HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2006-000928 - 0901a06880134af4REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US ARMY CHEMICAL MATERIALS AGENCY TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY 11620 STARK ROAD STOCKTON, UTAH 84071 June 28, 2006 UTA*fl DIVTSION OF SOLID a HAZARDOUS WASTE Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility PM-60399 SUBJECT: Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) Incinerator Upset Conditions Estimate for 2005 Mr. Dennis Downs, Director Utah Department ofEnvironmental Quality Division ofSolid and Hazardous Waste 288 North 1460 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-0690 Dear Mr. Downs: Please find enclosed three copies ofthe TOCDF Incinerator Upset Conditions Estimate for 2005. This submission is required per TOCDF Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Permit Condifion I.M.4. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Ms. Elizabeth A. Lowes at (435) 833-7832 or Mr. Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428. Sincerely, Gar£>V. McCloskey { EG&G Defense Materials, Inc. 'CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Thaddeus A. Kyts TOCDF Site Project Manager 'CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Copies Fumished: CMA Risk Management Directorate (Mr. Stang) DCD Risk Management Directorate (Mr. Levi) TOCDF FO Representative (Ms. Lessig) File • I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHER AND EVALUATE THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED BASED QN MY INQUIRY QF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE THE SYSTEM, OR THOSE PERSONS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORMATION, THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS, TQ THE BEST QF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, IN'CLUDING THE POSSIBILITY QF FINE AND IMPRISON'MENT FQR KNOWING VIOLATIONS Incinerator IJp set Condition Estimate r 2005 PDARS Review Based EG&G Defense Materials Incorporated Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) \ June 28,2A06 HANA NELruEAEN JUid r s ?00$0b,Dz[L UTAH DIVI$ION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE HAruD fiHLIVEHED nffiim, sorrD & HAzAnDoubtnsrr Incinerator Upset Condition Estimate E 2005 PDARS Review Based EG&G Defense Materials Incorporated Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) Jnne 28,2006 Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.2 Increased Particulate/I{etals Emissions................. ........................ 7 t2 l3 6.1 2005 IncineratorHours of Hazardous Waste Operation................ ................... 13 6.2 Daily Totals for LICI Upset Condition Episodes in 2005 ...........21 6.3 Daily Totals for LICZ Upset Condition Episodes in 2005 ........... 23 6.4 Daily Totals for DFS Upset Condition Episodes in 2005 ...........;......... ............24 6.5 Daily Totals for MPF Upset Condition Episodes in 2005 ...........26 6.6 Data Gaps for Incinerators in 2005.... .....................28 6.7 Modifred Emission Rate Multipliers - 1999 to 2005........ ........... 30 Page 2 of30TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 6t28t2006 List of Tables Table 3 - Selected Operating Parameters and Associated Instrument Tag IDs.-..........1................ ........... 9 Table 4 - Logic for Determining Upset Conditions ................ 10 List of Acronyms ASP CEMS CO COPC DFS OF EPA GPM HHRA HTML Inwc JACADS LIC MACT MPF PAS PDARS RCRA TOCDF UDSHW Active Server Pages Continuous Emission Monitoring System Carbon Monoxide Constituents of Potential Concern Deactivation Furnace System Degrees Fahrenheit U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gallons per Minute Human Health Risk Assessment Hypertext Marlorp Language Inches of Water Column Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System Liquid Incinerator Maximum Available Control Technology Metal Parts Fumace Pollution Abatement System Process Data Acquisition and Recording System Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Utah Department of Environmental Quality (State of Utah), Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 3 of30 1.0 Introduction The Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) was performed to determine if there would be chronic indirect health risks associated with the incineration of chemical agent. This determination was initially made following Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protocol, using air dispersion models and analytical results of exhaust gas sarirpled during the Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System (JACADS) agent trial burns. Emission rates of various Constituents of Potential Concern (COPC), which were determined during agent trial burns were adjusted using modified emission rate multipliers to ensure that the results of the HHRA were conservative. The emission rate mlltipliers used in the TOCDF HHRA are based on the percentage of time each incinerator operates at less than optimal performance (i.e., the incinerator is operated under upset conditions). The estimated percentages of time that the incinerators operated under upset conditions in the TOCDF HHRA are also based on the draft EPA Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (EPA530-D-98-001A). The Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (IIDSIIW) has made it a permit condition to develop an estimate of the operational time under incinerator upset conditions based on actual operating data. The results of this estimate, along with the results of the TOCDF agent trial burns, would be u'sed in future iterations of the TOCDF HHRA. Using HHRA emission rate multipliers based on actual experience allows for a much more accurate estimate of the risks involved with chemical agent incineration. 2.0 Results The EPA guidance concerning HHRAs requires the application of emission rate multipliers to particulate/metals emissions and organic emissions. Organic emissions are products of incomplete combustion. A comparison of the EPA HHRA protocol emission rate multiplier values to those determined from a review of the TOCDF Process Data Acquisition and Recording System (PDARS) data for 2005 shows that the EPA HHRA protocol over-estimates the emission rate multipliers. A comparison of the results is presented in Table 1. The actual percentage of time when the TOCDF incinerators were operated under upset conditions is much less than the values fotrnd in the EPA HHRA guidance. Table 2 presents the amount of time each incinerator was operated under upset conditions during 2005. The ntrnber of hours each incinerator operated (i.e., processed hazardous waste) during each day of 2005 can be found in Attachment 6.1. Data gaps during 2005 (i.e., periods when no data was collected for the incinerators) are also provided and explained in Attachment 6.6. The data gaps account for approximately six hours over the year for any parameter at any of the four incinerators, or only 0.07% of the total time for the year. TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page-4 of 30 6t28t2006 LICI - Liquid Incinerator #l LICZ - Liquid Incinerator #2 DFS: Deactivation Furnace System MPF - Metal Parts Furnace t The draft EPA Human Health Risk Assessment includes the following guidance in Chapter 2: Table 1 - Modified Emission Rate Multipliers Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (EPA530-D-98-001 A) O Estimating Emissions from Process Upsets: To represent ernission rates during process upsets, multiply the emission rate developed from trial burn data by 2.8 for organics and 1.45 for metals. These factors are derived by assuming that emissions during process upsets are l0 times greater than emissions measured during the trial bum. Since the unit does not operate under upset conditions continually, the factor must be adjusted to aecount for only the period of time, on an annual basis, that the unit operates under upset conditions. For organic compounds, the facility is assumed to operate as measured during the trial burn 80 percent of the year and operate under upset conditions 20 percent of the year (0.80X1)+(0,20X10):2.8]. For metals, the combustion unit is assumed to operate as measured during the trial bum 95 percent ofthe year and operate under upset conditions the remaining 5 percant of the year [(0.95X1)+(0.05X10F1.45]. Based on review of PDARS data generated during calendar year 2005. 3.0 Operational Data Considered All data analysis was conducted using electronic database systems. These systems include the Microsoft technologies SQL Server 2000 for the database server, and Hlpertext Marlarp Language (HTML) and Active Server Pages (ASP) for the website application analysis tool. A user friendly website application, which is not accessible to the public, has been developed in order to import new data, analyze and export data, and generate summary and final reports. The website application allows the user to choose the task at hand and enter date, incinerator, and parameter specific criteria. Through ASP, the form delivers the Page 5 of30 Non-Peak Performance lncinerator Emission Rate Multiplier Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occ urs (P articulate/lVletals Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occurs (Orsanics Modified Emission Rate Multiplier Particulate/lVletals Modified Emission Rate Multiplier Table 2 - Percent Ilours of Operation Metals lParticulate upset conditions total elapsed time (hours)t t.392 1.017 5.16 7.56 Organic upset conditions total elapsed time (hours) t 1.418 0.t92 0.7 5 0. 16 Total hazardous waste processing time (hours) t 873 116 1,452 3,949 Metals lParticulate upset conditions time (percent)0.159 0.875 0.36 0.19 Oreanic upset conditions time (percent)0.162 0.165 0.05 0.004 TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 6t28t2006 user's task and criteria into the associated stored procedures, which execute within the database server. After the database has completed processing the user's request, the website application informs the user the process is complete and, if requested, provides a link to the document(s) exported by the web application. Data from PDARS was initially divided into one-hour intervals and sorted using minimum or maximum values (as appropriate) to identiff one-hour time blocks where potential upset condition episodes may have occurred. Each one-hour time block that was identified as containing a potential upset condition was subjected to frrrther analysis using 30-second PDARS data. The data was atalyzed as follows: 3.1 One-Hour Data Evaluation One hour data was collected for the required tirne period for all necessary ID tags. Because an upset condition cannot exist when the individual incinerators are not in opeiation, the initial data sort was for furnace feed state. Data was included in the database if it met the following conditions: pounds, (Ten pounds was used to avoid instrument calibration problems; it's not unusual for the meter to record small values even when the incinerator is not operating.) proceeding hour (an indication that a nerv tray had entered the fumace in the proceeding or the current hour). After furnace feed state was established, each one-hour time block was tested to determine if the potential existed for increased organic or particulate/metals emissions. This screening was conducted as follows: Organics - Each one-hour time block was evaluated to determine if both carbon monoxide (CO) analyzers recorded values above 100 ppm at any time during the hour. Particulates/Metals - Each one-hour time block was evaluated to determine if the temperature exceeded evaluation criteria, the venturi scrubber brine flow fell below evaluation criteria, or the venturi scrubber difforential pressure exceeded the evaluation criteria at any time during the hour. The evaluation criteria were based on the levels used for previous HHRA reports. The evaluation criteria for upset conditions during the one-hour data analysis are described in detail in Section 4. 3.2 Thirty-Second Data Evaluation Thirty-second PDARS data for each one hour time block identified in the one described above was recovered and aralyzed using electronic methods. The logic criteria for the 30-second data evaluation are described in detail in Section 4. hour data sort and evaluation IOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 6 of30 6t28t2006 4.0 Definitions of Incinerator Upset Conditions The definitions of upset conditions for the TOCDF incinerators are based on Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT) standards. These standards are explained below. 4.1 Increased Organic Emissions The duration of upset condition episodes resulting in the potential emissions was determined for each incinerator as defined below. 4.1 .l LICI and LIC} for increased organic The uncorrected Pollution Abatement System (PAS) CO concentration was greater than 100 ppm during agent feed or within five minutes after the waste feed was disabled. 4.t.2 DFS The uncorrected PAS CO concentration was greater than 100 ppm wherr the fumace was enabled to process waste feed. 4.1.3 MPF The uncorrected PAS CO concentration was greater than 100 ppm when waste was present in the primary chamber. The time when waste was charged to the primary chamber was determined as thetime when the tray number changed. Calibration events were differentiated from actual high CO events by checking the two CO Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) against each other. Carbon monoxide CEMS are never calibrated at the same time. It was assumed that a high CO event was real if both CO CEMS indicated CO concentrations above 100 ppm simultaneously. The instrument tag IDs associated with these parameters for each incinerator in PDARS are provided in Table 3. Table 4 provides the logic of the analysis of upset conditions associated with excessive CO emissions. 4.2 IncreasedParticulate/Metals Emissions The duration of upset condition episodes resulting in a potential increase of particulate/metals emissions was determined for each incinerator as defined below. These definitions incorporate TOCDF Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) permit limits for the applicable parameters. 4.2.1 LIC1 and LIC2 The primary chamber exhaust temperature was greater than or equal to 2,850 T, the venturi scrubber brine flow was less than 106 gallons per minute (gpm), or the venturi scrubber differential pressure was less than 35 inches water column (inwc) during agent feed or within 5 minutes after waste feed was disabled. f.g. 7 of30TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 4.2.2 DFS The kiln exhaust gas temperature was greater than 1,650 oF, the venturi scrubber brine flow was less than 310 gnr\ or the venturi scrubber differential pressure was less than 30 inwc during waste feed or within 25 minutes after waste feed was stopped. 4.2,3 MPF The primary chamber zone temperatures were greater than 1,700 oF, the venturi scrubber brine flow was less than 90 Eprn" or the venturi scrubber differential pressure was less than 25 inwc when waste was present in the incinerator. It is assumed that waste was present in the incinerator for 1.5. hours after a tray is loaded into the furnace. The instrument tag IDs associated with ihese parameters for each incinerator in PDARS are provided in Table 3. Page 8 of30 tF ou, f{--o ?A E '= 6) E. t r o! l Iq) t r TE.- .S tbg U . oi r -! .- I-99 -95o .lfj =5E -a E dE (u o bD e a9 .= q) ZA IJ- - E. t c) r -t -E-E5 EFHq E. = -t IYde) . = ,I!- r a .l -{ PC )E8 -.- E .3 € E. E '5 . = . EE : =o E ue g EE . E * 3' E EE I ^9 E (l ) 9l .i a, q, GI AJ €d s bo c a L tr o r l ) .l - - ,r a - .- Y+ i x6r E E. E ? a0 !' rc Et , o) '= tr ' 1 , =C c l P! E ;E S E; . E *r E I- ct cE 6 3E o =' - E EE -e l ? -t tE. E . E I Gt - :b E Es g l oA € gT aa ^ - .r L l - Ya l tS€ : E is EE E t- Iis & vq ) o c) fr--ra0q) f{er -t c .r l i.)rofro)E.-o O EF 3 i ;: E g= . EI t Hf i tE = s EE X€ E : g E $, ! EE ' s t EE EB [ E 5 E #E iE E Er E * . g r a E [ f u E i ' E ! * O5 . ; :i O= , ,, E p ci d o g[ g = E g, ^ 3 t EE E E* Is s ;8 i s ,$ t ? E = E r, E sl Ei c I* E i E I g g E i g * I g E i I I bf r E ci .. , q, gE g 'o-FE ( ,- , € EE E g o ' .i l j g *x ; [= rE e x =o l = 8E : E :f , B Ns Et P t *t , t F ; 7* 1 Eg E g E E sr s l * Er e ! [ t u f i i g g * E ci r' o i. E g H = bb I i EB I - s$ ; *! iE ' B Es I = n E E € 3* Eg s ci r' d g* # q) f{-J+.cl li6)E-LLi(l )F pq -\ .s g ! i: a eE Ee t ga EE , : ?; r BE E 5 i rI 'E 5 € st gr € 3 s s . gH . != t ;, s l . g f a ; g $ s f i g E i l ; Gi ,o o g[ E H ? :g ;g E ia ;t . ?u ' E i B ig I ci r, o Pg . E taLo .l aU, d)r I(uoU EE a * t E I l g t i * u g 18 . F. ,9 'i i 3A # E b< r € E €5 !: !* E i * Is a g g g ; ig , g i l ci d d 9E E fE S E t E E [ g t i i u 3 15 . U fi E ? -? E !, l l * I f a 3 ? g t ; l g , i l l n d d5 B t frol)cl fr(9lrIdI- Ff(J . ts ( . J olUF(I O.aoooboslO{ (oONIv)oEo(Jov,g.Dt&o(- )oF 6q+. c€1,1,axo()ou)otattAa{o .l+, .lr5troU{. iq)u)a l--)a0 tr .- l tr .-dF. xf{q)+,o)RLo i. - r CJ .r l l a0ohlI !+q)-€€BF{ \oooc\ ooe\oOcaoruoo roO. O (a toOc!Icao.oo()(utaO. frLoUoF O qHoU, t)o 0E '= c) Es .t r-ot r €. - ia - a Ji 5 \o i .B .E r bg oi < -! t-() q ) -9LAovEE - .F ! cl 'o q) o b0 ( ) a{ J .= q) E? E. . g o -+ ' ) I tt r r =! i{ a.--9Es c fr q AL r -. 99ao. = tE t .r a -l EH q) 4 ) 1' r .- I.3 € E. E 'i : .. i i o EE ; AI J Huq r g et i E 9? Zi + 3E EE : * E! 1' A tr bo I 6 t Co $ l .l - ! t s -a - r a rr + i E6r I E. E 3 u0 * ' E EE C) '= tr ! =c t : .F i E .r J u c) E3 € E; E *r E L- c3 cn = E 3. E B 8. 2 E HE =a x :' E! .q ) g€ . E g Es Eg E r- ol € gY .. a A .t v - .= .t r 1 e -T e g .E .{ ; EE F A- I l is B \r r O O q) firl , rAq)LOi Eacl a-+. , lrot()Eala H Ee e tr - 3 E F' E E E€ € E€ _+ fi *E E Et E E 1i E+ C E Ii S E € = ^ E E d E 5 Eg ; - r Ei =I f i s { 3 E ; r i t t Er g E E b : * - J\ Ef * g f i E ci r' d PE E Bo-fr a q E ?n l g s i fr ; f€ E He iE s E E; E g E a g g I gE g } PH H EE E E E B E E t E E E g S E i J lE E cd d o 9[ g ET rT E 3 fi sf r E Se $ ag ;E s E? E E I E t I E B E g g E sF s r s 3 s a E 1 5 i g S E ; .. . i .- : ai -o _. _ : , _7 8 E gU : (- O' O *i Ga c. t q) fi-+r ,Gl fra)a-Ltq)F E E Bt E ^ 3 q E (a +{ .g Ev r * l ' '- . , '- ' : 2" H Gi .c i o <, 8 = gB B E F' f $ E EE i rs s f i na c a e c EE - g# - g5 r 5 l = H cd d ., 8t E l= *9 , U, tov,U, tLLro)oU oo E o ) o Gi 'o d gB g oo q o .= ; ru -, E i6 E, a t t , g g g i f l l l t E , g, l l ! g l s E a ; ig , i l l ci r' d p$ g fro{i aGILrq) a .l Ih- afr (a t*Or tsz 5.0 Conclusion The amount of time TOCDF incinerators are operated under upset conditions is significantly less than the assumed values used in the EPA HHRA protocol. The modified emission rate multipliers applied to LIC emissions could be lowered in the next iteration of the HHRA considering: ' 1. The difference in the EPA protocol assumed values versus actual values as determined by review of the PDARS data. 2. The ability to instantaneously stop *urt" f""O on the LICs. 3. The short waste residence time associated with a liquid incinerator. For the I-ICs, the 2005 PDARS data supports an emission rate multiplier of 1.01 for orgaqic emissions and an emissions rate multiplier of 1.01 and 1.08 for particulate/metals for LICI and LIC2, respectively The modified emission rate multipliers applied to DFS and MPF emissions could also be lowered in the next iteration of the TOCDF HHRA considering the difference in the EPA HHRA proaocol assumed values versus actual values determined by review of the PDARS data. For the DFS, the 2005 data supports an emission rate multiplier of 1.00 for organic emissions and an emissions rate multiplier of 1.03 for particulate/metals. For the MPF, the data supports the application of emission rate multipliers of 1.02 and 1.00 to particulate/metals and organic emissions, respectively. The percent upset condition hours of operation for the DFS and MPF could potentially fluctuate more in any given year than that for the LICs because of the longer waste residence time associated with the incinerator designs. Given that the emission rate multipliers for the DFS and MPF in 2004 and 2005 were below 1.03 for both organic emissions and particulate/metals, the use of the emission rate multipliers calculated in 2005 for organic ernissions and particulate/metals is reasonable. TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page l2 of30 6t28t2006 6.0 Attachments Attachment 6.1 2005 Incinerator Hours of Hazardous Waste Operation UU2005 2.333 0.267 10.433 U2l200s 2.283 r.7 t7 u3l200s 8.7 5 7.233 6.583 U4t2005 6.t17 U5l200s 1.05 3.8 17 U6l200s 3.033 1.9 I 8.0 17 u7 l2a0s 5.683 7 .ll7 U8t200s 4.333 4.683 v9l200s 6.15 t9.233 Ut0l200s 5. 133 0.667 8.567 lltv200s 4.s67 3.9r7 Ut2l200s 0.317 8.7 5 tr.4t7 U1312005 1.1 1.567 2.8s vt4l200s I 1.983 4.1 6.3 83 13.183 Utsl200s 8.333 19.5 urclza}s 1 1.833 9.217 23.983 ur7l200s t.733 r.733 5.133 23.983 Ut8l200s 2.217 12.6 U19l200s 1.65 U201200s 7.1 U2u200s 8.0r7 U2212005 8.3 83 18. I l7 Ll23l200s 0.683 t4.333 U241200s 6,7 U2sl200s 2.3t7 U261200s 2.4s U271200s 4.867 U281200s 7 .067 U291200s 10.4 t2.033 U301200s 1 1.55 U3U200s 6.467 2.983 21y2005 2.55 0.983 4.883 21212005 6.583 13.55 2131200s I 1.05 16.8 2141200s 14.2 0.167 10.85 15.9 2lsl200s 6 0.9t7 20.933 2161200s 23.733 217 1200s 6.35 1.1 23.783 2181200s 5.567 0.017 14.4 14.35 2t9t200s 4.35 0.05 10.783 2lt0l200s 7.433 0.683 4.633 12.8t7 2ltU200s 9.967 23.267 2ltzl200s 9.283 4.s67 23.983 2lt3l200s 0.8 3.417 23.983 TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page l3 of30 Attachment 6.1 2005 lncinerator Hours of Hazardous Waste Operation 2lt4l200s 3.2t7 3.9 23.983 2lt5l200s 6.833 19.317 2lt61200s 8.783 0.083 2lt7 1200s 9.0s 4.6 10.45 I 1.033 2lt8l200s 7.2 6.067 I 8. 133 2lt9l200s 6.833 6.5 21201200s 5.233 8.133 212U200s 12.25 9.2 23.667 21221200s 5.8 83 5.5s 23.983 21231200s r.983 6.417 15.233 21241200s 7 .45 t2.383 212sl200s 16.333 21261200s 18.233 t7.617 2127 1200s 9.8 11.583 21281200s r.817 2.567 3lU200s 4.183 8.6 9.2 3121200s 6.9 3131200s 3.3 83 3141200s 14.967 3lsl200s 8.733 3161200s 1.2 3171200s 5.8 3181200s 7.283 3191200s 3.6t7 0.067 3lt0l200s 1.05 t2.8 3ltU200s t.7 5 23.983 3lt2l200s 18.2t7 20.867 23.983 3lt3l200s 6.983 15.05 22.667 3lt4l200s 17 .l 23.983 3ltsl200s 8 23.867 31t612005 7 .533 8.933 23.867 3lt7 1200s 9.2t7 1.9 13.t67 23.983 311,812005 10.467 1.383 2.233 23.983 3lt9l200s r.2 23.067 312012005 23.067 23.567 312U200s 8.417 22.233 t2.533 31221200s 1.65 7.917 0.017 3123t2005 I 1.15 12.717 31241200s 12.25 23.983 3l2sl200s 18.433 23.983 31261200s t2.783 11.667 I 1.85 23.983 3127 1200s 3.133 3.283 6.533 23.983 31281200s 17.2 22.367 312912005 r1.183 t.367 313012005 r0.367 9.633 7.433 23.983 3l3rnjas 8.5 23.983 4lU200s 3.617 4.t33 13.567 23.983 o 6/28t2006TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page l4 of30 O Attachment 6.1 2005 lncinerator Hours ofHazardous Waste Operation 41212005 2.567 1 8.25 23.983 4131200s 8.05 1.1 1s.483 23.983 41412005 t2.6t7 16.t17 19.3 5 23.983 4lsl200s 4.7 t7 18.983 1 5.333 4161200s 4.5 14.517 417 1200s 9.083 9.533 22.967 9.133 4181200s 3.917 3.917 13.483 23.983 4191200s 0.2t7 0.233 I 3.8 83 t4.283 4lt01200s t3.367 4.467 4ltU200s tt.2 9.15 19.133 4lt2l200s 2.75 2.783 r 6.883 4lt31200s 10.183 8.783 4lt4l200s 12.483 t7.217 12.6 4ltsl200s 15.267 13.6 23.983 4lt6l200s 3.3 83 ll 10.817 4lt7l200s 4.2 14.567 4lt8l200s t3 t7 .15 4lt9D}as 6.2 4.967 41201200s I s.633 1.833 412y200s tr.t67 23.983 23.867 41221200s 13.433 2t.233 9 41231200s 9.933 t6.6 41241200s 9.217 t4.317 4lzsl200s 7 .667 5.983 s.25 4l26l20As 6.4s 41271200s 14.233 10.267 t2.933 41281200s t0.667 13.45 0.s33 41291200s r0.Il7 t7 .267 41301200s 1.1 t2.683 slu200s 18.65 7.217 t.317 sl2l200s 4.45 s13l200s 7 13.517 5t4t200s tr.433 16.ofi 2.783 51s12005 12.15 0.8 5161200s 17.817 20.8 83 1.183 s17l200s 16.2 10.45 13.567 5181200s 10.45 10.933 5191200s 6.133 15.783 slt0l200s 13.4s 13.65 5ltU200s t4.283 7.3 12.217 slr2l200s 18.467 t4.367 8.ls 5lt3l200s 0.067 1 9.833 13.45 slt4l200s 13.8 l7 22.867 5ltsl200s t6.7 3.2 r7.367 5n6t2005 1,2.15 10.833 t5.25 5lt7 12005 9.7 17.3 12.t5 slt8l200s 13.3 83 t2.5t7 TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page l5 of30 6t28t2006 O Attachment 6.1 2005 Lrcinerator Hours of Hazardous Waste Operation 5l19l200s 0.55 7.033 8.417 sl20l200s 23 13.083 9.9 ' 512U200s 14.667 15.85 t4.4t7 5t22t200s 17 .9t7 10.6 sl23l200s 19.B33 18.283 19.2 sl24l200s 3.s17 1s.683 t2.65 5lzsl200s 5.467 13. 183 s.tt7 sl26l200s 15.467 20.617 0.35 5127 1200s 8967 21,667 23.983 sl281200s 17.8 15.95 8.7 67 512912005 20.65 22.617 5.417 sl30l200s 23.617 10.783 s13U200s 19.4 20.1 83 61112005 9 18 tL.433 6121200s 2.833 I 8.1 67 7 .367 61312005 23.9 r0.233 s.933 6141200s 15.183 8.683 6lsl200s 3.9s 6161200s t4.683 61712005 15.283 6191200s 19.783 6/r01200s 14.133 6lrU200s 10.4 6lt2l200s L7 .55 6l13l200s 9.7 6lt4l200s 13.083 6lt5l200s 10.6 17 6lt6l200s t5.5r7 611712005 9.8r7 6lt81200s s.483 6lt9t200s 15.483 6t20t200s I 1.3 612U200s 0.3 612212005 15.317 61231200s 7.783 61241200s 1 1.817 6l2sl200s 8.9 612612005 3.467 6127 1200s t2.517 61281200s 61291200s 8.867 61301200s 1 8.683 71U2005 23.983 71212005 1 8.0s 7131200s 12.8 71412005 t2.367 71s12005 5.3t7 PageTOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 o Attachment 6.1 2005 lncinerator Hours of Hazardous Waste Operation 7 /61200s 13.583 717 1200s 7.233 7181200s 0.567 3.067 7191200s 15.55 7lt0l200s 7.533 7ltu200s 12.133 7lt2l200s I 1.65 7l13l200s 7lt4l200s 7lt5n0a5 It.t67 7lt6l200s 4.983 7lt7 1200s 7.t67 7lt8l200s 1 1.65 7l19l200s 17.833 71201200s 19.1 712U200s 2t.067 71221200s 3.6t7 71231200s 5.033 7l24l20As 71251200s 4.4t7 71261200s 4.167 71271200s 6.7 5 71281200s t4.3t7 712912005 0.967 12.633 8lrl200s 1.9 8121200s 8131200s 8141200s t.2s 8151200s 8161200s 5.7 67 817 1200s t2.8 8181200s 19.5 8191200s t6.333 8lr0l200s 3.3 8/11 1200s 8lt2l20as 11.267 8l13l200s t4.9 8l14t200s 1 8.083 8ltsl200s 17 .133 8lt6l200s 8lL7 1200s 3.1 8lt8l200s 3.067 8l19l200s 81201200s 7 .0r7 8l2rDjas 7.883 81221200s 81231200s 7 .017 TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 17 of30 6t28t2006 Attachment 6.1 - 2005 Incinerator Hours ofHazardous Waste Operation 81241200s 5 8l2sl200s 81261200s 23.983 8127 1200s 23.983 81281200s 22.8 81291200s 23.983 81301200s 23.983 813U200s 23.983 9ly200s 23.667 9121200s 23.983 9131200s 23.983 9141200s 23.983 9lsl200s 23.983 9161200s 23.333 917 12005 t9.317 9181200s 23.983 9191200s 23.983 9lL0l200s 23.983 91rU2005 23.733 9lt2l200s 23.983 9lt3l200s 23.983 9lt4l200s 13.6t7 9lts12005 tt.25 91r6t2005 23.983 9lt7l200s 23.983 9lt8l200s 23.983 9l19l200s 23.983 9120t200s 23.25 912y200s t8.7 912212005 23.983 91231200s 23.983 9t241200s 23.983 9lzsl200s 23.983 91261200s 23.983 9t27 t2005 23.983 9t28t200s 23.983 9129t200s 23.25 913012005 23.983 10/1 1200s 23.983 101212005 23.983 101312005 t2.033 tal4D005 8.9 t0l5l200s 16.4t7 t0l6l200s 13.7 s t017 12005 9.367 101812005 3.017 r019l200s 13.6 o TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page l8 of30 6t2812006 o . Attachment 6.1 2005 Incinerator Hours of Hazardous Waste Operation ,10/10/2005 12.533 10/1 U200s 17.0r7 10/121200s 15 10/131200s 1 1.6 t0lr4l200s t2.05 10/1s1200s 18.783 l0/1 61200s 9.983 10/171200s 16.55 l0/r 8/200s 15.25- t0lt91200s t2.45 rcl2an00s 9.033 l0l2U200s 9.583 t01221200s t2.933 101231200s rs.4t7 r01241200s 7.033 1,012512005 8.033 1012612005 8.5 1a12712005 2r.067 1,012812005 t3 .7 83 1012912005 3.417 101301200s 4.6 t0l3U200s 4.t33 tUU200s 5.933 rLl4l200s 10.633 tU5l200s 16.25 rU6l200s 2 lU7 1200s 1.85 tU8l200s lUrv200s 4.167 tUt3l200s 7 .95 rUt4l200s tUtsl200s 5.983 tUt6l200s 6.2s rUr7l200s 1.833 tt/2U200s 0.867 tU22l200s .4.2t7 tt/23/2005 3.933 tU241200s 10.0 17 tU25l200s t6.867 LU26l200s 9.583 tU27 12005 t2.s rU2812005 9.6 tU2912005 3.2 tzlU200s 6.15 t2l3l200s 2.417 t2l4l200s 4.067 tzls12005 8.567 Page 19 of 30TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 612812006 a Attachment 6.1 2005 Incinerator Hours of Hazardous Waste Operation tzl6l200s 5.8s r2l7l200s 7.4 12191200s t.9t7 Lzlt2l200s 3.167 r2lt3l20as 9.617 tzlt4l200s 15.05 l2ltsl200s 9.4t7 l2lt6l200s t2.l 121171200s 4.683 r2lr8l200s 6.967 l2lt9l200s 2.r33 r21201200s 1212u2005 7 .617 t21251200s 3.267 121261200s 3.1 121271200s 23.983 t212812005 2.05 121301200s 5.2 NOTE: tf no operatior:nl durations are shown flir a particulardate, then the incineratordid not operate on that date. ** Periods when only SDS was processed are not included in this evaluation. This results in the development of a more conservative emission multiplier because metal and organic concentrations in the SDS are negligible. For example both LICs processed SDS in the second half of the year after agent operations had been completed. If the time processing SDS had been included in this evaluation the hours of operation would have increased significantly resulting in a much lower emission rate multiplier TOC.DF Upset Conditions - 2005 a Page 20 of 30 6128t2006 Daily Totals for LIC1 Upset Condition Episodes in 2005 Duration hh:mm:sec Event Date Ut4/200s 2t4t200s 2/5/2005 2t9t200s 2n8t200s 2t22t200s 2126t200s 2t27 t200s 3lt/200s 3lt2t200s 3n3/200s 3lt6t200s 3lt7 t200s 3n8t200s 31261200s 3127 tzo}s 3130t200s 4/U700s 4/4/200s 4/7lzo1s 4t8/200s 4nI/2A05 4n2t200s 4n4/2A0s 4/15t200s 4lt6t200s 4lt8t200s 4t22t200s 4t23t200s 4t24t200s 4t28t200s 4129t200s sn/200s s/3t200s 514t2005 516/200s - 5/7 /2005 5n2t2005 slr6t200s slt7 t200s 5t20t200s 512U200s 5123t200s st24t200s 5tzst2005 5126t2005 5127 t200s 51281200s 5129t200s 00:00:30 00:02:00 00:00:30 00:01 :00 00:01:30 00:01 :00 00:00:30 00:02:00 00:01 :30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:01:30 00:02:30 00:02:00 00:03:30' 00:01 :00 00:03:00 00:01:00 00:02:00 00:01:30 00:01:00 00:01:30 00:01:30 00:00:30 00:02:00 00:00:30 00:02:00 00:01 :00 00:02:00 00:01 :30 00:02:01 00:00:30 00:03:01 00:02:00 00:00:30 00:01 :30 00:03:30 00:02:30 00:01 :00 00:02:00 00:03:30 00:00:30 00:05:31 00:00:30 00:01 :00 00:01 :30 00:03:00 00:00:30 00:02:30 2t9t2005 2t22t200s 2t26t200s 3t26t2005 3t30t2005 4nst2005 4122t200s 4t23t2005 4t29t2005 snt2005 st6t200s sn2t200s sl23t200s st26t2a0s 00:00:30 00:02:30 00:01 :30 00:01 :00 00:18:3 I 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:03:00 00:01 :00 00:01 :30 00:00:30 00:03:30 00: l3:00 2t4/2005 2lsl200s 2n7 t2005 2lt8l200s 3112t2005 yt3Daas 3n6t200s 4141200s 4lt4l200s 4ltst200s 4tr8t200s 4122t2005 4t23t200s 4127 t2005 51312005 il6D0As s17 t2005 '5nU2005 sn2t200s st20t200s sl23/2005 5124/20As sl26t200s st27 t200s st29t200s 613/200s 614/2005 00:02:00 00:03:00 00:01 :00 00:01 :00 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:01 :30 00:01 :00 00:01:30 00:01 :00 00:04:00 00:01 :30 00:01:00 00:01 :00 00:00:30 00:01 :00 00:01 :00 00:01 :00 00:00:30 00:01 :00 00:02:30 00:03:00 00:02:00 00:01 :00 00:00:30 TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 2l of30 6t28t2W6 Duration hh:mm:sec Event Date Duration hh:mm:sec 6131200s 6141200s 6n6t200s 00:00:30 00:02:30 00:02:00 NOTE: lfno event dates or durations are shown for a particular parameter, then there were no times for the specified date range and incinerator when non:peak perfonnance conditions were occurring. Total Time of Operation under Non-Peak Performance (Upset) Conditions for LIC1 in 2005 (hours lug. 22 of30TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 6t28t2006 6.3 Daily Totals for LICzUpset Condition Episodes in 2005 NOTE: If no event dates or durations are shown for a particular parameter, then there were.no times for the specifiod date range and incinerator when non-peak performance conditions were occurring. for LICZ in 2005 (hours TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Event Date Duration hh:mm:sec Ut4l200s 2lt7 t200s 2/281200s 3lU200s 3126t200s 312712005 31301200s 4n/2005 4t4t200s 417 t2005 4t8t200s 4/tU200s 4n2t200s 00:01 :00 00:01 :00 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:01 :30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:01 :00 00:01 :00 00:02:00 00:00:30 00:01 :00 00:00:30 Ut4l200s 3lU200s 31261200s 3127 D0A5 3t3012005 4lU200s 4t31200s 4141200s 4171200s 4ltu200s 411212005 00:00:30 00:01 :00 00:02:30 00:01:00 00: l9:00 00:08:00 00:01:00 00:10:30 00: l0:30 00:06:00 00:01 :00 Total Time of Operation under Non-Peak Performance (Upset) Conditions Page 23 of30 6t28t2006 O 6.4 Daily Totals for DFS Upset Condition Episodes in 2005 TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 :mm:sec 4D0DAl5 4t23t200s sl29t200s 51301200s 00:08:01 00:01 :30 00:09:00 00:26:31 t/3t200s U4t200s U tst2005 218/200s 2n0t2005 211U2005 2lr4l200s 3lt/200s 3t5t2005 3n2t2005 3n3t200s 3lt4t200s 3tr5t2005 3t20t200s 3t2U2005 3123t2005 3t24t200s 3t26t200s 3127 /200s 3D8DA05 313U200s 4t2t2005 4t3t2005 4lst200s 4t61200s 417 /2005 411U2005 41t2t2005 4lt7 /2005 4lt8l20as 4t20t200s 4t2U2005 4t22/20A5 41231200s 4D5DA05 4126t200s 41281200s 4t29/2005 5t3t2005 5t4t200s 51612005 s/7 t200s 5n2t2005 5n3t2005 slt4l200s s/ l 8/2005 5t2U2005 sl23l200s sl27l200s 5t2912005 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:02:30 00:00:30 00:01:00 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:01:00 00:00:30 00:04:00 00: l5:00 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:01 :00 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:03:01 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:03:00 00:05:01 00:02:01 00:02:00 00:04:30 00:18:00 00:01 :00 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:05:00 00:01 :30 00:01 :01 00:00:30 00:37:32 00:01 :00 00:02:00 00i46:00 00:01 :00 00:3 l:02 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:01 :30 00:04:30 516/200s 51301200s 00:01:00 00:04:30 sl30t200s 00:04:30 6t28t2006Page 24 of30 NOTE: If no event dates or durations are shown for a particular parameter, then there were no times for the specified date range and incinerator when non-peak performance conditions were occurring. Total Time of Operation under Non-Peak Performance (Upset) Conditions for DFS in 2005 (hours) TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 25 of30 o Daily Totals for MPF Upset Condition Episodes in 2005 Event Date Event Date Ut7 t200s 214t200s 61t4t2005 6ltst200s 7 n8t2005 7 t2v2005 9t13t200s 9lt4t200s tol3t200s 00:00:30 00:02:30 00:00:30 00:02:30 00:00:30 00:01 :00 00:01 :00 00:00:30 00:00:30 Int200s u6t200s u9t2005 Ur6t2005 In7 t2005 U2U2005 213t200s 2/4t200s 2tst2005 216120]05 2/7 t2005 znst200s 2t2U2005 2t22t2005 s19l200s sn0t200s slt4t2005 511712005 sng'tzoos 5t3U2005 6lU200s 6121200s 6t4t2005 61s12005 6t7 t200s 6ltU200s 6/13t200s 6lt6t200s 6120t2a0s 61221200s 61241200s 6l2st200s 6/26t200s 6/27 /200s 61291200s 61301200s 7lu200s 719t2005 7 n9t2005 712U2005 712712005 8/t5t200s 8t261200s 812712005 8t28t2005 8129t200s 8130t200s 8/31 t2005 9nt2005 9121200s 00:01 :30 00:01:30 00:01 :00 00:02:00 00:00:30 00:01 :30 00:01 :3 I 0l:28:31 00:03:01 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:02:00 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:03:01 00:00:30 00:01 :01 00:01 :30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:01 :30 00:01 :00 00:00:30 00:05:30 00:01:00 00:01 :00 00:01 :00 00:01 :30 00:00:30 00:02:00 00:03:30 00:39:30 bo:o I :30 00:00:30 00:51 :05 00:42:31 00:00:30 00:06:00 00: l9:00 00:07:30 00:03:00 00:09:01 00:03:30 00:00:30 00:02:00 2/41200s 2/5t2005 212U2005 7lu200s 7 t2U200s 8/31 12005 9l4DA0s 911412005 91301200s l0/l U2005 00:07:30 00:01 :00 00:01 :01 00:08:30 00:01 :30 00:00:30 00:01 :01 00:03:30 00:01 :30 00:00:30 7lu200s t01271200s 00:00:30 00:01:00 TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 26 of30 6t28t2006 I -( O o NQ[E:. If no event dates or duratiors are shown for a particular parameter, then there were no times for the specified date range and incinerator when non-peak performanoe conditions were occurring. Total Time of Operation under Non-Peak Performance (Upset) Conditions for MPF in 2005 (hours Event Date 9131200s 9t4t2005 9151200s 9161200s 9t712005 9t812005 9t9DA05 9n0t200s gntt2005 9n2t2005 9l13t200s 9n4t2005 l0/1412005 10/r 8/2005 10t28/2005 tznl200s 00;01:30 00:37:32 00:09:30 00:06:30 00:05:30 00:08:00 00:02:30 00:05:30 00: l2:01 00:01 :00 00:07:00 00:07:00 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 00:00:30 TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 27 of30 6t28t2006 6.6 Data Gaps for Incinerators in 2005 LICI CO Int2005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U2412005 Missing data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. 3n812005 Data between 311812005 02:25:06 and 02:34:45 does not exist.fhe server went through a reboot at this time. 4Bl200s Missing data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9lrsl200s Missine Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. DP I lt 12005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U24t2005 Missine data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, seruer was down. 4131200s Missine data for 2:00 a.m.fime change. Data not available. 9ltsl200s Missing Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. FLOW t lt 1200s Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U2412005 Missine data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. 4t31200s Missine data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9n5t2005 Missine Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. TEMP I I I t2005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U2412005 Missing data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. 4t3t2005 Missing data for 2:00 a.m.fime change. Data not available. 9lts12005 Missine Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. LIC2 CO I tr t2005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U24t2005 Missine data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. 4t31200s Missine data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9n5t2005 Missing Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. DP Ln12005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U2412005 Missine data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. 4t3t200s Missing data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9lrs12005 Missine Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. tUt2l200s Data between llll2l2005 l3: I 3:41 and I 3:22:29 does not exist.Ihe server went through a reboot at this time. n12912005 Data does not exist for l:00 p.m.Ihe analog acquisition stopped recording the last Few entries for this hour. FLOW uU2005 Missing Datafor 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U241200s Missing data for 18:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. 4t3t200s Missing data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9lrs12005 Missine Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. I v1212005 Data between llll2l2005 l3: l3:41 and l3:22:29 does not exist.The server went through a reboot at this time. I t t29t2005 Data does not exist for l:00 p.m.Ihe analog acquisition stopped recording the last [ew entries for this hour. TEMP t lt 12005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U24DA05 Missine data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement. server was down. 4t3t2005 Missins data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9n5t2005 Missins Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. DFS CO I I | 12005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. Database problerns. No data available. U2412005 Missine data for l8:00.Hard drive replacanent, server was down. TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 28 of30 6t2812006 DFS 41312005 Missing data for 2:00 a.m.fime chanse. Data not available. 9ltsl200s Missing Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. DP U112005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U24t200s Missing data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. 41312005 Missing data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9n5t200s Missins Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. FLOW U24/2005 Missing data for l8:00.Hard drive replacernent, server was down. 4t3t2005 Missing data for 2:00 a.m.fime change. Data not available. 9ltst2005 Missine Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. TEMP I I I12005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U24t200s Missine data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. 4t312005 Missing data for 2:00 a.m.fime change. Data not available. 91t512005 Missine Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. MPF CO I lt 12005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U24/200s Missing data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, seryer was down. 4131200s Missing data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9n5t200s Missing Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - t hour. DP UU200s Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U24t200s Missing data for 18:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down, 3lt8/200s J2:25:06 and 02:34:45 does not gxist.Ihe server went through a reboot at this time. 48D0Ai5 Missing data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9lls12005 Missing Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. FLOW I lt 12005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U2412005 Missing data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. 3n8t2005 J2:25:06 and 02:34:45 does not gxist.Ihe server went through a reboot at this time. 4t3t2005 Missine data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 9lts12005 Missing Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. TEMP I lt 12005 Missing Data for 3:00, 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.Database problems. No data available. U24t2005 Missing data for l8:00.Hard drive replacement, server was down. vt8t2a0s )2:25:06 and 02:34:45 does not sxist.fhe server went through a reboot at this time. 413/200s Missing data for 2:00 a.m.Iime change. Data not available. 911512005 Missing Data for 5:00 p.m.System offline for - I hour. TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 29 of30 6t28t2006 a 6.7 Modified Emission Rate Multipliers - 1999 to 2005 O Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occurs ( Parti cu I ate/lVl et a I s) 0.124 0.039 0.040 0.026 0.047 0.107 0.159 Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occurs (Oreanics)0.120 0.008 0.136 0.003 0.088 0.1 02 0.162 Modified Emission Rate Multiplier (Particulate/lVl etals l.0l r 1.003 1.004 1.002 1.004 l.0l l.0l Modified Emission Rate Multiplier (Oreanics)l.0l I l .001 1.012 1.000 r.008 1.01 l.0l Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occurs (P a rt icu late/lVl et a I s) 0.032 0.046 0.059 0.0s3 0.144 0.r49 0.87s Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occurs (Organics)0.050 0.101 0.051 0.007 0.042 0.133 0.1 6s Modified Emission Rate M ultinlier (Particul atellVl etals)1.003 1.004 1.00s 1.005 t.013 I.0r r.08 Modified Emission Rate Multiplier (Oreanics)1.005 1.009 1.005 1.001 1.004 1.00 1.01 Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occurs (Pa rti cu I atellVl eta I s) 0.008 0.006 0.00 r 0.000 0.00s 0.006 0.3s6 Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occurs (O rsanics)0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.052 Modified Emission Rate Multiplier (Particulate/lVl etals)r.001 1 .001 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.03 Modified Emission Rate Multiplier (Oreanics)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occurs (Particu I atel]Vl etal s) 0.000 0.004 0.002 0.062 0.066 0.145 0.191 Percent of Time Non-Peak Performance Occurs (Organics)0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.004 Modified Emission Rate Multiplier (Particul atellVl etals)1.000 r.000 1.000 1.006 1.006 1.01 1.02 Modified Emission Rate Multiplier (Oreanics)1.000 1.000 r.000 1.000 I .001 r.00 1.00 6t28t2006TOCDF Upset Conditions - 2005 Page 30 of30 Document Scanning Form (One Form for Each f)ocument to be Scanned) Department: Environmental Quality Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch: Hazardous Waste Branch Section: Chemical Demilitarization Section Facility Names TOCDF Tracking Number: 2002.02212 Library Number: TOCDF01268 File Number: In / Out: I Item Date: 6128106 Date Received: 6129106 Subject: Incinerator Upset Condition Estimate-2005 PDRAS Review Based hivilege Point: PUBLIC Excalibur Library Chem'Demil Library Name: Multiple Volumes: 0 Volume Number: 0 volume Tifle: TOCDF01268 Scan Date. 7110106 ocR Date: 7110106 Who Done It: KG