HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-1997-012496 - 0901a06880543f6dDOE ID No.: MS-00245-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A000000D003A, South Third East Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is s 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is <; 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <; 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]' [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] I ] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]b [X]b [ ] [ ] M [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [y] [Y] [ ] [ ] [ ] [Xl [M [ 1 [ 1 "The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. "Vacant lot. 1 of 2 SCANNED „„„ - iqq? - 0124^ DOE ID No.: MS-O0245-VL MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis ofthe Property Completion Report recommendation, this property ] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00245-VL Address: Parcel No. A000OO0DOO3A, South Third East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page- 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 i 4.0 APPENDIX t 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00245-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-O0245-VL Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00245-VL Beginning at a point 112.7 feet south of the NW corner of Block D, Monticello Townsite Survey, south 140.2 feet, east 172 feet, south 89.1 feet, east 42.5 feet, north 222 feet, west 14.5 feet, north 20 feet, west 200 feet to beginning. County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Parcel No. A000000D003A South Third East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. March 17, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 18, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 731 cubic yards 2,598 square meters (m2) Property Completion Report Submitted: September 1993 DOE ID NO.: MS-00245-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 731 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 7 inches to 16 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00245-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during April and May 1991, as described in the final REA dated March 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour U/R/h) to 20 pR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 35 composite soil samples ranged from less than 1.0 picocurie per gram (pCi/g) to 5.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite sample representing Area V-34 included soil samples taken from MS-00244-RS (Area V-10). A DOE ID NO.: MS-00245-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A000000D003A, South Third East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from < 1.0 pCi/g to 5.7 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. DOE ID NO.: MS-00245-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA:08-13-93 MS-00245.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00245-VL Address: Parcel No. A000000D003A, South Third East Street, Monticello, Utah A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range Ct/R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 V-27 V-28 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 16 14 15' 16 17 15 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 14 14 14 15 15 19 19 18 18 17 17 19 18 18 18 16 17 19 19 17 15 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 16 15 17 16 20 NAT 331 NAT 332 NAT 333 NAP 200 NAP 201 NAP 202 NAP 203 NAP 204 NAP 205 NAP 206 NAP 207 NAP 208 NAP 209 NAP 210 NAV 970 NAV 971 NAV 972 NAV 973 NAV 974 NAV 975 NAV '976 NAV 977 NAV 978 NAV 979 NAV 980 NAV 981 NAV 982 NAV 983 OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS 3.4 4.0 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.8 2.4 1.6 2.9 1.8 1.4 1.0 2.6 3.5 2.6 1.0 1.5 1.4 3.0 1.5 2.1 5.7 2.5 1.5 2.1 1.5 2.7 2.1 *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 Table 3.1 (continued) Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00245-VL Address: Parcel No. A000000D003A, South Third East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-29 15-19 NAV 984 OCS 2.1 V-30 15 - 19 NAV 985 OCS 3.3 V-31 15 - 17 NAV 986 OCS 1.7 V-32 15-18 NAV 987 OCS 2.3 V-33 15-16 NAA 755 OCS 1.9 V-34t 15 - 19 NAS 519 OCS 2.9 V-35 15 - 19 NAS 524 OCS 2.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System TThe composite sample included soil samples taken from MS-00244-RS. a 10 42 12 i r 14 ~i—r 16 18 20 22 24 T—i—r 1 T 26 28 30 i—T 32 ~T~ 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 T—I—r 48 50 i—r I r i r "i—i—r 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 c/i < 01 o in 9 13 V-33 V-30 V-31 16 V-29 19-16 V-32 15-19 15-17 15-19 15-18 6 V-28 15-20 1 10 12 V i. 13-16 V-21 0 10 14-16 0 . . . V-27 V-23 15-16 15-18 V-26 V-25 .<•>.• 0 /. . . . r^. . . 14-15 14-17 <2>"-V-22 /. . . 15-18 / • • •i i 0 V-17 V-15 V-16 V-21 ^j-<£)®0 V-20 V-1B 5-17 13-15 14-16 0 V-19 15-17 14-16 14-16 14-16 •••m. 0 0V.<6> 0 V-12 V-l I .0 15-17 14-16 0 V-9 V-B — S V-10 15-16 15-18 V-14 0 16-18 V-13 0 7-19 16-19 0 0 0 0 0 .<•>.•• 0 V-6 0 V-3 V-4 V-5 0 15-17 14-19 15-18 15-16 15-17 t V-2 v-l 15-19 15-19 V-34 13-19 13-16 SHED 13/iR/h Flo ..J 5 V-35 13-19 L RM0024SV 0f/t5/*J RTS/242 SCALE IN FEET NORTH 10 X J L J I I L 20 10 0 J L 20 J L 40 IHIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROCRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ANO ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT ANO IS NOT TO BE REUCO UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. <D nv.vi (V.YJ 12-15 V-l 16-17 LECENP ALL OEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN pR/h ASSESSEO AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION J I L J I I J L U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY KB PARCEL NO. A00O00ODO03A SOUTH THIRD EAST STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH 4C 3B 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 GBOIKM INC. »«••» MS-00245-VL -*••» 3-C00243-V1 ..1,1 10 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 m 2 s m, Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group MS00245 ; A000000D0Q3A. South 3rd East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Tenant Name: Vacant Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT AO00O00DO03A, SOUTH 3RD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00245) A. R. Jones January 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii UST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from AW0000D0O3A, South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00245) 5 v ACKNOWI^lX5MENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and M. K. Jensen and T. L, Holmes for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or contaiiiing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A000000D003A, South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A(X)0000D003A, SOUTH 3RD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00245)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00O00ODO03A, South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A0O0tXX)DO03A, South 3rd East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 731 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 7 to 16 inches deep were removed from a 2,598 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a surface gamma scan with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 35 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 20 /iR/h. SoH Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 35 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from < 1.0 to 5.7 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.1 to 2.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first IS cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00O000DO03A, South 3rd East Street, Monticello Utah (MS00245) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) X16 NAV 971 >15 1.1 1.0 X23 NAV 973 >15 2.0 2.5 X31 NAV 986 >15 1.7 1.7 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et aL1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00245, Address: A000000D003A, South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, September 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS Property Address: 317 East Center Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is _ 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is _ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is _ 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is _ 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [XT [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]" [ ] [ ] [Xj [ ] IX] t ] LX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] "The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. "Excessive ventilation caused by missing windows. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for pq Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis ofthe Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [>0 Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Michael C. Butherus Date U.S. Dep^artment of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS Address: 317 East Center Street Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Gpafid Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey. Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX ' 6 SUMMARY DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE "Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites" (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria by the DOE Remedial Action Contractor. DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00248-CS Location No. M-232; beginning 14.8 feet north and 6.1 feet west of the SE corner of Section 25, T33S., R23E., Salt Lake Base Meridian; west 130 feet, south 14.8 feet, west 20 feet, north 42 feet, east 20 feet, north 182.8 feet, east 130 feet, south 210 feet to beginning, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 317 East Center Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Commercial Structure (CS) Not applicable: inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor July 1, 1992 Rust Geotecri March 4, 1993 Diamond Back Services, Inc. 9861 Titan Park Circle Littleton, Colorado July 7, 1994 August 31, 1994 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 65 cubic yards 316 square meters (ma) February 1996 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The quantity of contamination for this property was not specified because it was assessed as part of Block MS-09031-BK. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 65 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 to 24 inches deep. The differences jn the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by the Remedial Action Contractor during August 1991, as described in the final REA dated March 1993. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Additionally, a composite soil sample was collected in~an unremediated area where gamma exposure-rates exceeded 17 microroentgens per hour (jvR/h), which is 30 percent greater than background (13 //R/h). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 to 19//R/h, as indicated on Appendix Figure 2.1. The results of analyses for radium-226 in five composite soil samples ranged from 1.6 to 4.1 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. The soil sample result for radium-226 in the unremediated area with elevated exposure rates was 5.0 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.2). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement RDC measurements were not taken in the building due to excessive ventilation caused by missing windows. 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 317 East Center Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 11 to 14 //R/h. Not taken due to excessive ventilation. l_n_. Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 mJ. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 mJ. Soil sample result was 5.0 pCi/g.** Soil sample results ranged from 1.6 to 4.1 pCi/g.,# •The background exposure rate is approximately 13 //R/h. The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. **The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radium Measurement Results for an Unremediated Area with Elevated Gamma Exposure Rates Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT JEK: 11-06-95 MS-00248.CS WP61 REV080195 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS Address: 317 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-1 15-18 NCF387 OCS 4.1 V-2 14-18 NCF388 OCS 2.7 V-3 14-17 NCF389 OCS _.1.6 V-4 15-17 NCF390 OCS 1.6 V-5 15-17 NCF391 OCS 2.7 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. "OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 Table 3.2 Radium Measurement Results for an Unremediated Area with Elevated Gamma Exposure Rates DOE ID No.: MS-00248-CS Address: 317 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah Meas. Loc. Grid Meas. Depth Radium-226 Coord. Method" (inches) (pCi/g) 190397 OCS 00-06 5.0 •OCS = Opposed Crystal System 8 42 40 33 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 IS 16 14 12 10 1 ) 12 14 16 18 i—i i—i—i—i—i—r 20 22 24 26 "T" 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 46 48 I I I I r_ 16-19 z V-J V-i V-5 15-17 E v-2 13-16 14-16 V-2 14-U V-l 15-18 6 /. <5> V-2 11-18 10 ONE STORY FRAME BLOC w 11-14 A X 6 J r J 13-16 © (-.-, Lv.vj 12-15 l_2j V-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL OEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN jtR/h ASSESSEO AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSEO CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED OEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION ASSESSEO CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IOENTIFIER ANO EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE I I L SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 40 I I I I I I I L EAST CENTER STREET (U.S. HIGHWAY 666) NORTH I I J J I L THIS OKAWINC is ro* THC SOLC use or THC U.S. OCPMTUCNT Or CNCRST ANO ITS CONHtACTOPS. IT IS HOT A LAHO SUftVCT PLAT. gTlUTT LOCATION PlAT. 0* OTHC* lUPHOVCUCNT SUPVPT PLAT AHO IS NOT TO K RCLlCO UPON fOK TMC CSTAKISHUCNT or rCNCC. OUILDINC. OP OTHCR rutunf. UIPPOVEUCNT LINES RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT nQURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION U.S. OEPARTUENT OF ENERGY wm ****** Mojcctt of na. co>.o*'00 w 317 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH RUSTIC ««•« US-00248-CS 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 46 48 5( OAK RIOGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MANAGED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY POST OFFICE BOX 25*7 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 PHONE: (970) 248-6200 FAX (970)248-6220 MAR 29 1998 Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: , Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation isjbased on an independent verification review ofthe Remedial Action Contractor's completion report and field verification. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment ofthe ~6Ra concentration in the soil and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification .by t$*e U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, A Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00248-CS 317 East Center Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Monticello. Utah 84535 Tenant Name: V acant Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE B INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 317 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00248-CS) A. R. Jones March 1996 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT viii INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES '. 2 Objectives * 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS 6 Gamma Measurements 6 Soil Sample Analysis 6 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES 8 ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration, Southwestern Area Programs. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and technical review and J. R. Sauvage for technical review. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1994, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 317 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). viii RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 317 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00248-CS)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamndnation. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (U.S. DOE 1990b). The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp. 2 During 1994, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, an abandoned building located at 317 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination, backfilling with uncontaminated material, and restoration to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1996). When the excavation stage was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, by Geotech and by an independent contractor. Data was verified to support the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been designated the Independent Verification Contractor for the 317 East Center Street site. This report describes the methods and results of the verification surveys. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1996) indicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. This property was assessed as part of Block 31, therefore, the quantity of material assessed is not available. During the actual removal process, a total of 65 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 24 inches deep, were removed from a 316 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer at ground- level, a sur-face scan of the exterior, and soil sampling . Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 5 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech over the ground-level ofthe structure ranged from 11 to 14 /zR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 18 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the five exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations ranging from 1.6 to 4.1 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations to range from 1.2 to 3.2 pCi/g, These values are below the EPA standard value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guideline for areas < 25 m2 (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Additionally, a revisit to the property (January 22, 1996) investigated an area north of V2, V3, and V4. Gamma exposure rates in this area were 16-19 uR/h and a surface excava- tion control sample taken during remedial action had a r<Ra concentration of 8.8 pCi/g. A composite sample was taken from this area and the ^Ra concentration was 5.0 pCi/g. This sample does not exceed the EPA standard value of 5 pCi/g above background averaged over 100 m2 for surface soil layers (Table 1). Radon Measurement Results The structure on this property is uninhabitable, therefore, radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements were not taken. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible concentration of ^'Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when averaged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide con- centrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Maximum permissible con- centration of 226Ra in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 nr Ra-26 concentration, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline of (lOO/A)*, where A is the area of the elevated region Exposure to 2~Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990a) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from 317 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00248-CS) 33Ra concentration fpCi/g^ ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth No." No* (cm) Confirmatory' ORNLrf Geotech VIC >15 3.8 VIH >15 4.4 XI NCF387 >15 3.2 4.1 X3 NCF389 >15 1.8 1.6 X5 NCF391 >15 1.2 2.7 " An X-type sample is at split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers ofthe excavated areas were taken by RUST Geotech Inc., and these samples were blended to form composite soil samples, which represent an average over verification areas. c ORNL performed analysis on aliquots of the composite samples taken by Geotech (confirmatory). d Composite samples collected by ORNL from approximately the same excavated locations sampled by Geotech. 6 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Measurements taken by ORNL over the ground surface in the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 15 to 19 uR/h (Figure 1). Soil Sample Analysis ORNL sampled one of the excavated areas prior to backfilling, collecting aliquots representative of those areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. ORNL's analysis of this composite sample showed a 226Ra concentration of 3.8 pCi/g. This value is below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCl/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). ORNL also collected an individual soil sample at the location of the highest gamma exposure rate to verify compliance with the DOE Hotspot Guideline in this area. ORNL's analysis of this sample showed a 226Ra concentration of 4.4 pCi/g. Results of ORNL sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION The results of all Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post- remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 8 REFERENCES Geotech 1996, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00248-CS, Address: 317 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, February, 1996. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessments Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado, September, 1993. U.S. DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. U.S. DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. ' 1 DOE ID No.: MS-O0271-CS Property Address: 17 North Main Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is £ 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2 In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[ ] Interior gamma is < 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <; 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987) Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]a [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ 1 [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [X]a [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] M [ 1 [ ] [ ] [» [ ] M [ ] M [ ] [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Exterior areas were verified on the basis of surface gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. Hlllllllllll millllllllll SFCERTIFED SFMS-00271 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00271-CS MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Programs MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [ Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Date Date U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 Of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00271-CS Address: 17 North Main Street Monticello, Utah 84535 February 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Programs Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup ot Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. DOE ID No.: MS-00271-CS Contents Page 1.0 Summary 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Remedial Action Surnmary 2 2.0 Operations Summary 3 2.1 Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contamination 3 3.0 Verification Summary 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurements 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Table Table 1. Certification Data Summary 5 Appendix Appendix A. Radiological Conditions A-1 DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page ii DOE ID No.: MS-00271-CS 1.0 Summary 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the off-site mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to process both uranium and vanadium ore. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria and determined to contain mill tailings (radioactive material) exceeding EPA standards and/or DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor* was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance wit,h EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor, MACTEC-ERS, was awarded the U.S. Department of Energy Grand Junction Office (DOE-GJO) Technical Assistance and Remediation contract and commenced work on September 5, 1996. The MACTEC-ERS team consists of International Technology Corporation, Science Application International Corporation, Roy F. Weston, Inc., and Rust Federal Services, Inc. Rust Geotech was the DOE-GJO contractor from October 1, 1986, through September 4, 1996, and implemented some of the tasks discussed in this report. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00271-CS 1.3 Remedial Action Summary DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological and Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Preconstruction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed in Cubic Yards (yd3): Area Cleaned Up in Square Meters (m2): Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-O0271-CS Lot 1, Block J, Monticello Townsite Survey, County of San Juan, State of Utah 17 North Main Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Commercial Structure (CS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory Grand Junction Office November 6, 1992 MACTEC-ERS July 25, 1994 Diamond Back Services, Inc. April 12, 1995 July 17,1995 Exterior: 0 Interior: 5 3 February 1997 DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00271-CS 2.0 Operations Summary 2.1 Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan specified removal of radioactive material. Once excavation was completed, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed before remedial action activities. 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contamination The radiological assessment identified 5 yd3 of contamination, 96 inches (in.) high, within the property boundary. The remedial action process included removal of approximately 5 yd3 of radioactive material, 96 in. high. The area of assessed and excavated contamination is shown on Figure A-1. DOE/Grand Junction Office February' 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00271-CS 3.0 Verification Summary 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey The Remedial Action Contractor conducted radiological surveys during July and November 1993, as described in the final REA. Figure A-1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended for remedial action. 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey A scintillometer was used to perform a surface gamma scan after the removal of radioactive material and before backfilling. The results of the gamma scan are presented in Table A-1. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurements Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements were taken on the lowest habitable level of each building, as shown on Figure A-1. The measurement results are presented in Table A-2. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 4 DOE ID No.: MS-O0271-CS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192, Subparts B and C) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary (Table 1). Therefore, the property located at 17 North Main Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines. Table 1. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standard Survey Results Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soil Exposure Rate Radon Decay- Product Concentration Land Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background" in the 15-cm-thick surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background3 in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background.6 < 15 pCi/g above background on the basis of surface gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background." Habitable Structures Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background.0 Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and shall in no case exceed 0.03 WL. Ranges were 13 to 15 uR/h for the remediated portion and 10 to 16 uR/h for the remainder of the ground floor of Building 1. Range for the ground floor of Building 2 was 11 to 14 uR/h. Averages were 0.0039 WL for Building 1 and 0.0029 WL for Building 2, on the basis of the DOE- approved abbreviated-measurement method. Key: cm = centimeters; m2 = square meters; pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; WL = working level aThe background radium-226 concentration for Monticello Vicinity Properties is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 'The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. °The background exposure rate for this property is approximately 14 uR/h. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Repon Page 5 DOE ED No.: MS-00271-CS Appendix A Radiological Conditions Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Table A-2. Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Figure A-1. Radiological As-Built DOE ID No.: MS-00271-CS Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Verification Area" Gamma Exposure Rate Range (uR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Measurement Method Radium-226 Concentration (pCi/g) V-1 13-15 Not applicable Key: pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; V = verification area aSee Figure A-1 for location of verification area. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page A-2 DOE ID No.: MS-00271-CS Table A-2. Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results* Detector" Number Start Date End Date Radon Concentration (PCi/L) WL BUILDING 1 3973882 3973921 3973910 07-25-95 07-25-95 07-25-95 11-15-95 11-15-95 11-15-95 0.813 0.884 0.619 Average: 0.0041 0.0044 0.0031 0.0039 3973971 3973977 3973944 07-25-95 07-25-95 07-25-95 BUILDING 2 11-15-95 11-15-95 11-15-95 0.285 0.460 0.973 Average: 0.0014 0.0023 0.0049 0.0029 Key: pCi/L = picocuries per liter; WL = working level aSee Figure A-1 for measurement locations, herradex Radtrak Detector. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page A-3 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 1 4 12 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 T—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i i i i i i i i i i r r ONE STORY METAL BUILDING BUILDING 1 SEE DETAIL A 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-15 /// ONE STORY METAL BUILDING W/BRICK VENEER BUILDING 2 11-14 1. ~1 "777 777- WEST CENTER STREET III 12-15 IA Z < 2 cc O z LU 12-15 IJ ® 12-15 V-10 (RDC) [12] [96UA RDC GROUND FLOOR 10-16 DETAIL A NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ALL DEPTHS/HEIGHTS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN |iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION VERIFICATION AREA IDENTIFIER RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION HEIGHT OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION \rAS\OJJ\OOOJ\RM00271v 02/2*/87 1l:27gm M30640 X 12 14 16 18 20 20 10 22 NORTH SCALE IN FEET 20 40 THIS DRAWING IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES COUPLE noK "twi 17 NORTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CRAftO JUNCTION OFFICE, CGLOftADO MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTIES FIGURE A-1 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT "M5-0027I-CS *>AS-0i3-000»-RMCOI71V1 1 1 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 46 48 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MANAGED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PHONE: (970)248-6200 FAX: (970)248-6207 2597 BV* Road GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81503 UT ? 5W Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the exterior gamma exposure rates, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rates at this property. This property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group MS00271-CS 17 North Main Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 17 NORTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00271-CS) A. R. Jones March 1997 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81503 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 5 iii LIST OF TABLES Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen and M. T. Muck for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980, the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1995, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 17 North Main Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 17 NORTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00271-CS)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the United States (U.S.) government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War U. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961, the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vana- dium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and de- commissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contaniination. In 1980, the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radio- active material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983, remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Proper- ties (MVP) Project (US DOE 1990b). •The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section ofthe Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05- 960R22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. 2 During 1995, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a gas station and office building located at 17 North Main Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required removal of all interior contamination. When the removal was completed, the property was resurveyed to ensure the removal of all contamination and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (MACTEC-ERS 1997). DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environ- mental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 17 North Main Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the RAC property completion report (MACTEC-ERS 1997) indicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by the RAC identified 5 yd3 of contamination 96 inches high. During the actual removal process, a total of 5 yd3 of radioactive material, 96 inches high, were removed from a 3 nr area. The RAC performed a post-excavation survey prior to reconstruction. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the interior and exterior. Additionally, six in-situ delta measurements were taken on the concrete at the base of the excavated walls to estimate the 226Ra concentration. All delta measurements were <1 pCi/g. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionu- clide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by the RAC at the ground-level of Building 2 ranged from 11 to 14 uR/h. Gamma exposure rates in the unaffected areas of Building 1 ranged from 10 to 16 uR/h, and 13 to 15 uR/h in the area of removal. Background exterior surface gamma measure- ments ranged from 12 to 15 (iR/h. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the Alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, the RAC placed three alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of Buildings 1 and 2 located on this property for a period of approximately three months (from July 25, 1995 to November 15, 1995). The average annual working levels (WLs) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation for Buildings 1 and 2, were 0.0039 and 0.0029, respectively, which are well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of RAC radon daughter concentrations and gamma exposure rates show that radio- nuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post- remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological mea- surements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site success- fully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of 226Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when averaged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide con- centrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Maximum Permissible con- centration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Ra226 concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (100/A)'/2, where A is the area of the elevated region Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon progeny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (US DOE 1990a) 5 REFERENCES MACTEC-ERS 1997. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00271-CS, Address: 17 North Main Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1997. ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. US DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. US DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. f DOE ID No.: MS-O0375-VL Property Address: 254 South First East Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is <; 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is s: 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is <. 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <; 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]" [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]b [X]b [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] I 1 [X IV] [ ] [ ] [M [ ] [ I [xl [>x] [ 1 [ ] The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. 'Vacant lot. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00375-VL MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Michael C. Butherus Date / Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property pr] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Cer#ficationH)fficial '1 Date U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00375-VL Address: 254 South First East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* id Junction, Colorado v, —* Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites,* 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During, Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00375-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00375-VL 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00375-VL Parcel No. M-103 - Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 4, Block 13, Monticello Townsite Survey; north 82.5 feet, west 214.5 feet, south 82.5 feet, east 214.5 feet to point of beginning', County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 254 South First East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor May 2, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. July 16, 1991 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah July 8, 1992 July 14, 1992 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 3 cubic yards 24 square meters (m2) September 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00375-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 1 cubic yard of contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 3 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 4 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00375-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during July 1990, as described in the final REA dated July 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form a composite sample representing the verification area (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 14 microroentgens per hour U/R/h) to 16//R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1)/ The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample was 2.0 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00375-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 254 South First East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability standards Suryey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall nbt exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Soil sample result was 2.0 pCi/g.' Soil sample result was 2.0 pCi/g.f •The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. TThe sample for V-1 represents both the surface and subsurface layers. 5 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00375-VL Address: 254 South First East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range Ot/R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 15 - 16 NAR 166 OCS 2.0 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 DOE ID NO.: MS-00375-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA:08-23-93 MS-00375.VL WP51 REV053193 6 10 JO 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 Y 10 10 12 1 4 16 18 i—r 20 22 24 26 28 i—r JO J2 J4 J6 J8 ~ i—r 1 777 15-16 777 15-16 BK6 4 14-15 V-1 15-16 15-16 L © 12-15 12 v-i 16-17 UJ Ld CC r— CO co < LU CO or Lu o CO LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 20 10 SCALE IN FEET 20 40 40 NORTH RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RM09013V 09/15/93 RTB/242 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. J L RCSOCNCC-HO. OT OCCUPANTS HOH—RCSIOCHCC—HAH—HM./WK. WSTKUUCNT NO. VERIFICATION VT CX. A.C. tPF. HO. OATC U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO RTB 135 254 SOUTH FIRST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH APMOVAL GEOTECH INC OATC I APPROVAL OOC TATT DOCK) NO. MS-00375-VL owe.HO. 3-B00375-V1 tHT. 1 „ 1 2( It 1 2 10 12 1 4 1 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 JO J2 J4 J6 J8 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. JAN 2 8139+ Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at' this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group MS00375 254 South 1st East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Vacant GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2S67 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81S02 Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 254 SOUTH 1ST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00375) A. R. Jones January 1994 Work performed by the ENVmONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v AC^OWLEDGlvffiNTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES •. 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements , 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 .CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 254 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00375) 5 v ACKNOVVTJEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and M. K. Jensen and G. A. Pierce for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and perforating remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1991, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 254 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 254 SOUTH 1ST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00375)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War U. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances/extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned null site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AO05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1991, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at 254 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contaniination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. Tlie Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 254 South 1st East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire'property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 199) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 1 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 3 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 4 inches deep were removed from a 24 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of surface gamma scans with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the 1 excavated area were collected and blended to form representative composite soil sample for the verification area. 3 VERJTICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 15 to 16 /zR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There was one excavated area for this property. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed a 226Ra concentration of 2.0 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed a ^Ra concentrations of 3.4 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. One minor discrepancy was noted between the property folio and completion report, the folio gives the mailing address as San Juan County Commissioner in care of Rick Bailey. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 254 South 1st East Street, Monticello Utah (MS0Q375) 22sRa concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) XI NAR 166 10-25 3.4 2.0 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk L N.ct aL1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00375, Address: 254 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, September 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH Property Address: 97 South Second East Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation U.S. Department Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken Ra-226 is <: 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. lnsitu[X]Lab[ ] [X]- [ ] [ ] [y] [ ] [ ] Ra-226 is a 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Insitu[ ]Lab[X] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Interior gamma is £ 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [X] [ ] [ ] [X I ] [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is s 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. [X] [ ] [ ] [tf [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ tf [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). [X] [ ] [ ] [/] [ ] [ ] The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Michael C. Butherus Date Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis ofthe Property Completion Report recommendation, this property LM Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. :atioffO~ CemficatioffOfficial U.S. Department of Energy Date 7- Afr f7~ Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH Address: 97 South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus (yfo^ Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 'MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE "Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites" (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria by the DOE Remedial Action Contractor. DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH MS-00438-CH Location No. M-173; beginning at the SW corner of Block 21, Monticello Townsite Survey, Plat A, north 100 feet, east 77 feet, south 100 feet, west 77 feet to the beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah 97 South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Church (CH) Not applicable: spillover inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor April 3, 1991 Rust Geotech June 21, 1991 Sonderegger Inc. P.O. Box 713 Monticello, Utah August 23, 1991 September 24, 1991 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 3 cubic yards 8 square meters (m2) February 1996 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The quantity of contamination for this property was not specified because it was assessed as part of Block MS-09021-BK. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 3 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 10 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by the Remedial Action Contractor during May 1990, as described in the final REA dated June 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form a composite sample representing the verification area (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 to 18 microroentgens per hour (//R/h), as indicated on Appendix Figure 2.1. The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample was 1.6 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0026 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 97 South Second East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 12 to 13 //R/h. Annual average was 0.0026 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above backgroundT in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background.** Soil sample result was 1.6 pCi/g.** *The background exposure rate is approximately 14//R/h. The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. * *The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MRW:09-01-95 MS-00438.CH WP61 REV080195 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Measurement/Results DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH Address: 97 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method8 (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-1 13-18 NAH704 AL 1.6 ±0.3 18.6 ± 4.2 0.5 ± 0.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. "AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH Address: 97 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Landauer Radtrak Detector Radon Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/L) Level 3729931 07-20-93 3729880 07-20-93 3729899 07-20-93 08-17-94 6.4 08-17-94 7.1 08-17-94 5.1 0.53 0.0027 0.58 0.0029 0.42 0.0021 Annual Average: 0.0026 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH Property Address: 97 South Second East Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Rust Geotech of Energy (DQE) Ra-226 is <: 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is <. 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <. 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21 Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev. 2, March 1987). YES NO NOT TAKEN [X]* [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] YES NO NOT TAKEN [ ] I ] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [ ] [ 1 [ 1 [ 1 [ 1 I I I I [ 1 [ ) [ ) I ] [ I [ 1 COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. DOE ID No.: MS-00438-CH RUST GEOTECH RECOMMENDATION Based on the Rust evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the U.S. Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. Wanda S. Busby Date Manager, Monticello Programs Rust Geotech DOE EVALUATION [ ] Should be certified by the U.S. Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the U.S. Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. Certification Official U.S. Department of Energy Date 10 30 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 T 26 28 30 T" 32 34 i—T 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 - Y 10 or i— to i— CO < S u s Q Z o o Ld CO 3 o co 0 V-1 O 13-18 1 OK 6 X A 14-15 i r METAL 0 SH 14 12-13 ONE STORY STUCCO BUILDING r RDC 14-15 X o 14-15 O 777 " 777- EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET SCALE IN FEET X 20 10 0 M:\FAS\033\0003\RM00438V 20 40 09/08/95 12:55pm T50780 NORTH THIS DRAWING IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. I I J L rv.-TTi 12-15 12 V-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION - 28 26 24 22 20 18 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 «SI0ENC£-NO. Of OCCUPANTS NON-KESID£NCC-UAM-HRS./«K. INSTRUMENT NO. VERIFICATION •V CK. A.E. APP. 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO -3X- 3fe 97 SOUTH SECOND EAST ST. MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 APPROVAL Rust Qeotcch USUI I APPROVAL OOt "6ATT OOEIONO. MS-00438-CH OWC.NO. 3-B00438-V1 1 or 1 10 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY PHONE: p70)24K20o "MANAGED BY LOCKHEhU MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORA I H)N ' " '—'""TfX"tpiaf7«PSUir FOR THE UJS. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY POST OFFICE BOX 2587 GRANO JUNCTION, COLORADO S13C2 j^/jy J | |(jgg Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the ^Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rates at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS0O438-CH Location Address: 97 South 2nd East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Same Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 401) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 97 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00438-CH) M. J. Wilson-Nichols May 1996 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results .. ^ 3 CONCLUSION .V; 3 REFERENCES 5 iii Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation iv Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge N. F. Kirby and A. R. Jones for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radio- activity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1991, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 97 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Errvironmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of veri- fying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's com- pliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmen- tal Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 97 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00438-CH)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various govern- ment agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with na- tive grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed^approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to dis- posal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was esta- blished to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial ac- tions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the cus- tody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (U.S. DOE 1990b). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. During 1991, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a church located at 97 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The reme- dial action plan required excavation of all exterior contarnination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the re- moval of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1996). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 97 South 2nd East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to Decertified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1996) indicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. This property was assessed as part of Block MS09021, therefore, the quantity of material assessed is not available. During the actual removal process, a total of 3 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 10 inches deep, was removed from an 8 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling the exca- vated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the ground level ofthe structure, a surface scan of the exterior, and soil sampling. Samples repre- sentative ofthe bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of one excavated verification area was collected and blended to form a representative composite soil samples for the verification area. The RAC is unable to locate or inadvertently disposed of the sample requested for ORNL confirmatory analysis. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented ih this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the church ranged from 12 to 13 uR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 18 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed a ^Ra concentration of 1.6 pCi/g. ORNL ETS was unable to attain samples for confirmatory analysis. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guidelines for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were deter- mined by the Alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three alpha- track detectors on the ground floor of the church located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from July 20, 1993 to August 17, 1994). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the TechVOps- Landauer Corporation, was 0.0026, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measure- ments fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide concentrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum Permissible concentration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) Ra226 concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (100/A)*, where A is the area of the elevated region 0.03 WL (DOE 1990a) 5 REFERENCES Geotech 1996. Properly Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00438-CH, Address: 97 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1996. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. U.S. DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. U. S. DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-00442-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A0000022001A, South Second East Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is s 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is <: 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <: 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]a [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]b [X]b [ ] [ ] IA] I ] 1*1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [XI Url [ ] [ ] [ ] OT [X] [ ] [ ] The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. "Vacant lot. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00442-VL MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property IX ] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 Of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00442-VL Address: Parcel No. A0000022001A, South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* rand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY . . . 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination • 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During'Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey , fri 4 3.2 Recommendatiqn for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00442-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration ^Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00442-VL 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00442-VL Beginning at a point that is 120 feet north from the SE corner of Lot 1, Block 22, Monticello Townsite Survey; west 214.5 feet, north 115 feet, east 100 feet, south 101 feet, east 114.5 feet, south 14 feet to the point of beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: Parcel No. A0000022001A South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor August 2?, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. October 21, 1991 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah May 7, 1992 July 14, 1992 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 866 cubic yards 941 square meters (ma) October 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00442-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 24 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the^ removal of approximately 866 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 72 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00442-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during September 1990, as described in the final REA dated October 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma sscan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas {Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged" from 12 microroentgens per hour (/yR/h) to 19 //R/h (Appendix figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 14 composite soil samples ranged from 1.5 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 4.0 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-1 and V-2 included soil samples taken from MS-00444-VL (Areas V-1 and V-2); Areas V-4, V-9, V-10, and V-11 included soil samples taken from MS-00446-HO (Areas V-1 through V-5); Areas V-5 through V-8 included soil samples taken from MS-00445-RS (Areas V-3 through V-5); and Areas V-5 and V-14 included soil samples taken from MS-00443-CS (Areas V-3 and V-4). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00442-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A0000022001A, South Second East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background * in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 ma. Npt applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.5 pCi/g to 4.0 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00442-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA: 10-21-93 MS-000442.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00442-VL Address: Parcel No. A0000022001 A, South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Area Exposure-Rate Range (//R/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) V-l* V-2T V-3 V-4f V-5* V-6* V-7f V-8r V-9* V-10t V-l 1t V-12 V-13 V-14 13 12 14 13 14 14 14 14 15 14 13 13 13 13 17 17 18 16 16 15 16 17 19 19 19 16 15 16 NAO 315 NAO 314 NAO 312 NAO 313 NAR 765 NAT-410 NAS.-581 NAS 582 NAS 583 NAS 584 NAO 308 NAO 309 NAO 310 NAO 311 OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS 4.0 1.5 2.3 2.6 2.9 2.1 1.8 3.5 2.4 1.9 1.9 3.7 3.6 1.6 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System ^he composite samples representing Areas V-1 and V-2 included soil samples taken from MS-00444-VL; Areas V-4, V-9, V-10, and V-11 included soil samples taken from MS-00446-HO; Areas V-5 through V-8 included soil samples taken from MS-00445-RS; and Areas V-5 and V-14 included soil samples taken from MS-00443-CS. 7 JO 28 26 24 22 20 18 r—r V-4 13-16 21 V-9 60 60 15-19 V-10 36 36 27-'-5 14-19 V-1 1 V-3 13-19 14-18 V-2 V-8 60 .(1 27 .VY 36 12-17 72 48 14-17 60 24 30 54 2 V-12 12 V-7 12 13-16 V-1 4-16 13-17 12 V-6 4-15 15-17 V-13 12 13-15 V-5 V-14 14-16 13-16 12 1 5>. • • • V./ a 12 T—i—i—i—r © <D Lv.vj 12-15 12 V-i 16-17 15-17 34 38 40 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN fiR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST—REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE t. ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION _J LU QC I— tO to < UJ o z o o LU to r> o to 2t 2e 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 RM00442V 10/25/93 TMT/529 20 40 NORTH i L THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. J L RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION KSntHcc-HO. ar OCCUTMTS HOJf-«SID€IICC-IUN'HIU./>K. INSntWOfT NO. CK. KC. trr. NO. tat U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO not. CNCR. SINHIITTCD °2i PARCEL NO. A0000022001A SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH APMOVAI. GEOTECH INC Mt |A»M6Vil6M TOT 001,0M0- MS-00442-VL we w. 3-B00442-V1 €„ 1 „ 1 16 14 12 10 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 'JAN 2 8199* Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property, is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. *" Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00442 Location Address: A0000022001A South 2nd East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Vacant . Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research, and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A0000022001A SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00442) ' A. R. Jones January 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION '.; 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION .....«v 3 Gamma Measurements r*. 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A0000022001A, South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00442) 5 V ACXNOWLE1XJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the-Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and M. K. Jensen and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. vii • ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive matetial resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A0000022001A, South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESTJLTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A0OOOO22OA1A SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00442)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War IL Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances'extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in .the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of thc Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Ina 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A0000022001A, South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A0000022001A, South 2nd East Street, site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives -:/ i The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 320 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 24 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 866 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 72 inches deep were removed from a 941 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of surface gamma scans with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the 14 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at ground- level of excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13-19 fjRJh. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 14 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.5 to 4.0 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed 226Ra concentrations from 2.0 to 3.6 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of .Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. One discrepancy was noted in the review of the completion report. According to the field map, Area V2 has gamma readings of 14-17 uR/h and not 12-17 uR/h as stated in the completion report. This does not, however, change our recommendation to certify this property. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A0(XXXr22001A, South 2nd East Street, Monticello Utah fMS00442) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) dX2 NAO 314 >15 3.6 1.5 *X5 NAR 765 >15 2.0 2.9 CX6 NAT 410 . >15 2,5 2,1 °X7 NAS 581 >15 2.8 1.8 °X8 NAS 582 ' >15 2.9 3.5 An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. Soil samples includes soil from MS00445. d SoU sample includes soil from MS00444. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk L N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00442, Address: A0000022001A, South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, October 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-00443-CS Property Address: 165 East First South Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation U.S. Department Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]a [ ] [ ] [*] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] LX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]b [ ] [ ] [*] Ra-226 is i 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is * 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is <: 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <; 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). [ 1 [X]b MM [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [XI I I Wil [ I pq [ ] I ] "The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. bExcessive ventilation caused by open bay doors. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00443-CS MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [X] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Date Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00443-CS Address: 165 East First South Street Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC—ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification . .•. 5 4.0 APPENDIX .' . f: 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00443-CS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons bf ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program ^tJopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under trie MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00443-CS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00443-CS Parcel M-178-1; Beginning at a point that is 139.5 feet west from the SE corner of Block 22, Monticello Townsite Survey; west 75 feet, north 120 feet, east 75 feet, south 120 feet to point of beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 165 East First South Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Commercial Structure (CS) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor August 23, 1991 RUST Geojech Inc. October 21, 1991 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah May 7, 1992 July 10, 1992 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 75 cubic yards 162 square meters (m2) October 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00443-CS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 75 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 8 inches to 24 inches deep. ?. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00443-CS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during September 1990, as described in the final REA dated October 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour OuR/h) to 19 jt/R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1f.' The results of analyses for radium-226 in four composite soil samples ranged from 1.0 picocurie per gram tpCi/g) to 2.9 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-3 and V-4 included soil samples taken from MS-00442-VL (Areas V-5 and V-14), and Area V-3 also included soil samples taken from MS-00445-RS (Area V-5). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement RDC measurements were not taken in the structure due to excessive ventilation caused by open bay doors; therefore, this structure was verified according to exterior standards. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00443-CS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 165 East First South Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Survey Results Not applicable: uninhabitable structure. Not applicable: uninhabitable structure. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.0 pCi/g to 2.9 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00443-CS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA: 10-21-93 MS-00443.CS WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00443-CS Address: 165 East First South Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 13 - 19 ' NAR 761 OCS 1.0 V-2 13 - 19 NAR 762 OCS 2.3 V-3t 14 - 16 NAR 765 OCS 2.9 V-4f 13 - 16 NAO 311 OCS 1.6 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System *r* fThe composite samples representing Areas V-3 and V-4 included soil samples from MS-00442-VL, and Area V-3 also included soil samples taken from MS-00445-RS. 7 10 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 1 4 12 10 10 Y 12 1 4 16 SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 RM004«JV 10/25/93 TMT/529 J L 1 2 1 4 16 18 V-3 14-16 < < 20 22 24 X 12 JL rmm. UNINHABITABLE ONE STORY METAL BUILDING 26 28 V-4 13-16 12 1 24 SHED V-2 V-1 13- 19 13-19 •••• 14-17 12 10 13 12-15 14- J EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET 40 ft NORTH THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. J L 18 20 22 I 24 26 28 30 © <D ^1 LV..VJ 12-15 12 v-i 16-17 32 34 36 38 i—T LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /zR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST —REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTIC^I • * 40 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RCUOCNCC-HO. OT OCCUPANTS NOM-IICSIOCHCC-UAN-HM./WK. WSTKUUCMT MO. SURVEY OATC vcmncAnoN 30 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO JLk. TT XA- 165 EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH APpftOMl GEOTECH INC OAK IAPMOVALOOC TSATT ootioMo. MS-00443-CS 3-B0044.-S-V1 SHT.1 or 1 3C 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 32 34 36 38 40 GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P.O. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 OAN 2 81994 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property, is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. Location Number: MS00443-CS Location Address: 165 East 1st South Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE B INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 165 EAST 1ST SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00443-CS) A. R. Jones January 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT , vii INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 t GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS 6 Gamma Measurements 6 Soil Sample Analysis 6 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES 8 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from 165 East 1st South Street Monticello, Utah (MS00443-CS) 5 LEST OF FIGURES 1 Property Map , ' 7 <•< i V AOO^OWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration, Southwestern Area Programs. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and M. K. Jensen and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's' (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 165 East 1st South Street, Monticello, Ufan. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). vii 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 165 EAST 1ST SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00443-CS)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War U. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. #' During the AEC era, the mill processed, approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR214O0 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a commercial structure located at 165 East 1st South Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination, backfilling with uncontaminated material, and restoration to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). When the excavation stage was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, by Geotech and by an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been designated the Independent Verification Contractor for the 165 East 1st South Street site. This report describes the methods and results of the verification surveys. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property Was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 30 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 12 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 75 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 8 to 24 inches deep, were removed from a 162 m2 area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech over the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 19 jiR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the four exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.0 to 2.9 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained two of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.3 to 2.3 pCi/g, These values are below the DOE guideline vafue of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results qf Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. The commercial structure on this property was considered uninhabitable, no valid radon decay-products concentration (RDC) measurements could be taken. The structure was verified using exterior standards. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of sofl samples from 165 East 1st South Street, Utah (MS00443-CS) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g") ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth No." No* (cm) Confirmatory4 ORNLrf Geotech XI NAR 761 >15 1.3 23 1.0 X2 NAR 762 >15 2.3 1.7 2.3 * An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. 6 Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by RUST Geotech Inc., and these samples were blended to form composite soil samples, which represent an average over verification areas. ORNL performed analysis on aliquots of the composite samples taken by Geotech (confirmatory). d Composite samples collected by ORNL from approximately the same excavated locations sampled by Geotech. " Sample not taken by ORNL 6 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Measurements taken by ORNL over the ground surface in the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 12 to 16 uR/h (Figure 1). ORNL detected two point sources reading 41 uR/h and 26 uR/h. The RAC was notified and the point sources were removed. Soil Sample Analysis ORNL sampled two of the excavated areas prior to backfilling, collecting aliquots representative of those areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form two composite Soil samples representative of an average over the exterior verification areas. ORNL's analysis of these composite samples showed ^Ra concentrations of 1.7 and 2.3 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of ORNL sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION^' x t -• The results of all Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post- remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. T! x 1 SH V2 UNINHABITABLE ONE STORY METAL BUILDING VI ©* 41 uR/h | POINT^OURCE REMOVED. J EXPLANATION CONCRETE ASSESSED AREA OF CONTAMINATION EXCAVATED AREA REMAINING CONTAMINATION MEASUREMENT AREA IDENTIFIER Sc COMPOSITE SAMPLE IDENTIFIER OF Bl I AVERAGED AREA & BIASED SAMPLE V1 V2 12-16 jj.R/h 12-16 /tR/h 1 26 /iR/h iPOINT SOURCE REMOVED N. EAST 1ST SOUTH STREET MS00443 165 EAST 1ST SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH FEET METERS Figure 1. Property Map AW 11/24/M 8 REFERENCES Abramiuk, LN. et aL 1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00443-CS, Address: 165 East 1st South Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, October 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. 1 i DOE ID No.: MS-00444-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A0000022001E, South Second East Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation U.S. Department Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken Ra-226 is s: 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] [X]" [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Ra-226 is s 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Insitu[ ]Lab[X] [X] [ ] [ ] [/] [ ] [ ] Interior gamma is <. 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. MI] [X]b [ ] [ ] [/[ The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <; 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. [ ] [ ] [X]b [ ] [ ] [ * Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ 1 [ 1 "The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. "Vacant lot. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00444-VL MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornmission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. %&7-fichael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS Date 4V trt*? DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Certification Official U.S. Department of Energy Date 9-4^4* Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00444-VL Address: Parcel No. A0000022001E, South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* id Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action . . . • 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action . . . .' 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification . : . 5 4.0 APPENDIX I V. 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00444-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. (. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00444-VL 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00444-VL Beginning 194 feet south of the NE corner of Block 22, Monticello Townsite Survey; west 107.5 feet, south 10 feet, west 7 feet, south 91 feet, east 114.5 feet, north 101 feet to point of beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: Parcel No. A0000022001E South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor August 2# 1991 EOST Geotech Inc. October 21, 1991 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah May 7, 1992 July 10, 1992 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 90 cubic yards 305 square meters (m2) October 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00444-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches to 12 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 90 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 15 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action • * No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the. property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00444-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during September 1990, as described in the final REA dated October 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 17 /;R/h (Appendix Fjj&ure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in five composite soil samples ranged from 1.5 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 4.0 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-1 and V-2 included soil samples taken from MS-00442-VL (Areas V-1 and V-2). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00444-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A0000022001E, South Second East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.5 pCi/g to 4.0 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00444-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA: 10-20-93 MS-00444.VL WP51 REV053193 4? 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00444-VL Address: Parcel No. A0000022001E, South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) — — *. —• V-l* 12 - 17 NAO 314 OCS 1.5 V-2f 13-17 NAO 315 OCS 4.0 V-3 12 - 17 NAO 316 OCS 1.5 V-4 14 - 16 NAO 317 OCS 1.8 V-5 13 - 15 NAO 318 OCS 1.5 , *» See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 'The composite samples representing Areas V-1 and V-2 included soil samples taken from MS-00442-VL. 7 u i—r i—i—i—i—i i i—i—i—i—i—r i—r i—r i—r 15-17 I SHED I 16-r17 ::.\ /} 0 15-17 /•::] 6 V-3 12-17 V-1 12-17 V-1 12-17 12 15 V-4 1 2 ••• < 6 4-16 . J. V-2 f 13-17 12 15-17 V-5 V-2 13-15 13-17 L .J 12 UJ UJ on I— CO CO < UJ Q z o o UJ CO 3 o CO © <D n\Y7i LV.vj 12-15 12 v-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES \ ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 RM00444V 10/26/93 TUT/529 20 40 NORTH THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION «CSIOCNCC-NO. or occi NO*-imiOCMCC-IUN-H*S./>n(. msrauwcjfl KO. turner OATC U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CRA.NO JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO PARCEL NO. A0000022001E SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH ATP'OVAi GEOTECH INC Terr APPROVAL DOC •EATT" °wo"<>- MS-00444-VL 0-S.H0.3-B00444-V1 M 1 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 I i OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. 'M 2 81994 GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of .Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites* (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate a5./this property. Therefore, this property1 is recommendecWor certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00444 Location Address: A0000022001E. South 2nd East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Vacant Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT AOTjt)0022001E, SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (lvIS00444) Amy Jones • * January 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CX5NTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES \ ' 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis ,.. 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A0000022001E, South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00444) 5 V ACXNOVVT^DGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and M. K. Jensen and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A0XW0022001E, South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial acnori*objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE juNDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT AO)00022u01E, SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00444)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War IL Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terniinated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substance^, extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the taiiings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill taiiings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal.* However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A0000022001E, South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A0000022001E, South 2nd East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. * PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately deiscribes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 54 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 12 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 90 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 15 inches deep were removed from a 305 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a surface gamma scan using a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 5 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 12 to 17 (jR/h. Sofl Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were five excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.5 to 4.0 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 2.0 to 3.6 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. •* CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A0000022001E, South 2nd East Street, Monticello Utah (MS00444) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech ~ sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) XI NAO 314 >15 3.6 1.5 X4 NAO 317 >15 2.0 1.8 An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk L N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report. GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00444, Address: A0000022001E, South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, October 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for.the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-00535-RS Property Address: 117 North First West Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is ^ 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2 In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is < 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987) Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]a [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [XI [ 1 IX] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [>J ty» r ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ } [ ] aThe excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. Ill SFCERTIFED II SFMS-09851 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00535-RS MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Programs MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [ X] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornrnission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 r Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00535-RS Address: 117 North First West Street Monticello, Utah 84535 February 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Y//A , Michael C. Butherus (^ Manager, Monticello Programs Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. DOE ID No.: MS-O0535-RS Contents Page 1.0 Suinmary 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Remedial Action Summary 2 2.0 Operations Summary 3 2.1 Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contamination 3 3.0 Verification Summary 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurements 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Table Table 1. Certification Data Surnmary 5 Appendix Appendix A. Radiological Conditions A-1 DOE/Grand Junction Office MVP Property Completion Report February 1997 Page ii DOE ID No.: MS-00535-RS 1.0 Summary 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the off-site mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to process both uranium and vanadium ore. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria and determined to contain mill tailings (radioactive material) exceeding EPA standards and/or DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor* was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor, MACTEC-ERS, was awarded the U.S. Department of Energy Grand Junction Office (DOE-GJO) Technical Assistance and Remediation contract and commenced work on September 5, 1996. The MACTEC-ERS team consists of International Technology Corporation, Science Application International Corporation, Roy F. Weston, Inc., and Rust Federal Services, Inc. Rust Geotech was the DOE-GJO contractor from October 1, 1986, through September 4,1996, and implemented some of the tasks discussed in this report. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Repon Page 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00535-RS 1.3 Remedial Action Summary DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological and Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Preconstruction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed in Cubic Yards (yd3): Area Cleaned Up in Square Meters (m2): Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00535-RS Lot 21, Redd and Palmer Subdivision, Plat C, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 117 North First West Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory Grand Junction Office January 31, 1991 MACTEC-ERS February 3,1994 Diamond Back Services, Inc. August 16, 1994 October 3, 1994 Exterior: 4 Interior: 0 19 February 1997 DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00535-RS 2.0 Operations Summary 2.1 Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan specified removal of radioactive material. Once excavation was completed, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed before remedial action activities. 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contaniination This property was assessed as part of Block 51, which consists of MS-O0535-RS and MS-O0566-VL. The total quantity of assessed contamination for Block 51 was 21 yd3. The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches (in.) deep, within the property boundary of MS-00535-RS. The remedial action process included removal of approximately 4 yd3 of radioactive material, 6 to 12 in. deep. The areas of assessed and excavated contamination are shown on Figure A-1. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00535-RS 3.0 Verification Summary 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey The Remedial Action Contractor conducted a radiological survey during May 1992, as described in the final REA. Figure A-1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended for remedial action. 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey A scintillometer was used to perform a surface gamma scan after the removal of radioactive material and before backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-in.-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples, representing the verification area, were analyzed for radium-226. The results of the gamma scan and soil sample analyses are presented in Table A-1. Areas with elevated measurements required further evaluation for comparison to the EPA standard as described below. Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 to 32 microroentgens per hour (uR/h), as indicated on Figure A-1. Elevated exposure rates in assessed Area D were associated with a point source (petrified wood) that was left in place at the owner's request. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurements Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements were taken on the lowest habitable level of the house, as shown on Figure A-1. The measurement results are presented in Table A-2. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 4 DOE ID No.: MS^O0535-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192, Subparts B and C) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary (Table 1). Therefore, the property located at 117 North First West Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines. Table 1. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standard Survey Results Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soil Exposure Rate Land Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm-thick surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Habitable Structures < 5 pCi/g above background on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background." Soil sample result was 4.8 pCi/g.b Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background.0 Range for the ground floor was 12 to 15uR/h. Radon Decay- Product Concentration Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and shall in no case exceed 0.03 WL. Annual average was 0.0103 WL. Key: cm = centimeters; m2 = square meters; pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; WL = working level aThe background radium-226 concentration for Monticello Vicinity Properties is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. ""The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. 'The background exposure rate for this property is approximately 12 uR/h. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00535-RS Appendix A Radiological Conditions Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Table A-2. Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Figure A-1. Radiological As-Built DOE ID No.: MS-O0535-RS Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Gamma Radium-226 Verification Exposure Rate Soil Sample Measurement Concentration Area* Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method (pCi/g) V-1 15-19 NCA 962 OCS 4.8 Key: OCS = opposed crystal system; pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; V = verification area "See Figure A-1 for location of verification area. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page A-2 DOE ID No.: MS-00535-RS Table A-2. Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results* Detector" Number Start Date End Date Radon Concentration (PCi/L) WL 3851669 3851693 3851557 10-27-94 10-27-94 10-27-94 09-28-95 09-28-95 09-28-95 1.97 0.0099 2.13 0.0107 2.05 0.0103 Annual Average: 0.0103 Key: pCi/L = picocuries per liter; WL = working level aSee Figure A-1 for measurement location. "Terradex Radtrak Detector. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Properly Completion Report Page A-3 10 30 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 n—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—r 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 - 12-15 GARAGE 12-15 CARPORT 12-15 I 12-15 V-1 6 6XC V-1 (RDC) 12 r rr ONE STORY BRICK HOUSE 12-15 32 yuR/h 12-15 UJ LU 01 I— CO I— CO CO or o ® <£> rr:.^| Lv.vj 12-15 12 V-10 (RDC) LEGEND ALL DEPTHS/HEIGHTS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION AREA IDENTIFIER RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION POINT SOURCE (PETRIFIED WOOD) - 28 26 24 22 - 20 18 16 1 6 1 4 777-/// /// T7T WEST FIRST NORTH STREET THIS DRAWING IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. 1 4 12 - Y 10 10 SCALE IN FEET M:\FAS\033\0003\RM00535V 02/05/97 09:53am S50730 12 1 4 16 18 20 10 0 20 20 22 40 J L 24 O NORTH 76 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE. COLORADO 117 NORTH FIRST WEST STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH mmsa COMPLETION REPORTS £2_ MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTIES FIGURE A-1 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT ""MS-00535-RS 7>C) FAS-033-0003-RM00535V 7 C 1 1 1 2 10 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY PHONE: (970)24M200 FAX: (970)248^6207 MANAGED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 2597 BV. Road GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81503 MAR 3 l 1997 Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review ofthe Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rates at this property. This property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00535-RS 117 North 1st West Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: Same Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 117 NORTH 1ST WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00535-RS) A. R. Jones March 1997 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81503 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for the analysis of soil samples and technical review and M. T. Muck for technical review. vii ABSTRACT In 1980, the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1994, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 117 North 1st West Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 117 NORTH 1ST WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00535-RS)* INTRODUCTION The rnill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the United States (U.S.) government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961, the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vana- dium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and de- commissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980, the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody ofthe DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983, remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (US DOE 1990b). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members ofthe Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05- 960R22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. 2 During 1994, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a single family residence located at 117 North 1st West Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (MACTEC- ERS 1997). DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environ- mental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 117 North 1st West Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the RAC property completion report (MACTEC-ERS 1997) indicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. This property was assessed as part of Block 51, therefore, the quantity of material assessed is not available. During the actual removal process, a total of 4 yd3 of contaminated earth and material, 6 to 12 inches deep, were removed from a 19 m2 area. The RAC performed a post-excavation survey prior to backfilling the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the ground level of the structure, a surface scan ofthe exterior, and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers ofthe excavated verification areas were collected and blended to form a representative composite soil sample. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionu- clide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by the RAC at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 15 uR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 15 to 19 uR/h. A petrified wood point source measuring 32 uR/h was left on the property at the owner's request. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, the RAC collected soil samples representative ofthe excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. The RAC's analysis of this sample showed a 226Ra concentration of 4.8 pCi/g. ORNL ETS obtained this sample and performed a confirmatory analysis which showed a 226Ra concentration of 4.5 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface. Results of the RAC and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guideline for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined before remedial action by the Alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, the RAC placed three alpha- track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from October 27, 1994 to September 28, 1995). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Laiidauer Corporation, was 0.0103, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of RAC soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL, show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionu- clide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by the RAC at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 15 p.R/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 15 to 19 uR/h. A petrified wood point source measuring 32 uR/h was left on the property at the owner's request. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, the RAC collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. The RAC's analysis of this sample showed a 226Ra concentration of 4.8 pCi/g. ORNL ETS obtained this sample and performed a confirmatory analysis which showed a 226Ra concentration of pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface. Results of the RAC and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guideline for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined before remedial action by the Alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, the RAC placed three alpha- track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from October 27, 1994 to September 28, 1995). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0103, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of RAC soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL, show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of 226Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when averaged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide con- centrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum Permissible con- centration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Average annual radon progeny concentration (including background) Ra226 concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (lOO/A)1'*, where A is the area of the elevated region 0.03 WL (US DOE 1990a) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis ofthe RAC soil samples from 117 North 1st West Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00535-RS) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL RAC sample sample Depth No.a No^ (cm) ORNL RAC XI NCA 962 >15 4.5 4.8 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by the RAC, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES MACTEC-ERS 1997. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00535-RS, Address: 117 North First West Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1997. ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. US DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. US DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A0014000004A, North Second West Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation U.S. Department Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken Ra-226 is <: 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] PT I I [ I W M M Ra-226 is * 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ] Lab [XJ [X] [ ] [ ] [fl [ ] [ ] Interior gamma is s 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] [ ] [X]b [ ] [ ] [)<] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <. 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. MM [X]b [ ] [ ] [M Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] [X] [ ] M IX) II Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). MM M VA [ 1 M The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. 'Vacant lot. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [X] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 Of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL Address: Parcel No. A0014000004A, North Second West Street Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado {^^^^^ ( Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 'MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE "Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites" (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards and the DOE hot spot criteria by the DOE Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards and the DOE hot spot criteria. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL MS-00566-VL Beginning at a point 592.5 feet north of S4 corner of Section 25, T33S., R23E., Salt Lake Base Meridian; north 93 feet, west 120 feet, south 93 feet, east 120 feet to the point of beginning, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A0014000004A North Second West Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Oak Ridge National Laboratory August 30, 1991 Rust Geotech February 3, 1994 Diamond Back Services, Inc. 9861 Titan Park Circle Littleton, Colorado August 16, 1994 September 28, 1994 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 5 cubic yards 17 square meters (m2) September 1995 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, ranging from 6 to 12 inches deep, within the property. The quantity of contamination for this property was not specified because it was assessed as part of Block MS-09051-BK. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 5 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 to 12 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by the Remedial Action Contractor during May 1992, as described in the final REA dated February 1994. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form a composite sample representing the verification area (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 to 21 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample was 7.7 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23) and the DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A0014000004A, North Second West Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the DOE guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 20 /sR/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. <5.0 pCi/g above background. Soil sample result was 7.7 pCi/g.* *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT DAG:05-03-95 MS-00566.VL WP52 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL Address: Parcel No. A0014000004A, North Second West Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range OvR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-1 16-21 NCA 961 OCS 7.7 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. aOCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A0014000004A, North Second West Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Rust Geotech of Energy (PQE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is * 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. [X]* [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Ra-226 is <: 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. [X] [ ] [ ] MUM In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is <. 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] (Vacant Lot) The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <. 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] f ] [ ] (Vacant Lot) Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by the DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev. 2, March 1987). [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. DOE ID No.: MS-00566-VL RUST GEOTECH RECOMMENDATION Based on the Rust evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the U.S. Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. Wanda S. Busby Date Manager, Monticello Programs Rust Geotech DOE EVALUATION [ ] Should be certified by the U.S. Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the U.S. Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. Certification Official Date U.S. Department of Energy 10 30 12 14 n r 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 - 28 26 24 22 20 18 oc i— CO I— CO o o UJ CO oc o p 12 V-1 12-15 16-21 ® © rv.-.vi [V.VJ 12-15 12 v-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN yuR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 Y 10 SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 40 M:\FAS\033\0003\RM00566V 03/08/96 1:13pni T50780 X I I NORTH J I THIS DRAWING IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE -yAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. VERIFICATION CK. A.E, APP. NO. DATE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO PARCEL NO. A0014000004A NORTH SECOND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH APPROVAL Rust Oeotech "BATT APPROVAL OOE "BATT DOEIDNO. MS-00566-VL DWO.NO. 3-BQQ566-V1 8HT. 1 OF 1 16 14 12 10 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY PHONE: pro) 24M200 MAMftOCP BV LOCKHEED MMIB< EHEHa'1' HEJEHWU I lUWPCTWHOH • •- -—— — PWC'^OJ 2Waifli FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY POST OFFICE BOX 2507 UAV 3 I ]QUg GRANO JUNCTION, COLORADO 81503 1 ww Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the n6Ra concentration in the soil at this property, «" i Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00566-VL Location Address: AOQ14000004A North 2nd West Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A0014000004A NORTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00566-VL) J. R. Sauvage May 1996 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews v 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION »r 3 REFERENCES 6 iii 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from Parcel No. A0014000004A - North 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00566-VL) 5 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. J. Wilson-Nichols and A. R. Jones for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radio- activity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1994, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at Parcel No. A0014000004A - North 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. All deficiencies noted in the initial review have been resolved with the revised completion report. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix ~~ ' •" i"~ RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. A0014000004A NORTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00566-VL)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various govern- ment agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were rernoved from the site; and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. • * During the AEC era, the mill processed-approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only"substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the miH's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contarnination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform reme- dial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (U.S. DOE 1990b). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. During 1994, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at Parcel No. A0014000004A - North 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1994). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the Parcel No. A0014000004A - North 2nd West Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1995) indicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action using streamlined remedial action procedures. This property was assessed as part of Block 51, therefore, the quantity of material assessed is not available. During the actual removal process, a total of 5 yd3 of contami- nated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 12 inches deep was removed from a 17 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling the exca- vated areas. This survey consisted of a gamma scan with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of one excavated verification area was collected and blended to form a representative composite soil sample for the verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been sub- tracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 16 to 21 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the one exterior verification area. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed a ^Ra concentration of 7.7 pCi/g. ORNL ETS obtained this sample and performed a confirmatory analysis which showed a ^'Ra concen- tration of 8.5 pCi/g. These values are below the EPA^tandard value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE" Hot Spot Guidelit^S for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements were not taken at this site. There are no structures on this property. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the veri- fication assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. All deficiencies noted in the initial review have been identified by the RAC and corrected as discussed in meetings between Geotech and ORNL on February 28, 1996 and on April 15, 1996. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide concentrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum Permissible concentration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Average annual radon proge- ny concentrati6^(including background) Rar* concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (100/A)*, where A is the area of the elevated region 0.03 WL (DOE 1990a) Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from Parcel No. A0014000004A - North 2nd West Street, Monticello Utah (MS00566-VL) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No* No.* {cm} XI NCA961 >15 8.5 7.7 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. 6 Soil samples representative ofthe bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers ofthe excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Geotech 1995. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00566-VL, Address: Parcel No. A0014000004A - North 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, September 1995. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. U.S. DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. U.S. DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. i DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS Property Address: 565 Circle Drive Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is <: 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is <. 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is s 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]' [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] pr] [ ] [X] [ ] IX] [ ] [Yl [ ] t ] M M [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ I [ ] "The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-O0623-RS MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. __ ^ 7 DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [*] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Date Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 'JA Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS Cemfication Official U.S. Department of Energy 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS Address: 565 Circle Drive Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 •MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE "Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites" (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria by the DOE Inclusion Survey Contractor. DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS .3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00623-RS Lot 16, Upper Townsite Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 565 Circle Drive Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory May 24, 1991 Rust Geotech September 9, 1994 Diamond Back Services, Inc. 9861 Titan Park Circle Littleton, Colorado May 22, 1995 June 28, 1995 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 3 cubic yards 8 square meters (m2) March 1996 DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, ranging from 3 to 6 inches deep, within the property. The quantity of contamination for this property was not specified because it was assessed as part of Group 3. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 3 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 to 18 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by the Remedial Action Contractor during May 1992, as described in the final REA dated September 1994. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 to 20 microroentgens per hour (//R/h), as indicated on Appendix Figure 2.1. The results of analyses for radium-226 in three composite soil samples ranged from 2.0 to 6.0 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on the DOE-approved abbreviated-measurement method, the RDC was 0.0068 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). RDC measurements were taken before remediation of the property. 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 565 Circle Drive, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 12 to 14 //R/h. Average was 0.0068 WL, based on the DOE- approved abbreviated- measurement method. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background.** Soil sample results ranged from 2.0 to 6.0 pCi/g.** *The background exposure rate is approximately 12//R/h. The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. * *The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT SJW:09-07-95 MS-00623.RS WP61 REV080195 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS Address: 565 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method" (pCi/g) V-1 16-19 NCJ 024 OCS 2.0 V-2 16-20 NCJ 025 OCS 6.0 V-3 15-20 NCJ 027 OCS 4.0 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. "OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS Address: 565 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Landauer Radtrak Detector Radon Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/L) Level 3964223 03-02-95 06-12-95 3964272 03-02-95 06-12-95 3964324 03-02-95 06-12-95 3.6 1.23 0.0062 4.6 1.58 0.0079 3.7 1.27 0.0064 Average: 0.0068 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS Property Address: 565 Circle Drive VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Rust Geotech of Energy (DQE) Ra-226 is s 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is <: 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ I ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is <: 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is £ 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21 Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev. 2, March 1987). YES NO NOT TAKEN [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] YES NO NOT TAKEN [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] I ] [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] I ] [ ] [ ] t 1 [ ] [ I [ ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. DOE ID No.: MS-00623-RS RUST GEOTECH RECOMMENDATION Based on the Rust evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the U.S. Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. Wanda S. Busby Date Manager, Monticello Programs Rust Geotech DOE EVALUATION [ ] Should be certified by the U.S. Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the U.S. Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. Certification Official U.S. Department of Energy Date 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 1 12 14 16 18 i—r 20 T 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 5< 1 12-16 GARAGE 12-16 3X0 v-2 \A \ 12-15 16-20 \ 18 12I6IP v-i 16-19 V-3 1S-20 RK6 12 ONE STORY RAME HOUS W/CRAWL , SPACE V 12-14 f. \ \\\ RDC * \\\ 12-16 \ \ 0 <D Lv.vj 12-15 12 V-1 16-17 ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST—REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION L SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 40 K:\FA5\0J3\0OO3\SM0OMJV 02/20/»« 12:16pm 150780 J L 12 14 16 18 20 NORTH I I 22 24 26 28 30 THIS DRAWING IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. J L 32 J L 34 36 38 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION U.S. OEPARTUENT Or ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OTFtCC. COLORADO 565 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO. UTAH MS-00623-RS C00623-V1 40 42 44 46 48 5C OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY. PHONE; (970)248-6200 TAATBCGEDICI^C^^ " FAX: (970) 24&-6220 FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY POST OFFICE BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 MAY 3 I I996 Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the ^Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rates at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/TVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: MSQ0623-RS 565 Circle Drive Monticello. Utah 84535 Same Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 565 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00623-RS) N. F. Kirby ,~aMay 1996 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION PROCEDURES Objectives Document Reviews VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION Gamma Measurements Soil Sample Analysis , Radon Measurement Results . .*r*.... CONCLUSION **. REFERENCES iii LIST OF TABLES'" "~ 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 565 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah (MS00623-RS) 5 •i iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and technical review and J. R. Sauvage for technical review. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radio- activity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1995, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 565 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 565 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00623-RS)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various govern- ment agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. V During the AEC era, the mill proteased approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uraniurn^were the "only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to dis- posal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (U.S. DOE 1990b). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Manin Energy Research Corporation. 2 During 1995, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a single family residence located at 565 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1996). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 565 Circle Drive site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available docu- mentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1996) in- dicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. This property was assessed as part of Group 3, therefore, the quantity of material assessed is not available. During the actual removal process, a total of 3 yd3 of con- taminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 18 inches deep, were removed from a 8 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling the exca- vated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the ground level ofthe structure, a surface scan ofthe exterior, and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of three excavated verification areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been sub- tracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 14 uR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 15 to 20 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the three exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed 226Ra concentrations ranging from 2.0 to 6.0 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained these samples and performed a confirmatory analysis which showed526Ra concentrations ranging from 3.1 to 6.1 pCi/g. These values are below theE?A standard value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guidelines for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results '4 \ Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were deter- mined by the Alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three alpha- track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately three months (from March 2,1995 to June 12,1995). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the TechVOps-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0068, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of 226Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide concentrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum Permissible concentration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) Ra226 concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (1 nO/A)*, where A is the area of the elevated region 0.03 WL (DOE 1990a) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 565 Circle Drive, Monticello Utah (MS00623-RS) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No/ Ocm) XI NCJ 024 >15 3.2 2.0 X2 NCJ 025 >15 6.1 6.0 X3 NCJ 027 >15 3.1 4.0 ° An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. v * Soil samples representative of the btjgom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents'ifn average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Geotech 1996. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00623-RS, Address: 565 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, March 1996 . ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. U.S. DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. U.S. DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. v ri* • DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL Property Address: Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191 Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation U.S. Department Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken Ra-226 is <; 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. lnsitu[X]Lab[ ] [X]a [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Ra-226 is * 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] [X] Interior gamma is <; 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <; 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). i ] i i m [ ] U [ ] [X]b [ ] [ ] [>3 [ ] [X]b [ ] [ ] [^ [X] [ ] I ] [tf [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [y] [ ] [ ] "The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. 'Vacant lot. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [ y/] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Date 7 7 U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL Address: Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191 Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 ^ O Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado 7± Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC—ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 4 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 4 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 4 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 4 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 4 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 5 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 5 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 5 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 5 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 6 4.0 APPENDIX 7 DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL SUMMARY ~ ~ 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE "Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites" (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria by the DOE inclusion Survey Contractor. DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL •1:3— Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: MS-00923-VL Beginning at the NE corner of the NE4NE4 of Section 25, T33S., R23E., Salt Lake Base Meridian; south 40 rods, west 40 rods, north 26 rods, west 40 rods, north 6 rods, east 40 rods, north 8 rods, east 40 rods to beginning, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah- Parcel No. 33S23E250000 North Highway 191 Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Oak Ridge National Laboratory September 12, 1991 Rust Geotech February 9, 1994 Diamond Back Services, Inc. 9861 Titan Park Circle Littleton, Colorado July 6, 1994 September 8, 1994 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action (continued) Volume of Material Removed: Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 54 cubic yards Area Cleaned Up: 191 square meters (m2) Property Completion Report Submitted: February 1996 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY - 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 57 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 to 15 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 54 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 to 15 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by the Remedial Action Contractor during June 1992, as described in the final REA dated February 1994. .Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 to 18 microroentgens per hour U/R/h), as indicated on Appendix Figure 2.1. The results of analyses for radium-226 in three composite soil samples ranged from 2.2 to 3.8 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards {40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land. Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 2.2 to 3.8 pCi/g. •The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. 6 DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT SJW: 10-23-95 MS-00923.VL WP61 REV080195 7 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00923-VL Address: Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-1 14-17 NCE 784 OCS 2.2 V-2 15-18 NCE 785 OCS 3.8 V-3 15-17 NCE 786 OCS 2.5 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. •OCS = Opposed Crystal System 8 10 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 v-1 14-17 V-2 15-18 V-3 X 15-17 DETAIL A SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 40 M:\FAS\0J3\0003\RM00923V 10/24/95 1:46pm T50780 NORTH THIS DRAWING IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. 30 32 34 36 38 LZ HIGHWAY 191 12-15 3-17 | l_. i i L_\J SEE DETAIL A 12-16 J © 12-15 12 v-1 16-17 40 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /zR/h ASSESSEC AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE 'DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RCSIDCNCC-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESlDCNCC-UAN-HRS./WK. (NSTRUUCNT NO. SURVCT OATC U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRANO JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO CKtGKtO M0J. CNC*. SUtUiTTCO DAW PARCEL NO. 33S23E250000 NORTH HIGHWAY 191 MONTICELLO, UTAH APPROVAL RUST Rust Qeotech AMA1 OAtc I AmovAi oot TOT oooo-o. MS-00923-VL 0,0.0. 3-B00923-V1 ,Mt 1 v 1 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 1 6 14 1 2 10 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY PHONE: pro) 24«200 MANAGED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION FAX: (970) 24M220 FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY POST OFFICE BOX 1567 ||IV 9 t Iflfltl GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 WW V I 139V Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report and field verification. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/TVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: Property Owners: Owner Address: MS00923-VT. Parcel No. 33S23R250000. North Highway 191 Monticello. Utah 84535 HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE B INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. 33S23E250000, NORTH HIGHWAY 191 MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00923-VL) A. R. Jones May 1996 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT viii INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS 6 Gamma Measurements 6 Soil Sample Analysis 6 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES 9 ii LIST OF TABLES 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2. Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191, Monticello, Utah (MS00923-VL) 5 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Property Map 7 2. Property Map (continued) 8 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration, Southwestern Area Programs. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and technical review and J. R. Sauvage for technical review. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radio- activity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1994, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). viii RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. 33S23E250000, NORTH HIGHWAY 191 MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00923-VL)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various govern- ment agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decornmissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contarnination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (U.S. DOE 1990b). The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp. During 1994, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, vacant land located at Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination, backfilling with uncontaminated material, and restoration to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1996). When the excavation stage was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, by Geotech and by an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been designated the Independent Verification Contractor for the Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191 site. This report describes the methods and results of the verification surveys. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1996) indicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990a) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 57 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 15 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 54 yd3 of contaniinated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 15 inches deep, were removed from a 191 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the exca- vated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of three excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 18 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form composite soil samples representative of an average over the three exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations ranging from 2.2 to 3.8 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed 226Ra concentrations ranging from 2.4 to 2.8 pCi/g, These values are below the EPA standard value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demon- strate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guideline for areas < 25 m2 (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were not taken as this property is a vacant lot. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible concentration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when averaged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface. Radionuclide con- centrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of 226Ra in soil above background level, for areas less than 25m2. Average annual radon progeny concentration (including background). Ra226 concentration, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline of (lOO/A)*, where A is the area of the elevated region. 0.03 WL (DOE 1990a) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191, Monticello, Utah (MS00923-VL) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth No.a No.* (cm) Confirmatory' ORNL'' Geotech Xl/Vl NCE 784 >15 2.4 2.0 2.2 X2/V2 NCE 785 >15 2.5 2.4 3.8 X3/V3 NCE 786 >15 2.8 2.4 2.5 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by RUST Geotech Inc., and these samples were blended to form composite soil samples, which represent an average over verification areas. c ORNL performed analysis on aliquots of the composite samples taken by Geotech (confinnatory). d Composite samples collected by ORNL from approximately the same excavated locations sampled by Geotech. 6 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Measurements taken by ORNL over the ground surface in the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 17 uR/h (Figure 1). Soil Sample Analysis ORNL sampled all three ofthe excavated areas prior to backfilling, collecting aliquots representative of those areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form composite soil samples representative of an average over the exterior verification areas. ORNL's analysis of these composite samples showed 226Ra concentrations of 2.0 to 2.4 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of ORNL sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION The results of all Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post- remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. r 660 FT. o co 10 11 SEE DETAIL! PASTURE >< TREES/ BRUSH 7f- VyGATE 132 FT. f o to 4. to * f 429 FT. I J: I o to to GATE ST*. o to to X 0 10 20 40 60 METERS MS00923 33S23E250000 NORTH HIGHWAY 191 MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1. Property Map (sheet 1 of 2) EXPLANATION Remaining contamination §11 Concrete RDC Measurement RDC Assessed contamination Area identifier <Sc Composite sample V1 Assessed area not found Identifier of averaged area & Biased sample y Excavated A area B1 V3 V2 1 o VI | 14-17 /iR/h V2j 14-17 /tR/h V3 | 14-17 /tR/h reer 20 0 t MEIERS DETAIL MS00923 33S23E250000 ORTH HIGHWAY 191 MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1. Property Map-(Sheet 2 of 2) 9 REFERENCES Geotech 1996, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00923-VL, Address: Parcel No. 33S23E250000, North Highway 191, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1996. ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. U.S. DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. U.S. DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS Property Address: Parcel No. 33240309001, East Highway 666 Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is s 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is s 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is <; 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is * 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken OT. [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] LX] [ ] M [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [>] [>] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ 1 "The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis ofthe Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [ $ Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS Address: Parcel No. 33240309001, East Highway 666 Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE "Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites" (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria by the DOE Inclusion Survey Contractor. DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Location: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion. Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00936-RS Beginning 561.5 feet north and 1,320 feet west of the SE corner of Section 30, T33S., R24E., Salt Lake Base Meridian; south 207.5 feet, east 200 feet, north 207.5 feet, west 200 feet to beginning, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A33240309001 East Highway 666 Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory September 12, 1991 Rust Geotech Not applicable: streamlined remediation procedures were followed Not applicable: streamlined remediation procedures were followed July 27, 1992 July 29, 1992 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 0.9 cubic yards 1.8 square meters (m2) March 1996 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan Streamlined remediation procedures were followed for this property. The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified approximately 0.03 cubic yards of contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 0.9 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 15 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by the Remedial Action Contractor during July 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, an individual soil sample representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation was collected (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 10 to 21 microroentgens per hour C^R/h), as indicated on Appendix Figure 2.1. The result of analysis for radium-226 in one individual soil sample was 12.7 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0108 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A33240309001, East Highway 666, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 12 to 14//R/h. Annual average was 0.0108 WL. < 5 pCi/g above background.** Soil sample result was 12.7 pCi/g.** *The background exposure rate is approximately 12//R/h. The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. **The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT JEK:01/31/96 MS-00936.RS WP61 REV080195 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS Location: Parcel No. A33240309001, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Number Method" (pCi/g) V-1b 17-21 R1 OCS 12.7 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. "OCS = Opposed Crystal System individual soil sample collected at grid coordinates 212277. 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00936-RS Location: Parcel No. A33240309001, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Landauer Radtrak Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/L) Working Level 3760477 3760351 3760435 03-09-93 03-09-93 03-09-93 03-07-94 03-07-94 03-07-94 22.7 23.5 23.5 2.10 2.17 2.17 Annual Average: 0.0105 0.0109 0.0109 0.0108 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 10 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 12 14 n—i—T 16 i r 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 15 12-15 V-1 17-21 12-'.5 TWO STORY\ LOG HOUSE^ . WITH \CRAWL SPAC X12-14 > RDC 12-15 BARN 10-12 12-15 hi. HIGHWAY 191 SCALE IN FEET 30 15. 0 30 60 M:\FAS\033\0003\RM00936V 02/20/96 09:Mam T50780 NORTH THIS DRAWING IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. J L © ® 177.-771 Lv.vj 12-15 12 v-i 16-17 (RDC) 32 34 36 38 40 H 1 1 1 ' 30 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN fj.R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION KCSIOCNCC-NO. OT OCCUPANTS NON-RCSIOCNCE-UAN-HRS./WK. INSTHUMCN? NO. siMvrr OATC CK. A.c. APP. HO. OATC CK. A.C. AM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORAOO O£»«MCO ^ CHCCKCI 5 sutuinto PARCEL NO. A33240309001 EAST HIGHWAY 666 MONTICELLO. UTAH TATT RUST Rust Qeotech AKMCTiJ ili(m, ,n, APPHOVAl OOC TOT OOC»NO. MS-00936-RS "Q. 3-B00936-V1 ,MT 1 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 1 Q on 99 94-?6 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MANAGED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PHONE: (970) 2484200 FAX (970) 248-6220 POST OFFICE BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 MAY 3 I Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent . verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rates at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00936-RS Location Address: Parcel No. A33240309001 East Highway 666 Monticello, Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Same Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. A33240309001, EAST HIGHWAY 666 MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00936-RS) M. J. Wilson-Nichols May 1996 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 5 iii LIST OF TABLES Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge N. F. Kirby and M. K. Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radio- activity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contarninated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at Parcel No. A33240309001, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah. The Envi- ronmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site suc- cessfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. A33240309001, EAST HIGHWAY 666 MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00936-RS)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various govern- ment agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terrninated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to dis- posal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the null's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decomrrussioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment ofthe Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (U.S. DOE 1990b). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a single family residence located at Parcel No. A33240309001, East High- way 666, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, in- cluding soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncon- taminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1996). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the Parcel No. A33240309001, East Highway 666 site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available docu- mentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1996) in- dicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action using streamlined remedial action procedures. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 0.03 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 0.9 yd3 of con- taminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 15 inches deep, were removed from a 1.8 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling the exca- vated area. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the ground level of the structure, a surface scan of the exterior, and soil sampling. An individual soil sample was taken at the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layer of the excavated verification area. The RAC is unable to locate or inadvertently disposed of the samples requested for ORNL confirmatory analysis. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been sub- tracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 14 uR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated area prior to backfilling ranged from 17 to 21 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected an individual soil sample representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layer. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed a 226Ra concentration of 12.7 pCi/g. ORNL ETS was unable to obtain this sample for confirmatory analysis. This value is below the EPA standard value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guidelines for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were deter- mined by the Alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three alpha- track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from March 9,1993 to March 7,1994). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as detennined by the TechVOps- Landauer Corporation, was 0.0108, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide concentrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum Permissible concentration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) Ra226 concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (100/A)* where A is the area of the elevated region 0.03 WL (DOE 1990a) 5 REFERENCES Geotech 1996. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00936-RS, Address: Parcel No. A33240309001, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, March 1996. ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. U.S. DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. U.S. DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-O0973-OT Property Address: Parcel No. 33S24E298400, East Highway 666 Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken Ra-226 is s 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2 In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is <, 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is <. 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <; 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987) [XT [ ] [ ] >] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [ ] [ ] W [ ] ft] [ ] M [ 1 [ ] [X] [>I [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. Riiiiiiiiii imiiiiiiiii SFCERTIFED SFMS-00973 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-O0973-OT MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [,*] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Programs MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00973-OT Address: Parcel No. 33S24E298400, East Highway 666 Monticello, Utah 84535 February 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Programs Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing DOE ID No.: MS-00973-OT Contents Page 1.0 Summary 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Remedial Action Summary 2 2.0 Operations Summary 3 2.1 Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contamination 3 3.0 Verification Summary 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Table Table 1. Certification Data Summary 5 Appendix Appendix A. Radiological Conditions A-1 DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page ii DOE ID No.: MS-00973-OT 1.0 Summary 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the off-site mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to process both uranium and vanadium ore. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria and determined to contain mill tailings (radioactive material) exceeding EPA standards and/or DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor* was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor, MACTEC-ERS, was awarded the U.S. Department of Energy Grand Junction Office (DOE-GJO) Technical Assistance and Remediation contract and commenced work on September 5, 1996. The MACTEC-ERS team consists of International Technology Corporation, Science Application International Corporation, Roy F. Weston, Inc., and Rust Federal Services, Inc. Rust Geotech was the DOE-GJO contractor from October 1, 1986, through September 4, 1996, and implemented some of the tasks discussed in this report. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 1 DOE ID No.: MS-O0973-OT 1.3 Remedial Action Summary DOE ID No.: MS-00973-OT Legal Description: Beginning 113 feet north and south 89 degrees 51 minutes west 1,750 feet from the SE comer of Section 29, T33S, R24E, Salt Lake Base Meridian; south 89 degrees 51 minutes west 427 feet, north 00 degrees 09 minutes west 153 feet, north 89 degrees 51 minutes east 427 feet, south 00 degrees 09 minutes east 153 feet to beginning, City of Monticello,, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological and Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Preconstruction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed in Cubic Yards (yd3): Area Cleaned Up in Square Meters (m2): Property Completion Report Submitted: Parcel No. 33S24E298400 East Highway 666 Monticello, Utah 84535 Other (OT) Oak Ridge National Laboratory Grand Junction Office September 12, 1991 MACTEC-ERS April 7, 1994 Crowley Construction, Inc. October 3, 1994 November 7, 1994 Exterior: Interior: 15 0 49 February 1997 DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00973-OT 2.0 Operations Summary 2.1 Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan specified removal of radioactive material. Once excavation was completed, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed before remedial action activities. 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contamination The radiological assessment identified 17 yd3 of contamination, ranging from 6 to 12 inches (in.) deep, within the property boundary. The remedial action process included removal of approximately 15 yd3 of radioactive material, ranging from 6 to 12 in. deep. The areas of assessed and excavated contamination are shown on Figure A-1. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 3 DOE ID No.: MS-O0973-OT 3.0 Verification Summary 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey The Remedial Action Contractor conducted a radiological survey during June 1993, as described in the final REA. Figure A-1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended for remedial action. 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey A scintillometer was used to perform a surface gamma scan after the removal of radioactive material and before backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-in.-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples, representing the verification area, were analyzed for radium-226. The results of the gamma scan and soil sample analyses are presented in Table A-1. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00973-OT 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192, Subparts B and C) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary (Table 1). Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. 33S24E298400, East Highway 666, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines. Table 1. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standard Survey Results Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soil Exposure Rate Land Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm-thick surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background3 in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Habitable Structures < 5 pCi/g above background on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background.6 Soil sample result was 3.7 pCi/g.b Shall not exceed 20 pR/h above background.0 Range for the ground floor was 12 to 14pR/h. Radon Decay- Annual average shall not Average was 0.0017 WL, on the basis Product exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent of the DOE-approved abbreviated- Concentration practicable, and shall in no measurement method. case exceed 0.03 WL. Key: cm = centimeters; m2 = square meters; pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; WL = working level aThe background radium-226 concentration for Monticello Vicinity Properties is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. The background exposure rate for this property is approximately 13 uR/h. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00973-OT Appendix A Radiological Conditions Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Table A-2. Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Figure A-1. Radiological As-Built DOE ID No.: MS-00973-OT Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Gamma Radium-226 Verification Exposure Rate Soil Sample Measurement Concentration Area' Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method (pCi/g) V-1 13-16 NCG 195 OCS 3.7 Key: OCS = opposed crystal system; pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; V = verification area "See Figure A-1 for location of verification area. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page A-2 DOE ID No.: MS-00973-OT Table A-2. Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results* Detector" Number Start Date End Date Radon Concentration (pCi/L) WL 3964260 3964304 3964312 02-28-95 02-28-95 02-28-95 05-30-95 05-30-95 05-30-95 0.36 0.33 0.34 Average: 0.0018 0.0017 0.0017 0.0017 Key: pCi/L = picocuries per titer; WL = working level "See Figure A-1 for measurement location. Terradex Radtrak Detector. DOE/Grand Junction Office February 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page A-3 n—r 1—r ii i r T—i—i—i—i—i—i—r 32 34 36 38 40 i—i—i—i—i—r i—r 46 48 SO 32 54 36 38 T—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—T i—i—i—r i r 12-15 d> V-l ONE STORY BRICK BUILDIN 12-14 . EAST HIGHWAY 666 SCALE IN FEET I M VU\«1)\0001\RIMO*73V Qt/14/«;> 1.41am tM>30 1 X _J I I I I ' I. I I I I I I I L 20 10 0 20 40 NORTH J L WIS DRAWING IS FOR THE SOLE USC Of TMC U.J DEi»A*TMENT Of CNERGT AHO ITS CONTRACTORS IT rS MOT A LAND SU«VET PlAT. UTHJTV LOCATION P\\A1. OH OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PUtT AMD H NOT TO BC ftCuCD UPON fOR THE CSTAtt'SHUENT OF FENCE, tUttDiNC. OR OTHER FUTURE lUPROVCUENT LINES I I L J L J L J L iECEUC ALL DEPTHS/HEICHTS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN ^R/h ASSESSEO AREA IOENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSEO CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE — BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION [Tri AVERAGE EXCAVATED OEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF LLil CONTAMINATION I V-10 I VERIFICATION AREA IDENTIFIER 0 <D r:.-n LV.vj 12-13 ® RADON OECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CfiAND JUNCTION OFTICE. COLOfUDO PARCEL 33S24E298400 EAST HIGHWAY 666 MONTICELLO, UTAH COMPUinON REPORTS MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTIES FIGURE A-1 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT US-0097J-OT rA5-033-0003-RM00973V 1 1 12 14 16 22 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MANAGED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PHONE: (970)2484200 FAX: (970) 2484207 2597 BV. Road GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81503 MAR 3 I 1997 Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review ofthe Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the ^Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rates at this property. This property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address MS00973-OT Parcel No. 33S24E298400. East Highway 666 Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Port of Entry Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. 33S24E298400, EAST HIGHWAY 666 MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00973-OT) M. K. Jensen March 1997 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81503 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2. Results of ORNL analysis ofthe RAC soil samples from Parcel No. 33S24E298400, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah (MS00973-OT) 5 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge A. D. Laase and P. D. Roundtree for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980, the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1994, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at Parcel No. 33S24E298400, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. 33S24E298400, EAST HIGHWAY 666 MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00973-OT)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the United States (U.S.) government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961, the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vana- dium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and de- commissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980, the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody ofthe DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983, remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (US DOE 1990b). •The verification of remedial action was performed by members ofthe Environmental Assessment Group in thc Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05- 960R22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. 2 During 1994, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a port of entry located at Parcel No. 33S24E298400, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (MACTEC-ERS 1997). DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environ- mental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at Parcel No. 33S24E298400, East Highway 666 site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the RAC property completion report (MACTEC-ERS 1997) indicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by the RAC identified 17 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 12 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 15 yd3 of contaminated earth and material, 6 to 12 inches deep, were removed from a 49 m2 area. The RAC performed a post-excavation survey prior to backfilling the excavated area. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the ground level of the structure, a surface scan ofthe exterior, and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers ofthe excavated verification area were collected and blended to form a representative composite soil sample. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionu- clide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by the RAC at the ground-level of the building ranged from 12 to 14 uR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated area prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 16 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, the RAC collected soil samples representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. The RAC's analysis of this sample showed a 226Ra concentration of 3.7 pCi/g. ORNL ETS obtained this sample and performed a corifirmatory analysis which showed a 226Ra concentration of 2.4 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface. Results of the RAC and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guidelines for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the Alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, the RAC placed three alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately three months (from February 28, 1995 to May 30, 1995). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0017, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of RAC soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL, show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when averaged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide con- centrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum Permissible con- centration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Average annual radon progeny concentration (including background) Ra226 concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (100/A)'*, where A is the area of the elevated region 0.03 WL (US DOE 1990a) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of the RAC soil samples from Parcel No. 33S24E298400, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah (MS00973-OT) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL RAC sample sample Depth No." NoJ; (cm} ORNL RAC XI NCG 195 >15 2.4 3.7 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. 6 Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by the RAC, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES MACTEC-ERS 1997. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00973-OT, Address: Parcel No. 33S24E298400, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah 84535, MACTEC-Environrnental Restoration Services, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1997. ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. US DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC. US DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT Property Address: Parcel No. A33240323008, South Fourteenth East Street Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is <. 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2 In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is <; 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <; 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987) Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]a [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]b [X]b [ ] [ ] M [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] W [ ) [ ] [ 1 [tf [ ] [ ] 'The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. No habitable structures. iniiiiiiin SFCERTIFED •llllllllll SFMS-00981 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Programs MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property |A ] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT Address: Parcel No. A33240323008, South Fourteenth East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 January 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Programs Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC— ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT Contents Page 1.0 Summary 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Remedial Action Summary 2 2.0 Operations Summary 3 2.1 Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contaniination 3 3.0 Verification Summary 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Table Table 1. Certification Data Summary 5 Appendix Appendix A. Radiological Conditions A-1 DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page ii DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT 1.0 Summary 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the off-site mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War JJ. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to process both uranium and vanadium ore. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria and determined to contain mill tailings (radioactive material) exceeding EPA standards and/or DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor* was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor, MACTEC-ERS, was awarded the U.S. Department of Energy Grand Junction Office (DOE-GJO) Technical Assistance and Remediation contract and commenced work on September 5, 1996. The MACTEC-ERS team consists of International Technology Corporation, Science Application International Corporation, Roy F. Weston, Inc., and Rust Federal Services, Inc. Rust Geotech was the DOE-GJO contractor from October 1,1986, through September 4,1996, and implemented some of the tasks discussed in this report. DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT 1.3 Remedial Action Summary DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00981-OT Beginning 263 feet south and 1,080 feet east of the NW corner of Section 32, T33S, R24E, Salt Lake Base Meridian; south 492 feet, east 25 feet, north 492 feet, west 25 feet to beginning, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological and Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Preconstruction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed in Cubic Yards (yd3): Area Cleaned Up in Square Meters (m2): Property Completion Report Submitted: Parcel No. A33240323008 South Fourteenth East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Other (OT) Oak Ridge National Laboratory Grand Junction Office February 21,1991 MACTEC-ERS Not applicable (streamlined remediation) Sonderegger, Inc. August 3, 1994 August 22, 1994 Exterior: 0.5 Interior: 0 2.6 January 1997 DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT 2.0 Operations Summary 2.1 Remedial Action Plan Streamlined remediation procedures were followed for this property. The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior radioactive material (Appendix Figure A-1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches (in.) deep, within the property boundary. The remedial action process included removal of approximately 0.5 yd3 of radioactive material, 6 in. deep. The areas of assessed and excavated contamination are shown on Figure A-1. DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Prion ^ DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT 3.0 Verification Summary 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey The Remedial Action Contractor conducted a radiological survey during July 1993. Figure A-1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended for remedial action. 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey A scintillometer was used to perform a surface gamma scan after the removal of radioactive material and before backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-in.-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples, representing the verification area, were analyzed for radium-226. The results of the gamma scan and soil sample analyses are presented in Table A-1. DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192, Subparts B and C) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary (Table 1). Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A33240323008, South Fourteenth East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines. Table 1. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standard Survey Results Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soil Exposure Rate Land Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background3 in the 15-cm-thick surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background8 in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Habitable Structures < 5 pCi/g above background on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background." Soil sample result was 1.6 pCi/g.b Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Not applicable (no habitable structures). Radon Decay- Annual average shall not Not applicable (no habitable Product exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent structures). Concentration practicable, and shall in no case exceed 0.03 WL. Key: cm = centimeters; m2 = square meters; pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; WL = working level "The background radium-226 concentration for Monticello Vicinity Properties is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. n"he hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT Appendix A Radiological Conditions Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Figure A-1. Radiological As-Built DOE ID No.: MS-00981-OT Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Gamma Radium-226 Verification Exposure Rate Soil Sample Measurement Concentration Area* Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method (pCi/g) V-1 13-15 NAR 072 OCS 1.6 Key: OCS = opposed crystal system; pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; V = verification area aSee Figure A-1 for location of verification area. DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page A-2 ,10 12 T 14 16 18 i—r 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 •46 48 50 42 13-16 SOUTH FOURTEENTH EAST STREET 13-16 III V*A5 13-16 © 0 I I 12-15 EH V-10 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS/HEIGHTS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN jtR/h ASSESSEO AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION AREA IDENTIFIER 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 SCALE IN FEET I M:\rAS\0JJ\000J\RUOO98lv 01/24/97 1-29pm 530730 1—- X J L 10 12 14 16 30 15 _l l_ 18 0 I 20 30 J l_ 22 60 24 THIS DRAWING IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U S DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ANO ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES 26 28 -J L 30 32 34 36 38 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CftAKO JUNCTION orncc. COLOflAOO PARCEL A33240J2500S S. FOURTEENTH EAST ST. MONTICELLO, UTAH COWPUITON KEPGR 8 4u MONTICELLO VICIWTr PROPCflTICS FIGURE A-1 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT rAS-<m-oooa-»»o«aiv 1 1 12 10 40 42 44 46 48 50 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY PHONE: (970)248-620X3 FAX: (970)248-6207 MANAGED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 2597 BK Road GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 61503 m 31 mi Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the M6Ra concentration in the soil. This property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Location Number: MS00981-OT Location Address: Parcel No. A33240323008. South 14th East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Monticello. Utah 84535 Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. A33240323008, SOUTH 14TH EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00981-OT) M. K. Jensen March 1997 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81503 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2. Results of ORNL analysis ofthe RAC soil samples from Parcel No. A33240323008, South 14th East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00981-OT) 5 IV ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge A. D. Laase and T. L. Meyer for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980, the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1994, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at Parcel No. A33240323008, South 14th East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. 33240323008, SOUTH 14TH EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00981-OT)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the United States (U.S.) government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961, the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vana- dium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and de- commissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980, the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983, remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (US DOE 1990b). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members ofthe Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05- 960R22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. 2 During 1994, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a city street located at Parcel No. A33240323008, South 14th East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (MACTEC-ERS 1997). DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environ- mental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at Parcel No. 33240323008, South 14th East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the RAC property completion report (MACTEC-ERS 1997) indicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action using streamlined remedial action procedures. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by the RAC identified mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 0.5 yd3 of contaminated earth and material, 6 inches deep, were removed from a 2.6 m2 area. The RAC performed a post-excavation survey prior to backfilling the excavated area. This survey consisted of a surface gamma scan with a scintillometer of the exterior, and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated verification area were collected and blended to form a representative composite soil sample. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionu- clide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by the RAC from the excavated area prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 15 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, the RAC collected soil samples representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. The RAC's analysis of this sample showed a 226Ra concentration of 1.6 pCi/g. ORNL ETS obtained this sample and performed a confinnatory analysis which showed a M6Ra concentration of 1.5 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface. Results of the RAC and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guidelines for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were not determined as this property is a city street. CONCLUSION Results of the RAC soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL, show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Radionuclide con- centrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of 226Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Maximum Permissible con- centration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Average annual radon progeny concentration (including background) 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when averaged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Ra226 concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (100/A)H, where A is the area of the elevated region 0.03 WL (US DOE 1990a) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of the RAC soil samples from Parcel No. A33240323008, South 14th East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00981-OT) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL RAC sample sample Depth No* NoJ; (cm) ORNL RAC XI NAR 072 >15 1.5 1.6 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by the RAC, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES MACTEC-ERS 1997. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00981-OT, Address: Parcel No. A33240323008, South Fourteenth East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, Grand Junction, Colorado, January 1997. ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. US DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. US DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL Property Address: Parcel No. 33S24E320600, East Highway 666 Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is ^ 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2 In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is < 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]a [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]b [X]b [ ] [ ] [>] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Ly] [>J [ ] [ ] [ ] l>] [y] [ ] [ ] aThe excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. Vacant lot. illllllllll SFCERTIFED SFMS-00992 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. 'Michael C. Butherus (PT Date Manager, Monticello Programs MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis of the Property Completion Report recommendation, this property lX\ Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornmission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. 42 7* Cerimcation Official ' Date U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL Address: Parcel No. 33S24E320600, East Highway 666 Monticello, Utah 84535 January 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Programs Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 'MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL Contents Page 1.0 Summary 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Remedial Action Summary 2 2.0 Operations Summary 3 2.1 Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contamination 3 3.0 Verification Summary 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Table Table 1. Certification Data Summary 5 Appendix Appendix A. Radiological Conditions A-1 DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page ii DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL 1.0 Summary 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the off-site mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to process both uranium and vanadium ore. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria and determined to contain mill tailings (radioactive material) exceeding EPA standards and/or DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor* was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. The Remedial Action Contractor, MACTEC-ERS, was awarded the U.S. Department of Energy Grand Junction Office (DOE-GJO) Technical Assistance and Remediation contract and commenced work on September 5, 1996. The MACTEC-ERS team consists of International Technology Corporation, Science Application International Corporation, Roy F. Weston, Inc., and Rust Federal Services. Inc. Rust Geotech was the DOE-GJO contractor from October 1, 1986, through September 4, 1996, and implemented some of the tasks discussed in this report. DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL 1.3 Remedial Action Summary DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological and Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Preconstruction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed in Cubic Yards (yd3): Area Cleaned Up in Square Meters (m2): Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00992-VL W2NE4 and the E2E2NW4, Section 32, T33S, R24E, Salt Lake Base Meridian; except the highway right-of-way; City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. 33S24E320600 East Highway 666 Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Oak Ridge National Laboratory Grand Junction Office March 5, 1992 MACTEC-ERS September 9, 1994 Diamond Back Services, Inc. August 15, 1995 September 11, 1995 Exterior: 5 Interior: 0 20 January 1997 DOLi/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 2 DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL 2.0 Operations Summary 2.1 Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan specified removal of radioactive material. Once excavation was completed, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed before remedial action activities. 2.2 Assessed and Remediated Contamination The radiological assessment identified 7 yd3 of contamination, 6 inches (in.) deep, within the property boundary. The remedial action process included removal of approximately 5 yd3 of radioactive material, ranging from 6 to 12 in. deep. Exterior assessed Area C could not be located during remedial action activities. The areas of assessed and excavated contamination are shown on Figure A-1. DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL 3.0 Verification Summary 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Preremedial Action Survey The Remedial Action Contractor conducted a radiological survey during June 1993, as described in the final REA. Figure A-1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended for remedial action. 3.1.2 Postexcavation Survey A scintillometer was used to perform a surface gamma scan after the removal of radioactive material and before backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative ofthe 6-in.-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples, representing the verification area, were analyzed for radium-226. The results of the gamma scan and soil sample analyses are presented in Table A-1. DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192, Subparts B and C) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary (Table 1). Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. 33S24E320600, East Highway 666, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines. Table 1. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standard Survey Results Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soil Exposure Rate Land Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background3 in the 15-cm-thick surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background3 in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Habitable Structures < 5 pCi/g above background on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background." Soil sample result was 2.2 pCi/g.b Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay- Product Concentration Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and shall in no case exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Key: cm = centimeters; m2 = square meters; pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; WL = working level aThe background radium-226 concentration for Monticello Vicinity Properties is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. "The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. DOE/Grand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL Appendix A Radiological Conditions Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Figure A-1. Radiological As-Built DOE ID No.: MS-00992-VL Table A-1. Postexcavation Survey Results Gamma Radium-226 Verification Exposure Rate Soil Sample Measurement Concentration Area' Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method (pCi/g) V-1 13-17 NCL 826 OCS 2.2 Key: OCS = opposed crystal system; pCi/g = picocuries per gram; uR/h = microroentgens per hour; V = verification area aSee Figure A-1 for location of the verification area. DOEyGrand Junction Office January 1997 MVP Property Completion Report Page A-2 22 ^2 34 36 38 40 -i—i—i—i—i—i—r 42 54 64 66 68 70 72 74 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 152 i r i—r EAST HIGHWAY 666 SHED 12-13 SEE DETAIL A fl 1 rj SEE DETAIL B SHED 12-13 AX61I2 LE 12-15 BX6J12 DETAIL A SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 DETAIL B SCALE IN FEET 20 SCALE IN FEET 200 100 0 13-15 C X 6 12-15 LE © <D i—i 12-15 [12] lv-'°l LEXEME ALL DEPTHS/HEIGHTS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN uR/h ASSESSEO AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR "-E DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION AREA IDENTIFIER ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FC.NO AT T'L,'t OF REMEDIAL ACTION THIS 01AMINC IS FOR THE SOLE USE Of THC U S DEPARTMENT Of CNERGT ANO ITS CONTRACTORS IT IS NOT A LAND SURvET PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVCT PLAT ANO IS NOT TO 0E RCL'EO UPON TOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES K \FA3\OJl\OIKJ\RMOOff2V Ot/lR/tT OA 4T*ffl WMQ ~'i i I I I I L J L J L J I L U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAN; JUNCTION Of^iCE. COLORADO aiCTTMiTBT PARCEL 33S24E320600 EAST HIGHWAY 666 MONTICELLO, UTAH COMPLETION REPORTS JO! I MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTIES FIGURE A-1 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT M5-00992-VL FAS-033-0003-RM00992V 34 30 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY PHONE: (970)248-6200 FAX: (970)248-6207 MANAGED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 2597 BM Road GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81503 IPB 16 mi Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment ofthe 226Ra concentration in the soil and indoor gamma exposure rates at this property. This property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00992-VL Parcel No. 33S24E320600. East Highway 666 Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments LIFE SCIENCES DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. 33S24E320600, EAST HIGHWAY 666 MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00992-VL) M. K. Jensen April 1997 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81503 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2. Results of ORNL analysis ofthe RAC soil samples from Parcel No. 33S24E320600, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah (MS00992-VL) 5 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decorrirnissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. T. Muck and S. C. Hall for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980, the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1995, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at Parcel No. 33S24E320600, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. 33S24E320600, EAST HIGHWAY 666 MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00992-VL)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the United States (U.S.) government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War U. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961, the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vana- dium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and de- commissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980, the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radio- active material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983, remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Proper- ties (MVP) Project (US DOE 1990b). •The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Life Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. 2 During 1995, the Remedial Action Contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, vacant farmland located at Parcel No. 33S24E320600, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (MACTEC-ERS 1997). DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at Parcel No. 33S24E320600, East Highway 666 site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the RAC property completion report (MACTEC-ERS 1997) indicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (US DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by the RAC identified 7 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 5 yd3 of contaminated earth and material, 6 to 12 inches deep, were removed from a 20 m2 area. The RAC performed a post-excavation survey prior to backfilling the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the ground levels of the structures, a surface scan of the exterior, and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated verification area were collected and blended to form a representative composite soil sample. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionu- clide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by the RAC in the sheds ranged from 12 to 13 uR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 17 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, the RAC collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. The RAC's analysis of this sample showed a 226Ra concentration of 2.2 pCi/g. ORNL ETS obtained this sample and performed a confirmatory analysis which showed a 226Ra concentration of 1.2 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface. Results ofthe RAC and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Assessed contamination in Area C was not located during remediation. An excavation sample taken at the location of Area C showed a 226Ra concentra- tion of 2. lpCi/g. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guidelines for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were not determined as there were no habitable structures on this property. CONCLUSION Results of RAC soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL, show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of 226Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when averaged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide con- centrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Maximum Permissible con- centration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Ra226 concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (100/A)'/2, where A is the area of the elevated region Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon progeny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (US DOE 1990a) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of the RAC soil samples from Parcel No. 33S24E320600, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah (MS00992-VL) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL RAC sample sample Depth No.a No^ (cm} ORNL RAC XI NCL 826 >15 1.2 2.2 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by the RAC, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES MACTEC-ERS 1997. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00992-VL, Address: Parcel No. 33S24E320600, East Highway 666, Monticello, Utah 84535, MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, Grand Junction, Colorado, January 1997. ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. US DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. US DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS Property Address: Parcel No. 33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive Vicinity Property Certification Summary and Recommendation Summary Evaluation Certification Criteria MACTEC-ERS U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Ra-226 is <; 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm-thick layer of soil, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is £ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. In situ [ ]Lab[X] Interior gamma is s 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is s 0.02 WL or, at most, 0.03 WL. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by DOE guidelines for FUSRAP (Rev.2, March 1987). Yes No Not Taken Yes No Not Taken [X]a [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ 1 [XI [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] l>] [ ] l>] [ ] [>] [ ] M I 1 M [ ] [ ] [ 1 [ 1 [ ] [ 1 [>d I 1 [ 1 "The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source indicating that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. 1 of 2 DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS MACTEC-ERS Recommendation On the basis of the Property Completion Report evaluation, this property is recommended for [X] Certification by DOE. [ ] Certification by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Manager, Monticello Program MACTEC-ERS DOE Evaluation On the basis ofthe Property Completion Report recommendation, this property [X] Should be certified by DOE. [ ] Should be certified by DOE with the concurrence of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied according to 40 CFR 192.21. Date U.S. Department of Energy Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC 13-96GJ87335, Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 2 of 2 Monticello Vicinity Properties Project Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS Address: Parcel No. 33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive Monticello, Utah 84535 April 1997 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Operations Office Grand Junction Office Prepared by MACTEC-Environmental Restoration Services, LLC (MACTEC-ERS)* Grand Junction, Colorado Michael C. Butherus Manager, Monticello Program Work performed under DOE Contract No. DE-AC13-96GJ87335 Task Order No. 96-05.02.14 *MACTEC-ERS has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was performed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192, Subpart B; and "Implementation," in 40 CFR 192, Subpart C, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-01001-RS ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A33240324803 EAST CLAY HILL DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 FEBRUARY 1996 Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy Rust Geotech has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action by the U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23, and the U.S. Department of Energy Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program hot spot criteria. by Rust Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey . . . 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was established to reduce the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. Cleanup activities also were conducted to meet the hot spot criteria established by radiological protection guidelines in the DOE "Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites" (Revision 2, March 1987). This property was evaluated on the basis of EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria by the DOE Inclusion Survey Contractor. DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the MVP Project and was authorized by DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with EPA standards and DOE hot spot criteria. 1 1.3 Surnmary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS MS-01001-RS NW4NE4SW4 of Section 32, T33S., R24E., Salt Lake Base Meridian, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A33240324803 East Clay Hill Drive Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory March 5, 1992 Rust Geotech February 24, 1994 Crowley Construction, Inc. East Route HC 63 Box 66 Monticello, Utah October 12, 1994 November 29, 1994 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 276 cubic yards 1,186 square meters (ms) February 1996 2 DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The quantity of contamination for this property was not specified because it was assessed with MS-01002-VL. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 276 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 to 12 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by the Remedial Action Contractor during July 1993, as described in the final REA dated February 1994. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 to 21 microroentgens per hour OtvR/h), as indicated on Appendix Figure 2.1. The results of analyses for radium-226 in 15 composite soil samples ranged from 2.3 to 13.2 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on the DOE-approved abbreviated-measurement method, the RDC was 0.0017 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23) and DOE hot spot criteria, as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by DOE guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 12 to 13 //R/h. Average was 0.0017 WL, based on the DOE- approved abbreviated- measurement method. Land. Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background.** Soil sample results ranged from 2.3 to 13.2 pCi/g.** *The background exposure rate is approximately 15 //R/h. The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. **The hot spot criteria were met based on gamma scans and/or soil sample results. 5 DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS . 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT JEK: 10-26-95 MS-01001.RS WP61 REV080195 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS Address: Parcel No. A33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (pR/h) Ticket No. Method" (pCi/g) V-1 15-19 NCC 981 OCS 5.0 V-2 15-19 NCC 982 OCS 3.9 V-3 14-18 NCC 983 OCS 2.6 V-4 15-20 NCC 984 OCS 11.8 V-5 15-18 NCC 985 OCS 4.7 V-6 15-19 NCC 986 OCS 8.4 V-7 14-18 NCC 987 OCS 8.8 V-8 15-19 NCC 988 OCS 13.2 V-9 15-20 NCC 989 OCS 2.3 V-10 15-21 NCC 990 OCS 2.9 V-11 14-19 NCC 991 OCS 3.7 V-12 14-19 NCC 992 OCS 3.4 V-13 14-18 NCC 993 OCS 4.2 V-14 14-20 NCC 994 OCS 11.6 V-15- 15-20 NCC 995 OCS 5.0 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. "OCS = Opposed Crystal System » r> Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-01001-RS Address: Parcel No. A33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Landauer Radtrak Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/L) Working Level 3964277 3964194 3964326 03-01-95 03-01-95 03-01-95 05-31-95 05-31-95 05-31-95 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.33 0.0017 0.33 0.0017 0.33 0.0017 Average: 0.0017 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 12 "I*—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—r 20 22 24 H 1 1 1—r~ 26 28 T—i—i—i—r 32 34 i—i—i—r 3« 38 -r 40 -r-T r 44 48 -r i i r so —r S2 54 98 60 62 ~i i i i r 1—i—i—r T i i i r 68 -T" i—i—i—i—r 34 - l_ 1_ v-l V-8 IJ-11 15-11 13-15 © © © 14-11 © © •o:o a v-J IJ-II *-7 Elf V-11 14-tl 14-t| © a v-n 14-11 © 12» ---• a 0 •o:o V-14 14-20 V-S IJ-11 13-10 13-1S 13-15 DETAIL A 6I6XE V-11 14-11 OE.TAIL B SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 •Vl«mMV«4li« H/14«l<i<*«WM NORTH v-i IJ-II 12-15 DETAIL C SEE OETAIL A 13-15 r~ i I I I I SEE DETAIL B t|Jg^ SEE OETAIL C 12-13^ SHED 1—' 12-13 12-lt TRAILER HOUSE 12-13 ROC © © 12-15 0 v-i 1#-17 EAST CLAY HILL DRIVE NOT TO SCALE IFGFNP ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN itR/h ASSESSED AREA IOENTIFIER AVERAGE OCPTH OF ASSESSEO CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSEO CONTAMINATION POST-REMEOIAL ACTION EXPOSURE—RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATEO OEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER ANO EXCAVATION EXPOSURE —RATE RANGE RAOON OECAY-PROOUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FICURF 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION J llllllllll i i i i i i t i i i i • i i i i i i t i i i I I I I L IMS KMI a r« r* sou «K or mc »«. ttr»ntmi Of inner MO ITI cofiiiucroM. IT A nor A IAHO tuftvcv n*t. wntm LOontM n*f. oo OIHCII WMOVCMCM suovrr FtAf «M il mr ra K wuco u»w> ron nc iv«lu»»-f M ot tXMCt. mnomo. o« omc» mnnK n*tmt*tm i«« ' ' ' ' I L U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CUNO jwcnou raaiccn omcc. COLOMM IJ H-9S PARCEL NO. A3324O324803 EAST CLAY HILL ORIVC MONTICELLO. UTAH nucr Gaoraai INC ooc am. yj-oiooi-u owe M> J-001MI-V1 ^ 1 a, 70 72 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MANAGED BY LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY POST OFFICE BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 PHONE: (970)2484200 FAX: (970)2484220 MAY 3 ! 1996 Ms. Mary Ann Rondinella Project Coordinator, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Dear Ms. Rondinella: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Prograjn Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the mRa concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamrjia exposure rates at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/TVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: MS01001-RS Parcel No. A33240324803. East Clav Hill Drive Monticello. Utah 84535 Same Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. A33240324803, EAST CLAY HILL DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS01001-RS) M. K. Jensen May 1996 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 4 REFERENCES 7 iii LIST OF TABLES 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 5 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from Parcel No. A33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive, Monticello, Utah (MS01001-RS) 6 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge J. R. Sauvage and N. F. Kirby for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radio- activity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1994, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at Parcel No. A33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). Although this property meets all the criteria for certification, it may need to be revisited at a later date. A letter in the folio from R. B. Hopping to W. A. Weidner dated October 5,1994 states that "contaniination on these areas is associated with Halls Ditch. The association comes from the suspended tailings materials in Halls Ditch and a flooding situation which occurs as a result of spring runoff. The tailings materials overflow from Halls Ditch and are collected in a low lying drainage area on Property MSO1001-RS. If remedial action of the property occurs prior to the remediation of Halls Ditch, the subject property will become re-contaminated and require a re-assessment and additional remedial action at a later date." ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT PARCEL NO. A33240324803, EAST CLAY HILL DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS0T001-RS)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various govern- ment agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to dis- posal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment ofthe Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (U.S. DOE 1990b). •The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. 2 During 1994, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at Parcel No. A33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contaniination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1996). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at Parcel No. A33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available docu- mentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1996) in- dicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. This property was assessed with MS01002-VL, therefore, the quantity of material assessed is not available. During the actual removal process, a total of276 yd3 of con- taminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 12 inches deep, were removed from a 1,186 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling the exca- vated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the ground level of the structure, a surface scan of the exterior, and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 15 excavated verification areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been sub- tracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 13 uR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 21 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the 15 exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^'Ra concentrations ranging from 2.3 to 13.2 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these samples and performed a confirmatory analysis which showed 226Ra concentrations ranging from 4.6 to 8.6 pCi/g. These values are below the EPA standard value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface. Gamma ranges and/or soil sample results demonstrate compliance to the DOE Hot Spot Guidelines for areas <25 m2 (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were deter- mined by the Alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three alpha- track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately three months (from March 1,1995 to May 31,1995). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the TechVOps-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0017, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. 4 CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are coriftrmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Areas B and C on this property will be reevaluated with the Halls Ditch remedial action package for potential recontamination. A letter to this property file and the Halls Ditch file have been requested by the IVC to provide for this reevaluation. 5 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of n6Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Radionuclide concentrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Maximum Permissible concentration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Guideline value 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Ra226 concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (100/A)* whereAisthe area of the elevated region 0.03 WL Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990a) Comparision of soils results for property MS01001 Background of 2 pCi/g has not been removed Area Soil ORNL 226Ra RAC 226Ra RAC 226Ra Identifier Ticket # cone. pCi/g cone. pCi/g cone. pCi/g (OCS) (Lab) VI NCC981 N/A 5.0 V2 NCC982 6.23 3.9 V3 NCC983 N/A 2.6 V4 NCC984 16.8 11.8 V5 NCC985 7.15 4.7 V6 NCC986 13.4 8.4 V7 NCC987 11.5 8.8 V8 NCC988 * 13.2 16.73 V9 NCC989 2.61 2.3 VIO NCC990 N/A 2.9 VII NCC991 4.59 3.7 V12 NCC992 4.61 3.4 V13 NCC993 N N/A 4.2 V14 NCC994 N 18 11.6 V15 NCC995 8.63 5.0 * ORNL did not receive sufficient sample to analyse N/A the requested sample was not available from the RAC Area Identifier Comparision of soils results for property MS01001 Background of 2 pCi/g has not been removed Soil Ticket* ORNL 226Ra cone. pCi/g RAC 226Ra cone. pCi/g (OCS) RAC 226Ra cone. pCi/g (Lab) VI V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 VIO Vll V12 V13 V14 V15 NCC981 NCC982 NCC983 NCC984 NCC985 NCC986 NCC987 NCC988 NCC989 NCC990 NCC991 NCC992 NCC993 NCC994 NCC995 N/A 6.23 N/A 16.8 7.15 13.4 11.5 2.61 N/A 4.59 4.61 N/A 18 8.63 5.0 3.9 2.6 11.8 4.7 8.4 8.8 13.2 2.3 2.9 3.7 3.4 4.2 11.6 5.0 16.73 * ORNL did not receive sufficient sample to analyse N/A the requested sample was not available from the RAC Sheetl Chart 1 15 12 m • Series 1 m / 12 15 Page 1 Sheetl Chart 1 • Seriesl 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 1 6 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from Parcel No. A33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive, Monticello Utah (MS01001-RS) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.* (cm) • X2 NCC 982 >15 6.2 3.9 XI1 NCC 991 >15 4.6 3.7 X15 NCC 995 ~- >15 8.6 5.0 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Geotech 1996. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS01001-RS, Address: Parcel No. A33240324803, East Clay Hill Drive, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1996. ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. U.S. DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. U.S. DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado.