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XPO, Inc. Contingency Plan
1 message
Tom Petho <Thomas.Petho@xpo.com>Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 6:48 AM
To: "dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov" <dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov>
To whom it may concern,
I have attached the Contingency Plan for our XPO, Inc. facility located at 858 South 3760 West in Salt Lake City. Can you
please respond via e-mail that you have received this Plan. I am also sending this Plan to Salt Lake City Police
Department, Fire Station#14, Salt Lake County Emergency Management and UDEQ Environmental
Thank you,
Thomas Petho
Associate Analyst - Environmental, Health and Safety
2211 Old Earhart Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105
M: +1 734-757-1648
USU Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan 2024 Final.pdf
7/8/24, 3:16 PM State of Utah Mail - XPO, Inc. Contingency Plan
XPO Logistics Freight, Inc. -USU
858 South 3760 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
June 20, 2024
Table of Contents
QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE ................................................................................................................ i
FACILITY LOCATION MAP ................................................................................................................. ii
FACILITY MAP .................................................................................................................................. iii
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Copies and Distributi on of Plan ........................................................................................ 1
2 .0 GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATIO N ...................................................................................... 2
2.1 Facility Descr i ption ........................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Management Structure .................................................................................................... 2
3.0 ADMIN ISTRATION AND AUTHORIZATION ............................................................................ 2
3.1 Plan Administration and Implementation ........................................................................ 2
3 .2 Plan Authorization ............................................................................................................ 2
4 .0 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 3
4 .1 Notification of XPO Logi stics Personnel ........................................................................... 3
4 .2 Notification of Government Agencies .............................................................................. 3
4 .3 Notification of External Respon se Services ...................................................................... 3
4.4 Notification of Police, Fire and Medical ........................................................................... 4
4 .5 Types of Waste ................................................................................................................. 4
5 .0 RESPONSE TO A RELEASE ..................................................................................................... 4
5.1 Facility Personnel ............................................................................................................. 4
5 .2 Facility Evacuation Plan .................................................................................................... 5
5 .3 Emergency Equipment ..................................................................................................... 6
6 .0 AMENDMENT OF THE CONTINGENCY PLAN ........................................................................ 6
not defined.
XPO Logistics Freight, Inc. -USU
858 South 3760 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
Facility Contacts
Emergency Coordinator
Alternate Emergency Coordinator
Travi s Higham
Scott Stoneburg
XPO Logistics Freight, Inc. utilizes the following 7 /24-hour spill respon se vendor:
Emergency Response & Training Solutions (ERTS)
24 -hour response vendor
1-866-302 -7362
Hazardous Waste Information
385-266-5808 Mobile
801 -703 -6365 Mobile
The XPO Logistic s Freight, Inc. facility generates ha zardous waste because of improper handling of freight. Therefore, the amount and type of
hazardous waste on site is variable at any given time. In general, the following types of ha zardous waste have been historica lly generated at the
Name of Waste Waste Location Maximum Respon se Notes Special Notes to
Code s/Hazards Accumulated Amount Present Hospital/Treatment personnel
Wa ste Paint D001/Flam mable East end of Shipping 85 gallon s
Corrosive Liquid D002/Corrosive East end of Shipping None on site at
Dock present
Adhesives D001/Flammable Ea st end of Shipping None on site at
Dock present
Flammable D001/Flammable East end of Shipping None on site at
Liquids Dock present
The facility is equipped with the following on -site notification systems: I Handheld Radios I PA System
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1.1 Purpo se and Scope
This document is the Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan for the XPO Logistics Facility
located at 858 South 3760 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84104. This plan is designed to
minimize hazards to human health or the environment from fires, explosions or any
unplanned releases of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to air, soil or
surface water. This plan is to be immediately implemented in the event of such a release .
It is intended to serve as a Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan as described in 40 CFR
Part 262, subpart Mor 40 CRF 262 .16{b)(9).
1.2 Copies and Distribution of Plan
Copies of this plan have been provided to the following i ndividuals at the XPO Logistics
Facility located at 858 South 3760 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84104.
Emergency Coordinator
Service Center Manager
Travis Higham
801-954-0709 Office
385-266-5808 Mobile
Alternate Emergency Coordinator
Assistant Service Center Manager
Scott Stoneburg
801-954-0709 Office
801-703-6365 Mobile
The following agencies or organizations have also been provided with a current copy of
this plan:
UDEQ Env. Response/Remediation
State Office Building
195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Fire Station #14
3800 California Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Jordan Valley Medical Center
3460 Pioneer Pkwy
West Valley City, UT 84120
Salt Lake County EM
3380 South 900 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Salt Lake City Police Dept.
1040 West 700 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Division of Waste Management and
Radiation Control
195 North 1950 West, 2nd Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
2 .1 Facil ity Descr ipt ion
The XPO Logistics Freight, Inc. facility is lo cated at 858 South 3760 West Salt Lake City,
Utah 84104. The facility is a trucking operation where trailers are loaded and unloaded.
The freight is transferred the same day from incomi ng to outgoing trailers and fre ight is
not warehoused. The facility is staffed by 173 employees and operates from 1:00 AM to
1:00 AM, Monday through Friday.
2.2 M anagement Structure
Emergency Coordinator
Service Center Manager
Travis Higham
801-954-0709 Office
385-266-5808 Mobile
Alternate Emergen cy Coordinator
As sistant Serv i ce Center Manager
Scott Stoneburg
801-954-0709 Office
801-703 -6365 Mobi le
3 .1 Plan A dmin istration and Implementation
The Adm i nistrator of this plan is respon sible for the execution of all elements of th is plan
and for ensuri ng that the plan is cu r rent . The Adm i nistrator of this p l an is :
Travis Higham-Service Center Manager
Th is is to certify that I have participated in the development of this plan, have been
appointed Administrator of this plan and w i ll execute the pla n as described.
Signed :,4--_iL 46 <-, Date : _---J-7_-_z._-_z..._y'-----
Travis Hi gham-Servi ce Cent e r Manager
3.2 Plan Autho r izati on
The procedures utlined in this Hazardou s Waste Contin gency Plan have the full support
and approval th e man ag ent of this fa cility.
4 .1 Notifica t ion of XPO Log ist ics Personne l
In the event of a fire, explosion or release of a hazardou s waste, the Emergency
Coordinator or Alternate Emergency Coordinator shall first alert all facility personnel v i a
facility alarm, PA System and radios and obtai n the following information by observati on ,
facility records, SDS, manifests and, if necessary, by chemical analysis .
• Character
• E?Cact source
• If a material is spilled, the name of the materi al
• Estimated quantity of material spilled
The Emergency Coordinator or Alternate Emergency Coordinator must prevent the
spread of the incident to other hazardous wastes or other materi als at the faci lity by
either moving wastes or materials away from the incident or app lying absorbents to
prevent the spread of the material.
4.2 Not ificatio n of Gove rn me nt Agencies
Spills involving the release of a hazardous chemical to the environment must be
reported immediately by the Emergency Coordinator or Alternate Emergency
Coordinator to the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control at 801-536-
4123 and the National Response Center at (800)-424-8802. A written report of the spill
must be sent to the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control within 15
days (see Section 5.1 for content of written report).
4.3 Noti f ication of External Response Se rv ice s
In the event of a spill, th e Emergency Coordinator is required to notify the fo llowi ng
Emergency Response & Training Solution s (ERTS)
24-hour response v endor
The fa cility is e quipped with a sec urity alarm syste m that is managed by th e following
company. In the ev e nt of a secu ri ty i ss ue, the Emergency Coord inato r is required to notify
the following security/alarm company:
Allied Universal
5215 Wiley Post Way #120
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
4.4 Notification of Po li ce , Fi re and Medical
In the event there are injuries and or a fire as a result of the incident, the first call by the
Emergency Coordinator should be to 911. The Emergency Coordinator will then contact
local Fire, Police and Medical authorities as deemed necessary. See Section 1.2 for
contact information.
4.5 Type s of Wa ste
• Flammables (paint, paint related materials)
• Corrosives (damaged batteri es, acids)
5.1 Fac il ity Personnel
The Emergency Coordinator or Alternate Emergency Coordinator must call and report
immediately any spill of hazardous waste to the Utah Department of Waste
Management and Radiation Control at (801) 536-0200 or after hours (801) 536-4123.
The Emergency Coordinator or Alternate Emergency Coordinator is responsible for
coordinating all emergency response measures and has the authority to commit the
resources needed to carry out the contingency plan. They are familiar with all aspects of
the facility's contingency plan, all operations and activities at the facility, the location and
characteristics of the wastes handled and the location of all records within the facility.
In the event of a fire, explosion, or release of a hazardous waste that may threaten facility
personnel, the Emergency Coordinator will activate internal facility alarms, where
applicable, to alert all personnel.
The Emergency Coordinator must immediately identify the character, exact source,
amount and aerial extent of any released material. They must asse ss possible hazards to
human health or the environment that may result from the release, fire or explosion.
During the emergency, the Emergency Coordinator must take all reasonable measures
necessary to ensure that fires, explosions and releases do not occur, reoccur or spread to
other hazardous waste at the facility.
If the Emergency Coordinator determines that the facility has a release, fire, or explosion
which could threaten human health or the environment outside the facility and may
require evacuation they must immediately notify the appropriate State and Local
authorities with designated response roles if their help is needed. See Section 1.2 for
contact information. The following information must be communicated:
• Name and telephone number of reporter
• Name and address of generator
• Time and type of incident
• Name and quantity of material released, to the extent known
• Extent of any injuries, if any
• Possible hazard s to human health and the environment outside the facility
The Emergency Coordinator must provide for storage and/or disposal of recovered waste
resulting from the emergency.
All emergency equipment utilized during an emergency must be fit for its intended use
before operators are resumed. Any used absorbent materials must be replaced.
The Emergency Coordinator must record the time, date and any details of the incident
that requires implementing the contingency plan . Within fifteen {15) days of the incident
a written report on the incident must be submitted to the Regional Administrator. Refer
to 40 CFR 262 .265 Subpart M for reporting requirements.
5.2 Facility Evacuation Plan
In the event of an emergency, all personnel should immediately evacuate the facility at
the direction of the Emergency Coordinator, or when facility alarms indicate the need to
evacuate. All personnel should evacuate to the designated facility evacuation staging
area to ensure everyone is accounted for.
5 .3 Emergency Equipme nt
The facility is equipped with the following emergency equipment/spill response supplies.
The equipment is tested on an annua l basis, where applicable:
Type of Equipment Location of Equipment Quantity of Equipment
Fire Extinguishers Main Office, Break Room , 24
Dock, Fuel Island, Propane
Salvage Drums Dock Door 36 10
Absorbents Dock Door 36 600 lbs.
PPE Dock Stand s 2 kits
The Contingency Plan must be reviewed and immediately amended if any of the
following occur:
• Appl icable r egulations are revi sed
• The pl an fai ls in an emergency
• The facility changes i n its designation, construction, operation, maintenance or
other circumstances in a way that increa se s the potenti al for fires, explosion s or
releases of hazardous waste or haza r dous waste constituents, or changes the
response nece ss ary in an emergency
• The management structu re changes
• The list of emergency re sponders cha n ge s
• The list of emergency equipment changes