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DSHW-2015-007867 - 0901a0688054d13f
WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. N ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING UTi> 0^33055^ Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control JUL 2 3 2015 PHASE ! ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT FORMER COWBOY OIL FACILITY 1710 WEST 2600 SOUTH WOODS CROSS, UTAH Project No. 1081-2 To Mr. Kenny Custer Idaho Asphalt Supply, Inc. POB 50538 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 July 21, 2004 24 10 WEST CALIFORNIA A VENUE SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 84104 PHONE 18011 972-8400 FAX 18011 972-8459 a-mail: wei@wasatch-environmental.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Table of Contents 1. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND 1 2. INTRODUCTION 2 2.1 Purpose 2 2.2 Detailed Scope of Work 2 2.3 Limitations and Expectations of Assessment 2 2.4 Special Terms and Conditions 3 2.5 Reliance 3 SITE DESCRIPTION 3 3.1 Location 3 3.2 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics 3 3.3 Current Uses of the Property 3 3.4 Descriptions of Structures, Roads, Other Improvements on the Site 3 3.5 Current Uses of Adjoining Properties 4 4. USER PROVIDED INFORMATION 4 4.1 Environmental Liens/Activity Use and Limitations 4 4.2 Specialized Knowledge and Helpful Documents 4 4.3 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues 6 4.4 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information 6 4.5 Reason for Performing Phase I 6 5. RECORDS REVIEW 6 5.1 Standard Environmental Record Sources, Federal and State 6 5.2 Additional Record Sources 8 5.2.1 Davis County Health Department 8 5.2.2 Fire Department 9 5.2.3 Sewer District 9 5.2.4 Division of Water Quality 9 5.3 Physical Setting Source(s) 9 5.3.1 Topographic Map 9 5.3.2 Regional Hydrogeology 9 5.3.3 Site Hydrogeology 10 5.4 Historical Use Information on the Property 10 5.4.1 Ownership History and Recorded Environmental Liens 10 5.4.2 Historic Topographic Maps 10 5.4.3 Interviews with Prior Owners 11 5.4.4 Onsite Documentation 11 5.4.5 Aerial Photographs 12 5.5 Historical Use Information on Adjoining Properties (to the extent identified) 12 6. SITE RECONNAISSANCE 13 6.1 Methodology and Limiting Conditions 13 6.2 Office/Shop Building 13 6.3 Southwest AST Farm 13 6.4 Thermo Fluids 13 6.5 Emulsion Plant and Polymer Modified Asphalt Manufacturing plant 14 6.6 Perimeter ASTs 14 6.7 Foreland Operation 14 6.8 Commercial Fueling Area 15 6.9 Current Condition of Interceptor Trench and Air Sparge Remediation System 15 7. JULY 2004 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING 15 8. INTERVIEWS 16 8.1 Interview with Owner 16 9. FINDINGS AND OPINIONS 17 10. CONCLUSIONS 19 Figure 1 - Area Map Figure 2 - Site Map Figure 2a - Sample Location Map Figure 3 - Topographic Map Figure 4 -1963 Aerial Photograph Figure 5 -1973 Aerial Photograph Figure 6 -1983 Aerial Photograph Figure 7 -1998 Aerial Photograph Table 1 - Quarterly Groundwater Sampling Data Summary Site Photographs Appendix A - Quarterly Groundwater Sample Location Information Appendix B - Government Database Information Appendix C - Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Inspector Report for Thermo Fluids Appendix D - Leaking Underground Storage Tank Closure Documents Appendix E - Davis County Health Department Letter Appendix F - Ownership History, Recorded Environmental Lien and Activity and Use Limitation Search Appendix G - Historic Maps Appendix H - Westec Document Appendix I - July 2004 Groundwater Sampling Laboratory Data Appendix J - Qualifications of Environmental Professionals PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT FORMER COWBOY OIL FACILITY 1710 WEST 2600 SOUTH WOODS CROSS, UTAH 1. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND We have conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the former Cowboy Oil facility located at 1720 West 2600 South in Woods Cross, Utah (see Figures 1 and 2). The subject site consists of approximately 20 acres that includes an asphalt emulsion plant, used-oil recycling operation, roofing asphalt plant, and commercial fuel dispensing. The site map presented as Figure 2 is not intended to accurately delineate contractual leased area but is intended for reference purposes to depict major occupant areas. The subject site has a long and complex history of occupants and uses since at least the early 1960s and possibly the late 1950s. Based on interviews, the first industrial use of the property has been traced to a company referred to as Black Oil that developed the property for fuel blending and storage. The original facility was reportedly dismantled by Chevron Oil Company sometime in the late 1960s or early 1970s and rebuilt for refining by Cowboy Oil. Refining operations reportedly ceased in approximately 1981 and the property continued to be utilized for fuel blending, bulk petroleum and asphalt storage, and distribution. A 1995 tank inventory provided to Wasatch identified 45 above ground storage tanks (ASTs) ranging in size from 10,000 to over 1,000,000 gallons, 12 loading/unloading racks, and dispenser and transfer piping associated with the ASTs. In approximately 1996, Crown Energies purchased the property for bulk storage and distribution of asphalt products. Crown then constructed an emulsion manufacturing plant and polymer modified asphalt manufacturing plant. Multiple spills and releases have occurred on the subject site over the years, and soil and groundwater impacts are known to currently exist. The site has been subject to previous investigations and remediation efforts. Reports and documentation that we have reviewed as part of this assessments include the following: • A 1991 Investigation Report and Corrective Action Plan prepared by Wasatch for Cowboy Refinery for the Cowboy Refinery site; • A1995 site assessment prepared by Wasatch that covered the former Genesis lease area (currently occupied by Thermo Fluids); • A1998 RETECH Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment prepared for the Genesis lease area; • Laboratory reports associated with quarterly groundwater sampling events conducted between June 2000 and April 2004 by onsite personnel. In 1992, Wasatch Environmental installed a soil and groundwater remediation system at the Cowboy facility. The system involves total fluids capture through interceptor trenches. The system was designed to pump 0.5 gallons per minute of total fluids into two above ground storage tanks with a combined capacity of 16,000 gallons. Biological treatment of the extracted groundwater is accomplished through air sparging in the storage tanks and air sparge wells at points within the interceptor trenches. The treated groundwater discharges to the South Davis County Sewer Improvement District under permit which is renewed annually. In 1991,16 monitoring wells were present on the subject site. Currently, eight monitoring wells have been located. Wasatch personnel collected groundwater samples from seven monitoring wells and collected free product samples from one monitoring well (MW B-4) and one air-sparge well. WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL, INC 1 Laboratory results from the July 2004 sampling round, combined with laboratory results from previous investigations and sampling rounds indicate that the primary impacts to soil and groundwater at the site are from petroleum hydrocarbons. Off site sources migrating onto the site are not suspected. At the time of this assessment, the interceptor trench system did not appear to be functioning properly, increasing the potential for groundwater impacts to be migrating off site. Detailed discussion is presented in the following sections of this report 2. INTRODUCTION This assessment was conducted within the scope and limitations of the Standard Practice for Environmental Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process as presented in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E 1527-00. This practice is intended to reflect a commercially prudent and reasonable inquiry to identify recognized environmental conditions in connection with a property. 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is to identify, to the extent feasible pursuant to the processes described in ASTM E 1527-00, recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. 2.2 Detailed Scope of Work This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment has been conducted in general accordance with ASTM E 1527-00 and consists of four components: 1) Records Review, 2) Site Reconnaissance, 3) Interviews, and 4) Report. There may be environmental issues or conditions at a property that parties may wish to assess in connection with commercial real estate that are outside the scope of the ASTM E 1527-00 practice. Several non-scope considerations include (but are not limited to) asbestos, lead paint, wetlands, and radon. No implication is intended as to the relative importance of inquiry into such non-scope considerations, nor is this list intended to be all- inclusive. This assessment included collection of groundwater samples from seven onsite wells, and collection of free product from monitoring well B-4 and one air sparge well. 2.3 Limitations and Expectations of Assessment Although the potential risks and liabilities associated with real estate transactions can be minimized by conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, they cannot be completely eliminated. Limitations exist as to the availability of documentation and constraints of visual and/or physical observations. This assessment has been undertaken within reasonable limits of time and cost. Accuracy and completeness of record information varies among information sources, including government sources. The information provided has not been independently verified, unless we have actual knowledge or it appears obvious that certain information is incorrect. The information presented in this report shall not be interpreted as a warranty as to the presence or non-presence of recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted environmental site assessment principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 2.4 Special Terms and Conditions An environmental site assessment performed in accordance with ASTM E 1527-00 is presumed to be valid for at least 180 days. After 180 days or if information regarding recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject property becomes known, then portions of the environmental site assessment should be updated. 2.5 Reliance This report is prepared for the sole benefit of Idaho Asphalt Supply, Inc., and may not be relied upon by any other person or entity without the written authorization of Wasatch Environmental, Inc. SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Location The subject property consists of approximately 20 acres generally referred to as 1710 West 2600 South in Woods Cross, Utah. The site is located near the western quarter corner of Section 35 of Township 2 North Range 1 West (see Figure 3). 3.2 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics The subject site and general vicinity would be characterized as a combination industrial and commercial, with the Skypark Airport runway to the west and hangars to the north and east. 3.3 Current Uses of the Property Current uses of the property include an asphalt plant, bulk asphalt storage, used-oil recycling, roofing asphalt manufacturing, and commercial fuel dispensing. The site map presented as Figure 2 is not intended to accurately delineate contractual leased areas but is intended for reference purposes to depict major occupant areas. 3.4 Descriptions of Structures, Roads, Other Improvements on the Site • Crown Asphalt structures and improvements include the masonry block office/shop building that fronts 2600 South, the emulsion plant and polymer modified asphalt manufacturing plant located in the extreme northwest corner of the property, bulk storage tanks located along the northeast and east property boundaries, and a stormwater retention pond and associated collection/discharge AST located in the center of the property. An April 2001 DMK Environmental Engineering report identifies the following list of equipment owned or operated by Crown Asphalt Products Company: ° Five natural gas fired asphalt tank heaters ° Eleven asphalt loading racks ° One gasoline receiving and loading rack o Two horizontal tanks for biological water treatment process o One Colloid Asphalt Mill ° One hot oil heater o Thirty-one vertical fixed roof and five floating roof storage tanks. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. • Four ASTs and one loading rack located immediately north of the Crown Asphalt office building are currently out of use, but were most recently used to receive, store, and dispense aviation fuel. • Thermo Fluids operates a used oil storage/processing facility that includes two areas: 1) a 2,400 square-foot office building, two tank farms in concrete secondary containment, and a truck loading area located along the west-central property boundary; and 2) a bermed and lined tank farm located near the north-central property boundary. These areas were previously used by Genesis Petroleum as a used oil re-refining and recycling facility. • The Foreland Refining Corporation manufactures roofing asphalt and occupies the central portion of the property. Foreland includes several above ground storage tanks and a slab-on-grade metal-frame "pour* building. The April 2001 DMK Environmental Engineering report identifies the following list of equipment owned or operated by Foreland Refining Corporation: o One asphalt blowing still ° One asphalt heater o One boiler o One diesel scrubber o Five asphalt tank heaters ° Three asphalt receiving and loading racks o Several vertical fixed roof and three horizontal storage tanks. • A commercial fueling center is situated near the southeast corner of the property and includes four dispenser islands for diesel and gasoline, truck scales, and paved parking. Four associated above ground storage tanks containing diesel and gasoline are located north of the fueling area. 3.5 Current Uses of Adjoining Properties The property is currently bordered to the west by the runway for the Skypark Airport. The property is bordered to the north and northeast by airport hangars. The property is bordered to the southeast by office buildings and to the south across 2600 South by an auto transport facility. 4. USER PROVIDED INFORMATION If the user is aware of any specialized knowledge or experience that is material to recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property, it is the user's responsibility to communicate any information based on such specialized knowledge or experience to the environmental professional. 4.1 Environmental Liens/Activity Use and Limitations No information regarding environmental liens or activity use/limitations land records has been reported to us by Idaho Asphalt. 4.2 Specialized Knowledge and Helpful Documents Representatives for Idaho Asphalt have informed us that they are aware that the subject site is the location of a former oil refinery and bulk storage facility, that multiple spills and releases have occurred on the subject site over the years, and that the site has been subject to previous and current remediation efforts. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 4 We informed Idaho Asphalt that during the early and mid 1990s, Wasatch Environmental conducted investigation and remediation activities at the subject site on behalf of Cowboy Oil, including the design and installation of an interceptor trench and air sparging system that is currently in place. Idaho Asphalt arranged for Wasatch personnel to review documentation available onsite related to previous environmental site assessments, spills and releases, investigation activities, and groundwater monitoring analytical results. We have reviewed an August 1998 "Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment, Genesis Petroleum Lease Site" prepared by Remediation Technologies, Inc. (RETEC) for Thermo Fluids. This assessment was conducted in anticipation of Thermo Fluids acquiring the assets of Genesis Petroleum and occupying the Genesis Petroleum leased area of the subject site. The 1998 RETEC activities included a review of previous subsurface investigation reports (including documents prepared by Wasatch), advancing nine soil borings in the Genesis/Thermo Fluids lease area, and collection of groundwater samples from two existing monitoring wells. Approximate sample locations for the Thermo Fluids investigation are shown on Figure 2. The three investigation areas were described as 1) the north tank area, 2) the refinery area, and 3) the south tank area. The RETEC sampling program included a wide range of analytical screening and the report should be referred to for specific details. Overall, the results of the RETEC subsurface sampling activities were similar to previous investigations in these areas. Soil and groundwater impacts were identified in all three investigation areas. Hydrocarbon stained soil was observed primarily within the first three feet of fill material in all but one boring. A "heavy hydrocarbon" free product was observed in monitoring well MW-S located in the south tank area. Benzene in groundwater was detected at concentrations above drinking water standards in all three investigation areas, with the greatest benzene concentrations in the south tank area. In addition to petroleum hydrocarbons, low concentrations of 1,1-dichloroethane (13 ppb) and cis-1,2-dichloroethene (5 ppb) were detected in Thermo Fluids GW-2. Concentrations of acetone and MEK above EPA risk-based screening levels were detected in the monitoring well containing free product (MW-S). MW-S was located adjacent to a waste-water AST. A sample was collected from this waste-water AST and found to contain elevated concentrations of acetone and MEK as well. We have also reviewed groundwater monitoring data collected between June 2000 and April 2003 for groundwater samples collected by onsite personnel. Conflicting monitoring well identification numbers, laboratory notations of headspace in samples jars, and inconsistency in requested target analytes reduce the reliability of the sampling data. However, the information is still useful as a trend indicator. A June 5, 2000 "Status Memorandum" prepared by Patrick Smith that provides useful descriptions of monitoring well locations and a corresponding monitoring well location map are included in Appendix A. A summary prepared by Wasatch that presents laboratory data exceeding applicable regulatory standards is also included in Appendix A. To the extent that the laboratory data can be relied upon, elevated concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons have been consistently identified in monitoring wells B-2 and B-3 (located along the southern property boundary), B4 (located in the bermed "AV Fuel" tank area), B-9 (located in the access road between Thermo Fluids and the west property boundary), and B-15 (previously located near a former truck wash pad and oil pit). Notations on the laboratory reports combined with interviews indicates that samples collected by onsite personal from B-4 often contained free product. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 5 4.3 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues We have not been informed of any property valuation reduction for environmental issues by Idaho Asphalt. 4.4 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant information At the time we conducted our assessment, a clear understanding of current ownership was not known but likely includes a combination of Cowboy Asphalt Terminal, Crown Asphalt Distribution, Crown Asphalt Products Company, Foreland Refining, and CAPCO. 4.5 Reason for Performing Phase I This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is being conducted, to the extent feasible pursuant to the processes described in ASTM E 1527-00, to identify recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property to assist the client in satisfying one of the requirements to qualify for the landowner liability protections to CERCLA. 5. RECORDS REVIEW 5.1 Standard Environmental Record Sources, Federal and State EDR (Environmental Data Resources) has conducted government database research for the site (see Appendix B). Additional interviews with government agencies and follow-up information was provided as noted below. It should be understood that the databases may identify a site by the contact address of the company rather than the actual location of the activity being permitted or investigated. Plotted locations are approximated. In accordance with the ASTM-specified approximate minimum search distances, the following standard environmental record sources were reviewed where available: Approximate Minimum Search Distance (miles) Federal NPL site list 1.0 Federal CERCLIS list 0.5 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list property/adjoining properties Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 1.0 Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list 0.5 Federal RCRA generators list property/adjoining properties Federal ERNS list property only State lists of hazardous waste sites identified for investigation or remediation: State-equivalent NPL 1.0 State-equivalent CERCLIS 0.5 State landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists 0.5 State leaking UST lists 0.5 State registered UST lists property/adjoining properties Additional supplemental databases were included in the EDR government records search and are listed in Appendix B pages 4 and 5. Detailed descriptions of each database are presented in Appendix B pages GR-1 through GR-10. The subject site is identified by multiple standard and supplemental environmental record sources (see Appendix B pages 6 through 9): • The "Woods Cross Plant" is identified on the Toxic Substance Control Act database. No additional information was provided for this database listing. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 6 • Thermo Fluids, one of the current tenants of the subject site, is identified as a RCRA small quantity generator. RCRA violations are noted (see page 6). We have reviewed inspection reports available through the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW) for the Thermo Fluids facility. Most of the concerns noted in the inspection reports we reviewed were related to documentation, tracking omissions, storing oil in unapproved tanks, and exceeding permitted storage capacity. During the most recent annual inspection conducted in August 2003, DSHW personnel noted two small punctures in the synthetic liner beneath the north tank farm but no reports of releases or spills in the tank farm were noted. However, during the Thermo Fluids inspection, DSHW personnel observed a trench that was being excavated east of the Thermo Fluids operation. The DSHW inspection record notes groundwater had filled the bottom of the trench and "there was a black oil product on the surface of this water. In some portions of the trench, the entire surface of the water was covered with this black oil... The oil did not look like used oil. It was black like asphalt tar but less viscous. It may oe [original emphasis] that this oil is the source of the oil water that seeps into the southern secondary containment nearby.* The report goes on to say that representatives from Thermo Fluids stated that a "tar substance has been oozing out of the ground in the paved parking area on hot days" in the southeast portion of the parking lot located south of the Thermo Fluids office. A copy of the August 2003 inspection report is included as Appendix C. The inspection report notes that photographs of the trenches have been forwarded to Allan Moore of the Hazardous Waste Branch and Cheryl Prawl of the Planning/Used Oil Section. In a follow up interview with the DSHW inspector Dave Wheeler, Mr. Wheeler stated that the source of the product observed in the trench was unknown but he determined it did not originate from Thermo Fluids operations. He was not aware of any follow up or additional inquiry by his department regarding the observed product. • Cowboy Oil, former owner and operator of the subject site, is listed on the underground storage tank, leaking underground storage tank, and above ground storage tank databases. Cowboy Oil was reported as a leaking underground storage tank site in May 2001 and received regulatory closure in October 2003. According to information available through the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, two waste oil tanks were removed from outside the office/shop area. Minimal soil impacts were encountered during the excavation. Interestingly, the tank closure documents note that groundwater was not encountered and therefore no groundwater samples were collected. A copy of the Utah RBCA Tier 1 Worksheet and No Further Action Letter are included as Appendix D. • Crown Asphalt Products is listed on the Toxic Release Inventory System database and listed as a RCRIS small quantity generator. The EDR report notes that RCRA violations exist for the Crown Asphalt facility. However, the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste was unable to locate a state file for the Crown Asphalt facility. • Genesis Petroleum, a former tenant of the subject site, is identified as a RCRIS small quantity generator. The EDR report notes that RCRA violations exist for the Genesis facility. However, the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste was unable to locate a state file for Genesis Petroleum. Documents included in the DSHW files for Thermo Fluids indicate that Thermo Fluids purchased the assets of Genesis Petroleum. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 7 • AVFuel Corporation, a former tenant of the subject site, is identified as an above ground storage tank facility. According to January 1991 tank registration information available through the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, AVFuel utilized one 630,000-gallon above ground storage tank and one 33,600-gailon above ground storage tank at the site. No additional information was contained in the state file. In addition to the above-listed facilities identified on the subject site, the following facilities sites were identified within ASTM-specified approximate minimum search distances: • RCRA CORRACTS (Corrective Action) facilities are those which have conducted or are currently conducting a corrective action as regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. EDR identifies Crysen Refining (2355 South 1100 West) and Golden Eagle Oil Refining (1474 West 1500 South) within an approximate minimum search distance of one mile. According to information available through the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, multiple releases have been documented from both Crysen and Golden Eagle. Information contained in the state files does not provide insight as to whether releases from these facilities have or could have impacted the subject site. However, given onsite sampling data collection since 1991, there has been no indication of a potential offsite source from the east/northeast impacting the subject site. • According to EDR, one adjoining property, Neil's Used Truck and Car Sales/Auto Transport located at 695 West 1100 South, is identified as a registered UST facility and a RCRA generator (see Appendix B pages 9 and 10). This facility is located adjacent south across 2600 South (the south side of 2600 South is located within North Salt Lake city boundaries and utilizes a completely different address number coordinate system). The Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste informed us that the state RCRA file for Neil's has been archived, indicating that there have been no RCRA-related inspections or generator records for at least six years. Additionally, Neil's has not been reported as a Leaking Underground Storage Tank site. • Foreland Transportation is identified as a RCRA small quantity generator at 2561 South 1560 West. While this address is not situated adjacent to the subject site and would therefore not be located in the ASTM-specified approximate minimum search distances, Foreland leases a portion of the subject site. Therefore, we requested information from the Division of Solid and Hazardous waste regarding the RCRA violations identified in the EDR report (see Appendix B page 10). The records we reviewed indicated that the violation issues were not associated with activities on the subject site. Additional Record Sources 5.2.1 Davis County Health Department We have contacted Dave Spence with the Davis County Health Department regarding reports of spills or releases at the subject site. A July 14, 2004 written response is included in Appendix E. Mr. Spence notes that his department has received public complaints over the years relating to "air, water, and soil quality" in the general area. Specific responses to the subject site noted by Mr. Spence include: • A May 1985 tanker rollover that released approximately 14,500 gallons of crude oil that was primarily contained in the ditch along 2600 South; Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 8 • A 1991 spill from an unknown source that was believed to have been on going for some time; • A June 1993 release of unleaded gasoline. Additionally, Mr. Spence notes that Skypark Aiport and Cowboy Oil had numerous tanks and potential problems that were mentioned in the department files. Subsequent to providing his written response, Mr. Spence contacted us on July 21, 2004 regarding an emergency response on Saturday July 17, 2004. Petroleum product was discovered in the storm drain and ditch that runs along the south side of 2600 South. A buried pipeline containing crude oil was discovered along 2600 South that then turned south and entered Cowboy Oil near the east property boundary. Utilizing a camera, a leak was found in the crude line farther east along 2600 South. Mr. Spence stated that they were trying to determine who owns the line and who might be responsible for the cleanup. 5.2.2 Fire Department We have interviewed South Davis Fire Chief Brent Argyle. Chief Argyle informed us that prior to 1978 the subject site was in an area serviced by a volunteer fire department and few if any documents were kept While Chief Argyle was familiar with the subject site and familiar with the refining industry, he had no specific information related to activities conducted on the subject site. 5.2.3 Sewer District We have contacted Dal Wayment and Lyndon Tan with the South Davis Sewer District. They informed us that discharge permits have been issued for the subject site for wastewater discharge from the cut-off trench water collection system, and for the stormwater collection described in Section 6.3.1. These permits are reviewed annually and are currently in force. They were not aware of any improper discharges or compliance problems since at least 2000. 5.2.4 Division of Water Quality We have contacted Mark Novak and Rob Herbert with the Division of Water Quality. They were not aware of any current action items associated with the subject site nor were they involved in a corrective action oversight at this time. Physical Setting Source(s) 5.3.1 Topographic Map The 1975 topographic map presented as Figure 3 shows the approximate location of the subject property. The property has an elevation of approximately 4,235 feet sloping gently to the west. Topographic features indicative of above ground storage tanks are depicted on the northern portion of the site. The Skypark Airport is depicted to the west. No surface water is depicted on or adjacent to the subject site. 5.3.2 Regional Hydrogeology Groundwater within the north Salt Lake Valley occurs in two principal aquifer horizons: the shallow unconfined aquifer which extends from ground surface to an estimated depth of 50 feet; and the deep confined aquifer which extends below a Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. depth of about 100 feet and is considered to be the principal aquifer. The principal aquifer in this portion of the valley is considered to have a low susceptibility to shallow groundwater contamination due to a confining clay layer and an upward hydraulic gradient. In the area around and including the site, the shallow unconfined aquifer occurs in a clay or silty clay soil and groundwater moves very slowly through the clay. The shallow unconfined aquifer is not considered a potable water supply in this portion of the valley due to high concentrations of dissolved solids (State of Utah Department of Natural Resources Technical Publication No. 21). 5.3.3 Site Hydrogeology We have reviewed information from several previous site investigation reports regarding subsurface conditions at the subject site. The most recent subsurface data was obtained from the RETECH drilling activities conducted in August 1998 and presented in the Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment prepared for the Genesis Petroleum Lease Site on behalf of Thermo Fluids. The RETECH investigation consisted of advancing nine borings in the Thermo Fluids lease area. Subsurface soils consisted of one to three feet of gravel fill material underlain by silts and clays with thin intervals of interbedded sand. Depth to groundwater was generally two to three feet below grade. These subsurface conditions are consistent with those encountered during previous investigations conducted by Wasatch. Groundwater flow was not measured during the RETECH investigation; however, previous investigation conducted by Wasatch indicated groundwater flow to the west-southwest. Historical Use Information on the Property 5.4.1 Ownership History and Recorded Environmental Liens D.W. Moore & Associates, Inc., has conducted an ownership history and environmental lien search for the subject property. This search is intended to assist in identifying historic uses of the property and is not a complete listing of recorded instruments affecting the subject site. The results of this search are included in Appendix F. The Tract Indexes of the Davis County Recorder were searched from 1935 through July 2004. No environmental liens affecting the subject property were reported. Previous ownership includes Clinton Mills (1935 to 1962) and Keith L. Winegar (1962 to 1967). A 1962 deed identifies California Oil Company. A 1967 Sheriffs Deed identifies Chevron Oil Company and a 1968 Warranty Deed identifies Chevron Asphalt Company. In 1971, the property was acquired by Dunn Oil and Denton Lee Dunn. From 1974 through 2001, several transactions identify Dale Hancock, Cowboy Oil, and Hancock-Geisler. It is our understanding that Dale Hancock and Dick Geisler were the business partners for Cowboy Oil. 5.4.2 Historic Topographic Maps The 1951 and 1963 7.5-minute U.S.G.S. Salt Lake City North quadrangle topographic maps are presented in Appendix G. The 1951 map depicts the subject site as primarily vacant land with a small section of the Sky Haven Airport runway intersecting the extreme northeast comer of the property. No structures, roads, or other indications of developed property use are depicted on or adjacent to the Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 10 subject site. The 1963 map depicts a structure on the southern end of the site which generally corresponds with the location of structures visible on the 1963 aerial photograph presented as Figure 4 and described in Section 5.4.4. With the exception of the Sky Haven Airfield, no other structures, roads, or other indications of developed property use are depicted on or adjacent to the subject site. 5.4.3 Interviews with Prior Owners We have attempted to contact personnel at Chevron who may have information regarding the facility. We have provided ownership history information and a site map. No current Chevron personnel have been referred to us for an interview. However, we have interviewed Mr. Harry McSwain who has been involved with subleases on the subject site over the years. Mr. McSwain informed us that he was working for Chevron at the time Chevron acquired the subject site. He stated that he believed the company that constructed the original plant was Black Oil (or a similar name). Black Oil purchased significant volumes of product from Chevron for fuel blending. Chevron reportedly acquired the property due to an outstanding debt owed by Black Oil. Mr. McSwain had been asked by Chevron to visit the plant at the time of acquisition. He stated that the "place was a mess* but did not provide specific details. He was not aware of what activities Chevron actually conducted on the site, if any. Mr. McSwain was later involved with the subject site when his company, Crysen, leased above ground tanks for asphalt storage. We interviewed Mr. Denton (Denny) Dunn with Dunn Oil. According to Mr. Dunn, Dunn Oil purchased the subject site from Chevron in 1971 to facilitate a property transfer to Cowboy Oil. He stated that Dunn Oil had not operated on the subject site. He stated that at the time of acquisition, Chevron had vacated the premises and dismantled most of the facility. He had walked through the property and did not recall any significant concerns brought to his attention. We have contacted Mr. Dale Hancock who currently resides in Pocatello, Idaho. Mr. Hancock informed us that he was not familiar with onsite operations at the Woods Cross facility and suggested we contact Mr. Dick Geisler. We have attempted to interview Mr. Dick Geisler in St George, Utah. To date, he has not returned our call. Additional information provided by Mr. McSwain, combined with onsite documents we have reviewed, indicates that Morrison Petroleum leased part of the subject site during the 1970s and early 1980s. Mr. McSwain stated that Morrison Petroleum constructed a topping plant near the northwest corner of the property and that Ted Morrison and Dick Geisler had a crude oil pipeline installed that tapped into the Amoco Oil pipeline located to the east The line apparently ran down 2600 South and turned onto the property at the southeast comer and daylights near the northeast comer of the property. The flow of oil from the crude line was metered and electronically controlled by an Amoco LAC unit or custody transfer unit. 5.4.4 Onsite Documentation Information obtained from onsite documents indicates that former tenants also included Wetec Petroleum, Basin Western, Crysen Refining, and Jardine Petroleum. Correspondence from Westecto the Utah Division of Air Quality indicates that Westec leased 11 above ground tanks from Cowboy Oil for "the purpose of wholesaling of blended motor fuels." A 1993 chemical inventory report identifies various blending and additive products stored by Westec. An undated site map depicts the layout of the subject site at the time Westec occupied the property. Other occupants identified on the site map include Basin Western, Cowboy Oil, and Crysen Refining facility. Documents related to Westec are included in Appendix H. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 11 In approximately 1996, Crown Energies purchased the property for bulk storage and distribution of asphalt products. Crown then constructed an emulsion manufacturing plant and polymer modified asphalt manufacturing plant 5.4.5 Aerial Photographs Intermountain Aerial Surveys has provided photos of the area that includes the site taken in 1963,1973,1983 and 1998 (approximate scale 1"=200'). Copies are presented as Figures 4, 5,6 and 7, respectfve/y. The 1963 photograph depicts the subject site at the time Keith Winegar and California Oil were identified in the Ownership History Report Industrial activity and several above ground storage tanks are visible on the southern end of the property. Dark coloration in an apparent industrial area east of the onsite building may be indicative of a large pit or surface staining. Runways for the Skypark Airport are visible to the northwest and northeast Surface conditions to the west of the property . indicate high groundwater conditions. The 1973 photograph depicts the subject site after the property was acquired by Dunn Oil. The current office building is visible in the south-central area of the property and multiple storage tank farms are visible throughout the developed areas of the property. Areas of possible staining are visible around the office/shop building and around the tanks farms. A possible trench or canal is visible between two areas in the northern section of the developed portion of the property. ASTs are also visible along the eastern property area and possible ponds or surface spill areas are present The 1983 photograph depicts developed use of the entire property. The tank farms have been expanded to the property boundaries and the southeast comer of the property appears to be used for storage. A concrete pad indicates a fueling area is present fronting 2600 South. The office/shop building has been expanded to its current size and surface discoloration is visible around the building. An area of what appears to be significant staining is visible in the approximate center of the property just east of the current "AV Fuel" tank farm. Additional staining is apparent east of the AV Fuel tank farm. Previous investigations identify this area as an "oil pit" and a truck wash area. The product diversion canal identified in earlier site maps is visible extending north towards the Morrison Petroleum topping plant The crude oil pipeline described by Mr. McSwain in Section 5.4.2 is clearly visible on the east property boundary between the two northeasternmost above ground tanks. The 1998 photograph depicts the subject site with many of the same tank farms. The Morrison Petroleum topping plant has been dismantled and the west-central property area is occupied by Genesis or possibly the initial occupancy of Thermo Fluids. A new fueling area and associated above ground storage tanks are present fronting 2600 South. This photograph pre-dates the Foreland operation. Historical Use Information on Adjoining Properties (to the extent Identified) Based on historic aerial photographs and topographic maps, the property has been bordered to the west, north, and east by a combination of vacant undeveloped land and routes of the Skypark Airport runway. Prior to commercial development in the 1980s, the property has been bordered to the south across 2600 South by vacant undeveloped land. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 12 6. SITE RECONNAISSANCE A site reconnaissance was conducted on July 9 and 15, 2004. We were accompanied by Crown Asphalt vice president Scott Bead and Crown Asphalt general manager Mike Barrett. A current site layout map is presented as Figure 2. Figure 2 is not intended to accurately delineate contractual leased areas but is intended for reference purposes to depict major occupant areas. 6.1 Methodology and Limiting Conditions Our reconnaissance of the property included observations of the approximate perimeter of the subject property, the property interior, readily accessible areas of the interior of the buildings and a cursory observation of the adjoining properties. For the purposes of this assessment, the commercial fueling area was included in our reconnaissance. 6.2 Office/Shop Building The office/shop building is located near the northwest comer of the property. Based on aerial photography and interviews, this building was originally constructed in the early 1970s. The south end of the building is comprised of first and second-story office space and labs. Abandoned floor drains were observed in the eastern-most lab. Two shop areas extend north from the office/lab portion of the building. The shop area is currently used for storage including drums of latex solvent, sacks of gilsonite ore, and latex totest Abandoned floor drains were observed in the shop area. It is our understanding that the floor drains historically discharged to the underground storage tanks that were removed from outside the shop building (see Section 5.1). Outside the north wall of the office/shop building, several drums, containers, and sacks were observed. Products included acids, liquid caustic soda, surfactants, emulsifiers, and drums of heat transfer fluid. 6.3 Southwest AST Farm Four above ground storage tanks (three 70,000 gallon and one 20,000 gallon) and an associated loading rack are located directly north of the office/shop building. In addition to the large ASTs, one approximately 250-gallon tank was observed. According to Mr. Barrett, the smaller tank was a sampling discharge tank. These tanks sit on a gravel bed surrounded by an earthen secondary containment. Monitoring well B4 is located within this secondary containment. These tanks are currently empty but, based on aerial photography, these may be some of the oldest tanks on the site and have been used to store any number of products for various owners or tenants. At the time of our reconnaissance, significant staining was observed in this area. Mr. Barrett was familiar with most of the tanks and service lines. However, there were some dormant lines observed that he was not familiar with. 6.4 Thermo Fluids Thermo Fluids operates a used oil storage/processing facility on the west-central portion of the property. The facility consists of an office/lab building, two AST farms in concrete secondary containment, a drum storage area, and a loading rack originally constructed by Genesis in the mid 1990s. One above ground storage tank is located outside the northernmost secondary containment. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 13 Stormwater that collects within the secondary containment is pumped through an API separator and through an oil/water separator prior to discharge to sanitary sewer. No significant surface staining was observed in the Thermo Fluids secondary containment or drum storage area. A third Thermo Fluids AST farm is located on the north-central property area. Several above ground storage tanks sit in a combination concrete/earthern secondary containment with a synthetic liner. Stormwater that collects in the secondary containment is pumped to the Thermo Fluids separators discussed above. However, at the time of our reconnaissance, approximately one foot of standing water with a slight sheen was observed in the secondary containment. As discussed in Section 5.1, two small holes were discovered in the synthetic liner during the August 2003 DSHW annual inspection. 6.5 Emulsion Plant and Polymer Modified Asphalt Manufacturing plant The emulsion plant and polymer modified asphalt manufacturing plant occupy the northwest comer of the subject site. This area includes a production building to modify asphalt and produce emulsion and an associated AST farm in concrete secondary containment. Significant surface staining was observed below the heat transfer oil tank and below several of the heat transfer distribution lines. East of the production building are recently constructed heat exchangers and product piping that are not yet in service. A stormwater collection pond was observed in the approximate north-central portion of the property, it is our understanding that surface water is channeled into the collection pond. After a period of time, the collected water is pumped into a nearby AST. The stormwater is then sampled by South Davis Sewer District prior to discharge into the sanitary sewer. 6.6 Perimeter ASTs Nine large product storage ASTs are located along the northern and eastern perimeter of the site. Aboveground piping runs from these tanks throughout the property. Remnants of a loading rack were observed near the southeasternmost tank. The terminating point of a crude oil pipeline was observed entering the property from the east property boundary between the two northeasternmost ASTs. The ASTs sit on gravel and are surrounded by earthen secondary containment. It is our understanding that these tanks have most recently been used to stored asphalt products. Aerial photographs and interviews date most of these tanks to the mid 1970s when the property was used primarily for blending and bulk storage of petroleum products. At the time of our reconnaissance, significant amounts of black surface staining was observed around the perimeter ASTs. Most of the staining observed during our reconnaissance was likely asphalt products. Waste asphalt product, discarded drums and containers, and other general solid waste was observed throughout the northeastern property. A drum and container storage area was observed north of the Foreland operation. The drums contained heat transfer fluid, absorbent material, and emulsifiers. Many of the drums were stored on pallets, however, significant staining was observed on the gravel surface in this drum storage area. 6.7 Foreland Operation Foreland occupies the approximate center of the property for the production of roofing asphalt. The Foreland facility includes several ASTs, a small compressor and boiler building, and a slab-on-grade metal frame "pour" building where the final product is containerized. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 14 The largest AST used by Foreland reportedly holds light asphalt At the time of our walkover, product was leaking from this tank and pooling in a depressed area to the west Significant soil staining was observed around the processing tank and scrubber that Foreland apparently no longer uses. A constant spray of water is applied to the outside of the light product condensate tanks. At the time of our walkover, wastewater was observed discharging from this process to a depressed area adjacent east of the stormwater retention pond. A petroleum sheen was observed on the wastewater stream and surface and vegetation staining around the depressed area where the waste water was collecting indicated that this had been occurring over an extended period. Large electrical transformers were observed in a fenced area immediately southwest of the Foreland pour building, it is our understanding that the transformers are no longer in use. It is highly probable that these transformers contain PCBs. 6.8 Commercial Fueling Area A commercial fueling area and truck scales are located along the south-central property area. The fueling area includes four dispenser islands that are serviced by ASTs surrounded by concrete secondary containment to the north. The current remediation equipment for the cut-off trench is located adjacent west of the ASTs. 6.9 Current Condition of Interceptor Trench and Air Sparge Remediation System At the time of our assessment Wasatch personnel inspected the various components of the cut-off trench remediation system. Several of the components were found to be inoperable. Each of the manhole covers for the air sparge lines were removed and the condition of the lines and wells inspected. Several of the sparge lines appeared to be broken. Free oil product was found in the air sparge weil located between the commercial fuel islands and the office/shop building. 7. JULY 2004 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING On July 12, 2004, Wasatch personnel conducted groundwater sampling activities at the subject site. Depth to water measurements and groundwater samples were obtained from monitoring wells: B-1, B-2, B-3, B-7, B-9, B-14a and B-16. Monitoring wells AP-1 and AP-3, located on airport property, were not sampled because they were dry. In addition, monitoring well B~4 was not sampled because of the presence of free product Free product was also observed in the air sparge well located between the commercial fuel islands and the office/shop building. However, free product thickness measurements could not be obtained from either the air sparge well or monitoring well B-4 due to the high viscosity of the product Prior to purging, depth to groundwater measurements were collected at each monitoring well. The depth to groundwater measurements were obtained with an electronic down-hole water level probe. The water level probe was decontaminated between each monitoring well with a denatured alcohol wash and tap water rinse. Prior to sampling, all monitoring wells were purged a minimum of three well casing volumes using disposable polyethylene bailers. Purge water was poured over the ground surface near each monitoring well location. Groundwater samples were then collected using disposable polyethylene bailers. The samples were transferred to 40 milliliter VOC vials, immediately stored on ice in a cooler, and transported under chain-of-custody protocol to a Utah-certified analytical laboratory. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 15 The groundwater samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons-gasoline range organics (TPH-GRO) using U.S. EPA Method 8260B. Groundwater samples were also analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel range organics (TPH-DRO) using U.S. EPA Method 8015B. In addition, free product samples were collected from the air sparge well and monitoring well B-4. These samples were submitted for product identification analyses. Laboratory results are included in Appendix I. Groundwater analytical results indicate that TPH-DRO was detected in the groundwater samples obtained from monitoring wells B-2, B-3, B-7, B-9, B-14a and B-16 in concentrations that exceed the Utah action level of 0.500 mg/L. Benzene was detected in the groundwater samples obtained from monitoring wells B-2, B-3 and B-9 at concentrations of 8.2 ug/L, 190 ug/L and 7.9 ug/L, respectively, in exceedance of its federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 5 ug/L. All other detected constituents were reported at concentrations below current action levels. The presence of MTBE, while below action levels, indicates the potential for a more recent release. Also, analytical results presented in the 1991 Wasatch report identified vinyl chloride in MW B-9 (140 ug/L). During the July 2004 groundwater sampling event, vinyl chloride was detected in the groundwater sample obtained from MW B-9 at a concentration of 1.5 ug/L, below the federal MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level) of 2.0 ug/L. Free product analytical results indicate that the sample obtained from monitoring well B-4 is comprised of gasoline range organics and unweathered diesel fuel. The product obtained from the air sparge well appears to be comprised of 25% weathered diesel fuel. 8. INTERVIEWS Interviews were conducted in an effort to obtain information regarding recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. Exceptions or deviations from standard interview sources are noted below. 8.1 Interview with Owner We have interviewed Mike Barrett and Scott Beall, representatives for Crown Asphalt. Crown Asphalt acquired the subject site as part of a multi-party transaction that occurred in approximately 1996. At that time, the property was owned by Cowboy Oil and used primarily for bulk storage of asphalt products. According to Mr, Barrett, Crown Asphalt was aware of previous investigation and remediation activities, including the operating cut-off trench and has made efforts to continue operation of the cut-off trench and conduct quarterly sampling from all known existing monitoring wells. With the exception of occasional surface spills representatives from Crown Asphalt were not aware of any significant releases of petroleum products that have occurred at the subject site since they have occupied the property. We have interviewed Mr. Larry Bardwell, environmental consultant for Crown Asphalt. Mr. Bardwell informed us that he was involved in the underground storage tank removal approximately four years ago. Otherwise, he has provided few if any additional services for Crown Asphalt at the subject site and was unable to provide additional information. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 16 9. FINDINGS AND OPINIONS The subject site has a long and complex history of occupants and uses since at least the early 1960s and possibly the late 1950s. Based on interviews, the first industrial use of the property has been traced to a company referred to as Black Oil that developed the property for fuel blending and storage. The original facility was reportedly dismantled by Chevron Oil Company sometime in the late 1960s or early 1970s and rebuilt by Cowboy Oil. Multiple tenants have occupied the subject site since the 1970s including Cowboy Oil, Morrison Petroleum, Westec Petroleum, Jardine Petroleum, Crysen Refining, Basin Western, Genesis Petroleum, and most recently Crown Asphalt Thermo Fluids, and Foreland Refining. Site uses have included petroleum refining, re-refining, fuel blending, asphalt processing, used-oil recycling, commercial fueling, as well as bulk fuel and asphalt storage. Multiple releases have been reported at the subject site, the sources of the releases have not always been identified, and additional source areas have been identified through historic research that pre- date regulatory reporting. We have interviewed personnel with multiple regulatory agencies and have found no information to suggest the subject site is under any current investigation or remediation obligations. Discharge permits issued through South Davis Sewer District for discharges from the remediation system and discharges from the stormwater retention pond are active and no recent improper discharges or compliance problems were reported to us. Multiple subsurface investigations have been conducted since the early 1990s. The most substantial soil and groundwater source areas have consistently been encountered in the south-central property area. The primary contaminants have been petroleum hydrocarbons, though a 1998 investigation reported concentrations of acetone and MEK above EPA risk levels. While major AST failures have not been reported through records review or interviews, historic release sources include but are not limited to repeated surface spills, from loading rack areas, an oil pit/truck wash area and associated "product diversion canal" depicted on site maps and described through interviews. Abandoned floor drains observed in the CAPCO office/shop building also pose a concern for past releases. Specific historic activities and waste management practices in the shop are not known; however, these floor drains reportedly discharged to two waste oil tanks that were removed in May 2001. Though limited soil impacts were encountered during tank removal activities, floor drains and sumps are generally potential sources of releases. Recent indications of existing significant subsurface impacts from historic operations include the following: • During the Thermo Fluids annual inspection in August 2003, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste personnel observed free product in a trench that was being excavated east of the Thermo Fluids operation. Agency personnel noted that this may have been the source of free product that has reportedly seeped into the Thermo Fluids southern secondary containment, as well as the tar substance that had been reportedly "oozing out of the ground in the paved parking area on hot days" in the southeast portion of the parking lot located south of the Thermo Fluids office. • At the time of this assessment, free product was observed in an air sparge well located between the commercial fuel dispensers and the CAPCO office building. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 17 • During quarterly monitoring rounds, free product has been reported in monitoring well B-4 located within the AST farm immediately north of the office/shop building. Results from the quarterly sampling rounds have also consistently identified elevated concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in monitoring wells B2 and B3 (located along the southern property boundary), B-9 (located in the access road between Thermo Fluids and the west property boundary), and B-15 (previously located near a former truck wash pad and oil pit). Sampling results from southern and western perimeter wells indicate the potential for offsite migration, particularly during periods when the cut-off trench is not operating or is operating inefficiently. • In July 2004, Wasatch collected groundwater samples from monitoring wells: B-1, B-2, B-3, B-7, B-9, B-14a and B-16. Free product was present in monitoring well B-4 and in the air sparge well located between the commercial fuel islands and the office/shop building. Groundwater samples were analyzed for VOCs, TPH-GRO, and TPH-DRO. Free product samples were submitted for product identification analyses. TPH-DRO was detected in the groundwater samples from monitoring wells B-2, B-3, B-7, B-9, B- 14a and B-16 at concentrations that exceed the Utah action level of 0.500 mg/L Benzene was detected in the groundwater samples obtained from monitoring wells B-2, B-3 and B-9 that exceed federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 5 ug/L. All other detected constituents were reported at concentrations below current action levels. The presence of MTBE, while below action levels, indicates the potential for a more recent release. Also, analytical results presented in the 1991 Wasatch report identified vinyl chloride in MW B-9 at a concentration of 140 ug/L. During the July 2004 groundwater sampling event, vinyl chloride was detected in the groundwater sample from MW B-9 at a concentration of 1.5 ug/L, below the federal MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level) of 2.0 ug/L but further indication of the presence of vinyl chloride in the area of MW B-9. Free product analytical results indicate that the sample obtained from monitoring well B-4 is comprised of gasoline range organics and unweathered diesel fuel. The product obtained from the air sparge well appears to be comprised of 25% weathered diesel fuel. In addition to impacts from historic operations, during our reconnaissance we observed evidence of on-going releases including the following: • Wastewater discharges from the Foreland operation to a depressed area adjacent east of the stormwater retention pond exhibited a product sheen. Discolored soil and stressed vegetation in this area indicated that these discharges had been occurring for some time. • Staining observed in the AST farm immediately north of the CAPCO office building also indicated recent releases. • Soil staining below the heat transfer oil tank and distribution lines was observed in the CAPCO emulsion plant area. Soil staining was also observed in a drum storage area north of the Foreland operation. At the time of this assessment, a release occurred from an underground crude oil pipeline that once distributed product to the subject site. This recent release reportedly originated east of the subject site, but it is not currently known who owns the crude oil line and who would be responsible for the release. This crude line reportedly runs along the east property boundary and poses a threat for future releases that could impact the subject site. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 18 10. CONCLUSIONS We have conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the former Cowboy Oil facility located at 1710 West 2600 South in Woods Cross, Utah. 8ased on the information presented in this report, recognized environmental conditions have been identified in connection with the subject property. Historic and recent releases have resulted in soil and groundwater impacts that are known to be currently present on the subject site as outlined in Section 9. Free product is present on the site, and dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon constituents have consistently been detected in the groundwater at the site above applicable state or federal levels. The interceptor trench/air sparge remediation system does not appear to be functioning property, increasing the potential for groundwater impacts to be migrating offsite. WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Reviewed by: L Boyd Breeding, P.E., P.Hg., P.G. Certified UST Consultant Wasatch Environmental, Inc.. 19 E i I W400S Approximate Site Location W900IM 5 8 « Worn. SttMl Aim Lt8A« 2005, r.dalorrM com i / if \ •J* f— wasos WWs— 1—T^S SSI W1000S VkHOOS *>fo W1500S 1550 S » ** •, •' H 8- A1750S- ,r/ W1150S W 1950S W1900S « 1 vjl»wj 5 i< —< J» a r B * 4 W2Q25S 68 217SS 2225S 23S0SJ W22S0S W2425S W2350S i 5 * Jmu t £ 11000 W 1 1100N 106 en—"3—. 2 » (TECIR v^JS 5 ?CIR IS- ^ ST COMPASS cm 68 Valvar** HZ?] Y g ccovtwyLE at | W6O0N W 5O0N 1 g Si 106 E47SN r* imiiin Satt.La E350N P 'A W300W £22N E200N * ~~7 £\ r t : W1QQN J S si W 150N 5*/ r~ in f W CENTER ST L-^i, 6fl R ST I Figure 1. Former Cowboy Oil Area Map WEI 1081-02 Figure 2. Current Site Layout Map WFl 1081-02 Figure 3. 1998 Topographic Map, Former Cowboy Oil Property, Adapted From U. S. Geological Survey Salt Lake City North, UT Quadrangle WEI 1081-02 igure 4. 1963 Aerial Photograph of Former Cowboy Oil Property and Surrounding Area, Woods Cross, UT WE11081-02 igure 5. 1973 Aerial Photograph of Former Cowboy Oil Property and Surrounding Area, Woods Cross, UT WEI 1081-02 1983 Aerial Photograph of Former Cowboy Oil Property and Surrounding Area, Woods Cross, UT WEI 1081-02 [APPROXIMATE SCALE (ft.) 100 40- 1 • Si -» Figure 7. 1998 Aerial Photograph of Former Cowboy Oil Property and Surrounding Area, Woods Cross, UT WEI 1081-02 TABLE 1 QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER SAMPLING DATA SUMMARY COWBOY ASPHALT TERMINAL MW B-1: Southeast corner of property TPH-DRO TPH-GRO Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene (.500 mg/L)» (.500 mg/L)» (5 ug/L)* (1,000 ug/L)* (700 ug/L)" (10 6/30/00 9/29/00 3/31/01 07/15/01 03/31/02 06/30/02 12/07/02 04/14/03 04/01/04" 7/12/2004" ND ND ND ND ND 0.67 Not Sampled ND Not Tested ND ND ND ND ND Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested 0.210 0.490 ND 2.9 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.45 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.30 6.42 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MW B-2: South-central property line 6/30/00 9/29/00 3/31/01 07/15/01 03/31/02 06/30/02 12/07/02 04/14/03 04/01/04 7/12/2004* Not Sampled 5.77 3.42 ND 3.10 3.45 2.16 10.20 Not Tested 6.3 ND 1.4 ND Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested 0.240 0.340 3.7 185 9.77 34.6 31.4 6.0 12.2 41.0 8.2 ND ND ND ND 0.52 ND ND ND ND ND 1.6 ND 0.88 0.51 ND ND 1.1 ND MW B-3: West of Wasatch remediation shed 6/30/00 9/29/00 3/31/01 07/15/01 03/31/02 06/30/02 12/07/02 04/14/03 04/01/04 7/12/2004* 1.50 4.51 4.16 2.84 4.39 4.83 3.7© 4.17 Not Tested 8.1 ND ND 1.5 ND Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested 0.330 0.290 215 Estimated 125 364 183 217 Estimated 220 500 57.1 340 190 1.30 0.77 ND ND 0.85 1.1 ND 2.4 1.6 ND 4.5 6.27 7.5 4.6 1.9 3.2 13 1.7 1.2 3.0 * Applicable regulatory standard '* Laboratory Date; Sample date not given " Samples collected by Wasatch Additional Compounds Analyzed for by Wasatch Naphthalene MTBE Other (20 ug/L)* (70 ug/L)* VOC Compounds ND 2.1 ND ND Not Tested 0.64 ND ND ND ND ND 2.7 16.6 ND Not Tested 0.63 ND ND 0.62 ND 61 ND ND 3.3 4.4 Not Tested 9.22 14 29.1 52 14 4.2 2.7 2.1 Cyclohexane Isopropylbenzene ND: Below laboratory detection limit Yellow: Comcounds exceedlno •mniir»M« r**.i TABLE 1 QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER SAMPLING DATA SUMMARY COWBOY ASPHALT TERMINAL TPH-DRO (•500mg/L)* TPH-GRO (.500 many Benzene (5 ug/L)* Toluene (1,000 ug/L)* Ethylbenzene (700 ug/L)* Xylene (10,000 ug/L)* Naphthalene Additional Compounds Analyzed for by Wasatch MTBE Other (70 ug/L)* VOC Compounds MW B-4: AVFuel Tank Farm 6/30/00 7.31 a/29/00 Not Sampled 3/31/01 7.47 07/15/01 4.38 03/31/02 1.0 06/30/02 3.32 12/07/02 Not Sampled 04/14/03 10.4 04/01/04 Not Sampled 7/12/2004*** 14.5 2.0 Not Tatted Not Tested 438 estimated 1620 846 22.7 366 Not Tested 6480 Estimated 1.40 58 16 1.1 4.9 2.8 11.0 517 236 20.6 106 92.1 Free Product Present MW B-7 (Wasatch B-8) Located east of current access road and east of former "product division canal" 9/29/00 ND 3/31/01 ND 07/15/01 Not Sampled MW B-6 (Same location as B-7?) 03/31/02 0.98 06/30/02 1.1 12/07/02 ND 04/14/03 ND MWB-7 04/01/04 Not Tested 7/12/2004*** 1.9 ND ND Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested ND ND MW B-9 West central property boundary in access road 8/30/00 9/29/00 3/31/01 07/15/01 03/31/02 06/30/02 12/07/02 04/14/03 04/01/04 7/12/2004* 5.03 7.10 3.62 3.40 0.97 1.8 3.2 4.28 Not Tested 3.4 ND ND ND ND Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested 0.0076 ND 0.67 1.8 0.45 0.62 ND ND 0.40 ND 8.34 11.0 4.5 8.09 I. 20 4.0 5.72 II. 4 1.2 7.9 ND ND ND ND ND 0.68 ND ND 1.80 2.6 ND 0.64 ND 0.87 ND 0.6 ND ND ND 0.81 ND ND ND ND ND ND 2.10 2.8 1.1 0.45 ND ND 0.55 1.1 ND ND 18.30 738 399 2.8 325 185.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.480 0.62 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 11.1 157 78 Not Tested 46.5 22.9 ND 32.9 Not Tested ND ND ND ND ND ND 3.6 12.0 ND Not Tested ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 11 1.5 Vinyl Chloride (MCL: 2 ug/L) ' Applicable regulatory standard * Laboratory Date; Sample date not given * Samples collected by Wasatch ND: Below laboratory detection limit TABLE 1 QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER SAMPLING DATA SUMMARY COWBOY ASPHALT TERMINAL TPH-DRO (.500 mg/L)* TPH-GRO (.500 mg/L)* Benzene (5 ug/L)* Toluene (1,000 ug/L)* Ethylbenzene (700 ug/L)* Xylene (10,000 ug/L)* Naphthalene (20 ug/L)* Additional Compounds Analyzed for by Wasatch MTBE Other (70 ug/L)* VOC Compounds MWB-14 Southwest corner of property 6/30700 1.80 ND 9/29/00 ND ND 3/31/01 Not Sampled 07/15/01 Not Sampled 03/31/02 Not Sampled 06730/02 ND Not Tested 12/07/02 ND Not Tested 04/14/03 ND Not Tested 04/01/04 Not Tested 0.064 MW B-14a Southwest corner of property 7/12/2004*** 1.3 ND 8.01 0.86 ND 1.6 8.14 9.4 ND MWB-15: Replaced Wasatch B-5 near former truck wash/oil pit 6/30/00 7.14 ND 9.26 9/29/00 7.72 ND 2.7 3/31/01 7.38 ND 3.4 07/15/01 3.08 ND 4.8 MW B-16: Replaced Wasatch B-6. Located east of the Pour Building MW-18? MW-B16 6/30/00 9/29/00 3/31/01 07/16701 03/31/02 06/30/02 12/07/02 04/14/03 04/01/04 7/12/2004*** ND ND ND ND ND 1.1 ND ND Not Tested 0.63 ND ND ND ND Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ' Applicable regulatory standard ' Laboratory Date; Sample date not given ' Samples collected by Wasatch ND ND ND ND ND 0.23 ND 4.50 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.3 ND 1.10 0.75 0.78 1.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.33 ND 5.10 1.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.52 ND 350 0.76 1.7 0.67 ND ND ND ND Not Tested ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND: Below laboratory detection limit Yellow: Comoounda mtmartinn «»W»K»>«I»I» ••—•• APPENDIX A Quarterly Groundwater Sampling Information Wasatch Environmental. Inc. »5* JoK* Asm Jrraa; J»T*? 2/< MoVife ITT W47 U]*2SS-2(3( >7K To: MiK£ftAfcP£Tl From: 9<VT SAAHU, Fax: ^^-^g^ Pages: j5_ Phone: - ^3^-1 Date: ?otOc \0>;z^ote Re; QTftJLlj . MO/J<r^A)^ o£ CC: CHg\3 iMoi^ Comments: P>t^Ai^. LasxL *TU,S /AJ PHePA&AT/iXQ C&£- 7V<5 Xl>\}& Z-«-> &A*x£UfJ<a. XT rfj M6%T jfiAPeXTTA/OT- THAT YOU Of*" TW^ A^CMT-^ ALSO, 5ijA& TO L&c#rg fi^jQ ct£A*J Oor A<ju rt4£ tM&LJLS To -r*<£ tX> t± , pe€<- F&ZrZ. TO • J'toiw.' SQ1-2SS-2626 Fax: SQl-255-i266 rmc@vii.com STATUS MEMORANDUM To: Chris Hadley CC: Dare McSwain: Mike Barret From: Patrick T. Smith RE: Cowboy Asphalt Terminal (CAT) - Monitoring Well Sampling Procedures Date: June 5,2000 This memo is intended for the benefit of the CAT employees) who 'will be perfecting the routine maintenance and sample collection of the she groundwater monitoring wells. It is meant to be used as an initial, quick reference guide to the quarterly sampling of the groundwater monitoring wells located at the CAT. As stated in the RMC/Crown Energy contract dated March 2,2000, a detailed Sample and Analysis Plan will be provided to CAT personnel incorporating the information contained in this memo. On June 20,2000, KMC will assist CAT personnel (Chris Hadley and Mike Barrett) with the quarterly sampling. Prior to that date, please purchase the necessary sample equipment and open an account with an analytical laboratory. A list of sample equipment and suggested analytical laboratories is provided at the end of this memo. In addition to acquiring the equipment and laboratory, all wells should be located and prepared for sampling as discussed during the May site visit Monitoring wells to sample include: [Refer to Figure 1 for locations on map • B-1 - Off site, located on the east aide of the pumping stations, near the road (2600 South) • B-2 - Offsite, located on the west side of the pumping stations, near the road (2600 South) • B-3 - Located just a few feet west of the ahed for the pump and treat system. • B-4 - Located inside the benn surrounding tank 77?, on the west side of the tank. Near the tank farm • B-5 - Located just south of the truck wash gump. The sump has been removed, and well B-5 has been abandoned, The replacement for this well (B-15) is located approximately 20' southwest of where B-5 was located. B-15 can be found approximately 5' south of the truck pad. • B-6 was located near the northeast corner of the asphalt pour building. Because this well fell within the footprint of the pour building, the well was abandoned and replaced with well B-16. Well B-16 is located at approximately half the distance (north-south) of the pour building, and approximately 10 feet from the building and 5 feet from the road. It is directly west of the tank toadingAixuoading station. • B-7 - Located north of well B-15, adjacent (-20' east) to the access road • B-8 - Located at the northeast corner of the site, this '"'eil seems to have been covered some time ago, and has not been located nor sampled by KMC. • B-9 - Located in the center of the paved access road, directly west of tbt ThermoFluids parking Jot. • B-10 - Located in line with (heading north) of wells B-5 and B-7 (~ 200') • B-11 - Also appears to have been buried. RMC has neither located nor sampled this well. • B-12 - Located on the eastern side of the access road at the northwest corner of the site. Due to silting/debris/damage, this well was abandoned and replaced with well B-17. B-17 is located approximately 10' south of B-12. • B-14 - Uxated offaite, just south of the main gate. It is placed in a concrete pad approximately 8' x 5', This is the western well of 2. (vs. B-14A) • B-14A - Located offshe, just south of the main gate. It is placed in a concrete pad approximately 8' x 5'. This is the eastern well of 2 (vs. B-14). • B-15 - Located just south of the concrete truck wash pad in the south-central part of the site. Replacement for well B-5. • B-16 - Located east of the asphalt pour building and west of the access road. Adjacent to the loading/urdoading station. • B-17 - Located at the northwest corner of the she on the eastern edge of the access road. Near tank #215. This is the replacement well for B-12. Condition of groundwater monitoring wells as of May, 2000: As stated in the contract dated March 2,2000, RMC completed an initial site visit with Chris Hadley and Mike Barrett During the visit, each well she was visited to observe the condition of the wells and determine whether samples could be collected for the second quarter of2000. The following observations were made: • Well B-1 was sealed and intact. Should be cleaned prior to sampling. • Well B-2 was covered with several inches of dirt/debris. The sealing cap could not be observed, but it appeared to be in place. This well must be cleaned prior to sampling, and the flush-mount cover should be replaced. • Well B-3 is intact, but should be cleaned prior to sampling. • Well B~4 is buried under several inches of soil/debris. The well was located, but the dirt/debris must be cleared away and the well should be cleaned prior to sampling • Well B-6 was located, but is buried under several inches of dirt/gravel. This area should be cleared of excess dirt/gravel to avoid covering the well again. The well will need to be cleaned prior to «mpKng • Well B-9 was observed in good condition and still sealed. In the past, surface water often collected in this well, so it should still be inspected and cleaned out prior to sampling. • Well B-10 was not locked during the site visit The well may have been covered during construction activities. If possible, this well should be located and cleaned. If it cannot be located, a new well should be installed, as this is a key, upgradient location for the CAT site. « Wells B-14 and B-14A were both observed to be intact, however the flush mount covers were not in place. The covers must be located or replaced. The well caps 'were covered with several inches of debris/mud thai will need to be cleared away prior to sampling. • Well B-15 was located and is intact The well head is still above ground and should not need cleaning, however, ft does need to be prominently marked and protected from future damage. • Well B-16 was not located. It has been covered by asphalt on the east side of the pour building: The well has a metal flush mount cover, so it should be locatable with a metal detector. • Weil B-17 was not located The site has been covered by road construction at the northwest comer of the she. This well is also in a key, upgradient location for the CAT site and should be located for sampling. Procedures: Monthly: Check conditions of the monitoring wells and collect water depth data. Quarterly: Sample all monitoring wells. 1. Routinely check each wells7 condition. Occasionally, the well covers have been found missing or removed. The wells are also prone to being covered up with dirt/debris from trucks, excavations, maintenance, etc. Periodically checking the condition of the morritoring wells will ensure that they will be in good shape for sampling. 2. Prior to sampling each well, measure the total water depth of each well, and any significant product that may be on the surface. Keep a running bg of each wells' depth over time. This should be performed on a monthly basis, with sampling performed on a quarterly basis. 3. Log any peculiar characteristics of the monitoring wells when they are opened for sampling. Note any water standing above the well, any peculiar odor or substance observed when the well is opened. Keep a running log of this information. 4. Prior to sampling any well, purge the well of approximately 3 times the total volume of water present in that well Pump the purge water into a temporary container, then transfer that water into the treatment system located to the east of the maintenance building. Once the well has been purged, allow it to recover and remove a sample with a disposable bailer or other approved sampling device. 5. Collect a total of four separate samples from each well. Mountain States Analytical (MSAJ), or any other approved lab, will provide 4 sample vials for each well Insert the drain plug in the bottom of the disposable bailer, and allow the water to pour into each sample vial. Then pour water into the vial cap, also. When placing the cap back onto the vial quickly pour the water from the cap into the vial so that when sealed, there are no visible sir bubbles in the sample vial. Air bubbles will adversely affect the lab analysis. Mark the sample vials appropriately and place them into a cooler with blue ice. Keep samples in the cooler until they are delivered to MSAI or another approved lab. 6. Fill out the chain of custody (COC) appropriately and deliver the completed samples and COC to the lab for analysis. Keep one copy of the COC for your records The laboratory will return the other copy to you upon completion of the analysis. Sample Equipment Needed: • Disposable well bailers (2" diameter) • Retrieval line. Any heavy duty string will do. • Container for wastewater (25 or 55 gallon drum works well) • Water pump and hose • Sample Cooler and Ice (should be supplied by laboratory) • Sample gloves (laboratory supplied) • Sample containers (laboratory supplied) « Chain of Custody Forms and Custody Tape (laboratory supplied) • Pens (ball-point and felt-tip) • Sampling logbook (should be bound and waterproof with hardcover) • Measuring device (for determining water depth) • Socket wrench and a large, flat head screwdriver • Disposable rags/sponges • Well cap key (supplied with caps) Suggested supply retailers: Suggested analytical laboratories: American Eagle American West Analytical 840 West 1700 South 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake Chy.UT 84104 973-2555 Salt Lake City, UT 263-8686 Industrial Supply 1635 South 300 West Salt Lake City, UT 84115 484-8644 Mountain States Analytical 1645 West 2200 South Salt Lake City Utah 973-0050 <- • O- 3 Cowboy Monitoring Wells 4 rffCC 0 A I TANK ) fTQCKPUD son. MODEM* TANK) ^TANK^ ^TANK) ( TANK) STDM*WrW YAtK M3 TANKS oooo KJ POUR lUILDMa OOOO oooooo ^ANK) • TANK K.1 TANKS a HI K n UST THERMO HAWW d • K3» oo OO TANK ] »•« •TWAOE AREA OO OO •» l«4 as —i #y BB9 "sss APPENDIX B Government Database Records Report Wasatch Environmental. Inc. EDR Environmental Data Resources Inc The EDR Radius Map™ Report Cowboy Oil 1710 West 2600 South Woods Cross, UT 84087 Inquiry Number: 01222662.1r June 30,2004 The Standard in Environmental Risk Management Information 440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, Connecticut 06460 Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 Fax: 1-800-231-6802 Internet: www.edrnet.com DETAIL MAP - 01222662.1r - Wasatch Environmental; Inc. 9 wsoo wtas l/4MMe> Target Property A Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property • Sites at elevations lower than the target property A Coal Gasification Sites i Sensitive Receptors [~ ' j National Priority List Sites Q landfill Sites [ , "! Dept. Defense Sites pTl Indian Reservations BIA /S/ Oil & Gas pipelines Federal Wetlands 1 FN TARGET PROPERTY; Cowboy Oil CUSTOMER: Wasatch Environmental, Inc. ADDRESS: 1710 West 2600 South CONTACT: Juile Kilgore CITY/STATE/ZIP: Woods Cross UT 84087 INQUIRY #: 01222662.1r LAT/LONG: 40.8617/111.9272 DATE: June 30,2004 6:49 pm OVERVIEW MAP - 01222662.1 r - Wasatch Environmental, Inc. ^ St r t J t • 3f a TV 1 Win Target Property A Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property * Sites at elevations lower than the target property i. Coal Gasification Sites • ~ -1 National Priority List Sites Landfill Sites ~ : j Dept. Defense Sites {•' '. '\ Indian Reservations BIA A/ Oil & Gas pipelines Federal Wetlands to TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: LAT/LONG: Cowboy Oil 1710 West 2600 South Woods Cross UT 84087 40.8617/111.9272 CUSTOMER: Wasatch Environmental, Inc. CONTACT: Juile Wlgore INQUIRY #: 01222662.1r DATE: June 30,2004 6:48 pm Comrtani O 20M EDR Inc O 2003 GOT inc fUL 07/2003 AD Monti Aaufvul MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Database Search Target Distance Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 -1/4 1/4 -1/2 1/2-1 > 1 Total Plotted FEDERAL ASTM STANDARD NPL Proposed NPL CERCLIS CERC-NFRAP CORRACTS RCRIS-TSD RCRIS Lg. Quan. Gen. RCRIS Sm. Quan. Gen. ERNS 1.000 1.000 0.500 0.250 1.000 0.500 0.250 0.250 TP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 NR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 NR 0 0 0 NR 0 0 NR NR NR 0 0 NR NR 2 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 STATE ASTM STANDARD State Haz. Waste State Landfill LUST UST VCP INDIAN UST INDIAN LUST X X N/A 0.500 0.500 0.250 0.500 0.250 0.500 N/A 0 0 1 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 2 NR 0 NR 0 N/A NR NR NR NR NR NR N/A NR NR NR NR NR NR N/A 0 2 1 0 0 0 FEDERAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL CONSENT ROD Delisted NPL FINDS HMIRS MLTS MINES NPL Liens PADS DOD US BROWNFIELDS FUDS UMTRA INDIAN RESERV RAATS TRIS TSCA SSTS FTTS X X 1.000 1.000 1.000 TP TP TP 0.250 TP TP 1.000 0.500 1.000 0.500 1.000 TP TP TP TP TP 0 0 0 NR NR NR 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 0 NR NR NR 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 0 NR NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 0 0 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 0 NR NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR 0 NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STATE OR LOCAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL AST SPILLS TP TP NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR TC01222662.1r Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Database Search Target Distance Property (Miles) <1/8 1/8-1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2-1 >1 Total Plotted EDR PROPRIETARY HISTORICAL DATABASES Coal Gas 1.000 BROWNFIELDS DATABASES US BROWNFIELDS VCP BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0.500 0.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database N/A = This State does not maintain a SHWS list. See the Federal CERCLIS list. TC01222662.1r Page 5 Map ID Olrectio'. Dlstanci Distance (ft.) Elevation Site %AP*INDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number Coal Gas Site Search: No arte was found In a search of Real Property Scan's ENVIROHAZ database. A1 WOODS CROSS PLANT TSCA 1007089993 Target 1710 WEST 2600 SOUTH N/A Property WOODS CROSS, UT 54087 Site 1 of 9 In cluster A Actual: 4239 ft. A2 THERMO FLUIDS INC. Target 1710 WEST 2600 SOUTH Property WOODS, UT 84087 Actual: 4239 ft. RCRIS-SQG 1004788853 UTR0000007B6 Site 2 of 9 In cluster A RCRIS: Owner EPA ID: Contact THERMO FLUIDS INC. (602) 272-2400 UTR000000786 BRIAN BARNARD (801)296-6611 Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator TSDF Activities: Not reported Violation Status: Violations exist Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Penalty Summary: Penalty Description Pinal SEP Credit R315-15-12.1(a) GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 09/13/2002 Not reported Cond. 22 & 10 of permit GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 09/13/2002 Not reported R315-15-4.6 GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 12/01/2000 06/07/2002 Penalty Date 3/6/2003 Penalty Amount 4800 Lead Agency STATE There are 3 violation record(s) reported at this site: Evaluation . . . Area of Violation Date of Compliance TC012226C2.1r Page 6 Mao ID Directic^ Distant* Oistance (ft.) Elevation Site WAP'FINDfNGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number A3 COWBOY OIL Target 1710 W 2600 S Property WOODS CROSS, UT 84087 LUST U00379O448 UST N/A Actual: 4239 ft. Site 3 of 9 In cluster A LUST: Facility ID: 3000342 Closed Date: 10/09/2003 Project Manager Hillary Mason Owner CROWN ASPHALT PRODUCTS CO. Owner Address: 2336 EAST BEHREND DR. PHOENIX. AZ 85024 Leak ID: Notification Date: UX 05/25/2001 UST: Facility ID: Total Tanks: Closed Tanks: Owner Owner Address: Owner Phone: 3000342 2 2 CROWN ASPHALT PRODUCTS CO. PHOENIX, A2 85024 (801)295-5591 A4 COWBOY OIL Target 1710 W 2800 S Property WOODS CROSS, UT A100228264 N/A Actual: 4239 ft Site 4 of 9 In duster A AST: Facility Id: Owner Name : Tank Id: Tank Status: Tank Capacity: Substance Stored : 3000342 CROWN ASPHALT PRODUCTS CO. 2.. .. (^"Permanently Out of Use Not Listed A5 CROWN ASPHALT PRODS. CO. COWBOY ASPHALT TERMINAL TRIS 1005451718 Target 1710 W. 2600 S. 84087CRWNS17 Property WOODS CROSS, UT 84087 Site 5 of 9 In cluster A Actual: 4239 ft A6 CROWN ASPHALT PRODUCT COMPANY RCRIS-SQG 1000362891 Target 1710 WEST 2600 SOUTH FINDS UTD063305544 Property WOODS CROSS, UT 84087 Site 6 of 9 In cluster A Actual: 4239 ft TC01222662.1r Page 7 Map ID Direction Distanct Distance (ft) Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number VCRC-WN ASPHALT PRODUCT COMPANY (Continued) 1000362891 RCRIS Owner EPA ID: Contact: COWBOY ASPHALT TERMINAL LLC (801)537-5610 UTD063305544 MIKE BARRETT (801)554-8538 Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator TSDF Activities: Not reported.. violation StataSTVlolations exist Regulation Violated! Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: There are 1 violation record(s) reported at this site: Evaluation Area of Violation Not reported GENERAJORALL REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 03/12/1966 03/26/1986 / Date of Compliance FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: Aerometric Information Retrieval System/AIRS Facility Subsystem National Emissions Inventory Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information system Toxics Release Inventory Utah Common Identifier Mechanism A7 , GENESIS PEJROLEOM RECYCLING RCRIS-SQG 1001081686 Target -tritrWEST 2600 SOUTH FINDS UTR000000695 Property WOODS CROSS, UT 84087 Actual: 4239 ft Site 7 of 9 In duster A RCRIS: Owner EPA ID: Contact CRYSEN REFINING INC. (801)298-3211 UTR000000695 SHANE SMOOT (801) 975-4742 Classification: Small Quantity Generator TSDF Activities: Not reported Violation Status: VlertatJona exist _ ^ • ^ ... —• Regulation Violated':* Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: r315-3.(a) GENERATOR-ALL REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 03//TU/1 995 \ 999 y 06/10/1999 r315-*-2(b) GENERATOR-ALL REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 03/10/1999 06/10/1999 r315-*-2(a) GENERATOR-ALL REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 03/10/1999 06/10/1999 TC01222662.1r Page 8 Mat' ID Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number GENESIS PETROLEUM RECYCLING (Continued) 1001081686 Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Penalty Summary: Penalty Description . Final Monetary Penalty •-• V. Final Monetary Penalty - K315-5 GENERATOR-ALL REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 07/30/1998 02/24/1999 Penalty Date (' 8/30/1999 j Penalty Amount 21200 21200 Lead Agency STATE STATE There are 4 violation record(s) reported at this site: Evaluation Area of Violation Date of Compliance FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: Aerometric Information Retrieval System/A!RS Facility Subsystem Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information system Utah Common Identifier Mechanism A8 ( AVFUEL CORP. ^ Target .1710 W 2600 S__-- Property WOODS-CROSS, UT AST JA100208464 N/A Actual: 4239 ft Site 8 of 9 In cluster A AST: Facility Id: Owner Name : Tank Id: Tank Status : Tank Capacity: Substance Stored : Fadltty Id: Owner Name : Tank Id: Tank Status: Tank Capacity: Substance Stored: 3000494 AVFUEL CORPORATION 1 ; ^ Currently In Use^ ^30000 Av Gas 3000494 AVFUEL CORPORATION 2 Currently In Use 33600 Av Gas 'J ,\l - • r • f •v i -1 • J ,•1 z A9 NEILS USED TRUCK 1 CAR SALES RCRIS-SQG 1000472430 SSE 695 WEST 1100 SOUTH FINDS UTD988069944 < 1/8 N SALT LAKE, UT 64054 65 ft Site 9 of 9 In cluster A Relative: Equal Actual: 4239 ft TC01222662.1r Page 9 Map ID Direction Distance Distance (ft) Elevation Site •MAR FINDINGS Database(sj EDR ID Number EPA ID Number NEILS USED TRUCK ft. CAR SALES (Continued) 1000472430 RCRIS: Owner EPA ID: Contact: NEIL R. SCHOENENBERGER (099) 999-9999 UTD988069944 HAROLD CALL (801)296-2999 Classification: Small Quantity Generator TSDF Activities: Not reported Violation Status: No violations found 10 ENE <1/8 190 ft Relative: Equal Actual: 4239 ft. FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information system NEIL'S AUTO TRANSPORT 695 W 1100 N PO BOX 540279 NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054 UST U001447754 N/A UST: Facility ID: Total Tanks: Closed Tanks: Owner Owner Address: 3000393 1 0 NEILS AUTO TRANSPORT NORTH SALT LAKE. UT 84054 Owner Phone: (801) 298-2999 East 1/8-1/4 949 fL FORELAND TRANSPORTATION 2561 SOUTH 1560 WEST #200, WOODS CROSS, UT Relative: Equal Actual: 4239 ft RCRIS-SQG 1004789135 FINDS UTR000006569 RCRIS: Owner ENERGY INCOME FUND (413) 565-7100 EPA ID: UTR0O0006569 Contact PETER IPSON (801)298-9666 Classification: Small Quantity Generator TSDF Activities: Not reported ^ violation Status: Violations exist Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Not reported TRANSPQRTER-ALL REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) ' 09/17/2001"" 09/17/2001 There are 1 violation record(s) reported at this site: Evaluation Area of Violation Date of Compliance TC01222662.1r Page 10 Map ID Direction Distance Distance (ft) Elevation Site . MAP'FiNBINGS Databasefs) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number FORELAND TRANSPORTATION (Continued) FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information system 1004789135 12 South 1M-1/2 1482 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 4240 ft. ALBERTSON DISTRIBUTION CENTER 620 WEST 600 NORTH N SALT LAKE, UT 84054 RCRIS: Owner. EPA ID: Contact: ALBERTSONS (999)999-9999 UTD035347921 ED LARKINS (801) 296-6293 Classification: SmaH Quantity Generator TSDF Activities: Not reported Violation Status: No violations found RCRIS-SQG 1000219727 FINDS UTD03S347921 LUST UST FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information system Utah Cornmon Identifier Mechanism LUST: Facility ID: 3000371 Closed Date: 04/22/1994 Project Manager [Robin Jenkins] Owner ALBERTSONS INC Owner Address: 620 W 600 N NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054 Leak ID: GQO Notification Date: 02/27/1991 UST: Facility ID: Total Tanks: Closed Tanks: Owner Owner Address: Owner Phone: 3000371 7 7 ALBERTSONS INC NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054 Not reported 13 SSW 1/4-1/2 1677 ft. Relative: Equal Actual: 4239 ft. HERM HUGHES & SONS INC. 900 N REDWOOD RD NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054 LUST: Facility ID: 3000081 Closed Date: 09/24/1996 Project Manager Hilary Maaon Owner HUGHES & HUGHES INVESTMENT CORP Owner Address: 900 N REDWOOD RD NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054 LUST U000812800 UST N/A ID: Notification Date: HZI 01/26/1993 TC01222662.1r Page 11 Map ID Direction Distance Distance (ft) Elevation Site : MAPFINBINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number HERM HUGHES & SONS INC. (Continued) U000812800 UST: Facility ID: Total Tanks: Closed Tanks: Owner: Owner Address: Owner Phone: 3000081 3 3 HUGHES & HUGHES INVESTMENT CORP NORTH SALT LAKE, UT 84054 (801)292-1411 14 ENE 1/2-1 4407 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 4275 ft CRYSEN REFINING 2355 S1100 W WOODS CROSS, UT 84087 CORRACTS Data: EPA Id: Region: Area Name: Actual Date: - Corrective Action: 2002 NAICS Title: FINDS 1000379837 LUST 84087CRYSN23 RCRIS-LQG TRIS UST CORRACTS UTD063314975 8 ENTIRE FACILITY 09/1671996 CA070YE - RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI, RFI is Necessary Petroleum Refineries EPA Id: Region: Area Name: Actual Date: Corrective Action: 2002 NAICS Title: UTD063314975 8 ENTIRE FACILITY 09/04/1997 CA075LO - CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a tow corrective action priority Petroleum Refineries EPA Id: Region: Area Name: Actual Date: Corrective Action: 2002 NAICS Title: UTD063314975 8 ENTIRE FACILITY 09/16/1997 CA725YE - Current Human Exposures Under Control, Yes, Current Human Exposures Under Control has been verified Petroleum Refineries EPA Id: Region: Area Name: Actual Date: Corrective Action: 2002 NAICS Title: UTD063314975 8 ENTIRE FACILITY 09/16/1997 CA750YE • Migration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, Yes, Migration of Contaminated Groundwater Under Control has been verified Petroleum Refineries RCRIS Corrective Action Summary: Event Current Human Exposures under Control, Yes, Current Human Exposures Under Control has been verified. Based on a review of Information contained In the El determination, current human exposures are expected to be under control at the faculty under current and reasonably expected conditions. This determination will be re-evaluated when the Agency/State becomes aware of sign/Scant changes at the facility. Event Date: 09/1671997 TC01222662.1r Page 12 Msr. iD Directio'i Distanct Distance (ft) Etevatton Site :MAP*FINDfNSS EDR ID Number EPA ID Number CRYSEN REFINING (Continued) 1000379837 Event Event Date: Event Event Date: Event: Event Date: (oration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, Yes, Migration of Contaminated Groundwater Under Control has been verified. Based on a review of Information contained In the El extermination, It has been determined that migration of contaminated groundwater Is under control at the facility. Specifically, this determination indicates that the migration of contaminated groundwater is under control, and that rnonftorlng will be conducted to confirm that contaminated groundwater remains within the existing area of contaminated groundwater. This Determination will be reevaluated when the Agency becomes aware of significant changes at the facility. 09/1671997 CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a low corrective action priority. 09/04/1997 RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI, RFI is Necessary; 09/16/1996 RCRIS: Owner: EPA ID: Contact SILVER EAGLE REFINING-WOODS CROSS (801)298-3211 UTD063314975 MIKE ASTIN (801)298-3211 Classification: Large Quantity Generator TSDF Activities: Not reported BIENNIAL REPORTS: Last Biennial Reporting Year: 2001 Waste K171 Quantity (Lbsl 9150.00 Violation Status: Violations exist Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated : Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Not reported GENERATORS! REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 03/12/1986 04/07/1986 Not reported GENERATOR-ALL REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 09/13/1985 05/13/1986 Not reported GENERATOR-ALL REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 03/01/1985 04/30/1985 There are 3 violation record(s) reported at this site: Evaluation Area of Violation Date of Compliance TC01222662.1r Page 13 Map ID Director. Distance Distance (ft.; Elevation Site J^FIWJINGS. Database(s) EDR ID Numbe- EPA ID Number CRYSEN REFINING (Continued) 1000379837 FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: Aefometnc Information Retrieval System/AIRS Facility Subsystem Integrated Compliance Information National Emissions Inventory National Emissions Trends National Toxics Inventory Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information system Toxics Release Inventory Utah Common Identifier Mechanism LUST: FacKttylD: 3000044 Leak ID: FVW Closed Date: 07/29/199B Notification Date: 06/22/1990 Project Manager Hillary Mason Owner CRYSEN REFINING INC Owner Address: 2355 S 1100 W WOODS CROSS, UT 84087 UST: Facility ID: 3000044 Total Tanks: 1 Closed Tanks: 1 Owner. CRYSEN REFINING INC Owner Address: WOODS CROSS, UT 84087 Owner Phone: (801) 298-3211 15 NNE 1/2-1 5167 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 4242 ft. GOLDEN EAGLE OIL REF INC 1474 W 1500 S WOODS CROSS, UT 84087 CERCLIS-NFRAP Classification Data: Site Incident Categorflot reported 1000166882 UTD070534623 FINDS RCRIS-LQG RCRIS-TSD CORRACTS CERC-NFRAP Federal Facility: Not a Federal Facility Non NPL Code: DR Ownership Status: Other NPL Status: Not on the NPL Site Description: HAZ MATERIALS STORED: TOLUENE, METHANOL. ACETONE, PAINT THINNER, TRICHLOROETHANE & METHYLCHLORIDE. BEGAN ON UNKNOWN DATE AS REFINERY FOR PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. IN '80, SITE BECAME A STORAGE FACILITY FOR SPENT OIL & ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS. CERCLIS-NFRAP Assessment History: Assessment DISCOVERY Completed: 08/01/1980 Assessment: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Completed: 05/06/1987 Assessment PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Completed: 07/23/1992 Assessment ARCHIVE SITE Completed: 10/10/1996 CORRACTS Data: EPA Id: Region: Area Name: Actual Date: Corrective Action: UTD070534623 8 ENTIRE FACILITY 09/16/1996 CA225NR • Stabilization Measures Evaluation, This facility Is , not amenable to stabilization activity at the, present time for reasons other than (1) K appears to be technically, Infeaslble or inappropriate (NF) or (2) there is a lack of technical, information (IN). Reasons for this conclusion may be the status of, closure at the facility, the degree of risk, timing considerations, the status of corrective action work at the facility, or other, administrative considerations TC01222662.1r Page 14 Mac iD Direction Dtstanct- Distance (ft.) Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA 10 Number GOLDEN EAGLE OIL REF INC (Continued) 2002 NAICS Title: Petroleum Refineries Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing 1000186882 EPA Id: Region: Area Name: Actual Date: Corrective Action; 2002 NAICS TltJe: EPA Id: Region: Area Name: Actual Date: Corrective Action: 2002 NAICS Title: EPA Id: Region: Area Name: Actual Date: Corrective Action: 2002 NAICS Title: EPA Id: Region: Area Name: Actual Date: Corrective Action: 2002 NAICS Title: UTD070534623 6 ENTIRE FACILITY 07/13/1992 CA050 - RFA Completed Petroleum Refineries Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing UTD070534623 8 ENTIRE FACILITY 09/1671996 CA070NO - RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI. RFI Is Not Necessary Petroleum Refineries Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing UTD070534623 8 ENTIRE FACILITY 07/13/1992 CA075HI - CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a high corrective action priority Petroleum Refineries Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing UTD070534623 8 ENTIRE FACILITY 09/16/1996 CA725IN - Current Human Exposures Under Control, More information Is needed to make a determination Petroleum Refineries Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing riirk thi« hypgriinif while viewing on your computer to access 3 additional CORRACTS record(s) in the EDR Site Report. RCRIS Corrective Action Summary: Event RFA Determination Of Need For An RFI, RFI is Not Necessary: Event Date: 09/16/1996 Event CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a medium corrective action priority. Event Date: 09/16/1996 Event Stabilization Measures Evaluatlon.This facility Is not amenable to stabilization activity at the present time for reasons other than 1) It appears to be technically Infeasible or Inappropriate (NF) or 2) there is a lack of technical Information (IN). Reasons for this conclusion may be the status of closure at the facility, the degree of risk, timing considerations, the status of corrective action work at the facility, or other administrative considerations. Event Date: 09/1671996 TC01222662.1r Page 15 Map ID Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Site rMAP PlNDIf'iGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number GOLDEN EAGLE OIL REP INC (Continued) 1000156B82 Event Event Date: Event Event Date: Event Event Date: Event- Event Date: Event Event Date: Current Human Exposures under Control, More information is needed to make a determination. 09/1671996 Corrective Action Process Terminated, No Further Action 09/16/1996 I oration of Contaminated Groundwater under Control, More Information Is needed to make a determination. 09/16/1996 RFA Completed 07/13/1992 CA Prioritization, Facility or area was assigned a high corrective action priority. 07/13/1992 RCRIS: Owner EPA ID: DAVE, DON & LORRAINE TIMOTHY (801)292-4525 UTD070534623 Contact CHUCK STEWARDS (801)292-6812 Classification: Large Quantity Generator, TSDF TSDF Activities: Used oil spec marketer Violation Status: Violations exist Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: R315-15-5.9 TRANSPORTER-OTHER REQUIREMENTS 12/10/2002 Not reported r315-15-5.8(a)(2)(l) GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 08/24/2000 Not reported R315-15-5.6 GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 08/24/2000 Not reported R315-15-1.1(|) GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 08/24/2000 Not reported r315-15-5.6 GENERATOR-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 08/24/2000 Not reported R315-15-5.8(b) GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 08/24/2000 Not reported R315-15-5.9 GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 08/24/2000 TC01222662.1r Page 16 Mar ID Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Site "MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number GOLDEN EAGLE OIL REF INC (Continued) Actual Date Achieved Compliance- Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compllance: Regulatlon Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated : Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: 1000186882 Not reported R315-15-5.7 GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 06724/2000 Not reported R315-15-7.5 GENERATOR/MARKETER BURNER/BLENDER 08/24/2000 Not reported R315 GENERATOR-ALL REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 01/23/1992 04/20/1992 Not reported TSD-GENERAL STANDARDS 11/10/1988 12/0671989 Not reported TSD-PREPAREDNESS/PREVENTION REQUIREMENTS 11/10/1988 12/08/1989 Not reported GENERATOR-MANIFEST REQUIREMENTS 11/10/1988 12/08/1989 Not reported GENERATOR-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 11/10/1988 12/08/1989 Not reported T5D-CONTAINERS REQUIREMENTS 11/10/1988 12/08/1989 Not reported TSD-FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 10/20/1988 12/08/1989 Not reported TSD-OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 10/20/1988 12/08/1989 Not reported TSD-OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 10/20/1988 12/08/1989 Not reported TSD-OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 10/20/1986 12/08/1989 Not reported TSO-OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) TC01222662.1r Page 17 Map ID Director Distant* Distance (fi) Etevatior, Site -MAP FINDINGS Oatabase(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number GOLDEN EAGLE OIL REF INC (Continued) Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined - Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Regulation Violated: Area of Violation: Date Violation Determined: Actual Date Achieved Compliance: Penalty Summary: Penalty Description 1000186882 03/04/1986 06/08/1989 Not reported TSD-OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 03/04/1988 06706/1989 Not reported TSD-F1NANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 02/09/1988 06/06/1989 Not reported TSD-OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 05/21/1986 06/0671989 Not reported TSD-OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 05/21/1986 06/06/1989 -Not reported TSD-OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 05/21/1986 06/0671989 Not reported TSD-OTHER REQUIREMENTS (OVERSIGHT) 05/21/1986 06/06/1989 Penalty Date Final SEP Credit 7/22/2003 Penalty Amount 35500 Lead Agency STATE There are 26 violation record(s) reported at this site: Evaluation Area of Violation FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: Aerometric Information Retrieval System/AIRS Facility Subsystem Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information system Utah Common Identifier Mechanism Date of Compliance TC01222662.1r Page 18 ORPHAN SUMMARY City EORID Site Name Slla Address Zip Database^) NORTH SALT LAKE CITY 1000237493 KOCH PERFORMANCE ASPHALT CO. 95 W EST 1100 NORTH 84054 RCRIS-SQG, FINDS NORTH SALT LAKE CITY 1003877892 MINERAL FERTILIZER 350 REDWOOD ROAD 84054 CERC-NFRAP GOVERNMEMT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Elapsed ASTM days: Provides confirmation that this EDR report meets or exceeds the 90-day updating requirement of the ASTM standard. FEDERAL ASTM STANDARD RECORDS NPL: National Priority List Source: EPA Telephone: N/A National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL Is a subset of CERCLIS and Identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA's Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 04/27/04 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 05/04/04 Date Made Active at EDR; 05/21/04 Elapsed ASTM days: 17 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Last EDR Contact 05/04/04 NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA's Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 Telephone 617-918-1143 EPA Region 3 Telephone 215-814-5418 EPA Region 4 Telephone 404-562-8033 EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-655^6659 EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6774 Proposed NPL: Proposed National Pnority List Sites Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Date of Government Version: 04/27/04 Date Made Active at EDR: 05/21/04 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 05/04/04 Elapsed ASTM days: 17 Date of Last EDR Contact 05/04/04 CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System Source: EPA Telephone: 703-413-0223 CERCUS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are In the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL Date of Government Version: 02/26/04 Date Made Active at EDR: 04/02/04 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 03/22/04 Elapsed ASTM days: 11 Date of Last EDR Contact 03/22/04 CERCUS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Source: EPA Telephone: 703-413^)223 As of February 1995, CERCLIS sites designated 'No Further Remedial Action Planned" (NFRAP) have been removed from CERCLIS. NFRAP sites may be sites where, following an Initial investigation, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quicicry without the need for the site to be placed on the NPL, or the contamination was not serious enough to require Federal Superfund action or NPL consideration. EPA has removed approximately 25,000 NFRAP sites to lift the unintended barriers to the redevelopment of these properties and has archived them as historical records so EPA does not needlessly repeat the Investigations In the future. This policy change is part of the EPA's Brownflelds Redevelopment Program to help cities, states, private investors and affected citizens to promote economic redevelopment of unproductive urban sites. TC01222662.1r Page GR-1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 02/26/04 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 03/22/04 Date Made Active at EDR: 04/02/04 Elapsed ASTM days: 11 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Last EDR Contact 03/22/04 CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. Date of Government Version: 03/15AM Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 03/25/04 Date Made Active at EDR: 04/15/04 Elapsed ASTM days: 21 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Last EDR Contact 03/08/04 RCRIS: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System. RCRIS Includes selective Information on sites which generate, transport store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs): generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Small quantity generators (SQGs): generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Large quantity generators (LQGs): generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator off-site to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 04/13/04 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 04/20/04 Date Made Active at EDR: 05/13/04 Elapsed ASTM days: 23 Database Release Frequency: Varies Date of Last EDR Contact 04/20/04 ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Telephone: 202-260-2342 Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 12/31/03 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 01/26704 Date Made Active at EDR: 03/12/04 Elapsed ASTM days: 46 Database Release Frequency: Annually Date of Last EDR Contact 04/26/04 FEDERAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL RECORDS BRS: Biennial Reporting System Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 The Biennial Reporting System Is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment Storage, and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/01/01 Database Release Frequency: Biennially CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Source: EPA Regional Offices Telephone: Varies Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: N/A Date of Last EDR Contact N/A Database Release Frequency: Varies Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Date of Last EDR Contact 03/16/04 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/14/04 TC01222662.1r Page GR-2 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED/* DATA CURRENCY TRACKfNG ROD: Records Of Decision Source: EPA Telephone: 703-416-0223 Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid In the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 04/08/04 Date of Last EDR Contact 04/05/04 Database Release Frequency: Annually Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/05/04 DELISTED NPL- National Priority List Deletions Source: EPA Telephone: N/A The National OH and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 04/27/04 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Identification Initiative Program Summary Report Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and 'pointers' to other sources that contain more detail. EDR Includes the following FINDS databases in this report PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometnc Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track Information on crvfl judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 04/08/04 Date of Last EDR Contact 04/05/04 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/05/04 HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4555 Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 02/17/04 Date of Last EDR Contact 04/20/04 Database Release Frequency: Annually Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/19/04 MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415-7169 MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/19/04 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly MINES: Mines Master Index File Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Telephone: 303-231-5959 Date of Government Version: 03/05/04 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Uens Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4267 Federal Superfund Uens. Under the authority granted the US EPA by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner receives notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Last EDR Contact 05/04/04 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/02/04 Date of Last EDR Contact 04/05/04 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/05/04 Date of Last EDR Contact 03/30/04 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/28/04 TC01222662.1r Page GR-3 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED ADATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 10/15/91 Database Release Frequency: No Update Planned Date of Last EDR Contact 03/12/04 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 06/24/04 PADS: PCS Activity Database System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-3887 PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB's who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 03/30/04 Date of Last EDR Contact 05/12/04 Database Release Frequency: Annually Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 06709/04 DOD: Department of Defense Sites Source: USGS Telephone: 703-692-6801 This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin islands. Date of Government Version: 10/01/03 Date of Last EDR Contact 02/02/D4 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/10/04 STORMWATER: Storm Water General Permits Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202 564-0746 A listing of all facilities with Storm Water General Permits. Date of Government Version: N/A Date of Last EDR Contact N/A Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact N/A INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations Source: USGS Telephone: 202-208-3710 This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-2777 Included in the listing are brownfields properties addresses by Cooperative Agreement Recipients and brownfields properties addressed by Targeted Brownfields Assessments. Targeted Brownfields Assessments-EPA's Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBA) program is designed to help states, tribes, and municipalltles-especially those without EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilots-minimize the uncertainties of contamination often associated with brownfields. Under the TBA program, EPA provides funding and/or technical assistance for environmental assessments at brownfields sites throughout the country. Targeted Brownfields Assessments supplement and work with other efforts under EPA's Brownfields Initiative to promote cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields. Cooperative Agreement Recipients-States, political subdivisions, territories, and Indian tribes become BCRLF cooperative agreement recipients when they enter into BCRLF cooperative agreements with the U.S. EPA EPA selects BCRLF cooperative agreement recipients based on a proposal and application process. BCRLF cooperative agreement recipients must use EPA funds provided through BCRLF cooperative agreement for specified brownfields-related cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 04/14/04 Date of Last EDR Contact 03/15/04 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 06/14/04 RMP: Risk Management Plans Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-6600 When Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, It required EPA to publish regulations and guidance for chemical accident prevention at facilities using extremely hazardous substances. The Risk Management Program Rule (RMP Rule) was written to implement Section 112(r) of these amendments. The rule, which built upon existing industry codes and standards, requires companies of all sizes that use certain flammable and toxic substances to develop a Risk Management Program, which includes a(n): Hazard assessment that details the potential effects of an accidental release, an accident history of the last five years, and an evaluation of worst-case and alternative accidental releases; Prevention program that includes safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and Emergency response program that spells out emergency health care, employee training measures and procedures for informing the public and response agencies (e.g the fire department) should an accident occur. than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 10/01/03 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Last EDR Contact 02/02/04 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 05/10/04 TC01222662.1r Page GR-4 FUOS: Formerly Used Defense Sites Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Telephone: 202-528-4285 The listing Includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Government Version: 10/01/03 Date of Last EDR Contact 04/26/04 Database Release Frequency: Varies Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/05/04 UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 505-645-0011 Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use In national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the plies are low; however, in some cases taBlngs were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized, in 1978, 24 inactive uranium mill tailings sites in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, and on Navajo and Hopi tribal lands, were targeted for cleanup by the Department of Energy. Date of Government Version: 04/22/04 Date of Last EDR Contact 06/21/04 Database Release Frequency: Varies Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 09/20/04 RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and Includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry In the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease In agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the Information contained In the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/95 Date of Last EDR Contact 03/08/04 Database Release Frequency: No Update Planned Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 06/07/04 TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0250 Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/01 Date of Last EDR Contact 03/23/04 Database Release Frequency: Annually Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 06/21/04 TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-5521 Toxic Substances Control Act TSCA Identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances Included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant FITS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodentidde ActVTSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2501 Date of Government Version: N/A Database Release Frequency: N/A Date of Last EDR Contact N/A Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/02 Database Release Frequency: Every 4 Years Date of Last EDR Contact 03/05704 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact 06/07/04 TC01222662.1r Page GR-5 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA-CURRENCY TRACKING SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-5006 Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenrjade Act, as amended (92 Stat 629) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/01 Date of Last EDR Contact 04/19/04 Database Release Frequency: Annually Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/19/04 FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodentlcide ActVTSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Telephone: 202-564-2501 FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Rlght-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/13/04 Date of Last EDR Contact 03/22/04 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/21/04 STATE OF UTAH ASTM STANDARD RECORDS SHWS: This state does not maintain a SHWS list. See the Federal CERCLIS list and Federal NPL list. Source: EPA Telephone: 703-413-0223 State Hazardous Waste Sites. State hazardous waste site records are the states' equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available Information varies by state. Date of Government Version: N/A Date of Data Arrival at EDR: N/A Date Made Active at EDR: N/A Elapsed ASTM days: N/A Database Release Frequency: N/A Date of Last EDR Contact 03/02/04 SWF/LF: List of Landfills Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-538-6170 Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills In a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or Inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 05/01 /03 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 05/16/03 Date Made Active at EDR: 06/02/03 Elapsed ASTM days: 17 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Last EDR Contact 05/10/04 LUST: Sites with Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Source: Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: 801-536-4115 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an Inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. Date of Government Version: 04/05/04 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 05/19/04 Date Made Active at EDR: 06715/04 Elapsed ASTM days: 27 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Last EDR Contact 05/19/04 Date of Government Version: 04/13/04 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Last EDR Contact 03/22/04 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/21/04 TC01222662.1r Page GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CUp^KY TRACKING OTHER DATABASES) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands Information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report OiVCas Pipelines: This data was obtained by EDR from the USGS In 1994. It is referred to by USGS as GeoData Digital Line Graphs from 1:100.000-Scale Maps. It was extracted from the transportation category Including some oil, but primanly gas pipelines. Electric Power Transmission Una Data Source: PennWell Corporation Telephone: {800) 823-6277 This map Includes Information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This Information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee Its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Sensitive Receptors: There are Individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile Immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges, These sensitive receptors typically Include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and faculties - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association's annual survey of hospitals. Medical Canters: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Home* Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics' primary database on elementary and secondary public education In the United States, it is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics' primary database on private school locations in the United States. Daycare Centers: Child Care Provider List Source: Department of Health Telephone: 801-538-9299 Rood Zone Data: This data, available In select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR In 1999 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA, NWi: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available In select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. TC01222662.1r Page GR-9 STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION C 2003 Geographic Data Technology, Inc., Rel. 07/2003. This product contains proprietary and confidential property of Geographic Data Technology, inc. Unauthorized use, including copying for other than testing and standard backup procedures, of this product is expressly prohibited. TC01222662.1r Page GR-10 APPENDIX C Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Inspection Report for Thermo Fluids Wasatch Environmental. Inn. MEMORANDUM TO: THROUGH: THROUGH: PROM: DATE: File - Thermo Fluids, Inc. (Processor: UOP-006S-99) Cheryl Prawl, manager^?^ Jay W. Richardson, Env. Scientist David S. Wheeler, Env. Scientist 12 August 2003 SUBJECT: USED OIL INSPECTION REPORT Date of Inspection: Facility: Site JD Numbers: Facility Contact: Notification: Applicable Regulations: Type of Inspection: Participants: Weather Conditions: Time In/Out: Report Prepared by: 6 August 2003 Thermo Fluids, Inc. 1710 West 2600 South Woods Cross, UT 84087 (801)296-6611 EPA ID#: Used Oil Processor • Used Oil Transporter Used Oil Marketer - Brian Barnard, Division Mgr. UTR000000786 UOP-0068-99 UOP-0010-00 UOR-0060 Facility: 29 July 2003 @ 8:27 am, Brian Barnard LHD: 31 July 2003 @ 3:03 pm, Mark Williams R315-15 of the Utah Administrative Code Scheduled Used Oil Processor, Transporter, & Marketer inspection David S. Wheeler, DEQ/DSHW/Used Oil Jay W. Richardson, DEQ/DSHWAJsed Oil ..Bnajijlsxnf^ . . -f.... Robert Vaughn, TJbenno Fluids, Inc. Partly cloudy, -85° F, wind from south 8:57 am - 11:54 phi ' David Salas Wheeler ' Facility Description •. }- . r- >*.;..*• .&y v ..... Thermo Fluids operates a used oil storage/processing facility on the western portion of the old Cowboy Oil tank farm (on property owned by Crown Asphalt), adjacent to a small air field. This property was 1 Memorandum -- 12 August 2002 formerly used by Genesis Petroleum for their used oil re-refinery and storage facility. The facility consists of an office with small lab, a tank farm for storage of used oil and used antifreeze (consisting mostly of steel tanks in concrete containment plus one large tank in containment which includes synthetic liner and concrete), and two truck loading areas. Credentials, Purpose, and Scope David Wheeler and Jay Richardson met with Brian Barnard and Robert Vaughn of Thermo Fluids, Inc. The purpose of the inspection was to evaluate Thermo Fluids' used oil management practices for compliance with R315-15 of the Utah Administrative Code (the Rules). The scope of the inspection included a tour of the facility and scrutiny of required records and plans. '. - ' ' • • • • ' . ' .::' :'' Used Oil Operations at the Facility Used oil is trucked in and loaded into steel tanks for storage. Compliance Status R315-15 Standards for the Management of Used Oil R315-15-1 Applicability. Prohibitions, and Definitions • = Thermo Fluids appears to be in compliance with this portion of the Rules. R315>15-2 Standards for Used Oil Generators R315-I5-3 Standards for Used Oil Collection Centers and Aggregation Points R315-15-4 Standards for Used Oil Transporters and Transfer Facilities 4J. APPLICABILITY / :': •••• ' . " . 42 RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSPORTERS WHO ARE NOT ALSO PROCESSORS... n.a. 43 NOTIFICATION 4A USED OIL TRANSPORTATION 4.5 REBUTTABLE PRESUMPTION FOR USED OIL r-use Clor-d-Tect kits. Use generator knowledge on Q-Lube loads. 4.6 USED OIL STORAGE ATTRANSFER FAQE3TIES :V>1 — n.a. — see processor section below — 4J . TRACKING ^ ^^- •> •.:••:••>< Most tickets appeared to be adequately filled out, with,an occasional missing generator signature. However, Thermo Fluids failed to record the EPA ID numbers of a permitted used oil transporter named Odyssey Transportation Inc. during the summer of2003. Odyssey had been transporting used oil from Thermo Fluids' Woods Cross facility to its Las Vegas facility. 4JS MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUES / R315-15-5 Standards for Used Oil Processors and Re-Refiners 5.1 --APPLICABILITY - - V ,.; -•. ... 2 52 NOTIFICATION / 53 GENERAL FACILITY STANDARDS / - Thermo Fluids provided the inspection team with a copy of an updated spill contingency plan during the inspection (which has been submitted to the Division receptionist). 5A REBUTTABLE PRESUMPTION FOR USED OIL (see 4.5 above) 5,5 USED OIL MANAGEMENT Thermo Fluids appears to maintain its facility in a manner that nurumizes.releases of used oil to die ground. • There were two small puncture holes discovered in the liner around the UO-1 tank. One of the holes (see photo) was located on the norm face of the mound on which the tank is placed, and is below the water marks on the liner from last spring (when a sump pump failed and ground water filled the bermed area). The other hole was loaded approximately half-way along the ^t^enrj. Robert Vaughn agreed to J>atch the holes wifliin the week. There was no mdicStton of any iised ofihaving; been released Wlhe bermed area.. Mr. Barnard indicated that the UO-1 tank was currently nearly empty (down to about two feet). • During our inspection, a trench was being excavated just, southeast of the Thermo Fluids facility on property owned by eiu^r Crown Asphalt or Foreland. Groundwater filled the bottom of the trench (which was only about 2-3 feet v^^g^:0^t ^^^ :. .c deep), and there was a black oil product on the surface of this water. sbn^ p^ffipns of the trench, the entire surface of the water was covered;with-this *black oil. See.attached photos. The oil did not look like used oil. It was black like asphalt tar .but lessviscous. It may be flmMhis oil|s^^fouTee of die ©Uy waterthat #eeps mto the southern t, secondary containmeutnearoy (see previous inspection report). v * Also, Brian Barnard and Robert Vaughn pointed :outmat;a.!£r^ years been oozing put of the ground in the (paved) parking area on hot days. David Wheeler of the rospection team was shown this area, and it did indeed appear that a tar- like substance has been extrading up through the asphalt in the southeast portion of the parking lot located south of the Thermo Fluid offices. Thermo Fluids has coped with the . .^aiaterialby coy^ .. .were empty. r „ . . _ ,, • Jay Richardson of the inspection team noted that drums of used oil filters had been rernoyed fjpm.tte area in which they are usually stored moc(^^t^e>yjsou\d .,. - 4>epicl^ ap^ - * * *4 > M - g ^li3fflBWgffei^.^ \ ^ ^ 7, Z^'H.. . - •:. Kv • - * S ' ••-.:.< 5J1 TRACKING (see under 4.7 above) _ 5J OPERATING RECORD AND REPORTING \. We did not check mass balance or spill incident records. 5*9 OFF-SITE SHIPMENTSi'@FUSED OIL } v. ^ / - •• ™-5y, 5.10 MANAGEMENT OF RJ3S1DBBS R315-15-6 Standards for Used Ofl Burners Who Burn Off-Specification Used Oil... n.a. R315-15-7 Standards for Used Oil Fuel Marketers 1A APPLICABILITY / 3 Memorandum - 12 August 2002 12 PROHIBITIONS S 12 ON-SPECIFICATION USED OIL FUEL / 1A NOTIFICATION / 2A TRACKING / 16 NOTICES n.a. R315-15-8 Standards for the Disposal of Used Oil / - • • •• • R315-1S-9 Emergency Controls / R315-15-10 liability/Financial Requirements. R315-15-11 Closure '•• -'-'^ n.a. -;' " • "' R315-15-12 Reclamation Surety R315-15-13 Registration and Permitting of Used Oil Handlers R315-15-14 through R315-15-16 n.a. , Summary and Follow-up •<•"••- The facility appears to be operated in a manner that generally complies with the used oil rules. There were, however, some tracking omissions (see 4.7 above) and two small punctures in the liner around UO-1 (see 5.5 above). Thermo Fluids personnel have agreed to rectify these problems in the future.- "•' ;': :-; ' • The inspection team also discovered a black oil on &e surface of the groundwater in a trench southeast of the facility. However, the substance appears not to be used oil. Photos of the trenches have been forwarded to Allan Moore of the Hazardous Waste Branch and Cheryl Prawl of the Planning/Used Oil Section. ugnature Date attachments; Thermo Fluids photos, Crown Asphalt photos, inspection checklists, Notice of Inspection form, and certificate of insurance ;??•"":'.' 7- 4 Thermo Fluids 1710 West 2600 South, Woods Cross, UT 84087 August 6,2003 Figure 1: Puncture in synthetic liner surrounding UO-1 tank (Bic Clic Stic provided for scale). Crown Asphalt / Foreland tank farm (formerly Cowboy Oil) 1710 West 2600 South, Woods Cross, UT 84087 August 6,2003 Crown Asphalt / Foreland tank farm (formerly Cowboy Oil) 1710 West 2600 South, Woods Cross, UT 84087 August 6,2003 •* . v.. i < i figure 3: as above Crown Asphalt , foreland tank farm (formerly Cvvrboy Oil) 1710 West 2600 South, Woods Cross, UT 84087 August 6,2003 • Figure 5: Oil draining from excavated soil/fill at trench described above. Figure 6: Trench being excavated (view looking north) toward Thermo Fluids facility, etc Crown Asphalt / foreland tank farm (formerly Cowboy (Ml) 1710 West 2600 South, Woods Cross, UT 84087 August 6,2003 Figure 7: Trench (view looking south). APPENDIX D Leaking Underground Storage Tank Closure Documents Michael O Lovin Governor „ Dianne R. Nieison, Ph D f: i Cxrculive Direeior t„. Brad T Johnson Direcior Utah! Where ideas canntu Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 Wesi P.O. Box 144840 Sail Laie City. Utah 84 (14-4840 (80!) 536-1100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D D www.deq.ulah.gov ERRL-1648-03 October 9, 2003 I Larry Bardwell Crown Asphalt Products Company TH F" HftOll 2336 East Behrend Drive I I L L U U I T Phoenix, Arizona 85024 Re: No Further Action, Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Cowboy Asphalt Terminal, located at 1710 West 2600 South, Woods Cross, Utah Facility Identification No. 3000342, Release EUX Dear Mr. Bardwell: The file for this release has been reviewed by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) project manager who has recommended that no further corrective action be taken at this time. This no further action applies only to the specific Release ELJX. This recommendation is based on the information contained in the file for this release. You, your consultant or another representative supplied that information. The information submitted indicates that any detectable petroleum contamination from this release is not a threat to human health or the environment according to Utah Admin. Code rule R311-211. In the future, if other evidence indicates a spread of contamination from this release that may cause a threat, further corrective action may be required. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Hillary Mason, the DERR project manager, at (801) 536-4162. F! Sincerely, L Brad T Johnson, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board 6 BTJ/HLM/klv ii cc: Lewis Garrett, A.P.R.N., M.P.H., Director, Davis County Health Department Mike Barrett, Cowboy Asphalt Products Company U^i's RBCA Tier 1 Worksheet ^Owners/Operators complete the unshaded portion}. *Thc Screening Levels art applicable only when the requirements /or distance to receptors art meu •V 1? r»alit> Name ,,;)tt « iy >* , f^tily UKSIIOB and AtoeiMno Bo* Number: j Facility Owe® Name and MUm (Ory/StateJZiB C«te} Facility Owaei Phone • ( V'y • 1 i /' - '< i r "1 ftYtW. Area Cad* PhtmtNomixr Amount h Contaminant Source Information Produci Rckued Sia EnsaisaJ uai) atotusT* fiUMgfRcttaatttftaewaj OMOUIK lank pjpn dnnrmrt overfiUrSpitt DOW Diesel ___»*»* _ J»)»UIJ dispense; oxerfUl/spitl Other. Wane Oil ..«<. j _Z««* Aapenaei overftll/sptll Other _ Unknown task paawf dupemei o«af«iVtp«ll Other.. Otfaei _«a«k __jaaiaj _ditpeni« ovcrfitt/tptB Otter. ' contaminated soil T. ?.' Sources Removed: Jjank piping ./dispenser _free product ^contaminated soil m £" Other Information: - 1 jyESl .r». -wo-*, rumufrj "T^-v 01 Currenl Land Use at die Site: Surrounding Neighborhood: c Land Use Information . residential / commercial residential . commercial „, industrial s industrial (Note: Surrounding land use is Residential if one or more residences share a common property line with the Facility} d. Soil Information Depth to Top and Base of Contaminated Soil (feet below land surface): Zl Soil Tvoefsi: -os^ *.\>~ ! Depth (feet below land surface!: * - ' ~jv Method of Soil Type Identification (check applicable): 7 Unified Soil Classification Geologist's description _Top \~L Base e. Groundwater Information Was groundwater present in excavations? Yes /No Thickness of Free Product: {jCii&L, Depth to groundwater (feet below land surface): > g c^.o^t Is groundwater impacted at any concentration: Yes No / . - , Groundwater flow direction (circle applicable): E.#ft N. S, SE, SW, NE. NW </ Inferred? Measured? Slope direction of surface topography (circle applicable): E^)Nt S, SE. SW. r€,NW^<. *,\ „.y* f. Distance from Source to Nearest Potential Receptor (If any receptors are within 30 feet you must go to Tier 2) Receptors (enter distance to each in feet) Subsurface Utilities: > ^ Water line ' ±0 Sewer line * lc Natural Gas ' 3> 0 Storm Drain ' ID Telephone ^AaElectrical Other (specify) Vi>»ut W* A* Property Line ^j£.Buildings (specify type: Residence «£ Commercial / other, specify) The &wmxf&pmm mm «*baw • facility the map, as close as possible to teak, iadiottag #MS MKSk d»©ett©a, and shows iocatioos of fee following property labeled ftWllW l - Carrest aiitfac fa^^ • Utility lines (underground) • Ucatton of the release and known cooUttwwKion - Buildings or other structures * Property lino • Excavations * -* .t,~:.^\'. - Moritotiag wells - Soil stockpiles ' * * J * • - Sample iocatioos A hu^MCA LZiS&s \Q\H>;^ ' f.^U,t^\ tjbjAafei WHVW i^acA—k- t%r*i tonvP. ftCU. La BiAJL ^a»«>^u.. Owner/Operator Must Submit Copies of Laboratory Analytical Data for all samples collected LI Date Airport Propern THERMO FLUIDS LE/£ *CILfTY (CAPCO OWNED! CAPCO PROjJ \ AND OPERATIONS Water line 1 Gas line Airport N ,:i i, Gw#l ' -1' SSP #2 West UST. 6,000 gal. Vehicle Maintenance Shop Ss#2; Gw#: Concrete wing Fence Ss#2 #1 East UST ],700jaL^T Buried electrical Gw#2 El CAPCO ASPHALT TERMINAL OFFICE 1710 West 2600 South Woods Cross, Ut. Gwtfl Ss#1 7600 Smith Street KEY Groundwater sampjfe Soil sample w USC soil sample ™ SCALE lin.=20ft wm Petroleum Constituents in Soil (mg/kg) Datt Depth (ft bis) Ethyl btnun* XyhMM N»pthil«n« Tt>M-fla*<»M«« MMHi OH « Ortaaa Oth»< MSftMM Ms •0 120 •0 170 <0 13» •0 120 «0.24O 32 •SO ft* »oulh««xi 12 <0120 •0 120 *Q 120 «0 120 •0 240 «2-W north and 12 0QO4 0.009 «0 0O2 <0002 0003 <0 0O4 •80 12 0 003 0 00? •ooo? •0002 •Q004 •0 004 •so •2 W stodKM* «0.0087 0051 0.24 002? 024 0.028 ttiaanlnu tawala IE 155-IBSL TO -1592-.M. „ioo... Tun 0.3 0.9 61 23 23f -22. 1,500 10 W wop APPENDIX E Davis County Environmental Health Written Response Wasatch Environmental, Inc. DAVIS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION Delane 0. McGarvey Mia.. EHS division Director 3K9 South Main Street P.O. Box 618 Farmington, UT 84025-0618 •el: (801) 451-3296 or •801) 444-2300, ext 3296 iDO: (801)451-3228 Fax:(801) 451-3122 I I : July 14, 2004 Julie Kilgore Wasatch Environmental, Inc. 2410 West California Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84104 RE: Request for Site Information and Record Search Property located at former Cowboy Oil facility 1710 West 2600 South Woods Cross, UT Dear Ms. Kilgore: After searching our files, I submit the following information pertaining to the referenced site: • The site is currently located in a primarily commercial area with some new residential housing nearby. Traditionally, heavy industrial use has characterized the surrounding area. It is important to point out that site is located in close proximity to the Skypark Airport, a major transportation route (Redwood Road), and other facilities that have inherent environmental issues. In general, our Division has received public complaints over the years relating to air, water, and soil quality. • Our files showed four specific environmental responses to the property: 1. On May 11, 1985, our Division responded to a large crude oil release that was caused by a tanker rollover from Cowboy Oil Company. It was determined that over 14,500 gallons of product was released into the ditch along 2600 South. Our files indicated that the majority of the crude oil was contained in the ditch but that significant contamination occurred on the surface. The State Health Department later took ditch water samples and determined water quality to be "satisfactory." 2. Our files showed that in 1991, the Department of Environmental Quality responded to the site for a spill release. At that time, they determined that some sort of tank release was occurring but could not be found. DEQ hypothesized that the release was not from a regulated underground storage tank and that it had been on going for an extended time period Our files did not indicate any cleanup of the site. 3. On June 26,1993, approximately 50-100 gallons of unleaded gasoline was spihcd onto the Cowboy Oil loading pad and entered a drain box. It was also noted that product was evident in the drainage ditch. Cleanup of the site was performed by Advanced Petroleum Recycling and appears to have met our Division's requirements. 4. Several underground storage tanks were identified in close proximity to the property. In particular, Skypark Airport and Cowboy Oil had numerous tanks and potential problems that were mentioned in our files. The Utah Division of Emergency Response and Remediation (DERR) may provide more information regarding these and other relevant tanks in the area. As is the usual practice of the Division, I requested input from members of our staff for recollection concerning the subject property. Their significant comments were incorporated in this report. Due care and diligence were exercised in researching this site. However, the Davis County Environmental Health and Laboratory Division assumes no responsibility for omissions from this report If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (801) 451-3296. Sincerely, Dave Spence, Environmental Health Scientist DS/aw APPENDIX F Ownership History, Recorded Environmental Liens, and Recorded Activity and Use Limitations i TITLE HISTORY LETTER 3 Prepared By D.W. MOORE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4849 S. State Street, Suite #2 Murray, UT 84107 (801)266-6585 FAX (801) 266-6031 A VISION OF TOMORROW, A DEDICATION TO TODAY /-3 D.W. MOORE& ASSOCIATES, INC Real Estate, 77Jfe & Environmental Consultant 4849 S. STATE STREET, SUITE #2 MURRAY, UTAH 84107 (801) 266-6585 dba TITLE & ESCROW SCHOOL OF UTAH FAX (801) 266-6031 JULY 9, 2004 JUUE KILGORE WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL 2410 W. CALIFORNIA AVENUE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 RE: Our Order No.: DWA20045050 Property Owner COWBOY ASPHAL T TERMINAL LLC Property Location: 1710 WEST 2600 SOUTH, WOODS CROSS Dear MS. KILGORE: On JULY 6, 2004, you requested a report setting forth the title history for the Subject Property located in WOODS CROSS, Utah. At this time, you supplied information to locate the property. From this information and a review of the records of DAVIS County, the Subject Property, on which this report is prepared, is more particularly described in said report. The enclosed report sets forth those recorded documents, which have been indexed and affect the Subject Property. This report is given to disclose the chain of title to the Subject Property during the search period herein described. This report is limited to recorded documents and is subject to the information available to the preparer. This report should not be considered an abstract, a title report, a commitment for title insurance, nor a policy of title insurance. Some of the information contained in this letter is the opinion of the preparer. This letter is given to disclose only the information contained herein. No guarantees as to the validity of any document listed herein, or as to status of the title to the subject property are made. You are . advised to consult an attorney for any legal opinion on the status or condition of title in the subject property. Any legal description contained herein is used only for reference purposes. There are no representations make as to the accuracy of the legal description or its relationship to abutting property. You are advised to obtain a survey, and to review the documents in the chain of title for the legal description of the Subject Property. This report is delivered and accepted upon the understanding that you have no personal knowledge or intimation of any defect, objection, lien or encumbrance affecting the Subject Property other than those shown herein, during the search period, and your failure to disclose, in writing, any such personal information shall render this report, null and void as to such defect, objection, lien or encumbrance. Any liability is limited to the amount paid for this report. This report has been prepared according to standard research techniques. The preparer has been a Licensed Abstractor as defined by the Utah Code, and is a licensed title insurance agent, qualified to search and examine real estate records and titles in the State of Utah. Thank you for the opportunity of allowing us to serve you. Sincerely, D.W. MOORE & ASSOCIATES, INC. David W. Moore, President A VISION OF TOMORROW. A DEDICATION TO TODAY D.W. Moore & Associates, ,nc. Page No. 4 I SUBJECT PROPERTY SEE ATTACHED PLAT Note: The Assessor or Tax Identification No(s)., together with the Assessed Property Owner are: 06-085-0025 COWBOY ASPHALT TERMINALS, LLC 06-089-0086 COWBOY ASPHALT TERMINALS, LLC II. TITLE SEARCH & INFORMATION A. SCOPE OF SEARCH 1. From your request, the following index records of the DAWS County Recorder were searched: a. Tract Index for SEC 35, T2N-R1W, SLM. b. Various documents to verify legal descriptions and parties involved. c. Area Reference Plats, Ownership Plats, and other Plat Records for said county. 2. The following additional records, indexes, and information were reviewed in preparation of this report: a. Records of the DAWS County Assessor and Treasure to determine and/or verify the Taxation or Identification number for the Subject Property. b. Information found in the table of recorded documents contains any instrument which the search has determined to be in the chain of title, Including any institutional control and/or environmental lien affecting the subject property. c. NIA B. SEARCH INFORMATION 1. The Tract Indexes of the DAVIS County Recorder were searched from 1935 through JULY 1, 2004 at 7:59 AM. From said search the documents set forth herein were found and hereby disclosed. Note: Because of the complexity of the chain of title, this list of documents only contains documents which disclose specific Interests in and to the Subject Property. Atof all of those documents, which were Indexed against the subject property, have been Included. Documents which do not transfer tltie, which do not disclose new parties, or which would only disclose a mortgage interest or some similar interest have been excluded. 2. For informational purposes, additional documents may have been included in the Table of Recorded Documents. These informational documents affect property in the general area of the Subject Property. These documents and the respective interest are disclosed for informational purposes only. No additional search was made on these properties, and no representations are made other than showing the particular document. 3. As additional support, a copy of the DAVIS County Ownership Plat has been attached to assist in an identification of the Subject Property and to assist in showing the various property boundaries as may be identified in the Table of Recorded Documents. D.W. Moore & Associates, ic, Page No. £ As a synopsis of the information, attitude, and understanding derived from the completion ot the review and search, the following comments and/or opinions, to support the information herein set forth, are hereby set forth. a. N/A. 5. Pursuant to your request, the following additional information is provided: a. N/A III. TABLE OF RECORDED DOCUMENTS OOOJI Warranty Deed 11/12/1935 11/11/1935 61459 1-N/130 Mamie E. Wan-Clinton L. Miils Warranty Deed 05/28/1961 05/23/1961 221921 209/533 Clinton L. Mills Clinton L Mills Warranty Deed 09/19/1962 09/25/1962 241535 250/655 Clinton L. Mills Keith L. Winegar Deed 10/18/1962 10/22/1962 242649 252/505 Keith L. Winegar California Oil Co. Sheriffs Deed 11/09/1967 11/13/1967 314765 378/680 Keith L. Wineoar Chevron Oil Co. Warranty Deed 05/29/1968 06/17/1968 321359 392/635 Chevron Oil Co. Chevron Asphalt Co. Deed 04/07/1971 05/10/1971 350833 456/140 Chevron Asphalt Co. Dunn Oil Co. Warranty Deed 06/02/1971 06/02/1971 351892 458/469 Dunn Oil Co. Denton Lee Dunn, etal Warranty Deed 09/12/1974 09/16/1974 401537 549/385 Denton Lee Dunn Dale D. Hancock 10 Quit Claim Deed 02/09/1976 04/061976 4311126 597/92 Cowboy Oil Co. Of Utah Dale D. Hancock, etal D.W. Moore & Associates, ,ic Page No. 6 11 DOCUMENT DATED - Easement 03/28/1979 Record ec Entr> No. -Book t Pang_ 04/04/1979 527545 761/279 Dale Hancock Mountain States Tel & Tel. 12 Warranty Deed 06/11/1990 06/11/1990 893406 1355/640 Dale D. Hancock Hancock-Geisler R I C Inc. 13 Quit Claim Deed 01/19/1999 01/19/1999 1478737 2431/1441 Morrison Oil Company Hancock-Geisler R I C Inc. 14 Special Warranty Deed 01/07/1999 01/22/1999 1480481 2434/962 Hancock-Geisler R I C Inc. Cowboy Asphalt Terminal LLC 15 16 Special Warranty Deed 09/12/2000 09/20/2000 1614290 2483/799 Dale D. Hancock Cowboy Asphalt Terminal LLC Easement 11/13/2001 02/15/2002 1730095 2986/1092 Cowboy Asphalt Terminal LLC Crown Asphalt Products Company APPENDIX G Historic Topographic Maps " ft, «•••» m 1 f. H""R mm if 26 if y SKY HAVEN AtRfOfcT I . : I 7™" Approxi rrjajfe •Site Location ™. .... -:V-C—-r££ : loMi 2 .1 JL I // a J . (c S~\\ *225 T1& r StocSya'd! LAHS. \4S>'8 mmm S . I or : Salt ;yM 0;! TBnla mi • it G 1. ft *i II I »» * « » —-J 7-4 » . a; s •. lis IK I 6 I 9^ Sft' APfSOXtMATI SCALe f*L) t 3*^ S Si ALT 'SyL % :i'--y-;y". LAKE m . ^"•"^•[ii.• AJIllfc^UO «v 1951 Historic Topographic Map, Former Cowboy Oil Property, Adaptec! From U. S. Geological Survey Salt Lake City North, UT Quadrangle WEI 1081-02 Pit / / Brat 26 *** f / it IK 7 1*1 t i«i **** \ y «.» ' -1 o \ s t 3N- . ^ 6 „ 4. » • . 1 > \ 1 8M ^proWte 35 . :.? .x # * •=-1, ..^ ,4 : - • * at rzKZ -9 3 a •:*';**„ I \ \\J| ^1MMB*W * i O fa. »i 1 a. ••• 5 i =4t J f, 26 1M i i. •: / // Jf/s-Jt* : otcftlri '—^— 'mm -y. : • r4^^w1 *lVr>-- / i . J I y -':y <r>y s" • Y •'^tEf If II j -mrX-.^-,{^" „v Adapted From U. S. ^T*^ Map's& «jsa^r ^^^^^ APPENDIX H Westec Documentation Wasatch Environmental inr* June 28, 1994 Utah Division of Hfr Quality 150 North, 1950UJest Salt lake City, Utah 84114^820 Attn.: Russell Roberts Re: Grandfather Status of flboveground Storage Tanks Dear Mr. Roberts: fis per our conversation of the week of June 13, 1994, please find the following information. UJestec, Salt Lake City, Inc. at 1600 €ast. 2600 South UJoods Cross, Utah, lessees 11 aboveground storage tanks from Cowboy OH, Co. also of the address above. UJestec utilizes these tanks for the purpose of wholesaling of blended motor fuels, and operates under SIC code 5171. In correspondence with Dick Griesler the owner and operator of Cowboy Oil, Co. . He indicated that all tanks utilized by UJestec Salt Lake City, Inc. were installed well before October of 1969. In addition the manufactures label on the tanks indicate chat the tanks were manufactured in 1959. These tanks have not been modified or moved since their installation. UJestec believes that these tanks are operating under grandfather clauses allowing tanks installed prior to October 1969 to not be permitted for air pollution emissions. If possible could you please forward documentation indicating that we are exempt from the above permitting. Correspondence can be directed to: UJestec Salty Lake City, Inc. 1493 Hgwy.6&50 fruita, Colorado 81521 Attn: Chris dark Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact James Stemrich, Paul Brennan, or myself at (303) 858-0300. Sincejeltrr ^ , Chris Clerk LUescourt environmental. Inc. RA62094.LUPS VACANT FIELD CRYSEN REFINING (VACANT) C0WT3OW0IL COMPANY OO OO PIKE O o o o OO o /// /// /// XSDA _J> c UNCCcocawenrMO EARTHEN DIKE ***\ ULk O O o OO • o AM Bm IWSSTIC LOAWHO RAO. OawtaaHO MUX BASIN WESTERN GATE mm WESTEC OFFICE TRUCK. SCALE GATE DRAINAGE DITCH 1100 WEST Q = COWBOY TAN s WESTEC TAN NOT TO SCALE , r ..muu r-ionv. JAN. 1. to: DEC. 31. J2!i_ SARA FORM t 007 fliv. 1-93 FACILITY NAME: westec Petroleum, Inc. (SIC Plant) BLDQ(NumberorAddress): mo west 2600 S. WoodsCross, UJ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Rasa* ALL Inttructlont Mora comp/ef/ng form CAS NUMBER: 6_8 5_lj& - _2 JO. - JL PRODUCT on LABtl)MAME' ARF Raffinate (B-Aromatic) ow- • LU • • Q SolW Liquid Gas Pure Mix rLPLIH HWAIU (~~} o^r** (*••»*) ts tits product or any ot to Inotedkants on tha SARA Ex*aroaty Hazardous Subetanca (EH9) tsf? M-YEB-bt EHSNama: •YES H NO h* "HO* It tia chanUcal ikxad In amounts graalar ft an tO.000 bi? CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: TRADE SECRET YES • NO CA8 Number: 6 8 5 1 6 - 2 0 1 PercentolMixture: 99.9 V, ingredient Name: Steam Cracked Middle Aromatic Naptha CASNumbar: Z i. I_3 Jl - _L 4_ - _i Percent of Mixture: 5^25 *><> ingredient Name: Ethvl Tolnlene CAS Number. 7 0 6 9 3 - 0 6 - 0 Percent of Mixture: 5-20 % Ingredient Name: Alkylbenzenes CAS Numbar: 2 _5. 5_W - 1_3 - _7_ Percent of Mixture: 15-4 5 % Ingredient Name: Trlmethyl Benzene CAS Numbar; Percont of Mixture: Ingredient Name: INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. ON SJT6 ON sirE AS Pounds v. LCuFtBTP Galon* (u*» achjal qoarObw) PEAK INVENTORY MONTR(8) ~. o; 10 it 12 AONTH3 (Ckda al that Apply) 8TORAQE INFORMATION (f^on-Confldontlal) yrr. ^StoVag© 5 r~ mmm m iSmmm Stalemenl about how thla chemical to used; Product, Is used as gasoline .hien&Losu J components HAZARD CLASSES D Aerosol Products • Blasting Agent • Carclnogon • Corrosive pH D Cryogenic • Exptosh/o • Flammable Qaa • Hazardous Waste • Highly Toxic • Infectious Agent a • Organic Peroxide • Olher Health Hazard • Oxidizer • Peatlekie • Pyroprtoflc • Radioactive • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) O Water-RooclNe TYPE OF HAZARD(S) ELAliUABLEXCQMBUST]DLE_LIQUID.S: • Class tA Q Class II XXfl Class IB Q Class IIIA • Class 1C • Class HIB LrQUIElEDJ3 EJRQLEUM O AS (LPQ. LFl- O A S) O LPQ In BLDQ3 -nol accassbte to pobf»c O LPQ ki BLDQ3 accas8l)l« lo (ha ptrfiric In t-LB containers LPQ In pubic assembly buildings LPQ at construction alias. LPQ outside N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING FlammablHty NOTE: r*c 0-4 fitting s^i Health 4- Roacllvtiy Spoclol Hazards -W- OX COR RAD (CWcIa at thai Apply) TN» ChomktJ kov.nlofY R»po«l Form m#ale ltv» reporting rarjuUamanta ot S.A.n A. Till* III, Tlar II rUpoiUog Form and |h« Uniform Flra Coita. Page t.3 of J_3_ HI v I_M » wn i ncr'UrU FACILITY NAME: westec Petroleum, Inc. (SLC Plant REPORT!^ PERIOD From: JAN. I, to: DEC. 31. '993 SARA FORM I 002 1 <*2 BLDQ (Nurnber or Address): 1710 West 2600 S. WoodsCross, V CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL Inatrvctlonu barora completing form CAS NUMBER: 6 4 7 4 1 - 6 8-0 PRODUCT OR (LABEL) NAME: Aromatic Solvent 104 WlY3TJU.UJWUyilLN • ® • • rj Sotkj Liquid Gas Pure Mix TE7CTH HAZAHT f"""1 D«UT«<J (c»»crJc) la fits product or any ol It* Ingredlenta on the SARA f—|\/£*G fxl Ml**l Exfremaryllaiifdou* Substance (EH3) fat? I i • '—I NU tt-YE8* 1st EMS Name: II 'HO' U tia chemical tlorad In amounts greater than 10.000 bs? DP YES • NO CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: TRADE SECRET: [ INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. AVQ. ON ON SITE SITE 89 4 5 Pounds Cu Ft 8TP QaRons (tut actual quanOl**) CA8 Numbar: I JL 1_5_L -1L-_I Percent of Mixture: _25. % ingredient Name: Trlmethylbenzene CAS Numbar: 1 3 3 0. 2 0 - 7 Percent of Mixture: 10 % Ingredient Name: Xylene CAS Numbar: 9 _8_ - _8_Z - _8_ Percent of Mixture: 7 % Ingredient Name: Cumene • CAS Numbar: Percent of Mixture: •A Ingredient Name: CAS Numbar: Ingredient Name: - - Percent of Mixture: PEAK INVENTORY MONTH(S) ALLMONTH3 (Chela al mat Apply) to 5 STORAGE INFORMATION (Non-ConlWentlal) Storage Locations Westec Tank Farm North of Office SETTC NVMPY mmm cms PA# FOR HKIM. Slalernent about how this chemical Is used: Product is used as blending component in gasoline HAZARD CLASSES • AeroBol Products • Blasting Agent O Carcinogen • Corrosive pH • Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammablo Gas • Hazardous Waste O Highly Toxic • Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide • Other Health Hazard • Oxidizer • Pealickie • Pyrophorlc • Radioactive • Toxic O Unstable (Reactrvo) LI Water-Reactive TYPE OF HAZARD(S) FLAyMABLELCQ.MBUSIlBLEXlQUID^; • Class 1A Q Class II XO Ctaas IB n Class III A Class IB Class 1C B Class HIB LIQUIFIED PETI1QLEUMJ3ASJLPQ4 LP;G AS • LPQ In BLDQ3 -not access tola to public O LPQ In BLDQ9-accessfjle lo the public In ILBconlalonrs LPQ In public assembly buHdlngs. 3 LPQ al construction alias. LPQ outside N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD HATING RammablBty NOT£:«««<n kl tot Health Reactivity Special Hazards OX COR RAD (Ckcle a» thai Apply) Thla Crv»mkoi Inventory RsporI Form me«U lh« reporting requirements of 8.A.R.A. Till* III. Tl*r II Deponing Form end the Uniform Fire Code. Page 12 of ncruiiii.tJ PERIOD Fiom: JAN. t, to: DEC. 31. 1993 SARA FORI! 9 002 fW FACILfT Y NAME: HeUec Petroleum, Inc. (SLC Plant) BLDQ (Number or Address):r,i 71 o we it; ^^^^^^^l^K^x* CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL Instruction* baton completing form CAS NUMBER: l_g &_ - _8 SL " X PRODUCT OR (LABEL) MAME: Tolulene mr^OTjf^Tjgrnq • 0 • Q • «wy: Solid Liquid Qa» Pure Mix Ct*K* mi RE7CT1TTTO7TO" |X~j InvnodUIci (xuie) Is tils product or any of Ha ingredients on the SARA Ertremery r laiardoua Subatanca (EH3) est? It "YES" 1st EMS Noma: • •YES B NO INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. AVO. ON ON SITE SITE JO. dn Pounds CuFLBTP On Bom (uia ecturi quantities) 5 STORAGE INFORMATION * *S&3r .(Non^f^iHlaV^!/ Storage Locsriores , Westec Tank Farm North of of fj If "WO* Is Bio chWTttcal stored In amounts p/aaler Si an 10.000 bs? BYESDNO CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: TRADE SECRET PEAK INVENTORY WONTH(8l 1 £ 3 4 (|)® 10 fl 12 SONTHS (Ckcta al that Apply) •?T*lT17^ I nS^tTTIkCTT F ^cocts PACE ron iracpnrtt Statement about how this chemical Is used: Product is used as gasoline blending component CA8 Number: . L Q_8- - _i Percent of Mixture: 99.9 W> Ingredient Name: T^JLulene - CAB Numbar: Percent ol Mixture: Ingredient Name: CAS Numbar: Percent ol Mixture: % Ingredient Name: CAS Number; Ingredient Name: Percent of Mixture: CAS Numbar: Ingredient Name: Percent of Mixture: % HAZARD CLASSES • Aerosol Products • Blasting Agent O Carcinogen • Corrosive pH • Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammable Gas • Hazardous Waste • Highly Toxic • Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide • Other Health Hazard • Oxidizer O Pesticide O Pyrophorlc • Radioactive Q Toxic O Unstable (Reactive) • Water-Reactive TYPE OF HAZARD(S) BLAIMiABlJSjLCQMaUS^ • Class 1A Q Class II XJC 3 ctass IB rj Class IHA J Class IC • Class DIB LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GASJ.LPQ, LE O AS) O LPQ In BLDGS -not accessbla lo pobHc O LPQ In BLDG3 -accessbla to trie public in t-LB containers LPQ In public assembly buHdlnps. LPQ at construction sites. LPQ outslda N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING FlammablHty NOTE: «•«* 0-4 Ruling la bat Health 4- Reactivity Special Hazards OX COR RAD (Circle al thai Apply) Thla Chemtcet Inventory Report Form m*«ta llw reporting requirements ol 8.A.R.A. Till* Ml, Tier II Reporting Form and Ihe Uniform Fire Codo. Page 1! of 13 REPORTiNl cRIOD From: JAN. I, torDEC.31. 1993 SARA FORI! 9 002 I )<-92 FACtLffV NAME: Westec Petroleum, Inc. (SLC Plant) CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL Inutructlant bofnra conipJell/ig form CAB NUMBER: Mixture PRODUCT OR LABEL) NAME: SBE Dimer FRY9CAL LLMAjy 1IUN c^- • m • • LD **w*: Solid Liquid Gas Pure Mix Is ills product or any ot Its Ingredients on the 8ARA Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) Bsf? »-TE8* tat EH3 Name: •YES HI NO BLDQ (Number or Address): 171 o West 2600 s. woodsCross, UT INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. AVO. ON Oft SITE 3ITE 45 _2Q Pounds CU.FLSTP QaSons (ut* (dual quant*)**) I STORAGE INFORMATION (Non-Conlktentlal) Stor age Locations Westec Tank Farm North of off tee... If "HO* Is tie chemical stored in amounts grealor ban 10.000 bs? CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: BYESDNOj iLXL TRADE SECRET CAB Numbar: 1 4 2. 9 6 .1 Percent ol Mixture: ingredient Name: Butyl Ether CAS Numbar; J_ 0_6 - __? J_ • JL Percent of Mixture: Ingredient Name: Butane CAS Numbar: J_ Q_6- __9 JL - JL Percent of Mixture: Ingredient Name: Butane % CAS Numbar: Percent of Mixture: Ingredient Name: CAS Numbar: Percent ol Mixture: Ingredient Name: PEAK INVENTORY MONTHS) 3 4 ®(6) 1(9) 10 11 12 ONTH3 (Circle al that Apply) 1 2 k»'^i; i;kV:iL» ;ii:^»:;ii ^TfXKXS PAGE TOR OMICJXrrS Stalement about liow this chemical la used: . Product is used as a blend component ;| in gasoline HAZARD CLASHES Q Aerosol Products D Blasting Agent • Carclnogon P Corrosive pH • Cryogenic O Explosive • Flammable Gas O Hazardous Wasle • Highly Toxlc • Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide • Other Health Hazard O Oxidizer • Pestteldo • Pyroplwlc Q Radioactive • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) • Water-Reactive TYPE OF HAZARD(S) ELiUMIIlABLJEJJ^ yjQ Class tA Q Class It B Class IB rj Class III A Class 1C • Class IIIB LrQUIEIErj_p^TTiQLj^iUiAS^ • LPQ In BLDQ3 -not accessbla to pobBc • LPQ In BLDGS -accassbte to the public hi t-LB containers "] LPQ In pubHc assembly buddings. LPQ al construction sites. LPQ outside N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING NOTE:"-" nammablWy Riding In tot Health < ft Reactivity Special Hazards OX COR RAD (Ckcle al thai Apply) 4- Thla Chemical Inventory Report Form meets I ha reporting requirement* of S A.R.A. Title III. Tlar II Reporting Form and the Uniform Fire Code. Page 10 of 13 #002 fW. I-S2 FACILITY NAME: Westec Petroleum, inc. (SLC Plant BLDQ (Number or Address): i?io West 2600 s. WoodsCross, in CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL rnifruct/on* before completing; form CAS NUMBER: Mixture STORAGE INFORMATION (Non Confldonilal) PRODUCT OR (LABEL) NAME: Nalco 5407 FRY!JLALUJM^IIJN • m • • m Solid Liquid Gas Pure Mix RE7C1H WMir Q (at*oris) \s tils product or any ol Its Ingredients on The SARA Extremely H«i*rdou* Substance (ER3) ast? H "YE8* fal El 13 Name: ; •YES B NO It *HO* ti The chemical stored In amounts greater t\an 10.000 fos? YES El NO CHEMICAL INGREDtENTS: TRADE SECRET: CAS Numb«r: 1 0 0 4 i Percent ol Mixture: 5-10 H ingredient Name: Ethylbenzene CAS Numbar: 6 8 6 0 3- 0 8 - 7 Percont ol Mixture: 20-40 % Ingredient Name: Heavy Aromatic tlaptha CAS Number. Mr, I- • mm INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. AVQ ON ON SITE SITE 5 Storage Locations Wester, t ank f a r.m, rinr Ih• Jrit|&%tti%l ftflO 400 Pounds CuFLBTP wsm office Galons (u»e ectuii quanUlM) am Statement about how this r^emteal & Gasoline additive ,* PEAK INVENTORY MONTH(S) 1 2 3 4 (tp (J) 7J P) v@) 10 11 12 ALL MONTHS (Circle al thai Apply) MB TYPE OF HAZARD(S) FLAUMABLFJCOMDUSTlBLrL LIQUIDS: • Class 1A Q Class II S Class IB xxfn Class III A Class 1C • Class "IB SI- 20-3 Percent ol Mixture: 1-5 % Wfopthalene W'^il Percent of Mixture: 1-5 % Percent ol Mixture: Ingtedfeht Name: • HAZARD CLASSES. • Aerosol Products • Blasting Agent • Carcinogen • Corrosive pH • Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammable Gas • Hazardous Waste • Highly Toxic • Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide • Other Health Hazard • Oxidizer • Pesticide • Pyropltorlc • Radioactive • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) • Water-Reactive LrQUIOErjJrZETJM • LPQ in BLDQ3 -nol accessble |o public • LPQ In BLDGS -accessble to the pub*c In t-LB containers LPQ ki public assembly buildings, LPQ al construction sites. • LPQ outside B N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING FlammablHty NOTE: o* firing ~\J ktbo* ^ Heallh -W- Reactlvtly Special Hazards OX COR RAD (Circle al thai Apply) TWe Chemfcei Inventory neport Form meats Irva reporting requirement* of S A R A. Title 111. Tier II Reporting Form *nd the Uniform Fire Code. PflfJO 9 of J 3 REPORTlk_ PERIOD Floor. JAN. 1. to: DEC. 31. _JL£12_ BARA FORU f 002 92 FACILITY NAME: Wcstec Petroleum, Inc. (SLC PUnt) BLDQ (Nuinber or Address): 1710 west 2600 S. WoodsCross, in CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL /niirucl/on« bofora completing form CAS NUMBER: PRODUCT OR (LABEL) NAME: _ Mixt ure Trick Racing Fuel c~- • mo • • Solid Liquid Gas Pure Mix HcALIH IWZAI4J |X j krancoUM (acuta) | | rwlared (chior*:) Is tils product or any ol Its Ingredients on the 8ARA Extremery Hatardou* Substance (EMS) asf? B"YE8* Sat EMS Name: •YES B NO If "NO" is be chemical stored in amounts grealer ban 10.000 ros? INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. Ava. ON ON SITE SITE 4000 2000 Pounds Cu.FLBTP Galons (us* actual quantities) YES ED NO I CREMICAL iNGREDtENTS: TRADE SECRET: CA8 Numbar: . j^acious. - - Percent of Mixture: 99,9 U Mixture of Aliphatic & Aromatic ingredient Name: Hydrocarbons CAS Numbar: Percent ol Mixture: % Ingredient Name: CAS Numtwrr: Percent ol Mixture: Ingredient Name: CAS Numbar: Percent of Mixture: Ingredient Name: CAS Numbar: Percent ol Mlxturo: Ingredient Name: PEAK INVENTORY MONTH(8) 1 2 3 4 © ® ®@ 11 12 ALL MONTHS (Circle al that Apply) STORAGE INFORMATION {Non-Confidential) Storage Locations Westec Tank Farm North of office SEE TIE rMNTotrr wrmrio cats PACE FOR imai^ Statement about how this chemical Is used: Gasoline product used for high performance engines HAZARD CLASSES Q Aerosol Products • Blasting Agent O Carcinogen • Corrosive pH • Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammable Geo • Hazardous Waste • Highly Toxic • Infectious Agents O Organic Peroxide • Olher Health Hazard D Oxidizer • Pesticide III Pyrophorlc • Radioactive • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) • Water-Reactive TYPE OF HAZARD(S) FLAMMABL£1CQM0U5T1DLE_L1QUII?^; 0 Class IB Class 1C Class If Class IDA Class HIB LIQUIFIED EETflQLEUIflJQAS(LEa^LPzD AS) • LPQ In BLDGS -not accessble lo public • LPQ In BLDGS -accessble lo the public In t-LB containers LPQ In pubic assembly buildings. LPQ al construction sites. U LPQ outside B N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING FlammablHty NOTE:«»« <M ftmtinq hbo* Health Reactivity Special Hazatd3 -W- OX COR RAD (CWcle al thai Apply) This Chemkel Inventory Report Form meet* l!v» roportlng requiremenle ol 8.A.R.A. Till* 111.Tier II Reporting Form end the Uniform Fire Code. Page _8 of J 3 REPORTING PERIOD From: JAN. 1, lo: DEC. 31. JUL r 6ARA FORII f 002 t. 1-92 FACILITY NAME: westec Petroleum, Inc. (SLC Plant) BLDQ (Number Of Address): 1710 West 2600 S., WoodsCross in CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Head ALL rnalrucf/ona before completing (orm CAB NUMBER: 7 7 - 7 0 -6 PRODUCT OR (LABEL) NAME: Dlcyclopentadlene (LAB) TTrTTCTCITJvRrJILN : o^- • 0 • • • Solid Uqutd Gas Pure Mix HLALIH 1VYAHJ | jj kranadUW |uuM) |~j n+mfd (ctvarfc) la this product or any ot Ks ingredients on the SARA Extremely Hazardous SubsUnca (EHS) asf? «TE8-falEH3Name: •YESLUNO It *NO* la be chemical stored ki amounts greater ben 10,000 bs7 CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: El YES • NO TRADE SECRET: [ | INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. AVO.. ON ON SITE SITE 80 40 Pounds CU.F18TP Galons (use actual rjuantMea) PEAK INVENTORY MONTIES) 1 2 3 4 5 (&) (j) ©ft) 10 11 T2 TlLTvlONTHS (Clrde al that Apply) STORAGE INFORMATION I (Noo-Contldentlal) Storage Locatloos Tank Farm. North of Office QpPffPA »IaTi.U:M.£K Statement about how this chegrlcal to used: Product is used as a blending component CA8 Numbar: L Q__8- J. 8_ - J. Percent ol Mixture: 0-1,5 V. ingredient Name: Toluene CAS Number: 2_5 0_ 1_3- _1_ 5_ - A. Percent ol Mixture: 3.0 % Ingredient Name: Vinyl Toluene CAS Number: 9_5- 1 _3 - _6_ Percent ol Mixture: 2.8 % Ingredient Name: Indene CAS Numbar: . 9_2- __5_2 - _4 Percent ol Mixture: 1.6 % Ingredient Name: Blohenvl CAS Numbar: . - • Percent ol Mixture: 8 % Ingredient Name: A-Methyl Styrene. • Aerosol Products • Blasting Agent • Carcinogen O Corrosive pH O Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammable Gas • Hazardous Waste • Highly Toxic • Infodlous Agents • Organic Peroxide • Olher Health Hazard • Oxidizer • Pesticide • Pyroplvorlc • Radioactive • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) • Water- ReocUve TYPE OF HAZARD(S) FLAMMABLE /. C0MBUSI1BLEJJQUIQS: • Class 1A p Class II B Class IB rj Class III A Class 1C • Class HIB LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM OAS (LPQ,.LP^G AS) O LPQ In BLDGS -not accessble lo public O IPG In BLDG3 -accessble lo the public In t-LB containers LPG In public assembly buHdlnrjs. IPG at construction sites. • LPG outside B N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING RammablHty Reactivity Special Hazards OX COR RAD (Circle al thai Apply) NOTE: f*-™ *•« RmUng \ i In tx>« Health -w 4- Thla Chemical Inventory neporl Form meata the reporting rarfuUanianta ol B.A.n.A. Till* Ul, Tlar It n«porllog Forrn end tha Unllorm Flr» Code. Page 7 of 1 REPORTinC* PERIOD From: JAN. l, "' to: O^C.Ah-.-J^^m^'- M F ACUITY NAMEj Wei.e, n't\rn\numj-:\W&K^^^;M& V Rae-d ALL fh$trvct!dri» bmfort) complMmglotair CAS NUMBER: L_3 .1 °_ - A ?_ - JL PRODUCT OR (LABEL) NAME: Xy1ene HffyLAL IJMUM I UN «**..• LI • • 0 •w^py: Solid Liquid Gas Pure Mix HbALIH HA/ATtU Xj lmm«Sat* (acuta) "T rw.r«>» (t*»«nJc) la tils product or any of Its ingredients on the SARA Ertemety Hazardous Suostance (EHS) tst? » -YES* asl EHS Name: mum 5r tut H tORA 1 • mm Stwi^L(?CAIiori» j Westec Tank Farm. West of QtfVet 8 5 40 Pounds Cu.FLSTP Gallons MAX. r AVTJ.'V ON "', ON. SUE SITE (use eduri quontBlea) •YESHNOl It "NO* Is the chemical stored In amounts greater than 10.000 bs? PEAK INVENTORY MONTH(B) 2 3 4 6 (Ji (7 10 11 12 CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: jfl YES • NO I (c^ai^^ptyj ••ri Statement about how this chemical b used: Product is used as a blending component TRADE SECRET CAB Number: 10_0 _4 J_ - i_ Percent of Mixture: 3-35 H ingredient Name: Ethvlbenzene CAS Number: 1 3 3 0 - 2 0 -7 Percent ol Mixture: 60-95 % Ingredient Name: Xylene CAS Numbar: Percent of Mixture: % Ingredient Name: CAS Number: Percent of Mixture: Ingredient Name: CAS Numbar: Percent of Mixture: Ingredient Name: • HAZARD CLASSES • Aerosol Products • Blasting Agent • Carcinogon • Corrosive pH O Cryogenic • Explosive D Flammable Qaa • Hazardous Waste • Highly Toxic O Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide • Olher Health Hazard • Oxidizer • Pesticide • Pyropltortc • Radioactive • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) • Wator-Reactlve TYPE OF HAZARD(S) FLAMMABLE LCQMQ'JST) BLE_ LIQUID?; • Class 1A Q Class II n Class IB n c,asa ,,,A XX&J Class 1C • Class HIB • LPG m BLDGS not accessble lo pubHc • LPG In BLDGS accessble to the public In 1-LB containers LPG In pubHc assembly buHdlnga. LPG al construction sites. • LPGoutaWa N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING FlammablHly NOTE: Pfeee <M flung \ » in boa - Health 4- Reactivity Special Hazards OX COR RAD (Circle al that Apply) ThJs Chemical Inventory Report Form meal a the reporting raqukementa of 6 A.n.A. Title III. Tier II Reportkig Form anrl the Uniform Flro Corte. Pago 6 of 13 \\\ (•<)!<(IHU PCfUOn From: JAN. 1, lo:OEC. 31. _12H. FACILITY NAME: Westec Petroleum, Inc. (SLC Plant) CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL Insirucr/ont before completing form CAS NUMBER: 6 5 9 9 6 . 7 8 -3 PRODUCT OR (LABEL) MAME: Light Oil • 0 • • • ***w*: Solid UquW Gas Pure Mix TT^RTTOAHT | | 0*(«|«<i (of»orfc) t» IMs product or tny ol Its ingredients on the 8ARA Extremely Hazardous Bubstance (EH3) 1st? It "YES" tst EHS Name: •YES B NO It "NO* Is be chemical stored in amounts greater ban 10.000 bs? YES • NO CHEMICAL !NGREDtENT8: TRADE SECRET: BLDQ (Number or Address): 1710 West 2600 S. WoodsCross, u" INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. ON SITE AVQ. ON SITE Pounds CuFiaTP Galons (use actual quantUea) CAS Numb«r: 7 1 4 3 - 2 Percent ol Mixture: 62.2 U Ingredient Name: Benzene CAS Numbar: J_0_8 - 8_8_ - 3_ Percent of Mixture: 17.4 % Ingredient Name: Toluene CAS Number: 2 _5_ - _1 JL - i_ Percent of Mixture: 5.6 % Ingredient Name: Indene ; CAS Number: 13 3 0-20 - 7 Percent of Mixture: 4.5 % Ingredient Name: Toleune CAS Numbar: _ J_0_0- Ji-i Percent ol Mixture: 2.6 % Ingredient Name: Styrene PEAK INVENTORY MONTIES) 1 2 3 4 6 (0) ©®® 10 11 12 ALL MONTHS (Clrdo al that Apply) it STORAGE INFORMATION (Non-Conlldentlnl) Slorage Locations Rlpnrl f.nmpnnpnr r rink. Farny_jaxir-th of Office SEE T) c rMNTQKY POOLS PAO. FOR preCRC^ Statement about how this cbornlcal la used: Product is used as a blending component. HAZAJlLLCLASSEa • Aerosol Products O Blasting Agent • Carcinogen O Corrosive pH • Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammable Qas • Haiardous Waste • Highly Toxic • Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide • Oilier Health Hazard • Oxidizer O Pestlcldo • Pyrophorlc • Radioactive • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) • Water-Reactive TYPE OF HAZARD(S) FLAMUABLE/XQMBUST1BLE LIQUIDS; • Class !A Q Class II Xffl Class IB Q Class III A • Class 1C Q Class HIB LIQUIFIED EETRQ L EUM _QASJLPG._ LFM3 A S) • LPG In BLDG8 -not accessble lo publtc D LPG In BLDG8 -accessble lo the public In 1-LB containers 1 LPQ In pubic assembly buildings. J LPG al construction sites. 1 LPG outside N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING Rammablllty NOTE:"** 0-4 In bo. Health 4- ReactlvHy Special Hazards OX COR RAD (Circle al thai Apply) Thla Chemical Inventory Report Form meat a Itva reporting ranubanianta of 8.A.R.A. TltU Ul. Tier II Rapoitlng Fcwm and lha Uniform Flr« Codo. Pane 5 of 13 4 REPORTING PERIOD From: JAN. 1, Jo: DEC. 31. 1993 SARA FORM. 9 002 K t-92 FACILITY NAME: Hcstec Petroleum, Inc. (SLC Plant) BLDQ (Number or Address): 17 10 West 2600 S. WoodsCross, Ui CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL /ns(ructions baton completing form CAS NUMBER: 8_0_0 JL - 6_ 1_ - !_ PRODUCT OR (LABEL)NAME: Natural Gasoline IWriOLLUMJUIIllN CM. D mo • • *-<***: Sotkj Liquid Qas Pure Mix HfcALIH RAZAJCT (3{| bMhM (««*•) | | rMa|«f (cr»ortlc) Is into product or »ny ol Its ingredients on the 8ABA jj—IVCC —I un Extremely Hazardous 8ubslance (EHS) far? | | ICQ IHJ NU INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. AVO. ON ON SITE SITE 120 5_£> Pounds CUFL8TP Galons (ute actud quenUHe*) STORAQE INFORMATION (Non Confidential) Storage Locations Tank Farm: North of Office It "YES* 1st EHS Name: If "NO* Is be chemical stored in amounts greater ban 10.000 fos7 CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: TRADE SECRET: YES • NO PEAK INVENTORY MONTH(8) 1 2 3 4 (5 ®(B)® 10 Tl 12 ALL MONTHS (Cjfde al that Apply) ^r, ccces PAC* FOA rxgcirONs k»:^i{17iv7iL^ti;*k»:;ti Statement about how this diemlcal la used: Product Is used as a blending component CAS Number: 1 1 a 8 2 -7 Percent, ol Mixture: 3.0 H Ingredient Name: Cvclohexane CAS Numbar: L-l_fa-_5.A_-2_ Percent of Mixture: 7.5 % Ingredient Name: Normal Hexane CAS Numbar: _ N/A_ - - _ Percent of Mixture: 85.0 % Ingredient Name: Isoparaflns CAS Number: 1_0_6 - 9_7_ . 8_ Ingredient Name: Butane Percent of Mixture: 3.5 % CAS Numbar: Ingredient Name: Percent of Mixture: Va HAZARD CLASSES O Aerosol Products • Blasting Agent • Carcinogen O Corrosive pH • Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammable Gas • Hazardous Waste • Highly Toxic • Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide • Other Health Hazard • Oxidizer • Pesticide • Pyropborlc • Radioactive • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) • Water-Reactive TYPE OF HAZARD(S) H^IIAiU^ij:QMBUSJlBLEU.lflUlDS: XEJCtasstA Q Class II B Class IB Q Class III A Class 1C • Class 11JO LKiUlFlELTPETRQLEUMJ3AS (LPG. LJifl A 5) • LPQ In BLDG3 not accessble lo public • LPG In BLDGS -accessble to the public In t-LB containers LPQ In pubic assembly buHdIngs. J LPQ at construction sites. LPQ outside N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING FlammablKty NOTE: f^c* <M Ruing \ , In bo, Health RoactlvHy Special Hazards -W- OX COR RAD (Circle al that Apply) Thle Chemical Inventory Repot I Form maete the reporting requirements of S.A.n.A. Title III. Tier II neporUng Form end the Uniform Flro Code. Page U of _13 FACILITY NAME: uestec Petroleum, Inc. (SLC Plant) PRODUCT OR LABEL)NAME- Super Unleaded Gasoline :run i inu r tftlUU From: JAFT'l, IQTTJEC. W, 19^'" T3H1 •rf*PWKI^ SARA FORM I 002 . 1-TJ2 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL lnilrucr/on« before completing form CAB NUMBER: mixture RflbTLALUJrTUailJN CM- • is • • • **»«*: Solid UqukJ Gas Pure Mix HtALIH HAZARD PT| «Txrv.dL»H (acuta) |~j May** (ohfimk) la bla product or any ot Its Ingredients on the SARA |—f\fCO IY"I MC\ Extremely ttaiardoua Subatanca (EHS) Ist? | 1 Y CO LLJ NU K"YE8" Ist EHS Name: It "NO" Is Ha chemical stored In amounts greater man 10.000 ros? YES • NO CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: TRADE SECRET: BLDG (Number or Address): 1710 West 2600 S. WoodsCross, in INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. AV0. ON ON SITE SITE 420 2)0 Pounds Cu.FlBTP Galons (us* actual quanUHea) 5 STORAGE INFORMATION (NcjnConfldentlal) Storage Locations Finished product storage tanks West of office PEAK INVENTORY UONTHiB) 12 3 4 <5){£) (?) (8)(£> 10 11 12 iALL MONTHS (Ctrcta al that Apply) K-Ctn^iT-i'lL^riL'tfllfrf CrXKPACErTjfttjroCTtO^ Statement about how this cherjrucal Is used: . Sold as finished product \ CAS Numbar: N/A_ Ingredient Name: Percent ol Mixture: 99.9 % Mixture of Aromatic & Aliphatic Hydrocarbons CAS Number: Percent ol Mixture: % Ingredient Name: CAS Number: Ingredient Name: Percent ol Mixture: % CAS Number: Ingredient Name: Percent ol Mixture: CAS Number: Percent of Mixture: Ingredient Name: • Aerosol Products • Blasting Agent • Carcinogen • Corrosive pH • Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammable Gas • Hazardous Waste • Highly Toxic • Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide Q Olher Health Hazard Q Oxidizer • Pesticide • Pyrophorlc • Radloacllvo • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) • Water-Reactive TYPE OF HAZARD(S) FlAMIMflLE/jCQMBUSIIBLEAlQUIDS: XJTJC Class tA B Class IB Class 1C Crass It Class IIIA Class HIB LrQUIElEDJ>EJRDLEUMGAS (LPQ.LE^OAS) • LPG In BLDGS -not accessble lo public • LPQ In BLDGS -accessble lo the public In t-LB containers LPQ In pubic assembly buddings. LPQ at construction altos. LPQ outside B N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING FlammablHty NOTE: HmUna In bo> Health Reacllvfiy Special Hazards OX COR RAD (Circle al bat Apply) This Chemical Inventory naport Form meals ttvs raportlng requirements of 6 A.R.A. Title 111, Tier It Reporting Form and tha Unllorm Flro Code. Page 3 of 13 REPORTING PERIOD From: JAN. 1. to. DEC. 3t. 1993 SARA FORU I 002 v t-« FACILRY NAME: westec Petroleum, Inc. (SLC Plant) BLDQ (Number or Address): 17 10 West 2 600 S. WoodsCross, U T CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL Instruction* batons compiafrng form CAS NUMBER: _ mi x_t_"I_e - - __ PRODUCT OR LABEL) NAME: Unleaded Gasoline RtraLALUJM-jyilUN cw- • • m • • •wwv. Solid Liquid Qaa Pure Mix HLAL1H HAZAI1J | Xj ImnwdUM (»ouu( f~| D«t>T*l (clonic) b tils product or any ol Its Ingredlanta on the 8ARA |—Ix/CC tX~l MD Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) fcu? [ | TCP I—I NU * "YE8* Isl El 13 Name: If "NO* Is the chemical stored In amounts greater than 10.000 bs? HYESDNO INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. ON SUE 540 AVO. ON SITE 2 70 pounds CuFtBTP Galons (uaa actual quanUUee) PEAK INVENTORY MONTH(8) 12 3 4 ®(J) 10 ft 12 MONTHS (Cjrde al thai Apply) a><b(§> ALLMC STORAGE INFORMATION (Non-Confldentlal) Storage Locations Finished Product Storage tanks , West of office rfETrENVtriTPW Statement about how this chemical is used: Sold as finished product CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: TRADE SECRET: CAS Numbar: it/A - - _ Percent ol Mixture: 9 9.9% Mixture of Aromatic & inQredlent Name: Aliphatic Hydrocarbons CAS Number: Percent ol Mixture: Ingredient Name: CAS Number: Ingredient Name: Percent of Mixture: % CAS Number: Percent of Mixture: tngiedlent Name: CAS Number: Percent of Mixture: Ingredient Name: HAZARD-CLASSES Q Aerosol Products O Blasting Agent O Carcinogen O Corrosive pH • Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammable Gas • Hazardous Waste • Highly Toxic • Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide • Other Health Hazard • Oxidizer • Peatlckle • Pyropliortc D Radioactive • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) O Water-Reactive TYPE OF HAZARD(S) ELAM MABL E LC 0 M B U ST1BL EJJ QUIDS: fjjpiss 1A Q Class It B Class IB Q Class III A Class 1C • Class HIB LIQUlElEDJ,EinQLEUM_QAS(LPQ.Lfl:GAt3) O LPQ in BLDGS -not accession lo pobllc • LPG In BLDGS -accessble to the public In t-LB containers LPQ In pubic assembry buildings. LPQ at construction silos. LPG outside N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING FlammablKfy NOTE: °-4 Rmtlna In tx>» Health Reactivity Special Hazards OX COR RAD (Circle al thai Apply) fWa Chamlc»l Inventory rieporl Form moat a lha reporting retirement« ot 6.A.R.A. THIa III, Tier It Reporllno Form and the Unllorm Fife Code. Page 2 of J"""!!"""*j nM uruii.^ciiiOU From: JAN. t, to: DEC. 31. _H11. 6ARA FORM I 002 Iw. t-M FACILITY NAME: uestec Petroleum. Inc. {SLC Plant) CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Read ALL Imlrucdoni before complal/nrj form CAS NUMBER: mixture PRODUCT OR (LABEL) NAME: L na d ed regular Gasoline t'^^njWlJUILN • 0 • • • Solid UqvikJ Gas Pure Mix ClMCft ml TOOinW/W j X| Innwljta (acuta) [ j D«UT** (ohconfc) la tiht product or any ol Its ingredients on the SARA Extramefy Itazardoua Subsume* (EHS) est? H*YE8*tstEHS Name: PYESBNO BLDQ (Numbor Of Address): 1710 West 2600 S. WoodsCross, UT INVENTORY AMOUNTS MAX. AVO. ON ON SITE SUE 12 0 2 1 0 Pounds Cu.FLBTP Onions (u*e kdusl quanlMM) STORAGE INFORMATION (Non-Coofldentlal) Storage Locations Finished Product Storage tanks West of office kWntiiTL^iu£iL?.£;u. It "NO" Is be chemical stored In amounts greater ban 10.000 bs? • YESDNOl PEAK INVENTORY MONTHS) 1 2 3 4 (6){jp ALLMONTH8 (Circle a» that Apply) iCQl^PACER3Rr^CTX)NS Stalernent about how this chemical la used: Ga sol i re Sales CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS: TRADE SECRET: CAS Number: N./A . -__ Percent ol Mixture: 99.9% Mixture of Aromatic & Aliphatic ingredient Name: Hydrocarbons CAS Number: Percent ol Mixture: % Ingredient Name: CAS Number: Ingredient Name: Percent of Mixture: CAS Nurnb«r: Percent of Mixture: Ingredient Name: CAS Numbar: IrvgrecHent Name: Percent of Mixture: HAZARD CLASSES O Aerosol Products • Blasting Agent • Carcinogen • Corrosive pH • Cryogenic • Explosive • Flammable Gas • Hazardous WftBte O Highly Toxic • Infectious Agents • Organic Peroxide • Other Health Hazard • Oxidizer • Pesticide • PyroptKxlc O Radloactlvo • Toxic • Unstable (Reactive) • Water-Reactive TYPE OF HAZARD(S) FLAMUABLEiCQMDUSTlBLE LIQUIDS: FJ Class 1A Q Class II rT Class IB • Class 1C B Class I11A Class 1MB LIQLUOEDJrJilBJaL • LPQ In BLDGS -not accessble to public 0 LPQ In BLDGS-accessble lo the public In l-LB containers LPQ In public assembly buHdIngs. LPQ al construction sites. LPQ outside N.F.P.A. 704 HAZARD RATING FlammablHty NOTE:'1*"™ fr4 HUna \i La . ^ Health Reactlvtty Special Hazards -W- OX COR RAD (Ckcta al bal Apply) This Crvsmkal Inventory Repott Form rn»*te the reporting requirement* of 8.A.R.A. Title ill, Tier It Reporting Form and the Uniform Fire Code. Page 1 of 13 •I' is ill TV! UTAH STATLrTES R£X)ilTJ£E KKTJNG IN A COi^SMOUOUS PfcACE NEAJROTS. PRJSSUEE VESSEL §{ THE E-JDiUSTRIAL <X>MMI5tCN OF UTAH *§j CERTXFiCATE OF PRESSURE VESSEL INSPECTION «ji AND 'j. FEB MIT TO OPERATE VESSEL UTAil STATE NO, U\-30/h cieseribcd vessel was inspected by OA. (Agency) saci fonad soitnbfc fof i . > pressure rim to (date) . peuods per or rc reek This Permit fisjsrss exceed Name of i Location I Vessel ,Jfr&feft Sy. VtsBd laspctSCf ANY WELDJ.NO MUST BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH UTAH'S BOft.ES WSESSUiE VESSEL SULES AND J^TJLATIONS. 11 6». escwd PRESSORS VESSEL jj tax iw>usmrAL COMMISION OF UTAH f CERTIFICATE OF PRESSURE VESSEL INSPECTION X AND ; fKKMIT TO OPERATE VESSEL i So, tesaSxtf vessel *as inspeOBti by px&me opt 1 — pouwi pavpoare inch. Tins ftaoift Expires * ^^^^ VcSS8{ ^ WELOWG MUST BE DOME By ACCOS13A?*CE WfTH VTAB* PRESSURE VESSEL KULES AND ROTATIONS jiaspeoor *<4 APPENDIX I July 2004 Groundwater Sampling Laboratory Results WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. ENVlRONM&fTAL SPECIALISTS WASATCH GEQTECHNICAL, INC. SOILS AND FOUNDATION SVG/NEERS CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM (dim LAB*: PROJECT NUMBER: fift(-^2. SAMPLER: fljJU^^ Q^Ao^A ANALYSES REQUESTED CEHTIRCATION = QQ^j SITE LOCATION: it SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Data Time (pa Media Amount O 1* 3* (0 at SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS fi^ecca. <?Tuia^Ui-- -g«~> T/W^ /k<g- Reiinouished By: 1 ^•^LeggsS^T^^o^- Date/Time Received By: Date/Time Page 2410 WEST CALIFORNIA AVENUE • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 • PHONE (SOI) 972-8400 • FAX (801) 972-8459 WEB SITE: \mM.\mspfch^urwrmmMM.cam • E-MAIL: wat%wasatch^n\nmivnantBLci3m A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES i 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client Wasatch Environrnental Collected- My 12,2004 Received; July 12,2004 Analysis Requested: TPHby SW8015B Lab Sample ID: L61163-03B Field Sample ID: B-1 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2 Analytical Results Contact: Rebecca Studenka Analyzed: My 13,2004 Extracted- My 13,2004 TPH-DRO-8015B/UT Mod. Units = mg/L Final Dilution Factor 1 Compound Sun-. 4-Bromofluorobenzeae Reporting Timir 48-150 Analytical Result 53.1 •/. (801)263-8686 •Toll Free (888) 263-8686 ™ Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO - C10-28) 0.50 <0.50 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14, 2004 Page 3 of 21 Ail analysis applicable to the CWA, S DWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information 13 located on the attached Crjun-of-CusSody. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Prrvrteges of subsequent use of the name ot this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of thts report for any purpose other then for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Rebecca Studenka AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 toll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 ;-mail: awai@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Client Wasatch. Environmental Collected: July 12,2004 Received: July 12,2004 Analysis Requested: 8260B/5030B Lab Sample ID: L61163-03A Field Sample ID: B-1 Site ID: Cowboy Oil /1081-2 Analyzed: July 12,2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B LMts= jig/L Compound Surr. l,2-DicHoroetharie-d4 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene Sum Dibromotruoromethane Sun: Tohaene-d8 DicMorodiflriorometbarie Chloromelnane Vinyl chloride Bromcrmefharip CUoroetnane TricMcapfluCTxmemane 1, l-DicMcroerhene 1,1 ,2-Trichloro-1 ,2,2-trMuoroethane Acetone Carbon disulfide Methyl Acetate Methylene chloride trans 1,2-DicMoroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether 1,1 -DicMoroethane cis 1^-Dichloroethene 2-Butanone Chloroform 1,1,1-TricMorciethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Benzene 12-Dichloroethane Reporting IJmit 81-120 85-115 85-115 85-115 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2-0 10 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Analytical Result 87.4 % 106 % 93.4 % 108 % <2.0 <3.0 <1.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 Report Date: July 14,2004 Page 12 of 21 Afl analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Chain-of-Custody. This report is provided for the exclusive use of 1he addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection ttie re-pubBcation of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except tor the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 •Toll Free (888) 263-8686 S Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awai@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Lab Sample ID: L61163-03A Field Sample ID: B-1 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081 -2 Analyzed: July 12, 2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound TrichkiroeuTene Memylcyctohexane 1,2-Dichloropropane BrornodicUoromethane cis 1,3-Didiloropropene 4-Memyl-2-pentanone Toluene trans 1,3-DicMoroproperie 1,1,2-TricMoroethane Tetrachloroethene 2-Hexanone Dibromcchlorometrjane 1.2- DiTDromoethane Chlorobenzene Ethyfljenzene Xylenes, Total Styrene Bromoform Isopropylbenzene 1,1 ,2,2-TetracUoroethane 1.3- Dicblorobenzene 1.4- Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1 ^-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene TPHC6toC10(GRO) Reporting Limit 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 20 Analytical Result <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 490 The pH of the sample was >2. Analysis was performed within 7 day holding time. Released by: O^^T^g^— Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14,2004 Page 13 of 21 All analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to MELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached ChairvofCustody. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this comrarry or any meniber of its staff, or reproducSk^ I with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connecto with the re-ptifjScation be granted only 1 on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due cerfofiriare» of inspects I I A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 H (801)263-8686 •Toll Free (888) 263-8686 1 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client Wasatch F^vkcinmerjral CoUected: My 12,2004 Received: My 12, 2004 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW8015B Lab Sample ID: L6T163-02B Field Sample ID: B-2 Site JD: Cowboy Oil / 1081 -2 Analytical Results Contact: Rebecca Studenka Analyzed: My 13,2004 Extracted: My 13, 2004 TPH-DRO-8015B/UT Mod. Units = mg/L Final Dilution Factor 1 Compound Sun: 4-Bromofluorobeazene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO - C10-28) Reporting T .if rut 48-150 0.50 Analytical Result 61.8 % 63 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14,2004 Page 2 of 21 Al analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Chain-of-Custody. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sate of any product or process, or in connection with the repuMcation of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee wiB be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact Rebecca Studenka AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 Toll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Chent Wasatch Envircaimental Collected July 12, 2004 Received: July 12,2004 Analysis Requested: 8260B/5030B Lab Sample ED: L61163-02A Field Sample ID: B-2 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081 -2 Analyzed: July 12, 2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Surn l,2-ttcMoroethaiie-d4 Sum 4-Bromoiruorobenzene Sum Dibroinoiruoromethane Sum Toluene-d8 Dir.h 1 nrrvri fti inmmerhane Chlorometbane Vinyl chloride Bromomethane CUoroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1 -DicMorccthene 1,1,2-Tricruoro-1 ^-triflaoacoetibane Acetone Carbon disulfide Methyl Acetate Methylene chloride trans 1,2-DicMoroethene Methyl tot-butyl ether 1,1-DicUoroemane cis 1,2-Dichloroethene 2-Butanone Chloroform 1,1,1 -TricMoroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Benzene 1 j2-DicMorc«ubanc Reporting limit 81-120 85-115 85-115 85-115 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Analytical Result 85.2 % 106 % 92.0 % 108 % <2.0 <3.0 < 1.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 10 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 61 <2.0 <2.0 < 10 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 8.2 <2.0 Report Date: July 14, 2004 page 10 of 21 AH analysts applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Chairv-of-CustDdy. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according ID the rules of the trade and of science. A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 f oil Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Lab Sample LD: L61163-02A Field Sample 3D: B-2 Site ID: Cowboy Oil /1081-2 Analyzed: July 12, 2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Tricnloroetrjene Memylcyclohexane 1.2- DicMGrorjropane BromodicMorometriane cis 1,3-DicMoropropene 4-Memyl-2-pentanone Toluene trans l^-DicHoropropene 1,1^-Trichloroethane TetracMoroethene 2-Hexanone Dibromfjcnlorornetbane 1^-Dibromoethane CMorobenzene EthyJbenzene Xylenes, Total Styrene Bromoform Isopropylbenzene 1,1 ,2,2-TetxacMorc^thane 1.3- Dichlorobenzene 1.4- Dichlorobenzene 1 ,2-DicMcnx>berrzene l,2-Dibromc>-3-cMoropropane 1,2,4-TricUorobenzene Naphthalene TPH C6 to C10 (GRO) RepCCtuTg T Ttrnt 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 20 Analytical Result <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 340 Released by: <=^^Cs^i Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: Jury 14, 2004 Page 11 of 21 AS analysis applicable to the CWA. SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Crrain-oJ-Custody. This report is provided for tne exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis m good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 • Toll Free (888) 263-8686 1 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client Wasatch Ehviiormierjial Collected: July 12, 2004 Received: July 12,2004 Analysis Requested: TPHby SW8015B Lab Sample ID: L61163-04B Field Sample ID: B-3 Site JD: Cowboy Oil /1081-2 Analytical Results Contact: Rebecca Studenka Analyzed July 13,2004 Extracted: July 13,2004 TPH-DRO-8015B/UT Mod. Units = mg/L Final Dilution Factor 1 Compound Sum 4-Bromofiuoroberizene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO - C10-28) Repealing Timit 48-150 0.50 Analytical Result 76.9 % 8.1 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Released by: Laborati aboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14, 2004 Page 4 of 21 All analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Chaovof-Custody. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-pubflcatlon of this report tor any purpose cither than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of Inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact Rebecca Studenka AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I I 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 roll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Client Wasatch Environmental Collected; July 12,2004 Received; July 12,2004 Analysis Requested; 8260B/5030B Lab Sample LD: L61163-04A Field Sample JD: B-3 Site 3D: Cowboy Oil /1081-2 Analyzed: July 12,2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAJL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Sum 1 ^-DicMoroethane-d4 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene Sum JJibrcrmofluoro Sum Toluene-d8 DicMorocbfiuoirjrnem Cblorornethane Vinyl cMoride Bromometfaane CMoroelhane TncMoroflucrcnnethai^ 1.1-Dichloroethene 1,1 ,2-Trichloro-1 ,2,2-trMuoroethane Acetone Carbon aisulfide Methyl Acetate Methylene chloride trans O-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether 1,1 -EhcMorcrethane cis l^-3DicMoroethene 2-Butanone Chloroform 1,1,1-TricMoroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Benzene 1.2-lXcUorodriarte Repeating Limit 81-120 85-115 85-115 85-115 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Analytical Result 85.9 % 105 % 91.4 % 108 % <2.0 <3.0 < 1.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 10 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 4.2 <2.0 <2.0 < 10 <2.0 <2.0 2.7 <2.0 190 <2.0 Repon Date: July 14,2004 page 14 0f 21 All analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Criajrwrf-Custody. The report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges ot subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of Its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sate of any product or process, or in connection with rh» re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee wi» be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 loll Free (888) 263-8686 I Fax (801) 263-8687 -mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Lab Sample ID: L61163-04A Field Sample ID: B-3 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2 Analyzed: July 12, 2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Tricnbroethene MemyLcyclohexane 1.2-DicHoropropane Bromc<ti.chlorr)mediane cis 1,3-Dichloropropene 4-Memyl-2-pentanone Toluene trans 1,3 -Dichloropropene 1, 1,2-TricMoroethane TetracMoroetbene 2-Hexanone DibromocMoromethan^ 1 ,2-Dirxomoethane Chlcarobenzene Efhyibenzene Xylenes, Total Styrene Bromoform Isopropylbenzene 1,1,2,2-TetracUorcrethane 1.3- DicMorobenzene 1.4- DicMorobenzene 1,2-DicMorobenzene 1 ^-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2,4-TricMorobenzene Naphthalene TPH C6 to C10 (GRO) Repeating limit 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 20 Analytical Result <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 3.0 2.1 <2.0 <2.0 2.1 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 14 290 Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14,2004 Page 15 of21 All analysts applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Chain-otCustody. This report is provided tor the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose cither than tor the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 u (801)263-8686 •roll Free (888) 263-8686 ™ Fax (801) 263-8687 s-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Chart: Wasatch Bnvironm Collected July 12,2004 Received- July 12,2004 Analysis Requested TPH by SW8015B Lab Sample ID: L61163-06B Field Sample 3D: B-7 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2 Analytical Results Contact Rebecca Stiidenka Analyzed July 13,2004 Extracted July 13,2004 TPH-DRO-8015B/UT Mod. Units = mg/L Final 33ilution Factor: 1 Compound Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO - C10-28) Repealing Limit 48-150 0.50 Analytical Result 763 % 1.9 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14,2004 Page 6 of 21 AM analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling informaSon is located on the attached Chairv<xf-Ciistody. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion of sale of any product or process, or in connection with the republication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibflity except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the roles of the trade and of science. A ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact Rebecca Studenka AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1 I 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 •Toll Free (888) 263-8686 1 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@avval-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Client Wasatch Envrrorimenral Collected July 12,2004 Received- July 12, 2004 Analysis Recfuested 8260B/5030B Lab Sample JD: L61163-06A Field Sample ID: B-7 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2 Analyzed July 12, 2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Sum l^-DicMoroethane-d4 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene Sum Dibrcnioilucirome Sum Toluene-dS CUorcniethane Vinyl chloride Brcmomethane CMorcethane TricMorofluaromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,1^-TricMoro-l^-trifluoroetharie Acetone Carbon cusulfide Methyl Acetate Merhylene chloride trans 12-Dichloroemene Methyl tert-butyl ether 1,1 -Dichlorcrethane cis 1,2-Dichtoroethene 2-Buranone Chloroform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Benzene 1^-Dittl6f6g1hane Reporting Limit 81-120 85-115 85-115 85-115 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Analytical Result 84.8 % 106 % 92.4 % 109 % <2.0 <3.0 < 1.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 10 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 Report Date: My 14,2004 Page 18 of 21 Afl analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information Is located on Ihe attached Cliaiivof-Custody. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the republication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 f oil Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 s-mail: await®awal-Labs.corn Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Lab Sample ID: L61163-06A Field Sample ID: B-7 Site ID: Cowboy Oil /1081-2 Arjalyzed; July 12,2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound TricMoroethene Memylcyctahexane 1,2-DicMoropropane Brcmc<ricUcrame^ cis 13-DicMoropropene 4-Metnyi-2-pentanone Toluene trans 1,3-Dicnloropropene 1,1,2-TricMOToethane TetracMoroethene 2-Hexanone I^ibromocblorometnarie 1.2- Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene FJhylbenzene Xylenes, Total Styrene Bromoform Isopropylbcnzene 1,1,2,2-TetracWoroethane 1.3- DicMoroberizerie 1.4- Dicruorobenzene 1^-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dtbromo-3-cnloropropane 1,2,4-TricMorobenzene Naphthalene TPH C6 to C10 (GRO) Reporting limit 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 20 Analytical Result <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <20 Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14, 2004 Page 19 of 21 All analysts appficabta to tha CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Oiati-of^ustody. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Sait Lake City, Utah 84115 ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client Wasatch Environmental Collected: My 12,2004 Received: My 12,2004 Analysis Requested- TPHby SW8015B Lab Sample ID: L61163-07B Field Sample ID: B-9 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2 Analytical Results Contact Rebecca Studenka Analyzed: My 13,2004 Extracted My 13,2004 TPH-DRO-8015B/UT Mod. Units = mg/L Final Dilution Factor 1 Compoimn Surn 4-Bror/Mfluorobenzene Reporting T jrmt 48-150 Analytical Result 65.1 % r (801)263-8686 oil Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO - C10-28) 0.50 3.4 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14, 2004 Page 7 of 21 AH analysts applicable to the CWA SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Cham-of-C jstocry This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the republication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of saence. A ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Rebecca Studenka AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I 463 West 3600 Sou* Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 t (801)263-8686 oil Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 i-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Client Wasatch Envircmrnenral Couected: July 12,2004 Received: July 12, 2004 Analysis Reqiiested: 8260B/5030B Lab Sample 3D: L61163-07A Field Sample 3D: B-9 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2 Analyzed: July 13,2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Sum 12-DicWcrcrethane-d4 Sum 4-Bromonuorobenzene Sum Dibromoflucaramethane Sum Toluene-d8 DicMaroctifhioromethane CMoiomethane Vinyl chloride Bromomeihane CMorcethane Tridilorofluoromethane 1.1-DicMoroethene 1,1 ,2-TricMoro-1 ,2,2-trifluoroethane Acetone Carbon disulfide Methyl Acetate Methylene chloride trans 1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether 1,1 -DicMoroethane cis 1,2-DicHoroethene 2-Butanone Chloroform 1,1,1-TricMoroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Benzene 1.2-DicMorc^thane Repeating limit 81-120 85-115 85-115 85-115 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Analytical 33esult 93.5 % 105 % 97.5 % 107 % <2.0 <3.0 1.5 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 10 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 11 <2.0 <2.0 < 10 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 73 <2.0 Report Date: July 14,2004 pagc ?0 of 21 All analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Chain-of-Custody This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staft, or reproducnon of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-pubUcation of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I I 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 r oll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs-com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Lab Sample ID: L61163-07A Field Sample ID: B-9 Sire ID: Cowboy Oil/1081-2 Analyzed: July 13,2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Trichloroethene Memylcyddaexane 12-DicMoropropane Brnmoc^Moromstbsiie cis 1,3-Dichloropropene 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Toluene trans 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1 ^-TricMoroethane TetracMoroetnene 2-Hexanone DLbrcuTiocWorom 1^-Dibromoethane CMcorobenzene Erbylbenzene Xylenes, Total Styrene Bromoform Isopropylberrzene 1,1,2,2-TeuacWoroethane 1,3-DicMorobenzene 1 ,+Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-cnloropropane 1,2,+Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene TPH C6 to C10 (GRO) Reporting I irmt 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 20 Analytical Result <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <20 The pH of the sample was >2. Analysis was performed within 7 day holding time. Released by: aboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14,2004 Page 21 of 21 All analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Chairvof-Custoay This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection »nth the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or ri connection wfth the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysts in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. A ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT I 1 1 I I AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Client: Wa^t^n FrrvTrrwnftrtra] Collected: My 12,2004 Received: My 12,2004 Aoalysis Recniested: TPH by SW8015B Lab Sample ID: L61163-0 IB Field Sample ID: B-14a Site JJD: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2 Analytical Results Contact Rebecca Studenka Analyzed: My 13,2004 Extracted- My 13,2004 TPH-DRO-8015B/UT Mod. t (801)263-8686 oli Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com I I I Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Units = mg/L Final Dilution Factor. 1 Compound Sun; 4-Brorxwfluoroben2ene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO - C10-28) Reporting T trrtfr" 48-150 030 Analytical Result 61.D % 13 Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: Jury 14,2004 Page 1 of 21 AS analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance ta NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located cm the attached ChaJrHrfOustody. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee, Prhfliages of subsequent use tne narne of wifli the advertisement, promotion or sate of arry product or process, cir in cormec^ oncorttact This company accepts no respcrafcffity except for the due perfo^ ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Rebecca Studenka AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I 463 West 3600 South Sate Lake City, Utah 84115 t (801)263-8686 oil Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Client: Wasatch Environmental Collected: July 12,2004 Received: July 12,2004 Analysis Requested: 8260B/5030B Lab Sample ID: L61163-01A Field Sample ID: B-14a Site ID: Cowboy Oil /1081-2 Analyzed: July 12, 2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Sum l,2-Dichloroemane-d4 Sum +Bromonuorobenzene Sum L^ramoQuoromethmie Sum Toluene-dS Dif^lnrfvlifhioiTTTnftrharift CMoromethane Vinyl cMctide Bromomethane CMoroetbane Trichloroftuorcmeuia^ 1,1 -DicMciroeThene 1,1 ,2-Tricnloro-1 ^^-trinuoroethane Acetone Carrxm disulfide Mediyl Acetate Methylene chloride trans 1^-DicWoroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether 1.1- DicMoroethane cis 1,2-DicMoroemene 2-Butanone Chloroform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclobexane Carbon tetrachloride Benzene 1.2-LXchlorc«&ane Rerx3rting limit 81-120 85-115 85-115 85-115 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0- 2.0 2.0 Analytical Result 86.1 % 107 % 92.2 % 110 % <2.0 <3.0 <1.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 9.f> <2.0 <2.0 <10 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 Report Date: July 14,2004 page 8 of 21 AS analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling, information is located on the attached Chain-ot-Custody. This report is provided for the exclusive use erf the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in oonnectkin with the re-puok^on of this report for ar^ on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for toe due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rotes of the trade and of science. A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 r oll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Lab Sample ID: L61163-01A Field Sample ID: B-14a Site ID: Cowboy Oil /1081-2 Analyzed: July 12,2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Ti3cblori>etbene MeAyicyclonexane 1.2- DicMoropropane BromocMudroniethane cis 1,3-DicMoropropene 4-Memyl-2-penranone Toluene trans 13-DicMoropropene 1,1^-TiicMoroetnane TetracMcroemene 2-Hexanone Dibromochloromethane 12-Dibromoetbane Qilorobenzene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Styrene Bromoform Isopropylbeazene 1,1 ,2,2-TetracMoroethane 1.3-DicMorobenzene 1.4-DicMorobenzene 1^-DicMorobenzene l,2-Dibromo-3-cnloropropane 1 A+TricMorobenzene Naphthalene TPH C6 to C10 (GRO) Reporting .Omit 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 20 Analytical Result <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <20 Released by: laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14, 2004 page 9 0f 21 Al anafysls applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are perfbnned in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located c<i the attached Oiatrwf-^^ This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges 0/subsequent use of the name of this conirjany or arry mentor or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-pubUcatton of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I I 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 r (801)263-8686 oil Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Client Wasatch Fnviroimjerjlal Collected: July 12, 2004 Received: July 12, 2004 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW8015B Lab Sample LD: L61163-05B Field Sample ID: B-16 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2 Analytical Results Contact: Rebecca Studenka Analyzed: July 13, 2004 Extracted July 13,2004 TPH-DRO-8015B/UT Mod. Units = mg/L Final Dilution Factor 1 Compound Surn 4-Bromofluorobeazeiic Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO - C10-28) Reporting limit 48-150 030 Analytical Result 55.6 % 0.53 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Released by: =2, aboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 14,2004 Page 5 of 21 All analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Cnahvpf-Custody. This report is provided tor the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the republication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good tarth and according to the rutea of the trade and of science. ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact Rebecca Studenka AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I I 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801)263-8686 r oll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Client Wasatch Envircinnaental Collected Jury 12,2004 Received: Jury 12,2004 Analysis Requested: 8260B/5030B Lab Sample ID: L61163-05A Field Sample JD: B-16 Site LD: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2 Analyzed: July 12,2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound Sum 12-Dichloroeth2ne-d4 Sum 4-Bronionuorobenzene Sum Dibromoflucnmiethanft Sum Toluene-d8 Dkhlorodifiuorrmiemane Chloromethane Vinyl chloride Bromomemane Chloroethane THchlomfhinmrnftrhane 1.1-DicMoroethene l,l^-TricMorcHl^^-trij3uoroetbnne Acetone Carbon disulfide Methyl Acetate Methylene chloride trans 1 .2-Diduoroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether 1,1 -DicMoroethane cis 1 ,2-DkMoroethene 2-Butanone Chloroform 1,1,1-TricMoroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Benzene 1.2-DicMorc^thane Reporting Limit 81-120 85-115 85-115 85-115 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Analytical Result 87.1 % 106 % 93.7 % 109 % <2.0 <3.0 <1.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 < 10 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <10 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 Report Date: July 14, 2004 f>age 16 of 21 All analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocol*. Pertinent sampling IrrtormaSon is located on the attached Chairwif^Custody. This report is provided forthe exdusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction erf this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. A AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES I 1 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 t (801)263-8686 oil Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 ;-mail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Lab Sample ID: L61163-05A Field Sample ID: B-16 Site ED: Cowboy Oil /1081-2 Analyzed: July 12,2004 Analytical Results VOCs (AWAL+TPPH) by GC/MS 8260B Units = ug/L Compound TricAlproethene Memylcydchexane 1 ,2-DicUoropropane BrcmodcMcromethane cis 13-Dicbloropropene 4-Methyl-2-pentanone Toluene trans 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-TricMoroethane TetracMoroetbene 2-Hexanone DibromcKMcaometnane 1 ,2-Dibromoethane CMorobenzene Ethyibenzene Xylenes, Total Styrene Bromoform Isopropylbenzene 1,1,2,2-TetracMoroethane 1,3-Dicnlorobenzene 1 ,+Dichlorobenzene 12-Dichlorobenzene l,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2,+TricMorobenzene Naphthalene TPHC6toC10(GRO) Reporting limit 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 20 Analytical Result <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <5.0 <2.0 <2.0 <20 Released by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: My 14, 2004 Page 17 of 21 All analysis appficable ID the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling irrformaflon is located on the attached Chain-ofOustody. This report is provided for the exdusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of Its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the adverbsernent promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to .the rules of the trade and of science. mwM asa^i mm mm ~ mm ~' :m:2 SH American West Analytical Labs WORK ORDER Summary Client ID: WAS580 rroject: Cowboy Oil /1081-2 Comments: PA Rush3 Day Rush QC Level: QC 1 RUSH 12-M-04 Work Order L61163 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Dnte Date Received Date Due Matrix Test Code Storage L61I63-01A L61163-01B L61163-02A L61I63-02B L61163-03A L61I63-03B L61163-04A L61163-04B L61163-05A L61163-05B L61163-06A L61163-06B L61163-07A L61163-07B B-14a B-2 B-1 B-3 B-16 B-7 B-9 7/12/2004 10:00:00 AM 7/12/2004 7/12/2004 10:30:00 AM 7/12/2004 11:00:00 AM 7/12/2004 11:45:00 AM 7/12/2004 12:10:00 PM 7/12/2004 12:30:00 PM 7/12/2004 1:45:00 PM 7/15/2004 Aqueous 8260-W-AWAL+ 7/15/2004 8015-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8015prep-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8260-W-AWAL+ 7/15/2004 8015-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8015prep-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8260-W-AWAL+ 7/15/2004 8015-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8015prep-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8260-W-AWAL+ 7/15/2004 8015-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8015prep-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8260-W-AWAL+ 7/15/2004 8015-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8015prep-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8260-W-AWAL+ 7/15/2004 8015-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8015prep-W-TPH 7/15/2004 8260-W-AWAL+ 7/15/2004 8015-W-TPH 7/15/2004 80l5prep-W-TPH VOCFridge 3 tph 2 tph VOCFridge 3 tph 2 tph VOCFridge 3 tph 2 tph VOCFridge 3 tph 2 tph VOCFridge 3 tph 2 tph VOCFridge 3 tph 2 tph €T" VOCFridge 3 ~~ tph 2 ^ tph II III Page f Of 7 WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS WASATCH GEOTECHWCAL, INC. SOILS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS I CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM PROJECT NUMBER: //) /- JXrf- SAMPLEfl: /j^t^^ LAS#: Oflt- ANALYSES REQUESTED I I i CERT1RCAT10N #: ~( SITE LOCATION SAMPLE DESCRIPTION =1 Data Time Media Amount (•fed I JtL 3d SPECIAL uMSTRUCnONS: Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 7- Page of 2410 '/WEST CALIFORNIA A VENUE • L4KE C;TY, t/TAH 84704 • PHOWE (801) 972-8400 • FAX (801) 972-3459 VfES S/TE; www.wa^ch-anvirr&nutntal.mm • E-UAIL: weffiwaaalch-arnriranmantai^oin ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES J463 West 3600 South | Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 1 (801)263-8686 Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 ail; awai@awal-Labs.com I Client; Wasatch Environmental Collected: July 12, 2004 Received: July 13, 2004 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW8015B Lab Sample ID: L61184-01A Field Sample ID: B-4 Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2A Analytical Results Units =mg/L Final Dilution Factor: 10 Compound Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO - C10-28) Contact: Rebecca Studenka Analyzed: July 13, 2004 Extracted: July 13, 2004 TPH-DRO-8015B/UTMod. Reporting Analytical Limit Result 48-150 1,640% S 750 420,000 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer The sample was multiphasic. Per client request, only the top oil layer was analyzed. Based on chromatographic evidence, it appears the contamination is from Gasoline Range Organics and unweathered Diesel. S - High surrogate recovery attributed to TPH interference. The method is in control as indicated by the MB & LCS. Reieased by: Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 15,2004 Page 1 of 2 1analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Chain-of-Custody. This ort is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection Chromatogram S3n^Narre:U51T8WlAiaX SampteftOOl Page 1 of 1 FieNama : cWM35gQ2Cuaw Date: 07/15O4 03373 AM AM Method : T>roofiri9rJcfc07/13O40Sr^16P^ S^Tto:QI»mri End Trne ; 1620 min Low Point: -3450 mV Hgh Point: 100O00mV ScateFaax 0.0 Plot Offeet -345D mV Plot Spate 103*5 mV 933 900 833 803 750 7C0 W 833 593 333 5 450 433 353 333 20 233 153 103 33 _ I Ill llil 111 lllljl!lljllll|llll|ll 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ORGAMC ANALYSIS REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 1463 West 3600 South J Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 I Client: Wasatch Environmentai Collected: July 12, 2004 Received: July 13, 2004 Analysis Requested: TPH by SW8015B Lab Sample ED: L61184-02A Field Sample ID: Sparge Well Site ID: Cowboy Oil / 1081-2A Analytical Results Units =mg/L Final Dilution Factor: 10 Compound SUIT: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Contact: Rebecca Studenka Analyzed: July 13, 2004 Extracted: July 13, 2004 TPH-DRO-8015B/UTMod. Reporting Analytical Limit Result 48-150 98.0% (801)263-8686 Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 aii: awal@awal-Labs.com Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (DRO - CI0-28) 750 440,000 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer The sample was multiphasic. Per client request, only the top oil layer was analyzed. Based on chromatographic evidence, it appears the contamination is from 25% weathered Diesel. Released by Laboratory Supervisor Report Date: July 15,2004 Page 2 of 2 analysis applicable to the CWA, SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached Chain-of-Custody. This sort is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection 1 Chromatogram arrieN&T»:L6118«EA10X Sampte#:C01 Paga1of1 Wame ; tr#a93SgQ21.raw 107/1504 0937:41 AM AM 4 : TiTBoflrse(&iT07/13Wra4aS6PMPM hnerOflOn* End Tme : 1633 mn Lew Port: 33.73 mV hs^PdriMOOOOOrnV Facrx OO Pbt Ofeet 33.73 mV PttScate 1033.7 mV 933— 3 T d -- I l CD rT[TTlT|TnT]iTTTTnT^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 American West Analytical Labs WORK ORDER Summary Client ID: WAS580 Project: Cowboy Oil /1081-2A Comments: 2 Day Rush. Client wants Product ID reported. 14-M-04 Work Order L61184 QC Level: QC 1 m T Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Date Received Date Due Matrix Test Code Storage L6L184-01A L61184-02A B-4 Sparge Well 7/12/2004 1:20:00 PM 7/13/2004 7/12/2004 2:30:00 PM 7/15/2004 Miscellaneous 8015-W-TPH hall/rush 7/15/2004 80 ISprep- W-TPH hall/rush 7/I5/20O4 8015-W-TPH hall/rush 7/15/2004 8015prcp-W-TPH hall/rush 1 ShippM wifeid m*tdi horn: v—-— Hoin: ( ' 3 Tmw*ss* < HacitvX IroktrVUttot <27 « RKIIVM WWttfl Page 7" of f APPENDIX J Environmental Professional Qualifications Wasatch Environmental, Inc A WASATCH fit ,<>»<» WKMT*-. Julie H. Kilgore, Principal Environmental Manager Education • B.S. Environmental Management, Inter*scipUnary (Summa Cum Laude), Westminster • M.B.A. University of Utah Certifications • Utah Certified Soil and Ground Water Sampler #GS 0901 • OSHA 40-Hour Hazardous Materials Operation • OSHA 8-Hour Hazardous Materials Supervisor • Certified Asbestos Inspector and Management Planner Committees • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) - Ms. Kilgore currently chairs the ASTM E1527 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Task Force and is vice-chair of the ASTM Committee E50.02, Commercial Real Estate Transactions. • Environmental Protection Agency Federal Advisory Committee - Ms. Kilgore has been appointed as a negotiating member of the EPA Federal Advisory Committee for developing the "All Appropriate Inquiry" standard practice as commissioned by Congress in the 2002 Brownfields legislation. • Chamber of Commerce Environmental Affairs Committee - Ms. Kilgore is a member of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce Environmental Affairs Committee focused on increased support and education for Brownfields Redevelopment. Experience Ms. Kilgore has over 15 years experience in management of environmental projects. Her project management and field experience includes: Phase I environmental site assessments, subsurface investigations, remedial investigation, and remedial installations. Ms. Kilgore has been directly involved in hundreds of Phase I, II, and III Site Assessments/Audits and is currently an instructor for the ASTM national Phase I ESA training course. Environmental Site Assessments/Audits Ms. Kilgore implemented Wasatch's current Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) program for real estate transactions and PRP determinations. Ms. Kilgore has lectured for several professional organizations and participated in national conference panel presentations regarding the Phase I Environmental Assessments/Audits including: • Environmental Bankers Association, 2004 National Conference • EPA Brownfields 2003 Conference, Portland, Oregon; • Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, 2003 Business of Brownfields Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • EPA Brownfields 2002 Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina; • 1994 Phase I Environmental Assessment Seminar for Commercial Real Estate Professionals, Salt Lake City; • National Association of Real Estate Appraisers, 1991 National Appraisal Conference, Las Vegas Nevada; • American Society of Appraisers, Salt Lake City Standards Development and Rulemaking As the current chair of the National ASTM E1527/E1528 Phase I/Transaction Screen Task Force and is vice- *mgm*r w • sr^.^MS" i Environmental Assessment Services ;si'^.^':i^c*('sL , _ .— ™ , , ! i chair of the ASTM Committee E50.02, Commercial Real Estate Transactions, Ms. Kilgore directly participates in the on-going development of the various standard practice and guidance documents related to environmental assessments and commercial property transactions. Standard documents currently under consideration within ASTM include asbestos and mold screenings for commercial property transactions. As a result of Ms. Kilgore's role with ASTM, Wasatch Environmental was named to represent the Environmental Professional category of stakeholders for the EPA negotiation rulemaking process for developing "All Appropriate Inquiry" as commissioned by Congress in the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2002. Ms. Kilgore's involvement with the EPA rulemaking began in April 2003 and concluded in November 2003, resulting in a draft EPA regulation for "All Appropriate Inquiry." Ms. Kilgore's direct involvement in developing the ASTM 1527 provided EPA with unique insight into the process required to satisfy innocent landowner, bona fide prospective purchaser, or contiguous property owner defense to CERCLA liability. This EPA regulation for All Appropriate Inquiry is slated for promulgation in mid 2005. Once this regulation becomes final, all purchasers of commercial property seeking to qualify for one of the landowner liability protections will be required to meet the EPA standard. As the ASTM E1527 Task Force chair, Ms. Kilgore is currently facilitating direct EPA participation as ASTM seeks to modify the E1527 to comply with the new EPA regulation. PUBLICATIONS Kilgore, J., "All Appropriate StandardsBrownfields News, Vol. 1, March 2004 Environmental Assessment Services Education • B.S. Geological Engineering, University of Utah, 1977 • Graduate Studies, San Diego State University, 1978-79 • Principles of Ground Water Hydrology, National Water Well Association Short Course, 1989 • Underground Storage Tank Management, National Water Well Association Short Course, 1988 • Workshop on Applicable Regulations of USEPA and USDOT Regarding the Management of Hazardous Wastes, Lion Technology Inc., 1990 Registration / Certification/ Accreditation • Professional Engineer: Utah, Wyoming, California • Registered Geotechnical Engineer: California • OSHA 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Operations Related Experience Mr. Pennington is the founder and Principal Engineer of Wasatch Environmental, Inc. has been a practicing environmental and geotechnical engineer for 25 years. His professional focus has been in the areas of environmental assessment and remediation and soil groundwater engineering. Mr. Pennington has been involved in over 500 environmental assessments and over 180 remedial actions. Site Assessment and Environmental Engineering Experience Mr. Pennington is experienced in responding to emergency situations where petroleum releases have migrated through subsurface utility trenches or sewers, creating potential explosive hazards or vapor accumulation problems including vapor accumulation in structures. The following are examples of this experience; • Steve and Walt's Service, Clearfield, Utah: Emergency response to the accumulation of petroleum vapors inside an adjacent building. Response actions included development of a work plan. Remediation system design for the excavation and repair of cracks in the concrete foundation wall of the structure, and the installation of a soil vapor extraction system. In addition to this immediate response same day the initial indoor vapor problem was reported. The implementation of the design and work plan activities were successful in abating the vapor accumulation within 24-hours of discovery. • Mama Eddy's, St. George, Utah - design and installation of a horizontal trench soil vapor extraction system to abate petroleum vapor accumulation in the basement of a restaurant. • TDEM, Salt Lake City, Utah - Investigation and removal action for chromium impacted soil. • Crossroads Market, Manila, Utah - designed and installed groundwater sparging/soil venting system to remove petroleum hydrocarbons, which had impacted public water supply. • Russ's Texaco, St. George, Utah: Emergency response to the identification of petroleum vapors inside an elementary school adjacent to an operating service station. Response actions included subsurface investigation of a large petroleum hydrocarbon plume, which migrated under the elementary school. These projects involved soil and groundwater impacted with gasoline, diesel, waste oil, heating oil, refinery products and byproducts, and halogenated hydrocarbons. Soil remediation technologies utilized include: aeration, land farming, in-situ and ex situ bioremediation, as well as proper landfill disposal. Mr. Pennington has developed several innovative techniques utilizing in-well aeration, groundwater sparging, bioventing, and horizontal vapor extraction, which have greatly enhanced the usefulness of these technologies. A WASATCH Les H. Pennington, P.E. President, Principal Engineer A WASATCH Environmerstai Assessment Services Other Projects Include: • University of Utah- Sampling and closure of storage facility utilized for the storage of animal tissues subjected to radiation studies. • USDA Forest Service- Investigation and remedial alternatives for soil impacted with creosote and pentachlorophenol (PCP). • Utah Welders Supply, Salt Lake City, Utah- Investigation and remedial alternatives for soil and groundwater impacted with <tichloroethene, tetrachlorethane, trichloroethene, and vinyl chloride. • Keesler AFB, Mississippi- In-well aeration pilot study and full-scale remedial system implementation. Project includes 32 aeration wells and 4 vapor extraction wells. • Mullins, South Carolina- In-well aeration system consisting of 40 wells designed to treat PCA contaminated confined aquifer. System design to treat source area and mitigate fringe migration. • Harve de Grace, Maryland- In-well aeration pilot study for large TCE plume at a chemical manufacturing plant. • Denver, Colorado- Groundwater circulation well pilot study for free product recovery and in-well aeration for enhancement of in situ demobilization and biodegradation of creosote at large wood treatment plant. • Castle AFB, California- In-well aeration pi lot study for treatment of TCE contaminated groundwater. Subcontract with Jacobs Engineering. • Savannah River Site, South Carolina- Pilot study for evaluation of recirculating well for removal of chlorinated solvents. • Kielce, Poland - In-well aeration pilot study for use of this technology at abandoned German and Soviet facilities as well as industrial sites in Poland. PUBLICATIONS Schrauf, T., Sheehan, P. and L. Pennington, "Alternative Method of Groundwater Sparging for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Remediation", Remediation, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter 1993. Environmentai Assessment Services j Rebecca Studenka, P.G. Environmental Engineer/ Geologist Education • B.S. Geology, with a concentration in Hydrogeology, 1994 Registration / Certification / Accreditation • 40 hour OSHA Basic Health and Safety/Hazardous Wastes, 1993, updated 1994-2002 • 8-hour OSHA Supervisor Training, 1995 • State of Utah UST Ground Water and Soil Sampler Certification, 2000 Related Experience AAs. Studenka has been a practicing geologist for over eight years in the areas of hydrogeological and remedial investigations, as well as, environmental assessments. AAs. Studenka has been involved in numerous remedial/hydrogeological investigations, site assessments and groundwater monitoring programs. Site Assessment and Remediation Experience AAs. Studenka is experienced in responding to situations in which petroleum releases have impacted the soil and/or groundwater creating various potential hazards. The following are examples of this experience; • Sunshine Laudromat, Lansing, Michigan: Soil and groundwater investigation activities, as well as, the installation of a soil vapor extraction system due to the release of PCE at a site. • BASF, Wyandott, Michigan: Various soil and groundwater investigation activities to determine impact at site due to numerous contaminant releases. • Hi-Ball Crane, Lansing, Michigan: Soil investigative activities and supervision of soil removal for abatement due to various releases of petroleum substances at the site. • General Aviation, Capital City Airport, Lansing, Michigan: Investigative activities to determine soil and groundwater impact due to a jet fuel release at the site. Remedial activities included the supervision of the removal of impacted soil and groundwater at the site. • Fort Sheridan, Fort Sheridan, Illinois: Various soil and groundwater investigative activities to determine impact at the site due to numerous contaminant releases. • Pollard Landfill, Montrose, Michigan: Installation of various methane vapor extraction wells, as well as, coordination of the methane vapor extractions from the wells. Ms. Studenka has been involved with projects where soil and groundwater have been impacted with gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, waste oil, heating oil and halogenated hydrocarbons. Soil remedial technologies utilized include soil vapor extraction and proper Landfill disposal. Underground Storage Tank Project Experience i Ms. Studenka is experienced in underground storage tank investigations. She has been involved in numerous soil and groundwater investigative and remedial activities due to the release of petroleum substances from underground storage tanks. She has also supervised the removal of various USTs and collected soil and groundwater closure samples at various sites. Her UST project experience includes: i ^WASATCH ^WASATCH Environmentai Assessment Services • Bay Petroleum Company, Lansing, Michigan: Various soil and groundwater investigative activities to determine contaminant impact at the site. Supervision of Oxygen Release Compound (ORC) to remediate impacted groundwater at the site. • MPC, Inc. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Supervision of tank removal activities. Collection of soil samples for UST closure. • Amoco Oil Company, Detroit, Michigan: Various soil and groundwater investigative activities to determine contaminant impact at the site. • Browning Market, Browning, Michigan: Supervision of tank removal activities at the site. Collection of soil samples. Further soil investigative activities to determine contaminant impact at the site. Supervision of soil removal activities and collection of soil verification samples. Closure of the site. • Ruth Farm Elevator, Ruth, Michigan: Various soil and groundwater investigative activities, including pumping tests, to determine contaminant impact, as well as, hydrogeological conditions at the site. Closure of the site. Other Projects Include: • FDA Laboratory, Chicago, Illinois: Investigation, sampling and final decommissioning of a federal drug laboratory. • BASF, Detroit, Michigan: Soil and groundwater investigative activities to determine impact of various contaminants at the site. • Walden Woods, Highland, Michigan: Performed various pumping tests, slug tests and collected soil samples for geotechnical analysis to determine hydrogeolgical conditions at the site. • Mason, Michigan: Performed a pumping test to determine hydrogeological conditions at a site for the possible location of a city municipal water well. TF GW-7 TFGW-2g| ^ TF GW-8 <£ TF GW-3 TF MW-S <t TF GW-6 * «TF GW-5 B-4 B-14 w^B-14A ° O °°\ Empty AV Fuel Tank Farm Former Oil Pit Former B-5 Office Building B-3 B-2 OOOO ASTs for Dispenser Island Dispenser Islands ^ Truck Scale B-1 o c a. CD "0 -6' CD 5" CD Legend TF=Thermo Fluids 1998 Investigation N S Approximate Scale (ft) 40 80 100 WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL 2410 West California Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84104 801-972-8400 www.wosatch-environmental.com Sample Location Map Cowboy Oil Woods Cross, UT PROJECT NO. 1081-02A DATE July 30,2004 FIGURE 2A