yt l il u f t fi D tr D u K n ,D u U Te Nt D D m I ob ES Ier ,_ ?.o :{'-1 2-L .- Y } Cooler seals intact? O/A if hand delivered) Ifno, doctrment on CI-IR. Chain of custodypresent? Ifno, documeut on CUR Bottles broke,n aod/or are leakiug? If yes, document on CUR Multiphasic sarrples obvious? If yes, documeot on CUR- Proper coutainer & preservatives used? (ref. Attachrneat D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, document ou CUR pH of aII saryles checked and meet requiremexts? If no, documcnt on CUR- Sufficient volume provided for all analysis requested? (rcf Attachment D of SOP# DEli-QA-0003) If no, document on CUR, and conact PM bcforc procceding- Did chain of cusody agree with labels ID and samples reccived? If no, docuncnt on CUR* Were VOA mrryles without headspace? If no, docrment on CUR- Were VOA vials preserved? Presenrative DHCI f,4+2"C OSodirm Thiosulfate f, Ascorbic Acid Did sauples require preservation with sodi,*n thiosulfate? If ycs to #1 I, did the samples contain residual chloriuc? If yes, docrrnent on CUR. Sediment present in dissolved/fiItered bottles? If yes, doctu:cnt on CLIR ? Y1 No D tl o J tJ tr o n c D ? fI D I Ldly!ry:?R, document on ctR, andIs sufficient volume provided for cfient requested MS, MSD or ma contact PM bcfore proceediog. Receipt date(s) > 48 hours past the collection date(s)? If yes, notiryPAPM. Are analyses with, short holding times requested? Was a quick Turn fuound (TAT) requested? o 0]5, tr t[ 16nAn. ST\q,&BnHSHpte Recsiving\Sample Receiving Chccklisr i2 13 04 revision C ruB/44 2A STL Denvel' Sample Receiving Checktist Lot#. wlYt7 Login Clrecks: N/A Yes Na Jnitiols F U 18- Suflicicn, volunrprovided for all anallnis requcsted? (rcf. Atachrncnt D ofSOP# DEN-QA-0003) lf no, docunnnt on Ol& and contact PIvI beforc procceding. tt q g 19. Is suflicicnt rotunr providcd for clic,nt rcguested hrs, h4SD or matrix duplicares'.r If no, document on CUII and wrrlaci. PM bcforc procccdirrg. 20. Did thc chain ofcusrodl,includes "rcceivcd b)r'and'rclinguishcd" by nigaaturer, dater, and limer? 21. \l,ere spccial Iog in insructions rcad and followed? 22. \l,ere AFCEEmDlals Iogged lbr refrigcrated storagc? 23. Werc te$s logged clrccllod againsl the COC? \lhich snmples u?Dre confirmed? 24- 14'as a Rush fona mmplercd for guicli TAT? 25. I{,as a Short Hold form corrplaed foranl,short holds? 26. Is'Strict ICOC- rcauired? 27. \Vcrc ryecial arclivilg io$ruaions iudicatd in fte General Cormrent? if sq r&a werr thcl,? Iabelfug and Storage Checks: 28- 1472s fte nrbcontact COC signed and seot wift sirgrles to borlc prrp? 29. $rcre s"r'plelabels double-ched<ed by a second p:rson? 30. 'lVcrs sr"S,Icbotlcs and COC doublc checkcd fo'r dissolved/filtcred Detals by a second person? 3I - Did tte sarryle ID, Datc, and Tirne fiom label matcb u'hat uas loggcd? 32- $Iere rticLtrs for special archiving ioguaiou affixed ro eadr box and to tlre ICOC? See #27 33. Wcrc AFCEEmaals storad refigerated? 34. Werc "Strcl ICOC- copics glvsn to sarellire storage areas? Documenl any problerns or discrepancies and the actions tal(sn t0 resoh,e them on a Condition Upon Receipt Alomaly Ileport(CUn1 ql DO atr SI ru il Irr tr tr I Et El I g tJ tr & 3 KI{s ?/n 3 {rt ?titrUE tr &! ! STL Denver 27 t EI =:ox c2 f,mc, rn rn(] 'nof,t(Do :D Tof, (D :s C]Irf i J rn =:D TD 7rzI o'u mzmtf (D :s o*rn J rn{rn ='o ro C, (n rn r*C)oz(f =oz- .i ' - .\ r -\ r - I .- . \ i. 'L . i3 E I E $ Ei i s = g 3 E5 E $ = ts a JA 3E b-o E C)=g.=o.r -c)EU, <,o CL D(D()c) El CL .1 . ' i. , t -; a d l' l- Iq t. _ I NTL. iE f, -L x ir t =N 6t L C>\ *l $r. ^ r) *O. "1 -. $ \r \ r \" 1 NO . OF CO N T A ] N T E R S s5 De n v e r 22 STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 Fax: www.stl-inc.com STL 303 431 7t7r ANALYTICAL REPORT Western Zirconium Proj ect Lot #: D5Il30l87 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 8181 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 8An7 STLDENVER Linda L. Benkers Project Manager October 7,2A05 Sevem Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Standard Deliverables wlth Supportlng Documentation Report Contents Standard Dellverables (fn" Cover Lefrcr and the Report Cover page are considered integral ports of this Standard Deliverable package. Thfs report ts lncomplete unless all pages lndicated tn thls Tahle of Contents dre included.) o Table of Contents . Case Narraflve . Executive Summgry - Detection Highlights o Methods Summary o Method/Anelyst Sumrrary o Lot'Sarnple Summary . Analytical Results o QC Datn Assoclatlon Summary o QC Sample Results o Chain-of-Custody Suppofii ng Documentation (Note: A one-pog,e "Description af Supporttng Documentation" li provlded at the beginning of this section.). o Volntile GCIIUS r Semlvolatile GC/DIS o Volatlle GC . Semivolatile GC r LClll{S or HPLC o Metals r General Chemistry . Radlochemistry r Subcontracted Data Number of Pages Check below when oupportlng documentadon is present. mnnnnnnm STL Denver Case Narrative DsI130187 With exceptions noted as flap or footnotes, standard analytical pmtocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no proble,ms were encormtered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality control samples analped in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limifs, with any exceptions notd. The test rezults prese,ntd in this report meet all requirements ofNEI-AC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproducod, excqrt in full, without written permission from the laboratory. Sample Receiving Three sarnples were received under chain ofcustody on September 13, 2005. The sarrples were received in good condition at tenrperatures of 3.6"C, 4.1"C,3.9"C, and 3-3"C. The results for all radiological analyses are included in this report and were performed by STL St. Louis; 13715 RiderTrail North; Earth City; MO 63045,phone 314-298-8566. Radiochemistry, Varlous Methods The method 900.0 MOD gross beta MDA for samples D5I130187-001 through 003 was not met due to reduction of sample size caused by high residual mass. The analytical results ane re,ported with the MDA achieved. A lowlevel and a higlr-level LCS standard were anallzed with total uranium batch 5269090 and they are qpiked at different concentrations. Therefore, the RPD value reported for these two standards does not apply. Both LCS recoveries were in control. The gross betq gross alpha, radium 226, thorium 230 and thorir.un 232MS|MSD performed on sample D5Il30l 87-003 were in conhol. The radiurn 228 MS performed on sample D5I130187-003 de,rnonstrated a recov.ery above the control limit The MSD was in control. The total uranium MS/}VISD performed on sample D5I130187-003 demonstated recoveries below the control limit. The gross beta MS/IItISD performed on a sample from another clierrt and/or lot was in control. STL Denver METHODSW ODsr130187 PARAI'IETER AI{AIJYTICEIJ PREPARATION METHOD },TETHOD GroBs Alpha (CoPRECIP) by GFPC sMwll 7110 MOD Groee Atpha/Beta by GFpc EPA 9oo.0 MoD EPA 9oo.0 IeotopLc Tlrorium by Alpha Spectroecopy EMII A-01-R MOD Radinm-226 by GFPC EPA 903-0 MOD Radium-228 by GFPC EPA 90{ MOD Total Uraniurn By Laser Ph oBphorlmetry Agllrl 5174-91 Referesceg: ASIS{ Anrrual Book Of AS$,I Standarde. EML TBN\IIRONMENTAIMEASiIIREME'IflIS LABORATORY PROCEDURE9 MAN[rAIrrr IIASI,-3OO 28TH EDITTON, VOIJ,ME I and IT DEPARIIT{ENT OT B{ERGY EPA SEASTERN EI,V\/IRONMEMTAIT RADTATTON FACII'ITY RADTOEHEMISTRY PRoCEDITRES r4Alilt Af,n US EPA E,PA 52A/5-84-006 AUGUST 19811 SMYTW ]]STA}IDARD METHODS POR I{ASTE }IATERtr STL Denver AMITYTICAI, }4ETHOD MEIHOD/AIYALYSTW Dsr130187 ANALYST ASTIr{ 5L7 4 -91 Ef'IIr A-0L-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD EPA 903. O MOD EPA 904 D/TOD gMww 7110 MOD RefererrC€E: Mike Anderaon Jlnuny Wileon ..Tlmmy WLlson ,]furuny Wilaon .Tinuny Wileon ,fimmy wileon AMITYST ID 4423 s 0 401527 401627 4 01 627 401627 4 01 627 ASTIVI EMIJ EPA Anrrual Book Of .'ENVTRONMENTAI, IIASI,-3OO 28TH ASTIvI Standards - MEASUREMEMTS I,ABORATORY PROCEDTIRES MJU{UAL'I EDITION, VOITUME I and II DEPARTMEMT OF ETVERGY I' EASTERN El[\ftRONMm[fAIr RADIATION FACILITY RADIOCIIEMf STRY PROCE'DIIRES Mi{NUl\I,n US EpA EpA 52O / S- 94 - 005 AUGUST t gB4 N STAI{DARD METHODS FOR WASTE WATER''o STL Denver ''4 SATIPLEW D5r130187 WO # SA}TPLE# CLTENT SAIYIPI,E ID SAMPLED SAIYIP DATE TIME HKE18 001_ cW-BWg 2- A 912 0s HKE2A OO2 cr{-B$[01- O912A5 HKE2D 003 chl-Bwaz- o9r.20s nCIrts(s): oe/Lz/05 o8:oo a9/L2/as It:l-5 09 /L2/ as L2:22 - Ihc smlydcal rse$a of Ih6 ssryllc lirtGd rbovc arc prcrartod on the following pegcr. - All cslc1llrdoos .Ic pcrfoEEd Horc roundln8 o avold round-offcrrors iD c.lqtlatcd r6un$. - Rcsrlrs ooLd rs 'ND' wsc rnt daccred * or cbovc dre sxsrcd lknll* - This rcpon mu$ not bo reproducd, of,c.pt itr ftll. withilt tE vrlftca rpprovel of thc labonory. - RlstlG fot the folowing prrttrctqB ile Hcr rtgonod on a dry wc{ght b.sii: alor, conosivity, dasitn flashpoi*, iSnitrbility, lryers, odor, prin liltcr trs, pH, poroslry prcrsur, rcactivrty. rrdor potsrtirl, ryccific gravity. +ot t ds, colfotr, solrrbiliry, taryorsntro, vlscoslry, ard wcidt. STL Denver O t RS Corporation Cl-ient Samo1e ID: GIil-BvUg );09 L2O5 Ssrrarn Trent Laboratoriee - RadLochsrlttrV Lab Sample fD: Work Order: Matrix: llalalatar D5r130l_87-001 HKE].8 GW lmult Date CollecEed: 09 / 12 /A5 0800 Date Reeeived: 09 /13 / 05 09L5 IttoEal Ilacrrt - QurI (2 o+l -l DlDe Ercp .lsrlyrlr Drto Datt Drtob I Yld B ffio88 LlB BY Ororr Botr ofPc EPf, 900.0 !fioD 103 ecLlr,,900.o HoD 09 laalas 09 la$la5 535.1293{ lfotrl Uranlrm b1z Totrl UrrnLuro KPr, .trgl[:}I ,L7 {-97- 0.688 J 0 .073 Lllfr IT, 0.31 5171-91 o9l2T lo5 0917810, 5269090 oRogB .L BI co-PnBeIP silww 7110 tNoD Ororr tapbr 3.3 r,cllL 7110 r@D 09 tzt I a3 091251A5 52660851.4 RA-226 DY EPI-9O3.0 MOD Radttrn . (22 5) 1 .51 0.30 D,CLIt 0.19 903 . O DIOD as tLttos as not 05 '52s7t]-? 101 RA-228 Br OrPC Rrdlrrn 778 EPr' 90d uoD 2-63 o .57 DCLIL o.68 90I tfi)D 09 llll os a9 lla I o5 5.257114 79 ro THORIUII (gHORtr Clf) DOE l-01-R tlOD ecJ-lL l-01-R rroD 09116105 09t7fJ1a5, 09 /76 / 05 09 /20 t A5 5259114 9l s259114 94 llhorLun 23O Thorl-um 232 0.19 -0 - 008 ir U o.I.t o.0{8 o.11 o-10 (8) i qr. Lnooqgl.ots rlthoNrE thr orlc srrntlvc. uDc I,t dctcmlmd by Lnetnuornt porforluaaoo only. BoId rorultr rrG gfroat.r tshru tho IIDC J Ruult k groettr bhrn reqllc dctcotLon ltntt buE S,TL IDo$Vdr lur thrn tbc rarylla drrtactlon Il.nlt,. losg thu gtrtod roportlng llxrLt. IIRS eoqporation Clt.nt Sarnrrle rD : GI[-B$I01-0 9L205 Severn Trelrt LaboratorLeg - Rldt oche{nl gtaTf .O Lab Samp1e ID: work order: MaErix: Prrroctcr D5113 01 87 - 002 HKE2A GW Itou1t llotal Ungcrt. Q *l-l t@C Pr.D rne,ly;,lr Drtr tlrt. srtotr I DaEe Collected: 0 9 / 12 / 05 l- 1- 15 DaEe Received: 09 / L3 / 05 09 1 5 Qu.1 YI'd I OROBE AIB BY O'PC Orocg Bcta EPt 900. o DIOD 175 plcLl[t 900. o DroD 09lz]-l05 09lasla5 5"61L2966 trotsr1 Uraaluu t,t; Totrl' Urrsltrn KPr r8II[ 5L7t-91 0.857 u 0.092 u;glL 0.31 3L7 4-91 09127 105 09128/03 526r0to OROSS }, BY EO-PRTCIP S!mITT Ororr Llphr 2.9 77J.A HOD ,f DCt/L 7110 liOD o9l23lo5 aelzslos 52660851.3 RL-226 By EPr,-903. O !0D RidLrrn (226) 1.lg o .31 DcLI,, o.77 903.0 l[oD ogltelos ogl3olos s3s7113 95 RI-228 BY OTPC RrdLurn 278 EPr 90{ rcD 7.79 o. 61 DCT/L o.77 90{ D[oD og t L{ t 05 09 na t 03 s257111 72 f;o THORIUIil (gHOHf CT) DOE l-01-R Tborlum Z3O O.1O2 df Thorlum 232 -0,008 U ocLlt r-01-R lroD 09/16/05 09lzOla5 525e11. a9 /16 / 05 09 /20/05 52s91L4 0.097 0-049 0 .090 0 - 10 87 87 hta ar. Lnoqlhtr sltbouts tLr caro nrrntlve. tDC' ls drtmlncd bfr Lurtnrmcat, perforurnoc only. EoId roulta are groetcr thrn tbc UDC J Ruu1t Lt grerttr tban ge$llo drtootlon llrit hrt lrrr ETL Dcrnvdr lcrr than thc rtrEllo dttootloa llnlt. tlrrn rtrtrd rrgortlng lldt. IIRS Corporatl,on Client Sanrple ID : GI!I[-BIV02-0 9L205 Esrrern Trcnt lraboretorlct - nadLochfintttry Lab Sample Work Order: MaErlx: Pa-rrnrtor D5r1-30I87-003 HKE2D Gt'I Rolrlt DaEe CoLlected: DaEe Receive,il: oe /L2/0s L222 a9/L3/05 0e1s Prop Drto ImlfrLr Drtr ArtoU I OROgg AIE ET Oroon Botr orPe fPt 900.0 MoD 95 pct /Lr 900. o ltoD 09l2r.lo3 09125103 576r1,"e Totrl Uranl-un W lFourl unaLuu KPl. laT![ o -{15 5L7 l-91 ulglr'5L7 l-91 09117 /0s a9lzBlos 526eoeo0. oo7 o ,31 oRogg }' EY co-pREcrp gusfw 7110 lroD Oror: t}pbr 3.1 ecL lt,7110 ![oD aglallos a9l73laa 52660851.1 1.2 Rl-236 BY llPL-9O3.0 IIOD Radiuu 1226l L.?7. pCLITl,903 . O t{toD ogttttos 0e/30/05 '.2577.r,2 950.34 o -20 Rt-22E BX OrPC RrdLun ZZA EPL goe ![oD 1 .93 pct/r,904 lroD oellllay, oe/30/o5o-50 o -6'I JzJ't 114 !-"' trEo*-I,' Thort rm 23O Thorlurn 232 (aHoR! er) Dor l-01-R MoD o.1g -0 - 008 gct.lL l-O1-R l@D oell6los 0917a/o5 09tte/as a9/20/05 5a5911{ 8r 5259114 84 o-1 0.11 (s) rro lroqllrtr rlthorrt tLe cart nerrrtl.ve . l{Dc 1r dotarrnlaod by lnrtnlmrnt pcrfor'mancr ouly. Bold rrrultg uo grratrr than tbt lDC 'f Rrrult tr grcrtu thrn reqrlc dctcotLoa llett but lcr BTL Blgglfdf hr; tban tbo grmrlr drtsrotlon U-nl.t- thnn rtatcd rtportlng lfunLt - QC DATA ASS(rcrATrON D5r130187 Sample Preparation and AnaJ-ysls ConEroI Nr:mbere TIATRIXSAI.IP,I,Ef 001 002 o03 GUI GhI G$r GW GW GW GTI GW GW G$r GW GTt[ GW GIIII G}ul GEif GW GW ANATJYTTCAI, IUETHOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5L74-91 SMViII{ 71.10 MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 9O4 MOD EIYIL A-OI-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTII{ 5L74-9L SMWW 71LA MOD EPA 903-0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EML .8.-O1-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5L74- 9l- sMsr!{ 7L10 MoD EPA 903.0 I,!OD EPA 904 I.IOD EMII A-OI-R MOD IJEJACH BATE}I # PREP BATCH # 5264L29 5269090 s266 08 5 525'tLLz 525',1LL4 525 9l-14 s264L29 5269090 s26508 5 s2 57 tI'z 5257LL4 52591L4 5264L29 5269090 526608s 52 5'lLLz 52 5'7l.L4 5259114 I'[S RUN# s264090 s269051 s265103 5257 A'18 s257 077 5259047 52640 9 0 s269 0 51 s255 1 03 5257 A7 I 5257 077 5259047 s264090 s269 05L s255 1 03 5257 07 8 5257 0-77 5259047 STL Denver O C1ient Lot Matrix: PaflDtsr UETIIOD BI,AIIK flevern Trsnt Laboratoriee D5r1_3 01-87 WATER REPORT - Rrdiochcmfgtry Rcrult :rotal U[cort. (2 o+l-l Lrb arq>Ie ID Pr.p .han1yrLr htr Dttr Eatch I Itd i CIROSS f,/I BY Groes Beta orPc tPl, 900.0 DiloD 0.68 u 1lci/t o-67 900, o ![oD 1.1 rJr210000-1298 a9 /21/ 05 A9 /251A5 5264L29 GIROAS l' BY CO-PRIECIP Gross Alpha 0.0 SHNW TLLO MOD U pet/r, 0. 16 ?110 rroD 0-49 r5r23 0000- 0858 09 /23/ A5 09 /25/05 5256085 Rr-229 BY OrPC Radlum 228 EPl' 901 !{OD 4.27 E'cLlr" 0 _ 32 90{ !iloD 0. s3 r5r1{0000-1148 09/L4/A5 09/30/05 5257L74 81 . nil.-zed lY xErA*903.0 Radlum. (226| 0. 09 DIOD rL/L 0. 11 903. O UOD o. 18 r5r1{0000-1121 og /L4 /05 ag /30/05 52s77L2 10d IgO .:MIORIU!! orLurn 230 orium 23? (SIIORT C'tf) DOE t-01-R ttoD 0.21 J -0-oo4 u rlC.L lr' 0.1{ 0.045 t-01-R uoD o. 06 0-087 r5r160000-11{B ostk6las asl"oto5 5259114 95 a9/ 16/05 A9 /20/05 52s9114 95 ToEaI Uranlun btr Totrl Ur;nLun KPI rslTir 5L7l-91 o. {66 ar us ll' o-o{9 JL74-91 o.lx. P5r260000-0908 oe tzT toa 09128105 5269090 ara Lnoqlhtt rlthout thr oa!. nrrratl.vl. llDC It dctcrn:l.urd, urtng lartnrnrcat prrfomrno. ouly BoIA rcrult,r rro gncatrr thrn thc DiDC .r Rcsult [t grrortcr tban rruglr detrotlou ll-D{,t but lcgr uSTL REhnU/gf trar rban rbr rrqrrr doroorlon ll.Ett.10thin 3tatGd rcDortlng llnlt. Laboratorlr Contrro1 8even, Trent LaboratorLer D5r13 0187 WATER gDl,Lr lrcusts Rogu1t lotrl ullcart. (2 o+l-l Saryrla Raport, r Rad.lochoLtgtrfr o Cllent Lot MaErLx: Prnnrtcr t YlCl t R.c I,aI) 8aryr1o fD gC Coatrol ulnttr m-226 BY Ratlium (2261 EPr-903.0 DiOD t7.2 Drtetr I r 11 .8 5257LL2 fr,LtL 1.4 903-0 lroD r5r1{O000-r12c a.2 93 105 (54 136) rrrlyrlr Drtr r 09 l30 / 05 R}-228 BY GTTPC Radlum 228 EPL 90t !ilOD 5 -26 Batob *r 90{ a .97 ![oD 0 .79 farlY'rtr Drtl r 68 L25 a9/30/0s rsrI.loooo-1lrc ( s6 L47l pcl/L 5. s5 5257]-L4 Igo IIITORfITU (SHORT CE) DOE L-OI-R !ilOD Thorir:nr 228 8. 81 9 -2 Thortr:n 230 9.45 7 .7 Thoriun 232 8.82 9,1 lrtch ilt 525911{ D,tr;Llr, 1.1 1-O 1.L r,-01-n uoD 0-1 96 104 0-09 96 82 0-09 96 103 tsrlyrlr Drte t O9 /20/Os r5r160000-114c (91 132) t 65 L29) (BB 133) clRogg f,/B BI OrPc Oroeg Beta tPr- 900. o lroD 52.3 42.2 retob lr 5264129 900.0 lroD t.0 lnel.yrlr Datcr r5r310000-129C (70 - raL) 9C;t lf. 81 09 tzsl a5 GO88 l' BY CO-ERECTP Gross Alpha sMww 7110 !ilclD 20 -6 20.o Drtch lr 5266085 7110 DCOD 0-5 larl.frl,r Drtcr r5r230000-o85c t7L 143 ) pci/L 97 09 /25t A5 NOrE (s) qq'ylDF\f,l.{r*?:lrrcif Dtr lartnD.lt lnrf,oreacr oaly" '*tafotstidt& rlo rrafoilc D.toaa losldfsg to avoid roro!-off .raoa l,! o.lorlrt.d r..rr1tt 11 Laboratory Control Sargllall;,C9 Dtrplicatc ReDort Elewrra Trent lraboratorLor - R^adLochsrirtrSp Dsr130I87 T,VATER Client Lot Matrix: Prrerltor gDlk fnount,lenrlt llotal llDcrrt. (2o+l-) tYtd LaIc 8ary>1o II) Qp Coatrol' Llm{ f3 Erool'rl'out Rro rotal UrrnLrrn t lf xPt Agmt 5Ll4-91 Total Uranium {0. O spk 2 8-00 Batch lr u;glI.,5171-91 97 (90 98 (e0 }rrrlyr:Lr Dar.s 09 / 28 / 05 r5r260000-090c LLzI 7L2) 133 tRPD 39,O 7 .94 5259090 {.6 0.80 o 't " ![(I[f, (g] StfflgEtt@trr. Ir.8fc!.d bofors rourdtlg to .volal roud-off ot:or Lr crlculat.d r.rult.,12 arrIL.d f,rru1t lLml't. n lrrlt rirl.lGo ortrLdo of ttrte'd AC l:lmLtr. Lr grrrtcr thrn gaqll'o dctoctLoa ltlrlt btrB Lr lcrr thra tbr re4r1c dotootLoo ll.rl,t. lmr tshrn rtrtcd. rqrcrtlng STL Denver o .O 13 C1ient Lot ID: Matrix: Parartsrr D[trlrRIX Scncrn D5r1_001_5r- GW Apltr Ircunt lIotel Ilao.rt - qgLlr AIHPIJE l2 o+t -l Ild Borults SPTKE/TIIATRIX SPIKE Traat lralloretorl,cg DI'PLICATE RTPORT - RadlochctJ.Btry DaEe Sarpled,: A9 / 09 / 05 0925 DateReceived: 09/LA/A5 08L5 EPIXE lerult Totrl gC Ar4rlr rD Uncoxt.0C Cetrol' (2o +t-l t Yld' ttoo r,Idtr sRoss r'/B BY Gross Beta otPc EPt 900.0 804 Spk2 804 r,c,.lL 900.0 69 39 77 39 fralyrl.r dlte r uoD L2 L2 Prlolrlonr 09 /25 / 05 D5r100151-002 75 B5 L2 IRPD 64L 723 lr 5264090 (s0 1s0) (s0 l-50) Drtsh GmogS ^ls Br Gross BeEa orPc ItPl goo.o 17 40 Spk2 t74O lrtob tr l- 690 16 80 5254090 pct/r, 9OO. O uoD 1_ 80 95 1.80 9s D5r130187 -OO3 92 (s0 Ls0) 91 (s0 1s0) Preoigl,osrl 0.5 $RPD 26 26 ra^alyrtr datrr 09/25/Os Total. Ureniun Tota1 Urarrl-runo b8l, XPI .LgIrU 5 40.0 Spk2 40.0 36-3 a 35-9 a Ir 525905L us lT. 5L7 l- 91 D5I13 0187 - OO3 4.3 0.415 ,l 0-047 90 a (90 LL2l 4.2 0-415 J 0.047 89 I (90 7121 Prccl;loter 1 tRPD tarlyrl.r drtsrr 09/28/45 GIROES }, BY CO-DRECTP S!mUW Clroeg Alpha 4L -z Spkz 4t -2 - Eatch 44.7 37 -2 tr 5266L03 picJ.lt, 5.8 4-7 Anrlyrir 7110 lroD 3.2 3-2 drtr r D5r1301sZ -003 10L B3 (s0 1s0) (50 - 150) 1-1 1-1 a9 /2s las Rr,-226 lY EPr-903. o lmD Radium (2261 1L -7 spkz 11 . 6 15.3 16.3 Errotr *r 5257078 p,ci.lL 9o3 - O L.7 96 7.7L 1.8 98 L-71 lna,lyrlr dato r tiloD D5r130187 -003 0.34 es 1r-5 (66 150) 0-34 95 L26 (66 1.50) Prooirlonr 7 tRF'D 09i30/as Rl,-229 BY Radlum 228 cxPc rPr' 90{ MoD 5. 53 SpkZ 5. d5 letch ilr 10.? a 9-4 5257 07 7 Dci/L L.4 6s 1-2 77 }lrlyrlr 90{ }!oD 1 .93 1.93 drtr r 0e/30/05 0_54 0.5{ D5r130187 -O03 76 159 a (52 150) 7G 138 162 1s0) ProolrLonr 13 SRPD Ilo (srORT Ttrorium 23 0 sbkl Thoriurn 232 Spk2 er) DoE 9.46 9. d6 8 -82 8.82 7 _93 7.6 8.1 9.1 5259 0{ 7 SIC.Llt, 0. 99 1.0 1.0 1 .1_ .n-01-R !iloD 0. r.8 J 0.18 J -0.008 u -0-008 u 93 91 93 91 D5r130187-OO3 0 - 13 84 82 fi4 r.30) o-13 s4 79 fif ilO) Procirl-on: { tRPD 0. 053 8d, 92 ( 81 L24l. 0 - 0s3 Bd 104 ( 81 tz4t Prcci;Lour 12 IRPD tsoilE(e) latch lr la^alyrl-r drto r 09/20/0s GrlolrtLur aso Irrtorrrd bafora rotrrdlag to lvold rotrld-off rrfor h oalculrtr{l r.rsltl STt Denver a4 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist ut*, '?atl1CI it? Date/rime *.a".a, Qft,y'i.r OqE O Company Name & Sarnpliog Site: PM to Complete This Section: Yes Residual chlorinc cbcck required:tr erote#: LllCr+O Speciat lnsrructions: {rl Time Zone: . EDT|EST . CDT/CST . MDTAdST . PDTIPST . OTIIER Qr:arantincd : Yes I Uopacking Checks: Cooler #(s): Terrperatures ('C): N/A Yes No D.F'trr_rt u z. trrP3. D.d4. p'il5. Dratr6. ,6' tr 7. tr8. D 9. tr 10. P1r tr 13. t] 14. d"z+ *t. I 3,'1 -3. .i / 3b .w fr' ,g tr u tr tr tr A) Cooler seals intact? (N/A if hand delivered) If no, docurnent on CI-IR Chain of custody present? If no, docr:ment on CuR. Bottles broken and/or are leaking? If les, docurnont on CLIR Multiphasic samplcs obvior:s? If yes, document on CIJR. Pmpcr container & preservatives used? (ref- Attachmenr D of SOP# DEIII-QA-0003) If no, document on CI-IR- pH of all sarples checkcd aud meet requirements? If uo, documcnt ou CUR. Sufficienr volunr provided for all analysis requested? (ref. Attached D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, document on CIIR, aDd contactPM before proceeding. Did chain of custody agree with labels ID and samp)es receivcd? If no, documcnt on CUR. Wcre VOA samples without headspace? Ifno, document on CIIR- Were VOA vials preserved? Preservative DHCI O4+?"C OSodium Thiosulfate I Ascorbic Acid Did samples require preservation with sodiua thiosulfate? If yes to #1 1, did the samples contain residual chloriae? If yes, documeirt ou CUR. Sediment present in dissolved/filtered bonles? If yes, docrurent on CLIR. Is sufficient volume provrded for client requested MS, MSD or matrix duplicates? If no, document oo CII& aod contact PM before proceeding.. F- .p' x tr tr c { S. Receipt date(s) > 48 hours past the collection date(s)? If yes, notify pA/pM. P' 16. Are analyses with short holding times requested? ,d fi. Was a quick Turn Around (TAT) requested? O STho?3,*S?"6Ie Rrcciving\Sampte Receiving checkiist 12 13 04 revision l 2/t3/04 STL l)envcr Sample Receiving Checklist l-ot #_ krgin Checks: N/A )'e.r Na E' t lg.Sulficicnt r,olumcprovidcd for all analysis reguestcd? (rcf, Anaehmcnt D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) lf no, document on CllR, aod conlacl PIr4 bcforc plocccding. O rt A 19- Ie suflicicnt rolume providcd for client reguested MS, \4SD or matrix duplicares'? Ifnq documcnt on CLJR, anrJ contact Plvl bcftrc proceeding. tJ ,d 20. Did the chain of cusrody includes "received bf' and "rclinquishcd" by $ienaturcs, d;rres, and timss? 2I- \\,erc spccial log in instruclions rcad and followcd? 22- Were AFCEE nrctals loggcd for refrigeratcd Btorage:' 23. Were tesls loged checlied againsl fhc COC? \4lhicb samplcs werc cortlirmcaZ I 24. \\ras a Rush frrrm corrplctcd for guick TAT".r tr O 25. \\Iar a Shofl Hold form complctcd for anl,short holds? D /F 26. Is'SuictlCo0'required? tr V 21 . Wcre special ardiving instructions iadicated il thc Gcncral Conrncnts? lf so, r'.,hal were thef Labeling and Storrge Checks: ,5 rJ ,gD irI {D !D II fI D Dooum--nl anl,problems or discrepancies and the aclions taken to resol't,e them or a Con<iition Upon Receipt Ar:omaly Report (CuR). .w ,d =r4 {at's :rd {-, EiD trD TI 28. S'as tln srbcoffiact COC signed and spnt witb samples ro botrle prcp? 29- Werc sample }abls double-checled b1,a secoad person? 30. Were sarylc botlcs md COC double cbecked for dissoh,ed/filtercd metals by a recond plrson? -31. Did the sarryle ID, Date, aad limc fiom labcl march u,hat uas loggcd? 32. Wcre stickersfrl spccial archiving instruaions affir-ed to eacb box aud tofrre ICOC? See #27 33. Were AFCEEmctals slorcd refrigerared? .34. Wcrc "Strid ICOC''copies given to satellite stora-se areas? STL Denver a6 co d I. i l i ,- . = [E [ f i g EI E E i B rD -l 'a sE g 6'5o C) -Jg.=ori +c) r-ct , ri . + .a , - oa.T(D t?o o- +: . -, \. - 1 tl . 9FI =axU' i_ -- ' . ,i : I rn .o ff i rn .0 j -' n ,. ,. ^ . 9 '= ( 4 r* 4 5' * ' 1 @ :o-: a .. - a .' ' - - d -' l : , * €{ g i . -' ; '. .- a i* : ; ' ' ni ." - ' { l J* : . - -$ . : . H o-g mzmo ID (]arn J m{.m =T'E' c) .c n rnr .i. 'ooz c7 =oz C, ST L De n v e r STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Aruada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 www.stl-inc.com STL 303 431 7t7t ANALYTICAL REPORT Western Zirconium Proj ect Lot #: D5I020209 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 818 t East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 STL DENVER -z Linda L. Benkers Project Managq September 29,2005 Severn Trent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Gontents Standard Deliverables with Supporting Documentation Number of PagesReport Contents Sfandard Dellverables (Th, Cover Letter and the Report Cover page are considered integral parts of this Standard Dellverable packnge- This report is incomplete unless all pages indicated in this Table of Contents are included,) . Table of Contents. Case Narratlve o Executive Summary - Detectlon Htghltghts. ilIethods Summary . Method/Analyst Sumrnary r Lot Sample Summary o Analytical Results o QC Data Assoclation Summsry e QC Sample Results . Chain-of-Custody Supporti ng Documentatlon (Note: A one-page "Descript' n af Supporting Documentation" is provided at the begtnntng of tltt-s section,). o Volatile GC/MS o Semivolatile GC/IVIS r Volatile GC . SemivolaflIe GC oLCIMS oTHPLC o Metals I Conorol Chemistry . Radiochemistry r Subcontracted Data Check bolow when suppordng documentation is present. nnnnrnmn STL Denver Case Narrative D5r0202U) With exceptions notod as flags or footnotes, standaril analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were encormtered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality control samples analped in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this report meet all requirements ofNELAC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from the laboratory. Sample Recelvlng Twelve samples were received under chain of custody on September 2,2005. The samples were received in good condition at te,mperatures of 23.9"C,24.0"C,23.2"C,2.3"C,2.4oC,2.6"C, 2.3"C,2-7oC,2.8oC and 5.8"C. Note that the ending IDs for samples D5[O2A209-009 through 012 were -O91005 on the chain of custody. Per client instructions, the ending IDs were changed to -{90105 to be consistent with the other samples in this lot. The results for all radiological analyses are included in this report and were performed by STL St Inuis; 13715 Rider Trail North; Earth Citlt MO 63045, phone 314-298-8566. Radiochemistry, Various Methods The method 900.0 MOD gross beta MDA for samples D5I020209-001 through 012 was not met due to reduction of sarnple size caused by high residual mass. The analytical results are reported with the MDA achieved. The method 7110 MOD gross alpha MDA for samples D5lWA20g-001 tlnough 005, 007, 008, 009, Ol l and 012 was not met due to reduction of sample size caused by high re.sidual mass. The analytical results are reported with the MDA achieved. Samples D5I020209-001 ttrough 010 were analped at a dilution for total uranium due to mahix interference. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly. The thorium 229 tracer recov€ry for sample D5I020209-006 was below the conhol limit. The sample was re-pr€,pared and anabzed with accepkble hacer recovery. Gross beta was detected in the method blank associated with batch 5252106 at a concenhation above the re0ofting litnit. All associatd seffi0les had Soss beta concentmtions et leest five times greater than the blank concentration and no further corrective action was taken, A low-level and a high-level tCS standard were analped with total uranium batch 5255166 and they are qpiked at different concentrations. Therefore, the RPD value reported for these two standards does not apply. Both LCS recoveries were in control. Denver The gross beta, radium 228 and thorium 232 MS/[/[SD performed on sample D5I020209-002 were in control. The total uranium MSA4SD performed on sample D51020209-002 demonstrated recoveries below the conkol limit. The gross alpha MSllrdSD performed on sample D5I020209-002 demonstrated recoveries above the contol limit. The radium 226 MSD performed on sample D5I020209-002 deuronstrated a recovery above the control limit. The MS was in contol. The thorium 230 MS performed on sample D5I020209-002 demonstuated a recovery below the control limit. TheMSD was in conkol. The thorium 230 and thorium 232 MSATSD performed on sample D5l02O2Og410 were in control. The radium 226, radium 228, total uranium and gross alpha MS/MSD performed on sample D5I020209-010 demonstrated recoveries below the control limits. The RPD for the total uranium MS/IvISD was also abovethe control limit. The gross beta MSD performed on sample D5I020209-010 deinonstrated a recovery below the control limit. The MS was in control. The isotopic thorirun duplicate was perfomred on a sample from another client and/or lot and was in conhol. STL Denver METHODSW D5rO202f,9 PARAMETER ANATJMTCAI.' PREPARATTON MHTHOD T{ETHOD Groes Alpha (COPRECIP) by GFPC Sl'tM{ 7110 MOD crosa A1pha/Beta by GFpC EpA 900.0 liroD EpA 900.0 Ieotopie 'rborium by Alpha Spectro6copy E![IJ A-01-R MoD Radlum-226 by GFPC EPA 903.0 I{OD Radium-228 by GFPC EPA 90ll liloD Tota1 llranitrm By Iraser nh osphorlmetry ASTl,t 5174-91 Referencea: ASII'i Annual Book Of ASTI.I Standard6. EMt TENVIRONMBNPAIr MEASTREMENTS L:ABORATORY PROCEDTRES MANUAIJT IrASrr-30O 28TH EDITION, VOLIIME I and II DEPARITiIEI{r OF ENERGY EPA "EiASTEB.!U ENI:IRONMEIInAITRADIATION FACILITY RADIOCHEMTSTRy PROCEDURES tr/TAIII'AIJN US EPA EPA 52015-84-006 AUGUST 1984 SMWW 'STANDARD METIIODS EOR Y{ASTE WATERU STL Denver A}IAIJYTICAI-r METHOD MBIHOD/AIYALYSI W D5rO20209 A}IALYST AI{AI,YST ID ASTI'{ 5L7 4- 91 EML A-OL-R IIIOD EMIJ A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD EPA 903 ,0 MOD EPA 9O4 MOD EPA 944 MOD sMww 7110 MOD Referenceg: AslIt{ EML EPA sMttlw Mike Anderson Rtronda Ridenhower Rhonda Rl-denlrower Rhonda Rtdenhower .Timnry Wtleon Bob Nicholas Bob rulcholas Bob Nicholas 402350 050040 60040 060040 4 01,627 4620 0 6 62006 52006 Annual Book Of AgTtvI Standards. trEIiIVIRONMENTAL ME,AST'REMEIITS LABORATORY PROCEDI'RES MANUALT HASI,-300 28TlI EDITION, VOIIITME I and II DEPARIIIEI{T OF ENERGY IIEASTERN EMIIRONMENTAIJ RADIATION FACILITY RADIOCHEMTSTRY PROCEDT]RES IUIANUAI-IT US EPA EPA 52O / S- 84 - 006 AUGIUST 1984 NSTAIqDARD METHODS FOR }IASTE WATER'T STL Denver SAI}IPLEW D5rO20209 WO # SAMPLE# CLIEMT SA},IPLE ID SAIYIPI,ED SAMP DATE TTME H,IWI6 001 H.JI/rc( OA2 Hir\ru(P OO3 Hir\ms 004 rIirvKS 0 05 HJ\'I[JF O O 5 H,f\ru,J 007 HifVLIr O08 H.ITLV 009 H;nrLo 010 I{J\IL3 011- HII\'IL7 01'2 NcrrB (s) : PW-Ag 2-A90105 P9I-A2 - 090105 PW- C2- 0901_05 PW-41- 090105 PW-W- 090105 PW-S1 - 090105 PW-Cl - 09010s swB-910-090L05 s9rB-9-090L05 gTrB-10-090105 shlB-3 - 09010s gwB -7 - 09010s a9 / ot-los oB :00 a9 / oL/ as 15 :15 09/aL/05 r.5:30 oe / aL/ os 15 :35 a9/aL/as L5:40 ae/oL/os L5:.47 oe / aL/ as 15 :5e a9 / ot/ as 07: oo oe / o1/os 1o :55 a9 / o1los t-2:10 09/ oL/os 13 :37 a9 / aL/ os L4:20 - TDe rn8lydcal rcerlts ofrhc snpld lir6d rbovc are prctanrcd on tbc folbwinf ptgos. - AII crlcnlritions erc pcrformcd Mor. roun ling !o tvold roBIld-off crrort h crlcidsl4d r€ful6. - Results no&d a! "ND' ycrc not d6tadod il or rbov? thc sdod limit. - T[ls topon musr not bc rcproducrd, acept in full, wlolout r,lc writtB apl]rovrl of lho lEbontory. - Rentlts for the followi4 prrunelors ero lov€r roportcd on a dry wdgfu buis: color, conocivity. dmfty, fhshpoim, igniubillry, taycrr, ottor, pAint filtc, t4 pH, poroefuy prcssurE, rcacrivity. rcrlox poeadat, ryccific gmvity. ryor tssB, solkh, rclubility, teopcra$tE, viscosity, Erd wcight. STL Denver URS Corporation elient SurcIe ID: PI{-492-090105 Savarn trreat Laboratoriee - RrdLochmlstaTr Lab Sarple fD: Work Order: MaErix: Parartrr D5r 420209-001 HiNrIIS WW Rcrult 5otsrl Unocrt. QurI (Z o+l -) rcC ?rqt lnalyrLt Dats. Ilatc trtoh t Date CollecEed: 09 / AL/ A5 0800 Date Received: A9/A2/45 0900 Yld t GrROgs f,/B Orott lctr Br orPc tPt, 900.0 ttoD 1850 OCLllt 900. 0 !!oD o9lo9lo' agl,.3las 5252106 totrl. tlrrn:Luu, bXr Totrl Urrnluu KPt ra:m[ 5L70,-91 {580 ug llt 5!71-91 09/13 lA5 oel 15/05 5255166 oRogg }. rr cp-DRnerp grofw 7110 rnoD Orosr ll.phr 89O r,CLlt'7110 !!OD o9la8lo5 091L7 lo, 5251473 U-226 BY trPL-903.0 IIIOD Rrdl,ru (2261 7.8.7 ecLlL 903. O MOD a9 la6la3 a912,21a5 52{9099 70 R[-228 BY OFPC Xrd,Lum 77A EPr 90{ ![OD 10-g D,eLlL,90{ l[oD a9lo6los a9l7zla5 52.9100 Iro ltiHORI[ lt (gilOR':f Thorlun 23O Thortun 232 clr) Dot r-o1-B 3.87 0-6{ J l-01-R rffln oglLtlo, 09lL6las 09/13 to, oel 16/05 5256085 56 525608s 66 gcj-lt a .71 0 .39 0.13 0 .19 Drta irG Lnoq>btr rlthouE thr om. Dlrrrtlvo. IDC tr dctcmolnrd bry lnrtnuot pcrlornrucc only. Boltl tcmlt. rrG !r.rt.r tbrE th. IDC it ncrult lr llrcrtcr thra .qrl. dot.ctl.oo ltrtt hrt 1... tbaD rttt.d rogortlag lt[tt. STL Denver IIR$ Corporation Cll,ent S+rrrrrle ID : PW-^L2-090105 Severa Trent taboratorLeg E nrdiochmlrtrryr Lab Sary)le fD; Work Order: Matrix: Paranttr D5r024209-002 HiNZKK WW Irru1t Qu.al lfoEel llborrt. 12 o+ I -l lrDC lnrlyrlr Dagl Dat. nateh I Yld, t Date Collected: 09 /0L/A5 1515 Date Received: 09 /02/A5 0900 cmoss r/B BY Ororr Brtr orPc EPA 900. o ![OD 4830 ecl,lr, 190 900. o uoD ogloel05 09113/05 5252106 trote1 Un'tLun bry Totrl Uranium KPA l8rl[ 3L7t-91 50{o taglL 5170-91 o9ll3to3 a9lt7la5 52s5166 sRoss r BY Co-PRECTD Srmr 7110 !ilOD Orora Llphr 635 pcL/Ir 7110 tloD o9t 08/0s 09tL7 los 5251{73 RA-226 BY IEPI,-903 , O ltOD Rrdluu (226) 15.1 pct/r,903. O UOD a9lo6lo5 aelazlo' 52{90ee 73 Rf,-228 BY OrPC EPt 90{ tlOD D,CLlt 90{ noD 09105/05 a9lzzla3 52a9100 .1,-01-R lloD 09/13 I OS A9 t1,61O5 5255085 o9ll3lo5 a9lt6lo, s256085 Igo TIIORTITU (SIIORT 'lftorlun, 230 llfborl,un Z32 CT} DOE f,-01-R rcD 3.67 0-66 ir o .71 0-29 65 65 Ilata Lr. lacqllrtt rlthont tho caro nnrrativl. DIDC ir drt,orurLatd by Lartnunrut porformrnor orrly. 1016, rtru1tt lr. gruttr thnu tho IDC if Rrntlt la grrruor thrn mqlk dttrstLon 1l-{ b tnrt STL Denver Iorr thBD atatcd rr5rortlng lLutt. IIRS Corilloratrlon CIJ,ent, Samle ID: PW-e?-090105 Srvcrn, Trent rraboratorl,cr - nrdiochrrr{ rBrlr l,ab Sampl-e ID: D5I020209-003 Work Order: H,JVKP Matrix: WW Paranrttr lou],t Qual ItotaI Ilaecrt. (7 o+l-l Date Collected: Date Received: 09 / 01/05 Ls30 ae / a2 / 05 0900 enl yrLr Lt. DrrD htc Batob t oRogg I,IE BY Glrorr Botr grPc rPl 900.0 tf,oD 326 1lcL/L 900. o t@D o9lo9lo, 09 l1.}la5 525210681100 TotsrL Urrnitrn D1z lFotr1 Urr"1um xPJ[ t.grl[ 517{-91 447 uslL JL? 4-91 o9ll3lo5 agt1,rlas 515516652 crnogs }. lr co-PrutcrP glDtw 7110 t@D Orort l.1phr 20.3 DcLIL 7110 t{oD 09/08/05 agllr lo5 s251{73,1.7 2.8 Rl,-226 Br EPI-903 . O t[OD Radiurn (226 ) 0. 03 DtcLlr,903. O !()D a9/a6/a5 09 /22/O5 52490990-13 o.23 u-228 BY OXPC Radium 228 EPl' 90{ ltoD 0-58 tc,LIL 90{ r@D a9/06105 a9 /22/05 52{91000. 54 o.30 0.11 0. 86 rro THORTIIIT 'l[llrorl.rrn 23 O l[horLum 237 (gIIOnr c:f) DoE r-ol-R lroD o-go ir o. 11 ir D,C.Llt'l.-01-n, o9l1s I OJ oel13 I Os ltoD 09lLSlar ae tL6ta, 1256085 5256085 Dita ar. Lncoqllrtso rLtbout tha oaro nrrrlt:Lvc. t@C lr doternlncd lnf lnrtnrnret Dorlomuoo ouly. Dold r.ruIt. rr. gr.ttGr thr! tbc tOC a, norult l,r grrcrtcr thro ru4rlo d.t.ct{6 lhtt hrt 1..a thrn .tot.d rqrotrtr.ag llDtE. ETL fuflE€fl ler ttrrE Ehc rqrlo dotGctl,og lr.Dl.t. t RS Corporation C1i.ent Sasncle ID: PW-A1-090105 Scrrcrn, Tnut LaboratorLeg RrrdiochmI.rtry Lab Sample ID: Work Order: Matrix: Plramtcr Dsr 420209- 004 Hinm5 WW lorrrlts totrl Ilborrt, OurI (2 o+ l -l ilDC Date collected: 0 9 / AL/ A5 153 5 Date Received: A9 / OZ / A5 0900 rr.D .trnrlytl. Ihtc ftt. l ratch t Yld t GIROgS AIE. BY Oroaa Botr orPc EPl. 900.0 uoD 3710 rlct/r,900. o lNoD o9lo9lo5 09l1.3lo3 5252106 Totral Urasluu bur totrl Urnnlum KPr, r8ril 5L74-91 3 610 luglI,317{-91 09 tLS tos 09lL$l os 5255166 mog8 .tr lr co-PREcrP 8Dtllw 7110 riloD Ororr l'lpbr 371 rEi/r,7110 t[()D o9lo8to5 aellT lal 5251t73 Rt-7z.6 BY tPl-903. O r[OD Rrd,Lrrm (226) O. {O o .21 trj.lt o .29 903.O IOD 09106/05 09l77lo3 52{9099 75 RE-228 BX OtrPC EPr' 90{ ltOD pCIlt'901 uoD un 228 Iao 'fHORfIrDt Tborl,usr 23O fhorl-uur 232 10.2 (8UORr grl DOt t-01-R t[OD 1- 15 o-30 ir a9 I 06 lAa 09 t22t as 52{9100 0.34 o. 17 Dct/t l-01-R 09/13 lO' oel13 I As rcD 09l16tas a9tt6t05 o. 09 o.11 5256085 525608s 81 81 or. lrooqllrtr rLthrnrt tL. oar. na:ratlvr. lDtC Lr d.tdrEln A bU l'attruuo' grrlo*usoo ely. Bold rrrult. .rc grcitcr ttrlr th. tDC i, Itcrflt La grcator tbra rrmrle dttootlo llni,t birt lur thu .trt.d roDortlag lfudt. STL Denver URS Corporatlon CILent Sample ID: PI{-W-090105 Ecvern Trcnt Laboratorict E RadLooh@irtry Lab Sample ID: D5I020209-005 hlork Order: HinruCB Matrix: WW Paramttr tre;ult Outl Totsrl Irncarlt - (2 o+l -l Date Collected: DaEe Received: 09 / 01/ 05 1540 09 / 02 / a5 0900 ls:lyrlr Ilrt. Drep Drtst Htorr I GrROSg r/t BY Ororr Bctr orPc EDt 900-0 !!oD L720 D,c,LI'".900. o !@D oelogtos o9lt3lo5 52521065?0 72A Totsal. Ureal.rrn bgz Total. Urrul.um KPf, .Lgttrt 3L7l-91 103 0 lg lr,517{-91 aen3lo' 0el,5lo3 5255166110 OROSS .I' BY CO-PRTCIP glilflW ?LLA Ororr tlphr 198 ![oD I)eT/I,7110 DIOD 09/08/05 091L7 las 5251{73 m-225 BY EPI-9O3.O ltOD tr^adLtm 12261 2.91 nCLlrt 903 .0 !ilOD a9 I 06l A' A9 nz I 03 52a9099o.5{0.36 nr.-228 BY OrPC rrdirrn 2718 EPt 90{ riloD 6. t6 f,cl/L o.9g o.gt 90{ tiloD a9lo6lo5 09122103 52{9100 Iao .:IIIOnIUU ftorlun 23O EborLrrn 232 (sHOnr er) DoE t-o1-R toD o-24 J o. o51 ir S,cLIT..1,-01-R oelr3 ta, ae lL3 I os !!oD a9lL6 t o3 09 I 16/05 5156085 89 5256085 89 0.15 0.081 0.05 0.055 Datr f,rc laoq>Lotr wLtborrt tho ors. nllrrrtlvl, IOC l. drtoralard by Inrtrruat lnrforanaoc oaly. BoId r.rult. rr. 9f,6rtar thr^u tb. tCrC iF Bcrult Ir grcatrr tLaa ramrlo aLucotloB tlett tlrt 1rlr thra rtatcd rqrortlag I'lntt,. STL Denver t RSI Corporation C1Lent garrmle ID: PW-SI-090105 Ssvrrn Trent l,aboratoricg - Rrdlochmlrtryr Lab Samp1e ID: Work order: MatrLx: PararrEar Dsra20209-006 ffiruLF hnltl R.rtrlt Ourl Totrl Ilaorr:t. (2 o+/-) ilDc .Burlyrl,r h,tr hg. lrtob I Yad I Date Collected: 09 / OL/ 05 1547 Date Received: 09 / A2 / A5 0900 oRo88 L,/B By OrPC orori tota EPt 900.0 tmD 780 pCt/r, 760 900. o DCoD 09/09/05 09lltlos 5232106 rotrl Urrnl,un Iilf Totr,I. Urenlur xPjL 181ril 5L7a-91 27t u;glL 517{-91 09 llt to, a9 l!.5las 5355166 (n@g t BY eo-PREcIP 8lffirr 7110 t[oD Ororr Llphr 35.6 oCLlt'7110 lroD oglotla5 09fLT ta, 52511731.3 il-225 BY EPI-903.0 INOD nrdLun 1ZZ6) 1. 85 o.iL? D,cLlT, 0.37 903. O !@D a9l06lf,5 09 l22ta5 52.9099 m-229 DY GrIrPC EP,\ 90r ICOD pC;Llt'901 lEoD 22A ao EHORII,II 2 -93 (gHoRT CB) DOE t-01-R ttOD 1.99 o. {o ir 09/05/ os 09l77la5 5249100 DC;Llr.r.-01-R o9l25l05 09t26t05 tmD 091"7 la1 a9177 la5 |Ehortum 230 fh,orium, 232 a.76 0.36 o. {o o.37 5269393 78 5269393 78 ta arr iacq>lrtr wlthout tho orr. nrrntivg. f,OC Lr drtraLnod btr lartnmat D.Efornrooe ouly. Bold raltrlta rra gaartcr thr[ thc IIDC ,I It .u1t lr qrretrr thrn rrqrb d,otrotloa lldt but l.m tbaa ltrt.d roDortlag 1tdt. STL Denver L2 URS Corryloration CLLent SarcIe IDs PU[-C1-090105 Srrvcra Trent LaboratorLe; - Rrdl.ochgLiatry Lab Samp1e ID; Work order: Matrix: Paramtor Dsr0202a9-007 H,ruIJJ WW Rcrult gurl l[otaI, flagert - (2 o+l-l roc PrrD .trarlyrlr Drtc ht. Ertolr I DaEe Collected: 09 /0L/05 L559 Date Received: 09 / 02 / A5 0900 Ylo t cRogs ^lBGross Beta BY GIFPC EPl. 9OO-O !ilOD 88u f,cllr! 110 900. o !iloD 09/09 los 09/].,3/o5 5252LA6 Botrl- IIrraLun, br!' Totrl Unul,rn xPf, rslxfl 517{-91 15.5 ug ll'517t-91 agtl3toi 0e/15/05 5255166 sRosg t By co-paEsrp glfifTt 7110 DmD Ororr AJ.pbr 5.8 r,cl/t 7110 l@D 09toBla5 091L7 los ,75tl73,3-1 RL-226 BY EPA-903. O !ilOD nadl,rrn (226) 0.lO o.20 s,cL ltt a -27 903. O )DD 09106105 09lzzlos $2t9o99 86 Rl,-228 lg orPc RrdLun 2Ag EPL 90l ![oD 1. 05 g,C;Lll' o-87 904 troD oel06/05 09l22l05 52r91OO fro THOIIUU (AHORT Cf) DOII .I-OI.-R ![OD Eborl.um 23O O.32 if Thorlum 232 0- 010 U o.57 o.18 0. 058 plC!.lft o.10 0-13 l-01-R ltoD oel13 lo5 09tt6loi 09 /13 /as a9 /L6 los 52s5085 7A 5255085 7 8 Data ara taoq>lata rritLout tb. orro rrrrra!173. !{De lr detor:niD.d br Lnrtnruont, pcrtornanoc onry. BoId rorultr lrl grrrtrr thrn uhe mC if Rctult 1l grrcatcr thtu rarrgrlr drtrotlon ltntt but gTL tsetplrte$ Imr tshrn tho rrnplc dctootl.oa lLlrLt. lcr Ebrn rtrt.d rcDortlng llmlt. 13 IIRS Cor?oration Cli.ent Sample ID: STilB-910-090105 Sgrrern Trrnt LaboratorLu - Rrdiocbrqql Btrfz Lab Sample fD: Work Order: Matrl-x: Prrlnat.r D5rA20209-008 HiruLL GI^I Rerult QorI lFotal Ilbot-t. (2 o+l-) mc Prrg rlrlyttt Drto tLtr Batch t Date Collected: 09 / OI/ A5 0700 Datre Received: A9 / A2/ 05 0900 rad r oRosS ^lBOrotl tatt BY OrDe ItPt 900.0 tiOD 1050 pct/tr za0 900. o MOD o9lo9la3 09/13 las 5252106 llotal. Uranlun bUz rotrl. Unnl,un KPr, tg|lltt 5L7l-91 6-73 J u,slt 517{-91 oel13 la5 aellrlos 5255166o.70 GOgg l' Br CO-PRICTP gt{lww Gross Alpha 1-d 7110 tfioD u *LlL 7110 t@D 09/08/05 a9 /L7 /As 525L4732-0, Rr-226 BY EP -903.0 UOD Radlr:n (226 ) 0. 05 0.14 ECLIr,- o -26 903.0 tioD 09/06 /05 0e /22/05 5249099 71 nr-228 BY OrPC Radirra 224 tPl 90{ ![oD 1.69 DcLIL 90{ !iloD 09106105 0el22lo5 52.e100 (srroRT er) Dor f,-01-n uoD o.13 ir -0. 01 u pcllt,.L-01-R oel1s I o9 09/13 /05 tioD 09 tl6l o3 09/L6/A5 63 5256083 77 525608s 72 Thorlun 130 Thorium 232 o.lt 0-060 0-11 o-13 to IIHORIITII lr. lnoqllotr rlthout thr cata nrrrrrtLvl. DIDC tt drtrrrnlaod by lutruorat gorfomauoo ouly, BoId rrrults uG grrcrtrr thrn thr DIDC J RcrulE t r grrrtor thtn mrylh drtrotlon t{rn{ t tnrt $fl H11\feil lert than tbr u4r1e dotoatLoa Ituntt. Iur thrr rtttrd rollortlug lLn1t. 1,4 t RS Corlporation C1l,ent SanpLe fDr SISB-9-090105 Srrrcra trrent LrborltorLc; - Rrdl,ochsnlrtry Lab Sarnple ID: Work Order: Matrix: Pr'rurErr D5r020249-009 H;MLV GW Brrrrlt ItotrI flnotrt. 17 o+l-) ulC Prr1l lnrlytl.r ILtr ILte Drtob I Date Collectred: 0 9 / 0L/ 05 1055 Date Reeeived: 09 / 02 / 05 09 00 rrd r cRosg .L/t Br Ororr Brtr orPC tPl 900.0 t[oD 1810 scLln 520 580 900. o !iloD a9 lo9lo5 09/11 los s252106 Tot,r1 Urrnl.urn Dry Totrl Uranl,um KPr rsrlr JL1 {-9L L71 vg llt 517{-91 oetl.sto' oe/15/o5 5255166 GrROga r' BY co-PnEclP g![g0w Gross Alpha L-8 7110 lDD U Dct/L 7110 tloD 09/o8/a5 a9 /L7 /A5 52574,732-B Rt-226 BY Ept-903.0 ltoD Radlum (226) 0.L3 0.15 pcl/L o.24 903.0 ltoD 09 /46/05 a9/22/05 s24e0e9 Rt-228 BY OrPC Rrdlur 22ll IBPI' 90{ UOD 1.76 o.6l ecLlr, o. 91 90t lnoD ogloFlas oel?zlos 5249100 65 Iro THORTUII (ERORT Thoriurn 23 0 Tt:orir:rn 232 c'lf) DoE .n-o,.-R 0. J.L u 0.0 u r-ol-R riloD a9/L3/45 09/16/Os a9/L3/45 A9/16105 s2s608s 60 52s608s 60 0.13 0-0 0 - 15 a-2 Elrtr rr. tacqllrtr vl,tbout tho cata ntrrtEl.vr. !@c Lt dotrrrnlncd by lngtnrnrnt gcrlorrnanco oury. Bold rorultr r^r. grrcator tsbrn tbt tDC U RcruIE Lr lrrr thrn tbr aaryllc dctcotLou llm:[t. STL Denver t RS Corryoration C].Lent Samole IDr fIIiIE]-10-090105 Sewern Trent Laboratorlor - Itadloehmtigtry Lab Sample ID: Work Order: Matrix: Paraartrr D5r020209-010 ! , HiruLO GW Irnrlt TOIAI Ua,olrt,, QurI (7 o+l-l HDe Pr.g lnllyrLr Drtt Datr lrtoh I Date Collected: 09 /0L/05 L210 Date Received: Og / 02 / A5 0900 Yld t GXROSg AID BY Glro.. DctB GIrnC EPA 900 - O !ilOD 142 0 DlcLlt, 200 900. o ![oD o9la9ta' oel13 lo5 5252106 trote1 Urral,uu brl, Totrl UrraLun KPl, tgmr 5L7l-91 5-62 o. 63 vglt o.62 5L7 l-91 o9/1s to5 09 tLstos 5255166 SROBA I BY CO-DNECIP gHgTW Gross Alpha 0.8 7110 ![oD U Dcf/t 7110 DOD 09/o8/a5 a9/L7 /05 52sL4731_9 Rn -226 Br tPt,-903.0 I'toD Radlun (226 ) O. 01 0.13 D,c.LIL a.24 903. O t@D 09 /06/05 09 /22/A5 5249099 7L B.l,-229 BY OrDC f,ldl,um 2,78 EDt 90{ ![OD 1.Ol o. 60 D,cLlr, o-92 90{ uoD o9lo6to3 aelz"lot 5249100 61 so THORfUII (gHoRr cT) DoE .a.-01-R lrroD o.23 J 0.026 u *Llt n -01-R 09 tlt I 05 09tL3/0s ![oD 091L6l0', ae /L6 / 05 TborLrur 230 Thoriun 232 o. 16 o _472 o.11 0-069 5156085 7Z 52s6085 72 ra. laoqrlrtr rtthout tbr oem nr-rrtlvc. tDc 1l drt,rrrnl,nrd by Lartnunrat, Dcrfor:nrneo oaly. told ruulta atrG grcatcr thrn tb. ilDC .f Buult 1r grrcatcr than tarfllo drtoctlou f lrn{ g but Bfl Dg*?df lcra tbaa tbc raqrlc dotcctl.oa Itrn,t, lcrr than ttatcd rqprtlng llntt. 76 IIR$ Coriporation CLJ.ent Samle IDr SWB-3-090105 Eeverra [reat LaboratorLss - Iradioc[+mi stry Lab Sample fD: Work Order: Matrix: Partlll+tar D5r a24209- 01-1- H,WT,3 Grw Roru1t ltota1 thorr* - OutI (2 o+ I -l D@C Drrp lnrlyrlr Ilrto D.t. Drtoh I Date Collected: 09 / 0L/ A5 1337 DateReceived: 09/42/05 0900 YI'd t GOSS r/B olcort Bctc BY G}rPC EPt 900. o DiOD 792 1rcl/L 900. o ![oD o9to9ta5 aglttlos 5352106 ToEaI Unniun b1r Total llranluu KPr, lSmt 5L7l-91 51- 1 urflllr 517C-91 oe f Lt I os ae llrl a3 5255166 sRoas r By eo-PREetP gr0w 7110 !!oD Ororr .Ll.pbr 2? .2 DC;LIT.7110 trOD ogtasla' ogllTla7 5251.732.8 RA-226 BY I!PI-9O3. O ttCID Brdiua (226) 0.83 0.28 pcl/r 0 .32 903. O tiloD 09 I A6 I 05 09 l22l 05 52,{9099 nn-228 BY orDc RrdLum "28 EPr' 901 ![oD z.L7 o. 61 pci/r, 0-g3 90{ rcD o9ta6to5 agtzzlas 5e49100 7L Igo THORII,U trborLur, ztO Ttr<rrium 232 (8HORr er) ' 0.16 0.o DOE r-01-R J u DcLIr,l'-01-R o9l13/05 a9/L3/05 t[oD oe lL6l olt 09/r6/05 o-12 o-0 o-05 o-1 5256005 92 5256085 92 rrrtr ara l:roqrl'ote wl.thout thr aare unrrrt{vr- l@c [r drtrmtaod Lry l,nrtnrurut grrformrnoc only. Bold rt:ulBl arc grrut,tr thaa tho tIrC J Rt:ult lr grr.rt.r thrr rrqllc dctcctl,oa It-mtt b,ut hm Stl DEhVeU hrr then tbc raq>Ic dctcct!.on 1lmlt. thu rtrtrd rrportlng llrnLt. 77 URS CorlpratLon C1ient Sa.uucle ID: STIB-7-090105 Scvcnrr Ereut t aboratorleg ,' RadlochuutrtrT Lab Sarrple ID: Work Order: Matrix: Parortsar D5r 02A209- ALz H-"n[r7 GW nmul't Quaf Totel lhorrt. (2 o+l-) roc ProIl enrlfrlr Drtr Datr Ert:oh il Date collected: 0 9 / AL/ 05 L42A Date Received: 09 /02/05 0900 YI,d T mo88 r../B Br OrPe Glrorr B.Ea rPr. 900. o D[oD 26U DC!.lL 900. o ttoD 09t09l05 oglL'los 52s21o6 trotrl- trrrnlrrn Iryr Totrl Urrnlun KDt rgm[ 517d-91 7g -l !s'IfL BLt r-91 09/13 lO5 Agll.itos 5255166 GOgg .t BY @-PRtCrP gt0m 7110 ltOD Ororr lJ'phr 8-6 pCLlt 7110 D00D a9108/05 09ll'l I o5 53514712.6 Rr-226 Br EDt-903 . O DIOD Rrdirn (226) O-{O 0.26 scLlt o.39 903. O UOD a9 I 06l o5 Ae l22lo5 5249099 nr-228 tY otPc fPI' 90l DtoD oCt lL 901 t6D a9la6las 09l2'2lo5 5249100rrm 729 2-11 rgo THORIIDT (SHORT cIP) DOE .n-01-R INOD Thorl.un 330 Ttroriurn 232 0.16 0.ol-8 tr U o.15 0.067 0 .15 0 .1{ l-01-R ![oD ogtl3tas 0s tL6lo5 5286085 09/L3 /05 09 /L6/45 525608s C7 67 ta lro lnoqllcte rltbout thr orrc n&rretLva. DIDC lr dotrnul,tlod bryr' lactruilDt perto*ataoo oaly. BoId r..ultr ra. gE ltcr thrn tb. IDC i, Rorult la crrirtar tbr! arw)lo drtoetlo lt.stt but l.rc th!!.trt.d roSnrtLng lr.jEtt. STL EgtilS6[ lcu thm tb. raroglr ilotsrqtion ltntt,.1B OqI}ATA W D5rO20209 9ampIe Preparation and analyeie ConLrol Numbere SAIVIPLE#D{ATRIX 001 I{I{ ww ww wu[ ww htw o02 ww T{IT nil{ WW IlIIf, I{W 003 o04 o05 wvt unil I{!iI hII{ BiIW hIIiI ww ww wt{ ww T,gT{ IM AIiUIYTICAI, METHOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTT{ 5L74- 91 sM$lrf 7]_10 MoD EPA 903 .0 MOD EPA 944 I{OD EMIr A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASrrvI 5L7 4- 91 sMww 7110 MOD EPA 903 ,0 I,!OD EPA 904 MOD EMIJ A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASIIT,I 5L74-91 SMWW TLLA MOD EPA 9O3.O f'!OD EPA 904 MOD EI.IL A-01-R FIOD EPA 9OO.O I.IOD Agrtl 5L74-9L sMww 7110 MOD EPA 903,0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EMIJ A-01-R IPD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTTTI 5L74-91 sMvilw 7110 MoD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 9O4 MOD EMIJ A-01-R MOD EPA 900. O tlOD IIgTtr[ 5L7 4- 91- sMr|}I 7110 MoD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EMI, A-01-R MOD (Cont,lnued on next TEACH BATCH # PREP BATCH * 52s2106 52551- 6 6 525L473 52490 9 9 5249100 szs5085 5252L 0 6 szss155 52sL473 5249099 s24910 0 s2s5 0 85 s252106 s2ss166 5251 473 5249099 s249LOO 52550 85 s2s21 05 52551 5 5 s25L473 s2490 99 s2491-00 s2s6 08 5 s2s2105 5255155 525L473 5249 0 99 s249100 s255 085 52s2 106 5255I- 5 6 5257473 5249099 s249 r_ 0 0 52693 93 !i[sl Rr]N# 5252053 s255L42 s2sL3 19 s249055 s249053 5256L42 s2s2 053 525sL42 525r_319 52t19055 52490 53 5256L4? 52520s3 525 st42 s25L319 s249055 s249 05 3 5256L42 5252 05 3 5255L42 5251319 s249055 52t19053 5256L42 52520s3 525 sL42 5251 3 19 s249055 5249053 5256L42 5252 053 s2 55 L42 s2s13 19 s249055 5249053 5269295 006 hnil ww BI![ $nil I{W BNiI we[ wvu }|lf wrl wrI wrl STL Denver page) 19 ACDATA W D5rO20209 Saq>Ie Preparation and Analyel-g Cont,rol Numbers S.eMPITE#MATRIX 007 oo8 oo9 0L0 o11 GI{ G}T GW GW GW G'!Y oL2 ww ww ww ww WH T{I[ Glw G}I GYT GW GW G"9!f G'Y[ GI{ G$r GT'I G}I GW GW Gtw GW G9I cw ovI GVr GW Gvl GW GVT G',9il ]II{AIJYTICJIL METHOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTITI 5L74-91 sMr{w 7110 MOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 9O4 MOD EMfr A-0L-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASrr{ 5L7 4- 91 SMwW 7110 IUOD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EMt A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTM 5L7IL_ 91 SMWW TLLO MOD EPA 9O3. O MOD EPA 9O4 MOD EMI, A-01-R MOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASITL{ 5L7i&-91 gMww 7110 MoD EPA 9O3. O MOD EPA 9O4 MOD EMIJ A-01_R IITOD EPA 9OO. O MOD ASTI.{ 5L74-91 SMWW 7110 IIOD EPA 9O3. O MOD EPA 9OII MOD EI,IIJ A-01-R MOD EPA 900-0 tlOD ASTM s174-91 gMtim 7110 MoD EPA 903.0 MOD EPA 904 MOD EML A-01--R MOD TEACH BATCH * PREP BATCH # s2s2106 52551 6 6 s2sl473 s249099 52491-0 0 5256 085 5252L46 5255155 525Lt173 s249099 s249100 s2s5085 s2szl..06 52551_55 525L473 5249 09 9 5249100 52s608s s2521"06 5255155 525L473 5249099 524910 0 5255 08s 525210 5 s2s5 165 525 L473 5249099 5249100 s25608s s2s2106 szss 15 6 525 7473 s249099 524910 0 s2s6085 MS RUN# 52 52 053 52 5 sL42 525 13 19 5249 0 55 52490s3 szs 6]-42 s2s2053 s255L42 5251.319 5249055 5249053 5256Lt12 52520s3 s25 5L42 s2s1-319 s249055 5249053 5256L42 s2 s20s3 525s1.43 s2513 19 5249 0 55 524e053 s2 s 6L42 s2 s2053 5255L42 52513 19 s249 05 5 5249 053 525 6L42 52 5 2A53 5255 L42 s2 51319 s249 055 5249 053 525 6L42 STL Denver 2A C1ient Lot ID: Matrix: Plratatar ![EI[EOD BI.f,lTK IPrent Laboratories REPORT - RrdLoch@LrtrySgrrern D5r 020249 WATER B.3uIt Qurl Itotrl lllocrt. (2 o+l -l Drrp Ilrt. I,rb 8r[rlr ID fuIInl1t Datr rrtoh * Ild f Rr,-228 ItY Radlun 228 GIrFC EPr' 9O4 ITOD -0-06 S,cLlt 0-38 90{ uoD 0. 66 15r060000-100s a9 /06/05 09 /22 / A5 5249100 83 Rn-226 BY Radfu:rt (225') EPL-903 . O ![OD o -42 pctlt, o- 1r- 903.0 roD o _21 r5r060000-oeeB a9 / 05 / 05 09 /22 / 05 524,9099 702 OROgg LIl_ DT Glrort Brtr GI'PC IlPl. 9OO. O HOD a-7 pct/r,900. o tioD 1.7 t3r090000-106t 09toetas aell,TloS 5252105 GOgg .1. rI @-PREerD 8lfifw Grosa Alpha 0- 06 7110 UOD U Dct/L a -29 7110 DoD a .5? r5r080000-{73t a9 / 08/ 0s oe /L7 / as 52s1 473 Totrl. Urrrrlut hryr Total Uranl-um t(Pl. rgmt 5174-91 -0-100 u lslL 0.013 5174-91 0.31 FSTI,ZOOOO-1668 09/L3/05 A9/l.5/Os 52ss156 I;o EIIORIUII (BIIG)RE qr) 'llborl,rse 23O 0.21 TtrorLum 232 0. O DOE r-01-R lrOD iI U DTCLII, 0.14 0.0 ^L-01-R lfiOD o. 09 0. 06 15r130000-oE5s 09/13/05 A9lt6t0s 5256085 87 o9/73/O5 09/t6t9s s2s5085 87 fgo .|I'IIORIIffi (AIIORtr C][) DOI! l-01-R UOD Thorium 230 0 - 09 U Thorium ?32 0- OB U Dct/L 0-14 0_10 l-01-n t()D 0 - 20 0.13 r5r260000-3938 a9/26/As 09/27 /05 5269393 et. a9t26/05 09/27 /05 s269393 91 Drtt lr. Laoreloto rlthorrt thr ccr. Etrrrtl.vr. ItrDC lr dlctorrlnld urlng lartnmut pcrtormaaoc oaly Bold rorulta rr. gz..rt.r tbl^E tbc lDC i, R.tult Ir lrroetG tLu rqrlr drtrotlou l,Inlt but lorr thr.n .trt.d ropo,rtlng ltDtt.Sfl flSny95 r... rbra rh. rrqrrr d.r.attoa ltrl.r.21, ClLent Lot lIat,rix: Puerotrr Irebora,tory Control Severn Treat lraboratorl,es D5r020209 WATER lbLlrr trcunt Brrults $otr,1 fDacofr,. (? a+l-l Sary>La Report RldLOchGrrt;trryr f.rb arqrlr fD 0C s@trol t yld t ltro t Lnltr nr-226 Br IBPI-903.0 !fioD Radium (226) 11,.2 Batoh lr *Llt, L.Z 903. O t[OD a-2 rnrlyrLt Dotot r5r060000-099c (54 136)LO -7 5249099 109 96 09t22t05 RN,-228 BT GIPC Radium 228 EPr 901 rfi)D 5.27 Datoh lr DtoD 0.69 frrrtffh Dlt,ar 90 L74 a9/27/As r5ro60000-100c ( 56 747\ Dct/t 90{ 0_855. 01 52{91 00 oltogg t Br eo-PrucIr Gross Alpha gilww 7110 lroD 20 -6 18.6 ratoh lr 5251 n73 7110 UOD 0.4 ranLytl. Irrt. t r5r080000 -{73c t7L 1113 ) D,CLIr. 90 09/L7 /Os OROBS },IE- BT OTPC Gross Beta EPL 900, o liloD 104 Batch tl 900.0 lrcD 1-B raaayeir Drtor r5r090000-106c (74 Lz]} rrgr.lL 89.2 5252106 85 a9/L2/05 TrroRruil (8HoRT C!t) DOE r-01-R tfion DcLII.l'l-01-R ltoD 0 ,1 93 104 0. 05 e3 88 0-0s 93 102 lanlrtrlr Drtrr 09 /1-6/A5 r5r130000-o83c Thorir-rm 278 Thoriurn 23O Thoriu:n 232 8-81- 9.46 8. 82 Drtoh lr 9.2 8.3 9-0 5255085 1-5 1.3 1.4 ( 91 L32}, ( 6s L29l (88 133 ) Iro TIIORrIIIII (8llOnt Thorlum 2Zg Thorluur 230 Thorir:ur 232 clr) DoE t-01-R 8-81_ 9 -115 8_82 Drtoh lr rioD 9.5 7-7 9-6 5269393 DcI/L L-2 1-0 1".2 t-ol-R t[oD r5r250000-393e 0.1 92 108 0,06 92 82 0,09 92 108 lanlyrlr Drtrr 09 / 27 / As (er 132) (6s 129) (88 133) r[otrE ( s] -_- xqg lr drtrnlnrd b1. brtnurat pcrtM ody S'f'Irc&lBIlVSJi r-r porlorrd bolorr rorodlas to rvold rsrd-oft or:or la crlol.t.al r.tult.22 LaboratorT Control Sarp1c lLeg Uuglicate ReDort scvcra Treat, rrrboratoriee - nrdiochoigtr:r D5r020209 WATER Cl-ient I.rot fD: I.vIatrix: Parartrr Splhr fmrnt Borult llrotrI' Uaout. (2o*l-) tYld tRoo I.rb 8rq>1o II) QC Coutrol Ll-uitr Prcoirlos Tota1 Uran{un ToEal Uranium b1r xPr' rffiu 517{-91 40.0 40.7 spk z 8. 00 Z,3O Batoh *r 5255166 us lr,517{-91 r5r120000-166c ( 90 LL?t (90 1L2 ) 139 tRPD 09 / L5/ 05 4-8 0.75 L02 91 krr1'yrLt Drtrr rqfianl .. . .. . ,.,, ,.-. -. .,_.,, , . - ..,, Stl"tgh\iL? rn grrfonrd[ boforo rqsiE-as to rvol.ll rounll-otf .rror Lr oilcrrlat al r..dt.23 Client Lot fD: I{atrLx: Darertrr UATRIX Severu D5r 424209 WW SpJJsr fnorrnt abtrl Urrotrt. EpLtro SfXP:tJ (7 o+ t'l Y:l-d Duul,t 8PIKE/I'ILTRIX gPIKIi lrent LaboratorLcr IXIPLICtrTE NEPORT - nadlochemi Btry Date Sanrpled: 09/01/A5 15L5 Date Received: 09 / AZ / 05 0900 SPTE Rrrult Iotrl QC 8rry>Ie fD Uroarrt. eC Coatfol (2a +l-) tt Yld *Boo r.Lul.tr (BO8g A/B IY Groes Beta orPc IlPf, 900,0 20900 spk2 20900 lrtob, r,c,-lr, 9oo. 0 24A0 4830 2300 {830 lnrlyrLr drtor l[oD 550 550 Pmclel.or 09 /r2 / a5 Dsr020209-O02 87 82 4 IRPD 231 00 22r00 Ir 5252053 t6z 133) t62 133 ) rotr1 Urral.un bl1l, KPt .f,EIl[It 5 Total Uranlum 4000 spk2 4000 3590 a 3850 a I r 52551-42 u.glL 234 460 lnalyrl.r ,LT t-91 504 0 50{ 0 drtrr 600 600 ProoLd.ar 091L5/05 Dsr0202(}9-oo2 -36 a (90 L12l -30 a (90 112) 7 BRPD Drtob OROSE d""" } Bf CO-DRECIP Alpha spk2 ail$m 41-2 4L _2 lrtoh 723 a 766 a lr 5251319 *LlT, 91 94 rDaLyrr.. 83 83 DrcLrLoar a9 /L7 /A5 Dsr020209-OO2 zLL a (50 150) 315 a (50 150) 6 tRPD 7110 tfOD 636 636 drtor u-226 BY lPt-903. o lcoD Radium (2261 11 ' 4 Spk2 11 -d 3A -2 12.2 a Eatclr lr 5249055 pcl/rr 9o3. o D[oD 3.3 77 15-1 3,5 59 15,1 D5r020209-OO2 73 133 (66 1s0) 73 151 a (65 150) Dmcl,r{o,r 7 $RPD 1.9 1-8 lnrlyrlr datrr 09 122/As Rr-228 By Radl-um 228 OIPC IEPA gOt[ liloD 5-34 Spk2 S.35 r,cLlt, z.t 64 2-A 59 rnalyrLr 904 rfioD La.2 10.2 datc r D5r020209-OO2 L7 .g 17.0 tr 5249053 L.3 1-3 64 1{5 64 126 Pnol,rl.onr 6 t62 1,s0 ) (62 1s0) $RPD Drtoh 09 /22 / A5 IIo TEORTUIII (SIIORT Thorium 23A Spk2 Thorium 232 spk2 cr) DoE . 9 .46 9 .46 8_82 8.82 EIEOh pct/L r-ol-R L.7 55 3.67 L.6 68 3.67 1.6 ss 0.56 1 .4 68 0,66 lurlyrLr drtrr a_74 5s 0-74 65 DroolrLonr LT A .29 55 J 0.29 55 D-roLrLou,r 09/L6/45 D5r020209-O02 79 a (79 130) 93 fie 130) 11 $RPD 107 (70 128) ]-oz (70 128) 5 TRPD a^Il_ .1 a L2.5 10-1 9.6 lr 5256L42 ealoultl@t ara l,.!foa'D.d bator. rorrldtrg to avol,(l touDd-glf cnor I-l orloulrt.{l raaulta ft)it al rrrrllt. utaldc o! .trt.al gC UDr.t.. Qrrrlt l. grortot thr! 3rq}1c Octratloa ltltt but lcrr tb]r .trt.d rroortlag !4finYer t .lrlt lr Iail thr! th. rrol.o d.t.otloa ltDlt. 24 T{rTRrX Eevern D5f02 02 09 GW Bp.Iti .[runt SPTKE/UtrTRTX SPTKE Trent LaboratorLcr In PITICf,TE REPORT - Badlocfucrn{,rtryr Date Sampled; 09/01/A5 LZL0 Datre Received: O9 / 02/05 0900 Cll-ent Lot Matrix: Prnntor SPIXE Rrlult TotrI' ulloa*. (X o+l-l fl}fPLI Rrnrlt lotrl IIBO'TE. (3o +l -, Apihr v1d AC Aaqrh ID QC Cet=o1t Yld tRro lLalt; RL-226 lY EFl.-go3,o Radlum Q26l Spk2 0.30 J a.21 u Brtoh Ir 5249055 HOD 11 -5 L7.7 a a g,CLlL 903 - O uoD D5I02O3O9-O1O 0.20 "14 0.01 U 0.13 7L 2 a (66 150) 0.19 75 O.O1 U 0.13 7L Z a (66 150)" 'erool.tLoarr 34 tRPD lorlY:l'r drtsrr 09 / 22 / A5 sRosg ,-Ir tr Gross Beta orPc EP 900.0 l_0{00 Spk2 20900 Batoh Dcl/t 9oo.o 940 L4?O 870 L420 lnrlyrlr drEtr 230 230 prroLtLoar a9 /L2/ As D5r020209-010 6n (52 133) 29 a rcZ 133) 9 IRPD !iloD 8160 7490 a tr 5252053 Total. UnnLun bJr KPt f.Ealt 5 ToEaI Uranl-um 40.0 Spk2 d0 _ 0 L4, -2 a 41 -4 a lr 52551-43 ![gll' 3.6 4.9 rnalyrL. 517{-91 5 -62 5 .62 datr r D5rO20209-010 0-63 2l d (90 ]-721 o't1=.or.rroor fi *xrj'o 'O a9 tlsl 0sBrtcb gRogg Groes .A, AY CO-PRTCIP Alpha spk2 ElffiH 41 -2 4,L.2 lrtob lt scJ.lI., 3.s 3.7 lmlyrl.l 7110 lroD 0.8 0.8 drtsr r u 1.2 U L.2 09 /\7 / A5 Dsr020209-010 32 a (50 1s0) 35 a (50 150) Preol.rier 10 IRPD 13.9 a 15.3 a 5251319 Iso THORIIIII (SHORT Thorium 230 spk2 Thorium 232 SPk2 e[] Dor 9-{6 9.46 8 -82 8. 82 Drtoh *Llh t-oI.-R 1.0 91, 0.23 1.0 86 0.23 1-1 91_ 0-026 1.1 86 0.026 lnrlyrLt drtcr r@D 'J 0. 16 72 J 0.1,6 72 Preclr.l.or u o -072 77 u 4.072 72 PrroLrl.mr a9 /L6 / 05 D3IOZ0209-010 82 (79 130) 80 e9 130) 2 TRPD 97 (7A 128) 102 (70 128) 5 tRPD 8.0 7.9 8-5 9.0 I r 5255112 nr-228 Br Radium 229 orPc EPt 90{ lroD 5 _ A3 qpk2 5.49 Batoh lr !.42 a L.27 a 5249053 tf,Llt 0.57 66 0. s5 56 laalfr;1|r 90a HoD 1_.0{ 1.04 d+trr 09 /22 t A5 0-60 0.60 D5rO20209-010 6L -0.4 a |.62 1s0) 61 4 a (62 150 ) Prcolrtonr 22 tRPD Crlculatlo. arr Drrfotrrd Deforo rormdlng to evold rouad-off rrror la calqrlat.d rarulta r Sptlrod r.nlllto outaldc ol stat.d ec ltattt. _ir__ &.ault 1.. gnartar thru t.q)Ia dl't.cttoo I{r{t b|Et l.ra thra ttrt.d rftortLngSTL flfUwer - U Rmult lr 1or thn th. rmlr trtoctlm ltd,t. DUPLICTTE EIITIJUTITTON REPORf raboratoricg E RadLoahoistry Client Lot ID: Matrrix: ParaEats.r Srvrru Trcnt D5 r O2A2A9 WA:PER Date Sampled; 09 / 07 / 05 Date Received: 09 /OB/05 grxPII Rrruf-t lDotr1 Uacaft. (2a +l-l DUDLICLI'|! t y'lal n fu1t ItlotrI. UDcaft. (2 c +l-l t Ytd, gC Ar4>lo II) Drooirla Ito EHOnrI,lt (gHORlrl Thorium 23A Thorlum 232 c{r} DoE }-ol-R tloD A -27 ,, O.2O -0.0L{. u 0_098 Batob lr 5269393r l-01-R lmD A.77 ,I 0.20 0. 01{ u 0.079 5259393 (Drplicate) pCLlt' 69 69 ( sa&ple) 68 58 D5r0Ba2.37 -006 0.3 $RPD 3430 tRPD DtLr l^ra laoqllrtc rLtbout tho ou. mrrtlwr. CrloulrtLer lro prrfomd botoro roraAlag to rvold, rsund,-off .J*- [onr]t 1r grrrltu thu rrugrlr drtrotloa llntt but tt't P"?llYtt Lcra thf,n tb. mmrrr dotrctlon tl.DLt. crror ln orlauhtlC nnrltr Lcra tbrn rtrtod, rrlprtlag llnLt,. 26 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist w*, ?5f 020,?A.8 . DarelTimc xu.iura, 9ftos 0000 CompanyName&sarnpiing srt", 't 6 U-l/$t Zif - PM to Complete This Section: Ies Residual chl orinc chcck rcguircd:9 No 7" )'es NotrB Quote #: Spccial l-nsrructions : s'Jbto SL buis lt'7 0tl5 Timc Zang. . EDTIEST. CDTICST . MDT/I4ST. PDTIPST . OTI:IER Quarantined : Unpacking Checks: Y z-s F7 c( Cooler #(s): Terrycratures ("C): N/A Tes No D { r t. { c z. r fi. r{o +DiDdtrG. I+tr7- z.3. c(z{,o z3.z ?.L 2.3 EO @- Cooler seals iutact? Oi/A ifhand deliverad) Hao, docurne,rt on CI-IR Cbain ofcusrodypr:sent? Ifno, documeol on CIIR Bottlesbroken ad/or ar;1;alcing? lf ycs, iloomeat on CIIR. Multipiusic sarylcs obvjous? If yes, docume,ut on CUR. Prope,r ccntaiucr & pr:servatives used? (ref. Arachacm D of SOP# DB,I-QA-0003) If ao, documeot on CuR, pH of all sarrylcs checlced and ureet requiremmg? If no, docume,il on CllR Sufici-rrrt volume provided for all aaa.Jysis rcqucsted? (reL /^ttacbmcnt D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If ao, docummt on CIJ& and cortacl PM beforc procccding. { A L Did cbain of custody agree witb tabels ID and samplcs rccivcd? lf no, docum;at on CUR. O I 9. Were VOA saqles without headspace? Iino, documeni ot CUR. D D I0. WereVOAvialsprcserved?Prcscnative JHCI l4*2"C IsodirunTbjosulfaterJ.AscoibicAcid E rtl- Dd sarylcs regriirc preservarion witb sodinm tbiosrrlfate? O D 12. Ifyes ro #l I, diri the samplcs contain residual clrlorine? If yes, docmreut op CIJR. 13. SeriimenipresentiD dissolved/filrcred bottles? If yes, docrmenl on CIJR. 14. ls suffrci:fi voiume provided for cUeui requsstcd h4S, MSD or matrix duplicares? If uo, docum:nr on CIIPe and coutact PIvf before proccoding. O -,{t. Reerp date$) > 48 hours past the collcction dare(s)? lf yes, notify PAlPh,l. { @\, .t . *utyr., with shofl holding times requestcd? tr b' fi. Was a quick Tum Arou:rd (TAT) requested? STL Denver STI- Denvcr Sample Receiving Checklist Sufficicnl volumc providcd for all analysis rcgucslcd? (rcf. Anachment D oJ'SOP# DEN-QA-0003) lf no, dcrcumcnl on Cu& antl annlaci Plvl beforc procecding. D F A 19. ]s slflicicnt volumc pro'r,idcd for clicnt regucstcd h,ls, I\rSD or matrix duplicarcs'/ If no, document on CUR, and conaa P.lvl bcfore procccding Login Checks: N/n )'es No ,rt B rg. Jnitials4I- ,gtrw W-E v ,P fl FD ,fJ tr g 20. Did the chain ofcustody includcs "reccivcd bf'and "relinquished" bl,sigzrarurcs, dalcs, and rimes? [ 21. Were special Iog in in$rucrions read and followcd? U 22. Were AFCEE nEtals loggcd for rclrigeratcd storage'l tl 23. Wcre tests logged chccked againsl the COC? rr\&ich samples were confirmed? ! 24. Was aRush form conyrlaed for quiek TAT? tr 25- \\,as a Short Hold form corrpletcd for anl,short holds? .y26. Is -Stria l@C'rcguired? .y"27- rNerc special aniiving instnrcr,ioas iudicaled in ihc Gencral Commc,rils? Jf so, u,bar were t}lcy? Labelir€ and Storage Checls: I 28. Was the .subcontacl COC sfnod and scnt witb sarryles to bottle prcp? D 29. Wcre sauqrle labels double-drecked by a second parson? I 30. Werc sarqple bottles aud COC double cbecLed for dissolvcd/filtercd mgtals by a second parsou? D 31. Did thc saryle ID, Datc- and Timc fiom Lrbe] march u,bat uas logged? ! 32- Were rtickers for rpecial archiviug insrructions afixcd to each box and to the ICOC? Sce *27 D 33. lltere AFCEEmrlals stored reftigcralcd? tr 34- Wsrs "Stiot ICOC* eopies givclr to satellite s{orage arcas'? I)ocumenl anS,problerns or discr;pancies and the actions talien to resolvc them on a Condition Upon Reccipl Anomaly I{eport (CXIR). Iniials $:ll f, de d Ufr ,I U {T STL Denver 8H J' c o " r E t 0 t - 9 8 € \ H j \ r 9 : l I 2GoEoz.o() \\\u , lETET.u ,E dt Jtda()oIL=Hrl , l=FIUE>tDoLr lztr Jo-oozJJTDEEaEN FI \Hx \- . -SNN5$ s fi - N il \ J \ il \ E o *- J .. _ l j (r ) (s Eo()6,E:t r IoPa=(J aa ro-b6g(J g(DaEEEs .f i 8 n 8 E o- c J X r o E8 ; { l : IE I i E I o U'Yrf , ,=u, TE U) u. l CDIz C14 .. + - \{-+ I \ ET tu=F lt l , h - E" g IUko \ pl$* / 9. \ -i lLI EN cooUJ Ia5(}zfUJ TE rt IU---trHtCTotr Ju,otr ,E : \Jy\uuqJ.- -. J ) -. \ <- { J{A(: (\ ft u =TdF .t - JJB\n$l ^6Efit'Cl- *+ 'ggis a-H u,=tr X x X X X X X SH 3 I N I V I N O C JO ' O N r. , l T r. l N N $l N TI Jko os t / { t s r 4 l X >(Doll , I9,az. fIUCE L+edt* I, { I rl tr * , \ It= t- -C)gE ,E i$ J ,{ u {I s I" - H E I .. w - l 2d f\ -R t ru lf ; " tr la a lo - ulEkuJko u{ x TL tf rE qTI JJ(L-&(DoJIUtt frDI l^+-Ts tnEtn ,( f , : Icr A.Mv) t^f;f r r ts t1 rM!sLnfr-CT 4ft fr : t rr ,- irtf ;)5_l _ Is- rLNutr +\ II (r 1-J -- - -< as1 )' t ---< =2^. J -J5 .< F?FJ =3 UJ=tr-.u,ko nLaqfl - . , INi\l - . -* f*L T3a, xj 4. ) roINl<-A- lr€QsC) tNUI +\d-3& tn (. . -EfII ._ 5& IlnS4&<l t -. - / fr ) I2'- . 1L lJlJEc* ()I\rt=0" t/€Cs<l l a- )UI -2-- : .A tDolUlr lotu(r 29 ST L De n v e r BH J ro 3 1 . 8 0 0 8 € 6 ' 6 U { $ F O 3 l ZoEoz.o() oEE!EUIE *Jfiao'qLE: lUl*u,=tr lUkooz-1 . JEtfu, :Etrulkoftr lEokCLoo50roILoul tuolUE. CI ) . )4(fEIU(r ', A'r - / \ ;' \\a , l ' rIItt ] H, ' tr tu=-tr [- , lUko ; i. \' d) ' .. ouJ-: 'Qi a r. . Z. 'r ='u t cc (Dotu:t rU' :)qz=UJ (r I ,= ! l! . I l. ,. '\ - ir a'{ . . I aYtf=-u, (r t!=tr lXko>-gloLUUJ () Lr . ] t ! k Y ,f x !, ,X x V ". / u. l=t- \r >1 SH 3 I N I V I N O S JO ' O N NJ r. . l - t r' . f \ - 1" . 1' . 4 . n f' ' , h/ - t }TF<o os r u s h f l- 'ooUJ :EIaz=LUtf :' ! ' i ' ' t- I t F()UJE(r (L III ) UJta tlI! oL.E1 r c.PIc)orutf 'ful CEo_ tI lU=skc) u{ x &( f ;E gIUJ(L=aoJtr Jtr It. . r" . a- ; r- ] ' !1 ' . 'r ;L ,- . I nF - ht- -l -' a rr t \II ,r . it - r- " .' . 1 . r ?- .. .J h- . \: .. t -. LU--t-u,ko '.t- .t t. .* \ : tg : '. i - :, -.\ {-. - - t. -, 5 a. t; . f ' ,: r t. a ', . \ t rr.. ar . 't .t .a - . (}oIUt6UJ tr jlIg(Uo- T' bo() (l )EEoa-oE.J(J rboEQi btEsC) gC} -. EaEPgx .f i E R B E Q r- r X * O E P> I - * - : EI g $ B 5 S fr f ; E H g q[ f i ; i r O 30 ST L De n v e r ffisrt URS Corporation Total Metrls Analysis Data Sheet [,ab Name: LoUStlG Number: M atrix: 7o Moisture: Besis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: MS Sarnple Aliquot: MS Dllutlon Fsctor: STT,DENVER p5lQ30r 3e WATER N/A Wet 6020 me/L s2496r 6 50 rnl- 40 Cllent Sample ID: MS Lob Sample ID: MS Lab Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extrtcted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: r AR MS/MS[) psJ0?0230-004s HJYQ9 09101/0s I 2: l0 0910?i05 09:00 09/15./05 I I:30 09/23i05 1 ":1 6 004 Analyte Splke Amount Sanrple Result C MS Result C o//o Rec a Qc Limit Cadmium 0.0400 0.0016 U a.0242 60 N 89- ll0 Selcnium 0.0400 0-040 B 0. r09 t72 N 82 - ll2 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 727 ffisrr [IR^S Corporation Total Metals Anelysls Date Sheet Lab Namc: I,oUSDG Number: Mrtrix; oh Moisture: Basis: Anrlysis Method: Unit: QC Bntch lD: MSD Srmple Aliquot: MSD Dilution Factor: STL DENVER B5t030 r 3e WATFA NIA Wet 6020. my/ln 52496 I 6 50 rnl. 4r) Client Snmple ID: MSD Lab Snmple ID: MSD Lnh Workordcr: Date/Tlmc Collected: Datc/Tlrne Recelved: Dnte/Iime Leachcd: Dnte/Tlme Extmcted: Dnte/Timc Anelyzed: Instrument ID: LAB MS/MSD D5l02o23o-0f4p HJV09 09/01 /05 I 2: I 0 Qq/0^/05 09:0-0 09/15/05 I5:30 A9/?3105 12:16 004 .Anrlyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C 7o Rec a RPD 0 QC Ltmlts 7o Rec RPT} Cadrnium 0.0400 0.0016 U 0.0277 69 N I3 89- lt0 2A Selcnium 0.0400 0.040 B 0.0998 149 N 8.9 82 - ltz 2$ STL Denver Forrn 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheat Equlvalent L28 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -58- POST I}ICEST SPIKE SAIVIPLE RECOVE,RY Coutrlet r IIRS CorporrtLon Lab Codo r STITDEN Crrr No. t 8Ag No. t sDc No-: D5I030139 Lavel (Iow/ucd) t LOfilUatrix ( roL]. /waEcr) : $IATER SIIIPLE NO. Conccntsratioa Unicrr tng/L lnalyt,c Control t imit ,6R Splkad Saryllo Result (ggR) c Saqple Rc;ult (sn) c ApLkc trddcd(81)*R l.M cadmium l75 t25 o.193937 0 .000040 I u 0.20 92. Ol M S.,lcnLgm I 75 tzS | 0.195409 o.ooloozIa a.2a 97 ,21 M STL Denver Form V (PART e) IN ]-29 @CTrE URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lrb Ntme: LoUSDG Nunrbcr: Mutrlx: Yo Moisture: Bssls: Anrlysls Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sarnple Aliquot: Dilutlon Fnctor: STL DENVER D5l030l3e WATER N/A WeI 60IOB mg/L s}{B*17 50 nt[. I Client Srmple ID: Lab Srmple ID: I,rb Workorder: Drte/Ttme Collected: Date/Time Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Date/Tlme Anallzed: Instrument ID: D51060000-617c HJ2JJ 09i l5/05 I5:30 0?/ I 6/05 l6;2a Q2l_ Analyte True Found o/"Rec a Llmlts Alunrinum 2.00 t.9s 97 86 - I08 lron t.00 0.964 96 88-lt0 Magncsium s0.0 49,1 98 9t Ill Potassiurn 50.0 50.9 I02 86-lll Sodium s0.0 47.9 96 9l 112 Zirconiurn 0.s00 0.s38 t08 75 - t75 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 13 0 ffi$rr URS Corporation 'fotal Metals Analysis Dete Sheet Lab Name: Lot/SDG Number: Matrix: %o Molsture: Basls: Andysls Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Srnrple AIIquot: Dilution F'actor: STL TIENVER n51030139 walrER N/A Wet 601 0B mg/L 52496t7 50 rnL 1 Client Sarnple ID: Lrb Stmple ID: Lab WorkOrder: Date/Ttme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Dste/Tlme Ertracted: Dste/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: p5r06000&6t 7c HJz.U 09/15/05 l5:30 09i l9105 I 7: I 8 021 Analyto 'f rue Found ToRec a Llmlts Calciurn 50.0 48.8 98 89- ilo STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysk Data Sheet Equivalent 131 Mm sTr URS Colporation Total Metals Analysis Dtta Sheet I.ab Namc: LotlSD(] Number: Matrlx: 7o Molsture: Basis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Samplc Aliquot: Dilutlon Factor: STI, DENV.EIT Ds1030l39 W,TTHB N/A Wet 60lllp mdL 52496t7 5J) mL I Client Snmple Il): Lab Sarnple ID: Lnb Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collcctcd: Dnte/Tlme Recelvcd: Drte/Time Leachedr Date/Tlme Extructed: Date/Tlme Anslyzodl Instrument ID: psr060000-6r 7c HJ2JJ 09/15/05 l5:30 09i.1,6/05 l4: I 8 0a) Antlyte True Found ToRec a Llmlts Arsenic 2-00 I _93 97 89 - r09 I-cad 0.500 0.483 97 9t-lll Barium 2.00 7.01 100 93 - r 13 Nickel 0.500 0.491 98 90- 110 Silver 0.0500 0.0494 99 85 - 114 Vanadium 0.500 0.499 I00 88- 112 Tinc 0.s00 a.474 9s 8s - r r0 Chromiurn 0.200 0.r97 99 8e- il2 / Copper 0.250 0.235 94 86- r10 \ STL Denver Form 7 I,CS Analysis l)ata Sheet Equivalent 732 @CTT W r-JlL, tlRS Corporation Total Metals Annlysis Data Sheet Lrb Name: I.oUSDG Number: Matrix: o/o Moisture: Basls: Analysls Method; Unit: QC Batch [t]: Srmple Allquot: Dilution liactor: STL DENVER ns1030r 39 W ^TER Ilr/A wc[ 7f.70A mE/1. s25q350 1 Cllent Semple ID: Lab Srmple [D: Lab Workorder: Datc/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted; Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: p5r r 50000-3s0c HKMDT 0911 9/05 l2:30 09/19/05 l8:35 0r9 Analyte True Found ToRec a LImits Mcrcurv 0.00500 0.00486 97 85-il4 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Eqaivalent 133 ffisrr tiRS Corporation Total Metals Andysis Data Ltb Nanre: I.,oUSDC Nurnber: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Besls: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sample ,A,liquot: Dllutlon F'uctor: STI&DJNVFR ps t030 r Lq WATFR N/A Wfl 7470A rng/L 5262486 l_ Sheet Client Sample ID: Lsb Snmplo ID: Lab Work0rder: Date/'l'ime Collected : Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Lmchod: DatelTlme Extrscted: Dste/Time Anslyeed: Instrumeut ID: D5l r 90000-486c HKWI9 0e/??/05 . 14:30 c)9J.??t05 .t?:Al 0t9 Analyte True Found TnRec a Llmlts Mercury 0.00500 0.005 r 8 I04 85-il4 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Eqaivalent 134 ffisrr URS Corporation Total Metals Analysis llatr Sheet Lab Name: L,ot/SDG Number: Mttrlx: Yo Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon Fsctor: STLDENVER D51030139 WATER N/A Wct 7470A m8/1" s2624tl6 I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lrb Work0rderr llrte/Time Collected: DatelTlme Recelved: Date/I'ime Lesched: Date/Tlme Ertracted: Date/Tlme Analyzed; Instrument lD: p5r r 90000486L I-IKW I9 09t221Q5 V:30 99t22/05 19:23 019 Analyte True Found C 7o Rcc a RPD a QC Limits o/o Rcc RPD Mcrcury 0.00s00 0.00512 rc?1.2 85 - 114 l0 STL Denver Form 7 LCSD Analysis Data Sheet Equlvalent 135 ffiSTL URS Corporstion Totd Metds Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nnrne: Lot/SDG Nurnber: Matrlx: 7" Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sanrple Aliquot: Dilution F'nctor: STL DENVER Ds1030r 39 WA'TER NiA Wet 6020 ns& 5'496 I 6 50 m[, I Cllent Sample ID: l,tb Srmple ID: Lab r#orkorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Datelfime Recelved: Date/'l'ime Lenched: Date/Time Extracted: Drte/l'ime Annlyzed: Instrument ID: psr060000-616c HJ2JG 09/15/05 I5:30 A9/?3105 Q7:21 00t Analyte True Found o/oRec a Limlts Selenium 0.0400 0.0362 90 82 - tt7 Cadrnium 0.0400 0.0394 99 89 - r r0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysis l)ata Shea Equivalent 135 STL DENYER Total Mctals Analysis -9- ICP SERIAI, DII,UTIONS Contract: IIRS Corporation S.BMPfTE NO. rlIrRA-r,AB QC SER slxl ![o. r D5I030139 Lravcl ( low/nod,) :Eow frab Codct t STITDEN MaBrl,x ( sot ]./water) : WITER Cage No. t SAS !Uo. t liluminum CaloLum II Iron, Lro PotassLrrur Magrrrcal.rrm Sodirrsr H Zirooniurn Concantratsion UrrLt a t ug llt 0 .017 o-085 rnit,ial Saryr]-c Rrau1t (I) Serial Diluti.on nc;ul.E (S) 150. 64 156-15 170. 63 159 .93 115,15 LLI .7IL 3292 - {0 314{.80 o.00150 0.00800 STL Denver FonT IX IN 737 STL DENI.ER Total Metals Analvsis -9- ICP SERIAI, I)TLUTIONS Contract: IIRS Corllont,l.orr S}}IPLE NO. rDrrRA-LAB QC gER gDO NO. r D5f030139 Level ( low/ncd) :LOVI Lab Code : STITDEDI Cago No. 3 gAS !fo. 3 Matsrix (sotl/watcr) r I{AIEIIR llnaLytc fnLCiaI grrqlrlc Rosu}t ( I ) c Serl,al DL1ut,Lon RrruI.t (8) c 96 Dl.f,far- 6nc€a !,! I Arseaic o. 0049 B o .0 220 tu 1oo - ol P Barurm 0,093 0.086 3.6 P ChromLurn 0.00250 U 0 .01300 tu P Copper 0.0045 u 0 . 0225 tu P Lraad 0.0025 u 0 .0130 U P Nlckel 0.0033 B 0. oo50 tu 100 .0 P SLLvcr 0. 00280 U o . o1{oo lu P Vanrad,Lun 0.0 a27 B o.0125 (,100 .0 P ZLnc,0.005 B o. o25 U 100 .0 P ConccntratLon tlnitg: urgfl,, STL Denver Ionn IX fN 138 STL DETWER Total Metals Analvsis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS Contsract: IIRS| Co=arorrgion STUPLE NO. ID*TR.B,-I AB AC gER sDs NO. r D5I030139 Leve1 (Iow/med) r Lrt Codc r STLDBI Caee SAS No. : MaBrix (roL}/waEer): [tf,TtR I cadmi-um Se]-eni.rrm Conocntration units t rrgll,; 0.0000{0 o. ooo2oo Ju fnitirl garqplc Rcault (r) ErrLa1 Dilutioa Rrnult, (8) o - 001007 0.001550 STL Denver For:n fX IN 139 STL DENVER Total Ntetals Analysis - t0- METI{OD DETECTION LIMITS Conrrucr, t URS Corporation Lrb Codar SILDEN fCP ID ltuurbcr r PE f CPMS Flamc An fD Dlumbcr I Frrrnacc A.B ID Nrrrnbor r Cagc No. :8AS ilIo. r Datcr 5 ILO l3OOs sDo NO.: D5I030139 Anrlyt,c feotol>r Btch* grround PQL (trg/L) MDT, (ng/L)M CadsrLrrm 111 0.0010 0.0000{0 M ScI'cnirun 82 0.0050 o.00033 M Coruaantg: STL Denver Fonn X - IN L43 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -ilA- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (AhINUALLY) Contract r IIRS CorooratLon Lab Code t gTfrDElI ICP ID llUmberr T.IA Cartl No-: rntrepl-d rCP a g [b.: Datc: ElL9lZOOs gDC NO.: D5I030139 wave- length (un) rnterelement Corsctlon tractors forr Mg rnalrt.e AgA1CaFe Lr rr*--h' r-yn, l " I' 198 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. o0oo0oo I o. 0oooooo rluutnum I f ez,0B1 o.0oo0ooo I 0.0000000 0.00182001 0-oooooooI o-ooooooo Alnnrlmrm I gO9.zTL 0.0000000 J o. oo0oooo o.oooooool 0.0007?110 I 0.0000000 AntLmony l'206.838 o.0ooooo0 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oo0oo00 I 0. 0000000 rrsenLc I 189. o{a 0.0o00ooo I 0,0o00ooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Barturn l{55.403 0.0000000 I o-0000000 0.0o00ooo[ 0,0000000 1 o. ooooooo Berylllrrur Ifff.0{z 0.00o0ooo I o-ooo0000 o. o0oooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Boron lrog.6?8 0.0000000 | o.00ooooo o.oooooool 0.0000000J 0,0000000 CadmLum l?26. s02 o. oooooo0 ! 0.0000000 0.0000{201 0.0ooo0o0 I 0. oo0oooo calcl,urn I arz. g33 0.0000000 J o, ooo0ooo o. oooooool o. oooo32o I o. ooooooo calcl,um I 318. tAB 0. 0000000 I 0. 0000000 o. oo0000ol o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Chromlrrm lrST .7LG o,0000000 I 0. oooo0o0 0.00000001 o.oooooool o.ooooooo cobalr 1228.616 0. ooooooo I o.000oo0o o.oooooooJ o.oooooool o.ooooooo coppcr I ,a 4.Tl3 0.0000000 I o.0000ooo -0,00002001 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 rron I ,s9.9r0 o. ooo0000 I o.00o00oo 0.00oooool o.ooooooo I o.ooooooo rron lz7 t. {01 0.0000000 I 0.0o0oooo o. oooooool 0.0020100 I 0. oo000o0 r,ead |1220.353 0. o0o0o00 I 0. oo0000o 0.00000001 o-oooooooI o.ooooooo r.luhlum I szo. z8d o. ooo0000 | 0,0000550 0. oooo0ool 0,0000000 1 0.0oooooo t{agrnerirrrn 1279. Oz9 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo o- oo05o20l o.000ooo0 I o. ooooooo Mangartoao lZSt. 51o 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I 0. 0000150 J o. 0000000 Molybdcnum IZOZ.030 o-0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooo0oof o.o00oo0ol 0.0o0oooo rsl,ckal lrtl .6 a4 t2 o. ooo0000 I o.0oo0o00 0.oooo0o0l o.o0oooool o.oo0oooo ptroephorur I L78 .ZB7 o.ooo0o00| 0.0000000 o-oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Pot,asslurc lre6.{91 0 .0oooooo I o. 0000000 o.00ooo00l 0. 0oo00o0 I 0. o000ooo Selcnlun I rg6.090 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o, o0o0oool o.0oo0ooo I o. ooooo0o st-llcon I asf .612 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo stlicon I 2s1.61u 0.0000000 I o.000oo0o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sl,lvor I 329.068 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sodl,uu I gS9. s92 o. ooooo0o | 0.0000000 o.oooooooI o.oooooooI o-ooooooo sodium I efa.3zo 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 0. oooo0o0[ o. ooooooo I o. oooooo0 BtrontLun lAOl .7'li 0,oooo000f 0.00016?0 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. o0ooooo Thalliun I 190.86{0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0 . o0oo000 I o. 000ooo0 I o.0oooooo Corunentg r STL Denver Form xr (PIRT 1)-IN L44 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -llA- ICP N\MERELEMEI\IT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) contrBct: lgLCAEAeelioE . Lab Code: SI1,LDEN Cara No. : rnt'repid ICPfCP rD Nrrmbar: EiI} Cortuuents ! EIfg No.: Datc: I l1.g lz00s gDo No. g D5I030139 ThorLurn I 283 .73O 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00085001 0.0ooooo0 I 0.0000000 rln I 199.989 0, oo0oooo I 0.0000000 o.oooooool 0.0000000I o-ooooooo Titanlunr I 33{.9{1 0.0000000 I *0.0000320 o. oooooooJ o. o0oo240 I o.0000ooo uranl.um I 3B5. g5B 0.0oooooo I -0. ooolo2o -0.00085401 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 vanadlum I aSZ -AAz o. oooo0oo I o.00ooooo 0.00010101 -o.0000130 I 0.0000000 zLnc I arf,856 0.00001301 0.0000000 o. oooosgol 0.0000000 I 0. 0000ooo STL Denver Form XI (P.LRT 1)-IN 745 STL DE]VVER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR,S (ANNUALIY) Contract: IIRS Cor:ooration f,ab Codc: STITDEN ICP ID lguMborr TJA Cage No, t lntrepld ICP 8Ag No. t Dat€r 8 /L9lz00s sDc NO.: D5fO3O139 lna11t,e WavG- lcngrth (m)Ac rntorclcmcnt Corractlon Faetorg BBa for r Be ed Z;rcaYI ia-nt- I 339 ' 198 o,000ooo0 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo Ahrmlrztrm ! rsZ.081 o-0000000 I o-0000000 o.oooooool o.oo000ool 0.0000000 Alnnirrun 1309.27L 0.0o00ooo I 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo entimony I ,06.83I 0,0000000 I o. o0oo0o0 0.000ooool o.ooooooof o.ooooooo ArscnLe l189.oa.z 0.0000000 J o.00o0ooo o. oo0000ol o - ooooooo I o. o000ooo BarLurn Jous-{03 o.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. ooooooo I 0. ooooooo gea:yllium Ieff .042 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Boron l2t9.6z8 0.0000000 | o.0000ooo 0.00000001 o.oooooo0 I 0.0000000 cadmium lrZ6. Soz o.ooooo0o I o-0000000 0. oooooool o.00ooooo I o. ooooooo calciun lsrz.933 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0000l 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo calcium I318-L28\o. ooo0000 J 0. o0000oo o. ooo0oool o. ooooooo I o. ooo0ooo /chromlum lzdz. 216 0.0000000 [ o-ooooo00 o. ooo0oool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo cobaLt 1228.616 0.oooooo0 I 0,000oooo o. oooooool o. oo0oo0o I o. ooooo00 coppcr J szl.z53 0. 00ooooo I o. ooo0000 o.ooooooof o.oooooool o.ooooooo rron I 259.9{0 0.0000000 I 0. oo0oooo o. oo00o00l o, oo0oooo I 0.0000000 rron a2T1, {{1 o.0000000I o-oo0o0o0 o . ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Lcad .220.353 0.0o00ooo I o. ooo000o o . ooooooo l o. ooooooo l o. ooooooo r.ltnirrn 16T0. zg{o. ooooooo I o. o0o00o0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Masmegrun Jrr 9. o?9 o. ooooooo I 0.00o0ooo 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. oooooo0 Dran0ranare 1257 .610 0.0000000 | o. o0ooooo o.oooooooI o-oooooooI o.ooooooo Molybd.saun IZAZ. 03 0 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0. ooooooof 0.0000000 J o. ooooo00 Nickel I 23 L.60412 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o,oooooooJ o.oooooool o.ooooooo Phogptrorua Ifrg.ZB'l o.ooo0000l 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooo0o0o I 0.0000000 Potarrl,um 17 66. d91 0.0000000 J o-0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Seleniurn I f g6.090 0.0000000 f 0,0000000 o - oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sllicon I 251.612 0. oooooo0 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo gtllcon I rsl. Gls 0-oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sLlver 1328.058 o.0000000 [ o. o00o00o o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sodtrrm I s49,592 0.0oooooo | 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o . ooooooo sodiunr I AfA-326 0.0000000I o.ooo00o0 o.oooooooI o.oooooooI o.ooooooo ftrontlum I {0? .'t7 L 0.0oooooo J o. o000oo0 0.00000001 o-oooooooI o.ooo0ooo Fholltum I rgo. gcd 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 0.00000001 o. oooo0oo I 0.0000000 STL Denver Form xr (PART 2l .IN l-45 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -IIB- TCP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORSI (ANNUALLY) Contract : IIRS (orporat,ion Lab Code: gTfrDEN rCP rD llrmberr TifA Carc No.: Intrepid ICP gtg Dfo. l Dato: I l1,glz00s SDg NO. t D5I030139 Trrort.run I283-730 o.ooooooo I o-0000000 o - oooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo Tin I 189. ggg 0.0000000 I 0.0oo0o0o o.0ooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Titaniurn I 330.9{1 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. o0o0ooo I 0.0000000 uranir:rn lrt5.958 o.0000000 | o.0oooo00 o.000ooo0l o.00ooo00 I 0.0000000 vanadium lrr2.!LO2 o-oooooo0 [ 0.0000000 0. oooooool o.0ooooo0 I 0.0000000 zinic I 213.850 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I g. ooooooo conmentg: STL Denver Form Xr (PART 2'-IN L47 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -l18- ICP INTERELEM ENT CORRECTION FACTOR.S (ANNUALLY) Contsraet: URS Cor:ooratLon Lab Code: gTfrDEN ICP ID Dfluilber r l[,IA Care No, i Intrepid feP A.Lg No.: Datc: I l1g l?OAs gDo No. r D5r030139 .rrralrrtc wave- 1cngtrb ( nru) Intcrclamarrt Corroction Factorg Cr C\r for: K MnCo 7;r^c6r1, r.-rn I 33 9 - 198 0. o0ooooo I -o. o o]-2g00 o. o0oooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Alurrinum Ife2.081 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo rlumLnr.m lf og.zTL 0. o0ooo00 | o.0000000 o. ooo0oool o. ooooooo I o.0000000 .f,nt,lmony I 206.838 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0o00oool o.00o00oo I o. o00oo0o .[rgen:[c I 189.002 0.0000000 I o. o0oo00o 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. oooo000 BarLrrm J tSS. c03 0.0000000 I 0. o000ooo o. ooo0oool o. o0oo00o I o.0oooooo Ber:,111",m I 313 .OtLz 0. ooooooo I o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Boron lrog. GzB 0.0000000 I o.0000ooo o. oooooooJ o. 0oo0oo0 | o. ooo000o Cadml-um |,226. soa 0.0000000 | o. 0000000 0.00000001 0. ooooooo I o. oo0oooo calcl,rrn I Sfz.933 0.0oo0ooo | 0.0000000 0. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. o0ooooo Calct um I 318. ra8 0.0000000 I o. o0o0o0o 0.0oooo00l o-0000000I 0.ooooooo Chromlrrm J267.'lL6 0.0000000 I o. oo0o00o 0.00000001 o.ooooooo I o.oooo720 cobalr l2,e8 - 516 0.0000000 I o.0o00o0o o. ooo0oool 0. ooo00o0 I o.0oooooo copper J szc.zs3 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oo0oo0oI o-ooooooo rroD I zsg. g{0 0. oooo000 | o.000ooo0 0. oooo0ool 0. o0o0o0o | 0. o000ooo rron, lz7 1.4{1 o. 1300000 I 0.0000000 o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Lcad, I 220.353 o. ooo0o00 ] o. 0000000 o. ooooooo I 0. 0000000 I 0. oo0oo0o r.Lttriunr I ezo ,794 0.0000000 I o. 00ooooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Magllsalurn 1279.029 0 .0ooooo0 I 0. 0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 -0-0035590 l.taapranorG lZSt. 610 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0000l o. ooo0ooo I 0. oooo000 Morybderuun lzaz.03o 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo o. 00000001 o.0o00oo0 I 0. oooo00o lulckel I 23 t. 6 04 t 2 0.0oooooo I o.0000000 0. oooooool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo Phospborus Ifr8.282 o. o0000oo I o. ooooooo o.ooo0000l o.oooooool o.ooooooo Potasstum I ,e6. {91 o. oooo000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool 0.00000001 0.0000000 Selenl.rrrn Itg6-090 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o . ooooooo J o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo stlicon |zr1.6t?0.0000000 I o,0ooo0oo 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo stlleon I ,S1. G1s 0.0000000 I o-00oooo0 o,00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo SLlwer I 328.068 0, oooo000 | o. o00ooo0 0.0000000f o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sodirrm I ug9. 59,0. o00ooo0 I o. oo000o0 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sodfu:n Jars .tzi 0. 0000000 [ o.000oooo 0.00000001 o. o00oooo I 0.0000000 lStrontium IlOz .77L 0-000oooo I o,oo00o0o o.0oo000ol o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 7rIrallitln I rg0, gG{0. oooo0o0 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Conurents r STL Denver Form XI (PART 2l -IN 14 B STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis .IIB. ICP INTEREI,EMENT CORRECTION FACTOR,S (ANNUALLY) Coatract: URS Coroofatioa . Lab Code r S1r1TDEN Caro No.: rCP flAg No.: ICP rD lUurnbar: Ein, fntsrepid Date: 8 l19l?OOs Cormrentg: gDo sro. r D5I030139 Ilhorl.uur J283.730 o. ooooooo I 0.0o0oo0o 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo Tln I 199.989 0. o0oooo0 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool 0.0000000 Titanl,rrm I 33{.9{1 0.0o0oooo I 0, ooo315o o. oooooool o. o0oo00o I 0.0000000 uranlun I aes.gs8 0.0000000 J o. oo00o0o 0.00000001 o.oooooool o.ooooooo vanadLum I 29z-*Oz 0.0000000 | o. oo022g0 0. oooooooI o.0oooooo I o. oo0oooo zLnc l zra. BE6 0 - 0000000 I o. o00ooo0 0.00094401 o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo STL Denver Fom xI (PART 2l -fN 749 STL DENVER Contracts URS Corooration Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP TNTERELEMENT CORRECTTON FA CTORS (ANNTIALL\O Caga No. r rCP S.Lg No. : Dates 8 ll9lz00s Lab Codc a gTfrDEN ICp ID lltrrnber: Tim. fntrepid gDc No. r D5I030139 rna11t,e wav6- leugtb (nm) Intcrclamant CorreetLon faetors Na NL for: Pb sbHo Zir^Cgy-tr 1,.-yyr I339- 198 0.0009000 I o. ooo0000 0.o00ooool 0.00000001 o.o0ooooo tLuminum I fez.OBL 0.0000000 | o. o0oo000 0,00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rlnmLnum I 30 g .27 L 0.000oooo I o.00ooooo o, oooooool 0. 0000000 I 0. 0000ooo entlmony I 206.838 o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooo0ooo I o. oooo000 ^trsenic I tt g.A4z 0.0000000 | o.00o0ooo o - oooooool 0.0000000 1 0,0000000 sarlrrm lls5.{03 o. oo0o000 I 0.0000000 0. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 serytllum I sra .042 o. 0000000 | o. ooooooo 0,0oo00ool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Boron lzt9.6?B o. oo00o00 I o. oooo000 0.00000001 0. ooo0o0o I o.00o0ooo CadmLum 1116,502 0,0000000 I o. o0000oo -0. ooolg?ol 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 calciun I afz.933 0.0000000 I o. o0o000o 0. oooooool o. ooooooo ] o. ooooooo calcLr:m l318.LAB o. oooooo0 I o.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 chromLr:n lZSz.716 0. oo0ooo0 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo cobalr 1228.615 0.0000000 | o. ooooo00 o.oooooool o.0oooooo I o.oo00oo0 copper I32{-253 0.0003{00 [ 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rron I zss.g{o 0.0000000 J o. 0000000 o.00oo0ool 0. oo0oooo I o. oooo0oo rron lzr1. {{1 o. 6015000 I o.0000000 o-oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo r.€ad lrro.353 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.ooo0ooo I o.00ooooo r.l,th,lurn l6?0.'tg{;0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0o00l o. 00ooooo I o .0000000 MagaesLum lrr9.0?9 -0.03s8000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Mansanese IZSZ.510 0.0000000 J o. oo0oooo 0.00000001 0. o0o0ooo I o. ooooooo Molybd,enum lZAz.030 0.0oooooo | 0, ooooooo 0. 0003400 I o. ooo0ooo I o. ooooooo luiekel lrSt.Gat/z 0. ooooooo I o.0o000oo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo phorptrorus I rz8.2Bz o.0000000 I 0.000oooo o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Potasslun I zee. agi 0.000oooo I o-0000000 o . ooooooo I 0.0000000 I o. 00o0ooo selenitrn I 195.090 0. ooo0o00 l 0,0000000 o. ooooooo I o. 00ooooo I 0. ooo00oo stlleon I zsr. G12 0.0092000 I o.0oo0ooo 0.00000001 0. oo0oo0o I 0.0000000 stlLcon I ,u1. 615 0.0 o92ooo I o. ooo0ooo 0.00000001 o.oooooool 0.ooooooo sLlvor I rrg.068 0.00ooooo I o.00o00oo o. o0ooo0ol o. oooo0oo I o. ooooooo sodirrn I 599.592 0. oooooo0 | o. oo00ooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo godlnrn I sra .326 0.0o0oooo I o. oooo000 o.o0oooool o. oooo0oo I o. o0ooooo aStrontiurn I AOz .77L 0.0000000 I o. oo000o0 0,00000001 o-oo0ooooI o.ooooo00 Truarltum l rgo, s6a 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Comnentg I STL Denver Form Xf (PART 2l .IN 150 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -uB- ICP INTERELEMEI\T CORRECTION FACTORS (AI\NUALLY) Contractr IIRS CorooratLon Lab Coda: STLIrEN Cage No.: fntrepid IePrCP ID ![rMbAr: TiFA Date: 8 ll,glz00s Cornmentg: g.f,g No. t sDc No.: D5I030139 trhorlum I 283.730 0.0oo00oo I 0.0000000 0.-00000001 0-0000000 I 0.0000000 Tin 1199.989 0.0000000 1 0, ooooooo o - oooooool o. ooooooo J 0.0000000 Titanium lrf{.9{1 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0, 0000000 1 0.00o0ooo uraniurn I 385.9i8 0, ooo0000 I o. o0ooo0o 0.0000000J o. ooooooo ! o. ooo0000 Vanadl,rrnr IZSZ.lA2 -0.01?s000 I 0. oo0o000 o - ooooooof o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 zinc I 213.856 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0. oo{38ool o.0000000 I 0. ooooooo STL Denver Form xr (PIRT 2l -IN 151 STL DENVER Contract r IIRB Cor:ooratLon Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANN UAttY) Caaa No.:grg [Io. r gDGl No- : D5I03O139Lab Code s STLDETI rcp ID !$unber r l[irA rntreSlid Icp Dat,e: 8 llg lz00s WAve- langrth (run) ruterelonrent CorrectLon ractorg for: SrArralybesi riSs8n j t I 999.198t- lfCC,-nt ll ffr ,0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 I o.0o0oooo rluml.num 11,67. OEL 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oo0oooo I o.0000ooo I o. oooo000 Alumtnurn lrO9.2?L 0, oo000oo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool 0.0000000 Antl,moay lao6.B38 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.0000000| o.oooooooI o.ooo0o00 Argenie I 189, o{z 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. 0000000 | o.0o00ooo Barium I {5S.403 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 0. 0000000 | 0.0000000 I -o - 0001930 Berlzlltunr J:ff .OLz o-oooo000 I 0.0000000 o.o0ooooof o.ooo00ooJ o.ooooooo Boron I 2{9.678 0.0o00ooo I 0.0000000 0. 0000000 I o. ooooooo I o. oooo000 cadmitrm I226.50a 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. 0000000 1 o. ooooooo l o .0ooo0oo cal.cLum I Srz.933 0.0000000 I o. oooo000 0.00000001 o. oo0oooo I o. ooooo00 caLcLum I 318.128 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 ctrromium IZSZ.TLG 0.0000000 I o. oo0oo0o o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 I 0. ool2ooo cobalt lzzt.615 o. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o.00ooo0o I 0.0000000 | o. oolsooo Copper ! fza. T53 0.0000000 I o.0000000 0.0000000 f o. ooooooo l 0.0oooooo rron I zSS.9{o 0.000oooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 rron 127 1.{{1 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo o. ooooooof 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Lead 1120.353 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000 1 o. ooooooo l 0,0000000 rlthtum |!670 -78{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000 J o. ooooo0o I 0. o000ooo I'tagraesiLrst l,279.0?9 0.0000000 I o. o00oo00 0,00o0oool o-oooooool o.oooo000 Mangrancse lzsl,610 0.0000000 I o.00o00oo 0.o00ooo0l o-oooooool 0,0000000 nrolybdanum 1202,030 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oo0ooool o-oooo000l o.0000ooo xLckal I zr L.60L/2 0.0000000 I 0.00ooooo o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Ptrosptrorrrs 1178.287 0-0000000 J o-0000000 o.oooooooI o.oooooooI o-ooooooo Potasslum I 755.491 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.00oo00ol o.oooooooI o-o00oooo SelenLum J 196. O9O 0,0o00ooo I o. oo0oo0o 0.0000000f o.o0oo0oo] o.oooo000 silleon ll2s1.612 0.0000000 J o.00oo0o0 0.00000001 o.oooooool 0.0000000 gtlLcon l2s1. Gls 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo sllver I ,eB. 068 o. ooooooo I o.0oo0o0o 0.00000001 o. o00oo00 I o. ooo35{o sodlum I 589.592 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - oooooool o. ooooooo ! o. ooooooo sodlun 1 S18.326 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0. ooooooo l o, oooo000 lStrontium ! COZ .77L o. oo0oo00 I o,00ooooo o - 0000000 I 0. 0000000 I 0. ooooooo Trhal llum l 190 . BGd 0.000oooo I o.0ooo0o0 o-ooo0oool 0.0000000! o.ooooooo Comttents: STL Denver Forn xI ( PART Zl fN a52 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -tlB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR.S (ANNUALLY) Contnet: IIRS Comoratlon Lab Codc r STLDEN Cage Dro. ,sAs tilo. : ICP ID !$rmber r lfifA fntrepid ICp Date: 8/L912005 Conmentg 3 sDG No. r D5I030139 trtrorLum | 283 .730 o. ooooooo I 0. 0000000 o.O0ooooo[ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Tl,n 1 199, 989 o. ooooo00 I 0,0000000 o.0000oool o.oooooool 0.0000000 Titanl.um [33{.9{1 0,0000ooo I 0. 0000000 o. o00ooool 0.0000000 | o, ooooo00 uranJ.um lEg5.95B 0.0000000 I o.0000ooo o. oooooool 0. ooooooo I 0.0000000 \nrnadlum lZlz.4Oz o.0oooooo I o-0000000 0.00000001 o-o000oo0J 0.000,1[100 zLnc, I zra. 856 0. o000ooo | 0.0000000 o.0oo0oool 0.0000000 | o.ooooooo STL Denver (PART 1-53 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -1 tB- rc p r NT ER ELEM.ENT CORRECTION FACTORS (AhINUALLY) Contract: IIR8 Corporatlon r,ab Code: STI;DEN ICP ID lsumbar: IfiIA Cage No-: rnt,rerlid ICP grg No. r Datsr 8 l1,gl?AOs sDc No.: D5I030139 enalyte wavc- lcngrtb (on)T1 Intaralcmant CorrcctLon Factorr UV for: Zn Tb Zicc-c>-', Lt-ffi I 339.198 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo o - 0ooooool o. o0ooooo I 0.0319000 .L}ulmtnum I 162.081 0.0000000 I o-0000000 0.0ooo0oo[ o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Al-uml,nrrm l309.ZTL 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0. 0000000 Arrtlmony J 206. 838 o.ooooooo I o.0oo0ooo o.ooooooo[ o.ooooo0oI o.oooo0o0 rrsenle l1Sg.a[z 0.0000000 J o.0000ooo o - ooooooof 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 sarl.um I 45s. {03 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooo3o3o serf,IIJ.,m ]Sff.O{2 o. ooooooo I o.0000000 0.00035901 0.0000000 I -0-0000100 Boron I z49.628 o .0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. 00o0ooo I 0. 0000000 cadmium 1"26.502 0.0000000 I -0.0002070 o . ooooooo I 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 calclum I ffz.933 0. oo0oooo J o.0o000oo o.oooooool o.ooooooof o.ooooooo Cal clurn 1 3 18 - 14 8 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.0oooooo I o. o559ooo chromium ,267,7tG 0.0000000 | 0.000?050 0-0oo00o0I 0.0000000I -0.0005970 cobalt 1229.615 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo o.oooooool 0.oo0ooooI 0.0oooooo copper I fZa, ?53 0.0o0ooo0 I 0.0008{20 o.oooooool 0.00000001 0.oo232oo rron I 259.9{0 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 | 0.0oooooo rron lz71. l{1 0.0000000 I o. oooo00o 0.0000000I o.0000000I o-ooooooo Lead 1120.353 o. ooo0o00 I o. oooo000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o.ooo000o rLrhLurn l5?0-78{0.000oooo I o.000ooo0 o. ooooooo[ o.0000000 I o. ooooo0o Masrnesiun l^19. 0?9 o - 0000000 I 0. o075600 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0{18000 Mangraneae lZSl. 510 0-o0oooo0 I o-0oo]-zza -0.00016801 0,0000000 1 0,0000000 Mo1ybd€num |,202. O30 0.0000000 I -0.0007050 0 - 00000001 0.0000000 I 0.00L7500 arLckel I231-5A4/2 0.0000000 I o-ooooo00 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo phosphorus I fZB. a8?0.0000000 | o. oooo000 o. oooooool o. o00oo00 I 0.00o0ooo Potaosl,rrln I ,e 6. {91 0.0000000 | o.0000000 o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo serenlum I 196.090 0.0000000 I o. o0o0o00 o.oo0o0ool o.oooooooI o.ooo0ooo silieon lru1-.67,2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo silLcon l ro1, 615 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 1 0, 0000000 sllver l rr8.OGB 0.0000000 I -o. oo ozzaa -0.01{190001 0.0000000 I 0.0006880 Bodlun I sar.592 o. 0000000 | o. o0oo0o0 0. o0o0o0ol o. ooooooo I o . ooooooo sodlum I 818.326 0. ooo0000 | o. oo0o0o0 0.00000001 o.0ooooool o-o0oooo0 lStrontirrm JCOZ .?7L o.0000000 | o. ooooooo o-oooooool o.oooooooI o.ooooooo Trhalllrrm I fgo, BG{o. 0000000 J o, ooo0000 0.0000000I o-oooooooI o.0000000 Cormentg: STL Denver Fornr Xr ( PART 2l rN t54 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRDCTION FACTORS (AIYNTIALLY) Contract: t Rg ColaDoration Lab Codss STLDEN Case No. r gAg No. r rCP rD N\rnrl>er: TifA Intrepid ICp Dator 8lL9l2005 Corunents: DsrO3 013 9 Thoriurn I 283 .730 0.0000000 I 0-0155000 0:o00I0o0l o.000ooooI o.ooooooo rin I tt9.9a9 0. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo[ 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 rl.tanLuur I 33 lL .9{L 0.0000000 I o. ooo2850 0.0000000f o-oooooooI 0.00ooooo uranl,um I f as.9E8 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0,0000000f o-00000001 -a.0287000 vanadLusr lZlZ.4A2 0.0000000 I -0. oo0 242a o. oo0o000] o. ooooooo | 0.0015600 zinc I zre. gs6 o. ooooooo I o.0000000 0.ooooooof o.oooo0o0 I 0.oooooo0 STL Denver Fonm XI (PART 2)IN STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Cormoratioa Total Metals Analvsis -114- rcp nruEREI,EMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLn Caae No.: II gf,g No. rLab Codc: STLDEN ICP ID !ft:mberr STIPERTRACE gDG NO. r D5IO3O139 Daue: 8 l4l2 005 ena]'rt,e Wave- length (nm) raterelement Correctlon tractorg Ca Fe for: MgA1 Ag AlumLmrm l30B.zts 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo o. oooooool 0.0000590 I 0.0oooooo Antlmony | 206.83 LIL 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 0.000011101 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 rntlnpny I 206.83 Ll2 0.0000000 ! o .0000000 o. oooo24ol O.0000000 I 0.0000000 rrseaic I 189.042 o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o.0ooo00ol 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Barl.um Jtsr-{09 o. 000oo0o I 0. 0000000 o. ooooooof o.0000000 | o. ooo0ooo aeryllt"um I srf .04a 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o.oooo0o0 Boron l?c9.628 o. ooooo00 | o. o000ooo o. ooooooof o - oooooo0 I 0. 0000000 cadmLrrm I 226. I02 o - 0000000 J 0. oooo0oo 0.00 ot210l o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Calciurn f f rz.933 o. ooooooo I 0. 00oo00o -0.00020001 0.0000000 I 0. 0000000 Chrom{rrnr 126T. zl.G 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo -0.00001001 o. oo0004o l 0,0000000 cobalr lt228.615 0.0000000 I -0 .0011320 0.0000000[ o. ooooooo I o. ooo0000 coppar I fal. ?s3 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooosol 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 rron lzl1.4{l o. oooooo0 I o. 0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 r,ead |.220.3 sLtL 0.0003 g2o I o.0oooooo o. 0001160 I 0.0000090 I 0. ooooooo Lead l22O .3 5Ll2 -0.0002690 I o. oooo000 0.00005101 o. ooooloo | 0.0000000 llagnesLurn l2T 9.078 0.0000000 | o.000oooo -0.0001080I 0.0000000I 0.0000000 Manganaae lzsz. Elo 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o. ooooo?ol o.0oo017o I o. oo0oooo Irolybderrum IZOZ. 03 0 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.00002001 o.0000000 I 0.0000000 Nl"ckcl l23L.6A{t2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. oooooo0 oelenlum I195.0ZL|L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.0000250J o.0000000I 0.0000000 saleniurn I tr6. 02 L/2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.0002030 I 0.0000000 | o. 0000000 silieon I 288.159 0.0000000 I o-ooooooo o.oo0ooool o.oooooooJ o.ooooooo BLlvsr I 328. 068 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Strontl,urn lOrl .552 0.0000000 | o. o00oo0o o, ooooooof o. 0000000 I o . ooooooo Thalltum I 190.964 0.0000000| o-ooooooo -0.00003301 0.0000000I o-oo0o000 rhorLum I {01.910 o.0000000 I 0-oooo5oo o,oooooool o.0oo00o0l 0.0o0o0oo rt"n I 199. 989 0.0000000 I o.0o000oo o. ooooooo I o. 0000000 | 0. o000o0o rlraalum I Er{.9{1 o. ooo0000 I o. o000ooo o, oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo Uranl.rrsr l{09.01{0.0000000 | o-0oo22oo 0.00018001 0.00o0oool 0.0000000 vanadium lzlz,4Oz 0.0000000 I o.00ooooo -0.00029101 -0.00000501 0.0000000 zLnc 1 213.956 0.0000000 | o. oooo000 0 . 0001050 I 0. 00000?0 | o. ooooooo Conunsnts: STL Denver Form xf (PART 1)-IN 155 STL DENVER Contraet: IIRS Cormoration Total Metals Analvsis -llB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTTON FACTOR^S (ANNUALIY) ea8e No. t rI SAS No.: Dat,o: 8/{12005 r,ab Code s STLDEN rcP rD Number: gIrpERTR.LgE gDG No.: D5IO3O139 AnaLIt,o wave- lengttr ( nrn)Ag Interalamant corractrl0n Faetoru BBa for: Be cd rlrrmloum I308-215 0. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o-ooooo0o Antimonv I 205.83 L/L 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0.0000000! o.oooooooI 0,0000000 .lntimoay I ZO5.83 1'12 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooor 0. oo000oo I o. ooooooo Arucnic I teg.0{2 0.0000000 ! 0.0000000 0.00000001 o-oo0ooooJ o-ooooooo BarLum J eSS. d09 0. o0oo000 I o.0oooo00 o. oo00oool 0.0000000 | 0. oo0oooo Ber1r]-].j.un 1 313 .O$7 0.0000000 I o.0000000 0.0000000[ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Boron |'2t9.6?B 0.0000000 | o. ooo0000 0.0000000f o'o00ooool o-ooooooo cadmium 11226.502 o. o0oo000 I o. o0o0o0o 0.00000001 o-oooooooI o.ooooooo Calcl.um fSrz.933 0. oo0ooo0 I o. oo0oo00 0.0000000I o-oooooooI o-ooooo00 chromium IrtT .7L6 o.0000000 | o-ooooooo o-oooooool o.ooooooo! o.ooooooo coba]'r 1228 - 516 o. oooooo0 J o. o000ooo o-oooooooI o-ooooooo I -o.oooso! copper I 324.253 0.0000000 I o .0000000 O. ooo0ooo Oooo- rron |zr l.4{L 0.0000000 I o-oo0o00o 0. o0o000o I 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo Leadl lZZ0-351/1 0-0000000 I 0.0000000 o . 0000000 ] o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo l,ead 4220. 3 5L 12 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 I 0. 00o0ooo MagnosLrxn l27g-o?8 0. ooooooo | 0.0000000 o. o00oooo J 0.0000000 I o. oooo0oo Dlnnganeso lzsz. 6t0 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Molybdenrun I zOZ.030 0.0000000 I 0. oo0oo00 0. 0000000 | o. oo0oooo I o. ooooooo tsickel I 23 L.60tt2 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oooooooI o-oooooooI o.ooooooo solaniun I 196. O2LIL 0.0000000 I o. 00036?0 o.0ooooool o.oooooo0 I o.ooooooo selenlun l196.0zLtZ 0.0000000 I -0.0002a90 0.00oooool o.oooooooI o.ooooooo stl:Lcon I 288. 158 0.0000000 I o. ooooo00 o.o0o0oool o.00oo0o0J o.ooooooo silver I 328.058 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o, oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo EtrrontLum I {21.552 o-oooo0o0 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o-ooooooo rhalllun Itgo-86{o. ooooo0o I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I o, ooooooo J o. ooooooo Ttroriun I 401.910 0.000oooo I o, ooooo00 0.oo0oo0ol o.0ooooool o,0ooo000 Tr.n ! ras.ggg o.0oooo00 I o-0000000 0.00000001 o. ooo0ooo I o. ooo0o00 rlranlum I 33{.9{1 0.0000000 I o. oo0000o o.oooooooJ o.oooooool o.ooooooo uranLum I lo9. 01{o.0ooo0o0 | 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo vanadlum |.292.{Az 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo zinc I213-Bs6 0.0000000 I o.00ooooo o-oooooool o.oooooooI o.ooooool Comnents: STL Denver Form XI ( Penr 2l IN L57 STL DETVYER Contraet: IIRB CorrooratLon Total Metnls Analvsis .IIB- IC P INTERELEMENT C ORRECTI ON FACTOR,S (ANNUALLY) Case No.: II SAg No. lLab Coder S1LDEN f CP ID ll\unbar r St PERTR.I,CE gDO NO.: D5I030139 Dat€r 8lLl 2005 wav6- lengttr (nm) fntcralamant Correctlon tractors for: lIntna.ltrte C\r MoCoCr Alunrtilrm I 308.215 0, oo0o000 ! o. oo00o00 0.00000001 0. ooooooo I o.00{0830 Axrt,lmony I 2o5.8}LlL 0.0000000I o-0083080 0.0000000r 0. 0000000 I -0.0005500 lat,imony J206.83L12 0.0000000 I o. oo 4377A 0.00000001 o. 0000000 I -0.0033500 ArranLc 1189.A$2 0 - 0000000 I -0. 00{7300 0.00000001 o.o00ooool -0.0024200 BarLum I{93.{09 o. 0o00ooo I 0.0000000 o. oooo000l o. ooooo00 I 0. oo0oooo BerrrllLum l313.OtLz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. o00o0oo[ o. oooo0o0 I o - ooooooo Boron l^*g. G?g 0.0013550 I o-0000000 o-oooooo0I o.0000000I o-ooooooo CadmLurn 1226. s02 -0. ooo22oo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.ooooooo Ca1.cLurn 1312.933 o. ooo000o [ 0.0000000 o.oo00o00l o-ooooooo I 0.0000000 Chromitrn lZ57 .7LG 0.ooooooo I o-0000000 0-0oo0ooo! o-0000000I 0.0000ooo lcobalr, lrrs . 616 o. o000ooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooo0f o. o0ooooo I o. ooooooo copper I aZl, ?53 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooooI o.0ooooooI o-ooo{elo rron lZ7 1. {{1 0,08o27s0 I 0-0038290 o.oooooooI o-0000000| 0.o0ooooo r,ead lzzo.3 sl l:r -o. oo2g,i00 J o.0oooo00 0. ooo0o00 I 0.0000000 I -o . 0008880 Lead lzzo.3 il.tz o. ooo0o0o | 0.0000000 0. 00000001 0. 0000000 I -0.0002710 Magnesl,um 127 9.028 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o, ooooooo l 0.0000000 rvtranganGse lZSl. 610 0.0000000 I o. o0ooo0o o. oooooool 0. o000ooo I o - ooooo00 naolybd€num I 202 . 03 0 o. ooooooo I o.0000000 0.00000001 o. oo0o000 I o. ooooooo rut"ckel 1231.50112 -0. aoaz7 50 I 0.0000000 o .0000000 I o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Selenlurn 1 195 ,0 2L11:o ,0005500 I 0. 0000000 o . ooooooof o. 0003610 I 0. 0005620 selenLum I 196.02 Ll2 0-0000000 J 0.0000000 0.0000000[-- 0.00 a3420 I -0.00023?0 silicon I 288. 158 o. ooooooo I o.0000000 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 I -0 - 0055200 gLlver I aze. 068 0.0000000 ] 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.oooo0o0l -0.0003190 Strontlum 1421.55e o.0000000 | 0.0000000 0. ooo0oool o.0oo0o00 I o. ooooooo rhalllum I 190.86{0.00285s0 I o.0oo32oo 0.0000000 [ *0.002{130 I o. 0000000 rhorLun I {01.910 0.00001t90 I 0, 0000000 o. ooooo00l o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 rln I re9.9a9 0.000oooo I 0. 0oo0oo0 0.00000001 o.ooooooo I 0.000oooo titanLum I 33{.9{I o-ooooooo I 0.0000000 0 . ooo0ooo I o. ooooooo I 0. 0000000 uranl,um 1409.01{0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.0000000t o. ooooo0o I o.00ooooo vanad,l,un |,292 .4A2 0.0000000 I -0. o01o2oo 0.0000000J o. o00oooo I o. ooooooo frnc I 2t3. Bs6 0.0000750 I 0.0000000 0.00028001 o.ooo0oooI o.ooooooo Conments: STL Denver Form Xf (PART 2l -fN 158 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -IIB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORREC'I"TON FACTORS (ANNUALLY) CoDtract i Lab Code: STLDEN Cage No.: II gAg No. t rCP rD N\rmber: 8ITPERTR.LEE Dat€: 814/ 2005 Comrgntgs sDc NO. r D5I030139 rnalftc Wave- length (nln)Ni Iaterc1amant Corrcctlon Factors Pb gt) for: Se si rluml,num I 308.215 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 o.0o0oo0oI 0-oooooooI o-oooo000 Antl.rnony IZOe-83LlL -0.0006200 I o-oo0oooo o - ooooooo I 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo AntLmoay I 205. 93 Lla 0.0000000 | o. o0o0oo0 o - ooooooo I 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo ArncnLc I 189 .o4z 0.0000000 | o. o0ooooo o.oooooool 0.00000001 0.000oooo Barirrm l{93.{09 o. oooo0oo | 0.0000000 0.0ooo0ooI o.0o00oooI o-ooo0000 saryllium f rfa .ol,2 0. oo0oooo I 0.0000000 o. 0000000 I 0. ooooooo I o. oooo000 Boron lro9.628 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.ooo129o cadmium l22o, soz 0.0oooooo | 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 calcirrrn I Sfz.933 o - 0000000 | o. 0000000 o. 0000000 J o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo chromium I aez .TL6 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. 0000000 cobalr lrz8.6t"5 0.0001900 I 0.0000000 o - ooooooo J o. ooooooo I o. oooool Copper I 32c.253 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o.0o0o00F rron lZ, t. {{1 0.0000000 I o. oo0o000 0. 0000000 | 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo r,ead lzzo,3il-/L 0. 0005000 1 0,0000000 -0.0001d501 0.0000000 I -0.0001300 Lcad lzzo.35 Llz o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 -0.00015001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 MagnesLum l27g.0zB 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Mangranese lZSl.510 0.0000000 | o. oooo0oo o. ooooooo I 0 .0000000 I o. oo00ooo MoLybdonwr |2O2.030 o. ooo0000 I o. oooo000 0. 0000000 I o. ooooooo | 0. 0000000 Nictcel I231-.6Dtlz o. 0000000 J 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo selenium I 195 -AzLlL 0,0000000 I 0.0000300 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 | o. ooooszo selenium JrgG.aiL/z 0.0000000 I -0.0000100 0.0000000[ o.oooooool 0.0000550 sillcon I 289. 158 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - ooooooo f o. ooooooo l o. ooooooo sJ.lver I 328.068 0,0000000f o-000oooo o . ooooooo l 0. oo0o0o0 l 0.0000000 stronttum 4421. I52 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo 0-oooo0oof o.00o0o0ol o.ooooooo Thallturn I1g0.g6{0.0000000 I o. o000oo0 o. ooooogo I o. ooooo0o I o. ooooooo Thorlum I tol. g1o 0.0000000 I o. o000o0o o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rin l ta9,9g9 0.0000000 I o. o0o0oo0 0.oooo0o0l o.oooo0ool o.ooooooo rl"tanlum ISg4.9{1 0. ooooooo I o.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 uranLurn ld09.01{0.000oooo I o. o00oooo o. ooooooo I o. 0000000 | o. ooooooo vanadlum lzSz.4oz 0. 0000000 | o. o000o0o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo zLnc l er3.8s6 o. oo3{900 | o.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. oooooq STL Denver Fomr XI (Pnnr 2l IIN 159 STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Cormorat lon Total Metals Arralvsis .I IB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTTON FACTOR^S (ATNUALIY) Cara tilo. : II gAg No.3 Datar I ltl 2005 LBb Coder SI1IITDEN ICP ID ll\rmber: $IIPERT1R.il,CE gDc No.; D5I030139 Wave- lengttr (nm) IlltoralamcnB Corrcctlon ractorg for: ulnalltte,lr1 vSnSr Aluminun J 308 -215 0. ooo0ooo I o. ooo0000 o.0000ooof o.0000000| 0.a239{oo Antl,rnony I 205,8 3L1L -0. 0028000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 -0,0005200 I -0.0089100 rntlmony I 205.83L12 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo 0. 00000001 -0.0003{00 I 0. 0000000 rrsenrc I ttg.0{2 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0. ooooooo l o, ooo00o0 Barl,urn I 493.{09 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 0.0000000f o.ooo0o00l o.ooooooo serfzllinur laff .O42 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oo00ooo I o .0000850 I o. ooo1290 Boron 1249.6?8 0.0000000 I o.0o0o0oo o. oo0000ol o. 0o00ooo I o. ooooo0o cadmlum 1225.502 o-0000000 ! o.0ooo0oo o. ooo000ol o. ooooooo I 0. oo000oo calcium I frZ.933 0.0000000 | o. oo0oo0o o. o0oooool 0.0000000 | o. oooooo0 Chromiun lZdl -'ILG 0 ,0000000 1 0. ooooooo o-oooooo0l 0.0003200 I 0-ooooooo lcobalr |1228 . 516 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.0000000 I o. ooolloo I 0. 0000ooo Copper I 3?{. ?83 0. 000oooo I 0. o00oo00 0.0000000I -0.0008900[ o-oooo000 rron lz? L. d{l 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 -0.05755001 0.0119000 Lcad lrro,3 sLtL 0. 0000000 I o. oooo85o o. oooooool 0.0009000 I o. oooo000 r,ead lzzo.3 sl-l2 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 0. 0000000 I 0. 0015000 I -0 . 000d{s0 MagnosJ.ur lrr9. Oz8 0-o0oo0o0 J 0.0000000 o.ooo0000l -0.0133900 I 0.0000000 ltanganeso lZSl. 610 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0o00oool 0.0001700 I o.ooo0000 Molybdenum 1202.030 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool -0.0003?00 I 0.0000000 Nlckel ln 1. 5 0t 12 0-0000000 J 0.0000000 -0.000980rI - o. 0o000oo I o.0000000 SelenLun 1 195- 02LlL 0.0000000 | o.oo0g130 0 . o000o0o I o. 0000000 | o. o0 a3220 sclenLusr I rg6. OZLlz 0.0000000 I -0.0005130 o . o0o000o I -0. 00o08oo I o. 0000000 stlleon I 2EB.15B 0,0190000 I o.0000ooo 0.0000000J o.oooooool 0.0000000 silwer I 328.059 0.0o0oo0o I o.0000000 o. oo000oo I o. 0012900 I o. ooooooo StrontLum lt21. S52 0.0000000 ] o,0oo0o00 o.oooo000f o.oooooool 0.0000000 rha}ll,um I 190.964 o.0ooooo0 [ 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool 0.0018800 rtrorLum I{01.910 0, o0ooooo I o.0000000 0.00000001 -0,0059600 | 0.0000000 Tin I rrg. iag 0. ooooooo I o. o0o0o00 0.00000001 -0. 0005700 I 0. 0000000 'fiuaniun I33,11 .9{1 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o.0oo0oool o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 uranLurn I 409. olt 0.0000000 I -0. 0260000 o . oo0oooo I o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 vanadLun lZlz. {oa 0.0oooooo I o.0000000 o.00000001 -0.0002800 I 0.0000000 f lnc I ,r3 - 8sG o. ooooooo I o.0o00oo0 0. ooo0o0o I 0. 0oooooo ! 0.0000000 Cornmentg: STL Denver Eor:rr XI (PART 2l IN 150 STL DENVER Total Metals Annlvsis -llB- ICP INTENELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Contract: IIRS Conooration LaIr Code r S1,ITDEN Case No.: rI gf,g BIo. t fCP ID lrtrrnbar: gIIpEHlIfRnCE Dat,c: 8l{l2OO5 Conunentr: gDo No. r D5r030139 Wave- longrtb (run) Intorelsnant CorrectLon tractorg -rh for r AnaItt,s Zn Aluminun I 308.218 0. 0000000 | o. ost 2L7O rntLrnoay I 205.83LtL 0 ,0000000 I -0.000{{oo r,ntlmony I 206.83Lf 2 0.0000000 I o.00oooo0 ArsenLc I 189.ALz o, o000o0o I 0.0000000 sariurn I {93.409 o.0000000 I o-ooolgoo Berrrlltum I aff .Ai2 0.0000000 I o-0000000 Boron l2i,g.67B 0. 0000000 [ o. o0oo000 cadmi.um 1"26.502 0,0000000 I o-0000500 I Cal.c{nn I Srz.933 0.0000000 I -0.0056600 ChromLum I 262.?lG 0. 0000000 I o. ooo0000 cobalr 1228.615 0.0000000 I o.0000000 Icopper I ,r 4.TS3 o. oooo000 [ o. oo26a00 ! rron lzrl-.{{1 0 .0000000 | -0.114s000 I r.ead |,220.3 sLtL 0.0000000 I -0-0o30ooo r,ead lz?0.3 sLtZ 0.0000000 J 0-0ooooo0 Magncriurn lrr9. O?8 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 ttangranogo lZSl. 610 0,0000000 I -0.0004100 -r- Molybd.anum |1202.030 0.0000000 I o. o0000oo NLekel I 23L.6A4t2 0.0ooooo0 | 0.0000000 IgelenLum Itg6.o?L/L 0.0000000 I -0.0280500 salcnirrm l tr6.02 Ltz 0.0000000 I -0.0002400 silicon I288-158 o.00o0oo0 | o. oooo0oo SLlver l 32B, 068 0.000oooo I o, o0028oo strontLum l(rl. i5Z 0.0000000 | o.00o00oo Thalllurn I 190.96{0.0000000 I o-oooooo0 Thoriurn I 401.910 o. oo0o000 J 0.0000000 rl,n I rrg. ggg o-0000000 I 0.0000000 rltantun Irr tL.g{L 0.0000000 I o-ooooo0o uranirrm I 409. Old 0.0000000 J o-0029500 vanadiurn I aSa .4Oz o. ooo0o00 I o. 0011500 zinc Izrr.g56 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo I STL Denver For:rn XI (PAR'[ 2',IN 151 STL DE|VVER Cont,rrct r IIRS Corlroration Total Metals Analvsis '12' rcP LTNEAR RANGES (QUARTERLTa) Date: I lLGl2A05 Caac No.: TJA rntrcpid, ICP SDg No. r D5IO3O139 ICP ID eneJ.ytc fntcgf . TIurc (8ec. ) Conocntratlon (mg ll")u Jnfunfnutrr rro I 50 .00 In IAlwrinunr Ht I 20.00 1000 Ir I JcaLolunr Lo 20.00 50 Ir I JcaloLun HL 20.00 2000 In J Iron fro 20. o0 Je I Iron tll-20.00 2 000 In I J PotnasLum 20. oo 500 Je llarerooaium 20.o0 2000 In I Sod.iurn Lo 20.00 10 Jr I8od!.un Hi 20.00 10000 Ir I ] ztreonLum 20.00 50 Ie I Cotrmtent g : STL Denver Form XfI IN 762 STL DENVER Contract: Lab Cod,e:gTLDEII Caec No. t ICP ID Stlrmber t SUPTRTNACE II Total Metals Analvsis -12- ICP LINEAR RANGES (OUARTERL}) SlSt No. r Datcr I l3l20o5 sDc No. : D5I030139 IrRg Corporr,tioa rnnl1t,e fretcg. rLnc (Sce.) Concrntration (rrylL) M f .er;rrnie 15.00 20 Ir l BarLum 15.00 25 Ir I lChromtunr 15.00 fr I J Copper 15.00 25 ln I J Lcad 15. OO 200 Ir t Sllvcr 15.00 Ir I lVanad,lun 15,00 Ir I I zinc 15.00 ln I Corment,e: STL Denver Eorm XII fN 153 STL DEI\{VER Contrrrct I IIRS Cor;roratl.on Total Metsls Analvsis -12- ICP LNEAR RANGES (QUARTERLY) Drtcr I llg I2AOS r,.b Codrr r STITDEN IeP rD lhrmbar r pE ICpMS gDO IIIO. : D5I030139 Arra1y'trr Integr. Tino (8rlc. ) ConccntraElon (ms/t)u lcaantum 0 - 001 lu I Sal.anlum 0.001 Iaa I STL Denver FOrM XII IN L54 STL DENYER 'fotal Metals Analvsis r3- PREPARATION I,OG Contsract: f,ab Code : Mctlrod: P URg Corporatlon STLDEN Cagc No.:SISI No - 3 sDo No. r D5I030139 Prtp Mrrthodr Sanph ID Prcparatl,on Date Inl-tLa1 Vol.uma J rLnrl I volrrma (nrr) IIiITRA-f-rLEl OC 9 I Ls /2005 50.0 I so-o IJAB MS 9 I Ls l?AOs 50. o I SO.0 r.tB ![sD 9lLsl200s 50,0 I 50.0 GISr-R1-O90205 9 I L5l2AO5 50.0 I 50.0 G[$[-59-O90205 9 tL512005 .50.0 I 50.0 G[,][-S8 -O9 02O5 9lL5lzAAs 50,0 I 50.0 @r- g7 -090205 9 I L5l?0A5 50.0 I 50,0 grr-6A-090205 9 I L5 lz00s 50.o I 5O.O @f-68-090205 9/L5l2AA5 50. o I 50.0 M8524 96L7 9 I L5 12005 50. o I 50.0 CHECK g.eMPrrE 9 tL5 1200s 50.0 I 50. o ComrnenE,r I STL Denver Fom XIII TN 155 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsls r3- PREPARATIONLOG Contract: LaI) Code : Mettrodr t RS Corporatlon gTLDEN Caatl No. t Afg No. r sDo No. r D5f030139 cv Prrp Mothod: Aarq)Lc ID PrcgaraElon Datc raitial volune I rl.na1 J volune (nlr) grir-R].-09 02 05 e tLs l7ao5 10.0 I 10. o GUr-R1-090205 US 9 t L9 t2045 10.o I 10.o GW-R1-090205 MgD 9 / L9 12005 10.0 I r0-0 GrI{-99-090205 9/I.e lxaas 10.o I 10.o Gw-98-0902 05 9 tL9 12005 10. o I 10.0 GTr-97-090205 9 ttg t200b x.o.o l, 10.0 GW- 5A- 09 02 05 9 t L9 1200s 10.0 I 10.0 !852583s0 9 /L9l200s 10.0 I 10.0 CIITCK S.}MPLE 9lLe1200s 10-0 I r0.0 Comnent; r STL Denver Forn XIff IN 1-6 6 STL DETYVER Total Metals Analvsis r3- PREPARATION LOG Cont,ract r Lrb Codcr Mathod: t Rg Cor^1loretion Care No. r 8.trEl trlo. t sDs No. r D5I030139 Prog MrtJrod r Samp1c ID Prepnration Datc fnitlal. Volurnc I rinal. I Vo1umc (Er,) Gr{-68-090205 9 t221200s 1.0 I 10.0 rlwrR.}'-rrAB ac 9 t221200s 10. o I ro.0 I,JLB Mg 9t2212005 10. o I 10.0 I..}B MSD 9 t221200s 10.o I 10.0 MBs 2624I6 9t221200s 10.o I 10.0 CHECK SAIIPITE 9 t221200s 10,o I 10.0 DUPTJICATE CIIECIC 9 t2212005 10.o I 10.0 Cortnenta t STL Denver Forrn XIfI fN STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsrs l3- PREPARATION tOG ConfraeE s LEb Codrrr Me tslrod: IIRS Corryorttion STLDEN Case tilo.:gtg No.:EDo NO.: D5I030139 Dls PreD Meuhod: Sanple fD Prcparrtl.on, Dlt,c rnJ.tial Vo1umc I rlnrl I volunc (mlr) IITERA-IJAB QC e tLS t zaos 50.0 I so.o LAB ![S 9 tls t20as 50,0 I 50.0 TJ}E MSD sl1-st200s 50,o I 50-0 s$r-Rl-o90205 9 t Ls t20a5 50.0 I 50. o ct9l-sg-090205 9tLst2005 50.0 I 50,0 G9r-S8 - O9 02 0 5 9 11,51200 5 50.0 I 50. o G![-S7-090205 sflst2ao5 50.0 I 50. o GW-6.1,-090205 9lL5t2AO5 50.0 I 50.0 Grir-68-o90205 9 lLst200s 50.0 I 50.0 !rB52{9 516 9lL5l2AO5 50.0 t 50.0 CHECK S}trf,PI.,E 91L512005 50.0 I 50.0 Comnentt r STL Denver Forn XIIr IN l- 5I STL DENVER Total M-:ils Analvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG Contracts: Irab Codc: fnetrumcnE SErrt, Datcr t RS Cor11eratsJ.on StrLDEN fD lftuuber: 9lL6 1200s Caac No. t TJII, Intreptd ICP Stg No.: Methodr End Drte t 9 lLG lzOOs gDc No,: D5f030139 P ' Danotol additlonrl elencntr STL Denver (oLher EhaA thr rta^udlrd CIrP rleuoute) lr. Fo:rzr XfV fN Sarryrh ID. Dlr Timc e6R Inallt,ca ^L L s B A g B t,: l;li rc i.l :[;lr I :lxlxl Stdl-Blank 1, o0 11: {9 x x x x x x ICLI:1 1. OO 11r53 x x x x x x ICA];z 1. OO 11:57 x x x x IC.nI.,1 1- 00 12: OO x x x x x x ICTI,2 1. 00 12:05 x x x x x x IglIll 1. OO 12rO9 x x x x zlclrL 1. OO LZ tLI cg\nr 1.00 12 :18 x x x x cglJrL 1, 00 L2222 x x x x x x IEB 1. 00 LZ t26 x x x x x x RLgTD2 1. 00 12:31 x x x x x x tICITT,1. 00 12 :35 x x x x x x rcg.n'1. 00 12:{1 x x x x x x ICSAB 1. 00 L2t46 x x x x x x cgu{1.00 12r50 x x x x CC'\TL 1. oo 12r5{x x x x x x ccB 1. 00 12r58 x x x x x x zcg\Itt 1. OO LS tt4? ZCC'\TH 1. OO 15 :45 CC\IH 1. 00 15r50 x x x x cg\m 1.00 15 :53 x x x x cg\,.r,1.00 15r57 x x x x x x ECB 1.00 15rO1 x x x x x x zzz7,7.z 5. OO 16: O5 7,Z7.ZZZ 1- OO 15r1O Zl,z,ztzn 1. 00 16t15 rB52{9617 1. O0 15r19 x x x x x CHECK AAI{PIrE 1. 00 L6 z2{.x x x x x x zDsr020230-ooc 1. OO 15r28 zDsr 020230-oo4L 5. 00 16r33 zDsr 02 023 0 - oo{s 1. O0 16r38 ^a 2D5t420230-0o{sD 1. 00 16: O{ ZT,7,Z7,Z 1.00 16r49 rrDraraatad or aaothtr For:a 1{ 169 STL DENVER Total M.lils Analvsis ANALYSIS RTII\I LOG Coutract: fJab Code: IrRg Corporatl.oa gDs No. r D5I030139S!TLDEN fnetsniment ID lttrnber s Etart Detet 9lLGl?AAs Cagc No. r TJA Intrepid feP 6fg No. t Metlrod: * Donottr additiona,l elanaatt STL Denver End Dattt 9lLG12005 (othor tban the rturderd CLP elenente) aro roDroaouted ole r^p,othrr forn 1{ ffrr'\rll.6 ID- Dlt Timc 16n' lrraly'tcs t L g B .f,. a B e B E c D c t c R c o c II r E P B D! G M N :lr K g E. .L o N .L II"z N C N cc-\m 1.00 15: 55 x x x x ecuL 1. 00 15:59 x x x x x ccB 1. OO 17rO{x x x x x x zT,zzzz 1.00 17r09 7.227.7,2 1.00 17r1{ zzT.zzz 1.00 17 :19 cffi-R1-090205 1. OO L? t24 x x x x x x crw-s9 - 090205 1- OO L7 :29 x x x x x x crw-s8 - 09 020s 1. 00 17r3{x x x x x sH-s?-090205 1- OO 17r39 x x x x x x zDsr03 0139 -OO5 1. 00 L7 tll zDsr03 013 9* OO7 1.OO L7 tL9 7r7,7'7t7r7t 1. OO L7 t5d- cc,\m 1. OO 17r59 x x x x cg\,lt,1. OO 18rO3 x x x x x ccB 1- 00 18: O7 x )E x x x x Forut XfV + IN t_70 STL I)ENVER Total Metals Analvsis -14- AI\ALYSIS RUN LOG Contrret r Lab Codcr Inctru.nent Start Date: IIRS Corporrtl-on STI,DEN rD r[umbcr: e lL6 12005 Caac No. t TirA rntrcpid rcP g}.s No. : Metshod,: P rud DrEcr 9lL6/zAAs gDO trIo. : D5I030139 Sarnpl-e ID-Dlv TLmc IR .trnalytcs B .L U TJ I }I o o g P D P P T s I s t;I R I I; wl r ln rhn HI Sed].-BLnnk 1.00 11: 19 x fCAIIl 1, O0 11r53 x IC,AL,2 1.00 11 :57 ICI'L1 1. O0 12r00 x IeAL2 1.00 12:O5 x rC\TH 1.O0 t2:O9 ZIgUL 1.00 12 :I-tl CSIIH 1- 00 12r18 Cg\TL 1- o0 LZ t72 x ICB 1-00 7-2 t26 x RITSTDa 1.00 12 :31 x ICUL 1. O0 12r35 x .1 rcg.n"1.00 12 r41 x ICS.tB 1. o0 LZzif.6 x eg\rH 1.o[12r50 cclrr,1, 00 12r5{x ccB 1.O0 12958 x zegvH 1. O0 L5 t tLZ ZCgVH 1.0c 15:{6 cc'\m 1. OG 15 r5O cg\rH 1. Od 15:53 cgvt,1.0d 15 :57 x CCB 1- O0 16r01 x 27E7,27,7.5. O0 16rO6 z7,zzz7,1.00 16:10 zzzzT,7,1.00 16:15 MBs2{9617 1- O0 16r19 x CHECK SA&IPITE 1. O0 16r2{x r.Dsr 02 02 3 0 -o04 1.00 16:28 zDsr 020230-OO{L s-0d t6:33 zD5I 020230-O0{S 1.0c 16:38 zDsto?0230-oo{sD 1. ool 16: {{ zT.ZZZZ 1, OOl 16: {9 -egvH 1.00 16:55 STL Denver E'orn XIV IN 1,7 L STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsts -14- AI\ALYSKRUN LOG Contrract: f.ab Codc r Instrnrncnt Btsart Dltc r IIRS CorporrtLon STTDEII ID tsumbcr: 91L6 1200s Cagc Elo. r TJA ratrcptd ICP gl8 No. r McEhodr D tad Datcr 9 tL6 t 2005 sDc [Io. r D5I030X39 sarrpl0 ID.D/t Tine IR lnalytse a B l' U L I t't o o I P D P P T s r s I'l s R Ft ul w I N T H r" EC\ITJ 1- 0d 16:59 x ceB 1- 0d 17rOl x 7.27,7127,1- 00 17r09 zzzzzz 1. 00 L7',L4 ZZZZZZ 1 .00 17:19 GTr-R1- 0902 05 1.00 L7 z2d.x sn-sg - 09 020s 1. O0 L7 t29 x GTr-S8 - 09 02 05 1.00 Ll =3tL x GW-S7 - 09 0205 1.00 17r39 x zDsr 03 0139 - OO6 1. O0 1'l t 14 zDSr.O3 0139-007 1.O0 L7 t49 7.ZZZZ7,1.00 L1 t3& cgw{1.00 17:59 egYfr 1.OC 18r03 x CCB 1. 0c 18r07 x STL Denver Forrm XI\I IN 772 STL DENVER Total M":lls Analvsis A}IAI,YSIS RTTN LOG Contrrct r Lab Codc: Inet,nrnont Startr Date: IIRS Corporatlon gjrLDEN ID N\rmbcr r 9/Le/2005 Calc t{o. : TifA Intrrrpld ICP [I.},S No. : tflct]rod r End Dat,rt 9lLglzAAs SDO No.: D5I030139 I - Denotat additlonal STL Denver rd Cf,P rlruostr) ars Forzt XMN ln I.ytrs sam)Io I olt frLnc I e6 R St,d].-B].anlc M85249617 elanrrrtr (otshcr than thc ctandard Cr,p rgDrelented ou anotsbcr Forn 1a 1,7 3 STL DEIVVER Total M-:ils Analvsis A.NIAI,YSIS RT'N LOG Contract: Lab Cod,c: Ingtrunent Start, Datser IIRS CorDorrtj.on gTLDEII ID ililrmbcrr 9 IL9 12005 Cagc No- : T{IA Intrapid ICP A}.SI No. r Mcthodr End Datcr 9 l1,gl?AOs SDG No. I D5I03O139 P Sanplc rD. Dlt TLne IR lsalntes L It s B .lr g B I. B E CIc,l^c R c o ;I;I;I I ![ N H CI N I K g E .e, G} N .I' T L v z N c N Gf,{-S8 -09 0e05 5-00 18 :10 x Gm-5A-09020s 10-00 18:15 x x xl x x x Gwr- 58-090205 10, 00 18 :20 x x x x x x 7rZ7r7rz7,1. 00 18 :25 27,7,2,?7,1. OO 18r30 -]i zzzzzz 1. 00 18r34 zzz,zzz 5. O0 18r39 Z7r7'7rZrZ 1. 00 18r44 zzz,zzz 1. o0 18r49 ZZ7'7.7.Z 1.00 18:5{ ccvH 1- O0 18: 59 x x x x CC'\II,1.00 19:0{x x x x x x ccB 1.00 19:09 x x x x x x * Dsnotce addltloual elemenEr STL Denver (othcr than tht rtaadard CLP oleuroatr ) ara r.praaantrd on anothcr Forn xlv - rND'orm, 1{ L74 STL DEA{VER Total Metals Analvsis -14- ANALYSIS RT}N LOG Contract: Lal, Codc: Inetnrmont Start Datcr t Rg Corporation gTI.DEN ID $hrrobor r 9lL9 t2005 Crec No.: T.III Intrepid ICP SIS No. r lficthod r P End Datcr 9 lL9 lz00s SDe No,: D5f030139 DlP I fLmr gt.d,I.-Blank 1 - O0l 14:1O 1.0d 1{:1{ 1 .00[ 1tl : 39 1.001 1{:{{ 1.Od 15r55 1.001 17 r 0{ 2,7,217,7.2 1.0U L7 tA9 M852496L7 1.0O 17 :1{ 10.0o LT 223 1- 0O L7 zi-l Gffi-88 - 09 02 05 STL Denver Form XMN 1,7 5 STL DENVER Total Mctals Analvsis -14- ANALYSIS RUN I,OG Cont,rlct r Lab Code r Inetruncnt Stert, Datcr IrRS CorponBLon STLDEN ID ![\rmber: 9tLsl200s Caga No. r TirA Intropid ICP SLS ![o. : Method: P End Datcr 9 llg 17005 sDO No. r D5I030139 sanple ID.Dlr Timr ,6R .}nr1.yter B A u L I M o o s P D P P T g I g [* s R il"w I N tltf H r" Gril- 5A- 0902 05 10. o0 18r15 x GTY-68- 090205 10-od 18:2O x T,ZZT,Z?.1. 00 18:25 zzzz,zz 1. O0 18r3O 7.7"227.7,1- O0 18r34 Z7.7.ZZZ 5-od 18:39 7,ZZZZ7,1. O0 18:{4 7rZ?rZZZ 1. ool 18:t9 T.ZZZZ7,1. O0 18r54 CgVH 1. O0 18r59 cc\rr,1. OOI 19 :01 x eeB 1- O0 19r09 x STL Denver Forzt XfV fN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -14- ANALYSIS RUN LOG Contrnct: IraI) Cod,e: Inlt,rnrmcnt Btlrt Date: IrRg Corporation STLDTN fD Nunbar: 9lL6l200s Cagc il[,o. I SUPERTR.LCE II gJ[g ![o - r McEtrod r sDO No. r D5I030139 D * Daaot.a add{tlooal elsncntl STL Denver End Date: 9 lL6l2AOs (otbrr tsha-u tha rtand.ard CIrp rleusstc) trrr rrprueoEtd orr r; othcr Por:ll la Sarqp]-e ID. Dl,,.trine %R .BnrI.ytrr .n' L g B ,L s B l, B t c D c n c R c o e u r E P B M e FI: N r K g E rlunl^T t v 7, N c N STD1-BITTIIK 1.00 11r48 x x x x x x x x x HTSTD 1. OO 11r53 x x x x x x x x x HIOH 1 .00 11:58 x x x x x x x x x ICVT 1. OO 1?rO3 x x x x x x x x x CCIf,T 1-OO 12rO8 x x x x x x x x x rcB 1. 00 LZ tLZ x x x x x x x x x RLsITD 1- OO L2 tA?x x x lx x x x x x ICgA 1-OO LZ 222 x x x x x x x x x IES.AB 1- OO LZ t27 x x x x x x x x x LR 1. O0 12 :32 x x x x x x x x fJR O3 1- OO L? t3^7 r IT a cc\zr I 1 1. 00 LZz42 x x x x x x x x x T ccBlI.1- OO L2zL7 x x x x x x x x x ccvT I 3 1- 00 1{: 03 x x x x x xl I x x x ccBl3 1- OO 14rOB x x x x x x x x x MBs2{96L7 1. 00 1{r13 x x x x x x x x x 1. 00 1{s18 x x x x x x x x x z,zz7,zz 1.00 LtL t23 T.ZZZZZ 1. 00 LtL t27 7.7,27,27,1, 00 1{r32 7,27,227,1. OO 14r39 7,7.7,227,1. OO 1,{ :43 cs\rr l{,1. O0 1{r{8 x x x x x xl x x x ccBl4 1- O0 1{:53 x x x x x xl x x x Grw-RI.- 09 0?05 1. 00 1tr:58 x x x x x x x x x ctir-sg- 09 02 0s 1. 00 15:O3 x x x x x x x x x s[-s8-090205 1.00 15r08 x x x x x xl x x x G$r-s7 - 09 02 05 1,00 15:13 x x x x x xl x x x Grw- 5r,- 0g 0? 05 1. OO 15r18 x x x x x x x x x zDsro3013g-007 2.00 15r23 ccur I s 1. O0 15t28 x x x x x x x x x .a ccBls 1. 00 15: 33 x x x x x x x x x I ccur I rr 1. OO 2Or31 x x x x x x x x x Fonn XIV a IN 477 STL DENVER Total M-:ils Analvsis ANAI,YSIS RUN LOG Cou.trrct r f,ab Coda: fnatnunent Start Dater IIRS Corporatl,on STf.DEI{ ID !!l:mbcr r 9lL6 12005 Caac No. t SUPERTRT.CE TT 9.f,,8 No. : Mrrthodr End Datcr 9lLG12005 gDO No. r D5I030139 Sarqrr1e ID. Dls lfl,nc BR roalrrtas t. L g B .t g B Jt B E c D c }. c R c o c U F E P B M o til N H o N I K s E n o }I e. T L v z N e N ccBI11 1. O0 2O:35 x x x x x x x x x 7.L27.7.%5. 00 3O: {0 zzzz7.7.5.00 2O:45 rNrRA-rrAB AC 5. 00 20:50 x x x x x xl x x x rlwrRA-rrlB ac gER 5-OO 2Or55 x x x x x x x x x r.IB Mg 5.00 21: OO x x x x x x x x x r4B I,ISD 5. O0 21:O5 x x x x x xl x x x cmr-6s-0902 05 2. OO 21r1O x x x x x x x x x cc\nr I rz 1, oo 21r15 x x x x x x x x x ccB I tz 1.00 2Lz2o x x x x x x x x x i Denotor additionrl elenaatt STL Denver (oEhtr tbaa thr rte.udrrd CLP eloonta) f,rc reDrtr.ntod oa eaotbrr Form 1{ Forgl XMN ]-78 STL DENVER Total M-:il: Analvsis ANALYSIS Rt]N LOG Contract: LaI) Cod,c: In;t'nrrncnt Start, Drtrr r IrRg Corporation gTLDIN fD lllrnber: 9lL9/"00s Caac No. r PE gvLe. g.Lg ![o. t Dlothod,r c\r Eu.d Drtrr 9/L9 l?OAs 8Ds No. r D5I030139 garn$1e ID. Dlr 1[Lmc e6R fnal.yt,rt A fJ g B .f,' g B Jt' B t c D c l, c n c o c u r E P B It G u N H o N I K g t .L CI !r t E t v 7. N e N CaLLb Blank 1.00 15r12 x O.2 l>pb 1. O0 15r14 x 0-5 ppb 1. OO 15t16 x 1.0 ppb 1. 00 15r18 x 2 -O 1>Db 1. 00 15 :19 x 5-O r>pb 1. 00 15r21 x l-0. O IfDb 1. O0 15:23 x ICB 1. 00 15:25 x rq\r 1- OO 15r27 x CC\T1 1- OO 15r28 x CCB1.1, 00 L5:3O x (RIJ 1. 00 15 :32 x ZZZZT,Z 1. OO 15r33 zzzzzz 1,00 15:35 7,7,ZZ7rZ 1.00 15r37 zz7.zz7,1. 00 15 :38 zz7.zz7.1. 00 15:{0 zz7,zz7.1. 00 15r{2 ZZZT.ZZ 1.00 15:{3 zz,zzzz 1.00 15r{5 7,7.7.27,?.1.00 L5: 17 -l cc\rz 1. 00 15r{9 x CCB2 1.00 15r5O x csu]-0 1. 00 18r3O x ccB10 1. 00 18r32 x MBs?s8350 1. 00 18r33 x CIIECK SAMPI,T 1.00 18:35 x 7.7,ZZZZ 1. 00 18;37 z7.zz7.z 1. 00 18r38 Z7r7r7.ZZ 1. 00 18r4O ZZZ,7.ZZ 1.00 18:{1 a %Z7r7rZZ 1. 00 18:43 I 27.7,7.7,2 1.00 18r{5 DoDotor adtdltloul .lmBti (oth.r tllE thc rttldrrd CLD elcmDtr) erG sDrca.ated m uotboE Foa !l STL Denver Forrn XfV fN 1,7 9 STL DETWER o ConEraet: Lab Coder Inrtrrrrncnt SEert, Dtrtcr Total M"lils Analvsis ANALYSIS RUN LOG tIRg Corpore,tion gTI,DEN ID lhrrber: 9lL9 1200s Caac ![o. r PE cun.f, SA^S No. t Mcthodr gDG No.: D5I030139 t Dcnotrr addLtLonal olrrrronta STL Denver Ctr Errd Drtcr 9/LglzAAs (otber t}'an tho rtandnrd eLP slenontsr) an rrDrmrntrd on anothor Forr, 1{ sarqplc rD- Dlt Tine tR lnalyte d t. lr g B t g B A B E c D c .n. c R c o c TI r E P B DT o M N H G N I "l;l:N A T L v z N c N zT,zzzz 1. OO 18r{5 ?,7,27f,7,7,1.00 18r48 ccvl1 1. 00 18r5O x ccB11 1- OO 18r51 x zzl,zzz 1- OO 18r53 GW-R].-090205 1. O0 18:55 x clrv-R1-090205 Ms 1.00 t8 :55 x GFy-R1-090205 MGsD 1- OO 18r58 x Grr-s9 -09 0205 1- 00 19rOO x Gril-s8-090205 1. O0 19: O].x crw-s7-09020s 1. OO 19: O3 x gt- 5L- og 02 05 1. O0 19:05 x cg\r12 1. 00 19: O6 x CCBI.2 1. O0 19: 08 x Por-u XMN 180 STL DETWER Total M-jils Analvsis AI\ALYSBRUN LOG Contrlot r f,alc Codc: Inat'rnrzrcnt Etrrt Drtar IIRS CorporaEl.on STLDIN ID Nunbcr: 9 12212005 Cage No.: PE C\r}.L Dsr03 0 13 9 Mctbodr Cv End Drt,rt 9l22l2AAs Sanp1c ID. DIT Time IR Arral.ytca ilt Ca1i-b B1ank 1.OO 17r11 x 4.2 IrDL 1.OO 17;13 x 0.5 pDb 1. OO 17r15 x 1, O fXlb 1. oO Ll zL7 x e.O l>Irb 1 .00 L7:LB x 5. O frpb 1. OO LT tZA x 10. O 1l1lb t. oo L7:22 x ICB 1. 00 L7;&5 x Ig\r 1- OO L7 t{7 x cc\r].1. OO L7 r{8 x ccBI.1.00 17:50 x a RI,1. OO L7 252 x ! Z,7,.Z,7.717.1. 00 17 :53 zzzzzz.1. OO 17 :55 ZZZZZA 1. OO L7 :57 zzzzzz 1. OO 17 :58 7.7.ZZZZ 1. oO 18rOO zT.zzzz 1. OO 18rO2 zzzzzz 1. OO 18r03 zzzzzz 1- OO 18rO5 zzz,z%n 1. OO 18r07 ccrr2 1. OO ].BrO9 x ccB2 1- OO 18:1O x cs\r5 1.OO 19:09 x ECB5 1. OO 19 :11 x zzz?,zz 1- OO 19r13 zzzz7.7,1- oo 19r15 I T,ZZTZZZ 1.00 19:16 71717,7i,Z,7.1. O0 19r18 0185252486 1. OO 19r20 x CHECK A}IITPLE 1. 00 19:21 x / DUPT,ICITTE CHEEK 1. OO 19r23 x T Z7,ZZ7'7,1. 00 19r25 t Denotea additlonal eleuantr STL Denver (othrr than thc strndr,rd CLP elemonta) mB represeD,tod on rnoEhcr Form XMN 1{ 181 STL DENVER Total *"11f Analvsis AI.IALYSN RUN LOG Contraet: Lr.I) Codc r fngtnrnenE Strart Datc r URg Cora>oretion SIITIrDEN ID Nurnbcr: PE ClI[n, CaEe No.;gAA tilo- : Mcthodr gv EIrd Dateg 9 l22l2AO5 sDe No, r D5I030139 e l22l200s Denotor addLELounl tlturate (otshcr tlu.o tbt standard CtP rl.rurutr) rrc XTV IN Sanple ID. DIT Tl.na %R .Lrralytca I"l ;l : cw- 68-090? 05 1. 00 L9'.26 x IIurB}'-L.f,B AC 1. oo 19:28 x CCV6 1.00 19:3O x CCB6 1.00 19 :31 x LLB MS 1. O0 19r33 x I.TB MSD 1.00 19r35 x zzzzzz 1. O0 19r36 Z7.7.ZZZ 1. OO 19r38 zzzzzz 1. O0 19r{0 zzzzzz 1.OO 19:{1 T.ZZZZZ 1. O0 19r43 zzzzz.z 1. oo 19r45 zzzzzT,1.00 L9:{5 7.Z7.ZZZ 1- 00 19g{8 cgw 1- OO 19r50 x CCBT 1.O0 19r52 x STL Denver For:n roDroa6D,tcd, ou anoEhcr lotm 1l 782 STL DET{I1ER Total *-llf Analvsis ANALYSIS RT]NLOG Contsract r frab Codc: InsE,r:ument St,art, Dltc t TIRS Cor+rorrt,J-on STLDEN ID lhrnbrrr r 9 / 221200s Cagg ![o. : PE ICPUS A.l'g No. : DIeEbod: sDs ![o. t D5I030139 M * Dsnotea addLEloual elomratr STL Denver End Dater 9 123 lzAOs (other thrrr tha ttsarrdnrd CIrP eS.euont,a) a,re rcDrcsantscd on anothcr ?om 1l EIaryr1c ID. D/v Tine e6R enalrte c A IJ g B A s B I B E c D e .L c R c o c u il P EIB ![ o D! N H e N I K I E }' o N A T IJ v 7t N c N BIank 1. OO 2OtlL x x Standard 1 1. OO 2O t4L x x ac srd 1 1- OO 2Or{8 x t-x ac sEd 2 1. OO 2Or51 x x RLSTD 1, OO 2Or55 x x zzzzZ,Zt 1. 00 20s59 rcse.1. OO 21rO2 x x rCSTB 1. oo 21rOG x t-x RINSE 1. OO 21t1O x x HTGH CHEeK 1. 00 21:1{x x RTNAE 1. OO 2LtL7 x x (ac srd 3 1. oo 21r21 x x AC std, tL 1- OO 2L t25 x x Bla,nh 1. OO 23t16 x x Standard 1 1- OO 23 z?L x x QC srd 3 1. OO 23r25 x x ac std 4 1. 00 23 r28 x x oc atsd 3 1- OO O7 r10 x x 0c std {1. OO 07r1*x x r MB52{9516 1-o0 07 t L'I x x CHECK 6TMPI.E 1. 00 A7:2L x x 7,7'7,ZZZ 20.0o O7:?5 7,7.ZZZZ 40. oo A7 :28 7,D5T020230-OO{20.o0 O7 :32 zDsr 0e 023 0- ooEr,5 .00 O7:35 2D5r020230-oo4A 1. 00 O7 r 39 2D5r020230-O0{8 20.oo O7r43 2D5r02023 0- oo4sD 20.00 O7:16 ac ard 3 1- OO 07r50 x x oc sr,d 4 1. O0 O7 :5{x x 7,ZZZZ7,10-00 O7 t57 l / zzzzzz 5. O0 OB: 01 t Grw-Rl-090205 1. OO 08r05 x x Forur XMN 183 STL DEIVVER Total M.llf Analvsis ANALYSN RUN LOG Cont,racts r Lab Code; In;trnrmenE Starts Dates URS Corporatsl.on gfLDEN ID lhrmbcr: 9 I 22l200s Cace No.: PE ICPMS g.trS [Io.: Mctrhodt End Datc: 9 123/zOAs gDO No. r D5f030139 }I Sarple ID. DI?TLmc BR .trna}y'tscg A L s B A g B .n' B F I c D c .L c R c o c u r rv P B Dt CI !l N H o N I rls l" rlsnl^T L v z N e ![ crer-s9 - 09 0205 1. 00 08r08 x x orrr*s8 - 09 02 05 1. 00 O8:12 x x s$I-a7 - o9 02 05 1. 00 08:15 x x @I- 6Jt -09 0205 20. oo OBr19 x x GFr- 68-09 02 05 100. oo O8r23 x x ac std s 1. O0 OB z2'I x x QC std 4 1. 00 08:3O x x B].ar:.k 1. OO 10r16 x x Stand,ard 1 1. 00 10:21 x x oc srd 3 1. 00 LO;ZtL x x ac std 4 1. O0 10:28 x x rcg.n 1. 00 10:32 x x rcgnB 1. 00 1O:35 x x RINSE 1.00 1O:39 x x ac ard 3 1. OO 1Or{3 lx x ac ard t 1. OO 1O: {7 x x oc srd 3 1. O0 11r52 x x ac std t 1. O0 11:56 x x zzz?,zz 100.00 12:01 IliIfR.h'-LnB AC 40. oo 1?rO5 x x MTRI-LIB 0C 8ER 5 .00 12: O9 x x rlurRA-IrrB AC PDS 1. 00 L2 tLZ x x I,AB T.[S 40.00 12 :15 x x I,AB MgD 40-oo 12r19 x x Qc sEd 3 1.OO 12r23 x x ac Erd I 1, OO LZ tX,1 x x - D€[oto[ addltioaal elenentr (othar tha[ tLa rtandrril cf,P olotoDtr) elo rcDroa8rtedl oz rrcthor Yoaa 1a STL Denver Fom XIV IN a84 Cf-ient Iot *-. -: PA,RAII{ETBR D5I0301-39 RESTIIJT ITIEISOD BI,AIUK RBORT Gtenoral Cbemiatrlr REPORTING ITfMIT UNfTS !,!ETHOD llatrfur- - --, -- -- 3 WATER PREPARATTON- PREP ANALYSIS DATE BATCH # AnunonLa as N AnunonLa as Chlorlde Fluorl.de FI.uoride NLtrate Nit rate-lul-trite Suf.fate Tot,al Cyanide ND Work Order #: HK[I941AA O, 10 mg/t' Di1ution Factor: 1 Analyets Tt-me. . : 05 : 00 Work Order #: IIK6NLTI-AA 0 - L0 rng/L Dllutlon FacEor: l- enalyels TLne..; L?:00 Work Ord.er #: HKDP11AA 2 .5 mg /l' Dltutl,on E'actor: 1 Analysie Tirne. . : 10: O0 $lork Order #: HKCX4lAlt o-1o rylt Dllutlou Fact,or: L noalyele TLme..: LL:3O Work Order #: HKCORIAA Q. 10 try,lt' Dj,lutlon FacEor; 1 Analyele Tlme..; 1L:30 Work Order #: HKTITPIAA 0.10 ng/L Dilution Factor: 1 Analyele Time. , : 12: 0O Work Order #: HK7EN1AA 0 - 1-0 mg/L Dilution Faetor: 1 Analyeie Time..: tr6:00 Work Order #: H.f2GIrlAA 5.0 qlll' DllutLon F'acEor: 1 .lnalyele TLme. . : 14 : 3O Work Order #: HIGJIIW1AA 0 - 010 nvg /L Dllution Faetor; 1 AnalysLe Tl,me- . : 12 : 30 MB Lot-9amp1e MCATTW 350. 1 MB frot-Samp1e MCAWW 350. 1 DsI140000-378 a9/L4/ as s257378 #: Dsr220000- 424 09 /zo/ os sz6s424 MB Lot-Sample #: MCAW!{ 325,2 D5r090000-250 oe / o8/0s s2s22s0ND o-o17 B o-o21 B 2-9 B MB Lot-Samp1e #: licitrItH 34fJ -2 D5r090000-s40 oefoelos s2s2s1o MB frot-Sanple #: TJrcAWTI 340.2 Dsr090000-54L oeloe/os 5?,s2s o 41 ND MB L,ot-gamp1e #: McAtim 35t .2 DsT.220000- 579 oe/$/as llB Lot-Saqr1e #: MCAWIT 353 .2 D5r220000- s42 oe/2a/os 526ss7 9 5265542 MB Irot,-sample *: lr(nHrl 375.1 D51060000-s86 09106l as s24es86 I\48 LoE-SampIe *: sw846 901A8/ so12A Ds1L40000 -427 oe / Lq-ag I Ls / as szsTazl rucrfB (B) : Celctlation$ are pcrformed boforc rourding to avoid round-off effors In cstcutatsd reults. B Estinutod roult. Result is lcss rhan RL. STL Denver 18s W OONAROIJ SJATIPT.IB M REFORT General. ehemistr1r Lot-Sa4pl.e *- PAE}UFTER pH Ammonia a6 N Ammonia as N Fluoride Fluoride Nitrate 95 94 witrate-NLtrlt.e 105 L01 Sulfate LO2 107 : D5f030139 PERCEIIT RECO\IERY RECO\IERY IrIMffS L00 100 108 1 1-O 101 99 RPD RPD IJII'IITS METHOD llatrix- , - - - - . - - ! YIATER PREPARJA,TION- PREP AI\TAIJYSTS DATE BATCH # LCS Lot-Sample# : D5T,220000-542 oe /2o / os 526ss42 oe /2a/ 05 s26ss42 wo* : Hir7T71AA-IrcE/HiI7T7lAc-LcgD I,cs Lot -sample* : D5I03 0000 - 10o oi - Lo2l swg46 9o4oB og/oz/os 5245loog7 - Laz) o-0 (o-s.o) swg45 e04oB og/ol/os s246l-oo Dilutioa Factor: 1 Analyeie Tl-me. . : 13 : 38 wO# : HKIIS 4 LAC - r-,es / uxttg4 1AD- rrcsD IrCS Irot-Samp1e# : D5TL4000O-378 oe /t4/ as 52s7378 ae /].4/ os s2s73?8 ( e0 110 )I.{CA[til[ 350 - 1 (go 110) 1.6 (O-10) MCAWW 350.1 DLlutl.on FacEor: 1 Analysle Tlme..; 05:OO wo# : IrK6N.]rAc-r.cs/nX6N,J1AD-LcSD LCg Lot- Sample$ : D5l22O O A O - 424 wo* : HKCX4TaC-I,C9IHKCX41AD-LCSD IJCS Lot-Sary>Ie* : D5I090000 -54 0 93 (g? - 114) McAsrlv 340.2 og/og/as s2s254o eG (s7 - 114) 3-3 (0-16) McAww 340-2 og/og/os s2s2s4o Dilutiou Factor; 1 I'IO# :HKC0BIAC-LCS/HKC0R1aD-IJCSD IJCS Lot-Sample*: D5IO90000-541 92 (B? - 114) MeAwr{ 340.2 og/og/os szs2slt 91 (sz - 114) o.Bo (0-16) MeAww 340.2 ag/og/os 52szs4L Dilution Factor: 1 .nnaJ-yala Time. . : 11: 3O wo# : HKTLPIAC-r,CS /HIKtt plAD-r,CgD LCg Lot-Sample# : D5I.22OOO O -57 9 oe / 03 /os s26ss7 9 09 / a3 / 05 sz;ss?e (ee 110)MCAWW 353 .2 (es 11O) 1.5 ( O-1O) MCASIW 353 .2 DlluEl-on Factor: 1 Analyele TLme.,: 12:00 wo* : HK7 EN1AC -LCS /HK7 ENLAD - LCSD ( 90 110)(go 11o) 2. o (o-i.o) Dilution Factor: 1 (gz L12)- (gz LLz) 4 .5 ( O-1,0) Dllutlou Factor: L ( el 112 )(9L LLzl 4.2 (O-l-s) ol.Iutlon Factor: 1 MCA!{I{ 3s0.1 O9/2O/O5 5265424 I,rcAww 3s0.1- as/z0/as 526s424 Analyeia Time..: 17:00 MCAI,rm 353 - 2 MCAWW 353 .2 Arralyels Time. . : 16: 00 I{o# : HiI2GLlAc -r,cs/Hir2crJrAD-rrcgD Lcs IJot - samp}e* : D5 f 0 6 0 0 0 0 - 5 I 6 MCAUTn 375 .4 09 / 05 / 05 5249586 MCAWW 37s.4 09/A5/As 5249585 Analyels TLme..: 1a:3o STL Denver (Contlnued on next page) 185 f.ot-Saryl1e *. - . 3 D5I030139 PBRCENT PARII#_.TER RECO\IERY Total Qanide 107 106 W CC'IrIROL SJBT{PLE ffi REPORf General eherui-stry RECO\IERY LTMTTS (ag 10e) (eg 109) 0.93 (o-2ol Dllutlon Factor: 1 llafa'ir--.. - - o o,: WATER PREPARATION- PREP ANAIJYSIS DATE BATCH # sw846 eo1 aB/9O12A Ae / t4-A9 / 7s / As s2s7427 sw845 e01aB/ 9012A 09 /L4-A9 / 15/OS s2s7427 Analysl.e Tlme. . : L2 :3 O RPD RPD I,IMITS METTIOD wo{f : HKT,IIWUC-I,CS/HXOHW1AD- IJCSD IrCS Irot- Sample* : D5I14 O O 0 0 -42 7 ITCTT1B (8) : Calculations rro performcd before rounding to rvoid round+ff orrors in calftlatcd resrlb. Denver L87 W COITTROI, SAUPI..B DATA RMORT General- ehemietriy Iot-8aqll.e PARATT{ETER pH Ammonla'as N 4.00 {. 00 Arnmonia as N 4. O0 4.00 Fluorlde 5. OO 5. OO FluorLde 5. 00 5.00 Nit,rate NLtrate-Nitrit,e 4.00 4. OO Sulfate 25. O 25. O *. - -: D5I0301-39 SPIKE MEASTIRED 7. OO '7 .O2 7.00 7.O2 PERCMT AMOI]MT AIT{OI]NIT T}NITS RECIIRY RPD }IETIIOD wo# : HiI7T7 lAiA- LCS lH,J7T7 lAC - LCSD No units r-oo swe46 No Unlte L00 0.0 SW845 Dl-lut,ion Factor: 1 Aualye1e wo* : HKrI94 LAC-LCS /UXHS4 IAD-IJCSD rratrL:c. - - - - - -, - 3 VIATER PREPARATIO$- PREP AIIIAITYSIS DATE BATCH # LCS Lot-garnple# : D5fO3000O-100 eo40B oe / o3los s2451oo 90408 a9 / B /as s246100 Time..: 13:38 IJCS l-rot-Sample# : D5I1{0000-378 350-1 oe/L4/Os s2s737s 3s0.1- o9/L4/05 s2s7378 TimG. . : 05:00 LCS LoL-Samp1e# : D5A22000 O-424 3so. 1 09 lzA/Os s265424 3s0.1 a9/2O/O5 5255424 Tl-me..: L7:O0 LCS Lot-Sarnp1e# : D5IO90000-540 34O .2 09 / 09 / 05 52s254O 340 .2 09 / 09 / A5 525254A Time. -: 11:30 LeS Lot-Saq>Ie# : D5IO9000O-541 34A .2 09 / 09 / Os s2s2s4L 340.2 O9/O9/O5 s2s2s41, Tlme.,: 11:3O LCg Lot-Samp1e* : D5I220000-579 3s3.2 09/O3/Os s26ss79 3s3.2 O9/$/A5 s26ss79 Tl.me. . ; 12;00 LCS lrot -Samp1e# : D5f,22000 A -542 3s3 .2 09 /2O/ Os s265542 3s3 .2 O9/TA/O5 5265s42 TLme..: L6:00 IrCS Lot-Sample# : D5f050O00-586 37s.4 09/ 06/Os s2+9s86 37s .4 A9/ 06/05 s249s86 Tlne.,: 1tl:30 0.0500 0-A476 mg/T' 0 . o5oo 0 , 04 69 mg/L w/L ms /r, mg/r, mg /r' ms/L mg/t, mg/t, mg/t PL1utlou Eactorr 1 1-08 MCAWW L10 1.6 MCAIIW 101 MCAIIII{ 99 2.O MCAI'II{ 93 MCAUII{ 96 3,3 MCAWW 92 MCAWW 91 0.80 McAlifhl 1-05 MCAWW L 01- 4 .6 MCAWW 4 ,33 4_40 4.03 3.95 4 .63 4.79 4.60 4.55 4.2L 4.02 25 .6 26 .6 DLlutlon Factor; 1 Analysis wo# : HKSNJ1AC - r,CS /HK6N.TTAD - LCSD rtug /r, mg /r' DLlutLon Pactor: 1 Analygls wo# : HKcx4 l.A.c- Lcs / llxcx4 lAD- LcsD Dilution Fastor: 1 Analyeia v{o# ; HKGoR1AC - L,cs /HKCoRIAD - LCSD mg /r, mg/t Dl}uElou Factor: 1 Analyeis wo# : HKTLPlAC -LCS /HKTrrpLAD- LCSD 95 MCAUm 94 1.5 MeASm nnatyelaDilution FacEor; 1 wo# : rrr(7 PNIAC -I-,cs /HK7 FNLAD - [,CSD Dl1utlon FacE,or: 1 Analyele WO# : Hr]2 GIT1AC - LCS / lllZelrlAD - IJCSD L02 L07 MCAWW 4.2 MCAWW Analysls STL Denver (eontinued on nexE page) 188 ffi (]OIITROL SAI{PIIB IIAII, RBFORT General' Cheetotry Iot-SarylJ.e *- - - : D5I03 0139 SPTKE MEASTIRED PERCNT PARAMETER AII'IOT]MT AII{OTINT UNITS RES\M.Y RPD METHOD Dlatrtx! -,,, ? - - - i WATER PREPARATTON- PREP AIIAITYSTS DATE. BATCH # LCS Lot-Sarnp1e# : D5I14000O-427 e01 oF/ eo12A ae I t4- ae / Ls / 0s s2s7 427 eol aE/ eo12A oe / t+- oe / ts / as s2s7 427 TLme..: 12:30 Tota1 Qyanlda rsrB (s) : O,107 mg/l' 0. L06 ng/f' LO7 sw846 105 0.93 SW845 wo# : HK,JTIWIAC - r,CS / HK]HWIAD - LCSD o,l-00 o.l-00 Pllutlou Factor: 1 Analyele Calsululons Ero performed bcfore rourdlng to avold round-offorrort hr caleulated resulu. o STL Denver 189 W COI{rISOI, ABDTPT,E BI'ELIBTIOIT General- Chenistrl/ RBPORT PREPARATION- AI{IL.trYSfS DATE liatrix. r - - . - . - - 3 WATERClient, Iot # - PABAI,IETER Ch]orlde NUTts (S) : 3 D5I03 0L39 PERCETVT RECO\IERY 100 RECO\IERY LIMITS IVIETIIOD PREP BATCH # Work Order #: IIKDP11AC LCS Lot-SanpleS: D5I090000-250 (90 - 110) McAww 3zs.z ogloelos szsz2so DLlutlon FacEor: 1 Calculations arc porformod bcfore rorndinj to avold roundoff ertors in celculatcd rsgrlu. STL Denver 190 Clieut lot *- -. : D5I030139 ffi CoIEBOIT SaHPLE IIATH' RBFORr GeneraJ- Chentetry PERCNT t{atrix. o - . - . . - r : IIIATER PREPARATTON- PREP RESIIRY METHOD A}IALYSIS DATE BATCH # HKDP11AC LCS Lot,-SamPle# : D5I09O00O-250 100 McAww 325 .2 09 / 08/05 52522sO 1 Arralysls Tlme. . : 1O: O0 PARAI{ETER SPTKE TUEAST]RED AMOUNT AIYIOIINT TTNITS Chloride rufB (s) : 50. 0 Work Order #: 50. O mg/I' Dilutioa Factor: CrlculetionB are pcrformed belbre rounding to avoid round-ofifcrrors ln calcutated r$ults. STL Denver 191 IATRIE SPIXB SAUPI,B EII'BIIIHTIqI RMORT GelleraL Cqa+fgf,,-y Client Iot. *- - -: D5I030139 Date Saqfled--- | og/ol/as L2zLo Date Received..z o9/02/os PERCEMT RECO\IERY PARAIIETER RECO\IERY frIIttITg RPD RPD IrIMfTg MEITIOD wo#: r-30) 13O) 0.31 (O-3O) Dl-lutlon Factor: 1 Analysl,a TLme. . : 17: 0O wo#: 13 0) 13ol L.2 (O-30) Dilutl-on Factor: I AnalysLs TLme. - : 05: oO wo#, t-30 ) L30) 0.82 (O-30) Dilution Factor: 1 .RnalyeLe TLme,, : O5 : 0O wo#: 130) 130) 1.5 (O-3O) ullutLon Factrorr L Aualyole Tl,me. . : O5 : 00 H,IVQAIee-I,IEI/U,.nrQelCD-MSD MS MCAWW 350.l" Meeww 350.1 tlatrl-x- - - - ! . . - - ! Y{ATER PREPARATTON- PREP +NlIiYsIs DATE BAT9H # Lot.-Sample # ; D5IA2O230- 002 ae /2a / as s265424 oe /2o/ as 526s424 L'ot-Sarple # : D5I02023 0- 004 oe /L4/ os s2s7378 ae /t4/ os s2s7378 lLmmonl,a aEI N Ammonia as N ArnmonLa aB N Armrpnia ar N Ctrloride Chloride Pluoride 9s 94 99 9B (*e (ee (+a (++ HWQgIDP-MSIH.IIIQg].DQ-MSD MS MCA?TIiI 350.1 MCAhIW 350. t- 100 (*e 1- 01 (+q 1O1 (++ e8 (++ 10s ( 90 10,e (go NC, DrL ( gO Ne, DIL ( gO H,.T8E0IA.I-MS/IIJ8E01AI(-MSD MS MCAWET 350.1 MCAWW 350.l- frot-Sample #: oe/L4/as ae/L4/as Dsro90L52-001 s2s7378 s2s7378 HKAA1lAD-MS/nreallAE-MSD MS MCAWW 350.1 MCAyIW 350.1 LoL-SampIe #: oe/L4/as ae/L4/as D5r0903 77 -O32 s25 7378 5257378 wo# : Hirlrpo 1AR-Ms/HirvPolAT-MsD 110) MCAWW 325.2 LL0) 0.39 (O-10) MCAhIW 325-2 ffLlutLon Factor: I Arralyeie Ti-me, . : 1O: O0 wo# : HirvQe lDK-Ms/HWQ9lDL-ptSD 1,L0) UCAWW 325,2 LL0) (0-10) MCAUW{ 32s.2 Dilution Factor: L Analysls TLme. . : 10: O0 wo#: 107) HirvQglDM-MSr/HJVQ9TDN-MgD Mg LO7) O.40 (O-L0) PLlut,lon Factor: 1 Analyeia TLme,.; 11:30 MCJLWW 340,2 MCAWW 34A.2 Lot-Sample # : D5IO20230-004 09 / oglos szszs{o 09 / oe / as szs2s40 Irot-Samp1e #: oe / oB/os ae / o8/os Dsr020229-001 525 2250 52522s0 Irot-$aruple #: ae / oB/ os oe / 0810s D5rO2A230-004 s2s225A 52522sO 55N 55N (82 (gz STL Denver (ContJ.nued on next page) ]-92 ItrtNXT SPIre SA}IPIiE EInI,INTTTOH RBPORT General Cteml-strar eueat Iot *---: D5I030139 Date Saryfleal. - - . ogloL/05 L2:Lo Date Beceived - . -- 09/az/os PARAMETER PERCEITT RECO\iIERY RECOI'ERY I,TMITS RPD RPD I.IMITS METHOD H,.T5.n{lDE-MS/glf6.n{IDF-MSD }IS MCAITnilI 34O .2 IICAITII{ 34O .2 Hatri-x- . . - . D . - - 3 WATER PREPARATTON- PREP Ar{AIYS}_S JATE BATCU # Irot-Samgrle * : D5I080243-004 oe / oe/ as s2s2s41 09/ oe/ os s2s2s4:- Lot -Sample #, Dsf 020230- 004 oe /zolos s255 542 oe /2olos s26ss42 Lot-Sample # : DSI02023O- 004 ae / a6/ os s24es86 ae / o6los s249586 Fluoride Nitrate-Nitrite 99 98 Sulfate 98 98 Tota1 Cllanide LL2 115 rurts(s): wo#: 10 7) 107) 2 .4 (O-10) DLlutlos Fact.or: L enalyels Tlme. . : 1,1 : 30 wo#: 1le ) 119) 1.7 (O-30) oLlutl-on F'actor: 1 Analyate Tlme.-: 15:00 H.rTQgIDD-MSIH.NTQ91DE-MSD MS MCAIW{ 353 .2 MCATU!{ 353 .2 76N 79N (az (fi (ez rc2 wo#: 1s3 )(+s 1s3) o.02 (o-21) H.f\/QglDR-MS/HWQgIDT-MSD MS MCAI{W 375.4 MCAIm 375 .4 (4s I aq, N N OLl'utlm Eactor: 1 Analy8ls Tlme..: l{:30 wo#: HwQgrou-las/uwQ91Dv-MsD Ms r,ot.-sarple #: D5ro2o23o-rof (89 - 109) sw846 soron,/sotea oglrn-o9/L5/os 52s7427 (s9 - 109) 3.3 (o-20) sw8{G gotos/gotze og/ts-og/ts/os s2s74z7 Dllutlon Factor: 1 eaafysia rl-me.. : 12:30 Calculations are pcrformod bcfore roundlng 1o rvoid rourd+ff crron in catcrrlatd rcsrrtts. NC Tho r€covory and/or RPD wers nor cslculrtod. DIL Thc concenlradon is estimatod or not reported duo to rlilution or tbe presenoe of interfcring analytes. N Spiked anrlyrc recovery is outside starod control lirnis. STL Denver 193 ETSIT SPIKE S}UP[,B DATE, RBBOR:r General Che[l-Btry Clieut Iot *- - -: D5I030139 DaEe 8aq,Ied-- -= o9/o1/OS L2t1O Date Beeeirred- -. og/oz/os SAIIIPITE SPIKE PAR,,AMETER AIVIOTNTT AICP l.IaLriix- D, . . . - - - r rmTER Anmonla as N 0,38 4 . 00 0 ,38 {.00 4.L7 mg/L 4 . 15 mg/I' 4 -42 rrg,/t 4.37 mg/T' 4.58 mg/l' { . 61 fftg/T' 37 - G mg/I, 37.O mg/T' 76 .4 rW/t, 76 -L nr7,/n NC, DIIr mg/L NC, DrIr mg/T' DLlutlon Factor: 1 Analygl.g Timc. . : 10 : 0O 2 .95 N mg/1" 2.96 N mg/L MCAUII{ 350. 1 O.3L MCAIrm 350.1 MCAWW 340.2 0 .40 MCAWW 340 .2 PREPARJATION- PREP AMLYgrg DATE BATCH # 09 /2o/ os s26s424 09 /20 / os 526s424 #: DsI 020230-004 ae /L4/ os 5257378 09 / L4 / Os s257s"18 MEASRD PERCNlr A},IOTINT TJhIITS REC]\IRY RPD METHOD I{O#: ILTVQATCC-I'1gIHWQA1CD-MSD Mg rrot-Sample #: D5r020230-002 95 94 DllutLon Factsor: 1 AnalysLe Tlme..: 17:00 wo# : H,J\IQ91DP-MS/HWQ91DQ-MSD MS lrot-SampleAnunonia ag N 0 .45 0 .45 ammonla aE N 0-59 0-58 Ammonia as N L7 L7 Chloride 24 24 Chlorlde ss000 55000 0,15 0.16 4.OO 4-OO 4.00 4.oO 20.0 20.A 50. o 50. o 100 100 5-00 s-00 DiluEioIr PacEor: 1 Analyrls Blne..: O5:00 VIO#: ILI8E01A.I-MS/H\T8EO1AK-}!S,D Ms lJot-sample #: D5I090152-0o1 99 MCAWW 350.1 98 L.2 MeAWIf 350,1 . 100 MCAWW 350.1 101 0.82 MCAWW 350. L 101 MCAWW 350.1 98 1.6 MCAWW 350.1 105 MCAWUT 104 0.39 MCAIrnt MCAWW MCAUM # : DsI0e03 77 -A32 oe/L4/as oe/L4/os Dl.lutlou Factor: 1 analyeLs ?Lme-.: 05IOO wo* : HICAA1LAD-MS/HI(AAI-1AE-MSID MS Lot-Sanple ae/L4la5 ae/L4/as 52s7378 525737 I s257378 5257378 Dilution Factorr I Analygie Time,.: 10:00 wo# : HWQ9I_DK-MS/HWQ91DIJ-MSD MS Dl-Iut,lon Factor: 1 Analyele TLme- -: 05:OO wo# : HJVP0IAR-MS/HarVPO1AT-MSD MS Irot-Sample # : D5r0 2A229 -001 32s .2 09 / 08/Os s25225O 325 .2 09 / O8l Os 5252250 Lot-Sample # : D5I02023O-004 32s .2 A9 / A8 / Os s2s22t C 32s .2 09 / 08/05 s2s22t ) #: D5fO2O23o- 004 a9 / as / os s2s 2s4o a9 / 09 / as szszs4o Fluoride wo# : HWQ9]-DM-MS/HWQ91DN-MSD MS r,or-Sample 55 55 Dil-utl-on FacEor: 1 analyele TLme..: 11:30 (Cont,lnued on next STL Denver page) 1-9 4 IfltI?IT SPIKB BI}TPLB ITAtrL REPORT Glenera1 Chem1strT gf.ienL Iot *- - - i Date 8arylIed.---I SAIT{PLE PARAMETER AMOITMT Fluorlde 2.2 2.2 D5r0301,39 09/01/05 LZ:Lo Date SPII(E MEASRD Alvlotnirr UNITS uatrfur. - . - r . - . - 3 WATER RE(IM,Y RPD METHOD tro#: ILf6JI,[ron-ug/U.r6JM1DF-IvIsD us lot-sary)Ie #: D5r080243-004 Receirrod- -: a9/a2/a5 PERCMT PREPARATION- PREP AI.IAIJYSIS DATE BATCH # oe / oe / os s252s4L oe / oe / as szszs4r. #: D5rA2O23O- 004 09/2O/os s25ss42 og/za/ os s26ss42 Nitrate-Nitrite ND ND 6-00 N rftg/T' 5.15 N mg/T, DLlutton Factor: L 0.119 N mg/r, O.L22 N mg/l' Dllutl,on Factor: 1 3.97 mg/l' 3 . 90 mg/T. Dllution Factorr AnalyeLe TLma. - : 25900 rrg/T. 98 26000 rlrg/r, 9s Pi1utslou Factor; l. Analyaie Time. . : 14 :30 99 IVICAWW 353.2 98 L.7 MCAWV{ 353.2 I 15:OO MCAWW 34A.2 2 .4 MCAI{Iil 3 40 .2 MCAWW 375.4 0.02 MCAWTII 375.4 s-00 5. O0 76 79 LLz 116 Analyele TLme..; 11:3O wo# : H{IVQ9LDD-MS/H{rVQ91DE-I'!SD MS Lot-Sanple 4 .00 4,00 Sulfate 1.4 000 L2s00 14 000 12500 Tota1 Cyanide 0_0059 0.L00 o - oo5g 0.100 rscfB (81 : wo# : HirvQg 1DU-MS/H.I1IQ9]-DV-MSD MS Lot.-Sample # : D5I02 O23O- 004 sw845 eolaB/e oe/L[-oe/Ls/as szs 3 - 3 Sw84 5 9o1 aB/ e Oe / 14 - ae/ 1slo5 s2s7427 wo*: rIirvQglDR-MS/nWQ91DT-MgD MS rror-Saq)Ie #: D5r02023O-004 oe/a6/as oe/05/os s24958 6 s2495 8 6 Analysls TLme..I L2:3O Calcululons are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. NC The rccovery andlor RPD woro not calculatcd. DIL The conccntration is cstlmarcd or not reported <lue to dilution or the prescnce of interftring analytes. N Spiked analyte recovery Is ounlde $rted control limits. o STL Denver 195 SAHPT,B IIUPIficjAIE EITALTIATIOI5 RmOR:f Geueral- CheNnittry ClLeut Iot *---; D5I030139 f,ork Order *---: ILIXTN-9MP tiatri-x- -: WATER HJXMT-DUP Date sar{p].ed---s, a9/o2/0s 08:20 Dete neeeived,.l 09/03/05 DUPIJIEATE RPD PARAITI RESI,IJT RESUI]T UNITS RPD I,IMIT IMTHOD PREPARATION. PREP AI{ALYSTS DATE BATCTI # pH 5.9 5.9 SD IJot-gaq)Ie #: D5IO3012d-001 No Unl-rs 0.0 (0-5.0) sw8{6 9o4oB o9/03/os 5245099 Dilution Frctor: 1 lnalyele Tlme-.: 13:{9 STL Denver a96 STL Denver Sarnple Receiving Checklist Lot +' l[I D3o I ]'f .. Date/Time Received:tbt r CompanyName & Sampling Site:l'perle pN ?i , c6 .^t,"r.1,-... OESO PM to Corrrplete This Section: Yes Rcsidtral chlorine check required:f Quotc #: Special Insrructions: Time Zanc: . EDTTEST . CDTICST . MDT/}yIST . PDT/PST . OTFIER Quarantined : -Ies Norlo Uopacking Checks: Cooler#(s): ( L Tcrperanlres("C): (tS '{.9 N/A Yx NoDfrr. p!l 2. Ltf3. of 4 f ?ti tr .{- 6. Oo7. B(r.?. q 3,(, r' 7.',L Cooier seals intact? (N/A if hard delivered) If no, doorment on C[IR. Chain of custodypresent? Hno, documcnt on CUR- Bottles brokeu aad/or are lealring? If yes, document on CUR* Multiphasic sarrples obvious? If yes, doctmtent on CUR. Proper container & presewatives used? (ref. Attachrnent D of SOP# DEN-QA.r0003) pH of all sarrples checked aud meetrequirements? ff oo, aoo&a-{r=q$ ) If no, document on CIJR. Sufficient volu:rre provided for all analysis requested? (ref. Attacbmcnt D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If ao, docuoent on CUR, and contact-PM before proceedirg. Did chirin of custody agrce with Iabels ID and samples received? If no, docurnent on CUR Wcrc VOA sarryles without headspace? Ifno, do$Bpe-nt o, dUR:" -- V/ere VOA vials preserved? Preservative 'eHCl .44!2"C tjsodium Thiosulfate Q.A.scorbic Acid Did sarrples require presewatioa witt sodir:sr thiosulfate? If yes to #1 I, did the samplcs contaia residual cblorine? Ifycs, documenr on CUR. Sediment present in dissolved/fiitered boules? If yes, document on CLIR Is sfficient volume provided for client requested MS, MSD or matrix dupiicates? If no, documcnt on CU& and coDtact PM before proceeding. Receipt date(s) > 48 hours past the collection date(s)? lf yes, noti$ PA/PM. Are analyses with short holding times requested? Was a quick Turn Around (TAT) rcquested? P{l tra DfI D iII E3 DT il 3 o e ,#n"* o ry tr ? f fi tr SmtSE?{ffETrle Rcrciving\Sample Rccciving Chccklist I2 Ls 04 revision L2n3tM L97 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist Lot# b;lD3D/ s7 Login Chccks: tninals N/A l'es No tr p D lti. Sufficient volunuprovidcd for allanalysir rcquceled? (ref. Anachmcnr D ofSOPf DEN-QA-0003) If no, dtr documeil on CuR, and contacl PM beforc procccdirrg A I9. ls suflicisnt votume providcd for client rcguested M.S, MSD or matrix duplicates? lf no, rlocument on CUR, and ccrtttad PM beforc proceeding. D 20- Did thc chain of custody includes "received b)," and "rclinguished'by eiglatures, dates, and timcs'l tr 2l- Were special lq in instructions read and followed? tr 22. Were AFCEEmctals logged for refiigcrated storage? U tr m L il EO dD & prr trs n D B 23- Wcre rc*r Ioggd chcclied againsl thc COC? lllhich samples ncrc conlirmcd? P, 24- Util a Rrtsh lbrm complacd for guick Tel*.r 25. \llar a Slrort Hold form conpletcd for any short holds? 26. Is'Strid lC0C-rcgubed? ??- Wcrc special archiving futslrucfioDs indicarcd in rhe Gcmrat Comrpnts? lf so, u,hat wcre fhc1,? o Laheliry atrd Storage Checks:lnitia.lsM i,T {r) fir YCJtrtr trtr trE 28- Was ibe rlbcouragt COC signcd aod scnl witb samples to bottle prcp? 29- Were sasplelabels double-checkcd by a second pcrson? 30. Wcre saryleboltles aad COC double chacked frn' dissolved,/filrcred m.ub b1, a secoad pcrson? 3L Did the sarrylc ID, Datc, and Tinrc from label marcb uihal u,as loged? 32. Wcre stickcrs for ryeciat archiving insruaions affixed to Eadr box and ttr tbe ICOC? See #17 33. ll,ere .AFCEE muals stored refrigcralcd? 34. \{ere *Stid ICOC" copics givcn to sarellite storage areas? Docuurenl any problcms or disc.rcpancies and the actions taken to resolve them on a Condition Upon Receip Anomaly Report (CIJR). STL Denver 198 GO nu o T il i l g d E EF [ E 3 E 3 dE F f , 3 J< o ra .- r ' a EB 5 5I C)=E.=o+()Ea.{ .ocL 7(D c)oa .j -c + {- . '* t- . -A ' rr l r tr .- ts r r\ -J . ) ft iI !- sxf ; L dpIZ e fIm f,x U, r }ilv (n g o\ Iceot +il \i l *E 'i m .. $ tu6t^6 6 NO . OF CO N T A I N T E R S !ln =!xa 1mo m m(f ' 'T tof,F TDo],>-to :D '@ '*B rr l J =rn e'T(D =r z. I o.U .m-z rn0 @*q J?-m{m '= 'o d CN rn F*c)ozo =oz L9 9 ST L De n v e r STL STL Denver 4955 Yanow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Tet: 303 736 0100 Fax: 303 431 7l7l www.stl-inc.com ANALYTICAL REPORT Western Zirconium Project Lot#: D5ll30I98 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 81 81 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 STL DENVER fuv Linda L. Benkers Project Manager October I 1, 2005 Severn frent Laboratories, lnc. Table Of Contents Standard Deliverables with Supporting Documentation o Report Contents Sfandard Deliverables (ln, Cover Letter and the Rqon Cover page are considered integral parts of this Standard Deliverable paclroge. This report is incomplete unless all pages indicated in this Table of Contents are included) o Table of Contents o Case Narrative o Execuflve Summary - Detectlon Hlghllghts o Methods SummsrT Method/An alyst S urnmsry o Lot Sarnple Summary o Anatydcal Results o QC Data Association Summnry . QC Sample Results o Chain-of-Custody Su pporti ng Doc u me ntatlon (Note: A one-page "Description of Supponing Documentntion" is pruwided at the beginning of thls sectton-). o VoIntIIe GC/I\{S r Semivolatlle GC/MS r Volatile GC o SemivolaflIe GC o LCIMS or HPLC r Metals o C*o.ral Chemistry . Radlochemistry o Subcontracted Data Nurnber of Pages Check below when supprlrtlng documentatlon ls present. nnnnEEnn: STt Denver Case Narrative Dsrr30t98 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followod in the analysis of the samples and no proble,ms were e,ncountered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality control samples analped in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established contol limits, with anyexceptions noted. The test results presented in this report meet all requirements of NELAC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced, excqlt in frrll, without written perrrission from the laboratory. Sample Recelvlng Four samples w€re received under chain of custody on Septenrber 13, 2005. The sarrples were received in good condition at ternperatures of 3.6oC, 4.1"C, 3.9"C, and 3.3"C. Please note that the samples submitted for 82608 aualyses require reporting of Chloroform only as per client request. Also, note that the chain of custody list samples ID's as BWI-091205 and 8W2491205. As per clielrt request the saniple ID's were changed to BW01-091205 and BW02-09l205,respectively. Sample aliquots for all radiological anal5rses are logged in under a separate lot and were sent to STL St L,ouis; 13715 RiderTrait North; Earth City; MO 63045,phone 314-298-8566. GC/IVIS Volatiles, SWM6 82608 The MS/MSD associated with batch 5268077 was performed on sample D5Il30t 98-004 and was in control- No anomalies were observed. Total Metals, SW846 60108,6020 & 7470A Samples D5I130198-002 through 004 and ttre MSiIv{SD performed on sample 0&[ were analyed at dilutions for cadmium and selenium by method 6020 due to matrix interference. The reporting limits are adjusted acoordingly. Calcium was detected in the method 60108 blank at a concentration below the reporting limit but above the method detection limit. Associated positive sample results are flagged "J". The method 60108 MSA,ISD associated with batch 5266567 performed on sample D5I130198- 004 was in contol. The recoveries for sodium are not calculated because the sample amount was greater than four times the spike arnount. A second method 60108 MS/IvISD associated with batch 5266567 performed on a sample from another client and/or lot was not in control. Denver The method 7470A MSA{SD associated with batch 5269496 was performed on saurple D5Il30l98-004 and dernonstrated recoveries below the contol limit for mercury. The method 7470A MSA,ISD associated with batdr 5269496 was performed on sample D5I130198-002 and demonstrated recoveries below the control limits formercury. The method 6020 MSAiISD associated with bateh 5266564 was performed on sample D5Il30l98-004 and was in control. A second method 6020 MSA{SD associated with batch 5266564 was performed on a sample from another client and/or lot and was not in control. Serial dilution of a digestate in analytical batch 5266567 performed on sample D5II30198-0M indicates that physical and chemical interferences are present for vanadiurn. The associated data are flagged "L". No other anomalies were obse,rved General Chemistry, Verlous Methods Sarnples D5I130198-002 through 004 were arlralyzed at dilutions for chloride and sulfate due to high analyte concenhations. The reporting limits are adusted accordingly and the associated data is flagged "Q". Chloride, fluoride, and sulfate were detected in the method blanks at concentrations below the reporting limits, but above the method detection limits. Associated positive saurple results are flagged "J"- The MS/IvISD performed on sample D5I130198-004 was in conhol for ammonia and nitrate- nitrite- The MS/IvISD performed on sample D5I130198-004 demonskated recoveries above the contul limit for chloride and sulfate. The MS demonstrated a recovery above the conhol limit for fluoride. AIso, the MSA,ISD derronskated recoveries below the control limits for cyanide. All other MSA{SD samples were performed on samples from other clients and/or lots and some were not in control. The pH duplicate performed on a sample from another client and/or lot was in contol. No other anomalies were observed. STL Denver o W - I)etection Highlights D5r130198 RESt'I,T REPORTING LTMTT UNITS AI{IA[,YTIEAIJ METHODPARATVIETER cf,-8w92-O9120s OglLz/aS O8: OO OO2 Selenlum Alumlnum Barl-urn Copper NickeI VanadLurn Zirrc Calcium Iron Potassiunr Magrnesiullr SodLum zLrconium Chlortde FluorJ-de Nitrate Nitrate-Nitrl-te pH Su].fate Ammonia aB N Gfl-BwOL-Og1zOs Ogllzl As 11: 15 OO3 0.0038 B 0.038 B 0 ,65 0,013 0.00L2 B 0.0045 Qualifiers: B, L o.o22 26 iI o,23 140 s0 +200 o.003L 8 53Oo J,Q 1_3 il o.18 0.18 B-4 620 J, Q 5_0 ntg/L mg /t mg/1, mslL mg /T' mg/L ntg /T, mg/r, wts /r' mg /T, mg/L mg /T, mg/L mg /r' wrg / T' mg /T' mg/r-, No Unite mg/t mg/L ntg /T' ng/t, nrg/L mg/t, mglr, mglI- mg /T' rilg/L mg/L mg /T' mg/t r/lg/L rvg /r' mglL, mg/L mglL No Unl-ts mg lt sur84 5 6a20 sw84 6 6 0L08 sw84 6 5 0l-08 sw846 50108 9w846 60108 gw845 50108 sw845 6010B SW84 5 ,601O8 sw845 60108 sw84 6 6 0108 sw845 60108 sw84 6 6 0108 sw846 60L08 MCAWW 325.2 TICAVIW 34O.2 I,{eAww 353 .2 MCAWW 353 ,2 sr{845 90408 MCAI{W 375,4 MCAI{W 350.1 glr846 6020 sw846 60108 sw845 50I_0B sw846 60108 sw845 60108 9w846 60108 sr{846 601-OB sw845 60L08 sw846 60108 sw84 6 6 01-OB sw846 60108 slr845 60L08 MCAI'[I{ 325.2 MCAWW 340.2 }{CAWW 3 53 .2 IYICAWW 353 ,2 sw846 90408 MCATilW 3 75 ,4 0.010 0. L0 0.0L0 0.010 0 - 040 o. o10 0.020 o.2a o - l_o 3.0 0.20 s-0 0. 01,5 250 o. Lo 0.10 0.10 o. Lo 250 0.10 Selenium AlumLnum AreenLc Barl-um Copper Vanadiurn Zinc CalcLum Iron PoEaseirun Magnesirrrn SodLum Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nitrate-Nltrite pH Sulfate o-0034 B 0.083 B o. 0058 B 0,17 0-0452 B o. 003 I QualLflers: B, L 0,L2 92J 0-13 324 160 5800 LL000 ,], Q 0.020 o - 1_0 0. 015 0. o10 o. o10 o. ol-o o. 020 0.20 0.10 3.0 0.20 5.0 250 0.71 J 0.10 0.17 0.l_0 0.17 0.10 8. 1 0. L0 2Lo0 J, Q 500 (Contl-nued on next page) STL Denver EXEW W -Iletection rlighlights D5I1301e8 RESI}LT REPORTING T,TMIT T}NIlrS AI{ALYTICAI, METHODPARAMETER ffi-Bwor--o912os og /Lzlos 11 :15 oo3 Rrmnonia as N Grr-Brro2-ogl2os og/tzlos LZ=22 oo4 Selenium aluminum Barium Copper Vanadlum CaIcl-um Iron Potasslurn Magrneeiurn Sodium ZLrconl,um Chlorlde F].uoride Nitrat e NitraLe-Nltrlte pH Sulfate Ammonia as N 6 -9 0.0037 B 0.010 o. 10 0.10 0.63 0. o10 0.0046 B 0.010 0.0045 0.010 Quallflers: B, L 24 ,f O .2O 4.24 0.10 130 3 - O 4B 0 .20 4000 5.0 o.0a24 B 0.015 5500 J, Q 25O !.2 ,, 0-1-O 0.99 0,10 o. gg 0.10 I _4 0.10 550 J, Q 1OO 5,0 0.10 0 . LO mg/T'MCAWW 350.1 sw846 6020 gw84 6 6 0108 sr{846 601-0B sw845 60L0B sw845 60108 sw84 6 6 0108 sw845 50108 SIi[846 60108 sw8{ 6 5 0108 sw846 50108 sw846 60108 MeAr{w 325 -2 MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAYIIIf 353 .2 sw845 90408 MCAWW 375 .4 MCAfnif 350.1 mg/t, $tg/L mg/r. mg/r, mg /r, rtg / T, rrg /r, mg /t' ms/r' mg/L mg /r' mg/L mg /r' mg/T, mg /l' No Units ntg/t mg /r' o '': STL Denver o METTIODSW DsI130a98 PARAMETER PREPAAATIOhI I"lETHOD pH Aqueous 911846 90408 sw846 90408 Chlorlde (colorimeLric, Autonated Ferricyanlde) McAl{w 325-2 MCAWW 325.2 Fluoride (Potentiometric, Ion Sel-ective Electrode) MCAWW 340.2 MCAIIW 340-2 Inductivel-y eoupled Plasna (ICP) Metals sw8{6 60108 sw846 30104 rcP-Ms (6020) sw8rr6 6020 sw8{6 3020A Mercury in Liquid waste (Manua1 Co1d-Vapor) SI{846 7470}. SW845 '747OA Ilitrate MCAww 353.2 MCAWW 353.2 Iilitrate-Nltrite McAwvt 353.2 MCAWW 353.2 Nitrogen, AnunonLa MCAltlf 35O. f- MCAVIW 350.1 sulfate MeAv{I{ 375.4 MCAVTW 375.4 Total cYanide sw846 9O1OB/901 SW846 90108 Trace rnducuively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Metale S11846 50108 SI{846 301oA vol-atile organJ.ce by GCIMS sI{845 82608 5T1846 50308/825 Referenaeg: AIiIAI,YTTCA.L METHOD nMethode for Ctremtcal analysig of water and Wagtesrr EPA-600/4-79-o2o, t'tarch 1983 aJBd subeequent revlslons. ilTeBt Methods for Eval-uating Solid waste, Physical/ChemJ.cal Iltethods',, Third EdLtlon, November 1985 and lte updates. IT{CAWW sw846 STL Denver 5 AIVAIJYTICAIJ METIIOD MEIHOD/ANALYST Dsr130198 ANATYST MCAWW 325 -2 MCAI{W 340.2 I"ICAWW 35O.1 MCAI{W 353 .2 MCAWW 375.4 sw846 60108 sw84 6 6 0108 sw846 60108 sw845 60108 sw845 5020 9w845 5020 sw846 74'7 0A sw845 82508 sw846 eo1 aB/eolzA sw846 90408 Referenees: MCAWW sw8{5 Claire L,l}car Foug:ere M. Danielle Claire l,ikar Clal-re Likar DusEi o. Criqui .Iane1 Motlchka .]anel Motlchka Lynn-Anne TrudeII Lynn-Anne Trudell Thomae LiII Thornas lrill Janice S - Collins Heather Despres Dust,i o. crlquJ. Fougere M. Uanlelle AfilAIrYgT ID o043 82 006481 0 04 382 0 04 382 00658 e 0 02 862 2852 0 05645 5 545 0 05 929 5929 o11558 o09250 005589 006481 nMeEhode for Chem'iea1 Analysis of Water and Waatesrt, npa-eOO/a-79-02A, March 1983 and eulreequents revisions. trTest Methods for Evaluating solld Waste, Phyoical/chemleal Methodstr, Third Edition, Noveriber 1986 and ite updates. STL Denver SAIVIPLEW Dsr130198 SAII{PL,E:D SAII{P DATE TIMEwo#SAI',IPLE*etfEluf SAI'IPLE fD HKE3N OO1 TB- 091205 HIG3Q A02 cW-BW9 2-0 91_2 05 HKE3W O03 G'yS-BWOL-091-205 HKE3O O04 GIrI-BI{O2-A91205 rurE (8) : oe/L2/os oe/Lz/os o8:oo 09/1,2/05 l-1:15 ae / tzl os L2 222 O - The analytlcal re*lB of the sample3 listed rbove are prmred oa &e following p4rs. - All celqrbtionc ero pcrfomcd bcforc routriing to avoid roud-off qrors iD csleul&tod resohs- - ItBdt8 Dolld ei 'ND' wcrc Dot dctcctcd il or lbove he sEtcd limit. - ThlG repott musr not bc rGproducEd, oxcot in fuI. wifiout thc wrisen.pprovsl of drc lrbomrory. - Rcsl6 fot thc followin3 penmerer rro mvc, reorted on a dry rrci3ht basis color, corosivity. dauity, flr$polnt, tgnltsbility. laycrs, odor, pritrl filtd ics, pH, porosity prcssnrc, rEacrrviry, rcdor JDtmtirl, qccilic gnvity, Sot resrs, solids, Gohbility, tmpcreturc, visoosity, &nd x,cifril. STL Denver IrnS Corlroration Cl-ient Saqfle II): 1B-O9a2O5 Gr,l}'6 vo]"atl.lea Lt-Saq)le *---: D5I130198-001 &rk der *.-.; HIG3N1AA Date saryrred-- -. o9/L2/O5 Date Receirred--r O9/t3/05 Prep Date -. O9/2L/O5 laalyeiE Date- -. O,/zL/OS Prep Batcb *---: 5268077 eoalyel-a Tire.-: 09:25 Dilution ractor: 1 l{ethod, RESUIJT : SW845 82508 PARAIT{ETER o REPORTTNG LN.'[TT UNITS Ch]-oroform ST]RROC,ATE lTD PERCEITT RBCO\'IERY L-0 rug/t RECO\IERY IrI!,IITS (zs 118) (sz 128 )(ze 118) (tt L17 ) Dibromof 1uoromethane L, Z-Dichloroethane- d+ 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 86 74 97 105 STL Denver tRg Gorporation Client 8aqile rr): Gt-8f,92-o91ilo5 @/us vol-atiles r.ot-Saq)Ie *- - -: D5I13O198-OO2 llork (}r:der *.. -: HICE3QIA7 rhtrir- - - -: GW rlate saryrled-- -: O9/t2/05 08:00 Date Received- -. o9/L3/O5 Prrep rlate .: og/zt/os eoallzsio Date- -! a9/2l/a5 . Frep Bateh *- - - : 5268077 analyeia Tirrc- - : 09:43 Dilutim Eactor: 1 r,Iethod- - - -: SY[846 82608 REPORTINGT PARJNTETER RESULT LIMIT UI{ITTS Chloroform SIIRROGATE Dlbromof luoromethane 96 L,2-Dlchloroethane-d4 93 DID ]- . 0 vg /t' PERCBVT RECOVERY RECOVERY I,IMITS _.(tt L1,8 ) (sz l-28 ) (ze 118 )(tz LL7 | 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB 92 B7 O ,i o STL Denver 10 Iot-gaq)Ie t..-3 Ilate Saq}I-ed- - -:kep llate------l Prep Batch f,- - -: Pt].utl-on Factor: D51L301.98-003 a9/Lz/os I-1:15 ae / 2L/ as s258077 L IIRS Corpsrat'iorr Cl.ient Sarlgll.e ID: GH-BWO1-O912O5 str'lus vo].atiles IIork Order *.-.3 HICE3WIA^] Ilate Becelwed- - = 09 / B / A5 Ana-Iysie Date-. r a9/2L/o5 nnalysia Ti-ne. - 3 10 : 02 tietIod, - - - - - - - - : SW846 82508 PARAMETER REST]T,T ITD PERCBNT RECOVERY REPORTING IJIMIT 1.0 RECO\IERY LIMfTS (73 118 ) (dz 128) (ze 118) (ll ]-L7) Chloroform gURROGATE D ib romo f luorome tha,ne L', 2 - Di chI oroettrane - d4 { -Bromof}uorobenzene Toluene-d8 L02 gtL 101 92 tlatr{x- - - D o - - - - 3 STL Denver o IrRS CorporatLon Cl.ient Saryr1e D: GII-BHO2-09L205 w,lus vorati]-ee Hork Order #-. -: HKE3OlAif Date Recelved- . i a9 / L3 / aS ena1lrsie Date. - ! 09 / 2L/ 05 Analyeie Time.,3 10:21 Ifigthod. - - - - - - o - : SW846 82608 llatrix-or,--,--: GWIot-Saryfle *- - -: Date Sary)led- - -: kep llatg---.-.1 Prep Bat& *,. - 3 Dilution Factor: Dsr L3 0L98 - 0 04 a9/Lz/os LZ=zZ ae / 2L/ os 5268A77 1 PARAMETER RESTILT ND PERCEITT RECO\TERY REPORTING I,IMIT UNTTS 1.0 ug/T' RECO\IERY I,IMITS ( 73 1r-8 )(sz 1-28 )(za 118 )(tz LLT l Ch].oroform SURROGATE D ibromo f I uorome t hEule L, 2- Dlchloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB 94 89 97 92 STL Denver : L2 Iot-Baq[e *, -.3 Ilate Saryrl.ed--.r PARAIUTETER IIRS Corgrcration ClLent Saryrle ID: ffi-BII92-O9I-2O5 TCIDAL }letals D5r130198-002 og/Lz/as 0B:00 Date Reeelved-. 3 og/n/aS RESULT REPORTTNG LIMfT UNITS IvIETHOD llatrL:r-------3 GT|I PREPARATION- WORK AIVAIJYSTS DATE ORDER # Prep Bateh Cadrnium 8ek:uflrur PEep Bat'ch Silver Alumi-num Arsente Barlum .' Ca.lcl-um Chrornlum . CTPCT Iron Potaeeirrm llagnegl-rm fi---: 5266554 ND o. oo38 B #..-3 5266557 ND o- o38 B ND o.65 26 ir ND o_o13 a -23^ 140 50 4200 o. oo5o mg/T, Dilution Factor r 5 0 - O1O mgll' Dllutl-on Factor: 5 0 .0L0 rW/t DlLutlon Factor: 1 O - 10 ryll, Dl-lutl-on Faetor: 1 O. O15 ng/t-, Dl}ut.Lou Factor: 1 O - Ol-o rylt DLlution Factor: I O -2O ryll' Dilution Factor: L O - O10 rfiglT' Dllution Factorr 1 O - O1O rug,lt, DLlutLon Factor: 1 O - 10 tng/L Dilution FacLor: 1 3-O ug,lf' Dilut,lou Factor: L O - 20 rytll' ffllutl.on Factor; 1 5.0 rylt' Dilution Factor; 1 (Continued sw845 6A20 Analysis Tl-me. . : 0{ ; 18 gDr846 602fJ Analysle Tina- - : O4 :18 sw845 50L08 analyeis TLrne. . : t3 ;21 sr846 50108 Analyele Time. -: 20:48 sw84 5 5 010B Analyaia Tlme. . : 13 :21 91846 60108 Analyeis Time. . : 13 ;21 811846 50108 Analyele tima..: 20:{8 sw845 60108 ^Rnalysie Time. - r 13 r2L 9H846 60108 Analyets TIme--: 13:21 6'XI846 50108 Analyeis rime..: 15:39 sH846 60108 AnalyoiB Time.-: 2o:48 sH8{6 50108 Analyeis Tl-me. . : 20 :48 811846 60L08 Analyeia Tl,me. -: 20248 next page) oel26-oe/28/os ael26-oel27 las os/zG-os/za/os oe lz6-oelzsl os oelz6-oelz7 I os ae/zG-oel28/os osl26-osf 2slas oe l28-oe l2elas oel26-oel2t los oel26-oelzz los oelzt-oelzr los oe / 26-ae / zs / os HrcE3Q1A3 ae lz6-oelzs los EXB3Q14,4 : :' HKE3Q1^AH HXB3QIA.T IIXB3QIAIJ EXB3QLAV HKE3QLAIT{ Ef,B3QIAry HXBQLAT EXB3QUAX HXB3QI.iAO 13 T0rL1 O STL Denver IIRA Cor;nration CLLerE garqfle ID: Gfr-BII92-Oga2Os fXAIr Heta-ls Iot-Saryrl'e *- - -: D5I130198-OO2 l,latrLx. - -.: Gw REPORTTNG PREPARJITTON- WORI( PARAIIETER RASUIJT I'TMIT I'NITS METIIOD AI{AIJYSIS DATE ORDER #rrickel o-oour B o-o4o qtfi, strr846 60108 o9126-a9l28los ExE3oilAP Dilution tractor: 1 ,lnalysis Time.,: 13;21 Iread tuD o.0o3o tns/r, gw84c 60108 o9/26-09/2s/os Irm3QlAQ DLLutLon tractor: L ArtalyaLs Tlne..; 13:21 vanadlnrn 0-00,16 B,r, o-o1o ry,l[, sr8.G 60108 o9126-a9l2Blos Ef,Ber"BR, Dilution Factor: 1 irDalyeie Tlme-.: L3:21 o-o22 O-O2O rylr, 8[1845 60108 o9/26-Ogl?rSl}s rrrE3orl[T DilutioB Eactor; 1 Analysis Tine..: 13;21 zircpnirm o-0o31 B o-o15 rylr, sr846 6010B o9f26-osl2'tlo5 ExB3oaA2 Dilution Pactor: 1 Anal.yeie Tlme.-: 20:{8 Priep Batclt *. - -: 5269496 I lYlercurlr ND 0-oo02o ng/r, gwB4G 747oA og/3a/as I{KE3Q1AU :oilutio Factor! 1 Analyo1s Timc--: 15:56 ; , rcfB(B): B Estimrtcd rmrr- Rasli l$ lcss dran RL J Mcthod blanlr coouminetioo. The $rociated medmd blank cont8los &c largct 0n&lytc at a rcporEblc level. L Suil Ailution of a dfcstrtc in lhc rnatytial b*ctr indicatcs Orat phpicil end Ocndcrl lnterfcrcnccs arc preant. o STL Denver L4 TIRII Corlrcration C1ient Saryrl-e ID: GII-B|IOI--O9I-2a5 IIUEAL lleta].o D5I130198-003 09 / L2/ as 11 : 15 Date Recelved- , i 09 / L3 / os RESUI,T REPORTING LIMIT T'NITS METHOD PREPARATION- WORK AIiIALYSTS DATE ORDER * o Iot-Saq)I-e *,..3 Date Saryrl-ed- , -: PARAMETER GW Prep Batch *-. - 3 CadmLum Se1cnl-rm 5266564 ND o-003{ B 0 - 010 mg/L Dllut,Lou Factor: L0 0 - O2o ryll' Dilution Factor: 10 O.0l-O rttg/l' DLlutlon FacLor: '1. 0.10 rylr- Dl.lutl,on F'actor: L O - O15 rryll' Dilution Factor: 1 o- O1O ry,IL DiLution Factor: 1 O.2O ry,IL Dilution Factor: 1 0. O1O Yrrg/L Dllutl,on Factor: I O - OtO trg,ll Dilution Factor: 1 O - 1(l rytlf, DiluE,lon Eactor: 1 3-o rytlL Dilution Faetor: 1 O.2O rngll^, Dllutl,on Factor: 1 5-o ryll. Dilutlon FaeEor: L (continued on sw845 5020 ArralyaLs TLme. . I 04 t22 gDI845 6020 "enalyoia Timc. . : 04 :22 oe / 2G -ae / 28 / os HI(E3wLAE ae I 26-ae 12tg I as EKB3njaF AreenLc Cal-cl-rur ChromJ-um Iron Pota.gsirm llagmesium : Sodlun , PreD BaEeh Silver ehmtnun *.-.3 5266557 ND 0-083 B o-oo58 B o -L7 92J ND o-oo52 B o-r-3 320 160 6800 sw846 60108 Aaalyeis TI"me. - : 13 : 26 sH845 50108 hnal-ysie Time- - : 2O : 53 S111846 50108 Aual.yele TlmB..; L3:26 srr846 50108 Arralyeie Tl-me. . : 13 : 25 5:W846 60108 Analysls Tlmo..: 20:53 sw845 50108 Analyeie time..: 13:25 sw8{6 60108 AnalysJ.e Tlme. . : 13 : 26 sH846 60tOB AnalyaJ,s Time. - : L5 :43 srr846 60108 Analysie Time..: 20:53 srr8{6 60108 enalyeia Time..: 2o:53 grI845 50108 Analysie Time..: 20:53 next page) .. oe / 26-ae /28 / os HICE3WLjAR oe I 26* 09 127 I As Hffi3nrar oelzr-aelzslos ffi3 oef26-o9f2S/os EE3 09 I z6-ae I zr I as Em3rl,as WlAU O rILV ae/26-oe/28/as oe f 26-oe l28/ os os lzs-is tzg I os oe/26-09lz't los oel26-oel27 /as oe lz6-oe lzt I os HI(E3W].AW EKB3rJ.JAX HKB3W1,45 EXB3WI.B'T EKB3WIAE HXB3miAe o STL Denver Iot-Saqrl.e f-..8 PA&AIYIETER IIRS Corgrcration CII-ent Saryrle il): Gfl-BHO1-091205 TCIEAI, Iteta]-s D5I130198-OO3 RESULT REPORTTNG I-IIMIT UNTT9 I,lETHOD rrlatrix--------.3 PREPARATTON- WORK ANTAIJYSTS DATE ORDER # NickeI Iread Vanadirur Zi.nc : Zirconiun ND o-oo38 B,L o-12 ND 0.040 mg/L DllutLon Factor; 1 O.O03O mg/1, OllutLon Factor: 1 O - o1-O ryll, DLlution E'actor; 1 O - O2O rgll, DilutLon Factor: L 0.015 mg/T, oilution Faetor: 1 0. 00020 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 9w846 60108 Analyols Tlme,.: 13:25 sw846 60108 Arralyele Tl-me. . : 13 :26 sn845 50108 AnalyaLs Tl:re. . : L3 226 srl846 50108 .Bnalyeie Tl-me. . : L3'.26 sw84 5 60108 Analyaie Time.. - : 2O :53 ae/25-oe/28los oe/26-ae/28/as oe lz6-oe l28l0s oel26-oel2slos oe/26-oe/2t/os HKB3I'T1AO HKE3W].A1 HXE3rIB,z Hffi3HAA3 , HI(E3WIAI) Erep Batch Mercury rrorE (s) : S---: 5269496 ND sril84 6 747 OA Oe / 3A / as Analyele Tima. -: 17:04 HKE3WLA4 . A Btuta0od rc$tr Re$ltisl6cthm RL , :ueoi *t btrr,t *r,no,lmtion. Tld, ulociarra mcthod blEnt conlllnr rhc trrgcr mrlytc Et a rcporiable lcvcl. L Schl dilutlon of a dijcstrfe in the amlydcrl batdr iDdicraes lhat ghysicrl and chcmical imerfamarcprdat. STL Denver a6 IrRII Corporation ClLeut Saq>Ie ID: Gfl-BWO2-O912O5 rcXAf, liet^a].a Dsr130198-004 09 / Lzl os L2 t22 tlate Reeelrred- - 3 09 / L3 / os rrlatrir(. - - - , - - r GTiI PREPARATION- WORK ANALYSIS DATE ORDER # Iot-8aryfle *. ..3 Ilate Saqrl.ed.- - -: PARAMETER REPORTINCI I,IMIT UNITSRESUIJT METHOD Prep Batch S- - -: Cadmium SeIenfurm 5265564 luD o. oo37 B 0.0050 mg/l' Dilution Faetor: 5 O- O1O ryll' Dllution Factor: 5 0.0050 nq,/L Dllutlon Factor: 1 o.1o Wll' Dl-lutlon Factor: I 0.015 ntg/L ol-lution Fact'or: 1 o. ol.o rytll Dtlut,l.on Factor; 1 O-2O ryll- DL]'ut,l-on Fastor: 1 0. O1o nq,/t DllutrLou Factor: 1 0 - O1O mg/r, Dllution FacEor; 1 O - 10 Wlt' PLlutJ,on FaeEor: 1 3-O rylr Dl-Iut.lon Factor: I O-2O ryll, Dilution Factor; L 5-0 ryln Dilution Factor: 1 9I{846 602A Analyeia Time-.: O4:26 4H846 6020 AnalysI-s Time..: 0{125 sw84 6 60108 Analyeie Tl-trre., : 13 : 41 sr846 6'0108 nnalysis TLme..: 19;79 sw846 60108 Anal.yale Tl-me. . : 13 :41 g11846 60108 Inalyaie Time..: L3:{L srr846 60108 Arralysl"e Time. . : 1,9 : 29 gw84 6 6 010B AnalysLe TLme. . : 13: {1 sr846 60108 AnalyeLs Tlme..: L3;{1 srr846 501(}8 Analyels Tlme, . : 1"5 : 20 sII846 50108 Analysia Time..: L9:29 6"H846 60108 Analyeis TLme..; L9t29 91845 60108 Analysie TLme..; L9:29 next page) ae / 26 - oe / 28 / os I{KE3 olAE oe | 26- os I 2s I os EKE3 oxar ae / 26 - o e / 2s / Os HKE30IAR oe I zr-og I 2t I os EKE3 ortrT *, - -: 5266567 ND o-1(, TID o-53 24 ir ND 0-0046 B o -24 130 48 4000 Prep Bat(fr Silver Ahurfunln Arsenic , BarJ.um Calcirm Chromium Colper Iron .Dotaegirrm ual;neel"tm Sodlun oe/26-oe/2s/os osl26-os l2I,l Os asl26-osl27 los ael26-oe/zB/os oe 126-ae/2s I os os l2s-os l2g I os oelz6-oelz7 los oelz6-oe/2'I los HKE3 O HXB3O 8ffi30x[5 HI(83 O lAW HKE3OTAX IIIG30IA6 HITE3Ol;L7 Effi3OIAA lAUo IA\r ae I 26*ae | 27 / as Hffi3orilc STL Denver (ContLnued on Iot-Saq[e S- - .: IrRg Cor;loratLm C1ient Barylle rD: @I-BIIo2-0912A5 IIUEAL Hgt'ar s D5r130198-004 Ilatrtr--,-----!: GW PREPARATTON- WORK A}IALYSIS DATE ORDER *PANAIVIETER REgI,IJT REPORTING tII{TT UNITS METHOD NickeI Iread vanadirm Z:rn.c Zirconiun ND o - oo45 BrL ISD o- oo2{ B 0 . 040 mg/t-' Dilution Factor: L o-0o30 mg/r, Dllutlon E'actor: 1 o. O1O ury,Irr Dilution Factor: 1 0.020 mg/L Dllut.Lou Factor: 1 O. O15 frgtll DLlution Factor: 1 ae/26-oe/2s/os oe/26-oe/28/CIs oel26-oe lzsl os as/26-os/28/as oel26-oel27l os HKE3 O1AO HIG3 O1A1 Effi3OIA2 HKE3O1A3 HKETOTAI) sw846 6010B Analygls Time..: 13:41 sw845 50I-08 Analyeie Tlme..: 13:41 sw846 60108 lnalysis Tirue. - : 13 :{1 sw846 60108 Analysls Time. . : 13 :41- srr846 50toB .Anal-yeie fime- - : 7-9'.29 Prep Batch #---: 5269495 Mercurlr ND 0 . 00020 rrg /T, oilutl-on Factor: 1 IUIE (g) : sw846 747AA Og/3a/os Analysle Tl-me. . : 17 : O5 HI(83 O1A4 B Brimrcd rcsufi. Rc$lt ls l€ss trrn RL, , Mdhod bldnk contrmlnrtion, The essodrted morhod blsr* coilllm dtc targct analytc at r rqrrtablc lovcl. [: Sriad duution of e dLessa in lho anrlytic.l b.ldr iD.tic.r.s ah$ ph]dcrl srld chcrnlcal lnrcrfaurccs arc prccnt. STL Denver 1B Iot-Saq[e #---3 Ilate Saq)I.ed---3 HARAMETER IIRS Corporation ClLent Saryrle ID: cr-8W92-O9I-2O5 Genera-I eheniatrT Work Order *.--: HICE3Q Ilate Received,- - 3 09 / L3 / os D5r1301e8-002 as/Lz/os oB:oo REST]IJT RL T]NITS MEfiIOD o - 10 IUo t,Irits srw846 90408pE .Bmnia Era l5 Chloride P].uonide Ititrate I[itrate-Nl.trI.te SrrIfatre ..Tota1 Cyanide rufE (s) : Dilutlon Factor I 1 o - 10 ry/l' Dilution Factor: L J,Q zso rrg,/L DLlutl.on Factror: 50 O. O10 mg/l' oLlutlon Factor: 1 Analyel.e ?ime. - : 13 : 59 rtcartll 350 - 1 AnalysLe Tlme. . : O1: O0 HGLrr 325 -2 Analyeie fima. . : 17: OO r{eAnw 31a.2 Analyeie Tirne. . : 13 : 15 I.IGAHH 353 ,2 .enalygio Tlme. . : 15 : 3O IICAH!| 353 .2 enalyaia Tlme. . : Ol-: OO HCtrHr 375 -4 Analyele Time.-: 15:30 sw846 e01aBl9012A Analyeie TLme..: L2:00 oe lL3l os oelzBlos ae ll.s I os oe ll4l as oe lLslos oelzslos 1olo3 /as ae/21-oe/22/os s255504 s271c84 s263262 s25757s 5.27L708 s27L6b 5277304 5264s3 9 8-4 5-O o-18 o-18 620 ND 53OO J,Q zso ng/t' 1-3 J DllutLon f'Bctror: 1oO o-1O ry,II- DlluUion Factor: 1 o - 10 wlt, Dilution Factor: 1 O.1O Wlt" Dilution Factorr 1 o ltatrix----!-'--: GW PREPARATION- PREP ANAT,YSTS IIATE BATgH # RL Roporting Umlt J Me&od bhnk connrnination. The assoclatod mettrod blank contains the targa analyte rt a reponabtc level. a Elevated reporting timit. The repordnS limit in elrevrrcd drlo o high anetyre levels. STL Denver o fot-Sal4fle *- - -: Date Saq)Ied..--! PARAMETER URg Corporat'lm Client sarylle rD: Gfl-Bro1-o9r"2o5 Glenera1 Chemtetrlr Ilork Order #.-.t HKE3W Date Received- - 3 a9/ 13/05 Itiatri:ro, . o o . - - . i GW PREPAR'ATION- ANATJYSIS DATE D5r130L98-003 ae/r2/ os t 1: t 5 REgUIJT I]NTTS METHOD pE Amonla aB N Chaoride ELuoride Nitrate Ititrate-!Sitrite Su]-fate Total C'1ranJ-de Nqtts(s): 8-1 0-L0 lto uriLe oilution Factor: I 6-9 O-1o ry,IL DLlutton Factorr I 11o0O J, Q 25O ryIlL Dilution Factor: lOO O-71 if O-1O ng,IT' DLlutiou E'act,or: 1 A -L7 O - 10 ngll' Dilutlon Factor; L A-L7 O-1O rg/n DLlutlon Eactor; 1 21OO t, Q so0 trq,/L Dilution Factor r l"OO ND O, 010 ng/t-' Dilution Factor: 1 s:Ir845 Analyais . I'iCAm Analysie TrcATlII .Bnalygie }TCAIIII Analyole ITTCBXTTT enalyele '- ueaxllr Analysls HEAI|IT nnalyeia sw846 Inal-yeia eo40B Time. . ; 350-1 TLme. * : 325-2 Tl-me. . : 344 -2 Time . -: 353 -2 TLme. . : 353-2 Tl.mg. . ; 375. { Time..: L5;30 eoL oB/ 9012A Time. -: 12:O0 oell3 los 1{:00 oelzslos 01: OO oellslas 1.7;00 aelLdlos 13:L5 oef L3 /as 15:30 oe/zBlos 01: O0 PREP BATCH # 52s6s04 s27I48,4 s263262 52575'19 527L?f,4 527L68.5 52773o,4Lol 03los os / zt-og / 22/ os s264s3e RL Reponing Umit t' Mcthod blank oontamlnarloo. Tho aercciatod rndrod blank conuains rhc urjct analyrc at a reporteble level. a Elcvatod reportiry timit. Tho repordng limit is olovated duc lo hlgh analyto levcls. . STL Denver 2A ' Iot-saqple S- - -: Date Saryrl-ed,---! PARA},IETER IIRS Corporation Cl.ient 8aq>1e II): Gtr-BfA2-0912O5 Gleneral. Cheuietrlr f,ork Order #. - -: HKE30 Date Recelved--3 a9 ll3/a5 I{atrlx,o-,,.--.-3 GW PREPARATION- PREP ANATYSIS DATE BATCH # Dsr130198-004 oe/r2/os L2:22 RESIIIJT RI-r IINITS METTIOD BE Amnia as It ChLqrlde ELuoride Nitrate Ilitrate-IIitrite': Su].fate Tota1 Cyanide nsrE (s) : 8.4 O-1O ilo rhits SlY8t5 gOrOB O9lI,3l05 5256sO. Dilutim Pactor: L Allalyele Tlme..: 1t:05 5-O O.1O rylt tr@rr 350.1 oglzelos sz'tr(s4 DLlutl.on Bactor: 1 AnBlyale Tirle..: 01:0o ssoo ir,O 25O rglt' llcAxlr t25-2 Og/aAloS 5263262 Dllutl@ Pector: 1O0 InqlyElB rirnc--: 1?.0O : '_. :1-2 r o-1o rglt lmnr 340-2 oglt*los s2575'Ie Dilutiotr Pactor: 1 Analyois Trre.-: 13:15 o-99 O-1O rylt, rNeiB[f 3s3.2 OglI3lOS s2'rlroa Dllution paetor! 1 Analyeia Tirnc.-: 15:30 o-ee "r...Ll?" ,r"ylr" ffi il1:1, o.,oo oglzalos szzre! 650 ir,o 1oo rylt rrctrf, 3zs-{ tolollos s277:to1 Dl-IutL@ Factor3 20 Analyele Tlma. - r 16:3O l{D o.oro r:q,/L sw846 go:-os/solzA o9l21-09/22/os s264539 Dilutim Prctor: 1 ArralyBig Tine-.: 12:00 RL Rcponing Llnrit I Mo&od blsn}' contrrnination. Thc rssociatcd method blsnk conrrins rbe nrga analyrc at a reponabte lcvcl. ' a Elovstcd rcporting liuit. The rcponing limit is eleyated due to high analyte lovels. STL Denver . 2L O SAMPIJE#I,IATRIX o o1_ 002 oo3 004 GTi G}T GTI GW GW GW GW GVT GVI G}T GW GW acDATAAS.SffiONW D5r130198 Sample Preparation and Analysis Control Numbers wQ AIVAIJYTICAI METTIOD sw845 82508 MCAWW 325.2 MCA$IW 340.2 MCAIIIW 353 - 2 MCAWW 353 .2 sr{846 9010E/ 90L2A sw845 6020 sw846 7 47 AA sr{845 9 04 0B sw846 82508 sw846 6 0108 MCAWW 375,4 I,ICAWW 350. L MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340 -2 MCAI{T{ 353 .2 MCAIIIW 353 .2 9T1846 90108/ 901-2A swB46 6 02 0 sw845 747A4 9w846 9 04 0B sw846 82608 sI{845 5 01_ 0B MCAVIW 375 .4 MCAWW 350.1 MCATSW 325 .2 MeAlIIt 340 .2 MCAI{I{ 353.2 MCA$IT{ 353.2 sw845 901AF/ 9012A sw845 6A20 8r{846 7 47 0A sw846 90408 sw846 82608 sw845 50108 I,ICAWW 3 75 .4 MCAWW 350.1 LEAgH BATCH # PREP BATCH # 5268077 5263262 5257s7e s271" 6I5 527 1708 526453 9 5265554 5269496 s2s65 04 s26gg77 5256567 52773A4 5271494 s263262 525757 9 s271- 6 B s s27 1708 5264s3 9 5266s 54 s269496 s256s04 s268 077 5256567 52"17 3 04 5271{84 s263262 s2s7 57 9 527J.6I5 527 17 0B s254s39 s265564 s259496 5256504 5268077 s266s67 s277304 s27 14 84 MS RT]N# 5268 014 5263 L7 0 5258ls9 527 L43 s 526434 0 52663s0 s27 0L20 s263092 s268 014 5266352 52771,77 527L326 52631.7 A 52581s9 s27 143 s 525434 0 s266350 s27 0L2 0 5263092 5258014 s2663s2 5277L77 5271326 5263 17 0 5258 ].s 9 527 143 5 526434 0 5265350 5270120 5263092 5268 014 s266352 5277L77 527L326 o GW clw GW G$r GTT GTI GIII Gtvf, GW GTT GViI GW GW GW GTV G}I GTT GW GW GW G[il GW G$T GW STL Denver 22 Cliut tot *--.: D5f130198 IIB Lot-gaqfle *: D5I250000-O't7 Anal"ysis rlate- - : 09 / 2L / oS Dl].utl"on Factor: L PARAMETER Chloroform gT]RROGATE I{ETEOD BIAilK REBORT rc/w vol.atil-ee Hork Order *---: HITDHE1AA Prep Date., o o ?,: o9lzl/05 ep Batch $---: 5258077 Uatrl-x,o,.r r i.. -- 3 WATER AnalysI.e timc.-3 09:04 METHODRBSULT REPORTING I,IMIT T]NITS D lbromo f luor ome tha,ne L, Z-Dlch1oroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 rufB (s) : ND PEREEhIT RECO\IERY 1,00 91 1,0 6 10s 1- o ug/L RECO\IERY LIMTTS (tt r.L8 )(ez t2I) (zs 1r8) (tt 117) sw846 82508 Cdculuioru are performed bofore rounding to rvoid rourdoff errors in colculated resrrlm. STL Denver O W COFISO[r SAUPITE EIDLUATION RBBORT Gc/t{s vo}atl-1es Clierrt lot, *. - - 3 rcS I0t,-Sary>1e*: kep Datg---.--3 Prep Batch *. -.: Dl-IutLon Factor: PARAMETTR D5I13 01-98 Dsrzs0000- 477 oe / 2L/ as s268A77 1 [ork Order *- - Anal.yals f,)ate- Ana-lysia TLme- PERCENT RECOVIERY HLDHElAC oe / 2L/ os OB :2-l rratrix- ! -, o. ---3 VIATER 1, I.-Dlchloroetlrene Ben-zene Chl.orobenzene Tof"uene trichloroethene gURROGATE D ibromof 1 uorome t hErrre L, 2-Dlchloroethane- d{ 4 - Brorno f luorobenz ene Tol-uene-dB 10s 95 106 110 97 RECO\TERY LIMfTS (so I.32l (zs Lzo)l (ze 1r.8) (zs 118) (tg Lzz)l PERCENT RE-C.O-\IERY 98 92 97 99 II,IETHOD EW8{6 82508 sIIr845 82508 sr8{5 82608 s'[846 82608 sr846 82608 RECO\'IERY LIMITS (zt 118 )(62 LzBl 0a 118 )(tt 117 ) Calfllatloos &re pcrformed bsforo roundlry to avoid rourd-ofF errom in ctlculttrxl re$ln. Bold prlnt denorx control parem$ers STL Denver 24 o ffi CCI[f.lROIr SIIIPLE DAIA BEFORI GC/HS Volatiles Work Order *-CLIent fot $- -.: ICS Ipt,-Saqrl.e*: Prgp Datg.,,.--3 map Bat& *-. -: Dil-ution Faetor: PARAMETER I-, I.-Dichl"orcethene Beu,zene Chlorobenzene To1ur=ne Trich].oroetbeue . SI}RROGATE Uatri;r! - --.o-. - 3 I{ATER PERCMIT RECOVERY MEfiIOD D5I13 0198 D5r250000 - a?'r og/zt/os 5258077 1_ Ana-IyBLB Ana-I-ysis SPIICE AI,IOIIT{T 10, o 10-o 10-o 10-o 10-o HIJDHEI.AC ae/2L/as AB :27 I)ate- Tire. MEAST]RED AI{OT'NT 10-5 9-{g 10-5 11- O 9.59 PERCMIT RECOII,ERY 98 92 97 99 UNITS u.glt u.glr, I4I/I, urglr, ug/L RECO\IERY LIMfTS ros 95 1(}6 110 9-I sw8e5 82608 gr8a5 82508 sH8{6 82508 sH8{5 826()8 sr5845 82608 Dibromofluoromethane L, 2- Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB IwrB (s) = (tt 118)(sz 128 )(ta 118)(tz 117) oCalcrrluion$ arc perfornrod bcforc roundrry ro avoid round-otT errors in calorlated rmrlr. BoId print denotes conrot parnmcrers o STL Denver o IATRItr SPIXG SAI{PIiB E'TAI,InTIOTT REFORT ef.lur vol.at,il-es gl-l-ent Iot #- - -: H8'Iot-Sarqrl.e *: Date SarryIed.--i Prep llate. - - - - - 3 kep Batch f- -,: Dil.ution Pactor: PAIUWETER D5r13 0 r_98 D5r130198-004 09/L2/aS L2=22 ae/2L/as 5268A77 L Ilork Order *. . . 3 Ilate Recelved. - : Analysis Date- -: ena-lysis Time- - 3 HKE3 O1C5-MS HKE3 O1C7.MSD ae/13/as as /2L/ 05 1O:39 GW PERCENT RECOVERY RECO1TERY LTMITS RPD RPD LTMITS T.{ETI{OD 1, I.-Dichr.oroetlreue Benzene &]'orobeuzene Toluene afichloroethene St]RROGATE Dlbrorno f I uo rome t, hane ' I, Z-Dichloroet hane- d4 4 -BromofLuorobenzene Toluene-dB rurts (8) : 93 100 9(l 1(t0 99 100 96 95 88 92 (eo r.32) (55 132) ( zs 1-20 )(ts 120) (zs 118) Oa 118) (zs 118) (78 118) (7e a22l l'tg L22I. PERCE TT RECOVERY 90 98 87 95 98 94 93 90 7 -L (O- 251 10 (o-21) o - 39 (o-20) o .52 (0-221 + -2 (O-23) RECO\IERY IrIMIfg (tz 118 )(tz rL8 ) Gz 128 )(62 128 )(78 118) (ze 118 )(tz LL7\ (77 1_r.7) 9H846 826(}8 sr845 82508 sH846 82608 srrS{5 82508 sH845 82608 g11846 82608 sH846 82508 sw845 82508 sH845 82608 sw846 82608 o Crlculadons are performed before rounding to avoid rorrnd<ff errors in calculeted results. Botd print dcnotcl control paramctcrs STL Denver C1ient f.ot *-. . i Ug lot,-8a4t1e *: Date gary)Ied-.-3 kep llatsgoo----l Prep Batch *- . - 3 DilutLon Eactor: PARAI{ETER 1, l-Dieh-l oroetiene Benzene ChI.orobenzene Tolueue lkichloroethene SURROGATE Dlbrorno f }uoromet hane L , Z-Dlchloroettrane- d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d8 rufB (s) : SPTI(E MEASRD AIT'IT AII{OI,NT UNITS PERCITT REC\IRY RPD METHOD IAT?IT SPIXB SAXPTA DilEA REPORT @,ltrs Volatfleg D5I130198 sork Order *--. : HKE301C5-MI} HatrJr--------.: D5r130198-004 HICE3o1C7-MSD og/tz/os L2:22 Date Recci\rcd--r a9/L3/05 og/zt/os lnar-ysie Date- -z a9/2t/os 5268077 .enalyeie Ti.ne- - : 10:39 I SAIYIPI,E AIVIOUMT IID ND ND I5D IID ITD ND IID IID ND 10 -o g -35 10-o 10-o 10-o 9-o4 10-o 10-o 10-o 9-93 10- o g- 96 10-o 9-63 10-o 9-59 10.o g-94 10-o 9-22 PERCENT RECOVERY 90 98 87 9s 98 94 93 90 ug/t Urg/r, utg/t, urglr' rutglt' utslr, ruglr, lug/n u.g/l' ltrglt 93 100 90 100 99 10(} 96 96 88 92 RECO1IERY IrIMffS sr846 82508 ? -L 91846 82608 g11846 82508 1(} 811846 82508 grr8{5 82608 o - 39 5'H8d6 82508 sr846 825(}8 o.52 S1846 826(}8 s'r846 82508 4 -2 511846 82608 o(zt 1L8) (zE 118) (az 128) (az 128 )(za 118) (za 118) (77 LL1 |(tt 117 ) Calcuhtions etG performed before roundlng to avold round-ofif erronr In catcularod resultc. Bold priut denotcs control par:rmercrs STL Denver I'HIEOD BLENK REBOBIT IIUDAL ltetals Cl.Lerrt Lot PARA!!ETER Dsr13 0198 RESTILT REPORTING LIMIT UNTTS *- -;:Dlatrlx- - - ! i r r or! WATER PREPARATION- WORK ATIIAIJYSIS DATE ORDER}[ETHOD * lrB rot.-sary)le Cadmium *: D5I230000-564 Prep Batch #- . . l ND O.0O1O mglL Dilution Factor: L Analygis Tinre. . : O2 : 58 ND 0. 0O2O mg/t Dilution Faetor: 1 analyeis Time..: 02:58 5266564 sw846 5A2A sw845 60108 sw845 50108 sr846 60108 sw845 601,08 sw846 50108 sw845 60L0B sw846 60108 os / 25 - 0 g / 28 / os Hr,cEFlAC ae /26 - o 9 / zs / os Hr,eEFlqA a9 / 26- Oe / 2t / OS HT,CEKIAC oe / 26 - o e / 28 / as HrrcEKlAD os / 26- os /zs I as ael26-ael2zlos ae / 25 - os / ze / as I{rrcEKlAF.. os / 26- os /2e / os HLCEKLAG oe / zg- 09 / zg / os Hr,cEKlAr{ HrcEK1AJ Selenlum Areenic ' Barium :.. Calcl-rrnr Chromlum Copper Iron Lead :. .' .: o sw84 6 502 0 fB Iot-Saqlle I: D5f23OOOO-557 kep Batch *- - -: 5266557 Alumlnum t[D o.1o ns/t sw846 60108 Dilutioa Faetor: 1 Alllyaie Timc-.: 18:{3 o-o3g B ND ND 0 - 01-5 mg/L DLluElon Faetor: 1 Analyele Tlrre. . : L1: {5 0 . 010 ng/t-, Dilutlon Factor: 1 Analyeie Time.,: 11:45 O - 2t} mgll DLlutlon Factor: 1 Analygis Time. . : 18 :rl3 O . 010 nlg/T, DLlutiou Factror: 1 AnaIyEiB Tine..: L1:{5 0. 010 fi.q,/T-, Dllutrlon Factor: 1 Analyele Time..; 1L:{5 0 . 10 mg/T, DLlutLon Factor: 1 Arralysls Time. . : 1.5 ; {5 0,0030 ng/n Dilution E'actor: 1 Analysie Time. . : 11: {6 (Continued on next ag lz6 - oe lzs I os 2BSTL Denver }TD page) HETEq) BI,hITT REPORT TCIHAIT lteta]-e Cll-eut t-ot #.--! D5I130198 PARAMBTER RESIII,T r-,rMrT UNITq Iiatrl-x-: WATER PREPARATION. WORK AIiIAT,YSIS DATE ORDER # REPORrING !,IBTHOD MagineeLum NlclceI Potasslum gLlver Sodiurn VanadJ"um ZLnc zLrconiurn . llB Lot-Saryll.e Mereurlr rurts(s) : ND IUD ND ND ND ND o -20 mg/L Df-l-ution Factor: 1 Analygle Tlme. .: L8;{3 0 ,040 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Analyois Tirne. . : 11 : 45 3.0 ftg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Analysl"e TLme. . : 18 ;43 O. oO50 ng/I" Dilution Factor: 1 Arralyel,e TLme. . : 1,1- : {6 5. o mg/L Dl-Iut.lon Factor: 1 Analyal.e Tine. . : 18: {3 nL].utlon Factor: L Analyeia Time. -: 11:45 0.020 fitg/L Dl,].utl-on Pactror: 1 Arralyele Time, . ; 11: {6 0 - 015 ntg/L DLlutlon Factor; 1 .Rna1ysle Tlme. . ; 18 :a3 0.010 mg/t sw84 6 sw845 50r"08 ae / 25- o e / 27 / os HLCEKIAQ sw846 501 0B 09 / 26 - o e / z8l05 HrrcEKrAH sw846 5 01_ 08 ae /26-ae /27 / os HLCEKlAP 9w846 6 0108 09 / z6-a9 / zB/ as HTJcEKUAA sw845 60108 a9 / 26 - 09 / zr / os Hr,eEKlAR 6 01_ OB 09/20-oe/zslos HLcEK sw84 6 501 0B oe / 26 - oe / zB / os HLcEKIAL #: D5I260000-496 Prep Batch *---: S26g4gG ND 0 , 0oo2o rng/L sw84 6 7 47 AA Dilution Factor: 1 Analysia Time..: 15:52 sw846 60108 09 / 26 - 09 / 27 / as Hr,,cEKI-AT oe/3a/os I{LFTzlAA IID Celcrrlatiotls rre porfonncd before rounding ro rvoid round-off orrors in crlculrpd rssuhs. B Estirnatd result. Rcsult is lccs than RL. STL Denver O ffi COIITROL SAHPLB SUALTBTION REPORT TCIE[Ir lttetal.e Iot-Baryll.e *. - . 3 D5f130198 PARiAIvTETER Cadrnl-um PEREEMT RECOVERY RECO\IERY IJTMITS RPD RPD TJTMITS ( eg 11r. ) (gg L11) O.3L (O-201 Dilution Factor: 1 (az 114 )(az 114) 0.97 (O-20) Diluuion Factort 1 (ae 108) (eo 108) 1.4 (O-20) Dl-lution Faetor I L ( eg roe)(eg 10e) o. g1 (o-20) Dilutlon Factor: L (e3 113) ( gg LL3 ) 1,5 (O-20) nilutl-on FacLor: 1 ( ag 110) (sg 110) 1.6 (o-20) Dilutioa Faetor: 1 (sg 112) ( 89 LLz) o - 88 (O- 2ol Dilutioa Factorr 1 ( ae 110) (85 110) L.2 (O-20) DLlutlon Factor: L (ea 110)(se 110) 4.s (o-20!. Dilution Factsor: 1 ( 91 1, L1) (gr 111) o.e1 (o-zol Dil-ution Factor: 1 METHOD sw845 6020 sw845 6024 eualysig Time. sw846 6020 sw846 6020 AnalyeLe Tlme, sw845 50L08 sw846 60108 enalyeie TLnne. sw846 50108 sw84 6 6 0108 Analyeis Tlrne. sw845 50L08 sul845 50108 Analysls Tlme. sw846 60108 sw84 5 6 0108 Analysls Time. sw846 601_OB sw846 50108 Analyale Time. s$r8116 50 L 0B sw845 50108 Arralysie TLme. sw846 50108 sw846 50L08 Analyel-e Tlme. srf84 6 6 0108 sw846 60108 Analysle Tl-me. . : I{atrl.:rr-------- PREPARATION- AMITYSIS DAIE ae/26-oe/2s/os ae/26-oe/zs/as 11:51 ae /26-ae /27 I as oe/2G-oe/2t/as LB 247 : WATER PREP- BATCAI # 5265 s6 7 5266567 5266567 s265567 Selenium A]-uminum . ArsenLc Chromium Copper Iron Lead. 94 95 89 90 t02 L04 99 99 1- 03 L04 LA2 103 95 95 l- o5 1_ 06 105 L01 96 97 ae /zo-o e /28 los s266s64 ae /26-ae /28/ os s266s64 : 03 :02 a9 /26-oe I 2a / os s266s54 09 / zt-oe I zB/ as 5265s54 O3tO2 ae / zr-ae / 27 / os s266567 09 / z6-oe / 27 /as sz;6s57 I"8;{7 a9 /26-oe /zs/ os sz65s67 09 /26-ae / zB/ os s256s57 L1 ;51 O BAT Calcium oe /26-Ae / 28 / as 5266s67 oe /26- oe / 2a / as sz6;s67 1-1r 51 ae/26-ae/28/05 ae/26-oe/28/os Ll:5L oe/28-oe/2e/05 ae/28-ae/2e/os 15;49 sz65s 5 7 s266567 5266567 5266s67 ae /26-oe /zs/ os s266s67 ,r:;/ z6-oe / zB / os sz66s67 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 30 ffi OOIIIROL SEUPT,B EI':AIJIBTTOil REPiORT IUIAfT Heta-ls Iot-gaqfle *. - - 3 D5I1301,98 liatri-x-. -. f O- --3 VIATER PARAMETER Magrresium NickeI Potassium gilver Sodlum VanadJ-um Zinc zl-rconium rwrB(s): PERCENT RECO\IERY RECO\TERY IJTMITS -99 101, 96 97 1_ 03 1.05 101 102 103 105 98 99 88 89 L07 109 RPD RPD IJIMITS ( 91 111) (gr 111) 1,8 (o-zal Dilut,ioa Factor: 1 (go 1L0) (so 110) 1.3 (O-2A\ DLlutLon Factor: L (eo 1r1)(86 111) r-e (O-2A') DilutLon Factor: 1 (ss 114) (gs 7L4) 1. s (O-20) Dilution Factor: L (gr 112) (gr LLz) 1. a (o-2o) DLlutLon Factor: L (ss LLz) (gg LLz) 1.1 (O- 201 Dl-].ution Factor: 1 ( ss L10) (es 110) 0.91 (o-201 Pllutlon Factor; -1 (zs Lzs)(zs Lzs) 1 .8 (O- 201 Dilucion Factor: 1 METHOD PREPARATION- AIiIAITYSIS DATE PREP- BATC}I # 5266567 s266567 s266567 5256567 s266567 5266s67 sw845 60108 sw845 60108 Rnalyeie Tl-me. sw84 6 6 0108 sw845 50L08 Analygie fl,rne. sw846 60108 9w846 60108 Aoalygis Tl,me. sw845 60108 sw846 60r_08 Ana1yal,e fime. - : sI{84 6 601 OB shrg{6 60L08 Analyel-a Tlme. - : SI^I846 60108 sul846 50108 Analyaio Time. , : sw846 60108 sr{84 5 60108 Analyele Tlm€. . .- sr{846 50108 slr84 5 60108 Arralyela Tl-me. - : oelzo-oe/27los oe /26-oe /2t / os 18: lt7 oe/26-oe/2s/os oe/26-oe/2s/05 11:51 oe/zG-oe/27/os as/26-as/27/05 18:47 oe /26-09 / 28 / os sz66s67 ae /26-oe /28/ as s266s67 11 : 51. as /2d-o s /27 / os sialslT ae /zG-o 9 /zt / as s2 66s67 L8:47 ae /zG-o 9 /2s/ os s26656'l a9 /26-oe /zs/ os sz66s6z 11: 51 o ae/26-oe/28/as oe/26-oe/28/as 11: 5L oslzo-os/27/os og/26-oglzt/as A8:47 5266s67 s266s67 5266s57 5266s57 Calculations &re pcrfonncd beforo rorurding to avoid round-off crrors in calculated results. o STL Denver 31 ffi COIWROL S;AITPI,B I}ATA RBFORT TCIDAL Heta].s Iot-Saryile *- PARAIUETER Cadml-um SelenLum Aluminun Arsenic Barium Caleium Chromium Copper fron Lead : D5I130198 SPII(E MEAST]RED AIT{OUITT .A},IOUMT UNITS PERCNT RECIJBY RPD IvIETHOD uatrix- - - - - - , - - : IiIATER PREPARATION- ANALYSIS DATE PREP BATCTI # o.0400 o-0377 lf,f,tg/L 94 o.o{00 0.0379 mg/L 95 Pllubion Factor: 1 sr{846 6020 0.31 SW846 6020 Analyeis Tima--: O3:02 sw84 5 6420 0,97 SWg45 6020 Analyale Time..: 03:02 sw84 5 6 0108 1.4 9W845 60I_08 Analysle Time.-: 18:47 sw84 6 5 0108 0.81 sW846 60108 Arralyeie Time-.: 11 :51" sw84 6 5 0108 1-5 SW845 50108 Ana1.yal-a time. . : 11: 51 sw846 60108 1.6 9W846 60108 Alralysis Time,.; Lf3:47 sw84 6 6 0108 0.88 SWB45 60108 Analyeie Tjme.-: 11:5L gB[84 5 6 0108 L .2 gr,il84 6 5 01_ OB Rnalyels Tl-me. - : 11 : 51 9w845 50108 4,5 9W846 60108 Analyels Time. . ; 15 r{9 sw845 501,08 0 . 91 SWB4 5 601_08 Analyeie Tjma..: 11:51 oe / 26-oe /zB/ os s255s64 ae / 26-oe / 28 / as s266s64 oe / z6-a9 / zs / os 5256s5r1 oe / 26-ae / 28 / os 5266s64 oe / 26 - 09 / 27 / os s266s67 a9 / 26-oe /27 / as 5266s67 ae / z6-ae /za/ as s266s67 ae / 26*os / zs/ os s255s67 os / 26 - os / zs / os s266s67; oe / z6-oe / 2s / a5 s256s67 os /26-os /27 /os sz66s67 os /26-as /27 / os s266s67 09 / 26-ae /28/os s266s67 oe / z6-ae /zs/ os s266s57 : oe / 25-oe I 28 / 05 s266s67 oe I 26-oe /zs / as sz66s67 ag / zB - as / zs / as sz6ls67 ae / zr-oe / ze / as sz66st7 ae / z6-oe lzs/ os sz66s67 oe / 26-oe / 28 / os s266s67 o.0400 0.0357 o.0400 0.0360 mg/L Be nq /r. 90 Dilution Factor: 1 mg /T' Loz ntg / r, i- 04 oilut,ion Factor: 1 2.AO 2 .00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2-00 50,0 50, 0 0,200 0 - 200 0.250 0 .250 1.00 1.00 o_500 0.500 2.05 2.08 L .97 L-99 2 .45 2.09 50,9 5L.7 ms/t mg /t' Dilutlon mg /T. mg /t' oilution 99 99 Factor: 1 L03 1_ 04 Factor: 1 mg/T' Loz mg/r" 103 Dllutlon Factor; l" 0.190 rrq/I' O -1,92 mg/U DiI-ution a.262 nrg/t 0.255 mg/L Dilution 1.05 L-01 0.48L nig/L 0.486 mg/r, Dllut,Lon 95 96 Factor: 1 105 105 Factor: 1 mg /r, 1os mg/r, 101 Dilution FacEorr 1 96 97 F'actor r L STL Denver (continued on next page) 32 ffi C0IFI?O[, SAIiPIIE DATA, REFORT It0tf,Alr Ueta-La:.. Iot-8aryll.e *- PJHB$YIETER Magnesirun NickeI Potassium 8lIver Sodiurn Vanadium Zlnc . ZLrconium nCrrB(a): MEASURED AIUOUMT UNTTS 3 D5f130198 Dtatrh- - - - - . - - - : WATER PREPARATTON- AI{ALYSIS DATE gPIKE A}IOUIIT 50. O 50 .0 o .500 0.500 50 - 0 50.0 0 - 0500 0. 0500 50. o 50. o 0-500 0,500 o. 500 o .500 0 .500 o.500 PERCNT REC\I-RY RPD METIIOD PREP BATCH # 49.7 ry/t 50.5 mg/l' Di].ution 0.479 firg/T' O ,485 mg/L Dilution 99 r.0 L Factor: l- 96 97 Factor: 1 rW /T-, i- 03 mg/L Los Dilution Factor: 1 gw84 5 50108 1.8 SWB45 60108 AnalyaiB Time,.: L8:47 sw845 50L0B 1.3 SW845 50108 AnalysLg Tlme..: 11:51 sw845 5 01_08 L.6 sw846 60108 Analysl,s Tfune. . ; 18 :{? sw845 50108 l--5 sw845 50108 Analyeie Tl-me. . : 11: 51 sw845 50108 1.4 SW8{6 60108 analysl-e Tl-me. . : 18 : 17 sw8{6 50L0B 1.1 SW846 60108 Analyaie Time. . : 1L : 51. sw846 60108 0,91 9w845 60108 .nnalyeig Timo. . : 11 : 5L sw846 60L08 1.8 SW846 50108 Analysls Time..: 18:47 oe / 25-09 / 2t / oS s265s57 oe /26-0e /27 / as s266567 oe /25-oe / 28 / Os s266s67 CIe /26-09 / 28/ os s266s67 ae /25-oe / 27 / os s256s57 oe /20-o e / zt / os 5266s67 ae / 26 - oe / za / os s256s67 a9 / zo -o e / zs / os 5266s67 Z:,i:Z-3;',',1lHZ:le:;b as / 26 -o s / 28/ as s266s67 ae /zr-oe /28/ os s256s67 oe / 26 - os / ze / os sz66s67 ae / 26 - a9 / 28 / os s266s6'l os /zG-o s/zt / os 5256567 oe/26-oe /zt /as s266s67 51 .6 52 .4 0 . 0504 0 .05L2 51-7 52.4 mg /l' ms/r' Dilut lon mg/t nrg/I' Dilution 0.49O mg/f' 0 .496 mg/L oil.ut,ion 0.439 rW/T. O .443 nlq,/t DLlutLon 0.535 mg/t 0.545 mg/t-, Dl.IutLon 101 LA2 Factor: 1 103 1-O5 Faetor: 1 98 99 E'aetor; 88 89 Factror: 107 L09 Factor: 1 Calculations are performed beforo rounding to avoid round+ff errors in calanletod resutts. . STL Denver o o ffi OUfm,OL gAltPLB E\IBIJBTIOIV REBORT IlCff,Afr Heta-ls :gtient IJot *--.: D5I1-30198 llatri:r- - - - - ! -,, 3 WATER PREPARATION- AI{IATJYSTS DATE WORK ORDER #PARAMETER I'CS fot-garqrl.e*: Mereury rsqrB (s) : PERCEI{IT RECO\IERY REeOrr,tsRY LIIIITS METHOD D5f260000-496 Prep BaLch #, 9B (8S 114) SW846 Dl-lutlon Factor: 1 a9 /30 / os HTJPTzIAC TLme..: 15;5{ . - 3 5269496 7{7 AA Analyels Calorlations anc performed bofore rouruting to avold round-off errors In calctrlatcd rcsults. STL Denver 34 W COIrI?OL $BUPLE DATA REORT fCIf,AL lletal s C1ient Iot *-. - 3 D5fL30L98 SPTKE MEAST]RED PARAITTETER AIv[OI]I\[T AIvIOI]NT UNITS PERCMT RECVRY METHOD llatrix. o . - o . - - . 3 WATER PREPARLTION- WORIC ANAIJYSIS DATE ORDER # fCS lot-Slary)Ie*: D5T26o000-496 Prep Batdr *- Mercury 0.00500 0.0049I. mg/T, 98 Dilution Factor: 1 IrcEts(S}: : 5269496 sw845 7470A Analygie Tl-me - 0e/3a/0s HLFT2LAC 15: 5{ Celolations are porforrned bcfore rounding to rvold ro,undoff efioro in calculaed results. O STL Denver Cl-ient Iot *---3 D5f13Ol-98 , DaEe Saryll.ed- - - : ag / zZ/ As 13 : Oo PAIUUYTETER PERCETUT RECO\IERY RECO\IERY TIMITS lHttIf,' SPfre SADiPITB BIfAITIBTIOI5 REFORT TUxhL uetal.e Date Recelrred- - 3 A9 /22/ 0s RPD RPD LTMITS METHOD frfatri:r- - o . - o, . . ! tIATER PREPARJATTON- WORK A}IALYSIS DATE ORDER # IriS lot*8aqll"e *: Cadml-um 94 90 DsI220342-001 kep Batch *. . .; 5266564 (89 111) SW845 5020 (89 11-1) 3-a (0-20) Sw846 6020 Dilution Pactor: 1 Analysie Tirns-. r 03:20 (az 114) sw846 5020 (az 1141 2 -4 (0-20) SW846 6020 Dl-Lutioa Faetor: 1 AnalysLe Timc..: O3:20 oe / 26 -o 9 / 28 / 0s HK68cl-As oe /26 - o e lza / a5 HKEBcI-A6 ae / 26 - oe / 28 / os HK68C1A3 oe /26-0 s / za / as HK68c1A4 ae / 25 - o e / 2a / 0s HK6sCxar ae / 26- o e /2a / as HK68c1-AU os / 26- o s /za / as Hr(6scr.Av ae / 25- o e / 28 / as HK68C1AW 09 / zG-o 9 / zs / os HKGScLAI 09 / 26- oe / zB / as HKGsclA2 ae / 26-0 e / 2a / os HK68c1,Ax a9 / 26-09 / 28 / os HKsscrAo l,!8 lot-Saqrl.e *: D5f22O342-AOl Pr:eI, Batdr *---r 526656'1 Areenic 93 (84 - 12rt) SWg46 60108 91 (84 - 124) 1.8 (0-2s) SW846 50108 DlLution Pactor: 1 ilaalyele lime.. : IZ:11 Selenium ChromLum rcrE(s) : 72N 69N 95 9s 97 1_ O3 89 g7N (ss 120 )(85 LzA) O.2A (O-zs) Dilution Factor: L Analyaie Tirne. . ; 12 : 11 (zg l_3s) (zr r3s) 3-6 (o-zs) DiluEloa Factor: 1 Anal.ygia Tlme. . : L2; Ll. (ag 121) (89 LZt) 1.7 (O-25) Dilution Factor: L Analyaie Tlme..: 12:11 s$I845 5 0108 sw845 50108 sw8115 60108 gur846 60108 sr{84 6 60108 sw846 60108 O calcutrrlono &rro porformod bcrbrp rountling to avold round_off error8 in cslcul8ted nxille- . N Spikcd analyte recovory is outsrdc stsrod control limis. STL Denver 35 ClLent Iot *- -.: Ilate Saryrl€d---: SAI-IPITE PARAI.,IETER A}dOt]TitT IATR,IT SPIXB SIAUPIJB DATB. RBPORT aUItrL lfieta1B Ilate Receirred- - r a9/22/ os Ertrft-.-e r,-o,: WATERDsr13 01 98 a9 /22/ os 13 : oo SPIKE MEASRD PERCNT RECIIRY RPD METHOD PREPARATION- WORK A}IAIJYSIS DATE ORDER #AMOUIm m{ITS Hg Lot-Saqr1e #: Cadmium o - oo49 0. oo4g Selenium D5I22O342-OO1 Prep Batdl $- - - 3 O .0400 A , 0{,24 mg/\, 94 0.0400 O,041-0 mg/I' 90 DLlution Fact,or: ]- Analysis Time. -: 03:20 5266564 sw845 6020 3.4 SVS846 6020 sr{84 6 6A20 2 .4 SW845 5020 5266557 ser846 6010B 1.9 swg46 60L0B sw846 60108 o.2a sw846 60108 s9I846 50108 3 .5 SW845 50108 sw845 60108 L.7 SW846 60108 oe /zG -o e / 28 / os IIK6scl,As ae /25 -o e / 2s / as HK58eut5 oe /26-0 e / zalos HK58C1A3 os / 26-o s / za / os IIK6BC1A4 liIS lot-ganpl.e *: Areenic 0. o0g5 0 .0400 0.oog5 0.0400 0. o{3 2 -oo 0. o43 2.00 D5I220342-001 Prep Batfr 0 . 0 371- nrE /T' Qualifiers: N O . 03 63 firg /I' Qualifiers: N Pllutlon Factor: Analyeia Ti:ne. . : 1,9O firg/I' 1.87 mg/I' Dl}uE,lon Factor: nnalyeie Tl-me. - : 3 . L5 mg/L, 3.15 mg/I' Dllutsion Faetor; Analyaie Tirue. . ; 0.334 mg/1, 0 .347 tng/f' oilutlon Factor: Analyeie Time. .: 0.553 mg/r-, 0 .554 N nug/I' Dilutiou Factor: Rnalysle Titrre. . : 72 5e I 03 :20 *- . - ! 93 9L HK68c; IIKSECLAU aelza-oe/2s/os oe/26-oe /za/os BarLum 1 12 :11 95 95 1_ 1.2: LL 97 103 1 L2: LL B9 8V 1 L2:LL oe / 26 -oe / zs / as HK58c1-Av a9 / 26 -09 I zs / os HK68c1Alr ae / 25 - ae / 28 / os HK58C1A1 os / 26 - as / 2s / as HK58c1A2 oe / z6-ae / 28 / as HK6BCIAx ae / z6-oe / zs / as HK58c1Ao 1-.3 L.3 2.00 2 .00 ChrornLum o .14 0 .200 0.14 0-200 Iread a .L2 0.500 0 - 12 0.500 rurE(s): Crlcuhtionr are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errom iu calculrted reeults. N Spikcd analyrc recovory is ousido sterod control limits. STL Denver o }NABIT BPIf,B SAIIPI,B M RBBORT IIO|IAL trlsfal B rlate Receirred- - 3 09 / L3 / 05 RPD RPD IJIMTTS METHOD !fifa'i"-- - - - - - - - -: GIW PREPARATTON- IIIORK AIITAIJYSIS DATE ORDER # cl.lent Iot # - Date saqrl.ed- PARAIVIETER - - i D5IL30198 .-3 ag/L2/a5 L2zz2 PERCEMT RECO\IERY RECO\IERY LTMITS HS lot-Saryrle *: Cadmiurn 95 94 D5I1301-98-004 kep Batch *- - - : 5266564 (ag 11L) SW845 6020 (sg 1L1l L.7 (O-2Al SW845 6020 ol-lutlon Factor: 5 Analyeie Tlme. . ; 0rl :29 ag /26 - o e / 2s / os HKE3olco a9 /25- o9/28/ os HKE3oLcr. oe / 26- o 9 / zs / os HI(E3 oLc2 oe /25- 0 e / 28 / as HKE3 o1C3 ae / zG"- o e l zr / os Er(83 oLDM ae /26-0 e /2t / os HrG3oi.DN oe /26-0 e /zs / as HKE3oIDP oe / zG- o e /za / as HrcE3oLDQ ae / 26- oe /28 / os HKE3oLDR oe / 25- oe / 28 / a5 HrcE3oLDT oe /z6-oe /27 / os HKE3oLcK 09 / 26-09 /27 / as HICE3oLCTJ og / 26* og / 28 / as HI(E3 olDU 09 / z6-oe / 28 / os HrcE3 olDv ae / zt-oe / zs / os HKE3 olDw ael2G-o glzal os HKE3olDx Selenlum 92 93 (az 114 )(ez 114) 1.7 (0- 20) ol-lutLon Factor: 5 Analyels Tine.-: 04:29 D5I1301^98-004 Prep Batch *- - ( 83 1Ie ) (83 1_19) 2.5 (O-25) Dilutl-on Factor: 1 Analysl-s Tirne., ; 19 :3{ ( 8+ L24) (e+ L24) 1.7 (O-zsl Dl-lutlon Factor: 1 .nnalysJ,s Time. . : 13 :al7 ( es 120) (BS L20) 2.5 (O-zsl ol1utJ.on Factor: 1 AualyeJ.e TLme- . : 13 :47 (as 1s3 )(+e 1s3) 2.0 (o-zsl Dilutlon Factor: 1 Analyein Tl,me. - : 19 :34 (zs 13s)(73 13s) r..o (O-2s) Pilutioa Factor: 1 AnalyeLs TLme..: 13:47 (8e r.29). (sz 12e) 3.2 (O- 2sl Dilutlon Faetor: l" Analyeie TLme..I 13:47 sw845 6020 sw845 5020 - i 5266567 sw846 50108 sw846 60108 sw84 6 60108 slrl845 60L0B sw846 50108 sw846 60108 sw846 50108 sw845 60108 sI{845 50108 sw846 50L0B sw845 60108 sI{846 60108 l{8 frot-Saqrl.e #: Aluminum LL7 114 115 114 BarLum 10{ l-o 1 Calclum 100 97 Chromium 96 95 copper L2s L2L o STL Denver (Continued on next page) 3B PARAMETER Iron Lead Maginesiunr NLclcel Potassltrrn Sllver SodLum Vanadtun Zinc PERCEMT RECOVERY RECO\IERY IJIMITS 97 93 104 102 1_0L 97 97 95 1,25 1L6 130 L26 NC, MSB NC, MSB 100 98 96 94 RPD RPD IJIMTTS $z 1ss )(sz 1_55) 2.9 (0-251 Dilution FacEor: 1 Analysie Time-.: 16:29 (s9 121) (89 L21,) 1.4 (o-25) DL1utl-on Faetor: 1 Analyer.e TLme. . : 13 :4? (az 146) $z 1461 2.2 (O-25) IrLlutlon Factor: 1 Analyaig Time. . ; l-9 ;3{ (8+ L20) (B+ LzO) L.7 (O-251 Dilutlou Eactor: L An.a1yele Tl,me. . : 1"3 : 47 (t e 1,321 (to L32l- 2.4 (O-zs) Pllutlon Factor: 1 Ana}.yals Tlme..: 19:34 (zs 141) (zs LALI 2.4 (o-2s) Dilut,ion E'actor: 1 Analysie Time- . : 13 :<1? (70 203 )(7o 203) (0-40) ni]-utj,on Factror: 1 Analyele ?imG., : 19 : 3rl (es 120 )(8S LzA1. 2.L (O-2s) DLlut,lou Faetor: L Analyeie Tl.me. . : 13 :47 (eo 13Tl (e o L37) 2.L (O- zsl Pl-lutlon Pactor: 1 Analyals Tirne. . : 13 : 4Z C1ieut tot fr---: D5f130198 Date gary)led.. - - 3 A9 / L2/ os a2 222 ltrrRIE SPIre SAHPLB EIIALIIATIOII RBFORT IfIfAI' l,leta-I-e rlate Receiwed, - 3 09 / B / a5 ffatri-:r- . o - - - . . o : GW PREPARATION- WORK Ar{Ar,Ysrg -_D.+TE,. ORDER # oe/28-oe/2e / as HKE3ol(x{ 09 / zs- oe / 29 / os HI(83 olcN oe / z6-ae / 28 / os HKE3olcA oe /26- o e / 28 / os Hr(E3o1cC oe/25-o e/2t / os HKB3O1CR ae / 25- o e / 27 / As HKE3O].CT 09 / 26 - o 9 / 28 / os HI(E3o1AB oe /25 - o e / 28 / 0s HKE3 olAe 09 / 26- o e / zr / os HI(E3o1cP ae lzt-ag /27 / os HKE3or-cQ a9 / 26-09 128/ os HKE3oIDK 09 / zG- 09 / zs / os HKE3 olDr, ae /26- o e /27 / as HICE3ot cu oe / 25-o e / 27 / as HKE3olev oe / 26- Ae / 28 / A5 HKE30lCD ae / 25 - oe / 28 / os HKE3 or,cE as I 26- og I ze / os HrcE3 oler a9 / 26 -a9 / zB I as HKE3 olec METHOD sw845 601_08 9w845 50108 slr84 6 5 0108 sll845 601"08 sr{845 60108 9w846 60108 s?r846 60L0B gw84 5 50108 sw845 601_08 sw846 60r,08 sr{84 5 5 0108 sll845 50108 sw846 50108 sw846 60L08 sw846 60L08 sw846 601,08 sw84 5 5 0108 sw84 5 6 0108 STL Denver (Contlnued on next page) O ItrTTRIT SPIE S,.AHSLE EIIEITIATIqV RBFOBT lOlEAIr llgfpl s D5r130L98 09/L2/os 1,2:22 Ilate Receirred--: 09/1-3/05 Dlatri:r----r,---3 GW PREPARATION. I{ORI( ANALYSTS D_+rE ORpER # oe/zG-oe/27 / as HKE3olcw ae /zo- o e /27 / os HKE3olcx Cl-ient t-clt * - Da"tcl Sary)I-ed.- PARAMETER . ZLrconl-urn PERCENT RECOVERY RECO\IERY LII{ITS RPD RPD LTMITS METIIOD L09 L09 llS lot-Saryll.e *: Mercury 75 76 rscrE (s) : D5fl-30198-004 Prep Batch' *. . N (8s 11{} N (es 114) O-83 (O-1-0) oilutl-on FacEor: l- Analyele Tl-me. . : L7 z O-l (eo L2a) sr{846 60108 (eo Lzt) o .37 (o-2s) swa46 60108 Dilution FaeEor: 1 AnalygiB Timc..: 19;34 3 5269496 sw846 7470A. 9w846 74',tOI\ ae/3a/0s ae/3o/os HKE3 O1CH HKE3 01C.] o Crlorlrtions arc perfomed bcforc rourdin& lo evoll rounddf orrors in sakrthted rcsultr. N Spikcd analyrc rcoovery is outsidc srilcd contro, limlB. NC Thc rcovcry and./or RPD wcro Eot rxlmlated. MSB Tha rccovcry ard RPD wce not cttctilrtd bccausc drc samplc rmoum rns grceer rbetr four dmcs dto Npite amourr. STL Denver 4A IIhTRIT SPIffi 8AI{PI,B DA|f,L RBPIORT To)|EAL lrleta].s Date Rec'el,rred- . I 09 / B I as tla,tri:r,GWCl.lent tot *- - . I Ilate Saryr1ed--.l SAIT,IPI,E PARAMETER ADIOINIT Dsr13 0L98 ae / Lz / os LZ:22 gPfKE I,IEASRD AI{T A}.{OUNT PERCMT RECVRY RPD METHOD PREPAEATION- A}IALYSIS DATE WORK ORDER #IJNTTS Itg Lot-Sary>Ie *: D5I130198-OO4 Prep BatcIr #-. - i Cadml-um 0.0400 0,038L rng/T, 95 0.0400 O.O3?5 mg/l' 94 Pllutlou Factor: 5 nnalysLe Tlme. . : O4 229 5266564 sw84 6 6020 L -7 SW846 6A20 sw846 6A2A L-7 SW846 5020 5266s67 sw845 5010B 2.6 SWB46 60108 _ sw8(16 50108 L.7 SW846 60108 9w846 60108 2.5 SW845 60108 sw846 60L08 2-O SW846 60L08 sw846 60108 1.0 sw846 50108 oe/26-oel28/os oe/zG-ae/zs/os HKE3 01C0 HrG3 0LC1 ND ND Selenium 0.0037 0. oo37 HS fot-Saryfie A1urninum : 0.10 0.10 Arsenl-c ND:. ND Barium i.. " : CaleLum 0-63 0 .63 24 24 0 .0400 o - 0400 2 - 00 2-AO 2. OO 2 _ 00 2-00 2 .00 50.0 50. 0 0.200 0,200 0 , 04 04 mg/t 92 0.0411 ng/T' 93 Dl.Iution Factor: 5 arralyals Tlme, . : A4:29 ae/26-oe/2e/os oe/25-oe/2s/os HKE3 O1C2 HKE3 O1C3 #: D5I13O198-OO4 Prep Batch *. . - : 2,45 mg/r 2.39 mg/I' 2 .33 mg/L 2.29 mg/L ol-].utLon Factor: Analygig Ti:ne. . : 2.7L rng/L 2 .65 mg /T' Dllutlon Pactor: Arralygle Tirnc, , ; Dilutioa Factor: L Inalyele Ttme. -: 19:34 L7,7 LL4 1L5 114 L L3 :47 L04 101 1 L3 z4'l Hffii;Tae/26-oe/27/os oe l26-oe /27 / os ae/2G-oe/zs/os ae/26-oe/28las HKE3 O1DP HKE3 O1DQ oe/26-0e/28/os osl26-ae/zs/as oe/26-oel27/Os oe/26-oe/zr/as HKE3 O1DR HKE3 O1DT HKE3 OlCK HKE3 0 LCIJ Chromium ND, Ti[D 73 .7 fi)g/I, 10 0 72.2 rftg/L 97 Di1utlon Factor: 1 Analys{e TLms. . : 19: 3rl o.L94 mg/L 96 0.a92 nrg/L 95 Dllutiou Factor: 1 enalyete Tirne- -: 13:4? ae/26-oe/zB/os oe/26-oe /za/as HKE3 O].DU HKE3O]"DV STL Denver (Continued orr next page) ClLeut Iot * - Date gaq)Ied- i D5I13 019I : o g / tz/ os L2;22 Date [trm.Ir SPIX(E SAUPIJE DAIA REPORT T0TAIJ I'TeTaJ.s Recel,ved- - r a9/13/as ttlaf,gi--. - - - - - - -: GIY PREPARATION- WORK AIiTALYSTS DATE ORDER # 9AI'IPL'E SPIICE PARjAMETER AII{OUMT AI,TT MEAgRD AIVIOUNT IINTTS PERCI T RECVIRY RPD METTIOD Copper fron 0 - 0046 0.250 0. o046 0.250 0.31-6 mg/L O.3OG mg/r, Di lutf-on Factor : nnal-yale TIme. . : 7. -2A firy./L L -L7 mg/r, Dl-lutrlon Factor: Aoalyals Tlme..; O.519 mg/t 0.5L1 mg/L Dilutiorr Factor; Analysl-e Time. . : 98 - ? mg/t, 96 - 5 mg/t, Dllutlon Factor: Analyeia ?ime. .: 0.486 mg/L 0.478 mg/t' Pl,IutLon Factor: AnalysLe Tl-me. . : 1,97 mg/L L93 mg/L nLlutrlon Factor: Rnalyelo TLrne. - : sw846 60108 3.2 SW846 60108 sw846 60108 2.9 Sv[846 50]-08 as /z;-oe /zB/ os HKE3orDw oe / zG- o e l zs / os HKE3oLDx 09 / 28-a9 / 29 / os HKE3 ol-clvr a9 /zg-o 9 /ze / os HKE3oleN ae /26-o e / 28 / os HKE3o:.cA ae /26-o e / 2a I os HKE3 olcc oe /25-o 9 / 27 / os HI(E3 olcR os/zc-o s /zt / os HKE3ol.cr oe / 26- o e / 2s / as HKE3 or.AB 09 /zG- o e / za / as HKE3 oLAg a9 /26-o e /27 I as HKE3ol.cP oe / zG- oe / 27 / os HI(83 o lcQ ae / 26-oe / 28 / as HrcE3 oLDK ae /26-o e / za / os HKE3 ol"Dt L25 L27 1 L3 :47 97 93 1" L6:29 104 LO2 L 13:{? 101 97 1 19;3{ 97 95 1 13:{7 L25 1- 16 1 19:34 130 L26 1 Ll :4'I sw84 5 1.4 SI{845 60108 50L0B Iread ND IilD Magneeium 48 48 Nickel ND ND o .24 0 .24 130 130 1.00 1- 00 o.500 0.500 50.0 50.0 0 .500 0.500 50. 0 50.0 sr{84 5 6 010B 2.2 SW846 601 08 sw846 L -7 SWB46 5 0108 6 0108 Potassium Silver sr{84 6 2 .4 SIIE{ 5 6 010B 50 t_ 0B ND ND 0.0500 0. O 652 rllrg/L, o - o500 0.0635 mg/l-, DiluElon Factor: Analysie t[me. - : sw84 6 2 .4 SWB4 5 60108 50L 0B STL Denver (Continued on next page) 42 Client Iot f;-. . 3 Date Saryiled,. - 3 SAIYIPLE AMOI'MT IATRIT D5rI-301_98 os / Lzl as :,2:22 Datse SPTKE MEASRD AIT{OUNT I]NITS SPIffi SDTiPI'B IIAIA REPCIRT Itqfel Heta-le Recelrred. - ! a9/a3/os Ifatrix-,.,,,...3 GW PREPARATTON- WORK AIVALYSIS DATE ORDER O PERCNT RES\IRY RPD METTIOD * 4 000 4 000 Vanadium 0,0045 0.500 0. 0045 0.500 Zlnc 0,500 0,500 Zirconitmr o,0024 0,500 0.0024 0.50O Hg Lot,-Saryll.e Mercury ND 50.0 4220 mg/L Qualifiers: NC,MSB 50.0 41-1-0 mg/I, QuallfLers: NC,MsB Dilutl-on Faetor: 1 Analyeie Time..: I9;3{ PARAMSTER Sodium NCTB (9) : sw846 sw84 6 6 0108 60108 oe/26-oe/27/as oelzo-oe/27/os HKE3 o1clrI HKE3O1CN7 ND ND 0,504 rfig/r, 0.494 mg/L ol-Iut,J.on Factor: Analyeie Tlme. .: 0-484 mglL O -474 nry,/t ol}utl-on Factor: Arralyals Timc. . : 0.548 mg/t' 0.545 mg/t Dt-Iution Factor: ArraLyels TLme. . : 0.O0376 mg/T' Qualifters: N O. OO379 xry/L Qualiflers: N Dilution Factsor: Analyels TimG,,: sw846 60L08 2 .L SWg4 6 60108 sw846 60108 2 -1" SW845 60108 sw84 6 5 01_08 0.37 9w846 60108 s2694e5 sw84 6 747 AA 0 - 83 Srir846 7 47 AA 100 98 1 13 r47 96 94 1 13;{7 10e 109 1 19:3{ ae / z6-oe / zglos HKE3olcD as /26- o e / za / os HKE3ol-eE as / 26- o g / zs / os IIKE3 oleF oe / 26-09 / 28 / as HKE3 ol-ce 09 / 26-09 / 27 / os IIKE3 otc'w 09 / 26-09 /zi / as HKE3olcx a9 /3o / os IIKE3 olcH 09 /30/05 HKE3ole'r *: DSI130198-004 Prep Batch *- - -: 75 76 0 . 00500 0 - 00500 1 L'l z 07 Celorletions are pcrfornrod bcforc roundiag to avold rourM-olf eIrols iD cllcular€d rc$lur, N Spited anrl)rte rccovery ig ouMc eand co!trrot timits. NC The rcoovcry and/or RPD wer. Doa calculsred, IED fie reoovery ed RPD vcre mt calorlrtd bectuse the umplc amount ras grcalc] than four times the spike amount. STL Denver O 43 l,IATRr? SPIXG 8AI{PIIB EIIAL{IATION REBORT I(If,AL lieta-I-s CLI-eut Iot *- - -: D5I130198 Date S4[cd-.- | ag/L2/os 08:00 Date Received. -r og/L3/05 PARAITIETER PERCE}{IT RECOVERY RECO\IERY I,IMTTS RPD LIMITS MEtHOD I.latri:ro r t - - - - . . : GW PREPARATION- WORK AIIIAITYSfS DATE ORDER #B.FP... Il8 lrot-Sary)Ie *: Mercury 78 77 rrutB (s) : D5f13O1-98-002 Prep Batch *. . - 3 5269496 N (SS LL4) SW8.{5 747OA N (85 1-1-4) 0.28 (O-Lo) SW8(16 747OA Dilution FacEor: 1 Analysis Tl.me- . : 16 : 57 ae / 3ol05 HKE3QIAe oe /3a / as HKE3QIcA Calorlations are perfonned before roundlng o avoid rourrd<rff crrors in ulculated results. N Spike<l rnatyte rocovery in outsido stetcd control llmlts. o O STL Denver 44 Cl.ient, Iot #- , - : f,rate Saqll-ed.---3 SAMPI,E PARAMETER AIgIOT'}flT Dsr1-301,9I oe /Lz/ as oB : oo SPTKE MEASRD A}!T A},IOUNT UNTTS UhIRIT SPIffi AAHPI,B DHEA RMIORT Ilctf,Alr l{etal g Date neceived- . 3 09 / L3 / As ttatrix, - - - . - . . . r G"I{ PREPARATION- ATiIATJYSTS DATE PERENT RECI/RY RPD METIIOD WORK ORDER # HS lot-Saqr1e *: Mercur1z TID ND iloIts(s): D5f130198 -OOZ Prep Batch *- - -: 5269496 o. o05oo 0.00389 mg/1, 7g sw846 747aA Qualifiers: N o.0050o o,0o385 mg/t 77 o -29 sI{845 747OA Qualifiers: N Dl.Iutlon E'actor: 1 Analyslg TLme-.; 16:5? oe/30/os oe/3a/as HKE3Q1A9 HKE3Q1CA CalcutatloruI are pcrformed beforo rounding t<r avoi<l roud-off crrorB in cetculated rogrtts. N Spiked anrlyte rcoovery is outside statcd crntrol llmls- o STL Denver STL DENVER C frab trlst r Code: Total Metals Analvsis COVERPAGE - INORGAI\IC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE URII CorDorrt:Lour gDO No. t D5I130198 STI,DEN Crge No. r SASI tilo. t gOW !Uo. : Saryrlr ID. GIII-BI'IO1- 0 9120 5 Gr{-BUrOz-091205 GIVII-B?|IO2 - 0912 05 I'IS GIW-BWO2-O91205 MgD Grw-B$rgz- 091205 feP lat,rnl.ancnt oorrcetionB aDpl.ied? rCP brokgrrround eorrcctionr rpplLrd? If yGs-were rrw drta granGratcd bctore arylllicrtLon of baokground correct:Lons? llb Saqr1e No, D5r130198- O 03 Dsr130198-004 D5r130198-00{S D5r130198 - O0{SD D5r130198 - O02 o$[orc Wcrr Yce/No ES TcalNo LES Yaa./IUo NO Conrncnts r r certify that Ehl.a data 1laekage Lg la con6>I-Laaco !d.th ch6 tsc:cara and coaditloog ol thc contsraot, both tsecrhnicr].I.y aad for ceE1et,oo.rr, for otber thaD tbc conditioac dctal.lcd abovc. R.I.rae of thr drtsa containcd ia thit hardcofry drtr Drckrgrc and In tho cory)utcr-rcrdlble dlta ruDmLttcd on fIoIX)y digkettc hr. boen ruthorizcd by the Laboratory Drailgcr or tlr. !!anagcr'! degLlrBcc, au vcrificd by tho fol.I'owla.g al,gmaturc. ature i Narac r Titla r DAC KGttIrlB Data r t I c'; STL Denver t0i{ COVER PtrOE - II{ P:IIT IP,llvTt -..,,., 46 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -2A. INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIT'ICATION coDtnqts IIRB CorTpratiou Ltb Codrr s STtrDtN Caac No. r gAg No. r ral,tLa1 Calibratsiore Sourct r Contlnul,agr CrlibraELon Sourco : Etgrh hrrlty, Spax Iaorga*rio Vanturar sDc No. s D5I13O198 ConecntratLon UnLt.a t ry/T. A1umirlum .l I nfuninun :l lo.ol 39-6cl 99.11 so.ol l9.3oJ 98.ol Analftc 1n{tlrI Crl.Lbntl.ou Tnrcr Found ,6R (1) ContsLauing Callbratl-on lEnrc f,orrnd tR ( 1) Found, e6R ( 1)u CalcI-un L l Ce,lciun E I I notraat.um| I 50.0 I ] so.delrol.o I p I I M.gr*crLurn I I I I zo.ol I I rc.gal gg.glpl lsoaiunLol I I I s.ol I I s.ozlror.clpl I soarun Hi I do,ol {0.0gltoo.aI so.o I eg.951 99.9I lpl I ztr.onLun! I I I o.sol I I o.aeel ee.Blpl (1)Control lrl,mlcg:Mrretrrar' 80-1201 OEhcr Mctrlc 90-110r CYrnidr 85-115 STL Denver Fonr If (Port 1) ill STLDENVER Contrrct r IIRS Cort>oretion Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL A}ID CONTINUING CALIBRA'I'ION VERIFICATION Caac No. r S.LS No. t Hl,grh Ptrrl-ty, SDox Inorga,-'lc Vonturor f,rb Codc r STLDEDI IaitLrL Caltbration Sourcc: ConELnulng Ca].ibntLon gource r sDC !ilO. : D5I130198 Concentration Uaitg : ngr/L L1uninurn :l 0 .50 lrtumtnun :l I I I so.o I lg.lel ge.g I 0, 518 103.6 AnaLy'ta Iait,ie.l CrlLlrntl-on Trrrc Found, e6R ( 1) ContLnul.ng Crl-Lbration Tr:tre Found tR ( 1 ) Found tR ( 1)DI Crlciu,m L l I cercium HI 5.0 I I io.oI 49.{91 ge.oI c. 95 99 .2 Potrraiurn I 50 .0 50.491 101.O I P Mrgrno;ium I 20. o 19.gll 99.7 I P lsocrun.rol I I _ I s.ol .._1- I s.ollroo.alpl lsodiuna+l I f ., -l so.gl _rs.-B-rl gg-el I lelZircoufunlo-50 0.d991 99.8 I p ( 1) Control r,LnLts r Mareurlz 80-120f Oth,rr Metrlg 90-1101 Wenidc 85-115 STL Denver Ior:rn If (Part 1) IN 4B STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INTTIAL AIYD CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIX'ICATION coDtrretr IIRS Corporatlon Lrb Codcr. STITDEN Cuc No. t SAS No. r rnitial, CalLbrrtLon Sourcc : ContLnul.ng Calibrat,ion Sourcc r Hlgrh Purity, Spax InorganLc Vantrrros gDtr No.: D5I130198 Conccntration Unitg : ng lL Al.umlrrurr :l 0 .50 0.508 101. 6 Al,urrt nrrn :l {9-1 99.3 Ca.I'cium t I 5,0 5. O9 101-8 CeleLum II I 50.0 50.t 101.0 I nouaerl,un I 50.O I I so.ssl 101.2 I P Iluesn.Frup!. I I I zo.ol I I rg.s_sl.gg.elpl Lggqirrn r,o I I 5.0 I s.Lzl ro2.r Jn Ilgodi'r-url ,.. | | -1.-,_ so.ol so.zol roo.rl I lel I zlrconiunrl I I I o.5ol I I o.sozl roo.l I r I .laalytr InLtLrl. Crl.I.bntiou llrnrc Found %R(1) Cont LnuLng Crl.LbrrtsLon Tnrc Forrnd tR ( 1 ) Found tR' ( 1)M (1) control Lirnitr: Mercrrry 80-120; Other Matals 90-110; CYaddo 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Prrt 1) a fN STL DENYER Contract: URS Coryoration Total Metals Analvsis -2L- TN ITIAL AI.[D CONTINUTNG CALIBRATION \MRfF'ICATION Cago Dlo. :gfIl No. r Eigrh PurLty, Spax Inorgrrnlc vrnturor reb Code: STLDEII r'ritLal Calibntl-on Eourec r ContLnul,ngr Ca].ibntlon Eourcc: sDGt !Uo. r D5f130198 Concrntratioa Unit,r : urg/L eaaL:rtse rnl"tLal Calibration Trrrc Forrnd t6R ( 1) Continuiag Calibration rrnre f,ound tR (1) Found tR( 1)M l,IumLnum :l 0 .50 0.5141 102.8 I P lrrunraun:l | | I so.ol lg.lol gg.sl I lel CalcLum tI 5.0 5.051 101.0 I P Crlcium H I 50 .0 54.22 100.{ Poteaaiun I 50. o 50.72 101-{ lnegm.,a_l-_uml I I 20,O I 19.881 99 -{ I P Sodl-rrn r.o I Lggdi,-, Hi I I I I so. o I so. aol 1oo,{ I 5. 11 LOZ.2 lrl J ziroonLurt I I I o.sol I o.5o1l 1oo .z I P I (1) Contro]. Linl.tsa r Mererrrlr 80-1201 Other Metrlg 90-1101 Crranldc 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Pr,rE 1) fN 50 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A.- INTTHL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION YERIHCATION coatrtctt IIBB Corlpration I.tb Codo 3 STLDEII Caga [b. g al's [b. : Inl,tLal' Calibntlon Souroa r Continuingr Cr1Llrratlon Sourcc r Eigrh hrrity, SDcx Iaorga'nio VcnturGa gDO NO. r D5I130198 AIuEt Dum :l n].ulrLrrutn : Cal.cl,um L I Ca!.ciurn II I I eot.Brr-un I Coaecat,ratl.on tlnLtg z rrglL o. 50 0.529 105.8 50 .0 L9.L 98.3 5.O 5.18 103.6 50. 0 51.261 102.5 I I I so.ol I I so.sllror.rlrl .f,a,rl'yt,c rnl,tiel Crlibrrtlon rruc Found, tR(l) Coatiauing CalibratLon Trnp trlo,und tR ( 1) fcyund t6R ( 1)M Iu.goc;LumI I I I zo.ol I I rs.zol gs.glel lgoaiu,n.Lol 1.,.-.,_. I I s.ol I I s.rrlroz.g,le,l SodLurn Ei I 50. o 50.701 101.4 P ZLrconiun I 0.50 0. 50{100.8 Control lrl,rnLtg r Idcrcurtr Bo-120; othar Motalr 9O-110t Ctranida 85-115(1) STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) IN 51 STLDENWR Contract: URS CorporatLon Total Metals Analvsls aA- TNITIAL A}ID CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Crac No. t Hiirh nrrity, Spcrc fnorgani.c Vantrrrtre Lab Coda: STLDEDI taLtLr]. Crllbratl,on Souroa r Cout,Lnul.ng crll.brat,l,on Source : SA.8 Itro. :sDo No. r D5I130198 ConoeatraElon IInl.Es r nrg.[r. .Lna].1t,e rrrLt:fal. Cal.LbratLon rruc Forrnd tR ( 1) coat,inuingr call-brat lon Tnrc fouud, lrR ( 1) xouad tGR ( 1)M Alumj-rrtur :l A.Luniilr.n :l CalcLrun t I Calcl,un H I 0.50 50.o 5.0 50. o 49 ,5 99.1 52 .67 105,3 a.532 106.4 5 .25 105. O Potaesi.unI 50. o 50.501 101 .2 I P Magment um I 20.0 lsoatunr,ol I I I l.ol I 19.971 99.{ I p I r.L7l ro3.llrl Sodium nf I 50. o 51.191 102. { lzrrooarunl | _l ,l o.sol | | o.?rrlroa.zlel (1) eontrol rLrriter MrrcuraT 80-120r othcr u.talr g0-110; cyrntde 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part, 1) b IN 52 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINT]ING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION goDtrrct! IIRS Corlpration LrL Codrr gTIJ)tN Cage No. :SIA No. r -nLtLr,l cr,LibrrtLon Sourea r ContLnuLng Ca].ibretl,ou Clorrrocr IlLgh PrrrLty, Spex InorglnLc Ventsureg sDc t[o. r D5I13O198 .l,lumLnrrD :l 0.2 Concrletrrtl-on tlnl,t,r 3 mglL o.257 1102.8 PotaeeLum Sod,lun lro I 20. 0 eiun I 10. 20 . t6 1100.9 9.52 I 95.2 2 . 01 1100. 5 0 ,2{0 1 95.0 I 2. J ztrconiunI o.251 Ane,I.ltc InLtLal' Cr]'Lbratlon lfrrrc Found tsR ( 1) Continuingr CalLbratsLon Tnrs Fo.nd, tR(ll Found tn (1)u lc.rcrunr.l z.ol a.oolroo.ol I I I I lpl ( 1) Coatrol LLrnLts:ltltrrcurfr 8O-12O; Othcr Mcbelr 90-110r Clranidc 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) - I![53 STL DETVYER Coutrract: IIRS Corporation Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL AI{D CONTINUING CALTBRATTON VERTFICATION Crac No. t Hiorh Prrrity, Spcrc Inorganic VauturoE Lrb codc r STITDEDI Initir]. Calt bratl,on Sorrrcc I ContrLnuLng Cr]-Lbra.tl,orr Elouree: 8AS No. :sDG rlo. r D5I130198 Corrscnt,ratton UnJ.t,s r lrrgll, fnallte Iaitirl. Crllbrltl,on frrrc I'ound tR ( 1) ContLnulng Crlibrrtion Trerc Fouad trR ( 1) Forrnd AR ( 1)u l,ltrminrun :l IJ.uminum :l {o. 0 40.06 100.2 Lggr"i*mr, I I I 0.50 50. o 5.O I llg . i2 98.8 0 .507 101. { s. osl r01.6 I P I Caleium II I 40. o 40.35 1100.9 50.o tlg .[l21 99.5 J eor.e'run,! I I l. .,--.-g-o.g l,- ,. I I sr.rnlroz.s | ?_lluasac"r.rpl ! I I ,.zo.,ol I I zo.golror.alil Sodllum Lo I 5.0 5.151 103 .2 lsodrun.sil ro.ol 1,9..-sl-roo.gl so.ol so.s6l roo.J,l I lpllzrrconiunl - I | | o.sol | | o.sorlroo.alil ( 1) Control Li.mits r Marcurar 80-1201 Othrr t'tctalr 90-110; CYanide 85-115 STL Denver Eorm II (Part 1) IN 54 STLDENYER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINT]ING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION CoDtract,! IIRS CorDoratlon Lab Code 3 gTfrIlE![SISI l\lo. r grc IIo.3 D5I130198No. 3 ELsh PurLty, gDcxrnltla]. Callbration gourcrr Contsinuiagr CrI.t bratl,on Source :rnorgrnic vcnBurel Conocntratl-on UrrLts t rrrg lTt enalltc Ioitl,al Ca]'Lbntion Tnrc Found ,6R ( 1) Continuinir Calibratslon Tnrc poqnd tR ( 1) Fouad tR ( 1)M Alulninum :l lJ-uninrun .l Calcitrn L I Cal"cLum II I Potrrtiun I lragrnerium I I soafgm r,o I I 5.0 I 50 . 611 101.3 20.361 101.8 5. oel 101.8 I P I fSoOtrrm lrf I 50.O I 50,1{l 100,3 I lpl I zirconiuml o.5o I I I o.lesl ee.olpl ( 1) Control LLml-ts r Marctrry 80-L2Ot Othcr Mcta1g 90-110; Ctzanj.de 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part t) IN STL DENYER Cont,rnct r IIRB Corporatloa Total Metals Analvsls -2A_ INITIAL A}[D CONTINUING CALIBRATION \MRIFICATION Cagc tilo. :gf^g No. 3 filgrh Purlty, Spcx InorganLo Vanturcg LrL eodcr STLDEN rnJ-t,ia1 Ca]-LbrrtLon Source: ContLnuLng CrI.t braEl,oa Sotrrco r SDG NO. r D5I130198 Concrntrltlorr Unl"tg r urgf It enalyta Initill Cal.l.bratLou Trnrc found, r6R ( X ) ContrLnulng Caltbratrlou trnrc Fouad tR ( 1) forrnd %R ( 1)D! LlumLrrrrrn :l Al.umLnrrn .l Caloium tl Caloium HI 0.50 50. o 5.0 50 .0 48.7 97 .5 48.761 97.5 0.458 93. 6 { ,94 98.8 Potasrfum J I urcrrre rirrm I 50. 0 50 .35 100.7 lP I I I ao.ol I I zo.zslror.rJrl I soarqa r,o I I I I s.ol I I s.oslrol.o-f3j ! soaium rri I 50,o I 49 . {.1 98.9 J Irl ZLrconium I o-50 ( 1) Control LLnl-ts:Mcrcnrry 80-120r Othor tdrEals 90-110, Cyanldc 85-115 0. {91 98.2 I p STL Denver Form II (Put 1) IN 55 STL DENVER Totd Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINTM{G CALIBRATION VERIHCATION CoDtsract: IIRSI CorporatLon lrab Codr 3 gTIrDtN Cage No- :gl,g No. : Initirl CrlLbratlon Sourcc: Coat{nutagf Ca].ibnt,ion gourec g Etgrh Hrrj.Ey, 9pc* Inorg;rll.c Vcnturer sDs !fO. r D5I130198 Conscrrtration Unite r ng/Ir lrtuntnun:l o.asl o.2.5lge.ol I I I I lr Calclusr t I 2.4 2 .03 1101.5 Potase1un I 20.0 20. 50 1103,0 Magmeelun I 10.0 9.78 I 97. g J Soatum Lo I 2-ol z.az lro3.sl I I I .hnalXrte fniCiel Crll.bnti.on Trnrc Found tR ( 1) Coat,lnuLng Cr1l,brrt,Lon Tnr Found tR ( 1) Fou^ud tR ( 1)M ZirconLum I 0.25 0.2{3 I g-l .7 ( 1) Control ulrd.tg r Morctrry 80-120r Othrr MeEaIs 90-110r Clranidc 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) IN STL DENVER Cont,ract t IIRS Corporttl.on Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AI{I} CONTIN UING CALIBRATION VERIF'ICAI"ION Cage SAA No. r Ht grh PurLty, Spcrc Inorganl-o Ventures frab Codo; STLTDEN fnitirl cr].ibratsLon gourcrr Coatl-nrrl,ngr Ca]"J.braLioo, gorrroc r gDo No- r D5f130198 ConcanEraEl,on UnlUs z rurglL lnrI'yte raitial Cal-Lbration Tnrc Forrnd tR ( I.) ContLnuLng Callbratj.on Tnrrr Forrnd %R ( 1) tround tn. t 1)DT Iron to I 0.50 I rron Irl I to. ol {0.33 lr.oo,Bl s0.0 I s0.381 too,8l I 0.519 103 .8 (1) eontrol Liul.ta: t{ercurt, 80-1201 OEhcr llctalr 90-110r eyanidc 85-115 STL Denver Eor:n II (Pert 1) IN 5B STLDENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERII:ICATION CoDtrastr URS Corporrtl,on r.tb Codc s STIJ)E![Cuc Ng. t gf,g !Io. 3 InitLrl' Call,bratl-on Source : ContLnuing Callbration Sourccr Iligh l\rrity, Sflcx Inorgrenl,c Venturog sDo D[O, r D5I130198 Analyte Ini.tial CallbraBLon Trrr fouad, tR (1) Contiuuing Crlibntion Trnrc round tR ( 1) tround tR ( 1)u Concrretsntlon Uu.l.tr r loif,/l, lrroar,o I I I I o.sol I I o.srglror.elr fron Hi 50. 0 50.261 100.5 ( 1) Control rirtitt r Dlercury 80-120f Othrrr Mtt,als 90-11O; Ctrrnl-de 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1)-rN 59 STL DENVER Contract: IrRg Corporatl,on Total Metals Anslvsis -2A.- IMTIAL A}tD CONTINTM{G CALIBRATION \{ERIF"ICATION Caga [b. :gL8 No.: Higrh f\rrity, Spax Inorganj-o VanturGa r,Eb COdC: STLDIN fnl,t,ial. Crllbratlon Source I Cont,jnulngr CalibratsLon BsursG r SDGI Ro. r D5I130198 ConscntratLon tlnl,ts r mg/Ir enalfrta Iultl-el Cal-ibration Tnrr Found BR (1) ContLnul.ng Call.bratl.on I]nrc rcnrlld, tR ( 1) Found tR( 1)D[ ( 1) Control LLni.Es r l{crcurAr 80-1201 Othcr BlrBalg 90-110; Clranide 85-115 STL Denver Fort II (Part 1) rrr 50 STL DENI/ER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INI'flAL AFID CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIT'ICATION coBEract: IrBg Corlroretion Lrb Codc r SlffrDElI Crac SIe. r 8rA Ncl. r sIDc, No. r D5I130198 rnLtl,al Calibration Sgrroc r Continulng Ca1l-bration Sourca r High hrrlty, SDox Inorganio Vcnturc; Concra,Entiou Unl,tsr t rlgft IroR Lo I 0.50 0.500 100.0 frroari I I I I so.ol tt.zsl gl.sl I o (1)Control Irirnltg r Mercur-1, 80-1201 othrr Mctalg 90-1101 cy,anidc 85-115 tnalrrtc fnitial CaltbratLou Tnrc Found e6R ( 1) ContLnuLng Crl'l5rrtion Trme Found. tR ( 1) Found, t6R( 1)u STL Denver forn II (Part 1) IN 6t STL DETVVER Contnct r IIRS CorporatLon TotrlMetals Analvsis -2A,- NITTAL AI\D C ONTINTIING CALIBR ATION \M,RIF'ICATION Cagc No. r SIA No. r Iligh Ptrrity, Spax Inorganic VcrrturGt Ilrb Coda s STfrDm[ fuititl CallbraElon Sourcer ConBLnui-ng CalLbntLoa Glouroc r sDc No. I D5I130198 Concer,tration Unitsg: ng ll, lnrJ.1t,tr rnLtl-a1 Callbratlon Trnra Forrsd tR ( 1) Contj.nul.ngr CrlLbrttLoa Tnre 1lsund tR ( 1) Fousd tsR(l)D! Iroa Lo I lrronni I I o,50 o. d96 99 ,2 so.ol 16.861 93.21 I ( 1) Control Limlt,s:Merourlr 80-120; Othcr Mota1r 90-110, C:ranlde 85-115 STL Denver Form rI (Part 1) IN 62 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2iA- INITIAL AND CONTINT'ING CALIBRATION VERIHCATION Coatract! IrRg Corlrorrtioa Ltb Codc s STITDEbI Crr Dlo. t gl,g !ilo-: Initial CalibntLon Eorrroc r ContLrruLng Cal.Lbration Sourcc : Htgrh Purl-ty, SDcx Inorgar.l-c Vrruturrrs sDc No. r D5f130198 Concrntrrtlon lral.tt t mglt rDalyt,c rnLtl.al. Ca].Lbratlon Tnrc f,cyuad e6R ( 1) Coati.nuLa.sr Calibration Tnre Found tR (1) Found t6R( 1)u (1) Control Llnittr Morcury 80-1201 Othcr Mctalr 90-1101 Cyanldc 85-115 STL Denver Fom fI (Prrt 1) IN 53 STL DENVER Contract: IIRS CorporatLon Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL A}.ID CONTINUING CALIBRATION \MRIFICATION Case \lo. I g}'g No.: Iuorgrenio Venturc; HLgrh Purlty, Spcx LtI' Codrr STLDEN IaitLrl Calt-bratLon Sourcc: Continuingr Crll-brrtLon Sourcrr: sDo NO. r DSI130198 Concrntrrtion Unitr r Eg/Ii LfsecnLc I o.2sl 0.2431 gt.z I r.oo I o.sgsl cg.s I o.ggzl ss.z I r I AnaLrrt,e rnitia]. Ca1ibrat,ioa Tnrc Found tR ( 1) ContLnulng Call,bratLon Trerc Fouad *R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)![ I narium I o.zsl o.2sr hor.e I o.so I o.sozl 101.{ I o-sulroz.z I p I I Or=omium I o.zsl 0,2{6 I ge.l ! o.so I o.sonl roo.8 | o.lggl sg.s I r Irl0.2{5 I gg.0 0 .50 0.5001 100. o o-5051 101.o Iroad,0 .25 0.211{ I 97..6 0 .50 0.5021 100.4 0.5011 100.2 Niclra1 I 0 .25 0.2{9 I 99.5 0-50 0.5071 101-{0 . 5051 101.2 Silvcr I o.2 a.24Ll 96.d 0.50 o. {931 98 . 6 0.{921 98.{ I van,adLrrn J o.251 a.zlo I gg.z I o.so I o.sod 100.8 I o.sorl roo.z I p Ilzrac ,..J-_ o.zsl o.zrol so..gl_..._ o.sol 0.5_orl-r-gg..cl o.soolroo.olpl ( 1) Control r.ini tr :Dlcrcury 80-1201 Othrr Mrta1g 90-110; CYauldo 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Prrt, 1) IN STLDENWR Contraot r Irab Codo: TotalMetals Analysis -2A- INITIAI, AND CONTINI]ING CALIBRATTON VERIFICATION URS Corlpratiou STI,DEDI Caac No, r g.tEI ![o.3 Inorganio Vcaturea SDB ![O- : D5f13O198 InLtia]' Calibrrt,ion Sourcrr ContLreuJ.ag Callbrat,lon Source :High Purity, Spox ConcentratLon UnLtg t rrgfl;r lnalrrt,e Iait,la1 CalLbration Truc Found tn'(I.) Contl-nulng Cal'l.bntlon Tnre Found tR (1) Found tR ( 1)M Arsenio I 1. 00 0.9961 99 . 6 0.9951 99.5 I P laa'lur I I I I .-.0-.sol o.sogl ror.sl o-?oglror.elpl I chroml,un I t I I o.sol o.tzzl gl.ll o.rztl gs-llpl 0. 50 0.5311 106.2 0.5321 106.{ I B Lcad 0.50 0.{861 97.2 0.{881 97.5 I P Niokc].0.50 0 . {821 96,4 0.{g7l 97.4 I p 8ilwar Vanad,Lum I 0.50 0-50 0,{g2l 95.4 0.4861 97.2 I p 0 . {881 9',1 .6 0.{921 98.{ I p Zl-nc ( 1) Control l,{ n{ gs 3 0 .50 Marcury 80-120r Othcr Matalr 90-110; Clranldr 8i-11i 0.4501 g0 . 0 0-{531 90.61P STL Denver Forn II (ParE 1) rtr STL DEIVVER Contract,: IIRS CorTloratLon Total Metals Analysls -2A- INITIAL AI\D CONTTN UING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Cagc No- 3 SLE No, r Inorganic Vcnturoo Et-gh Purl-ty, Spcx rab Codcr EITLDEN fnltLal CalibntLou Eorrrcr r ContLnuLregr CaI.ibration Sourcrr SDO DlO. r D5I130198 Concantratl-on UnLEs r ^gf l, .[na1y"tc rnLtLal Cal.Lbrltilon Trrre Found, tR ( 1) Continuingr Call.brrELon tnre Found etR ( 1 ) Found. tsrt ( 1)t[ Lrscnie I 1.00 o.gg0l 99-0 0. gga l 99.4 I P lsrrru," I I I I o.sol o.sosl ror.oJ o.lrslros.olpl I euromtrun I I I I o.sol o.{ltl gi.sl a.$77 I gs.{Jpl CoDpcr I o .50 0 .5271 105,4 0.5301 106.0 I P f,erd I 0 ,50 0.{g61 97.2 0,4891 97.8 I P [utchcr I I I I o.sol o.dB{J 9G.8 I o,{B9l 97.8 I P I Sl.Iwar I I venadium I o .50 0. {831 96 - 5 0.{871 97.t I p I I I o.sol o.lgol cs.ol o.egzl ge.llpl lzino I I o.5o I o.{s{ 90.2 I o.{5{l go,B J p I ( 1) Contrrol r,Lrnita r Moreuty 80-120r Othor Metrls 90-110t CYanidc 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN 66 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2L- INITIAL AND CONTIN UING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Colrtrlct, IIRS Cortpratio|a.,- , ,, , , Lrb Codc r STITDIEN Cage lilo. :S S No.r gDC No.: D5I130198 Inl-tsir]. .Ce1ibraEion Sourcc r Cont,inuing CaltbratLon Source :U1tra SclcntLflc NIgT ConcentratLon llnitg z ngllg/ .f,nal.yt,o rnitial Calibration 'rrnrc Fsund e6R ( 1) ConBtnuLng Ca1lbret,:Lon ?rrnrc round tR ( 1) Fouad tsR ( 1)DI lr'rorcu4, I o.oozrzzl o,oozr.oo I ga.s I o.oosooo I o.oolged gz.r I o.oolzzrl gl.l lcvl ( 1) Control r,imits :ldcreury 80-1201 othrr Mrta1s 90-110, cyanlde 85-115 STL Denver STL DEIY}/ER Contract r IIRS Corporatl,on Total Metals Analvsls -7A- NITIAI, Ah[D CONTINUING CALIBRATTON VERII.'ICATION [Io. r NTgT Sl8 Dlo. r UItn Scicntifio L,ab Code : STLDTII fnitia]- Crltbratlon Sourccr Coretl,nuLng CaIt brats:Lon Eorrroc r SDc NO. r D5I130198 ConccntratLon Unltr : \g ll, Ana].fft,o InLtLal CalibratLon Erur Forrnd tR ( 1) Cont,inuiag CelibratLon Trnrc round. tR ( 1) Found. e6R ( 1 )!{ 0.005000 0.00483 96.7 o . o0{ 889 97 .8 cv ( 1) Contro]. Irinitr:Msreuty 80-120; OBhcr Matalt 90-110r Cyanldo 85-115 STL Denver Fom, II (Prrt 1) - rN 5B STL DENI/ER Total Metals Anahsis -2A.- INITIAL AND CONTINTM{G CALIBRATION VERTFICATION Cotrrtrllotr IIRS Corporatloa trl Codc r Sff,,DEDI Cagc ![o - :gl.8 No. l Inltl-al CalLbra,tion Sourcc r Contl-nuLogr CelibratsLon Sourca : NIST U1tra Seiantific sDo No- r D5I130198 Concentratsioa UniEs : Dg llt .}nalyt,c rnJ-tla1 Call,braul,on Trnrc Found ,6R ( 1) Contl-nuing celibratj.on TrLc ll.ouud 96R ( 1) Pousd tR ( 1)u 0 . 0 05000 0 . oo{79 (1) contror r,Lnl,tgr ucrcurlr 80-1201 othcr Mrtarr 90-110; cyrnldr 05-115 STL Denver Forrrr II (Part 1) IN STL DENVER Contract: IIRS Corporation Total Metnls Analvsis -2A- IMTIAJ, AI\D CONTINUING CALTBRATION YERIF'ICATION Cr;c No. r Ellg I[o. t HLgh rrrf.ty InorganLc Venturos Ltb Codc r SIEITDIIII Tnltial Ca]'ibntsLon Sourocr Continuing Call"bratLon Source I sDCt No, r D5I130198 Conocatration UnitsE: eg /T, Sal.eniurn I 0.040 o. o39g I gg.5 0,050 0. 04951 gg .2 I 0 . 0 5L7 I 103 .4 ( 1) ControL l,J.nite r Mrrcurlz 80-1201 Othor Mtt,als 90-110,' Cfrrnldo 85-115 Aaalyte Initirl CrlLbnti.on Txrre f,'orrnd ,6-R ( 1) ConELnul,ng Crlibration Tnrc I'ound 96R ( 1) D'orrnd ,6R ( 1)M I caant,n I o.olol o.or11 lroz.g I o.oso I o.olgsl gs.o I o.osoal roo.l I u I STL Denver Eorn II (Part 1) rN 70 STL DEF{VER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INTHAI, ANI} CONTINT]ING CALTBRATION VERIFICATION eoatrlrcCt URS Corlroretl,on Irab Code : STLDEN Cage No.3 gng No. :gDo No. : InitLrl Call.bratLon Source : ContLnul.ng Cal.ibrrt,:lorr Sourec r Inorgranic VanturGs ELgrh hrrltsy Conccntration Unit,s : ^g lL CadnLrrm 0 .050 (1) Control l,lnitt:Mercrrry 80-120; Other Mctalr 0.o50 100-8 o .050c 90-110; CYanidr 85-115 Dsr130198 100.9 ScIcnLun o,0{98 .lnal-ytc rnLtl,al Calibration Tnrc found tR (1) CoutinuLngr Calibratlon Truo round rGR ( 1) FouDd tR( 1)u STL Denver trorm II (Drrt 1} IN STL DEIVYER Contracb: IIRS Corlloration Total Metals Analvsis -2A- TN ITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERITICATION Crac No. r Slg No. i Ht grh rrurlty Iaorganic Vcnturct Lab Coda: STITDEN rnl-t{a1 Calilrrat,l.oa Sorrrcc r Contl-nulng CalibratLon 8<rrrrce r sDo No- r D5f130198 Coneentratsion Uait,g = urglb Ana1r&,e rnt.t,lal Call,bratrl-on Enrc Found tR ( 1) Contlnulng Caltbrrtion Tnrc Found e6R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)ITI Cadmirurr o.050 0 .0t7 95 ,6 0.0483 96.6 o. 0{65 ( 1) ConErol lriruite r Mercury 80-L20; othcr tdetalr 90-110; cyanlde 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) rN 72 STL DENVER Totel Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERTFICATION coatrrctr IIRS CorprctLon Lab Codc s SE[TDEII Caac No. r A S !ilg. t Inl-tia]. Crlibnt:lon Sourec r ContlrruLnf, CalLbration Sorrrecr High Ptrrity Inorgranl"c VenEurea aDs slo. r D5r130198 Colrcrutntloo tYrrl.tr r urgl[' .lnallt,c Iuitirl Crll-bntLoa, 1r:nrc Found t6R ( 1) Contl,nuing CrlLbration Tnrc Fouad tR ( 1) f,orrnd. e6R ( 1)M Cadml,um 0 .050 0.0{87 97 .tL 0.0 L79 95-8 Salcniurr 0.0173 ( 1) Control r,Lurl-ts r Mcrcury 80-120r Othcr ltctalg 90-110; Cll,enide 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN STLDENVER Total Metals AnalYsis _2:B_ CRDL STAI\DARD FORAAAI\D ICP Contrast r IIRII Corlroratl,on Lrb Codc r STLDE{ AA CRDtr Stand,ard Sourcr r fCP CRDL Standard Sourco: Cagc SLS No. I sDCt No. r DSf 130198 Inorganl-c Vaaturaa CoaocaErrtl.on IIniCr ; ng /It Jtluml.num I CRDL Starrdard for ICP rnLt LrL F:lnrl 1lound, e5R FOund CRDL Straudrrd for At' ,i[rnr Found. 0 ,10 0.100 I 100.0 CalcLunr r"'I 0.20 0.197 I 98.5 Potee;iunf 1.0 1-011 101.0 MngnreriunI 0.20 0.209 I 10{.5 SodLum Iro I I zLreoaiumf 1.0 I ll o.oosl r.. 021 102 . 0 o.oo57J rra,ol I STL Denver Forn II (Part 2) III 74 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -28- CRDL STA}IDARD FOR AA AND ICP Contraet r tIRSi Corpontl-on Lrb Codcr BTLDB{ ,r.L CRDL Steadrrd Sourocr fCP CRDL Strndrrd Source: Cetc No. t Sng No. t sDGl ![o. r D5f 130198 Inorg.n[c Vant,ros Conccntrratio,n Unitg t mgllt Cil)L Scarrdard for ICP rnLtl.rl. Fia^al trur Dound ,[R Dorrrrd, CRDI, Strandard, for ll' J lfunfnun I I I ll o.rol o.rozl1o2.ol I Calcl.rrm L l o.20 0.2071 103.5 PotagrLunl 1.0 1.161 X,15.0 Irlrgaoc;tum I 0,20 o .2001 100 . 0 godium to!1.0 1.09 I 109. 0 I ziroonrunl -. I I I I o.oosf o.ooetl rzo.ol I I STL Denver fonn II (Part "l - IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsls -28- CRDL STAI,IDARD F,ORAAAI'{D ICP Contract r TIRSI Corryoratl,on rrb Codc r STITDEN A.L CRDII Standard Sorrrcr r ICP CRDIr Standard Source : Cage l\Io. :S.[,8 ![o. t 8DO No-: D5f130198 Inorgat lc Venturoa Concratntl,ou, Unleg z m'I/I) il o. o3o I o. 0345l us. o l CRDL Standard for L[,CRDL Etandard for feP IniULrl rLnrl Trrrc Foq4d tR lound STL Denver Porn II (Part 2) IN 76 STLDENVER Total Metals Analysis -28- CRDL STAT.IDARD FOR AA A}ID ICP Cotrtrrct r Irab Cod,o r URg Corporation Crrr ![o, r sDs No. r D5I130198STIJDBI t.L CRqt Etradard Sourcrrr fCP CRDL Standard ftorrcr r S.}S No. r High hrrLty, Spax, Inorgaaic ventrrrea CouocntrrtLon Uu,ltr : mg lt EDI, Etandard lor ICP Inl,tial f,l.nal Pound tR Found, CRDrr Standard, tor lr Tma Found lrrgcarc I .. I I ll_.o.orol o.ooezl az.ol..- I Ilseriun I | | lJ o.oosol o.ogsrrl roz.zl .. I I CbronLum I 0-010 0.0x.10I 110,0 lcopprr I I I ll o.oloj o.o11al ru.ol ll Lord o, 0030 0.002161 72.A Nichcl I SLl-war I Vrrnadl.rrn I I zLnc 0 .010 0.0105 I 105.0 0.010 0,00971 97.o 0.010 0.0113 I 113.0 I ll o.o2ol o.ozs2lrzc.ol I _J STL Denver Forcm II (Dart 2) IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2B.- CRDL STAI.{DARI} FOR AA AND ICP Contract: URS Corporation frab Codr t STLTDEN ll eRDf, Standard Sourcc: ICP CRDL Standard Sourecr Cage No. r Ultra Seioatific SnS llo. r SDGI No. : D5I13O198 Coaceirtration Unl,ta t mgfL CHDL Standard for fCP rnLtl.ll. Flnal. Fouad %R Found CRDIr Etandard for ll, Mercuryz I o. ooo2oo o - 00021 105.0 STL Denver Forn II (Part 2l ? IN 7B STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -28- CRDL STANDARD I'ORAAAIYD ICP Contract: IIRS Corpora,tion Lrb Codc r STITDEN I.L CRDL Standrrd gouroor ICP CRDL Btrnd.ard Souroc I Care [Io. :gng No. r gDo No. r D5f130198 Inorganl,o Vcnturcr Concrntratiou Unitse r mglL CRDL Strudud for tI Tnre Forrnd, tR CRDI, Strndlrd for ICP rnit,ial Fina1 Tnre Found tR Forrnd 8R CadmLum I o . 0010 0.00100 I 100 .0 lsclenJ.rrm I I I ll o.oo10 I o. oooEg l 88.0 1 | STL Denver forrn fI (Pert 2) fN ffisrt IJRS Corporaflon Total Metels Analysis Drta Sheet Lab Nnme: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Basls: Anrlysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample AIIquot: Dllutlon Factor: $TI, DENVER psrJ 30198 WATER ylt 60108 mg/L s260-s67 50 mL I (lllent Stmple II): Lab Sample lD: Leb Workordcr: Date/Tlme Collected: DatelTime Received: DstelTlme Leached: Datell irne Extrrcted: Date/Tlme Analped: Instrument ID: Dst'i.CIO.()q-s678 HLCEK 09/26i05 08:0! 99fi7/A5 18:43 W CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RI,a 7429-94-5 Aluminum 0.017 0.0t 7 0.r0 U 7439-95-4 Magnesium 0.G+3 0.043 0,20 IJ 7440-09-7 Potassium {t.24 0.?4 3.0 U 74A-23-s Sodium l.l I^l 5.0 U 740-67-']Zirconium 0.0016 0.0016 0.015 U 7M0-70-2 Calcium 0.039 0.034 0.20 B STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equlvalent 80 ffiSTt URS Corporetion Total Metals Analyeis Date Sheet Leb Namc: STLDENr'ER Cllent Sample lD: LoUSDG Number: D5Il30l98 Lab Sample ID: D5I23000G5678 Maffi: WATER LrbWorkorder: HLCEK 7o Molsture: Date/Tlme Collectedl Bagls: YEI Datc/Tlmc Rccclved: Analy$r Method: 60108 Date/Tlme Lcached: Unlt: nglL Drte./Tlme Ertracted: 09/28/05 15:30 QC Batcb ID: 5266567 Date/TimeAnalyzed: 09/29105 lA45 Srmple Allquot: SlLml lnstrument lD: 021 DlIutlon Fector: I CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7439-89-6 Iron 0.02r 0.021 0.r0 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent B1 ffisrr IIRS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Ntme: Lot/SDG Number: Mntrix: % Moisture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Srrnple Allquot: Dllutiorr F'ector: STL DENVER DsII30l e8 WATER UlI 60t08 mg.ll, s266567 50 m[- I Cllcnt Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab t#ork0rder: Dnte/Tlme Collected: Dtteftime Recelved: Date/Time l,eached: Datc/Tirne Extrscted: Date/I'ime Analyzed: Instrument ID: r-r5l23000p-.5678 HLCEK 09/26i05 08:00 09/2S105 I l:a6 0r-6 CAS No.Analyte Conc-MDL RL a 744448-2 Arsenic 0.0044 0_0044 0.0r s U 7439-92-r Irad 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 7440-39-3 Barium 0.00070 0.00070 0.0r 0 U 7440-02-0 Nickel 0.001 2 0_0012 0.040 U 74p.0-224 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.0050 r.J 7444-62-2 Vanadium 0.002s 0.0025 0.010 U 7440-66-6 Zinc 0.004s 0.004s 0.020 U Y44047-3 Chrorniunr 0,0026 0.0026 0_010 U 4ua-so-x Copper 0.004s 0.0045 0.0r 0 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent 82 ffisrr URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lrb Name: Lot/SDC Number: Matrlx: c/o Moisture: Basls: Analysls Method: [Inlt: QC Batch ID: Sarnple Allquot: Dllutlon Factor: $T1- pEhrvER Dst 130t 98 WATER Wet 7470A trr8& s269496 I Client Snrnple ID: Lsb Sample lD: Lab Work0rder: Dete/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Received: Date/Tlrne l-,eached: Date/Tlrne Extrrcted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: lnstrument ID: D5I26p00o-4e68 Ht,rrz 09./30/0s 12:30 09/30/05 l6:5a 019 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 743g-g7-6 Mcrcury 0.000027 0.000027 0.00020 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent ffi$Tt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Ltb Ntme: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: oh Molsturc: Basls: Analysls Method: [Jnit: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dilution Factor: STL FFNVER DsII 30198 WATER Wet 6020 mg/L 52.f,6S64 50 mL I Client Sample ID: Lab Sarrple ID: Lab r#orkorder: Date/Tlme Collected; Date/Tlme Recelved: Dste/Tlme Leached: Dstc/Tlme Ertrscted: Dttc/Time Antlyzed: Instrument II): nt1230000-s648 HLCEF 09/26105 .08:00 09128/05 02:58 !M CAS No.Anallte Conc.MDL RL a 778249-2 Selenium 0.00033 0.00033 0,0020 U 7440-43-9 Cadmiurn 0.000040 0.000040 0.0010 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent B4 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Contraotr r IIRS Cor;poratlou Lab Codar STLDEN Crac No. t Prcparatsion Bhulr Mrtrl-x (aoil/watcr) r }U\TER gf8 Xb- 3 gDGl No.: D5I130198 PrcDaratl.on Bl,anlr ConocntrrtJ.on Unita (mglb or mglhg) r uc/L rnLtlal Ca1l.b, rhnls (ryrrL) Continuingr Ca1l.bratlon BLank (nglr) Ll-umLnum IJo I Crlcl,um lro Potaagiun Magrncg:[um Sodium Lo Zl-rconium 0.00160 0.00160 0. o3e o. 00150 o.00160 1,1 0 . 0016 STL Denver forur III IN STL DENVER Total Metals AnalYsrs -3- BLANKS eontract: LIID Coda r t ng CorporatLon STLDEN Crac No. I gAS ![o. r sDCl No. r D5I13O198 Drrrlrrration Blanls Prelnrat,ion Bl.ank Mrtrix (roil/wrtcr) r $I}TER Concantratl,on UnLta (mg/L or lnrgllrgl t MGlfr Frc1lrrrt,:Lou, Blank Cont,LnuLngr Calibration B].rtrJr (W lt , lczc3c tnl.tia1 CrIIb, BIr.Dh (ng/rr) nlumtnurn L'rr I Ca].eiun Lo PotaeeLrrn Magnael.uur Sod,irrm Iro ZLrconirrm 0.o17 o .03{ 0 ,2{ 0.0{3 o .031 0 .00160 0.017 0.03{ 0.2{ 0.0{3 0. o48 0.00160 STL Denver FoTm III IN B5 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- RLANKS Contract r Irab Cods: t RS CorTrorltlou STITDEDI Cage No. :gl.g No.:sDs DIo. r D5f130198 Prcparatl,on BIanlE MrtrLx (aol,1/watar) r PreDlrrtrLora EIanIr Coaceatrrtion tlnlta Lrylt or rnglkg) r MO/I, CoutLrrulng Crlt brrtion Bl.anlc (tng/t ) 1ezc3e llurninum fro I Crlcium Iro Potragrirrrn MagrnegI.um SodtLum Lo Zl,raoniun 0.00160 o.00160 0 . 00160 STL Denver FoTm III IN STL DENVER Total Metals Annlvsis -3- BLANKS Contrrct r Ld, Codct PraDaration Pro1lrrrt,i-orr IIRS CorporatLon gTt DEN Casc No- : BIarrlE MrtrLx ( aoll./watcr) r Blarrk Coucontration UnLt.g AIIE No. I slxl ![o. r D5I130198 I{}AER (rtgll or tng/kg) t YlGlT. Analrtc InLtl-r1 Caf.l-b. Blanlr (n{r/r,} c Contlnulng CelibrrtLon E]'anlr Uwlr,| 1 c 2 c 3 c Prrparatl,orr gI.onk e u Iron Lo I 0.0211U 0.0211u1 0.021lu1 0.0211u 0.021 I U P STL Denver FonT III IN 88 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contncts r Lab Cod,rt PrcprrrtLon PrcDant,ion IIRS Cor1loration Care lilo - 3 BIanJr Matrir ( soLl/wrtrr) r slrats Conecntratiorr Unit,g sDg ![o. t D5f130198 (Ergll, or nglkg) :VlGlIr .Lna1ttc r'lltl.al ci,Iib. Blenh (nglr,)c ContiauLng Crlibration Btcnk (tWlLl 1 c 2 C 3 c PrcDa="Ltoo Blaalr c u froa Iro I 0.021lu P STL Denver form III ' IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS CoatraeE: Lrb Codcl IIRS CorporatLoa gAS No. :SDO Dro. : D5I130198STLDENCrlr PraparatLon Blrrrk Mrtrix ( aoll/watcr) r Prcparatsl,on B1anlr Coaccntration Unitsa (rg/f or ng/kg) I VIC/T' Contrluulng CalLbrat{on BhEh (EglL) c2c3 InLtLal CalLb, BlrrJr (nglr) Aracrr:Lo Barl-un Ctrrornl,um CopDcr Nlckcl Sl"Ivar Vanad,l,un 0 . oo{4 0.00070 0 .00250 o, oo45 o. oo25 o. 0012 0.00280 o. oo25 0.0045 0 .0014 0.00070 o - 00260 0.00{5 0 .0026 0 .0012 0.00290 0. oo25 0. oo45 0. 00{4 o . ooo70 0.00260 o. 0045 0.0026 o. 0012 o, oo?80 0.0025 o. o0{ 5 0.00{{ 0. 00070 0.00250 o. 0045 0,0026 0.0012 0.00280 0.0025 0 - 0045 0 .004{ 0.00070 0.oo26 0 . o0{5 0. 0026 0. 0012 o.0028 o - 0025 0.0045 STL Denver trorn III fN 90 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsls -3- BLANKS Contraets: URS Corporatl,oa I,ab Codc r STITDEN Crro No.: ProSnraBlon BIanIc l.Iatrl-x ( eoil/weter) : PreDaratLoa, Bhnlg Coucont,nti.on Uaitt ( SfS llo. :gDo NO,: D5I130198 rnltl.al CrIl.b. BITDIE (ng/r) Coatinuing Calibrationghnh (nglt) 1c2e3c .Rrsenie BarLurn ChromI.rrm Colrlrrer NickaI SLl.rrrrr Vanadl.um 0.004{ 0.00070 o - 00260 0 .0045 0 .0025 0.04L2 0.00280 0. 0025 o.00{5 0.00{t 0,00070 0.00260 0.00{5 0.0026 0 - 0012 o - 00280 0.0025 o, oo{5 STL Denver Fom III - I}I 9a STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Contraotr r L,rb Codc r Frc5rlrrtLon PraDaratl,on URS Corpora,tion gTfrDElI Cage llo. : B],ank MatrLx (soil/water) : BlanlE, Concentrrtlon Unitr ( 8AS [Io. r sDo I[o. r D5I130X.98 nnrllte rnLtlal Ca1lb. BIanIE (uglr,) c CoutLnulag crlLbntrLon BI.antE (mglf,) 1 c 7 c 3 c Prcprratlon B].aDk c u Morcur-y I 0.0000271U o.000027lul 0.000o27lu I 0.000027 I u 0.000027 I U ctr STL Denver FO::N III . I}I 92 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Coutract: LrL Cod,r r PreparatLon PrcDaratLon t Rg Cora>oretion STfJDEN Cagrr No. r BlruIE lrtrtrLx (aol1./watcr) r B]'ank CoacsntrltLon tlnit,r ( gnE trIo. r SDo Dro. t D5I13O19B wlTER It' or nglhg) :MC/I, rnalyta raitlel crl:lb. Blrnk (ng/L) e ContLnuing Callbratlon slaDIE (mg lLl lc2c3c r=.p.r.tion BItnIB c til Mercrrry I o,0oo02?l Ul o.000027 lv c\r STL Denver FoTn III . IN 93 STL DEI,{VER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Co,ntnet r IIRS CorporatLon Lrb Codcr STf,'DEII Cagc No.:8.0,8 No. t Prcprret,ion alarrh Matrlx ( eoll/waEar) : WATER PrcDarat:Loa BITaIE ConecntntLon Uul.tt (ng/L or Wlbgl r ltE./L sDo No. r D5f130198 .f,nrI.ytc InltLal CalLb- BIaEIE (tngr/r) c Continuing Calibratl,on Blantr 6g lf'l 1 c 2 c 3 C Fre;rlratioa B]-a,als c u Crdm{um I 0.0000{0lU q_1,.900040 J UI 0 . q.0_0.0-jtj lU,J . o . 0000{0 I u o.000330lul 0.0003301u I 0,000330 I U 0 . -0-91004 0. 00033 U U td E M STL Denver rOTtrr III IN 94 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsls -3- BLANKS Contract s IIRS Corporatlon LaI, Code : STITDEN Cerr No. :SIS ![o. t PrrrDaration BI.rnIE Matrl,x (goil/water) : $fI\fER DrGlraraeioa B]..D]r' Co,rrocntratioB lra:Lta (ngll or Wllcgl t >rclL gDO NO.: D5I130198 .Lnalrrtrl rnl.tLal CrLl.b. Bhnlr (rylr) e Coat,Lnulng CrlLbratl,ou B1ank (nrrlL) L c 7 c 3 c PrcDar"taoo BI.rnk c D! Ca&,ium g"I.etf.rnr o, oogolg LII- I 0.000040 lu I 0.0000{0 I u O.0O033OlUl o.o0O33Olu I 0.000330 I u u M STL Denver Form fff IN 95 STLDENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contraot: f.ab Cod,a: Preparatioa PrcDaration IrRS CorlpratLon STLDEDI Cage ![o. t Blrnh Matri:r (goil/wtE,er) : B1enk ConcanE,ration Unita 81,8 No. :sDe NO.: D5f130198 tYlTER (ng/r, or nglkg) :MG/L .lnrLytrc rnl-t,ial CaILb. BIa!fr(ng/r)c Contl-nuLng Crl Lbratlon B1r:rk (uglr,) 1 c 2 C 3 c PraDaration BI'ank c M Cadud.unrffi o . o0oo{.g.,LIr I 0.000040 Iu 0.0003301u1 0.0003301U tl u STL Denver Fom ITT IN 95 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsls '4- ICP INTERFERENCE CITECK SA]VIPLE Contraotr r URS Corporati.on Irab Codc: STLDEII Cage No.: fCP ID lilurubcr: TJA IntraDid ICP SAS No, :aDo NO. r D5I130198 ICS Sourccr High PurLty, S5rex, Concentration Unitr): rDLtirl, Fouod 8oI .t 8o1 ..tB FLml Fourrd. SoI -l SoI .AB Flum,fnum Hl. I alcium Hl taaal-um rconLurr sas. oE l szg. TG l 1oG - o l Trrrc go1 .I, go1 ..trB {98.0{497 .57 5{. {9 I 109.0 51{ .32 515.10 I r03.0 53.90 I 107.9 1.098 I 109.8 STL Denver Forn IV IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CIIECK SAMPIE coatraet g IIRS Corporrtlon LtI, Codc r STITDEN Cage No.: ICP ID ![unbcrt TiII' IntreDid ICP SLSI No. :gDO DIO. r D5I130198 ICS Sourca:Higrh Purity, Sllax, Coneantration unit;) I mfJlr, Tnro I rnieial Eound, I rinal Fou.nd tnal.yt. I sor-r gol.rB I sot.r sot.lB tR I sot.r gol'.tB tR lel*lnun rri l 515.38 [ rOr.1 I fcalclunEi IPot,uiilrrn SodLuru Lo Lrconlrrn 490 .75 {95.0{ 509 ,L2 508.11 I 101. 5 53.06 I r-06.1 1.1{{ I 11{. { STL Denver Form IV IN 9B STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CIfT,gK SA]VTPLE Contnct r IIRS CorponBl,oa Irab Codn s STLDEDI Cage llo. r ICD rD !$rmbor: TJt' fntraIltd ICp Sfg DIo. t slx, ![o. r D5I130198 ICg Sourcrr Eigh Ptrrity, Sllcx, ConcentratLon unLtg):lgrflll. Trerc SoI..L go1.lB rnit,la1 Found I tinal Found 8o1.l, Sol ..LB r6R J go1 .t go1 .lB tR STL Denver Form IV IN STL DET{VER Total Metals Analvsis 4- ICP INTERFERENCE CITECK SAMPLE contract r IIRS CorryonBLou tal) Cod,r r 9T[.DESI rCP ID !0unbur gtIPtRfR.LCE Crrr No. t S.f,,EI No. t sINl NO- r D5I130198 ICg Esurccr Higrh PurLty, Sllrrx, ConocntratLon Unlts) s mg/L Analytc laLtLr]. Found, 8oI -l' SoI .[fJ fina]. Found 8o1 -l, 8oI .AEI Trrrc SoI ..1, CIoI -AB lAracnlc ] O. oO 2 - 00 -0.002 1.9s1 99.01 um I 0.00 0.50 0.000 o. 521 I 10{ .21 ronrurl I 0. OO o-50 o. o0{o.47gl 95.81 JCoppar I O.0O o. 50 o.001 o .53? I LA7. { Id I o,oo 1.00 0.000 o.g?l 97.ol ickcl I 0.00 1. 00 0.001 o,g{l ge.ol Sl,Lver I O.0O 1- 00 0 ,000 1.041 ro{.Ol lnrd.ium I O.0O 0. 50 0 .002 o-d801 95-ol Zl-nc I 0. O 1.0 o. o12 o.90l 90.ol STL Denver 100 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis 4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHECK SAIT{PLE Contracts t tIRg Coqloration Ltb Codc r SIIITDEN ICP ID Ntrmborr PE ICDltg Cagtl No- :Brg No, r sl)(s No. r D5I130198 ICg Sorrrcr r Inorganl,o Vcutrrrcl Conccntratj.on unLtsa) r mglL rnLtLa1 F<vtrndl EloI ..L 8oI .AB Flnal Found 8o1 .[ slol, ..ABlnal.rrtr trrnrc EI01.l' Sol ..lB 0 - 10{{ I 10{. {o .1051 0 - 002 I o. 0996 STL Denver forn I\I x IN 101 ffisTt IIRS Corporttion Totrl lVletals Analysls Deta Sheet Lrb Name: LoUSDG Nurnber: Matrlx: 7o Molsture: Brsis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Brtch ID: MS Sample Allquot: MS Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER psrr30t98 WATER N/A Wct 60t Ots mg/L s266s67 50 mL -L Client Sample ID: MS Lab Srmple ID: MS Leb WorkOrder: Drte/Time Collected: Date/Time Recelved: Date/Tlme Lerched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Drte/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: slv-8w02-0er 205 Dsr t 3or e8-qQ4s HKE3O 09/17/05 t2:22 091.3/05 0e: l s 0e/26l(ll-0S:00 09/27 lOS 19:14 oZL Andyts Spike Amount Sample Resrrlt C MS Result C oh Rec 0 QC Llmtt Alunrinum 2.00 0. r0 2.4s fi7 n3 - I 19 Calcium 50.()24 J 73.7 r00 48 - 153 Magncsium s0,0 48 98.7 l0t 62 - t46 Potassium 50.0 130 197 t25 76 - t32 Sodium 50.0 4000 4220 MSB NC 70 - 243 Zirconium 0.500 0.0024 B 0.s48 109 80 - r20 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Dato Sheet Equlvalcnt LA2 ffisrt IIRS Corporrtion Totnl Metnls Analysls Deta Sheet Leb Name: Lot/SDG Numbcr: Matrh: o/o Molsture: Brsis: ,A,nalysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: NISD Sarnple Allquot: MSI) Dilutlon Fsctor: STI DENYER B5r r30r e8 v./4rrr N/A Wct 60I OB mglL s266L97. 50 mL. I Cllent Sample ID: MSD Lab Sample lD: MSD Lab \ilorkorder: Drteffime Collectsd: Date/Tlme Recelved: DatelTlme Letched: Datc/Tlrne Extracted: Date/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: GW-8W02-091205 DsIl30198-001D HKE3O O9ltUA5 l2:2? 0e/13i05 Q9;1.5 09126/05 08:00 A9/27fi5 l9:3I AH Analyte Splke Amount Semple Result C MSD Result C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Llmits 7o Rec RPD Aluminum 2.00 0.10 2.39 l14 2.6 83 - I le 25 Calcium 50.0 24 J 72.2 97 2.0 48 - t53 75 Magnesium 50.0 48 96.5 97 2.2 62 - t46 25 Potassium s0.0 130 193 116 2.4 76 - 132 25 Sodium s0.0 4000 4I IO MSB NC NC 70 - 203 40 Zirconium 0-s00 0.0024 B 0.s46 r09 0.37 80 - r20 25 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Anabsis Data Sheet Equivolent 103 ffi$Tr URS Corporafion Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Name: STL DENVER Client Sample ID: CW-BW0Z-091205 Lot/SllC Number: D5ll30l98 MS hb Srmple ID: D5II30I98-004S Matrh: WATER MS Lab WorkOrder: HKE3O 7o Moisture: N/A Drte/Tlme Collccted: 09/lA$5 12:22 Bash: YCt Date/TimeReceivcd: O9ll3/0I q9;t5 Aurlysis Method: 60108 Dste/Tlme Leached: Unlt: mc/L Drte/Tlme Ertracted: 09/28/05 15:30 QC Estch lD: 52$561 Date/Time Analyzed: 09129105 16:29 MS Srmplc Allquot: 50 mL Ingtrument ID: 0.?l MS Dilutlon Factor: I .AnaIyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MS Result C o//o Rec a QC Llmit Iron r.00 0.24 t.20 97 52 - r55 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 104 I I I I I I I ffisrr URS Corporation Totel Metals Anrlysis Data Sheet Lrb Name: STL DENVER Client Sample ID; GW-8W02-091205 LodSDG Number: D5ll30l98 MSD Lab SrmplclD: D5II30|98-004D Matrlx: WATER MSD Leb Workorder: HKE30 70 Molsture N/A Date/Tlme Collectedt O9ll2/05 12:22 Brsie: Wg Datc/TlmeRecoived: 09/13105 09:15 Anrlysls Method: 60108 Date/Tlme Leacted; Unlt: rD8& DatdTlmc Ertractod: 09/28/01-lLr9 QC Betch ID: 5266567 Daiclfime Analyzrd: 09129105 16:.29 MSD Somple Allquo* 50 mL Instrument ID: 02t MSD Dllutlon Frctor: 1 Analyte SpIke Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Limits 7o Rec RPD Iron 1.00 0.24 t.t7 93 ?.9 52 - r55 25 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Duta Sheet Equivalent 105 ffisrr URS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Datn Sheet Lab Nrme: l,oUSDG Nurnber: Matrlx: o/o Moisture: Brsis: Analysls Method: UnIt: QC Brtch lD: MS Sample Aliquot: MS Dllutlon Fector: STL DENVER psl r 30199 WAT.ER NIIA Wet 60t 0.R m8/L 5266s67 50 ,4I.. I Cllcnt Sample ID: MS Lab Sample ID: MS Lab Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recetved: Ilate/Time Lesched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Dnte/Tlme Analyzed: lnstrument ID: GW;HW02-091205 n5r r30t 98-004s Hrffi3q Q9t12/05 12:22 0oll3105 09:15 09/26105 08:00 0o/281QI .13:a7 0r6 Annlyte Splke Amount Sample ResuIt C MS Result C o/o Rec a QC Llmlt Arsenic 2-00 0.0044 TJ 2.33 I t6 84 - 124 Barium 2.00 0.63 2.71 r04 85 - r20 Chromiunr 0.200 0.0026 U 0.1 94 96 73 - 135 Copper 0.2s0 0.0046 B 0.3r6 125 82 - t29 I-earl 0.500 0.0026 U 0-519 t04 89 - r2l Nickel 0-s00 0.0012 U 0.486 9',1 M-120 Silrrcr 0.0s00 0.0028 U 0,0652 r30 7s - t4l )nadium 0.500 0.004s BL 0.504 r00 8s - r20 7;n"0.5()0 0.0045 U 0.484 96 60-r37 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analvsk Data Sheet Eauivalent 105 msrr URS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Datt Sheet Leb Name: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: c/" Moisture: Basls: Annlysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: MSD Sample Aliqurrt: MSD Dllutlou Factor: STL DENVER D51.1.10198 WATER NiA Wet 60r0I EIEIL s266167_ 50 mL I Clleut Samplo lD: MSD Lrb Sample ID: MSD Leb WorkOrder: flate/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Ttme Leachcd: Date/Ttme Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: GW-BW02-091205 psn 30l98-004D HI(E3O 09/12105 12:22 09/ I 3i05 09; I 5 09/2$/0s 08:00 A9128t05 13:47 016 Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MSI) Result C 7" Rec 0 RPD a QC Llmlts o/o Rec RPD Arsenic 2.00 0.0044 LJ 2.29 I14 t-7 84 - t24 25 Barium 2.00 0.63 2,6s l0l 2.5 8s - r20 2s Chrornium 0.200 0.0026 U 0.r92 95 1.0 73 - r35 25 Coppcr 0.250 0.0046 B 0-306 tzt 3.2 82 - t29 25 I-cad 0.500 0.0026 U 0.51 I r02 1.4 89 - l2l 25 Nickel 0.s00 o.fi)12 U 0.478 96 t.7 84-tz0 75 Silvcr 0.0500 0.0028 U 0.0636 126 2.4 75 -l4l 2sI Vanadium 0.s00 0.0045 BL 0.494 98 2.1 85-120 25 Zinc 0.s00 0.004s U o.474 94 2.1 60 - t37 25 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Dsta Shea Equlvalent LA7 ffiSTt URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDC Number: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Bssis: Analysls Method: [J nit: QC Batch lD: MS Sample Allquot: MS flllution k-nctor: Sl-L DENVER DsIl30l98 WATER N/A UeI 601 0B Nfl,IL 5266567 50 mL I Cllent Snmple ID: MS Lab Sample ID: MS Lrb Work0rder; Date/Tlmo Collccted: Date/Tlme Recelved: Iltte/Tlme l-,erched: Date/Time lixtrncted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Inrtrunrent I D: L.R MS/Mf,P pEiI?2...0342-001 s HKA$C 09f22105 t3:40 09/22105 15:30 0eEOl"Q5 08:00 0P/?$/0s 12: I I 016 Analyte Splke Amount Sample ResuIt C MS ResuIt C o//o Rec 0 QC Llmlt Arsenic 2.00 0.043 r.90 93 84 - r24 Baritnn 2_00 r,3 3_ l6 9s 85 - r20 Chromium 0.200 0.14 0.334 97 73 - r35 kad 0.500 0.r2 0.563 89 89 - 121 STL Denver Form 5A MS Anolvsk Data Sheet Eouivalent 108 ffisrt URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Neme: LoUSDG Number: Matrix: 7o Moisture: Bnsis: Anrlysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: MSD Somple Allquot: MSD Dllrrtlon B'nctor: s't.L DF,NYtrB psl 130 r98 WATER N/A \Yet 60108 ms/1. 526r6s67 50 rnl. I Cllent Semple ID: MSD Lab Sarnple ID: MSD Lab Workorder: Date/Time Collected; Drte/Time Received: Drte/Time Leached: Date/Time Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzcd: lnstrument ID: LAB MS/MSI) D51"20342-001n HK68C Q9ZTAS fi:40 09/2T45 1534 09/26105 08:00 0.1)/28145 2:tt 0r6 Analyte Spike Amount Sample Regult C MST) Result C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Llmtts 7o Rec RPD Arsonic 2.00 0.043 I.87 9t r.g 84 - t24 2s Barium 2.00 1.3 3,1 5 95 0.20 85 - r20 25 C,hromiurn 0.200 0.14 4347 103 3.6 73 - 135 25 t-ead 0.s00 0.r2 0.554 87 N 1.7 n9 - I2l 25 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analvsis Data Sheet Eguivalent 109 STLDENYER Total Metals Analysis -5A- SPIKE SAN{PLERECOVERY Contract; Irab Codc: t RS Cor-I>oratl-on S.tr}TPLE NO. allcl NO. : D5f 130198 Ircvcl (Iow/mcd) :LOYT STITDEN uat,rl.x ( soL]./water) : e6 SoLldg for Seqple r Crtc ![o. t T{LIIfER glg No. : 0,0 EpLlrr Addad (sr) Contro]. r,Lnit tR Spikod Samfrla Result (gsR) C saq121c Rcgults (SR) Concentretioa Units (mglf, or mg/kg dry wel-ght):![G/L o. 160 I 0.25 o.108f o-50 o. oo28 Iu I 0 .050 0 ,2e1 0.50 0.t29 0.50 Analytc I coppar I sz Lzs ] Nt-okcl I gc J.z J 8iJ-var I zs 1{ I vanadlrrm les L2 I ztnc I oo L37 urnenEa r HK68C 0.{21 o.5L7 0. o{9 a .715 0. 845 10e 88 98 10s 83 STL Denver FormV (PIRT U r IN 110 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -5A- SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY ConEract r Lrb Codag IIRS Cor+pntLon S.f,S No. rSTITDEhI Dflrtrl-x ( soi]./watrr] r 8 SoJ.idr for 8aqD163 Cagc lilo - : UILTER SIXI lK). 3 Lrwrl (low/nrd) : o,0 SAIIPfTE D5r130198 Control rrinit tn Sfll.kad Saryl]'e Resu1t (ggR) C 8aryrIc Rcsu1t (SR) ConcaatretLon Unita ($slL or ng/hgr dry waight) r MG/T, .}nallrte I Coppar I sz Lzs I Ntchel I et 120 I sf1vor I zs 1d f vanadium I as 1zo I ztnc I eo 13? Conrrcntg I HK68e 0.419 0.542 0.0{8 o.755 0 .851 0.150 0 .25 0.108 I 0 .50 0 . oo28 ul 0 .050 0.221 I 0 .50 0.429 I 0 .50 STL Denver Form V (PIRT 1) IN ffi$rr IIRS Cor?oradon Tottl Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Number: Matrix: o/o Molsture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: MS Sample Aliquot: MS Dilutlon Factor: STL. DEIIwER psrt30t98 WATE\ N/A wrt 7474A ms/L 5269496 t Client Sample ID: MS Lab Sample ID: MS Lab lVorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drteltime Received: Dste/fime Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Dste/Time Antlyred: Instrurnent ID: cw-Rwe2-09lzQJ psn30r e8-ogafi HKE3Q 09/1?105 0tl;00 09/ I 3/05 09: I 5 09/30/05 l2:30 0ei30/.0.5. ..16:17 0r-9 Analyte Splke Amount Semple Result C MS Result C o//o Rec a QC I,lmlt Mcrcury 0.00500 0.000027 U 0_00388 78 N 85 - I 14 STL Denver Form 5A t[S Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent L1,2 ffisrr IJRS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nrme: STL DEWER C[ent Semple lD: CW-81V92491205 LoUSDG Number: D5Il30l98 MSD hb Samplc ID: D5ll30I98-002D Mttrir: WATER MSD LabWorkorder: HKE3O 7o Molrture NrA Date./Time Collec,ted: 09/12105 08:00 Basls: Uft Date/Tlme Recelved: 09/13/05 09:15 Analyols Method; 7470A Dote/Time Leeched: Unlt: wlL Date/Tlme Ertncted: 09/30/05 12:30 QC Batch ID: 5269496 Datc/Tlrnc Analyzed: 09/30/0f 16:57 MSD SarmpleAttquo* Instrument ID: 019 MSD Dllution Frctor: I Antlyte Spike ^r{mount Sample Result c TI{SD Result C 7o Rec a RPD a QC l,lmits 7o Rec RPD Mercury 0,00s00 0.000027 U 0.00386 77 N 0.28 85-l14 l0 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analvsis Data Sheet Equivalent 1t_ 3 ffiSTL URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysls Drta Sheet l,ab Name: STL DENVER Cllent Semple ID: GW-BW@491205 LoUSDG Number: D5Il30l98 MS Lrb Sample ID: D5ll30l98-004s Mah:lx: WATER MS Lab \ilorkOrder: HKE30 7o Moisture: N/A DatelTlme Collectcd: 09112105 12:22 Brsis: JYg Drte/Ttme Recelvcd: 09113/05 09:15 Analysis lvlethod: 7470A Date/Tlme Lcrchcd: Uni* mS& Date/Tlme Extrrcted: 09/30/05 12:30 QC Batch ID: 5269496 DatelTime Andyzed: 0980/05 17:07 MS Samplc Allquotl Instrument lD; 019 MS Dllutlon Frctor: I Anrlyte Splke Amount Samplc Result C MS Result C o/u Rec a QC Limit Mercury 0-00500 0.000027 U 0.00376 75 N 85-l14 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysls Data Sheet Equivalcnt L74 Lab Nsme: STL DENVER LoUSDG Number: It(I130198 Illatrh: WAIER ffisrr L]RS Corporatlon Total Metals Annlysis Data Sheet Cllent Sample ID: GW-8W02-09I205 MSD Lnb Samplc ID: D5II30lq8-004n MSD Lab Workorder: HKE30 7o Molsture: N/A Drte/Timc Cotlected: Q2ll2l05 12:22 Basis: U$ Date/TlmcRccelved: 09/13/05 09:15 Analysls Method: 7470/t Date/Tlmc Leached: Unlt ntlL Drtc/Tlmc Ertracted: 0980i05 12:30 QC Betch lD: 5.2Q9496 Date/Tlme Aoalyzed: Q9BA|OS l'l:07 MSD Semplc Allquot lnctrument ID: 019 MSD Dllutlon Frctor: L Analyte Splke Amount SampIe Result C MSD ResuIt C 7" Rec a RPD a QC Limlts 7o Rec RPD Mcrcury 0.00500 0.000027 U 0.00379 76 N 0.83 85 - 114 t0 STL Denver Form 5A IUISD Anslvsis Dau Sheet Esulvalent 115 ffiSTL URS CorPoration Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet [,ab Nsme: LoUSDG Number: Matrix: Y" lllolsture: Brsls: Anelysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch [D: MS Sample Aliquot; MS Dilution Factor: STL DENVER Dsl1 301 98 WATER N/A Wet 60^0 mg& 5266s64 50 mL t Client Sample ID: MS Lab Sample ID: MS L,rb Work0rdcr: Drte/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Dste/Tlme Leached: Dateffime Extracted; Drte/Tlme Andyzed: lnstrument I D: GW-BlyQ2-oel20s pst t 30l e8-0Q+$ HKE3O 09/.l.Zt.l)5 tz:ZZ 09i I 3/05 09: I I 0el?6/0s 08:00 09/28/QS rM:29 004 Analyte Splke Amount Sample Rugult C MS Result C o/o Rec 0 QC Limlt Cadrnium 0.0400 0,00020 U 0.0381 95 89-ilr Selenium 0.0400 0.0037 B 0.0404 92 82-lt4 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analvsk Data Sheet Equlvalent 116 ffisrt URS Corporttion Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lrb Name: LoUSDG Number: lVlatrh: 7o Molsture: Brsis: Analysis Method: tlnlt: QC Batch ID: MSD Sample Allquot: MSD Dilutlon Factor: srl-pFNvER psr 130 | 9g WATER NIA Wet 6020 mg/L s2665fr 50 mL T CIIent Srmple ID: MSD Leb Sample ID: MSD Leb WorkOrder: Drte/Time Collected: Dnte/fime Recclved: Date/Timo Leached: Date/Tlrne Extrscted: Drte/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: sw-8w02-0e1205 prr r 30198-0MD HKE3O 09/I2tA5 0:22 09i l3105 09; l5 09126&5,08:00 09128105 A4:29 @ Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MSD Result C 7o Rcc a RPI)a QC Ltmlts 7o Rec RPD Cadrnium 0.0400 0.00020 U 0.0375 94 1.7 89-il1 20 Selcnium 0.0400 0.0037 B 0.041I 93 t.7 82-il4 20 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent aL7 ffisrr LJRS Corporttion Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Name: Lot/SDG Number: Matrix: 7o Moisture: Brsig: Andysis Method: Unltl QC Batch ID: MS Snmple Allquot: MS Dllutlon Ftctor: STL DENVER p5r L3-0198 WATER NIA lifet 6q?0 m8/L s266s64 50 mL I Client Sample ID; MS Lab Sample lD: MS Lab Workorder: Drte/Tlme Collectsd: Dste/Tlme Received: Date/Tlme Leached: DatelTlme Extracted: Ilate/Time doulyz,ed; Instrument ID: L ^ B MS/MSD Ds1220342-o0l s HK68C Q9lZ?/(ls. 13;00 09/2?/$L rsS.Q 09/26105 08:00 09128/05 $:24 0@ Analyte Sptke Amount Srmple ResuIt C MS Result C ,/" Rec a QC Limit Cadmiurn 0.0400 0_0049 4.0424 94 89- l1l Seleniurn 0.0400 0.008s 0.0371 72 N 82 - 114 STL Denver Form 5A MS Anolysis Data Sheet Equivalenl 118 ffiSTL URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Neme: LoUSDG Number: Matrlr: c/o Moisfure: Basls: Antlysls Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: MSD Sarnple Aliquot: MSD Dllutlon Frctor: sJL pENVER Dsl130l e8 WATF.R N/A Wet ,6020 trlg/I 5^66564 50 m[, I Cllent Samplc ID: MSD Lab Sample ID: MSD Lab Workorder: Date/Tkne Collected: Date/Time Received: Date/Tlme Lesched: Date/Time Ertrrcted: Drte/Tlme Anelyzed: Instrument ID: LAB MS/MSD D5t?'0342-00t D HKISC 09/22/A5 B:Nt 09/22105 l5:3O 09/26i05 08:(X) A9/28/05 Q3:20 044 Analyte Splke Amount SampIe Result C MSD Result C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Llmits o/o Rec RPD Cadmiunr 0_0400 0.0049 0.04 r 0 90 3.4 89- ril 20 Selenium 0.0400 0.0085 0.0363 69 N 2.4 82-n4 2A STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -58* POST DIGEST SPIKE SAMPLE RECOVERY ConEraet g IIRS CorporetLon [,rt Codo: STLDIEII Clac No. r glg No. r sDG No. : D5I130198 Uatrix (tol,1/watorlr I{trTEn I,cvcl (low/mcd) r S.LMPI{E [IC). f!!TR.l'-LlB OC PDS Conccatration Unlus:ms/L enal-ltc Contrro], IJl,eit tR Splkcd SamDle Rmulr, (gBR) C Barylra Rrrule (8n1 C SpLke f,ddrd (sf,)TR a ![ cadmium I 75 L25 0.182023 o. oo{858 ]0.20 88. 6 M Salcntrrm l7S L2S l 0.1G0621 0, 009536 0.20 '16.L M o Comtcnt STL Denver Form V (PIBT 2l - IN L2A ffisrr URS Corporation Totrl Metals fuitlysis Data Sheet Lab Ntme: Lot/SDG Number: Mrtrlx: 7o Moisture: Brsis: Analysls Method: Uult: QC Batch lD: Sumple Allquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL DENVER DsIl 301q8 }YATER N/A Wet 601,08 mcL 52Cr6567, 50 rnL t Cllent Sample lD: Lrb Sample lD: Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Datc/Time Received: tlateltlme Leached: Dtte/Time Extracted: Dntc/Tlmc Anrlyzed: Instrument I D: D5I'30000-567C HLCEK 09/26105 08:f)0 a9?7l05 t8:47 ael Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent Analyte True Found %Rec a Llmlts Aluminum 2.00 2.0s t02 86 - r08 Magncsium 5().0 49.7 99 91 ilt Potnrsiurn 50,0 51.6 r03 86-lll Sodiunr 50.0 51.7 103 9l - l12 Zinxrnium 0.s00 0.535 r07 75 - tzs Calcium 50.0 50.9 102 89- lt0 STL Denver 1,2L ffisrr IJRS Corporrtion Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lub Name: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: ou" Molsturo: Basls: Anrlysir Methorl: [init: QC Batch lD: Sanrple Allquot: Dllution lractor: STL DENVE,R Dst l30 r q8 WATER N/A Ifst 60t 0B mg/L 5?66s67 50 mL 1 Cllent Sample ID: Lsb Srmple ID: Lab Workorder: tltte/Time Collected; Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Ttme Leached: Dste/Time Extracted: Date,rTlme Analyzed: Instrrment ID: D5r230000-567L HLCEK 09126105 08;00 0P/?7/01, l$:5-l 021 Analyte True Found C %o Rcc a RPD a QC Limits 7" Rec RPD Aluminum 2.00 2.08 104 1.4 86 - I08 2A Magncsium s0.0 50.6 l0l t.g 9l - r t I 20 Potassium 50.0 52-4 105 r.6 86- ril 20 Sodium 50.0 s2-4 105 t.4 9l-il2 20 Zirconium 0.s00 0.545 r09 I.8 15 - t?5 ZO Calciurn 50.0 51.7 r03 r.6 89- ll0 20 STL Denver Form 7 f .C,qn Anolvsic llnta ,fhppt hi.orthtnlpnt 1,22 ffiSTL LIRS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Nsme: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: 7o Molsturc: Brsis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: Sample Allqnot: Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER psr I 301e8 WATER N/A Ust 60r08 msi L 5266s67 50 mL I Cllent Semple ID: Lrb Sample ID: Lrb Work0rder: Drte/Tlme Collected: DrtelTime Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/fime Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: psr230000-s67c HLCEK o9/28l0s_.1130 09/29105 15:49 azr_ ^A,nalyte Tme Found ToRec a Llmlts Iron r.00 l.0s l0s 88 - I l0 STL Denver .Form 7 LCS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent o ffisrr [IR^S Corporation Totd Metals Analysls Data Sheet Ltb Name: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC llatch ID: Sarnple Allquot: Dllutlon Fnctor: STL DENVER D5rl30r98 WATER N/1I Wet 601 0B mg,& 5266567 50 mL L Cllent Semple ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Work0rder: Drteffime Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tirne Leached: Dute/Tlme Extrrcted: Date/Time Analyzed: Instrument lD: D5I230000-s67L HI CEK 09/28105 l5:3Q 09/29105 I 6: 15 gzr Analytc True Found C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Ltmtts 7o Rec RPD Iron 1.00 r.0r I0t 4,5 88 - I l0 20 STL Denver Form 7 LCSD Analvsis Data Sheet Equivslent 724 ffisrt IIRS Corporution Total Metals Analysis Dtta Sheet Lnb Nrme: Lot/SDG Number: Mttrlr: 7o Molsture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sample AIIquot: Dllutlon Factor: STI., DENVER Dsr130r 98 WAI'ER N/A Yql 60 r08 rng& 5266s67 50 mL I Cllent Somple ID: Leb Stmple ID: Lnb Workorder: Date/Tirne Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Datc/Tlme Leached: Dnte/Tlme Extracted: I) tte/Time .A, n a I yz,ed : Instrument ID: n5l^?0000-567c HLAEK 09/26105 08:00 Q948/05 I I :51 arc Analyte True Found o/oRec a Llmlts Arsenic 2.00 t ^97 99 89 - r09 Lead 0-500 0.481 96 9l Iil Barium 2.00 2.0s t03 93 - I 13 Nickel 0.500 o-479 e6 90 - I r0 Silver 0.0500 0.0504 10t 85 - I t4 Vanadium 0,s00 0.490 98 88-lt2 Zinc 0.500 0.439 88 85 - lt0 Chromiunr 0.200 0.t 90 95 89 - I 12 Coppe"0.2s0 4.262 r0s 86 - r r0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analysls Dau Sheet Equivalent L25 ffiSTL tlRS Corporation Total Metals Annlysis Data Sheet Lrb Narna: LoUSDG Number: Mntrlx: "/o Molshlre: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllutlon Frctor: STL DENVER psr l3Q l?! WATER N/A Wet 601QE ms/L 5266567 50 mL I Cltent Sample ID: Lrb Sample ID: Leb Workorder: DateIl'ime Collected: Date/Tlmc Recolved: Date/Time Leached: Ilate/Time Extracted: Date/'fime Anllyzed: Instrurnent ID: D5I230_000-s671_{ HLCEK 09/26/05 08:00 09/28/05 1 l:56 tI16 fuinlyte True Found C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Limits 7o Rec RPD Arsenic 2.00 I,99 99 0.81 89 - r09 20 Lcsd 0.500 0.486 97 0.9r 9r - llr 20 Barium 2_00 2_(,9 r04 1.5 93 - I 13 20 Nickel 0.s00 0.485 97 r.3 90 - r t0 20 Silvcr 0.0500 0.0512 r02 t.5 85- lt4 20 Vanadium 0.s00 0.496 9e t.l 88 - I 12 20 (inc 0.500 0.443 89 0,91 85 - I l0 2A ]rrornium 0.200 0,r9?96 0.88 89 - I 12 ztl Coppcr 0.250 0.265 r06 t.2 86 - r r0 70 STL Denver Form 7 LCSD r{nalusis Datu Sheet Equivalent L26 ffisrt URS Corporation Total Metds Anelysis Drta Sheet Lab Name: LoUSIIG Number; Mrrrix: 7o Moisture: Brsis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Brtch ID: Srmple Allquot: Dllutlon Frctor: STL DENVER psr l30lp3 )vATER N/A u&r 7470 ^ Drs& szoe4e6 I CIIent Sample ID: Lab Sample lD: Lab WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected; Dme/Tirne Received: Date/Time Leached: Date/Tlme Extructed: Dete/Tlme Analyzed: lnstrument ID: pst260000-496c HLFTz 09/30/05 12:30 09/3q105- IS.;.2{ 0r9 Anelyte True Fountl YuRec a Llmits Mercuryr 0.00s00 0-00491 98 8s - I 14 Form 7 LCS Anolysis Data Sheet Equlvalent STL Denver a27 ffisrt IIRS Corporation Total Metals Anrlysis Data Lab Neme: LoUSDG Number: Matrh: 7" Moisture: Besis: Anrlysis Method: Unit: QC Brtch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER psr l l0fpj !YATER N/A ITqI 6020 ulg/L s266.5ffi. ,50 rqL l_ Sheet Cllent Sample ID: Lrb Semple ID: Lah rilorkorder: Dete/Time Collected: Date/Time Received: DatelTime Leached: Drte/Time Extrtcted: DrtelTlrne Analyzed: Instrument ID: D5I230000-564C IILCEF Q9/26i05 08:00 09/28/05 03:02 004 Analyte True Found YoRec a Lirnits Seleniurn 0.0400 0.03s7 89 82 - tt4 Cadrniurn 0_M00 0.0377 94 89- 1tr STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analvsis Data Sheet Equivalent 1-28 ffisrr UR.S Corporation Total Metds Analysis Dnta Sheet Lab Name: Lot/SDG Number: Mntrix: 7e Moisture: Brsis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Betch ID: Sample Aliquot: Illlutlon Frctor: STT DENVER p5I r 30t 98 WATER N/A Wet 6020 mg/\. s2fu6s64 50 m[, I Client Sarnple ID: Lab Srmple ID; Lab Work0rder: Ilrte/Time Collected: Drte/l'ime Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Time Extrncted: Date/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: D5Le$000is64t. HLCEF 0.9/26105 0.q:00 09128/05 03:06 Q@ Form 7 LCSD Analt,sis Data Sheet Eqaivalent Analyte True Found C 7o Rec a RPD a QC Limlts Yo Rec RPD Selenium 0.0400 0.0360 90 0.97 82 - I t4 20 Cadmium 0.0400 0.037e 95 0.3 r 89-llI 20 STL Denver STL DENYER Total Metals Analysis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS ContrecB r IIRS CorDoratl.on SiltIPI,E ![O. ow-Bwo2-09120s sER sDs No. r D5I130198 Lrcwc]- (Iowlncd) g L,OUI L,rI, Codo: SELDEDI Cerr Ng. t S.trA No. r l4[atrLx (;ol.1/water) s trILTER I A1-uminum, Cal.cl,rrrn Ir Potacsl-rrn Magm,e aiuru Sod,l,rrm ZiroonLum eoDoGntratlon Unitg; nrgll,r 0.102 o .1{5 InLe:Lrl- Samp].e RceuIB (r) Scrial Dilution Rcrult, (g) 13{.79 L26.61 3ggg. go 3855 - 55 0,00235 0.0L425 STL Denver form fX r IN 13 0 STLDENVER Total Metals Analysis -9- ICP SERIAI, DILUTIONS Contnct r URB Corlpration gfilPLE NO. GI?[-BY[02-091205 Sm, sDc No.: D5f130198 Lewel. (lolp/nod) :IrOW Lrb CodGt STLDEDiI Cagc No.:glg l[o. 3 Matrl,x (roJ.I,7rrator) : t{lttn, Conocntration UniEs r mg llr tnitLrl 8rm5r1o Rrnr].e ( r ) 8crl.e]. DLlut,i.on Rclrtr1t (g) STL Denver Foru IX fU 131 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS Contract r IIRS Cor1lontLon g}UPLE I\IO, ID[trnA-f,.tIl Qc SER gDGl NO. : D5f 130198 Larel (Lorr/ncd) r Lrb Codlr t STfTDEN Matrix (soil/wrtrr) r 9[AtrER AILS DIo. t LOUI J errlrrnLc BarLrrn Chrornitun Coppcr Lcad. NLekc]. SLlrrrrr VanadLun Zine Conccntratl,oa tlnl"ta r mrfIlL o - 0{30 o.o33oF 8rrLat. Dilutl.on Roru1t (8)rnit,irr]. Sarw>le Rcgult (I ) 0.15X310.1{019 0 .1600 0.1633 o,12530 .1199 0 .1082 o.1219 0 . oo2go 0.01{00 o,2{51o.220g STL Denver Pom IX IN 1,32 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS contraot t IIRS Corporetlon 8l![PIrE XIO. IDITRJ\-I:IB QC SER slxl No- t D5f130198 I.cvcl. ( low/mrd) : Iilb Code: SITT,DET{Cagc No.: trlatrix (aoll/watcr) : WATIiR Scrial Dilutioa Rcgults (S)rnLtLal Sanplc Ragult (f) 0 - 009536 0.01032t CadmLum ScIcnlum Coaceatration Unitr:mglL, o.00{958 o. o o52s5 I STL Denver Eom IX 133 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -10- METHOD DETECI'ION LIMITS Contract: IIRS Corpontion I,II, Codr T STLDEI{Crcc No. t rcr rD Nunbrrr TJf, Intrrr1ltd ICP f,],rsc Al, fD ![unbcr: thrr:rracr ntr ID Nunber r g.}8 I{Io. : Datcr 5 ILO/2005 sDs No. r D5r130198 lnrlytc Vilivc- lcngtb, (nm) Back- grround PQL (Bglf,) }IDL (mgr/L,)!t A]'uninum L 157 ,0 0.10 0,017 P .}J-utnLnum Il 309 .2 1.0 P cl.um L 3L7.933 0,20 I 0.034 -lolrrm H 318.1 10 P Potasgl,um 755.{91 3.O a.24 P gl-um 779.478 o .20 o.0{3 P urn to 589.5 1-O o. 031 P um IIt"g1g .3 10 P Zi.roonium 339 .1 0.0050 I 0 .0015 P STL Denver Forra X - IN 734 STL I)EIVVER Total Metals Analysis -10- METTIOD DETECTION I,IMITS Contrret r I&g CorporatLon I,rb Codor STLDEN Crac No, t gng No,; rlrt,or 5lLOl2AO5 D5r13 0 19 I IeP ID Nuurber: SIIPERTR-LCE Fl'amr At fD Shunbcr r hrrnacs ft ID lftrmbcrr trnalttc $hvc- lengrth (nm) gaok- grround,PQL (nolL) UDII (nn/L)![ lreanLc 189 .O42 0.010 0 .00{{P BlrI.urn 093 .409 o. 010 0.00070 P tlr un 267 .7L6 o.o10 I o.oo26 P CoDDcr 321.753 o.010 I o.oo{5 D Lead 224.353 0.0050 I 0.0025 P ckol 231, 50{0.0{0 0 . oo12 P 8l,1vcr 329,069 0.010 I 0.0028 P rnIcu,um 292.{02 o. o10 0,0025 P Z 205.200 o,020 I 0.P Comnent,s r STL Denver Fom X IN 13 5 STL DETVWR Total Metals Analysis -10- METHOD DETECTION LIIVTITS Contract r (IRS Corporatl-on Lrb Codc t STIJDIEN ICP ID trhrnbrr r Caga No, ;9.tr8 No.: DaE,e r 9lL5 l200s gDc NO,: D5f130198 flans t ID lilumber; Ftrr:rrcc }trr ID Nurnbrrr PE CVI fnaI.]tc WavG- lcngth (nm) Back- ground PQT, lmslLl Ir)Ir (Eglr,)tl rcury 253.70 o. o0020 0.000027 C\I ,menEg r STL Denver Folm X IN 135 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -10- METHOD DETECTION LIMITS Cootrrct r IIRS Cor+loretion l,rb Codo r STLDBI ICP rD lhunbcr: PE fCPlIS trIenr .}f, ID Nuulrrr r lltrnacc tt fD Nrrntrcer: Carr Ng. t SISI No. r Date: 5 ILOI2AAS ADO NO. r D5r130198 AnrLytc faotopc Baok- grouud,PQr. (ng/Ir) MDI, (wlt'l u Cadrnl,um 111 0 .0010 0.0000{0 M SclrruLum 82 0 .0050 0 .00033 D! Cormtnts: STL Denver forn X - IN STL DENYER Contract: tIRg Cormorat,l"on Total Metals Analvsis -I 1A- rCP INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY} Cage No. t g.LS No. r Dato: 8 lL9l2005 Lab Code r STITDEI{ ICP ID }ftrmbar: TifA Intrepid ICp sDC No. I D5I130198 lnal:rtrc Wavc- lencrth (nm)A1 rntorelement Correctlon Factorg Ca Pe forr uqr Ag I 339, leg 0.0000000 | o. o00oooo o.ooooooo oI o-00oo0oo rlumi-nurr 1 157 ,081 o.0000000 J o. oo00o00 o.oo182oofo-ooooooo ! o.ooooooo rlumLnum 1309.27L 0.00ooooo I 0.000oooo o.oooooooJ 0.00077{0 I 0.0000000 .f,stLrnony 1206.838 .0 .00ooooo I 0.0000000 o.oooooooJ o.oooooool o.ooooooo Arrcnic I 189.0{2 o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. o0ooooo I o. oooo0oo sarl.um I {Es. {03 0.0000000 I 0. o0o0oo0 0.00000001 o-oooo0ool o-o0ooooo BarYzllirrm If ff .AAz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooooJ o. ooo0ooo J o. ooooooo Boron I e{9.578 o-oo0o000 I o.000oo0o 0.0000000[ o.oooooooI o-ooooooo cadrrium |.225. s02 0 .0000000 | 0.0000000 o, ooooezol o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 calcium J frz.933 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o. 0000000J o - oooo32o I o. ooooooo folclum l3ls. tz8 0.00ooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.ooooooo I o.ooooooo /rrrornJ.um lZ67 - 716 0.0oCIoooo | 0.0000000 0. 0000000[- o. 000oooo I o.00o00oo cobalt 11228.616 0.00ooooo | 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo coyS>er !32{.zs3 0 .0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.00002001 ---- -0. ooooooo I 0 .0000000 rrou, I as9.9{0 0.0000000 I o-0000000 0.0000000] o.ooooooo I o.ooooooo rron |.27 1.441 o .0000000 I o. oo0o0o0 o.oooo00ol 0-0020100 I o-ooo0ooo read 12?0.353 0. o0o0o00 I 0.0000000 0.0000000J o-ooooooo I o.ooooooo r.lrhlum I 6?0 .78{0.0000000 I 0.0000550 o. ooooooo I o. 0000000 I 0 .0000000 MagnerLum 1279.0?9 0-0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0006020l o.00oooooI o-ooo0ooo Irtanoranasc |1257. 51O 0.0ooo0o0 I o.0000000 0,0000000f o,0000160 [ o.ooooooo Molybdemrm lz0z.030 o. o0o0oo0 [ 0.0000000 0 . 0o0o0oo I o. 000oo0o I o. o0o0o0o ulckel [ 23 1. G otl lz 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo phorphonrs I *r8.28?0.0000000 I o. 00ooooo o-oooo0o0J o-0000000 I 0.0000000 PotaBrium I,t5-{91 0 .0000000 I o.0000ooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo serealun I 196.090 0. ooooo0o I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sr.licon I zs1. 612 o. oo00o0o | 0,0000000 0. o00ooool 0. 0ooo0oo I o. ooooooo gtllcon I ,01.51s o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I o - 00ooooo I 0. o0o0oo0 gilvcr I gZg.06g 0.0000000 | o,000o0oo o . ooooooo I 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 sodtum I lgg.592 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0oool 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 sodLum I gf8.326\o. ooo0000 ] o. oo0oo00 o. oooooool o, oooo0oo I o. oo0oooo [.rontium IlOz .'t7L 0.0000000 I 0.00016?0 o. oooooool 0,0000000 1 0.0000000 rhallltrm IfgO.g6t 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooo0l o. ooooooo | 0.000oooo Form xI (PART 1) IN 138 Counsnttr: STL Denve STL DENIIER Total Metals Anrlvsis -llA- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FASTOR^S (ANNUAIIY) CoBtract! tab Codes STITDEII Carc No.;Sfg No- r ICD ID msnber: TiIA Intrepid fcp Dator I llg 12005 SDe NO.: D5I130198 Tborl.rrn I 283 .73O 0.00000oo I 0.0000000 o.00085001 0.0000000I o-ooooooo TLn I rr9-9gg o. oo0o000 I 0.0000000 @ o.ooooooo I o.ooooooo Titaatrrn I 331.9{1 o.000ooo0 I -0.0000320 o. oooooool 0.0000240 I o. ooooooo uranl,un I 385.958 o.0000000 I -0. ooolo2o -0. 00085{0 I 0.0ooo0o0 I 0.0000000 vanadLun |zlz -lO2 0-oooooo0 I 0.0000000 0 - 00010101 -0 - 0000130 I 0.0000000 zl-uc I arr.856 o-0000130 I 0.0000000 o.o0oo59oJ o.oo0oo00 I 0.0000000 Cousngnts: STL Denvc Forcm, XI (PIRT 1) - IN 139 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTEREI,EMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) contractr FRS CorporatLon , LaIl Codc: gTfrDEN Caao No. r SAg No-: rcP rD }armbar: TilA Intrq>id IcP Dat,a: 8l L9 I 2AAS gDo No. r D5I130198 Anahrt6 wave- length (nm) Intcralamant Corraetlon Facton BBA for: BO cdAE I 339.19s 0.0000000 I o. ooooo0o o . ooooooof o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 rluml-num I 162.081 0.00000001 0.0o0o000 o . oooo0oof o.0000000 I o, ooo0ooo Alrrrnlrrunr I 3Og .27t:0.0000000 I o. oooo0oo o - oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.00ooo0o .lntl-moay I 206.838 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. o000oool 0. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rrgenle l18g.A{,z o - oo00000 I o. ooooooo o.ooo0oool o-oooooooI 0.0000000 Barl,uur l {5s, {03 0. 00ooooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 sea'ylltum I 313 .042 0.0000000 I o. ooooo0o 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. oooooo0 Boron )249.678 0.00ooooo I 0. o0o0ooo o. oooooool 0,0000000 1 0. ooo00oo Cadnr{ gr1 1,226.502 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0 .0000000J o. oooo0oo I o. ooooooo calclun I317-933 o. oooooo0 [ o.0000000 o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. oooo0o0 f.Ie:Lun ]efe.128 0.00000001 o-ooooooo o - ooo0o00l o. ooooooo I o.0000000 Etrronlum 4267 - 716 0.0000000 | o.0ooo000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 coba1r ]728 - 616 o-0000000| o.0000000 o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o.0ooo0o0 copoer I 321.753 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o. ooooo00l 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rron I a59. gdO o, oooo000 | o. o00oooo o. oooooo0l o, ooooooo l 0.0000000 rron 12r 1. d41 o. ooo0000 I o. o00oooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Lead )220.353 0. o0o0o00 I 0.0000000 o, o0o0oo0l o. oooooo0 | 0.0000000 r,ithlum I szo. zB{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooo00oo I o. ooooooo Magneelum l27 9.079 0.0000000 I o. oooo000 o. oooooo0l o, ooooooo l 0.0000000 Dfanganora lZSl. 610 0.0000000 J o.0000000 0.00000001 o.ooo0oooI 0'0000000 Molybdonnm I 20?-030 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - 00000001 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 Nlckel I 23 t. 5 0t 12 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooo0000 I 0.0000000 phorphoRra l1?8.287 0.0oooooo I 0.0000000 o.0ooo0ool o.0oooooo | 0.0000000 Potarrlum I Ze6. {91 0.0oo0o0o I o.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool 0.0000000 selenl.um I 196. 090 0.0000000 | o-ooooo0o o - oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sillcon 125L.6L2 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooo0l o,oooooool o.oo0oo0o sllleon I ,Ul,615 0,0000000 f 0,0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o ' oo00ooo sLlver I rr8.068 0.0000000 | o. ooo0oo0 0.0000000I 0.0000000I o-ooooooo sodltm I Sg9. s92 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oooo000 I o. ooooooo I o. 0000000 fodlum I 818.325 0.0000000 J o. ooooo00 0.00000001 0.00oooool o.o0ooo00 ltrontltm loOr .zTL 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.0ooooool o. o00oooo I o. ooo0000 Thallltm I 190. g5{0,0000000 I 0,0000000 0 .0000000 I o. ooooooo I o. oooo00o Comncntg: STL Denve Fom XI (Penr 2)IN 14 0 STL DENVER Total Metals Analrsis -1lB- ICP INTERBLEMENT CORRECTTON F'ACTORS (ANNUALLY) eoatract: i (Corooratioa . Lab Codc: Sa,ITDEN Carc No.: Intrepld rCPICP fD Dhrmber r TJA DBtc: 8 lLg lz00s gtg No.:gDO !rO. r DSI13O198 lflrorl.um [TB3.7XO o. ooooo0o I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.ooo000ol s.oosoooo Tl,n I rag. g8g 0-oooo0o0 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooo0ooo I 0. o0o00oo ritaal.rrn I 33{ - 90 1 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 uranl,um I ,t5.958 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - 0ooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooo0ooo vanadium IZSA - {Oa 0.0000000 I o. ooooo00 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo zLnc | 213.856 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.000ooool o.oooooool 0.0000000 Courants: STL Denve Porm XI (PIRT 2l -IN 1-47 STL DENYER Coatract.: tIBg Corporatlon Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTE R ELEMENT C O RRECTION FACTORS (ANNTJALLY) Cage No.:srs tib- :SDcl tilO. r D5f130198rab Code r S'11TDEII ICP fD lrr.rmber: TilA Intre6ll_d fcp oater 8 llg/2OOS .trnallte Wavo- length (nm) fntcrelemcnt Correctl,on Factorl Cr CU for: K I[nCo I 33e - 198 o, oooooo0 I -0. oo12g00 o-oooooool o-oooooooI o.o00o0o0 ehmlnum I t6z. oB1 0,0000000 [ o.000o0oo o. ooo0oool o. oo0000o | 0.0000000 rlumimm 1309.27L 0. 000oooo I 0. o000o0o o. oooooool o. o0ooooo I 0.0000000 rntl,norrrr I 205 . g3 g 0.0oooooo I 0.0000000 0.0oo00ooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo lrgcnle I 189.0{e o.0oooo00 | 0,0000000 o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o -ooooooo rarLurn I {85. t03 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o-o0ooooo| 0.0000000 Bar:y11Lun If ff .A{2 0.0000000 | o. ooo0o0o 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Boron [acs .679 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o.0oooooo ca&nLum lzz[.I02 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - oooooool o. o0ooo0o I 0.0000000 calcLum I frz.933 0.0ooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo lcalctum Iffe.la8 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oo00o00l 0.oo00oo0 Etrromium Jaez-?16 0.0000000 J o.0o0o0o0 0.00000001 o.oooooooI o.oooa72a cobulr, lze8.616 o. ooo0o00 J o.000oooo o . ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo coppcr I aal.7r3 o.00ooo00 I o. o00ooo0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo rron I 259.940 0.0000000 I o.0o00oo0 o. oooo0ool o. oooo0o0 I 0.00ooooo rroB lz71 -{{1 o-13ooooo I 0.0000000 oloooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rcad I 220.353 0.0000000 I 0 .0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo nlttrlum l gr0. ?B{0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.ooo0oool o.ooo0000l 0.0000000 MagmegJ.um l.27 9. ozg 0.0000000 I o_0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0035590 M&nganare lZSl.610 0. 0000000 | o. oooo000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Molybdenun I aOZ.030 0. oooo0o0 I 0.0000000 o . ooooooo J o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rulckel lzgt.6o4l2 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. oo00o0o I 0.0000000 phorptrorrra I tz8.z87 o-0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o,oooooool 0.0000000 PotassLum l re6. {91 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0oool o. ooooooo I o, ooooo0o Sal-onlrrn I ,gO. 090 0.0000000 J o. o0oo00o o.00oooooI o.oooooooJ o-oo0o0oo sLlLcon 1 251. 612 0.0000000 | o-0oooooo o. oooo0ool o. o0ooooo I o. oo0o0o0 gl,LLcon I ,ut.61r 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o, oooooool 0. ooooooo I 0.0000000 sllvor I ree- ooa 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof 0,0000000 [ 0,0000000 sodlnrn I s8g. 892 0.0000000 I 0.0oooooo o.oo00oool o.ooooooof o.ooooooo fodrum ] aia. aes 0.0000000 | o. ooooo00 o. oooooool 0.0oo00oo I o. ooooooo ltrontlum f aOz .zTL o.0000ooo I o. ooo0o0o o.oo00oool o.oooooooI 0.0000000 rhallfu:ur IfgO.gG{o-0000000 I o.0o0ooo0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo000o For^ut XI (PART 2l r IN 742 Conmcntr: STL Denve STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -1IB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTTON FACTORS (ANNUALLIO Contract r IIRB CorooratLon rab Code s SI1r1TDEN rCP fD ![umberr TiIA Carc No. : Iatrepld ICP gAg No.: Dator 8lt9lz00s sDo !ro. t D5I130198 Thorlum I 283 -730 0.0000000 I 0.0o0ooo0 o.00000001 0.00o000o I o.ooooooo rl.n I tt9.989 0,0000000 ] 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0. 0000000 I 0. ooo00o0 rLtaal,run Isr{-gl1 o.0000000 | o.0003150 0. oo0oo00l o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo UranLrur I385.958 0.0000000 [ o. 0000000 0. o0o000ol 0, o00oooo I o. ooooooo varradLun I292-{A2 o. oooooo0 I 0.0002?90 o. o0o0oo0l 0.0000000 J o.0oo0ooo zinc I era .855 o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooogr{ol o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Comnentg r STL Denve Fom XI (PART 2I -IN ]-43 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -11.B- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (AI\DTUALLY) Contract: IIRS ComoratLon Lab Code t S1ILIDEN ICP rD llrlnbor r TJA Carc No. t IntregLd ICP S.trg No. t Dat6r I /L9l?AOs SDc [sO.: D5I13O198 .nnalfte Ulava- lcngth (mt) Intorclcments CorrectLon factorg IiIa Ni forr Pb sbMo lrr9.19B 0.0009000 I 0.0000000 o.o00ooool o-ooooo00I 0.0000000 Alrrrntnum 1 167 .081 0.00000001 o.o0o0o00 0.00000001 o. oo0oooo I o. ooooooo Alrrlnlnum I,t9 -z7L 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o.oooo0o0l o-oooo000I 0.000oooo Antlrnonl' I ,06.838 0.0000000 I o. oo0000o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo0000 truanic I ra9.0{2 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o - ooo00ool o- ooo0ooo I 0.0000000 Barlutr Id5s.{03 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0, oooooool o.0oo00oo I o. ooooooo BerylJ.lunr Ifff.042 0.000oooo I o.0000000 o. oooooool o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 Boron I,o9-5zB 0. o0o00oo I 0.0000000 o-oooooool o-oooooooI o.ooooooo cadml.um 11226 - 502 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.00019?01 0.ooo00ool o.ooo00o0 calclun | 31? .933 o .0000000 I o. o0ooo00 0.0000000f 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo falctum lf fa -LzB o-0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo phromlum lzel.rLG 0.0000000 | o. o00oooo 0. 0000000J o - ooooooo J o. ooooooo coba]-t lr=8.616 0.00ooooo | 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Copper I sz{.753 0,0003400 I 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo rron lzr9. g{0 0.00ooooo I o.0000000 0.00000001 o.ooooo0oI o-ooo0ooo rron aZ7 1-t{1 o.6o1so00 I o-o00oooo o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo L(lad 1220.353 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo r"Lthtrrur ltr 0. ?8{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. oooo0oo I 0.0oooooo ttagnegLufli lrr9. O?9 -0.0358000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo MangarrerG I esz. Glo o.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.ooooooo I o.ooooooo Irrolybdcnum lzaz. 03 0 0.0000000 | o. oo0ooo0 o. ooo3dool o , ooooooo l o. ooooooo url.ckal I 231.6 0{ t"0.0oooooo I 0. 0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo shorphorus ItrB.zg7 0.0000000 I 0. 000oooo 0. 00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Potasglun I,e6-491 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oo000ool o,oooo0oo sorenlum I 195.090 0.0000000I 0-0000000 o.ooooooo] o.oooooool o-ooooooo gtlleon I eSr.612 0.0 a92000 | o. o0oo000 o - ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sl-Iieon Irtl.615 o. oo9?ooo J o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sLlvcr I 328.069 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o, oooooo0l 0.0oooooo I o. o00oooo sodium I ugg.59z 0. ooooooo | 0.0000000 0.00ooooof o,00ooooo l o. ooooooo {odrm I ere .326 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oooooooJ o.ooooooo[ 0.0000000 ftrontlum IAoz -77L 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rhalllun I 190.86{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0,00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Conmentl: STL Denve Eornt XI (PARI 2)IN 144 STL DENVER Totrl Metals Analvsis -118- lcP INTEREL,EMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (AhINUALLY) CoEtEactt IBE GomoXlrtion r.ab Code s SEITDEN Carc fVO. r Intrepl,d ICPICP fD lturnbrrr: TJA DBtor 8 llg l?OAs glS No.:gDc rro. r D5r130198 Tlrorl'um I283-730 o-ooooooo I 0.0000000 0. 00000001 0. ooooooo I o. ooooo0o Tln I ta9.989 0. o00o0o0 | o. oo00ooo o. oooooool o, ooooooo l o, o00oooo TLranlum I33{.9{1 0 - ooooo00 ! o. o00o0o0 o. ooooooof o. o0ooo00 I o. ooooooo uranLun I 385.958 0. oooo0o0 J o.0000ooo o.0ooooool 0-0000000 I o,ooooooo vanradLun I aSe .&Az -0. o175O0O I 0.0000000 o.ooo00o0l o.0ooooooJ o-ooooooo zlnc I zI3-gso 0-0000000 | o.0oo0ooo o.oo{38ool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Conuncnts r STL DeNvC Form xI (Pmr e).IN 1,45 STL DEA{YER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) contract r IIRS Comoration Lab Codo: STITDEII rCP rD rthutbcr I TifA Cagc NO. t IntreDld ICP grg DJo. : Dater 8 l1,gl?OAs gDcl NO. r D5f130198 Arul1t'e Wave- length, (nm)8o rntarelment Corrcctlon Fact,orl 8i Sn for; 8r Ti I 339. 198 0-0000000 | o-ooooo00 0.0000000J o-oooooooI o.oo0o0oo rlnsrlnrrm Jroz-081 o-0000000 | o.000oooo o. ooooo00l o, ooooooo l o. oooooo0 Alumlnum 1309.z'IL o-o0000oo I o.000oooo o, ooo0000l o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 .tntlnony I 206. 938 0. oo00oo0 [ 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oo0ooo0 I o. o00oooo ^rrssnie I tS9.Ota 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o-ooooooo sarlun I lsS. d03 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0001930 BorTrllluru I f fe.0{2 0.0000000 I o. ooo0000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Boron I z{g. G?B 0. o00oooo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo! o. ooooooo I o. ooo0000 cadmium 1276. Soz 0.0000000 I 0.000oooo o. oo0ooool o. ooooooo I 0. o0oo0o0 cal'eiun Jrrz.933 o-ooo0oo0 | o-0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l 0,0000000 lCa1ctum I 318.128 o. ooo0000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooooo[ o. ooo0000 ] o. ooooooo Tchroml.um lzdl -TL6 0.0000000 I o. oo0ooo0 0 . 0000000 1 0. 0000000 1 0.001?ooo cobalr )228.515 0.000oooo I o.0000ooo o.oo0000ol o.oo00o00l 0.0o18ooo coDper 1324,. 7 53 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o.000oooo rron I zrg.gco 0. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool 0-ooo00ooI o.0o00ooo rron lzz 1. {{1 o .0000000 | 0.0000000 o - oooo000J 0.0000000 I 0.0o0oooo r.ead 1220.353 0.00ooooo I o. ooo0o00 o. ooo00ool o. ooo0o00 I 0.0000000 r.Lthtum 1570.?8t o.0oooo0o I o. o00ooo0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo0000 lragnGrltun lZ7 9.029 0. ooooo00 I o.00oo0oo 0. oo00o00l o - ooooooo I o. oo00000 MangBnGro I zsz. Glo 0.0oooooo I o-0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Molybdenum I 202-030 0.0000000 I o. ooo0oo0 0.0000000! 0.0000000 I 0.000oooo NLckcl I 231.5 Ar tZ 0.0000000 I o.000ooo0 0.00000001 o-oooooooI o.ooo0000 PbosDhorur 1128.287 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Potagrlum l rS5.0g1 0-0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oo0ooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Bolenl.urn I 196. 090 o. ooooo00 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooo0o00 l 0,0000000 gtllcon I ,u1. G12 0.00oooo0 I o. 0000000 o.oooooooI o-ooooooo! o.ooooooo stllcoa I 251.615 0.0000000 | o-ooooo00 o. ooo0ooo I 0. o00oooo I 0. 0000000 gllvcr I gag.058 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo o. oooooool o - ooooooo l o. ooo35{o Sodiun I saf. sga 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0, oooooool o. o0oo0o0 | 0. 0000000 ,rsodtun I ara .!26 0.0000000 | o-oooooo0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo ltrontlum l{07 .77L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0oool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 rhalrlum I rg0. g6{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooo00ol 0.0000000 I o. ooo0ooo Comnentg: STL Denve Form XI (PART 2)TN ]-45 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Contract: IIRS CorooratLon Lab Coda: STITDEN rcP ID lhrnber: TiIA CaBo No. : Intrepid IeP gfg hlo. l Dater I l1,g l2A05 Tllorl.urtr, l2E3 -73O o.o0ooooo I 0-ooooo00 0,00000001 0, ooooo0o l o. ooooooo rln | 189.989 0 - 0000000 I o, oooooo0 o.oooooool o.0o0o00oI o-ooo00o0 TLraaLrrn I Sf n. g{1 0-ooooo00 J 0.0000000 0. oooooool 0. o0o0ooo I o. ooo0ooo uranlum I 385.958 0.0000000 | o. oo0o000 0,00oooool 0.0000000 I 0. o00oooo vanadlum lZlZ.toz 0.0000000 I o.0000000 0-oooooool o.oooooool o.ooo41oo zl,nc I zrr. g16 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o-ooooooof o.o0oooooJ o-o0o000o D5r130198 a47 Coaunontg: STL Denve For:rr XI (PIRT 2)rIN STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR,S (ANI\ruALLY) Contraet. r URS Cormorats'ion r,ab Codc: g111trDEN ICP ID Inrmbar: TiIA Caro ![o. r lntrepld ICP gAg No, : Date: 8 l1.gl2005 sDc No.; D5I130198 Wave- length (nm) fnterelernent Corrcetl.on Factors for r ZN .rrralrrtro ThT1uv I 33e,198 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. o319oo0 rlrrnlnum I 167 .081 0.0000000 I 0. oooo00o o.ooo0o0ol 0.00000001 o.ooooooo Ilrrmtnutr I30g.27A 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo 0.00000001 0.00000001 o.0oooooo rntLmoru, I zOG. B3E 0.0000000 I 0. oo00ooo 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 trsealc I 189.042 0.0000000 | o. 0000000 0.00000001 o. o000ooo I 0.0000000 Barir:m I d55. {03 o. 0000000 | o.000oooo 0.00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooo3o3o Borlrlllusr Ifff.042 o - 0000000 I o. oooo000 0.0o03seol 0.0000000 I -0.0000100 Boron lzog.678 o-0000000I 0.00ooo0o 0.0o0ooool 0.0000000 I o.ooooooo Cadmlum 1225. I02 0.0oooooo I -0. 0002070 o.ooooooof o-oooooo0I 0.0000000 calcLr:m Jfrz,933 0.0000000 I o. o000oo0 0. oooooool o.0oooooo f o, o00oooo lEalctum Iare.128 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - 00000001 o. oooo0o0 | 0.0559000 ltronlun lzez .7L6 0.0000000 [ o. 000?060 0. o00ooooJ o. o0ooooo I -o. ooo59?0 cobalr lzze.6l6 0 - ooo0000 I o. ooo000o 0, oooooool o. o0oo0oo I 0.0000000 Coppcr I 32{.753 0.0000000 | o. oooE{2o 0.0ooooool 0,00000001 o.oa232oo rron I 259.9d0 0.0oooo0o I o,0o0ooo0 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo rron lzl 1.{41 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. o0000oo I o.00o0ooo r-,ead ,?20-353 o. 0000000 I 0. ooooooo 0,00000001 o, o0ooo0o l 0.0000000 rittriurn ler 0. ?B{0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.0o0oooo J 0. oo00o00 Magnesr"rrn J2r9.079 0.0000000 I 0.00?5500 0.0000000f 0.0000000 I -0.0{18000 Mangrancse I zsz. Glo 0.0000000 | o-oooI,22o -0,00016801 0.00000001 0.0000000 Nolybdenun IZOZ.030 0. 0000000 I -o - 0007050 0. ooooooof 0.0000000 I 0.001?so0 Ntckol lrrl-6a4t2 0.0000000 I o. ooo0000 o . ooooooo l o. oo0o0oo l o.00o0o0o Ph,oaphonrs ltr8.28?0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 PotEaslunr |.766. {91 o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooo0l o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 BelenLtun I rse .090 0.0000000 | o. o000ooo o. oooooool o. oo0oooo | 0 - 00ooooo gtlLcon lrol.612 o. oooooo0 | o, o0o000o o - o0oooo0 I o, oooo0o0 I o. 0oooo00 gilLcon l rul. G1s o.0000ooo I o.00o00oo 0.o0ooooof o, o0ooo0o I o. o0ooooo 911var I 32g.OGB 0,0000000 I -0.0002200 -0.01{90001 0.0000000 I 0.0006880 sodlurn I U99.592 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o . o0000oo l 0, o0o0ooo l o. ooooooo forlhun I aru,326 o. oooo0oo | 0.0000000 o. oo000ool 0. o0ooooo I o. ooo0000 ]ront,lum IcOz .77L 0.0oooo00 | o.000oooo 0 . 0oooooo I o. 0000000 I o. ooooooo rhalltum I 190.9G{0.0000000 | o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - 0000000 comncnts: STL DCNVC Formr XI (Pnnt 2l -IN 14I STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALL9 Costract: Lab Coder STIrDml Carc No. t grg No. r ICp rD lrrntbar: 1I.{IA Intrepld Iep Dater I ll,glz00s comrant$: gDo !ro. r D5I130198 l[horLuu I 283 - ?3 0 o. o00o00o I 0.0155000 o, oooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rin I to9.9o9 0. 0000000 I 0,0000000 o. oooooool o. oo0oooo | 0.0o0oooo rl.Eanirrn I 33{.9{1 0.0oo0ooo I o. ooo2g5o 0. o0ooooo I 0.0000000 I o. oo0oooo urauLrm 1385.958 0.0000000 J o. oooooo0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo ] -0.028?000 vanadlrrm I292-4oz o. 0000000 I -0.0 oo2{2a 0. o0ooo00l o. oo0oooo | 0.0015600 zlnc I 2x3. Bs6 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o . ooo0oool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 STL Denvef -IN L49 For:m XI (Plnr 2l STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis _ttA- O rcp TNTER.ELEMENT coRRECrroN FACT,RS (ANNUALL,) CoDtract: IIRS Cgrrcoration , LaI) Codet S:I1LDEII Cara NO., _ Stg No.. _ rcp rD luElbor: SITPERTRACE Datc: 7l23l2tos gDo No. r D5I130198 ^[n..al1t6 I{ave- leagth (nm)A1 Intgrelaurcnt, Correction ractorr Ca Fo for: Mg Agr .lrlumlfirm Igo8.21s 0.0000000 I o.000oo0o o.oool1ool o.0ooo29ol 0.o0oo0oo r,ntimony I 206.838 o. ooo0000 I o.0000ooo o.oooo220l o-oooooooI 0.0000000 rlrsenlc I189-0{2 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo -0.00001601 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Barl,um l {93 .409 0,0000000 1 0.0000000 o. o000oool o. ooooooo I o. ooo000o Bcrrrlltun 1313.042 o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 o.ooo0oool o-oooooool 0.0000000 Boron l2ag.6?8 o. 0000000 I 0. o0ooooo -0.0o0o7ool 0.0000000 | o.0000000 Cadmlum lrr5. i02 0.0000000 J 0,0000000 o.0oo1{101 0.ooo00ooI o.ooooooo calcl,usr If rS.933 o-0000550 ! o.0000000 o . oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo chromLrrm 1267 -?LG 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.00001001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 cobalr 11228.515 0.000oooo I o.00ooooo 0.00000001 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 {onnar I rzc .7s3 0,0000000 I o.0000000 -o - oo0025of 0.0000040 I 0.0000000 fron 127 1. {{1 0.0000000 I o. o00oooo 0.00oooool o.00o34oo I o. ooooooo r,ead 4220. 3 5L/ L o. ooo2g70 J o.0000000 o.oool3ool 0.0000060 I o.ooooooo Lead lrro-3sLta -0.0001800 | o-0000000 o. oooo6ool o. ooooloo I o. 0oo000o MagnerLum lZ79.028 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooo02?01 o-ooooooo| 0.0000000 Manganoss lZsl - 610 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 -0.00000501 0.0000200J 0.0000000 uolvbdcnur I ZOZ.030 o.0000000 | o.0o0oooo -0.00001801 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 rsickex. 1231,50at2 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 o. ooo0000l o - ooooooo I 0. 0000000 €lelenLum Itg6.OzLtL -0.0000030 I 0. oooo000 o. ooooozol o. ooooo4o I o. ooooooo sclenium I 195.02L12 o.0000000 I 0-oooo0oo -0.00017801 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 sillcon I eg8. 158 0-0000000 ! 0.0000000 0.00000001 o, o0oo000 l 0,0000000 BLlvor I fr8.068 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.oooooool o'ooooooo gtrontLum l{21.552 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.o0oo00ol o.o0o0o0o Thall-lurn I 190.86{0,00000001 o-00o0ooo o. oooo95o I o. ooooooo I o.0oooooo Ttrorl,um l{o1.910 0.0000000 I -0. oooo250 0.00000001 o.oooooooI o.ooooooo rLn J rr9.989 0.0000000 I o-o0o00oo o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rltaaLum I 33{.9d1 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0ooooool o. o00o2o0 J o, oo0oooo uranitrn I 3B5.gs8 0.0000000 I -0.0000300 o . 0008600 I o. ooool{o I o. ooo0ooo vanadlum l rgz.tLz o. o0000oo I o. ooo0o00 -0.0003{00[ 0.0000000 1 0,0000000 zlnc I zrr. gs6 o - 0000000 | o. 0000000 o . ooooooo J o, ooooo2o I o. ooooooo Comments: STL Denve Form XI (PART 1)-IN 150 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -I.1B- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (AIYNUALLY) Contract.r [IRS Cormoration Lab Coda3 STITDEN Caeg No.:gAg No,: ICP rD lnrmbar: SUPERTRLCE Dato t 'l l23l2OOS sDc No.3 D5I130198 f,nalft,e wavo- longrth (no)Ls Interelement Corractlon Eaetors BBa for r BA cd rlunLaum, I 308.215 0.0oooooo I 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooo0oo0 Antl.rnony I 206.83I 0.0000000 I o. o000ooo o.oooo0ool o-oooooo0 l 0.0000000 Ananie I 1S9.04?0.0oooooo J 0.0000000 o. 0ooooool o .0000000 I 0. o00oooo Barium I og3 .409 0 - 0000000 J o. oo0oooo 0.ooo000ol o-oooooooI o.ooo0o00 serylllun ! sra.0{2 0.0000000 I o. oooo000 o,oo00oool 0.0000000 I o-ooo0ooo Bororr 1249 - 628 o. ooo0000 | o. o00oooo o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo cadmium lZZ6- 502 0.0000000 I o.0o0o0o0 o. ooooo00l o. ooooooo I o. ooo000o calelun 1 319.933 0,0000000 I o. o000ooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o.0000000 Ctrroml,un lZ6z. zlo 0. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. oooo000l o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 corralr 1228.615 0-0000000 I o,000o0oo -o,00120001 0.00oo000 I 0.0000000 copper I sal. z53 0.0000000 | o. ooo00o0 o.0oo0o0o[ 0.00000001 0.0o0oool rron lrr 1. {{1 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0. ooo0ooo! o. ooooooo I o - oo0o000\ Lead lz^0.3 SL|L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooo0ol 0.0000000 I 0.0oooooo Lcad I 220-35L12 o ,0000000 | o.0oo000o o. o0000ool o.0ooo000 I 0.00oooo0 !&rgrnGrLun lzz9.07I 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo 0. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo trangancso l2Sz. 510 0,00ooooo I 0.00ooooo o - ooo000o I 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo Mol.ybdGnrrtrr I aoZ . 03 o o - 0000000 I 0. o00oooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o ' ooooooo uLckel lzsl,60tt2 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o. oooooool 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 Oelenl-uu 1196.02L1L 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o. oooooooI o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo SelenLuur I196.02tt2 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooo000o silLcon I 2BB.1SB o .0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.0oooo0o I o.ooooooo gl,lvcr I 329.059 0.00oooo0 I 0. ooooooo 0. ooo0oool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo Strontium lc,21. Esz 0. oo0oo00 I 0.0000000 o.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooo00oo 1rballlum I tro. g6{0.0000000 I o-0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rhorlum I t01.910 0.0000000 I o, ooooo00 0. 00ooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rtn 1199.989 0.0000000 I o. o0oo00o o. ooooooof o. oo0oo0o I o. ooo0ooo ritanLum I 33{.9{1 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o- 0000000 | o. oo0oo0o Uranlurn l rrt. ess o. ooo0000 | o.0000ooo o. ooooooof o. o0oo0oo I o. o0oo000 vanadlurn lzsz ,4oz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooooI 0.0000000 ztnc I arr. Bs6 0.000oooo I 0,0000000 0. 0000000 I 0. 0000000 I 0 . 00000 001 Comcntg r STL Denve 2lForm xI -IN 151 STLDENWR o Coatr act s URg Co::rroration Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Case gAg No. r Date t 7 12312405 f.Ab ICP Codo s S15TDEN ID !tunberr SUPERTRACE gDg No. r D5I130198 ^nlaly'te wavG- lcngth (nm)Co Intorelgncnt Correction Factorr Cr gu for: It1n Mo rlurattrum I gO8.21E 0.0000000 I 0.0015000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo | 0.0058500 rntlmony I ,06.838 0.0oooooo I o,003gg0o 0.00000001 o-o00o0o0I -0.0055500 rrgenLe I ras .Aaz 0.0000000 I 0.0001700 0. oooooool 0. ooooooo I o . oo031oo Bar1un Ilss.{og 0.0000000 | 0,0000000 o - oooo0o0l 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo noryllLurn I afa .A42 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo 0.00000001 o.oooooool o.ooooooo Boron |.249.679 0.0009800 J o. ooooo00 0. oooooool o, ooooooo l 0.0000000 cadmlun leZ6.s02 -0.0002200 I 0.0000000 o.oo0ooool o-0ooooool 0,0000000 calcLurn I3X9.933 0.ooo00o0 I o_0000000 o.oooooo0l o-ooooo00I 0.0000000 Ctrroral,un |zSz.7L6 0.0000000 I o-0000000 0.oo00oo0l 0-0000000 I -0.0001700 cobalt I 228.615 0.0000000 | o.0oooooo o. ooooooof o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo acoDnar lna - 753 0. o0o00o0 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 o,0oooooo /ron lrr :.. c41 o. oBBogoo I o. o03ogoo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo Laad lzz0- 3 sL/L -0.0020470 I 0.0000000 0 - 00oo00ol 0.0000000 I -0. 0009600 r,ead lrz0 - 3 5t t2 0, o0ooooo l 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0002500 MaguesLum lz7 9.07I 0-0000000 | o-0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. oo0oooo Manganorc I asz.610 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo Molybdarrum |zOZ.030 0.0000000 I 0. o0o00oo o . 0000000 I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Nlckol I 231. 6 A4 t2 -0. 0006200 | o. 0000000 o - 00000001 0. ooo00oo I 0.0000000 Scleotum l rgo.0aLlL 0.0005000 I 0.00ooooo 0.0000000 I o. ooo3soo I 0.0000000 sclenl-um 1196.02L12 -0.0001500 I o-0000000 o - oooooool o. ooo22oo I o. ooooooo gtlicon Ire8. 1sB 0.0000000 ] 0-0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.00d3{00 silwer I 3aB.OGB 0.0ooooo0 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool 0.00000001 o.ooooooo Stront,lrrn I 4e1.552 0.0000000 1 o,0000000 o.ooooooo] o.oooooool 0.0000000 Thlllium I 190.86{o-001-7t701 0.0002900 0.00000001 -0.00{77001 0.0000000 IborJ.um I oO1,910 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o,oooooooI o.oo5o28oI o-ooooooo Tin I ras.ggg 0.0000000 J o,000oooo o.oooooooI o.oooooooI o-ooooooo rLtanLum l fr{.9{1 0.00ooooo J 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo uranlun I ga5. 959 0.0000000 | 0.0007600 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 vanadlum lZlz -{02 0 . oooo000 I -0. 0008?00 o. oo00ooo I o.0o000oo I 0. 0o0oooo zLnc l213.BsG 0.0000000 I -0.0032900 o. ooo0ooo I o. ooooooo I 0. ooo0ooo Coments r STL Denve Fo:mt XI (PAnt 2l .IN a52 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR,S (ANNUALLY) coDtractr tlRS CozrroratLon Lab Code: S11DEN Care No.3 g.trg No. r ICP rD lltrnberr gIrPERTR.e,cE Date 2 7 l23l2OO5 Dsr13 0198 rnalft,e Wave- lengrtb (am)Ni IntGrelcurcnt Corrcctlon Paetors Pb gb for: Se si .l,lrrntnum I308.218 0.0000000 | o.00oo00o o. o0oo000l o, ooo0o00 l o - ooooooo rutl.mouy I 206.838 0.0000000 | o.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo ] o. ooooooo rrronic I 189.042 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 o. oooooool 0 .00ooooo l 0.0000000 sarlr:rn leg3.{09 0. oooo000 I 0.0ooooo0 o-ooooo0ol 0.00000001 0.0000000 Bcrvlll,qm 1313.0{2 0.0000000 I o-0000000 o.000oo0ol 0. oooo000 I 0.0000000 Boron I'19.578 0.0000000 | o-oo0oooo 0. oo0oooo! o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo cadmLrrn 1226. 504 0.0oooo00 [ o.0o000oo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0oooooo Cal.cluur I rrs.933 o-0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l 0, ooooooo Chroml.rrm I a07 .TLG 0.0000000 I o.00ooo0o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o . ooooooo cobart, lz,z8.616 0.00027?0 I 0.0000000 0.0ooooooJ o.ooooo00| 0-ooo000o Copper I rzc. ?s3 0.0oooo0o I o. oo0oo00 o. oooooool o, ooooooo l 0. ooooool rron lzr 1. {{1 o. oooo000 I o. o000oo0 o - oooooool o. oo0000o I o. o000oo0\ r.cad lzza.3SltL -0.00011100 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 -o. oo0o20o I -0 - 0001020 r,oad 122.0 . 3 sr.t 2 0.00006{0 I o. o0o0o00 0.00000001 -0.0001400 I -0.0000370 Dtagnerl,unr lZZ9. 0?8 o.0000000 J 0.0000000 o . oooooool o. oooo00o I o. oo0ooo0 Mangaaorc ]251.510 0. ooooo0o I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o . ooooooo I o. 0oooooo uolybdanun I 202.030 o. oo00o00 I o.0000000 o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o - ooooooo rqlchel 1231.6A4/2 0.000oooo I o. o0o0ooo 0.00000001 o. ooo00oo l 0,0000000 gel.eni.un 1196-oaL/L 0,0oooooo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. oooooo0 I o - 000x000 Ealcniun I 195. 0 2L 12 o.0000000 I 0. o0oo000 o. oooooooJ 0. 0000000 I o. o0ooooo stlLcon I ,98.158 o.0000ooo I 0.0000000 o-ooooooof o-oooooool o.ooooooo $ll.var I 328.068 o.ooo0000 I 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.ooooooof o-0000000 st,rontirm ll21 .552 0.0000000 I 0-0000000 o. oooooool o - ooooo0o I o. oooo0oo rr.ht.lll,um Irgo-86{o. ooo000o I o.0000000 o. oooooooJ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rhorium l {01.910 0.0000000 I -0.000{200 o.ooooooof o.oooooool o.0oooooo rin I 199.989 o. o000oo0 I 0.0000000 o.o0oo000J o,oo0o0ool o.o0o0o00 Dl,tanLum I 33{.9c1 o. oo00o0o | 0.0000000 o.0o0o0oor 0. ooo00oo I o. ooo0ooo uranitrm I SA5.9s8 o. oo0o000 | 0.0000000 o.0o000ool 0.0000000I o-ooo0ooo vanadlnrn lZlz . t}z 0.0000000 | o.00oo0oo o. oooooool o. ooooooo ] o. 00o0oo0 zlae I zra.855 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000/ Cotmcntg: STL Denve Fornn Xf (Penf 2)EIN 153 STL DENYER Contract I URS Cor:noration Total Metals Analvsis -1LB- IC P INTTRELEMENT C ORREC TION FA CTORS (A N I\ruA LLY) Case No. r gAg No. r Date: 7 l23l20$s Lab Codc: STITDEN ICP ID Ifir[tITCT: SI'PEHPBACE gDG NO. r D5I130198 rrraLyEa Wavc- I-enorth (rn) Intaralament correctlon raotors Er TL forr T}USn Alurninrrm 1308.215 0.0000000 | o. ooooo0o 0 .00000001 0.0000000 I -0.001{t000 AntLmony I 206-83I o-0000000 I o.0000000 o. ooooooof 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 lrsealc I 1S9. otz 0.0000000 | o.0000000 0.0000000f o. ooo0ooo I o. ooooo0o BarLrrn I {93 .809 0.00ooooo I o.0000000 0.o0oooool o.0ooooool o-o0ooooo serarlllqm Iffa.A,,2 0-0000000 I 0.0000000 o - oooooool o. o0ooooo I o. ooooooo Boron lzt9.6?8 o-0000000 I o.0000000 o.oooooool 0-0000000I 0-0000000 cadrnh:n 1225.502 0.0oooooo I o.0o0o0o0 o. oooooool 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 Calclr:m lrrS.933 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo 0.00000001 o-oooooool 0.0031000 Chroml,um Iaez.715 0.0000000 I o.0000ooo 0.00000001 o.oooooool o-oooeloo Colralt I ,r8.516 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.0o24a0o J o. oooooo0 I 0.0000960 ..coDgar I aal. zs3 0.0000000 ! o.00o00oo o . oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.0006300 /ron |271 . {{t1 0.0000000 | o-ooooo00 0.00000001 0-0000000 I -0.0o2r000 Lcad 1220.3 SL|L 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o, ooooooo l o. 0010060 Lcad 1220 .3 sLlZ 0.0000000 I 0. ooo00oo 0,00000001 o. ooooooo | 0.001{5oo ![agrnosr,um lz?g, ozg o-0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 -0.01{{000 Mangan€rc 12s7. G10 0.0oooo0o I 0.0000000 o.oooooooJ o.ooooooof o-ooo13oo Molybd€nlrm lzoz.030 0.0000000 I o.0o0oooo 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.000e100 Nlchel 1231.6A112 0-0000000 I 0.0000000 0. 0000000 I -0.0009{00 I 0.0000000 gelexrium I 196.021 1L o. oooooo0 | o. ooo000o o.ooo000of 0,00000001 o-ooo08oo scleaLurn Itg6.0eLt?0.0oo00oo I o. oooo00o 0.00000001 o.ooo0o0o I o-ooooooo gtlLcon J 288.158 0.0312600 I 0-oo0o00o 0.00880001 o-oooooool o.ooo8{oo sLlwer I328.oEB o.0000000 | o. oo0o0o0 o. oooooool o. oo000oo I 0.0009300 EtrontLum I {21.552 0.0000000 I o.0000000 o.ooo00ool o,oooo000l 0-0000000 rhalll.um I tro. BGd 0,0000000 I o. o0ooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo trhorl"um l {01.910 0.0000000 | o. ooo00o0 o. oooooool o. oooo000 I o. oo233oo rla J 189.989 0.0000000 I o.0000000 0.0oo0oo0l o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo rLtaalum I 33{.9{1 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.ooooooo I o.ooo3ooo uranitrm I 38s.9SB 0. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o. oo0ooool o. ooooooo I o. o00ooo0 vanadlum lzlz.lOZ 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00052001 0-0000000I -0.0000600 zlnc I zrt. gs6 0. ooo00oo I o. oooo000 o. oooooool o. oooo0oo I 0. ooo0ooo Corurrentt r STL Denve Form XI (Penf 2'l rN 154 STL DENYER Total Metals fuialvsis -trB- lcp TNTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) contract,: I,ab Code s STLDEN cage No.:glg No. r IeP ID !fimberr 8UPERTRI,CE Dato t 7 l23l2$As Cormentt r gDO DrO. t D5I130198 enaltt,cr Wave- leagth (nm) rntcralcmcnt CorrectLon raetoru for: Zro. ffhv rlumtmrm I s08.215 0.0215?00 I 0.0000000 o . os061oo I rntimony I 306.939 0-0000000 | 0.00ooooo o . ooooooo I lrrer.Lc I189-0{2 o .0000000 I 0.0000000 o - ooo00o0 I rarLum I ls3. {09 0.0000000 1 o, ooo0ooo o . oooo0o0 I sery,lliun Irrr.04?0. ooo18o0 | o.000o0oo o . oooo000 I Boron lro9-679 o. oo0000o | 0.0000000 o . oo002oo I Cafrnl,um lzz6. soz 0.0000000 I o,0ooo00o o . 0oooooo I Calclum I arf.933 o. ooo0000 I 0.0000000 -0 . 00177oo I Chrornirrn lz6z.TLG o, ooo0000 l 0.0o0ooo0 o. o0oooool cobalt lzz8 - 515 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o . oooo0oo I CoDpcr l*a.253 0-oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. oo2lsool I Irron lrrl-{t{I.-0.53{?500 I O-O00oooo o. oo4575ol I ' Lead |.?,20.3 SLIL 0.0000000 | o. o00o0oo -o . 003 560o Iread lazo.3 SLtz -0.0003200 I o. oooooo0 o . ooooooo I !fiagErcrLrrn lrrg. or6 0. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o - oooo000 I t.iangranoro 1257-510 o.0000000 I 0. oo00o00 o . ooooooo I Ifolybdanrun IZOZ.030 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo o . oo0oooo I NLclsel 1231.60412 o, ooo0000 I o.0000ooo o - ooooooo I Sa1enl.um l195.ozLtL 0.0002100 I o-ooooooo -0. a2793oo I scLcnltm Itg6.AzLlZ o. oooo000 I o. 0000000 -0 . oooz{oo I gtll.con lz8B.1I8 0.0000000 | o.0000000 o. o0007oo IgLlvcr lrr8-068 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o - ooo3{90 | Strontlum llrl.552 0.0000000 I 0-0000000 o . ooooooo I rlralll,um Ifto.86{0.0 oLL7 00 I 0.00ooooo -o. ooo17ool rhorium I oOt.910 0.0002000 I o.0oooooo o. 0000000 I rln 1189.989 0.0000000 I o-0000000 -0. ooo33ool rltanlun I gr{. il1 0.0000000 | o-0000000 o . ooooooo I uranl,urn 1385.958 -0.0090700 I 0.0000000 o. ool2oool Vanadlusr lrrz.taz 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 0 . oooseoo Izinc I err.856 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.0000e30f I t STL Denvc ,IN 155 Fom. XI (PART 2l STL DENJ/ER o Cou I.tb ICP Stf,IlEN Case ID Numberr Tiltr' Ia,trcDtd rCP Total Metals Analvsis -17- ICP LINEAR RANGES (QUARTERTTO gl'g No. t Drtcr 8 lLGl?AAs sDG No.: D5I130198 trrot r Codr: [rRg CorryoratLon .Lrrrlytc Integ, Ti.nc ( 8cc. ) Conetatntl,on (nslt)I{ f,],unl.num to 50. oo 1 P leJ-*inun Ei I 20.00 10 00 In JCrlol.um Lo 20.00 50 fr ICa1clr:m Ht 20.00 2000 fr lPotrsrlrur 20.00 500 lr IMaOac;l,urn 20.00 2 000 Jr Jsodl-um Lo 20 .00 10 Ir f sodiun HL 30 .00 Zlrconiun 10000 50 Ir ,mtontl r STL Denver Fonn ITTI IN 156 STL DENIIER Corrtrrots r IJaID Codc r URS Cor5loration StfrDEN Cuc No. r Total Metals Analvsis -12- ICP LINEAR RANGES (QUARTERTY) SAS No, 3 Drtc t 7 l?,? l?OOs 8DO ilro. r D5r130198 ICP ID !!\rnbrrr ST,PERTRTCE ^lnalltc fntoef . rlnc (Sac. ) ConcentrrELou (uglr,)u I nracnLo 15.O0 20 lr f aarl"un 15.00 25 Jn I lC1rronLun 15 .00 50 Ir I I Copper 15 .00 50 In I I Lcad 15. OO 100 lr I Niokcl 15.00 50 In I I Sf lrrcr - I 15.O0 I Ir JvrnadLun 15-OO 50 Irl I zinc 15.00 s0 fr Comcnt;r STL Denver EoTm XII IN L57 STL DENI/ER O Contnc Totd Metals Analvsis -12- ICP LTYEAR RANGES (OUARTERLY) tr URS Corporatlou ICP ID ltrmbcr: pB ICpldS Datar 8lLg/2005 SDO ![O. 3 D5I130198 Inalrtr Integr. TLurr (8rc. ) Concantration (ng/r,) D[ IcaaurI.rrn J 0.001 [ a Iu I I Sr1rlnium [ 0.001 J I Iu I Jo"*"rt,s; STL Denver forn XII I IN 158 STL DENYER Total Metrls Analvsis -13- PREPARATIONLOG Cont,ract r f.ab Codc: ucthod: P t RS Corporetion STLDEIT Ceatl No. r fll.S No.:gDo truo. r D5I130198 PrcD ![cthod: Aery>Lc fD Prrplratl.on Datso rnLtiel Volumc I rinal I volunc (nlr) Grg-BvIg?-o912 05 91261200s 50.0 I 50. o GI9r-B$ro 1- O 912 0 5 9126/200s 50,0 I 50.0 qfl-Bwoz-o912 05 9l26laAAs 50,0 I 50.0 Girr-BIiFo2- 0912 05 I'ISI 912612005 50.0 I 50-o gw-Bwo2-091205 DtSD e l26l200s 50.0 I 50.0 MtrRl,-tlB ac 9t26t200s 50,0 I 50.0 LIB IIS 9126 t2005 50.0 I 50-o I.}B MSTD e/2612005 50. o I 50.0 u8s266567 912612005 50.0 I 50.0 eEECr stt@Lr 9/261200s 50.0 I 50. o DUPI{ICLTE CHECX el26/200s 50.0 I 50.0 Coruoentr: STL Denver Forn XIII a IN 159 STL DENI/ER Total Metrls Analvsls 13- PR.EPARATION LOG Contrtot r Lrl, Codc r Mcthodr P t Rg Corgora.tlon SlDLDEN Care Nrl. r g}.g No. r SDO !fO. r D5I130198 PreD Uothodr flaqrlo ID PrcDrratl,on Date rnLtLrl. vol.rrnc I rLnal. I volunc (Brr) 9 t281200s 50,0 I s0,0 GTI-BW01-091205 9t281200s 50.0 I 50.0 GT[-BIr[02 - 0912 O5 9 t28 t2005 50.0 I 50.0 @r-Briro2 -091205 Ms 9 1281200s 50.0 I 50. o glr-Br{02-091205 DrsD 9l?s 1200s 50-0 I 50,0 MBs2 55557 912812005 50.0 I so. o CIIECX SN{PI,E 912812005 50. o I 50,0 DUPLICf,TE CHECK 91zIE12005 50.0 I 50,0 Comrnentr I STL Denver Fom XIII IN 150 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis 13- PREPARATIONLOG ConEract r Lab Codcr Mcthod.: IIRS Corporation STf-DEN Carc IIo. t gfg No. r ev Prop Matlrod r 9engllc ID PrrprraElon Dato faitLal Volumo I rLml I vo1umr (nL) GI![-B$r92-091205 9130 1200s 10.o I 10-0 G9[-BI'I92-091205 US 9 /30 12005 10.0 I f0.0 GI{-BSr9 2-09120 5 !figD 9130 /2005 10.0 I 10.0 GIflf-BIlIO1- 0912 0 5 9 /30 /2005 10.0 I r0.0 @r-BItIO2 - 0912 0 5 9 t30 t 200s 10. o I 10.0 @r-BIr[02-091205 US 9130/200s 10. o I ro,0 GIfi[-BuIO2-0914O5 MgD 9l3A 1200s 10.0 t 10. o MB52 69{ 9 5 9130 1200s 10, o I 10.0 CIIECX( SAIIPIJE 9 t3A t 2005 10,0 I 10.0 D3r130198 151 Coluoantse: STL Denver trorr XIII - IN STL DENYER rotal *.];:: ^"olvsls PREPARATIONLOG ContrrcE r r.,ab Codr: MctsIrod, r IIRS Corporetion gTfrDEN Cage No. r S.LS No.:sDo No.: D5I130198 Prrp Mcthodr Sary>Ie ID PrrparatLon Date Ini-El,aJ. vol.ttno I rt nal I vol.urac (nr.,) GIIiI-B[rr92- 0912 05 e /261200s 50.0 I 50.0 G!{-BUro1- 0912 05 9 1261200s 50.0 I 50 ,0 GTr-Br{o2-O912 05 9126tZ^005 50. o I 50.0 Gil[-Bqloz- 0912 05 Msl 912612005 50.0 I 50-0 GIW-Bur02-0912 05 ![gD 912612005 50. o I s0.0 IM[R.a,-LAB aC 9 126 /2005 50.0 I 50,0 LI.B MS 912612005 50. o I 50.0 f.AB USD 9 t2612005 50.0 I 50.0 M8526655{9126t2005 50. O I S0,0 CEECX gtltPr,E 9 12612005 50.0 I 50.0 DIIPLICATT CIIECK 91261200s 50.0 I 50.0 Connenta r STL Denver Foru XIII IN 1,52 STL DENYER Total M.:ils Analvsis AI{ALYSIS RT]N LOG Contract, r I,ab Code : Iaatsrrrnrnt Start DaEc: IrRg CorporatLon gT[,DEN fD !firnbor: 9 177 1200s Cagc tilo - r TJA InrrapLd, ICP S.}A No. r Dlcthodr gDc No.: D5f130198 t - Dcnoter ad0Ltional clenents (otber STL Denver EI].d Drt,r r 9 127 l2AA5 bhan tho rtaudlerd eLP rhurat,r) ar. reDrercuted on lnothrr Fonu 10 8rrylrc ID. Dlr Tlrrc TR Analytag .n' L g B }' g B t B D c D e t' c R c o c u r Ttu P B !,t o r.lIn*1.Il"g E .tr o N A T L v 7, N c N Strd1-B]'rnk 1. OO 15rO0 x Jx I x I [x li ICf,I;1 1. 00 15:01 x x x x x rcl'r,2 1. 00 15r08 x x x rcr,I,1 1.00 15:12 x x x Ix t x IC.}Ir2 1. 00 15r16 x x x x x IC\IH 1. 00 LS =2L x x x I TTL 1. OO 15r25 x x x x x cg\m 1.00 15:3O x x x cc,\II,1. 00 15r35 x x x x x rcB 1. oo 15r39 x x x x x ALBTD2 1- 00 15r43 x x x x x / regL 1. 00 15r48 x x x x x I ICgTB 1. 00 15 r53 x x x x x CSIIH 1.00 15:58 x x x csrI,t. o0 l-5 r O3 x x x x x CCB L. oo 16rO8 x x x x x Cg\III 1.00 18r06 x x x CC\lltJ 1- OO 18r1O x x x x x CCB 1. O0 18 :15 x x x x x 7.7.2f,7rT.1.00 18 :19 7,7,7.2z2 1- 00 18 :2d 2.2z7.7,7,1.00 18 :28 ZZZ7,Z7,1 .00 18 r 33 zzz,zzz 1. 00 18r38 t MB52 565 67 1. 00 18 r a[3 x x x x x CHECK gIMPIilT 1. 00 18r{7 x x x x x DUPITIGLTE CHTCI(1.00 18r51 x x x x x \y,y,l,y,y,1 ,00 18r55 zzl,zZ,n 5. 00 199O1 ccvH 1.00 19r05 x x x CCVIJ 1-00 19r10 x x x x x CCB 1. 00 19 :16 x x x x x 7r7r7rZZZ 1. 00 L9:19 Forn XMN 153 STL DENVER O Cont Total Metals Analvsis -14- AI.IALYSIS RUN LOG reot r LIRS Corlpration I,d, COdC T SlILDEN Cur No.I SASI ![o. r fnrtnrncnt rD llhrubrr r Tifn IntraDtd ICP Mcttrodr P Start Datrr 9 127 l?OOs End Datc: 9 127 /2005 gDg No. r D5I130X,98 8rqrJ.c ID. Dlv TLrrc TR lnel.yt.t t L s B I. I B A : l;l rl ;lil;l"l;E ZZZ7,7,7'1- 00 L9 z?d, m-Br{02-091205 1. OO 19r29 x x x x x Gm-BWO2-091205 UA 1.00 19r34 x x x x x sw-BBro2 -091205 MSID 1.00 19 :38 x x x x x 22,7.27.7,1, OO 19 rl{ z,27,27,7.1. OO 19 :19 T,ZZZZZ 1- OO 19r5{ zzzT,zz 1. 00 19:59 ZT.7,T,7rZ 1- OO 2OrO5 Cg\IH 1. 00 2O:1O x x x ccur,1. O0 2Or1{x Ix x x x ceB 1- OO 2Or19 x x x x x Z7r7'27,7.1. OO 7O t?{, nzz7,z7,1- Oo 20 t29 Z7r7r7rl7r 1. O0 2O: 34 2,7,7.717'7,1.00 2O:39|22 1.00 20: {3 GTr-Brrg?- 091205 1.00 2O:{8 x x x x x Gtrrr-Bwo t-091205 1. 00 20:53 x x x x x 7t7.Z,7.7.2 1. OO 7O t 5'l ZZZZT,L 1. OO 2J- r O2 7,Z,Z,Z,7.7,1. 00 21r06 csvH 1. 00 21s11 x x x cguL 1. O0 21t15 x x x x x ccB 1- O0 21r2O x x x x x r - DaDotar additlonal .I.i+ntl (otbcr thal th, rturilrrd CLP .lo.ttti) ar€ rcDrg.D,totl on enothar trorr laSTL Denver - L64 trorar XIV - Ili! STLDENYER Total Metals Analvsis -14' AI\ALYSERI]NLOG Contracts r Lrb Codcr Inrtnrncnt Start Dat,e r lrRg Corlpratl-on STLDEII ID Mrmber: 9127 12005 Crgc tilo - r TifA fat,roptd StA IUo.3 Method: P Eted Datcr 9 127 lTOOs sDs No. t D5f130198 ICP 8ary>Ic ID.Dlr Time e$R lnalrrtce B .l' u IJr ![ o o g P D P Pr s I s fl s R h F U w r N r E P Stdl--B].rr'IE 1.00 15:00 x rCLI,I'1. O0 15rO{x rcrLz 1. O0 15s08 ICTI,I.1. O0 15r12 x ICTI,2 1- o0 15r16 x IC-t'H 1- O0 15:21 ICIIL 1- O0 15r25 x CSIIH 1. o0 15r3O CC'\rt,1.0d 15r35 x ICB 1. O0 15r39 x ru.igID2 1- od 15: {3 x ICgr'1- od 15: {8 x IC TE 1- OG 15r53 x cgt'Ir 1.O0 15r58 Cglfir 1.O0 16rO3 x ccB 1. O0 16: 08 lx cclIII 1- O0 18: O6 cg\Ilr 1. O0 18r10 x CCB 1- O0 18r15 x Z,Z,7.7.Z,7,1. Od 18r19 zzzzzz 1 .00 18t2{ zz?,7,7,2 1. O0 18r28 Z7r7r7rZ7.1,O0 18r33 ZZ,LT.ZZ.1, 00 18r38 ra5265567 1. O0 18r43 x CHECK TDIPI.T 1.00 18: {7 x DT'PLICtrTE CIIECTS 1- od 18r51 x Z7.ZZZ7'1. O0 18r56 7,27,7,717r 5.00 19r01 eeur 1. 00 19:05 CCVfr 1. 00 19r10 x ccB 1.00 19 ;1{x 7,ZZZ7.Z 1.00 19r19 ZZl,l,ZZ 1. 0c 19r2{ STL Denver Forn lfiV r IN 165 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -I4- AhIALYSIS RUN LOG eontraeE r tr*g coqSroratl-on 9t,rrt Datse : 9 l?7 lilOOs f,rb Code : STITDEDI Carr ![o. t 8Ag No, r ID.trur.rt ID t{tuDbort fill InErcpLd ICP ln.tbodr P gDG No.: D5f130198 End Drt,r r 9 127 lz00s 8rW>1c ID.DIr l[Lme IR .f,nr1-ytc; B J\ u L I M o o g D D P P tr s I g 8![g R I I'w I N r H I cnv-Bslo2 -091205 1. O0 19r29 x Gf,r-Bril02-091205 Msl 1. O0 19 r 3{t x otr-Briroz-og1305 DrsD 1- o0 L9r38 x Z7'7,ZZT.1. O0 19r4{ ZZZZZZ 1. O0 19:{9 zzzz7.7,1- O0 19r5{ T.7r7r7r7tz 1. O0 19 ;59 2,7,7,7,712 1. O0 2O:05 CSVH 1- OC 2Or10 cg\,lt 1- 0d 20:11 x ccB 1.oc 2Or19 x Z7,ZZZ7.1-00 2O = 2tL BZZZZZ 1-00 2O t29 7'ZZ7rZ7r 1. O0 2O:3{ 7,7,7iZ,Z,7.1. OOI 20:39 27,7.2,7,7,1- 00 2Or43 GW-Brr92 - 0912 05.1. O0 20=18 x ffi-BTfoI--091205 1- O0 20r53 x 7,7.Z,Z,Z,7,1- O0 2A:57 7.7,7127,7.1. od 2L=O2 TrZrlrl'27.1.OC 21: O6 CSTIH 1.0d 21:11 cg\rL 1.00 21r15 x ccB 1. OOI 2L z2O x STL Denver Eorm XIV - IN ]-56 STL DENVER Total M.lfls Analvsis A}IALYSE RTJN LOG Contract: Lab Codcr Instnrrucnt Start Datser t RS CorryorrtJ.on Sl[frDml rD lllrnber: e /28 t200s Ca;c No-: Trfl' Int,rcpLd. fCP 8fSl No. r Irlothod: Errd. Date: 9l28l2AAs 8Dc Sb. : D5I130198 Eamgr1e ID. D/V rLmc ,tR lnalfrE,os l' L g B .L s B r.:l;l:l ;c o c u F E ffi;l:lrlrl"lil; Std,]'-glrnlr 1. OO 10r{5 x x x x x rce.L1 1. OO 10r49 x x x x x reAri2 1.00 10:5{x x x ICI.IJ1 1- OO 10r58 x x x x x rgf,L2 1. 00 11: O3 x x x x x IC1ffi 1. OO 11:O7 x x x rC,VL 1. OO 11r12 x x x x x CS\IH 1. OO 11 :17 x x x cgul,1. OO 11:21 x x x x x reB 1. O0 11s26 x Jx x x x RIiSTD2 1. OO 11r30 x Ix x x x ICSA,1,. o0 11r35 x x x x x resla 1. 00 11:52 x x x x x cc"vH 1- OO 11r57 x x x cc'\rL 1. OO 12:O{x x x x x CCB 1.00 12rO8 x x x x x T'ZTrZZZ 1.00 L2:LZ Gf,[-Bs[02-091205 sER,5-OO 12t16 x x x x x Z7^7,7,7,2,1. O0 LZ z2L Z7'7'7^ZZ 1.00 12 :25 7.27'27'7.1. OO 12r3O 27.z,7.z.7,,1.00 12r35 7r7r7r7r7t7.1.00 12 :39 7.2,?, 12r{{ z7.zzz7,1. OO 12r{8 Lz.Zz.ZZ 5. 00 12r52 CCTIH 1.00 L2:57 x x x Cfiru 1,00 13r01 I I I I I ccB 1. o0 13:05 x x x x x . - Darota3 rilillttoual rloantr (othrr thra the lbaldrid clp .Ic.Dta) arG reDreseated on alrothcr Forr 1t STL Denver Pom XMN 3,57 STLDENWR Total Metals Analvsis -14- ATTALYSIS RTII{ LOG ontraets:IrRg Cor:lorrtLon Ltb Codc: fnetru[cat Start Datse: STLDTN ID l$umbcr: 91281200s Cagc No- g TiIn IntreDtd rCP gLS No.: Mettrod: P Elrd Datc: 9 128/zOAs sDc No,: D5f130198 grratrrl.6 rD.Dlt Time tR .lnalrrtes B .l' u L I M o o a P D P i;l EI lrl r]n H ilq n H T H ZR I gtd].-B].ank 1 .0c 10: {5 x rcr,LJ'1- od 10: {9 x IClI.2 1. O0 1O: 54 IC}L1 1- O0 1Ot58 x rCjLIr2 1- O0 11r03 x Ig\IH 1, O0 11r O? IgIrI,1.00 11s12 x CSIIH 1- 0d !1,tL7 CC'\TL 1. OC 11r21 x IcB 1- O0 11r25 x RLgTD2 1- O0 11r30 x ICg.r.1. Ool 11:35 x !csea 1. Ool 11r52 x tcrnr 1. O0 11:57 CC\TTJ 1- ool 12tOd x ccB 1. O0 12rO8 x LZZZZT,1. O0 LZ zLZ otl-Br{oz-091205 SER 5-O0 12r15 x ZZ?,7,22 1- O0 1? :21 T.ZZZZZ 1- O0 L2;25 zzzzzz 1- od 12:30 7rZ7.7rZZ 1. ool 12:35 767.7,7,22 1- 00 12r39 ZZ7,7^Z7.f.-o0 LZ z {lL zzz,zzz 1. 00 12:{8 ZZ7,7,ZZ 5. OC 12r52 ce\nr 1- 00 L2 t57 cc\rL 1. O0 13r01 x ccB 1. O0 13:O5 x STL Denver Foru XMN 158 STL DENVER Total M-jils Analvsis AI\AI,YSIS RTII\I LOG Contraet r Irab Codo t Iutrnrmant EEart Detcr URSI CorlrcratLon ST[,DEN ID lihrnbcr: sl29l"oos Cagc No.: TifA Intrapld rCP 8AS No.: Metrhod: SDc No. r D5f130198 t Drnotes tddlt,lonrl rl-rnrate STL Denver End Daro: 9 /29 /2OA5 (otlrrr th"an Eho etandard CIrP olrncatr) ar6 roDr.aautod oa agotbcr fora, 1l sary)Ie ID. DIY Tinrc *R .ea,rlytor t' L g B L B B l' B E c D c l, c R e o C U r Iru P B !l o uln "lo N I .[:It o N L T t v Zt N C !r gtd,1-Blanlc 1. OO 08t{2 x ICAI,l 1. O0 08r{7 x f CAfr2 1. O0 O8r51 x ICAI,I 1. O0 08r55 x rctl,2 1- O0 09r00 x ICUH 1- O0 09t0{x Ievr,1- 00 O9rO9 x ccuH 1. O0 09r14 x CSTIL 1.00 O9 :18 x IcB 1. O0 09r23 x RI"gtrD2 1. OO O9r27 x ICgr'1- OO O9r32 x t ICS}B 1 .00 O9:36 x ccuH 1. oo O9 t{1 x ecuL 1- OO O9r46 x CCB 1. 00 O9:51 x ccffi 1. O0 1{:57 x cc-\rL 1.00 15: O1 x csB 1- OO 15rO5 x \zzz7,z 1. 00 15:10 T,ZZzzz 1,00 15r1{ z7.zz,zrz 5. OO 15r18 ZZ7.Z7,Z 1.00 15 :23 t-t n t-t n t-l n t-l 7f,Z7. Li t77 7r7rZ7,ZZ 1. OO 15:31 z7,z,7.72 1. OO 15r36 zzzzzz.1. 00 15:{0 m5200507 1. 00 Itr[5 I CEECK gA!{PIrE 1. O0 15 r49 x ZCCVH 1.00 15r5{ cc"ull L.00 16;01 x ZCSVH 1.00 16r0{ CCIIIT 1. 00 15r07 x Fom XIV fN L69 STL DENVER Total M.lil: dnalvsis AI\ALYSISRUNLOGo Contraot: f,ab Code : Inrtsnrmeut Stut, Dattl r t Rg CorlroratLon gTI"DEN ID lilurubcr: 9lze 1700s Cage Ncr. t T.Ir IntrePid ICP gLg ![o. : l{tot}rod.: End Darer 9 129 12045 sDB IiIo, : D5I130198 Sarqp1rr ID. Dlr TLne tn .Lrrrl'yt,ca A IJ s B AlnsJ"B E c D el e "l R e o c u r E D B M o !l ![ H o N I K g n t c N l,:1"z, N c N ccB 1. O0 16:11 x DUPLIEf,TE CHECK 1. OO 15r15 x g{-Bwo2-091205 1.00 16r20 x GW-Br1r02-O91205 sER 5.00 16r25 x @r-Brrro2-o91205 MEI 1. OO 16:29 x gH-BWO2-O91205 MsD 1. OO 15r34 x Grrr-8w92 - og 12 05 1. OO 16r39 x I GW-![{O].-O91205 1. OO 16r{3 x ?rzZrLf.I.1. OO 16: {8 717.Z,7,Z,7.1. OO 16r53 zazzzT,1. OO 15: 57 cgt E 1.OO 17t02 x cg\rL 1. OO 17r06 x CcB 1. O0 17 :11 x t b Ibaotca addltloml elenrntr STL Denver rtendard CLP rloratr) lre roDrorcnEod FOTM XIII F IN (other thra tLt oa anotbrr Form t{ L70 STL DENVER Total M-jil: Arrlvsis AI\ALYSH RUN LOG Contract: Lrl, Codc r Instnmcnt, Str,rt Da,tc r t RS Cor-poratLon STI,DMT ID Ntrmbcr: st27 t2aa5 Cua !fo. r STIPBHTRTCE SAg No, : Methodr sDc llo. : D5I130198 End, Darcr 9 128/2005 (oEhor tb,au tht tteudrrd CLP rhoruta) a'rc r.Drttoat.d ou rnothcr Fom 1{t STL Denotor addltionrl alrrqout,s Denver 8an6ll-c ID. Dlv TLmc %R lnrJ'yt,rr I' TJ s B A g B l' B t c D cl c Al R :l ;lr I :lxlrl :lrl"l; lrlil rl"lil ; gTD].-Blank 1. OO 1.t[ r 31 x x x x x x x x x HIgTD 1. OO 14r36 x x x x x x x x x HTOII 1.00 l,i t 42 x x x x x x x x x rg\r1r 1. OO Llt 47 x x x x x x x x x ccur 1. OO 1{r53 x x x x x I t.l x x x ICB 1.00 14:58 x x x x x x x x x RLSTD 1. 00 15:OB x x x x x xl x x x ICsr 1. O0 15t13 x x x Ix x x x x x IC.s.l.B 1. OO 15r19 x x x x x xl x x x T,R 1. OO 15r24 x x x x x xl x x x ccur l 1 1. OO 15r29 x x x x x 4 x x x / ECBIl 1. 00 15:35 x x x x x x x x x T cclrr lzs 1. OO 11:36 x x x x x x x x x ccB lze 1. 00 11:{1 x x x x x x x x x IrrE52 565 67 1. O0 11r{5 x x x x x xl x x x CHECK A.EHPLI 1.00 11r51 x x x lx x xl x x x DI'PLIC.LTE CHECK 1. O0 11:56 x x x x x xl x x x rrnIRA-IflB OC 1. oo 12rO1 x x x x x xl x x x 7,7[.7.71717,5. OO 1?rO6 f.f.B Ms 1. OO 12r11 x x x x x x x x x rJf,.B ![SD 1. o0 12r16 x x x x x x x x x 7,Z,227,7,1- O0 LZ t2L zzzzzz 1.00 LZ t26 zzT.zzz 1. OO 12r31 ecI,:r |zz 1. 00 12 r 36 x x x x x xl x x x ccB lzt 1.00 LZz4L x x x x x x x x x zzzzz.z 1. 00 12r{6 l 7rlr7,7'1il,1. 00 12r51 7r7rZZ7.Z 1.00 L2r57 7,|,ZZZ7,1. 00 13r02 zzzzz,Z 1. 00 13r07 7r7,7r27r7,1.00 13 :12 T,ZZ,ZZZ 1. 00 13:16 Fom XrV IN 1,7 I STL DETVYER o c Total Metals Analvsis -14- ANALYS$ RLIN LOG ontrrct r IIRS Cor:I>oratLon f,d, Codc r STLDEN Clrc No. r gll8 Dtro. r Lngtrnrnrnt ID llfimbrr r SUPBRTR.I,CE Mattrodg P Etrrt Datr; 9 127 l"OAs End Dntcr 9 12812005 sDGt No, r DSf 130198 Seryrl-c ID. Dlt Eime t6R .trna]-ytce .L IJ g B .E I B .t B E c D cl cIl R c o C u E]EI tMl l"l t"l ["1 EFI n ttl l"l til l"l EF]' 7, N c N cBI-BRrg2-O91205 1. OO 13r21 x x x x x xl x x x clf -Bwo1-091205 1. 00 t3 :26 x x x x x x x x x cc,\rr Jze 1. O0 13r31 x x x x x x x x x ceB I zg 1. 00 13:36 x x x x x xl x x x GTI-BWO2-091205 1. O0 13: {1 x x x x x x x x x G9I-B![O2-O91205 Ms 1. O0 7.3 z 47 x x x x x x x x x s{-Bwo2-oe1205 MsD I., O0 13r52 x x x x x x x x x ?,2717'7,2 2. O0 13r57 ZZZ7.7,Z 5. OO 1l: O2 227.7.2,7.2-OO 1{rO7 Z7,7,Z7,Z 2.00 L{ zLZ rlUER.n'-LfB AC sER 5. OO 1{r17 x x x x x x x x x cclnr I 29 1. O0 L4t?A x x x x x x x x x (]eB I zg 1- OO LIL t26 x x x x x x x x x t - DoDotaa addltlmal .l6DoDt, (oth.r thr! tha rtrodard CLP alaDa8tr) rra rapreDrEtod oD rnothar Fo:o 1l STL Denver L72 Form XIV - IIs STL DENYER Total *-:lls Analvsis ANALYSERUN LOG Contract: Lab Codcr Inrtnrncnt Bt,rrt Datsc r URS CorTroratlon SffJDEN ID Ilunbor: 9/3012005 Call lilo. t PE EVt} gAA No. t tdrEhodr End Datsc: 9 l3^O l2OO5 gDO No. t D5IL30198 cv Sarqp].c ID. Dlv Tlne TR An^al.3rtar l. L s B .L g B .f, B E c D cl c trl R :I;I;P B !! G ![ N E G N I K I E A o N .D' T L "l;c N Crl.l-b B1ank 1. 00 15: O2 x 0.2 ppb 1. 00 15: 03 x 0.5 ppb 1. O0 15r05 x 1.0 ppb 1. 00 15: O7 x ?. O Dpb 1- OO 15r08 x 5.O Dpb 1.00 15r10 x 10- 0 pDb 1.00 15:12 x IgB 1- O0 15:1{x IC\r 1.00 15r16 x cg\r1 1. oo 15r18 x ecBI-1. OO 15r19 x / RIJ 1, OO 15r21 x T zzz7,z7,1. 00 15:23 T.Z7.7.ZZ 1. O0 Li 224 T.zzzzz 1. O0 15 :26 zzzz.zz 1. oo 15r28 ZT'ZT,ZZ 1. 00 LS t29 zzzzzz 1. O0 15: 31 zzzzz.z 1. OO 15r33 712717,7.2 1. O0 15r3{ zzzzz,z 1.00 15r36 eev2 1.00 15r38 x ccB2 1. OO 15r{0 x cg\r5 t. 00 15r39 x CCB5 1. 00 16: {0 x 7,ZZ7.7.Z 1. 00 L6=12 zzzzT,z 1. O0 16r{{ fififiTrTr[)1.00 16r[6 T,ZZzzz 1- OO 7-5 t {7 zzzzzT,1 .00 16rE9 zzzT,zz 1. 00 15:51 M85269{96 1,00 15:52 x CHTCK STIITPLE L. 00 16r54 x r - Iblot.r altAitlonal eleooatr (otbcr than tL. rt.ldrrat Ctp .l.o.DtB) rrG ralrra..at.d oB..DDtlEr Don 1a STL Denver Fo:m XfV - fN 1,7 3 STLDENVER Total M-lils Analvsis AI{ALYSIS RUN LOGo ContracE: fJab Codc t Instnr.nrcnt Stsart Datrc; t RS Corporation STTDEN fD l[trmbor r 9/3A12005 Cage DIo. r PE CITAA gtg No. t Mothod: 8Dc No.; D5I130198 gv Etrd Drtscr 9 l3A l2AO5 r - IlEnot.r rdaltionrl .I.!.rtr (otber thau the rtaadlard cLp .Irr.'rta) rr. r.D!...ateil orr oaoth.s forr 1a STL Denver F9I.8 Xr\I - IN Sam;rlc ID. DIY Tiruc BR .Lrral-yt,ca L L s B .h, g B t':1;l rl :IIIil rl"l;li Grr-B![ez-og1205 1. 00 16:56 x GUI-8W92*O91205 Mg 1. OO LG 257 x Cg\I6 1. O0 16r59 x ccB6 1. O0 17r01 x GH-8W92-O91205 lisD 1-O0 17:O2 x cw-Bno].-091205 1- O0 1.7 s 0{x Gts-Bnoz-091205 1. O0 17 :06 x Grlf -Bwo2 -091205 MA 1. 00 L7 tA7 x Gffi-BtUo2-O91205 t'rgD 1. OO 17:O9 x zzz,zzz 1- O0 17r11 ZZTTT.ZZ 1- OO L7 tI,Z n 7.7,Z,27,2 1. O0 L7 z1|, ZZZT,ZZ 1. OO L7 21,6 zz7.,zzz 1. o0 17 r18 cgvT 1- OO 17r19 x CCBT 1.00 L7 tZL x a74 STL DETVVER Total *-11}: Analvsis AhIALYSIS RIIN LOG Contract r Irab Codc: IrrEUnrmont gtart Datrr URSI Corporatl-on gTI,DEN ID NUrnbor; 9 /27 12005 Ceto No. t PE ICPMS gfS No, r Methodl sD(I No.: D5I130198 t{ t STL Dcnotag additioua} rlrmrs,ts Denver End. Drror 9 128/2AO5 (othrr than thr rtaadrrd eLP rlmrutrl Ltre rGDre..ntrd on r.uoEbsr Forz 1l Arryrla ID. DIP rLmc e6R enaLytreg ll :Trl rT:l ; I :l IIrTI[-l ;l tlilIl"Iil; 81r.olc 1, OO 15r58 x x Staad.rrd. 1 1. 00 16: O2 x x ac std 1 1. OO 15: O6 x x ac 8td 2 1. OO 16t09 x x Rf,EITD 1.00 16:13 x x z7,zz7,z 1.OO L6:Ll rcgr.1. OO 15r20 x x rCST.B 1. OO 15r2{x x R:[!USE 1- OO 16r28 x x HTOH CHECK 1- OO 16r31 x x RI![gE 1. oo 15r35 x x / ac sEd 3 1- OO 16r39 x x T ac std {1. O0 16r42 x x BI"artlE 1. OO 17 :16 x x Standrrd 1 1. OO 17r19 Jx x ac strd 3 1- oo L7 t23 x x oc srd I 1. OO L7 t27 x x ac srd 3 1. OO 21:58 x x ac sEd L 1. O0 22tAZ x x rc8l 1- OO 2?: O6 x x rcg.nB 1- OO 22tA9 x x RIlUST 1. oo 22r13 x x ac 8rd 3 1- OO 22 tL-I x x ac srd {1- 00 22 rZL x x ac srd 3 I .00 O2 :51 x x ac srd L 1.00 02r55 x x MB5266554 1- 00 02r58 x x CIIECIT Sil'IFI,E l. 00 03r02 x x DT,PI{ICATE CHECK 1,00 03r06 x x fIITRA-L,IB AC 1.00 03;09 x x rlITRA-LtrB aC gER 5.00 03r13 x x rtwR -r,lB Qc PDS 1.00 03:16 x x I,IB Ug 1. 00 03r20 x x Foru XI1I a IN L75 STL DETWER Total M-]il: Ar"Ivsis AI{ALYSIS RUN LOG Contract r Irab Codo r InrtrnrncnE Start Drtcr IIBS CorpontLon SfIJDEI{ fD lGunbcr: et27 t200s Cage !{lo. t PE ICPU.S gl'g No. r Mrtshod r End Datsrr 9 /28/2OA5 gDO No- r D5I1,30198 M garry.1c ID. DIY Tinr e6R lrralrrtcs I' L g B .L s B .n,; l; c ^f, c R c o c U ilP EIB !r Rt t{ N H G Nr K I E .A' o rl:1"7. !r c N LIB !ilgD 1. o0 O3r2e x x ac srd 3 1.00 03:27 x x QC ard 4 1. OO O3:31 x x Qc srd 3 1. OO 0{:OC x x ac srd 4 1, 00 04r07 x x zzzzT.Z 1. O0 O{:11 27127.7.7,1- OO O{:15 Gsr-Burga-o91205 5. OO 0tt r 18 x x srr-8w01-091205 10. oo A4:22 x x sl-Brro2- 091205 5-OO 08r26 x x Grur-BITO2-O91205 MA 5. 00 Odr29 x x @r-Brro2-o91205 MsD 5. O0 04 :33 x x ac std, 3 1. OO Odt37 x x 0c 8rd I 1.00 0{r4O x x * - Dcnot.. rddltlooel rlocatc (othcr thaa thi stlirillrtl CLP .L!.rrtc] rEC r.I)Eiicatoa orr aEoth.r torll Ia STL Denver Eorm XMN 1,7 5 I.IEIEOD BLBIIK REPORT Gleneral. Cbernletry Clteut Iot. PARAII{ETER *- - -: D5I13O198 llatrl-x,- - - o - - - . - : WATER Ammonia aB N Ch].oride Fl.uorlde Nitrate Ni trate - Ni,trt t.e Buafate Total Cyanide REPORTING RESTILT IJIIIIT UNfTS METHOD Work Order #: HLK}IRIAA MB LoE-sample ND 0. J.O mg/T, MCAWW 350. L Dllution Fact,or: 1 An.alyeie Time..: OL:00 PREPARATION- PREP AlrAr,xsrs DATE . BA?CH # D5I280000- 484 09 / 28 / as s27 1484 1-g B o-o17 ND 2-5 B Work Order #: IIru(s81AA 2 -5 rrry,ll' Dllutrlon Factor; 1 Analysls Tlme..; 1?:00 $Iork Order #: HICtL01AA B O-10 ng,IL PLlutLon Factorr 1 Analysis TLme..: 13;15 Work Order #: HITLMQIAjA, 0 . 10 ttg. /I' Dilution Paetor: 1 Analyeia Time..; 15:30 $Iork Order #: HT.ITFITIAA o . 10 mg/1, Dllutlon FacEor: 1 AnalyeJ.e Time. - : O1: O0 Work Order #: HI:ON8IAA, 5-0 W/L DLlution Paetor: 1 .lnalyeie Time. . : 15 :3O Work Order #: HK36F1AA 0 - ol-0 mg/I" DLlution FaeCor: 1 AnalyeLa TLme..: 12:O0 MB Lot-Sample #: uc,AHr 325 -2 Ds1200000-252 oelLsl os 526325.2 MB Irot-Sample #: ricAllll 34a -2 D5rI,C0000 -579 oe lL4l os IUD MB Lot-SampJ.e #: McAw!{ 353.2 D5r280000 -708 ae/rllas 52575',19 527 17 08 MB Irot-Sample *: MCAUm 353 .2 Dsr280000-585 oe /28/ 05 s27L6 o 85 MB L,ot-Sample #: I.ICBlttt 3-15 -4 DsJ040000-304 LOl0,3las 5277301 ND MB LoL-Sample #: sw84 6 eoL aB / 901-2A D5r210000-539 oe /21-09/zz/ as s264s3e Calculadons arc pcrformetl before rouoding to rvold round-off errors in calculated rcsuhs. B Estimrtcd result. Reoult is less thrn RL. STL Denver 477 o ffi COITIROL SAI'IPI,B BITAITBrIOII NEPORT General Chenistry PARAMETER STL Denver PERCEMT RECO\IERY RECOVERY LTMITS RPD RPD ITIMITS IvIETHOD Irlatri:r---.-,, - -: WATER PREPAR,ATION. PREP AIVALYSTS DATE BATCH # 5257s79 s25757 I fot-Saryr1e * - - - : D5f13O198 wo* : HKXK\rraa-r,cs/gIqK\r1-aC-r,CSD LCS lot - Sample# : D5 11 3 0OOO - 504 (97 - 102) swB4G e040B 09/a3/os s256504 (s7 - Lozl 0.14 (o-s.o) sw84c 9o4oB og/ts/os szs6so4 DLlutlon Factor: 1 Analysis TJ,me. . : 11 :47 wo# :IIT,KHRTAC-I,CS/HLKHRI-AD-ICSD LCS Lot-sanple* : D5I280000-484 96 (90 - 1to) McAww 3s0.1 og/2s/as s27L4a4 97 (eO - 11O) 1.4 (0-10) MCArrr{ 3s0.1 O9/28/O5 527L484 DlluElon Fector: 1 AnalysL6 Tim.-: o1:00 pH 100 100 Alrunonta aB N Chlorl-de 99 99 F'Iuoride r.0 5 101 rvitrate 90 g2 'rrritrate-Nitrit,e 92 93 Sulfate 103 104 Total Qyanide 1- 07 L08 (n 114 )(et 114) 4,9 (O-15) Dl-lution Factor; 1 MCAWW 34O .2 09 / 14 / A5 IVICAWII 34A -2 09 / L4 / A5 Analyeie TLme-.: 13:15 Irlo# : HKX581AC-r,CS/HKX581AD-LCSD LCS lrot-Sarq>f e# : D5I2 0000 o -262 (90 - 110) ucAwrr 3zs.z og/Lg/os s263262 (90 - lto) 0.34 (0-10) Melww 32s.2 og/ts/os 526tzgz Dllution Factor: 1 wo* : EKLLorec- rcs /gKriIrolAD-LcgD Lcg IJot - sample* : D5r14 oo0 o - 579 wo* : HLI,D QIAC-LCS/HIJ,MQLAD- LCSD LCS lrot- Sample# : D5I2 8 0 OO0 - 70I(eo 110) t'tcAww 3s3 ,2(ae 110) 1-.5 (O-10) MeAWlr 353.2 ae/L3/os osh 3/0s 527 1708 s2? L 708 527 1 585 527 1585 Dilution lr"actor; 1 IrIo* : HLLFLfec- f,cs/fu,LPLlAD- f.csD Lcs Lot - sanple# : D5I2 8 0 o0 0 - 585 (gz L]-,z) t{CAww 353 .2 09 / 28 / Os (gz LL2) 1,3 (0-10) MCAww 3s3.2 o9/28/as Dilution Faetor: 1 ar.al-yaLa Time. . : 01:00 WO# : HIroNSfeC-f,CS/gIrONS 1AD-LCSD LeS Irot- Sample* : D5,J04000 0 - 3o4 (eL - L1-2) MCAww 37s.4 tO/os/os 5277304 (91 - 1r.z) o.ss (0-1s) MeAww 37s.r to/otlas sz773o* Dilution Factor: 1 Aual.yel-e rl-me..: 15:3O wo# : HK3 6F1AC-I,CS/HTS5FLAD-IJCSD LeS IJot*Sample# : D5I2 10000 - s3 9 (Be - ro9) swB4G goros/gorzx og/zt-a9/zz/05 s264s39 (8e - 10e) 0-93 (0-20) sw846 9OLOF/9A]-2t Oglzr-Og/ZZ/OS 5264s3e Dllution Factor: 1 (eontinued on next page) a78 W Iot-Saryll-e *- - - r D5I130198 PERCENUT RECO\IERY PARAMETER RECO\IERY LIMTTS eOI{a?OIr SIIIPITB ffi Gienera-L Chenistry RPD RPD IJIMITS METTIOD Hatri.]r- . ., o -,, - 3 WATER PREPARATION- PREP AI{AITYSTS DATE BATCH # REPOR:r TSCITE (S} : Crlculuionc arc porformod bcforc rourdlng to rvoid round<lff crnott In calculatcd rcsults. STL Denver a79 o ffi COIUTROIT gAHPfrB DLT[. REPIORT Geueral- Chemistry Iot-Saryll-e *- - - ! D5f13O198 SPIKE MEJAST}RED PERCIIT PARAIUIETER AII{OT}NT AIVTOUNT I]NITS REC"\M,Y RPD TffiTHOD llatri:r- - - - . - - . . i WATER PREPARATTON- PREP AIiTALYSTS DATE BATCH * IrCS Lot-sample# r D5T28O000-48,0 3so.1 09/28/05 s27r.484 3so.1 a9128/A5 527L484 Tlme..: O1:00 LeS IroL-Sample* : D5f20000o-262 32s -2 ae/L|/As s263262 325 .2 Ae / 18/05 5263262 Tlme. , : 17:00 LCS Iotr-Sample#: DSf 140000-579 340.2 A9/L4/O5 s2s7s79 34A.2 O9/L4/O5 525'7s79 Tima-.: 13:15 teS Lot-Samp1e# : D5I280000-708 353 .2 Oe/* /A5 5271708 353.2 Ae/L3/Os 5271708 Tl-me..: 15:3o LCS Lot-Sample# : D5fZB00O0 - 585 3s3.2 A9/28/Os 5271685 3s3 ,2 Ae /2e /OS 527158s Tl-me..; O1-:00 LCS Lot-Sample* : D5LTO4O000-304 3 ?5 .4 rO / 03 /Os 5277304 375 -4 AO/ 03/Os s2773O4 Time. . : 16:30 tCS Lot-Samp1e* : D5r210000-539 eo1 oB/ e0l-2A 09 /2L-0 9 / 2Z/ OS s264s3 9 e01oB/eolzA ae l2L-A9 /22/ 05 s264s3e TLme..: 1"2:00 pH Arrrnonia aE N Chloride FluorLde NitraEe 7. O0 7.00 { .00 4.00 50. o 50. o 5.OO 5. OO 0 .0500 0. 0500 3 _82 3 .88 49 .7 49 .6 5,28 5. 03 wo# : HIo(KVraa-r,cs/gKxKvlAC-IrcsD Lcs IJot - gampl-e# : D5 I13 O 0 0 0 - 5 04 7.O1 No Unirs 100 SW846 9O4OB OgltZ/OS 5256s04 7.O2 l{lo Units 100 0.111 SIT845 90408 ag/tzlos 5256504 . Dllutlon Fastor: 1 Analycle ?lnre.-: 11:47 wO# : HI-TKIIRIAC - LCS I nf,fUR lAD - I,CSD DLlutlon Factor: I Analyels wo# : HIQ(S 8 LAC-IreS/Hrc(5I LAD- IreSD mg/L nq/I' mg/r' wq /t' Dllutlon Factor: I mg/T, mg/r, DllutLon FacEor: 1 96 MCAWW 9"1 L .4 MCATIII{ 99 MCA}TW 99 0.34 MCAWW Analysls WO* : HKI,T.O lAC _ LCS /HKIJIJO 1AD _ LCSD 105 MCAWW 101 4.9 . MCAI{IT Arralyaia WO# : III-rI,MQ1AC - LCS /HII,MQI.AD - LCSD 0 . 04 52 rng/L O - 0459 mg/T-' 90 MCAWW 92 1.5 MCAVSW erralyel-e Nl-trat,e-Nit,rlte . 4.OO 4.oo Sulfate 25-0 25.O Total CyanLde 0.100 0 . I-oo Dl-IutLon Factror; 1 mglr, rry,/t' mg/r, mg /r" 92 MCAVTW 93 1.3 MCAWW I_03 MCAWW 104 0.88 I.ICAITil{ 107 sw84 5 108 0.93 SW845 WO# : HLLFIT1AC -LCs /HIJTFITIAD-LCSD 3. 6g 3 .72 25 .-l 25 _9 Dilut,ion Factor: L AnatrysLs WO* : HIJ0NB 1AC-IJCS/UI,0WB 1AD-IrCSD ol-Iution FacEor: 1 ' Ana1ysLe wo# : HK3 6F1Ae-I,eS/Hrg 6F1.AD-IreSD 0.l-07 nrg/L o. L08 mg/r Dilutiog Factor: L AnalyeLs STL Denver (continued on nerct page) 180 Iot-Saryl1e *- -.: D5IL3O198 SPIKE ME..ASTIRED PARJN4ETER AMOI]NT AMOUMT W COIWNOL SEHPIJB I}AT[, RBtrONHP Genera-I Chenletry PERCNT IINITS RECI/R,Y RPD TYIETIIOD Uatrix- - - . - - - r - 3 IIIATER PREPARATTON- PREP AI{AIJYSIS DATB BATCH # rwfE (sl : Calculations arc pcrformd before roundlnt to tvold rotrod-off errorr ln celctrlatod rcsults. O STL Denver o I'IBTRIX APIXE SEHPI|B W NBPORT ceneral Ch€ol.EtLT el-ient lot *- - -: D5I130198 Ilate Saryrl"ed--- z O9/20/A5 O9:15 Date Recerirred... O9/21/A5 PERCENT RBCOYT,TERY RECO\IERY IJIMITS RPD PAR.'.AIT{ETER RPD IJTMITS METTIOD Nitrate-Nitrite 92 91 Total Cfranlde wo# : Hr(AR91e8 -MS/HKAR9lCg -MSD 1- 10 ) tlCAWt{ 325 .2 110) 0.35 (O-10) MCArirr 32s-2 Dil-ution Factor; 1 Analyaia Time..: 17:00 rilo# r HK2g3 r.DF-MS /UXZ931DG-MSD 1- 1.9 ) tteAWW 3 53 . 2 L19) 0.75 (O-3O) MCABII{ 353.2 Dilution Factor.; ]' lnalyols Time..: O1:0O I{atrir- - o - - - - - -: WATER PREPARATION- PREP A}IAIJYSIS DATE BATEH # MS l-,ot-Sample #: D5I1-00153 -003 a9 / rs / os s263262 oe /L8/ as s263252 MS lrot-Sample #: D5I210295-001 oe /28/ as s27158s oe /2s/ as 527168s Ch].oride rWtE(s): 112 N 113 N 32N 56 N,* (go (go (sz $z wO*: HICIRSfDU-US/HKAR91D,,-MSD MS Lot-Sary)le #: D5r100153-003 (Be - 109) sws45 90108/9012e. og/zt-09/zz/as s264s39 (Be - 109) 24 (0-20) swg46 sotoz/sotza, os/zt-og/zz/os s264st9 Dilutioa Factor: L .Baalyeis Tl'me.. : 12:OO Calculrtions &re pcrformcd before rounding to avoid round<rff crrors in cotcutated resulul. N Spikat analytc rocovery is outside ststGd conu.ol timlts. t Relative perpcnt diffueacc (RPD) is outsHs $eted control limirs. o ' t .. . t STL Denver :- 82 C1ient tot S- - -: Da,te Sarylled'- .. ! SAIVIPITE PARAMETEB A}{OUM[ Chlorlde 2200 2200 Nitrate-NitriE,e 0.16 0.16 Total Clranide 0.056 IWTB (S} : }trLIAIT SPTTB AAHPI.E ITATA REFOET Gerreral Cheurietrry D5r13 0l_98 09/2o/os 09:I-5 Date Recefured--: a9/2L/os SPIIG MEASRD liatrix- - - - - - - - - r wAtER PREPARATION- PREP. AI{ATYSIS pATF BATCH * oe / 18/os s263262 oe / 1-8 / a5 s2 63 262 ae /2a I os 527 L68s oe /za / as sz7168s PERCIUT ATYIOI]NT UNITS REC\IRY RPD II{ETHOD wo#: IIKARSTC8-MS/HKAR91C9-MSD lrs Lot,-Sample #: D5r100153-003 5O0O 7850 N trtg/L' 5oo0 ?880 N ng/r, 4-OO 3.84 mg/L 4.00 3.81 rg/l' LLz MCAWW 325.2 113 0.35 IYICAWW 325.2 92 MCAWW 353 .2 91 0 _ 75 MCAI{II 353 .2 Dllutlon Factor: 1 AnalysLs Timc..: 1?:00 IrIO# : HK2ggrOr'-Ug/rK2931DG-MSD MSI r,ot-Sample # : D5r210295-001 Dllutioa Feetori 1 Analyslo Tl.rre.. : O1:00 vlo#: HKARgrpg-us/nxenglDir-MsD Mti Lot-sanple *: D5r1OO153-003 0.100 0.0883 ng/t 32 sw846 gotog/g oglzt-oglzzlas 5264539 Qua1l-f lers: N O - 056 0.l-OO O -LL2 rg/1, 56 Qualif iers: N, * Dllut,ion Factor; 1 Analyeie Time- -: 12:O0 ztl SW8{5 eOIAP/9 A9 121-09/22/05 s254s39 Calorlatlon$ tro performd bcforc rounding io evoid round-offcrrors in calctlatod results. N Spftcrt analyrc rccovery is outside satcd conrrol tfunirs. t Rolative percctrt differcnco (RPD) ie outsidc sratod conuol limis. STL Denver 183 o IBTRn SPTxn 8AI.iPI,B E\rAI}tnlfrtON REPIORT G€neral- Chenistry Cllent Iot *.--: D5I130t98 Date Saqrl.ed-- -z Og/tz/OS LZ|22 Da,te Received- -. O|/L3/O5 PERCEIIT PARAMETER FECOVERY .B,mmonla aa N 87r 99r Chloride 1.L4 N I1s N RECO\IERY LfMITS RPD RPD IJTMTTS METHOD uatri-x,---!!--.3 GI{ PREPAIULTION- PREP ANATJYSTS DATE BATCTI # LoL-SampIe # : D5I130198-004 ae / 2e / os s27I-484ae/28/as s27L484 I,ot-Sarnple * : D5I130198-004 oe / L8l0s s253262 ae /Ls/ as s263262 (e* (++ r[o#: 130) 13O) 5-3 (O-30) oiluE.lon Faetor: 1 Analyeie firne. . : O1; OO wo#; 110 ) 110) 0.33 (O-1O) oilutl.on Factor: 1 Analyel,s Timc. . : 17 ; 00 wo#: 1-07) lo7) 2.o (0-1O) Dilutiou FacEor: L Analyels . Tlme. . : 13 : 15 rfo* : 11_9) 119) 4.9 (O-30) Di].utLon F.aeEor: 1 Analyel-s Time. . : 01; OO wo*: 1s3 ) 153) 1,5 (O-2L') Dilut,ion Factor: 1 Analyeie Tlme..; 16:30 WO* r 10s ) 109) 1.9 ( O-20) Dilutlou, Factor: 1 Rnalyeie Time - . : I-2 : o0 HKE3 01DD-MS /IflrJ'lOIDE-MSD MS MCAI^IT{ 350.1 MCAWW 350.l_ (so (e0 (ez (ez (Be (ag HKE3 01C8-MS/XXm 01C9-MSD l4S MCAUnil 325 -2 MCAWW 325.2 Fruorlde 1og N (al ]'0s ( ez Nitrate-Nltrite 77 82 Sulfate 190 N, r (as 185 N,I (+S Total qyanide 57N s5N HKE3 O1DA-MS/Hr(E3 01DC-MSD MS MCAWW 344.2 MCAUII{ 34O .2 Lot-Samp1-e *: ae/La/as oe/L4/os Dsr130198-004 5257579 5257579 HKE3 O1C4 -MS/HrG3 01.C5 -MSD I{S MCAItm 353 .2 IvICAWRI 353-2 Lot-Sarnple #: 0e/28/os oe/zB/as D5IL30198-004 5271685 527 1685 HKE3 01DF-MS/HKE3 oLDG-MSD MS MCAI{V{ 375 - 4 MCAWW 375.4 Irot-Sarytle # : D5fL30l-98:004 La / 03 /os sz7r3a4 aa / 03 /05 s2773o4 HKE301.DH-IV1S/HXEr OIDJ-MSD MS Lot-Saqrle # : D5r13 0198- OO4 sw845 eo]. oB/eol2A Oe /2L-0 e /22/ AS s26{s3e sw846 90r. oB/9012A ae l z]--oe / 22 / os s264s3 9 Calculntlort erc pcrformql be,fore rounding to svoid round+ff errors ln cdculated resulrs. o N Spikal rnetytc recovery is ouside sated control limits. I Es,imatod result. Result concelrtradon execds rlre catibration range. 184STL Denver DMMIT SPIKB SIA}iPI.E DATA NBFORT General ehamt8trfr Ctl-ent Lt *--.: D5r130198 Date aaqfleaf.-. = 09/1-2/OS :.,2:22 Date Receiwed--? O9lL3/a5 PARA}FJ. ER Arnmonia a6 SAIvIPI.,E SPIKE AII{OTTNT ATIT N 5,O 5.0 Chlorl-de 5500 5s00 Fluoride L.2 L.2 Nitrate-Nitrite o. gg o.99 Sulfate 650 6so Tot,aI CyanJ-de ND IUD tlatrixr-r------r GW PREPARJLTTON- PREP AI{IAIJYSTS DATE BATCH # ae / 28 / as 527l-4 8{ ae /zs/ os s27 1484 8 .44 I rftg /I' B.9O I wrq./t { . 06 mg/l' 4.26 mg/L oi].utJ,on FacEor; 1 McJtWW 350.1 5,3 MCAWI{ 350,1 MCAIIIIil 353.2 4.9 MCAWW 353.2 MEASRD PERCMT A},lotnrr UNrTS REC\IRY RPD METHOD wo#: HKE3orop-Ms/uKE3o1DE-MSD lIS Lot-Sary)le #: D5T130198-004 4,00 4,00 s000 5000 5. O0 5.00 4 .00 4. O0 500 500 o.100 0.100 DLlutlon Factor: 1 IBBlyslB flne.,: O1'r0O 9IO*: HKE3OTCe-MS/HKE301C9-MSD MS Lot-saqrle #: D5I130198-004 L7-2OO N nrsll t]-r MCAWW ?25-2 OS/LA/OS 5263262 11300 N rng/r, 1-1s O-33 MeAWlr 32s.2 OS/U/OS s251262 Dilutioll Factor: 1 aaalyaie Tine..; 17:00 9lo#: HKE3OTOe-US/rre3oIDC-I'{SD Mf} Lot-Saqrle #: Dsr130198-004 5.59 N ry/t, r-08 MCAI{W 340.2 Og/t+/oS s2s7sv9 6.46 ng/t los 2-o MeiLww 340.2 og/t+/os 5251579 Dilutim Factor: 1 AnalysLa Timc. . : 13 :15 wo#: HKE3O1C4-MS/HKE301C5-MSD MS rot-Saq)Ie #: D5r130198-004 87 99 77 g2 ae/28/as oe/28/os 52-71- 6I5 .Inalyele Tl.me. . : 01,; 0O wo*: HEE3OTOT-US/HKE301DG-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D5r130198-004 1600 nrs/r, 190 t[CAW]r 375.4 tO/Ol/OS 5277304 QuaIJ-f Lers: N, I 158 o mg/r, 18 5 J. . 5 MCArrniI 375 - 4 Qualif iers: N, f Dilution Factor: 1 analyels Tl.trre. . : 15: 3O ao/03los 5277304 rfO#: HKE3ofon-FrS/HKE3O]-DJ-MSD MS r,ot-gample #: D5r130198-004 o-o572 rns/r, s? sI{846 go]-oB/g og/zt-og/zz/os s264s39 Qualif l"ers r N 0.0551 mg/I' Qrralif iera: N Dilution FacEor: Analyal-a Tlme. . : s6 1.9 sW845 s0108/9 A9/21-09/22/As s264s39 1 12: OO Cahulations ere performed before rounding to avoid round-offerrors in calculated rcsrlts. N Spiked analyte rcmvory is ouaide satcd control timits. I Estimatod rosutt. Re$lt concontretion excecds the calibrarion range.O STL Denver 185 Clf,ent lot *-. .I Date Saq)Ied.. ,. 3 PA&N,I RESIIIJT geliPlrB DIrPfrfeLIB EIIALIBTIODU RBBORT General ChemiBtry D5I1-30L98 flork Order *- . . : HKDItnil-SMP HKDWW-DUP 09 / 09 / os 10: 00 rlate Received. - 3 og / L2 / as DUPLICATE RPD liatrfur- - - - - - - 3 yIATER PREPARATTON- PREP ANA!.Y. E.T9_p.+TE BATCII # 5256504 185 RESULT IHITS RPD Lrrr{rT MErHgp 8,3 SD lrot-Saqrle #: D5f120209-001 NoUnl.tsO-24 (O-s.O)SWgee 90408 09/13/05 Dllution Factor: 1 AnalycLe Time. - : 12:54 pH 8.4 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist PM to Complete This Section: Yes Residual chlorine check required:C euote#: 44{i/r5 Special Insutctions: Quarantincd : Yes . I'lotrx Nl*, (.t. Time Zone: . EDTIEST . CDT/CST'. MDT/I\4ST . PDTPST . OTIIER Unpacking Checks: Cooler #(s): . N/A Yes No trFD do DA DF ,do trP D ,atr tr c D ,p rf o ,a uE Drd c Fc Erorfr 3rJ Teryeranres ("c)r .< b ..?LI-- 1:?- --- -- 3,7 1. Cooler seals intact? (N/A ifhand delivcred) If no, document on CUR 7- Chain of custody present? If no, document on CIJR. 3. Bottles broken and/or are leaking? ffycs, docrrnent on CllR. 4. Multiphasic saryles obvious? If yes, document on CUR. 5. Propcr container & preserwatives used? (ref. Anachment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, docr:rnent on CUR 6. pH of all sasples chcckcd and mcet requirerneuts? If no, document on CUR- 7. Sufficient vohrme provided for aII analysis requxted? (ref- Anacbment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) If no, docrrtrrent on CIJR, and contact P.M bcfore proceeding Did chain of custody agree with labels ID and samples rcceived? Ifno, document on CUR. Wcre VOA sanples without headspace? If no, documeut ou CUR. Wcrc VOA vials preserved? Preservativ e.ElfuCr EJ4IZ"C [sodium Thiosulfare O Ascorbic Acid Did saryles require preservation with sodirrn thiozulfate? If yes to #I l, did the sauples contain residual chlorine? If yes, document ou C[JR. Sediment prcsent in dissolved/filtercd bottles? If yes, document on CUR. 0 14. Is suficient volume prorrded for client requested MS, MSD o, *rt'i* duplir.t*s? If ,0, document on CIIR, ard contact PM before proceeding. 15. Receipt date(s) > 48 hours past the collestion date(s)? lf yes, notiry PAPM. 16. Are analyses with short holding times requested? tr F 17. Was a quick Tum Around (TAT) requested? trrt Ftr O STL Denver \QA\Forms\Sample Receidng\Samplc Receiving Checklist 12 13 04 rcvision l7n3t04 STL Denver Sample Receiving Checklist .6 ,u tr ,Z 3 ,a D fI T ,a ,u tr o Lot#2a{/ffii?fr_ Login Checks; N/n )'es No rtDr8. tt ,z fJ tg. D tr l tr tr D ,g .7' Suffrcient voluun providcd for all anall,sis rcguestcdlr (rcf. Attachment D of SOP# DEhl-QA-()003) If no, documenl on CLI\ antconlacl Pfvl bcfore procceding. Is sufJicicnt volurnc providcd for client rcquestcd MS, h4SD or matnx duplicarct? If nq documcnt on CUR, and cornacl Plvl bcforc procecding 20. Did the clrain ofcustody includes "reccivcd b)r'and "rclirrguirhed'by signatures, dates, and timus? 21. tr cre spccial log irr instruclions rcad arrd followed? 22- lltcrc AFCEE rulals logcd for refi-igcrated storagc? 23. \llcre tests logged checkcd against thc COC? \trtrich sarnples u'cre confirmcd? 24- \\,as a Rush forrn cornpleted for guick TAT? 25. \l/as a Short Hold form completed for an), sbort holds? 26. Is "Strict lcof'reguired? 27. liy'ere spccial ar&iving instructions indicalcd il thc General Comrrclrs? If so, u'hat werc the1,? {"r Labeling atrd Storage Checks: {D {nI dD 28. Was thc subcontracl COC signcd and sml wit saryles to bot8c prep? ?9. Werc sarrylelabels doubJe-checlpd by a secoud person'/ 30. Werc srylebdtlcs aad COC double checJ<ed for dinsolvedrfrltcrod metals by a sccond pcrson? 31. Did tbc sarnple ID, Date, and Tinre from label matcb q'trat was loggcd? 32. \Vcre stickeu for special arcbiviug jnrructions afi:<cd to eadr box and to the ICOC? Sae#27 33. Werc AFCEE rnctals stored rcfrigeratcd? 34. \\rcrc'Stricl ICOC- copics given to satellite storage arcas? trf Utr TIl Documonl anyproblems rr discrepancies and the actions tal'.an to re.soh,e th^-m on a Condition Upon Receipt Anomaly Report (CUR). lniials STL Denver 1BB f,mo m mo TD P -f ) r' $ >" (. J 'V A E $. ,}\\ r c\ . -v T(- _it F- )$t-!. ' \ae'\ f i \tr 1\ ) bP.L Dil I ni l -\1 s)h 1 R (I \ f i A1r J t: e. J I c2s B V- . a\ tr Ip !, tD :9 CJ C^ \r r . t (, } -t- rs E F. J I (} . -- r ) r. ;o./ i J t oj C. . )C \4 :! rnr(] (f i ttaEt-rn-I I*=f i o Tm)=rn I d $g : t q. ri j ) \. nfin)z $lr(7 Z C.) p mo J t' t^ J I+D il gIm t G)t Dt ct J rn l,mrzoC6 :Em Cf (D*(f =rn ft \\c,c i{ ' ; ' 1 F> ' r rr 5 e1. . Nu rTa F.NI rr t -\ lA Il r 5 l ,h \ =vt -{ { ) l- .nJq B(> p .r { q ,5 "i X MS / M S D .. r v F. r -D - N NO . OF CO N T A I N T E B S {.,am \ x rrr lam rnE] (D f (f{m X K X YL ( - f,m?.. ->f,xa {E z E CN rn C" -t m llrnraoC6:r mo Ef ff |G lr B I'+ i ; - - l#^n .*9t f' \ t\ ^N rE I i I N F-P IC ta lr r "${v c7Im .. l r ' ( J tD -. - l ,l r m J?5 rn J JT " T Td E d E *q q f H$ ; f1 3 S E 3 du E B t ts a -1 , -. t sq -@ C)3,I o =E. -J c)<rAQ o6. G\ :D S (D -- , o\ ?o [, J a t' a Yb ff i -C r *) - S_ ,_ 1 , ;i , \_ c, ,. r . a\ l* ' tr o i,u !O)€Il" - . . . * Ig C] Tlr l =I7o f\ Ham B #,F t {E - $ SH $5 .- t a. I J u' f i If,q t- .FzI oT:r nzrno @ F{m -' l =m{m '( ,6 a, .B -{t ooz(f =oz. IE G - o \ F l f \ $ 9 8 - 3t 0 3 3 7c o c . FH B 18 9 ST L De n v e r STL DenYer 4955 Yanow Street Aruada, CO 80002 Tel: 303 736 0100 Fax; www.stl-inc.com STL 303 431 7t7I A}[AI YTICAL REPORT Western Zirconium Proj ect Lot #: D5I09AI76 Sheri O'Connor URS Corporation 8181 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 STLDENVER WW Linda L. Benkers Project Manager September 30, 2A05 Salem Trent Laboratorfes, lnc. Table Of Contents Sfan dard Del iverables with Supp orti ng Report Contents Sfandard Deliverables (fne Cover Letter and the Report Cover page are cCInsidered integral parts o/ this Stundurcl Deliverable package. Thi.s report is incomplete unless all pages indicated in this Table of Contents are included.) Documentation Number of Pages Check below when supporting documentation is present. o o o a a a t a a a Table of Contents Cnse l{arrative Executive Surnmary - Detection Highlights Methods Sunomary Method/Anal;,st Summary Lot Sample Summary Analyticnl Results QC Data Association Surnmary QC Evaluation and/or I)ata Reports Chain-of-Custody Supp orti ng Doc u m entati o n (Note: A one-page "I)escription rf Supporting l)ocumentation" provided at the beginning of this section.). o Volatile GC/PIS , Semivolatile GC/MS r Volatile GC o Semivolatile GC . LCIMS or HPLC r Metals o General Chernistry r Radiochemistry r Subcontracted Data r.$nnnnnnnnn STL Denver Case Narrative D5I090176 With exceptions noted as flags or footnotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were encountered or anomalies observed. All laboratory quality control samples analyzed in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this report mcet all requirements ofNELAC, and any exceptions are noted, This report shall not be reproduced, except in fulI, without written permission from the laboratory. Sample Receiving Eight samples wcre received under chain of custody on September 9,2005. The samples were received in good condition at temperatues of 3.3"C, 3.8"C, 3.6oC, 4.4"C, and2.7"C. Please notc that the samples submitted for 82608 analyses only require reporting of Chloroform only as per client request. GC/MS Volatiles, SW846 82608 The MS/IvISD associated with batch 5263544 performed on a sample from another client and/or lot was in control. The MS/MSD associated wittr batch 5264409 and performed on sample D51090176-003 was in not control- No other anomalies were observed. Total Metals, SW846 60108,6020 & 7474A Samples D5I090176-002 through 008 were analyzed at dilutions fbr several metals by rnethods 60108 and/or 6020 due to matrix interference and/or high analye concentrations. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly. The method 60108 MS/N{SD associated with batch 5265237 was perforrned on a sample from another client and/or lot and was in control. The method 7470A MS/MSD associated with batch 5259473 was performed on a sample from another client and/or lot.and was not in control for mercury. The rnethod 6020 MS/I,ISD associated with batch 5265193 was performed on a sample from another client and/or lot and was not in control. No other anomalies were obsen'ed. STL Denver General Chemistry, Various Methods Samples D5I090176-002 through 008 were analyzed at dilutions for several compounds due to high anallc concentrations. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly and thc associated data is flaggcd "Q". Chloride, fluoride, and sulfate were detected in the method blanks at concentralions below the reporting limits, but above the method detection limits. Associated positive sample rcsults are flagged "J". All MS/MSD samples wcre performed on samples .&orn other clients and/or lots and some were not in control. The pH duplicate was performed on sample D5I090176-002 and was in control. No other anomalies were observed. STL Denver ErcW W - Iletection Highlights D5rO9017b RESULT REPCRTTNG LTMIT I,INTTS AI{ATYTTCAL METHODPARA},IETER Gw-se-ogogos og/oalos o9:15 ooz Cadmium Aluminum Arsenic Barium Nickel Vanadium Z:,nc Calcium Iron Potas s ium Magnes ium Sodium Chloroform Chloride Fluoride NitraEe Ni trate-Nitrite Total Cyanide pH SuI fate Ammonia as N Gn-R2-O90BO5 O9/O8{O5 Ae:25 OO3 Selenium Aluminurn Barium Chrornium Ni ckel Vanadium Zinc Calcium fron Pot,aBsium Magnes ium Sodium Zirconium Chloride Fluoride Ni traEe NiErate-Nitrit.e pH SUI faEe 0.0424 B 1, .7 0 .012 B 0.1s 0.020 B 0.0039 B 0,0077 B 1800 0.025 B 500 550 5900 4.2 19ooo J, Q 0-85 J 500 s00 0 0.0031 B 7_2 3200 J, Q 3000 0 0 - 0050 B a -76 0.9s 0.0030 B 0.0027 B 0 .0038 B 0 .0095 B 94 0,93 330 120 6900 0.0030 B l_2000 J, Q 0.85 J 0 .039 B 0.043 B 7.8 s1a J,Q (Cont-inued on next 0.020 0.10 0.015 0.010 0 - 040 0-01 0 0 .020 2.0 0.10 30 a .24 s0 L.0 1200 0 .10 0 . L0 t0 0,0L0 0.10 500 100 0 . 02 0 0.l-c o .01_0 0 .010 0.040 0.010 0.020 0 ,20 0 .10 3.0 0.20 50 0 .015 25A 0 .10 0 - 10 0.l_0 0 .10 250 page) mg /r, mg/L Ilrtg/L mg/ t, mg/L rftg/t mg/1, mg/t' vtg/L mg/L mg/t mg/t tlg/L IritE/L mg/L mg/L rng/L rng/L No Units mg/L mg/L mglL mg/ I' mg/L mg/r, mg/L ItftglL mg/r, mg/t' mslL mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ^g/Lmg/L mg/L No Units mg/L sw845 6020 sw845 50108 sw84 6 5 0108 sw845 50r-08 sw846 5010B sl{845 60108 sw84 5 6 0108 sw84 5 6 0108 sw84 6 5 010B sw84 5 501 0B sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 50108 sw845 82508 IYICAI,'II^I 325 -Z MCAWW 340,2 MCAWW 353.2 MCAI^II^I 353 - 2 swB45 eol oB/ e0r.2A sw845 90408 MCAIfi^I 315 .1 MeASil^l 350 .1 sw84 6 6020 sw84 5 60r- 08 sw846 50L08 sw84 6 5 0108 sw84 5 6 010E} sw846 501_08 swB46 50108 s[\I845 501_0B sw845 60108 SWB45 5O1OB sw845 601_08 sw845 50108 sw84 5 5 0108 McAww 325 ,2 MCAWW 340 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 SWB45 9O4OB MCAWW 375.4 STL Denver EreCIITwE W - Iletection lTiglrlights D5rO90r-7b RESULT REPORTING IJII'IIT UNITS ^AT{ALYTICAf, IvIETTIODPAIU\MEIrER GH-R2 -O9O8O5 09 / O8/Os oe :25 OO3 Amrnonl a as N Grr-ss - ogo8os a9 / a8l os I-0 : 38 004 Selenium Aluminum Arsenic Barium NickeI Vanadium Calcium f ron Potas s ium Magrnesium Sodium Zjrconium Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nitrate-Nitrite pH Sulfate Ammonia as N Gn-4ja-o9o805 a9/08/05 1r-:oo oo5 Cadmium Selenium Aluminum Arsenic Barium Chromium Copper Nickel I-read Vanadium Zinc Calciurn fron Pot ass ium Magnesium Sodium Zirconium 8.5 0 0 - oo22 B 0 .034 B 0 .0045 B 0.20 0.0424 B 0 - 0a27 B 43 0.19 150 92 3000 0.00L7 B 4704 J, Q 0-9s J 0 .l-5 0.16 8.1 390 J, Q 5.5 0 - 0011_ 0 - 0083 36 0.0098 a .47 o - 045 o -072 o.o4z 0.028 0-057 0 -21 LL0 32 300 97 6s00 0 .023 o .20 mg/L MCAWW 350 .1 B B 0_010 0 .l_0 0,015 0 _ 01_0 0.040 0 , 01"0 0 .20 0.10 3.0 0,20 5.0 0.01s 254 0 .l-0 0 ,10 0. L0 0.10 1-0 0 0.10 0.010 0.020 0 .10 0.015 0 .010 0 .01-0 0 .010 0.040 0.0030 0-010 0.020 0.20 0 .10 3.0 0 .20 s0 0 .015 page) mg/t" mq/L mg/L mg/L mg/L r|tg/L mg/L mg/L mg/r, mglL mg/L mg/L mg/l' mg/t mg/L mglL No Units mg/L mg/t, mg/L rr.g/t mg/1, m9/t, mg/ r' mglL mg/t' mg/L mg/L mg/r, I:lrg/t mg/L rr.g/L nrg/t, mg/L mg/t mg/1" sw846 6024 sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 50L08 sw846 50L0B sw845 60108 swB45 50108 sw845 501"0B sw845 6 0I- 08 s![845 50108 sw845 5 0108 sw845 60L08 sw845 60108 MCAWW 325.2 MCAI,II^I 340.2 MCAWW 353.2 IvICAI^n^l 353 ,2 sw845 90408 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 350.1 sw845 6020 sw845 5020 sw846 50L08 sw84 6 5 010B sw846 601.08 sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 601-oB sw846 601-08 slr84 6 5 0108 sw846 60108 SIr[846 50L0B sw846 60L08 sw84 5 6 0108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw846 50108 sw84 6 5 0108 sw845 50108 STL Denver (Continued on next E)rc,W W - fhtection HiBhlights D5r090176 RESULT REPORTING LIMIT ITNTTS A}IAIYTICAL METIIODPAILI\METER ew-4a-ogogos ogloa/os 11:oo oos Chloride Fluoride Nit.rate Nitrate -Ni tri t.e pH SUI fate Ammonia a6 N crr-s4 - o 9oBo5 a9 / o8/os 11 ; 5o 006 Seleniurn tsarium Calcium Iron Pot assium Magnesium Sodium Zirconium Chloride Fluoride Ni trate Nitrate -Ni tri te pH Sul- f aEe Ammonia aE N GW-R4-OeOsOs A9 / 08/05 L2 =4A O07 Selenium Aluminum Barium Chromium Ni cke 1 Vanadium Zinc Calcium Iron Potas s ium Magnes j.um Sodiurn Zirconium Chloride Fluoride 1100 0 J, Q 1-1 J 0 .059 B 0 .075 B 8.2 880 B, J, Q 5.9 0,0053 B 0.12 59 0.14 290 150 4500 0.0024 B 6700 J, Q a-74 J 0.19 0 .20 7 .8 1700 J, Q 9.2 0 0.0038 B 2.1 1.5 0. 0048 B 0.0041 B 0.0055 B 0.013 B 55 3.0 210 4g 3200 0.0032 B 51_00 J, Q 1.1 J (Continued on next, mg/t MCAww mg/L MCAww mg/L lvlcAllw r;,g/L MCAWw No Unire SWB45 mg/r, MCAww mg/r-, MCAww mg /t" swg{ 6 mg/t, sw84 6 rr,g/t swg45 rng/L SW846 nq/L sI{84 6 ffig/L sl^t846 ll,;rg/t swa46 mg/ t sw84 6 mg/ l, I,lCAwW mg/t, MCAWW mg/t MCAww mg/L MCAWW No Units SWB45 mg/r-, llcAwuv mg/L MeAww 2s0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 1000 0.10 0.010 0.010 o .24 0,10 3.0 0.20 5,0 0.015 2s0 0.10 0 .10 0 .10 0 _ 10 250 0.50 0.01_0 0.10 0.010 0.010 0.040 0.010 0 .020 a -20 0-10 3-0 0.20 5.0 0 .0r.s 2s0 0 .10 page ) 32s .2 34A -2 353.2 353 -2 904 0B 3-15 . 4 350.1_ 6020 60L0B 5 01_0B 6 0108 6 01"08 5 0108 5 01- 08 60L0B 325 ,2 344 -2 3s3.2 353 -2 904 0B 375.4 3s0.1 mg/L mg/I' mg/L rng/L rng / r, mg/r-, mg/r, mg/L mg/t n.g/t' mgll., rl'g/t mg/t ms/L mg/1, sw845 SWB4 5 SWB4 5 sw84 5 sw84 5 SW84 5 SWB4 5 sw84 5 sw84 5 sw845 sI^I84 6 shl84 6 sI/{84 5 MCAWW IVlCAWW 5020 60108 6 0108 50r_08 5 0108 50108 60108 60108 60L0B 50108 50L0B 5010B 50108 325 .2 340.2 STL Denver EXEWffi-I)etection@ DsrO90L76 RESULT REPORTTNG I,IMTT UNITS AIVALYTICAL METITODPARAMETER crI-R4-o90BO5 O9l 08/05 L2 z4O OO? Nitrate NitraLe -Nitrite pH SUI fate Ammonia ag N Grv-R3-O9080s O9l O8l A5 14 : L5 008 Cadmium Selenium Arsenic Barium Nickel Vanadium Zinc Calcium Iron Potassium I"lagnesium Sodium Zirconium Chloroform Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nitrate-Nitrite pH Sulfate Ammonia a6 N 0 -42 0 - 43 8-0 3-7 BrJ 'l .9 0.00025 B 0. 0028 B 0.011 B o.'72 0 ,0031 B 0.0a27 B 0 - 0050 B 43 0.L4 l_5 0 46 2500 0 - 0088 B 0 .18 J 38oo J, Q L.2 J 1.7 1.8 7 .8 45 J,Q L40 0 - 1-0 0 ,10 0.L0 5,0 0 .l_0 0.0050 0.010 0.015 0.010 0.040 0.0L0 0 .020 0.20 o - 10 3.0 o .20 5,0 0.015 1,0 250 0 .10 0 .10 0.1_0 0.1,0 25 1-0 mg/t mg/L No Units mg/L mg/I' rng /L mg/r, mg/L mg/L rjts/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L No Units mg/L mg/L MCAWW 353 .2 sw846 90408 IIICA}.M 3T5 - 4 McAwrd 350 . 1 sw84 6 6020 sw84 5 6A20 sw84 5 6 0108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 50108 sw845 60L08 sw84 6 5 0108 sw845 6010B sw84 5 6 0108 sw845 50108 sw846 50108 sw846 50108 sw845 50108 sw845 82608 MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340 .2 MCAWW 3s3 - 2 MCAWW 353.2 sw846 90408 MCAWW 37s.4 MCAWW 3s0 - 1 STL Denver MEIHODSW D5rO9o-L76 PARAMETER AIVAIJYTI CA]J METHOD pH Aqueous SW845 90408 SW845 90408 Chloride (Colorimetric, AuEomated Ferricyanide) MCAIIW 325-2 MCAWW 325.2 Fluoride (PotentiomeEric, Ion Selective Eleetrode) MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 340.2 Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Metale SW846 60108 SW846 3010A rcP-Ms (5020) sw845 6020 sw8{5 s020A Mercury in Liguid Waste (Manua] Co1d-Vapor) sw846 747aA sw846 7470A Nitrate MCAI'IW 353 .2 MCAVW{ 353 .2 Nitrate-Nitrite MCAWW 353.2 McAlIlI 353.2 Nitrogen, Anmonia MCAWW 350.1 MCAWW 350.1 Sulfate MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 375.4 Total cyanide sw846 90108/901 SW846 90108 Trace Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Metale SW846 60108 SW846 301-0A volatile organice by Gc/Ms sw846 82608 SW846 5A3A8/?26 Referenceg: PREPARATION METHOD MCAWW sw84 6 "Methods for Chemical enalysis of Water and WasLes't, EPA-500 / +-79-020, March 1983 and subeequent revisions. "Teet Methods for Evaluating Solid tlaste, Phyeical/Chemica1 Methods't, Third Editton, November 1986 and its updat.es. STL Denver AI{ALYTICAL I,lETI{OD METHOD/ANALYSTW D5IO90L76 ANAIJYST MCA!{W 325 .2 MCAI^TI{ 340.2 MCAWW 350 . I MCAWW 3s3 .2 MCAWW 315.4 sw84 6 5 0108 sw846 50108 sw846 501"08 sw845 6020 sw846 5020 sw845 7470A sw846 82508 sw846 82508 sw846 eol0B/ 9AL2A sw846 90408 Referenceg: MCAW!^I sw84 5 Claire Likar Fougere M. Danielle Claire Likar Claire Likar Dusti o. Criqri Jane1 MoLichka Janel lvlot ichka Lyrur-Arrne Trudel I Thomas LiIl Thomas tilI ,Janiee S - Collins Dan Appelhans Danie1 Kiekel Dueti O. Criqui Fougere M. Danie}le A\IALYST ID 004382 005481 0 04 382 0 04 382 005s89 aazB62 2862 6645 0 05 929 6929 011-55I 001-008 0L1370 00658e 006481 "Methodg for Chemi.cal Ana1yeis of water and ?ila6tee'r, EPA-600/4-79-o20, March 1983 and subsequent revisions. I'Test Methods for Evaluating solid Wa6te, Phyeical/Chemical Method6", Third Edition, November l-985 and ite updates. STL Denver SAIVIPI,EW D5rO90176 wo # SAMPLE# CLTENT SATqPTJE rD SAIvIPIED SAII,IP DATE TIME HJBt"lJ 001 HJEML O O 2 HJ8lvff 0 03 HJSMX 0 04 HJBMz O O 5 HJBMS O O 5 HJBMS O O 7 HJ8M7 O O B NoIts (S) z TB-09080s GW-5C-090805 GV{-Rz-090805 Gw-s5-090805 cw-4A- 09080s GW-Sa-09080s GW-R4-09080s cw-R3-090805 oe / o 8/os ae/a8/0s 09:15 09/a8/a5 09:25 a9/08/05 10:38 oel oB/os 11: oo ae / oB/os t-l :50 09/08/as L2t4o oe / oBl os 14 : l-5 - Thc anrlytical rmlts of lhc s3mplcs llstcd abovc aro prcseiled m the follo*,ing pages- - .All calculatiom$ ue pcrforfiEd bcforc rouxlin8 m avold round-off errord in calfllrtcd rcslllB. - Rcsrlts norcd es "ND" werc nor daatcd at or abovc rhc stitcd lltrrlr. - Thls rcpon nruu not bc reproduc.Ld, erel)l ln ttlt, wltbo,tt hc wdrcn approvel of thr laboratory. - Resurts lor ole lbllowing pffieters arc ncvc, rcporac{ o,l a dry wclght baelo: color, corrosivity, dmity. fladrpoint, ignirebility. laycrs, odor, palnr flllcr !cs, pH, porogity pmwe, redviry, rcdox poEntlal, spcclflc gravlty, ryot bsts. solids, slubiliry, temperatur.. vimsiry, md wcight STL Denver 10 URS Corporation Cl-ient Sanple TB- O90BO5 GClrf,S Volati].es PARAMETER Iot-sanple f---: Date Saupled,--3 Prep Date. ,. - - -: Prep Batch *- - -: Di]-urion Factor: D5r090a76-001 0e/08/os ae/ae/os 5253544 1 Ifork Ordr=r S. . , : Date Received-.: analysis Date. . i Rnalysis Time..3 l,Iethod-.- ---: RESULT . ND PERCENT RECO\rERY 1_02 118 115 11_ 0 HJBMJlAC ae/oe/os oe/2a/os 07:03 sw845 82508 REPORTING LTMIT I]NITS 1.0 uglL RECOVERY LTMTTS (73 118) (62 l-2 8 ) (ze 118) (7t 1L7) Matrix--D--.-..i WQ Chloroform STIRROGATE Dibromof1uoromethane L ,Z-Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -d8 STL Denver IIRS Corporation Client Sanp}-e ID: cI{-5C-090805 w/b+s volatiles fot-Saryrl-e #---: Date Saryrled.- - - : Prep Dat,g-.,.. .1. Prep BaLch *- - -: Dilution Factor: D5I090L75-002 a9/oB/os o9:L5 oe/Le/os 5253544 1 Irlork Order S. . . : Datse Received. - r Analysis Date- -: Analysis Tirne. - ! Method ---: RESUIJT 4.2 PERCENT RECOVERY 103 12L l_ l-4 105 HJEML]-A9 oe/ae/os 09/2A/as A1 :23 SWB46 B25OB REPORTTNG LTI{IT UNITS lta-trix. .. O . .. , . r GW PAIUqIVIETER ChIorofor:m SURROGATE 1- O rug/L RECOVERY LIMITS (73 LL8) (62 128) (7A 118) (zt l-17 ) Dibromof luoromethane L ,2 -Dichloroet,hane -d4 4 - Bromof luorobenzene Toluene - dB STL Denver L2 URS Corporati.on Client Sary>Ie rf): GTI-R2-0908O5 Gcllrs Volatiles Lot-SaryIe *- - -: Date Sanpl.ed- -.: Prep Date ---= kep Batch *-. -: Dilution Factor: D5r090L76-003 a9 / a8/ os 09 :25 oe/20/os 5254409 1 Work Order #- - -: Date Received..3 Analyeie Date--= Analysis Time.. l Dlethodo r o . . . . . . r RESULg__.____-,_-- I$D PERCENT RECOVERY 99 97 88 1L 1_ HJEMV]-A8 ae/oe/as oe/20/os 12:32 SI^1846 82508 REPORTING LTT{IT UNITS Itlatrix. - .. . . . . . PAIU\METER Chloroform SURROGATE 1.0 :ug/L RECOVBRY LIMITS (tt LL8) (62 128) (78 Ll-8) (tt 117) Dibrorno f luorome thane L, 2-Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB STL Denver IIRS Corlrcration Cl-ient Samp1e ID: GW-SS-O9O8O5 GCII{S Volatsilee PARAMETER Iot-Sam;lle *- - -: Date Sarqlled- - - : Prep Date- -. - - -'- Prep Batch *- - - : Dilution FacEor: D5r09017 6 - 004 o9 / o8/os 1o :38 ae/2a/as 5264409 1 Work Order *-. -: Date Reeeived- - i Analysis Date..3 Analysie Time- -: l-tethod, o . . . o . . . i RESULT }.UD PERCENT RECOVERY HJBMXlAE 0e/0e/05 oe/20/os 13:33 SW845 825OB REPORTTNG LIMIT UNITS 1.0 :ug/t' RECOVtrRY LIMTTS (zg lt"B) (62 128) (78 118) (77 1r" 7 ) Matrrix,-,.-,---7 GW Chloroform SURROGATE Dibromofluoromethane L ,Z-Dichloroethane - d+ 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB 105 l,0s 89 l-03 STL Denver L4 URS Corlrcration C1ient Sarrple ID: Gf5-44-090805 cic/us Vo1atiles Iot-Sarryle #- - -: Date Saup}.ed. - - : fep Date- -. -.. ! frep Batch #- - -: Dilution Pactor; D5r090L76-005 a9 / o8/05 11:00 ae/za/as 5264409 1 Ilork Order #, . . 3 DaEe Received--? Analysis Date- -: Analysis Tirne. . l lIethod- - - - - - : RESULT }UD PERCENT RECOVERY 104 1 l-0 93 105 H.J8M2 1A8 0e/0el0s oe/20/a5 l-3 :54 sw845 82508 REPORTING LIMTT UNITS 1- 0 vglL RECOVERY LTMITS (tt 118) (az 128) (78 1t_8) (tt 117 ) t-lat.ri)c. . - - - - - - . 3 Gw PARAMETER Chloroform SI]RROGATE Dibromoflucromethane a ,2 -Dichloroethane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene- dg STL Denver 15 IIRS Cortrroration Client Sanp1e IDr G1{-S4-O9O8O5 cc/tf,s vol-atilee Ipt-Sanqrle #- - -: Date Sanpled- -.: Prep Datgi,....i Prep Batch S. . . : Dilution Factor: Dsr090L76-005 09/08/0s 11:50 oe/2a/as 5264409 1 t{ork Order #. . . : Date Received- - : An^alyeie Date- -: Anal-yeie Time--= Method - - -: RESUIJT }TD PERCENT RECOVERY 106 LL2 94 t07 HJ8M51AB ae/oe/0s ae/20ios L4:L4 sw845 82508 REPORTTNG IJIMTT UNITS Hatrix.... ,. .. . r GW PAIU\METER Chloroform SI]RROGATE l, .0 :ug/L RECOVERY LIMITS Dibromof luoromethane a, 2-Di ehloroethane - d+ 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB (73 r-l_B) (62 l_28) (za 118) (tt rr7) STL Denver 16 URS Corporation C1ient Sanp1e ID: G1I-R4-O90BO5 GC/I'IS Volatiles Iot-Saqr1e *..,; Date Saqt1ed,...r Prep Datg..o,--! Prep Batch fi-,.: Oil-ution Factor: D5r090L76-007 09/08/a5 12:40 a9/2a/os 5254409 1 Itork Order f,. . . : Date Received- -: Anatysis Date. - l Analyeis Time--= MeEhod-- ----: RESULT ND PERCENT RECOVERY 104 108 93 111 PAIU\METER HJglt{61A8 Matrix...rr...-3 GW oe/oe/0s oe/2a/0s l-4:35 sw845 82508 REPORTTNG LIMIT !'NITS Chloroform SURROGATE 1.0 RECOVERY LIMTTS (73 1r,8) (62 1,28') (78 118) (77 117) lrg/ L Dibromofluoromethane t, 2 - Di chloroet,hane - d.+ 4 - Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-d,8 STL Denver IIRS Corporat,ion Client Satryle ID: GTI-R3 - O9O8O5 GClI{s volatiles Iot-Sanqrle f .. -: Date Sampled- - -= Prep Datgo. i.. . i Prep Batch *-. -: Di].ution Factor: D5r0901,75-008 09/08/0s 14:15 ae/2a/as 2264409 1 Ifork Order fi. . . : Date Received, - -- Anal.ysis Date.-i analysis Tirnr:- -: Method-- ----: RESULT . o-18 J PERCENT RECOVERY 99 L05 B9 105 HJBM71A8 a9/as/as ae/20/as 14 ;55 SWB45 B25OB REPORTTNG LIMIT UNTTS Hatril(.. ----: GW PARAIvIETER Chloroforru SURROGATE 1, O rug/L RECOVERY LIMITS (tt 118) (oz L2I )(za 118 )(tt 1-17 ) Dibromof luoromethane L ,2 -Dichloroethane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene- d8 NCIrE (S) : J Lslmarcd result. Rcsult Is less then RL- STL Denver 1B Iot-Saq>Ie #. -,: Date Sarpled. . . i PAIU\METER D5I090L76-0A2 09 / oBlos oe :15 RESULT IIRS Corgrcration Client Sample fD: cH-5C-O9O8O5 aO|fAL Ftetsals Date Received. . ! A9 / 09 / A5 REPORTING LIMIT UNITS METIIOD tlatrix -:GW PREPARATION- WORK ANALYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batctr #. Mercury Frep Batch #. Cadmium Selenium Prep Batch # - Si lver A]-urninum J\rssni s Barium Calcium Chromium Copper fron Potaseiurn : 5259437 ND ; 5265193 o-oo24 B I{D : 5265237 }ID L-7 o-o12 B 0-15 1800 ND ND o.025 B 500 0.00020 rl;tg/L Dilution FacLor: 1 o-020 oi luE ion o - 040 Di Iut. ion ng,lL Factc.rr : 20 mg/L Factor: 2O rlf,g/L Fact,or: L t|fg,/L Factor: 1 nlg,lL Factor: l. wlL Factor: 1 vg,/T' Factor: 1 0 r:ltg/1" Fact.or : 1 Ir|tg/L Factor: 1 rng/L Factor: 1 w/r, Di Iut, ion Factor : 10 sw845 747AA A9/23/As Analysis Time. .' 1.8 : 28 sw845 602A Ana11'sis fimo. SI^1846 5020 Anaiyei e Time . HJSML].AU 09 I 23-A9 / 27 I A5 rrJSr,tLlA4 05:L7 a9 I 23 -A9 / 27 / Os H-JBMLI-A5 05 :1? 09 / 23 - A9 / 2s / aS IIJSML1AII o e : a3 og /23 - o g / 26 | asIr.fBr,ILP t 27:26 0.0i0 Di lut ion o-1-o Dl luc i on o_o15 Dl lut 1on 0.010 D1lut lon 2-O Di lut ion 0 . 01,0 Di Iut ion 0.010 Dilution 0 .10 Dilution 30 SI^I84 5 5 0108 Analyeie rirne.. STU846 60108 Analysi s fime. . slIB45 50LOB Analysis Time. . sn845 50108 Analysie Tirne. . sn845 60108 Analyols Tlme. . sw845 60108 Analysl e Time. . sw845 50108 Analyols Tlme. . sr{845 60108 Analyele Tlme-, oe /23 - o e l28/ os E;r8ltLrAK ae / 23 -o 9 / zB / as HJBrru,lAL a9 / 23 -Oe / 28 / os EJETILLLV ae / 23 - oe / 28 / os HJBML:.AT,I 09 / 23 - 09 / zB / os H..TBMrrlAN 09 / 23 - 09 / 2e / AS rr^TSULLAI{ a9 I n -as I za / os H.TBHrrar( 09:43 09:43 01:00 09:43 09:{3 2L:26 sw846 60L08 Analyele Time. . next page) STL Denver (Continued on 01:00 Lot-Sanple *. IIRS Corporation Client Sample fD: cW-5e-O9O805 TOTAL Meta1s : D5r090175-002 Matrix...o.,...i GW REPORTTNG PREPARATION- AI\TALYSTS DATE WORK ORDER #PARAMETER RESg,llq LI}IIIT UNITS METHOD ldagaesiurn Sodium IiIickeI Lead Vanadium Zinc Zi rconium HOTB (s) z 660 6900 0-020 B ND o_oo39 B o_oo77 B TTD O - 20 rug,/L Di lution F'actor : l- 50 mg/t oilution Faet,or; 10 0 - o4o mg/L Dilution Factor, I 0.0030 mg/L Pilution Factor r 1 0 - 01,0 rrq,/L oilution Factor: 1 O. O20 rfig/L Dllut,lon Factor: I 0.015 mg/l- Dilutlon Factor: 1 oel23-oe/26/os ae / 23 -ae /28 / os oe l23 -ae l28l os oe / 23-ae /28 / a5 ae/23-os/zfE/as EJBITIILAO EJBULLAI- EJ8lTLLAP HJEML1AQ IITST,ILLAR sw845 50108 Analyeio Time..: 2L:25 sw846 50108 analyeie Time. . : 01 :00 sH845 60108 Analysie Time..: 09:43 sw845 50108 Analysle Time--: o9:43 sn845 50108 Analyeie Time..: 09:43 sw845 50108 Analyeie Time..: 09:43 sw84 6 5 0108 Analyeio Time..: 2L:?5 09 / 23 - O e / 28/ As ETTEULLAT a9 / 23 - Ae / 26 / As HJBI{rJIA2 B Eslmatr{ result. Rcsult is less than R[.. STL Denver 2A IIRS Coqporation Client Sanqrle fD: Gfl-R2-O9OBOS TOTAIT Metals I^oL-Sarqlle *---: Da.te Sarryled...i PARAIUETER D5I090L75-003 09 / oB/05 09:25 Date Receiwed - RESULT REPORTING LIMIT I,INTTS : 09/os/os METHOD Dlatrix.:GW PREPAITJ\TTON- I/IORK AI{ALYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch #- Ivlercury Prep Batch #- Cadmium Selenium Prep Batch. Si lver .Llumimrm Arsenic Barium Calcium Chromium Copper fron Potassium : 5 259437 ND : 5265193 ND o. oo50 B #- - -: 5265237 ND a .16 ND 0 .95 94 o_oo30 B ND 0-s3 330 0 - 00020 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 0 .010 Di Iut i on o-10 oi 1uE ion 0.015 Dilution o_o10 Di }ut,l on o-20 Di ]trui on 0.010 Di 1ut i on o.010 Di lut i on o_10 Dl luc ion ng/L Faetor: I tw/L Factor r 1 mg/L Factor: 1 rglL Factor: I ms/r, Factor: 1 mg/r Factor: 1 ng / t'' Fact or : 1 nryJ,/L Factor: I oe/23-ae/zB/os oe/ 23-ae l2B/ os oe/23-oe/25/os oe/23-oel28las ae/23-a9/28los ae / 23 -oe l2o I os HJBTVIV1A4 HJEMV1AU II,JBTffI-;trV HJ8}T\IIA5 ILIBTI\rUAW HJSIVIVlAX EJSI{\IUA6 swB45 747AA 09/23/Os Analysie ?ime..: 18:33 0.010 Dl lution o ,020 Dilution mg/L Factor: 10 ry/L Factor: l" 0 sw84 6 502 0 09 / 23 - A9 / 27 / As HJBTWT.AF Analysio Tlme..: 05:20 sw846 6A2A A9 /23 -09127 / A5 rr^fBIrf\fL'AG Analysis T'ime. . : 05 :20 3.0 mg/L Di lut i on F'act or : L sw846 50108 .Ana1yeis Tiue. - : 09:48 sr{845 50108 Analyele Time..: 21:31 sw846 50108 Anal),sle Time. .' 09 :48 5T1846 60108 Analysis Time..: 09:48 svr845 50108 Analysls TLme.-, 21:31 sIr845 60108 Analyele Time..: 09:48 sw845 60108 Analyeie 'I'ime. . : 09 :48 sw845 50108 Analyols Tlme..: 2I:31 sr{845 50108 Analysie Time,.: 21:31 ae / 23 -09 / 28 / As HJBTfiIIAR og / ?,3 - og /26 / osrr,Jgt{vr o 09 I 23-09 I 26 I os EtBuvLA,T STL Denver (Continued on nexL page) 21 Iot-Saq>le #. PAIU\METER RESUTT IIRS Corporation Client Sarrple ID: GIII-R2-090805 IIOIAL Dtetals : D5f09A7-75-003 REPORTING METHODF.lI'tT'L.___ uNrrq DIatrix. . . . D - - - , : GW PREPARATION- AI{ALYSIS DATE Hagneeium Sodium Nickel Lead Vanadium Zi.oc Zirconium NOTE (S} : L20 6900 o.oo2l B ND 0,0038 B o-oo95 B o.0030 B o -2a rrg,/L Dilutlon Factor: L 50 w/t Ollutlon FacEor: L0 O. O4O rrrgll Di.lution F'actor : 1 0.0030 tltg/L Dilution Factor: 1 0-010 r,lq,IL nilution Factor: 1 o - o2o wg/L Dilutior: Iractor: 1 0 - 015 W/l' Di Lut ion Fact,or : 1 oe [23 -ae / 281 os ae / 23 -os l2B I as oe /23-oe /26 / as WORK ORDER # E.I8!I[VLhA EJSIIIILAC ILTET,T\TIJA.O HJSIvI\r141 HJBTIVLA2 H^}8ITVIL3 IIJBT,T\NAD sw845 60108 Analyolo Tlme".: 21 r3L sYrB45 60108 Ana1yslo Tl.me..: 01 :18 srr846 60108 Arralysis Time. . : 09 r48 ae/23-oglzs/os oe/23-ae/2t;/as oe /23-oe /28/ as sw846 60108 oel23-Ae/28/os Analysie Time.-: 09:48 sI{845 50rOB Analysia Timo..: 09:48 srr846 60I"08 Ar:alysie Tine, . : 09 :48 sw846 60108 Analyoie Time,.' 21:31 B Estiunted result. Result is less thur ItL. STL Denver 22 t RS Corporation Client, Sample ID: GI{-SS-090805 BOtrAL ltletale Iot,-Sample #.. -: D5I090L76-O04 ltlatrix.......: GW Date sarrqrled...: 09/08/05 10:38 DaEe Received- -= o9/O9105 REPORTTNG PAIU\METER RESULT LII,IIT UNTTS METHOD PREPAIU\TTON- WORK AIVALYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch #., . i 5259437 Mercury ND 0.00020 vg/t sw845 747oA a9/n/a5 HJ8MX1A4 Dilutlon Factor: 1 Analyeie Time-,; 18:35 Prep Batch *- - -: 5265193 Cadmium ItD 0.00s0 mg/t sw845 5020 09/23-09/27105 HJBMX1AF Dilution Factor: 5 Analysie Time., t O5:24 Se1eni rrm 0-0022 B 0.0r.0 wlt sfl846 6020 a9123-o9127/05 EI8lrXljAG Dilutlon FacEor: 5 Analysls Time.. r o5z24 Prep Batch #.. -: 5265237 silver ND 0.010 mg/r. sw846 50108 O9/23-A9/28l05 HJEMX1AR Dilution Factor: 1 Analyais Timc..: 09154 Aluminum 0.034 B O.r.O wglt SW845 50108 09123-09126105 ErglgJ Dilution Factsor: I Analyais ?ime.. r 21151 Arsenic O - OO45 B 0.015 sqlt SW845 501OB O9l2!-O9128lO5 rr^rEidxrAu D11ut,Ion Eactor: 1 Altalyeie Time..: 09:54 Bariunr o -24 o-o1o wlt sw846 5o1oB o9123-O9/28los U^rSrDnAV . oilution Factor: t Analysis Time-.: o9r54 calcium 43 o.2o vqll, sw846 5o1oB os/zl-oslz6/o5 rr,J8trxl,As Dilution Facr-or; 1 Analyaia Tine..: 21:51 chromium ND 0.01"0 mg/t, sw845 50108 09/23-09/28/05 HJSMX1AW pilurlon Factor: 1 Analyeie Tlme..: 09:54 copper ND 0.010 mg/L SW846 50108 A9/23-O9/28/OS HJ8MXIAX Dilution FacEorr 1 Anall'sir Time..: 09:54 fron o-19 o-1o I[rg,/L sw845 60108 09/23-09126/05 Eir8rltlftA6 Dllutlon Factor: L Analyele Tlme..: 21:5I Potassium 150 3-0 W/L slr845 50108 09/23-09126/05 H^]sI,Dfla7 Dilution Factor r I Analysis Time. . : 2l :51 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 23 Iot-Samglle # - PAIU\METER RESULT tlRS Corporat,ion Client Sample ID: GI{-S5-O908O5 lOirAL Ueta1e ; D5I090175- 004 REPORTING LIMTT UNTTS Matrix.........r GW METIIOD PREPARATTON- A}TALYSTS DATE WORK ORDER # Magnesium Sodiunr Iilickel Lead Vanadirun Zinc Zircorrium N(ITE (S) : 92 3000 0-0024 B T.TD o.oo27 B ND o. oo17 B 0 .20 rnq/t Pilut ion Factor : 1 5. O rg/I' Dl lutlon Pactor : L 0 - 040 nrg/L Dilutlon Factor: 1 0.0030 mg/L Dilution Factor: L 0. OLO nq,/L Dilut.lon Factor: L 0.020 rng/L Oilution Factor: 1 O. O15 rq/l' Di lution Eactor : 1 ae/23-oe/26las aelz3-og/zs/os ae/23-oelzslos oe/23-ae/28/as oe/23-ae/28/as ILTBI.[XI.AA HrIE!,IXIAC ET8HXI.a'O HJgI,IXIAl E*I8l'IXIA2 slt845 60108 Rnalygig Time. . ; 21 :5L srr846 60108 Analysie Time. . : 21 :51 slr845 60108 Analysis Time-. r 09:54 sw845 601_08 Analyaie Tirne. . : o9 : 5{ sw845 50L08 Rnalyeis Time..: 09;54 sw84 5 6 0108 Analyais Time.,r 09r54 sw845 50108 Arralyoie Time. . : 21 : 51 oe I 23 - a9 I 28 / 05 HJBID(]-A3 09 / 23 - o 9 / ze / os Ir^TBIrrxl-AD B Estimaretl result. Result is hss thur RL. STL Denver 24 Iot-Sample ff...; Date SarylJ-ed. - - 3 PAIiAMETER IIRS Corgrcration C1ieut Sample ID: G[{-4A-09O805 TOTAL Uetals D5r090L76-005 a9 / 0B/05 11 ; 00 Date Received. . ! 09 I a9 / 05 RESULT REPORTING LIMTT UNTTS IvIETHOD Matrix.-.....i GW PREPARATTO!{- WORK AIVALYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch #. Ivlercury Prep Batctr Cadm:iurn Selenium Prep Batch Si lver Atuminum Argenic Barium Calcium Chromium Copper Iron Potagsiun, :5259437 ND #...: 5265193 0-0011 B 0-0083 B ; 5265237 ND 36 o. oo98 B 4.47 110 0.o45 a -o72 32 300 0.00020 mg/L Dl lutlon FacLor : 1 0-010 ni 1ut ion o-020 Dr lut ion nI{/,/L Factor: 10 trfry,IL Fact.or : 10 0.0L0 mg/t ni 1ut l-on Factor : 1 0 - 10 rrq,/L Dilution Factor: 1 O. O15 W/I' Dilution Fact.or: 1 O - 01,0 vry,ll,. oilution FacEor: I 0 - 20 trg/L Oi luE ion Fact.or : 1 0. O10 W/L Dilution Pactor: L O - O1O rng/I' PiluEion Factor r 1 0.1-0 trg,/L nilution Factor: 1 3.0 w/t OiIuEion Factor: 1 HJ8M21.A4 a9 / 23 -o e / zB / os H,rBr{zrAU oe / 23 - a9 / 28 / 05 HJBr,r2 lAR os /23 -0 s / 26 / asrlrslrzJ sw845 7470A Ae/z3/As Analynis Time..: 18:35 srr846 6020 O9/23-O e/27 I Os rIJ8I.{2LAF Arralysie Time. . : OS :27 sw845 6020 09123-A9/27 lOS EJElt2rAG Analysis Tirne. . : 05 :27 #. sw845 Analysi e sH846 Analya i o sn846 Analysi s sH845 Analysi s sru845 Anal,ysi s sw845 Analyoi o SH845 Analygi g sw846 Analysi s 6 010B Time. . r 09:59 601-oB Time. , : 2L:55 50108 Tine..: o9:59 50108 Tine..: 09:59 60108 Time..: 2t=56 50108 Time-. r 09:59 60108 Time..: C9:59 50108 Tlme..:2L:56 oe /23-ae /28l0s ae/23-oel26/os oe/23-oel2B/Os ae /23 -o s /28/ os os/23-oe/ze/os EIB!,I2LAV IIJS}T2LAs II,JBT{2IAW E^T8U2IN( HJBI{21A6 sI{845 50108 Analysis Time..: 2L:56 on next page) STL Denver ( Continued oe In-ae/z6/ os E*TBII2IA7 Lot-sanqrle *. IIRS Cora>oration Client Sangrle ID: Gctt-4A-OgO8OS T0IAL Metals : DSI090L75-005 REPORTING Ilatrrix-- ----: GW PREPARATION- AIVALYSTS D.A,TE 9[ORK oRpER *PAIUIMETER RESUTT LIIyIIT UNITS METHOD Magnesium Sodium Nicke1 Iread Vanadium Zi.nc Zirconium r{o1E (s} : 97 6s00 o -042 o-o28 o-057 o -2L 0-023 0.20 W/L Dilution Factor: 1 50 nry,/r' OiluEion Factor: 10 0.040 rrg/t' nilution Factor: 1 0 - OO3o rrEllt Pilution Factor: 1 0 - O1-O rg/t, Dilut.ion Factor: I o - 020 vqlL oilution Factor: I O - o1-5 ug/t Dilution Factor: 1 s"ItB46 Analyei e srr846 Analyai s s'H846 Analyei o sw845 Rnalysi s svr846 Analysi s svr84 5 analyai g sr{846 Analysi s 60108 Tine..: 2L:56 50108 Time.. r 01:23 a9 / 23 - a9 / 26 I as ETBtrzlaA 09 / 23 - oe / 28 / as rLTBu2rAc 60108 A9/23-09/2BlA5 E^T8I,{21'.jA,O Time..: 09r59 5oloB o9/23*o9/2s|a5 Efgltzr,Ll Time. . : 09:59 50108 o9/23-09/2glas E^T8lr2la2 Time..: o9:59 5O1OB A9/23-09/28/As EJsrrl2rL3 Tirne..: 09:59 5OI-OB Oe / 23 - O e/ 25 / Os EJ8![zr"An Time, - r 2Lt56 B F-stirnaed re.suk. Rcsult is less than RI.,. STL Denver IIR.S Corporatsion C1ient Sanqlle ID: GTI-S4-O9O805 TOtAL Meta]-g I,ot-SarrE Ie *.. .: D5I090L76-006 Matrix.. -. . -.: GW Date SaryI.ed- - -= o9/os/05 11:50 Date Received. -z og/og/as PARAMETER RESULT REPORTTNG LTMIT UNITS METHOD PREPARATION- WORK AIVALYSTS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch #---: 5259437 Mercury ND 0.00020 lrlrg/L SW845 747AA 09/23/05 I{JBM51A4 oilution Factor: 1 Analysie Time..; 18;38 Prep Batch #---= 5265193 Cadmium DID 0 - 0050 mg/t sw845 5020 og/23-oe/27 /o5 HJBMSTAF DiLut.ion Factor: 5 Analyoio Time..: 05r31 seleuium o.oo53 B o-o1o w/t sw845 6020 09123*09/27105 Er8r,IslAG oilution Factsolr 5 Aralyolo TLme,. ' 05,31 Prep Batch #---: 5265237 S i lver DUD 0-oL0 nglr. swg46 60108 09/23-09/28105 HJBM51AR oilution Factor: 1 Analyole Tlme-.: 10:04 Aluminum ![D 0 .10 r,flg/t sw845 50108 09/23-09 /26105 IIJ8M51A Dilution Factor: 1 Analyaia Time.. z 22t0L Arsenic tdD 0.015 mg/t sw846 60108 O9/23-O9/2SI05 HJ8M51AU DiluElon Factor! 1 Analyois Time..: 10:04 Bariurn o-12 0-010 w/t sw846 6oloB o9123-ae/28los ErSI.rslAV Dllution Factorr 1 Analyeie Tirne,.: 10:04 calcirur 59 O-2O Iflg,lr, SW846 60108 09123-09/26105 E^r8lrsl-As Dllution Factor: 1 Analysie Tlme,.r 22:01 chromium ND o.o1o rng/L sw846 50L08 Ag/23-Og/28,/05 H.,8M51AW DiluElon Eactor' L Analysia Time.,: t0:04 copper ND 0-010 ms/r, sw846 60108 09/23-09/28/05 HJ8M51AX DlluElon Eact,or: 1 Analysie Time,,:10:04 Iror.o-L4 o.1o vg,lL sw846 60I-08 O9/23-oe/26l05 S,r8Il5LA6 Dilutio[ Factors ]. Analyais rime..: 22101 potassium 29a 3.0 wll, sw845 50108 agl8-09125/05 HJ8il51A7 Dilution Pactor: 1 Analyeia Time..: 22:01 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 27 I.ot-Sarylle # - PABAIVIETER_. __ _ .. BESULT IIRS Corlrcrat,ion Client Sample fD: GT{-S4-O9O8O5 IO(IAL Dletals : D5I090176-005 REPORTING METHOD Matrix--.......! GW LIMIT UNITS PREPARATION- AhIALYSIS DATE WORK ORDER # Magnesium Sodiun NickeI Lead Vanadium Zinc Zi'rconium No1ts (s) : 150 4500 ND IUD ND ND o. oo?4 B o_20 vlg/L Di lut ion Factor : L 5-O rry/L Di lution Factor: 1 0.040 rrlrg/L Dilution Factor: 1 0.0030 mg/L oilution FacEor r 1 0 . 010 mg/t Dlluclon Factor, 1 0 .020 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 0.o15 rg/L Dilution FacEor: 1, sw846 50108 Analyelo Tl.me, . : 27 taL sw846 60108 Analyele Time..r 22zAL sw845 50108 .Bnalysis Tirne . . : Lo : o4 sw845 50108 Analygie Tirne. . : 10 : 04 sw846 60108 Analysis Time. . : 10 :04 sw845 50108 Analysie Tirne., ; 10 : 0{ sw846 60108 Analyeis Time..: 22:0L oe/23-oe/26/Os ae/23-ae/zo / os oe /23 -ae / 2s / as oe/23-oe/28/os ae/23-ae/28/05 B^TB!,I5IAA EJSIIsLAC HJ8M5]-AO HJ8M51A1 HJ8M51A2 os I 23 - os / 28 / 0s HJ8M5 1A3 a9 /23-09 /26/ Os rLTBr.{srAD B Fsnrnarcd result. Rezuh rs less than RI.. STL Denver 28 Iot-Sarqrle *- - .: Date Sanpled...! PAITAIVIETER URS Corporation Client Sanp1e ID: GIil-R4-090805 TCXIAIT l-Ieta1e D5r090L75-007 A9 / 0B/05 L2;40 Date Received- - : oe / A9 / 0s RESULT REPORTING LTIvTIT UNITS METHOD Matrix-:GW PREPAIT'\TION- WORK AIVAIYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch #. Mercury Prep Batch #- Cadrnium Selenirur Prep Batch #- S i lver A]-uminum Arsenic Barium Calciunt Ch,rornium Copper Iron Potagsium :5259437 IUD :5265193 DUD o-oo38 B : 5265237 ND 2-L ND 1-5 s5 o. oo48 B ND 3-0 2LA 0.00020 mg/L Di lution Factor: L 0.00s0 mg/L Dilution Factor; 5 O - 01-0 ntg/L Dilution Factor: 5 rilg/L FacEor: I $q/I' Factor: 1 mg/L Fact,or: 1 rW/r' Factor: 1 mg/t Factor: L mg/t Factor: L mg /t Fact,or: 1 wg/r' Pactor: 1 oe/23-oe/28/As ae/zt-oe/26/ as oe/23-oe/2e/05 oe/23-oe/28/As oe l23-ae/26/ as oe/23-o e/28/os os/23-0e/28/os oe/23-oe/26/as IIJ8I.T6'A. HJBM61A4 HJ8M51AR I{J8M5]-AU IITBHSLAV EJBIIIGI-;h5 EJSM6IA?T HJ8M51AX Ir.T8l.{6r.A5 sw846 747AA A9/23/Os Analysia Time..: 18:{0 sw845 6020 09/23-09/27/05 HJBrvl5LAF Analyols Tlme. - , 05 :35 sr{845 5020 A9/23-A9/27 /A5 H,J8!{5LAG Analyaie Time,.: 05:35 0 ,0l-0 Dl }ut l on o-10 ol IuL lon 0.0L5 D:Iut ion o-o10 oi IuE i on o_20 Di Iu; ion 0 .010 Di lut i on 0.010 ni lut i on o-10 oilution 3'o w/L Dilution Factor: 1 SWB45 5O1OB Analysis Tirne. . : 10 : 09 srr846 60L08 Arralyeie Time. . : 2?z QG sw845 50108 Analyoio Time..: 10:09 sw845 50108 /\nalyoio Tlme. . : L0 ; 09 s'w845 60108 arralyela Time, . : 22 :06 sTI846 50108 Analysie Time..: 10:09 sIlI84 5 50108 Analysis Tlme. . r 1.0 ; 09 sH846 50108 Analyeie TLme..: 22z06 s'w945 60108 Analyeie Time..: 22:06 nexE page) oe I 23 -o 9 / ze I os HJBUGTAz STL Denver (Continued on 29 Iot-Sarqrle *. IIRS Corporation Cl-ient Saryle ID: GW-R4-0908O5 TOTAI, Uetalg : D5I09 AL7 5 - 007 MatriX...-.....3 GW REPORTTNG PREPARATION- AI{ALYSIS DATE WORK ORDER #PNUqMETER RESULT LIMIT UNTTS METHOD Ma.gnesiurn Sodlum Iilickel Lead V:.nadium Zinc Zirconium NO([E (S) = 48 3200 0-oo41 B ND o-oo55 B o_ol3 B o-oo32 B o-2o rng,lL oilution Factor: 1 s-O trry,lL Oilution Factor: I o -o4o WlL Dilution Factorr 1 0.0030 mg/L Dllutlon Factor: 1 0 - 010 vlry,/f' Dilution Factor: 1 o, o2o mg/t Pilution Factor: I O. 015 mglY' Dilution Factor: 1 sw846 501OB Analyeie Tlme..: 2?:A6 sH846 50108 Arralysis lime. . : 22 :06 slI846 60108 Analysis Time-.r 10:09 sw845 60r_08 Analysie Time..: i0:09 sH846 60108 Analysie Time. . : 1,0: 09 sw846 60108 Analysia Time..: i0:09 5-W845 50108 Analysls Tlme.,: 22:06 oe / 23 -ae /26 / os ae/23-ael26/as oe/23-oelza/os oe/23-0e/28/os oe/23*oe/28/os E.}8U5IAA E.T8I{51AC E^}8M6UAO HJ8M51.A1 E;I8II{5742 a9 / 23 - Ae /28 / as EJ8M6rL3 ae I 23 - ae / 26 / os rrJBt{6LAD B Estimated re:u,rit. Result i.s le.$s rhan RI.. STL Denver 30 Iot-SatryIe *, - - =Date Sanp1ed.,.i PAIU{METER IIRS CorlrcraEion Client Samp1e ID: GW-R3-09O8O5 TOTAIT ltIetals D5r090L76-008 09 / 08/05 14 :15 Date Received- . : 09 / a9/ 05 RESULT REPORTTNG LIMIT UNITS METHOD l{atrix.:GW PREPARATTON. WORK AI{TALYSIS DATE ORDER # Frep Bateh #, Mercury Prep Batch #. Cadruium Sef-enium Frep Batch #. Si lver ^A,lurni num Arserric Barium Ca]-cium Chromium Copper Iron Potassium : 5259437 ND :5265193 o - ooo25 B o-oo28 B : 5265237 ND ND o. o11 B o -72 43 ND ND 0 .14 1s0 0.00020 mg/L Dllutlon Factor: I 0 ,0050 tng/L Dllutlon Factor r 5 O. OIO vtg/L Pi.lution FacEor : 5 0 - 010 ntg/ L Dilut.ion Factor: 1 0 . 10 r;rg/L Di lution Factor : 1 O - O15 rrrg,/I' Oilution Factor: 1 0 - 010 vtg/L Pilution Factor: 1 0 ,2O rrrq/L Dilutlon Faetor r I 0 . 010 mg/T' Di lut ion F'actor : J, 0.010 mg/L Dilution Factor: L 0 - L0 rry/L Dllut,ton Factor: 1 3.0 ng,lL D: Lut ion Factor: 1 sw845 501_08 Analysis Time. . : 1-0 :ld sw84 6 6 0108 Arralyeis Time. . : 22 :Ll sII845 50108 Analyols Time.,: 10:1{ srr846 50108 Anal1,sis Tirne. . : 10 : 14 sw846 50108 Analyeie Tlme, - : 2? :lt sw84 5 5 0108 "Arlalyeie Tirne, . : 1"0 : 1,4 s!{845 5010B Rnalysie Time. . : L0 :14 sIt84 5 501-OB Analyele Tlrne. . : 22 :7I sI{845 50108 Analyeia Time..: 22:lL ael23-0e/26las ae/23-09/28/os oe/23-oel28/os oel23-ael26las s'r{s45 6020 a9 /23-09 /27 / A5 H,rBtrTLAF Arralysie Time. . : 05 :38 sw845 6020 OelzA*Oelz7 /As H.rBUTraG Analyels Time.,: 05:38 sw846 747oA A9/23/0s Analyeie Tirne.. r LB:41. HJBM7l-A4 09 I 23 - a9 / 2g / os ITJBIT{zLAu ae I 23 -0 9 I 28/ 05 ET8M71A\I a9 / 23 -09 /28 / os HJ8M71AR os / 23 -as /26 / a5 HJ8M7r^o ILTEI{7145 HJ8M7].AW HJ8M71A)( ILTS[{7I45 ae l 23 -o e / 26 l as ETTBMT rrut STL Denver (Continued on next page) 31 Iot-sauple # - IIRS Corporation C}-ient Sample ID; GH-R3-Ogo8os TOTAL Hetals : D5I090175-008 Hat,rix- - - - -. . . . ! GW PAITJ\METER RESI]LT REPORTTNG LIMTT I}NTTS O.2O vq,/L niLution Factor: 1 5.0 ng,lL Di1ution Factor: L o-o4o rg/L Di Iut ion FacLor : l. 0 - 0030 mglL Dilution Factor r 1 O - O1O nry,/L Di lution Factor : l- 0 - 02o ng,/L Dilution Factor: I 0-015 vg,/L Dllutlon Factor r I METHOD PRBPARATION. ANAI,YSIS DATE WORK 0RDER # Magurresium Sodium Iitickel Lead Vanadium Zi-nlc Zirconium 46 2soo o. oo3t B tlD o-0427 B a o. oo50 B o.oo88 B sw846 60108 Oe/23-oe/2s/OS Analyais Tirne. . : 22 zLL ILTEII{7IAA sn845 50108 O9/23-O9lzSlAS E.IEHTIAC Arralysis Time. - : 22 :\L sw846 5O1OB Oe/23-09/28lAs EJ8U71AO A.nalysis Tirue. . : 1,0 : 1{ sw84 6 5 0108 09 / 23 - A9 / 28 / 0s HJEM?IAI Analysia Time. . : 10 r14 s?I846 5O1OB 09/23-O9/28/05 lrrr8rr{7rA2 Analysia Tima. . : 10 : 1,4 sw845 60108 A9/23-O 9/28105 ErEUTLiLi Ana1)rsle Tirne. . : 10 : 14 slr84 5 5 01OB 09 / 23 - 09 / 2S I aS rrr]81,r7 LAD /rnalysis Tlme. .' 22 :ll NOTE (S) = B Estinurcrl rcsult, Rcsult Is lcss than Rl.. STL Denver 32 Iot-Saryl1e #. . .: Date Sanpl-ed---: PAITJIMETER IIRS Corlrcration Client Sanqrle ID: GII-SC-O9O8O5 Geuera}. Cherniatry D5I090L76-002 llork Order *---: HJBML 09/08105 09;15 Date Received..r 09/09/05 RESULT RL UNITS METHOD tlatrix-- ----: GW PREPARATION- A}IALYSIS DATE PREP BATCH # pH Anmonia as N Chloride Fluoride Nitrate llitrate-Nitrite Su].fate TotaI Cyanide N0rE (S) = Dilution Pactor: 100 0.0O3L B 0-01O rrry/L Pilution FacEor: I 7-2 O.1O No Urita SI{845 9O4OB Og/OglaS 5252536 Dllution Factor: 1 Analysla Time..: 15:37 3OO0 Q 1OO rylt tcArm 350.1 O9/2O-O9|2L/OS SZeS*Zl Dllutlon Factor: 1000 Analyels Tlme..: o3:00 19000 J,Q 12OO rg/t UCAWIT 325.2 O9|LB{OS 5263255 Dllutlon FacEor: 500 Anal,yBlo TIme..: 17:00 o-85 J O-1-O w/t, rrtCAWn 340-2 Og/tt/OS 5257s7A Dilutio! Factor: I Analyais Time.. r 13:15 5OO O-1O nglt lrCArIw 353.2 OglLglos 52655A6 Dllution Factor: 1 Analyaia Tine..: 16100 soo Q orr,.t3' ,,".of/01 Jffi ii"1.1, or,oo aelzo-oet2u,s s26sst,! 32OO ir,Q soo IfIq/t ItcAIfvI 3't5-1 OS/ZAIOS s272]-72 Analysis Time. . : L5 :40 sr{845 9O1OB/9O12A A9/21-09/22/ Os s264s3e Analyele Time. . : 1.2 : 00 RL Rcponing Linrit a Elcvatetl reponing limit. The rcportlng llmlt Is elcvatcd due lo high anal,vtc lcvcls. J Merhod blank contarnlnadon. Thc associuted npthod blar& colrtains the target analyte at a rep()ruble level. ts tstirnatetl rerult. Re.sult is less than RI.. STL Denver 33 L'ot-Samp1e l#...i Date Saqlled-,-i PAIUU\,IETER IIRS Corporation C1ient Sarqrle fD : GII-R2 - O9OBO5 General Chemistay D5f090L76-003 }Iork Order #---: HJBI,IV A9 / 08/05 09 t25 Date Received- - : 09 / 09 / 05 Matrix.......--: GW PREPAXATTON- PREP A}IAIJYSIS DATE BATCH #RESULT RIJ IJ}.TITS METHOD 1-A 0.10 tlo Ilrrire SW846 90408 O9|O9/O5 s25.2536 Dilution Factor: I ,rnalysis Tlme.. : !5:42 8-6 Q O.2A vq/t UCAWW 350.1 O9127/O5 s27L4s4 Dilution Factor, 2 Analysis Time-. z 22toQ tzooo J,Q 25O wlt UCAWH 325-2 O9/]j3rA5 52632ss pllutlon FacEor: 100 Analyele Time.. r 17:00 0.85 J O-1O v,glr, ITTCAIJW 340-2 O9lL4lO5 525757A Dl}utlon FacEorr I Analysia Time,.r 13:15 0.039 B O.r,0 w/t MeAm{ 353.2 O9/O9/A5 s26ss86 Dllutlon Factor: 1 Analysie time.,: 16100 0-043 B O.1O ug/t, Ir{CAI{W 353.2 O9|2A-O9/2L/O5 5265552 Dilutlon Factorr 1 furalyola Tlme..: 02:00 5?O J,Q 25A ,rg/t l{CAnW 375.4 OS/ZA/OS 5272L72 nilution E'actor: 50 Analyaie Time..: 15:40 ND O -O1O mg/r, slr846 9O1OBl9o1-2A 09/21-OS/ZZ/OS 5264539 Dilution Factorr 1 Analyeie Tlme..: 12:00 PII Alrnronia aB IS Chloride F]-uoride Nitrate Nitrate-Nitrite Sulfate Total Cyanide NcrE (S) = RI- Reporting Limit q Elcva*"d rcponlng llrnlt. The reponing limit is elevated tlue to hlgh analytc levels J Mcthod blank contaminadon. The associaterl urctltod bknk conuins rhe nrger analyte at a rcportablc lcvcl. B Estlnratcd resulr. Result is less than RL. STL Denver 34 Iot-Sample fi.. -: Date Saq>}ed,.,! PAIUqMETER IIRS Corporatsion C1ient Saryle If): GTI-S5-O9O8O5 @neraJ. ChemlBtrry D5I090L76-004 Work Order #---r HJBI\D( 09/08/0s 10:38 Datse Received- -: a9/a9/05 RESUTT RL UNTTS METHOD Hatri:c. , , . . . . . . ; GW PREPAITJ\TTON- PREP A}IALYSIS DATE BATCH # pE Arrnonia aa t{ Ch]-oride Fluoride Nitrate xitrate-IUitrite Sulfate ToEaI Cyanide DrorE (s) : nilution Factor: 1 O - 10 trrg/L Dilution Fact.or: L 8.1 5-s 0-9s 0 _L5 o .16 39O J, Q IVD 4700 J, Q 25O vq,/L Dl1ut ion Pactor : 1.00 o-1o W/L oilution Factor: 1 O.10 tfig/L Di ]uLion Factor : 1 O.1O vglt' Di lut,lon Factor : I 1-OO vtg/I' Dilution Factor: 2A 0.010 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Analyaie Time..: 02:00 ucArrr{ 37s - 4 09/ zfE/ as Analysle Time..r 15:40 o - l-0 No Uuiro sII845 Analyol o 90408 TLme..: 1.5r50 IUCAWW 350.1 Analyoie Tine. . : 03 :00 IT|CAI{W 325 -2 Analyeie Time..r 17:00 IricAI{W 340.2 AnaLysig Time, . : 13 :15 UCAIIW 353.2 Analyelo Time-., L6:00 ucAr{r{ 353 -2 oe / 0el 0s 09/20-oelzllos ael 18/os oe/L4/ os ae/aelos ae/2o-oe/27,/as 5252536 5265473 5263255 5257578 5255585 s26ssr2O 5272L72 sw845 eo1oB/e012A oe/TL-oe/22/0s s254s39 Arralysie Time. . : 12 : 00 RL Reportirtg Lirnit J Method hlurk contlrnination. 'l'he asvrciarcd methcxl blank conains the target analyte at a refx]rtahle level. 0 Elcvatccl rr'porthg tirnlt. Thc rcporting llnft ls clcvatcd duc to lrlgb analytc lcvcls. STL Denver 35 I,ot-Sary>le #.--: Date Saqlled. --= PARAMETER IIR,S Corporation C1ient Sarqrle ID : GII-4UA-O90BO5 General Cherui-stry D5f0901-76-005 llork Order *---: HJBM2 09/ 0Bl05 11 :00 Dat'e Received. - : a9/09/os Hatrix-- ----i GW PREPARATION. PREP AhTALYS IS DATE BATCH #RESULT RL IJI{TTS METHOD 8-2 O-10 l{o Unite SW846 9O4OB O9|O9/O5 5252536 Dilution Pactor: 1 Analyais TIme--: 15:54 5.9 O-10 I',Ig/t rrtcAHrr 350.1 Ogl2v-Ag/z]-l0s s26s473 Dilut.ion Faetor r 1 analysis Time. . r 03 ;00 lrooo J,Q 250 vqlt r.rcArrw 325.2 O9h8/O5 5263255 pllurlon Factor; 100 analysis Time.,: 17:00 1.1 .' O-1O lflglt I,ICAIIW 340-2 O9/L4/O5 52s757s Dilution FacEor: L Analysie fimc.., 13.15 0-059 B 0-10 ,rglt, lreawr 353-2 og/og/os 5265586 Dilution Factor! 1 Analyols Tlne.., t5r00 o-o?5 B 0-1o us/r ucArfw 3s3-2 oe/2o-a9/2Llos s26sss2 Dilutlon Factor: 1 Analyeie Time. , r 02 ,00 880 B,J,Q 1000 wlt l{cal{ll 375-L o9128/o5 s272r12- oil-ution Factor! 2oO Analyslo tlme..; 15r4o l'rD 0 - 010 mg/t sw846 9oLoB/9OL2A a9/27-09/22/05 5254539 Dilution Factor; 1 Analyolo Time..: 12:00 pH Aurnonia aa I[ Chloride F]-uoride HiErate Nitrate-NitriLe Su].fat,e Tota1 Cyanide NOTE (S) = RL Rcportlng Lhult J Method htank contarnination- The associaterl methtxl blank contafuis thc mrgcr artalye il a repornble leve}. a Elevarcd rcpo,IinS limtt. Thc reporting hnrit i.s elevated due to high urarlyrc levtls. tl F.stlnratal result. Rcsult l.s less than RI-- STL Denver 36 Iot-Sanqrle *... ! Date Salqll_ed---: PAIU\METER IIR^S Corporation Client Sanp1e ID: GW-S4-090805 General Chemistry D5f0901,76-006 Work Order #,,.3 HJ8I.15 09/08/05 l"L:50 Date Received--3 a9/09/05 RESULT RL T]NITS IVIETHOD Irlatrix-- -...r GW PREPARATION. PREP ANALYSIS DATE BATCH # pE Arunonia a6 H Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nitrate-ti[itrite Sulfate Total Cyanide NOTE (S) : 7 -8 0 .10 No ulrits sll846 90408 pilut,ion Factor; 1 Anal},eie Time. . : L5:55 9 -2 0 O .50 vrg/L ITICAI{H 350.1 Dllutlon Factor: s Analysle Time. . : 03 :00 6700 J, Q 25O lfirrg/L UCAWW 325 -2 Dilution Factor: I00 Analyels Tlme. - : 17:00 a .74 J O - 10 vrg/L DICAWH 34A -2 Dllution FacEor: 1 Analyols Tirne..: 13:15 0 - 19 O - 10 ntg/L UCAIiIH 353 -2' Diluiion Factor: 1 Analyels Time. . : 16:00 o.2o o .l-o w/L MCAwyr 353 .2 oilution Factor: 1 nnalysis Tirne. . : 02;00 17OO J, Q 25O wgll, I{CAHH 375 .4 Dilution Fact,or; 50 Analyais Tirne..: 15:40 ND o .010 mg/L SW845 e0108/ 9012A' Dilutlon Factor: L Analysie Time..: 12:00 oe/oe/as oe/20- 0 e/21/ os ae /L8l os oe lL4/ as oe / oe/ os 5252536 5265473 5263255 5257s78 s255586 as / 20-o s llL/ os szsssrro oe /2f3/ os 5272L72 09 / 21*Ae /22 I os 5264s39 R[, Reportlng Llmlt a Hcvatcd rcponing llmit- Thc reponing linrit Ls elevated due to hlgh analym lcvcls. I Method blank contaminatiun. 'l'he asstriatetl urethat blanlc conralns thc target analyte at a reptlrteble level. STL Denver 37 plr IIR^S Corpom.tion Client Saqrle ID: @I-R4-O9O8O5 Geueral- Chemistry Lot-Sanple *...: D5I090176-O07 tlork Order *.. - ' HJBM6 ltatrix- - -: G?f Date sartlrled- - -z a9/08/o5 l2t4a Date Receiwed- -z a9/a9/05 PAI?JIMETER RESULT RL UNITS METHOD PREPARATION_ PREP A}IALYSIS DATE BATCH # 8-O O.1-O No Units s1r845 9O4OB O9lO9lO5 52525t5. DlLutlon Factsor' L Arralyais Time..: 16:01 Amnonia as tr 7.9 O-1O IIIg,lI, UCAHW 350.1 OglzO-OglzL/Os s265473 pllutlon Factorr I Analysis Time,.: 03:00 chloride s1oo. J, Q zso w/t lterwrl 325 -2 o9/L8lo5 52632s5 pilution Faccor; 100 Analysie Tlne..: 17:00 Fluoride 1.1 J O-1O nfq,/L rrrcA$rl 340-2 A9/7-4/Os 525757A DiluLlon Factor' 1 Analyais Time..: 13;15 rilirrare o.42 0.10 wll rircAlfr 353.2 AglOg/Os s26ss86 Dl}ution Factorr 1 Analyeia Time,,: 16:00 t[iErate-tilitrire o-43 0-1o wll u@nlf 353-2 o9/20-o9/2l/o5 5265552 oilution Factor: 1 Analysls Tirne..: 02100 su]-fate 3.7 B,J 5.0 E€,lt riCAIlIf 375-4 O9|2B/O5 52'12L72 Dilution Factorr 1, Analyaia Time,.: 15:40 toral cyanide ND 0-010 lrftg/L sr,{846 90t08/9oa2A o9/2L-O9/22/05 5264539 Dllutlon FasEorr 1 Analysie Time..: 12:00 NOIB (S) = RL Rcponlng Llmlt J Methrxl blank contaminati()n. 'Ihe associated nr0od blank cosmlns he rarget analytc aI a rcporubh lcvel. a Elcvand rcporting llmh. Thc rcportlng tlmlt is clcvated duc to high analyte levels. 13 t*tirrrattd rsrrutr. Result is less thatt RL. STL Denver 3B t,ot-saqlle #,..: Date Sampled,.,l PARAMETER URS Corporatsion C}.ient Sanryle ID : cn-R3 - O9O8O5 General Chenistry llork Order *.--: HJBI,IT Datse Received.., r 09 / 09 / A5 Rt UNTTS METHOD tlatrix. . . -. . . , . i GW PREPARATION- PREP A}IALYSIS DATE BATCH # D5I090t76 - 008 ae/oB/os 14:15 RESULT pH Amronia aB lI Chloride Fluoride llitrate Nitrate -Ilitrite Sulfate Total Cyanide NCTIE (S) : 7-tJ L40 3800 L-2 J L-7 1-B 4s o:Q TID o.10 No unite sw846 90408 ae/ oe / os s2s2s36 Di lution Factor : 1 Arralysle Tlme. . : L6 : 04 ucAtNII 350 .1_ Analysis Time. . : 03 :00 }ICAIIH 325.2 I\nalyeig Time. . : 17 : 00 MCAI{W 34fJ.2 .unalyeie Time. . : 13 : 15 ITiCAIUW 353.2 .l\nalysis Time. . : 16 r 00 ttcAl{w 353 -2 Analyels Time..r 18:oo trtcAlrl{ 375 -4 Analysis Time. . : 15'-(10 1-O ntg/L Dl lut.ion Factor r 1 0 J, Q 25O rrfg,/L 25 v{J,lI-s272L72 09 / 20-o 9 /21, I OS s265473 nllutlon F'actor: l0O o-1o rglL Dilution FacEor: 1 o-1o rry,lL Dllutlon Pactor: 1 o - 10 wg,/L Di Iut ion Faet.or : 1 Dllutlon Factor: 5 0.01-0 mg/L Dllution Faet,or: I ae lLsl as oe lL4/ as oe/oe/as oe /27 / as ae/zls/os 5263255 s257 578 527L706 52715?90 sw846 90108/9012A A9/2L*A9/22/ Os s264s3e Analyeie Tirne. . ; 1-2 :00 RL Rcportiug Limit a Ehvarcd rcponlng llrnlt. Thc regrortlng llnrlt ls elevarcd due to hlgh analyte lcvels. J Mcthod blank connmlnadon. Thc associatcd urcthod blank connins rhe target analyte at a reportahlc level. STL Denver 39 QC IIATA ASSOCTATTON W D5rO9017b Sample PreparaEion and Analysie Control Nurnbers SAIUPLE#MATRIX 001 002 003 004 WQ GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW Gl,I GW GW AIilAtYTICAI, METHOD sw846 8250B McAhrht 325 .2 IVICAWW 340.2 MCAWId 353.2 MCAfn^I 353 .2 s!{84 5 901 A]H-/ 9012A s[{845 6020 sw845 74704 sw845 90408 SWB45 82608 sw846 60108 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 3s0.1 MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAWW 353.2 sw846 9o10B/9012A sI1I846 5020 sw846 7470A sw845 90408 sw846 82608 sw845 60108 MCAWW 375 .4 MCAWW 350. L MCAWW 325.2 MCAWI{ 340 .2 MCAhn/[ 353 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 sw845 90108/9012A sw845 6A20 sw846 7470A sw845 90408 sw845 82608 SWB45 501OB MCAI,II{ 375.4 MCAWW 350.1 (Continued on next PREP BATCH # MS RUN# LEACH BATCH # 5263544 s26 32 55 5257 57 B s26ss52 s255586 5264539 s265193 5259437 5252536 5263544 526523-7 527 2]-7 2 5255473 5253255 5257578 526s5s2 5265586 5264539 5255193 5259437 5252535 5264409 526s237 527 21-7 2 527L454 5263255 5257 57 8 5265 s5 2 5255585 s264s39 5265193 s259437 5252s35 s2644 0 9 s255237 5272L72 s255473 5263367 5253L59 5258757 s26s 3 44 5264340 5265t29 5262LA7 5255 14 0 s263357 5265155 527 21_ 0 3 5255288 5263159 52581s7 5265344 5264340 5265L29 s262L07 5255 L4 0 s264292 5265155 5272103 5271305 5263 16 9 52581 57 5265344 5264340 52651,29 5262147 5255140 s264292 526515 5 5272t03 5265288 STL Denver page) 40 acDATAASSffiONW D5rO90176 Sample Preparation and Analysis ConLroI SAMPLE#MATRIX 005 GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW Gnt" GW GW GW GW GW GW GW 007 008 GW GW GW GW 006 AI{AIJYTICAL METHOD MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 353 -2 MCAWW 353 .2 sw845 s01aB/ 9012A sw846 5020 sw845 74744 sw845 90408 SWB4 5 8260lH- sw846 601_08 MCAWW 375 -4 IvICAWW 35O - 1 MCAWI^I 325 .2 MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 3s3.2 MCAWW 353.2 swB45 901 OBI 9012A sw846 6020 sw845 7470A sw845 90408 sw845 8250B sw846 601_08 I{C.AWW 375.4 MCAWW 350.1 MCAWW 325,2 MCAI^II^I 340.2 PICAI,'II^I 353.2 MCAI^il^I 353 .2 swB{6 90108/ 90r.2A sw845 5020 sw846 74'7AA slv8{5 90408 sw845 82608 sw846 60108 I{CAWI^i 37 5 .4 MCAhTW 350 . L IyICAWW 325 .2 MCAI,fi^I 340 .2 MCAWW 3s3 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 (Cont.inued on next LEACH BATCH # Numbers PREP BATCH # 5263255 5257 57 I 5265552 5255586 5254539 5255l_ 93 5 25 9437 5252s36 s26440 9 5?,55237 5272L7 2 s25547 3 5263255 5257 57 I s25ss52 s26ss86 s264 53 9 5265 r93 5259437 5252536 5254449 s265237 5272L7 2 526547 3 5253255 s257 57 B 5265552 52655 86 s264 s3 9 526519 3 5259437 5252536 5264409 s26s237 5272L72 s26s473 s2632s5 5257 57 8 s271679 527L746 MS RUN# 5263L69 52sB 15 7 s265344 5264340 s26s]-29 5262L47 525s14 0 5264292 s2651s5 s272103 526s288 525315 9 5258l_ 5 7 52653+4 5264 34 0 s265]-29 5262 r.0 7 5255 14 0 5264292 5265155 527 2 t-0 3 52652 88 5253 r_5 9 525 815 7 526s 344 5264344 5255L29 5252LA7 525514 0 s264292 s2651s5 5272103 52652 I I 5253 15 9 52sBl"s7 527 L432 GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW STL Denver page ) 4a 0c DATA ASSOCTATTON SLJMMARY D5r0 90L7 6 Sample Preparation and Arralysis Control Numbers SAMPTE#MATRIX 008 AI\TALYTTCAI., METHOD sw846 9ol-aB/eo12A sw845 5020 sw845 7474A sw845 9040B sw846 82508 sw84 6 5 0108 MCAWW 375 -4 MCAWW 350.1 GW GW GW GW GW GW GW GW LEACH BATCH # PREP BATCH # s254s39 525 519 3 52s9437 52525 3 6 5254409 525s237 527 2L7 2 526547 3 I'4S RUhI# 526434A 526sl.z9 s262L07 5255140 5264292 s26s155 527 2L03 5265288 STL Denver 42 C1ient Lot *- - -: MB Lot-Samp1e #: Arealysis Date- -: Dilution Factor: PAIU\METER D5r0901,76 D5I2AA000-544 ae/20/as t_ UHTEOD BLANK REFORT cC/I{,S Vo1ati}eo Itork Order *- - -: HK1PL1AA Prep Date o . .],, : 09/L9/05 Prep Batch #- - -: 5253544 MatriJE. , , - - - . - - r WATER analyeig Tirne. . 3 00 : 16 METHODRESUIJT REPORTING I,IMIT UNITS Chloroform SURROGATE D i. b romo f I uorome thane I , 2 - Di chloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB NorE (s) : ND PERCENT RECOVERY 103 118 115 103 1-.0 ug/L RECOVERY LIMITS (73 1l-8) (az 128 ) 0 a 118) (77 1L7) sw845 82508 Calculations arc ylerforrned before rounding to avoid round-off Errors in calculaterl rcsull"s, STL Denver 43 C1ient Lot #- - -: D5f090L76 It{B I.ot-Sarq>Ie *: D5fZLA000-409 Analysis Date- - : a9 / 2A / a5 Dilution Factor: t PAIU${ETBR Chloroform SURROGATE Dibromof luoromethane 7, 2-Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB NOTB (S) : METHOD BI,AI{K REPORT GC/I{,S volatiles Work Order #---. HK27W1AI\ PrepDate :09/20/05 Prep Batch. #---: 52644A9 REPORTING RESUIJT IJTMIT UNITS tlatrix- . .. . . . , - r WATER Analysie Time. . i 11 :48 METHOD ND PBRCENT RECOVERY 101 1"03 B9 L06 1 .0 :ug/L RECOVERY LIMITS (tt l_18) (az 128) (78 118) (tt l-17 ) SWB45 825OB Calculatlons are perforrncd bclbre roundlng ,o 31,old round-otT errors in calculated rcsult-s. STL Denver 44 I,ABORATORY COI TROL SAMPI,B EITALTIATTOII RBPORT eclfis Vo1ar.iles C1ient Lot *- - - = D5I090L75 Dlork Order *- - I,CS Lot-SaryIe* : D5I20000 A -544 Prep Date : 09/L9/O5 Analysig Date. Prep Batch #---: 5253544 Anal.ygis Tirre. Dilution Factor: 1 HK]"PL].AC- LCS Matrix. - HK]-PL1AD-LCSD oe/te/os 23 :36 : WATER PAIU\METER PERCENT RECOVERY 99 97 91, 94 93 95 LO2 104 92 94 RECOVERY LIIVIITS RPD PERCENT RECOVERY RPD LTMTTS METHOD 1, l-Diehloroethene Benzene Ch[orobenzerae Toluene Trichloroethene SURROGATE (es L32l (se L32) 1,8 (O-25), (zs Lzol (7s LzO' 2-e (O-zll 0e 118) (za 1r_81 2.L (0-2Al (za 118) ( ze 118) 1 - 4 (O -221 17 g L22l (z g I'22) 1 .1 (O- 23',/, sw846 s:r{846 slr846 sw846 STT846 sH846 sr{845 srr846 sr[846 sr[845 82608 82608 82508 B26OB 825OB 82508 82508 82608 826OB 82508 Di brorno f luorome t hane 1, 2- Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene - dB NOTE (S) ; 1-00 LO2 LL2 115 L1_2 112 LA2 ]-02 RECOVERY LIMITS (73 118) (zg 118) (52 128) (az 128) (ze 1lB) (78 118) (tz 1L7 ) (tt 1-17) Catcularions are pcrlbrnrcrl bctorc rorrncllng ro avold round-off crror.s ln calculated resuks- Bold print denotes control paranreters STL Denver I,ABORATORY COI{ITROL $tr[P1,E DATA RBBORT ccluS Volatilee Clieut I.ot #-.-: D5I090175 llork Order *.-.r HKLPLIAC-IrCS ttlatrix- --: WATER I,CS Lot-Saryr1e*: D5I2000O0-544 HK1PL1AD-tCSD Prep Date .- og/Lg/os Analyoia Date- -= a9/79/05 ep Batch *...: 5263544 Aaalysie rime. -: 23:36 Dilution Factor: 1 SPIKE AMOUNT 10. o 9. 88 10.o 9.74 10-o 9.r_1 10. o g.3B 10.o 9-30 I0-0 9-50 10-o aa-2 10-o 10_4 10. o 9 .25 10 . o 9,35 IvIEASURED AMOUNT UNTTS PERCENT RECOVERY RPD METHODPARAMETER 1, I-Dichloroethene Benzene Chlorobenzene Toluene Trichloroethene SURROGATE Dibromof luoromethane L ,2 -DichloroeEhane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB NOTB (S) = ]u.g/L Iug/L lug/n ug/L ug/L ru.g/L U,g/L l.trglI- ug/l' rug/f' PERCENT RECOVERY 99 97 91- 94 93 95 LA2 104 92 94 RECOVERY LTMII1 , .(73 118) (tz 118)(ez 128) (62 1-2I ) 0e 118) (78 118) (77 r.17) (tt 117) srg846 82608 sw845 82608 sH846 82608 s-n846 82508 sI{846 82508 srr845 82508 sw846 82508 sTr846 82508 STTB45 B25OB sw846 82608 t _8 2-9 2-L t_4 1_1 1-00 LA2 1_42 L l_5 :JL2 aL2 LO2 LO2 C.alculatirtns are pertbrnrctl hetbre rounding to evoid round-olf crrors ln calcularcd rcsulrs. Bold print denotes control pararnccrrs STL Denver 46 W GC}f;TROIJ SAMPIJE SVALUATTOH RBPORT GCII{S vo}atiles Client Lot #- - -: LCS lot-Saugrle#; hep Date.-----: frep Batch #..,: Dilution Factor: PAII'\IUETER D5r090L7b D51210000-409 as/2a/as 5254409 t_ Work Order *,. enalysis Date- Analysis Time- HK27W1AC-LCS Matrix-- ----: WATER HK2 7W1AD-LCSD oe/2a/05 Ll- :07 1, ]--Dichloroethene Beneene Ch.Iorobenzene Tolrrene Trichloroethene SIIRROGATE PERCENT RECOVERY 7A 70 96 96 97 94 r.04 1_O8 89 91 RECOVERY LIMITS (ee 132) (ee 132) (ts t 20) (ts tzall (z s 118) (zs 118) (ts 118) (ta 118) (z g L22l lzg L22\ PERCENT BECOVERY 98 97 96 98 93 93 1- 07 114 RPD RPD LTMITS L -4 (o- 261 0.15 (0-2r_) 2 .6 (O-ZO) 3.9 (0-221 2.2 (O-23) RECOVERY LIMITS (73 118) (73 118) (62 128) (62 128) (78 lL8) (ta 118)(tt 1r. r ) (l t LL7't I,IETI{OD sr{846 82608 s'F846 82608 sn846 82508 sr{846 82608 sr{846 82608 sw846 82608 sr[846 82508 sw846 82608 SWB46 B25OB sr{846 82508 Dibromof luoromeLhane A, 2-Dichloroethane - d+ 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene - dg NOTE (S} : Calculadorrs arc prrt'ormetl bcfure rounding ro avoid rourxl-off errors in calculatul results. t|,otd print rlelrotcs control p:u:unetcrs STL Denver 47 DsI090L7 6 DSr2LA000-409 ael20/a5 52644A 9 L LABORATORY COIITROt SAT-IPI,B DATA RBPORT cc/t{,s volatileg Irlork Order *- - - = Analysis Date.. i Analysis Time. -: HK27WlAC-LCS Dlatrix.. . ., . ., - . 3 HKz 7W]"AD - LCSD oe/2al0s 1l-:07 WATERClient lot ff. . . : LCS l0t'*Sanqrle# =hep Date ---: fre1> Batsctr *, - , 1 Dilution Factor: PAIUIMETER UNTTS }4ETHOD 1, l-Dichloroethene Benzene Ctr-lorobenzerre To]-uerre Trichloroethene SURROGATE Dibromof luoromethane L, 2- DichloroeLhane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene - dB NOTE (S) = SPIKE AIVIOT}NT 10-o 7.05 10 . o 6.95 l_o-o 9-61 10-0 9-50 10-0 9-69 10_o 9-44 10. o 10 -4 10. o 10,8 10. o 8 -92 10.o 9-11 IVIEASURED AMOIINT ug/r lug/L !u'g/L wg,/L rug/I' rug/T' wg/L ug/L Iu.g/L t:.g/L PERCE}IIT RECOVERY PERCENT RECO\IERY RPD 7A 70 96 e6 97 94 104 108 B9 9L RECOVERY LIMITS (tt LL8) (7t 1L8) (52 128) (62 128) (ze 118) (ze 118) 177 LL7) (77 r17) sw846 82508 sr{846 82608 sI{846 82508 sH845 82608 sw846 82508 sw846 82608 s:w846 82608 sw846 82608 sw846 82608 srr846 82508 L,4 o-15 2-6 3-9 2_2 98 97 96 98 93 93 107 1,1_ 4 Calculadors are perforn:ed beforc ruurrtlil4i m avoid round-oft err$r$ ln calculated resultti. Bold print rlenotes control para$tetcrs STL Denver 48 }NTRTX SPTKE SAIITPT,E EI'ALUATION RBPORT GC/}IS Vo]-atilee C1ient Iot #- - -: HS t,ot-sanpJ-e #: Date Sanqrl-ed---: Prep Datg., t. .. i Prep Batch *- - -: Dilution Factor; PAIU\METER Dsr090L7b D5rL40356-01-0 oe/L4/0s 15:30 ae/Le/os 52635+4 50 Ilork Order f,- - -: Date Received- -: AnaJ.ysig Date..3 gnalysie Time-. l HIL77C1AC - MS HK.]?ClAD-MSD oe/L4/05 ae/2a/as 01-:38 RPD RPD I,IMITS Matrix-- ----: WATER METHOD 1, I.-Dich].oroethene Benzene Chlorobenzerle Toluene Trichloroethene SURROGATE 105 105 94 93 100 98 113 l]-'z 108 79 PERCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY LIMTTS (os L32l (66 132) (zs 120) (ts r-20)(zs 118) (zs 118) (78 118 ) fie 118) (tg L22Il (tg L22l PERCENT RECOVERY 98 98 111_ LL2 1-09 1_08 105 103 o - 71 (o- 261 0 - 81 (O- zi.l 1 .5 (O-20) o -42 (o-221 9 -2 (O-231 sr{845 82508 sw846 82508 sw846 82608 sr{846 82508 sw846 82608 sH845 82608 sr{846 82608 sw845 82508 sw845 82608 sw846 82508 Dibromofluoromethane L ,2 -Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB I{IOIE (S) = RECOVERY LIMITS (73 L18) (73 118) (az 128) (62 128) ( 78 l_l_8 ) (78 118) (tt 117 ) (7t LL7) Calculntions erc perfirrrned bcfore rouruling to uvoitl rountl-otf crrors in calculatcd rcsults. ttold prtnt denorcs control poranlcters STL Denver 49 }{ATRIX SPIKE SAIIIPITE DAIA REPORT GC/H.s volatileg Cl.ient Lot *- - -: MS lot-Sampl-e *: Date Saryrled,--: Prep Date -. -: Prep Batch #- -. =Dilution Factor: PAIT,\METER D5r0901?b DsI140365-010 as/L4/05 15:30 oe/Le/os 5263544 s0 I{ork Order *- - -: Date Received,.: Analysis Date. .7 Anal.ygis Time.. ! HK.}7CIAC -MS HKJTC1AD-MSD ae/14las ae/2alos 01:38 I{atrLx-WATER SAMPLE SPIKE AMOUNT AIV1T MEASRD AMOUNT UNTTS PERCNT RECVIRY RPD METHOD 1, l-Dictrloroethene Benzene Chlorobenzene Toluene I?ich.loroeth,ene SURROGATE Dibromof luoromeEhane A, Z-Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB NO:TE (S} : ND 5OO ND 5OO HD 5OO r{D 500r[D soo lrD 500 IirD 500 ND 5OO 1100 soo 1100 500 527 523 469 465 500 492 563 560 16BO 1530 PERCENT RECOVERY 9B 98 111_ 1]_2 l_09 108 10s 103 ]u,g/L 1us/L Iu.glL rug/T, ug/t 'uiglLug/L rug/r' rug,/r' us/L 105 105 94 93 100 98 11"3 L7,2 I_08 79 RECOVERY L.IMITS (73 118 ) ( zr l-18 )(sz a?Bl Gz L28) (7e 118 )(78 1"1-8) (tt 117 ) (77 117) sw845 82608 o.7L 5W846 82608 sll846 82508 o.81 Sn845 82608 slr846 82508 1- 5 Srr845 82608 svl846 82608 o.42 511846 82608 sII846 82608 9 .2 5r[846 82608 Calurlations are performed bcforc roundlug to al'oitl rrruntl-ulT err()rs in calcularcd rcsults. Bold print denocs control parffrrcrcrs STL Denver 50 }IATRIX SPIICE SA}'IPI,E B\IALTIATTON REPORT cc/us Vo]-atiles Client Iot #- - - : !,IS I.ot-Sarple #: Date Saryrled- - -: Prep Date ---3 Prep Batch *- - -: Di].ution FacEor: D5r090L76 D5r090t75-003 a9 / oB/os o9 :25 oe/2a/os 52644 0 9 1_ Ilork Order *- - -: Date Received- - : Arralysis flate. . 3 Analysig Time- -: IIJBI,ff1A9 -MS HJEMV1CA-I,ISD os/ae/os oe/20/as L2 :52 Matrix.-...--..! GW 1, I-Dichloroethene Benzene Chlorobenzene Toluene Trichloroettrene SURROGATtr Dibromof luoromethane L ,2 -Dichloroethane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene - dB NCITE (S) : 53a 58a 104 96 94 94 101 100 91 B4 PERCENT RECO\ERY RECOVERY LIMTTS (55 - 132) (65 L32'/, (7s 12o ) (75 120 ) (zs 118) (z e l,rg ) (78 r_r_B) (7s 118) (tg a22l (7 e L22l PERCENT RECOVERY 1-05 L00 LO7 L07 85 90 98 t0s RPD RPD LIMTTS METHOD sn845 82508 7 -5 (0-261 S11846 82508 5TT846 B25OB 8-0 (o-?L) SWB45 82608 srr846 82508 o.47 (o-2ol sw845 82508 slr846 82508 o . 58 ( O- Z2l 5I{846 82608 sr{846 82508 7 -7 (O-231 SWB45 82508 RECOVERY LTMTTS (73 118) (73 lt"B) (az LzB)(62 i-28) ( za 118) 0e 118 ) (77 117) (77 LL7) Calculations arc pcrlbrmcd bcforc roundilrg to avold round-off crrors in calculatcd rcsults. Bold print denotes control parameteru a Spikul auutlyte recover)-. is outside stated control limits- STL Denver 51 C1ient l,ot *. . , ; IrtS lot-Sanple #: Dafe Sarq>Ied---: Prep Date ---: Prep Batch *- - -: Dilution Factor: PARAMETER D5I090L76 Dsr090L76-003 ag / oB/os a9 =25oe/20/os 5264449 1 I{AT?TX SPIKB SA}-IPI,E DATA Gc/u.S Volatiles hlork Order #. . , l Date Receiwed- - : analysig Date- -: Arral.yeis Time- - 3 REPORT HJSIVT\11.A9 _MS HJ8}vn/1CA-MSD 0e/0e/os oe/20/os 12.q,2LU.JP Matrix-- ----: GW SAMPLE SPIKE AMOUNT AMT MEASRD AMOUMT UNITS PERCNT REC\IRY 6 - 31 l'Jtglt 5 ,84 lug/T, L0 .4 tug/L 9 - sG rug/L e - 36 wg/L 9 - 41 wg/L l-O .l, lug/L 9. 98 ug/T' 9 -LZ rug/l' 8 - 44 wg/L PERCENT RECofr.EBX 105 100 107 1-07 B6 90 9B 105 RPD METHOD SWB45 B25OB 7 -6 Slr845 82508 sw845 82608 8_O 5I{846 82608 SWB46 82608 o .47 SI{845 82508 sn846 82508 o.68 SWB45 82508 sw846 82508 7 -7 Sr{845 82608 1, l-Dichloroethene Benzene Ch,lorobenzerre Toluene Trichloroetherre SURROGATE ND ND ![D ND ND ND ND ![D ND ND 10 .0 10-0 10 .0 10-o 10_o 10-o 10 .0 10.0 10. o 10_o 53a 58a L04 95 94 94 101 100 9l- 84 RECOVERY LTMITS Dibromof luoromethane L, 2-Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene - d8 rrolE (s) : (73 118) (zg 118) (02 128)(sz r28)(ze rl8) 0a 118) (tt 117) (77 l_17 ) (lalculations are performed before roundlrrg to avoid rounrJ-ol'f crrors ln calculatcd rcsults. Bold prlnt dcnorcs conrrol parametcrs a Spikc<l anal-vtc recovery is outsitle stated control limits. STL Denver 52 !-IHITIOD BLANK REPORT TOTAL MetaTe C}ient Lot #. PARAMETER : D5f09A776 RESULT REPORTING LIMTT UNITS I,IETIIOD Matrif(. . . o o , . . . i WATER, PREPARATTON- WORK AI{AIYSIS DATE ORDER # IIIB lot-Sarqr1e #: DSI150000-437 Prep Batch *---: 5259437 Mercury ND 0.00020 ,rr,/r, Sw846 7470a, Pilution Factori f AnalyolE Time.. : LB!05 ! 5265193 sw84 5 6A20 sw846 602A : 5265237 sw846 5010B sw846 501-08 0e/23/os HKVPAlAA a9 / 23 -a9 / 27 / os HK5F2 lAD oe /23-09 /27 / 05 HKSF2lAM ae /23-oe /26 / os HKsMArc Ir{B lot-Sample CaCmium #= D5f 220000-l-93 Prep Batch #.- ND 0.0010 'llrg/L Di lution Factor : 1 Analyoio Tirne., : L9 :44 }[D 0.0020 rl;rg/f Di ]uLion Pactor: 1 Analyeie Tirne ., : 19 -.44 Sel-enium I{B Lot-S;rrE>Ie *: D5f 22O0O0 -237 Prep Batch # - Aluminum IUD O .10 mg/L Arsenlc DiluEion Factor: 1 Analysla Tl,me., : 20 : 58 0.015 mg/L Dl lutlon Fa ctor : l- Arralysig Tirne. . : 07 : 59 0.010 mg/L Di lution F'actor: 1 Analireia Time.. ' 07r59 o -20 r;rg/L Dilutlon FacEor: I Analysls Tl,rne. . ; 20 :58 0 - 010 mg/L Dllution Factor: 1 Analysis Tirne. - : 07 r59 0.010 .r;rg/L Dilution Factor: t Rnal1,als Tinne. . : 07 :59 0.10 mg/t Dllution F'actcr: L Analyeis Time..: 20:58 Barium Calcium Chromium Copper Iron sw846 50108 oe 123-ae /28 / as HKSMA1CH sw845 501-08 ae 1 23 -oe / 28 / os HKSMA] cJ sw84 6 5 0108 ae /23-0e/26 / as HKSMAIAE sw84 6 5 0108 oe / 23 - oe / 28 / os HKSMA1CK sv[845 6010B 09 / 23 -0e / 28 / A5 HKSMA1CL ND }UD ItD ND ItD STL Denver ND (Continued on next page) ae / 23 -oe / 26 / as HKsr,lArL I{EIIIOD BI,A}IK REFORT ]rO(fAI, Meta].e Client Lot #- PARAMETER : D5I090175 RESULT REPORTING LIMIT UNITS METHOD Matrix-- ...-3 WATER PREPARATION. WORK A}{ALYSIS DATE ORDER # Lead Magnesium Ni cke I PotaBSium Si lver Sodium Vanadium Z inc Zircanium HOTE (S) : I{D 0.0030 mg/L Di lut, ion FaeEor : l- Analysls Tlme. , : 07 259 0 .20 mg/L Dilution Factor; 1 nr:alyeie Time. . : 20 : 58 0.040 r:.g/t Di lution FacEor : 1 irnalysis Tirne. . : 07 : 59 3 .0 mg/L Pi-Iution Factor: 1 Analirels Time. ., 20 r 58 0.010 mg/L Di lution Factor : 1 Arral-yeie Tirne . . : 07 :59 5.0 mg/L Oiluti.on Fact-or r I Arralyeia Tirne - . : 20 : 58 0.0L0 mg/L Di lution Factor : 1 Arralysis Time. . : 07 : 59 0-020 mg/L Dllut. Lon Factor : 1 AnaLysis Time..; 07:59 0 . 015 nrrg/L Dl lut i. on Faet or : 1 Analysis Tirne. . ; 20 : 58 sw84 6 5 0108 ae / 23 - ae / zB / as HKsIvrArcN sw846 50108 ae / 23 -a9 /26 / os HK5MA1AL sw845 60108 oe / 23 -ae / 2U^/ as HKSMA1CM sw84 6 5 0108 ae / 23 -oe /26 / as HKSMAIAK sw845 60108 ae / 23 -ae /28 I as HKSMA1CP sw846 50108 a9 / 23 -A9 /25 / A5 HKSMA1AN sw845 60108 ae / 23 - ae / zB / as HKSMAIcP sw84 5 5 010B oe I 23-oe /28 / as HKSMA1CQ sw845 50108 09 / 23 -A9 / 26 / A5 HKSM.AICR Calculailorls are pcrlorruutl bofurc rountling to avoid round-off errors in calculated results, STL Denver 54 I,ABORAIIORY COIilIROIT SA,HPLB EIIALIIATfON REPORT TOTAT DIetaIs C]-ient Iot * - PARAMETER Iron PoEas sium Magnesium Sodium Si lver Aluminum Arsenic Barium : D5I0 9 017 5 PERCEhIT RECOVERY RECOVERY LIMTTS 94 100 9s 97 r-02 96 99 99 METHOD Flatrix-- ----3 WA PREPARATTON- A}IAIJYSIS DATE WORK ORDER LCS Lot.-Sanple#: D5I16000A-437 Prep Batch *,,.3 5259437 Mercury 1,00 (gS 114) Sw845 747AA Dllutlon FacEor: 1 Analyoia LCS I^ot.-Sary>Ie*: D5T220000-193 Prep Batch *..-= 5265193 Cadmium 97 (sg 1-10) SWB46 5020 Anal)'s i s 6A2A Analyei s .. i 5265237 50L08 enalye i s 5 0108 Arralysl o 5 0108 Analyai s 50108 Analyo I s 6 0108 Analysi e 6 0108 Analysi e 60108 Analysl s 5 0l-08 Analysi e 6010E} Ana lyo i e next page) oe/n/as Tirne..: 18:08 ae/23-oe/27/as Time. . : 19:48 ae/23-oe/27/as TLme, - , 19:48 oe/23-ae/26/0s Tlrne. . : 2I:02 oe/23-ae/251a5 Tlme.. : 2L202 oe/23-oe/25/os Time..: 21,:02 a9/23-0e/26/os Time. . : 27t02 ae/23-oe/26/os Time-.: 21202 ae/23-oe/28/as Time..: 08:03 ae/23-oe/26/os Tlme. - : 27,202 ae/23-ae/28/05 Time..: 08:03 0e/23-oe/28/05 Tirne,.: 08;03 H}T/PA1AC HK5F21AJ HKs F21.AI{ HK5MAl.AO HKSMA1.A4 HK5MA1A5 HKsMA1A6 HKsI"IAl-AB HK5MAlCT IIK5MA]-CU HKSMA1CV HK5MA].CW Selenium B9 Di lut,lon FacEor : 1 (az LLz) SW846 Dilution Factor: 1 LCS l,otr-Sanp1e*: D5L22000 O -237 Prrep Batch *. Calcium 92 ( 89 1l- 0 ) sW846 Di lut ion Fact.or , L (aa 110) sw845 Dilution Factor: I (a0 111) SWB45 Dilution Factor: 1 (gr l-l-L) sw846 Dilut ion Factor: 1 (91 LLz ) SWB46 Di lution Fact.or : 1 ( 8s l-L4 ) SwB46 Dllution FacEor: 1 ( 86 to8 ) Sws46 Dilutron Factor: 1 ( sg 109) sw845 Dilutlon Faetor: 1 (gr l-13) sw845 Di lutlon FacEor r 1 (Continued on STL Denver I,ABORAIIORY COHTROL SN{PI,E HTALUATION REPORT IOTAL ltlet,a]-s C]-ient Iot * - PARAIyIETER . Chromium Copper NickeI Lead Vanadium Zinc Zirconium NOTB (S) : DSr0901,7a PERCENT BE.coJ/ERY 9B 100 96 97 99 92 101 RECOVERY LIMTTS METHOD ( B9 Ltz) SWB46 oilution FasEor; 1 (ee 1r-o) sw846 Dilutr.or, Factor: 1 (go 1r-0) sw845 Dilution Factor: 1 ( 91 111 ) Sw846 Di l-ut ion Factor : 1 ( 8B 1L2) SWg46 Dilution Factor r I ( 8s 110 ) SWB45 Dilution Factor: 1 (7 5 L25 ) SWB4 5 Dilution Factor: I 60108 5 010E} Arral1,ei s 6 0108 Analyei s 5 0108 Analyoie 5 0108 Analyei a 5 01_ 08 Analyei g 60108 Mat'rix- - - . . . . . . r WATER PREPARATTON- A}IALYSTS DATE WORK ORDER # a9 / 23 - 09 / 28/ as HKsMA].cx Anal)'sis Time. . : 08 ; 03 oe / zi -oe / zB / as HKsrvrAleo Tirne, . : 08:03 a9 / 23 -A9 l zS / 0s HK5D,{A1C1 Time..:08:03 09 / 23 - 09 l28 / As HK5I,rA1C2 Tirne.,: 0B:03 09 / 23 *Ae 128 / 0s HKsrvrAlC3 Time.. r 08:03 09 123 - Ae / 28 / Os HKsrvrAlC4 'firne.,: 08:03 as /23-oe / zG/ as HKsMAlcs f-alcuiatiors are perforrnrtl hefore rountling to avoid round-off errors in calculated rcsults. STL Denver 55 LABORATORY COITTROI, $!,ltp6 DATA REBORT IIO(IAL Hetals Clierrt Iot *. -.: D5I090L76 SPIKE MEASI]RED PAITJ\METER AII,IOUNT AIUOUNT TJ}TITS PERCNT RECVRY MET}IOD Matrix-- ----: WATER PREPANATION- WORK AT$ALYSIS DATE ORDER # LCS lrclt-Saryrle# : D5IL5000 A -431 Prep Batch # - Mercury 0.00500 0.00502 mg/L 100 Pi lution Factor ; I LCS Iot*Sanrqr1e* : D5T220000 - L93 Prep Batch * - Cadmium Selenium 0-0400 0-0388 mg/T,97 oilution Factor: 1 LCS Ipt-Sanple#: D5122000 A -237 Prep Calcium 50 - O 46 -Z . rfig/L Batch #. Iron l-.00 0.938 Dilution Factor: ng/L Pllution Pactor: mg/L Dilut.lon Factor: mg/r' DiluEion Factor r mg/r, nllution Factor: mg/L Dilution Factor: mg/L Dilut iorr Factor: mg/L Ullutlon FacEor: r..|,g/L Dl }utlon Factor , 50. 0 Potassirrm 50 , 0 Magnesium 50.0 Sodl-um Silver Aluminurn Arsenic Barium 50.1- 47 .3 48 ,5 0 .0500 0 .0509 2 .40 1,91 2.00 L.99 2 .00 1. gB :5259437 sw845 747 AH Arralysi o Tlrne . : 5265193 sw845 5020 Analyel e Time , sw845 6A2A Analyoi s Time. z 5265237 sw845 501_08 iLnalysis Time. sI1I845 601-08 Analye1o rJ,rne . sw84 5 5 0108 Arralysl e Tlme , sw84 5 5 0108 Analyele Tlme. sw846 60108 Analyels Tfune. sw84 5 5 0108 Analysi s Tirne . SWB45 5O1OB Analysi s Time. swB46 60108 Arralyel s Time . s[{84 5 6 0108 Analysie Time. oeln/as : 18:08 a9 / 23 -ae /27 / os I9:48 ae/23-a9/27/os 19;48 as/23-ae/26/os 27|02 os/23-oe/25/as 2LtO2 ae/23-ae/26/os 2L |02 oe/23-oe/26/as 2), : O2 oe/23-09/26/05 2Lz02 0e/23-oe/28/os 08r03 ae/23-0e/26/as 2l:. Q2 0e/23-ae/28/as 08: O3 oe/23-oel2B/os 08:03 Dilution Factor: L 0.0400 0.0355 mg/T,B9 Hlil/PAlAC HK5F2 ].A,J HK5F2I.AIV HKsMAlAO HK5M^II1A4 HKsMA].AS HK5MA1A5 HK5}4A]-A8 HK5IVIA1CT HK5MA].Ct] HK5MA1CV HK5MA]-CW 92 L 94 1 r- o0 1 95 1 97 1 a02 L 96 L 99 1 99 I STL Denver ( Cont inued on next page) 57 I,ABORATORY COIuTROL SAMPIE DATA REPORT TOIAIT Fletals Client Iot *---: D5I090L75 SPII(E MEASTIRED PERCNT PARiqMETER AMOUMT AMOTINT UNITS RECVRY METIIOD flatrix : WATER PREPARATTON- WORK ANAIJYSIS DATE ORDER # chromium 0.200 0.195 ms/L 98 SW846 50108 A9123-A9/2A/0S EXSMATCX Dilution Factor: I Alalyeis TLne.. r 08:03 copper 0.250 0.249 mg/t 10o sw846 60108 a9/23-09/28/0s HK5MA1C0 Dilut.ion Factor: I Allalyais fime..; 08r03 Nickel 0.500 0.4e2 mg/t 96 sw846 60108 Og/Zl-Og/28l05 rrKsMAlC1 Dilution Factor! 1 AnaLvsis Time..: 08:03 Lead 0.500 0.484 rlg/L 97 SW845 50108 09/23-09/28105 HKsMAT-C2 Dll,uElon Factor: X Analysie Tine..: 08:03 vanadium 0.5c0 0.497 tns/L 99 SW846 60108 09/23-09/28105 HK5MA]C3 Dilution Factor. 1 Aralysie Time., r 08:03 zinc 0. s00 0.461 $tg/L 92 SWB46 50108 09/23-09128/05 HK5MA]-C4 . Dilution Factor! L Analyele Tlme..; 08,03 zirconium 0.500 0.504 rLg/L l-01 sw845 50108 09/23-09/26105 HKSMAICs Dilution Factor: 1 Analyaia Tj.me., t 2LtO2 llcrfE (s) : Calculalions are performal before rouruIing to avoid round-off srrors in calculated results. STL Denver 58 I'IATRIX SPIKE SAUPrJE EIIALUATIOII REPORT llITAL lletrals Clierrt Irot #--.: D5I090L76 DaEe Saryrled.,. ! 09/07/05 09:55 Date Received,. r 09108/05 Uatri)c. . , . , - . - - : WATER PERCENT RECOVERY PARAMETER RECOVERY LIMITS US Iot-Sauqrle Mercury NOIE (S) = RPD RPD LIMITS METHOD PREPARATION- ANALYSTS DATE WORK oRpER # *: D5I080243-004 Prep Batch S.. -: 5259437 7s N ( AS 114 ) SW845 7 47 0A 73 N (85 114) :.r (0-10) SW845 747Op^ Dilutlon Factor: 1 Analyeis Tirre. . : 18 : 18 09 / 23 / 0s HJ5JM1CL oe / 23 / 0s HJSJMIC}! Calculadons arc pertbrmcd ltcforc roundlng n avoid round-off errors ln calculatcd results. N Spikcd analyte rccovery is ouside stated control limits. STL Denver Client Iot $. . . : Date Sanpled- - - : SAMPLE PARAIyIETER AIvTOUNT HAIAIX SPTKB SAT'TPT^E DATA REPORT TOTAL Hetrals Date Reeeirred - - : 09 / 0B/05 l{atrix-- ----3 WATER PREPARATTON- ANALYSIS DATE DSr09017 6 a9/e7/a5 oe:55 SPII(E MEASRD PERCNT RESMY RPD METTIODANIOUNT LINITS WORK ORDER # l,ls Lot-SampJ-e #: Mercury }TD }TD NOTE (S} : D5f080243 - 004 Prep Bat'ch 0.00500 0.00377 mg/L Oualifiers; N 0-00s00 0-00365 mg/L 5259437 sw845 74744 3.3 SW846 74704 #. - -: 75 73 oe/n/as oe/23/os HJSJMlCL HJ6JIVII-CM Qualifiers: N oilution Factor: 1 Ana).yeis Time. . : L8 : 18 Calcularion$ tre performed bcforc rourrding n avold round-off errors In calculated resulLs. N Spikect analyrc rccovcry Is oursklc srarcd conrol llmks. STL Denver 50 IMIIRTX SPIKE SAII{PI,E E\IALIIATION REFORT I1O([AIT ltleta].e CIient Lot *.--: D5f090L76 Date Saqr1ed..-! a9/L9/a5 11:l-5 Date Receiwed--: 09/L9/a5 PERCENT RECOVERY R.ECOVERY LIMITS RPD RPD LIMITS },IEIIHCD Irtatrix. . . . o . . . . ! PREPARATTON- .A}JALYSTS DATEPAIU\METER l{,S Lot-Saryr1e *: Cadmium 95 9'7 Selenium WATER WORK oRpER # uS lot-sauple *: D5IL9022O-0O2 Prep Batctr *... I 5265237 Aluminum Ne,MsB (83 - 119) SW846 50108 NC,MSB (83 - 119) (0-2s) SW846 60108 Dllutlon Factor: 1 Analyois Tine. . : 21,: 15 Arsenic 101 (84 - L24) SW845 50108 99 (84 - r.24) 1. g (0-2s) SW846 501-08 DlIuEion FacEor3 1 Analysis Time,.; 08:23 Barium 99 (85 - 120) SW846 50108 98 (85 - r.20) 0.59 (0-2s) SWB46 60108 DlLutlon Pactor! 1 Analysia Time- - r 08 r23 Calcium 97 (48 - 153) Sw846 50108 es (48 - 1s3) 0.50 (0-2s) sw846 60108 DlIuElon Factor: 1 Analyeis Time. . r 21 :16 Chromium 80 N B7 99 98 104 103 D5I190 22A-gA2 Prep Batch #, . (89 110) (8e 11ol t.z (o- 20) Dl Lut1on Factor: 1 Analysie Tirne. . : 2a 206 (ez L12) ( BZ t!2) 6 .6 (O - 2A) Di lution Pactor: I Analysie Time-.: 20:05 (73 13s)(rr 13s) 1.1 (o-2s) Dilutrion Factor: 1 Analygis Time..: 08:23 (sz Lzel (az 129) 0,34 (o-25\ D1lut ion Factor: 1 Analysis Time. . : 08 :23 a9 / 23 - A9 / 27 / os HKr,{14 LFM oe / 23 - 0e / 27 / as HKw14 lFN a9 / 23 - Ae / 27 / As HKlr14LFX a9 / 23 -A9 / 27 / 0S HKW141F0 : 5255193 sw845 5020 sw845 6A2A sw845 5020 s}{84 5 6020 sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 60L0B sw846 60108 sv{845 50108 09/23-09/26/As oe/23-oe/26/os HIO{141F5 I{KW141F5 oe/23-oe/28/os oe/23-oe/28/os HKVT141F8 HKW1 4 1 F9 ae/23-ae/28/0s oe/23-ae/28/os HKW1.4lGC HKW14 lGD oe/23-oe/26/os ae/23-09/26/os HKW141DW HKW14lDX oe / 23 - ae / 28 / 0s HKr{14 lGF oe / 23 - ae / 28 / os HKw14 lcc 0e / 23 - 09 / 28 I os HKw141-cJ 09 / 23 - 09 / 28 / as HKtrtl4lcK Copper STL Denver (Continued on nexE page) Client Irot #. Date Sanpled, PAITJUI{ETER I ron Lead Magnesium Ni cke I Potas eium Si lver Sodium Vanadium Zinc PERCENT RECOVERY NC, MSB NC, MSB 96 9s 99 99 95 94 RECO\ERY LIMITS IIATRIX SPIKB SAITIPLE EIfiAITUATION REPORT TOtrAL Fletra]-s : D5I090176 : 0gllg/as l"l";1"5 Date Received..3 09/L9/aS llatrirc.- ---.: WATER PREPAIU\TION- WORK ANALYFIS DATE ORDER # oe / 23 - ae / 26 / As HKW14 r.EU a9 / 23 - oe / 26 / os HIfl^Il-4 r.Ev oe / 23 - a9 / 28 / As HKwl4lGQ oe / 23 - a9 / 28 / 0s HKwl41GR 09 / 23 -a9 / 26 / os HKwl4t Eo 09 / 23- 09 / 25 / A5 HKw14lEl 09 / 23 -o9 / 28 / 05 HKw14LGM ae / 23-ae /28 / os HKW141GN ae / 23 - ae / zG / os HKwl4t Ew oe / 23 -ae / 26 / os HKW141EX ae / 23 -as / 28 / os HKwr- 4LF2 ae / 23 -oe / 28 / os HKw141F3 ae / 23 -oe / 25 / os HKwr-41E4 a9 /23 -09 /26 / os HKW141E5 oe / 23 - 09 / 28 / 05 HKw14l-GU 09 / 23 -09 / 2s/ A5 HKW141GV os / 23-os / 2s / as HKw141cx ae / 23 - ae / 28 / as HKw141c0 RPD RPD LIMTTS METHOD(sz 155)(52 lss) (0-2s) Piluclon Factor: 1 Arralysie Time. . : 27 :16 (eg 121) ( ag 121) 0 .47 ( 0- 2s) Pilution Factor: 1 Analyais Time-.: 0B:23 t6z a46) (az ]46) 0,24 (o-2s) Dilution Factor: 1 Analyeie Time..: 2l:!6 (B+ 120) (8a LzO) 1.3 (0-2s\ oilutlon Factor r 1 Arralygis Time. . ; 0B r23 0e 132) fie L32) O .25 (o-Zsl oilution Factor r 1 Arralysie Time. . : 2t tL6 (zs L4L) (zs 141-) 0.31 (O-25l. Dilution Factor r 1 analysls Time..' 08:23 (zo zo3)(70 2A3) 2.a (0-40) Dilution Factor: 1 Analysls Tlme..: 2L:16 ( ss r-zo )(Bs 1-20) 0.5L (O-2s) Dilution Factor: 1 Analysis Time..: 08:23 (eo 137)(50 137) O.L9 (O-2s) oi lut.ion Factor: L Analyais Time,.: C8:23 sw84 5 SWB4 5 6 0108 60108 L07 t_08 t 04 103 1"00 1_1_0 L01 100 93 94 sw84 5 5 0108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 50108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw84 6 5 0108 sw84 5 6 010E} sw845 50108 sw846 5010E} SWB45 6O].CB sw846 601_0B sw845 50108 SWB45 5OlOB sw845 50L0B st^I84 6 5 0108 sw846 50108 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 52 I'IATRIX SPIKE SAUPLE EIIaI,IIATIOII REPORT TOTAIT Metale Client Iot #. Date Sanpled. PARAL{ETER -ZLrconiurn lrolE (s) : PERCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY LIMITS RPD : D5I0 9 0L7 6 : 09/L9/05 11:15 Date Received- t{atrix- - - - r . . . . r WATER PREPARATTON- WORK AhIAI,YSIS DATE ORDE-R-# a9 /23 - o e / 26 / As HKWI4LGa 09 / 23 - oe /25 / As HKW141G3 RPD LIMTTS : oe/re/as METI{OD 107 LO7 (80 120) (80 72A) 0.20 (o-2s) oi lut ion Factor : 1 Analyois T:.rne. . ; 21. : 16 sw845 60108 sw846 50108 CalculiUions are prrfortrcd bcforc rouodi[8 lo avold rouDd-off crrors ln calculalcd rcsults. N Spikcd analyn rccovery is oulqide satcd conrol limits- NC Thc recovcry and/or RPD wcrc nor calculakd. MSB'Ilr recovery and RPD wcrc not calmrleterl bccaosc thc samplc amount was trcatcr 0ran four timca ftc spikc mount. STL Denver 63 Client Iot #- - -: Date Sanpl-ed- - -: SAJVIPLE }IAIRIX SPIKB SAIITPI,E DATA REPORT TOTAL lrletals Date Received. . ! 09 /79 / 05 Dlatrix-- ----: VIATERD5r090L76 09/a9/05 r.1:L5 SPIKE MEASRD PERCNT RECVRY RPD METHOD PREPARATTON- WORK ANA],YSTS DATE ORDER #PAITJ\METER AI'{OIINT AMT AMOUNT UNTTS l,IS Lot.-Sampl-e #: Cadmium 0 ,014 0 ,014 Selenium 0 .0040 o.o040 lits Iot -Saq>}e *: ^A.luminum a-,JL 32 Arsenic 0 . 01,4 0.o14 Barium a .67 o ,67 CalcLum 110 110 D5ft9022O-0OZ Prep Batch *- - -: 0.0400 0.0525 mg/T, 95 0.0400 0-0s31- mg/t-, 97 Dilut ion Pactor: 1 Analysis Time..: 20:06 5265193 sw845 5020 L _2 SWB46 6024 6.6 sw845 6A2A sw845 5020 : 5265237 ae I 23 - oe / 27 / os HK[^I141FM 09 / 23 - 09 / 27 / os HIoII4l-FN oe / 23 - ae / 27 / as HKwr-4 1FX 09 / 23 - Ae / 27 / Os IIKW141F o ae / 23 -ae / 26 / 0s HKw141Fs a9 / 23 - 09 / 26 / 05 HKw14l-F6 D5I190 22A-AA2 Prep Batch # - - 2.00 55.L mg/L Qualifiers : NC, MSB 2 . 00 s6 .7 mg/L Qualif iere : NC, tvISB Oilution Factor: 1 Analyslg Time, . : 21 :15 0 .0400 0 - 0400 2 .00 2 - 00 2 ,00 2.00 50.0 50.0 0.0362 utg/1, Qualifiers: N 0 - 0387 mg/L Dilution Factor: Analysls Time. .: 2 . OZ mg/T, l- . e9 mg/L Dilution Factor: Ana lya1e Time , . : 2 .66 mg/L Z .64 mg/L Pi Lut l on Factor : Analyeis Time. . ; ls8 mg/L 1sB mg/L Dilution Factor: Analyeis Time. . : 80 87 1 20 ;06 101 99 L 08 :23 99 98 L 08 :23 97 99 I 21 : l-G 1.8 0.59 sw84 5 5 01,08 sw845 601_0B sw846 50108 Ae/23-Ae/28/0s HKW1-41-F8 sw845 50108 09/23-A9/28/ 0s HKW141F9 sw84 6 6 010B A9 / 23 - 09 / 28 / As HKW]-41GC sw845 60108 A9/23-A9/28/05 HKWI-41cD sw845 50108 Ae/23-09/26/0s HKWL41DW 0.60 sw846 6010B 09123-09/26/As HKW141DX STL Denver (Continued on next page) 64 IIAtrRIX SPIKE SAIIIPI,E DATA REPORT TOIIjAL l{eta}a Client Iot *...: D5I090175 Date Sar4rled...z o9/L9/o5 11:15 Date Received- -= 09/L9/os SAI{PLE SPIKE AMOUNT AI,IT IVlEASRD AIvIOUNT UNITS PERCNT RECVRY RPD METHOD Matrix. . o . o . -, - r WATER PREPARATTON- A}IALYSIS DATE WORK oRpER . #PARAMETER Chromium Copper f ron Lead Magmesium Nickel Potass ium 0 .050 o - 060 0.069 0.250 0.059 o.250 sw846 50108 1.1 SW846 50108 sw846 60r_08 0-34 SI^I845 50108 sw846 50108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw84 6 5 0108 a,47 SWB45 50108 sw84 5 6 010E} 0 .24 SW84 6 5 010I} L.3 sw84 6 5 0108 sw845 501-08 sw845 50L0B a .26 SWB4 5 5 0108 09 / 23 - A9 / 28 / As HKW141GF oe / 23 - oe / 28 / as HKw14 1GG oe / 23 - oe I 28 / os HKI{141GJ oe / 23 - oe / 28 / 0s Hro{r-41GK oe / 23 - 09 / 26 / Os HKwL4 lEU ae / 23 - oe / 25 / os HKW141EV a9 / 23 -09 / 28 / 0s HKw14 1GQ ae / 23- 09 / 28 / 0s HKW14r.GR oe /23-se / zG / as HKwr4lEo oe / 23 -ae / 25 I as HKw14IEI 09 / 23 - A9 / 28 / Os HKW14]-GM a g / 23 - oe / 28 / os HKIiIL 4IGN oe / 23 -ae I 26 / 0s HKW141EW ae I 23 - oe / zG / os HKw141Bx 0.200 a .259 IIJtg/L 99 0 - 200 o -2s6 mg/L 98 niluElon Factor; 1 enalyeis ?ime. , : 0B :23 0 . 32 8 mg/L 104 0.32-7 mg/L 103 Dilution Factor: 1 Analysis Tirne. . : 0B: 23 49 49 0 .054 0.054 Z9 29 34 34 L.00 t_.00 0,500 0 .500 50 .0 50_0 50 .0 s0 .0 54 .7 mg/T' Qualifiers ; NC, MSB 5s .5 mg/L Qualifiers : NC, MSB Dilution Factor: 1 Analysig Tirno. . : 2L z1-6 0-047 0-500 a .o47 0.500 0.533 mg/l' 0 .530 mg/T' oi IuE, ion FacEor : Analysis Time. . : 7 8 -7 mg/t 78 - s mg/L DlluElon Factor: Analyeie Time. . : A .52L mg/t, 0.514 mg/L Dilution FacEor: Analyois TIme. . : 87 -8 mg/L Bs. I mg/L Dilution t'actor r Analysis Time. . : 95 95 L 08 :23 99 99 L 21:16 95 94 1 0B:23 L07 108 1 21 :16 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 55 I.T"ATRIX SPIKE SA!,IPIJE DATA REPC}RT rOTAL Metal.e C1Lant Iot #...: D5I090176 llhErix- -.: WATER Date SaEpled.... O9/L9/05 11:15 DaEe Received. -r 09/L9/o5 SAMPLE SPIKE MEASRD PERCNT PREPARATION- WORK PARAMETE4 AMOUMT AI,IT AMOUMT rrNrTq BEC\rRY RPD METHOp ANAr,ySrS DATE ORPER # Silver ND 0.0s00 0.0518 rrylL 104 sttt845 50108 09/n-a9/28l05 HKWL41F2 ND 0.0s00 0.0516 n{lg/t 103 0.31, sw846 50108 a9/2?-O9/28/05 HKlfl-41F3 Dllutslon Facror! 1 Analysis Time.-r 08:23 Sodium r.70 s0.0 222 ms/L 1-00 sw846 6010B A9/23-09/261A5 HIO{14184 170 50.0 226 raslL t-10 2.1 SWB46 60108 09/23-09/26/05 HKW141E5 Dilution Faetor: 1 anaiyelo Tlme.. z 27tL6 Vanadium a.a79 0-500 0.s82 r.jls/r, 101 sw845 6010B o9/23-09/28l0s HKW141GU o.079 0.500 0.579 mg/t 100 0-51 sw846 60108 O9/23-O9/2A/05 HKWL41GV Dilution Fact.or. 1 Analyais Time., r 08:23 Zinc o .47 O . s00 0 .931 mg/L 93 SW846 60108 O9/23-O9/2SI05 HK}[141GX o-47 0.s00 0.933 ms/L 94 0.19 SW845 50r-08 O9/23-O9/281O5 HKlt141G0 Dilution Factor: f Analysis Tioe,.r 08:23 Zirconium o.ols 0.500 0.s49 mg/L 107 sw846 60L08 o9/23-O9/26l0s HKW141G2 0.or"s 0.s00 0.548 fis/r, 107 0.20 sw845 60108 a9/23-09/26/05 HKW141G3 DiluElon Factor: 1 Analyele Time..: 21r16 rtrr']ryn fel . Calculations arc pcrforred bcfore rounding to uvoid round-off crrors in calculatcd rcsulB. N Spikcd aoalyE rctovcry is outsilc starrd contnrl limits. NC Thc rccovcry aod/or llPD werc nfi calfllaEd- MSB Thc rccovery arl RPD wcre nrx calculaEd bccausc thc samplc arnourl was grealcr thm four tiGs *re spikc amnt. STL Denver 65 STL DEIVVER Contract: Lab Code: SOW IIIo. I Total Metals Analvsis COVER PAGT]. TNORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE IIR$ Corporatl.oa gf,xt ![o.: D5I090176 STLDEN Cagc No. t ELS No,: 8uEl].c fD. Grur-4A- 090805 G9$-5C-090805 Gr{-R2 - 090905 G[v-R3-090805 strr-R{ -o9O 805 @r-s{ -090 80 5 GT{- g5 - 09 0 805 Blcrc ICP lntserekmcnts corrcotrLong applied? llerc rCP background corrcctl.ons aDDIiod? If yea-worc ranr data genereted bcforc aplrlicatlon of background corr.et,Lona? Counncntse r Lab 9qppl.tr No. D5r09 017 6- 00 5 D5r09017 5-O02 D5r09 0 L7 6-003 D5r090L7 6-008 D5rO9 0L7 6- O07 D5r09017 6-005 D5r090175-00{ YeglNo t,ES YaelNo YES Yct/No I certify that thLg d.tr l,eckrgo it ia corqrl{ancc wLth Uhc trrar end coaditl.ons of tshceontract, botb tcchaloall.y and lor eoaEletsenett, f.ot other thalr thc oondicLoaa d;taitedrbovc, Rclcase of thc drtr conttlncd lu tlrl,a hardcoty dtta ;lachegr rnd ia the eomDutar-rordrble drta Buhittcd on flo5r5ry dl.akctte hag beon autshorized bl' the Laboratory ![anag.r or t]rc Maaager'B dcg:feBoc, ag vcrllLod by the follorning tLgnatsurc. sisrnarurs = ,- '' ,' t JK ,ul*rJ.ti tl 't, Nanc r :l li-o * Doo Kattula Date:ritlc: Data lna}yet STL Denver COVER PAGIE IN 67 ffisrr UR,S Corporntion Totrl Metals Analysis Datr Sheet Latr Ntme: LotlSDC Number: Matrix: 7o tllolsture: Brsis: Analysis ltnethod: tJnlt: QCI Batch ID: Stmple Allquot: Dilution Factor: sTL t)t:NVt::R D5l090r 7a WATER NiA lys f.0.] 0B nrg/L 5265217 50 rnl 1 Cllent Sample II): Lab Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Date/Tirne Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Time Leached: Date/'l'ime Extracted : DatelTime Analyzul: Instrument lD: sw-sc-0eo8o5 pst090l76:0u2 HJSM I. {}9/(}8i05 09: I 5 09i09i05 09:30 09/23105 I5:30 09/26Ds 21:26 02I CIAS No.Annlyte Conc.MDL RI,a 7429-90-5 Alurninum t_7 0.01 7 0.10 7439-t{e-6 Iron 0.025 t).021 0.t0 B 7439-95-4 IVlugncsiurn 660 (1.043 0.20 7 410-67 -7 Zirconium 0.00 r 6 0.00t 6 0.0r 5 U STL Denver Form I Analysis Datu Sheet Equivalent 5B ffisrr URS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Datr Sheet Lab Neme: Lot/SlXl Number: Mntrix: o/o Molsture: Brsis: Analysis tltethtxl: tlnlt: QC Brtch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllutlon Fretor: STI DENVER p5r090176 WATER NiA Ws 6010B rng/I. 5265237 50 mL rp Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample It): Lab WorkOrder: Date/Tirne Colle*ted: Dute/Tinre Received: Date/Tlnre [,erched: DstdTlme Extrscted: Date/Tllne Analyzed; lnstrurnent I D: cw-sc-090fl95 p5rr)90176-002 IIJSM L 09/08/05 09: 15. 09/09i05 09:3Q 0-9/23/05 I 5:30 09i28i05 0l :00 E] CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7440-70-2 Calcium 1800 0_34 2.4 7440-(t9-7 Potassium s00 2.4 30 7440-23-5 Sodium 69011 il 50 STL Denver Form 7 Analysis Data Sheet Equivulent ffisrt URS Corporation Total Metals Anulysis Datt Sheet Lab Narne: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: o/, Nloisture: Basis: Anrlysls I\{ethod: Unit: QC Batch ID: Stmple Allquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL DEIIVER psr()gCI.l76 WA ER NiA Yst 60t rlB MB/L 5265217 50 rnl. I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Stmple ID: Lsb Workordcr: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Time Leached: Dste/Tlme Extructed: Dnte/Tlme Analyzed: Instrurnent ID: cw-sc-oejl80s DSI.090176-0()2 HJSML 09/0tt05 0e: [ 5 ()9/09/05 09:30 09/23/0s 15:30 Q9/?.fl/05 0e:+3 016 CAS No.Analyte Conc.M [][,RL a 7440-38-2 Arsenic 0,0r 2 0.0044 0.01 5 B 74.40-39-3 Bsriurn 0.15 0.00070 0.0r 0 7 440-47 -1 Chromium 0,0026 0,0026 0-0r 0 U 7440-s0-g Copper 0.0045 0.0045 0.0t0 t] 7439-92-r Lead 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 1444-$2-0 Nickcl 0.020 0.0012 0.040 B 7444-224 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.010 U 7444-62-2 Vanadiunr 0.0039 0.0025 0.0t 0 B )++o-oo-c,Zinc 4.0077 0.()04s 0.020 B STL Denver Form I Analysis Data Sheet Eqaivalent 70 ffisTL URS Corooratlon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: STL DENVER Cllent Sample lD: GW-5C-090805 Lot/SDG Number; D5l09Ql76 Lab Snmplo ID: D51090176002 Metrir! WATER Lab $brkorder: HJSML To.Nlolsture: N1A Detc/Tlme Collccted; 09/08/05 0915 Basls: WSI Drte./Tlmc Recclved: 09/09i05 09:30 Analysls lllethod: ?470A Date/Tlme Lcached: Unir mglL Date/Tlme Extracted: 091231fi5 12:50 QC Brrch ID: 525941"1 DEtc/Timc Analyzed: 09!23/05 18:'28 Sample Allquot: lnstrument lD: 0I9 Dilution Factor: L CA,S No.Anelyte Conc,MD[,RL a 7439-97-6 Ivtercury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 TJ STL Denver Form I Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 77 ffisTL UR*S Corporttion 'fottl Metals Analysis Detn Sheet Lnb Name: Lot/SDG Nunrber: Matrix: 7o Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Brtch ID: Sample Aliquot: Illlutlon Factorl STL DENVER D5t090 t 76 W;\rrn N/A us 6020 mgil, s2s5 I 93 50ml , 2A Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab \Uorkorder: Date/Tlme Collected: DatelTlme Recelved; Date/Tfune Leached: Date/Tlrne Extracted: DatelTlmr Antlyzed: lngtrument ID: GW;5C-()q0805 D.sl090l 7r)-002 HJttl'{L 0e/JI[,{05 0e: I s 09i09/05 09;J0 09/23105 I5:30 $91.71t05 05:17 QQ4 CAS No-Analyte Conc.MDL Rl_.a 744043-9 Cadmium 0.0024 0.00080 0.020 B 7782-49-2 Selenium 0.0066 ().0()66 0.040 LJ STL Denver Form 1 Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 72 ffisrr URS Corporetion Total Metals Analysls Datr Sheet Leb Name: LoUSIIG Number: Matrix: 7o Molsturc: Basis: Annlysls M ethod: Unit: QC Batch ID: Srmple Aliquot: Dllution l,-actor; srL DEIi-Yf3 psrCIP!}t z0 WATER N/A Ys 601 0B m8/L 5265237 50 mL I Client Srnrple ID: Lnb Sample ID: Lab r#orkorder: Drte/Time Collected: Date/'l'ime Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Drte/Time Extrrcted: Dsten'ime Analyzcd: Instrument ID: GW-R2-090$()s D51090176-003 HJEM.v 09i()8/05 09:25 ()9i09/05 09:30 09i23/()5 I5:30 09/26i05 2l :31 02r CAS No,Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 742q-90-5 Aluminum 4.76 0.01 7 0.10 7440-70-2 Calcium 94 0.034 0.20 743e-S9-6 lntn 0.93 0.02 r 0.r0 7439-9s4 Magresiurn na 0.043 0.2a 7440-09-7 Potassium 330 0.24 3.0 7440-67-7 Zirconium 0.0030 0.0016 0.015 B STL Denver Form I Anolysis Duta Sheet Equivalent 73 Lab Narne:STL DENVER Lot/SDC Number: D5I090l76 Matrix: W{TEft "/o Molsture: N/A Brsls: Wct Analysis lllethod: (rQ[tlB Unit: rng/L QC Batch ID: 5265237 Snmple Allquot: 50 rnL Dllutlon Frctor: I () ffisrt URS Corporation Totrl Mrt*ls Anelysis Date Sheet Client Srmple ID: GW-R2-090805 Lnb Snmple ID; D51090176-003 Lab \L'orkOrder: HJSMV Date/Time Collected: 09/08/05 09:25 Date/Time Recelved: 09109/05 09;3$ Date/Tlme Leached: Dnte,/Tlme Extracted: 09/23105 15:30 Date/Tlme Analyzed: 09/28/05 0l : I I Instrument ID: AZ!- I l CAS No-Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7440-23-5 Sodiunr 6900 n 50 STL Denver Form I Analys* Data Sheet Equivalent 74 Lrb Name:$IL DENVER LotlSDG lrlumber: D51090176 Matrfx: WATER 7o Molsture: NrA Basis: IrYct Analvsls lUethod: 601QB U n it: nrg/[. QC Bntch tD: 5265237 Sample AIIquot: 50 rnl Dllutlon Factor: I ffiSTL URS Corporetion Total Metnls Analysis Data Sheet Client Sarnple ID: GW-R2-090805 Lnb Sample ID: 1151090176-003 Lrb WorkOrder: HJSMV Datc/Tlme Collected: t)9/0$i05 09:25 Dnte/Tlme Recelved: 09/09/05 09:-]0 Datc/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: 09i23i()-5 I -s:30 Date/Time Analyzed: 09/28/05 09:48 Instrurnent ID: Ofo CAS No,Analyte Conc.[{DL RL a 744448-2 Arsenic 0.0044 0.0044 0.0r5 U 7440-39-3 Barium 0.9s 0.00070 0.010 144047-3 Clhronriurn 0.0030 0.0026 0.01t)B 7440-5G8 Coppcr 0.0045 0.0045 0.010 U 7439-92-l Lcad 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 7440-42-0 Nickcl 0.0027 0.0012 0.040 B 7444-224 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.0I0 U 7444-62-Z Vanaclium 0.0038 0-002s 0.010 R 7440-66-6 Zinc 0.0095 0.0&45 0.020 B STL Denver Form I Analysi.s Dcfa Sheet Equivalent 75 ffi$rt URS Corporation Total Metals Anelysis Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Numher: Matrlx: 7" Moisture: Basls: A,nalysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch tl): Srmple Allquot: Ililutlon Factor: STL DT..NVER psrQg_oJ z6 WATER N/A Wct 7470 i\ rttglL 52s94t7 l- Cllcnt Sample ID: Lab Sarnplo lD: Lab TrVork0rder: Date/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/'l'ime Lenchcd: Date/Time S,xtractedl Datc/Tlrne Analyzed: Instrument ID: GW-R2-090805 DSI090I76-o()3 HJsMV 0oi0.fl/05 09:25 0,9/09i05 09:30 09/23i05 l2:5_0 0.9i23l05 l8:33 otg CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7439-97-6 Mercury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 U STL Denver Form I Analysis Data Sheel Equivalent 76 ffisrt URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lrb Name: LoUSDC Numher: Iltatrix: 7" I\{olsture: Bnsis: Analysls iltethorl: Unit; QC Batch tD: Sample Allquot: Dllution Frctor: $]I. D}NYHR D5t000176 WAT'ER }IIA Wet 60"Q mg!l* 5265 I 93 50 mL l0 Cllent Snrnple ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Work0rder: Drte/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Received: Date/Tlme Lenched: Dete/Tlme Extracted: Dnte/Tlme Analyzed; Instrument ID: GW:82-09o8os Dst0eor 76:003 HJSMV 0e/08i05 lJ9:25 0e/09lQI 09:30 09/23105.15:30 l?/27 !0s 05:20 004 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 744043-q Cadmium 0.00040 0,00040 0.010 U 7792-49-2 Selenium 0_0060 0.0033 0.020 B STL Denver Form I Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 77 ffisTL URS Corporadon Tottl Metals Analysls Deta Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDf,l Number: IMatrlx: 7o Molsture: Basls: Analysis Method; Unlt: QC Batch IDr Sample Allquot; Illlutlon Frctor: STL DENVtrR Dst090t 76 WAT[,R NIA It$ 60r Otl nrglL s265237 50 mL I Cllent Sumple ID; Lab Sample II): Lab t#ork0rder: Date/'l'ime Collected: Date/Tlme Received: Date/Time Lenched: Dste/Tlme Extructed: Date/Time Annlyzeel: Instrument ID: cw-ss-0eq80s p5r0e0 r7G004 HJSMX 09i08i05 [0:.38. 09/0e105 09:30 09in3/05__ I 5:30 09/26/05 2tf I 92L CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 74?9-90-5 Aluminunr 0.034 0.017 0. I0 B 7+10-70-2 Calcium 43 0.034 0.20 7439-89-6 Iron 0.r9 0.021 0.r0 7 439-95-4 Magncsium 92 0.043 0.20 7440-A9-7 Potassium r60 a.24 3.0 TMfJ-23-5 Srxliurn 3000 t.l 5.0 7444-6i-7 Zircon iurn 0.0017 0.001 6 0.01s B STL Denver Form I Analvsis Data Sheet Esuivalent 7B Lsb Nnnre:STL DENVER LoUSDG Number: D51090176 Matrix:WATER o/o Moisture: NiA Besis: lfet Analysls Method: 60108 Unlt;m$lL QC Batch ID: 5265237 Sample Allquot: 5Q.mL Dilutlon Factor: I ffisrt URS Corporation Totrl Metals Analysis Datn Sheet Cllent Sample ID: EJM-S5-090805I Lab Sample ID: D51090176-004 Lab WorkOrder: t-UlM X Dnte/Tlme Collected: 09/08/05 10:38 Dntc/Tlme Recelved: 0?i09l05 09:30 Date/Tlme Leached: DatelTtme Extracted: 09/23105 15:30 Date/time Analyzed: 09/28/05 09:54. Instrument lD:0t0 CAS No,Analyte Cotrc.MDL RL a 7440-38-2 Arscnic 0.0045 0.0044 0.015 B 7440-39-3 Barium 0.20 0,00070 0.0t0 744047-3 Chrorniurn 0.0026 0.0026 0.0t0 U 7440-s0-8 Coppcr 0,0045 0.004s 0.0r0 U 7439-q2-l Lead 0,0026 0.0026 ().0030 LI 7M$-42-0 Nickel 0.0024 0.00r 2 0.040 B 7440-22-4 Silver 0,0028 0.0028 0.010 U 740-62-2 Vanadiurn 0.0027 0.0025 ().0 I 0 B 74/;A-6,G6 7,inc 0.0045 0.004s 0.020 ti STL Denver Form I Anolysis Data Sheet Equivalent 79 ffisrr URS Corporation Total Metals Andysls Data Sheet Ltb Ntme: Lot/SDC Nurnber: Matrix: 7o Nlolsture: Brrgis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QO Batch ID: Srmple Allquot: Dilution F-actor: STL DENVER D51090176 WATEIT NIA Wct 7.+7QL mgi L 5z5e_13L I Client Snmple ID: Lrb Sample ID: Lnb WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drte/I'irne Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Drte/Tlrne Extrscted: Date/Tlme Analyrcd: Instrument If): GW-#i-0e0805 Dsr0go l76-004 HJsr[X 09/08/05 l0:38 09/09i05 09:30 A9D3|Q5 17:50 091'1i0-5 I 8;35 I}T9 CAS No.Analytc Conc.MDL RL a 7439-91-6 Mercury 0.000044 0.00()044 0.00020 U STL Denver Form 1 Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent BO ffiSTt URS CorToratlon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Number: Mrtrix: o/o MolsfiIre: Basls: Analysls Mcthod: UnIt: QC Brtch ID: Sample Allquot: Dilutinn Factor: STL DE}.IVER D51090r 76 WA'I'EIt NiA Wet 60?0 ms/.L 5"65 I 93 50 mt 5 Cllent Srmple ID: Lsb Semple ID: Lrh Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: Datef ime Recelved: Date/Tlme Lesched: Datefflme Extracted: DatelTlme Analyzed: Instrumont ID: cw-s5-090805 psl0eor 76-004 i-I18MX 09/08/05 I0:38 0e/0e/05 09f0 09123/05 [5;3Q A9t?7t05 A5:t4 004 CAS No.Analytc Couc"MDL RL a 74.4.043-9 Cadmium 0.00020 0.00020 0,0050 U 778249-2 Selenium 0.0022 0.00 t 6 0.010 B STL Denver Form L4nolvsis Data Sheet Egalvalent 81 ffisrt URS Corooration Total [Ietals Analpis Date Sheet Lab Nrme: STL DENVER Cllent Srmple lD: CW4A-090805 l,oUSDG Numbcr: D5l090l7E Lab Sample ID: D-51090176-005 Mltrlx: WATER Lab WorkOrder: HJ8M2 '/o Moisture: NIA Date/limc Collected: 09/08/05 I l:00 Basis: Wct Date/Tlme Recelved: 09/09/05 09:30 Analysis Method: 60108 Date/Tlme Leached: Unit: mdl, Date/Tlme Extracted: A9l2ll05 15l.10 QC Batch tD: 5265237 Date/Tlmc Andlzcd: 09126105 2l:56 Samplc Aliquot: 50 mL Instrument lD: QZt Dilution Factor: I CAS I{o.Analyte Conc.I}TDL RL a 7429-9(r-s Alurninum 36 4.0t7 0.i0 7440-71L7 Calciurn It0 0.034 ().20 7439-89-6 Iron 32 0.02 I 0. l0 7439-9s-4 Magnesiurn 97 0.043 0.24 7440-()9-7 Potassiurn 300 0.24 3.0 741'0-67-7 Zirconlum 0.023 0.00t (r 0.0r s STL Denver Form I Analysis Dato Sheet Equivalent B2 ffisrr LIRS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lnb Name: LotlSDG Number: Matrix: 7o l\toisture: Basls: Annlysls Method: tlnit: QC B*tch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dilution Factor: .sT[. DENVFR D5ro90l76 WATER NiA U$ O()LAP mgiL 526s?37 50 mL r0 Client Srmple [D: Lsb Sample ID: I,ab trl/orkorder: Drte/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Time Extracted: Date/Tlme .rl,nalyzed : Jnstrument ID: GW4A-090q05 851090176-005 HJ8M2 09/08/05 I I:0Q 0oi0q/Q5..09:30 09i23/05 15;3Q 09/28r0s 0l;2J a2t CAS No.Anulyte Conc.MDL RL a 744A-23-5 Sodiunr 6s00 II 50 STL Denver Form I Analvsis Datu Sheet Equivalent 83 ffisrr URS Corporatlon Totrl Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name; l,oUSDC Nurnber: Matrlx: o/o Nlolsturc: Bosls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sarnple Aliquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL DENVER D5I090r 76 WATER N'E Ssl (IOJ OE mB/l 5265217 so.mL I CIIent Sanrple ID: Lab Stmple ID: Lab Work0rder: Dnte/Time Collected: Date/Tlrne Received: DaterTlme l-,etched: Dste/Tlme Extrtcted: Dttefl'ime Anslyzed: lngtrument ID: G\1:*A-0eo80s D-1l090l7co0s HJ8M2. 09/08/05 I L00 09/0e/05 0e#0 0ei23l05.15:30 0912U05 09:5e 0r6 CAS No,Anrlyte Conc.MDL RL a 7M(t-38-2 Arscnic 0.0098 0.0044 0.0r5 B 7444-39-3 Bariunr $.47 0-00070 0.0t0 744047--"Chronrium 0.045 0.0026 0.0r0 7440-50-8 Copper 4.472 0.0045 0.010 7439-92-l Lcad 0,028 0.()026 0.0030 7440-A2-O Nickel 0.042 0.00I2 0-040 7440-22-4 Silver 0.0028 0,0028 0.0 l0 U J440-62-2 Vanadiunr 0.067 0.0025 0.0r 0 la+o-oo-o Zinc ll.7l 0.004s 0.020 STL Denver Form 1 Analysis Dato Sheet Equivalent B4 ffisrt URS Corporatlon Tottl Metrls Analysls Data Sheet Lab Name: LotlSDG Number: Matrix: Yo Moisture: Bnsls: Analysls Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sarnplc ,A,liquot: Dilution Factor: STL DENVER D5I090t 76 $/ATEIT NIA Wct 7470L rngiL 5259437 I Cllent Sarnple II): Lnb Srmple ID: Lab \ilorkorder: Date/fime Collected: Date/Time Recelved: Date/Tlme Lerched: Datc/Tlme Extracted: Dateftlme Antlyzed: lnstrument ID: GW4A-0e0805 psup,0 r 76-00s HJttM2 09i08/05 I l:00 09t0905 0e:30 09/'110-s I2;50 09/23i05 , l8:36 0.12 CAS No.Annlyte Conc.MDL RL a 7439-97-6 Mercury 0,000M4 0.000044 0.00020 U STL Denver Form I Analysis Dota Sheet Equivalent B5 l,ab Ntrne:srr nENvER l,ot/SI)G Number: D51090176 Mutrlx: WATER 7o tlfolsture: NlA Basis: lygl Analysls Method: 6020 Unit: rngi L QC Batch lD: 5265193 Sample Allquot: 5() ml,. Dilution l'nctor: 1! ffisrl URS Corporation Total Metals Analysis Deta Sheet Cllent Sample ID: GW-4&090805 Lab Sample ID: Ds1090t 76-Q05 Lab Workorder: H.l8M2 Dare/Tlme Collected: 09/08i05 .l I:00 Date/Ttme Received: 09/09/05 09;30 Dtte/'l'irne Lerched: Ilate/Tlmc Extracted: 09123/f)5 15:30 Date/Time Analyzed: 09lTI/05 A5:27 lnstrument ID: ()04 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7M0-43-9 Cadnrium 0.001I 0.00040 0.0r 0 B 7782-49-2 Selcnium 0.0083 0.0033 0.020 B STL Denver Form I Analysis Dsta Sheet Equivalent B5 ffisrt UR,S Corporation Tottl Metals Analysis Ilatu Sheet Lab Name: LotlSDG Number: Il{atrlx: o/e Molsture ; Bnslsl Anrlysis Method: Unlt: QC Brtch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllutlon Factor: sI[, pFNVhB D5l090l ?6 WATFR N/A Wct 60rQE III8,L s2'6s?37 f(tnu- I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample II): I,ab \[brkOrder: DrtelTime Collccted: DrtelTime Rccelved: Date/Tlrne Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Dnte/f irne Annlyzed'. Ingtrunrent ID: G\Y-S4-Oeottos D5r090 r 76-J)()6 HJEM,. 09r08i05 I I :5(l 0o/09i05 09:30 09i23/05 l5:30 09/^6i0J.22:01 021 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7429-9A-5 Aluminum 0.017 0.017 0.1t)U 7444-70-2 Clalciurn 59 0.034 0.20 7439-89-6 lron 0.14 0.021 ().1 0 7 4_\9-c)5-4 Magncsium 160 0.043 0-20 7440-09-7 Potassium 290 a.24 3.0 7444-n-5 Sodiunr 4600 I.I 5.0 7440-67-7 Zirr,onium 0.0024 0.00 t 6 0.01 5 B Denver b-orm 1 Analysis Data Sheet Equivalenl ffiSTL URS Corporatlotr Total Metals Analysis Dttr Sheet Lab lt{arne: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: 04 Molsture: Brsis: Antlysis Mcthod: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dilution Factor: STL DENVER D5t090 t 76 WATER NiA \\bt 601 0B mSiI s261217 50 mL I Cllent Sample lD: Lab Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Drte/Tlme Collected: Date/Time Recelved: DatelTime l,e&ched: Date/Tlme Extractedi Date/Tlme Antlyzed: Inetrurnent If): Gw-s4-090805 psr090 r 76-006 HJ8M5 0.91t)8/05 I1:50 09/09/05 09:3! 09/23r'05 1 5:i0 09/r8l05 1,0:0a a-16 CAS No.Andyte Conc.MDL RL a 744448-2 Arscnic 0.0044 0,0044 0.0I5 r.j 14.l'0-39-3 Barium 0-t2 0.00070 0.0r 0 744047-3 Chromiurn 0.0026 0.0026 0.010 IJ 7440-50-8 Crrpper 0.0045 0.004s 0.01()U 7439-92-1 Lcud 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 LJ 744U-42-0 Nickcl 0.mt2 0.00 r 2 0.040 LJ 744fi-22-4 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.0r0 U N+o-oz-z Vanadiunr 0.002s 0-002s 0.01 0 U 7M$-66-6 7,inc 0.0045 0.0045 0.020 U STL Denver Fny,.trr I lrrnll,rcic l)rrln .lhoot Fnvlrrnlonl BB ffisrt IIRS Corporation Total Ilfetals Analysis Datt Sheet Lab Nrme: LoUSDG Number: Mntrlx: 7o Moisture; Basis: Analysis lVlethotl; Unit: QC Batch ID: Srmple Allquot: t)ilution Fnctor: STL T,ENYER njr090t 76 WATER NiA Yc! 7-170A mg/1. 5?5e411 I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Dete/Tlme Collected: Dnte/Tinre Received: Drte/Tlme Lenched; Drte/Tlme Extracted: Dntc/Tlme Analyzed: Instrumeut l.D: cw-s4:09080s pst090 r 76-006- HJ8M5 nrrorvtts I I:f0 09109/Q5 09:30 fi9D3/45 L2:50 0e/2310s I qiig aI9 CAS No-Analyte Conc,I\{DL RL a 74.\q-97-6 Mercury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 U STL Denver lI^-- I lunl..nln lt_aJ n |FL-.rl Ea..3,.nlr>*l B9 ffiSTt Lm,S Corporttion Total N(etals Analysis Data Sheet Lrb Name: LoI/SIIG Number: Mttrir: 7o Molsrure: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dilutlon Fnctor: S.TI- DTTNVER Dsl090 t 76 WATER N/A UsI 6020 mpL 526s I 93 50 mL 5 Cllent Sarnple ID: Lsb Sample ID: Lsb Work0rder: Dote/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Dnte/Tlmc Extrncted: Drtell'ime Analyzed: Instrumont ID: GW-f,t09080s p5r090176-006 HJ8M5 00/08/0-5. I I;50 0910e/()5 t)9:30 09/23105 l5;30 09/27105 05;3,1 aa4 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 744443-9 Cndrniurn 0.00020 0.0t)020 0.0050 IJ 7782-49-2 Sclcnium 0.0053 0.0016 0.010 ts STL Denver 90 ffiSTL LIRS Corporution Total Metrls .{nalysls Data Lnb Neme: LoUSDC Number: Mttrir: 7" Moisture: Btsis: Analysls lllethod: Unlt: QC Bstch ID: Stmple Allquot: tlilution Factor: sTr..,_EIYyER D5t090 t76 wA'ttR NiA wfi (r0l0B rnglL 5165237 50 rnL I Sheet Client Sample ID: Ltb Snmple ID: Lab Workorder: IlatelTime Collccted: Date/Time Received: Date/Time Lesched: Drte/Time Extrscted: Drtefl'ime Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: cw-R4-090805. pt[0e0176-007 HJStvl6 09/0$i05 I2:a0 f)9/09i05- 09:30 09i 23i()5 I 5:30 agl26rtl5 22.06 02r C.AS No-Anrlyte Conc.MDL RL a 7429-90-5 Aluminum 2.1 0.017 0.10 7440-70-2 Clalcium 5S 0.034 0.20 7$9-8q-6 Iron 3-0 0.02 r 0- I0 l43e-95-4 Magnesium 48 0.043 0.20 7440-A9-7 Potassium 210 u.24 3,0 7M0-23-5 Sodium 3200 I,I s.0 7 440-67 -7 Zirconium 0.0032 0.0016 0.0r 5 B STL Denver Fnrm I Annlvsis nnh Sheet Eouivolcnt 9t ffiSTL IJR^S Corporatlon Total Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Nnme: Lot/SDG Number: Mntrix: 7o Molsture: Brsis: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Bttch ID: Sarnple Aliquot: Dllution Fsctor: STI,TENVFR Dsr090r 76 WAIEB N/A ]YsI ()0108 nrg/[, 5265237 50 m.[. -L Client Srmple ID: Lsb Sample ID: l,rb Workorder: Date/fime Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: IlatelTlrne Leached: DatelJ'irne Ex tracted : Dete/Tlrne Annlyzed: Instrument ID: (iw-R4-090805 psr!)90176-007 HJ8M6 ()9/08/05 I2:40 09/09/05 09:30 0923/0s l5:30 09128/05 l0:09 OI0 CAS I\o.Analyte Conc.MDL RL 0 7440-38-2 Arsenic 0.0M4 0.0044 0.0rs U 7440-39-3 Barium 1.5 0.00070 0.0r 0 74l,047-3 Chromiurn 0.0049 0.0026 0.010 B 7440-50-8 Coppcr 0.0045 0.0045 0.0r 0 U 7439-92-l Lead 0.0026 0 t)026 0.0030 U 7440-02-A Nickt:l 0.004I 0.00r 2 0.040 B 1140-?,24 Silver 0.m28 0.0028 0.010 Lj h+o-oz-z Vanadiunr 0.0055 0.002s 0.0r0 B 7440-66-6 Z.inc 0.013 0.0045 0.020 B STL Denver L-avt t I lanl*cic llntn Cha,a) FauirrrtloaO ffisTI, IIRS Corporation Ilotal Metals Analysis Data Sheet [.,ab Name: Lot/SDG lt{umber: Mntrlx: 7o Molsture: Basis: Analysls IVIethod: Unit: QC Batch ID: Srmple Allquot: Dllution liactor: $TJ/ DTTNVER p5r090176 WATEIT NiA Wet 74'l0A n'rg/L 95e437 I Cllent Sarnple ID; Lab Sample ID: Leb Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drte/Time Recelved: Date/Tlmo Lesched: Date/fime Extracted: Dtte/Time Analyzed: Instrument I D: (iw-R4-090805 p5r090r 76-007 HJRM6 ogiQ$ios I2-40 09i0q/05 09:30 09t23105 I2:50 09i23/05 18:40 0r9 CAS No.Anolyte Conc.MI}L RL a 1439-97-6 Mercury 0.000044 0.000041 0.00020 U STL Denver Fnrm I Anolvsis llata Shp.e,f Eouivulent 93 ffisrt IIRS Corporatlon Totel Metals Analysis Detl Sheet Lab Nanre: LoUSDG l{umber: Mrtrh: 7o ltlolsture: Bnsis: Analysis IVt ethod: tinit: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dilutlon Fsctor: STL DENVER psrr)gOI76 WATER NiA lys 60^0 mgL s265 I 93 50 mL 5 Client Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Work0rder: Date/Tlmc Collected: 1)ate/'l'irne Received : Date/Tlme Leached: Drte/Time Extmcted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: GW-R4-0?0[0s p5r0e0r 76-007 HJ8M6 09/08/05 12:40 ()9/(t9i05 09:30 09/23105 l5:30 09/27 t01-Q5:35 004 CAS No.Antlyte Conc,IVIDI.,RL a 7 440-43-e Cadnrium 0.00020 0.00020 0-0050 U 7787-49-2 Sclenium 0.0038 0.0()16 0.010 B STL Denver D^r.... f l.-nt-.^i^ raa3- lFr-..^r Dr..'i..nlu.J 94 ffiSTt URS Corporation I otal Metals Analysis Dsta Sheet Lab Name: LotlSDG Nurnber: Mntrh: ' Molsture: Ilasis: Analysis lltethod: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon Fector: STL DENVJR psjoeOl76 WATER NiA YtrI 60I ()B rn3& 526s237 50 rnL I Client Semple I'D: Lab Sample lD: Lrb WorkOrder: Dnte/Tlme Collected: Dnte/Tirne Receivetl: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Date/Time Anslyzed: Instrument ID: c;w-R3-09f)805 p5r(L?p l.7r,-008 I.IJ8M7 09i08/()5 I4; I I Q9/09/05 09:30 09/23i05 I5:30 09126t05 22:11 0zI CAS No.Antl.vte Conc.MDL RL a 74?9-90-s Aluminunr 0.017 0.017 0.r0 U 7440-70-2 Calcium 43 0.034 0.20 743e-89-6 Irt>n 0.14 0.021 0.r0 7 439-95-4 Magnesiurn 46 0.043 0.20 7 440-A9-7 Pota.ssiurn r50 0.24 3.0 7$A-'23-s Sodium 2500 I.I 5.0 1440-67-7 Zirconium 0.0088 ().fi)t 6 0.0t 5 B STL Denver Form I Analusi.s l)ata Sheet Eouivalent 95 ffiSTt IJRS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Datt Sheet Lab Narne: l,oUSDG Numbcr: Mntrlx: 7o Molsture: Brsis: .A.nalysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Srmple Allquot: Dilution l'rctor: STL DENVER D5t0q0 t 76 WATER }UA }yd 60108 mglL 526s?37 50 mL I Cllent Sample ID: Lnh Snmplc [D: l,ab Workorder: Date/Time Collected; Date/Tlme Recelvod: Dntc/Tlme Leached; Dste/Tlme Extracted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: GW-R3-0e0805 p5l09o l 76-00[ HJ8M7 09/08/05 l4:15. 09/09/05 09:30 00123/05.,, [J:30 09128/05 I (): l4 llt6 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 744A48-2 Ansenic 0.01I 0.0044 0.015 B 7444-N-1 Barium 0.72 0,00070 0.0r0 7 444-47 -3 Chrrrmium 0.0026 0.0026 0.0r 0 U 7440-s0-8 Copper 0.0()4s 0.004s 0.010 TJ 7419-92-l Lead 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 7440-A2-A Nickel 0.0031 0.001 2 0.040 B tMt\-?2-4 Silver 0.0028 0,0028 0^010 U f+a-az-z Vanadium 0.0027 0.002s 0.0r0 B 744A-66-6 Zinc 0.00s0 0.0045 0.020 B STL Denver Fnrm I Ann.htsi.s l)n.la ,\heel F.ouivnlpnt 96 ffisTL URS Corporation Totrl Metrls Analysis Drta Sheet Lrb Name: LoUSDG Number: Motrix: 7o Molstrrrc: Basls: Andysls Mcthod: Unit: QC Brtch rD: Sample Aliquot: Dilution Factor: STL DFNVER D5t09() 176 wATEII N,iA Wst 747tlA mg'L szse3J7 I Client Sample II): Lab Semple ID: Lrb Work0rder: Dnte/Timc Collccted: Date/Time Received: Date/Time Lenched: Date/Tinre Extmcted: Dste/Tlme Analyzed: Instnrment ID: Gw-83-0e080.5 p51090176-008 HJ$Ivl7 09108/05 l4: l5 09/09105 09:30 09/23105 12:50 $9/23ltt5 18:41 019 CAS No.Anulyte Conc.MT}t RL 0 7419-97-6 I\lercury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 I.J STL Denver Form I Analvsis Data Sheet Eguivalent 97 Lab Name:STL DENVER I,ot/SDG Irumber: D5I090176 Nlttrix; WATER '% Molsture: Nl{ Basls: ltg Analysls Method: 6020 Unit: mg/[, QC Batch ID: 52651 93 Sample Allquot: 50 nr[- Dllutlon Factor: 5 ffi$rt URS Corporation Total Metals fuirlysls Drta Sheet Client Srmple ID: SW-R3-090805 Lab Sarnple tD: D51090176-008 Lab \4brk0rtler: HJSIVIT Date/Time collecred: ()9.108/05 1a:15 Dtte/Tlme Received: $9/09/05 09:30 Date/Tlme Letched: Drto/.t.irne Errmctcd: 0q/r3l05 IJ;30 Drte/Tlme Analyzed: 09/2205. tlS:38 Instrument ID: qAl CAS No,Analvte Conc.MDL RL a 7441t43-9 Cudmium 0.00025 0.00020 0.00s0 B 7782-49-2 Selcnium 0.0028 0.0016 0.0r0 B STL Denver Fnylm I Anolvsi"c Tlnlo Shept Euuivalenl 9B STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsls -2A- INMAL A}ID CONTINUING CALIBRA'I'ION YERTI{CATION Cortract: tlRS CorDoratsion L&b Cod,r I STITDEN Cage No - r 8lg No. 3 Inttrl.al Callbrat,ioa Source: Cont,Lnulng Calibration gourco: Higrh Purity, Spax fnorgrnLc VenEurGa $Do No. r D5f090L7 6 ConccutrrrtLoa tlnttr r mg lL Alurninurn :l I afuminum :l lo,ol 38.7s1 ge.c I so-o I le.gsl gz.g I I Analytc rnieis,l Crlibratioa Trtre Fcnrnd *R ( 1) Contslnulng CallbraELon ![rn. Fo.nd %R( 1] Found BR( 1]u Calcirrm t I Calcium II I Iron Lo I I rron 4i t_ {10.01 39.011 g7.s I so.ol 49.5gl 99.2 0.5111 LOz'.2 de.o6l es.xl I lPl Potasrir.rm I I{agrrcelrrrn I Sod.Lum to I Sod{um Hi I ZLrconirrm I control tirLits r lrlcrourfr BO-LZAr OtherMrEalsg0-110t ClranldaS5-115 50. Lzl 100.2 19. 64 I 98,2 5.061101,2 (1) STL Denver tr'orn II (PrrU 1) IN 99 STL DETWER Cont,ract I IIRS CorlroratLon Total l\{etals Analvsis -7,A- IN ITIAL A}ID C ONTINTIING C ALIBRATIOI{ IIERIFICATIOII{ Caeo No. I Slg No. : HLSrh Ptrrity, Spax Inorganio Vanturca Lrb Codc r SEITDEN Initsiel Ct1l.braul.on Source: Continulng Callbration Eourcar SDGI No.r D5I090L76 Coaccntration Unl,Ut t mgllt l,lusrinum .l l,lustinurn :l {8,271 95.5 CalcLrrm H I {9 " tgl 98.4 Iron Lo I fron Hr, I {9.6{1 97 ,3 leoucsaLunl .. | | I so.ol I I so,os,lr-go.rJel Magne aiunr J 19.57I 97-8 J soatum r,o I I I I 5.0 I F.oolro:..zl p I .trnalrt,r rul.tl.a]. Calibratsion Trnre Found %R ( 1) Cont inrrinfr Crlibratiorr Tmr lround t,It( 1) Found, tR ( 1)}T lcarctunrl I I I s.ol I I s.ollroo.elpl Sodium Hf I zLreoninn I (1) Control Limiter Marcutlr B0-120, Othsr Mctal;90-1101 CYanida 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part, 1) - IN 100 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INMIAI, ANI} CONTINI.iING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION C@trrot! IIRS Corporetl,on IJab Codc r $BLDEN Cagc No.3 SLg No. r gDO NO.: D5f090176 Initirl CaLtbraElon Source; ConELnuinq Crlibrrtlon Souree: High Purity, Spax InorganLc VcnEuras Aluminun :J n,lrrminum :l CalcLum t I Calclum H I Iron Lo I Iron H{. I Potaseiun I [uqsnql,riqm I I Concentratsion Unit,g z mg/l' 0.{ggl 99.8 48.531 97 .L {.811 96 -2 lL7 .L7l 94 .3 0 .4911 98 .2 47 -t1;l 94.2 50.25) 100.5 I I ao.ol I I rs.E3 I gs.z[rl lnrllrtc rnLtlal Callbrat,lon Tnre X'arad %R ( 1) Continulng Callbratlon Tnrc Pound %R ( 1) Fgllnd t6R ( 1)u I soat.rn l,_o I I s.ol I I s.Lzl roz.ilnl I se4rqq Eil I 50.o l 49.Lal 98.2 I lpl Ziroonfum I ( 1) Conf,roL r,init,a t MercurT 80-120t Othor Mctal.a 90-110; CtranLde 85-115 o.{85l 97.O STL Denver Form fI (ParE 1) IN STL DE\IYER Contraot r IIRS Corry>orrtLon Total Metals Analvsirs -7A- INTNAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Cur No. t AI.EI No. r tttgh P,r=ity, SIlo _ Inorganle Vanturcla Lrb Codo I STLTDEDI Initl,al Ca1l-bratloa Source : Continuing Call,bratLon Souree : SDO luo. r DSf 090175 A1urnl"nufil 'l I e,ruminum :l ConccnEratlon UrrtEa t ig lr' Contlnulng CrlLbrution Trrrr Fotrad e6R ( 1) I I I so.ol lg.Bsl s7.7I t6n(1) 99.6 I P I lPl InitiaL Cnlt-brlt,:loa Truc Found tR(l) Celcium L J I carcium Ir I 4.741 94,81 p I I I so.ol lz.egl ss.nl I lBl Iron Lo I Iron Hl I Potnaaium I I uagrnesiu,n I I I 2o.ot I 0.{891 97.9 I p 19.1{l gs.l JB I Sod,l,rrm rro I Sodium III I Zl,rconium I Control LLmita: Morourar 80- L2A;Othcr Mctals 90-110, CyanLde 85-115(1) STL Denver For:ur II (Part, 1) Il{102 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTIN UING CALIBRATION I'ERIFICATION Cotrtract t IJRS CorT,oratlou Lab Code3 gfLDEN Cagc No. r Srg No,: rnltl.al Calibratsion Eource t Cont,l"nulng Call-brarion Sourec r Ht grh Prrri.ty, Spax Inorganie Venturaa SDO No.: D5I090L76 Coacrnt,nt:lon ttrrLtr t mg lI' I er.rq,Lnum .l I ] I o.so I o.Eoel1o1.g I p I enalyt,o rnl-t, I.al, Calj.bratl,on True Found BR ( 1) ContLnul,ng Crl.l,IrraEion Tnra Forrnd tR ( 1) Found ,5R ( 1)Irl A1uml,Bum :l Calcium Ll CaLciun H I Iron lro I [rroaHi I I I t 50. o I aB. 1zl sG.3 |ll Potasrt rrm I 50,0 50.661 101.3 P Mrgrnc;ium J 20.0 19.511 98.0 P J soatrun Lo I J s.ol I I s.1glro3.6l PI SodLum ni I I zirconL.* I {9 - 611 99 .? o,sol I I o.{ezl eg.tlpl (1) Control LintE,s r Mcrcury B0-L20t Othar MaEah 90-110; CyanJ.do 85-115 STL Denver fom II (Part 1) - IN 103 STL DEIVVER Contrrct t IIRS CorporatrLon Total Metals Analvsis -2A- IN ITIAL AI.ID C ONTINT]ING CALIBRATION VERIFIC A T ION Caae No, 3 StA No. : Et-eh Purl-ty, Spax Inorgrnnio Ycnturc! Lab Codas STLDEN InitLrl Ca1t bration Sourcr: ConuinuLng ce1J-bratioa gorrcc r gDG NO. : D5I090L7 6 Corrccntrrtion Unit; s mglt enallrte Inltial Ca1Lbratrlon Tnre found tR ( 1) Contlnulug CaLLbratl,on Tnr€t Found esR ( 1) E'ound tR ( 1)tri Alum,lnurn I 0.257 1102.8 CaleLum t I 1. gg I 99.0 Iron Lo I 0.250 I100.0 leotrsr,i.unl zo.ol zo.rglror.ol I | | l- lplItqgnegiultl ro.ol g.rg I gl.g | ... l._ .- . -_.j . I I Le IIsoai.-tr,oJ a-ol z.otlrol.sl lnl lziroonrr:nl o.zsl o.zlzlgo.sl I | | I lel (1) Control l,imLtg r Mereurlr 80- 120;Othcr Motalg 90-1101 Cy'anide 85-115 STL Denver Forxr II (Part, t) IN 104 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis _2A_ INITIAL AND CONTINT]ING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Cotrcott tlRS CorDontlon LaL Codrs STLDEN Catc No. r SAS No.: Initl.al CalLbration gouroe s ConEl"uulng Calibratl.on Souret : Htgh PrrrLuy, Bpex InorganLc Vraturog sDg NO. r D5IO90L7 6 Conscntratlon [Inltsg t mg/L Analrtr IniE{a1 CalLbratsion Tnrc Found e6R ( 1) Cont lnrrlng Cel'l.bratLon Trrre Forrnd tR ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)M lcarcru{nr.l -l I I s.ol .. | | s.oglroo.elpl I carcruq sl lo.ol -. lo.rs lroo.l I so.o J so.gol roo.r I I I p I[rotanaiu:nl I I I so.o l I I so.4alro1.o I p I ls.,arqLrol I I s.o I s-ozl rot.c I p I Sodl.um lri I ( f ) eonEroL r.{ ni gg 3 MarcurT 80-1201 Othcr lrlrt,a1s 90-110r CYanidc 85-115 STL Denver Forn If (Part 1) IN 105 STLDENVER Contract: IIES Cor?oratLon Totsl Metals Anslysis -2A,- INITIAL AND CONTINTIING CALIBRATION 1IBRIFICATION Caec No.:gl,S No. t Htgrh Purl,ty, SDcx fnorganLc Vcnturco LrI, Coda r STLDEN lnitirL celibration Sourcrr ContLnul.ng CalLbrrt j,on Sourcc: sDc No.: D5f090176 Concentration Unita r mglr. CalcLusr t I CalcLurn II I {9. {91 99 - 0 lporaarlunl I I I so.ol I I so.lslror.qlrl Sod.Lum Lo I Sodi.um Hi I Control Llnltti lirorcrrrtr 80-1201 Othrr Uetals 90-1101 Cyaaide 85-115 5.0{1100.8 I p (1) Nnal.ltc ruLtial Calibration Trrrc Found e6R ( 1) Cont, inuLng Caltbratrion Trrra Found %R ( 1) Found ,6R ( 1)Dt STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) IN 105 STL DENVER Total Metds Analvsis -2A- INMIAL AND CONTINUING CAL}BRATIO]Y VERTTICATION CoDtrrotr t RS eorDorrt:Lot tab code3 STLDEN Cage No.:gfg No. r Inittal CalLbration Sourscs ContrLnul,ng Ca1ibration Eourec: Hlgh PurLty, SDox Inorglnie Vanturas D5r09017 6 ConocntratLon IDTLEg I mgll, lnalf'tr InJ,tJ.aI Calibrat,Loa Bmc Found tR(l) Cont:Lnulnn Crl.i.bratl,on Trtrc lr.ound erR ( 1) Found tR ( 1)M CalcLum L l Calel,un H I roter;irurr I 5.0 5 .35 LA7 ,2 50.0 5{, 22} 109, { I I I so.ol I I sr.sslroz.zlpl Sodlun r,o I I soafur* Hr J ll 5.0 so.o I s1.z5l 103.EI 5.17 I 103. { lpl ( 1) ConLroI LLurlEs:Mareury 80-1?01 OEhu Mrtels 90-I10t CYanlde 85-115 STL Denver Fomr rI (Part 1) IN 107 STL DENVER Contrasts r URS Corporatl-on Total Metals Analysis -24- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERI}'ICATION Crrr No- r 8lg No. r Etgrh prrrltv, Spcx InorganLe venturea Leb Codc I BTITDEN fnit,ial Crll,bration Bource : Continulng CalLbration Sorrroe r sDG No. r D5f 090176 Conecntnt,l.on UnLtr r urgl[' I Cl.f ciurn r, I I lnalytc lnLtial Cal-ibrrtl,on frrrc found e6R ( 1) Cout,Luuing CaLibration Trnrc Found tR ( 1) tround %R ( 1)u 5,01 s.33 lro6.6l p I I cerciurn H I 50.0 I s{. s01 109,0 I I lpl PotBtniurn Sodl,urn fro J $odLum IIf I ( 1) Control Liulta r Mercury 80-1201 Othor Dlrtals 90-110; Clzanldc 85-115 51 .12 I LAz.2 I p 5. 13 I 102.6 I P STL Denver Forrn II (Part 1) a IN 108 STL DETWER Total Metals Analysis INITIAL AND CON'flNUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Coatract! IIRS Corgoration r.rb Codc r STITDBN Casa gfg No- r InLtiaI Calibrat,lon Source : Cont,lnulng CalibntLou Bouree : Eigh Purlty, Spax Inorgtnl,c VsntUrSS Dsr090L7 6 I careitm r, I 2.01 Cooccntratl.on unLEg t rrglt a.oolroo.ol I I I I fnrJ.yte fnieial Crll-bnulon Trrre f,ound e6R ( 1) Contlnulng CalLlrratlon Tnrr Pound e6R ( 1) Found e6R ( 1)!r [.lotrraium I zo. ol eo.lolroo.sl I I I I lrlls"ar'r,rrcl z.ol ..z.orlroo.sl I I I I lpJ ( 1) ControL LJ.ruits:Meroury 80-1201 Other Meta1t 90-110, Wenide 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part 1) IN 109 STL DENVER Contract r I,ab Code: Total Metals Analvsis -2A.- INITIAI, AND CONTINUING CAI,IBRATION VERIFICATION URS Cor:Doratl-oa STLDEN Caga No. r gA^8 No.:SDO N0. r D5I09OL76 Inl,t,l,al Crlibrrrtlon Bourco : Contlnuing CalibratLon Sourcc: Iaorganio Vanturca HLgh PrrrLty, Spex ConccnEratLon UnLcr t urg/L Analytr Initiu,l Calibration Trnrc Eorrnd e5R ( 1) ContLnu{ng Crl.LbrutLoa Tnrc Eound e6R ( 1) Found t6R ( 1)lrl Areenic I 0 .2{3 I 97 .2 0.9931 99,3 0.997 I 99,7 I narium I o .2sl o .25{ 1101. 6 I 0.501 0.502110x.{l o,s11lLaz-llpl Chrorntum I a.2451 98.{0.5041 100.8 0. {99 I 99.8 o,2{I5 I gg.0 0.5001 100.0 0.5051 101.o I P Lrea,dt I 0.24,4 I 97.6 0.5021 100.4 0,5011 100.2 I p I wterer I o.2sl o.z4s I sg.o I o.so I o.sozl 101.t I o.sool ror.a I p I Eil.var I 0.2{1 I 96.4 l_qanadtqq I o. zsl o.?4gl gg.2 I 0.{931 98.6 0.{921 98.{ I P o.so I o.sotl 1oo.B l o,so1J1oo.z I p I Jzinc J o.zsl o .2{o I 95.0 I o,50 I o.so3l 1oo,dl o,5ool1oo.o I p I ( 1) Control rirrits :Mereur^y 80-120;Other Mctal; 90-1101 C1'anLde 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN 110 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -24- INITIAL AN D CONTINUTNG CALIBRATION YERITICATION IIRS Corporation STTDEN Cage No.3 g}.9 DIo. 3 SDe LIO.s D5I090175 Coatrrct r Lab Codc: fnl,tial CalibrntLon Sourcc r Cont,l.nulng Calibration Souroe r fnorgrenic Vcnturct High Ptrrity, Spax ConccntratLon UnLEE : mg lL lnal1t,t fnitirl CrlLbretlon Truc Found tR (1) ContJ.nulng Ca].l.bratLon |[nrc Found tsR ( 1) Found eER ( 1)M Jlrconic I 1.0531 105 .3 1.0t51 10{,5 I P BarLum I I cnromium I 0.5171 103 . {0.5111 102 -2 I P I I I o.sol o.srol1o3.zl o.srslros.olpl J coppcr I I I 1 o.sol o.sarl105-21 o.szslros.elpl lLcaa. I ,L I I o.sol o.srslror.ol o.srslroz.olT_l lurcrer I I | | g.sql ,, ,o.qr?lrqr.ol o-sralroz.llel lsttver I I I J o. s0 I o. so{l r00 .8 I o.sot I 1oo. B I r I venadirrrn I lzine I I o.50 I 0.5211 LOI.2 0.521 I 10{ .2 I P o.52ol 105.21 o.so{[1oo.B I p I ( 1) Control -LlnLts I Mercury 80-120; Other Mctal;90-110, cyarrlde 8s-115 STL Denver Forgm II (Pert, 1) IN 111 STL DET\TVER Cont,nct r Lrb Cod,c r lnltLal CalibnElon Source: Contiauing Call"bratioa Sourcrr Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AND CONTINTIING CALIBRATION VERII'ICATION IIRS Corporat,Lon STIJIEN Caaa No. t Sl8 I[o. r Iaororanic Vanturag BDO NO,r D5I090175 High Prrrity, Spcx Arsenic I Bariun I Chrqniurn I coppar I Irord I Ni-chcl I SLlwer I I venndLum I I Concentrrt,Lon Unl,ta t mg lt I I o.sol 1. 05{l 105. {1.050 I 105.0 0.5161 103 .2 0.50,0 1100.8 0.5191 103.8 0 . 5{11 108 .2 0.5351 107.0 0.5101 102.0 I P 0,5191 103.8 0.528 I 105. 6 0.5171 103 .4 0.5351 107.0 0.5081 101. 6 0.5L21ta2.$ o.szsl to5-oI o.537l,La7.i I r Anllyta rnl-Eia1 CalibratLon Trnre round tR ( 1) Cont:Lnulng CaI" J.brat l,ou Trnrc Found e6R ( 1) Pound %R ( 1)Ir! J ztnc I I o.sol 0.51?l 103.{ I 0.5a7l1o9-t I p I (1) ControL Lfunits r l,tmcury 80-1201 Other Mctalr 90-110, CYarldc 85-115 STL Denver Form II (Part 1) IN 1,72 STL DENYER Totnl Metrls Analvsis -2L- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CAI,IBRATION }'ERIFICATION ConLract: IIREI CorDgratlon Lab Codai gTtDEN Carc No. 1 NIST SAg No. I fnitial Ca].lbration Sourca; ContLnuing CrlLbrlrtLon Eourccr U1tra Scl,cntLfLe SDs NO. r D5I090175 Coucrntrrt:lon t]nJ.tg'- mg lL Ana1.yta -nitial CalJ.bratl-on Trnrc round l6R ( 1) Coatinuing Calibration Tnre Found %R ( 1) I!'ound e6R ( 1)}T I uarcurv I o.ooarzzl o.oozrze lroo.o I o.oosooo I o.oolgogl ga.z I o.oosolsl ror-o lcvl (t) Cont,rol Llmitg:Dloreury 80-120; Other Mrta1g 90-110, Cyanide 85-115 STL Denver Fciur II (Pert 1) IN 113 STL DENVER contraet: URs cor-goratLon Total Metals Annlvsis _2A_ IN ITIAL AT,{D CON T TN UIN G CALIBRAT ION Vf, RIFICATION Case No-: NTST g.Lg Bro. : Ultra Scientific f,ab Cod,c: STLDEN fnitirl CrlLbratl-oa Soureo: Continuiagr CalLbratsl.on Source : SIXI NO, r D5f 090176 I t'tcrcury ConocnBratl,on Unitg : fig lL I I I o.oorooo I o.oolgzsl gg-s I o.oosozsl roo.s lcvl ArralyEe rnLti,e]. CalLbratLon Tnrc Found tR ( 1) Continuing Calibration Tnn Found reR ( 1) Found %R ( 1)Dl (1)Control t i-rnitc:Mercury 80-1201 Othar Mota1g 90-110; Cyantde 85-115 STL Denver Forn II (Part 1) IN 774 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis aA- INI'TIAL AND CONTINUINC CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Coatract: LrRg CorA)oration Lab Codc3 gTt DEN Cllc No, t SIS No. r D5r090L7 6 rnl"tl.al CalibrrtLon Source : Contlnul,ng Call.bntion gourcc:Ultra ScLentiftc NIST ConcorrtratLon Un:LEr: ng ll, .Lrrr16a rnLtlal Callbration Trrre Fcnrnd esn ( 1) Cont,l-nulng Crlibrrtsion Trrra Forrnd e5R ( 1) round t6R ( 1 )u 0.005000 0 .00517 103,{ ( 1) ConEroI r,Lnit g r Mereury 80*LZAt Other tdetals 90-1101 CYunidc 85-115 0,0051{3 102. 9 cv STL Denver Foru II (Part 1} IN 115 STL DENVER ConEract: IIRS Coraloratl,on Total Metals Analvsis -2A. tN ITIAL AI.{D CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Crrc No. r SAS No. l High hrrl,ty Inorganlc Vanturcs Lrab Cod,c: gfIrDEN rultlll. CalibratLon Boursc r Continuing Ca1LbraBion Sorrrcc r sDs No. r D5I090176 Concantratsion uniug z mglL J caamium o. o{ol o. o{13 1103.2 I o, o5o I o, osoil roo .z I o. o5oo I roo. o I u I lnaLyta Initl.a]- Ca1l"braEion True Found tR ( 1) Cont,inuing CrlLbration Tnrc f,'ound tR ( 1) Fouad tR ( 1)t{ Scl'cniurn I o.0401 1100.2 (1) Control Linita:Mercury 80-L2O; Othcr Matals 90-110; CYanlde 85-115 0. 0495 I 99 .0 STL Denver Forn II (Part 1) rN 116 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2;^- INITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION YERIFICATION contrf,ctr IIRS Corporrtl,oa Lab eodas STtDEN Cage No, r A.LS No.: Init,la1 cellbrat ion Source : Contl-nuiag Cal'ibratLon Souroc r Htgb Prrrity rnorgranLc VonturGs D5rO90L7 6 Conccntratioa urrlta t rrgll rnallrt,c tnitiat calibntLon Tnrr r(}und aR ( t ) Coubinulng Calibration Tnre round ta ( 1 ) Found e6R ( 1)u Cadmium I 0. 050 0.05011 100.2 I 0.0512 I r02.4 I u lsercnrupl l. ,l I o.osol q,osoolroo.ol o.ongzl gg.llul (1) coDtror Linitg: u.rcury 80-120; otbor llctalr 90-110r cyrnidc g5-115 STL DCNVCT forur II ( ParE 1) IN 1,L7 STL DENYER Contract 3 IIRS Corlpration Total Metals Analvsis -2A- INITIAL AI{T} CONTIN UING CALIBRATIOI{ VE,RIFICATION Cagc No. t gAg No. r IlLgh Purl,ty Inorganl,c Venturcr Lib Code : STIJDEN Ini.tia1 calLbratl,ou Source : Contl-nuing Call,bratLon Sourcc : BDO NO. r D5I090L76 Concrnt,ratlon Unitr z mg lt' .ana1ytsr Inieirl. Calibration Trnre Found 1,g(l) Cont,Lrru:Lug Cal. J"bratlon lfnra Found %R ( 1) forrnd t6R ( 1)u Cadmiun Sa}onirrm I (1) Control l,lnltsr Mcrcury 80-120; Othor llrbals 90-110r CYanidc 85-115 0.0500 0. 0508 STL Denver Fonn II (Part 1) IN 118 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- IN ITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION \IERIF'ICATION Contraets IIRS Corpont:lon Lab Codc: gfLDEN Casc SnS tilo. : fnl.tlal CeLibratl.on Source : Cont,Lnul,ng Call,bratLon gourcG r Hlgrh Purlty Inorganlc Vontur.g sDs No. r D5I090176 ConcerrtrrtsLon UnLt,a r &gll. lceaniur I I I I o.osol o.olasl go.e I lul lnrLyta rnl-eLn]' Callbration '[rnrt Forrnd t6R ( 1) Continulng Callbratlon Truc fqrutd tR ( 1 ) round e6R ( 1)u I serenium I tl I o. oso I o. os13l 102.5 I lul ( 1) ConEroI Liruitr I Dlercurlr 80-1201 Othar Mctal; 90-1101 Crranido 85-115 STL Denver Polm II tPrrt 1) M 119 STL DENVER Contract: [IRS Corpor6tion Total Metals Analvsis -2L- TNITIAL AI{D CONTINUNG CALTBRATION VERIF.ICATIOT'i Caac No.:8Ag No. : Higrh PurLty Inorgrnio VcnturGa ralc Code : STITDEN Initilr1 ca].Lbration Eourocr ContLnuing crU.bratsion Eouroc: gDO NO, : D5I090175 Concentration UnLtt r figlt .Lrralyt,a lnitiel CallbraBLon Trnrc Found e6R ( 1) Contlnulng Ca1l,bratrion Tnre Found, e6R ( 1) Found eGR ( 1)!d Ca&nl-rrrr 0.0{11 l10z . I 0.0{951 gg ,0 0.05021 ro0 -{ I s.trnLurn o.olol 0.o3egl gg.sl o.osol o.olgol gs.zl o.osrzlros.llul (1)Control LLnttg:Mcrcurl' 80-120r Othcr ltlatalg 90-11O; CtranLde 85-115 STL Denver Forn Ir (Pert t) fN 724 STL DEIVT/ER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- IMTIAL AFID CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION cotrtract,r lrRsl corDoratlon Llb Codas gfLDEN crso No. r SnS No, t rnl-tLal Call,bration Bouree r ConEinuing Calibratlon Soursc r Htgh PurLty Inorganlc VenturG; sDc No. : DSf 090L7 6 ConcentratLon tfnitg ; ng I l, lrraLytc Inirla1 Calibntlon rnre Found tR ( 1) Cont:Lnulag Call,bration Btrra Found, %R ( 1 ) Fglrnd eria' ( 1)M Cadmlrrm Solanl,um I 0 .0502 Control tlnttr: McrcuRI 80-1201 Othor &Iota1a 90-110, Wanidr 85-115 0.0503 o. 0502 (1) STL Denver Form II (Part 1) ffi a21 STL DEIVVER eontrEct r [IRg corporation Total Metals Annlvsis -2A_ INITIAL ATID CONTII{UING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION Caac No.:8Ag No.: nigh Purlty Inorganic VcntutrGo Lab COdg: STIJ}EN InLtial Crli.bratLon Elource : ContsinuLng CalLbration Souree : gDc No. : D5f 090L76 Concentntlon Unitt t urglt,, AnaIt&c rnl,tl,el Callbrabion Triuc Fotrnd 96n ( l ) ConElnulng crlt bratlon Trrro Found tR ( 1) Pound tR ( 1)Dt Cadmium I 0.050 100.8 I 0.0504 [__salqu-!qm I I I I o,oso!c,..oso{l 1oo.Bl o,odgal gs.6Jrul (1) Control Llnitsr M.rsury 80-1201 Othrr }Ietals 90-110; Ctranlda 85-115 STL Denver Formr II (Part 1) IN 722 STL DENVER Total Metnls Analvsis _2B.- CRDL STANDARD TOR AA AND ICP Contraet: IIRS Cor:poratLon Lrb Code: STTDEN AA CRDL Standard Souree: ICP CRDfJ SErndard Eorrrcc r Crrc No. t S.LSI No.:sDo No. r D5I090175 InorganLc Venturcr ConecnErrt,lon tlnltg = mglt' CRDIr Standrrd for IeP rnl-tLa1 fl.arl Trrrc Found tR Found CRDL Etrndard for r.A trnrc Fotrnd tR lalumiaunl I I ll o.rol 0.1131 ur.ol I I CalcLum Ir l g I 114.5 Iron Iro I 0.03{o I 113.3 Potacrl"unf Mrgr:ncrlun I Sod,tum Lo I 1.14 I I].d.0 0.192 I 95.0 L.L2} LLz.A lztrcoaiuml I I ll o.oorl o.oosel116.0l I I STL Denver Forrr If (Part,2l fN !23 STL,DETW'ER Total Metals Analysis -7D.- CRDL STANDARD FORAAAI\ID ICP Contnct r IIRS CorT>oration tAb COdO r STIJDEN }} CRDI, Standard Souroc g feP CRDIr sltandrrd Source : Crr ![o. t Sl'g No. :8DO No. r D5IO9OL76 rnorganlc Vcntures Concantration unLt,a t mglr' CaLcLun L I Arra]-lrbcl CRDL Stendrrd for nn Trnrc tround gRDIr Standard tor ICP rnitLrl FLnal Tnre Found, :t,R Found 0.20 0.197 gg.5 Potaert-um I SodLurr lre I 1,0 1.0 1.01 101. 0 1 .02 102 .0 STL Denver Fom II (Part 2) IN 724 STL DETYI/ER Total Metals Analvsis -2U-- CRDL STA}IDARD F'OR AA AND ICP Contracts r f-,ab Code : IIRS CorporatLon Carr No, t SDG No, : D5I0901,7 6STI,DEN Al CRDIJ SEendard Sorrroc r reP CRDL Btsand.ard Souroo: AASI No. : Eigh PurLty, BDcx, IaorganLe vcnturoa CADIr Stand,ard for ICP rulti.a1 Fl-na]' Trtre Dotrnd %R Found e5R CRDL Etand.ard for ^}f, Tnre Found, tR .l,racnLc I ConcrntraE:Lon Unit s : ng lL o. o10 0.0082 I 82.0 BarLum I 0.0050 o . 005111 Laz .2 Chrourium I 0.010 0.0110 I 110.0 Coppcr I 0-010 0.0114 1 11{,0 I utcter I 0.0030 0,002151 7? .A I I I I o.olol o.orosl los.ol I Stlvar I 0.010 0.00971 97.0 Vanadiun I 0.010 0.0113 I 113.0 lzrnc | | J - lI o.ozol_ o.ozszlrzo.ol I I STL Denver Form II (Part 2 ) IN a25 STL DEIYVER Total Metals Analvsis -2B.- CRI}L STAI{DARD F'OR AA AND ICP Contnct r (IRS Corpontl,ou trb Code : STITDEN tr. CRDL Ebandard 9ourco: ICP CRD[, Standard Sourcc r Caaa No.: Ultra SclcntLfLo gl"g No. t sDG No. : D5I090L7 6 CoaccntratLon Unit; r rrgll.l CRDL AErndard for LL CRDII gtendard for ICP raitirl rLnrl Trnre Found tR trorrnd, tR Mercury I o. ooo2oo 0.00017 gg.0 STL Denver Form II (Part 2l fN 1,26 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -2:B- CRDL STANDARD [.OR AA AI.[D ICP Contrrct r IIRS Corgoretion Irab Code i STIrDEII Af CRDL Standrrd Slourcc: ICP CRDL Strndard, Slource: Cagc No. :g.l'$ LIo. t gDO No. r D5I0901,7 6 Inorga'll,c Vanturel Conccntrratlon UnLtg : W lL CRDL Etandard. for ICP rnltLr]. fLnal I.ound tR found CRDII St,andard for rA Trrrc Found tR Jcadnt.up I I I ll o.oolol o.0g1ogl 100...0.L. I ISclonium I 0.0010 0.000911 91.0 STL Denver Form II (Part 2, M a27 STL DEIVVER Total Mettls Analvsls _2:B_ CRDL STAI\DARD FOR AA AND ICP Coatraet: IIRS CorporatrLon f,ab Code : SfITDEN lI CRDIr Standrrd Sourcc: fCP CRDL Standard Eourerr Care No. t S.LA lfo. :gDC No,: D5f090176 Inorganl,c Ventsuroa Conccntntl.on Unl.ta t \gllr CnDrr Etandard for ICP rnLt,i.al Fl-na1 I:nrc Found rsn Found %R CRDIr Btrndard for .[.L Trrra tr.ound BB J eramtum I I ll o.oolol o.ooroolroo.ol I I Salanium I 0,00088 1 88.0 STL Denver Forut If (Prrt 2l - IN 1,28 ffisrr IIRS Corporation Totd Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Number: Mrtrlx: o/o lllolsture: Basls: Anrly.rls Mcthod: Unlt: QC Batch I D; Sample Aliquot: Dllution Factor: STL DENVER, psrqgo r 76 WATER YEt 60r0rr MEIL 5265237 50 mL I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Srnople ID: Lab lVorkorder: DatelTtme Collectedr Date/Time Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Dste/Tlmc Extncted; Dnte/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: D5t220000-2378 I-IK5MA 09/23105 l5:30 09/16/05 20:58 0zt CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDI,Rt a 7429-e0-5 .Alunrinurrr 0.0r 7 0.017 0.r0 U 7439-89-6 Iron 0.02 r 0.02 t 0.t0 IJ 7439-95-4 Magnesiurrr 0.043 0.043 0.20 U 7440-a9-7 Potassiun 0.24 L\.74 3.0 L' 7440-21-5 Sodiurn l.l I.l s.0 TJ 7440-67-7 Zirconium r).00 I6 0.00 r 6 0.01s U t 440-70-2 Calcium 0.034 0.034 0.20 U STL Denver Form i Prep Blank Equivalent ffi$Tr IJRS Corpontion 'fotal Metals Analysis Data Sheet Lab Name: STL DENVER Cllent Sample ID: Lot/SDG Numbcr: D51090176 Lab Stmplc ID: DS1220000-237B Matrlx: WA'IER Lob Work0rder: HK5MA 7o Moisture: DetdTlme Collec{ed: BasIs: W91 Datc/Tlme Rccelved: Analyrsis Method: 60.108 Date/Tlmclerched: Untt: mg/L Date/Time Ertracted: A9123i05 15:,30 QC Bntch lD: 5265237 Date/Tlme Analyz.ed: 0928/05 07:59 Srmple Allquot: 50 mL Instrumcnt ID: 016 Dllutlon f'rctor: I CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 744(r--r8-2 Arscnic 0.00.{4 0.0044 0.015 U 7439-92-r Leatl 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 7440-3e-3 Barium 0.00070 0,00070 0.010 IJ 7444-02-0 Nickel 0.0012 0.0012 0.040 LI 744A-?24 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.0r0 LI 7440-62-2 Vanudium 0.002s 0.0025 t).0 I t)U 7440-66-6 Zinc 0.004s 0.004s 0.020 U Wqo-qt-t Chromiulrr 0.0026 0.0026 0.010 t, 7440-50-8 Copper 0.0045 0.004s 0.0r 0 U STL Denver Form 3 hep Blank Eouivalent 130 Lab Nsme:STL DENVER Lot/SDG Number: f)5l0q0176 Mntrix: WATER 7o Molsture: Brsls: Wet Analysis Method: 7+7.0A UnIt: mg& QC Bntch IIi: 5/12437- Sample Aliquot: Dllution Factor: I ffisrt URS Corporatlon Total lWetals Analysis Datn Sheet Cllent Sample ID: Lab Srmple ID: Dsl 160000-4378 Lab tilorkorder: HKVPA Dute/Tlme Collected: Drte/Time Recelved: DatelTlme Leschcd: DmelTime Ertructed: 09/23i05 l2:50 Drte/Tlmc Analyzed: 09/2-]/05 18:06 Instrument lD: 019 CAS No,Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7439-9-7 -6 Ivtercury 0.000044 0.000044 0,00020 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blank Equivalent 131 ffi$Tt IIR^S Corporetion Total Metnls Anrlyuis Data Sheet Lab Ntme: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx; '% Molsture: Basls: Analysls lllethod: Unlt: QC Batch ll): Snmple Aliquot: Illlutlon Factor: STL DENVER D51090r 76 WATER Uet (r020 ilrg/L s}(t1193 50 rnl I Cllent Sarnple ID: Lrb Sample ID: Lab Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drte/Time Recelvetl: Date/Tlme Lenched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Drte/Tlme Analyzed: Instrument ID: p.sl2?0000-_t 938 HK5F2 091't/05 I 5:30 09/27105 t9.a4 004 CAS No.Annlyte Conc.MDL RI,a 77824e-2 Selenium 0.00033 0,00033 0.0020 U 744043-9 Codrnium 0_000040 0.000040 0.00 r 0 U STL Denver Form 3 Prep Blanh Equivabnt 132 STL DEA{VER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BI-ANKS Contrreu r IIRS Corporation LEb codc g STIJDEDI Praparatlon BIanft PrcparatLon Blauk Cage No. r ue,trLx ( toL]../watser) : ConeentntLon Unitg (nglr, or nglkg) t gfS No,3 T{},TER YlglT' Prcparation BLarrk Inltiel Ct1Lb, BIank (ng/r,) Cont inulng Crll,brrElon BkrrIE (ngllr) Dsr O9 017 6 133 Llwnl-rrum f,.ro I 0 .017 Calcir:m r,o 0.052 fron IJo 0. o21 Potegaium 0 .2{ MagnegLum 0 ,043 god,ium Lo 0,032 ziroonl-urn 0.00160 0 .01.7 0. o3l o,o21 0.2{ 0.043 0.031 0 .00150 0.017 0. 03{ o -azl a .24 0.0{3 0.082 0.00150 0.017 0.03{ a.ozl a.2l 0.0{3 0 .197 0.001 60 STL Denver Form III - IN STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis J. BLANKS Contsraet r Irrh Codg: IIRS Corporetion Cuc No-:gl.8 No. :sDC NO.: D5I090176STITDITN Pregaration BlarrIE PraparetsLon Bhnh Matrrlx (eotl/water) r WATER ConcrnEraEion Unl.te (nglL or roglkg) ;ytc/L rnl.tial CalLb. BIaDIE (roglt l contsinulng CallbratLou B1ank (nlgll,l lczc3c AlumLnurn Lo I CalcLum L,o Irorr Lo PotaeaLum MagncaLurn Bodirrrn fJo Ziroonirrm a.aL7 0.03{ 0. 021 0 .2{ 0.043 0.106 0.00150 STL Denver EoTM III IN 134 STL DENVER Total Metnls Analysis -3- BLANKS ContraeE: I.ab Code r Prcparation Prcparation t RS Corporrtl.on STITDEN Crarr No. r Blank tiletrdx (soil/watcr) : Blank Conoantration Unl-ts glfl No. r gDc Blo- : D5I090176 (ng/L or nglkg) :f,l0lL Ana1y't,t rnltl.al Ce1lb. B].enIR (w/1,'t c Cont,l,nulng Callbrat ioa BIBnk 6g l[r) L c 2 e 3 e PreDar"aroo Blrrr r c !f Crlciurn Lo Potr""frrnffi 0..-5l4lu 0 .241 u 0.0311 U o.o3{lul ... 0.034 Iul o,o3{lu 0 ,2{ l u,l. 0 .24 lu l , ,_.__ 0 .2{ l u O.03LlUl 0,039181 0.0311U P P ; STL Denver EoTm III, - IN 135 STL DEIVI,'ER ConEract; [IR.S Corporatl,on Total Metals Analysis -3- BLANKS Lab Codcr Preprrrtl,on Prcparation Carr No. I MatrLx ( rol1./watser) : Concentratsion Unit; STI,DIBN Ang No. r sDo No. r D5I090175 BIerrh BLanIE u[[lrER (mg/f, or mg/kg) :![G/I, Praparat{on BIa.nh rnl"t lal Call.b. BIash (mn/L) Contlnulng Calibration B1ank (ns/L) ArrcnLc BarLum Chroml,urn CopDer Leed Nickcl Silver Vanadirrm Zinc 0 .00{4 0 .0044 0.00070 0.00070 0.00260 0.00260 o - 0045 0.00{5 o.oa26 0.0426 0.04L2 0 ,0012 0,00280 0.00280 0.0025 0,0025 0.00{5 0.00d5 0,00{{ 0.00070 0.00260 0.0045 0.0026 0.0012 0,00280 0.0025 o. o0{5 0.0044 0.00070 0.00260 0.0045 0.0025 0 .0012 0.00290 0,0025 0.0O{ts 0 .00{{ 0 .0007 0 o,0026 0. oo{5 0. oo25 0.0012 0.0028 o.0425 o. oo45 STL Denver ForN III TN 135 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Cont,nct r Lab codcr IrRg Corporatlon STLDIEN Cago No. :8Ag No. r SDO NO. r D5f090176 Properatl,on Bl'arrh DtaErl-x (soll/water) t WATBR PrnparaEl,on B1enk ConccnEration Units (rng/[, or mg/kg] I MG/L Initl,aI Cal.l,b. Bhnl( (mg lt l Conts lnulng CaI J,bratl.on Bhnk (utg/L)PreDarabion BIank Lrsonl,c Barium C'Irromiunr Copper Niokal, Si]'rrcr Vanad.Lum 0.00{4 0.00070 0.00260 0.0045 0 . 0026 o.00L2 0.00?go 0.0025 0.0045 0. 00{E 0.00070 0.00260 0. o0{5 0 , 0026 o.0012 0.oo280 0 . 0025 0.0045 STL Denver Eom III IN L37 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -3- BLAI{KS Contract: Lrb Code: Pre;>aretLon PrparatLon IIRS Corryrcntl.on 8TI,,DEN Crac No. t Blank t{etrl,x (soll/water} r B].enh Conccntratios Unl,C; gn^8 No. r sDo NO. r D5f090176 (mgl[' or W/Isg) :MG/I, Ana]'lrt,e lnLttal Caltb, Bhdr (ngtr,,c ContLnulng Cal J.bratLon BlanIG (nglt) I c Z tC C PrcprntLon BIank c ![ llcroury |O.O0OO{9 I BI -0.000052 lB I -o.ooo0sl- I B CV STL Denver FoTm III IN 139 _) STL DENVER Total Metals Analysts -3- BLAI!$KS Coatreet r f,ab Coda: PrcDaration Prcpuatlon IIBS Corlroratl.on gfIrDEN Crse Dilo - t gl.anlE Matrj.x ( goLl /vatcr ) r B1ank Conccntratlon Unitr gAS llo. I SDo NO. t D5I09OL76 UTATER (msll, or Bg/kg) r ![G/I, enalyts rnLtLal CalLb. Blanlr(wlr.t c Continuing Calibration Blank (mg lLl 1 c 2 c 3 c Prcalretion B].rrrk c M CadmLum----BalcnLuur 0 ,00oo40lu 0 .0003301 u 0,oooo{ol u I 0.:,.09-9j},1-1Er-l 0: 000040 J u 0.0003301UI 0.0003301U I 0.000330 I U DI tI STL Denver Fom III IN 1,4 0 STL DETVVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contraet,: fJrlc Codc r Preprretlon Prcparation URg CorlroraEton STLDEhI Can SIo. t B1ank MetrLx (gol1/water) r Blank Coneentretion UnJ,ts 8IS llo - :gDO NO.: D5I090L76 T{trTER (mgll or mg/kg) t UG/t .[nal-1rEe rnltlal Cr1Lb. BlanIE (lrs/Ll c Cont.inuiog Caltbratlon Blank (ng/I,) 1 e 2 c 3 e Preparation Blanh e m Cadml,un - SelcnLum 0.0000{0.1Y[, 0.0000{0lu | 0-0000{o I u 0.00033olul 0.0003301u I 0.000330 I u D! M STL Denver FoTm III IN L4a STL DEIVVER Total Metals Annlvsrs -3- BLAI{KS Contsrrct r frab Code: PraDaratlon PreprretLon tIRg CorSroratl-oa $TLDEN Casa No': Bl-anlr Matrix (tolL/watar) r Blanlr Conccntration Units 8nS No. t sDo !Io. : D5I090175 (mg/L or rrglks) :UG'/I, Aor]-lt,c rnltLol CII-lb. BhNIE (ng/L) c Coatinuing Calibration Blank fuglll lcze3c PrcperrtLon B].f,nlE c M Cadmlunr S.l"rrft - o. oj).qgj]} I u 0 .0oo33o I u M M STL Denver Forru fII Ilf a42 STL DETVVER Total Metals Analvsis -3- BLANKS Contract: f-,d) Codc r PrGparation Prcparatsion IIRS Corporrtl.on gTT,DEN Catc No. I Blank llatrix (roLl/watcr) : Blarrk ConcentratJ.on Unit c SAg ![o. !sDGl NO.r D5r090176 (W/t, or Eglhg) 3 vtg/L AnaLytc InLEirl Crl,ib. Bl"inl( (tnslL)c CoatLnulng Ca1lbratl,on Bl,ank (nglL) 1 C 2 c 3 e PrcDaration BI-enk c M Ca&nir,rn E"1"ti.-, o , 0000{01 u o . 0003301 u 0.0000{olYl.._o.000040 lu I o.0oo0{0 [u o.000330lUl 0-o0033olu I 0.000330 I u 0,00004 0.00033 U u M D[ STL Denver Form III - IN i,43 STL DEIVI/ER Total Metals Analvsrs -3- BLAI{I(s ConErast r f,ab Code : PraDarrtion Preparatlon IIRSI Cor^goratl,on STLDEI{Clgc No. g Blank ltrtrLx ( toil/water) : B]-rnh Concontration unLta sDG No. r D5I090L76 (mgl[' or tuglkg) r MG/I., Anelytc tnLtl,al Crl.lb. BIarrlc(w/\') e Continuing CalLbrrtsLon Bl'an]r lnrgllrl t c 2 c 3 c Prcprrrt:Lon BI.anlc c M Cadml-umseffi 0.0000{,qlul 0.000040 lul 0.0000{0.1 u 0.O0o33olul 0.0003301u I 0.000330 I u M M I I STL Denver Fom III - IN a44 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis+ ICP INTERFERENCE CIIECK SAMPLE Contract: URS Corporation r.ab Coda r STITDEII Caga No. I ICP ID lilumbcr r T*Il fntreptd ICP gLSt Ho. :gDs No. r D5f09OL?6 ICg Eourcrr Ht-gh Purlty, Spcx, Tnr So1 ..1, SoI ..}B lg7. 65 t80.83 I 95.2 193 -27 190 -t7 53.13I 105-3 tg3.93l 489.181 97.8 1.168 I 115. I Coneentrration uaitg):Efl/.I: fnitial Found 8oI ..1, 8oI .lB J. I "inrl rnonnd IesR J sol ,I sol . [E]lnrlytc plumfnum Hf I alcium IIL Iron IIi froiaeefum F n r"aium Sodium Lo un IIi fzlrconium 507 .58 I 502 .70 100.5 I STL Denver Dortrt IV IN 145 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHECK SAMPLE Contraet I IIRS CorDonELon Lab Codr t STITDEN Crer ICP ID Nurubcrr T.fA Int,reDtd No. t ICP S.LS No, t SDGI No. r D5I09OL7 6 fCg Souree:Higrh Purity, Spex, Concent,ratioa UnLts) r mg/Lr fnitial Eound SoL,A SoI ..lB FLnr} forrnd SoL..}, 8o1 .lB lcalcium IIt I Potrssirrm 8od,l,um Lo lSodium {98.0{ J t97.s7 I 99.51 Tnre €lo1 .A SoI.-.LB 5{ .49 I 109. O 53 .90 I 107. I STL Denver Pom rV I IN L46 STL DETVVER Total Metals Anah'sis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHECK SAI}TPI,E Contract r tIRg Corporation Irab Code : STITDEN ICP fD Nurnbar: SUPERtrR.trCE gAS IIo. r sDG No-: D5I090175 ICS Sourcrr ELgrh Purity, Spcx, Coacrntrat.lon Unite) :tq /r, Analtrt,c Trrra SoI .A CloL.AB rnLtLal Found I "[nal Forrnd, Elol .I, 8oL.A.B tR I sot.l So1. .AB x,R lArsenLc I O.00 2,00 -0.002 1.98 J 99.0 I JBarLurn 0.00 0 .50 o,oo0 0.521 I 10{ .21 Ihronium 0. oo 0 .50 0,004 0.479 I 95.8 I lcotpe r 0.00 0. 50 0,001 0.5371 LA7.{l Lcad I O. O0 1- OO 0.000 o.971 97.O1 Lc eI 0.00 1. O0 0.001 0,9{l 9{.ol Silvar I O.0O 1.00 0,000 1.0{l 104.01 [vanCdiunr 0.00 0 .50 0,002 0.480 I 96-ol 7,Lnc 0.0 1.0 0.012 o.sol 9o.ol STL Denver Fom IV - IN 747 STL DENYER Total Nletals Annlvsis -4- ICP INTERI.-ERENCE CHECK SAMPLE Contraet: IIRS CoreI>ontLon r,ab Codc I STLDEN rCP ID llunber: PE ICPUS Cage No.:SAg llo. t SDGI No. : D5I090L7 6 ICg Sourerr Inorgrnic VantureB Initial f,ound 8ol .l flol .lB eGR trnrrr gol .n, 8o1 ..tB 0.10631 ro6.3l 0.001 0.1031 o. oe88 I ConccntraELon Urri.ta) I m{Ilr" FinaI So]'}' Forrnd So1 ..},B STL Denver Form IV IN 148 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -4- ICP INTERFERENCE CHECK SANTPLE Contract : IIRS Corporat ion I{ab Codo: STITDEN ICP rD Nunbcr s PE ICPUS Cege No. t 8AS No. t sDo No. r D5I090175 ICg flourccr Inorgranio Vcntureg Concrnt,ntLon UnLta) I ,E'glL tnrc I rnitLa1 Found I rLnal Found lnalyt. I sot.r goI.IB I Sot.l gol.rB e6R I Sot.r BoI .tB tn fcaamrum 0-00 0.to o.00?o,0996! S9,5I 0,002 0.0999 99.8 Sclaulum 0.oo 0.10{{ I r0{. {o.1051 STL Denver Form M![ 749 ffisrr URS Corporndon Total Metals Antlysis Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG l\umber: Matrix: 7o Molsture: Bssis: Anatysis N{ethod: Unit: QC Batch ID: MS Sample Allquot: MS Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER p5r0e0r 76 WATF,R NiA Wet 60108 mni L 5''652-17 50 mL I Cllent Srmple ID: MS Lab Sample ID: MS Lnb Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected; DstelTimc ltecclved: Date/Time Leached: Dute/Time Extracted: Date/Tlnre Analyzed: lnstrument lf): I-AB MS/MSD psr tegp0-002s HKWI4 09/I?i05 t l:15 Ooi t 9105_li;$O 09123/05 l5:30 09/'6105 a I;J6. QZt Analyte Spike Amount Strnple Result C MS Result c o/" Rec a QC Lirnit Alurninunr 2.00 32 55. r MSB NC 83 - r 19 (lalciurn 50.0 I10 rs8 97 48 - 153 lron r.00 49 54.7 MSB NC 52 - 155 Magncsirrnr 50.0 29 78.7 99 62 - 146 Potnsr^ium s0.0 34 87.8 t()l 76 - r32 Sodium 50.0 t?0 222 I00 70 - 203 Zircorriurn 0.s00 0.0t 5 0.549 r07 80 - 120 STL Denver Form 5A MS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 150 o ffiSTL URS Corporetion Total Metals Analysis l)ata Sheet Lab Nrmc:Cllent Snmple ID: LAB MSil\'lSD MSD Ltb Sample ID: D51t90220-002Q MSD Lob WorkOrder: HKWI4 Dttefl'ime Collected: 09/ I 9i05 I 1: 15 Date/Tlme Recelved: 09/I910[-..15:.a0 Dste/Tirno Lcached: DatelTlme Extracted: 09123105 11:30 DatelTlrne Analyzed: Q212fr/05 2l:16 Instrument ID: 021 STL DENVER LoUSIIC Number: f)5l0o0l ?6 Matrlx: WATER 7o Molshrre: N/A Basls: Wet Analysis Method: 6010.8 Unit: mg/[, QC Bntch lD: 5]65237 MSD Sarnple Aliquot: 50 rn[. PISD Dllution Frctor: I Antlyte Splke ,A.mount Sample Result C MSI} Result C 7o Rec a RPD 0 Q(-' Lirnits 7o Rec RPD Alurninum 2.00 32 56.7 MSB NC NC 83 - 119 25 Calcium s0,0 il0 158 99 0.60 48 - r53 25 lron r.00 49 s5.5 MSB NC NC 52 - r55 25 Magnesiunr 50.0 29 78.5 99 0.24 62 - 146 25 Potassium 50.0 34 88. I r ()8 0.26 76 - ttz 25 fldium s0.0 17t)226 tr0 2.,1 70 - 2A3 40 Zrconirm 0.s00 0.0r5 0.548 107 0.20 80 - r20 25 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Anolvsis Datu Sheet Equivalent 151 ffi$rr URS Corporation Total L{etnls Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nnme:$TT DEN.VTR LoUSDG Number: I)slqo0l76 Mttrix: WA'I'ER Yo Molsture: NIA Basls: Wst Analysls Method: 60108 Unlt: rn&''L QC Batch ID: 5265237 MS Sample Allquot: 50mL MS Dllutlon Factor: 1 Client Semple ID: LAB M$iMSI-) lltS Ltb Sample [D: Dsl laq220-002s MS Lsb \UorkOrder: HKWI4 Date/Tlme Collected: 09/L?{05 I l :15 DatelTime Recelved: 09/19/05 l5;S0 Date/Time Leached: Date/Tlnre Extracted: 09/23105 15;30 Date/Tlme Analyzed: 09/28i05 08:23 Instrument ID: 0I0 Analyte Splke Amount Sample Result C MS Result C a/o Rec a QC Lirnit Arscnic 2.00 0,01 4 B 2.02 IOI 84 - 124 Barium 2.00 4.67 2-66 99 8s - r20 Chrtmium 0.200 0.060 4.2s9 99 73 - t35 Copper 0,250 0.069 0-328 104 82 - 129 Lead 0.500 0.054 0.s33 96 89 - 12t Nickcl 0.s00 0.047 0.s21 9s 84 - 124 Silver 0.0500 0.002E U 0.0s r 8 104 "15 141 Vanadium 0.500 0.079 0.s82 r0r 8s - I2ol Zinc 0.5tt0 0.47 0.93 r 93 60-137! STL Denver b orm 5A IIIS Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 152 ffisrr URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Drta Sheet Lab Nnme: Lot/SDG Number: Mttrix: Yo Molsture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: tllSD Srmple Aliquot: MSD Dilution Ftctor: STL DEhiVER psr09.0176 WATER N/A Wct 601 0B mIL& 5265237 50 mL I Cllont Sample ID: MSD Lrb Sample ID: MSD Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Drte/Tlme Receh'ed: Datefl'ime Lerched: Datc/Tlme Extracted: Date/Tlme Anslyzed: Instrument I D: LAB MS/MSp p5I r 90220-002D HKWI4 09119/05 I l :15 09/ l9/05 l5:a0 0e/21/05 l5:30 09i2tll05 08:23 016 Analyte Spike Amount Snmple Result C MSD Result C 7o Rec a RPT)a QC Llmlts o/o Rec RPt) Arscn ic 2.00 0.014 B 1.99 99 r.8 84 - t24 25 Bariunr 2.00 0.6'7 2.64 98 0.5t)85 r20 25 Chronriunr 0.200 0.060 0.256 98 I ^l 73 - r35 25 Copper 0.250 0 069 0.32t r03 0.34 8? - tzt)25 I-cad 0.500 0.054 0.s30 95 4.47 89 - 12t 25 $ickel 0.500 0.047 0.5 14 94 1.3 84 - 120 25 Eitr*,(1.(Is00 0_0028 U 0-0516 103 ().3 I 75 - 141 25 Vanadiurn 0.500 0.079 0.579 r00 0.51 85 t20 25 Zinc 0.500 4.47 0.933 94 0.19 60 - 137 25 STL Denver Form 5A MSD Analysk Dato Sheet Equivulent 153 ffisrt LJRS Corporation Totrl Metds Anelysls Data Sheet Lsb Name: Lrr/StlG Number: Mafrlx: 7o Molsture: Basis: Analysls lllethod: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: MS Snrnple Aliguot; llls Dllutlon Frctor: S,TL DENVER psr090r 70 WATER l.liA UsI 7470A mglL s2s24;.7 1 CIIent Sample ID: MS Lrtb Sunple ID: MS Lab WorkOrder: Date/Thne Collected: DfielTime Received: Iltte/Tlme Lerched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Date/T[mc Annlyzed: Instrument ID: r AR MSIMSD p5r080243-0MS HJ6JM 09i07i05 09:55 99/08i()5 0e:30 09/23r05 I a;5Q 09123i05 I 8: l8 0r9 Analyte Spike Amount Sample Result C MS Result C a/o Rec a QC Limit Mercury 0.00500 0,000044 TI a.00377 75 N 85-il4 STL Denver Form 5n MS Analysis Data Sheet Eguivalent L54 ffisrt IJRS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lsb Nrme: Lot/SDG Number: Ntttrix: 7o Moisture: Basls: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Brtch [D: MSD Sample rLliquot: MSD Dilution Factor: srl. pnhtvHll psrq9!_1.7s WATEB LIA WsI 747(0A ms/L s2s9437 I Cllent Sample lD: MSD Lab Srmple ID: MSD Lrb WorkOrder: Date/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recetved: Date/Time Loechedl Ilate/Tlme Extrrcted: Date/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: LAB MS/MSQ D.5r080243:0Up HJ6JM 0q/07/0s QgSs 09/0$/05 0e:30 $9/23/Q5 l2:5$ 09/23/0s uL.L8 0r2 Analyte Spike Amount Srmple Result C tUSD Result C o/o Rec a RPD a QC Limits o/o Rec RPD Mcrcury 0.00s00 0.0(x)044 L}0.00365 73 N 3.3 85-lt4 r0 STL Denver Form 5A IVISD Analvsis Data Sheet Equivalent 155 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -5A- SPII(E SANIPLE R-I]COVERY ContncB r IIRSI Cor;porltLon r,ab Code r STITDEN Care No.:SLg No. r 8Dc NO. r D5IO901?5 LcvcJ, ( Iow/med) :LOVTMatrl.x (eol1/water): WATER t golidr for Sengrlc r 0.0 g.NIPLE NO. Concentration Units (mg/L or mg/kg dry waLght ) r ![GIL AnaI-yEr Contro1 r,LmLt, tR Spiked Sanflle Rcgulr (ssR) c SanpLc Re gults (gR) C Spike Addrd (gL)e6R a Ir{ Cadnrium I gg 110 0.0525 o. 01{ I 0.0{00 95 u I s.Lenl_rurr I gZ - 1,Lz 0.0362 o. oo4o I 0 .040 80 N M Comuontr: HI${1{1 STL Denver Form V (PlRlI 1) F rN 156 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -5A- SPI KE SAI}TPLE Rf,COVERY Contrlct' r URS Corporetl,on SJIMPITE NO. IrfB MgD SDO trlO. : DSf 090175rab Codcr STITDEN Caac No. r glII No., Mrtrl,x (roi1/wrt,rrlr UIIITER e6 8o11de for SanDIe :0.0 Leve1 (Iow/mrd) : ConcentretLon Unl-te (mgll or mg lh;g dry wcl-ght ) ;IEGIL AnrLytc Control rrLmLt 96R Spikcd Samplc Result (SSn) c Arrqlle Rc;ult ( CtR) C Splkr Addcd (sf,)eGR a M I Cadruium I gg - 110 0. 0531 o. 01{ I I o. o4o 97 I{ ] SclenLrr.m J gZ LLZ o.o3l7l I o.oocol I o.odo 87 t-t HIff141 o Corusrrn STL Denver Fom v (renf 1) IN 757 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -6- DUPLICATES Contraet r IIRti Cor5loration Lab Code 3 8TLDEDI Caaa DIo. r SJIA No. t Lgvc1 (Iow/mcd) r t So1l.da for Dtrplicrtsc: sl}s No. r D5f090175 LOW 0.0 Matrl.x (soil/watser): $If,TtR t Solida for sarnplc: 0 . 0 s.tr![PLE No. ConcaatratLon tDrLt,c (rrry/t or mg/kg d4, wcl-ght) r NIGIL lrraryte I eott'tror I r,l 'trt sarqrre (s) c ll thrpl'lcatse (D) c RPD Il O Irl Crdrnirrrn I o. oszs I lJ o. os31 I 1- 2ll M SclcnLum I o . o 3621 lJ o.0387 I 6,6ll lrl Corurents r HI(W141 STL Denver Forur \Jlt IN STL DE]YVER Total Metals Analvsis -58- POST DIGEST SP1KE SAIVIPI,E RECOVERY ContracE r IIRS Cortpration Lrb Codar STLDEN Caec No.:g.Lg !Uo. :SDG ![o. r D5I090L7 6 Mrt,rLx (;oll/watcr): I{}lrER Lovrl ( Lorr/ned) : ConccatrratLon Urrlts:urglLr .trarl1t,c ContsroI r,l.nlt tR Eplhrd 8enpIc Rcsu1t (89R1 C SampLc Recult (SR) e 89J,hr lddcd,(sa),6R a u Cadml-um I 75 125 0 . x9 9429 o.o1{3011 I o.2o 92 .6 M SclanLrun 175 125 0.181208 o.oo{ossfa 0.20 89.6 M ComnenE,B r STL Denver Form V (PIRT 2) IN 159 ffiSTt URS Corporatiou Total Metals Analvsis Data Lrb Nanre: Lot/StX] Number: l\f atrlx: 7o Molsture: Basls: Anrlysis lYlethod: Unit: QC Bntch ID: Snrnple Aliquot: Dtlutlon Fsctor: srr.pJls/EB D5l090l 76 WATF,B N/A WsI 601 0B mg/[. 5265237 50 rnL 1 Sheet Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Date/Time Collected: DrtelTime Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: Drte/I'ime Analyzed: Instrurnent ID: p5r220000-237s HKJI\.{A 09/23i05 t5:30 09t261_Q5,2t:02 021 Anrlyte True Found ToRec a LImlts Alunrinunt 2.00 l.9l 96 86 - 108 Iron t.00 0.938 94 88 - r 10 Magntxiurn 50.0 4',1 .3 95 9I 111 Potassiurn s0.0 s0. r 100 n6- il1 Sodiunr 50.0 48.5 97 9I lt2 Zirconiunt 0.500 0.504 r0r 75 - 125 Clalciunr s0.0 46.2 92 89 - r l0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS ,4nalysis Dsts Sheet Equivalent 150 ffiSTt URS Corporetion Total lVletals Analysis Datn Sheet Lab Narne: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: 7" Moisture: Basis: Anolysis Methorl: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllutlon Fnctor: STL DENVER psr0g.0-176 WA I'EIT N/A Wet 601 0r] mg/L 5265237 50 mL I Cllent Sannple lD; Lab Sample ID: Lab Work0rder: Date/Thne Collected: Date/Time Receivctl: DatelTlme Lenchcd: Date/Tlme Extracted; Date/Tlme Anrlyzed: Instrument lD: DsI220000-237C HKsM { 09/23i05_j5-;30 09ir 8i0s_0.$ 103 !t0 Analyte True Found ToRec a Llmlts Arscnic 2.00 r .99 99 89 - r09 Lead 0.500 4.484 97 9r-il1 Barium 2.00 t.gtr 99 93 - r 13 Nickcl 0.s00 0.482 96 90 - I t0 Silvcr 0.0500 0,050e I ()2 85-il4 Vartaclium 0.500 0.497 99 tr8 - I 12 Linc 0.500 0.461 c)2 85 - I I0 )romiurn 0.200 0.r95 98 frg - r 12 6opp",0.250 0.:49 I00 86 - I r0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Analvsis Data Sheet Equivalent 151 ffisrr LIRS Corporadon Totrl IVletals Analysis Drtr Sheet Lub Name: Lot/SDG Number: Mstrix: 7o Moisture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID; Sanrple Allquot: Dilutlon Faetor: STL DENVER Dsl090 176 WATER N/A Wet 7474A mgiL 5259437 I Client Semple ID: Lab Sample ID: Lrb WorkOrder: llrte/l'ime Collected : Ilate/Time Received: Date/Time Lerched: Date/Tlme Extracted: Date/'fime Anslyzed: lnstrumcnt ID: D5t160000-437C HKVP.i{ 0el23l$5 l2:50 09123/05 I8:08 0r9 Analyte True Found ToRec a l.,imits Mercury 0.00s00 0.00s02 r00 85 - I 14 STL Denver h-orm 7 LCS Analvsls Data Sheet Equivalent L62 ffiSTt URS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lnb Nrme: Lot/SDG Nurnber: Matrix: 7o Molsture: Bosls: Analysls lltcthod: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Snmple Allquot: Dllutlon Fnctor: STL DENVER D51090r 76 WATEII N/A WEt 60?Q rngil s265 I g3 50 mL I Cltent Sample ID: Lab Srmple ID: l-ab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Time Recelved; Date/Time Leached: Date/Tlme Extrreted: Dtte/Time Analyrnd'. lnstrument ID: D51220000-193C HK5F2 Q9/23105 I s:30 09/27 tA5 l9:4& 004 Analyte True Found o/oRec a Llmtts Selenium 0^()400 0.03s6 89 82 - rr2 Ca<hnium 0.0400 0.03tttt 97 tJ9 - I l0 STL Denver Form 7 LCS Anatysls Data Sheet Equivalent 153 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS Contraet: IIRS CorSroration SAIIPLE NO. rMIRA-IJAB aC $IIR SDGI luO . : D5I0 9 OL7 6 Level (Iow/nod) r Lab Codcr STLDEN Catc No. t EIASI No. r Mat,rix (aoil/watar) g WATER lml1tc fnitLll Serqplc Rc;u].t (f ) c ScrLnl Pilution Rcsu1t (8) e ,6 niffor- .lrco a Dt I Aluxrlnum I 32.025 t2.161 o,{l P Calci.tm H 108.99 11{ .49 J 5,0 P Iron Hl {9. 39 52.26 I 5.8 P Potasriurn 3{.18 35.55 I {,0 P Magrncrium 29 .L7 3O, O8 l 3.1 P Bodiurn IIi L7L-36 L7 6.69 I 3.1 P Zirconiurr o,01{58 o. o213S le 46.i P Conccntration tJnl-Er r tug lL STL Denver form IX E fN 764 STL DENVER Total Metals Anslysis -9- ICP SERIAL DILUTIONS Cont,ract: URS Corporution S.trMPf,E NO. fMgR.l-LrA^B Qe gtR sDs No. r D5I090t76 I,cwc]. ( Low/med) :LOW Irab Coda r STLDEN Carg No.:fIAg No. r Mat,rlx (soll/water): WTTER I l,raent c Brrirrm ChromLum CopDor frOfd Niokcl Silwcr Vanad.ium Zi.nc Conccrrt'rlt ion Unitr: DglL 0.0140 0.022a Initirl 8auplc RoruLt (r) Scrlal DLlutlon Rcsult (8) 0 .05997 0. 05549 0.0 692 0.0701 0 . o5{3 0.0505 0. o{66 0.0{62 0.00290 0 . 01{00 0.0788 0 .0748 STL Denver FoM IX - IN 155 STL DENYER Total Metals Annlysis -9- ICP SERIAI, DII.,I]TIONS Contracts: IIRS CorTloration SAIIPI.E [IO, I![ERA-L.LB OC gER sDc No,: D5I090176 L,cvol (low/urd) : Lab Codc r STITDEII Cur Dlo. !SfA No. t Matrrlx (soil/wrtcr) r WATER I cadmlun Sel.eaium Concantratsion Uaitg. mg/L 0 .01{301 0 .0L522L ru'itLa]. grqDlc Regu]-t (I) Scrlr]. DLluti.on Reru1t (S) o. o0{039 0. oo3740 STL Denver Fo:cur IX IN 1,6 6 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analysis - r0- NTETIIOD DETEC'TION LI]IIITS Contract s IIRS Corfroration Irab Code 3 STLDEN Carr No. t rCP ID !$rmber: Tir}. Iatrepld ICP Flama ^L.f, ID Nuuber: Ihrrnaca L[, fD Iihrnber r Slg No, r Drsor 5 lLA/?-AOS SDo No. r D5f090L7 6 Analtrtc Wavc- lcngth (nml Eack- ground PQr" (rtg/I,) DIDL (ng/r,)![ Aluniuurn t 167,0 0.10 I 0.017 P nlurnl..nun n 349 .2 1-0 P Calciultt Ir 3Lt.933'0.20 I 0.03{P OI,UN II 319.1 10 P Iron Lo 259.9 0.10 I 0.021 P Iron 27L.{4L 1,0 P PotagcLurn 765. {91 .01 4.74 P gDcEl,u$l 279.079 0.20 I 0.0{P ur[ Lo 589 ,5 1-01 o.031 P Sodiun H 818.3 10 P Zirconlun 339,1 0.0050 0.0016 P O Common STL Denver Form x fN 767 STL DENVER Total Metals Analysis - l0- METIIOD DETECTION LI1VIITS ConEract r URS Corfroratiou Irtb Coda E STLDEN Cago No. I S.f,S No. r Date:3lLAt2005 sDc lro. r DSI090 L7 6 ICP rD Numbcrr SUPERTRf,CE tlame AA fD lrhrnbcr: Fur:nrcc AJt ID ltunbcr r .Lrraltt,c Wlve- lcngth f nm) Baok- ground PQI, (mg/I,) MDL (mg lll u asalrl.c 199 .A{2 0.010 I 0.0a14 P Bariun 493 . e09 0.010 o.00070 P ChromLutr 267 .716 0.010 ,0026 P opPcr 32t.753 0.0x0 I 0.0045 P Lca 224. 353 0,0050 0.0026 P NiokrrI 23L.50{0,0{01 0,00L2 P Silvcr 328,068 0.010 I 0,0028 P anad,Lum 292 . lA2 0,010 0.0025 P Zlnc 206,200 0.020 0.00{5 P Com,ment,s; STL Denver Form X fN 158 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis _ t0 _ METHOD DETECTION LIMITS Contrrct,: URS Corporetion LaI) codc: STLDEII fCP ID ll\unbrr r gAS No. r Date: 1LlLZl2004 SDGI No. r D5I090176 fLane .lA ID tll,unbcr I hrrucc A.f, ID ltumbar: PE C1IAA Arrallrtc Wavo- lengEh (run) Bach- ground PqL (ss lLl llDIr (urgllr\M rcular 233 .14 0.00020 0.0000{4 cv omnonE; I STL Denver Fo:m )( - IN L6g STL DETYI/ER Total 1llctals Analysis -10- METHOD DETECTION LIMITS Contract g IIRS CorDoration Lab Codes STLDEN ICP rD Nunborr P[ ICPIII9 7l,rmc IJL ID lit\rmber: Ittrnacc f,.I fD Mrnbcrr Cage No, l 8Ag [Io. : Drtr: 5 ILOlZOAs sDc NO. r D5I090176 Analtrc,r Irotopo Back- grround,PQL (mg I l,l }TDL (ng/r, ) M Cadmirrrn 111 o. 0010 0 . 0000{ 0 M Strlcnirrm 82 0. oo50 0.00033 M Comncnts: STL Denver Forn X - IN L70 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -1lA- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (AI\I\ruALLY) coatract: IIRS CozrroratLon Lab Code: SSDEN Cage No.3 Intrepid ICPICP rD NUmber: TiIA Dater I llg/zOOs gAg No.3 SDO NO. a D5I090175 analtrtrc $firve- lengrtb (nm)A1 Intorclamant Comectton racton Ca f's for: Mg Ag Lirr-trttLthI gsg-tgE 0. 0000000 | o. o00ooo0 0,00000001 0.0oooooo I 0. ooooooo rlurninum lrct,081 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oo182ool o.oo0ooo0] 0.oo0oooo rtrrmlnum 1309.271 0.0000000 I o.0o0oo0o o.oooo0ool 0.00077ra I 0.ooooooo antlrnony 1206.838 0.0000000 I 0. ooooooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Arsenle I 189.002 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o. oooo0ool 0. 00o0ooo I 0 .0000000 sarl.um I nss. d03 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o.o0o00o0l 0.00000001 o.ooooo00 aervllLum Jafa.O{2 0.0000000 I o.0o00ooo o.oooooool 0.00000001 o.ooooo00 Boron lztg - 678 0.00000001 o-o00oooo o.oooo000l o.oooo000l o.ooooooo cafinlum lzz5. 502 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 o. oooo $2ol o. ooooooo | 0 . ooooooo calclum I frz. g33 0.0000000 | o. ooo0000 o.o0oo00ol o.o00o32ol o.ooooooo calcLum ] rre.12B 0.0000000 J o.0oooooo o.oooooo0[ o.0000000I 0.oooooo0 ChromLrrn lZm .?L6 0.0000000 I o.0o0oo0o 0 , 0000000 1 0, 0000000 1 o. ooooooo cobalt 1229.616 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 0. 0000000 1 0, ooooooo l 0.0000000 coppar I Sz{.253 o. oo0oooo I 0.0000000 -0. 0000200 I 0. 0o0oo00 I 0.0000000 rron lzsg. g4o 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.000c0ooI o-0000000 rron |.27 1.4{1 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0 . o0ooo0o I o. oo2oloo I o. ooooooo Laad _220.353 0.0000000 I o.0oooo0o o.oooooool o,oooooool o.ooooooo Llthiuur ,67 0,28{0. oo0000o I 0.0000550 0. ooooooof o.0ooo000 [ o. oooooo0 Iutragnerium l.27 9. 029 0.0000000 I o. ooooo0o o. 0006020 l 0 .0000000 1 0. 0000000 Mansranese lzsz. G10 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooo0ool 0.0000150! 0.0000000 MolybdGrrum lZaZ.030 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 o. oooooool o, 0000000 I o. ooo0oo0 Nlckcl l 231. 6 0t /2 0.ooo0o0o I o-0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooo0l o.ooooooo pbogphonrs ItrB.zg7 0.0000000| o-0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooo0o I 0.0000000 Potassium J zeO,49L o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. oooooo0 I o. ooooooo Selonirrn I 196. o9o o. ooo000o I o. 000oo0o o.oo00o00l o.00oooool 0.ooooooo gtll.con Izs1.612 0. 0000000 | 0.0000000 0.0oo0oo0l 0.o0oooool o.ooooooo gtll"con I ,ul.61s 0.0000000 | o. 0000000 0.00000001 0,00000001 o-0000000 silvcr I lrg. 069 0,0000000 I o. o0oo0o0 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo sodl,um Iugg.Sgz 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o-oo0o0ool o,ooooooof o,ooooooo sodlum I gt8.32G o. 00ooooo I o.000ooo0 o. oooooool o, ooooooo l 0.0000000 Strontir:m I tOz .77L o, ooooooo I o. 0001670 0.00000001 o.oooooo0l o.ooooooo trhallturn lrg0.g6t o. ooo000o I o. 0ooo0oo o. o0o0ooo I o. oooo000 I 0. ooooooo Corutentg: STL Denve Form Xr (PART 1)-IN a7L STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -ltA- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (AI{hruALL}) Contraet: IIRS Cor:porat,Lon Lab Code: S1,1TDEN ICP ID lftrrnber t TiIA Care No.: rntreDid reP glg No. r Dater I 1L912005 sDc No. r D5I090176 Tlrorl-um I 283 .730 0,000o0oo J 0. 0000000 0.00085001 0.00000001 o-ooooooo Tr.n I re9.9g9 o.0oo000o [ 0.0000000 o. ooo0ooo I o. ooo0000 l 0 .0000000 rlranLum I 33{.9{1 o. o000ooo I -0.0000320 0 . 00000001 0.00002110 I 0.0000000 uranr.urn lres.gs8 0.0000000 I -0.0001020 -0,000eraol 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 vanadlum lzsz . ltoa o.oooooo0f 0.0000000 0.00010101 -0.00001301 0.0000000 zl,nc 1213.85G 0.0000130 | 0.0000000 0.00oos9ol o. ooooooo I o.0ooo0o0 Conmrenta r STL Denve Form XI (PART 1)-IN l-72 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -llB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Cortract: IIRS Conooration tab Codc: STLDE'II Carc lilo. : rcP S.A,S !Io. 3 rCP ID ![umber: TJA Intrepid Dator 811,9 12005 gDc IIO. : Dsf 09 017 6 UI8v6- lengrth (utt) Interelenent Corraet,l,on fectorg for r BeAnalyt,c CdAgBBa T. ' 1339-198l)l}^(Ifrtt llrnr I 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o-0000000I o.ooooo00 rluminun f fOz,081 o. oooo0o0 J 0.0000000 o.oooooo0l 0.00000001 0.0000000 tluminum I 309.?7L o. ooooooo I o. o000o0o o. oooooool 0. ooooooo I 0.0000000 AntLrnony I206.B3I 0.0000000 [ o-0000000 o. ooooooof o, ooooooo I 0.0000000 rrsenLc I189.0i2 0.0000000 | o.000ooo0 o . oooooool 0. oo00o0o I 0.0000000 Barirrm I oS5. tt03 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooo00ool o.oooooo0l 0.0000000 scrf,LlLum If ff .0{2 0. 0oooo00 I o. 0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 [ o. oooooo0 Boron 1219.62g 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo 0. o0o0o00l o.00ooooo I 0.0000000 cadmLum .225.502 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 o. ooooooof 0. oo0oooo I o. ooooooo Cal cturn l r rz . 93 3 o.0oo0o0o | 0.0000000 0. o0000oo I 0. ooooooo I 0. 0000000 Carci.um 1318.128 0. 0000000 I o.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 1 0,00000001 clrrorniurn I 267 .7LG o-0oooo0o I 0,0000000 0.0000000J o. oooo000 I o. ooooooo\ cobatr |229.616 o. ooooooo J o. 0000000 o, oooooool o,000oooo l 0.0000000 Copper I 32 4.7r3 0.0oo0o0o I 0.0000000 o.0ooooool 0.0oooooo I 0.0000000 rron I etS.9{0 o.0oooooo I 0.0000000 0 . o0o0ooo I 0. 000oooo I o. 0000000 rron l^r1. {{1 0.0000000 I o. oo0o00o 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0.0oooooo Lcad 11220.353 0.0000000 I o. o0ooo00 0 - 00000001 o. 0000000 I o. oooooo0 rlthlum |,67 0. ?E{o, ooooooo I 0.0000000 0. oooooool 0.0oooooo I o. o0oo0oo lragneslum lZl g. o?g 0.0000000 I o.0o0oooo o-oooooool o.o0oo000I o-ooooooo MarrgranGrc lZSt. 610 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. o0oo00ol o. oooo000 | o. oooooo0 Molybd,onurm lzoz.030 0.0000000 | o. oo0o00o o, ooo0000l 0,0000000 1 o. ooooo00 uickel laa1.6ot/z 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o - ooooooo I o. ooooooo Pborphonrs Itr8.287 o, ooooooo l 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. o00oooo I 0. o0o00oo Potasgium I 200.491 0.0000000 I o.0oooo00 0.00000001 o.ooo000ol o.ooo0ooo BelenLum I 19G.090 o.0oooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooo0I o-ooooooo sllLeon lrSL.6Lz o,o00o0oo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00ooooo | 0.00o0ooo stllcon J rtl, Gls o. oo0oooo | 0.0000000 0.0000000f o, oooo000 l 0. ooooo00 gllver I 328.069 0 .0000000 1 o. ooo000o o.oooooool 0.00000001 0.0oo0ooo sodlum I tgg. s92 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o, oooooo0 l o, ooooo00 sodlum I ere.326 0. 0000000 I o. 0000000 0.00000001 o.000oooo I o.0o000oo Stronttr:n I COZ .77L 0. ooooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 | 0.00000001 Thrlliull I 190.864 0.0000000 1 0,0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Corrncnts I STL Denve Forra XI (PART 2,IN 1,7 3 STL DENVER Lab Codc: S1I1TDEN ICP rD llurnbcr: I:ifA lntrepid ICp Total Metals AnalYsis -llB, ICP INTERELEI}T ENT C ORRECTION FACTORS (A N NTJALLY) Cage !go. t gAg No. : Dater I llg l2AA5 gDg NO. r D5I090175 Tlrorlum I283 .730 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0,00000001 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rla I 199.989 o-ooooooo | 0,0000000 0, oooooooJ o.0o00ooo I 0.00o0ooo rLtanLum I 33 1.94L 0.0000000 I o. ooooo00 0.00000001 0. ooooooo I 0. o0ooooo uranlurn I385.958 0-0000000 I o.0000000 o. ooooooof o-ooooooo I o. ooooooo vanadiurn lZlz .l}z o, oooooo0 l 0,0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 zLnc f zra. BsG o.0o0oooo I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Corrunentr: STL Denve Fom, XI (PART 2l - IN L74 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -ltB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR.S (ANNUALLY) Contract: I,RS eorooretion tab Code: STLDEN Case No. 3 gAg No. t rCP rD lfiunbar: TifA Introp{d ICp Darc: 8l1g / 2005 SDG NO.: D5I090175 er:allt.e f{ave- length (nm)Co Interelment Correctlon Fastors Cr C\r forr K lln Z.;r(,..--r {.crrr 1339 ' L98 0-0000000 I -0.0012800 o. oo000o0l o. oooo00o I o. oooooo0 .l,luffinum l15z-OBL o. ooo0oo0 | 0.0000000 o-oooooool o.oooo000 I 0.oooooo0 Alunlnum 1309.27L 0.0000000 I o.00ooooo o. ooooo00l 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo rntimony I aO6. 83B 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooo0l 0,0000000 1 0,0000000 ArgenLc I feg. O{2 0.0000000 I o .0ooooo0 o-0ooooool 0,00000001 o.ooo00oo Barl.um loS5-{03 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 Bartrlllura If ff -A42 0.0000000 f 0,0000000 0 - 00oooool o .0000000 | o. ooooooo Boron 1219.678 o.0oo00o0 | o.0o00o0o 0.0000000[ o, ooo0000 I o. ooooooo cadmlum |,228.502 o. ooooooo I 0,0000000 o.ooooo0ol 0.00000001 o.ooooooo Calclurn I f fz.933 0.0000000 | o. ooo00oo o. oooooool 0, oo0oooo f o.0oo0o0o Calcium f are.12B 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 0.00000001 Ctrromiunr 1267 .7 LG 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo o-oooooool o.ooooooo I 0.ooaa72o cobalr lzze.616 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oooooo0 I 0.0oooooo copp€r I aal. ?53 o. o00oooo I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo rron I zss.g{o 0.0000000 I o.00o00oo o.00000001 0.0000000 I o. oooooo0 rron lrr 1. {cl 0. 1300000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooo000l 0.ooooooo Lcad 1rr0.353 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o.oooooool 0.0ooooool 0.0000000 rlthlum l.ero.784 o. ooooooo J 0.0000000 0.o0o00ool 0.oooooool 0.0000000 MagnegLum lrl9.079 o.oo00ooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0. 0000000 I -0.003s590 I'Ianganaae lZSt. 610 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 o. o000oool 0. o0ooooo I o.0000ooo nolybdoauln lZoz. o30 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo nLckeL l 231. 6 04 12 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooo000l o.oooooool o.ooooooo Phorplronrg lrr},287 0.0000000 I o,0ooooo0 0 - 00000001 o. ooooo00 | 0.0000000 PotarrLusr l re5. {91 o-ooo0ooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. o0ooooo I 0.0000000 seleniun I 19G.090 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 o. oo0ooool 0.0000000 I o. oo0oo00 stlLcon l rsL.GLz o-ooooooo | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo silicon I ,u1.615 0.0000000 | o .0000000 o. oooooo0f 0.0000000 I o. oo0oo00 silver llzg.06g o. oo0oooo | 0.0000000 o.ooooooof o.oooo00oJ o.ooooooo sodirrn I ug9. stt 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00ooo0oJ o. ooooooo I o. o0ooooo sodlum I gfg,326 o. o00o00o J 0.0000000 o. ooooooof 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo Strontlum I lOz .7"1L 0.0000000 | o.00o0ooo 0 .0000000 | o .0000000 | 0. 0000000 I rhalllurn lrg0.g6,l 0.0000000 | o-o00oo0o 0.00000001 0.0000000 ! o. oooooo0 Corunentg I STL Denve FOrN XI (PART ZI - TN \75 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -IIB- ICP IN TERE LEMENT C O RRECTTON FA C TORIi (ArVh[rrA LLy) Contractt Mration r,ab Code r S1ITDEN ICP rD !firmberr TiIA Cara No.3 fntrepid ICP grS No. r DatG: 811912005 sDc No.: D5I090176 T{horl,utn 1283 .734 0.0000000 I 0-0000000 0.00000001 o. oo0o000 I o. ooooooo trrn I rg9.9g9 0.0000000 I o. o0oo00o o.00000001 0. ooooooo I 0. 00o0ooo TiLani.um I Sg{.9{1 0.0000000 I o. ooo315o o,oooooool o.ooo0o00l 0,o0oooo0 uraal.urn 1s95.958 0. ooo00oo I 0.0000000 o. oooo0ool o. oo0oooo | 0.0000000 vanadLum 1292.4A2 0.0000000 | 0.00 a22go o. ooooooo[ o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo zLne 1 113.856 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o, ooo9{{ol o, ooooooo l o . ooooooo Comncat,s: STL Denve Pom XI (PART 2l IIN STL DENYER Contract: IIRS Corrnorat-ion Total Metals Analvsis -I IB- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECfiON FACTOR*S (ANN UALLY) Cage hlo. : rCP g.LS No, g Date : S l1.gl?AOs Lab Codc = STITDEN rcP rD Number r 1[tifA IntreDid SDc NO* r DSf090175 Wave- langrth (nm) Intcrelmrant Correctlon Faetorg for: Pb.f,naltt,a NT sbMohla Z;rc.-,-nic<-rn I33I ' 198 0.0009000 I o. oo0000o o. oooooo-f o. oooooo0 I o.00ooooo Alumilrum I r0z .081 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 o. o0oooool o. ooo0ooo I o. ooooooo alurnlnum I309 .z'tt 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0oool o, ooooooo I o.00oo00o lnrlmony 12A6,838 o.0o0ooo0 I o.000ooo0 o. oooooool o.0ooo0o0 I 0.0oo0ooo rrsenic I 189. o{2 0.0000000 | o. 0000ooo 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0. oooooo0 BarLum I {55,403 0.0000000 I o.00ooooo 0,0ooooool 0.0000000 [ 0.0ooooo0 ger^],llfuun IffS.OtL2 0.0000000 I 0. o0oo0oo o. oooooool o, o0ooooo J o. oooooo0 Boron 12{9-6?8 o. ooo0000 I o. 0000000 o.oooo000l 0.oooooool o.oooo00o Cadurium |.226. 502 o. ooooo0o [ 0.0000000 -0.000Le701 0. 0000000 | 0.0000000 calclum I317-933 o.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0ooooool 0.0ooooo0 l o, o0000oo carcium I fr8.128 0,0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooo000l 0.0000000 I 0.0000000/ Chromlum lz6J.7L6 0.0000000 | o .0o0oooo 0.0000000f 0.0000000 I 0.00000001 cobalr |228.516 0.0000000 I o-0000000 o. oo0ooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Coppar I 324.753 0,00034100 I 0.0000000 o. ooo0o00l 0,00ooooo J o. oooo000 rron I 259.9{0 o. 0000000 I 0. 0000000 o. oooooool o - ooooooo I 0. ooooooo rroa l2T 1.4{1 o,6015000 | o. o000ooo 0.00000001 0.0ooooooI o-oooo0o0 read 1220.353 0.0oooo0o I 0.0000000 o. oooooo0l 0.00ooooo I o. 0000000 r,lrhlum I 6?0, ?B{0.0000000 J 0.00ooooo o. oo0ooool 0.0000000 | o. oooo00o Magrneglum lzr9.a79 -0.0358000 J o. 0000000 0.0000000f o.0000oooI o-oooo000 Manoranose Jzll.610 0.0000000 I o, o0ooo00 0. oooooo0r o. oo0oooo I o. o00oooo llolybdanum l2A?.030 o. o00oo00 J o. 0000000 o.ooo3s00l 0.oooooo0J o.o0000oo rvlckel I23t.6Atlz 0.0000000 I o, oooooo0 o. oooo0ool o. ooooo00 I o,00o0ooo Phorphonrs 1178.287 0. o0ooo0o | 0.0000000 0. ooooooof 0.0000000 | o. oooo000 Potasslun I765.491 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0. oooooo0 | o. o0oo0oo Selenlum [ 196.090 0,0000000 J 0.0000000 o. ooo0o0o[ o. ooo00o0 I 0.0oooooo silicon I 2f1.612 0.0092000 J 0. oooo00o 0. ooooooo] 0,00ooooo ] o. ooo0000 gtlLcon I 251.615 0.0092000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0,0000000 1 0. oooo0o0 silver I 329.069 0.0000000 | o.00ooo00 0.00000001- 0,0000000] o'0000000 sodlum I EBg. sgz 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oo0ooool o . ooooooo f o. oooooo0 sodiun I BX8.326 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Stronttunr llOZ .77L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000I Thalliusr I 190.85{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Comnent,s: STL Denve Form XI (PART 2l -IN 777 STL DENI/ER Total Metals Analvsis -118- IC P INTEREIJMENT C ORREC TION FA CTO TTS (A NNUALLY) Contract: IIRS CorooratLon r,ab Code s STIJDEDI rCP rD lrunbor: TifA Case Dro. 3 Intrepid ICP SAg No. r Datc: 8l1'gl2005 gDC NO. : D5I090L76 t{horlurn I 283 . 73 0 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. o0o0ooo I o. ooooooo TLn I 189.989 o-ooo0ooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.00oooool o.0o0o0oo Tltaniusr 1 33{,9{1 0. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oo0oooo l o . ooooooo uranlurn l3BS.g5B 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.ooooo00l o,0ooo00ol 0.ooooooo vanadlrln l2gz .l}z -0. gL7 s000 I o. o0o0oo0 o.00000001 0.0000000I o.ooooooo zl.ne Iera,8s6 0.0000000 | o, ooo00o0 o. oo438ool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Coilments: STL Denver Form Xf (PIRT 2)ITN 778 STL DET{VER Total Metals Analvsis -t18- ICP INTEREI.,EMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) Coatract: IIRS Cor:ooratLon Lab Code r S1.ITDEN Care !Io. t fntrepld fePrCP ID !firmbcr: IFin,Data: I l1.gl2OAS gAg No.:sDc No.: D5I090L76 Analltc Wave- l engrth (nm)8e Interelsmont Corroctlon faetom Si Sn for: 8r lri I r .. l33g.1gg/--t !^c'.c?-r . LLrrt I 0.0000000 I o.ooo0ooo o. oooooool o. 0000000 | o. ooooooo rlunl"num I rez.081 0-0000000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooooo l 0, ooooooo l 0 .0000000 Alumlnum 1309.2?L 0.0000000 I 0 .0000000 o.oo0ooool o.oooooo0l 0.0000000 .trntimorry lra6 . 83 8 o.0oooooo [ 0.0000000 0, oo0o0ool o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 Araonic I ttg.042 0.00oo0oo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooo0l o.0oooo0o sarLurn Iors.{03 0.0000000 I o.ooooooo 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0001930 gerl.lllum lSff .A42 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0,00000001 0.00000001 o.ooooooo Boron 12{9.629 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0ooooool o.ooooo00l 0.0000000 cadrrlum 1226. I02 0.0000000 ] 0.0000000 o,oooooool 0.00000001 o.ooooooo calcium I rrz. g33 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.o000oooJ o.ooooooo calclun lrra-128 0.0000000 ] 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. oooo0o0 I o. 000ooo0 Chromlum lzit .7L6 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooo000l 0.0012000 cobalr |12?8.616 0.00ooo0o | 0.0000000 0.oo0ooool o.oooooool 0,0018000 copper Ifat.Ts3;0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I 0,0000000 rron I 259.9{0 o-0000000 I 0,0000000 o. ooooooof 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo rrorr lrr1. {{1 o-oooooo0 ! 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00oooool o.ooooooo r-aad lrro.353 o. o0o0oo0 I o. o000o0o 0.00000001 o.oo0o00ol 0.0000000 rirhlun I ezo, zg{0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oo0ooo0l o. oooo0oo | 0 - 0000000 Magneslun |_279.079 o-oooooo0 | 0.0000000 o, oo0oooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Mangan6r6 JZSI. 510 0.0000000 J o.ooooooo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Molrrbdanurn |1202. 03 0 0.0000000 | o-ooo0o0o o. ooooooo J 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 ulcker I eai.5 ottz 0.00ooooo I 0-0000000 0,0oo0ooo] o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 ptrosghorrrs I 178 .287 o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o.ooooooof o.ooooooof o.ooooooo Potasglu,m Ir05. {91 o.0000000 I o.0oooooo o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo solenlun I t96,090 0.0000000 ! o.000oo0o o. oooooool o.00ooooo I o. ooooooo stlLcon ll251.512 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.ooooooof o.0ooooooJ o.oo0oooo Stllcon I zsr. Gli o.0oooooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. oo0000o I o.0oooooo sLlver lrrg,066-o. ooooooo I o.0o00o0o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo35{o eodlum I utg.59a 0 ,0000000 1 0,0000000 0.0000000f o. ooooooo J 0. ooooooo sodlum I at8.326 o. 0000000 | 0.0000000 o.ooooooof o.oooooooI 0.oooo0o0 Strontiunr I OOi .tzt 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0, ooo00o0f o, o0000oo l o. ooooooo Th8111un I 190 .95{0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo Corunentg: STL Denve FOrM XI ( PART 2I .IN 179 STL DEJVVER Total Metals Analvsis -1lB- IC P INTERELEMET IT CORRE CTION FA CTORS (ANI\LIALIY) Contract: IIRS Cor:poratl-on LeI) Codc 3 STLDEN rcP ID !ftrmbor r TOA Cage No. r Intrepid ICP grg No. i Dator 8 /L9 12005 sDo No. t D5I090175 Thorlurn I 283.73O 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I 0.00ooooo Ttn I re9.9e9 0.0000000 | o. ooo0o00 o - ooooooo[ o. oo0o000 I 0.00oo0oo rlranLurn I 33{.941 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 0,0000000J 0.0000000 I o,ooooooo uranLrrrn JaAs.9i8 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0. 00oo0ool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo vanadlum lzlz.{.az 0.0000000 [ o. 000o0oo o. oooooool o. ooo0000 I 0.000{1oo zLuc I zrr. 956 0. o00oooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o-oooooool o.oo00o00 Conunente: STL Denve Porm xI (PART 2l *IN 180 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORSI (ANNUALLY) coneract r Lab Codes STITDEN Caee ilIo. ; IntrepJ,d IePf CP fD lUtrmbar: TifA gfs No- : Dates 8llg/200s sDe No.: D5I090175 Lnalytc Wave- length (nm)1r1 rntrrrelemaat Correctlon Factors UV for r Zn ttr E;rrxon. ecr.rr 1339 - 198 0. oo0oooo I 0.0000000 0 . oooo0ool o. ooooooo I 0.0319000 rlunt ilrB I 152. 081 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. oooooo0 I 0.0000000 trlumLnum lgOg.ZTL 0.0000000 I o.0ooo0oo o. oooooool 0. 0000000 I o. ooo0ooo tntl,mony f 106.838 0 - 0000000 | o. ooooooo o, oooooool o.0000000 I 0. ooooooo .urscntc I atg. o{z 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo o . oooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo Barirrn lAus.t03 o. ooooooo I o.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo | 0. ooo3o3o Barrrlliun Iaf f .04a 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 0.00035901 0.0000000 I -0 .0000100 Boron I,09-6T8 o. o00oooo I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo cadrnLum lrZ6. 5oz 0.0000000 I -0.0002070 0,0000000J 0.0000000 I 0. ooo0ooo CalcLum I f12.933 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o . oo0o0o0 | 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo cal-ciurn I afa .Lzg 0.0o0oooo I o. 0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 0.05590001 chromLrrn lZ6I .7LG 0.0000000 | 0.0007050 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0005970 CoIraIt, lrZS . 616 0.0000000 I 0. o00o0oo o. oo0ooo0l o, oooooo0 l 0.0ooo0oo coDDer f aal .7s3 0. o0o00o0 I o. o00E42o o,oooooool o.oooooool 0.0023200 rron I zss. gdo 0.0000000 J o. ooooooo o. ooo00ool 0.0000000 | o. oo0oooo rron lrr1. {{t o.oooo00o I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. oo00oo0 Laad lrr0.3 53 0.0000000 | o,0o0oooo o. oooooool o. 0000000 I o. ooooooo Ltthium I 0r0. ?94 0.0oo0ooo J 0.0000000 o. oooo0ool o. oooo000 I 0.0000000 Magnesium lZr9.0?9 0.0000000 J o. oo?s6oo 0.00000001 o. 0000000 I -0.0418000 Manganaso lzsl.610 0. 0000000 I 0.00 al,22a -0.00015801 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 r'rolrrb'donurn I 202.030 0.0000000 I -o. ooo7o50 o. oooooool o. ooooooo ] o, oo1z5oo rulckel lrll .60e/2 o. o000ooo J o.0000000 0.00000001 o. oo0oooo I o. oo0ooo0 Phosphorus I*rg.287 o.ooooo0oI o.0000000 0-00000001 o.ooo0000l 0.0000000 Potaralum 1116. {9L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.0000000f 0.0000000] o.ooooooo salenir,r:n I tg6.090 0-00oooo0 I 0.0000000 0.0ooo0ool 0.00000001 o.ooooooo stllcon J 251 .612 0.0000000 | o,0oo0o00 o.oooooool o.oooooooI o.ooooooo stricon I asr. G1s 0.00oooo0 | o. ooo0oo0 o. oooo0o0l 0.0000000 | 0. ooo0o0o silver I 32B. oGB 0.0o00ooo I -0.0002200 -0.01{9000f 0.0000000 I 0.0006880 sodlun I Ur9.5t,0.0000000 I o.ooooooo o-oo0o000l o.oooooool o.o0ooooo sodium I era.3zE o,oo0o0o0 I o.0o0o0o0 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo strontltrn ] lOz -77 L 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 [ o .0000000 I ThaI liurn 1 190 . 86{0.0000000 I o. 0000000 0.00000001 o.0oo0o00 I 0.0o0oooo Comnent,r: STL Denve Form, XI (PART 2)IN 181 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTOR^$ (ANNUA LL}) ContraCt: IIRS Corcoration Lab Cod.o r STIJDEN CaBe No, : rcP rD Nhrrnber: TifA fntreflld ICp grg No. I Dater 8 llgl?OOs sDc No. r D5r090175 rborlum I 283 .730 0.0000000 I 0.0155000 0.0000000J 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo ri.n I 189. ggg 0.0000000 | o. o00o0oo o. oooooool 0.0000000 I o.0000000 rltaal-um 133 i,gtI:0.0000000 | o.0002850 o. ooooooo I o. o0oooo0 I o. ooooooo uranium 1 385.958 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. 0ooo0o0l 0 - 0000000 I -0 .028?o0o vanadium IZSZ - {Oz 0.0000000 I -0,0002 t}o o.oooooool 0.00000001 0.0015500 zLae 1 213.856 0.0000000 I o. oooooo0 0.0000000f 0.00000001 0.0000000 Coiltrnents: STL Denve Form XI ( PAnr 2l -IN !82 STL DET{VER Contract: IIRS Corncoratl-on Total Metals Analvsis -1IA- IC P INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FACTO RS (A NhTALLY) Carc !ilo. :grg No.: Date ; 'l / 23 l?AAs LaIr Coda r gfI,DEN ICP rD Numbcr r SIIPER|IRACE sDc NO. t D5I090175 nnalrt,e wav€- lcngrttr ( nrn)A1 rnterclannant CorrsctLon ractorg Ca Fe for: t{g Ag Alurmtrrlm I308.215 0.0000000 [ o. oo0o00o o , ooolloo I o. o0o029o I o. oooooo0 Antlmony I 205.83I 0.0000000 I o. oooo0o0 o. oooozzol o.0000000 | o. ooo0oo0 Arranie I 189 .o42 o. oooooo0 J 0,0000000 -0.00001601 0.0000000J 0.0000000 sarium 1493.{09 0.0000000 I o.00o0o0o o.oooooooI o.ooo0000I o-ooooooo ner^1'l1lum If ff .012 0. o0ooo0o I 0.0000000 o, oooooool 0.0oooooo I o, o0000oo Boron 1219.628 o.0oooooo J o. o0o00o0 -0.00007001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 cadnl,um 1226. 5oa o. ooooooo I o.0000000 0. ooo1{1ol o. oooo0o0 I 0. ooooooo calcium I 3L9.933 0.0000550 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0oooooo l o, oo0o0oo CbronLuur lZ6: .7 LG o - 0ooo0oo I o. 0000000 -0.00001001 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 cobalr t|228.616 0.0000000 | o. 0000000 0.00000001 0.00oooool o.ooo00o0 coDper I azl -?s3 o.00ooooo | 0.0000000 -0.00002501 0,00000,c0f o-0oo0oool rron lzl t. {{L 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo 0.00000001 0,0003{t00 1 0.0000000\ Laad lrr0 .3 sl.t a 0.0002 97a I o. ooooo0o o.oo013o0l 0.0000050 I o.ooooooo r,,ead |_220 , 3 s]' t 2 -0.0001800 I 0-0oooo0o o. oooo6ool o. ooooloo I o. ooooooo Magnarl,urn 127 9.078 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.ooooarol o.oooooool o.ooooooo Mangrancrc l,257. 610 o .0000000 | o. 0000000 -0.0000060t---0.0000200 I 0.0000000 uolybdenurr lzoz.030 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 -0.00001801 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 rut ckcl 1 231 . 5 A4 /2 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooo000l o.ooooooo SctenLum I 195,027-lL -0. 0000030 I 0.0000000 o. ooooo2o[ o. oooo040 I 0.0oo0ooo SelenLum I 196.02Lt2 o-0000000 I 0,0000000 -0.0001780r o. oo0oooo J 0.0000000 silicon lzea. tsa 0.0000000 I o-oooooo0 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo sLlver l 3zB. 068 0.0000000 J o.000oo0o 0.0000000I o-oooooooI 0-ooooooo Btrontlum l{21.5s2 0.00ooooo I o. 0000000 o. ooo0oool o. ooooooo I o. ooooo0o rhalllusr I 190.86{0.0000000 I o. 0000000 0,0000960 1 0. 0000000 1 0,0000000 Ttroriurn I o01.910 0.0000000 I -0.0000250 o.oooooool o.oooooool o.ooooooo rln I 189.989 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo rltanium I rr{.941 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o . ooooooo I 0. oooo20o I 0.0000000 uranlum I 3B5,9SB 0. o0ooo0o I -0.0000300 o, oooSsoof 0. ooo01{0 | 0. 0000000 vanedlrrrn I ,g z. a}z o.ooooo0o[ 0.0000000 -0.0003{001 0.00000001 0.0000000 zLnc l zrf -gs6 o. 0000000 | o. oo00ooo o.oooooooI o.ooooo2ol 0.00oo0oo Cotunents r STL Denve Fom xI (PART 1)-IN 183 STL DETVYER Contraet: IIR9 CorooratLon Total Metals Analvsis -r 1B- IC P II{TE RELEMENT C ORREC TION FA CTORS (ANI-IUALLY) Case No. t gAS No.: Date: 7 12312005 Lab Cod,e: STITDEDI IcP ID llrrmber r SUPERTBACE sDc No, I D5I09AL76 Wave- length (nm) fntarclamant Corract,Loa Paetorg for r Bg .Lna1tta CdAgBBa lluminum I gOB .215 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 Anrinrony I206.83I 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0. 000oooo I o. ooooooo rrgenic I f99.0{2 0.0000000 | o.ooooooo o. oooooool 0.0o0o0oo I o. oo00oo0 Barl.urn l{93.{09 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. ooCIooool o. ooo0000 I o.00o00oo BcryIlium If fa .A$2 0.0000000 I o .0000000 o. o0oooool o. ooooooo I o. oooo0o0 Boron 1249.678 0.0000000 I o.0oooo0o o. oooooool o, ooooooo l o. ooooooo cadnLum lzz6. s02 0,00000001 0.0000000 o - oooooool o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 calcium I ars.933 0 .0000000 J 0,0000000 o - oocooool 0. o00oooo I o. oo000oo ChromLum |.267. ?18 0.00oo0oo J 0.0000000 0.0000000f o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 colralt lr^g. 515 o. ooooooo I 0.0000000 -0.0012000 I 0.0000000 I 0. 0000000 fonncr |tzt. ?s3 0.0000000 [ o.0000000 0. 0000000f o. ooooo0o I 0 .0000000 Trron 1271.1{1 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.000ooool o.0oooo0o Lcad. l22o .3 ,Lt L 0.0000000 I o. oooo0oo o.o0oo0ool 0.00000001 0.o00oooo r,ead lzzo.3;Ltz o.00ooooo I o.00oo00o 0.00000001 o,oooooool 0.ooooooo Magnerlum lZrg,0?8 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.ooooooof o.oooooooI o.ooooooo Dtarrganoae lzst.610 0.0000000 I o. oo0oo0o o. oooooool o. ooooooo J o. ooooooo Mo1ybd€&rn |,202. 03 0 0.0000000 I o .0000000 0.oooooool 0.00000001 o.oooo0oo Nlckal I 231.6 OLt?;0.0000000 I o. o00o00o o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo SclenLrrsr I 1g5 .02 LlL 0.0000000 | o. ooo0oo0 o.00000001 o.ooooooo[ 0.0000000 selenl.um I196.AzL12 0.0000000 J o.o0oooo0 0.0000000[ 0.0000000[ o.ooooooo otllcon 1288.158 0 - o0ooooo J o. 0000000 o,00oooo0J 0.00000001 o.oooooo0 BLlver I SZe. 06g o-0000000 J 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo Stront,lum 1421 . SI2 o. ooo0000 | 0.0000000 0-00000001 o.oooo000l 0.ooooooo rhalllum I 190.86{0.o0ooo0o I o.0000000 0, 0000000 1 0.000oooo l o. ooooo0o Tlroriunr I OO1. gLO 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 0.00000001 o.ooooooof o.ooooooo rLn I 189,989 0.0000000 | o, ooooooo o. ooooooo] o. oo00ooo I o. o0ooooo rLtanLum I ,, 4.gl7-o. o00o0oo | 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. o0000oo UranLum I 385.9s8 0.00000001 0.0000000 o.oooooool o.ooooo00l 0.0000000 vanadlunr lzlZ.loz 0. 0000000 I o. ooooooo o. oooooool o.0000ooo I o. ooo0000 grnc Iere.856 o. 0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.ooo0o00l 0.0000000 FOm XI (PART 2)-IN 1,8 4 Conunonts r STL Denve STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (ANNUALLY) ConLracut IIRS Comorat:lon tab coder S1,LDEN Case No.:EItg No, : ICP ID lllrmber: SIIPERTIRACE Datez 7 /2312005 gDc NO. r D5I09AL76 Anaht,o Wa\ra- lengrth (nm)Co rnterelement Corractl.oa Factorg Cr Cu for r Un Mo Aluntmrm 1408.215 0.0000000 I 0,001s000 o. oooooool o. ooo0000 | o. oo585oo Antimony I206-838 o. ooooooo I o.003ggo0 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0055500 rrgenlc l189.o4z o.ooooo00 I 0.0001700 0. oooooo0l o. ooo0000 I o. ooo3100 Barl.um I 493. {09 0.0000000 I o.0oooooo o. oooooool o. o0ooooo J o.00o0ooo Berrlltum f Sff .A{,2 0.0000000 I o. ooo000o 0. o00ooool 0. 0oooooo [ 0.00ooooo Boron lro9.6z8 0.0009900 | o.000o0oo o - oooooool o. ooooooo I 0. ooooooo Cadrnlum |-226, 502 -0. 000 2200 | 0.0000000 o.ooooooffiooooo J o.ocooooo Ca1cl,um 1319.933 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.o00ooool 0.0000000 Chrourlurn I 25 7 .7 LG 0.0000000 J o. 0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 -0.0001700 CobalL 11118.616 0. 0000000 | o,000oo0o o. ooooooo I 0. o0ooooo I 0. o0o00oo CopD€r I azn. ?s3 0.0000000 I o.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 0.00000001 rron |.27L.44L 0.0886900 I o. oo3oSoo 0.00000001 0.00000001 0-0000000' Lcad lrr0 . 3 iLt t -0.0020c20 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.00000001 -0.0009600 read 1220 . 3 5L 12 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 0,00000001 -0.0002600 Masrnerium 1279.078 0.0000000 I o .0000000 o. ooo000o I 0. 000oooo J o.0oooooo Manganese lZsl,610 o, ooooooo I o. 0000000 o.000ooool 0.0000000 I o.o0oooo0 Molybdanurn IZOZ.030 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.0oooooof o.oooooool o.00o0ooo Hlckel Jegt-6o4t2 -0. oo0520o I 0.0000000 o.oooooo0l o.ooo0000J o.0o0oooo Selenlurn l196.0ZttL 0.0005000 I 0.0000000 o.0000oool o. ooo35oo I o. o000ooo Selcnium I 19 6. AZLIL -0.0001500 | 0,0000000 o. ooooooof o. oooS2oo I o. ooooooo slll,con l2BB.li8 0.0000000 | o.0o0oooo 0 . 00000001 0, 0000000 I -0 . 00413{00 Sllwer I ,r8.068 0.0000000 | o .0000000 o.000ooool o.oo0ooool o.ooooooo Stront,ium lL21 .552 0. 0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooo00l o. oo0o000 I 0.0000000 Thal1lum I 190.86{0.0017 r70 | 0.0002800 0.00000001 -0. o0{t7?00 I 0.0000000 Thorlu:n I oO1.9LO 0.0000000 | o.00oo00o o. ooooooof o. oo5o28o I o. ooooooo rtn I te9.9a9 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.0ooooool o.oooo000l 0.0000000 rl-tanlum lrr4.9{1 o. oo00o0o | 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo uranium I gg5. gs8 0.0000000 [ 0 .000?600 0.000ooool 0. o00o0oo J 0.0000000 vanadLum I zga. {04 0. 0000000 I -o , oooS7oo 0. 0000000 1 o.000oooo l 0, ooooooo zinc I zrr. B5G 0-0000000 I -0,0032900 0.0000000f o. ooooooo I 0. ooooooo, Corutents: STL Denve FOTMXI(PAHT2) . IN 85 ST'L DENVER Contraet 3 IIR.S CorooratLon Total Metals Analvsis -il8- ICP INTERELEMENT CORRECTION FACTO RS (ANNUALLY) Cage No. t gAg No. r Date t 7 lzllzO0s r,ab Code s STITDEN ICP rD Mrmber r SIIPERlrR.e,gE SDc No.: D5I090175 Analrt.e wavo- langth (run)Nl Intaraleuant CorrcctLon Factorg for s Pb Sb Se si ^nluml-raum 1308.21s 0.0000000 I 0. oo00ooo o. oooooool 0. 00o00oo I 0.0000000 .il,ntrtmony I 206 . 83 8 0.0000000 I o.000oo0o o.000oooof o-ooooooo I o.oo0oooo .f,rgonlc I1Bg.o{2 o. o00oooo | 0.0000000 o. oooooooJ o - ooooooo l o. ooo0ooo sarium I {93.{09 0. ooo0o00 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o-o0ooooo Baryl,ltum IffS.O{2 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo o.oooooool o.ooooooo I 0.0000000 Boron I ,19.678 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o. ooooooo l o.0oooooo l 0.0000000 Cadmium |,116.502 0.0000000 I o. oo0oooo o. ooooooo l 0,0000000 1 0. 0000000 Calc1un I frs.933 o. oo0oo0o I o. 0000000 o. oo000oo I o. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 Ctrromirrn lzez .716 0.0000000 I o. 0000000 0. o00o0ool o. 0000000 I o. ooooooo cobalt. 1118.616 0.00a27704 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo f onner I 3 ? t, .-t s3 0.00ooooo J o. 0000000 0.0000000J o. oo0o000 I 0. ooooooo 'rron lz, t. {{1 0. o0oo00o I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o-oooooo0l 0.00ooooo Lcad lzro.3 sL/L -0.0001{00 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 -0.0000200 I -0.0001020 Laad lzz0.3 sL/z 0.00005110 I o.0o0o00o 0.00000001 -0.0001{00 I -0.0000370 Magnesirro lrr 9.0?8 0,0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo Manganora IZSZ.510 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo MoLyHaDum |1202.030 o. ooo0ooo I 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooooooo l o, ooooooo Ntctcel l231.6}4t2 0.0000000 I o. oo000oo o.oooooool o.oooooool o'ooooooo SelanLnm I 196.021/L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool o, ooooooo l o. ooolooo Selenl,tun l196.AzL/z 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.oooooooI 0,00ooooo| 0-0000000 sttteon I 288.158 0. 0000000 I o. 0000000 0.0000000 1 0, 0000000 1 o. ooooooo gilwer I 329.069 0.00000001 o.ooooooo o. oooooool o. 000oo0o I o, o000oo0 Strontium ltZl,552 0.0000000 I o. ooooooo o.ooooooof o.oooooool o.ooooooo Thallium I tro. 86{0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.oooooool 0.000oooo l 0,0000000 'ftrorLurn I 101.910 0.0000000 I -0.000 6,20a o.ooooooof o.oooooool o'ooooooo rin I 189.989 0. ooo00o0 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo ritanlum I ,r0.9{1 0.0000000 I o. o00o00o o . ooooooo I o,0o0oo00 I o.00oo0oo uranlum f tar. gig o. oo000oo I 0.0000000 0.0000000] o-ooooooof 0.0000000 vanadLum IZSZ.{02 0.0000000 I o-0000000 o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo I o. ooooooo \zinc 1213,956 0.0000000 I 0. 0000000 0.00000001 o.oooooool o.ooo0ooo Cormrsnts: STL Denve Porm xI (PIRT 2)IN 185 STL DENYER Total Metals Analvsis -118- ICP INTEREI,EMENT CORRECTION FACTORS (AI\INTIALLY) Contract: IrRll CorDontion Lab Codo t STITDEN Cage No.:gAg No. 3 ICP rD mlltrber: SUPERTRACE Datet 7 123/2OAs sDc NO. r D5IO9O175 lnaltrEa wav6- length (nm)Sn rntorelgnent correetlon faetorr Sr 1[l for: T1 U Alumtnum I 308 .215 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0.0014000 Anrl.mony 1205,838 0.0000000 [ o, o0ooooo 0.0000000f 0.0000000 I o. ooooo00 Arsenl-c ItAg.Aaz 0 - 0000000 I o, ooooooo 0.0000000] 0.0000000 [ o. ooooo00 BarLum 1 d93 .409 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0.00000001 o.oooo000I o-ooooo0o Bcrtrlllum IafS.O42 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o, oooooool o. oooo000 | o. ooooooo Boron lztt -678 o. ooooooo | 0.0000000 o. oo00oool 0. ooooooo I 0.0000000 CadnrJ,um 1225.502 0.0000000 [ o. ooooooo 0.00000001 o. ooooooo [ 0.0000000 Calclr:m I319.933 0.0000000 I o. o0oo000 0. ooo0oool o. ooooooo I 0.0o31ooo ClrromLum 126T ,?L5 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo[ o.0o0oooo I o. 0004100 cobalr |1229.515 0.0000000 | o-o0oo0oo 0.002{{r00J 0.0000000 I 0,0000950 CopDer I 32{. ?s3 0. 0000000 | o. ooooooo o. oooooool o. oooooo0 | 0.0oo53oo rron )27 t. {{1 0.0000000 I o. ooo0ooo 0 .0000000J 0.0000000 I -0.002{000 read lzz0.3 SL|L 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o.00o00ool 0.00ooooo I 0.0010060 Lead lr220.35l12 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool 0.00ooooo [ 0.001{600 tttagrnoslrrrn lzl 9.078 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 0 - 00000001 0.0000000 I -0.011[d000 It{anganos€ IZSZ. 610 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooo00 I 0. ooo13oo Molybdenurm I 202.030 0.0000000 I o-oooo000 0.00000001 0.0000000 I -0,0002100 ulckal I23 1,.6A412 o. ooooooo [ 0.0000000 0,0000000] -0.0009400 I 0.0000000 8elenlum 1 196.02LtL 0,0000000 I 0. 0000000 0.00000001 o.0oooooo I o. ooooSoo Salenium J19 6.AZltZ o. ooooooo J 0,0000000 0.00000001 o. ooooooo l o,0ooo0oo siltcon legS-158 o - 03 L2600 I 0.0000000 0 . 0088000 J o. ooo0000 I o. oooE{oo Ellver I frg.068 0.0000000 I 0,0000000 o, oooooool o. ooooooo I o. ooo93oo Etrontlum 1or1.552 0.0000000 J 0.0000000 0, oooooool 0,0000000 1 0.0ooooo0 Thalltum I 190.96{0.0000000 | o.0000000 0.0000000J o,000oooo l 0.0000000 rhorlum I d01.910 0,0000000 1 0.0000000 o. oooooo0f o. ooo0o00 I 0,0023300 rLn I 189.989 0,0000000 | 0.0000000 o. oooooool o. ooooo0o I 0.0o0ooo0 nLtaalum I,r{,9{1 0.0000000 [ 0.0000000 0. o00o0oo[ o. oooo000 ] o. ooo3o00 uranlum l rts.gSB o. oo0o000 | 0.0000000 o. ooooooof o. ooo000o I o. oo000o0 vsnadlum Irt, .4gz 0.0000000 I 0. ooo00oo 0.00052001 o. 0000000 I -0.0000600 zine [213.856 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 0. o0oo0ool 0.0000000 | o. ooooooo Form XI (PART 2l IN B7 Corunents: STL Denve STL DETVVER 'fotal Metals Analvsis -l lB- I CP INTERELEMENT C ORRECTION FA CTORS (AN}ruALLY) Contraet r EBS Corrcoration , ,- , ,,. ,_.. r,ab code 3 STTDEN cag6 No.:gAg No. t ICP rD ![umbor: SUPERTR.a,CE Datet 'l/23/2AOS gDC NO. : D5I090L76 wavo- lengrtb (nm) fntcrclcmaat, Corractlon Faetor for: Anallt6 [.hvZt rlumtrxun 1308.z1.rr o. 02 L6700 I 0. 0000000 o.orooiool Antlmony I 206.838 0.00ooooo I 0.0000000 o, ooooooo I trgenlc I rar .otz 0.0000000 | 0,0000000 o . oo 00000 I Barium I {93 .409 o-oooooo0 I 0.0000000 o. ooooooo I Ber,rJrlllum laff .A$2 o.0001800 I 0.0000000 o . oo0o0oo I Boron I ro9.67g 0.0000000 | o.00o0ooo o. oooo2oo I Cadml.r.rm _226. 502 o. ooooo00 I 0.0000000 o. oooooool calcLnn I 319.933 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 -o. oo17700l ctrrornLurn lZ67 .7 !6 0.0000000 I 0-00ooooo o.oooooo0l cobalt 122s.616 0.0000000 I o.ooo000o o.oooooool fconner Jrza.753 0.0000000 [ o .0000000 o. oozlsoo I 'rron lzr 1.4c1 -0.53,07500 | O.00ooooo 0-00{5?601 r,sad lzzo . 3 sL/ L 0.0000000I o.ooooooo -o . oo3 55oo I Laad lrr0.3 sLtz -0.0003200 ] o. 0000000 o .0oooooo I Masnesiwn |.279.028 o. o0000oo I 0.0000000 o.o0oooool Manganeso lzsl.610 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o . oooo0oo I lrolybdcnuln laOe - 030 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o - ooooooo I rsl ckal lrtl . 6 ot / z 0.00o0ooo I o.00ooo00 o . 0oooooo I sclaniuur 1 196.02L/L 0.0002100 I o. o000oo0 -0. a2793ool selenLum Itg5.02L/2 0, o0oo000 J o. oooo00o -o. ooo24ool sllLcon 1 e88.158 0.0000000 ] 0.0000000 o. o00oz0ol silver I gr8.068 0.0000000 f 0 .0000000 o. ooo3{90 I Strontsium 1121. 5s2 o.0ooo00o I 0.0000000 o . ooooo oo J rhalllum I 190.86{0.0011?00 I o.ooooooo -0. ooo17o0l rborLum I oO1.9t0 0.00o2ooo ] 0.0000000 o. oooooool rln I te9.989 o .0000000 I o. oo0o000 -o.ooorrool rltanlrrm 133{.9d1 0.0000000 I 0.0000000 o, oooooool Uranium Iass.e58 -0 .0090?oo I 0.000oooo o. ool2oool vanadlum lzg2.402 0.00o0ooo J o. 0000000 o.oooSgool zinc\I ,t3 . Bs6 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 o. o0o093o I Form XI (P.LRT 2l -IN 1BB comnentg: STL Denve STL DEN-}/ER gTLDIN Cage No- 3 ICP ID liltrmbcr;TirA rnrrcDtd rcP Total Metals Analvsis -12- ICP LINEAR RANGES (OUARTERI,Y) AtS No. t Datcr 8lL6l2AAs SDG, NO. r D5I090176 Contrrcts r Lrb Codcr IIRS Corlrontion .}nalft,c fntcg. rLruc (Src. ) ConconEratlon (ug/L) !,1 f efrunlnun Lo I 60.00 fr [nlunrinunr Ht I 20,00 100 0 Ir lCa1.eirrn lro 20-00 50 Jn I Celcium Hi 20.00 2000 Jn I lron Lo 20.00 Jr I lron EL 20.00 2000 lp I Pota;aiurn 20.00 500 Je JMagrncalurn 20.00 2000 Ir J Sodturn Lo I 20.00 10 Jsodirrn Hi 20,00 t 10000 Jr lzlfconnrrnr 20.00 50 In Comment,s r STL Denver Font XIf fN 189 STL DENVER Contrrct t IIRS Corporetton Total Metals Analvsis '12' ICP LINEAR RANGES (QUARTERL}O SASI No. : Date = 7 l22l2AO5 Irab Code : STITDEN Carc No. r alxl No. r D5I090r,75 ICP ID !ftrnbcr r SUPERTRACE .f,nrltta Inbeg. Tlrar (Sec - ) CorrccntraELon (Eglr.) D[ ] rrarlnLe 15.00 20 Ir JBe.rirun 15.00 25 Ir lChromlurn 15.00 50 Jr J Coppar 15.00 50 Jn Jflcad 15.00 100 lr J![rcke1 15.00 s0 Jr JveardLum 15.00 50 Ie I ziac 15,00 50 Ir O"rr.ntsr STL Denver For:n XII - IN 190 STL DENVER Contraet: IIRS Cor5rcration Lrb Codc g STLDBI Cage No, : reP rD Nrrubar: pB fCpMA 'fotal Metals Analvsis '12' ICP I-,INEAR RAT\IGES (QUARTERLY) g.},S No - : Datcr 8 lLg l2OO5 sDCl No. r D5f09AL76 earl.ytc Intclf . Tl-ura (8rc. ) Coneontrat:[on (nglL)t[ I caandr:ra I o. oo1 I t lul J sclcnium I o, oo1 I 4 lnl Comrrrnta r STL Denver Fort XII IN 1,9L STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis 13- PREPARATIONLOG Coatract 3 Lrb Codcr Mcttrod: P IIRS Corporatl.on STLDEN Cege No. r gfS No. :8DG No.r D5f090176 Prcp Method: Serplc ID Prcprrat,Ion DrEc rnl,tlrl volume I rlnal I volunc (nL) GTr- se- 09 0 805 9 /23 / 200s 50.0 I so.o GW-R2 -090 805 9 /23-1200s 50.o I 50.0 Gw-s5- 090805 9/231200s 50.0 I 50.0 GI$I-{.},-090805 9 /23 /2005 50.0 I so.o Gr{-so-090805 9123/2005 50.0 I so,o Glr-Rr-090805 9l23t200s 50.0 I 50.0 Grlr[-R3 - 090 805 9 t23 / 200s 50.0 I 50.0 fNrlRA-f,.LIl 0C st23t2005 50.0 I 50.0 I{TB MSi e /2312005 50.0 I 50.0 I,AB MSD 9t23t2005 50.0 I 50. 0 rrB52 65237 e12312005 50.0 I so.o EHECT( SAIIPIJS 912312005 50.0 I 50.0 Conments: STL Denver FOnT XIII I}I L92 STL DEIYVER Total Metals Analvsts 13- PREPARATIOI\i LOG Contract r Lab Codci M.thod s IIRS CorT>oratlon STLDEN Cagc No. s gAg No. r gDGl lso.r D5IO9O175 glr PrcD Mcthod: Saryllo rD Prcparatioo Drtr rnitial Volumc I rl"nal I volurtc (nrr) IfffRA-LA'Il QC 9/231200s 10.0 I 10.0 I.AB Mg 9123/200s 10.0 I 10.0 T,NB MED 9 /23 / 2005 10.0 I 10.0 GTf-5c-090805 9 /231200s 10.0 I 10.0 gvir-Rz-09080s 9 /2312005 10-0 I 10-o G$r-Ss-O90805 9/23/2005 10.o I 10-O crr-4},-090805 9 123 1200s 10.0 I 10.0 Glrrr-94-090805 9t2312005 10 .0 I 10.0 GW-R4-09 080 5 9/23/?00s 10.0 I 10. 0 GV{[-R3 -09 0805 9 123/2005 x.0 .0 I 10.0 MB53 59437 et23l200s 10.0 I 10.0 CIIECTT SIITPLE 9t23/2005 10.0 I 10.0 Comaata: STL Denver PorM XIII - IN 193 STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis 13- PREPARATION LOG Contrrct r Lab Codcr Mctlrod,: IIRS Coriporrtion STITDEN Cerr No. r SASI No. r sDo tro.r D5I090175 MS Prell Mothod: Sarnrr1e ID PrcDaratlon Datc fnLtial Volumc I FJ.naI I volune (nL) GriI-5C-090805 9/23/2005 50.0 I 50.0 GTII-R2-090805 et23/2005 50.0 I 50.0 GW-Ss-090905 9 / 2s tZOOs 50.0 I 50, o GTr-4r-090805 e/23t2005 50-0 I 50.o GT[-S{-090905 9 lz3 /2005 50.0 I 50,0 Gri-R{-09080s 912312005 50,0 I 50.0 csr-R3 -09 0805 e/23/200s 50.0 I 50 .0 rlwrnA-LnB Qc 9 /23 /2005 50.0 I s0.0 IJAB Mg et23/2005 50.0 I 50.0 L}.B MSID 9t23/2005 50.0 I 50.0 I'I852 6519 3 9 /23 /200s 50.0 I 50.0 CHTCK SIMPLT 9/23/2005 50.o I 50.o Cormontg r STL Denver Form XfIf IN i94 STL DENVER Total M-lils Analvsis AI{ALYSNRUN I,OG Conbract: rab Codar fnctrun,ent Start DaEe: URg Corporetion STLDEN ID lfunrbcr r 9/26/200s Ca;c No, t TiIl' fntrcpid ICP gtg No.: Mathod,r End Dare: 9 /26/2005 gDO No.: D5f09AL75 * Denote g addltlonal elmeabr STL Denver (oLhcr than tbr rtaadard CLrP rlrurntr) ar. rcprrronted oa eaotbcr Foru, XfV IN 1t Samp].o ID. Dlv Tlmc e6R IlnrJ.ytrr Stdl-Blank 1. 00 09 : tl1 x x x x x x rcn&1 L. 00 09:O5 x x x x x x rCTLz 1- OO 09t5O x x x x ICAIJ]-1. OO O9:53 x x x x x x ICAL2 1. 00 O9r57 x x x x x x Ig\ItI 1. 00 1O: O2 x x x x Ig\ItJ 1. OO 1O: O6 x x x x x x cg\m 1. OO 10r11 x x x x CC'\8,1. OO 1Or15 x x x x x x ICB 1- 00 1O:20 x x x x x x RI,STD2 1- 00 10 :2{x x x x x x I rCgA 1.00 1Or29 x x x x x x T ICSA.B 1. O0 1Or3{x x x x x x cc,\nt 1.OO 10r39 x x x x eeuL l_. oo 1Or{3 x x x x x x CCB 1. O0 1O:08 x x x x x x CgUH l-. oo 2Or35 x x x x cgvlt 1.00 2Or39 x x x x x x ccB 1. O0 2Or4{x x x x x x ZZZZZT.1. O0 ?Or{8 tl t ZZT,ZZZ 1-OO 2O:53 MB52 65237 1. O0 2Or58 x x x x x x CHECK S}ITPLE 1,00 2LtOZ x x x x x x ItirrRl'-L,AB QC 1.00 21:07 x x x x x x MrRr-r,AB QC sER 5, 00 21:12 x x x x x x ITAB MS 1. OO 21r16 x x x x x x IJAB MSD 1. 00 2Lt2]:x x x x x x Glil.5C.090805 1. 00 2L:76 x x x sur-Rz - 0g0g 05 1,00 21r31 x x x x x CC\M 1.00 21:36 x x x x cgur,1. O0 ?1:41 x ix x x x x I CCg 1 .00 21r46 x x x x x x GW-s5 -0908 05 1.00 2X. r 51 x x x x x x Forzt 195 STL DENVER Total M.jil: Analvsis AI\IALYS$ RUN LOG Contsraet: I,ab Code : In;tnmcnt Stlrt DaEe: IrRg CorX>oratl,on g:rI"DEN ID $Itrmbor r 9126t7005 Cr;o No. t T,IA Intraptd ICP 8Ag No. r McEtrod: sDo No- : D5I09077 6 t Dcnotor ad&itlonal rlmrntt STL Denver und Drtor 9 126|2AAS (othcr tlran the rtaadard CLP elenenta) ilrc roprooonted on aaobher Fom lt saql)Ie ID. Dls TLme IR Ina]-rrtseg .L L g B I' a B A :f;c A c R c o c U ;J:M GI M N :lr K s E A o N A T L v z DI e N Grs-{A-090805 1. 00 21r56 x x x x x (Ier-s0-090805 1. 00 22: OL x x x x x x fir-R4-0g0g05 1.OO 22tO6 x x x x x x GTr-R3 -090905 1. OO 27 tLL x x x x IE x zzzzzz 1. OO 22 116 zzzzzz 1.oo 22 tZL T,ZZZZZ 1. OO 22 t25 ZZZT.Z7,1. 00 22r30 7,7,ZZZZ 1. OO 22 t35 EE\IH 1, 00 22t(O x x x x Cg\TT,1. OO 22t44 x x x x x x ceB 1. OO 22t49 x x x x x x Pora XMN L96 STL DEIVVER Total l\'Ietals Analvsis -14- ANALYSIS RTJIY LOG Contract: Lrb Codcr fngtnrncnt Start Datse: IIRS CorporatLon STI,DE![ fD Ntrrnber: 91261200s Carc No.: TifA fntrcptd ICP SAg No. r Mcthodr li:nd. Datl r Dsrog0L76 9 /26 t 2005 8aupIc rD,DI?fine esR .lnalyt,eg B A u L I Id o o g P D P P T s I s Ir, s R U w I N T H r" gt,d,l-B}rnk 1.O0 O9: tt1 x rgl,Ll 1.00 O9:45 x ICAL2 1.ool 09:50 ICALl 1.00 09r53 x feAlrz 1.00 09 ;57 x rc\nr 1. O0 10r02 rc'\E 1.00 1OrO6 x CClIH 1- od 1O:11 cg\rrr 1. OG 1Or15 x ICB 1.O0 1Or2O x RITSTD2 1. 00 7.O t 2L x rcsJ[1. 00 10:29 x ICSTA 1.O0 10r34 x I CC,\rH 1.00 10t39 cc\II,1- od 1O :,03 x ccB 1. O0 1Or48 x CC\TH 1.00 2Or35 csuL 1,00 2O:39 x eeB 1 ,00 20:{{x 7r7.7.7.7r7t 1.00 2O: 18 Z7,ZZ7,Z 1. O0 20r53 MB52 55237 1. O0 20r58 x CHECK S}D,IPLT 1.O0 2Lz02 x IlWrRI.-rrAB AC 1. od 21r07 x rI{IIRA-LAB QC gER s. ool 2t-zLZ x IrRB UB 1. od 21:16 x IrtrB ttlgD 1.00 21r?1 x G*r-5C-09080s 1.00 2L 226 x cw-R2 - 09o805 1.00 21:31 x eevH 7 .00 2t :36 cc\rr 1.00 2Ltlt x CCB 1. ool 21r46 x GTU-S5 - 09 08 0 5 1. 00 21r51 x cfl-4n,- 0g0g 05 1- 0d 21r55 x STL Denver Eor:ur XIV - IN ]-97 STL DENVER Oconr,rf,cr r ,RS corporarLon Total Metals Analvsis -14- ANALYSM RTIN LOG Irab Code : SffrDElI Cere No. t Ingtnurcnt fD N\rrnbar: Tiff, fntrcDid ICP SAS No. t Dlethodi P End Date : 9 126 /2005 SDc No. r D5f090176 Sary>le ID.DI?TLns ,6R .Lrralftes B I U L I ![ o o a P D P Pr g r flil['n.T E r" cxr-Er{ -o908 05 1- 0d 22:01 x Glr-R4 - og 0g05 1,00 22:06 x cw-R3 - 09 08 05 1. 0d 22:.LL x zzT,zzz 1,0c 22 tL6 zzzzzT,1. OC 22 tZL zzz7,z,z 1-OC 2? t25 7r7rTr7r7rz 1, ool 27 e3O 7rl7r7r7r?r 1.ooi 22:35 cclrH 1- 0d 22t4O eg\rL 1,0c 22241 x eeB 1-od 22:49 x STL Denver for:n XMN 198 STLDENWR Total M-jils Analvsis ANALYSIS RUI\[ LOG Contraet: f,ab Codc r Instsrumsnt SEart Dat,e r IIRS Corporatl,on STLDEN ID ![\:rnbcr: e /27 12005 Cagc No. I TirA Intrepid, ICP gAA No.: Mcthod s End Date; 9 /2812005 SDo No- r D5I090176 Sa:rglIe ID. Dlf Timc %R lnr1ytcs .t' L g B A s B I slc "1,:l :l;l;ffiTTIrlrlrl"lil; Std1 -BIa"nk 1. o0 15r00 lx x x IC-IL].1.00 15: O{x x x ICAITZ 1 ,00 15: 08 Ix x ICAL1 1. O0 15:12 lx x x ICl,Ir2 1.00 15r15 x x x IEVH 1.00 15:21 x x I(IJ.I,1 ,00 LS t25 x x x cc::TITI 1. O0 15r30 x x cg\Ir,L. oo 15:35 x x x ICB 1. 00 15:39 x x x RITSTD2 1. 00 15r43 x x x ICSA 1.00 15:EB x x x rcs.nB 1. 00 L5r53 x x x cewr 1. o0 15:58 x x CC\TL 1. OO 15: O3 x x x eeB 1. OO 15rOB x x x eg\ru 1. 00 O1: O5 x x cgvr,1. OO O1:09 x x x ccB 1. OO 01 :1{x x x G*r-R2 -090805 10. 00 01:18 x x x GTT-{A-090805 10.00 01r23 x Z7'7r7rZZ 1.00 OL t27 Z7.7,ZZZ 1. O0 O1:32 zzzzzz 1. oo O1 r36 -] CCTfH 1. 00 O1 :{0 x x cc'\rL 1. OO O1 : t[5 x x x CCB 1.00 01r49 x x x r - IrsroEGa addltional aldartB (otbor thaB th€ etr.Edlardl CI:P ol@.Dtt) a!. reDror.lt.d orir rtrothor Eon 1l STL Denver for.lr XIV - IN ]-99 STL DEIVVER Total l\I-:if; Analvsis ANAI,YSIS RIIN LOG Contract r Lab Coda: Inctnrnoat Start Dltc r t Rg Cor.5roratLon STLDEN ID !firmbcr r 9127 l2AO5 Cago No.: SUPERTN.LCE S.ng No. t l{cBhod r gDc No.: D5I090176 P a STL Deuotca addltlonrl elslcatt Denver End Date z 9128|?OOs (othrr thau Ehr rtaadrrd eLP eleoonts) lro roproaosted oa +notbrr Potl 1rt gaqD,le I,D. Dlv Tl-no tR BTD1-BI,an}E 1- OO 1{r31 x x x x x x x x x HIgIrD 1.00 1{:36 x x x x x x x x x HIOH 1, O0 LtL z 12 x x x x x xl x x x rg\r1l|1- OO Llt47 x x x x x xl x x x CCTT 1. O0 1{:53 x x x ,(,x.x x x x rcB 1. O0 14:58 x x x x x x x x x RLSTD 1.O0 15;08 x x x x x xi x x x ICSA 1. o0 15 :13 x x x x x x x x x rcs.trB 1.00 15 :19 x x x x x x x x x tR 1 .00 15r24 x x x x x x x x x cc'vr I 1 1. O0 LS t29 x x x x x x x x x ccBl1.1, 00 15:35 x x x x x x x x x cc-\m I ar 1. 00 07:{9 x x x x x x x x x ccB I er 1. OO O7 r5{x x x x x x x x x MBs2 65237 1. O0 07r59 x x x x x x x x x CHECK SAIIIPLI 1.00 08r03 x x JC x x x x x x zzz.zzz 1. OO OSrOB rDErRt-r.tB 0c 1-OO O8r13 x x x x x x x x x IlilTRl'-tnB OC gtR 5 .00 08 :18 x x x x x x x x x rleB D!8 1 .00 08:23 x x x x x x x x x IJAB DISD 1 .00 08 :28 x x x x x x x x x 7,ZZZ7,Z 1, OO 08:33 zzz?,7.2 f.. oo O8:38 7,227,27.1. O0 08 r{3 cclm 122 1.00 08 :18 x x x Ix x x x x x ccB lI22 1. 00 08:53 x x x x x x x x x zzz,zzz 1,00 08:58 l.tIrIr'ltl,X 1. 00 09r01 zz7,z7,z 1.00 09: 08 Z7,Z7.ZZ 1.00 09:13 7,ZZZZ7.I- .00 09:18 zz7,7.zz 1 .00 09r23 717iZ.7,7,7,1.00 09r28 Form XIV - IN 204 STL DENVER Total *-1ff Analvsis AITALYSN RIJN LOG Contract; f,ab Coda: Inatnrmant Start Datsrr URS Corporation STLDTN ID Nuruber: 9 t27 /2005 Casc No.: gUPERTRACE S.l.sI No. t tlcthod r P End Dare: 9 12812405 (otsber tsha-n tho rta.ude,rd cLP elenonEt) aro ropr.r.otod oa anoth,or Fom 10 gDc No.: D5I090L76 | f,buotes edditiour,L slcnrnt,r STL Denver r[ s Il I sls lcl cl clcl clr I pl!{lulHlNl rlslAlul Tlvlzl c r, l s ls I alE lDIel nlolulu I BlolNlol rl Itlcl.Ll r, I INI N sanplc I ott Jrlne l%R 09:33 09:38 Gri[*5c-090805 O9r63 (IIil-Rz - 09 0805 O9r48 crw-ss -09080 5 09r5{ cfl-{1,- 090805 O9 :59 e{-ac-090905 1Or0{ s{-R{-090805 10:09 GH-R3-090805 10:1{ tO:19 LO:.ZtL Form XfV I}[ 207 STL DENVER Total llletals Analysis -3- BLANKS Contract r IIRS Corporetion Lab Codcr STLDEN Caac No.:S.Lg No-: Prel>antLon Blnnk Matrix (roLl/watcr) : WITER Prcarret,Lon EhDk Couce[trrtlon ltnite (E{,lL or D{,lt!9l: ![G./t 8Ds No. r D5f090175 .Lrrelyta rnltl.al Crll,lr. Blar]E (mg lr.>c Coatinuing CrlLbrltLon Blrrrk (mg/Ir) 1 c 2 c 3 C Prc1raraELon BLank c M Mcrcurlr I -0.0000511 B O.000062 I B I -0.00006118 I -0.000050 I B 0-000046 I U Ctr STL Denver Fom, III IN 138 STL DEI{VER Total M.1il: Ao"Ivsis ATIALYSH RUN LOG Coatract: f,rb Codc r Inrtnrmcnt Strrt Date: IIRS Corporat,Lon STLDEI{ fD ll\rmbcr t 9123t200s Caac No. t PE SIIIA gl,S No. : Mctlrodr SIXI No. r D5I090176 S * Deaotor additlonal thmrratr TL Denver crv End Datcr 9l?3l2AO5 (other than tho rtandard eLP thuoutr) ar. rcDr.tiotrd ou anobhrr Fort 1{ satnpLc ID. Dlt Tlno 96R tna].ytrr A L s B A g ilt c D c .n, C R c o C U r IE P B M o u N H o N r K s E I\ c til .tr T L v 7, N c N Cr1l,b Bla^nJE 1- O0 15r52 x a.2 PDb 1.O0 15: 5{x 0.5 DDb 1. OO 15:55 x 1.0 DDb 1. OO 15r57 x 2. O 1r1rl)1. OO 15:59 x 5. O DDb 1. O0 16:01 x 10.0 DDb 1.OO 15r02 x ICB 1. O0 16:O5 tl x i-fr rg\r 1. OO 16r06 x cg\r1 1.00 16: O8 x CCBI'1- OO 16r10 x Rtr 1. 00 16r11 x T,ZZZZZ 1. 00 15:13 Z.7.7'lr7'7.l. 00 16:15 7rZZ7rZ7,1.00 15s16 27,27,7,7,1. O0 16:18 t-t 7'7rZZ7rZ 1- 00 16:2O Z27'27,2 1 .00 16:21, zzz7.z%1- OO 15t23 zzzT,zz 1. 00 16 :35 7.ZZZY.Zr 1.O0 LG 277 cgv2 1, O0 16:28 x CCB2 1. O0 16:3O x ccvS 1. 00 17:{9 x CCB6 1. O0 17 r 51 x zz,zzzz 1. O0 17r53 zzztzz 1, OO L7 t5d, T,T,LU],1.00 17r55 Z7,7,Z7.Z 1. 00 17 :58 Z,ZZ7,Z7,1. 00 17 :59 7'7t7r7rZL 1. 00 18 :01 / 7rYr7rL7r7,1, 00 18;03 T 7,27,2%7,1. O0 18:0{I -l Forn XfV IN 202 STL DENVER Total Metals Analvsis -14- ANALYSIS RUN LOG ContracL: Irab Code : Ingt:nrnant, 8trrt, Data: IIRS Corlrorat!.on gTLDEN ID lihrmber: 9/23t2005 Caee IiIo. : PE CVEA glg No.: Method,: sDG No. r D5I090176 gtr t - Druotca addltlonal elennutr STL Denver rrrd Drte r 9 123^ l2AAs (othcr tlua tbr rtandard etP elenentg) aro rrprcrcutrd on anothor Foru 1{ Srmpl"c rD- Dlt Tlma 96R Analt&as l' IJ g B .L I B ^L B E c D c .1, c R c o c U f E P B ![ o M N H e ![ I K g Dv .[' GI N A T L l"l 7, N c N r.r85259{37 1. O0 18r05 x CHECK BTMPI.IE 1. O0 18r08 x cc\r,1.00 18:1O x ccBT 1.00 18 :11 x Z7r?rZZ7.1- OO 18r13 zT.z7.zr,1.00 18:15 r!*rR.L-r,.AB AC 1. O0 18r16 x IJ}B Blg 1- 00 18r18 x I.AB TISD 1. OO 18r20 x 7.ZZ7r7rZ 1. OO 18r21 Z7r7r7^7,2 1.00 18r23 zzzzzz 1, OO 18 :2{ LB 226 GDr-5C- O9 0805 1.00 18r28 x cgvE 1. OO 18 r29 x CCBg 1. 00 18:31 x orrr-R2 - 090805 1 .00 18:33 x cilil-ss-090E05 1. OO 18r35 x GT[-O.n -O9 0g05 1- OO 18r36 x cilil-s{ - 09 0805 1. 00 18: 38 x Grrr-R{-090805 1. 00 18: t0 x GH-R3-090805 1. 00 18 :41 x zzzzzz 1. 00 18r43 zzzT,zz 1. oo 18r45 7r7r7r7rzz 1. OO 18r46 ZZTrT,ZZ 1 .00 18 rd8 cev9 1,00 18r5O .l I CCT9 1 .00 18r51 I Foro XIV IN 2A3 STL DEIVVER Total *-jlf Analvsis ANAI,YSIS RUN LOG Contract: LrI) Codc r Inctrunent Start DaEe: t RS Corporatslon STI,DEN fD Mrubar: 9 /25 /2005 Cagc ![o. r PE ICPIIIS 8lg No. t Dlctrlrod r gDc No.: D5I090176 M S t Denotes addltLonal ohueutr TL Denver nnd Drto3 9 l2l lz00s (otlrer than the standard eLP alernents) aro r.opros€nted on anothtr Pom Lt 8a4pLc ID. DIE Tlme tR Analytca .n' L s B l g B I' B E C D c I. c R c o c u r t P B M o lrl N H o N I K I FE A G N I ttla L v 7. N c N BIrnk 1. 00 L7 tt6 x x Standard 1 1 .00 L7:49 x x oc aE,d 1 L-00 17r53 Ix x 0c srd 2 1. 00 L'l :57 x x Rt gTD 1- 00 18rOO x x zz?.7,Z,7,1.00 18 r 04 ICgA 1- OO 18r08 x x rCSAB 1.00 18 :11 x x RINgE 1-00 18:15 x x HIGH CHTCK 1- 00 18r19 x x RINSE 1. oo LB t22 x x / QC srd 3 1.00 18:25 x x T QC SUd {1. 00 18:30 x x BLarrk 1- 00 19: 17 x x Standard 1 1,00 19:21 x x ac srd 3 1. 00 19 :25 x x ac srd I 1. 00 19:32 x x oc sr,d 3 1. 00 22tOB x x aq std, 4 1.00 22:L2 x x ICg.n'1. OO 22 tL5l lx x IESAB 1.00 22 r19 x x RINAT 1. OO 27 r23 x x ac srd 3 1. OO 22 t27 x x oc sr,d 4 1- OO 22:34 x x BIarr]tr 1. 00 2223L x x St,andard 1 1. 00 22r38 x x 0c srd 3 1, 00 72t41:x x 0c sEd 4 1,00 22r15 x x ac sud 3 1.00 05 ;02 x x ac 8ro {1.00 05r06 x x I -l 7,D5T220000-1938 1, 00 05r09 I 1D5T220000- 193C 1. O0 05: 13 \ st0-5c-090805 20.00 05r17 lx x forn XIV - IN 204 STL DENVER Total *-1lf Analvsis ANAI.,YSIS RUN LOG Contract: Lab Codc: Inrtnuncnt StarE Datcr t Rg Cor2oratLon gTI,DEN ID Nunbcr: 912612005 Caaa No. t PE ICPUS Sl8 No. r DteEtrod: End Dater 9 /27 l2AA5 SDO No. t IrI Dsrog 0 L7 6 Sarq1>Ic ID. DI?Elmrl qrR Inalfrts61a I t :lllil:l;l:l :I;I;I l"l;lr g{-Rz- 09 08 0 5 10. 00 05 :2O x x ow-s5- 0908 05 5. 00 O5r2{x x cw-or'- 09080s 10. oo OS t 7,7 x x r crlr-84-090805 5.00 05 :31 x x G'n-R{- 0908 05 5.00 05r35 x x crr-R3-090905 5, 00 05r38 x x QC strd 3 1. oo 05r42 x x 0c grd I 1. OO 05r{5 x x r - Delotes rdir,tiotral .I@at. (otler thalr tb. rEal6lril eLP elm.at3) .r€ !.Dr.r.Et.dl oa r.aothcr Fm la STL Denver Fom XIV - IN STL DEIVVER Total *-j1j1 Analvsis AhIALYSIS RUIY LOG Contraetr: rab Codar InsErrrnents Etart Date: IrRS Cora>oratLon gTLDEN fD NUnbcrr s /27 t200s Crtc No. t PE ICPII8 gAS No. I Mrrttrodr SD(I No. r D5I090176 M S i Druotea addltlonal rlrotp,ta TL Denver End Dat,cr 9 /27 /2005 (othor thin tha rtandard CL,p rl.oorotr) ar. rrprorntod on anothcr foru 1{ flrqrlc ID. Dly Tlmc e6R lrralf.tscr I' IJ : I: B t B E C D c .8, e R e o FF P B M c D[ N H G ![ I K g E A g N A r It v 7t N c N Bla.n.lr 1. OO 15:58 x x Etnndls{ 1 1, O0 16r02 x x QC slrd L 1. OO 15r06 x x ac srd 2 1. o0 15rO9 x x RLSTD 1- OO 16r13 x x Z,ZZ7,ZZ 1. OO 15r17 ICSA 1- O0 16r20 x I x ICBAB 1. O0 L6 224 x t--x R.rNgE 1. O0 16:38 x x HIOH CTIECK 1. OO 15:31 x x RINSE 1. OO 16r35 x x ac srd 3 1. O0 16: 39 x x I ac srd {f--oo 15r42 x x Blarrts 1- OO 17r15 x x Eltandard 1 1. O0 17 :19 x x QC sr,d 3 1. 00 L'I t23 x x QC std I 1. 00 L7:27 x x QC srd 3 1.00 L9 t3'l x x oc gtd, tL 1. OO 19r40 x x HB52 65193 1. OO 19r{{x x CHECK SAMPLE 1.00 19: {8 x x Z7,Z7,7,Z 1 .00 19r52 ilurn.L-rJAB Qc 1. OO 19r55 x .t x IIIIIR.L-L]B OC SER 5, 00 19 :59 lx x r}f,rnA-LlB oc PDS 1. 00 2AzO2 x x I,AB MEI 1 .00 20r06 x x LtrB MSD 1.00 20r10 x x \LY,\T,L 1.00 20 :13 0C st,d 3 1.00 2O:t7 x x QC Sud I 1. 00 ZO tZL x x oc sbd 3 1.00 2L;58 x x I ac sEd I 1.00 22tAZ x x rcs.L 1.00 22:06 x x fom XfV fN 2A6 STLDETVWR Total M-jil: Attalvsis A}IALYSIS RUN LOG Contract: Lab Codcr Inrtnrment gt,art, Dat,c: URS Corry>orrtion STLDEN fD Nunberr e/27 t200s Cage AIo. r PE ICP!{g Sl^8 lilo. t Mctlrod r sDO No.r D5I090175 DT tr STL Deaotu edditlonal elenentr Denver Ead Darar 9 /27 l2OA5 (other tbrrn tbr rtandrrd Crp elenrnt;) arr r.Dro;oaEod on cnother Fora t{ 8rm5l1c rD. DI?rLmc TR .[nalyteg t L s B A I B t B E c D c It c R c o c U r E P E }I GI u N H G Nr K s E t G II .n, tnI L v Z N c N ICgAE 1. OO 22:09 lx x RINSE 1-OO 27 tL3 xl x __I oc sbd, 3 1. 00 22:L7 xl x ag sEd t 1.O0 22 tXL xJ x Form XfV fN 207 },IETEOD BLANK REPORT General Chernistry Clisrt IoE # - PAITJII\4ETER : D5I0 9 01-7 5 RESI-ILT REPORTTNG LIMTT UNITS METHOD l{atri](. . . . , . . . . r WATER PREPARATTON- PREP AI$AIJYSIS DATE BATCH # Ammonia as N Ammonia aE N Chloride Fluoride Ni t rate Ni t rate Ni t rate -Nitrite Nit rate - Ni tri te Su]-fate Work Order #: HLJ851AA 0 .10 mg/L Dl luE ion Faet,or : L Analysis Time.. r 22.Qa Work Order #: HKXST1AA 2 -5 nry,/l' Oi luU ion Factor : l- Analyais Timrg. . : i7 : 00 Work Order #: HI(LK7lAA 0 - 10 tDg/L uilution Factor: I Analyole Time. . t 13 :15 W<rrk Order #: HK7L21AA 0 . 10 mg/L Di 1ut ion Fact or : l- Analyele Time. . : l-5 :00 Work Order #r HLLMMI-AA 0 .10 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Analyois Tirne. . : 16 : 00 Work Order #: HKTHEI-AA 0.10 r;rg/L Dilut ion Factor: 1 ArraL)rsle Tlme. . : 22 z 0O Work Order #; HLLD91AA 0.10 rng/L oiluEion Factor: I Rnalysis Time. , ; IB :00 Work Order #: HLL531AA 5.0 v, ,/L ollution Pactor: 1 Analr*eia Time. . : 15 : 40 MB LoE-Sample #: ucAtrw 325 -2 D5I200000 -255 a9/ 18/05 s2632ss ND ND Work Order #: HK6VPUTA MB Lot-Sample f: D5I22O00O-473 0.r.0 mg/t MCAWW 350.1 09/20/05 s255473 Dilution FacLor: 1 Analysie Timc.. t 22200 MB LoE-Sample #: DsI280000-454 MCAww 3s0-t_ 09/27/A5 527t4s4 1-8 B 0-019 B MB Lot -Sample # : }ICAIflI{ 340 .2 D5r140000 -s78 oglLLlos s2s7s78 MB Lot-Samp1e #: MCAWW 353 .2 Dsr220000-sB5 ae / 09 / os s26ss86ND }UD ND ND MB LoE-SampIe #: MCAI^IW 353 - 2 D51280000 -706 ae / ae / as s27]-7 a6 I"IB Lot - Sample # : MCAI,ftI 353 .2 D5I220000 -552 ae / zo / a5 sz;sssz I,IB Lot - Sample # ; MCAWW 353 .2 D5r280000 -679 0e / 27 / 05 527L67 e fqB Lot - Sample ucA}Ir{ 375-4 #: D5I290000 -L72 oelzg/os szTzLTz STL Denver 2.2 B (Cont,inued on next page) 208 C].ient. I.ot #- - -: PARAMETER D5r090L76 REPORTTNG RESULT LIMIT I}NITS MHTHOD BI,ANK RBPORT General Chernistrlr METHOD lilatrix. - - - - - : WA,'TER PREPARATTON- PREP ANALYSIS DATE BATCH # Total Cyanide I.IOTB (S) = 9ilork Order #: HK35F'1AA ND 0-010 mg/L Dl lut ion FacE,or : 1 Analyslo Tlrne. . : LZzQ0 MB Lot-Sample #: sw845 90108/ 9012A Dsr210000-539 ae / ?L-ae / 22/ 0s s264s3e Calculatioos are perforrned beforr rr:untling to avoid round-nff errors in culculrtal results. B L*imated result. Result is less than RI.. STL Denver 209 T,JIBORATORY COIITROI, SAUPI,E EI''AIJUATION REBORT General Chemiatrlr Iot-Sauple * - PARAMETER pH Ammonia a6 N Ammonia as N Chloride Fluoride Nit raE,e 100 t_00 : D5f09OL75 PERCENT RECOVERY RPD RECOVERY LTMITS RPD LTMTTS METHOD Matrix-- ----: WATER PREPARATION- PREP A}IALYSIS DATE BATCH # Lot -Sarnple# : D5I090000 - 536 oe / ae / os szszs36 0e / 09 / 05 5252s36 ; 15:43 Lot-Sample# : D5T,22000 A *473 ae /20 / os s26s473 0e/20/os 525547 3 : 22:04 Lot-Sample# : D5I280000 - 454 5271,454 527 L454 5255 5B 5 52655I5 I{o# r HKCTGIAA-LCS /trKCTGlAC-LCSD tCS (gt L02) sw846 90408 197 Lo2) O-O (o-5.0) SWB45 9o4oB ol]ution Factor; 1 Analyelo Tlme. 97 97 101 101 100 100 106 1-06 100 l-0 L ( go (go ( go (so WO# r HK5VPLAC-LCS /ILKGVPIAD-LCSD LCS l-10) UCAIII^I 350-1 110) 0.15 (0-10) I,ICAWI^I 350.1 oilutrion Factor: 1 Analysia time. wo# : HLJB5lAC -LCS / HLJ8 s lAD- I,CSD LCS l,Lo) ttCAVn^I 350.1 L10) 0.34 (o-10) MCAWW 350.1 Pilutlon Fact.or : 1 Analyal e rlme - WO# ; HIO(STIAC-LCS/HI0(5T1AD-LCSD tCS (go 110) ttCAWW 325.2 (go 110) o-62 (o-10) MCAWW 32s.2 t 22; OA Lot-Sample# : D5T200000-255 oe/LB/as s26 32 5s ae/LB/os sz632ss Dilution Fact.or: 1 Analysis Time..: 17:00 wO# :HKLK7IAC-LCS/IIKLKTlAD-LCSD LCS Lot-Sample# : D5I140000-578 (87 - l14) MCAww 34a.2 og/t+/os s2s7s1g (87 - 1,14) 0.0 (0-16) MCAWW 340-2 0e/L4l0s s257578 , DiluLion PacEort 1 Analyoio Tlme..: 13:15 WO# :HK7L2LAC-LCS/HK7t21AD-LCSD LCS tot-Sample* : D5I220000-s85 ( se 1l-0 )(es L]-o) 1.4 (o-1-o) Pilution Factor: 1 ae/27/a5 0e/27/0s McAr/{t{ 353.2 A9/og/A5 MCAen^r 3s3.2 A9/09/05 Rnalyeis Time..: 16:00 Nit rate 97 97 NitraLe-Nitrite 96 95 ( 85 110 )(Bq l"10) o.5t (o-1o) uilution FacEor: 1 MCAhn^I 353 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 Rnalyeia Tirne. . : 16 :00 WO# : HLLMMI-AC-LCS/HLLMMIAD-LCSD IrcS tot -Sample# I D5I2800 0 0 - 7 A 6 ae/as/os 527l-7 05 09 / 09/05 52717A6 WO# :HK7HE1AC-LCS/HK7HE1AD-LCSD LCS tot-Sample# r D5I22000O-552 (s2 - L12) MCAWW 3s3.2 09/2A/05 526sss2 (92 - 1.t21 0.L0 (0-r-0) McAww 353.2 A9/20/As 525sss2 DiluElon Factor: i Anall,gir Time.. z 22:oo STL Denver (Continued on next page) 2LO ffi CONTROL SAITTPLE EI/AI,UATION RBPORT Genera1- freruistry I,ot-Sauple *. . . : D5I0901,76 PERCENT RECOVERY RPD PAIU\METER RECOVERY LTIvITTS RPD LTMTTS METHOD Ni trare -Ni t ri te 99 99 Ma,trix-- ----: WATER PREPARATION- PREP AhTALYSTS DATE BATCH # I{o# :HLI^D91AC-LCS/HLLD91AD-LCSD tCS Lor-Sample# : D5I280000-579 (gz L12)MCAWW 353 .2 09 I 27 / OS 527]-57 9 09 / 27 / 05 5271,67 9(gz Lt2) o.J.s (o-1o) McAWur 3s3.2 pllutlon Fact,or: 1 Analygis Time..: 18:00 sulfare wo#:HLL531AC-LCS/EIL531AD-LCSD tes Lor-Sample#: D5r290000-a72 i.03 (91 - 112) MCAWW 375.4 A9/28/05 5272A72 106 (91 - 112) 2.6 (o-r.s) MCAWW 37s.4 09/28/05 s272L72 DiLutioR Factsor! 1 Analyola tlme--: 1,5:40 Total Cyanide WO#:HK35F1AC-LCS/HK36FLAD-LCSD LCS r,ot-Sample*: D5r2L0000-539 L07 (89 - r-oe) sw846 g0]-oB/eotzL oe/2a-ae/22/os sz6453e 108 (89 - 10e) 0-93 (0-20) SW846 e0108/9012A 09/2l.-09/2210s s264s39 Dilution Factor: 1 Analysle Tlme..: L2:00 lsorE(s): Calculatlons arc pcrlbrnrcrl bcforc rouudilrg to avoid nrunrl-off errors in calculated resuhs. STL Denver 27L I,ABORATORY CO}TTROL SAI{PT,E DATA REPOR:r Gerreral Chemietry totr-Sample #. PARAMETER pH 7 ,00 7.00 Ammonia as N 4 .00 4 .00 Ammonia a6 N 4.00 4 .00 Chloride 50 - 0 50 - o Fluoride s .00 5.00 Nitrate 0 .0500 0 - 0500 Ni trate 0 .0500 0 .0500 Nit,rate-Nitrit,e 4 .00 4 ,00 : D5I090l-75 SPTI(E MEASURED PERCNT AMOUNT AMOUNT UNITS RECVRY RPD METHOD tlatrix-- ----: WATER PREPARATION- PREP AIvLLY_9..T,9.-pIIF _ BA,rgI- . iH LCS Lot-sampie# : D5I140000-578 340 .2 Oe /L4/ 05 s2s7s7\ 340 .2 09 / 1,4 / A5 5257 57 8 Time..: 13:15 LCS Lot-Samp1e# : D5I22O000-586 3s3.2 o9/A9/A5 5255585 3s3.2 A9/09/As 5265585 Tlrne-., 15r00 LCS Lot -Sample#: D5T280000- 705 353.2 je/Ae/Os s27L7O6 353.2 A9/oe/os s27L706 Tirne..: 15:00 IrCS Lot-Sample# r D5T220000-552 353 .2 A9 / 20 / Os 526ss52 353-2 Oe/2O/Os sz6sss2 Time..: 22200 WO# ;HKCTGIAA-LCS/HKC7GIAC-LCSD LCS Irot-Sample# ; D5I090000-536 7.03 No Unirs 100 SW846 90408 O9/O9/05 5252536 7.03' No Unirs L00 0.0 SW845 90408 O9/O9/A5 5252536 Dilution FacEor: 1 A:ralyele Tlme.,: 15:43 wO# :HK6VP1AC-LCS/HK5VP1AD-LCSD LCS tot-Sample# : D5I22000a-473 3.88 llrtg/t 97 MCAww 3s0.r- 09/20/As 526s413 3.89 mg/t" 97 0.15 MCAWW 350.1 AS/ZO/OS 526s473 Dllutlon Factor: 1 Analysie TirM..: 22;00 WO# :HLJ85]-AC-ICS/HLJB51AD-LCSD tCS Lot-Sample# : D5r280000-454 4 .03 r,;.gl t 101 MCAWW 350,1 oe/27/as 527 14 54 4 .04 I,IItg/L 1 01 0.34 MCAWW 350. t- 09/27 /Os 527L4s4 Dllution Factor; 1 Analyaia Tlme..: 22,00 wo# :HKX5T1AC-LCS/Hrui5T1AD-LCSD LCS Lot-Sample# : D5r200000-255l3:l IZ',i i:3 0 ., ISffi ilz: ZZ',:Z',',? ?:21:ZT plIut.lon Factor! 1 Analyels Tlme.., 1?.Oo wo# : HKLKT 1AC - LCS/XXlrc7 1AD - LCSD 5 .28 5.28 mg/L rng/ L Di lution Factor : 1 MCAWI^I 0 .0 t-,icAww Analysi s MCAWW L.4 MCAWW Analyol a IUCAWW O . ].0 MCAWW rrnalys i s 106 1.0 5 96 96 WO# : HK7L2 1AC - LCS / IIXIL2 1AD - LCSD 0.0s00 mglL 0.0s07 mg/L 3 .85 3 . 85 100 101 Di lut ion Factor : L mg/L mg/L Oiluflon Factor; I wo# : HL,LMMIAC - LCS /Hlr,UMlAD - LCSD 0 . 0486 mg/t 97 MCAWW 0 . 04 83 rrrg/L 97 0 . 61 MCAWW Di lut ion Factor : l-Ana lys i s wo# : HKTHEIAC-LCS /UXIHEIAD-LCSD STL Denver (Continued on next page) 21,2 Ni t rate -Ni t ri t.e T,ABORATORY COITTROL $}I{P1g DATA RBPORT Genera1. frem:ietrrry Iot-Samgr1e # - - - : D5I09017 6 SPIKE MEASURED PERCNT PAIT,{METER A}4OUNT AIVIOUNT UNTTS REC\M,Y RPD METHOD Matrix. - . . - . . - - 3 WATER PREPARATTON- PREP ANALYSIS DATE BATCH # LCS Lot-Samp1e# : D5TZL0000-539 e01 oB/e012A 09/2L-09/22/ OS 5261s39 901-oB/9012A A9/2t-09 / 221 0s s264s3e ?ime..: l-2:oo Sul f ate Total Cyanide NOIE (S} : 4 .00 4 .00 2s .0 25.0 0 . t_00 0.100 0 .107 0 ,108 v{o* :HLLD9IAC-LCSIHLLD9IAD-LCSD LCS Lot-Sample# : D5r280000-679 3 . 96 mg/t 9s MC.AWW 353 -2 09/27 / 05 527L679 3 .9s mg/t 99 0 .15 MCAWW 353 .2 09/27 / 05 527L679 Dilution Factor: 1 Analyele Time..:18100 wo# :HLIr531AC-1,CS/HLL531AD-ICSD LCS Lots - Sample# : D5r29000 O -172 25.8 mg/t 103 MCAhT{ 37s .4 A9/28/05 52't2L72 26.5 mg/t L05 2.6 MCAWW 375.4 OS/ZA/OS 52721-72 DlluElon FacEor: 1 Analysie Time.. r 15r4o wo# : HK3 6F1AC- tes /HK36F1AD- LCSD mg/L mg/L Di lution Factor : 1 sw84 5 0.93 SW845 P-na 1ye i e 107 l-0 I Culculations are perfornred bclbrc roundlrrg to uvuitl round-off orrorc in calcrrlated resrlts. STL Denver 2L3 C].ient l,ot *. Date Saqrled- PARAIvIETER Ammonia as N PERCENT RECOVERY RECOVERY LTMITS RPD RPD LIMITS METTIOD I{AIRIX SPIKE SAI.TPI,E E\TALINTTON REPORT General Chernistry ; D5f090L76 : 09/07/05 09:55 Date Received-,! 09/08/05 PREPARATTON- PREP 4NALYS_I_1_P_+38 . F+::cH # MS Lot-Sample #: D5I080243-C04 a9 / 2A - 09 / 21, / 05 5265473 oe / 2a -a9 / 2L/ as s26s473 99 98 94 95 95 95 106 105 9B 1OB N WO# : HJSJMIDG-I{S /HJ 6.TMIDH-MSD 1_30) l,lcAww 350.1 130) 1.1 (O-30) MCAWW 350.1 Dilutlon FacEor: 1 Analysis Time. . : 03 :00 Ni traLe -Ni t ri te 92 90 Ni trate -Nitri te 92 B8 wo# : HKTI/D1C7 -MS/HKTWIC8 -MSD (44 130) UCAWW 350.1 (q+ 130) 0 .2L (0-30) MCAWW 3s0.1 ni lution PacEor: 1 .D:ralysis Tirne. . : 22t A0 (90 ( e0 WO# : H,J6,JMIDC - MS /H.re.rruLDD -IvISD 110) mcAWW 325.2 1L0) O.L8 (O-1,0) MCAWW 32s,2 Di Lut lon Fact,or : 1 Analyeis Tlme.. ' 17r00 wo# ; HJBGVIDQ- MS/H..TSCV1DR-MSD (az 107) uc.Aww 340,2 (BZ l-07) 0.4L (O-10) MCAWW 34A.2 nilution FacEor: I Analysle Tlme..: 13:15 I/{o# : HI(AR91DA-MS/Hr(AR9 IDC-MSD(w 1- 07 ) mcAww 34o .2(et La7) 7.4 (O-10) MCAWW 340,2 Dilution FacEor: 1 Arialyeis Time. . : 13 :15 WO# : HJ35N1CE -l',lS/HJ3 SNICF-MSD (ez L19) l,tcA}{I^I 353.2 (az 119) 2.L (O-30) MCAWW 3s3.2 Dllution Factor: 1 Analysis Time..: 22zOA WO# : HJ6.}{1C7 -IvIS /HJ6JI41CB -MSD (62 - 11s) UCAWW 353.2 (az l-t-e) z,r (o-30) MCAww 353.2 Dilution Factor: L Analyeis Time--; 18:00 Arnmonia aE N Chloride Fluoride Fluoride MS Lot-Samp1e #, oel27/os oe/27/0s D5I170191-001_ 527 L454 527 L454 IVIS Lot - Sample # : 09/L8/A5 oe/tB/as D5r080243-004 s2532s5 s2632ss MS Lot-Sample #: ae/a4/as ae/L4/os DSr090153-001- 5257 57 8 5257 57 B MS Lot-Samp1e #: 0e/]-4/os oe/L4/as D51100153-003 5257 57 B 5257 57 8 MS Lot-Sample #: ae/20/as ae/2a/os D5I070270-002 5265552 5265552 MS LoE-Sample #: a9/27/A5 oe/27/os Dsr080243-004 527 L67 9 s27 L67 9 STL Denver (Coneinued on next page) 2L4 I{ATRIX SPTKE SAI|IPI,E BTALUATION REFORT Genera)- Chenri-etr1r C1ient Iotr # - Datse Saqlled. PARAI4ETEB,... REgOVERY Ni trate -Nl t ri te 100 97 SuIf ate 93 7 .2 N, * Tota1 Cyanide 32N 55 N, * Total Cyanide 57N 56N Norts (s) : - -: D5f090L76 ..i 09/a7/as o9:55 PERCENT RECOVERY LTMITS (62 (oz Date Received-: oe/oB/as RPD RPD I,IMITS METHOD WO# ; HI(AR91C5 -}"1S/HKAR9LC7 -MSD 119 ) I,ICAWI^I 353 .2 11"9) 3.3 (O-30) MCAI^II^I 353.2 oilut.lon Factor: L Analysis Time. . r 02 r00 ltl,atriJ(,. ., .' . - . . ! WATER PREPARATTON. PREP A}iIAIJYSIS DATE BATCH # IvIS Lot-Sarnple #; D5f100153-003 oe / 2a-ae /2]-/ as s25sss2 ae / 20-ae /2L/ as s?^6sss2 MS Lot-Samp1e #; Dsf080243-004 09 / 28 / os 527 21,7 2 09 /28 / 05 5272772 v{o# ; HJsJI{1DJ-MS /UIStM1DK-MSD(as 153) r,lcAWhI 375.4(45 153) SZ (O-21-l vrCAI^rr,I 375.4 Cilution Pactor: I .Analysis Time. - r 15:40 wo#: HKAR9IDH-MS/HKAR91DJ-MSD MS LoE-Sample #: D5I100153-003 (89'- 109) swBAG goaoB/g}LzA o9/zL-o9/zz/os sz64s39 (89 - 109) 24 (0-20) sw846 go]-oB/gotzA 09/zL-os/zzlos sz64s39 Ollutlon FacEor: 1 AnalyBls Tlme..: 12:00 WO#: HKE301DH-MS/HIG301DJ-MSD MS Loc-Sample #; D5r130198-004 (8e - 10e) sw846 90108/9012A 09/2a-09/22/05 s26453e (8e - 10e) 1.9 (0-20) sw846 90108/9012A 09/2L-A9/ZZ/OS 5264539 Difution Pactor! 1 ' Analyols Time..: 1,2:00 Calculations arc pcrlornrrl bt'lbre rourding to avoirJ round-ofi errors in calculacd resuls. N Spiked analyrc rccovcr!, ls otrtsltlc staut colilrol limits. * Relative;rrcent difference (RPD) is ourside sarcd control llmits. STL Denver 275 Client Iot # - Date Saupled- PARAMETER Ammonia aa SAIVIPLE SPIKE ATiOUNT A!17 MEASRD AMOITNT UNITS PERgNT REC\M,Y RPD METHOD }IATRIX SPIKE SAMPI,E DATA REPORT Genera1. Chernistrry : D5I0 9 AL7 6 : 09/07/OS 09;55 Date Receiwed--: A9/08/05 Matrix-- ----: WATER PREPIEJ\TTON_ PREP AIVALYSTS DATE BATCH # N 540 s40 Ammonia as N o . 02 0 o. 020 Chloride 11000 11000 Fluorlde 0 . 54 0.54 Fluoride L -2 L -2 NiLrate-Nitrite o .24 0 ,24 Ni trate -Ni t ri t e 32A 320 2000 2000 4 .00 4 .00 25000 25000 s.00 5.00 5.00 5 .00 4 .00 4 .00 400 400 WO# : IIJ6,ltutroG-mS/H,fe.lMl-DII-I4SD MS Lor-Sample #: D5I080243-004 2520 mg/t 99 MCAr{rd 3s0.1 09/20-09/2r/05 526s473 2490 mg/L 98 L.1 MCAww 350.1 O9/2o-O9/2L/0s s265171 Dilution Factor: I Analyeie Tlme..: 03:00 WO#: HKTVDICT-MS/HKTVDLCs-MSD MS Lot.-Sample #: D5I1.7o191-001- 3.79 mg/T, 94 MCAWW 350.L 09/27/05 5271454 3.80 tig/r. 95 0.2r- McAww 350.L 09/27/05 527L454 Dllution Factor: 1 Analyeia Time.. t 2?rOO WO#: HJ6JMIDC-MS/H.T6\TM1-DD-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D5r080243-004 35100 $rg/1, 9s MCAWW 325.2 O9/18/o5 52532s5 35000 nS/L 95 0.18 McAww 32s.2 oe/Ls/a5 5253255 Dilut.ion Factor! I AnalysiB Tlme.. r 17:00 wo#: H.rBGvIDQ-MS/HJBGVIDR-MsD MS Irot-sample S, ?:1:::r., :::-_a5 . 83 ng/r, 106 MCAi.Iw 340 .2 09 /L4 / 0s s25757t 5.80 fitg/r, 105 0.41 MCAWW 340 .2 09/L4/05 5257578 Dilution Factor: 1 Analyaia Time.,; 13r15 IIIO#: HKAR9IDA-MS/HKAR9LDC-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D5I100153-003 .6.L2 mg/t 98 MCAWW 340 .2 O9/L4/O5 525757A 5,59 N mg/t L0S 7.4 MCAWW 340-2 O9/14/O5 52575?S Dilutlon Factor; 1 Analyoio Time-.: 13:L5 WO#: H,J35N1CE-MS/HJ36N1CF-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D5I070270-002 3.94 l[.Ilg/t 92 MCAWW 3s3.2 A9/20/05 5265s52 3 -85 ng/t 90 2.L MCAWW 353.2 09/20/Os s265552 Dilution Factorr I Analysio Tlme-. t 22:OO WO#: H.I6,JM1C7-MS/HJ5JM1C8-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: D5I080243-004 590 mg/t 92 MCAWW 353.2 O9/27/O5 527L679 675 mg/L 88 2.t MCAWW 3s3.2 Og/Zt /OS 527L679 Dilution Factorr I Analyeis Time..: 18r00 STL Denver (Continued on nexE page) 276 MATRIX SPTKB SA}IPI,B DATA REPORT @neral. Ctreuistry Cl.ient Lot *. .. : D5I090l-75 Dtatrix. - - : WATER Date Sarq)Ied-- -: o9/a7/05 09:55 Date Received- -= 09/o8/os SAIvIPI,E SPIKE I,IEASRD PERCNT PREPARATION- PREP PAR.AI,IETER A},IOI]NT AMT AMOI,NI I]NITS RECVRY RPD METHOD ANAIYSIS DATE B{TCH # Nir,rate-Nitrite wo#: HKAR91C6-MS/HKAR91C7-MSD MS Lot-Sample fi: D5r100153-003 0.18 4.OO 4.L7 mg/L 100 I,ICAWW 353.2 09120-09/21/05 5265552 0.L8 4.00 4.O4 ns/r. 97 3.3 MCAWW 3s3.2 O9/2O-09/2a/0s 5265552 Dilullon Faccor: 1 Analysis Time.., 02:00 sulfat,e wo#: HJ6JM1D.7-MS/IIJ6JMIDK-MSD MS Lot,-Sample #: D5I0802a3-004 2500 2500 4850 t",g/L 93 MCArrr^r 375 -4 O9/28/O5 52721-72 2500 zsOO 2690 ms/L 7.2 s7 MCAWW 375.4 A9/28/AE s272t72 Qualifiers: N, * Dilution Factor: 1 Analysie Time..; 15r40 Total Cyanide WO#: HI(ARaIDH-MS/HKAR91DJ-MSD MS Lot-Sample #; D5I100L53-003 0.056 0.100 0.0883 mg/T, 32 Qualifiers: N sw846 901 Aa/ g 09 /2t-a9 / 22 / A5 5264s3e 0.056 0.100 0.r,r.2 r;rs/L s5 24 sw846 90108/9 09/21-09/22/0s s26453e Tota1 Cyanide Qualifier6: N, r Dilution Factorr 1 Analyoio Tirne,. : 12r00 wo#: HI(E30IDH-MS/HKE3olD\,-MSD MS Lot-Sample #: DsIL30198-004 ND 0.100 0.0572 rng/L 57 Qualifiers: N sw846 e01 oB/ e a9 /2L-Ae /22 / 0s s254s3s rID 0.100 o.0s61 rrls/L 56 1.9 sw845 90108/9 O9/21-A9/22/O5 5264s39 Qualifiers: N DiluEion FacEor: 1 Analysis Time..: 12:00 NCxrE (s) , Calculadolls are performed before roundinll rc avoid round-off crrors in calculated resultt. N Spiked analyre recovcry is outsidc statcd control limirs. * Relative pcrccff dillcrcncc (Rl'D) is eiutside stared coDtrol linrits. STL Denver 277 SAI,IPI,E DT'PLICATE EI']ILIIATIOU RBPORT Ceneral- cheruistry Client Ipt #-. -: D5I090176 llork Order #...: H'J8ML-SMP HJSML-DUP Date SamFled---:A9/AB/05 09:15 Date Received--: 09/a9la5 DUPLTCATE RPD PAITJ\M RESULT RESULT UNTTS RPD LIMIT METHOD [tatrix--.----: GW PREPARATTON- PREP AlrArYsrs pArE B43gH _+ 5252536 pH 7 ,2 7 ,2 No Unlts 0.0 Pilution Factor: 1 SD Lot-Samp1e #: D5I090L75-002 (o-s.0) sws+e e0408 0eloe/05 Analyeis Tlme. - , L5 z3'l STL Denver 278 STL Denver Sample Receiving ChecklistO r* +, )s-r oz o raS . o*o*" *i"J*'"1-1"'i{r1o - .,rr. Company Name & Sampling Site:L,rts* k)?- PM to Completc This Sectiou: Ies Residual chlorine check required:O No s Quote #: Special Insffuctions: L{-To{s Tirae Zone: . EDT/EST . CDT/CST . MDT/]vIST . PDTIPST ' OTIfiR Quarantined : ]'es tr No o'tr Unpacking Checks: Terrperatures ("C): 3. 3 N/A Yes No e d tr {rr trY tr{ d*= ID7I hx tr ,,{ rr. { e,t6 u (rn 3,{q.tl 7,7T3.r .-5:s Cooler seals intact? WA if hand oelivered) Ifno, d.ocument on CLR. Chain of custod-v present? If no. document on CTJR. Boules broken and/or are leaking? If yos, document on CLrR. Mulnpbirsic samples obvious? lf yes, document on CIIR. Propcr containcr & presavatives used? (ref. Anachment D of SOP# DEN-QA-0003) if no, document on CL,T.. pH of all sarryles checked and meer requireureots? l[no, document on CLts. Sufficient volume provided for all aaalysis requested? (ref. Atachment D of SOP# DElf-QA-0003) If no, docurrent on CI"I& aad cootact PM before proceeding. Did chain of custody agree with labcls ID and samples received? If no, document on CLE* Wcrc VOA sarrpies without headspace? If no, documcut on CUR- Were VOA vials preserved? Preservativ".pdCt l/lfl"C trsodiumThiosulfate f Ascorbic Acid Did sarrples roquire prcsewation rriltr sedjrrm thiosulfate? If yes to #l l, did the samples contain residual chlorine? If yes, documeDt on CLIR. Sediment present in dissolved/filtered bonles? lf yes, documeut ou CtlR. Is sufficient volurne provided for client requested i'{S, MSD or matrix duplicates? If oo, document on CUn, und contact PM before proceeding. Receipt date(s) > 48 houn past ttre collcction date(s)? lf yes, notify PA/PM, Are analyses with short holding times requested? Was a quick Turn Around (TAT) requested? qEB cdce ID d Ero. I .y'11. f ,l f,12 + c Dt3 ilrrt4 Sf\qrRtrfiX$,61e Recciving\Samplg Receiving Chcckijst tz 13 04 revision iztLita4 279 STL l)enver Sample Receiving Checklist L,r u D{Jqt o/7€ Login Checks: lnitials N/A )'s No 05 d tr I 8. Sufficierrt volume providcd for all anallais rcquestcd? (rcf. Auachrncnt D of SOP# DEhl-QA-0003) If no, documcnt on CIJII and cofiaa Plr4 hcforc prrrcccding. t, 19. Ir sufllcient volumc provided for clicnt rcgucstcd [/S, [,lSD or matrir: duplicatcs'/ lf no, documcnl on CUR, and crilrtaci PJvl bcforc procecding. 20- Did thc clrain of cuuody includcs "reccived b)," and'relinguishcd" b;'signaturcs, dates, and timcs? 21. Were special logir instrurrions rcad ud followed? 22. Wcre AICEE nrxals logged for refrigeratcd srorage? { A 23. Wcrc tests lqged checL.eri against thc COC? \\rbic.b samplcs wcre confirm "d? .41} ttuod D b tr s p! tr& D fl Labeting and Storage Chccks: I 28. 'lUas fhc EubcoDtad COC sigmed and scal witb saryles ro bonie prep? g 29. }\rere srrylelabels doublc-checkcd b1'a secondpcmou? ! 30. I/cre sample botles and COC double cbecLed for dissolved/filtercd mctals b1, a second porson? ti 31. Did tlre sarrple ID, Date, aud Time fiom label matcb u,bal uas loggad? ! 32. Tilere stickcrr for special archiving instructions affixcd to each bo: and to thc ICOCIT See #27 ! 33. Wcre AFCEEmetals stored refrigcrared? X 34. Werc "Suicl ICOC'copies giverr to satdlitc Btoragc area$? I)trcumenl anyproblems or discrepanoies and the actions talen io resolvc them on a Condition Upon Receipt Aromaly Repor{ (CtlR) rr ,z ,Ftr P ,ED ,ptr /tr D 24. l\ras a Rush form complaed for guick TAT? D 25- lrrtas a Shoi Hold form completed frrr anyehort holdr'? il 26. Is'-srric, ICoc'required? IS -27. l\,ere special archiviug instructions indicaud in tire Geaeral Conrncntsi, lf so, uibat werc they? STL Denver 220 I - ,_ l I aF t oI ar J II (Dg) (dL. EooC'E>| !,oyo=() tl t og,-GI .E() J. * / 1 , ,n f tJ v1(>,{rJ S' " 1 + [' / \ ,s d: g(1 ,aE} a3 L-G) r E$ i $ T E [i : H H $ f tr i r s 5 SE E P . F I O SH 3 I N I V I N O S JO ' O N TU r-zFktf tt { x (L c f EE ar m, r{ l 22 7 ST L De n v e r $IL Denver 4955 Yanow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Teh 303 736 0100 Fax: www,stl-inc.com STL 303 431 7t7l ANALYTICAL REPORT Weste rn Zirconium Proj ect Lot #: D5I080243 Sheri O'Connor IJRS Corporation 8181 East Tufts Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 STL DENVER UA{"gk Linda L. Benkers Project Manager September 30, 2005 Sevem Trent Laboratrories, lnc. Table Of Contents Sfan dard Del iverables with Supp orti ng Report Contents Sfandard Deliverables (ft e Cover Letter ancl the Report Cover poge are considered integral ports a/'this Standard Deliverahle pacluge. This report is incomplete uniess all pages lndtcated in this Tahle of Cuntents are included.) I Table of Contents . Case Narrative I Executive Sumrnary - Detection Highlights r Methods Summary . Method/Analyst Summary r Lot Sample Summary . Analytical Results . QC Data Association Summary o QC Evaluation and/or l)ata Reports . Chain-of-Custody Supp orti ng D ocu m e ntati o n (Note: A one-page "l)escription ol Supporting l)ocurnentati.on" rs provided at the beginning of this section.). r Volatile GC/MS . Sernivolatile GC/MS r Volatile GC r Semivolatile GC r LC/IWS or HPJ,C I lVletals o General Chemistry r Radiochemistry . Subcontracted Data Documentation Number of Pages Check below when supporting documentation is present.nnnnnmEnn STL Denver Case Narrative D5I080243 With exceptions noted as flags or foohrotes, standard analytical protocols were followed in the analysis of the samples and no problems were encountered or anomalies observed. AII laboratory quality confrol samples anallzed in conjunction with the samples in this project were within established control limits, with any exceptions noted. The test results presented in this report meet all requirements of NELAC, and any exceptions are noted. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written permission from the laboratory. Sample Receiving Eight samples were r."ri.r"d under chain of custody on September 8, 2005. The samplcs were received in good condition at temperatures of 5.I"C, 3.1"C, 1.4"C, 2.7"C,3.1oC, and 5.7oC. Please note that the samples submitted for 82608 analyses only require reporting of Chloroform only as per client request. GC/IVIS Volatiles, SW846 82608 Samples D5I080243-002 and 004 were analped at dilutions due to high analle concentrations. The reporting limits are a-djusted accordingly. The MSIMSD perforrned on sarnple D5I080243-004 was in control. No anomalies were observed. Total Metals, SW846 60108,6020 & 74704 Samples D5I080243-002 through 008 were analyzed at dilutions for several metals by methods 60108 and/or 6020 due to matix interference, high analyte concentrations, and/or intemal standmd failures. The reporting limits are adjustcd accordingly. The method 60108 MS/MSD associated with batch 5265261was performed on sample D5I080243-004 and was not in control. l}re method 7470L MS/MSD associated with batch 5259473 was perfonned on samplc D5I080243-004 and was not in control for mercury. The method 6020 MS/IVISD associated with batch 5265172 was performed on sample D5l08A243-004 and was in control. No other anomalies were observed. STL Denver General Chemistry, Yarious Methods Samples D51080243-002 tluough 008 were analyzed at dilutions for several compounds due to high analyte concentrations. The reporting limits are adjusted accordingly and the associated data is flagged "Q"- Chloride, fluoride, and sulfate were detected in the method blanks at concentrations below the reporting limits, but above the method detection limits. Associated positive sample results are flagged "J". The MS/IvISD for methods 350.1, 325.2,340.2,351.2,375.4, and 90108/90l2}.were performed on sample D5I080243-004 and were in control for all parameters except fluoride and sulfate. All other MSA,ISD samples were performed on samples from other clients and/or lots and rvere in control. The pH duplicate was performed on a sample from another client and/or lot and was in control. No other anomalies were observed. Denver EI(ECIJTIVE W - I)etection Highliehts D5I08A243 RESULT REPORTING LIMIT UNITS .AhTALYTICAIJ METHODPAIUqMETER Grr-ser. -0907os oe/ 07 / as 07 ; 00 o0z Cadmium Selenium Barium NickeI Z:nc Calcium Iron PoEa6Eium Magnes ium Sodium Zftconium Chloroform Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Ni trate-Nitrite Total Cyanide pH SulfaEe Ammonia as N GTI-SIO - O90?Os Oe / 07 / As O9 : 38 OO3 Aluminum Arsenic Barium NickeI Z:,nc Calcium fron Potassium Magnesium Sodium Zirconiurn Chloride Fluoride pH SuI fate Ammonia as N 0.0039 B 0 .011- B 0 .13 o -o77 0 - 015 B 1400 0 .1-1 B 450 640 s50 0 0.o24 B L90 L2000 J, Q 2.4 .] 380 380 0 0 .0053 B 6.9 1900 J, Q 7L0 A 0 .017 B 0.0075 B 0 .37 0.0015 B 0 .0098 B 31 0.20 150 42 r_900 0.00s9 B 2800 J,Q 0.95 J 8.1 79 B,J,Q 5.0 (Continued on next 0.010 0.020 0.01-0 0 .040 0.020 1.0 o.50 15 1.0 25 0.075 6.7 1200 0 .10 0 .10 50 0 .010 0 - 10 100 0 50 0_10 0 .0L5 0 .010 0.040 0 .020 0.20 0,10 3.0 a .20 50 0.015 250 0 .10 0,10 100 0 _ 10 page ) r.g/x mg/L mg/L mg/L mglI, mg/L mg/L rng / I' mg/L m9/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ms/L No Units mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/t mg/L mg/L mglL mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/ l- mg/L mg/L No Unibe $tg / r, rrlslL sw846 6020 sw84 5 6020 SI^I845 501-08 sw84 5 6 010E} sw84 5 5 0108 sw84 5 6 0108 swB4 6 5 0108 sw84 5 5 0108 sw84 5 6 010E} sw845 50L08 sw84 6 6 0108 SWB45 B25OB MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 34A.2 MCAWW 353 .2 I\,tcAww 353 .2 sw845 901Ag^/ 9C12A s}1I845 90408 MCAWW 375.4 I'ICAUfi{ 350 .1 sw846 50108 sw845 501_08 sw84 6 5 0108 sw846 601-08 sw84 5 6 0108 sw845 50108 sw846 5010B sw84 5 6 0108 SWB46 5OlOB sw845 50r-oB sw845 50108 MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340.2 sw845 904 0B MCAWW 375 .4 MCAWW 350 ,1 STL Denver EXECIITwE ffi - Iletection Highlights D5rO80243 RESULT REPORTTNG LIMIT UNTTS A}TALYTTCAL METHODPAIUIMETER crr-sr--o9ozo5 og / at / os o9 : 55 oo4 Cadmium Selenium Arsenic Barium Nickel Zinc Calcium Iron Potaseium Magnesiurn Sodlum Ztrconium Chlorof orm Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nitrate -Nitrite Tot,a} Cyanide pH SulfaEe Ammonia as N GTr-S11-O9O7Os 09 / A7 / As r.r" : r-5 O0s Selenium Arsenic Barium NlckeI Calcium fron Potass ium Magnesium Sodium Zirconium Chloride Fluoride Nitrate NitraEe -Ni tri te pH Sulfate Amrnonia as N 0.0039 B 0 .011 B 0 .0078 B 0 .13 0 .080 0 .015 B 1400 o . t-3 B 440 630 s500 0 .021 B 180 11000 J, Q 2-2 J 320 32O 0 0 _ 013 5,9 2500 ,f , Q s40 0 0 .018 B 0 .0049 B 0 .15 0 .0026 B 170 3-2 550 590 l-4000 0 .064 B 22040 J, Q 0.49 J 0.17 0 .17 7 ,9 2900 J,Q 11 A 0.01_0 0.020 0 - 0l-5 0.010 0,040 0.020 1.0 0.50 15 1.0 25 0.075 6 -7 1200 0 .10 0.10 10 0.01-0 0.10 s00 50 0 - 040 0 .015 0 - 0l_0 0.040 2.4 1.0 30 2,0 s0 0 .15 1200 0.10 0.10 0 . l-0 0 . L0 500 0.50 mg/T, Ijj'g/t, mg/L mg/L mgll' mg/L mg/t rl;rg/ t' mg/L rllg/L mg/L mglL luglL mg/L Yng/L mg/L mg/L mg/L No Unifs mg/L mg/ r, mg/L mg/L mg/ t mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 'IjIg/L mg/L nrtg/L No Units mg/L mg/t sw845 6A2A sw846 6A20 sw845 60108 sw845 50L08 sw84 6 5 0108 sw845 5 01,08 sw845 60108 sw846 6 0108 sw845 50108 sw845 501-08 sw845 501_08 SWB45 SOIOB sw845 82508 IvtcAww 325 .2 MCAWI^I 34A.2 MCAWW 353.2 I,ICAWW 353 .2 sw846 901-08/9012A sw845 90408 MCAWW 375 .4 MCAWW 350.1 sw845 5020 sw845 50r-08 sw845 50108 sw846 50108 sw845 50L08 sw845 501-08 sw84 6 5 0108 sw846 501-08 sw845 60108 sr{846 60108 I,ICAWW 325 -2 MCAWW 34A.2 MCAWI,II 353 .2 MCAWW 3s3.2 sw845 90408 MCAVIW 375.4 MCAWW 350.1 STL Denver (Continued on next page) EXEffi SM - Iletection Highlights Dsr0tJ0243 RESULT REPORTING LIMIT UNITS AI$ALYTICAt METHODPARAMETER Glr-sz-ogo7os og/oz /os L2=2a oo5 Se I enium Barium Nickel Zinc Calcium PotaBBium Magnesium Sodium Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nitrate -Nitrite Tota1 Cyanid.e pH Sulfate Ammonia as N GW-S3-O907O5 Os/A7 /As 13: OO oo7 0. 025 B 0.074 0 .0060 B 0.025 B 224 l_t_00 724 25000 45000 J, Q 1.0 ,J e.g LO O 0 .0040 B 7 .7 5700 J, Q 2.4 0 .10 0.050 a .2A 0. L0 2.O 30 2.0 s0 1200 0 .10 0.10 0 . so 0.010 0.1,0 l_200 0.10 0.0L0 0 ,0L5 0 ,0L0 0 .040 0 .010 0-20 0 - L0 3,0 0.20 5-0 250 0 .10 0 .10 100 0,50 0.020 0.015 0 .010 0.040 2.4 l_.0 page) ms/L mg/L mg/L r;tg/L 'lr.g/L r;rg/ I' nLg /L mg/t mg/L rtg/L mg/t, mg/L mg/L No Units mg/L mgll' mg/l' mg/L mglL mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/r-, n.g/ t-, mg/I' mg/r, rr;.g/t mg/t, No Units mg/L mg/L mg/L rls/L mg/L ng/L mg/t mg/L sw845 5020 sw846 60108 sttil846 501_08 sw846 50r-08 sw846 50108 sw845 50108 sw846 501-08 sw846 60108 MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340.2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAWW 353.2 sw846 901a8/ e012A sw84 5 904 0B MCAWW 375 .4 MCAWW 350.1_ sw846 6020 sw845 60L08 sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 50L08 sFI846 501-08 sw84 6 5 0108 sw845 60L08 swB46 50L08 sw846 501OB swg45 6 01-0B MCAWW 325,2 MCAWW 340.2 swB45 90408 MCAWIII 375.4 MCAWW 350 .1 sw846 6020 sw84 6 5 010B sw845 601_08 sw845 60L08 SIAI84 6 6 0108 sw84 5 5 0108 Selenium Areeni c Barium Nickel Vanadium Calc ium Iron Potas s ium tvlagnes ium Sodium Chloride Fluoride pH Sulfate Ammonia aB N Glr-Nz - 090?Os Ae / 07 I OS 13 : 3O OO8 0-0a2L B 0.015 a .2L 0 .0034 B 0.0035 B 39 0 .54 224 55 26,A0 4500 J,Q 0-95 .l B-1 5OO J, Q 9.8 0 0.0079 B 0.0053 B 0.095 0.0014 B 61 0.25 B Selenium Arsenic Barium Nickel Calcium I ron STL Denver (Continued on next E)rcW W - I)et€cfion l{ighlights D5rO80243 RESULT REPORTTNG LTMIT UNITS AbIALYTTCAL METHODPAIU\METER cw-N2-ogozos ae/ot /os 13:3o oo8 Potaaaium Magnesium Sodium ZLrconium Chloride Fluoride Ni t rate Ni t.rat,e -Ni trite pH Sulfate Ammonia as N 330 2ga 7500 0 .039 B 1-2000 ,f , Q O .68 J 0 .23 a .23 8.0 2000 J, Q 5.3 mg/L Iertg/L mg/L mg/L ms/L mg /1, mg/L rng/ r, No Units mg/L mglL s!{846 50108 sw845 50108 sw845 50108 sril84 5 5 0108 MCAhnil 325 .2 MCAWW 344 .2 MCAWW 353 .2 MCAWW 353.2 SI^I845 9040B MCAI,W^I 375.4 MCAWW 350 .1 30 2.4 s0 0 .1"5 2so o .10 0 .1_0 0 .10 0.10 l-000 0,1-0 STL Denver METHOI}SW D5I080243 PAII-]\IqETER AI{ALYTICAIJ METHOD PREPARATION METHOD pH Aqueous Chloride (Colorlmetric, Automated Ferricyanide) Fluoride (potentiometric, fon Select,ive electrode) Inductively Coupled Plasma ( ICP) Metals rcP-MS ( 5020 ) Mercury in Liquid Ni trate Ni trat e -Ni tri Ee Nitrogen, Ammonia SuI fate Waste {Manual Co1d-Vapor) Total Cyanide Traee fnductiwely Coupled P1asma ( fCP) Metals VolaEile Organics by cClIrIS Referencea: MCAI^N^I sw84 6 sw845 90408 MCAWW 325 -2 MCAWW 34A.2 sw845 50r-08 sw84 5 6020 sw846 747AA MCAIil^I 353 -2 MCAWW 353 -2 MCAWW 350 , L MCAWW 375.4 sw84 5 so1 oB/ eol SI^I84 5 5 01OEI sw846 82508 sw845 90408 MCAhn^I 325 .2 MCAWW 344.2 sw845 3 010A sw846 3020A sw845 747AA MCAWW 353 .2 MCAWW 353.2 MCAWVf, 350 ,1 MC^AWW 37 5 .4 sw846 90108 sw845 3 0104 sw84 5 503 0B/ 825 "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waetee'i, EPA-500/4-'79-02A, March 1983 and subeequent revisions. "Tegt Methods for Evaluating Solid !{ast,e, Physical/ChemieaL Methode", Third Edition, November 1985 and iEs updates. STL Denver ANAIJYTTCAL MEl}IOD METHOD/ATTIALYSTW D5rOAO243 AI{ALYST ANALYST ID MCAWI{ 325 . Z I4CAWW 34A -2 IvICAWW 350 . L MCAWW 353 .2 plcAww 315 . 4 sw845 60r.08 sw845 50108 sw845 501-08 sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 6020 s}{845 74704 SW845 B25OB sw845 90108/ s012A sw846 90408 Refererccg: MC]\WW SWB4 5 Claire Likar Fougere M. Danielle Claire Likar C1aire Likar Dusti O- Criqui Janel Motiehka 'Janel Motichka Lynn-Arrne Trudell Irynn-Ar:ne Trudel} Thomas LiII Janice S. CoIlins Dan Appelhans Dusti O. Criqui Fougere M. Danielle 004382 0064 81 0 04 382 0 04 382 005589 002852 2852 006645 5645 006929 011_568 001008 005589 006481 "lvlethods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes " , EPA-500/4-79-A2A, March 1983 and su-bseguent revisions. ttTest MeEhods for Evaluating So1id Wa6te, Physical,/Chemical I"lethodstr, Third Edition, November 1985 and iEs updates. STL Denver SAIVIPI,]ESt}W D5r080243 WO # SAI'IPLE# CLIENT SAMPLE ID SAI{PLED SAMP DATE TTME HJ5H5 0 01 HJ6H8 0 02 H.J5JL O O 3 HJ6'JM O 04 HJSLTW 0 0 5 HJ6,IX 0 0 5 HJ6J0 0 0 7 H,J5,J1 0 0I Nolts (S) : TB-090705 GW-S91-09070s GW-510-090705 GW-51-090705 GW-51L-09070s GW-S2-09070s cw-s3-090705 cw*N2-090705 ae/07/os 09/07/OS 07:00 09/a7/as o9;38 09/07/OS 09:55 09/07/os rl":1,5 ae/a7/05 L2:2A a9/07/os L3;oo 09/A7/OS 13:30 - The andytical rcsulE of thc sarnplcs listcd abov€ arc prexntal on dlc following pages. - All cal@lations arc pcffomcd bcfors rourxting t(, avoid &)und-off rnors in crlculatcd rcsul6. - Results mted as "ND' scrc no{ dcEctcd at or abo}c ri,c stsrcd liDit. - 'fltls rcport rrost mt be r.produced, exccp In Arll, wkhout dr wrltrn approva-l of the labontory. - Rcsulls for thc follovins pilameters are Rver rcpomc{t on a dry wclihl basls: color, corrosivily. d€rNity. tlashpoint, igniability. laycrs, odor, paiil filtcr te$, pl1, poroshy prcssurc. rcacuvily. rodox poEn{ial, sPccific gr8vity, s?oa lcsts, solids. slublllty. rcmpcrarurc, vlscoslry, and wclth[. STL Denver 10 IIRS Coralorat,ion Clieut Sarp1e fD: 1ts-090705 cClUS Vol-atiles Lot-Samlrle #---: Date Saryr1ed---: PrepDate--r-.-l Prep Batctr fi. . - : Dilution Factor: DSI080243-001 ae / o7 / os ae/Le/os 5263359 I [ilork Order *---= Date Receirred. - l Analysig Date--z Anal.ygig Time.. ! Method - - -: RESUI,T ND PERCENT RECOVERY HJ5H5].AA oe/08/0s ae/Le/os 1"5:09 sw845 82608 REPORTING LIMIT T}NITS 1,0 ug/Ir RECOVERY LIMITS (7t 118) GZ 128) 0a 118 ) (tt 1r-7 ) Matrix...!....,i wQ PARAMETER Chloroform SURROGATE Dibromof luoromethane L, 2-Di chloroethane - dq 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB 85 80 BB l_03 STL Denver 11 IIRS Corgrcration Client' Saryrle fD: GT{-S9I--090705 GClIl.S Volatrilee Iot-Sam5lle #. -.: DaEe Sanp1ed,...Z Prep Date?-....! Prep Batch #. - -: Di]-ution Pactor: D5I080243-OA2 a9/a7las or:oo 0e/Le/a5 s263369 5.55 Itork Order #- - -: Date Receirred- - 3 Arralygig Date. - 3 Analysie Time- - : Dlethod - RESULT 190 PERCENT RECO\MRY 94 8B 88 98 HJ5H81A8 oslos/os oe/Le/os 16 :30 sw846 82608 REPORTTNG LTMIT UNTTS I{atrix-- ----: WG PARAMETER Chloroform SI}RROGATE 6 -7 ugfL RECOVERY LTMITS(7r 1l-B) (62 128) (7e 1l-8) (7 t a17l Dibromof luoromethane L ,Z-Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene - dB STL Denver 72 IIRfi Coraloration CIienE Sample ID: GH-SI.O-O9O7O5 GClt{s vo1atsi}es Iot-Saq>Ie *---: Date Sarpled- - - : Prep Date - -.: Prep Batch *- - -; Dilution Factor: D5r080243-003 09/07/as o9;38 oe/Le/os 5263359 I xlork Order #- - -: Date Received- - : Analysis Date..3 analyeis Tine--. Method.-- .-,i RESULT -,. I,[D PERCENT RECOVERY 92 90 93 100 HJSJL1AK oe / o8los oe/D/as 16 :50 sw846 82508 REPORTING LIMIT UNTTS Dlatrix-. -...r WG PARAMETER Chloroform SURROGATE 1 .0 :ug/L RECOVERY LTMTTS (73 118) (62 128) (zs L18) (tt 117) Dibromofluoromethane L ,2 -Dichloroethane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB STL Denver 13 Iot-Sauple *- -.; Date Saryt1ed..-3 Prgp Datg,..--.3 Prep Batch #. - - =Dilution Factor: IIRS Corporation Client Sarple ID: GIf,-S1-O90705 GC/!t^s volatilee Ilork Order #---: HJSJM1AK Dat.e Received. , 3 09/ 08/ 05 Analysia Date- -: A9/\9/AS Analysis Time..! 17:lL ltatriJ(. . . - - - - - -: WGD5I080243 - 004 09/07/as o9:55 0s/Ls/as 5263369 6 .66 Uethod..- -o.: SWB45 82608 PAITJ\METER RESULT REPORTING LIMIT UNTTS Ch.Ioroform SIIRROGATE 180 PERCE}UT RECOVERY 6 -7 rug/L RECOVERY LIMITS (tt Lt 8) (62 a28l (78 118) (77 117) Dibromof }uoromethane L ,2 -Dichloroethane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -CB 93 B6 88 99 STL Denver L4 IIRS Corporation Client Sanpl-e ID: GTI-S11-0907O5 cc/u.s volatrilee Iot-Sanp1e #. - -: Date Sarylled- - . : Prep Date -..; Prep Batch #- - -: Dilution Factor: D5r080243 - 005 09 / 07 I a5 1r. ;15 09/Le/os 5263359 1 9[ork Order *. - . : Date Received- -: Analygis Date- -: Analysis Time- - 3 rrfethod. . . ! r . . . . I REFJLT ND PERCENT RECOVERY 99 1_ 03 94 97 HJSJUIlAU oe/08/05 0e/7e/a5 l-8: l-3 sw846 82508 REPORTTNG LIMIT UNITS Matrix-- ----: WG PARAMETER Chloroform ST]RROGATE 1 . 0 ug/l' RECOVERY I,IMITS Dibromof luoromethane 1, 2- DichloroeEhane - d4 4 - Brornof luorobenz ene 'Ioluene - dB (73 118) (az L28) (78 11B)(7t 117) STL Denver 15 t RS Corgrcration Client Sarpln ID: GI{-S2-09O7O5 cC/Ms vo].atiles Iot-Sanple *---= Date SarryIed, , .3 Prep Date -. . l Prep Batch *- - -: Dilution Factor: Dsr080243-006 09 / a7 / a5 ]-2:20 oelLe/as 5263369 I I{ork Order #- - - =Dat€ Received. - 3 Analysis Date..3 Analysis Time- -: tllethod. . . - , - . - - : Rq9UrJT }TD PERCENT RECOVERY 99 110 95 95 HJ5,rX1A4 os/08/0s os/te/a5 18:33 sw845 82608 REPORTING LTMIT IJI{ITS Iu{atril(.- -.,-3 WG PAILJ\METER Chloroform SI]RROGATE 1-0 ug/L RECO\TERY LIMTTS (tt 118) (oz 128) (7 B 1_1-8 ) (7t l-17 ) D i bromof 1 uo rorne E hane L ,2 -DichloroeEhane -d4 4 - Brornof }uorobenz ene Toluene -d8 STL Denver L6 [IR.S Cor;poration Cl-ient Sanple ID: giI-S3-O9O7O5 GC/It^s volatilee PARAMETER Iot-Sam5lle #-. - =f),ate Sarupled- - -: Prep Date .. , I Prep Batch *- - - =Dilution Pactor: D5r080243-007 0e/07/A5 L3:00 oe/Le/as 5253359 1 Work order #- - -: Date Received- - g Analysis Date - .2 Analysis Time- -: Dlethod- . . - - - : RESUI;:I }TD PERCENT RECO\IERY 97 101 93 99 HJ6,J01AF ae/08/os oe/Le/os 18 :54 sw846 82608 REPORTING LIMTT UNITS 1 .0 ug/L RECOVERY LTMTTS (tt LL8) laz 128) ( za 118) (tt r_17 ) Irtatrix- . . . . - - - - :WG Chloroform SIIRROGATE Dibromof luoromethane L, 2-Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene - dB STL Denver L7 URS Corporation Client Sanqrle rD: cII-Ir2-09O7O5 GclHS Volatiles PzuUUdETER I.ot-Sampl-e #-. -: Date Sangrled....3 P-rep Datse-. - - - -: Prep Batreh *- -.; Dilution Factor: D5r0802 43- 008 09/07/as t-3:30 ae/Le/os 5253359 1 Ilork Order f - - -: Date Received- -: analyeig Date- -: Analysis Time- -: Dlethod-,,. - - - -.; RBSULT .- ND PERCENT RECCVERY 96 98 93 99 HJ5J1].AP ae / 0Blos ae/Lel05 19 :14 sw846 82608 REPORTING LIMIT IINITS [Iatrix,. . . - - - - - - : Chloroform SI]RROGATE 1-0 ug/L RECOVERY LTMITS fi3 118) ( 6Z 1,29) (ze 118) (77 117) Dibromofluoromethane A, 2-Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene-dB STL Denver 1B tlR,S Coqporation C1ient Sanqrle ff) ; G"ff-S9L-090705 TOTAL lrtetale Iot-Sarytle #- - -: Date Saryr1ed.--: PARAMETER D5I080243-002 A9l07l05 o7:00 Date Receiwed-: o9/aB/0s METHOD l.tatrri](..o.o-- PREPARATION- AIVALYSIS DATE :WG RESULT REPORTTNG LIMTT UNITS Prep Batch #. Itlereury Prep Bat'cfr #. Cadmiurn Selenium Prep Batch # - Si lver Aluminum Arsenic Barirun Calcium Chromium Copper Iron Potaesium ; 5259437 DUD : 5255L72 0-0039 B o-o11 B : 525526]., }TD IUD IUD o .13 14 00 ND t[D 0.f-1 B 454 0e/23-ae/27/as oe/23-oe/27 /os a9 /23 -o e /27 / As 0e/23-oe/27/os 09/23-oe/27/as ae/23*a9/27 /as WORK gFpER # HJSHBlAU HJ6H8 1AK HJ5EBLAIJ EJ5E8LtrV H.J6H81AM HJSHB1AIV EJsHELAW 0.00020 nrg/L D:iutlon Factor: 1 0,010 Di lution 0.o20 pi1utLon tog,/t' Factor: 10 W/t' Factor ; I 0 0 . 010 r;rg/L Dilution Factor : l- 0 .50 mg/I' Di luE ion Fact,or : 5 0.015 n,g/L Dllution Factor: 1 O. O1O tug,/L Dilution Factor: 1 1,0 vry,/L Dllution Factor: 5 0.010 mg/L Dilutlon Factor: 1 0, OLO $tg/I' oilution Factor r L o - 50 vq/t, ci }ut.lon Factor ; 5 15 rrslL Dllution Factor: 5 swB4 6 6 0108 Analyais Time..: 09:53 stl84 5 6 01_08 Analyais TLme..: 0O:09 sw84 5 5 010B Arralysis Tl.me., : 09 : 53 sTr845 60108 enalysle Time..r 09:53 slr846 50108 Analysis Time.,: 00:09 sw84 5 6 0108 Analysis Time,.: 09:53 sw845 50108 Analysio Tirne. . , 09: 53 sn846 60t oB Analysis Time..= 00:09 sw846 50108 Analyeie Time..: 00:09 oe / 23- a9 / 27 / As HJ6H81AI1 os / 23 - os / 27 / asHJ6rurolO sv[84 6 7 47 AA, 09 / 23 / 05 Analysie Time..: 18:13 sw845 5020 Aglz3-Oelz&l0s rLrsHBrA3 Analysia Tlme..: 02:03 sw846 6020 Oel23-09/28/Os rrJ6E8r.A4 enalyels Time. - ; 02 :03 STL Denver (Continued on next page) ag /23 -o e /zt / os tr^f6ngr.ur IpE-Sanple # - PARAI\,IETER RESUTT LIMIT UNTTS TIRS CorgroraLion C1ient Sarqrle fD: GTI-S91-O9O7O5 TOlfAL Hetalg : D5I0BA243-002 REPORTING METHOD Irlatrix, PREPARATTON- AI{ALYSTS DATE ;WG WORK ORDER # Iulagureeium Sodium Iitickel Lead Vanadium Zinle Zirconium NorE (s) : 640 5500 o .o77 NDG }TD 0.0L6 B a -424 B 1- 0 rrq,/l' Pilution Factor: 5 25 tr|{J,/L Ollution Fact.or; 5 0.040 $q/L nl]utlon Factor:1 0. o0?0 mg/L Dilut ion Fact,or : L 0.010 mg/L oilutlon Factor: 1 0-o2o ug,lL Pilution Factor: 1 O. O75 vq,/f" Dllutlon Factor r 5 sw845 60108 Analyois Time.,: 00:09 sYr846 50108 Analysis Time. -: 00:09 srr846 60108 Analyeie Time.-: 09r53 sw846 50r.08 nnalyslo Tlme..: 09:53 SWBA6 6OlOB Analyeie Time. . : O9: 53 slt845 501OB Analyeie Time-, r 09:53 sw845 60108 Analyeis Time. . : 00 :09 oe/23-oel27 /os ae/23-os/27 los oelz3-oelz7 / os os/23*as/27/os 09/23-ae/27 /as EJ6ESIAO ILTSBBIA1 tr,J5II8LAP H.T6Ii8lAQ I{J5H8]-AR 09123-Oe /27 I OS Er6H8r.AT oe / 23 -ae / 27 / os ILT5E8LA2 B tistinrated rcsult. Rcsult is lcss than RL- G Elevatcd reponlng linilt. 'lhe reporting limit Is clcvated due to matrix lnlerfcrcncc. STL Denver 20 Ipt-Sanple #...I Date Sary>I.ed---: PARAXIETER IIRS Cora>oration Client Sample ID: GT{-S10-O907O5 ToTAL lrtetale D5r080243-003 a9/07 /05 09:38 Date Received. - Z a9/08/os RESULT REPORTING LI}ITT UNITS },IETHOD Matrix-:WG PREPARATIOI{- VIORK AhTALYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batsch Mercury hep Batch #. Cadmium Selenium Prep Batch Si Iver Alumirrum Arsenic Barium Ca]-cium Chromiurn Copper fron Potassium : 5259437 }TD : 5 2651,7 2 ND TID *- - -: 525526a }(D 0-017 B o-oa75 B 0-37 31 ND ND 0 -20 160 0.00020 ntg/L Dllution Factor: 1 0.0050 mg/L Dllution Factor: 5 0 . 010 mgll, Dllution Factor: 5 0.010 l:lrg/L Diluti-c,n Factor: 1 O.1O $g/L Dilut,ion Factor: 1 0 ,015 WI/I' Pliut:on Factor: 1 0 - Olo u.rtg/L Pilutlon Factor: 1 O -2o ms/L Pi lut,lon Factor : L 0 . 010 mg/L Dilution Factor; 1 0 . 010 mg/ I' Oilutlon Factor i 1 0.1o qg/L Dilution Factor: 1 3.0 wry,ll, Dilution Factor: L sw845 501-08 Analysis llme..: 09:58 sw845 60108 Analyeis Time-.: 0Az47 s"I{846 50r_08 Analysis Time-.: 09:58 srr845 50108 Analyaia Time..: 09:58 sw846 50108 AnalysiB Time,. ' 00:4-l sw84 5 5 0108 Ana).ysis Time. . : 09 : 58 sw84 5 5 0108 analysis Time..: 09:58 srr846 50108 Analyeio Ttrne. . : 00 :47 sT845 50108 Analysis Time. . ; 00 :at7 on next page) ae/23-ael27/os oe /23-oe /27 I os oe/23-ae /24/ os ae/23-oe/27 /os ael23-oe/27/os ae/23-oe/24/as #- sw845 7 470A Oe / 23 / A5 Analysis Time- . : 1,8 ;15 sw84 5 6020 Analysis rime. SI^I845 5020 Analysi e Time . HJ6JL}A5 a9 / 23 -Oe / 28 / AS HJ6,JL1AE 02:A7 oe I 23 - a9 / 28 / as HJ5JL1AF O2 :07 oe / 23 -a9 / 27 / 0s HJ6JL1AT os / 23 - as / 24 I osB^r6JL*0 E,.T6iILIAV E;T6JLILW EiISiTLIAS HJSJL]-.AX HJSJL1AO H,r5irl,lA7 STL Denver ( Cont inued a9123 -0 glzq, / os H.]SJIIA8 27 Lot -saupl-e #. tlR$i Corporation Client Sanp1e ID: GW-S10-O9OTAS IIOtAL Ueta1e : D5f080243-003 REPORTING lfatrix --.o.): WG PREPAIT'{TION- WORK AIIALYSTS DATE ORDER #PAIU\METER RESULT LTMIT UNITS METHOD Uagrresirrm Sodium Nickel Iread Vanadium Zinc Zirconirm NOtB (s) : 42 1900 0,0016 B 0.0099 B o-oos9 B O.Za rrg,lL Dilution Factor; 1 50 w/l' Di lut ion Factor : I 0 0 - 040 vry,/I' Dilutlon Fact.or: I 0.0030 mgll, Di luE ion Factor : l. 0.010 mg/r, nilution FacEor: 1 0 .020 rDg/L Di luf ion Factor : l- O - 015 vry,/I' Dilution Factor: 1 slr845 6010ts Analysie Time-.: 00:4? s:tr845 60108 nnalyeis Time-.' 00;14 srr845 60L08 Analysie Tlme..: 09:58 swB46 50108 Analyele Time.,: 09:58 sw846 5010E} Analysls Time..r 09:58 sr{846 50108 Analysis Time..: o9;58 srr845 50108 Analysis Time-. : 00:47 ae / 23 -a9 I 24/ aS H.r6irLrAA 09 / z3-o g / zt / as E76irr,r-AC ae / 23 - 09 / 27 I os H.T6JLLAI- 09 / 23 - A9 / 27 / A5 HJ5JL1A2 09 / 23 - Ae / 2t I OS HJ6JLLA3 oe / z3-ae lzt / os EJGJLLA4 oe/23-a9 /24/ Os ET6{IL].AD B Esrimarcd rczult. Resrlr is lcsc than RI-. STL Denver 22 I.ot-Sanp1e #. . - : D5IOBA24 Date Sanqr1ed. - . : 09 / A7 / Os PAIUq}4ETER RESUI,T IIRS Corporation Client Sample ID: GTI-SI-090705 TCXIAL Hetal.s 3-004 -09:55 Date Recei'rred--: 09/AB/As REPORTING LIMIT I}NITS METHCID Matri:c.:WG PREPAR.ATTON- WORK A}IAI,YSTS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch #. Mercury Prep Batch #- Cadmium Sel-eniuur Prep Batch *. Si lver Aluminum Areenic Barium Calcium Chromium Copper Iron Dotassium -- 5259437 ND :5265L72 0-oo39 B o-o11 B ; 525526L IID DID o. oo7fj B o_13 1400 ND hrD o-a3 B 4{0 oe/23-ael27 los oe/23*ae/27 /as oe/23-oe/25/os ae/23-oel27 /os 0e/23-ae/27/os oe/23-0e/26/05 HJSJIvflAs E^f6JUIAV E.T6JIITI.AI,T IIJSJITT1AS HJSJMlAX HJ6JM1AO II^f5.]IinA7 0.00020 mg/L, Di lut ion Fa ctor : l- o-010 Di lutl on o - o20 Di lut.i on rylt FacEor r 10 try/L Factor: 10 0 .0050 mg/L o1 lution FacEor : 1 0.50 mg/L ollution Factor: 5 O . O15 rrtg/L Di lutlon FacEor : 1 O - 01-o rrry,/n DiluElon Factor, l- 1.0 nq,/L Dilution Factor: 5 0 . 010 mg/L nilution FacEor: 1 0.010 mg/L ol lut i on Fact,or : I O,5O W/L Di l-ut ion Factor : 5 15 ,rqll nilution Factor: 5 (ConLinued on ssr846 747AA 09/23/As Analysis Time..: 18:16 sw846 6A20 Oe/23-O9/28/A5 Err6arul-iAB Analysie Time. . : 02 r l"L swB4 5 502 O 09 / 23 -O9 / 28 / As ltI6irrrrAF Analyslo Time..: 02:11 sw845 60108 Analyeis Tirne, . : 10 :12 sw846 50108 Anal)'sis TLme. - : 23 :30 sw845 60108 .F.na1)'els Time. . : l-0 : 12 sw846 60108 furalyslo Time..: 10:12 sr{845 60108 Analysis Tlme..: 23:30 s9'I845 60108 Analyele lime..: L0:12 sw846 60108 Analysis Time..: 10:12 sw846 60108 Analyois Tirnc. . : 23 :30 sw846 50108 Analysis Time.. ' 23:30 next page) ae / 23 -ae l27 / os lrJsJMl-AT os/23-os/26/osHJ5*rp STL Denver a9 / 23 -oe /za / os IT,JGJUIAB 23 Lot-Sarq>le #. PAI1JUVIETEF BESULT IIRS Corporation Client Sanple ID: Grt{-SI-090705 TCItrBL }IEtAIg : D5I08A243 - 004 REPORTTNG LIMIT UNITS t{atrix- - - - . , . . . 3 WG METHOD PREPAIT'\TION- AI{IALYSIS DA?E WORK ORDER # l.Iagnesirun Sodium Nickel Lead Vanadium Zj.nc Zirconiunr NGIE (S) : 630 ss00 o-o80 0-015 B o-oz1 B r.0 $q/L Dilutlon Factor: 5 25 w/L Pllution Factor: 5 o-o40 rr'g,/L Di lut l.on FacEor : 1 o . 0030 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 0.010 ms/L DiLution FacEor: 1 o .020 nq,/T' oilutlon Factor: 1 o-o75 vlg,/L Pilut.lon Factor; 5 60108 ae 123-ae /26 / As Time..: 23:30 5Or.oB Oe /23 -o e /25 / As Time-.: 23-.30 60r-08 ae / 23-09 / 2t / as Tirne..: 1orl.2 5or-0B oe /23- 0e lzt / as Time..: 10:12 60108 Oe/23-Oe/26/OS Time..:23s30 STUB45 analysl s srr845 Ana I yei e sw846 Analyo 1 e sw84 5 Ana lys i s SWB4 6 Analys I o sr{8{5 analyol e sw846 Analyei s 50108 A9/23-09/27/05 H,J5JM1A2 Time..: lat!2 6o1oB 0e/23-A9/27/as HJSJIVI1A3 Tlme..: 10:12 IIJsJ}IIAA HTSJULAC EJSJII!LAI- tr,J6J}T1A4 H^T6JULBD B EstinmterJ rcsuh. Rcsult is less Onn RL. STL Denver Irot-Sauqlle #-..: Date Sarylled---: PARAMETER LIR^S Co-poraLion Cl-ient Sarylle ID: GB-S11-09O7O5 T0TAL Uetals Dsr0B0243-005 A9 / 07 / 0S 11 : 15 Date Received- . ! 09 / 0B/ As RESULT REPORTING TTMIT UNITS IvIETHOD : 5259437 I,ID sw845 747aA oe /23/ 05 Arralysia Tlme. . : 18 :2i ttatri:r-:WG PREPARATION- I{ORK A}TATYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batrch *- lrlercury PreB Batch *. Cadmiurn Selenium Prep Batch #- Si lver Aluminum ]1a'sgn i g Barium Ca]-cium Chromium Copper Iron Dotarsir:m : 5255L72 }TD o. o18 B : 5 265261, ND ND o-oo49 B 0.1_6 L-l o I\ID }ID 3-2 560 0.00020 mg/L OiIuEion Factor: 1 0 - 02 0 Di lut. ion o-o40 Di luE i on mg/L Factor: 20 vrg,/t' Factor: 20 0 . 010 'l;rg/L Di lut lr:n Factor : L 1 .0 mg/L Ollution FacEor: 10 O. O15 nr y,/L ni luf ion Factor : l- 0 ,01o rW/L DiluClon Factor: 1 2 -o nry,/L Dilution Faetor: 10 0.010 mg/L Ullution Factor: 1 0.010 mg/L Di lution Factor : 1 L.0 W/L Dilution Faetor: 1O 30 rng/r Dilution Factor: 10 HJSLTW1AG s}{8 4 5 6A20 09 / 23 - A9 / 28 / OS H.]5JW1AP Analyeie Time--: A2235 srr846 5O2o A9123-A9 /281 AS s*T5firLAQ Itnalyels Tirne. . : 02 :36 sw84 6 5 0108 09 / 23 - 09 / 27 I Os HJ6Jlrrl-A3 Analyeis Time..: i0:32 sw845 50108 Og /23-Os /27 / Os H,J6J*rJ Arralyeis Tlme. . : 00 : 18 sw846 60108 A9/23-O9/27/O5 Ir,J6in{r-A5 Analyeis Time. . : 10 :32 srr845 60108 A9/23-A9 /27 / A5 H,r6Jr{LA6 nnalygie Time..: 10:32 sw846 50108 A9 123 -Oe / 27 / Os EJsJr[LArr analysie rime..: 00:18 sw846 50108 Ae/23-09/27 /Os HJsJW1A? Analyeie Time. . : l-0 :32 svr845 60108 A9/23-0e/27/As HJ5.]WIAA Analyeis Tlrne. . : 10 : 32 srr845 5O1OB 09 /23 -A9 / 27 / 05 Itr6JT{r-AiI Analyolo Time..: 00:18 sr{846 50108 Analysie Time,.: 00r18 on next page) STL Denver ( Continued 09 / 23 -oe / 27 / os EJ6JTTLAK 25 Iot,-SarryIe #- - -: IIRS Corarorat,ion Client Sample ID: GI{-S11-O90705 T0TAL Metale Dsr080243-005 ltatrix- -, o - - - - -: WG PARAMETER RESULT REPORTING LI}4TT UNITS METHOD PREPARATION- A}iIALYSTS DATE WORK ORDER # Dtaguesium Sodium NickeI Lead Vanadium Zinc Zireonium r{oTB (s} : 590 14000 o - 0026 B NDG TUD ND o-o54 B 2-o ug,ll- Pi lut, ion Factor : 10 s0 w/L Di lut lon Factor : 1 0 O . O{O rrry,/L ni1ut ion Factor: I 0.0070 mg/L Pilution Factor: 1 0 . 010 mglL Dilution Factor: L 0.020 mg/L Dilution Pactor; t o-].s WlL Dilutlon Pactor; 1o sr{845 60108 o9123-Og lZt I AS Arralysis TLme. . : 00 ; 18 H,TSJTTIAL 5'W845 50108 Oe /23-09 /27 / 05 E^rSJrLAr.r Rnalygis Time,,: 00:LB sw8{6 60108 09/23-A9/27 lO5 E^TGJWLAC Ana1yslo Time.,: 1o:32 sw84 5 5 0108 09 / 23 - A9 / 27 / A5 HJ5,,r.llAD Ana}ysio Tirne. ., 10 :32 sw846 50108 A9/23-09/27/as HJSJWIAE Analysia Time. -: 10:32 sw845 60108 Oe/23-A9/27/0s HJsJW1AP Analyols Time..: 10:32 sw845 60108 Ae/23-A9/27 /O5 H.T6JI{IAN Arralysie Tl.me. - ; 00 : 1,8 B Estlmared rcsult. Result ls less than RL. G Elevated rcporting llmit. The reporting limlt is clevatcd duc to rnatrlx iRterferencc. 26STL Denver [IRS Corporation Client Sauple ID; Gt{-Sz-O9O7O5 TO{IAL tleta.ls Irot-Saq>Ie S- -.: Date Sarylled,..-. PAIUqIVIETER D5r080243-005 09 / a7 / AS L2:2A DaEe Received- RESULT REPORTTNG LTMIT UNITS : o9/oB/as METHOD Uatrix.:WG PREPARATION- WORK AIVA.LYSIS DATE ORDER * Prep Batch #. Mercury Prep Batch #- Cadrnium Selenium Prep Batch Si lver Aluminum Arsenic Barium Calcium Chromium Copper Iron Potassiutn : 5 259437 ND :5265172 ND 0.025 B #..,: 526526L ND ND IUD a -a74 220 IVD }UD brD 1100 0.00020 nlg/L Pl lut ion Fact,or : 1 0 .050 Di lutiorr o-10 Di.lutiorr mg/L Factor: 50 rrrtg/L Factor: 5O 0.050 mg/L Dilueion Factor: 5 1.0 mg/t Dilut ion Factor : l- 0 0 . 075 mg/t, Dilution Factor r 5 O.05o urg,/L ollutlon Factor: 5 2 -o tI,g,/L Di Iu t. i on Factor : 1 0 0.050 mg/L Di lution Factor : 5 0 . 050 rng/t Dllut.ion Factor: 5 l-. 0 nrg/t Dl lut ion Factor : 1 0 3 0 vtg/L Dilut ion F'actor : 10 sw845 60L0B Anal)rsis Time. . : 12 ;58 sw84 5 6 01,08 Analysis Time..: 00:23 sw845 60108 Ar:,alysi g Tirne. . ; 12 : 58 sI{845 50108 Analyslo Time,.: 12:58 swB45 50108 Analysie Time..: 00:23 sw845 50108 Analysis Tlme. . : 12 :58 sw845 50toB Analysis Time..: 12:58 sw845 50108 Analysie Time..: 00:23 sw845 50108 Analysis Tirne, , : 00 :23 nexE page) oe/23-a9/27/As ae/23-oe/27/as ae /23-ae /27 / as oe/23-oelzz /as ael23-ae/27 /os oe/23-oe/27/a5 ae/23-oe/27 /os oe/23-ae/27/os H,J5,JXr^O HJ6JXlAG ILf6JI(IAE E.}6.IJTI.AR HJ6.IXlAJ HJSJXlAK HJSJXlAT swB46 747AA 09/23/05 Ana}yele Time. . : ).8t23 HiISJXIAQ sw846 6020 09/23-09/28/aS HJ5JX1A0 Analysis Time..: 02:40 sn846 6020 oe/23-Oe/2fEl0s ETS.IJ(LA] Analyeio Time, . : o2: co HJ6JXlAE 09 / 23 -o g / zt / as H^T5,rxrAu STL Denver (Continued on 27 Lot-Saqll-e # - URS Corporation Client Sanrpl-e ID: GW-S2-09O7Os IO{IAL }Ieta}e : D5I080243-005 Matri](. - - r - . . . . r WG PREPARATION- WORK ANALYSIS DATE ORDER # REPORTING PARAIVIETER ._ RESUI.{LIMIT UNITS METHOD [lagrresiurn Sorf i um tilicke]. Lead Vanadium Zinc Zixconium NOIts (S) = 720 26000 o-0060 B 0-025 B 2-A rl lut ion 50 Di 1 ut ion o -2a pi lut I on 0.0L5 oi 1ut, ion 0 .0s0 Dilutior: o-10 Di lut ion 0 .15 Dilution lrrry,/r' FacE.or : 10 vlg,lL Factor: 10 V{J,/L FacEor: 5 r*g/L Factor: 5 fiig/L Factor: 5 rrg,/t' Factor: 5 'tl,g/L FacE,or : 10 sw845 60108 analysis Time..: 00:23 sr{845 60108 Analygis Time,.: 00:23 sw845 60108 Analyele Time. . : 1.2 :58 09 / 23- 09 I 27 I As rr*rSiXrLV a9 / 23 - A9 / 27 / Os H^r6JJrrAr{ a9 / 23 -Oe / 27 / As EJ5.IJTLAL sw845 601-08 09/23-A9/27/A5 HJ5.lXLArvl Analysie Time. . : 12 :58 sw845 50108 oe/23-oe/27 / a5 HJsJX1AN Analysie Time. . : i2 :58 sw845 60108 Ae/23-O9/27 /O5 H.I5Jr(LAP Analysie Tlme. . : 12 :58 sw845 60108 09123-0e/27 /Os HJSJXIN( Analyeio Time-,: 00:23 B Lstimated rcsult. Resutr Is lcss than RI-. STL Denver 2B Ltrt-sanple S.. -: Date Saryrled- - -: PAIU\IVIETER IIRS Corlrcration Client Saurple ID: GT[-S3-090705 TOTAL Dtetra1e D5I080243-007 09 / a7 / 05 13 : 00 Datse Received- . r 09 / 0B/05 RESUTT REPORTING LTMTT UNITS METI{OD Flatrix -:WG PREPAIU\TION. WORK AhIALYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep Batch # - Mercury Prep Batch f. Cadmium Selenium frep Batch #. S i lver Aluminum Arserric Bariurn Calcium Chromium Copper fron Potassium : 5259437 ND : 5265L72 ND o - oo2]_ B : 526526L ND ND o_o15 o _2L 39 }TD ND 0,54 220 0.00020 rng/L Di- IuE lon Factor : L 0.0050 mg/L Dilutlon Fact,or: 5 o - o1o trry,lL Dl 1ut lon Fact,or r 5 0.01-0 mg/L Dilut,ion Pactor: L 0 . 10 mg/L Dilution Factor; 1 0 .015 ng/t Dllut, ion Factor : 1 0 - O1O ng,/T' oilution Factor: I O .2O wtg/L Dilution Pactor: 1 0.010 mg/L oilut.ion Factor: L 0.010 mg/L DlluEion Factor: 1 0 - 10 trl;/L Dil-ution Factor: I 3.0 uq/l' Dilution Factor: 1 sw845 6A20 A9 / 23 -A9 / 28 / 0s H,J5,J0LAA Arralygis Tirne. . : aZ t44 sr845 6020 O9123-O9/28/O5 TLTS.IOLAC Analysig Time..: 02t44 sw845 60108 09/23-A9/27 /05 Analysig Time.,: L0:42 HJSJO IAhI sw845 50108 Ae/23-A9/24/Os HJ5J01A Ar:alysia Time. . : 01 : 01 sw845 'r47OA A9/23/O5 Analysig Tirne. . : LB 224 srr846 501oB Oe /23 -O e /27 / As Arralygis Time, . : L0 :42 slr846 5O1OB Os /23 -O e / 27 I Os Analygie Time..: 10:42 sw845 5O1OB Oelz3-Ae/24/Os Analysie Time..: 01:01 sw845 50108 Oe/23-0e/27 /0s Analyols fLme.,: 1-ot42 sw846 50108 09/23-A9/27 /05 Analyaie Time . . : 10 :4 2 sw845 5O1OB oel23-oe/24/Os Rnalyeie Time..: 0t:01 HJ6JO ]-AI ETSJOTAQ ET6JOLAR H.T6JOLA2 HJ6JO IAT HJsJO lAU E;T5JOI.L} sr{846 50108 A9/23-0 glZ+lOS rrJ5J01A4 Analysls Ttme, . : 01. : 0L STL Denver (Continued on next page) 29 Iot-sampl.e #. IIRS Corporation CJ.ient Sarqll.e ID; G!W-S3-O9O7O5 IIOTAL lulet,ale : D5I080243-007 Hatrix --r..e ; WG PARJ\METER RESUI,T REPORTTNG LIMIT UNTTS METHOD PREPARATTON- AI{A],YSIS DATE WORK ORDER # Dlagnesium Sodium Dlickel Iread Vanadium ZLnc Zirconium NO([E (S) = 56 2500 o-oo34 B }ID o-0036 B ND }TD o-20 w/L Dilution Factor: L 5,O qglL Dlluclon Factor: 1 O - O4O W/T, Dllut ion F actor: I 0.0030 mg/L DiLurion Pactor: t o - O1O trg,/L oilut,ion FacLor: 1 0.020 mg/L DiluEion Factor: 1 0 - 01-s mg/L Dilution Factor; L srr845 60108 A9/23-O9/24los Anal)rsle Tl.me..; 01 :01 sn845 50108 Os/23-o9124/OS Analysis Time, . ' 01 :0L sw845 60].(}8 09/23-A9/27 /os Arralysia Time- . : L0 r42 sw846 50108 0e/23-a9/27/As Analyole Tirnc. . : 70 :42 sn845 5O1-OB A9/23-og/zt/OS Analysis Time. . : 10 :4 2 E^T5JOTtrs Eir6iroraS E^T6JOI-AV HJSJO lAW E*T6JOIA)( sw845 50108 09123-0e/27 /as r{J5J01A0 Arralyslo Tlme - . : lA z 42 sw845 50108 09/23-Oe/24/Os HJ6J01,A? Analysia Time..: 01:01 B F-stimated rcsult. Rosult is less Olan RL. STL Denver 30 Iot-Sanp1e #, ,.1 Date Sanqlled- - . : PAIUIIvIETER UR^S Cor;rcra.tion Clierrt Sanple ID: GTI-I{2-O9O7O5 TO|IAL FIetaIs D5I080243-008 09/ 07 / 05 L3 ;30 Date Received- - : a9/ Ae/ 05 RESIILT REPORTTNG LTMIT UNITS METHOD Flatrix-:WG PREPARATTON. WORK A}IALYSIS DATE ORDER # Prep ga.tch * - Mercury Prep Batch *. Cadmium Selenirmr Prep Batch #- Si lver Aluminum Arsenic Barium Ca]-eium Chromium Copper Iron Potassium ;5259437 ND : 5265L72 IID o-oo79 B : 526525L IUD ND 0. 0063 B o_095 61 IUD ND 0,25 B 330 0.00020 mg/t Dlluti-on Factor r 1 0.01-0 ni lut ion o-020 Di 1ut Lon mg/L Factor: 10 nry,/L Faetor: 10 0 . 010 mg/t ni lut.ion Fact,or : r 1 .0 mg/L Dilution Factor: 10 0. Ol-5 ntg/L ollution Factor: 1 0.010 ng,/L Dilutlon Factor r 1 2.A rg/I, niiution Factor: 10 0 . 010 mg/t nllution Factor: 1 0.01-0 mg/L ni lution Factor : 1 1.o W/t Dllution Factor; 10 oe/23-oe/27/os 0s/23-0e/27/a5 oe/23-oe/27 /ss oe/23-0e/27 /os ae lzz-oe/22 / os ael23-0e/27/as oe/23-oe/27/os 09 / 23-oe l27 / os HJ5J1]-AC HJ5J11A)( _,_oHJ6Jl-]"AO ILT5Jl-IAt E^T6JIIA2 HJ6,ItIAI) HJ5J11A3 HJSJ]-1A4 EJSJIIAE sw846 747AA, 09/23/A5 Analyeie Time. - : l-8 :26 sw845 5020 A9/23-oe/28/0s HJ5J11AK Arralyeis Tlme. . : OZ : 47 sH846 5020 Oe/23-09/28/aS rrrr5J1l-AL Arralyeie Time - . ; A2 :47 30 ms/t oi lut ion Factor : 1 0 sw84 5 6 010B Arralysis TLme, . : 10 ;47 SI^I84 5 50108 Analysls Time..: 00:28 sw845 50108 analyeis Tlme.,: L0:47 srf,845 50L08 Analyele Time. ., 1.0 :47 slr845 501_OB Analyaie Time,.: 00:28 sw845 60108 Analysis Tlme, . : l0 :47 sw845 60r.08 Analyais TIme..: L0:47 sn845 60r-08 Analyslo Time. . : 00 :28 sr{845 50108 Analysie Time..: 0o:28 STL Denver (Continued on next page) ae / 23 -o g I zt / os HJGJT.IAF IpE-Saryrle # - PARAMETER RESULT IIRS Corgrcration Client Sarple ID: cW-If2-09O7As TOTAL lttet'a]-e : D5I080243-008 REPORTING LIMTT I]NITS Itratrix-- -....--3 WG PREPARATION- WORK ANALYSIS DATE ORDER #METHOD lIagilresium So&i-unr NickeI Lead Vanadl-um Zinc Zirconium NCIrE (S) : 28o Tsoo o-0014 B ND ND ND 0. o39 B 2 - o nrg,/T. Di ]ution Factor r 10 50 rrg/l' ollution Factor: 10 0 - 040 vry,lL Dilutlon FacEor; 1 0 .0030 llllg/L Dilution Factor: 1 0.010 mg/t oilution Factor; 1 0 .020 ntg/L Dilution Factor: 1 0.15 vlg/L Piiut ion Fact,or : 10 stu845 Analysi s sw846 Analyoi e STT845 Arra lys 1o slll84 6 Analysio sw84 5 analygi e SWB4 5 Arra lya I s sr{845 nnalygi s 60108 oe/23-09lZ7 /Os Hirs.nrAc Time..: 00r28 50108 oe/23-09/27 /A5 HJ5J]-1A5 Tlme-.: 10:47 5ol-oB ae/23-ae/27/os HJ5J11A7 TLme,.: 7o147 60108 oe/23-o e/27 /Os Time-.: 0o:28 501oB o9/23-Oe/27 /Os Time..: L0:4? 501.0B 0e/23-0e/27/05 Time.. ' I0:4? 50108 oe/23-0e/27 /as Time..: 00:28 HirS.rl]AE E^76J1IA5 HJSJ]- ].AA ILTGJIIA.T B Esrtnrapcl result. Rcsult is less dran RL. STL Denver 32 I,ot-Sampl-e #---: Date Sampr1ed.., ! PAIU\METER tlRS Cora>oration Client Sample ID: GI{-S91-090705 General- Chemietrry Tlork Order f ..-: HJ6HB Date Rr=ceived- - : Og / OA / OS MaEri)c, -. , . . . . - 3 WG PREPARATION- AIVAI,YSIS DATE D5r080243-002 a9/07/os 0?:00 PREP BATCH * pE Amnonia aa lI Ch].oride F]-rroride Nitrate IIit,rate-Nitrite Sulfate Total Clanide NOTE (S) : Dilution Factor: 20A 0-0053 B 0-01-o ng/I, DiLution Factor; L RESULT RL II}ITTS METHOD 5-9 0-10 llo Unirs Srf846 9O40B Og/OA/oS 525Ls27 pllutlon Factol: 1 Analyole Time..: 15:21 7r-0 Q 50 wlt ucAl{r{ 3s0.1 o9/2o-o9l2alo5 526s473 Ditution Factor: soo Analyoio Timo..: 03:00 12000 ir,Q r-2OO w/t r,rcArfr' 325.2 Og/telOS 526325s Dilution Factor:500 Analysi8 Tlme-.: 17:00 2.4 J 0-10 wlt UeAr{r 340.2 A9lA9lO5 s252s47- Dilution Faceorr 1 Analysls Tlme.. r 11:30 3AO O-LO ug/t r.icAnTI 3s3-2 O9/A8(O5 s26s584 Dilu!.ion FacEorr 1 Analyslo Tioe,, r 12:00 38O Q sO rq/t HeAnw 3s3 -2 OSIZO-OS/ZL|O5 526s5s2 DiluElon Factor:500 Analyeie Time..r 02:00 r-9o0 J,Q looo wlt ucAnw 375.4 aslze/as 5272L72 Analysis Time., : 1.5 :40 sr{846 901 AB{9012A Oe / 2o-O 9 /zllAs 5263s1O Analyois Tlme. . : 12 :00 RL Reporting l..lmit a F.lcvaql reporting limit. Ttrc rcponirrg limit is elevated due to high arurlyte levels- J Methort btank contanrination. The assoclated me0rorl blank connlns thc target anaJyte at a reponablc lcvcl. B Fstlmacd resrlt. Result l.s lcss tlmn RL. STL Denver 33 {IRS Corporation Client Sample ID: G[{-S1O-O9O7O5 General- Cherrietry Iot-SaryIe *- - -: psrogOzai-oO3 l{ork Order #...: H,f6JL t{atsrix, ..: WG Date sampled---: 09/07/05 09:38 Date Received- -: Og/oa/os PAIUIMETER RESULT RL I]NITS METI{OD PREPAIUTTION_ PREP AT{ALYSIS DATE BATCH # 8.1 O.1O No UDita SW846 9O4OB OglOSlOs 525L527 pilution FacEor. 1 Arralyelo flme.. ; 'J-5t24 AEnonia aB N 5-O O.1O w/L ITICAI{II 350-1 O9/2O-O9/2A|A5 5265473 Dilution Factor! 1 Analyaia Time.. r 03:00 Orloride 2800 J,e 25o Wlr, !.tcAlrw 3zs.z ogl].Blos 52632s5 Dilutlon PacE.orr 100 Analysis Timc..: L7:00 Fluoride 0.96.f 0.10 rglr, lrcAlfit 340.2 og/oglos s252s4L DlluEion FacEor: 1 A$alyeie Timc.,: 11:30 Nit,rare ND 0 - t-0 tw/L MC.AI,IW 353 .2 09 / A8 / 05 52655A4 Dilutlon Eactor: I Analysia Time,,: 12:00 Ni trare - Ni t ri te IUD 0.l-0 rI.s/L MCAWW 3s3 -2 oe/2a-Oel21,/Os 525s552 Dilution Factorr 1 Analyaia Time.,: 02100 sul-fate 79 B,ir,Q LOO Img,lt HcAnW 375-4 O9|2B/OS 5272a72 Dilution Factorr 20 Analysia Timc.. r 15:40 Total cyanlde ND 0.0r.0 r.,,I:q,/L sw845 gO]OBlgoLzA, oe/2o-09/n/a5 s2535r-0 Dilution Factorr 1 analyeia Time..: 12:00 NOTE(S}: RL Reponing l.imlt J Mcthod blank contamlnarlorr. 'Ihe associated nrethod blurk contairlr the target Bralytc at a reportahle level. a blu-vated reponing limit. The reporring limit i.s elevaad due ro high anal-vre levels- B Estinratcd result. Result is less than RL. pH STL Denver 34 Ilot-Sample #... i Date Sanqlled.--: PARAMETER IIRS Corporat.ion C1ient Saryle fD: GTY-S1-O907O5 @neral Chenietry D5I080243-004 rlork order #..-! HJSJI'I 09 / a1 / 05 09: 55 Date Received. - 3 09 / 08/05 I{atrix-- ----: WG PREPARATTON- PREP ADIAIYSIS DATE BATCH #RESUIJT RL UNTTS METHOD 6-9 O.10 I[o l]rrir8 sW846 9O4OB Aglog/Os 525Ls27 DlluEioil Factor: I Analysie Time,.: 15!25 s4o Q 50 wlt ucAwH 3so-1 o9lza-oglzLlts s265473 . DiluEion Factor: 500 Analyeia Time..: 03r00 l-1ooo J,Q tzoo wlt !{caYtw 325-2 osltg/os 5263255 Dilution Fector: 5o0 A'lalyais time..; Lz.00 2-2 J O.1O wlt ritCAI{W 3it0-2 O9|O9/O5 525254L Dllution FacEor: 1 eralyeie Time.,, 11:30 12A O.10 wlt UCAWW 3s3-2 Aglvglos s27A1O5 _ Dilution Pactor: 1 Analysie Tlme..r 17100 32o Q 10 "g/t r{CAr.w 3s3 .2 O9lZ7 los s27L579 Dilution Faetor: 100 Analysls Tl,me..:18;00 2500 J,Q soo wlt trcalltf 375.4 o9l28l05 s272L72 Dllution Fastor: 100 Aaalysie Time.,; 15:{0 o-o13 o.o1o uqlt s1rB46 9O1OB/eo12A oel2$-O9l2rlOS SzssSrO Dilution Factor: 1 Analyolo Tlme..: 12;00 pE Amnonia as N Ch].oride Fluoride IiUitraEe Nitratre-Nitritre Su].fate Tota1 clranide IUOTB (S} : RL Reponlng Uurit a Elevated rcporting, Iimit. The reporring lhnit is clevated due to hlgh analytc lcvels. J Metrul blank contzuttlnation. The associatcd nrerhod blrnk contains trc tarjct anelyte at a reportablc hvcl. STL Denver 35 Iot-sarple #. -.: Date Saupled,.-3 PAIU\METER IIRS Corlrcration Client Sarqrle ID: GTI-S11-090705 General Chemistry Work Order *---: HJ6,-[$I Date Received - - = A9 /08/05 RL UNITS METHOD MatriJC, - . . t - - - - : WG PREPAIT.I\TTON- PREP A}IALYSIS DATE BATCH # D5r0BO243-005 09 / a7 / os r.r- : r-5 RESULT pH ^Brunonia aB N Chloride F].uoride Nit,rate Nitrate-Nitsrite Sulfat,e Total Cyanide NOTE (S} : 7.9 0.10 lro Unirs SIt845 90408 AglOs/As 525L521 Dllutlon Pactor: I Analysis rime.., 16i52 11 Q O.sO wl,. uCrI}lW 350-1 Og/zo-oelztlls s265473 Dilution Eactor: 5 Analyels Tlme,. r 03:00 22ooo ir,e Lzoo wlt Mcar{w 12s.2 oglL8los sz6z255 Dllution Factorr 500 Analyais Time,.: 17:00 o-49 J O-rO rglt ugarrlf 340.2 o9la9/o5 525254L Dilution FacEor: 1 Analyoie Tlme..r 11;30 o-1? o,1o rylr, ucAr{w 351-2 o9/a8lo5 526ss84 Dilutlon Factor: 1 Analyeie Time..: 12:00 0.1? o-1o rrg,/t ucAwn 3s3.2 o9l2o-o9/2l/o5 s265552 Dllution Factorr 1- Analyeia Tlme. -: 02100 29OO ir,Q 5OO w/t llcArre 375.4 A9|2S/O5 5272L'12 Dilution Factor; 100 Analysis lime..; L5r40 IrD 0.010 rr]g/r. SW846 SOrOe/gOrZA 09/2A-oe/27/05 5263s1-0 DlLution trector. 1 Analyeis Time..: 12:00 RL Rcporting Limit a Hcvarcd rcporting limit. The reportlng limii is elevated duc ro high analyte levels- I Mcthod blanl contaminatlon. Thc associated method blank contalns iln target analyrc a[ a rcporrnblc levul, STL Denver 35 Iot-Saugrle #. - -: Date Saqlled. -. l PAIULIyIETER IIRS Corporation C1ient Sample fD: @{-S2-O9O7O5 General ChemLetrlr Work Order #..-: HJ5.TX Date Received., ! 09/AB/A5 RL UNTTS METHOD t{atrix- -. . D , . - - ! WG PREPAP3TTON- PREP AI{AIYSIS DATE BATCH # D5I080243-005 ae / 07 / os L2:20 RESULT PII Alrunorria aa IU Ch].oride F].uoride lititrate I{itrate-I[itrite Sulfate Total cyanide }TOIE (S) : 7.7 O.1O lto UaitE SW845 90408 O9/O8|O5 525L527 Dilution FacEor: 1 Analyeis time..r 15:57 2.A 0.10 wlt rdcArrw 350.1 ogl2o-oglzllos szesazl Dllution Factor: 1 Analyele Time. . : 03 :00 4sooo rt,Q 12oo uglt uclrrr 3.25.2 o9ll8/a5 52612ss Dilution FacEor: 500 Analyeis Time,.: 17:00 1-o J O-1o rr{g,lt, t&aln{ a4o-2 ogloglas s252s4l Dilution FacEorr 1 AnalyeLe flme..: 1L:3o 9.9 O.1o rqlt ltreArfw 353 -2 O9lO8/05 527t705 Dilution PacCorr 1 Analyele Tirne. -: I?:00 10 O 0 -sO lfrq/L trCAItn 3s3 -2 Oel27 /O5 ol lut ion Factor : 5 Analysie Time . . : 1,8 :00 57OO J, Q 12OO Ifl,Itg/L lrCeHrI 375.4 O9/28/Os DiluBioo. Factort 250 Analy8is Time,,; 15:40 o.oo4o B o.oro uqlt sw846 9o1oB/9o12A oelzo-oslzllos 526!slo Dilution Factor: 1 llnalyais Tlme..: 12:00 s27L67s o 5272L72 RL Reponing Linrir J Method bla* connminatlon. 'lhe assrxiatcd rrctlrod blank conralrrs thr target analyrc at e rc?orutrle level, 0 Elcvated reponlng lirnit. The rcporting linrt i.s elcvarcd due to high analyrc levels. B Estimacd rcsult. Resuh is lcss rlriur RL. STL Denver 37 Irot-Saq>Ie #. - - Date Sanpled- -. PAIU\METER IIRS Corporation Client Sar4rle ID: CTV-S3-090705 General fremistry Ilork Order #...: HJ5J0 DaEe Received- -: 091 08/05 RL UNITS METHOD I{atrix- , , o . . . - - i WG PREPARATION- PREP A}TALYSTS DATE BATCH # D5I080243 - 007 09/07/A5 l-3:00 RESULT pH Anrnonia as N Chloride Fluoride Ni t,raLe Witrat€ -Nitriee Sulfate Total Cyanide IiTOTE (s) = 8.1 e-8 0 O.1O tilo tlnits oi lut,lon Factor : 1 o - so mg/L Dilution Factor: 5 sH846 Ana lysis MCATIW Ana lyai e IIICAI{I{ Analyoi s I.ICAIIII Ana lys i s MCAWW Analyeia MCAWW Analys i e UCAWW Analyo i s sw845 Analysi s 90408 Time. . : 350-1 Time. . : 325.2 Tirne. . : 34A .2 Time. - : 353 ,2 Tirne. . : 353 .2 Time, . : 3-15 - 4 ae / oe/ os 17:00 525152-t s263255 525254A 45OO J, Q 25O rutg/L o-95 J Dllution Factor: 100 0 - 10 nrg/l' Dllution FaeEor: 1 0,l0 mg/L Dllution FacEor c 1 0 . 10 mg/L Dllution Factor; 1 5OO ir, Q 1O0 rry/t DiluEion Factor: 20 0.010 rr:E/L Pllution Factor: 1 oe/20 -0 9 / 2t/ as s26s473 O3 :00 r?: oo 09/L',/ oS aeloe/05 l-l-;30 09/08/os s25ss84 12:AA 09 /2A-oe / 2L/ As s26sss2 02 :00 ael28/ os s2721't2 TLme..; 15:40 9010E/9012A 0e /20-0e/ 2a/ as 5263s10 Time,.: l-2:00 RL Rcporting Limit a Elevated reporting limlt. '['hc reporting tinrlt ls clcvatetl due to hlgh analyr levelr. J Methnd bfank contarninarlon. '[hc as$ocimed rnctlrod bla* contains the rargo anal-vte at r rcportable level. STL Denver Iot-Sanple #...: Date Sarpled- - -: PARAMETER IIRS Corporation Client Sample ID: GTI-I,I2-O907O5 General Chemiatry DSf 080243-008 Xlork Order #.. -: HJSJI 09/ a7 105' 1 3 : 30 Date Received, . 3 a9 /A8/05 RESULT RL I]NITS IVIETTIOD Hatrix-- --,.1 WG PREPARATION- PREP ^A,I{ALYSTS DATE BATCH * pH Anuronia aB N Ch.Ioride Fluoride Nit,rate Iilitrate -Ni trite SuIfaEe Total Cyanide NOIE (S} : I - 0 0 - 10 r[o urrits slr846 90408 Dilution Factor; I enalysle Time..: 17:05 5-3 O-1O ttg,/L UCAIII{ 350,l- Dilutlon FacEor: J. Analysia Time..: 03:00 12oo0 J, Q 25O W/L t CAIIIil 32s.2 pilutlon FacEor r 100 Analyeis Time. . : 17:00 0 .58 J 0 . r-o wg/n ucAr{I{ 3'[o .2 Dilution Factor: 1 Analyois fime. . ' 1L:30 o .23 O . t-O vq,/L lICAr{n 353 .2 ' oiluElon Factor: I Analysis Time. , : 12: 00 o -23 O . 10 ttlg/T, }ICAHW 353 .2 Dilut ion Factor: 1 Analysie Tlrue . . : 02 : 00 20oo J,Q l-ooo rrg/L ucAlft{ 375-4 piluclon FacEor: 200 Analysie TLme..: 15:40 t[D 0 .010 mg/L SWB45 90108/ g0t2A Dilution Factor: 1 enalyeie Time. - : 12;00 ae / 08/os oe/20-oelzllas ael 18/os oe/oe/as ae / oB/os 52s1527 5255i4'13 s2532ss 525254L s255584 as lza-os/z:rl os s26s5u, o ae /zfE/ os 5272L72 a9l2o- oe / 2a/ os s263510 RL Reponin3 l-irnit J Mc0od blank coutanrlnation. Thc assoclaatl metrod blank contains rhc nrget analytc at it reportable levcl. a Ehvarcd rcpordng llmit. l'he reporrlng llntit is elevared due to high uralyrc lcvcls. STL Denver 39 ac DATAASSOCTATTONW D5r080243 Sample Preparation and Analysis ConErol Numbers SAMPLE#MATRIX AIVALYTTCAL METHOD LEACH BATCH # PREP Plrg.L-t 5263359 5253255 525254L 526 555 2 52655 B4 525 3 51_ 0 5265L72 5259437 525L527 5263369 52657-6L 5272L72 526547 3 s253255 s25254L 526ss52 526 55 84 5263 51 0 5265L7 2 5259437 s2sLs27 5253369 s26s26L 527 2L7 2 526s47 3 5263255 52 5 2541 527 L67 9 5271705 5253 5l_ 0 5265L7 2 5259437 5251,527 5253359 s255261 527 2772 5255473 MS RUN# 001 002 brQ WG WG WG WG WG I^IG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG sl{84 5 82608 MCAWI^I 325 .2 I,ICAhil^I 340 .2 MCAI,{Iil 353 -2 IvlCAIrll^I 353.2 sw845 90r. aB/ 9AL2A sw845 5A2A sw845 7470A sw845 90408 sw846 82508 sw84 6 5 0108 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 350. L MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340 .2 MCAWW 353.2 MCAWW 353 .2 sw845 901A8/901-2A sw845 5020 sw845 7470A sw845 9040B sw846 82508 sw845 60108 MCAWW 175 -4 MCA!,IW 350 .1 MCAvilW 325 -2 IY1CAWW 344 .2 MCAhTW 3s3 -2 MCAWW 3s3 -2 sw845 901A8/90r.2A sw846 6020 sw845 7470A sw845 90408 sw846 82508 st^I845 50108 lrcAwlrl 375 .4 MCAI{W 350 .1 (Continued on next 5253254 5253 l_ 5 9 52551_ 0 2 526s344 5263338 526510 5 5262L07 s25sL29 s2632s0 5265L7 9 5272L03 5255288 5263L59 525510 2 5265344 5263338 526510 5 52621A7 525 5L29 5263250 s265]-7 9 5272103 s26s2 8B 5253l_6 9 52551-02 527L432 s7.63338 5265l- 0 5 5262L47 52551-29 5263250 526sL7 9 5272103 5265288 003 004 STL Denver page) 40 0c rlaTAAssocrATroNw Dsro80243 Samp1e Preparation and AnalYsie Control Numbers SAIVIPLE#MATRTX 00s 005 007 008 WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG I^IG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG vsG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG AI{ALYTTCAL TVIETHOD MCAWW 325 .2 MCAWW 34O .2 MCAWW 353.2 IvICAWW 353 .2 sw845 901OP/ eOl-2A sw845 6020 sw845 7470P. sw846 90408 sr{845 82508 sw84 6 6 01-08 MCAIfi^I 37 5 .4 MCAWW 350 .1 MCAWW 325 -2 MCAWW 34A -2 MCAI^IW 353.2 MCAWW 353 .2 sw845 90L08/eo12A sw846 5020 sw846 747AA. sv{84 6 904 0B SW845 B25OB sw84 6 6 0l-0B MCAWW 315.4 MCAWW 350 .l- MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 34A .2 MCAI^n^l 353 ,2 MCAWW 3s3.2 sw846 901A8/eo12A SI^IB4 6 6020 sw846 74704 sw846 90408 sw845 82508 sw845 60108 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 3s0.l- MCAWW 325.2 MCAWW 340.2 IvICAWW 353 . 2 IqcAvil}^I 353.2 (Continued on next LEACH BATCH # PREP BATCH # s263255 525254L s265552 5265s84 5263 510 526sL7 2 5259437 525Ls27 s2633 6 9 526526L 5272172 526s47 3 5263255 s2525 4 1 527 L67 9 5271705 s263510 5265L7 2 5259437 s251527 5263359 526s26L s27 2L7 2 526547 3 5263255 5252s4L s265552 526s s 84 s263 510 526sL7 2 5259437 5251527 5263359 526526]' 5272L'.12 525547 3 52632 5 5 525254L 52655 s2 5265s B4 MS RUN# 5263 15 e 5255102 s265344 s263338 s2651 05 5262L07 525512 9 52632sO 526sL7 I s272LA3 s2652 B B 5263 ]-5 9 s255 r_ 0 2 5271,432 5263338 5255l- 0 5 5262L07 5255129 s253250 s265179 s272103 52652I I 5263 169 525s102 52653 44 5263338 s265 1 05 5262107 5255L29 5263250 s26517 9 5272103 5265288 s26315 9 s255102 52653 44 STL Denver page) 47 AC I}ATAASSO,CI.ATIONW DsrOAO243 Sample Preparation and Analysis Control Numbers SAIvIPLE#I{ATRTX 008 WG WG WG WG WG WG WG WG AI{ALYTTCAL I.dETTIOD swB46 e0r.0B/e0r-2A sw846 6020 sw845 7474A sw84 6 904 0B sw845 82508 sw846 601-08 MCAWW 375.4 MCAWW 350. L LEACH BATCH # PREP BATCH # 5:2-635L0 5255L72 s259437 525L527 526335e 526525L s27 2L7 2 526547 3 IvlS RUN# 5253338 526 5l_ 05 5262LA7 5255L29 s263 2s 0 5265L7 9 5272L03 s26s2BB STL Denver 42 }IEIEOD BT,ATIIK REPORT cClDrS volatilee C1ient t'ot *.--, D5I0B0243 MB lot-Sanr4rle #: D5I200000-369 Arralyeis Date - - : 09 / L9 / Os Dilution Factor: 1 PARAMETER Chlorof orrn SURROGATE Dibromofluoromethane L , 2 -DichloroeEhane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Tol-uene-dB NOTE (S) : Tlork Onder *. Prep Date-,. - Prep Batch #. RESUI,T ND PERCENT RECO\ERY 96 94 93 95 I,IMTT UNITS llatrix... : WATER Rnalysie Time--: 15:39 IvIETI{OD HKOQElAA ae/Le/a5 s263359 REPORTING L .0 wg/1. RECOVERY LTMITg (ts 118) (62 L28l (78 1-18) (tt 11?) sw846 82608 Calculadoils arc performcd before roundlng to avoirl rourul-off crrors ln cdculatetl renrlts. STL Denver 43 ffi CONTROL SAT,IPIJE EYALTIATION RBPORT cclus volatiles Client Iot *. - - : LCS Lot-Saqlle*: Prep Date -., I Prep Bat,ctr #. - - : Dilution Pactor: PARAMETER D5I080243 l{ork Order # - D5I20A000-359 oe/Le/os s263369 1 Analysis DaEe. Analysis Time. PERCENT RECOVERY HKoQEI_AC os/Le/as 15; l-9 Mat,rix- -,-.. - -- r !il.A,TER 1, l-Dichloroetheue Berrzene Chlorobenzene Toluene Trichloroethene SURROGATE D i brorno f 1 uo rome t hane L, 2- Di chloroethane -d+ 4 - Bromof luoroberrzene Toluene -d8 llorB (s) : 75 97 95 101 95 RECO-vlERY LIMTTS rc6 L32l lts 120) (zs 118) QA 118) 09 L22l PERCENT RgcovERY 92 B7 92 101 METHOD sw845 82608 sr{845 82508 srr845 82508 sw846 82508 sn845 82508 RECOVERY LTMITS .(zr 1r.B) (62 128) (78 1"18)(tt 117 ) Calculation$ are pcrfbrrned before roundlng tei avoid round-ol'f crrors in calculorcd rcsults. Bold print dcnorcs colrtrol paramctcrs STL Denver 44 C1ient tot #- - -: IrCS L'ot-sanqr}.e#: kep Date ---: Prep Batch *---: Dilution Factor: PAIU\METER D5r080243 D5T200000-369 oe/Le/0s s263359 1 W COIUTROL SAIIIPI,B DATA REPORT K/r+s Volat,iles t{ork Order *.,,; HKOQEIAC Analyeis Date., i 09 / L9 / 05 Arra1.ysis Time . . Z 15 ; 19 ltatri]E. . . o, . . . . r WATER PERCENT RECOVERY METHOD 1, I.-Dichloroethene Benzeue Chlsrobenzene To]-rrene T:richloroethene SURROGATE Dibromofluoromethane L ,2 -Dichloroethane -d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene - dB SPIKE AIyIOIINT 10-o 10_o 10-o 10.o 10.0 MEASURED AMOUNT 7 -57 9 -74 9-58 10 .1 9 .46 PERCENT RECOVERY 92 87 92 10l- UNTTS Iu.g/L U.glL lu.s/L :uglt, ruig/L RECO\MRY I,IMTTS 76 97 96 101 95 srr845 82508 sYI845 82608 sr{845 A260H_ sH845 82508 sI{845 82508 (zr ].t B) (az 128) (zs L18) (tt LL7) NO:[B (S} : Calculatlons arc pcrlormed betbrc rourding to avoirl rountl-off crrors in calculated results. Bold prlnr dcnocs conrrol parfinctcrs STL Denver }TATRIX SPTKE SAHPI;B EI'AITIATION REBORT GC/Its volatiles Client Lot *. . . : US t,ot-Sample *: Date Saupled...3 Prep Date - -. i Prep Batch #- - -: Dilution Faetor: PARAMETER D5r080243 D5I080243-004 as/A1/os oe:55 oe/Le/os 5263369 6 .66 Work order l*- - -: Date Received- - j Analysie Date- - : anahrgis Time. . l HJ5.JIv11.C9 -MS HJ6'JMLDA-I"ISD ae/08/os ae/Le/os l-7:3L I{atrix--...-.--! I{G METHOD RPD LIMITS 1, I-Dictr-loroethene Benzene Chloroberrzene Toluene Trichloroeth.ene S[]RROGATE 7A 77 105 101 98 96 108 104 99 95 PERCENT RECO\MRY RECO\rERY IJIMITS RPD (66 L32l (55 L3Zl 2.O (75 LzAl (7s 120) 3-5 ( zs 1r-8)(ze 1181 2-6 (78 118) (78 118) 3-8 (79 L22l (79 L22) 3 .8 PERCENT RECOVEg 9s 9s 90 91 92 90 103 97 (o-261 (o- zI-l ( 0 -20) (o-221 (o-231 RECOVERY LIMITS (73 118) (7t t 18) (62 128) (52 1-2 B ) (ze i-18) (78 118) (tt r17 ) (tt l-17 ) sH846 82608 srr845' 82608 str845 82608 sn846 82608 slr845 82608 slr846 82508 sr0845 82608 STTB45 82608 slr846 82608 sH846 82608 Dibromofluoromethane L , 2- Dichloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB lilorcE (s) : Calculattons Bre perfornrul bcfore roundlng ro avoid round-otT crror$ irr calculated rcsults. Bold prlrtt rlenores conuol parametcrs STL Denver UATRIX SPIXG SAT{PI.E DATA REPORT GCII{S Vo}ari}ee C].ient Iot #- - -: DIS tot-Sarqlle * =Date Sarryled---: Prep Datgo !. ... ! Prep Batch fi...: Di].ution Factor: PAITJ\METER D5r080243 D5r080243-004 09/a7/os o9:55 ae/re/as 5263359 6 .66 Work Order #- - -: Date Received. . i analygie Date- -: AnaJ-ysis Tirne- -: I{J5JIvt1C9 -IvIS HJSJIVI1DA-},ISD 0e/0810s oe/Le/a5 l-7;31 Matrix.- ----: WG METHOD SAMPLE SPTKE AMOUNT AIqT ND 65 -7 ND 66 --l ND 55.7 r{D 66.7 ND 65.7 ND 65.7 ND 66.7 ND 66.7 ND 66 -7 ND 66.7 MEASRD AMOUNT TI}TITS 52.2 luglL 5L,2 ug/L 70.L lug/L 67 -6 rug/L 65.5 ug/L 63 .9 vg/L 72.A ug/L 69.4 rug/L 56 - 1 luglL 63.7 :ug/L PERCENT RECOVERY 9s 95 90 91 92 90 103 97 PERCIUT REC\MY RPD 1, l-Dichl-oroethene Ben'zene Chlorobenzene To].uene Trichloroetlrene SURROGATE Dibromo f luoromethane a, Z-Di chloroethane - d4 4 -Bromofluorobenzene Toluene -dB NO|[E (s) : 7A 77 2-O 105 101 3 .6 98 96 2.6 108 104 3-8 99 95 3.8 RECOVERY ITIIvIITS (tt 1L8) (73 118) (az 128) (sz 12 8 )(te 118) (za 118) {7t 117} (77 11- 7 ) sr{846 82608 sTr846 82608 S?Y846 82608 sr{845 82508 sI{845 82608 st9845 82608 sw846 82508 srl845 82608 sw846 82508 sw845 82508 CalculadoDs are perforn'red before rounding to avoid round-off err()rs iu calculated results. Bold print denores control paranreters STL Denver 47 MHTEOD BIAIIIK REPORT TOTAL l[gfa] s C1ient I,ot * - PARAMETER : D5I0I 4243 RESUIJT REPORTTNG IJIMIT UNITS tlatri-x ......; WATER METHOD PREPAIU\TION- WORK A}TALYSIS DATE ORDER # MB Lot-Sanple *: D5I150000-437 Prep Batch *---' 5259437 Mercury ND 0 - 00020 nrg/t, SW846 7470A Dilution Facto!: 1 Analyslo Tlme.,: 18:06 526517 2 sw84 5 5020 oe/nlas HK1IPA1AA oe / 23 -oe /28 / as HK4 9N1AA l{B IoE-Sarqr1e Cadmium #= Dsf 220000 -L72 Prep Batch #- - ND 0-0010 mg/L DiluEion Faetor: 1 nrralyeie Time. . : 01 :56 ND 0. O02O mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Analysle TIme. . : CI :55 Selenium UB Lot-Sample *= D5f 220000 -26:- Prep Batch #- Alurninum ND 0 . 10 mg/ Y, A16enic Dl1ut,ion Factor: L Analysio Tlme..: 23;41 0.01s mg/L Dllution Factor: 1 analyais Time..: 09:23 0 . 01.0 ng/L Dl lut l on Factor : 1. Analyels Tlme-.: 09:23 0.20 mg/L ni Iut ion Factor : 1 Irrralysis Time..: 23 l41- 0.010 Yag/L Di lution Factor: 1 Analyolo Tlme-., 09:23 0 . 010 mg /1, Plluuion Pactor: 1 turalysie Time..: 09:23 0 . 1,0 mg/L Di luLion Factor c 1 Analyoie Time. . : 23 z4L Barium ND Calcium Chromium Copper Iron sw84 6 6020 09 / 23 - A9 / 28 / as HK4 eNt-AC 526525L sw84 6 5o1oB Oe / 23 / Os HK5QW1AC sw846 60108 oe /23 -a9 / 27 / As HKSQWI.AD sw845 50108 oe / 23 - oe / 27 / a5 HKSQWI"AE sw84 6 50108 0e/23/05 HK5QWlAM sw84 5 6 0108 oe / 23 - 09 / 2't / 05 HKSQW1AF sw845 50108 ae / 23-ae /27 / os HKSQWTAG sw84 6 6 0108 HKsQWT.AN ND ND ND ND STL Denver IrD (Cont,inued on next page) ae/23/os 48 UEIEOD BI,ANK REPOR:T IIOTAL FIetals C1ient Lot #. PAIU\METER : D5f08 0243 RESULT REPORTING I,IMTT UNTTS METHOD lIatri]E. , , . . . , , . r WATER PREPARATION- WORK ANALYSTS DATE ORDER # Iread lvlagnesi-um NickeI PotasBium Si lver Sodiurn Vanadium ZLn.c Zirconium }[D ND ND IilD 0 .0030 mg/L Ollution Faetor: 1 Analysie Time. . : 09 :23 0 .20 mg/L Dilut ion Factor : 1 Analysis Time.,r 23:4L 0 . 040 ng/t, Dilution Factor: 1 Analyeis Time,.: 09:23 3 . 0 trrglL Dllution Factor: 1 Arralysie Time. . : 23 t4t 0.00s0 rirg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Arralysie Time. . : 09 223 5. O mg/T' Dilutlon Factor: 1 Ana:ysie Time. , : 23 247 0.01-0 mg/l' Oilution Factor: 1 Anal-ysie Time. . : 09 :23 0 ,020 mg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Analysie Time..: 09:23 0 - 01s mg/L DiIutlon Factor: L Analysis Tirne. . r 23 24L sw84 6 6 0108 oe / 23-a9 /27 / os HKSQW1AJ sw845 60L0B oe/23los HK5QWlAQ sw846 601,08 09 / 23 -09 / 27 / 05 HKsQwlAi{ sw845 501-08 oe/23/os HKsQWlAP sw84 5 5 0108 oe / ?3 - 09 / 27 / OS HKSQWIA]\ND ND oe/23/os HKsQW'A8o ND IUD }TD sw845 501_oEI sw84 6 6 01-0E}oe l23 - oe / 27 / os HKsQvn-AK sw84 5 5 0108 ae / 23 - oe / 27 I os HKSQrI1AL sw84 6 6 0108 ae/23/os HKSQW1AT }UOIE (S) : Calculatlons arc pcrlornrcrl r,,vh'lbre rouncling to 'avoitl rourd-olf erron irt calcultwd resulu. STL Denver 49 TJTBORATORY COIITROL SAUPI,B EI'TALTIATIO}I TOTAL ltletalg RBPORT PREPAIU\TION- A}IALYSIS DATE MaErix-- ---.= WATERClient l,ot l#. PARAMETER LCS Lot-Saqlle*: Mercury LCS Lot-Sary>}e#: Cadrnium Selenium LCS lot-sarqrl-e#: Si lver Aluminum Arsenic Barium Chromium Copper NickeI Lead Vanadium D5r080243 PERCENT RECOVERY RECO\IERY LIMITS METHOD DSII-50000 -431 frep Bateh # - - 100 ( Bs 114 ) SW846 D:. Lutiorr Factor : 1 D5I22A000 -172 Prep Batch #. - 95 ( ag r-10 ) sw846 nilutIon Factor: L (az Ltz ) sw845 DiLution FacLor: 1 DSf 22O0O0 -26L Prep Batch #- - ae/23/os Time.,: 18:08 ae/23-oe/28/05 Tlme--: o2:oo ae/23-oe/28/os Time.-: 02r00 - : 5259437 7474}. Analya i a -: 5265172 6A2A Ana lys i e 6020 Ana Iys i s -: 526526L 6 0108 Analysl s 50108 Analyol e 6 0 r_08 Ana lysi s 6 01_ 08 Analyo i o 6 0108 Ana llrei s 6OlCB Analyei e 6 0108 Analyei s 5 0108 tura lye i s WORK ORDER # HIT/PAT.AC HK4 9N1.AD HK4 9N1AE 9B 100 102 ( as LL4) SWB46 Dllutlon Factor: L ( as 108) sw845 DlluClon FacLor: 1 (ag 1oe) swg46 oilution Factor: 1 ( gr 113 ) swa4 G Dllutlon Factor: L (89 a]-z) SW846 Oilution FacEor: 1 ( 86 1r-0 ) SW845 Dilution Pactor: 1 (gO 110) St^1845 Di lut ion Factor: L (gr 111) Sw845 Di lution Factor: 1 ( ee LLz) Sw845 Di lutiorr Pactor: 1 (Continued on ae / 23 -oe / 27 / os HKsewJ-AU Time.,: 09:28 09/23 / 0s HKSQWIAV Tlrne.,: 23:45 a9 /23-oe /27 / os HKsewlAw Time. . : 09:28 ae / 23 - ae / 27 / os HKsQwlAx TJ.me, -: 09:28 oe l 23 -oe / 27 / 05 HKSQWLA0 Time. . : 09:28 ae/ 23 -ae / ?7 / as HKsQwlA]- Timo. . : 09:28 oe / 23 - oe / 27 / as HKsQwlA2 Time-.: 09:28 a9 /23 - oe / 27 / os HKset.li-A3 Time, . : o9:28 5oloB a9/23-09/27 /05 HKSQW]A4 Analyeie'Iime. . : 09 : 28 next page) STL Denver 50 I,ABORATORY C1oNIROL SAI.TPIA EV:ALTIATION REPORT TO:IAL Heta]'s C1ient Lot # - PARAMETER Z:-nc Calcium fron Pota6siurn Ivlagnesium Sod i um Zirconium NOIE (S} : D5I080243 PERCENT RES-O\ERY 93 95 96 l_03 99 1"00 104 Di lution Factor : 1 (eg l-l-0) sw846 Dllution Factor: 1 (85 LL1,) sw846 oi lut lon FacE.or : 1 AnaIys i s Analyo I o 5 0108 Ar:a lya I s 6 0108 Ana lys i e RECOVERY LIMITS IVIETHOD ( 8S Lr-o ) SWB46 5O1oB Dilution Factor: 1 (eg 110) sw946 50108 I,llatrix. . - - - - : WATER PREPASATION- AI$ALYSIS DATE WORK ORDER # 09 / 21 - 09 / 27 / As HKSQWTAS Time.,: 09t?8 oe / 23 / os HK5QI^]1A6 Tlme..:23t46 a9 / 23 / os HKSQWI-A7 Tl"me.,: 23:46 09/n/as HKsQwlAs Time..: 23t46 ( e1 111 ) SWB46 60108 Pllutlon FacLor: 1 (gr 7L2) SWB46 Dllution Factor: 1 ( 75 Lzs ) SW84 6 oilution FacEor: l- ae/n/a5 Time- -: 23 146 0e/n/as Tlme..: 23:46 oe/23/os Tirne. . : 23:46 Analya i s 60L0B Ana lys i s 6 0108 AnaLys i s HK5QW1A9 HK5QW].CA HK5QW1CC Culculatiuns are perfornred bcforc roundlng to avoid rtuud-off crror.s in calculated rcsults. STL Denver ffi COIIIROI, SAT.TPI,B DATA REPORT I0TAL Dietalo Client Iot, #---: D5f080243 Dlatrix-- ----= WATER SPTKE MEASURED PERCNT PREPARATION- }ilORK PARAMETER AIIOUMI AIvIOUNT IINITS RECVRY METIIOD AIIALYSIS DATE ORDER # I,CS Iot-Sample*: DSf160000-437 trep Batch *...: 5259437 Mersury 0. 0os00 o. 00502 ng/t" 100 swB45 7470A 09/n/a5 HKVPA1AC Dllutlon Factorr 1 Analyaia Time..: t8:08 I,CS lot-Saqrle*: D5r22000A-172 Prep Batcb *...: 5265;.-72 Cadmium 0 .0400 0.0378 w/L 95 Sw846 5020 o9/23-og/za/0s HK49N1AD Dllutlon Factorr 1 Analysis Time., r 02:00 selenium 0 .0400 0.03s2 w/L 88 sw845 6020 o9/23-o9/28l0s HK49N1AE Dllution Factor: 1 Analysie Time..: 02100 I,CS l,ot-SaryIe#: D51220000-261 Prep Batch f . - -: 526526L silver o.0s00 0.0489 mg/L 98 Sw846 50108 O9/23-A9/27/A5 HK5QW1AU DiLution Factor: 1 Analyalo Time-.: 09:28 Aluminum 2 .00 2 .00 r,itg/r, 100 swg46 50108 os/zl/os HKsewl-Av Dilutior Faccors I Analyels Time.. t 23t46 Areenic 2 .00 L .89 mg/L 95 Slt846 60108 O9/23-O9/27l05 HKsQWI-AVI Dllutlon Factof,; 1 Arralysie Tim6.. t 09t28 Barium z.ao 2.o4 rltg/L ro2 s!f846 GoloB og/23-09/22l05 HKsevllAx Dilution Fectorr 1 Analyols Time.. ; OgrZO chromium 0.200 0.195 ms/T, 98 SW846 50108 O9/23-09/21/As HKsQwlAo Dilution Factorr 1 Analyais time.. r 09128 copper 0.2s0 0-246 mg/r, 98 sw846 5Or.0B A9/23-0s/27l0s HK5QwlAL Dllrrtion Factorr 1 ADalyeia Time.. : 09t28 Nicke} 0 -s00 0-48? trlg/L 97 SW846 50108 09/n-A9/2?/05 HK5QW1A2 Dilution Factor! 1 Analyais Tinre.. t O9t28 Lead 0-s00 0-485 mg/L 97 SW846 60108 09/23-O9/27lOs HKsQwlA3 Dl.lutlon Eactorr 1 Analyais Time,. t 09t28 vanadium 0.s00 0.492 tw/L 98 sw845 50108 09/23-09/27105 HK5QW1A4 Dlluclon Factor! 1 Analyeia Time..: 09;28 STL Denver (Continued on next page) 52 Client Lot. #. P4.RAr-qEILER _ Zinc Calcium fron PoEaBBium Magneeium Sodium Zirconium NO{rB (S} : - - = D5f080243 SPII(E IvIEASURED Ar\,rorrNT_. +I4o\ll\l}. . TABORATORY UNITS EOITTROL SAIITPI,E DATA REFORT fUfAt Heta1s PERC}flT RECVRY METHOD Matrix-- --..: PREPAITJ\TION_ AI{A,LYSTS DATE WATER WORK ORDER # 0 .500 O .464 ntg/L Di lution 50.0 47,7 mg/L ni lut ion 1 , 00 0 .964 mg/I' Ol lut ion 50 . 0 5L .4 rrrg/i DiluE ion 50 .0 49 .s mg/L oilution 50.0 50 .0 rng/L Pi 1ut ion 0 - 500 0.519 mg/t' ollut ion swB46 60108 09/23-09/27 / A5 HKSQWIAS Analyeie Time..: 09:28 sw845 6oloB 09/23/05 HKSQWIAs Analyeie Tlme. - = 23 r45 sw84 5 5 0108 ae / 23 / Os HKSQW1A7 Analysis TLme..' 23:45 sw846 so toB 09 / 23 / 0s HKSQWI,AB Analyelo Time..: 23:a6 sw84 5 5 0l- 0B oe / 23 / 05 HK5QW1A9 Analyois Tlme.-' 23:46 sw845 50108 oelz3/os Analyele Time..: 23:46 sw845 5ot-oB a9/23 105 Analyeie Tl.me- ., 23 :46 HK5QWl,CA HKSQW1CC 93 F'actor : L 95 Factor: 1 95 Factor: 1 l_03 F'actor: L 99 Factor: 1 100 Factor: 1 104 Factor: 1 Catculariol)s arc pcrlbrmcd bcfore roundlng rc avold round-off errors in calculated rcsuls. STL Denver 53 IIAItIX SPfKE SAI.{PLE EIfAIIIAfIOfif RBPORT TOTAL l{eta}s Cl-ient Iot #...: D5I080243 Date Sam5lled.--3 a9/a7/05 09:55 Datre Receiwed.-r 09/08/05 PERCE}ST RECOVERY RPD PAIU\METER RECOVERY LIMTTS RPD LTMITS METHOD Ittatrix-- ----: WG PREPARATION- WORK AI\TALYSIS DATE ORDER # MS loL-SarryIe #: Ivlercury 75 73 I{SI Iot-Saryrle *, Cadmium 95 98 Selenium 9l- 100 US Lot-sauple f ; Alurninum 9 B 1-01 Arsenic 107 L72 Barium 95 99 Calcium D5f080243-004 Prep Batch #-. N (AS 114) N (es 114) 3.3 (0-10) ni IuE ion Fact,or ; L- Analyeis TLme..' l-B:l.I D5I0 B0 243 - 0 04 frr=p Batrch * - . (sg 1L0) (ag l_1_0) z.o (o-201 D:. Lut ion Factor : 10 Artalysis Time. . : 02 :29 (82 112) (82 7L2) 7-5 (0-20) DiLuEion Factor: 1O Analyels Time..: A2:29 D5f080243-004 Prep Batsch #- ( a: t-t-g )(e: 119) 2.5 (O-25) Dllution Factorr 5 Analysie Time. - : 23 :54 ( s+ L24l (Ba t24) 4.1 (O-2s) DlluE ion Factor: 1 Analysis Tlme..; 1A:22 (8S 120) (85 120) 3.9 (O-25'l Di lut ion Fact.or : 1 Ana}I'sis Tlme. - : AO t22 (ae 1s3) (48 1s3) (o-zs) Di lur ion Pactor : 5 Analyoio fime. . : 23 t54 oe / 23-oe / 28 / a5 HJ5JM1C3 a9 / 23 - oe / zB / os HJG.rl{1c4 ae / 23 - oe / 28 / a5 HJ6.IM1C5 ae / 23 - ae / 28 / os HJ6JI,!1C5 : 5259437 sw846 7470A sw846 7 47 0A : 5265L72 sw846 6020 sw846 5020 sw845 602A sw84 6 602A ; 526526L sw845 601_08 sw845 5010B sw846 60108 sw845 60108 sw846 60108 sw846 50108 sw845 501-08 sw84 6 6 0108 oe/T/a5 ael23/os oe/23-ae/26/05 ae/23-ae/26/as HJ6JM].CL HJ6JM].CM HJ5JMIDQ HJS,JlrllDR oe/23-ae/27/as oe/23-ae/27 / as HJ6.IM1DT HJSJM1DU oe/23-oe/27/os oe/23-oe/27/os HJ5.TM1DV HJSJMlDW NC, MSB NC, MSB oe / 23 - oe / 25 / a5 HJ5JM1CN 09 / 23 - 09 / 26 / 05 HJSJrvrlCP STL Denver (Continued on next page) 54 C1ient l,ot, * - Dat,e Sarpled - FARAMETER Chromium Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Ni ckel PoEaBBium Si lver Sodiurn (73 13s) (73 13sl A Dt luc i on Analye i e }N:[RIX SPIKE SATdPIE EII'AIJIIATION REPORT TOifAL lrleta]-s : D5I08O243 : 09/07/05 09:55 Date Receiwed--: 09/08/os PERCENT RECOVERY RPD RECOVERY LIMITS RPD LIMITS METI{OD SWB46 6O1OB .2 (O-2s) SW846 50108 Factor: 1 Time..: 7A:22 I{atrrix-- ----: WG PREPARATION- WORK AT.TALgSTS pATE ORDqR # ae / 23 -09 /27 / aS HJSJMLDX ae / 23 - 09 / 27 / AS HJSJM1D0 09 / 23 - ae / 27 / os HJ5JM1A9 09 / 23 *A9 / 27 / A5 H,.]5.IM1CA og l23 -o9 / 26 / A5 H,J5W1CQ 09 / 23 -Ae / 26 / Os H,J5JM1CR ae / 23 - 09 / 27 / As HJ5'JMI,CE ae / 23 -09 / 27 / os HJsirMLCF ae / 23 -o9/26 / Os HJ5.IM1CV oe / 23 - ae / 26 / 0s HJSJrul-cw oe / 23-09 / 27 / 05 HJ5,]M1CC oe / 23 - a9 / 27 I A5 HJ5JI41CD 09 / 23 -09 / 26 / os HJ5JMICT 09 / 23 - Ae / 26 / A5 HJ5,fM]-CU ae / 23 - 09 / 21 / As HJG'JlrlDN ae / 23 - oe / 27 / as HJ6JMI-DP o9 /23 -A9 /26 / As HJ6.rIvtlCX 09 / 23 - ae / 26 / 0s HJsJIvllC0 B5 89 La7 L22 93 93 93 97 83N 87 130 t_35 NC, MSB NC, MSB (89 1-2L) SwB45 60108 (89 1.2L) 3.5 (0-2s) SW845 50108 Di lut ion Factor : I Analysis Tirne. . : 7O =22 ( 82 LZel (az L29, 4.6 (0*25) Dilution Factor: L Analyeie Tlme..: ta:22 (s2 1ss)(s2 1ss) 0.70 (o-25) Dilution Factor: 5 Arralyoie TLme. . ; 23 r54 (62 145 )(az L45) (0-2s) Di lution Faetor : 5 A-nalyeie Time. . : 23 254 (a+ r20)(se 120) 3.2 (O-25\ ni Iut, ion Factor r 1 Analyeie Time..: 1-.A:22 0e L32)(75 L32) (0-2s) Dilution Factor, 5 Analysis Tlme-.: 23:54 (ts 141) (7S L4r) 4-o (o-?sl Dilution Faetor: 1 Analysie Time. . r tA 222 (zo 203) (70 203) (0-40) Di lut ion Faet,or : 5 Analysis Tinne. . : 23 : 5{ sw846 60108 sw84 5 6 0108 sw846 501_0B sw84 5 5 010B sw84 6 5 0108 sw845 50108 sw846 501.08 sw84 5 5 0108 sw845 5010B sw846 50L08 sw845 50108 sv,I84 6 6 0108 sI^]845 60108 s}1I84 6 5 0108 NC, MSB NC, MSB NC, MSB NC, MSB STL Denver (Continued on next page) 55 Client I.ots #. Date Saryrled.- PARAMETER Vanadium Zinc Z:-rconium NOIE (S) ; D5r0 B0 243 09/a7/os o9:55 PERCENT RECOVERY 90 93 85 BB 1_03 r05 RECO\TERY IJIMITS (eo (oo fgo ( B0 I{ATRIX SPTI(E SA}TPI,E EVALITATIOIS REPORT TC)([AL Metals Date Receiwed- - : A9 /08/05 DIatrix.WG PREPARATTON- WORK ANALYSTS DATE ORDER # a9 /23 -A9 / 27 / Os HJSJ},r1CG a9 / 23 -a9 / 27 / as H,J5'JIYIIcH oe / 23 -ae / 27 / as HJsJM1CJ ae/23-ae /27 / as HJGJMTcK oe / 23 - 09 / 26 / 05 r{J5JM1C1 oe / 23 - oe / 26 / a5 HJ6JM1C2 RPD RPD LII{ITS IyIETHOD(ss L20) sw845 50108 (es L20) 3.+ (o-2s) sw845 50108 Uilutlon Factor: 1 Analysle Tlme..: tO:22 137) L37) g.: (0-25) Pi lut, i on Faet or : L Analysis Time..: 7A 22 120) LZ}). 2.t (O-25) ollueion Factor: 5 Analyeis Tirne- . : 23 : 54 sw84 6 5 0108 sw845 5 0108 sw846 501_0B sw846 6010E} Calculallons arc pcrformsl bcfore rourxling to svoid round-off crrors ln calculatcd rcsults. NC Tlrc recovery arxl/or RPD wcrc not calculacd. MSB Thc rccovery ard RPD wcre rct calculatal becaus thc sarplc amounl war grcarer dlan four ilmcs &c splke aDount. N Spikcd aBalyte rccovcry ls orlBHc slatcd conlrol limits. STL Denver 55 IiAIEIX SPTffi SAT'IPI'B DATA RBFORT TOIIAL lttretal.e C1ieat Ipt *- - -: D5r080243 Date sanf,rled...: 09/a7/05 09:55 Date Received- -= 09/08/os SAMPI,E SPTKE PARAI,IETER AIyIOI.]NI AIVIT MEASRD AMOI]I{T UNTTS PERCNT REC\IRY RPD METTIOD FIatri)c.-...,---: WG PREPARATION- WORK A}IALYSIS DATE ORDER # lts Irot-Sanple #: Mercury ND lls Lot-Samtrlle #: Cadmium 0.0039 0.0039 Selenium 0.011 0.0LL HS lot-Sary>le *: Al-uminum ND ND Arsenic DsI080243- 004 Prep Batch #- - 0.00500 0.00377 mg/L 75 Qualifiers: N 0.00500 0.00355 mg/L Qualifiers: N oilut.lon Factor: Analysie Time. , : s259437 SI^I845 7470A 3.3 SW845 7474A 526sL72 sw846 6020 2.0 sw845 5020 7 -5 sw845 6020 sw84 6 6020 ae / 23 / as HJSJl,rlCt ae / 23 I as HJ6Jr{1CM 09 / 23 - A9 /28 / A5 HJ6JrvIlC3 a9 / 23 - A9 / 28 / A5 H.]6..TM1C4 ND 73 1 LB;18 D5r080243 - 004 Prep 0.0400 0.042L mg/T' 0.0400 0.0 43a yllrq/L Batch #- 0 . 04 00 0.0400 2 .00 2 .00 2 .00 2 .0a Dilution FacEor: Ar.alysis Tirne- -: 0.0477 ms/L 0.0s14 mg/L ni lut lon FacLor : llnalyeie Time. . ; 2 . a4 mg/L 2.10 mg/L, Dilut.lon FaeLor r Analyeis Tlme. . : 2 .1,5 mg/L 2 -24 mg/L Dilutlon Factor: Arralyais Time. . : 2 . 04 mg/L 2.L2 ms/L DiluEion Factor: Analyeis Time. . : : 526525L 2.5 95 98 10 A2 :29 91 100 10 O2 t29 98 101_ 5 23 :54 107 Ll.2 1 10 :22 9s 99 1 tA 222 oe/23-ae/28/as ae/23-ae/28105 HJ5'JM1C HJ6,JM1C5 D5I080243-004 Prep Batch *- 5o1oB A9 123-0e/25 I as HJ6JM1DQ 5or-oB 09/23-A9/26 lAs HJ5JM]-DR a9 / 23 - 09 / 27 / 05 HJ5.II\,I1DT 09 / 23 - 09 / 27 / os HJSJI,IIDU sw84 5 5 0108 4.1 SWB45 60108 3,9 SWB4 6 SWB4 5 0.0078 2.00 0.0078 2 .00 Barium 0 .13 0 ,13 sw845 50108 Oe / 23 - 0s I 27 I A5 HJSJM1DV sw845 50108 A9/23-0e/27 / A5 HJ5.IM1DW STL Denver (Continued on next page) 57 Client Iot #- - -: Date Sarqpled- - - : SAT{PI,E PARAMETER AMOT]NT Calcium 1400 IIATR,IX SPIKE SAUPI,E DATA RBPORT TOTAIJ Metalg D5I080243 llatrix- .-: WG 09/o7/05 09:55 Date Received. -= 09/08/a5 SPIKE MEASRD PERCNT PREPARATION- WONT AIT,IT AMOI]NT UNITS RECVRY RPD METHOD ANAIJYSIS DATE ORDER # 50.0 50 .0 0 .200 0,200 1.00 1- 00 0 .500 0 .500 50 .0 50.0 0.500 0.500 SW84 5 SW84 6 50L0B 5 01081400 ND ND ND ND 0,13 0. L3 530 53 0 0.080 0.080 13 90 mg/L Qualifiers : NC, MSB 1430 mg/t, Qualifiers: NC, MSB ol lut.lon FacE or : 5 Analysls Tlme.,: 23:54 ae/23-ae/25/os ae/23-oe/26los HJ6,-llv11-CN H.J5'JMlCP Chromium Copper Iron Lead Magnesium O , L72 mg/L 0 .180 mgll' oilutlon FacL,or; Arrai-ysis Time-. ; 1 . 05 mg/L 1 .05 $tg/L Pi lutlon Faetor : Analysie Time. . : 0.466 mgll 0.483 mg/f, ni lut lon Fact,or : Analyais Time. . : oe / 23 - oe / 27 / a5 HJSJMIDX oe / 23 - ae / 27 / os HJ5JM1D0 ae / 23 - oe / 26 / as HJsJvrlcQ 09 / 23 - 09 / 25 / Os HJ6fi"r1eR sw84 5 5 0108 0.70 sw846 60108 3.5 B5 B9 1 l,.0:22 Ll7 122 1 L0 :22 93 93 5 23 :54 93 97 1 LO:22 4_2 4.5 sw845 50108 sw845 60108 0 .250 0 .295 mglL 0-2s0 0.30e mg/t Dilution Factor: Analysis Time..: sw846 60108 A9/23-A9/27 /05 HJsJI4r-Ae sw84 5 6 0108 A9 / 23 - 09 / 27 / As HJ5JM1CA }TD ND 677 ng/L Qualifier6: NC,IvISB 699 mg/L Qualifiers: NC, MSB DiIUEion Factor: 5 Arralysie Time - ., 23 : 5{ 0.497 N mg/L 83 0.513 'l,r.g/L 87 Dilu:ion Factor: L tu:alysis T1me..: L0 122 sw84 5 6 0108 Oe / 23 - Oe / 27 / Os HJsJrvllCE sw845 60L0B 0e/23-09/27/OS HJ5JMICF sr^r84 5 5 0108 09 / 23 - Oe / 25 / aS HJ6.IM1CV sw84 6 601-0B A9 / 23 - A9 / 26 / 05 H,J5.IMICW sw845 60108 09/23-09/27/0s HJsJM1CC sl{846 50108 A9/23-09/27 / AS HJSJrvllCD Ni ckel 3.2 STL Denver (Continued on next page ) 5B UAI TX SPIKE SAI'PI,E DATA REPORT TCXIAL Metalg Client Lt *-. -: D5I080243 }latrix- ..: hIG Date sanpled--. z 09/01/o5 09:55 Date Received- -. ag/og/os PREPARATTON- WORKsAMPLE sPrKE MEAsRD pg&.mur PARAMETER Al,lOlrNT AMT AMOUNT UNI?S RECVRY RPD METHOD ANALYSIS DATE ORDER + PoEassium 44A 50.0 492 mg/L SW846 60108 a9/23-09/26l0s H.]6.TM1CT Qualifiers: NC,MSB 440 s0.0 509 ns/L SW846 60108 O9/23-a9/26l0s H.l5.lM1eU Qualifiere: NC,MSB DiluEion Fact.or: 5 AnalyBiB Time.. t 23:94 Silver ND 0.0500 0.0653 mg/t 130 sw846 60108 09/23-09/27/05 ITJ5JM1DN ND 0.0500 0.0680 mg/L 135 4.0 SW846 60L08 A9/23-09/27105 H,J6,IM].DP Dilution Pactor: 1 Analyole Tlme.. t L0r22 Sodium s50o so.o 5490 vtg/L sw846 60108 09123-09/26105 IIJS'JMr.CX Qualifiers: NC,MSB 5500 50.0 s550 $Lg/t, sw845 60108 09/23-09/26/05 HJ6,fMr-C0Hilijjill;,1';'=' O Analysis Tirno., : 23254 Vanadium ND 0.s00 0.451 ng/t 90 sw845 60108 09/23-09/27105 HJSJM1CG ND 0.s00 0.466 mglL 93 3.4 SW846 60108 A9/23-09/2?/0s HJ5JM1CH Dilution Factorr 1 ItnalyEis Time.. t LQt22 Zirrc 0-or,s 0.s00 0.443 ns/r, 85 sw845 60108 09/23-09/27/os HJ6JM1CJ 0.01s 0.s00 o.4s7 mg/L 88 3.3 sw846 60r.08 09/23-09/2?/05 HJ6JM1CK D1lution Factorr 1 Analysis Time.. z 7O:22 Zirconium 0.021 0.s00 0 -534 ng/t 103 Sw846 60108 09/21-09/25105 HJ6.IMLC1 0.021 0.s00 0.546 ns/r. 10s 2.L sw845 50108 09/23-09/26/05 HJ5JM1C2 Dilution Factor: 5 Analysia Time. . r 23 :54 I[.9IE (S) : .__ . Calcllatiorrs are pcrfomEd bctbrc munding lo avoid rourd-off errors h calculatcd rrsults. NC Tlte recorcry and/or RPD wcrc not calculaul. MSB Tlu rccovcry and RP[, wefe 0ol calculard becausc thc sarnple amouil *,as greatcr thim lbur tinns rhc spike amounl N Splkei, analytc rccovery is oulside staEd control limils. STL Denver s9 STL DENVER Tontrrot: L,rb Cod,e r gow No.: Total Metals Analvsis COYERPAGI: - INORGANIC ANALYSIS DATA PACKAGE IIRS CorlpraElon sDo No.: D5IO8O2{3 STIJDEN Crac llo, :g.LS No. r SaTplc fD. GTI-N2 - 09 07 0 5 GW-S10 -09 07 0 5 GW-91-090705 o{-91-090705 llts GIII-91-090705 MSD Grf-511-090705 ow-EI2 - 0g 07 05 clr-93-090705 Gtrrl-S91-090705 erG fCP intcreloqcat, corrGetion; afplied? Ware fCP background, correctiong epgl-iad? If yGe-vn rG raw drta grtrrrrratred brforc npplicrtl,on of backgrouDd corrcctrl,ong? ConuncatE r Irab sary)L. TIg: Dsr080 243-008 Dsr080 2tL3-O03 D5r080 243-00{ Dsro80 243-00{s Dsr 0 80 243- 0 04gD D5r0802{3-005 D5roB0243-006 D5r 08 02{ 3-0 07 Dsr0 I 02.3 -O02 o w YaglNo YcslNo Ye s/lilo I ccrELly that thia drtr Dackegc ls Ln eou[rll..ncc wlth the tcral and conditioot of t]rccgntraet, both tcchatctlly and for coryrlctanelg, for other thrn thc condition! dotal].ed a.bove. RcLerac of thc daEa oontsalacd, Ln thio hardcory drta Dlckage end ln the conDutar-rcadabXc data rubnitt.d, on fl,oppy d:lrkcttc haa beca ruthorizcd bSr tbe Lrboratorf,r Murgcr or Uhe MaD&glertt doalgmoc, agvcrLlied by thc folloring gLgrnaEurc. Daa KctEuLa Date:Title3 Detr Inalystti lr t''/c.i- STL Denver CO1IER Pe,gE IN 50 ffisrt URS Corpomtlon Total Metals Analysis Drta Sheet I,ab Neme: Lot/StlG Number; Matrlx: 7o llIoisture; Basis: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sumplc Aliquot: Dilutlon Factor: STL DENVER p5 tQfl0243 WATHB N/A Wct 60108 mgi L 5265"6 I 50 nr[, 5 Cllent Somplo ID: Lab Sample ID: Lah Workorder: Date/Tlrne Collectcd: Date/Tlme Recelvcd: tlute/Time Letchcrl: Date/Time Extrocted: Date/Thne Analyzed: Instl'ument ID: W psr0.$Q?93--.002 HI6II8 09/07i05 07:00 09i08/05 09:30 09i23i05 08:00 09i27105 00:09 02r CAS No.Annlyte Cone-I}TDL RL a 7429-90-5 Aluminunr 0.084 0.084 0.50 U 7440-70-2 Calciurn I 400 0.r7 I.0 7439-89-6 Iron 0.1I 0.10 0.50 B 7439-95-4 Magnesium 640 0.2 t I.0 744$-A9-7 Potassiunr 450 1.2 l5 744(\-?3-5 Sodiurn s500 5,6 25 144.0-67-7 Zirconirrm 0,024 0.0079 ().075 R STL Denver Form I Analvsfs Dala Sheet Eoaivalent 6L ffiSTI, UILS Corporatlon Total Illetals Anrlysis Data [,ab Nrrne: l.,oUSDG Number: Illatrix: 7o lVlolsture: Basls: Analysis Method: tlnlt: QC Brtch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllution Fnctor: SrL DEI\iyAB psr0802{f wnTF t( N.A fY-I 60t08 mil,L 52bs26t 5omL l_ Sheet Client Stmple ID: l,ab Samplc ID: Lab Workorder: DatelTlme Collectcd: Date/Time Reeeived: Date/Tlme Leached: Dnte/Tirne Extructed: Date/Tirne Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: sw-sgt -09070s D5r080243-002 I IJ6IITt 09/07/05 07:00 0t /0$/05,--09:30 09/?3{Q5, t}8:00 Oe/27l05 (J9:53 aro CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7440-18-2 Arsenic 0.0044 0.00e1 0.0r5 tl 7440-39-1 Buriunr 0.13 0,00070 0.01t) 744A47-:1 (Jrrontium 0.0026 0.0026 0.010 U 7M0-50-8 Coppcr 0.004s 0.0045 0.010 U 7419-92-l Letrd 0.0026 0.0026 0.0070 UC 7444-02-0 Nickel $,077 0.00 r2 0.040 7410-224 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.0r 0 LJ J44A-62-2 Vanadiurn 0.002s 0-0025 0.0l0 TJ f++o-oo-o Zinc 0.0I6 0,0045 0.020 B STL Denver Form I lnalysis Datu Sheet Equivalent 62 ffisrr I.JRS Corporution Totnl l\{etals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nrme: LoUSDG Number: Mstrlx: 7o Molsture: Basls: Annlysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon Factor: S]L DENVER p510n0243 WatTER NJA Wet 74704 mg/l. 5",L2I17 l- Client Sarnple ID: Leb Srmple ID: Lsb WorkOrdcr: Datefl'lme Collccted: Detc/Tlme Recelvctl: Date/Tlmc Lenched: Dotelfime Extrncted: Date/Tlmc Analyzed: Instrument ID: GW-S9I -09070s nsr080243-002 HJ6H8 Q9t07 t$5 $7:Q0 09i08105 f)9:30 09i23/0s t259 ()9i23l05. [E: I 3 0r9 CAS No.Anelyte Conc.MDL RL a 7439-L)7 -6 Mtrcury 0.000044 0,0000r+4 0,()0020 LJ STL Denver Form I Analvsls Dato Sheet Equivalent 63 ffisrr URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysis Drta Sheet Lab Name: Lot/SD(i Numberl i\{ atrix: '/o lltolsture: Basis: Anrlysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch lD: Sample Allquot: Dilution Factor: STL DENVEB D51080243 WATER Ni4 Wct 6020 mg/[, s26st72 50 mL ta CIIent Sample ID: Lab Snmple ID: Lab Work0rder: Date/Time Collected: Date/Thne Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extracted: l)tte/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: Gw-$gr -(!9117.0,5 p5t0,$0243-002 H{6Hfi 09/07/05 07:()0 09/08105 (D:30 09/23i05 l5:30 09/28105 02:03 aa4 CAS No.Anrlyte Conc.MDL RL 0 74/,043-9 Cadnrium 0,0039 0.00040 0.0r 0 B 778249-?Selenium 0.011 0.0033 0.020 B STL Denver f'orm I Analysis Dota Sheet Equivalent 64 ffiSTL UR^S Corporatlon Total Metals Annlysis Data Sheet Lab Nsme: LotlSDG Number: Il{atrix: o/e Moisture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch Il): Sample Allquot: Dllution Factor: STL DENVER D5108024"3 -wATEB N/A Wc! 60108 wgtL 526526 l s0 tnl I Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lsb Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Dntc/Tinre Received: DatefTlme Leached: Date/T'ime Extracted: tlate/Time Analyzed: Instrument ID: q.vr-s.I0-090705 Dsr080243-003 HJ6JL 0e/(17/05 091-18 0ei0tt/05 09:30 0e123i05 08:00 09fta/95-04:47 {tzt CAS No,Anrlyte Conc.IVIDL RL a 7129-90-5 Alumintrm 0.0I7 0_0r7 0.r0 ts 7+4$-74-7.Calcium 3r 0.034 0.20 7439-8e-6 Iron 0.20 0.()21 0.r0 7439-9s4 Magnesiurn 42 0.043 0.20 74r'.4-09-7 Potassiurn r60 Q.Z4 3.0 7 440-67 -7 Zirconium 0.00s9 0.00 t 6 0.() r 5 B STL Denver Form I Analrtrs Data Sheet Eoulvulent 55 ffisrt LIRS Corporation Total Metals Analysls Deta Sheet Lnb Namo: LoUSDC Numbcr: Matrix; 7o Molsture: Brsls: Anrlysls Metbod: Unit: QC Bstch ID; Sample Allquot: Dllution Factor: .STL DFNVER D5t080243 WATF:B hliA Wct 6010R D]S/L 516526 I 50 mL rc Client Sarnple ID: Lab Samplc ID: Ltb Workordcr: Dnte/Tlme Collccted: Dnte/Tlme Received; Date/Tlme Leeched: Date/T lme Extr&cted: Dnte/Ttme Analyzed: Instrument ID: Gw-sl0-0t07os p5 r{)tt0243-Q0,3. HJ6JI., 09i07/05 09:3tl 09/08iQ5 09:30 09i23i05 08:00 0e127,l05 00: l4 oet CAS No.Analyte Conc,MDL RI,a 744()-23-5 Srldium r900 ll _s0 STL Denver Form 1 Anulvsis Data Sheet Eouivulent 66 ffisrt UIIS Corporation Total Metals Analvsis Datt Sheet Lsb Name: LoUSDG Number: Nlatrlx: 7o Molsture: Brsls: Annlysls Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID; Srmple Aliquot: Dilution Factor: STI. DENVER D5 [080243 WATEB N/A Wet 60I ()B rngrL 5265?6 I 50 rnL I Cllent Srrnple lD: Lsb Sample lD: Lab Work()rder: Drte/Tirne Collected: Datc/Time Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Drte/Tlme Extrncted: Date/Tlme Anslyzed: Instrunrent I D: cw-st O-Q?tr0s pstQL0243-003 HJ6J I , 0910705 09:38 09/08/Q5_09:30 09/23i05 08:00 09/27105 ()9:5tl 0L6 CAS No.Analyte Conc.NIDL RL a 7M0-18-2 Arsenic 0.0075 0.0044 0.0r s B 7440-39-3 IJurium 0.37 0.00070 0.010 7440-47-3 Chromium 0.0026 0-0026 0.0r 0 U 7440-s0-8 Copper 0.0045 0.0045 0.0r0 U 7439-92-l Lead 0.0026 0.00?6 0.0030 U 7AA-(t}-Lt Nickcl 0,0016 0.0012 0.040 B 7440-22-4 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.010 tJ 7444-62-2 VanarJium 0,002s 0.0025 0.0r0 I.J 7MA-66-6 Zinc 0.009t 0-00.15 0.020 B STL Denver Form 1 Anal.y.sis Data Sheet Eouivalent ffiSTL IIR^S Corporntlon Tottl Metals Anelysis Datr Sheet l-,tb Nnme: LotlSDG Number: l\l atrix; o/o Moisture: Btrsis: Anrlysls ll{ethod: Unit: QC Batch lD: Sample Aliqrrot: Dllutlon Factor: STL DE\VER D5,1080"43 WATER N1A UsI 7474A mg/L 525C)417- l_ Client Sample ID: Lrb Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Date/time Collected: DntelTtme Recelved: Dnte/Tlme Leachcd: Date/Tlme Extrnctecl: DatelTlme .A,n a |yr.ed'. Instrument lD: cw-sl0-0q0705 p5I080243.-Q01 HJ6JL 09/07i05--pq:38 09iQ&r05 09:30 09123105 I ?;5,0 09/23/ftl..U; I s I)19 CAS No.Antlyte Conc-MDL RI,a 7419-s7 -6 Mercury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 U STL Denver Form I Anulysis Duta Shcet Equivalent 5B ffisrt URS Corporation Tottl Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nnme: LoUSDC Number: Matrlx: o/" Nloisture: Bnsis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Bstch ID: Stmple Allquot: Dllutlon $'actor: STL DENVER p5rp80.43 WATER N/A wct 6020 :ntlL 526st72 50 mL 5 Cllent Sample ID: Lab Srmple lD: Lab \Uorkorder: Date/Tlme Collocted: Dnte/Time Received: l)ate/Tlme Leached: Drte/Tlme Extrncted: Dnte/Ttmc Analyzed: lnstrument ID: SIU:Itj-090J05 p5I080243-003 HJ6JL 09/07105 09:38 09i08i05 09:30 09/23105 I5:3() 09i28i05 A2:07 OIJ4 0.010 CAS lt{o-Analyte Conc.TIlDL RL a 744A-$-9 Cadrnium 0.00020 0.0002t)0.00s()U 7782-49-2 Selenium 0.0016 0.0016 U STL Denver Form I Anolvsis Datu Sheet Equivulent 69 ffiSTL URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysls Dete Sheet [,tb Nnme: LoUSDG Number: Matrlx: % Moisture: Basls: Antlysis Method: Unit: QC Batch [D: Sample Aliquot: Dilutlon Frctor: sTt-pFNVER p5ro8q?*3 WATER NiA. Wct 60lqE rngiL s26526t 50 rql T Cllent $rmple lD: Lab Semple Il): Lab WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: Dstefi'inre Recelved; Dnte/'fime L,etched: tlate/Tlmc Extracted: Date/Tlme Antlyzed: lnstrument ID: Gly_ s I -000705 D5108()243-00j4. HJ6JM 09i07i05 09:55 0e./$$rQ-5 0e:30 09/23105 0tJ;00 09l76tLt5 23:30 ozl CAS No.Anal.vte Conc.}TDL RI,a 1429-9A-5 Alunrinurn 0.084 0.084 0.s0 U 7440-74-2 Calciurn I 400 0.1 7 | .() 7439-89-6 Iron 0.13 0. r0 0.s0 B 7439-954 Magnc-^sium 630 0.21 t.0 7440-09-7 Pottrssium 444 t.2 l5 7440-23-5 Sodium 5500 5.6 25 7440-(17-7 Zirsoniurn 0.021 0.0079 0.075 B STL Denver Form 1 Analys'is Data Sheet Eouivalent ffisrl LIRS Corporatlon Total Metals Anrlysls Data Sheet Lab Name: LoUSDG Nunrber: Matrix: o/o tltoisture: Brsis: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sarnple Aliquot: Dilutlon Frctor: STL DENYJB D5_t080?43 WATFR NiA Wst 60r08 mr& 526s261 50 rn.L, .L Client Strrrple ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab rvYorkorder: Dste/Tlnre Collected: Dstell'ime Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Time Extrtsted: Date/Tlme Annlyzed: Instrument ID: Gw-s,t-0p070I p51080243-004 HJ6JM 09/07105 09:55 09r'08/()5 09:30 09i23/05 Lttl:00 Ooi " 7/05 l0: 1 2 ot6 CAS No.Anrlyte Conc-MDL RI,a 7440-38-2 Arscnic 0.0078 0,0044 0.()15 B 744()-39-3 Barium 0.13 0.00070 0.010 7440-47 -1 Clhrcrrnium 0.0026 0.0026 0.0r0 tJ 7440-s0-8 Coppe.r 0.0045 0.0045 0.0r 0 LJ 7439-92-l Ltvad 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 U 744A-A2-A Nickel 0.0E0 0.0012 0.040 7440-22-4 Silver 0_0028 0.0028 0 0050 U 7440-62-2 Vanadir.rm 0.0025 0.002s 0.0 t0 LI 7440-66-6 Zinc 0.0I5 0.0045 0.020 B STL Denver Form 1 Analysk Data Sheet Equivalent 77 ffiSTt URS Corporation Total l\f,etals Analysis Data Sheet Lrb Ntme: Lot/SDG Number: Mttrix: "h Molsture: llrsls: A,nalysls Method: Unit: QC Batch IDr Sample Allquot: Dllutioo Frctor: STL Db.NVER D5108()243. WAT'ER NiA ws1 747qA rng/I, 5259437 Cllent Sample ID: Lnb Srmple ID: Lab Work0rder: tlate/Tlme Coltected: Drte/Tlme Received: Date/Tlnre Letched; Date/Tlmc Extrtcted: Date/-I'ime Analyzed: Instrument lD: GW-Sr -090705 Dsr080243-004 HJ6JM 09/07/05- ()9:55 ()9108/05,. -09:30 (D/23i05 I2:50 09/23i05 I tl: l6 0r9 CAS No.Anal,vte Conc,MI}L RL a 7439-97-6 Mercurv 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 U STL Denver Form I Anal.ysrs Data Sheet Esuivalent 72 ffisrt URS Corporution Total llletals Analysis Data Sheet [,ab Name: LoilSDG Number: Matrlx: oh Molsture: Basls: Analysls Method: tlnlt: QC Bntch lD; Snmple Aliquott Dllution Fnctor: STI DENVEB D5I080243 WA'I'ER }va lYs 6020 tngl. LWst72 50 mL 10 Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample tD: Lab Work0rder: Date/Ttme Collected: Dnte/Time Recelved: Date/Iime Leached: Dnte/Tlme Extrectctl: Date/Time Analyzed: Instrunrent ID: GW-SI -09070s ps1080243-004 HJ6JM 09/07/05 09:55 0e/0lji05 09:30 92,?3i05 15:30 ()9i28i05 02: I I Il(){ CAS No.,fumlyte Conc.MDL RL a 744043-9 Caclrrrium 0.0039 0,0fi)40 0.010 B 7182-49-2 Selcnium 0.01I 0.0033 0.020 B STL Denver Form J Anabsis Data Sheet Equivalent 73 ffiSTt UR^S Corporatlon Total Metals Anrlysis Data Lsb Narne: LoUSDG Number: Iflatrlx: 7o Moisture: Basls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Brtch ID: Sample Allquot: Dilution Fnctor: $IL DENVEB p51080243 W^TER N/n Wet OQ LOB rng/L s26s26l 5o ryL IO Sheet Cllent Snmple ID: Lsb Somple lD; Lab Workorder; Dste/'l'irne Collected : Date/Tlme Received: Date/Time Leoched: Drte/Tfume Extracted: Dtte/Tlme Annlyzed: Instrument ID: GW-SI I -090705 Dsr080243-005 HJ6JW Q907i05 I I: 15 09i08i05 0e:30 09/23/05- 08;00 09i37it)5 00:1 8 oZL CAS No.Analytc Conc.MT'L RI,0 7429-9$-s Aluminurn 0.17 0.17 I.0 U 7440-70-2 Calciunt 170 434 2.4 7439-tr9-6 Iron 3.2 0.21 1.0 7439-9s4 Magnesiunr 590 0,43 2.0 7440-09-7 Potassium 560 2.4 30 ?444-23-5 Sodium r4000 II 5() 1440-6i -7 Zirconium 0.064 0.01 6 0.ts B STL Denver Form I Analysls Data Sheet Eguivalent 74 ffisrt tlRS Corporution Total Metals Annlysls Data Sheet Lab Ntme: Lot/SDG Number: Nl atrlx: 7o l\{oisture: Busls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Bntch ID: Stmple Aliquot: Dllutlon Factor: $IL DENVET{ p51080243 WATER N/n Wet 60108 m8/L s265261 50 mL l_ Cllent Stmple ID: Lab Srmple lD: Lab Workorder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Time Recelved: Date/Tlme Lesched: Date/Time Extractetl: Date/l'irne Analyzed: Instrument [D; GW-Sr r -090705 rr5I080243-005 HJ6JW 09i07/05 I l :15 09i08/05 QL30 09i23i05 08:00 t)9i?7i05 I0:32 ar-6 (lAS No.Annlyte Conc,MDL RL 0 7440-38-2 .A,rsgric 0-0049 0.0044 0.0t s B 7444-39-1 Bariurn 0.16 0.00070 0.() t0 744447-3 Chromium 0.0026 0,0026 0 0r0 LJ 7440-50-8 Copper 0.fJ045 0.0045 0.0r 0 t) 7419-92-l Lcad 0-0026 0.0026 0.0070 UG 744A-02-0 Nickcl 0.0026 0.00 r 2 0.040 B 7440-22-4 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.0r 0 IJ 7M0-6?-2 Vnnadiurn 0,002s 0.002s 0-0 l0 U 1440-6(t-6 Zinc 0.0045 0.0045 0.020 U STL Denver Form 1 Analysls Dato Sheet Egulvalent 75 ffisrr URS Corporetion 'l'otal Metals Analysis Date Sheet [,ab Name: STL DENVER ClientSanple lD: GW-Sll-090705 Lot/SDG Number: DI1080243 Lob Srmple lD: D5I080243-005 Matrlr: WATER LabWorkordcr: l'U6iW 7o l\{olsture: NiA Date/Time Collccted: 09/07/05 I I : 15 Bagls: Wct Drte/Tlme Rccelv'ed: 09/08i05 09:30 Analysis Mcthorl: 74704 Dato/Tlme Leached: Unit: itgl- Date/fimc Ertrocted: A9/23|OS 12:50 QC Betch lD: 5259431 Dotr/Time Analyzed: 09/21/05 t8:21 Srmple Allquot: lnstrument tD: 019 Dilutlon Frctor: I CAS No,Analyte Cone.I\TDL RL a 7439-97-6 Mercury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00()20 U STL Denver Form I Analvsis Dan Sheet Equivalent 76 ffi$Tt URS Corporadon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lrb Name: LoUSDG Number: Matrix: 7o Molsture: Brsis: Anrlysls Method: Unit: QC Bntch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllutlon Factor: STL DENVER Dst0g0?43 WATIB NiA UsI 601r) mg/L s26st7z 50 rnl N Cllent Snmple lD: Lrb Snmple ID: Lab Work0rder: Date/Time Collected: Date/Tinre Recelverl: Date/Time l.,eached: Dste/Time Extracted: Dsteftime Analyzed: lnstrument IDI $.y.v'"-S I l -090705 n5t080243-005 HJ6JW 09i07i05 I I :15 0e/08r05 p930 09!23t05 t5:3tr 09/28/05 02:36 0g CAS No.Annlyte Conc.MDL RI,a 744043-9 Cadrnium 0.00080 0.00080 0.020 U 7782-49-2 Selcmiurn 0.0r8 f).00(r(r 0.040 B STL Denver Form I Analvsis Data Sheet Eouivalent 77 ffisTL URS Corporatlon Total Metels Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nume: Lot/SDG Number: Matrix: 7o Molsture: Busls: Anolysis Mothod: Unit: QC Batch ID: Sample Allquot: Dllution liactor: S-!-L ne}*vpn p5r090243 WATER MA Us 0ol 0B mg/L 526s261. 50 rnL ll} Cllent Stmple lD: Lrb Srmple ID: Lab Work0rder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extrtcted: Dst€/Time Analyzed: Instrument lD: (LW-Sz-0e0705 D51080243-006 ru6JX 09/07lrJS l.?il[ 0e/08/05 09:30 09/23l0J.. .08:00 0U17i05 0():?3 0zI CAS No.Analyte Conc.futlL RL a 7429-s0-5 Aluminurn 0.1 7 at7 1.0 L' 7440-10-2 Calcium 220 0.34 2,0 7439-89-6 lron 0.21 0.21 1.0 U 7411)-954 N{agnesium 724 0.43 2.0 7440-09-7 Potassium r I00 2.4 3t) 744A-23-5 Sodium 26000 il 50 7M0-67-7 Zirconiunr 0.0 t6 0.0r6 0.ls U STL Denver Form 1 Analysis Dota Sheet Equlvalent 7B ffisrr URS Corporution fotal Metals Analysis Data Sheet Leb lt{ame: Lot/SD(i Number: Mntrix: o/o Moisture: Bnsls: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch [D: Sample Allquot: Dllution Factor: STL D.ENVER Dst080241 WATER NiA Wct 60IOR rrJs& s265261 50 mL 5.x- CIIent Sample ID: Lsb Sample ID: Lab Workorder; Dnte/Time Collected: DrteI[ime Recelved: l)ate/Tlme Lenchcd: Dste/'l'ime Extracted: DateiTlme Anslyzed: Instrument ID: GW-S2-09070s D51080243-006 HJ6.rX 09/A7105 t2:20 09r08/t)s 0P;3-Q 09/23105 Otl:fi) A9/27105 t7:58 016 CAS No,Anal-vte Conc.MDL RI-a 7440-38-2 Arsenic 0.0?2 0.022 0.07s t 7440-39-3 Bariurn 0.074 0.0035 ().050 744$-47 -3 Chrotnium 0.0r 3 0.013 0.050 U 7440-s0-8 Coppcr a.027 a.a22 0.050 ti 7419-92-l Lead 0.0t3 0.013 0.0 rs I.J 7444-42-0 Nickel 0,0060 0.0058 0.20 ts 7444-22-4 Silver 0.014 0.0 r4 0.0-s0 U 74l,0-62-2 Vanadiurn 0.012 0 012 0.050 U 7440 66-6 Zinc 0,0?5 0.023 ().t0 B STL Denver Form I Analvsis Dala Sheet Eouit,ulent 79 ffisrr LIRS Corporatlon I'otal NIetaIs Analysis Dett Shcet Lab Name: Lot/SDC Number: Matrix: 7o Moisture: Basis: Analysls Method: Unlt: QC Batch II): Sarnple Aliquot: Dilution Factor: STL DENVhB psJO80243 WATER. N/A Wet TqaA mgiL 5259417 I Client Stmple ID: Lnb Sanrple lD: I,ab t*orkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: Datc/Tlme Received: Date/Tlme Lenched: Dste/Time Extrrcted: Date/Tlme Analyzed: lnstrument ID: GW-S2-090705 D5I080n43-006 HJ6JX {t9/tt7l05 12:20 09i08i05 09:30 09f211$5 12:50 09t23105 l8:2? gr9 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7439-1)7-6 lVIercury 0.000044 0.000044 0,00020 Li STL Denver Form I Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent BO ffisrr tlRS Corporution Total i\Ietals Analysis Data Sheet Lnb Namc: LoUSDG Nurnlrer: Mstrix: o Moi$ture: Busls: Anrlysis Il{ ethod; Unit: QC Batch lD: Sarnple Aliquot: Dilution Fnctor: sl'L Dm{vElt psl080243 WATER N/A Wet F-020 rng/L s?6s112 50 rnl. 50 Client Sample ID: Lsb Sample ID: Lsb Work0rder: Date/Timc Collected: Dete/Tlme Received: Date/Tirne Leached: Dnte/Time Extrrcted: Date/Tlme Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: GW-S2-{)90705 D5I080243-006 HJ6JX 09t07/MJ2:24 09i08/05 ()9:30 09i23/05 l5;30 0912$/05 02:40 004 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL 0 7444-43-e Cirdnriurn 0.0020 0.0020 0.050 U 778749-Z Sclctium 0.026 0.016 0.10 B STL Denver Form I Analysis Data Sheet Eguivalent 81 ffiSTL URS Corporstion Total 1lletals Analysis Data l..ab Name: LoUSDG Number: Mntrix: 7o Molsturc: Brsls: Analysls l\tethod: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllution Factor: sTL qENVER r)51080243 WATER N/A Wet 60I ()B rnPI 5?65',r61 50 rl!. I Sheet Client Sample ID: I-ab Semple ID: Lsb Workorder: Date/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Rccelved: Date/Tlme Lenchedl Dste/Tlme Extracted: Dnte/Tirne Analyzed: lnstrument ID: cw-s3-09070s D51080243-007 HJ6JO 09/07/05 rJlN 09/08105 09:30 09/-rl05 08:00 09/2{i05--91 :0t W. CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7421)-()A-5 Alurninurn 0.0 r7 0.0r 7 0. t0 U 7 440-74-2 (lalcium 39 0.034 0.20 743e-8e-6 Irrrn 0.54 0.02 t 0.I0 743e-e5-4 Magncsiunr 66 0.043 0.20 7444-Q9-7 Pota.ssiurn 220 0.24 _3.0 7440-21-s Sodiurn 2600 t.l 5.0 7MA-67-7 Zirconiurn 0.00r 6 0.0016 0_0 r5 TJ STL Denver Form I Anulvsis l)ata Shep.t Eouivnlpnt B2 ffiSTL URS Corporatlon Total Metals Analysls Data Sheet Lab Nsme: Lot/SDG Number: Mttrix: oh Moisture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Bntch lD: Srmple Aliquot: Dilution Factor: s'I'L PENVER Ds1080243. w4l'ER M IYat 6.0 r08 rrrg/L 5265161 50 mL 1 Cliont Sample ID: Lnb Snmple ID: Lab WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Received: DrtdTlme Leached: Dnte/Time Extracted: Date/Tlme Anstyzed: Instrument ID; GW-S3-090705 ps1080243-007 HJ6JO 09107/05 t 3:0Q 0?/Q$/05 09'10 09/^1/05 08:00 $9/27 /Q5 tQ.:!Z gt6 CAS No.Annlyte Conc.MDL RI,a 7440-38-2 Arsenic 0.016 0.0044 ().()l 5 7440-39-3 Barium 0.2I 0.00070 t).0 I 0 7440-47-3 (lhrotnium 0.0026 0.0026 0.0 t0 U 7440-s0-S Coppcr 0.0045 0^004s 0.0r 0 I] 7439-92-l Leud 0.0026 0.fi)2fi 0.0030 TJ 7440-02-A Niskcl 0,0034 0.00 r 2 0.040 B 7M0-72-4 Silvcr 0.0028 0.0028 0,0r0 U 7414-62-2 Vanadium 0,0036 0.0025 0.0t0 B 7440-66-6 Zinc 0.004s 0.0045 0.020 TJ STL Denver Form I Analysis Data Sheet Eguivalent ffisrr. URIi Corporution Total Metats Analysis Data Sheet l,rb Name: Lot/SDG Number: Matrix: 7o Moisture: Basls; Analysls Methrd: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dilutlon Frctor: STL DENVER p5r!80243 }YA'rER N/A UE 147{tA nrglL s259{f^7 I Clicnt Stmple ID: Lab Snmple ID: Lab WorkOrder: Date/Tlme Collected: Date/Tlme Received: Date/Tlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extrocted: Date/Tlme Anall,zed: Instrument ID: cw-s3-090705 D5 t080243-007 HJ6Jo 09/07/05 13:00 09/08/05 09:30 0e/23105 12:5Q 0()/73105 18:24 0r9 CAS No.Analyte Cottc.TvIDL RL a 7439-91-6 Mcrcury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 U STL Denver Form I Analysls Data Sheet Equh,alent 84 ffisrr URS Corporntlon Total Mctals Analysis Dets Sheet Lrb lYame: I-,oUSDG Number: Matrlx: 7o t\lolsturc: Basis; Anrlysls Method: Unit: QC Batch lD: Sample Aliquot: Dilution Fnctor: STL DENYER D5108()243 wATlrR NIA ]Ye! 00zo ntgil- 5"t65172 50 rnl . 5 Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample lD: Lab \Vorkorder: Date/Tlme Collocted: Date/Tlme Received: DatelTlme Leached: Date/Tlme Extructed: Date/Tlmo Antlyr,ed: Instrument ID: GW-S3-09070s p5 r0s0243-007 H.r6J0 09/07/05 l3:00 09/0$/05 09:]0. 09/23/05..IJ:30 0e/2t]/05 Q?:4*. 00{ CAS No.Antlyte Conc,MDL RL a 7+44-43,-9 Cadmiurn 0.00020 0.00020 0.0050 U 7782-49-2 Sclenirrm 0.002I 0.00 r 6 0.010 B STL Denver Form I Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent B5 ffisrt URS Corporation Total I\IetaIs Analysls Data Sheet [,ab Nome: I,oUSD(i Number: M atrlx: 7o Moisture: Basls: Analysis Method: Unlt: QC Batch ID: Sample Aliquot: Dllutlon Frctor: STL DENYER p51080243 WATEE N/A Wct 6010B }IIfliL 526s261 so tul ]j Cllent Sample ID: Lab Sample ID: Lab Workorder: Dtte/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Recelved: Date/Tlme Leached: Dnte/Tlme Extracted: Date/T'ime Analyzed: Instrurnent lD: GW-N2-090705 p5r080243-008 HJ6J I 09/07/0,5 13:30 09/08/05 09:30 09/23/05 08:00 {t9/27 lAS A0:28 oZL (;AS No.Anrlyte Conc,IUDL RL a 7429-94-s Altrminum 0.1 7 0.1 7 t.0 U 74l,0-74-2 Calcium 6l 0.34 2.4 7439-89-6 Iron 025 0.21 r.0 B 7439-95-4 Magnesiurn 2E0 0.43 2.0 744$-09-7 Potassium 330 2.4 30 7440-23-5 Sodiurn 7s00 II s0 7 440-67 -7 Zirconium 0.039 0.0r 6 0.15 B STL Denver Form 1 Analysls Datu Sheel Equivalent B6 ffi$Tt UR^S Corporaflon Total Metels Analvsls Data Sheet Lab Name: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: 7o Moisture: Basis: Analysis Method: Unit: QC Brtch lD: Sample Aliquot: Dilutlon Frctor: STL DENVFR psr080?*l w,ilFn NiA Wet fiOl0B mslL 5.'6526t. 50 rnl, -L Client Sample ID: Lnh Stmple ID: [,ab Work0rder: DatdTlme Collected: Dnte/Time Recelvcd: Date/Thne Leached: Date/Tlme Ertracted: Date/Time Anrlyzed: Instrument ID: GW-N2-()9()7q5 D5ro8o243-008. tt.l6J.l 09/t)7/05 I 3;38 09108/05 09:30 0ei2U0L 08:00 0qi27lA5 1047 AI0 CAS IT{o.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7440-38-2 Arsenic 0.0063 0.0044 0.01s B 7440-39-3 Barium 0.09s 0.00070 0.010 7 440-47 -3 Chromium 0 0026 0.0026 0.0t 0 U 7440-50-8 Coppcr 0.0045 0.0045 0.0r 0 L' t41e-e2-l Lcad 0.0026 0.0026 0.0030 LI 7440-02-0 Nickcl 0.0014 0.0012 0.040 B 7+1,4-22-1 Silver 0.0028 0.0028 0.0r0 U 7440-62-2 Vanadium 0^0025 0.002s 0.010 U 7440-66-6 Linc 0.004s 0.0045 0.020 TJ STL Denver Form 1 Analysis Data Sheet Equlvalent B7 ffisrt IIRS Corporatlon Total l\Ietals Analysis Drta Sheet Lab Nnme: Lot/SDG Number: Matrlx: 7o llloisture: Bnsis: Annlysis Method: Unlt: QC Bntch tD: Srmple Aliquot: tlllutlon Factor: STL DENYER D51080243 WATER N/A wsI 7!7AA mill, s259437 l- CIIent Snmple ID: Lab Sample ID: Ltb WorkOrderr Date/Tlme Collec-ted: Date/Tlme Recclved: Dste/Tirne Leached: Dnte/f ime Extracted: Dnte/l'ime Antlyzed: Instrument ID: GW-Nn-09070s p5 r0,$0243...008 HJ6JI 09/07i05 I 3:3Q 09i08/05 ()9:30 09i23105 I2:50 09i23105 1 8:26 0le CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a 7 4]g-L)7 -6 Mercury 0.000044 0.000044 0.00020 TJ STL Denver Form I Analysir l)ata Sheet Equivalenl ffi$rt URS Corporrtion Total Metals Analysls Drtt Sheet Lsb Nome: LoUSDG Number; Mrtrlx: 04 Moisture: Basls: Andysis Method: Unlt: QC Brtch ID: Sample Atlquot: Dilution Fnctor: STL TJfrNVER psr0802{1 WATER NrA Wct 6020 me/L s76s.17) 50 ntl l0 Cllent Sample lD: Ltb Sample ID: Lab Work0rder; Datc/Time Collected: Date/Tlme Received: Date/Time Leuchetl: Date/Time Extracted: tlate/Tlme Analyz.ed: lnstrument ID: gw-N2-0q0705 plllfJ80243-008 HJ6J,L 09i07/05 l3:30 09/0810s 09;30 09/23lQ,5 I5:30 1\9128/05 $2:a7 004 CAS No.Analyte Conc.MDL RL a t44A-43-9 Cadrnium 0.00040 0.00040 0.0r 0 t,l 7782-49-2 Selenium 0.0079 0.0033 0.020 B STL Denver Form 1 Analysis Data Sheet Equivalent 89 STL DENVER Cont,raot: IIRS Corry>oratLon Total Metals Analysis -2A- INTTIAL AT{I} CON TINUING CALIBRATION VERTFTCATION Caee No. t g.l,S No. t Higrh Purity, Spe* InorganLc VenturGa IJaI) Codc: STLDEN Inl.tLa1 Cd.tbratsion Sourccr ContsLnulng Callbratl-on Eourec : gDg uIO. : D5I080213 Conccntration Unttr : rrgllt Anallrtc Ini-ttal Call,bration Trnrc Found e6R ( 1) ContrI-nuing Crllbratlon Trrre Found %R ( 1) Found, t6R (1)M Alumlnum .l 0.5a21 100-{ I P Inrurnrnun:J lo.ol ga.sgl gz.al po.ol lg.rol ge.zl I Jpl Crlcl,um t I 5.051 101.0 I P I catolum HI 40.01 39.{Gl 98.61 so.oJ t9.8il 99,G1 lpl lrrour,o I I 1,,,. I o.sol I l. o.srrlroz.slel Iron Hi I 39.51 I gg.8 5g .371 98 .7 P Potassirun I Macmagiurn I SodLum fro I Bod,irrm Hi I 39. 27 I 98.2 50 . o51 100 . 1 lzrrcoaiqpl l- I I o.sol. I I o.rgcl gg.el,il (1) ConEroI L{mtta:Marcury 80-1201 Other Mrt,rls 90-1101 Cy'aulde 85-115 STL Denver Fout rI (Part,1) rN STL DEIVVER Total Metals Analvsis -24- INITIAL AND CONI'IN UING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION eoDtrrcts tRS Corporrtion I.aI) Codr r STLDEN Carr No. t gAg ![o. r rnLt J-aI Call-bratlon gcrurco r Continuing Calibration Sourccr Htgh Purl-ty, gDon Inorganl,c Vcnturcr gDc NO,: D5I0802{3 ConconEratLon Units r mglL .f,nrlyEe InitLa1 Callbratsion Trnre Found t6R ( 1) Contsinuiagr CalibrrtLon Trrrc Found e6R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)M lr,rrunraun:L I l_ | o.sol ,,.. I I o.sozlroo.rlel Aluminum :l lg ,071 98. t P Celcium t I 5.031 100,5 t P lcarcrumsl ,. l _ | I so.ol lg.zal gg.sl 1,...,... 1e1 I lron rro I I I I o.sol I I o.sulroz.slBl Iron Hi I PotageLurn I In grr"esiumI I I eo.o I {g,361 gg,7 50 . 241 100 .5 I I 1e.B8l ss.a[rl Sod,Lum Lro I 5.02)LOO.l lgoaiumErl L.. | [ so.ol a?.sil sg.ll I lel I zirce4lul|I o.so I I I o.csel ee.GIrI (1) Control fimlUer l,tereur:tr 80-1201 Other Mctals 90-1101 Clranl-de 85-115 STL Denver Form Ir (Part 1) IN STL DE!,{VER Contrecu: URS Coqporatton Total Metals Analvsis_2* INITTAL AND CONTIN UING CALIBITATION VERIFICATION Cage [Io. r S^Lg No. t Higrb hrrl,ty, Sgcx Iaorganie VanEurol r,ab Codc r STITDEII InitLr]. Calibration Bouree: ContrinuLng CalibratLon Source: SDs NO, : D5I080243 ConccntratLon unltt t WIL ^Lnaltte InLtiel Calibration Tnrc Found e6R ( 1) Contrinuing CrlibratrJ.on Tnrc Found t6R ( 1) Found tR ( 1)D! letuntnum:l I I I o.sol I I o.lzrl ss.olpl .l,].uml.nutn :l 50.5d1 101.1 lcareiun r,l [.. ,- | I ,.. s.o I I I r.sol ge.o [p Ilcarcimnl | | I .so.ol lg.rel gg.ll 1.. lplIron Lo 0. {9{ I 98.8 I P Potas;Lum I 50. {11 100.8 I P lrroaxt I I I I so.ol le.gzl gz.al I lpl Ir[,r.grnaoLr:nr I 19,591 gg.{ I P Sodium lro I 5.101 102.0 I P Sodl,um Hi I 50.751 101.5 lzrrconrulal I I | ..,.o.tol -l I o.aeel szrzlgJ {1) Control LhitBt Mrrcury 80-120; Othcr Mrtel! 90-110,- C)ranidr 85-115 STL Denver Ponn II (Prrt 1) - fN 92 STL DETWER Total Metals Analvsis -2A- IN ITIAL AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERTFICATION contractr IIRS CorporatLoa Lab Codc t STITDEDI Crac No.:8lS No. : InLtia]' CalibratJ,on Souroc: ContinuLng CrlLbration Slourcc r ttigh Purlty, Spax InorganLc VenturoB gDo No. r D5f 08O2{3 Concentration Unita r mrg/L }nrIIrUe rul,tial Cel-J}ration True Found e6R ( 1) Continuing Ca1 ibrat ion Trnrc Fouad tR ( 1) round 96R ( 1)M .n,lumlnrrrn :l lnr.r+ingm,l I I I so.ol s1.231 1o2.sl I Irl Ca].eium t I il.'l 61 95 .2 I P lcnrci.rltgl I ,, | ,. I s.o.ol rg.zzl ge.rl I lelIron Lo I 0.4951 99,0 I p Iron IIi I Potarsium J I Mrgrrertunl 20. o I I rg.7tl e8,?lpl Sodlum Lo I Sodl.um Hf I I ztrqs,nt.o* | I o.so I I o.l,ezl g't,Llpl (1) ConE,roL riniee:ltlcrcrrra' 80-120r oEher Matalr 90-1101 cyenidc 85-115 STL Denver Fom II (Part,1) IN STLDETWER Coutraet, r URB Corporatioa Total Metals Analysis -2A* INII'[AL AND CONTIN UII\G CALIBRATION VERTFICATION Cage No. r SAS No.: Hlgh Ptrrity, Spcx Inorganlc Venturc; SDGI NO. I D5I0802{3L,ab Codc r STITDEN tnitinl Calibratl-on Giourca: ContLnu:Lng Cal-lbration Sourcc r Concrntration UnLta t ng llt .fnrlyte rnLtial CrlLbration lPrrre Found tR ( 1) Contj.nuLng Calibntlon Tnrl Forrnd e6R ( 1) tround tR ( 1)u Jtlurninusr :l 0 ,50 0.4551 93,0 I P lmuruinuu;l I I I so.ol -sr.gol roa.zl I lel Celelum L l 5.0 {.721 94.11 I p lcarorunxl. I I I so.ol ae.erl,gz.sl l. lel Iron to I 0.{g5l 99.01 P frronni I I I I so.ol ce.szl rz.rl I lpl Potaaotrrrn I 50 ,0 50.631 101.3 I p Drrgnastum I 20. o 19.791 99.0 I P Soditun r,o I 5.0 5.201 10{.0 I P Sodium Hi I 50. o 3L.2 102,{ lzirsoniurl I I I o.sol I I o..B5l 9?.ol ( 1) Control r,imlts :Dlrrcury 80-L20 t Othcr !{otals 90-110r egranl,de 85-115 STL Denver Forxr II (ParE,1) rN STL DEN}/ER Total Metals Analysis -2A- INITIAL'AND CONTINUING CALIBRATION VERIFICATION contract: lrRS Corilr(,ratloq Irab Ceilc: 9TLDE$I Caaa ![o. 3 ,gAS No. : Inttlal , Cell,bration Eourctl Contrj.nuing Cal-ibraELon Ecrtrrce : Etgrh Purlty, Spex InorganLc Vcnturaa sDo No. r D5I080283 Coaeantnt:Lon Untts r r{,ll, lnalfta rnLtinl CallbratLon Trnrc Found tn ( 1) Contl.nulng CrlLbraELon Tnra Forrnd, tR ( 1) Found %R ( 1)M nl-rrrd.rlurn I I c*t.l-urrr r, I 2.Ol 0.252 1100.8 r'.eel es-sl I I I I lpl I rroa r,o I o.asl o.2s{ lror.e ! I I rl lpl I rotaaaLumI zo.ol zo.27lror.rl I I I I lpl luagrr.si.r.l +o.ol ._ g.sol gs.ol .,- I .l I I ,,.-lpl Sodl,un I,o I 2.A2 1101 .0 P ZLrconiuml o,242l 96,g ( 1) Conurol Llnl"t,s r Merourar 80-120; Othar ltleta1s 90-110; gyanldr 85-115 'rr I I' STL Denver for:n II (Part, X) - IN 95